YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ir ^. cfi6y "^ ^cc u^M./^ ,:t St Ai> i HISTORY OF STAMFORD, CHAPTER I. I N T K O D U C T O 11 Y . Not two and a quarter centuries have passed since the region in which the beautiful village of Stamford now lies, was a sav age wilderness. No foot of white man, unless it may have been that of some adventurous explorer, had over treaded its solitary paths. The same blue waters mirrored as now the same gently retreating hill-sides, but they had never photographed as now the cottages and spires of a civilized and Christian' people. Ov erlooking the quiet Rippowam harbor were the same hills as now ; the softly rounded Noroton, towards the rising sun, the higher central Mataubaun, (the morn revealer,) stretching far up towards the north, and the lowlier, yet no less lovely ridge to the west, behind which the setting sun went to his rest for the night. The " Myanos" and Noroton rivers, larger then than now, unhindered by dam, coursed their roaring or babbling way be neath the tufted foliage of the primeval forest into the sunny waters of the sound ; while the rippling Rowalton separated these realms of the jealous liippowam from the hunting grounds of the lordly Mahackeno. No where from the Rowalton to the Mianus, and from the southern waters along the "four hour's walk" towards the dreaded forests of the fierce Mohawks, dould one rest his eye upon either the presence or trace of the pale face OI- his work. Bears growled where now the hum of industry is heard. Wolves roamed and howled amid thickets which no woodman's axe had ever invaded. Wild birds amid their leafy bowers sang 1 '1 HISTOKY OF STAMB'ORD. their carols to wild beasts in their leafy lairs. No voice of man had for once awaked the echoes of these hills and glens, save when some Indian lover wooed to his side the dark eye of his heart, or when the proud warrior of some savage clan rang out the defiant warwhoop of his great wrath. Here had lived and loved, only another race. Here and there, nestling amid ledges and between ovcr-areliing trees, was an Indian's home — a wigwam as rude in its structure and finish as tlie untutored savage who had built it. A few brawny red men with their " dusky mates" and bright-eyed little ones, numbering in all, not to ex'ceed some three hundred souls, were the sole liuraan tenants on this soil. Nor were even they its permanent possessors. Their sagamores, Ponus and Wescussue, held the undisputed title to all the land, and in their paternal condescen sion, they meted out for the season to their loyal subjects, such patches as they could j^lant with corn or beans. Of course there was no general tillage of the ground. The ntmost ingenuity of Indian art had no conception of the plow, and could furnish but a sorry substitute for even the white man's axe and hoe and spade. Nor had the still waters of either Rippowam or Toquam har bor, yet felt the keel of civilized commerce. The light bark canoe had for many generations been wont to shoot swiftly from point to point across the shallower indentations of the coast, while the huge trunk of some lofty forest oak, excavated by te dious scraping with shells and sharpened flint stones aided by the skillful use of fire, had. supplied the aborigines with their only safe transport for the rougher sea YoyAge, At intervals of long period, the waters of the sound had been the theater of fierce and bloody sea-figlits. Not in gallant and gigantic ship, moved at the commander's will by steam or sail, but in these rude inonarclis of Indian sea-craft, driven with mightiest stroke of well-trained oar against each other, in fearfully frightful and fatal encounter. One such naval engagement had crimsoned our harbor with savage blood, just before the white man for the first time entered its glassy waters. IXTI10DU(.'T0]IY. n Nor had the sharp crack of the hunter's rifle, nor the roar of modern artillery, e\n- yet disturbed these solitudes ; though in stead, the twang of the sounding bow and the sharp whizzing of the winged arroAV had often brought to the ground the eagle in his loftiest flight, or cut short the swiftest footed wild deer in his race. Here everything was in its rudest dress — hillside and glen,. forest tree and mossy rock, wavy margined coast and arbored, murmuring stream, all were as nature made and meant them — all as their untutored and unambitious occupants had left them. .411 attempts at improvement by the rude savage had only mar red the native beauty they had invaded. The homes here built, the jDaths here opened, all changes here made, begun and ended still in forest homes arid paths and change. Nature mainly held her own against the utmost of all that Indian art arid industry could do. And still no intelligent and cultivated eye could have gazed upon this uncultivated domain, without being struck with its singular and quiet beauty. There was not in it the stirring grandeur of Alpine scenery, nor yet the sublime immensity of the prairie's stretch ; but there was something which while it might move the beholder less would not fail to please him more. Rarely, on earth, do pleasant hill-sides sweep up more gracefully from heaven-penciled waters, and still more rarely, do hill and lowland and vale blend in pictures of more pleasing loveliness. So felt even the Indian, as his sharp eye swept over the broad landscape from his outlook on his favorite Mataubaun ; and so thouo-ht the weary pilgrims of another race as they came to find on this coast the future homes of their own and their children's children. The Indian passed away, and with him perished the story of his race. All their tender loves and all their stern revenges ; every adventure of chieftain or of subject ; noble deeds of affec tion and of heroisn^i, all alike unrecorded, have gone forever into an oblivion from which no pen of historian can recover them. 4 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. The last faint traces which his departing footsteps left, are all that remain to witness to the Indian's power and skill. The white man came. In defiance of the savage race on these borders of a frowning wilderness, in the midst of blood-thirsty beasts of prey, he was forced to seek his home. He counted and accepted the cost, He set up the altars of his faith. He taught the wilderness to bud and blossom ; and bud and blos som and fruitage he turned to his use. He made of the forest tree his comfortable house. The virgin soil answered his call, and loaded his table with her fruits. Idle water streams soon leaped upon his water wheels, and with tireless gladness helped on his course. The patient genius of education took his little ones in care, and taught their young minds to plan and their hands to execute new triumphs in his progress. The old- forests and all the profitless savagery of Indian life soon gave way, and farms and schools, industry and thrift, civilization and religion, homes of comfort and of elegance attested the presence of the more intelligent, and permanent race. For two hundred and twenty-six years that race have now on this ground plied their intelligence, their invention, their indus try and their skill. Six or seven generations of their children have here grown up, borne their part in the great work of man on earth, and left the accumulating treasures of their career as a precious legacy to the generation which now have occasion to rejoice in the succession. And why may we not, why should we not gather up the les sons which those busy years can furnish ? Who would refuse to trace the record which Providence has here drawn ? Who withhold from the hardy pioneers who inaugurated, and from the wise and valiant men who have transmitted with the added luster of their own bright fame, this noble inheritance to us ? Surely, not the worthy sons of names so worthy. Surely, not the natives of other towns, who have been drawn hither by the charms or the promises of good which their earlier homes could INTEODUCTOEV. 5 not offer, and who are now gathering here the fruits of a pros perity which others sowed. Every just, every filial, every honorable son or citizen of Stamford must respond to the claim which his native or adopted town has to a permanent and instructive memorial. It were as undutiful, as it is unjust to the departed generations, to refuse such a tribute. No pains should be deemed too costly, which can secure it. It was such a feeling which moved the author, some d'ozen years ago, to examine the records of the town to learn if they offered sufficient material towards such a work. Though very iraperfect, almost illegible in some places and defaced or totally wanting in others; though exceedingly meager everywhere, except in recording the annual lists of town officers, from select men down to the key-keeper of the town pound, there still seemed enough of the earlier records left to justify the attempt. Thanks to the providence of our town officers twenty-five years ago, by whom the mutilated aud raj)idly wasting remnants of the old records were carefully arranged and bound together for preservation. This township, whose story for two and a quarter centuries I have undertaken to tell, occupies about one-third of that sea- coast parallelogram which stretches off from the southwest corner of Connecticut. By the.original grant, made over by the Indians, it must have covered nearly that entire parallelogram, together with a parallel strip lying on the north of it and now owing allegiance to the Empire State. But by the excision of several portions of the tract, the Stamford to which my research is mainly limited, has come to occupy the central part of the first grant — -a tract now, not far from ten miles in length from N. N. W. to S. S. E. ; and on an average about seven miles in width, on a line running . a little to the South of West. It is bounded on the north-north-west by the towns of North Castle and Poundridge ; on the east- north-east by the towns of New Canaan and Norwalk ; on the south-south-east by Long Island Sound, and on the west-south west by Greenwich. 0 HISTOEY' OF STAMFOED. This entire tract has a gentle slope towards the south-south- \vest, and its surface is made up of a not ungraceful succession of ridges having the same general direction, yet of the greatest possible variety of length and contour, yet gradually lifting themselves to greater elevations towards the north, where the central one has by common consent won the distinction of our High Ridge. Meandering among these ridges, as if to carve the surface into forms of most pleasing variety, we find the Mianus and its main tributary on the north-west ; the old Indian Rippowam, and now, from its English use, the Mill river, with its eight serviceable branchlets draining ten times as many hill sides and rippling through many a pleasant vale ; the shorter Noroton, laughing its joyous way down through the defiles in the north-east part of the town, to the open plains we call New Hope, and thence toying its playful way around the eastern base of our Noroton hill, into the smooth waters of its own lovely bay ; and next, and still less, the gentle brooklets ever to be dishonored by their late born names, Stoney Brook and Good Wife, yet ever to be used for bounding and draining the gentle slopes whose waters find 'their beds ; and last, as if to warn us that we must find our eastern frontier somewhere, the prosy Five Mile, whose beauties and whose uses, we are doomed to share with our Norwalk neighbors towards the east. Of all the hills and valleys and plains bounded and separated by these brooks and streams, the time would fail me to write. To be known, they must be seen ; and, seen in the freshness of their summer dress, they will be felt to be a goodly sight. Whoever scans them, clothed with the variegated hues of the early autumn, will call them pleasant and beautiful. A very accurate eye and a sober judgment the topographist had, who wrote of this town a quarter of a century ago : " This is a pleasant and fertile township ; rich in the resources of agricultural opulence, abounding in the means of subsistence, with the advantages of a ready and convenient market. The surface of the town is undulating, exhibiting a pleasant diver sity of moderate hills and valleys. The soil is a rich gravelly loam, adapted to both tillage and grazing." I.NTEODUCTOEY. 7 Somewhat more enthusiastic was the estimate of its topo graphy, in some favored localities, of the very celebrated Dr. Dwight, who traveled over large portions of our broad land that he might observe and note their excellences or their defects. His judgment is worth transcribing for this prelimi nary chapter of our history : "There are three uncommonly interesting spots iu this town ship ; one on the western side of the harbor which is called the Southfield, a rich and beautiful farm. " Another is a peninsula on the east side of the harbor. Ship- pan, the property of Moses Rogers, Esq., of New York. This also is an elegant and fertile piece of ground. The surface slopes iu every direction, and is encircled by a collection of exquisite scenery. The Sound and Long Island beyond it, with a gracefully indented shore, are directly in front; and both stretch westward to a ^'ast distance, and seaward till the eye is lost. On each side, also, lies a harbor, bounded by handsome points. " A train of groves and bushy islands, peculiarly pleasiug in themselves, increase by their interruptions, the beauty of the waters. The farm itself is a delightful object, with its fields neatly inclosed, its orchards and its groves. " Here Mr. Jilogers has formed an avenue a mile in length, reaching to the water's edge. At the same time he has planted on the grounds surroundins; his house, almost all the forest trees which are indigenous to this country. To these he has united plantations of fruit trees, a rich garden and other interesting objects so combined as to make this one of the pleasantest retreats in the L^nited States. "The third, named the Coyq, is on the western side of Noro ton river. On this spot, in very advantageous situations, have been erected two large mills for the manufacture of flour, and a small village or rather hamlet for mechanics of various kinds. The view of the harbor in front, the points by which it is lim ited, the small but beautiful islands which it contains, the Sound, the Long Island shore, a noble sheet of water in the rear, the pleasant village of Noroton, -and the hills and groves in the interior is rarely equalled by scenery of the same nature, especially when taken from a plain scarcely elevated above the level of the ocean." Such is the testimony of Dr. Dwight, to the beauty of these three still noticeable points in the topography of the town. 8 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. Nearly fifty years have passed since that judgment was penned ; and during this period the progress of settlement or of improve ment has added many a locality, whose natural or cultivated beauty equals or exceeds these. Whoever traverses this tract from east to west, over almost any one of our roads will find himself frequently surprised by a sudden view of some charm ing landscape — whose beauty is only enhanced by the silvery edging of its southern front. Such views one will be glad to linger upon, from our Richmond, and Strawberry, and Noroton, and Summer, and Ox ridge elevations, near the Sound; and from Fort and White hills, from Hunting and Davenport and Long and High ridges, farther to the north. And besides these, a score of other summits might be named, each one of which is itself a gem set in the coronal of our summer landscape, yet most of all delightful for what it shows us, of the broad pano rama in which it lies. But what gave the name Stamfoed to this township ? In his centennial address, delivered here in 1841, the Rev. Mr. Alvord, who had evidently spent no little time in his historical inqui ries, gives this explanation of the name. "Our fathers in changing the name," from Rippowams, the Indian name, '¦ called the town after Stamford in England, which j)lace Avas doubtless the former residence of some of them." This is a most natural conclusion, and one which we shall be able, neither to prove or disprove. But if it was true, that an English town gave name to the New England settlement, it would yet be a question Avhich of the three places in the mother land, should have the honor. It might have been the Stamford Bridge, in Yorkshire, on the Derwent, a place famous for that successful contest in Avhich Harold utterly defeated the insolent Norwegian invasion. The orthography of the name, as reported by Hume is precisaly that which we find on our earlier records ; it is not so remote from the theatre of the good Mr. Denton's earlier ministerial labors, as not, for some reason or other, to have been chosen as a fitting name for the ncAV settlement. Or it may have been that other inteoductoey. 9 Stamford of England, on the extreme Avestern borders of Wor- cester.'-hire, as the Connecticut tOAvn Avas, on the same extreme of NcAV England. We knoAV not but the very lovelhicss of this beautiful town of the charming Teme, may have been seen or fancied to belong, in its elements at least, to the new towpship on the margin of the Ncav England RippoAvam. Good authority, at a later date, has told us that "the situation of Stamford is de lightful." And still again, " it Avould be utterly impossible through the medium of words, or at least any words Avhioh I can select, to give an idea of the lovely country Avhere I was born and reared." And yet once moro, Ave haA^e the same en thusiastic admiration exjaressed by the same gifted pen. It is the hearty and affectionate tribute of the talented Mrs.. Sher- Avood — her skillful photograph of the dearest scenes of her childhood, in Avliich she would commend to all her readers " the lovely parsonage of Stamford, the elegant home in Avhicli I Avas born." And surely no one who has an eye for the loA^ely and beautiful in landscape, will deny that some future Mrs. Sherwood may, with equal truth, so daguerreotype the charms of more than one home in the Stamford, yet to be, here in this Southwestern corner of Connecticut. But, perhaj)S, as has been generally suj)- posed, the name comes from the Stamford of Lincolnshire. That, also, Avas a border tOAvn, and like this, on the South western extreme of the county. And there are, possibly, other local and historical reasons Avhich may seem to indicate this as the original, to whose scenery or to the affection of AAdiose duti ful children, our Ncav England Stamford OAves its name. As to the English homes of our settlers, our utmost diligence has failed to trace a single family to the Lincolnshire Stamford. Indeed, but one of the earlier names of our pioneers, lias been found on any of the Stamford recoi'ds we have seen. The Browns, a name, universal almost as the Smiths, Avere early iu the ancient English Stamford of Lincoln. And they were also of no little repute. Their monuments still speak of their fame. The church of All Saints, standing on the north side of the Red 2 10 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. Lion Square, in the old English town, was the gift of ^ John Brown, Avho was an alderman of the city in 1462 ; and in the St. Mary's can noAV be seen brass figures of William Brown and his wife. A hospital, also, founded in the reign of the third Richard, is still a monument here to the humanity of this Wil liam BroAvn. Not far from this Stamford, on the borders of Leicestershire, Mr. Denton had his nativity, and spent his earlier years ; and it is not improbable that some feature of the place made so favor able impression on his boyhood, that when he came to stand, in manhood, at the head of this yet nameless settlement, he could find no fitter or worthier name for the place which he intended to make the home for his old age. But sometimes the subtlest of influences establishes a new empire, to AA'hich the most trifling occurrence, a mere slight re semblance even, shall give its name. So, doubtless it was some slight feature of many of the townships in New England, which led to the selection of their names, — their peculiar water margin, their running streams, their hills, or valleys, or plains ; and the same unimportant hint Avhich settled the choice of the founders, settled also the name assigned to the town thus founded. I confess myself to have been not a little surprised by Simp son's engraving of the Lincolnshire Stamford. It is foimd in Allen's History of the County of Lincoln. It is a southerly view of the old tOAvn, and the first impression it gave me Avas that of a veritable prototype of the modern Connecticut Stam ford, as seen from the south-west. The tAvo landscapes are strikingly alike. The five steeples or towers are almost literally reproduced in the modern engraving of the modern Stamford. A large castellated mansion towards the right of the old picture, occupies nearly the position of the Noroton Hill residences, on our map ; and the almost involun tary decision Avas, there need be no wonder why the founders called these hills and wooded slopes another Stamford. Nor Avas the resemblance scarcely less, in the engraving found INTEODUCTOEY. 1 1 in Britton's "Beauties of England and Wales." The landscape seemed the same. Hills and intervales wore the same contour, and were cleaved by not dissimilar river beds. And if the self same mold gave form and feature to the two, Avhy should not the same express them both ? But how completely, a careful study of these pictures of the English Stamford, would dispel the illusion that they designed to illustrate the trans- Atlantic town. The artificial of the two is all unlike. The architecture of the one antedates by long centuries the other. The institutions and customs which the one illustrates, are equally antiquated and foreign to the other. Long ages of time and a Avide ocean in space must certainly separate them. Witness those huge uplifted arms of that sIoav grinding wind mill, and you need not ask them if their unwieldy and unsightly aerimotion belongs to the age or to the neighborhood, even, of the modern eis- Atlantic town. Witness those circular arches and Avavy moldings of that old Benedictine convent, which plainly tell of an age far earlier than the very oldest of the many styled architecture of the Con necticut town. Witness those ancient monasteries and friaries, in which, ages before the white man had even found the site of the new Stamford, there must have been gathered successive generations of men who practiced or simulated the holiest self- denials of the Christian life. Witness, too, those mouldering ruins, that tell us the presence here, in.ages long since gone by, of the old Roman and his power ; and those other dismantled halls, where other generations were trained in all the most courtly and elegant culture of that early age. This English Stamford dates from a very early period. Henry Huntington gives us our first account of it. As early as Bla- dud, one of the British kings of the ninth century, it was a place of some note. The Romans called it Durobevia, from the rocky ford over the Weiland here. The Saxons translated the same feature into their language, and called it the Stane-ford or rocky 12 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. ford Avhich in the progress of orthographic change has come to be Stamford. Our first spelling of the modern names, it Avill be seen, is Stanforde ; and we may, without serious misgiving, ac cept as its prototype, the ancient Stanforde in the Wapentake of Ness. We have already alluded to the local records from which a portion of these details are drawn. But quite as fortunate is it, that so many of the papers of the town have been preserved by the care of the state. But for the aid of these papers, now ar ranged and indexed in the state library in Hartford, but few of the older towns of the state could furnish material for an intel ligible record of their local history. Certainly, Stamford, one of the oldest of these towns, is greatly indebted to this state providence for many of the records Avhich this history pre serves. , Next to these sources of our history, stand the ecclesiastical records of the First Church and those of the Middlesex Church and Society, (Darien) ; the former commencing with Dr. Welles' ministry in 1747, and the latter with the organization of the Society in 1739. It must alAvays be regretted that the records of the First Church, doAvn to the settlement of Dr. Welles, are not to be re covered. The Society records of that period are identical with such town records as are preserved, and are scarcely less A'a lua- ble to the history than those of the toAvn itself. Next in value are those faithful transcripts of the records of the Ncav Haven colony, from 1688 to 1649, and from 1653 to 1665, published by C. J. Hoadly, Esq., State librarian; and a like faithful transcript of the Connecticut colony records, from 1636 to 1677, .executed by J. Hammond Trumbull, Esq, Secre-_ tary of State. .Nor should the old Dutch records of the New Netherlands be lost sight of in this research. Of the history of this region, anterior to the date when our colonial records be gin, and. of the earlier conflicts with the Aborigines, they give us many facts and hints of great interest. INTEODUCTOEY'. 13 Besides these, Avhich haye the force of original records, Ave find of great service to the satisfactory elucidation of our local history, such Avorks as Trumbull's Connecticut, which abounds in material for its earlier periods, and the later Avork of HoUis ter which brings the collection doAvn almost to the present date. Hall's Norwalk, Mead's GreeiiAvich, Prince's and Thompson's histories of Long Island, and Bolton's thorough AVork on West chester County, have also great value, treating as they do of localities whose earlier history Avas so inwoven with ours. Nor are the printed histories of our revolutionary period to be over looked in this list of authorities. Especially are we indebted to the local records supplied by Hinman in his report of the part Avhich Connecticut bore in that contest ; and scarely less to the faithful account which Sabine gives us of the opposers of the Avar. Still more important are the Contemporaneous records, collected at such cost of time and money in the American Ar chives. In family history and genealogy, much use has necessarily been made of Savage's great thesaurus of abbreviated genealog ical lore ; and for reporting the prominent family of Avhich it treats, no work or works could readily take the place of Mr. A. B. Davenport's " Davenport Family." Besides these sources of our history, the author has had free access to several of our best historical libraries, from which have been drawn many of the facts here recorded. Especially is he indebted for this indulgence granted him, at the Yale Col lege Library and that of the Ncav Haven Colony Association, in New Haven ; at the State Library and the Connecticut His torical Society, in Hartford; at the Astor and Merchants and NeAV York Society Libraries, of New York city ; and at that of the Long Island Historical Society, in Brooklyn, N. Y. CHAPTER IL THE SETTLEMENT. 1640-42. In the spring of 1640, a company of dissatisfied and restless men in Wethersfield, were anxious to end the contentions and feuds which for four or five years had rendered their home in that new colony comfortless and unprofitahM. The reasons for that distracted condition, among a band of men who had left the father land not six years before, to seek a quiet and peaceful home for themselves, may never be fully made known. Cer tainly no contemporaneous record which I have been able to find has reported them. But, both the town records, and those of the Connecticut colony, which then included only the three settlements at Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield, agree in representing the Wethersfield disagreement so positive as not likely to be harmonized, as long as the spirited factions should remain together. So thought the Peace Commissioners who went down from Hartford to see if the peace could be preserved. So decided the Church Committee from Watertown, who had been sent out into the wilderness to look after the brethren who had so recently emigrated from their company. So decided, also, that princely pioneer among our Connecticut Avorthies of that age, the Rev, Mr. Davenport, who had gone up from New Haven to see if fraternal counsel Avould not restore harmony to that disturbed community ; and so believed the discerning men among the contestants themselves. Their judgment accepted the judicious advice of Mr. Davenport, and they proceeded to arrange the terms of a peaceful separation. The church at Wethersfield had only seven voting members. THE SETTLEMENT. 13 six Avho had come from Watertown, and one who had joined them. Four of them Avere on one side in the cpntroversies which had divided the people, and three on the other, but the latter constituted the majority of the community. As a peace measure the majority of the church agreed to emigrate with the minority of the planters ; while the majority of the planters conceded them the right of taking with them the records, and so transferring their church organization to the new field. But whither should, or could they go ? All the region to the Avest of them, until they should^reach the Dutch settlements in 'T^ew Netherlands was as yet an unbroken wilderness. To the south, at New Haven, and doAvn the river at Saybrook, new settlements Avere just established, but offered no inducements to so large a company of emigrants as they Avould muster. On the Sound, at Guilford, Milford, Fairfield, and Stratford, com panies of pioneers were just breaking ground for the sites of their new colonies. EveryAvhere else the wilderness and sayage held sAvay. But Mr. Davenj)ort, AVho had advised the separation, though the enterprise of the young colony to Avhose success he had so largely contributed, was prepared to offer them a place for a home. The New Haven colony, in its zeal to maintain an equal footing Avith the Connecticut colony, whose seat Avas at Hartford, had just made a purchase, through their agent, Capt. Nathaniel Turner, of that tract Avhich lies to tlie west of the present »town of Norwalk. This they offered to thcj waiting- company at Wethersfield. The Committee api>ointed by that company, accepted the purchase, and soon the arrangements were completed for the formal occupation of the place. The following record of the decision of the General Court of New Haven, held the 14th of ninth month, 1640, exhibits the title under which the colonists were to take j)OSsession of their new domain : " Whereas, Andrew Ward and Robert Coe of Wethersfield Avere deputed by Wethersfield men the 30th of the Sth month. 16 HISTOEY OP STAMFOED. commonly called October, 1640, to treat at New Haven, about the plantation lately purchased by said town called Toquams, Avhich being considered of it was agreed upon by the said court and justices aforesaid that they shall have the said plantation upon the terms following : first, that they shall repay unto the said town of Ncav Haven all the charges which they have dis bursed about it, which comes to thirty-three pounds as appears by a note or schedule hereunto annexed ; secondly, that they reserve a fifth part of said plantation to be disposed of at the appointment of this court to such desirable persons as may be expected, or as God shall send hither, provided that if Avithin one whole year such persons do not come to fill up those lots so reserved that then it shall be free for the said people to nomi- nate^and present to this court some persons of their own choice Avhich may fill up some of those lots so reserved if this court approve of them; thirdly, that they join in all points with this plantation in the form of government here settled, according to agreement betwixt this court and Mr. Samuel Eaton about the plantation of Totokett. ' These articles being read together Avith Mr. Samuel Eaton's agre-jment in the hearing of the said parties or dej)uties, it Avas accepted by them, and in yitness thereof they subscribed tlieir names to the articles in the face of the court.". Thus Avcre the founders of Stamford supplied Avith a place for their future residence. Providence had opened it as a refuge for them; and they gladly fled to it. They hoped to find in their ncAV home, equally, freedom from the tyrannous rule und^r Avhich they had been exiled from the land of their birth, and. from the petty annoyances which had tried their patience and their temper in their brief sojourn on the banks of the Connec ticut. Few pioneers among the emigrants from the old world to this, had been more severely tested than they had been ; and we may be assured that they hailed with no common satisfac tion the pleasant and quiet retreat to Avhicli they had been thus conducted. The story of their introduction to their ncAV home, the com pany they constituted, the community they established, tho plans they made and matured, their trials and their triumphs, let it be our present business to learn. Reverently and duti- THE SEl-TLEMENT. 17 full)' let US ask after the men, Avho in times of great trial, through days and years of Aveakness and suffering, of hope deferred and pressing fears, sustained themselves in the great Avork of laying deep and broad foundations for the f)ermanent prosj^erity of their children's children in this ncAV Avorld. The following- passage, providentially saved from the first book of the Stamford records, Avill introduce us to these men. Defaced as it is in some places, and Avanting as it is in others, Ave may well be thankful that so much of it remains. It is the most effectual key .we have to the earlier portion of our history. We will transcribe what remains of it, as a perpetual Avitness to some of the earliest and most Adtal facts of the story we are to trace. The portions of the record now effaced, which are supplied, Avill be included in parentheses. The remainder of it is the literal record as it Avas made by the original recorder himself The first paragraph, Avhich is a mere title, was evi dently inserted after the name of the settlement had been changed, tliough written by the same hand Avhich made the record folloAving it. These earliest records are all in the haudAvriting of Richard LaA^¦. 1640-41. A tOAvn bo(ok of the) freeholders of the towile (of Stamford as it) was afterwards called, but iioav Rippowam, contay(n)in(g the acts) and conclusions of the companie of Wethersffeld men, to (begin a) removal thither this Avinter. And also their most matteriall acts and agreements, touching the place hoAV they came by it, theire i-at(es) and accoiints, .theire divisions and grants of land, and records of every man's land, and passages of land from one to another. First these men whose names are underwriten have bound thems (elves) under the paiiie of forfiture of 5 lb a man to goe or sende to Ripp(owan) so begin and psecute the designe of a plantation there by ye 16th o(f) may next, the rest, theire familyes thither by ye lastof novembe(r) 12 months, viz. Ri Denton Ri Gildersleue Tho Weekes Sam Sherman ma mitshell Edm Wood Jon Wood H Hen Smith Thur Rainor Jo Wood Jer Jagger Vincint Simkins Robt Coe Jer Wood J Jisopp Dan Finch And Ward Sam Clark Jo Seaman JoNorthend20 3 > 18 HISTOEY OF STAJIFOKD. And whereas the purchase of the place and vewmg of it hist mayde by our trends of new haueu and we stand mtlebtecl to them for it : it (is) ordered at the same time That lOObushells of corne at 35 a bushell be paid in towards it Ave raised and sent them as foUoweth, m(r) ma mitcliel Serst. JI. JI. T. K duel-, Mr. Denton. And. Ward, Ko. Coe, Ki. (jildersleuc, Ki. Law, 4').3 ¦2-i.:j 20.1 16.1 bu. p. 14.3 0.3^¦} 4.1 4.1i.U 3.2 40.3 bu. Jo. Reynoulds, 3. -2 Jo. Whitmore, 3.1 Ko. Bates, 3.1 Ki. Crab, 3.1 Sa. Sherman, 3.1 Jef. Firries, 3.1 Dan. I'iuch, 3.0 Jo. Northeud. 2.3 Jonas AVood, H. 2.3 Edm. AVood, i.'i Jon Wood, 2.2 .-^am. Clarke, 2.2 Fra. Bell, 2.2 Jer. Jaggar, 2.2 *Jo. Not or M M,2.1 ¦20. 1 Tho. We(ekb), 2.2 Jer. (Wood) 2.1 Th(o Moreho>ise),2.1 (Ko Fisher) 2.0 (Jo. Jissop,) 2.0 (Hen. Smith), 1.3 (Vincint); 1.3 Jo. Se )nian, 1.3 : ' 16.1 100.0 Of the above list, all the names appear on our subsequent re- oonh, excepting that of " Jo Nott." Though John Nott did not •,ettle ill the town, he is at this late date Avorthily represented ill tiie seventh generation by Samuel Nott Hyde, Esq., son of Luci-etia Nott, daughter of Samuel Xott, D. D. as in note. Of the thirty men above named, only tAveuty-eight came to Wtaniford in the summer of 1641, as the record immediately following the list shoAvs. On the 19th Oct. of that year they Avere notified by a "sufficient Avarning, to come in," to make clioice of those Avho should administer the affairs of the new colony. Mr. Denton, MatheAV Mitchell, AndrcAV Ward, Thurs ton Raiiier, and Richard, Crab Avere this provisional government. Their commission, given by that pure democracy then assembled, made them in all essentials the authoritative rulers over the people. Enough of the record remains to show what their pre rogatives were : to order the common affairs or intended plans of the jjeoplc, and to determine the differences that shall arise ; and -'M'ttlc them accoi-diug to equity, peace, laAV .and coiive- )iicii(-i'." Tliat Ihey Avere not unequal to the honor put upon =^This IS undoubtedly that of John Nott, of AVethersfield, who for some reason did not come to Stamford. His family remained in Wetherslield for two generations. Hie grand son, Abraham, went to Saybrook, where his son Stephen was born in 1728. This Stephen was the father of Samuel, D. D., so long the patriarch of Eastern Connecticut, aud also of Eliphalet, D. D., so long and so successfully the president of I'nion College. THE SE'I'TLEMENT. I IJ them, and that the people did not find their trust beti-a.Aed, the progress of our history Avill show. The next item on the records of special interest to us in de termining who the settlers of the town Ayere, and hoAV thty sought the interests and rights of each other in the very begin nings of their civil arrangements, is the account of the first :issig-nment of lauds to the settlers. The entire list of names is jireserved on the records, though portions of the statement of the princiiDlcs on Avhich the appropriation is made are indistinct : " Also this is to be noted, that in a full meeting of the com pany that AA'as intending to come hither the same spring that Ave caiiu', every of those twexty-eight men aforementioned and .John .Jisop Avere scAX-rally considered of and Avhat quantity of (hind) Avas meet for every man determined of — the mau under (-onsideratioii absenting himself Avhile his case Avas in hand, and so successively ; and Avheii he Avas called in again and demanded if so much g;ive him content, and so contentment and satisfac- ' tion Avas by every one of these men acknoAA'ledged ; and they set down these numbers of acres of marsh and upland after the same proportion as foUoweth : Acres. Acres. Acvc.-;. Acrfs. ^Math. Mitchell, 28 iJo. Eenoulds, 11 ¦ Jonas Wood H. OS 'Jer. Wood, 0 Thurston Eaiuer,. 