YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THE OLD FAMILIES Salisbury and Amesbury, MASSACHUSETTS, With some Related Families of adjoining towns and of York County, Maine. VOL. III. By DAVID W. HOYT, Author of " A Genealogical History of the Hoyt, Haight, and Hight Families." Providence, R. I. 1916. ¥Ai' Snow & Fahnham Co., Peintebs. Be 1. 2S5 '-V<* INTRODUCTION. The purpose of this volume is to make the records already pub lished more readily accessible, as well as to correct errors and add more records. Any person who is working on one or more of these families should consult this volume first, as it not only contains facts recently obtained and conclusions reached by the writer, but is an index to nearly all that the other volumes contain, except the historical information and documents printed on pages 7-28, 375-7, 417-562, and 608-10. Part I contains corrections of all the errors which the writer has found in volumes I and II. Many of these corrections have been printed before, in those volumes, scattered through different pages and not readily found. All these corrections, and others not before printed, are brought together here, arranged in the order of the pages of volumes I and II, where the errors may be found. One can readily make corrections on those pages, or add references to the pages where the corrections may be found. Attention is also called to a few statements which are correct, but placed in such a position as to be misleading, as will be fully explained in connection with the family histories in Part II. As in the other volumes, some documents of historical interest, not constituting a part of the history of any particular family, have been prefixed to this part. Part II constitutes an index to all the family histories contained in volumes I and II, with important or extensive additions to many of them. Some families appear here which are not found in vol umes I and II, but which are closely related to some of those that are given there. Attention is again called, in this part, to important corrections printed in Part I, affecting family history. Additions printed in 856 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Volume II, and the few in Volume I, are not generally reprinted in this volume; but, when not reprinted, the pages where such addi tions may be found are given in the family headings. It will be seen that under the family surnames, alphabetically arranged, in Part II of Volume III, will be found a key to al! the classified genealogical information contained in these volumes. Some inter marriages and incidental mention, in church records and other doc uments, may be found by means of the index at the close of each volume. Providence, R. I., February, 1916. ABBREVIATIONS. (See pp. 29-30, 563-4.) V. R. Printed Vital Records of towns. Wherever S., A., Hv., Bd., Nb., Nbt., and lp. are used in this volume, they refer to the printed vital records of those towns, which include not only those found on the town books, but also county, church, and private records, and gravestones. "A. Nk. S.,'' used in Volume I, refers to the Amesbury entries found in the Old Norfolk Co. record formerly kept in the ofiice of the town clerk at Salisbury, but now in the office of the Clerk of Courts at Salem. [See pp.27-8.] The original Salisbury vital records from 1690 to 1743 were kept in the same book, and are now at Salem. PART I. Corrections, etc. [See p. 855.] Most of the marks of doubt or uncertainty, such as [?], "prob.," etc., are not considered in this Part, unless the statements to which they apply have been proved to be incorrect. If found to be correct, the fact will be indicated in Part II. Page 5. Third line from the bottom, tlie name "Dow" should be Dove. See pp. 132-3. Page 9. Further remarks in regard to the original lots of land in Salis bury will be found on pp. 610-11. Salisbury newtown, Oct. 29, 1658, granted land " beyond the Pond on the west" to 20 persons, as follows: Anthoney Coleby, William Barnes, Phihp Challis, Joseph Peaslee, John Hoyt, Thomas Barnard, William Sargent, Thomas Macey, Richard Currier, John Weed, sixty acres forty thirty acres George Martain, Vallintine Rowell, Edward Cottle, Henry Bleasdel, William Huntinton, Nathan Gold, James George, John Bailey, John Coleby, Jarret Hadden, [Supreme Court Files, Boston.] It will be seen that Joseph Peaslee, Nathan Gold and James George had been added since 1654-5, p. 13. ten thirty forty Page 15. "Coffin" should be Coffyn. Page 17. Jeremiah Hubbard is again mentioned on p. 759. Page 18. Amesbury (then Salisbury newtown), Jan. 18, 1663-4, voted land to twenty-five persons, but repealed the act in 1666. The list of names is the same as on p. 18, except that Robert Jones and Isaac Colby do not ap pear, while Samuel Colby and Thomas Macy do appear, and Thomas Bar nard Jr. is given "for the widow Peasley" [Supreme Court Files, Boston]. 858 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Samuel Colby removed to Hv. between 1664 and '67, but returned to A. as early as 1676. Thomas Macy removed to Nantucket in 1659, but seems to have held a common right in A. as late as 1664, but not in 1667. Isaac Colby was 24 years of age in 1664 and Robert Jones was granted a "township" in 1666. Thomas Barnard Jr. was son-in-law of widow Peasley. Page 19. The name "William Hoyt," given on the authority of Merrill's Amesbury, should be William Hackett, who received a common right in A. in 1667. William Hoyt was then only seven years old. Merrill states that "the record is very much worn," but it is plainly "Hagat." An interesting petition was presented to the Court at Hampton, Oct. 1671, by "divers of the Inhabitants and souldiers of the towne & mihtary company of Amsbery." "Wee have for some time past, and at p''sent doe live, (beeing but a small place) under the Conduct of o'' loveing friend & neighbour John Hoyt, senr, our chosen and established sergeant & chief military officer here. But . . . we are troubled of late with some endeavors of innovation . . . tending to the hindrance and stopp of our military discipline under him . . . In particular we are forced to complayn of Samuell Foot, whom wee cannot but apprehend to be unquiet and factious in word & deed: hee hath very lately . . . p''sumed to warne us to traine at the Town of Salsbery . . . our Humble Request is that we may not be forced to serve two masters & in two places, one master being (as we conceive) enough; . . . and . . . that we may still exercise under the leadeing of our owne established officer, John Hoyt sen"'." Signed by John Ash Thomas Barnard sr. Thomas Barnard jr. John Colby Edman Elles [Elliot] James George Joshua Goldsmith Richard Goodwin Natha. Gould Thomas Hayns John Huntentun John Jamson Georg Marten Will. Sargent Will. Sawyer henry tuexbery Esea [Ezekiel] Wathen* Page 21. The name "Scammon" should be Sammon. Page 29. Thirteenth line of the text, "in il.alics" should be omitted. See p. 378. Page 30. Rw., not "Row," is used for Rowley. * The names are here arranged in alphabetical order for convenience of reference. Colby and Wathen were the first two to sign, Jamson and Marten the last two. All the names are marked as autographs, except Ash, Jamson, Marten, Sawyer, and Wathen. The whole petition is printed in Es. Co. Ct. Rec. vol. 4, pp. 428-9. CORRECTIONS'. 859 Page 31. 9 Joseph^. Probate record to be erased; belongs elsewhere. Page 32. 14 Sarah^. Erase " Perhaps m. 2d Benj. Wentworth, of Dover." tNoTE. For "Possibly (16) Mary or dau. of (9) Joseph," read She was (16) Mabt^. Page 33. 25 Dorothy''. Erase "prob. m. Ephraim Hackett (WiMiam)." 31 Jeremiah*. Erase "m. Hannah " and the next line, as per slip and p. 395. Page 36. 10 Nathaniel Ash, given b. Sept. 21, A. V. R. Page 42. Ill Edward^. Erase " (Stephen?) " Page 44. 1 John' Bailey. The closing sentence: " The year he died," etc., should be erased. Page 45. 5 John'* Bailey. The last sentence: "Town of Scar- boro'," etc., belongs elsewhere. Page 46. 19 John*. Erase " (prob. Chris.^ Chris.% Rich.^)" 23 " Mary* " is given Martha on one copy of Nb. rec. 30 Isaac*. " Adm. est." etc., belongs elsewhere. 32 Joshua*. All after " [C Nb] " should be erased, as per sUp and p. 386. 35 Sarah*. " 1st " should be 2d, and "2d" should be 3d. Page 50. 11 Sarahs Erase "Jan. 22, 1663-4[S]" and insert it for 13 Thomas'. 3 Nathaniel' Barnard. For "His wife may have been," etc., substitute His wife was (58) Martha' Barnard. Page 51. 33 John*. Erase "July 31, 1703." 39 Stephen*. Nov. "17" is 7, A. V. R. t Note. "John" should be Jonathan. Insert o/ John after "birth" and erase "but the above seems more probable." Page 53. For "58 [A daughter^ b." substitute 58 Martha^, 6. hef. 1651, and erase "?]." Page 54. 2 Joane^. For "Jan. 26" substitute Jan. 29. Page 58. 47 Mary*. Erase " Jacobs d. bef. 1733," etc. \ 50 Sarah*. Erase "Uv. 1733." / 57 Elizabeth*. Erase "prob. unm." \ ^^ 60 Deborah*. For "m." insert -puh. I P" t Note. Erase last sentence. I Page 59. 61 Mary*. Erase "prob. m.," etc. / Page 61. 23 Timothy', b. July Si, A. V. R. Page 63. 2 Henry' Biley. Erase "[?]" around "d. unm." Also erase "A Henry Byley m." etc. [Printed Ryley in Es. Co. Ct. Rec. vol. 2, p. 4.] 2 Henry' Blaisdell. Last line. For "1707" substitute 1705, and erase "Adm. est. March 11, 1708." 860 OLD FAMILIEIS OP SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Page 64. 9 Elizabeth'. Erase "d. young." Page 65. "23 A son," etc., to be erased. 25 John*. For "3d son" read 2d son. 26 Mary*. "Nov." 3 is Dec. 3, A. V. R. 31 Mary*. "Gideon*" should be (32) Gideon*. Erase "(prob. Gideon^, PercivaP, Richard^)." 33 Anne* m. Dec. 19, A. V. R. 35 Jonathan*. Erase "{John, Robert?)." Page 66. 5 Esther^, b. Sept. 3 on original, Sept. 25 on Short copy. Note. "MSS." should be MS. Page 67. * Note. Erase "Could she have been wid. of John?" Page 69. 18 Mercy^. "2d" should be 3d. Page 74. 19 Abigail' m. (32) Joseph* French. Erase "(Sam', Edward^?)" Page 75. Nos. 33, 41, and 44. Es. Ant. has "Elry" for "Elva," "Kittle" for "Little," and "John" for " Zerubbabel." 42 Nathaniel'. "A Nath'l Brown grad.," etc., belongs to (85) Nath'l*, and should be erased here. Page 76. 56 Abner'. Erase "(Benj.', Anthony^?)" "Mary» Morse" should be (78?) Mary* Morse. Page 77. 62 Thomas' Brown. Wife Mary d. 165^[Nh], not "1655." 67 Mary'. Erase "[d. April 4, 1659[C Nb]?]" 69 Mary'. The whole line should be erased. 71 John'. "May" should be March, 166U-5, and "Aug. 20" should be Aug. 27, Nb. V. R. Page 78. 73 Joseph'. Erase "m. Sarah ." See slip and p. 386. 75 Benjamin', b. April 20, Nb. V. R., not "22." 73 Joseph' Brown. Change "73" to 107; "{Francis^, Thomas^)" to {Joshua,"^ Richard^), and "1670" to 1669. 83 "Nathan*" should be Nathaniel". \ 84 Sarah*. "June" should be Jan. \ 90 Mary*. "Feb. 14, 1699," should heFeb. 11, 1698-9. [ ^''•^•^• 91 Hannah*. "1700" should be i 70i . ) Page 85. Tenth line from bottom, "d. 1683" prob. should be d.l673. In eighth fine, March "28," per. should be March 2. Page 90. 11 Thomas' Challis. Erase "1st." Page 93. 33 Jemima'. Erase "Sep." Page 95. 73 Hannah'. Erase "m. April 9, 1723, Timothy Jackman." Note. Most of the errors in the first part of Vol. I are the result of relying upon CoflSn's Newbury. In the later parts, the original Newbury records have been consulted. CORRECTIONS. 861 Page 96. 15 Lydia'. Erase "[See 25 Lydia']." Page 97. 25 Lydia'. Erase "[Per. (15) Lydia']." Page 98. 37 Edmund* may be Edward*. Page 104. 6 Isaacs "Jewett" should be Parrat. Page 105. 6 Isaac' Colby. "Jewett" should be Parrat. [P. 652.] Page 110. 36 Jacob' Colby. Erase "A Mrs. Eliz. Colby d. Feb. 5, 1736-7[A]." * Note. Erase "perhaps a wid. Hannah Colby." Page 111. 1 Robert Collins. For "[Ezra?]" read (39) Ezra'. Page 115. For "He sold," first line, read He mortgaged. Page 118. * Note. Seventh line, for "April 1, 1711," read Nov. 6, 1710. Eighth Une, for "1712" read 1711. Page 120. 15 Hannah'. For "1687" read 1697; and for "John^ of And. and Hv.?" read WilliamK Page 121. 46 Daniel*. "1710" prob. should be in 9. Page 122. 51 John*. Erase "A John m. April 16, 1724 [Hv], Rachel Whit- taker.'' 63 Samuel*. For "Jan." read June, S. V. R. Page 123. 75 John*. "June" is Jan. in A. V. R. 88 Mary*. July "17" is July i9 in A. V. R. Page 125. 6 John^. Erase "1st" and "2d Mary ." Page 126. 6 John' Davis. Erase "1st"; "2d, m. Mary "; and "Wife Mary d. Jan. 12, 1683-4." 23 John'. Erase "[See 97 John]." Page 128. 59 Jemima*. Erase "[m. Nov. 10, 1718 (111) Edward' Ayres?]." 68 Rebecca*. Erase "prob. d. young." Page 129. 85 Cornelius^ pub. Aug. 8. Nos. 88, 90 and 91. "1723" can be made 1 739. Page 130. 97 John Davis. Erase "and may be the same as (23) John^." t Note. First line. Erase "(23) and." Page 131. 10 Sarah Davis. Change "[S]" to [A] and erase "[dau. (81) John^?]." Page 134. 22 Josiah'. For "Sep. 22"[D Hm], S. V. R. Fr. give 6:9m. [Nov.] 25 Samuel^. For "Nov. 17"[D Hm], S. V. R. Fr. give 2:11 m. Page 136. 47 Mercy*. Erase "m. April 28, 1737, Archelaus Adams." Page 137. 71 Hannah'. Erase "[m. Johnson?]." 862 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Page 137. 73 Martha'. Erase "killed in the Dustin Massacre March 15, 1696-7 [Hv]." Original Hv. record wrong. Page 139. 13 "Mary" should be Martha. Page 142. 14 Zechaeiah'. For "Whitaker" read Whittier. Page 145. 46 Joseph'. S. V. R. give June 16 instead of " Sep. 24." Page 146. 14 Zechariah^ Eastman. For "May 1, 1703," read June 8, 1703[Ip\. For "Deborah Whitaker" read Wid. Deborah Whittier. Page 147. 72 Jacob*, b. Mch. 28, S. V. R. 43 Edmund' Eastman. For "(29 or 34)" read {3Jt). Page 149. 30 John*. Erase "d. soon after. Son Joseph^ b. in Hm. 1711." 33 Samuel*. For "[Huldah?]" read (12) Hannah'. 34 Martha*. For "Dec. 20, 1718," read Jan. 16, 1718-9[Hm. Falls]. Page 150. 46 Benjamin*. For "Merrill" read Morrill. 50 Sarah*. For "David" read Daniel. Pages 152-3. The question has been raised whether the dates of the m. of (2) John' Emery and (6) John* Emery are correct, or should be exchanged. lp. V. R. have no such record. The original Nb. rec. reads: "John Emery m. Mary Webster, Oct. ." The date just before is 1648, the one just after is 1651. The Nb. town copy inserts "wid. John of lp." and "29, 1650." It looks as if the two dates; "Oct. 29, 1650," and "Oct. 2, 1648," are different interpretations of the one original: "Oct. ." The age of (6) John^ and the date of the birth of his first child, render 1650 or '51 a more prob able date for his mar. 1648 is a probable date for (2) JOHN'- Page 154. Favor Family. The S. V. R. give Willibee b. Jan. 27, 1705; Jacob b. July 27, 1707. Page 155. 14 Abigail'. For "John" read Thomas. Page 157. * Note. For "his wife's" read my [Fitts'] wife's. Page 160. 25 Philip'. Erase "1st" and "2d, Oct. 2, 1735, Hannah* Morrill," etc. Page 165. * Note. Erase "Sarah and," and for "were daus." read was dau. Page 171. First line. For "ab. 1637" see p. 750. Page 172. 4 Benjamin^ "m. April 16" is April 6, and "b. April 15" is 6. July 15, on Bd. V. R. 8 Thomas' belongs to another branch and the three lines should be omitted here. 10 John'. Erase "John Gage and wife Sarah adm. Bd. chh. 1704" here. It was John' (Benj.''). 11 Sarah'. Erase "liv. 1706." CORRECTIONS. 863 Page 175. 7 Moses' Gill. Erase "m. Ireland, bef. 1709." Page 180. 3 Edward' Gove. Erase "Titcomb (Wm.)." 12 Ebenezer', b. May 23, Es. Ant.Vol.ll, p. 35, but"June," D.Hm. Page 182. 25 Benjamin', "prob. d. unm." is doubtful. See p. 359, (25) Ruth' Whittier. t Note. Third line, for "m. in 1681," read m. in 1673. Sixth line, erase "two wives named Mary ... of Abigail; and." Page 191. 9 Ephraim. Erase "prob. m. ab. 1705, (25) Dorothy^ Allen, but." Page 192. 21 Dorothy*. Erase "[or Carr]." 1 James Hadlock. Erase "Roxbury and"; also erase "1st, ; 2d, May 19, 1669 . . . bef. 1678." 2 James. Erase marks of doubt. Note. Erase the sentence "Sarah Draper was," etc. Page 193. 7 Sarah. Erase "Dec. 16, 1679[Sv]." Also erase "?" next line. Page 198. 17 William' and 18 Mary' should be erased, as chil. of Samuel and Hannah. They are given chil. of William and Mary. Page 199. 5 John' Heard. Erase "Dover and." Page 202. 27 James'. For "Muel" read Mudgett. Page 204. 4 William'. Erase brackets and "?" Page 207. 15 William^ Hoyt. Erase "[meeting-house seat 1667?]" Page 210. 10 John. For "CoUensby" read Follensby. 10 John Hubbard. For "Collensby" read Follensby. "1688" should prob. be 1689. Page 225. 40 Elizabeth'. Erase "m. Jan. 4, 1687-8[Bd] Jeremiah Jewett." Page 228. 3 Mary. For "[Israel?]" read Usall. Page 233. 5 John'. For "two other wives" read one other wife. Erase "Scituate and Rehoboth; 17 chil., Sv.'' Page 234. 21 Sarah* For "prob. m. Feb. 14, 1698-9[Nb], Ebenezer Knowl- ton" read prob. d. young. 22 Sarah* prob. m. Eben'r Knowlton. * Note. Erase "It is possible," etc. Page 235. 32 Gideon*. "Wm. Bagley" should be Wm. Bayley. Page 243. 3 Nathaniel' Merrill. For "Jordan" read Wilterton, and erase "Wid. Susanna member Nb. chh. 1674." 864 OLD FAMILIES OP SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Pages 244 and 243. 6 Nathaniel' Merrill. "Kinney" prob. should read Ninny. Page 247. 65 Stephen*. For Sept. "11" read Sept. 10, Hv. V. R. Page 252. 25 Jacob'. For "[Aithia*?]" read ApphiaK Page 254. 33 Sarah'. Erase "A Sarah m. ab. 1714," etc. Page 255. 14 Jacob^ Morrill. S. V. R. give m. Jan. 5 [town], Feb. 5[2 chh], and Feb. 22[int.]. 61 Elizabeth*. For "1735-6" read 173U-5. Page 256. 73 Hannah'. For "(25) Philip'" read (.461 Philip* (Yoi. /J7). 83 Thomas*. For "Stevens" read Severance. Page 258. 30 Elizabeth'. Erase "d. Feb. 25, 1677-8[Nb]." Page 260. 66 Lydia*. For "Joseph" read John. Page 261. 90 Priscilla*. For "m." read pub. Page 279. 9 William' Partridge. Es. Ant. gives Mary^ Brown (John^ glazier, James^ Jr.). Uncertain. Three Marys b. in Nb. 1660-3. Page 281. 9 Sarah^ Perkins. Topsf. V. R. give b. Mch. 7,1656-7, for Mch. "2, 1657," and m. June 11, 1677, for June "17, 1679." Page 283. 20 John'. Erase "[or Judith]" and "or two." See p. 384. Page 285. 1 John' Pike. "Langford" may be Landford. Page 286. 6 Ann^ is prob. the same person as Hannah in * Note. The ' on 1654, second line, should be on 1654, this line. Page 288. Sixth line from the bottom. "1858" should be 1658. Page 290. 49 Solomon*. For "Solomon* [or Joseph*]" read Joseph*. Page 296. 9 Joseph Quinby. "Adm. est. of a Joseph," etc., was prob. that of (12) Joseph. 27 Dorothy. S. V. R. give June 16 instead of "Sep. 24." 28 Philip. A. V. R. give Dec. 19 instead of "Dec. 29." Page 299. * Note. Fourth line, "Sarah or" should prob. be omitted. Page 313. Insert 29, 1st hne. For "Aug. 14" read Nov. 9[A]. Page 316. 5 John. Erase "prob. m. Feb. 15, 1704-5[Hv], Hannah Ayer." 8 Sarah. Erase "prob." For "Nov. 17" [D Hm], S. V. R. Fr. give 2 : 11 m. [Jan.] Page 319. 12 Samuel. "Mary Gove" should be (35) Mary* Greeley. Page 323. 16 Samuel', "[m. Nov. 16, 1704, Rachel' Heath -|- ?]" should be erased. corrections. 865 Page 324. 16? Samuel^ Stevens. "16?" and " (John\ John^?)" should be erased, leaving parentage undetermined. * Note, third line. For "Ames" read And. 39 Bitfield'. For "June" read July. Page 325. 43 John' Stevens. For "[1687? Hv] [prob. '97]" read 1697[Hv]. Page 327. 107 Thomas Stevens. For "1670" read 1671. Page 328. 109 Roger. May "2" is May 22 on A. V. R. 116 Thomas. "[S]" should be [A]. Page 333. 1 Henry^ Travers. For "Window" read Winslow. Page 337. 3 Elizabeth. Erase "[Watts?]" Page 340. § Note. Third Une. For "Susanna may have been," read Pris cilla may have been. Page 341. Erase "14 [Priscilla', b. ; m.," etc. 3 Daniel^ Warner. For "June" 10, read Nov. 10 [lp]. t Note, second Une. For "Wry"' read Wm. Page 343. First line. For "1642" read 16^6. For dates of m. of wid. Mary and 15 Mary,' see p. 862. Page 345. First line. Sept. "24" is Sept. 25, Bd. V. R. Page 346. 4 John' Weed. Erase "Anne . . prob."; also erase "prob. also 2d, Aug. 12, 1708," etc., including first line of p. 347. Page 347. Erase the line beginning "26 ill Philip," etc. 9 Ephraim' Weed. For "1690" read 1689. 33 Elisha'.' b. "July 25, 1692" should be b. Sept. 15, 1689[k]. 35 Elizabeth', b. "ab. 1696" should read b. July 25, 1692[k]. First line after 38 Eleanor'. Philip " Call" should be Philip Colby. Page 348. 45 Joseph'. Erase "May 8, 1734." Page 354. 8 Elizabeth^. Erase " Bulton, or." 9 RoGER^ Wheeler. According to the "Wheeler Gen ealogy," d. "Oct. 13, 1659," should read d. Dec. 7, 1661; and "doubtless another person," in f Note, should be erased. Page 356. 3 Susanna'. For "Jr. (Edward)" read (Thomas). 866 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Page 357. 1 William' Whitridge. Erase "or '4." Note. Second line from bottom. Erase "deed." Page 358. Second line. Erase "[or Rolfe?]" Note. Third and fourth lines. "Whittier" should be Whit- talcer; "1697 or '91" should be 1691. Erase "If a grandson of (2) Thomas," etc. t Note. Erase ' [generation mark] on John' and Richard'. Page 360. First line. Erase "May 8, 1734." Page 361. 19 Henry Williams. "Jan. 1, 1726-7," should read rec' d Jan. H, 1727-8. Page 364. Last line. "14" is 17, Nb. V. R. Page 365. The second line. "3 A DAUGHTER'," etc., should be erased. 17 Rebecca'. Erase "Lailor, or." Page 366. 24 John'. Erase "m. Raynes (Francis) of York." Page 367. * Note, last line. For "Salisbury" read Sawyer. Page 368. 59 Elizabeth^. "Per. she m. 1st, . . . Samuel Plummer 3d" should be erased. 4 John "Woodman" should be 4 John Wood. Erase "Could it be," etc. Page 369. 3 Samuel' Worcester. Fourth line. Feb. "20" is Feb. 21 on Bd. V. R. Page. 370. Eleventh Une. For Aug. "28" read Aug. 27. Ezekiel Wathen. June "1656," should read June, iS^^. Page 373. t Note. Erase "no" and "but." Page 377. Fourth line above Note. Perhaps "41st" should be ItSd. Page 378. P. 35-6. Erase "8 Sarah, or possibly." Page 379. P. 56. Erase "29 Richard Bartlett d. 1761, aged 80." P. 61. 4 Elizabeth' Beedle. For "(100)" read (97). Page 381. P. 130. 100 John Davis. Erase "m. June 28, 1708 (4?) Eliz abeth' Beedle." P. 149. Erase the whole line and a quarter. Page 383. P. 234. For "Chil.:" read Bros, and sisters. For "Mary" read Mercy. Page 385. P. 353. Will of (1) John' Wheeler is faded and torn, so that it is difficult to make out all the names. Prob. "son Thomas and" should be erased. Page 389. Errors, sources of, add 229, 270. Add Errors on Hv. rec, 40, 137, 275. Page 390. Mary Ann, add 176. Page 395. Pp. 33, 191. Erase the whole Une and a half. Page 408. Sawyer, add 244. CORRECTIONS. 867 Page 416. Erase "Goodridge" in list of family surnames and add Emery, Norton, Peasley, Shatswell and Webster. Pages 420, 421, 425, 426, 433, 436, 439, 449, 455, and 472. See p. 824, where "1773" should be i7M. Pages 498, 505, 506, 515. See p. 824. Pages 514, 516, 517. AprU 1, 1733, May 9 1736, and May 7, 1738; Joseph Bartlett and wife, "Mary" should be Sarah. Error on orig inal records. Page 515. Records June to Dec, 1734, missing. Page 518. See p. 824. Oct. 15, 1738. "Blasdel" should be Chase. Page 560. See p. 824. Page 566. f Note. It is not probable that Eliab Littlefield's wife was grand daughter of John Barrett. See p. 580. Page 567. 2 William Seeley. Erase "per." See p. 824. 6 Thomas Cilley. Pike's Journal gives "July 2, 1697," as date of marriage, not birth of 7 Mary, as in D. Hm. Page 568. 20 Eleanor. For "m." read int. m. 23 Dorcas. S. V. R. give b. 1725 not "1727." Page 570. * Note. Erase the last sentence. Page 580. * Note should prob. be erased. Page 591. 2 JOHN^ Sawyer. Sixth line. Erase "[or pub.?]" Page 601. 38 Abigail'. For "1688" read i6SS. Page 603. 3 Hannah'. Erase "m. ab. 1660," etc. 7 Penuel' Titcomb. Feb. "2" should be Feb. 11. Page 611. 4 Nathaniel Ash prob. should be 10 Nathaniel. 7 Sarah perhaps should be 8 Sarah. The m. of 5 Martha and 7a Anna are given from Es. Ant. Vol. 5, p. 142; but Anna was not seen on will of 1690-95. There were other Ash families at those dates, in that region. Page 612. 7 Jacob Bagley. Erase "[See (42) Samuel^ Blaisdell]." Page 616. 37 Daniel*, d. May H, Nb. V. R. Page 617. 54a Mary*. Int. Jan. 12, 1722-3; m. AprU 29, 1723[Nb]. 55 Seth*. Erase "2 chU." 56 Gideon*. Erase "3 chU." Page 619. 8 Henry^ Blaisdell. Last line. For "[Hv]" read [A]. Page 622. 86 EBENEZER^ For March "4" read H. Page 625. 126 Molly'. For "Hart" read Hoyt. Page 627. 155 Williams For Aug. "4" Hv. V. R. have Aug. 10. * Note. "640" should read 6^1. Page 639. 276 Joseph* Blaisdell. Deaths given Feb. H and Oct. 12 in A. V. R. 868 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Page 643. Running Title should be Brown Family. Page 699. 28 JoHN* Currier. For "28" substitute 68i. Page 701. 90 Gideon* Currier. For "1783" read i737-S. Page 702. 120 "Nathan'" should read JoHN^ Page 709. 47 Ephraim^ Davis. For Feb. "5" read 7. Page 718. 279 MosES^ Erase the whole paragraph. Page 719. 81 John'- Insert Davis. Page 744. 59 Thomas' Dow. Erase the sentence, "The Hv. rec. give," etc. Page 750. 18 William' Fowler. Printed will Oct. 18, N. H. Probate. Page 753. 2 John' Griffin. For "ten" read eight. 10 Hannah'. For "he" read she. 9 Ephraim Hackett. Erase the first line and a half. The whole should read: 26 Ephraim Hackett (Vol. Ill) had a son Jeremiah, b. ab. 1 7k0, who settled in Canterbury, N. H. Jeremiah's son Allen, etc., as printed. Page 763. 35 Abel' Merrill. Erase "res. S. near Chain Bridge." Page 769. 103 Judith*. Erase "A Judith m. . . . Nathaniel Brown." Page 771. Prefix * to Note. Page 792. Eighteenth line from bottom. North Yarmouth, Maine. Page 796. 1 Robert^ Mussey. It is very doubtful if his wife Bridget was a Bradstreet. See Note, p. 803, and Thomas Rowland's son's "nullitie of marriage," p. 385. Page 802. 16 Mary* Purington m. Nov. 6, S. V. R. 15 Benjamin Quinby. Erase second "prob.," first line, and "may have," third line. Page 805. Erase the line "44 Thomas Stevens," etc. A John Stevens. Perhaps (7) should be (8). True and Tucicer Families. Erase "TucJcer." Page 807. Second line from the bottom. "Martha*" should be Martha'. Page 820. Prob. 12a Thomas' Wheeler should be omitted. Page 824. Page 433. For "1773" read 1733. Page 825. Page 702. Erase "(121) Seth Currier, though not ment. in will, m. Jan. 16, 1766," etc. [ When a date printed in vol. I or II differs from that given in the printed vital records of the town, only an examination of the original can determine which is a correct copy.] PART II. Index and Additions to Family Genealogies. See pp. 855-6. Allen Family. Pages 31-4, 611. 1 William* Allen. See p. 611. Probate at Boston during the Andros administration. 9 Joseph^, p. 31. Erase "Inv. est." etc. See pp. 83, 378. 12 Jeremiah'. See pp. 390, 395. 6 John' Allen, p. 32, m. Aug. 2i, 1674[S]. 14 Sarah'. See Notes, pp. 178, 353, 378; but she was wife of John Gordon of Biddeford in 1729 — therefore not wife of Benj. Wentworth, which should be erased on p. 32. 16 Mary' m. Sept. 23, 1702[S], (29) John' Merrill, both Uving in S. in 1729 and later. Erase "Possibly" and "or dau. of (9) Joseph" from t Note. 17 Hannah'. Erase "prob." 21 Ann', name Johnson in 1753. Erase "[Dead in 1717?]" 22 Wiuliam', Rev. WUl, Oct. 22, 1753; Nov. 6, 1760, ment. wife Elizabeth, but no chil.; also ment. bros. Stillsonand John, sisters Ann, AbigaU, and Dorothy, and "kinsman" (35) Wm.* Allen of Nb. 23 Abigail' Wadleigh living in 1753. 25 Dorothy', m. Grant; liv. in 1753. Erase "prob. m. Ephraim Hackett (William)." 27 John', b. Dec 25, 1694[S]; m. Hannah Weare of Hm., int. Feb. 1,1717-8. [SJ; liv. in 1753. 8 Benjamin' Allen m. Rachel Squire. See pp. 83, 378, 390^ 31 Jeremiah'. Erase aU after "m." See sUp inserted and pp. 390, 395. 20 Stillson' Allen living in 1753. 40 Elinor* m. Mch. 8, 1737, Ebenezer* Eastman, of Concord, N. H. [See Bouton's Concord, p. 645.] 870 OLD families OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Ambrose Family. Pages 34-5. 1 Henryi Ambrose. Wid. Susanna m. Oct. 2, 1663, (1) John' Severance. 8 Dorothy' m. (21) Samuel' Colby. See p. 611. Andros Family. Page 35. 1 Jedediah Andros. Wid. Mary m. Aug. 2i, 1674[S]. Ash Family.* Pages 35-6, 611. 1 John Ash. Mary was his widow in 1706, and prob. living in 1709, named Ash. A John Nash was "prest" Sept., 1675, in King Philip's War[Nb rec]. What is printed on p. 36 is probably correct. The foUowing are additions to that page: 2 Mary m. 2d, ab. 1692, (4) James Hall. + 5 Martha m. bef. 1706, John Magoon of Exeter, N. H.[?] 6 Bethia. Erase "prob." 7 Sarah. See (8) Sarah. [7a Anna, b. ; m. bef. 1706, Alexander Magoon, of Exeter, N. H.?] Not found in will, 1690. If b. after the will was written, she could not be over 16 yrs. old in 1706. f Adm. est. of Alexander Magoon of Exeter, Sept., 1731, ment. wid. Anna and son Samuel. 3 John Ash. For the account of his death see p. 25 and Pike's Journal. 8 Sarah prob. m. Mch. 9, 1719-20[S], John Stevens 4th, of S., "late ferry man." [Perhaps 7 Sarah?] 9 Judith m. Nov. 24, 1720[S], (35) Jonathan* Eaton. 10 Nathaniel, b. Sept. 21, 1705; prob. m. Mch. 8, 1726-7[A], Elizabeth Brock. + * The additions and corrections for this family are somewhat conflicting and found on so many pages, that they are all collected here. t The above items connected with the date 1706 are from Es. Ant. 1901, p. 142. John Stevens 4th there m. (7) SARAH, when she would be 32 to 42 yrs. old, while (8) Sarah would be 18. Es. Ant. also makes (4) Nathaniel m. Elizabeth Brock. Note. Isaac Nash, 1650-8, John Ash, 1659, taxed in Dover, N. H. Thomas Ash of Dover, N. H., m. Mary Rollins (James of Portsm.) bef. 1700. Will of Thomas Sen., Jan. 14, 1717; June 3, 1718, wife Mary ment. Chil.: Hannah, m. May 30, 1714[Doverl, Benj. Peirce Sen.; Thomas, and other daus. Wid. Mary Ash and her dau. Judith bp. Sept. 28, 1718[Dover]. ASH — BAGLEY families. 871 10 ? Nathaniel Ash {John, John?), of Amesbury, b. 1705[?]; m. Mch. 8, 1726-7[A], Elizabeth Brock[Knox, p. 547]. He lived in that part of A. set off to N. H. in 1740. He was of South Hampton in 1748, and of Newton in 1750. Wife Eliz. ment. in 1761. Children: 11 X Sarah, b. Mch. 8, 1727-8[A]; bp. Sept. 8, 1728[2A]; prob. m. Mch. 19, 1746-7[A], (154) Samuel' Colby Jr. 12 II Elizabeth, b. Aug. 3[A], bp. Sept. 12, 1731[2A]; prob. d. young. 13 III Judith, b. Aug. 20, 1733[A].* 14 IV John, b. May 25[A], bp. July 4, 1736[2A]. A John m. Jan. 10, 1757 [S Hm], Elizabeth Hoyt. ChU. rec. at Newton: Judith, b. Dec. 1756[57?]; Samuel, b. Jan., 1759; John, b. Jan., 1761. 15 v NATHANiBL,t b. June 11[A], bp. Aug. 5, 1739[2A]. A Nathaniel and Elizabeth had chil. rec. at Nt.: Joseph, b. Oct., 1760; Barnard, b. Jan., 1766; Nathaniel, b. July, 1771. 16 VI Phineas, b. Jan. 11, 1740-1[A]; bp. May 10, 1741[2A]. 17 VII Elizabeth, b. Oct. 6[or Dec. 6], 1742[A]; bp. Apr. 17, 1743[2A]. Ayer and Ayres Families. Pages 36-43, 612. 17 Elizabeth' m. Feb. 22, 1676[Hv], (18) John' Clement. 30 Thomas' m. 1st, June 12, 1694[Hv], (4) Ruth Wilford, who was kUled by Indians, Aug. 29, 1708[Hv]. Her dau. Ruth was killed at the sam.e time. An older dau. Ruth d. July 31, 1700[Hv]. 37 Samuel'. See p. 378. 54 Nathaniel' m. bef. 1707, wid. Esther Palmer [prob. wid. of (8) Joseph']. He d. Oct. 5, 1754[Hv]. She d. Aug. 12, 1743[Hv]. 73 Mehitable^ m. 1st, before 1703, (30) Job" Clement; 2d, Oct. 19, 1736[Hv], George Little. 79 Ruth* m. Nov. 5, 1728[Hv], (129) jAMES" DAVIS of Dover, p. 713. Ill Edward'. Erase "(Stephen?)." No. 7 Unclassified, p. 43, may be the one of Methuen, p. 378. Bagley Family. Pages 43-4, 378, 612. 7 Jacob Bagley, p. 612. Erase "[See (42) Samuel' Blaisdell]." 9 Joseph m. Nov. 23, 1727[A], Lydia Kendrick. See p. 83. 11 Anne m. Feb. 5, 1729-30[A], Abel" Merrill (38 Thomas'). 12 Hannah m. Thomas" Merrill (38 Thomas'), int. Oct. 21, 1731[S]. * "N. H. Geneal. Record," 1907, p. 146, gives in Rochester, N. H., records, John Ellis m. Dec. 20, 1753, Judith Ash of "Towow." The same volume, p. 101, gives a Phebe Nash baptized in Portsmouth, North Church, Dec, 1717. t Name given "John" on A. V. R. with Nath'l b. June 11, 17i0, but bp. as above, chh. rec. 872 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Bailey Family. Pages 44-8, 378-9, 612-14. 1 John^ Bailey. Erase the sentence "The year he died, the court," etc.* 6 Joanna^ See p. 378. 5 JoHN^ Bailey, p. 45. Erase last line, except "Children." That "Eleanor" was wid. of (71) Jonas Baley, p. 612. 14 Joshua' m. EUzabeth Putnam of Salem VUlage. 10 Joseph' Bailey [pp. 45, 613] m. 2d, Nov. 27, 1707[Nb]. His deposition may be found in Upham's "Salem Witchcraft," vol. 2, pp. 417-20. 19 John", p. 46, m. 1st, (47) Mary" Bartlett, who d. Mch. 19, 1707-8[Nb], aged 23 y. 11m. 22d. Erase "(prob. Chris.', Chris.', Rich.^)." Hem. 2d, Sarah Butler [wid. of Job Giddings of lp.], pub. Oct. 6, 1711[Nb]. 23 Mary" or Martha", p. 613. 11 James' Bailey, Rev., pp. 46, 613. See Note, p. 85. The record of six children of Rev. James', p. 161, "Bailey Genealogy," is evidently incomplete. The record of eight children on p. 85 differs but Uttle from that in Es. Ant. 1901, p. 124; but the latter is more complete. The former gives Mary* d. "1683," the latter Aug. 10, 1673; Samuel* b. Mch. 28, 1680, or Mch. 2, 1679-80. 30 Isaac", p. 46. Erase "Adm. est. of an Isaac," etc., which may refer to (13) Isaac'. 30 Isaac m. Mercy Saxton and lived in Stonington and Lebanon, Ct.; d. Aug. 23, 1711. 30a Joshua", Dr. and Capt. (11 James'), b. 1685 or '6; of Nb. ab. 1707-9; then of Hv.; "late of Roxbury"; m. AprU 15, 1715[Nb], EUzabeth Johnson, etc., as on p. 386. * It appears that there were two John Baileys who were called before the county quarterly courts, at about the same time, for leaving their wives in England; and both of the wives declined to come to this country. Court at Salisbury, (Norfolk Coimty) Apr. 24, 1649. "John Bayly, sr., of Salisbury having used sufficient means to procure his wife over from England, and she utterly refxising to come, shall not be constrained to go over to her, using still what means he may to get her over." Court at Salem, (Essex Co.) Nov. 28, 1651. "John Baily, presented for living here and his wife in England. To go to her at the end of the next summer, or bring her here." Court at Salem, Nov. 30, 1652. "John Baily of Marblehead, presented for living here and his wife in England." His case appeared again Mch. 1653-4; also June, 1654, when he was finally "discharged of his presentment." John Bailey Sen. of Salisbury was dead at the date of the second entry, in 1651. All the entries except the first were in Essex County, and must refer to the Marblehead man. Therefore, John of Salisbury was not ordered to go back to England, and the language quoted on p. 44 docs not relate to him, but to John of Marblehead. The Norfolk Co. Courts were held in Salisbury and Hampton; those of Essex Co. in Salem and Ipswich. bailey — BARETO FAMILIES. 873 13 Isaac' Bailey, pp. 46, 613-4.* 32 Joshua". Erase all after record of birth, p. 46, and substitute slip, or cor rection on p. 386. 35 Sarah", b. 1692-3; m. 1st, May 20, 1718[Nb], (30) Benj.' Chase; 2d, June 13, 1720, (31) Richard' Carr; 3d, 1734, or later, (29?) John' Ordway. 70 Sarah' m. (110) James" Davis, p. 710. Stephen" BayleyI (49 James'), of Bradford and Amesbury, m. May 22, 1740[A & Bd], Judith Warren, J his second wife. ChUdren: Kiah^ "Bayle," b. Mch. 9, 1741[A]; Mary^ "Bailey," b. Aug. 1, 1743[A]; and others, given in Es. Ant. Ball Family. Pages 49, 83, 614. Land in Salisbury of " Richard Ball, formerly of Salis., late of Ports mouth, N. H.," sold by John BaU in 1711. Barber Family. Page 49. Bareto Family. Page 618. 1 Nicholas Bareto,§ of Amesbury, m. Elizabeth . Wid. Elizabeth m. July 24, 1729[A], (47) Daniel^ Hoyt, as his second wife. Children: 2 I Samuel, b. May 4, 1711[A]. 3 II Hannah, b. Mch. 28, 1713[A]; bp. Jan. 21, 1727-8[2A]; m. Feb. 27, 1734-5[A], Reuben* Hoit (47 Daniel*). 4 III Elizabeth, b. Mch. 24, 1715[A]; bp. Dec. 31, 1727[2A]; m. Jan. 5, 1737[Nb], Amos OsUeway. 5 IV Joseph, b. April 8, 1718[A]. 6 v Jane, b. Aug. 21, 1721[A]. 7 VI John, b. Mch. 21, 1723[A]. * The "cousin" ment. in his will, 1728, must have been HANNAH' BARTLETT (35 John'), grandniece of his wife, (16) Rebecca' Baktlbtt, and wife of (18) Richard" Kelly, both b. 1704 and m. 1725. t Given "Bagley" on A. V. R., but "Bailey" at Bd. t Printed "Vamam" in Es. Ant. vol. 5, p. 110, and "Bailey Genealogy": but both A. and Bd. give "Warren." The "Bailey Gen.,'' compiled by several persons, contains various errors. Some dates on pp. 3-5 are two months too early, but corrected in list of errata. The compiler evidently considered January the "1st mo.," instead of March. Two different Lydias, pp. 4 and 160, are given as m. the same person. Page 4 is prob. correct. § Spelled also BaTeioe, Bearto, Beartoe, Barto, Bartow, Bertue, Bearkto, Bearter, Bareier, Baretue, Baxter, Barstow. Name classed with Barstovi in G. R. Index of 50 yrs. Abra Barto was taxed in New Castle, N. H., "Island side," in 1720. The name Barefoot was prominent in the early history of New Hampshire. 874 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AilESBURX. Barnard Family. Pages 49-53, 614-5. 2 Thomas^' Barnard. See p. 810, Note. 11 Sarah'. Erase "Jan. 22, 1663-4[S]." 13 Thomas'. Insert Jan. 22, 1663-4[S]. See p. 614. 3 Nathaniel^ Barnard. "The Early Settlers of Nantucket," p. 65, states that Nathaniel Barnard in his will refers to "my father-in-law Robert Barnard." His wife therefore must have been (58) IVIartha^, a daughter of (55) Robert^. See pp. 53, 379, 615. Will Apr. 7, June 11, 1718; 9 chil. ment. Additions to Children, p. 50: 18 Mary' m. John Folger. 19 Hannah' prob. d. young. 20 John' m. (10) Sarah' Macy. 21 Nathaniel' Jr. m. 1st, 1702, wid. EUzabeth Coffin; 2d, Dorcas Manning; 3d, 1709, wid. Judith Folger ["Set. Nant." p. 245]. Both father and sond. in 1718. 22 Stephen', liv. in 1718. 24 Elinor' m. Dec. 12, 1700[Nant], Ebenezer Coffin. She d. 1769 in Nant. 24a VIII Abigail', b. ; m.— — Chase. 24b IX Benjamin', ment. in wiU, 1718; [m., 1711, Judith Gardner?]. 24c X Ebenezer', ment. in will, 1718. 27 Dorothy" and 29 Susanna". Erase "prob." See p. 614. 13 Thomas^ Barnard, b. 1664; m. Elizabeth Price (Theodore and Ann, of Sm.). 33 John". Erase "July 31, 1703." See pp. 83, 614. Nov. 30, 1703, may be correct. 34 Mehitable" m. (19) Daniel' Gould. 39 Stephen", b. Nov. 7 [not 17]. See p. 614. t Note, p. 51. For Capt. "John" read Capt. Jonathan*. After "birth" in sert of John. Erase "but the above seems more probable." If (42) Jonathan* is the one, his age was 68 yrs., instead of "67." 42 Jonathan", Capt., d. Sept. 27, 1770. [See p. 83.] 10 chil. given in Es. Ant., bat prob. Charles^ should be omitted. 45 Hannah", prob. d. young. 47 Samuel" m. Feb. 20, 1734-5, (61) Elizabeth" Morrill, res. S. Hm. 47a, 47b, and 47c, p. 615. 17 Tristram^ Barnard m. (19) Ruth' Martin. 54a, 54b, and 54c, p. 615. 54b Tristram" d. Sept. 19, 1807[A]. BARNARD — BARTLETT FAMILIES. 875 55 Robert' Barnard m. Joanna Harvey. See p. 615. 58 Martha^* b. bef. 1651; m. ab. 1666, (3) Nathaniel^ Barnard. 60 Mary". See pp. 379, 615. The name is Mercy on court records, but b. same date. 1658 is correct. Barnes Family. Page 54. 1 William! Barnes prob. m. Rachel Lord [or Fitts?]. See Note, p. 157, where "his" relates to Fitts, not Barnes. The Wid. Lord who d. in S. in 1650 may have been her mother, and then have lived in the Barnes or Fitts family, f There was a Wm. Barnes of Gloucester, 1641 and later, who was a differ ent person. His wife Sarah applied for a divorce in 1647[Pope]. 9 Rebecca" m. (6) Moses" Morrill. See p. 83. Barrett Family. Pages 565-6. 5 John Barrett m. bef. 1685. Wid. Ann m. Jan. 30, 1689. [See Es. Ant. vol. 7, p. 43.] It is not prob. that Eliab' Littlepield m. a granddau. of (2) John" Bar rett, as suggested on p. 566. Bartlett Family. Pages 54-9, 615-8. 1 Richard' Bartlett. Will proved Sept. 28, 1647. 2 JoANE" or Joanna", b. Jan. 29. 3 JoHN^ Bartlett was Sen. 1660-79. 5 Richard' Bartlett, "shoemaker," free 1654, Sen. 1670-98. 6 Christopher' Bartlett free 1646. * June, 1661, John Carr (not (10) John^), servant of Mr. Symond Bradstreet (Andover), was tried for theft and other misdemeanors. (57) John* Bernard, aged about 18 yrs., (56) Hanna' Bamerd, (58) Martha* Bamerd and others were witnesses [Es. Co. Court Rec. vol. 2, pp. 308-9]. The three Bamards were evidently chil. of (55) Robert' Barnakd. Hence there was a Martha' old enough to testify in 1661. t Wid. (Katherine) Lord and Robert Lord, probably her son, received grants of land at the same time, in 1637, in Ipswich. Robert Lord, b. about 1603, was chosen to keep the town records in 1643. He d. Aug. 21, 1683, aged 80 y.[Ip]. The case of "Jno. Sambome v. Robert Lord" before the court held at Salisbury, June, 1653, "Appealed to next Court of Assistants. Willi. Barnes bound for Robert Lord's appearance." 876 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURT. 9 John' Bartlett was Jr. 1660-79, Sen. 1679-1707. 25 Elizabeth" m. (108) Joshua' Brown. 27 Samuel". Seep. 616. 10 chiL[Es Ant]. His dau. AbiffoiP, b. 1715[Nb], m. Dec. 7, 1738[Queen Anne's Chapel, Nb], Joseph Rogers" of A. 28 Sarah" d. unm. Mch. 10, 1744[Nb]. 29 Richard". No. 3 Unclassified, p. 59 and p. 616. 1st wf. Abig. d. May 16, 1727[Nb], in her 47th year; wid. Sarah d. Feb. 24, 1773[Nb], aged 89 y. 30 Thomas". Wife Sarah d. Jan. 17, 1726-7[Nb]. He d. May 4, 1744[Nb]. 11 Richard' Bartlett free 1677. Wife Hannah d. May 1, 1705[Nb]. 34 Richard". No. 2 Unclassified, p. 59; and pp. 379, 616. Wid. Susanna d. Aug. 27, 1761['67, Nb], in her 80th y. 35 John", d. Mch. 23, 1741[Nb]. 37 Daniel". Nb. V. R. give d. May IJ^. 38 Joseph". See pp. 379, 616. The last note on p. 57 refers to him. His wife Sarah's name was incorrectly written "Mary" several times on the 2A chh. rec.[pp. 514-7). Hence the Richard^ on p. 27 and the one on p. 28, A. V. R., are the same person. Matthias^, b . Sept. 26, 1 7.40[A]; bp. Oct. 12, 1740. No Ephraim on town, chh. or probate rec. 38a Hannah", p. 616. 40 Stephen", Dea., pp. 57, 379, 616. In addition to the record in Es. Ant. 1903, p. 6, the lA. chh. gives chU.: Lewi', bp. Sept. 24, 1732; a 2d Mary\ bp. May 23, 1736. The son Dr. Josiah^ was the celebrated signer of the Declaration of Independence, representing N. H. Another son, Capt. Stephen^ of A., b. 1717, d. Feb. 5, 1769[A]. 40a Josiah". No. 4 Unclassified, p. 59 and p. 616. A Josiah, son of Richard, bp. AprU 18, 1714[Queen Anne's Chapel, Nb], prob. son of (11) Richard'; for (34) Richard" was Jr. and (29) Richard" was 3d, at that time. This Josiah was prob. b. later than 1697, perhaps ab. 1700, which would make him 14 when bp. 14 John' Bartlett, 3d 1676 to '79, Jr. 1679 to 1707. 46-53. Erase "prob." wherever it occurs, on p. 58. 47 Mary". Erase aU after "m.," p. 58, and insert (19) John" Bailey, etc., as on p. 617. SO Sarah". Erase "Uv. 1733," on p. 58. She m. Dec, 1707[Ip], (43) Joseph' Fowler of lp.; d. Jan. 8, 1721-2. The lp. record of her death reads "Elizabeth wife of Ens. Joseph Fowler"; and that of Fowler's 2d wife, Mary, in 1728, also reads "Elizabeth." Both are evidently errors. 51 Hannah" m. Jan. 1, 1732-3[Q A Nb], Nathaniel Brown of Wenham. 53 Abigail" m. Nov. 6, 1717[Q A Nb], Samuel Goodhue. 54a Mary" to be inserted on p. 58, as on p. 617, though she may have been the youngest of the family, and perhaps b. as late as 1707. Her sister bartlett family. 877 Mary BaUey, d. in 1707-8. 54a Mary m. Apr. 29, 17231Q Aiih], not "Jan. 12, 1722-3," as given on p. 617, which may be date of int. 55 Seth". He is prob. the Seth, "son of John," bp. Apr. 10, 1714[Q A Nb]; m. Nov. 19, 1728[Q A Nb], Sarah Merrill; bur. Feb. 23, 1759[St. Paul's Nb]. The records of Queen Anne's add 5 to the 2 chU. before printed, as foUows: Sarah^, bp. Feb. 15, 1729-30; Seth\ bp. May 23, 1731; Abigail^ bp. Sept. 30, 1733; John\ bp. Jan. 5, 1734-5; Lois^ bp. Mch. 5, 1735-6; John', bp. Oct. 18, 1741; Nathan', b. Sept., 1749. Perhaps most of them d. young. 56 Gideon", as on p. 617; d. Sept., 1793[Nb], in Newton, N. H., aged 90 y. Church records add 5 to the 3 names printed in Es. Ant. vol. 7, p. 8, as foUows: Mary', h. Sept. 8, 1726[Nb], d. Sept. 7, 1730[Nb]; Gideon', b. Dec. 14, n2S{'Sih]; Eliphalet', b. June 26, 1731[Nb]; Stephen', bp. Nov. 25, 1733[3Nb]; Michael', bp. Mch. 30, 1736[3Nb]; Gideon', bp. Dec. 25, 1737[3Nb]; Eliphalet', bp. Oct. 12, 1740[2A]; Mary', bp. May 8, 1743 [2A]. It is evident that several d. young. 57 Elizabeth". Erase "prob. unm.," p. 58. She is prob. the Elizabeth "dau. of John" bp. Apr. 18, 1714[Q A Nb]. 58 Rebecca". Erase "[" and "?]" p. 58. Erase last sentence of fNoTE, p. 58. 59 Christopher", Capt. 1st wife, Susanna, d. 1713-17. 2d wife, Mary, d. Oct. 10, 1735[Hv]. See p. 617. He d. June 28, 1747[Hv N parish]. Wid. Rachel d. Sept., 1774[Bd], in her 83d yr. 60 Deborah" pub. not "m." July, 1703. See p. 617. 61 Mary". Erase "prob. m. July, 1700, (19) John" Bailey," and insert m. May 30, 1 700, (43) John' Stevens. 46 JoHN^ Bartlett (John^, Richard^, Richard^), of Amesbury, West Parish (IVIerrimac) , "tanner," b. 1683; m. 1st, Nov. 25, 1702 [Nb], (20) Prudence' IMerrill, who d. May 5[A] and bur. May 7, 1718[QA Nb]; 2d, Frances Kindrick of Nb., pub. June 18, 1720[A]. See Note, p. 58. He was bur. Sept. 3, 1752[Q A Nb], his wife Frances surviving him. Will July 30, Oct. 16, 1752. Children: 73 I Mehitable', b. Sept. 20, 1703[A]; prob. d. young. 74 II Prudence', b. Sept. 10, 1704[A]; res. A.; d. unm. 1760. 75 III Mary', b. Aug. 18, 1706[A]; prob. unm. in 1752. 76 IV Ehud', b. July 30, 17— [A]; m. Nov. 14, 1734[Q A Nb], EUzabeth Lunt res. A. He d. 1792. ChU.: Elizabeth', b. 1737; Elizabeth', b. 1740 Lydia', b. 1743; John', b. 1746; Hannah', b. 1748; Abigail', h. 1750 Prudence', b. 1753; Jane', b. 1755; Edmund', b. 1758; Abner', b. 1760. All were bp. at Queen Anne's Chapel or St. Paul's, Nb.; and all but the first Elizabeth rec. at A. Prob. the two Elizabeths and Lydia d. young. 77 V Mehitable', b. [1713?]; m. ab. 1734[A], Ebenezer Bean of Stratham, N. H. [Possibly same as I?] 878 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 78 VI Abigail', b. ;* bp. Jan. 16, 1716-7[Q A Nb]; prob. d. young; not in wiU, 1752. 79 vii Dorcas', b. Feb. 13, 1715[A]; bp. Jan. 16, 1716-7[Q A Nb]; m. June 6, 1738[Q A Nb], Mark "Batchlour"[Batchelder] of Wenham. 80 viii Allomokiah', b. Mch. 22, d. April 8, 1717[A]. 81 IX Hannah', b. Apr. 24, 1718[A];t bp. May 6, 1718[Q A Nb] [by 1st wife]; m. Sept. 18, 1739[Q A Nb], James Chase Jr. She prob. d. bef. 1746. Dm. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 1, 1740[Nb], ment. in wiU, 1752. 82 X Francis', b. [by 2d v/ife]; bp. Jan. 27, 1725-6[Q A Nb]; m. Sept. 9, 1741[Q A Nb], Mary EUot of A.; res. A. He d. Apr. 21, 1802[A]. ChU.: Molly', b. 1742; Sarah', b. 1744; John', b. 1746; Dorothy', b. 1748; John', b. 1750; Jonathan', b. 1753; Joseph', b. 1756; Benjamin' [twin], b. 1756; Jacob', b. 1758; Dorcas', b. 1761. The first four were bp. at Q. A. Nb. Several prob. d. young. See p. 825, where Molly appears as "Moody" and Sarah as "Levi." J 83 XI Dorothy', b. ; bp. Jan. 27, 1725-6[Q A Nb]; prob. unm. in 1752. 84X11 John', b. ; bp. Jan. 9, 1730-1 [Q A Nb]; drowned Oct. 8, 1745 [Q A Nb]. All the Bartlett freemen then living, (3) John', (5) Richard', and (6) Chris- topher^ signed the Newbury petition in favor of Robert Pike, in 1654 [Note, pp. 287-8]. When questioned by order of the General Court, John was "sorry," but the others said the reasons were stated in the petition. Currier's Newbury, pp. 179-82, gives the Ust of men who took the oath of allegiance in that town in 1678 or '9, with the age of each. It includes all the living men of the family then of age : (3) John Sen., (5) Richard Sen., (9) John Jr., (10) Samuel, (11) Richard Jr., (12) Thomas, (14) John Jr. [3d], and (20) Christopher Jr. (6) Christopher Sen. had been dead 8 or 9 years. The ages agree with our records, only that of Thomas, "25" should be 28. Batt Family. Pages 59-60, 83, 133, 742. 3 Anne', bp. Aug. 1, 1630. 4 Jane', bp. Dec, 1631. 2 Christopher', bp. Sept. 22, 1633. 6 Thomas', bp. July, 1635. 13 Elizabeth', bp. Nov. 1, 1636. Nicholas Batt of Nb. free 1670 [see p. 83]. Erase "possibly" and "?" eleventh and tenth Unes from the bottom, p. 60. "Dow" should be Dove. See p. 618 and Note, pp. 62-3. * A. v. R. give b. Mch. 21, 1719, evidently an error. She may have died then. Her mother d. in 1718. t A. V. R. "d. April 24, 1718," is evidently an error. t The dates harmonize for "Moody" and "Molly," and are identical for "Levi" and "Sarah." "Moody" and "Levi" are apparently errors in transcribing, the script "S" of Sara being mistaken for "L." Ten are found on p. 825; Sarah and the neit two on both town and chh. rec; Molly only on chh. rec; the second John, Jonathan and Joseph on town rec; "Moody " "Levi" and the last three only on p. 825. BEEDLE FAMILY. 879 Bayley Family. See Bailey. Beedle Family. Pages 61, 618. York deeds show that there was a Robert' Beedle who received a grant of land in Kittery from Thomas Gorges in IVIay, 1641, recorded in 1645. His name does not appear later, but he appar ently left children. One of them, Christopher^, d. before 1703-4, leaving two children : a son Christopher^ and a dau. Susanna^, sec ond wife of Joseph Hill (b. 1657) [N. H. Gen. Rec. vol. 5, p. 98]. It is possible that (1) Robert^ of Amesbury was son of Robert* of Kittery, and bro. of Christopher^.* 1 Robert^ Beedle bought land in Amesbury in 1670 as well as 1668. The Vital Records of A. are entirely missing for the years 1677-85. 4 Elizabeth' m. June 28, 1708[A & Nb], (97) John Davis, p. 733. 11a Henry' (Robert'), b, ; m. Elizabeth ; liv. in York, Me. He rec'd a grant of land from that town in 1719-20, which he and his wife Eliz. sold in 1732 ; liv. in 1738. A Mary of York m. (19) Samuel^ Fitts, pub. Dec. 3, 1726[Ip].t 3 Thomas' Beedle ra. (4) Elizabeth^ Gould. An Eliz. rec'd into 2A. chh. Apr. 30, 1727. 13 Elizabeth^ An Eliz. bp. Nov. 19, 1727[2A]. An Eliz. m. Sept. 29, 1743 [A], Samuel Sargent. 14 Thomas* prob. m. Oct. 6, 1736[A], (144) Sarah Davis. He was bp. Nov. 13, 1737[2A1. A Sarah was rec'd to full membership Oct. 16, 1748[2A]. Chil.: Elizabeth', bp. Nov. 13, 1737[2A]; Thomas', b. Aug. 22, bp. Sept. 23, n^^Ps.]; Benjamin', b. Aug. 7, bp. Aug. 16, 1741[A]; Nathaniel', b. Sept. 15, bp. Oct. 2, 1743[A]; Sarah', b. Aug. 8, bp. Aug. 18, 1745[A]. 15 Martha* m. Jan. 21, 1724-5[A], Israel Young of Hv. 17 ANNE't prob. m. Oct. 31, 1739[A], Caleb Hobbs Jr. * Mrs. Batcheller received a grant of land in Feb., 1648, adjoining "hers" and the same parties mentioned in the boundaries of the grant to Robert Beedle. "Mary Bachellors highway" is men tioned in the same locality in 1684. Apparently a part of the same land, inherited through Chris topher', was sold by Joseph and Susanna Hill in 1703-4. These entries seem to suggest that the widow of Robert^ Beedle may have been Rev. Stephen Batcheller's third wife, Mary, a widow with two children, whom he m. about 1648, and who acquired such notoriety. t Benj. Beadle of Salem m. Abigail Hammond, and was of York in 1734. t Martha Young and Ann Beedle were both bp. Nov. 19, 1727[2A], and rec'd to full member ship, Jan. 17, 1730-1. 