lit i .4A ::!!& 906 SyAle ciniveRSlty LiBRARy the gARVAii coLLection OF BOOKS on iReLAii5 estA&Lished in 1991 By f RAncis p. gARVAn^ yALe 1897 in honoR of his pARsnts pAtRiCK gARVAn mARy CARROLL gARVAn INTRODUCTORY ESSAY TO A NEW SYSTEM OF dLMl anb dEccIestagtical T O P O G R*A P H Yj and' ''' ITINERART OP COUNTIES OF IRELAND. WITtt REMEMBRANCES OF MEMORABLE EVENTS, Recorded at Places vihere they occurred. ALSO, TABtES OF DIRECT AND CROSS ROADS-sTABLE OF 2436 PA- , RISHES, UNDER THE RESPECTIVE BARONY AND DIOCESS— AN ALPHABEMCAL TABLE-^-J UDOES CIRCUITS— —POST TOWNS.: ¦ ^\ , By THE Rev- MATTHEW SLEATER, A. M. 'Longum Iter per Prscepta : bre've et eiEcax per Bkempla. Facundus Comes in Itinere pro Vehiculo eft, BRINTED BY JOHN BARLOW, BOLTON^STREET- 180S. PEDICATIOR TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE COUJVTESS OF ISfORMANTON.. MADAM, ' IF an amiable, yet dignified, deportment in the walk of private life, forms the beft prefumption of a fixed rfegard for our Country, your' attachment to the interefts of Ireland caitnot be doubted. Allow me, therefore, to lay the following produfition at your feet : it is intended to facilitate a k90wledge of this Kingdom, particularly to our united fellow-fubjeds- But the prefumption of this Addrefs will be over looked or forgiven^by grateful minds. However, as your Ladylhip may be offended at faying much of your- felf, it is in my power to juftify this Approach, by the Puty v/hich, as a private perfon and a Clergyman, I owe to his Grace of Dublin. Conceiving clerical exer tions as bound to Society in every poffible point, that enlightened Prelate has not only permitted, hut encouraiged, his Clergy to promote the interefts of Ire land in every walk of Literature, from' abftrufell Sci ence to the humbled Compilation.' Yet, it is not only the IV ', DEPICA.TI0N. the grown part of the community,* but its youtfi,- to whom literary^ information is peculiarly beneficial. The Church of Ireland, however, owes his Grace great and continued obligations, and proudly looks up to him, not more as an indulgent Parent, than as a. faithful Protedor. May Providence long preferve his Grace, and enable him to unite archiepifcopal inte= grity with real patriotifm ! But, as the comforts of private life materially con= tribute to that defirable end, permit me, moft fin- ¦cerely, to wifli your Ladylhip perfeft ' health, with ev^ry domefhic happinefs. I have the honour to be. Madam, with the greatefl" refpeft and gratitude, your faithful and obedient, ' ' humble Servant, MATTHEW SLEATERo - ApVER. ADVERTISEMENT, — «*<-«o>:^,— » "J. HE appearance of the excellent Memoir of the Rej?', Dr. Beaufort, long fince fuggefted to the Writer of the followriiig pages the general utility of an attention to the produce, manufadtures, improvements, riling ' trading towns, inland navigation, &c. in the feveral Counties of this Kingdom. . Some time fince alfo commenced general agricultural views of the Counties, publilhed under the patronage of the Dublin Society. Principally to recom mend as a pioneer to the younger part of our community, a juft value for a country fo abvindant in the bleffings oif Providence, and fometimes fo ignorantly and ungratefully overlooked, or perhaps contumelioufly fcorned on a com- parifon with other parts of the Britifli empire, has been an original and powerful inducement to theprefent publi cation. ' Some Complete Irifli Travellers have been fent out into the world, who have negledled an ancient and noble Pror_ vince [of the Kingdom, and have fported in unkintl reflexions on the manners, and perhaps amiable failings, of the warm and open hearted Hibernians. Not fo the late moft valuable Chancellor of Clogher, the Writer of the Philofophical Survey of the South of Ireland, who, with VI ADVERTISEMENT. expanded benevolence and' found obfervatlonf conceived all his countrymen entitled to high refpeft and philofophic criticifm. In his Survey of the South, he celebrates, with laudable pride, the talents in various walks of lite rature and art, of his countrymen in every part of the Kingdom ; and forms an illuftrious conftellation of men pf lesiining aiid genius. If public encouragement be extended. to this Intro ductory Essay, the Writer would avail himfelf of an opportunity to pubjlifh fome additional papers on the fub- j€£l of Ireland. He cannot, however, commit thefe pages to the candor of his countrymen, without expreffing ac knowledgments, juftly due, to his friend the Rev. Foster Archer, whofe extenfive and important infor mation has confiderably aiffifted the Writer in forming a laboriojus colleftion ; and who is wo[l known through every quarter of the kingdom, for the accuracy, integrity and humanity with which he executes the duties of an import ant office, highly iriterefting to th'e dignity of Govern ment, and the happinefs of all his fellqw-fubjedts. The Writer has experienced the advantages of confulting the learned and ingenious LiBRARrAN of Trinity Col lege, whofe lettered talents and obliging manner engage the refpeit, efteem and gratitude of all perfons who vifit that noble repofttory of books arid valuable manufcripts for elucidation of antiquities. Oriental knowledge, and vmiverfal inveftigatioji. At the fame time, he has had the happinefs of being favoui^ed with the notice and encourage ment of another Librarian, and moft accompliftied Member of the Bar, whofe laborious refearches into the earlieft peri ods of Leg^lHiftory oiPraaice in Ireland, and whofe prq- found knowledge of the Antitjuities, Language, and po- \ lipcal ADVERTISEMENt. vii iitical Hiftory of his native country, with patriotic zeal and profeffional qualifications and eminence, have acquir ed hi™ the continued and general friendfhip of the learn ed body to whom he iielohgs. The performance of Counfellor Earth. T. Duhigg goes to the Prefs in the next week, and may be expeSed at the clofe of the enfuing Term. I am warranted from his Prelimi nary EfTay, and the King'is Inns Remembrances already publifhed, to prbnounce the expefted Hiftory of the King's ' Inns, a moft interefting and original Legal Work-; which will convey an accurate account of our connexion, a& a legal body, with the fifter kingdom, from the introduc tion of Englifli law, with Remembrances of thofe diftin- guilhed Judges and PraSicers who have adorned the Irilh Bench, Senate, or Bar. I cannot help expreffing my fatisfadlion at the celerity, accuracy and attention with which thefe flieets were com mitted to the Prefs. The printing work was performed with even and fteady regularity, not fet afide or deferted, to give place to intervening cafual bulinefs. Such honour able condufl juftly merits unequivocal acknowledgment. My gratitude to my Subfcribers I cannot exprefs in terms fufficiently ftrong. I alTure them, I have endea- .voured to infert in the Volume, all that occurred relevant to the fubjedl, without unreafonably extending or con- traiSling the dimenlions of any part of the work. And! fliall ever hold myfelf moft highly obliged for the honor able fupport I have received. May, 1806. SUBSCRIBERS TO mVJh AND ECChEBIABTIQAt TQPOGRAPHy. |fls Qrace the Moft Rev. William, Lord Archbi shop of Arrn^gh, Primate of all Ireland Ht. Hon. Earl Annefley^ &c;cc Rev. W'flborp Agar Rev; Dr. Fofter Archer Rev. Dr. Richard Allo*» Dean of Raphoe, and Treafuftfr of Chrift Church, Dubiip Rev. Dr. Allen, Archdea con of Clogher John Arthure, efq. tfeev,. Dr, Cjiibert AuQio^ Woodyille WaUi^ Adams, efq. Cloyj?e' Rev. Mr. Arbuthnot J. B AHoway, efq. Cliarles Anneftey, efq. Bal- Ijfax, Kildare Rev. He^. An,*>efleyj New- park Rev. WtB. Annefley Alderma^i William Henry Archer Thomas Acres, efq. James Anderfon, efq. Atkinfon, efq. J. Adamfon, efg. , John Afkey, efq. J^rans<- field J , ,Chr, Edm^ All^n, efq, Thomas Alleyn, efq. Samuel Alleyn, efq. Tim. Allen, efq. J M. P, §cccQ John X .SUBSCRIBERS NAMES, John Claudius Beresford, efq. M. P. &CCC Rev. C'l^rles Cobbe Beref- ford, &CCC ij " "''/"-*' Wm. Burroughs, efq. M. P. &CCC Wm. Burroughs, efq. Charles Kendal Buflie, efq." his Majefty's Solicitor GenCfral, &CCC -• .. Jonah Barringfoti'; efq. Arc ct ¦ Col. Johi^ Barry, Gavan - regiment , . ,. ¦ Col. Win. Burton^ Biirton- hall, &CCC Rev. John Barret, D. D. S. F. T. C. D. ' '- V Rev. Rob. Burrowes, D. D. P,q r to r ^4, E n n i ik i 1 ten Rev. Dr. ID': A. Beaufort, Collon, Autlior, of Me-- mpir. and Map of Ire land, Civil'and Eeelefi- aftical Beresford Burfton, efq. Rev. Wm. B?'"keley Rev. Jbftiua Berkeley Rev.^Dr. George- Brabazoii, ¦¦" -N^Van: -v;j..-,,. , ,; Oliver Bnifhj' efq. Dro- niora' " - Rev. Edward Bayly- Rev. Mr.-' Bjfll',^ Armagh '-'^ George Browne, efq. Saul Brucci "eCq.^ Liemon.- >field, Limerick co. John Blake, ^efq. M. D. Kobert Blakfe, efq. Lough- ^ Rea -Robert Blake, efq. Clort- ferf- ' : / '' ¦ ¦ tlenry Browne, efq. ^^e^ijamin Ball, efo • Rev. Mr. Bachelor Rev. Edward Berwick, Leixlip, Wj|t^^Bj^\S>er, efq. Wm. curTce, efq. Wm. Boyton, efq. M- D, „ Dominick-rtreet "Rev/ Mr. Brinkley John Barton, efq. T. C'. D. Phii,Batty, e(q. T. CD. '•Th^^-. 'Borleaw,'" efq. ¦ Mrs. Grace Browne, Car? . raghmpve», Headfort Wm.-B. Boardman, efq. Rev. Mr. Bradfhaw Berber, efq; MiTS. Bradford John Bpurfiquot, efq, Jamei Bourfiquot. elq, Jer. Bridgnia*, efq. John Allen Bplton, efq, Thomas Browne, efq- Thomas Boardman,: efq. Patrick Bridey efq. -\ Jacob Bryan, efq. . Jpftph Rjchardfon -Beafleyi, ' efq. ' , J. John BarJoWj efq. " Daniel Bagot, efq. ' W.J. Baker, efq.j John Berry, 'fefq. ¦ -, ¦ Thos. Sterling Berry ji efq, Robert Burton, efq. , . Thos. M. Bates, efq. Brabazbnr Bruiikard, efq. Cavaq Captai.i Blacker; Armagli Militia. •• :.. ' J. Buchanan, efq-^Oitaagh His- SUBSCRIBERS NAMES* • jcl tlis: Grace the Moft Re-if. Chailesj Lord Atchbi- , fhSp-of Caftielj Seccp < • Right Rev. Lord John:Be- ¦. .resford, . Biftiop of. Cork/ * Right Rev. William,. Lord jBifliop of Cloyne, &;cee 4 copies ¦ _ : i Right Rev. .John, Lord Bi- , ihop of Clogher ¦ , ' Right! Rev. Chriftdpher, Lord Bifhpp of Clojifert, &CCC ' Right Hon. Earl of Charle- ville, &CCC -i ' Right Hon. Lord , Caftle- Coote, &ICCC Hon. Sir Edward' Crofion, Sart, Sir James Cotter, Bart. RIv. George Sackville Cotter Sir Broderick Chinnery, Bart. M. P. The late Sir JameS Chatter- ton, Bart. Bir Wm-Cha-ttertpn, Bart. Hon. Judge Crook flra n k , SCCCC ., ¦' '-; ', . Wm. Cope, efq.,4Qopies fonfonby Caldwell, efq. Ben. Clarke, efq. - M^s. Ben. Clarke, jun. John Read Clarke, efq, ReV. D". Copies, Lifbur;! Rev, Zach. Cooke ^Colles, Caftle-Cooke, Cork Rey, Thos, Spread Cam pion," Knockmouine, Cork Rev, CI, Crigan, Omagh H. Cornelius, efq. Cloyne , John. Wilfon Croker,. elq. Alderman .John Cacleton '.r Rev. Peter Carkton, Deaa of Kilfenoi'a Caffin, efq. Wm. Colvilie, efq. ¦ ^' ' Lelarid Crofthwaite> efq.; Jona.than Chetwood, efqt Woodbrook, Queen's co«' Charles Ciowe, efq. Clarendon, efq. Jofeph Clarke, efq, M. D. John Cafti, efq. Croftqn, efq. Charles Coote, , efq. Rev. Thos. Carfou, Cloyne Rev. Mi Campbell; ,;, Rev. H. Campbell ' Rev. John Armflrong Coghlan .W. H. Carter, efq., " Edward Crowe, efq, Trevor Corry, efq.. , Crawford, efq. ^ Robert Cooitibs, efq, Surt- geon of, the' 66th Foot, Tuam - 'Peter Cliferd, efqi, Pat. Camac,. elq. John Coyne, eiq. St. Wooj- ftan's A(;adeiny Richard Chamhre Corker, efq. ; James Corry, efq, ¦, Rev. Dr. J. Connor, Caftle- kribck ' John Connor, efq. LiUi- put, George Chapman, efq. Li- int'iick Wtn, Cprhet, ,efq.. J Rev. i('(i sv^^MSeM "KAMEs: Rev. Thomas Crawford, Lifmore, Waterford Rev. Robert Craig, Aca demy, Cullth'? Wood avenue James Crdig, efq, ' John Ci'6ffhwaite, p(q. Rrdhard Cowen, efq. Mcff. L &1. Carrie k 0. His Grace Charles, Earl of Norman(ton\ Lord Arch- J biftiop^ of Dublin, SsCct ^ cciptcs , ' ' Right Hon. Earl of Donogb- more, &cce ' Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Dillon, &CCC Right Hon. Lord Vrfcotlnt Donc/raile Hon, and Right Rev. Wan Lord Bifhop of Derry Right Rev, Tho. L6rd Bi- ftiop of Drbmore Right Rev, Nath. Lord Bifhop of Down Right Hon. Lord Dpnally* Right Hon. Lord Chief Juftice Downes Right Hon. Judge Daly Hoii, Jurtice Day Rev.. Archdeacon Day Pat. Duigend», el. LL. D. M. P. &CCC Deiiis Bowes Daly, efq. M. P. &c, Richard Dawfon, efq. M.P, &CCC R. P. Dundas, efq. Cel- • fcr/dje Mrs. DundSs Admiral O'Brien Drury Capt. John Drury, Cove Rev. Dean Digby John Deancefq. Berkeley -Foreft Rev. William Davenport, F. T. C. D. George Drevar, efq;-: 9. Co pies T. Difney, efq. Rev. Dr. Dobbifl Mrs, Darby, Ballygall , B. T. DuhJgg, efq. Tim. Drifcoll, efq. Alderman Fred, Darley . MifsDodd Alex. Dorfo*an, efq. , ' James Donovan,, efq. Val./Dunn, efq. Rev. Richard Dobbs, Cap~ riek-fergus Henry D'Efterre, efq. Li merick Rev. John Ddddle, Lira«- rick Edgar Dickinfon, efq. tJ flier Glenville Doyle, efq. Rev. James Dunn, j>icw ^ Rofs .- ; Rev. Richard Drury Robert Deey, efq. Wm, Deey, efq. Doyle, efq, ; Rich. Devereui, efq. Tal low, Waterford Rev. John Devereux, do. John Davis, efq. ' Benitet Dugdale,' efq. • ' Dejoncoart,i efi^^ Daly, efq. Rev. Archibald DduglaS Rev. Kilaer.Davifoii Thomas syBSORlBERJ! NAM*^.' ¦nxt Thoiiiaspunn, fefq. Wm. Dougfos, efq. ¦ • Terence Doyle, efq. Rev. Dionyfius DoWlingj Academy, Blaicktock. ^E . TfieM&ft, Noble the Maf- quis ©f Ely Right Hon. Earl of Ennif- killen Right Hpn. Lord Errjs Right Rev. John, Lord Bi- Ihop of Elphin Ifaac Ambrofe Eccles, efq. Rev, Thomas Elrington, D. D. S. F. T.Ci&i] Rev. Jbbn Ellifon Rev. Thomas EUifoa- Rieltard Lovdl Ed^ewortfr, efq. Alderman John Eitfflia# , B. Edwards, T. C. Dy Rich.. Ellis, efq. Ri^ht Hon. Lord Frankfort Right Rev. Eufeby, Lord Bifliop:«)f Ferns Ri^t Hon. John Fofter Right Hon. James Fitz- Gerald : ' , .. Sir Frederick Flqod, Bart. Col. Robert Uniacfce Fitz- ' Gerald, efq. M. P. for ' Cork County/ Mrs. Fitii-Gerdld Sir Thomas Judki'n< Fitz- Gerald, bart. , . , J. Fitzgerald, efq. Cork Luke Ferral, efq. Robert Uniacfce Fitz-Gc- rald, jun.' Edw. Deane Freeman, efq* Caftlecotf - Cork, 20 co pies Robert Frendhr efq. Rey. Gerald Fitz-Geraldi D. D. Vice Provoli T. C. D. Major Fleming, 30th Foot , Mifs Flemyng Henry Flemyng, efq. Aldei-man T. Fleming, a copies John Smith Flerning, efq. Jeffery Foot, efq. G. R. Fetherfton, Haugh, Ajdagib Samuel Forth, efq. Rev. Jofeph Faviere, Slate Terence Fitton, efq. Ever- green-houf(6y Cork . , Patrick Foley, efq. Lifmorfc John Bourke Fitzftmons, efq. , , E. W. B. Fitzfimons, efq. T.C. D.- ^ev. Jofeph FitZp,atr!Dk' Zach. Foxall, efq.. ¦ .David Fitz-Gerald, efq. Edmund Fenner, efq. Samuel |"eWtrell, efq. Jofeph Fox, efq. Thomas Fox, efq.; John Fofter, efq. David -Fowler, efq. Edward Fitzgerald, efq.* Robert Fitzgerald, ^fq. George Fivey, efq'. William t'olds, efq. Richard Folds, efq. John Fuilei-j efq. Matthew klV SUBSCltlBERS ' NA M£S. Matthew Flood, efq.: l John Flood, efq.'-' '.-¦¦ 'g.','\'' Right Hon. Earl of Gra- ,: nard, &c - iion. Baron George, &c Henry Deane Grady, efq. John Knox Grogan, efq. Rev. ^ Richard , Graves, D. D. S. F. T. C. D, John Greene, .efq. Water ford Major Godfrey, Kerry Mi litia '- ". • George Grierfon, efq. George Grogan, efq. Rev, Wm. Grogan W. & fe. Glafcock, and W. S. Mafon, 3 copies Mrs. A. Gibbons Rev. . Alexander • Grant, Tallow^ Waterford Thomas Grant, efiq. KIl- murry, Cork '* Robert Warren Gumble- ton, efq. Caftleview, Cork Marinaduke Grove, efq. Tallow, Waterford Jofeph Gabbet, jun, efq. Limerick 'ir» John Arthur^ Gooldfbury, Springfield, Longford Wm. Griffith, efq. Balli- ternan ' ' Meir.' Gilbert and Hodges, 6 copies Rev. Mr. GofF , Rev: John Grant' Mifs Grant ¦.Saift. Galbraith,^efq. Omagh Gonne, ef(^. Jshn Gayer, efq. John GifFard» efq. ' Charles Gfaydon, efq. Gunning, efq. Rev, P.Goold Jofeph Gorman, efq. Molefworth Greenej efq. Rev. Thom'as'Gamble George Golden, efq. Samuel Gatcheh efq. Robert Gibfon, efq. Johff Gorman, efq."- Thftmas Griffith-, efq. ¦ H. The Moft Noble the Mar quis of 'Hertford, 4 co pies ¦ Right Hoiv. Lord Vifeount Hawarden Right Hon. Lord Hartland Hon.v ' Chriftopher Hely ( Hutchinfon, M.-P. for Cork City Right Hoil. . Sackville Ha- m ikon Mrs. Sackville Hamilton Mifs Frances Hamilton Sir Vere Hunt, bart. - Hans Hamilton, efq. M. P. &cce ¦ Rev. George Hall, D. D. Provoftof T. CD. Rev. Dr. Hales,' Killefart- dra Francis Hodgkinfonv efq. LL. D. S. F. T. C. D. -Col. Henry Huttoa, Royal - Artillery , - ' Alderman Henry Hutton, 2 copies • . Alderman SUBSCIt.IBTfi.S NAIMSS. XV Alderman Henry Howifon Alderman Nathatrifel Honei- Rev. Averell Hill, Arch- -j deacon of. Limerick ' i i Rev. Ambrofe Hickey Rev. G.!V. Harte, Limerick Ilenry Hamilton, efq. 1 Rev-j, James Haftings, Arch Deacon of "Glendaloch, &cc , Rev. Arch-Deacon Hacket Rev. Mr.. Hales, Trini • ' Hugh Hill, efq. "'. James Hartley, efq. - ',«^ Mrs. Hay ¦ ; \ Charles Hafkins, efq, ¦ •''- Edward Hudfon,- efq.> 2 cppsJesi ' '"¦< • Samuel Hood, efq, ^ Matthew' Handcock, efq. William .Handcock, efq. Portlemon Ephraim Hutchinfon, efq* Terence Hely, efq. ^ - ¦¦ ¦'- Matthew Hendley^ ¦ ief<^. -Mount Rivers, t^rmoy, CaJ)tain Hendley - '¦ Rev. Jofeph Hutton '> • John Harvey, efq. :^ ¦>¦''¦ William Harvey, efq. " John Haftings, efq. ¦ '¦"[ Andreiy Higginbotham, efq. Dr. Hppkins, M. D, " ' Rxv. James Hopkins .- Edvrard Hamerton, efq, Henry Harding, efq. Peter J. Hodgfon, efo. ' Rev, James .Hingftorl, " LL. D. Cloyne, 2.copies James Hannirig, efq. Cloyne , .-..:,->•.. 'Jofeph Hayne.s, fen. Ricliard Holmes, efq. Matthew Weld. Hartflonge, efq, '> Hotior, efq, James Kyde, efq. .. William Haliday, efq. John Hardy, efq. Robert. Hodges, efq. Thqmas Harrifon., efq,' Harte, efq. -.i Robert Healy, M. D. '. , Hughes, efq. Higgins, elq. John Haughton, elq. .Matthew hJagarty, efq, George.Harvey, efq.' • Mrs.'M. Hannan. .. . John Hannan, efq. ^ ^enjamln Hannan,. efq, Cornelius Hannan', efq. William Hall, efq J. C Hagartyi efq. • . ,_ Rev. E. Hunt, M. A. Kil^ ^liJcenny. John Hare, efq. ' •' ' William Hall, efq. . : ii John Haughton, efq. Henry Hayden, A. B. .T,C:D,"i Mifs Sarah Ifdall, 2 copies Right Hdn, Theoph. Jones, &CCC < ¦ - Alderman William James Aldprman M. Jeokin George Johnfton, icfq. '2 copies , John Kingfton James, efq. Jeffqn, efq. , Rev. Thomas Jackfon Thomas Jones, efq,' ... T JackfoD,. efoj Righe jfyi fttf«leilISE3t{ H4M£$. K. Right Hon. Earl of Kingr fton, &cec Right Hon. Hej^jry King Right Hon. and Right Rev. ^ Clrarles, Lord Bi^op tl Kildare Hon, and Right. Rev. Lord Robei:t Tottenham, Bi- ihop of ^jUaloe Riglit Rev. Jofeph, Lord Bi|hop of Killala Right ijon. "ij^hemas Kelly Rev. - Samuel Kyle, F.TC:p. Rev.' A. H. ¦ Kenney, F.T. ,C. D. Alexander Kpox, efq. Aldermaip Aiexandef Kirk- patricjc Alderrnan Abraham Bradley John Kelly, efq, ' Heliry A, Keating, efq. Kerihau, efq. Rev. Thoinas Kingfljury i Rev. T. F. Knipe |Cnipe, efq^ , ^ Rev. Jtoberf KJrchofFer Rev. Alexander Kenedy , Daiiiel Kinahan, efq, Richard |£avanagh, efq, Kinfey, efq. William Rertland, efq. Thomas Keightley, elq. John Kinfela, efij. The Ikfoft Noble the Mar quis A3 f La ndfdpwne', fircc Right Hpn. Ea*I 6f LalndaflT Right Hon. Earl of Liine- rick ,j Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Longueville . Right Hon. Sir Hercuiec Langriflje, bart. Sir Edward Loftus, bart. . John Latonche, efq. Kar ri ftqwn ;-- Mrs. John Latqnche. t' Col.,Moijn,tiford Longfield, M. P. Rev. Bartholomew Lloyd, F.T. CD. Edward Ledwich, LL. D. Attthofof the Antiquities of Irpland, 2 copies Ledwel, efq. Peter Le Bas, efq. Rev, ^Willj^tp Lewis, Li? merick George Lloyd, efq. IThomgji Lloyd, efq. Lime. rick Rev, Thomas |-loyd, Lir meritk Rev. Edyrard Lloyd, Limft. rick Rev. 'Mr. John Lloyd, efq. .¦i> Leonard, efq. Rev. John Leahy. Jobrj JPhilpot Lpader, efq. Jam^ Lauder, efq, John Lawlefs, efq. Cloyne Mrs.Ledberry Gawin L3ne, efq. Richard Lodge, efq. Richard Lily, efq. Kichol^s Long, efq. Right- ' SU^BSCRIBERS U^MES, < xtii M ReV. Edward Martin, Aca demy York-ftreel: Alderman Richard Manders Rev.' Allen Morgati Rev.i Moore Morgan Jofeph Medlicot, efq, Mrs. Medlicot Rich. Martins efq. . Rev. Samuel Murphy Rev. Heflor Monroe , Mark Antony Mills, efq. Fookes Moore, efq. Ennif= killen Moore, efq. Capt. He£tor Maclean Maclean, efq. James Molinevix, efq. William Mp. Cready, efq. Edward Morgan, efq. James Mc. Mahon, efq. Newtown Patrick Johri Millsj efq. James Maho^.i, efq. Rev.' Mr. Mawe, St. WooU 'flans 1 M^ckeyj efq. Rev.. John Mee M. Morifarrat-5 efq. ' ., Alexander Maguire, efqi John Marrts, efq. Edward Mc. Quilli.n, efq. William Mc. Guire, efq. Right H.oH. Gountefs Dow ager of Moira Right Hon. Earl Meath, &CCC .:¦• Right Hon. Earl of Moira Right HoUi Earl of Mount- ' calhel Right Hon. Earl of Mount- norris Right Hon* Lord Vifcount Mopntmorres Right Hon. Lord Mufkerry Right Hoii. Lord Mount Sandford . ¦ ¦Right Rev. Thomas Lewis, Lbrd Bifhop of Meath Sir Richard Mufgrave, bart. Sir Emanuel Moore, bart. Rev. . William Magee, D. D. S, F. T. C. D. Rev. Daniel Mooneye F. T. C I). 2 copies Geqeral Maaley (^oL-MpfTom- Robert IVIarftial, efq. Rev; Robert 'Mai;fti, GaU way William Mc Kay, efq. John Mockler, efq. Trim Mrs. Moekler, ditto Capt. John Mockler C^pt. James Mockler Col. Edward Mockler Rev. James Mockler Willispi Mockler, efq. Humphrey Minchin, efq: ¦ Thomas Macklin, ^fq. John ^i/layne, efq- Rev. George Molden, Ata- f demy Sandymount Rev. Oliver' Millar^ Aea- 'demy Black Rock \ Right' Hon. Gountefs of Normanton, 12 copjes Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Norbury Thomas Needham, efq. Mrs. Needham Mifs Needham ; Rev. XIV SUBSCRIBERS NAMJE5. Nafh, Rev. . R. H. F. T. C. D. Rev. James Nevin William fNafh, efq. William Nicholfon, efq. Henry -Nafori, efq. Green land, Cork Richard Nafon, efq. Betty- field,- Cork John Nafon, efq Newtown, Cork ^ I John Nortqn, efq, Robert Newfom, efq. o. Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Oxmantown Right Rev. John Lord Bi- fljop of Offory. Right Hon.' Standrfh O'Grady,., Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer Right Hon, George Ogle, &CCC Robert Ogilby, efq. Dun- given, Derry Sylv. O'Halloran, F. A, S. Scccc Limerick .-' John O'Beirne, efq. Henry O'Hara, efq. Thomas Herbert Orpen, M. D. Denis Tho. O'Brien, efq. Dr. O'Connor, Staff Sur-~ geon, Tullamore iWillram O'Shea', efq. Li merick Patrick O'Fay, efq. David O'Meagher, efq. Right Hon, Lord Henrf Petty, Lanfdown Lodge, Kenroare town , . Hon, and Rev, John Pome- ' roy, &CCC Robert Perceval, efq. M. D. Pat. Plunket, efq. M. D. Rev, John Penefather Mrs. Penefather Walter Proflbr, efq. George Palmer, efq. EyrePoiwel, efq. Robert PQw.el, efq. William Parks, efq. 2 ' pies . " ^ ', Rev. Thomas Parks, ..more, Waterford" Alexander Potterton, efq.' Thomas Potterton, efq. Henry Potterton, efq- James Parry, efq. \Villiam Pike, efq. George Paine, efq. William Patterfon, M. D. Waterford Peter Quin, efq. Omagh R. co- Lif.^ efq. John Rochforf, efq. Clog- renan, Carlow Henry Lofcus Read, efq. .Wexford Andrew. Richev, efq. Rev. Dr. Edward Ryart Rev. Philip Ryan James RyanV efq. Ridgeway, efq. - Solomon Richardsj efq. Robert Rogers, efq. Lime- rick. Mifs Robinfon, Porto Belio ' J. N, SUBSCRIBERS NAMES,- XV J. N, Ruflel, efq. Limerick Stephen Henry Rice, efq. William Rawlins, efq. John Reed, efq'. tsamuel Rofboro, efq, Edivard Robbins, efq. John Raper, efq. , Rofheram, efq. '; Edward Rofe, efq. Paul Reynolds, efq. John Ruffel, efq. James Ruffel, efq. Thomafe Reilly, efq^ Right Hon, Sir John Stew art, bart. Hon. and Rev, Thomas St. Laurence, Dean of Cork Hon. and Rev. Archdeacon James St. Leger Rev. Tho. Sniyth, LL, D. Arch-Deacon of Lifmore, 3 copies Mrs. Smyth- -^ George Smyth, efq. Lime rick Rev. Dr. St, George Robert Shaw, efq, M, P. for Dublin City Rev. Richard Stack, D. D. -Omagh, 3 copies Rev. John Stack, D. D. Rev. Jofeph Stopford, D. D. F.T. CD. Francis Sadlier, F.; T. C Nathaniel Sneyd, efq. M.P. T. Smyth, efq. Cradqcks- lown Mrs; T. Smyth Thomas D. Smith, efq. Rfcv. "^homas Stack Mifs Stack Mifs M. Smoke Odel Spread, efq. Charles Sprcid, efq. Lanf- down Lodge, ]^enmarc- town John Scale, efq. Major W,B.,Swaa Cot. H. G. Sankey Major J. Sankey Rev. Edward Spread John Spread, efq. . Jofeph-Stringcr, efqi Capt. Sproule, Mrs., Sproule Rev. Hehry Savage Kean Smith,, efq. Smith,, efq. Surgeon Rev: James Slator Sleater, efq. Tulla more Mrs. Sleater, ditto Thomas Seymour, efq, Li^ merick Rev. Daniel Sullivan, Lif- ' more, Waterford Jonas Stevelly, efq. Rev, Patrick Sandes Rev, Annefley Strean, M. D. Athlone . . Rev. Jam. SaridifordCloyne Rev. Andrew Staunton, Academy Clarendon St. John Shirley, efq. John Speer, efq. Oliver Speer, efq. Ardee Wm» Steele, efq. Louth Wm. Sinnot, efq. J. Watfon Stewart, efq. Ar.,lhur Samuels, efq, Hugh Skeys, efq, John Scott, efq. William Scott, efq^ Scott, efq. Rich, xvi Richard Carpenter Smith;, efq. -.' 4 '" James Stewart, efq. John SegTave, efq. T. T>e Moft Noble the Mar quis of Thomond,-&ccc His Grace William, Lord Archbifhop of . Tuam, &cr,c Right Hon. Lord -Tara, &;ccc William-Taylor, efq. 3 co pies , Major Alexander Taylor John Taylor, ^efq. : Capt. Tifdalf ' Robert Twifprd, efq. Salif- hury-ftreet, London Rev. Peter Turpin Alderman Charles Thorpe Tliom'as Thorpe, efq. ' - Jqhn Thorpe, efq. ' James Thorpe, efq. Alderman Hugh -Trevor Rey. William Tew Rev. plias Thackery, Dun- dalk Rev. Mr. Toler ' Rev. Thomas Tucker John Tudor, efq. Skeffington Thoinpfon, efq, George Thorn pfon, efq. -' Peter'Thompfon, efq. Ty'rrel, efq. \ Wm. Thomas, efq. LL. D, Cla. M. B. Ti-avers, efq. Rofs TuHy, efq. M. D. Henry E. TaafFe, efq. William Templeton, efq. SUBSCRIBERS NAME^.' j Charles Vereker, lefq. M. B. George Vefey, efq. Arthur Vincent, efq. Li- "merick , - Peter Voufden, efq. U. , ' Henry Upton, efq. Richard Underwood, efq. Rev. John Uftier, D, D. R^v.- Henry Corn. Ulher, D. D. F. T-C. D. Dr. Ufher, M. D. > ' W. The Moft Nohle the Mar quis of Waterford , ~ Hon, and Right Rev. Pow^ ' er. Lord Bifhop of Wa terford O.wen Wynne, efq. Robert Wynne, efq. Rev. Henry Wynne Rev. Richard Wynfie William Wynne, efq. Mifs L. Woodward Thomas Woodward, efq. Mrs. Wilfon, Tullamore Rev. , James Wilfon, F. T. C D. , Rey, H. Wiay, F. T. C. D. Luke White, efq. Wood lands Revl James Whitelaw Sir John White James Williamfon, efq. Cork ' Ifaac Weld, efq'. Rev, Arch Deacon Wall Richard SUBS-caiBERS NAMES,' xvu Richard Weftenra, efq. Rev. John Williamfon Mafter Williamfon Capt. Woodward, Ellis's- quay ReV. Mr. Wainright, Trl^tt Charles, Widcnham, efq. Cork ' I. S. Wilcox, efq. Nathaniel Wright, efq. , Monaghan C. S. Williams* efq, Peter Wilkinfon, efq. Henry Wilme, efq. Richard Watfon, efq. Peter Walfti, efq. Belline, , Kilkenny Rev. Chamberlain Walker, ,Rofconnel, Q^ couiity / Rev. Mr. Weldon, Ennis, 2 copies Rev. JohnR. Welfli ' William Wallace, efq,- Li merick Thomas Walts, efq. Meff. Watfon and Mahony, Limerick, 12 cppies Rev. George Wogan Henry Pierce Wahh, ^fq. Tallpw, Waterford Wainwright, efq. Rev. John Webb, Kiiig's county Rev. Mr. "S^ebb , J). I, Webb, efq. Limerick Robert Williams, efq. Walpole, efq. Robert Walker, efq, Torton Sam. Walker, efq. / William Youtig, efq. Ann- brook, Nenagh Richard Zpuch, efq. Omitted ill proper place, Mrs. M. GelU^ CON. CONTENTS. ¦ ' —««»»¦ . MAIL and Stage Coach roads, page 1. IN LEINSTER. Dublin county, page 8 — Kildare 17 — Wicklow 25— Meath 33— Louth 44 — Weftmeath 49 — Longford 55— King's county 59 — Queen's county 65 — Carlow 71— Kil kenny 76— Wexford 83. tN MUNSTER. Cork county, pager 90— rKerfy no— Tippefary 117— Limerick 130 — Waterford 137— Clare 144. IN ULSTER. Dowii county, page 151 — Tyrone 166 — Armagh 173 -—Derry 180— -Antrim 186 — Donegal 196 — Fermanagh 202— Monaghan 207— Cavan 210. IN CONNAUGHT. Leitrirn page 215; — Sligo 2i8-'^Mayo 222, Rofconfmon 229 — Galway 237. "> Diredl roads, page 247— Cfofs Roads 259. Pariflies, page.268 — Alphabetical Table 305. Judges circuits 326 — Poft towns 329. CIVIL AND xECCLESIASTICAL. -«**<>^+»~ GREAT NORTH EASTERN ROADS, BY DRQGHEDA. Road to Belfaft So m. By Drumcondra 2, Santry 3, Swords 7, Balbriggen 15. Drogheda 23, Dunleer 30, Dun- dalk 40. Neivry 50, LoUghbrickland 58, Banbridg? 60, Hillfborough 6g. Lijburn 73, BelfaJJ 80. ^ Road to Dungannon 72 m. By Neivry 50, (as above) Market-hill 58, Armagh 62, Biackwater-town, 66, Char- Jemont 68, Dungannon 72. Road to Londonderry 115. By Dvogheda 23, (as above) Collon 29, Ardee 34, Carrickmacrofs 42, Caftic Blaney 51, Monaghan 62, Emyvale 66, Aughnacloy 70, Bally- gawly 74, Omagh 86, Newtown Stewart 94, Strabane 100, Lifford loi, Derry 1 15. GREAT NORTH WESTERN ROADS, BY NAVAN. Road to'Ennifkillen 79 m. By Caftleknock 3, Dunboyne 8, Black-bull Inn 10, Dunfhaghlin 14, Tara-hill 19, NaVan , 23, Kells 31. Virginy 40, BallyjamefdufF 45, Cavan 54, Butlers-bridge 57, Belturbet 61, Wattle-bridgs 62, Newtown Butler 65, Donough 67, Lifnelkea 70, Maguire's-bridge 72, Lilbellaw 75, Emnjkillen 79. Road to Sligo 103 m. By Belturbet 61, (as before) Callow-hill 68, Crofs Roads near Florence-court Ferma nagh 77, Largay 84, Manorhamilton 94, S%«> 103. B GREAT 2 A NEW SYSTEM OF GREAT NORTH WESTERN ROADS, BY KILCOCK. Road to Longford 58 m. By Chapelizod 2, Lucan 6', Leixlip 8, Maynooth 11, Kilcock 14, Cloncurry 18, Johnfton-^bridge Inn 21, Clonard-bridg'e 26, Kinnegad 29, MuUingar 38, Ballinalack 46, Edgworthftown 52, Longford ^%. Road to Galway 112. By Mullingar 38, (as before) Racondra 44, Ballymore 50, Athlone ^g, Ballinafloe 71, Aughrim 75, Loughrea 86, Oranmore 98, Galway 112. GREAT SOUTHERN ROADS, BY KILCUILEN. Road to Cork by Kilmainham, Clondalkin 5, Rathcool 7, Kill 12, Naas 15, KilcuUen-bridge 21, Timolin 29, Caftle Dermod 33, Carlow 39, Leighlin-bridge 45, Royal^ Oak 47, Kilkenny 57, Callen 65, Nine-mile Houfc, 71,' Ballypatrick 75, Clonmel^i, Ardfinnan-bridge 88, Cloghee^n 91, Ballyporeen 96, Kilworth 103, Fermoy 106, Rath- cormuc 109, Watergrafs-hill 117, Cork 122. Road to Waterford, By Royal Oak 47, as before, Cow an 52, Thomaftown 58, Knoftopher 63, MuUinavat 68, Waterford 16. GREAT SOUTHERN ROAD, BY KILDARE. Road to Limerick. By Naas 15, (as in the laft road')- Kildare 24, Moneftereven 30, Emo Inn 34, Maryborough 40, Montrath 46, Burros in Oflbry 53, Rofcrea ^9, Dun- kerrin 63, Toomavara 69, Nenagh 75, Kilmaftulla 81, O'Brien's-bridge, 87, Limerick 94. GREAT TOPOGRAPHY. ..g GREAT SOUTHERN ROAD, BY BRAr. Road to Wexford 71m. By Donabrook 2, Stillorgah 4, Bray 11, Newtown Mount Kennedy 17, Black Bull 20, Wicklow 24, Arklow 36, Gorey 45, Ferns 54, Ennifcorthy 60, Wexford 71. LESSER ROADS ISSUE BY Glafnevin 2 m, Brackenftown 6, Bally boghil 10, Naul 14, Drogheda 22, &c. Cabragh 2, Ratoath -12, Screen 19, Doudftown 23, Navan 26, which falls in with the Caftleknock road. Lucan 6, (as in the Kilcock roads) Celbridge 9, ^arbers- town 12, StrafFan,i3, (or Clain 16), Profperous 18, Kilmcague 22, Rathangan 28, Portarlington 36. Ball's-bridge, Black Rock 4, Bray 11, &c. FingTas 3, St. Margaret's 5, Kilfologhan 8, Grenoge 9, Kil moon-church 15, Slane 24, Dolphin's-barn, Crumlin 2, Tallagh 5, Ten-mile Houfe 1 ijBlefinton 14, Rufborough, Hollywood 18, Donard 22, Hume-wood 28, High Park 29, Hacketftown 32. Miltown 2, Churchtown 3, Dundrum, Kilternan 6, Ennifkerry 9, Powerfcourt 10, Togher Inn 17, Glendaloch 23, Rathdrum 25. Ballybough-bridge, Fairview i, Raheny 4, Baldoyle 5, Howthj. Fairview i, (as above) Donnycarney 2, Coolock 3, St. Poulough's 4, Malahide 6. ROADS 4 A NEW SYSTEM OF ROADS TERMINATING IN THE FOUR COUNTIES, OF MEATH, LOUTH, KILDARE AND WICKLOW, Roads iffuing by Drumcondra and Clonturk church. Barony Coolock, Drumcondra church 2 m, Santry church 3 m, Cloghran church. Barony Nethercrofs, Swords church 7 m. Barony Balruddery, Turvey 9 m, Man of War I 2 m,, Balruddery church 14 m. County Meath, Julianftown- < bridge 20" m. County Louth, Drogheda 23, Dunleer 30, Caftle Bellingham 34, Lurgan Green 37, "Dundalk 40, Ballymafcanlan 43, Carlingford 51. Second diredl road diverging beyond Turvey 9 m, pafTes by Lufk church 11, Rufh 13, Skerrie.s and Holmpatrick church 17,' Balbriggen 20 m, &c. Second direft road diverging beyond Balruddery church 14 m, pafTes through Balbriggen 15 m. County Louth Drogheda 24, &c. Second dire£l: road beyond Drogheda 23 m, paflcs by Collon 29, Ardee 34, Mill of Louth 39, Corcreagh 4 , Second dire£l: rpad diverging beyond Dunleer 30 m, 'pafTes by Braganftown 36, Tallanftown 39, Mill pf Louth 40, Corcreagh' 41. Second dire£t road beyond Dundalk 40 m, paffes by Rochdale 45 m. Roads iffuing by GlAssnevin Church. Barony Coolock, Glafnevin church 2 m, Foreft 5, Brack- enftovi/n 6, Barony Balruddery, Ballyboghill parifli 10, Naul parifh 14 m. Co. Meath, Dardiftown bridge over the Nanny Water 19 m. County Louth, Drogheda church 22 m, &c. • " Roads iffiiing by Finglass Church, Barony Nethercrofs, Finglafs church 3 rf, Pafs if yoi^ can. Barony Caftleknock, St. Margaret's parifti 5 m, Chapelmidway parifli 7 m. Barony Nethercrofs again, Kilfologhan church 8 m, Co. Meath, Greenoge 9 m, Curragha 13, Kilrnoon church 15, Black Lion \q, Slane 24, Grange Fortefcue 27. * ' TOPOGRAPHY, e Second road beyond Kilmoon church 15 m, pafie's into Co.XiOUth, Duleek 20 m, Drogheda 25 m, &c. Roads ilTuing by Castleknock church. Barony Caftleknock, Caftleknock church 3 m. Co. Meath,. C-lonee 7 m, Black Bull Ipn 10, Ten mile buffi 11, Dunftiaughlin 14, Tarah Hill 19, Doudft,own 20, Navaii 23, Kells 31, Moynalty 35. Second road beyond Black Bull Inn 10 m, pafTes by Grange 18, Trim 22, Athboy 28. Co. Weftmeath, Clon- mellon 32. Go. Lleath again, Ballynaganny 40 m, 01dcaftle4i. Second road beyond Navan 23 m, pafTes by Fyanftown- bridge 30, Carlanftown 32, Moynalty 35. Third road beyond Navan 23 m, pafTes by Kilberry 26, Cairnhill turnpike 13, Nobber 33, Newcaftle 36. Second road beyond Clpnmellon 32 m, pafTes into Co. Meath again, profskeys 37. Road ifTuing by Caeragit. Cabragh 2 m, Co. Meath, Ratoath I2 mj Screen 19, Doudftown 23, Navan 26, &c. as before. Roads ilTuing by Chapel Izod Church. B&rony Newcaftle, Chapel fzod Church 2 m, thence by north fide of the Liffey to Palmerftown pariffi 3, Lucan parifh 6. Co. Kildare, Leixlip 8 m, Maynooth 11, Kilcock 14, Cloncurry 1 8. Co. Meath, New Inn or Nineteen Mile Houfe 20 m. Co. Kildare again, Black.water bridge 22 m. Co. Meath again, Clonard bridge 26 m. From Chapel Izod by fouth fide of the Liffey, Blackmills 4 m, Lucan pariffi 7, &c. as before. Second road beyond Lucan pariffi, 6 m, pafTes into Co. Kildare, Celbridge 9, Clain or Straffan 16, Profperous 18, Kilmeage 22, Rathangan 28, Second road beyond Kilcock 14 m, pafles into Co. Meath, Summerhill 2o, Trim 25, Dunderry bridge 28, Kells 36, Moynalty 40. Second road beyond New Inn 20 m, pafles into Co. Kil dare again, Johnftown bridge 21, Caftle Carbery 25. Secop''' 6 A NE'W SYSTEM OF Secondroad beyond Kilmeage 22 m, paflTea by Rathbride 26, Kildare 28, &c. as before. Roads iffuing by Kilmainham. Kilmainham, Barony of Newcaftle, Clondalkin church 5 m, Rathcoole church 7. Co. Kildare, Crofs Keys 10 m. Kill 12, Johnftown 13, Naas 15, Newbridge 20, Kildare 24, Monaftereven 30. Second road beyond Clondalkin 5 m," leads to Newcaftle pariffi 10 m. Second road beyond Naas 15 m, pafles by Nineteen-mile- houfe 20, Kilcullen-bridge 21, Timolin 29, Caftle Dermod 33 ni- Second road beyond Kilcullen bridge 21 m, leads to Athy 32 m. Roads ifluing by Crumlin Church. Barony of Newcaftle, Crumlin church 2 m, Tallagh church 5. Co. Wicklow, Ten-mile-houfe 11 m, Blefinton 14. Co. Dublin again, Ballymore Euftace 17 n>. Co. Wicklow again, Stratford on the Slaney 26 m, Baltinglafs 29. Second road beyond Blefinton 14 m, leads to Hollywood 18, Donard 22. Roads ifluing by MilTown. Barony Newcaftle, Miltown 2 m, Churchtown andTaw- ney church 3, Kilgobbin church 5. Barony Half Rathdown, Kilternan pariffi 6 m. County Wicklow, Ennifkerry 9 m, Powerfcourt 10, Togher Inn 17, Roundwood, Luggula, Piamond-hill, Glendaloch 23, Rathdrum 25, Aghrim 32, Tinehaly 38, Carnew 44. Second road beyond Tinehaly 38 m, leads to Shilelah 42 m. Roads ifluing by Donabrook Church, Barony Newcaftle, Donabrook church 2 m. Barony Half Rathdown, Stillorgan church 4 m. Co. Wicklow, Bray 10 m, Kilcool 16, Black Bull 20, Wicklow 24, Arklow 30, by feafide. Second TOPOGRAPHY. « Second road beyond Bray lo m, leads to Delgany church 15, Newtown Mt. Kennedy 17, Black Bull 20, where the road by the fea fide joins. ' Second road beyond Black Bull 20 m, leads to Rathdrum 28, &c. Second road beyond Wicklow 24 m, leads by Two mile water 26, -Kilbride 28, Red Crofs 30, Arklow 35. Third road beyond Wicklow 24, leads to Carysfort or Macreddin 31, between Balinaclaffi and Aghrim. Carys fort gives the title of Earl to the noble family of Prdby. Roads iflTuing by Ball's-bridge. Ball's-bridge i m, Old Merlon 2, Booterftown 3, Ba rony Half Rathdown, Blackrock 4 m, Monkftown church 5, Killiney pariffi 8, Shangenagh 9, Old Connaught pariffi. County Wicklow, Bray lira, &c. as before. Second road beyond Blackrock 4 m, leads by Kill pariffi J, Rocheftown 7, Killiney pariffi 8, &c. Third road beyond Blackrock 4 m, leads to Dunleary 5. Second road beyond Monkftown church 5 m, leads to Bullock pariffi 6 m. Third road beyond Monkftown church 5, m, leads to Dalkey 7 m. Roads ifluing by Ballybough-bridge. Ballybough-bridge, Fairview, Donnycarney, Killefter pariffi, Raheny church 4 m, Baldoyle pariffi 6, Howth church 7. Road by fea-fide, Ballybough-bridge, Fairview i m. Royal Charter-fchool 2, Clontarf church 3, Raheny church 4, Baldoyle pariffi 5, Kilbarrack parifli, Howth church 7. Second road beyond Donnycarney 2 m, leads to Artane, Coolock church 3, Belcamp 4, Belgriffin, St. Doulough's church, Malahide pariffi 6. Road iflujng by Harold's-cross-bridge. Harold's-crofs bridge i m, Rathfarnham church 3, Marlay, Kilmaffiogue 5. DUBLIN IJUBLIN COUNTY* - — ^— « ¦<«»>¦» NOTED PLACES, SEATS, &c. By Donabrook 2 m, Stillorgan 4. At Donabrook Caftle Rev. John Moore's claffical atade* my. Annfield, Dr. Perceval's. Mount Barry. Merville- lodge. Sir Thomas Lighton, Bt. Glanamena, late Lady MaflTareene. Seafield. Sans Souci, the Earl of Lanefbo- rough. Seamount, Rob. Alexander, Efq. Mount Merion, LardjVifcount Fitzwilliam. Counfellor Geoghegan. Stillorgan Park, Obeliflc, 100 feet high, built i74«j by Sir Pigot Piers, Bt. Kilmacud, Lord Vifc. ^edefdale. Lord High Chancellor. James Farrel, Efq, Jas. Williams> Efq. Leopardftown, Rt. Hon. Lord Caftlecoote. Mr. Shepey. Mr. Waldron. Carman Hall, Mr. Burton. Mr, Fletcher. Newtown Park,, Counfellor Beresford Burfton. Clare-hill, Robert Byrne, Efq. Brcnanftdwn, Major Parker, Laughlinftown, Mrs. Domville. Shankill, Mr. Lawlefs. Qrinkin, Mr. Roth. Mount Eden, Counfellor Roberts. Jubilee Lodge, Edward Smyth,. Efq. Boltors- hill, Mr. Rowley. Thornhill, Right Hon. John Monk, Mafon. By Rahelagh, Cullen' s-iuood, Miltown 2 m, Churchtown or Tawney-church 3, Dundrum, Kilgobbin, Kilternan 6 m. Cullen's-wood, Bcnj. Clarke, Efq. Mount Pleufant, Col. Arabin. At CuUen's-wood 500 Citizens, a Colony from Briftol, were put to df ath by the Iriffi Septs from Wicklow County, 1209, in the loth yearof King John, as they afTembled to divert themfelves on Eafter-monday, the.nce called Black .Monday. Cullen's-wood Avenue, Rev. Robert Craig's Claffical Academy. Cullen's-wood Caftle, James Hyde, Efq. Hon. Baron George. Churchtownvillage and Tawney church. Rev. Matt. Campbell, Richview, Charles Hafliins, Efq. Roebuck, AldCTman John Exffiaw, Roebuck Caftle, Mr. Croftom Roebuck Caftle in 1534, in the 25th year of the reign 6f King Henry viu, was the refidence of Lord Trimleftown, then DUSUN COUNTY. 5 then Lord High CKancellor. In 1689 King Jartaes 11 and the Duke of Berwick had their camp in this neighbourhood and occupied the Caftle. Jackfon's Caftle, Mrs. Jackfon. Vergcmont, Mr. Crofthwaite. Mount Prospect, late Dr. Arthur Browne's, Prime Serjeant,- S. F.T. CD. Dundrum Caftle, Randal Mc. Donnell, Bfq. Alderman Henry Hutton. Val. Dunn, Efq. Wopdbine-Hill, J. GiiFard, Efq. Murphyftown. Kilgobbin church, W. M*Kay, Efq. David FitsEgerald, Efq. John Shea, Efq. Wm. Webb, Efq. Biddifield, Mr. Goggin. Lilliput, Counfellor John O'Connor'. John Billet, Efq. At Kilternan, (between Kilgobbin and Eniflcerry, Co. Wicklow) Captain Anderfon. Mr. Patterfon, Chafm called the Scalp, in the ridge of a mountain. Here you •nter Wicklow County. By Rathmims l m, HareWs-cr^i, Rathfartiham 2 ta. Near Rathmines, the Duke of Ormond 1649 was de feated by Col. Mich. Jones and th^ Parliamentarian Inde- pendants. Rev. Mr. Whitefide's claffical academy. Rath- gar,' Jofeph Farran, Efq.' Harold's-cross, Mr. Cuppaidge's wire and paper mills. Mount Jerome, Mr. Keogh. / Rathfarnham Caftle, the moft noble the Marquis of Ely. ' Rathfarnham Houfe, Geo. Grierfon, Efq. Marlay, David La Touche, jun. Efq. Mi P. Southwell's Glen, or Little or New Dsrgle, Col. Blackwood's, 2 m beyond Rath farnham, on an eminertee — a Druidical altar and a judg ment chair of the Brehons, in a very perfeft ftate. Edward Hudfon, Efq. Hollypark, Jefiery Foot, Efq. Nutgrove claffical academy, Mr. Thomas Jones. John Davis, Efq. Alan Maclean, Efq. Mr. Frizell. Montpelier, belonging to the late Right Hon. T^os. Conqlly. Millmount, and moft extenfive Paper-mills, John Taylor, Efq. By Crumlin 2 m, Tallagh' 5, Ten-mile-houfe li. Wicklow ~ County, Blefinton i'4. Dublin County again, Ballymore Eujlace I '7, to Wicklow County again. Crumlin, Mr. Purcel's. Tcmpleoge, Charles Domville, Efq. Rev. Mr. Lcney's claffical academy, author of Geo- C graphy. fd DUBLIN COUNTT. graphy, ^c. Buffiy Park', Robert Shaw, Efq. Banker, and M. P. for Dublin City. Tferrenure. Fir Houfe, Matt. Handcock, Efq. Fox and Geefe Commons, between Ctumlin and Clondalkin. Kimmage, near Templeoge, fate Lord Chief Baron Yelverton, Vifc. Avonmore, Tallagh, the feat of his Grace the Lord Archbiffiop ofjDublin, Old Bawn, late Sir James Tynte, Bart, Moutpelier. late Right Hon. Thomas Conolly, Willi- amffiiirg, Mr, Toble. Aftarrel, JVlr, Allen. Tallagh- hiU is 3 m over, Near Teh-mile Houfe is Punchftown, Lord'Vifcount Allen. -Entering Wicklow County, Blefinton 14 m, the Marquis ©.C Downffiire. Baltiboys 15 m, Mr. Sn^ith. Rufbo rough 16 m, the Earl of Miltown, range extending 700 feet. Pol a Phi]ca»"'or Dsemon's hole, a Waterfall of 154 feet, the Iriffi Maelftrom, or navel of the Sea, (umbilicus maris). " EjTtering Dublin Comity again, Ballymore Eustace (or great town of Euftace). A bridge over the Lifiey. Broomfield, the Earl of Mount Caffiel. A Common and race ground. The great Southern road led through it, which? now leads by Kilcullen. Broomfield 18 m, the Earl of Mount Caffiel. Ardnowd, Mr, Evans, 19 m. Here you enter Wicklow County again. I By Cheipel Izod 2 m, Palmerflown 3, Lucan 6, to Kildare Coiinty. Near Chapel Izob is. a barrack for royal artillery. Sarah-bridge, the Irifli Rialto, built under the particular ear;e of the Rt. Hon- Lord De Blaquiere, Knight of the Bath; which has one magnificent arch over the Lifl^ey, 1 04 feet lb inches in fpan. Mr. Wilcox. Knockmaroon, Mr. Hill. Ballyfermot, Mr.^Proflbr's academy. Straw berry-beds extending fome miles towards Lucan in a fouthera afpefl:.' Golden Bridge, Mr, Smyth, Daniel Sullivan, Efq.. Phoenix Park was part of the lands belonging to the monaftery of, St John of Jerufalemi on the Gte of whicTi monaftery the Royal Hofpital of Kilmainham (the Iriffi Chelfea) was built in r68o, on 71 Engliffi acres, calculated for holding 300 veterans; the firft ftone was laid by the Duke of Ormond, it coft 25,0001. partly a grant' by Kiltig Charles II. partly a dedu^ion of 6d. in the pound I from DUBLIN COUNTY. II from military pay. Phcenix Park is 7 m in circumference, 3 m is the diftance from the Barrack to Caftleknocjk gate. Viceregal Lodge. The Principal Secretary, Lord Vifcount Mountjoy. Mr:. Talbot. A Powder Magaziiie, The Park is called from the figure of a Phoenix burning in her neft on the top of -a fluted Corinthian pillar 40 feet high, ere£led by the late Earl of Chefterfield, Lord Lieutenant, > 745. Hibernian Military School for fons and d..ughters^of foldiers, chapel, fteeplc and cupola, Rev, Abr. Stewart. Brooklawn, Mr. Brooke. Hermitage, Colonel Handfield. Ballyowen, Mr. Rochfort. Palmerstown, Mr Clarke's mills, for bleaching, print- ing cotton, expreffing oil, and grinding dye fluffs, &c. The noble feat of the Right Hon. the Earl of Donoughmore. Difwellftown, Mr. Kennan. Palmerftown gives the title of Vifcount to the noble family of Temple. Woodville elegant claffical academy. Rev, Gilbert Auftin, author of a volume of admired Sermons, &c. Edmondftury, Tho, Needham, fefq^ banker, a moft elegant feat. Woodland's, Luke white, Efq, 400 acres walled, ridings 12 miles in extent. At Lucan, {the ancient patrimony of the Sarsfields, which gives title of Earl to the noble family of Bingham, of Caftlebar, County Mayo) is^ George Vefey's Efq. a noble feat, A fpa well, a houfe with lodging rooms, ball and coflee rooms. Mr, Blair's iron mills. By Ckndctlkin 5 m, Rathcoole 7, Newcaflle 9, to Kildare Co. At Clondalkin is a Daniffi round tower. Newlands, Geo. Ponfonby, Efq. M. P. for Co, Wicklow, Bellgard, late Mr. Dillon. Corkagh, John Finlay, Efq. banker. Mr. Arabin's ^owdeir mills, erefted' by Counfeltor Caldbeckin 1783, partly blown up by fortie unknown accident in 1787, but fince renewed. Mr. Pearfon. At Rathcoole is Athgoe, Mr. Brown. A Charter School. . At Newcastle is Lyons, Lord Cloncurry. Miltownj Mr, Wall. Peamount, Mr. Clinch. la DUBLIN COUNTY. By Ball's-bridge, Syntand's -court. Old Merion 1 m, BooterS' town 3, Black Rock 4, Kill 5, Rocheflo-wn 7 : Or Monks' town I, Bulloci 6t OT Dalkey 7, Killiney Bay 8, Shan genagh 9, fo Wicklow Co. Bagotrath Castle, taken by ftorm by Cromwell, 165 1. Ball's-bridge, Linen and Cotton Printing. Symond's Court. SummerfKid, Mr. Gorman. Sandyinount Claffical Academy, ^ev, Geo. Molden, Mr. Hepenftal. Tritonville, Mr, Cranfield's Salt-water Bath. Near Black Rock is Frefcati, late Duchcfs Dowager of Leinfter. Maretimo, Lord Cloncurry. Newtown, Sir John Lees, Bart. Neptune, or Temple-hill, Earl of Cloivmell, deer-pirk, walled. Melfield, Jofeph Atkinfon, Efq. Claffical Academy of Rev. Oliver Millar. Claffical Academy of Rev, Dr. Dionyfius Dowling. Bloomibury, Alderman Samuel Reed. Alderman Hugh Trevor. Pat. ^ide, Efq. At Kill, Mr. EfpinaflTe. Mr. Macartney. Mr. Brooke, Mr. Maunfel. Wm. Kenny, Efq. Mr. Clark. Morgan Crofton, Efq. Mr, Meredith. Mr. Sproule. Mr. Swan. At Rochestown-hill, Mr. Talbot. At MoNKSTowN, the late Lord R^nelagh and Counfellor O'Neil. At Bullock, the late Mr. Watfon. At Dalkey, John Fatrickfon, Efq, Major Lane. Dalkey in Queen Elizabeth's reign and long after, in the fucceeding century, before the improvement of Dublin Port, was the repofitory of goods of Dublin Merchants. Here are ruins of caftles, places of defence againft the pi rates who fwarmed on the coaft .-.-Dalkey Iflandj 18 acres, divided from the main land by Dalkey Sound, in which there is 8 fathom water at the low'eft tide, where fhips of burden may lie at anchor, fecure from all winds. At Cabinteely, John Dwyeif, Efq. General Stanford. Mrs. Byrne. Brenanftown, Major Parker. Loftus-hill, Mr. Tubbs and Mr. Minchin, Mapas's Qbieliik, built 1 74 1, in lime of fcarcity, by Mr. Mapas, anchor of Mifs Mapas, married to Mr. Talbot, of Malahide. Near Killiney is Mount Druid, Mr. Wilfon, a Druid's Temple and a Gothic banque ting-room. Killiney, Mr. Fetherfton. Beautiful Bay of Killiney, At Laughlinftown is Domville- lodge, Hon. Judge Day. - At Shangenagh, Mr, O'Reilly. Shankill-hill, Mr. liiwlefs. Mount Eden, Counfellor Roberts. Jubilee-lodge, Edward DUBLIN COUNTY. I^ Edward Smyth, Efq. Palcrnio, Sir Francis Hutchinfon, Bart. A t Little Cork, Hon. Mr, Wingfield, Mr. Sweeney. Mr. Deane, Cork Abbey, Rt. Hon. Theoph. Jpne*. Thornhill, Rt. Hon. John Monk Mafon. By Drumcondra 2 m, Santry 3, Swords 7, Turvey 9, Man of War 12, Balruddery 14,' to Louth Co. Near Drumcondra Church is a monument to the late Rev, Dr, Marmadukc Coghil. Belvedere, or Primatc's-hill, , Mrs. Sweetman. Alderman T. Andrews. Alderman A. Kirkpatrtck. Rev. Jof Fitzpatrick. Late George Purdon Drew, Efq. Mr. Hone. Goofe-green, Chas. Walker, Efq. Near Santry Church is the feat of Cha. Domville, Efq. heretofore belonging to the family of Barry, the unfortunate Lord Santry. Charter School for 60 girls, endowed in 1744. with £^0 per annumi by Dublin Corpor^ttion. Pri- n^ate JBoulter expended ;^400 on the building: 3 1 acres are on the lands of the family of Gardiner, Lord Vifcount Mountjoy. Willffiorough, Mr. Shepey. Clinffiogh, Mr. Winftanley. Belcamp, Coun. Jn. Ball. Limehill, Nugent Pro£lor>- Efq. Tamora, Sir H. Wilkinfon. Fofterftown, the late Baron Hamilton. At Cloghran Church, Mr. Shields. Foreft Houfe, Rev, Mr, Flood, Brackenftown, Alderman Richard Manders. Abbeville, late Right Hon. John Beref- ford. Feltrum-hill, Col. Gordon. Cremona, Mr. King. Brazil, Mr. Bolton. At Swords are Drinham, Mr. Ciuife. Maiahide-caftle, Mr. Taffiot. Mantua, Mr. Bunbury. Catherine's Grove, Mr. Gorges. LiflTenhall, Fra. Synge, Efq. Seafield, John Arthure, Efq. Villa, General Mafley. Ballinadraught, Mr. Mercer. Newbridge, Mr. Cobbe. At Turvey is Lord Kingfland, Cardufi^, Mr. Baker. At Man of War Inn is a barrack for a troop of horfe. Mount Evans, Hampden Evftis, Efq. At Balruddery is Profpefl: Caftle, Hon and Rev. Mr. Taylors Hampton-hall, Alexander Hamilton, Efd[. Knock, Mr. Evans. Hayftown, Mr. Tighe. Newtown, Mr, Crilly. At BiiLBRiGGEN, a fcaport, is a Cptton-manufadlory. The town was improved by the late Baron Hamilton ; a Pier built, within which ffiips of zoo tuns burden, bringing Coals and culm, can unload at quay. Winter-lodge, John Woods, Efq. Holmpark, Hans' Hamilton, Efq, — Ou Drogheda road, Lowther litdge, Mr. Filgate. ¦Br 14 ' DUBLIN COUNTY. By Glafnevin t m, Forefl 5, Brackenflown 6, Ballyboghil 10, Naul 14, to Louth Co. " At Glasnevin is Mr. Maher's. Delville, fo named by Dean Delany, heretofore Fellow of Dublin Univerfity, friend of Dean Swift, of late in pofleffion of Babington Weflilake, Efq. A Botanical Gairden of the Dublin Soci ety, 16 acres. Dr. Wade, Frofeflbr. Hampftead, Ifaac Manders,' Efq. Clermont, Mr. Flood. Stormanftown, Mr. Stevens. A mile off to the right is Santry, Charles Domville, Efq. Picardftown, Mr. Lynam, Banker. Foreft, Mr. Hill. Dunbro, Mr. Flood. Mr. Butler. Brackenf town, Alderman Richard Manders. Catherine's Grove, Gorges, Efq. Mount Stewart, Mr. Facken. Skidow, Mr. M'Dermot. Cookftown, Mr. Plunket. At Ballyboghill is Mr. Cuningham. Lifpole, Mr. Cobbe. Weftpelftown, Mr. Radwell. Betty ville, Hugh Bowen, Efq. ^ Malahow, Mr. Baker. Weft town, Lord Eeaulieu. ' At Naul is a romant;ic Glen, rocks and caves. Har- bettftown, Mr. Caddel. Reynellftown, Williams Barry, Efq. Lifdornan, Mr. Wilder. The beautiful hill of Bel- lewftown. By Turvey 9 m, Lufk 11, Ru/h 13, Skerries_ 17, Bal.- briggen 20, to Louth Co. Near Lusic Church 1 1 m, is Knockdrummond, G. Barry, Efq. Ruffi Houfe, 1 3 m, late Sir Rog. Palmer, Bt. Hayf town, Mr. Orige, Loughffiinny, Mr. Dempfey, copper mines worked by an Englifli Company. A good Harbour and Pier; ling cured and exported. At Skerries Village and Holmpatrick Church, is Bar- nagiragh, Mr. Hamilton, Kelp made at Skerries from Sea weed, a number of fiffiing boats employed, — On Balbriggen road, Profpedl Caftle, Hon, and Rev. Mr. Taylor. Ham^ ton Hali, Alexander Hamilton^ Efq. By Finglafs 3 m, Pafs-if-you-can and St. Margarefs 5, Chapelmidnuay 7, Kilfallaghan 8, to Meath Co. At FiNGLAs Bridge is Bellevue, Aid. Hugh Crothers. At Pass-if-you-can isPlunket's Caftle- Near Chapelmidway is Newpark, John Rochfort, Efq. At KiLSALLAGHAN is an extenfive Common. Mount Stewart, Mr. Facken. Dunmicky, Mr. Johnfton. ¦ By - DUBLIW COUNTY. j^ By Phoenise-pflrk, Caftleknock Church, Dunfink^ Mallahldert . .- to Meath Co, In the Phoenix Park are the Viceregal Lodge. Seat of the'principal Secretary, At Castleknock gate is Mount Sackville, Thomas Kemmis, Efq, A Caftle and Abbey founded by the Tyrrels, in the reign of T^ing Henry II. Claffical Aca demy of Rev. William Gwinne. Dunfinkrhill, the Ofefer- vatory of Dublin College, Rev. Mr. jBrinkley, Aftronomy Piofeflibr. Sheep-hill, Hans Hamilton, Efq. M.P. for Dublin County. Abbotftowh, Fred. John Falkiner, Efq. M. P. for Dublin County. Corduff, Mr. Warren; Damef- town, Mr.Proby. By Cabragh, Cariuffi Scrtpleto-wn, isfc. entering Meath Co. Near Cabragh an ancient Sea.t of Neal Segrave, Efq. Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Norbury. CardufF, Mr. Jones. Scripletown, Mr. Rathburn. Kildonan, Mr; Clinch, Huntflown 5 m, Mr. Garnet. Mount Hollywood 6 in. By Ballybough-bridge, Fairview, Donnycarney, Killefler, ' Raheny^ Buldoyle, Kilbarrack, Hoiuth. At Ballybough Bridge is a white flint Glafs-houfe, contiguous to -the Sea and River. Philipibtrrgh-lane, Fairview. At Donnycarney is Marino, built by the late Earl of Charlemont, a Demefne of 200 acres round the houfe, a fuperb Teniple, called Cafino. , At Killester is Mr. Cooke. Sir William Gleadowe Newcomen, Bart. Banker, M. P. for Longford County. Fufry-park, purcfaafed by the Earl of Shannon from the late Gorges Edmund Howard, Efq. The late Sir Patrick King. Maryville, Right Hon. Lord Frankfort. - Mrs. Hamilton. Mr. Dick. Near Raheny Church is- Mr. Euftace. Grange, Mr. Noyes, Mr. Watfon: At HpwTH Peninsula is the Earl of Howth. In t 1777 the 23d yeai- of King Henry II, Sir Armoricus Triftvam defeated flie Danes on .St, Laurence's day, and the namfe of Sti ¦Laurence was aflumed, Ireland's l6 BUBLIN COUNTY. Ireland's Ete Island is a mile from How'th. Lamb At Isle, 3 leagues from Howth, n, miles from Dublin, 5 miles from Malahide or from Ruffi. Lambay Me is rented from Mrs. Uffier, who pays (by a tenure from Qieen Elizabeth) rent to the See of Dublin. Kelp is made at Lajftbay Iflc from Sea-wee->^!" NOTED PLACES, SEATS, &<;, By Leixlip 8 m, Maynooth 1 1, Kilcock 14, Cloncurry 18, entering Meath Co. at New Inn or Nineteen-mile-houfe 20 m : entering Kildare Co. again, Blacktvater -bridge 22, Leixlip, Barony Salt, inhabited in fummer by Lucan fpa- drinkers. Major Brady. Mr. Law. Confoy Pariffi. Leixlip Caftle, property of the late Rt. Hon. ThomaS Conolly. Primate George Stone, who managed Ireland, arid was 18 years Primate, from 1747 to 1765, had a country feat here. Further is Mr. Croker. Saltus Salmonis, or Salmon -Leap, which gives name to Salt Barony. Aque- du£t bridge of Royal Canal, 85 feet above the River Rye, 20 feet higher than the Clyde Aqueduft in Scotland. Mufic Hall or Ryebrook, Mr. Glafcock, 9 m. Caftletown, the late Rt. Hon. Thomas Conolly, 3 ftories, 13 win dows each : 2 wings,- 2 ftqries high, 7 windows broad. He had a public News or CofFee-room, for the common re- fort of his guefts, in boots, where his gueft, if he was to go away early, might breakfaft, or if he came in late, might dine, or if he would go to bed, might fup before the reft of the family. Barnhill, Mr. Cooper, curious Barn by the late Rt. Hon, Thomas Conolly. Ravcnfdale, the late Mr. Donnellan. Obeliflc eredled to Mrs. Connolly. Carton Houfe 1 1 m, the Duke of Leinfter, a moft noble Park and Tower, with a view of 60,000 furrounding acres, his property. Maynooth Inn. A Charter School, 14 acres. St. Patrick's CoUege for Roman Catholics, 60, acres. Riverfton Lodge. Dowdftown, Col. Cane, 12 m. Larabryan Church ruins. Larah, Mr. Hunt, 13 m. Newtown, Mr. Salt. Mulhufly Caftle, Mr. Hinds. Rad- dingftown Church, Mr, Tew. DoUingftown, Mr. Jones. Watermount, Mr. Friend. Courtowh, Mr. Fofter. Kil cock 14'm, Whiteftown, Dr. Cleghorn 15 m. Pitchardf- town, Earl of Weftmeath, 16 m. Pierftown landy, Mr. D Gafton. iS KILDARU COUNTY, Gafton, Nicholaftpwn 17 m. Gallow, Mr. Flanagan. Cappoge-hill, remarkable for profpecl. Cloncurry 18. m. . Entering Meath Co. is Dunfort, Johnftown, Meffrs. Johnfon and Forde, 20 m. New Inn 20 m. Mr. Saunders. Entering Kildare Co, again, Blackwater-brldg^ 22 m. Kilmore, Mr. Mollin. Ballina, Mr. O'Ferral. Cowfield, Mr. Daly, 24 m, Ballinderry, Mr. Tyrrel, Carrilker, Mr. Nangle, 25 m. Aflifield,_Mr. Affi 25 m. Entering County Meath. By Johnjlonvn-bridge 21 m, Cajllecarbery 25, &c. entering King's County. Near Johnftown-bridge is Kilmurry 22 m. Clonkeirn, Mr. Borman, 24 m. ' Near Caftle Carbery is Newbury, Lord Vifcount Harber- ton, 26 m. Williamftown, Mr. Williams, 27 m, entering King's County. ^ By Celbridge 9 m, Barberjlown and Lodge J^ark 1 2, the^nce cither by Straffan ,14, Or Clain 16, Profperous 18, Kilmeague 22, Rathangan 28, entering King's or Queen's County. l^ear Celbridge Church is a bridge over the Liffey, A noble monument of the Conolly family. A, Manufacture of Chip Hats. A Cotton Manufafture. Stacumnic, Sir Simon Bradftreet, Bart. St, Woolftan's elegant Academy, Mr. Coyne, a Priory was founded here 1202, in the 3d year of King John, in honour of St. Woolftan, biffiop of Wor- cefter, then newly canonifed. Rev. Dr. Walffi. Caftle-. town, (fee under Leixlip), Marlay Abbey, R. P. Dundas, Efiq. Killadoon, Lord Vifcount Leitrim, it m. Nd:ar Barberftown 12 m, the late Major Carncrofs. Lodge-park, Hugh Henry, Efq. Ardrafs, Mr. Wetheral. At Straffan 13 m, Jofeph Henry," Efq. Iriffitown, .Mr. Atkinfon 14 m. Wiiidgate's-hill. Corbally, Mr, Kathrens. Teghadow Church ruins, and round Tower, Caftle Blown, Mr, Brown, 15 m. Vicar-hall, Rev. Mat. Weft. Clain 16 m. Strawberry-lodge, Mr. Euftace. Blake- kildare COUNTY. , 19 Blake-hall, Theoph. Wolfe, Efq. Millccent, Richard Griffith, Efq. near an Aqueduft over the Liffey. Sher- lockftown, Mr. Sherlock. 'Fairmount, Mr. Shaw,_i7 m. Killybegs, R. Brooke. Bellavilla, Mr. Burdet. AtDona- ¦dea Caflle is Sir Fenton Aylmer, Bart. At Profperous 18 m, a Cotton-manufaftory, begun 1780, by Captaiii Brooke. Landenftown, Mr. Digby. Donore, the late Rt. Hon. Walter Burgh, Downings, Mr. Kemeys, 19 m. Blackwood, Do£t6r Milton, 20 m. At 21 m, you crofs the grand Canal. ¦ Kilmeague Church 22 m. Allen-hill, which gives name to the Bog, and Vifcounty to the Allen family. Newpark 23 m. Mayfield, Mr. Aylmer, ,24 m. Wheelam, Mr. Clibborn, 25 m. Punch's Grange, Mr. Fitzgerald, .26 m. Near Rathangan 28 m, is Mr. Tyrrell, Mount Profpefl, Mr. Wilfon. Mr. Montgomery's Four-mills. Hon, and Rev. John Pomeroy. Keil, Mr. Ames. By Crofs-keys 10 m, Kill 12, Johnflown 13, Naas 15, iV>w- bridge 20,'Kildare 24, Monaflereven 30, entering Queen's County. At Crof skeys 10 m, is Caftlewarden, Mr. Wolfe, or Mr. Read. Biftop's-court, Rt. Hon. Wm. Bn. Ponfonby, 12m.. Oughterard Church ruins. At Kill Church 12 m, is Mr. Sullivan. At Johnflown 13 m, is KerdifTstown, Edward Hendrick, Efq. Palmerftown, Earl of Mayo,- 13 m. Furnace, Richard Neville, Efq. Forenaughts, John Wolfe, Efq. 14 m. At Naas 15 m, is Oldtown, Thomas Burgh, Efq. Mr, Montgomery's Flour Mills. Cradockftown, Thomas Smith, Efq. Jigginftown-houfe, built by the unfortunate Earl of Strafford. Ladytown, Lord Allen. Gammonf- tovvn, Mr. Fitzgerald. Mrs. Lawton, Mrs. Kennedy. Morriftown, Mr. Smith, At Newbridge 20 m, is Mrs. Poole Eyre. Great Connel Abbey. Moorefield, Hon. Ponfonby Moore. The road runs two miles on the Gurragh, (the Iriffi New-market) a large Plain, facred to Heathen fuperftition, which contains 5000 Engliffi acres, large enough for a camp of 10,000 men, Gurragh meetings , in April, June and September. Two Ring's plates of ^^'loo each, granted oh the fuggeftion of 20 KILDAR-E COUNTY. of Sir Wm. Temple, Bart, for improving the breed of Iriffi horfes. Rofetown, Mr. Bateman, Kildare 24 m. The Caftle and. Town were beftowed, and the Earldom conferred on the Fitzgerald family, by Edward II. in 1316, the 9th year of his reign, called cille dair. Wood of Oaks, under which St. Bridgit prayed. Governed by a Sovereign, &c. Prebendary in refidence, Rev. John Williamfon. A round Tower, 130 feet high, St. Bridget's feftival held on the ift of February. In 1 29 1, the 19th of King Edward I. John Fitzthomas, Lord Ophaly, having a quarrel with Wm. de Vefey, then E-arl of Kildare, and Lord Juftice of Ireland, when de Vefey refufed to decide the conteft by fingle combat, according to the cuftom of the times, the king granted the town and manor of Kildare, with moft of de Vefey's other property, to the faid John Fitzthomas, Lord Ophaly, who became the firft Earl of Kildare of the Geraldines, in 1316, the 9th year of King Edward II. In the reign of Queen Elizabeth, Daly, Biftiop of Kildare, was three times turned out of his houfe almoft naked, and plundered by the rebels, fo that in 1600 all the houfes were in ruins, and without a fingle inhabitant, which with the alienation of the church lands from 1560, by the Bifl-iops Craik and Wm- Pilf- worth, (the latter of whom was Biffiop of Kildare 3 1 years, from 1604 to 1635) prevented the town from rifing again to eminence. Maddenftown, Mr, Vandeleur. At Tully are the ruins of a Commandery of Knights Hofpitallers, Mooretown, Mr, Medlicot, 26 m, Lackagh Church and Caftle ruins. Nurney, Mr. Bagot, Gurteen, Mr. Fitzgerald. At Monaflereven is Mount Rice,- Mr. Rice, 28 . m. Moore Abbey 30 m. Marquis of Drogheda. Monaftery of St. Evin. A Charter School Nurfery. The Grand Canal runs through the Town, and opens a trade with Athy, Carlow, Waterford and New Rofs. Jameftown, Mr, Rochfort. Rev, Arthur Prefton. Rath, Mr. Adair. Belgrove, Mr. Fitzgerald. By KILDARE COUNTY. 