20 ^o. AVhitmore, 10 ^ Jo. Northend, 08 -Thos. Weeks, 0 ''pllT. Denton, 14 'Ei. Crab 10 Jer. Jagger, 07- <.. Jo. Seaman, G _A-And. Ward, 14 "Jetf- Firries, 10 "Edm. Wood, 07 (Bo. Fisher, B ¦--Tlo. Coe, 14 "Eo . Bates, 10 ""Jon. Wood, O, 07 Jo. Jissop, 5 I- Ei. Gildersleue, 13 vSam. Sherman 10 ¦ Sam. Clark, 07 ' Hen. Smith, 3 <-E Law, 11 .Dan. Finch, Oi) >- Fra. Bell, 07 Vincint, 3 ¦ ^Tho. Marshall, 07 —276 The above record is authoritative as to Avho the first tAventy- nine landholders of Stamford Avere. The last name on the list undoubtedly should be Simkins, as it is found among the twenty who Avere bound to each other to begin the settlement, accord ing to agreement with the New Haven colony,' -We shall now proceed to ascertain, as far as the record will enable us to do so, the other names which during the following season, were added to the tAventy-nine. The following record is still legible in the original manuscript of the first recorder : '¦ And in town meeting, Dec. 7, Avas there granted, besides house lots as other men had,' Tho. Armitage, ten acres; .To. 20 HISTOEY OF. STAMFOED. Ogden, ten acres; Wm. Mayd; (Mead), five acres; Avith wood land as chosable as those above.' > "Also to these men, besides, house lots as others, (Joh)n Stevens, Tho. Pop', Tho. Hyoule, Hen. Akeriy^ Jo. Smith, senr., Jo Smith, jun., (John Ro)ckwell, Jam. Pyne, Dan Scoffeld, & Jo. Coe ; every of them two acres (home'lot) and three acres Avoodland in the field now to be inclosed." The- above record makes the resident landholders, by Dec. 7, 1641, to be forty-two. Immediately following the last record, are these : " (Oc)tober 1642, in a general tOAvn meeting was given these, foil (owing), these lots as other men, marsh & woodland, viz: ( )i"Pj Jo. Underhill, eight acres ; to Rober^t Hustice seven acres ; ( ) acres ; Jo. Miller, five acres, to Jo. Finch, six acres ; ( )ree acres ; & to every of them AVOodland after the same pro (portion, & to Willi) am NcAvman two acres marsh & three acres Avoodland. " ( )ember 1642, Avas granted these men every man (a house lot &) land in the field to be inclosed, A'iz: Jo.^ Lum, ' Jam.. Sw(ead), ( ), Symon ^feiring, & to Jonas Weede a house and (pasture lan)d in the field to be inclosed. ( ) Pierson,'.-Jo. ToAvne & Wm.;Graves have had every one (a house lot) & Tho. SlawBon house lot and three acres in the field [ ] and eight men are freeholders as above." We have already seen whom on. their arrival the founders of the town selected to arrange and administer their affairs. But yery few other records of this early date are preserved. Yet, these fcAV are of the more value, since they serve to exhibit to us the most we can know of these worthy men. In November, 1641, they made a second election of seven men for townsmen, viz. : "Math. Mitchell, Thurston Raynor, And. Ward, Jo. Whit man, Ri. Law, and Ri. Crab.',' Their official AVork is defined to be, " to order town occasions.'-'- It will be noticed that but six of the seven men are named in this list, and the omission of one name may be most exactly il lustrative of the men and the times. By reference to the first appointment made in October, the name of 6\Ir. Denton will.be found first on the list. It Avill be marked by still another token of honor. The others are all recorded with their christian THE SETTLEMENT. 21 nanies ; he alone with the title of Master. He was their Ministek. Was it not tacitly understood that his voice was to be heard in all matters that concerned their Avelfare, Qr that of their fam ilies ? Was there any need, therefore, of making a formal en rolment of his magisterial name, when the A^ery name to them had a leader's and master's authority ? Another " general town meeting" is held in December, 1641. Enough of the record remains be shoAV that the business of the meeting Avas to secure a suitable fencing " of fields for the freeholders." So much of both margins is gone as to render it difficult to recover the precise terms on Avhich the fencing was to be done, but enough is left to show that ^ach man's part of the work was to be determined by his share of the land to be inclosed — a certain number of " rodd for every acre he hath then, well [made] and sufficient." The fence was to be done " by the first day of April, 1642, and Avhosoever hath [not com pleted his] fence according to this order by that time shall forf[iet ] shillings for every rod." Ri Guildersleeve and Ro Bates were appomted to vicAV the fence after the fitst of April, and report all defaults, if any, to the " men chosen for toAvn occasions, [under penalty] of forfeiture of five shillings a man if they do no[t]." To secure passable roads we find this decree of the town passed. It was probably done before any of the last transac tions recorded. * '¦ It was ordered. That whereas every man may count [all as his] Right before his lott to the middle of the street to be his, [but the trees he may] fall for his own use, if he like not to let them stand so [ ] the ground and clear the way of them, and if do not f[all them and clear] the way of them, to forfite for every tree not so fallen [ ' ] tAvo shillings six peence." ^ Immediately following the above is this record: "It Avas ordered by those that Avere now come that Matthew Mitchell and Fl-a. Bell shall lay out house lots and order the man [ner of assigning them] ; rectify Avhat is amiss and consider what al- •22 IIISTOEY OF STAMFORD. loAvance [is to be made for] holes, etc., not fit to be measured for land -and to measure [their lots for) every man at two pence a acre, or three shillings a house lot." Another public concern of these pioneers, and one which required their first attention, was the establishment of a grist mill. Probably the measures for doing this were taken before they left Wethersfield.. We find, duly recorded, the entire transaction, a specimen of which must be recorded in these pages as illustrative of the age to Avhich it belongs. The for mal order is passed as early as September 1641, to build at a common charge a mill. The frame and body of the mill Avas to be made by " Samuel Swane," for "51 li. ; and the other parts by those of the tOAvn that Avere fit to do such Avork." It seems tlint the mill Avas built and "set a going," but that during the vear it AVfl'^ sold to Thur.ston Rainer and Francis Law for £74 1 Os. It also appears that an agreement was made witli Matli. Mitchell and .To. Ogden for building a dam, of Avhich the town agreed to bear the charge. In January after these arrange ments were made, it would seem that either by fire or freshet, or both, "the mill and the dam Avere brought to nought." It further is probable from the record, that the town were responsible for the mill, as they Avere to have the use of it until the "somer," (summer) of 1643. On the destruction of the property a rate bill is made out, of fiA'e shillings an acre, and tAvelve shillings a house lot, to meet the loss by this calamity. This assessment list is a curiosity, and if carefully preserved should be engrossed for perpetual preservation on our pages. In addition to the mill account there is also connected with it a charge for Avhat in the record is called the " Capt. house." As many of the charges are considerably obliterated, a single speciiuen of one less defaced than the most of them, is here inserted A modern accountant might use a smoother and more graceful chirography, but would fail of making a more exact THE SETTLEJIEJIT. 23 balance of the account. The selected siieciinen is that Avhich stands second on the list: T. Rainer debtor for lose by mil 44.9 Capt. house 22s. purchase. mil 18.12.6 all wch 21.19.3 due to him. [laid the Char, mil 7.18.8 Capt. house 34.8 last Char. 24s. 6d. 8. Swain 171.00.0— all 27.17.10 towne owes him 5.17.7. Whoever will take the trouble to effect the reductions neces sary to the solution of the above problem will find the account accurate. In the same Avay, the charges are made and the credits are given through the entire list, Avith a single excep tion. In the charges against Capt. John Underhill, no mention is made of the item found in the other accounts of the " Cajit. house." The presumption therefore is, that the military chief tain ot our Stamford pioneers, Avas excused from the charge for the support of the Stamford fortress, since he was expected to discharge his duty to the community in another Avay. This account, which seems to have been made out in January 1642, has charges against fifty-tAvo persons. As the margin on which the names occur is entirely gone from the second page of the charges, only tAventy-four of the parties are reported in the regular account. Besides these, four other names casually occur in the accounts. The only name AA'hich does not already appear on our li'-t of the settlers, is that of Samuel Swane. There is probably but one more record, noAV preserved, whicli can assist in confirming the accuracy of our list of the pioneers of the Stamford settlement. That was made in the fall of 1641, and is even more defaced than those avc have already examined. It is thus introduced : " It was ordered that [ ] should be made for defraying [town] charges." Then folloAVS an almost un.iitelligible statement of the nature of the charges and the principles upon Avhicli they are to be adjusted. rEnougli remains of the records to show that the charge made by the Ncav Haven " friends" Avho had secured for them the territory, had never been paid in full. It also appear ed that a difference avhs made betAveen the Wcthei-sfield men 24 HISTORY OF STAMFORD. who came to Stamford with the first company and those Avho did not come, so that it Avas agreed " to lay 3s. 8d. an acre on marsh and house lott, upon the company that came from Weth ersfield, and 3s. 5d. an acre upon the rest." " The account, very short, yet Avee hope, plainly, noAV foUow eth, Avith the sd rate included in the ballance of CA'cry partic ular, but that it may be somd [summed] up, it is drawn in two [parts]." A single specimen of these charges and credits Avill here be, given, draAvn up so as to shoAV Avliat is meant by the " two parts" above. T. Rainer For bill charges For rate noAV 3. 18. 10 for 85s. 0 for 5 3-4 bush 17s. so much due at av. 2s. 3 3 for 1-2 that he paid at To recv. of S. C. 21s. 1 of W. 22s. 6 all makes 6. Jer. Wood 19. 9d J Renoude 5. 3 3s. 6 all makes up 06. 5. 5 Then folloAV si.milar accounts Avith all the parties concerned in the transaction. On this record occurs the name Jam. Pine, which is probably the James Pyne on the former list. The names which are found here are all of them reported already in- the preceding lists of the settlers. This adds to the list of our pioneers, all but one of whom Avere land owners for the second year of the colony, seventeen hcav names, making in all fifty-nine. No other record reports any additional distribution of land to the settlers. A few more, certainly received their lands in the mutual distribution, as is evident from the records of sev-eral house lots still preserved. But their names can probably never be recorded. No fuller list of these settlers down to the end of 1642 can noAV be hoped for, but the record thus transcribed is authorative as to the presence here, thus early, of the following- worthy list — our roll of pioneers. Twenty of them, by the opening of the summer of 1641, had already doubtless planted themselves near each other in their pioneer tabernacles, on a sinuous jjath be tween Noroton and Tomuck, now Richmond Hills, winding its THE SETTLEMEMT. 25 way around ledges and knolls since then removed, and avoiding more than one pathless swamp, where Ave now have our most solid and right lined thoroughfare. Thirty-eight more of them, drawn by the good report which had gone back from those who had thus made proof of the goodly land, had followed, and were here to spend the ninth month of the second year of the colony. Fifty-nine, at least, of these sturdy men, with their wives and little ones, braved in their extemporized homes, the colds and storms of the Avinter of 1642. How many others, and who, were counted worthy to share Avith them the honors of that bold adventure, Ave may noA'er know. We have gratefully recorded these names, that we may knoAV whom Ave honor as we shall trace the growth and fair fame of the town they thus came to found. They Avill appear in our third and fourth chapters, Avith such record as we shall be able to make of their origin and their families. LIST 01'' PIONEERS TO THE END OF 1642. 1. MatlicAV Mitchel, 2. Thurston Raynor, 3. Rev. Richard Denton, 4. AndrcAv Ward, 5. Robert Coe, 6. Richard Gildersleve, 7. Richard Law, 8. John Reynolds, 9., John Whitmore, 10. Richard Crabb, 11. Jeffry Ferris, 12. Robert Bates, 13. Samuel Sherniaii, 14. Daniel Finch, 15. .lonas Wood, II., 16. John Northend; 17. Jeremy Jagger, 18. Edmond Wood, 19. .Jonas Wood, O., 20. Samuel Clark, 21. Francis Bell, 4 31. John Ogden, 32. William Mead, 33. .lohn Stevens, 34. Thomas Pop. 35. Thomas Hoyt, Henry Akerly, John Smith, sen., John Smith, jr., .John RockAvell, .James Pyne, Dciniel Scofield, 42. John Coe, 43. John Underhill, Robert Hustis, John Holly, John Miller, John Finch, George SlaAvson, William NcAvman. 50. John Lum, 51. James Swcad, 36. 37. 38.39. 40.41 44 45,46,47, 48 49. HISTOEY' OF STAMFOED. 22. Thomas Morehouse, 52. Simon Hoyt, 23. Jeremiah Wood, 53. Simon Seiring, 24. Thomas Weeks, 54. Jonas Weed. 25. John Seaman, 55. Pierson, 26. Robert Fisher, 56. John Town, 27. Joseph Jessup, 57. William Graves, 28. Henry Smith, 58. Thomas Slawson, 20. Vincent Simkins, 59. Francis Yates. 30. Thomas Armitage, CHAPTER III. NOTES ON THE SETTLERS AND THEIE FAMILIES. 1640-2. In this chapter Ave shall indicate the proprietors of the toAvn, Avho were here before the end of 1642, witlT such account of their origin and families as Ave have been able to secure. The record against each i^ame will furnish, usually, the evidence for its presence here. . Tflie list has been made Avith all possible care, that Ave might know who and what kind of men Avere the founders of the toAvn. Possibly a fcAV other names should have been included as Avorthy a place on the list, and possibly some of tliese were of persons too transiently here to be counted among those who so worthily laid the foundations of our community. IAkeely, Heney, received Dec. 7, 1641, two acres, homelot, and three acres of Avoodland. Savage makes him at Nifew Haven in 1640. The Colony Records mention him there, as rebuked for "building a cellar and selling it without leave " in April of that year. Hinman supposes he came with Underbill and Slawson, Avhile our record makes him precede them nearly a year. He was a house carpenter and farmer. His death, is re corded here, June 17, 1650. This name on the records is spelled as above, and also, Akerlye, Ayckrily, and on the inventory of his estate, Avhich Avas witnessed Jan. 4, 1658, Accorley. His widow, Ann, is said to be 75 years old in 1-66^ This name is, perhaps, now represented by Ackley. 28 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. Armitage, Thomas, received ten acres of land, Dec. 1641. According to SaA-age, he. belonged to Lynn, Mass. He came from Bristol, England^in 1635, in the ship James, with the Rca'. Richard Mather and others, and removed in 1637 to Sandwich, Mass., whence he came to Stamford as above. From Stamford he soon went with Underhill and company to Oyster Bay, L. I. In 1647 he appears on the list of the Hempstead settlers. Bates, Robeet, came from Wethersfield, with the first -colo ny, and is on the list of the thirty who paid one hundred bush els of corn to the Ncav HaA-en " friends," who had surveyed and transferred the territory to them. His lot in Wethersfield, which was thirty and a third rods in Avidth, containing 182 acres, was sold in 1641 to William Gibbons. His death is re corded, at Stamford, June 11, 1675. His Avill, probated Nov. 1, 1675, makes bequests to his son John, his daughter Mary Ambler and son-in-law John Cross. He bequeathed certain nciiroes, Avho are to be made free at 40 vears of aare. Bell, Feancis, is on the list of the twenty-nine settlers,. who were assigned land in 1640, when he receiA-ed seven acres. As his name does not appear on the Wethersfield records Avith the other Stamford settlers, it is probable he was still quite young. He became prominent here, and has been fully represented in every generation since, in descendants both of his own and of other names. His wife Rebecca died here, in 1684, and he, Jan. 8, 1690. His son Jonathan was the first child born in the town, and his birth was in 1641. Mrs. Bell's clothes, of which the in ventory is on record. Book 1, Page 12, were by the husband's order, divided equally between the two daughters, Rebecca Tut- tle and Mary Hoyt. The inventory of Lieut. Francis Bell, dated Jan. 1689, is found on page 116, of 1st Book of Records, amounting to £317 12s. His Avill, on record at Fairfield, dated 3, 24, 1689, makes bequests to his son Jonathan, grand-son Jonathan, Mary Hoyt, grand-daughter Hannah, and " grand daughter Rebecca, whom he had brought up," and to his the settlees and theie families. 29 daughter Tuttle's four sons, Jonathan, Simon, William, and Nathaniel. Claek, Samuel, came with the company from Wethersfield, and is on each of the first three lists made at the time of the set tlement. He received seven acres of land. Savage supposes he was at Milford in 1669J, thence removing to Hempstead, L. I. ; that he married Hannah, daughter of Rev. Robert Fordham, and was living in New Haven in 1685. CoE, John, son of Robert, received, Dec. 7, 1641, two acres, houselot and three acres wood land. He was born in England, Norfolk county, in 1622, and he came with his father to Watertown, thence to Wethersfield, and thence to Stamford. He soon went to Hempstead, L. I., thence to NcAvtown, and afterwards to Greenwich in 1660. He Avas one of the pur- ^chasers of Rye; but returned to Long Island Avhero he was ap- appointed a Magistrate by the Connecticut Colon)'. He had five sons; John, Robert, Jonathan, Samuel, and David. In 1651 he sold his house and homelot to Elias Bailey. CoE, Robert, was born in Norfolk county, England, in 1596, and eame in the Francis to Watertown, Mass., in 1634. He was admitted freeman at Boston, Sept. 3, 1634, and is enrolled among the settlers of Watertown, the same year. He brought with him his Avife Ann, aged thirty-three years, and three children ; John, aged eight years, Robert, aged sev^n, and Ben jamin, aged five. In 1635 he went, to Wethersfield. where he remained until thesettlement of Stamford. In the first division of land here he received fourteen acres, Avhich would indicate a high -standing -among the settlers. He was one of the members of the Wethersfield church. While here, he once, at least, re presented the town in- the general court of New Haven. He werit with Mr. Denton and his colony in 1644 to Hempstead, L. I. His son Robert went to Jamaica in 1656. Here he was a man of distinction. He was the deputy from the town to the 30 Hisi^Oey op sI-amFoED. < general court of Connecticut in 1656, and was Sheriff of the county from 1669 to 1672. His son Benjamin went with the father to Hempstead, Avhence he went to Jamaica where he had a family. His descendants have been both numerous and re spectable. A record of the Coe family Avas prepared by Rev. D. B. Coe, D. D., of Ne^AV York, and printed in 1856. Ceabb, Richard. — His name first appears on the roll of the general meeting of the freemen, at Hartford, for the election of magistrates, Jan. 16, 1639; and April 9, 1640, he is present as deputy, and must have been a man of some note.' He' came to Stamford with the company from Wethersfield, and is' on the list of those Avho paid the huiidred bushels of corn to the Ncav Haven Colony, and of those to whom the first assignment of land was made. He received ten acres. His land must have been assigned him Avest of the present limits of the town, as he is spoken of subsequently in the records, as belonging to Green wich. His position is sufficiently attested by his apf)Ointment on the first provisional government of the colony. In 1658, we find him making trouble in the church. He seems to have be come a quaker, or at least, to have harbored quakers and kept quaker books. He could not agree Avith the church in their opinion of the sanctity of the Sabbath, and spoke disparagingly or contemptuously of the ministry. Mr. Bishop, the pastor of the church became discouraged, and we find Mr. Crabb, the of fender, brought iuto court for trial. He Avas fined to. pay £30 to the jurisdiction, and give bonds in £100, for his good be havior, and also to make public acknowledgment at Stamford to the satisfaction of Francis Bell, and those others whom he had Avronged. In 1660 the constables of Stamford are desired to use their endeavors to arrest the person of Richard Crabb, of Greenwich. - Dfnton, Rev. Richaed,- came Avith his parishioners from ¦" Wethersfield. His name heads the first list of the new colony, and stands third on the list of those Avho paid for surveying the THE SETTLEES ¦ A>'D THEIE FAMILIES. 3 1 tract. .;, He received fourteen acres, only two of the settlers ex ceeding him ill the assignment of land. Mather makes him to have been a minister at Halifax, Yorkshire, England. In 1644 he took quite a large company of the Stamford settlers and went to Hempstead, on Long Island. See Biographical Sketch. VFeeeis, Jeffeey, made freeman in Boston in 1635, came with the first settlers, is on the list of those who paid for the survey, and received ten acres at the first assignment of land. Savage says he was from Watertown, Mass., where he was made free man, probably May, 6, 1635, Avhence he came to Wethersfield. He sold his lot in Wethersfield, of 45 acres, to John Deming. He came with the first colony from Wethersfield, and in 1656 is one of the eleven Greemvich men Avho petitioned to be -accepted under the New Haven jurisdiction. His will, found on the probate records at Fairfield, is dated Jan. 6, 1664. He wills to the four boys he brought up, ten pounds sterling a piece, if they live Avith any of his children until they are eighteen years old, the money then to be put out for them until they are twenty years of age. His Avill names also his wife Judy, son James, son Jonathan LockAvood, and Mary LockAvood, son Peter's three children, and son Joseph's tAvo. Judy BoAvers, his wid- OAV, receipts for her widow's portion. Mar. 6, 1667. His marriage contract Avith his Avife Susannah, widoAV of Robert Lockwood, of date May 28, 1661, pledges certain legacies to the children of Robert Lockwood, deceased, and mortgages his Greenwich lands and "housings." ^He died in 1666. The name Ferris is from Leicestershire, house of Feriers, from Henry, son of Gualchelme' de Feriers, to whom William the Conqueror gave large grants of land in the three shires of Stafford, Derby and Leicester. Tradition invests the emigration of this family to this country with the hues of romantic adventure — the ancestress, high born, following her plebeian lover out into this western Ayorld, to share AVith him here the fortunes which English aristocracy would not allow there. 32 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. Finch, Daniel, made freeman in Boston, 1631, and enrolled same year among Watertown settlers. In 1636, he was consta ble in Wethersfield, whence he came with the Stamford settlers, 1641, and is on each of the three first lists of the colony. He received nine acres in the firs^ distribution of land. Savage supposes he was from Watertown, M^s., ancl that he came in the fleet with Gov. Winthrop : that he Ayas made freeman May 18, 163] ; that he Avent to Wethersfield in 163'3 or '36, where he was constable in the latter year. He also makes him remove in 1653 to Fairfield, where he married, Dec. 25, 1657, Elizabeth, widow of John Thompson, and died March 1667. His marriage agreement with Elizabeth Thompson is on the probate records at Fairfield. Finch, John, is assigned by the toAvn in October 1642, six acres, with marsh and npland as the other men. He died here in 1657. He sold his house and homelot in' 1653 to Richard Ambler. The inventory of his estate. Book 1, page 66, bears date 9th of 12th mo., 1658. Fisher, Robert, Avas here early, if not with the first colony. He had land assigned him by the town, as appears from the testimony of Thomas Morehouse, Mar. 17, 1649, in which he says that John Whitmore sold to his son John, the land which Avas Robert Fisher's, by gift of the town. GiLDEESLEEVE, RoBEET, Came with the first company from Wethersfield, and is on each of the first three lists of settlers. He received, in the first distribution of land, thirteen acres. In 1664 he went to Hempstead. His lot in Wethersfield, which was thirty-seven and a half rods wide, containing 255 acres, was sold to John Talcott in 1643. He and his son are accepted freemen in the Connecticut colony from 'Hempstead, in 1664. Before coming to. Stamford, while in Wethersfield, he was " convicted " before the general court of Connecticut for " per- nitious speeches," tending to the detriment and dishonor of the THE SETTLEES AND THEIE FAJIILIES. 33 Commonwealth, fined £20, and bound over under a bond of £20. Inthe colony records this name is spelled Gyldersly. In 1636 he is appointed with John Plum, by the general court of Connecticut, to survey the inventory of John Oldham, and per fect the same to submit it to the court at the next session. The same restlessness Avhich made him dissatisfied at Wethers field, seems to have affected him in Stamford. He soon went Avith Mr. Denton's company to Hempstead, L. L] While here he once representscj the town .in the general court at New Haven. ^ Gkaa-ej, William, received a house lot in the distribution ot Nov. 1642; he lost his wife Sarah, herein 1651, and his son Benoni, in 1657. In a depd of land to William Newman in 1657, he is said to be of NewtoAvn, L. I. HoLLY", John, was here, as present records sIioaa', as early as 1647. Wm. H. Holly, 'Esq., copied from the records several yeai-.i ago the birth of John, son of John Holly, in Oct. i642, which AA'ould suggest that the family may have been here even so early. He purchased land on the 26th of 12th, month, 1647, of William NcAvman ; and from that date his purchases of real estate are numerous. He was a noted man, and much in the public service. In 1679, he gave his house and lot to his son Samuel, and laud to his son John, reserving to himself and Avife, half the fruit of the orchard. He also gave land at the same date to his son Increase. In his Avill on record at Fairfield, his lega tees are his Avife Mary, and his children John, Samuel, Increase, Elisha, Jonathan, Elizabeth Turney, Bethia Weed, Hannah Hoyt, and Abigail. See Biographical Sketch. IIoY'T, OE Ha'att; Thomas, received three acres of woodland. This name was spelled' very variously on the records — Hoyette, llyat, Hyot, Ilioute, Hout, Hoyt, Hoight, Hayt, Iliat, Hoit, and Hoyte. Thomas " Hyat" died here in TGo]} 1 suppose him and Simon to be the ancestors of the Stamford Hoyts. The in ventory of his estate Avas ' rendered in court in 1662, amounting . 5 ;i4' HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. to £132 2s. 3cl. The court gave to the AvidoAV her third, -and made Cornelius Jones administrator, to divide the rest amqjug the six children. The administrator Avas so Avell pleased with the case, as to take for his Avife the AvidoAV Elizabeth, and then- marriage is on record, 1. 8. 1657. The children are recorded as giving receipts to their father-in-laAV Cornelius Jones, as fol lows: Caleb, Dec. 23,1661; Ruth, then become Mrs. John Wescot, Feb. 9, 1667; Rebecc4, 13. 8. 1674, for twelve pounds, eleven shillings seven pence; Thomas, 21. 8. 1674, a like sum; and Deborah gives similar receipts, 30. 9. 1669. These receipts are for their several portions of their father, Thomas " Hiat's" estate. John "Hiat," of "Younkers," N. Y., gives receipt, July 6, 1689, for tAventy'pouuds, current pay to the said Cor nelius Jones, his father-in-law. Afte/careful collation of names, I am unable to distinguish among the settlers the two family names, Hoyt, and Hyatt. Within twenty-five years of the settle ment I find these different Avays of spelling the same name. On page 113 and 114, Records No. 1, the estates of both Thomas Hyatt aud Simon Hoyette are receipted for by the heirs of both. In these receipts Ave have the following different spellings : Hoyt, 1662; Hiat, 1669; Hoyte, 1661; and the promiscuous entry of these receipts for the tAvo estates Avould seem to indicate that they b,elonged to the same family. Joshua, son of Simon, spells his name Hyot. When the namo became settled in its tAvo leading forms, Hoyt and Hyatt, as distinct family names, I h;u-.dly think the records Avill show. IIoY-T, Simon, Avas probably here with the first settlers. I take the liberty of entering his name in one of the places Avhose name has been effaced by time. He died here iu 1657, arid his name occurs quite often on the records of the town. The inventory of his estate is on record, dated Oct. 9, 1657, and amounting to 225 pounds. After his 'death, his widow Su sanna, it appears, married a Bates. His children, as indicated by receipts given for their portions of the father's estate, were : Joshua, Moses of Westchester, John, Samuel, Benjamin, M.rs. THE SE'lTLEES AND TIIEIE FAMILIES. 35 Samuel Finch, and Mrs. Samuel Firman. In the distribution of tlie estate of their mother, then Susanna Bates, Feb.. 1, 1674, boSMes tho above names, appeared also that of Thomas Lyon, Avho probably had married one of her daughters. IIusTEO, RoBEE-f', Avas oue of the cctoipany who received land in Oct. 1042. He had come from Mount Wollaston, now Brain- tree, Mass. He is probably the father of that Robert Hustis ' who, according to Bolton's Westchester, went from Fairfield to Westchester in 1654. His Avill, dated July 8, 1652, makes be quests to his son Angel, of all his lands in Greenwich, Avith housings ; to his son Robert all his lands in Stamford, Avith cattle and housings ; to his wife a maintenance and other bequests ; and to his daughter Ann, ten pounds. In 1654, his Avidow Elizabeth, by Avill makes bequests to her son Angel of Green- Avich ; to Robert of Stamford, and to her daughter Ann, the Avife of Richard Hardy.' In the Avill of Robert the name is Husted, and in that of the AvidoAV the name is Avritten Hustis and both are equally distinct, and that they refer to the same family, is also, as clear as the form of the name. The names of the children are also changed from Husted to Hustis, though in the second Avill the name is spelled both Hustes and Hustis. Jaggee, Jeeemy, came Avith the first company from Wethers- ' field, and is on each of the first three lists of the colony. He received, in the first distribution of land, three acres. His name occurs frequently in the early records of the tOAvu. He Avas engaged before the settlement of the tOAvn in the ser vice of the Connecticut colony, in the expedition against the Pequods. Here his services Avere of good account, aud thirty- four years later the general court of Connecticut, in rcAvard for his merit in the service, gave his three sons tAventy acres of land a piece. In 1655 we find him petitioning to have his fine remitted. The court granted the request as long as he " carry it Avell." An inventory of his estate, prized by Richard Law and Francis Bell, Dec. 11, 1658, was given in upon oath by Elizabeth, Avife of Robert Usher, May 19, 1659, amounting to 36 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. £472 and I7s., a large estate for those days. It is on record at Fairfield. His executor seems to have been Robert Usher, as receipts to him are on record from two of his sons, Jeremy and John, for their full portions of their father's estate. He died in 1658. An account of his sympathy Avith those who Avere disaf fected toAvards the New Haven colony will appear in its appro priate place. Je.ssup, John came with the first colony from Wethersfield, and is on each of the first three lists of the colony. He received, in the first distribution of lands, five acres. In 1664 he repre sented Westchester in the Connecticut Assembly. His name is spelled on our records, Gesseppe, Giseppe, Gesoppe, Gishop. John Jessup was in Hartford, 1637, Wethersfield, before 1640, Stamford, 1641, Long Island about 1654, representative fi-om Westchester,/i664, and back on the Island again, 1673. This name is thought to haA-e come from Yorkshire, England. (See Gen. Reg., Vol. X., page 358.) Law, Richaed, came with the first settlers from Wethersfield, is on the second and third lists of the settlers, and received, at the first assignment of land, eleven acres. He married Mai^ garet, daughter of Thomas and Frances Kilborn, of Wethers field, who was born in 1612. Mr. Law is not on the Wethers field records as a landholder, like the most >of the settlers who came with him. But he is reported in the colonial records, in 1638, when he is appointed Avith George Huberd, fro m Wethersfield, to trade in beavers with the Indians, on the Connecticut river. No other Wethersfield man was to do so,' under penalty of five shillings "per pounde, to be paide pr. evry pounde they soe trade." He is also reported in the case of the estate of .John Oldham, as indebted to it £6 4s. lid. A further account will be given of him in the chapter devoted to biography. s Lum, John, was here in 1642, and received a houselot in the distribution of that date. the SETTLEES AND TIIEIE FAMILIES. 37 Mayde, (Mead) William, received, Dec. 7, 1641, five acres houselot, with Avoodland. The wife and son of William Mead died here in 1658. I think this William must have been the father of the family of this name in GreenAvich, though his de scendant, the late Major D. M. Mead, author of the History of Greenwich, supposes his ancestor to have emigrated from Eng land about the year 1642, a year later than our William is en rolled among the Stamford settlers- Miller, JoHN,received from the town in October 1642,five acres, houselot and marsh and upland, as the other men. This name is on Chapin's list of the Wethersfield colony, where he was in 1630. He died soon after coming to Stamford, in 1642, leaving three sons, according to the inventory of his estate, recorded 12, 24, 1665, John, Jonathan, and Joseph. His widow married Obadiah Seeley. His son John Avas granted land here in 1667, and pro posed freeman in 1669. In 1697 he and his tAVO brothers are named in the patent of Bedford. Mitchell, Mattheav, came with the settlers from Wethers field. His naine stands next, on the first list of the colony, to the minister's, and heads both the next tAvo lists. He paid about three times as much as any other of the settlers towards the survey of the land, and received tAventy-eight acres in the first distribution of the land. His land in Wethersfield, which seems to have been, in extent, much larger than that of the other proprietors, excepting one, Avas subsequently ' divided into four farms, and was taken by the Graves, Gershom Bulkely, John HoUister, and Robert Rose. He came in 1635, so Savage, Avith Rev. Richard Mather, in the James. He Avas of Bristol, and brought with him tAvo sons, David and Jonathan. He was suc cessively at Concord and Springfield, where he signed the com pact with Pynchon in 1636. In "l 65 9 he was in Wethersfield. He is returned to the court in Hartford, in 1640, as for the town of Wethersfield, but he is found "incapable of the place," lying under censure of the Court. In June of this year, at the meet ing of the General Court ui Hartford, it is recorded that " Mr. 38 history of stamf6ed. Michell" for undertaking the office of town dark or recorder, notwithstanding his uncapableness of such office by censure of courte,^e is fyned topay to the county twenty nobles." It is also added: "that party of the town of Wethersfield' Avho chose tlie said Mr. Michell to office, notwithstanding the, censure of the courte, are fyned to the county five pounds." Under date of July 2dj we find this record : " Mr. Mytchell hath this day ret'urned into court his acknowledgment to Mr. Chaplin, and for -that, with other considerations, for former extraordinary chardges which he had formerly borne for public service at the forte, the court have remitted his former censure." His will, jiroved June 16, 1646; makes bequests to his son Jonathan, daughters Susanna and Hannah, son David and his wife. See I3iographical Sketches. jMooehouse, Thomas, is on the list of those avIio shared in the first distribution of land, and received scA'en acres. In 1649 he Avas here, as appears from his testimony in court. Savage makes him iu Fairfield in 1653. His Avill and inventory are oh the Fairfield Records, Sept; 11, 1658. His wife Isabel, is men tioned in the will, and children, Hannah, Samuel and Thomas, the last of whom Avas to be paid his portion in four years ; ¦' Mary in five years, and so each child one year later ; and if any of them die before 17, their part to be divided, if unmarried. Neavman, William, hath assigned to him by the town, in Oct., 1642, two acres marsh and three acr^s woodland. In 1659 complaints having been made to the court in New Haven re specting the " sizes of shoes," the court hearing that William Newman had an instrument which he had brought from Ens- gland Avhich " Avas thought to be right to determine this ques tion, did order that the said instrument should be procured and sent to Ncav Haven, to be made a " Standard" which shall be . the rule between buyer and seller, to which it is required that all sizes be conformed." Mr. Newman was evidently a man of note in the young colony, and once represented the toAvn in the Gen eral Court. Savage supposes he may have removed to Narra-; THE SETTLEES AND THEIE FAMILIES. 39 gansett after 1669. In 1676 William NcAvman, planter of Stam ford, sells to John Austin, " taylor" of Stamford some land. His will, dated 7. 9. 1673, makes his legatees, his wife Elizabeth, and his children, Thomas, Daniel, John, — ¦. — , Elizabeth, and Hannah. It also mentions his brother John. NoETiiEND, John,' came Avitli the colony from Wethersfield, and is ou each of the first three lists of the settlers. He re ceived ill the first distribution of the lands eight acres. Ogden, John, receiA'cd, Dec. 7, 1641 ten acres houselot, Avith AA'Oodlaud, like the first company. In 1642 he agreed AvithGov. Kieft, of New York, to build a stone church for tAvcnty-five hundred guilders. In 1644 he Avas a patentee of Hempstead, L. I. In 1651 he Avas living in Southampton, where ho Avas chosen an assistant. He is named in the lioyal Charter of 1662. He went into Noav Jersey with Gov. Carteret, and Avas a repre sentative from Elizabethtown in the first assembly of that prov ince in 1668. In a deposition made by Richard Webb, Nov. 22, 1667, John Ogden is called son of John Budd. Richard Ogden, brother of the above, Avent to Fairfield where he became a man of note. His descendants have been, numer ous and respectable. PiEESON, , received in the distribution of Noa^, 1642, a houselot. The christian name is obliterated, but that of Henry is given to the Pearson Avho emigrated Avith Mr. Denton iu 1644. A Jacob Pearson (Pierson) Avas among our land-holders in 1661. Por, Thomas, received Dec. 7, 1641, a houselot, with Avood land the same as the first C9mpany. This namo should prob ably be Pope; and he probably Avent soon after the colony settled here over to Hempstead. - Pyne, James, received Dec. 7, 1641, tAvo acres, houselot, and Avoodland the same as the first company. He went to Hempstead, L. L, and was accepted as freeman from that town 40 HISTORY OF STAMFORD. of the Connecticut Colony in 1664. John Pine bought land in Hempstead, L. L, of Robert Dean, of Stamford, in 1684. Raynor, Thurston, came with the first company from Wethersfield. His name on each of the first three lists stands next to Matthew Mitchell. In the first distribution of lands ho received twenty acres. He sold his lot in Wethersfield which contained 330 apres to Richard Treat. Drake's Founders of Ncav England reports him as passenger in the Dlizabeth, of Ipswich, the last of April, 1634, Suffolk county, at the age of forty, with his Avife Elizabeth, aged forty-six. His children, as reported ou the passenger list, Avere Thurston, aged thirteen; Joseph, eleven ; EdAvard, ten ; Elizabeth, nine ; Sarah, seven ; and Lydia, one. Previously to coming to Stamford he had represented the town of Wethersfield in the Connecticut Colony at Hartford.. We learn from the colony records that he was fined both in 1637 and '38, for failing to appear in court at the appointed hour. On reaching' Stamford he Avas appointed to the Ncav HaA'en court with senatorial honors. This distinction places him among the foremost of our pioneers. From Stair.ford he Avent to Southampton, L. I., AA'here he was held in honpr. His Avill was made in Southampton in 1667, and in it, his Avife is called Martha. She Avas, probably, a second Avife. Renoulds, John, appears on the list of the settlers of Vfeth- ersfield, from Avhich place he probably came Avith the first set tlers of Stamford. His name is on the second and third lists of the colonists. Ho received in the first allotment of lanfl, ,eleA-eu acres. Sarah Reanolds, his wife, probably, died here in 1657. Rockwell, John, received, Dec. 7, 1041, two acres, homelot and Avoodland, as the first company. He probably Avent to" Rye, AA'here ho died in 1676. John RockAvell, probably thl same as the .above, Avas here in 1656, as his testimony in court of that date Avitnessos. In 1669 he sold land to Daniel We§fi^tt, the deed being witnessed by Clement Buxton and Matthew Bellamy. In the same year he sells his house and homelot to Daniel Weed. John " Keeiler," son of Ralph, formerly of Nor-' THE SETTLEES AND THEIE FAJIILIES. 