880 OLD families of SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 18 Jacobs bp. Aug. 31, 1741[2A]; m. Mch. 8 or 9, 1738-9[A], Mary Dorington. She ren. cov. ab. 1740[2A]. Chil.: Joshua', h. July 10, 1740[A], bp. Aug. 31, 1741[2A]; Naomi', bp. Apr. 17, 1743[2A]. 19 MaryS bp. Apr. 13, 1730[2A]. 21 Judith* prob. m. Dec. 13, 1739[Hv] [Salem, N. H.], Rowland Rideout. 22 John* prob. m. Feb. 6, 1742, Judith Colby. He was bp. Apr. 15, 1744[2A], and he with his wife ren. cov. that year. Chil.: Robert', bp. Apr. 15, 1744[2A]. 23 Timothy*, b. July 3;, A. V. R. Bickford Family. Page 62. We find probate of John of Isles of Shoals, Philip Tucker adm., June, 1662, as well as of John Sen. of Durham, N. H., 1685-6; 1697. The name Bickford is found quite early in Dover, Durham, Newington and vicinity. Biley or Byley Family. Pages 62-3. 1 Henry' Biley m. Jan. 21, 1632, Rebecca Swayne. Pope states that John Byley, bro. of (1) Henry' and son of Henry of New Sarum, Eng., b. ab. 1618; d. in 1638. The sister Mary, b. ab. 1616, m. (2) Samuel^ Dudley. See G. R. 42:308; 47:137; 51:181; 52:44,321. la William^ bp. Aug., 1633, the eldest child, prob. d. early, certainly before 1676 [p. 83]. 3 Rebecca^, bp. Dec. 8, 1636; d. Apr. 30, 1683, which would make her 46 in stead of 45 y. old, as given in Es. Ant. vol. 3, p. 31. 2 Henrys bp. Aug. 26, 1638. See p. 618. G. R. says he was in lp. in 1668. His mother was living there then. The printed court records give Ryley, not "Byley," m. Mary Eletrope. [Pp. 63, 859.] Bingley Family. Page 63. Blaisdell Family. Pages 63-6, 618-42. 1 Ralph' Blaisdell was a witness with Wm. Hooke, in York, in 1639. In a boundary there, in 1641, is land "latele bounded out" to him. He sold house and land there, July, 1642, then of "Sawlsbury." Other spellings, "Blasedell," "Blaysdell," and "Bleasdall," used on York deeds. He was "licensed to keep an ordinary at Salsbery and to draw wine," Nov. 4, 1645; renewed JVTch. 30, 1647. He had cases before the courts for debts, one as late as April, 1649. Wid. Elizabeth ap. adm. est. June 26, 1651. BLAISDELL FAMILY. 881 She carried on the cases for debt, and in Nov., 1651, Henry's name appears with hers. 2 Henry^ Blaisdell was dead in 1705. The deposition of Isabel Holdred [p. 203] in Upham's "Witchcraft," vol. 1, p. 430, states that she was at Henry Blazdell's house. Erase "Adm. est. IVIch. 11, 1708." 9 Elizabeth'. Erase "d. young." She prob. m. ab. 1686, (2) John^ Hunt ington. See pp. 83-4, 191, t Note. 8 Henry' Blaisdell, p. 619. Add [A] to date of m. "23 A SON*, b. [d. young?]" to be erased. 25 John*, 2d son, instead of "3d son." 26 Mary*, b. Dec. 3, A. V. R. 13 Jonathan' Blaisdell. Wid. Hannah prob. m. Sept. 28, 1748[S], (42) Timothy* Currier. 31 Mary* m. Jan. 3, 1722-3[A], (32) Gideon" Lowell. Erase "(prob. Gideon', PereivaP, Richard^)." 33 Anne* m. Dec. 19, A. V. R. 35 Jonathan*. For "(John, Roberti)," p. 65, read (24 John, Joseph, Robert). 15 Ephraim* Blaisdell, p. 619. See Note, p. 640. 53 Samuels pp. 620, 640. 20 Ralph* Blaisdell. See p. 641 [dau. IVIary ?]. 25 John* Blaisdell.* 86 EbenbzarS For Mch. " 4 " read H. 36 David* Blaisdell, p. 625. Wid. Abigail m. (56) Titus* Wells, as on p. 65. 126 Molly" m. 2d, Mch. 8, 1785[A], Joseph" Hoyt (72 Thomas*); 3d, Jan. 29, 1805[A], Daniel Morrill of Warner, N. H. She d. July 21, 1811. 141 Jacob". See p. 640. * The A. town records give two dates for the birth of each of the first four children of (25) John*. The months are the same, but the dates for Hannah and Ezra differ by two years each, while those for Mary and John differ by one year each. There are two records also for Stephen, differing only in 1722 and 1722-3. The first seven, giving the earlier dates, were all recorded at the same time, beginning with Hannah, b. one or two years before the marriage of her parents. This set of early dates is therefore certainly incorrect in the case of the first four. There is but one record each for the next two, Henry and Nathaniel, but being recorded in the set of early dates, they probably should be one year later, and are so printed on p. 622. 882 OLD families of SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 38 Samuel* Blaisdell, p. 626. Wife Judith liv. 1766. 155 William" d. Aug. 10, 1720[HvVR]. Page 627, first line of * Note should read [pp. 612, 6Itl] not "640." 163 Abner" m. Mary" Currier (Barnard*). 51 Ebenezer" Blaisdell. See p. 640. 172 Daniel". See p. 640. 174 Elijah". A correspondent gives chil.: SamueV of Waterville, Theodore\ Elijah'', JosepW, Dorcas'' and Ruth''. Blodgett Family. Page 66. Bond Family. Pages 66-7, 642. 5 Esther^. Sept. "25" is Sept. 3 on orig. copy. 8 Abigail" m. 1st, June 14 1704[Hv], (4) Edward' Ordway; 2d, Mch. 24, 1715[Hv], RoBEiftT^ Emerson (Joseph', Robert^). 13 Hannah" m. Oct. 28, 1715[Hv], John Atwood. 14 Sarah" m. bef. 1724, Dr. John Bishop of Medford[Es. Ant.]. 15 Mercy" m. Jan. 15, 1729-30, Israel Webster. 16 Lydia" m. June 8, 1726[Hv], Nathaniel" Duston (Thos.S Thos.*). 17 Rebecca", b. ab. 1685; m. Jan. 19, 1709[Bd], Benj." Hardy (Thomas', Thomas') of Bd. She d. Mch. 19, 1775[Bd], "above 90 y." Erase last sentence of * Note. 17a Mehetabel", bp. June 9, 1706[1 Hv]. 10 John^ Bond {Joseph^, John^), of Haverhill, b. 1688; m. Dec. 8, 1715[Hv&Bd], IVIaryllVIartha, Es. Ant.] Hale (or Hall). Hewas drowned JVIay 1, 1721[Hv]. Children: 22 I Sarah*, b. Oct. 21, 1716[Hv]; m. Nov."l3, 1740[Bd], Joseph Kimball. 23 II John*, b. Jan. 14, 1718-9[Hv]; m. Judith Dow; res. Kg. and Hmst. N. H., physician; signer of the original petition for the incorporation of Hmst., 1743-4; 6 chil. rec. there, b. 1753 and later. 24 in Jonathans b. Nov. 14, 1721[Hv]. 12 Joseph' Bond {Josep¥, John^), of Haverhill, b. 1694; m. Feb. 6, 1720-l[Hv], Elizabeth Simons. Adm. est. June 23, 1746. Children: 25 I Marys b. Sept. 30, 1721[Hv]; m. Jan. 12, 1737-8, Thomas Little. 26 II Sarahs b. Sept. 1, 1723[Hv]; m. May 29, 1740[Hv& Bd], David Hale of Bd. bond — BRADLEY FAMILIES. 883 18 Nicholas Bond. A wid. Sarah of S. m. Dea. Abraham Mer rill, pub. Aug. 15, 1713[Nb]. See p. 642. * Note, p. 67, second line. Erase "Could she have been wid. of John ?" Boynton Family. Pages 67-9. 7 Caleb-. See p. 642. 5 Joshu.\2 Boynton m. 2d, IVIary Daniels [wid. etc.]*; 3d, (8) IVIary' Williams [wid. Boynton-Wainwright-Silver]. 10 John" m. Jemima* Wooster (14 Francis'); res. Byfield parish. Eldest son, Francis*, bp. Oct. 5, 1718[Bd]; but b. Dec. 28, 1718[Nb]. In 1735, six of their chil. d. in one week, and two others within two months, of "throat distemper," leaving only one child alive out of nine. 16 John^ m. 2d, Feb. 19, 1718-9[Bd], (8) Mary" Williams [wid. of Simon Wainwright and of Thomas Silver]. He d. Dec. 22, 1719[Bd]. 18 MERCY2 m. 2d, July 4, 169-[Ip], Joseph Goodhue; 3d, John Hovey Sen., pub. Nov. 1712[Ip]. 19 Hannah^ prob. m. 2d, bef. 1688, Batchelor. Bradbury Family. Pages 69-72. 1 Thomas^ Bradbury. See p. 642. 5 Mary'. " Wife Mary " ment. in will of (2) John' Stanyan in 1718; hence she could not m. 2d, Lyon bef. 1700, as given in Es. Ant. vol. 10, p. 145. 7 Jacob'. See p. 642. 48 Jacob* m. (100) Abigail" Eaton, p. 748. Bradley Family. 1 John Bradley of Salem d. June, 1642. Will proved July 28, 1642; wife ment. but no children. 2 Elizabeth Bradley, sister of John, m. 1631-42, William Allen of Salem and Manchester; his 2d wife. 3 Mary Bradley m. Sept. 1, 1643[Rw], Thomas Leaver. * Robert Gheenough Sen. of Ew. m. 1st, Martha ; son Robert Jr. b. 1682-3, per. others. He m. 2d, 1688, Sarah Phillips (Rev. Samuel) [wid. of Stephen MighillJ. He m. 3d, 1710, Mary Daniels; son John, b. 1712. Wid. Mary m. 2d, 1719, Richard Syle, "schoolmaster of Rw." She m. 3d, 1725, (5) JOSHUA' Boynton. Robert Greenough Jr., b. 1682-3; m. Jan. 20, 1704-5[Nb], "Mrs. Hannah Dole." Wid. Haimah m. 1725, ii) Richard' Kelly. Richard Syle m. 1697[Nb], wid. Hannah Scott. Note. See Es. Ant. vol. 10, pp. 97-108, for Boynton Genealogy. 884 OLD families of SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 4 Joshua Bradley of Rowley [prob. Merrimac, or Bradford] m. May 26, 1663[Rw], Judith Lume.* He deposed in lp. Court, 1664. Chil.: Martha, b. Feb. 29, 1663-4[Rw]. 5 Daniel Bradley. Savage states that he came in the "Elizabeth," from London, in 1635, aged 20 years. A Daniel of Ipswich was made free in 1648-9. A Daniel was a juryman in 1651, witness in 1652 and '3; fined in 1660[EsCoCt]. 6t Daniel Bradley [or Broadley],J of Bradford and Haverhill, m. May 21, 1662[Hv], (4) Mary^ Williams. He deposed in 1663[Ip Ct] that he went with Joshua Bradley to George Hadlye's house. Daniel of Rw. bought house and land in Hv. adjoining the parsonage farm in May, 1664. This was prob. the Bradley home stead in Hv. He was killed by Indians, Aug. 13, 1689[Hv]. Wid. Mary d. Oct. 6, 1714[Hv]. Adm. est. gr. wid. Mary with son Joseph, Sept. 30, 1690; but there seems to have been some div. of est. Oct. 25, 1689. Children: 7 I Daniel, b. Feb. 14, 1662-3[Bd]; m. Jan. 5, 1686-7, Hannah Dow. + 8 II Joseph, b. Feb. 7, 1664-5[Bd]; m. Apr. 14, 1691, Hannah Heath. + 9 III Martha, b. 1667[Hv];§ m. Jan. 5, 1686-7[Hv], (8) Ephraim' Guile. 10 IV Mary, b. Mch. 1, 1669-70[Hv]; d. Mch. 14, 1669-70[Hv]. 11 v Mary, b. Apr. 16, 1671[Hv]; m. Jan. 23, 1690-l[Hv], (11) Bartholo mew' Heath. 12 VI Sarah, b. Aug. 19, 1673[Hv]; liv. 1689. 13 VII Hannah, b. May 28, 1677[Hv]; m. ab. 1697, (21) Joseph^ Heath. 14 VIII Isaac, b. Feb. 25, 1680[Hv]; m. May 16, 1706[Hv], (32?) Elizabeth* Clement. He was taken captive by Indians in 1695. See Chase's Hv., pp. 179-86. 10 chil.[Hv rec], b. 1707-24. 15 IX Abraham, b. Mch. 14, 1683-4[Hv]; m. Oct. 18, 1705[Hv], Elizabeth Philbrick. He rem. from Hv. to Concord, N. H., ab. 1730-40. See Bouton, pp. 634-6, where "Joseph" should be Daniel, and death of Daniel is incorrect; see also pp. 162-73. 5 chil. b. 1706-13[Hv rec], 5 more bp. 1715-27[Hv V R]; also Abiah added by Bouton. 7 Daniel Bradley Jr. (Daniel), of Haverhill, b. 1663; m. Jan. 5, 1686-7[Hv], (71) Hannah^ Dow. Both were killed in the * Judith and Susanna Lume were ap. adm. est. of their mother, Ann Lume, Apr., 1662. t Sv. and Es. Ant. considered (5) and (6) the same person; but a man b. in 1615 would be old enough to be the father of one m. in 1662. We have foimd, however, no use of Sr. or Jr. before (7) Daniel. Daniel and Joshua were prob. related, but no relationship or ages are given. t Thomas Dorman Sr. of Topsfield, ab. 78 yrs. old, ment. in his will, 1670, his sons Thomas Jr. and Ephraim, and his "cousin [nephew?], Daniel Bradley." This may mean that a Dorman m. a Bradley, or that a Dorman and a Bradley m. sisters. § The court rec. gives Mary, b. 1667. BRADLEY — BRADSTREET FAMILIES. 885 Dustin massacre, Mch. 15, 1696-7[Hv]. Adm. est. gr. his father- in-law, Stephen Dow Sen. Apr. 14, 1697. Children: 16 I Ruth, b. May 15, 1688[Hv]; m. Nov. 13, 1706[Hv], Thomas Johnson. She was killed by Indians, Aug. 29, 1708[Hv]. Daa.Lydia, b. Aug. 23, 1707[Hv], ment. in will of (60) Stephen" Dow. 17 II Daniel, b. Oct. 28, 1690[Hv]; taken captive in 1696-7. 18 III Mary, b. May 6, 1693[Hv]; killed by Indians, Mch. 15, 1696-7[Hv]. 19 IV Hannah, b. June 6, 1696[Hv]; killed by Indians, Mch. 15, 1696-7[Hv]. 8 Joseph Bradley (^Daniel), of Haverhill, b. 1665; m. Apr. 14, 1691[Hv], (14) Hannah' Heath. She was twice taken captive by Indians: first, when her two children were killed, 1696-7 ; second, Feb. 8, 1704. See her deposition, Chase's Hv. pp. 308-9. He d. Oct. 3, 1727[Hv]. Wid. Han. d. Nov. 2, 1761[Hv]. Children: 20 I Mehitable, b. Nov. 24, 1691 [Hv]; d. Jan. 23, 1691-2[Hv]. 21 II Joseph, b. Mch. 9, 1692-3[Hv]; killed Mch. 15, 1696-7[Hv]. 22 III Martha, b. Sept. 3,. 1695[Hv]; killed Mch. 15, 1696-7[Hv]. 23 IV A child, b. in captivity; d. of want. 24 V Martha, b. Nov. 7, 1699[Hv]; m. Dec. 10, 1719[Hv], James Mitchel. 25 VI Sarah, b. Jan. 26, 1701-2[Hv]; killed by Indians, prob. in 1704. 26 VII Joseph, Dea., b. Feb. 13, 1706-7[Hv], prob. m. 1st, July 31, 1735[Hv], Hannah Marsh; 2d, Sept. 20, 1748, Sarah French, of Nb. 27 VIII Daniel, Capt., b. Mch. 18, 1708[Hv]. He is the Capt. "Broadly" of Hv. who m. Feb. 26, 1729-30[Hv], ELIZABETH^ Ayer (37 Samuel') ; 15 chil. He d. July 22, 1784[Hv]. Wid. Eliz. d. Apr. 26, 1785, aged 77 y. 28 IX Nehemlah, b. Dec. 25, 1711[Hv]; m. Sept. 1, 1736[Hv], Lydia Emerson. 29 X Samuel, b. ; bp. May 23, 1714 [Hv]. 30 XI William, b. July 6, 1717[Hv]; m. Sept. 23, 1741[Hv], Mehitable Emer son. The Bradleys of Hv. suffered greatly, not only from the Indian raids, but also from the "throat distemper" which caused the death of so many chil. in Hv. 1735-7. 31 Henry Bradley m. 1st, Jan. 7, 1695-6[Nb], wid. Judith Davis, prob. Jlidiths Brown, b. 1660 (John', James'), [wid. of (82) Zachary" Davis], who d. Nov. 14, 1728[Nb]; he m. 2d, Apr. 17, 1729[Nb], wid. Hannah Hendrick of Hv. No chil. rec. at Nb. If related, to (6) Daniel, he was prob. either nephew or son, possibly by a former wife. Bradstreet Family. Page 385, Note. Humphrey* Bradstreet and descendants, Es. Ant. vol. 11, pp. 57-60. Wife "Elizabeth" should be Bridget. Her will, Oct. 16, 886 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 1665, Mch. 28, 1666, printed in Es. Ant. vol. 13, pp. 116-7, ment. dau. Martha" "Kimball," thought to be a clerical error iov Beat. John" (Humphrey'). Wid. Hannah ap. adm. est. June, 1660. Gov. Simon* Bradstreet heads the list of original grantees of Salisbury, in 1638 and '39. He was then of Ipswich ; had previously lived in Salem and Cambridge; was of Andover, 1644-73; after wards of Boston and again of Salem. For an account of him and his descendants see Es. Ant. vol. 11, pp. 52-7. Brown Family. Pages 72-8, 386-7, 643. 1 Christian* BROWNE,wid. of George Browne, of Salisbury,Eng., who d. in 1633. See p. 84. 3 Nathaniel^ Brown commissioned Lieut., Oct. 29, 1696. Wid. Han. d. May[S V R] instead of "March." 19 Abigail'. For "Joseph' French (Sam', Edward*!)," read (32) Joseph* French. 20 Mary' m. Nov. 23, 1725[S & Nb], John King of Nb., but "Ring" in will. 22 George'. See p. 643. Sarah* m. Apr. 7, 1729[A], Peter George. 27 Ann' m. (6) Robert Smith. 38 Henry'. Wid. Sarah ap. adm. his est. Sept., 1728. She was prob. wife of Ingersol in 1733. 42 Nathaniel' was living after 1750. Erase all after date of birth. See (85) Nathaniels p. 643. The children of (9) Henry^, Nos. 33-44, lived in Salem Village. Their record is given in Es. Ant. vol. 12, pp. 98-9. "Elva" is there "Elsy," "Little" is "Kittle," and "Zerubbabel Rea" is "JohnRea." John was husband of Hannah in 1728. 49 Martha^ m. (7) John^ Carter. 52 Ephraim'. See pp. 76, 643. Nathaniel^ m. 2d, Jan. 9, 1751-2[S], (63) Judith'' Morrill. 53 William'. See p. 643. 56 Abner' prob. m. (78) Mary* Morse. Erase "(Benj.', Anthony'"!)" 58 George* Brown. His 2d wife was Hannah Grant, wid. of Edward Hazen, of Rowley. See G. R. 1879, pp. 229-36.* * She was dau. of Thomas and Jane [not Hannah] Grant of Rw. Geo. Brown made h« youngest son, Richard Hazen, his sole heir. brown family. 887 62 Thomas* Brown, free 1639, d. Jan. 8, 1686-7[Nb]. Wife Mary d. June 2, 165^, not "1655." 65 Mary^ m. May 13, 1656[Nb], Peter Godfrey. 63 Francis^ Brown. His first wife Mary d. April 4, 1679[Nb]; m. 2d, Dec. 31, 1679, Mary Mors, prob. wid. of (7) Joseph^ Morse. 66 Elizabeth'. See p. 643. 67 Mary'. Erase "d. Apr. 4, 1659[C Nb]." She was living in 1691; m. 1st, Dec. 15, 1675[Nb], (13) Nathan^ Parker; 2d, 1679-'91, Eliott. 68 Hannah', b. Oct. 19, d. Nov. 14, 1659[Nb]. 69 Mary' should be omitted. 71 John', b. Mch. 13, 1664-5[Nb]; m. Aug. 2r[Nb VR]. Indians attacked his house at Turkey Hill, Nb., Oct. 7, 1695, and carried his wife and chil. captive. Pike's Journal states that nine persons were carried away; but all were retaken, though some d. of their wounds. He d. Sept. 18, 1729[Nb].* 73 Joseph', p. 78, first line. Erase "m. Sarah \-" and insert pub. May 23, 1696[Nb], to (19) Lydia' EMERY.f [Slip and p. 386.] 74 Francis', b. 1673-4; d. bef. Apr., 1701. Es. Ant. vol. 13, p. 120. 75 Benjamin', b. Apr. 20, 1681[Nb]. 64 IsAAC^ Brown and children. See pp. 78, 643 and add: 80 Dorothy', b. Nov. 5, 1669[Nb]; d. young, prob. Apr. 14, 1672[Nb]. 81 Mary', prob. b. May 5, 1673[Nb]. "73 Joseph' Brown, Dea. {Francis, Thomas^)," etc., p. 78, should read as follows: 107 Joseph' Brown, Dea. (100 Joshua"", Richard^, pp. 386-7 and slip), of Newbury and Amesbury, "shopkeeper," b. Oct. 18 or 11, 1669; m.ab. 1694, Sarah' Treadwell,b. 1674(NathanieF, Thomas*, of lp.). He d., etc., as on p. 78. 83 Nathaniel*, not "Nathan." 84 Sarahs b. Jan. 22, 1698[Nb]; m. 2d, Apr. 8, or 28, 1731[A], (17) Joseph' Sargent; 3d, May 24, 1736[S], (15) Jarvis' Ring; 4th, bef. Apr., 1739, — - Leavitt. 85 Nathaniel". See p. 643. 86 Joshuas b. July 11, 1704[Nb]. See p. 828. 87 Simeon", b. May 16, 1708[Nb]. See p. 828. 78 Thomas' Brown m. Elizabeth Berry, pub. Aug. 31, 1695[Nb]. * Es. Ant. vol. 13, pp. 120-1, gives second wife, Mary, m. ab. 1697, and 14 chil., b. 1683-1709. One son, Stephen*, b. July 1, 1702[Nb), date omitted in Es. Ant.: Mary*, b. 1700, not "1701." t Es. Ant. vol. 13, p. 121, gives 8 chil., b. 1697-1716. 888 old families of Salisbury and amesbury. 89 Sarah" m. May 18, 1718[Nb], Daniel Allen. 90 Mary", b. Feb. 11, 1698-9[Nb]. 91 Hannah", b. June 29, 1 701 [Nb]. 92 Thomas", b.Dec. 8, 1705[Nb]. 93 Isaac", b. June 5, 1719[Nb]. 94 Ruth", b. June 16, 1710[Nb]; m. Nov. 19, 1728[Nb], Benjamin Davis. 95 Dorothy", b. Aug. 10, 1712[Nb]; m. 1st, Dec. 1, 1729[Nb], (55) Joseph" Sawyer. See p. 828. 96 Lydia", b. Apr. 21, 1715[Nb]. 97 Elizabeth", b. May 4, 1703 [Nb]. Nos. 89-97 were all living in 1739. 98 Richard* Browne, p. 386. Free 1635. See last two lines, p. 823. George Brown, of Nb. was his bro. [p. 76, Note]. 99a Margerys b. before 1642; d. Mch. 26, 1651 [Nb]. See Note, pp. 76-7, will of Geo. Brown of Nb. 102 Elizabeth^ prob. m. Jan. 3, 1665[Nb], (21) Israel' Webster. 103 Richards b. 1650-l[Nb]. Oath al. at Nb. 1678-9; prob. d. Oct. 12, 1716[Nb]. For Rev. Richard', see Es. Ant. vol. 13, pp. 169-70. 104 Edmund^ d. 1677-8. 105 Sarah' prob. m. Dec. 24, 1678[Nb], (8) Benaiah* Titcomb. 106 Mary'. She did not m. Nathan Parker, as suggested in Es. Ant. It also gives Mary' (John', James'), b. 1661-2; m. (9) Wm.^ Partridge; but it seems more prob. that Partridge's wife was either (106) MaryS b. 1660, or Mary' (James'), b. 1663. 100 Joshua^ Brown, Dea., p. 387, m. 1668-9. Oath al. at Nb. 1678-9; d. Mch. 20, l720[Nb]. 107 Joseph' Brown, see (73) Joseph' Brown. 108 Joshua' m. (25) Elizabeth" Bartlett; d. Nov. 18, 1742[Nb]. Es. Ant. gives 3 daus., b. 1693-1708. 109 Tristram' m. Mary . Es. Ant. gives 4 chil., b. 1702-9. 112 Elizabeth' m. July 18, 1704[Nb], "Skiper" Lunt. 113 Samuel', Rev., H. C. 1709; res. Haverhill and Abington; m. Oct. 24, 1712[Es Ant], Dorothy Woodbridge, pub. Mch. 28, 1712[Nb]. James Brown was made freeman in 1636, another James in 1637. There were two James Browns in Nb. quite early. One was called by Coffin " Mr. James," "late teacher at Portsmouth," in 1656. He called the other "James Jun." For the family of the latter, who was a "glazier," see Es. Inst. Hist. Coll. vol. 48, pp. 85-8,* there called the "Cutting-Browne Family." On the next page, 89, is the family of John' of lp. John' (James'), "glazier," and John' (John'), "farmer," are confounded in Es. Ant. (vol. 12, p. 156, and vol. 13, pp. 164,184), as both lived in lp. at one time. * Note at bottom of p. 88, Hist. Coll., Mary, dau. of "Richard" m. Elliott, should read dau. of Francis. brown — BUSWELL FAMILIES. 889 John and Abigail Brown, whose 3 chil. are given in A. V. R. from Friends records, b. 1715-20, were residents of Seabrook. See D. Hm., p. 617, where ancestry and 6 chil. are given, though Peter, b. 1720, is not ment. Brown families of Essex County are given in Es. Ant. vols. 12 and 13. Buckman Family. Pages 78-9. 4 Sarah m. ab. 1713, (31) Abraham' Colby. Burroughs Family. Pages 79, 643-4. Buswell Family. Pages 80-2, 84. (Sometimes spelled Boswell.) 1 Isaac' Buswell, constable 1646. 2 William^ Buswell, b. ab. 1626 [p. 84]. 4 Samuel^ Buswell m. Sarah Keyes (Robert). See Note, p. 82. Clerk of the market for S., 1650. 11 Robert'. See p. 380. 14 Joseph', bp. Oct. 25, 1674[Rw]. 6 Isaac^ Buswell. See p. 644. 7 Isaac' Buswell m. (1 1) Anne^ Ordway. 19 Isaac". See p. 644. 20 Daniel" m. June 30, 1726[Bd], (50) Sarah" Eaton; res. Bd.; d. June 12, 1756[Bd]; chil. rec. there: Sarah', b. 1728; Hannah', h. 1730; James', bp. 1731, d. young; James', b. 1732; Joseph', b. 1733; Daniel', b. 1735; Abigail', b. 1737; Anna', b. 1739; Betty', or Elizabeth', h. 1741, d. 1756; Nicholas', b. 1742. 9 Samuel' Buswell m. (41) Jane' Simmons. She adm. Bd. chh. 1691. 26a Sarahs b. ; bp. May 10, 1691[Bd]; d. young. 31 Jane". A Jane of Boston, b. in Ames., m. Nov. 11, 1729[Nb], "George Perrey of Fenington, Eng., seafaring man." 33 Simmons" m. Jan. 22, 1740-l[lKg], Catherine Bean. Chil. bp. 1 Kg. chh.: Joseph', 1741-2; Sarah', 1743-4; Hannah', 1746; Mehitable', 1748-9; Jane', 1750-1; David' and Jonathan', 1753. 890 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 34 Nathaniel". A Nath'l had son Edward bp. at Hampstead, N. H., June, 1756. 35 Elias" prob. m. Jan. 31, 1743-4[A], Sarah Jewett. 8 chil., b. 1744-60, rec. at A. 36 Lydia" Kv. in 1760. 37 Joseph". Res. A.; will Apr. 16, 1760; Apr. 26, 1763; no wife or chil. 39 Marys b. ab. 1714; m. (54) Moses" Hoyt. 39a Sarah" (Joseph'), b. ; liv. 1760. 40 William" of A.* may have been b. "May 14"; m. 1st, Mch. 2, 1741-2[A], Mary Lancaster, who d. Mch. 31, 1753[A]; 2d, Mary Warner [wid. of Abel Boardman of lp.], pub. Apr. 10, 1754[lp]. 5 chil. by 1st wife, b. 1743-51; 3 by 2d wife, b. 1756-60; all rec. at A. There were three adult William Buswells living in Kingston at the middle, of the 18th century and two or three Samuels. The Williams were apparently (27) and (21) and some younger man. The Samuels were probably (23), his son SamueP Jr., and (32). The Kg. chh. rec. contain many Buswell entries, 1725-55. 41 John Buzzell of Dover, N. H., ment. wife Sarah and 12 chil. in his will 1737. Six of the daus. had m. surnames given. Button Family. Page 644. For a full account of the first two generations, see Es. Inst. Hist. Coll. vol. 46, pp. 348-9. Call Family. "f Page HI, § Note. 1 Philip Call, of Ipswich, m. Mary . Will May 6, Sept. 30, 1662, ment. wife Mary and two children, both under age [Es. Ant., vol. 10, p. 169]. Children: 2 I Mary, b. ; liv. 1662. Mary "Boals alias Call" m. Dec. 31, 1685[Ip], Nathaniel Lord; rec. again simply as Mary "Bolls." She may have m. 1st, Bowles. Nath'l and Mary Lord had chil. rec. at lp., b. 1686- 1700, one of them named Philip. 3 II PHILIP, b. Jan. 17, 1659[Ip];prob. d. [unm.?] at Portsmouth, Jan., 1690[Ip]. Adm. est. Apr. 22, 1691, inv. est. Apr. 1, 1691; Nath'l Lord, adm. * Our notes of A. records give date of birth as printed on p. 82. The A. V. R. give no birth, but d. May 14, 1718, prob. an error in the printed records. t The similarity of names and dates has caused this family to be confused with the Cole fam ily. A more careful inspection leads to the conclusion that they are distinct, one written Call or Caul, the other Cole or Coal. The Philip "Call" on p. 347 should be Philip Colby. call CHALLIS FAMILIES. 891 4 Philip Call,* of Amesbury, "weaver," m. Jan. 20, 1706-7 [A], (2) Sarah Trussell. He was living in 1730. Children: 5 I Philip, b. May 26, 1707[A]; m. July 17, 1729, DOROTHY Hadley. + 6 II Obadiah, b. Nov. 16, 1709[A]. See jNoTE, p. 337. 7 III Mary, b. June 5, 1712[A]. 8 IV Sarah, b. Mch. 8, 1715-6[A]. 9 V John, b. Feb. 20, 1717-8[A]. 10 VI Martha, b. Feb. 7, 1720[A]. 11 VII Moses, b. Jan. 9, 1725-6[A]. 12 vin Stephen, b. Nov. 29, 1728[A]. 5 Philip Call Jr. {Philip), of Amesbury, b. 1707; m. July 17, 1729[A], (21) Dorothy* Hadley. [See jNote, p. 337.] Children: 13 I Mary, b. Feb. 4, 1729[A]. 14 II Philip, b. Dec. 27, 1731[A]. 15 III Elizabeth, b. Apr. 20, 1734[A]; prob. m. Mch. 2, 1753[A], Daniel Heath. 16 IV Dorothy, b. Apr. 24, 1736[A]. 17 v Ruth, b. Dec. 3, 1738[A]. 18 VI Sarah, b. Sept. 8, 1740[A]. Galley Family. See Kelly. Carr Family. Pages 84-7, 645. For corrections of t Note, p. 85, see (11) James' Bailey, p. 872. 16 Sarah'. See Hukly, pp. 211 and 383. 27 Elizabeth'. Erase "prob." 30 Elizabeth' m. Ebenezer" Kimball (27 Samuel'). Carter Family. Pages 87-8. 7 JoHN^ Carter m. (49) Martha^ Brown. 17 Ephraim' [m. (88) Martha" Stevens?]. Challis Family. Pages 89-91, 645-6. 1 Philip^ Challis, freeman 1645 in Salisbury. 17 Joseph' m. Apr. 11, 1728[A], Mary Rowell (16 Philip*'!). * (4) Philip would be considered the son of (3) Philip but for the lp. rec, "d. unm.' 892 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 11 Thomas- Challis. Erase "1st." Both were living in 1712. A wid. Mary d. Sept. 27, 1716[A]. 20 Philip' m. Dec. 2, 1725[A] (34) Dorothy^ Weed; liv. 1729. 21 Ann' m. Jan. 25, 1721-2[A], (49) Jonathan" Currier; liv. 1730. 24 Thomas'. Erase "prob." He d. Mch. 12, 1752[A]. 29 John' prob. m. (36) Ann" Sargent. 36 Thomas' m. Nov. 22, 1744[A], Rhoda Bagley (6 John). Chase Family. Pages 91-5, 646-9. 2 Thomas^. His will, Apr. 26, 1712; Dec. 8, 1714, ment. many relatives. 33 Jemima' m. Nov. not "Sep.," p. 646. 38 Aquila'. Only child, Mary*, bp. Apr. 25, 1714[Ip]; d. Mch. 10, 1714-5 [lp], aged 1 y. 10 m. 51 Abraham' m. 1st, (89) Ruth" Morse. 64 Abner' m. (22) Elizabeth Wheeler, p. 646. 73 Hannah', p. 95. Erase "m. Apr. 9, 1723, Timothy Jackman." See p. 646. She m. Green Whittier bef. 1720[Hv]. 37 James' Chase [p. 647] m. 1st, Lydia' Johnson {John", John^) of Hv. 100 WellsS Lieut., m. Aug. 6, 1734[Nb], Martha Morss. Lieut. Wells Chase, probably his son. Wells', b. 1741, served in the Revolution from A. and was wounded at the battle of Bunker Hill. 113 Hannah" m. Dec. 14, 1738[Bd], Abraham Parker Jr. Cilley Family. Pages 317, 567-8. Mr. Seeley's house was taxed in Dover, in 1648. 1 John Seeley, commander of ship "Dolphin," 1659; d. near 1670, while absent at sea, prob. unm. [Cilley pamphlet]. Wm. ap. adm. est. bro. Capt. John, June 30, 1670; adm. in Eng. also, some years before. 2 William Seeley. Erase "per." Is proved bro. of John, p. 824; b. ab. 1631. May have been bro. of Richard. The suggestion made on p. 567, that perhaps another generation should be inserted in the printed genealogies, is worthy of consideration. One of the three children given to Richard (Martha) is certainly an error. The sug gested arrangement, not fully proved, would be as follows: 5 Richard' Sealy, as on p. 567. Born ab. 1620-5; m. Martha . He was dead in 1686, when wid. Martha m. (1) John' cilley — clement families. 893 Clough (b. ab. 1615-20), as his second wife. She outlived him and d. after 1692. Children: 5a A SONS b. ab. 1650; m. . + 5b Elizabeths b. ab. 1660; m. ab. 1683, (97) John Davis of A.; d. bef. Oct. 1702. 4- 5a 2 Cilley {Richard"^?) , h. ab. 1650; m. . Children: 6 ThomasS b. ab. 1675; m. 1697, Ann' Stanyan (b. 1678). 13 Benoni', b. ab. 1680; m. 1st, 1703, Eleanor' Getchell (b. 1684), etc. 6 Thomas' Cilley ( ^ Richard^?), as on p. 567; b. ab. 1675; m. July 2, 1697[Pike's Journal], (8) Ann' Stanyan. She was prob. dead in 1718. Her son John* ment. in Stanyan's will. 7 Mary". The date of birth, p. 567, is prob. incorrect. 13 Benoni' Cilley (— ^ Richard'^?), as onp. 568; b. ab. 1680. 16 Thomas" m. 1st, Jan. 6, 1731-2[S]; 2d, June 22, 1736[S]. 18 Samuel" m. Dec. 28, 1738[Kg], Martha Fifield. 19 Benjamin" m. Mch. 4, 1736[Kg], Judith Darling. 20 Eleanor" int., not "m." Mch. 20, 1735-6[S]. 21 John" bp. Dec. 24, 1727[1S]; d. Oct. 21, 1738[S]. 23 Dorcas" b. i725[S], not "1727." Clement Family. Pages 95-8. 1 Robert' Clement, Mr.* Freeman 1645, Hv. ; took oath as ^'associate" and appointed to take oaths at Hv., 1650 and later years; allowed to sell wine for Hv., 1653, and licensed to sell strong waters for the town[Hm?], [prob. Hv.], 1654. 2 JoB^ Clement. Sworn constable at Hv. 1647. 12 Jobs pp. 96 and 649. 3 JoHN^ Clement, Mr.f Chosen Lieut. Oct., 1650; commis sioner to end small causes for Hv. Apr., 1'652. The date given for his death, "July 21," must be incorrect. His bro. was ap. adm. July 21, confirmed Sept. 27, 1659, and May 10, 1660. * His autographs read Clements. t There was another John Clemence or Clements, of Marblehead, 1644-62, and prob. later, whose wife Apphia was "to be set by the heels in the stocks" half an hour for saying that " the honored Governor was the death of her father." 894 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 15 Lydia'. Erase "[see (25) Lydia']." She prob. did not return to America. 4 Robert^ Clement. In settling the estate of his bro. John, the court. May 10, 1660, allowed "his charges for the voyage to England and Ireland in taking over his brother John Clements' wife and children." They do not appear to have returned. 25 Lydia'. Erase "[Per. (15) Lydia']." 28 Jonathan', pp. 97 and 649. 30 Jobs pp. 97 and 649. Wid. Mehitable m. Oct. 19, 1736[Hv], George Little. Dau. Mehitable' m. Dec. 13, 1727[Hv], John" Griffin Jr. of Bd; she d. Feb. 3, 1729[Hv]. 33 Johns Lieut., d. Nov. 25, 1762[Hv]. Wife Eliz. d. Nov. 6, 1754[Hv]. Chil. rec. at Hv.: Jonatiian', b. 1708; John', b. 1711, d. 17 U; Elizabeth', b. 1713-14, d. 1715; Benjamin', b. 1717-18; Abigail or Abijah', b. 1719, d. 1734; Elizabeth', b. 1724, m. 1746, John Watts Jr., who d. 1753; Hannah', b. 1726, d. 1729. 34 Nathaniel" m. (70) Sarah" Merrill [not "Morrill"]. 20 Abraham' Clement, pp. 98, 649. 37 Edmund", printed "Edv/ard" in Hv. V. R. 22 Fawne' Clement m. 2d, Mch. 7, 1718[Nb], Dorothy Freez. 45 Timothys b. May 1, 1699[Nb], pp. 98, 649. 46 Sarah", m. Oct. 22, 1719[Hv & Nb], Richard' Hazzen Jr. (Richard', Edw.') of Hv. 47 Jonathans b. Jan. ii[Hv V R], pp. 98, 649. 48 Joseph" m. Mch. 4, 1730-1, Hannah Atkinson; d. Oct. 26, 1774. 48a Benjajon" (Fawne'), b. Jan. 7, 1718-9[Nb] [by 2d wife]; prob. d. young. Clifford Family. Page 99. 1 John Clifford free 1649. Wife Bridget d. 1679 or '80. Her will ment. her Huggins children[Hist Hm Falls, p. 231]. 8 Esther Clifford. AnEstherofNb.m. July 20, 1686[Ip], James Stanley. Clough Family. Pages 99-102, 650-1. 1 John' Clough m. 2d, Jan. 15, 1686[Dover], wid. Martha Cilley [per. wid. of (5) Richard']. 2 Elizabeth' m. prob. (1) William Horne. 14 Joseph' member Kg. chh. Sept., 1725; wife Mary adm. Mch., 1726. clough — COLBY FAMILIES. 895 She d. Oct. 12 and he Oct. 13, 1732. A child d. Sept. 9, 1727; an in fant d. Oct. 25, 1732. 16 Jonathan' m. Hannah Gile. Chil.: Hannah*, b. 1718; Timothy*, b. 1719- 20; Lydia*, b. 1721; rec. at Hv. 19 Aaron' m. Jan. 3, 1721[Hm chh], Abigail Moulton. 45a Joseph" (Benoni') m. Susanna Reeves of Sm., Mass. 15 chil. Some went to different towns in N. H. Joseph' rem. in Salem[M. O. Cluff]. 21 Samuel' Clough m. Oct. 21, 1702[D Hm], Sarah Robie. 56 Theophilus". A Theoph., "widower," m. Sarah French. A Joseph Clough m. Mary Blake, of Hm., int. 1742; chil. rec. at S., b. 1744-55. Cobham Family. Page 102. Codman Family. Pages 102, 380. 1 Robert' Codman. (1) John' Stevens called him "bro." in 1646. Coffin Family. Pages 103, 651. 1 Tristram' Coffin freeman Hv. 1645. Colby Family. Pages 103-10, 651-98. 1 Anthony' Colby. It has been suggested that his wife may have been Susanna Haddon. Erase "or '4," sixth line, p. 104. 6 Isaac^ Colby. Substitute Parrat for "Jewett," pp. 104 and 105. See p. 652. 9 Thomas^ Colby. Inv. est. Mch. 31, 1691 ; est. div. Nov., 1697. 39 Sarah" m. (12) Daniel' Flanders. 72a MoSES" (24 Anthony') bp. May 24, 1713 [IHv]. 96 Hannah". See p. 653. 36 Jacob^ Colby. Erase "A Mrs. Eliz. d." etc., p. 110. * Note, p. 110. Erase "perhaps a wid. Hannah Colby." 56 Enoch* Colby and family, pp. 657-8, see p. 825. 172 Dorothy* bp. Feb. 14, 1730-l[lHv]. 173 JethroS See pp. 658, 825. 896 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 174a Abigail' (56 Enoch*), pp. 658, 825. 230 Joseph'. It is said that he rem. to Deer Is., Me., ab. 1766. S81 Sarahs pp. 671, 825. 113 Benaiah'^ Colby and family, pp. 672, 825. 396 Sarah'. See pp. 672, 825. 401 John'. See pp. 672, 825. 489 Betsey' m. 1st, Sept. 5, 1793[A & S], Beniah* Flanders (52 James*); 2d, May 25, 1820[S], Dudley Maxfield. 492a Hezekiah' (195 Makepeace'), b. ; bp. July 15, 1764[3 Nbt]. 233 Ephraim^ Colby d. Mch. 11, 1818[Hv]. 398 Benaiah" Colby and family, pp. 689-90, 825. 728 Thomas Colby, p. 692. A Lieut. Colby was in Col. Jona than Bagley's regiment at Louisburg, 1759-60. Marriages. Page 694. Hannah Colby and David George, both of Concord, N. H., Jan. 5, 1777 ,[N. H. Gen. Rec, vol. 6, p. 51]. Cole Family . Page 111. 9 Philip Cole m. Dorothy . Chil. rec. at A.:Sarofe, b. Dec. 8, 1740; Martha, b. Jan. 6, 1742; Hannah, h. Dec. 20, 1744; Mary, b. Jan. 21, 1747; John, b. Feb. 4, 1751. 10 MosES Coal m. Frances . Chil.: Gideon, b. May 21, 1738[AJ. Collier Family. Page 112, Note. Collins Family. Pages 111-2, 698. 1 Robert Collins. In lp. as early as 1654. For "[Ezra?]" read (39) Ezra'. Wife Hester liv. 1683. 11 Anna. An Ann and John Hadlock pub. Aug. 22, 1701[S]. Children of Joseph and Hannah CoHins rec. at A., b. 1725-38. Connor Family. Pages 113, 698. 3 John Connor m. (10a) Elizabeth^ Purington (2 John'). CORLISS — CURRIER FAMILIES. 897 Corliss Family. Pages 113-4. 8 Huldah'! m. 2d, Dec. 27, 1704[Hv], Abraham^ Whittakbr (Abraham'). 10 John', b. Mch. H, and 16 Mehitable^, b. May 5. 13 Hannah' or Anna' [birth not on Hv. rec] m. 1st, John Hinds; 2d, Oliver Heyward [Chase's Hv. p. 221, Note, where the name is given "Anna Whittaker," prob. because her mother was then the wife of Wm. Whit- taker. See Es. Inst. Hist. Coll. vol. 49, p. 43, J Note]. Cottle Family. Pages 11 4r-6. 1 Edward' Cotti.e mortgaged, not "sold," his house and lot in 1667. Cotton Family. Pages 117, 699. Coy Family. Pages 118, 699. Richard Coy was servant of Mr. Whittingham, who brought him over from Boston, Lincolnshire, Eng., in 1638; also of Mr. Hubbard in lp., as early as 1645, for a term of years. He lived in Wenham, 1658-62, where he was "licensed to keep an ordinary and draw wine and strong waters." His sister Mary was in Bos ton in 1654. His bro. Matthew's name was often written Coe. A Mary Coye of Beverly m. June 6, 1706[Ip], Thomas Knolton. Currier Family. Pages 118-24, 699-704. We have found no proof that the Curriers of America are de scended from James of Scotland, as sometimes given. 1 Richard' Currier.* Oath fidelity 1646. Date of bond adm. Nov. 6, 1710, [not "April 1, 1711,"] and date of inv. and acct. 1711 [not "1712"]. One item in the account shows that he was drowned, t In April, 1664 (then about 47 yrs. old), he testified that, a num ber of years before, he and Thomas Macy, the latter "then agent * The spelling Kiah, sometimes found on official records at the close of the 18th and the begin ning of the 19th centuries, represents a common pronunciation of the name Currier at that time and later. For example, the printed Nb. records give Benjamin Kiah m. Nabby Atkinson, Nov . 25, 1802, from church records; but Benjamin Currier m. Abigail Atkinson, same date, from town records. See also Kiah Bayle , A. V. R. p. 29, and G. R. 46:12; also "Kiah Comer," Warner, N. H. t If nearly all the 17th century Curriers of Mass., N.H., and Me. were descendants of (1) Richard', he must have had three sons: Jeffrey of Portsmouth and the Isles of Shoals, Samuel of Haverhill, and Thomas of Amesbury; but Thomas is the only one who is known to be his eon. If Jeffrey and Samuel were his sons, he must have married quite young, for he was b. about 1616 or '17, Samuel about 1636, and Jeffrey quite as early. 898 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. for his master," as "servants" of Mr. Francis Dove, mowed certain marsh land near Salisbury beach belonging to Dove. 2 Samuel^ Currier and children, pp. 119, 699. The earliest record of him yet found is Mch., 1662-3, as deputy constable of Rowley, which then included Bradford. 12 Elizabeth', pp. 120, 699, m. Feb. 19, 1722-3[Hv& Nb], Dea. John Worth of Nb. She d. Feb. 28, 1740-l[Nb], aged 60 y. 4 Thomas^ Currier and children, p. 120. 15 Hannah' m. 1697 [not '"87"], (43) John' Stevens Jr. (John', Wm.'). Erase "John' of And. and Hv.," p. 120. 9 John' Currier and children, pp. 120-1, 699. Wid. Grace m. Sept. 4, 1729[Hv & Bd], (53) Thomas' Kimball, of Bradford. 29 Abigail* m. June 6, 1727[Hv], Thomas Carleton of Bd. 14 Samuel' Currier and children, pp. 121, 700. Of IVlethuen the latter part of his life. 35 Abigail'' prob. m. Dec. 23, 1740 *[Nb], Edmund Worth. [The "Eliza beth" bp. Apr. 16, 1721[lHv], is prob. the same person.] 36 Alice* prob. m. (413) Amos* Davis, as on p. 700. 16 Thomas' Currier and children, p. 121. 42 Timothy* m. Judith Hook. -|- 44 Eleanor* m. 1st, Nov. 21, 1728[A], David Stevens; 2d, Oct. 26, 1743[Hvl, Cornelius Johnson. 46 Daniel* m. Electa* Currier. Erase " b. ab. 1710." + 17 Richard' Currier and children, pp. 121-2, 700. 51 John*. Erase "A John m.," etc., as (51) John m. Mary Johnson. + 52 Dorothy* m. Nov. 18, 1725[A & Nb], James Crocker, of Nb. 54 Merriam* m. Dec. 19, 1728[A], (39) MoSES' Titcomb. 57 Mary* m. Sept. 1, 1743[A], Peter Coffin, of Nb. 58 Moses*, b. ab. 1713; m. Rhoda* Wells. + 18 Samuel' Currier and children, p. 122. He d. July 30, 1735[S]. 63 Samuel* Jr. m. June 24[S V R], not "Jan.," but June 29[2S]. + 64 Dorothy* m. June 16, 1732[2S], (29) Winthrop* True. 65 Ann* m. Jan. 15, 1735-6[2S], (30) Samuel* True. * The date given on p. 700 may be that of publishment. CURRIER FAMILY. 899 21 William' Currier and children, pp. 122, 701; m. 2d, (8?) Hannah Harvey, as on p. 701; called "Joanna" in will. 67 Mary* m. Apr. 14, 1736[A], (30) Jacob' Challis, not "(17) Joseph." 68 Thomas* Jr. prob. d. 1741-5. 69 Hannah* prob. m. ab. 1732, (33) Ezekiel' Worthen Jr. 70 William* m. Feb. 19, 1735-6, Judith Chase. + 71 Ebenezer* m. Dec. 28, 1737, Anne Jones. + 72 Rachel*, b. Nov. 8, 1723[A] [by 2d wife]; prob. m. July 20, 1756[A], (73) John* Wells. + 22 John' Currier and children, p. 123. 74 Anne* m. Mch. 14, 1728[A], (37) Daniel' Rowell. 75 John*, b. Jan[A V R]. + 76 Judith* m. May 22, 1735[A], Samuel Sheppard; both liv. 1748. 78 Elizabeth* m. Oct. 18, 1739[A], Eliphalet Swett; both liv. 1748. 79 Hannah* m. Apr. 9, 1741[A], (97b) Elijah* Currier. + 80 Moses* d. Feb. 27, 1744[A]. 23 Joseph' Currier and children, p. 123; b. ab. 1685; d. Nov. 19, 1748, in his 63d y. 82 Joseph* d. Mch. 11, 1742[A]. 85-88. See p, 701. 89 Merriam*, bp. June 23, 1728[2A]; m. Nov. 4 or 5, 1745[A], (112) John' Hoyt Jr., p. 757. 24 Benjamin' Currier and children, p. 123. Wife Abigail rec'd to full com. Sept. 22, 1740[1A]. 90 Gideon* m. 1737-8 [not "1783"], p. 701. + 91 Betty* m. Dec. 9, 1746, Paul Sanborn, at Kg. 92 Abigail*, b. "1723?" A. V. R. 95 Eleanor*, bp. Aug. 27, 1735[1A], privately, "by reason of dangerous sick ness," p. 493. 95a Judith*, b. ; d. 1736[A]. 96 Mary*, b. June 13, 1714[A]. 97 Hannah*, b. July 4, 1737[A]; m. Moses Hills. 25 Ebenezer' Currier {Thomas^, Richard^), of Amesbury, East Parish, b. 1690; m. Dec. 8, 1713[S], (38) Judith* Osgood, etc., as on p. 120. Children: 97a iENOCH*,b.Dec. 2, 1714[A];m. Dec. 22, 1737, (59) Abigail* Osgood, -f- 97b II Elijah*, b. ab. 1717; m. 1st, Apr. 9, 1741, (79) Hannah* Currier; 2d, Elizabeth . -|- 900 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURT. 97c III Ruth*, b. Nov. 2, 1720[A]; m. Mch. 26, 1741[A], Stephen' Bartlett (40 Stephen*); liv. 1745. 97d IV Ebenezer*, b. Dec. 22, 1723[A]; m. Mch. 26, 1747, Mary Clough. + 97e v Mehitable*, b. Sept. 3, 1726[A]; prob. m. 1746[A], William Straw Jr. [A]. 97f VI Theophilus*, b. Apr. 4, 1732[A]; bp. June 4, 1732[1A]; prob. d. young; not ment. in will, 1745. 26 Daniel' Currier and children, p. 123. Wid. Sarah m. Apr. 8, 1731[A & S], (17) Joseph' Sargent. 98 Joseph*, bp. Mch. 26, 1720[2S]; "mariner"; was of Tiverton, Mass. [now R. I.], in 1745. 99 Benjamin*, bp. May 27, 1722[2S]. -f- 99a Daniel*, b. May 10, bp. Aug. 25, 1728[2S]; posthumous. Nos. retained from "Vol. II. 100-103 and 143, pp. 124, 703-4, and next after No. 734. 104-112, type of this size, p. 701, and next after No. 256. 113-119, type of this size, p. 702, and next after No. 322. 120-142, type of this size, pp. 702-3 and next after No. 395. 144, p. 704, and next after No. 720. 27 Reuben* Currier, Lieut. {John^, Samuel^, ^P), of Haverhill, East Parish, b. 1707; m. Nov. 2, 1729[Hv], Elizabeth Robinson, who d. Oct. 18, 1768[Hv]. He d. Aug. 19, 1773[Hv]. See p. 699. Children[Hv records]: 145 I Reuben', b. July 30, 1730; d. Jan. 6, 1737-8. 146 II Caleb', b. Dec. 28, 1731; d. Dec. 13, 1737. 147 III Mary', b.Nov. 12, 1733; m. Mch. 13, 1753[Hv], (39) Amos* Currier. + 148 IV Abigail', b. Feb. 24, 1735-6; d. Jan. 6, 1737-8. 149 V Reuben', b. July 21, 1738; prob. m. May 16, 1773[Hv], Lydia Atwood.* Chil. rec. at Hv.: Reuben', b. 1774; Elizabeth', b. 1775; Caleb', b. 1777; Grace', b. 1779; Benaiah', b. 1781; Abigail', b. 1783; Char lotte', b. 1785; Daniel', b. 1787; John', b. 1790. He or his son Revhen' prob. d. Apr. 15, 1827[Hv]. 150 VI Elizabeth', b. Mch. 4, 1739-40. 28 John* Currierj {John^, Samuel"", 1?), of Haverhill, Mass., and Salem, N. H., b. 1708; m. 1st, Sept. 13, 1737[Hv], Elizabeth Watts (John of Plaistow); 2d, Abiah . John Jr. of Hv. bought land in the West Parish in 1737, (684) John was then * This makes him nearly 36 y. old when m., and perhaps nearly 20 y. older than his wife. t The paragraph on p. 699 headed "28 John*," should be headed (.684) John*. CURRIER FAMILY. 901 Sen. He d. Jan. 23, 1790, aged 82 y.[Sm]. Will Nov. 18, 1786; Mch. 17, 1790, wife Abiah ment. He was John Jr. in Hv. till 1740. Children : 151 I Peter', b. Sept. 29, 1738[Hv]*; d. Sept. 2, 1740[Hvl.* 152 II Natil\niel', b. Aug. 18, 1740[Hv]*; liv. 1786. J. B. C. states that he m. Sarah Wise, of Plaistow; lived in Pelham, N. H.; d. Oct. 2,1821. 12 chil., b. 1765-93. 153 III Hannah', b. Apr. 17, 1743[Sm]; d. Oct. 26, 1760[Sm]. 154 IV Dudley', b. Apr. 17, 1745[Sm]; m. May 11, 1780[Nb], Sarah Ordway; signed Association Test at Sm., N. H., 1776; Hv. 1786. 155 V James', b. June 29, 1747[Sm]; d. Nov. 2, 1760[Sm]. 156 VI Simeon', b. Aug. 17, 1749[Sm]; d. Nov. 2, 1760[Sm]. 157 VII Peter', b. Jan. 7, 1752[Sm]; not found in will of John Watts, 1759, nor in the will of 1786. 30 Samuel* Currierj {John^, Samuel", ^?), of Gloucester and Haverhill, b. 1712?; m. Mch. 7, 1733[Ip], Lydia Williams of Gloucester. A Samuel of Pelham, N. H., "housewright," bought land and buildings in Methuen in 1759. A Samuel, "housewright," and Lydia of Mth. sold land there in 1761. See (33) Sam*. Children : 158 I Samuel', b. Dec, 1734[J.B.C.], 1736?[G1]. A Samuel Jr. m. Jan. 12, 1762 [Mth], Margaret Gutterson. 159 n Lydia', b. July 14, 1736[J.B.C.], 1738? ]Babson's GI]. 160 III Jonathan', b. Nov. 27, 1737[Hv], at Gl. A Jonathan m. Sarah Searls of Dunstable, int. Nov. 6, 1762[Mth]. A Jonathan rec'd to Hmst. chh. from Mth. chh. May 6, 1775; rem. to Piedmont J [Hist Hmst, vol. 2, p. 389]. 161 IV David', b. July 18, 1739[Hv]. 162 V Sarah', b. Sept. 13, 1741[Hv]. 163 VI Amos', b. Nov. 19, 1743[Hv]. 164 VII M0SES% b. May 9, 1746[Hv]. 165 VIII Peter', b. Mch. 4, 1747[Hv]. 166 § 31 Caleb* Currier {John^, Samuel", ^?), of Haverhill, -East Parish, b. 1715; m. Nov. 12, 1736[Hv], Abigail Roberts. See p. 699. He d. Oct. 18, 1757[Hv]. Children [Hv records]: * These three dates are just one year later on the Salem records. t As this Samuel first appears in Gloucester, he might belong to the Shoals branch; but, as he spent most of his life in Hv. and vicinity, it seems more probable that he was No. 30, who was b. there, and living in 1729. t He could not have m. Hannah Clark of Hv. in 1778, as the date of that marriage was 1798 [Hv V R]. § (166) Josiah Ctmrier, who d. at Gl., Jan., 1835, aged 86 y., may have been a bro. of Peter, b. 1749. A wid. Martha, b. in Gl., d. Sept. 14, 1848[Hvl, aged 91 y. 902 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURT. 167 I Caleb', b. Jan. 13, 1737-8; d. Feb. 3, 1737-8. 168 II Caleb', b. June 2, 1739; d. June 4, 1759. 169 III Abigail', b. Sept. 14, 1741. An Abigail m. Apr. 10, 1766[lHv], Sam uel Cole of Boxford. 170 IV Hannah', b. Mch. 29, 1744. A Hannah m. Mch. 5, 1763[Hv], Joshua Emery of Plaistow. 171 V Simeon', b. Dec. 20, 1746; prob. m. Mary ; chil. rec. at Bradford; Hannah', b. 1773; Molly', b. 1775; Sarah', b. 1777, d. '78; Rebecca', b. 1778. 172 VI David', b. July 19, 1749; d. Jan. 26, 1750. 173 VII David', b. Aug. 8, 1753; d. Nov. 23, 1754. 174 VIII David', b. Sept. 16, 1756. A David m. May 30, 1780[Bd], Elizabeth Peabody of Boxford, and rem. to Peacham, Vt. The "Currier Genealogy"* makes him (135) David', p. 916; but it seems more prob. that he was (174) David'. 32 Jonathan* Currier {SamueP, Samuel", ^?), of Methuen, b. 1715; m. Aug. 1, l739[Bd], Esther Gage, of Bradford. He d. July 8, 1776[Mth]. Will Apr. 28, 1774; Aug. 5, 1776. Will of wid. Esther Apr. 16, 1792; Jan. 4, 1803. Children[Mth records]: 175 I Amos', b. May 9, 1740; d. Oct. 21, 1758. 176 II Abigail', b. Aug. 4, 1741; m. Feb. 28, 1765[Mth], John Jaques Jr.; d. bef. 1774. 177 III Jonathan', b. Apr. 12, 1743; m. Jan. 4, 1765, Lydia Knowlton. Adm. est. gr. Sept. 8, 1795, to Jonathant (son). Wid. Lydia ap. guard. 5 minor chil. Chil. rec. at Mth.; Mary', b. 1766; Samuel', b. il769; Jonathan', b. 1770; Hannah', 'b. 1773; Amos', b. 1776; Nathaniel', b. 1778; Daniel', b. 1780; Thomas', b. 1782; Asa', b. 1784; Daniel', 'b. 1786; David', b. 1787; Isaac Howe', b. 1790. 178 IV Martha', b. Mch. 4, 1744-5; m. Oct. 31, 1769[Mth], Josiah Clough of Salem, N. H. 179 V Asa', b. ; bp. Aug. 10, 1746; d. young. 180 VI Asa', b. Sept. 4, 1747; liv. 1792; prob. m. Oct. 31, 1769[Mth], Jenny, or Gene, Gilmore? He d. Nov. 17, 1818[Mth]. Chil. rec. at Mth.: Daniel', b. 1770; Esther', b. 1773; Jonathan', b. 1776; AbigaiW b. 1778; Hannah', b. 1781; Asa', b. 1784; James', b. 1788. 181 VII Daniel', b. Sept. 10, 1748; d. Sept. 3, 1752. 182 VIII Samuel', b. ; bp. Aug. 12, 1750; not ment. in wills. 183 IX Esther', b. Mch. 6, 1753; m. Peasley Merrill of Sm., N. H., int. Aug. 27, 1774[Mth]. 184 X Lydia', b. Jan. 20, 1755; m. Jan. 23, 1783[Mth], Timothy Howe. 185 XI Sarah', b. Sept. 28, 1756; name Currier in 1792. 186 XII Mehitable', b. July 17, 1760; d. May 19, 1761. * By Harvey L. and John M. Currier, Newport, Vt., 1910, 271 pp. t Jonathan, son of Jona. and Lyd., b. Dec. 12, 1770(MthI; d. Feb. 6, 1849, aged 78 y.[Mthl. CURRIER FAMILY. 903 33 Samuel* Currier {SamueP, SamueP, '?) of Methuen,* and Salem, N. H., b. 1716-7; m. Sept. 27, 1739[Mth], Esther Morse. t Children: 187 I Elizabeth', b. Aug. 17, 1740[Mth]; prob. m. May 15, 1760[Mth], James Carleton. 188 II Sarah', b. Oct. 24, 1742[Mth]; d. Aug. 7, 1762[Sm]. 189 III Abigail', b. Nov. 20, 1744[Sm]. 190 IV Esther', b. Oct. 2, 1746[Sm]. 191 V Alice', b. July 14, 1748[Sm]. 192 VI Samuel', b. Aug. 8, 1750[Mth]; d. July 12, 1752[Sm]. 193 VII Samuel', b. Sept. 2, 1752[Sm]; d. Aug, 16, 1762[Sm]. 34 Richard* Currier, Dea. (^SamueP, SamueP, '?), of Newbury and Methuen, b. 1718; m. May 5, 1743[Nb], Elizabeth Knight of Nb. He d. Oct. 9, 1795. Will Apr. 10, 1793; Nov. 2, 1795, ment. wife Eliz. Children: 194 I Sarah', b. Apr. 19, 1744[Mth], at Nb.; not ment. in will. 195 II Stephen', b. Aug. 1, 1745[Mth], at Nb.; m. Oct. 20, 1768[Mth], Mary Merrill; signed Association Test, 1776; liv. in 1793; res. Salem, N. H. Chil. rec. there: Sarah', b. Aug., 1769; Mary', b. Jan., 1771; Abigail', b. Oct., 1773; Hannah', b. July, 1775; Esther', b. July, 1777. 196 III Abigail', b. Feb. 27, 1746-7[Mth], at Nb.; m. Phinehas Cording of Sm., N. H., int. May 7, 1774[Mth]; liv. 1793. 197 IV Richard', b. Mch. 12, 1749[Mth]; m. 1st, Dec. 18, 1777[Nb], Anna Knight; prob. also 2d, Oct. 4, 1791[Hv], Sarah CtTRRiER. He d. Feb. 27, 1849[Mth], aged 100 y. Chil. rec. at Mth.: Eliphalet Knight', b. June, 1779; Anna', b. Nov., 1780. Chil. of Rich. Jr. and Sarah: Richard', b. Mch., 1794; Sarah', h. Mch., 1796. 198 v Tristram', b. June 12, 1751; d. May 19, 1753[Mth]. 199 VI Joshua', b. Mch. 30, 1753[Mth]; d. Aug. 29, 1773[Mth]. 200 VII John', b. Jan. 14, 1755[Mth]; m. Oct. 9, 1776[Mth], Susanna Howe; liv. 1793. Chil. of John 3d and Susanna: Hannah', b. July 1, 1777 [Sm]; Tristram', h. Dec. 2, 1780[Sm]. 201 vin Elizabeth', b. Jan. 14, 1757[Mth]; m. Hall; liv. 1793. 202 IX Hannah', b. Oct. 17, 1758[Mth]; not in will. 203 X Judith', b. Jan. 15, 1761[Mth]; d. Feb. 14, 1764. 204 XI Moody', b. July 22, 1762[Mth]; d. Mch. 3, 1764. 205 XII Samuel', b. Jan. 3, 1764[Mth]; d. Jan. 29, 1774[Mth]. 206 Xin Judith', b. Oct. 9, 1765[Mth]; d. Nov. 18, 1792[Mth]. 207 XIV Amos', b. Mch. 31, 1767[Mth]; d. Jan. 12, 1791[Mth]. * The History of Hampstead, vol. 2, pp. 744-5, states that he settled in Hmst. and later became a Baptist minister, the first one in the town of Wentworth. Incorrect. See (343) Samuel". t J. B. C. exchanges the families of (30) Sam.* and (33) Sam.<, making the latter m. Lydia Wil liams when 16 or 17 y. old. 904 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURT. 37 William' Currier, Sen. {SamueP, SamueP, '?), of Newbury and Newburyport, b. 1725; m. Sept. 29, 1748[Nb], Tabitha Pettingill, who d. Oct. 7, 1794, aged 65 y.[Nbt]. Children: 208 I Tabitha', b. ; bp. July 16, 1749[3Nb]. 209 II Matthew', b. Aug. 3, 1751[Nb]; m. int. Jan. 14, 1775[Nbt], Sarah Pettingel, who d. Aug. 6, 1814[Nbt], aged 58 y. He d. Nov. 14, 1829, aged 78y.[Nbt]. Chil. rec. at Nbt.: Sarah', b. Nov., 1775; Matthew', b. Aug., 1777; EdmttMd', b. July, 1779; William',}). Inne, 1781, d. Oct., 1782; William', b. Dec, 1783; James', b. Nov., 1785; Susanna Haslcell', b. Mch., 17S&; Joseph Haskell', or Joseph Huse', b. Feb., 1790; Nathaniel', b. Feb., 1792; Judith', h. Apr., 1794; John', b. Apr., 1796. 210 in William' 3d, b. July 4, 1754[Nb]; m. Sept. 14, 1777[Nbt], Abigail Peacham, or Beacham, who d. Sept. 6, 1794, aged 35 y.[Nbt]. Chil. rec. at Nbt.: William', b. June, 1778; Edward', b. July, 1780; Nicholas PettingeW, b. Nov., 1782, d. May, 1783; Solomon Haskell', b. Mch., 1784; Samuel', b. July, 1786; Elizabeth PettingeW, b. Aug., 1788; Tabitha', b. Dec, 1791; Abigail', b. June, d. Oct., 1794. 211 IV Susanna', b. Oct. 27, 1757[Nb]. A Susanna or Joanna m. Feb. 10, 1778[Nbt], Solomon Haskell. 212 V Nicholas', b. Nov. 18, 1759[Nb]; m. Jan. 16, 1783[Nbt], Elizabeth Pettingell. He d. Mch. 29, 1830[Nbt] ; she d. Mch. 3, 1838, aged 76 y. Chil. rec. at Nbt.: Nicholas', b. Aug., 1783, d. young; Nicholas', b. June, 1784; Elizabeth', b. Jan., 1786, d. young; Richard Bartlett', b. Dec, 1787; Hannah', b. Jan., 1789, d. young; John', h. Feb., 1790; Abigail', b. Jan., 1793, d. young; Abigail', b. Feb., 1795; Elizabeth', b. Feb., 1797; Hannah', b. Jan., 1799; Mary', b. Dec, 1800; David', b. Aug., 1803; Thomas', b. Mch., 1807. 213 VI Samuel', b. Aug. 11, 1761[Nb]. A Samuel m. July 28, 1787[Nbt], Susanna Harris. Chil. rec. at Nbt.: Samuel', b. Dec, 1787; Hurrir phrey Wliarf, b. 1789; Mary', b. 1792; Elizabeth', b. 1794; Mary', b. 1796; Jane', b. 1798. See Nos. 724-6. 