21 By Johnftown, Naas 15 m, Nineteen-mile-houfe 20, Kilcullen- bridge 21, Timolin 29, Cafledermod 33, entering Carlow County. At Naas is Rev. James Slator. Diocefan School, Rev. Ifaac Harrifon, Cradockftown, Thomas Smyth, Efq. Morriftown, Mr. Smith. Ladytown, Lord Vifcount Allen. Gammonftown, Mr. Fitzgerald. Killiffiee Church. Robert Graydon. Offierftown, Mr. Carrol. Near Kilcullen-bridge 21 m, is the Church. Harriftown, the feat of Lord Chancellor Euftace in the reign of Charles II, A Coemetery and Chapel, Caftlemartin, Captain Carter. New Abbey, Mr. Hobfon. Sallymount, Rev. Mr. Cramer. Near Brannockftown-bridge is John Latouche, Efq. Car- nalway Church, Steeple, Spire, School-houfe. Rev. Gab. Stokes. Mr. Sabin. In 1200, the 2d year of King John, the Redlorial Tithes of Kilcullen were granted to Chrift Church, Dublin. A new road conftrufted by John La Touche, Efq. from Harriftown over the Liffey, leading into the S. road, and a bridge which coft him ;^iooo. Ballyfax, Mr. Annefley. Giltown, Sir Erafmus Burrowes, Bart, Car- tlefiffi, Curtis Crofon, Efq. Ballyfonnon Church, Sir Roger Palmer,' Bart. Near Sir Roger Palmer of Ballyfon non Church, is Kilruffi Abbey, where in 1642', the 17th year of King Charles I, and the fecond year of the Iriffi rebellion, James Butler, then Earl of Ormond, coming from Athy on his road to Kilcullen, obtained a vi£tory over Lord Mountgarret and Roger Moore, and was voted ;^50o by Parliament, created by King Charles a Knight of the Garter, and Kilruffi Abbey with its appurtenances was granted to the Earl. Calverftown, Mr. Cufle, 25 m. A Charity School, Red-gap Hifl. Narraghmore, Mr- Keating, 27 m. Ballitore on the river Grifs, inhabited by Quakers, Robert Baily, Efq. Proprietor. Timolin Church 29 m. An Inn. Abbey founded by St, Molin. Moone, Mr. Yeates, on the banks of the river Grifs. Commonftown, the glebe houfe on the road to Stratford. Belan 31m, the Earl of Aldborough, 6 avenues, each an Englifli mile long. Bel- mount, Mr, O'Brien. Bellevue, John Higginbotham, Efq. Kilkea Caftle 33 m, Mr. Dixon ; the ancient refi dence of the Kildare family, built by the 4th Earl. Mill- brook, Mr. Green. Boulton, Mr. Higginbotham, 31 m, Ballyvas, Mr. Lewis, 32 m, Davidftown, Jas. Archbold, Efq. S,2 KILD.\RK COUNTY. Efq. A. fquare Tower, the only remains of an iiofpital of St. John of Jerufalem. ' Cajlledermod Church 33 m. The refidence of the Dermods, kings of Leinfter, A Charter School, 20 acres. In 1377, ift year of king Richard II, a Parliament was held here, and a mint to coin money, Barnhill, Mr. Thornburn. Prumpletown, Rey. Mr. Hill, 35 m. By Kilmeague 22 m, Rathbride 26, Kildare 28. Rathbride, Mr. Steele. Daniel Gahan, Efq, 2' m from Kildare. Dunmurry, Mr. MedliCot. Mount Prope£l, Mr. Wilfon. By Kilculleri-br,idge 21 m, Athy -^2, entering Queen's Co. Near Kilcullen-bridge is New Abbey, Mr. Hobfon. Caftlemartin, Captain Carter, both on the banks of the Lifiey. Further is Ballyfax 23 in, Mr. Annefley, Hock ley Turnpike. Four miles from Kilcullen is Ballyfonnon Church, and the feat of Sir Rpger Palmer, Bart. Calverf- to'^n 25 m, Mr. Cufl^e. Further, Eagle-hill 26 m, late Rev. Dr. Tilfon. Rofilla 27 m, Mr. Wall. Fontftown Church, Mr. Browne. Youngftown, Mr. Medlicott. Kil., meed, Mr. Fitzgerald. Glaflealy, Mr. Rawfon. Ardfkull, Mr. Medlicot. Foxhill 31 m, Mr, Hoyftead, Athy 32 m, has a bridge over the Barrow. It is the property of the Duke of Leinfter, well fituated for inland trade, by the jumStion of the Grand Canal with the Barrow, which is navigable from Waterford. A public Claffical School, with annual fubfcription. of ^20 from the Duke of Leinfter, £1^ from the Corporation, and ^^5 from the reprefentatives of Mr, Weldon. At the 34th mile you enter Queen's County. Crofs Road from Ballitore to Timolin 2 m, entering Wicklow County. Ballitore -lies, in a vale, watered by the river Grifs, in habited by Quakers, Robert Baily, Efq, Proprietor. Be- yond Timolin on the Stratford road is Commonftown, the glebe houfe of Timolin pariffi. KILDARE COUNTY. 23 Crofs Road from Naas to Stephenflown Turnpike 3 m, Car- nalway Church ^, Harriftown 6, entering Wicklow Co.' on Dunlavin road. Carnalway Church, Steeple, Spire and School-houfe, by John La Tckiche, Efq. Harriftown, John La Touche, Efq. who built Harriftown Bridge at ;^iooo expence. Glebe Houfe, Rev. Gabriel Stokes, [I. Crofs Road from Kildare to Rath connel 6 m, Athy i : At four miles from Kildare is Nurney, Mr. Bagot. At 5 m is Gurteen, Mr. Fitzgerald. At 6 m is Rathconnel. Fontftown Church. Ardillas, Mr. Mills At 7 m is Youngftown, Mr. Medlicot. At 8 m is Kilmeedj Mr. Fitzgerald. At 9 m is Ardflcull moat, Mr., Medlicot. At II m is ..^^'^v. Foxhill, Mr. Hoyftead. Crofs Road from Athy to Ardrie 1 m, Grangemellon 2, enter ing Carlow County. At I m from Athy is Bray, Lord Vifcount de Vefcl. At 2 m is Leinfter Lodge, the Duke of Leinfter. Cottage, Mrs. Fleetwood. Grangemellon, the late John St, Leger, Efq. Barrow-houfe, Rev. Mr. Waller. Sportland, Stewart Weldon. Millbrook and Cotton-manufadory, George Nixon, Efq. At 4 m is Levi^ftown, Mr. Caulfield, At 6 m is Shrule, Mr, Harpole. Here you enter Carlow Co. Crofs Road from Athy, entering Queen's Co. to Stradbally6 m. At Athy is the Caftle,- the Duke of Leinfter. Cardenton, Mr. Beaver. At 3 m is Caftlemitchel, Mr. Chapman. Here you enter'QUeen's County. Crofs Road from Athy to Kilberry ruins 3 m, Monaflereven 9. At I m from Athy is Biddiesford, Mr. Higginfon, Shrowland, Mr. Meredyth. At 2 m is Berthoufe, Thomas Burgh, Efq. At 3 nj are Kilberry Abbey ruins. At 5 m is Clonee, 24 KILDARE COUNTY. Clonee, Mr. Browne. At 6 m is Riverftown, Mr. Baowne. At 7 m is Rev. Arthur Prefton. At 8 m is Moore Abbey, Marquis of Drogheda, within i m of Monaftereven. Crofs Road of 2"] m, from Philipflown to Naas, enters Kil dare Co. at Rathangan, diflant 14 m from Philipflown, Kildare 19, Newbridge Inn 22, Naas 27. Beyond Clonbulloge, King's County, near Rathangan is Kill, Mr. Clarke. At Rathangan, 14 m from Philipftown, is Hon, and Rev. John Pomeroy. At 15 m is Mr. Tyrrel. At 16 m is Mount Profpedl, Mr, Wilfon. At 17 m is Dunmurry, Mr. Medlicot. At 12 m is Rathbride, Mr. Steele. Within 2 m of Newbridge Inn is Moorefield, Hon. Ponfonby Moore. ~ Rofetown. Great Connel Abbey ruins. Mrs. Poole Eyre on the Liffey. Mrs. Kennedy. Mrs. Lawton. At 25 m is Ladytown, Lord Allen. Gam monftown, Mr, Fitzgerald. At 27 m is Jigginftown-houfc ruins, within half a mile of Naas. W Crofs Road from Naas to Clain Church 4 m, Barberftown 7, Maynooth 11. Near Naas is Oldtown, Thomas Burgh, Efq. At i m from Naas is Offierftown, Mr. Carroll. At 3 m is Mllle- cent, Richard Griffith, Efq, Sherlockftown, Mr. Sherlock. At 4 rri is Blakehall,. Mr. Wolfe. Clain. iStrawberry- lodge, Mr. Euftace. Near Clain Church is Vicar "Hall, Rev. Mat. Weft. Caftle Brown, Mr. Brown. At 6 m is Iriffitown, Mr. Atkinfon. Straffan, Jofeph Henry, Efq, At 8 m is Barberftown Caftle, the late Major Cairncrofs. Racoffy, Archibald Ham. Rowan, Efq. Windgate's-hill, At 9 m is Corbally, Mr, Kathrens. Teghadow Church ruins and round Tower. At 10 m is Caftletown, the late Rt. Hon. Thomas Conolly. Dowdftown, Colonel Cane. At 1 1 m is Maynooth. Carton, the Duke of Leinfter. WICKLOW ¦ 2J , WICKLOW COUNTY. ««<>-»>!— NOTED PLACES, SEATS, &c. By Ten-mile-houfe 1 1 m, Blefinton 14 : entering Dublin Co. again,. to Ballymore Euface 17 : entering Wicklow County again, to Stratford on Slaney 26, Baltinglafs 29! entering Carlow County, At 12 m, Punchftown, Lord Vifcount Allen. At 14 m, Blefinton Church and Steeple, a good ring of bells. The Marquis of Downffiire, Proprietor. His Seat and Park. The infcription on the monument of Primate Michael Boyle, (who built the Church, and gave the ring of bells) relates his benefaftions to the Town, and concludes with our bleffed Lord's advice, Abi, etfac^ Tu ftmiliter. Go, and dp Thou likewife. His Grace had been confecrated Biffiop of Cork and Cloyne, (then held together) in the year pf the reftoration, (eleven bifliops being confecrated together in St, Patrick's Cathedral, as related in the hiftorical annals of Dublin City)- he -wastranflated to Dublin in i6(>3 : was Primate of Armagh 24 years, from 1678 to 1702. At 15 m, Baltiboys, Mr- Smith. At i6m Ruffiorough, the Earl of Miltown : the range 700 feet : the artificers brought from different parts of Europe, by John Leefon, Efq. a moft valuable colleftion of paintings. Tulfarls, Richard Hornidge, Efq, ' Horfepafs-bridge. You enter Dublin Coiinty again to Ballymore Euface, with a bridge over the Liffey. The great Southern road was turned from this town to Kilcullen-bridge. Poll a Phuca, or the Dasmon's-holq, a grand' waterfall of 154 feet, be-- Jonging to the Earl of Miltown: an Iriffi I^hoenomenpn, tefembling the Norwegian Maelftrom, pr Navel of the Sea, (umbilicus maris) : Cottages and Grottoes, built for accom modation of dining parties. 5 At 18 m, Broomfie'd, the Earl of Mountcaffiel. At 19 m, Ardnowd, Mr, Evans. Broadlcy Commons, fepul- ctal monuments, earthen tumuli and pyramidal ftones, E You Z6 WICKLOW COUNTY. You enter Wicklow County again to Lemonftown, Mr. Doyle. At 21 m, Rahatan-lodge, the Marquis of Water ford. The pile of ftones on Church-mountain, collected for conftrufting a paved road from Glendalogh to old Kilcullen, which was carried 3 miles and difcontinued. Hollywood Glen 2 m long, where the Septs of Q!Tooles and O' Byrnes retreated, and colle£led their plunder from the Engliffi Pale. At 24 m, Don'ard, Mr. Humphrys, A Park walled in by Lord Vifcount Wicklow; Donoughmore Church. At 25 m, Whiteftown, Wm. Reeves, Efq. At Ballyhubbuck the road crofl^^es the Slaney, which takes its rife from the Glen of Emale. At 26 m, Stratford on Slaney Church, a manufacturing town built by the late Earl of Aldborough, 100 houfes. Seat and Mills of Mr. Orr of Merchants-quayj Dublin, Ballintruer, Sir Francis Hutchinfon, Bart. At 27 m, Saunder's-grove, Morley Saunders, Efq, a beautiful feat.. Saunderfville, feated com- modioufly for manufactures. Lugnaquilla Mountains, are vifible, where eagles have long dwelt. And on the apex a Cromlech, or kneeling ftone. At 28 m, Greenville, Mr. Green. Cadfien Mountain. At 29 m, Baltinglas Caftle, the Earl of Aldboro. Abbey Church, called St. Mary's. Caftle built in the Fallis Salutis^ watered by the Slaney, Linen, Woollen, and Diaper-ma- nufaftUres. A Parliament and affifes formerly held here. Ancient monuihents, cromlechs, &c. in the Park. At 30 m, Rathmoone, Mr. Kilpatrick. Talbotftown, which gives name to the barony, William Kirkpatrick, Efq. Hume-wood, William Hume, Efq. Newtown, Mr. Saunders. Croffiie Park, Captain Jones. Highpark, the late Nicholas Weftby, Efq. plenty of trees and extenfive Demefne. Carrigbrack Movntain, At 31 m you enter Carlo'Ui County. ^ By Enn'fkerry 9 m, Powerfcourt 10, Tbgher-inn 17^ Roundviiood 18, Rathdrum 25, Aghrim 32, Tinehaly 3^, Carnew 44, At 8 m from Dublin is the Scalp, a romantic Glen formed by the fides pf two confiderable hills. EnniflcBrry 10 m. Powerfcourt, Lord Vifcount Powerfcourt : a mag-- nificent Egyptian Hall, executed by the late Mr, Caflel. Tinehinch, WICKLOW COUNTY. 27 Tinehinch, Henry Grattan, Efq, M. P. An Inn here, caufed to be built by the Earl of Meath, Charleville, Lord Monk. Buffiy-park 1 1 m, William Colthurft, Efq. The Dargle or dark Glen, a mile long. The Waterfall 12 m from Dublin. Whitehall 14 m, Mr, Whitmore, Fairview 16 m. A, Price, Efq, Togher Inn 17 m. Roundwood, 18 m, Mr. Synge. Willmount 20 m. In a fquare defert whofe fide is 8 m, and which confeqiiently contains 64 fquare miles, or 40,960 acres, (a fquare mile being 640 acres) is Glandelogh 23 m from Dublin, or the Seven Churches : it literally fignifies the Valley of the two Lakes : 400 acres here let for a guinea annually. It was a well inhabited City until 1214, the 15th year of King John, when the See was annexed to Dublin Diocefs. The O'Tooles however, by foreign affiftance, elefted biffiops of Glendaloch, and the archbiffiops of DubUn did not obtain quiet poffeffion till 275 years after, in I479» in the i8th year of King Edward IV, when a furrender was made in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, by friar Denis White. St. Kevin died in 618, June 3, on which day his feftival is celebrated. He founded an Abbey and the Church of the Trinity, The Seven Churches are, ift, the Cathedral Church. 2d, St. Kevin's Kitchen. 3d, Our Lady's Church, 4th, The Rhefeart, that is, the Sepulchre of Kings. 5th, The Priory of St. Saviour, 6th, The Ivy Church. 7th, Team pull na Skelig, (fignifying the Temple of the Defart), with St. Kevin's bed and cell. Avondale 4 m from Glanely Church, and 7 from Wicklow, belonging now to the family of the late Rt. Hon. Sir John Parnel, improved by his relative,' the late Colonel Samuel Hayes, during 30 years. Avondale is one mile from Rathdrum, in a Crofs Road of 9 miles, from Rathdrum to Arklow. Ballymurtagh and Cronebown Copper mines lie on the right and left fides of the river. Near Avondale lies Cafina, Mrs, Hayes, fen. At 2 m from Rathdrum," Kingfton, Thomas King, Efq. Two miles from^Rathdrum in the Crofs road are Cronebawn mines. At 3 m are Ballymurtagh mines on the opjiSite fide of the Avoca. A ftreani impregnated with vitriolic water, flowing from the Copper-mines is received into ftone citterns, in which Iron is depofited, which attrafts the vitriolic particles, and leaves a copper fediment, vulgarly called a tranfmuta,tion of metals. This mineral ftream has deftroyed 28 WICKLOW COUNTY. ' deftroyed a very fine falmon fi'fliery, a fpace of five or 6 ns to Arklow, ' Further in the crofs-road lies Cherrymount, Mr., Boulger, At 5 m from Rathdrum. is Caftlemacadam Church, At 6 m, Ballyarthur, wooded with Oakj- Rev. James Symes, At 8 m, Shelton, Lprd Vifcount Wicklow, one mile from Arklow. Little Peru, ?i d'lfcovered mine of gold at the foot of Croghari mountain, in the road from Arklow to Aghrim. A peafant fiffiing in the ftream difcovered gold, which he fold privately to a goldfmith, during 12 years. September 1795, the dif- covery was made general, and thoufands were engaged in fear'ch of gold. The Crown took pofleffion of the'mine, and £1000 was granted by Parliament for experiment of -its value, by the Commiflioners, Abraham Mills and Thomas King, Efqrs, A mafs weighing 22 ozs. avoirdupois, was found by 8 poor labourers, and fold for 80 guineas. The fand and mud is impregnated with gold duft, which is de^ tefted by waffiing in cifterns, and laftly whirling in a fieve, ¦ At 31 m, 2 m beyond Rathdrum, in the 6 m road, to Aghrim, is Ballynaclaffi Iron fouiidery. From Ballynaclaffi is a communication between the fea fide and Baltinglas fide of the County, through Glen Mohur, which you enter at ^ mfrom Rathdrum. Glen Molaur is the property of the Earl of Moira, and the reprefentatives of Colonel Hayes on the one fide, ^nd the Earl of Meath and Lord Maiden on the other. At 2 m beyond Rathdrum, on the Aghrim road is Whaley '\bbey, the late iVIr. Whaley. Near Aghrim 35 rri lis Carysfort, formerly Macreddin. Ballymanus, Garret Byrne, Efq. At 39 rri, 4 m beyond Aghrim, on the Tinehaly road is'Ballybeg, Rev. Mr. Symes, At 41 m IS Tinehaly. At 2 m farther is Coolbpy, Mr. Symes. At I m further is Hillbrook, Rev, Dr. Symes. At 1 m farther is Malton, Earl Fitzwilliam, within 3 m of Carnew on the left; and within i m of Shilelah on the right, frpm whence King Turlogh fent Oak to William Rufus, for building WsftminfterHall. , ^ , % WICKLOW COUNTY. H By Bray Church lo m, Kilcool i6, Wicklow 24, Afklow 36. Bray has a Barrack and Lodging-houfes : the fee fimple in the Earl of Meath, On the left hand road beyond Bray is Newcourt, Mr. Putland. Mr. Gibton. Oldcourt, John Edwards, Efq. Mr. Weftenra. At 1 1 m is Kilruddery, the Earl of Meath, At 12 m is Rathdown, Captain Tarrant. Templecarrig, Colonel Rawfon. Mount Temple, Mr. O'Brien. Another Seat called Rathdown. At 13 m is Killincarrig villkge. At 15 m is Kindleftown, Mr. Bunn, Mr. Wilfon. A road to Bellevue and Delgany Church on the right. At 15 m, Ballygannon, Mrs. Scott. Further, near Kilcopl is Mrs, Darragh. Kilquade, Mrs, Boyd. Retreat, Mr, Brafs. At 16 m, Kilcool Church ruins arid Inn, Cooldrofs Salt Marffi for curing furfeited horfes. Woodftock, Mr, Knox^. At 17 m is Newcaftle Church. At 19 m is Caftlegrange, Mr, Pigeon, i^t 20 m is Black Bull Inn, within 9 m of Rathdrum. At Black BullTnn, the right and left hand roads from Bray meet. Returning to Bray to remark on the right hand road, Oldcourt, John Edwards, Efq, Mr. Weftenra. At 12 m, Wirigfield, Colonel Gore. Hollybrook, Sir Robert Hod- fon, Bart. i\t 2 m further is Hoeyfield, Mr, Hoey. The Gfen of the Dowiis, At 15 m is Bellevue, Peter La Touche, Efq. Delgany Church. David Digges La Touche, an Officer in la Caillemote's French regiment at the battle of the Boyrte, 1691, afterwards became Bankerj and died fud- denly in 1745 on his knees during divine fervice atthe Caftle Chapel. His fon, David, born 1704, died. 1785, married a native of Holland, by whom he had three children, David, John and Peter, — Another fon, Jas. Digges, married 1733, Mifs Elizabeth Chaigneau, daughter of David Chaigneaii of Corkagh, Dublin. Co.' M. P. for Gowran, he married fecondly, 1743, Mifs Martha Thwaites, and died 1763, leaving William, married to Mifs Puget, James, and Peter. Bellevue was purchafed 1753, by the late David. La Touche, from the Rev. Dr. Corbet, Dean pf St. Patrick's. The prefetit pofleffpr is Peter La Touche, Efq. whb mar ried 1766, Rebecca, daughter of Robert Vicars, Efq, of Grantftown, Queen's County, who died withbut iffue, 1786 — married his prefent lady, Mifs Elizabeth Vicars, 1788, eldpft daughter of Richard Vicars of LeVally, near Rathdowriy, jaj WICKLOW COUNTY. Rathdowny, Queen's Court ty, who had i8 fons and diaughtersj of whoin 6 fons and 6 daughters have been living lately. Delgany Church, built 1789, on which Peter La Touche expended £s°oo : it is 102 feet by 34, fteeple 90 feet high, <;6ntaining a bell and clock. The Rt. Hon. David La Touche, married 1762, Eliza beth, only daughter of Dr. George Marlay, biffiop of Dro- more; — Sons, David, M. P. married to lady Cecilia Leefon : George: John: Peter, M.P. William: Robert.— Daughters, Ehzabeth, married 1781, the Earlof Laneffiorough, and died 1788, leaving iffue, Brinfley, Lord Newtown Butler, and David. — Harriet, married 1788, Sir Nicholas Coithurft, Bart : Emily : Anrie : Maria. John La Touche, Efq. married 1763, Mifs Gertrude Fitzgeirald, daughter of, Robert Fitzgerald, Efq. Cork County.— Sons, Robert, M.P. and John, Rd.P. — Daughters, Marianne, married to R. P. Dundas, Efq. — Gertrude, mar- tied to Lord Vifcount Mathew. Further is Willow Grove. Further is Tinny-park, the lateSirSkeffington Smith, .Bart. Mr, Harrifon. Seaview, Mr. Gore. At 18 m is Newtown Mount Kennedy, the late Lord Rofmore, Demefne, 10,000 acres. — From Newtown Mount Kennedy the left road leads to Black Bull by Kil- martin 20 ni, Mr. Fox. — The right leads to Dunran, belonging to the late Lord Roffmore. The Devil's Glen, into vvhich the river Vartrey falls 100 feet. At 3 m beyond Dunran is Ballycurry, Charles Tottenham, Efq. — As you come out of the Glen is Glenmouth, Wm. Eccles', Efq, Hermitage, Mrs.,Cary. Altidore, the late Sir Skeffington Smith, Bart, Newcaftle Church. Profpeft, At 19 mis » Mount John, Mr, Archer, in the road to T)unran and Ballycurry, mentioned before. Beyond the Black. Bull is Killoughter, Mr. Byrne. Clonmanon, Rev. Mr, Truel. Tinekelly, Mrs. Ratcliff, At 21 m, Coolawinny, Mr, Foulks. Mount Uffier, Mr, Uffier. Clermont, John Hunt, Efq,- Newrah-bridge Inn. ' On the Black Bull road of 8 m to Rathdrum by Affiford Bridge is Cronroe 23 m, Ifaac Ambrofe Eccles, Efq, in a .grand and high Gtuation. Willffiorough, Mr. Drought. Glanely Church 5 m, beyond Blackbull Inn, and within 3 m of Rathdrum. Mrs. Tighe's Park and Cottage. Returning again, at 21 m is Ballynapark, Mrs. Bryan. Inchinappa, Mr. Earbery. Ballycurry, Charles Tottenham, Efq. WICKtOW COUNTY. 3I Efq. mentioned before. Mount Uffier, Mr. Uffier. Broomfield, Captain Majoribanks. — On the oppofite fide of the river Vartrey, Rofanna, Mrs. Tighe. At 24 m is Wicklonv,' s. Harbour, and noted for fine ale. At 27 m is Sea-park, Mr. Ball. A mile further Is Rockfield, Ephraim Carrol, Efq, Ballinacarrig, Mr. Eccles, A mile further is Duhganftown Church, Wm. Hoey, Efq, At 5 miles beyond Wicklow, in the Red-crofs road to Arklow, is Weft Afton, Thomas A^on, Efq. Near Red- crofs is Ballykean, Mr. Penrofe, within 7 m of Arklow. Returning to the road by the fea fide, at 5 rritles beyond Wicklow is Brittas, Mr. Penrofe. Further is Eaft Afton, Mr. Afton. Ardinairy, Mr. Fitzfimons, At 8 m beyond Wicklow is Sallymount, Mr. White. At 9 m beyond Wicklow is Pennycomequick Village. Within a mile of Arklow, on the river Avoca Is Shelton, Lord Vifcount Wicklow. Arklow 36 m from Dublin, has a Barrack for 2 foot companies. Beyond Arklow is Lamberton, Rev. pd ward Bayly. A Charter School for 50 girls. Crofs Road by Wicklow, Two-mile-water 2 m, Ballymoney, Mr, Revel, 3 m. Kilbride 4 m. Weftafton, Mr. Afton. Templelyon, Mr. Snell. Red-crofs 6 m. Arklow 11, Crofs Road by Coolkenno Church and Inn, Shilelah, £3°c. At 2 m from TnlloW, (Carldw Co.) is Knocklow, Mr. Chamney, within 3 m of Coolkenno. Nakeen, Mr. Pat terfon, within 2 m of Coolkenno. Near Coolkenno Church and Inn, is Mr. Nixon. At 2 m from Coolkenno is Shile lah, famous for Oak, fent by King Turlogh to King Wm. Rufus, for building Weftminfter Hall, as mentioned before. Crofs Road from Timolin (Kildare County), to Stratford- on- Slaney. You pafs Commonftown, the Glebe Houfe of Timolin Pariffi. Bombo-hall Village. Rathtool, Mr, Baker. Bal- linure, Walter Carrol, Efq. Grange-con Caftle, Mr. Harrington. 32 WICKLOW COUNTY. Harrington. Near Stratford, James Hatriogtort, Efq, Mr. Cardiff. Winetavern, Mr. Valentine. At Stratford is Amiens-lodge, the Earl of Aldborough. ,' - '¦¦-icu ¦ ¦ Crofs Road 8 m, from Rathvilly (Carlow Co.) to Baltin glafs. Newtown Saunders, Richard Saunders, Efq. Whitehall, Mr. Mobre. Crofs Road 23 m from Naas., (Rildare Co.) to Hacketjlown, Carlow Co.) through Dunlavin lo vs\' dijlant, Rathfalltgh 12, Griffinflown- 11, Rathbrand- 14, Saunderfville \^, Greenville 17, Humewood 19, High Park. At 10 m from Naas, (by Stephenfltown Tilrnpike, Car nalway Church and Harriftown) Is Dunlavin Church and Inn, on the road from Blefinton to Timolin, , the property the late Sir James Tynte, Bart, whofe grand-father, the Rt. Hon. James Tynte, member for Youghal, ,erefted a Mar- ket-houfe and Stores. — At 2 m from Dunlavin is Rath- fallagh, Mr. Ryves. At 3 m is Griffinftown, Morlejr Saunders, Efq. At 4 m is Rathbrand, Captain Stratford Saunders. ' Tuckmill, a hamlet of Morley Saunders, Efq, At 5 miles is Saunderfville, alfb belonging to him. Rev. , Mr. Carter. At 7 m Is Greenville, Counfellor Green. At 9^ is Humewood, William Hume, Efq. High-park, Nicholas Weftby, Efq. 2 m fronx Humewood and 2 m from Hacketftown, (Carlow Co,) MEATH 33 MEATH COUNT>f. ««o»» . ROADS, NOTED PLACES, SEATS, &c. By Julianfiown Church and Bridge 20 m, eiitering Louth County. At 17 m from Dublin is Gormanffown, Lord Gormanf- town. At Julianftown-bridge ao m is Ballygafth, Thomas Pepper, Efq. Ninch, Mr. Doran. Battle of Julianftown- bridge, 1641, the firfi year of the Iriffi civil war, and i6th of King Charles I, where the rebels had the advantage. By Dardiftbwn-bridge 19 m, entering Louth County. Near 18 m Is Lifdornan, Mr. Wilder. * Bellewftown Ijeautlful Hill. Near 19 m Is Dardiftown Caftle, Henry Offiorne, Efq. Balgreeuj Mr. Blair. At Dardiftown- bridge over the Nanny is Copper-hill, Mr. Cooper. Bal- Ipghan, where is St Columbs well, noted by Sir William Petty. Shallon, Edward Tongte, Efq. Rockbellew, the property of Lbrd Ludlow. Smithtown, Mr. Offiorn. B^ybeg, Mr. Smith. Baymore, Captain Knox. Mornington, Mr. Brabazon. By Grenoge'g m, Curragha 1.3, Kilmoon Church 15, Black Lion 19, Slane 24, Grange Fortefcue 27. Near Grenoge, at 9 m is Fieldftown Church. At 10 m is Robertftown. At 1 1 m is Archerftown. At 12 m is KlUiglan Church ruins. At 13 m is Curragha Church, ruins. Creekftown, Mr. Gorges. . Kilbrew, Mr. Gorges. At 15 m is Kilmoon Church. < At 19 m is Black Lion, Somerville, Sir Marcus Somerville, Bart. At 20 m is Mount Aylmer. Near 23 m is Cullen, Mrs. Aiken. Fin^ F nar 34 MEATH COUNTY; nar Church ruins* At Slane 24 m are Mr. Jebb and Cos. Flour Mills, on the Boyne, begun 1763, finiffied in 1766, granaries capacious of 5000 barrels, the Mill will grind 120 barrels of 20 ftone each, per day. Slane Caftle, the Earl of Conyngham. Slane was a borough in Hugh de Lacy's Palatinate of Meath. Slane Abbey was for 20'years the refidence of Dagobert, King of Auftrafia, a part of France. In 653, when only 7 years old, he was taken by Griraoald Maire de Palais, or Major Domo, and ffiorn as a monk, to render him incapable of reigning, and was baniftied : he received his education in Slane Abbey, and after 20 years was re-placed in the government of Auftrafia, In France. Near Slane is Monknewton, the property of John Baker Holroyd, now Lord Sheffield, of Sheffield-place, Suffex. At 25 m is Rockmaiden. At 27 m is Grange Fortefque, Here you enter Louth County. By Kilmoon Church 15 m, Duleek 2o, within 4 m of Drogheda, (Louth County). Near 17 m are Crofsmacole Church ruins. At 19 m Is Athcarne Caftle, Henry Garnet, Efq, AnnftrooTt, Mr. , Hamilton. At 20 m is Duleek, (in Iriffi Domleach) Thos. Trotter, Efq, One m beyond Dunleek is Mpunthanover, Mr, Curtis, At 2 m is Flatten, the late Graves Chamney, Efq. Cruiferath, Mr, Netterville. By Clonee 7 m, Blackbull Inn 10, Ttn-mile-bufh r i, Dun- Jbaughlin 14, Tarah-hill 18, Dowefiown 20, Navan 23, Kells 31, entering Cavan Co. At 7 m is Clonee, Mr, Garnet, At 8 m Is Dunboyne Church. Lord Dunboyne. Normans-grove, Mr, Jones." At 10 m is Woodparki Mrs. Shell. Black Bull Inn. At 1 1 m is Rathtreggan, Mr. Tighe. Porterftown. Ten-mile Bufti. Another Seat called Rathtreggan. At 13 m is Parfonftown, Mr. Wilfon, At 14 m is Dun/haghlin Church, (called from St. Seachlin) Mr. Supple. Here was a moft rel^eftable fchool of the Rev. Dr. French. At 16 m is Killcen Caftle, the property of Lord Fingal. Killeen old Church. Warrenftown, Mr, Johnfton. Dunfany, Lord Dunfany. At 17 m is Glownftown. -At 19 m, Tarah- hill, MEATH IJOUNTV. 35 hill Church, in Iriffi, Teagh-mor, or the great houfe, for merly the refidence of the Kings of Ireland, where a tri* ennial Parliament was held. Newhall, Hon. WiOiam Brabazon. Lifmullin, Baron Dillon, At 20 m are Dow- cftown old Church ruins. At 21m is Ballinter, Lord Tarah. At 22 m is Ardfallagh, the Earl of Ludlow. Kilcarn, Mr. Barry. Nether Kilcarn Bridge, alfo Mr. Barry, Kilcarn-bridge. Major Wade's Flour Mills. Near 23 nv is Athlumney, Hon, Baron Metge. Athlum- ^ley Caftle and Church ruins. At 23 m is Navan : it con tains 40P0 inhabitants, ' At 25 m is Rahaldern, Mr. Culack. At. 26 m is Ardbraccan Church, (called from St, Braccan). The lord Biffiop of Meath. Lifcartan Caftle, the birth-place of the firft Lord Cadogan, to whofe family It belongs. Randalftown, Mr- Evarard, At 27 m, Oat- lands, Mr. Thompfon, Bachelors-lodge, Mr. Wade. Tankardftown, Mr. Gerard. Donoughpatrick Church. At 28 m Is Allenftown, 'Mr. Waller. At 29 m is Hurlef- town, Mr. Lowther. Charlesfort, Mr. Tifdal. Bloomffierry, Mr Tifdal. At 30 m Is Fyanftown, Mr. Barnwell, At 31 m is Headfort, the Marquis of Headfort, 76 acres walled In for a Garden and Nurfery, 6 pineries, each 90 feet long, a farm yard, 280 feet fquare. K(IU, Synod held by car dinal Paparo, iijr2. At 32 m is Stonebrook, the arch deacon pf Meath. Williamftown, Hon. and Rev. Mr. Cuffe. At 33 m is Drumbarra. At 34 m is Mapcrath, Mr. Rowley. . At gj m is Joneffiorough/ Mr. Jones. At 36 m ypti enter Cavati Co. By Ratoath 12 m., Skryne 19, Dowefiown 23, Navan 26. - At 8 m from' Dublin yoi} enter Meath County, Baliy- macarnon, Mr. Braffington. Mabbotftown, Mr. Greene. Kilbrid? Chiirch ruins. At 9 m is Priefttown, Mr. Arm- ftrong. At 10 m is Kilbrue, the late Gorges Lowther, Efq. Milntown, Mr. Gaffny. At 12 m Is Ratoath Church, in Iriffi, Rath-Aodh, or th? Caftle of Hugh. At 13 m is Ballymore, M*"- Rathburn. At 14 m is Lagore, Rev. Mr. Norman. Kilbr?Wj^ Mr. Gorges. Creekftown, Captain Gorges. The late Dean Gorges. At 16 m \i Gerardfljown. Trevet old Church. At 1 7 m is Sydenham, Mr. Corbally. At 18 m is Cookftown, alfo Mr. Corbally. At 19 m is Skryne Church, At i m further is LifmuUen, Mr, Dillon, oppofite to Tarah-hill,, By 36 MEATH COUlifTY. By Navan: 23 m, Moynalty 35 .: Or by Navan 2'^, Fyanftown Bridge 2°, Carlanftown l"^, Moynalty^'^^. At 25 m Is Rahaldern,- Mr. Cufack. At 26 m is Ran- , dleftown, Mr- Everard. At 27 m is Bachelor' s-lodge, Mr. ¦Wade, Tankardftown, Mr, Gerard. At 28 m arc, Donoughpatrick Church ruins. At 30 m is Fyanftown- bridge, Mr. Barnwall. Near 32 m is Headfort, the Mar quis of Headfort. 'Kells: Slone-brook, the Archdeacon of Meath. Garlanfto'wn, the Marquis of Buckingham. At 32 m, Williamftown, the -Hon. and Rev. Mr. Cuffe, Laurencetown, Mr. Crawford, Near 34 m Is Newtown Church, Mr. Meredyth. At 35 m is Kingsfort, Mr. Cha'ioner. Moynalty. ' At 36 m is Walterftown, Mr. Smith, .*f :?7 m is Rofe-hiri, Mr. Smith. Mr. Kellet. Smithpark, ld*:,rd Smith, Efq. Peterfville, Mr. Tucker. At 38 m, Liilin, Mr. Mortimer. At 40 m you enter Cavan Co. -J Bo van 23 m, Kilberry 21, Caimhill-turnpike 2''') Nob- ¦ /-fT 33, Newcaftle 36, entering Cavan County. Near 25 m are DonaghmorC Church ruins. At 27 m :..=-. Eviberry Church. At 28 m is Arch-hall, Mr, Payne. At 29 m is Fletcherftown, Rev, Mr. Roberts. Knightf- town, Mr, Beatfa. At 30 - m is Mountainftown, M''* ,Gibbpns. At 30 m is Mountainftown, Mr. Gibbons. Gravelmount, Mr. Weldon. At 31 m is the Glebe Houfe of the Rev. Mr. Clofe. Caftletown Church, Cairnhill Turnpike'. Near 33 m is Mr. Cruife. Cruifetown, alfo Mr. Cruife, Nobber Church. At 34 m is Brittas, Mr.- Bligh. At 35 is Whitewood, Lord Gprmanijown. - Car- rickleck, Mr. Sillery. A Seat called Kilmainham. At 36 m is Ne wcallle, Mr. Verner. At 3 7 m is Iniffieene Church. Here you enter Cavan Co- By Black Bull Inn 10 m. Grange 18, Irim 22, Athboy 28 :¦ entering Weftmeath County, Clonmellon ¦^2: entering Me^th County again, Ballynaganny 40, Oldcaftle 41 : entering Cavan Cpunty. At 12 m is Parfonftown, Mr. Wilfon. At 16 m is TuUymeddan. At 18 m is Grange. Kilcarty, Mr. Cleghorn. At 19 mile is Galtrim, Mr. Cottingtpn, At MEATH COUNTY, 37 At 20 m is Adamftown, Mr, O'Reilly, At 21 m is Knightffirook, Mr. Percival. At 22 m is Trim. King John's , Caftle ruins. Charter School, At 24 m is Trimleftown, Lord Trimleftown. At 25 m Is Kilbride, Mr. Garnet. Kildalky, Mr. Fleetwood, At 26 m is Clifton-lodge, or Veffington, Lord Darnley's agent, Mr. Hopkins. At 28 m Is Athboy. Fraine, Mr. Taylor. At 29 m is Caftletown, Mr. Perffe. — At 30 m you enter Weftmeath Co. Grenariftown, Mr. Barnwali. At 31 m is Drewftown, Mr. Mc. Evoy. J. Tandy, Efq. Little Drewftown, George Rotheram, Efq. Mr. Leyburn. At 31 m is a Church lately re-built". At 32 m is St. Lucy, Sir Benjamin Chapman, Bart. Clonmellon Church, Steeple and Spire, of the Gothic . Order. — At 33 nf ypu enter Meath County again; Miltown, Mr. Smith. Ballinlough,' Hugh O'Reilly, Efq. At 35 m Is Archerftown^ Mr. Smith. Newtown. At 39 m is Loughcrew Church, Napper Dutton, Efq. At 40 m is Ballynaganny.' A Flour Mill. Baltiafna, Mr. O'Reilly. Newcaftle, Philip Tuite, Efq. At 41 m Is Oldcaftle. At 43 m is Caftlefreeman, Mr, Freeman. Here you enter Cavan Co. By Athboy 28 m : entering Weftmeath County, Clonmellon, 32 : entering Meath Cpunty again, ^>»/j ii^e'j'X 37. 4t Crofs Keys, 37 m, is Carrick, Flour Mills of Daniel Tighe, Efq. At 38 m ypu enter Weftnieath County agaiil, ¦¦ By New Inn, ox ^Nineteen-mile-houfe 20 m : entering Kildare County, Blackwater- bridge 22 : entering Meath County again, Clonard-hridge 26. At 20 m IS New Inn. Dunfort, Johnftown, Mr, Ford. At 21 m is Newcaftle, Mr- Hunt. At 22 m, entering Kildare County at Black water-bridge is Mr. Saunders, Kilmore, Mr. Mollin. At 23 m is Ballina, Mr. O'jerral- At 24 m is Cowfield, Mr. Daly. Ballinderry, Mr, Tyriel. Carrilker, Mr. Nangle. — Near 26 m, entering Meath Co. again, is Affifield, Mr. Affi. Clonard-brldge, Mr. Tyrrel. Burfield. Clonard Abbey, founded by St, Finian, who died ^48, December 12, which Is his feftival. ,, (The biffioprics of Clonard, Trim, Ardbraccan, Slane, Duleek, Fowre 38 MEATH COUNTY, Fowre in Weftmeath, and Clonmacnois in King's County, were united to that of Meath), Clonard Church, Gaol, Court-houfe, County Infirmary. At 27 m. Glebe- houfe of Rev, Dr. Affi. By Summer-hill 20 m. Trim 25, Dunderry-bridge 28, Kells 36, Near Kilcock, in Kildare Coiinty, 15 m is Brldeftream, SirPerfe Gethins, Bart. DoUingftown, Conyngham Jones, Efq. Whiteftown, Dr. Cleghorn. At 17 m is Gallow, Mr. Flanagan, Garadife, Mr. Pratt. At 19 m is Agher Church, Samuel Winter, Efq. Sprlngvalley, Mr. Dennis. At Summer-hill 20 m. Lord Langford^ totally deftroyed by an accidental fire, Rahanftown, Mr. Bomford. Bramble Hall, Mr. Roden. At 21 m is Gennots, Mr. Finlay, At 22 m is Dangap, the late Earl of Mornington, on the fide of a fmaUlake, A Chapel, 5Q feet by 30 : a fine toned organ : windows and altar-pieces of ft^ined giafs, by Mr. Jervis, reviver of an almoft loft art. The firft window reprefents Msfes w;ritlng the ten conamandments on 2 ftone tables : the fecond window, the figure of St. Luke : the third, St. Paul preaching at Athens : the altar-piece repre fents the crucifixion- At 23 m isj A'^amftown, Mr, O'Reily. Knightffirook, Mr, Percival, ^t 25 m Is Trim. Charter School. At 28 m is Dunderry-bridge. Phllpotf^ town, Rev. Mr. Mc CauHand. At 31 m is Ardbraccan^ the palace of the biffiop of Meath. At 33 in is Allenfl;own, Mr. Waller. ' , ., fiy Neiu Inn 20 m, proceeding to Johnftown-bridge^ !« Kildare County. At New Inn, Meffrs, Johnfon and Forde. /« Crofs Road 42 m, from Navan to Longford is Crofakeil iz m, proceeding to Weftmeath County. At 3 m from Navan ii the Glebe Houfe of Rev. Dean Moore. Chirtei' School. Ardbraccan Church. Palace of the Lord Eiffiop of Meath. At 4'm is Dormfton, Wm. Gerrard, MEATH COUNTY. 39 Gerrard, Efq. Oatlands, D. Thompfon, Efq. At 1 m further is Allenftown, R. Waller, Efq. Charlesfort, Michael Tifdal, Efq. At 3 m further is Barford, Mrs. Rothwell. Bellerath, C. Nicholfon, Efq.. At i m further is Sprlngville, J. Sharman, Efq. At i m further i$ Syl- vanpark, Wm. Grattan, Efq. Bensfort, alfo William Grattan, Efq. Newgrove, Mifs Reilly. Crofs Road 2 1 m, from Mullingar to Trim. At 12 m from Mullingar you proceed to Meath County. At ij m is Portlefter, Mr. Walker. At 17 mis Clown, Mr. Dowdal. At 18 mis Kilmurry, Mr. Fofter. At 19 m is Drinadaly, Mr. Finlay, Woodford, Mr, Woods. Roraftown, Mr. Fofter, Trimleftown, Lo'rd Trimleftown. At 20 m are New Haggard Flour Mills, near Trim. Crofs Road from Mullingar, entering Meath County to CroJJakeel 16 m, Kells 21. At 12 m from Mullingar you enter Meath County. At Crofakeel 16 m, is Clonabrany, Mr. Wade, Lakefield, John Batterffiy. Bobfville, William Battcrffiy, Near 18 m Is Newgrove, Mifs Reilly. Bensfort, Mr. Grattaiu Sylvanpark, alfo Mr. Grattan. Sprlngville, Mr. Sharman. At 19 m, Bellerath, Mr. Nicholfon. Drumbarra, Rev. Dr. Woodward. Woodville, Mr. Hill. At 20 m is Headfort, the Marquis of Headfort. Crofs Road from Mullingar through Caftletown Delvin ro m, proceeding to Kells 21m, Meath County. Entering Meath Co. is Little Drewftown, Geo, Rotheram, Efq. Drewftown, Jofeph Mc. Veagh, Efq, J, Tandy, Efq, At 19 m Is Bellerath, C. Nicholfon, Efq. Barford, Mrs, Rothwell. Crofs 40 MEATH COUNTY. Crofs Road 7 m, from Trim to Navan. At 2 m from Trim is Ranally, Mr. Thompfon, At 3 m are the Gothic ruins of Beftive Abbey. Balfoon, once the eftate and refidence of the Lord Primate, James Uffier, (born 1 58 1, died 1656). At 4 m is Philpots, Mr. Percival. At 5 m is Curraghtown, Mr. Charleton. At 6 m is Lifcartan Caftle, the birth-place of the firft Lord Cadogan, to which family It belongs, near Navan. Crofs Road from Athboy, through Meadtown 4 m, to Navan 9 mile. At 4 m Is Meadtown, Mr, Chlvars. At 7 m is Curragh town, Mr. Charleton. At 9 m is Navan. A barrack for 3 troop of horfe. Crofs Road from Athboy through Rathmore 2 m, Allenftown 4, Ardbraccan "j m to Navan 9. At Rathmore 2 m is the Earl of Darnley's Park. At Allenftown 4 ra is Mr. Waller. Oatlands, Mr. Thompfon. Ardbraccan Church and Spire 7 m. Seat of the Lord Biffiop of Meath. At 9 m Is Navan.' Crofs Road from Atfoboy through Dunderry-bridge 4 m, to Navan 8. At 4 m is Dunderry-bridge. Philpotftown, Mr. Mc, Caufland. At 5 m is Curraghtown, Mr. Charleton. At 8 m is Navan. Crofs Road from Trim through Stony f or dt m, Clonard Church 10, to Philipftown, King's County, 25. At I m are t^ew Haggard Flour-mills. Trimleftown, Lord Trimleftown. At 2 m is Floraftown, Mr. Fofter. At 4 m is Tobbertynan, Mr. Donnellan. At 5 m isBally- At MEATH COUNTY. 4I memore, Mr. Fox. At 6 m is Caftlerickart, Mr. Nugent. Affiiield, Sir Thomas Affie. Clonard-bridge, Mr. Tyrrel.' At 8 m is Killyon, Mr. Loftus, At Clonard Church 10 m Is the Glebe HoUfe,of the Rev. Dr. Affie. Near 13 m is Park, Mr, Bor. At 15 m you enter King's County. Crofs Road 6 m from Drogheda to Slane, on the North fide of the Boyne. At 2 m from Drogheda is the grand Obelifk, 150 feet high, in meimory of the battle of the Boyne, 1690, July the ift, by King William III, over James II, It was erefted 1736, Lionel Sackville, Duke of Dorfety Lord Lieutenant. Old Bridge, Henry Coddington, Efq. ' Here Duke Schomberg was killed in the Boyne, by a piftol ffiot. At 3 m is ToWnley Balfour, Efq. At 6 m is Slane, ' Earl Conyngham. Crofs Road 7 m from Drogheda to Slane, on the South ftde of the Boyne. At I m is Ball's-grove, Mr. Ball. At 2 m Is Sheep-houfe, the late Rev. Dr. Norris. At 3 m is Donore, Thomas Lefley, Efq. Dputh, Lord Vifcount Netterville. At 7 m is Slane. Finnar Church ruins, near which is Cullen, Mr. ' Aiken, on tlie Black Lion road. Crofs Road 24 m from Dundalk, Louth County, proceeding by Carlanftown 22 m to Kells 24. At 13- m from Dundalk you enter Meath County. Mantrin, Mr. Sillery. At 14 m isHoatftown, Mr. Adams, At 15 m Is Sydan Church. Benjerftown, Mr. Adams. At 17 m Is Stevenftown, Mr. Tuke. " At 1 8 m is Caftletown Church. Glebe Houfe of Rev. Mr. Clofe. At 20 m Is Screebege,,Mr.^Crbffiy. Stahalmuck, Mr. Fleijiing. Span- dau, Mr. Cavendiffi. At 23 m is Headfort, the Marquis ' of Headfort. At 24 m is Kells. G Crofs 42 MEATH COUNTY. Crofs Road 6 ra from Kells to Athboy. Near 2 ih from Kells is Kennanftown, Mr, Rothwell, At 3 m is Fordftown, Mr. Kellet. At 4 m is Gillftown,- Mr. Hopkins. At 5 m is Rathmore-park, the Earl of Darnley. Crofs Road from Athboy entering Weftmeath Co. to Caftle town Delvin 7 m, Mullingar 17. At 2 m Is Grenanftown, Mr, Barnwell, Mr, Leyburn. At 4 m is Ballinlough, Hugh O'Reilly, Efq, Here you enter Weftmeath County, Crofs Road 1 1 m from Trim to Kells. ' At 3 m is Philpotftown, Rev, Mr, Mc, Caufland. At 6 m is Ardbraccan, the Lord Biffiop of Meath. At 8 m Is Allenftown, Mr. Waller. Near 11 m Is Headfort, the Marquis of Headfort. At 1 1 m is Kells. Crofs Road from Trim through Stonyford 8 m, Clonard-bridge II, to Portarlington 30, In Queen'is Co. Beyond 7 m is Affifield, Sir Thomas Affie. At 8 m is Stonyford, At Clonard-bridge 11 m, is Mr. Tyrrel, pro ceeding to Edenderry, in King's County, &c. . Crofs Road 6 m from Slane to Navan. At Slane is the Caftle, Earl Conyngham. Mr. Jebb*s Flour Mills, mentioned befnre. At i m from Slane i;8 Beaupark, Charles Lambert, Efq. Near 3 m is Stackallen, Lord Vifcount Boyne. DoUardftown, Mr.^ Meredith..- Ardmulcan Church. DunmOe Caftle, Mifs Darcy. At 5. m are MEATH COUNTY. 43 m are Donaghmore Church ruins. Round Tower, 70 feet high. At 6 m is Navan. Crofs Road 12 m from Slane to Kells. At 2 m fr<)m Slane is Grenanftown, Mr. Forbes, At 3 m is Stackallen, Lord Vifcount Boyne. Caufeftown, Mr. Tuke. At 5 m is Kilberry Church. At 6 m is Randlef- town, Mr. Everard. At 7 m is Archall, Mr. Payne. Near 10 m is Fyanftown, Mr. Barnwell. At 12 m is Kells. LOUTH 44 LOUTH COUNTY. ROADS, NOTED PLACES, SEATS, -^c. By Drogheda 22 rn, Dunleer 2,0i~.Cafle Bellingham ^A) Church in Kilforran Parifh, Lurgan-green 37, Dundalk 40. Near Drogheda is Green-hills, Mr. Doran. Drogheda was ftormed by Cromwel, 1649, who put the garrifon of 4000 men to the fword. Slane Flour Mills 7 m diftant, have the advantage of water-carriage to Drogheda, by a Canal, — On Naul road is Beamore, Mr. Coulter. Mr. Cooper, — At 2 m up the river is Old-bridge Obelifk, 150 feet high, erefted in 1736, Lionel Sackville, Duke of Dorfet, then Lord Lieutenant, In memory of the viftory of King William III, over JameslI, 1 690, July i ft. At Grange thefe is a Cave, with a gallery leading to It, 80 feet long. Here a gold coin of the Emperor Valentinian was found ; the rude, fculpture at the entry of tlie cave, denotes it not a Roman, but a barbarous monument. Green-hills, William Meade Ogle, Efq. Mell, Mr. Singleton. Ballymakeny Church ruins. At 27 m is Mona-fterboice or Monafter-bute Church ruins and Tower, (called from St. Bute or Boece). Temonfeckan, or Torfecka,n Caftle, formerly a feat of the Lord Primate, inhabited laft by Archbiffiop James Uffier, (born 1581, died 1656). A good old Church. A fine fiffiery. Beaulieu, Mr. Montgomery, who married the heirefs of the Tipping family, built by Sir' Henry Tich- borne, governor of Drogheda, whofe fon was created Lord Ferrard. At 28 m is Carterftown, Mr. Blacker. Rockffiorough, Mr. Owens, Stonehoufe, late John Thomas Fofter, Efq.' Rath Church ruins. Athclare, Mrs. Blacker. Near Dunleer, at 30 m is Barmeath, Sir Edward Bellew. Moofe deer horns, meafuring from tip to tip 14 feet, the enormous ftately animal, judged fo have been 20 hands high. Dyfart Church, Rev, Mr, Gibfon, Rathefcar- lodge LOUTH COUNTY. 45 'lodge, Mr. Cooper. Mr. Fpfter. Clintonftown Caftle, Mr. Tifdal. Poes-court, Mr. Poe. At 32 m, Drumcar, Jn. Mc. Clintock, Efq. Turner Camac, Efq. Stabannon Church ruins. At 33 m, Greenmourit Village : a ftrong camp here formerly, a tumulus or barrow on it, the fepulchre of a war rior, erefted by the Danes. Near the fea-fide is Maine, the Rev. William Stafford. At 34 m Is Caftle Bellingham, noted for fine beer, Henry Bellingham, Efq. Mileftown, the late Rev. Mr. Ogle. At 36 m is Dromiflcin Church. At 37 m is .Lurgan-green : Flour-mills of Mefl'rs. Ogle and Maxwell. At 38 mis Clermont,theEarIof Clermont. Hainf- town Church ruins, Haggardftown Church. At 39 m is Priorland houfe. Fairhill,- Mr. Mercer. At 40, m is Dun dalk, a wide ftreet a mile long, the only cambric manufafture in Ireland. Edward Bruce, brother of Robert, King of Scotland, was defeated here by Lord Birmingham, and 8000 of his men killed, after refiding in Dundalk one year, as king of Ireland. Seat of the late Earl of Clanbraffil, ¦ now belonging to the Earl of Roden. At 43 m are ^Bally- mafcanlan, Mr. Mc. Neale, Faughart Church ruins. At 44 m is Myra old Caftle. At 45 m, Joneffiorough, in Ar magh County. Ravenfdale-park, Mr. Fortefcue. -By Dundalk 40 m, Ballymafcanlan 43, Carlingfoj^d ^l, pro ceeding to N?wry, in Down Co. At 43 m is Ballymafcanlan Church, Mr. Mc. Neale. Here the Engliffi camp under Duke Schomberg was en camped :.f»tally for numbers. Mountpleafant, Mr. Mc. Neale. At 45 m is Bfellurgan l^ark, Francis Tippingj Efq, At 48 m is Piedmont, the Earl of Clermont. After you pafs the three-mile river, toward the fea, is Willville, Brab. Brabazon, Efq. At 50 rn is Iriffi Grange, Mr. Clarke. At 51m is Carlingford, remarkable for oyfters. King's Caftle, built by king John when he was in Ireland, 1210, in the eleventh year of his reign. By the pofition of the mountains, the inhabitants lofe light feveral hours before fun-fet. ,Catherine's-grove,.Mr. Benfon. Captain Stannus. Ephraim Stannus, Efq. Hence you proceed to Newry, in Down County. 46_ LOUTH COUNTY. By Dundalk 40 m, proceeding to Johnfton's Fews 50, in Armagh County. At 42 m is Caftletown Caftle. At 43 m are Balrlchan Caftle ruins. At 44 m are Caftleroch ruins. By Dunleer 30 m, Braganfown 35, Tallanflown 39, Mill of Louth 40, At 32 m is Poe's-court, Mr. Poe,- At 35 m is Braganf- town, Mr. Tifdal, At 38 m Is Rofy Park, John William Fofter, Efq. At 39 m is Tallanflown. Louth Hall, Lord Louth. Church ruins. By Dundalk 40 m, Rochdale 45, proceeding to Culloyille 49, In Armagh County. At 41 m Is Caftletown, Mr. Eaftwood. At 43 m Is Brabazon-park,- Mr. Jenny. Philipftown Glebe-houfe, the Rev, Sir Thomas Fofter, Bart, At 44 m are Caftleroch ruins. By Drogheda 23, Collon Church 29, Ardee 34, Mill of Louth 39, Corcreagh 41, proceeding to Peterborough 45, in Monaghan County. At Drogheda Is Ball's-grove, Mr. Ball. Mell, Mr. Singleton, At 25 m is Old-bridge Obelifk, raifed in 1736, mentioned before. Deanrath, Mr. Singleton. Tullyhallen, Mr. Moore, At 26 m is Townley-hall, Townley Balfour, Efq. At 27 m is Ardagh, the late Colonel Bellingham. Monafter-boice, or Monafter-bute Tower, (called from St.. Bute or Boece, who died 721), 1 10 feet high, and Church ruins. St, Boyne's Crofs fent from Rome : an Iriffi In- fcriptlon, with the name of Muredach, king of Ireland, who died 534. Mellefont beautiful Abbey ruins, where' the rebel, Hugh O'NIal,- made his fubmiffion to Lord. Mountjoy, (C. Blount), 1602, juft before the news of Queen. Elizabeth's death, after a 7 years rebellion. At 29 m Is Collon Church and Spire, the Rt. Hon. John Fofter, to whom LOU^H COUNTY. 47 whom Ireland is indebted for the great favlngs in corn im- portsj for which ffie fent out ^800,000 annually. The Rev. Dr, D. A. Beaufbrt, who has obliged the public with a moft learned and elegant memoir and map of Ireland, civil and ecclefiaftical. At 33 m is Millextown, Mr. Orfon. , A Church with- an extraordinary pofition of one of the 'gable ends. Kildemock Glebe-houfe. At Ardee 34 m Is Richard Dawfon, Efq. Wm. Ruxton, Efq. Red-houfe, another Mr. Ruxton. Caftleguard magnificent Mount. At 36 m is Gharleftown Church. Lifreny, Mr. Filgate. At 37 m is Rofy-park, Mr. Fofter. Louth-hall, Lord Louth. At 38 m is Mill of Louth. Thomaftown, Mr. Evans, near the river Lagan, and a fmall beautiful lough. At 41 m is Gprcreagh. Effexford, the Glebe-houfe of the Rev. Mr, Stopford. Here you entfcr Monaghan Co. By Ardee 23 > Clonkeen Church: 3,6, proceeding to Laggan- ' bridge, in Monaghan Co, At 30 m is Drakefbown, Mr. Manning. At 35 m Is Cookftown. At 36 m is Clonkeen Church, Rev, Dr. Levins ,, By Duleek 20 m, in Meath County, to Drogheda. On the Road from Drogheda to Slane is Cruiferath, Mr. Netterville, Crofs Road of 30 ra, from Cavan to Ardee, enters Louth Co. at 24 m. At 27 m from Cavan Is Clonkeen Church, Rev, Dr. Levins, At 30 m is Ardee. Crofs Road 34 m, from Cavan to Collon. At 28 m from Cavan is Mantrin, Mr. Sillery. Mr. Blackburn, Mr. Adams. Mellefont, Ruins of Smermore Church and Caftle, At 31 m is Drakeftown, Mr. Manning. 'Dr. Woodward. At 34 m is Collon Church, the Rt, Hoij, John Fofter, ^ Crofs 48 , LOUTH COUNTY. Crofs Road 6 ra from Drogheda to Slane, on the North fide of the Boyne. At 2 m from Drogheda is Old-bridge Obeliflc, raifed in 1736. "Here king William's army croffcd the Boyne under Duke Schomberg, who was killed in the river by a piftol fliot. Seat of Henry Coddington, Efq. At 3 m from Drogheda Is Townley Hall, Bl.>ney Townley Balfour, Efq. Hence you enter Meath Co, 'Crofs Road 7 ra from Drogheda to Slane, on the South fide of the Boyne. Near Drogheda is Ball's-grove, Mr. Ball. At 2 m from Drogheda is Sheep-houfe, the late Rev. Dr. Norris. Donore, Thomas Lefley, Efq. Entering Meath Co. Cirofs Road 23, ra from Dundalk to Kells, in Meath County, paffes by Ardee at 10 m, proceeding to Carlanflown at 22 mile. At I m from Dundalk is Fair-hill, Mr. Mercer. At 3 m is Clermont, the Earl of Clermont. Cavan, Mr. Byrne, Stevenftown, Mr. Forteifcue. Grange, Mr. Smith. At 5 m is Killincoole Caftle, Mr. Cobbe ; Caves communicating with Caftlederver, 6 furlongs diftant. Newtown Derver, Mr. Shells, At 7 m is Carbotlis, Mr. Lee. At Ardee 10 m, are the feats of Meffrs. Ruxton, The Caftle, Mr. Dawfon. Crofs Road 2 1 m from Dundalk to Armagh. ¦- At 3 m frdm Dundalk is Caftletown, Mr. Eaftwood. I-fere you enter Armagh County, towards Johnfton's Fews V Crofs Road 1 1 m from Dundalk to Carrickmacrofs, Int Mo naghan County. At Dundalk, the Earl of Roden, At i m is Caftletown Caftle, tenanted by Mr. Eaftwood, who refides in a modern houfe. At 2 m are Balrlchan Caftle remains. At 8 m fe Effexford, Rev. Wm, Stopford. Here you enter Monaghan County, within 3 m of Caricmacrofs. WESTMEATH 49 WESTMEATH COUNTY. — «*<-<»V>p ROADS, NOTED PLACES, SEATS, &c. By Athboy 28 m, entering Weftmeath County to Clonmellon Church, in Killuagh Parifh 32. Near 30 m you enter Weftmeath County. At 31 m, Drewftown, Mr. Mc. Evoy. Mr. Tandy. Little Drewf town, George Rotheram, Efq. Mr. Leyburn. At -3 2 mis a Church lately re-built. St. Lucy, Sir Benjamin Chapman, Bart. Clonmellon Church, Steeple and Spire, In Gothic ftile. At 33 m is Milltown, Mr. Smith: an oval lough. Ballinlough, Hugh O'Reilly, Efq- Here you enter Meath County again. By Kinnegad 29 m, Mullingar 38, Leny 44, Ballinalack 46, , entering, Longford County. At 29 m Is Kinnegad. Hygap, Mr. Daffy. At 31 m is Griffinftown, Mr. Smith. Cuffienftowri, Mr. Speat. At 32 m Is Lowtown, Antony Dopping, Efq. Rathmire, Mr. Purdon, At 34 m is Newdown, Mr. Cooper. At 35- m Is Great Down, another Mr, Cooper. Violetftown, Mr. Smith. Cookffiorough, Mr. Cooki At 36 m is Platef- town, Mr. Swift. Rathconnel, Mr. -Adams. At 37 m is Boardftowii, Mr. Collins. At 38 m is Mullingar, the property of the Earl of Granard : formerly a palatinate : great wool fairs. At 39 m is Iriffitown, Mr. Johnfton. At 40 m is Levingfton Park, or Farnaruftic, Lady Dowa ger Levinge. Lough Hoy le, having 5 Iflands: it is 3 m long, I pi broad. At 43 m is Mountmurray, Alexander Murray, Efq. Wllfon's Hofpital. At 44 m Is Bombrufna Church in Leny Pariffi. A Chartei; School. Donore,^ Sir James Nugent, Bart. Lacken, Mr. Delamar. Portlemon, H Wm. 50 WESTMEATH COUNTY. Wm, Handcock, Efq, At 45 m, over lower Lough Hoyfe is Trifternagh, Sir John Bennet Piers, Bart. At 46 m is- Ballinalack, Mr. Reynell. On the other fide of the lov/er Lough Hoyle is Baronftown, Lard Sunderlin. At 49 m is Newpafs, Mr. Whitney, near a fmall Lake. Here you en- ' ter Longford Co. By Mullingar 38, Racondra 44, Moivore 48, entering Longford County. At 41 m is Tuiteftown, Mr. Hudfon. At 42 m is Feel- town, Mr. Fetherfton, At 44 m is Racondra. At 46 m is Morinftown Church. Meares-court, Jphri Meares, Efq. At 48. m is Moivore". Here you enter Longford Co, By Mullingar 38, Ballinac-argy 45, Buckhoufeinn 47, enter ing Longford County. At 39 m is Iriffitown, Mr, Johnfton, Farnaruftic, or Levington Park, Lady Dowager Levinge. Tulloghan, Mr, Nugent, near Lough Hoyle, At 42 m is Johnftown, Mr. Soriimon. At 43 m is Sonnagh, Sir Hen. Tuite, Bart. near a fmall beautiful Lough. At 44 m Is Trifternagh, Sir John Bennet Piers, Bart. At .45 m Is Ballynacargy, Rockbrook, Mr. Ifdell. ' Conlanftown, another Mr. Ifdell. At 47 m is Buckhoufe Inn. Between 2 oval branches of the Inny is Newport, John O'Beirne, Efq. Here you enter Longford County. By Kinnegad 29, Pafs of Kilbride 33, Beggars-bridge 37, Terrihpafs 40, Kilbeggan 44, Horfeleap Church, in Ard- Tiurchor Parifh 47, Moatgrenoge 52, entering Rofcom- mon Co. At 31 m Is Griffinftown, Mr. Smith. At 32 m U Low- town, Antony Dopping, Efq. At 33 m Is Pafs qf Kilbride. At 34 m is ClarenKiunt, Mr. Tyrrel. At 35 m is Lemon- grove, Mr, Wilton. Belfield, Captain Rochfort, Gaulf- town Park, purchafed from the Earl of Belvedere by Lord Kllmaine, Drommin, Mr. Tyrrell, At ^l a\ x^ Beggars- bridge. Sidebrook, Mr. Rochfort. A Seat called The Weft, Mr, Cartland. Oldtown, Mr/ Cane. At 38 mis Kilbre- nen, Mr. Bonynge. At 39 m, Newcaftle, the late Ulyffes North, WESTMEATH COUNTY. 51 North, Efq, Tore, Mr. Pilkington. At 40 m is Terrils- pafs. At 42 m is Newtown Church, Mr, Lowe. New Park, Dr, Lowe. Garry duff Inn. At 44 m is Kilbeggan Church, and Bridge over the Brofna, (called from St Becan,) George Lambert, Efq. At 45 m is Coulalough, Mr.. Handy. Donore Caftle, Mr. Geoghegan. At 46 m is Curriagh, Mr, Goggin. At 47 m \s Horfeleap Church In Ardnurchor Pariffi. Caftle founded by Sir Flugh De Lacy, near the reign of Henry II, a common labourer treacher- oufly beat' out his brains with a fpade. He was vulgarly named Petit, as of low ftature, and from him are defcended the Petty family. At, 48 m is Gageborough, John Judge, Efq. At 49 m is Ballinaminton, Mr. March. At 50 m is Kilfylin, Mr. Birmingham. Ballybrickuck, Mr. Geoghegan. Marchbrook, Mr. Judge. Myally, Mr, March, At 52 in is Moatgrenoge, Thos. Mulock, Efq. Church is in Kilcleagh Pariffi: battle 1690, between the forces of King William HI, and James II, in which the latter were defeated. Three feats of Meffrs. Clibborn. Jon-eflake, Mr. Jones. At 53 m is The Hall, Mr. Clibborn. At 54 m is Caftle Daly, Mr. Daly. At 55 m is Ballimahon, Lord Sunderlin. At 56 m is Willbrook, the Rt. Hon. William Handcock. At 57 ra is Craggan, Frauds Langworth, Efq. At 58' Gary Caftle ruins. At 59 m Athlone, in Brawny Barony, Weftmeath County, and Athlone Barony, Rofcommon County. By Kilbeggan 44 m is Lifmyny 46, entering King's County. At Kilbeggan Church 44 m is Mr, Lambert, on the Brofna. At 45 m are Moycaffiel caftle ruins. At 46 m Is Lifmyny. Here you enter King's County. Crofs Road .^i rafrom Navan to Longford through Crofsakeil 12 rafrom Navan: entering Weftmeath County to Fowre 20, Caflepollard 24, Float 27, At 3 m beyond Crofakeil is Lakefield, John Batterffiy, Efq. At 5 m beyond Crofakeil is Carrick, the Flour Mills of IDaniel Tighe, Efq. At 8 m beyond Crofakeil is Fowre, (in Iriffi, the Town of Books,) the property of the Weft meath family. At 4 m beyond Fowre is Caflepollard, Wm, Pollard, Efq. the proprietor of the village. At i m (urther is Nonfuch, Mr. Ford. Further is Pakenham Hall, the era . WESTMEATH COUNTY, the Earl of Longford, At i m further Is Golftown, George Lill, Efq. At I m further is Turbetftown, Mr, Deafe. At 3 m beyond Caftlepollard is the Float. You crofs the river Inny to Longford County. Crofs Road from Mullingar through .Racondra, 6 m, Balli- more ii ra, to Athlone, 23 m which lies partly in Rofcommon County. Near 2 m from Mullingar Is Ladytown, Mr. Lyons, At 2 m are Kenny Church ruins. At 3 m Greenpark, Sir Rpb. Hodfon, Bart. At 5 m Is Feeltown, Edward Fetherfton, Efq. At 6 m are Racondra Church ruins. Loughan, Mr, Dillon. At 7 m Ballinacurra, the late John Nugent, Efq. Near 9 m is Beckffiorough, Peyton Gamble, Efq, At 10 m Is Balnacor, Mr. Nugent. Near 12 m is B'allimore Church, near Lough Seudy. Shlnglas, Mr. Malone. Plary Monaftery. At 14 m is Drumany, Mr. Reynolds. At 16 m are Killenenny Caftle ruins. Ardnegrath, Mr. Bertles. Near 19 m is Mount Velvine, Mr, Cuppaidge, At 20 m is Willffirook, the Rt, Hon. Wm. Handcock. Near 22 m oppofite the race courfe Is Leffyvallen, Mr, Cooke. Auburn, William Hudfon, Efq, Near which Is Athlone. Crofs Road from Mullingar through Clonloft 6 m entering Meath County to Trim, 21m. At 2 m is Rathconnel, Mr. Adams. At 4 m is Cookf- boro,, Mr. Cooke. At 5 n> 'S Killynan, Rev. Mr. Reynel. At 6 m is Clonlojl, Mr. Nugent. Leffnabln, Mr. Purdon. At 8 m is Corbetftown, Mr. Darcy. At 10 m is Craddenf- town, Mr. Cooper. Beg, Mr. Darcy. Grangemore, Mr. Fetherfton. At 12 m you enter Meath County. Crofs Road 21 m from Mullingar to Kells through Pafs if yOu Can 2 m. Maypole 8 m entering Meath County. At I m are Rathconnel Church ruins, Mr. Adams. At 2 m Is Pafs if you Can. At 3 m is Highpark, Sir Richard Levinge, Bart. At 7 m is Kilpatrick Church, At 8 m is Maypole. Barbavilla, Mr. Smith. At n m is Carrick : Flour WESTMEATH COUNTY. 53 Flour-mills of Daniel Tighe, Efq. At 12 m you enter Meath County, Crofs Road 21 mfrom MuUingar to Kells ; through Cafle- town Ddvin, 10, entering Meath County. Near Mullingar Is Mr. Symes. At i m is Rathconnel, Mr. Adams. At 3 m is Cookffiprough, Mr. Cooke. At 5 m is Mr. Reynell. At 6 m Is Reynella, Richard Reynell, Efq. At 8 m is Ballinacor Bridge, Mr. Ogle. At 10 m is Caftletown Delvin, the Earl of Weftmeath. South- hill, Robert Tighe, Efq. At i m further is Rofmead, Mr. Wood. At i m further Is Ballinlough, Hugh O'Reilly, Efq. St. Lucy, Sir Benjamin Chapman, Bart. Clonmalton, a new town : here you enter Meath Co. Crofs Road 8 mfrom Tullamore In King's County, to Terrils- ¦pafs. • Near 7 m is Newtown Church, Mr. Lowe. Newpark, Dr. Lowe, Crofs Road from Cavan, proceeding to Weftmeath County through Finae 13 m Caftlepollard 20, Mullingar ^i) Terrih pafs 39, entering King's County to Philipfown, 4.6 m. At FinaeBridge 13 m you enter Weftmeath County over a ftream uniting Lough Sheelln and Lough Inny, Near 1 7 m Is Carllngftown, the Marquis of Buckingham, At 18 m Is Corry, Mr. Webb. Turbetftown, Mr. Deafe. At Clownftown is Winetown, Edw. Falkiner, Efq. At 19 m is Pakenham Hall, the Ear I of Longford, At 20 m is Nonfuch, Mr. Ford. Near 21 m Is Caftlepollard, Wra. Pollard Efq. Within 2 m of Caftlepollard, In the road to Athboy and Trim, is Fowre (in Iriffi, the Town of Books.) Lough Lene, fignifying the Lake of Learning. At 22 m beyond Cavan Is Larkfield, Mr. Ford. At 23 Is Gillerftown, Mr. Marlee. At 25 mis Garthlandftown, Mr.Tighe. At 27 m is Highpark, SirRIchard Levinge, Bart. At 27 m is Caftle Reynell, John Reynell, Efq. At 30 m is Farna ruftic or Levingtonpark, Lady Dowager Levinge. At 31 m is Mullingar. At 32 mis Moyle, John Jones, Efq. At 33 "» 54 WESTMEATH COUNTY. 33 m is Lynn, Mr. Swift. Gaybrook, Mr. Smith. Ladyftown, John Lyons, Efq. At 34 m Is Belvedere, the Earl of Belvedere. Rochfort Houfe, the Hon. George Rochfort, Annevllle, John Smith, Efq. Rev. Mr. Robinfon of Molyfcar pariffi. Near 35 m Tallyhoe, Hon, Robert Rochfort, At 38 m Is Newcaftle, the late Ulyffes North, Efq. At 39 m is Terrilspnfs. At 41 m you enter King's County. Crofs Road from Athboy, enters Weftmeath County to Caftle town Delvin 7 m Mullingar 17. At 2 m you enter Weftmeath County. Mr. Leyburn. At 4 m Ballinlough, Hugh O'Reilly, Efq. At 5 m is Rof mead, Hans W-ood, Efq. At 7 m is Caftletown Delvin, the Earl of Weftmeath, At 9 m Is Killough, Mr. Browne. Dyfart Lodge, Mr. Ogle. Dardiftown, Mr. Fetherfton. Corbetftown, Mr. Dorey. At 10 m is Reynella, Richard Reynell, Efq. At 12 m Is Killynan, Rev. Mr. Reynell. Clonloft, Mr. Nugent. At 13 m is Cookffiorough, Mr. Cook^, At 15 rn is Rathconnel, Mr, Adams. At 1 7 m is Mullin gar. Direl) Road from Dublin by Trim 22 m, entering Weftmeath County to Caftletown Delvin-inn 34, Maypole 39, Caftlepollard 42. At 28 m Is Ballynadrimna, Mr. Kellet. At 29 m Wood- town, Counfellor Reed. At 30 m Is Liflougher, Mr. Thunder. At 31 m is Adenftown, Mr, Cruife. Crowenf- town-mill. At 32 m Is Mitchelftown, Mr. Reynell. South-hill, Mr. Tighe. At 34 m is Caftletown Delvin, the Earlof Weftmeath. Cloneen, Mr. Monaghan. At 36 m is Meathftown. Scurlogftdwn Caftle ruins. Drumcree Flour-mill, At 37 m Mr, Smith. Reafstown, Colonel Smith. At 39 m is Maypole. Barbavilla, Mr. Smith. At 42 m is Caftlepollard, 'William Pollard, Efq. mentioned before. LONGFORD 55 LONGFORD COUNTY. — ««-<»y»- ROADS, NOTED PLACES, SEATS, &c. By Granard 52 in, Longford Church, in Templemichael Parifh 64. ' At 50 miles are Abbey Laragh ruins. At Granard 5am is the Moat of Granard, which commands a profpeft. into 6 Counties. (In Iriffi Grian Ard or the height of the fun.) It gives the title of Earl to the noble family of Forbesi At 54 m Is Springpark, Peter Beatty, Efq. Tully, Sir James Stewart, Bart. At 55 m Is Clonfi.n, Peter Thomfon, Efq. 