41 Avalk, married, June 18, 1679, Hittabel, daughter 'of John Rock Avell, formerly of Stamford. (See Hall's NorAvalk). This John Rockwell is supposed by Savage to have been a son of .William of Windsor, Avho Avas born in England, and who married Sarah Ensign in 1651. In town meeting, Feb. 14, 1667-8,itAv.as voted that John RockAA-ell, sen., shall havo liberty to moAV and have the grass of the meadoAV ujion Noroton Islands, as long as he shall live in Stamford. RockAvell Ridge is a locality often re ferred to in the records of the town. ScoFiELD, Daniel, received, Dec. 7, 1641, tAVO acres, homelot and Avoodland, as tho first coinpan)-. He died in 1671. His ' children Avere Daniel, John, Richard, Joseph, Sarah the Avife of John Pettit, and Mai-y. His AvidoAV Mary, became the third Avife of Miles MerAvin. The son Joseph suffered so much from hardships in King Philip's war as to lose his life in 1676, giving his estate to his brothers and sisters. \His Avill, dated Sept. 4, 1664, gives to his AEife one-third the estate, with use of the house for her life time y to his daughter Sarah, five ponnds ; and to her two children five pounds; and to the other four children, Daniel, John, Joseph, and Mercy, the ixst €)f the estate. His Avife and Uvjo of the sons, Daniel and John, Avore made executors. Seaman, John, came Avith the first company from Wethers field. His name is on each of the first three lists of the colony, and he received in the first distribution of land three acres. Seieing, Simon, appears on the records, in 1642, as landhold er, Avherc his name is spelled Cymon. He is reported on the list of those Avho went, in 1644, with Mr. Denton to Hempstead, L., I., and- no further trace of the name is found. Sherman, Samuel, came with the, first settlers from Weth ersfield. His namo .appears on each of the first three lists of the noAV colony, and he received, in the first distribution cf land, ten atJffes. He and Richard Gildersleeve had a lot together in Wetli^sfield, Avhich Capt. John Talcott bought. He was a man of some note, as appears from his appointment as assistant 0 ^42 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. in the New HaA'cn court, in 1662, and his re-appointment the next two ye.ars ; and also to the General Court of Connecticut, after- the union of the town colonies, in 1665. He Sells land here in 1664 to John Chapman. In 1672 he is found with the company who founded Woodbury. ' His children, born in Stam ford, according to Cothren's list, corrected by Mr. Savage, Avhich ought to be correct, Avere : Samuel, b. Jan. 19, 1641; Theophilus, Oct. 28, 1643 ; Mathew, Oct. 21, 1645 ;¦ Edmundj Dec. 4, 1647; John, Feb. 8, 1651 ; Sarah, Feb. 8,-1654; Nathan iel, Mar. 21, 1657; Benjamin, Mar. 29, 1662, and Daniel, whom careful Mr. Judd made David, Apr. 15, 1665. Cothren supposes he married Sarah Mitchel in England, Avhich Savage does not credit. In his sale of house and land in 1654, he is said to be " noAV living in Stratford." In leaving Stamford he probably took oA-ery member of his family, as the name does not subse quently occur on our records. The descendants of this pioneer of Stamford have numbered many very eminent men, among Avhom are noAV in active service. Senator Sherman,^ of Ohio, and the nervous and irresistible General Wm. Tecumseh Sher man. SiMK-iNS, Vincent, came with the first company from Weth-, ersfield. In Chapin's " Glastonbury for Tavo Hundred Years,"' this name is given as Smiking. It appears on each of the first three lists of the colony, excepting the surname is omitted in the third list, Avhere Vincent is assigned three acres, and is the last on the list. This christian name is in some places Vincen. His widow probably married William Oliver. Her name was Mary, as appears from the sale of the Simkins place to John Holmes in 1671. Ihe inventory of his estate was presented to the Ncav HaA-cn Court of Magistrates in May 1656, haA'ing been prized by John Holly and John Waterbury in Stamford in November 1653. His wife was daughter of Henry Akerly, of Stamford. He had two sons, Daniel and John. Daniel appears among the settlers of Bedford,,^ Y. He was in Stamford in 1669, '7P; anfl sold here in 1082, 'John sold his laijd THE SET-I'LEES AND THEIE FAMILIES. 43 in Stamford and removed soon after his father's death, Avhieh took place in 1653. Slaaa'son, George, came probably from Sandwich, Mass., Avith Thomas Armitage, in 1642. He appears in our account of the first church of the toAvn as a leading member, and he Avas also evidently a man of note in civil life. I suppose him to have been the representative from the town in 1670. Ho had three children as appears from his will, dated Dec. 16, 1694, Eleazer, John, and a daughter who married John Gould. He died Feb. 17, 1695. His son John married in 1663, Sarah Tuttle, of NoaV Haven, and had a son John born in 1664, and Jonathan in '67. The wife of this John was killed Nov. 17, 1676, by her brother, Benjamin Tuttle, Avho was executed for it the following- June. He then married a second wife, Elizabeth Benedict, and had a daughter Mary and a son Thomas. He died in 1706. He was' doubtless the ancestor of the present Slason families in toAvn. Slawson, Thomas, in November or December, 1642, received a houselot, and- threo acres "in the field," besides. Savage says ho did not stay long in Stamford. Smith, Heney, came Avith the first company from Wethers field. His name is on each of the first three lists of the neA\' colony, and in the first distribution of land he received three acres. Whence he came to Wethersfield is not known. He Avas promoted for freeman in 1670, and died in 1687. He had a son John, mentioned in his Avill, and a daughter Rebecca, Avho married, July 2, 1672, EdAvard Wilkinson, of Milford, and a daughter Hannah, Avho married a LaAvrence. Smith, John, sr., received, Dec. 7, 1641, tAvo acres, houselot, and woodland the same as the first company. He and his son John went to Hempstead, Long Island. Smith, John, jr., re ceived Dec. 7 ,1641, two acres, houselot, and Avoodland as the first company, f In 1675, John, jr., in a deposition, giA-eshis age 44 HISTOEY OP STASIFOED. at 60 years, and says that AV-hilo in Stamford he was called Rock John Smith, for distinction. StEVENS, John, received, Dec. 7, 1641, tAvo acres, houselot and woodland as the first company. The descendants of this pioneer have been quite numerous. Savain, Samuel, in Sept. 1862, is engaged to build at the common charge of the townsmen, a mill, as appears from a record of that date, and his name occurs later in the records. This is probably the same " Leeiftenant Swain," who in 1654, was ordered to suspend further work on the mill he was then engaged in building in Norwalk. If he had a family here we haAC no record to shoAV. SwEAD, James, received a houselot in the distribution of» Nov. 1642. Of this family name our records give us Henry, as holding land here in 1650, bounding that of Richard Hardy. The name is there spoiled SAvede. Towne, .John, received in the distribution of Noa-. 1642, a houselot. L'^NDEEiiiLL, Capt. John, had assigned to him in Oct. 1642, houselot, eight acres, and Avoodland as the others. He was made a freeman in Boston in 1631. This most famous of our Stamford settlers will have a more extended notice among the Biographical Sketches, in its proper place. Waed, Andeew. — This name appears in the first record of the " Corte holden at Newtown, 26th April, 1636." He was one of tlie five worthies, who thus had in their hands the destinies of the new settlement at Newtown, (Hartford), and so, those of the state. The record states that he had been dismissed from the church of Watertown in Mass., on the 28th of May last, and he with his associates are authorized to renew the covenant. He continued a member of the court until Sept. 1639. At the session held Oct. 1639, he is nominated by the court to be pre sented for the vote of the county for magistrate in April next. THE SETTLEES AND THEIE FAMILIES. 45 In 1637 he is reported in the records of the General Court, as collector of Wethersfield and he doubtless came to Stamford with -the Wethersfield settlers. His name is on each of the first three lists of the pioneers, and during his life here he Avas a prominent man. He was chosen magistrate for the colony in 1646 to represent it in the higher branch of the New Haven court. His will, still found on record in Fairfield, bears date, June 8, 1659, and makes bequests to his wife Esther, son John, daughter Sarah, daughter Abigail; and his two youngest sons Andrew and Samuel. It is stated also that his other children had received their portions. From this pioneer of the town have descended eminent names. Henry Ward Beecher gets his middle name from him, and his daughter Mary was grand mother of President Aaron Burr. Weed, Jonas, came to Watertown in 1631 AA'here he Avas made freeman, and thence to Stamford in 1642. He died here in 1676. His will, on record at Fairfield, dated Nov. 26, 1672 makes his legatees, his Avife Mary; and his children, John, Daniel, and Jonas ; Mary, wife of Geo. Abbot ; Dorcus, Avife of Jas. Wright ; Samuel; John Rockwell for Elizabeth; Sarah; and Hannah, wife of Benjamin Hoyt. His administrators Avero his wife Mary, and his sons Daniel and John. The Avidow died in 1690. His son John Married Joanna, daughther of Richard " Westcoat." The son Jonas married Nov. 6, 1670, Bethia, daughter of John Holly, and to him the father gave in 1671 the house Avhere he Avas then living.. Tne descendants of this Jonas Weed have been very numerous here, and they have, also, ahvays been among our prominent citizens. Weeks, Thomas, went from Wethersfield to Hadley and re turned to Wethersfield, from which place he probably came with the first company of settlers to Stamford. His name is on the second and third lists of the colonists, and ho received in the first distribution of land six acres. In 1666 he probably was in Huntington, L.I., as the grant made in that year includes his name. Savage makes him of Oyster Bay before 1654. where he 46 HISTOEY' OF STAMFOED. died in 1671, leaving children, Thomas, John, Rebecca, Martha, Elizabeth, Mary, and Sarah. This name is variously spelled AVeeks, Weekes, Wickes, Wicks, Wyx, and Wix. Whitjioeej John, came with the first company of settlers from Wethersfield. His nfime is on the second and third lists of the colonists, and he received, in the first distribution of lands, ten acres. His lot in Wethersfield, of 54 acres, was sold to Richard Treat. He was murdered by the Indians, here, in 1648. The inventory of his estate, £217 4s. 2d., Avas presented at the Court of Magistrates in New Haven, May 26, 1656, and had been made Dec. 8, 1648, and jirized by Robert Hustis. and Jeffry Ferris. He was hold in honor, while living here, having repre sented the tOAvn in the New Ha,ven Court. His childrtn. Savage thinks, Avere all born in England — Thomas, born about 1615 ; Francis, born about 1625 ; John, born about 162.7 ; Ann, born about 1621 ; and Mary, about 1623. Wood, .Jonas, sen., came with the first company of settlers from Wethersfield. His name is on each of the first three lists of the colonists, and he ,received in the first distribution of land, eight acres. He Avas aihpng the settlers of Springfield, in 1636, from which place he went to Wethersfield. In 1648 he brings an action against Thomas Newton, of Fairfield, when he is reported as from Long Island. In 1654 he was in South ampton, L. I„ as appears from an action against him in the Court of Magistrates at New Haven. In that action he is called Hallifax Jonas, by Richard Mills, of Stamford, in his testimony. In 1658, Jonas Wood, (O), and Jonas Wood, (H), both of Huntington, L. I., agents for the inhabitants of the same, desire to join with this colony, (New Haven). In May 1662, on the petition of Huntington, L. I., he is appointed by the general court in Hartford, the first townsman and custom-master. He became, on Long Island a man of some prominence. His name heads tho list of those to whom the town of Huntington ^ras granted in 1666. Wood, Jonas, jr., came with the first company of settlers THE SETTLEES AND THEIR FAMILIES. 47 from Wethersfield. His name is on the second and third lists of the colonists. He received, in the first distribution of land, seven acres. Wood, Edmund, came with the first company of settlers from Wethersfield. His name is on each of the first three lists of the colonists. He received in the first distribution of land, seven acres. He went to Hempstead L. I., in 1644, having come from Springfield to Wethersfield, and thence to Stamford. Wood, Jeeemiah, came with the first company of settlers from Wethersfield. His name is on each of the first three lists of the noAV colony. He received in the first allotment of land, six acres. » He went to Hempstead, L. I., and Avas accepted a freeman from that town in the Connecticut colony in 1664. Yates, Feancis, is on Chapin's list of the residents of Weth ersfield, between 1634 and '73. He" Avent to Stamford, AA-here he staid until 1644, when he removed with Mr. Denton to Hemp stead, L. I. He made his will in Westchester, N. Y., 1682, and it names five children : Mary, John, Dinah, Jonathan, and Dorothy. CHAPTER IV. the sectlers and their faaiilies. — 1642-66. This chapter rejjorts the earliest appearance of those settlers Avho came to the tow-n, or Avho came into active life, between 1643 and 1660. Possibly some of theso names should have ap peared in the earliest list, yet tho present condition of our re cords did not furnish the needed proof 1 1 Avill be noticed that some of the family names on this list are the same as those on the earlier list, and belong, it may be in most instances to the same family. To make the record reliable, I have therefore doomed it best to avoid presuming on relationship, which the records, as preserved, did riot clearly state. Amblee, Richaed, Avas here very soon after the settlement, at which time he Avas iu Boston, Avhither he had gone from- WatertoAvn. How early ho Avas here the records do not shoAV. In 1666, ho is said, on the court record, to be about 55 years of age. His Avife Elizabeth, is on the records, as dying in 1685. By his wife, Sarah, before coming to Stamford he had born, Sarah, Dec. 1, 1639 ; Abraham, Sept. 27, 1641, who died soon; and Abraham, Sept. 22, 1642, who came with his father to Stamford. He probably removed with this son to Bedford, as both names are among the purchasers of that town from the Indians in 1085. Possibly he may, on coming to Stamford, have located, hiniselt'Avithin the limits of that toAvn as the most of it was included in Stamford. He lived- until 1699.^ Ajibeey, Robeet, had a son Robert born here in 1652, and his death is recorded in 1650, his children, as appears from tho THE SETTLEES AND THEIE FAMILIES. 40 will of George Belding, of Westchester, Avere John, Samuel, Joseph, Moses and Mary. To each of these children of good- wife Ambrey, Mr. Belden made bequests, bearing date June 10, 1657. /Andreavs, or Andreas Aaeon, bought land here in 1657, Avi'tli Garret Rivis. He is called a Dutchman. -. Is he the ances tor of the Andreas family ? The name AndroAvs and Andrus occurs often, .and also interchangeably. Jeremiah Andrews is said to be of Bedford, after 1687. * r Austin, John, Avas one of tho eleven GreeuAvich men Avho, in 1666, acknoAvledge allegiance to the NeAV Haven jurisdiction, to constitute part of the Stamford colony. The name is usually spelled Astin and Asten, on the records. A son of his, Samuel, died here in 1657, the year, also, of his oavu death. His inven tory, taken by Richard LaAv and Angell Husted, Sept 5, 1657, Avas presented in court in Stamford, by his Avidow " Katherine Astine," May 13, 1658. It amounted to £78 8s. 04d. Several of this name are reported on the land records during the first century of the tOAvn,.J "^ Bayly, Elias, Avas Mr. Denton's attorney for the settlement of his accounts here, in 1650. In 1651 he buys land of John Coo,-Avith a house, and sells>4t to John Wood in 1657, Avhen he was li-ying in NewtOAvn,'. L. I. T^ASSET, RoBEET, Avas hcrc early. In 1651 he is Avitness to a deed given by Robert Rugg to Richard Webb. He Avas a landholder, as appears from the land records. The Avill of his wife, dated May 17, 1656, makes bequests to her son Robert, the house and homelot at Now Haveir;* to the eldest four of her children, John Emery, John Webb, Sarah and Elizabeth Basset, her person.al estate; the bedding and linen and clothes, to be equally divided betAA'een goodAvifo Emery and goodwife Webb. The care of her daughter Elizabeth she entrusted to Robert Basset. BiSHOi% John, Rev., carae, as ia elscAvherc shoAvn, in 1644, 1 50 HISTORY OF STAMFOED. In 1650, Rol)ert Lockvvoodof Fairfield, deeded to him the house and lot which lie had purchased .of EUas Bayley, Rev. Mr. Den ton's attorney. His will, made Nov. 16, 1694, names his wife Rebecca, and children, Steven, Joseph, Ebenezer, Benjamin and Whiting. He married, for his second Avife, Joanna, widow of Rev. Peter Prudden of Milford, and daughter of Capt. Thomas Willett. What avc knoAV of him will bo found in our record of the first Ecclesiastical society of tho town. His descendants h.avo been among the most respectable citizens of the town down to tho present time. Beoavn, Feancis, was here - early. Savage tells us that he had been a servant of Henry Wolcott, of Windsor, and bouo-ht out the rest of his time in 1649, and Avas a small trader in 1651 • aud that ho bought and sold lands in Farmington in 1656. He seems to have been a pertinacious stickler for the largest liberty to the individual. In 1662 he headed a petition to the general court at NeAV Haven, respecting the franchise of all the citizens respecting equalizing tho rates of the several colonies then under the jurisdiction of New Haven, and respecting the Colony School. The court, rather curtly, gave him to understand that " Avhatover liberties or privileges our laws do allow them, that thoy should have." He then desires a special court in Stamford for tho settlement of these questions. In 1663, he is sworn a constable for the town of Stamford in the general court of Con necticut, and in 1665, '7, and '9 he represented the town in the General Assembly. He married, bote, Martha, widow of John Chapman, and had ono son Joseph, to whom he gave land in 1683. In 1686 he is reported in a gift of land to his son Joseph as now of Rye. Petbe BEOAA'xlost Ms . wifo Elizabeth here, Sept. 21, 1657; and a child Ebenezer Aug. 21, 1658. His will was presented in the court, Aug. 19, 1658, and his invcutory in Nov. of the same year, and testified to, upon oath, by widow Brown and Thomas Brown, Feb., 10, 1658. He had come from New Haven, where he had a daughter baptised Mercy, April 6, 1645, and Eliza-beth THE SETTLEES AND TIIEIE FAMILIES. 51 Aug. 1, 1647. He married here, July 27, 1658, Unity, AvidoAv of Clement Buxton, and died Aug. 22, of the same year. His Avidow married Mar. 9, 1659, Nicholas Knappr' Thomas Beoavn owned land here in 1658. In 1669, then in Rye, he sells his house, and land in Stamford to John Pettit. He Avas born in 1638, as appears from his testimony in court at New Haven in 1660. Buxton, Clement, died here in 1657. He OAvned land here, as appears from the boundaries of other lands on record still earlier. The inventory of his estate was taken Sept. 3, 1657, and apprized by Richard Law and John Holly. It was given in upon oath of the widow Unica ' Buxton, May 13, 1668. Clement Buxton, 2d, gave bonds here, April 19, 1686, of twenty pounds, in an action against Daniel Scofield. This name is still -represented among the citi zens of the town. Chapman, John, oAvned land here in 1640. The inventory of his -estate Avas presented to the magistrates' court in May 1667, and had been taken Jan. 30 or June 18, 1655, and prized by Richard Law and Francis Bell. According to tho town records it was attested by oath of the Avife of Francis Brown Oct. 30, 166 — . The legatees are his widow, and his daughters Mary and Elizabeth. In 1656 Martha Chapman sells to George Slawson, a parcel of land lying in Northfield, on the east side of Mill River. Colgeave, Thomas, had lived here before Oct. 10, 1650, as the following record shows: "Thomas Morehouse affirmeth upon oath that he heard Thomas Colgrave say,. in his house, that if he did not come back to Stamford, that ho Avould give EUas Bailey all he had in Stamford ; and particularly he named his part in the ' bark.' " Clayson, (Clason) Steven,, married here 11, 11, 1654. Elizabeth Periment, (?), and had children recorded to him. Jonathan, his son, died in 1685, leaving son Stephen, and 52 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. daughter Sarah, as the settlement"of this estate, June, 22, 1685, shows. This Stephen in his Avill, dated Mar. 15, 1699—1700 gave his estate to his son Samuel, his wife while she remained his widow and no longer — sons Stephen and David, daughter Elizabeth, wife of Francis Dan, grand-son Stephen, son of Jona than, and his sister Sarah. CoEKEYB, Thomas, does not appear to' have been a very rep utable member of the new colony. He Avas living here in 1648, Avas complained of for being drunk and committing sundry other offenses against the good order of the toAvn, Avas Avhipped, according to the usages of the age, and then fined for the Mar shal's fees. Perhaps it is a fortunate thing tl;iat his name does not afterwards occur among the records of the toAvn. Dean, Samuel, was early here, having lands assigned to him in 1650. His son John was born here in 1659, and Joseph in 1661. His death is recorded in 1703. His descendants have been numerous and have given name to one part of the town, where several of them still reside. Dibble, John, died 1646, and his widoAV married, the next year, William Graves, of Stamford. The tAVO sons, Samuel and Zachariah Dibble, probably came with their father. Zachariah married, May, 10 , 1666, Sarah Waterbury, and had a son Zachary, born in 1667. His wife obtained a diA-orce in 1672, and afterwards married Nicholas Webster. DisBEOw, Petee, married Sarah Chapman, here, about 1650. The name in, various forms, appears subsequently on the records, though none of the descendants are now knoAvn to be left here. Elliot, John, was here early though his name is variously spelled on the records. He Avas a landholder in 1050. He lost his Avife Margret, in 1658; and no later record of the name appears. Ellison, John. This name occurs early on the records of the town, and is reported on the list of those AA-ho accompanied Mr. Denton to Hempstead, L! I., in 1644. THE SETTLEES AND THEIR FAMILIES. 53 FoEDHAM, Robert, according to Thompson's History of Long Island, Avas one of the^ settlers at Stamford. Jle went with Mr. Denton and his colony to Hempstead. Gaensea', Joseph, came, probably, from New Haven, about 1647, and married here. May 11, 1659, Rose, Avidow of John Waterbury. He had a son Joseph born here in 1662. He died Nov. 11, 1688. GiFFOED, William, was before the court here in 1647 or be fore. The sentence of the court against him Avas that he be Avhipped at the court's discretion, and banished. Geeen, John, lost his wife, Mary, here, in 1657. He Avas declared freeman of the Connecticut Colony in 1662, and repre sented the town in 1669. Joseph Green mortgaged lands hero in 1651, to Thomas Morehouse ;^ and W^illiam Green appears on the records as landholder in 1650.- His land Avas next to Daniel Scofield. ¦ IIaedy, Richaed, was here in 1650, and gave name to the low grounds just west of our harbor, which are still knoAvn as " Hardy's Hole." He married, probably, Ann Husted-, Avliose daughter Mary, Avas born Ajpril 30, 1659.' Ho is probably tho one who in 1639 was living in Concord. In 1683, he gave his son Samuel a house and land. In his will, on record at Fairfield, he makes bequests to his daughters Mrs. Elizabeth Pearson, Hannah Austin, Susanna Sherman, Sarah Close, Ruth Mead, and Mary and Abigail. He was a man of some distinction, representing the town three times in the State General Court. He was declared freeman of the Connecticut Colony in 1662. Robert Hardy was a landholder here in 1650. Hill, William, Avas here in 1650, as is evident from the court record. HoLAiES, Feancis, was a resident here 1648, as appears from the testimony against Robert Penoyer. His Avill, on record at Fairfield, dated Sept. 6, 1671, makes mention of his wife Ann, 54 , HISTOR"? of STAMFORD. and his children Stephen, John, Richard, and Ann, wife of, Samuel Dean. Stephen Holmes has lands assigned him, by the tOAvn, 1667. Richard Holmes Avitnesses here, June 17, 1658, the will of Henry Akerly. John Holmes is on the land records often before 1660. This name has always been among the most' respectable of the town. Hunt, Thomas, was here early in 1650, as the lan(^ records shoAv. The Hunt Genealogy says he came from England, and Avas a High Churchman. He went from Stamford to Rye, Tiy 1652, and AA'as a representative in 1664. He is represented in the family genealogy as one of tho most valuable men in the colony. His title was Goodman. Jackson, Henry, had lands herein 1649, as appears from the boundary of Robert Rugg's land. In 1657 he is brought from Fairfield to testify for John Waterbury. Robert Jackson is said by Thompson, in his History of Long Island, to have been one of the settlers of Stamford. Ho went with M*. Denton to Hempstead, in 1644. In .1656 he was one of the sfettlers at Jamaica. Jessup, Edward, had lands here in 1649. This is probably the one to whom was given the patent of West Farms, West chester county, in 1666. The other patentee was John Richard son. His will, (see Bolton's Westchester), is dated August 16, 1666, in which he mentions his daughter Elizabeth Hunt, Han nah Jessup, Edward Jessup, grandchild Mary Hunt, and his wife Elizabeth. In notes on the Jessop family, in the tenth volume of the Genealogical Register, we find this record : " Edward Jessop, of Stamford, 1641; Sascoe Neck, Fairfield Co., Conn., 1653 ; NewtoAvn, L. L, 1653-62 ; representative for West chester, 1662-6 ; proprietor at West Farms, 1666, and died at Westchester, N. Y., 1666." We still have this name among us, as appears from our list of A'oters. Jones, Coenelius, Avas evidently here in 1657. He married the widow of Thomas Halt, or Hyat, as is evident from the re- TIIE SETTLEES AND TIIEIE F.jVMILIES. 55 ceipts which three of Thomas Hoyt's .children give him. On the I7th Dec, 1657, there is a record made of the age of his children, probably by a former wif6; There are six' of them, aged respectively, eleven, ton, eight, six, and three years, but the margin on which the names ^re written is gone. His will, found at FairfioliJ, is dated June 2, 1690,-and mentions his son Joseph and his grand-child Ruth " Hyat," explaining also why he does not make bequests to his daughter, Mary Hyat. ' Joseph Jones, son of -the above, died here before 1690. The inventory of his estate, of that date, attested by Elisha Holly and Daniel Scofield, gives the names and ages of his children, as follows: Mary, 13; Hannah, 11; Joseph, 9; Samuel 6; and Cornelius, 3. It also gives Rebecca as the name of his Avife. In the distribution of the estate of Joseph and Cornelius Jones deceased, 170 3-4 ; Joseph Jones, jun. ; Samuel Jones, , jun. ; Cornelius Jones, jun. ; Cornelius Seely, husband to Mary Jones, " dafter" to Joseph Jones ; David Miller, husband to Hannah, " dafter" to Joseph Jones, are named as the heirs. The estate thus distributed is said to be " their father's and grand father's names, Cornelius and Joseph Jones." Cornelius, jun., when of age is to pay a debt due to Daniel Scofield and John Ambler. Kaeman, John, as Thompson in his history of Long Island tellsus, Avas one of the Stamford settlers. Ho went with Mr. Denton's colony to Hempstead, L. I., AA'here his son Avas the first child born in the colony. Knapp, Nicholas, had land liere in 1649, as appears from the land records. His wife, Eleanor, died August 16, 1658. Savage thinks ho may have come in the fleet with Winthrop and Saltonstall in 1630. His children Avere Jonathan, born Dec. 27, 1631; Timothy, Dec. 14, 1632; Joshua, Jan. 5, 1635; Ca leb Jan. 20 1637 . Sarah, Jan. 5, 1639 ; Ruth, Jan, 6, 1641 ; and Hannah, March 6, 1643. After coming to Stamford he had probably Moses and Lydia. After the death of his wife, Eleanor, 56 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. he married, March 9, 1659, Unity, widoAV of Peter Brown, Avho had also been the widow of Clement Buxton. He died in April 1670, and his will, noAV in the probate records of Fairfield, dated the 15th of that month, names the children in the follow ing order : Moses, Timothy, Caleb, Sarah Disbrow, Hannah, Ividea, Ruth, and Sarah and Unica Buxton, daughters of Clement.¦ Knapp, Caleb, son probably of the above, had a son,. Caleb, born in 1661. His will, bearing date, 10, 3, 1674, names his children : Caleb, John, Moses, Samuel, Sarah, and Hannaih. Knapp, Joshua, son of Nicholas, was married here in 1657 to Hannah Close. He had one child recorded here — Hannah, born March 26, 1660. He lived later in GroouAvich, having had then seven children, Joshua, Joseph, Ruth, Timothy, Benjamm, Caleb, aud Jonathan. His inventory. bears date Oct. 27, 1684. Lakeson, John, is complained against for selling Aviiie in 1648, Avithout license from the court. In 1651, Obadiah Seely discharges John Lareson of all debts due himself " from the be ginning of the world to this day." A James Lareson appears on the land records in 1650. Lockwood, Edmumd, in 1650, Oct. 14th, sold all his right and title in Stamford to Ann Akorley. How long he had been here at that date does not appear. He Avas probably a son of Edmund, of Cambridge. His children Avere John, Daniel, Ed mund, Mary, and Abigail. Under date of March 24, 1698-9, the town grants the children of Edmund LockAvood, deceased, liberty to take up as much land for their father's estate in the second "lotmcnt" at Runkinheag, as he had in the first di vision there, " his lotment in the first division being not to be found." He died here in Jan. 31, 1692, as appears from invent ory of his estate, now on record. Book 1st, page 119, amount ing to £305. This name has been numerous and prominent here to the present day. It noAV stands next to the Scofield name in numbers. Jjockwood, Jonathan, was here in 1659, as appears from his the settlers and THEIE FAMILIES. 57 testimony in court, at Fairfield, Feb. 24th of that year. He is reported as then 24 or 25 years of age. This corresponds Avith tho prestimption that he was son of Robert Jjockwood, of Fairfield, and that he is the son born in Watertown, Sept. 10, 1034. His children were Jonathan, Robert, Gershom, Josei^h, and John. He sold his estate here in 1665, and Avas afterwards a prominent citizen of GroenAvich, representing that toAvn in the state legislation for four years. Lockw-ood, Joseph, went in 1644 to Poundridge, where he had sons, Joseph, James, Soloman, Israel, Reuben, and Nathaniel. His AA'if'e was Hannah, daughter of Soloman Close. His oldest son Joseph, had tAA'O sons — Major Ebenezer, of Poundridge, who lived until 1821, and Avas the father of the Hon. Ezra and Ho ratio Lockwood ; and Joseph had also sons, among Avhose de scendants are the Hon. Albert, of Sing Sing, N. Y., and Gen. Munson LockAvood, of White Plains. Lyon, Thomas, Avas here as landholder in 1650, as appears from land records of Daniel Scofield. Maetin, John, buys land of John Bishop hero May 1, 1650, in the East Field, seven acres of iq^land, lying betAveen said Bishop and Richard Ambler. Mills, Richaed, Avas here in 1654. In 1657 he pledged his house and homo lot and a parcel of land in Northfield to pay Jeremy Jagger a debt. On page 32 of record book No. 1, " Richard Mills, of Stamford, in New Haven jurisdiction," sold to Joseph Alsupe (Alsop), of New Haven, for the use of Mrs. Margaret Skief, of Boston, his " housings and homelot and all accomodations tJiereunto belonging." This sale Avas March 16, 1662 ; and Joseph Alsop transferred the same j)roperty to John Miller. June 21, 1687, the toAvn vote Mr. Mills, ship carpen ter, four acres of land on east side of Noroton River above the path, " so that he improve it for his, OAvn use." In 1691 John Mills, shipright, sells his pink called the Blossom, built in Stam ford, Avith burthen of " seA-enty odd tons." In 1693-4, Jona- S 58 HISTOEY' OF STAMFORD. than and John Selleck, brothers, enter a caution, or cavitt (caveat), against all the lands and housings of John Mills, sen. In a sale of land, Jan. 18, 1695, executed by John Mills, Mary Mills, and John Mills, sign the deed ; and in another land record John Mills' sons are named John, William, and Robert. " Ye Antient widoAV mary mills dyed ye 19th day of November, 1732." Mead, Joseph, of Stamford, sells his house and land to John and Daniel Weed. From his testimony given in court at New Haven in 1660, it appears that he was born in 1630. He went to Greenwich, Avhich toAvn he represented in the Connecticut Legislature, from -1669 to '71. Mead, Jonathan, sells land in 1650, and in '59 he sells land to Henry Smith. Mitchell, David, son of Mathew, had lands here in 1650. He had come hither Avith his father, and removed not many years after to Stratford. He had four sons — Matthew, who set tled in Southbury ; John, who lived in Woodbury ; Nathan in Litchfield; and Abraham in Southbury. Cothren's History o f Southbury has a c'atalogue of the descendants of the first two of these sons. The Rev. Justis Mitchell, who was settled in New Canaan, was a descendant of this David, of the fifth gener ation — the steps in the descent being John, of Woodbury, Lieut. John, Captain Asahel, and Rev. Justus. He married Martha, daughter of Rev. Josiah Sherman, of Woodbridge, sister of the Hon. Roger M. Sherman, 'and had a gifted family — amono- Avhom were Minot, the eminent lawyer of White Plains, an^ Chancy R., the gifted andbrilliant orator ; also a lawyer, settled at Delhi, N. Y., where he died in the very opening of his busi ness career. MoEEis'; Thomas, had land here ^n 1650, as appears from the boundaries of William Potter's land. Newman, Daniel, made freeman 1670 (son probably of Wil lian), died here August 7, 1695, The inventory of his estate is the SETTLEES AN^D THEIE FAMILIES. 59 on page 141, book 1st. His widow Sarah, August 31, 1695, makes over to her brotherSj Thomas Newman, David Waterbury, increase and John Holly, all her right in the estate of her hus band Daniel Newman. Newman, Thomas, probably son of William, had land here, as appears from the boundaries of other lands, recorded in 1649. His will, dated June 2, 1659, at Easttown, New Netherlands, gives his estate to his son William at Stamford, who is made his sole executor. It also requires him to provide for his wife Mary ; to give Catherine Carles, alias Archer, the, Avife of John Archer, twenty shillings ; and unto each of his (Archer's) sur viving children five pounds. The Avill was witnessed by Rich ard and Samuel Mills, and was probably made in Stamford. Olineson, Henet, had land here in 1649, as the record of Thomas Morehouse's land shows. Ollivee, William, was here in 1658, having June I7th of that year witnessed Henry Ackerly's Avill, and had property as ap pears from testimony given by goodwife Slawson, Isaac Finch, John Holmes, and Richard Law, respecting a heifer which had been swamped. Penoybe, Robert, or Penoir, as the name is spelled frequent ly, was here early. In 1648 he is complained against for drink ing wine and becoming noisy and turbulent, and abusing the Avatchman. He had a son Thomas, born here in 1658. He had several parcels of land assigned him soon after tho settlement of the town. Savage says he came in the Hopewell, 1635, aged twenty-one, and that he was sentenced to be whipped in 1639. Petet, John, was here early and had children recorded to him before 1650. His inventory, dated 5, 4, 1676, made by Richard Law and Francis Bell, mentions his widow Sarah, and his two sons, names not given, and his daughters, Sarah, Mary, an(J Bethia. ' Richard Law was appointed guardian of his 60 history of STAMFORD. children in a court of magistrates, the governor being present, 14, 4, 1662. Pettit, Debeoav, died here in 1657. This name is afterAvards spelled Petit. PoiTEE, William's, name occurs frequently on the early re cords. His home lot is on record, 1650. In 1652 he sells his liouse lot to Thomas Lyon, and purchases a parcel of land from John Finch. In 1661 he sells land to Jacob Pearson. His will^ dated March 9, 1684-5, gives to the church in Stamford five pounds, " to be improved for the use of the Lord's tabte" The sil ver cups now in the service of the table of the First Congrega tional Church are still witnesses to this bequests. He also made bequests to the three sons of Mr. Bishop, the minister, Joseph, Ebenezer, and Benjamin; and to the children of his son-in-law, John Mead, viz. : John, Joseph, Ebenezer, Jonathan, Benjamin, Nathaniel, Samuel, Hannah, Abigail, Elizabeth, and David. In 1656 ho appeals to the general court at New Haven, to excuse him from training in consequence of his weakness. The court do so, but notify him that if he recover his strength he must resume the service again. In 1684, in his testimony before Jonathan Bell, he says he is 75 years old. RiA-is, Garret, bought land herein 1657. He is called in the records a Dutchman. He purchased of Peter Ferris, and also of John Rockwell, and seems to have been in partnership Avith Aron Andreson, or Andreas. Rugg, Robert, in 1651, sold to Richard Webb, his housing and home lot. The sale is witnessed by Thomas Lyon and Robert Basset. The inventory of his estate is on record and Avas prized by Francis Bell and Richard Law. The general court records make the date of it Jan. 29, 1655. This is proba bly the one of whom the record of the Connecticut Court of June 5, 1646, makes this unenA'iable entry : ~" Robert Rugge stands boAvnd in 40 Z.," and that he " keepe good behavior and appeare the next court." • THE SETTLEES AND THEIR FAMILIES. 