38 JoHN^ Currier {SamueP, Samuel", '?), of Amesbury and Newbury, and Salem, N. H., b. 1728[Hv]; m. Aug. 29, 1751[A], Jemima Clough {Samuel). She d. Apr. 27, 1816, aged 86 y. He was John Jr. in Nb. 1754-7; d. Sept. 22, 1801. Children: 214 I Alice', b. July 27, 1753[A]. An AUce m. Aug. 6, 1778[Sm[, John Hall. 215 n Samuel', b. Oct. 18, 1754[Nb]. [See (734) Samuel.] 216 m John', b. Mch. 13, 1756[Nb]; m. Mch. 19, 1781, Sarah Clement; a phy sician in Hopkinton, N. H., as early as 1779[Lord's Hopkinton, p. 347]; d. in 1808, aged 52 y. 217 IV Thomas', b. Dec. 7, 1757[Nb]. 218 V Molly', b. Dec. 26, 1760[Nb]. currier family. 905 219 VI Ebenezer', b. June 10, 1762[Nb]. 219a VII Abigail', b. ; m. John Chadwick[J.B.C]. 219b VIII Martha', b. [J.B.C.]. 220 IX Edmund', b. ab. 1767; m. Betty Stanley; a physician in Hopkinton, N. H.; d. 1811, aged ab. 44 y. [Lord's Hopk. p. 347]. 221 X Betty', b. July 10, 1770[Sm]. 222 XI Mehitable', b. July 3, 1772[Sm.] 223 xn Joshua', b. May 22, 1774[Sm]. 39 Amos* Currier {SamueP, SamueP, '?), of Haverhill, b. 1730; bp. Sept. 20, 1730[2A], at Methuen; m. Mch. 13, 1753[Hv], (147) Mary^ Currier. He d. June 15, 1759[Hv]. Children: 224 I Molly', b. Jan. 12, 1754[Hv]. 225 JI Nanne', b. Apr. 29, 1755[Hv]. 226 III Amos', b. Aug. 2, 1757[Hv]. 227 IV Alice', b. Oct. 24, 1758[Hv]. 228 v Abigail', b. Feb. 21, 1760[Hv]. 40 Asa* Currier {SamueP, SamueP, ^P), of Haverhill,* b. 1734; m. Mch. 22, 1759[Hv], Rebecca Plummer, of Hampstead. Both were rec'd to the E. Hv. chh. Oct. 14, 1759, and chil. bp. there 1760-73. It is said that he was in the battle of Bunker Hill, and d. at West Point in 1781. Children[Hv records] : 229 I Joseph', b. Feb. 4, 1760. 230 II Anna', b. Nov. 24, 1761, at Mth. 231 in Hannah', b. Nov. 7, 1763, at Mth. 232 IV Samuel', b. Oct. 24, 1765, at Hmst. 233 V Asa', b. July 14, 1767; m. June, 1791, Betty Sanborn, and settled in Sanbornton; d. in Newton, N. H. [Cur. Gen.] 234 VI Abigail', b. July 9, 1769. 235 VII Alice', b. July 24, 1771. 236 VIII Stephen', b. Aug. 19, 1773. 237 IX Moses', b. Aug. 13, 1776. 238 X Elizabeth', b. Sept. 12, 1778. 239 XI James', b. Apr. 9, 1781; rem. to Vt.[J.B.C.] 42 Timothy* Currier {Thomas^, Thomas^, Richard^), of Ames bury, East Parish.t b. 1704; m. 1st, Jan. 31, 1727-8[A], (20) Ju dith* Hook Jr., who d. Apr. 9, 1747, in her 42d y.[A]; 2d, Sept. 28, 1748[A], (11) Hannah' Jameson [wid. of (13) Jonathan' Blais- * He may have lived for short times in Methuen and Hmst. The record of births of children is continuous at Hv. down to 1781, although three were b. elsewhere. t J. B. C. states that Timothy and Daniel Currier, in 1735 and 1738, drew land in Buxton, Me.. on the right of Richard Currier, a Narragansett soldier. [See Note, p. 118.] [Jacob B. Currier of Lowell, whose MS. genealogy is in the Amesbury Public Library.] 906 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. dell].* He d. Mch. 1, 1753[A]. Son Humphrey ap. adm. est. Apr., 1753; div. est. Mch., 1754, wid. Hannah Currier ment. She m. 3d, Mch. 13, 1755[A], (7) Jacob Bagley. Children[A records]: 240 I Humphrey', b. May 14, 1729; m. Feb. 14, 1754[2S], Dorothy True; d. Oct., 1776[A], in his mh y., not "58th," as printed in A. V. R. Adm. est. Apr. 7, 1777. 241 n Sarah', b. Aug. 22, 1731; bp. Aug. 29, 1731[1A]; d. Aug. 26, 1736. 242 III Timothy', b. Sept. 18, 1733; bp. Oct. 28, 1733[1A]; d. Aug. 30, 1736. 243 IV William', b. July 30, 1736; bp. Aug. 1, 1736[1A]; d. Oct. 6, 1736. 43 Ezekiel* Currier {Thomas^, Thomas^, Richard^), of Ames bury, East Parish, "cordwainer," b. 1707; m. Jan. 15, 1732-3[2S], (67) Mehitable* Morrill, who was adm. to the lA. chh. from 2S. chh. Aug. 7, 1737. He d. Apr. 6, 1790[A]; will Dec. 24, 1789; Apr. 26, 1790. He may have m. 2d, Jan. 31, 17S9[2S], IVIary Stockman. Children[A records] : 244 I Eleanor', b. Nov. 22, 1733; bp. Mch. 31, 1734[1A]; m. Oct. 5, 1756[A], (102) Henry< Morrill of S.; liv. 1789. 245 II Nathaniel', b. Dec. 31, 1734; bp. Aug. 3, 1735[1A]; m. Miriam ; d. Nov. 26, 1769[A]. Chil. rec. at A.: Ezekiel', b. Jan. 30,1766; Anne', b. Apr. 16, 1768; Nathaniel', b. Jan. 22, 1770. 246 III William', b. May 12, 1737; m. 1760, Mary Carter, -j- 247 IV John', b. Jan. 27, 1739-40; m. Mch. 15, 1764, Abigail Wadleigh. -f- 248 V Levi', b. May 22, 1745; m. Anna Barnard. -|- 249 VI Mary', b. Mch. 27, 1750; m. Joseph Adams; liv. 1789. 46 Daniel* Currier {Thomas^, Thomas', Richard^), of Ames bury, East Parish, b. 1714-5; m. Apr. 22, 1742[A], (104) Electa^ Currier; d. as on p. 121. f He was rec'd to full com. lA. chh. Aug. 22, 1742. He d. Aug. 19, 1801[A]. [See fNoTE, p. 905]. Children[A records] : 250 I Sarah', b. July 5, 1743; m. 1st, Dec 21, 1763[A], Valentine Bagley; 2d, (124) David' Blaisdell, int. Nov. 13, 1790[A]. 251 II Daniel', b. Sept. 4, 1748; m. Hannah Lowell Bayley, int. May 6, 1775. Hannah, wife of Daniel Jr., d. May 19, 1792, aged 37 y.[39 y. old, dau. Wm. and Anne Bailey]. No chil. He rem. to S. Hm. 252 III Keziah', b. Aug. 28, 1755; m. James Follansbee of S., int. Oct. 23, 1779[A]. * Not "Ballerd," as on A. rec. The S. rec. read "Blasdell." t If the date of death of wife Electa is correct, she was 67 y. old, not "76," as printed from the gravestone. She was b. in 1719, not "ab. 1710," as age 76 would make it. CURRIER FAMILY. 907 47 Thomas* Currier {Thomas^, Thomas'", Richard^), of Ames bury, East Parish, b. 1717; m. Mch. 5, 1740-1[A & S], (75) Jemima* Morrill, of Salisbury. He was Thomas 3d in 1740 and '41, but is prob. the one who d. Apr. 18, 1756[A], as both (16) Thomas^ Sen. and (68) Thomas* Jr. probably died before that time. Jemima, wife Thomas Jr., rec'd to full com. May 19, 1745[1A]. He ren. cov. lA. chh. as Thomas Jr. May 26, 1745. Will of wid. Jemima, July 25, Nov. 7, 1786. Children[A records] : 253 I Timothy', b. Dec. 12, 1741; prob. m. Anna . 254 n Joseph', b. May 20, 1746; m. Elizabeth Tweed of York, Me.; rem. to Deerfield, N. H., where he may have signed the Association Test in 1776; rem. to Mt. Vernon ab. 1792, where he d. Jan. 28, 1817. Chil.: Samuel', b. June 29, 1777; Timothy', and 8 others. Timothy and a son of Samuel rem. to Farmington, Me. [Hist F, which see for de scendants]. 255 III Miriam', b. Aug. 1, 1750; not ment. in will, 1786. 256 IV Sarah', b. ; d. Apr. 29, 1756. 48 David* Currier and children, p. 701. 104 Electa' m. Apr. 22, 1742[A], (46) Daniel* Currier. 106 David', b. 1725; m. Mch. 13, 1749, Susanna Bagly. + 107 John', b. 1726j m. 1750, Mary Wells. + 109 Richard', b. 1730; m. Feb. 19, 1750, Hannah Bagley. + 110 Edmund'. The "Currier Genealogy" states that he rem. to Kennebunk and Wells, Me.; was a Lieut, in the Rev. war; m. Susanna Kimball (Nathaniel), and had 8 chil. Abraham' Currier, prob. of Buxton, Me., was ap. guard, of Nathaniel', Abigail', Electa', and Sarah' Currier, minors, chil. of Edmund Currier and grandchil. of Nathaniel Kimball, at Alfred, Oct., 1785. Other chil.: Isaac', Susan', Mary'. 112 Mary' [m. 1st, Jan. 4, 1753[A], Thomas Pearson; 2d, Isaac Randall?] [Cur. Gen.] 49 Jonathan* Currier, Capt. {Richard^, Thomas', Richard^), of Amesbury and South Hampton, N. H., b. 1698-9; m. 1st, Jan. 25, 1721-2, (21) Anne^ Challis; 2d, Apr. 19, 1744[Nb], Judith Williams. He ren. cov. lA. chh. July 12, 1741; dism. from lA. to S. Hm. chh. Nov. 23, 1746, but was of S. Hm. in 1744. Probate, 1762. Children: 257 I Philip', b. Mch. 4, 1722-3[A]; m. Sept. 28, 1743, Ruth Merrill. H- 258 II Challis', b. Dec. 21, 1724[A]; m. Mary Clough. + 259 III Jonathan', b. Oct. 26, 1726[A]; m. Dec. 13, 1753, Sarah Clough. -t- 260 IV Mary', b. Mch. 23, 1729-30[A]; d. young. 908 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 261 V Mary', b. Dec. 1, 1731[A]; prob. m. Mch. 22, 1750[S Hm], Thomas Tewksbury. 262 VI Judith', b. Aug. 13, 1733[A]; prob. m. Dec. 28, 1752[S Hm & E Kg], Obadiah Eastman, of E. Kg. 263 vn Dorothy', b. Jan. 20, 1735[A]; bp. May 23, 1756[S Hm], "adult." 264 viii Anne', b. Apr. 6, 1739[A]; bp. May 23, 1756[S Hm], "adult." 265 IX Lydia', b. Nov. 9, 1740[A] [by 1st wife]; bp. Nov. 6, 1757[S Hm], "adult." 266 X Thomas', b. Mch. 14, 1745[S Hm] [by 2d wife]; m. Dorothy . + 267 XI Miriam', b. May 25, bp. June 2, 1747[S Hm]. A Miriam m. Apr. 5, 1765[SHm|, Sylvanus Barnard. 51 John* Currier, Capt. {Richard^, Thomas'", Richard^), of Amesbury, East Parish, South Hampton, Newbury and New buryport,* b. 1704; m. Jan. 23, 1728-9[Nb], Mary Johnson, of Nb. She was rec'd by the lA. chh. from 3Nb. Mch. 6, 1732-3. He ren. cov. Jan. 25, and was rec'd to full com. Feb. 1, 1735-6. He was Jr. in A. till 1742. He d. June 4, l787[Nb]. The record gives him of Newburyport, aged "86 y.," which should be 83 y. Wid. Mary d. in 1788. Wills as on p. 700. Children: 268 I Martha', b. ; m. Aug. 29, 1749[S Hm], John Lowell; liv. 1788. 269 II Lydia', b. ; bp. Sept. 17, 1732[1A]; d. Dec. 19, 1735[A], in her 4th y.[A]. 270 III Nicholas', b. ; bp. July 28, 1734[1A]; d. Dec. 7, 1735[A]. 271 IV Paul', b. ; bp. Mch. 21, 1735-6[1A]; not in will, 1786. 272 V Nicholas', b. Feb. 3, 1737-8[A]; m. 1st, Dec. 23, 1762[Nb], Mary Plumer, who d. Sept. 4, 1765[Nbt], in her 23d y.; 2d, Apr. 23, 1767 [Nbt], Sarah Plumer; 3d, Apr. 11, 1771[S Hm], Dorothy Dimand; 4th, Oct. 29, 1778[S Hm], Mary Barnard, t Res. Nbt., but in 1768 and later, S. Hm. He d. Aug. 30, 1788[S Hm]. Chil.: Sarah', b. Mch. 11, 1768; William', bp. 1770 [by 2d wife]; Mary', b. May 2, 1772[S Hm] [by 3d wife]; Dorothy', b. May 26, 1774[S Hm]. Bap tisms also rec. at S. Hm. 273 VI William', 3d, b. Feb. 11, 1739-40[A]; m. Nov. 12, 1765[Nbtl, Lydia Nowell. Adm. est. gr. wid. Lydia, Jan. 30, 1769; acct. Sept. 28, 1789; Dau. Lydia', b. July 1, 1768[Nbt]; m. 1789, James Wil- * His mother and father deeded him land in 1739. John Currier of A. and wife Mary, with Wm. Johnson of Nb. and wife Betty, signed four deeds dated 1743. He may have lived in that part of A. which became S. Hra. by the change of state boundary, and in that part of Nb. which became Nbt. in 1764. S. Hm. was incorporated in May, 1742; but residences near the state Ime were rather imcertain for a time. t Her will, made with the consent of her husband, Feb. 21, 1787, proved Nov. 19, 1787, shows that she was the dau. of Samuel Barnard of S. Hm. She ment. sisters Sarah Clark, and Hannah French (wf. of Elihu); also chil. of deceased sisters Elizabeth Morrill (wf. of (175) Abraham''?) and Anne Bartlett (wf. of John). CURRIER family. 909 liams Jr., of Boston, int. July 2[Bstl, Sept. 21[Nbt]. Wid. Lydia m. Gross before July, 1789, when her dau. Lydia Currier signed receipt for the est. of her father, Wm. Currier. 274 vii Lydia', b. Feb. 6, 1741-2[A]; not ment. in will, 1786. 275 vin John', b. ab. 1744; liv. in 1786; m. 1st, Judith Pressey; 2d, 1802, Elizabeth Burditt. + 276 IX Isaac',* b. ; bp. Oct. 30, 1748[S Hm]; liv. in 1788. An Isaac m. Sarah Carr and had chil.: Sally', b. 1775; Benjamin', b. 1777; Hannah', b. 1780; Joseph', b. 1783; Isaac', b. 1785; Polly', h. 1789; Elizabeth', b. 1793; rec. at Nb. He rem. to Minot, Me., ab. 1802. 277 X Mary', b. Oct. 24, 1750[Nb]; liv. in 1788; m. Apr. 12, 1792[Nb], David Wells. 278 [XI Benjamin', t b. ; bp. Sept. 9, 1753[9 Nb]. Given son of John, mother not named?]. Not ment. in will, 1786. 53 Richard* Currier {Richard^ Thomas'", Richard^), of Ames bury and South Hampton, N. H., b. 1708-9; m. Nov. 25, 1731[2S], Sarah Merrill. He was rec'd to full com. lA. chh. May 6, 1733. Wife Sarah dism. from 2S. to lA. chh. Sept. 1, 1734; both dism. to S. Hm. chh., Aug. 24, 1746. He was Richard Jr. in A. Will Oct. 9, 1767; May 25, 1768, ment. wife Sarah. Children: 279 I Sarah', b. Aug. 20, bp. 27, 1732[1A]; d. Nov. 8, 1735[A]. 280 II Richard', b. Feb. 26, 1733-4[A]; d. Nov. 12, 1735[A]. 281 m Sarah', b. Aug. 14, bp. Oct. 31, 1736[1A]; d. Dec. 18, 1736[A]. 282 IV Nathan', b. Sept. 16, 1737[A]; m. Miriam . 4- 283 v Hannah', b. Nov. 30, 1739[A]; [d. young?]. 284 VI Richard', b. May 1, 1742[A]; prob. d. young. 285 VII Jambs', b. July 1, bp. July 8, 1744[S Hm]; liv. 1767; m. 1st, Mary Bartlett; 2d, 1784, Lydia Morrill or Merrill; 3d, Mary Batchelder. + 286 VIII Hannah', b. Sept. 11, bp. Nov. 2, 1746[S Hm]; m. Nathaniel Batch- elder; liv. 1767. t 287 IX Ruth', b. Nov. 2, bp. Nov. 5, 1749[S Hm]; liv. 1767; m. Mch. 1, 1770 [S Hm], Robert Stuart. 288 X Barnard', b. Jan. 23, bp. Jan. 26, 1752[S Hm]; liv. 1767; prob. m. Abigail . Chil. rec. at S. Hm.: Sarah', b. Oct. 31, 1771; Eph raim', b. July 21, 1774; Molly', h. Sept. 11, 1778; and others. 289 XI John', b. Sept. 1, bp. Sept. 23, 1753[S Hm]; liv. 1767; prob. m. Eliza beth . Wife d. Feb. 18, 1790[S Hm]. Chil. rec at S. Hm.: John', b. Mch. 11, 177S; Elizabeth', b. Dec. 25, 1774; Sarah', b. Aug. 10, 1778; Joseph', b. July 15, 1780. * "Daniel," son of John and Mary, b. Oct. 1, 1748(S Hm], may be the same person as Isaac. t A son of John and Mary, b. Sept. 13, 1753[Nb Coffin copy], is prob. the same person, with a mifltake in one of the dates. X Birth recorded as dau. of Richard and "Hannah"; bp. with dau. of Philip and Ruth; both prob. errors. One of the two Hannahs m. Batchelder. 910 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 290 xn Richard', b. Sept. 10, bp. Oct. 5, 1755[S Hm]; liv. 1767; prob. m. June 18, 1778[S Hm], Mary Currier. 55 Aaron* Currier (Richard^, Thomas', Richard^), of Ames bury, East Parish, and Newton, N. H., b. 1716; m. 1st, Dec. IS, 1736[A], (69) Electa-' Wells, who d. Aug. 19, 1786[Nt]; 2d, Jan. 11, 1787, Betsy Hicks. He ren. cov. lA. chh. Sept. 1, 1745. Will Sept. 26, 1787; Aug. 19, 1793, wife Betty ment. Children: 291 I David', b. Aug. 30, 1737[A & Nt]*; m. Dec. 10, 1761[S Hm], Ruth French. He was dead in 1787; d. Apr. 29, 1776[J B C]. Chil. rec. at Nt.: Aaron', b. Nov. 16, 1763t; Ruth', b. Jan. 3, 1766; Mary', b. Aug. 14, 1770; David', b. June 26, 1771. All four liv. in 1787. 292 n Aaron', b. Oct. 4, 1738[A]; d. young. 293 III Sarah', b. Mch. 28, 1740[A & Nt]; m. (195) Samuel' Hoit; both liv. 1787. 294 IV Dorothy', b. Oct. 9, 1741[A & Nt]; m. Charles Collins; both liv. 1787. 295 V Anne', b. June 9, 1743[A & Nt]; m. Philip Ferren; liv. 1787. 296 VI Aaron', b. Dec. 24, 1744[A]; d. young. 297 vn MosES', b. Nov. 23, 1746[A & Nt]; m. Mehitable Barnard. + 298 vm Richard', b. Aug. 23, 1748[Nt]; liv. 1793. He prob. m. Mary Blais dell of Kg., int. Mch. 3, 1776[Nt]. Chil. rec at Nt., 1778, and per. later. 299 IX Electa', b. June 24, 1750[Nt]; m. Samuel Farrington. 300 X Timothy', b. Apr. 25, 1752[Nt]. Not found in will, 1787. 301 XI Rebecca', b. Nov. 8, 1754[Nt]; m. Timothy Whittier. 302 XII Mary', b. Apr. 6, 1757[Nt]; bp. July 28, 1757[2A]; m. Ferren. 56 Barnard" Currier {Richard^, Thomas', Richard^), of Ames bury, EastParish, b. 1719; m. Oct. 23, 1739[Nb & A], IVfary Emery, of Nb., who was dism. from 2Nb. to lA. chh. IVIch. 23, 1739-40. He ren. cov. lA. chh. July 20, 1740; rec'd to full com. ]VIay 24, 1741. Will Apr. 25, 1786; June 24, 1793, wife IMary and 5 daus. ment. but no sons. Children[A records] : 303 I Mehitable', b. June 27, 1740; m. Jan. 1, 1761[A], Joseph Gerrish 3d, of Nb. 304 II Stephen', b. Nov. 16, 1741; d. young. 305 in Mary', b. Sept. 10, 1743; m. (163) Abner' Blaisdell. 306 IV Anne', b. July 8, 1745; d. young. * The entry printed in the A. V. R., "David," b. "Aug. 30, 1739," must be an error. It is not found on the Newton records, and the date is only seven months before the birth of Sarah. The two Aarons are not on the Nt. rec, prob. because both d. young. No son Aaron is ment. in the will. t He m. Nov. 8, 1786[Nt & IKg], Elizabeth Blaisdell of E. Kg. The name of Jacob Morss appears among the heirs of (65) Aaron in 1793 — perhaps husband of Ruth or Mary. CURRIER FAMILY. 911 307 V Stephen', b. Sept. 13, 1747; not in will. 308 VI Richard', b. Sept. 13, 1749; not in will. 309 VII Anna', b. Dec. 6, 1754; m. May 21, 1772, (152) Levi' Hoyt. 310 vm Sarah', b. Feb. 22, 1757; m. Jan. 17, 1773[A], Jonathan Bagley. 311 IX John', b. Nov. 8, 1758; not in will. 312 X Dorothy', b. Jan. 17, 1763; m. Archibald Taylor, of Portsm., int. May 20, 1785[A]. 58 IVIosES^ Currier {Richard^, Thomas', Richard^), of Ames bury, East Parish, b. ab. 1713; m. Oct. 24, 1734[A], (68) Rhoda* Wells. Children[A records] : 313 I Rhoda', b. ; bp. Jan. 18, 1735-6[1A]; d. Apr. 28, 1745. 314 n Moses', b. Nov. 11, d. Nov. 27, 1736. 315 ni Moses', b. Nov. 7, 1737; [d. Apr. 12, 1745?] 316 IV Meriam', b. Feb. 5, 1739; prob. m. July 19, 1759[A], (193) Micah' Hoyt, of Nt. 317 V Eunice', b. Oct. 18, 1742. 318 VI Moses', b. Apr. 12, 1745; prob. drowned at the mouth of the Merri mac river, Apr. 15, 1769. 319 VII Rhoda', b. June 28, 1747. 320 VIII Aaron', b. Apr. 8, 1750; m. June 22, 1780[S Hm], Judith Hadlock, of S. Hm. Chil. rec at A.: James', b. 1785; Rhoda' and Hannah', b. 1788. 321 IX Lois', b. May 17, 1752; m. (137) Abner' CuRRiER[CurGen]; or (372) Abner'? 322 X Sarah', b. Nov. 13, 1755. 59 Jacob* Currier and children, p. 702. Jacob and wife own. cov. and bp. 2S. chh.; he, Dec. 31, 1721; she, Dec. 24, 1727. Wid. Mary may have m. June 30, 1747[2S], (55) Abraham* IVIorrill. 113 Nathaniel' m. Nov. 17, 1748, Susanna Morrill. + 115 Ann'. An Ann bp. Sept. 13, 1730[2S]. 116 Isaac' d. Nov. 22, 1735[S]. 116a A SON', b. ; d. June 25, 1737[S]. 117 Molly' m. May 9, 1754[2S], (179) Levi' MoRRiLL[Cur Gen]. 118 Isaac. An Isaac bp. Sept. 18, 1737[2S]. [See (144) Isaac, p. 704 and next after No. 720.] The other chil. may have been bp. at lA. chh., whose rec. are lost. A copy of a small portion is printed on pp. 476-98. 119 Jacob', m. Jan. 22, 1761[E Kg], Esther Greeley. + 60 Reuben* Currier {SamueP, Thomas', Richard^), of Salis bury, West Parish, and South Hampton, b. 1702; m. Feb. 2, 1726-7 [2S], (40) Phebe* IVIgrrill. He ren. cov. 2S. chh. Oct. 13, 1728. 912 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Will IMch. 14, 1744-5; IMay 29, 1745. Will of wid. Phebe Aug. 29, 1766; Aug. 26, 1767. Children: 323 I Miriam', b. Dec. 2, 1727[S]; bp. Oct. 13, 1728[2S]; d. young. 324 II Dorothy', b. Sept. 25, 1729[S]; bp. Sept. 28, 1729[2S]; liv. 1766. 325 III Abraham', b. July 8, 1731[S]; bp. Feb. 20, 1731-2[2S]; liv. 1745; but not ment. in 1766. [325a Sargent'.]* 326 IV Samuel', b. May 27, 1737[S]; bp. Aug. 19, 1737[2S]; liv. 1745, but not ment. in 1766. A Samuel m. Dec. 8, 1757[Nb], Margery Perkins. Molly, dau. Samuel, bp. July 8, 1759[lNb]. Wid. Margaret Currier m. Aug. 24, 1775[Nbt], David Wells. 327 v Miriam', b. Apr. 22, 1739[S]; bp. May 6, 1739[2S]; m. Mch. 14, 1758 [S Hm], Thomas Elliott; liv. 1766. 328 VI Reuben', b. , bp. Oct. 30, 1743[S Hm]; liv. 1766; m. June 4, 1767, Elizabeth Stevens, -j- 62 Henry* Currier {SamueP, Thomas', Richard^), of Salisbury, West Parish, and South Hampton, b. 1706; m. Nov. 9, 1727[2S], (42) Elizabeth* IMorrill. He was bp. Feb. 16, 1723-4[2S]; adm. 2S. chh. June 6, 1725; dism. to S. Hm. Will June 3, June 29, 1757, ment. wife Eliz. He d. June 19, 1757[S Hm]. Children: 329 I Abigail', b. Aug. 10, 1728[S]; bp. Oct. 6, 1728[2S]; m. Dec. 24, 1751 [S Hm], Jeremiah Allen; both liv. 1757. 330 iiSARGENT',b. Aug. 23, 1730[S]; bp. Oct. 4, 1730[2S]; m. Sarah . + 331 in Henry', b. Sept. 23, 1733]S]; m. Feb. 19, 1755[S Hm], Sarah True. He d. May 15, 1756[S Hm], leaving wid. Sarah. 332 IV Miriam', b. May 20, 1735[S]; bp. July 13, 1735[2S]; m. Feb. 18, 1755 [S Hm], (210) Moses' Morrill, -j- 333 V Elizabeth', b. May 16, 1737[S]; bp. [May 15?] 1737[2S]; liv. 1757. 334 VI Ann', b. Sept. 7, 1741 [S]; liv. 1757. 335 vn Dorothy', b. Aug. 17, 1745[S Hm]; bp. Aug. 18, 1745[S Hm]; liv. 1757. 63 Samuel* Currier, Dea. {Samuel^, Thomas', Richard^), of Salisbury, West Parish, South Hampton and Hampstead, N. H., b. 1709-10; m. June, 1731[S], (81) Hannah* JVIorrill, etc., ason p. 701. He was Sam. Jr. while in Salis.; ren. cov. 2 S. chh. Sept. 2, 1733. He d. Sept. 24, 1766[Hmst], aged 56 y. 7m. 9d., which proves his identity, making due allowance for the change of style in 1752. Will Sept. 22, Oct. 29, 1766. Wid. Hannah prob. m. Feb. 11, 1768[Hmst], Daniel Little, Sen. Children: * "Sargeant Currier," bp. July 6, 1735[2 S], may have been a son of (60) Reuben* who d. young. Parents' names were not recorded before 1740. currier family. 913 336 I [Abigail', b. ; bp. Sept. 2, 1733[2S]; d. young?] 337 II Ezekiel', b. Nov. 18, 1733[S]; d. Feb. 7, 1735-6[S]. 338 inABiGAH.', b. Apr. 4, 1736[S]; m. Dec. 4, 1755[S Hm], Daniel Fitts; liv. 1766. 339 IV Hannah', b. Apr. 23, 1738[S]; bp. May 21, 1738[2S]; prob. m. Dec 15, 1753[S Hm], Ephraim Page; liv. 1766. 340 V Ezekiel', b. Sept. 13, 1740[SHm]; bp. 1740[2S]; m. Feb. 11, 1762, Susanna Emerson. + 341 VI Dorothy', b. Oct. 14, 1742[S Hm]; d. young. 342 vn Samuel', b. Oct. 16, bp. Nov. 4, 1744[S Hm]; d. Dec. 23, 1746[S Hm].* 343 vm Samuel', b. Jan. 5, bp. Jan. 17, 1746-7[SHm]; m. Nov. 12, 1766, Mary Rowell. + 344 IX Jacob', b. Dec 3, bp. Dec 31, 1749 [S Hm]; m. [Hannah ?] + 345 X Dorothy', b. Oct. 31, bp. Nov. 5, 1752[S Hm]; liv. 1766. 66 Israel* Currier {SamueP, Thomas', Richard^), of Salisbury, b. 1717; m. Jan. 3, 1738-9[A], Judith Jones. He d. Aug. 26, 1806 [S]; will Apr. 29, 1798; Sept. 30, 1806, wife Judith ment. [See (456) IsraeP.] Children: 346 I Apphia', or "Affee"', b. Sept. 13, 1739[S]; m. Feb. 18, 1757[1S], Enoch Pillsbury. She was adm. 2 S. chh. Mch. 7, 1756; d. bef. 1798. 347 n Samuel', b. Jan. 24, 1744-5[S]; not in will, 1798. 348 in Anna', or Nanny', b. May 11, 1748[S]; m. Dee. 10, 1766[S], Joseph FoUinsbee; liv. in 1798. 349 IV Jacob', b. Feb. 15, 1754[S]; m. Feb., 1776[2S], Ruth Cheddil; res. S.; d. Oct. 21, or 22, 1808[S]; will Sept. 3, Dec. 8, 1808; wife Ruth and chil. Sarah', b. 1776, Jacob', b. 1779, Dorothy', and Betsy', ment. Wid. Ruth d. Feb., 1826[S], aged 69 y. 350 V Mary', or Molly', b. Feb. 15, 1754[S] [twin]; m. Gunnison. 351 VI Jonathan', b. Feb. 22, 1756[S]; m. ; dead in 1798, leaving heirs. [See (140) Jonathan', p. 916, Note.] 352 VII Sarah', b. Oct. 17, 1758[S], not in will, 1798. 70 William* Currier {William^, Thomas', Richard^), of Ames bury, b. 1713; m. Feb. 19, 1735-6[A & Nb], Judith Chase, of Nb. Wid. Judith ap. adm. est. Aug. 31, 1761. Hist. Gilmanton, N. H., states that she m. Edgerly, of Epping, N. H., but d. in Gil manton, aged 88 y. ChildrenfA records and J.B.C.]: 353 I Rachel', b. Dec. 24, 1736; m. Swain. 354 n Judith', b. Feb. 20, 1738-9; m. Jan. 19, 1758, David' Hoyt (75 David*). * The age reported is "11 m. 18 d.," apparently reckoned, by mistake, from the birth of the second Samuel, using 1745-6 for 1746-7. The bp. is plainly 1746-7. A son Samuel is ment. in the will, 1766. 914 OLD FAMILIES OP SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 355 III Rhoda', b. Nov. 28, 1740; m. Carr. 356 IV William', b. June 8, 1744; d. young. 357 V Charles', b. June 16, 1746; m. Aug. 25, 1773, Elizabeth Smith, of Brentwood; rem. to Gilmanton. Chil., p. 260, Hist. Gilm. 358 VI Anne', b. Sept. 19, 1748; m. Rowell. 359 VII Bette', b. Mch. 30, 1750; m. Sanborn. 360 VIII Molly', b. Mch. 27, 1753; unm. 361 IX Sargent', b. May 14, 1756; m. Minor; went north, per. to Canada. 362 X Thomas', b. July 22 or 23, 1758; m. Jane Lang; served in Rev. army; d. in Lyman, N. H. 7 chil. b. in Bath, N. H. 71 Ebenezer* Currier {IVilliam^, Thomas', Richard^), of Ames bury, b. 1716-7; m. Dec. 28, 1737[A], Anna Jones. Will Nov. 6, 1791; May 13, 1796. Will of wid. Ann Mch. 10, 1798; Dec. 9, 1802. Children[A records] : 363 I Mary', b. Jan. 21, 1738-9; d. young. 364 II Susanna', b. Jan. 22, 1739-40; m. June 25, 1761 [A], Henry Quinby; liv. 1798. 365 III Mary', b. May 25, 1741; m. Mch. 16, 1758[2A], (125) Isaac' Blais dell; liv. 1791. -\- 366 IV Hannah', b. Sept. 11, 1743; m. Jan. 4, 1770[2A], (203) William' Hoyt; liv. 1798. 367 V Thomas', b. Dec. 1, 1745; liv. 1798. A Thonaas m. Sarah Bar nard. Chil. rec at A.: Elizabeth', b. 1774; Molly', b. 1777; Thomas', b. 1783. 368 VI Ebenezer', b. Feb. 21, 1747; d. young. 369 vn Rachel', b. Oct. 11, 1750; not found in wills. 370 VIII Ebenezer', b. Jan. 23, 1753; not ment. in wills. [See Unclassified Deaths.] 371 IX Anna', b. Apr. 7, 1755; m. David Weed; liv. 1798. 372 X Abner', b. ab. 1748?; liv. 1798; prob. m. (321) Lois' Curmbr, Chil. of Abner and Lois rec. at A.: Merriam', b. 1772; Ebenezer', h. 1781. See (137) Abner', p. 916. 373 XI William', b. Oct. 12, 1759; liv. 1798. A WiUiam of A. m. May 6, 1787[A], Elizabeth Weed. He d. Nov. 4, 1815[A]; adm. est. gr. wid. Eliz. Mch. 26, 1816. No chil. found on A. rec. 73 Jeremiah* Currier {John^, Thomas', Richard'-), of Ames bury and Kingston, N. H., b. 1706; m. May 1, 1729[A], Anna Bagley. She is mentioned in will of Eliphalet, 1770; but (73) Jeremiah is not. Children: 374 I John', b. Jan. 31, 1729-30[A]; prob. d. Oct. or Nov., 1735, *Note, p. 915. Not ment. in will of Eliph., 1770. [See (727) John, Unclas.] currier family. 915 375 II Hannah', b. Dec. 3, 1731[A]; bp. Apr. 23, 1732[1A]; d. Oct. or Nov., 1735.* 376 in Hannah', b. Aug. 25, 1736[Kg]; name Currier in 1770. 377 IV JEREMiAH',b.Decl9,1738[Kg];m. May 10, 1769, Sarah Greeley. -\- 378 V Judith', b. Oct. 14, 1741[Kg]; prob. d. young. 379 VI Moses', b. June 30, 1744[EKg]; m. Elizabeth Eastman; liv. Mch. 1770; probate Apr. 24, 1770. Wid. Eliz. m. Mch. 2, 1774[Hwk chh], (117) Jonathan' Hoit of Poplin. 380 VII Eliphalet', b. Apr. 10, 1747[E Kg]; will Mch. 22, June 30, 1770; ment. bros. and sisters, but no wife or chil. 381 vm Ann', b. May 28, 1750[E Kg]; m. Wm. Graves bef. Mch., 1770. 75 John* Currier {John^, Thomas', Richard'), of Amesbury, East Parish, and East Kingston, N. H., b. 1713; m. Apr. 29, 1736 [E Kg &2S], Ruth French, ofS. He ren. cov. 1 A. chh. Apr. 3, 1737, and she Dec. 14, 1740. He was John 3d in A., but living in King ston in 1742. Will Dec. 17, 1757; Mch. 1, 1758, wife Ruth ment. Adm. est. of Ruth, 1779. Children: 382 I Judith', b. Apr. 10, 1737[A]; bp. same date[lA]; d. young. 383 n Ezra', b. Apr. 2, 1739[E Kg]; d. Aug. 30, 1745[E Kg]. 384 HI Mary', b. Apr. 17, 1741[E Kg]; m. Nov. 22, 1758[E Kg chh], (114) Henry' Blaisdell. -|- 385 IV Rhoda', b. Feb. 5, 1742-3[E Kg]; liv. 1757. 386 V Ezra', b. Mch. 5, 1745[E Kg]; m. Mehetebel Eaton; liv. 1757. -f 387 VI Judith', b. Aug. 3, 1748[E Kg]; m. Jonathan Webster, of E. Kg. 388 vn John', b. Mch. 7, 1752[EKg]; m. Mch. 28, 1772, Phebe Whitcher; liv. 1757. + 389 VIII TmOTHY', b. Feb. 27, 1754[E Kg]; not found in will. 77 Eliphalet* Currier {John^, Thomas', Richard'), of Ames bury, East Parish, b. 1717; m. Dec. 11, 1740[A], Mary Lowell. Both owned cov. 1 A. chh. Aug. 4, 1745 ; adm. est. Apr. 29, 1793, gr. John Barnard. Children[A records] : 390 I Jerusha', b. Dec. 18, 1741; d. young. 391 II MOLLE', b. Mch. 8, 1743. 392 in MosES', b. Feb. 1, 1745-6. 393 IV Jerusha', b. May 10, 1750. 394 V Dorothy', b. May 1, 1753. 395 VI Eliphalet', b. Feb. 17, 1758. * One child d. Oct. 30, 1735, and another Nov. 18, 1735, at Kg., of "Kanker Quinsey," the throat disease which caused the death of so many children in the neighboring towns. There may have been a child b. 1733 or '34, who d. in 1735, instead of John; but if John or his children were living in 1770, the will would probably mention the fact. 916 old families of Salisbury and amesbury. 81 Nathan* Currier and children, p. 702. Elected deacon Feb. 11, 1763. 120 "Nathan'" should be John', b. Dec. 12, bp. Dec. 23, 1733; d. July 17, 1736[A]. 121 Seth'. The statement on p. 825 is prob. an error. 122 John', b. 1737; m. Apr. 2, 1761, Sarah Clarke. + 124 Anna' m. Peter Morse. 126 Daniel', of Warner, N. H., b. 1748; m. Apr. 10, 1772[Hv], Abigail Chase; had sons: Stephen', Daniel', Zebulon D.' and Nathan' [Harri- man's Hist. Warner]. 129 Nathan', Dea., m. 1st, Nov. 24, 1778[A], Sarah "Bussell"; 2d, Molly, or Polly, Noyes, of Plaistow, int. Nov. 15, 1786[A]. He d. Mch. 8, 1819[A]. Wid. Polly d. Aug. 12, 1829[A], aged 72 y. Cur. Gen. gives a 2d wife, Jeanne ; 3d, Polly . 83 Ephraim* Currier and children, pp. 702-3. 131 Ephraim', b. 1739; m. Feb. 24, 1762, Abigail Patten. + 132 Seth', b. 1743; m. Jan. 16, 1766, Alice Sargent. + 133 Joseph', b. 1749. H. L. Currier, one of the authors of the "Currier Genealogy," belongs to this branch, and has given later generations in full, pp. 83-130, 84 Abner* Currier and children, p. 703. 135 David', b. 1740; prob. of Goffstown[J. B. C.]. A David of Goffstown m Rebekah . Chil. rec. there: a sow', b. Oct. 7, 1764; a dau.', b. Sept. 9, 1766; Lydia', b. Nov. 14, 1768; the last two at Dunbarton. [See (174) David', p. 902.] 136 Joseph', Rev., b. 1742-3; grad. H. C. 1765; "Mr. Joseph Currier" adm. 2 A. chh. Apr. 17, 1768; dism. to Goffstown, Oct. 15, 1771; Cong, min ister; settled in Goffstown, N. H.; ord. Oct. 30, 1771; remained 3 yrs.; rem. to Corinth, Vt.; d. July 24, 1829, aged 86 y. 8 chil. 137 Abner', b. 1745. J. B. C. gives an Abner of Unity, N. H., b. 1744, d. 1792, who signed the Association Test in 1776 and who m. Sarah Chase, b. 1749, d. 1840 or '46; chil.: Sarah, Betsey, Abner, Polly, Rhoda, Sabra, Jonathan, Hannah, and Charlotte, b. 1770-1793. Possibly wives and chil. of (372) and (137) should be exchanged. 138 Mary', b. ab. 1748; m. Nov. 22, 1770[S Hm], Joseph Frothinghain[Cur Gen]. 139 Moses', b. 1751; m. May 19, 1778, Rachel Sargent. + 140 Jonathan', b. 1753.* 90 Gideon* Currier {Benjamin^, Thomas', Richard^), of Ames bury, East Parish, and Chester, N. H., b. 1712; m. Feb. 21, 1737-8 * A Jonathan m. May 4, 1775[S Hm], Sarah Graves; chil. rec. at S.: "Lusey"', b. 1775; Moll^, b. 1776; Samuel', b. 1778. [Per. (351) Jonathan"? p. 913.] currier family. 917 [2S], Mary* Brown (52 Ephraim^). He ren. cov. 1 A. chh. Dec. 14, 1740. Items below are from the History of Chester, unless other wise indicated. Wife Mary d. Oct. 13, 1784. Children: 396 I Benjamin', b. Sept. 18, 1740[A]; m. Dec. 6, 1764, Abigail Prescott. He d. 1816. She d. Jan. 2, 1824, aged 80. He was a prominent citizen of Chester, capt. of militia during the Rev.; served in R. I., Aug., 1777. 12 chil. given, b. 1765-87. 397 II EpHRADi', b. Nov. 4, 1741[A]; m. Mary Rowe; rem. to Alna, Me. [J.B.C] 398 in Simeon', b. July 13, 1745[A); m. Elizabeth Moulton. Res. Poplin in 1774-6, when chil. were bp. at Hawke; d. Aug. 29, 1824; she d. Apr. 24, 1834, aged 86 y. Chil. : Joseph', bp. May 8, 1774; m. Ann Hall. Gideon', bp. June 16, 1776; m. Hannah Jack. Abel', b. 1782; m. Sally Quinby. Sarah', m. Joseph Taylor. 399 IV Anna', b. June 9, 1747[A]; m. Joseph Severance; went to Salis., N. H. 400 V Ezra', b. Jan. or June 25, 1749[A]; m. Ruth Cassidy; res. Chester and Lancaster, N. H., Ryegate, Vt., Haverhill and Bath, N. H.; d. Mch. 23, 1825. Wid. Ruth d. in Bath, Sept. 25, 1834, ab. 92 y. old. A genealogy of their descendants has been published by Dr. John M.' Currier (Samuel', Ezra') of Newport, Vt., in the "Currier Genealogy," pp. 187-211. 401 VI Elisha', b. Feb. 21, 1751 [A]. No further record found. 402 VII Gideon', b. Aug. 13, 1754[Ch]; m. 1st, Basford; 2d, Ann Richard son, who d. Mch. 19, 1827. He d. Oct., 1835. Res. Chester, but rem. to Raymond in 1795. Five chil., b- 1785-94, given in Hist. Raymond, p. 192. 403 VIII Jonathan', b. Sept. 29, 1756[Ch]; went to Plymouth. It is said that he "d. in the war"[J.M.C.] 404 IX Sarah', b. Jan. 18, 1759[Ch]; m. Reuben Hills; went to Me. 97a Enoch* Currier {Ebenezer^, Thomas', Richard^), of Ames bury, East Parish, "shipwright," b. 1714; m. Dec. 22, 1737[2S], Abigail Osgood, who was adm. to full com. 1 A. chh. Oct. 11, 1744. Adm. est. gr. Richard Currier, May 27, 1793.* Children[A rec ords] : 405 I Judith', b. Dec. 11, 1738. 406 [II Theophilus', b. 1740 or '41; fm. Sept. 2, 1762, Sarah Lister. + ?] 407 III Issachar', b. Sept. 30, 1743; m. (366) Rebecca' Morrill. A loyal ist at the time of the Revolution; rem. to St. John, N. B. [J.B.C] Chil. rec. at A.: John', b. Aug. 28, 1766, d. June 17, 1773; David', b. Nov. 27, 1768; m. twice; large family of chil. in N. B. * Samuel Currier, Stephen Blaisdell and wife Hannah, Philip Challis and Enoch Currier were heirs of the estate, Nov., 1794. Philip ChaUia may have been husband or son of Judith or Mary. Theophilus' d. in 1786, and Enoch' was his eldest living son. t Possibly son of a former wife? A correspondent gives date of birth, Sept. 15, 1737. 918 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 408 IV Hannah', b. Oct. 15, 1746; prob. m. Nov. 13, 1787[A], (151) Stephen" Blaisdell; his 2d wife. 409 V Richard', b. June 2, 1749; m. June 2, 1771, Molly Clough. + 410 VI Samuel', b. Nov. 4, 1752. A Samuel m. Apr. 9, 1778[2S], Betty Hackett. Son Theophilus' b. Apr. 3, 1779[S]. 411 vn Mary', b. Oct. 31, 1754. 97b Elijah* Currier {Ebenezer^, Thomas', Richard'), of Ames bury, b. ab. 1717; m. 1st, Apr. 9, 1741[A], (79) Hannah* Currier, who was dism. from 2 S. to 1 A. chh. Sept. 24, 1749; 2d or 3d,* Eliza beth . Will Aug. 14, 1776; June 12, 1781, ment. 9 chil. as below. Wife not in will, but Eliz., wid. of Elijah, d. Dec. 18, 1825, aged 100 y.[S]. Children[A records] : 412 I Ruth', b. Sept. 15, 1741; liv. 1776. 413 n Meriam', b. Oct. 16, 1743. A Miriam m. Dec. 9, 1762[A], Abraham Page. 414 in Sarah', b. ; liv. 1776. 415 IV Hannah', b. ; liv. 1776. 416 V Jacob', b. Oct. 20, 1752[by 1st wife]. A Jacob m. Feb. 16, 1777[2S], Eleanor Stevens. Chil. of Capt. Jacob and Eleanor rec. at S.: William', b. 1778; Elijah', b. 1784. 417 VI Elizabeth', b. July 6, 1766[by 2d or 3d wife, Elizabeth]. 418 VII Judith', b. June 2, 1768. 419 vm Dorothy', b. Sept. 13, 1770. 420 IX Ann' or Nancy', b. Mch. 28, 1771[?]. 97d Ebenezer* Currier {Ebenezer^, Thomas', Richard'), of Amesbury, b. 1723; m. Mch. 26, 1747[2S], Mary Clough. Both d. in Canterbury, N. H., but prob. lived in Epping bef. 1805. Children : 421 I Mehitable', b. Nov. 18, 1749[A]. 422 n Rhoda', b. Aug. 7, 1754[A] [52?]. 423 in Rachel', b. Oct. 31, 1754[A]. 424 IV Ebenezer', b. Mch. 28, 1756[A]. [See Unclassified Deaths.] 425 V Moses', b. Apr. 5, 1760[A]; m. Sept. 10, 1782, Sally Nason; 5 chil. b. in Epping, N. H.; rem. to Canterbury, N. H., ab. 1805. Descend ants given in Hist. Cant. vol. 2, p. 91. 426 VI Judith', b. Apr. 20 or 28, 1763[A]. 99 Benjamin* Currier {DanieP, Thomas', Richard'-), of Salis bury, West Parish, and Deerfield, N. H.,t "cordwainer," b. 1721-2; * An Elijah m. Oct. 26, 1754(A], Anne Quinby. t Hist. Deerfield states that he settled there in 1760. He owned land in Warner, and may have lived there for a time. CURRIER FAMILY. 919 m. Jan. 1, 1744-S[S Hm], Theodite Flanders. Both adm. 2 S. chh. Jan. 4, 1775-6. Will Dec. 29, 1792; May 16, 1798, ment. wife "Theodate" and 4 chil. She d. in Warner with her son Joseph, in 1821, aged 97 y.[Hist Dr]. Children: 427 I Daniel', b. Apr. 30, 1745IS]; bp. Jan. 4, 1756[2S]; m. Dec. 2, 1767, Hannah Bachelder. -f- 428 II Joseph*, b. May 3, 1747[S]; bp. Jan. 4, 1756[2S]; m. Apr. 23, 1769, Elizabeth Stevens. -|- 429 in Sarah', b. ; bp. Jan. 4, 1756[2S]; m. Waldorn; liv. 1792. 430 IV Lois', b. Nov. 30, 1757[S]; bp. Mch. 26, 1758[2S]; m. Oct. 30, 1777 [Wr], Ephraim Guile of Warner; liv. 1792. Nos. retained from 'Vol. II. 100-103 and 143, pp. 124, 703-4, and next after No. 734. 106-109, in type of this size, between Nos. 253 and 257. 113 and 119, in type of this size, between Nos. 297 and 328. 122-139, in type of this size, between Nos. 388 and 406. 144, p. 704, and next after No. 720. 246 William^ Currier {EzekieP, Thomas^, Thomas', Richard') , of Concord, N. H., b. 1737; m. 1760, Mary Carter; rem. to Ply mouth, N. H. Children: 431 I MEfflTABLB', b. Apr. 26, 1762; m. Oct. 12, 1780, Bruce Walker. 432 n Daniel', b. Oct. 26, 1766; m. 1st, Dec. 2, 1784[Bow], Polly or Mary Smith; 2d, Joanna Pillsbury; rem. from Concord to Plymouth, N. H. 433 III John', b. Oct. 5, 1770; m. 1st, 1792, Bridget Chamberlain; 2d, 1800, Betsey Cofren; res. Concord, Goshen, N. H., and Norwich, Vt. 434 IV Mary', b. Oct. 13, 1776; m. Samuel Abbot. 435 V Henry Morrill', b. Jan. 16, 1779; m. Hannah Reed. 436 VI Ruth', b. Dec. 10, 1781; m. Richard Holden. 437 VII Nancy', b. Sept. 26, 1787; m. Joseph Kimball. [From Cur. Gen. and Hist. Plymouth.] 247 JoHN^ Currier {EzekieP, Thomas^, Thomas', Richard'), of Salisbury, "blacksmith," b. 1740; m. Mch. 15, 1764[2S], Abigail Wadleigh. He d. July 14, 1770[S]. Adm. est. gr. Abigail Currier, Oct. 30, 1770. Child: 438 I Benjamin', b. Dec. 19, 1764 or '65; m. Rhoda Jewell, int. Dec. 28, 1787[A]. He d. June 22, 1817[S], aged 52 y. She d. Oct. 24, 1849[S] aged 82 y. Child: AbigaiV, b. Jan. 6, 1791[S]. 248 Levi 5 Currier {Ezekiel^ Thomas^, Thomas', Richard^), of Amesbury, b. 1745; m. Anna Barnard, who d. Sept. 25, 1789[A]. 920 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. He d. Jan. 24, 1806[A]. Will May 1, 1805; Apr. 15, 1806. Chil- dren[A records] : 439 I John', b. Mch. 13, 1771; liv. 1805. 440 n Mary', Polly', or Molly', b. Sept. 27, 1772; m. June 9, 1801, Eliph alet Barnard; liv. 1805. 441 III Thomas', b. Mch. 8, 1779; liv. 1805. 442 IV Levi', b. ; d. Nov. 19, 1809[A]. 443 V Nathaniel', b. ab. 1785; d. Feb. 12, 1821[A]. 444 VI Ezekiel', b. ; liv. 1805. 253 Timothy* Currier {Thomas*, Thomas^, Thomas', Richard'), of Amesbury, b. 1741; m. Anna* . He d. Sept. 24, 1807[A]. Will Sept. 21, Dec. 10, 1807, wife Anna ment. Children[A records]: 445 I Sarah', b. Jan. 13, 1768; m. June 22, 1796, Benjamin Osgood, Jr., of Salis. 446 II Thomas', b. Oct. 2, 1769; m. June 4, 1797[A & S], Molly Osgood, of S.[CurGen]; d. Aug. 11, 1849[S]. 447 in Tabitha', b. Dec. 28, 1771; m. June 19, 1794, Stephen Osgood, of Salis. 448 IV Rhoda', b. July 27, 1774; m. Nov. 20, 1794, John CoUins; dead in 1807. 449 V Hannah', b. July 27, 1774[twin]; m. July 24, 1796, Valentine Bagley. 450 VI Timothy', b. Apr. 22, 1777; liv. 1807. 451 vn Anna', b. Oct. 18, 1779; m. June 9, 1801, David Worthen. 452 vm Morrill', b. Jan. 14, 1782; liv. 1807. 106 David^ CvRniEii {David* [pp. 701, 907], Richard\ Thomas\ Richard'), of Amesbury, East Parish, "joiner," b. 1725; m. Mch. 13, 1749[A], Susanna Bagly. Will June 18, 1770; Dec. 5, 1778; wife Sus. ment. A David Currier enlisted in the army, Aug., 1777. Children ; 453 I Jacob Bagly', b. Nov. 18, 1750[A]; "shipwright"; m. July 1, 1774[2S], Mary Page; hved in Salis. and served in the Rev. War from that town. Wife adm. est. 1814; div. among sister and two bros., 1816. 454 11 Anna', or Nanna', b. ab. 1752; m. 1st, Nov. 15, 1769[2S], Nathaniel Webster; 2d, Sept. 13, 1789[S], Simeon Lowell. She d. Nov. 4, 1819[S], in her 67th y. 455 in David', b. Apr. 7, 1755; m. May 14, 1776[2S], Mary March; res. in Salis., Mass., and Washington, Vt. He prob. d. Oct. 16, 1823[S], aged 69 y. Chil.: SarahDoW, b. 1777[A & S]; Elizabeth'', b. 1779[S]; Susanna'', b. 1780 or '81[S]; Mary'', b. 1782[S]; Sophia'', b. 1784[S], * The "Currier Genealogy" states that his 1st wife was Anna Colby; and that he m. 2d, Nov. 26, 1790[2S], Anna Fowler. currier family. 921 d. 1793[S]; David\ b. 1786[S] ; Jo?m March'', b. 1789[S]; Anna March'', b. 1791[S], d. 1792[S]; Anna March'', b. 1793; Edmund'', b. 1797; also 4 chil. by 2d wife, in Vt. 456 IV Israel', b. ; m. June 3, 1784[2S], Sarah Saunders, of S.; rem. to Vienna, Me., in 1812. Chil. rec. at S.: DanieP, b. 1787; Edmond'', b. 1790; Hannah\ b. 1792; David'' and Sally'', b. 1795. A wife of Israel d. Oct. 1, 1802[S]; but whether of this or of (66) IsraeH does not appear. 107 JoHN^ Currier, Dea. {David^ [pp. 701, 907], Richard", Thomas', Richard'^), of Amesbury, East Parish, b. 1726; m. 1750[1A], (74) Mary* Wells. Both ren. cov. 1 A. chh. Oct. 26, 1755. He d. Dec. 22, 1806[A],aged80y. Will May 21, 1794; Jan. 5, 1807. She d. Nov. 28, 1810[A], aged 86 y. Children[A records] : 457 I Miriam', b. Jan. 28, 1750-1; d. Mch. 18, 177[2?] 458 II John', b. June 6, 1752; not in will? 459 III Rebecca', b. Feb. 1, 1754; unm. in 1794. 460 IV Mary', b. Oct. 14, 1755; d. young. 461 v Isaac', b. Feb. 7, 1758; liv. 1794; prob. m. Nov. 7, 1784[S Hm], Eliza beth Hadlock, of S. Hm. Chil.: Polly\ b. 1785; John\ b. 1787; rec. at A. 462 VI Dolly', b. July 18, 1761; m. (472) Richard' Cuekier Jr., int. Mch. 4, 1785[A]. 463 vii Electa', b. July 6, 1764; m. Nov. 18, 1789[A], Joseph Bartlett. 464 VIII Mary', b. May 1, 1766; m. Wm. Bartlett, int. Apr. 6, 1791[A]. 465 IX Lydia', b. Jan. 19, 1768; unm. in 1794. 466 X Davto', b. Apr. 11, 1770; liv. 1794. 109 Richard^ Currier {David* [pp. 701, 907], Richard^ Thomas', Richard'), oi Amesbury, East Parish, "blacksmith," b. 1730; m. Feb. 19, 1750[A], Hannah Bagley {Jacob). Will July 2, 1780; Feb. 27, 1781, wife Han. ment. Children[A records] : 467 I Jerusha Bagley', b. Apr. 20, 1751; m. Oct. 15, 1803, Melatiah Mer rill; name Currier in 1780. 468 n Jacob Bagley', b. Apr. 10, 1753; m. Aug. 18, 1776[2A], Elizabeth Johnson (John), of Hmst. Hewas a Rev. soldier from A.; d. Aug. 17, 1831, aged 78 y. Will -July 22, 1826; Sept. 27, 1831. Wid. Eliz. d. Aug. 21, 1834, aged 80 y. Chil. on A. rec: John^, b. 1777, d. young; Hannah'', b. 1779, d. young; Elizabeth'', b. 1781; Richard^, b. 1783, d. young; JaeoV, b. 1783, d. young; Jacob B.' b. 1784; Selley Jonson'', b. 1787, m. Benj. Morrill Jr., 1805; Hannah'', b. 1789, d. 1810; Judith'', b. 1792, d. young; Jerusha'', h. 1794; Mary Person'', h. 1797. Will ment. son Jacob B. Jr., daus. Eliz. Hoyt, Jerusha Ordway and Mary P. Currier, granddau. Sally J. Morrill. 922 old families of Salisbury and amesbury. 469 III Richard', b. May 30, 1755; d. young. 470 IV Sarah', b. June 9, 1756; m. John Herbert or "Harbut" of Salis., int, Aug. 1, 1778[A]. 471 V Hannah', b. Feb. 9, 1758; d. young. 472 VI Richard', b. July 20, 1762; m. (462) Dolly' Currier, int. Mch. 4, 1785[A]. Son Richard'', b. 1786; d. Aug. 26, 1849[A], aged 64 y 473 VII David', b. Nov. 23, 1766; m. Jan. 25, 1788[A], Miriam Clough. Chil. on A. rec: John C, b. 1789; Polly'', b. 1796; Mary'', b. , d. Jan. 20, 1813[A]; per. others. 474 VIII Elizabeth', b. May 25, 1768; liv. 1780; m. Dec. 31, 1789[A], Simeon Bartlett, of Warner, N. H. 257 Philip^ Currier {Jonathan*, Richard", Thomas', Richardi), of South Hampton, b. 1723; m. Sept. 28, 1743[S Hm], Ruth IVlerrili. He was bp. there, June 2, 1745. Children[S Hm records]: 475 I Anne', b. Aug. 27, 1744; bp. June 2, 1745. 476 II Sarah', b. Sept. 22, bp. Nov. 2, 1746. 477 III Anna', or Hannah', b. July 17, bp. July 24, 1748. 478 IV Judith', b. Feb. 22, bp. Sept. 30, 1750. 479 V Philip', b. Mch. 31, bp. June 3, 1753; prob. m. June 1, 1779[SHm], Dorothy Collins. A Philip and Dorothy had son Philip, b. Feb. 19, 17[79?] in Newton. 480 VI Jonathan', b. Dec. 16, 1754; bp. Feb. 2, 1755. 481 VII Lydia', b. Oct. 10, bp. Nov. 13, 1757. 482 vm Thomas', b. Apr. 22, 1764. 258 Challis^ Currier {Jonathan*, Richard", Thomas', Rich ard'), of South Hampton, N. H., b. 1724; m. Mary Clough, who d. June 14, 1808, aged 80 y.[H.L.C.] He was bp. June 30, 17S1[S Hm], adult. A Challis d. July 25, 1796[S Hm]. ChiIdren[S Hm records]: 483 I Richard', b. Feb. 5, bp. June 30, 1751. 484 II Theophilus', b. Dec. 22, bp. Dec. 31, 1752; m. Betsey Goodrich and rem. to Canaan (Enfield), N. H. [Hist Sanbornton]; Cur. Gen. gives m. Eliz. Follansbee. 485 III Mary', b. Feb. 26, bp. Apr. 13, 1755; m. June 18, 1778[S Hm], Rich ard Currier[H. L. C.]. 486 IV Rhoda', b. June 24, bp. July 31, 1757; m. Nov. 23, 1786[S Hm], Jona than French[H. L. C.]. 487 V Challis', b. Mch. 5, bp. Apr. 20, 1760; res. Enfield, N. H. 488 VI Jonathan', b. Mch. 8, bp. July 17, 1762. 489 VII Samuel', b. May 17, 1764 [d. young?] 490 VIII Elizabeth', b. May 12, 1767; m. Mch. 29, 1792[S Hm], Richard Fitts. 259 Jonathan^ Currier {Jonathan*, Richard", Thomas', Rich ard'), oi South Hampton and Newton, N. H., b. 1726; m. Dec. currier FAMILY. 923 13, 1753[S Hm], Sarah Clough. He was bp. Aug. 8, 1756. Chil dren:491 I Sarah', b. Mch. 24, 1754; bp. Aug. 8, 1756[S Hm]; m. Thomas Wilson [H.L.C.]. 492 II Dorothy', b. Nov. 13, 1756; bp. Mch. 13, 1757[S Hm]. 493 III Anne', b. Mch. 30, 1760[S Hm]. 494 IV Judith', b. Mch. 20, 1762[S Hm]. 495 V Jonathan', b. May 9, 1764[Nt]. 496 VI Timothy', b. July 28, 1766[H.L.C.]. 497 VII Theophilus', b. June 11, 1772[Nt]. See "Currier Genealogy" for later records of this and related branches of the family. H. L. C, above, one of the authors. 266 Thomas' Currier {Jonathan*, Richard", Thomas', Rich ard'), of South Hampton, b. 1745; m. Dorothy . He signed the Association Test in 1776. Children: 498 I David', b. Apr. 17, 1769[S Hm]. 499 II Jonathan', b. June 15, 1771[S Hm]. 500 III Richard', b. Dec 7, 1773[S Hm]. 501 IV Thomas', b. Mch. 23, 1776[S Hm]. 502 V Joshua', b. Apr. 28, 1778[S Hm]. 503 VI Nathaniel', b. Oct. 21, 1780[S Hm]. 275 JoHN^ Currier, Dea. {John*, Richard", Thomas', Richard'), of Newbury,* b. ab. 1744; m. lst[J.B.C.], Judith Presseyf; 2d, Elizabeth Burditt, of Maiden, int. June 1, 1802[Nb]. She d. Feb. 13, 1812. He d. Feb. 10, 1823, aged 79 y.[Nb]. Children [J.B.C.]: 504 I Mary', b. ab. 1770; m. Jan. 4, 1797[Nb], Joseph Bartlett, 3d. 505 II John', b. Nov. 26, 1771 or '72; m. Dec. 31, 1795, Hannah Coffin. + 506 III William', b. Nov. 19, 1774; m. Aug. 19, 1812[Nb], Betsey Doyle. 507 IV Jacob', b. . 508 v Isaac', b. . 509 VI Joseph', b. Sept. 4, 1787; m. Naomi Webster; d. in 111., 1843. 510 VII Nicholas', b. ; burned to death, Nov. 8, 1797. 282 Nathan' Currier {Richard*, Richard", Thomas', Richard') , of South Hampton, b. 1737; m. Miriam . Children[S Hm records]: 511 I Sarah', b. Mch. 4, 1761; bp. July 4, 1762. 512 II Daniel', b. Mch. 11, 1765. * The deficiency of Nb. and Nbt. records of this family suggests the possibility of a residence elsewhere bef. 1797. t Given prob. Mary Poor, Dec. 14, L772[Nb], in Cur. Gen. [See (711a) John.] 924 OLD FAMILIES OP SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 513 m Nathan', b. Sept. 6, 1767. 514 IV Ezekiel', b. June 16, 1770. 515 V Miriam', b. Apr. 9, 1773. 516 VI Richard', b. Mch. 7, 1777. 517 vn Thomas', b. Mch. 16, 1780. 285 James^ Currier {Richard*, Richard", Thomas', Richard'), of Newton, Salisbury, and Enfield, N. H.,* b. 1744; m. 1st, IVlary Bartlett; 2d, Lydia Morrill or Merrill, f int. Mch. 1, 1784[A], who d. Nov. 13, 1802, aged 66 y.; 3d, Mary Batchelder[H.L,C.]. Children[J.B.C. & Nt records]: 518 I Mary', b. Oct. 19, 1767; m. John Bailey Jr., of West Nb., int. Sept. 8, 1787[Nb]. 519 II Richard', b. Feb. 28, 1769; m. 1st, 1797, Nancy Pettingill; 2d, Mary , Garland; res. Enfield. 520 III Sarah', b. Mch. 22, 1772[Nt]; d. young. 521 IV James', b. Mch. 22, 1775[Nt]; m. 1795, Sarah Bohonan; res. Rye, N. H., and Lowell, Mass. 522 V Sarah', b. Aug. 1, 1777[Nt]; m. John Adams. 523 VI Gideon', b. June 24, 1780[Nt]; m. Sarah Dunlap, of Salis., N. H.; res. Nbt. 524 VII Nathan', b. Sept. 27, 1782; m. May 13, 1802, Sally Carter; res. Salis., N. H.; d. 1844. 297 MosES^ Currier {Aaron*, Richard", Thomas', Richard'), oi Weare, N. H., b. 1746; m. Mehitable Barnard.J He d. 1804. Wid. Mehit. d. in Danbury, in 1852, aged 103 y.[Little's Hist.Weare, where later generations are given, pp. 806-8]. Children: 525 I Wells', b. Dec. 28, 1770[Nt & Wr] ; m. Hannah Morrill; lived in Weare and Danbury, N. H. 526 n Nathaniel', b. July 12, 1772[Wr]. 527 in Moses', b. Oct. 10, 1774[Wr]. 528 IV Hannah', b. ; d. 1826, unm.[H. L. C] 529 V Levi', b. May 28, 1781[Wr]. 530 VI Thomas', b. 1788; d. Nov. 3, 1789[Wr]. 113 Nathaniel^ Currier, Ma.]. {Jacob* [pp. 702,911], SamueP, Thomas', Richard'), of SaHsbury, b. 1724; m. Nov. 17, 1748[2S], * Hist. Salis., N. H., states that he came from Newburyport and d. in Enfield; that his lst[2dl wife was Lydia , who d. as above, and he m. again. There was a James who d. in Nbt. ab. 1772; but it does not seem probable that he had a son James b. as early as 1740 or '50. [See (798) James.] t The town copy, made by Joseph Merrill, the historian of A., reads "Merrill." There was a Lydia Merrill b. Jan. 25, 1736-7[A]. If our figures are correct, she was 7 or 8 yrs. older than he. t Mehitable must have been the dau. of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Barnard, b. Feb. 27, 1748-9[A1. currier family. 925 (101) Susanna* Morrill. He d. Dec. 23, 1776[A]. Will Dec. 23, 1776; Apr. 1, 1777, ment. wife Sus. and lands in Poplin and Warner, N. H. Wid. Sus. d. Oct. 5, 1806, aged 79 y. Children: 531 I Anna', b. June 11, 1749[S]; m. June 9, 1768[2S], Ephraim Morrill. 532 II Dorothy', b. Mch. 19, 1750[S]; m. Dec, 1769[2S], Joshua Follansbee. She d. June, 1778[S]. 533 m Susanna', b. Mch. 29, 1753[S]; m. Nathaniel Bean. 534 IV David', b. Apr. 16, 1755[S]; m. 1st, 1781, Sarah Chase; 2d, 1806, Han nah Riggs. + 535 V Hannah', b. Sept. 5, 1757[S]; liv. 1776. 536 VI Molly', b. May 20, 1760[S]; liv. 1776. 119 Jacob^ Currier {Jacob* [pp. 702, 911], SamueP, Thomas', Richard'^), of Salisbury, Mass., and East Kingston, N. H., b. 1740; m. Jan. 22, 1761[E Kg], Esther Greeley. Children: 537 I Dorothy', b. Nov. 13, 1761[S]. Prob. other chil. between 1761 and 1775. 538 II Hannah', b. June 3, 1775[E Kg]. 539 in Nathan', b. Aug. 10, 1777[E Kg]. 540 IV Henry', b. July 10, 1780[E Kg]. Hist. Stanistead Co., Canada, states that Henry Currier, b. Jan. 18, 1780, m. July 18, 1806, Sally Morse; early settled in Bolton, now Magog; chil. given. 328 Reuben^ Currier {Reuben*, SamueP, Thomas', Richard'^), of South Hampton, b. ab. 1743; m. June 4, 1767[S Hm], Elizabeth Stevens. Children[S Hm records] : 541 I Samuel', b. May 20, 1768. 542 II Stephen', b. Mch. 24, 1770. 543 III Betty', b. Apr. 16, 1772; m. (578) Eliphalet' Cubriek[J.B.C.]. 644 IV Sarah', b. June 25, 1774. 545 v Dorothy', b. May 27, 1776. 330 Sargent^ Currier {Henry*, SamueP, Thomas', Richard'), of South Hampton and Hopkinton, N. H., b. 1730; m. Sarah ; rem. to Hopk. ab. 1766. Children[S Hm & Hpk records] : 546 I Benjamin', b. May[Mch?] 1, 1751; bp. Apr. 28, 1751. A Benjamin, of Henniker, N. H., had chil.: Samuel, Sarah, Sargent and Susanna, b. 1774-80[Hist Henniker]. He refused to sign the Association Test in 1776; may have left the U. S. 547 II Eleanor', b. Oct. 15, 1752. 548 III Sarah', b. June 9, 1754; bp. June 9, 1754. 549 IV Henry', b. Mch. 25, 1757[6]; bp. May 16, 1756. 926 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 550 V Elizabeth', b. Jan. 26, 1758; bp. Jan. 29, 1758. 551 VI Abraham', b. Sept. 22, 1759; d. July 21, 1764. 552 vn Reuben', b. Aug. 10, 1761; bp. Aug. 16, 1761; d. July 10, 1764. 553 VIII Nathaniel', b. June 15, 1763; bp. June 19, 1763; d. Aug. 10, 1764 [S Hm]. 554 IX Abraham', b. Apr. 21, 1765; bp. Apr. 28, 1765[S Hm]. 555 X Reuben Morrill', b. Sept. 25, 1767[Hpk]. 556 XI Abigail', b. Dec. 3, 1769[Hpk]. 340 Ezekiel^ Currier {Samuel*, SamueP, Thomas', Richard'), of Hampstead, N. H.,b. 1740; m. Feb. 11, 1762, Susanna Emerson. Both own. cov. Sept. 4, 1763. Children[Hmst rec & Hist]: 557 I Samuel', b. Oct. 18, 1762; bp. Sept. 4, 1763; m. Damaris Stevens; res. Corinth, Vt. 558 n Susanna', b. Dec. 27, 1764; bp. Mch., 1766. 559 III Hannah', b. Aug. 5, 1768; bp. Nov. 13, 1768; m. Jonathan George. 560 IV Ezekiel', Bev., b. June 10, 1773; m. Hannah Sawyer; res. Orange, Vt. 561 V Moses', b. Dec. 8, 1775. 562 VI Louise', b. Feb. 15, 1778. 563 vn Abigail', b. Dec. 29, 1779. 564 vm Sarah', b. Feb. 5, 1783. 565 IX John', b. Nov. 21, 1784. 