'Willffirook, Mr, Holmes. At 56 m Is Kilfruly, Newcomen Edgeworth, Efq. At 62 m is Kerryglafs, Sir William Gleadowe Newcomen, Bart. At 64 m is Tem plemichael, the Glebe Houfe of the Incumbent of Longford. Longford on the Camlln river, gives the title of Earl to the noble family of Pakenham. By Edgennorthftown Church in Moftrim Pariffi 52, Longford Church In Templemichael Pariffi 58. N. T. Forbes ChViVch. in Clongefh Pariffi 6j. At 5 I m is Cranny, Mr. Weft. At 52 Is Edgeworthjloiim Church, Mr. Edgeworth. At 57 Is a CJiarter School. At 58 m Is Longford. Templemichael, the incumbent of Longford. At 59 m is Mullogh, Mr. Kenedy. At 61 m is N. T. Forbes. At 62 m is Caftleforbes, the Earl of Granard. At 66 m Is Aghmore, Charles Neffiit Efq, In Leitrim County, By Ballymahon Church in Shrowle Pariffi 52, Lanefborough Church in Rathline Pariffi 62. At 51m is Newcaflle Church In Forgney Pariffi on the Inny river, a feat of the Earl of Rofs, Criveaghmore or Creva, 56 LONGFORD COUNTY. Creva, Mr. Sandes, At 52 m Is Balllmulvy, Jate refidence of Rev. Mr. -Ahmtity; Ballymahon. At-53 is Caftlecoie, the Earl of Rofs. Rev. Mr, Ahmuty, At 54 m is Tirlicken, a feat ot the late Lord Annaly, now Henry Gore, Efq. At 5'5 m Is Ledwithftown, Rev, Mr. Palmer, Kilcom- inack Church. At 59 Is Newpark, Mr. Kelly. Near 62 is a feat Rathcloine. At 62 Is Lanefborough Church, which gives the title of Earl to the noble family of Butler. It has a bridge over the Shannon into Rofcommon County. The rocky banks of the river afford Limeflone blocks and flags : the townfmen, chiefly Mafons and Stonecutters. A fliort Canal made to avoid the rocks and ffiallows In the bed of the River. — Clonbonny, near the Shannon, Mr. Davies. Here you enter Rofcommon County. By Colehill ^i, Barry 54, Kenagh 56, Killafhee 61. At 48 Is a bridge over the Inny. At 49 is Caftlewllder, Mr. "Wilder. Abby Shrowle Ruins. At 50 is Tenelick on the Inny, the late Lord Annaly. At 51 is Colehill. At 52 m is Taghfinny Church. At 53 m is Kilcurry, Mr. Nugent. Dury, Mr, Jeffop. At 54 m Is Barry. Lifglaf- fick, Mr. Robertfon, Tirlicken, Henry Gore Efq, as mentioned above. At 56 m is Kllcommack Church. G'en- iiiore. Rev. Mr, Palmer. Kenagh. At 57 m Is Mofftown, a feat of Sir, Thomas Newcomen Bart, the refidence of Mr. Kingfton. At 58 m Is a bridge over the river Fallen. At 61 m Is Killafhee Church and Parfonage. At 62 m Is MIddletown, Mr. Montfort. At 63 m is' Aghnagoe the Parfonage of the Rev. Mr. Ahmuty. Brlenftown, Samuel Ahmuty, Efq. At 64 is Tarmonbarry in Rofcommon Co. Crofs Road from Granard. Firmount ^ m, Edgeworthfown 8, Ballymahon' 1"]. At 3 m is Springpark, Peter Beatty Efq. . Clonfin, Peter Thomfon, Efq. Willffirook, Mr, Holmes, Tully, Sir Jas. Stewart, Bart. Kilfruly, Newcomen Edgeworth, Efq. At 5 m is Firmount Rev. Mr. Brooke. At 8 m is Edge worthfown Church In Moftrim Pariffi, Mr. Edgeworth. At 10 m is Foxhall, Mr. Fox. At 12 m is Ardagh, Sir Thomas Fetherfton Bart, a bifliop's fee united to the Arch- biffiopiic LONGifORD COtJNTY. 57 biffiopric of Tuam, the Diocefs of Elphin intervening between them. At 12 m is Drumin, Mr. Newcomen. At 13 m is Lifcormick, Mr. Leonard, At 14 m is Te nelick, the late Lord Annaly. At 15 m is Taghfinny Church. Dury, Mr. Jeffop. Killcurry, Mr. Nugent. At 16 m is Newcaftle Church in Forgney pariffi, a 'f?at of the Earl of Rofs. At 17 m is Ballymulvy, late refi dence of the Rev, Mr. Ahmuty. Ballymahon. Crof Road from Longford. St. Johnflmion Church in Clonbro- ney parijh 6 m. Granard 12 m. , Longford Church in Templemichael pariffi. At i m is Ken-yglafs, Sir William Gleadowe Newcomen, Bart. At 5 m is Kiluecarra, Mr. Hamilton. At 6 m is St. Johnf town, formerly a Grey Friary dedicated to-St. John Bap- tift: no remains vifible-. At 8 m is Kilfruly, Newcomen Edgeworth, Efq. Willffirook, Mr. Holmes. Clonfin, Peter Thompfon, Efq. Tully, Sir James Stewart, Bart. At 12 m is Gtanard. Crofs Road from Athlone, enters Longford Co. to Bally mahon 10 m, Longford 21 m. Near 9 m you enter Longford County. Drimnacor, Mr.. Sandes. At 10 m is Caftlecore, "the Earl of Rofs. Re^. 'Mr. Ahmuty. Ballymahon, Ballymulvy,,late refi dence of Rev. Ml. Ahmuty. At 12 m is Tirlicken, Henry Gore, Efq. At 14 m is Lifglaffick, Mr. Robert fon. Glenmore, Rev. Mr. Palmer. At 16 m is Clon- ker, Rev. Mr. Jeffop, At 17 m is a church. At 18 m are Bawn Caflle ruins, Caleb Barnes, Efq, Mount Jef fop, Mr. 'Jeffop. At 21 m is Longford Church on the Camlin in Templemichael parifh. Crofs Road from J^ongford. Klllaffiee 4 m, Lanefboro 8. At 2 m are Church ruins. At 3 m Caftle ruins. I Crojs 58 LONGFORD COUNTY. Crofs Roadfrorn Navan enters Longford Co. to EdgewortV s^ town ^4, Longford 4.\ ra. At 34 m' is Edgeworth'' Sr town, Mr. Edgeworth. At 38 m Whiterock and bleaching mills, F. Fetherfton, Efq. At 40 m is a Charter School. At 41 m is Longford. Crofs Roadfrorn Cava^i by BalUnanaght 4 m enters Long ford Co. near Granard, 14 m diflant. KING'S S9 KING'S COUNTY. ROADS, NOTED PLACES, SEATS, &c. By Lifmyny 46 m, Clara Church in Kilbridetangan parifh 48 m, Ballycumber Church in Lemanaghan pai'iffi 51 in, -Ferbane Church in Killegally parilh 57, At 46 m on the Brofna River i« Bleachfield, Mr. Arm- Jlrong. Lifmyny. At 48, m is Kilcourfey, D. Bagot, Efq. Clara Church, Mr. Armftrong. Erry Caftle ruins. At 49 m is Boulart, Mr. Telford. At 50 m is Pfofpeft, Mr. Holmes. At 51 m is Caftletown, Mr. Wetherall. At 51 is Ballycumber, Mr. Armftrong. Twilnham, ano ther Mr. Armftrong. At 52 is Ballycumber Church and parfonage in Lemanaghan parifli. Ballard,' Rev. Mr. MuUerf. At 53 is C»Q.\e Armftrong, Mr. Armftrong. Lemanaghan Church ruins. At 55 KjUeolgan Caftic ruins. At 5613 Ballyfin, Mr. King. Cbolcaftle ruins. . Kincor, Mr, Jeffop. At 57 is Ferbane on the Brofna, near which is Clonmacnois, the ruins of Seven Churches, for merly a bifliopric, now annexed to Meath. Gallan, An-^ drew Armftrong, Efq. At 58 is Moyclare, Mr. Low ther. At 59 is Killegally, Rev. Mr. Coghlan. Bally- ffieal, Mr. Judge. Bellmont, Mr. Holmes, At 60 ,is Strawberry-hill, Thomas Coghlan, Efq. Clbnony Caf tle ruins. Ac 6i'is Moyfiown on the Biofna, Mr. Le- ilrange. At 63 on the Shannon is Derry Holmes, Mf. ¦Holmes. At 64 is a feat of the bifhop of Clonfert., near ^hannpu-hridge-Church in Galway County. JEy 6® king's COUNTY. By Edenderry Church in Cafropeter' pariffi 29 m, Philips- town 38, BalUnagar 41, Tullamore Church in Kilbride pariffi 44, Pallas-inn 51, Frankford 55, Cloghan 62, Ba- nagher Church in Reynagh pariffi 66. At 29 \i Edenderry : linen weaving: inhabitants Quakers or Friends. Ruins of a caftle, formerly the feat of the Blundel family. At 31 is Ballykfllenj Shaw Cartland, Efq. At 32 is Baliylacken, Mr. Paine. Lumville, Mr. Cane. Ballinakil Church ruins- Further is the road to Caftle-Jordan. At 35 m is Springfield, Mr, Lucas, At 36 is Mount-Lucas, John Lucas, Efq. At 37 is a bridge ever the river, and a feat called River Lvons. At 38 is Cloneil, Mr, Magan. Philipfown, called from King Phi lip of Spain, huffiand to Queen Mary of England, who 1557 reduced the part of Leinfter called Leix atid Opha ly to ffiireground, called King's and Queen's Countyi At 41 is Balinagar. Geffiil Church and Caflle, Lord Digby, a title given by King James I, 1620. I'aifonage of Rev. Dean Digby. Geffiil or Geiiol battle, between Heber and Heremon, the fons of Miiefius, which arofe from the wife of Heber defiring to be Queen of the Three Valleys. The battle left Heremon fole monarch.— -At 44 is Csparicur, Mr. Cammoh. At 46 is Tullamore, bifeftetj by the river Tullamore : burnt down by the difcharge of a fire balloon, but rebuilt handfomelv. At 48 m is Char leville, Lord Vifcount Charleville. Merryfield, Mr. Crofton, on the banks of the Clodagh river. At 49 by the fide of the Clara road is Scraggin, Mr. Brifcoe. -At 50 is Pallas, Edw~ard Malone, Efq. Motintpleafant, Mr, O'Connor, At 51 is Pullas Church and Inn. At 52 is Dirramore, Mr, Conroy. At 55 is Frankford. A feat tailed Paik, Mr. Brifcbe. Flour mills of Mr. Daulhat. A bridge over the river Silver. At 57 is Broghil Caftle, on the river Silver, Dr. Daly. Davidftown, Mr. Nugent, At 61 is Macoghlan's hill, Mr, Macoghlan. At 62 is Cloghan. A lodge called Park. At 66 is Cubo, Denis Bowes Daly, Elq. M. P. Garry, Mr. Coghlan. Ba- vagher has 2 bridges over the Sh.mnon. Britannia, the Rev. Mr. Warburton. At 67 Affigrove, Mr, Armftrong, Cpgran, Mr. CQolagha.n, By king's COUNTY, ^T By Frankford 55, Eglifi 60, Birr 66. At 56 is Curraghmore, Mr. Robinfon. At 57 Davids- town, Mr. Nugent. At 58 is Doghill, Mr.Molloy. Rath, Mr. Claike. .At 60 is Eglijh Church, Mr. Berry. At 63- is Birr, Woodfield, Sir Laurence Parfons, Bart. Syngefield, Rev. Edward Synge. At 66 is Straduff, Mr. Anttfell. At 67 IS Dcrrylaghan, Mr. Walffi. At 68 is Sherra, Mr. Talbot, At 71 is Grange, Mr. Palmer. Lorrah. At 73 Portland on the Shannon, Mr. Stoney, Belleifle, Mr. Yelverton, At 74 is Portuijina ferry, over to Galway County, By Philipftown 2^, Balinagar 4.1, Killeigh 46, Mountholus 53, Ballyboy 56, Egltfi 61, Birr 65. Near Balinagar 4\ is Geffiil, Lord Digby. Rev. Dean Digby. Near 46 is Millbrook and vety fine flour mills, Mr. Cooke, ' At 46 is Killeigh Church, Near .50 is Kil- lurn Church. At 52 is Mountpleafant, Mr. O'Connor, on the fide of a Lough i mile long, 2 furlongs broad. Rathrobine. At 53 Mountbolus. At 55 is Songftown, on the banks of a river, Mr, Drought. At 5.6 is Ballyboy, Derrinboy, near the Rofcrea road, Mr. Clarke. At 58 Curraghmore, Mr. Robinfon. Davidftown near the Frankford road, Mr. Nugent. At 59 Doghill, Mr. Mol- loy. Dioughtviile, Thomas Drought, Efq. Rath, near the road to Killine, Mr. Clarke. At- 63 Eglifi church, Mr. Berry. At 63 Syngefield, on the banks of the Birr river. Rev, Edward Synge. At 65 Birr or Parfonfown, Caftle of the Parfons family, A ftatue of the great Duke pf Cumberland on a column 50 feet high. T^xora Portarlington entering King*s County by Clonegowan 40; Killeigh 46, At 40 is Clonegowan, Mr. Meredith. At 42 is Ards, Mr. .Bagot. At 43 Ballyevile, Mr. Cooke, Near Kil^ Ui^h 46 is Millbrook, Mr. Cooke. From $3 king's COUNTY. From Rofcrea entering King's County by Dunkerrln 63, Moneygall 66. Entering King's Co. at 62 is Claffiagad, Mr. Lloyd. Rahanvegjue Caftle ruins. At 63 is Frankford, J. F. RoUeftone, Efq. JDunkerrin Church and Inn. In the; -Churchyard-wall are 20 nitches arched at top, receffeS for pedlars wares during the fair.' Charter School, on land given by the late Captain Francke. The proprietor of Franckfort is his daughter, Mrs. RoUeftone, widow, the nlother of James Francke RoUeftone, Efq. At 65 is Bulheftown, Mr. Minchin. At 66 Greenhills, another Mr. Minchin. Moneygall. Laughton, Thomas Pepper, Efq. Here you re-ente^- Tipperary County, , Troin C.lononaflee entering King's-County to BaiUyboy 5|, Frankford 56, Near 55 is Songftown, Mr, Drought, CroJs Road from Maryborough entering King's Co. to CU' negowan^, Gefiil 1^, Philipfown 17, Entering King's Co. at 6 m are Tenekill Caftle ruins. At 7 m Garahinch, Col. Warburton. At 9 m Clonegow an, Mr. Meredith. At 11 rn is Rahein, Rev. Mr. Har per. At 13 m is Gejiil Church, Lprd DigbyJ Rev, Dean Digby. Crofs Road from Birr entering Tipperary Co. to Rofcrea, At I m is Lorctto, Sir Laurence Parfons, Bart, inha bited by Edward King, Efq. 5 m is Gloucefter, John Lloyd, Efq, 7 m is Golden-grove, John Vaughan, Efq. .Here you enter Tipperary County. Crt)f king's COUNTY. ^"3 Crofs Road frohi Birr by Leap 5 m entering Tipperary Co. to Rofcreg,. At 2 m is Cxee, Mr. Talbot. At 4 m is Drummile, Mr. Vaughan, At 5 m Is Leap Caftle, Mr- Derby, Leap Church in Aghancon pariffi, a new Gothic building iri Killalo^diocefe. Two miles from Aghancon is Seikyran Church, infu- lated in OflTory diocefs, and furrounded by Killaloe. Heie St. Kyran built Offory cathedral, which was' moved ta Aghaboe, Queen's Co, after to Kilkenny or Gill Canice, (called from St. Canice). St. Kyran's Church, as de dicated to the Virgin Mary, was prfefented by Queen Mdry, (In gratitude for the fafety of King William her huffiand at the battle of the Boyne) with magnificent gill; communion plate, which is carefully preferved. Crofs Road from Clonard Church, entering King's Co, to Philipfown. I At 15 m from Clonard you enter King's Co, C^^l'"^- Jordan, Sir J. A, Giffard, Bart, At 18 m is Greenhill, Mr. Dames. At 19 m Ballybufley, Mr, Wakely. At 20 m Rathmile, Mr. Dames. At 21 m is Tobberdaly, Mr, Neffiitt. At 23 m is Croghan, Mr. Dames. At 24 m is Killine, Mr. Brifco* Clonearl, Mr, Magan. At 25 m is Philipfown. Crofs Road from Tullamore by Colerainel m, Clara 5, Tub- herpound 8, Marftibirook ID, At 2 m is Coleraine, the greateft linen manufaftory iil Leinfter. At 3 m is Durrow, Mr, Stepney. At 5 m is Cldra on the Brofna, Mr. Armftrong, Erry Caftle ruinS. At 8 rn is Tubberpound. At JO ni Aiarfibrook joins the Turnpike to Athlone. Crafs 64 KING*S COUNTY. Crof Roadfrorn TerriWs-pafs, entering King's Co. to PhU lipftown. Within '2 m of Philipftown is Croghan-hill, Mr Dames. Crofs Road from Trim, entering King's Co. to Edenderry in Cafropeter Parifh 17^ Clonbulloge in Ballinakil Pa-» riffi 22. At 20 m Ballykillen, Shaw Cartland, Efq. At 22 the Grand Canal paffes near Clonbulloge, At 24 is MiUgrpve, Mr. Berkeley's.feat. QUEEN'S ^s QpE:fiN'S COUNTY. ROADS, NOTED PLACES, SEATS, Sec, By Portarlington. 36, entering King's County to Cloni- - gowan 40, A^36 is Portarlington on the Barrow, partly In King's Co. At 37 Is LawnfdoVv-nj Mr* Gore. By Ballybrittas 33 m, Emo-Inn 34, Maryborough Church in Burros PariYh 40, Montrath Church in Clbnenogh Parilh 46, Cafletown Church in Kilkbane Pariffi 48, BurrOs in Ojjory ^l. At 31 you enter Queen's Co. Jameftown, Mr. Roch fort. At Ballybrittas 33 is Bellgrove, Mr. Fitzgerald. . At Emo 34 is Emo Park, the Earl of Portarlington. At 35 is Coolbanagher Church, built after a defign of Mr. Gandon. The parfonage. Moret Caftle ruins. Mr. Fitzgerald. At 37 is Ratheen, Mr. Burdet. Ratheen Common, or Ma-ryborough Heath. Heath Lodge, Wm. Gore, Efq. At 37 Coolbanaglia- Gaiiie, belonging to the Earl of Portarlington. Shean Caftle, Lord Caftle- , coote. Dyfart, Mr, Baldwin. At 37 Dunam ?fc Caftic ruins. Earl Strongbow by Eva, daughter of Dermod, King of Leinfter, left an only daughter who married Wm. Marechal Earl of Pembroke, whofe 5 daughters ' inherited Leinfler, the youngeft having Queen's Co. then called Leix. Her only daughter by M'lUiam Bruce, Lord Brecknock, married Lord Mortimer, who rcfuling in England, O'Moofe feSzed on Leix, and deftroyed. Lord Mortimer's caftle of Dunamafe, Near 39 is Kilminthy, Mr, Fitzgerald. Bevoiul 39 i'i Sumiiierhiii, anotliei Mr. Baldwin. At Maryborough 40 are the remains of a caftle K of 66 QITEEn's COUNTY. of which theie is a conftable. Queen Mary and Philip reduced this part of Leinfter called Ze/;i; to ffiire ground, with the name of Queen's Co. A Cpimty infirmary. A market, under the patronage of the late Sir John Parnel, Bart, for the encouragement of the woollen yarn, and the fluff manufafture. Clanroufe, Rev. Mr. Mofs, At 44 BaUyfin, Hon. WeUefley Pole, brother of the Moft JNoble Marquis^ Wellefley ; woods furrounding a confider able lake : the houfe furniffied with excellent paintings and a magnificent library. At 45 m is Clonenagh Church, now the pariffi Churth of Montrath. Red Caftle. At Afontraih 46 are carried on branches of the woollen manu fafture. A bank of iron ore. An iron and metal foun dry, well fituated by the completion of the Grand Canal to the borders of the country : but the furnaces feldom employed, from the fcarcity of charcoal on the deftru6Hon of the woods : though the country abounds in bogs, and chared turf might probably be fubftituted for charcoal for moft pui'pofes. At 48 is Caftletown over the river Nore. Weftfield, Mr. Price. At 49 is Newtown,. Mr. Palmer. Near 50 are Ruffi-hall Caftle ruins, the ancient feat of the Earl of Montrath. Laurel HiU, Mr. Defpard. Cool- raine. At 53 is Burros in Offory, Mr. Stevens. Near 54 is SpritighiU, Mr. Short. You fee the northern range of the Sliebh bloom mountains in which the Barrow rifes. A monument called Copeall ban,- or the White Horfe, a pyramidical pile of ftones, erefted as a land-mark between Leinfter and Munfter. In the Southern brapch of Sliebh bloom mountains rife. the Nore and the Suir. Monela Bog, anciently the fite of an extenfive foreft. At 55 is Rahcen, Mr. White. At 56 are Ballaghmore Caflle ru- , ins. Monaincha dr Inchinamo Abbey ruijis on an ifland of 3 acres in Monela bog. At 57 you enter Tipperary C«. By Lea 23/ Portarlington 35, Mountmelick 42, (or by Bal lybrittas and Emo to Mountmelick 41) Rofendllis Church in Oregon Pariffi 44, Clononafee 48. At 33 Zf«-caftle ruins on the banks of the Barrpwj of Norman architefture, built 1212, in the J3ih year of King John, cUfmamled 1650 in the 2d year of the Common wealth, rQ?EEN*S ' COUNTY. 67 wealth, fey Colonels Hewfon and Reynolds: the property of the Earl of Portarlington. An affi tree, 27 feet in circumference. At 35 Portarlington belongs to the Daw fon family, and gives the title of Earl. It is full of gen try : refpeftable fchools for early education. Kilfliii Church. On a hill is a very lofty fpire and lodge of the Earlof Portarlington with extenfive profpeft. At 36 m is L'a'wnfdown, -'George Gore, Efq. At 37 is Woodbrook, Mr. Chetwood, Near 39 is Knightftown, Mr, Kemmis. At 42 m is .Jkfountmelick. At 43 m Summergrove, Mr. Sabatier. Camira, Mr. Pilkerton. Ryn, Mr. Croaf-. dale. At 44 is RofenaUis new Gothic Church in Oregan pariffi : fine freeftone quarry ; flags equal in beautiful co lour and fine grain to Bath or Portland ftone. Caphard,. John Pigdt, Efq. front of the houfe 200 feet: b^iltofthc quarries on this' eftate and moftly hewn. At 48 is Cto- .^onafee. Brittas, Mr. Dunn. A new Church in Gothic ilile. At 21 are Caftle-Cuffe ruins, belonging to the Earl pf Montrath" Annaghbrack., parfonage of the late Rev.. Dean Coote. Here you enter Rlogf s Cp. By -E«fl Ifin ^4., Marybdrpugh ' 40, Baliyroan 44, (Or by Ballinakill Church ixiDyfertgallen Parijh 48.) Be\6a&. Maryborough 40 is Rathleagufi, Henry Parnell., Efq. At 41., Sheffield." Mr. Caffan. BaUynockin Caftle ruins. At 42 is CuUinagh, Mr. Barrington. At 44 is Baliyroan Inn,' a fine rath in tbp garden. Mount Eagle, a late Biffiop of Waterford. Rockbrook, Mr. Gray. On the left hand road toward BaUinaklU and Urhng- ford at' 45 is Blandsfort, Mr. Bland. At 46 is Barnet's- grove, Mr. Barnet. At 48 Heywood, Mr. Tiench : greajt family -accommodation under inpderate external appear ance. Ballinakill. On the right hand road toward Durrow and Urlingford, at 48 m, is Abby leix on the Nore, Lord Vifcount de Vefci, houfe built 1773. At 49 is Liffiigny, Mr. Horan, Water-Caiftle on the Nore, Mr. Lyons. Knapton, Col. Pigot. Dunmore, feat of Sir Robert Staples, Bart, in habited by Mr. Trant. Caftlewpod near the Nore, John Sarring^^^on, Efq. At 51 is .i?«r/-ow, formerly in Qiieen'^ ¦' ¦ County, 68 queen's COUNTY. County, in poffeffion of the Butler family wlio were har- r^ffed by the fept of the Fitzpatricks. The Earl of Or mond procured an Aft of , Parliament to make this eftate part and parcel of Kilkenny Couiity, and' the offending Fitzpatricks being tratisferred to Kilkenny, and removed from their connexions, fuffered the penalties. pf the law. Caftledurrpw, Lord Vifcoupt Affibrook, . At 53.Capan Ifland, Mr. Laurence. Derrin, Mr. Palmer. At 54 Edmondburv, Mr. Butler. The road from Durrow runs * J ' ' ' • A 3 miles through Lord Affibrbok's plantations. At 54 are Mackin, Caftle ruins. At 55 are CuUyhill Caftle ruins, with an old Church. At 56 are Fertagh Church ruins. The remains of a tomb of the Fitzpatricks, old Earls of Upper Offory, dsited 1489, Rapla, Mr, Philips, Here you enter Kilkenny Co.. Crofs Road from Athy, entering Queen's County to Strad? ¦bally 6 m, Maryborough 12. At 4 m you enter Queen's Co. Kellyville, Hon. Judge Kelly. At 5 m Ballykilcavan, late Gen. Walffi. At ^ m Brockley Park, Rev. Mr, Kemmis. In the houfe is a chapel witli 4 windows of ftained glafs. Charter-fchool endowed by the late Pole Ce>ffiy, Efq. Stradbally 'Ch\irch. At 7 ra is Stradbally Hall, Admiral Coiby. Rahinduff, Mr, Pittman. At 10 m Dyfart Church, Mr. Baldwin, Lamberton, Sir John Tydd. Dunamafe Caftle ririns. Near 12 m is Summerhill, another Mr, Baldwin.' Be- yoad'12 ra IS A'fctryberough, (^rofs Po(id 17 m from Jl^aryi:orough to philipftoVJUj enters liing's Co. at 6 m. Crofs Road from Maryborou'gh to Mounimeliek 5 m, RofenaU lisS. At 7 m is Summergrove, J Mr. Sabatier. '. At RofckalUs ? m, i? Camira, 'Mr. Pilkerton. At 9 is Rynj Mr.' ' ¦ Croafdale. queen's COiirNTy,- $g Croafdale. At 12 m is Quarry mount, Mr, Johnfton, i m from KUleigh in King's County. Crofs Road from Ballinakil by, Timshoe 6, Stradbally 10. (Or by Tinpahoe 6, Tully Church 10.) At I in is Heywood, Mr. Trench. At 2 m Barnet's- grove, Mr. Barnet, Derryfoyle,.Mr, Vickers. . At 3 m is Blandsfort, Mr. Bland. At 5 m is CuUinagh, Mr. Barrington. Crcmorgan, Mr. Mobre, At 6 m are Tz- »?i8/4,(j5 Church ruins, (in Irifli, Teagh Mochoe, a monaf tery built by St. Mochoe.) Battle 1642, rebels defeated by Monk. On the right hand road from Timahoe by Tully .church at 8 m is Cloopoke dun atjd fortrefs, Mr. Hunte. Titnogeu verdant hill. At .is 7i ' - Carlow town. Beyond '6 m you enter Caitow'Co. NeWgarden, Mr. Cai-penter, At *j m is BarrowviUe, Mr. Pleafant. Beft- field, Mr. Beft' Mr. Dillon. At g m are Sliebh teagh, or Slety Church ruins, the ftte of an abbey founded by St, Fiech, Oakpark, tlfe late Col. Bruen. KILKENNY /^' KILK;^N]^Y COUNTY. ROADS, NOTED PLACES', SEATS, &tc. By Durrow 51, Beggar's Inn 5S, Johnfown Inn 59, Ur lingford 61. , At 51 Dufrow : fee topography of Queen's, County ift which it is infulated; 56 is Fertagh Church. Pariffi Church of Johnftown village. Remains of a .tomb be longing to the FitZpatricks,drMac GillePadruicks, Earls of Upper Offory, dated 1525, i6th year e-f Henry Vlll, Mac Gille Padruic fent an exprefs mtflenger tO complain of Pierce" Butler, Eari of Ormond, otherwife called Red Peter, (Petrus Rufus) which hiefferiger, -taking an Op portunity to meec King Henty VIII. in going to chapeL delivered his embaffy in thefe words : " Sta pedibus, Do- " mine Rex : Dominus meus Gilla Patricius me mifit ad " tc, et jjiiffit dicere, quod fi nonvis caftigare Petrum- " Rufum, ipfc (Gilla Pltriciiis) faeiet helium contra te." Rapla church and parfonage, Mr. Philips. Beyond 57 is Ralogan, Mr. Vickers, ^% Biggarslnn. 59 Ball yf peril an Spa. Johnofownlnn. Foiilke's-isourt, Mr. Hely. Near 6i is Mary mount, Mr. NevjUe. Urlingford,-^ formerly the feaj of the noble family of Everard. Annual races here. Here you enter Tipperary Co, From Royal Oak. entering Kilkenny Co. by Kilkenny 57. > Callen 65, toward Ninemile-bouie in Tipperary Go. At 4S m you enter Kilkenny Co. Near 49 is Shana- kill, Mr. Aldward. Kellymount, Mr. Rice. Mount- rath, Mr. Barton. Near 50 is Paulftown, Mr. Flood, Near 51 Butler's-grovc, Mr. Burton, At Gowran 52, Clayton Clayton Bayly, Efq. Lord Vifcount Cli'fden. At 54, isClaffiwiUiam, Mr. Blunt. Lyrath, Rich. W.D. Cuffe, Efq. Near Kilkenny 57, are Mr. Blunt, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Hunt, Rev. Mr. C.andler. ^At 57 is KilkennJ, whi- fher the See of Offory was tranflated from Aghaboe in Queen's County by biffiop O'DuUany in the rejgn of Henry II. The fuprerae council of the Roman Catho lics under the nuncio, John Battifta Rinunccini, arcbbt-1 ihop of Fermo, fat at Kilkenny. Beyond 58 is Kilcreen, Sir William Morres, Bart. At 59 is Caftle-BIunden, Sir John Blunden, Bart. Goflinftov/n, Mr. Barton. Teina-park, Mr. Heron. Ca.ftIeinGh ruins. At 61 is Grange, Mr. Shearman, Alfo Grange, Mr. Purcel. At 62 Is Farmly, the late Right Hon, Henry Flood. Burnt- church ruins, Ballymack, Mr. Flood, Beyond 63 is Defart, Lord Defart. Eve-caftle ruihs.' At 65 Weft- court, Mr. Elliot. Callen is on the King's-river, called from king Nial, who loft his life in his pious endeavours to fave one of his fubjefts who rode in to try the pafiage, and was hurried down the ftream with violence. Battle of Callen 1407, 4th year of Henry IV. gained by the Engliffi over the Iriffi. The principal proprietors of the town lands are Lord Gallan, the reprefentatives of the late Right Hon. Henry Flood, Sir Frederick Flood, Bart. and the Earl of Kilkenny. Beyond 68 mis Garryricken, Walter and John Butler, Efqrs. Here you proceed to Nine-mile-houfe in Tipperary Co. By Caftlecomer 45, Kilkenny 55. Caftlecomer and coal pits on the Dynan, the Countefs DoWager of Ormond, who clears 10,000/. per annum by them. 48 Lifnafinch, Mr. Golles. Webbffioro, Mr. 'Webb.. Beyond 50 is Jerikiriftown, Mr. Bryan. Beyond 52 Dunmore Caftle ruins, near a plantation of trees ex tending 2 miles. At 55 is Kilkenny. Free School called the College, Rev. Dr. Antony Pack. In the Cathedral is a monument to the memory of Dr. Nicolas Walfhj bifhop of Offory, who was confecrated 1577, and was ftabbed to the heart 1585, in the 27th year ot queen Elizabeth, by a concealed inftrument drawn ou£ 78 KILKENNY COUNTY. out by James DaUafd, as thebifliop was examining him iti his court for the crime of adultery. The abetters of Dal- lard, could npt pfeverit his execution, yet had pow er to hinder bis crime being cut in marble on the murr* dered prelate^s tomb. — The infcription follows herei Hie jacet Reverfendus Pater Nicolaus Walfli quonda'm Offorien- ils Epifcopus, qui'obiit die menfis Decembris 14, Anna' Domini,i585. , A mile from thS city are Marble inills, ioo yards from' the marble quarry, which faw, bore, and polifli at the fame time, invented by Mr. CoUes, who deferved to have his ftatue cut by the chifel of Praxiteles. Kilkenny', remarkable for black marble quarries, and _/?rerf.f paved'of it: for its co3.\ Jire without fmoke : for its air free from heavy fogs : for its vjater rolling over marble beds, and by this means free from iriud : for earth without bog. By Cafleconier 45, Ballyragget 49- A( Ballyragget is a barrack and feat of Robert Bullefj Efq. By .Gowran 54, Bennet'' s bridge 57> KHinagany ^7. f Near 51 Is Butlers-grove, Mr. Burton. At Gowran §i Lord Vifcount Clifden. Clayton Bayly, Efq. 5'4Cla(hA ¦*villiam, Mr. Blunt. Clifden, a feat of Lord Vifcount Clifden. 55 Ballinabola Caftle ruins. 57 Rennets bridge, Maide'nhall,_Mr. Flood. Beyond 58 are Aanmault Caf tle ruinS. At 60 are Ennifnag Caftle ruins. Mount-Ju liet, a magnificent feat of the earl of Carrick. At 63 Mr. Wray. Chapel Izod, Wm.I^od, Efq. At 66 is SnUgbofo, Mr. Shepherd. At 67 is Kilmagany : a feat of another Mr. Shepherd. Rofinara, Mr. Flood.. At 70 is KilmacoUaver, Mr. Offiorne. At 72 Annfboro, Mr. Offiorn. Caftjetown, Richard Cox, Efq. 700 acres en* Jear 64 are Caftlebangari ruins. At 68 \s MuUinavat. At 70 are Dangan Caftlp ruins. At 71 is Greenville, John Greene, Efq, Bi- ffipps-hall, Thoinas Boyfc, Efq- At 72 is Bloffom-hill. At 73 MuUinabro, John Jones, ' Efq. Saliffioro, Wm. Denis, Efq. At 74 is Ferry-bank, but you are not obliged to crofs tire ferry, as a wooden bridge was built here 1794 hy Mr. Lemuel Cox the American, By Gores-bridge 51, Graignamana 57, Iniftioge 63. At Gi?r«-^«i^^ 5i^re Ballyellan Caftle ruins. At 52 .Barrow Mount, Mr. - Gore. At 53 Mount Loftus, Sir Edward Loffus, Bart. At Gra'ignamanci 57 is a bridgp over the Barrow. Here Brandon-hill extends 4 or 5 miles. No feat on the roacl. At ,63 is Inifioge. vVopdftock, Win. Tighe, Efq, houfe in the centre pf a wood of 50© acres. By Gores-bridge 51, to Burris, Carlow County. At Gores-bridge is Low-grange, Mr, Greene, By Bo KUKE^TNy cpu^JT^'. By Graignamana 57, Mountgarret ferry 65. At 64 is Ripgw-ood, Lord Callan, At 65 Mount Elliotj Mr. Elliot, Crofs Rofid 9 m from Kilkenny to Ballyragget. At 3 m are Dunmore ruins. At 5 m Jenkinffow'n, Mr. O'Brien. Sprlpg-hill, Mr, Strangevvays. Three-c^f- tles, Mr. Ball, A 7 m Swiftfeat, Mr. Swift, At 9 m is Eland Moffoin, Efq. At Ballyragget is Robert Butler, Efq. At 10 Ballycond-rp, the EarT of Kilkenny. At it .are Ballyfeflcio Caftle ruins, formerly belonging to thp family pf the Ch'evres. ^ielxplaftowp, Mr. B^tring- ^on. .-)!9?= Crofs Road from Kilkenny to Ballyragget 9, Durrow 13, pro ceeding to Queen's County. At 15 m Moyne, Mr. Stybber. Crofs Roadfrorn Kilkenny to Biftnets-bridge 4, Thdmqftown 8. At I m Archerfgrove, Mr. Blupt. At 2 m Kilfaira* Mr. Ryan. Scheeftown, Mr. Sehee. Crof Road from Kilkenny to Frefford Church ip Aghour pariffi 7, Urlingford 14. At 4 m are Three-caftles, Mr. Ball. At 5 m is Mr. Lewis. At 7 m/!r?//arJ parfonage. Mr. Warren. Up- percourt EyULKENi^V qoUJ^TY. ,8-4 percourt, Sir Wm.. Morres, B,art. Beyond 8 m Bally- iurkan, belonging to Lord Vifcount Hawarden, Kil ruffi, Mr, St, George. At 9! m Kyle, Mr. Taffeh Near II m is Woodgift, Sir Richard St. George, Bart. At 14 Urlingford. Crofs Roadfrorn Kilkenny to Kells 6, Kilmagany 12. At 2 is Bii*ch field, Mr. Birch, At dra Kells, where A, D, 1 1 52 Cardinal Paparo held a fynod. At 9 m Bal- lytoban, Mr. Baker, At 11 m Rofinara, Mr. Flood. Cluan Caftle ruins. At 12 is Kilmagany. At 15 m Is KilmacoUaver, Mr. Offiorne, At 16 in Annffioro, Mr. Offiorne. At 17 m Caftletown, RichatdCox, Efq. Crofs Road from KnoSopher to Newmarket Church in Aghaviller pariffi 2, Kilmagany 4. At KnoRopher, Sir Hercules Langriffie, Bart, At 2 ra is Newmarket. At 3 m Caftlemorres, Lord Vifcount Mountmorres. Caftlehall, Mr. Reed.. At 4 Snugboro, Mr. Shepherd. Kilmagany. '. Crofs Road from Waterford entering Kilkenny County by Grany-ferry 2 m,. toward Carrick on Suir 13 m in -Tip perary County. At 2 m is Grany-ferry. At 4 m Agliffi Church. At 5 ta Rathcairne Church. Afligrove, Chambre Brabazon Ponfonby, Efq. Rathcairn, Mr. Drew. At 7 m Clon more, Mr, EUiot. Clonmore Caftle rulnr, (the Suir running broad, oppofite to Mayfield in Waterford Go.) At 9 is Fiddown Church, Rev, Mr. Watts, (Mount Bolton, Mr. Bolton, on the Waterford fide of the Suir.) At 10 Beffioro, the Earl of Bcffioro, fropt 100 feet. , M BeUinp, Sa ~ KILKENNY COUNTY. Belline, the elegant and finely improved lodge of Mr, Walffi. At II m Pilltown. At i a Ganareai M^- Brif coe, Here you enter Tipperary County, Road from Thomaftown to Inifioge 4 m. At 1 m Bonnybrook,'Mr. Chamney. At 3 m Bal- lyduff, Mifs Robins. Brownffiarn, Mr. Nickfon. A^ 4 m Iniftitgf. Fijrther is \Vpodftpck, Mr« T'ghp. WEXFORD 83 Wexford county. ROADS, NOTED PLACES, SEATS, &c. By jB«mV entering Wexford Co. to New Rofs 67, Whiter , church 7 1 , Fethard 8 1 . At 66 is Mount Elliot, Mr. EUiot. 67 is New ^ofs : a -vvooden. bridge into Kilkenny Co. by Mr. Lemuel Cox, the. American, ft gives the title of Earl to the noble fa mily of Parfons. It is piie of the ftaple ports for export ing wool. Battle pf New Rofs, June 5, ^19^> "'"^ hours, 'from 5 in the morning till 2 afternoon. General Johnfon csmmanded the King's troops. Lord Mountjoy and Colonel Ledwell of the 5'th dragoons were killed. The infurgents were completely routed. — Summerhill, Mr, Sankey. Crecan, Mr. Pickering. 69 Gamliuj John Drake, Efq. 'jitVhite- church village and church. 7s AldertoWn, John Glafcott, Efq. '73 Kilmanick, Mt. Houghton, Porto-bello, Mr, Colclough. 74Dunbrody Abbey ruins. 75 Bodetan, Adam Rogers, Efq. on the direft road from Wexford to Ballyhack ferry within 2 m of the latter, 8 1 Fethard on the coaft. , By Mountgarret Ferry, entering Wexford County to Neui Rof_2ra. > Near Mountgarret ferry is RingwPod, Lord Callan. Mount Elliot, Mr, Elliot.. You entfer Wexford Co. ly $4 WEXFORia COUNTY, By C/wi'^a/ enterteg Wexford County to Ennifcorthy ^g, Taghmon 70, Beyond Clonegal entering Wexford Co. is Johnftown, Mr. Lacy, an eminent diftiller. At 49 m BaUna Park, Mr. Humpbreys.^ 51 m Caftle Ryland and Clohaman caftle rums, 52 on the river Slaney is Rockley-lodge, Thomas Derenzy, Efq. Munfi,n, Rev. Edward Carey. 57 is Balnahallen on the Slaney,, Mr. Newton. Black- ftoops, Mr. Bennet. Solffioro, Solomon Richards, Efq. Whitefield, John White, Efq. 5^ Ennifcorthy parfon age. Rev. Joffiua Nunn. 59 Efinfcortky on each fide of the Slaney, by which there is a navigation for fmall floods down to Wexford : a fl:oiie bridge of 6 arches. An abbey granted at 13I. rent to Edward Spellfer the pofet 1581, by Queen Elizabeth. A friary with the manor of Ennifcorthy granted to-Sir Henry Wallop by Queen Eli zabeth at lol. rent, 1594. Ennifcorthy is the eftate of the Earl of Portfmouth. — ^Vinegar-hill battle, June 21, 1798. At 61 St: Johh'^s, Charles HiU, M.D, Beyond 62 is Eurrmount, a feat of the Earl of Miltown. Gate, lately the feat of Mr. Phaire. WUton, Henry Alcock, Efq. At 64 is Clonmore, Mr, Donovan. At 70 is Taghmon, Beyond Taghmon Is Harperftown, Mr, Hore. By Clonegal to Newtown- Barry. Beyond Clonegal Is Johnftown, belonging to Sir Ed ward Leflie, Bart. At Newtown- Barry is BaUna Park, Mr. Humphreys. By Kilbride on the Weft fide of the Slaney to Nctutowyt- Earry. - Jslear Newtewn-Barry is Carrickduff, Mr. Maxwell. By WEXFORD CO'UNTY. S5 By Coolgrerty 39, Gor^ 45, By the right hand road to Ferns 54* Ennifcorthy 60, Wexford by Ferry-Carrick 71, (or by £r««i^ Ferry from Gor^y 66,) Beyond -39 is'Ballylarka'n, Mr. Gettins, At 40 Hyde- park, John Beauman, Efq. Goolgrcny, Mr. Forde. Bal- lyfad, another Mjr. Forde. At 41 is Caftletown, Mr. Knox.' St. Auftin, Mr. Bolger. Inch parfonage,- the Rev. incumbent. Near 43 is Ballynaftra, Sir Thomas Efmond, Bart. Near Gorey 45, is Tobbernearing, i. e. the Iron Well. Moneyfeed, Mr. Knox. Clonattin, An drew Ram, Efq. Ramsfort, Stephen Ram, Efq. deer- park of 400 acres. (2 m from Courtown,) Greagh-^ljiill. At 4% C lough church In Lifkinfere pariffi. 51 Camolin church in Roffmenogue parifli, Camolin-park, the Earl of Mountnorris. 54 is Ferns, parfonage of the late Rev. Samuel Hayden. Palace of the Lord Biffiop, covered with copper. The cathedral has a monument of the jtli century with a Latin infcription. In a monaftery here, Dermod M 'Murrough, king of Leinfter, refided privately after his return .from king Henry II. in Aquitaine ; and from Earl Strongbow and the Engliffi adventurers in Wales. At 57 Searewalffi bridge over the Slaney. 58 Balnahal len ou the Slaney, Mr. Newton, On the oppofite ftde of the Slaney is Solffioro, Solomon Richards, Efq, Par fonage of the late Rev. Jpffiua Nunn. 60 Ennifcorthy. The right hand road from Ennifcorthy to Wexford leads to Burrmounr, 62 m, tire Earl of Miltown, At 64 _Macmines, Mr. King. Near 66 Bellevue, Right Hon, George Ogle. At 67 KiUurin church, Mr. Davis. Be yond 68 is Caricmanan,, Robert Devereux, Efq. : Healthi. field, Mr. Grogan: both on the Slaney, which is naviga ble forveffels of 50 tons burden, as far up as Bellevue. Greenfield, Captain Evans. Marlfield, Mr. Clifford. At 69 Arcandriffi, Mr. Grogan. 71 Belmont, Mr. Hutchinfon. 72 Bettyfield, Ebenezer Jacob, Efq. Near 73 is Belvedere, the late Mrs. Briton. The left hand road from Ennifcorthy to Wexford leads to Edermine63 m, Wm. Toole, Efq. At 64 Riverview, Mr. Jones. 65 Coolnaboy, Fuller Sandwith, Efq. 66 Whltefprt, Mr, Gray. , BaUynacarrick, Sir Frederick Flood, 86 , 'iVEXrORD COUNTY." Flood, Bart. 67 Templehill, Wm. Harvey, Efq. 69 Newcaftle ruins. Percy Lodge, Percy Freke, Efq. Sion, Mr. Wbodcock. Saunder's-court, fhe Earl of Arran, . At Wexford are wild fowl frpm November to May. It was built by the Danes* Great exportation of barley. Bridge built 1795 over a part of theharbour at the Slaney mouthy connefting the town with the oppofite ffiore, in length exceeding any ftrufture that ever joined. land to land on the furface of . the earth: built by Mr, Lemuel American, who introduced the inventionjof Ameri ca of^building.wooden bridges where art defpaired of creft-- ing them of ftone : he built Londonderry^ Waterford, Rofs and Portuipna bridges, Wexford bridge 2100 feet 2 it is the mall of the town : the regimental mufic perforrns On fine days in balconies conftrufted in the centre. A bridge 3 m higher up the Slaney at Ferrycarick, Wex ford haven is barred, having fandy banks lyirtg acrofs the harbour's mouth. Veffels that draw aboye ten feet of wa ter muft lade and unlade in a creek near the haven's mouth, three miles from the town — Wexford was evacu ated by the King's troops. May 30, 179,8, and held by the infurgents till June 21. Here Heiiry II. embarked for England, and here Earl Strongbow married his fifter Ba- iilia to Raymond. In Forth Barony near Wexford harbour Is Carnforg promontory. - St. Domangart whofe feftival is held March 4, built a inonaftery. Carn church. A colony In Forth barony planted by Henry II, moft induftiious, cle'anly and exemplary^ By Gorey 45. By the left hand road to Ballycanoi 49, Wells 54, Kyle 56, Oulart Inn 57, Wexford 66. At 38 you enter Wexford County. At B ally canoe 4^ is Nevill's Cbtirt. Tomduff, Mr. Lyndon. At5i Cur- ryduff, Mr. Waddy. At 52 Mount Howard, a late bi ffiop of Waterford. Beyond .54 is Wells, Robert Doynci Efq. At 55 Ballynahone^ Rev. Mr. Tottenham. At 56 is Kyle. A feat called The Ifland^ Mr. Boitoii. Killy- goun, Mr. Redmo«d. At 57 is Oulart Inn. Battle May 2:7, 1798. Beyond 58 is Caftle-ellis Church. Caftle Talbot, WEXFORD COUNTY. 87 Talbot, Mathew Talbot, Efqi At 60' New- park cro- ffiire,jMr. Fitzgerald. At 61 Newfort, Edw. Turner, Efq. Garrylough Caftle ruins. At 63 K'lcorril, Mr. poodall. Ballymartin, Major Hufon. At 6415 a bridge over the Slaney.. Gaftle-bridge Church. At 65 Artra- mont, George Le Hunce, Efq. Ballytrampnt, Mr. Per cival.' At 66 is Mr. Lemuel Goaf's magnificent wooden bridge mentioned before. Road by fea fide from Arklow entering Wexford County to Kiltennel Church and Courtown 11 m, Kilmuck- ridge Church 20, Wexford 24. At 5 m Caftleto.wn, Mr. Knox. Hydepark, John Beauman, Efq. At 6 m Ahare, Col. Deaken. At 8 n> Seafield, Abel Ram, Efq. At 10 Kiltennel Church and' tower, lately built by the Earl of Courtown, patron of the pariffi. Killbride, Rev. Thomas Hore,- Courtown, the Earl of Courtown, with the advantages of wood and water (2 m from Rarasfort. ) At 11 m is M'ddletown, James White, Efq. At 15 ,m 1s Don^more, Henry ¦White, Elq. At 18 m Pippard Caftle, Hautrey White, .Efq. At 20 m Upton. Kilmuckridge Church, A^^ ?4 n> Wexford, iprofs Rpad from Wexford to Taghmon 7, Fookfmill 10, New Rofs 19. (Or Taghmon 7, Old Rofs 15, New Rofs 19,) Or Taghmon 7, Fookfmill 10, ¦ Ballyhack Church' in Dunbrody parifli 19, Ballyhack ferry over to Paffagc In Waterford Gpunty. Or Taghmon 7, Fookfmill 1.0, Duncannon Fort 20. At I m Bettyfield, Ebenezer Jacob, Efq. At 2 New- bay, Mr. Scott. Newtown, Mr. Redmond. Barntowp Caftle ruinsr At 7 m is Taghmort. Harperftown, Mr. florp. At 9 m Tottenham-green, Sir John Tottenham, " ¦ " -B^rto S8 WEXFORB COUJVITY.,- Bart. Horeftown, Jaciob Goff, Efq. At lO m Fookfmilt, On the Rofs a;nd the Ballyhack road is Long Graig, Cae- far Sutton, Efq. Rathgowry Caftle ruins. Near I2 ra Bryanftown, Mr. Tench- .(Near Fookfmill on the road to Ballyhack ferry and Duncannon Fort is Rofegarland, Robert L^'gh* Efq. At 13 Owneduff Church. At 17 Boderan, Adam Ro gers, Efq. At 18 Rofetown, Mr. Lowcay, At ig Balr lyhack ferry. At 20 Duncannon Fort, James II. epibarked for France.) On the road from Wexford by Fookfmill to New Rofs at 14 ra is Kilfcanlin, Mr. Bowes. -'At iB m Is Corbet-- hiU, Mr. Corbet. Red-houfe, Mr. Tottenham. At 19- m New Rofs. Berkley Foreft, John Deane, Efq. On the road from Wexford by Old Rofs 15, to Newr Rofs is ScuUabogue at 12 ra. Old Rofs 15. Crofs Road from Wexford. Baldwinftown 7 m, Dun? cormack 10 m. Thence by the right hapd road Clon- mines 15, Tintern 17. Alfo Wexford, Baldwinftown 7, Duncormac 10, Ban- now 14. At 3 m is Johnllown, Mr. Grogan, rooo acres walled in. Rathmanee, the fame Mt. Grogan, At 5 m New caftle, Mr. Lett. At 6 m Bfidefwell, Mr. Rowe. At 7 m Baldwinflown. At 9 m Birchfield, the late Earl of Ely. At 10 Duncormack op Bally teigh bay. Near the bay called the Scare, js Bairiftown, Mr. Ogle. At 15 Clonmines: filver mines here. At 17 Tintern Abbey, the late Sir Vefey Colclough, Bart. The abbey fupplied with monks of the Ciftprcian order from_ Tintern in Mon- mouthfliire. On the left hand road from Duncormack is Bann&fu, JL m diftant, on the coaft, where Earl Stronghow landed to reduce Ireland to Henry JI, Roal WEXFORD COUNTY. 89 Road from Ennifcorthy to Clonroch 6, New Rofs 15. At 6 m Clonroch. At 11 Robinftbwn. At 14 Bawn- more, Mr. Napper. Redhoufe, Mr. Tottenham. Road from Ennifcorthy. Monart 3 m, Duffrey-haU 6, entering Carlovv County at'8 m. At 2 m is a feat called the Forge, Joffiua Pounden, Efq. an iron foundry here. Beffmount, Major Nath. Cookman. Broomlands, Arch. Ormfton, Efq. At 3 m Monart. Marli, Robert Wallace, Efq. At 6 m Duffrey-haU, Mr. Colclough. Woodbrooke, William Blacker, Efq. At 7 m Ballycryftal, Mr. James. Eif- kineville, Mr, Richards. N MUNSTER go MUNSTER PROVINCE. CORX COUNTY. ROADS, NOTED PLACES, SEATS, &c. By Kilmallock entering Cork Co, to Charleville in Rath- goggin pariffi II2, Charleville partly In Limerick Co, built by Roger, thp firft Earl of Orrery 1661 — was incorporated by King Charles II. A charter-fchool endowed by the Right Hon. John, late Earl of Orrery, and the leafe renewed by the prefent Earl of Cork and Orrery, By Tipperary town entering Cork Co. to Mitchelftown ; in Brigown pariffi 1Q2, Kilworth 108, At loi you enter Cork Co. At Mitchelftown, the Earl of Kingfton: a quadrangle of offices: a garden of 5 acres walled in: hot houfes, ^cc. At 104 Ballybeg, Mr, Sprat. At 105 Cahirdriny (/. e. Fort Prsfpeft) caftle ruins. At Kilworth 108 is Moore-park, the Earl of Mountcaffiel, The parfonage, (Caftle-Cooke, finely wooded, Rev. Zachary Cooke Colles.) By CORK COUNTY, 3.I By Fermoy 107, Rathcormuck iii, Middleton Church in Caftracore parifti 122, Cloyne 125. At Rathcormuck m is Lifnegar, Lord Riverfdale. You crofs the Bride river 112 to Kilffianick, Abraham Devonffier, Efq. Ballinterry, Rev. Mr. Rofs. Gortroe church, the pariffi of the Archdeacon of Cloyne. At 114 Mellefontftown, Mr. Neafon. At 116 Garduggan, Mr. Davis. Peafield, the late Rev. Archdeacon Mock ler. At n8 LeadintoH, Maurice Atkin, Efq. At 120 Carrig, Mr. Uniacke. At 122 Middleton (midway be-- tween Cork and Youghal) gives the title of Vifcount to the noble family of Brodrick. A market and town-houfe,, with a cupola and clock .• a public free fchool, Rev. Mr. Grier. The parfonage. Church in Caftracore pariffi: a fteeple capable of holding a ri-ng of bells. A woollen majiufaftory built by Marcus Lynch, Efq. which coft 20,oool. — 1200 people employed. An. hofpital and dif- penTary for the poor. On the road to Roftellan is Balli nacurra : a high fepulchral mount, being one of the an cient Tumuli. Seat of the late Rev. Dr. Robert Berke ley, brother of the good Bifhop of Cloyne, the Irifi Plato, Dr. George Berkeley. Biffiop Berkeley's life and charafter are beautifully ex hibited con amore, by the learned Dr. Stock, Biftiop of Killala; and they are now made an article of the Biogra- phia Brilannica, and prefixed to the quarto editipn of Berkeley's Works and fmaller trafts. The biffiop's benignity of foul,~ fertile powers of imagnation, pro found ,\ifte and acquirements in the fine arts and roads of literature and poetry, were equally admit ed and iicknowledged by all the world. He was the favourite of Queen Caroline, had formed a correfpondence with the firft men. of the age in a tour of Southern Europe, and his acquaintance was defired by the higheft ranks of nobility in England. Laudari a laudato viro is a prime article of pofthumous felicity : Biffiop Stock has confecrated Biffiop Berkeley's memory to its deferved niche in the Temple of Fame, as Dublin Univetfity has claffed his portrait in her Theatre with her fublimeft geniufcs and worthies. This was 92 CORK COUNTY. *• ¦was the biffiop who declined'the rich fee of Derry, offered by the difceining and memoiable Earl of Chefterfield In 1745 — a cultivator of harmpny in fociallife, asvvell aslnmu-^ iical performance, he exprefled himfelf " pleafed with his •' neighbours and they with him:'.' the biffiop, to whom Mr. Pope, when fpeaking of the prelates of his time, has by way of eminence apd climax, attributed " every vir tue under heaven" with more than poetical precifion, Co-extended with the Hon, Robert Boyle's endeavours for the improvement of the eaftern Indians, w,as Dr. Berke ley's voyage beyond the confines of the Old World to the Beimudas Ifles^ to efeft a Univerfity, where he fla'd a long time, till the difappointment of the promifed fum from the minifter. Sir Robertr Walpole. The plan, if carried into execution, might haVe advanced Britifh Ame rica half a century in improvement, and have indiffolu-» bly attached the colonies. The long refident of Ballinacurra, Dr. Robert Berke ley, was educated at Kilkenny college, and obtained a Fellpwffiip of Dublin Univerfity, the hardeft earned^and inoft honourable reward of learning, at the time when his brother refigned his Fellowftiip for church dignity. Bal- liliacurra, from the time of -the Doftor's refidence, was through a long extended period the feat of hofpitality, charity, genuine poUtenefs and virtue, " in which no hour flew unimproved away ; fome -generous deed diftin- guiffied everyday.'' The day was efteemed loft, that was not marked in the calendar of beneficence. Here the early lofs of a mother pf excellent, ingenious and learned family in the north of Ireland, in the neighbourhood pf the Doftor's college living, was replaced by a inore than paternal attention to the improveme-nt of alarge offspring. The widowered father might with unimpeached veracity affert of his boys, and girls, (asPhocion's wife andCorne- lia faid to the Ionian matrons of their d^iys) '^ h^ec mea funt Ornamenta." Here vifitors of high re'fpeftability from different quarters were feen together to enliven thp rational Society of the manfion. The courtly Plato and the writer, of the itnmortal work De Officiis, the prince of Latip moralifts, the Iriffi Huchefon of the Glafgow chair, on a vifit here wou|d have feen their ideal fyflem of the to kalon (J prepon, the pulcrum (^ decorum, the ne\v Moral Senf CORK COUNTY. 93 ^enfe of Be&uty and Virtue, exhibited in real life. From the days of a nian'sfojourning through a weary pilgrim age, he might ever expunge thofe he fpent at BaUinacur- ra. Here were " Pudor, & Juftltise Soror " Incorrupta Fides, Nudaque Veritas." " Anirnse) quales n'eque candidiores , Terra tulit:" The reader may fupply the remainder of the line, , With the bodily infirmities of the age of 87, the Doc tor preferved his' mental powers in the greeneft ^?erdure— ¦wrote letters of public bufinefs, and private affeftlonate correfpondence ; his colloquial talents engaging, his man ners kind and condefcending to the young : he prefided in ecclefiaftical caufes as fpiritual Judge with unabated ener gy, managed his temporal concerns with moft merciful intention to the poor, experienced himfelf the objeft of unlverfal refpeft in the midft of infurgency, Rofehill, the late Rev. Mr. Lawlefs, Up to Ballina- cirtra the tide flows, and ftore-houfes for exportation, of corn are erefted. At 125 C/i3y«« ; fee- houfe. Kilbree, William Adams, Efq. Kilcrone, John Hanning, Efq. Caftle-Mary, Lord Vifcount Longueville. Whitewell. Roftellan, the Moft Noble the Marquis of Thomond, on the eaft fide of Cork harbour. From the fea boats come ¦up clofe to the lawn or garden wall. Jameffirook, W. Adams, Efq. Aghada Church, Whitegate, Thos. Travers, Efq. Charles AUen, Efq. Trabolgan, Edmund Roche, Efq. Carlifk Fort and Prince Rupert's Towir. Cork- beg, the fine feat of Col. Robert Uniacke Fitzgerald, Efq. M. P. for Cork County, built on a peninluU to which is a narrow iftlimus from the main land. (Bally- potton diftant from Cloyne four miles : the bay remarka ble for the fineft flat fiffi : the ftrand four miles long Is, when the. tPde is out, the firft in Europe, The Earl of Shannon's lodge.) By 94 CORK COUNTY. By Kilworth 104, Fermoy 107, Rathcormuck ill, Wa- ¦tergrafshill 114, Uppet Glanmire in Rathconey pariffi 120, Cork 124, Bandon in Ballymodan and Kilbrogan: pariflies 137, (or Iniffianon,) Clonekilty in KilgarufF pariffi 146, R'offcarbery 152, Skibberien in Abby- ftrowry parifh 161, Baltimore in TuUagh pariffi 168. At 99 (2 111 beyond BaUyporeen)' you enter Cork Co. At 10 1 are the Kilworth mountains, over which is the road to Kilworth. At Kilworth 104 near the Blackwater is Moorepark, the Earl of Mountcaffiel. Cloghleagh Caftle near the Funcheon (Glanworth Church in Gla- nore pariffi.) At 107 is Raihhely, Mr. Bryan, . You crofs the Blackwater river to Fermoy ; a bridge of 1 3 arches which coft 7500/. Seat-pf John Anderfon, Efq. banker, proprietor of the town. Mount Rivers, Ma thew Hendley, Efq. Near 109 are Kilcumber Church ruins. At Rathcormuck is Lifnegar, Lord Riverfdale. You crofs the Bride river to 1 1 2 Kilffianick, John De= vonffier, Efq, At i 14 are Mount Catherine ruins. At II 5 Watergrafshill. At J 16 Biffiopslfland, Mr. Mitchel. At 117 Mitchelsfort, another Mr. Mitchell. Near 1 20 \%Upper Glanmire, in Rathconey pariffi.' At 1241s Cork on the N. and S, fides of the river Lee : its harbour one of the fineft in Europe : the Parade- very fpacious, and adorned with an Equeftrran Statue of George II. it has she largeft export in the kingdom of beef, hides, tallow, butter, fiffi : b-efide candles, linen cloth, pork, calves, iambs and rabbit fkins: wool for England: linen and ^wpoUen yarn, wprfted : 700 coopers employed. In 1690 the Earl of Marlborough befieged and took it in 5 days from K'ng James's army : and the young Duke of Graf- tqn, nlfi^ral, fpn pf K'"?? Cliarles II, who ferved as a vo lunteer, was flain in an attack, aged 20 years: 90,000 inhabitants : i 2 companies of foot quartered in the bar- j^cks : a cathedral built between i 725 and i 735 : cky re-- vcnue 3000/, the Mayor enjoys 500A When there has been no war, 2000 veffels have reforted to Cork haven in a year. Ships from England bound to the Weft Indies take in provifions here. In the flaughtering feafon, from September to the end of January, they kill and cure 1 00,000 head of black cattle. For the fecurity of Cork port. CORK COUNTY. ^ port^ was built in the Earl of Chefterfield's rnemorahle adminiftration 1745, Carlife fort, below Cove, on the Great Ifland. The harbour called the Cove, in CloPmel pariffi, is one of the heft in the world. Ships of burden however,' unload at Paffage, in MarmuUane parifli, 5 m from Cork, the channel not admitting veffels of above 200 tons, though the hatbour ftretches'a mile from ffiore to ffiore. The lighters carry about 40 tons to the quay. At I m from Cork is Glaffieen, Mr. Coffart. "Cotton manufaftory of Mr. Sadler. Surnmerftown, Mr. Parks- Wilhown, Mr. Izod. Doughlone, Dr^ Sarsfield. Ar 2 m Graan darough, Rev. Mr. Carey. Ballynafpeg; the Lord Bilhop of Cork. Ghetwynd, Mr. Pigot. -At3ra Rochfordftown, Mr. Whyte, At 4 Waterfall, Mr. Auf tin. At 5 m The Abbey ruins. At 8 m Anagh, Mr. Bar ter. Near II Brinie, Mr. -Naffi. (At Iniftianon, Mr, Travers. The late Thomas Adderley, Efq.) At 13 oa Bandon, built 1610 by Richard Bayle, the firft Earl of Cork, with two churches in Ballymodan' and Kilbrogan pariflies, At 14 is Roundhillj Mr, TraverS. Caftle Ber nard, Earl of Bandon. At 20 Knocknafoney, Mr. Sta well. At 21 Coalwood, Mr. Harris. Near 22 Mount Shan non, Dr. Calnan. At 22 Clonekilty in Kilgaruff pari(h near the fea, the harbour's mouth choaked with fand. At 24 Ballenacriagh village. At 28 Cahirmore, Mr. Hungerfofd. ' Roffcarbery, a biffiop's fee, annexed ta Cork: the harbour's mouth choaked up with fand, (Caf tle Freke, Sir John Freke, Bart,). DoWneen, Mr. Smith. At 29 Derry, Mr. Townfend. Caftle Sally, Mr. Morres. At 30 tJallyvoreen Caftic ruins, Barleyhiii, Mr. Morres. Ac 31 Selmount, Mr,' Morres. At-33 «i Braad, Mr. Jervis. Baanlaghan, Mr. O'Donovan. (On the left hand road Caftletownfend Church, Rich. Townf end, Efq. by Glendore harbour.) On the right hand road at 37 is Ski-bbereen, at the bottom- or N: E.' extremity of Baltimore Bay, where the coU'eftor and furveyor of Baltinw>re port refide. Church In Abbyftrowry pariffi : a ftone bridge over the river Hen : clothing trade: manu'- fafture of ftriped linens and handkerchiefs : the Uiid^ produce corn- and flax. Goron'ea, Mr. Townfend. At 40 Newcourt, Lord Riverfdale. Sak works- on- the fide of the bay. Near 41 Cree-, John- Beecher, Efq. Rev. Mr, Will. At 41 Aaghadown, Ben. Bou^field, Efq, on the 9^ . CORK COUNTY. the bay. At 44 Baltimore In Tullagh pariffi on the river Hen, on the eali fide of the bay : ¦ an excellent harbour. In 163 1 it was taken and plundered by the Algerines, the terror of it prevented people from fettling in it: the cpl- ieftor and furveyor of the port rdfide at Skibbereen, (The uttermoft point of the land on the fouth fide of Dunmanus Bay, is Mizen Head, being the fouthernmoft cape of all the main land of Ireland, Cape Clear lying out further S, E, being in an ifland. In Baltimore Bay lie Crook Haven and Church, in Kilmoe pariffi : alfo Skull Haven and Church. In Cape Clear Ifland (Infula Sanfta Clara) there is a Lough, whofe waters having a faponaceous quality, are applied to waffiing and cleanfing flax : 400 families.) By Mitchelftown Church in Brigown pariffi 103, Kildo- rery 107, Doneraile 113, Two-pot-houfe Inn 115, Mallow 118, Glanton 122, Newbridge 125, Clon- m|en 127, MiUftreet 136, proceeding to Shanes Inn 1 39 in Kerry County. At 99 you enter Cork County, , At 102 is Kilffienan, Capt, King. At Mitchelftown 102 is a college of gentle men and gentlewomen of confiderable families and im paired fortunes, founded by the firft Earl of Kingfton. The Cave of Skeheerinky Abbey, defcribed in Mr. Ar thur Younge's Tour. At 105 on the banks of the river, arc Cariganoura Caftle ruins. At 106 Ahacros, Mr. Anderfon. Ballyenaghan, Mr. Walfli.. At 107 Kildore- ry. At 108 Farahy, Cole Bowen, Efq. Church and parfonage, the pariffi of the Dean of Cloyne. At i lO Ballinamona Caftle ruins. Wallftown Caftle ruins. At III BaUingrane, Mr. Henefy. Carker, Mr. Evans. Laurentinum, Mr. Creagh. At 113 Doneraile, Lord Vifcount Doneraile, where the Right Hon, Sir V,'m. St. Leger, Lord Prefident of Munfter 1633 kept his Piefi- dency Court : bridge over the~Awbeg : groves of fir flou- riffiing at all feafons. Church, fteeple, fpire ; marble quarries. At 115 Two-pot-houfe Inn. Baltidonnel, Mr, Foote. Carrig, Mr. Franks. Rockforeft, on the Black- ¦watcf, Sir James Cotter, Bart. At 118 A-tallow, on the banks CORK COUNTY. 97 Blackwater, Denham Jephfon, Efq, M. P, This eftate was granted by Queen Elizabeth on the Earl of Defmond's attainder to Sir John Norris, who fettled th& crown of Portugal on the houfe of Braganza, arid was ^^ord Prefi dent of Munfter ; from hence it came by marriage to the .Jephfon family. Mallow is noted for its hot well. From the fpa iffues a current of water 20 gallons in a minute, or 1200 gallons in an hour, — Annabella; the late Sir Jo- >feph Hoare, Bart. Rogerfon Cotter, Efq. At 119 Quar- tertown, Mr. Dillon. Woodfort, Mr. Oufley. Kilot- tery, Mr. Mac Arthy, At 120 Millfort, Mr. Foote, Dromore, Mr. Newman. At 121 Newberry, Col. New man. Kilffianick Church. At 122 Longueville, John Longfield, Efq. Glanton village: Drumarteen ftrong caftle. At 123 Bloffomfort, Mr. Wrixon. Lombards- town, Mr.Lombardi, At 12^ Newbridge. At 127 Clon— meen Church and parfonage. (Battle of Knockniclaffiy HiU, 1651, over Lord Muflcerry, who, with 4000 Iriffi, was marching to raife the fiege of Limerick, and was de feated by Lord Broghil with- 1000 Englifh.) At 128 Bantyre, Mr. CaUaghan. Ac 130 NafhviUe, Mr. Naffi. Knockbrack, Mr. Grady. At 135 Drifane Church, Mr. Wallis. Mount Leader, Mr. Leader. At 136 Mdl- freet Inn. Coomlagane, Mr. O'Leary, At 139 m you enter Kerry County, By Kilworth 104, Fermoy 107, Caftle Hyde Church in Litter pariffi 109, Ballyliooly Church in, Caftletown .Roche,ii5, Mallow 121. At Fermoy 107 is Rathhely, Mr. Bryan. John Ander-^ fan, Efq. banker, and proprietor of Fermoy. Mount Rivers, Mathew Hendley, Efq, At 109 on the Black- water is Caflle Hyde Church in Litter parifh, Mr. Hyu.. •Greg Caftle, Mr. Hyde. At \\\ is Ballyhdoly Church, Rev. Win. Berkeley. At 1 13 is Rinny, Mr. Nagle, for merly an eftate of Edward Spenfer the poet. Kilcummer, Mr. Groves. At 114 is Glenanore, the late Rev. Mr. Purcel. Bridgetown Abbey iuins. At 115 Cafleto-Mn Roche. Ruins of a caftle fortified by the Roches, Lords Fermoy. A field called Gampfield, where the parliament O army g$ CORK COUNTY. army in 1649 planted a battery againft the caftle, which was npbly defended by the Lady of Lord Roche. Car- rignaconny Caftle. Monanimy Preceptory and Church ruins. Anns-grove, Mr. Groves,- , Richard Aldworth, Efq. At 1 17 Ballygriffin, Mr. Nagle. At 118 Bally- macmcy, Mr, Henefy. At 119 Carrig, Mr, Franks, Rockforeft, Sir James Cotter, Bart. By Cork 124, Oven's Inn in Athnowen pariffi 130, Mac- room or Macromp Iij2, Knightffiridge 151, proceeding to Kilgai'van 162, in Kerry County. At I m from Cork is Glaffieen, Mr, Patten. At 2 m is Mount Defert, Mr. Dunfcombe. Ballynafpeg, the Lord Biffiop of Cork. Mr. Parker. At 3 m Inchegaghan Church and Caftle remains- Carigrohan, Mr. Colthurft. At 4 BallincoUig Caftle ruins, Mr. Lloyd. At 5 m Greenfield, Mr. Caileton. Mr. Wetheral, (Inilcara Church and parfonage : bridge of 6 ftone arches over the river Lee.) At 6 is^ Oven^s Inn. Church in Athnowen pariffi : a fu'bterraneous cavern of 2 miles. Surmount, Mr. Hawkes. Grange, Mr. Whyte. At 8 Elmpark, Rev. Mr. Kenny. Kilcrea Caftle: ftaircafe 70 feet high. Abbey ruins : fteeple 80 feet high. Snugboio, Mr. O'Keefe. A field called the Bawn, formerly an appen dage to great mens caftles fof dancing and goaling before pleafure, gardens were known ; and ufed for keeping their cattle by night, to prevent their being carried oft". — At 10 m Ryecourt, the late Col, Rye. At 12 Foreft, Mr, Spread. At 13 Shandingori, Mr. Devonflier. Kilcondie, Mr. Grooke. Near 15 Lehenock, Mr. Pead. Warren's' Court, Sir Thorhas Warren, Bart. At 16 Maflianglafs Caftle ruins. At 18 Macroom: two bridges over the river Slaan : combing and fpinning of wool : fall works, 4 fait pans employed, the rock fait brought from England, and the fait when made here is fent from hence and ufed in faltjng butter for exportation. Admiral Sir Wm, Penn, father of the founder of Pennf}lvania, born in the caftle. At 19 m Mount Hedges, Capt. Robert Hedges^ on the river SuUane. At 2oCodium, Maffy Hutchinfon, Efq. (ClondrohiU Church.) At 26 Ballyvourny (i. e, the town of CORK COUNTY. 99 of the beloved) nunnery. At 27 Knight's-bridge, Sir Nicholas Colthurft, Bart. At 32 you enter Kerry Co. proceeding to Kilgarvan 38 m. By Cork 124, Oven's Inn 130, Inchegela 148. At 15 m from Cork is Warren's-court, Sir Thomas Warren, Bart. At 19 m Cooldaniel, Mr. Barter. At 20 Carrickafaucky (z. e. Fairy-rock) caftle ruins. Near 22 Garroneneegough caftle ruins. Mr. Barry.' At 23 Carronacurragh, Mr. Mafters. At 24 Inchegela church. Gougane barra lake of 200 acres, the hermitage. of St. Finbar, By Bandon .137, Inilkeen 144, Ballineen church in Bal- Jimoriey parilh 145, Dunraanway church in Fanl'obbiffi paiiffi 151, Dromaleague 155, Bantry in Kilmaco- -iBoge pariffi 164. At i3^m from Cork is Bandon. At 14 rn on the Ban don river is Caftle-Bernard, E. of Bandon. NearigisMur- ragh village. Defart church and parfonage, late Rev. Mr. S.