61 Scofield, Richaed, owned land here in 1659, as appears from the recorded lands which Daniel Scofield sold to John Mead. His inventory Avas recorded by his widoAV, then the wife of Robert Penoyer, May 6, 1671. His daughter Elizabeth Avas born here in 1653, and his son Jeremy in 1658. There Avas also a Daniel Scofield here at the same date, Avith a family. This family has become more numerous than any other in town, and the jDresent representations of it are among our best citizens. Seeley, Obadiah, Avas early a resident here, as several entries in the records show. In 1651 he acknoAvledged payment of a debt due him from John Lareson. He died in 16Cf7, and his in- A-entory taken 24, 12, 1665, by William Newman and Robert Usher, 'mentions his widow Mary and his sons Obadiah, Cor nelius, and Jonas. His Avidow Mary, had been the widow also of John Miller, of Stamford. He was probably a son of Robert Seeley, of Watertown, who settled aftei-Avards in Wethersfield, and became quite famous as a Lieutenant in the Pequot war ; and still later of the New Haven force under Sedgwick and Leverett against the New Netherlands. This name has been Avell represented in all its generations in the town. Sheewood, Thomas, sells land to John Holly in 1648. His Avill, dated July 21, 1655, was probated Oct. 25, 1655, and men tions his wife Mary ; his sons Steven, Mathew, and Isaac; and daughters Margaret, Ruth, and Abigail, the children of his first wife ; and probably those of his second wife, Thomas, Joanna or Jane, daughter Thompson, Mary, Sarah, Hannah, Rose, and Rebecca. Stevens, Thomas, died here in 1658. He had. been a land holder as early as 1649, as appears from the land records. His will and inventory of estate are on record, dated Noa-. 30, 1658. His property was bequeathed to his wife, for the children ; but if she should marry, she Avas to have her third and the rest to be divided ; the oldest son, if deserving and of godly carriage to have a double portion, if not to share equally with the rest. , 62 history of STAMFOED. In 1670,the county court made Obadiah, his son. Administrator^ giving him the home and house lot, and requiring him to pay the legacies. His children were— Obadiah, Thomas, Benjamin, Joseph, and Ephraim, of whom, Dec. 20, 1686, Obadiah, Ben jamin, and Joseph, give bonds for the settlement of their mother. Steavaed, James, probably a son of Alexander of Water- town. That he was a resident of Stamford in 1649 is evident from an action in court of that date, in which he was defendant, and Robert Hustice and Jeffrey Ferris, plaintiffs. It was shown that he had engaged to keep the town oxen ; " to keep them from coming home, and out of the Indian's corne ;" and that he neglected his duty so that the oxen injured the corn, to the extent of twelve and a half bushels of corn and two and a half bushels of peas. The court ordered him to pay th© corn and peas, and " to boare the charge of the court." He was a land holder in 1650. SioifEY, Geoege, bought Henry Jackson's house ancl lot in 1650, and Avas still a resident in Stamford in 1660, as appears from testimony of Cornelius Jones in court of that year. His will was probated in court, at New Haven, in 1663, made in 1660, and witnessed upon oath by Daniel Scofield and John Holly, before Richard Law, at Stamford, Feb. 25, 1660. The name is spelled Stuckey on the town records. Elizabeth Stuckey, the wife, probably, of the above, died here in 1656. In his will he makes bequests to his daughter-in-law Mary Close, then not of lawful age ; because she hath been obedient to her mother, to his wife Ann, and his daughter Elizabeth, who was also under age. He appoints as overseers for the daughters, his well beloved neighbors and friends Francis Bell, Robert Bates, Richard Mills, and George Slawson. Stmings, HuMPHEEY,'was here in 1648, a creditor of Peter Brown, from whom he received his house and homelot. Taintbe, Chaeles, witnessed here a deed in 1650. I have seen no other evidence of his presence here. the SETTLEES AND THEIE FAMILIES. 63 Tayloe, Geegoey, died here Sept. 24, 1657, and goodwife Tay lor, probably his wife, the month before him. In 1655 he made application to the general court at New Haven, to be freed from watching and training, in consequence of his bodily weakness. He had come from Watertown, where he was constable in 1642. He had two children by his wife Achsa ; bu^^they probably died young, as, after his wife's death, Aug. 18, 16^7, his property is given by the court to John Waterbury and his wife. The in ventory of his estate amounted to £48 14s. 6d., taken Oct. 1, 1667, and prized by Richard Law and Francis Bell.^ They tes tified in court, at Stamford, June 14, 1662, "that these goods within written, were presented to them and acknowledged by John Waterbury and his wife, to be the estate which the said Taylor, deceased, had in possession, and left at ye time of his death, but ye sd. Waterbury would not acknowledge that "this was all, nor would his wife attest it upon oath to be a true in ventory of the whole estate. Alsoe the said apprizers doe tes tify yt the apprizement is just according to ye best of their skill." Theale, Nicholas, was here in 1650, as appears from land records. He was in Watertown, in 1638. He was a landholder, and died here Aug. 19, 1658. His will, witnessed by Nicholas Knapp and Joseph Theale^makes bequests to his son Joseph; his daughter Eliaabeth, Avho mari-ied,Oct. 27, 1769, William Rat- cliff; and his wife. The inventory of his estate, taken Nov. 29,. 1658, was proved in court Dec. 16, 1658, by widoAV Theil. He must have been somewhat prominent. His name still remains attached to the bridge on Broad Street, over Mill river. Joseph Theale son of the above, made freeman in 1669, represented the town five years, between 1670 and 1677, and removed to Bed ford, N. Y., in 1687. Uffit, Thomas, had lived here before 1660. His widow and her three children in that year agree to use their portion of his estate, which Avas in their custody, to pay any debts against 64 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. him in Stamford, provided Thomas Uffit, of Stamford, and his tAVO brothers, should agree to it, and engage to pay any debts against him, out of Stamford ; that is, any debts due from him , before his marriage to the present AvidoAV Uffit, late AvidoAV Theale. The Avidow, however, hopes the brothers may allow her and her children something, in vicAV of the many debts she assumes. The Avitnossos to this agreement are : Joseph Theale, William Ratcliff, John Archer, Thomas Uffit, John Uffit, Roger Ferril, and one Avhoso name is unreadable. In a, subsequent record, Thomas Uffit, Roger Ferril, and John Uffit, refuse to make any further allowance for debts to the AvidoAV. L'sHEE, Robeet, had land hero in 1650. He took the oath of allegiance at Noav Haven in 1644, and came to Stamford. He married May 12, 1659, Elizabeth, AvidoAV of Jeremy Jagger. He Avas a man of some note, as his appointment by tho Connec ticut government, as constable, and his appointment as repre sentative Avill show. He .died in 1669, leaving his estate to his two children, Robert and Elizabeth. Wateebury', John, came here soon after the settlement, and had land recorded to him in 1650. He died in 1658. He had lands here as early as 1650, as ajspears from, assignment of lands of that date. His inA-entory bears date in April 1659, amount ing to £185 12s. His sons were John, .Jonathan and David, and possibly still others. Those three make over to their father- in-laAV Joseph Garnsey, in 1674, a parcel of land then in posses sion of John Miller. His AvidoAv had married Joseph Garnsey, in May 1661, Avhen she attested his will. This is one of the most numerous as Avell as respectable of the Stamford names, down to the present day. John Waterbury, jr., married Mary , and died here, Nov., 28, 1688. His Avill was entered on the record, on the testimony of Jonathan Bell, Dec. 11, 1688. It had been witnessed by Jonathan Bell and Joseph Bishop. In this will he makes be. quests to his Avife, of his " noAV dwelling house and orchard," the set-tleiis and theie families. 85 &c., for her use Avhile she remains his AvidoAV, after Avhich they Avere to return to his eldest son John, and to his sons John, David and Thomas ; and to his daughter Mary. He also make» his loving brothers Jonathan and David, the overseers of the cliildren till thoy should come of age. Webb, Richard, probably came to Stamford from Norwalk, about 1654. Tho "Mill" in Norwalk was that year abandoned as Avorthless, and Ave find Mr. Webb here, soon after, engaged in the Stamford "Mill."' Ho Avas probably a son of Richard of NorAvalk, though he is not mentioned in his father's will, of date 1655. ^r. Webb Avas a man of some estate and note, rej)- resenting the tOAvn in the Connecticut general court as early as 1667. The Avill of Richard Webb, sen., of Stamford, is on record in Fairfield, having date 7, 1, 1675-0; and the death of Richard Webb is on our town records as occuring Mar. 15, 1675-0, eight days after the Avill. The inventory of his estate bears date Apr. 29, 1676. • His legatees AVore : his Avife Margery; Joseph, Avho took the mill in Stamford, but Avho Avas to ~run it jointly Avith the AvidoAv; Richard, Avho had the uplands at Wescott's ; Joshua, Avho took lands in NoAvfield, and the tools, Avhich Avere in Huntington, L. I. ; Caleb and Samuel, whose legacy Avas to bo in tho care of their mother; and Sarah. In a deposition of Richard Webb, made Nov. 22, 1667, he is said to be " aged 44 years or there about." Joseph Webb died here in 1684, leaving children Joseph, Mary, Hannah, Sarah and Mar gery. I-Iis inventory, dated Mar. 8, 1684, makes his Avife's name Hannah. This name is among the most numerous and reputable names on the Stamford list. Webster, Nicholas, Avas early here. He married Sarah, daughter of John Waterbury, who had been divorced from Zachariah Dibble. He died Aug. 12, 1687. His Avill, dated. .July 19, 1687, makes bequests ^to his Avife Sarah, and his chil dren John, David, and Rachel; and to Zachariah Dibble "if he settle here." He makes his brother Jonathan Waterbury trustee for his estate. David Webster appears later on the land 66 history of STAMFOED. records, and had children born here. A John Webster, 1696, buys a saw mill and land here ; and Rachel Webster married Henry AtAVood, Aug. 18, 1708. CHAPTER V. STAMFORD UNDEE THE NEW HAVEN JUEISDICTION. We have now found Avho the men were to whom mainly was entrusted the settlement of Stamford. Let us follow them through their experimental process of organizing a government, until they are at length safely and permanently at rest, under the jurisdiction Avhich to this day their descendants do not fail to honor. tFi-om the tenor of their title to the soil, they Avere at first a part of the New Haven confederacy. Their allegiance had been pledged in their acceptance of the territory. Their partners in the confederacy were New Haven, Milford, Guilford, Branford, and Southold. New Haven, the oldest and largest of these noAV towns was the capital. Here a general court was held at least tAvice a year, to which were admitted from each settlement tAVO classes of members, magistrates and deputies. The magistrate held what would noAV be called senatorial rank, and the deputies were mere representatives. To this extemporised legislature, called in the expressive language of the times, the general court of New Haven, AndroAV Ward and Francis Bell were admitted members, Oct. 27, 1641. Their title made them the honorable members from Rippowam ; and to them was entrusted the re sponsibility of legislating for the Rippowam colony. The only business done in the court at that first session in which RippoAvam was represented, having reference to the Stamford colony, wasjhe appointment of Thurston Rayner as constable at Rippowam. ) His office was a very differenf one, from that which is now discharged under that name. It was one of high dignity and of solemn responsibility. Inthe original commis 68 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. sion given our tOAvnsman by the August court, Ave learn their impression of its solemn and responsible'' trust. We will preserve that commission as a permanent Avitness to the style of legisla- ~tion which prevailed in that early day in the colony. It is ui these terms: "to order such business as m-ay fall in the town, ^ acfcording to God, for the next ensuing )--<;ar, butt is nott to be -established in his office till he has receiA-ed his cjiarge from this court and testified his acceptance to this coiii)t.\' On, the sixth of the next April, 1642, Mr. Mitchell and John Whitmo.re-are accepted froin RiiJi^owam, as members of the New Haven Court, and " accepted the charge of freemen." At this sessio^xjf ithe court Rijipowam is by legal authority changed to "^Stamfbrde." Whether this was done at the request of the deputies or noty dies not appear from the record of the transac- ^iofl.- .^--^iifing the spring session of the court of this year, Stamford eiig'ages their attention. The deputies had reported the sus- piciofis appearance of the Indians residing in the A'icinity, and called for the advice of the court. The following conclusion is "'found on their minutes : r" Whereas, the deputies of Stamford, complain that their plantation are at some difference with the Indians, and therefore require the help of advice from the court hoAV to carry towards them ; it is therefore ordered that the magistrates and dei^uties for this plantation shall advise Avith the aforesaid deputies of Stamforde what course may best conduce to their peace and safety." In the October session of the court, " Goodman Warde" is chosen constable for Stamford, with powers similar to those of 'his predecessor. , , In April, 164.3'- a formal letter from constable Ward gives official notice of the choice by the toAvnsmen of John Underbill and Richard Gildersleeve as the deputies from Stamford. The samo letter makeS a^^plea for a magistrate to be appointed by the general court, with senatorial rank in the legislative body. THE NEAV HAVEN .lUEISDICTION. 69 It also proposes the names of tAVO approved citizens, Avho Avere nominated by the townsmen, as those Avho were suitable to be entrusted with this authority. These Avere MatthoAV Mitchell and Thurston Rayner. After carefully weighing the merits of these men, the court made choice of Rayner, and appointed him to the high office^ The first business which thoy introduced, pertaining to • tlM?'~' colony Avhich thejr represented, was the organization of a plan-;^ tation court at ^tamford. By a formal resolution tMs court, Avas to be coniposed o^ Thurston Rayner for chief judge, and Capt., Underhill, Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Ward and. ftjpbert Coe, as his associates. To them Avere entrusted all judiciial' questions which should arise in the colony, excepting such as were reserved for the adjudication of the general court at New Haven. These exceptions Avere in all those civil cases in Avhich the property in ' question exceeded " in valeAV twenty pounds," and every crim inal cause " when the punishment by scripture light,, exceeds stocking and whipping, and if the fine be pecuniary, Avhen tho fine exceeds five pounds." This court was held here from time to time as occasion called for it for several years. When busi ness of special interest or difficulty came uj) for adjudication, the governor and one of his assistants came doAvn from Noav Haven to sit with the court. In addition to the organization of this court, i:)rovision was made for appointing tAvo of the officers of a military company for 'Stamford. This ordinance is still more illustrative of the spirit of the times than the appointment of the constable. We will give it entire : " Ordered, that the trayned band may chuse or confirm inferior officers, sergeant and corjDoral, or both, to oxk ercise them in a military Avay, provided that such offi^efe be both members of th'e 'church and presented to and Approved by the magistrate and deputies from Stamford, the fundaniental- agreement for votes and elections being still preserA'ed intyre and inviolable." In this ordinance Ave have reference to the peculiarity of the 70 IIISTOEY OF STAMFOED. Ncav Haven policy as differing from that of the Connecticut government. Church membership was the test of citizenship. No man could vote or be eligible to any civil or military office, Avho did not first qualify himself by a credible profession of re ligion. For twenty years, therefore, all the freemen and offi cers of the town wore taken from the church. That such a policy would give satisfaction in a community in Avhich but a minority of the adult population Avere church mem bers could not rationally have been expected. And the evidence that it was here an impracticable theory of government, is found in the fact that it did not long succeed. That it greatly re tarded the groAvth of the Stamford colony will be made appa rent as we proceed. We have noAV reached a period of severe trial to the new col onists. The mere advice of the general court at New Haven, given in conformity with their decision of April 1641, did not relieve the dangers of the colony from Indian hostility. The Dutch had excited the intensest hatred of the surrounding Indians, and nothing but blood Avould henceforth appease it. The steps taken by the colonists to meet this peril, will be given in our chapiter on Indian Plistory. Those were days and nights of peril and of fear. Our colonists could never intermit their watch. Every day had its minute mon, -with arms at hand, all primed for sudden use. And for Aveeks, no day passed Avith out a formal review of those capable of bearing arms. Not even the Sabbath was a relief to their : fears or their military preparations. Their first sanctuary often witnessed, on the Lord's day, the gathering of muskoted Avorshipers — at least ' four guns, well conditioned, being a legally appointed defense for that place of worship. The meeting house itself became the fortress of the town. A strong barricade around it,.-made it a safe refuge for the people, should a sudden irruption of the Indians render their dAvellings insecure. The faithful sentinel, by day and by night, was to give no uncertain signal of approaching danger. TIIE NEAV HAVEN JUEISDICTION. 71 In the midst of these constant and pressing dangers, it was most fortunate for the colony that John Underhill was here. In October of this year, he makes an appeal to the Ncav Haven court for help to check and destroy the Indians, Avho Avere threatening the A-ery existence of the tOAvn. He had appealed in vain to the Dutch to raise for him a hundred men to prose cute the war. In the name of the Stamford settlers he now asks for a loan of twenty pounds. The loan Avas to be repaid out of the salary which Stamford had engaged to give him " yearly." So that it is evident that the handful of settlors at Stamford had been obliged to enter on this defensive war, at thc-ir own cost. The reception which this appeal met, is a marked tribute to the character of our military leader. It appears that the Dutch had now become so much alarmed that they Avere anxious to secure the services of Underhill. To retain the captain within their own jurisdiction, the Noav Haven colonists vote the loan, giving as the reason for it, their wish " to prevent the success of larger offers for his remove." The Stamford deputies of this year made, it would seem, a very earnest plea in court for a vigorous prosecution of the Avar. They set forth the imminent dangers hanging over their exposed town. Their wives and children were every hour in fear of the stealthy and relentless foe. The Indians of the vicinity greatly outnumbered them, and Avere now laying their jilans for the sudden extermination of tho last pale face who should stand in their Avay. Without some speedy and terrible bloAV infiicted upon them, they Avould inevitably overrun and destroy the en tire settlement. And as a final appeal, they Avarn the court that if they fail of furnishing the means now called for, they should bear the responsibility of whateA-er harm should come to the exposed town. Meantime the extreme peril of the Dutch settlement, to the West of Stamford, had led to the movements Avhich Avill be mentioned in our Indian narrative, and comparative peace Avas soon assured the settlement. 72 HISTORY- OF STAMFORD. The only incidents Avliich appear on record, for some years after the peace are very foAV, and of but little importance. The attack upon Mrs. Phelps Avill be hereafter given. In the June session of the court in New Haven, Mr. Rayner calls for an efficient force to find and bring the ofi'ender to trial. The court ordered the search to no purpose. In August, of the same year, Wachebrough, a Potatuck Indian, succeeded in capturing Busheag, tho fugitive assassin, and delivered him over to the Stamford authorities. The charge against him was made good, tho testimony of the Avoman who had been so nearly killed by him being positive as to his indontity. His death Avas ordered. Decapitation Avas executed upon him, as he sat firmly erect, defiantly gazing into the eye of his unskillful executioner. Ill 1643 an incident occurred in the toAvn, which shoAVS so clearly the manner in which justice Avas dispensed, that it Avill justify our notice. One of the planters, Richard Crab, had a servant, probably an Indian boy, Avho had been guilty of a pub lic misdemeanor, such as was an offense to the community in those days Avheii morals Avere strictly cared for. Mr. Rayner, tho appointed magistrate, in the undoubted right of his sacred office, ordered the public chastisement of the boy. Mr. Crab took offense at the exercise of such jiOAver, aud claimed that the punishment was excessive and unjust. He claimed that he had already punished the boy at home, and that one punishment Avas sufficient. He Avent still further, and in sisted that as the boy was his servant, and resiDonsiblo to his administration, no authority existed Avhich could rightly inter fere in the case. This Avas, therefore, a case of rebellion against the legally 'constituted authorities. An appeal is made by Mr. Crab to the court. ' The .case is heard. Tho court brought in their decision. It Avas designed to settle all similar questions which might subsequently arise. They fully justify the niagis- trate as having done only his duty in the case. The ground they toedi was that the "family correction," though sufficient for all the purposes of correction at home, being there a timely I THE NEAV IIA't EN JURISDICTION. 73 and suitable expression of righteous abhorrence of such an offense, and a sufficient warning to all who witnessed it against the commission of a similar crime ; yet it could never answer the demands of public justice Avhich had been outraged, or appease the public indignation which was justly aroused. As the community had been insulted and harmed, a public ex piation should be made. The court, therefore, would sustain and honor the magistrate. And since the charges made by Mr. Crabb, if not rebuked, would serve to bring the authority of the public minister into contempt, and so undermine all authority, the court proceeded to make Mr. Crabb himself a public example. They order him bound over to appear at the next meeting of the court in Hoav Haven. At the appointed time, Mr. Crabb appeared and Avas fined five pounds steriing money, for his presumptuous upbraiding of a public minister for the performance of his public duty. -From the first there seems to have been a degree of restive- ness among tlie settlers in regard to the limited franchise they enjoyed under the jurisdiction of the New Haven colony. As early as 1644, but a little more than three years after the settle ment, this impatience, under such restrictions, was shown by the secession of quite a portion of the colony. Mr. Denton and those who agreed with him, decided to try their fortunes under the Dutch government on Long Island, and accordingly removed and located at Hempstead. This remoA-al took aAvay from Stamford the followiag list of the settlers : Richard Denton, father and son, Robert Coe, John Karman, -Jeremy Wood, Richard Gildersleeve, Wm. Rayner, Benjamin Coe, John Ogden, Jonas Wood, John Fordham, Edmund Wood, Thomas Armitage, Simon Seiring, Henry Pierson, John Coe, Robert Jackson, Tho mas Sherman, Francis Yates, and John Ellison. And while this local rupture was taking place, and endanger ing the continued existence of the settlement, a sudden enemy appeared on the stage, adding to the confusion and danger. The Dutch, noAV for some years established in Ncav Amsterdam, 10 74 HISTORY- OF Sl'AMFOED. at Manhattan, thought their opportunity had come for ex tending their boundaries permanently to the Eastward, and sent out an expedition to demand the surrender of the settlement, at Stamford and GreeuAvich, to their authority. But the timely division of the settlers had left those disposed to be loyal to New Haven, free to assert their preference and maintain theu- choice. The Dutch found thcmseh'os powerless against such loyalty, and soon gave up their attempt. Twenty years later, Avhen Sir George Downing, their English minister at the Hague, wished to recapitulate the provocations giA-en by the Dutch to his government, Ave find him referring to this same invasion of the English territory in Connecticut. In his oavu impassioned style, he asks the Dutch council : " Did not the Dutch about 20 years agone come to an English town called Stamford, where none but English liA-ed, and sum moned them to come under obedience and pay- them contribu tion, and set up the Dutch arms there ? Did they not send armed men to an English town called Greenwich ?" But no Dutch temptation or threat could seduce the English colonists at Stamford to forswear then- allegiance to the New Haven, English jurisdiction, even though so many of them dis liked the tenor of their franchise and the character of much of their legislation. But even the large removal, from the young colony to which Ave have referred, did not put an end to the disaffection. So positive had this dislike of the New Haven administration be come in 1653, that a formal protest seems to have been sent from Stamford, with complaints of their rates and other griev ances. At the same time, the commission ajipointed by the Ncav Haven general court, to settle the controversy between the town' and one John Chapman, reported an alarming degree of disloyalty, if not of open and avoAved treason. The commis sioners, Mr. Goodyear and NoAvman, had been sent to quiet Avhat was thought to be a slight disaff'ection, on the part of the principal actor, in opposition to the New Haven jurisdiction. But they found their authority stoutly denied. ]Mr. Chapman THE NEAV HAVEN JUEISDICTION. 75 claimed the right of being- heard in full court. Whereupon the commissioners " caused the town to be called together, and being met they found them, for the most part, full of discontent Avith the present gOA'ornment they are under, pleading that they might have their free votes in the choice of civil officers; making objections agauist their rates ; and propounded to have their charges of watching and warding the summer past, with some other work made about their meeting house for their de fense, borne by the jurisdiction; and that they might have twelve men sent them at the jurisdiction charge to lye there all winter for their defense." The principal speakers for the town before the commissioners Avere Robert Basset and John Chapman. The commissioners debated the question, asserting the authority of the general court, but without allaying the mutinous disposition of the town. They then read the order of the parliament committee, requiring their submission to the government they Avere under, " which did somoAvhat allay their spirits for the present." On receiving this report from their commissioners, the general court ordered that the governor, if he see cause, shall issue a Avarrant " requiring John Chapman and Robert Basset to appear here at Noav Haven, at such time as the governor shall appoint, to answer such things as shall be laid to their charge." In the foUoAving March, the marshall of the Connecticut colony with a posse, had been sent doAvn to Fairfield to arrest Thomas Baxter, a sort of border desperado of that town,whose high handed measures had outraged the government and imper iled the peace of both the Connecticut and New Haven juris dictions. On the way they call at New Haven, to get aid from the government there. Two men are here added to their num-. ber, with instructions for Richard Law, the constable at Stam ford, to take men at Stamford and proceed to Greenwich if Baxter should have escaped from Fairfield, and " if Baxter's strength be not too great for them to seize him and bring him to Noav Haven." Thus commissioned the arresting party proceeded. HISTOET OF STAMFOED. tb They found the offender and arrested him, when Robert Basset Avho seemed to have been a confederate with the offender, attempted by force to release him. They disarm him, and the marshall orders him to assist in guarding the prisoner. He seemed to consent to do so, but soon stole away. Soon, as if under his instigation, the party Avere attacked by a gang of the citizens, who made a desperate effort to liberate their j)risoner. In the skirmish one of tho Baxter party was killed and one of tho arresting party wounded. Soon after. Basset again appeared, and began to expostulate with the marshall for arresting Bax ter, when the marshall took him into custody. Arresting two other of Baxter's accomplices, the marshall takes them safely to New Haven. Baxter and the Fairfield accomplices are dismissed to their trial before the Connecticut court in Hartford ; but Bas set is arraigned before the court ot his jurisdiction at Ncav Haven. In this trial it was made clear that Basset had been guilty of seditious conduct ; he had expressed himself against the gov ernment of the jurisdiction ; he had been active to raise and carry on an insurrection in both the colonies ; he had, without any coi^ission sought to raise volunteers against the Dutch ; and had "been a ringleader in these ways of disturbance, and undermining the government of this jurisdiction; and all this, contrary to his oath of fidelity." How much of a disturber, and hoAV far an exciter of sedition Basset had been, appears in the testimony of both the Stamford deputies of this year, those eminently loyal men, sergeant Bell and goodman Law. On the seventh of March, the day before the general court Avas to hold its session, Stamford held its town meeting, to choose its deputies. Not many less than three score substantial citizens constituted that body. How many of them were voters Ave do not know. That there were men present Avho deeply resented the qivil disabilities Avhich rested upon them, and who Avere ready for revolutionary proceedings to secure what they TIIE NEW HAVEN JUEISDICTION. 77 deemed, and what we have conceded to have been their rights, Avill appear from the spicy discussion which then took place. Immediately after the meeting had been opened. Basset, the readiest speaker of the disaffected party, springs to the floor, and with great excitement demands to knoAV what this meeting means. " To choose deputies for the general court at New Haven," answers the constitutional law officer of the town. " We acknowledge no New Haven court, here," quickly re torted the unintimidated revolutionist. " We took our title from the New Haven jurisdiction, and are here to make proof of our loyalty," Avas the ready answer. " But we know no laws but England's, and shall heed no authority but hers," exclaimed a sharp keyed voice, Avhich had been pitched in the tone of thoroughly radical excitement. "My authority," coolly replied the law officer, "is from England." " Give us then English law," shouted the heated and noAV clamorous partizans for reform. "Let us haA-e our A'Otes. There is no justice in your New Haven tyranny." " But we cannot violate the fundamentals of the government to which we OAve allegiance," solidly replies our right worthy deputy, Francis Bell. " Mr. Moderator, will you proceed to call the vote," continues, as if finally, the law-abiding minister of the government. But not yet had the radical and revolutionary leader ex hausted his resources against the hated power. Rising to his ut most height, wielding his most significant menaces in tone and looks and gestures, he bursts forth in an uncontrolled and un controllable torrent of passionate abuse. " We have no English laws or rights ; we have no votes ; we have no liberties ; we have no justice here; Ave are mere asses for fools to ride, and our backs are AA'ell nigh broken. You make laws Avheii you please and what you please ; you execute them as you please ; you lay what rates you please, and give what reasons you please. We are bond-men and slaves, and 78 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. there Avill be no better times for us till our task-masters are Avell out of the AA-ay." Such were the testimonies brought against Basset in the New HaA-en court by the deputies from Stamford. In his defense, which consisted mainly of humble apologies, he implicated as his inciters and encouragors at Stamford — John Chapman, Jere miah Jagger, Old Newman and William Newman. The court remanded Basset to the care of the Marshall until the Avritings which had been left at Richard Webb's in Stam ford, and which Avere thought to prove other and more treason able offenses against him, should be produced. He Avas also to be put into irons. At the next sitting of the court in two Aveoks, three of the above-named offenders appeared in court and acknowledged they had taken the oath of allegiance to the New Haven gOA-ernment. Chapman is first put on trial, the others having been removed from the court room. He is charged with aggravated guilt, because he had once been a deputy from Stamford in the gen eral court. It is proved against him that he had engaged in soliciting aid to make war upon the Dutch Avithout approbation ; he had resisted the legal authority established at Stamford ; he had gone with Basset to Norwalk to stir uji sedition there, and would have continued on to disturb all the toAvns towards Noav Haven, had not the New Haven commissioners met them on the way to Fairfield; and that his real aim Avas to overthroAV the churches and subvert the civil government of the jurisdic tion. Jagger Avas next put on trial. Similar charges are made against him as against Chapman^ He had been even more bit ter in his invectives against" the magistrates and against the general government. He had spoken M'ith great contempt of the commissioners sent from New Haven to check the turbu lence of the Stamford radicals. He had rated the magistrates as so many Indians, and had threatened the rate gatherers that the votes should do them no good. On being alloAved to plead, THE NEW HAA'EN JUEISDICTION. 79 against the charges, he made a beginning but soon cooled doAvn and confessed his folly and sin, and expressed his sorroAV for them. " He sees now more in these things than ever he did be fore, and Avere they to do again, he should not do them, and hopes it will be a warning to him hereafter." " William NoAvman is then called. He is informed by the court of the charges , against his loyalty. He is told, also, that his father had been specially offensive to the toAvn and to the court, but that they had excused his arrest from his great age. To all this NoAvman offers the excuse that he had done only as others in Stamford had done, in claiming and insistuig on more liberty in votes. Yet he confesses his fault and testifies that his father also " Avished him to inform the court that he is sorry for what he hath done, and hopes he shall act so no more." , The trial here ends, and the court proceeded to sentence the parties. Chapman and Jagger are solemnly admonished by the court of their grave offenses. By the law of the jurisdiction they had brought themselves "in question for their lives;" yet the court were inclined to a lenient treatment even of so serious an offense. They accordingly fine Jagger tAventy pounds, putting him under a hundred pound bond to maintain his loy alty hereafter; and Chapman ten pounds, under a bond of fifty pounds for his future loyalty. Newman is to give his bond of tAventy pounds, " to attend his oath of fidelity hereafter, and maintain the foundations laid for government here and the laws of this jurisdiction, to the utmost of his ability, avoiding all ways of disturbance in this kind which he hath formerly gone ¦ on in." The court proceed to instruct the Stamford deputies that if others in their town give similar offenses, " they are to bind them to answer it at the next court of magistrates, in the latter end of May, and particularly, Tuojiee, Theale, Webb and Finch who hath carried it ill as the court is informed." It appears that Basset, iu vioAV of his sincere penitence, Avas 80 HISTOEY- OF STAMFOED. allowed to return to Stamford, where he atoned for his past ir regularities, by his straight foi-Avard loyalty. Two months later, in May 1664, ho Avas called before the court again, and informed that he was expected to make some acknowledgment for his offenses and give some pledge for his future good conduct. He makes a full and humble confession of his sin, and ascribes to God's timely interposition his deliverance from the toils of sedition into Avhich he had been drawn. He sees the evil of his course and is ready to acknoAvledge that the government is all right,- " and settled according to God." As to those " uncom fortable words in the town meeting which have tended much to disturb the peace of the place and much grieve the heai-t of God's people," he testified to his deep sorrow for them, and ex presses the earnest wish that he may do so no more. The court express to him their confidence in his reformation, and re - mit his offense, but require from him a bond of a hundred pounds, that his future course shall be one of unwavering loyalty. At the May session of the general court, in 1655, the Stam ford deputies enter their complaint against the people of Green wich for sundry irregularities, and ask for protection. The gricA'ances w-ere such as could not be tolerated. The greedy Greenwichers had made use of the Stamford commons for pas turing their cattle ; they were disorderly in their daily Avalk ; they allowed both the English and Indians in drunkenness, and so brought on much mischief;, they protected disorderly aud vagrant children and servants Avho ran aAvay from their proper guardians; and they had converted their tOAvn into a notorious Gretna Green for all sorts of clandestine and illegal marriages. To avoid these irregularities in future, the deputies ask that the men at GreeuAvich be required to unite under this jurisdiction. On hearing the complaint the court droAV up a formal order for the immediate submission of the ' Greenwichers to their authority, and forward it by the Stamford deputies. To this a reply is prepared and forwarded the next year to the court. THE NEAV HAVEN JUEISDICTION. 