343 Samuel^ Currier, Rev. {Samuel*, Samuel", Thomas', Rich ard'), of Hampstead, N. H., b. 1746-7; m. Nov. 12, 1766[Hmst], Mary Rowell, of Sandown. She was bp. and both adm. Hmst. chh. Oct., 1775. He was elected deacon June 1, 1776[Hist Hmst]. J. B.C. states that he rem. to Wentworth, N. H., ab. 1791; d. IVlay 5, 1801or'02; wifed. Apr. 3, 1801.* Children[J.B.C. & Hist Hmst]: 566 I Aaron', b. ab. 1767; bp. Oct. 5, 1775; m. Abigail Huse; settled in Wentworth, N. H. 567 n Samuel', b. ab. 1772; bp. Oct. 5, 1775; d. unm., 33 y. old. 568 in Daniel', b. ; bp. Oct. 5, 1775. 569 IV Molly' or Mary', b. ; bp. Oct. 5, 1775; m. Job Clement. 570 V Hannah', b. ; bp. Oct. 5, 1775; m. Moses Eaton. 571 VI David', b. Nov. 28, 1778; bp. Jan. 28, 1779; m. Ruth Stevens. 571a VII Sarah", b. ; m. Hurd. 344 Jacob^ Currier {Samuel*, Samuel", Thomas', Richard'), * Hist. Hmst. makes (33) Samuel the first Baptist minister in Wentworth; but states that "hiB grandson Aaron went to Plymouth in 1819." (343) Samuel had such a grandson; but we have no record of any Currier grandchildren of (33) Samuel. CURRIER FAMILY. 927 of Hampstead, N. H., b. 1749; m. [Hannah ?]. Both own. cov. July 14, 1770[71?].* Children[Hmst rec & Hist] : 572 I Jacob Morrill',! b. Mch. 15, 1771; bp. July 14, 1771. 573 II Ebenezer', b. Dec. 15, 1772. 574 III MiCAJAH', b. Sept. 29, 1774; bp. Oct. 19, 1774. 575 IV Ruth', b. Oct. 4, 1776; bp. Oct. 6, 1776. 576 V Dantel Little', t b. Dec 30, 1778; bp. Jan. 28, 1779. 577 VI Hannah', b. ; bp. Aug. 5, 1782. 377 Jeremiah^ Currier {Jeremiah*, John", Thomas', Richard'), of East Kingston, b. 1738; m. May 10, 1769[E Kg], Sarah Greeley. Children[E Kg records] : 578 I Eliphalet', b. Feb. 20, 1769[70?]; m. (543) Betty' CurrierJJ.B.C.]. 579 n Joseph', b. Aug. 9, 1774;d. July 9,1845;m.(590)RuTH«CuRRiER[J.B.C.]. 580 III John', b. Sept. 18, 1776. 581 IV Elizabeth Greeley', b. Sept. 20, 1778. 582 V Noah', b. May 5, 1780. 583 VI Jbremlah', b. ; d. Feb., 1784. 386 EzRA^ Currier {John*, John", Thomas', Richard'^), of East Kingston, b. 1745 ; m. Mehetabel Eaton. He d. Mch. 8, 1788[E Kg]. Children : 584 I Hannah', b. Dec. 13, 1767[E Kg]. 585 II Timothy', b. Nov. 30, 1769[E Kg]. 586 III Ezra', b. July 12, 1771 [E Kg]; d. young. 587 IV Mehetabel', b. Oct. 31, 1772[E Kg]. 588 V Ezra', b. July 28, 1774[E Kg]. 589 VI Betty', b. Sept. 15, 1776[E Kg]. 590 vn Ruth', b. Apr. 22, 1779[E Kg]; m. (579) Joseph' Cureier[J.B.C.]. 590a VIII John', b. Feb. 8, 1782. 590b IX Polly', b. Aug. 19, 1784. 590c X Samuel', b. Feb. 3, 1787. 388 JOHN^ Currier {John*, John", Thomas', Richard'), of East Kingston, b. 1752; m. Mch. 28, 1772[E Kg], Phebe Whitcher. A Capt. John d. May 12, 1809[E Kg]. Children: * The statement of Hist. Hmst., that Hannah, wid. of Jacob Currier, m. Daniel Little in 1768, must be incorrect. Two Daniel Littles and perhaps two Hannah Curriers are evidently con founded. Assuming the printed figures to be correct, Daniel Little Sen. d. in 1777, aged 85 y. His first wife, Abiah, d. in 1766, and he may have m. Hannah (Morrill) Currier, wid. of (63) Sam uel*, in 1768, though the printed account of the will, 1770, does not mention her. Daniel Little Jr. d. in 1841, aged 91 y.; his wife Hannah d. in 1822, aged 65 y. She could not have been wid. of Jacob Currier, for the Little chil. were b. 1776-85. t Middle names on record of baptism only. 928 OLD FAMILIES OP SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 591 I Wn.LiAM», b. Dec. 23, 1772[E Kg]; m. June 8, 1796[Nbt], Sally John son Newell, who d. July 6, 1804[Nbt]. He was William 4th of Nbt.; "merchant"; d. Oct. 7, 1808[Nbt & E Kg]. Will Mch. 1, Oct. 20, 1808. Chil. rec at Nbt.: Martha'', b. 1797; William'', b. 1798, d, 1820; Sally'', b. 1800; Caroline', b. 1802. 592 II John', b. July 24, 1775[E Kg]; d. May 2, 1806[A & E Kg]. He prob. m. Apr. 27, 1796[A], (638) Abigail' Cukrier. 593 III Sarah', b. Oct. 9, 1777[E Kg]. 594 IV Abigail', b. Feb. 22, 1781; d. Feb. 26, 1788, aged 7 y. 4 d.[E Kg). 595 V Polly', b. May 2, 1784; d. Feb. 26, 1788[E Kg]. J. B. C. gives 7 other chil. b. 1784-1802. 122 JoHN^ Currier, Dea. {Nathan* [pp. 702,916], Joseph', Thomas', Richard'-), of Amesbury, West Parish, and Hopkinton, N. H., b. 1737; m. Apr. 2, 1761[2A], Sarah Clarke ; both adm. 2 A. chh. 1762; rem. to Hopkinton, N. H., ab. 1767. Children: 596 I John', b. Jan. 6, 1762[A]; bp. July 4, 1762[2A]; m. Sept. 21, 1783, Lois Morse; rem. to Canaan, N. H. 597 n Clarke', b. June 2, 1763[A]. 598 in Charles', b. June 2, 1763[A]. 599 IV Seth', b. Dec 8, 1764[A]; m. Mary Hookley; went to Me.[J. B. C] 600 V Anne', b. Aug. 24, 1766[A]; bp. Aug. 31, 1766[2A]. 601 VI Amos', b. Aug. 25, 1768[Hpk]; m. Mary Sargent; res. Hopk.[J. B. C] 602 VII Sarah', b. Aug. 16, 1770[Hpk]. 603 VIII Hannah', b. July 8, 1772[Hpk]; d. Jan. 20, 1793, aged 25 y.[Hpk] [20i y?] 604 IX STEPHEN',b. June 11, 1774[Hpk]; aphysician in Hopkinton. [SeeLord's Hopkinton, p. 348.] 605 X Priscilla', b. Aug. 16, 1776[Hpk]. 606 XI James', b. June 21, 1778[Hpk]; m. wid. Betsey Oilman; res. Hpk. [J.B.C] [See Cur. Gen. pp. 94-100, for the above family.] 131 Ephraim^ Currier {Ephraim* [pp. 703, 916], Joseph", Thom as', Richard'-), of Amesbury, b. 1739; m. Feb. 24, 1762[2A], Abigail Patten; d. Sept. 29, 1793; wife Abigail survived him. Est. settled Apr. 7, 1796. A wid. Abigail d. Jan. 31, 1823[A], aged 86 y. Chil dren, living in 1796: 607 I Willis', b. . A Willis pub. to Sarah Bartlett, of Newtown, Nov. 16, 1784[A]. 608 II Joseph', b. ab. 1765; m. ; d. Oct. 27, 1849, aged 84 y. 6 ra. 609 in Ephraim', b. . 610 IV John', b. . 611 V Stephen', b. . 612 VI Joshua', b. ab. 1778[?]. A Joshua d. Apr. 8, 1817[A], aged 39 y. CURRIER family. 929 613 VII Sarah', b. ; name Currier in 1796. 614 VIII Abigail', b. ; name Currier in 1796. 615 IX Polly', b. ; name Currier in 1796. 132 Seth^ Currier {Ephraim* [pp. 703, 916], Joseph", Thomas', i?icAarc^i),of Amesbury, West Parish, b. 1743; m. Jan. 16, 1766[A] Alice Sargent; both adm. 2 A. chh. 1766. He d. Mch., 1792[A]! Will Dec. 29, 1791; Mch. 26, 1792. Wid. Alice d. Feb. 13, 1830[or '29], aged 82 y. Children: 616 I Anna', b. Mch. 22, 1766[A]; bp. Sept. 21, 1766[2A]; m. Mch. 9, 1785 [A], (490) Robert' Hoyt. 617 n Alice', b. Feb. 9, 1768[A]; bp. May 8, 1768[2A]; m. Apr. 6, 1788 or '89[A], Moses Rowell. 618 in Joseph', b. Aug. 13, 1770[A]; bp. Aug. 19, 1770[2A]; liv. 1791; m. Aug. 20, 1792[A], Bestey Kendrick[Cur Gen]. 619 IV Seth', b. Sept. 16, 1775[A]; bp. Sept. 24, 1775[2A]; m. Feb. 26, 1800[A], Tabitha Goodwin; d. Apr. 30, 1815[A], at Weare, N. H. Wid. Tabitha d. Nov. 26; 1829[A], aged 57 or 58 y. 620 V A Child', b. ; bp. May 13, 1781 [2A]; d. young. 621 VI Peter', b. Sept. 16, 1781[A]; m. Mch. 18, 1806 or '07, Abigail Pecker. 622 vn John', b. Sept. 16, 1783[A]; liv. 1791. 623 vni Sarah', b. Sept. 23, 1787[A]; liv. 1791. 139 Moses« Currier {Abner* [pp. 703, 916], Joseph", Thomas', Richard^), of Amesbury, West Parish, b. 1751; m. May 19, 1778[A], Rachel Sargent. He d. Mch. 10, 1799[A]. Will Mch. 4, Aug. 8, 1799. Wid. Rachel d. Feb. 6, 1840, aged 83 y. Children[A records] : 624 I Sarah', b. Nov., 1778; bp. Aug. 22, 1779[2A]; d. Mch. 6, 1782. 625 11 Thomas', b. July 18, 1780; bp. Aug. 27, 1780[2A]; liv. 1799. 626 III Sally', b. Dec 30, 1781; bp. June, 1782[2A]; liv. 1799. 627 IV Polly', b. Mch. 2, 1784; liv. 1799. 628 v Rachel', b. Sept. 9, 1785; liv. 1799. 629 VI Lois', b. Mch. 18, 1788; liv. 1799. 630 vn Jonathan', b. Feb. 13, 1791; bp. Sept. 4, 1791[2A]; liv. 1799. 631 vm Moses', b. Aug. 5, 1797; bp. Oct. 29, 1797[2A]; liv. 1799. 406 Theophilus^ Currier (prob. Enoch*, Ebenezer", Thomas', Richard^), of Amesbury and Warner, N. H., b. ab. 1740; m. Sept. 2, 1762[A], Sarah Lister, who was bp. at home, being sick, Oct., 1770[1A]. He rem. to Warner ab. 1770, and settled at "Kiah Corner"; d. Dec. 15, 1785; wife Sarah ap. adm. 179l[J.B.C.]. Chil- dren[J.B.C.]: 930 OLD families of SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 632 I William G.', b. July 25, 1763; d. 1766. 633 n Enoch', b. Oct. 18, 1764; d. July 31, 1845. 634 III William', b. July 20, 1768; m. Elizabeth Goodwin, of Wrn. 635 IV Theophilus', b. Oct. 7, 1770; m. Sally Hackett. 636 V Judith', b. Sept. 3, 1776; m. John Davis, of Wrn. 409 Richard^ Currier {Enoch*, Ebenezer^, Thomas', Richard'), of Amesbury, East Parish, b. 1749; m. June 2, 1771[A], IVIoIly Clough, who d. June 28, 1817, aged 66 y. He d. Dec. 24, 1821, aged 73 y. Children[A records] : 637 I David', b. Mch. 21, 1772; m. Nov. 30, 1794[Hv], Polly Rowell, who d. Apr. 6, 1857[S]. He d. Mch. 18 or 20, 1842.* Chil.: Jacob R.' and others, b. 1798-1814[A]. 638 n Abigail', b. Dec. 12, 1773; prob. m. Apr. 27, 1796[A], (592) John" Currier (John'). She d. Nov. 3, 1842, aged 68 y.[A]. 639 in Mehitable', b. Apr. 18, 1776. 640 IV Richard', b. Apr. 15, 1778; res. A. 641 V Enoch', b. Feb. 20, 1781; res. A. 642 VI Mary', or Polly', b. Apr. 20, 1783; m. Sept. 14, 1803[A], Ebenezer Bordman. 643 vn Betsey', b. Aug. 12, 1785; m. Aug. 18, 1805[A], David Currier Jr., of S. 644 VIII Dorothy', b. May 6, 1789. 645 IX John', b. Mch. 1, 1792. 646 X Charles', b. Oct. 14, 1798; d. Sept. or Oct., 1817. 427 Daniel^ Currier {Benjamin*, Daniel", Thomas', Richard'), of Deerfield, N. H., b. 1745; m. Dec. 2, 1767[2S], Hannah Bach elder. He signed the Association Test in Deerfield, in 1776; rec'd all land in Warner by his father's will, 1792. Children [Drf records & J.B.C.]: 647 I Benjamin', b. Mch. 25, 1769t; m. Jemima Page; d. Aug. 12, 1839, in Drf.[J.B.C.] 648 n Daniel', b. Dec. 6, 1770; m. Meribah Tilton. 649 in Hannah', b. Apr. 13, 1773; m. Michael Dalton. 650 IV Betty', b. Dec. 12, 1774; m. Stephen Sargent. 651 V Stephen', b. Feb. 7, 1777t; m. 1st, (663) Lois' Cukrier; 2d, Hannah Davis; res. Warner; d. Jan., 1845. 652 VI Enoch', b. Mch. 6, 1779. * Both the A. and S. rec. give a Damd d. Mch. 18, 1842, aged 69 or 70 y. The A. printed rec. [P. R. 80] state that he was son of Richard and Molly. If so, there must have been a David, b. 1772, not recorded. t Hist. Warner states that Benj. and Stephen Currier, bros., rem. from Deerfield to Warner, N. H., prob. after 1700. If the above, it must have been nearer 1800 than 1700. Benj." prob. ret. to Deerfleld[J.B.C.]. currier FAMILY. 93 1 653 VII James', b. Feb. 15, 1781. 654 VIII Jonathan', b. Mch. 3, 1783. 655 IX Theodate', b. May 30, 1785. 656 X Joseph', b. Nov. 19, 1787. 657 XI Nathaniel', b. Oct. 3, 1789. See Hist. Deerfield for this family. 428 Joseph^ Currier, Ens. {Benjamin*, DanieP, Thomas', Richard'), oi Warner, N. H., b. 1747; m. Apr. 23, 1769[2S], Betty or Elizabeth Stevens. He d. Oct. 10, 1839. She d. July 13, 1820[J.B.C.]. Children: 658 I Betty', b. Sept. 11, 1769[Wrn]. 659 n Sarah', b. Oct. 23, 1771 [Wrn]. 660 m John', b. Mch. 26, 1773[Wrn]. 661 IV MOLLEY', b. Feb. 23, 1776[Wrn]. 662 V Joseph', b. Dec. 28, 1777[Wrn]; d. young. 663 VI Lois', b. July 17, 1778[Wrn]; m. (651) Stephen' Currier. 664 VII Joseph', b. May 5, 1780[Wrn]. 665 VIII Benjamin', Capt., b. 1782; res. Warner; d. Dec. 9, 1864, aged 82 y. 3 m.[Wrn]. 666 IX Jacob', b. 1784; ment. in Hist. Warner. 505 John* Currier {John^, John*, Richard", Thomas', Rich ard'-), of Newbury and Newburyport, b. 1771 or '72; m. Dec. 31, 1795[Nb], Hannah Coffin ;d. Aug. 7, 1837[Nbt], aged 65 y. Wife Hannah d. Feb. 10, 1841[Nbtl, aged 68 y. 7 m. Children [J.B.C.]: 667 I Moses Coffin', b. Aug. 15, 1796[Nb]; m. 1st, Prudence B. Rogers; 2d, Eunice Atkinson. 668 II Mary Coffin', b. 1797; d. young. 669 III Hannah', b. Jan. 18, 1800[Nb]; m. Michael Creasy. 670 IV John', b. Apr. 14, 1802[Nb]; m. Clarissa Carr. A noted shipbuilder for 50 yr.; d. Sept. 2, 1887[Nbt]. Parents of John James', b. 1834, mayor of Nbt. and author of histories of Nb. and Nbt. 671 V Mary Coffin', b. July 6, 1804[Nb]; m. Charles Whitmore. 672 VI William', b. Sept. 11, 1806[Nb]; m. Sarah N. Magoon. 673 VII Harriet', b. Mch. 26, 1809[Nb]; m. Thomas Merrill. 674 VIII Samuel Clemons', b. Feb. 3, 1814[Nb]; m. twice. 534 David* Currier ( Nathaniel^, Jacob*, SamueP, Thomas', Richard^), of Salisbury, b. 1755; m. 1st, Sarah Chase, int. July 19[A], 21[S], 1781; 2d, Sept. 13, 1806, Hannah Riggs. Wife Sarah d. Nov. 26, 1802[S], aged 38 y. He d. Oct. 16, 1823[S]. 932 C>LD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Will Apr. 14, Nov. 4, 1823. Wid. Hannah d. Apr. 20, 1842, aged 86 y.[S]. Children: 675 I Nathaniel', b. July 2, 1782; d. Oct. 16, 1805[S]. 676 II David' 3d, b. July 21, 1784; m. Betsey ; d. Jan. 30, 1823[S]. 677 ni Elizabeth', b. July 11, 1786; m. Aug. 13, 1806[S], Capt. Samuel Brown. 678 IV MosES', b. Nov. 9, 1788[S]; m. Nov. 7, 1809[S], Nancy Stevens; liv. 1823. 679 V Jacob', b. Jan. 31, 1792[S]; m. Dec. 24, 1817[S], Ruth Osgood; liv. 1823. 680 VI Susanna', b. Aug. 3, 1794; d. July 16, 1795. 681 vn James', b. June 24, 1796; d. Apr. 15, 1797[S]. 682 VIII James', b. Apr. 27, 1798; d. Nov. 16, 1801[S]. 683 IX Thomas', b. Aug. 9, 1800; d. Feb. 28, 1802. Unclassified Currier Records.* 684 John* Currier Sen. ( ?),t of Haverhill, Mass., and Plaistow, N. H., b. ab. 1700?; m. Apr. 16, 1724[Hv], Rachel' Whittaker {'Wm.', Abraham'). She was adm. IHv. chh., Feb. 4, 1727-8; dism. to form W. Parish chh., Oct. 18, 1735. He own. cov. Feb. 18, 1727-8[lHv]. Will Apr. 14, May 31, 1758. Children: 685 I Anne', b. Sept. 10, 1724[Hv]; bp. Feb. 18, 1727-8[lHv]; prob. m.Mch. 28, 1751[Hv], Daniel Marble, and dead in 1758, leaving dau. Ann. 686 n John', b. Feb. 4, 1726-7[Hv]; bp. Feb. 18, 1727-8[lHv]; m. Feb. 9, 1750, Judith Foot. + 687 HI William', b. Oct. 13, 1730[Hv]; bp. June 6, 1731[lHv]; d. Sept. 3, 1736[Hv]. 688 IV Amos', b. July 26, 1734[Hv];t d. Aug. 22, 1736[Hv]. 689 V David', b. Aug. 30, 1737[Hv]; m. Martha Ladd. + 690 VI Sarah', b. ; liv. 1758. 691 vn Rachel', b. ; bp. Dec, 1742[3Hv,W. Parish]; liv. 1758. A Rachel§ m. Aug. 29, 1770[Atk], Joshua Emery, of Atkinson, N. H. 692 vin Mary', b. ; liv. 1758. A Mary m. Oct. 10, 1765[Hv & Atk], Ebenezer Green. * It is difficult to determine to which of the three branches of Curriers certain families belong, and the preceding classification may not be free from errors. t He appears to have been of the fourth generation and may have been a grandson of (100) Jeffrey' Cukrieh of the Isles of Shoals. In 1729 he bought land in Hv. of Theodore Atkinson, ol New Castle, N. H., the early residence of the Shoals Curriers. In 1731-2, his father-in-law, Wm. Whittaker, deeded him land. He apparently lived in that part of Hv. which became PI. by change of state boundary. t "John bp. Oct. 6, 1734[lHv]," p. 699, perhaps should be Amos. Rachel, 27 y. old, m. Aug. g?, etc., as above [Hv. P. R. 71]. currier family. 933 686 JoHN^ Currier {John*, ^—'^), of Plaistow and Haverhill, b. 1727; m. Feb. 9, 1750[P1], Judith Foot. He was John Jr. till 1758. Perhaps of Atkinson after 1767. Children: 693 I Hannah', b. Oct. 8, 1753[P1]; d. Mch. 8, 1755[P1]. 694 II "Bate"' [Betty?], b. Dec. 9, 1755[P1]. 695 III John', b. Aug. 13, 1758[P1]. 696 IV Hannah', b. Jan. 18, 1762[P1]. 697 v Sarah', b. Mch. 24, 1764[Hv]. 698 VI Judith', b. Sept. 14, 1767[Hv]. [Perhaps other children.] 689 David* Currier {John*, ?), of Plaistow and Wind ham, N. H., b. 1737; m. Martha Ladd; signed Association Test in Wnd. in 1776; prob. d. there. Adm. est. 1786. Wid. Martha rem. to Acworth. Children.[Hist Acw & J.B.C] : 699 I Lydia', b. Jan. 13, 1763[P1]; m. Samuel Carleton. 700 II Rachel', b. Apr. 8, 1765[P1]; m. Ichabod Orcutt. 701 III John', b. Feb. 7, 1768; m. Susanna Orcutt; "settled in Acworth in 1790, and his mother soon followed him." 702 IV Hannah', b. ; m. John S. Orcutt. 703 V Delia', b. ; m. Levi Turner. 704 VI Timothy', b. ; ra. Jane Mitchell. 705 VII Sally', b. — — ; m. Daniel Coffin. 706 VIII David', b. Aug. 27, 1777; m. Dorcas Newhall; descendants given in Hist. Acw. 707 IX Polly', b. ; m. Prentis Adkins. 708 X Eliphalet', b. Oct. 17, 1783; m. Molly Campbell. [See Hist. Acworth, dates wanting.] 709 Joshua Currier, of Ipswich and Newbury, b. prob. bef. 1720, at Isles of Shoals; m. Dec. 15, 1744[Ip], Esther Hender son, who d. Oct. 29, 1774[Nb], aged 56 y. Joshua, "weaver," bought land in Nb. in 1760. Children: 710 I Joshua, b. ; bp. Sept. 29, 1745[Ip]; m. . + 711 n Josiah, b. ; bp. Sept. 7, 1746[Ip]; m. Judith Jaques (Rev. Richard) ; He d. Jan. 6, 1835; she d. Mch. 19, 1821, aged 75 y. Chil.: Ado- niram, Sally, Daniel, William, Betsy, b. 1776-90[J.B.C.]. 711a in John, b. June 22, 1748[J.B.C.]; m. Dec. 14, 1772, Mary Poor, -f 712 IV Esther, b. ; bp. Feb. 11, 1749[Ip]; m. Jan. 24, 1786[Nbl, Daniel Herrick, of Hopkinton, N. H. 712a V Nathaniel, b. ; m. Betty Dwinnels[J.B.C.]. + 712b VI Jedediah, b. ; d. in Rev. war[J.B.C.]. 713 vn William, b. ; bp. July, 1756[Nb]; d. in Rev. war[J.B.C.]. 714 vin Molly, b. ; bp. Sept. 17, 1758[Nb]; m. Reuben Diamond. 934 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 710 Joshua Currier {Joshua), of Concord, N. H., b. 1745; m.* [Rebecca Dwinnels?] Children[J.B.C. & Bouton's Cone.]: 710a I Rebecca, b. Aug. 27, 1782. 710b II Benjamin Kimball, b. July 16, 1785; m. Martha Towner; res. Con. cord. 710c III Miriam, b. June 22, 1788; m. Feb. 6, 1810[Conc], Philip Purber; rem. to Vt. 710d IV Joshua, b. Feb. 21, 1791. 710e V Obadiah C, b. Apr. 10, 1794; m. Betsey S. Chamberlin. 7l0f VI Jeremiah, b. July 15, 1797. 711a John Currier {Joshua), of Newbury, Mass., Concord, N. H., and Brownington, Vt., b. 1748; m. Dec. 14, 1772[Nb], Mary Poor (b. 1752, dau. of Amos); rem. to Concord ab. 1780; d. in Brownington Aug. 5, 1833. Children[J.B.C.]: 711b I Mary, b. Oct. 3, 1773[Nb]; m. John Clough; d. in Barton, Mch. 16, 1840 or '46. 711c II Elizabeth [Betsey], b. Jan., 1776[Nb]; m. Nov. 28, 1799[lConc], Ezekiel Kimball Jr., of Weare. 711d ni Hannah, b. ; m. Oct. 28, 1799[Nb], in Byfield, Mass., Tristam Brown; d. in Georgetown. 711e IV John, b. May 6, 1766[86?], in N. H.; m. ab. 1807, Nancy Bicknell, 6 chil., b. 1808 and later. 711f V Jacob, b. ; m. Betsey Smith; res. Brownington. 6 chil. 711g VI Sally, b. ; m. Floyd. 712a Nathaniel Currier {Joshua), "tailor," of Newbury and Haverhill, Mass., and Concord, N. H., b. in Newbury By- field; m. Betty Dwinnels (sister of bros.' wife); rem. to Concord ab. 1778. Children[J.B.C.]: 712c I Samuel, b. Aug., 1772[Hv], at Nb.; m. Sally Lewis. 712d II James, b. Aug., 1775[Hv]; unm. 712e III Esther, b. ; m. Oct. 21, 1805[lConc], Benjamin Abbot Jr. 712f IV Betsey, b. — ^ — ; m. James Burnham. 712g V William, b. ; m. Mch. 13, 1806[Conc], Eleanor Whittemore. 712h VI Jedediah, b. ; m. Feb. 5, 1810[Conc], Polly Whittemore. 712i VII Caleb, b. ; m. May 2, 1811[Conc], Lucinda Towner. 715 Thomas Currier, of Chester, N. H., b. somewhere near 1730; m. Sarah Coburn. He d. bef. 1780. Wid. Sarah m. * A Joshua m. Aug. 15, 1776[Nb], Mary Pingry of Rw. Bouton has Susanna , wife of (710) Joshua; also Meribah for Miriam, and "Jerahmul" for Jeremiah. currier FAMILY. 935 Mansfield McDuflfee, who d. Apr., 1815, aged 88 y. She d. in 1835, aged 105 y.[Hist Chester]. Children: 716 I Thomas, b. ; settled in Maine. 717 II Ebenezer, b. ab. 1760; m. 1st, Dresser; 2d, after Apr., 1813, Nanny Noyes [wid. of (289) Ebenezer' Blaisdell]. He served in Rev. army in 1782, from Chester; d. there May, 1846, aged ab. 86 y. 718 III Jonathan, b. ; m. in 1794, Mary Prescott; d. in the army at Sacketts Harbor, Aug. 22, 1813. 719 IV Mary, b. — — . 720 David Currier, Dea., b. in Scotland in 1756; landed in Boston in 1774; settled in Chester, N. H.; served in Rev. war; was in battle of Bunker Hill; m. Mary Dinsmore; 7 chil. [See Cur. Gen. pp. 244-6, and Hist. Chester.] 144 Isaac Currier, of Exeter, N. H., p. 704. Probate, 1764, gives wid. Elizabeth and chil.: Isaac, b. 1760; Ephraim, b. 1762. [Perhaps (118) Isaac'.] Adm. est. of an Isaac, of Exeter, and guardian of Martha, 1791. 721 William Currier Jr.,* of Newbury and Newburyport, b. ; m. Mch. 4, 1760[9Nb], Elizabeth Todd. Children: 722 I Sarah, b. July 27, 1760[Nb]; d. single, aged 70 y.[J.B.C.] 723 n Joseph, b. May 23, 1762[Nb]; m. Apr. 9, 1785[Nbt], Abigail Tappan, who d. Dec. 8, 1801[Nbt]. He d. Mch. 22, 1834[Nbt]. Chil. rec. at Nbt., b. 1786-1801. The following are given as children of William, no mother named. (273) William^ 3d, m. Nov., 1765, and d. in 1768 or '69, so that they were probably children of (37) William* Sen., or of (721) William Jr.; J.B.C. gives them as chil.of (37) William*. 724 Mary, b. ; bp. June 2, 1765[lNbt]; d. young. 725 Mary, b. ; bp. Mch. 22, 1767[lNbt]; m. Aug. 23, 1793[S], Samuel March, of S. 726 Nathaniel, b. ; bp. Apr. 21, 1771 [4Nbt]. This is the one who m. May 7, 1795[Nbt], Phebe Adams. He d. Oct. 3, 1830[Nbt], aged 60 y. She d. Apr. 7, 1848[Nbt], aged 76 y. Chil. rec. at Nbt.: Phebe, b. 1795; Nathaniel, h. 1796; Alice, b. 1798. 727 John Currier, of Newton, N. H., m. Oct. 28, 1756[S Hm], Abigail Merrill [then John Jr.]. Chil.[J.B.C.]: Judith, b. July 14, 1758[Nt], m. Jan. 17, 1786, Edmund Elliot; Abraham Merrill; Moses; Abigail; Ruth, b. May 6, 1773[Nt]. J. B. C. makes (374) John' and (727) John identical, but they are here separated for reasons given on p. 915, Note. ? J. B. C. gives him b. at Isles of Shoals, son of Wm.[?l; d. at Nbt. 1810 or '12, aged 75 y.[?] [Possibly (784) William', son of Edward?] 936 OLD families op Salisbury and amesbury. 728 William Currier and wife Ann, of Boston, had chil.: Ann, b. Nov. 18, 1731; William, b. Oct. 23, 1732. Also a Wm. and Ann had William, b. Oct. 15, 1751 [Boston]. 729 Dr. John Currier, the first physician in Warner, N. H. Also farmer and hotel mgr. [Hist. Wrn., p. 457.] 730 Capt. John Currier, of South Hampton. Chil. bp. there, 1790-1801. 731 John Currier, of Concord, N. H. Same as (433) John', p. 910. 4 chil., b. 1793-1800. [Bouton's Hist. Concord.] 732 Joshua Currier, of Concord, N. H. Same as (710) Joshua, p. 934. 733 William Currier, of Billerica, Mass., m. Apr. 25, 1775, Betty Richard son; chil. b. there, 1776-93. [801 Wm. would be of the right age; no proof of identity found.] 734 Samuel Currier, of South Hampton, m. Jan. 25, 1780, Anna Collins. Son Reuben, b. Dec. 12, 1780. Wid. of Samuel d. Oct. 2, 1784[S Hm rec]. [Possibly (215) Samuel'?] A large portion of the preceding Unclassified Records may relate to the Isles of Shoals branch. All the following families seem to belong to that branch. 100 Jeffrey^ Currier, b. ab. 1635 (pp. 124, 703), was appar ently the ancestor of the Isles of Shoals family. He may possibly have been a son of (1) Richard^ but no proof has been found.* The earliest mention of him yet found is dated IMch., 1665-6, when Jeff: Curryerf was a subscriber to Mr. Moody's salary in Portsmouth. Feb. 15, 1668-9, one acre of land on Great Island, Portsmouth (now New Castle), t was granted to him[J. B.C.]. Mch. 18, 1669, "Jefferey Curriehaire of Portsmouth in Piscat- aqua River, Fisherman," bought of Edward Holland a dwelling house on Hog Island, on the Isles of Shoals. § From about 1670 to 1699, or later, he seems to have been a fisherman of the * In this respect, the Haverhill and the Isles of Shoals br&nches are alike uncertain. The name Jeffrey is peculiar, and does not occur in any family on the early vital records of either Amesbury or Haverhill. The name Richard, however, is very common among the Curriers of Haverhill and the Isles of Shoals, as well as of Amesbury. As Jeffrey was of about the same age as Thomas^ and Samuel^, we venture to call him of the second generation. t When Thomas Macy left Amesbury, Richard Currier became town clerk, and fixed the spelling of the name there; but more variation is found in this branch. t Hist. Rye gives "Jefferson" [Jeffrey?] Currier in the "List of the Ancient Names in New Castle and Sandy Beach," made July, 1696. § It was described as "adjoyning to a certain Bridge there, formerly known by the name of Capt. Miles Pile's Brewhouse, late in the Tenure or Occupation of Mark Rowe, Fisherman, & now in the Tenure or Occupation of him, the sv!fe Elizabeth sold a flake yard on the Isles of Shoals. 942 OLD families of SALISBURY AND AMESBURT. Ruth Currier and Samuel Muchamore, Jan. 4, 1742-3. Sarah Currier and John Newton, Nov. 30, 1747. Anne Currier and Abraham EUenwood, Dec. 12, 1749. Sarah Currier and Geo. Sanders, May 20, 1754. The above were probably grandchildren or great-grandchildren of Jeffrey* Currier. Other Marriages. Mary Currier and Samuel Beacham, June 5, 1754[Nb]. Elizabeth Currier and Theophilus Clough, Jan. 19, 1758[S Hm]. Anna Currier and Joshua George, Jan. 19, 1758[S Hm]. Dorothy Currier and Daniel Gould, Dec. 22, 1763[S Hm]. Dolly Currier and Nath'l Oilman Bachellor, July 5, 1764[S Hm]. Sarah Currier and Joshua Maxfield, Nov. 7, 1764[Hv]. Sarah Currier, b. in Nt., and Samuel Eastman, of Weare, bef. 1769. Abigail Currier and Joseph Griffin, May 1, 1766 [Mth]. Lydia Currier and Benjamin Merrill, Oct. 27, 1766[S Hm]. Anne Currier and Ephraim Morrill, of A., June 9, 1768[S]. Sarah Currier and Isaac Walden, of New A., June 26, 1769[S]. William Currier, of Epping, N. H., and Eliza Robey, of Hm., May 31, 1770 [Rye]. Mary Currier and Wells Chase, Feb. 27, 1773[A]. Mary Currier and Isaac Gallishan,* of Nbt., May 20, 1773[S]. Ruth Currier and James French, of S. Hm., Dec. 5, 1773[S]. Sarah Currier and Joseph Leavitt, Mch. 9, 1775[S Hm]. Hannah Currier, of S., and Jonathan Morrill, of A., Aug. 7, 1777[S]. Molly Currier, of Hv., and Abel Emerson, Nov. 18, 1777[Nb]. Lydia Currier and Samuel Brown, July 16, 1778[S Hm]. Molly Currier and Richard Whittier, of Hv., Mch. 9, 1780[S]. Mary Currier and Moses Ordway, of Loudon, June 15, 1780[Hv]. Sarah Currier and William Rust, Nov. or Dec, 1780[Nbt]. Margaret Currier, of Sandown, and Alpheus Pherin, Dec. 8, 1780[Hawke]. Hannah Currier and Jonathan Morrill, of Nbt., Feb. 28, 1787[Nbt & Hv]. Lois Currier and William Baker, Oct. 31, 1787[Nbt]. Martha Currier and David Carlton, Nov., 1787[Bd]. Esther Currier, of E. Kg., and Benj. French, of Chester, Apr. 20, 1788[lKgJ. Rebecca Currier and Ebenezer Noyes, of Plaistow, Oct. 9, 1788[Hv]. Thomas Currier and Molly Rowell, Feb. 17, 1789[S Hm]. Jonathan Currier and Dorothy Fitts, Jan. 21, 1790[S Hm]. Sarah Currier, of S. Hm., and Thomas Barnard, of A., Mch. 18, 1790[S Hm]. Jedediah Currier and Sarah Lovering, Aug. 25, 1790[Boston]. Susanna Currier, of Bow, and Isaac Shepherd, of Concord, Nov. 19, 1790[l|Conc]. Daniel Currier, of Salis., N. H., and Dorothy French, Feb. 3, 1791 [Hist S]. Publishments. Ann Currier and Richard Draper, Oct. 5, 1763[Boston]. Anne Currier, of S. Hm., and Barnard Flanders, Nov. 17, 1764[S]. * Published in Nbt. Dec. B, 1772, as MoUy Currier, of S., and Isaac Gullashon. currier FAMILY. 943 Sarah Currier, of A., and Zebedee Morrill, Apr. 14, 1770[S]. Hannah Currier, of Nt., and Philip Morrill, Jan. 5, 1771[S]. Abigail Currier, of Hv., and Moses True 3d, Dec. 28, 1771[S]. Sarah Currier and William Lewis, Feb. 22, 1777[Nbt]. Jerusa Currier and Jeremiah Morrill, of S., Jan. 11, 1777[A]. Dorothy Currier and Dea. David Tuxbury, of S., Sept. 18, 1779[A]. Mary Currier and Joseph Merrill, Dec. 20, 1781 [A]. Betty Currier, of S. Hm., and Moses French, Nov. 30, 1784[A]. Sarah Currier and William Barnard, May or June, 1785[A]. Juda Currier and Timothy Morrill, of S., Aug. 16, 1788[A]. Deaths. Anna Currier, single, July 25, 1742[S Hm]. Ebenezer Currier, killed by explosion of powder mill, June 1, 1778[Andover]. Perhaps (370) or (424) EbenezerS Jedediah Currier, Jan. 5, 1799, 76 y. old[Nb]. Mary Currier, wf. of Stephen, Jan. 12, 1820, in 71st y.[Mth]. (195?) Richard Currier, of A., adm. est.. May 3, 1797. Ruth Currier, wid., Oct., 1826, 87 y. old[Nb]. Sarah Currier, single, Feb. 27, 1788[S Hm]. Samuel Currier, of S., adm. est., May, 1793. Samuel Currier, Aug. 12, 1799[Nbt]. Stephen Currier, in army, 1814[A]. Stephen Currier, of A., adm. est., Mch. 26, 1816. Timothy Currier, Dec. 17, 1846, 71 y. old[A]. (450?) William Currier, Sept. 14, 1809[Nbt]. Wmiam Currier, May 25, 1810[Nbt]. William Currier, Jan. 23, 1815[Nbt]. Association Test, New Hampshire, 1776.* Signed by (137?) Abner" Currier, Unity. (288) Barnard^ Currier, South Hampton. (396) Benjamin* Currier, Chester. (794) Caleb* Currier, Portsmouth. (258) Challis' Currier, South Hampton. (357) Charles* Currier, Gilmanton. f (427) Daniel* Currier, Deerfield. (720) David Currier, Chester. (689) David* Currier, Wyndham. (154) Dudley* Currier, Salem. (340) Ezekiel' Currier, Hampstead. (386) Ezra* Currier, East Kingston. * See Note, p. 642. t Partial assent, religious scruples. 944 OLD FAMILIES OP SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. (344) Jacob* Currier, Hampstead. (377) Jeremiah* Currier, East Kingstpn. (686?) John Currier, Atkinson. (388) John* Currier, East Kingston. (28?) John* Currier, Salem. (38?) John* Currier, Salem. (289) John* Currier, South Hampton. (428?) Joseph* Currier, Deerfield. (297) Moses* Currier, Weare. (282) Nathan* Currier, South Hampton. (272) Nicholas* Currier, South Hampton. Reuben Currier, Bow. (328) Reuben* Currier, South Hampton. (290) Richard* Currier, South Hampton. (343) Samuel* Currier, Hampstead. (195) Stephen* Currier, Salem. (781?) Thomas* Currier, Portsmouth. (266) Thomas* Currier, South Hampton. (246) William* Currier, Concord. (546) Benjamin* Currier, Henniker, refused. (122?) John Currier, Hopkinton, refused. The "Currier Genealogy" has a list of Rev. soldiers, pp. 161-182. Cushing Family. Page 124. Cutting Family. See vol. 48, Es. Inst. Hist. Coll., pp. 85-6. Davis Family. Pages 124-31, 704-42. Descendants of (4) James' Davis. Pages 125-8, 704-19. 4 Jamesi Davis. It is stated that he was b. in Marlborough, Wiltshire,* Eng.; free. Nb. 1634-5; lived near Rocks village. East Haverhill. t Note, p. 125. See Es. Ant. 1909, p. 88, and Upham, pp. 430-6. Also Es. Co. Ct. Rec. vol. 2, pp. 157-60. 5 James' Davis and children, pp. 125-6, 704. 20 Constance' m. Sept. 4, 1692[Es Ant], Joseph Barney. *In Wiltshire the name was known as early as the thirteenth century, although the ori^ of the family is anciently traceable to Wales, from whose patron saint, David, the name is first derired, being in its present form a modification of Davy's, meaning son of Davy, the common form used tor David in early Wiltshire. PJ. W. Davi3.1 DAVIS FAMILY. 945 6 JoHN^ Davis and children, pp. 126, 704-5. Notice corrections, p. 861. 23 John', p. 126. Erase "[See (97) John.]" 31 Judith'. Erase "A Judith," p. 126. 8 Ephraim^ Davis and children, pp. 126-7, 705. 35 and 36 Erase "A Mary" and "A Thomas." 9 Samuel^ Davis and children, p. 127. 50 Mary'. See p. 705. 16 James' Davis and children, p. 705. 19 Elisha' Davis and children, pp. 705-6. 112 EUZABETH* m. Aug. 26, 1725[Hm Falls], Caleb Dalton. 23 John' Davis and children, p. 706. He m. 2d, Elizabeth Burnham (Robert), of Dover. 26 IVIosEs' Davis and children, pp. 127, 706-7. 51 John*. See pp. 711-12. 52 Moses* prob. m. Deliverance [wid. of Geo. Chesley]. 3 Davis chil. bp. with her, May 21, 1721: Sarah', m. Paul Chesley; Rebecca'; Moses',* m. (214) Elizabeth* Davis, who m. 2d, John Demerit, after the death of Moses*, [ab. 1769]. 52b James*, b. ab. 1687. See p. 712. 2 chil. given [Hist. Dur.]. 53a Solomon*. See p. 712. 2 chil. [Hist. Dur.] 54 Ebenezer*. 2 chil. given [Hist. Dur.]. 54b Samuel*. Seep. 712. 54c Love* [b. ab. 1723]; d. "Jan. 29, 1805, aged 82" [Hist. Dur.]. 54d Aaron* d. unm. bef. Aug. 15, 1772 [Hist. Dur.].t 27 Joseph' Davis and children, p. 707. 125 David* and 126 Eliazbeth* should be omitted here; not descendants of (4) James' Davis. 127 Jane*, prob. m. Jan. 19, 1726-7, John Barber. [Per. the youngest child.] 128 Benjamin*; m. etc., p. 707. 128a Joseph* Jr., b. [ab. 1697?]; m. Elizabeth Chesley; liv. in Durham in 1761. [Not given here in Hist. Durham.] A Joseph, aged 56 y., deposed Feb., 1753. * This is the Moses incorrectly given (279) Moses" on p. 718. Hist. Dur. gives chil.: Aaron", Elisha", Elizabeth", Lais', and Martha'. t It does not ment. (52a) Joseph* and (54b) Samuel*, both of whom may have d. young. 946 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 128b Mary*, m. James Basford, of Chester, N. H. 128c Judith*, m. Apr. 3, 1718, John Tasker, of Madbury; liv. 1759. 128d Jemima*, m. Nov. 27, 1718, Joseph Small; liv. 1760. 28 James' Davis and children, p. 708. He m. Oct. 1, 1688, Elizabeth Chesley (Thomas); d. Sept. 8, 1749. Children: 129 James*, p. 713. 130 Samuel*, b. Sept. 26, 1692; pp. 713, 947. 131 Thomas*, b. Oct. 20, 1690. 132 Daniel*, b. Jan. 29, 1695; pp. 713-4, 947. 133 Sakah*, b. Mch. 3, 1697; d. ab. 1788. 134 Hannah*, b. Mch. 28, 1699. 135 Elizabeth*, b. July 13, 1701; m. John Hicks; d. 1780. 136 Epheaim*, b. Apr. 30, 1704; m. Ruth ; p. 947. 137 Phebe*, b. Apr. 19, 1706; m. Abraham Matthews. 137a Eleazer*, b. Oct. 5, 1709; d. bef. 1748. 33 Stephen' Davis and children, pp. 128, 708. 59 Jemima*. Erase "[m. Nov. 10, 1718, (111) Edward* Ayres?], p. 128. 41 Samuel' Davis and children, p. 709.* 44 Joseph' Davis and children, pp. 128, 709. 67 Jemima*, m. Apr. 12, 1726, (16) Abner^ Whittier. 68 Rebecca*. Erase "prob. d. young," p. 128. 69 Elizabeth* m. (70) Elijah* Colby, p. 709. 45 William' Davis and children, pp. 128, 709. 47 Ephraim' Davis and children, pp. 709-10. Feb. "5" is Feb. 7, S. V. R. 117 JVIosES^ Davis and children, p. 711. He m. Apr. 24, 1740 [Bd], [1739? or son b. 1740-1?] 51 John^ Davis and children, pp. 711-12. 185 John=, m. Judith . 187 NATHANIEL^ b. Jan. 15, 1716; m. (213) Hannah= Davis. Note. The additions relating to the descendants of (6^ John^ Davis given in this volume have been furnished by N. W. Davis, of Winchester, Mass., prepared for the histories of Canterbury and Diu"ham, N. H., where some later generations may be found. * A Samuel Davis m. Aug. 19, 1735[Concord], Sarah or Mary Lambert [N. H. Gen. Rec. vol. 6, p. 501. DAVIS family. 947 125 David Davis, p. 712, "{Joseph", John', James^)" should be erased and {David) substituted, an entirely different family, living at "Lubberland." [% Note, p. 707, and Hist. Dur.] 129 James* Davis and children, p. 713. See Dover Hist. Coll. p. 46. 130 Samuel'' Davis and children, p. 713. He was b. Sept. 26, 1692; m. IVIartha Chesley. If the dates are correct, he must have been less than 97 y. old, not "99." 211 Samuel', b. 1720; m. Abigail . + 212 Eleazer', b. 1722. 212a James', b. 1724; d. unm. in 1752. 213 Hannah', b. 1726. 214 Elizabeth', b. 1728; m. 1st, Moses' Davis (52 Mosss*), of Durham and Lee. She was ap. adm. his est. in 1769. She m. 2d, John Demerit, of Madbury. Chil. by Moses Davis: Aaron', Elisha', Elizabeth', Lois', and Marttia', prob. bp. 1754 [Hist. Durham]. 215 Thomas', b. June 10, 1732. Descendants given in Hist. Canterbury, N. H., vol. 2, pp. 97-100; also Hist. Durham, vol. 2, pp. 100-7. 132 Daniel* Davis, b. 1695, and children, pp. 713-4. 216 Obadiah', m. Deborah Lord. 217 Elizabeth', m. 2d, Joseph Drew. 218 Thomas', b. 1748; m. July 15, 1776, Sally Drew. 219 Francis', of North Yarmouth, Me., in 1777. 136 Ephraim* Davis {James", John', James'-), of Durham, b. 1704; m. Dec. 7, 1731, Ruth ; d. Apr., 1791, 87 y. old. Children : 222a I James', b. Mch. 27, 1734; m. Elizabeth Durgin (?). 222b II Ruth', b. Mch. 5, 1737. 222c III Ephraim', b. Aug. 2, 1739; m. in 1764, Lois Drew. 222d IV Josaih', b. Mch. 7, 1743. 222e V Hannah', b. July 18, 1745; m. Andrew Drew. 211 Samuel^ Davis and children, p. 718. He was b. 1720; m. 1st, Betty , who d. Oct. 1, 1764, in her 46th y.; 2d, Abigail , who d. Oct. 24, 1794, in her 73d y. He d. Feb. 13, 1771. Children : 279 I Jonathan*, b. Sept. 9, 1741; d. Oct. 9, 1753. 280 n Eleazer', b. Jan. 23, 1742-3; d. 1813. 280a m Sarah', b. Oct. 20, 1744; d. July 17, 1753. 948 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 280b IV Samuel', b. Dec. 17, 1747; d. Apr. 12, 1750. 280c V George', b. Nov. 9, 1751; d. Oct. 14, 1753. 281 VI Betty', b. Mch. 2, 1753; m. Apr. 28, 1772, as on p. 718; d. Dec. 13„ 1839 [N. W. Davis, Winchester, Mass., from a Bible record]. "279 MosES'," p. 718. The whole paragraph should be erased. Moses was the bro.-in-law of (211) Samuel', not his son. [See (214) Elizabeth'.] The grandsons Winthrop'' and George' may have been sons of (280): Eleazer. Descendants of (79) John' Davis. Pages 129, 719-25. 79 JOHNi Davis and children, p. 129. 81 JoHN^ Davis and children, p. 719. 82 Zachary^ Davis and children, p. 720. He m. Judith' Brown {John', James'). 83 Jeremiah^ Davis and children, pp. 129, 381. 85 Cornelius^ Davis and children, p. 720. Pub. not ','m." Aug. 8 [p. 129]; m. Aug. 29[Nb]. 86 Ephraim^ Davis and children, pp. 720-1. 316 Samuel' m. (44) Ruth* Merrill [wid. of Christopher Annis]. [Pages 721, 764.] 299 Jonathan' Davis. See (76?) IVIartha* Dovif, pp. 137, 721, 744. 313 Joseph' Davis and children, pp. 722-3, 826. Descendants of (92) Francis' Davis. Pages 129-30, 725-32. 92 Francis^ Davis and children, pp. 129-30. 95 "A son" should be Thomas'. + 96a Samuel'. + to be added. 93 John' Davis and children, pp. 725-6. 95 Thomas' Davis and children, pp. 726-7. 96 Francis' Davis and children, p. 727. 96a Samuel' Davis and children, pp. 727-8. DAVIS — DOW families. 949 425 William*, p. 728, prob. m. Dec. 24, 1751. See (537) William, p. 736, and p. 828. 432 Mary' m. Jarvis' Flanders (Nehemiah*, 13 Joseph') ; d. July 21, 1775[A]. 413 Amos* Davis, p. 729, m. 2d, Dec. 24, 1751. Unclassified Family Records. Pages 130, 732-42. 97 John Davis and children, pp. 130, 732-3. Erase "and may be the same as (23) John," p. 130. 100 John Davis (p. 130) and children, p. 733. He prob. m. Aug. 2, 1711[D Hm], Elizabeth Basford, of Hm. Erase "m. June 28, 1708[4?], Elizabeth' Beedle," p. 381. 487 Jacob, prob. b. Aug. 26, 1712[D Hm]. 490 Hepzibah per. m. David* Sawyer (19 David'). Unclassified Records. Pages 130-1. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 refer to 81 John, No. 5 to 299 Jonathan, No. 6 to 97 John, No. 7 to 93 John, No. 8 to 95 Thomas. No. 10[S] should be [A]. Erase "[dau. 81 John^?]." No. 18 is 107 Joanna. No. 19 is 96a Samuel. No. 20 is 66 Joseph. t Note, p. 130, 1st line. Erase "(23 and)." 537 WiLLLWH, p. 736. See p. 828. Deering Family. Page 131. See, also, 3 William^ Hooke, p. 756. Diamond Family. Pages 131-2, 703-4 f Note, 742. Dibbs Family. Page 132. Dickison Family. Page 132. 1 JohnI Dickison. Wife Ann d. 1679 or '80[S]. Dove Family. Pages 132-3, 742. Francis Dove m. Oct. 19, [1641?] [bef. 1650], Alice Batt [wid. of Rev. Peter Thacher, who d. Feb., 1640]. Francis Dove d. Oct., 1666. Wid. Alice d. Sept., 1669. Dow Family. Pages 133-7, 742-4. 3 Henry^ Dow m. 2d, [wid. of (6) Thomas^ Page and of Henry Green]. 950 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 13 Simon'. Wid. Mehit. m. Nov. 21, 1711, (28) Onesiphorus' Page. 16 John' m. (44) Hannah' Page. 22 Josiah', p. 743. S. V. R. give m. Nov. 6 instead of "7." 5 chil., D. Hm., b. 1711-18. 25 Samuel' m. Jan. 2, 1711-12[SVR], (8) Sarah Sheppard [pub. "Nov. 17"]. Chil. rec. at S.: Sarah, b. 1712; Abner,b. 1715; Mercy, b. 1717; Josiah, b. 1719; Joseph, b. 1721-2; Samuel, b. 1726; Jabez, b. 1727. 35 John* prob. m. (23) Dinah' Severance. 37 Philip* m. 1st, Jan. 2, 1723-4[S]. 47 Mercy*. Erase marriage. 58 John*, b. 1633-8. 59 TH0MAS^ b. 1635-40. 61 Mary«, m. 1st, Gilbert Wilford; 2d, Apr. 2, 1679[Hv|, Matthew Clarke. 59 Thomas^ Dow, p. 744. We find no mention of wife Elizabeth Dustin on the V. R., so that sentence should be erased. 60 Stephen^ Dow, p. 137, was servant to (1) Thomas^ Davis from about 1650 to '60. He "was to teach Stephen to read and write and the trade of a stone mason." The matter was before the lp. court in 1657 and the testimony of various persons is preserved. See Es. Ant. vol. 11, pp. 124-5, and Es. Co. Court Rec. vol. 3, pp. 26-9. 71 Hannah' did not marry a Johnson. She m. Jan. 5, 1686-7[Hv], (7) Daniei, Bradley Jr. Both were killed in the Dustin massacre, 1696-7. Two of their children were killed and one taken captive. Their dau. Rvih Bradley, b. 1688, m. in 1706, Thomas Johnson. Lydia Johnson, b. 1707, dau. of Thomas and Ruth, was the yreaJ-granddaughter of (60) Stephen Dow, ment. in the will, 1717. 73 Martha', p. 137. Erase "killed in the Dustin massacre," etc. She m. May 17, 1697[Hv], (3) JosiAH^ Gage. See pp. 172, 744. 76 Martha', p. 137; perhaps killed in the Dustin massacre. Add [76a Martha', b. 1698-1700; m. as on p. 744?] * Note, p. 137. Benj. Kimball was his wife's uncle. Downer Family. Pages 138-9, 744. 9 Martha', b. 1678, m. (10) Richard' Palmer, of Bd., int. Mch. 26, 1703[S]; m. Oct. 18, 1704[DHm]. Chil. rec. at Bd. and S., p. 277. + 11 Andrew'. See No. 14, pp. 139 and 744. Unclassified Records. Page 139. No. 2 refers to (71) Hannah'. No. 5 prob. refers to (76a) Martha'. No. 13 "Mary" should be (9) Martha'. No. 14 refers to (11) Andrew'. DUDLEY — EATON families. 951 Dudley Family. Pages 139^1. (1) Thomas" Dudley was of Ipswich in 1635 and (2) Samuel* Dudley was of that town, 1635-8. Dummer Family. Page 141. Duston or Dustin Family. See Es. Inst. Hist. Coll. vol. 46, pp. 350-3. Eastman Family. Pages 141-7, 745. 14 Zbchariah'. "Whittaker" should be Whittier. 22 Nathaniel'. Daus. Mehitable*, Abigail*, and Ruth*. Ab. m. 1st, June 21, 1735-6[S], William Carr; 2d, May 17, 1753[S], Stephen Swett, of Nb. 24 Hannah'. Erase "?" 46 Joseph'. S. V. R. give m. June 16, 1724. 56 Timothy' prob. d. young. 14 Zechariah' Eastman m. 1st, June 8, 1703[Ip]; 3d, Sept. 24, 1724[S], Deborah Pillsbury [wid. of (20) Reuben' Whittier, not "Whittaker"]. 43 Edmund' Eastman. Erase "prob.," second line, and "29 or," fourth line. Joseph and Roger Easman, of Kittery, p. 745. A correspondent thinks they were descended from a Thomas Eastman who is mentioned in an English will as in New England about the time Roger was here. Eaton Family. Pages 147-51, 745-8. 1 John" Eaton free 1645[Hv]. 30 John*, pp. 149 and 318. Erase "d. soon," etc. See f Note, p. 746. 33 Samuel*, p. 149, m. Hannah Worther, not "Huldah." 34 Martha*. Date and m. prob. correct on p. 745. 35 Jonathan*, d. July 7, 1745. 12 chil., b. 1721-45[S rec]. 38 Daniel* d. Sept. 20, 1798; 14 chil., b. 1731-57[S rec]. 10 Thomas' Eaton. See G. R. 1912, p. 89. 17 Joseph' Eaton m. Dec. 8, 1726[Bd], IVIary Worster. 45 Joseph*. Wid. Mary m. Jan. 24, 1739-40[S], (11) Andrew Downer, of S. 46 Benjamin* m. (30) Sarah' Morrill [not "Merrill"], who d. Apr. 9, 1743. 8 chil., b. 1720-35[S rec]. 48 Mary* m. (21) Benj.' True. 49 Nicholas*. One child, Rebecca', b. 1757, d. 1759[S rec]. 50 Sarah*, p. 150. For "David" read (20) Daniel*. 952 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 51 Jacob* m. 1st, Sarah Plumer, int. Apr. 16, 1726[Nb]; 2d, Sarah Malcom; res. Nb., Topsham and York, Me. 5 chil., b. 1727-44. 57 Henry* m. (38) Mary* True, who d. Oct. 28, 1790. He d. Dec. 20, 1790. Eleven chil., b. 1728-50[S rec]. 59 Jabez*, of S. and Hm. Falls, m. (39) Sarah* True. He d. of smallpox Jan. 28, 1760. Ten chil., b. 1733-55. 64 Joseph*, p. 151. Erase "of a Joseph of Hv." See p. 746. 22 John' Eaton {Thomas', John'), of Haverhill, b. 1665; m. June 25, 1700[Hv], (9) IVIary' Singletary. She d. Jan. 26, 1729. He d. July 10, 1736. Children[Hv rec] ; 107 I Mary*, b. Apr. 10, 1701; m. Aug. 21, 1729, (15) Thomas' Whittier, of Methuen. 108 n Sarah*, b. June 4, 1703; d. Oct. 23, 1705. 109 in John*, b. Feb. 5, 1705-6; m. Oct. 21, 1741, Judith Hale, of Nb.; res. Hv. 110 IV Anne*, b. Apr. 19, 1708; spinster; d. Nov. 26, 1766, in Hv. Ill V Moses*, b. Sept. 6, 1710; m. June 21, 1768, Susanna Lecount, of Hv.; res. Hv.; d. May 31, 1774. 112 VI Nathaniel*, b. Apr. 28, 1714; d. May 5, 1714. 113 vn Thomas*, b. May 25, 1717; d. June 15, 1717. 114 vin Eunice*, b. May 6, 1720; d. Oct. 29, 1720. 24 Job' Eaton {Thomas', John'), of Haverhill, b. 1671; m. Jan. 10, 1698-9[Hv], (31?) Mary' Simons; d. Sept. 17, 1717. Wid. Mary m. Feb. 8, 1721, John Marsh, of Hv. Children[Hv rec.]: 115 I Samuel*, b. Oct. 5, 1699; m. 1st, June 11, 1724, Mehitable Harriman; 2d, Nov. 5, 1741, Hannah Emerson; res. Hv. 116 n Thomas*, Dea., b. Feb. 20, 1701-2; m. Dec. 24, 1730, Mehitable Carter; res. Methuen and Salem, N. H. 117 m Abigail*, b. Feb. 14, 1703-4; d. young. 118 IV Mary*, b. June 9, 1707; m. Dec. 28, 1727, Isaac Dalton, of Hv. The fifth generation of the Haverhill branch is given in the Report of the Eaton Family Association for 1890, pub. in 1891, pp. 30-4. Eldred, or Eldridge Family. Pages 106, Note; 154, 568-9. 12 John'. Insert (Ezekiel and Sarah, of Wells) after "Knight." Also, for "1721" read 1717 and 1721. "Giles Elrige" with the Hooks and others, 1638, p. 755. "Gyles EUbridge" 1644 [York Deeds]. Mr. Thomas EUbridge "merchant," York Co., 1651 and '59. Elliot Family. Pages 151-2, 748. 1 Edmund^ Elliott. Wid. Sarah m. (2) Samuel^ Younglove. 11 Naomi'. Name Elliot, of A. in 1736; prob. m. Oct. 31, 1739[A&Nb], John Calf, of Nb. EMERSON FAMILY. 953 Emerson Family. Mr. P. H. Emerson spent three years in searching the records of all the counties of England, to find Emerson families. The results he published in "The English Emersons," London, 1898, 168 + cxxxv pages. From these records it appears that Thomas Emekson, son of Robert and Susan (Crabbe) Emerson, bp. 1584, came to Ipswich in 1638, from Bishop's Stortford, Co. Herts.* His wife was Elizabeth Brewster, married in 1611. ["The English Emersons," pp. 153-9.] Michael and Robert Emerson appeared in Essex Co., Mass., about the middle of the 17th century. They married daughters of the early settlers and became the ancestors of the Haverhill Emersons. The name Emerson was found in most of the counties of England. The names Michael, Robert, and Thomas Emerson were common in the county of Lincoln, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and the name Michael was seldom found else where. A study of the abstracts from original records printed in "The English Emersons," and the pedigree inserted opposite p. 61, shows, notwithstanding the opinion expressed on p. 157, that the Ipswich and the Haverhill families came from different counties in England, the former from Herts, the latter from Lincoln. The records found in various parts of the book yield the follow ing, after eliminating some obvious errors. The baptisms and marriages are from p. cxv. Thomas Emerson, of "Cadney and Howsam," Co. Lincoln, England, m. Aug. 10, 1612, Margaret Froe. He was the son of Alexander and Janet {Hornsey) Emerson, of Serby [will of Alexander proved 1605-6, f p. xiii; also Hist. Gen. Reg. vol. 50, p. 527; that of Janet proved 1612, p. xxx]. Thomas was the grandson of George Emerson, of Serby [will proved 1574, p. xxx]. All the above belong to the numerous family of Lincoln Emersons, in which names are often repeated. The will of Thomas "of Howsham, in the parish of Cadney," "yeoman," dated May 20, 1656, proved Sept. 29, 1661[p. xxx], gave only £5 each to Michael and Robert, but £20 each to Edward and Thomas, while John, the eldest son, was made sole executor. The name of "Daur. Elizth. Lilforth" is mentioned in the notes between the names of "Son Michaell" and "Son Robert Emerson"; but no mention is there made of the fact that all three were in America at that time. The wills of the three elder sons [John, * It was formerly supposed that Thomas Emerson, ot Ipswich, came from Sedgefield parish, Co. Durham, Eng., but the above is now thought to be "more accurate." t This will shows that the Haverhill settlers had uncles in England named Michael, Robert, John, and George, Emerson. 954 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Edward, and Thomas] appear on the English records; but, of course, no probate is found in England for Michael and Robert. Elizabeth, Michael, and Robert, though mentioned in the will of their father Thomas, do not appear in the three wills of their brothers. Children : I Alexander, bp. Oct. 1, 1613; d. Oct. 19, 1613. II Anna, bp. Oct. 2, 1614; m. 1641-2 (Richard?) Wright, in Cadney. The will mentioned "grandchild" Ann 'Wright. Ill Elizabeth, bp. Apr. 12, 1616; m. before 1648[Hv], Thomas Linfurth. + IV John, bp. Mch. 20, 1617. Residence "Howsham in the parish of Cad ney." Will, "yeoman," Jan., 1691; Apr., 1692 [p. xxxi], mentioned children of his bros. Edward and Thomas, but none of his own. As he left no son, the family estate went to John, son of Edward. V ISABELL, bp. Jan. 11, 1619; m. GRANTHAM. Her father's will men tioned her, in 1656; also "daur. Elizth. Grantham," in the printed notes, which should probably be granddaughter. VI Susan, bp. May 25, 1621; d. Feb., 1641, in Cadney. VII Edward, bp. 1624; m. Sarah ; residence Howsham in the parish of Cadney; will, "husbandman," Mch., 1684; May, 1685 [p. xxxi], men tioned sons " Nich." or "Mich."', dec'd, and John', son-in-law Thomas Manier, and niece Ann Wright. VIII Thomas, bp. Apr. 14, 1626; m. Ann ; residence Brandicar in the parish of Cadney; will, "grasman," Nov., 1681; Apr., 1682 [p. xxxi], mentioned son Edward, dau. Ann Emerson. The will of John men tioned, also, John Eiherson, "son of my bro. Thomas." IX Michael,* bp. 1627; m. Apr. 1, 1657, Hannah^ Webster. + x Robert, bp. Nov. 8, 1629; m. Jan. 4, 1658, Anne^ Grant. -|- * The pedigree opposite p. 61 gives this Michael m. Ann Bard in 1683, when 56 years old, with a son Michael Bard, who was dead in 1744. This is undoubtedly an error. It was Michael of Caisfor, Co. Lincoln, who was abroad in 1677 (will of his bro. Alexander, p. xxx), but who m. Anne Bard, of N. Kelseyin 1683 (p. cxv), and was of N. Kelsey (not Brigg) when he died, his wife Ann being administratrix of his estate in 1702 (p. xxx), his son not being then of age, Thomas Emerson. of Caistor, being surety. This Michael was son of Thomas of Caistor, will 1667; grandson of Alex ander, of Caistor, will 1667; great-grandson of Robert, of Serby and Brigg and Cadney; and great-great>grandson of Alexander, of Serby, who was the grandfather of Michael and Robert, of Haverhill. One of these Michaels was two generations later than the other, according to the pedigree printed. There was another Michael Emerson with wife Ann, of Glamford Briggs, Co. Lincoln, will proved in 1633 (p. xiii). He was son of Robert, of Serby and Brigg and Cadney, and grandson of Alex ander, of Serby; therefore probably own cousin of the Haverhill brothers. (Pedigree opposite p. 61.) Notwithstanding the fact that Mr. Emerson in his pedigree makes our Michael marry and die in England, and his remark on p. 157, he states on p. 63 that "one of Thomas of Cadney *s descen dants, Michael, may have been the Michael who emigrated to Haverhill, United States." The son Michael is the only "descendant" to whom it can apply. There are in this book evidently other errors pertaining to this branch. "Two of George of Serby'a 'sons' go out," on p. 63, should be grandsons, according to the pedigree . EMERSON FAMILY. 955 1 Michael' Emerson {Thomas), of Rowley and Haverhill, "cordwinder" ; bp. 1627, in Cadney, Co. Lincoln, England; m. Apr. 1, 1657[Hv], (17) Hannah^ Webster. "Mihill" Emerson was a witness in the Ipswich Quarterly Court in a Rowley case, Sept., 1651. His name, spelled both "Myghill" and "Michael," appears again in that court in July, 1657.