-wan. Beyond 19 Palace Ann, Mr. Bernard. At 20 Inifkeen. At 2 i Ballineen viW-ii^e, Church in Balliinoney parifh. Vale, John Wade, Efq. At 22 Gonnor's-ville, Roger CConnor, Efq. Kilcblka'n, George Daunt, Efq. At 24 Ballinacarrigy caftle ruins. At 26 is a Charter- fchool, A t27 Dunmanway : Linen manufafture eftablifli- ed by the late Sir Richard Cox, Ban. Near 28 Kilbarry church ruins. At 22 Dromaleague. Donovan caftle ruins. Butler's-gift, Mr. O'Callaghan. At 40 Bantry. Black rock, Lord Bantry. Mr. Galway. Mr. Mellefont. Bantry lies at the'bottom of Bantry-bay or Bear Haven, 26 miles long, i league broad, in the compound barony of Bear and Bantry. A fea-fight 1689 by Admiral Her bert over the French fleet: he brought the captured vef fels Into Plymouth May 7. Some years ago feveral thou- fand pounds worth of pilchards were faved, preferved and falted here. (At 2 m from Bantry is Whiddy Ifland, an ciently '00 CORK COUNTY. ^ ciently Fucida Infula : It has a deer park, a freffi and fait water lake, orchards and a hop yard. A ferry boat to Bearhaven Ifland which is .6 m long. Durfey Ifland,^ aPr ciently called Bea Infula, 3 m long.) By Dunmanway 51, Skibbereen 164. At 26 m from Cork is Dunmanway, At 33 are Caftle- Donovan ruins. Near 39 is Hollybrook, John Becher, Efq. Thornhill, Mr. 'townfend. At 40 is Skibbereen. Coronea,/ Mr. Townfend. ' 1 By Corki24. Kinfale 136. At 2 ni frPm Cork is Pou-kduff, Mr. Grey. Affigrove, Mr. Williams. Ghetwynd, Mr. Pigot, At 3 m is Roch- ford's-town,- Mr. Whyte. Beyond^m is Mountpleafant, Mr. Bonwell. Ballyhaffic village- At 8 m Arlingftowm village. Ballymartle, Rev. Mr. Meade. Near lO in Bal- linto.bber. Rev. Mr. Meade.' At 11 Kinfale. Balnacur- ^agh, Mr. Sweet. Kinfale extends i mile. On the oppofite I'hcre is Cove village and Scilly ifland which latter has 3 acres. In Kinfale liberties are the pariffiesof Kiniale, Glonlead, Duhderrow, Rincoran and TiflTaffon, The Engliffi and Datch Smyrna fleets have anchored in the harbour at the fame time. Thefe is the proper eftabliffiment of a royal yard, the only one in Ireland. In 1600 the Spaniards under John de Aquilamade themfelves mafters of the town, but the Lord Deputy Cha. Blount, Lord Mountjoy, drove them out. It gives the title of Baron to the De Courcy family, defce.nded from Jolin De Courcy, Earl of Ulfter, who from him have the privilege to be covered in the pre- fence of the King of England. James II. after„ his abdi cation landed at Kinfale March 1689, and was received by Talbot hor&'Tjrconatl. Charlesfort founded'by KingCliar- lesll. I m.diftant from Kinfale, begun 1670 by the Earl of Orrery, and coft 73,cool, It was taken by John Church ill, Earl of , Marlborough, 1690, after 'he" had taken / Cork. By CO-RK COUN^TY. lor By Curriglas Church In Mogeely pariffi 105, Water grafs-hill 117, Upper Glanmire in Rathconey pariffi 122, Cork 126. At 105 Is Kilmacoe, Mr. Percival. Curriglafs, Mr- Bouwell. At 107 Currygeen, Mr; Peard. At 108 Coft- nough caftle ruins. Beyond 109 is Ballyclach. Aghern, Mr. Brabazon^ Beyond no is Tormore, Mr. Connor. At 1 1 1 Goole, Mr. Peard. At 1 14 Kilffianick, Abraham Devonflierj Efq. At II7 Watergrafs-hill. At I18 Bi ffiop's Ifland, Mr. Mitchel. At 119 Michel's-fort, an other Mr. Mitchell. Near 122 Upper Glanmire. -At 126 is Cork. By Lifmore entering Corl^ Co. to Fermoy 113. Ar io'6 you enter Cork Go. Modeligp, Mr. Armftead. At 108 near the Blackwater is Kilbarry, Hon. Mr. Moore. At 109 Caiey's-vilie, Mr. Carey. BaUy Mac Patrick caf tle ruins. At 112 Mount Rivers, Mathew Hendley, Efq. Carrickabrick caftle rtiins. Lifclaffi caftk ruins. At 113 Rathhely, Mr. Bryan. Fermoy 11 2. By Fermoy 107, Caftle Lyons iii, Dungourney Church 119, Caftle Martyr 123. At Caflle Lyons III the Earl of Barrymore's manfion houfe,- deftroyed by ap accidental , fire. Kilcur, Mr. O'Brien. At 114 Ballyolane, Mr. P»yne. Britt- well Church ruins. , At 119 Dungourney Char c\\ and fpire, ered^ed by .the liberality of Lord Vifcount Middleton's family. Cafllemartyr, the Earl of Shannon, it gives the title of baron to an illuftrious branch of the noble family of Boyle, Gha;-ter fchool endowed. An alms houfe founded by the firft. Earl of Orrei'y. In 1663 the towri was incorporated and made a borough. — Ballyouteragh, or a to-wh of braziers. — A river called the Dow KERRY i-^6' KERRY COUNTY. ROADS, NOTED PLACESj SKATi, 6te. By Caftle-ifland 133, Klllarfiey 14^, Mucrus 146^ Kefi- mare town 155. At 40 m from Limerick is Caflle-ifland : charter-fchool epdowed by the late Eatl of Glepdorcj Edward Herbert, John Blennerhaffet, Arthur Croffiie and Richard Mere dith, Efqrs, Caftle-ifland was taken A, D, 1345, i8lh J ear of Edward III, by Sir Ralph Ufford, Lord Juftice of reland, it bejngthen held for Maurice Fitzthomas Fitz gerald the firft Earl of Defmopd, by Sir Euftace De la Poer, Sir Wm. Grant_and Sir Johp Cotterel, who were all executed by Ufford, Here alfo Gerald, the 4th Earl of Defmond, comraonly called the Poet, was murdered in 1397, 20th of Richard II, Queen Elizabeth granted this feigniory to the Herbert family, when it was ftiled the feignlory of Mount Eagle Loyal.— At 41 Dyfart Church ruins. 43 is Duckfgrove, Mr. Meredith. At 48 is Du- neen. Rev. Dr. Bland. Mount-Meredith, Mr. O'Do- noghue. 49 Killarney, Lord Kenmare. The 3 lakes co ver 6000 acres, x The lower lake Is 7 m long, 4 m broad, communicat ing with the upper one by a narrow paflfage 3 ra long. Rofs Iflandr\% the largeft in the lake — a mile in length, containing 80 or 100 acre's. It is rather a peninfula, be ing only feparated by a fmall cut through a morafs from the mainland, over which is a bridge. Rofs caftle the'feat of the lords of the lake who affumed the title of kings, the family of the great O'Donoghue. It has a bar rack for 2 companies of foot, and has a governor on the eftabliffiment. At ^ERRY COUJSTTir. jll At Jnisfall^n Jfland 17 acres, the remains of an old ab bey ferve as a fummer-hoiife yvhere parties of pleafure dine. "The arbutus or ftrawtierry tree thrives here prodi- gioufly ^nd in September bears bloffoms, .green and ripe fruit at once. Holly arid juniper are here very large. The lordly oak, the affi, the pine, the birch and alder inter mixed with white thorn, holly, hazel, ye^y, and ever beautiful arbutus, defcending in full robed luxuriance tq the very water's edge, join with fpontaneous growth their jiinls of various hue to captivate and' charm. O'Sullivan's Cafcade falls into the lake ffom Tomiep mountain, with a roar which ftrikes the iSmid with awe on approaching it. The vieyy of this ffieet of water Is lancomm.only fine, appearing as if it were defcending from an arch of vyood which overhangs it, 70 feet in height from the point of view.:TrTwo miles'from KiUar- ney are Cloughreen Church and Irrelagh Abbey ruins. Mucruf gardens 'be\oag\ag to H. A. Herbert, Efq. are 3 m from Killarney. The cloifters of the abbey (found ed 1440, 18th year of Hep. VL) form a fquare of iz yards, and con-fift of 2? arches. In the centre is a yew, the trunk, of which Is 7 feet in circumference and 15 In height to the branches, and fprm a per^eft canopy to the cloifters, "fhedding a dim religiops light. -^-Copper mines near Mucrus have afforded in a year 375 tons, which pro., duced from an ounce of the general fample 5 penny weights S grains of copper, Ijeing confiderably more than one fourth of pure metal, . . At 4 mfrom KWUrney is Mount Mizngerton, which is 837 yards above the fea- Turk 640. Mac Giilycpddy's reeks 1180.— 30| yards in perpendicular height are allowed to every .-p'g of an inch pf -the mercury's fell in the barome ter. On the weft fide of Mangerton is a large dedp hole filled with vvater, called the Devil's 'Punch Bowl, whiclf overflows and makes an agreeable cafcade, vifible 159 yards down the fide of the mountain, in view of Mucrtis houfe. This water fupplies the mills for the iron 'workf and then f^Us into Lough Laune. Turk Mountain (called from the likenefs pf his white jchalky top to the Turkiffi turban) belongs to Colonel H. Herbert, yvho has planted niany thoufand trees on it. The river Lauhe rifes near the fuinmit, and anciently gave its nanje to the whole lake. ¦'"'-'" " " At ri2 KERRY CdUNTY, At 6 miles from Killarney Is the Upper Lake 3 m long, 1 m broady environed by Glenaa and the Turk mountains^ andMac GiUycuddy's reeks. The waters of the upper pal^ into the Ipwer diyifion by Coleman's Eye, and from thence are dlfcharged ipto the fea at C^ftlf™ain-bay, diftant 20 miles by the riyer Laune, ' The celebratetl rock called the Eagle's JVg/?, 500 yard? high, produces wonderful Echpes, infinitely fuperior to any iri that land of Echoes the Peak pf Dei by ffiire, A French horn founded here, raifes a copcert fuperior to a hundred§, and the report of ^ muf^et or pate- rero is anfwered by a fucceffipn of peals refembling the ioadeft thunder, which fpems to travel the furrounding icenery and die away among the dift,ant rpountaips. Occafionally Lord Kenmgre gives a flag hunt on the wa fer. The dcef is flatted on the mountain, and wearied with the conftant difi^culty of making way with his lofty ramified antlers throiigh the woods, which every way op-r pofe hij flight : al^rtned bv tlie cry of his open mouth purfuers he plunges into the lake, jthe cqmpariy jfollowiiig in boats tilt the animal is feized. At 9 m from Mucrus and 1 1 from Killarney is Kenmar^ town : bay 3 ra longi Landfdowp-lodge, Lord Henrys jP'etty. Charles Spread, Efq. fr^o) Killarney. Mijltown Church in Kiicoleman pa- ' riffi 8 m, Caftlemain Church in Kiltalla pariffi 19, Erackloun Inn 22, L'l^pole 26, Dingle 30. At I m Profpeft, Mr. Supple,i At 2 m Aghado'e Churcfji ruins. Mcenifky, Mr. Murphy. -At 3 ra Dunloe Caftle, Guftavus Croffiie, Efq. At 4 ni Beaufort, Rev. Archdea con Day. The Caftle of Palace. At5 m Fagha, Mr. ^alyey. At 8 taAfilltown. Buffifield,' Sir Wm. Gpd- frey, Bart, eftate along the rivets Mang and L^une for 6 miles, planted after the Reftoration by Englifi> families'. At 10 ra Parfbnage, Rev. Dr. Day. Kiltalla Chiirch. Caftlemain, Veffels are unjoaded here freighted with rock fait from Englandj which is refined here.' Other veffels are laden lyith iron here, which Is c,irried on horf6s to the iron foupdry at Mucrus. On Farnafs lands, a part oif JfeSkR* COtJStTf. tij the eftate of Dublin Univerfity, Is a chalybeate water. At 13 pi Ciftledrura ruins. Keel, Mr. Langford. At aa Iri Bratkhun Inn. At 24 Minard Caftle ruins. At 26 Z.fJpoie. CloBrtcura, Mr. Huffey. At 30 Dingle. (Din gle i Couch or Daingcan in Cuffiy, that is, the fortrefs of Huffey,) Mr. Fitigeraldj Knight of Kerry. Bufn.i hacOi Thomas MuUins, Efq. (i rti from Dingle is Mo-^ naree. 5 m of Dingle is Brandon-hill. 6 m of Dingle is Ventry, near which are the Blafques or Ferriter iflands: one of which is Valencia, which gives the title of Vift count to the Earl of Mountnotrls. Frotti Tralee to KlUarne^ 14 m; At Tralee is ClougherS, Richard Yielding, Efq, l^aj- lymullin Caftlej Mr. Morres. At 2 m Ballyfeedy, once the Pianifion hodfe of the. BlSnerhaffet family. Elm Gixive, Wm. Bleiierhaffet, Efq. At 6 Scartyowcn, Mr. Ma hony, near the rivisr Mang. Clonmellan Caftle ruins; Near 7 Molahiff Caftle ruins, an ancient feat of the Kenmare family. Rockffiorough,^ Francis Chute, Efq. Firies Caftle rtiiriS. Batterfield, Mr. Mahony. At 9 m Agliffi Church ruips. At lo BaUyharr, Mr. Eager. At 12 Aghadoe cathedral ruins. Mount Meredith j Mr. O'Donoghue, By LiftoweU 131, Crotto and Kilflin Church 13S, Tra- lefe 144, Brackloiin Inn 158, Lifpolfe !6st, Dingle 166. At 31 m from Limerick you enter Kerry Co. 33 Kil- meny, Mr. Gunn. 35 Woodford,' Robfert Fitzgerald, Efq. 36 Drominj Mr. Raymond. 37 LifloWell, {U&- Tuathal, i.e. the fort of Tuat,hal) remains of a caftle taken A. D. 16'BlO from the Earl of Kerry by Sir Henry Wilmot. At 43 LiXnav«fj the Earl of Kerry. 44 Giotto j ¦James Carrigue Ponfonby, Efq. Kilflin Church. 49 Oak- park, Rpwlana Bateman, Efq. 50 Tralee, a caftle of the Earls of DefiBo-nd, granted by Qse^" Elifabeth to Sir Q^ ' Anthony 1 14 '- KERRY COUNTYi Anthony DehnV, lately the feat of Sir Edward Dennyf Bart. (Tralee is in. Iriffi Traieigh, i.e. the ftr'an4 ofi the ,river Leigh.) In this caftle was committed the inhunian murder of Sir Henry D'Arivers, (the pretence for which was D'Anvers holding a fefEon of gaol delivery in Def- ^nond^s palatinate) with the Juftices Me^de and Chartres, who were affaffinated, with aU their ferVants, while they were afleep in their beds, fay Sir John of Defmond,' the Earl's brother, A. D. 1579, in the 21ft of Elifabeth, which cruelty prepared the way for the deftruftion of the Defmond famUy foon after. (At Tullygarron, "3 m from Tralee, Saunders the nuncio -w^ho was fent over in 157^ to forward an oppofition to Queen Elifabeth's government, died miferably in the wood of Clonliffi 1582).— Ballyvilly — rAt 51 Lohercannori, formerly Rev. Mr. Day, but de ftroyed by an accidental fire. Below that by the fea fide is a chalybeate Spa. ' Annagh church ruins. Deermore. At 56 m Kilgobbin church. The parfonage. — At 62 m Brackloun Inn. 66 Lifpole. 70 Dingle: all men tioned before. By Tarbert Chufch in Kilnaghtin parifh 124, Ballylpng- ford 128, LiftoweU 134,. Tralee 147. At 30 ra from Limerick, Leflie Lodge, Robert Leflie, Efq. Tarmont, Launcelot O'Brien, Efq. Tarbert Church. The parfonage, 'Tarbert-houfe, Sir Ed-^ ward Leflie, Bart. On Tarbert ifland or point, a fortification is erefted by government for the defence of, the trade of Limerick.' Tarbert feighiory was granted in the reign of James I. to Patrick Croffiie; his fon Pierce Croffiie fold it- to Alderman Roche of Lime- lick', from whofe family it was bought by Lord Clare, who forfeited it 1689, and then it came into the Lefliie family. — At 31 Kiltergus Church. Pyrhiont, George Leake, Efq. called from a chalybeate fpring lately difco vered there. At 34 Ballylongford. Sallow Glyn, Wm. Sandes, Efq. Liflaght'tn Abbey ruins, 12 acres. Henry .Role, Efq. formerly of Dublin, propofed to give 4/. a year for it, and had a leafe of It for 99 years at that rate, — koflieen, -Mr. Croffiie. Carrickafort caftle ruins. The ifland KERRY COUNTY. %I^ ifland of Scattery, in Iriffi Inis Cathay.- Remains, of 7 churches and anchoret tower. At 38 TuUamore, Rev. Mr. Julian. 39 Bedford, Colthurft Bateman, Efq. mip, Mr. Raymond. 40 Liflowel caftle ruins on the ri ver Feale, Near 45 is Kilflin Church...- At 490ak--park, Rowland Bateman, Efq. 50 Is Tralee, Ry Lifl^iwel 131, Crotto and Kilflin Church 13$, Abbey Odorney 140, Ardfert 144. At 44 rafrom Limerick is Crotto, James Carrigue Pon fonby, Efq. Kilflin Church. At 46 BallyhCnry, Mr, Hartnet. Abbey Odorney ruins near the river Brick. At 49 Tobrid, Mr, Grofbie. Tobrid well. At 50 is Sack- yilie, the Dean of Ardfert, on the eftate of the Earl of Glendore.. Ardfert, the Earl of Glendore. Cifter.cian Abbey ruins: One of the grave ftones has the effigies of John Stack, Biffiop of Ardfert, who died in 1488, carved in relievo, lying in his pontificals, (Ten miles from Ard fert, between Tralee bay and the Shannon mouth, is Kerry head. At Ballingarry near Ardfert is the mouth of jbe Shannon which is 8 niiles dyer.) By Caftl^ifland 133, Arbella 138, Tralee 14a. At 40 m from Limerick is Caftleifland. At 41 m is Me nus, Dr, Drew. Near 43 is Maglas, Wijliam Sealy. Maugh, another Mr. Sealy. At 44 Ratanny, Mr, Row- sn. AMla, R. Blenerhaffet, Efq. A church. At 46 Afli-hill, Thomas Bleperhaffet, Efq. Ballycarthy Caf tle ruins, Mr. Naffi. Elm Grove, W^. Bleperhaffet, Efq. Chute HaU, Richard Chute, Efq. At 47 Bally- feedy, once the manfion houfe of the Blenerhaflet family, BaUengown, Mr- Crofs. At 47 Littleton, Mr. Morres. At 48 Tralee. Oak-park, Rowland Bateman, Efq. By t|f KE^RX COUNTY. By Liftowel 131, Caftleifland 143. Over the mountains. No remarkahli? objecured by exchange by his Grace the Earl of Normanton, then archbiffiop of Caffiel. Parfonage built under his Grace's 'direftion in 1784 coft 1300I, — New Inn. Oughtra church ruins. Knockgraffon caftle and mount, on the Suir. On the oppofite fide near the mountain is ^allydrehid belonging to the fee of Caffiel. At S3 Kedragh, Mr, Dogherty. Near 84 Keylong, Mr^ Butler, near the fpot of a high hill. At 85 on an ifland in the river near the bridge is Cahir caftle, the anclerit . family feat. Cahir abbey ruins. Near 87 Kilcommon more, the late James Butler, Efq. over' a. vale finely planted, through which the river runs. Cemetery of JLord Cahir's family, (The new road to Michelftovvn ftrikes, off ffiorter than by Clogheen,)' At 19 Ballyough'- ^n, eftate of the late Sir Henry Cavendiffi, Bart. Burgefs, Mr.Alfop. Tubred church and a new parfonage. At 96 BaUymafny, Mr. Prendergaft. ^i Clogheen. By' Urlingford 61, Killenaule 72, Fethard 78, -Clon- mcl 85. Near 64 is Liberty-green, Mr. Carney. At 65 is Kilr eooley abbey ruins at tb-e foot of a hill. Sir Wm. Barker, Bart. 67 UUeck, Mr, Morres. Littlefield, Mr. Cooke; 69 Pointrtown, Wm, Cooke, Efq. -Near 70 is Glan- goole church ruins, Sir Vere Hunt, Bart, Lane's-park, I. Hamilton Lane, Efq. 72 h Killenaule, Near 74 is Up- ham , TJPPERARY COUNTY. 12 j ham, the parfonage of Killenaule parifli. At 75 ,St. Johnftown, Mr. Jacob. " 76 Goplmore, Mr. Sankey. 77 Kilnockin caftle ruins. 78 i^^f/iar^/; the to.wn walls and fome gates remain, and abbey ruins. Grove, Wm. Barton, Efq. At 79 Knockbrack, Mr. Letham, Par fonage built with the approbation of his Qrace the Earl of Normanton, then archbiffiop of Cafliel, from a plan of Mr. Richard Morrifon, architeft, 80 Gammonftown, Mr. Hacker. 82 Kilmore, John Bagwell, Efq. 83 the turnpike. S^Clonmel: 4 crofs ftreets : bridge of 20 arches over the Suir. Charter-fchool which received benefac tions of the late Sir John Dawfon, Efq. in 1269 a Do minican friary founded and a Francifcan friary; ip the church was kept the image of St, Francis d'Affifi of which miracles are ftoried. Glonmel was built before the Daniffi invafion. Cromwel found efpecial refiftance here, and demoliffied the c^ftlek and fortifications. The Suir is na vigable from Clonrnel to Carrick ^nd Waterford. Wool len trade carried on by the Quakers or Friends, The in habitants boaft of tlie houfe' where the Rev. Laurence Sterne, author of Triftrani Shandy was born, 17 13 — hp died 1768. ' By Ninemilehoufe 71, Kilcaffi 75, Glonmel 82, Ardfip-, nan 88, Clogheen in Shatiraghan parifti 93, Ballypp-/ reen-97 , Near 72 arc Grangemocler Chiirch ruins. At 75 Kil- cajh hill, Mr, Butler. Ballypatrick. Slievenaman moun tain. At 77 Bajlyglaffiin Caftle ruins. At 79 Kilmore, John Bagwell, Efq. Newtown, Sir Thomas' Offiorne, Bart, Redmondftown, Mr. Magrath. Annerville, Mr. Patten. At 81 the charter-fchool. " At 82 Clonrnel, men tioned before. Ghancellorftowh, Mr. Moore. At 83 Barn, Stephen Moore, Efq. , Newchapel parfonage, buUt under the direftion of his Grace the Earl of Nor- mant6n, then archbiffiop of Gaffiil. Flour mills, built, by the late Stephen iMoore, Efq. Marlefield, Col. John BagweU, M. P. on the Suir banks, New Abbey, Moore Coote, Efq. On the oppofite fide of the river is Kilna- mack, Mr. Greene., At 8c on the Suir banks is Knock- ^ lofty. 124 TIPPJIRARY COUNTY.- lofty, the Earl of Donoughmore. On the other fide of the Suir is I^ilmanahari Caftle, another JVlr. Greene. (Op road to Ballynamult is "Whiteftovyn, Mr. White. Glaffia, Mt, Fower.) At 87 Ballindinny Caftle rules. At 88 Ardfinnan Caftle ruins, op the Suir : one of the 3 caflles built by John Earl of Mortort, Lord pf Ireland, in the reign pf his father Henry II, At "89 Lady's Ab bey ruins. At 90 is Kildunoge, Mr. Tenifon, Kil- grouge, Mr- Clutterbuck. At <)2 Clogheen, At 94 Shan^ raghan Church and parfonage. At 95 \ShanbaUy, Lorti, Lifmore, At ^1 BaUyporeen, By Kihnagany 67, entering Tipperary County to Carricl^ on Suir 74.' At 72 is Cjjftletown, Richard Cox, Efq. 7QP acres en- plofed with a ftone waU 11 feet high. At 73 Wilmar, Mr. Nicholfon. Tinvoan, Mr. Brifcow. At 74 Car-" rick on Suir: communication vyith Waterford by water for floops of 100 tons burdep- Caftle and park of the Butler family are neglefted. Part of the tovyn \yalls re mains. Manufafture of ratteens. Formerly it gave the title of Earl to the Duke pf Ormond, now to a branch pf the Butler family. A Danifli Caftle: fait ¦works car-, ried on. On the other fide of the Suir is Cafrickbeg. Ruins of a Francifcan abbey, founded 1336, 9th yearof Edward III. by James, firft Earl of Qrmond. ' A fteeple on one of the fide walls of the Church proj efts 2 feet oyer the wall in a point at 20 feet from the ground. From Limerick entering Tipperary County to Tipperary toyyn 21 m, Banffiavf 26, Cahir 33, Glonmel 42. At 19 Pegfborough, belonging to the Earl of Derby. At 20 Springfield, Mr, Englifh." At2i is 7/i()/)?r«ry, men tioned before. At 24 Springhoufe, Mr. Mac Arthy. At 26 Bunfiawi Mr. Q'Brien. Parfonage, built 1793., ""der the direftion of his Grace the Earl of Normanton, then archbiffiop of Cafliel. At 27 Lifmacue, Mr. Baker, Affigrove, TIPPERARY COUNTY, 125, Affigrove, Mr, Affi. Ballydavid, Mr, Baker, At 29 Cappagh, M''- MajGTey, Ballymorres, Mr. Magher, At ¦31 KUmoyler Caftle, Col. Butler, At 32 Ballydiehid, Lord Lifmore. Knockgraffon ruips. Thelohy Gauhees. Ai 33 Cflhir, Lprd Cahir, At 35 Cahir Caftle, Lough- lokery, Mr. Dogherty. Clbverhill, Mr. RyaU. Ac 40 Barn, Mr. Mooi".^. At 42 Clonrnel. From Clonmel by Cafliel u, Holyprofs 19, Thurles 22. At 2 m Chancellorftown, Mr. Moore. At 3 Darling- halF, Mr. Carleton. At 6 Ballattiq, M"" Parfons. Mock- Icrftown Caftle ruins. At 7 m Caftle Blake, Mr. Barret. At 9 m Lowefgreen, Rich. But|er Hamilton Lowe, Efq, At II in Cajhel, At 14 Thurlefljcg Caftle ruins. Ard mayle, Jofeph Richardfon Beafley, pfq. At 19 Holycrofs. At 22 Thurles, bifefted by the Suir. A monaftery for Carmelites, or white friars, founded 1300, 28th year pf Edward 1. by the Butler family : a tower and part of the crofs aifle remain. Thurles Caftle, the Earl of Landaff; now a barrack. By Clontriel. Caffiel 11, Holycrofs 18, Burros Ileagh Church in Glankeen pariffi 26, Nenagh 36, Moderen- ny 44, ente'ring King's County. At 18 Holycrofs abbey ruins, on the Suir. A magnifi- pent monument of Brien king of Limerick, who died 1194. At 20 111 Clonoutty Church and parfonage, built by his Grace the Earl of Normantop, then archbiffiop of Caffiel, on a glebe procured from Lord Vifc. Hawarden 1784. At 21 Farny-bridge, Mr. Armftrong. 22 Bache lors-lodge, Mr. Roe. 24 Inch, Mr. Ryan. Annfield, Mr. Ledwell. 26 Glankeen parfonage, built 1780, by direftion of h's Grace the Earl of Nprmanton, then archbiffiop of Caffiel. Fiffimoyne, Mr. Garden. Kil- ifithmon Churth and fteeple. Parfonage, built 1793 by direftion of his Grace the Earl of Normanton, then archbifhop of Caffiel, on a new glebe procured. Burros Ileagh taS TIPPERARY^ COUNTY. //«7j'^ Church in Glankeen pariffi. 30 Latragh Caftle yuins. Caftle Otway. Tiermoyle, Mr. Crawford. '33 Grenanftown, Mr. Dalton, 36 Nenagh, 39 Rapla, Mr. Willington, on the fflmmit of a hill. Caftlewillington, Mr. Willington. 40 Beechwood, Daniel Toler, Efq. Ballyrighy, Mr. Leger. 44 Moderenny, Sir Amyratd Dancer, Bart. 46 Sopwell-hall, Mr. Sadiier. Caftle Shepherd, Mr. Shepherd. From Clonrnel, Calhel ii, Holycrofs 19, Thurles 22, Templeinore 30. Near Templemore is Lloydffiorppgh, Mr. Garden. From Thurles by Burros Ileagh Church In Glankeen pa riffi 8, Nenagh 18. At 4 m Caftlefogarty, Mr. Lanigan, From^Birr entering Tipperary Coupty to Ballingarry 7, I Burrifakane 11, ' ' ". ' •} At 7 Ballingarry. Rahanane, Mr. Abbot, Li&rien, Mr. Faulkner. Caftle Shepherd, Mr. Shepherd, 8 Sopr weU-haU, Mr. Sadiier. 9 Ifcane, Mr. Cariol. 10 Grey Fort, Mr. Stoney. At n Burrifakane. From Cafliel. Killenaule 8, entering Kilkenny County toward Callen i8i. At I m Bofcobel, Mr, Ryves. Ballyffiehan Caftle ruins, Mr. Letham, 2 m Meldrum, Mr. Letham. 3 in Newpark, Mr. Pennefather. 4 m Mr. Lane. 5 m Noan, Godfrey Taylpr, Efq. 7 Grayftown Caftle ruins. Near 9 m is Killenaule. 10 Coolquil, Mr. Gahan. 11 Lifmarock, - TIPPERARY. COUNT'Y. xij? Lifmarock, Mr, Langley. 1 3 Wilford, Mr, Butler. LifmuUen Caftle arid Church ruins. 15 Mohaber, Mi^* Scott. Modefficl Church ruing. You enter Kilkenny County. \ Frorri Callen entering Tipperary County to Mullinhorie in Kilvemnon pariffi 5* Cloneen 9, Fethard I2i At I m Scotffiorough, Mr. Scott. 2 m Rofenaharlyj Mr. Poe. 3 m Mohaber, Mr. Scott. Modefhel ChUrcK ruins. 5 MuUinhone Caftle ruins. Church and parfonagfc In Kilvemnon pariffi, built I793> by direftion of his Grace the Earl of Normanton, then .archbiffiop of Caffi-^ el, Killaghy, Green Def^rd, Efq. 7 Gurteen Caftle. 9 C/flK«« Caftle. Kilburry. 10 BaUynard Caftle. Ban-;. noxtown, Mr. Clutterbuck. 11 Brookhill, Mr. Lowe. . Grove, Mr. Barton. 12 Crumps Caftle ruins. Knock- brack, Mr. Letham. Fethard. Ruins of an Augufti- niap convent, founded 1306, 34th year of Edward L From Fethard to Caffiel 7 ni. ' At I m Barretftown, Mr, Power, Rocklowe, Mr." . Lowe. Racool, Mr. Blake, 2 m Derrylufkan, Wray P^lifer, Efq. Mr. Chaloner, 3 m Mobarnan, Mr. Jacob. Coolmoyn'e, M"^- Taylor. 4 m Kilconnel Caf tle ruins. 7 m Cafliel. From Nenagh by Burrifakane §, entcripg Galway Co. to Portumna 1 8. i At I m Killoflialloe, Richard Gafon, Efq. 3 m Nic Caftle ruins. 4 ih Ballyrighy, Mr. Leger. Affiley- park, Mr. Hea'd, near a fine Lough, Lettyville, Mr. Green, 7 Mount Faulkner,' Mr. Faulkner. 8 Burrifa kane, Grey Fort, Mr. iStoney, 12 Firmpunt, Mr, Fir- roan, 128 flttEkARY -eo-ukt'^i man, on the ShanWon. 17 Belle Me, Mr. Yelverton, . Portland, Mr. Stoney. — 1 8 in Galway Co. Portumft'd bridge built by Mr. Lemuel Cox. From Birr entering Tipperary County to Rcffcrfea g, Cloii* kirtny and Templetohy Chiirch 14, Templemore 19* Thurles 27, Killenaule 36, ' At 9 m is Rofcrea, erefted into a biffiopric by St, Cro- iien 620, united to KiUaloe in the I2th century. The niouptaip caUed the Devil's Bit. In 1692 was dug up a golden cap or crown, weighing two ounces, the border and the head raifed in chafe .work. 14 Clonkihny Caftle ruins. Templetohy Church, fteeple and parfonage, built under. the aufpices of his Grace the Eairl of Normanton, then archbiffiop of Caffiel. Briffirow, Mr. Ljoyd. 17 m Affipark, Mr. Butler. At Templetnore 19 Is Lloydffio- rough, Mr. Garden. Church and fpire, built 1790, by his Grace the Earl of Normanton, then archbiffiop of Caffiel. Parfonage : garden of an acre, enclofed with one of the beft built ftone walls in Irelapd. 20 Caftle- Oyne, the Marquis of Lanfdowp.' 22 Crapagh, Mr. Lloyd. 24 Moyaliffe Church and fpire of hewn ftone, and parfonage built on a, glebe procured 1791, all effeft- ed by his Grace the Earl of Normanton, then archbiffiop of Caffiel. 27 Thurles, mentioned before. 28 Turklow, Mr. Blunden. 30 Moycarky Caftle ruins. Shanbally, Gen. Slaughter, who took the name of Stanwix. 31 Ballymurrin, Mr. Baker. 32 BaUybeg Caftle ruins. The pariffi Church. 34 Lanefpark, Mr. Lane. ¦ 36 Killenaule : a good colliery called Liften Rock. From Loughrea by Killaloe 30 m, entering TIpp&rary County to Newport 38 m. At 34 m Bird Hill, Mr. Going. 36 Killeen, Mr. Philips. 37 Barna, Mr, Lee, 38 Newport, the late Sir Robert Waller, Bart, 39 Bloomfield-lodge, Mr. Bloom- field;- tltPERARY eOUNtl^i ia^ fiieldi Foxhall, Mr. Anderfon. Ballymackeogh, Mr: Ryan. Mount RiverSi Mr. Phllipsi You enter Lims- 1-ick GdiiPty. By Templemore 69, Burros Ileagh in Glankeen parifli 76 mi At 72 Killofliehap, Mr. "Willington. 75 FiffimoynSj Mr, Cardeoi 76 Burros Ileagh. LIMERICK- ~i4^ LIMERICK COUNTY ROADS, NOTED PLACES, SJEATS, &c. By Anacotty 91, Limerick 94, Loughmore 97, Patrick's- well 99, Adare 102, Rathkeale 108, Newcaftle 114^ Clonkenny 118, Abbyfeale 1.23. Beyond 88 (on the road to O'Brien's Bridge) is Caftle- connel Spa and Caftle ruins on the Shannon, blown up 1690 by order of the Prince of Heffe. At 89 by the Shan non is New Garden, Simon Purdon, Efq- 90 Profpeft, Mr. Powel. Mount Shanrion, the late Earl of Clare.\ 91 Annacotty,' a paper mill built by the late Mr. Jofeph Sexton, one of the oldeft m Ireland. Gran, Mr. Gough. Rivers, Brooke Brafier, Efq. Caftle Troy on an ifland in the Shannon. At 92 Milford, Rev. Mr. WIdenham. Newcaftle ruins, the refidence of King William during Limerick fiege. At 93 Singland, Mr, Dwyer. On an ifland is Park, Sir Richard de Bourgho, Bart. At 94 Limerick, St. Munchin's gothic cathedral, b-uilt 1207 by Donald O'Brien, then king of Limerick, which is a building that may laft for ages to come. Three other pariffi churches ; houfes 4800. The ancient city confifts- of the Engliffi town (on the King's Ifland 3 m round"). and the Irilh toWn, connefted by Baal's bridge over the Shannon : 17 city gates demoUflied fince 17-60 to the im provement of the city. Lord Pery built a new town called Newtown-Pery. The new bridge built 17,61 of Jr arches: the centre one 40 feet in fpan, admits boats under fail. Veffels of 500 tons burden can come up to the cuf- tom-houfe and difcharge their cargoes, 60 miles from the fea, where the Shannon mouth is 7 or 8 m broad.^ Inha bitants LIMERICK COUNTY. £3; habitants in the new and old cities are 50,000. The Shapnon here is from one to three miles broad, the no- bleft ftreatn in the Britiffi dominions, well frequented'- with merchant fliips. It is navigable for ffiips of 9Q0 tons' burden from the fea beyond Limerick till the interruption of the falls of Doonaffe : by a canal the communication is kept up with KiUaloe for fmall craft, and from thence is navigable 150 miles through ten counties, Thomond 'jbridge of 14 arches is built 600 years. In 1650 Cromwel could make no impreffion onthe citi zens of Limerick, whofe attachments were divided be tween the pope's nuncio, King Charles I, and the parlia-. mentary army : nor would Ormond be admitted to defend it for Charles I. In 1651 Col. Hugh O'Neal defended it againft Ireton, fon-in-law to Cromwel: he was forced to give it up through the treachery of Col.. Fennel, whd had before 'abandoned the paffage of- the Shannpp at Kil laloe, Count Laufun, to whom King James entrufted the conduft of his army in Ireland, to the great prejudicd of his pwn interefts in the court of France, withdrew his pien from Limerick as untenable, declaring op viewing the fortifications, that his mafter would take it with roafted apples, yet Sarsfield the Irifli general undertook its de fence, and held it out agaipft the Pripce of Orange with 20,000 men after h's viftory at the Boyne 1690, Septem ber 21, 1691, Gen. Ginkle invefted it. The French and Iriffi reti.redthitherafter William'sviftory at Aughrim, and after a gallant refiftance it furrendered Oftober 13, on an honorable capitulation. -r- — At i m from- Limerick is.Rof- brien, Mr. Villiers, 3 ni Loifghmore, Mr. Bindon. Mungret Abbey ruins. 4 m Graig, Mr. Greene. Mount Bewfori, Mr. Hewfoni 5 Patrick- s weU. Faha, Mr, Tuthill. Attyflin, Mr. Weftrdp. Baliybronoge, Mr, Dickfon. Near 8 m is Adair, Lord Adair,- deer-park 490 acres. Adair is on the MaJg, which communicates with the Shannon. Ruins of 3 Francifcan friaries. Ruins of a friary of Ttinitarians_with a fteeple, and alfo an Auguf-, tian friary founded by John afterward Earl of Kildare, ¦who died in 1315, granted to Sir Henry Wallop by Queen Elifabeth, A grey4"riary founded (4th of Edward IV.) 1465 by Tho. 7t}i Earlof Kildare, and Joan his wife> daughr br of James, 7th Earl of Defriiiond, granted alfo to Sir H. ¦ WaUop X^i WMERICK COUNTTY, "gallop by Queen Elifabeth.^ At 9 m Is Currabridge- A* 10 are Graan buie caftle rpips- Kiltannan, Mr. O'Cpn- ijel. At 12 are-Amigan caftle ruins, Mount Brown. At 13 the late Croffiie Morgell, Efq. demefne of 30Q acres walled In, At 14 Rathkeale op the river Deel -within 4 miles of the Shannon, Cornmpps for Rathkeale races : a ftapd-houfe. Palatipes are fettled on Lord Southwell's eftate, Cloncagh church. Stoneville, Hugh Mafley, Efq. Mr. Pigot. Mr- Hickfpn, 15 the Caftle, Lord Southwel). M"^. Hewfop. 16 Bally alenan caftle rnlns^ 17 Reens, Mr. Creaghe. Near 18 at the fopt of a high hijl is JCnockaderfy, Mr- D'Arcy, ¦ At 29 New.caflle,'. Remains of a caftle belonging to the knights terppjars, •who lyere fupprefl"ed in the coiipcil of Viepne in Dau- phipe 13 12, 5th of Edward JI. N05 many years fince, Newcaftle was a great mart between Kerry and Limerick^ |t was fince the days of Quepn EUfabeth in the poffeffipq pf Lord Vifcount Courtenay's fapiily, Chnrch finiflie4 1777 at Lord Vifcount Courtenay's fole expence. At 2^ ' Affigrove, Mr. Upton. 24 Clankinny. At Abby feak.^ %(), called from the river Feale, was an abbey. N ear 31 is Purt caftle. You euter Kerry Co, From Limerick eptering Clare Co. to Broadford 8. At 4 m Tough Caftle and church ruins. Cloughry, Mr. Franks, on a fmall branch of the Shannon. From Limgrif k entering Clare Cp, by Meelick r Efq^', At I m Mr. Piercy. 2 Qakfield, Mr. Waller. Mc. gmyth. f afs, Mf. I'eacock. Caftlepark, Nich. Smyth, ?y tlMERlCK COUNTY, f33 By Adair 102, Newbridge 109, Shangolden 114, Lpghjl 117, Glyn in Kilfergus pariffi J2 1. At 108 Is Nantinan church, Mr. Rpyfe. Stoneville, H. J. Maffey, Efq. Altavilla, John Bateman, Efq. At Newbridge r/oa crofs the Deal river. Riddleftowp, Mr. Blenerhaffet. At 113 A.bhey, J. Greene, Efq. 114 Shangolden, Kilmoylan church. 116 Cappo, Mr, Rice". Foyne' s Ifland, In the year when the Eaft India veffels came into the Shannon, barracks were erefted here, and ia battery at the point, of 24 guns. At Loghil 107. A colliery worked by LauncelPt HiU, Efq. At Glynn in Kilfergus parifh 121 is Glynn houfe, Mr. Fitzgerald, JCnight of Glynn. A fine profpeft. of the Shannon and pergus with Scattery iflands and ruins. jBy Limerick 94, Courtferry over the Maig lOi, Stone- haU 103, Aflieytbn 107, At I m from Limerick is Roffirien, Mr, Quin, 2 Mr. Bindon. Mungret abbey ruins. 4 Cunigar on the ShaP- nbn, the bifhpp of Limerick. Tirvoe, W. T. Mon- fell, Efq. Carrickogonngl Caftle, on the fummit of a lofty hill. Elm, General Maffey. Craigbeg, Mr, VokesI At Courtferry oyer the Maig 6 is Court, Sir Harry Hartf longe, Bart, .^t Stonehall 102 is Hollypark, Rich. Tay lor, Efq. near a fine lake. Hollies grow luxuriantly out of the rocks. Curia, Sir Vere Hunt, Bart. Ballyehg- }and Caftle ruins. 106 Ballynort, Mr, Maffey. 107 n^ Afkeyton: ruins of a caftle pf the Earls pf Defmpnd. Jnchro^irke, Mr. Hunt. By Abingtpp 91, Bruff,i03, Kilmallock 197, At 88 Affiroe, Mr. Evans. 89 CaperciiUen, M""' .Grady. Wiltoa-haU, Mr. Percival, 9 1 yffo'»j-/o«,' Lord Cloncurry. 134 LIMERICK COUNTY, IPlpncurry. 96 Ballybrood church ruins. At Doon is $ church built 1794 by his Grace the Earl of NormapCop, then archbiffiop of Caffiel. 99 Garrickorny, Mr. White. Rawlenftown, Mr. Croker. iqo Lough Gur, Henry Baylee, Efq- Remains of a druidical temple, i 02 Kil- bgllyowen, Mr. Grady. 103 Bruff. ^ loj Aney. Par fonage, built 1794, by direftion of his Grace the Earl of l^ormantop, then archbiffiop of Cafliel. Kilmallock,' called by a moft learned and refpeftable writer and digni tary of the church, the Irifi Balbec. ^ It g^ve flie title of Vifcount to one of the Sarsfield family. Charter-fchool, opened 1783 : houfe built at the fole expence of Robert O'W-eir, Efq. Affihill, the late Chidley Coote, Efq.; 108 Ballymacana, Mr. Heffernan. , 109 Mount Blake- pey, Mr. Blakeney. Cragane caftle ruins, hi Maid- enhall, Mr. Boucher. You enter Cork County to Char- leyiUe 112. By Knocklong 97, Kilmallock 103. At 96 Caftle Jape, Mr. Ryves. Duntrileague, Ld. JVtaffey, 97 Knocklong. Elton, Mr. Grady. (Op the left is the road to Kil^nnan.) loi Mount Coote, Mr,' Copte. From Cork by Charleville 28, entering Limerick Co. to Kiliriallock 33, Bruff 37, Six-mile-bridge ^\, Bally- neety 44, Borheen 47, Limerick 49." At 29 Maidenhall, Mr. Boucher. Near 31 m Mounj; Blakeney, Mr. Blakeney. Cloagh, Mr. Holmes. At 32 Ballymacana, Mr. Heffernan. Near 33 Affihill, the late Chidley Coote, Efq. Kilmallock, mentioned before. 36 Ureagare, General Gabbet. 37 BaUygrenan Caftle. 38 Bruf. Kilballyowen, Air. Giady. 40 m Lough Gur, Henry Baylee, Efq. Several druidical mo numents. 41 Grange, Standiffi Grady, Efq, Rawlenf town, Mr. Croker. Six-mile-bridge. 42 Scule Caftle' .ryins. iiMfinicK COUNTY. i'j5 itiiris. 43 Rockftown Caftle ruins, 44Ballynagaid, Mr. Crokei'. Ballymacrife, Mr. Greene. ' Ballyneety, 46111 Cahirriary, Mr. Crips, near the .Church. 47 Borheen. Ballyffieedy, Gibbop Fitzgibbon, Efq. 49 Limericki From Mallow entering Limerick Co. to DromcuUiher 14, Newcaftle 22. At 16 Springfield, Lord Mufkerry^ 18 Appletown, Mr, Sheehy. 2® Caftlemaghan ruins, amidli a grov« near the banks' of a river. 22 Newcaflle^ From Limerick. Borheen 2, Gahirconliffi 6, FalicegreeA Church 12. At 5 Ballymacrife, Mr. Grfeene. Near 7 Cahirconlijh, Mr. "Wilfon. Parfonage, built 1794, by direftion of his Grace the Earl pf Normanton, then archbiffiop of Caffi el, 8 Deerftown, the late General Gabbet. 10 Clover- field, Mr, Lloyd. At 11 KUdrummond, Mr. Lloyd, Kilteely, Mr, Mc. Namara. 12 Palicegreart Church. Parfonage- Glebe, obtained 1781, by his Grace the Earl of Normanton, then archbiffiop of Gafhel. Kil- duff Caftle ruins, 14 Newtown, Mr, Ellsrd. " 15 Prof- peft-hill, Mr, Bradffiaw. 16 Caftle Lloyd, Rev. Mr. Lloyd. UUoe Caftle and Church ruins. Cullen bog, in which relics of antiquity, noticed by Governor Pownal, Dr. Campbell and General Valiancy^ were found. From Charleville entering Limerick County to Balliit- garry 10, Ratlikeale 15. At 4 m Drewfcourt, Mr. Drew. Drewflodge, ano ther Mr. Drew. 6 Caftletown, Mr. Gonyers. 8 Bally- fanlin, Mr, Naffi. Ballynoe, Mr. Cox. At Ballingarry 10, iSQ ilMERICE c'OTJiTTVi 10, 'Thomas O'Dell,; Efq. Fort William, Willlaiil O'DeU, Efq. II Lifmota, Mr. Cornwall. I2 Mount Bf6wn, Mr. Brown, i^ Rathkeale, Lord Southwell. By Kilmallock 103, you may enter Cork County W Charleville 108, . and re-enter Limerjck County td Dr<9inculliher x 1 8. WATERFO&D l^'ATERFORD COUNtY. !*o©(55oQ ROADS, NOTED PLACES^ SEATS, &C» By Four-mile-water 88, BaUinamult 97, Caperqiiin 9.7, Lifmore 100, Tallovv 104 entering Cork County to Curriglas. At 88 Glaflia, near the ruins of the caftle near Four- rnjle-water. At 89 Caftle Gonnagh ruins. 9lI Carpalegaj Mr. Power's fporting lpdge neai- Ballynamult, ^6 Betty viUe,^ Pierce Power, Efq. 97 Littlebridge, Apdrevv Engliffi, Efq. Caperquin : woodep bridge over the Black- ¦Vvater. The pkafanteft road from Caperquin to Lifmore is on the north fide of the Blackwater. Belmont, J* Kane* Efq, Salts Bridge, AntoPy Chearnleyj Efq, Extenfive orchards : here xvere iron works of Richard, the great Earl of Cork. Kilbree, fprmerly belonging to the knights templars ; deer-park of 1192 acres well enclofed. Affane: it produces the beil: cherries, planted hereby Sir Walter .Raleigh^ \Vho brought them from the Canary ifles. At 100 Lifmore caftle belonging to the Duke of DeVon- ffiire where the great philofopher the Hon. Robert Boyle^ 7th and youngeft fon of Richard the great Earl of Cork, Was born 1626: he died i6gi. One of the three caftles built by king John 1185, 31ft, year of his fatlier Henry II, taken by furprife by the Irifli, and re-edified. Long an epifcopal refidence till Myler Magrath, archbifliop of Ca-. Ihel and>- biftiop of Lifmore, granted the manor of Lif more to Sir Walter Raleigh, all whofe lands were pur chafed by Sir Richard Boyle. Atthe Iriih rebellion 5G00 Irilh commanded by Sir Richard Beling con^merrced a fiege, but were obliged to raife it by -the young Lord Broghil, third fon of the Earl of Cork. In Oftober J785 his Grace 'ke late Duke of Rutland, Lord Lieute- T nant, 13^ -^aTerford COUNft.' nant, while on a tour in Munfter, held a council In and iffued proclamations from this caftle. A bridge over the Blackwater at the Duke of Devonfliire's expence : the fpan of the principal arch, 102 feet. A. falmon weir : falmop takeri iri nets. The ingenious Henry Eeles, a writer on eleftricity, lived here, and was buried by his own defire at the top of Knockmeldowp mountain. Half of Lifmore anciently copfifted of^cells and monafteries, the ruins of which withy churches are yet vifible. The biffiopric of Lifmore was united to "Waterford, ^363, gbih of Edward III. Lifmore, long fince the Mufes' favorite feat. Of piety and learning the belov'd retreat: Her Alma Mater ffione as bright a Noon As Oxford, Cambridge, or the great Sorbonne. Richard the great Earl'of Cork left by his Will, which is Ip the Prerogative Office, 120/. per annum for a free fchool and alms houfe. (Bally Inn. Deerpark. At 4 m from Lifmore, not on . the road to TaUow but to Youghal, is Dromanna, the Earl 'of Grandifon. The Blackwater navigable^for brigs of. 150 tons for a few, miles above Dromanna, A ferry here. Villierftown church, built and endowed by the late Earl of Grandifon, At lOi Aglifli, 1O4 Claffimoie, Richard Power, Efq. 107 Piltovvn. Here lived Judge Walffi, the fuppofed author of the forged commiffion in favour of the Irifli rebels iP the time of King Charles I. the particulars of which affair were after the Reftoration confeffed by Lord Muflcerry to Lord Orrfery at the Duke ©f Ormond's Caftle of KUkenny.) On the road to Tallow is Turin : fine elms. At 102 Sapperton, Hon- Major Robert Moore. Moore-hall, Hon, and Rev. Mr. Moore. At 103 Janevale, John Keily, Efq. 104 Tallow I by boats along the Bride, the Inhabitants receive provifions from Youghal. Lisfinie caftle ruins. At 105 Kilmakoe : here were iron works of Richard the great Earl of Cork. You enter Cork Csunty. By WATERFOR'D COUNTY. I39 y By Lifmore 100, entering Cork County to Fermoy 113., At 103 Caftle Richard, Mr. Gumbleton. Waterpark j^Utjis, formerly the feat of Lord Chief Juftice Pine, now the pioperty of his de.fcendant, the Baronet of the Caven diffi family, MacoUup^: extenfive orchards. On the op pofite fide of the Blackwater is Dr. Drew. Modeligo, M'". Armftead. You enter Cprk Co. Agliffi loi : Ferry at Youghal i6§. 1 At 97 RockvIUe, Mr. Hely. 100 Bewley Abbey ruins. ioy Aglifli. 102 Clogh caftle. 104 Claffimore, Richard Power, Efq, 106 Pi 1 town, formerly Judge Walffi men tioned before. Balinatray, Mr. Smith. Molana ifland. Remains of Molana abbey which witli 30,009 acres were granted by Qiieen Elizabeth, 1586, to Sir Walter Raleigh who affigried it to the Earl of Cork, Temple michael caftle ferry over the Blackwater which may be croffed when the ferry at Youghal cannot ply. At loS Profpeft hall, Mr. Barnard, Snugborough, Mr. Smith, ^erry at Youghal, I^ere yoii enter Cprk County. By Clon.mel '8r, entering Waterford County to Fpur- piile- water 88, Ballynamult on, Dungarvan 100, At 85 is Whitesfprt, eftate of I^ord Vifcount Midleton. 87 Glaflia. 88 a bridge over the riyer Niei, nea.r Four- mile-water. Coonagh caftle ruins. .Glaffia caflle ruins. 9 1 Ballynamult,' Cai-vialega, Mr. Power's fporting lodge. 94 Sledy caftle. 98 Grey Rock, Mr. CoughlaU, ipp Dupgarvan on its bay : one of the greateft filhing towns in Irelapd : the fea flows up to the town walls. A quay : 40 or 50 coaftipg boats. A feffion houfe. A caftle built by king John, repaired by the Defmond family. Fefti val of Sf. Garbhan, celebrated March 26. An Augufti- ^iap friary, erefted by Thomas Nappagh or Simiac-us, Lord 14® WATERfORl? COUNTY.* Lord Ophaly, Lord Jufticlary of Ireland 1295, 23d of Edward I. Remaining walls of the church and fteeple 60 feet high. Frequented for fummer bathing. Potatoes and Birch-brooms which are lent to Dublin in boats ar^ jocofely called Fruit arid Timber. A" aqueduft is con ftrufted here by parliamentary encouragement for fupply- Ing fieffi water, which is brought 4 m from the river Phy- mik. ' ' By MuUinavat 68, entering "Waterford County to Wa- - " terfprd City 74. You formerly were obliged ro crofs tVaterford ferry, but a wooden bridge was built here 1794, by Mr. Lemuel pox the American, on the fame plan as at Derry, Rofs, Portumna and "Wexford. Largeft export of pork, and beft butter in Ireland, 3D00 hogs killed per week, in.the feafon :, from 60 to 80 tho'ufand c^fls-s per year of butter exported. 70 fail of ffiipping aie eniployed in fiipplying Newfoundland banks with provifions, and return with fifli, rum, fugar, cotton, &c. The river of Rofs which confifts of the Barrow and Nore, faUs into the Suir abov^ Waterford, The Barrow, Nore aq.d Spir are called, the 3 Sifters. Quay, one of the ftneft' in Europe, being an Engliffi mile, the river flowing a mile acrofs. Herrings in fome years fo abundant, that the tides leave the ditches full of them. Harbour 8 m long, having no rocks or fands, A light- houfe called Hook Tower, 100 feet high, Reginald or Ring Tower js ufed as an arfenal. Qiiarries rifing perpendicularly f)-om the river, called Bilberry Rock. On the oppofite fide of the river is Grany Caflle. Extenfive while glafs manufaftory by Meffieurs George and Wm, Penrofe. Pacquets to ^ilford in Pembroke ffiire. South Wales, extremely accommodating to th.e foutherri parts of Ireland. _ Waterford was anciently the feat of, King John. Fri- vi-leges granted by him, and alfo by Hepry VII. for its allegiance to. him againft Perkin "^arbeck. It was-takeii by Cromwel, and alfo by'King "William : 4000 houfes. (At'7 m from "Waterford 'is Duncannon For(, well fitua ted, WA'fERFORB COUNTf. X4I, ted, effeftually commanding the harbour. From Dun- pa rinon King Jaines fled to France, after the battle of th^ ¦Boyne.) From "Vy"exford entering Cork County to Paffage Church in Crook pariffi 20 m, (i town oppofite to Ballyhack- ferry ip Wexford Gouoty,) Waterford 25 ra. Paffage Church in Crook pariffi is on the top of a ftefep bin, which lies north and fouth, fo that the inhabitants pf Paffage have but little of the fun after mid-day. Near Paflagfe is the new town called Geneva, now a barracki jbut originally deftgned as an afylum for the diftreffea Genevans. Near the f^a ffiore is Woodftown, Robert .Shapland Carew, Efq. At 22 Faithleg hill, eftate olf Cornelius Bolton, Efq. Bolton, fornierly called Cheek->. point: cotton manufaftory and hofier^, eftabliffied by Mr. Bolton, A nipft commodious inn for paffengers ia the pacquets to and frpm Milford In Pembrokeffiire. Bali- lycanvan, Henry Bolton, Efq. -Cookehill, Theodore Cooke, Efq. Brooklodge, George Penrofe, Efq. At %2 Grantftown, James Kearney, Efq. Ballynakil, Han nibal Wm. Dobbyn, Efq, Near /?^;^r/oy^ 25 Newtown, John Wyfe, Efq. ' • By Waterford. Portlaw 8 m, Curraghmore 10 m. At 2 m is Grace dieu, Mr. Morres. Upper Gracfc diea,'Mr. Anderfon. At 3 Butlerftown, Mr. Sherlock. iKilloteran charter-fchool. KiUoteran ChUrch. Whit field, Wm. Chriftmas, Efq. At 4 m Mount Congrevfe, John Congreve, Efq. Kilmeadon Caftle luins. At 5111 JCilmeadon Church, Kilmeadon fpa. A' 6 m John Wyfe, Efq. iron mills. At 8 Glenhoufe, Mr. Bourne. Portlaw mills and houfe, built by Edward May, Efq, On the Suir, Mayfield, Sir James May, Bart; Codlfiri, Rev. Antony Sterling. At 10 Mount Bolton, John Bol ton, Efq. Curraghmore, the Moft Noble the Marqui's of 'Waterford, a magnificent feat, Clonegah Church, built by the late Marquis, fuperbly <|ecorated. '•¦¦¦¦'¦¦¦¦ :py. J4* WATERFOR0 COUNTY, By Waterford to New Rofs in Wexford County, Near W"'aterford, Mr. Edwards, Mount Vernop, Mr. Copgreve. Mount Hulins, Mr, Hughes, At i m New- park, Sir John Newport, At 2 m Snoyi/'havep, Majo.f ThiOmas Fitzgerald, By Waterford, Drumcannon Church 4, Tramore 6, At I m Johns-hill, Robert Paul, Efq, At 2 m Bally namona, Thomas Carew, Efq. At 4 Drumcannon Church. At 6 Tramore, efteemed the Baice of the eaftern coaft of Ireland. It formerly confifted chiefly of fiffiermens' huts. A market houfe and affembly rooni, built at the expence of Bartholomew Rivers, Elq. prefent proprietor of Traraore, and one,of the bankers of Waterford. Frcr .quented for fummer bathing. A moft commodious hotel. (Dunmore, a bathing place 7 miles from Waterford : the eftate of the Marquis of Waterford, in a bay at the en trance of Waterford harbour.) ^y Waterford. Kilmact-homas 11, Dungarvan 21. Ci" R''"?acthomas II, Caperquip 29. At 3 m Butlerftown, Thomas Sherlock, Efq. Kilot- teran charter-^fchool and church. At 4 m Whitfield, Wm. Chriftmas, Efq. Mount Congreve, Mr. Con- greve. At 6. m Amberhill, Stephen Worthevale, Efq. At 7 m Newcaftle Church ruins. At ib Newtown inn. At 1 1 Kilmaljhomas : bridge over the Bopmahon or.Ma- ghap river. At 14 Fagha, Mr. Barron. At 15 Fox's caftle ruins near the river Tay : a houfe latbly built by Mr. Barron. At 17 BaUycari'oge caftle ruins. At 19 iPlonkofkei-'an, now in ruins, the late Mr. Shanahan. At 20 Duckfpool, Mr. Boate. Remains of an abbey found. ed in the 13th century. Ferry to Dungarvan. In the road to Caperquin at 25 are Cappa caftle ruins. At •V^ATERFORD .COUNTY. i^^ At a6 a bridge over the river Phynllk. RockvIUe, Mr. Hely. At 28 BettyviUe, Pierce Power, Efq. At Caper quin 29 is Belmont, John Kane, Efq. From Dungarvan. Whitechurch 4.,, Caperquin 9. At 2 m Grey-rock, John Coghlan, Efq, At 3 Mount O'Del, Mr. O'Del. At 4 Whitechurch. Cavern called Oon a Qlour or the Pigeon's Hole. Another cave called Oon a Mort. From Carrick on Suir entering Waterford Co. to Mu- thel Church 3, Kilmacthomas 8. At 4 Whiteftown, Mr. packet. Clonea Caftic. CLARE iU CLARE COUNTY, ROADS, NOTED i»LAC£S, SEATS, kt. By Cruffieeh ie8, Ennis in Dromclif pariffi 114; At 109 Inchiroan Caflile ruins, near the fide of alough, VhichTnearly furroulids them. At lit Drumquin, Mr.* Crow. Nutfield, another Mr. Crow. At 114 Liffprd, Mr. England, pntiis, . The late Lord Chief Juftice Paterforf, now inhabited by Mr. Paterfori. Remains of one of the firieft abbey churches in Ireland: one of the aifles now ferves for Dromclif pariffi churchy and is fuf- .iiclently capacious for a good congregation, A very fine_ fchool op the foupdatlon of the late Erafmus Smith, Efq. — Edenvale, Win. Stackpole, Efq, From Enni^to Gorofip In Kilnehoy parifli j rfi, Kilfe- nora 14. Near 9 m Is Inchiquin Lough and Caftle, The church. At 10 m is Crofs, Mr, Lyfaght. 1 1 m Lemenagh caftle on a hiU, the late Sir Lucius O'Brien, Bart. 14 Kilfenoraj the fee of a biffiop united to Killaloe. By Corofin 109, Iniftymon 118, Caghryariff 125, .fcil- morey ibrickan 128, Coulyclare 136, Ballyket 141, Kilruffi 142. At I m from Gorofip Is Clifton, Edward Wm. Burton, Efq. in view of Ipchiquin loughj famous for delicious fiffi. SLare coukTY. i4^ nffi, Rockftown, Wm. Blood, Efq, At Iniftymon 8 m, Edward O'Brieri, Efq. Woodmount, Mr. Lyfaght, fe- parated from the roadby the riVer Oyna. At 3 m beyond Iriiftymoh are Moyvore caftle ruins near a fine plantation of Mr. Fitzgerald. At 6 m frbrii Iniftymon is Mr. Co- myn. 7 Caghryarif. 8 m from Iniftyriion is Anagh, Mr, Stackpole. lO from Iniftymon Is Kilmorcy ibrickan, 12 111 are fbnie vei-y pretty waterfalls. At 18 is Coulyclare. Near 19 is'Gpweron a hill, Mr. Ames, At 22 ra is Elm ¦green, Mr. Hickman, Ballyket, Mr. Maunfel, on the bold and rocky coaft of the Shannon, fpreading iiito art yniriienfe ffieet in its near approach to the fea. At 23 Kilrufli, Crofton Vandeleiir, Efq, ^ . By KiUaloe 86, Bridgetown 9d, fiailymaJohy '5,2, Broad- ford 95, Callaghan's mills 98, TuUa loa, SpantJel-hill 107, Ennis in Dromclif pariffi in, Iniftymon 1-23. At killaloe ^6 (which ftdnds on the'W; bf the Shannon) is a bridge of 19 arches over the Shannon, connefting Tipperary, Limerick and Clare Coijinties. A free fchool. A difpenfary, fetup'by the Hon. and Right Pvev, Dr. Rnox, then Lord Biftiop of the See. , A falmon weir; An eel fiffiery. Killaloe, otherwife CaUed Loania (Epif- CojiUs Laonenfis, KiU la Lua. The church of Lua or St.Molua.) Relics of' the Maufoleum of the Monarch of Ireland, Brien Boiromhe^ anceflor of tlie. moft noble fa mily of O'Brien, Marquis of Thomond. (Tuath Muin- han. North JVfunfter.) A Ifedge pf rocks prevents the navigation of tlie Shannon up to LbUgli Deirgeart. The river navigable to Carrick on Shannon in Leitrim Co; which is 100 miles by viner .-^, the fee houfe : the, old Englifh name given by the firft fettlers, brothers of the name of Clare, of the family of the Earl of Glou-^ tefter, in the reign qj Edward I. : the only /flr<3? oyer the Shannon into Clare County ,--^At 89 is Rofs; Mr. Pearce; At 90 ni Bridgetown: At 92 m Ballyquin, Mr; Arthure. Baltymahny. At 95 Broadford, Mr. Bentley. The church. Doon, Mr. Maffey, near a fmall lake. Killyderry, Mr. EvanS. 'At 97 Woodfield, Rev. Mr, Locke, ggconfider-, U abis I46 QLARE .COU^T*. ihle mills of Mr, CaUaghan, Killygoury, feparated by -,^ fmall lake, Mr. CaUaghan. At lOO Fort Ann, Mf. Weftrop. Lifmeaghan, another Mr, Weftrop. Gard- lah, Mr. Harrifon, At f02 Tulla. Cregarie,-. Mr, M:^- lony. At 103 Kiltannatr, another Mr. Malofiy, A Ivh- tcrraneous river called Tomeens. Lisfin Caftle. At 1O4 is NewgroVe, Mr. Browne. At 106 Mr. Bindpn. Clow- liy Church: At 167 Spancel^hill, At 108 Caftletown, Mr. Mc. Namara. TurJii, A. Fitzgerald, Efq. AtiiO is Gappaghard, feparated by the Fergus from Ennis, Mr. Lukey. Ennis, mentioned before. At 113 Craigliagh, ;Mr. Mahon. At M i Brifliypark, Mr. Mc. Namara.. At 143 Wopdmpunt, Mr, Lyfaght, Iniftymon, Ed^!vaid O'Brien, Efq, By Q^Briep's Bridge 88, Doonaffe in Kilteftapleag parilft 90,^ Parteep 93, Near O'Brien's Bridge Is a floUr mill. Montpelier, Mr. .Bourke: an excellent fulphureofis fpring, Fairy-hall, Hon, and Rev, Mr. Murray. At 89 a bridge over the canal which is made ffom the Shannon half a mile foufh- crly, "^and cppimumcates W^ith the Shannon within 2 miles of Limerick. Coofaftigue caftle ruins. At ^o Doonaffe : in Kihenanlea pariffi. Sir Hugh DiUdri Maffey, Bart. : the tenantry highly encouraged. Rhinrow caftle ruins* Newtown. At 91 Caftle Troy ruins on the Shannon. 93 Parteen. Aluncart, Mr. Appleyard. Quinffiorough, Mr. Quin. Whitehall, Mr. White. ' Caftlepark, Mr,- Smyth, From Limerick entering Clare County to Broadford). 8 m,. At 5 m CIpughry, Mr. Frafiks, pp a fmallbranch of the ShannoH. S Broadford, Mr. Bentley, Limerick, COjARE COUNTY. ' j^f ILimel-icfc 9:^}.' entering Clare Cpunty to Meelick 97, Six- mile bridge In ¦K!lfiriagh^y pariffi 102, Coach apd horfes Ipn 105, Ardfallas ip8, Clare ii2, Ennis 114, . At I m from Limerick^ Mr. Piercy. Oakfield, Mr. Waller. At 2 m Pafs, Mr. Peacock. Caftlelpark, Ni,. cholas Smyth, Efq, At Meelick 3 m, the parfonage, Rev. Dr., Shearer. From the heights .beyond Meelick may be feen Bunratty caftle, the ancient feat of the Earls of Thomond. At 5 ra Cratlagh hall, Mr, O'Briep. Crat- lagh caftle. St. John's well, pifturefquely fljeltered by ^ Ipfty affi tree. At 7 ra are Ballincley caftle ruins. Cro- hane church ruins. Near Bunratty caftle, Mr. Studert. Adjoining the qhurch-yard wall is a Druid's altar. Near 9 ra\s- Sifi-mile-bridge in Kilfinaght'y pariffi.- Mount Je-t - vers, J. A Jevers, Efq. At. 10 m Fenagb, Mr. Wilfon, II Ralahine, Boyle Vandeleur, Efq,, 12 Coach and horfes Inn, (A new road to Ennis- turns to the left at Coach and Horfes Ipn, apd paffipg betweep Dromoland houfe and the obeliflc is /Carried by a new bridge over the river, and peets the old road near Clar.e caftle.) At 13 m Ballycar, George Colpoys, Efq, At 14 Dromoland, Si,r Edward O'Brien, -Bart, on a hill gently rifing from a' lake of 24 acres in the middle of a noble wood. Three beautiful hills rife above It which command very fine views of the Fergus and Shannon at their jupftlon, being each of thera a league wide. At the foot of a high hill are Moughara caftle ruins. Rathfalane caftle. At 15 Quin abbey : the building Including the cloifters, dormitories, halls, as well as the chapel, are In tplerable repair excefit the' roof, Ballykelty, Mr; Young. Ardfall'is, famous for breeding horfes. Ballyhepan, John Blood, Efq. At 17 on the fummit 'of a hill Is Carnelly, Wm. Stamers, Efq. At Clare 18 on an ifland in the Fergus is Clare caftle ufed as a barrack, An excellent bridge lately built over the Fer gus, Near 20 are large ruins of a once noble and vene rable abbey, (In 1784 a very curious tomb-ftone Was dif covered by Mr. O'Flanagan on Callan mountain 8 ni sveft of Ennis, with a curious and interefting infcription in the Ogham charafter facred to the Druid-s, of which jhe alphabet is preferved.) Hnnis mentioned before, ¦ , : By 148 ei.ARE COUNT'Sf. By Clare ii?, Redgateinn iig,- Kildyfart 122, Kilmorey. church 'l?9, Kilruffi 137, A^l m from Qhre is Nevybpll, Mr. M^D^ri^ngl. 4 nt Barntick, Mr. Peacock; Bpncraggy, a feat of the Earlof Conyngham.. Mr. Armftrong. At 3 m Cragbrien, Mr. Stackpole, moft pleafantly fituated at the foot of a lofty hJlh, Near 6 m is Ballagherig, Mr. O'Brien. Pprtfer- gus, John Rofllewjp, Efq- Redgaie Inn, At 7 m, finely fituated on the fide of a high l>iU, is Paradife, Mr. Henp. At 10 Kildyjart caftle ruips. Near r6 m is BaUyartrey, Mr. Barclay. Clariderlagh, Mr. Studert, KUmorey : 9, church. : on the fea coaft : it gives the title of Vifcount to the noble family of Needham. At 18 Kilhiqre, Mr. Hickman. 20 Burrane, Mr. Monfel. 25 KUrufli. Crof ton Vandeleur, Efq, The Revenue-houfe, From Limerick entering Clare Co, tp Meelick 3, Six- mile-bridgis 8, Spancel-hill 18, Crufheep 23) ehteririff Galway Co, at 26, • -i /\ , ' At I m from Limerick is Mr, Piercy. Oakfield, Mr, Waller. At 2 m Caftlepark, Nicholas Smyth, Efq, Maunfel Ormffiy, Efq, 3 m Meelick,^Kev, Dr. Shearer. 5 m Cratlagh-hall, Mr. O'Brien. 8 m Six-mile- bridge. The river Gearpa runs thence to the Shannon. (2 m dif tant are Bunratty caftle ruins.) . Mount Jevers, J. A. Je vers, Efq-, At ip m is Fenagh, Mr. "Wiilfon. At 11 m is Ralahine, Crofton Vandeleur, Efq. At 12 Ballycar^ George Colpoys, Efq. Fenlae, Mr; Hickman. Dro moland, Sir Edward O'Brien, Bart. At 14 Snugborough, Mr. Hcwit. At 15 ruins of Quin Abbey, the moft per-^ feft of its kind in Irelapd, having a complete quadrangu lar building fuppprted by piaztos of the Corinthian or der. ' At 17 Mooreafli, Mr. M'Namara. At 18 Caftle town, Mr. MtNamara. Near 19 is Spancel-hill. At 20 Duri:ogh, Mr. O'Brien. 23 Crufheen, 26 you enter Galway Co- ' Fi'QW etARE-jCOUNTY. ^j^ From Six-mile-bridge. Ardfallis 5, Clare 9, Ennis 11. At Six-niile-bridge is MouPt Jeyers, J. A. Jevers, Efq. At I m diftance is Fenagh, Mr. "Wilfon. At 4 m BaUy- par, George Cp'poy.?' Lfq. near a fmall lake. At 5 qi Ardfallif. D''Ompland, Sir Ed.ward O'Brien, Bart, men-, tioned before. Balfykilty, Mr. Mc. Mahon. At 6 mis Ballyhenan,^ Mr. Hart. At 7 on a hill is Carnelly, Mr. &tanier. At 9 h Clare at the confluence of the- Fergus 3nd Shannon. At i® Clare Abbey ruips. At Ennis 11, which is nieptioped before, are remaips of a very npbl? and beaiififul monaftery. Ftom Ennis to Iniftymon 8. At I m is Lifford, Mr. England, At .2 Craigliagh, Mr. Mc. Mahon. Buffiypark, Mr. Mc. Namara. At 8 in on the oppofite fide pf the river Oyna is "Vyoodmountj JVjr, Lyfaght, Iniflymon, ' . - > " Fypm Cprpfin tp Iniftymon 8. At 2 m is Clifton, Edward \ym. Burtpn, Efq, Rocks fbwn, "\Y pi. Bipod,. Efq. ^ Iniflyrnon,. From Ennis, Corofin 7, Kilfenora 14. At 2 m is FPuntain, Mr. Daxop. 5 Dyfart Caftle ruins, 7 Corofin. 8 Inchiquin Caftle, a ruin in an Ifland : uninhabited for a century, on the fide of Inchi quin Lake. Clifton, Edward Wm. Burton, Efq, a pret ty neat feat. A Church, Near iq m Is Crofs, .Mr- Ly faght. At II ni Lemenagh Caftle,. near the foot of a high hill. At 14 Kilfenora (KiU Fechnari) a biffiop's fee, ppited to 'KUlaloe. The apcjent cathedral in good re- ¦ ' " pair, %£& GLARE. CmffTTV, ^air. The monument of St- Fechnan, its founder, htve i«g his effigies full length. ' From Kilfepora,. Iniftymon 6, CaghryariflF 12, Kil? murry Ibrickan i6, Coulyclare ^4, Ballyket 27, KIL j-ufli,29. At 2 ra Smithftown, a feat of Lord Vifconpt Powers.- court. At 6 Iniftymon Caftle, Mr. O'Brien : a fine man- lion and park. Woodmount, Mr. Lyfaght. At 9 Moy Caftle ruins, in the midft of a grove of trees, the eftate of Mr. Fitzgerald. At 12 Mr. Cpmyn. Near 13 Is Caghryariff. At 14 Anagh, Mr. Stackpole. At 16 Kil- piurry ibrickan. At 24 Coulyclare, Near 26 Gower, ,Mrf Ames. At 28 Elm Green, Mr. Hickman, pleafantly /ituated at the foot of a lofty hill. Ballyket, Mr. Morjfcl. At 29 Jiilrufli mentioped before. From Lough Rea entering Clare County to Killaloe 30, At 21 ra yoji epter Clare Co. At 23 pj you crofs the Shapnon at Scariff. At 24 is Tomgrfeny. Drewffioro, M,r, Drew, Rahines, Mr. Brady. The Sharipon here fbrriis Itfelf Into a fpacious lake called Lough Deirgeart, of which you have here a fine view. At 27 Tineranria, Mr, Purdop. Near 30 Ballyvalla, Mr. Carr, Beyopd 'ICUlaloe bridge are Templemaly Caftle ruins. At 3 1 Cla- risford, the f6e houfe, Clare's Ford, Clare being the old Engliffi n^me of tlig" Coupty, given by the firft fettlers, |n the i2th century Rofctea bifl>opric was united to Killa- Ip.e, ¦ ' - ¦ ¦ ¦¦'-.' '-¦* ^' ' ^ ULSTER ¦i^ 65 is Tully more. parki the Earl of Rp- den. Some of the fineft groves of larch.trees- in Ireland. Five plftures'paijited by Fuller after the Reftoration, difT playing King Charles II. 