81 This reply provoked the court. They get the governor to answer it in the name of the court. They stoutly assert their claim to Greenwich, and commission the two Stamford deputies. Law and Bell, to go over to Greenwich, deliver the letter, and " demand in the name of the court the number of their males from sixteen to sixty years of age, to be delivered with the other males of the jurisdiction to the commissioners tho next . year at Plymouth." If the GreehAvichers denied their authority or delayed to fur nish the names, they Avere to bo Avarned to attend the next meeting of the court of magistrates at Ncav Haven. If they should fail of appearing in court, "Richard Crabb and some other of the more stubborn and disorderly ones Avero to bo seized at Stamford or thereabout and sont to Noav Haven to ansAver for their contempt of authority." The court of Magistrates came off in June, but none of the men Avho had been summoned from Greenwich appeared. The Stamford deputies report them as positively refusing to submit. The court decide to Avait a month longer, as the people of GreenAvich had appealed to Eugland, to see if a now patent should not reach them from England, then a summary seizure must bo made of the contumacious and rebellious subjects and the supremacy of the Noaa' Haven goA'ernment vindicated. No further notice seems to have been taken of tlie GreeiiAvich men until June 1657. At the general court then assembled in Ncav Haven, the deputies of Stamford, Richard LaAV, John Waterbury, and George SlaAVSon presented the folloAving paper from the men at Greenwich : " At GreeiiAA'ich ye 16th of October, 1656. AVee the inhabitants of Greenwich Avhose names are under Avritten doe from this day forward freely yield ourselves, place and estate, to the goA'erument of NewhaA-en, subjecting our selves to the order and dispose of that general court, both in respect of relation and government, promising to yield due sub- 11 82 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. jection unto the lawfull authoritie and wholesome lawes of the jurisdiction aforesaid, to witt of Newhaven, &c. Angell Husted, Peter Ferris, Lawranc Turner, Joseph Ferris, John Austin, Jonathan Reanolds, Richard Crab, Hanc Peterson, Thomas Steedwoll, Henry Nicholson, Henry Accorley, Jan, a Duchman, comonly called "Varllier." Tho court accept the submission and order that they " fall in Avith Stamford and be accepted apart thereof" From this date, until both Greenwich and Stamford Avere re ceived under the jurisdiction of Connecticut colony in 1664, Greenwich seems to have had no town organization distinct from Stamford. The Stamford deputies in the general court spoke for GreenAvich. The constable of Stamford had juris diction also in Greenwich. And the townsmen appointed for Stamford, served also for " town occasions" of GreenAvich. We find, therefore, such orders as the foUoAving on the records of the general court : " Tho Court orders that those who are in public trust for Stamford shall require of the inhabitants of Greenwich a list of their ratable estate, and send it to the treasurer at New HaA-en." Nor did there seem to be any serious jealousy on the part of the GreeiiAvich people at this exercise of supervision from the Stamford authorities. Indeed, the most of the English at Greenwich had probably come originally Avith the Stamford colony, and in their exposure to the Indian and the Dutchman, had in some sort, relied upon their close union Avith Stamford for their safety and defense. The boundaries, indeed, betAveoii the two settlements appears not to have been determined. Several times in the records of those days, a person mentioned, is spoken of as living about Stamford and Greenwich. One such record occurs immediately aftei- the above submission of Greenwich ; and as it reveals the THE NEW HAVEN JUEISDICTION. S3 continued exposure of those days to savage incursions, we will insert it ; " Abraham Frost, who at present lives about Stamford or GreeuAvich, presented a petition to the court, desiring some re lief from them because he is very poor, having lost all by the Indians about a year and a half ago, his wife and children taken captives, but after brought to this jurisdiction, where they have lived since in a poor and mean way. The court considered the case, and ordered that ten bushels of Indian corn, or the value thereof in other corn, be paid him from Stamford, Avhich to be allowed them in their rates." We haA'e already seen that the limitation* of the franchise to church members, by the New Hay-en GoA-ernment, was the occa sion of much dissatisfaction among the Stamford colonists. There Avere also other prohibitions in the fundamental laws of the colony which we shall see Avere not to be borne. In the chapter on " Ecclesiastical Provisions," every man Avas forbid den to use any discourteous language toward the minister, or regarding his preaching, and every person was to attend meet ing on the Lord's days, at^least, and on days of public fasting or thanksgiving. No person Avas allowed to broach or maintain any dangerous error or heresy. No sinful or servile work, uo unlawful sport or recreation was to be alloAved on the Sabbath. Besides these strict fundamental laws, in 1657 a special order had been passed to guard the faith of these puritan churches, and to meet an evil which was beginning to shoAV itself : "It is ordered that no Quaker, ranter or other heretic of that nature, be suffered to come into, nor abide in this jurisdiction, and that if any rise up among ourselves that they be speedily suppressed and secured, for the better prevention of such dan gerous errors ;" and the next year in May a lengthy act is passed to secure the churches against' harm from " the cursed sect of heretics JLately risen up in the Avorld which are commonly called quakers."/ While this- latter enactment Avas under discussion before the general court, the heresy which it would punish was being 84 HISTORY OF STAMFOED. secretly spread through the jurisdiction. It found its way into Stamford. Zealous disciples of the new faith sought to propa gate their creed, and found some Avho were ready to entertain and embrace them. Members of the church became tainted Avith the subtle heresy, and still more who owed the church a spite, Avere glad to find in the fiery apostles of this anti-church creed the heartiest sympathy aud support. Nor did the zealous disciples of the uoav faith cease Avith merely publishing the new gospel. They were hotter still with zeal to mend the old. They went mad for reform. They renounced the old ministry and meetings and worship; and at once assailed and Avished to sujiplant the civil government which sustained them. So officious Avere they that the church felt called upon, in self defense, to enter an earnest protest ; and the central gov ernment Avere o'bliged either to vacate or justify their authori ty. Daniel Scofield, then marshal for Stamford and vicinity, au thorized by the governor's writ, took a posse of his neighbors and started for the western side of the toAvn, now Greenwich, to :irrest one Thomas Marshall, who for some time had been insult ing and outraging the majesty of the government. They found him at the house of Richard Crabb, Avho Avas also lying under charge of serious miscarriages. The arrest was made, but not Avithout an attempt at inter ference by Mr. Crabb, and a torrent of abuse from his enraged Avife. Both of these symjoathizors Avith the vagrant heretic Avere put under arrest, and bound over to the next court of magistrates, to bo held in Now Haven in May 1658. -At the appointed^time Mr. Crabb and his accusers appeared in court. The Avitnesses against him Avere the party who had assisted in the arrest of MarshsU, and also Mr. Bishop, pastor of the church in Stamford. The court inform him that he must noAV answer for his several miscarriages ; for his many clamorous and re proachful speeches against the ministry, government and officers ; for neglecting the meetings of tho Sabbath by himself and his THE NEAV HAVEN JUEISDICTION. 85 Avife, for Avhose offenses, as they Avere justified by himself, he must be responsible. William Oliver, one of the arresting party, testified that Avhen they came to Mr. Crabb's to arrest Marshall and seize the Quaker books which were supposed to be in Mr. Crabb's pos session. Madam Crabb retreated to another room and closed the door against them. Nor would she yield until the door had been forced open by violence. Then folloAved an exciting scene. The plucky woman Avho Avould not ojjeii the door of her castle, noAV could not shut her mouth ; nor could the utmost expostulations of her more placa ble husband, united Avith the utmost array of governmental au thority before her do it. Neither the one nor the other, nor both united, could intimidate the zealous defender of her per sonal rights. We may never recover the entire speech which that audience Avere required to hear. It had not been Avritten, and there was no time for the stenographer to be called. It had no formal exordium, fashioned after the calm rules of rhetoric ; there were probably but few of those Avell rOunded periods Avhich give so much dignity to discourse; and the i^eroration Avas doubtless as abrupt and pithy as the rest. The door being opened, the Avay was clear for her, and she used it, apparently, Avithout help or hindrance, and Ave may be assured that she had no listless or sleepy auditors to the very end. "Is this your fasting and praying?" breaks forth the im passioned woman, as she fastens her searching glance upon the marshal and his attendants. " Do ye thus rob us and break into our houses ? How can you Stamford men expect the blessing of God ? Will He bear with youi- mean hypocrisy ? You have taken away our lands, without right. You have basely wronged us, and let me tell you Avhat I see without your hireling priests' help ;the vengeance of God Almighty will burst upon you. And when it comes, your priest can't help you. He is as Baal's priest, and is no better than the rest of you. Ye 86 HISTORY' OF STAMFOED. are all the enemies of God and God's saints, and their blood shall boon your souls forever." Fastening her sharp eye on goodman Bell, the same who from the first had been a pillar in the Stamford church, and Avho had now come over Avith the marshal, hoping by his fraternal inter cession to win back the estranged and now perverse hearts of his erring brother and sister, she continued her bitter invective. " Thou arch traitor and hypocrite, thou villainous liar, God's Avrath is on you and shall burn hotter and hotter on your god less children. Out on you ! poor priest-ridden fool ! " Springing next upon John Waterbury, Avho had also accom panied the marshal to aid in the dispensation of justice, she ad ministers to him a similar castigation. Then she tries the force of her cutting reproaches and sharp retorts ujion the marshal, for selling himself to do the dirty work of the God-forsaken government at Noav HaA'en, and of the over-reaching and heaven-defying, and priest-cursed crew in Stamford. Then she assailed George Slawson, that exemplary member of the church, a peace-maker, and ono Avhom all delighted to honor, and poured upon him her heaviest abuse. He had hoped to quiet her irri tability, and in his most winning way had most gently expostu lated Avith her, reminding her of the former days in which she had walked joyfully and hopefully with God's people in Stam ford, and in Avhich she had counted the communion of saints there, tho most precious of all her earthly blessings. He ven tured to express the hope that they might again welcome her to their fellowship in the old church, and that she might again listen there to the same gospel in which she had once testified her great interest. This was carrying his persuasion too far. It seemed to kindle her intensest ire. She was now for once, put to it for Avords rapid enough, or hot enough to express her rage. Every possibility of indignant resentment in her soul Avas taxed to its utmost. Scorn and rage and defiance seemed struggling together in her utterance for the mastery over each other, and they seem to have ended the attempt at her recon- THE NEW HAA'EN JUEISDICTION. 87 ciliation. It Avas a settler to that well-meant parley in which her womanly temper rejoiced in securing the last Avord. " NcVeri never, shall I or mine trouble your Stamford meeting more. I shall die first. My soul shall never be cast away to the doA-il so easily as that ;" and with uplifted hands, she invoked on their heads the most sudden and the direst vengeance which heaven could inflict. When she had exhausted herself in these rapid maledictions, she called for drink to reviy-e her strength ; and the ministers of the law could do no more than go through the ceremony of binding her, with her husband, over to the court. On the' narration of the case before the court as just stated, the governor, Francis Newman, informed Mr. Crabb that these were notorious doings, not to be allowed. Mr. Crabb, for his wife it appears had not obeyed the summons to attend the court, attempted an apology. He could not manage his wife. He did not justify her evil way, but he would have the court understand her case. She Avas a Avell-bred English woman, a zealous professor of religion from her childhood, " but Avhen she is suddenly surprised she hath not power to restrain her passion." To all this tho Avorshipful governor made aiiSAver ; " th;it Avhat he had said did greatly aggravate her miscarryings, for if she have been a great professsour it Avas certain she had been an ill practiser, in Avhich you have countenanced her and borne her up, which may be accounted yours, as having falne into cvills of the like nature yourself, revileling Mr. Bishopp as a priest of Baal and ye members as liars, and yt Mr. Bishopp preached for filthy lucre." Mr. Crabb vainly attempted to explain away or deny Avliat abundant testimonies corroborated. Mr. Bishop, the pastor of the church had been so sorely tried, that he " could not continue at Stamford, unless some course be taken to remove and reform such grievances." Mr. Bell felt that an end of all government had come, if the ministers of justice were to be so opposed and insulted with impunity. The " citizens of Stamford wished the 88 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. court to preserve the peace among them, maintain the ordinances of religion and government, and encourage their minister. To all which Mr. Crabb made no further plea. The court sentenced him to pay a fine of 30 pounds, and give bonds to the amount of 100 pounds for his good behaviour, and that he make public ac knowledgements at Stamford, to the satisfaction of Francis Bell and others whom he had abused. The remainder of the sentence is missing, and so Ave shall probably never knoAV Avhat disposi tion the court made of the sharp-tongued Madam Crabb who Avas really the chief offender in the case. No other case of conflict Avith the Quakers, Avhich Avas deem ed Avorthy a public prosecution, seems to have occurred in Stam ford or its vicinity. There Avas disturbance by them in other parts of the jurisdiction, especially in their settlement at South- old on Long Island; but themajesty of the law Avas maintained and the churches defended. That there Avere still occasions of disturbance at Stamford needing the strong arm of the law for their repression or control, the foUoAA'ing special ordinance of the general court Avill attest- This provision for a permanent annual court, instead of the occasional courts Avhich from tho second year had been ju'OA-ided for, may also indicate the increasing importance of Stamford in the jurisdiction. "At the general' court in New Haven, May 30, 1660, upon Aveighty grounds presented, the court desired the gov ernor and deputy governor, Francis Newman and "Wil liam Leete, to go to Stamford, there to keep ' court. Richard Laws and Francis Bell were .chosen to assist in the said court ; which court hath poAver committed to them equal to any plan tation court, assisted by two magistrates. It was further order ed, while there is need, that tAvo nlagistrates shall be yearly sent to Stamford to keep court, at the charge of the jurisdiction, the charge of entertainment atStamford to be excepted,Avhich is to be borne by themselves." We noAV come to the beginning of the struggle betAveen the two jurisdictions of Connecticut and Ncav Haven, for the suprc- THE NEAV HAVEN JUEISDICTION. - 89 macy over the territory thus far held by the Noav Haven juris diction. The next notice we find of Stamford in the colony records is of date, Oct. 9, 1662. The new charter of Connecticut had been received, and Avas decided to coA-er the territory of Stamford and even of Westchester, now in New York. The Connecticut court, therefore, call upon the Westchester colony " to demean themselves in all things as may declare and manifest their readi ness to subject to his Royal will and pleasure herein." But their minute regarding Stamford is : " This court doth heartily declare their acceptance of ye jilantations of Stamford and GreeiiAvich under this government upon the same terms and pro visions as are directed and declared to ye inhabitants of Guil ford ; and that each of these plantations have a constable chosen and SAVorne." Robert Usher is ordered to be sworn as consta ble for Stamford for one year, or until a ncAV is chosen. The same session of the general court — the prospective State legislature — declare the folloAving Stamford men to be " free men of this colony," viz. : John Green, Richard Hardey, Jo seph Mead, Richard Webb, Joseph Theed, (Theal), and Peter Pheries, (Ferris). These are probably all of those capable of cit- zenship iu the Connecticut colony, who were thus early ready to secede from the New Haven jurisdiction. And indeed it Avould seem, that as late as the spring session of 1669, only tAVO more of the townsmen, Richard LaAV and Jonathan Sellick had accepted citizenship in the uoav jurisdiction. -At the same session of the court, Stamford, GreeuAvich and Westchester are to "have liberty of ye court at Fairfield, to issue controversies that may arise among them for future." We now find Stamford claiined as a colony of the Connecticut jurisdiction, and the general court proceed to enroll such free men from the new town as offer themselves for that purpose ; and Mr. Gould is' authorised- to give them the oath of freemen at the next court in Fairfield.-'' At the May session of the court for 1663, Ave find this record 12' 90 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. which indicates the division still existing in Stamford respecting the transfer of their allegiance from New Haven to Connecticut. " This court orders that Rob. Usher and John Meggs shall continue in the place and office of a constable over those that have submitted to this government in there respective planta tions, until the court see cause to alter otherwise ; and all those that have submitted are to attend the former order made in October court last." The order referred to here is undoubtedly that which pre scribed their duties as citizens of the new jurisdiction. They were to be admitted on the same terms as Guilford had been, as thus indicated : " And this court doth advise the said persons to carry peace ably and religiously in their places towards the rest of ye in habitants, that yet have not submitted in like manner. And also, to pay their just dues unto ye Minister of their Towne; and also all publique charges due to this day." But the transfer of jurisdiction had not yet been approved by the leading men of Stamford. They still acknowledged the au thority of New Haven, and in May 1663, by vote decided to send their deputies, as before, to New Haven. Francis Bell and Richard Law were chosen, and Mr. Bell took his seat and was SAVorn in and deputed by the court to give the oath to Mr. Law. x\nd again in October, they send Mr. Law and George Slawson to represent them in the New Haven court. At this session of the court not a little bitterness was shown towards the Connec ticut colony, for encouraging those at Guildford and Stamford AA'lio were disposed to object to the New HaA-en administration ; iind they were inclined not to treat further with the offending government unless it Avould first return these revolted or seduced subjects to their former loyalty. A committee were appointed by the Noav Haven assembly to state their grievances and demand redress. In a lengthy document they make their. statement and their plea. The following passage from the statement shows the part Stamford was taking in the struggle, and how important hor decision was felt to be. THE NEW HAA'EN JURISDICTION. 91 " Belore your general assembly in October last, 1663, our committee sent a letter unto tlie said assembly, whereby they did request that our members by you unjustly sent from us should be by you restored unto us, according to our frequent desires and according to Mr. Winthrop's letter and promise to authori ty in England, and according to justice, and according to the conclusion of the commissioners in their last session in Boston, whereunto you returned a real negative answer, contrary to all the promises, by making one Brown your constable at Stamford, who hath been sundry ways injurious to us and hath scanda lously acted in the highest degree of contempt, not only against the authority of this jurisdiction, but also of the king himself, pulling down with contumelies the declaration which was sent thither by the court of magistrates for this colony, in the king's name, and commanded to be set up, in a public place, that it might be read and obeyed by all his majesties subjects, inhabit ing our town of Stamford." But the majority of the Stamford people were evidently in clined to transfer their allegiance to the Connecticut jurisdic tion ; and, as is not unusually the case, the politicians of the old school, Avho had been the ministers and law officers of the old authority, were at length also brought to see the need, if not the desirableness of accepting the destiny. At this point, also, the greater qnestion at issue between the New Haven and Con necticut colony must be settled. The charter made no divided jurisdiction. I From the Narragansett river on the East, and the sea oh the South, across the continent towards the west, and up to the Massachusetts grant on , the north, " all firme lands, Soyles, Grounds, Havens, Ports, Rivers, Waters, Fish ings, Mynes, Mynerals, Precious Stones, Quarries, and all and singular other commodities. Jurisdictions, Royalties, Privileges, Francheses, Preheminences, and hereditaments whatsoever" within the said tract, were made over to his " Worshipful John Winthrop, Governor; John Mason, Deputy Governor; and their twelve assistants and their successors, forever." There could be no question as to whether New HaA'en was embraced in this charter or not. Accordingly, a committee was appointed Aug. 19, 1663, consisting of the Deputy Governor, Mr. Wyllis, Mr. 92 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. Daniel Clark and John Allyn or any three of them, " to treat with our honored friends of New Haven, Milford, Branford, and Guildford, about settling their union with this colony of Connecticut." They Avere instructed, if unable to effect a union, to declare to them "that this assembly cannot well recent Jtheir jiroceeding in civil government, as a district juris diction ; and this assembly doth desire and cannot but expect that the inhabitants of New Haven, Milford, Branford, Guild ford and Stamford, do yield subjection to the government now established." Again, in Oct. 1664, the court appointed Mr. Sherman and the Secretary to go to New Haven, and the other hesitating towns, and "by order from this court, in his maj estie's name, to require all the inhabitants of New Haven, Milford, Branford, Guilford and Stamford, to submit to the government of this colony and take their answer." They were, also, to de clare all the freeman of those toAvns, who were qualified accord ing to law, and who Avould take the freeman's oath, to be free men of the Connecticut colony. Mr. Law, ,'of Stamford, who had already sent in his submission to the Connecticut jurisdiction, Avas appointed with "magis- traticall powers," to assist in the government of the plantation. The appointment of Mr. Law, who had been the leader of the New Haven party in the town, was a stroke of good policy on the part of the general court. They had now won over the last formidable opponent to their claims, and with his surrender dates the last formal attempt or purpose, so far as records show, to sustain the falling dynasty which, since 1638, had essayed its scriptural sway over a people, that with all their theoretic and practical godliness, had nevertheless proved themselves too worldly, if not too wicked for the test. It now only remained for the general assembly to proceed formally and with authority to " require all householders inhab iting this colony to take the oath of allegiance, and that the administration of justice be in his Majestie's name." They agreed to " bury in perpetual oblivion " all the former THE NEW HAVEN JUEISDICTION. 93 acts of the New Haven Jurisdiction, Avhich concerned this col ony. And it only remained for the New Haven colony to accept the place assigned them by the new charter. In Decem ber 1664, they make a conditional submission, and in the follow ing January, finally, and in good faith, accept the charter, and acknowledge thenceforth the supremacy of the Connecticut government. CHAPTER VI. INDIAN TEEATIES AND IIISTOEY'. Let US noAV return after our details of the settlement here by tlie English, to see what we can learn about the aborigines whom they came to supplant. Our introduction to them shall bo through such original records as are still w-ithin our reach. The following papers, six in number, show us the terms on Avhich the Indians alienated their lands. The necessity for so many successive " agreements " or " grants " will appear from the terms of the grants themselves. The first document is a simple acknoAvledgment, over their own signatures, of the four original proprietors of the soil, that they had disposed of it, for an equivalent, to Capt. Turner ; and it is probably the only proof preserved of the original grant by which the settlers came into possession of the territory. We shall give these papers, excepting the sixth, as they are recorded. (No. 1.) -iCEMO-WLEDGMENT OP SALE JULY 1, 1640, Bought of Pouas, sagamore of Toquams, and of 'Wascussue, sagamore of Shippau, by mee, Nathaniel Turner, of Quenepiocke, all the grounds that belongs to both the above said sagamores, except a piece of ground* which the above said sagamore of Toquams reserved for his and the rest of said Indians to plant ou — all of which grounds being expressed by meadows, upland, grass, with the rivers and trees ; and iu consideration hereof, I, * This exception was probably that beautiiul headland now owned mainly by Capt. Bt L. Waite and the Scofield Brothers, Alfred and Benjamin. This tract, in 1672, was given to the Eev. Eliphalet lones, then just caUed to assist the Eev. Mr. Bishop. The terms of the gitt are: " Mr. Jones sliall have that peice of land at Wescus whicn was improved by the Engins in case it be cleared from all English and Engins and this land to be Mr. Jones' proper right in lue of that piece of laud granted to him ou Oie west side of the Southfield." ttl mo !zjQ HOw MH COO CQ 1-3OSIo INDIAN GEANTS AND HISTOEA-. 95 the said Nathaniel Turner, amm to give and bring, or send, to tho above said sagamores, within the space of one month, twelve coats, twelve howes, twelve hatchets, twelve glasses, twelve knives, four kettles, four fathom of white wampum : all of which lands bothe we, the said sagamores, do prom ise faithfully to perform, both for ourselves, heirs, executors, or assign.i, and hereunto we have sett our marks in the presence of many of the said Indians, they fully consenting thereto. Witness, I J^'^^f ^™!' ¦I Ponds /^ I /I / his mark ^ OwENOKE, Sagamore Ponus' son Wescussee \ i ^,.^^ his mark pd in part payment 12 glasses 12 knives 04 coats (No. H.) DEED OF THE EASTERN PAKT OF THE TOWN, 1645. These presents testify that I, Piamikin, Sagamore of Eoatan and owner of all the land lieing between Fivemila river and Pinebrook so called by the English, for diverse reasons aud considerations have given and granted ¦ unto Andrew 'Ward and Richard Law of Stamford for the use and property of sayd town, from me and myne to them and theirs forever, all the above sayd lands lying between the sd Fivemile river and Pinebrook, quietly to possess and enjoye in a full and free manner with all the privileges thereto belonging or apertaining, as witness my hand in Stamford this 96 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. twenty-fourth day of March, dbno one thousand six hundred forty and five. PlAMIKIX, Witness Jebemt Jaooeb Geoege Slison 3 his Wasasabt I ,„ark Pemoaton ^ ^^^y^ Mamaiema (^ ^^^ ToQCATUs (^^^^^ „^ark (No. 3.) WABD AND law's EEPOKT OF DEED OF 1645. At a general court held at New Haven for ye jurisdiction June 9, 1654 — Several wiitings recorded concerning lands iu question betwixt Stamford and Norwalk, which upon the desire of Stamford is ordered to be recorded — this may certify that Piamikee, Sagamore did upon ye twenty-fourth of March iu ye year 1645 make a deed of gift of all ye land from that which is comonly called ye Pine brook by ye English and that which is called Five mile river or Eowayton, where their planting land doth come very near unto ye said land, was by a deed of gift made over unto Andrew Ward and Richard Law ; which they did receive for ye town of Stamford and at the same time did give unto the said Sagamore one coat in ye presence of George Slason and after yt three more with some quantity of tobaca, and ye said Sagamore did confirm ye same by setting his hand to a writing then made, ye said Sagamore upon ye gift did except against setting houses because ye English hoggs would be ready to spoil their corn, and yt ye cat tle in case they come over ye said Five mile river, to which it was granted, yt to inhabit we did not intend, and our cattle we intended they should have a keeper, and in case any hurts was done they should have satisfac tion, yt this laud as aforesaid was by the said Piamikee in ye presence of other four or five Indians resigned for ever to ye English, in witness whereof we have set to our hands, Stamford, first month 4, 1654. ,^ Andbew Waed, Eiohabd Law. INDIAN GEANTS AND HISTOEY. 97 (No. 4.) DEED BENEWED BY PONtTS AND ONAX, 1655. Our agreement made with Ponus, Sagamore of Toquamske and with Onax his eldest son : Altho' there was an agreement made before with the said Indians and Capt. Turner and the purchase paid for, yet the things not being clear, and being very unsatisfied, we came to another agreement with Onax and Ponus for their land from the town plot of Stamford north about 16 miles and there we marked a white oak tree with S. T. and going toward the Mill River side we marked another white oak tree withS. T. and from that tree west we were to run four miles, and from the first marked tree to run four miles eastward, and from this east and west line we are to have further to the north for our cattle to feed, full two miles further, the full breadth — only the said Indians reserve for themselves liberty of their planting ground: and the above said Indians, Ponus and Onax, with all other Indians that be concerned in it have surrendered all the said land to the town of Stamford, as their proper right, forever, and the aforesaid Indians have set their hands as witnessing the truth hereof) and for and iu consideration hereof, the said town of Stamford is to give the said Indians 4 coats, which the Indians did accept of for full satisfaction for the afore said lauds, altho' it was paid before, hereby Ponus' posterity is cut off from making any claim or having any right to any part of the aforesaid land, and do hereby surrender and make over, for us or any of ours forever, unto the Englishmen of the town of Stamford, and their posterity forever, the land as it is butted and bounded the bounds above mentioned. The said Ponus and Onax his son having this day received of Richard Law 4 coats acknowledging themselves fully satisfied for the aforesaid land. — Witness the said Indians the day and date hereof, Stamford, August 15, 1655. Witnesses Wm Newman Richaed Laws Ponus. . Onax. . (No. 5.) agreement of 1667. An agreement made this 7th of January Anno 1667 between the inhabit ants of the town of Stamford, the one party, and Taphance son of Ponus and Powahay sou of Onax, son of Ponus, the other party, for a full and final esew of all questions about all and any rights of lands formerly be longing iinto Ponus Sagamore of Toquams and any of his race or lineage surviving, and for a more full confirmation of the sales of lands, meadows, rights, privileges formerly made by the foresaid Ponus and Onax unto the inhabitants of the town of Stamford, the contents of this agreement as fol- loweth. That, whereas Ponus Sagamore of Toquams, and Wescus, Saga more of Shippan, sold unto Capt. Nath'l Turner of Quennipiooke, all their lauds belonging to either of the forementioned Ponus and Wescus — the faid bale expressing all uplands, meadows, grass, with the rivers ami trees belonging to the foresaid Sagamores, except a piece of ground which the foresaid Sagamore of Toquams reserved to plant on— the said sale specified by a deed under their hands; dated the 1st of July anno 1640. Also the payment according to the agreement was made to satisfaction of the fore said Ponus and 'W'esous— these forementioned in the deed are sold and 13 98 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. alienated from the foresaid Ponus and Wescus and their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns unto the foresaid Capt. Nath'l Tumer, and his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever — moreover, after this former agreement in the year Anno 1655, the Inhabitants of Stamford and Ponus Sagamore, and Onax, Sagamore came to an agreement, for the con venient settlement of their planting ground at Shehauge, as also how far the hounds of the inhabitants of Stamford should go, which joint agree ment was to extend sixteen miles north from the sea side at Stamford ; and two miles short of that the said parties marked two trees with S T; the aforesaid Ponus and Onax agreeing and granted the inhabitants of Stam ford that their bounds should run from the aforesaid marked trees four miles east, and from the foresaid marked trees four miles west; their whole breadth to be eight miles and for full satisfaction of the foresaid Ponus and Onax for all and every part of tho lands with the Demensions thereof forementioned and the Indian's planting Laud excepted, four coats was paid ancl accepted by the said Indians viz : Ponas and Onax, upon which receipt the said Ponus and Onax gave a full surrender of all the land fore- mentioned from them and their heir.s, executors, administrators, and assigns, and in the behalf of all the Indians unto the English Inhabitants of Stam ford aud their heirs, executors, and administrators, and assigns for ever, quietly to possess and enjoy in free and full manner. Unto this agreement the Indians forementioned viz : Ponus and Onax subscribed their mark for full confirmation, witnessed by Ei chard Law and William Newman. Now these presents witnesseth, that we Taphance, son of Ponus and Pow ahay son of Onax as abovementioned, do hereby acknowledge the several grants and sales of lands and the several agreements thereabouts as above specified with the payment for satisfaction given for the same, and do hereby for us and ours fully confirm the said grants and sales with the di mensions thereof as above specified^-furthermore we the foresaid Taphance and Powahay do hereby both for us and our heirs, executors administra tors and assigns, grant and surrender up unto the inhabitants of the town of Stamford their heirs, executors administrators and assigns forever all our land or lands formerly reserved to us for planting at Shehauge and Hoquetch with all other lands of any sort and privileges of any kind to us aud our predecessors formerly belonging; the said lands aud privileges lying between Tatomock near Greenwich on the west and the land formerly granted by Piamikin to the men of Stamford on the east with the foremen tioned dimensions of length and breadth; Quietly to possess and enjoy without future molestation by us and ours — In consideration hereof the inhabitants of Stamford do both for themselves and theirs give and grant unto the foresaid Taphance and Powahay and their male issue and posterity twenty acres planting ground iu convenient place or places — with these conditions following agreed unto— first, that the said Indians fence their ground with a sufficient fence— secondly, that they shall not at any time take in other Indians or Indian to reside with them— thirdly— only 'tap hance with his wife aud children ;aud Penahay and Paharron and an old woman called Nowattonnamanssqua are allowed— thirdly that neither Tap hance nor Penahay, nor any of theirs shall at any time sell, or any way di rectly or indirectly make over or transfer the said twenty ncres of land or any part thereof to any; but if the said Taphance and they shall desert and leave the said land, or if in case the said Taphance and Penahay their male issue and posterity shall cease and extinguish, then the forementioned 20 acres of laud shall fall to the inhabitants of Stamford, emediately mth- out any further consideration, as their proper right; fourthly, the foresaid INDIAN GEANTS AND HISTOEY. 99 Taphance and Penehay both for themselves and theirs do hereby bind and engage themselves unto a dew and orderly siibjeotion to all town orders of Stamford and the laws of the jurisdiction that are or shall be made from time to time and for the true performance of the foresaid covenants and agreements respectively the parties abovementioned do hereby bind them selves and tbeirs firmly. In witness of truth they have hereto set their ^ands.the day and date above written. Signed and delivered In behalf of Stamford. in presence of Taphance ¦ — Eichard Law Eichard Beach ) Penahay — Francis BellJ John Einbfey V George Slason Samuel .Mills ) Jonathan Selleck John Holly [No. 6.] CONFIEMATION OP QEANTS, ABOUT 1700. Still later, about the year 1700, as its locality in the records would indi cate, we find still another agreement with the Indians. Catoona and Coee con firm all the previous grants of territory to the English, " westward as far as Bedford." They acknowledge the receipt of " considerable and valuable sums of .money. They make special mention of deeds or grants made to the English, by Taphassee, Ponus, Penehays, old Onax, young Onax, a deed to Capt. Turner, and also a deed by Hawatonaman, which our records have not preserved. The following witnesses attest the acknowledgment : Juhn.Eye alias John Caukee Catena Pohornes Awaricns Capt. Manin Eenohoctam Mockea Wequacumak Eamhorne Papakuma Aquamana ¦ Smjngo Simorn Pupiamak Am^taugh The preceding papers constitute nearly all the recorded wit. ness that we have to the number and character of the original proprietors of the soil. They report to us the names of some thirty of the most honored of the Indians here. But .they teach us very little respecting these signers themselves, and still less respecting the tribes they represent. They only go to show that when the white race were in need of these old Indian realms the red race had been made ready to alienate them. They .suggest that the great leaders whose, prowess had won for them Saqhem dominion and honors had all passed away. What names, illustrious for gifts of Indian eloquence or for deeds of Indian 100 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. daring, may once have ruled here ; of how extensive and popu lous empire this may have been the seat ; how long the old races may have here held sway ; or whence they had come to these wild shores ; all are questions which no records can ever answer. And then the number of the Indians who occupied the territory settled as Stamford will probably never be known. It could not have been very large. Petty chiefs and mere frag ments of what might once have been small tribes of their race, were all that the historian can find to reward his most diligent search. Yet it must not be inferred that the Stamford colony escaped the hazards, or were altogether strangers to the startling inci dents of Indian neighborhood. There was enough of the savage left to suggest what sayage life was, when it had entire sway over the country. There was enough of Indian cunning and power left to make the pale face constantly wary and fearful. It would have been no easy task to subdue here the wildness of the forest and its beasts of prey ; it was doubly difficult and hazardous to live in constant exposure to the stealthy movements of suspicious and suspected savages. The settlement of Stamford succeeded the complete overthrow of the most spirited and formidable tribe within the limits of Connecticut ; and the utter dismemberment of the Pequods had struck surviving tribes and clans with a wholesome terror of the white man's power. The eastern part of the State had been pretty effectually delivered from all danger from the savages. The Mohegans now left, with Uncas their chief, were henceforth, as the most politic course, to count themselves as the ^hite man's friends ; and in that part of the State it would be a contest between hos tile tribes of the natives rather than between the aborigines and the immigrant colonies. In the western part of the State were many tribes, the most of which were inferior in numbers and either faint or reckless in spirit, and they were more likely to burn with revenges against their formidable enemies towards INDIAN GEANTS AND HISTOEY. 