* He received land in Hv. in the "fourth division," Feb., 1661; and his name appears in the Old Norfolk Co. deeds as owning land in Hv. in 1659 and 1667, buying and selling real estate, 1672-3 and later. In 1675 he was chosen "to view and seal all leather," probably the first one to hold that office in that town; and he continued to hold it till 1702. Will, July 18, 1709; not proved; ment. wife Hannah. Both were living in 1715, when he was 88 y. old; but he was dead in 1719.t Children : 3 I Hannah', b. Dec. 23, 1657[Hv]; m. Dec. 3, 1677[Hv], Thomas^ Duston (Thomas^). She was the heroine of the Indian massacre in 1696-7 [Es. Inst. Hist. Coll. vol. 46, p. 350]. 4 II John2, b. July 30, d. Aug. 15, 1659[Hv]. 5 III Mary^, b. Oct. 5, 1660[Hv]; m. Aug. 28, 1683[Nb], Hugh Mathews, of Nb. He was dead in 1730, but wid. Mary was living in 1734, when she declined to administer his estate, because she was too aged to go to Ipswich, and there was nothing to administer. She was not mentioned in the will of her father, 1709, which did mention "son- in-law Matthews" and bis children: John, Joanna, and Mary. Chil., all but Mary from the Nb. records: A dau., d. Aug. 22, 1684; a dau., b. July 18, d. Aug. 2, 1685; John, b. Feb. 26, 1687-8; Judith, b. Apr., 1689; Joana, b. Apr. 19, 1690; Hugh, b. May 15, 1691, prob. d. young; Mary, b. ; Hugh, b. May 19, 1696. Judith and the second Hugh may have been dead in 1709. 6 IV John2, b. Mch. 18, 1661-2[Hv]; m. 1st, Judith Cheney; 2d, Nov. 2, 1710, Hannah Poor; res. Nb.; d. Mch. 6, 1745[Nb]t; 7 chil. 7 V Samuels b. Feb. 2, 1663-4[Hv]; m. Dec. 14, 1687, (31) Judith' Davis; res. Hv. and Dover. She was a captive among the Indians 5 yrs. between 1693 and '99. 7 chil., one of whom, Hannah', m. Job* Clement (12 Job', of Dover?). 8 VI Elizabeth^, b. Jan. 26, 1665[Hv], probably 1665-6. She was never married, but had children. [Chase's Hv. pp. 122, 145.] 9 VII Abigail', b. Dec. 17, d. Dec. 31, 1667[Hv]. * Chase, Hist. Hv. p. 86, states that he removed to that town in 1656; and Savage states that he was of Hv. in 1656. Another authority states that he rec'd grants of land in Hv. in 1655. t He deeded real estate to his sons John, of Newbury, Jonathan, and Joshua, 1696-1715. t Nb. v. R. give his age at death as 88 y. or 85 y.; but if the above dates are correct, he was 83 y. old. That he was the son of Michael is clearly proved by deeds. 956 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 10 vm Jonathans b. Mch. 9, 1669-70[Hv]; m. June 15, 1699, Hannah Day; res. Hv. 12 chil. Il IX Abigails b. Nov. 20, 1671[Hv]; m. Nov. 30, 1698[Hv], Samuel Smith. Births of several chil. on Hv. records. 12 X Judiths b. July 2, d. Sept. 8, 1673[Hv]. 13 XI Judiths b. Sept. 29, 1674[Hv]; d. Nov. 7, 1677[Hv]. 14 XII Joshuas b. Mch. 2, d. Mch. 26, 1676[Hv]. 15 XIII Ruths b. May 8, d. Aug. 28, 1677[Hv]. 16 XIV Joshuas b. Nov. 17, 1678[Hv]; m. July 2, 1706[Hvl, Mary Clark; res. Hv. and Mth. 10 chil. 17 XV Susannas b. Apr. 30, d. May 8, 1680[Hv]. 2 Robert' Emerson {Thomas), of Rowley and Haverhill, bp. Nov. 8, 1629, in Cadney, Co. Lincoln, England; m. Jan. 4, 1658[Rw], Ann^ Grant {Thomas' and Jane), of Rowley. He was of Rowley as early as 1655[Sv], but soon removed to Haverhill, where he built a house between 1660 and Jan., 1675; freeman 1668; took the oath of fidelity in 1671[Chase]. The land of Michael and Robert Emerson is mentioned in a boundary, Haverhill, 1673 and '74; and their deeds are somewhat frequent later. In one of them Michael called Robert his brother. They voted upon opposite sides in regard to the location of the meeting-house in 1683. He seems to have lived near "Fishing River" in 1684. He died June 25, 1694[Hv]; will May 3, July 23, 1694, in which he mentioned his wife and their 8 children. Wid. Anna was drowned July 28, 1718[Hv]; will Dec. 24, 1708; May 4, 1719, in which she mentioned the estate of John Grant, of Rowley, deceased, that fell to her; and of her children, only Elizabeth, Lydia, Joseph and Benjamin. Children : 18 I Elizabeths b. May 29, 1660[Hv]; m. Chamberlain; living in 1708. 19 II ThomasS b. June 4, 1662[Hv]; m. May 26, 1686, Elizabeth Goardin. Both killed by Indians, 1696-7; res. Hv. 5 chil. 20 III Sarahs b. Apr. 23, 1665[Hv]; m. Jan. 15, 1684[Hv], William^ Whitta ker (Abraham^); d. Aug. 20, 1702[Hv]. 21 IVLydiaS b. Aug. 11, 1667[Hv]; living in 1708; probably m. Nov. 16, 1688[Hv], John Marsh. 10 chil. on Hv. records, b. 1689-1710. 22 V Josephs b. Feb. 26, 1669-70[Hv]; m. 1st, July 16, 1690, Martha Tooth- aker; 2d, Wid. Hannah Patten; res. Hv. 10 chil. 23 VI EphraimS b. Aug. 25, 1672[Hv]; living in 1694; but not ment. in 1708. 24 VII Stephens b. Dec. 17, 1674[Hv]; m. Dec. 27, 1698, Elizabeth* Dus ton (Thomas^, Thomas^); res. Hv. 14 chil. 25 VIII Benjamins b. Jan. 8, 1679[Hv]; m. Jan. 14, 1707-8, Wid. Sarah Phil- brick; res. Hv. 5 chil. EMERSON — FARREN FAMILIES. 957 The writer prepared a genealogy of the early generations of the Haverhill Emersons several years ago, before he was aware that Rev. Charles H. Pope was at work upon the same family. Mr. Pope's "Haverhill Emersons," 1913, 106 pp., covers this ground so thoroughly and so accurately that later genera tions are omitted here. The portion pertaining to the English Emersons is given entire, as originally written.* Emery Family. Pages 152-3, 748. 1 Anthony! Emery. For descendants see Stackpole's "Old Kittery," pp. 365-71. 2 Johni Emery and 6 John^ Emery. For dates of m. see p. 862. 14 Joseph' m. Oct. 2, 1693[Nb], (13) Elizabeth' Merrill. 19 Lydia' m. (73) Joseph' Brown. Estow orEsty Family. Pages 81, 644, Notes. Evans Family. Pages 154, 381-2, 749. 7 Thomas m. Dec. 14, 1721, Dorothy Stockman; prob. d. May 15, 1743[S], at Surinam. Wid. Dorothy m. Apr. 7, 1757[S], Richard Fitts, of S. Hm. She d. Nov. 8, 1776[S]. Farren or Ferrin Family. 1 Jonathan Farren, of Amesbury, West Parish, b. ; m. Dec. 10, 1719[A], (52) Sarah^ Wells. He was bp. Dec. 31, 1727 [2A]. Children: Z I TmoTHY, b. May 13, 1720[A]; bp. Jan. 21, 1727-8[2A] [mother "Mary" a mistake]; m. Nov. 24, 1743[A], (189) Mary^ Hoit. 3 II Mary, b. Aug. 1, 1722[A]; bp. Sept. 28, 1740[2A]; m. Nov. 13, 1740[A], Israel Huse. 4 in Betsey, or Elizabeth, b. Feb. 20, 1724[A]; bp. Sept. 28, 1740[2A]; m. Sept. 3, 1745[A], (420) Francis* Davis Jr. -|- 5 IV Moses, b. Mch. 15, 1726[A]; bp. Sept. 28, 1740[2A1. 6 V Zebulon, b. Sept. 18, 1727[A]; bp. Sept. 28, 1740[2A]; m. July, 1747[A], Alice Tucker; both ren. cov. 1749; chil. rec. at A. and 2 A. chh. 7 VI Jonathan, b. Aug. 18, 1728(?) [A]; [d. young?] * The family record of Peter* Emerson (John', Jonathan', Michael'), of Haverhill, West Parish, furnishes an illustration of the difficulty sometimes foimd in hamr.onizing town and church records. The date of baptism is more likely to be accurate, because usually made at or near the time of the ceremony, while that of birth was often entered years afterward, perhaps from memory. The error is more likely to be in the year than in the month of births. One date was often reckoned from another which might be wrong. The name of the mother is more likely to be wrong in baptisms than in births. See * Note, pp. 881 and 901. In the case of Peter Emerson, the writer's conclusions differ somewhat from those of Pope. 958 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 8 VII Alpheus, b. ; bp. Sept. 28, 1740[2A]; m. Apr. 19, 1750[2A1, Abigail Sargent. [Possibly the same as No. 7?] 9 VIII Jonathan, b. Feb. 7, 1735-6[A]; bp. Sept. 28, 1740[2A]. 10 IX Sarah, b. Oct. 5, 1737[A]; bp. Sept. 28, 1740[2A]. 11 X Philip, b. Oct. 21, 1739[A]; bp. Sept. 28, 1740[2A]. 12 XI Aquila, b. June 1, 1741[A]; bp. July 5, 1741[2A]. 13 xn Phineas, b. Aug. 27, 1743[A]; bp. Oct. 2, 1743[2A]. 14 XIII Hannah, b. Dec. 17, 1746[A]; bp. Mch. 8, 1746-7[2A]. Favor* Family. Pages 154, 749. 1 Philip FAVORf d. June 28, 1741[S]. Wife[Sarah?] d. Aug. 20, 1734[S]. 3 John, b. 1692. A John m. June 28, 1716[Nb], Hannah Brickit. 8 chil. Nb. V. R., b. 1716-31, one named Willoughby. 5 WiLLEBEE, b. Jan. 27, 1705-6[S]; m. Dec. 30, 1725[Nbl, Jane Richardson. 5a Jacob, b. July 27, 1707[S]. 6 Elias, b. 1709-10[by 1st wife]. 7 Mary, b. 1712[S] [by 2d wife]. 8 Cutting Favor, J of Amesbury, West Parish, and Newton, N. H., m. Nov. 16, 1725[A], (54) Mary* Wells. She ren. cov. 2 A. chh. 1727; he was bp. Dec. 31, 1727. Children[A records] : 9 I Mary, b. July 11, bp. Dec. 31, 1727. A Mary of Ames. District m. Aug. 11, 1746[S], Micah George. 10 n Anna, b. Feb. 20, bp. Mch. 30, 1728-9. 11 III Hannah, b. Jan. 27, bp. Apr. 4, 1730-1. 12 IV Elizabeth, b. Dec. 24, 1732; bp. May 6, 1733. 13 V Timothy, b. Sept. 27, 1734; bp. rec. June-Dec, 1734, missing, p. 515. 14 VI Cutting, Capt., b. Mch. 11, bp. Apr. 17, 1736-7; m. Judith Bagley; res. Hill, N. H. 15 VII Naomi, b. Jan. 19, 1738; bp. Feb. 25, 1738-9, as Anna. 16 VIII John, b. May 14, bp. July 6, 1740. Ann Faver m. Joseph Pike, int. Oct. 8, 1737[S]. ]Dau. of (3) John?] Fawne Family. Pages 154, 749. Fellows Family. Pages 155-6, 749. 10 Mary'. See Es. Ant. 1908, p. 125. 14 Abigail' m. Thomas Low, not "John." See p. 382. * Spelled also Faver, Favour, Feaver, Feavor, Feavour, Fevor. t (1) Philip may have been a grandson of John, who went from lp. to Hv. in 1641, and who may have d. soon after. Jo: Favor, 18 y. old, and Jo: Baggley, 14 y. old, were among the passen gers bound from London to Virginia in the "Bonaventure" in 1634. } Cutting was prob. son of (1) Phujp, but proof has not been found. There may have been chil. unrecorded, b. 1694, 1698-1703. FITTS — FLANDERS FAMILIES. 959 Fitts Family. Pages 156-8. * Note, p. 157. For "his wife's" read my [Fitts'] wife's. 28 Richard*. See p. 382. Flanders Family. Pages 158-60, 749. 5 Philip' d. Aug. 27, 1712[S1. 11 Thomas', with chil. Mehitable*, Abigail*, Benjamin*, Judith*, and Thomas*, all bp. Dec. 10, 1721 [2S]. 12 Daniel'. Other chil. of Daniel and Sarah: Judith*, b. Feb. 4, 1711-2[A]; Sarah*, b. Mch. 29, 1714[A[. 16 Philu" m. (7) Joanna Smith. 25 Philip' Jr. m. Abigail French, int. Oct. 20, 1722[S]. A PhiUp and Abigail had child Nathaniel, b. Nov. 15, 1737[S]. Erase as on p. 862. 10 Stephen^ Flanders and children, p. 749. 29 Stephen*, 30 Asa*, 31 Samuel*, and 34 Mary*, all bp. Feb. 20, 1720-1[2S]. 34a Abigail*, bp. Feb. 20, 1720-1 [2S]. 13 Joseph' Flanders {Stephen', Stephen'), h. 1677; m. as on p. 159, 3d wife, wid. Thompson. He prob. d. Dec. 29, 1734[S]. Children[S records] : 36 1 Ann*, b. June 15, 1701[by 1st wife]. 37 II Ebenezer*, b. May 7, 1705[by 2d wife]. 38 III Joseph*, b. Sept. 9, 1707. 39 ivNEHEMiAH*,b. Feb. 18, 1709; m. Feb. 23, 1737-8, Sarah Hackett. -f 40 V Richard*, b. Nov. 28, 1712[by 3d wife]. 41 VI Phineas*, b. Jan. 25, 1719; m. Apr. 10, 1744, Tabitha Clough. 42 VII Mary*, b. Aug. 6, 1721. 43 VIII Jeremiah*, b. July 6, 1723. 44 IX Moses*, b. Nov. 17, 1727. 16 Philip^ Flanders {Stephen', Stephen'), of Salisbury, West Parish, and Kingston, b. 1682; m. Feb. 2, 1709-10, (7) Joanna Smith. She was bp. June 30, 1723[2S]. Children [S records] : 45 I Sarah*, b. Nov. 16, 1710; bp. June 30, 1723. 46 II Philip*, b. Mch. 13, 1712-3; bp. June 30, 1723; m. Oct. 2, 1735, (73) Hannah* Morrill. He was Philip 3d. Chil. b. and bp.[2S]: Sarah', 1736; Daniel', 1738, res. Hawke and Warner, N. H.; James', 1739-40; Ezra', 1743; Philip', 1746, res. Hawke and Warner; Chris topher', 1749 [p. 749]. 47 III ZiPPORAH*, b. Mch. 4, 1715-6; bp. June 30, 1723. 48 IV Joanna*, b. May 20, 1719; bp. June 30, 1723. 49 V Abigail*, b. Aug. 15, 1722; bp. June 30, 1723. 960 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 50 VI Richard*, b. Apr. 6, 1725; bp. May 30, 1725. 51 VII Abiah*, b. Jan. 25, 1727-8; bp. Feb. 25, 1727-8. 39 Nehemiah^ Flanders {Joseph", Stephen', Stephen'), of Salis bury, b. 1709; m. Feb. 23, 1737-8[S], (29?) Sarah Hackett. Children : 52 I Jarvis^, b. Oct. 13, 1738[S]; bp. Sept. 27, 1741; m, (432) Mary' Davis. He was a Rev. soldier; d. Jan. 24, 1778[A]. Wife Mary d. July 21, 1775[A]. Chil.: Benaiah', b. June 10, 1769[S], d. Apr. 11, 1771; Benaiah', b. Feb. 7, 1772[S], m. Sept. 5, 1793[S], (489) Bbtsey« Colby, d. Feb. 13, 1815[S]. 53 II Sarah', b. Mch. 30, 1740[S]; bp. Sept. 27, 1741. 54 III HEZEKIAH^ b. July 5, 1742[S]; bp. Aug. 29, 1742. 55 IV Zelpha', or Zilpah', b. Oct. 14, 1744[S]; bp. Oct. 28, 1744. 56 V Davids b. Jan. 22, 1747[S]; bp. Apr. 26, 1747. 57 VI NehemiahS b. Sept. 2, 1749[S]. 58 VII Olive*, b. July 20, 1751[S]; bp. Dec. 3, 1752. 59 vni Levis b. Feb. 26, 1754[S]; bp. May 5, 1754. 60 IX Hannahs b. ; bp. July, 1756[2S]. Fletcher Family. Page 160. Follansbee Family. Pages 569-70. 1 Thomas' Follansbee m. 1st ab. 1660. 3 AnneS b. ab. 1668; d. Apr. 18, 1708. 4 Marys m. Dec. 1, 1686[Nb]. 5a JaneS b. ; m. (10) John Hubbard is prob. correct. S. V. R. give "bet. 1689 and 1691," instead of 1688. [G. R. 1912, p. 89.] 5 Thomas^ Follansbee. A Thomas m. Feb. 18, l734-5[Nb], Mary Bancroft, of Reading. 9 Thomas'. Wife Hannah d. Mch. 7, 1772, in her 74th y. 12 Judiths m. Nov. 17, 1742[Nb], Daniel Spaford, or Spawford, of Rw. 13 Anne* m. June 30, 1743[Nb], Thomas Noyes 3d. * Note, p. 570. Erase the last sentence. Folsom or Foulsam Family. (See Bell's Exeter.) Foot Family. Pages 161, 749-50. 1 Pasco' Foot chosen constable in Manchester, 1649; living there in 1652. foot family. 961 4 Samuel^ Foot. See pp. 645, 858. 10a Hannah' (4 SamueVl) ; prob. m. ab. 1695, (23) Charles' Sargent. 10b Dorothy' (4 SamueVl), m. int. Dec. 14, 1700[A], (18) Samuel' Currier. 10 John' Foot called Samuel Stevens, of A., "cousin"* in 1706. *Note, p. 324, where "(16)" before SAMUEL^ and "{John')" are prob. wrong. 11 Samuel* Foot {John", Samuel', Pasco'), of Amesbury, West Parish, b. 1692; m. Jan. 29, 1711-2[A], (47) Dorothy* Colby. Children[A records] : 14 I PascoS b. Mch. 17, 1711-2; m. May 16, 1733, (75) Jemima* Colby; chil. rec. at A. 15 n TheophilusS b. Mch. 2, 1713-4; m. Apr. 14, 1736, (31?) Sarah' Challis; chil. rec. at A. 16 III BathshebaS b. Apr. 27, 1717; prob. m. Sept. 16, 1740, Moses Pressey. 17 IV PelatiaeS b. Jan. 27, 1720-1. 18 V Dorothys b. ; bp. Sept. 11, 1726. 19 VI Enochs b. Sept. 11, 1725; bp. Sept. 11, 1726. 20 VII Sarahs b. Aug. 29, 1727; bp. Nov. 5, 1727, as dau. of Samuel and "Bathsheba"; m. Jan. 29, 1754, (16) Abner' Whittieb. 21 vm Elizabeths b. ; bp. Apr. 12, 1730. 22 IX RowbllS b. ; bp. Sept. 3, 1732, as son of Sam. and "Bathsheba." 23 X Samuels b. ; bp. Sept. 5, 1736. 13 John* Foot Jr. {John", Samuel', Pasco'), of Amesbury, West Parish, b. 1698; m. int. July 22, 1721[A], Mary Willit, of Nb. Chil- dren[A records] : 24 I Hannahs b. July 3, 1722; bp. Aug. 14, 1726[2A]; prob. m. Feb. 15, 1742-3[A], Samuel Watts, of Hv. 25 n ThomasS b. Jan. 23, 1723-4; bp. Aug. 14, 1726. 26 in Marys b. Mch. 8, 1725-6; bp. Aug. 14, 1726. 27 IV Judiths b. Nov. 7, 1728. 28 V Johns b. Apr. 28, 1731; bp. June 13, 1731; d. young. 29 VI Elizabeths b. Dec. 12, 1732; bp. Mch. 4, 1732-3; d. young. 30 vii DAvmS b. May 31, 1735[twin]; bp. July 20, 1735. 31 vin Jonathans b. June 1, 1735; d. June 11, 1735. 32 IX Elizabeths b. ; bp. Feb. 13, 1736-7. 33 X Johns b. Sept. 15, 1739; bp. Nov. 25, 1739. 34 XI Dorothys b. Apr. 22, 1742; bp. June 6, 1742. * If Samuel Stevens was nephew of John Foot himself, then a sister of John Foot must have been the mother of Samuel Stevens. If he was the nephew of John Foot's wife, then she must have been a sister of the father or of the mother of Samuel Stevens. In other words, either a Foot m. a Stevens, or a Foot and a Stevens m. sisters. The relationship apparently did not come through the wife of Samuel Stevens, if she was Rachel Heath. 962 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Fowler Family. Pages 162-5, 750. 7 Thomas* Fowler {Philip''?). Was he nephew, and not son, of (1) Philip'? Es. Ant. 1907, p. 81. 50 Mary* m. (96a) Samuel' Davis. See pp. 727-8, and * Note. 18 William' Fowler, p. 750. Printed N. H. probate gives will Oct. 18, not "16." Frame Family. Pages 165, 382. * Note. Erase "Sarah and" in first line; change "were" to was. Freese Family. Pages 165-6. t Note. A Jacob Freese Jr., of Hm. 1723. French Family. Pages 166-70, 750. A letter of (2) John"' Hall speaks of "my uncle French." [Prob. in America, per. of lp.] 18 Edward'. His 6 chil. liv. 1723. Fuller Family. Pages 170-1, 750-1. Gage* Family. Pages 171-2. 1 John' Gage, Serg., of Boston, Ipswich and Bradford, b. ab. 1606-9. His name appears often on lp. records, 1634-49; after 1664 at Bd. His second wife, wid. of Robert Keyes, of Water- town and Newbury, d. as on p. 171; inv. est. Sept. 27, 1681. 2 Jonathans as on p. 171. Inv. est. Mch. 22, 1674-5. Wid. Hester m. bef. 1681, John Wilson, of Elizabethtown, N. J. 3 JosiahS b. ab. 1647 or '48, prob. the youngest son; m. 2d, (73) Martha' Dow, who d. Feb. 10, 1716-7[Hv], "in her 44th y." He was freeman 1682; d. July 5, 1717[Hv]. He ment. various relatives in his will, 1717. For other particulars see pp. 137, 172, 744, 751. 5 Samuels b. ab. 1638; per. the oldest son; d. July 20, 1676[Bd], etc., as on p. 172. Chil.: Elizabeth',] b. Mch. 12, 1674-5[Bd], m. (62) DAVID' Kimball; a son' and dau'., b. June 22, 1676[Bd], d. same day. Adm. est. Wid. Faith, May 20, 1696. Faith Stickney and Samuel Stickney were chil. of Wm. Stickney, of Rw.; ment. in his will, 1664-5. * Sometimes spelled Geage, also Gadge, as if pronounced with the short sound of the vowil, like Madge, Hedge, Pidge, Lodge, and Mudge. i Granddau. of John S not "dau.," as given in "Kimball Family." gage family. 963 "8 Thomas'" should be omitted here. He was of another family." 4 Benjamin^ Gage {John'), of Bradford, m. 1st, Feb. 16, 1663, Mary Keyes (Robert); 2d, Oct. 11. 1671[Bd], Prudence^ Levar [or Leaver] (Thomas'), b. 1644. He was freeman 1669; d. Oct. 10, 1672[Bd]; inv. est. taken Nov. 12, 1672, presented Mch. 25, 1673. Wid. Prudence m. Apr. 6, 1674[Bd & Rw], SamueP Stick ney (William'). Children: 8a I John', b. Sept. 27, 1666[Rw], [by 1st wife); d. Feb. 25, 1671[Bd]. 8b II John' Sen., b. July 15, 1672[Bd] [by 2d wife]; m. June 13, 1694[Bd], (18) Sarah' Haselton; both adm. Bd. chh. 1704. He d. Dec. 10, 1751[Bd]. She d. May 27, 1753[Bd], in her 80th y. 9 chil. rec. at Bd., b. 1695-1715. 6 Daniel' Gage and children, p. 172. He was b. ab. 1639; adm. est. Dec. 17, 1705, son John admr. Wife Sarah d. Sept. 16, 1692[Bd]. 9 Daniels b. 1675-6. Wife Martha d. Sept. 8, 1745(Bd]; he d. Mch. 14, 1747-8[Bd]; adm. est. Apr. 4, 1748. 13 chil., Bd. rec, b. 1698-1725. 10 John' Jr. m. Dec. 25, 1706[Bd], Susanna Ross, who d. Sept. 10, 1746[Bd]. 6 chil. rec. at Bd., b. 1707-18; per. d. 1759? Erase "John Gage and wife Sarah adm. Bd. chh. 1704," p. 172. 11 Sarah', d. Aug. 24, 1679[Bd]. 12 Samuel' m. Feb. 20, 1709-10[Bd], Mary Watson; prob. 2d, Sept. 30, 1725[Bd], Wid. EUzabeth Page. 6 chil., Bd. V. R., b. and bp. 1711-26. 13 Mary' m. (13?) Samuel' Griffin. 14 Mehitable' d. Nov. 6, 1683[Bd]. 15 Lydia', b. 1684-5; [m. Ebenezer Burbank?] 15a Sarah', b. Jan. 4, 1686-7[Bd]; liv. 1706. 17 Abigails b. Oct. 4, 1687[Bd]; bp. June 12, 1692; d. Oct. 2, 1723[Bd]. 7 Nathaniel* Gage, Serg. {John'), of Bradford, b. ab. 1643-5; m. Mary Weeks [wid. of John Green]. He was adm. Bd. chh. 1683; d. Apr. 3, 1728[Bd]. Children: 18 I Nathaniel' Ens., b. Apr. 15, 1696[Bd]; m. Aug. 18, 1719[Bd], Mehbt- able* Kimball (49 Richard'); res. Bd.; d. Nov. 2, 1777. * 8 ThomA!5^ Gage, Lieut., of Beverly and Rowley, "blacksmith," b. ab. 166S; m. 1st, Sarah , who d. Dec. 7, 1694; 2d, June 11, 1695[Rwl, Elizabeth* Northend (Ezekiel'), [wid. of Hum phrey Hobson and of Ezekiel Mighill]. He was killed at Port Royal, Aug. 13, 1707; will Apr. 20, Oct. 20, 1707. Wid. Eliz. d. July 14, 1737[Rw], aged 80 y. Nme chil.: Thomas', William', Sarah', Mary*, Joanna', d. young, Joanna', John', prob. d. young, S-usannd' and Elizabeth', b. 1678-99. He was the son of Thomas, of Yarmouth, "mariner," d. 1695, whose wife was Joanna Knight (Wm. of Salem and Lynn). The first Thomas had other sons: John, Wm., and Henry, all three killed in Peircc's fight, 1676; Adam, killfid in the expedition to Canada (prob. 1691), left a wid. but no chil.; Benjamin, of Yarmouth, and Moses, of Beverly, both of whom left descendants. [G. R. 1899, pp. 201-6.1 964 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 19 n Marys b. Mch. 12, 1697-8[Bd]; living in 1717. Perhaps other children? The publication of "Some Descendants of John Gage," by Arthur E. Gage, in G. R. 1908, pp. 254-63, renders it unnecessary to print any more of the account of the early generations of that family which had been prepared before that time. Gale Family. Page 172. This family does not appear on the vital records of S. and A. till the 19th century. George Family. Pages 172-3, 751. 1 James George m. Sarah Jordan (Francis and Jane), sister of the wives of (7) Thomas^ Fowler and (15) John^ Kimball. Getchell Family. Pages 173-4, 751. See G. R., July, 1909. Gile Family. See Guile. Giles Family. Pages 174, 751. Gill Family. Pages 174r-6, 382. 17 Sarah' m. ab. 1713, (6) Robert Smith; liv. 1738. 18 Samuel' was prob. taken captive with (26) Luke' Wells, June 10, 1697. See t Note, p. 175, and G. R. 1892, pp. 212-15. 7 Moses* Gill. Erase "m. Ireland bef. 1709." See * Note, p. 644. Goldsmith Family. Page 176. Goldwyer Family. Pages 176, 382. Gooch Family. Pages 573-4. 2 John' A "Lydia Gouge" was a witness in Essex Co. Court, Dec, 1640. Goodale Family. Pages 176-7, 382, 751. Goodwin Family. Pages 177-8, 751-2. 1 Edward Goodwin, "shipwright," and Wm. Hackett, "mar iner," both of Salis. new town[A], sold a "ketch," etc., 1667. [Es. Ant. 1908, p. 123.] GOOGE • — green FAMILIES. 965 Googe Family. Page 132, * Note. 1 Willlam' Googe (or Gouge), perhaps of Salisbury, though not appearing on land records, m. Ann . Inv. est. Oct. 28, 1645, presented June 30, 1646. Wid. Ann, adm. est., received the goods for bringing up her "three small children." Wid. Ann m. (1) John' Dickison, and d. 1679 or '80. A "servant for Mr. Goog" was fined in court, June, 1643. Children: 2 I A CHnj)S b. bef. 1645; liv. in 1646. 3 II Hannah^, b. bef. 1645; m. Mch. 17, 1671[S], (3) John^ Dickison. 4 III MarahS b. ab. 1645; m. Dec. 4, 1663[S], (1) John' Pressey. A Mary Googe d. Oct. 7, 1666[S]; possibly No. 2 above. A Robert Gutch and wife Lydia were of Sm., 1642 and later. [Essex Co. Ct. Rec] Gould Family. Pages 178-9. See Es. Ant. 1909, p. 89. 9 Nathan' prob. m. (97) Ann* Stevens. Gove Family. Pages 180, 752. 3 Edward* Gove prob. m. (4) Hannah* Partridge, and not (3) Hannah Titcomb. See Hist. Hm. Falls, p. 212. Graves Family. Page 180. Greeley Family. Pages 180-2, 382, 752. 8 John' m. (11) Ann Collins [wid. of (8) John Hadlock]. 35 Mary* m. (12) Samuel Smith. Green Family. Pages 182, 752-3. Judge Henry^ Green (father of (1) Isaac*), of Hampton, and family. See Dow's Hm., pp. 739-42, and Hist. Hm. Falls, pp. 225-9, 552. He was b. ab. 1620; m. 1st, Mary , who d. Apr. 26, 1690; 2d, Mch. 10, 1690-1 [Pike's Journal], Mary* Hussey (Christopheri) [wid. of (6) Thomas* Page]. He d. Aug. 5, 1700. Wid. Mary m. 3d, Nov. 10, 1704, (3) Henry* Dow. The Friends records give Esther Green d. 24:7 m: 1703; also Abraham Jr. d. 11:3 m:1703; prob. wife of Abraham* and a grandson of Henryi, not ment. by Dow.* * The A. V. R. contain many mar. and births from the Fr. Rec which give valuable informa tion concerning some branches of this Green family, down to 1826. The earliest is: Jerejoah* 966 OLD families of SALISBURY AND AMESBURT. 1 Isaac* Green, b. 1652, and children, pp. 752-3. If the date of m., 1673, is correct, there may have been one or two chil. b. bef. 1678-9. He was b. 1752; d. May 12, 1716, bur. at Seabrook. He seems to have been of Salis. 1679-91, at least, while his bro. Abraham was of Hm. t Note, p. 182. See p. 863. 9 Peter Green, of Haverhill, m. 1st, Dec. 11, 1672[Hv], Eliza beth* Duston [wid. of John Kingsbury], who d. Dec. 20, 1677[Hv]; 2d, Nov. 4, 1678[Hv], Mary Green. Children[Hv records] : 10 I Mary, b. Nov. 13, 1673. 11 II Elizabeth, b. Oct. 24, 1675. 12 III Hannah, b. Dec. 20, 1677 [by Ist wife]; prob. m. Apr. 8, 1701, (31) Jonathan' Eastman. 13 IV A CHILD, stillborn, Aug. 17, 1679 [by 2d wife]. 14 V Henry, b. Jan. 31, 1680. 15 VI Abigail, b. Sept. 10, 1682; prob. m. (19) Avery Sanders. 16 VII Peter, b. May 11, 1687; m. Apr. 30, 1713, (16) Martha' Singletary; chil. rec. at Hv. 17 Thomas Green, of Bradford, b. ab. 1678; m. Aug. 7, 1700 [Bd], Hannah' Haseltine (Robert*, Robert^), who d. July 4, 1729 [Bd]. He d. Dec. 15, 1709, or '10[Bd]. Children: 18 I Hannah, b. Oct. 10, 1701[Bd]; m. June 5, 1718[Bd], Edward Steward. She d. Mch. 1, 1723-4. 19 II Mehetabel, b. Mch. 20, 1704[Bd]; prob. m. July 3, 1735[Bd], Ezra Mireck, of Methuen; liv. 1734, name Green. 20 III Elizabeth, b. July 29, 1706[Bd]; m. June 18, 1730[Bd], WiUiam Heath Jr., of Hv. 21 IV Abigail, b. Aug. 28, 1709[Bd]; d. Feb. 10, 1724[Bd]. Greenleaf Family. Pages 183-7, 382, 753. 50 Elizabeth* d. Apr., 1723. 23 Samuel' Greenleaf. See G. R. 1861, p. 273, Kent Notes, Joshua Coffin. Greenough Family. * Note, page 883. Gbeen (John', of Hm., Abraham', Henry^), of Kensington, m. int. 16 : 9 m : 1721, (15) Dorothy Conner; also m. of several of their chil., 1741 aud later. The next earliest is PHEBE* Green (John', Abraham', Henry'), m. 3 : 5m : 1735, Abraham' Dow (22 Josiah'), ol Hm. The births are from 1750 to 1814. griffin family. 967 Griffin Family. Pages 187-9, 753. 1 Humphrey' Griffin m. Elizabeth* Andrews {Robert^).* Ipswich, in 1639, refused "to receive him as an Inhabitant," but it was "to provide for him as Inhabitants formerly received, the town being full." He was of Ipswich in 1641, when he bought and sold house and land, though his name does not appear on the list of "Comoners" that year. His wid., Eliz. Sherratt, d. Sept. 18, 1670[Hv]. 4 Samuel^. An Elizabeth, dau. Sam. and Lydia, d. Oct. 2, 1680[Ip]. 6 Elizabeth" d. Dec, 1677[Ip]; 4 chil. on lp. rec, b. 1662-9. 2 John* Griffin and children, pp. 188, 753. He was b. about 1635-41; m. LYDiAf Shatswell {Theophilus') .% He was one member of a committee chosen by the town of Bd. in 1670 for "ordering, setting up and furnishing" a meeting house; also of the committee chosen by the town in 1681 for "settling Rev. Mr. Zechariah Symmes in office." He d. Mch. 27, 1688[Bd]. Wid. Lydia and 8 children (not 10) were living in 1709. 7 Lydia' was the wife of William Knowlton in 1709. He was prob. her second husband, for a Lydia Griffing m. Mch. 25, 1684[Bd], Martin (or Mathew) Forde, "a Frenchman that served his apprenticeship to Mr. Walker," and was received by the Bd. chh. in 1682-3. They had 5 chil., b. 1686-92, rec at Bd., one of them named Theophilus. 8a Elizabeth' Staples, p. 753. 2 chil., Hv. V. R., bp. 1697 and 1702. 10 Hannah' Morrison, p. 753. She, not "he," d. Oct. 9, 1700[Nb]; 5 chil. rec. there, b. 1691-9. 12 Susanna' Bartlett d. 1713-17[Hv]. 13 Samuel', liv. 1709. A Sam. prob. m. (13) Mary' Gage. 15 Abigail', liv. 1709, named Griffin; prob. m. July 10, 1710[Bd], Daniel Way. 3? Nathaniel* Griffin was of Salisbury, 1673-89, and per haps later. [See p. 382.] 16 Joseph', b. July 4, 1672[And]. Wid. Sarah m. 2d, bef. 1719, New- bold; 3d, bef. 1721, Hawkes [Es. Ant.]. 19 Maria', bp. July 15, 1720[2S]. * He was son-in-law of wid. Andrews in 1647. John and two other sons of Humphrey Griffin were mentioned in the will of Robert Andrews, of lp., in 1643-4 [Es. Ant. vol. 1, p. 142; vol. 4, p. 157; vol. 8, p. 10]. t The date of her death printed on p. 753 is from the gravestone. The town rec. give Nov. 28, or 26, 1729. t Theophilus ShatsweU d. Aug. 17, 1663[Hvl. 968 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 9 John' Griffin {John', Humphrey'), of Bradford, b. 1671; m. 1st, Mary , who d. Mch. 16, 1728[Bd], in her 55th year; 2d, Aug. 11, 1730[Bd], Mary Capen [wid. of Thomas' Baker (Thomas*, John')]. Wife Mary bp. and rec'd to full com. Bd. chh., Oct. 27, 1695. A John was rec'd June 7, 1719. Children; 36 I TheophilusS b. May 11, 1695[Bd]; bp. with his mother; d. Jan. 20, 1717[Bd]. 37 n Marys b. Oct. 17, 1697[Bd]. 38 III Peters b. Jan. 20, 1699-1700[Bdl; m. Feb. 21, 1722-3[Hv], Mehitable Emerson (Stephen). Adm. est. Feb. 15, 1729-30. 3 chil. on Hv. rec, b. 1723-4-28. Wid. Mehit. m. July 17, 1732[Hv], Moses Copps. 39 IV Johns b. Apr. 3, 1702[Bd]; m. Dec. 13, 1727[Hv], Mehitable' Clement (30 Jo¥), who d. Feb. 3, 1729[Hv]. Es. Ant. vol. 5, states that a John Griffin m. Dec. 14, 1732, Sarah* Bailey (Thomas', John\ Jomes>), of Hv. The Methuen records give Mary', dau. John and Mehitable, b. Oct. [1730-2?], prob. should be Oct., 1728-30. 40 V Samuels b. Sept. 23, 1704[Bd]. A Samuel m. Apr. 19, 1726[Hv], Hannah Johnson. Son John', bp. Jan. 15, 1726-7[Hv]. A Samuel d. Mch. 14, 1729[Bd]. 41 VI EbenezerS b. Dec. 8, 1706[Bd]; prob. m. Dec 15, or 16, 1727[Bd], EUzabeth Parker; res. Mth.; d. ab. 1743; 6 chil. on Mth. rec, b. 1728-40; all liv. 1743. 42 VII Hannahs b. Dec. 8, 1708[Bd]. Hannah, dau. of John, adm. Bd. chh. Sept. 22, 1728. A Hannah d. Dec 6, 1729[Bd]. 43 VIII Jonathans b. May 20, 1711[Bd]; prob. m. Keziah ; res. Methuen; 7 chil. on Mth. rec, b. 1732-50. 44 IX Lydias b. Feb. 24, 1712-3 [Bd]; prob. d. young. 45 X Daniels b. Sept. 25, 1715[Bd]. A Daniel d. Nov. 28, 1729[Bd]. 46 XI Davids b. — [by 1st wife]; bp. June 23, 1717[Bd]. A David d. Dec. 5, 1729[Bd]. 47 XII Lydias b. June 1, 1731[Bd] [by 2d wife]. 14 Nathaniel' Griffin {John', Humphrey'), oi Bradford, b. 1680; m. Jan. 6, 1709[Bd], Hannah Barker. She was rec'd by the Bd. chh. Apr. 22, 1711. He prob. d. after 1760. Children: 48 I MehitableS b. Feb. 23, 1713-4[Bd]; adm. Bd. chh. Feb. 23, 1734-5. 49 II Nathaniels b. May 24, 1719[Bd]; m. Jan. 20, 1746[Bd], Elizabeth Fails. -I- 50 III EbenezerS b. Apr. 6, 1726[Bd] ; m. Jan. 2, 1755[Bd], Priscilla Kimball. -|- 35 Theophilus* Griffin (8 Theophilus", John', Humphrey^), ol Amesbury and Kingston, N. H., b. 1689; m. Dec. 18, 1710[A], griffin family. 969 Hannah Fowler. He was of Kg. in 1722, when he sold land in A.; also of Kg. in 1725. Children: 51 I TheophilusS b. June 17, 1711 [A]. A Theophilus of Kg. m. Feb. 13, 1745[A], Mary Kimball. 52 II Johns b. May 30, 1713[A]. 53 III Lydias b. Oct. 21, 1715[A]. A Lydia of Kg. m. David Osgood, int. Jan. 16, 1735-6[S]. 54 IV MaryS b. Oct. 23, 1717[A]. 49 Nathaniel* Griffin Jr. {NathanieP, John', Humphrey'^), of Bradford, b. 1719; m. Jan. 20, 1746[Bd], Elizabeth Fails. He d, Oct. 30, 1760[Bd]. Adm. est. gr. wid. Eliz., Dec. 8, 1760. Children : 55 I John' Dea., b. Nov. 23, 1747[Bd]; m. Dec. 2, 1773[Bd], Eunice Kim ball. Both adm. Bd. chh. Nov., 1774. He d. Nov. 25, 1825. Wid. Eunice d. Sept., or Oct. 3, 1834, aged 80 y. 56 n Samuels b. Oct. 27, 1749[Bd]; d. Feb. 15, 1756[Bd]. 57 in Nathaniels b. Feb. 3, or 4, 1752[Bd]; d. Oct. 13, 1753[Bd]. 58 IV Nathaniels b. Mch. 6, 1754[Bd]; liv. 1761. 59 V Samuels b. June 3, 1756[Bd];* liv. 1761. 50 Ebenezer* Griffin {Nathaniel", John', Humphrey'), of Bradford, b. 1726; m. Jan. 2, 1755[Bd], Priscilla Kimball, who d. Feb. 28, 1778[Bd], in her 44th y. He was rec'd to the 1st Bd. chh., Sept. 21, 1755; and d. Oct. 2, 1792. Children: 60 I Hannahs b. Aug. 25, 1755[Bd]. 61 n Benjamins b. Aug. 15, 1757[Bd]; d. Mch., 1831. 62 m Bettys b. Sept. 26, 1759[Bd]. 63 IV EbenezerS b. Sept. 18, 1761[Bd]. 64 V MehitableS b. Sept. 5, 1763[Bd]; d. Sept. 28, 1763[Bd]. 65 VI PriscillaS b. Oct. 9, 1764[Bd]. 66 VII MehitableS b. May 2, 1767[Bd]. 67 vin Sarahs b. Feb. 6, 1770[Bd]. 21 Philip Griffin sold the house in S. [p. 188] in 1658. A Philip was of Portsmouth in 1658. He per. d. 1669-72. 24? John Griffin d.Apr. 25, 1734[S]. His will speaks of chil. John and Ann as "weak in mind." Wid. Han. was ap. guard, of Jonathan in 1734. •Samuel bp. May 2, 1756[Bd], does not accord with this date. Perhaps "June" should be Jan. 970 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 25 Philip adm. 2 S. chh. July 3, 1720. A Sarah adm. Apr. 7, 1728. 27 Isaac bp. Dec. 20, 1719[2S]; prob. m. Jan. 7, 1724-5[2S], Susanna Clough. Nos. 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, bp. July 5, 1719 [2S]. 68 Hugh' Griffin, of Sudbury, one of the first settlers, free 1645[Sv]; m. wid. Elizabeth *- He d. June 27, 1656[Sd]. Will Mch. 6, 1655-6; Dec. 16, 1656, ment. wife Elizabeth* and 4 children. An Elizabeth m. Nov. 9, 1657[Sd], Philemon Whale. Children: 69 I Abigails b. Nov. 3, or 16, 1640[Sd]; liv. in 1656, but prob. d. Nov. 17, 1660[Sd]. 70 n Sarahs b. Nov. 20, 1642[Sd]; m. May 11, 1674[Sd], Jonathan Stan- hop. 71 in ShemuelS b. Jan. 9, 1644-5[Sd]; liv. in 1656. 72 IV Jonathans b. June 22, 1647[Sd]; m. Oct. 25, 1676, Mary Long, -j- 72 Jonathan* Griffin {Hugh'), of Sudbury, b. 1647; m. Oct. 24 or 25, 1676[Sd & Nb], (2) Mary* LoNG.f of Newbury. He d. Feb. 2, 1685[Sd]. Wid. Mary m. Sept. 7, 1687[Nb], Daniel Mussilo- way, or Silloway, of Newbury. Children: 73 I Jonathans b. July 13, 1677[Sd]; d. Feb. 19, 1677-8[Sd]. 74 II Jonathans b. Nov. 27, 1678[Sd]; m. Lydia , who d. Sept. 5, 1760[Sd]. He d. May 15, 1760[Sd]. Eight chil.,t b. 1704-19, Sud bury records. 75 in Shemuel', b. Mch. 1, 1680[Sd]; m. 1st, Sarah ; 2d, Mary ; 3d, Nov. 16, 1716, wid. Rebecca Annis; 4th, wid. Susanna Gardner. -|- 75 Shimuel'§ Griffin {Jonathan', Hugh'), of Newbury, "cooper," b. 1680; m. 1st, Sarah , who d. bef. 1707; 2d, Mary ; 3d, Nov. 16, 1716, Rebecca [wid. of Isaac Annis]; 4th, after 1725, wid. Susanna Gardner. Will, Apr. 18, 1754; May 10, 1762; wife Sus. ment.** Children: * Savage states that the will, 1656, mentioned Hannah Upson, dau. of wife Eliz. by former husband. t Her sister, Mabtha Long, b. 1669, was living in Sudbury in 1719, "single woman." A Martha Long m. Aug. 8, or 31, 1721[Sd], a John Griffin. A John Griffin d. Oct. 18, 1729[Sd]. A Martha Griffin d. Apr. 9, 1751[Sd]. X One of these was Shemuel*, who m. Oct. 31, 1729[Sdl, Elizabeth Robbins; 5 chil., b. 1731-45, Sd. records. 5 We find his name spelled "Shemuel" more frequently before 1720, and "Shimusl" after that date. ** Also "Samuel Gardner, son of my wife Susanna," and "Keziah Cheney, my dau. in law" and what "her mother brought to me." GRIFFIN — HACKETT FAMILIES. 971 76 I Sarahs b. Oct. 18, 1705[Nb] [by 1st wife]; m. Hodgkins; liv. 1754. 77 II Marys b. Aug. 24, 1707[Nb] [by 2d wife]; m. Edmund Morse; both liv. in 1754. 78 III Jonathans b. Nov. 19, 1709[Nb]; m. 1st, Oct. 28, 1731[Bd], Edna Bailey; 2d, after 1744, Hannah . Adm. est. May 13, 1754; wid. Hannah ment. 8 chil. on Nb. rec, b. 1732-53. 79 IV Daniels b. Oct. 21, 1711[Nb]; m. Feb. 24, 1735[Bd], Beulah Bailey; liv. 1754. 3 chil. on Nb. rec, b. 1737-41. 80 v Samuels b. Jan. 5, 1714[Nb] [by 2d wife]; liv. 1754. 81 VI Lydias b. Nov. 3, 1717[Nb] [by 3d wife]; m. bef. 1736, Lewis Page, of Hv.; liv. 1754. Unclassified Marriages. Ruth Griffen m. (1) John Watson, Mch. 22, 1687-8[A]. Hannah Griffin m. Jan. 2, 1723^[S], (37) Philip< Dow. Groth Family. Page 189. 2 Elizabeth m. Dec. 31, 1690[Bd], James Palmer (Joseph), of Bd. Guile Family. Page 189. 1 Samuel^ Guile. Wife Judith d. May, 1667[Hv]. Hackett Family. Pages 190-1, 753. 3 William Hackett. See p. 858, "Page 19"; also Edward Goodwin, p. 964. 9 Ephraim prob. d. bef. 1712, unm. (25) Dorothy' Allen's name was Allen in 1717, but Grant in 1753. (9) Ephraim and (26) Ephraim have been confounded. It is not probable that both m. a Dorothy Allen. See p. 753; corrected on p. 868. 10 William Hackett {William), as on p. 191. He prob. d. Apr. 25, 1743[S], "at Sheeps Cut, at ye eastward, at Caleb Boyin- ton's house." Children[S V R] : 13 I John, b. Jan. 6, 1709-10; prob. m. Mary Kelly, of Mth., int. Feb. 27, 1730-1. 14 II Ruth, b. Mch. 16, 1710-1; prob. m. Jan. 21, 1730-1, Thomas Fowler. 15 III William, b. Nov. 28, 1712; m. May 15, 1735, wid. Elizabeth Stevens. He d. Aug. 12, 1753, or '55. 16 IV Richard, b. Feb. 12, 1716; m. Dec. 20, 1737, Eleanor Flanders. He d. Apr. 18, or 25, 1767, "in his 53d y."[SVR] [52d?] 972 OLD FAMILIES OP SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 17 V Henry, b. Mch. 16, 1718; m. Aug. 13, 1741 Mary Clough; both adm. 2S. chh. Mch. 11, 1744, and dism. later to New Glocester, Me. Chil. rec. at S.: Mercy, b. 1743, bp. 1744; Mary, b. 1751; Moses, b. 1755. Descendants of Moses state that his mother was a Tyler. Was she a 2d wife of Henry, or was Mary Clough a widow? 18 VI Joseph, b. June 24, 1721; m. Dec. 7, 1743, Ruth Evans. 19 VII Benjamin, b. June 24, 1723.* 11 JuDAH Hackett {'William), as on p. 191. Children [by 2d wife] [from S. V. R.] : 20 I Judah, b. Aug. 7, 1722; prob. m. Dec. 25, 1753, Mary Goodale. 21 II Hannah, b. Jan. 2, 1724-5; prob. m. Feb. 22, 1753, Jonathan Weed, of A. 22 III Elizabeth, b. Nov. 17, 1727. 23 ivTamzin, b. Jan. 6, 1730-1; m. Jan. 22, 1752, Benj. Osgood. 24 V John, b. Nov. 24, 1733. 12 Ebenezer Hackett {William), as on p. 191; m. Hannah Ring, int. Dec. 10, 1709. An Ebenezer d. Oct. 19, 1741[S]. Chil dren [from S. V. R.] : 25 I Mary, b. Jan. 23, 1709-10; d. May 16, 1727. 26 II Ephraim, b. Oct. 3, 1711; m. Dorothy Allen, int. Feb. 6, 1734-5. Rem. to Canterbury, N. H., ab. 1749. Chil.[Srec]: Bzro, b. and d. 1736-7; Hezekiah, b. 1738; Jeremiah, bp. 1740, m. Polly Robinson; Ezra, bp. 1742; Betty, b. 1744; Mary, b. 1747; Ephraim, b. 1749. [See p. 753, as corrected on p. 868.] 27 III Ebenezer, b. Apr. 25, 1713; d. June 10, 1724. 28 IV Daniel, b. Oct. 25, 1714. 29 V Sarah, b. Oct. 25, 1716; prob. m. Feb. 23, 1737-8, Nehemiah Flanders. 30 VI Moses, b. Jan. 30, 1719. 31 VII Elizabeth, b. Apr. 27, 1721. 32 vni Abigail, b. Dec. 27, 1723. 33 IX Ruth, b. Dec. 27, 1723[twin]. 34 X Hannah, b. Oct., 1725; d. May 16, 1727. 35 XI Mary, b. Aug. 1, 1728. 36 XII Ebenezer, b. Sept. 23, 1730. Haddon Family. Pages 191,753. 3 Sarah'' m. 2d, (2) Samuel" Younglove. * The rec. give Benj., son of Wm. and Ruth, d. Sept. 11, 1743. hadley hadlock FAMILIES. 973 Hadley Family. Pages 191-2, 754. 1 Georgei Hadley "Sr." buried Sept. 30, 1686[Ip]. Thomas Dorman Jr., of Topsfield, called Geo. Hadley "uncle" in 1663. Mary, dau. of Geo. Hadley, appears on lp. Ct. rec. 1663 and '64. 17 Josephs Chil. rec. at A., b. 1723-44, mother "Annah." 18 Benjamin'. Chil. rec at A., b. 1729-34. 21 Dorothy^ m. (5) Philip Call [or Caul] Jr. [not Carr]. 22 Parrot* m. 1737, A. V. R. 13 George' Hadley {SamueP, George^), of Haverhill and Ames bury, b. 1686; m. Sarah Wiggins. Children: 25 I Anns b. Sept. 25, 1707[Hv]. 26 II Georges b. Apr. 24, 1709[Hv]. 27 in JohannaS b. Apr. 10, 1711[Hv]. 28 IV JamesS b. Sept. 9, 1713[A]; prob. m. Mch. 9, 1737-8[Hv], Judith Emerson. Chil. rec. at Hv., b. 1738-49. 29 V Samuels b. Feb. 24, 1714-5[A]; prob. m. Feb. 5, 1735-6[Hv], Sarah Whittaker. Chil. rec. at Hv., b. 1737-47. 30 VI Hannahs b. Nov. 1, 1715[A]. 31 VII Johns b. Apr. 28, 1717[A]. 32 VIII Sarahs b. July 31, 1718[A]. 33 IX MehitableS b. July 6, 1722[A]. 34 X RhodaS b. Apr. 1, 1724[A]. 35 XI Joshuas b. Apr. 12, 1727[A]. Hadlock Family. Pages 192-3. See p. 863 for erasures; and correct as follows: 1 James* Hadlock, of Salem, m. [1st, — — ; 2d?], May, 1658(?) [Sm], Rebecca Hutchinson (Richard). Will, of Salem, but rec. at Boston, Nov. 14, 1678; June 13, 1688; wife Reb. ment. He d. Dec. 3, 1687[Sm]. Children: 2 I James, b. ; m. Dec. 3, 1679, (8) Abigail^ Martin. -1- 4 II Hannah, b. July, 1657?[Sm]; liv. 1678. 7 III Sarah, b. Sept., 1659[Sm]; m. WiUiam Simons, of Sm.; both liv. 1687. 3 IV Mary, b. Mch. 2, 1662[Sm]; liv. 1678. 5 V Rebecca, b. [1664-70?]; liv. 1678. 6 VI John, b. [1664-70?]; liv. 1678. A John m. Jan. 16, 1694[Sv], Sarah Pasque or Pasco. • James Hadlock, of Roxbury, m. May 19, 1669[Sv], Sarah Draper. Wife of Hadloclc bur. July 23, 1675. Dau. Sarah, b. Dec 16, 1670[Sv]; m. 1686 or '87, John Marcy, of Roxbury and Woodstock, Ct. She d. May 9, 1743, aged 73 y. A James Hadlock was in King Philip's War, 1676. A John, of Roxbury, was killed in the Fall Fight under Capt. Turner [G. R. 25 : 263]. 974 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 2 James Hadlock {James), of Salem and Amesbury, b. ; m. Dec. 3, 1679(?)[Sra], (8) Abigail^ Martin. Taxed in Salem village in 1682. Will and children, p. 193. 11 James, b. Sept. 24, 1679 (?) [Sm]; not ment. in will, 1714. 8 John (see p. 193), pub. to (11) Ann Collins, Aug. 22, 1701[S]. Chil.: Josiah, b. Mch. 2, 1702[S]; Benjamin, b. Sept. 10, 1704[S]. Wid. Ann m. Nov. 23, 1708[S], (8) John' Greblb. 10 Abigail, m. Apr. 18, 1706 [Nb], (28) Edmund* Lowell. 18 Joseph Hadlock {James, James), of Amesbury, b. 1700; m. June 7, 1722[A], Prudence Thurlo, of Nb. Children [from A.V. R.]: 20 I Abigail, b. Nov. 20, 1722. 21 II Jambs, b. Nov. 23, 1724; m. Apr. 30, 1747, (181) Hannah' Hoyt. Chil.: Judith', b. Jan. 4, 1752; 9 chil. bp. at S. Hm., 1759-71. He served at Louisburg, 1745, with other Ames, men [G. R. 25: 263]. 22 III Mary, b. Aug. 30, 1727. 23 IV [Joseph, b. ab. 1729 or '30; pub. Jan. 28, 1750, to (184) RuTH= HoYT Jr.; m. Jan. 11, 1753, Deborah Jones, of S. Hm.]* Child: Hezekiah', b. Jan. 12, 1754. 24 V Jonathan, b. July 1, 1732; d. young. 25 VI Elizabeth, b. ; bp. Mch. 16, 1734-5[1 A]; d. young. 26 VII Elizabeth, b. June 28, 1736. 27 VIII Meriam, b. Dec. 16, 1739; prob. m. Mch. 2, 1758, John Kimball Jr. 28 IX Jonathan, b. July 14, 1742. Haffield Family. Pages 102, 651, Notes. See Es. Co. Ct. vol. 1, pp. 113, 278. Haines Family. See Haynes. Hall Family. Pages 193-4, 754. 3 Johns in a letter, 1663, ment. "my uncle Martin Hall's will," also another uncle Hall, then living. Hardy Family. Page 119, Note. See Es. Inst. Hist. Coll. vol. 47, pp. 167-80, 277-89; vol. 51, pp. 197-9. Harris Family. Page 194. Thomas Harris and (37?) Mary^ Wheeler m. Oct. 14, 1702[S]. The name Harris is common on the lp. rec, appearing there before 1650. * We find no record of his birth, but he is called Joseph Jr. HARRISON — HASELTINE FAMILIES. 975 Harrison Family. Page 195. Harvey Family. Pages 195-6, 382, 754. Haseltine Family. 1 Robert! Haseltine,* of Rowley and Bradford, bro. of Johni, m. Dec. 23, 1639[Rw], Anna , who d. July 26, 1684[not '74] [Bd]. He d. Aug. 27, 1674[Bd]; will, Oct., 1673; Sept. 29, 1674. [Other items are given in Es. Inst. Hist. Coll. vol. 21, pp. 110-11.] Children : 3 I Annas b. Apr. 1, 1640[Rw]; m. Nov. 7, 1660[Ip], (12) Caleb^ Kim ball, of lp. -I- 4 n Mercys b. Oct. 16, 1642[Rw]; m. Apr. 16, 1661[S], (11) Benjamin' Kimball, of SaUs. and Bd. -f 5 in Davids b. ; m. Nov. 26, 1668, Mary Jewett. -j- 6 IV Mary2, b. Feb. 14, 1646[Rw]; d. young. 7 V Abrahams b. May 23, 1648[Rw]; m. Oct. 7, 1669, Elizabeth Long- home, -f 8 VI Deliverances b. Mch. 25, 1651[Rw]; bur. July 14, 1654[Rw]. 9 vii Elizabeths b. Jan. 15, 1652-3[R*]; bur. July 18, 1654. 10 vm Deliverances b. ab. 1654-5; m. Dec. 12, 1672[And], Nath'l Deane. 11 IX Roberts b. Nov. 7, 1657[Rw]; m. 1st, July 21, 1680, Elizabeth Jewett; 2d, Hannah . -f- 12 X GershomS b. Jan. 31, 1661-2[Rw]; m. June 23, 1690, Abiah Dal ton. -|- 2 John' Haseltine, of Rowley, Bradford, and Haverhill, bro. of Robert\ b. ab. 1620; m. Joan Anter[Sv]. He d. Dec. 23, 1690 [Hv]. Will Aug. 17, 1689; Mch. 31, 1691. Jean, wid. of John Sen., d. July 17, 1698[Hv]. [Other items given in Es. Inst. Hist. Coll. vol. 21, pp. 111-12.] Children: 13 I Samuels b. Feb. 20, 1645[Rw]; m. Dec 28, 1670, Deborah Cooper. -|- 14 II MARY2, b. Dec. 9, 1648[Rw]; m. June 30, 1673[Hv Nk S], (22) Nathan' Webster, of Bd. -j- 16 III Johns b. ; m. July 17, 1682, Mary Nelson. -\- 16 IV Nathaniels b. Sept. 20, 1656[Rw]; m. 1st, Dec, 1680, Deliverance Robie; 2d, July 20, 1688, wid. Ruth Jacques; 3d, Elizabeth . 4- 5 David^" Haseltine, Capt. {Robert'), of Rowley and Brad ford, b. ; m. Nov. 26, 1668[Bd], Mary Jewett (Dea. Maxi- millian). He d. Aug. 31, 1717. Children: • Spelled also Haselton, Hazeltine, etc. 976 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 17 I MARYSb. Dec. 11, 1671[Bd]. A Mary m. Oct. 15, 1690[Rw], Solomon Wood. 9 chil. rec. at Bd., b. 1691-1709. 18 II Sarahs b. Mch. 11, 1673-4[Bd]; m. June 13, 1694, (8b) John' Gage. 19 in Anns b. Aug. 4, 1677[Bd]. An Anne m. Sept. 4, 1701[Bd], Wm.» Stickney (Sam.S Wm.'). 20 IV Rebeccas b. Feb. 15, 1679[Bd]. 21 V Abigails b. Nov. 13, 1682[Bd]. 22 VI DoRCASS b. May 1, 1686[Bd]; d. May 20, 1689[Bd]. 23 vn Davids b. Jan. 20, 1688-9[Bd]; d. Apr. 24, 1690[Bd]. , 7 Abraham^ Haseltine {Robert'), of Rowley and Bradford, b. 1648; m. Oct. 7, 1669, Elizabeth Longhorn (Richard). Free 1672; d. Apr. 28, 1711[Bd]; adm. est. gr. son Richard, Aug. 6, 1711. Children : 24 I Marys b. Apr. 30, 1672[Rw]; m. 1st, Samuel Stickney t; 2d, Aug. 30, 1722[Bd], Joseph Tidd. Benj. Muliken owned her share of her bro. Abraham's real est. in 1737. 25 II Roberts b. Aug. 16, 1674[Rw]; "eldest natural son" in 1701-2; m. June 10, 1702[Bd], Sarah Spofford, who d. Jan. 22, 1755[Bd], in her 73d y. He d. June 5, 1760[Bd]; will Feb., 1755; Feb., 1781. 6 chil. rec. at Bd., b. 1703-19. 26 III Elizabeths b. Apr. 29, 1677[Bd]; m. ab. 1697, Thomas Carleton, who d. Nov. 25, 1734[Bd]; she was a wid. in 1741. 27 IV Richards Lieut., b. Nov. 13, 1679[Bd]; m. Jan. 14, 1702-3[Bd], Abi gail Chadwick, who d. July 24, 1743, in her 60th y.' He d. Mch. 8, 1755[Bd]. Will Mch., 1747-8; June, 1755; no wife ment. 10 chil. rec. at Bd., b. 1703-29. 28 V BethiahS b. May 16, 1682[Bd]; m. Dec. 30, 1701[Bd], Thomas Spof ford. They were of Lebanon, Ct., in 1734. 29 VI Abrahams b. Nov. 6, 1684[Bd]; m. Jan. 25, 1722[Bd], Rachel Atwood [wid. of James Frye], who survived him and prob. m. 3d, Mch. 24, 1735-6[Bd], (59) Christopher^ Bartlett. Ab. d. Nov. 28, 1733 [Bd]. Adm. est. gr. Thomas Carlton Jr. and Benj. MuUiken, Dec. 24, 1733. Real est. div. in 7 parts among bros. and sisters. 30 VII MehitableS b. Mch. 20, 1687-8[Bd]; m. ab. 1703[Bd], John Chad wick. 31 vm JoNATHANSt b. Apr. 12, 1694[Bd]; m. Nov. 10, 1715[Hv], Ruth Dow; res. Hv.; d. Feb. 26, 1753[Hv]. A wid. Ruth m. Nov. 27, 1759[Hv], Cornelius Page. 7 chil. rec. at Hv., b. 1716-29. * He may have m. 2d, Aug. 13, 1752[Bd], Sarah Barron, of Bedford, who d. Feb., 1754|Bd], in her 66th y. ' t In 1734, Jonathan Haseltine, ot Hv., "weaver," and wife Ruth deeded to "our bro. Robert Haseltine of Bd." one-seventh part of the real estate of "our bro. Abraham Haseltine, late of Bd." t Bd. rec. give them 12 chil., b. 1690-1714. Benj. MuUiken's wife, Elizabeth, may have been their child, b. 1696. HASELTINE FAMILY. 977 11 Robert^ Haseltine, Sen., Corp. {Robert'), of Bradford, b. 1657; m. 1st, July 21, 1680[Bd], Elizabeth Jewett (Dea. Maxi- millian), who d. Nov. 22, 1708[Bd]; 2d, Hannah ^— , who d. Mch. 13, 1728-9[Bd]. Freeman 1682. He d. Mch. 8, 1728-9[Bd]. Will Feb. 27, 1728-9; Mch. 29, 1729; wife Hannah ment. Children: 32 I Hannahs b. May 14, 1681[Bd]; m. Aug. 7, 1700[Bd], (17) Thomas Green. -|- 33 II Elizabeths b. Oct. 28, 1683[Bd]; m. Feb. 18, 1705-6[Bd], Ichabod' Boynton (16 John^). 34 III Maximillian' [or Maxcy^], b. Apr. 10, 1687[Bd]; m. 1st, Martha ; 2d, Elizabeth ; res. Bd. He d. Jan. 12, 1750-1 [Bd]. Adm. est. gr. son Max. Feb. 18, 1750-1. 4 chil. rec. at Bd., b. 1722-32. 35 ivDawsonS b. Feb. 17, 1688-9[Bd]; m. Dec. 3, 1730[Bd], Mehitable Middletine; res. Bd.; d. July 8, 1734[Bd]. Will June 15, July 29, 1734; ment. wife Mehit. and chil. of his sisters, but no chil. of his own. 12 Gershom^ Haseltine {Robert'), of Bradford, b. 1662; m. June 23, 1690[Bd], AbieF or AbiaW Dalton (SamueP, Philemoni), of Hampton. He was "in the Canada voyage"; d. Oct. 16, 1711 [Bd]; adm. est. Mch. 31, 1712, gr. wid. Abiah. She was living in 1734. Child: 36 I GershomS b. Oct. 29, 1691[Bd]; only child in 1715; m. Apr. 23, 1744 [Bd], Deborah Howard, of Hv. He d. Mch. 24, 1768[Bd]. Wid. Deborah d. Oct. 25, 1768[Bd], in her 63d y. Thomas Kimball was ap. guard, of Gershom, of Bd., non com., June, 1734, and he was still guardian in 1747. Dau. Abiah*, b. Feb. 24, 1744-5[Bd]. An Abiah m. Phineas Cole, of Bd., Jan. 19, 1766[Bd]. 13 Samuel^* Haseltine, Lieut. {John'^), of Bradford, b. 1645; m. Dec. 28, 1670[Hv&Sm], Deborah Cooper (Peter). Freeman 1682. He d. Aug. 19, l717[Bd]. Wife Deb. liv. 1707. Children: 37 I Deborahs b. July 17, 1672[Bd]. 38 II Elizabeths b. Mch. 22, 1673-4[Bd]. An Eliz., of Bd., m. Dec. 25, 1693[Hv], John Hutchens. 39 ni Samuels b. May 30, 1676[Bd], m. June 10, 1701[Nb & Bd], Emma Kent, of Nb. 10 chil. rec. at Bd., b. 1702-16. 40 IV Johns b. May 24, 1678[Bd]; prob. m. Aug. 21, 1701[Bd], Abigail Ross. 2 chil. rec at Bd., b. 1702 and '05. 41 V HephzibahS b. May 18, 1680[Bd]. 42 VI Nathaniels [twin], b. May 18, 1680[Bd]; d. Aug. 17, 1680[Bd]. 43 VII Nathaniels b. June 24, 1683[Bd]; prob. m. June 24, 1713[Bd], (39?) Joanna Weed; chil. bp. at Bd., 1714-19, per. later. 978 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 15 John= Haseltine, Dea. and Lieut. {John'), "shipwright" or "carpenter," of Haverhill, b. ; m. July 17, 1682[Hv], Mary Nelson (Philip and Eliz.), of Rw. Will June 16, 1732; Apr. 23, 1733; wife Mary ment. He d. Apr. 5, 1733[Hv]. Children: 44 I Johns b. Aug. 4, 1683[Hv]; liv. 1732. 45 n Philips b. Mch. 13, 1684-5[Hv]; m. Jan. 9, 1717-8[Hv], Judith Web ster; liv. 1760. 9 chil. rec at Hv., b. 1718-35. 46 in Sarahs b. Apr. 28, 1688[Hv]; d. June 20, 1688[Hv]. 47 IV Marys b. Nov. 19, 1689[Hv]; m. Dec. 9, 1718[Hv], Joseph Emerson Jr.; liv. 1732. 48 V Josephs b. Oct. 1, 1691[Hv]; m. Nov. 28, 1717[Hv], (63) Judith Eaton. He d. Apr. 25, 1765[Hv]. She d. Sept. 29, 1782[Hv], aged 92 y. 6 chil. rec. at Hv., b. 1718-30. 49 VI Benjamins b. Apr. 20, 1695[Hv]; d. Aug. 31, 1695[Hv]. 50 vn Elizabeths b. Oct. 24, 1695[Hv]; d. Mch. 5, 1731-2[Hv]. 51 vin Benjamins b. Jan. 22, 1704-5[Hv]; m. Aug. 5, 1740[Hv], Mercy Lut- kin. He was prob. dead in 1747. Inv. est. Sept., 1760, bro. Philip adm.; wid. liv. 2 chil. rec. at Hv., b. 1741 and '43. 16 Nathaniel^ Haseltine {John'), of Haverhill, b. 1656; m. 1st, Dec. 28, or 8, 1680[Hv], Deliverance^ Robie (HenryO, of Hm., who d. Dec. 20, 1686[Hv]; 2d, July 20, 1688[Hv], wid. Ruth Jacques; 3d, bef. Apr. 2, 1717, Elizabeth . He d. Jan. 14, 1723-4[Hv]. Will Jan. 14, Feb. 24, 1723-4; no wife ment. Children: 52 I Henrys b. Oct. 15, 1681[Hv]; liv. 1723. A Henry m. June 6, 1737[Hv], wid. Hannah "Roberds." Child, Deliverance, b. Jan. 10, 1738[Hv]. 53 II Nathaniels b. Apr. 15, 1683[Hv]; m. Abigail' Tenney (Samuels Johns Thomasi). 11 chil. rec. at Hv., b. 1712-32. 54 III Deborahs b. Feb. 20, 1684[Hv] [by 1st wife]; m. (15) John' Merrill, of Nb., int. Aug. 7, 1708[Nbl; liv. 1723. 55 IV Samuels b. Mch. 3, 1689-90[Hv] [by 2d wife]; m. (36) Mary* John son, of Hv. Will Nov. 30, 1754; Aug. 11, 1755; wife Mary ment. 8 or 9 chil. rec at Hv., b. 1716-34. 56 V Jonathans* b. May 3, 1692[Hv]; m. Nov. 19, 1718, Mary Simons, who d. Feb. 27, 1746-7[Hv]; 2d, May 12, 1747[Hv], Elizabeth Web ster. Adm. est. May 28, 1750. 10 chil. rec at Hv., b. 1720-39. [See (31) Jonathans Note.] 57 VI Ruths b. Mch. 4, 1694-5[Hv]. A Ruth m. Dec. 26, 1717[Nb], Wm. Ilsley; liv. 1723. 58 vn Sarahs b. Jan. 15, 1697-8[Hv]; liv. 1723. * He ia called "Jr." on Hv. vital records, though the date given for his birth is earlier than that of (31) Jonathan. It is possible that (56) Jonathan d. young, and that an unrecorded bro. bear ing the same name, b. later than Apr., 1694, m. Mary Simons. haseltine — HAZEN FAMILIES. 979 59 VIII Marys b. ; ment. in will, 1723. A Mary m. Jan. 24, 1721-2[Hv], Peter Merrill. Hastings Family. Pages 196-7. Hauxworth Family. Page 197. Haynes Family. Pages 197, 754. See Es. Ant. 1909, p. 88. 