's efcape in- the Royal Oak of Pofcobel, &c. Seat of Mr'j Keowan. (Newcaflle, Hon, Mr. A-nnefleyonthe fide of Dundrpm b.-iy.) At Dundrun^ 68 is Murlbugh, M^". Macartney. Narroyv water 49, Eight-mile bridge 55, Caftlewellan in Kilmegan pariffi 63, Downpatrick^ 72. At Eight-mile-bridge 55 is Clonduff ciiurch on the river Bann. At 58 is Key-hill, Mr. .Newell. Kewry 50, Narrow-water 54, Warren's-poipt in CI07 nallan pariffi 55, Roftrevor in Kilbroney parifti 57,- Kilkeele 65, Annalong 69, Newcaftle 75, Dundrum 78, Clough 81. • At I m from Newry Is Walker's Park, Mr,, Ogle. Fa thom, alfo Mr. Ogle, A lodge of Mr, Scot, and a park In which are tl^e walls of a fmall caftle. At 4 ra Is Nar- row water. Mount HaU, Roger Hall, Efq. At, 5 pi , Werren^^- BOWN COUNTY. I57 Warren's-point [a (^\oaa,\ha pariffi. At 6 Marli, the par fonage of Clonallan pariffi, Arnoes Vale,' Mi, Mercer. Moore-park, Mr. Moore. At 57 Roflievor on Carling ford Bay. So called frorii an heirefs of the name, of Rofe marrying into the family of Trevor. It " was the feat of the Trevorsjrri..ords Vifeounts Dungannon, Seat of thp Lord Bifliop -of Dromore. A quay for ffiips which ride at anchor: a fait work and pottery for white earthen ware made of Carrickfelgus clay. Lodge, Mr. Rpfs on Carlingford Bay. At 10 Seafield, Mr. Rainy, ii Green- caftle ruins. Greepcaftle and Carlingford caftle in 1399, ift. of Henry IV. were governed by one conftable, fhe better tp fecure a communication between the Epglifli pale of Louth cpupty, and the Englifli fettlements iri Mourne and Lecale baronies. Greencaftle was remarkable for two eminent marriages celebrated here 13 12 5th of Edward II. one between Maurice Fitzthomas, ift Earl of Defmond, and Margaret, 5th daughter to De Bourgho, .Earl of Ul,- ft,er ; and the other-between Thoinas Fitzjohp, 2d Earl . of Kildare, apd Joa,n, 3d daughter of the Ea-ilpf Ulfter. -¦< — At 13 m Is Siberia, Wm, Needham, Efq. Bellhill, Mr. Scott. At 14 Kilkeele, i^ Annalong, Near 2^ New- c/xflle, Pop. Mr. Annefley. The caftle built by Felix Magehis in the memorable year of the Spanifti armada, 1588, 30th pf Elifabeth. Armar's hole in which James Armar was murdered in 1701 by his fon who fuffered for the faft. At 27' Murlough op the fide of ahiU, Mr. M^^ partney. 28 Duridrum, - Pownpatrlck 74, Killyleagh 80, Crofs roads near KIU lipchy Church 84, Curabero89. . At 75 Finebrogue,, John Waring Maxwell, Efq, 77 Dally mount. 80 Killyleagh on an arm of Strangfprd Ipugh has a little fafe bay : linen manufafture: fine; thread in gfeat efteein.' It is in Dufferin barony. The Hamiltons icreated firft Lords Clan Hu Boys pr Qanebois and after- >vard Earls of Clanbraffil, had their feat here. King James I. incorporated this town at the inftance of the firft Earl of Clanebois. Tn the year of the Reftoration l66q, fhe .celebrated naturalifl: and phyfician, Sir Haps Slpape, ""''"¦' ' ' ¦ ^ was- fj8 , ©OWN COUNTY.' was born here, fon of Alexander Sloane who wis at the bead of that cpjppy of Scots which king James, fettled in this town. The caftle, Gawin Hamilton, Efq. built in the reign of Charles I. by Hamiltoo tlie firft Vifcoupt Clanebois. Seat of Sir James S. Blackwood, Bart. At ^4 Kil^ilichy church oo a hill, called by folme the. Vifible Church, as Ki.lig Charles II. called Harrow on the HiU, . Twhich is vifible from London at lo miles diftance. Rock- inount, the parfonage of the Rev. Mr. Houfton. Florida, John Gordon, Efq- At 89 Cumber on a branch of Strang ford lough. A horfe courfe 2 m round. Cherry Valley, ^r. Dglacherpls. Mount Alexander caftle ruins; the jate Earls of Mount Alexander of the noble famUyofi Montgomery, , Clough ^g, Se^ford 70, Ballynahinch Church inJMagher- adrol pariffi 75. Beyond iS^^or*/ 70 is Caftle Naughen, Mathew Forde» jLfq. At 75 Ballinahinch church in the parifli of Maghei- adroU, figtiifying the Field of DifficuUies. Montalto, the Earl of Moira. A chalybeo-fulphureous fpa on the Ikirts of Sliebh Crpob. A ball room and accornmpdati9B for ftrangers. Dromore 66, Ballinahinch Church ip Magheradrol par riffi'74, Saiptfield 78, Cumber 84, N. T. Aides 87. '¦g At 67 Mar.ymourit, Mr. Smith. 68 Drummara church and parfonage. 69BaUykeele, Mr. Smith. ' 71 on a high ground Gil fitagh* Mr. Rogers, 73 Mpntalto, the Earl of Moira. 74 Ballynahinch, At Saintfeld 78, Cromwel Price, Efq. Bajlyagherty, Mr. Barnet. At SoPrpfpeft, Mr, Savage, 84 Cumber, Near the ffiore' of Strapgford lough is Cherry valley, Mr, Hall. At 87 N. T. Ardes. '^annbridge DOt^Kf COUNT-r. 15^ Ijannbridge 60, HaU's Mill 63, Warlngftown in Do- naghlony pariffi 66, entering Armagh Connty to Lur gan 68. At 62 Seapatrick church and parfonage. Gieenfieldj Mr. Darley. At HalPs A£U 63 Is Laurence-town, Tho-^ mas Dawfon Laurence, -Efq. Banford Green, a new houfe of Robert Jaffray Nicholfon, Efq. Mr. Paterfon.- Banagh caftle ruins. Mr. Waring. At Waringflown 6S Mr. Magennis. Perrymount, Mr. Arnold. Harrymount. Spring-hill. Mewry 50, entering Armagh County to Market.^ ' hiU6o. Sir Nicholas Bagnal, Marffial of Ireland, found Shand O'Nial dwelling at Newry, fuffering none to travel from Dundalk northward, hut after the fortifications of Sir Ri chard Bag, all the paffages were laid o^en, Ip Newry and Mourne- Lordfliips, a mitred abbot exerted epifcopal ju- rifdiftion, iffuing marriage liceiices,' probates of wills, let ters of adminiftration, &c. which after 'he diffolution was done by the temporal proprietor of the Needham family. At I m from Newry Is DemoUy, Mr. Carlifle. Lif- drumguUen, Mr. Needham. At 2 Moore^vale, Mr. Moore, (Greenfield, Mr. Hamilton, 3 in on the fide of a hiU is TuUyhapy, Mr, Blacker. Loughbriekla,nd in Aghaderric pariffi 58, Gilford 62, Moyallen 63, At Gilford 62, Sir Richard Johnfton, Bart, At 65 • Moyallen, Jofeph Phelps, Efq. At 64 Carrick, Rev. Pean Blacker* i bannbridge i6ct DOWN COUNTY* Bannbridge 6o-^emeripg Armagh CouPty to Donaghclo'-^ ' nfey 65^.^rfe-enteririg Down County to MagheraHii ': Church 67, Moira 69. ''" ' ' .,' ,-". ' At 61 Seapatrick Church. Parfonage. Greenfield^ Mr. BuUbck. 62 ra RofehaU, Mr. Kearns, Green field. "63 Lapib's Ifland. (At i3oK«^^(r/9«<[y 65 in'Armagh County, Mr. Dempfter. Lurgantamery, Mr. Blizard ) Banagh ruins. Mr. Paterfon. Perrympunt, Mr.. Ar nold. 67 Newforge, Mr. Clofe. 'Magheralin Church on the Lagan. Parfonage. Demefne ofthe Lord Biffiop of Dromore, whofe refidence is reftorfed to Dromore. A monaftery founded here by St. Colman who died, March ' 30. Lands abound with white limeftone mixed with chalk. It renders the fprlngs foft, well tafted, and noted far wafliing and ¦whitening. linep. It is an exceltent ma nure for wheat grounds, andthe grafs andberbage Is re markably fweet.. Marble pits. Linen manufactures and bleach yards. Grace Hall, Thomas Douglas, Efq. Moira 69. The caftle of the Earl of Moira, let to Wm. Sharmari, Efq, A church and fteeple built by thelate Sir John Rawdqn, whp fourided a charity fchool for clothing and educating 24 children. Parfonage and glebe laid, out by Sir John Rawdon, Two Diffenters meeting houfes, ,"\VhIte limeftone quarries. Linen manufafture. At 70 Jbhn Batemap, Efq. op ap-eminence having a fine prof peft. Soldierftown Church, Mr. 'Mafon. . By Newry 50, Tufcan Pafs 54 — entering Arpiagh County to Tanderagee 61, Poitadown, 65 — re-eptering Down Co.unty tp BlackjWater foot, 72, At 50 m Durrambre, Right Honourable Ifaac Corry. DemoUy, Mr. Carlifle. At 57 LifdrumguUen, Mr. Need ham. Moore-vale, Mr. Moore. At 52 ra Carmeen, Mr. Laing. Greenfield, Mr, Hamilton. 53, a church, 54 Tufcan Pafs, 55 a church. 56 Drutnlntine, Mr. Innes. — For Tanderagee 61, and -Portadown 6^, fee Topo* graphy pf Armagh. — Blackwater foot •} 2, the Earl of Char-r lemont's feat in an ifland in Lough Neagh, near Copey Ifland. - o ,& From ¦boWlJ COUNtY. ^ l6l From Downpatrick, Ballynahinch 7 m, enteringAntrim County to Liffiurn 15, At 2 m ftolp Dowrijiatrick is Fihebrpgue, John Waring Maxwell, Efq, 7 ni Ballynahinch, a chalybeo-fulphure ous fpa mentioned^before. Montalto, the Earlof Moira; la Larchfield, Daniel Muffenden> Efq. 15 you enter Antrim County. I From- Belfaft entering Down Cpunty tp Cumber 7, Crpfs Roads near Killinchy Church lO, KiUyleagh 16, At I m from Belfaft, ypu enter Down Cpunty, Mount Pottinger^ Mr. Ppttjnger. At. 2 m Ocangefidd, Mr. Batefftfl. Mr. Bamher. Mr. Hahday, At 3 m Mr, Mathersi Tullycarnet, Mr- Montgomery neaR^Caftle- reagh ruins. At 6 m Eallyloughan, Rev. Mr, Stone, 7 ra Cumber, It has no tradci, but feems fit for it, op accoupt of fhe advantages of the tide. At low water a ftrand of forae thoufands of acres. A horfe coUife of a fine fod 2 m round. At 8 m Ballygiaffan, Mr. Ad^ir, 11 Rock- mount, Rev. Mr. Houftoui On a h\gh h'AWs Killinchy Church. BaUymbrtan, Mr. Stewart. 13 Moore-haU, Thomas Potteri, Efq. Mount Potter, Mrs. Potter.. 14 Toye, James BaUlie,, Efq. 16 Kilcleagh on an arni of jStrapgford Lpugh. ^ From K-iUyleagh to Downpatrick 5 m» At 1 m isDallymount. 3monlhe oppofite, fide of the' ^'ater is Liftawn, Lord Bangor. Flnebrogpe) Jphii Waring Maxwell, Efq. $ ra is Downpatrick, Froffi Mbira. Hillffioroygh 5, feallynahirich j(2, KiUy.* ^ leagh ,20. ' At Maira is the Caftle, the Earl of Moira. At Hillf- hreitgh 5 m the Marquis of D&wnihire. 6 m Wm. Y M'Guire, ;,l62 BOWN CQUNtY. M'Guire, Efq. Sm Ballylinleagh, Mr. Keowan, Ana- . hilt. church erefted by the late Marquis of Dpv^nffiir^. Larchfield, Daniel.Muffenden, Efq. I2 Montalto, the jEarl of Moira. Ballynahinch, 15 Lifwiney, Mr, Ifaac. ,;Rederiion,' Arthiir Johnfton, Efq. 20 Killyleagh. From Dromore. Caftlewellan 1 1. At Dromore is a chalybeate^ fpring ufjeful in gravel com- .plaints, of a purgative quality in dry feafons; '3 m from Droinorcis Waringsfprd, Henry Waring Knox, Efq. on a branch of the Lagan. Garvaghy church.' Near Caflle- ¦wellan 11 m is Earl Annefley^ Caftlewellan is thcitcad ¦of a manor. On the fide of Caftlewellan Louglr is a - niouniaip clothed with wood and having a good jJaofpeft of the .fea, 13 m is TuUymoie Park, ^he Earl of Rodent two deer parks finely wooded. From RoftrcVori Clonduff Church 5, Rathfriland 8, ' Dromore 19, Moira 25.- Or Roftrevor as before to Drompre 19, entering Armagh , County to Lqrgan 25. I ' ¦- . At I m from Roftrevor are Kilbreny church ruins. Moore-park, Mr. Moore. 5 CUnduff Church built by the Marquis pf Downffiire. HUltown, a new town erefted here by the Marquis of the moft nbble family of HiU, and pn a mountainous fituation. At 8 m Rathfriland. Liflize, the Earl of ClanwiUiam. Ballyrpney, a plantation of fo reft trees near Ballyroney lake. Tierkelly chalybeate fpaj efficacious Internally and externally.^ At 15 Ballooly, Mr, Magennis. Magherally church. 19 Dromore, 24 Mo'ira, Maheralin or Maralin church and parfonage.. On the road .from Dromore to Lurgan at 20 m from Roftrevor is Gilhall, the Couptefs of ClanwiUiam, TuU lycarn, Mr. M'Gill. 21 Springfield, James Waddel, Efq. In a commanding fituation is Ifland Derry," Robert Waddel, Efq. 24 Hariymount, Dr. Jenny, Youenter Armagh C05 From nOWN COUNTY. -I(S| From Killough, Downpatrick 5, Inch Church 7. Eve- rog Bridge 9, Saintfield 13, Newtown Breda 19, enter ing Antrim County tb Belfaft 23, ' . At 2 m is ^Bright. Churph on thefirmmitof ahill. 3 m Bailee, a fporting lodge, Mathew Forde,. jun, Efq.- Bai lee church. 4 nfi Marlbproiigh houfe. Lord CliffoTd. .g ta Downpatrick: 4 long ftreets centering near a pSint, exclufive of fmaller ftreets and lanes : The old cathedral new-buUt'on a gothic plan by the exertions, and chiefly the p.erfppal contributions of the late Marquis of Down- Ihire. At Inch Church 7 m is Fipebrogue, John Waring Maxwell, Efq, /^ Ever'og BHdge: 16 Redemop, Arthur -Johnfton, Efq. - 14 Saintfield Church, to which plate and other ornaments were beftowed by the late General Price. The' parfonage. The Preffiyterian Meeting houfe. The linen manufafture. Seat of Nichplas Price, Efq. 19 Purdiffiurn, feat of the Biffiop of Down, but Downpa trick is his refidence. BaUylenachan, Mr. M'H^in. Bel- volr. Lord Vifcount Dungannon,^ Newtown Breda church erefted by Mr. Gaftel 9t the expence pf Lady Vifcountefs DowagerMiddleton, (of the name©f Middleton) 50 feet by 25 befide the chancel, and 25 feet high. From the middle of the' church on each fide fprlngs a femicircle rS .feet In diameter. A fteeple, and fpire. -r^At 20 m Cald- ,wally, Mr. Portis. 22 Mount Pottinger, Mr, Pottinger. You- enter Antrim County to Belfaft 23 m, ' From Armagh, Tanderagee 8 ra, entering Down Co.. to Gilford lira, , Near Gilford \s Bapn Vale, the bleach green of Mr, Ri"- chard BXooA.—rGilford. . The Bann runs through the cen tre : a bridge of 2? arches : remarkable for tex ture as the Barin'for bleaching. V.ale of 6 ni on the bor ders of the Bann from. Bannbridge through Gilford to .Moyallen, 12 bleach greens which finiffi 90,06a pieces Annually. Gilford is the property of Sir Richard Jphn- ftopj Bart. The Bapp rups 2 miles through his p-'(f. - ' .; Siramol-e,, »54 UOWM COUNTY. Stramore, Jofeph Richardfon, Efq. Seat of Mr. James Chriftie who is embarked ip the cambric manufafture, and a partner in a Vitriol comparny at Moyallen, with a capital of iQjQOO/. which fupplies moft of Ulfter with Vitriol. Bleach green of Mr. Wakefield. Seat of Jo feph Phelps, Elq^ At 2 m from GUford (within i m of FortadOwQ in Armagh Connty) is Carrick, Rev. Deai^ JBlacker, From Armagh- Tanderagee 8 m entering Down Co. tp Bannbridge 1 4w "^ At ip m is Tallyhoe, a hunting lodge of Sif Richard JoTinfton, Bart. 14 m £(?«wi^f/ , TYRONE COUNTY. lg« Moy. ,Roxborough> Mr. Caulfield, 70 Grange, Mr. Grier. 72 Farm-hiU, Lord Vifcount Dupgannon. Dun gannon, the beft towp in the County, and a bptough. (Omslgh the Affize town is not a borough :) it Was the chief feat of the Q'Nials kings' of Ulfter. Affembly of the Ulfter delegation of volunteers 1782, Feb. 15. Caftle Mc. Que ruins,, where a chief of that name refided. 73 the parfonage! coal works, fronii whence a canal is car ried to Lough Neagh. 75 New Mills.' Fairlough, op pofite Coal Ifland, is Mr. Richardfon, Aughnaginy, Mr. Mitchel. Roughan Caftle ruins. 78 Dunaghy, Mr.' Hamilton. Tullyhog- Church- in Defahcreat pariffi. Defartcreat, Mr. Flamilton. Donaghhenry, Mr. Bay- ley. TuUy.hog parfonage. 80 Loughry, Mr. Lindfay. Derrylorn Chu'rch andparfonage. Killymoone, a noble feat of James Stewart, Efq'. 81 Cocikftovm, a mile' arid a half long. ' ; , Aughnaelpy 71, Ballygawly 74, Omagh, Church in Drumragh pariffi 87. At Aughnacloy^ I is Reyalla, Natlf. Moptgomery Moore,- Efq. 73 Lifmore fort in ruins. At Ballygawly 74 Ha milton Gorges, Efq. Richmpnt, Rev. Mr. Richardfon. 75 Tullygleiffi, Mr. Harvey, Ballynafagart, Mr. Speir. 78 Starbogfpa. ,81 Rofcavey, Mr. Galbraith. 83 Mul- laghinore,.Rev, Mr. Lowry; 84 Drumconley, Mr. Mc. Farlane. At 87 Omagh. Caledon Church in Aghalow pariffi 70, Creely 73, Augh nacloy 76; At 70 Caledon hUl, the Right Hon. Lord Caledon. Aghinnas, John Maxwell, Efq^ 73 is Creely. 75 Dru min, Mr. Moore. 76 Aughnacloy. Dungaunon i6$ it^tam couH.t*« Dungannon In Drumglafs pariffi 72, Donaghmore f^t Pomeroy 80, Nine-mile-houfe 84, Six-mile-crofs in Termonmaguirk. pariffi 87, Clogharney Church 89, Omagh in Drumragh parifli 94. At Z>K«^/?«Ko« is FarmhiU, Lord Vifc. i^Torthland. At Donaghmore 75 is MuUoghmore, Rev. Mr. Evans. S:s is -Pomeroy. ' ^4 Nine-mile-houfe,, 87^ Six-mile-crofs. .88 Copley," Mr. Lowry. S9 Clogharney CAurch. 92 Druni-* conley, Mr. Mc. Farlane. 94 Qmagh. . Dungannon 72-*-entering Armagh Cotifaty to CaftlecatiU field 75-— re-entering Tyrone County to Ballygawljf 82, Omagh 94. ' At 74 MuUaghmore, Rev. Mr. Evans. (At 75 Caflk Caulfield in Armagh County, demoliffied by the rebels 1641, when the owner was murdered.) 78 Killy- ffilel Church. At Ballygawly 82 Mr. Gorges. Mrs. Vo* nier. The road from^allygawly to Omagh mentioned before. By'Stewartfiown77, CoaghSr. At 77 Caftle Stewart, Mr. Caulfield. At,?^ Killoone, Mr. Henry. Ballyclogh Church. %v Coagh. You ea ter Derry County. By Bovaugh-brldge 104, entering Derry County to Cole raine II. At 104 Lanmore, Mr. Church. Bovaugli Caftle, on the banks of AgiVey river, the eftate of the Marquis of Waterford, inhabited by Langford Heylaxkl, Efq. At Bovaugh-brldge \s another feat of the Marquis. 106 Agi- vcy. *i"YROJirE COUNT Y» ti^ ^'tf, Mr. Du Prie. Blackheath, the parfonage of the Rev. Henry Bruce. CookftoWn 8 1, Stramore Inh "^i— entering Derry Cos td Dupgivep 99— :.rc-ehteripg Tyiope Co. to Bapagher Church loi. At S^ Lllfah, John Staples, Efq. built befoi'e the Re- Vjplutipn by his anceftor. 84 Mr. Jackfon, 91 Str^itmori Ikn. 94 Emyfcore Glen. (99 t)ungiven Church in De'r_ l-y County, »late Right Hon. Edward Carey, At 166 Mattfmbunt, Mr. Fanning.) 101 Banagher Church. /Viigher ^^5, Ballaghneed inn 78, Omagh 87, Newtowrt S,te>iyart Church, in Ardftraw parifli 94, DoUglas-bridge ! '97, Strabane church in Camus parifh ioi. At 72 Favour Royal 5nd Port' Pleafant, feats of Mr. Mbutray. At Augher 75 is Caftl^iU, Mr. Mervyn. 76 Savllle Lpdge, M?. Cairns. 77 Lumford Glen and Wa-i terfall. 'j% Ballaghneed inn, 84 Drumconley, Mr. Mc. Farlane. Hj Omagh, 90 Raffi, Lord Vifcount Mpntjoy, on the river Camowrt. 93 Befff Bell Mourit. 94 New- towtjlewart.' Gaftlemoyel, the parfonage, Baronfcourt^ the Marquis of Abercornj the houfe orilyj exclufiye of the offices, coft 20,000/, A large lake with an ifland, in vvhich are the ruins of M^. Que. Caflle, where a chief of that name refided. At 97 Douglas-bridge, 98 Camus Church ruins, near the river Foyle. Urneys the par-^ fonage, on the banks of the Foyle. 99 Ball'yfatton; Ballycamon, Meff. Hamiltons. At.ioi Strabane, onthe rivdr Mourne, near its 'confluence with the river Fin at Liffoi d- bridge jn Donegal County i mUe diflantj /i ' Augher s-^& TYRONE eowtr-^, Augher' 75, Clogher 76.. At 76 the biffiop's fee houfe. Curryclogher^ th® deanry houfe. Mr. Story. - Mr. Scott. Fordrefs, Mr. King. From Clogher. Five-mile-town Church 5 m. " At 1 m from Clbgher Is Lifbowie, Mr. Gledftanes. 5; ip is Five-mile-tawn Church. From Newtown Stewart. Ardftraw-bridge 3, Stra- 1 ' bane 8. At 6 BallyfaftoH, Mr. Hamilton. At 8 Ballycanyan, another Mr. Hamiltop. Strabane. Strabane lOi, BaUymegarry 104, Grange or Moufot Ha milton 106', At ]©4 Leekpafriok Church, the, late Rev. Jocelyn, Ipgram, At Grange or Mount Hamilton i©& is Mr. Ha milton. Grange Church ruins. From Omagh. Drummorfe Church 7. TrUUc U^ Or from Omagh. Fintopa Chureh Ip Donagheavy p»* riffi 7.' ' At 10 Caftlemarven. 11 TrilUc. 12 Carton, M'"- 'Gar ten. 13 Kilfl&eery, the late Rev. Dr. Haftings. From i»f«^^ONE COUNTY. 171 From 'Omagh. (As before to Clogharney Church 5, Six-mile Crofs 7, Nine-mUe-houfe 10) Pomeroy 14, Cookftown 22, , The road' bety^een Omagh and Pomeroy is mentioned befipre. At 19 Qrum, Mr, Richardfop, KUdrefs Church. ?l Derrylorn parfonage. 22 Cookftown mentioned before,* From Omagh as before to Pomeroy 14, Sandholes 19, Tgllyhog Church Ip Defartcreat pariffi. Dupaghy 20, Stewartl&wn Church in Donaghhenry pariffi 22. At 17 W^iterards, Mr. WIlHaras, At Sandholes ig, TuUylaghari, Mr, Wakefidd, Tullyhog Church. De fartcreat, Mr. Hamilton. At Dunaghy a fpa. 21 Do- paghhenry, Mr. Bayley. At Stewartflown 22 is Mr. Caulfield. BarnfliiitI, Rev, Dr. LiU. Frorii Newtown-Stewart Church in Ardftraw pariffi. Gortin 5, Dojiyngajte Rock J4, Cookftown 22. At I m Gaftlemoyel, the parfonage of Ardftraw pariffi. Mr- Cblquhon. At Gortin 5 is Beltrim, Mr. Hamilton. 14 Downgate rock. 19 K'ldrefs- Church. Drum, Mr. Richardfon, Turnifkea, Mr- Baillie. 22 Cookflown, jneptioned before- - 'i From Strabane. Dupyraariagli 6, Dopaghedy Church 7. At I. va is Waterfall. Near 3 m ms Holly-hill, Mr. SiRclair. At Dunymanagh 6 Is Mr. Hamilton, and Rev. Mr. Hamilton. At 7 is Donaghedy Church. 8 Ballykel- laghan, Mr. Bond, n BaUygartan, Mifs Mc.'^CuUogh, From ¦j^^ "TYRONE OOUNTSY^ From Dunganpop. Eglifli 3, Dyon 7, Caledon g? See Dungannon and Caledon mentioned before. Fropi Dupgappon eptering Armagh County to Caftles • Caulfield 2, re-entering Tyi-Qpe County td Oarrihteel 7, Aughnacloy 9. At 6 m is Baun, Mf- Maqre. The reft menfionedj hefore. ', ' , ' From Dunganpop eptering Armagh Cppnty to Cajlle- Caulfield 2, re-entering Tyrone Co. to Ballygawly 9. See road from Dungaunon to Ballygawly in the dire.^ fpads fropith^ capital, ',.-¦¦! ARMAGH '73 nA.RMAGH COUNTY, ROADS, NOTED PLACESj SEATS, &c, • pupdalk 40, eptering Armagh County to Joncffioro 4^. At 45 Ravenfdalcrpark, Wm. Chichefter Fortefcue, Efq. on the fide of the Flurry riyer, and the fide of Car lingford mountains. Demefnes laid put and cultivated by php late Right Hon, James Fortefcue. - Bannbridge 6q[, entering Ai;magh County to Lurgaqi . Church in Shankill pariffi 67. At Lurgan Mr. Brownlow: - ample . demefnes, and ground are 3 walks, the principal one extends 2 miles. The town is called Little England, diftant from Lough Neagh 2 miles. At 68 Annffioro. 69 near PorfwiUiarn JS Kinnygo, Mn Sloan, Clanrow. ' Johnfton's Fews 56, Newtown Hamilton 53, Blackbank g^, Armagh 6^, Blackwater town 66, CharlerapPt 68- At'46 at the foot of a raountain is Scarif, Mr. Mc. Can. 47 Clogh a Meather. You fee the trace ' of ap encampment a mile round, where Cromwel was hemmed in by tne Iriffi for a whole winter- 49 Roxboro houfe, Mr. Johnfton. 50 Fews barrack, built in the time of Redmond O'Hanlop the Iriffi rbppaiee- 51 Comoley, Mr- Mc. Cullogh. Newtown Hamilton new Church. 53 ^ Newtown Hamilton. 55 Blackbank Caftle ruins. , A battle ¦vyaj fought between O'Nial, called the Black Beard^ 1 74 A RMAGH pOUNTY, Beard, and a prince of Louth, who had fet fire to his beard at a feaft.-— Fews mountains. At 58 Groufe-lodge, OP the fide of the river Callen, -Mr. Noble, 6q Lifnadil ' Church and parfonage of Rev. IVTr. Robinfon, both ereft ed by his' Grace 'Lofd' Rokeby, then archbiffiop. At '61 Bajlyh^idan, the property of Mr. Mc. Gough. Bally- ards- At Armagh 62 the |3alaee of white hewn ftope 90 feet by (60, and 46 high. The town improved by the late Lord Rokeby when archbiffiop. .With ideai truly epif copal, laleritia invetfit, marmorea reliquit, the boaft of the emperor Auguftjjs. Armagh abbey was granted 1.612, by King J.Si.Hies I, to Sir Tpby Caulfield, Ip:i55i, 4th. of EdWard YI- the fee of Armagh was deprived of the title of primacy of aU Irelapd, which was annexed to the fee of Dublin, in confequenc? pf Dowdal, then primate, re- fufipg the Engliffi Liturgyi which was received by Dr. Browne, archbiffiop of Dublin Aftervyard the prece dency of the archbifliop of Armagh was eftabliffied. At Blacktvater Town 66 is TuUydowan, Meff. Eyre and Jack fon. partry-lodge. (At 67 Benburb Church in^Clon- fecle^parlffi ip Tyrone Co. The parfonage.) Drumfdl, Joffiua Mc. Gough, Efq. op the banks of the river Cal- iep. At Charlemont on the Blackwater 68, a fort in very good repair. Roxbptp, Mr. Caulfield. Gilford 62, entering Armagh County to Portadowft- 65. At 65 Caftle Obins, .JVIichael Obins, Efq. Drumcreij Church, and parfoqage of Rev. Mr- iViaunfel. Gilfprd62, entering Armagh, Coppty to Lwrg^n 67. At 66 Cornreany, Mr. Sealy. 67 Lurgan. Bannbridge 60,. enteripg Armagh Co. to Donacloney 65, -tamery, Ncwryj N'ear Donacloney 65 Mr. Pepipfter. Lurgan-tamery, ' ^f. Blizard. AitKtAOH COUNTti iff. Kewfy 50i entering Armagh County tp Market-hill 6o, ,',)'. Armagh 65, ;^ . ' At 56 Portnorris. LoughglUy Chutch : parfo»age of Rev. Dean Warburton. At Market-hiU, celebrated by Deap Swift, is Gosford Caftle* the Earl of Gosfofd. 6t' MuUybrack Church, the parfonage of Rev. Dr. Hamil ton. 64 Ballyheridap, Mr. MCi Gough. At ArmagJib^ the Pf imate''s palace. • f Newry 50, euteripg Arhiagh Coupty td AftOn 58, Clare 60, Tanderagee 61, Portadown 65. At 56 m Drumbanagher, John Moore, Efq. 57 Point2i dr Fenwick's Pafs. 58 Afien,- Alexander Stewart, Efq- At Clare 6®.on th^ fide of the river Cuffier is Glare Caf tle, Mr. Dawfon. Redbrae, Mr. Mc. .Creight, Glebe- hill, the parfonage of Rev. Dr. Leflie. hx Tanderagee* 63 Mullyvilly Church. 64 Brackey, Mr, Trueman. Dawfons-grove, Mr^ KeUy. 64 Meredyth Workman^ Efq. 65 Portadown, JNewry canal joins the Bann river, ¦which is navigable from LdUgh Neagh to this junftion. Caftle Obins, Michael Obins, Efq. Drunicree Church: parfonage of Rei^. Mr. Maunfel.- ,, , Forkhill 45, DrufihiUy 5b, Bally wire Church 53, MaW- lian 56, Market-hiU 58, Hamilton's Bawn 60," Rich- hill 62, Lough Gall 65, Charlemont 68. At Forkhill 45 Mrs. Jackfon, Scariff, -Mr. Mc. Cinlii 46 a ^church and parfonage. 47 Sliebh Gullen mountain. 50 Drumilly, Near Ballywire Church. 53 is Ballymoyer- lodge, Sir Walter Syniiot. 55 Lough Shaws lake. 56 Mawhan. At Market-hiU 58 Gosford Caftle, the Earl of Gosford, a feat celebrated by the Rev. Dean Swift, who had a great friendffiip with Sir Arthur Achefon, grandfa-^ ther ©f the prefent Earl, and gave the name of Drapiers- hiil 176 jkRMAGH COUNTY* hill to a favourite fpot here, At 59 MuUybrack Chufclii the parfonage of Rev. Dr. Hamilton, 60 Dunnenaught, Mrs Mg. .Dowali Hamilton's Bawn. . At Rich Hifl 62 Wm. Richardfon, !^fq., 63 Caftle Dillon, Sir Capel Molyneaux. An extenfive l5ke covered with wild fowl; An obelifk erefted by his Grace Lofd Rokeby to comme morate the Order of St. Patrick. Obelifl* erefted by Sir Gdpel Molyneaux iri honour of the Iriffi Volunteers. Hackley, Mr. Shields. 64 DriimUgher, Mr. Donaldfon. 65 Drumrailly, Archdall Cope, Efq. Loughgall, Robert Caraden Cope, Efq. 67 Summerifland, Mr, Clarkti Hayes-hall, Mr. Hayes.', 68 Charlemont, called from a Mount built by Charles Blount^ Lord Mountjoy. It is reck.* bned a garrifon, and has a governor on the military efta-i bliffimepti It gives the title of Earl to the noble family of Caulfield* Rochdale 45 entering Armagh Co. to CuUoville 491. At 48 Fokfield, Mr: M'Mafter; 49 Cullovilhi ; 'Armagh 62, KiUilea 67, Tyuap 68. At 64 Rofebrook, Mr. MaxweU. 66 Elm-park, Mr. Clofe. 67 Kill'ilea, Johp Maxwell, Efiq. pfoprifetor : a monthly majket : great qu.intities of brown linep and cat tle fold. On a confiderable eminence is Woodparfe- Lodge, John Henry Burgefs, Efq. 68 Tynan Church, Eriogh,'^ the parfdriage of the Rev, Mr. Quip. Gaftld Shane 59, Entering Armagh Cohhfy td Middlebn 63, Typap 65, At 64 BondviUe, on a hill Fairview, Rev, Dr. Strong'. Caftle- "'ARjiA<3H"<^'UKTY. Iff^ 'dafHe 'Blaney 51-, entering Aii-inagh Coiinty to.Keady 58, jic t/W,.- - ;]iii-ju ^. rTynan65i-: ''•''''¦ "'^ ^Or more mountairious road by Newtown Hamilton 53, Keady 58, Tynan 65, , At6Q ^ajddan, Church: parfonage, of |J^e--Rev. . pij Jones. ' ' From Pungaripon 72, entelring Armagh,. .Coitint,y.t.o< fiaf- tleCj^lfie'ld 75. ,¦'••¦.'';¦ ¦ ',' YJfioo3i'rf- ,. ...... .„ ,.,. , . At Caftle Caulfteld 75, the Earl of Charlemont, de- jnollffied 1641 when thejaohie owner was murdered. 78 Killyfliiel Church. ]^fpm.Liffiurp entering A^iTiagh .Cpi,unty .to.Lurgan lo, Portadown 15, Lough Gall 20, Charlernqnt 24. : ij!^ At 15 Segoe church and . parfonage. At Portadown is Caftle Obips, Michael Obins, Efq. Bridge over the !Bapp.;-, Tflie Newry capAl /alls into the Baj^ ^^.^ A| 16 MaliPn'e, Meredyth "W'orkni^ri, Efq.' , A^t Tough' ^Giik 20, Robert Camden Cope, Efq. 21 Dt-umniilly, Arch- daU Coper !^fq.,. 22 Summers -Ifland, .MrQC^r.fe- ,,^'i Haye's-^ha1l,-MrV Hayes.'' 24 Charlemont,' the ,E,atI'o}:- CharlemdPt. Roxboro, Mr. Caglheld. - ¦ .': ':. .. ', .: ,-.'»,¦-- ;:, -u: ;¦--:•!" ,- ": From Liffiurp entering Armagh County to' Portadown as ., before 15, Rich Hill ¦io^ Armagh 24, jKeady 3p. At 16 Mahon Cj Meredyth Workman, Efq- 18 Bol ton's Folly, Mr. Black. ,19 KUmore church :, parfonage of the Rev. Mr, Biffet. At Rich Hill 20, Wjn. Rlchard- A a ' fon, ¦f ¦J'l . fLfJ^AM^ 1 COUNTY. fon, Efq. 22 Caftic Dillon, Sir Capel Molyneux, Bart. 24 Ballynahone, Rdr. Cuft. 24 Armagh. From Armagh t0 K'ady 30 m alorig the banks of the Cpllon river are confiderable bleach mills, tiie linen trade beipg carried op very extepfively. From Liffiurn entering Armagh County to Lurgan rq, Portadown 15, Rich Hill 20, Armagh 24, KiUilea 29, Tynan 31, entering Monaghan County tp Glafs Lough 21- Finie ritle by KilUleahW], PfeMows-hall, Mr. MaxweU. Wpodpark Lodge, John Henry Burgefs, Efq. Lifloony. Tynan, entering Monaghan County to Glafllough. , '.i-y--: ' '• ¦-.¦"': , ' ' ' ' From Newry. Entering Armagh County to Ballywire Church 7, Newtown-HaiTiilton 9. Near Ballywire churth 7 is Ballynioyefr Lodge, Sir Walrer Syhnot. From Ne\f ry^,. Befleektown 5 entering Annagh Co'^nty tP NewtPwnTHamikon 8, In Down Co. at 2 m Cam'aght church. 4 Drum'mul- ly houfe. ' From Armagh. Hamilton's Bawn 3, Tanderagee 8, Near y^>*!«g-/z is BaUynahone, Mr, Cuft, At 2 Hamil ton's Bawn barracks. 8 Tanderagee. The Newry canal is brought -wiihin a mile. Glebe-hill, the parfpnage of the Rev. Dr. Leflie, From AR^ASS^iCdtlNTY. t79 From Armagh, Rich Hill 4, Tanderagee 9. At Rich HiU 4, Win- Richardfon, Efq. Near 7 ra Is Dawfop's Grove, Mr. KeUy. From Armagh. Hamilton's Bawn 3, Clare 7. Near 7 m is Redbrae, Mr. M'Ci eight. At Clare i% Clare caftle, Mr. Dawfori, Mr. Harden, DEkRY iSo DERRY COUNTY, ROADS, NOTED PLACES, SEATS, &c. Moneymore Church in Difertl'yn pariffi 83, Defartmar- tin 88, Tubbermore 90. (Thefe 3 towns have Sliebh Gullen overlooking them.) — Maghera 92, Swatteragh 96, Garyagh Church in Errigal parifti lOO, Augha- dowy Church and bridge 103, Macofqoy Church in Camus pariffi 107^ Colerain Church in Killowen pa rilh 109, entering Antrim Co. to Portruffi 114. At 83 parfonage of Difertlyn parifli. 84 Springhil!,, Col. Conyngham. 88 Defarimartin Church. Dromore, the parfonage of the Rev. Mr. Waddy. Kilcronaghan Church and parfonage. 90 Tubbermore. Fort William, Mr. Stevenfon. Glover Hill, Mr. Forefter. At Magh era Church 92 parfonage of Rey. Dr. Marffial. At 96 Swatteragh. 99 Rev. Mr. Mansfield, loo Garvagk Chxirch in Errigal parifli : two bridges over the Agivey. P. Can ning, Efq. loi Glebe Hill, Rev. Dr. Burrowes. Bo- vaugh Caflle op the fide of the river Agivey, the Marquis of Waterford. 103 Aughadowy Church and parfonage. 107 Macofquy Church in Camus pariffi. Parfonage of Rev. Mr. Young. 108 Tamnamony, Mr. Irvine, on the banks of the Bann. Summerfeat, John Richardlon, Efq. A fine falmon leap. At Coleraine 109 the late Rt. Hon. Richard Jackfon. On the oppofite fide of the Bann is Milburn, Mr. Gary. The Bann rifes among the mountains of Mourne baro ny in Down County within 3 miles of Carlingford Bay, and runs by Bannbridge and Gilford in Down County, and Portadown in Armagh County, to Lough Neagh, iipar which it forms Lough Beg, extending 3 miles, whence it pioceeds by Port Glenone and Colerain t» m&Rf eotrNTY. .r8% to - the Nor therrt Ocean four miles beyond Cdler ain. A bar at " the tnouth of the Bann prevents fliips- of burden from coffiing up to Colirain, but the JE|attri is navigable for fmall ctaft to its jtiftftion vvlth the Newfy . Canal above Portadown in Armagh CouPty. The fal'mosi. and eel fiffieries of the Bann, .and of the Loughsj are the property of the 12 London Companies, and of the Mar- quis.of Donegal, and let at 6ooo4. per arihum; The fal mon are taken from January .to Auguft, 1400, tons in a feafon, 260 tons are faved and exported to London, Spain^ Italy, &e; 'The eel fiffiery alohe lets at iooo/:r per an - nuni; The eels are caught at Toome near Lough Neaigh during the Autiip' the nights, more efpecially when they are dark *nd ftormy. i' ¦ At 112 'on- the fummit of a hlllls a feat- called Ma*y* bTffie.' Ballyleiffi, 'Mr.Cromie. ' You proceed to BaUy-» wellan- Church in Antrim County. ¦'i-.'j Mdn^yniore. 83, Ma^hdrafeh 87, .:P3ttvfop*s-brid'ge gg, BaUaghy Church In BallyfCirllen p'^riffi 91. At 83 SpringhiU, -Col. Cpnynghain'.^;% Dtutftbauh Church. 86 Killyfaddy, Mr. Maxwell. .87 Magherafeli Church. At Dawfon' s- bridge 89' is Caftle Dawfon, ths fine feat of ' Arthur Dawfon, Ef^. of the family of the Icai-ned and excellent Baron of the Exchequer who fur'- niffied the prefent -words of Bumper Squire Jones, a convi vial ¦ P/««a'I[)' ©f blind Carolan. At 91 Rofegift, Mr. Downing. Mount Thomas, Mr. Rankin. Ballaghy, ' Maghera 92, Kilrea too, Bovaogh 'Bridge ''104,^ Colei ' - ' 'rairi'ii4.'-~ '•'; fide of the Bann is MoOre's-lodsie;' Wm. Moore, Efq. 104 Lanmore, Mr. ,- Church'. -Bov-augh Ca.ftle 011* the -banks of Agivey riverj theeftate of the Marquis of Wa terford, .lS;2 bERRY COUIJTY. terford, let In leafe to Langford Heylapd, Efq. At Bj)r paugh Bridge 104 apother feat of the Marquis of Water ford. On the oppofite fide of Aughadowy river is Agi- ¦vey, Mr. Dii Prie. Blackheath, the parfonage of Rev. Henry Bruce. Punglveri 59, Banagher ChUrth tdi, Clady 107. Crofs III, Ferry Bapk 114, Londonderry 115. At 99 m Dungiven Church. The Caftle, the late Right Honourable Edward Gary, on the banks of the river Rowe. At 100 m Mattfmount, Mr. Fanning. At joi Banagher Church, 102 Drumcumet. 105 Straid Church ruins. At thd foot of a high hill, on the fide of the river Fauglian, is Laremount, Sir George Montgo mery, Bart. 106 formerly parfonage of Rev. Deap Led- wich, 107 Clady Church. Op the oppofite fide of Faughan rii'cr is Beaufort-lodge, Mr. Rofs. 109 O'Cane's Caftle ruins- 11 1 Crofs, Near 1 13 Beech Hill, Mr- Skipton. Affibrook, Mr- Affi. At 113 is Prehep, op the Foylcj Mr, Kpox- 114 is-F^rry Bank, At 1:5 Londonderry, built by the I2 Loudop Compapies^ which took in 1619 divifions of 3210 acres each, when thei coulitry was efcheated to the crowri by the attainder of Hugh Boy O'Nial, in the reign of James L It has a mi litary governor who is commander of Culmore Fort* Church apd fpire on thi; fummit of the hill on which thd town is built. The walls built in 1614. The ramparts 12 feet thick. In 1691 the town held out againft James ll. under the command of Rev. George Walker, from April 17 to July 31, 105 days, or 14 weeks ; 600 bombs were thrown in ; they were reduced to the greateft diftrefs for want of provifions, till they were relieved by general Kirk. A view of the fiege, and a reprefentation of the Rev. George Walker and his affociates was wrought iri curious tapeftry of the richeft colours, at the expence of parliament, and erefted in the Houfe of Lords. A bridge of American oak 1068 feet long, 40 feet broad, the firft of the kind introduced into Ireland, traiif.* ported acrofs the Atlantic. It was built in 13 months at the expence of the corporation by Meff. Lemuel Cox and Jopathan Thotnpfon, and opened 1790. A gaol 12O feet infrpnt, 40 feet high: 3 feparate yards, the walls exten(|ri ' ing 150 feet, 3P S»et-high, 50 cel,lj for felops. , ' Herring^ takeif 'in 'Lo'ugh S\yiTly 7 miies, diftant are faved 'artd°6xp'otted.' Sev'ei'al ffiips" arfi' ferif to the Wefi- Indies, Ne,w Englapd and Newfoundland,, and aj-yya^n Anfierifia' before affiip* from Loridon bii^'caii get clcTir of the fotiriding's or arrive iii Londonderry latir tnde. " . . ''• ', " ', ' I ' • ,- ,' George Farquflar, I the writer of Cbmiedy, born^her^ ,,j;' I. i-i ;.r..-,.i I ,'?nH ,:- ••H;j'> , ^¦^v ¦ ' ^" ' ..^ ¦ .', , : ¦¦-^''^ Punglven' chiurch 99, Newtown Li'ft^avady hi'DrnmacI^df^f ' pariffi 106, MagiU-igati church idi2-;r^ntering Tyroner 'county to , Craigtdvt^n- Mn i i3-^r^e-,enteriag Perry caunt-y to Powpihills dP Heryeys -h-Hif 117,, ' ' - At ibis on the "barifis -df the river Rowe Is DerrJ^fdV Mi-. Kyte.- Idi parfonage ofi the Rev.= 'Mr. Jeffard: " Bb- veagh chiii-'Ck.-' Stra, Mf, 'Edward^:'' i04\Mf. .SiWitlu, 1Q5 OHi' the bpjiofite IMe of tii^ r'iv^fjR'o'w'e,-',Mr.' CaihpT bell.- -Pfaify hilV Mr.~ iM'Cabfland.' - At'Tod' 'NeuitMk Limavaefy church. Fruit-hill, Mr. M'Gauflapd. Stirleve hill, Mr. ThorptoR. . ii'f^J^agil^gan Church, 113 Craig- town Inn. 114 you enter the ftrand. . ^olomon'st Pprch, ¦jvas ifirie CSva-biit is d-aflia&'ed : thciWi-jk beinglime- ftb'dd fine houfe formerly , : ^ . Dr., Hervey, Lord .,-,.. -.-:- -V, .•;;;v^-:",;S,dn, 3 wild ptoqioil-^ 'f°'"y- ¦ "^^*\v:''^ .'; 1 . ¦" k i'- Craigtowp. Inn entering Derry County to Maigiliiga^ ^-'''^- '¦'"'¦' - ¦' • point 118. Between Magilligap ifh.uroh and paiiit, is- thg., laibbet wjliTeii, the [S'bpe'rty of the Lord Bifliop of Derry, yield-" ing annually three or four thpufapd' dozen of rabbit flcins valued near 18.00/. Magilligan point is at the mouth of Lbugh Foyle. Ferry three, quarters of. a jnUe to Green .tallle-,! ^ , Firom -*'84 PERRY COUNTY, from Londonderry, Muff in Faughanvale pariffi 5 m, ,. Bsjlykelly ip, Newtown Lim.avady i?, Colerain.^3. At 2 m oQ the oppofite fide of the Foyje Is Boom Hall, Mr. Alexander. Under his houfe was fixed the boom ¦which the French and Iriffi armies threw acrofs the river Foyle to prevent r.elief coming up the river ¦when riiey befieged t-cndonderry.T— Brookhall, Mr. Wray. At 4 Dunnybruer, Mr. Scott. At Muff s ar is Culfinny, Mr. Huey. F-iowcrfield, alfo Mr. Hucy. Near 10 m on the banks of Lough Foyle is Walworth houfe, moft fuperb : the late Right Hon- John Eeresford. BollykeUy. 1 1 Glebe-hall, Rev, Dr, Hamilton. i2Daify Hill, Mf. M'Caufland. Newiown Limavady, Bridge over the river Rowe. 14 Strieve, Mr. Thornton. Fruu hill, Mr. M'Caufland. Strieve church ruins. At Colerain 22> thelateRt, Hop. Richard Jackfon. Summerfeat, Mr. Ri chardfon. Milburn, Mr. Gary. Griffin Curtis, Efq. on th.e banks ,of the Bann adjoining the falmon fifliery called the -Cranagh. A fine- profpeft of Colerain and of Dowiji hUls. 25 Clyfin, Mr. -Lyle. You enter Antrim Co. From NewtownX.Jma,vady. Aughadowy church 9, Crofs ferry 13. , At I m Strieve, ' Mr. Thornton. Fruit HiU, Mr, M'Caufland, 9 Aughadowy Church, 12 Agivey, Mr. Pu Prie. 13 Crof ferry. From Newtown Limavady. Gaivagh 10, Defart church 12, Kilrea 15. At Garvagh 10 m two bridges over the Agivey. 12 De- fqrt Church. MuUetragh, Mr. Church, Froro iDERRir COUNTY. 185 <» From Newtown Limavady. Garvagh 10, Defart church 12, Coagh church in Tamlagh Antrim Go, to Port Glenone 2G. At 12 Defart Church. 15 parfonage of the Rev. Dr. Torrens, 17 Coagh Church in Tamlaglit pariffi. 19 En- nifrufli, Mr, Ellis, 20 Port Glenone. Bridge on the Bann Qt the; end of the town dividing Derry and Antrim coun ties — Mr. Hamilton, From Newtown Limavady. Garvagh 10, Defart church 12, Coagh Church in T*ailaght parifli 17, New Ferry 23. At New Ferry 23, Mr. Courtney, From Strabane entering Derry county to Clady church 12. At 8 m you enter Derry county, Ballykellaghan, Mr. Bond, II BaUygartan, Mifs M'CuUogh. 12 Clady church, Mr. Rofs. Beaufort Lodge, alfo Mr, Rofs. ...«.., ^„.,^.. Mitj^Vera lom. Ballaghy church in BaUyfcullcn pariffi 15. At Dungiven, The Caftle, the late Right Hon. Edward Carey. At 5 m Caintogher mountains. At Maghera 10 m the p-arfonage. B h ANTRIM M AN.XRIM COUNTY. ROADS, NOTED PLACES, SEATS, Sfc, Liffiurn 73, Belfaft Church In Shankill pariffi 8©. At Lifburn 73 on the Lagan, (the property of the Moft ifdble the Marquis of Hertford.) 5 or 6,000'pauods •«vdrth of litnen are fold in the weekly market. Cajial to Lough Neagh j^ the Lagan Is made navigable tD>Bel- faft.-^Belfize, Mr. Hudfon. At 74 Lambeg church.. Hill-hall caftle ruins,, 75 Derryauglity eburcb, VDriim- beg chrircb. Drumboe church ruins, Willmount, Mr. Stewart, A charter fchool.- ThornhiU, Mr. Maxwell. 56 Newgrove, Mr, M'Neil. Edenderry, Mr, Beer. Mr, Legge. Purdiftown, Mr. Wilfon,.. Near ,7 8. is Ma^. lone village. Belvoir, Lord Y|fcouHt Durigannon. Caf tle Reagh, the head of a manor of the Marquis of DpSjrn- Ihire where bis Senefchal holds courts. The caftle jij-qa the trip iof a hiU, the ereftion, is ;.afcriibed to the Danes, A foffe encompaffes three-fourths of it. . At 8p Belfaft. Inhabitants 25,000: affembly built by the late Marquis of Donegal at thfe expence of 2000/. Belfaftbridge Zi- arches, 2560 -feet long, the '21 arches taking up 84O feet, and the dead wotk occupying the -remaipiBg fpace. It con- nefts Antrim and Down, built at the Re volution at' the joint expence of both coupties, apd «oft 12,000/. It has more ffiips ip the Weft India trade thap either Dublin Or Co^k. Manufafturfes of'cotton^- cambrics, linen, fail-cloth, glafs, earthen-ware. — Cald- wally, Mr. Portis, Becclimount, Mr. WaUis. At 79 Mr. Black. Nevv York, Mr. Creig. Belfaft Belfaft 80, Carrickfei-gus 88, 'Ballycarry 92, Lame in Iriver pariffi 97,- Carncaftle church ipo, <51eparm iii •'^TijJrtiacrevap pari-fli 105. -¦1,'-! ll •,;''¦-• ' J Oit Belfaffi So, Carmoney 86, Straid 89, . BaUynure 90, Kilwaghter 95, Carncatlle church 98, Glenarm 103. -^, j'l I . ,','(,, .,,¦¦... ,,<,.... ' At I ra frora Belfaft is Mount CoUier, the Rev. Mr. Hamilton. Grove, Mr. Lewis, Jennymount, Mr. Thomfop. At 2 m Foft WiUiam,-Mr. Lendrick. Park- moupt, a fipe feat of the Marquis of Donegal. •Gri^the road by fhe ffiore to Carrickfergiis, arid at 3 nl from Belfaft is Whitehoufe, Mi. Stewart, Where Kipg WiUiam landed June 14, 1690. A cotton nilinufafthre ejnpleying feveral hrindred perfons. At 4 m Wbite Ab bey with fine bleach miUs, Mr, Batefon. 6 rii is Three Sifters, the feat of Mr. Allen. 7 m Sout|ibuffi c^He. 8 Carrickfehgus oa Belfaft lough. ' Rev, 'Mr. Blakeley. Wo&dbutn, Mr. EUisi North Lodge. The fkeleton of a fine ho.ufe built by Lord Chichefter In the reign of Jaines L ' An old gothic ch'urch v^ith many family monu ments. A monaftery here was affigned to Sir Arthur Chi- ,x;hSfter, '.feveral times chief governor, ivho erefted a rto,- 4ile HJaftle'ten the fite of the irionaftery 16 lo- The Mayor «f Carrrckfergus was Admiral of a confiderable extent of coaft lin Antrim and Down counties; the corporation of Carrickfergiis enjoyed the cuftoms p>id by' all veffels with in thefe bounds, except Bangor and Belfaft creeks^ This grant was repurchafed by the crown, and the cuftopi- houfe transferred to Belfaft, Remains of a caflle no4r jfubjeft, to the infult of any daijng enemy. Thurot with a fmall force landed here 17^9..:— At 10 in 'from Belfaft is Kilrout,jMr, Bruce. Moiirit-pleafant,- Mr- Allen. Caf tle Dobbs, C. R. Dobbs, Efq'. 'Ballyhill, Mr, Dalway. (On the BaUynure road is Straid monaftery, the beautiful .walls of the church are entire, and the gothic ornamepts of the high altar,) Corren church ruins. At 12 m frora Belfaft is ^a/^c^rry, 13 Redhall, Richard Jervis Kerr, Efq. 16 , Glynn, Mr. Johnfton. Near 18 is Lame, Fleet caftle ruins. Mr. AlleP. K'dwaghter ho\\{e, the, .elegant feat of Mr. Agiiew. The Rev. Dr, Trail, (Oh the XM. Af^TRl^I COIJiNTY. . the BaUynure road is Tubbermore well, the ftream, of which turns two mills,) Killyglens, Mifs Blair- At 20 Carncaftle church and parfpnage. 21 . Bally^a.llpg.hi Mr- Shaw,, Near, 24 Mr. Robinfon, Eoxhall, . Mr, Hunter. 25 Glenarm on Glenarrn.bay. The .Caftfe, fhe Countefs of A"trim — erefted after the ancient family feat of the M'DorinrjS'at BaUymagarry was deftroyed by ac cidental fire Remains of a monaftery built 1465 — grant ed to Alexander M'Donnel, anceftor to the Earls of An trim. ' ' Glartevy 77, Antrim 84, Shane's Caflle 86, Randalftown I in Drunlaul pariffi 88, Grange 93, Port Glenone 97, y Rafliarkdn ,102, (or Randalftown 88', Ahoghil 94, Ra~ ffiarkan. toi) Ballymoney 100, Dervock ii2,/Bufli- .miU5,n6, .Giant's Gaufeway 118. r. .' . 1', At Glanevy church 77, Mr. Gorman. At Si-.GloRe.r-. hiU, Mr. Moore. 84 y/w/nOT in Lpugh Neagh. Ip; the rebellion of 1798, June 7, 6000 rebels ¦were defeated herg aiul loft 4000 men. Earl O'Neil was-mpnally wpuudftdi, and died Jpne 17. Seat of the Earlof, Maffareen. -tMri Jackfon, At Shane's Caflle 86j,.E'arl 0'.Neil, o-ji th^iyery border of Lough Neagh. This lough on an average, i^ in long, 8:m broad, the largeft lake in Eprope, except the lakes Ladoga, and Onega, in -Riiffia, apd pentva in .S'witzerland- It is fqd by 6 cpniiderable. rivers, the Six- mile river, theBann, the'Bla,cl£y^ater, fhe Ballinderry, the Moyawia: celebrated for putrefying wood. The Dolpl chan, a large trout, js peculiar to it; the area. 58,290 acres. . , ' . , , By the jNTewry canal there is water communication from the great ixianufafturing tdwp of Newry tovyard the fql- lovvingpla;:es in AriiLigh county : Afton, .'; Armagh within 4 ra, Blackwater town, ChSrlemopf, Lnughgall within 3 m,, Porra'dowii,.Tandeiagee within i m. — toward —-toward flj^foUowipg places ii^ppwn county: ^ ... ,, . Bannbridge y^ilhin 3 mj ¦ ;Gilford within 1 m, • Scarva, : - .LoUghbrickland within 2 m, —toward the folld'wing places Ip "Fyrone coiinty 5 ' ,- - ' v . ' Coal Ifland, ~!i f ' , . ' Cookftown within 6 m, ... .,. Dungannon within 2 m, , Moy, , i .Stewartftown \)ylthin 2 m,:. At 88 Randalflawn church: flour .n;i III? :.?n affembly- room where the linen-drapers dance* in their bcptsfapd fpu^fs ;at..tlie time pf the linen naarket^lje fiiift Wi^dnefj^ay in every month. :-rHolly-brqpk, Mf. Dickey, , At 9P m Moneyrod, Mr. Henderfon. 90 Pay iTfounc.JJ^r. O'Neil, Punnain church- 91 Monsyg'afs, Mr. Jones- At 92 Grange at the foot of a pretty high hill, Mr- Charlton. Mr. Gierke. 93, near the New Ferry over the Bann is Mr. Cpurtney. {Ahoghill. Gilgoruni,. fea-^, pf the E^rl of-MpiiritCalhel. -Giace-hill, the eftate of the'Earl 'of O'Neil.) AtPort Gh'^nerii is The Caftle, Mr. HaipiUpn, 'ddiglitful profpefts and plenty of "¦wood : bridge ov^r the Bann, dividing Antrim and Derry counties. Mr. Hill. Craigs, Mr. Aguew. At Rafiarkan church lot, the par- ifonageof the Rev. Mr. Bi^iftow. lOz, Rev'. Mr.Nelfon. (On rifing, grpund ,is Kilxea in Derry ^county.) At 103 Defart Pferry,' Mr/RBweri. Anoiher.M'r. Roweri. fpri the Ojther '.fitle. of the Bann in Deirry coiinty is' Bann- villc, 'the parfonage of the Rev, Dr, Torrens... Moore's Lodge 'on the banks of the,_Bann, Wm, Moore, Efq,) At IQ4 Fiploy chuich. IQ5 Mr, Holland- . At Baliymoney 108' Leflie" hall, James Leflie, Efq, ' O'Hariai's Bi-ppk, Mr. O'Hara, A feat of the Marquis of Downfliii;?. 112 is Dervock. Benvarden. 113 Derrykeighan church. Billy church.; u6 Bujk Milk, Rev. Mr. Leflie- Dun- luce caftle riiins. Doway, Mr, Wray. Clogher, Sif.'V\''m. Dunkin. m% Giant's Caufeway confifting of a hold and rocky "cliff projeftin* into the fea and formed by 30,000 many and' various fidedpinil-s'ftandirfg cbfely to- ' ' ¦ .. . -- ggfjjg,.^ tgo AN'rkrk dotrNTY. gether, andcPriftituting with correfponding fid^S ap unin terrupted coptinuatioii of ftony pa-vetpent abo've, varied fometimes only by the different heights ,of the pillars : each pillar confiftsof a number of pieces of yarioUs length, but exaftly fitted at their horizontal junftion, not,with level furfaces as in ^works of art, but what is moft extra ordinary, with correfponding curves alternately convex and concave ; the pillars are articulated into each other as a ball ip a focket, the one end of the joint having a cavity into which the convex end of the other is exaftly fitted. This occafions matter of fpeculation on the formation of this phoenomenop, whether it be lava and the effeft of fire, or the prpduftiop of a flow and natural cryftallifation. The fubftance is a dark coloured grit abounding with iron ore. A model in wood is in the Mufeum of Dublin Uni verfity. The fpace of 15 miles from Portfufli ftrand eaft ward to the Giant's Caufeway and thence co Ballycaftle, is ope cantinubd mafs of lava. ' ' Colerain 108 entering Antrim County to Portrufli 113,. At II I BallyweUan church. 113 Portrujh, a fifliing towij on a final! bay of the northern ocean. Ballinderry 73, Glanevy 77, Crumlin 78, Antrim 84^ Connor Church and Kells 89, Ballymena 93, Clogh Church 99, Lough Gule 105, Armoy Church 109, Ballycaftle in Ramoan parifli 113. At 71 m is Aughygallen village. 72 Aughalee church ruins : flour mills. 73 B^^^'nderry church. On a rifing ground, Mr. Thompfon. 74 Portmore caftle ruins, in the midft of fine plantations of the Marquis of Hertford- At Glanevy church 77, Mr. Gorman. JVlr. Whitley. 7^ Crumlin. Cherry Valley, Mr, Gorman. Langford Lodge, commanding a view of Lough Neagh, Ram Ifland and the oppofite ffiore, is Lord Langford, Crumlin church. At ,79 m flour mills of Mr. Heyland. Crofs hill vil lage. l^|e, M^o,''*g''^y-P,» Mr. Mpore. A't;.^9-Jfl''|l^?4Chur5:h, At 8 1 Clover HilJ, Mr. Moote, coj;i^mj^pding,a yievy of Lough Neagh. ' At 82 Greeuraouht, Mr, Thomfon. Muckamore Caftle ruins._SirJR.oger Langford was feifed of a noble monaftery here 1639. At 83 Ballow, near Lough. Neagh, , Mr. Wilfon,, At Antt4m 84 the Rarl ajf Mi^reenr^^AT 86 Shane^Sl^Camef EatrO'Neii: '¦ Lady Hill, commanding' jfflrife'view of LoUgh Neagh. ArSg Connor Cathedral, a biffiop's fee,- united to. Powppatriick. '^lis'.^ Aiifl Leiijirierj,' Pogherty Gdripap,'' Elq. ' 'pit &^t, rifing'^ gtolind oppofite' Gilgdrum Caftle belonging, t^ thi',Ea:;l of RI(Suntca{hei I^^GfacehjU, on the eftate of E'ai'l"0'?ifeiji a fettlepieht of Mdravian brethren. Ac ¦EMy,Mnd'X^%r^h QX.'i^r, Adair. HiUheadi Jphp Dic- Ijfey, Efti, 'At 95 Baliygarvy, Mr. Campbell.' Brough,- fhane.-' M. ^6 Tlie Lodge, ' Earl O't^eil, Whitehall, Jobh^Vhitc, Efq. Ac 98. Kiilyre, Mr., Cqpks, At CYiii^A C^qrch 99 afe good bleach-mills, Jphp Alfpp, Efq- At t02 on the bank of the~rIy'6r,"Mr. Crawfprd, , At .104. Corky, Mr. Pirie, At Lough Gule Church 105 Is Lifla- noure Caftle,, furrdupde4 by the Ixiugh apd a Capal, the late Earl Macartpey, At tot near the river Buffi is Lime- park^ the Rey, Mr. Clarke, At ^^moy Chtfuh. 1139 en the fide of the river is a round tdvyer,' At !S«il^ra/ffis Church 113 a charter fcbooh Onthe banks of the river ' Glenfhefls is the feat of the late Hugji Boyd, , Efq. pp- nymargy Caftle ruInS,' Clare, ovej'loojuiig" th6 fea, E« D;, Boyd, Efq, Coal mj^nes. A Quay, . A pier built by parliaiTventaryiald, Near iris Fairhtad Promontory 8 ra diftant from Bengore-head. Clogh 5^9, GJpgh Mijls ig»i, Strariocum 108, Ballycaf tle 1 1 6, / At Clogh 99 Is Spring midijpt, Mr. AUen- At i.oi Clogh Mills, At ia4!very good bleach-milis, Mr. Moone. An ipn. At rbs-KIUaMp, Mr. Moore. At 108 Stranocum, Ardhibald Huichlnlon, Efq. James Leflie, Efq. :BeHe- Ifle, ]\/fr- Legge: both on the Buffi river. .On the oppo fite fide. of the river is Buffi-bank, James Hamilton, Efq, ¦ :, Clover igi ANTRIM COUNTYi Clover Hill, Mr. Henry. At no Grace-hiU, Mr. Stew art. At III Chatham-hall, Mr. Duulap. Kells 89, Broughffiane in Racavan pariffi 95, Glenarm ipTicmacrevap parifli 114. At 93 Craigbilly, Hamilton O'Hara, Efq- At 95 Broughjliane, At 97 on the fummit of a'hiU are Skirry Church ruins. Baliygarvy, Mr. Campbell. Lodge, Earl O'Neil. Whitehall, Mr. White. At 99 Forked- bridge. Glagan, Mr. O'Hara. At lOO Lyle mountaihs. At Glenarm 104 on Glenarm Bay isTlie Caftle, the Coun tefs of Antrim, erefted after the ancient family feat of the Mac Dpnnels at BaUymegarry Was deftroyed by acci dental fire. Remains of a monaftery, built 1465, which ivas granted to Alexander Mac Dopnel, anceftor to the Earls of Antrim. Clogh in Dunaghy parifli 99, Newtowp Gleps or Cufli- endal 109. At 107 Retreat, Mr. Evans, At 108 Mount Edward, Mr. Boyd. Red Caftle ruins. At log CujAendal on its bay. iio Glenville, Alexander Mc. Cauley, Efq. on thedecli- vitv of a hill. From Belfaft. Carmoney 5, Doagh 10, Connor Church J 6, KeUs 17, Ballymena 21, Stranocum 36, Bally caftle 44. At I m Mount Collier, Mr. Mc. Donald. Jenny- mount, Mr. Thomfou, Grove, Mr. Lewis. Fort Wil liam, Mr. Lendrick. At 2 Parkmount, the Marquis of Donegal. At 5 Carmoney. At 6 the Rev. Mr. Thomfon. At 10 Doagh. At 11 Drumdaragh, Mr. Allen, Another Mr, Allen. 16 Cc««o/- Cathedral, a bifliop's fee, united LO Down-iatrick. At Kc/ls 17 a bridge over the river KeUs. .ANT«i*I COUNTY. >,I-93 .Kells. .^S Leminery, Dogherty. Gormanjflfqr At Bal lymena 21 is Hillhead, Jphn Pipkey, Efq- ,83, Lodge, Mr. Adair. 27 Sprjngmouiit, Mr- Allen- Clogh, 36 Stranocum, Mr. Leflie, pn the Buffi -.river, 37 Cjover- hill, Mr. Henry. 38 Grace-hill, Mr. Stewart.' 39' Chatham-hill, Mr. Diinlap. At Ballycaflle Chur'ch 44 thcjlate Hugh Boyd, Efq. Clare,, E- P- B-o,yd,.Erfq. prq- prietprs of the cpUieries. - From, Belfaft as hefpre, Ballymen,? 21, Cl.qgh 2%i Clogh- .: ' ' mills'29, BaUy nioney 3S' -fit At 21 Hillhead, John Dickey, Efq, 26 Mr.' Copies. 2,7 Clogh. Ballyreagh, Mrr-Mc. Naughten. 29 Clogh- tnills, 31 KiUagan, Mr- Moor-e. At Ballymoney ^^ a feat pf ^he Marquis of Downffiire. ' '" ' From Londonderry entering Antrim Couriity to Buffimills 29, (Giants Caufeway 2 ni diftant,) Ballintoy 35, Bal lycaftle 39, Newtowfl Glens or Cuffiendal 50, Cairn- lough or Carnallock 58, Glenarm ^0. > .¦-;¦,;-•-,' ¦ "•-' ' ' . ' ' .-¦¦'¦?¦"- , At 27 ^eardgville, Edw. i Alex. Mc, Naughtea., Efq. BaUymagarry, Once therfeatof the npble- family of Mac Donnel Earl of Antrim., dsflfpyedTby .an. accidental ^re, after which, the feat at Glenarm Caflle was erefted- At Buflimills 29 the ReV. Mr. -Leflie- At 30 Doway, Mr. Wray- Clogher, Sir Win. Dunkin. 31 Giants . Caufe- ^ way, 32, punf^-yeric, M''-J^P- ^feU. , 34 .Crftg, MT- M¦ ¦ '' ' ¦ , .-^'j-^b ,>i- Lifford 102, Caftlefijp in Donaghmore p.arifli io6, Killy- gordon no Straridrlap'e 112, Ballybpffey 113, Cloghan and Killyock Church il8| Fih Td-wp ¦125, Shallagari-* ¦; ^bridge 130, Gibarra River' i33,'Drumla"ghded HiU 135, Dunglo or the RoffeS 138. ¦; . '.' ' ¦¦' ¦¦- ni'i' , At. 103 Carricklbe," Mr. Mb; Caufland- 104 Urriey' Church and parforiiiga.' Clady village,'' 106 Cafllefin Church and parfopage^f Donaghmorepariffi.' iio Killy- gordon, Mr, Mansfield. :MounthaU, Mr. Young. At ill on the oppofite fide" of the river is Kilcaddon, Mr. j^npx-i. ?I2 Stranorlarje Church- At B,ailybofey \12 i bridge dvcr.the river Fin, Drumboe, M""- J^^*^'- i^5 Dooilh, Rev. Mr. Cdx, Mr. Ramfay, On -the oppofite fide of the river Fin is Wellftown. 118 Cloghan, oppofite Kil- Iy6ck;or K'lteevagh C-hufch Is. Mr., Knox-- At.i24'is a fmall Lough'lcommUnicapng .with riVer Fin; At I25> -Lough Fin, '2 m long, I riot very broad- . Fin Town,- 130 Shalagan-bridge, 122 f^rry over the river Gibarra. A fmall LougJi which, byj^ means of a ftreamlet communicates with a much largerlake. At 12$ Drumhghded HiU. ^At 136- a Lough lira long, i m broad, in which are 4 fmall iflands. At 137 another Lough, gircular, -apd very fmall. At 138 Dunglo, T ,From, Sligo entering' Donegal County to Ballyfiiannon 20, ,Balintr3 25, Townavilly 34, Ballybofey 43, Stranorlane , 44, KillygQidop 46,". Caftlefin 49, Lifford 54. At"i7 Bundoran Lodge, the Earl of EnniflciUen- i8- . Feiinard Church." , 19 Wardton, Mr. FoUiot. 20 Bally- fhannan. 22i Par.khlU, Rev.,Mr. Neil. 23 Coven t-gaV- den, Mr. Atkinfon. - At BaUintra church 25 is Money- more, Mr. Knox. .,26 Brownehall, -John Hamiltori, Efq, At 29^1-ookfield, Mr. O'Hara. ' ( At 30 i3w»^a/, 6 furlongs diftanti) At 33 m Lough Eflc, Mr. "Voung. -The ixlelicafe, fiffi called char, . nine- inches long, .in -fome degree. refembling a trout. The male or milting char- .rThefcmale or roeing char.. . The gelt char with- ptft'.rde. They are not to be caught by bait, but feeding in JK>0 IXlN-EGAiL COUN'i i',. in deep water are taken only in nets. Wild red dcsr in the adjacent mquutains- At 34 Townavilly. From Towijayilly to Bailybofey 9 m, are Barnfmoie mountains. At 38 is Lough, Mourn, 12 furlongs long, 4 furlongs broail. At .Ba/Zyio/g 43 is Js Drumboe, ,Mr. Bazil. 44 Stranorianc church, 45 Kilcaddon, Mr. Knox. At_46 Mount hall, Mr. Young. KiUygordon, Mr, Mansfield. ^9 Cafllefin church. in Donaghmore parifli ; the- parfon age. At ,51 Urney cfiurch aiad parfpnage. At 54 Lifford onthe river Foyle, , . . ' From Sligo cnferii-i<^ Donegal County to Bailybofey 43. Convoy 48, Raphoe 51, St. Johnftown 56, CaKrigins in Killea pariffi 58.- At 47 Greenhjll, Mr. Neffiitf. 4Z Convoy, ^i -¦ Ra phoe. 52 Oakfield, the deanry h©ufc._ 54 Porthal'l, 'Mrs.. Sampfon. 55 Magavelen, tlje Marquis of Abercorn: 56 TuUaowen, Mr. Thompfon. St. Johnflown on the river Foyle of confiderable breadth here, and dividing Denegal county from Tyron-e. 5.8 Carrigius, Dunmore,- Mr. M'CUntock. Profpeft hall, another Mr- M'Clintock«- '^"ou enter Derry county. From Londonderry entering Donegal County to Newr ¦' toun Conyngham Cliurch in All 'Saints parifli 7 m, M.mor Conynghjtn church in Ray pariffi 11, Letter- kcnny Church in Gon.eval.pai-iffi i6,.Kilmacrenan 21, Glfii Inn 27, Ballymore chuich 33, Dunfanaghy 35. At 3 m from Londonderry ynu enter Donegalcounty, At 4 m at the toot of a hia;!) hill is Bogay, the parfonage of Taughbo'-ne parifli. At 6 m Caftle Forward, Mrs. Forward, near Lough Swilly which terminates at Letter- kenny, being 18 m long, t m broad. ' At 7 in is Ntivtcwn Conyngham churclj in All Saints. parifli. At 8 m is Sha- raii, the parfonage of Ray pariffi, the. benefice in the pa tronage of Dublin L^niverlity. At 1 1 is Manor Conyng ham church. 16 is LeUerkewty : bridge over the rivor ;- - ¦¦ • 'Swilly. DONEBAt COUNTY. Sol" Sillily- At 21 is Kilmacretian church- On Kllmacrenan rock the O'Donnel's, princes, of Tyreonnel, were always inaugurated. At 24 Lough Salt mountain. 27 Glen Inn. 30 Ards ori a-hlU, Mr. Wray. 33 -Ballymoi'e church. Marble hill, Mr, Babington- 35 Dunfanaghy', Frdm Ennllkillep entering Donegal Couiity to Pettigoe in Templecailp paiiffi Ij, BaUintra 2.5. At 16 Caftle Tarmon, Rev. Mr- Tifdal, Lough Derg, IP -which is'ap Ifland containing a purgatory or cell of St. "Patrick, Abbot of Armagh in the 9th century, hewnout of the folid rock. Marvellous ftories oi it contributed to ih'e gainful trade of the friars who attended it. In 1630 the Lords Juflic'e^, the Earl of Cork and Vifcount Ely, fent fome" perlons of quality to fearch.into the matter : the ¦.friaj.s were baniffied an.d the cell broken open. At BaUin tra 25 is Moneymore, Mr. Knox. At 26 BrownhaU, John Hamilton, . Efq. ^ In his demefne is a curious fubter- raneous river and the caveips called the PuUeens. D d FERMA- 'ZQ'i FERMANAGH COUNTY. - — «» — ROADS, NOTED PLACES, SEATS, &c. Wattlebrldge Church In Drupikin pariffi 62, Newtown Butler Church in DrummuUy pariffi 62, Donough 67, Lifnefl<.ea 70, Maguire's-bridge 72, Liffiellaw 75, En- niikillen 79, Chuich-hill Church in Inifmacfaint pa rifli 88, Belleektown 97 — eptering- Donegal County t© ' Ballyffiannon lOi. At Wattlebrldge ^2 m over the river Fin are the ruins of a druid temple, oppofite Caftle Saunderfon, Mr. Saundei- fon. St. Mary's Church. At 63 Parfon's Green, Rev. Mr. Haftirigs- 65 Ne-Mlnun Butler. At Donough 67 iS a fmall lake. Goulon, Mr. Mayne. 68 is Manor v,?ater- houfe, Mr, Madden. 69 Glaffdrumin, Mr. Noble. Hollybrook, Mr. Armftrong. At Lifnefkea 70 is Coolan- rnn ipa. Balfour Caftle, Mr. Balfeur. 71 Lifnagoal, Mr. Auchinleck. A feat called Keraghony, At Ma guire' s-biidge, on the lands of Killeffian valley is a mine ral fpring. At 72 Drumgoon, Jofeph Hall, Efq. 74 Millwood, Mr. Crawford. Snowhill, Mr. Johnfton. Belleifle, the Earl of Rofs, an ifland in the Lower Lough Erne, of 200 acres. A view of Culteigh mountains. 75 L'lfleUaw Church. 76 DerryvuUan Church. 78 Drom- coo, Alex. Gordon, Efq. Bellevue, Eyies Irwin, Efq. Caftlecoole, the Earl of Belmore. 79 Chanior-hill. Before you crofs the bridge, on a fmall. height are the remains of a redoubt, occupied bv the townfmen in their fuccefsfpl defence againft. King James. (4 m from En- nilkillen near Ballycaffiedy aie the fubterraneous caves called the Daughtons. At Bel Cou on the Sligo road is Davugh Phadruic well, the beft Cold Bath in Ireland.) EnmJkilUn is on an ifland in the narrow part betweep up per FERMANAGH COUNTY.' ' SOJ per apd lower Lough Erue. Ip 1689 the French and Iriffi were repulfed here ; a regimept of cavalry and ano ther of Infantry were raifed, who fignalifed themfelves at the battles of Boy pe apd Aughrim-, and are caUed the Ennif^killen regime.pts to tjiis day,— Lough Erne Is 23 ra long, 400 Iflands, wooded ; abounding in fifli. From Caftle CaldweU, at the northe'rn extremity of Lough Erne, to the fouthern near Belturbet in Gavan County 40 miles, exhibits fcenes of variety and- beauty. The Yew tree grows here, ufed in making bdws and mathe- mat;iGal Inftruments- At 80 is Portora, the moft confi derable" fi^gje fchool of the Rev. Dr. Rob, Burrowes. Sil- verhill, Mr. Johnfton. 81 Devenijh Ifland: very confi derable remains of a fine abbey : a beautiful and very pei^- feft roupd tower. The foil of Devenlffi Ifland has been faid to fet for 5/. per acre, 82 Dupbar, Mr.. Grofier. 83 by the fide of Lough Erne is Caftle Hume, the Earl of Ely. I Hugh Montgomery, Efq. *Car and F^rry Iflands. At ,87 .WheathlU, the parfonage of the Rev, Mr. Nixon. 88 C^arf^^jV/ Church. 93 Caftle Caldwel ori.LoUgh Erne, Sir John Caldwel,. Ba^t, ' Beau Ifland 3 ni long, i| m broad. The Turaw mountains. . On the Point, thelate Sir Jariies built an oftogon temple. 