101 the West, the fierce Mohawks, than against the more harmless pale faces, who were quietly locating themselves here and there upon the hunting grounds of their race. Still the red man could not be expected to see himself steadily alienating the ancestral possessions of his race, steadily wasting away before the increasing colonies of a people whom he tho roughly despised, without some struggling against so humilia ting a destiny. Accordingly, the period of colonial settlements throughout N"ew England, was also a period of constant collision between the immigrant and the aboriginal races. The very year in which our pioneers were taking possession of Rippowam, was marked by one of those combinations of Indian strategy, whose aim was the forcible expulsion from Connecticut soil of the last pale face to be found. The plot disclosed by a neighboring Sachem to Mr. Ludlow, of Uncowa, (Fairfield), and by a Long Island Indian, to Mr. Eaton, of New Haven, and by still another native on the Con necticut, warned the few colonies in time to avert the threatened doom. While a portion of the Stamford settlers are on their way to their new home, the General Court of Connecticut find themselves called upon to issue the following orders : " It is Ordered, that there shall be a letter writ fro the Courte to the Bay to iurther the prsecution of the Indeans, to pr'uent their mischevus plotte in their late Combination." " It is Ordered that there shall be a gard of 40 men to com compleate in their Arms to the meeting every Sabbath and lecture day, in every Towne within these liberties vppon the River." The combination referred to in these orders was the last for midable attempt of the great Miantonomo of the Narragansetts ; Sequassen, the patriot Sachem of the Connecticut River ; and the jealous and revengeful Sequin, to save their name and posses sions from the sudden extinction which they foresaw. In the same year, so imminent had the danger become, that the Court interdicted all traffic with the Indians except by permission of two magistrates ; no smith was to work for an l02 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. Indian; two wardsmen were to be appointed in every town within their jurisdiction to ^ive notice of any sudden danger that may come upon the plantations ; a competent number of men should remain in every town daily for its defense ; and " 90 coats should be provided within ten days, basted with cotton wool and made defensive against Indian arrowes." It was iu the midst of such alarms that Stamford was settled ; and we may be assured that it required no little nerve to attempt, and no ordinary prudence and courage to effect the settlement. In the territory itself were traces of at least four distinct clans. On the west side of the purchase, with his seat not far from where the line now separates the town from Greenwich, was the bold and warlike Mayano, with his vindictive band of warriors, already experienced in the conflict, both with savage and civi lized foes. Whence they had come, or how many they might count, we shall never know ; we shall soon see that they or our sturdy pioneers must ere long maintain the possession by the stout heart and arm. Further to the East, with his princely residence overlooking both the bays which inclose our finest headland, was Wascussue, Lord of Shipan. Not as spirited as Mayano, he seemed to linger with a handful of his tribe, in a sort of princely repose upon the fair field. which his more youthful arm had won, unwilling to leave the charming heritage which in his sadness he saw now for the first time seriously invaded. Still farther towards the rising sun and beyond the lovely Noroton bay, was the empire of Piamikin, whose deed of aliena tion makes him Sagamore of Roatan, and whose jealous eye guarded the hunting and fishing grounds, as after him our Stamford colony did, out to the waters of the babbling Rowal ton, (Five Mile River.) On the north of these sea- washed realms, lay the more extended realms of Ponus. From his ancestors he had received the wooded hills and brook-washed vales that stretch far away, to the north until they are lost in the forests which even the red INDIAN GEANTS AND HISTOEY. 103 men did not claim — a wild border ground between the eastern and the western tribes ; and he hoped to hand them all over to his idol, Powahay, the bright faced son of his first-born Onax. But the old patriarch of his wasting tribe, saw his warriors fade and perish as if touched with the power of his own decay, and he yielded gracefully to the stern necessity. He lived to sign with his own hand the deed which forever alienated from him self and heirs, '' all the uplands, meadows and grass, with the rivers and trees," that had once been his rejoicing and his pride. These four clans, under these leaders, with perhaps a few fugitives from other scattered tribes, temporarily living here iu their isolated independency, constituted the only aborigines within the limits of Stamford, with whom the new colony had to contend. Occasionally other tribes would sweep across the town and leave in their track of terror some witness to their ferocity. Single Indians would now and then steal in upon the unsuspecting settlers and startle them with some threatened or accomplished revenge. While the second company of the colony were locating them selves, a tragedy was enacted, a little to the west of the town, which for a while threatened the very existence of the new community. Some of the Dutch traders had stripped an Indian who had been tempted by them to drink too much, of a valuable dress of beaver skins. On recovering from his drunk en fit, the insulted red man revenged himself by killing two Dutchmen, and fled to feast his memory with the great revenge among a distant tribe. He could not be found. The Dutch governor at New Amsterdam, Kieft, sought an opportunitj'- to punish the Indians for the revengeful deed. ¦ The next winter the Mohawks fell upon two of the Hudson river tribes, and after killing their warriors, scattered the remnant in utter d.es- titution to find food and shelter from the piercing cold among the Dutch" on the South. The time for a civilized revenge had now come; and at the instigation of Kieft, with the sanction of his counselors, more than a hundred of those helpless fugitives 104 HISIOEY OF STAMFOED. from their savage foe, were sent from their quiet sleep on earth to the spirit world of their race, by a blow from the Dutch soldiers, so sudden that they could not even beg for life. Then Indian blood was stirred. Savage vengeance awoke. With almost electric despatch, Indian warrior pledged to Indian warrior, and clan to clan, the direst vengeance on their foe. "More than fifteen hundred warriors," according to De Forest, rallied from the confederacy of eleven clans, to constitute this avenging army. " A fierce war blazed wherever a Dutch set tlement was to be found ; on Long Island and on Manhattan, along the Connecticut aud along the Hudson." From Manhat tan to Stamford the coast was desolated, Dutch and English alike, atoning to the inexorable spirit of Indian revenge, for the needless injuries that had been heaped upon the Indian's race. The white race were in the ascendant. Their arms were more than a match for the red man's muscle ; their science triumphed over his cunning ; and the desperate Indian had only the fiendish pleasure of dealing in his death struggles, now and then, an avenging blow. Within hearing distance of the Stamford settlement* were three Dutch settlers who had excited the wrath of the restless and brave Mayano. He nobly met them, armed as they were, with his bow and arrows and brought two of them to the ground. The third only saved himself by a well-directed blow which laid the fearless savage at his feet ; and the daring of the fallen Sachem had made the extermination of his tribe a neces sity to the safety of the whites. A company of soldiers were immediately dispatched to capture them. At Greenwich they were directed by Capt. Patrick to the rendezvous of the mad dened Indians, but on reaching it not a soul could be found. Proceeding on into the Stamford settlement they find Patrick with his own former comrade in arms, our Captain John Under hill. Thoy immediate suspect him of having given the Indians notice of their approach. They taunt him with the treachery. 'Between Greenwich and Stamford.— O'CaUaghan. INDIAN GEANTS AND HISTOEY. 105 He who had led his trusty men so successfully against the bravest of the New ' England savages, could not brook such insolence from Dutchmen, even though in arms. He contempt uously spat in the face of their leader and turned to walk away. A pistol ball brought him to the ground in death, and the Dutchmen returned to the pursuit of their savage foe. Underhill, who had been no friend to the Dutch settlers, now sympathized with their mortal hatred of the Indian enemy. He had already signalized his bravery in the Pequod war. His was already a name of terror to Indians far and near ; and to his presence our Stamford colony had doubtless owed their comparative exemption thus far from savage invasions. It was no time for him to rest inactive when his friends and neighbors were exposed every hour to some sudden and relentless massa cre. He offered his services to the Dutch governor, and was at once sent into the field. The troublesome Indians about Stamford were the first to feel his power. With one hundred and thirty men he started from New Amsterdam, on a cold and cloudy morning in the February of 1644. They were able to land at Greenwich Point, that evening, in a furious storm. With the early dawn of the next morning the resolute Captain was again on the march. All day did the sturdy Dutch sol diers, under their valiant leader, plod their toilsome way through the snow, until, at eight in the evening, they had reached the vicinity of the hostile camp. Soon the clouds gave way, and a clear, bright moon, flashing from the snowy crystals, lighted their way to their horrid work. By a little after ten they filed round the Southern spur of a ridge, stretching toward the Northwest, and the village, a triple range of wig wams, lay reposing before them, awaiting their attack. With marvelous celerity, the captain circles the doomed village with his trusty men. Now spring upon them, as hounds un leashed upon their prey, the stalwart forms of more than a hundred warriors, all prepared for their death grapple with the foe. But neither their sudden rush, nor their wild war-cry, 14 100 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. could intimidate their assailants. Coolly they are received, a tenth of them captured, and the rest impetuously hurled baick. For a whole hour the unrelenting struggle went on. A hundred . and thirty men wrestled in mortal strife with more than five hundred of the enemy, and when the doomed Indians were at length driven back within their lines of defense, one hundred and eighty of their fallen comrades were already still and stiff ening in the blood stained snow. Nor would' they yet raise the flag of truce, or cry for quarter. Each undaunted spirit, left beneath such shelter as his own or his neighbor's "wigwam could give, continued the fight. This was the opportunity for which Underhill was prepared. He called for fire. Torches lighted the wigwams. Indian men, women, and children, issuing from their burning homes, were driven back to perish in the flames. Before the morning dawned, more than five hundred, who, the night before, had gone to their usual rest, were now sleeping their last sleep with the unconscious dead. By noon, of the next day, the victors had already reached Stamford, on their way home, having in this signal chastisement of the Indians of this neighborhood, secured the perpetual peace of the English settlements. From this time there would be no gathering of clans and tribes against the now victorious white race. Occasional depredations and stealthy and assassin stabs, now and then, from some treacherous or revengeful red man, would be the only further harm the colonists in this vicinity would have to fear. Not long was it before an illustration was given of the sav age revenge which burned among the neighboring Indians. Just to the north of the village, a family by the name of Phelps had just located themselves. The husband had left the house one morning, in the fall of 1644, leaving his wife, with an infant child at home. An Indian, who had already made himself somewhat notorious for his hatred of the English, had seen the husband leave, and knew the defenseless condition of his fam ily. He gloried in such an opportunity for vengeance. Enter- INDIAN GEANTS AND HISTOEY. 107 ing the house, he took up a hatchet lying upon the floor, and when the. mother bent herself, as a sheltering angel over her defenseless babe, he savagely buried it in her brain. After plun dering the house he left. Again the settlers were aroused. They felt that there was no safety for them. They rallied in large numbers to search for the Indian. They sent messengers to New Haven and Hartford for assistance; and were determined to avenge. the deed so signally as to hinder the repetition of it among them . Meanwhile, Mrs. Phelps, who survived the blow which the Indian thought to be fatal, rallied so far as to enable her to describe the assassin. He was at once recognized. His tribe were at length prevailed on to give him up. He was taken to New Haven for trial, and sentenced to death by decapitation. Now, Busheag, the convicted savage, showed the fearlessness and more than stoic endurance of his Indian heart. He showed no sign of concern for himself, none of sorrow for his deed. He asked no pardon, he simulated no regret. He promised no sup pression of his hate or his vengeance. He looked his execu tioner sternly in the face, as he unflinchingly received the repeated blows which severed his head from his body. The execution of Busheag, following so soon the signal over throw of the Indians to the ivest of the town, rendered the sur viving Indians more cautious and peaceful. They made a for mal treaty of peace with the English, and pledged a due ob servance of every usage of good neighborhood. They who could not endure the humiliation stole away, some of them to live for a while among the Ridgefield Indians, to the north, and others penetrated still further into the unbroken wilderness of the west. During this period the utmost caution was used among the settlers, to avoid exciting or provoking the Indians. No man was allowed to furnish intoxicating liquors to them, under heavy penalty. And in 1048, at the "Stamford court, it was also ordered " yt non shall ether sell or give any of oui: English doggs unto ye Indians at ye displeasure of ye courte." 108 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. Yet no forbearance or caution on the part of the intruders upon these Indian domains, could long secure their immunity from Indian revenge. The Indian felt that he and his race were losing ground; and it is not to be wondered at, that his hitherto unbroken spirit should rouse his utmost endeavors to regain it. In the autumn of 1649, a new tragedy was enacted in Stam ford. John Whitmore, one of the most respectable of the set tlers, who had already won a good name here, left his house one morning to look for his cattle in the common grounds to the west of the village. He never returned. The utmost ex citement prevailed throughout the settlement. The most dili gent search brought no clue to the discovery of the body. Messengers were sent in every direction. Help was summoned from New Haven and Hartford, but the search and help were of no avail. The perplexity and apprehension occasioned by this myste rious disappearance were very extensive. The general court at Hartford made it an occasion of serious deliberation. They felt that none of the colonists, in any of the Connecticut settle ments, would be secure, if such surprises were to be possible. They enter on their record this minute, as expressive of their convictions of what was due themselves in the perilous crisis : " This courte, taking into serious consideration what may bee done according to God in way of revenge of the blood of John Whitmore, late of Stamford, and well weighing all circumstan ces, together with the carriages of the Indians (bordering there- vppon,) in and about the premises : doe declare themselves that they doe judge it lawfull and according to God to make war vppon them. This courte desires Mr. Deputy ,Mr. Ludlow and Mr. Tayle- coat to ride to-morrow to New Haven and conferr with Mr. Eaton and the rest of the magistrates there about sending out against the Indians, and to make returne of their apprehensions with what convenient speed they may." Meanwhile the search for the body of Mr. Whitmore was going on. By a providential arrangement, Uncas, the great Mohegan, who for years had now been the politic friend of the INDIAN GEANTS AND HISTOEY. 109 whites, was now, with a band of his clear-sighted warriors, in this vicinity. So unusual was such a visitation, as to leave the impression that his main object in the expedition was to aid the Stamford men in their search. To this he might easily have been induced by the Connecticut colony ; and to this he set himself earnestly and successfully to -yj^ork. As, nominally at least, sachem over the tribe whose limits had once embraced all this territory, he spoke with some show of authority. Assembling the neighboring Indians, he demanded of them the body of the murdered man. Taphance, the son of Ponus, and Rehoron his subject, both of whom had been sus pected as being either the principals in the murderous deed, or chief instigators to it, now feeling the pressure of Indian resolu tion and fearing the consequences of further endeavors to mask themselves in the presence of these sharp-eyed and now suspect ing detectives, led the way into the woods directly to the mangled remains. It would seem that this would have been sufficient to justify the prompt arrest of these two suspected guides. It is tyue they denied haying any hand in the murder. They had pre viously charged it upon Toquattoes, an Indian who had come down from among or near the maddened Mohawks, with a deep revenge in his soul, to be appeased by the scalp of some white man. Meeting Whitmore alone and without defense, he had satisfied his vengeance against the race by his sudden death, and escaped beyond their knowledge and pursuit. But from the day of the murder, whenever questioned by the neighbors, these two neighboring and now suspected Indians, had shoyra the deepest concern and fear ; and now, while leading the way to the remains, which had already lain three months concealed, they are seized with a terror which makes them pale with fear, if not with conscious guilt. And yet the authorities allowed them to escape. They concealed themselves so effectually as to elude the officers of justice for several years. At length, in October, 1662, Taphance is brought before the 110 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. Court of Magistrates, held in New Haven, on a warrant issued by the governor. The trial is detailed at length in the New Haven Colonial Records, transcribed and published by Charles J. Hoadley, pages 458 — 463. The court decided that there was strong grounds of suspicion against Taphance. His own acknowledgment, his trembling, his stealing away after promis ing help in. searching for the murderer, his suspicious looks and actions before Uncas, were in evidence against him. The tes timony of Mr. Whitmore's wife and children as to his fawning manner on the yery day of Mr. Whitmore's murder, was also in proof The testimony of Mr. Law and John Mead, who were together when he came to Mr. Law's the second morning after the murder, and the testimony of Richard Ambler and Goodman Jessop, who also saw and heard Taphance at Mr. Law's, was in proof These agreeing testimonies influenced the court to decide, "that in ye whole there stands a blot vpon him of suspicion ; that there was sufficient grounds for his aprehending and comitting to durance, and all that he hath said at this time canot clear him of a stain of suspicion ; but as being guilty of ye murder, directly or accessory, he did pronounce him not guilty in point of death ; but yet must declare him to stand bound to pay all charges that hath been about him and leave him guilty of suspicion; and that he stands bound as his duty to doe his best endeavour to obtain ye murderer, and now to remain in durance vntill ye next session of ye court, about a fortnight hence, except he can give some assurance of his pay- inge the charge before, which charge was concluded to be ten pound." Taphance accepted the judgment of the court and promised to do his best towards securing the murderer. He pleaded his poverty and asked to have his chains removed, pledging himself not to run away under forfeiture of his life. Upon which- he was set at liberty, after providing to appear at the nest court. No further mention ot the case appears on record. The spirited contest between the New Haven and Connecticut juris- INDIAN GEANTS AND HISTOEY. Ill dictions had now commenced, and probably directed th« atten tion of the court from all less important matters ; and when, in 1666, the Connecticut had asserted its authority over the New Haven colony, there was probably no need of further prosecuting the now harmless' Indians. Yet, as the following record shows, the contest had imposed upon the infant colony a burden they were still to bear. And that they did not shrink from acknowl edging the claims of those who defended them against the wily savage our records abundantly attest. The following is a sam ple of this testimony : "In December, 1667, the town granted Jonathan Silleck a piece of land on the west side of the landing place, beginning at Hardy's Hole, as a reward for his meritorious services while engaged against the common enemy." Evidently the neighboring Indians never again became so formidable as to disturb the quiet or arouse seriously the fears of the town. Throughout the century our citizens were occa sionally called upon to aid in punishing Indians elsewhere, and that they did good service when thus engaged we find occasional proofs in our records. Once more, indeed, our townsmen were somewhat apprehen sive of danger from a foray of savages. Philip, of the Pokano- kets, the brave son of brave old Massasoit, had witnessed with increasing sorrow the inroads which the English were making into the cherished hunting grounds of his dwindling race. He could not endure it, thus to bear the doom which was settling upon him. He rebelled against his fate. He resolved to regain his alienated grounds, ana bring to the dust the pale-faced invader of his ancestral rights. He maddened every Indian heart withiti his reach to an Indian's revenge; and the English set tlers, from the Kennebeck to the Hudson, began to see and feel the avenging desolations of a remorseless Indian war. Driven from his peninsular home, the outraged chieftain, swift as the winds, yet noiseless as the flight of swallows in the air, moves from wigwam to wigwam, and from tribe to tribe, drawing even 112 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. the hitherto peaceful Narragansett into the current of his re morseless revenge, embittering the concealed but now inexorable hate of the Nipmuc, the Hadley and Springfield, and all the Connecticut river Indians, and even those still further west ; until, within six weeks, he had pledged almost the last stout heart and arm of Indian warrior over all the territory he had traversed, to one final, terrible blow against the invaders of his domain. He had done all that Indian cunning, and eloquence, aud hate could do, and he and his awaited the issue of the struggle. Their great, grand war-dance, ending in their wild war-cry, left them no alternative, but the utter extermination of themselves or their foe. June 24, 1675, had now come. The war torch was lighted at Swansey ; and no less than twenty- four of its peaceful citizens poured forth their life-blood, only to whet to keener relish the thirst of the savage murderers. Sud denly, town after town was surprised ; and to the horror of their burning was everywhere added that of an indiscriminating and unsparing massacre. Brookfield, Deerfield, Hadley, North- field, Springfield, Lancaster, Medfield, Weymouth, Groton, Marlborough, Warwick and Providence were successively attacked. It was during the progress of these desolations of savage war fare that our townsmen became again alarmed. No immediate attack was threatened, but neither had the slightest signal fore tokened the fate of either of the above named towns ; and still, at a moment when they least expected it, the fire and the toma hawk were doing among them their terrible work and their doom was written in letters of blood. And why may it not be so here was the anxious inquiry of our unguarded townsmen. That a practical answer was made to such an inquiry is shown in tho following record : "In March 1672, Francis Bell, Francis Brown, and John Green were appointed a committee to treat with the ' Engins,' and understand what they have to say to the town, and to make return of what they have to say to the town, that the said In dians may receive an answer from the town." INDIAN GEANTS AND HISTOEY. 113 What report this committee made is not to be found on record. That it did not allay the fears which had boon excited, the fol lowing records of a later date will show. The first of these is found in a letter, dated Stamford, Dec. 29, 1673, and directed to the General Court at Boston. It was intended as an earnest plea for help : " Wherefore, in expectation of the armies coming against this open declared enemy we have been hitherto silent, but by the long retard and no intelligence upon any prosecution upon that account we are afraid (it) is laid aside, whereby we shall be much endangered if not ruined, if your honors do not by some speedy means relieve us, for we are frontiers and most likely assaulted in the first place." The above plea for help seems to have been mode jointly by Stamford, Greenv/ich and Rye. Again, on the tenth of October, 1675, governor Andros sends word to tho governor at Hartford that five or six thousand Indians are in league and ready to fall ujDon Greenwich, Hartford and other places still further east at the next full moon. On the nineteenth of the same month he sends word that it is rumored that the Stamford Indians aro in arms ; and he com mends the colonists in tho state for putting themselves " in a fitting posture for all events." What this means we may learn from our records, which show that in March 1675 '6, Mr. Bell, sen., John Green, Peter Ferris, John Bates and Daniel Weed were chosen to attend to the work of fortification, according to tho order of the council ; and another vote requires that the stockading of the town shall be fully finished. Under date of Sept. 22, 1676, we find the following vote : " The town agrees that all those soldiers that went out upon service, out of Stamford, against the common enemy, shall have land of the town; namely, all that did service." In carrying this vote into effect, the town then voted the following persons these lands: to Serg. Daniel Wescott, ono and a half acre home lot on the north side of Joseph Webb's lot. and that swamp by the flood gate; to Thomas Lawrence an acre and a half house 15 114 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. lot on the south side of Joseph Webb's, to be laid out, having due respect to the highway ; to Samuel Hoyt, Increase Holly, David Waterbury, Obadiah Seely, John Waterbury, Thomas Newman, Joseph Fish, Obadiah Stevens, Benjamin Stevens, John Jagger, Moses Knapp, Daniel Ferris, Jonathan Seeley, Joseph Jones and William Penoyer, severally, house lots for their services. At the end of the list is this record : " the town doth give unto John Green two house lots for his sons, next to Abraham Ambler's front, which homelots were given as they were sol diers." In Dec. 1677, the town votes to Capt. Jonathan Sellick, "as was upon service against the common enemy, all that piece of land lying upon the west side of the landing place, beginning at tho mouth of the brook commonly called Hardy's Hole, in length to the Southfield fence^?' The only other local record which refers to these local strug gles with the Indians are those in which, occasionally, a citizen asks for an appropriation for his services. The last of these claims was preferred in 1692, when Joshua Halt asks for a piece of land on account of his going out, a soldier, against the com mon inimy ;" and two acres in the ox pasture were given him " as a gratuity for his good service in the late war." At the same time a piece of land is " layed out " to Simon Chapman, probably for the same reason. Already our townsmen had felt themselves relieved of fur ther danger so that they might safely order a final disarmament as the following record shows. " 18 Dec. 1695, per vote outcry the town doth sell the fort wood about ye meeting house to Stephen Clason for seventeen shillings and nineponce." " The town by outcry doth sell ye fort gates ye wheels of ye great guns and all ye wood belonging to ye guns it is now sold to Nathanall Cross and Jonathan Holly for five shillings and sixpence." And who shall say that such was not a worthy disposal of the last witnesses to the struggles which the pioneers of the town INDIAN GEANTS AND IIISTOEY. US encountered, with the race that had now almost entirely disappeared. CIIAPTEli vn. ECCLESIASTICAL, 1040-1740. That the founders of this ancient town were men of religious principle, and that at the commencement of their settlement here they had an ecclesiastical organization, needs no labored proof. Their leader was a minister 'Of religion. The church was the sacred body they were here to preserve, and tlie society was only the appointed means for her preservation. Whether fewer or more of the settlors here were of the select and honored company of the saints, all felt themselves to be the authorized defenders, and all were practically the cheerful supporters of the church. Had not the most of them left their homes in the fatherland from the love they bore tho church ? Had they not already attested by their patient and heroic suffering their de votion to the church ? And was not their very mission hither an attempt to establish the church, where in purity .and simple faith she might train her children by her simple and holy rituals for the service of her divine Lord ? We may never know how many of the first settlors were actually members of the church when they came here. That the most of them were afterwards united with it is more than probable. The first church of Stamford had already been or- g.anized in Wethersfield. Of the seven men who constituted the Wethersfield church, we have seen that four came to Stam ford. These were the Rev. Richard Denton, who became the pastor of the church when transferred to Stamford, Jonas Weed, Robert Coo and Andrew Ward. It is probable that others of ECCLESIASTICAL. 117 the Wethersfield party, immediately on the separation, attached themselves to the new body. How many of them may have done SQ, or how soon, no existing records probably will ever reveal. But, whether larger or smaller, tho church was the center and soul of the new society here formed ; so much so, that of all the organizations formed, that only which had for its specific aim the care and maintenance of the temporalities of the church, came to claim for itself the title of" The Society." And so, in the view of those days, the very term society seemed to mean that visible company whose most characteristic object is the preservation and welfare of the militant church. To this organ ization every voting man among our Stamford settlers belonged. For its support every freeholder contributed, and this, at first, not firom compulsion, but rather as a matter of course. The social necessity for it was as valid and potent as any legislative enactment could be. In Stamford, as in other of the early Con necticut towns, the church edifice- was one of the first to be built. Though the local records of that transaction aro now gone probably beyond recovery, we do not need to attest the fact. We may see the form of that rude meeting- house, not many rods from where the present Congregational Church now stands, almost as distinctly as though it were standing there still. Square built and low ; its posts scarcely a dozen feet in length ; its four roofs mooting over the centre at a hight not much less than thirty feet ; one generous door on the front open ing into an area which vras undivided by partition, and unseated save with rude benches around the three sides looking toward the minister's stand ; unadorned by art of sculpture or of paint ing, and never relieved of summer sun by blinds, or of keenest winter's cold by furnace or stove. Eyes that did not fear the light- and stoutly beating hearts that could not well be chilled, were to be provided for in that primitive place for worship ; yet neither the movable curtain, suspended as the movement of the sun might require, nor the 118 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. tin hand-stove with its solid coals taken right from the great hearth-stone at home, was deemed needless or intrusive. No bell rang out its Sabbath call from that untowered house, but when occasion called for it, the beat of drum never failed to line the only paths that met at its door ; and so, more promptly than now, the gathered congregation were awaiting the solemn and reverent invocation with which the minister was wont to open the important service of the day. There was sanctity in those rude materials of that pioneer house. Hallowed place was that, where the man of God stood his two hours each Sabbath morning, and two hours more each Sabbath afternoon to feed those hardy pioneers with the bread of life. Solid thoughts were those which could minister to such hearers amid such surroundings. Nor has more acceptable worship been paid to Him who dwelleth in temples not made with hands, in any of the costlier sanctuaries whose graceful spires and polished altars and cushioned seats have since that day borne witness to the spiritual glory and power of that first house of the Lord in Stamford. One, only incident detracted from the pleasant and grateful memories of that house. Tradition has it, and in this case the witness is so respectable as to justify the record of it on these pages, that when the assembled pioneers in our settlement had reached the point in the raising of the building, of fastening together the heavy timbers over its center, a lad, the son of one of the principal citizens, was sent up to insert the key pin. He bravely mounted to the perilous hight and his nerve failed. " Which of the holes shall I put the pin in, father ; " asked the lad, with wavering tones. " O, my God ! " exclaims the agon ized father, '• my child is dead." Turning suddenly over and falling headlong, that little boy had sealed with his instant death, his deep interest in that house for his parents' worship, almost before the father could give that passionate expression to his agonized heart. Nor was that rude and uninviting meeting house allowed to ECCLESIASTICAL. 119 be neglected. Every settler here was expected to report him self and his family each Lord's day. And on no account could the people consent to have its door closed when that holy day, the Puritan's only holiday, called them to worship. If the min ister was sick, had they not men of " gifts in prayer." who could " orderly lead them " in every act of reverent and acceptable worship ? Should the minister leave them, need they abandon their "altar of hope ? " We shall see. Lscarcely three years had passed over the colony before some disagreement between the minister and the people led to his removal. And what can this isolated people do ? There were no ministers as now within calling distance in readiness to fill such openings. Comino- to gether, after much deliberation and prayer, the people selected two of their most trustworthy number, Lieut. Francis Bell .and George Slauson, furnished them with food for the way, and sent them on foot to Boston to see if they could not find one John Bishop, whose name had been reported to them, or some minis ter whom they could persuade to come back with them, that so this people might not be scattered and " suffered to sin against the ordinances of God." They providentially find Mr. Bishop, then a young man, on whom was the seal of consecration and of promise, and with much persuasion,'1rhey prevailed on him to accept this pressing call from the Lord. Taking his staff and his well-used Bible in his hand, h? starts with the two brethren for the field of his labors ; and the meeting house thenceforth, as long as it stands, bears weekly witness to his faithful and acceptable labors. Twenty eight years did that house magnify its office. The fathers of the town had most of them gone from its instruction to their final rest. One generation of children had been nur tured by its ministries up to a mature and vigorous manhood. One generation of adults had been made strong and patient to endure the service and fulfill the high responsibilities of their manly years. And so, after its noble work was done, that sanctuary of the fathers gave way to another. 