7 Jonathan Haines, of Newbury and Haverhill, m. Jan. 1, 1674[Nb], Mary* Moulton. He and his four children were taken captive by the Indians, Aug. 15, 1696 [Pike's Journal]. He was killed by Indians, Feb. 22, 1697-8[Hv].t His son was taken cap tive at the same time, twice within two years, but "soon returned" [Pike's Jour, and Chase's Hv. pp. 184-5]. Children: 8 I Mary, b. Nov. 14, 1675[Nb]; d. young. 9 II Mary, b. Oct. 2, 1677[Nb]. She was redeemed from captivity; m. Jan. 10, 1706-7[And], John Preston, of And.; liv. in Windham, Ct., in 1730. 10 in Thomas, b. May 14, 1680[Nb].t A Thomas m. Dec. 22, 1703[Hv], Hannah Heriman. 11 IV Jonathan, b. Sept. 3, 1684[Nb]; remained in Canada. 12 V Margaret, b. Mch. 3, 1686-7[Hv]; m. Nov. 25, 1706[Hv], Thomas Kingsbery Jr. 13 VI Joseph, b. Aug. 4, 1689[Hv]; remained in Canada. 14 VII Ruth, b. Feb. 10, 1691-2[Hv]. A Ruth m. (10) John' Corlis bef. 1712. 15 vin Abigail, b. ; bp. Mch. 10, 1694-5[Hv]; [d. young?] 16 IX Elizabeth, b. Mch. 22, 1696-7[Hv]. Hazen or Hazzen Family. Richard^ Hazen (or Hazzen), Lieut., {Edward^ and Hannah), of Haverhill, b. 1678?; m. 1st, Dec. 5, 1694[Hv], Mary Peabody, who d. Sept. 13, 1731[Hv]; 2d, Apr. 3, 1733[Hv], wid. Grace Kim ball [wid. of (53) Thomas'?], who d. May 20, 1761[Hv]. He inherited the estate of his step-father, (58) George^ Brown; d. * The name ia given Sarah Moulton on Hv. rec, but it is uncertain whether he had two wives, or either Sarah or Mary ia an error. A Sarah m. Jan. 19, 1702-3[Hv], Thomas Kingsbery Sen. t Hv. V. R. give him, from gravestone, "b. Eng. 1616, came to this country 1633." Was not this Jonathan of an earlier generation, per. father of the above? If b. in 1616, he would be 80 y. old when his last child was bom. A Sara m. Nov. 13, 1651[Nb], Joseph Hoton. A Hannah m. Dec. 16, 1697[Hv], (24) John^ Heath. t It was Thiymas who was captured twice, and was with his father diuing his first captivity not Joseph, as Chase gives it. See Es. Ant. 3:61. 980 OLD families OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURT. Sept. 25, 1733; will Aug. 28, Oct. 3, 1733. Of 11 chil. on Hv. records, b. 1695-1717, four d. young. The others: II Richards b. July 20, 1698; m. Oct. 22, 1719, (46) Sarah< Clement. Two of their 8 chil. on Hv. rec, b. 1722-40, were Richard*, b. June 10, 1722, m. Oct. 23, 1744, (64) Miriam^ Hoyt; and Hannah*, h. Sept. 17, 1729. [See will of (21a) FRANCES' HoYT-Peabody-Shackford-Pear- son-Johnson, pp. 981-2.] Ill PriscillaS b. Nov. 25, 1698; m. Feb. 17, 1719-20, Benjamin Kimball. IV MOSESS b. May 17, 1701; m. Mch. 5, 1727-8, Abigail White. VI Marys b. Aug. 23, 1705; m. Mch. 25, 1728; Thomas Saltmarsh, of London. VII Sarahs b. Dec. 24, 1707; m. Feb. 24, 1734-5, Nathan Simons Jr.; d. Oct. 29, 1791. VIII Hannahs b. Feb. 5, 1709-10; m. Feb. 9, 1731-2, James Osgood. XI Anns b. May 4, 1717; m. Feb. 23, 1737-8, Samuel Ayer Jr. See Gen. Reg. 1879, pp. 229-36, for several early generations. Also Bond's Watertown, pp. 414, 913, where res. of Richard^ is given Boxford. Also see * Note, p. 886. Healey Family. Pages 197-8. 6 William^. Sarah^ Browne (James') may have been a wid. "Beasly" when she m. Wm.^ Healey. See the writer's discussion of the Healey-Browne records, in Es. Inst. Hist. Coll. vol. 48, pp. 86-7. 17 William' and 18 MaryS b. and d. 1689-90, should be erased, as chil. of Samuel and Hannah. They are given as chil. of William and Mary on S. V. R. May it not be that (6) William^ m. Mary Browne, b. 1663, and liv ing in 1674, sister of Sarah Beasly? Otherwise "Mary" should be Sarah on the record, or there must have been another Wm. "Hele." 19 Nathaniel'. See Hist. Hm. Falls, p. 325. Heard Family. Pages 198-200, 382, 571, 754r-5. 5 John^ Heard. Erase "Dover and." 18 Nathaniel'. Wid. Sarah m. Apr. 26, 1703[Pike's Journal]. Heath Family. Pages 200-2, 382-3, 755. 14 Hannah' m. (8) Joseph Bradley. 24 John' was afterwards of Norwich, Ct. Hewes Family. Pages 202-3. Hobbs Family. Page 203. A. V. R. give 7 chil. of Caleb and Deborah Hobbs, b. 1707-23. We should suppose him to be a grandson of Morris Hobbs, of Hm., who m. Sarah Eas- tow (p. 81). Dow gives 9 pages to the family, with no Caleb there, or in HOBBS — hoyt families. 981 Topsfield V. R. Chil. of Caleb Jr., who m. 1st, Lydia ; 2d, Oct. 31, 1739[A], (17?) Ann* Beedle, appear at A., b. 1736-42. Hodges Family. Page 203. Holdred Family. Pages 203, 755. See Upham's "Witchcraft," pp. 429-36; Es. Ant. vol. 13, p. 88. Honchin Family. Page 203. Honiwell Family. Page 203. Hooke Family. Pages 203-5, 383, 395, 755-6. See Es. Co. Ct. Rec. vol. 1, p. 346. Horne Family. Pages 205, 756. Hoyt Family. Pages 205-9, 383, 756-9. 3 JoHN^ Hoyt Jr. First name ment. in "Symon, Indian" letter, 1677 (p. 645). Other children: 21a FrancesS b. ab. 1672; m. 1st, Nathaniel Peabody (Francis), of Tops- field, who d. in 1715, without chil.; 2d, May 10, 1716[Hv], Samuel Shack- ford, of Portsmouth [G. R. vol. 2, p. 155]; 3d, 1734-44[A],'' Capt. (7) James' Pearson, of Hv., who d. Dec. 2, 1744[Hv]t; 4th, Sept. 24, 1746[Hv & And], John Johnson, of Andover. She d. Feb. 25, 1748-9[And], in her 76th y. Her will, Dec. 13, 1745; Apr. 17, 1749, ment. various relatives. In it she ment. her sister, Jemima' Ames, and the following chil. and grandchil. of her bros. and sisters, most of them called "cousin": 39 Maria* Hoyt (15 William'), wife of Moses Engalls. 44 Meriam* Hoyt (15 William'), wife of Richard Heath. 17 Daniel* Lankaster (16 Elizabeth'), son of Joseph. Mary^ Hoyt (47 Daniel*, 17 John'), wife of Robert Mulliken. 13 John' Whittier (18 Mary'). Mary Kimball, dau. of Ephraim [and (19) Mary' Whittier (18 Mary')]. 55 Dorothy* Hoyt (19 Joseph'). * The mar. to Pearson, or Person, is entered on the A. records without date. The one before it is dated Oct., 1748, and the one after it. May, 1749. This fixes the date of the entry, but not of the mar,, which was 5 or 10 yrs. earlier. Orlando Bagley, town clerk, evidently entered it about the time of her death and the probate of the will, of which he was a witness. Her name was John son when she died, but Pearson when the will was written. t Capt. Pearson's 2d wife, wid. Hannah (Osgood), d. Feb. 15, 1731, in her 54th y.[HvI. 982 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 46 Sarah* Clement (20 Sarah') [wife of Richard'] Hazzen. Hannah* Hazzen, dau. of Richard' [and Sarah Clement]. 40 Judith' Weed (21 Rachel'), wife of Ebenezer Buck, who was made execu tor, and her son Jacob Buck. 64 Meriam* Hoyt (24 Robert'), wife of Richard* Hazzen (Richard'). She also ment.: Elizabeth Page, wife of Abraham; John Howlet; Abigail Springer; Deliverance Turner, and Dorcas Shackford. 24a Jemima', b. 1678-85; m. bef. 1711, Joseph Ames (Robert), of Boxford, who d. Dec. 27, 1753. She was living in 1758. 9 chil. [Es. Ant. 1899, pp. 88-9]. 4 Thomas^ Hoyt. "['90ASm]" prob. should be erased. 27 Ehpraim'. See Hist. Hm. Falls, p. 612. 28 John' and 29 William' (pp. 207, 756-7) were prob. the ancestors of Hoyts and Hights of Me. and southeastern N. H. John Hoyt and wife Sarah, of Kittery, sold 50 acres of land on north side of Sturgeon Creek, Kt., Feb., 1702-3. See Hoyt Genealogy, pp. 113-118, Newington and Berwick Branches. John Hoitt is ment. on a land boundary in Kt., in 1710. 30 Israel' may possibly have left descendants in Portsmouth. 15 William' Hoyt. His grandfather, William Barnes, deeded him land "on the west side of the highway that goeth thro' the plains," and other land, in 1683-4. The "meeting house seat, 1667" [p. 19], is an error, copied from IVIerrill's History. "Hoyt" should be Hackett [p. 858]. 47 Daniel* m. (17) Sarah* Rowell and wid. Bareto. Dau.Marz/Sb. 1712; m. Oct. 4, 1737[Bd], Robert Mulliken Jr. She d. Aug. 16, 1788[Bd]. 54 MosES* m. (39) Mary* Buswell. 64 Merriam* m. Oct. 23, 1744[Hv], Richard* Hazen (Richard', Richards EdwardO [G. R. vol. 33, p. 234]. The interrogation points in Nos. 65, 69 and 72 should be erased. 77 Benjamin^ Hoyt and 2439 Benjamin Hoyt have been proved identical [pp. 35, 198, "Hoyt Family"]. Hubbard Family. Pages 209-11, 759. 8 Richard Hubbard, b. ab. 1631; rec'd a grant of land in S. as early as 1661. It has been suggested that Martha Allen may have been his second wife, and that Hannah, wife of (10) Thomas' Eaton, may have been his dau. by his first wife. 10 John Hubbard prob. m. (5a) Jane Follensby, or Follans bee. See p. 960. S. V. R. give m. bet. 1689 and '91, instead of 1688. HUKLY — JOHNSON FAMILIES. 983 Hukly Family. Page 211. William Hukly m. Dec. 30, 1700[S], (16) Sarah' Carr. Hidet Family. Pages 211, 759. Hulton Family. Page 211. Hunt Family. Pages 211-3, 759. Huntington Family. Pages 213-4, 760. 1 William Huntington. See p. 378, lines 6-3 from bottom. It has been thought that he was a son of Simon^ who d. on the voyage to America; but the document printed in the "Huntington Family," in 1863, pp. 61-2, seems to show that William was not own brother of Christopher^, Thomas^, Simon^, and Ann^, who ap peared in Roxbury, with their mother, Margaret (Baret), in 1633. The author suggests that Wm. may have been a younger bro. of Simon' and uncle of the four mentioned above. The "Huntington Family in America," Hartford, Ct., 1915, 1192 pp., states that he may have been a son of Simon"^ by a former marriage and half bro. of the four. We have found no proof that either hypothesis is cor rect. William was apparently not many years older than the three brothers, and the names Christopher and Simon do not occur among his descendants. The birth of his eldest son, John, in 1643, was recorded at S.; but may have been added later. His name first appears as com moner and tax payer in 1650. Ilsley Family. Pages 214-6. Jameson Family. Pages 216, 383, 760. 11 EOmNAH' m. 2d, Sept. 28, 1748[S & A], (42) Timothy* Cxirbieb, before the settlement of her Ist husband's est. in Nov., 1748 [p. 65]; 3d, Mch. 13, 1755[A], (7) Jacob Bagley. Jarmin Family. Page 216. Jewell Family. Pages 216-7, 383, 760. Johnson Family. 1 William* Johnson, of Charlestown, "planter" and "brick- maker," m. Elizabeth . He was an inhabitant in 1634; adm. 984 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. chh. Feb., 1634-5; constable 1657; d. Dec. 9, 1677; will Dec. 7, 1677; Apr. 2, 1678. Wid. Eliz. m. Oct. 24, 1679, Thomas^ Carter. Children*: 2 I Johns b. ab. 1632; m. 1st, Oct. 15, 1656, Elizabeth Maverick; 2d, Mch. 3, 1674-5, Sarah Gillo; 3d, Sept. 8, 1680, wid. Katherine Maverick. -|- 3 II RuhamahS b. ; bp. Feb. 21, 1634-5; m. 1654, John Knight. 4 ni Josephs b. ab. 1636; bp. Feb. 12, 1636-7; m. 1st, Apr. 19, 1664, Mary Loatlie; 2d, ab. 1666, Hannah Tenney. -1- 5 IV Elizabeths b. ; bp. Mch. 17, 1639; m. 1st, 1658-9, Edward Wyer; 2d, Wm. Monro. 6 V Jonathans b. ; bp. Aug. 14, 1641; m. Oct. 14, 1663, Mary New ton; lived in Marlborough. 7 VI Nathaniels b. ; m. Nov. 24, 1668, Joanna Long; "mariner." 8 VII ZechariahS b. ab. 1646; m. Elizabeth Jeffs; Uved in Boston; "brick- maker." 9 VIII Isaacs b. ab. 1649; m. Nov. 22, 1671, Mary Stone; hved in Charles- town; "brickmaker." 2 John^ Johnson, Dea. and Lieut. {William'), oi Haverhill, "blacksmith," b. ab. 1632; m. 1st, Oct. 15, 1656, Elizabeth Maver ick, who d. Mch. 22, 1673-4[Hv]; 2d, Mch. 3, 1674-5[Hv], wid. Sarah* "Gillo," of Lynn, who d. July 24, 1676[Hv]; 3d, Sept. 8, 1680[Hv], wid. Katherine Maverick. Both "killed by the enemy" Aug. 29, 1708[Hv]. He was rep. 1691. Will June 11, 1696; Mch. 15, 1708-9; Mch. 21, 1709. Adm. est. gr. only son, John, Sept. 20, 1708. Children[Hv rec, except date 1657] : 10 I John', b. Aug. 3, 1657; m. 1st, Sept. 8, 1680[Hv], Mary Mousall; 2d, Feb. 19, 1688-9, Lydia Clement; 3d, May 17, 1697, Mary' Johnson. -|- 11 II Elizabeth', b. Nov. 16, 1659. 12 III Ruhamah', b. Sept. 10, 1661. 13 IV William', b. Nov. 14, 1663; d. Aug. 6, 1664. 14 V Sarah', b. Aug. 2, 1665; m. Henry Franklin, of Boston; liv. 1713. 15 VI Ruth', b. Oct. 4, 1667; d. Dec. 15, 1668. 16 vn Ruth', b. Feb. 14, 1669; m. Wyer; liv. 1713. 17 vni Timothy', b. June 31, 1672 [by 1st wife]; m. Oct. 25, 1695, Anna Mav erick; res. Hv. Only child: Elizabeth*, b. July 29, 1696, and liv. 1709. He d. Sept. 21, 1696; adm. est. gr. wid. Anna, Nov. 2, 1696. 18 IX MaryS h j, .r, icrycrv. oA .f , ^. Jan. 11, 1694-5. 19 X REBECCA', !^- -^"^y 1^' 16^^ [^y 2d wife]; j^_ ^^^ gl, 1688-9. * Mostly from Wyman's Charlestown. JOHNSON FAMILY. 985 4 Joseph^ Johnson {William'), oi Haverhill, b. ab. 1636; m. 1st, Apr. 19, 1664, Mary Loatlie, who d. Mch. 22, 1664-5; 2d, ab. 1666, Hannah^ Tenney {Thomas'). He d. Nov. 18, 1714 [Hv]. Will Dec. 31, 1713; Dec. 6, 1714; wife Han. ment. Chil- dren[Hv rec] : 20 I Josephs b. Oct. 15, 1667; liv. 1713. 21 n Williams b. Jan. 15, 1668-9; liv. 1713. 22 in ThomasS Dea., b. Dec. 11, 1670; m. May 1, 1700, Ehzabeth Page; d. Feb. 18, 1742. 10 chil. 23 IV ZechariahS b. Apr. 16, 1672; d. Oct. 27, 1673. 24 V Johns b. Nov. 9, 1673; res. Hv.; "cooper"; d. Mch. 23, 1705; est. div. among bros. and sisters, 1713. 25 VI Hannahs b. June 10, 1675; m. Dec. 28, 1704, (29) Nathaniel' Osgood, of Salis.; liv. 1713. 26 VII Marys b. June 4, 1677; m. May 17, 1697[Hv], (10) John' Johnson. 27 VIII Jonathan', b. Apr. 24, 1678; killed by Indians, Feb. 8, 1703-4. 28 IX Elizabeth', b. Feb. 28, 1680; liv. 1713; name Johnson? 29 X Nathaniels b. Aug. 15, 1683; liv. 1713. 30 XI ZechariahS b. Aug. 26, 1687; prob. dead in 1713. 10 John' Johnson, Lieut. {John', Wm.^), of Haverhill, b. 1657; m. 1st, Sept. 8, 1680[Hv], Mary Mousall, of Charlestown, who d. May 23, 1688[Hv]; 2d, Feb. 19, 1688-9[Hv], (25) Lydia' Clement, who d. Oct. 11, 1696[Hv]; 3d, May 17, 1697[Hv], (26) Mary' Johnson. He d. Mch. 9, 1723-4[Hv]. Will Apr. 7, 1723; Mch. 24, 1723-4; wife Mary ment. Children; 31 I Johns b. June 18, 1683[Hv]; liv. 1723. 32 n ThomasS b. Dec. 4, 1685[Hv]; m. 1st, Nov. 13, 1706[Hv], (16) Ruth Bradley, who was killed by Indians, Aug. 29, 1708[Hv], leaving one child, Lydia'. He m. 2d, (20?) Rachel' Ordway. 9 other chil., b. 1710-30. He d. July 22, 1754. Wid. Rachel d. Dec. 31, 1764[Hv rec]. 33 III William*, b. Dec. 12, 1687[Hv] [by 1st wife]; d. June 29, 1688[Hv]. 34 IV Lydia*, b. Dec. 7, 1689[Hv] [by 2d wife]; m. ab. 1706, James' Chase (Thomas^, Aquila'), of Nb.; d. soon, leaving one child, Johnson* Chase. 35 V Nathaniels b. Oct. 31, 1691[Hv]; liv. 1723. 36 VI Mary*, b. Jan. 6, 1693-4[Hv]; m. (55) Samuel' Haseltine; Uv. 1723. 37 VII Sarahs b. Feb. 18, 1695-6[Hv] [by 2d wife]; m. Nov. 7, 1718[Bd], Timothy' Dustin; liv. 1723. 38 VIII Ruths b. Feb. 21, 1697-8[Hv] [by 3d wife]; d. July 5, 1701[Hv]. 39 IX Elizabeths b. Sept. 17, 1699[Hv]; liv. 1723. 40 X Timothy*, b. Oct. 10, 1701[Hv]; liv. 1723. 41 XI Rebeccas b. May 6, 1703[Hv]; d. June 8, 1703[Hv]. 986 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 42 XII Maverick*, b. Apr. 14, 1704[Hv]; d. Apr. 30, 1704[Hv]. 43 XIII Hannah*, b. Mch. 10, 1706-7[Hv]; liv. 1723. 44 XIV William*, b. Oct. 28, 1709[Hv]; liv. 1723. 45 XV Abigail*, b. Mch. 10, 1711-2[Hv]; liv. 1723. 46 XVI Samuel*, b. Mch. 17, 1715-6[Hv]; liv. 1723. Jones Family. Pages 218-9, 760. Joy Family. Pages 219-20. Kelly Family. Pages 220-3, 760. 4 Richard' m. 2d, Hannah Dole [wid of Robert Greenough Jr. (Robert Sen.), of Rw.] [See JNote, p. 221; also (5) Joshua' Boynton, pp. 68,883, * Note.] 9 Rebecca' m. James' Brown (JamesS James'). 13 Hannah' m. June 30, 1714[Nb], (53) Hugh Pike Jr. 18 Richard* m. Dec. 16, 1725[Nb], Hannah^ Bartlett (35 John*). 22 Lydia* m. (65) John* Morse. 38 Jonathan* m. May 22, 1733[A], (77) Hannah' Blaisdell. Keyser Family. Page 572. Wid. Hannah Keazer m. Nov. 6, 1701 [Hv], Mr. Samuel Dalton. Kimball Family. Pages 223-8, 383, 760-1. 40 Elizabeth'. See p. 761. 65 Abraham' d. Feb. 25, 1707-8. 20 Henry' Kimball m. Hannah' Marsh (Onesiphorus^ George'). 92 Sarah* m. Dec. 24, 1706[Bd]. Kinsman Family. Pages 228, 383, 761. Knight Family. Page 573. Ladd Family. Pages 228-30, 383, 761. 16 David' m. Hepzibah' Hazen (ThomasS Edward'). [See G. R. 1879, p. 231.] Lancaster Family. Pages 230-1, 761. Langdon Family. Pages 231, 383. Large Family. Page 231. Light Family. Pages 231-2, 761. linfurth — littlepield families. 987 Linfurth Family. 1 Thomas' Linfurth,* of Haverhill, m., bef. 1648, Elizabeth' Emerson, sister of Michael' and Robert'. They settled in Haverhill in 1648. Thomas Linfurth and Michael Emerson ap parently owned adjoining land when the latter first came to Hv., in 1659. Elizabeth Linfurth and Ann Emerson, wife of Robert, were joint witnesses of a deed, in 1662. Thomas Linfurth d. Nov. 15, 1672[Hv]. Wid. Eliz. d. Feb. 20, 1692-3[Hv]. Chil- dren[Hv rec] : 2 I Elizabeths b. Apr. 12, 1648; m. Nov. 25, 1669, Peter Brewer; liv. 1695. 3 II Mary«, b. Feb. 7, 1649-50; m. Jan. 27, 1669, Nicholas Browne; liv. 1695. 4 lu Marthas b. Mch. 12, 1654-5; d. June 7, 1660. Littlefield Family. Pages 575-83. 9 Francis^ Littlefield Jr. {Edmund') m. Meribah Wardell (Wm. and Alice), b. May 14, 1637 [Suf. Prob. 7:35, 94]. 35 Nathan' left a dau., Leah*, wife of Jabesh Gorham, of Bristol, Mass. 37 Job' dead in 1725; prob. no chil. 39 Mary'. Samuel Hatch, of Wl., was one of the legal representatives of (9) Francis^ in 1723; possibly son of (39) Mary'. 40 Joanna' m. Thomas Penny; both liv. 1728, of Wells, Me. 41 Tabitha' m. Samuel Emery; both liv. 1723, of Wl. 42 Hannah' m. Joseph Hill; both Uv. 1728, of Wl. [York Deeds]. 15 Daniel' Littlefield prob. m. Mehitable Dodd (Geo. and Mary), of Boston, b. May 25, 1660[Banks]. 17 Edmund' Littlefield was of Braintree, Mass., Oct., 1716 [deed to son Samuel Littlefield, of Wells]. 49 Samuel*. Son Edmund' b. July 5, 1718[W1]. 17a Caleb' Littlefield {Anthony', Edmund'), of Weymouth, Mass., 1685-6; Braintree, Mass., 1692; Kingstown, R. I., 1714. From June, 1714, till his death he resided on Block Island and was the ancestor of the R. I. branch of the family, Caleb*' Jr., Nathaniel'^, and others, fNoTE, p. 577. For proof that (17a) * Spelled also Linforth, Ldlforth, Lilford, and Linford. 988 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Caleb' was son of (3) Anthony^ see article by G. A. Moriarty Jr., printed in "News Sheet," No. 41, Apr., 1913, R. I. Hist. Soe. 22 Eliab' Littlefield m. Rachel Sibley (Capt. John), of Manchester, Mass. * Note, p. 580. See p. 867, under "Page 566" and "Page 580." 38 David' Littlefield m. Mary [Hill?]; both liv. 1729. Long Family. Pages 232-3, 761. 2 MARY=i m. 1st, Oct., 1676, (72) Jonathan^ Griffin; 2d, Sept. 7, 1687[Nb], Daniel Mussiloway, or Silloway. 3 ABIEL2. His son, Benj.', b. 1691, m. 1716[Nb], (40) Sarah' Sawyer. Chil. rec. at Nb., b. 1717-28. One of them, Benj.* Jr., b. 1721; bur. 1760. There must have been a Benj. of the 1st or 2d generation, fNOTE, p. 232. Benj. Longe was sentenced to be whipped for abusing several children in Hv., Oct., 1650 [Es. Co. Ct. vol. 1, p. 202]. 10 Marthas of Sudbury, "single," deeded right of Dea. Robert Long, of Nb., 1719, to (75) Shemuel' Griffin, of Nb. See fNoTE, p. 970. 13 William. Page 383. Lowell Family. Pages. 233-5, 383, 761. 5 John'. Prob. one should be substituted for "two"; "Scituate and Reho both" erased, and IJ, substituted for "17." Chil.: John*, b. 1655, Mary*, h. 1657, and others; some dates wrong, "Lowell Gen.'' p. 17. A correspondent writes that another John m. Jan. 24, 1658, EUzabeth Sil vester; res. Scituate and Rehoboth; 6 chil.; that John, b. 1660, Joseph, Patience, Elizabeth, and Phebe were his chil., not (5) John's, as given in the "Lowell Gen." 21 Sarahs b. Mch. 15, 1675-6; prob. d. young. 22 Sarah*, b. May 6, bp. July 14, 1678; prob. m. Feb. 14, 1698-9, Ebenezer Knowlton. 23 Josephs bp. Sept. 19, 1680[Nb]; m. Jan. 27, 1707-8[D Hm], int. Dec. 6, 1707[Nb], Mary Hardy (George and Mary), of Nb. See Es. Inst. Hist. Coll. vol. 47, p. 169. A Joseph d. Oct. 10, 1736[Nb]. The paragraph on p. 383 should read: Benjamin' Lowell (2S Joseph*), of Nb., adm. est. 1754, div. 1755. Brothers and sisters [not "Chil."]: George'; Mercy' [not "Mary"], m. Francis Brown, etc., as on p. 383. * Note, p. 234. Erase "It is possible," etc. 25 Richard* m. Sarah' Browne (James', James'). LOWELL —. MERRILL FAMILIES. 989 26 Gideon* Lowell m. July 7, 1692[Nb], Mary Swett. 29 Mary' m. July 9, 1715[Nb], Zachariah Philbrook, of Hm. 32 GmEONS Anna' m. Wm. Bayley, not "Bagley. Hannah' m. May 21, 1746[S Hm], Jonathan Weed Jr. 34 Hannah' m. Jan. 6, 1725-6[Nb & A], Thomas Cottle, of A., int. "Nov- 6, 1725." Mack Family. Page 235. Mackrest Family. Pages 235-6. Macy Family. Pages 236-7, 383, 857-8. March Family. Pages 237-9, 383, 761. Martin Family. Pages 239-42, 762-3. 35 Jonathan^ Martin m. Dec. 7, 1763, at "Trickling Falls," Kingston, N. H., (194) Sarah^ Morrill [N. H. Gen. Rec. 1906, p. 129]. He d. at Pt. St. Vincent, W. I., Mch. 2, 1812[A], aged 73 y. [not "78," as printed]. Wid. Sarah d. July 8, or Aug. 8, 1824, aged 79 y.[A]. 42 Eliphalet' d. at sea ab. 1783, aged 19 y.[A]. 43 Jonathan' m. 1st, Lucy , who d. Oct. 21, 1809[S,], aged 47 y.; 2d, Mch. 15, 1811[S], Miriam Bagley, who d. Nov. 24, 1849[S], aged 82 y. He d. Mch. 4, 1830[S]. Chil.: Sally'', b. ab. 1790, d. 1804, aged 14 y.; Jacob'', b. 1801; Lucy'', b. 1804, d. 1823; the only ones rec. at S.; others prob. b. 1790-1800. 44 Jacob' d. at sea ab. 1787, aged 19 y. 47 John" d. May 17, 1843[A], aged 67 y. Matthews {Emerson) Family. Page 955. Maxfield Family. Pages 242-3. Mercer Family. Page 243. Merrill Family. Pages 243-8, 384, 763-4. 3 Nathaniel' Merrill. "Jordan" should be Wilterton, and "'Wid. Susanna member Nb. chh. 1674" should be erased. See pp. 384, 763. Stephen Jordan was of Ipswich in 1645. 4 John^. See p. 384, with *NoTE. 7 Susannas They were of Hv. 1668 and later. 990 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 6 Nathaniel^ Merrill. "Kinney" should prob. be Ninny. 35 Abel'. Erase "res. S. near Chain Bridge," p. 763. Chil.: Samue}^„ b. 1695; Abel*, b. 1697-8; Abigail*, b. 1699-1700; Thomas*, b. 1702; Martha*, b. 1704; John*, b. 1706; Priscilla*, b. 1709; Nathaniel*, b. 1712.. 38 Thomas', pp. 245, 384, 764, should read: 38 Thomas' m. Mch. 16, 1704[Nb], Judith Kent; res. Nb., S., and S. Hm.. He lived in S. near Chain Bridge; one of the incorporators of S. Hm> to which he rem.; d. Sept. 18, 1756[F. W. Merrill]. Chil., the oldest rec. at Nb., the others at S.: Judith*, b. 1706; Nathaniel*, b. 1707-8;: Abel*, b. 1709, m. 1729-30, (11) Anne Bagley; Thomas*, b. 1710-1, m. ab. 1731, (12) HANNAH Bagley; Sarah*, b. 1712; Nathan*, b. 1713-4,, d. 1736; Joseph*, b. 1716; Hannah*, b. 1717, d. 1719-20; James*r b. 1719; Hannah*, b. 1720; Eliphalet*, b. 1722-3; Ruth*, b. 1724, prob. m., 1743, (257) PHILIP' Currier. 65 Stephens b. Sept. iO, Hv. V. R. 71 Peter* (22 Nath'l'), b. 1696-1700, p. 247. 23 Peter' Merrill {NathanieP, Nathaniel'), oi Newbury, b. 1667; m. (81) Mary' Brown. Adm. est. gr. wid. Mary, Apr. 14, 1697. She m. Dec. 25, 1700, (23) John' Sawyer. Children: 93 I Mary*, b. Jan. 19, 1692-3; d. Dec. 7, 1712. 94 II Peters b. Mch. 10, 1695-6. One (94?) Peter* m. Sept. 25, 1717[Nb], (58?) Sarah Haseltine. Chil. rec. at Nb., b. 1718-27; at Hv., 1729; of Mth., 1732. Another (71?) Peter* m. Jan. 24, 1721-2[Hv], (59?) Mary Haseltine. ChiL rec. at Hv., b. 1723-37. 29 John' Merrill m. (16) Mary' Allen. 86 Hannah*. Erase "prob." 95 Peter^ Merrill Jr., Dea. (28 DanieP, DanieP, Nathaniel')^ of Newbury, b. Apr. 8, 1703[Nb]; m. 1st, Mary ; 2d, Priscilla'^ Annis (Joseph^, Carmac', or Charles') [Es. Ant. vol. 3, p. 185]- He d. Dec. 17, 1777[Nb]. Will Nov. 16, 1777; Feb. 23, 1778r ment. wife Priscilla. Children[Nb rec] : 97 I Mary', b. Nov. 7, 1726; m. May 16, 1749, Jabez Bradbury; liv. 1777. 98 II Judiths b. Mch. 18, 1728; d. young; not in will. 99 III Hannah', b. Feb. 14, 1729 [by 1st wife]; m. Noyes; liv.. 1777. 100 IV Peters b. ; bp. Dec. 2, 1733 [by 2d wife]; d. young. 101 V Elijahs b. ; bp. Mch. 30, 1735; not in will. 102 VI Priscilla', b. ; bp. Oct. 10, 1736; d. young. 103 VII Abigails b. Nov. 26, 1737; [m. King?]; liv. 1777. MERRILL — MORRILL FAMILIES. 991 104 VIII Peter', b. Nov. 11, 1739; liv. 1777. 105 IX Priscilla', b. Apr. 24, 1743; m. Nov. 16, 1769, Geo. Knight Jr., of Falmouth; liv. 1777. 106 X Seth', b. June 24, 1745; not in will. 107 XI Esther', b. Mch. 17, 1749; m. Nov. 30, 1769, Edmund Chase; liv. 1777. 108 xii Annis' (son), b. June 13, 1751; liv. 1777. 109 XIII J.acob', b. Mch. 22, 1754; d. Sept. 30, 1824. 96 Thomas* Merrill* (35 AbeP, AbeF, Nath'l'), of Ames bury, Bradford, and Rowley, b. July 29, 1702, in Nb.; m. June 19, 1729, Abigail^ Bartlett (37 Daniel*); [both dism. from 2Ames. to 2Bd. chh., 1735. Will Jan. 10, 1765; June 7, 1774; wife Abigail ment. Children: 110 I Daniels b. Mch. 23, 1729-30[A]; bp. Apr. 11, 1730[2A]; d. Apr. 15, 1730. Ill n Abigails b. May 6, 1731[A]; bp. May 9, 1731[2A]; m. Searl; liv. 1765. 112 m MaryS b. Feb. 13, 1732-3[A]; m. Atkinson; liv. 1765. 113 IV Abel', b. Jan. 17, 1734-5[A]; bp. Jan. 19, 1734-5[2A]; d. Apr. 10, 1737[Bd]. 114 V Martha',) j ^g ^^^rj^^^-^. d. Feb. 14, 1736-7[Bd]. 115 VI Sarahs ) 116 VII Thomas', b. Mch. 6, 1738[Bd]; m. Sarah Friend, of Beverly. 12 chil. on a Bible record, b. 1763-88, 2 of whom d. young. 117 VIII Sarah', b. Feb. 10, 1740-l[Bd]; m. Knight; liv. 1765. 118 IX Johns b. Jan. 22, 1742[Bd]; unm.; d. bef. 1765. 119 X Hannahs b. Dec. 19, 1744[Bd]; liv. 1765. 120 XI LoisS b. ; liv. 1765. 121 XII Ezekiel', b. ; d. Apr. 15, 1748[Rw]. Moody Family. Pages 248-51, 765. 29 Mehitable* m. Jan. 5, 1715-6[Nb], Enoch Coffin. 32 Joshua* d. May 27, 1696[Portsm]. Morrill Family. Pages 251-6, 384, 765-95. 22 Thomas'. Wid. Hannah liv. 1729. 25 Jacob', p. 252. "[Atthial*]" should be Apphia*. 33 Sarah'. Erase "A Sarah m.," etc. 37 Judith* m. (22) Benjamin* True. 45 Abigail* adm. 2 S. chh. 1727-8? 63 Judith* m. Jan. 9, 1752[S], Nathaniel* Brown (52 Ephraim'), p. 643, his 2d wife. * He is the "A Thomas" ment. on p. 384, under the heading, 38 Thomas'. 992 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 73 Hannah* m. (46) Philip* Flanders. 83 Thomas*. For "Stevens" read Severance. 103 Judith*. For "A Judith m.," etc., substitute d. unm. Mch. 2i, 1816]S]. [Nath'l Brown m. (63) Judith*.] 47 Joseph* Morrill m. (98) Tabitha* Stevens. 147 Joseph' m. Prudence Maxfield (Joseph and Joanna) ; int. June 27, 1747[S]. 150 Smith' was of Chichester in 1790; rem. to Vt., and was grandfather of Justin S. Morrill, U. S. Senator and gov. of Vt.[E. A. B.] 179 Levi' prob. m. (117) Mary' Currier. 59 Jacob* Morrill m. 3d, Abigail Goodridge [wid. of Nathan Burbank]. She d. Nov. 1, 1806[S]; will of (542) Abigail, p. 792, ment. chil. by 1st husband. 194 Sarah' m. Dec. 7, 1763, (35) Jonathan' Martin. t Note, p. 778. As (63) Judith* Morrill m. Nathaniel Brown in 1751-2, and they had a child b. Dec, 1755, she could not be the wife of (82) John* Morrill. Possibly his second wife may have been a Judith Morrill, or some other Judith, of Kg., instead of "Edith." Records incomplete and con clusions of doubtful accuracy. 306 Ezra' m. (368) Sarah' Morrill; int. Oct. 21[S], Nov. 4[A], 1780. 102 Henry* Morrill m. (244) Eleanor^ Currier. 190 Jonathan* Morrill. It is said that he d. of smallpox, in the French and Indian War. 446 Sarah' m. 1st, I. C. Bartlett; 2d, June 1, 1786, Moses Hackett (17 Henry). 210 MosES* Morrill m. (332) Miriam^ Currier. 542 Abigail Morrill, p. 792, wid. of (59) Jacob*. Morse and Moss Families. Pages 256-62, 795-6. 30 Elizabeth'. See p. 795. 66 Lydia* m. (19) John' Titcomb [not "Joseph"]. 90 Priscilla* pub. July 6, m. Aug. 14. Moyce Family. Pages 262, 796. A Joseph Moyse m. Nov. 22, 1609, Anna Folcard. Dau. Anna bp. Sept. 16, 1618 [Mrs. Goodell, from Dennington Parish, Suffolk Co., Eng.]. Mudgett Family. Pages 262-3, 796. 4 William m. (63) Dinah* Davis. MUNDAY — OSGOOD FAMILIES. 993 Munday Family. Pages 263, 796. Mussey Family. Pages 263-4, 796-7. 1 Robert' Mussey. "Bradstreet," on p. 796, should prob. be erased. See p. 803 *Note, and p. 385 under 2 Thomas^ Ro'w- LANDSON. It does not seem clear that Bridget was Mussey's second wife. Humphrey Bradstreet's wife was named Bridget, but she was not a wid. till 1655. He may perhaps have had a sister Bridget. 3 Joseph^ Mussey. A Joseph was of Nb. in 1657 and '59. 16 James' m. Judith Whitehouse (Thomas) [Friends Rec] Newland Family. Page 264. Nichols Family. Pages 265-6, 797. North Family. Page 266. 1 Richard' North. It appears that all his children were by a for mer wife, though Ursula called (3) Mary^ Jones "my grandchild." Norton Family. Pages 266-7. Odlin Family. Rev. Elisha Odlin (Rev. John and Elizabeth (Clark) ), b. Nov. 16, 1709; m. Nov. 1, 1731, Judith Pike. Chil. b. 1732-44. See p. 377, where "41st" should apparently be J^d. For genealogy see Bell's Exeter, p. 34 of "Family Registers," and p. 393 of text. Ordway Family. Pages 583-5. 3 James2 Ordway m. 2d, June 19, 1696[Nb]. 4 Edward^ Ordway. Wid. Abigail m. Mch. 24, 1715[Hv], Robert Emerson. 20 Rachel' prob. m. (32) Thomas* Johnson. 39 Abigails of Nb., m. July 24, 1724[Bd]. Ormsby Family. Pages 267-8. Osgood Family. Pages 268-72, 384. 15 William' Osgood. See Es. Ant. vol. 13, pp. 89-90. 45 William* m. (32) Judith* True. 994 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 29 Nathaniel' Osgood m. (25) Hannah' Johnson. 59 Abigail* pub. Nov. 26, m. Dec. 22, 1737[S], (97a) Enoch* Currier, -f Page Family. Pages 272-7, 798. 30 Mary' prob. m. John Darling, pub. Nov. 3, 1708. 36 Susanna' prob m. John Swett Jr., pub. June 4, 1698[Nb]. 72 Mary* m. Jan. 24, 1734, (31) Samuel* Flanders. Palmer Family. Page 277. 1 Henry' Palmer, of Newbury and Haverhill, b. ab. 1601; m. Elizabeth , who d. Nov. 22, 1664[Hv]. He was rep. 1667, '74, '76-80[CNb]; d. July 15, 1680[Hv]. Will July 10, Sept. 28, 1680. Children: 2 I Elizabeths b. ; m. Feb. 27, 1650[Hv], (3) Robert^ Ayer. -f 3 II MehitableS b. ; m. l.st, ab. 1654, Mr. SamueP Dalton (Philemon'), of Hm., who d. Aug. 22, 1681[D Hm]; 2d, Nov. 26, 1683[Bd], Rev. Zechariah Symmes, first minister in Bd. 4 in BathsuahS b. ; d. Feb. 26, 1654[Hv]. 5 Joseph^ Palmer,* of Newbury and Bradford, b. ab. 1644; m. Mch. 1, 1664-5[Nb], Sarah Jackman. He d. Feb. 8, 1715[Bd]. Will Feb. 5, 22, 1714-5; wife Sarah ment. Children: 6 I Sarah', b. Dec 5, 1665[Nb]; [m. Rawlins; dead in 1715, leaving chil.?] 7 n James', b. Dec 20, 1667[Nb]; m. Dec. 31, 1690, Elizabeth Grath. -h 8 III Joseph', b. July 8, 1670[Nb] ; m. [1st, Hannah ; 2d?] Hester . + 9 IV Benjamins b. Oct. 8, 1672[Bd]; not in will, 1715. 10 V Richard', b. Mch. 22, 1674-5[Bd] ; m. Oct. 18, 1704, Martha' Downer. -|- 11 VI William', b. Jan. 24, 1677[Bd]; not in will, 1715. 12 VII Joanna', b. Sept. 14, 1680[Bd]; m. ab. 1703, (36) Jonathan' Chase, int. July 11, 1702[Nb]. 13 vni MaryS b. June 11, 1683[Bd]; d. May 1, 1688[Bd]. 14 IX Samuel', b. Apr. 25, 1686[Bd]; prob. m. Elizabeth . + 7 James' Palmer {Joseph', '), of Bradford, b. 1667; m. Dec. 31, 1690[Bd], (2) Elizabeth^ Grath, or Groth. Children: 15 I Elizabeth*, b. Dec. 3, 1691[Bd]. An Eliz. m. May 21, 1714, Samuel Rawlins, of Exeter. 16 II Johns b. Aug., 1694[Bd]. 17 m Marys b. Dec 1, 1696[Bd]. 18 IV Joseph*, b. ; bp. July 16, 1699[Bd]. Prob. several not recorded in Bd. or Hv. * Savage and others make him son of WiUiam of Nb. and Hm.; but Dow makea William's eon Joseph m. Deborah Batchelder in 1677, and rea. in Hm. The family names ot (6) Joseph* resemble those of (42) Richard of Sm. palmer FAMILY. 995 19 v JamesS b. Sept. 7, 1712[Bd]. 20 VI Grath*, b. Mch. 14, 1714-5[Bd]. 8 Joseph' Palmer {Joseph', '), of Newbury, b. 1670; m. [1st, Hannah* ; 2d?] bef. 1700, Hester . Wid. Esther prob. m. bef. 1707 [Hv], (54) Nathaniel' Ayer. Children: 21 I Sarahs b. Oct. 24, 1696[Nb]. 22 n William*, b. May, 1700[Nb]. 23 ni Josephs b. Nov. 10, 1702[Nb]. 10 Richard' Palmer {Joseph', — •'), of Bradford, b. 1675; m. Oct. 18, 1704[D Hm], (9) Martha' Downer, of S., int. Mch. 26, 1703[S]. [No. 13, p. 139, "Mary" should be Martha.] She own. cov. S. chh. Sept. 22, 1706. Adm. est. gr. wid. Martha Jan. 15, 1727, or '25. A Martha m. Apr. 29, 1730[Bd], (15) Joseph' Worster. Children[Bd rec] : 24 I Sarahs b. Sept. 10, 1705; bp. Sept. 22, 1706[S]; m. July 15, 1728 [Nb&Bd], at Nb., Richard Cawley, or Calley, of Stratham. 25 II Andrews b. Sept. 25, 1707; bp. May 2, 1708[S]; m. Dec. 6, 1732, Jemima* Hardy (Joseph', John'', Thomas'^). He d. Jan. 13, 1765. Adm. est. gr. Jemime, June 23, 1766. 11 or 12 chil. rec. at Bd., b. 1733-54. 26 in Benjamin*, b. — — ; bp. Aug. 17, 1712[Bd]; m. Dec 21, 1742, Martha Worster, and d. Nov. 17, 1745. Wid. Martha ap. adm. est. Feb. 17, 1745-6. Dau. Sarah bp. Mch. 11, 1743-4. 27 IV Marthas b. July 15, 1711[Nb]; bp. Aug. 17, 1712; m. Nov. 8, 1731, Ebenezer* Hardy (Joseph', John^, Thomas'^), of Bd. 28 V Samuels b. Apr. 27, 1713[Nb]; bp. May 9, 1714. 29 VI Richard*, b. ; bp. July 31, 1715. 30 VII James*, b. Aug. 28, 1717. 31 VIII Joseph*, b. Aug. 2, 1719. 32 IX John*, b. Jan. 25, 1722-3. 14 Samuel' Palmer {Joseph', '), of Bradford, b. 1686; m. Elizabeth , who was b. ab. 1690, and d. Feb. 11, 1774[Bd]. He d. Dec. 18, 1758[Bd]. Will Mch. 3, 1747; Jan. 8, 1759; wife Eliz. ment. Children[Bd rec] : 33 I Elizabeth*, b. Feb. 1, 1709[Nb]; bp. Sept 7, 1712; m. Nov. 14, 1729, Ebenezer Curtis; liv. 1747. 34 II Abigails b. Dec. 8, 1711[Nb]; bp. Sept. 7, 1712; m. Dec 19, 1732, Jonathan Platts; liv. 1747. 35 in MaryS b. Mch. 8, 1714[Nb]; bp. May 9, 1714; m. Oct. 18, 1732, Nathan Bailey; liv. 1747. * There were two wives, unless "Hannah," birth of Sarah, 1696, should read Healer. 996 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 36 IV Susanna*, or Joannas b. Nov. 28, 1716; bp. Dec. 6, 1716; d. Sept., 1732. 37 V Samuel*, b. Dec. 27, 1719; d. June 27, 1721. 38 VI Sarah*, b. July 5, 1722; m. Apr. 3, 1740, Ebenezer Bailey, of Hv. 39 VII Betty*, b. Jan. 6, 1724-5; m. May 28, 1741, Samuel Hopkinson; liv. 1747. 40 VIII Samuel*, b. Mch. 23, 1727; m. Jan. 24, 1749, Mary Savory (Thomas), who d. Sept. 4, 1814, aged 83 y. He d. Sept. 3, 1800. 41 IX Ebenezer*, b. Sept. 3, 1729; prob. m. Dec. 10, 1751, Susanna Bacom, who d. July 3, 1758, in her 30th y. 42 Richard Palmer, of Salem, m. Mary Gilbert in 1672, and d. in 1689, leaving chil.: Mary, Richard, Martha, and Samuel, b. 1673-83. [Es. Inst. Hist. Coll. vol. 3, p. 14.] 43 Thomas' Palmer, of Rowley, m. 1643, Ann , who was bur. Feb. 22, 1686. His will, Aug. 2, Sept. 28, 1669, ment. wife Ann and sons: SamueP, b. 1644; Timothy', b. 1647; Thomas', b. 1650; each of whom m. and left chil. Three or four generations of the descendants of Thomas' and Sergt. John' Palmer are given in Es. Inst. Hist. Coll. vol. 22, pp. 289-96. 44 William' Palmer, of Watertown, Newbury, and Hamp ton. Descendants are given in Dow's Hm., pp. 899-906. Wid. Ann Palmer m. Francis Plummer, Mch. 21, 1649[Nb]. Elizabeth Palmer m. Nicholas Wallingford, Dec. 4, 1678[Bd]. Parker Family. Pages 277-8. 13 Nathan^ Parker m. (67) Mary' Brown. Partridge Family. Pages 279-80, 798. 1 William' Partridge. Es. Co. Ct., Oct., 1658, vol. 1, p. 312, ment. legacy of Jno. Partridge, of Olney, Buckingham Co., Eng., to 5 chil. of (1) Wm.' of Salis. 9 William^ Partridge. It is uncertain whether his wife was dau. of (98) Richard' or of James' Brown. See p. 888. Payne Family. Page 280. Peak Family. Page 280. PEARSON FAMILY. 997 Pearson Family. 1 John' Pearson,* of Lynn and Reading, b. ab. 1615; m. Mardilen (or Maudlin) , who d. Dec. 12, 1690[Rd]. He was of Lynn in 1637[Sv] ; d. Apr. 17, 1679, aged 64 y. Will that month [Sv]. Children: 2 I Marys b. June 20, 1643[Rd]; m. Dec 3, 1663, Thomas Burnett[L]; liv. 1679[Sv]. 3 n BethiaS b. Sept. 15, 1645[Rd]; m. Carter; liv. 1679[Sv]. 4 III Sarahs b. Jan. 20, 1647-8[Rd]; prob. m. Jan. 27, 1668-9, John Town- send; liv. 1679[Sv]. 5 IV Johns b. June 22, 1650[Rd]; m. 1st, Tabitha ; 2d, ab. 1714, Martha Gooddin. -|- 6 V JamesS b. Nov. 2, 1652[Rd]; not in will, 1679[Sv]. 5 John'' Pearson, Lieut, and Dea. {John'), of Reading and Lynn, b. 1650; m. 1st, Tabitha , who d. July 17, 1711[L]; 2d, int. Nov. 13, 1714[L], Mrs. Martha Gooddin, of Boston. He d. June 21, 1728[L]. Children: 7 I JamesS b. Nov. 28, 1678[Rd]t; m. 1st, Feb. 15, 1697-8, Hepzebeth Swayne; 2d, Nov. 5, 1724, wid. Hannah Osgood; 3d, wid. Frances Shackford. -1- 8 II TabithaS b. Oct. 16, 1680[Rd]t; prob. m. May 25, 1696[Rd], John Goodwin. 9 III John', b. Dec. 6, d. Dec. 13, 1682[Rd]. 10 IV John', b. Feb. 17, 1684[L]; prob. m. May 8, 1706[Rd], Elizabeth Bach elor. 11 V Rebeccas b. Apr. 12, 1686[Rd&L]; prob. m. Nov. 6, 1716[L], John Williams. 12 VI Kendalls b. May 3, 1688[Rd & L]; m. Mch. 30, 1709[L], Lydia Board- man. 13 vn Susannas b. Aug. 10, 1690[Rd&L]; prob. m. Dec 26, 1710[Rd], Daniel Gold, of Charlestown. 14 VIII Marys b. Nov. 6, 1692[Rd], or Nov. 10[L]; prob. m. May 18, 1709[Rd], Joseph Eaton. 15 IX Thomas', b. Nov. 3, 1694[L]. A Thomas, of Boston, m. int. Mch. 26, 1720[L], Eunice Lewis. 16 X EbenezerS b. Dec. 29, 1696[Rd&L]; prob. m. Sept. 6, 1718[L], Hannah Mansfield. 17 XI Sarahs b. Feb. 26, 1698-9[L]. 18 XII Abigails b. Dec. 30, 1700[Rd & L]; d. Apr. 17, 1701[L]. * Spelled also Person, Peirton, Pierton, etc. t The years 1680 for James and 1681 for Tabitha on the Lynn records are doubtless incorrect. 998 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURT. 19X111 Abigail', b. Feb. 16, 1701-2[L]; prob. m. int. Dec. 17, 1720[L], John Brown, of Reading. 20 XIV Elizabeth', b. May 4, 1704[L]. 7 James' Pearson (or Person), Capt. {John', John^), of Lynn and Haverhill, b. 1678; m. 1st, Feb. 15, 1697-8[Rd & L], Hepze beth Swayne, of Reading, who d. Jan. 28, 1723-4[L]; 2d, Nov. 5, 1724[And&L], Hannah Dean [wid. of Samuel Osgood], at An dover, who d. Feb. 15, 1734[Hv], in her 54th y.; 3d, 1734r44, (21a) Frances' Hoyt {John', John') [wid. of Nathaniel Peabody and of Samuel Shackford]. He bought land and buildings in Hv. in May, 1732, removed there before 1735, and d. Dec. 2, 1744 [Hv]. Wid. Frances m. Sept. 24, 1746[Hv& And], John John son, of Andover. She d. Feb. 25, 1748-9[And], in her 76th y. Her will [Pearson], Dec. 13, 1745; Apr. 17, 1749, mentions many of her relatives, including a sister, Jemima Ames. Neither Fran ces nor Jemima are given in the "Hoyt Genealogy." Children, all by first wife: 21 I Hepzebeth*, b. Apr. 3, 1699[L]; m. int. Apr. 19, 1718[L], Samuel Hart; both liv. in Lynn in 1744. 22 n JamesS Capt., b. Nov. 14, 1701[L]; "cooper"; m. 1st, Nov. 3, 1721[L], Hepzebeth Hartshorn, of Rd., who d. Dec 17, 1743[Hv]; 2d, Apr. 26, or 16, 1744[Hv], wid. Ann Frink. He d. Dec. 9, 1774[Hv], "in his 67th y." Either date or age must be wrong. Chil. rec at L. and Hv. 23 III Jonathan*, b. Mch. 13, 1704-5[L]; res. And. in 1744. A Jonathan m. int. July 11, 1747[And], Tabitha Cowdry, of Rd. 24 IV Jeremiah*, b. Sept. 19, 1707[L]; d. Sept. 2, 1708[L]. 25 V Johns b. Mch. 10, 1709-10[L]; m. May 4, 1732[L], June 16[And], Rebecca Osgood, of And.; res. And. in 1744 and '45. 26 VI Tabitha*, b. Mch. 25, 1712[L]; m. Dec. 30, 1731[L], William WiUiams, of Rd., at Woburn; both liv. in Lynn in 1744. 27 VII Jeremiah*, b. Dec. 20, 1715[L]; res. Hm. in 1744. 28 VIII Benjamin*, b. Oct. 3, 1720[L]; res. Norton in 1744. Peasley Family. Pages 280-1, 384, 798-9. 1 Joseph' Peasley. It seems prob. that he had two wives. His dau. Jane was prob. b. bef. 1630 and Mary perhaps as early, while Sarah and Joseph were from 12 to 20 years younger. It has been stated that the wife of (1) Joseph was Mary Johnson, but we have not been able to verify the statement. The identity peasley — pike families. 999 of the grandchild "Sarah Saier" has been considered uncertain, but she was probably dau. of (4) Mary* (Peasley) Sayward.* 4 Mary' prob. m. Henry Sayward [p. 314], and had a dau. Sarah.^ 9 Robert' m. 2d, 17 :2m : 1725[Frrec], (36) Anne' Sawyer [wid. of Eben ezer Sargent]. Pecker Family. Pages 585-8. 9 John' Pecker d. Dec. 12, 1756[Hv]. 23 James*, Dr. 1st wife, Hannah, d. Mch. 15, 1761, aged 39 y.[Hv]. 15 chil., Hv. V. R., b. and bp. 1745-77. 25 Daniel* d. Jan. 13, 1726-7[Hv]. 39 Bartholomew*. 7 chil., Hv. rec, b. 1758-73. Perkins Family. Pages 281-4, 799. 9 Sarahs b. Mch. 7, 1656-7; m. June 11, 1677, John^ Bradstreet (Simon*), according to Topsf. V. R. 10 Timothy^ m. Edna' Hazen (Edward^) [G. R. 1879, p. 230]. 20 John'. See p. 384. Pettee or Pettitt Family. Page 284. Philbrick Family. Pages 284-5, 799. Pierce Family. Pages 285, 799. 1 Daniel' Pierce. The name Sarah occurs in the court record of her death, 1654. [See Note, p. 799, and p. 828.] Pike Family. Pages 285-90, 385, 799-801. 1 Johni Pike, of White Parish, Wilts, m. Jan. 17, 1612-3, Dorothy Day, of Landford, at White Parish, Wilts., Eng. * (1) William' Sawyer, of Nb., had a dau. Sarah', one of 8 chil. living in 1660; but their mother's name was Ritih, b. aa early as 1625. Since vol. 2 was printed, we have found official records stat ing that William's wife was named Ruth as early as 1646. There is no apparent reason why Sarah should be mentioned, rather than her mother, or her bros. and sisters. Edward Sawyer, of Rowley, had a wife Mary living in 1660. A dau. Sarah, b. 1645, d. 2 mos. old. No Sarah is ment. in his will, 1674. t According to the "Sayward Genealogy," Henby Sayward had a wife Mary and a dau. Sarah , both liv. 1660. This Sarah d. unm. ab. 1694, when her bro. James, of Gloucester, was ap. adm. her est. in Haverhill. Her mother, Mary, d. 1680-9, in Maine. In Apr., 1665, NathT Barnard and Samuel Colby deposed that they were "at the house of Hean- iry Sawera" and read the court's order to Wid. Peasley concerning a division of land between Wid. Peasley and Thomas Barnard Jr. [her son-in-law], and she refused, etc. [Es. Co. Ct. Rec. vol. 3, p. 263J. 1000 OLD FAMILIES OP SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 6 Anns The * after 1654, second line, p. 286, belongs after this 1654. Ann is prob. the "Hannah" who m. James Fisk. 2 JOHN^ Pike, bp. Nov. 8, 1613. His 1st wife may have been Mary Turrill. Lieut. Pike, in 1663, called Thomas Turrill, or Turvill, "tanner," of Nb., his "bro." Thomas Turrill d. May 23, 1677[Nb]. Page 288, sixth line from bottom. "1858" should be 1658. 22 John' Pike. Journal also printed in Proc. Mass. Hist. Soe. 1875-6, pp. 121-52; the Marriages in N. H. Gen. Reg. and Dover Hist. Soe. Coll. 36 Hannah* m. Mch. 28, 1714-5[Bd], Rev. Thomas Symmes, of Bd. 24 Moses' Pike m. ab. 1687. Erase "prob." on p. 800. 45 Mary* prob. m. Aug. 25, 1719[S], Thomas Atkinson, of Nb.; rem. to Buxton, Me. 53 Hugh Jr. m. twice, as on p. 290. 1 child by 1st wife, Hannah; 10 by 2d wife, Hannah; rec. at Hv. Pile Family. Page 290. Pillsbury Family. Page 290. Pingry Family. Pages 290-1 . Pressey Family. Pages 291-2, 801. Prichard Family. Pages 292-3. Prowse Family. Page 293. Purington Family. Pages 294-5, 801-2. 10b Mary' [p. 802], int. Feb. 12, 1703-4[S]. 8 James Purington. Wid. Lydia d. Dec. 3, 1737[S]. 13 John* m. 1:9m: 1720, Theodate Swett (Moses), of Hm.[SFrrec]. Son James' m. Oct. 22, 1747[S], Abigail Brown (John and Abigail), of Hm. 5 other chil. rec. at A., b. 1725-38. 14 Elisha* m. 19 :11m: 1724, Phebe Swett (Moses), of Hm.[SFrrec]. 2 chil., A. rec; rem. to Kensington. 17 Hannah* m. 17 : 2m : 1740, Samuel Peasley (Robert and Alice), of Hv. [S Fr rec]. 18 Ruth* prob. m. Aaron Rowell, of A., int. Dec. 10, 1726[S]. FURRIER — RAWLINS FAMILIES. 1001 Furrier Family. Pages 295, 802. Quinby Family. Pages 295-6, 802. 11 WiLUAM prob. m. (26) Hannah* Barnard. Chil. rec at A.: Samuel,h. 1718; Joseph, b. 1720-1; Enoch, b. 1723. He prob. m. 2d, Jan. 9, 1729 [Nb], Martha Eastman. 9 Joseph Quinby, p. 296. "Adm. est. by wid. Lydia, 1745," was that of (12) Joseph. (9) Joseph m. 2d, Dec. 10, 1724[A], (11) Ann Collins, b. 1693, [wid. of (8) John Hadlock and of (8) John Greeley]. [See (36) Mary below.] 12 Joseph Quinby {Robert, Robert), of Amesbury, m. (45) Lydia* Hoyt, int. July 10, 1717[A].'* Adm. est. by wid. Lydia, Sept. 30, 1745. Children[A rec] : 31 I Anne, b. July 6, 1718. 32 11 Hannah, b. Oct. 11, 1721. 33 III Daniel, b. July 28, 1723; d. Nov. 8, 1729. 34 IV Robert, b. Apr. 5, 1725; d. Nov. 11, 1729. 35 v Daniel, Lieut., b. Dec. 8, 1729; m. 1st, Sarah , who d. Sept. 12, 1770, in her 43d y.; 2d, Mch. 22, 1780, Mrs. Sarah Bradly. He d. Nov. 18, 1791. Wid. Sarah d. Aug. 28, 1824, aged 87 y. Chil. rec. at A., b. 1751-9. f 36 Mary, b. Mch. 16, "1712," recorded among A. births in 1721, as dau. of Joseph and "Lydia." Should it be dau. of (9) Joseph and Elizabeth ? A Judith, or Lydia, m. Dec. 3, 1719[S], Thomas Tomson. 15 Benjamin Quinby {Robert, Robert), of Amesbury, b. 1689; m. Dec. 25, 1722[A], (12) Judith' Gould. Children: 37 I Benjamin, b. Jan. 26, 1723-4[A]; res. Hopkinton, N. H., in 1774. 38 II Jonathan, b. Aug. 15, 1726[A]; m. Ruth . Chil. rec. at A.: Isaac, b. 1756, m. Lucy Sargent, of A.; Mary, b. 1760, d. young; Mary, b. 1765, m. (618) David* Colby, d. in Henniker; Benjamin, b. 1768, m. Keziah Bickford [grandson. Rev. Silas E. Quinby, Derry, N. H.]. Rawlins Family. Pages 296, 802. Thomas Rawlins was tried for treason in the Gove rebellion, 1682-3 [p. 752]. * It is assumed that they were m., though Rachel Morrill "forbid further proceedings." t It was prob. their son, Lieut. Robert, b. 1753, who d. in 1843, aged 90 y. [not son of Robert, as iu A. V. R.] 1002 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 3 Nicholas Rawlins, of Newbury, m. Oct. 31, 1679[Nb], (4) Rebecca^ Long. A Rebecca m. Nov. 5, 1700[Nb], Richard Ormes. Children[rec at Nb] : 4 I John, b. Dec. 1, 1680; m. Oct. 9, 1702, Mary Thomas, of Exeter. 5 II Daniel, b. Mch. 21, 1681-2; m. June 10, 1708, Sarah Barton. 1 child, b. 1709, rec at Nb. 6 III Mary, b. Apr. 10, 1683; ra. Jan. 10, 1710-1, (18) Jonathan' Sawyer. 7 IV Joseph, b. Mch. 25, 1685. 8 V Benjamin, b. Mch. 2, 1686-7; [m. 1st, Nov. 22, 1711, Elizabeth Plumer; 2d, Nov. 20, 1716, Hannah Annis?]* 9 VI Rebecca, b. Oct. 1, 1689; m. Mch. 25, 1714, Isaac Rogers. 10 VII Martha, b. Nov. 5, 1692; m. July 10, 1716[Nb & S], Ebenezer Watson, of S. Ring and Ringe Family. Pages 296-300. 13 Joseph* prob. m. Mary Bracket. See p. 385, and (8) Nath'l' Whittier, pp. 359, 821. 11 Jarvis^ Ring d. Dec. 1, 1727[S]. Wid. Hannah d. Jan. 26, 1742-3[S]. 16 Hannah' m. int. Dec. 10, 1709 [S]. 17 Elizabeth' m. Apr. 26, 1725[Nb]. 18 David' d. Apr. 3, 1752[S]. Wife Sarah d. Aug. 2, 1738[S]. 21 Daniel', of S., m. June 18, 1722[S], Elizabeth Brown. 24 Benjamin' prob. m. May 20, 1725[S], Dorothy Welsh, of Hm. 28 Mary' prob. m. Apr. 1, 1729[A], Samuel Short. 29 Robert'. See p. 803. 31 Martha' prob. m. Oct. 28, 1729[A], Elihu Gould. 15 Jarvis' Ring, Capt., d. Apr. 8, 1738[S]. Wife Elizabeth d. Jan. 23, 1735-6[S]. 32 Issachar* m. June 10, 1734[S], Dorothy Osgood; d. Jan. 9, 1742-3[S]. 33 Abner* m. June 13, 1734[S], Meriam Jones, of A.; d. Jan. 24, 1740-1[S]. 34 Theophilus* m. June 26, 1739[S], Abigail Hutchinson; d. Jan. 5, 1740-1[S]. 35 Jarvis* m. Sarah Shepard, int. Oct. 3, 1741 [S]. 36 Abigail*. S. V. R. give b. 1720-1; m. May 10, 1739[S], Daniel Webster. 38 Daniel Ringe. Wid. Mary m. May 3, 1664[Ip], Uzall Wardall.39 Daniel, Capt., b. ab. 1654; m. 1st, Hannah , who d. July 9, 1684[Ip]; 2d, Hannah , who survived him. He d. Nov. 30, 1738[Ip] [see p. 803]. Son Daniel b. Jan. 6, 1691; d. June 6, [1688?] [lp]. * Four chil. of Benj. were bp. Oct. 26, 1712, and one July, 1714, at Byfield chh. Six chil. of Benj. and Han. rec. at Nb., b. 1717-38-9. ring and ringe — rolfe families. 1003 42 Roger. A wid. Sarah m. Jan. 17, 1704[Ip], Benj. Newman. * Note, p. 299, fourth Hne. "Sarah or" should prob. be erased. 44 Isaac m. 2d, wid. Elizabeth Kinsman, int. July 27, 1700[Ip]. Chil. rec at lp.: John, b. 1695; Isaac, b. 1698; Elizabeth, b. 1701; Abigail, b. 1703; Daniel, b. 1705; Samuel, b. 1709. Robins and Roby Families. Page 300. Rolfe Family. Pages 300-3, 385, 803. John Rolfe, of White Parish, Wilts, England, b. ab. 1550; m. Honor , who was bur. July 8, 1619. Will, 1624-5; Oct. 8, 1625. [For English records, see G. R. vol. 66, pp. 244^52. Chil dren: la I Joane*, bp. Sept. 15, 1579; m. Sept. 18, 1609, Wm. HoUoway. lb n Marys bp. July 16, 1582; m. Jan. 23, 1608-9, RICHARD Whittier, of Sarum. Chil.: Richard, John, Thomas of Hv., Mass. 4 m Henrys bp. Sept. 5, 1585; m. May 28, 1621, Honor Rolfe. + 1 IV John', bp. Apr. 24, 1589; m. Nov. 2, 1612, Joane Coles. + 1 JoHNi Rolfe, b. 1589; m. Nov. 2, 1612, Joane [or "Ann"] Coles, both of White Parish, Wilts. Children: 2 Joane', bp. Sept. 18, 1614. 3 Hesters bp. Apr. 2, 1616. 4 Henry>* Rolfe, b. 1585; m. May 28, 1621, Honor Rolfe (Richard). 20 John'. Son John* d. Oct., 1775[Nb]. 25 Samuel' prob. d. Dec. 1, 1712[Nb]. 27 Henry' m. (19) Hannah' Tappan; d. July 12, 1752[Nb]. Wid. Hannah d. Jan. 2, 1758[Nb], in her 79th y. 29 Nathaniel' m. (22) Anna' Tappan, int. Jan. 28, 1709. He d. 1710[Nb]. 38 Mehitable*, bp. Aug. 19, 1706[Hv]. 42a Daniel' (Ezra'), b. 1679[Ip]; d. Feb. 10, 1679[Hv]. 43 Ezra' m. Sarah Jackson, of Bd., int. Oct. 27, 1705[Nb]. She d. Feb. 23, 1728, in her 41st y.[Bd]. He d. Jan. 8, 1750-l[Bd]. Chil.: Abigail*, b. 1706[Nb];t Sarah*, b. 1707[Nb]; Mary*, b. 1708[Nb]; Hannah*, b. 1710[Nb]; Elizabeth*, b. 1713[Nb]; Ezra*, b. 1714[Nb]; Martha*, b. 1716 [Bd]; Susanna*, b. 1718[Bd]; Rebecca*, b. n20[Bd]; Esther*, b. 1722[Bd]; "Elliner"*, b. 1726-7[Bd]. * The name "John" on the parish register is considered an error in the marriage record. t The entry, Abigail, b. "1691," Nb. V. R., seems to be an error. 1004 OLD families OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 44 Daniel' and Mercy. Chil.: Sarah*, b. 1711[Nb]; Daniel*, b. 1712-3[Nb]; Benjamin*, b. 1714-5[Nb]; Samuel*, b. 1717-8[Hv]; Mary*, b. 1720[Hv]. 45 Mary' d. June 14, 1688[Hv]. lp. V. R. give Thomas Rofe d. Aug. 26, 1657 [p. 303]. 47 Daniel* Rolfe and wife Hannah had chil.: 48 Daniel' and 49 Hannah'. Roper Family. Pages 31-2, fNoTE. Rowell Family. Pages 303-6, 803. 3 Jacob'. Chil. rec at lp.: "Elihu"', b. Nov. 29, 1693; Elisabeth', b. Nov. 3, 169[5?]; Mary', b. June 25, 1698; John', b. Oct. 12, 1700. 16 Philip*. Mary', b. 1704, per. m. Apr. 11, 1728[A], (17) Joseph' Challis. 21 Abraham*. Dau. Sarah', b. Aug. 29, 1708[Nb]. Rowlandson Family. Pages 306-8, 385, 803-4. 1 Thomas^ Rowlandson m. 2d, 1644-8, Bridget , as on p. 803. See Mussey Family. Sadler Family. Page 308. Apr., 1653, house and land bought of Mr. Christopher Batt by Anthony Sadler, and left to his son Abiall, had been in the possession of Isack Busall two years. Sammon Family. Pages 308-9, 804. Sanders Family. Pages 309-10, 589. 13 John d. Sept. 8, 1737[Hv]. 16 James. Wife Elizabeth d. Jan. 29, 1729-30[Hv], in her 64th y. 19 AvBRY prob. m. (15) Abigail Green. 20 Henry m. Mary Mitchell bef. 1712[Hv]. 25 Nathaniel, Lieut., m. 1st, Dec. 18, 1723[Hv], Mary Bixby, who d. Apr. 24, 1747[Hv], in her 46th y.; 2d, 1747-51, Anne Kelly. He d. Oct. 26, 1754[Hv]. Sargent Family. Pages 310-4, 804. 1 William* Sargent, of Ipswich, 1634. 12 Thomas' Sargent, p. 385. Wid. Mary m. Aug. 31, 1738[A]. 51 Samuel*. Chil.: William', bp. Nov. 26, 1727; Abigail', bp. July 5, 1730; Mary', bp. Apr. 28, 1734; Samuel', bp. Dec. 5, 1736; Nehemiah'. bp. Feb. 3, 1739-40; Miriam', bp. Dec. 19, 1742; all 2 A. chh. "Mereim, b. Sept. 15, 1744"[AVR], prob. should be 17^2, unless there were two Miriams. 53 Bathsheba*, p. 385. SAWYER family. 1005 Sawyer Family. Pages 589-97, 825. 