94iLeurae, Mr, Johnftop. Rufcur Church- 97 below Belleektowtt is a noe waterfall. From Ennifkillen 79 m almoft to Belleektown 97 m, you have Lough Errie tp your righj: hand. ^ ^ ¦¦ Belturbet 61, entering Fermanagh County to, CaUahiU 69, ' I EuniikUlen 80. . ' \ At 63 m you enter Fermapagh County. Near a bridge over the, river is KlUynlck, a very fine feat. At 64 Crura Caftle, on the fouthern extremity of Lough Erne, Ldrd Erne. 6Z Rathfelur, Mr.Tighe., b^CalhhiU Chmch. ¦74 Fldreince -court,, the Earl of EnnifkiUen, the front 260 feet. The .noble family of C0I2 rcuioved hither frora Epnilkillep Caftle. The lere, pr Weft front, is in view of Lougli, Macnean. On the South is a range of lofty mountains caUed Culea. At 76 Nixon Hall, Alexander Nixop, Efq. Mr. Hyfard, - '' ' CaUa-, ^04 FERMANAGH COUNTY,- Callahill 7i> Crofs Roads near Florence-court 77, enter= ing Cavan Co, to Largay or Black Lion Inn, 84. At 79 Flore^nce- court. 80 New Church. 83 Marli Bank, fv'Ir, Irwine. Lough Macnean, with 3 finely culti vated ifl.ands. At 84 you enter Cavan Co. From Ga-rvick on Shannon entering Fermanagh County to Garifon 29, Belleektown 32, entering Donegal Cp, to Ballyfliannon 35. At Garifon 29 which lies F.aft of Lough Melven, is Mr, Hamilton. 31 Farencafady, Rev. Mr, Johnfton. ^2 Belieekiown, from which the river that runs from Lough Erne difchaiges itfelf through Ballyfiiannon into the fea, at the great ialroon leap. Eel filhery of Sir John Cald well, Bart. View of Donegal mouptains, of Nephin and of Knocknaree. From EnpifltiUen. Ballycaffiedy 4, Lifnarick 8, Ke/h 1 1— entering Donegal County to Peiugoe Church 15 — re-entering Feinianagh County to Belleektown 25. At 4 m is BoVtxcol^icdy, on the Eaft 'i:y\e of Lough Erne. (Lovvtherftown rtad) At 5 m is Roffsfadd, Col. Rich ardfon, on Lough Erne. 0 Rockfield, Mr. Irvine. 8 LJnurick. 9 CaRIe Archdall, Col- Archdall. You view the ¦'A-hole Icvver Lough Erne a'-id iflands, feeing up to Ennifkillen 9 in, anddo-^^-ii to Caftle CaldweU 12 m. At 10 are church riiins on an ifland in Lough Erne. Ard- varnev Church and parfonage in Magheraculmony pariffi. Rev. Mr, St, George. 11 is Kefh, near Lough Eine. (At '[^Pettigoe Church in Donegal County. 16 Caftle Tarmon, Rev, Mr. Tifdal. .Beau Ifland 3 in long, li in broad, in Lough Erne. Lough Derg, in which is an ifland containing the Purgatory (mentioned" in I'opogra- phy- FERMANAGl? COUNTY. ., %0^ phy of Donegal County) df St. Patrick, abbot of Ar magh, of the 9th ceptury. At 2f m Caftle Caldwell, Sir Johp Caldwelli Bart. 22 Leurae, Mr. Johnfton. 25 Bflleektown..; ' 7. , Ffom Omagh enteripg Fermanagh County to Balllna- mallai d Church in Magheratrofs pariffi near Tempo 14, EnnifkiUen 20. At 14 you enter Fermanagh Coupty npar Tempo. Magh- praciofs, Mr, Lendrum. Balliniamallard Charch. Froip Clogher, enteripg Fermapagh Cotiuty to Coltrain Church in Aghalurcher pariffi 8, Brookffiorough 10, (Maguire's-bridge 12,) Donough 16 ra, Newtown Butler in Drummully parifli 18 m. Near 6 m you epter Fermanagh Couiity. At 7 ra Cole Brooke, Major Brooke. At 8 m Coltrain Church In Agh alurcher pariffi. Millyfielc^, formerly the Rev. Dr. Law." 9 Greenhill, Mr. Irvine. At Braokfhorough on the other, fide of the river is Littlemont, Mr. Johnfton. HoUymount, a fine feat. At H Aghavea Church> At \2 {^Maguire's-bridge.) Nutfield, Mr. Leflie. Lifnagoal, Mr. Auchinleck. At 13 Drimcrue, Mr. Balfour. A» 14 Glaffdrummin, Mr. Noble. HoUybrooke, Mr. Arm ftrong. Manor water-houfe, Mr, Madden. At 16 jDo- nough. At 18 Ne%viawn Butler. ,' From Mopaghan eptering Fermanagh County to Donoughf 16, Lifneflcea 12, Ma'gtjire's-bridge 21, Liffiellaw 24, Ennifkillen 28. ' At 1 1 m you enter Fermanagh County. Knockbally- .ipore. Lord Erne. At 12 BeUmont, Mr. Colefton. Joneftowp, Mr. Irvine. At 16 in Donough. At 17 ni Manor flo6 FERMANA'O^ 'COUNTY.' Manor water-houfe, 'Mr. Madden. At i8 m' GlaffdrpmNi min, Mr- Noble. HoUybrpoke, Mr, Armftrong,' -A^ £{/5«^^^ 19 m is Balfour Caftle, Mr. Balfour, '"^At 26 m Lifnagoal, Mr. Auchipleck. At Maguire's-bridge 21 iri is Jj)romgowp, Jofeph Hall, Efq, At 23 m Millwood, Mr-lCrkwford, At 23 ra Snqw-hiU, Mr. Johpftop, At 24 ra Lilbellaw. At 25 m Derryvdlcp Church, At 2;6 m Drdmcoo, Mr. Gordop. At 27 m is Gaflile Coole, the' Earl of -Belraorc. At a8 m Erinifkillen,^ MONAGHAN dQj MONAGHAN CQUNTt. ROADS, NOTED PLACES, SEATS, &c. : ¦ ' Peterboro 43, MuUahan Bridge 49, Caftle Blaney Chutch in 'Mdckno parilh 31,' Cleni:ibret Church, 57, Caftle Shane 59> Moriaghan 62, (of by Falkland,) Groffioro Inn 66^ Ertiy Vale 67, Erigill Church 70. ¦ At 43 m you eriter Monaghan coupty, 44 Ra.hans, Mr, Noble. 42 Peterboro, Dunymayne chiirch, Mr. No ble. Parfonage of the Rev. Mr. Caulfield. At 48 Bra- ca, Mr. Henry. At 49 m MuUahan bridge. At Caflle Blaney church 51 Lord Blaney, on the borders of a lake with 4 well wooded Iflands. At 56 Is Ableriagh. 57 is' Clentibret church andparfonage. 58 Lifriaginy. At Caftle Shane 59, Francis Lucas, Efq, Rackwallace church ruins. At 61 Culmain on very "rifing ground, Mrs. Graham,' Beffmount, Mr. Montgomery. (On Falkland .road is TyhoUand church and parfonage.) At Monaghda '62 James Hamilton, Efq. The Rev. Philip SkeUoii, Au thor of Ophio Maclies, or Deifra Revealed, and feveral volumes of fermons, was 18 yeajs curate of' Monaghan in Clogher-Diocefs. The biffiop df Clogher had-been chap lain to the great Duke of .Newcaftle,- and was almoft re fpeftable prelate, of copfiderable eruditiop and a patron of merit, (to whom the deceafed Author of ahe Philofo phical Survey was obliged for his prefei-ment,) This bi ffiop happened to be in comjiany with Dr- Sherlock, bi fhop df . London, who recommepded the Author of Qeifm Revealed fome mdnths after its publication; in confe- quence of which this map of learning, arid genius fodn af- terobtained his'd'eferVed diftinftion In the diocefS:— (At (32 Falkland, the Rev, Dr. MaxweU.) At 65Laga(:drry, Mr. SoS MONAGHAK COUNTY. Mr. Spmerville. 66 Grojhoro Inn, 67'Emy Fale. Anke* teU's Grove, T. ArfketeU, Efq. §8 Fort Singleton, Mr. Singleton. , 70 ErigiU Church. ' Caftle Shane 59, entering Armagh County to' Middld- ,' -tdp63, , =¦ At 61 Killyneale, Mr. Alexander, 62 the fine ruins of Argonnel caftle', ' "*"' ' Laggan Bridge'i38, Carrickmacrofs Church in Magherofs ¦' pariffi 42, Ballybay 53, Tullycoibet church 56, Mo naghan 60, Eiisy Vale 66. ' At 38- Carelfefs, M\r ."Sillery. 'Doohatyj Mr. Richard fon. At G«rrM«scy At 9 ra Clones, * ee— ^-w-*-¥ Frora Dundalk enteripg Monaghap Coupty to Carrick macrofs 1 1, At 9 you enter Monaghan County to BaUymackney, Mr. Fitch, At IQ Munelty, Mr. Tenifon. AtiiLif- apeafk, Mr. Clements, Carrickmacrofs. From Liffiurn Entering Monaghan Co. to Glafllough In Donough pariffi 33, Monaghan 39, Rockcorry 46, At Glaffiough 23 is Caftle Leflie, Mr. Leflie. Glaff- lough Lake is 12O acres : a wood lod acres. At 36 Falk land/' Rev. Dr. MaxWell. 37 Beffmdunt, Mr. Mont gomery, ^g Monaghan, anciently MuinCchan. A caftle erefted on the fite of ari abbfey by Edward Lord Blaney. At 43 m Keaghan, Rev. Mr. Rogers. At 46 Rockcorry. At 47 Faiifield, Mr. Corry. At 48 Dawfon's-vgrove, Lord Vifcount Cremorne. A fine maufoleum erefted by the prefent Lord Vifcount Cremorne 10 his firft lady .and her children. ' From.^Cavap. Scot's Houfe 10, Clones 13.' At 7 m is Red Hill*' Mr. Whyte; At Scot's Houfe 10 is Annville„ Mr. Ellis. At 11 Maddenftown, Mr, Mad'- dep. . Cara, Rev. Mr. Roper. At 12 Leffnabuck, "Mr. Bradffiaw. At 1 2 Clones, Eq ' CAVAN 2 It) CAVAi^ COUNTY^ ROADS, NOTED PLACES, SEATS, See. Virginy 40, Ballyjamefduff 45, Crofs "Roads 50, Cavaflf in "Drney parifli 54, Butler's-bridge 57. At 36 m you eriter Cavan County. 38 Lough Ramor, in which are'fever-al iflands ;, it extends to Virginy 40', At 41 on the ftde of a hill at the' head of Lough Ramor is Port Frederic, James Xuite^ Efq. 42 m Lurgan Church, 45 Ballyjamefduff. 50 Crofs Reads. 54 Gavan, Owen Roe O'Nial, the famous general of the Iriffi natiofl, ¦was btrried 1645 in the abbey, - Here King James's army were, befieged by Col, Wolfeley, who at the head of the EnnilklUeners and 1000 regular troops defeated 4000, un der the Duke of Berwick. — At 56 Farnham Houfe, the Earl of Farnham. Lakes near the houfe uncommonly -feeautifuh At 57 Builer's-bridge, 5^ a parfonage, Clo- "Ver Hill, Mr, &apdeFfpn, At hi you enter Eerinanagh County. Bailieborough Church in Moybplgae pariffii 4S' Coroire- ry 47, Cootehill Ip Drumgoori parifti 5.3. At 40 you enter Cavan County. At Bailiebonough 43 Mr. Coffiy. 44 a very pleafant lough.- Bailieborough Caftle-, Mr. Stewart. ,45 two more loughs comm-upicat- ing by a- ftreamlet. 47 Knockbride Church, on the bainks- of a fmall louglt. Comnery. At 51 Keighan, Mr, .Pat- "tep". At CootehiU ^2 the lineri bufinefs carried. on exten- fively, BeUaniont Foreft, the late Earl of Bellamont. Near -pAVAH PQUNTV* ,2,^,1 Mear 54 Is Dromore, Mr. Mayi?e. Dawfon's Grove, Lord Vifc. Cremorne. At 54 Freamempunt, op very rifing ground, Mr. Mayne. King's Court 38, Shercock In KiUan pariffi 44? Coote^ hiU52. At 37 you enter Cavan Gpurity. Iniffieene Church- At King's Court 38 on t.he fummit of a hill is Cabragh Caftle, Mervyn Pratt,. Efq. At 42 Droughlone Lake E^t the foot of a circular- mount. 43 a fmaller lake. At Shercock 44 parfonage of Rev. Mr, Adams. Two fmall loughs ; and Lough Swillan, from which runs the river Annalee. At 49 Bellegreen, Mr. .firunker- 51 New grove, Mr. Mayne: both on the banks of the Annalee. Keighan, Mr. Pjicten. 52 Annalee, Mr. WiUis, on the oppofite fide of, and peninfulated by, the rivqr Annalee. At Cpatf/^i// is Bellamont Foreft, the latp Eail of Bell^i- wont. You enter Monaghan County. Cavan 54, Butler's-bridge 57, Belturbet 61. At 58 a fmall lough. Near 59 on the oppofite fide pf the river is Affigrove, the fine- feat of M""- Baker. At 61 Betturbep Church on the river Erng. Paly's-bridge 46, Darien's-brldge 51,. Ballinanaght 54, Croffdopy and Kilmore 56,. Ki.Uefandra 60, Baunbpy , 69, Swanlinbar 74 — At 75 m entering Fermanagh Go. ro Crofs Roads near Florence Court 7.7 — At 84 re-epr tering Cavan Co,unty to Largay or Black Liop Inn 84,. Or Killefandra 601, Pallyconhel 67— At ,68 m entering Fermanagh County to GallahiU Church 71, meeting the other road at Crofs Roads near Florence Court 77. . At 43 you enter Cavap County. At 44 is Roebuck, "Tho, ReiUy, Efq, At 45 Mount Pallas, another Mr! Reilly. Jli CAyAN COUNTY. ReUiy. Bobfgrove, Mr. Nugent. At Daly^-Sridge ¦ 46 is Lough Sheelin, containing fome iflands,^ exiepdirig to Finae, where it communicates with Lough Inny. At 49 Foxhall, Mr. Pallas. Portland, a feat of the late Dr, Henry Maxwell, Lord Bilhop of Meath, at the northern fide of Lough Sheelin. 50 Keil, Mr. Lanauze, at the fide of a fmall lough. 51 on the oppofite fide of the fame lough is Corglafs, Mr. Wilton. Darien's- bridge. 53 Bioomhill, Rev. Mr. Wade. Oppofite to it are BaUin- temple Church ruins." 54 BaU'ihanaght. 55 Belleville, Mr. Flenring. Caftle Coffiy, Mr. Neffiit. At Croffdony 56 LifmoriE, Mr. Neffiit, Liffnemandra, Capt. Elliot. Bingfield, Mr, Story, ^Kilmore, the fee houfe of the Lord Biffiop. (4 m on the right hand from Croffdony is Cct- van.) At '57 Ballyhedy-bridge over the riv'ei- Erne. On the top of a hill is Goie. Ori the other fide of the river is Deansfoit, Thomas Neffiit, Efq. (2 m on the fight hand is Faniham Houfe, the Earl t)f Farnham.) At'58 Is Gortinardrafs, Mr. Ve'aitch. 59 Lahard, Mr. Ydungl 60 Caftle Hartlilton, Hon. Col. Southwell. 61 Killefan dra Church : market houfe built at the fole expence of Mrs'. Jackfon. v. At 63 a feat called Makin. At 64 m is Greenville, Mr. Thornton. (On the right hand road is Kildallen Church.) On the banks'of the Woodford ri ver is Woodford, Mr, pPre. (On the right handroad is Ballyconnel Church 67 m on the Woodford riyer, anti at the foot df Sliebh Ruflel : flour-mills," George Moptgo- hiery, Efq.) At 67 is Li'ffanour. At 69 'Tempreport Church on the lide of a lake, on the other fide of which IsCorboy, Mr. Knox. Baunboy, Major Enery : the road 4 m to Swanlinbar lies atthe foot of Sliebh Ruffel moun tain, that divides Cavan County from Fermapagli. (Af 71 Callah'iU Church ip Ferriianagh County ori the other fide of Sliebh Rufl^el mountain.) At 74 m is Swanlinbar Church and fpa: bridge over the river Clodagh. In the morning you appear at the well at 6, drink till 9, taking conftant -exercife, breakfaft at io, appear again at ' the well at I, djne at 4, go to bed at iq. without fupper ; drink daily frdm 6 to 9 pints for 6 weeks fu'ccefflvely. ' At 75 you ente-i- Ferinanagh County. (At Crofs Roads JJ in Fermanagh County both roads meet Florence Court' '79, . New Church 80. Marli Bank, Mr. -Irwine. Lough Macn^an.J At 8^ you re-isnter Cavan County to Largay^ ' '" ' or CAVAN COUltTy. 3 1 3 Qr Black Lion Inn, Belcop-brldge (which leads to Garifon in. Fermanagh County) oyer a river coptaiping the two lakes called Lough Macpeap, which extends along tliis road 6 miles. Frpm Cavap. Bgllinapaght 4, eptering Weftmeath County tp Finae 13, or Longford County to Gran ard iq. . I ¦ ¦ At I m frorn Gavan is Doynis-hall, Mr. Moore. At ^ ra Ballinanaght, At 5 Aghawyly, Rev. Mr. "W^de, At 8 m Groulehall, Mr; Pallas, F"rpm Cavan. Stradope 4, Bailieborough 14, MufF 18, King's Court 20, Drumcondra 26. At I ra from Cavan is Farpham Houfe, the Earl of Farnham. At 2 m is Clunervy, Townley Blackwood, Efq- At 4 m is Stradone, Alexander Burrowes, Efq. At 13 111 is Bailieborough Caftle,' Mr- Stewart, At Bailieborough 14 Mr. Coffiy. At 18 Muff. At King's Court 20 is Cabragh Caftle, Mervyn Pratt, Efq, At 25 Newftone, Mr. Morris. 26 Drumcondra. ?8 Mantrini Mr. Sillery, Mr. Blackburn, Mr. Adanls. At 30 yoi^ enter Louth Coupty. From Liftiurn. Entering Cavan County to Cootehill 519 Baliyn^cargy 58, Ballyhays 60, Cavan 63. At 49 Bellamont Foreft, the late Earl of Bellamont. (Oppofite to Dawfon's Grove in Monaghan County, Lord Vifcount Cremdrne.) At 51 Coot,ehiU : the linen manufaftiire. At 52 m is Annalee, Mr. Willis. At 54 TuUyvin,' Mr. Modre. At 55 ra is Rathkenny, Mr. Clements. aij4 cAVA»~ctJUN-'ry. Clements. At B ally naic orgy 58 m Mr. Stephens^ Par* fonage of the Rev. Mr. Dundas. At 59 m Wm. Bur roughs, Efq. Barrifter, M- P- At 60 Ballyhays. From Cavap. Ballyhays 3 m eptering Monaghan Co, t© Scot's Houfe 10, At 3 m from Cavan iS Ballyhays. At 7 m RedhiU, Mr. Whyte. CONNAUGHT ii5 CONNAmHT PROVINQK^ LEITRIM GOUKTY. ROADS, NOTED PLACES, SEATS, &c. Largay 84 entering Leitrim County to Manor Hamiltoa 94 in Clonlogher parifli. At 87 you enter Leitrim County, 88 Mullaha moun tains, 91 Kilmacurrel Church ruins. 9a Glerrboy Pleachfield. Near 94 Skreeny, Mr. Cullen. At Manor Hantilton 95, is Lurganboy lodge, Owen Wynne, Efq. M. P. -At i^ clofe to the Shanwith river are Cor ruins. At 100 you enter Sligo cpunty. Ruflty Bridge 66, Drummote 67, Drumfnave 72, crofs the Shanfi-p-ra twice to Jameftown 73, Carrick on Shan non in Kiltoghard pajiffi 77, Near 66 on a hill near the banks of the Shannon Is Agh-. more, Charles Neffiit, Efq, RuJky bridge over the Shannon, A fmall canal. At 67 Drummote. Aughery, Mr. Neffiit near the Shannon. 71 Drumgildra Lough. Annaduff church. Parfonage of the Rev. Mr. Mahdn, 72 Headfort, Mr. Johnfton. Drumfnave bridge over the Shannon. 73 Gharleftown, Mr, King, peninfulated by the Shannon. Anbther bridge over the Shannon to James town. 75 Giimge, Mr. Whiciey. '}•] Carrick on Shannon church and bridge. You enter Rofcommon County, Frona dt6 LEITRIM eOUNTY. From Carrick on Shannon, Leitrim 2, Caftle Cargan oJ* Kiffigarrigan Church in Kiltubrid paiiffi 7, BaUina- mpre Chnrfch ip. O'utfagh parifti f J. At I m from Carrifck is Corfparrow, Mr. GaUagher, on the banks of the Buelle river. Oppofite Is Cartown^ Mr. Cunningham. (At 2 m Leitrim a quarter of a mile from the road.J At 2 m Wm, Houghton, Efq. 5 Kape- brook. 6 Letterfyan, Mr, Reynolds. 7 Laheen, MV, i'eyton. Driney. ' Kifhgarrigan Church. At 12 Willy- field, Mr. Shanley. 13 Ballinamore. Clover hill. At 16 Garadife, Mr. Percy. " I7 you enter Cavan county to Woodfordj the fine feat of Wm, Gore, Efq, Gatrick on Shannon Church 77, LeltririM 80, BaUintra 83, Dromkeirp in Inifmagrath pariffi 90, Droma- hare 98. At 78 is Corfparrow, Mr. Gallagher, ort the banks of the Buelle river. Cartown, Mr. Cuningham. 79 F9rt caftle ruins. On rifing ground is Mr. Houghton. At 80 Leitrim on a fmall river which falls into the Shannon. Sti M'Liegus's Feftival ^Feb. 8- At 83 BaUintra bridge, where the Shannon iffues from Lough Allen through ten counties: the largeft river in fhe Britiffi empire, and confidering its ffiort courfe to the ocean the largeft in Europe. Lough Allen is 30 m -round. The road liffs 6 miles along the fide of Lough Allen on the right hand : having the Mounterkenny mounfains on the left, in which are the Arigna jron and coal works carried oil by Meffrs. Reilly. The beds of coal lie on the eftates of Meff. Te nifon and Jones, and veffels of iQO tons may ride with fafety on Lough Allen. At 87 Currag church ruins on the fide of Lough Allen-- 50 Groufelodgc, Mr. Sealy. Dromkeirrt church. At 93 Lough Clean. 97 you crofs the Bonet river- At Droma^- hare church 98, parfonage of the Rev. Roger Dodd. Kil-* iinumry church on the fouth fide of the Bonet river, ' - - » Frdm LeITrM County*. ^tf From Carrick Church as before. Dtomkeirp 13, KiUargs Church 18, Manor Hamilton -22, At 16 Lough Cleaii, 18 KiUargs Churih, 19 Gorter- more, -Mr. Johnfton, 21 Larkfield, Mr. Donnel. 22 Manor Hamtiton- 23 Skreeny, Mr. Cullen, 29 you en-* ter Fermanagh CoUnty tp Garifpn 29 iiu Ftpm Mapdr Hamilton. li^illargs chufch 4, Dromahare Church 8, At 7 rafrom Manor Hamilton you cirofs the Bonet riven 8 Dr^tnt^f^ mentioned befi^re^ F f SLIGO 2l8 SLIGO COUNTY, ROADS, NOTED" PLACES, SEATS, ^c. \ Manor Hamilton 94, eptering Sligo County tp SJig» town 105. ' At 1,00 you enter Sligo. cepntyi Samore hill. 103 Ballyglafs, , Wm, Gilmor, Efq. Ori tlve left, clofe to Lough Gill, Is Hazlewood, tlie feat of Owen ^ynne, Efq, M. P. On the other fide of the riVer Garwoge is Belvoir, belonging to Mr. Wynne. At 105 Sligo has con fiderable trade. > Lugna Clogh, or the Giants Grdve,'like the ftones at Stonehenge on Saliffiury plain In Wlltffiire. They are the monuments df feveral famous perfons whofe bdnes have been found under them. Ruins of a monaftefy founded 1322. Large. quantities of falmon taken here are pickled and fent up the Mediterranean. t ' ( Balllnafad 88, Coldoney Church 98, B^Uafadere 100, Sligo. 163. At 86 is Gurlieu mountain : here you enter Sligo coun ty. Z% Ballinafad, 89 HoUybropk, Wm- Phibbs, Efq. by the fide of Lough Arrow which extends 3 m from 88 to 91 :' .it has feveral iflands Well planted and romantically fituated-, 91 Calhcorren mountain. On the fide of Lougli, Arrow are Ballinddwn abbey ruins, 93 is a church. ,94 Drumfin caftle ruins. Ttinfyfort, Arthur Cpoper, Elq. Branchfield, Mr, Duke. 95 Coolteem caftle ruins. Clor namagbeen. 97 Toberfcanavan. At ,Coloony church 98 is Mercrea, JoffiuaEdwaid Cooper, Efq. Bridge over the • river SLtoO COUNTY. 219 rivei^ Owenmorel To Colooney the French and infpr- gents.-marched after quitting Caftlebar, but ndtwithftand- Ing their great purabers,, were attacked Sept. 5, 1798, by Col. Vereker, with the Limerick city militia : a fevere aftiop epfued, in which many of the French and infur gents were wounded, till Col. Vereker being nearly fur rounded,' was obliged to retreat.-' This aftion ftoppedthc piogrefs of the enemy to Sligo, — At Ballafedere 100 Is a waterfall : lead and filver mines of Sir Edward Crofton, Bart. Balllndrade viUage. i02 Clover-hill, Mr Chal mers. Mr, Holmes. At 5%o 103 is Belvoir, helong'ing to Owen Wynne, Efq. at, the foot of a hill./, Between the oppofite fide of the riVer Garwoge and the weftern extremity of Lough Gill is Hazlewood, feat of Ow,en Wynne, Efq, M. P. Cuming Houfe, John, Ormffiy, Efq- 103 Sligo, BallyEivenan, Rev. Richard Wynne. From Tuam entering Sligo County to Ballaghy 30; Ba^: nada 32, Tobercorry 36, Achonry 39; Balcarra 43,1 Coloony 47, BallaCadere 49, Sligo 52. ' ' At 32 Banctda, Mr. Joncs.^ Another feat of Mr. Jopes. 36 Tobercorry. 39 Stre'amflown, Mr, Irvine. Achonr*f JChurch. 42 Templehoufe, Mr. Percey^al.' 4"^ Balcarra Church., 45 Nymphsfield, Charles O'Hara, Efq. M. P. one of the Lords of the Treafury, 47 Coloony, as. before. 49 Ballafadere Abbey ruins. 5.0 Clover-hiU. Mr., Cha]^ mers. 51 Mr. Holmes, Cuming Houfe, Mr. Ormffiy, 52 Sligo. ; From Sligo, -Tobercurry 16, Banada .20, Kilmaireague 23, eri.tering Mayo County at 25 to Foxford 31. Ai Banadq 20, Mr< Jones, From 236- - »LIGO ClOUrN-TYf From SHgo. Baltafadare 3^ Strandhoufe Inn 7» Screen- Church 12, Efky-bridge Church 20, Grange Inn 21, Ennifcrpne Church 27 m, Ardnareg Church and ¦ bridge 35., ' ¦ /^ At 2 m Clpver-hill, Mr. Chalmers. At Ballafadere ^ rii are Waterfalls. At Strandhoufe Inn 7 Mr. Iryine. Bal-i. tra Church. 10 LopgfoTd, Sir Malby Crofton, Bart. 11 Tobberpatrick, Capt. Jones; 12 Ardnaglas, Mr. Jones.. Screen Church at the foot of a h'gh hill. Parfonage. i^ Grange, M.r. Jopes. 14 op the fummit of a hill is Gara- doe,j3*weri Wynne, Efq. 17 Kirkard ruins. At Efky- iridge Church, ao oP the bapks of, the river Ell^y is Port- lapd, Mr. Browiie. 21 Grange Inr^, 27 Ennifcrone Church, (Op Ennifcrohe hill you have a profpeft of Tyrawley barony, ip Mayo county, bounded by Mount Nephin, the fea, arid the riyer Moy, the late, Mr, Gore's plantations, and Mr. L'udfay's imprQ-vements, the Right Hon. Heirry 5Cing*s.feat at Belleek, formerly callfed BalUn^.) At 2^ Scurmore, Mr, Neffijt. gg on rifing ground- is ^punro, ,Mr. Leech, 30 on the oppofrte fide of the water are , Roferk Abbey ruins. 31 Iceford, Mr. Walton. At 35 Ardnaree Church,, 'Mr. \oae%: Waterfall and bridge of. i^ ^rches'to R^lleek, formerly called Ballina, in Mayo coiin- iy, mentioned above. From Sligo. pru,mGlI.fl^ Chu-ifh 3, Liffadill 5, Halfway houfe II. ' \ ¦ \ ' ¦ At 2 m from Sligo are S,jpiringfield, Mr. Byrne. Mr. Grifiifh. 3 ra Dromcliff Church. ' 4 Court -caftle ruins. z Liffadill, rioted' for oyfters. Sir Booth Gore, Bart. 8^ tji-angg. Rev. Mr,~Cullep. yi , Halfway houfe. i? Bup-^ duff. Neai-"i4 y°" epteir Leitrim cdurity. ' From Manor Hamilton entering SUgo County to idallin- \ togher II, Coloopy 16. ' ,, At 10 m you enter Sligo county. At BalUntbgher 11 ra ,'"¦¦-' is SLIGO; COUNTY. 22? is,K^ingsfort, thelate Rev, Oliver Dodd. 15 Mercrea, Jofiiua Edwar,4 Cooper, Efq. At 16 Coloony. From Boyle entering Mayo County to Balla'ghdir- reri II m. . At 3 rn you, enter SHgo county. Rathtarmopj Mr= Fleming. 9 yon enter R|ayo coiinty. MAYQ 222 MAYO COUNTY. ROADS, NOTED PLACES, SEATS, &c. Ballaghdirrep 89, Ballaghy 97, Swineford J03, Bally- /laghapiio, Foi^ford ip Tumore pariffi 112, Belleek, formerly Ballina I2p, Killala 127, Caftle Laghan, or Rathlackep 132. At 87 you enter Mayo coupty, paffipg a bridge over the Gara river. 89 Ballaghdirren. 95 Cloonmorc, Mr. Philips, .^"j Ballaghy, At Swineford lO^ George ^raba-\ zon, Efq. Near ^o6 Miliek' Church ruihs- Newcaftle, General O'Donpel. The road crolfes the Guiffiden ri ver. At 109 Templerow ruips. At no m Ballylaghan caftle ruips. The , road again croffes the Guiffiden riyer. At 112 m FiTxfprd, The road croffes the Moy river. ' 114 Moorefield, Mr. Moore*. 118 Aghlh Church ruins pear a, road leadipg to Caflle Gore belonging to the Earl of Arran, inhahitbd by ' Lord Ty'rawly. Rahiris, , Cha. Atkinfon, Efq.- 120 Keromore, M- Vaughan, Efq. 5f//f«^, formerly Ballina, on the Moy river here 200.yatds broad, over which is a ftately ftone bridge of 16 arche?, and atthe head of 'the eftuary or frith at this place interrupted by a water fall : 6 miles, from the fea to which it is navigable for fmall craft. The manfion of fhe Right Hon. Henry Kipg, 132 feet ip front, with 2 ncJblefquarcs of offices ill the rere. . A market on Moudays for lipen yarn, bought up by faftors for the Mapchefter manufac turers. The falmop fiffiery here, the eftate of the Hon, Rich. Tj;ore; (fee Mr. Arthur Young's Tour) Jets for 520/. per annum, apd produces 70 or 80 tons of falted , tiffi, befides a large quantity of frefli. The Moy river rifes at the foot of Knockpeffiee romaptic mouptaip, in Sligo county, and after meandering through a fertile cpuptry 45 miles, (allowing for linpations or windings) difchirges mAitO vOvsiif, 2 2 'J difcharges In, the Atlantic under K'Uala pprt. On, the banks of tlie Moy are 3 round towerSr caUed Chckaghs, or belfries : 5 uoble abbeys ip Gothic ftile,; 5 ftone bridges , and 3 public ferries are fituated near the^Moy, on which are feveral eel weiis.and a falmon weir. At 123 Coppof Caftle ruins,' on the bank of a river, commanding a view of Killala bay, and of the entrance of the river. .Ro ferk abbey ruins, on the coaft of the bay. At 125 by the iliore Is Moyne, Mri Knox. At , Killala 121 the fee houfe. In 1798, Auguft 22, the French under General Humbert landed^ here, and after (fmall oppofition, took feveral prifoners. On the 24th they marched to B.allina, 7 in, but finding oppofition thercj they returned to Killala,. On the 26th they advanced 24 m to Caftlebar, -where, on the 27th, the French and the Irifurgents defeated General Hntchinfon's army, and Caftlebar remained in their pof feffion 9 days ; but on Earl Corn-vyallis arriving -vvithin 14 miles of Caftlebar, they marched toColpdriy, and Gene ral Hutchinfon tcpk poffeflioii of Caftlebar. The French and rebels were defeated foon after at Ballinamuck, where they furrendered, . , , , ^' Rathrpne, belonging to the Rev. George Rogers, "chan cellor of Dromore, but inhabited by James Rogers, i Efq. and on the bijffi.op of Killala's eflate. ,At '129 Caftlerea, Mr. Knox. "'130 Palmerftown,: Mr, Pahner, Summer hill, Tlipmas Palmer, Efq. Rathbrari abbey ruins. 131 C.arrowmore, another Mr. Palmer- At Caftli Laghan \ 2%- Sir John Roger Palmer, Bart. Parfpnage pf Mr. Lit tle. Ballyhaunis 93, Ball 167, MInola 1 10, Caftlebgr Church . in A.gliffi pariffi 114, Ne-wportprat Church in Kilmina parilfc 123. ^ , > At -91 you enter Mayo county. .93 Ballyhaunis. 94 Annagh, Mr. Dillon. Hazlehill, Mr. Dillon- At 95 Holywell, Mr. Diljon, 101 Ballyhowly, Hen- Browne, Efq. with a eaftle arid mill- Rochvale, Bartholomew French; Efq a fmall lake ftoredvrith trout. 103 BaUin- taffyj the late John Moore, Efq. 105 Ballipamote, Tho, Ormffiy, $^4 *IA#(§« -COUNTY. Ormffiy, Efq, At BaU 107 is a well dedtc^ited fo thd Virgin Mary. loS Moat, Sir R. Lynch Bloffe, Bart. On the other ifide of the river Is Brownehall, James ^rownCj Efq. 110 is^a fmall lough on ekher hand before you en ter ./J^aa/4. 112 Breafy, Mr. Browpet' 114 Cafllebdr-on a river betweep Caftlebar Lake and Lough Conn. Th-e lakes contain Gillaroo trouts with gizzards, but do not producejiike. The Earl of Lucan. 115 Soho, Wm; EUifon, Efq. Mount Gordon, near the Caftlebar Lake j, Mr. Garden. 116 Raheoris, A. N. Browne, Efq. At Newport 123 Seamount, Sir Neale O'Donfiel, Bart. Mell-^ ifomb^ Sam, O'Maley, Efq, 'KilglaflTap ioa, HoUymount Church ;Ip Kilcdniinop pa^ riffi 105, Newbirpok 109, Balcarra Church in Miijola pariffi 115,' Caftlebar 119, ,Croffmalipa 134, Kit-* lala 1 43,1 ^. , ' '" ' '""'' • ' , ¦^¦ At looydfl enter Mayo, county. loi Cloghan Caftle^ Mr.Lewm. ' Turiu Caftle, Mr. Kirwan. Gary Caftfg Tuiris. 0ppofite Is a fmall lake. ,ib2 Kilglaffan., 103 Creaghduff, Mr. Bufke, At HoUymount 105 croffing th^ Robe river is Mr. Lindfay. i66 Lehiti'ch, Valentine Blake; Efq. Bloomfield, T^o. Rutledge, Efq, 107 Robin caftle ruins, 109 Newbrook, Ldrd Clanmorris.-, 112 Clogher, Pat. Lyrich, Efq. 114 Miltown, Mrs. Blake. At Balcarra ii^Kev. Chriftopher Baynes. 116 Elra-haU Church, Lord Tytawly. 117 Tallyhoe, Mr. Cuffci 118 Rocklapd, Mr. Ellifdn, ' At Cafllebar Chureh on the Moy iliver is the charter fchool. The Earl of Lucan. Soho, Wm. Ellifon, Efq. 127 a church haftening to decay.. 'Nephin MoHntain, Lough Conn, 8 or 10 miles long: iflands wellplanfed and fertile in grafs, ferve for pafture*. Gil laroo trouts, 130 CaftlehiU,' Mr. Mc. Cormick. 131 Profpeft, Mr- Jackfon. 133 MuUinraore, Mr- Cormick. 134 Cr.offtaalina Church. Gortnar Abbey, on the edge of Ldiigh Conn, Mr, Ormffiy. 1^5 Caftle Gore, a feat of the Earl of Arran, Inhabited by Lord Tyrawly'f on. the edge of Lough Conn, You pafs over a bridge on a river which falls into Lough Conp, to go to the.jna-Mfion. 138 Rappa, Mr, Knox'. 141 Ballybrapy, Mr. FaUon. Far- iagh. liAVO COukTYo ill iigh, Mr. Palmer, 142 Ranadyff, Mr. Gardiner. 143 .|^///<|/4 iBentione4,abpve. PttPpiajfr^gp 0, Ballindine 99, HpUympi4pt 197, Bal- linrobi? 112. . At Dunmacreen 96 is' Mr. Blake. 99 BdlUn^ne. itjd Caftle Magarret pr Magarfet, p. G, Brpwpe, Efq. one Ipf the'beft wooded -demefnes in Ireland. .Caftle. Magar-, ret ryips pp the banks df a river,. 101 Fannhill, Mf. "Vefey. (At lOS Cl^e-Mayo, Hon, Mrs. Bidwne.) 104 ^pullyheg, Mr. Creap, 106 Lehinch, Val. Blake, Efq. A flour mill. 101 Hally'ikn'unt^ 109 Clponag^lhil, James Gildea,, Efq. At .^aZ/mrsi^ 1)4 is Creagh j Mr- Cuff- A fcharter fchopl pear the banks of Lowg.h Sby- (3 m on the right pf Balliprpbc Is The Neale in K'lmolara parifli- 5 m is Cpug, the late Cjeorge Mc- Naipara, Efq. on Lough Corijb, whither Roderic, O'Connor, kipg of Gonaughti . and l69,th and laft monarch of Ireland* retired to a mp- riaftery for 11 years apd died. Ne^ir abbey ruins is the Pigepp hole, to -which you defce.nd 63 fteps. At the bottom the trout piay b^ l^t^n fporting on a clear ftream, they wiU not t^ke a bait, but are <;aug-ht by landing nets. Four miles diflant, near the mountain?, and on the banks 'df Lougli Mafli, are Wm. Birmingham and Jofeph Lyfich, Efqrs.) Bailindiiib 99, Clai-e-^Mayo 103, Ball 168, Minola 111, Caftlebar 115. At Clare-Mayo 102 h Claremont, Hon Mrs. Browne. At /?,4// jb8 is .Mpat, Sir Harry Lynch Blofs, Bart, On the other fide of the river is Brpwpe hall, Jain.JBiowne., Efq. Before you enter Minola -iii you pals by a fmall lough on either hand. 113 Breafy^ Mr; Browne, G g Kilmain SaS MAYO COUNTY. Kilmaip 104, BaUInrobe 108, Pai tree 113, Weftport 12J. At loi Cloghan Caftle, Mr. Lane. 103 Turin Caftle, Mr. Kirwan. At 104 Kilmain, , 105. EUiftown, Mjr. Browne. 167 The Neale, Lord Kilmain. 108 Ball'ih- robe. Charter fchd\)l.- Lough Shy, a mile long, not, a quarter of a mile broad, "Vou pafs the bridge over the 'Robe" river, 109^ Creagh, Mr. Cuffe. Curramore, Mr. Martin. 1 10 the road croflTes the liver between LoUgh Carra and Lough Maik. iii Cloonlagheen, Mr. Lynch. Clonee, Mr^ Browne : on oppofite banks df Lough Carra. Cornfield, Mr. Rutledge. 112 Partree, Portioyal, Mr. Gildea, 122 Mount Browne, Mi". Browne. 123 ^£/?- ^or/,- the Marquis of Sligo : houfe 104 feet in front, 96 deep. Clew Bay, with 4OO fmiiU iflands, terminated and protefted at 20 m weft ward, from the Atlantic by the huge mountainous iflapd of Clare. The Marquis poffeffes a ¦'jfew of the true Iriffi wolf dog, pow nearly exfin^ft, for merly ufed'for deftroying the wolf, and even confidered as worthy the acceptance of crowned heads, Croagh Pa trick Mountain, feen at 60 miles diftance. ' A place of pil grimage much frequented. From Crdagli Patrick runs a chain of mountains between the Atlantic and the Loughs Carra, Mafk, and Con ib, to Galway bay. — Oppofite to Clare Ifland is Old Head, Edmond Jordaft, Efq. From Tuam entering Mayo Cotinty to Clare-Mayo 13, Ballaghy 30, At 8 m from Tuam you enter Mayo County, Bel mont, John Blake, Efq. A feat called Kiliea. At 9 is Cranna, Mr. Bowen. 11 Caille Magarret, Mr- Browne. 12 Brook-hill, Mr. Kirwan. 13 Clare-Mayo, 14 Clare mont, Hon'. Mrs. Browpe. 30 Ballaghy. Frora Caftlebar. Partree 9, Eallinrobe 14, Kilmaip 18, Shrule 21. At Cafllebar the Earl of Lucan. At 3 m Kilbovnei 'Mr. MAYO County. aaj* |l^r- Chambers. 4 Kimurk, Mr Burke- 6. BaUintobber ahbey ruin*. 7 Caftle Burke ruins. 8 Caftle Carra, on the fide of Lough Carra, Mr. Lynch. Port Royal, Mr. Gildea. 9 Partree. jp |CornefieUl,. , M^- t Rutledge. Browneftown, Mr. Browne- Cloonee, Mr- Bro,wne. Clooplagb.een, ,Mr.,^Lynch. 12 Curramore, Mr, Martin. Creagh, Mr- Cuff;' 14 BaU'irirobe. Lough Shy. At 17 EUiftown, Mr. Brdwn. 18 Kilmain, 19 Turin,, Mr. Kirwan, 20 abbey and caftle ruins at the fide of a Jake, Nicholas Redlngton,, Efq. An extenfive profpeft of an iniproyed country, . ' » From Caftlebar^. J^artree, 9, Ballinrobe ^4, The Neale in Kilmolara pariffi 17, entering Qalway County to Headfort 25. At 17 The iV^aZ?, Lord KUmaine. (3 m to the right i« Cong. Near It is Affifoi-d, Mr. Brdwn.) 18 Gerra- ichloon, Mr. Blake. 20 Houndfwood, John D'Arcy, Efq. Caftletown, Mr. Ellifon. 21 Balfycurren, Henry Lynch, Efq- on Lough Corrib. 23 you enter Galway Co, oroffihg the Moyne river. From Ballinrobe. Newbrook 6, Ball 12, Swineford 23, ' Ballaghy 28. At 3 Qora^eX^, . Mr- Rutledge. .6 Newbrpok, Lord Clanmorris. it Browne-hall, Mr- Browne. At Ball 12 Sir R, Lynch Blofs;, Bart. 16 Ballinamoire, Tho. Orjnf- by^ Efq. Oxford," Mr Joice. 19 church ruins onthe bank of a river. 23 Newpark, George Brabazon, Efq. Swineford. At '28 Ballaghy, you enter Sligo County. From Sligqby Rihuateague 23, entering Mayo-Coupty to ,T .:-,., Foxfprd-3r, .Caftlebar .42. jjfSit 25 you enter Mayo Coupty. 51 Foxford, on the Moy ||8 MAYO 66UNtYo Moy river, #hich At a Iriile diftance rufiS Irit* LoU|H Conn. 35 AftibtdOk, Mr. Medrfc. Achdrch. 59 Tiit- iogh, fornierly Chatles Liori^l Fifigcrald, Efq- ho^ ^4 excellent inn. A niafket ori Wednefday?- Ro6kfield- lodge, alfo belonging to him- 40 Brendrum, Mr. 1V|6. Donnel- 41 Soho, Mr. EUifon, 42 Earl df\Lue^fi. C'aftMqr. From SligQ entering Mayo copnty at Balbghy ia, Swine ford 27, Caftlebar 41. At' Swineferd 2^ Newpark, Geprge Brabasfop, Efq. At 31 I^ewcaftle, General O'Doftri'el. 32^Batley-hill, Mr, Mc. Manus. Ballyv^iry 37 ; thi§ rdad ffieets liie fdjfford road mentioned before. Frorii Caftlebar. "\Veftpdrt ^ ra. - At I tti fforri Caftlebar is Mount Gotdpn, Mr. Garden, near a ftream from a lake. At 2 ra Is Pan, Mr, Sheri- das. Near 4 mare church ruins, in a fmall ifland in ^ lake. At 8 Weflpart, pieptloned above, the Marquis of ^ligQ. ¦ '. ' • From Boyle fentftripg Msyd County to Balladlrr^n II. ; At 9 m Jrou enter Mayo county. EdittondftoWn, Mf, Coftello. ...,,-. Frpm Caftjerea entering Mayp County to Balladirren iq, BaUaghy 17. At 8 you enter Mayo cciunty. , At 14 Cloonmore, Mr, F|}ilips, ' • ROSCOMMQN 22^ •,!^03'CGMM'G3^ ', ¦' Gal- 'i^i i^^j?^(?|? COUN-TYi Galway: the Brofna ip King's County: the lower Bf^^aiii King's and Tipperary : the Maig in Limerick : the Bb«* ratty and Fergus in Clare; the Afls.eyton in Liinerij^kj It expapds itfelf Iptp 6 differept loughs : Lpugh Clean, i Lough AUen, LoUgh Bpoderig, Lough Bafiin In Leitrini couiity^- Lough Ree in Lpngford county. Lough Deirgeart in Tipperary county. it has Cloondra ISe in Longford coUnty, Foynfes Me in Limerick, Scattery Ifle In Glare,- , Carrigue Ifte in Kerry-* It paffes in Leitrim county by BaUintra, LeItririi tfevtri,' Carrick, Jameftown, Drumfna, Rufky bridge. Ia Longford county by Caftle Forbes, Tarmonbarry bridge^ Laneffiorough. In Rofcomnion and Weftmeath by Ath lone. Ip Galway by Shappop bridge, Clonfert and Por tumna. In King's CouPty by Clonmacnois and Bari-i nagher, Ip Glare by Killalocj O'Briep's bridge, Bun ratty and Kihufli- In Limerick by Lirnerick, Ip Kerry b^ Tarbert and Ballylongford, The Shanrion runs from North to South ; perhaps thd grea-teftjiVer In any ifland, navigable 150 miles Jx? fhe falls of Dopnaffe,, near Killaloe, and navigable from L'merick 601-n to the fea. Jts fpuree is near Manor. Hamilton, in Leir trim county : it forms a fmall lake called Lough Clean near its fource : a few miles lower it expands into Lough Allen, 7 m Ippg, a broad, furrounded by Mounterkenny Moun tains W, and Sliebhan Erin Mountains E. from which the lough receives confiderable ftreains. In Geevach Moun tain, part of the Mounterkenny Mountains, are Arigna iron mines and collieries,^ The Shannon iffuing from Lough Allen ai Balintra runs to Leitrim town, dividing Leitrim E. from Rojcomrnon W. and from thence to Carrifk, (being joined by the Buelle river,- navigable to Boyle 8 miles.) Frpm Carrick it runs to Jameftown^ thence it ¦winds to Drumfnave. (A canal is cut from Jameftown lo Drumfnave to remedy the quadruple diftance by water, and 'ROSCOMMOW CCUNTYj SJ^J and avoid fome ffidals. 'Froin'Drumfnave to Rufky-brid^i fhe Shannon is extended to a-lake, the upper part called Lough Booderig, arid the lower end Lough'. Baffin^ '< From Rulky-bridge the Shannon divides Longford E, from Rof- hmmon W.- aad 3 miles below Rufky-bridge forms a lakej', on the eaftern Coaft of which is Caflk Forbes, the Earl of . Granard. The Shannon receives" the Camlin rivfir, navi gable to Longford, and near their junftion they form Cloondra Ifland, 2.m long, li broad,- From Tarmonbarry- hr'idge the Shappon 'vVinds to Lanefborough^ and then ex pands lato Lough Ree, 13 in long, iiiferfper.fed/with iflands. The Shannon receives ihe Inny river from Longford and W. Meath. Ahoye Athlone a canal i mile- long is cut to avoid the ffiallows, and joins the Shanrion below the town. Here the Shannon divides W.- Meath and Kin^s E: from Rofcommon W. and runs to Shapnon- bridge, where it divides King's E. from Galway .W. and receives the Suck ri- 'ver, navigable many mrles between Rofcommon and Gal- ' way counties. On the eaftern bank in King's .county i* Clonmacnois or the Seven Churches. From Shannon- bridge it is joined by the Brofna riyer from the. King's county^ and ruiis to-.Sawff^^i?r ,-• then it receives the /ow/^r :Sro/»rt from' King's and I'ipperary counties in its courfe' 'ioPortiimna- bridge, the Earl of Cldnricarde^ where it V/- mdei Tippefary E. from Gal-Hiay W. - In its way to Killaloe It fpreads Ipto Lough Deirgeart. ' At Killaloe it ^divides Li- hierick E. from Clare W- and proceeds to O' Brien' s-brid.g£, from whence a canal is eut 4 inileslong, which meets the Shannon near Limerick : and another c4nal conimencing below this junftion, runs through Limerick ito^ avoid the falls of the falmon weir; beyond which the Sh'a'nnon -fprnis the King's ifland, where the part of Limerick call ed the Englifli town ftands. In its courfe ftom Limerick it receives the Maig river from Limerick county (naviga ble to Adare 7 miles above its jundlion.)' It receives the ' Bunratty or Oil mill river from Clare county near Bunratty Caflle, the ancient feat of the O'Briens, princes of Tho mond. Then jt receives the Fergus fro'm- Clare county, 3 miles bi-oad,' interfperfed with extenliv-e iflands, navigable for ffiiji»s to Clare 'bridge 9 m, and for boats to Ennis 1 1 ni. It receives alfo the Afkeyton river from Liraerick county, navigable to Afkeyton town, a fev/ miles diftant. From Bunratty to'-Foyn's ifland, the Shannon is 2 or 3 m broad: H h thePLf; d^.f- S-OMPMISIOS eOUSTTY.- thence to Tarbert, where It i5??wW« .^^rry E.frotn Clare W* it becomes more contrafted : beyond Tarliert it fpreadsr near 4 m at Inis Scattery ifland, oppofite Kilruflt iri Clare' coiinty. Then it proceeds to Carigue ifland in Clare coun ty, oppofite Ballylongford in Kerry courtly .^ At^? or 8' miles further it difcharges Itfelf betvyeen Loophead la C\arc couPty Northjs and Kerry Head Ip Kerry county South, formipg, perhaps, theliobleft mouth of a river in Europe, Z miles over. ' At 64 Clonark, Mf. DiUoiti 65 Archriny, Mr, Kelly. 6d Thpma-ftowp, Mr, Naghtosr 68\FuUeigh, Sir Rich. , St, George, Bart, 71 Fort "William, Mr. Lancafter. _ guckville, Mr. Lynch. Creagh Church pear the Crofs^ Roads. Yovr epter Galway county after you pafs Ballina* floe bridge over the Suck. Athlone 5^-, BallymuU^lop 64, Thomat-ftrefet 69, Bally> : foran 71. At 62 Cartrons^ Caftle ruins" on the banks of the Crd.^ uaugh rlv^r,' 64 Pallymullalon. 65 near a fmall lake is" Cork, Mr, Tough, 68 Dyfert Chuich ruins. Oppofite -is a Idtigh a mile long, but very narrow. 69- Thomas- fireet. 70 Ballyna,, Mr. Fallon-. 71 Cloonagh, John Fallon, Efq. Ballyforan,- Mr. Kelly, op the bapks of the Suck river,- Yoij epter Galway Couuty aver a' bridge. ', Athlone 59, BaUyriiullalon 63, Ballymurry 69, Rofcom nion 74, Clover-hill 7^7, BaUintobber 83, Caftlerea 87:, Lough Gllp 9 1-. ' At 61 OP the banks of the ©ronaugh river are Cartron-' Caftle ruins. 63 ,&a//j^W!«//«/o«. 64 New Park, Captain- Lyfter, 65,.Kilrfidi-e, on the Shaniiop, Major Waller. A road of 2 miles to ArdmlUen on the oppofite fide. A Very fine view of the Shannon,- which above Athlone fwells into Lougk, Ree, extending in length to- i^gneftoio'ughj in fome places 4.-01 5 m br-oad, inter- fperfe* .i^osooMMoN oowfir; £3jf /per-Ced with -iflands, well wooded, and good gracing -for cattle. At 66 port, Mr. Doyle. At 68 KeUybrooke, Churchboro and Scregge, three Meff* Kelly. 69Sapdfield, Mr. Sandys. Bi^llym^rry. 72 Moat, Sir Edw. Crofton, Eart. 73 Maftiriftown, Mr- Pavys. At 74 Rofoommott charter rehool, on a hill. Ruins pf a great caftle, once ihe refidence of the noble family of Jones^ Lords Rane- lagh. 77 Clover-hiU, Peter Latouche, F.fq. Ardmorci Mr. Croghan- -Ofl the oppofite .fide of .-the Suck river is Punamdn Caftle, the ' reprefentative pf ,the l^te pord Chief, Jnftipe Caulfield- 79 Runnimede„ T^r-, F^Uon. Sp High Lak«r another Mr. Fallon. Eralough, Cqlopel Thomas Mc- Permot, pear the Suck. 81 Orau JChurch. Lord Supderlip. A round tower. Mauy'pilgrlmages hi ther. Op theotherfide of the Suck river JsGlinik, the JateSir, John Burke, Bart. 82 Affi Park, Kirwan Lyfter, Efq. Lebag, Mr. Irvine. £3 pundermot, Sara. Owen^ Lee, Efq. bn the river Suck. Pirry, Mr- Bagot. Ballintohbier CaHle ruins, forraerly the refidence of Cathai ,0'Copaor, king of Conpaught, 121,6, now the property of Lord HartlaniL Willfgnove, Tho. Wills, Efq. -86 ^outh Parkj late Gen. Giffiorpe, now Mr- . Corr. At .Caftlerea 87 Lord Moupt Sandford. Harriftown, Mr. y"oupg. Mr. Magrath. At Lough Clin 91 Pord .PilldPo on the opposite fide of the Lo5gh.. From Rofcommop. Athleague 4, Mount Talbot 7. At 3 m from Rofcominop Is Rock Savage, Tho. Wal- dr'um, Efq- Ballinturly, Mr. M'tchel. At Athleague 4 ^s Caftleftrapge, Mr. Mitchel's fine feat. Tobberv^ddy, Mr. Ormffiy. At 6 m Ropkwood.» Majpr Waller. At Mot^nt Talbot 7 is ¦^"ra- J. Talbot, Efq- You enter Gal way County to BalUnaraore 11. ' ^ From Rofcommon. T»lflf 9, Tunyquip 11, Elphin 14. At I m from Rofcommon is the Charter fchool. /Ro\ba- rough, Mr. Irvipe. 2 Holywell, Cha. Blakepey, Efq. 6 Qrange, Gilbert-Ormffiy, Efq. 8 Cargans, late Dan. •-* ' Kelly, '»^6 ' ]&PSG0MM0N COUNTY, KeUy, Efff, 9 Tulfk, a friary pretty entircr built In the J5th century. At lo Foxborough, Arthur French, Efq. II Tunyquit^, bifefted by- a rivulet?, Arthur French, Efqv 12 Mantua, Capt- Grace 13. Cherry field, OUver MiUs., Efq. At £//)-^/b.' 14 the Church and fine Jee houfe. At !20 KlUuken Church, op the banks of a ftreariilet that falls Into the Shannon at Carfick. You enter Ls'trin; ^;ounty at Carripk 2?. ' ,\ From Boyle entering Mayo county to, Ball^idirrep ir. At 2 m from Boyle is Carrymore, Mr. Rutledge. At 3 you enter Sligo county. At 9 you epter Mayo coupty. From Boyle. French Park 7? Caftlerea 14." At 2 m from Boyle Is Balliriiore, Pooley Shuldham, Efq. At French Park 7 the beautiful feat of Arthur French, Efq. 14 Caftlerea nientioped before. GALWAY «37 GALWAY COUNTY, ROADS, NOTED PLACES, SEATS, &c. Pallinafloe Chiirch in Creagh pariffi 71,. Aghrim 75, Kil-. connel 78, New Inn 82, Athenree 91, Orapmore 98, Galway i02. ¦ At 71 Ballitfafloe caftle ruins between 2 brang^Iies of the Suck river. The greateft wool and cattle fairs in Ireland in'March and September : the toll amounts to 600/. a year at one penny for every bullock, and fixpence for every fcore of vftieep., At 73 Garbglly, the Earl of Clancarty. 75 Aghrim, Rev: Mr. Ward-; Kilcommodon hiU, famous for the defeat of the Irifli army under Monfieur St. Ruth, 1691, July 12, by General Ginkle. St. Ruth with 7006 men were flain : of the Engliffi 6oo. — At 78 Kilconnel, (ciUe Conal) called from St, Copal, 79 KUlagh, Mr. Dohnellari, 8f. Wpo/Uawn, ,Lord Affitown. ' j8 New Inn, 83 Beech hill, Mr, Mahon- Clooncha, Peter Daly, Efq. '84 Benmore, apother Mr. Daly. 85 KiUi- mtr, Mr. Daly. Rathford, Captain Paly. Tourow, Mr. Dolphin." At 8.7 Kiltolla,' Patrick D'Arcy, Efqi Carroro-vve, Mr. Kelly, (At 90, not in the direft road. Is Dunfandle, the magnificent feat, of James Daly, Efq. Sg.Elkar houfe, another Mr- Daly. 91 Athenree, fur rounded vyith ruipS. 92 Newford, Edward Browne, Efq. 97 French Ford, M. Blake, Efq. Nuinerous caftle ruins. Or««w«)ri? 98 is The Caftle, Denis Blake, Ef^q- at an ex tremity of Galway bay. A. bridge over a fmall ftream. At loi Mervievv, Dr. Joice. Well park, Mr. French. Lynch's folly, Mr. D'Arcy. At 102 Galway on its bay. Capital of. Connaught province. ChaVter-fchool op ?roppd givpp by the late Johp Cox Mathew, Efq. Re-: paips of a'^'mopaftery op Sf. Stephen's iflapd. A falmo.n fiffiery ^58 GALWAY eoUNTY. ' fiffiery in the river which runs from LoiighCorrib, ' FfOt^ two' to three hundred fiffiing boats. At the entrance. of the bay are the fouth ifles of Arran. Geoffry O'Hara, Efq. ' " Ballynamore 74,. Moiipt Bellew Bridge 8o, J^Tewtown' BeUew 82, Tujam 93. At 7? Is Miickland, M"". Kelly. At Ballynamore 74 you,crofs the Sjjck, Ballybawpe, Mr. 76 Killyan, John Cheeversy Efq- KU'yan church ruins. At Mount B^lew bfidgp,' 9i.oar mills- I80, is Mourit Bellew, Michael Bellew, Efq. -Si The Hill, Mr. French. Caftle Rellew rulnsi 82 Newtown Bellew .church. Sir Edward Bellew, Bart. At 83^^Mpylagh caftle ruins. 85 Windfield, Mr, Rlake." 8.6 Cdreloo, Mr. Browne- 88 caftle ruips on a fmaUlake. 90 Caftle Moyle, Mr- Deane. Abridge over the Moyne river. Moyqe abbey, a fquare tower lOi ftepj to the top. A confeffional with feats for two priefts, and a hole on each fide thrpugh which the pcnitepts might fpeak. 91 Blimlnghairi, thelate Eail of Louth. At Tuafu 53, the archblffiop's palace. Mr. Coleman. The Grove^ Martin Kirwan, Efq^ 94 Ballygaddy, Mr- Kirwan, Friendly quarters, another Mr". Kirwan.: Remains of a round tpv^cr at Kllbapnan. 97 Caftlegrove, Mr. Blake. 08 Newboro, Mr. Lypch. 90 Blipdwell,' Mr. Kirwant Ypu enter Mayo county. .' ' Tuam 93, Caftlje- Hacket 97, Headfort, Church in'^il- kilyery pariffi 103. At Caflle ITacket 97, John Kirwan, Efq. Ruips of a paftle at the foot ^pf Knockmore hill. At 100 Ponough- patrick church pear a friiall lough of a circular fdrm, 102 l^odge, Mr. Shaw. 10^ Beadfort Chureh, ' Sallyjiamdr^ Jfatlynarodte 74, KUkerrin 83, Dunmore Church 91. At if<2//jw«)n9>-f 74 is BaUyb^Wne, Mr.' Kelly. 76 Kil- lyan, Mr. Cheevers. A biidge over the Suck. At 8dr i^ew Foreft', Mr. D'Arcy. 82 Fidane," Mr. KeUy. 8^^ Kilkerrin, 85 . Glondowel, Mr. Blake. 86 Park 'caftle ruinS^. Lerbin caftle ruin's. At Dunmore church 91, 30 sniles from the fea, Is the late Earl of Rofs : 86 houfes : 'the great aifle and fteeple q£ an old abbey are ftill entire. . Hepry M-offop, the eminent tragic' aftof,. ^apd Mapager of Dublin Theatre, was fon of the pariffi minifter of Dunmore. At 92 Dunmore caftle ruips on the banks of th-e Dunrifiofe river. At 94 are Addergpol charch ruins. At 96' Dalygan, Mr. Birminghara. iTou enter Maya «eunty. ' JBallyttamore 74, Galtragh Church In Klllefolan pariffi 70, Caftleblakeney.80, MenloughChurch in Killofcobe pa rifli 83, Moplvea 8$, Galviray 162. =- m At Clougher .75 Is Caftle French, Lord French, jj Alecant, Rev. Mr. Seaton, 79 Caliragh. 8© Caflle hlakeney. Affifield, Mr, Blakeney. ,81 Corgery, Mr. French. Glentown viUage. 82 Bunrea, Mr. Davies. FalrhUI, Mr. French, Munnine, another Mr. French. 83 Menlough. 85 Colmanftown, Mr. French. 87 Co- rindo, Rev. Mr. Marffi, Abbert, Mr. Blakeney. 88 Mr. French, %r)Momvea: linen manufafture, the late public fjiirited and benevolent RoBert French, Efq A fchool eftabliffied ^by him. 9-1 Carrorea,' another Mr* French. Park, Mr. Bprke. 92 Cuffane^ Mr. Parker. Ibl Meryiew Dr. Joice. Lynch's FoUy, Mr. D'Arey.- Ballinaffije 71, Ahafcragh 78, Galtragh 82, Mount Befc lew Bridge 85, Newtown JBellew-87. At 72 Garbally, the Earl of Clancarty. 74 Killure. 5;6 Fairfield. 77 LowvUle, Nath, Lowe, j£fq. Af 7^ , - ~ - • Ahafcragh. 14® bkLVrMr cOUNTV; Ahafcragh. Caftlegar- 8o Glonbi-ock,.' Lord Clonbroci, 82 Caltragh. . At, Mount, Bellew bridge 85 are flour , mlll^. Mbunt BeUew, Mich. BeUew, Efq. proprietor, of the flour mUls. At 86 The HiU, Mr. French. Caft^^ bel lew ruins. At Newton Bellew Churdh 87, Sir^ Edwr. Bel-^ lew, Bart. ' > Shannoh Bridge Church 65, BaUinaflofe 7I, Aghrim f|,' Lough Rea 86, Kilcrift Qiurch 89, Gdrt Church iri Kiltartan parifh 98, Kilmacduagh 99, Tobberdon- ny'i02. At Shannon bridge 65, Galvlray, Rofcommon arid King'^ Counties meet. O" the oppofite fide of the Suck rrvei- is the Lord Biffiop of Clonfert. (In Rofdommon county -Mr, Lynch. At 67 Canine, Mr^. Potts. At 70' Fort William, -Mr. Lancaft-er. ' Suckvijle, Mr. Lynch.) At 70, on the oppofite fide of the Suck river, are Poolbuy church ruins. 71 Ball'inafloe.' Creagh church^ ,At 72 Garbally, the J^rl of, Clancarty. At 75 Aghrim, Kil commodon hiU. Mr. -Kane. ' At 77 Newcaftle,' Mr. Pavis. Oatfield,. Antony Brabazon, Efq, At 79 Bal- iyddnriellan, Mr. Donnellan, 81 Newgrove, Mr. lil'ake. 83 ^aUyduganii Mr. Blake, At §6 Lough 'Red ¦ charter fchopl, pake I ra long, i m^ broad. On the oppafita ifide of the lake Is Curheen, Mr. Loftus- At 8^ Kilcrift Chunk OP the bapjss of a fmall river. 90 on flie oppofite fide of the river is Roxboro, Mr. Perffe, 91 Killinan church. Rahafane, Mr- Frerich. 92 Corbally, Mr. Blake.i, 96 Annagh, Mr. Burke, 98 Gort on an eminence, (On the Galway road is Cool Lodge, Robert Gregory, Efq. who ha's introduced Engliffi farming here, demefne looo acres. Ruins of a caftle of the O'Shaughnelly family. Rhynd'ifen, the magnificent feat of Prendergaft Smyth, Lfq-.) At ^g Kilmacduagh-: 7 churches, Golman's bed. Holywell. The mo,ft 'remarkable round tower in Ireland 112 feet high, leaning 17 feet from its perpendicular, whereas the tower at Pifa in Tufcany leans but 13 feet. A very neat abbey and curious workmanffiip; , 100 Ratorp, Mr. Fofter-' Affifield, Mr. Fofter, Craig, Mr. Butler. 102 Topberdonny, < You enter Clare county. Eyrecouft &A^WAY county; !241I EyrecoiuttChurchJHDonaghnaghtfl pariffi 71, KlUymilre bridg6i78. Lough, Rea 88, Craghwell Bridge 94, Oran more loi, Gal%yay 106, prumcopg 113, Oughter ard 119. I ' -" i - At 67 you crofs the Shanpop and enter Galwaycounty,. 68 Kilnaborris, Mr. Maddinsi At 70 Lifmoffe' caftle, Antony Daly, Efq. At Eyrecourt Chi&chji, Giles Eyre, Efq- ' (Prof^peft,'Mr. French on the Rortumna road) At •fS-fffiby, Mr. L'Eftrange. 74 Mooffifhl, Mr- Blake^, on high ground whence part of fevert counties may be feen in a clear day. At 75 Queenffioro, the late Earl of Louth. 77 Hea'thlawn, Mr. ^lamilton- ,>iS ' KUlymure ^n'i/^S church ruins. Heron's Brook, M^- Herop, penin- fjilated by the.riwer Klllymiare. ' 7^ R'amdre, Mr. Brd-. to 3 hundred;b.Oats — ^^Geoffry 0'Hapa^Efq.^^he road has Lough Corrib on. the right, and larconau^ht mountfains on the left, 107 Rahoon, Mr. French, Bar- nai Mr. Ly-pch;* v Newcaftle, -Thomas Browne,".! Efq. y,prryland, m rjiins, once the refidence of the Clanricar-de , ' ¦ I i family. 5,4? GAf-FAY COU-NTY, famUy. io3 on the banks of Lough Corrih river is Danr gin, Robert Martin, Efq. one ,of the rnpft delightful place;? for a refidence, in Ireland- On the other fide of th& river .is Menlogh, Sir fbomas Blake, Bart, Buffiy Park, "Mr.-Burke, Kentville, Mr- L"^'"' iPQ Ey^field, Mr. Eyrey iio Woodftock, R. Shaw, Efq. 112 Moycul- len, Mr. French, on the other fide of a fmall lough, and near the road to Kn.ockferry. 113 Drumcong, Mr. Lynch- |tilkelly, Mr. Lynch. Oghera. A thickly Iphabjted country. 115 near a lough is Rpfs, Mr. Martin, iiS Portacairn, near. Lough Corrib, Mt. Frepch. 1I19 Le- rnopfield, Sir Jojip' O'Flaherty, Bart.,, Qiughiercird, Fpogh, Mr. Martiii; : , ' ' ' ., Ppugh. Rea by Banagher 88, RlyfJrftown 92^ Athen- . ' ., ; ree 97. '-' At i88 Cottagjs, Mr. Vero, At 89 Rathruddy Caftle, -Mr. -R^eUy. -At 91 Dunfapdle, the ' magnificept feat of the late Ri:ght Hqn, Denis Daly- Iferclaran, Mr. Burke. £^t.f),!^.RiverflownCa^\sraias.. At 93 bi;idge over Carna.- jnart river. Ruins of 6 fcaftles. At -95 Efkar Houfe', oBj ^ lofty hiU, Mr. Paly. At' 97 Newfdrd, Mf. Browne. Athenree. ' , : • ^irr 62, entering pal'^'ay po'^nty at Portumna-ferry .. Church in Lickmelafls-y pariffi 74. At Portumna \% The paftle. the Earl of Clanricardc, 6x1 the Shsnndn, whereit falls into Lough Perg. F«om Limjtrick entering G?lway Co. to Tubberdony 26, Kilraacduagh 30, .Gort Chufch in Kiltartan pariffi 31-, .lOranmoise 44, Qalway^S. The road from Tubberdony 26 to -^art ^t jpentioned be- foie. At 33 Gdol Lod^e, Rob. Gregory, jjf^V demefii« 1000 OA'LtYAY COUNTY. 242 IQoq acres. At 35 Raheen, Mr, Kilkelly- Mr- Taylor. Another Mr. if aylot. At 36 Cregclare- At 37 Ca^fljle Taylor. At 39 KUvegato, Mts- Morgan- Rahafane, Mr. French. (Kinvarra town : at annual fairs.) Clogh- balliraor^. At 40 KilColgan, Michael Burke, Efq. Ty rone, Chriftopher St. Georgej Efq. on a rifipg ground, which commands a profpeft of, Galway bay, At 41 KiU eornan, Mr. Redihgton. 44 Ardfry, Lord Wallfcourr, tvith New Harbour at the door. Rlnvllle, Edra. Lynch Athy, Efq. New Harbour Is an afylura for ffiippingj tvhere Veffels of Very great burden refort frora Gahv ay- toad. A bank of oyfters of exqulfite flavour. The foad from Oranfnore 44 to Galway 48 mentioned before. t'rom Fortumna. Balinagar 7, Derrybrlan 13, Gort 22, At 3 m CttUeenj Mr. Kelly. At 4 Reaghan, Mf. Burke. 5 Caftle Burke, Rich. Fred. Burke, Efq. At Balinagar 7 Mr. Aylward. Lifdurra» another Mr. Ayl- ¦ward. 9 Marble-hiU, Sir Tho. Burke. 13 Derrybrinit. 19 Annagh, Mr. Burke. 20 Ryndifen, the magnifiie^nC feat of Prendergaft Smyth, Efq- 2a (^ort. From Lough Rea- Balinagar 9, "Woodford Church in Ballynakil parifli II, Mount Shannon Church in Ipif- caltra pariffi 19. At Lough Rea Is Mount Pleafant, Mr, Daly. Summer- hiU, ivir. Perffe, At 4 Daly's-town, DenisBowes Daly/ Efq. M, P; At 6 Caftle Burke, Rich. Fred. Burke, £fq* At 7 Reaghan, Mr. Burke. 8 AbbeyviUe, Mr. Burke. Balinagar, Mr. Aylward, 9 Marble-hiU, .Sir T. Burke. II Woodford, Mt. Croafdale. i^isTentrim, Mr. Burke. 17 Meelick, Mr. Burke, i^ Mmnt Shannon. At 21 yd* enter CJare County. 'ifronl 344 GALWAY CqUNTYi. From, Galway. Clare-Galway 5, Knpcktow 8, Tuam •J 16, Dunmore 23. "Within 4ra from Galway are the ruins of 6 caftles. At"3 ni Cairowbrowne,, Mr. Blake. Anglingham, Mr. Batemap. 5 SummerviUe, Mr. Blake. Clare-Galway Abbey ruins, on the left hand of the bridge. Clare- Galway Caftlcj, Mich. French, Efq. market for cattle on 4 Thurfdays preceding Chriftmas. At 6 Waterdale, Mr. Staunton- 7 Greg Caftle, Richard Kirwan, Efq.' erefted by Mr. Kirwan's aiiceftpr 1648, whp in Crorawel's time received permiffion under General Iretpn's hand and.feal to carry arms. The infide is new modelled, A hall 36 feet long, 26 broad, 3 very confiderable library of fame dimenfions. At 8 Knocktow, eftate of Rich, Kirwan, Efq... Battle of Knocktow 1504, i9ih of Henry VII. Auguft 19, by Gerald; 8th Earl of Kildare, over his fon;in-law Ulick, Earl of Clanricarde. — At 9 m on the banks. of a lough, there very broad, is Corbally, Mr. D'Arcy. At 10 on the other fide of this lake Is Perry-. maclaughny, Mr. Burke. Anagh, Mr. Bodkin. Taw- Hagh.; 13 Ballinderry,, on the fide of a lough. i6 Tuam 17 Birmirigham, the late Earl of Lopth. 19 TuHIndaly, Mr. Bodkin. 20 Joice Orove. 21 Carrdwparden, Mr. Higgips. Carntrilly, Mr- Henry- At Dunmore 23, 23 xiiiles from ths fea, the late Earl of Rofs. From Tvam entering Mayo County to Clare-Mayo 13. I . ,- • ¦ - At I hi BaUygaddy, Mr.- Kirwan. Friendly Quarters, ,Mr._Kirwan. 4 Caftle Grove, Mr. Blake. 5 Newgrove, Mr. Lynch. At 9 you enter Mayo County. From Caftlebar entering Galway by Cahirmorjcs 28, Galway 38. YoB enter Galway County at 22 m. At 23 Abbey- town OALWAY, COUNTY* 245 town^^uin9'. ^5, a church. 28 C«^V»«rr«.. ' 29 Cariri- duUa, Sir R. Lynch Blofs, Bart., 31 Greg Caftle, Rich. Kirwan, Efq- mentioned before. Drimgriffin. 32 "Wa terdale, Mr, Staunton. 33 SummerviUe, Mr. BJake. Within 4 miles of Galway are ruins of 5 caftks. At 38 Merview, pr, -J^pjce.j Galway. y , -^ Lough Corrib 20 ra long, In forae parts 6 m, broad t many very fine iflands. Near it is Lough Ma&, 20 m long, 3 m broad : this is partly in Mayo County. The Gillaroo trout from i2 to 18 lb. with gizzard like a l^rge fowl : it is common to drefs the gizzard only, which is a favourite diffi. From Caftlebar entering Galway County td Hteadford 2^, Cahlrmorres 29, Galway 39. At 23 you crofs the Moyne river," which between that apd Shrule Ip Mayo County, finks under ground for a mile, and then emerges. Rofs Abbey ruins, a moft fur- ' prifing pile, anciently a burial place of the firft families. Aur, Mr. Burke. At Headforfl 2$ is Lodge, Mr. Shaw. From Rofcoraraon town entering Galway County to Bal- llparaore 11, Ahafcragh 16, BaUinafloe 22. Or to Ahafcragh 16, Eyrecourt 30, Portumna 38. (At 4 ra from Rofcoraraon Is Athleague, in Rofcommon County.) Tobbervaddy, Mr. Ormffiy. At 6 Rockwood, Major Waller. 7 Caftic KeUy, Denis KeUy, Efq. 9 Clonlyop, Mr. KeUy. 11 Ballinamore. 12 Alecant, Rev. Mr. Seatop, 13 Caftle French, Lord French. 14 Clon- brock. Lord Clonbrock. 16 Ahafcragh-, Caftlegar, Mr. Mahon- , 17 Loweville, Nath. Lowe, Efq- 18 Fairfield, Mr. O'Brien, KUiure, Mr, Dillon. 22 GarbaUy, Earl - , of 44® tiAtlffMt (Jbt^NtV* of Clancarty. Sdllinafloe'^ 23 KeUy's grdvc, Mt. Ke%. 28 Bdllevue, Mr. LaUtence. At Eyrecourt ^O Oilcs Eyre< Efq* 31 Profpeft. 32 Faughy, Mr. Hamiltdn. Det^- jyhorn, at the foot of a lofty hill, Mr. Hind. 34 Coirr^ Mr. Dolphin. 36 Fairfield, Mr. Hamiltdn. CapafeL Mr. Deveniffi. At Pertuitttta 38 The Caiftle, the Earl ef Cl^nficai'ded DIRECT 90 PIRECJT I^OADS. RoAP |. From Dublin to Donaghadee- Swords y, ,,.,. Manof Wari?i, Balruddery 14. Jn Lotfth County. Di'ogheda23, Dunleer 30, -Caflle Bellingham 34^ .pu«dalk 40. Ip Armagh CdijPty. J,oaefli)oFough 45. Jn Down County. Neiyry co, Banhridge 60, H'Uffiorpugh ,69. In 4fttrim County. Liflaurp 73, Belfaft 80. - In i?ow« Coupty again. Newtown Ards 87, Donagljiadee 94. - ^ ^. Tj^ .I^ufl^ ajjd Skerries. L^Jk "i i> Ru'h 13, ^Sfcprries 17, (forwarfl tp Balbriggen 3.) 3, To Baffiriggpn. Balruddery (Road i) 14, Baffiriggep 15, (forward to pi-ogheda 8.) 4. Tp C^irlingfprd- In Lfufh Cpuaty, Pund.ilfc (Road I) 40, Carlingford 51, 5. To Roiirevor. In Armagh Co. Joneffiorough ,(Road I) 45. ' In fiown County. .Narrow W^ter 45, Rof trevor 52. r : |S. To Downpatrick and Strangford. In Down County, Newry (Road i) 50, Rathfri land 57, Caftle Welian 65, Clpwgh 69, Dowppatrick 74, Strangford 8o- J. rfopvindrum. In .Z?o?t'» Cdunty Rathfriland (Road 6) 57,,,DuPidrum 68. 8. To Killough- Iri Down County Cldugh -(Road 6) 6§, XiUough 76- 9. "To Killyleagh. In Down County Downpa- tT\f,^ v#'0-'!^ ^) 74> l^*^ly)«=3^^ 79- Road S^8 , DIRECT ROADS. Road io. To Cumber. In Down county Dromore (Road i) 66, Ballynahinch 74, Saintfield ' 78, Cumber 84. 11. Td Bapgor. Ip .i/Kin"»z couuty Belfaft (Road IpJDoww county- HpUywsod 84, Bapgor 90. 12. To Carrickfergus and Glenarm- Ip Anttint county Belfaft: (Rpadii) 80, Carrickfergiis iB8. BaUycarry 92, Lame 97, Gleparm 105'. 13. To Moira. Ip Down coupty Banbridgqi ' (Road i) 60, Moira'69. 14. To Ballyc^fVlfe by Aptrim. "In Dow\i county -Ranbridge fRoad i\'6p^:' '^ jlrmagh Co. Lurgan 67. -fp ^w^rmcbpnty BaUipderry 73, Glane'-Vy 77, Antrim 84, Kells 89, --'• Ballymeba 93,- Clogh 99, Ballycaftle 113. 15.-' To Brdu^hffiane, la- Antrim -county Kells (Road.t4) 89, Broughfhane 95. j6. To JSlewtoWn Glens or Cufhehdal, In An trim corkityCXo^ (Road 14) 19^, Newtown (jleps 109. - -" ',. 17. ¦ To Strapdciirii. In '.-f^fn/^j.'count^ Clogh (Roadi4) igg, Strandcptn ib^, l8. Tp Ballymoney. In Antrim fcounty Antrim (Road 14) 84,- Rapdalftown ,?8. Ahoghill ' 94, Raffiarkan lOi, BaUypioney 107. ig. Td Porfadovyn. Ih Down Cpunty -Newry (Road r) 50. In y^rwajA cpunty Tander agee 61, Portadown 65. ao. To Loughgall. "In Louth county Dundalk (Road I ) 40, In /fr»i«j-^ -cppnty Market hill 58, Harriiltop's Bawn 60, Rich hll) 62, Loughgall 65. ' ' ar. To Colerain and Buffimills. Ip Louth Co. ' Duridalk-|Rbad i) 40-- In Armagh county, Newtown HamUton 53, Armagh 62, Blackwater towp 66. Cbar- ' ¦ lemont 68. In 7yro«(? ccJUftfy,- Coal Hatid 173, Stewart's?