120 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. But the rest and prosperity of the church during these twen- ty-ciglit years was not uninterrupted. Their minister found his work seriously hindered by the many trials incident to pioneer life. It was with the people a season of extreme phys ical activity. Their physical wants v/ere all to be supplied — their homes were to ,be built — their lands must be cleared. Roads must be cut throughhitherto pathless woods ; and all those conveniences which, ordinarily, one generation finds prepared for them by the preceding, these fathers of Stamford had to gather about their new homes by the most unwearied industry. Ij'.'siiles, the privations and discomforts incident to such a life are not helpful to a true social or spiritual culture. They try tho tempers and often seriously compromise the manners of those who experience them. And their influence is still more disastrous upon the condition and character of that generation of children that are molded by them. The very rudeness and savagery of a wilderness homo would reach the spirit and rule to some e.v'tent, at least, tiic manners of any community exposed to them. There is philosophy, as well as fact, in tho sharply defined thesis of Dr. Bushnell, that barbarism is the first dan ger of colonization. Even when the leaders of such a commu nity are men of culture and refinement, the very hazards and chances aud excitements of tho life itself will draw into it the restless and adventurous and unprincipled. ' It would bo very reinai-kable, if among so many ineu as set tled at Stamford, there should bo none who were impulsive, wayward and insubordinate. In tho local government, commit ted to the settlers, it would be very strange if there were not diversity of views, both as to tlie ends to be secured, and the methods of securing them. It would be strange if religion itself, which pledges eventually tho peace and milleiiium of the world should not prove in such a community a source of alien ations and of earnest conflict; and especially v,-hen, as hi this case, its professors alone were to hold all the responsible aud coveted ofiices in the people's gift. ' ECCLESIASTICAL. 121 Besides, in the case of our Stamford settlers, there were special reasons inducing disturbance. Their previous discipline had been amid the conflict of an exciting strife. They were, themselves, protestants, and among protestants, they had achieved divisions. What more could be expected from them than that sharp divisions should arise, and that heated and ob stinate maintenance of perpetual views and opinions would end in new animosity and feuds? When the leading men who composed the new community had .already rendered themselves obnoxious to the civil power in the colony from which they had come, as several of them had, who could hope that they would carry everything along in quiet, in the colony they were to form? That there were immoral and dangerous mon among the set tlers, is manifest from repeated records. That great trials came upon the church, testing the patience and faith of tho minister and his brethren, is also apparent. The first great division of this body in 1644, already recorded in a preceding chapter, though mainly a political movement, is in proof The contest with the Quaker element is still another proof And after theso temporary settlements,still other troubles introduced themselves, to such extent as to threaten more serious disaster to the use fulness and existence of the church. At the May session of the general court in New Haven in 1059, report is brought that Mr. Bishop at Stamford finds so much discouragement that he thinks of leaving his post. The court refer to Mr. Bell, then one of the deputies from Stamford for his account of the matter. He acknowledged the existence of evils, but thinks the pastor should be sustained and encouraged. After giving the report due attention, the court declared that if no reformation should be reported from Stamford, they would send down a commission to examine the case, ascertain the cause of the comjilaints, and remove what ever may " hinder the work of God " under Mr. Bishop's care, 16 122 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. adding this quaint reason for their decision : " for if the minis try and ordinances fall, what will the people do ?" The same case appears again in the October court of magis trates. Mr. Bishop, in the presence of two of the brethren of the church, made a formal statement of the " uncomfortable unsettled state of the affairs of the church and town." The court advised and ordered : that on returning home, they should seek, within twenty days, some effectual course of making a satisfactory settlement of their difficulties among themselves. They were then to forward to court a certified record of such a settlement. If they could not effect the settlement, within that time, two of the magistrates and two of the telders, (pastors), should be sent down before winter, if the weather should prove suitable ; if not, then early in the spring, to help towards the settlement. In May, 1660, at the request of Mr. Bishop, the general court desired Rev. Mr. Davenport, of New Haven, and Pierson, of Guilford, to go to Stamford " to afford their counsel and help for the well settling of their church affairs." These elders were to have " a man to attend upon them at the j urisdiction charge, excepting expenses at Stamford, which were to be paid by the Stamford peoj)le. I have found no record of the meeting held in Stamford by the court then appointed, but that they did not heal all the difficulties existing between the pastor and the people, is evident from another petition from Mr. Bishop and others, sent to the general court at their session in May 1662. The court authorized the governor, William Leete, and magis trates Fenn, of Milford, and Crane, of Branford, to repair to Stamford, with the authority of any plantation court, extraor dinarily assisted, to settle any matters in controversy there. And by such methods the disturbing elements at work in the church and community were apparently overruled or expelled, and further and more serious evils averted. Meanwhile, from the increase of j)opulation, the old meeting house had become too strait for their accommodation, and ECCLESIASTICAL. 123 doubtless, also, was felt to be too rude for their improved con dition. If the Lord's people were now beginning to dwell in their ceiled houses, it was every way fitting that they should honor the place of their worship. No one, probably, had yet thought of such a result as a division of the territory into two or more parishes ; and there was no serious thought of any other denominational service to' divide ,the people. And so the necessity, besides that of repairing, of enlarging, also, the Lord's house, began to press upon them. The steps taken towards this measure, will show how inseparable the civil and ecclesiastical matters of the colony were. The first public vote on record is that of March 1069, at a town meeting, orderly warned, when it was voted that there shall be a new meeting house built. Voted, also, " that this new meeting house, before mentioned, shall be a stone meeting house." And so, not the congregational church for its sectarian uses merely, but all the dwellers in the town, with a unanimity which on no other subject will they ever again attain, agree to enlarge and improve the House of the Lord. There must be room in it for all who shall dwell within its reach. From the Reeds, near '" the stadle by the oke tree," on the margin of the Rowalton, to the Crabbs, who live on the outskirts of the parish, near where the Mianus seeks its cove, all the dwellers on hill top and in vale, must be provided with at least one place of resort. Did they not all of them need the instructions of the sanctuary ? Had not the tvhole community with one voice, and with a hearty godspeed, sent those venerable fathers. Bell and Slawson, on foot, through the wilderness, out to the Massachu setts colony, to procure a man who should be to them and their children a religions teacher and spiritual guide ? And how could he ever accomplish the work to which they had called him without a larger and better house for worship ? Accordingly, in October of the same year with the above votes, a committee was .appointed by the town, (Mr. Law, Good- 124 HISTOEY OF STAMFORD. man Holly, Goodman Webb, Goodman Ambler, and Joshua Hoyt,) and invested with full power from the inhabitants of the town " to make a bargain with a workman, and so to agree with him as to suit men's convenience in point of pay, and if they cannot get a house built with stone they have liberty to get it done with timber, and to endeavor to get it done with as ranch speed as they can with convenience." ' On Feb. 18, 1670, of this year, the town decided to rescind the former votes, and resolved to repair the old meeting house " forthwith for the safety of the town." This decision seems not to have been satisfactory to the town, any more than the former one. At any rate, if rejDairs were made, they must have proved their own insufficiency ; for again, on the 25th of the same month, a vote is passed to build a new meeting house. On the 26th of the next month, Mr. Law, Left. Bell, goodmen Holly, Ambler and Newman have " full power committed to them to procure a stone new meeting house, and to fully finish agreement with the workman that hath been treated with ; and to have an oversight of the work, and to choose overseers and to call men and teams forth to get stones and other necessary things." The house was to be " for the worship of God, accord ing to the word of God," and was to be thirty feet square. In September, provision is made to assess the cost of the meeting house equitably on the town ; the vote respecting the form of the house is reconsidered, and instead of thirty feet square it is changed to forty-five feet in length and thirty-five in breadth, " with a house roof, abating two feet in the Light of the wall, from the first figure, viz : twelve teet hight." In the following January, 1671, they vote that the "ould meeting house shall be taken down forthwith by a committee called forth by Joshua Halt." In April, finding it impossible to come to any agveement in the town, they resolve to leave the determination of the form or figure of the church to the solemn decision of God in the casting of lots. They only decided that if the lot should re- ECCLESIAS'TICAL. 125 quire the house to be square, it should be thirty-eight feet square and the posts twelve feet ; and that there should be a funnel on the top, of such hight and size as the committee should direct. Then follows this record as a part of the doings of that town meeting ; " The solemn ordinance being as above had, the lot carried it for a square meeting house as above." Under such auspices the new house was erected. It was en trusted to the sole management of the committee appointed in April of the preceding year. In ease they needed advice of the town, provision was made for them to call a legal meeting " about an hour by sun in the evening," and whatever the major part of the voters who should gather within a half hour of the summons should decide upon, if not in conflict with the previous vote of the town, should be deemed valid. The way was now clear for a new house, and without needless delay, it was doubtless completed. It must have been a great improvement upon the old one, in size at least, if not in archi tectural proportions. It must have constituted the most notice able work of art in the town. There could have been nothing else here comparable to this- pyramidal block, with its triple stories ascending, as if to furnish a trinity of steps heavenward. For more than half a century it was the only house of Avorshiji in the town. In it, six ministers, John Bishop, Eliphalet Jones, John Davenport, Ebenezer Wright, Noah Welles, D. D., and John S.* Avery, none of .them unworthy the sacred trust, made proof of their fitness for their work. About two generations of the entire town, and four of the congregation of the first church of Christ in Stamford, here received their spiritual training, -and from its training went to their final account. It must have been in this meeting house that the first bell in Stamford was hung. There is no record, I think, of this trans action now existing, but tradition is very distinct as to an accident which occurred at the hanging- of the bell. It hung over the center of the house and had to be raised up through the buildinsr. Just as it had reached the frame which was to 126 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. support it, the rope which held it gave way and the bell fell to the floor, killing instantly Mr. John Holmes, the great-great grand father of John Holmes, Esq., of New Hope district, recently deceased. This meeting house was subject to a regulation, peculiar to that age, which would hardly be endured by the descendants of those who required it. We find the regulation, which in the language of that day was called the " orderly seating of the meeting house," provided for in the following enactment : "The town order that the inhabitants shall be seated in the meeting house by the following rules, viz : dignity, agge and estate in this present list of estate ; and a committee shall be chosen to attend it forthwith ; the committee, Capt. Jonathan Selleck, Lieut. Fra. Bell, Lieut, Jona'th Bell, Joseph Theale and Joseph Garnsy, who have full pon-er to seat the inhab itants as above." By special note, 25th, 2mo., 1673, " Mr. Law, lef. Senor. Bell and William Newman, are chosen committy to seat the women in the mooting house." I think this is the only time when the ladies wore so signally honored. Certainly, I find no other similar records. But the now meeting house required other changes. The pastor, Mr. Bishop, either from temporary failure of his health, or from the excessive burdens of his extensive parish, reaching as it did from Norwalk out to the borders of New York, found it necessary to secure a helper in his work. A Mr. Eliphalet •lones seems at this time to have been in Greenwich, engaged probably as a sort of evangelist, and his labors were within the jurisdiction of the Stamford church. He was, also, very accept able to the Stamford people. Fearing, doubtless, that his acceptable services among the Greenwich settlers would even tually lead to a new parish, and unwilling to have such a diver sion, the TOWN pass a vote. May 3, 1672, to give Mr. Jones an invitation to be a minister of the gospel in this place, " if he remove from Greenwich." In November of this year he is " accommodated with a piece of land in his own right," provided he settle here in the work of the ministry. At the same time Mr. Law, Mr. Holly and ^ , ECCLESIASTICAL. 127 Jonathan Selleck, are chosen to treat with tho Greenwich men " about their compliance with Stamford for the upholding of the ministry in this place." Mr. Jones evidently accepted the proposal from Stamford, and tho next year a house is provided for him at the town charge. A vote is also passed that " the town doth agree to give one hundred pounds yearly unto the ministry in this place as long as there be two ministers in the place." Mr. Jones remained here probably until 1676, as at that time the town by vote return to the former ministerial rate, voting only the sum, sixty pounds, which Mr. Bishop was to have. No other attempt seems to have been made to employ an assistant to Mr. Bishop during his life. No change of much importance took place in the parish. The Greenwich men wore required to pay their rates for the support of the gospel here, and there was no serious resistance on their part to the neces sity. One of the votes of this period is so characteristic that we will record it. Its date is Dec. 2, 1680: " The town doth grant unto the ministry iu this place sixty pounds for the present year ; one-third part in wheat, one-third part iu porke, and one-third part in Indian corn; winter wheat 5s. per bush., summer wheat 4a. 6d., and porke at 3|d. per pound, all good and merchantable, and In dian corn 2s. 6d. per bushel." Under such pay it would seem that the church and society continued to prosper. The congregation increased and again it became necessary to re-arrange the seating of tho house or build a larger one. The former course was adopted, and in Novem ber 1689, the seats of the house were by vote of the society turned round and the pulpit set at the north side of the house. At this period the town meeting house had another office to subserve. It was evidently the theory of that early day that the house of the Lord intended the temporal as well as the spiritual welfare and safety of the people. Our citizens drew from it the weapons and motives of the carnal as well as spirit ual warfare, as the following record of June 7, 1681 will testify: 128 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. " Pr vote, a convenient place should be made in the meeting house for receiving the town ammonision. Left. Jonathan Bell is chosen to take care of the ammonision." In November, 1692, it appears that the ministers of the county had proposed to the Stamford men to join with the Greenwich mon in " carrying on the works of God there ; " but by vote the town declared that they cannot see cause to concur with their motion. And so for a while the matter was dropped. A single congregation at the center was all that the town felt needful, excepting occasionally when extra religious ser vices were held at private residences in other parts of the ex tended. parish. One pastor continued to keep watch over this large flock, and nothing appears to show that his ministrations and caro were not acceptable to the people. But tho newly seated meeting house soon became too strait ened, as the first had been, and the congregation needed more room. The first stop towards this result seems to have been taken May 13, 1691, when the town voted "to alter the seats so as to make them seat more persons." The only restriction put upon the action of the committee -was to leave the pulpit where it had stood before, and to make no breach in the wall. This change was probably made, and the congregation was duly reseated' by the usual committee. And now, the good bishop, who so long had kept spiritual watch over this widely scattered people began to feel the infirm ities of age pressing upon him. At the town meeting held Sept. 12, 1692, he expresses an earnest desire that they would find some one to relieve him. It is equally due to Mr. Bishop and to tho history of the times to record the action of that meeting. It will be borne in mind that it was the action not of a mere ecclesiastical society, nor of a church, but of the town of Stamford. "The town desire iu compliance with his motion, being also .sensible of their own necessity, do therefore think it their duty, first, to settle a main tenance upon Mr. Bishop, that may be to him yearly paid, during his life time, in case we have a supply of another minister." ECCLESIASTICAL. 129 I Tliey then vote the annuity of forty pounds, to be paid in rate and specie, that is in such products as had been customary before. "Furthermore, in pursuance of this work, for a supply of another minis ter it is the desire and mind of the town to endeavor by advice and endeavor necessary otherwise, to procure an able, faithful, orthodox ministerj. in judgment to comply with and act, so far at least, according to the synod~in New England, in the year 1662." They next vote fifty pounds to be paid annually to another minister during Mr. Bishop's life ; and appoint Captain Selleck and Lieutenant Bell to advise with the ministers of the county respecting a suitable man for settlement here. The only other votes recorded which testify to the continued acceptability of Mr. Bishop here, are occasional gifts of land to him in his own right. In December, 1667, they, vote to free his estate from the annual minister's rate or tax. In 1681 tliey donate to him by vote the fortification wood about the meeting house, and during the same year make his salary seventy pounds. They then add as a guide to their committee, " that the min ister who shall be brought into the town shall be called to office in convenient time ; and such ministers as shall come, sh,all promise to the church and town to' take office charge upon him." In November, 1692, the town by vote manifest their desire to have Mr. John Davenport, of New Haven, for their minister ; and appoint Abraham Ambler, Daniel Weed and Joseph Tur ney to treat with him and report to the town. In December of the same year they again express their cojifidence in him as the man for the place, and are glad that he does not discourage their hopes. They commission their committee to engage him to come among them for trial and promise to furnish him with ." suitable maintenance and satisfaction." On the loth March, 1692-3, the town "at a full meeting, being duly warned, and also more fully by warrant from au thority added, * * * do now further order and appoint a 17 130 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. committee to manage this affair, to treat with Mr. Davenport in order to a settlement in this place as a minister of the Gosjiel amongst us ; * * and they have power to agree with him and provide for his comfortable settlement in respect of house and lands, and what else is needful for his encouragement the coirimittee have full power to do according to their best discre tion and the town's ability; and that the matter be forthwith attended." The committee were : Capt. Selleck, Left. Bell, Mr. Ambler, Mr. Jonat. Selleck, Serj. Samuel Halt, Daniel Weed, Serj. David Waterbury, Jonas Weed, sen., and Mr. John Selleck. In April they also vote, " the town doth ingage to finish the pasinedge house, fence in the lott, digg a well, plant an orchard and give it to Mr. John Davenport when he is a settled minis ter in Stamford." In July, 1693, the town vote to Mr. Davenport, when he shall be a settled minister, one hundred pounds a year. They vote further to give him " ten pounds a year during Mr. Bishop's life," that is to say, ten pounds to be added to the sixty pounds if Mr. Davenport doth settle in a family before J[r. Bishop's death. They then vote to send for Mr. Davenport, whenever and however will best suit him. The last vote of this date is characteristic. " The town by vote doth give and grant to Mr. John Daven port, when he is settled here in a family, his firewood, which is to be done in a general way and not by rate upon the town, and to be done when the townsmen do order a day or two in the year for it ; further it is to be understood that it is to be done by the people of the town, all male persons from sixteen years and upwards." On the 18th of December following, they vote to Mr. Daven port " forty pounds for the time he has been here in Stamford and until the next March." They vote also to Mr. Bishop fifty pounds for the year. They renew their desire that Mr. Daven- ECCLESIASTICAL. 1 ,3 1 port be called to take office, and this desire was answered by his settlement by ordination here in the following year. In conformity to the vote of July 17,1693, respectino- fire wood, we find the following vote of Oct. 23, 1696, in which " the town do now further order that every inhabitant of this town shall cut and carry to Mr. Davenport for his use a o-ood ox load of good wood to be done by the last of November an nually, upon the penalty of the forfeiture of four shillings to be paid to the town by the person neglecting his duty herein." Mr. Ambler was appointed to take account of the wood .and report to the town. These votes were repeated almost annually during Mr. Davenport's ministry. That this duty was not always promptly discharged the sub sequent record shows. Under date of Mar. 25. 1096, we find this record: "per vote, John Slason, senior, and Increase Holly are impowered to appoint a day and to call forth those men yt are behind to attend ye work of getting and bringing wood to Mr. Davenport, and to doe it as soon as may be." And that the town were jealous lest their minister should be wronged, we find proof on the records, of the same date, in this vote: "the town impower Daniel Scofield, sen., and Jonas Weed, jun., to order those men that are behind in the fence of Mr. Davenport's pasture, to make up the posts, and if they shall neglect to do it up, then to hire men to set it up and to strain for the pay according to law." In the year 1698, an incident occurred here illustrating so clearly the religious and ecclesiastical character of the times, and also the position and character of Mr. Davenport as a min ister in the county, that we will let the record speak for itself. For the record I am indebted to the kindness of Rev, Joseph Anderson, one of Mr. Davenport's successors in the pastorate. It was found in a manuscript volume detailing the journeys of Roger Gill and Thomas Story between Rhode Island and Caro lina in 1698. They were members of the proscribed sect, of Quakers, and were bent on propagating their religious tenets. 132 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. After describing their journey from Philadelphia to Westches ter, in the State of New York, the journal continues as follows: "Ye next day we sat forward, ye land way, for new Ingland— 2 friends to bear us Compn'y. Came yt Evneing to a tovn Caled Stamford iu Conaok- teook Colony — it being a prity larg bvt a very dark tovn ; not a frind liv ing in all yt provenc, as we had hard of, nather wovld they sofer the testy- mony of trvth to be declared amonght them, nor had it ever bin declared — they being Eiged prespetrions or independents, I know not whither, but one thing I am shure of, they had one father, so we went to an Inn. I asked ye woman of ye hows if yt .shee wovld be willing to sufer a meting to be in her hovs. She said yes, she wovld not deny no sivel Company from coming to her hovs. now I felt a Grat power and wight of darkness, so yt I Could not be Clear in my spearet to peas thorow ye town of Stamford. and thar for I sent those frinds yt war with us to go and invite ye peopel to com to our inn, for we ware of those peopel Caled qoekers, and we had som- thing to say to them, and whilst our frinds went to invite the peopel, we went to aqvint ye Jvstes of ye town of our intencons, and to open ovr minds to him, for he was a independent, and seemed to be somwhot mod erated before v/e parted with him — who answered us thvs, I will not spek mvch to you, for we heve a low yt no qvaker shal prach ; so I will not tol erate yov. then he aded ye word. bvt. imploying as much as he wovld wink at ye meeting. So we appoynted a meetii g to be next day at ye 9 ovr. So when ye tim Came, saveral of ye peopel cam acording to ye time : a Con- stabel Cam with them, with a warant to Comand us to go ovt of ye town, being filed with surallvs words and bed names, Cemanding ye peopel to depert, and Comending yo women of ye hovs not to sufer us toprech in her hovs. so thomas stod vp to shov ye vnresnapelnes of ye werant, and with all disered a Copy, but it Covld not be granted, then when thomas had spak a few words to yt pvrpvs, I was moved to stand vp and to spek to ye peopel. then Came ye Constable, Comanded me in ye governer's name to to be silent, and pvshed me ovt of ye hovs by my arm. but ye pover of ye Lord yt wos vpon me wovld not be silesent by him. so when he had haled me ovt of ye hovs, ye sperit and pover of ye Lord Cam vpon me, and I lift vp my vovs in ye streets, cryed ovt. wo. wo. wo. vnto all ye inhabetenc of ye tovn of Stamfort, who hold a profeshon of Christ ovt of ye Life of Christ. this Chry, with some other words to ye same pvrpos so alarmed ye peopel yt ye hovl body of ye tovn hard; and meny of them being gathered to gether, I had time to easey my speret a monght them, then after I was easey, we Eetvrned to ovr inn, when saverall of their dispvtants Came to disspote, who wos very fvrvs at first, pvt war so handeled by thomas vpon saveral poynts, bvt espesaly vpon Election and repprobation, yt svm Con- fesed svm trvths and departed very calm— ye Lords trvth yt day wos over them. So being both Clear of ye town, -R-e Cam yt night to farefeeld. Lodged at philiph Lewies." "Ye next day ther wos a Lectverheld at faerfeld, by 7 preests, and to it wos gathered abvndanc of peopel: and finding a Consarn to Com vpon my sperit to visit yt people at their lectver— for I wos mvch boved vnder ye Consern— tovld thomas, who wos wiling to go with mee. So up to their meeting wee went, but went not in vntil ye singing of their song was over: then in we went, and vp towards ye pvlpit I want, thomas fovUing of me. I looked stidfastly vp to ye pvlpit, wher w-er 5 preests sitting; and to sat below, then ye ovld preest took his text ovt of ye profet Isaiah. Iv. ECCLESIASTICAIi. 133 first, second, ye words wor Com, bye wine and milk, without money and without priser, fovUoing with these three heads — first, wherefore spend ya j'Ovr mony for yt which is not bred, and your labor for yt which satisfleth not? harkeu diligently vnto me, and eat ye yt which is good, and let yovr sovl delight itself in fatnes: Secondly, incline yovr ear and come vnto me, hear and yovr sovl shall Live: thirdly, Christ sends ovt his sarvents by his Sperit, with a free invitation to ye peope [1], but ye make excuses. So wee stood still to here him make ovt his sarment: and poore man, to give him his dew, he mad it with no small labor, as wel as no Litel terer; for he drove it on like Pharoah Charats whilees very heavily, so when he had mad an end, I being moved of ye Lord stood vpon a form wher I might both be seen and hard both of preests and peopel. then I spake as follveth to ye peopel: freinds, yov heve all seen this day yt I heve hard yovr mines- ter with peachenc, neither heve I iuteropted him nor mad any disturbance: therefore I disire yc same Christian Liberty of you : for I heve somthing from the Lord to deliver a mounght yov. then were ye peopel very still. so then I began with thos words yt ye preest took for his text, but befor I had spoken them, down Came ye preests ovt of ye pvlpet. Like disstraoted men. oue Cried ovt, wher ye povers of ye Church ? wher are ye magis trates? what, is ther no Constabels here to take him away? another of them Interrapting me sad, Sur, yov are not called to be a minister to this peopel. whereupon I asked him by whot he was filed, prepered and called to ye worke of ye ministry, he sad, by ye voice of ye peopel. then I spek with a loud vice to ye peopel, bad them take notes yt (;heir minister sad yt he wos fited, pi-epored and Called to ye work of ye miuistro by their voyces . wherevpon the preest wovld heve denied it, saying, yov cat[c]h me. then ovld preest yt preohed the sarmant Caught me by my hand, saying, dear sor Come dovn. who strooking my hand aded, dear sor, I prey come down, ye peopel are well satisfied, bvt abovt this a Constabel Came to me and wovld heve pvled ma down bacward. then up steps one of the hearers, as thomas told me, and pvUed him from me. So by this time the first pieest, whos name is John devenport had mvstered vp one Jvstes & to Constabels, who by vilence pvled me dovn, hailing ovt of ye meeting. I spak thes words to the peopel. 0 ueopel, fear and. dread ye Lord God, and mind ye Light of Christ in yovr Consencenes yt will show yov yovr state & will let yov see what sperit yovr ministers are of. So when I wos ovt of their meet ing I demended my liberty, but they sad no. then ye Jvstes Comending ye peopel to depert, some of them did, bvt others wovld not. allso he Comended ye Constabels to take me into a back lane wher my voyce should not be hard: for I speke to ye peopel as he haled me a longe and several fovled us into ye lane . . then thomas desered to know by what Low ye proseeded against vs. they sad they had a Low yt no quakers shovld prech a movnght them, then I demanded to see their warant. they sad they had none. So I comended my liberty, as they wovld answer it, Caled to ye peopel 'to know their nams, who wer very Eedy to tell vs their names. then they leet me goo. so vp to ye meeting hovs green I went, where wer sevrall hondreds standing, then a peesebel & a Good time I had amonght. ye Lords pover Came over them, saverall were soled, some tendered. So when I had Clered my sperit amovnght them, Greet pees I witnesed whith ye Lord. " So when I was Clere, thomas felt somthing vpon his mind, to speek to ye preests. so we tovld ye peopel of it, asking into -ft'hat hovs they wer gon they into ye percons. so we fovUoed them ; & I do beleve an hondred 134 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. of ye beds of ye seven perishes fowUoed us. So Coming to ye hovs we went ill. ye preests wer in a Larg room, seeing vs met vs, taking vs by yo hand invited kindly to dine wh them, tovld vs we shovld be as weleorae as any of them yt wer ther yt day. bvt we refvesing, they sad, why wovld wee not ? why should ther be any diference in society alltho ther might be some in pi-inoebles. then I sad, had wee met with a Christian sperit amonght yov, we might have dined with yov: but inasmuch as we did not mett with a sperit of humanity, how covld we heve any society ? & as we had not interopted them in their worship nother wovld we; so we wovld withdraw to ovr inn, tel ther diner wos ended, and Come up to them ageyn. So weejoame to them; ye peopel stil remened abovt ye hovs, went unto ye hovs with vs. So then after a few bantering words we receved from preest devenport, thomas fell into a diipute with devenport abovt babtisem, which hald more than on over: and had not thomas binn interupted by ye rest of ye prests, devenport had confesed babtisem as they held it, to be a Eellik of popery, whervpon, I being much greeved to see ther unfar delings with us — for I had mad an agreement with them yt ther shpvld be no inter- option between them on either side, before all ye peopel — then I spake to ye peopel, saying, let ye evidence of gods sperit in all yovr harts bear wit ness between vs & them this day. moreover I sad we wer here to vindicate ye thruth agenst all vnthrvth, ading with a lovd vovice befor them all sad, senc they had bin so vnfar, if yt they wovld call vp j-e Congregation to gether, wee wovld tary to days in town, & wovld prove yt babtisem as yt hald it not to be [neither ?] instituted by Christ nor eny of his abostels, nor practised, bvt not one man mad one word of an answer, all being sHent. so after a litel pawes, they sad they had a select meting; therefor they dis- iered vs to withdrew — their time was spent. So then, after a few words wee parted with them, ye peopel wer Loveing to vs and one Justes of ye peece f jUoed vs, & sad, frinds, yov hsve incovnted with a body of divinity to-day. So we took hors & a way wo Came yt night to Stratford: & had greet peece with ye Lord." No noticeable changes occur in the next few years, Mr. Dfj.' venport seems to have won the esteem and confidence of the people, and to have stood high among his brethren in the county. The congregation increased to the full capacity of the house and at length beyond the possibility of being seated. Resort is now had to " galeries," for which provision was made in Mar. 1700. When the galleries were done a committee were to reseat the people. But the old meeting house was not to be made roomy enough for the growing congregation. A vote is passed, July 8, 1702, to build a new meeting house next fall, fifty feet square, of customary hight, where the pound stands. Major Selleck, Capt. Selleck, Dea. Halt, Left. Waterbury, Dan iel Scofield, sen., Sergt. Webb, Sergt. Knap, Mr. Stephen Bishop and Ensign Holly, are made the building committee, with in structions to get the shingles at home and have them of cedar. ECCLESIASTICAL. 135 In May, 1703, they vote to raise the meeting house as soon as conveniently it may be; and as late as Nov. 14, 1705, we find this vote : that when the floor is laid and fitted to meet in, the pulpit and seats shall be removed to the new, for the present. But a far different use was to be assigned to the old floor of that hallowed house. The town had just voted to repair their mill-dam ; and as mill-dam and churches were equally the care of the town, the good economy is practiced of voting to use the " pauke flore " of the old meeting house, on the dam. It would seem that this third house of worship had no bell as provision was made in 1707 for beating the drum in the "ferrate" (turret) of the new meeting house for one year, and to begin the first of March next. The " orderly " seating of the congregation in this meeting house was still deemed of so much importance that the follow ing provision was made for it, in full town meeting, July 4, 1710; " The town by vote do agree for the more orderly seating of the meeting house that these rules be observed in the seating thereof: first, that it be done in proportion to the whole of its charge by which the house was built, and finished, as may appear by those lists of Eastates by which the several rates or levyes were raised for the defraying the charge of the same ; also that a christian due regard be had unto, aud suitable respect given unto civil authority, age and military commission office, commissioned by the court. " To do this delicate work the same town meeting duly ap - pointed Major Jonathan Selleck, Deacon Samuel Hoyt, Mr. Daniel Scofield, sen., Mr. Elisha Holly and Mr. Joseph Bishop. In another vote the meeting provided that " the major part of the committee agreeing," shall have power to order the seating, and they are to do it as soon as convenient. There is no record of the seating, as above directed, but very frequently at this period the town voted as a special honor the use of the first seats to those of the citizens whose dignity would bear such promotion. There is this special provision made in 1722, that . " the town do grant that the pew at the east end of the gallery shall befor 136 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. the proper use and benefit of Mr. Davenport's family, forever, he bearing the charge and cost thereupon." In 1757, the society vote that "Jonathan Waterbury, lieut. Weed and capt. Weed are ordered to set in the fore pew in the meeting house ; and Caleb Smith and Joseph Webb in the sec ond pew, and capt. Pcirre Fitch, in the fore seat." But in the growth of the town, all of the citizens still main taining their connection w-ith this congregation, this house, as its predecessor had done, soon became too small, so that in 1723 it was necessary to build extra galleries. At this time Capt. Samuel Hayt, and Capt. Jonathan Hayt were " to take their place to set in the second pue ;" and Samuel Weed in the fore seat. At this date also aj^pears the curious provision which was made to accommodate those who had come from a great dis tance to meeting. The town gave James Slason permission " to sot up a house for ye advantage of liis having a place to go to on Sabbath days, at ye west end of Mr. Blachly's shop." " The town grants to James June and all that live at Larence's farm to set up a house upon the town's land on the west side of Ebenezer Weed's lot to " a Commodate for their conveniency of coming to meeting on the Sabbath day." It is the tradition that a part of the house, recently removed from the northwest corner of Main and Atlantic Streets, occu pied by the Jarvis family, was originally built as a " Sabbath day house," for the comfort of families coming from a distant part of the parish. It would seem from the records that at this period an nnsteady currency was the occasion of much trouble between the pastor and the people. This seems to have been the occa sion of the only variance between Mr. Davenport and the par ish. It was to come to some mutual understanding respecting the obligations of the parish, that, in 1725 Mr. Davenport re quested of the town their understanding of the contract regard ing his pay in money — whether they were not to pay money ECCLESIASTICAL. 