1 Willlam* Sawyer. Wife's name Ruth in rec. of deaths of (3) Samuel', b. 1646, d. 1717-8; and of (11) STEPHEN^ b. 1663, d. 1753; as well as deed of 1694 [||Note, p. 589]. We find no proof that (1) Joseph* Peasley had a dau. Ruth. For the "grand child Sarah Saier," see Peasley Family, p. 999.* 2 John* Sawyer. Erase "[or pub.?]" 19 David'. Prob. his son, David*, of Saco, b. ab. 1716, m. (490) Hepzibah Davis; d. July 14, 1796. See pp. 597, 733, 949. 20 John'. Wid. Abigail d. Apr. 28, 1776, aged 80 y.[Nb]. 23 John' m. 2d, wid. Sibley, of Sm., int. Nov. 25, 1710[Nb]. Child: Eunice^, b. Jan. 21, 1714[Nb]. 28 Benjamin'. Chil. rec at Nb.: Benj.*, b. Mch. 2, 1716. Eliz.*, b. Sept. 2, 1718; rec at A.: John*, b. Sept. 5, 1721; Mary*, b. Feb. 1, 1723-4. 8 William* Sawyer prob. liv. in Ames, in 1671 [p. 858]. 11 Stephen* Sawyer. -Wife Ann d. Oct. 1, 1750[Nb], in her 84th y. 39 Enoch' m. Sept. 29, 1721[Nb]. 42 Elizabeth* m. Apr. 19, 1739[Nb], Thomas Stevens (109 Roger?), of A. 55 Joseph*, p. 828. 72 Sarah*. Both hv. 1728, in Wl. 25 Josiah' Sawyer {SamueP, William'), of Newbury, b. 1681; m. Jan. 22, 1707-8[Nb], (31) Tirzah^ Bartlett, who d. Sept. 2, •1739. He d. Apr. 4, 1756. Will June 25, 1755; May 3, 1756. Children : 103 I JosLiH*, b. Apr. 12, 1709[Nb]; m. Dec. 25, 1735, Mary Ordway. + 104 n Moses*, b. Feb. 21, 1711-2[Nb]; m. Hannah ; res. Nb.; d. 1778. 7 chil. 105 III Tirzah*, b. Nov. 7, 1713[Nb]; m. 1st, David Ring; 2d, Reuben French; res. Salis. and S. Hm.; d. 1782. 106 IV Hannah*, b. 1715; bp. Apr. 28, 1723[2A&Nb]; d. Aug. 6, 1739; prob. unm. 107 v Israel*, b. Oct. 9, 1717[Nbl; d. Aug. 2, 1739. 108 VI Gideon*, b. Dec 15, 1719[Nb]; d. Dec 26, 1806. 109 VII James*, b. May 12, 1722[Nb]; d. Sept. 27, 1723. ?Edwakd Sawyer, or Sawbb, of Rw. See Note, pp. 589-90, 825, 999. Wife of John^ (Edward'-) adm. Rw. chh., Apr., 1676. Ezekiel' was ot Rw., Apr., 1671. There was a Jamea and wife Martha, Apr., 1669. 1006 OLD FAMILIES OP SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 103 Josiah* Sawyer {Josiah", Samuel', William'), of Newbury, Amesbury, and South Hampton, b. 1709; m. Dec. 25, 1735[Nb], Mary Ordway (Dea. John); d. June 10, 1792. He was of A., Mch. , 1 745-6 ; of S. Hm. , 1 746-5 7 and later. Children : 110 I JosiahS, b. Jan. 28, 1736-7[A]; bp. Apr. 10, 1737[QANb]; m. Eastman; res. Deerfield, N. H.; d. June 19, 1812. 5 chil. Ill II Israel', b. Sept. 19, 1739[A]; bp. Nov. 18, 1739[Q A Nb]; m. Miriam Clough; res. S. Hm.; d. July 19, 1821. 7 chil. 112 III Matthias', b. Aug. 25, 1741[A]; d. young? 113 IV John', b. Apr. 7, 1744[A]; bp. May 3, 1744[QANb]; m. ab. 1770, Abigail Shepherd. + 114 V Hannah', b. ; bp. June 1, 1746[Q A Nb]; d. Sept. 24, 1770; unm. 115 VI Richard', b. May 31, 1748; bp. June 4, 1748[Q ANb]; m. Elizabeth Clark; res. S. Hm. and Corinth, Vt.; d. June 22, 1818. 6 chil., b. 1774-89. 116 VII Matthias', b. [May 31, 1748?]; m. Eunice Batchelder; res. Gilmanton, N. H.; d. June 22, 1818. 11 chil. 117 vm MosBS', Dea., b. Aug. 2, 1750; bp. Sept. 4, 1750[QANb]; m. Jan. 16, 1775, Ann Fitz (Richard); res. Salisbury, N. H.; d. Apr. 29, 1821. 8 chil. 118 IX Molly', b. ; bp. Apr. 14, 1754[St Paul's, Nb]; d. Sept. 21, 1789; unm. 119 X Tirzah', b. ; bp. Aug. 27, 1758[St Paul's, Nb]; d. Sept. 2, 1832; unm. 120 XI Miriam', b. ; d. Sept. 4, 1780; unm. 113 John' Sawyer {Josia¥, Josiah", Samuel', William^), of SaHsbury, b. 1744; m. Abigail Shepherd, pub. July 26, 1770[S]; he d. Mch. 19, 1796. He was of S. Hm. 1768, but Nottingham, N. H., Jan., 1769 and '70. Children: 121 I Hannah', b. Oct. 25, 1772[S]; unm.; d. 1846. 122 II John', b. Oct. 25, 1772[S] [twin]; m. Hannah Perkins; res. S. Hm. 123 III Jeremiah', b. May 19, 1777[S]; m. Aug. 1, 1804[S], Betsey Fitta. Chil.[Srec]: Enoch'', b. 1806, m. Apphia A. Kelly; Moses Judkins'', b. 1808; Elizabeth^ b. 1811; JosiaW, b. 1813, m. "Abba" Page; Sarah'', b. 1816, m. Rev. Wm. Douglas, of Providence, R. I.; Jere miah'', b. 1823. Sayward Family. Page 314. 1 Henryi Sayward was of Hampton 1645-50. He prob. m. (4) Mary* Peasley. Wid. Mary ap. adm. est. Apr. 1, 1680. She d. bef. Dec. 26, 1689. See p. 590, Note, and p. 999. John Sayward. See Wheelwright, p. 607, "^Note, and p. 820. SCRIBNER AND SCRIVEN — SHEPPARD FAMILIES. 1007 Scribner and Scriven Families. Page 314. Seeley Family. Page 317. See Cilley Family. Will of Benjamin Rollins, of Exeter, 1736, ment. dau. Alice Selly. Severance Family. Pages 314-5. 5 Abigail' m. John Church, of Dover [see Sv.]. 8 Joseph^ p. 804. 22 Ephram'. ChxL: Mary*, Benjamin*. Elizabeth*. Joseph*, John*, bp. Sept. 11, 1726; Ephraim*, bp. July 23, 1727[Kg chh]. Sheppard [or Shepherd] Family. Page 316. 5 John. Erase "prob. m. . . . Hannah Ayer" [see p. 804]. He prob. m. Mch. 20, 1711-2[S], (20) Rachel' Morrill. Chil. rec. at S.: Samuel, b. 1713; John, b. 1718-9; Isaac, b. 1721; Abner, b. 1729; Rachel, b. 1732. A John d. Oct. 16, or 17, 1732[S], "in his 42d y."* 6[?] Israel m. Apr. 3, 1718[S], (23) Mary* True. Chil. rec. at S.: Mary, b. 1718-9; Sarah, b. 1721; Samuel, b. 1739[?] 8 Sarah. Erase "prob." She m. Jan. 2, 1711[prob. 1711-12][Hv]. The Nov. date given on p. 316 is prob. irU. 9 Solomon Shepherd d. July 7, 1731[S]. Wid. Sarah d. Dec. 1, 1748[S]. 13[?] Israel m. Aug. 27, 1724[A], (97) Sarah« Kimball. Chil. rec. at S.: Daniel, b. 1725-6; Benjamin, b. 1727-8; Abigail, b. 1729-30; Sarah, b. 1732. An Israel, either (6) or (13), d. Apr. 23, 1742[S]. 14 Jeremiah m. Nov. 30, 1731[S], Abigail Brown. Chil. rec. at S.: Sarah, b. 1732; Sarah, b. 1736; Joanna, b. 1739; Abigail, b. 1741-2; Hannah, b. 1744. 20 John Sheppard {John, of Rowley), of Haverhill, b. 1677 [p. 804]; m. Feb. 15, 1704-5[Hv], Hannah Ayer. Children: 21 I Timothy, b. Nov. 26, 1706[Hv]; m. Marcy Barker. Child: Margaret, b. Feb. 3, 1731-2[Hv]. 22 II Elizabeth, b. Apr. 5, 1709[Hv]. 23 in Samuel, b. Sept. 14, 1711[Hv]. 24 IV Hannah, b. Apr. 9, 1714[Hv]. * The date is prob. correct, for it corresponds with the probate rec.; but this John would then be in his Slst y. Either the age taken from the gravestone is wrong, or (5) John d. young and the whole record should be transferred to (Sa) John, b. ab. 1690-1. In the latter case, he would hardly be a soldier in Nov., 1702. The eighteen named in the list given on p. 377, which included him, were all apparently young, tmmarried men, living in S. Thirteen of them were from 23 to 16 y. old. One of them may have been 31 and two others perhaps 27-25. But the last two on the list were perhaps yoxmger. There were two Samuel Carters, both unm., one 46, the other llj y. old,. about the age of the supposed (8a) John "Shepard." 1008 OLD families OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURT. Goodwife Shepherd. Chil. : Joseph, Symon, and Timothy, bp. Dec. 8, 1687[1S]. Sherborn Family. Page 317. Silver and Simpson Families. Page 317. Simmons Family. See Symonds Family. Singletary Family. Pages 317-8. 16 Martha' m. in 1713, (16) Peter Green Jr. Sleeper and Smallpeese Families. Page 318. Smith Family. Pages 318-9. 1 Richard Smith, possibly son of Robert, of Hm., though not ment. in D. Hm. 4 William, p. 804. He d. Oct. 3, 1748[S]. 6 Robert Smith, Serg., d. Dec. 8, 1738[SVR]. 9 William, p. 804. 12 Samuel m. Dec. 31, 1739[Hm Falls], (35) Mary* Greeley, not Mary "Gove."' 16 Robert d. Sept. 10, 1735[S]. Somes Family. Pages 320-1. 1 IVIORRis^ Somes. One deposition makes him b. ab. 1600; another, ab. 1604. 4 Timothy^ Somes d. Feb. 1, 1705-6. A Hannah m. Apr. 19, 1709[Nb], Benj. Smith. 19 Hannah. A Hannah m. Dec. 31, 1723[Nb], (15) John* Kelly Jr. Stanwood Family. Page 321. 15 Mary, p. 804. 17 John, p. 804. 18 Judith m. Apr. 27, 1725[A], Joshua Brown. Stanyan Family. Page 322. 1 Anthony^ Stanyan. See Hist. Hm. Falls, p. 229. 2a Mary' (Anthony^), m. Jan. 10, 1665[Dover Hist Coll], John Pickering Jr. stanyan — STEVENS FAMILIES. 1009 2 John^ Stanyan {Anthony'), of Hampton Falls, b. 1642; m. Dec. 17, 1663[S], (5) IVIary^ Bradbury. He d. Sept. 27, 1718 [DHm]. Will Feb. 13, 1717-8; Dec. 3, 1718; wife Mary ment."* Children : 3 I Mary', b. Oct. 22, 1664[D Hm]; m. Theophilus Smith, of Exeter; Uv. .1718. 4 n James', b. June 26, 1667[D Hm]; m. Ann ; both liv. 1718 in Hm. He was a subscriber for building and furnishing a Friends meeting house in Hm. in 1701. Chil. : John*,^ liv.1718; Elizabeth*, m. July 19, 1727[A]. Thomas Hunt; Huldah*, m. Oct. 19, 1729[A], John Kenney, of Dover; Susanna*, m. Oct. 19, 1729[A], Ichabod Kenney, of Dover; Comfort*, m. May 22, 1733[A], Jonathan Hoag, of Stratham; Anne*, m. Nov. 22, 1738[A], Steven Otis, of Dover; Rebecca*, m. Oct. 18, 1739[A], Michael Kennard, of Kittery; Bathsheba*, m. Sept. 14, 1742 [A], Jonathan Hardy, of Hm. [From Friends rec] 5 III Jacob', b. Jan. 11, 1670[D Hm]; d. young. 6 IV Joseph', b. Dec. 5, 1672[D Hm]; not ment. in will, 1718. 7 V Mehetable', b. Jan. 1, 1676[D Hm]; liv. 1718. 8 VI Ann', b. Feb. 17, 1678[D Hm]; m. July 2, 1697[Pike's Jour], (6) Thomas SiLLEY. She was apparently dead in 1718 ; son John ment. in will. + 9 vn Elizabeth', or Betsey', b. [ab. 1680?]; Uv. 1718; m. Jan. 6, 1697-8[S], (75) Jeremy' Stevens. 10 vm Jacob', b. Mch. 31, 1683[D Hm]; m. 1st, Dorothy , who d. Nov. 16, 1723[D Hm]; aged ab. 39 y.; 2d, Lydia . Son Joseph* ment. in wiU. 10 chil., D Hm., b. 1706-25. Sterling Family. Page 322. Stevens Family. Pages 322-8, 805. 1 John' Stevens, "husbandman," called (1) Robert Codman "bro." in 1646. 4 Nathan', b. ab. 1643; d. Feb. 19, 1717-8, in his 75th y. 6 Ephraim^, Ens., d. June 15, 1718[And].t Chil.[And rec]: Sarah', b. 1681; Elizabeth', b. 1683; Hannah', b. 1685; Mehitable', b. 1691, d. young; Mary', b. 1693-4; Ephraim', b. 1698, d. 1702; Mehitable', b. 1700. 8 Joseph', Dea., d. Feb. 25, 1742-3[And]. Wid. Elizabeth d. Sept. 16, 1745. Chil.[And rec]: Mary', b. 1679; Joseph', b. 1682; Benjamin', b. 1683-4, d. young; James', b. 1686, d. 1769; Benjamin', b. 1697, d. 1749. • The family record may explain his careful provisions to keep most of his landed property in the family name. See N. H. Probate, vol. 2, pp. 10-16. t A John, of Hm., m. June 7, 1734[Hv], Abigail Haseltine. John* (10 Jacob'), b. 1710, was not ment. in the will, and prob. d. bef. 1718. t "Sarah, wife of Ens. Ephraim Stevens, dau. of Rev. Francis and Hannah Dane, d. June 29, 1711, aged 61 y."[And]. She was dau. of George and Hannah Abbott; but her father d. in 1681, and her mother became the third wife of Rev. Francis Dane, so that Sarah was atejy-dau. of Mr. Dane. 1010 old families of SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 9 Benjamin', Capt., m. 1st, Mary Frie [wid. of (13) Joshua' Stevens]; 2d, Oct. 18, 1715[Bd], Susanna Chickering, of Bd. [misprint in Bd. V. R.] He caUed Joshua* (13 Joshua') his stepson in Sept., 1715. He d. Jan. 8, 1729-30[And]. A Susanna, wid. of Benj., d. July, 1753, in her 83d y. 2 John^ Stevens. Wid. Esther d. June 25, 1713, aged 62 y. 1 m. 11 Nathan' d. Sept. 25, 1740[And]. 13 Joshua' m. 1st, ; 2d, Dec. 22, 1696[And], Mary Frie. He was "drownd in the Merrimac River going home from meeting on the Sabbath Day," Mch. 23, 1711-2[And]. Chil.: Joshua* a.nd Benjamin*, twins, b. Apr. 26, 1698; Samuel*, b. 1702; Jonathan*, b. ab. 1705; Joseph*, b. ab. 1710. The 5 chil. liv. Sept., 1715, when Capt. (9) Benj.' Stevens, who m. wid. Mary, deeded land to the family of his "stepson" Joshua Stevens. 14 Ephraim' drowned in the Merrimac River, Apr. 28, 1737[And]. 16 Samuel' prob. m. May 15, 1707[And], Elizabeth Barker [not Rachel Heath]. Chil. rec. at And., b. 1710, 1714 and 1717-8. He d. Jan. 30, 1717-8, "in his 41st y." Adm. est. Apr. 14, 1718. "Ames." should he And., *Note, p. 324. 19 Ephraim' d. May 1, 1757[And]. 20 Benjamin d. Mch. 26, 1748. 10 John' Stevens d. Nov. 7, 1728[And]. 23 John* prob. d. Apr. 29, 1763[And], but age given 71 y. 33 Deborah* d. Aug. 16, 1710[And]. 38 William' Stevens. Wid. Elizabeth (Bitfield) Stevens m. Mch. 3, 1653-4[Nb], (1) William^ Titcomb. 39 Bitfield'. Nb. V. R. give d. July 23. 40 JoHN^ Stevens, "weaver." Erase the Une "44 Thomas'," etc., on p. 805. See 116 Thomas. 47 Aaron' prob. m. Mary Harris. 9 chil. rec. Hv. V. R., b. 1710-1 to 1726-7. 49 Benjamin' prob. m. May 26, 1715[Hv], (68) Abigail* Bartlett. 517 Hannah' m. Mch., 1708-9[Hv], Robert Swan Jr. 43 John' Stevens m. 1st, May 18, 1697[Hv], (15) Hannah' Currier; 2d, (61) Mary* Bartlett, etc., p. 325. 54 Abigail* per. m. Nov. 8, 1722[Hv], John' Emerson (Jonathan^, Michael^). She may be the Abigail bp. 1719-20[Hv], 18 y. old. 55 MosES* prob. m. Apr. 23, 1724[Hv], Mary Roberts. Chil. rec. at Hv., b. 1726-34. STEVENS FAMILY. 1011 67 John' Stevens d. Nov. 26, 1691[S], in his 50th y.[grave- stone]. If probate was Mch. 31, 1691, this date must be incorrect. He would be 50 y. old Nov., 1689. 84 Jacob', b. Nov. 26, 1686[S]. Chil. on S. rec, b. 1716 and later. 85 John' Jr. prob. m. Mch. 13, 1718[S], Sarah Downer. Sarah, wife of John "major," d. Aug. 22, 1725[S]. Chil.: Catharine*, b. Jan. 15, 1719- 201S]; Elinor*, b. Dec. 2, 1721[S], d. Oct. 4, 1753[S]. A John, prob. the same, m. Jan. 28, 1730-1 [S], Sarah Walker. Chil. rec. at S.: Sarah*, h. 1731; John*, b. 1735; Samuel*, b. 1738; Hannah*, b. 1740-1. 73 John' Stevens prob. m. 2d, July 6, 1720[S], (5) Elizabeth Stockman [wid. of (18) Jacob' Bradbury].* He may have d. ab. 1725-30, as (85) John is not called Jr. and (87) John is not given as 3d, or even Jr. on rec. of b. and bp. 87 John*. John 3d m. Dec. 16, 1718[S], (54) Jane* Eaton. Chil. rec. at S., b. and bp. 1719-37. 88 Martha*, p. 805. A Martha m. Nov. 26, 1717[S], (17) Ephraim' Carter. 94 Benjamin* prob. m. Feb. 21, 1739-40[S], Abigail Fellows. 75 Jeremiah' Stevens, Capt., m. (9) Elizabeth' Stanyan. Elizabeth, wife of Capt. Stevens, d. July 1, 1737[S]. 98 Tabitha* m. May 19, 1725[S], (47) Joseph* Morrill. 99 Jonathan* prob. m. Jan. 13, 1724-5[S & A], (43) Mary Barnard, of A. Chil. rec. at S., b. 1725-35. 102 Theophilus* m. Jan. 29, 1729-30[S], Elizabeth Evans. He d. Mch. 1, 1729-30[S]. 106a Joseph* (75 Jeremiah'), b. May 17, 1725[S]. 107? Thomas Stevens, "about 20 y. old," was "coming from Ipswich," Nov., 1670. See *Note, (110?) Samuel. 108 Abigail, Uv. 1729. 109 Roger, b. 1671-6; m., etc., as on p. 328. Roger, b. May 22[A V R]. Other chil. rec. at A.: r/jomos, b.Nov. 21, 1711; [m. Apr. 19, 1739, (42) Elizabeth* Sawyer?]; Jacob, h. Oct. 24, 1713; Nehemiah, b. May 26, 1715; Martha, b. Sept. 27, 1717. Per. other chil., b. 1700-3, not rec. at A. The whole family may have rem. from A. Ill Martha, b. 1677-8. "Martha, dau. of Martha of Jamacia" [Jamaica, West Ames., now Merrimac], bp. Mch. 31, 1678[lNb chh]; hence she was prob. the third child, and older than No. 110. 113 Mary, b. ab. 1680; m. 2d, Apr. 13, 1732[A], Peter Godfrey, of Nb.; 3d, Aug. 31, 1738[A], (47) Nathan' Webster. 'Bradbury, son of John Stevens, bp. Sept. 30, 1721[S]. 1012 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 110? Samuel Stevens,* of Amesbury, m. in 1704, (18) Rachel' Heath, etc., as on p. 324, where "16*" and "{John', John')" should be erased. Other children[A rec] : 37a V Nehemiah, b. Jan. 24, 1713. 37b VI William, b. Mch. 11, 1714-5; "4th son." 37c VII Jonathan, b. May 2, 1717. 37d vni Joseph, b. Apr. 28, 1719. 37e IX Benjamin, b. Apr. 23, 1721. 37f X David, b. May 3, 1724. 37g XI Abigail, b. Apr. 1, 1726. 116 Thomas Stevens, Dea. {Thomas), of Amesbury, b. 1688; m. May 12, 1709[^, not "S"], Mary Davis. Dea. Thomas Stevens, of A., headed the list of grantees of Warner, N. H., in 1735, and was authorized to call them together. We find no proof that he lived there. Children: 125 I John, b. May 30, 1710; liv. in A. in 1738. 126 n Mary, b. Nov. 26, 1716; m. Dec. 20, 1733[A], Joshua Lunt. A. V. R. give Mary Stevens, dau. Dea. Thomas, d. 1738. 35? John Stevens Jr. (110 ? Samuel), b. 1706-7; m. Dec. 1, 1726 [A], (44) Sarah^ Blaisdell. Children rec. at Hv.: 127 Peter, b. 1727; 128 Ephraim, b. 1729. 125 John Stevens 3d (116 Thomas), of Amesbury, b. 1710; m. Jan. 21, 1730-1[A], Sarah Pilsbury. He prob. d. ab. 1745-8. (35) John rem. to Hv. ab. 1726. (125) John was called Jr. in 1736 and '37. Children rec. at A., b. 1732-44. Caleb, the youngest, b. 1744, bp. 1749 for wid. Sarah. Unclassified Records. [See p. 328.] "John" Stevens m. Mary Fry [p. 328], should be (13) Joshua. Wid. Anne Stevens d. July 17, 1650[Nb]. John Stevens 3d, of lp., m. Hannah Philbrick. Son James b. Dec. 8, 1719 [Hv]. John Stevens 4th m. Mch. 9, 1719-20[S], (7 or 8) SARAHf Ash (John). He was given of S., late ferryman, Apr., 1720. * He may possibly be No. 110; but if bo, and if he was the "cousin" [nephew] of (10) John* Foot [p. 961], then (107) Thomas Stevens must have been bro. of John Foot's wife Bathsheba. We see no reason why John Foot should select him out of 10 chil., unless he was named for Samuel Foot. See * Note, p. 324, where "Ames," third line, should be Arid. t So many Johns m. Sarahs in this family that it ia very difficult to distinguish them. STEVENS — symonds AND SIMMONS FAMILIES. 1013 Benjamin Stevens Jr. m. Annis Phelps, of And. Son Benj. b. July 23, 1721 [Hv]. Abigail Stevens m. Thomas Rowell at Kg., Apr. 21, 1725[A]. Elizabeth Stevens m. Benj. Smith, of Exeter, int. Dec. 7, 1727[S]. Elizabeth Stevens m. Wm. Moodey, Nov. 7, 1728 [S]. (92?) David Stevens, of A., m. (44) EUnor Currier, Nov. 21, 1728[A]. Mary Stevens Jr. (80 Benj.'"!) m. David Greely, Apr. 80, 1730[S]. Sarah Stevens, of Hv., m. Nathaniel Heath, Dec. 10, 1730[A]. Stockman Family. Pages 328-9. 2 Joseph. Child Dorothy m. 1st, Dec. 14, 1721[S], (7) Thomas Evans; 2d, Apr. 7, 1757, (28) Richard* Fitts, of S. Hm.; Susanna m. June 7, 1733[S], Benj. Swett, of Nb. 5 Elizabeth m. 2d, July 6, 1720[S], (73) John' Stevens. Stowers Family. Pages 329, 805. Straw Family. Page 330. Swett Family. Page 330. Joseph^ Swett {Benj.', John'), of Hampton, b. 1659; m. 1st, Hannah , who d. Aug. 14, 1701[D Hm]; 2d, Sarah . Will Sept. 29, 1720; Jan. 4, 1721-2; wife Sarah ment. Children: I Hannah*, b. Sept. 13, 1682[D Hm]; prob. d. young; not in wiU. n Esther*, b. ; m. Nov. 18, 1708[D Hm], (30) John* Eaton; liv. 1720. Ill Joseph*, b. ; m. Hannah [Sayward?]; ment. in will, 1720; prob. No. VII, D. Hm. IV Margaret*, b. July 2, 1690[D Hm]; m. Nov. 15, 1710[D Hm], Thomas Sherborn, of Portsm.; liv. 1720. V Abigail*, b. Mch. 29, 1692[D Hm]; name Swett in 1720. VI LYDLi*, b. Mch. 22, 1704[D Hm] [by 2d wife]. Prob. others by 2d wife, ment. in wiU, but no names given. MosES' Swett {Benj.', John'), of Hampton, b. 1661, Will Apr. 15, 1729[not "1719"]; Jan. 19, 1730-1; wife Mary ment. To the 10 chil., D. Hm., p. 988, should be added: Benjamin*, his son, to whom he gave the homestead. Of those given there: Elizabeth*, his eldest dau.; was dead in 1729. Esther* did not m. John Eaton, and was living in 1729, named Hoeg. Patience* m. Apr. 20, 1731[A], John* Dow (16 John'). Symonds and Simmons Families. Pages 597-602. 18 Sarah' m. Dec. 2, 1687[Ip], Thomas Low Jr. 22 Elizabeth' m. ab. 1715-6; a 2d wife. 1014 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURT. 28 William' Simons, of Ipswich and Haverhill. Children: 28a I Elizabeths b. ab. 1635; m. Mch. 19, 1655-6[Hv], (1) Abraham' Whit taker [Es. Ant. vol. 10, p. 91]. 29 II Samuel^ m. (20) Elizabeth Webster [Es. Ant. vol. 13, p. 88]. + 39 ra John*, b. ab. 1640; m. twice. + 29 Samuel^ Simmons, p. 601. Erase "?" after William'. 30 John*. A John m. Oct. 8, 1705[Hv], EUzabeth Harris. Chil. rec. at Hv., b. 1707-8-1722-3. If 30 John, he m. when 36 y. of age. 31 Mary' prob. m. Jan. 10, 1698-9[Hv], (24) Job' Eaton. 33 Nathan' m. 1st, Mary Bodwell, who d. Jan. 17, 1716-7[Hv]; 2d, Dec. 24, 1718[Hv], wid. Ann George. Chil. rec. at Hv., b. 1705-6-1715. 35 Jonathan' m. Sarah Heath. Chil. rec. at Hv., b. 1709-10-1718. He d. Apr. 3, 1764 [Hv]. 38 Abigail', b. Aug., 1686. 39 John^ Simmons m. 2d, July 19, 1678[Bd], Mary Pierce. Wife Eliz. d. May 1, 1677[Bd]. 41 Jane' m. (9) Samuel' Buswell. 42a John', b. Apr. 28, 1670, or '71[Bd]; d. July 20, 1671[Bd]. 43 Hannah', b. Jan. 27, 1674[Bd]. 44 Mehitable', b. Apr. 30, 1677[Bd] [by 1st wife]. 45 Martha', b. Apr. 25, 1679[Bd] [by 2d wife]. 45a John', b. June 12, 1680[Bd]; d. Aug. 4, 1681[Bd]. 47 Zachariah', b. Feb. 3, 1681-2[Bd]; prob. m. June 4, 1716[Bd], Mary Crocker, and was drowned, Dec. 18, 1717[Bd]. Child, John*,-h. Apr. 28, 1718[Bd]. 46 Rebecca', b. July 25, 1684[Bd]. 46a Abigail', dau. of John and "Martha," b. Dec. 27, 1687[Bd]; per. should be John and Mary; but if so, she d. bef. 1708. 48 John' Symonds, "cooper," b. ab. 1595; lame, and freed from training in 1648, p. 602. 50 Samuel^ Symonds, p. 602. All the chil. except Sarah, Bx. V. R.; but 54 Hannah' given b. 166i. Also Josiah', b. May 25, 1685[Court rec]; prob. same as (63) Joseph'. 58 John'. Chil. rec. at Bx., b. 1706-25. 63 Joseph' m. Jan., 1710-l[Bx]; d. Mch. 5, 1755[Bx]. Chil. rec. at Bx., b. 1712-33. Unclassified. 65 David Symonds, b. ab. 1683; m. Jane Dutch, int. Nov. 10, 1709[Ip]. He d. Feb. 12, 1731[Ip]. Chil. rec. at. lp., b. 1713-25. tappan — tongue families. 1015 Tappan Family. Pages 330-1. Taylor Family. Page 332. Tewksbury Family. See Tuxbury Family. Thompson Family. Pages 332, 805. Thorn Family. Page 333. Titcomb Family. Pages 602-5. 2 Sarah* m. 1664[Ip], Thomas TreadweU. 3 Hannah*. Erase "m. ab. 1660," etc. She is not named in the wiU, and prob. d. unm. 5 MiLLA* d. Jan. 20, or Feb. 8, 1663-4[Nb]. 10 Rebecca* m. Mch. 25, 1678[Ip]. 11 TmzAH* m. Nov. 24, 1685[Nb]. 7 Penuel^ Titcomb d. Feb. 5, 1717[Nb]. Will probated Feb. 11 [not "2"]. 18 WttLiAM'. Wife Joanna d. Mch. 17, 1716[Nb]. He d. June 21, 1747[Nb]. Chil. rec. at Nb.: Eliphalet*, b. 1715, d. 1716; Dorothy*, b. 1718, m. 1735, Thomas Woodbridge. 19 John' d. July 23, 1774[Nb]. 20 Joseph' m. Dec. 19, 1716[Nb], Sarah Bacheler, of Reading. He d. July 27, 1722[Nb]. Chil. rec. at Nb.: Abigail*, b. 1718; Stephen*, b. 1721. 8 Benaiah^ Titcomb d. Feb. 23, 1728-9[Nb]. 21 Benaiah' m. Oct. 26, 1709[Nb], Mary Wigglesworth. 23 Edmund' m. int. Nov. 18, 1704[Nb]. 24 Elizabeth' m. Jan. 1, 1706-7[Nb]. 26 Josiah' m. Jan. 23, 1717-8[Nb]. 12 William^ Titcomb called Sergt. and Ens. Nb. V. R. give d. Feb. 5, 1739[-40]. 29 Jedediah' m. int. June 29, 1717[Ip]. 32 Sarah' m. Jan. 14, 1719-20[Nb]. 38 Mary' m. Nov. 10, 1726[Nb], Jeremiah Person Jr. 41 Judith' m. Nov. 8, 1723[Nb]. 42 Mary' m. Nov. 30, 1721[Nb]. 43 Anne' m. Dec. 8, 1725[Nb]. 44 Mille' prob. m. May 17, 1733[Nb], Enoch Poor. Tongue Family. Page 333. 4 Sarah prob. m. Jan. 7, 1718-9[S], Nathaniel Maxfield. 5 Joanna. Erase "[" and "?]," marks of doubt. 1016 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 7 James Tongue {StephejiH) , of Amesbury and Kingston, m. Feb. 7, 1722-3[A], (89) Elizabeth^ Davis. Children: 8 I Stephen, b. Jan. 18, 1725-6[A]. 9 II Elizabeth, b. Aug. 22, 1732[A]. 10 III Mary, b. Jan. 7, 1736-7[A]. Towsly Family. Page 333. Travers Family. Pages 333-4. 1 Henry' Travers. "Window" should be Winslow. True Family. Pages 334-6, 805. 1 Henry' True. See p. 395. 9 William' True. Lieut. Wm. d. Mch. 18, 1733-4[S]. 23 Mary* m. Apr. 3, 1718[S], (6) or (13) Israel Sheppard. 39 Sarah* m. (59) Jabez* Eaton. Trussell Family. Page 337. 1 Henry Trussell. See p. 805. 2 Sarah m. (4) Philip Call. 3 Elizabeth m. Jan. 26, 1726-7[A], John Mattes, of Hv. Tucker Family. Pages 337-8, 805-6. 9 Mary m. 1st, Stephen' Davis; 2d, (6) Joseph* Peasley. 13 Jabez and 15 Morris went to Dartmouth, Mass., and Westerly, R. 1. 16 Ebenezer. Chil.: Rachel, b. Mch. 27, 1713[A]; Lemuel, b. Mch. 3, 1714-5[A]. Tuxbury Family. Pages 338-9. 9 John. See pp. 385, 806. Wadleigh Family. Pages 339, 605-6. 13 Robert'. A Robert, of Exeter, m. Sept. 8, 1696[Rw], Sarah Nelson. She was dism. from Rw. chh. to Ex. chh. Nov. 6, 1698[Rw]. * Note, p. 606. The five daus. of Robert, of Stratham, were under 18 y. old in 1733; wiU proved Nov. 20. 15 Henry' Wadleigh. Son Joseph, of, Hm., ap. adm. est. Feb. 20, 1732-3. wait — WATSON FAMILIES. 1017 Wait Family. Pages 339-40, 806-7. 9 Thomas Wait. Second line, p. 807, erase "?" See N. H. Prob. vol. 2, pp. 53-4. 12 Samuel. Per. schoolmaster in SaUs. ab. 1764. Warner Family. Pages 340-1, 807. 5 Samuel'. Two other chil.: Sarah*, b. May 28, 1674[Ip]; Richard*, b. Aug. 13, 1676[Ip]. 14 Priscilla'. Erase the whole line. 3 Daniel^ Warner. Third line, p. 341, "June 10" should be Nov. 10. 18 Nathaniel' Warner {DanieP, Wm.'), of Ipswich, m. Nov. 24, 1673[Ip], (19) Hannah^ Boynton. He d. 1684[Ip]. Wid. Hannah m. Batchelor. Children[Ip rec]: 23 I Nathaniel*, b. Mch. 20, 1676; d. Dec. 8, 1697. 24 n Daniel*, b. Feb. 11, 1677; killed by a horse, Aug. 2, 1686. 25 in John*, b. Oct. 12, 1679; d. Nov. 19, 1679. 26 IV Hannah*, b. Feb. 13, 1680-1; d. young. 27 V Hannah*, b. Aug. 28, 1684; liv. 1688. Wathen Family. See Worthen Family. Watson Family. Pages 341-2. 1 John' Watson. Wife Ruth adm. S. chh. Aug. 25, 1706. t Note, p. 341. "Wry" is Wm., and prob. "Dec. 6, 1670," was int. though rec. "m." 5 Jonathan. A Jonathan Wotson m. May 20, 1726[A], Ellenor* Flanders (12 Daniel'). 9 chil. rec. at A., b. 1726-7-45. 7 Ebenezer m. July 10, 1716[Nb], Martha RawUns, of Nb. 8 Thomas' Watson, of Salem, rec'd grants of land there 1636 and '54. He was ment. in will of Margaret Pease, 1645, trustee of her estate; constable of Sm., 1648. He d. Mch. 1, 1672[Sm]. His wid. d. Dec, 1674[Sm]. She was prob. the "Joane Watson" who was a member of the Sm. chh. [List of Rev. John Fiske, pas tor, Hist. Coll. Es. Inst. vol. 1, p. 38]. 9 John Watson,* of Rowley and Bradford, b. ab. 1644; m. Eunice^ Barker (James'), of Rw. He was adm. Rw. chh. Mch. 22, 1666; free 1672. He prob. d. ab. 1685. Children: * Possibly son of (8) Thomas', but no proof found. He may have come from Sm., lilte Samuel Foot and Ezekiel Wathen. 1018 OLD FAMILIES OP SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 10 I Hannah, b. Dec. 16, bp. Dec. 27, 1668[Rw]. 11 n John, b. ; bp. Nov. 19, 1671[Rw]; m. Feb. 25, 1691-2[Bd], Ruth Hartshorn, or Harris. Chil. rec. at Bd.: John, b. 1693, d. 1700; Thomas, b. 1695; Ruth, bp. 1697; Abigail, b. 1699; Hannah, b. 1702; John, b. 1705; Samuel, b. 1711; Shadrach, b. 1712-3; Ebenezer, h. 1717. 12 in Nathaniel, b. Dec. 2, 1676[Bd]. 13 IV Eunice, b. Apr. 20, d. July 26, 1679[Bd]. 14 V Thomas, b. Oct. 10, 1681[Bd]. A Thomas d. Mch. 21, 1703-4[Bd]. 15 VI Mary, b. 1684[Bd]; per. m. Feb. 20, 1709-10, Samuel Gage. Webster Family. Pages 342-5, 807-8. 14 John' Webster d. ab. 1646; inv. est. Sept., 1646; wid. ap. adm. See Emery, p. 862. 21 Israel* prob. m. (102) Elizabeth* Brown. 37 Dea. Nathan' d. Aug. 16, 1741; wife d. Apr. 27, 1741; bur. in W. Parish, Hv. 46 Mary' prob. m. Mch. 25, 1696[Bd], John West, at Sm. 47 Nathan' Webster {Nathan', John'), oi Bradford, Mass., and Chester, N. H., b. 1679 ; m. 1st, Martha ; 2d, Aug. 31, 1738[A], (113) Mary Stevens [wid. of (12) Thomas Sargent and of Peter Godfrey], who was b. ab. 1680. He rem. to Chester ab. 1728-32 [p. 807]. Children[Bd rec] : 59 I Sarah*, b. Dec. 5, 1704. 60 II Lydia*, b. Jan. 2, 1707. 61 in Mary*, b. Oct. 5, 1709; m. [p. 808]. 62 IV Daniel*, b. Oct. 26, 1712; m. [p. 807]. 63 V Nathan*, b. July 1, 1715; m. Martha' Blaisdell [p. 807]. 64 VI Stephen*, b. Feb. 18, 1717-8; m. [p. 807]. 65 VII David*, b. 1720. 66 VIII John*, b. July 3, 1723. 67 IX Abel*, b. July 2, 1726; m. [p. 808]. 51 Samuel' Webster {Nathan', John'), of Bradford, b. 1688; m. Aug. 13, 1713[Bd], Mary* Kimball {Thomas", Thomas', Rich ard'), who d. Feb. 6, 1770[Bd]. He d. May 27, 1769[Bd]. Chil- dren[Bd rec] : 68 I John*, Col., b. Aug. 9, 1714; rem. to Chester, N. H.; very active in Rev. 69 n Mary*, b. Sept. 9, 1716. 70 III Samuel*, Rev., b. Aug. 16, 1718. He was pastor of the 2d Salis. chh. 1741-96. WEBSTER — WEED FAMILIES. 1019 71 IV Jonathan*, b. Aug. 31, 1720. 72 V Deborah*, b. ; bp. Aug.-Oct., 1720 [twin, or bp. 1722?] 73 VI Ebenezer*, b. May 6, 1724; prob. m. June 24, 1746, Sarah Gage. He d. June 23, 1768[Bdi 74 VII Thomas*, b. Dec. 2, 1726. 75 VIII Nathan*, b. ; bp. Apr. 20, 1729; d. young. 76 IX Ephraim*, b. May 13, 1730. 77 X Nathan*, b. May 1, 1732. 78 XI Sarah*, b. Mch. 27, 1734. 79 XII Asa*, b. May 31, 1736; d. Jan. 13, 1754. A John Webster [pp. 345, 808], "the baker," was admonished at Sm. for "brewing and tippleinge" in 1640 [Es. Ant. vol. 3, p. 158]. Weed Family. Pages 345-8, 808. 3 Mary*. See Griffin, p. 382. 11 Thomas*. See p. 808. 13 Deborah'. A Deborah of A. m. Caleb Hobbs, int. Dec. 22, 1705[Ip]. 4 John^ Weed. Erase "Anne , prob." Also erase "prob. also 2d, Aug. 12, 1708[Nb], Sarah Pet-" and the first line on the next page. 22 John' m. 1st, Sarah PettingiU; 2d, Sarah Brown, who d. in 1718; 3d, Sarah Hale; dates as given on pp. 346, 347, and 808. Chil. rec. at Nb.: John*, b. 1730; Sarah*, b. 1733; Benjamin*, b. 1735; aU prob. d. young; Abraham*, b. 1736, m. 1756, Mary Adams; drowned 1761. If the date of m., 1720, is correct, there may have been other chil. b. between 1720 and '30, who also d. young, and are not recorded. 23 Ephraim'. Ephraim and Susanna. Chil. rec. at Nb.: Susanna*, b. and d. 1727; a child, b. and d. 1729; a dau., b. 1731; John*, b. 1733; also Susanna*, bp. 1746. [23a Mary', b. ; m. Dec. 7, 1706[Nb], Benjamin Coker Jr.?] 7 George^ Weed m. (7) Margaret Wathen. "26 III Philip', b. Oct. 28, 1704," should be erased, p. 347. 28 Deborah' m. Aug. 6, 1741 [A Fr rec], John Lister. 30 Phebe', b. Oct. 28, 1704[A]; m. June 2, 1730[A Fr rec], Moses Bowdy (Moses and Ruth), of Kittery. She was the 3d child, not the "7th." 32 Jacob', b. Feb. 15, 1713[A]. 32a George' (7 George'^), b. Mch. 3, 1715[A]; not ment. in will, 1731. 8 Nathaniel^ Weed m. as on p. 346. Children[A rec] : 32b I John', b. Aug. 15, 1702 ) giiied with their mother, July 4, or 32c II Daniel', b. Nov. 18, 1703. >¦ 25 1706 32d III Sarah', b. . ) ' 32e IV John', b. Oct. 7, 1712 [by 2d wife]. 1020 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 32f V Daniel', b. Sept. 7, 1714. 32g VI Nathan', b. Aug. 3, 1716. 32h VII Sarah', b. Sept. 22, 1718. 32i vin Betty', b. Oct. 25, 1720. 9 Ephraim^ Weed and wife Hannah,* m. as early as 1689; both liv. 1726. Children, p. 347: 33 I Elisha', b. Sept. 15, 1689 (not "July 25, 1692"). Eight chil. on A. rec, b. 1713-28. 34 II Dorothy' m. Dec. 2, 1725[A], (20) Philip' Challis. 36 III Elizabeth', b. July 25, 1692[A]. 36 IV Annis' m. Aug. 16, 1733[Nb], Jonathan Pressey. 37 V Priscilla' m. Mch. 26, 1728[A]. 38 VI Eleanor'. In line below, on p. 347, for Philip "CaU," read FhilipColby. 38a vn Tabitha', b. Apr. 2, 1711[A]; m. Sept. 4, 1729[A], (65) Philip* Colby. 38b vin Hannah', b. Feb. 26, 1713[A]. 38c IX Sarah', b. Aug. 30, 1715[A]. 38d X Ephraim', b. Oct. 1, 1717[A]; prob. m. Jan. 21, 1741-2[A], Hannah Barnard. 38e XI Isaac', b. Mch. 4, 1720[A]; prob. m. Feb. 26, 1746[A], Meriam Clough. 38f xn Anne', b. Aug. 2, 1722[A]. 10 Joseph^ Weed and children, pp. 347-8. 39 Joanna'. A Joanna m. June 24, 1713[Bd], (43) Nathaniel' Haseltine. 40 JxroiTH' m. Feb. 21, 1722-3[Hv], Ebenezer Buck, of Woburn; res. Hv. See p. 982. 45 Joseph'. Erase "m. May 8, 1734." A Joseph Jr. pub. to Abigail West, of Bd., July 6, 1729[A]; but no rec. of m. or chil. found. Joseph and Susanna (Whittier) had chil.: Hopestill*, b. Mch., 1731-2[A]; Mary*, b. Mch., 1734[Hv]; Daniel*, b. July, 1736[Hv]; Meribah*, b. July, 1738 [Hv]; Joseph*, b. Nov., 1741[Hv]. 46 Rachel' (10 Joseph''), b. Dec. 16, 1708[A]. Wells Family. Pages 348-53, 808-20. 1 Richard' Wells. Another Richard m. Jan. 1, 1678[Sm], wid. Martha Skerry. May he not be the one in Lynn in 1638? 6 Abigail* m. Nathaniel Tredwell. It is said that their dau. Sarah, b. 1674, m. (107) Joseph' Brown. 29 Abigail'. Erase "?" 26 Luke' Wells [p. 810] taken captive by Indians, June 10, 1697, prob. with (18) Samuel' Gill. "Luke Wells and a lad at Salisbury carried away" [Pike's Journal]. * a. v. R. have a Hannah, w. Ephraim, d. May 22, "1782," aged 82 y. As this Hannah was b. in Nov., 1679, she would bo 82 in May, 176S. wells FAMILY. 1021 49? John* Wells d. ab. 1796, at Loudon, N. H. Wife, called "Apphia" by descendants, d. ab. 1799, at her son Nathaniel's in Gilmanton.81 Nathaniel' m. Mary Dudley (Joseph), of Exeter, b. 1758. She d. July 5, 1836, in Gilmanton. 87 Dorothy' per. m. Jonathan Atwood [p. 769, vol. 2, Hist. Hmst.]. 92 Philip' and wife Mary. Chil., Chester rec: Dorothy', b. July 28, bp. Aug. 1, 1742; Mollie', b. Mch. 22, bp. Mch. 25, 1744; David', b. Jan. 12, 1745; "Hite"', b. [Oct. 3?J, bp. Sept. 27, 1747; Sarah', b. Sept. 13, bp. Oct. 8, 1749; Stephen', b. Aug. 2, 1751. 103 Peter', of Chester and New Chester, or HiU, N. H. 56 Titus* Wells m. Sept. 24, 1729[Nb]. 58 Philemon* Wells {Titus", Rev. Thomas', Thomas'), of New bury and Kingston, b. 1708; m. Ruth Ayres, int. Nov. 29, 1729. He was dead in June, 1741. He rem. from Nb. to Kg. about 1735. Children[bp. Q A Nb] : 114a I Sarah', b. ; bp. Dec. 20, 1730. 114b n A SON', b. ; bp. Oct. 15, 1732. 114c in Timothy', b. ; bp. Nov. 12, 1732; m. + 114d IV Ruth', b. or bp. Dec. 2, 1734. 114e V Mary', b. ; bp. Feb. 6, 1736-7, of Kg. 114f VI Elizabeth', b. ; bp. May 20, 1739, of Kg. 114g VII Philemon', b. ; bp. June 28, 1741. 113 Joseph^ Wells m. Mary Burnham, of Manchester, Mass. 114c Timothy^ Wells {Philemon'', Titus", Rev. Thomas', Thomas^), oi Chester, N. H., b. 1732; m. a widow, whose dau., Elizabeth, was bp. Apr. 18, 1756. Timothy and wife ren. cov. same date. Children: 195 I Josiah', b. ; bp. Apr. 18, 1756[Ch]; Rev. soldier. 196 n Thomas', b. ; bp. Feb. 26, 1758[Ch]; m. Anna [Bean?]; Rev. soldier; d. bef. 1786. Dau. Elizabeth'', b. Jan. 17, 1786, posthumous. 197 III Nathaniel', b. ; bp. Apr. 6, 1760[Ch]; m. Anna Wells [wid. of his bro. Thomas]; res. Sandown. 11 chU. rec. at Chester, b. 1786- 1807. 198 IV Ruth', b. ; bp. Oct. 23, 1764[Ch]. 199 V Moses', b. ; bp. Feb. 19, 1769[Ch]. 200 VI Aaron', b. ; bp. Apr. 21, 1771[Ch]; d. young. 201 vn Aaron', b. ; bp. Apr. 18, 1773[Ch]. Note. The records of Nos. 49, 81, 92, and 114c in this volume were furnished by Mrs. Harry Rogers, of Philadelphia. 1022 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Wentworth Family. Page 353. i Note. Add to the last Une of the page: "but she [Sarah Allen] was wife of John Gordon, of Biddeford, in 1729." Wheeler Family. Pages 353-5. 1 John' Wheeler"" was the son of Dominick, or Dominy, Wheeler, of New Sarum, "sherma' "[shearman?], Co. Wilts, Eng., whose will, Dec. 12, 1615; Feb. 16, 1615-6; printed in Es. Inst. Hist. Coll. vol. 44, p. 292, mentions wife Mercy and son John^ Wheeler; also John's eldest son, Edward^, and his bro., John^.f 8 Elizabeth* m. 1st, Thomas' Duston; 2d, June 9, 1663[Hv], Matthias' Button, his 4th wife. For the early Button and Duston generations, see Es. Inst. Hist. CoU. vol. 46, pp. 348-53. Hannah* Button prob. m. Wm. Sammon. "12a Thomas*." Some printed copies of the wiU give a doubtful "Thomas." The original will is very difficult to decipher, but we fail to find a "Thomas" there. The "Wheeler Genealogy," recently published (1914), gives it in the will, but not in the genealogy proper [pp. 394-7]. Mr. C. E. Peirce assures the writer that the baptism of Thomas is found on the parish register in England. 14 John'. See p. 820. 9 Roger'' Wheeler m. 2d, Nov. 23, 1659[Boston], Mary [wid. of John Stone]. He d. Dec. 7, 1661 [not "Oct. 13, 1659"]; and "doubtless another person," in fNoTE, p. 354, should be erased. 26 Henry' m. Rachel Squire (PhiUp), of Boston, b. 1665. 43 Jeremiah* m. [p. 820]. 47 Abigail* d. Mch. 18, 1727-8[S]. Wheelwright Family. Pages 356-7, 607-8. 1 John' Wheelwright, Rev., "late of Belleaw, Lincolnshire, Eng., clerk, now of Salisbury, Mass., 1677" [Es. Ant., 1909, p. 163]. 3 Susanna*. See p. 820. 12 Sarah*, liv. 1677, of Boston. Whitridge Family. Pages 357, 820. * A John Wheeler m. Nov. 6, 1614, Elizabeth Rofe, in Downton, Wilts, Eng. [G. R. 1912, p. ZiO). t This John^ prob. d. young, as he does not appear in the will of (1) John'. WHITTAKER — WHITTIER FAMILIES. 1023 Whittaker Family. Abraham' Whittaker and his descendants for several generations will be found in Es. Inst. Hist. Coll. vol. 49, pp. 41-9. The names Whittier and Whittaker are sometimes confounded, even on official records. Whittier Family. Pages 357-60, 820-1. 1 John Whittier owned land in Ipswich in 1635. Currier's Nb. gives John Whittier "prest" in 1675 and '76, King Philip's War. For Abraham Whittier and his children, and the spelUngs of the name Whittier on Essex Co. records, see Es. Inst. Hist. Coll. vol. 49, pp. 37-9. Henry Whytear, of Landford, Wilts, Eng. Will Mch. 10, 1583-4; Aug. 22, 1584 [G. R. vol. 66, p. 252]. Children: Henry, b. ; liv. 1593. Richard, b. ab. 1550-60[?]; Uv. 1593. CML: John and Joane, b. bef. 1584. Per. either Richard or Henry was father of Richard below, b. ab. 1585, and grandfather of (2) Thomas'. Joane, b. ; m. John Parker. 3 chil., b. bef. 1584. Agnes, b. ; m. Morrys. bet. 1584 and 1593. Phillis, b. 1566-83; name Whitear in 1593. John, b. 1566-83; bro. Henry ap. adm. est. Sept. 27, 1593; no chil. William, b. 1566-83; liv. 1593. Richard Whitteer, of Sarum [Salisbury], Wilts, Eng., b. ab. 1585[?]; m. Jan. 23, 1608-9, (lb) Mary Rofe [sister of (1) John'], of White Parish, Wilts. [For English records, see G. R. vol. 66, pp. 252-7.] ¦? Children: Richard, b. ; liv. 1663; prob. remained in England. John, b. ; liv. 1663; prob. remained in England. 2 Thomas', b. ab. 1620-2; m. Ruth Green. + 2 Thomas' Whittier {Richard) m. Ruth Green [not "Rolf"]. He was a nephewf of (1) John' Rolfe, and came to this country with him, as his "servant." In the third and fourth lines of the note, bottom of p. 358, "Whittier" should be Whittaker. See p. 820: "Aug., 1697, or '91," should read Aug., 1691. Erase the last sentence: "If a grandson," etc. * The following spellings are found on the English records: Whicher, Whitear[e], Whiteer, White- heare, Whiteir, Whiteyeare, Whiteyer, Whithear, Whitier. WMtlear[e\, Whitteer, Whitter, Whittier, WhiUyer, Whityeare, Whityeere, Whityere, Whytear, Whyteer, Whytehear, Whytteer, and others. t This removes the difficulty which has required so many explanations. Note. WhUlier and Whicher are different spellings of the same name; but the Widger family of Essex Co. is apparently not a branch of the Whittier family. See Es. Inst. Hist. CoU. voL 49, pp. 40-1. 1024 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. t Note, p. 358. The generation marks in the first Une should be omitted. John and Richard were bros., not "sons" of Thomas. 18 Nathaniel' d. June 28, 1740[Hv]. 8 Nathaniel^ Whittier. Second wife may have been Mary Bracket, wid. of (13) Joseph^ Ring. See pp. 298, 821. 29 Susanna'. Erase "May 8, 1734." 30 Joseph' d. Oct. 8, 1796[Hv]. Wilford Family. 1 Gilbert Wilford, of Bradford and Haverhill, m. (61) Mary^ Dow. He had a house in Hv. in 1675. Inv. est., Norfolk Co. rec, at Concord, N. H., taken July 28, 1676, by Henry Palmer and Robert Ford; attested Apr. 10, 1677. Wid. and chil. ment., their names not given; but 17 persons are named to whom debts were due. Wid. Mary m. Apr. 2, 1679[Hv], Matthew Clarke. Children: 2 I Mary, b. Nov. 18, 1667[Bd]; m. 1st, Dec. 17, 1684[Hv], (3) John* Cor liss; 2d, Jan. 23, 1702-3[Hv], Wm. Whittaker. 3 II Martha, b. Jan. 18, 1669[Bd]; m. Feb. 7, 1694-5[Hv], (5) Joseph* Greely. 4 in Ruth, b. May 15, 1672[Bd]; m. June 12, 1694[Hv], (30) Thomas' Ayer. 5 IV Nathaniel, b. May 20, 1675[Bd]; res. Hv. Nunc. wiU,* Oct. 12, 1706; no wife or chil. ment. Sister Martha Greele ap. adm. est. Nov. 28, 1706. Williams Family. Pages 360-2, 821. S Mary'. Thomas Silver d. Aug. 26, 1695[Hv]. Shem. 2d, Aug. 7, 1700[Hv], Simon Wainwright, who was killed by Indians, Aug. 29, 1708[Hv]; 3d, Feb. 19, 1718[Bd], (16) John* Boynton; 4th, Oct. 30, 1727, (5) Joshua* Boynton. For genealogy of the above branch, see G. R. 1908, pp. 184-91. 17 Thomas Williams d. Feb. 3, 1757[Nb]. (6) John^ Wood man, the uncle of both of (17) Thomas's wives, lived at Oyster River, but we have been unable to connect him with the Williams family of that town. 18 Mary m. Dec. 7, 1720[Nb]. 19 Henry Williams rec'd to 2 A. chh. Jan. 14, 1727-8 [p. 501] [not "1726-7"]. He d. Mch. 7, 1751[A]. * In this he speaks of his "loving sister Marden" [IVIartha?], to whom he wishes to give his prop erty. WILLIAMS FAMILY. 1025 28 Thomas m. July 8, 1761[A], not "June." Wid. Dolly d. Apr. 26, 1803[A], pp. 361, 821. 29 William, p. 821. Lydia m. Apr. 18, 1782[A], Ebenezer Sargent; Judith d. Jan. 3, 1794:[A]; Levi d. Oct. 31, 1829[A]. 43 William' Willyams Sen., of Dover* [Oyster River, or Dur ham], was there as early as 1633; taxed in 1657 and '59. His name appears on the town records frequently, down to 1675, when his name was on the tax list, and he was of Dover in 1676. He was a constable as early as 1657, and again as late as 1663. He and others were fined about 1660 for absence from meeting on Sun days. Some, if not all, of these had been attending the Quaker meeting. In 1668 he was again fined "for a Breach of Town order for entertaining Naomi hull." Children: 44 I Matthew*, b. prob. as early as 1636; [m. EUzabeth Giles (Matthew)?]; taxed in 1657 and '59, and signed petition of 1668 to have 0. R. made a township. The name occurs in New Castle accounts in 1712. 45 II William*, b. prob. as early as 1638; m. Margaret Stevenson. -|- 46 III Mary*, a witness in court in 1665 [Hist Dur]. 47 IV Elizabeth*, a witness in court in 1665 [Hist Dur]; [possibly wife of Matthew?]. Perhaps other children? 45 William^ Williams Jr. {William'), of Oyster River [Dur ham], b. ab. 1637?; m. Margaret^ Stevenson (Thomas^?); called Jr. till 1676, per. later. He received a small grant of land lying between the land of his father and that of his bro. Matthew, in 1658; taxed in 1659. Later he inherited land and had "a hand some estate," known as the "Williams farm" and "retained by the family till after the Revolution" [Quint's "Ancient Dover," p. 77]. One "half of William Williams' Plantation" in Oyster River had been sold by him to John Cutt, of Portsm., before 1680, when the latter made his will. Wm. Jr. was taxed in 1675. A William Williams signed the petition of 1695 for making Oyster River a township. Children : 48 I William', b. Dec. 22, 16[62?] [Dover]; [m. Hannah Heard[?].t 49 II John', Dea., b. Mch. 30, 1664[D]; m. Ruth ; signed petition of 1695; land grants 1693-4 and 1717; constable in Durham, etc. Will of John of Durham, May 23, 1735; Mch. 27, 1745; ment. wife Ruth, * Mr. Francis Williams, "Governor of Strawberry bank" [Portsm.], was called upon to settle diffleulties in Dover, 1641, 1650. Thomas Williams owned land in Portsm., 1645-9. t A William had a seat assigned in the meeting house, Portsmouth, in 1693. His name appears as of Portsm., 1701-15, constable, block maker and butcher. Adm. est. gr. Henry Tibbetts, of 1026 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 2 chil. and a grandchild. 3 chil. bp. June, 1719: Hannah*, xn. James Huckins; Elizabeth*, m. Badger, dau. Eliz. ment. in will; John*, m., 1727-8, Bridget Tibbetts. 50 m Elizabeth', b. Oct. 25, 1665[D]; prob. m. Oct. 28, 1680[D], Samuel HiU (John) [15 y. old?] 51 IV Thomas', b. — — ; signed the petition of 1695 [Quint, p. 59]; dead in 1707, when his bros. John and Samuel sold land granted to him by the town of Dover in 1694. 52 V Samuel', b. ; m. Elizabeth Stevenson (Bartholomew) [Hist. Dur.]. 53 [VI Rachel', b. ; m. Sept. 20, 1689[Pike's Jour.], Thomas Puddington?] 54 [VII Henry', b. ; rec'd land grant in 1694 [Quint, p. 80]. Hist. Dur ham does not ment. him. May he not be the same person as (42) Henry, below, and p. 821?] We have found no proof that Rachel and Henry were chU. of (45) WiUiam*. Possibly they may have been chil. of (44) Matthew. 42 Henry Williams, of Hampton, m. 1st, ; 2d, Christian [wid. of Wm. Haskins]. (2) Thomas^ Chase, of Hm., in his will, Apr. 26, 1712, gave to "Henry Williams and his now wife, Christian, a small peece of land where the sd Williams his house now standeth."'"' Also a bequest to the "dau. of said Williams' wife, Lidia Haskins." "If she die childless, then to the next of Christian's children." Henry Williams was a witness in 1690, and was of Hm. in 1697. Will Feb. 1, Apr. 10, 1712; ment. wife Christian, two sons, and Lydia Haskins, dau. of his wife. Wife Christian and son Thomas were named executors, but Thomas declined. She was made sole executor Apr. 10,' 1712, and the same day renounced the administration of the estate of her former husband, Wm. Haskins. See (54) Henry'. Children: 55 I Henry, b. ; away in 1712. "If he return." 56 II Thomas, b. ; Uv. 1712. [Younger than (17) Thomas, unless (42) Henry was b. as early as 1655.] Willix Family. Page 362. Winsley Family. Pages 362-4, 821. 4 Nathaniel^ Winsley, p. 821. "^"should be ^'j less 12 J acres; a half share, there being 16 shares. The deed mentions ^ of the island in defining the title. 7 Hepzibah', b. Feb. 7, 16— [S]. 10 Elizabeth'. Name Winsley in 1710. Dover, Mch. 9, 1721-2. Hist. Durham makes (48) William' prob. d. without issue bef. 1707; adm. est., 1721-2, of (45) William; and queries whether (45) William m. Hannah Heard, Mch. 22, 1719-20, when over 80 y. old. Even (48) Wm. would then be nearly 60 y. old. * One of the bounds named was (27) "Ephrim Hoitt's fence." It will be seen that the will of Thomas Chase was signed after the death of Henry Williams. WINSLEY — Vi^OODMAN FAMILIES. 1027 12 Ephraim', b. Mch. 19, 1677-8[S]. 14 Hannah'. Name Winsley in 1710. Wooddam Family. Page 364. Woodin Family. Pages 364, 821. Woodman Family. Pages 364-8. 1 Archelaus^ Woodman; name written "Hercules" in 1635 and 1662; also "Harchelas" in 1665; came from Walford in 1635, via South Hampton, Eng.; was in Newbury as early as 1637. His 2d wife was Dorothy Swan (Richard) [wid. of Thomas Abbott, of Rw., and of Edward Chapman, of lp.] [Es. Ant. vol. 1, p. 103]. He d. Oct. 7 or 17, 1702[NbVR]. Wid. Dorothy d. Oct. 21, 1710[Rw]. 2 Sarah* m. 1st, John Brocklebank; 2d, after 1665, John Adams, p. 822. Erase the second line on p. 365, "3 II A DAU. . . . Adams." 4 Edward^ Woodman may have been b. as early as 1600-6. 8 Mary* m. John* Brown (James^). 9 Sarah*. See G. R. 1861, p. 273, where "MorriU" should be Merrill. 17 Rebecca' m. Mch. 23, 1686[Rw], Ezekiel "Liton." 6 JoHN^ Woodman, pp. 366, 822, was accepted as an inhabitant of Dover [Oyster River] in 1657; taxed in 1657 and '59; signed the petitions of 1669 and '75 for Oyster River [Durham] township. His name appears frequently on the town and probate records; selectman, 1662 and later; rep., 1684-97. "John Woodman, Esq." performed a marriage ceremony, as "Justice of the Peace," July, 1704, two years before his death. 24 John'. Erase "m. Raynes (Francis), of York," no rec. of wife or chU. 25 Jonathan', pp. 366, 822. Constable and selectman, 1702 and later. Will of Joshua Downing, 1717, ment. grandchild Mary^ Woodman. For descendants see Hist. Dur. 30 Joshua'. Child: Mehitable*, b. Aug. 28, 1704[Rw]. 34 David'. Chil. bp. at Byfield parish, 1714, and later. Wife Dorothy d. Oct. 11, 1711[Bd]. 35 Benjamin'. Chil. bp. at Byfield parish, 1711-2 and later. 41 Jonathan' d. June 12, 1730[Nb]. Wife AbigaU d. Sept. 24, 1725[Nb], aged 52 y. Either he or his father, (10) Jonathan, bought land in CoxhaU (Lyman), Me., in 1697. 1028 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. 20 Edward^ Woodman. Wid. IVlary d. Jan. 21, 1744-5[Nb]. 47 JoHN^ d. Nov. 12, 1787[Nb]. Wife Anna d. Mch. 13, 1772[Nb], in her 65th y. 51 Daniel* m. Tabitha' Annis (Abraham*, Charles'). 51a A CHILD* (20 Edward'), b. ; bp. June 3, 1716[2Nb]. 21 Archelaus^ Woodman. Wife Hannah d. Apr. 25, 1749[Nb], in her 75th y. 53 Edward* d. Nov. 1, 1762[Nb]. Last line on p. 367. "Salisbury" should be Sawyer. 57 Joshua* d. Apr. 4, 1791[Nb]. He m. Eunice* Sawyer (23 John'), h. 1714; was prob. the Joshua who had 10 chil. bp. at 1 Kg. chh., 1738-50; the oldest, Joshua', and Eunice'. 59 Elizabeth* prob. m. Jan. 5, 1737-8[Nb], John Goodridge Jr., of Gl. If so, "Per. she m. 1st, . . . Samuel Plummer 3d," should be erased. (42) Ichabod' had a dau. EUz. b. 1713-4, who may have m. Samuel Plummer 3d. 31 Jonathan' Woodman, Capt. and Dea. {Joshua', Edward'), oi Rowley and Bradford, b. 1674; m. June 24, 1700[Rw], Sarah IMighill, of Rw. Both were dism. from the Rw. chh. to the Bd. chh. Sept. 10, 1704. He d. Feb. 14, 1743-4. Will Feb. 11, Mch. 12, 1743-4. Wid. Sarah d. Mch. 16, 1772[Bd], in her 91st y. Children : 62 I Stephen*, b. Apr. 15, 1701[Rw]; m. 1st, Hannah , who d. Apr. 24, 1728[Bd], aged 24 y.; 2d, July 18, 1729[Rw&Bd], Sarah Lam bert, of Rw., who d. July 2, 1736[Bd], in her 32d y.; 3d, May 12, 1737[Bd], Elizabeth Poor, of And., who d. Oct. 22, 1779, in her 68th y. He d. Feb. 9, 1781[Bd]. 10 chil. rec. at Bd., b. and bp. 1728-52. 63 II Jonathan*, b. Feb. 20, 1702-3 [Rw]; d. young. 64 III Mehitable*, b. Aug. 28, 1704[Rw]; d. young. 65 IV Jonathan*, b. Mch. 16, 1705-6[Bd]; d. young. 66 V Sarah*, b. Apr. 10, 1707[Bd]; d. Oct. 20, 1714[Bd]. 67 VI Joshua*, b. Sept. 4, 1709[Bd]. A Joshua m. Dec. 2, 1742[Rw], Jane Hobson; both of Rw. 68 vn Nathaniel*, b. May 2, 1712[Bd]; m. Dec. 26, 1734[Hv], Mehitable Osgood; res. Hv.; dead in 1743, leaving son Nathaniel', b. 1739. 69 Vin Elisabeth*, b. July 29, 1713 [Bd]; m. Oct. 22, 1735[Bd], Stephen MighUl, of Rw. 70 IX Jonathan*, b. Apr. 27, 1715[Bd]; m. Feb. 19, 1740[Bd], Mary= Kim ball (Richard*, 49 Richard'). He d. Sept. 7, 1746[Bd]; adm. est. gr. wid. Mary Feb. 23, 1746-7. Wid. Mary m. Oct. 5, 1758[Bd], Job Runnils. 3 chU., Bd. rec, b. 1741-6. 71 X David*, b. Nov. 14, 1716[Bd]; not ment. in wiU, 1743. WOODMAN FAMILY. 1029 72 XI Sarah*, b. Feb. 3, 1718-9[Bd]; d. July 29, 1745[Bd]. 73 XII Samuel*, b. Apr. 13, 1721[Bd]; m. Sept. 24, 1745[Bd], Mary Armstrong. 11 cML, Bd. rec, b. 1746-67. 74 xm Mehitable*, b. Aug. 6, 1723[Bd]; not ment. in wiU, 1743. 75 XIV Mary*, b. Sept. 2, 1726[Bd]; liv. 1743. 76 John Woodman, of Kittery prob. as early as 1692, m. Mary Raynes (Francis) [will, 1693], of York. He had a grant of land in Kt. in 1694; was adm. est. of John Diemond, of Kt., 1697. He was apparently of the third generation. If nearly related to the Nb. family, he may have been a grandson of (1) Archelaus^; but no proof has been found that Archelaus had a son. Children : 77 I Anne, b. Mch. 10, 1692-3. 78 nJoHN, b. May 4, 1696; m. May, 1723 [Portsm.] Mary Hepworth; res. York. There was a John Jr., of York, in 1735. 79 III Mary, b. June 1, 1701; m. John More, of York, ab. 1724. [Mostly from Stackpole's "Old Kittery."] Unclassified Records. 2 Elizabeth Woodman, p. 368, who m. John Whipple, May 6, 1659[lp],may have been dau. of (1) Archelaus', or, possibly, of (4) Edward'. 4 John "Woodman," p. 368, should be John Wood. 80 Richard Woodman, of Lynn, d. in 1647. His nuncupative wUl, proved Dec, 1647, ment. his "master," John Gillow, but no relatives. He was prob. the Richard who came in the "Abigail," aged 9 y., in 1685. 81 Edward Woodman, of Boston, m. Remember Maverick (Moses). In a petition about the Maverick estate, in Apr., 1691, he stated that his wife had seven chil. entitled to their share of the est. If they were all his chil., he must have been m. as early as 1670-80, and b. as early as 1650-60. Moses Maverick, of Salem and Marblehead, wlio d. in 1685-6, ment. his dau. Remember Woodman in his will. Cornelius Woodman, bp. Nov. 9, 1684[Marble], son of "Rement" [Remember?]