- X town 76.- ' .; '' - -^^ la Derry county, ' Monflynioi-e 83, Defartf martin 87, Tubbermore 90, Maghera 92, 1 Gaivagh 99, Colerain 118. %n Antrim couaty , Buffimills 114. RoA^ DiftEGT RGAESi 3-4^5 RbAJi i2. T^o portruffi. In Derry courity, Colerain (Road 21) 108. In , Mdney- more (Road 21) 83, Magherafelt 87, Dawfon's bridge 89, Ballaghy 91, 24, To Kilrea, In Dirry county, Maghera (Road 21), 92, Kilrea 99, 125. .To Newtowp Limavady. \a Armagh coaatyi Charlemont (Road 21) 68, In 73'rowcoupty, Dungannon 72, Cookftown 8r, Stramore Inn 91. V Ip Derry county, Dungiven 99J Newtpwn Limavady 106. 26- To Clady. • In Derry county, Dungiven (Road 25) 99, Clady 107. 2^. To Frederickftown, In Tyrone county, Dun- . garinon (Road 25) 72, Pomeroy 80, Fre derickftown 88- a8. To Londpnderiy. la Louth county, Drog-\ heda (Road 1} 23, Collon 29, Ardee 34. In Monaghan countyt Carrickmacrofs 44, Ballybay 54, Mopaghan 62, Emyvale 66. In Pyrone county^ Aughnacloy 70, Bally gawly 73, Om'agli 86, Newtown Stewart, 93, StrabaBe'ioo. la Derry coaaty, Londonderry 112. 49., To Caledon. In Xoa^/i courity, Ardee (Road 28) '34, MUl of Louth 39,' .1 In yl;^o»*^i4«« county, Caftle Blaney 51, Caf- fleffiane 59, la Armagh county, Middleton 63, Tynan 65. In Tyrone county, Caledon 67. , , 30. To Gortahurk. In Tyrone county, Strabane (Road 28) 100. la-Donegal county^ Lifford loi,. Raphoe iC5, Letierkenny II2, Kilmacrenan 117, Glen. Inn 123, Dunfanagliy 131, Gortahurk 138. 31. To Johnftown. la Donegal couaty, Lifford (Road 30) lOi, Johnftown 107. 32. To Augher and , Clogher. , In Monaghan county, Emyvale, (Road 28). 66. ^ In Tyrone fcounty, Augher 75, Clogher 76. K k Road S5«> DIRBCT ROADS. Road 33. To Fintown. In Donegal county, LiflTor^ y .- (Road 30) "lOi, Caftlefin 105, Bailybofey « 112, Fiptdwri 124. V 34. To Naul. Ballybogbil 10, Naul 14. 35, To Slane. In Meath county, Grenoge 9, Kilmoon church, 15, Black Lion 19* Slane 24. 36. Tp Duleek. In Meath county, Rilmopn church (Road 35) 15, Duleek 26. 37. To Skryne- In Meath county, Ratoath 12, Shryne 89. 38. To Rutland. In Meaih coupty. Black Bull 10, Duiiffiaughhn 14, Navari 23, KeUs 31, In Cavan .county, Virgipy 40, Ballyjaraes- duff45, Cayan 54, Butler's bridge 57, Ip . Fermanagh , cotfnty, Wattlebrldge 62^ Newtown Butler 65, Donough 67', Lifnef kea 70, Maguire's bridge 72, Liffiellaw 75, Ennifliilkij 79, Churchill 88, Bel- - ' "- leektowp 97, In Donegal coiaaty , Ballyffianpon Ido, Balin-* tra 105", Donega-1 III, Moupt Charles 114, . KiUybegs 123, Ardr^a 130, Narep 134^ Shalagan bridge 141, -Dungloor theRqffes 150, .Rutland 153, 39, ToGlopes, In .3^(f«;^ county, Navan (Road 38) 23, Nobber 33. In Cavan county, Kingfcourt 38, Shercock > 44, Cpotehill 52, Clopes 61, 40.^ To- Bailieboro. Ip Meath coupty, Kells (Road 38) 31, Moypalty 35. Ih Cavan coupty, Bailieboro 43. 41. To FIvemiletown, In Fermdnagh county,- Donough (Road 38) 67, Brooklboro 73. In Tyrone coumy. Fivemiletowp 78. 4a. To Pettigoe. Ip Fermanagh county, Ennif kiUen (Road 38) 79, Lifnarick 87, Keffi ¦ 90, Pettigoe 97. 43. To Callahill. In Cavan county, Butler's bridge (Jload 38) 5-7, Belturbet 6r. Ip Fermanagh county, Callahil) 68. 44.- To Garifon^ Iri iNfr»i«wa^,4 county, Bclleek- i9wn (Road 38) 97, Garifon 100. ReA». DIRECT ROADS. {J51 Road 45. To Mapor Harnilton. In Meath coqpty. Black Bull 10, Trim 2?, Athboy 28, Old taftle4i. ^ , . la Cavan conaty, Daly's bridge 46, BaUyn^- 1 naght 54, Croffdopy 56, Killefandra 60, B^uriboy 69, Swanlinbar 74. ' Ip. Fermanagh coaaty , Crofsroads 77. In Cft^'/jB county again, Largay 84. .in Leitrim: coaaty , Manor Hamilton 94. 46. To-Ballyconnel. In, CaifaKoourity, Killefan dra (Rdad 45) 60, Ballycoripel 67^ 47.., Td -Caftlepollard. In Meath county. Trim - (Road 45) 22. In Weflmeath, Caflletown D,elvip Ipp 34, Maypole^.39, Caftle Pollard 42. 48. To Granard. Id M^"^^ county, Athboy h (Road 45) 28, Crofs Keys37. Ip Weflmeath coupty, Flpae 47 . - ' 'InLo»j-/ffri^cdupty, Granard j|^. 49. To Sligo. iLucan 6. Ip .Kif/^arf coupty, Leij^Up S, Maynooth 1 1» ; : ^ Kilcock 14. ' .: 'r Iji Meath coaaty, New Inn 20, Clonard bridge 26. In ^£^»j«^«i>4 county,' Kipftega^ 29, MuUip- gar 38, BaUipalack 46, - Ip Longford coupty, Edgewpfthftown 52, Longford 58, Newtowp .Forbes 61. , In Leitrim courity, Rufky bridge 66, Drum fnave 72, Carrick on Shannon 77. In Rofcommon county, Boyle 84- In .5/?^a county, BaUInafad 88, Colpony-98, Sligo 103- 50. To Summc'rhiU. In jKii/i^are co.unty, Kllcpc.k (Road 49) 14- In.M?«/^ county, Summerhill 20. 51. To Drumahair,> In X«/rt»2 county^ Gatrick on Shannon (Road 49) 77, Leitrim 80, BaUintra 83, Drumkeirp 90, Drunia- hair 58. R0A9 '85* ©IRECT 3P.0ADS, RoAD 54. To Clonbulloge. Lucan 6. .rj:. "%' ¦ . ». In Kildare. county, Celbridge 9, Clain I?, Profperous 18, Kilnjeage22, Rathangan 28. In King's County, Clonbulloge 32. 53. To- Banagher. In ,A/if«fA county. New Inn (Road 49) 20, In .Kildare county, Carbery 25. In King's county, Edenderry 2§, Philipf town 38, Tullamore 46, Frankford 55, Cloghan 62, Banagher 6.^- 54, To Weftport, In Weflmeath county, Kin-r negad (Road 49) 29, Terrilfpafs4q, Kil beggan 44, Moatgrenoge 52, Athlone ^g." , In Rofcommon countv, Ballyfdnan 71. In Galw ay" coanty,' Ballynamore 74, New town Bellew 82, Tuam 93. ".'' . \a Mayo county, itilmain 104, Ballinrobe 108, Partree 113, Weftport 123. 55. To Tarmonbarry. .In Weflmeath county, Mullingar (Road 49) 3^, Ballypacar-: gy45- . Ip Longford poupty, Colehill 50, Barry 54, ' Kenagh 56, Killafhee 61, "Farmonbar-: , ry 64, I 56. ^p Newportprat through Jlofcpinmon ami Caftlebar. la. Weflmeath coryaty. M-aUIngar (Road 49) -38, Racondra 44. i ¦' In Longford county. Ballymahon 52, Lanef borough 62- In Rofpommon county. Rofcommon 69, Bal- lintobber 78, Caftlereagh 83, Ballinlpugh 88. la Mayo conaty. Ballyhaunis 92, ^Ball 105, Minola 107, Caftlebar 113^ Newportprat 122. 57. To Killala. In Longford county. Lanef- bf>2' To Kilruffi through Lough Rea and EppIs. . Ip G^/wtfy coup ty, BaUinafloe (Road 60) 71,- Aghrim 75,iiLough Re& 86, Gort 98, TobbeT.donny ioa, .. oT .t- In C/ar^ county, Cruflieen jo6, Ennis 112, Clare 114, Kilruifli 139, ' ^. To Iniffyraon. In Galway county, Tdbber-:. donny (Roiad 63) 102. In Clare coupty, Corofin ibg, Iniftymon ' 118- 65, To Dingle- Racool 8- In^'/i^«r^ county, KiU 12, Naas 15, Kildare 24, Monafter- ; eveni 30. In Queen's county, Emo Inn 34, Marybo^ . ropgh 41:?,, Montrath 46, Burros ip OiCp- ry53- .'.«'.¦' ¦¦ In Tipperany cotinty, Rofttrea 59- In Kirig-'s caunty, Dunkerrin 63. In Tipperary county again, Toopiavara 69, Silysrmines 77, Newport 86. RoAS ^54 ' DIltECT ROADS.' ' Road 65. In Limerick coiinty, Limerick 94, Patrlck's- ¦ weU-99, Adair 102. Rathkeale 1 18, Naw- -.caftlfe 114, Abbyfeale 123. In .j^^r*-^ countyj Caftle Ifland 133, Tralee 14a, Dingle -164. ''"' 66. To Portumna. In Kildare county, Menaf?. ^¦' tereven (Road' 65). 30. ' Ip Queen's county, Portarlington 35. ~ la King's courity^ Clonegowan 39, Killeigh 45, Ballyboy 54, Birr 63, ¦ In Gai'way county,, PortpniHa 75. i^ , 67. Burrifakane. In J&Mv?r county. Birr (Road' 66) 63. ^ _ ¦ - In Tipperary. toanty, Burrifakane 74. ~ 68,- To Tulla. . Iri Tipperary coaaty , Toomavara ; (Road 65) 69, Nenagh 75. In Clare county Killaloe 86, Broajdford 95^ Tulla 10^. 7 69, To O'Brien's-bridge, In Tipperary county^ : Nenagh;(Road 68) 75. -iw Ja Clare coimty, /O'Brien's-bridge 87; 50. To Six-ini'le-bridgei In Zi»lm«j!^ county^ LimericfcCity (Road'65) 94. la Clare county , Six-rnile-bridge'102. 71. To Afkeyton., In Lzw^i-ii^^ county, Limerick City (Rdad 65) 94, Affieyton 107. 72. Td Ballylongford. In Limerick county, Adair (Road 65) 102, New Bridge ip^, Shan golden 11:3, Glyn 121. In Kerry county, Tarbert 1 24> Ballylongford 128.' 73. To Ardfert; IpizWm/^ county, Abbyfeale • ,- (Road 65) 123, In Kerry county, Liftowel 131, Ardfert 144. 74, .To Kenmare towsn. In Kerry county, Caftle Iflapd (Road 65) 133, Killarney 143, Kenmare towp 155. 75. To .Ballyragget.i In Kildare county, Naas (Road 65) i5i KilcuUen-bridge 21, Athy 32- -¦'¦¦,.'¦ Jn Xz/^f«Ky. county, Caftlecomer 45, Bally- f3gget 49. " - RoAQ DIRECT -ROADS* ¦ 4^5 fetsAD 76. To StradbaUy, .In Kildare cduntyi Athy (Road 75), 32. - - , ' In Queen's county, Stradbally 38, . ! 77. To Ballypakill. In Kildare coaaty, ' Athy (Road 75) 32- In Queen's' county, Timahoe i\.l, Ballyna- . kiU47. . "^ yS, ' To Carlifle. Fort. In Kildare County, Kil cullen-bridge (Road 75) 21, Timolin 29i , Caftle Dermod 33. ; ^ , In Carlow county, Carldw town 39, Leigh lin-bridge 45, Royal Oak 47. la Kilkenny coaaty, Kilkenny City 57, Cal len 65. In Tipperary xounty, Nine-mile-houfe 71^ Glonmel 8 1> In Waterford coaaty , Ballynamult 81, Capcr-i quin 97, Lifmore 100, TaUagh 104. in Cork county, pungourney 114, Caftld MartyMiS, Cloyne 122, Carlifle Fort 130^ 59, To Cloneen, In Kilkenny county, Callen (Road 78) 65,' Ip Tipperary county, Mohaber 69, Cloneen 74'' ' - - - 80. To Youghal. In Waterford county, Bally- ' narault-(Road 7^) 9i> Agliffi 100. In Cork county, Youghal io8< 8i. To Dungarvan. la Carlow cpunty, Leigh lin-bridge (Road 78) 45, Royal Oak 47. In Kilkenny county, Gowran 52, Thomaf town 58, Knoftopher 63. I ' In Tipperary county, Carrick on Suir 75. In Waterford coaaty , Kilmafthomas 83, Dun garvan 93. • *¦ . 82, To Bennet's-brldge. In ' Kilkenny coaaty ^ Gowran (Road8i)'52, Bennet's-bridge 56, 83. To Iniftioge. In Kilkenny county, Thomaf town (Road 81) 58, Iniftioge 63I $4. To Tramore through Waterford.. In Kil kenny coaaty, Knoftopher (Rdad 81)63, MuUinavat 69. Road t'^^ /-tHREtiT ROAfaii- Road 84. in PFatepford counfyi '"^aterrord City- 76^ .Tramore 82. 85. To Fethard In Wexford county. ¦fin C»r/aw county, Leighlin-bridge (Road 78) 45, Royal Oak 47- Jn Kitkenny county^ Gore's-bridge 51. In Carlow county again, Ballyburris 54. la Wexford county^ New Rofs 67,'Fethaf'd 81- . . )• 86, To Graignamana. In Kilkenny cdunty, Gore's-bridge (Road 85) 51, Graigna-' . mana 57. ¦— 87. To Duncannon Fort. In Wexford county^ New, Rofs (Road 85) 67, Dupcannon I Fort -79- ' ¦ • 88. To Baltimorq. la'Queen's county^ Emo Inn (Road 65) 34, BaUyrpan 44- In Kilkenny county, Durrow 5I, Urling ford 61. In Tipperary county, Caffiel 76, Cahir 85* Cl'Qgheen 9-1, Ballyporeen 95. In Cork county, |£Ilworth 103, Fermoy 106, Rathcormuck 109, Watergrafs-bili 114, Cork 122, Bapdon 136, Clonekilty 145, Roffqarbery 151, Skebreen 160, Balti- ^ - mote 166. S9. Td Burros Ileagh. In Tipperary county, \ Rofcrea (Road 65) 59J Templemore 69, Burros Ileagh 76. 00. To Holycrofs. In Kilkenny county, Urling ford (R(^kd88) 61. In Tipperary county, Thurles 70, Holycrdfs .73- : • ^ ' 51. -To Drumculliher. In Tipperary county, Caffiel (Road 88) 76, Goolden 80, Tip perary 86. * In Limerick countyj Kilmallock I03. In Cork county, Charleviile 108, DromcuUi her 118. ' >92. To MlU-ftreet, In Tipperary county, Bally poreen (Road 88) 95. Road DIRECT ROADS. i^j ¦ RoA©, 9^. In Cork cpunty, Mitchelflpwn loi, Kildorery "105, Doneraile ni, Mallow I16, MiU ftreet 134. . ' 93. To Inchegela* In Cork county, Cork City (Road 88) 122, Ovens-inn 129, Inche gela 146. - 94. To Bantry, In Cork county, Bandon (Road 88) 136, purimaPway 149, DrumaleaguS 155, Bantry 163. . 95. Tp I'ethard in Tipperary coUnty, In KUkenny county, Urlingford (Road 88) 61. '1 In Tipperary coupty, KlUepaule 72, Fe- , thard 78, 96. ^To Middletop. Ip Cork county, Rathcor muck (Road 88) 109, Middleton i^o. 97. Td Paffage and Gove. In Car^ county, Cork City (Road 88) 122,' Paffage 128, Cove 130* 98. To Kinfale. In Cork county, Cork City (Road 88) 122, Kinfale 134. 99, To Iniftianpn, In Cork county, Cork City (Road 88) 122, Iniffianon 133. 100. To Newtown Barry. In Wicklow county, Bleffingtpn 14- In Dublin county agaln^ Ballymore Euftace In Wicklow county again, Baltinglafs 29- In Carlow county, Tullow 38, Clonegal 45, In Wexford coaaty , Newtown Barry 47, JO I- To Hacketftown. In Wicklow couiuy, Blef- fiiigton 14, HolyWood 18, Donard 22- In Carlow county, Hacketftown 32. ' i02. To Glandelough. Miltown 2, In Wicklow county, Enifkerry 9, Toghef- - inn 17, Glandelough 23. 103- To Banow. In WickloW county, Bray 10, .Black Bull 20, Wicklow 24, Arklow 36. In Wexford^ coaniy, Gorey 45, Ballycanoe 49, Oulart 57, Wexford 66, Duncorniic , ^ 76, Banow 81. 104, To Carnew. In Wicklow county. Black Bull (Road 103) 20, Rathdrum 28, Agh- jim 35, Tinahely 41, Carnew 46. L I RoAi* ias? DIRECT ROADS. Road 105. To Taghmon. la Wexford covnty, Gorey (Road 103) 45, Ferns 54, Ennifcorthy 60, Taghmon 71. 106. To Shilelah. In Wicklow courity, Tinahely (Rpad 104) 41, Shilelah 45. > 1 07. To Clonraines^ la Wexford county, Dun cormac (Road 163) 76, Clon)nines 81. CROSS, S59 CROSS ROADS. so^oc From Athy. Ardrie i, Grangemellon 2, Carlo'vy 9. Stradbally 6, Maryborough I2. Kilberry ruins 3, Moriafleieven 9. From Athlone. Kilkenny Weft 6, Ballymahon 10, Longford 21. From Athboy. Meadtown 4, Navan 9. Rathmore 2, Allenftown 4, Ardbraccan 7, Navap 9, Dunderry-bridge 4, Nayan 8. Caftletown Delvin 7, MuUingar 17. From Antrim. Templepatrick 4. From Arriiagh. Hamilton's-bawn 3, Tanderagee 8, Gil ford II. " Tanderagee as before 8? Banbrldge 14. Hamilton's-bawn 3, Glare 7, Scarva lO, LoUghbrickland J2. Rich-hill 4, Tanderagee 9, Gilford 11. From Ballitore; Timolin 2, Stratford on Slapey 6. From Ballinakil. , Timahoe 6, StradbaUy 10, Athy 16. From Birr. Ballingarry 7, Burrifakane 11. ' Portumna 11, Tynagh i8» Loughrea 26. Rofcrea 9, Clbnkinny 14, Templemore 19, Thurles 27, Killenaule 36. Leap 5, Rofcrea 10. ^ Ball 12, Swineford 23, Ballaghy 2§, Tobercorry 34, (Achonry) Balcar ra 42, Sligo 51. From Bailybofey. KiUyock Church 5,.Fintowp 12, Sha- ' lagan -bridge 17. From Ballymoney. Ballycaftle 12. From From Ballinrobe. ^^0 CROSS ROADS. From Boylc. Balladirren ii. Frenchpark 7, Caftlerea 14, Frora Belfaft. Carmoney 5, Doagh 10, Connor 16, KellS 17, Ballymena 2i> Stranocum 365 Bal lycaftle 44. Ballymena as before 21, Clogh 27, Glogh- mills 29, Ballymoney 35, Cumber 6, Killyleagh 16. From Callen. Mdhaber 3, MpUinahone 5, Cloneen 9, Fethard (Tipp. Co.) 12. From Carlow. Tullow 7, Newtown Barry 17, Ennif corthy 27, Bagncl's Arms 2, Fenpugh Churdh ,6, Myffial 8, Newtown Barry 14, From Carrick op Sh^nnop. Cafllecargap 7, Ballina more 13, Killefandra 24. Ballinamore as before 13, Swanlinbar 26. Leitrim 2, Balintra 6, Dromkeirp 13, KiUargs Church 17, Manor Ha- - piiltdn 22, Garifon 29, Belleektown 35, Bally ffiannon 35. Frotn Carrick op Suir. Mothel Church 3, Kilmaftho mas 8- From Caffiel. Killenaule 8, CaUen.18, From Caftlebar. Partree 9, Ballinrobe 14, KUmain 18, Shrule 21, Cahirinorres 28, Gal way 38. Ballinrdbe as before 14, Headford 25, Cahlrmorres 29, Galway, 39. KiUala 24, Caftle Lackep 29. Weftport 8- . • From Caftlerea. LougbGlin 5, Foxford road near Bal ladirren 10, Ballaghy 17. " From Cavan. Ballinanaght 4, Fipea 13, Caftlepollavd 20, Mullingar 31, Terrilfpafs 39, Phi lipftown 46-' B.allinanaght 4, Granard 13. Stradon 4, Bailieborough 14, Muff 18, King's Court 20, Ardee 30. King's CftOSS ROADS. z6s King's Court 20, Drumcondra 26, Col lon 34. EaUyhays 3, Scot's-hpufe 10, .Clones 13, Croffdony 4, KiUefandra 9, Swanlin bar 22; From CharleviUe. Ballingarry 10, Rathkeale 15. From Glare. -Redgate Inn '6, Kildyfart 10, Kilmurry Church 17, Kilruffi 25, (the direft road to KUruffi is by Limerick.) From Clogher. Five-mile-town 5, Coltrain Church 8, Brookffiorough 10, Donough 16, N- T, Butler 18. ' Brookffiorough as before 10, Maguire's- bridge 12. ' From C'onegal. Ravilly 4, Baltinglafs 8. From Clonekilty. Dunmanway 11. From Glonmel. Caffiel 11, Holycrofs 18, Thurles 24. Holycrofs as before i§, Burros Heigh 26, Nenagh 36, (Moderenny) Birr 53. Gafhel II, Templemore 30. From Cork. Middleton il, Caftlemartyr 16, Killeagh 19, Youghal 25. Middletop II, Cloyne 15. Douglas I, Paffage 5, Gove 7, Kinfale ii, (from DubUp to Cork 124, Kin fale 136;) MiJl-ftreet 22, Shape's-Ipp 26,' Caftler Ifland 40, Tralee 48, ' Mill-ftreet 22, KiUarney 37. Blarney 4. i Whitechurch 5, Ballypamona 12, MaWovr 15, Two-pot-houfe 18, Buttevant 21, Rathclare-inn 22, Velvetftovyn 23, Charleville 28, Kilmallock 25^ Bruff 37, Six-mile-bridge 41, BaUyneety 44, Bor heen 47, Limerick 49. . Mallow 15, Doneraile 21, From Corofin, Jniftymort 8. From Doneraile, Cahirmee i, Buttevant 3. From Downpatrick. "Ballynahinch 7, Liffiurn 15, Stopy- ford 20, Antrim 30, From Dromore. C^ft'^!^?'^^"^ ^^' From ^6a CROSS ROADS, Frpm Drogheda- CpUpn 5- iSl.ane 6, on North fide of the Boyne. Slane 7, on the South. From Dupdalk. Ardee ip, Carlanftown 22, Kells 24. Johnfton's Fews 10, N. T. HamUton 12, Armagh 21. Caricmacros 11. From Dungannop, Egliffi 3, Dyan 7, Caledon 9- Caftlecaulfield2,Carrinteel 7, Augh nacloy 9. Caftle Caulfield 2, Ballygawly 9. From Dungarvan, Whit,echurch 4, Caperquin 9, From Dungiven, Maghera ' lo, BaUaghy 15, Randalf town 24, Antrim 28, CaiTicfer- gus43- Antrim as before 28, Belfaft 40. From Ennis, Iniftymon 8. Cprofin 7, Kilfenora 14, From Ennifcorthy. Clcjproch 6, New Rofs 15. Monart 3, Duffry-hall 6, Burris 15. From EnnifkiUen. Ballycaffiedy 3, Lifnarick 8, Ke^l 11, Pettigoe 15, Balintra 25. Pettigoe as before 15, Belleek for merly Ballina 2,5. From Fethard (Tipp. Co.) Cafliel 7, From Galway. Clare-Galway 5, Knoftow 8, Tuam 16, Dunmore 23. From Granard, Firmount 5, Edgeworthftown 8, (Ar dagh). Bally mahon 17. From Headford, Tuam 10. From Kells. - Athboy 6. From Kildare. Rathconnel 6, Athy 11. From Kilfenora. Iniftymon 6, Caghryariff 12, Kilmur ry ibrickan 161 Coulyclare 24, Kil ruffi 29. From KUkenny, Ballyragget 9, Ballinakill 14. Ballyragget 9, Durrow 13, Rathdow ny 21, Skjrk 26, Rofcrea 32. Bepnet's-brldge 4, Thomaftown 8. Bennet's-bridge 4, Durrow 13, Agha boe 19, Burros in Offory 24. Frefhford 7,, Urlingford 14, KeUs 6, Kilmagany ?2, Carrick oh Suir 19, From CkOSS ROADS- fl^j From Killarney. MUtown 8, Caftlemain lo, Brackloun- Inn 22, Dingle 30. From Klllovigh. Downpatrick 5, Inch Church 7, Eve- rog-bridge 9, Saintfield 13, N. T. Breda 19, Belfaft 23, From KiUybegs. Ardra 8, Naren and Ennlfkeel charch 12, Shalagan bridge 20, Dunglo or the Roffes 28, Gortahurk 45, D^n^ fanaghy 52. From KUIyleagh. Downpatrick 5.- From Kinfale. Iniffiannon 6, From Knocktopher. NeWmarket 2, Kiltnagany 4, From Leighlin-bridge* Newtown 3, Tullow 9, Paul- ' ville II, Hacketftown 17. Dunleckney 2, Myffial, 7, New town Barry 13. From, Limerick. Gahirconliffi 6,> Pallis i2,~ Tipperarjf 21, Cahir 33, Glonmel 42. Pallis as, befote 12, Tipperary 21, Thomaftown 26, Goolden ,27, Caffi el 30. Six-mile-bridge (Glare Co.) 8, Span cel-hill 18, Cruffieen '23, Tubber- ' dony 26, Kilmacduagh 29, Gort 31, Oranmore 45, Galway 48. From Liffiurn. Moira 6, Magheralin 8, Lurgan ro, Portadown 15,' Loughgall 20, Char-' lemont 24. Portadown as before 15, Rich'hill 20, Armagh 24, Keady 30. Armagh as before 24, Killylea 29. Rich-hill as before 20, Tynan 31, Mi dleton 33, Caftle Shane 37. Rich-hill as before 20, Creely 35, Augh nacloy 38. Tynan as before 31, Caledon 32. Tynan as before 31, Glaflough 33^ Mo naghan 38, Rockcorry 46,. Coote- hllf 51, Ballynacargy 58, Ballyhays 60; PVom Londond<:rry. Muff 5, BaUykeUy 10, N. T. Li- mavady 12, Colerain 23, Buffi mills 29, (Giants Caufeway 31) Ballintoy 35, BaUycaftle 39, N. T. Glens or Cuffiendal 50, Cairn- lough 58, Glenarm 60. -¦ ' Colerain ii^4 @ROSS ROADS. Colerain as, before 23, Benvarden*' bridge 28, Mofsfide 31, BaUycaf tle 37. T Colerain as before 23,, Dervock 30, Mofsfide 33, Ballycaftle 39. From Longford. St. Johnftown 6, Granard 12, Klllaffiee 4, Laneffiorough 8. From Loughbrlcklapd, Rathfriland 7, From Ldugh Rea, Woodford 10, Mount Shapnon 19, Killaloe 30, Newport 38, Abingr- ton 43, Bruff 55. Froni Macroom. Carigneneelough 4, Inchegela 7. From Magherafelt. Dawfon's- bridge 2, Balla^tij^,^^ From MaUow. Glant-on 4, Newbridge 7, MiU-ftreeHy. Lifcarol 8, DromcuUiher 14, Newcaf tle 22. From Manor Hamiltop. KiUargs Churxh 4, Dromahar* 8, Ballintogher 11, Coloo- ' - *. ny ^^• From Maryborough. Clonegowan 9, Geffiil 13, Philipf.a town 17. Mountmelic 5, RofeneUis 8, Kil-* . .' , leigh 13, TuUamore 18. From MiU-ftreet. Macroom ig, Kilmurry 15, Ban* , don 22. Frora Moira. HlUffiorough 5, Ballynahinch 12, Killy leagh 20- Frora Monaghan. Smithffiorough 5, Clones 9, Donough 16, Lifnefkea 19, Magujre's-bridge 21, Liffiellaw 24, Ennifkillen 28. From Mullingar. Racondra 6, Ballimore 11, Athlone 23-. Clonloft 6, Trim 21. Pafs if you can 2, Maypole 8, Crofa keel i6, Kells 21,. Caftletown Delyin 10, Clonmalton 14,. KeUs. 2 1. From Naas. Stephenftown turnpike 3, Carnalway Church 5< Harriftown 6, Rathfallagh 12^' Griffinftown 13, Rathbrand 14, Saun derfville 15, Greenville 17, Humewood 19, Highpark 21, Hacketltown 23. Clain 4, Barberftoyvn 7, Maynooth ir. From From Frpm From FromFrom Newtown Stewa^:t. Omagh. CROSS ROAUS. zSx From Navan; Cr.ofakeel i2, Fore 20, Caftlepollard 24* Float 27, Edgeworthftowp 34, Lopg- ,, fbrd 41. Nepagh. Burrifakane 8, Portumna 14. Newry-. Ballymoyer Church 7, N. T. HamUton 9, Caftleblaney 17, Ballybay 22- ¦Newtown Limavady. Aughadowy Church 9, Crofsferry 13, Bally money 15. Garvagh 10, Defart church I2, Kiliea 15. Garvagh 10, Tamlaght church 17, Portglehond 26. Garvagh 10, Newferry Gortin 5, Downgate Rock 14, ; Cookftown 22. Pfummore church 7, Trillic 11, Bally- rauUart church 14, Ennifkillen 20. Fintona 7, Tempo 14, Ennifkillen 20. clogharney church 5, Six-mile-crofs 7, ' Nine-mile-houfe 10, Pomeroy 14, Cookftown 22- I*orncroy as before 14, Sandholes 19, Dunaghy 20, Stewartllown 22. Pomeroy as before 14, Donaghmore 19, Dungannon 22. Kilbeggan n- Edenderry 5, ClonbuUoge lO, Rath angan 14, Kildare 19, Newbridge Inn 22, Naas 27. Rathangan 14, by the Gurragh to Naas 27. Ballyhalbert 6, Ballywalter 9, Do naghadee 13. Grey abbey 9, Donaghadee 15. Grey abbey 9, N. T. Ardes 15. Rathdrum. Kingfton 2, Newbridge 4, Ballyar- , • thur 5, Arklow 8- Rofcommon. Athleague 1|, Mount Talbot 7. Bal linamore II, Ahafcragh 16, Bal linafloe 22, M m Ahaf- From Philipftown, From Portaferry, From From 4^^ CROSS ROADSi Ahafcragh as before i6, EyrecourJ 30, Portumna 38. -^ Clover-hiU 3, BaUintobber 9, Caf-? ( .. tlerea 13. Tulfli 9, Tunyquip II, Elphin 14,. Carrick bn Shapnon 22. From Roftrevor. Clonduff church 5, (HiUtown) Rath friland 8, Dromore 19, Moira 24. Drompre as before 19, Lurgan 25, From Six-mile-bridge (Clare Co.) ArdfaUIs 5, Clare 9, < Ennis it. Fiom Skibbereen, Bantry ij. From Slape. Navan 6. Kells 12, From Sligo. Tobercorry 16, Kllmateagne 23, Foxforii 31,, Caftlebar 42. > Tobercorry j6, Swineford 27, Caftlebar 41. BaUafade're 3, Strandhoufe Inn 7, Efl£.y- bridge 20, Grange Inn 21, Enriifcronc church 27, Belleeki fprnierly Ballina 35, (Ardnai-ee) Killala 42. (Liffadil) Half-way-houfe 11, Ballyfliannon 20, Balintra 25, Townavilly 34, Bally- - bofey 43; Caftlefin 49,. (Urney) Lifford 54- From SHgo; Bailybofey as before 43, Convoy 48, Ra phoe 51, St. Johnftown 56, Carrigipg 58, Derry 62. From Strabane. Dunymanagh 6, Donaghedy church 7, Clady 12. From Thurles. Burros Heigh 8, Nepagh s8. From Tipperary. Kpocklong ro, Kiliiiallock 117. From Tralee. Killarney 14. Caftlemain by the mountain road 6, by the carriage road 8. From Trim. Navan 7, * Kells II, ' Stopyford 8, Clopard Chureh 10, Philipf- , , town 25, Stoneyford 8, Clonard-bridge u, Eden derry 1:7, ClonbuUdgc 22, Portarlington 3©, From CROSS ROADS. 25jf From Tuam. Clare-Mayo ,13, Ballaghy 30, Tobercorry 36, (Achonry) Balcarra 43, Sligo 52. From TuUamore. Terrlls pafs 8. \ .Colerain 2, Clara 5, Tubberpound 8, Marflibrook ;io, at the turnpike to . Ajhlone. From Tullow. Coqlkenpo Inn .4., Shilela 7. From Waterford. Glanmore .6, New Rofs lO. Drumcannon Church 4, Tramore 6. Kilmafthomas II, Dungarvan 21. Kilmafthomas 11, Caperquin 29. By Portlaw to Carrick on Suir 14, (by Curraghmore it is 14, by Gran.y- ferry apd Beffiorough 13.) Partree lO, Ballinrobe 15, Taghmoo 7, Fookfraill lO, New Rofs j9- Taghmop 7., Old Rofs 15. Baldwipftpyvn 7, Dupcormac ,10, Tin- 'tern 17 by the Scare. ^ Two-raile-water 2, Kilbride 4, Kei- crofs .6, A^klo^v !¦!. From Wefipdrti From Wexford. Ffonj Wicklow. PARISHES. 268 PARISHES. h Leinjler g'gi. In Munjier 8i6, in Ulfter 33a, w| Conmught 296. Total 2436, DUBLIN COUNTY 108 PARISHES. 21 ip City, 87 Ip County, all Ip Dublip Diocefs. Pariffies in Barony of Balruddery. BaUymadun, Bal- TUfldery, Donabate, parfiftown, Grallagh, Hollywood, Naiil, are Vkarages. ' Ballyboghil, Holriipatrick (church at the village of Skerries) Palmertown, Portrahan, "VVeft- phahlown, are Curacies. Kilruffi is a Chapelry Pariffies in Barony of Netherciqfs. Clonniethan is tu, Reftory. Finglar, !^ilfologhan, Lufk, Swords, are Vi carages. Pariffies In Barony of Coolock. Cloghran, Clontarf, Raheny, are Reftories. Coolock and Santry are Vicar ages. Baldoyle, Clonturk (church at the village of Drum condra) Drumcondra, Glafnevin, Howth, Kilbarrack, KUleak, Killefter, Killoffory, Malahide, Portmarpock, Saint Douloughs,, are Curacies. Pariffies in Barony of Caftleknock. ClonfiUagh is^ Reftory. CafHeknock is a Vicarage. Chapelmidway, Chapelward, Mullahithart, Saipt Margaret, are Curacies. Parifhcs in Baronies of Newcaftle and Upper Crofs. Clondalkin, Creagh, Donabrook, are Reftdries. Bally more Euftace, Chapelizod, Lucan, Newcaftle, Rath coole, coole, Tallagh, are Vicarages. Alderg, Ballyfermot, Calraghftovyn, Crumlin, Palmerftown, Rathfarnham^ Saint Catharine, Taffaggard, are Curacies, Newtown is » Chapelfy, .:.:'.' Pariffies ip Barony of Half" Rathddwn. Rathmlchaei and "Whitechurch are 'Reftdriiss, Eflter, kUternop, Old Copaught, are Vicarages. Bullock, KiU, KUIeen'y, Kil gobbin, Monkftown, StiUorgap, Tawney (church at the viUage of Churchto'wn) Turiy, are Curacies, Iriffitown is a Chapelry. ¦ ; ¦ ¦ ¦ - - ) Pariffies infulated In Wicklow County. Ballybought^ ^athtoole, are Vicarages. ' • - - KILDA.RE COUNTY 113 PARISHES. ; 57 In Dubllp Diocefs, 56 Ip Kildare. . Pariffies ip Barpny of Kilkeg and Moonei, all In Dub* lin Diocefs. Monmahenock is a Reftory. Ballaghmorp> pelan, Caftledermod, Grangenolvep, Graney, Kilkea, K-ineagh, Moone, Nichplaftpwn, are Vicarages. Ardrie, Punlotl, are Curacies. Parifhes in Barony of Narrns^h apd Rheban, all in Dublin Diocefs. Fotitfto'wn, N'arraghriiore, Lifke, are Reftories. Athy, Davidftown. Kilberry, Timolin, are Vicarages. Churchtown is a Curacy. ' Pariffi In Barony of Kilcuilep in Dublip Diocefs. Cu racy of Kilcullen, Pariflies in Barony of Salt in Dublip Diocefs, Vicar-r ages of Celbridge, Leixlip, Maynooth, Straffan, Cura cies of Confoy, Donacumper, Kildoweri^ Kilteel, Sta- cumney, -Taghadoe,-— -7-Pariffies in Kildare Diocefs. Reftories of Gloghiiallis, Lyons, Oi^ghterard. Vicarage of KiU. Curacies of FufnaUghts, Haynftown. Parifhes ip Barony of Naas, jp Dublip Diocefs. Vi carages of Cotlandftowp, Rathmore, Yagoe. Curacy of Giltowh.——— Pariffies In Kildare Diocefs. Reftories of Carnalway, (church at village Harriftown) Killilhee. Vicarages^ of Bddenftown, Gardiffftown, Johnftown, Naas. Curacy of Sherlockftown. '''-¦'' . . - ¦ Parifficf f7« PARISHES, Pariffies in Barany of Glaipe, in Dublip piocdfs. Reftory of Timahoe. .Vicarage pf Ballinafeagh, r- Pariffies ip Kildare Diocefs. Downings Is. a Reftory and, "Vicarage divided. Killibegs'Is a Reftory. Ballinefagh, Carrogh, Claine, are Vicarages. Pariffies ip Baropy of Ophaly, all In Kildare Diocefs,. ^allyfax, Ballyfonppp, -Dupmurry, FeighcuUen, Rildan- gan, Jslldarej, Kilrufh, Lackagh, Nurney, Poljardftown, Rathangan, Thomaftown, Walterftown, are Reftiorics. Carrie, ponany, Knavenftowp, are Vicarages. Monaf tereven* TuUy, are Curacies. ; ' Pariffies in Barony of Oreat Connel, all In K.ildai-if Diocefs'. Ballyraany, K'hnaoge, "Morriftown, Rather- non, are Reftories. Bridechurch, Old Connel, are Vi- carages, Qrcat Copnel, Ladytown, are Curacies. Pariffies in Barony of Ikeatli and Oughterany, all in Kildare Plpcefs,, Bllrain, Ponedea, are Reftories. Cldn- curry, Clonffiambo, Kilcock, Mainham, are Vicarages, Prummurghill is a Curacy. < Pariffies In Barony of Carbury, all in Kildare Diocefs. puUiamore is a Reftory. Carbery^ Kilreeny, are 'Vj'?' parages. WICKLOW COUNTY 58 PARISHES. 49 in Dublin Diocefs, 6 in Leighlip Diocefs, z in Ferns Diocefs. . Pariffies in Barony of Half Rathdown, all In Dubliii Piocefs. Bray, Pelgany/ are Reftories. Kilmacenvoge, Powerfcourt, are Curacies. Pariffies Ip Bairony of Newcaftle, all Ip Dublin Dio cefs. Kilcdmmon, Kildool, Wicklow, are Vicarages. Down, Glanely, K'hadreeny, Krlloughter, Rathnew, are Ghapelrjes. '' Pariffies In Barony of Ar^lpw, alt In Dublin Dioijefs. Caftlemacadam, Dungapftowp, are Reftories. Arklow, Balliptemple, Ballydoppel, EporeUy, Killahurler, ,Kil- fnacow, Kilpoole, are Vicaiages. Kilbride, Templemi- fh^elj ^re Curacies. PaiJlhes S'-A-RYsiiES. ^i PatiffieS In Batony of Ballinacor. In Dublin Diocefs,' Derrylpfforj, Glandelough, Rathdrum, are Vicarages. In Ferns pidcefs, Kilpipe is a Curacy. Pariffies in Barpny of Talbdtftown. In Dublin Dio cefs, Hollywood is a Reftory. Boyftown, Burgage, (church at viUage Blefington) Donaghmore, Dopard* Piftilavip, are Vkarages, Crehelp, Friepdftowp, Kilti- gap, Rathfallagh, Tubber, are Curacips. Donboy is a Chapelry,— — ^In Leighlin Diocefs, Ballinure, fialtihglas, are Reftories. Killegan is a Curacy, Pariffies In Barony df Shilelah. In Leighlin Dioce'fi, Aghold is a Refl;ory, (church at village Coolkenno, j Lifctpleman, Miilliriacuff, are Curacies.— —In Ferns Di- ecefs, Carnew is a Reftory. MEATH COUNTY 147 PARISHES. All In Meath Diocefs. Pariffies, in Baropy of Duleek. BaUygarth, Donore, Fennor, Kentftown, Kilmpop, Kpockcomraon, Paipef* town, are Reftories. Ardcath, BaUymagarry, Juliapf- tovvn, Kllfliaryap, Mporechurch, Piercetownlandy, Sta- mullen, are Vicarages. Brownftown, Clonalvy, Coipe, Duleek, Mornanftown, are Curacies. Pariffies in barony of Skryne. Ardmulcan, Dunfapy, FoUiftown,! Monkftown, Rathfeigh, are Reftories. Ath lumney, Daneftown, Doweftown, Killeen, Skrype, Tara, Timook, Tryvet, are Vicarages. Cullinftowp, Kilcarn, Macetdwn, are Curacies. Lifmullin, Odder, are Chapel- ries. Pariffies in barony of Deece. Agher, Affey, Balfei- ghan, Balroddan, Balfoon, Dirpatrick, Drumlargan, Gal low, Knockmark, Trubly, are Reftories, Colmolin, Galtrim, Kilclone, Kihneffan, Kilmore, Moyglare, arc -Vicarages. Scurloghftown is a Curacy. Pariffies In barony of Navan. Ardbraccan, Ardfallagh, Beftive, Clonmacduff, Lifcartan, Moymet, Navan, arc Reftories. .Donaghmore, Martry, Newtown, Ratane, Rathkenny, Trim, are Vicarages. Churchtown, Kil-,, cooly, 4i7* PARISHES* ^ cooly, Tullaghenpgue, are Curacies. Trimleftown is a Chapelry. Pariffies In barony of KeUs. Caftlekyran, Cruifetown, Ipi.lagh, Kilbeg, Kilmainhairiwood, Kilfkyre,- (church at village Crofakeel) Moynalty, Newtown, Robertftown, Telltowri, are Reftories. Popaghpatrick;, Girly, ReUsi Stahalmuck, are Vicarages* Burry^ punleene, Rath- boy.iie, are Ghapelries, , ' , , , Pariffies in barony of Slanev KiUary Is a Reftory and Vicarage divided. Drumconrath, Gernanftown, Gjange- geeth, Mitchelftown, Monknewtoiyn, Slane, Stackalleuj are Reftories. ppwth, Tnifmouthy, Sydan, are Vlcar^ ages. Ardagh, Loughbraccan, are Curacies, Pariffies ip barony of Ratoath. Ballymaglaffpri, Creekftown, Donaghmore, Grcenogue, ¦ Kilbrew, Kille- glan, Rathregan, are reftories. Dunffiaghlin, Rathbeg- gan, Ratoath, are Vicarages. Cookftown is a Curacy. Miltown is a Chapelry. Pariflies ip baropy of Morgalliop. Clopglll, Drakef- towp, Dunmow, Kilberry, Kilpatrick, Knock, are Ree* tories. Kilffiinney is a "Vicarage. Nobber is a Curacy. Pariffies in barony of Half Fowre. Caftlecorr, Clona- breny, KUlaUap, Killough, Moilogh, are Reftories. Dia- mor, Lochcrew, Old Caftle, are Vicarages. " Pariffies ip bar6ny of Moyfenrath. Caftlericard is a Reftory, ^ Clonard, Larracor, Rathcore, Rathmoliori, are Vicarages, Ballybogap, Caftlejordan, KiHyon, arc Curacies. Pariffies in barony of Lune. Moyagher, Rathmore, are Reftories. Athboy Is a Vicarage, Kildalky, Killi- conigan, are Curacies. Pariffies In barony of Dunboyne. Dunboyne is a Vi carage. Rilbride Is' a Chapelry. > LOUTH COUNTY 61 PARISHES. AU in Armagh Diocefs. Pariffies in barony of Ferrard. Beaulieu, Clogher, Clonmore, Difert, Dilnlee'r, Mayne, Monafterboyce, - , Moylary, ^Ccy'ary, Port, Rathdrummm, Termpnfcckin, are Rec tories. Carrick, Collon, Dunany, Marlinftown, Parfonf town, are Vicaragds. ,Dr,mnfliallop, -Msh'font, New town, Salterfto.wn, 7'ulloghallen, are Curacies. Parifhes in barpny of Ardee,., Prump'ar is a Reftory apd Vicarage divided. Cappoge, Clonkeen, Dromyp,' Qernanflown, Kilforran, (chprph at village Caftle Bel lingham) Philipftown, .are Reftories, Ardee,, Gharlef town, Kildemock, Mapuftown, Mofstown, Richardftpvvu,, Shenlis, Sraermpre, Stabannop, -Sdckillen, Tallanftown, are yicatages- , , • ,'.',; i "T .. Pariffies -in barony of Dundalk- .^ally barrack, Baronf town, Dunbyn, Fpghaf-t, Heynflowp, Kene, are Refto ries. Carlingford, Dundalk, are A'^icaragcs. Ballyma fcanlan, HaggardfLown, Phiiipftovyn, Roach, aie Cura cies. , , Pariffies in ,barony of -Lputh, Deryer, Dromifkin,, Louth, Mapsfieidftown, are Reftories. Pariffies In Drogheda Liberties., In A-rraagh- Diocefs, Ballymakenny is a Reftory. ,In Armagh and Meath Di- flcelfes, Drogheda is a Vicarage. ' , ' ' WESTMEATH COUNTY 62 PARISHES.. 59 in Meath Diocefs, 3 In Ardagh. Pariffies in baropy of Mdygoiffi. In Meath Diocefs, Kilbixy, Kilmacneyin, Templeorap are Curacies. (In Ardagh iDIpcefs, Ruffagh, Street, are Vicarages. _ Rath- afpick is a Curacy-) Pariffies in barony Fartullagh, all ifi Meath Diocefs, Carrick, jCaftfeloft, Clonfadforan, Eiinifctjffey, Kilbride, Lynn, Molyfcar, are Reftories. Kilbridevalty is a Vi carage. , Pariffies in barony Corkerry, allip' Meath DIocefj, Multifefnon, Portlemon, Portffiapgap, Stdnehall, Tagh- 'mon, are Reftories, ' Lackin, Leny, (church at village Bombrufna). Tiffenian, are Curacies,' ¦ Pariffies in barony of RathcOnrath, all in Meath Dio- iCefSi Almoritia, Churchtown, KiUarej Moivore', Pierce- N n town, ?74 PARISHES. town, Rathconrath, are ReftdrieS, Ballimore Is a Crira- cy; Copry is a Chafielry, ^ Pariffies iri barony df Half Fowre, all In Meath Dio-? cefs. Caftlepollard, Faghalftown, Lickblah, Mayne, ate Vicarages. Fowre, Fpyran, Kilpatrick',' are Curacies. Parifhes in barony pf Delvin, aU in Meath Dioc^fy. Clonamey, Killagh',- are Reftories, Caftleto'vyn Delvin, Kilcumney, Killuagh, (church at the, village pf Clonpiel- lon) Kilweilagh, a't'e Vicarages. ¦ •Pariffies in barony of Moy caffiel, all in Meath Diocefs'. !Newtpwnf;irtullagh, Vaftina, are 'Reftories. Ardnurch-_ er (church at the village of IJorfeleap). is a Vicarage, Kilcumriragh, Rathue, are Ghapelries. Pariffies in barony of Moyafhel and Magheradernonj all in Meatti Didcefs." Difcrt -is a Reftory. MuUingai-', Rathconnel, are Vicarages.. .Kilbeggan is a Curacy. ' Pariffies in' barony oT' Kilkenny weft, all in Meath Diocefs. Kilkenny weftj' is a Reftory. Bupowen, -Nogheval, are Curacies. ' - Pafiffifes in barony of Glonionap, all in Meath Diqcefs. Ballylog"hloe, (church at the -village of Mount Temple) Rilcleagh, (church at the village of Moatgrenoge) are Vicarages. Pariffies in barony of Fafbill, all. in Meath Diocef?. Killucan (church at the village of Rathwere) is a Refto ry. Kinnegad is a Curacy. Pariflies in barony of Brawny, all in Meath Diocefs, Athlone (whidh is al/o in Rofcommon County apd Rof-? corpraon barony) Drumrany, are Vicarages. LONGFORD COUNTY 2- PARISHES. J 22 in Ardagh Diocefs, i in Meath Diocefs. Pariffies i^. baropy pf Shrowle, In Meath Dipcefs, l^orgney (church at the village of Newcaftle)' Is a Cura- py.-— -Tn Ardagh Diocefs, Abbeyffirule, Taghfinpyj arp 'Reftories. Aharah is a Vicarage. Parifhes in ba-rony of Ardagh, all in Ardagh Diocefs, Ardagh,' Ballymacorriiac, Kilglas," are Re^ories, Mof trim parishesj iy^ tiim, (church at thevIUage of Edgeworthftown) Rathrea, are Vicarages. Pariffies in barony of Rathlinej all In Ardagh Diocefs, Kilcomack is a Reftory; Caffiel, Laneffioro, Rathline^ (cburch at tht village of Laneffioro) Shrule, (church at the viUage of Ballymahon) are Vicarages. , Pariffies in barony of Granard, all iri Ardagh Diocefs. Abbeylaragh, Clonhroney, (church at the village of St;* Johnflown) Cdllumkill and Granard are Vicarages, Pariffies in barony of Longford, all in Ardagh Diocefsi Clondra, Clongeffi, (church at the village' of Newtown Forbes) Templemichael, (charch at the town of Long- foid) are Reftories. Pariffies in barony of Moydoh, all in Ardagh Diocefs. Klllaffiee, Mdydoh, Taghfirinod, are Reftories, RING'S COUNTY 52 PARISHES. y . ¦ ' , 18 in KUdare Diocefs, 16 in Meath Diocefs, 16 in Kil laloe Diocefsj 1 in Offory Diocefs, i in Clonfert Dio- fcefs; Infulated In KildarcS County, arid in Kildare Dlocefsj HarriftoWn is a Reftory. Kiibrackan is a "Vicarage. Pariffies in barony of Ballybiit. In Offory-iDiocefs^ Seikyran is a Vicarage. -^-In KiUalde Diocefs, KilcPleman is a reftory and vicarage divided. Aghanconj Birr, Et~ tagh, Kinriitty, are reftories, Roffcomroe is a vicarage. Parifkes in barony of Garrycaftle. In Clonfert Dio cefs, Ltlfmagh is a vicarage.-i-Iri Meath Didcefs, Clon macnois, Galen, killegally, Cchurch at'the villaf^e of Fer bane; Lemanaghan, (church at the village of Ballycum ber) Reynagh, (church at the village of Banagher) Tef- faurari, arc vicdrages. Parifhes in baroPy of Gefhil. tn Kildare Diocefs, Ge ffiil is a reftory. Killincur is a chapelry.— In Meath Diocefs, Kilbride, (church at the village of Tullamore) is a chapelry; Parifhes in baroPy of Philipftown, all in Kildare Dio". cefs, Kilclonfert is a reftory and vicarage divided. Bal- Ivcommon, syS parishes. lycoramdni! Croghan, are reftories. Philipftown Is a vi carage. Cloncburch is a Chapelry. , Pariffifes In barony of Cookftown, all in Kildare Dio- "cefd. Caftropeter, (church at the village of Edenderry) is a reftory. Ballinakill, (church at the village of BaUiii- akil) Rilligny, are vicarages. Paiiffi in barony of WarrenftoVn in Kildare Diocefs. Ballymacwilliam is a reftory. Pariffies in barony of Ba-llycowen, all In Meath DIo- , cefs, ., Lynally, Raghan, are vicarages. Durrow is a Curacy. TuUamore is a Chapelry. ^ P^arifhes in baroriy of Kilcourfey, all in Meath Diocefs. Kilbridetangan, (church at the village of Clara) Kilma- naghanj are.chapelries, ' -^ Pariflies in barony of Ballyboy, all In Meath Dlocefsi Ballyboy, Killahy are vicarages. i Parifhes in barony of Eglifli or Fircal, all in Meath Di- ,ocefs. DruincuUin, Egliffi, are vicarages. Pariffies in barony of Clonlilk,. all in Killaloe Diocefs. Caftktownely, Gulknwaine, Dunkerrin', I'inglas, Kil- comin, Kilniurryely, Shiurone, Teiri'pleharry, are R'ec- ' tories* ¦ ; QUEEN'S COUNTY 51 PARISHES. 27 in Leighlin Diocefs, 15 in Offory Diocefs, 7 In Kil dare DiQcefsj I in KiUaloe Diocefs, i in Dublin Did cefs. Fariffies-in barony of BaUyadams. In Dublin Dio cefs,, Tankardftown is a reftory, -»^In Leighlin Diocefs, BaUyadams, Fontftown, TuUownioy, are reftorieft. Monkfgrange is a curgcy. ,- ^ Pariffies rn barony of Upper Offory. In Killaloe Dio cefs, Kyle is a retSoryi-^In Offory Diocefs, Attanagh,, Bordwell, Coolkevry, Donaglnnt^re, Kildellig, Rathfar- ran, are reftories. Aghaboe, Aghma'carte, Killeny, Killernfogh, Offerillan, (church at-the village of Apna- tjim) Rathdowpy, Skirk, are vicarages. , Pariffies in barony of Portnehinch, all. in Kildare Pio- / ' eefs». PARISHES. iff «;4fs. Ardeais a reftbry. Kilnaman,. Lea, are vicar ages., _ ; ' _ - _ Pariffies Ip barony of Tinehinch, all In Kildare Did cefs. Caftkbrack, Oregap,i (church at the village of Rofenallis) are vicarages. Pariffies In barony of Maryboro, all In,LeIghlip Dio cefs. Burros, (church at the town of Maryboro) Clo- nagheen, Clonenagh, (church, at the village of Montrath) Kilcolemanbane, are reftories." Difert, Kilteal, Straboe, are vicarages. Ballyfip is a cha][)elry. ' Pariffies in barony of Slewraargy, all in Leighlin Di- -ocefs.. KiUebane, (church at the ViUage of Caftletown) Killefkin, Rathafpic, (church at the village of Dunane) Shrukj Slaty, are reftories. ' ¦'¦ Pariffies In barony of 5tradbally, all In Leighlin Dio-* cefs. Ballyquilliinej Corclone, Tiraoge., are reftoi'iesj Stradbally Is a vicatage. Pariffies in barony of CuUinagh, all in Leighlin Dio cefs. Cremorgan, Pyferrgalkn, (.church at the village of Ballynakil) are reftories. Abbykix is a vicarage. Ti mahoe is a curacy. CARLOW COUNTY 49 PARISHES. All In Leighlin Diocefs; P.iriffies Iri barony of Ravilly. CIpnraorei Hacketf-^ town, Rath, Rathraore, Ravilly, Tullow, are reftories. Aghade, Ardriftan, Crycrim, Rahill, are curacies. Gaf tlemore, TuUowbeg, are chapelries. Parifhes in barony of Idrone. Feririagh Is a reftory arid' vicarage divided. Old Leighlin, Nurney, Tullow- cryn. Wells, are reftories. Clonagoofe; Cloydohj Dun leckny, Kiltennel, Lorum^, Sleaguff, aid vicarages. Drum- fry is a chapelry. ' ¦ ' ^ Parlffifcs in 'barony of Carlow Ballycroge, Carlo-w, Grange, Kellyftown, Paineftown, TuUowmagrimah, Urglip, (church at the village of Palatinefown) are rec tories! Ballinacarrig, (church at the viUage of Staplef- town) Killerig, are vicarages. Pariffies 47^ iPARISHEffd Pariffies in bSrony of Forth, Gilbertftdwn', Myffial^ are reftories. Ballan, Barragh, Templepeter, are vicar-*- 4g6s; - - . - - ' . . ' ¦ .' Pariffies in barony of Saint Mullins. Ballyellin, Salnfe MuUin, are vicarages. IClLKFN>^Y COUNTY 127 PARISHES. 120 Ip Offory Diocefs, 6 in LeighHn Diocefs. Pariffies In barony of Govvran- In Leighlin Diocefs^ Griignamana, Grangefilvia, Powerftown, -Shankill, UU -Jard, are reftories. Rilmacahil is a vicarage. — ^In Of-' fory Diocefs, Blackrath, CoUumkillj Gowran, Killamery^ Killane, Kilddrry, Kllfane^ Tafcofiini Tbomaftowp, Tul- lowherin, are reftories, Glarah, Dungarvan,- Jerpoint,- Ipiftioge^ Kilkyran, Rathcoole, Sf. Martin,' are vicarages. ' Pariffies in barony of Fafadinin- Cafllecomer, GooU craghin, Omademoge, Kilmeilan, Mayne, MotheL RofTconnel, are reftories. Donaghmore, Kitmocar, Kil- raodeen, 'MuckuUy, Odogh, are vicarages. Difert Is ^ curacy. Pariffies iri barony of Crariagh. Aghdiir, (church a:i the village of Freffiford) Ballycallen, Claffiacrow, Clogh-J mantagh, Kilmanagh, Kilru)li, TuUoWroan, are reftp-i ties. Ballinamore, Ballylofcan, Clontubrid, Tubbrldbrit-a tain, are vicarages. Pariffies in barony of Sheliloher. Aglipamnlt, Larlf-- towp, Inchiholahan, Killaloe, Outragh, '^Tullaghmaiii, are reftories. Burntchurch, Dunferty Stamcarthy, are vicarages. Kilfera Is a curacy. Pariffies in barony of Galmoy. Agharney, Eirke, En-; nifnag, Fartagh, (church atthe village of Johnftown) Glisffiare, Urlingford, are reftories, Coqlcaffiin, Dur row, are vicarages, Pariffies ill barony of Kells, Including Callen Liber ties. Ball.aghtobin, Galleii, Goolaghmore, Kells, are rec tories. Kilmaganny is avicafage- Parlflics in barony of Ida. Clonaiuexy, GaUfkiU, LU fierlingj" Rower, are reftories. Ballygupp, DifertmorR, Punkeld, PARISHES, 2V5 Punkeld, Kilbride, Kilcolm, KikuUihean^ Kitmanivoge, Rathpatiick, Roffiercon, Sha'nbough, aire vicarages. Pariffies in barony of Iverk. Buely, Clonmore, Fid- down, Kilmacow, Tipperaghny, Tubbrid, Whitecihurch, are reftories., Poleran, PortnpfcuUy, Uilid, are vicar ages. Rathkyran I? a curacy.' ' Pariffies in baroriy of Knoftopher. Aghaviller, (church at the village of Newmarket) Kilneady, Knoftopher, are reftories. Demkernery, J*erpoint-monafterv', Killahy, Kilbeacon,,Kilcafy, Kilkevil, MuckuUy, are vicarages. Pariffies in Kilkenny Liberties. Dunmore,, Saint Ca^ nice or Irilhtowp, are vicarages, WEXFORD, COUNTY 143 PARISHES. 141 in Ferns Didcefs^ 2 In Dublin Diocefs. Pariflies ,In barOny of Gorey. In Dublin Diocefs, -Inch, Kilgorman, are vicarages. — In Ferris Diocefs, Bal- lycanow, Grofpatrick, Gorey, or Newboro, Kilcomb, Kilkevan, Kilnahue, Kiltennel, Kiltrifk, Lifkinfere, (church gt the village of Clough) Tomb, are reftories. Killenore is a curacy. Pariffies in barony of Shelraaliere- Arcandrifk, Art- Tatiiont, Carrick, Coolftuffe, Hoaretown, Kilgarvan, Taghmon, are reftories- Ballyheague, Ballyiiitty, Cha- pelcarron. Inch, Kilbride, KiUurin, Tikillen, are vicar ages. Ardcavan, Ardcolm, Ballyingly, Ballyknnan, Clongeen, Kilpatrick, Saint Margaret, are curacies- Pariihes in barony of Forth. Magl^fs is a reftory and vicarage divided, Ballimore, Ballybrenan., Game, Drl- naugh, Kildavin, Killinick, Kilfcoran, Rathafpic, Roff- clare, Tacumfliin, are reftories. Rathmacnee, St. He len, St. Iberius, are vicarages. Ifliartmon, Killian, Kil- jnacree, L.-idy's Ifland, St. Margaret, St. Michael, are cu racies. > ^ Pariffies in barony of Ballagheen. Ballyhufliard, Eder- mine, KUcormuck, jKilnamapa, Mppomoling, Temple- ffiannon, are reftories. Ballyvaldon, K'lmalog, are vi carages. Ardamine, Caftleellis, Donaghmore, KiUaucooly, ^ - KiUelly, ^p J»ARiSHES, KilkUy; JfCIllenagh, Kille;Pt, Kilmocriffi, St. Nicholas, Skryne, arejCurafies. ! , ,¦ '^ Pariffies in haropy Bantry. Adamftowp, Ballyanc, Carnagh, Clough', KiUan, Kilcommon, Old Rofs, Roff- clroit^ Saint John, Templcfcobbin, Whitechurch of , Glynn, are reclories. Clonmore, Nevjt Rpfs, are vicar,- , . Downony, KUfcanJan, arp curacies- Pari flies in barony pf Bargie. Ambrofetpwn,. B.aUyr ,cprm?ck, ^illag, Kilcavan, iCilleavan, Kilmanan, Mulfj- ' rankin, Topihaggard, -are reftdries. BaUyiaggullock, Bannow, pupcprmack, Kilmore, Killowen, j^ilturk, aiie vicarages. Parifhes In barony of Shelhurne. Fethard, Kilmakea, Whitechurch, are redlpries. Hooke, Kilrane, Temple- towp, are vicarages. Ballybrazil, Clonmines, Dunbro- , dy, (church at the ylU.age of Ballyhack) Owenduffe, Tin tern, are curacies. ' ¦ Pariffies In barony of Searewalffi. Kilruffi, May- comb, Newtown Barry, Rpffmepogue, (church at the vil, lage of Camolin) Templeffianbpugh, are reftories. En nifcorthy, Ferns, are vicarages- Pariffies I^ Wexford Liberies. Ferns is a reftory anil yicarage! divided. Ma.udlin is a re^ory. MUNSTER s8t MtJNSj£R tROVmCE, 816 I'arishes* CORK COUNTY 269 PARISHES. i37 in Cloyne Diocefs, 94 in Cork Diocefs, 33 in Roft Carbery Diocefs, 5 In Ardfert Diocefs. Pariflies in barony of Duhallow. In Ardfert Diocefs, Clonfeit, (church at the village of Newmarket) Cullen, Prumtariii^ Kilmeen, Nohovaldaly, are vicarages. — In Cloyne Diocefs, Kilflianick, Knocktemple, Subulter, are reftoriesl, Clonmeen, Dromdowny, Rofskeen, TuUagh- leaffi, are vicarages. Pariflies iri barony of Imokilly, all in Cloyne Diocefs. Aghada, Ardagh, Ballygourny, Bohillane, Cahirultan, Caftlemartyr, Caftracore, (church at Middleton) Clon- prieft, Corkbeg, Dingandpnovan, Gerranekennif, Inch, Itermurrough, Killeagh, Kilmahon, Roftellap, Titeikin, are reftories, Cloyne, Garriyoe, Kilcredane, Kilmacdo- iiough, Trabolgan, are vicarages, Pariffi in Youghal Liberties, in Cloyne Diocefs, Youghal is a curacy. Pariffies in Great Ifland In Cork harbour. Kilgarvan, Templeiobin, are reftories. Glonmel (church at the vil lage of Gove) is a vicarage. Pariffies in the barony of Fermoy, including Mallow Liberties, all in Cloype-Diocefs. Litter (church at the village of Caftle Hyde) is a reftory and vicarage divided. Ballyhooly, Bri-dgetown, Carricdovvnan, Clenore, Faia- hy, Glanore, (qnufch at the village of Glanworth) Imph- ric, Kilcumner, MaUow, Morianimy, Roffdagh, Tem- plerone, Wallftown, are reftories. Ballydeloughy, Gar- righamleary, Caftletownroche, Perryviilane, KiUaihy,, O o Kilbroney, iSz parishes. Kilbroney, Raghan, are vica'fages. Cahirduggap, Done* laile are curacies. ^ Pariflies in the barony of KUnatalloon,, all In Cloynjf Diocefs. Ballinoe, Mogealy, (church at the village of Curryglas) are reftories. Aghem, Knockmourne, are vicarages, Parilhes in the barony of Condons and Glangibbon, all in Gkyne Diocefs. Aghacrofs, Ardfkeagh, Brigown, (church at the village of Mitchelftown) KilguUane, Kil- phelap, Nethlafli, Nonane, are reftories. Beeltagh, ClonduUane, Kilcrumper, Kildorery, Kilworth, Leitrim, Macrony, Marffialftown, are vicarages. Pariffies in barony of Orrery and Kilmore, all^ in Cloype Diocefs. Agliffi dranina, Ballybrf'gi Churchtown, Kilmackny, Lackeen, Shandrum, are reftories, Bally- clough, Bregoge, Caftlemagpor, Kllbrin, Lifcarol, Rath- goggin, (church at the town of Charleville) are vicar ages, Bothon, (church at the village of Buttevapt) Kil- bolane are curacies. Pariffies ip barony of Barrymore. In Cloyne Diocefs, Ballycurrany, Britway, Glonmult, Cooiinay, Difert, Dungourney, Gortroe, Greenagh, inchinabacky. Mid.- - dleton, Mogeafagh, Rathcormuck, Templebodane, Tera- plenecarrigy, are reftories. Ballyfpellan, Carigtohil, Caftklyons, Kikurfin, Lifgool, are vicarages.— In Cork Diocefs, Ardiiagehy, DunbuUoge, Killafpugmullane, Kilcoan, Kilroan, Little Ifland lui Cork harbour. Saint' Michael, Tempkufque, are reftories. Cahirlag is a vi carage. Pariffies in Cork Liberties. In Cloyne Diocefs, Whitechurch is a reftory. — In Cork Diocefs, Carigro han, Currikippane, Inchkenny, Kikully, Rathconey, (church at the village of Glanmire) are ie£tories. Pariffies in barony of Barrets. In Cloyne Diocefs^ , Carigrohan beg, Inifcara, Kiicoleman, Mattehy, Mourne Abbey, (church at the village of Ballinamona) are refto ries. — In Cork Diocefs, Kilnaglory is a reftory, Agli-fli, Corbally, are vicarages. Pariffies in barony of Mufkerry. In Cloyne Diocefs, AghabuUog, Aghinagh, Ballyvourney, Clondrohid, Do naghmore, Garrycloyrie, (church it the village of Blar ney) Rilcorney, Kilnam-aitory, Macroom, Magourney, are reftories.. -In Cork Diocefs, Athnowen, (church at ' this PARISHES. 283 the vlUage of Ovens) Cannaway, Defertmore, Dunif- key, Inchegela, Kilmichael, Kilmurry, KnockaviUy, Ma- cloneigh, Moyviddy, are reftories, Kilbonane is a vicar age, Pariflies in barony of Kinalmeaky, all In Cork Dio cefs. Kilbrogan, (church at the town of ,Bandon) Mo- ¦lagh, Tempkmartin, are reftories. Ballymodan, (church at the town of Bandon) is a vicarage. Pariffies in barony of Gourceys, all in Cork Diocefs. Kilconey, Ringrone, Tempktrine, are reftories. Kil roan is a curacy. Pariflies in' Kinfafe Liberties, all in Cork Diocefs. Clonlead, Dund^riow, Rincoran, Tiflaflbn, are refto- , lies, Kinfale is a vicarage. Pariffies in barony of Kinalea and Kerrycurrihy, all in Cork Diocefs. Ballyfoyl, BjUymartle, Barnahcly, Brin- ny, Carigaline, Cullen, Iniffiannon, Killanully, Kiliiio- ney, Kilmonoge, Kinure, Leighiiioney, Lifcleaiy, Nogh-p aval, Templemichael, are reftories. Ballyftard, Temple- breedy, are vicarages. Balliriaboy, Kilpatrick, Marmul- lane, (church at the village df Paffage) Trafton, are cu racies. Pariffies in barony of Bear and Bantry. In Cork Dio cefs; Templeudigan is a reftory. Kilmacomoge (church atthe villagi; of Bantry) is a vicarage. — In Rofs Diocefs,. Kikatern, Kilconenagh, (church at the village of Caftle town) Kiimariaght, arc reftories- Kilcafliin, Kiicome-' na,, are vicarages,, Pariffies in barony of Carbery. In Cork Diocefs, Balliinoney, (church at the village of Ballineen) Balliria- dee, Cahiragh, Drumdaleague, Kilbritain, Kilgobane, Kilmoe, (church at the village of Crookhaven) Rathcla-, ren, R?ithdowtan, Skull, are reftdries. DefartiergeSy' Dripagh, Durrus, Fanlobbilh, (church at the village of Dunmanwav) KUcrohane, Kinneigh, are vicarages' — Ip Rofs Diocefs, Caftlehaveii, Creagh, Klimaloda, Kilinine, Kilnagrofs, Myros, Templebrian, Tullagh, (church ac the village of Baltimore) are reftories- Abbeyftrowry, (church at the village of Skibbereen) Aghadown, Callro- ventry, Glare-ifland, Difert, Kikoe, Kil'faughnagK beg, Kilgaruff, (church at the village of Cjoghnekilty) Ksl- macabea, Rofs, Templequinlan, are vicarages. Pariffies in barony of Barry roe, all in Rofs Diocefs. Abbey- aS4 paj?.iph:5s, Abb.eymahon, Donaghmorcj Rilfllagh, Tepipleom?liSi Tlmoleagpe, are reftories. Lifle is a vicar.age. , Pariflies in barony of Ibawne, all in Rofs Diocefs. Ardfiield, KUkerranmore, Rathbarry, are vicarage?. KERRY COUNTY 83 PARISHES, 1 in Aghadoe Diocefs, 82 In Ardfert Diocefs. • t Pariffies in barony of Magunihy. In Aghadoe Dis- cefs, Aghadoe is a reftory. — -In Ardfert Diocefs, Aglifh, Rillaha, Killarney, Kilbonane, Kikummin, Mo'ahiff'e,' are vicargges. Pariflies in barony oL Iraghliconnor. KUconly js a reftory. Aghavallen, Galey, Kilnaghtin, (chiirch at the village of Tarbert) Rnockanure, Lifeltt-n, L'flowliil)^ Murhir,' are vicarages. K'Haliipy is a cufapy. Pariffies in barony of Clanmaurice, Ardfert, Bally- heigh, KUlaghin, I^illury, Ratafs, Rattoo, are reftorie§. Difert, Duagh, Finuge, KUcarragh, Kilfeighny,' Kil flin, Kilinpily? Kilffiinane, Kiltopniy, are vicarages. Pariffies in barony of Truanacmy, BaUycyflan, Ba'- lyniacelligot, Brolna, Caftleifland, Clogherbrinn, Cur- rens, Difert, Killenterna, K-ilgai-ry lander, K'Uorglin, Kiltalla, (church at. the village, of Caftlemain) Nohoval, Obrcnnan, Rattafs, Tralee, are reftories. Ballinaha- gliffi is aA'ica'rage, KUpoIeman, (church at the village of Miltown) is a curacy. Pariffies in b^irony of Corcaguinny. Annagh, Balling; acourty, Bailinvohir, Dopurling, Killeiny, Kilgobbin, Kilmelchedor, KUquane, Kinnard, Stradbally, "Ven.try, ^re reftories- Cloghaiie, Dunquin, Garfipagh, KU-* drum, Marhir, M'nard, are vicarages. B.allyduff, Din gle, are curacies. Pariffies in barqny of Glaqerought. Kepmare-town, (church at the village of Neddeen) Tuoiita, a,re reftories^ Kilgarvan is a vicarage. \ Parifhes in b&rony of Dunkerrpn, Kikrohane, Kooc-f kane, Templeiioe, are reftories. Pariflies in barony of Iveragh, .Cahir, Dromod, , Glanbehy, PARISHES. 2f5 Glanhehy, Rilconly, Kilkmlagh, KiUInane> Valeptisi ifland, are reftories. TIPPERARY COUNTY i86 PARISHES. 96 In Cafliel Djocefs, ?o ip Erply Diocefs, ,41 In KiUaloe- Plpcefs, 2% in Lifmore Diocefs. Parifti ill barony of Kihialopgprt^, ip Caffiel Diocefs, Tenipleoptragh is a vicarage.. / Pariffi in barony of Ikagh, in Caffiel Didcefs. .Glan-? keen (chu?-eh at the viUage of Burros Ileagh) is a vicar age. Pariffies in barpny of Kilnemanna, all in Caffiel Dio cefs. Aghacj-ew, Ballintemple, Bill,, Kilpatrick, Moy- alliffe, Toe^n, are reftories. Clogher is a vicarage. Clonoutty, Rathkenny, ^re curacies. J^ilipore is a cha pelry. Pariffies ip barony of Eliogurty. In Emly Diocefs,. Kilfithnion^ is a reftory.-^ln Caffiel Diocefs, Rathkelty is a reftory and vicarage divided. Barnanely, Boly, Bur rofleigh, Callabeg, K'lcloney, KiUofkehan, Moycarky, Moyne, Thprjes, are reftorie.s. Adnith, Ballymurrin, Dove?, Drom, Inffiianiy, Loughmoe, Tetnplemore, are vicarages. Hp'ycrofs is a curacy- Leoghmackivoge is a chapelry. • Pariffies in barony pf ClanwiUiam. In Caffiel Dio cefs, Athaffel, Bally^iiflin, Banffiaw, Dangandargan, JCillardy, Rathliuau, Religmurry, are refto.ries, Dono- hUl is 4 vicarage- ' Clonfinlogh is a chapelry. — In Emly Diocefs, Brui.';, Clonbeg, Clonbulloge, Corbally, Glan- bane, Kilcornan, Kilfeacle, Lattin, Shronell, SoJloghod beg, SoUqghod more, Templenoe, Tipperary, are rec tories. Cardangan, Cloiipitt, Emly, are vicarages. Pariffies in barony of Middlethird. In Cailiel Diocefs, Ca»1iel) Glonip, Coilogh, Coleman, Crump,ftown, Dogf-^ town, Drangan, Erry, b'ethard, Geal, Hore Abbey, johnfr fto-vxn, Kilconnel, Klhipan, Knockgraffon, Magowrey, Mogorbsn, Pepaidftown, Rathcool, Rayleftown, Red City, TBliaghmaine, Waddiftowp, are reftories. Ballyffiee^ h^a 8S€ PARISHES. ban is a vicarage. — In Lifmore Diocefs, Mora, Mortlef- town, Outeragh, Saint John's grange, are reftories". Do naghmore is a vicarage. / Pariffies in barony of. Skwardagh and Compfey. Jn Caffiel Diocefs, BaUinure, Buolick, Crohane, Der.ryne- flin, Fcpnor, Grayfl^own, Ifertkeriu, KiJcooIy, Lick- flin, Lifmalin, Modeffiil, Mowny, are reftories. Gare, Killenaule, Kil'vemnon, (church/ at the village of Mul^i. lifihone) are vicarages. — In Lifmore Diocefs, Temple- jnichael is a reftory. Grangemocler is a vicarage. Pariffies in barony of Ikfrrin- In Caffiel Pipcefs, Clonmore, Kiliea, Tginpleerry, Templetohy, are refto ries. — In KiUaloe Didcefs, Rathinacveoge is a reftory and vicarage divided. Rofcrea is a vicarage, Pariffies in barony of Ifta and Offa. In Caffiel Dio cefs, Ballyclerahan, Newch-ipel, are reftories. — In Lif more Diocefs, WJiitechurch is a reftory and vicarage di vided. ArdcoUum, Ardfinnan, Glonmel, Iniflough, Kilmurry, -Newtowplenan, Rocheftown, TuUoghmelan, are reftories. .Ballybacon, Cahir, Carrick on Suir, Derrygrath, Killalone, Kilcafh, Kilgrant, Kjlffiilan, Kiltigan, Lifronan, Neddans, Newcaftle, Rathionan, Shariraghan, (church at the village of Clogheen) Tem- plehay, Tubbrid,- Tullaghhorton, are vicarages. Pariffies in barony of Owney and Arra. In Emly! Diocefs, Kikomenty, Kilmaftulla, Kilnerath, Killofcul- ly, Kilveilane, (church at the viUage of Newport) Tein- plejehally, are reftories and vicarages divided, Rilmil- con is a reftory. — In Killaloe piocefs, Caftletown Is a redliory and vicarage divided, JBurgeffieg and Youghal are reftories. Pariffies in barony of Upper Ormond, all Ip KiUaloe Piocefs. Kilnaneave, Latteragh, Lifbunny, Teinple- derry, are reftories and vicarages divided. Aghnarieedle, Ballygibbon, Ballymacky, Burrofnafarney," Kilkeary, Toomevara, are reftories, Ballinaclogh, .KUiporej are vicarages'. Parifhes in barony of Lower Ormond, aU in Killaloe Diocefs. Cloghprior, Dorrha, Fenoagh, Killodiernan, Knigh, Lorrha, Modereeiiy, Nenagh, are reftories and vicarages divided. Agliffi cloghan, Ardcroney, Bono- han, Burrofakean, DoUa, Drominheer, are reftories. Kilbarran, Lockeen, Monfea, Terrylafs, Ufls.ean, are vi- ca!---.iges. LIMERICK PARISHES* ad'. LIMERICK COUNTY 125 PARISHES. t in Caffiel Diocefs, 38 in Emly Diocefs, 2 In Killaloe Diocefs, 85 in Limerick Diocefs. Pariffies In barony of Owneybeg, all in Emly Diocefs. Tough ifland Is a reftory and vicarage divided. Abiiig- ton Is a reftory. ' Parifhes in barony of Coonagh, all in Emly Diocefs. Pallcegrean is"'a reftory and vicarage divided. Ballina clogh, Gullen, Doon, Lifcormuck, are reftories, Kil teel, Templebredin, Toughcluggin, UUoe, are vicar ages, Pariffies In barony of ClanwiUiam. In Ejnly Diocefs, C^rrickparfon is a reftory and. vicarage divided. Bally- brodd, Clonkeen, Dromkeen, are reftdries. Cahircon- lifli, Cahirelly, IferClaurence, Luddenbeg, Rathjordan, Rocheftown, are vicarages. — In Killaloe Diocefs, Gaftle- connel, Kilnagaruff, are reftories and vicarages divided. Pariffies in barony of Small Couniy. In ^ra\y Dio cefs, Ballyfcadden is a reftory. Aney, Ballinamona, Ballinard, Ballycloghy, Cahlrcorncy, Hofpital, Kilfruffi, Kilkellane, are vicarages,— rin Limerick Diocefs, Kil- peacon is a reftory and vicarage divided. Athenaffy Is a reftory. Fedamore, Gknogra, are vicarages. Pariflies in barony of Colhlea. In Emly Diocefs, BaK lingarry, Ballinlondry, Duntrileague, Gr^lbaUy, Kilbe- henny, are reftories. Long is a vicarage. — In Limerick Diocefs, Ballingaddy, Emiygrennan, are redlories. Kil- fiiinan is a vicarage.' , Pariflies in barony of Coffima, including Kilmallock Liberties, all in Limerick Dipcefs. Athnet, Bruff, Di-* fert, Drihidtarfna, Eifin, Kilbreedy major, Kilbreedy minor, Kilmallock, Tankardftown, Tullabracky, are reftotjes. Adare, Athlacca, Groom, Dromin, Uregare, are vicarages. Pariffies in barony of Poblebi'ien, all in Limerick Di ocefs.' Kilkedy, Kilkeady, (church at the village of Carrlcaquicy) are reftories and vicaiages divided. Bally- cahan is a reftory. Crecorah, Killalialhan, Monafter- nenagh, are vicartages. ^ " ¦ , Pariflies g8S PARISHES.' Pariffies In barony of Kenry, all in Limei:ick Dlocfefs* Kildeemo is a reftory and' vica-rage divided. Ardcanny^ Kilcornan ate reftories. Pariflies in barony of Conello, all in Limerick Diocefs. Ardagh, Gloiffkeere, Cloonagh,. Croagh, Dundonnel, Kilbroderan, Kiicoleman, Kilkedy, (churcli at the vil.» lage of Glanduff) Kilfcannel, Lifmakeery, Loghil, Ma- houriagh, Monegay, Nantinan, Newcaftle, Rathkeale, Rathronan, are reftories. Abbyfeale, Aflieytpri, Ballin- , garry, Bruree, Cloncagh, Cloncoragh, Clonetty, Cor- coriiohide, DromcuUiher, Killaliafhan, Kilfergus, (church at thd -Village of Glynn) Killineedy, Kilmeedy, Kilmoy lan,- Morgans, Shangolden, Tomdeely, are vicarages; Pariflies in Limdfick Liberties, all in Limerick dio cefs. Cahirnary is a re-ftory and vicarage divided. Ca- birvally, Derrygalvin, Kilmurry, Saint Michaels Saint Munchin, Saint Nicholas, Sipglarid, are reftdries. Do naghmore, Knocknagaul, Mungiet^ "are vicarages. WATERFORD COUNTY 74 PARISHES. ^2 in Waterford Diocefs, 41 In Lifmdre Didcefs. Pariffies In Waterford Liberties, all In Waterford dlo* cefs, KiUoteran is a reftory. Waterford is a vicarage, Kilbarry is a curacy. , ' . Parifhes in barony of Gualtiere, all iri Waterford dio cefs. Corbally, Crook, (church at the village of Paffage) Faithleg, KUcarragh, Kilcop, -Kilfaintlaureriee, Mdne-' minter, are reftories. Ballinakill, Ballygunner, Kiliea, Kilmacleague, Kilmacomb, Rathmoylan, -are Vicarages. Parjflies in barony of Middlethird.' In Waterford dio cefs, Drumcannon, Iflahdakean, Kilbride, Kilionan, Lifnakill, are reftories. Kilmeadone, Reifk, are vicar ages,— ^In Lifmdre diocefs, Donkill, Newcaftle, are vi-a carages. Pariffi in barony of Glanehiry,- in Lifmore diocefs. Kilronan is a vlcarage^^ • Pariflies in barony of Goffimore and Coffibfide, all ira- Lifmore diocefs. Lifmore, MacoUop, are reftories. Kilcroghan, parishes. 