. Thomas Perkins m. in Boston, July 26, 1694, Remember Woodman, prob. dau. or wid. of Edward. He could not have belonged to the Newbury family unless he was son or grandson of (1) Archelaus', of which we have found no proof. 82 Joseph Woodman, of Sm., a youth ment. in wUl of Christopher Waller in 1676. 83 Susanna Woodman, dau. of Richard Gledden, of Portsm., ment. in his wiU, 1727. 84 Stephen Woodman m. Mary French, Nov. 11, 1681[Rw]. 85 Judith Woodman m. Joseph Tounsend, Aug. 9, 1694[Boston]. 86 Mary Woodman m. Furnald, Nov. 4, 1714[Portsm]. 1030 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Worcester* Family. Pages 368-9. 7 Timothy*. Sarah' m. ab. 1690, Benjamin Sanborn, and d. Jan. 29, 1720, "aged 54 y."[DHm]; Susanna' ra. ab. 1687, (24) MoSES' Pike. 8 Moses* prob. rem. from S. to Kt. in 1673. See p. 822. 3 Samuel^ Worcester m. Elizabeth Parratt; date of his death Feb. fi[BdVR]. Wid. Eliz. m. Ones. Marsh Sen. and d. May 9, 1690[Hv]. 14 Francis', b. ab. 1665. 15 Joseph', b. June 20, 1667[Rw]. 18 Elizabeth', b. Feb. i5[Bd V R]. 20 John'. Adm. est. gr. bro. Francis, Dec. 2, 1701. 12 William' Worcester {SamueP, Wm.'-), of Bradford, b. 1661; m. Jan. 29, 1690-l[Bd], Martha Cheney, of Nb. He d. Apr. 23, 1706[Bd], and wid. Martha m. Jan. 18, 17lO-l[Bd], John Pemberton. Adm. est. gr. wid. Martha July 9, 1706; est. div. 1712. Children[Bdrec]: 23 I Moses*, b. Dec. 13, 1691; m. Jan. 26, 1718-9, Mercy* Tbnny (Sam.', John'', Thomas^). CML, Bd. rec: Moses', b. 1720, m. 1743, Mary Stickney; Martha', bp. 1723; Sarah', b. 1726-7; William', b. 1728-9; Eldad', bp. 1731-2; Mercy', b. 1734. 24 II William*, b. Oct. 3, d. Oct. 18, 1693. 25 ni Benjamin*, b. Jan. 8, 1695-6; d. bef. 1712. 26 IV Sarahs b. Feb. 11, 1697-8; m. Jan. 5, 1719-20[Bd], Samuel Tenny; liv. 1712. 27 V Nathaniels b. Oct. 31, 1700; liv. 1712. 28 VI Mehetabel*, b. Jan. 16, 1702-3; Uv. 1712. 29 vn Abigails b. May 8, 1705; liv. 1712. See "The Worcester Family," J. F. Worcester, Lynn, 1856, 112 pp. 14 Francis' Worcester {Sam.', Wm.'), of Bradford, b. ab. 1665; m. Jan. 29, 1690-l[Bd], Mary Cheney, of Nb. He d. Dec. 17, 1717[Bd]; will Dec. 13, Feb. 3, 1717-8; ment. wife Mary, son Timo thy and sons and daus., without names. Children[Bd rec] : 30 I Hannah*, b. Feb. 8, 1691-2; prob. m. Mch. 3, 1714-5[Bd], Jacob Hardy Jr. 31 II Timothys b. Dec. 6, 1693; m. Dec. 5, 1717[Bd], at Concord, Mary Lakin; res. Bd., Nb., and Falmouth, Me. 2 chil. rec. at both Bd. and Nb., b. 1719 and '20-1; 3 others rec. at Nb., b. 1722-5. * Spelled also Wooster, Worster and Waster. WORCESTER — WORTH FAMILIES. 1031 32 in Jemima*, b. Jan. 19, 1695-6; prob. m. 1717, (10) John' Boynton (Joshua*, Wm.i), pub. Nov. 27, 1717. 33 IV Francis*, b. June 7, 1698; prob. m. Apr. 14, 1720[Bd], AbigaU Carle ton. 2 chil., Bd. rec, b. 1722 and '24. 34 V John*, b. Nov. 5, 1700. 35 VI Daniels b. Feb. 19, 1702-3; prob. m. Aug. 29, 1727[S], Joanna Pettin- gal. ChU.: David', b. Feb. 23, 1729-30[Bd]; Oliver', b. Sept. 7, 1731[Hv]; Judith', b. Jan. 1, 1734[Hv]. 36 vn William*, b. Nov. 13, 1706. 37 vni Benjamins b. Aug. 25, 1709. A Beni. m. Dec. 13, 1732, Hannah Simons. 8 chU. rec. at Hv., b. 1733-46. 38 IX JamesS b. Sept. 15, 1712. 39 X Marys b. Dec. 22, 1714. 15 Joseph' Worcester {Sam.', Wm.'), of Bradford, b. ab. 1667; m. 1st, Sarah , who d. July 27, 1728[Bd]; 2d, Apr. 29, 1730[Bd], prob. (9) Martha' Downer [wid. of (10) Richard' Palmer]. He d. June 16, 1746[Bd]; will June 3, July 7, 1746; ment. wife Martha and five Marble grandchildren. Children[Bd rec] : 40 I Jane*, b. May 21, 1703; m. Jacob Marble. She d. May 17, 1739. 7 chU. Bd. rec, b. 1726-39; 2 d. bef. 1746. 41 II Elisabeths b. July 1, 1705; prob. d. unm. bef. 1746. 16 Timothy' Worcester {Sam.', Wm.^), of Bradford, Salem and Newbury, b. 1669; m. Jan. 20, 1690-1, Huldah Cheney, of Nb. He d. Aug. 13, 1706[Bd]. Children: 42 I Samuels b. Oct. 23, 1691[Nb]. Probably other children. 43 Lydias b. May 21, 1701[Bd]; d. Dec. 18, 1706[Bd]. 21 Ebenezer' Worcester {Sam.', Wm.^), of Bradford, Little ton, and Harvard, b. 1679; m. 1st, Hannah , who prob. d. Dec. 2, 1705[Bd]; 2d, Nov. 19, 1706[Rw], Deliverance Locke. He rem. to Lt. in 1723; to Harv., 1733; d. Jan. 23, 1768. Children: 44 I Joseph*, b. July 31, 1705[Bd] [by 1st wife]; m. Ann Chase, of Littleton. 45 II Jonathan*, b. Dec. 1, 1707[Bd] [by 2d wife]. 46 in Mary*, b. Apr. 22, 1711[Bd]. 47 [IV Susannas b. Feb., 1712-3?] 48 V Hannahs b. Dec 13, 1717[Bd]. 49 VI Elisabeths b. ; bp. Jan. 8, 1720[Bd]. 50 VII Ebenezer*, b. ab. 1722. Worth Family. Pages 369-70. 1032 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Worthen Family. Pages 370-2, 822-3. Ie Thomas Wathin (Edmund), prob. of Gloucester, was living Nov., 1648. William Sargent, of Gloucester, was ap. adm. his est. Sept. 28, 1652, there be ing "none nearer of kin in this country." Deborah (Wathen) Joy, "being alike related," deposed that she desired his appointment, Sept. 17, 1652. Inv. by "Gloster" men. (1) Ezekiel Wathen was ap. adm. est. Nov. 24, 1657, and brought in another inv. est. of "his kinsman," Thomas Wathen, June 30, 1658. See p. 370. la George Wathen, of Salem, prob. bro. or cousin of Thomas, m. Margery . He was adm. Salem chh. in 1641 ; ment. on court records as late as Jan., 1641-2. He was living in Dec, 1642. "Goodye Wathin" was ment. in will of Mrs. Joane Cummins, May, 1644, two deacons trustees. Inv. est. wid. Margery Wathen taken July 20, presented Aug. 27, 1644; two deacons of Sm. chh. ap. exec. Gov. Endecott ordered est. "disposed of according to her will," by the two deacons, Jan. 3, 1644-5. [No written will on rec] Children: lb I Deborah, b. ab. 1625; m. 1644-52, Walter Joy. She was ment. in the Cummins will, 1644; testified in 1652. Ic II Elenor, b. ; witness of Cummins will. May, 1644. Id III A CHILD, b. . The "master" of Ezekiel rec'd one quarter of the real est. for him. 1 IV Ezekiel,* b. ab. 1636; m. Dee. 4, 1661, Hannah* Martin. He was apprenticed to Thomas Abre, or Avery, June, 161t^. [not "1656," as given on p. 370]; discharged June, 1656, being 20 years old.f -|-, p. 370. 17 Elizabeth', pp. 371, 823, m. Dec. 26, 1724[Nb], EUas Whitham. 4 Thomas^ Worthen. A wid. Hannah was pub. to John Hunt ington, or Hunt, Oct. 1, 1703, but m. (9) Ephraim^ Weed [* Note, p. 214]. 26 Charles'. Chil. rec. at A.: Joseph*, b. Feb. 26, 1728-9; Anne*, b. Mch. 8, 1729-30, d. Oct. 10, 1785; Abigail*, b. Dec. 17, 1731; Benjamin*, b. Aug. 21, 1733, d. young; Benjamin*, b. Dec. 2, 1735; Ezra*, b. Nov. 20, 1738; Anne*, b. Aug. 24, 1739; Charles*, b. Oct. 28, 1739. [Errors in one or more of last three dates. Per. aU but the four ment. on p. 372 d. young.] 27 George'. ChU. rec. at A.: Meriam*, b. Oct. 2, 1731, d. young; Ruth*, b. May 19, 1734, d. young; Meriam*, b. Aug. 17, 1736; George*, b. Mch. 8, * It will be seen that the generation nos. of the Worthen family should really be one greater in all cases. t From the court rec. it is evident that the boy Ezekiel, 8J y. old when he was apprenticed in June, leH [not "1656"], till he should be 20 y. old, and freed in June, 1656, was the son of wid. Margery. There can be little doubt that she was the wife of George Wathen. worthen FAMILY. 1033 1737-8; Ruth*, b. Mch. 6, 1739-40; Barnard*, b. Mch. 2, 1741-2, d. young; Barnard*, b. Sept. 25, 1744; Anna*, b. July 3, 1746; Thomas*, b. May 6, 1747; Abner*, b. Aug. 8, 1750. 30 Aquila' m. 1st, Feb. 19, 1740, Hannah' Bartlett (40 Stephen*); 2d, [wid.?] Rebecca Weed, of Nb., int. Nov., 1781[A & Nb], who survived him. He d. in Chester, N. H., after 1789. ChU. rec at A.: Stephen*, b. Nov. 19, 1741, d. young; Josiah*, b. Sept. 21, 1743; Hannah*, b. Oct. 9, 1745; "A#o"S b. Dec 29, 1747; Mary*, b. Feb. 23, 1749; Anne*, b. Dec. 11, 1751; Stephen*, b. Nov. 18, 1753, d. in Chester in 1&33; Judith*, b. Dec 9, 1755;BMmceS b. Jan. 4, 1759; Elizabeth*, b. Dec. 28, 1760. 32 Jacob' m. Nov. 7, 1728. Dau. rec. at A.: Sarah*, b. Aug. 30, 1729. 33 Ezekiel' prob. m. (69) Hannah* Currier. Chil. rec. at A.: Isaac*, b. July, or Aug., 1733; Jacob*, b. Mch. 20, 1734-5; Rachel*, b. Mch. 28, 1737. Others rec. at Kensington: Sarah*, b. July 7, 1739; Isaac*, b. Dec. 25, 1741; Abigail*, b. Mch. 17, 1744; Samuel*, b. Apr. 21, 1748; Enoch*, b. May 15, 1750, prob. m. Jemima Quimby in 1771, 8 chil.; Hannah*, b. July 21, 1752; Mary*, b. Sept. or Oct., 1754. An Eze kiel and "Anna" had chU. rec. there, b. 1769-73. 34 Thomas' m. 1st, Lydia ; 2d, Dorothy , who survived him. He rem. to Chester, N. H., as early as 1743; wiU 1769, 1773. Chil. rec. at A., by 1st wife: David*, b. Oct. 24, 1734; Thomas*, b. Sept. 6, 1736; Ezekiel*, b. Apr. 12, 1739. [A Thomas and "AbigaU"* had Abigail, b. May 23, 1741[A]. The wiU ment. David*, m. (172) Dorothy' Colby, d. in 1766, leaving several chil., and Ezekiel*,^ m. Abigail Bartlett in 1762. The wiU also ment. Lydia*, b. May 20, 1743[Ch]; Jonathan*^ prob. dead in 1769, leaving 3 daus.; Samuel*, m. Abigail Ambrose in 1769, several chil.; Rhoda*, m. Ephraim Fitts; and Mary* Clifford [Hist. Chester, p. 620]. 41 Ephraim' res. E. Concord, N. H. ChU.: Samuel*, Ezekiel*, and Jacob*f [S. C. W.]. 48 Jonathan* (34 Thomas'), of Concord, m. Elizabeth Dresser (Jeremiah). He prob. d. 1763-9; inv. est. 1776. ChU.: Abigail', b. bef. 1760; Mehitable'; and Dorothy'.X An Abigail,h. ab. 1755, m. (198) Moses S.' Morrill [p. 1036]; a Mehitable m. Thomas Lewis; and a Dorothy m. Wm. Forrest.§ * Either "Abigail" should be Lydia, or wife of some other Thomas. Lydia* was dau. of Thomas and Lydia, 1743. t Hist. Cheater gives Lieut. Ezekiel d. in 1827, aged "86" y. Either age should be 88, or another Ezekiel b. 2 y. later than 1739. t Proofs of the facts concerning the family of Jonathan* furnished by Rev. S. C. Worthen, of E. Orange, N. J., from official records. Abigail was ment. in will of (34) Thomas', though not in Hist. Chester. She was living in 1774, over 14 y. old. Mehitable and Dolly were also apparently living then. § This family has been published as belonging to (41) Ephraim' ; but it is improbable that two Worthens, living in the same town, should have wife and 3 chil. of about the same age and bear ing the same names. If Jonathan had a child b. in 1765, he may have been older than David*. 1034 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. A Samuel, Rev. soldier from Concord, d. Nov. 10, 1778[Bouton, pp. 751-2, 754]. Possibly (40) Samuel', 50 y. old; but prob. a younger man; per. Samuel* (41 Ephraim'). 8 Samuel^ Worthen {EzekieP, George), oi Amesbury and Haver hill, see p. 371. He per. m. 2d, Jan. 31, 1720-l[Hv], Elizabeth Johnson. Children : 42 I Mary', b. Mch. 11, 1701-2[A]. 43 II Judith', b. Feb. 7, 1703-4[A]. A Judith m. June 13, 1723[Hv], Timo thy Dow. 44 III Thomas', b. Mch. 28, 1706[A & Hv]; m. Jan. 3, 1733-4, Jane* Martin, of A. ChU. rec. at Hv.: Jedediah*, b. Sept. 16, 1734; Peter*, b. May 31, 1736; Hannah*, b. Feb. 13, 1739-40. 45 IV Samuel', b. May 14, 1708[Hv]; m. Feb. 3, 1732-3[Hv], Mehitable Heath; res. Hv., No. Parish, and Hmst. ChU.: Mehitable*. b. Oct. 12, 1733; Hannah*, b. Jan. 31, 1734-5; Ezekiel*. bp. Aug. 14, 1737; Samuel*, b. Apr. 28, 1739[Hmst], bp. June 17, 1739[2Hv]; Oliver*. b. Mch. 11, 1743[Hmst]; Amos*, b. Jan. 1, 1746[Hmst], bp. May 10, 1747[2Hv]; Mary*, h. Sept. 16, 1751[Hmst]. 46 v Hannah', b. Feb. 14, 1711[Hv]. 47 VI MosES', b. July 4, 1714[Hv]. Young Family. Pages 372-3. Younglove Family. Pages 373-4, 823. t Note, p. 373. Proof has been found. 2 Samuel'' Younglove prob. b. ab. 1637 or '38; oath al. at Nb. 1678 or '79, age 40 y. 21 James'. Erase marks of doubt. Additions and Corrections made since the Preceding Pages of this Volume were printed. Page 868. Under "Page 796." For "Rowland's son's" read Rowlandson's. Allen Family. 22 William', Rev., of Greenland, N. H., pp. 33, 869, d. Sept. 8, 1760, aged 80 y., but given "84" from gravestone. First wife, Eleanor, d. Jan. 16, 1734-5, aged 52 y. He m. 2d, EUzabeth Mason [wid. of Walter PhU- brook]. Will of wid. Eliz. Jan. 22, Apr. 29, 1767 [E. A. B.]. Bartlett Family. 37 Daniel*, pp. 57, 616, m. AbigaU Moulton, b. June 13, 1686[Nb], dau. of WiUiam and (26) Abigail' (Webster) Moulton; shown by wiU of Wm. Moulton, 1732 [E. A. B.]. EATON — HOYT FAMILIES. 1035 Eaton Family. 33 Samuel* prob. m. 2d, Oct. 17, 1745[D Hm], Huldah* Stanyan (4 James') [wid. of John Kenney]. It has been suggested that her mother (p. 1009) may have been Ann' Hussey (JohnS Christopher'), of Hm., b. 1669. Follansbee Family. 9 Thomas', Capt. Dau. Abigail* m. Apr. 29, 1736[Hv], Moses Carleton. Hoyt Family. (Continued from pages 759 and 982.) 27 Ephraim'. (85) Elizabeth* m. Edward McLaughUn, of Dover, July 11, 1743[D Hm]. Hist. Hm. FaUs states that she was dau. of (27) Ephraim'. [Not given among his chil., pp. 35-6, Hoyt Genealogy.] 28 Johns pp. 207, 756, prob. m. 2d, Grace — ab. 1705-10. A Grace Hoite own. cov. and bp. at Newington, June 14, 1719; also her chil.: Dorothy* (prob. m. Apr., 1725, Samson Bab Jr., of Portsm.), Israel*. John*, Abi- shag* (ra. June, 1739, Joel Whitemore), Frances*, all bp. same day. "AJsa*" p. 187, Hoyt Gen., should be erased. (1539) Israel*, pp. 118, 187, Hoyt Gen., prob. son of Grace, as above, m. Sarah ; of Portsm. and Newington, 1732 and later. 6 chil., Hoyt Gen. (2315) John* and (2385) John*, the same person, pp. 187, 193, Hoyt Gen., prob. son of Grace, as above; of Portsm.; m. Nov. 13, 1732[Newing- ton chh], Lettise Hasty [not "Haley"]. He was of Scarboro, Me., after 1738. Chil.: Elizabeth', bp. May 9, 1736[Newington], m. Jan. 10, 1754, Wm. Harmon, of Scarboro; (2386) John', prob. b. Oct., 1737 [not "1738"], bp. June 18, 1738[Scarb], m. as on p. 193, Hoyt Gen.; Mary', bp. Dec 21, 1740, prob. m. Josiah Westcoat in 1760; Daniel', bp. July 17, 1743; Hannah', bp. Mch. 9, 1745-6; Eliot', bp. May 29, 1748; Dorothy', bp. June 17, 1750; Be«iammS bp. May 19, 1753; aU at Sc. except EUz. 29 Whijam', p. 757, and Hoyt Gen., p. 113. Abigail^ m. Geo. Boyde Aug. 2i [not "14"]. Sarah* m. May 18, 1725, Samuel Nutter. See (1531) William*. (1531) William* [Hoyt or Hight], prob. son of (29) William', or possibly of (28) John', b. ab. 1707; m. 1st, Oct. 27, 1734[Ngt chh], Elizabeth Walton; 2d, Mary Kinerson. Ancestor of the Berwick Hights- See Hoyt Gen., pp. 113, 117, 190. 7 chil. given. 30 Israel', a soldier sent from SaUs. to Wells, Dec, 1696 [p. 376], may have d. soon after; no other mention of Israel found till 1732, when (1539) Israel* was of age. 54 Moses*, p. 208, m. 1st, (39) Mary* Buswell, who d. Jan. 7, 1756[Nb]; 2d, Sept. 13, 1758[Nb], wid. Anna Nelson. He d. Nov. 22, 1764. 75 David* m. (36) Mary Quinby [sister of Hannah and Daniel]. Their first child, Lydia', b. Feb., 1734. Mary was dau. of (12) Joseph and 1036 OLD FAMILIES OP SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Lydia Quinby [not "(9) Joseph and Elizabeth," as suggested on p. 1001]. She must have been b. bef. 1721; if b. in 1712, it was be fore the mar. 95 Joseph* m. 1st, Apr. 16, 1741, Sarah Jewett, of Rw. 115 Joseph' m. 1st, Nov. 15, 1749, Sarah Collins, in E. Kg. 147 Theodore', b. ab. 1736-7, and (148) William^, b. ab. 1738-9, according to the muster roll in French war, 1756-9. 165 Elizabeth' m. June 7, 1744[A], (417) Gideon* Davis. 168 Ruth* [int. of SaUs.] prob. m. Nov. 29, 1756[S Hm[, Joseph Brown, of S. Hm., and Uved in PopUn. 184 Ruth' Jr. prob. m. (23) Joseph Hadlock Jr., int. Jan. 28, 1750[A]. If m., she prob. d. bef. 1753. See p. 974. Her sister m. (21) James Hadlock.* 629 Thomas', of Chester, m. Hannah Stevens, of Hmst., int. Oct. 31, 1785 [Hmst]. 835 Mehitable', bp. June 4, 1780[2 A]; m. [of Hmst], Samuel Lord Dexter (Timothy), of Nbt., int. May 22, 1800[Hmst]. Page 759. Mehitable Hoyt m. Feb. 22 [not "11"]; and Bathsheba Hoyt m. in 1699 [not "1799"]. "Hoyt Genealogy," p. 19, line 6, erase "but." For "(3) John^ especially as," read (1) John^ and. 311 Anne' m. Moses Pillsbury in 1775 [not "1755," as in Hoyt Gen., p. 59]. Morrill Family. 322 Samuel', b. ab. 1761-3. See 525 Samuel. 360 Adams' m. 1st, Jan. 14, 1773[A], Anna Osgood, who d. Jan. 17, 1795[A]; 2d, Feb. 8, 1796[A], Nancy Webster, who d. May 14, 1803[A]; 3d, Feb. 23, 1806[A], Susanna Bartlett, who d. Oct. 21, 1822[A]. He d. Sept. 25, 1807[A]. CML: Anna', b. 1779; Samuel', b. 1783, m. Nov. 26, 1807[S1, Miriam Fitts; Moset', b. 1789, m. tv.-ice, d. in Nbt. [E. A. B.] 372 Samuel'. See 539 Samuel. 392 Samuel' Jr., pp. 784, 791, m. Anna [Nancy] Noyes, of Seabrook, int. June 18, 1791[S]. She d. Apr. 17, 1845, aged 75 y. A Samuel Jr. d. May 30, 1829[S]. 198 IVTosES Sargent^ IVIorrill, p. 787. Wid. Abigail b. in Concord, N. H., d. Nov. 1, 1849, aged 94 y.[S], prob. dau. of (48) Jonathan Worthen[E. A. B.]. 244 Ebenezer^ IVIorrill, p. 789, m. (185?) Mary^ JVIorrill, of Epping, int. Oct. 30, 1762[S]. * Possibly the above marriages of the Ruth Hoyts should be exchanged; but the use of the term "Jr.," the residences given, and the family connections, make the above arrangement more likely to be correct, even though it makes (168) Ruth 27, and her cousin, (184) Ruth, 17 y. old when married. MORRILL — stanyan FAMILIES. 1037 503 Samuel" m. Nov. 21, 1793[S Hm], Elizabeth Goodwin, of S. Hm. It is highly probable that 322 Samuel', p. 781, and 525 Samuel, p. 790, are the same person, as suggested by Mr. Edw. A. Brown. An error on p. 790 should be corrected as below: 525 [322] Samuel* IVIorrill (prob. Aaron*, Aaron", Jacob', Abraham'), p. 790. For "2d, Aug. 24, 1788[1S], Ruth Eaton," substitute 2d, Feb. 16, 1818[S], Ruth Leavitt. All the children were by the first wife, Martha, who d. Oct. 24, 1816, aged 53 y.[S]. He d. June 8, 1823, aged 60 y.[S]. 528 Samuel'.* Erase "[by 2d wife]." He m. June 9, 1811[S], Judith Stickney, who d. Nov. 14, 1858 [not "1838"] [S], aged 65 y. He d. June 20, 1829[S].t ChU.: Joseph Stickney'', b. Aug. 11, l?,ll;Enoch SmitV, b. Sept. 3, 1814[S]; Hannah Evans'' , b. June 18, 1817[S]; Mary L.', b. 1820, d. young. 530 John', 5th, m. Apr. 7, 1819[S], Mary Hacket, who d. June 30, 1853, in her 55th y. He d. Aug. 25, 1826. 2 chU., S. rec, b. 1820 and '22. CaUed "5th" in 1823, but "4th" in 1826. One John d. in 1824. 532 Joseph Chase", b. July 2, 1802[S]; m. Nov. 27, 1823[S], Jemima P. Eaton. He d. July 4, 1827[S]. 2 chU., S. rec, b. 1824 and '26. 539 Samuel prob. m. Betty JeweU, int. Feb. 13, 1784[A]. Per. the same as (372) Samuel'? Samuel "Morrill" m. Aug. 24, 1788[lSchh], Ruth Eaton, prob. should be Merrill, as on town records. Stanyan Family. 4 James'. The chU. on p. 1009 are given because their marriages are found on the A. Friends' rec. Mr. S. B. Shackford, Dover, N. H., states that James had three other chU.: Joseph*, Lydia*, and Mary*. [See Eaton FamUy, p. 1035.] * He seems to have been called "3d," 1811-17; but "4tli" in 1823, will. Had another Samuel rem. to S. ? t Age "28," S. V. R., from gravestone; but, if our arrangement and dates are correct, he was 29 y. old. CONCLUSION. The compiler of this volume began to collect information in regard to the early settlers of northeastern Massachusetts more than sixty years ago. His first edition of the Hoyt Genealogy was published in 1857. That edition was all included in the greatly enlarged edition of 1871, which also included Haights and Hights, of the same ancestry as the Hoyts. Notes on the Wells and Williams families were printed in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register in 1858; the Hawke (Danville), N. H., Church Records, in the same periodical, in 1904. The early generations of the Button, Cutting-Brown, Duston, Hardy, Whittier, Whittaker, and Widger families were printed in the Essex Institute Historical Collections, 1910-15. The "Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury," Volume I, was published in five parts, 1897-99; Volume II in six parts, 1902-05. The special purpose of Volume III is stated on page 855; but the writer in these volumes, and especially in this closing one, has endeavored to give the public the use of the records he has collected, excluding late records and much already printed, either by him self, or by others. Important historical documents have been preserved on pages 7-28, 375-7, 417-562, 809-10, 857-8, 872, and others. No attempt has been made in these volumes to prepare biogra phies, or even full genealogies, but only to furnish names, dates, and residences of the early generations, as an outline which may be consulted by any one who is preparing a full genealogy of fam ilies bearing the same surname. Moreover, people are beginning to trace their ancestry through different lines, female as well as male. This requires, in the early generations, a study of records bearing many different surnames. When it is known, the maiden CONCLUSION. 1039 name of a widow has therefore been given, when she has married again. Volume I contains all the vital records of Salisbury and Ames bury down to the year 1700, with some of adjoining towns. Sev eral families are there carried into the eighteenth century. A few are carried, in certain lines, nearly down to 1800, in the other vol umes. The writer has given special attention to these names because his own ancestry runs into these families in the eighteenth century, or because other persons have furnished information. The names to which most space has been given are: Currier, 59 pages; Colby, 54 pages; Davis, 49 pages; Morrill, 38 pages; Blaisdell, 29 pages, and Wells, 18 pages. The disconnected character of the whole work is deeply re gretted. It is hoped that the index arrangement of this volume will aid, as far as possible, those who consult the work. It is im possible for the compiler to rearrange and reprint the whole in a corrected form. That errors in dates are more frequent in town than in church records, is stated on page 957. On the other hand, the writer has found that the name of the mother is often wanting and some times wrong, on church records. The church records printed in Volume II and the General Index of Errors in this volume prove this. The word "cousin" on old records does not always mean child of brother or sister of one's self or wife. Rev. Thomas Wells, in his will, 1728, called Philip Hoyt his "cousin"; in this case, brother of son's wife. Thanks are due to Mr. Edward A. Brown, of Amesbury, who has consulted original records, read the proofs of this volume, and fur nished valuable information; also to Mr. Otis G. Hammond, of Concord, N. H., Mr. Wm. W. Roberts, of Haverhill, Mass., Mr. N. W. Davis, of Winchester, Mass., and others, who have also rendered valuable assistance. December, 1916. General Index. Abbreviations, 856. Additions, Part II, 869-1037. Association Test, 903, 907, 925, 930, 933, 943-4. Changes of State and Town Boun daries, 908. Conclusion, 1038-9. Corrections, Part I, 857-68. Errors not corrected in Part I, 1026, 1037. Errors on official records, 862, 868, 871, 873, 875-6, 878, 880-1, 886, 890, 901, 906, 908-10, 913, 924, 950, 957, 968, 981, 997, 1001, 1003, 1010, 1020, 1032-3, 1037, 1039. Errors, Sources of, 860, 957. Harvard College, 916. Indian, Captives, 884-5, 887, 955, 964, 979, 1020. Indian Massacres, 871, 884-5, 950, 955, 979, 985, 1019, 1024. Introduction, 855-6. Land Grants, Amesbury, 857-8. Land Lots, Salisbury, 857. Latest Additions and Corrections, 1034-7. Ministers of SaUsbury and Amesbury, 993, 1018. Missing Records, 879, 958. Petition, Military Training in A., 858. Records, Old Norfolk Co., 856, 1024. Ships: "Abigail," 1029; "Bonaven ture," 958; "Dolphin," 892. Signer, Dec. of Ind., 876. Soldiers, Ages of, 1007. Soldiers, French and Indian Wars, 870, 896, 963, 973-4, 977, 992, 1023, 1035-6. Soldiers, Revolution, 892, 907, 917, 920-1, 933, 935, 940, 944, 1018, 1021, 1034. Throat Distemper, 883, 885, 915. Witchcraft, 872, 881, 981. Wives in England, 872. Index of Places. [Only the names of places printed in this volume, in full or abbreviations, are indexed here. Residences not indicated may be found in the other volumes. " Mass." is omitted after the names of towns in that State.] Abington, 888. Acworth, N. H., 933. Alfred, Me., 907. Alma, Me., 917. Amesbury, 856-61, 864-5, 867, 870-1, 873, 876-81, 886-7, 889-93, 896- 900, 904-11, 913-22, 925, 928- 30, 936, 942-3, 952, 957-9, 961, 964-5, 968-9, 973-4, 980-3, 986, 989, 991-2, 1000-2, 1004-7, 1009- 13, 1016-7, 1019-20, 1024-5, 1032-4, 1036-8. Andover, 865, 875, 886, 898, 943, 967, 979, 981, 998, 1009-10, 1012, 1028. Andover, N. H., 940. Atkinson, N. H., 932-3, 944. Barton, Vt., 934. Bath, N. H., 914, 917. BeUeaw, Eng., 1022. Berwick, Me., 982, 1035. Beverly, 897, 963, 991. Biddeford, Me., 869. BiUerica, 936. INDEX OF PLACES. 1041 Bishop's Stortford, Eng., 953. Block Is., 987, 1026. Bolton, Canada, 925. Boston,869, 886, 889, 897, 909, 935-6, 938, 942, 962, 984, 997, 1022, 1029. Boston, Eng., 897. Bow, N. H., 919, 942, 944. Boxford, 902, 980, 982, 1014. Bradford, 856, 862-3, 865-6, 873, 877, 882-4, 889, 892, 898, 902, 942, 946, 950-1, 962-3, 966-9, 971, 975-7, 982, 985-6, 991, 994-6, 1000, 1003, 1010, 1014, 1017-20, 1024, 1028-31. Braintree, 987. Brandicar, Eng., 954. Brentwood, N. H., 914. Brigg, Eng., 954. Bristol, 987. Brownington, Vt., 934. Buxton, Me., 905, 907. Byfield, 883, 934, 1002. Cadney, Eng., 953-6. Caistor, Eng., 954. Cambridge, 886. Canaan, N. H., 922, 928. Canada, 914, 963, 977, 979. Candia, N. H., 940. Canterbury, N. H., 868, 918, 946-7, 972. Chariestown, 983-5, 997. Chester, N. H., 916-7, 934-5, 942-3, 946, 1018, 1021, 1033, 1036. Chichester, N. H., 992. Concord, N. H., 869, 884, 896, 919, 934, 936, 942, 944, 946, 1024, 1030, 1033-4, 1036. Corinth, Vt., 916, 926, 1006. CoxhaU, Me., 1027. Danbury, N. H., 924. Danville. See Hawke. Dartmouth, 1016. Deerfield, N. H., 907, 918, 930-1, 943-4, 1006. Deer Island, Me., 896. Derry, N. H., 1001. Dover, N. H., 859, 863, 870-1, 880, 890, 892, 894, 945, 947, 955, 980, 1007-9, 1025-7, 1035, 1037. Downton, Eng., 1022. Dunbarton, N. H., 916. Dunstable, N. H., 901. Durham, N. H., 880, 945-7, 1024-7. Durham Co., Eng., 953. East Kingston, N. H., 910-1, 915, 925, 927-8, 942-4, 1036. East Orange, N. J., 1033. Elizabethtown, N. J., 962. Enfield, N. H., 922, 924. England, 872, 894, 953, 1022-3. Epping, N. H., 913, 918, 942, 1036. Essex Co., 953. Exeter, N. H., 870, 935, 993-4, 1002, 1007, 1009, 1013, 1016, 1021. Falmouth, Me., 991, 1030. Farmington, Me., 907. Fennington, Eng., 889. Georgetown, 934. Gilmanton, N. H., 914, 943, 1006. Glamford Briggs, Eng., 954. Gloucester, 875, 901, 999, 1028, 1032. Goffstown, N. H., 916. Gosport, N. H., 937-42. Greenland, N. H., 938, 1034. Hampstead, N. H., 882, 890, 901, 903, 905, 912, 921, 926-7, 943-4, 1021, 1034, 1036. Hampton, N. H., 858, 861-4, 867, 869, 872, 889, 893, 895, 942, 949-50, 962, 965-6, 977-8, 980, 988-9, 994, 996, 998, 1000, 1006, 1008-9, 1013, 1016, 1026, 1030, 1035. Hampton Falls, N. H., 862, 894, 945, 952, 965, 980, 982, 1008-9, 1035. Hartford, Ct., 983. Harvard, 1031. 1042 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. HaverhiU, 856, 858, 861-2, 864-8, 871, 877, 879-80, 882, 884-5, 888, 893-8, 900-3, 905, 916, 930, 932-4, 936, 942-4, 950-8, 961-2, 966-8, 971, 973, 975-81, 984-7, 990, 993-4, 996, 998-9, 1003-4, 1007, 1009-10, 1012-4, 1016, 1018, 1020, 1022, 1024, 1028, 1031, 1034-5. HaverhiU, N. H., 917. Hawke [DanviUe], N. H., 917, 942, 959, 1038. Henniker, N. H., 925, 944, 1001. Herts Co., Eng., 953. HiU, N. H., 958, 1021. Hopkinton, N. H., 904-5, 925-6, 928, 933, 944, 1001. Howsham, Eng., 953-4. lUinois, 923. Ipswich, 856, 862, 872, 875-6, 879- 80, 884, 886-8, 890-2, 894, 896-7, 901, 933, 937, 950-1, 953, 955, 958, 962, 967, 973, 975, 989, 1002-4, 1011-5, 1017, 1019, 1023, 1027, 1029. Ireland, 894. Isles of Shoals, 880, 897, 901, 932-3, 935-42. Kennebunk, Me., 907. Kensington, N. H., 966, 1000, 1033. Kingston, N. H., 882, 889-90, 893, 899, 910, 914-5, 942, 968-9, 989, 992, 1013, 1016, 1021, 1028. Kingstown, R. I., 987. Kittery, Me., 879, 939, 951, 957, 982, 1009, 1019, 1029, 1030. Lancaster, N. H., 917. Landford, Eng., 864, 999, 1023. Langford, Eng., 864. Lebanon, Ct., 872, 976. Lincoln Co., Eng., 953-6, 1022. Littleton, 1031. London, Eng., 884, 958, 980. Loudon, N. H., 942, 1021. Louisburg, Canada, 896, 974. Lowell, 924. Lyman, Me., 1027. Lyman, N. H., 914. Lynn, 997-8, 1020, 1029-30. Madbury, N. H., 946-7. Magog, Canada, 925. Maine, 897, 917, 928, 935, 982, 999. Maiden, 923. Manchester, 883, 960, 988, 1021. Marblehead, 872, 893, 1029. Marlborough, 984. Marlborough, Eng., 944. Massachusetts, 897. Medford, 882. Merrimac, 877, 884, 1011. Methuen, 871, 901-3, 905, 942-3, 952, 956, 968, 971, 990. Mount Vernon, Me., 907. Nantucket, 858, 874. Narragansett, R. I., 9Q5. New Amesbury, N. H., 942. See Warner. Newbury, 856, 859-60, 862-4, 866-7, 869-70, 872-3, 876-9, 883, 885-9, 898, 901, 903-5, 908-10, 912, 923, 931, 933-5, 941-3, 948, 951-2, 955, 957-8, 960-2, 970-1, 974, 977-8, 979, 985-6, 988-91, 993-6, 999, 1000, 1002-6, 1008, 1010-3, 1015, 1017, 1019-21, 1023-4, 1027-35. Newburyport, 856, 896, 904, 908-9, 912, 923-4, 928, 931, 935, 941-3, 1036. New Castle, N. H., 873, 932, 936, 938, 1025. New Gloucester, Me., 972. New Hampshire, 871, 873, 876, 897, 982. Newington, N. H., 880, 982, 1035. Newport, Vt., 917. New Sarum, Eng., 880, 1022. See Sarum. Newton, N. H., 871, 877, 905, 910, 922-4, 928, 935, 942-3, 958. INDEX OF PLACES. 1043 North Kelsey, Eng., 954. North Yarmouth, Me., 868. Norton, 998. Nottingham, N. H., 1006. Olney, Eng., 996. Orange, Vt., 926. Oyster River, N. H. See Durham. Peacham, Vt., 902. Pelham, N. H., 901. PhUadelphia, Penn., 1021. Piedmont, N. H., 901. Plaistow, N. H., 900-2, 916, 932-3, 942. Plymouth, N. H., 917, 919. Point St. Vincent, W. I., 989. Poplin, N. H., 917, 925, 1036. Port Royal, W. I., 963. Portsmouth, N. H., 870-1, 873, 888, 890, 897, 911, 936-8, 940, 943-4, 969, 981-2, 1025, 1029, 1035. Providence, R. I., 856, 1006. Raymond, N. H., 917. Reading, 997-8. Rehoboth, 863, 988. Rhode Island, 987. Rochester, N. H., 871. Rowley, 858, 883-4, 886, 898, 934, 955-6, 960, 962-3. 975-6, 978, 986, 991, 996, 999, 1005, 1016-8, 1027-31, 1036. Roxbury, 863, 872, 973, 983. Rye, N. H., 924, 936, 938-9, 942. Ryegate, Vt., 917. Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., 935. Saco, Me., 1005. Saint John, N. B., 917. Salem, 856, 872, 874, 879, 883, 886, 895, 973-4, 977, 996, 1005, 1017, 1019-20, 1029, 1031-2. Salem, N. H., 880, 900-5, 943-4, 952. Salem ViUage, 872, 886. Salisbury, 856-9, 861-2, 864, 867-70, 872-3, 875, 880-1, 883, 886-7, 889, 891, 893, 895-6, 898-900, 906-7, 911-3, 915, 918-22, 924-5, 930-2, 942-3, 946, 949-52, 957- 60, 964-7, 969-72, 974-5, 980, 982-3, 985, 989-90, 992, 995, 1000-2, 1005-9, 1011-3, 1015-8, 1022, 1026-7, 1030-1, 1035-8. Salisbury, Eng., 886, 1023. SaUsbury, N. H., 917, 924, 942, 1006. Sanbornton, N. H., 905. Sandown, N. H., 942, 1021. Sarum, Eng., 1003, 1023. See New Sarum. Scarborough, Me., 859, 1035. Scituate, 863, 988. Scotland, 897, 935. Seabrook, N. H., 889, 966, 1036. Sedgefield, Eng., 953. Serby, Eng., 953-4. Sheepscott, Me., 971. South Hampton, N. H., 871, 874, 906-13, 916, 919, 921-3, 925-6, 935-6, 942-4, 957, 974, 989-90, 1005-6, 1013, 1036-7. South Hampton, Eng., 1027. Stanistead Co., Canada, 925. Stonington, Ct., 872. Stratham, N. H., 877, 995, 1009, 1016. Sudbury, 970, 988. Tiverton, R. I., 900. Topsfield, 864, 884, 973, 981, 999. "Towow," 871. Unity, N. H., 916, 943. Vermont, 905, 921, 934, 992. Vienna, Me., 921. Virginia, 958. Wales, 944. Walford, Eng., 1027. Warner, N. H., 881, 897, 916, 918-9, 922, 925, 929-31, 936, 959, 1012. See New Amesbury. Washington, Vt., 920. Watertown, 962, 996. Waterville, Me., 882. Weare, N. H., 924, 929, 934, 942, 944. 1044 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Wells, Me., 907, 952, 987, 1035. Wenham, 876, 878, 897. Wentworth, N. H., 903, 926. West Amesbury. See Merrimac. Westerly, R. I., 1016. West Newbury, 924. West Point, N. Y., 905. Weymouth, 987. White Parish, Eng., 999, 1003, 1023. WUts Co., Eng., 944, 999, 1003, 1022-3. Winchester, 946, 948. Windham, Ct., 979. Windham, N. H., 933, 943. Woburn, 998, 1020. Woodstock, Ct., 973. Yarmouth, 963. York, Me., 866, 879-80, 907, 1027, 1029. York Co., Me., 879, 952. Index of Surnames. [Names of authors quoted as authority are not inserted here.] Abbot, 919, 934, 1009, 1027. Abre, 1032. Adams, 861, 906, 924, 935, 1027. Adkins, 933. Allen, 863, 869, 883, 888, 912, 971-2, 982, 990, 1022, 1034. Ambrose, 870, 1033. Ames, 981-2, 998. Andrews, 967. Andros, 870. Annis, 948, 970, 990, 1002, 1028. Anter, 975. Armstrong, 1029. Ash, 858-9, 867, 870-1, 1012. Atkins. See Adkins. Atkinson, 894, 897, 931-2, 991, 1000. Atwood, 882, 900, 976, 1021. Avery, 1032. Ayer, 864, 871, 885, 980, 994-5, 1007. Ayres, 861, 946, 1021. Bab, 1035. Bachelor. See Batchelder. Bacom, 996. Badger, 1026. Bagley, 863, 867, 871, 873, 892,906-7, 911, 914, 920-1, 958, 981, 983, 989-90. Bailey, 857, 859, 863, 872-3, 876-7, 891, 906, 924, 968, 971, 989, 995-6. Baker, 942, 968. Ball, 873. Bancroft, 960. Barber, 873, 938, 945. Bard, 954. Barefoot, 873. Bareto, 873, 982. Barker, 968, 1007, 1010, 1017. Barnard, 857-9, 874-5, 906, 908, 910, 914, 919-20, 924, 942-3, 999, 1001, 1011, 1020. Barnes, 857, 875, 982. Barney, 944. Barrett, 867, 875, 983. Barron, 976. Barstow, 873 . Bartlett, 859, 866-7, 872-3, 875-8, 888, 900, 908-9, 921-4, 928, 967, 976, 986, 991-2, 1005, 1010, 1033, 1034, 1036. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 1045 Barton, 1002. Basford, 917, 946, 949. Batchelder, 878-9, 883, 909, 919, 924, 930, 940, 942, 994, 997, 1006, 1015, 1017. Batt, 878, 949, 1004. Baxter, 873. Bayley. See Bailey. Beacham, 904, 942. Bean, 877, 889, 925, 1021. Beartoe, 873. Beasly, 980. Beedle, 866, 879-80, 949, 981. Berry, 887. Bickford, 880, 1001. BickneU, 934. Biley, 859, 880. Bingley, 880. Bishop, 882. Bitfield, 1010. Bixby, 1004. Blaisdell, 857, 859-60, 867, 871, 880-2, 905-6, 910, 914-5, 917-8, 935, 986, 1012, 1018, 1039. Blake, 895. Blodgett, 882. Boals, 890. Boardman, 890, 930, 997. BodweU, 1014. Bohonan, 924. Bolls, 890. Bond, 882-3. Bowdy, 1019. Bowles, 890. Boyde, 1035. Boynton, 883, 977, 986, 1017, 1024, 1031. Bracket, 1024. Bradbury, 883, 990, 1009, 1011. Bradley, 883-5, 950, 980, 985, 1001. Bradstreet, 868, 875, 885-6, 993, 999. Brewer, 987. Brewster, 953. Brickit, 958. Brock, 870-1. Brocklebank, 1027. Brown, 860, 864, 868, 876, 885, 886-9, 891, 917, 932, 934, 942, 948, 957, 979-80, 986-8, 990-2, 996, 998, 1000, 1002, 1007-8, 1019-20, 1027, 1036, 1038. Buck, 982, 1020. Buckman, 889. Bulton, 865. Burbank, 963, 992. Burditt, 909, 923. Burnett, 997. Burnham, 934, 945. Burroughs, 889. Buswell, 889-90, 916, 982, 1004, 1014, 1035. Butler, 872. Button, 890, 1022, 1038. Byley. See Biley. Calf, 952. Call, 865, 890-1, 973, 1020. CaUey, 995. See Kelly. CampbeU, 933. Capen, 968. Carleton, 898, 903, 933, 942, 976, 1031, 1035. Carr, 863, 873, 875, 891, 909, 914, 931, 951, 983. Carter, 886, 891, 906, 919, 924, 952, 984, 997, 1007, 1011. Cassidy, 917. Caul. See CaU. Cawley, 995. Chadwick, 905, 976. Challis, 857, 860, 891-2, 899, 907, 917, 961, 1004, 1020. Chamberlain, 919, 934, 956. Chapman, 1027. Chase, 867, 873-4, 878, 892, 899, 913, 916, 925, 931, 942, 985, 991, 994, 1026, 1031. CheddU, 913. Cheney, 970, 1030-1. Chesley, 945-7. Chickering, 1010. 1046 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Church, 1007. Cilley, 867, 892-3, 894, 1007, 1009. See Seeley. Clark[e], 901, 908, 916, 928, 950, 956, 993, 1006, 1024. Clement, 871, 884, 893-4, 904, 926, 955, 968, 980, 982, 984-5. Clifford, 894, 1033. Clough, 893, 894-5, 900, 902, 904, 907, 918, 922-3, 930, 934, 942, 959, 970, 972, 1006, 1020. Cobham, 895. Coburn, 934. Codman, 895, 1009. Coe. See Coy. Coffin, 857, 874, 888, 895, 898, 923, 931, 933, 991. Coffyn. See Coffin. Cofren, 919. Coker, 1019. Colby, 857-8, 861, 865, 871, 880, 890, 895-6, 946, 960-1, 999, 1001, 1020, 1033, 1039. Cole[s], 890, 896, 902, 1003. CoUensby, 863. Collier, 896. Collins, 861, 896, 910, 920, 922, 936, 965, 974, 1001, 1036. Connor[er], 896, 966. Cooper, 975, 977. Copps, 968. Corliss, 897, 979, 1024. Cottle, 857, 897, 989. Cotton, 897. Cowdry, 998. Coy, 897. Crabbe, 953. Creasy, 931. Crocker, 898, 938, 1014. Cummins, 1032. Currier, 857, 868, 878, 881-2, 892, 897-944, 961, 983, 990, 992, 994, 1010, 1013, 1033, 1039. Curtis, 995. Cushing, 944. Cutt, 937, 1025. Cutting, 888, 944, 1038. Dalton, 930, 945, 952, 975, 977, 986, 994. Dane, 1009. Daniels, 883. Darling, 893, 994. Davis, 861, 866, 868, 871, 873, 879, 885, 888, 893, 898, 930, 944-9, 950, 955, 957, 960, 962, 992, 1005, 1012, 1016, 1036, 1039. Day, 956, 999. Deane, 975, 998. Deering, 949- Demerit, 945, 947. Dexter, 1036. Diamond, 933, 949. Dlbbs, 949. Dickison, 949, 965. Dimond, 908, 1029. Dinsmore, 935. Dodd, 987. Dole, 883. Dorington, 880. Dorman, 884, 973. Douglas, 1006. Dove, 857, 878, 898, 949. Dow, 857, 868, 878, 882, 884-5, 948, 949-50, 962, 966, 971, 976, 1013, 1024, 1034. Down, 938. Downer, 950, 951, 994-5, 1011, 1031. Downing, 1027. Doyle, 923. Draper, 863, 942, 973. Dresser, 935, 1033. Drew, 947. Dudley, 880, 951, 1021. Dummer, 951. Dunlap, 924. Durgin, 947. Duston[in], 862, 882, 950, 951, 955-6. 966, 985, 1022, 1038. Dutch, 1014. Dwinnels, 933-4. Eastman, 862, 869, 908, 915, 942, 951, 966, 1006. Eastow, 980. See Estow. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 1047 Eaton, 870, 883, 889, 915, 926-7, 951-2,978,982, 997,1011,1013-4, 1016, 1035, 1037. Edgerly, 913. Eldred, 952. Eldridge, 952. EUbridge, 952. EUenwood, 942. Elliot, 858, 878, 887-8, 912, 935, 952. EUis, 871. Emerson, 882, 885, 913, 926, 942, 952, 953-7, 968, 973, 978, 987, 993, 1010. Emery, 862, 867, 887, 902, 910, 932, 957, 987, 1018. EngaUs, 981. See Ingalls. Estow, 957. See Eastow. Esty, 957. Evans, 957, 972, 1011, 1013. Fails, 968-9. Farren, 957-8. See Ferrin and Pherin. Farrington, 910. Favor, 862, 958. Fawne, 958. Fellows, 958, 1011. Ferrin, 910. See Farren. Fevor, 958. Fifield, 893. Fisk, 1000, 1017. Fitts, 875, 879, 913, 922, 942, 957, 959, 1006, 1033, 1036. Fitz. See Fitts. Flanders, 895-6, 919, 942, 949, 959- 60, 971-2, 992, 994, 1017. Fletcher, 960. Floyd, 934. Folcard, 992. Folger, 874. Follansbee, 863, 906, 913, 922, 925, 960, 982, 1035. Folsom, 960. Foot, 858, 932-3, 96(1-1, 1012, 1017. Ford[e], 967, 1024. Forrest, 1033. Foulsam. See Folsom. Fowler, 868, 876, 962, 964, 969, 971. Frame, 962. Franklin, 984. Freese, 894, 962. French, 860, 885-6, 895, 908, 910, 915, 922, 940, 942-3, 959, 962, 1005, 1029. Frie. See Frye. Friend, 991. Frink, 998. Froe, 953. Frothingham, 916. Frye, 976, 1010, 1012. Fuller, 962. Furber, 934. Furnald, 1029. Gage, 862, 902, 950, 967, 962-4, 976, 1018-9. Gale, 964. Gallishan, 942. Gardner, 874, 970. Garland, 924. George, 857-8, 886, 896, 926, 942, 958, 964, 1014. Gerrish, 910. Getchell, 893, 964. Giddings, 872. Gilbert, 996. GUe. See Guile. Giles, 964, 1025. Gill, 863, 964, 1020. GiUow, 984, 1029. Oilman, 928. Gilmore, 902. Gledden, 1029. Goardin, 956. Godfrey, 887, 1011, 1018. Gold. See Gould. Goldsmith, 858, 964. Goldwyer, 964. Gooch, 964. Goodale, 964, 972. Goodhue, 876, 883. Goodrich, 922. Goodridge, 867, 992, 1028. 1048 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Goodwin, 858, 929-30, 964, 971, 997, 1037. Googe, 965. Cording, 903. Gordon, 869, 1022. Gorges, 879. Gorham, 987. Gouge, 964. Gould, 857-8, 874, 879, 942, 965, 997, 1001-2. Gove, 863-4, 965, 1001. Grant, 869, 886, 954, 956, 971. Grantham, 954. Grath. See Groth. Graves, 915-6, 965. Greeley, 864, 911, 915, 925, 927, 965, 974, 1001, 1008, 1013, 1024. Green, 932, 963, 965-6, 977, 1004, 1008, 1023. Greenleaf, 966. Greenough, 883, 966, 986. Griffin, 868, 894, 942, 963, 967-71, 988, 1019. Gross, 909. Groth, 971, 994. Guile, 884, 895, 919, 971. GuUashon, 942. Gunnison, 913. Gutch, 965. Gutterson, 901. Hackett, 858-9, 868-9, 918, 930, 959-60, 964, 971-2, 982, 992, 1037. Haddon, 857, 895, 972. Hadley, 884, 891, 973. Hadlock, 863, 896, 911, 921, 965, 973-4, 1001, 1036. Haffield, 974. Haines. See Haynes. Hale, 882, 952, 1019. Haley, 1035. Hall, 870, 882, 903-4, 962, 974, Hammond, 879. Harbut, 922. Hardy, 882, 974. 988, 995, 1009, 1030, 1038. Harmon, 1035. Harriman, 952. Harris, 904, 974, 1010, 1014, 1018. Harrison, 975. Hart, 867, 998. Hartshorn, 998, 1018. Harvey, 875, 899, 975. Haseltine[on], 963, 966, 975-9, 985, 990, 1009, 1020. HaskeU, 904. Haskins, 1026. Hastings, 979. Hasty, 1035. Hatch, 941, 987. Hauxworth, 979, Hawkes, 967. Haynes, 858, 979. Haz[z]en, 886, 894, 979-80, 982, 986, 999. Healey, 980. Heard, 863, 980, 1025-6. Heath, 864, 884-5, 891, 961, 966, 979, 980, 981, 1010, 1012-4, 1034. Henderson, 933. Hendrick, 885. Hepworth, 1029. Herbert, 922. Herrick, 933. Herriman, 979. Hewes, 980. Heyward, 897. Hicks, 910, 946. Hight, 982, 1035. See Hoyt. HiU, 879, 987-8, 1026. Hills, 899, 917. Hinds, 897. Hoag, 1009. Hobbs, 879, 980-1, 1019. Hobson, 963, 1028. Hodges, 981. Hodgkins, 971. Hoeg, 1013. Hoit. See Hoyt. Holden, 919. Holdred, 881, 981. HoUand, 936. HoUoway, 1003. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 1049 Honchin, 981. Honiwell, 981. Hooke, 880, 898, 905, 949, 952, 981. Hookley. See Hukly. Hopldnson, 996. Horne, 894, 981. Hornsey, 953. Hoton, 979. Hovey, 883. Howard, 977. Howe, 902-3. Howlet, 982. Hoyt, 857-8, 863, 867, 871, 873, 881, 890, 899, 910-1, 913-5, 921, 929, 957, 974, 980, 981-2, 998, 1001, 1026, 1035-6, 1038. Hubbard, 857, 863, 897, 960, 982. Huckins, 1026. Huggins, 894. Hukly, 891, 928, 983. Hulett, 983. Hull, 1025. Hulton, 983. Hunt. 983, 1009, 1032. Huntington, 857-8, 881, 983, 1032. Huse, 926, 957. Hussey, 965, 1035. Hutchins, 938, 977. Hutchinson, 973, 1002. Illsley, 978, 983. Ingalls, 981. See Engalls. Ingersol, 886. Ireland, 863, 964. Jack, 917. Jackman, 860, 892, 994. Jackson, 1003. Jacobs, 859. Jameson, 858, 905, 983. Jaques, 902, 933, 975, 978. Jarmin, 983. Jeffs, 984. Jewell, 919, 983, 1037. Jewett, 861, 863, 890, 895, 975, 977, 1036. Johnson, 861, 869, 872, 885, 892, 898, 908, 921, 950, 968, 978, 980-1, 983-6, 993-4, 998, 1034. Jones, 857-8, 899, 913-4, 974, 986, 993, 1002. Jordan, 863, 964, 989. Joy, 986, 1032. Kelly, 873, 883, 971, 986, 1004, 1006, 1008. See CaUey. Kendrick, 871, 877, 929. Kennard, 1009. Kenney, 1009, 1035. Kent, 966, 977, 990. KerswiU, 941. Keyes, 889, 962. Keyser, 986. Kiah, 897. Kimball, 882, 886, 891, 898, 907, 919, 934, 950, 962-4, 968-9, 974-5, 977, 979-81, 986, 1007, 1018, 1028. Kindrick. See Kendrick. Kinerson, 1035. King, 886, 990. Kingsbury, 966, 979. Kinney, 864, 990. Kinsman, 986, 1003. Kittle, 860, 886. Knight, 903, 952, 963, 984, 986, 991. Knowlton, 863, 897, 967, 988. Knox, 871. Ladd, 932-3, 986. Lailor, 866. Lakin, 1030. Lambert, 946, 1028. Lancaster, 890, 981, 986. Lang, 914. Langdon, 986. Large, 986. Leaver, 883, 963. Leavitt, 887, 942, 1037. Lecount, 952. Levar, 963. 1050 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Lewis, 934, 943, 997, 1033. Light, 986. Lilforth, 953. Linfurth, 954, 987. Lister, 917, 929, 1019. Liton, 1027. Little, 860, 871, 882, 886, 894, 912, 927. Littlefield, 867, 875, 987-8. Loatlie, 984-5. Locke, 1031. Long, 970, 984, 988. Longhorn, 975-6. Lord, 875, 890, 904, 937, 947. Lovering, 942. Low, 958, 1013. Lowell, 881, 908, 915, 920, 974, 988-9. Lufkin, 978. Lume, 884. Lunt, 877, 888, 1012. Lyon, 883. Mace, 941. Mack, 989. Mackrest, 989. Macy, 857-8, 874, 897, 936, 941, 989. Magoon, 870, 931. Malcom, 952. Manier, 954. Manning, 874. Mansfield, 997. Marble, 932, 1031. March, 920, 935, 989. Marcy, 973. Marsh, 885, 952, 956, 986, 1030. Martin, 857-8, 874, 973-4, 989, 992, 1032, 1034. Mason, 1034. Mattes, 1016. Matthews, 946, 955, 989. Maverick, 984, 1029. Maxfield, 896, 942, 989, 992, 1015. McDuffee, 935. McLaughUn, 1035. Mendum, 941. Mercer, 989. Merrill, 858, 862-4, 868-9, 871, 877, 883, 894, 902-3, 907, 909, 921-2, 924, 931, 935, 942-3, 948, 951, 957, 978-9, 989-91, 1027, 1037. Middletine, 977. MighiU, 883, 963, 1028. Minor, 914. Mireck, 966. Mitchel, 885, 933. Monro, 984. Moody, 936, 991, 1013. More, 1029. Morrill, 862, 864, 874-5, 881, 886, 906-9, 911-2, 917, 921, 924-5, 942-3, 951, 959, 989, 991-2, 1001, 1007, 1011, 1027, 1033, 1036-7, 1039. Morrison, 967. Morrys, 1023. Morse, 860, 886-7, 892, 903, 910, 925, 928, 971, 986, 992. Moss, 992. Moulton, 895, 917, 979, 1034. Mousall, 984-5. Moyce, 992. Muchamore, 942. Mudgett, 863, 992. Muel, 863. Mulliken, 976, 981-2. Munday, 993. Mussey, 868, 993, 1004. MussUoway, 970, 988. Nash. See Ash. Nason, 918. Nelson, 975, 978, 1016, 1035. Newbold, 967. Newell, 928. NewhaU, 933. Newland, 993. Newman, 1003. Newton, 942, 984. Nichols, 993. Ninny, 864, 990. North, 993. Northend, 963. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 1051 Norton, 867, 993. NoweU, 908. Noyes, 916, 935, 942, 960, 990, 1036. Nutter, 1035. Odlin, 993. Orcutt, 933. Ordway, 882, 889, 901, 921, 942, 985, 993, 1005-6. Ormes, 1002. Ormsby, 993. Osgood, 899, 917, 920, 932, 969, 972, 980-1, 985, 993-4, 997-8, 1002, 1028, 1036. OsiUeway, 873. Otis, 1009. Page, 913, 918, 920, 930, 949-50, 963, 965, 971, 976, 982, 985, 994, 1006. Pain, 941. Palmer, 871, 950, 971, 994-6, 1024, 1031. Parker, 887-8, 892, 968, 996, 1023. Parratt, 861, 895, 1030. Partridge, 864, 888, 965, 996. Pasco, 973. Pasque, 973. Patten, 916, 928, 956. Payne, 996. Peabody, 902, 979-81, 998. Peacham, 904. Peak, 996. Pearson, 907, 980-1, 997-8, 1015. Pease, 1017. Peasley, 857-8, 867, 998-9, 1000, 1005-6, 1016. Pecker, 929, 999. Peirce, 870. Pemberton, 1030. Penny, 987. Perkins, 864, 912, 999, 1006, 1029. Perrey, 889. Person. See Pearson. Pettee, 999. PettingiU, 904, 924, 1019, 1031. Pettitt, 999. Phelps, 1013. Pherin, 942. See Farren. Philbrick, 884, 956, 989, 999, 1012, 1034. Philbrook. See Philbrick. PhiUips, 883. Pickering, 1008. Pierce, 999, 1014. Pike, 864, 878, 958, 986, 999-1000, 1030. Pile, 936, 1000. Pillsbury, 913, 919, 951, 1000, 1012, 1036. Pingry, 934, 1000. Platts, 995. Plum[m]er, 866, 905, 908, 952, 996, 1002, 1028. Poor, 933-4, 955, 1028. Prescott, 917, 935. Pressey, 909, 923, 961, 965, 1000, 1020. Preston, 979. Price, 874. Prichard, 1000. Prowse, 1000. Puddington, 1026. Purington, 868, 896, 1000. Furrier, 1001. Putnam, 872. Quinby, 864, 868, 914, 917-8, 1001, 1033, 1035-6. Randall, 907. Rawlins, 994, 1001-2, 1017. See Rollins. Raynes, 866, 1027, 1029. Rea, 886. Reed, 919. Reeves, 895. Richardson, 917, 936, 958. Rideout, 880. Riggs, 925, 931. Ring[e], 886-7, 940, 972, 1002-3, 1005, 1024. Rob[b]ins, 970, 1003. Roberts, 901, 978, 1010. 1052 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Robie. See Roby. Robinson, 900, 972. Roby, 895, 942, 975, 978, 1003. Rogers, 876, 931, 1002. Rolfe, 866, 1003-4, 1022-3. Rollins, 870, 1007. See RawUns. Roper, 1004. Ross, 963, 977. Rowe, 917, 936. Rowell, 857, 891, 899, 913-4, 926, 929-30, 942, 982, 1000, 1004, 1013. Rowlandson, 868, 1004, 1034. Runnils, 1028. Rust, 942. Ryley, 880. Sadler, 1004. Saier, 999, 1005. Saltmarsh, 980. Sambome. See Sanborn. Sammon, 858, 1004, 1022. Sanborn, 875, 899, 905, 914, 1030. Sanders, 921, 942, 966, 1004. Sargent. 857-8, 879, 887, 892, 900, 916, 928-30, 958, 961, 1001, 1004, 1018, 1025. Saunders. See Sanders. Savory, 996. Sawyer, 858, 866-7, 888, 926, 949, 988, 990, 999, 1002, 1005-6, 1011, 1028. Sayward, 999, 1006, 1013. Saxton, 872. Scammon, 858. Scott, 883. Scribner, 1007. Searl[s], 901, 991. Seeley, 867, 1007. See Cilley. Severance, 864, 870, 917, 950, 992, 1007. Shackford, 980-2, 997-8, 1037. ShatsweU, 867, 967. Shepherd [pard], 899, 942, 950, 1002, 1006, 1007-8, 1016. Sherborn, 1008, 1013. Short, 1002. Sibley, 988, 1005. SUley. See CUley. Silloway, 970. Silver, 883, 1008, 1024. Silvester, 988. Sim[m]ons, 882, 889, 952, 973, 978, 980, 1013-4, 1031. Simpson, 1008. Singletary, 952, 966, 1008. Skerry, 1020. Sleeper, 1008. SmaU, 946. Smallpeese, 1008. Smith, 886, 914, 919, 934, 956, 959, 964-5, 1008, 1009, 1013. Somes, 1008. Spa[w]ford, 960. Spofford, 976. Springer, 982. Squire, 869, 1022. Stanhop, 970. Stanley, 894, 905. Stanwood, 1008. Stanyan, 883, 893, 1008-9, 1011, 1035, 1037. Staples, 967. Sterling, 1009. Stevens, 864-5, 868, 870, 877, 891, 895, 898, 912, 918-9, 925-6, 931-2, 961, 965, 971, 992, 1005, 1009- 13, 1018, 1036. Stevenson, 1025-6. Steward, 966. Stickney, 962-3, 976, 1030, 1037. Stockman, 906, 957, 1011, 1013. Stone, 984, 1022. Stowers, 1013. Straw, 900, 1013. Stuart, 909. Swain, 913. Swan, 1010, 1027. Swayne, 880, 997-8. Swett, 899, 951, 994, 1000, 1013. Syle, 883. Symmes, 967, 994, 1000. Symon Indian, 981. Symonds, 1013-4. See Simmons. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 1053 Tappan, 935, 1003, 1013. Tasker, 946. Taylor, 911, 917, 1015. Tenney, 978, 984-5, 1030. Tewksbury. See Tuxbury. Thacher, 949. Thomas, 1002. Thompson, 959, 1015. See Tomson. Thorne, 1015. Thurio, 974. Tibbetts, 1025-6. Tidd, 976. TUton, 930. Titcomb, 863, 867, 888, 898, 965, 992, 1010, 1015. Todd, 935. Tomson, 1001. See Thompson. Tongue, 1015-6. Toothaker, 956. Towner, 934. Townsend, 997, 1029. Towsley, 1016. Travers, 865, 1016. TreadweU, 887, 1015, 1020. True, 868, 898, 906, 943, 951-2, 991, 993, 1007, 1016. Trussell, 891, 1016. Tucker, 868, 880, 957, 1016. Turner, 933, 973, 982. TurrUl, 1000. TurviU, 1000. Tuxbury, 858, 908, 943, 1016. Tweed, 907. Tyler, 972. Upson, 970. Urin, 938. Valpey, 941. Varnam, 873. Voudey, 938, 940. Wadley[igh], 869, 906, 919, 1016. Wainwright, 883, 1024. Wait, 1017. Walden, 942. Waldorn, 919. Walker, 919, 967, 1011. Waller, 1029. WaUingford, 996. Walton, 1035. Wardell[aU], 987, 1002. Warner, 865, 890, 1017. Warren, 873. Wathen. See Worthen. Watson, 963, 971, 1002, 1017-8. Watts, 865, 894, 900-1, 961. Way, 967. Waymouth, 937. Weare, 869. Webster, 862, 867, 882, 888, 915, 920, 923, 954-5, 975, 978, 1002, 1011, 1014, 1018-9, 1034, 1036. Weed, 857, 865, 892, 914, 972, 977, 989, 1019-20, 1032-3. Weeks, 963. Wells, 881, 898-9, 907, 909-12, 921, 957-8, 964, 1020-1, 1038-9. Welsh, 1002. Wentworth, 859, 869, 1022. West, 1018, 1020. Westcoat, 1035. Whale, 970. Wheeler, 865-6, 868, 892, 974, 1022. Wheelwright, 1006, 1022. Whipple, 1029. Whitcher. See Whittier. White, 980. Whitehouse, 993. Whitmore, 931, 934, 1035. Whitridge, 866, 1022. Whittaker, 861-2, 866, 897, 932, 951, 956, 973, 1014, 1023, 1024, 1038. Whittier, 862-3, 866, 892, 910, 915, 927, 942, 946, 951-2, 961, 981, 1002-3, 1020, 1023-4, 1038. Whittingham, 897. Widger, 1023, 1038. Wiggins, 973. Wigglesworth, 1015. Wilcomb, 937. Wilford, 871, 950, 1024. 1054 OLD FAMILIES OF SALISBURY AND AMESBURY. Williams, 866, 883-4, 901, 903, 907-9, 997-8, 1024-6, 1038. Willit, 961. Willix, 1026. Wilson, 923, 962. Wilterton, 863, 989. Window, 865, 1016. Winsley, 1026-7. Winslow, 865, 1016. Wise, 901. Witham, 1032. Wood, 866, 976, 1029. Woodbridge, 888, 1015. Wooddam, 1027. Woodin, 1027. Woodman, 866, 941, 1024, 1027-9. Wooster. See Worcester. Worcester, 866, 883, 951, 995, 1030-1. Worth, 898, 1031. Worthen, 858, 866, 899, 920, 951, 1017, 1019, 1032-4, 1036. Wright, 954. Wyer, 984. Young, 879, 1034. Younglove, 952, 972, 1034. YALE UNIVERSITY I a39002 001 .9 23318b