280 Kiltroghah, Kilvvatermoy, Rindrewj Tallow, are vi- car.ages. Pariflies in barony^of Upperthird, all In Lifmore dio* cefs. 'Clonegan, Fenoagh, are Reftories. BaUylameen^ Difert, Guiicagh, Kilbarrymeadop, Kilmolerari, Mo thel, Ratlicormuck, are Vicarages, i Pariffies in Decies intra, all in Lifmore Diocefs, .Agliffij Ardmore; Bally macart, Claffimore, KipfaJcbeg, Lifgen^ nan, are Vicarages. ., Pariffies in Decies extra, aU in Lifmore Diocefs. Kil- rufli is a Reftory. Affane, Clonea-, Colligan, Dungar-s van, Fews, Kilgobnet, KUmolaffi, Kilroffanty, Mode ligo, -Ripgoriagh, Roffniere, Sefltennan, StradbaUy, Whitechurch, are Vicarages. Villierftown is a Gh'a- pelry. CLARE COUNTY 79 PARISHES; 3 In Limerick, Diocefs, 57 in KiUaloe Diocefs, 19 In Kilfenora Diocefs. Pariffies ip Barony of Bunratty. In Limerick Diocefs, Kilquane is a Reftofy. KiUelly, Kilfintinan, are "Vicar ages. Pariflies in Barony of Bunratty, all in Killaloe Diocefs. Bunratty, Clonic, Clonloghail, Dowrie, Droraline, Fi- nogh, Kilconry, Kilmaleere, KilnefoUogh, Kilraghtis, Quin, Templemalyj Tomfirildugh, are Reftories ^nd .Vidarages divided, luifb.'-onaa is a Vicarage. Meelick is a Chapelry. Pariffies in Barony of Tulla, all in Killaloe Diocefs. Cldiilea, Feacle, Kilfinaghty, (church at the village of Slx-mile-bridge) -Kilmurry negaul, Kilnoe, Killoge'nne- dy, Kilfeily, Killuran, Moynoe, are Reftories and Vi carages divided. Kiltcnanlea, (church at the village of Doonaffe) Killaloe, Tomgrany, Tulla, are Reftories. Ogonilloe is a Vicarage. ^ , Pai'iffies in Barony of Clanderlagh, all in Killalpe Di ocefs. Kilfedane is a Reftory. Kilcryft, Kildyfert, Kil- leymer, KilniihiU, Kilmurry, Killofin, are Vicarages. P p Pari flie? ^^9 PARISHES. JPariffies in Barony of Moyferta, all in Killaloe Dio cefs. Kilfiernagh, Kllrufh, are Reftories and Vicarages divided. Inifcattery Ifland Is a Reftory. Kilballyhone, Kilmacduane, Moyferta, are Vicarages. Pariffies In Baronies of Inchiquin, all in Killaloe Di dcefs; Difert, Kilkeady, Kilnaniona, Kilneboy, (chureh at the village of Corofin) Rath, are Reiftories and Vi caiages divided. Pariffies ip Barony oi Iflands, all Ip Killaloe Diocefs. Clonegad, Kiimaly, are Reftories apd Vicarages divided. Clare ^bey, Killone, are Reftories. Dromcliff (church at the town of Ennis) is a Vicarage. Pariffies' in Barony of Ibriekin, all In Killaloe Diocefs. Kifarbdy is a Reftory and Vicarage divided. KUmorey ( is a Reftrory. Killard is a Vicarage. Pariffies In Barony of Burrin, all in KUfenora Diocefs. Carne, Klkorney, Kilkenny, Kilmoon, KlUonoghan, Noghvale, are Reftories apd Vicarages divided. Cor- tomroe, Drumcreehy, Glaplnagb, Oughtnapna, Rath- bourney, are Reftories. Pariffies in Barony of Corcoraroe, all in Kilfenora Diocefs. Clopee, Kilfenora, KUteraght, are Reftories and Vicarages divided. Kilffianny Is a Reftory. Killaf- fUgnmUan, Killeilagh, Kilmanaheeny are Vicarages ULSTEk E9? ULSTER PROVII^CE, 33gPARis;HEs, 5<9^)&«<: DOWN COUNTY 60 PARISHES-* 38 in Downpatrick diocefs, 22 In Dromore diocefs. Parifhes in Baropy of Lecale, all in Down diocefs. .^rdglas, Balke, (church at the village of Balllmoe) Bal- lyculter. Bright, Downpatrick, DunfpPrt, Inch, Kil- iclief, Saul, Terela, are reftories. RathmuUen is a vi carage. Pariffies in Baropy of Aides, In Down diocefs. Ard- Pariffies in barony of Loughinffiolln. In Armagh pi ocefs, Ballinderry, Dlferjilyn, (church at the village of Mopcyiridre) Liffan, Magherafelt, Tamlaght, (church at the village of Coagh) Tamlaghtocrely, are reftories. Chapel in the Wodds if a Chapelry,— In Derry DlocefSf ifeallyfcuUen, (church at the village of BaUaghy) Defart- martiro, Klfcronaglian,- KiUilpagh, Kilrea, Maghera, TcrmOnahy, are reftories.. Dawfop's-bridge, - Eppls,^ ruffi, ate clrapetries. , '" " ' Parifhes in barony of Kenoght, all in Derry Diocefs. Aughariloo,'Balteagh, Bapagher', Bovevagh, Druniachofe^ (church at Newtown Lim'avady) Tamlaghtara, Tara- laghtfinlagan,' are -reftories. Dungiven is a yicai-age. Pariffies,. iia barony df Tyterekiii, and In Derry Dio cefs-. 'Cumber,' Fa'aghanvafe, (church at the village of Muff) are reftories.' -' ' , Pariflies in Londonderry Liberties,' in Perry Diocefs* Clondermot, Derry, are, reftories. ANTRIM COUNTY 77 PARISHES. 3 in Dromore Diocefs, 74 in Connor Diocefs, i in Dowii Piocefs. . Pariffies in barpny pf Belfaft, including Garricfergus Liberties, ' In Down Piocefs, Ballinure is a reftory. —-In Connor Diocefs, Tp-ver, (church at the village' of Lame) Ifland magee, Moylufl^, Raloo, Templepatrick, are reftories. Ballyl'iniiy, Carrriwipey, Derryaghy, Glynri, Kiiroot, Shankill, (chuj-ch atthe town of Belfaft) Tem- plecorran, are vicarages. Lambeg is a curacy, ' Pa-ri>ffics in barony of MafTareeu. In Promore Dio- €-efs,- Aghake, „Soldierftown, are vicarages. — In Connor Diocefs, Liffiurn is a reftory. AghagaUen, Bal-Hnderty, Camlip, Glanevy, Killead, Magheragal, Magheramiflv, Tullyrufk, are vicarages. Pariflies in barony of Antrim, all Iq Connor Diocefs. Racavan, (church at the village of Broughffiane) Ra- ffiee, I. PARlfrME'^ , ^g-l Ihce, Skerry, are reftories, Antrim, Ballyclug, Ballycar, (church at the village of Ballyeftcm) Connor, Donegoi^, Kilbride, are vicarages- Parlffies in barony of Dunluc^* aU ip Copnor Diocefs. Ballimoney, Derrykeighan, Kilraghtis, are reftories. Ballyraffianc, BaUywillan, BiUy, DupIuccj Loughguldi ^re vicarages- Pariffies In baropy of Glenarm, aU In Connor Diocefs. Ardellriis, Cainecaftk, Kilwaghter, Ldyde, Saint Cun ning, are reftories. Ticmacrevan (chui'ch at the ViUage of Glenarm) is a vicarage. -/ Pariffies in barony of Toome, aU in Connor Diocefs, Ahoghill, Cranfifeld, a^e risftorles. Drumaul, (church at Randalftown) Dunean, are vicarages. Ballyraena is a curacy- Pariffiesln barony Gary, all in Connor Diocefs. Bal lintoy, Rathlin ifland, are reftories. Ardmoy, Culfagh* Irin, Ramoan, (church at BaUycaftle) are vicarages. Pariffies In barony Kilconway, all in Connor DIocefsj Dunaghy, (church at Clogh) FInvoy, KiUagan, Raffiar kan, a)-e reftories. DONEGAL COUNTY 42 PARISHES. ] in Clogher Diocefs, Ii In Derry Diocefs, 31 in Ra phoe DioCefs. Pariffies Ip barony of Tyrhugh. Ip Clogher diocefs^ Tompkcairn (church at the village of Pettigoe) is a rfec- tory,. — In Raphoe diocefs, Donegal, Drumholm^ Rllbar-i rop, (church at Ballyffiannon) are vicarages^ Pariffies in barony of Iniffiowen, all in Derry diocefs. Cloncagh, Clonmanny, Culdaff,, Donagh, (church at the village of Came) Dyfertagny, Fahan, Upper ,Movil, (cburch at the vUlage of Caricmaquigly) Ldwer Mpvil, {church at the village of Greencaflle) Terapleraore, are reftories. Bert, Inch ifland, are chapelries. - Pariffi'Ss in barony of Raphoe. In Deriy diocefs, Clonleigh, (church at Lifford) Donaghmore, (church at Caftlefin) arc reftoiies.— In Raphoe diocefs, Krllea, (church S9^ 'PARISHES. (church at Carrigans) Kilteevagh,, Leek, Raphoe," Ray^ (church at Mapor Conyngham) Strandrlarie,. Taugh- boyne, are reftories. All Saints ¦ (church at Newtown Conyngham) is a chapelry. Pariffies in barony of Kjlmacrepan, all Iri Raphoft diocefs. Aughanunchin, Arighlffie, (church at Ramel- ton) Clondehorky, Clondevadock, Goneval, (church' at Letterkenny) Gartan, (6hurch .at Church-hill) Killigar- van„ (church at RathmuUen) Kilmacrenan, Mevagh', (church at Carrigart/ Raymunterdony, Tullag.hobigly,^ Tully, are reftories, Pariffies in barony of Boylagh and Bannogh, aH in ¦Raphoe diocefs. GlencolmkiU, Inifkeel, Inver, Kil- laghiiee, Kilcarr, Killybegs, Killymard, Lettermaca- ward, Templecroan, (church at Dunglo, or the Roffes^ formerly caUed .Cloghaplea) are reftoriesi Ardra is a chapelry^ ' FERMANAGH COUNTY i8 PARlSHfel 3 ip Kilmore diocefs, 15 ip- Clogher diocefs. Parlffi«ls IP baroriy of Knockninriy, and In Kllniore di pcefs. CaUahill is a chapelry., Pariffies Ip baropy of Clonawly. In Kilmore diocefsi Kilkffier is a reftory,— In-Clogher dfocefs, Bohoe, Clee- niffi, (church at Skea) are reftories. GardenhUI, Skea, are chapelries. Pariffies in barony of Magheraboy, all in Clogher dio-. cefs. Devenifli Ifland, Inifmacfaint, (church at Church- hUl) Roffory, are reftories. ChurchhiU, Monea, Ruf- car, are chapelries. . / Parilhes In barony of Lurge, .all In Clogher Diocefs. Magheraculmony (church at Ardvarhy) is a reftory. , Pariffies in barony of Tyreskenedy, all in Clogher Dio cefs. perryvuUan, EnnifltiUen, Magheraerols, (church at BaUinamallard oVBallymuUart) Trory, are reftories. Pariffies in barony of Magheraftaphana in Clogher Di ocefs. Aghalurcher, (church at Coltrain) Aghavea arc Reftories. , Pariflies PARISHES (Sg* pariffies In barony of Coole in Clogher Diocefs. Druinkip (church at Wattl.ebridge) DrnmmuUy (church at Newtowp Butler) are Re^ories. MONAGHAN COUNTY «i PARISHES. AU in Clogher Piocpfs. Pariffies In barony of Monaghan- KUmore, "Mo^- naghap, Tidavpet, (church at Ballipode) Tihallen, Tul- lycorbet, are Reftories. Drumfnat is a Vicarage. Pariffies in barony of Dartree. Aghabpg, Clones, Ematrls, (church at Kilcrow) Galloon, (church at Drum fwords) KiUevan, are Reftories. Parifhes in barony of Cremourne. Aghnamullenj Muckno, (church at Caftleblaney) are Reftories. Clon- tibret Is a "Vicarage, Pariffies in barony of Dopaghmoyne, Donaghmdyne, KUlaney are Reftories, Magheraclony, Magherofs, (church at Carlckraacrofs) are vicarages, ' Pariffies, In barony of Trough, Dopagh, (church a£ 'Glafslough) Errigal, arc Vicarages. CAVAN COUNTY 30 PARISHES. i in Meath Diocefs, 3 in Ai'dagh Diocefs, 26 in Kilmore Diocefs, Pariffies in barony of Clonchee. In Meath Diocefs, Enniflteen Is a curacy.— In Kilmore D'ocefs, KiUan, (church at Shercock) Knockbride, Moybolgue, (church jit Bailieboro) Shercock, are Reftories, Pariffies in barony of Clonmoghan, In Ardagh Dio cefs, Ballymachugh, Drumlummon, are Vicarages, — In Kilraore Diocefs, Ballintemple, Crofserlogh, (church |Jt j^i'') ate Vicarages. Q q Pariflies ¦898 PARISHES, Pariffies In barony of TuUagbagh, all In Kilmore Di ocefs, Kinawley,- (church at Swanlinbar) Templeport, Tomregan, (church at Ballyconnel) ^re Reftories, Pariffies In barony of Loughtee^ all in Kiliuo're Diop^fs- Belturbet is a Reftory. AnnageUiffe, Denn, Prumlane, Kilraore, Lowey, Urney, (church at the town of Cavatt) are Vicarages. Pariffies in barony of TuUaghharvey, all In Kilraore Dipcefs. Drumgoon, (church at CoppehlU) is a Rec tory. Drung, KiUerfherdipy, Killiriagh, Larah, arc Vicarages. Pariffies In barony of Caftleraghan,' aU In Kilmore Diocefs, Caftlpraghan, Xurgan, Munterconnaught, are Reftories. Killinkere, MuUagh, are Vicarages. Pariffies in barony of Tullagliorioho and in Kilmore Di-? ocefs. KildaUen, KilleffiEridra, are Reftories. COI^NAUGHT t:OWNAUGHt PROViNCEi 296 Parishes. / ' - LEiTRllVi COUNTY 17 PARISHES. 7 in Ardagh Dioi;efs, lO Iri Kilmore Diocefs; Pariffies Iri bardny of Leitrim, all ip Ardagh didcefs. Apnaduff, Feanagh, KUtoghard, (church at Carrick oi4 Shannon) Kiltubrid, (church at Kiffigarrigan, or Caftls- targan) are reftories. , , Pariffies in barony of Mohll, and In Ardagh diocefs, Clooii Is a reftory. Mohil is a vicarage. Pariffies in barony of Dromahare.! In Ardagh dioCefs, Killenrimery Is a vicarage.— ^In Kilmore diocefs, Iriifma- gr^th (church at Dromkeim) k a reftory. ' Clondare, Clonlogher, (church at Manor Harailton) Drumleafe, Killargy, (church at Ballyhowel) are vicarages. Pariffies in bardny of Garrigallen, arid" in Kilmore diocefs. Drumreily is a reftory. Garrigalkni, Outraghj (chutch at Ballinamore) are vicarages. ' Pariffies in barony of Roffclogher, and in Kilraora diocefs. KiUafnet, Roffinverj (church at Klulough) are vicarages. SLiOo County 39 parishes. i IP Ardagh Diocefs, 14 in Achonry Diocefs, 8 in KlUaU Diocefsj 16 in Elphin Diocefs. Parilhes ih barony of TIraghril. In Ardagh diocefs, KiUery is a vicarage..^— In Elphin diocefs, Ahapa, Bal- linakeliy, 50© PARISHES^ ^ linakelly, Dronlcolium, Kilmacallen, KilmaftfaBy, Kil^ riedoon,' Kilros, Sharicoe, Taunagh, are vicarages, Pariffies In barony of Carbury, all In Elphin diocefs. KillafpugbroTie, Kilmacowen, Sligo, are .reftories.' Ahampliffi, Dromcliff, are vicarages, Pariffies in barony of Leney, all in Achonry diocefs. Achonry, Kilmafteighe, afe reftories. Ballyfadere, (church at Coloony) Killoran, Kilvarnet, are vicarages. Pariffies in barony of Coplavin, and In Achonry dio cefs- KiUeraght, Kilfree, are vicarages. Pariffies in barony of Corran. In Killala diocefs, Kil- morgan is a vicarage.— -In Achonry diocefs, Clonoghilt is a reftory- Druriilrat,' Etnlyfadd, (church at BaUy mote) Kilffialvy, Kiltora, Tumore, are vicarages- Parfffies in barorty of Tyreragh, all in KiUala; diocefs. Dromard, Skreen, are reftories. Caftleconnor, Efky^ Kilglaffe, Kilmacflialgan, KUmpr-erppy, (church' at A>rd^ naree) Templeboy, are Vicarages, MayO 68 PARISHES. , 13 in Achoary Dipccfsj (17 '^^ KiUala Diocefs, 37' in \ Tuam Diocefs. : Pariffies id h'&ioty df , Coftello. In EUlala diocefsy Caftlemdre is a vicarage. -^In Achoiiry diocefe, Kilbcagh, Kiicoleman, Kilmovce, are vicarages, — In Tuam diocefe^ AghavoUre, AHuagh, Bckaii, are reftories. Kppck- drumcally is a vicarage.- , , Parifhes in baropy of Galkn, all in Achopry- diocefs. Attemafs, BuchoUa, Killaffer, Kilcopduff, Killedan,; Kilgarvey, Melick, Stratlc, Tumore,' (church at Fox ford) are vicarages. Pariffies in 'barojiV df Eriis, a'nd i-n KiUala diocefs. Kil- commop, Kilmore-erris, ('church at The Miflkt) art .vicarages., Pariffies in barony of Tyrawly, all In KiUala dlocefr. Croffmalina, Killala, Kiifian, are^ reftories.- Adder- iJool, Ardagh, BaUInagliifli, Donfeeny, Kilbelfad, Kil- , ' breedy,^ 3®* iif&tfdy, itllcOrariiln, Lackan, Magawnah, Rathrec, Templeniurry, are vicarages. Pariffies in barony of Kilmain, all in Tuam dipcefs. Balllncalla, BaUinrob'e, Cong, Kilmain beg, Kilmain more, Kilmolara, (church at The Neale) Moregaga, Shrule, are reftories. Kilcoramon, (church at Iio%- mount) Robeen, Taghkeen., are vicarages. Pariffies -in barony of Carragh, all in T«ani dioceli* Agliffi, (church at Caftlebar) BaUyhean, Breafy, Bur- i-ifcarra, Kildacomoge, Minola, (church at Belcarra) Rofllee, Turlogh, are reftories. Pariffies la bardny of Clonraorrls, all In Tuara diocefs* Croffioyne, Rilcoleraan, Kllvine, Mayo, are reftories. Ballagh is a vicarage. Parifhes in barony qf Burriffioole, all in Tuam dloCefs^ Burriffioole is a reftory. Aghagowcr, Iflandine, Kil mina, (church at Newportpial) are vicarages. Parifhes In barony of Morlflt, aU in Tuam diocefs. Kilgivour, Kllmaclaffan, Oghaval, are viearages. ROSCOMMON COUNTY 57 PARISHES. 1 in Ardagh Diocefs, 2 in Clpnfert Diocefs, 3 In Tnana Djlocefs, 51 in Elphin Dipcefs. Parifhes in barony of Athlone.. In Meath diocefs, Athlope Is a vicarage. — -In Clonfert diocefs, Taghma- CORPcl is a reftory. — Ip Tuarri diocefs, Drum Is a refto ry.— *Ip Elphin diocefs, Difert, Kilknvoy, Kilmain, Kiltoom, (church at Miltown Pafs) Porterin, Raharrow* Saint John's, Taghbdy, Teffararagh, are vicarages, Fuerty, St. Peter, are curacies. Pariffies In barony of Moycarne. In Tuam diocefs, Moore Is a reftory, — In Clonfert diocefs, Creagh (church Kt BaUinafloe,- in Galway County) is a reftory. Pariffies in barony -of BaUintobar. In Tuam diocefs, KlhuUagh (church at BaUinlough) is a reftory. — -In El phin diocefs, BaUintobar is a reftory. Baflick, Kilcor- hey^ KUfcevan, (church at Caftlereagh) are vicarages. Pariffie* '^(sii • i^Ai^tsgfes; Pariffies ih bairony of Boyle, In Aidagh diocefsj.'KiI-^' ronan Is a vicarage. — In Elphin diocefs, Killuken, Ti- vdhine, 'are reftori'es, ' Aghrim, (church at Fr-odeen) Ardcarne,- Boyle, Creeve, Eafterfnew, Kilbrine, Kilco-^ la, KUmacumpfy, Kiimore,- Kilnaraana, KillUTOod, Tum-J na, are vicarages. Parifhes in barony of Half Ballimoe, all In Elphin di ocefs; Oran is a reftory* Clohriiagprmacum, Druratera- ple, are vicarages. . ,' Pariffies -In baropy of Rofcommop, all In Elphinf diocefs, Cloncraft, Elphin, Kilcooly, Kiltruftan, Ogul-J- la, Tarmonbarry, afe rfeftorieS. Athkagnei- Bumlin,- (church ' at Strokeftown) Gamma, Clonfinlogh,' Clontuf-i cart, Kilbride, Kilgeffin, Kilglaffei KUteevan, Killukenj Lifdnriffy, Shankill, Templeneilan, (chureh at the towra of Rofcommon) are vicarages. GALWAY COUNTY ii6 PARISHES. , a in Killaloe Didcefs, 8 In Elphin'DIocefs, 20 In Kilmac- duagh Diocefs, 37 In Clonfctt Diocefs, 49 in Tuares Piocefs. Pariffies Iri barony of Letrint. In KUlaloe diocefs, Clonruffi, Inifcaltra, (church at Mount Shannon) arc'^ vlcarages-.-^In Tiiam diocefs, Kilmeen is a vicarage. — In Clonfert diocefs^ Ballinakil, (church at Woodford) Tel- nagh, are reftories. Deneny, Klkoolyi Kiltefkin, ht- trlm, are vicarages. Pariffies In barony df Half fialllmoe. Iri Rlph In dio cefs, Ballinakil, Dunamon, Kilbegnet, Killeroan, are vi carages- — In Tuam diocefs, Templetogher is a vicarage. Pariffies in barony of Killihan. In Elphin diocefs, Killeroran, Killian, are vicarages, — In Tuam diocefs, Ballinakelly is a reftory, ' Pariffies in barony of Kilconnel. In "Elphin diocefs, Ahafcragh Is a reftory, Killefolan (church at Caftle blakeney) is a vicarage--rln. Clonfert diocefs, Foghina,^ KiUane, Kilco-iinel, KillimeJdaly, are vicarages, Pariffies PARISHES. |03 Pariffies ip" barony of Dunk.ellin. Ip Tuam diocefs, Rofcom is a reftory. Balllnacourteny, Oranmore, ar? vicarages. — In Clonfert diocefs, KUcopIran, Lickrig, are vicarages.-- -In Kilniacduagh .dipcefs, Ardiiahan, .Drumar proe, Kilcryft, Kikcflgan, .:^illjkioeen, RUUly, .KUUn- varra, Killogillin^ Killora, Stradbally, are vicarages.', ' Parifhes In the bardny pf Loughrea. In Clonfert dio cefs, Loughrea Is a reftory, Kilconkkny,, Kilnadeema, are vicarages. — In Kilmacduagh diocefs, KUthomas is a reftory. ^ Iferkelly, Killinan, are vicarages. Pariffies In the barony of Athenree. in Clonfert dlo- pefs, Ballane, Kilrickill, KihuUagh, are vicarages.— Ip Tuam diocefs, Athenr,ee is a reftory. Monivea is a cha- Pariffies in barony of Tiaquin, In Clonfert dio- (Cefs, Ballymacward, Clopkeep, are vicarages. ^r-In Tuara diocefsy Kilkerrin, Kriockmoy, Moilogh, are reftories. Killofcobe (church at Menlough) is a vicarage. Pariffies in barony of Kiltartan, all in Kilmacduagh diocefs. Beagh, Kilmacduagh, Kiltartan, (church at Gort) Kilveconty, are reftories, Duras, KiUeney, K'u- yarra, are vicatages.- Pariffies ip barony pf Clonmacowen, all in Clonfert diocefs. Aghrim, Cloptufcart, KiUtagbtan, Kiklupey, Kilgerrie, are vicarages. Pariffies ip barony of Longford, all ip Clopfert dio cefs, Abbeygorinagan, Clonfert, Donanaghta, (church at Eyrecourt) Faghy, Killinan, Killimerbulloge, Killorap, Kilquane, Riltormer, are vicarages. Pariffies in baropy of Glare, all in Tuam diocefs. Carrigin, Donaghpatrlck, Kilcoona'gh, Killeny, Kille- rerin, Kilki|very, (church at Headfort) Kilmoiian, Kil- lower, Killurfa, are reftories. Annaghdown, Belclare, ^farc'^Lackah, are vicarages, ^ " Pariffies In barony of Dowpamore, aJ4 ip Tuam dio cefs, Buiowna, Clonbraen, Dunmore, are reftories. Addergool, Riffienpan, Kikopla, Lifkeery, Tuam, are ylcarages. Parifli Ip barppy of Rofs apd Tuam diocefs. Rofs is a ¦feftory. Pariffies Ip barony of BaUinahinch or Connaraara, in Tuam diocefs. Bajlinakil, BaUipdown, Ipiffiofin ifland, Moirus, 5,64 FAR'ilSHES. Moirus, (church at Ballynahinch,) Umorid, (chureh at Orkney) are reiftorles. Pariffies In barony of MoycuUin, ' including Galway Liberties, all in Tuam diocefs. Arranmore Ifland is a rec tory. Galway, KUlameen, Kilcommon, MoycuUin, are vicarages. Pariffies In Galway bay and in Tuam diocefs. Jnif» niain ifland, Innisffiere iiland, are reftories, ^ T-^BL^ to$ ALPHABETICAL TASLfi ot foH^m^ Tillages, kotED places^ iff THfe ^PiREcT AND Cross roads. ^ bale 123 Limet-ick Coqnty, Conello baronf Abby Odorney 140 Kerry, Clanmauricfe Abington 91 Limerick, Owneybeg Adair 102 Limerick, Coffima Aghaboe 58 Q^een's^ Upper Offoi-y Aghrim 75 Galway, Clonmacow Aghrim 32 Wicklow, Balinador Agliffi 1 01 Waterford, Decies within Ahafcragh 7S Galway, Kilqoripel Ahoghill 94 Aptrim, Toome Anacotty 91 Limerick, Coupty of CitJ' Apnalong 69 Down, Upper Iveagh Antrim 84 Antrim, Antrim Ardbraccan 25 Meath^ Navan Ardee 34 Louth j Ardee Ardfert 144 Kerry, Clanriiaurlce Ardkarna church 81 Rofcommon, Boyl^ Ardra 131 Donegal, Boylagh -- Ardrie 2o Kildare, Kilkea Arcjfallas 108, Clare, Bunratty ' Ardftraw-bridge 97 Tyrone, Strabane. Ardflraw parirfi churches at Newtown Stewart ¦ • ' - R r Arkl&w / 3b6 AhTUABB.'nCM^ tAihtf Arklow 36 wicklow, Aikldw Armagh 62 Armagh, Armagh ArmOy church 109, Antrim, Gary Alkeyton no Limerick, ConeUo' ,- Athboy !i8 Meath, Lnne Athenree 91 Galway, Athenree? Athleague 73 Rofcommon, Athlone Athy 32 Kildare, Narragh " Aughadowy-bridge i02 Derry, Colerain Audiadowy church J 16 Derry, Colerain .^ ABgher 75 Tyrone, Clogher. • - { " , Aughnacloy 71 Tyrone, Dungannon, has church of Car- iinteel parifli , BagneU's- bridge 47 Ciarlo-w, Idrone Bailieboio 43, Cavan, Clonchee : church of Moybolgae' pariffi Balbriggen i5Publin, Balruddery . ; : .| Balcarra 115 Mayo; Carragh: church- of Minola parifh Baldwinftown 7^ Wexford, Bargie Ball 107 Mayo, Clonraorrls Ballaghdirren 89 Mayoi Coftello ;^ BaUaghy 92 Derry,' Loughinffiolin BaUaghy 105 Sligo, Leny : and Mayo, Clonraorrls: churcfer of BaUyfeuIkn parifli - ' BaUafedere 100 Sligo, Leny : Ballafedere pariffi church i> at Coloony village Ballimore 50 Weftmeath, Rathcorirath ' Ballina^ fee Belleek Ballinaeargy 45 Weftmeath^ Moygolffi' BaUInafad 87 Sligo, TIraghril BalUnagar 41 King's, Geffiil -Ballinalack 46 Weftmeath, Corkerry BaUinafloe 71 Galway, Clonmacow: and RofcomlnoH, Moycarne-r-church of Creagh^ parilh Ballind.-ingin or Ballindifieo9 Mayo, Clonmorris Ballinderry 73 Antrim, Maffareen ' Ballindrait 104 Donegal, Raphoe Ballingarry 122 Limerick, Conello Ballingarry 70 Tipperary, Lower Ormond BaUinlough 89 Rofcdmmon, BaUintobair-church of Ki.l;. tulla pariffi Ballinrobe 112 Mayo, Kilmain BaUintobber 78 Rofcommon, BaUintobar ¦ Ballintogher 105 Sligo, Ti'raghril , ' BaUintoy, ALPHABETICAL TABI.E. 307 Ralllntoy no Antrim, Carey ' BaUintra 105 Donegal, Tyrhugh Ballybay 53 Monaghan, Cremorne Bailybofey 113 Donegal, Raphoe Ballyboghil 10 Dublin, Balruddery Billyboy 56 King's, Ballyboy Ballybrittas 33 C^een's, Portnehinch Ballycanoe 49 Wexford, Gorey , Baflycafliedy 83 Fermanagh, Lurge- ' ' Ballycaftle 1 13 Antrim, Car$y^ — church of'Rarnpan pariffi Ballycpnnel 67 Gavan, TuUaghagh — church of Tpraregari pariffi Ballycumber 51 King's, Garrycaftle-r-church of Le^a- ' .-' ngghan parifli Ballyfot^an 71 Rofcommon, Athlone Ballygawly 74 Tyrone, Clogher Ballyhalbert 86 Ardes, Down Ballyhack-ferry 91 Wexford, Shelburne — church of Dun brody parifli feaUyhauais 93 Mayo, Coftello Ballyhays 57 Cavan, Loughcee— church of Caftkterra pa riffi Ballyhooly in Cprk, Fermoy Ballyjamefduff 45 Cavan, Caftleraglian BaUykeUy 125 Derry, Kenoght Ballylaghan 1 10 Mayo, Galled Ballylongford 128 Kerry, Iraghticonpor , Ballymahop 52' Longford, Rathline — chyrch of Shrule parifli Ballymafcaplap 43 Louth, Dundalk BaUymagarry 104 Tyrone, Strabane Ballymena 93 Antrim, Toome Ballymoney 107 Aptrim. Dunlucc Ballymoreen 68 Tipperary, Eliogurty Ballymore Euftace 17 Dublin, Newcaftle Ballymoyer -lodge apd Ballywire church 58 Armagh, Fews . Rallymullart or BaliipamaUard loi Fermanagh,, Tyref- kepedy — church of Magheracrdfs pariffi Ballynacargy 5^ Cavan, TuUagharyey Ballym.aganny church 40 Meath, Half'F,owre ' BaHynahinch 75 Down, Kinelearty-«"church of Magher adrol parifh , , BallynakiU 3o3 jLtPUABETlCAi:. TA5LB. Ballinakill 48 Queen's, Culllnagh^-church of Dyfert- gallen gariffi n ^ , ¦ Ballynamona 137 Cojrk, Barrets^— churph qf Mourne al^j bey pariffi Ballynamore 84 Gaj'iyay, Killihan BaUynure 90 Antrim, 'Belfaft JBallyporeeil 96 Tipp^rSry, IfFa and O^a , - Ballyragget 49 Kilkepny, Fafadinin Ballyfliannon 101 Donegal, Tyrhugh— chprph of Ki|- , barrop pariffi Ballitore 27 Kildare^ Narragh Ballywalter 89 Pown,- Aides Balruddery 14 Dublin, Balruddery ^ Baltimore 168 Cork, Carbery-r-church of TuUagh parl-ffi Baltinglas 29 Wicklow, Taffiotftowp Banagher 66 King's^ Garrycaftle-r-church' Callaghans mills .98 Clare, Tulla Pallahill 68 Fermapagh, Kuockpjnpy Gallep 6j Kilkenpy, KeUs CaUidon 70 Tyrone, Dungannon^ — church of AghaloV pariffi Caltragh 79 Galw^iy, Kilconnel Capperquin_97 Waterfdrd, Coffima Carbury 25 Kildare, Carbury Carlanftown 32 Meatli, KeUs Cariingford 51 Louth, P'jndalk Carlifle F'oft 130 Cork, ImokiUy Carlow 3,9 Carlow, Catherlough^ Carmoney 86 Antrim, Belfaft Carncaftle church 100 Antrim, Gkriarm Carnew 44 Wicklo-vy, Shilela Carrinteel 8q Tyrone, Dungannon — Ca-rflntcel parifli church Is at Aughnacloy vUlage Carrickfei-gus 88 Antrim, Belfaft Carrickmacrofs 42 M°"^S^^"' Ppaanidyne—church of Magherofs pafiffi - " •- , Carrick 5ip AJLPHABBTlAAt TABLK. 'Carrick on Shannon 77. Leitrim, Leitrim— church at ^ Kiltoghard pariffi ^ " ' Carrick on Suir 74 Tipperary, Iffa and Offa .'^^f Carrigans no Doriegal, Raphoe— church of Kiliea pa riffi Cafh, or Keffi 90 Fermanagh, Clonawly- Caffiel 76 Tipperary,, Middlethird -¦ Caftlebar 1 14 Mayo, Carragh — church of Agliffi paiiffi Caftlebellingham 34 Louth, Ardee— 'c'hiirch of KUforran pariffi I ' ' - Caftleblakeny 80 Galway, Kilcoppcl — church df KiUefo- lap pariffi CaftkblaPey. 53 Mopaghap, Crempurne=^-church of' '. Muckno pariffi Caftlccarbery 25 Kildare, Carbery Caftlecargan, or Kiffigarrigan 84 Leitrim, Leitriiri— church of Kiltubrid pariffi , Caftle Caulfield 75 Tyrone, Dungannop- Caftlecopi-^r .45 Kilkenny, Fafadinin Caftfedermot 53 Kildare, Kilkea and Moone Caftlefin 107 Donegal, Raphoe— church of Donaghmore parifh Caftle Ifland 133 Kerry, Truanacmy Caftleknock 3 Dublip, Caftleknock .^ , f Caftle Lyons 1 1 1 Cork, Barrymore '" "^ Caftlem.^ip 15? Kerry, Truapacmy— ^church of KiltaUa pariffi Caftle Martyr 123 Cork, Imokilly , , Caftleplunket 78 Rofcorpmon,, BaUintobar Caftle Pollard 74 Weftmeath, Flalf Fowre Caftlerea 84 Rofcommop, BaUintobar— rchurch of Kilke van pariffi Caftle 'Shane 59 Monaghan, Monaghan Caftletown 48 Queen's, Uppei' Offory Caftletown Pelvin 35 Weftmeath, Delvin Caftletown Roche H.^ Cork, Fermoy Caftlewellan 65 Down, Upper Iveagh— church of KH- , megan pariffi Cavan 54 Cavan, Loughtecr^church pf Urney parifli Celbridge 9 Kildare, Salt Chapelizod 2 Dublin, Newcaftle Chapelmidway 7' Dublip, Gaftlepock C.harleinopt 68 Ai'magh, Armagh Charleville AiPHABBTlGAL, TASLB. ttt Charleville ii2 Cork, Orrery— church of Rathgoggin pariffi Church-hill 88 Fefmapagh, Magheraboy— church of Inifmacfaint parilh ' Churchtdwn 3 Dublin, iJalf Rathdown — 'churchof Taw- , ney parilh ' . Clady 107 Derry, Tyrerekin Clain 15 Kildare, Clain Clara 48- King's, Kikourfy— ^churdh of Kilbridstangan parifli Clare 64 Armagh, Oridr Clare 112 Clare, Iflands Clare 103 Mayo, Clonmorris Glanduff church 62 Down, Uppe'r Iveagh Clentibr-fet church 57 Monaghari, Cremorne' ^. Clagh 81 Antrim, Kilconway-^church of Dunaghy pa- rifii ¦ ' - I - . ¦ - Clough 69 Down, Kinelearty , Cloghan 62 King's,- Garrycaftle Cloghanlea, ''or the Roffes, now Dunglo 152 Donegal, Boyle and Bannogh — church of Templecroan pariffi Clogharney church gi Tyrone, Omagh Clogher 76 Tyrone, Clogher Clbgheen 91 Tipperary, Iffa and Offii— church of Shan- 'Tahan pariffi - Clogh MUls ibi Antrim, .Kllcopwav Cloghnckilty 146 Cork, Carbery-^church of K'lgaruff parifli , Clonakinny 78 Tipperary, Ikerrin .Clonard-bridge 26 Meath, Moyfenrath Clonard chureh 32 Meath, Moyfenrath . Clonbulloge 45 King's, Cookftown— church of BaUyna- kil parifh Cloncurry 18 Kildare, Ikeath, Clonee 7 Meath, Dunboyne Clonegal 47 Carlow, Forth Clonegowan 40„King's, Coolefto-wn - ' Clones 61 Monaghan, Dartree Clonkeen 36 Louth, Ardee. Glonmel 85 Tipperary,. Iffk and Offa ClonmeUon 32 Weftmeath, Delvin— church of Killuagk pariffi Clonmulffi church 43 Carlow, Cathei-lough Glantart 312 AipHAEETICAi TASiiE. Clontarf 2 Dublin, Cdolock Clover-hiU 72 Rofcoraraon, Athldiie Cloyne 125 Cork, ImdfciUy. , Coagh 81 Tyrone, Dungannort Coallfland 74 Tyrone, Dunganneri Colerain ii4Derry, Colerain Liberties— ^chnfch of Kill» oWen parilh , ' CoUon 2'9 Louth, Ferrard Coloony 98 Sligoy TIraghril— chureh of Ballafadef'e pa riffi ¦ . Coltrain church 84 Fermanagh,' ^Magherafiephana.^" church of Aghalurcher pariffi Connor 96 Anifim, Antrira Convoy 153 Dpnegal, Boylagh arid, Ba'nriogh ' Cookftown 81 Tyrdne, Dungannon Coolkenno-inn 54 Wicklow^" Shilcli^i-church of Aghold pariffi Coolock 3 Dublin, Coolock Cootehill 52 Cavari, TuHaha'rvey.i.-ch'UTCh of DrWrrigooiS pariffi Cork 124 Gdrfc", Cork Liberties - . Gorofip 109 Glare-, Inchiquip.*— churdh' of Kilneboy parlfl^r Cove 132 Cork;/ Cprk harbour in Gl'eat Ifland— chuich ¦ of Clonrnel parifli CragweU-biidge 94 Galvvayj'.Dunkellin Crumlin 2 Dublin, Newcaftle Crofs in Derry, Tyrerekin ' : Croftakeel 54 Meath, Kells-^^church' of f^U^-yre parifb Croffdony 56 Cavan, Clonmoghan Croffmalina church 134 Mayo, Tyrawly Crofs Roads near KiUinchy 84 Down, Dufferm Crumlin 78 Antrim, Maffareen Cruffieen 1Q5 Glare, Bunratty CuUoville 49 Armagh, FevVS Cumber 89 Down, Caftlereagh' Curraha r3 Meath, Ratoath Cuffiendal or .Newtown Glens 169 Arrtrim, Glenarm Dalkey 7 Dublin, Half Rathdown Daly's-bridge 46 Cavan, Clonmoghan Dawfon's-bridge 90 Derry, Loughinffiolin Derrybryan 88 Galway, Leitrim Derry fee Londonderry Dervock laoAntiim, Dunluc'5 : Defart* ALPHABETICAL TABLE. 3I3 pefartoghll church 118 Derry, Colerain Pefartmartin 88 Derry," Loughinffiolin Dingle 166 Kerry, Corcaguinny Doagh 90 Antrim, Antrim Popaghadee 94 Dow'p, Ard6s Dopa^hcloney 65 Down, Lower Iveagh Donaghedy church ib8 Tyrone, Straband poPaghmore 75 Tyrone, Diingapnon Ponard ^3 Wicklow, Talbotftown Ponegal in Poiiegal, Tyrhugh Dpneraile 113 Cork, Fermoy Ponhybrook 2 Dublin, NeWcaftle Donough 67 Fermanagh, Coole Poweftown 20 Meath, Skryne Douglas 126' Cork, Cork Liberties Douglas-bridge 57 Tyrone^ Strabane Downgate Rock 108 Tyrone-, Dunganpoii 'Downpatrick 74 Down, Lefcale Drogheda 23 Louth, Drogheda Liberties Dromore 66 Down, Lower Iveagh Drum 55 Monaghan* Dartree Drurtiahare 102 Leitrl-m, Drumahare Drumfnave 72 Leitrim, Leitrim " Prumcannon church 78 Waterfordj Middlethiri^ Drumcondra 80 Meath, Slane Drumcondra 2 Dublin, Coolock Drumculliher 133 Limerlckj Cppnello Drumkeirn 90 Leitrim, Dfumahare Drummore church 94 Tyrone, Omagh Drummote 67 Leitrim, Mohill Duleek 20 Meath, Duleek c - Dunaghy 78 Tyrone^ Dunganriort puacannon Fort 92 Waterford, Shelbtirn* Puncdrmack 82 "Wexford, Bargie Dundalk 40 Louth, Dundalk Punderry-bridge iZ Meath, Navan Pundrum 68 Down, Lecale Dundrum 3 Dublin, Half Ratlidovvri Drinfanaghy 132 Donegal, Kilmacrenari ,, Dungannon' 72 Tyrorie, Dungannonr— church of Drani.= glaffe parifh Dungarvan 100 Waterfdrd, Decies extra Pungiyen 99 Derry, Kenought S s " Punglo ^14. ' ALPHABETICAL TABLE. Dunglo, Or the Roffes, formerly Cloghanlea 152 Dbneg*;!, Boylagh, ,&c'. ? Dungourny 114 Cork, Barrymore Dunkerrlh 63 King's, Clonliflc Dunlavin 22 Wicklow, Talbotftown Dunleary 5 Dublin, Half Ratlrdown Dunleckney 46 Caflow, Idrone Dunleer 30 Louth, Ferrard Dunmanway 151 Cork, Carbery— church of Fanlobbife parifli , Dunmore 91 Galway, Downariiore' Dunffiaghlin 14 Meath, Ratoath Dunymanagh 107 Tyron6, Strabane Pdrrow 51 Kilkenny, Galmoy Pyan 65 Tyrone, Dungannon Edenderry 26 King's, Cookftown — chutch of Caftrope^ ter pariffi Edgeworthftown 52 Longford, Ardagh — chprcli of MoC trim pariffi ' - ^ Eglifli 60 King's, Egliffi , ' . Egliffi 75 Tyrpne, Dungannpn Eight-mile-bridge 55 Down, Uppet Iveagh ^ Elphin 75 Rofcommon, Rofcommpn Emy Vale 66 Monaghap, Trough Ennis 112 Clare, Iflands— -church of Dromcliff parife Ennifcorthy 59 Wexford, Searewalffi Enniflieel church 136 Donegal, Boylagh, &c, Ennifkerry 9 Wicklow, Rathdown Ennifkillen 79 Fer'managh, Tyrefl^ene'dy Erigill church 69' Monaghan, Trough ^ ,. . Efky-bridge 125 Sligo, Tyreragh Eyrecourt 71 Galway, Lpngford— church of Donagh-t naghta pariffi Fearbane 97 King's, Garrycaftle--chul'-cli 'of KUlegaUy parifh - . ' Fer.nagh church 45 Carlow, Idrone Fermoy-bridge-end 107 Cork, Condons Ferns 54 Wexford, Searewalffi Fethard 78 Tipperary, Middlethird Fethard 8 1 Wekford, Shelburne -. Finae 47 Weftmpath, Half Fowre Finglas 3 Dublin, Nethercrofs fintoia ALPHABETICAL TABLE. 315 Fintona 93 Tyrone, Cloghcr-^churcii of Dopaghhe^yy parifli Fintown 125 Donegal, Boylagli Firmount 57 Longford, Granard Five-mile-town 81 Tyrone, Clogher Fookfmill 75 Wexford, Shelraaliere Forkhill 45 Armagh, Orior Foxford 112 Mayo, Galkn — church of Tumore pariffi Frankford 55 King's, Ballyboy 1 Freffiford 64 Kilkenpy, Crappagh — church of Aghour .pariffi ' V Galway 102 Galway, MoycuUIp Garifon 102 Fermapagh, Magheraboy Garvagh 100 Derry, Coleraip — cliurch of Errigal pariffi GeffiU 53 K'Pg's, Geffiil Glapts Caufeway 122 Apt.rim, Gary Gibarra river 146 Dope^gal, Boylagh, &c. Gilfo^'d 62 Down, Lower Iveagh Glapdelough 23 Wicklow, Balipacor Glapevy 77 Antrim, Maffareep Glanmore 76 Kilkeppy, Ida 1 Xjlanton 133 Cork, Duhallow Glaffnevlp 2 Duhh'n, Coolock Glenarm 105 Antrim, Glenarm— church of TIcmacrer ,v,jin pariffi ' j Glynn 121 Limerick, Conello — church of Kilfergus pa rifli Gooldefl 80 Tipperary, ClanvylUiam Gore's-bridge 51 KHkenny, Gowran Gorey 45 Wexford, Gorey — ^church of Nevvboro parifh Gort 98 Galway, Kiltartan-^church of Kiltartan pariffi • Gprtin 99 Tyrone, Strabane — church of Lo\yer Badony parifli Gowran 52 Kilkenny, Gpwran Graignamana 57 Kilkenny, Gowran Granard 52 Longfoid, Gra'pard ; Grangegeeth i'S Meath, Slane Grangemellon or Grangenolven 23 Kildare, KUkea and Moone Grangemocler or NIpe'-mUe-hopfe 70 Tipperary, Stew- ardagh - , j Greepoge 9 Meath, Ratoath Grey-abbey 89 Dowp, Ardes : ¦ '"¦ f^ Guydore 31 6 •ALPHABETICAL TABjLE. Guydore rivpr 159 Donegal, Kilmacrenan Hacketftown 41 Carlow, Ravilly Hamilton's Bawn ^o Armagh, Fews Headford 103 Galway, Clare— church pf Kilkilvcry pa riffi ¦ Hillffioro 69 Down, Lotver Iveagh' HoUymoupt ID5 Mayo, iCUmain— church of Kilcommon pariffi Hollywood 84 Down, Caftlerea Hollywood 1^ Wicklovv, Talbotftown ilolycrofs 69 /nprierary, Eliogurty Horfeleap' 47 Wefliheath, Moycafhel-r-rchurch of Ar«J.r nurcher pariffi , Howth 7 Dublin, Coolock Inch church 74 Down, Lecale - ' Jnciliegela 148 Cork, Mufkerry iniffianon 134 Cork, Kinalea, 8fC. Inilkeen 144 Cork, Carbery Iniftioge 63 Kilkenny, Gowran Iniftymon 1 l8 Clare, Corcprarde Inver 117 Doriegal, Boylagh, &c. Jameftown 73 Leitrim, Promahare Jerpoint 58 Kilkenny. Knoftopher Johnftown 13 Kildare, Naas Johnftown or 'Ballyfpellan fpa 59 Kjlkennyi palmoy.^ church df Fartagh /pariffi J^hnfto-wn-bridge 21 Kildare, Carbery Joneffioro 45 Armagh, Ojior Julianftown-bridge 20 Meath, Duleek Keady 58 Armagh, Armagh Kells 89 Antrim, Antririi KeUs 64 Kilkenny, Kells Kells 31 Meath, Kells ' Renagh 56 Longford, Moydoe r Kenmaretowp formeily, jNeddeep 155 Kerry, Qlanerough| Reffi 90 Fermanagh, Clopawly ' , Kilbeggan 44 Weftmeath, Moyaffiel KilbeiTy ruins 35 Kildare, Narragh Rilbride 42 Wexford, Sl|elmaliere Kilbride 29 Wicklow, Arklow Rilbride (Pafs of) 23 Weft'iijeath, Fai-tuUagh Rilcock 14 Kildare, Ikeath iCilconnpl 7^ Gajway, I^^ilconnel ¦^ Kilcool AliPHABETjCAL TABLE. 317 * y Kilcool 1 6 Wicklow,; Newcaftle Kilcryft 89 Galway, Dunkellin Kilcullen-bridge 21 Kildare, Kilcullen Kildare 28 Kildare, Ophaly Kildorery iQ7'Corki Condons Kildyfart 122 Clare, Clanderlagh Kilfenora 116 Glare", Corcomroe Rilflin 138 Kerry, Clanmaurice Kilgarvan i62 Elerry, Glaperought Kilglaffan 102 Mayo, Kilmain Kilkeele 65 Down, Mourne Kilkelly 101 Mayo, Coftello Kilkenny 57 Kilkenny, 'Kilkenny Liberties Kilkerrin 83 Galway, Tiaquin Kill 5 Dublin, Half Rithdowa Kill 12 Kildare,' Salt _ Killala 127-Mayo, TIrawly KiUaloe 86 Glare, Tulla KiUargs church 91 Leitrim, Dromahare-^- Killargy pafiffi church at Ballyhowel village Killarney 143 Kerry, Magunihy KiUaffiee 61 Longford, Moydoe Kilbarrack 5 Duhlin Coolock Kilberry 26 Meath, Morgalllon Rilkagh 1x4 Cork, Imokilly Killeigh 46 King's, Gefhil Killeny 8 Dublin, Half Rathdown f Killefandra 60 Cavan, Tullahonoho Killinchy (Crofs Roads near) Down, Dufferisji JCillough 76 Down, Lecale Kilwaghter 95 Antrim, Glenarm , KiUybegs 123 Donegal, Boylagh, Sic. JCillygordon no Donegal, Raphoe Killylea 67 Ai'magh, Arriiagh i ^Killyleagh 80 Down, Dufferin KiUyman church 71 Tyrone, Dungannon Killynauk 72 Tipperary, 31ewardagh Kilmacrenan 118 Donegal, K''rnacrenan Rilmafthomas 83 "Vyaterford, Upperthird Kilmagany 67 Kilkenny, Ke\l& - Kilmain' 1*04 Mayo, Kilmain Kilmallock 107 Limerick, Coffima JCUmateague .112 Sligo, Leny Kiln^apgg JilS ALPIJABETICAL TABLE." KUtriaoge 22 Kildare, Great Connel Kilmoon chur9h 15 Meath, Duleek Kilmurry 142 Cork, Muflierry ; KUmurrry chuich 129 Clare, Clapdeilagfe Kilraurry ibrickan 128 Clare, Ibrickan. Kilrea 102 Derry, LoughihffioUn kilruffi 142 Clare, Moyferta Kilfologhan 8 Dublin,, Nethercrofs Kilternoh 6 Dublin, Half Rathdown Kilworth 168 Cork, Cpndons I Kingfcourt 38 Gavan, Clonchee Kinnegad 29 Weftmeath, Parbil "Kinfale 136 Cork, Kinfale Liberties Kircubben 86 Down, Aides^-church of St. Andrew's parifli - , Kiffigarrigan, or Caftkcargap 84 Leitilpi, Leitrim-*" church of Kiltubpd pariffi Knoftopher 63 Kflkenny, Knoftopher Kyle 56 Wexford, Ballagheen Laghy 108 Donegal, Tyrhugh ' Laneffioro 6a Longfoi-d, Rathline — church of Rathline pariffi Largay, pr Black Lion Inn 84 Cavan, TuUahah Larue 97 Antrira, Glenarm — church of Inver parifh Lea 33 Queen's, Portnehinch Leap 69 King's, Ballybrit Leighlin-bridge 45 Carlow, Idrone Leitrim 80 Leitrim, peitrim Leixlip 8 Kildare, Sa)t > Leny 44, Weftmeath, Corkerry 1 Letterkenny 113 Donegal, Kilmacrenan— church of Go neval parifli Lifford 102 Dpnegal, Raphoe. — church' of Clonleigh pa riffi ' Limerick 94 Limerick,, Limerick Liberties Liffiellaw 75 Fermanagli, Tyrelkenedy Liffiurn 73 Antririi, Maffareen Lifcarol 127 Cork, Orrery Lifniore 100 Wat.erford, Coihmore Lifminny 46 Weftmeath, Moycaftle Lifnarick 88 Fermanagh, Lurge Lifaeflsea 70 Fermanagh, Maheraftephana Lifpole 162 Kerry, Goicaguipny ., ' ' , ¦ ', Lil'lowel ^.ALPHABETICAL TABLE. S'^S' .piftov/el 131 Kerry, Iraght'iconnor ' Loghill cplliery^ii7 Limerick, Conello Londonderryii5 Perry, Londonderry Liberties Longford 64 Lraigford, Longford — church of Temple michael pariffi LoUghbrickland 58 ppwn. Upper Iveagh — church of Aghaderric pariffi ) ' Lough Gall 66 Armagh, O'Neil land ' .,. Lough Gule 105 Antrim, Punluce Lough Glin 93 Rofcommon, Boyle r Loughmore 97 Limerick, County of City Lough Rea 86 Galway, Lough Rea Lucan 6 Dublin, Newcaftle Lurgan 67 Armagh, O'Neil land— church of Shankill parifli ' Lurgan Green 37 Louth, Louth . Lufk II Dublin, Nethercrofs ' JVIacrortip 142 Cork, Mufkerry Maghera 92 Derry, Loughinffiolin Magherafelt 88 Derry, Ldughinffioliii Magheralin 67 Down, Lower Iveagh MagUligan church ii2Deri-y, Kenoght Maguire's-bridge 72 Fermanagh, Tyrelkenedy , Malahide 6 Dublin, Coolock Mallow 118 Cork, Fermoy Man of War 12 Publin, Balruddery Manor Cuningham 126 Donegal, Raphoe— church of Ray pariffi , , Manpr -Hamilton 94 Leitrim, Dromahare— church of Clonlogher pariffi V. Market-hiU 58 Armagh,' Fews Maryboro 40 Queen's, Maryboro — church of Burros pa rifh Maynooth 11 Kildare, Salt Meelick 97 Clare, Bunratty Menlough, 83 Galway, Tiaquin — church of Killofcobe pariffi Middleton 63 Armagh, Tyranny Middleton 122 Cork, Barrymore— church of Caftracore parifli' MiU of. Louth 40 Louth, Louth MiUftreet 136 Cork, Muflierry ^: Milltowiji 320 ALPHABETICAL -i-ABLE* ^ Miltpwn 152 Kerry, Truapacpiy — church of KllcplenOisii pariffi MUtowp 2 Dublin, Newcaftle Minola 109 Mayo, Carragh-^Miriola parifli Church at ' Belcarra village ^itchelftoiwn io2 Cork, Condons..-aichurch of Brigovyfi .pariffi Moatgreriogfe 52 Weftmeath, CloJ^Ion^n-^chufchof Kil-;> - cleagh parifh .. Moira 69 Down, Lower Iveagh Monaghan 62 Monaghan, Monaghan Monaftereven 30 Kildare, Ophaly Moneygal 66 King's County, Clonlifk Moneymore 83 Derry, LoughipffioUn-^church of Pl- fertlyn pariffi , Monivea 89 Galway, Athenree Monkftown 5 Dublip, Half Rathdrum Moptrath ^6 Queen's Cpunty, Maryboro-^church at. Glonepagh pariffi Moupt Belleyy bridge 85 Galway, Tiaquin Moupt Charles 1,14 Donegal, Boylagh Mouptmelick 4a Queep's Co. Tinehinch, Moupt Shannon 105 Galway, Letrim— church of Inif caltra pariffi - ' , Mount Talbot 76 Rofcpmrapn, Athlpne Moynalty 35 Meath, KeUs , ^ Moyvdre 48 Weftmeath, Rathcdnrath Muff 72 Cavan, Clopchee Muff 120 Derry, Tyrerekin — church of Faiighahvalc pariffi ^ MuUinhone 70 TIpperaty, Slewardagh— church of KiJ- veranon parifh ' MuUinavat 68 Kilkenny, Knoftopher ' MuUingar 38 Weftmeath, Moyafhel Muthel church 77 Waterford, Upperthird Myflial 47 Carlow, Forth Naa? 15 KUdare, Naas Naren 136 Donegalj Boylagh, &:e. Narrow water 54 Down,- Upper Iveagh Navan 23 Meath, Navan Naul 14 Dublin, Balruddery , ~ J ¦ ' " Nedeen, fee Kenmare town Nenagh 75 Tipperary, .Lower OnnomI ' Newbridge AtLPHABETICAL, TABLSi 32 1 Newbridge l'a6 Cork, Duhallow Newbridge 20 Kildare, Great Connel Newbridge 109 Limerick^ Conello New Buildings iiO Dcrty, Londonderry Liberties Newcaftle 114 Limerick, Conello Newcaftle 36 Meath, Slane New-inn 82 Galway, Kilconnd New-inn 81 Tipperary, Middlethird New-inn or Nineteen-mik-houfe 20 Meath, Moyfenratli Newmarket 65 Kilkenny, Knoftopher — church of Agh aviller pariffi Newmills 75 Tyrone, DungaPnoii— church bf TuUanif- kin parilti ' . Newportprat 123 Mayoi Burrifliook — chui-ch of KilminS pariffi NeVvport 86. Tipperary, , Owney— chuich of KilveUane pariffi New Rofs 67 "Wexfdrdi Baritty Newry 50 Pown, NeWry Lordffiip Newtown Ardes 87 pown, Ardes = Breda 94 Down, Caftlerea ¦ — - Barry 47 Wexford, Searewalffi _^___ — .;_ Bellew 82 Gilway, Tiaquin ,. ¦ -— — ¦ Butler 65i,Feimanagh, Coole— ^Church of Drum mully parifli Cuningham 122 Donegal, Raphoe — church of All Saints pariffi Forbes 61 Longford, Longford— church df Clongeffi. parilh Glens or Cuihendal, lOcj Antrim, Glenarm Hamilton 53 Armagh, Fevvs- Limavady 106 Derry, Kerioglit—churcli of Drumachofe parifli Stewart 94 Tyrone, Strabane— church; of Ard ftraw pariffi Nine-mile-houfe or Grangemocler -70. Tipperary, Skw ardagh JsTineteen-mile-hour-e or Ne>v-inn 20 Mi-ath, Moyfenrath Nobber 3:; Meath, Morgallion :;- O'Brien's" Bridge 88 Clare, TuUa Oldcaftle 41 Meath, Hrdf Fowre Old Rofs S3 Wexford, Bantry T £ ' ,' , Omaeh 32$, AXPHABEtlQAt.. TAlLsr. Omagh 86 Tyrorie, Omagh— churdh of Drumi-a^gH pii rilh , - _ ¦ ''; ¦' . ,-V''.' Oranmore 98 Galway, Dunkellm Oughterard 11,9 Galway, MoycuUin Ovens-inn 136 Cork, Mulkerry— church pf Atbnowfit pariffi Pallas-Inn 51 King's,- Ballyboy" • Pallcegrean 106 Liniericl?, Codnagh ' :'^ J^almefflpwh 3 Diiblin, Newcaftle ¦ Parteen 93 Clare, Bunj-atty -- < ' Paflfage 130 Cork, Kinalea, &c, , Paffage I29 Corrfc,' Gualtiere '" '" - Pafs if you can 41' Weflmeath, Moyaffiel ' P^fs Of Kilbride 32 Weftmeath, Faftullah ' Pettigoe 94 Donegal, Tyrhugh Philipflxiwn. 38 King's, PbUip-ftow/H ' i-<' ^ Pomeroy So Tyrone, Dungannon Portadown 65, Armagh, O'Niell land Portaferry 80 Dowri,: Ardes ' ' ; '. , 'Portarlington 36: Queen's, Portwehiftc'is ' Portgknone 165 Antrim, Tooine ' ; Portruffi 114 Antrim, EWnlaoe. Portumna 74 Galway^ Longford Powerfcourt iq Wicklow,- Rathdowa Profperous 18 Kildare, Clain Racohdra 44 Weftmeath, RatliTdohratls Racoole 7 Dublin^ Newcaftle ' ; Raheny 4 Dublip, Coolock Randalftdwn 88 Aptrim, Toome Raphoe ,107: Donegal, Raphoe Kaiharkan 102 Antrim, KIkonway Rathangan 28 Kildare, Ophaly Rathbride 26 Kildare, Ophaly Rathcprmucbtn Cork, Barry inore Rathdowny 44 Creep's, Upper Offory Ratlidrum 25- Wicklow, Bali^pagOr Rarhfarnhani a Dublin, Newcaftle Rathfrilapd 57 Down, Upper Iveagh Rathkeale 108 Limerick, Conel^" Rathmore 31 Meath, Lune Rathfallagh, 24 "Wicklovst, Talbotftowi* ¦ Ratoath 12 Meath, Ratoath . / ¦ ' Rskvilly 25 Carlow, RaviUy ¦ Rede rofs -^tPHABBT«CAL TAELEo ' '323 Sledcrofs 31 Wicklow, Arklow " Rich-hill 62 Arraagh, O'Neil land R^ckcorry.55 Monaghan, Dartree Rofcoraraon 69 Rofcommon, Rofeommoa Rofcrea 59 Tipperary, Ik<>rin Rpfenellis 44 Queen's, Tinehinch Rpfs Carbery 152 Cork, Carbefy Rofs, New 67 Wexford, Banti y Rofs, Old 63 Wexford, Bantry Roftrevor 57 Do-wn, Upper, Iveaglj;'* Ruffi 13 Dublin,' Balruddery Rutland 139 Donegal,, Boylagh, &c. Saint Douloughs 4 Du-blinj Coolock Saintfield 78 Down, Caftlerea . -Saint Johnftown 108 Donegal, Raphoe Saint Johnftown 65 Longford, Granard Saipt Margarets 5 Dublin, Caftleknock. : Saptryig- Dublip, Coolock Scarva 67 Dowp, Upper Iveagh Scot's Houfe 57 Moriaghan, Dartree Screen or Skryrie ig.Meath, Screen 0 Seafdrd 70 Down, Kinelearty Shangolden 114 Limerick, Cone^, , Shane's Caftle '94 Antrira, Todme- Shilela ao Wicklow, Shilela Shircock 44 Cavan, Clonchee 1 Shrule 92 Mayo, KiluSain SUvermines77 Tipperary, Upper Ormond Six-niile-bridge 102 Clare, Bunratty Six-mile-bridge 102 Limeriick, Small Courity Six-inile-crofs 87 Tyrone, Oraagh Skerries 17 Dublin, Balruddery Skibbereen 161 Cork, Carbery Skirk 49 Queen's, .Upper Offory ' Slane 24 Meath, Slane Sligo 105 Sligo, Carbery Smithftoro 67 ISionaghan, Monaghan Stewartftown 77 Tyrone, Dunganndri Stilkrgan 4 Dublin', Half Rathdown . - Strabane lOr Tyrone, .-Strabane" Stradbally 38 Queen's, Stradbally Stradone 49 Gavan, TuUagharvey Stvade 89 Antrim, Belfaft .-; ; ^ Strang. ; 3g4 alphabetical; t^able. Strangford 80 Down > ArdeS/ .. < ¦- Straporlane f 12 Donegal, Raphoe ' Stratford on Slaney 26 Wicklow-, TalhotftoAvi^ Strokeftown 70 Rofcoramonv Rofcommon Sulnnierhill 20 Meath, Moyfenrath Swanlinbar 74 Cavan, TuUaghagh' Syvafter^gh 96 Derry, Loughinfholin Swineford 103 Mayo, Galkn Swords 7 Dublin, Nethercrofs -i"; Taghmon 70 Wexfdid, Shelraaliere ' Tallagh 5 Dublin, Newcaftle Tallow 104 "Waterford,- Coffibride Tanilagh cfiunch 103 Derry, Loughlpflioliij -j'' Tapderagee 61 Armagh, Oridi: - : -. Tarah-hill 19 Meath., Skryne Tarbert 124 Kefry; Iraghticonner Tarmonbarry-bridge 64 Rofcommoli, Rofcommon T^'iiplp'^ore 75 Tipperary, Eliogurty'' Templepatrick 87 Antrisn, Belfaft . ' Tempo 85 Fermanagh, Tyrefkeriedy - 'Terril's Pafs 40 Weftmeath, Moycaffiel Thomas-ftree't 69 Rofcoininon, Athlone ^v Thomaftown 58 Kilkenny, Gowran Thurks 70 Tipperary, Ellogprty .Timahoe 42 Queen's, CuUinagh' Timolin 2^ Kildare, Narragh Tinehaly 38 Wicklow, BalinacoF Tintern 85 Wexford, Shelburne T'ipp^rary 86 Tipperary, Clariwilliam Tobbercorry, J03 Sligo, Leny Togher-inn 17 "Wiclcloyir, Balinacpr Toomavara^g Tipperary, Upper Ormond Tralee 144 Kerry, Truanacmy Xramore 80 Waterford, Middlethird Trillic 88 Tyrone, Omagh Trim 22'Mefith, Navap Tuam 93 Galway, Downampre ' Tubberdony 102 Galway," Kiltartan .r Tubbermore go D'e-rry, Loughipflioliti ' Tullamore 46 King's, Ballycowen ¦-' TullAnftown 39 Louth, Ardee 'Tulla 102 Claie, Tulla '. .'1 ,•' Tullow ^8 Carlow, Ravilly . ' Vi i - > ALPHABE^reAt TABtS. 'g^^ Tullycorbet 56 Motjaghap, Mopaghan , ' Tulfk 75 Rofcommon, Rofcommon Tynan 68 Armagh, Armagh Virginia 40 Gav^n^' Caftl'e.raghan ' - Vow Ferry Houfe io6, Derry, Gdlerain Urlingford 6i Kilkenny,' Galmoy W^rren's-point 55 Down, Upper Iveagli; Warringftowp 66 Down, Lower Iveagh Waterford ij6. Waterford, County of City , Watergrafs-hill 117 Cork, Barryraoi'e / ¦Wattlebridge,62 Fermanagh, Cool? Wells 54 Callow, Idrone "Weftpdrt 1.15 M^yo, Morilk "SVcxford 71 We?£fot;d, "Vy'exford Liberties .Whitechurch 119 Cork, -Cork Libefties Whitfechurcli 95 Watei^ford, Decies extra "Wicklow 24 Wicklow, Newcaftl^" "IVoodford 97 Galway, 'Letrim ' ' " Youghal ni Cork, youghaUibertl^S / ....,- CIRCl/ITS, Sa^.-. 1 CIRCUITS OF, THE J U D G E S. Munfter Circuit, *To Ennis 11?. » From Enpis. Clare 2, Ardfall'is 6, Six-mile-bridg© I2J Meelick i8. Limerick 21. ' ',' From Limerick; Loughmore 3, Patrick's-well 5, Adair J8, Rathkeale 14, Newcaftle 26, Clopklppy 24, Abbeyfeale 29, Caftkiflapd 37, Arbella 41, Tralee 45. prom Tralee. Arbella 4, Caftleifland 8,. Shane's-inn 22, Mill-ftreet 26, Cork 48- Connaught Circuit. . To Rofcommon 69. From- Rdfeoramon. Tulfk rf, Elphin 14, Carrick 2\. From Carrick. Ardkarna church 5, Boyle 7, BaUIna fad 10, Coloony 21, Ballafadere 22, Sligo 24, From Sligo. Ballafadere 3, Coloony 5, Tobercorry 16, Banada 20, Kilmateague 23, Foxford 31, (Ballyvarry) Cafllebar 42. '' -;•,',- Frora Caftlebar. Balcarra 5, Newbrook ip, HoUy mount 14, Kilmain 17, Shrule 20, Cahirmorres 26, Gal- '^0/21' " - - - » Leinfter Clft€UlT-S-*' ^ji Leirifle/' Circuit, To' Wicklow 24, Frora Wicklow. Arklow 12; Gorey 21, Ballycanoe JI5-, Oulart 3"2, Caftlebridge 40, -^tf«/(7r^42. From Wexford. Taghmpn 7, Fooks Mill 10, BaUy- hack- ferry 19, Waterford 2^: "-' ' From Waterford. MuUinavat 7, Knoftopher' .13, Thomaftown 18,. Ejennet's-bridge 22,. .isTi/I^K^zy 27. ;-, From Kilkenny. Callen 8, J^Jine-¦mile-hpufe, ',^ot 'Grangemocler 14,, (Ballypatrick) Clonrnel 244 , ^'^, Nofih-.Eafl .Circuit. To Motfaghan 62. From Monaghan. ' Glaflough 5, Tynan 8, KlUylea iO, Armagh 14. - ' From Armagh, Rich-hiU 4, Portadown 9, Lurgan 14, Magheralin 16, Moira 17, Liffiurn 24, Belfaft 31* Carrickfergus' 29- ' From Carrickfergus. Saintfield 17, Everog-bridge 19, Inch church 21, Downpatrick 2^. F'rora Downpatrick. Clough 5, Caftlewellan 9, Eight-ralle-bridge 16, Narrow-water-ferry 22, Joneffioro 25, Dundalk. 22, ' From Dundalk. Lurgan-greep 3^ Caftle Bellingham 7, 'Dunleer n, Drogheda 17. > North-^Weft Circuit. To Londonderry 115. |« From Londonderry. Xlarrigins 4, St. Jphnftdv^n 6, Ltfford 1 2-, Frora Lifford. Strabane i,~^ Douglas-bridge 5, New* town Stewart 8, Omagh 15. i^Froni ¦aa.61 CIRCUITS. From Omagh, Fintona 7, Tempo, 14, Lnrllfkillen 20. From EnnlikUIen. Liffiellaw 4, Maguire's-bridge 7, Llfnefliea 9, Donough ,12,' Newtown Butler 14, Wattle- bridge 17, Butler^s-bridge 22, Cavan 25. iJo^e Circuit. ¦ . -To Carlow 39. ' .From Cariovs^ , Grarigepiellon-^, Ardrie 9^ Jthy 10. Frdm Athy,.' Stradbally 7, Maryhot;o i^. - . From Mafybord. Portarlington 16, Clohegowdn 12^ Geffiil i^, Philipflown 20. From PhUipftown. ' Terril's pifs j', Rochfort 10, Mul lingar 14. ¦ From Mullingar. .'Rillucan 8, Rafiarney 10, Trim zi. I'bst POSjT TOWN$. Leinfter Provihce, Diiblin Cdui^ty. In barony Balruddery, Balbrlggeri i^ fti'. In barony Nethercrofs^ Swords 7 m. In barony Neyvcaftle, Racool 8 m. KUdare couPty. Ip baropy Naas, Naas i,S m. Ip ba rdny Ikeath, Kilcock 14 m. In barony Salt, Leixlip 8 in, Maynooth H m. In barony Ophaly^ Kildare 25 lUj MonaftereVfcn go m. In h^tony KikuUep, Kilcuilep Zi tn, Ih baroriy Nartaghj Ballitore 29 ip, Athy 32 m. In baropy j^ilkea, Caftledermod 34 m. Wicklow county. In barppy Half Ra|hd9Wi, Bray io ra. In barppy Neyvcaftle, Newtownipou^tkepedy i^ m, Wicklovv 24 ra, tn barony Talbotftown^, ^kfingtoi) 14 m, Baltinglafs 29 ra. In bardny BaUn^cor^ Rgthdruin 29m, Tinahely 41 m. In barony ArklovV, Arl^'ow 36 m. Meath county'. In bardny Ratoath, Pupffiaghlip 1.4 m. Ip bafony Mdjfturath, Clonard 26 m, SuramerhUI 19 m. In baroriy Slane, Slane 24 m. In barpny Navan, Tririi 23 m, Navan 23 m. Li baroiiy K^As, ^ells 32 m. In batpriy Morgallion, l^obljer 33 rn. In ba'rpny Half Fowre, Oldcaftle 41 m. In baroriy LunCj Athboy 29 pi. Louth county, fn Drogheda liberties^ D.tdgheda 23 m. In barony Ferrard, Collon 29 m, Dunleer 31 m. Ih barony Ardee^ Ardee ^4 mj Caftle BfeUinghairi 35 ra* In barOPy Louth, Lurgan-green 37 m- In barony Dundalk, Dundalk 40 m. Flurry-bridge 45 m, Carlingford 52 ra- Weftmeath county. In barony Farbilly Killucan 28 mj Kinnegad 30 ra- In bafon^ Delvin, Caftletown Del- tin 34 m- In baropy Half Fdwrfe, Caftlepollard 42 ni. Jn barony Rathcoprathj Ballimore 50 m. In barony Moyaffielj MuUingar 38 m, Kilbeggan 44 ra. In barony Clonlopan, Moatgrenoge 52 ra. ' - ' . , , Uu Long- 35© ' POST, TOWNS. Longford county. In baropy Rathline, Colehill 51 m, Ballymahon 53 pi. In baiony Granard, Granard 5a m. In barony Ardagh, Edgeworthftowp 52 m. Ip ba rony Longford, Longford 53 m. King's county; Iri barpfiy Cpoleftdlvn, Edenderry 29 m. In barony PhUipftown, Philipftown 39 m- In ba rony Ballytdwen, Tullamore 46 ra. In barony Kilcour fey, Clara 49 m. In barony BaUyboy,.^ Ballyboy 55 m^ In barony Ballybrit, Parfonftown, formerly Biri', 64 m. , In barony Clonlifk, Shinrone 64 m, Moneygall 69 m. In barony Gatrycaftle, Bapagher 67 m. Queen's county. In bardny Portnehinch, Erao 34 m-, Portarlington 36 m, Stradbally 39 m.' In barony Mary boro, Maryboro 4«5 rii, Montrath 47 m. In batony Ti nehinch; Mountmelic 42 m. In barony CuUipagh, Bal- linakUl 48 m. In barony Upper Offory, Burros in Offo ry 53 ra, Rathdowpy 59 m- .,. , , Carlow county. Ip barony RavUly, Hacketftown 33 m, Tiiliow 38 in- In barony Catherlough Carlow 39 m. In baiopy Idrone, Leighlin-bridge 45 m. In barony Forth, Glon'eg'al5i m, Myffiall 54 m. . . Kilkeppy county, hi barony Fafadinin, Caftlecomer 45 m,' In baroiiy' Galmoy, Durrow 52 m. In barony Gowran, Gowran 52 m, Graignamana 58 ra, Thomaf town 58 m,' Iniftioge 63 ill. In Kilkenny liberties, Kil kenny 58 m. In barony Knoftopher, Knoftopher 63 m. In baroriy KeUs, Callan 65 in. In barony Crariiagh, Frefhford 65 m.,' Wexford County. In barony Gorey, Gorey 45 m. In barony Scaievvalffi, Ferns 53 m, Ennifcorthy 60 m. In baroriy.Ballagheen, Oulart 57 m. In bawny Forth; Broadway, 57 m. In Wexfoul liberties, Wexford 67 m. In barony Bantry, New Rofs 67 in. - In baiony ^heipia-- Here, Taghmori, 73 m. Mitnfler Province, 'i 'i ; ' ,¦ : Cork county, tn barony Condops, Mitchelftown i02 tTj Kijwqrth 103, Fermoy ig6. In Ypugha liberties, Youghal 104. In barony Orrery, Charievilk 108'. In \ . barony ,.^ POST Towns. 551" barony Fermoy, Doneraile 112 m, Caftletown Roche 114 m, Mallow 117 ,m; In baroriy Barrymor?, Rath cormuck no m, Middleton izrrii. In barony Imokilly, Caftle Martyr n^ m. Ip Cork liberties, Cork 123 ra. In barony Duhalldw, Newmarket 129. In Great Ifland in Cork harbour,.Cove 131 m. , In barony Kinalea, Paf iage 131 ra. In KIpfale- liberties, Kihfale 134. Ip ba rony Muflterry, Mill-ftreet 134/ Maci-dpm 141. In ba ropy Kinalmeaky, Bandon 136. In baropy Cai-bery, Clonekilty 145} Roffcarbery 150, Skibbereen 160- Ip ba tony Bear, &c- Caftletown 160, Bantry 163. Kerry county. In barony Iraghticonnqr, Tarbert 124, , Liftowel 131. In barony Truanacmy, Tralee 142, Mil- town 169. In barony Magunihy, Killarney 146. In barony.Glanerought, Kenmaretowp 155. In barony Cor- caguippy, Dingle 164. ^ Tipperary county. In barony Ikerrin, Rofcrea 59 m. In baropy Eiioguity, Templemore 69 m, 1 Thurles 76 pi. Ip baroriy Skwardagh, KUIenaule 73 ra. In baropy Lower Ormond, Cldghjordan 70 m, Nenagh. 75 m, Bur rifakane 76 ra. In bardny Middlethird, Caffi'ei 77 in, I'p barony Iffa, Carrick on Spir 75, Glonmel 82, Cahir 85, Clogheen 92, In baroriylleagh, Burris Heigh 77 m. In bai-onyClapwIUiara, Tipperary 86 ra. Ip baropy Ow- 'iiey, Newrport 86 m. Limerick cpupty. In baroriy ClanwiUiam, Caftlecon- nel 88 ra. Ip Limerick liberties. Limerick 94. la Coffima and Kilmallock liberties, KilmaUdck 103, Bruff 106, Crpom io6. Ip barony Conello, Rathkeale7o8 m, Shapgjolden 115. Waterfdrd county. In Waterford liberties, Waterford 76>in.^ In barony Upperthird, Kilmafthomas 83, Port- law 89. In barony Coffimore, Caperquin 97, Lifmore 101, Tallow 106 ra. In baropy Decliss extra, Dungar- vap 117, I . Clare county, Tn barppy Tulla, KiUaloe 87, Scariff 93, Tulla 102. Ip baropy Biinrattyj Six-mile-bridge 102, In barony Ifliands, Clare 103, Eripis 113. In ba rony Corcomroe, Enniftymon 118. In barony Clander lagh, Kildyfart 122. Ip barony Moyferta, Kihuffi J40. Ulfter 33« ?05T TOWNS. > ?f)" P-rovitiee. Dd'^n cdunty, in^Jewry lordffiip, Newry 50 m, tn teiarony Ppper Ivekgh, Roftrevor 53, Warrenipoint 56, LoUghbrickland 58, Rathfriland 58, &pbridge_^ 60. Ip ba,rony Lower Iveagh, Gilford 62, Drompre -65, Hillffior i-d 69, Moira 69, In barony Mourne, Kilkeel 6j^. In barony Kinelear'tyj, Clpugh 69, Ballinahipch 74. In bar rdny Lecale, Downpatrick 74. In barony Callkreagh^ Saintfield 76, Cumber 84. In barony Du'fferin, KilU- leagh 79, Killinchy 92. In bafpny Ardes, Strangford 80, portaferry I8r, Newtown Ardes ^8, Bangor 90, Dopaghr. adee 94J Kircubben 97, Tyrdne cdunty.' Ip barony Pungapppp, Moy .68, Aughuacloy 71, piinganpon 73, Stewartftown 7*6, Cookf town 82, Ip barony Cloghtr, Clogher 77, Fintona 8a.' In barony Omagh, Omagh 86 ih. In barony Strabane^ Newtowp Stewart 93, Strabane ioi, Armagh dounty, ' lu'bardny Orior, Forkhill 45, Tan- 3'feragee .61. In barony Fews, Mafkethill 58, In" barony Armagh, Armagh 62, Tynari ^5. In "barony O'Neil land, Rich-hiU 62, Portadovvn 6&, Lurgan 68- Perry courity. tn barony Loughinffiolin, Money- more 83, Magherafelt 87, Tuhljermore ^, Kilrea 99, In barony Kerioght,^ Dupgiven 99, Newtowri Llniaya-dy "106. In Cdk'rain liberties, Coleraip 109, Ip Londoi^- deny liberties, Ldridopderry 112. Aptrlrii courity. In baroriy Maffareen, L'ft?uVn 73, Glaneyy 57. In , barpny Belfaft, and. Carricfergijs -liber ties, Belfaft 80, Garricfergus 87, Ballyclare 92. In ha-. ydriy Antririi, Antririi 84, In baroriy Tpome^ BaUyme- na 93, Toome 97, Portglerion ibo. In bairopy Glenarm, Larrie 97, Gknarm 106. In liarbny Dunluce, Bajlymq- ney 108. In baropy Gary, BaUycaftle 113, Dpnegal courity. In bardny Tyrhugh, jBallyfliannon "101, Ponegal iii. In barony Raphoe, Raphoe 105, Caf- tUfin 107, Sfrand'tlane 113. In barony Kilmacrenan, Letterkenny na, Ramelton Wj, Dunfj^naghy 132. Ip barony Iniffiowen, Buncrana 123, Carri 132- In barony Boylagh, KlUibegs 124, Naren 135, Rutland 153. Fermanagh county. In barony Maheraftephana, Lif- n'cflsJea 70, In baropy Clonawly, Florence- court 75, Keffi 93^ JPOST TOWNS. 33^ $2- lu barony Tyrelkenedy, Enniflilllcn 79, In barony Maherabpy, Church-hill 88 . ' '^ Monaghan county. In baropy Dopaghmoype, Carle- macros 44. In baropy Cremorne, Caftleblaney 52, In haropy Mopaghap, BaUybay 55, M^^naghap 62. Ip ba- jopy Partree, Clopes 6i, 1 Cavap coupty.- Ip barony Caftleraghan, Virginia 41. In barony Clpnchee, Kingfcourt 39) Bailieboro 43, In barony TuUagharvey, Cootehill 53- In barony Lough tee, Cavan 54, Belturbet 61. ,'In bilrony TuUaghonoho, ^illefandra 61- In barony TuUaghagh, Ballycoppel 68. Conaught Provifjce, '-2- Leitrim county. In barony Leitrim, Carrick on Shan non 77. In bardny Mohil, Mohil 78, In barsny Drora- ahare. Manor Harailton 94, Droraahare 98. Sligo county, in barony Corran, Ballymote 94, In barony TIraghril, Coloony 99, In barony Carbury, Sligo 104, " ' Slayo coupty, Ip baropy Coftello, Balladirren 89, Ballyhaunis 92, Ballyvarry 109, Ip barony Galkn, .Swineford 103, Fpxford 113. In baropy Ki'uiaip, HoUy mount IQ7, Ballinrobe ipS. Ip barony Carragh, Caftle?. bar 113, In baropy Burriffioole, Newport 122. Ip ba ropy Morlfls., Weftport 123. Ip barpny Tyrawly, Bel leek, formerly BaUIna, 120, KiUala 127, Rath Laewen or Caftle Laghan 132, Deel Caftle 134, Rofcommop county, Ip baropy Athlope, A*^'^^""^* (apd in county Weftmeath, bardny Brawny,) 59, Mount Talbot 76- In barony Rofcommon^ Strokeftow/i 70, Elphin 76, Rofcoraraon 79. In barony Boyle, French- park 83, Boyle 85. In barony BaUintobar, Caftlerea 85. Galway county. In barony Clonraacowep, Balinafloe 72. In barony Longford, Eyrecourt 72, Portumna 76. In barony Kilconnel, Caftleblakeney 80, In barony Kil- lihap, BaUinaPiore 85. In barony Loughrea, Loughrea 87. In baropy Dowpamore, Dupmoie 91, Tuara 93. Jp barony Athenree, Athenree 97. In barony Kiltartan, iGort 98. In MoycuUen and Galway liberties, Galvyayi03, f Entered at Stationers Hall.) FINIS. 'ALE UNIVERSITY i390( vfl J .is: ^•^•-iJt-:.. I- - .J-: : - i 1 :- 'i'? i:B"K:;^:-'i.:i I :H^^S£" .-If-aa "I'. *!S ' -!.'™"E2 ?-*.i := -.11 Bf." i-i^.