137 " fully to answer two thirds of one hundred and thirty pounds, according to the known reckoning of our place." " Answered by the town : that upon the payment of the town to Mr. Davenport, eighty-six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence money, doth fully answer the town's obligation to Mr. Daven port of a hundred and thirty pounds i^ay." Again, in Feb. 1728-9, by vote, Mr. Davenport was "intro duced" into the town meeting and allowed to state his under standing of the contract above referred to. Dea. John Hoyt, Jona. Maltby and Jona. Bates were chosen to " Discors " with him, relating to his " Sallory." They proposed arbitration to set tle the difference, Mdiich ivas negatived. Thoy propose an addi tion to the above sum,w-hich was also negatived, whereupon Mr. Davenport submits in writing his statement and demand. On this, tho meeting adjourned to the 14th instant. At this meet ing they vote the additional sum, forty-three pounds six shillings and eight pence, to be paid in current bills of credit or in pro vision at price current. Capt. .lona. Hoyt, Samuel Blachly, Samuel Weed, Benjamin Weed, and .lonathan Pettit entered, a protest agahist the neg ative vote of the previous meeting. Feb 18, 1731, fifteen days after the death of Mr. Davenport, a special town meeting was called. Capt. Bishop was chosen moderator and deacon Hoyt was to assist him. The town had been plunged into universal grief by the late sore bereavement. Scarcely any calamity of that day could compare with it. So thought, at least, the fathers of the town as they came together. They felt their need of Divine comfort and guidance. Their first vote, and every vote, showed that their only hope was in the faithful God, whoso ambassador they had so recently lost. These were thoughtful and appropriate words, in which, by vote, they express this conviction: " By vote the town ageee that there shall be a day of humiliation kept, and to call in such ministers to assist in the work as shall be thought needful." 18 138 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. They appoint the first Wednesday in the following month as the day, and appoint Capt. Bishop, Dea. John Hoyt, and Capt. Jonathan Hoyt a committee to make the needed preparations. They also impower this committee to advise with the elders re specting a minister, and also to invite in a minister to be accepted by the town. They adjourn to the first Tuesday of April. At this meeting they vote to give Mr. Sherman " something further of tryall in order to settlement." There were ninety-four votes and twenty- one blanks, making at that meeting one hundred and fifteen voters on the question of settling a minister. One more meet ing was held by the t&wn in May, and the committee was in- cre.ased by adding Capt. Samuel Hoyt and Jonas Weed. This enlarged committee were authorized to hire a minister " for a day or more as there shall be occasion." And now occurs a change in the administration of civil aud ecclesiastical affairs. They are separated in 1731. The former are managed in what are henceforth called society meetings, and the latter in town meetings. The same book, however, contains, down to 1759, the records of both meetings. The same moderator presides, and the same scribe officiates at both. The same page will show, in two separate records, what was done in the town, and what was done in the society meetings. In 1760 a new book was procured, and from this time the records of the society are kept separately from those of the town. Joseph Bishop, who, since 1738, had been clerk both of the town and society, is continued still for one year as clerk of the society, when his office was given to Abraham Davenport, who was sworn in to the fiiithful performance of its duties. The first of the meetings of the society proper was held July 28, 1731. It had been orderly w-arned according to law. Dea con Hoyt was its moderator and Samuel Weed its clerk. It was called on the minutes a " Sosiatys " meeting. " Mr. Right " was, by an " almost unanimous " vote, invited to become the minister of the tow-n. In September, at an ECCLESIASTICAL. 139 adjourned meeting the vote was unanimous in favor of Mr. Right. They engage to buy him a homelot and build him a " credable Decent Dwelling house," and pay him a salary of 150 pounds. This meeting- adjourned to the annual tow-n meet ing in December. Mr. Ebenezer Wright accepted the call thus made to him. In the December meeting arrangements were made for his settlement. They set apart the third of the following May as a day for humiliation and prayer, and the seventh, for the ordination of Mr. Wright, now pastor elect. The society now takes upon itself, also, the care of the schools. This year the record shows there were five schools in the town : tho center school, the one over the Noroton, the one west of Mill river, the Simsbury, and the Newfield schools. At the society's meeting, in December 1733, Mr. Wright being now fairly installed, a new "seating" of the people was ordered. The committee, in discharging this trust, were to consider the former charge of building the house, and the charge of making the galleries, and also the age and dignity of persons, and still further, the present list of estates, and others foregoing. Those persons that pay the minister at Five Mile river were discharged from paying Mr. Wright, for three months, if they bring sufficient proof that they pay as much there. In 1734 the society grants to the people at the Five mile river, and at Woodpecker Ridge their proportion of the minister's rate for three months in the winter, provided they hire a minister to preach for^ them. The next year they extend the time at the Five Mile meeting for four months. In 1735 the society saw " cause to seat Mr. Abraham Daven port and Mr. James Davenport in the foremost pew, on the west side of the meeting house." At this meeting they also provide for repairing the house. At their meeting in May 1736, on a proposition to give the people at the east end of the town the right to organize a society, they yoted promptly in the negative ; and Capt. Jonathan Hoyt and Mr. Jonathan Maltby were appointed their agents to appear at 140 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. the general assembly and show why the separation should not be made. In 1736, the society grant the people east of Stony Brook their minister's rate for four months ; and the people of Newfield, as low as Josiah Hoyt's south ; and also the people of "Shitten" plains, as far as Joseph Hunt's. In 1»38, Capt. Jonathan Maltby was " ordered to set in the fore pew and his wife to set answerably thereto." It was also " per vote agreed that the committee that formerly seated the meeting house should at their discrision advance sum elderly parsons in the seting in the meeting house." This, I think, is the last instance in which the town or society are reported as seating the meet ing house. Again the Stamford first church are called to part with their minister. Mr. Wright, ' who had served them with great acceptance, was removed by death in May 1745, and the society appointed the 18th of June as a day of fasting and prayer. Again the ministers of the county are called in to advise in the selection of a new candidate. By September a candidate had been so far " tryed " by them that a society meeting was called to consider his claims. The form of the vote will illustrate the gravity of the question be fore them. With Col. Jonathan Iloyt in the Chair, it was " put to vote, whether the society were so well satisfied in what they have already experienced as to Mr. Noah Well's ministe rial qualifications so as to proceed further to the settlement of him forthwith." " Voted in the affirmative one hundred and four votes, and in the negative twenty-three votes, and many more sent their desires in the affirmative." Whereupon the meeting instruct their committee to "dis course " with Mr. Welles regarding his wishes on the subject, and report at a meeting to be held in four days. The report being favorable to the settlement, arrangements are made to con- suitiate it. The following vote shows the care taken for securing to the minister his full pay, ECCLESIASTICAL. 141 " Whereas this society at their meeting on Sept. 22, 1746 did agree to give Mr. Noah Welles seventy-five pounds silver money at eight shillings per ounce, for his yearly salary, or the equivalent iu the old or new tenor cur rency; aud lest there should a difficulty arise to know what should be the equivalent above, the society do now agree, per vote, that their committee for the time being shall have full power yearly to agree with him, what the equivalent shall be; aud if they can't agree, tben the committee are hereby impowered to leave the matter to some indifferent men, whom they and Mr. Welles shall chose in the 'naibourwood,' which agreement and judg ment as above shall decide the controversy." But by this time the process of dividing the territory into separate parishes had commenced; and already there were many indications that these parishes themselves could not long con tinue to worship together under the old denominational stand ard. For nearly a century one parish and one creed had sufficed. The few who could not heartily subscribe to either condition of the infant settlement, seemed to yield, with some sort of grace, to the manifest propriety of a quiet submission to the only " standing order " known, and await the coming time for an open assertion of their cherished theories, either in the doctrine or in the government of the church. The necessity for the two fold division which so soon resulted in so many separate par ishes and distinct churches, could not by any expedients have been long postponed. Praptically, already, the dwellers on the outskirts of tho town had been gi:adually dropping out from attendance on the public worship of the people, held only at the center of the town; and for years occasional services in the more distant neighborhoods had endeavored to supply their want. Practically, also, the germs of new ecclesiastical organizations were begin ning to show themselves ; and under the liberal indulgence granted by the easy civil administrations of the day, nothing could hinder their rapid growth. It will be the object of the following chapter to exhibit the progress of this disintegration and its results. We shall first indicate the territorial division into three distinct parishes and the fragments of three others, and, in a following chapter, exam- 142 HISTOEY or STAMFOED. ine the denominational organizations, which, in the process of time arose on the ground which, from the settlement of the town had been held, and not unsuccessfully improved, by the one puritan church of the congregational order. CHAPTER VIII. SEPAEATK PAEISH OEGANIZATIONS. At the settlement of the town, and for many years after, the entire territory embraced in the grant received from the In dians, about eight miles wide east and west and sixteen long north and south, constituted but one civil ecclesiastical juris diction. This was under the control of the town. By the town the church of Christ w-as supplied with a place or places for worship, and to the town every citizen was responsible for at tendance upon the w^orship for which provision had been niadcj and for meeting his share of its expenses. In the progress of settlements in the vicinity where the dwellers on the outside of the town could be more conveniently accommodated elsewhere than at any place within this tract, special permission was given to them to embrace such opportunity, and a special vote released them from the legal support required here. These special votes are very numerous all along the early history of the town for more than a hundred years ; and this method was resorted to to obviate the necessity of permanently cutting off any portion of the jurisdiction. Of course, as the population increased, and the central congregation became so full that the absence of large numbers would scarcely be missed, it became an easier thing for the most distant families to get away. It would seem that there was no need of an apology or a very earnest plea, for Thomas Potts and Noah Parketon, who must have lived about eleven miles north of the village, and their neighbors living still further north, to obtain permission to attend meeting at Pound- 144 HISTOEY OF STAAIFOE.D. ridge, as late as 1771. And yet, such permission was sought and granted for several successive years. But no strength of ecclesiastical bond could hold in jiei-jDetual unity the broad tract with its increasing population ; and w-o shall find it resolving itself into at least six territorial jurisdictions. OLD SOCIETY OF GEBENWICH. The first step towards alienating any portion of the old ec clesiastical territory of Stamford, seems to have boon taken on the southwest corner of tho parish. Down to about 1678 no regular and permanent society had been organized at Greenwich. That the people of Greenwich w-ere regarded as belonging to the Stamford parish is abundantlj^ shown by our early records. As late as March 2, 1774-5, in town meeting, it was voted "tho town do iudgc it moot that Grinwich while thoy have the bene fit of the ministry among us, yt thay allso should pay to ye ministry." Indeed, the General Court or Legislature of Con necticut had decided ton years before tliis, that the only condi tion upon w^hich Greenwich could become a township, "intire of itself," was that they " procure and maintain an orthodox minister ; and in the meantime, and until yt be effected, they are to attend ye ministry at Stamford, and to contribute projior- tionably with Stamford to ye maintenance of ye ministry there." There is now, probably, no record of the surrender of the present territory of Greenwich by this ecclesiastical society, but as the line of separation between tho two towns was run by the Committee in 1681, and confirmed by tho P.atent in 1085, it is probable that the tow-n limits were made also the limits of the two thenceforward separate societies. This line has probably not been materially changed since. BEDPOED PAEISH. The first step towards sotting off any of the northern part of the town was taken in January, 1720-1. This portion of tho town had been bought with the rest of the tract in 1000 and reconfirmed in 1055, .and agjiin in 1680. PAEISH OEGANIZATIONS. 145 The Indians who signed the last surrender, December 23, 1680, were Katonah, Stockawae, Segotah, Jovis, Tohonacogyah, Yan- nayo and Kackennond ; and the persons recognized as the occu pants or holders of the tract, then called the Hop Grounds, were: Richard and Abraham Ambler, Daniel Weed, John Wescot, Jona. Petit, John Cross, John Miller, Nicholas Web ster, Richard Ayres, Wm. Clark, James Seeley, Joseph Steph ens, Dan Jones, Benj. Stephens, Thos. Tomoyou and Joseph Cheoles. The surrender was signed in presence of Joshua Knaj) and David Waterbury. Yet this entire tract was still subject to the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of St.amford. At the Court of Election in Hartford, May 11, 1682, tho Court "grant the liberty of a plantation to tho people of the Hop Ground, to be called Bedford; and appoint Joseph Theal to be for the pre sent the chief military officer of the train band of Bedford, and Abraham Ambler is empowered to grant warrants to several officers and witnesses, and to join persons in marriage." .lames White, Michael Warin, John Ingei-sol and John Right, living towards the northern end of Long Ridge, in Janu.ary, 1720-1, were released from paying towards the ministry in Stamford for the year ensuing, they observing the following conditions, viz : " that they shall duly attend on the public worship at Bedford, and shall bear their part in proportion with the people of Bedford in the maintenance of the ministry there, they bringing a certificate from the town of Bedford of their so doing." In 1722 the inhabitants of Chesnut Ridge, viz: Geo. Dibble, Timothy Concklin and Thomas Corey, were also allowed to pay their minister's rate in Bedford, " if they bring Rev. Mr. Ten- nant's certificate that they have paid to him, to next town meeting." STAN-WICII SOCIETY. This society is made up of parts of the Greenwich and Stam ford societies The first local meeting whose records I have found was that of February 5, 1730, when forty-eight men from 19 140 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. these two societies met and voted to call for the organization of a new society. In May, 1731, they petition the legislature for an act of incorporation, which petition was summarily dismissed. Immediately, twenty-seven of the petitioners from Greenwich and nineteen from Stamford notify the t wo towns that they shall renew their petitions and persist in their organization. Accordingly in October of the same year, fifty-three send in their second petition to the Assembly, which from some infor mality in the proceedings was withdrawn, when the petitioners "¦ave their legal notice to the two towns of their purpose to prosecute their plea. In May, 1732, they forward their petition the third time to the Legislature, stating that they liave already raised their meeting house, a suitable building forty feet long and thirty wide, and that the " most of the stuff" for it is provided. Twenty Stamford families notified the Stamford society of their action ; and a remonstrance against it, signed by twenty- four members of the Stamford society, was forthwith forwarded by interested and influential men to defeat the project before the legislature. An agent from the society in Horseneck was also sent to the assembly to oppose the plea of the petitioners. An earnest protest was urged by both the societies on the ground that the division would weaken them, and 'endanger their very existence. Besides these counter appeals, another remonstrance was sent forward from the dwellers in the vicinity of Round Hill, a little to the west of the proposed society, on the ground that if the new society should be organized it -would interfere with the one they were contemplating, and which was much more needed. But after listening to the petitioners and the remonstrants, the legislature in their October session, 1733, passed the act incorporating the Stanwich society. As a part of the new soci ety was still wdthin the limits of Stamford, in their town meet ing of Dec. 14th, among other town officers, John Newman and Ebenezer Smith were appointed tything men for the new parish PAEISH OEGANIZATIONS. 147 of Stanwich. These appointments were annually made until the society at Stanwich became pernianently independent of the parent societies. NEW CANAAN. This parish was made up of parts of Norwalk and Stamford. The first notice of it as a distinct parish on the Stamford records is of date Dec. 8, 1730, when "John Bouton and others ask liberty of moving out of town to join Avith a part of Norwalk in order to be a society." The town voted in the negative. Yet the opposition could not have been very strenuous, because wo find under date of Dec. 14, 1731, Ebenezer Seely and Nathaniel Bouton are, in town meeting, appointed tything men for the new society. The next year^ John Bouton and Ebenezer Seely are chosen to the same office, and their field of service is called " Cannan Parrish." There could not have been as much opposition to the organi zation of this parish as there had been to that of Stanwich. Our records have a vote passed Dec. 27, 1733, which shows good will towards the New Canaan enterprize, which is also expres sive of the town's regard for the ordinances and institutions of religion. " The town agree that there shall be a committee chosen to agree with those men that have land lying where it may be thought needful for a highway for the conveniency of 'Canaan parish to go to meeting,' and to lay it out where they think it may be most convenient." Of the twenty-four members constituting this church when it was founded, eleven were from Stamford, and two of these — John Bouton and Thomas Talmadge — ^were its first deacons. The names of the Stamford members were : Deacon John Bouton and his wife Mercy, deacon Thomas Talmadge and his wife Susanna, John Davenport, John Finch, Eliphalet Seeley and Sarah his wife, John Bouton, jun., and Mary his wife, and Jerusha,- the wife of David Stevens. Hoyt Job, . 36.02.0 Hoyt Joshua, 26.00.0 Slason Eliphalet . 41.02.0 Seeley Eliphalet, . 32.09.0 Seeley Ebenezer, . 38.00.8 Talmadge Thos., . 71.02.9 Stevens David, . 54.05.0 Waterbury David, . 44.00.6 148 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. The society was incorporated in 1731, but the town continued to belong to Norwalk and Stamford until 1801. The first meeting of the New Canaan society was held July 1, 1731, when John Bouton was made moderator, and John Betts, sen., clerk. The committee appointed were, Samuel Seymour, Zerubabel Hoyt, and David Stevens. In 1732 the list of the Stamford portion of the New Canaan settlers, as reported on the society records of New Canaan, is as follows : Bouton John, . . 36.00.0 Bouton Nath'l, . 61.11.9 Bouton Danieli . . 22.01.0 Bouton Eleaser, . 41.10.0 Bouton John, jr., . 27.04.0 Davenport John, . 68.08.0 Finch John, . . 55.08.0 Green Nalh'I, . 49.12.0 Hoyt James, . . 39.00.0 MIDDLESEX (dAEIEN.) How early separate religious services were held in this part of the town no existing records show. Probably for years before Dr. Mather was settled here in 1744, there had been preaching, with more or less regularity. At a society meeting, held in the first society of Stamford, Dec. 20, 1733, by vote "the society agree that those particular persons that pay to the minister at Five Mile river, shall be discharged from paying their proportion of Mr. Wright's rate, during the term of three months, provided they bring sufficient proof to the society's committee that they pay as much to the minister there, as their proportion to Mr. Wright for the time above said." In 1734, forty-six planters on the west side of Norwalk river petition for a new society. The next notice taken of this project, as far as records show, was simultaneously in Stamford and at the May session of the legislature, in 1736. Sixty-nine petitions, representing eighty families, and a list of £5,880, PAEISH OEGANIZATIONS. 149 made a formal request to be incorporated as an ecclesiastical society by themselves. The petition was negatived, only to be renewed in October of the same year, by fifty-six men. The urgency of the petitioners led to the appointment of a special committee to examine their claims. In May 1737 the committee report favorably, assigning as proper boundaries of the society the Five Mile river on the east, and the Noroton on the west. In October of this year the act of incorporation was passed. It is curious to note upon what frail boundaries they relied. The moment they leave the rivers, which they might presume to be permanent, they fix upon the most perishable objects, in the most indeterminate of localities, to answer as permanent bounds for the society. On the west side of the parish, to separate it from the older society of Stamford, they define, as the western most limits of Middlesex, " an old chimney about two and a half miles east of the Stamford meeting house," and " so to run a strait line midway between Stephen Bishop's house and David Dibble's house," and thence to where the Noroton crosses the Canaan line. But this separation was not to be a peaceable one. Though no blood seems to have been shed in the struggle, there were many earnest and clamorous appeals and remon strances between the parishes themselves and between the par ishes and the legislature; so that the peaceful settlement of the Middlesex seceders was not accomplished before the summer of 1741, about a dozen years after the need of such a society was felt and its incorporation demanded. Eleven somewhat lengthy documents, now on file in the state library at Hartford, testify to the great interest shown in both the old and the new parishes in the proposed division. These papers indicate the most obstinate determination on the part of the first society not to allow any further alienation of any part of their ecclesiastical jurisdiction. Assuming a sort of indefeasible right to the territory, the society, by a unani mous vote of all excepting the seceding portion, declared that they would " not grant to the people at the east end of the 150 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. town the liberty of a society apart." They also appointed Captain Jonathan Hoyt and Mr. Jonathan Maltby as special agents to the legislature to. report the reasons of the town against forming the new society. But the seceders at length prevailed. The names of the petitioners to the " Five Mile river peticion," dated the second Thursday of October, 1736, the original petition being now before me— are : Thos. Reed, Edmond Waring, Jona. Cristy, Jona. Bates, Robert Mills, John Reed, Joshua Scofield, Isaac Bishop, Jona. Bell, Josh. Morehouse, John Bates, Jona. Petit, David Selleck, Nath'l Bates, Ed. Waring, jun., Jos. Pengban, Thos. Reed, jun., John Petit, Joseph Whiting, John Reed, jun., James Slason, jun., David Bates, Eliiis Reed, John Raymond, Nath'l Selleck, David Sco field, Sam. Richards, Jos. Waterbury, Joilas Weed, Deliverance Slason, Chas. Weed, Theop. Bishop, John Andrus, Nath'l How, John Dean, David Waterbury, Eb. Bishop, Zach. Dibble, Thomas Bishop, Sam. Bryan, Nathan Sturgis, Benj. Dibble, David Slason, David Dibble, Nathan Selleck, Nathan Waring, Sam. Brinswade, Eb. Green, John Bolt, Jacob Waring, John Waring, Dan. Reed, Abr. Raymond, Comfort Raymond, Isaac Wood, and Sam. Reed. The first record of a society's meeting in Middlesex bears date June 15, 1739. Ensign Nathan Bell was its moderator and Joshua Morehouse was appointed society's clerk. The meeting was held at the house of John Bates. At an adjourned meeting held June 21st, Tht)S. Reed, Jona. Bates, Daniel Reed, Isaac Bishop, JonathEwi Selleck, Samuel Reed and ensign Jonathan Bell were appointed a committee to " caryon " the building of the "metting hous." They were instructed to make the house fifty feet long, thirty feet wide and twenty feet post. ¦They then voted a tax to meet the expenses of the building, and to pay Mr. Buckingham " for His preaching the time agreed." Jonathan Weed was appointed collector. The society PAEISH OEGANIZATIONS. 151 records from this date to that of the organization of tho church show that thfe following ministers labored here either simply as supplies or as candidates : Rev. Mr. Birdseye, Gideon Mills, Eb enezer Mills, David Judson, Mr. Ells and Mather. At a meet ing held Dec. 11, 1741, the society voted, by a large majority, forty-two to four, to settle Mr. Judson. But to give every man in the society an opportunity to vote, Mr. Morehouse, the clerk, was ordered to carry a paper with the vote " about and read the same to those persons that belong to said society, which -were not at said meeting, that they might have opportunity to sub scribe to the same." At their meeting Sept 1, 1742, while Mr. Mather was still preaching as a candidate for settlement, we find this vote : " Ye Society by major vote granted to ye Rev. Mr. Right (Wright), to preach in any part of Middlesex parish on any needful occa sion as often as he shall see fit." A record of the doings of this society in 1747 respecting the seating of the meeting house explains more fully the process of this custom than any record now existing of any other parish in town, and is worth preserving as a curiosity of the times. Be sides, it indicates some of the principal men of that day, in this part of the town. By the first vote the society decided to seat the meeting by a committee. 2. pr vote ye society a lowed ye first pue to be ye hiest in Dignity. 3. pr vote the 2 pew to be 2 hiest in Dignity. 4. pr vote, the fore seat alowed to be the 3 hiest in Dignity. 5. pr vote, the front pew, by ye great Dorr to be ye 4th hiest in Dignity. 6. pr vote, the corner pew at the norwest to be ye 5th hiest 7. pr vote, to be ye 6th hiest. 8. the west pew nex ye norwest to be ye 7th hiest. Sth per vote 10th per vote 11th per vote 12th per vote 13 per vote Cnpt. John Eaiment, Capt- Jona. Bates, Left. Jona. Bell, sr., Saml Bishop, and Daniel Eeed chosen a comety and a pointed to seat ye meeting hous as the society shall by their vote direct. 14. pr vote Mr. Bavid Tuttle, Mr. Thos Eeed, Cpn. John Eai'nent, Mr. Edmun Wearing, Mr. Jona. Bates, Mr. Nathan Selleck, Mr. Jeams Slason and Mr. jona. Bell all to set in ye fore pew. 152 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. 15 and Decon Bishop also by ye vote of ye society to set iu his seat be fore ye pulpit. IG. pr vote, the .Society Impowered the comety to sent ye remainder of j'e hous a cordin to their own discretion. The above record is of date Aug. 9, 1747, and the next meet ing of the society was held "genewaryye 28th, 1747-8." A record of this meeting is also so characteristic of the times as to justify insertion. " Voted yt Mr. Jona Bell or any other man a greed upon to sing or tune ye salm in his absence in times of publickt worship may tune it in ye old way or new- which suits you best, vote yt Elijah Jones shall tune ye salms in times of worship in Mr. Bell's absence. Vote yt Left. Jona. Selleck shall Reed the salms in Mr. Bell's absence." We have now cut off from what was the parish ot Stamford under the first three pastors here, from the west side portions of the First society in Greenwich and of the Stanwich society ; to the north we have transferred a section to the Bedford parish aud to the east a portion of the New Canaan and the most of the Darien societies. There remains, therefore, only the central portion of the old parish left, extending over two miles east of the meeting house in the village and about a mile and a half west, and stretching from the waters of the Sound ten or eleven miles tow-ards the north. Only one other sub-division of this territory into ecclesiastical societies remains to be noticed. NOETH STAMFOED SOCIETY. For several years before the incorporation of this societj', re ligious meetings had been held in this part of the town. As early as Dec. 9, 1742. Pirst Society meeting, grant to the people of Woodpecker's Eidge aud such as formerly used to joyn with them or may still joyn with them in those limits, an abatement of their part of the ministerial rate for the year ensu ing during the time of three months, if they employ a regular and orthodox person to preach among them, in case said people in an orderly and regular manner attend all the stepts of the law for the obtaining and improving a person to preach in such a capacity. PAEISH OEGANIZATIONS. 153 • Vote tljis meeting is adjourned to 23 day instant at one of the clock at this place ;' viz •¦ the house of Joseph Judson. Met and adjourned to first Mond. Feb. next, same place. Dec. 27, 1743. Woodpecker Eidge shall have the liberty to introduce the Eev. Mr. Writ to preach unto them ; if the said Mr. Writ shall be willing, for this four months next coming, -viz : one Sabbath ina month. Deo. 22, 1762. The inhabitants of the Society living at Woodpecker Eidge and Scofield Town and Thomas Potts, John Dean and Eeubeu Weed shall be excused from paying their society's rates this year for the time they shall hire a preacher, provided it shall not exceed four mout'.s. In 1763 vote to pay to the inhabitants living as above, and those beyond Woodpecker Ridge, their proportion of one hun dred pounds, for the time they shall hire preaching, if not for more than four months. Similar votes were passed annually by the first society until 1773, when it was voted that " twelve pounds, lawful money raised in the first society on the list of this year, be given to the people of Woodpecker Ridge," and Benjamin Weed and Hezekiah Weed were appointed to receive and disburse it. The next five years a similar vote was passed, increasing the appro priation until it reached eighteen pounds. In 1779, after maintaining separate worship for nearly forty years, the people living at and near Woodpecker Ridge sent a formal petition to be set off as an independent society. Now commenced ono of the most heated contests which the town has ever witnessed. The petitioners were earnest and revolutionary in spirit, determined to regulate their own society affairs; and the remonstrants, the entire southern portion of the town, w-ere as earnest in opposing them. Both parties besieged tho legis lature, and the Supreme Court of tho State hesitated. Both were well represented, and such was the vigor of the contest ants and so nearly balanced their opposing pleas, that they pre vailed to postpone for another year the final action of the legis lature. The next season. May 1780, a committee consisting o- Lenuiel, Sanford, Clap Raymond and Mathew Mead, was consti tuted by the legislature to run a line for the southern boundary of the proposed society, if on a local examination they were satis fied there was any need for the new organiza tion. The coni- 20 154 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. mittee decided in favor of the division and located the line of separation. They presented their report at the next session of the legislature, and the plea they make is based on this justifi cation : " There is a number of considerable farmers in the place, where they have already built them a meeting house, and it will admit of considerable improvements, and many more in habitants." Against so conclusive reasoning, no plea of the remonstrants could find weight. Their fears of the " utter weakening " of the parent society, their dislike of the committee's line, which so encroached upon the territory they needed, and the utmost elo quence of their champion, the weighty colonel Charles Webb, , were alike ineffectual, and the last excision from the first eccles iastical society was at length sanctioned by the state legislature in their spring session 1781. Simultaneously with the above territorial division of the town ecclesiastically, another process of excision was going on. By this process, portions of the territory were cut off and assigned to new towns as they were organized. Greenwich seems first to have been relinquished. The town limits to the north extended some four miles further than now, and in 1731 the present line was run, leaving the ter ritory north of it in Poundridge, Bedford and North Castle. In 1860 the northeast part of the town was set off as a part of the town of New Canaan. In 1830, all that part of the town lying east the Noroton river was incorporated as Darien. These suc cessive excisions from the territory leave for the present town ship a territory of about three miles in width at the southera end, about four and a half miles width at the northern end, and about ten miles in length from north to south. The accompanying map gives the original territory covered by the purchase made by Capt. Turner for the Wethersfield men, and indicates the portions cut off for the new towns as they were organized. .. ^^ / .V o .-^ -^ /? ,^ \ \ *5 ? > « s 1, -. s f ^--^ z-' A"' ¦*•» -- b 7' v' '^ 4 ^ v'---.-' f THE STAMFOED OF 1685 CHAPTER IX. BIETHS, MAEEIAGES AND DEATHS TO 1 700. [jtn this chapter we shall give an alphabetical list of births marriages. , and deaths, found on the towm records, down to the year 1700,-^It was the intention of the author to continue this list through the first hundred years of the town, but neither time nor the expense would allow it. It is believed that before the year 1700, no record of this class has escaped the author's notice. Though but a small part of the entire number which must have been registered, with our two chapters of the settlers they will probably indicate nearly all of the different family names found in town, down to the beginning of the eighteenth century. Akerly, Henry, died June 17, 1650. Ambler, Elizabeth, wife of Eichard, d. March 27, 1685. Ambler, and Hannah Gold, married Jan. 12, 1692. Ambler, Ambram and Mary Bates m. Deo. 25, 1662. Their children were: Mary, b. Jan. 15,1663 — Abram, Jan. 5, '65— John Feb. 1,. '67 Joshua, Sept. 8, '70— and Sarah, Oct. 6, '72. Ambler,'John, son of John, b. Feb. 15, 1695 — Stephen June, 22, '98 and Martha, March 17, 1700. Ambler, Abraham, son of Abraham, b. Sept 6, 1693. Ambrey Eobert, d. July 21, 1656— Moses, son of Eobert, b. Dec. 16, 1652. Andrus, Jeremiah and Hannah Ambler, widow, m. Sept. 8, 1J(97. Thei children were : John, b. Jan. 31, 1700 — Ann, Aug. 3, '02 — and Jeremiah, Dec. 5, '05. 156 EEGISTEY — 1640 — 1700. Astin, John, d. 6, 24, 1657— and Samuel, his son, 21, 7, '57. Banks, John and Abigail Lyon, m. April 3, 1672. Bates, John and Elizabeth Lockwood m . Jan. 18, 1693-4. Their chil dren -o'ere, John, b. Nov. 6, 1694— Nathaniel, Oct. 4, '97— Elizabeth, Dec. 10, '99— and David, May 23, 1702. Elizabeth, wife of John Bates, d. May 23, 1702. He m. Sarah Smith Dec. 28, 1702, and had Nehemiah, b . March 29, 1704^and Hannah, May 5, 1705. Bates, Thomas, of Eye, and Mary Butcher, m. Feb. 21, 1669. Bates, Eobert und Margaret Cross m. June 26, . Bates, Eobert, d. Jan. 11, 1675, in the night. Bell, Francis, d. Jan. 8. 1689— Eebecca, his wife, d. May 17, 1684. Their children were: Jonathan, b. Sept. 1640 — Eebecca, Aug. 1643 — and Mare, the last of May, 1646. (Old family bible now in possession of Abraham Bell, of Hope Street.) Bell, Jonathan and Mercy Crane, m. 22, 8, 1662. Their children were : Jonathan, b. Feb. 14, 1663— Hannah, 29, 8, '65— and Eebecca, Dec. 6, '67, and died Sept. 24. 1689. Mercy, wife of Jonathan Bell, d. Oct. 26, 1671. He then m. Susunna, daughter of Eev. Abraham Pierson of Bran ford, Oct. 31, 1672, and had Abigail, b. 23, 12, '73, and d. 5, 4, '74— Abra ham, June 22, '75— Mercy, Nov. 5, '78— John, Jan. 16 '81— a daughter, b, and d. Aug. 3, '83 — James, Dec. 11, '84 — Susannah, Dec. 25, '86— and Mary, Sept. 29, '89. Bell, Left. Jona. d. Mar 11, 1698. Bell, Left. Jonathan and Grace Kitehell m. March 22, 1693. Their son Jonathan was born Jan. 15, 1693-4. Grace died in February. Bertley, Henry, d. Sept. 17, 1656. Bishop, Abraham and Stephen, sous of Stephen, b. Oct 28, 1684 — The ophilus, Feb, 1, ¦&7— Isaac, Oct. 30, '89— Eebecca, April 9, '92— and Ab igail July 15, '96. Bishop, Mary, daughter of Mr., d. 25, 5, 1658. Bishop, Benjamin and Susanna Pierson m. 24, 6, 1696. Their children were Abigail, Oct. 3, 1697— Susana, July 2, '99— Benjamin Nov. 28, 1701— James, April 3, '04— Euth, June 13, '06— and David, June 26, '08. Bishop, Joseph and Elizabeth Kuowles m. Nov. 3, 1691. Their children were : Joseph, b. Oct, 16, 1692— Alexander, April 15, '94— Charles,. May 5, '95— Andrew, Oct 3, '96— Hannah, July 8, '98— Nathan, Oct. 29, '99— Eliza beth, Jan. 3, 1700— Sarah, Dec. 27, 1701— and Eebecca, Aug. 17, 1703. HISTOEY OF STAMFOED; 157 Blachley, Samuel and Abigail Finch, m. April 6, 1699. Their children were : Samuel, b. March 8, 1699-1700— Sarah, Nov. 7, 1702— and Abigail, Sept.. 23, 1705. BouU (Buel) John and Elizabeth Clements, m. 23, 9, 1694. Brown, Joseph, had a son, b. Dec. 24, 1686 — a second son March 11, '89, Hannah, Sept. 21, '92— Nathaniel, June 16, 96— Nathan, Oct. 29, '97— Jon athan, May 14, 1701— David, March 22, 1703-4^and Mary, Octobtsr 2, 1705. Brown, Elizabeth wife of Peter, d. 21, 7, 1657. Brown, Ebenezer, child of Peter, d. 21, 6, '58. Brown, Peter, d, 22, 6, '58. Brown, Eleanor, wife of Peter, d. 21, 6, '58. Brown, Peter and Unica Buxton, m. 25, 5, '58. Brown, Francis aud Martha Chapman, m. 17, 10, '57. Butler, John and Mary Clements, m. 23, 9, 1694. Burr, Daniel and Abigail Prigter, m. Feb. — , 166-. Buxton, Clement, died Apr. 6, 1657. Buxton, , died Aug. 21, 1657. Buxton, Clement, had Clement, b. Aug. 16, 1683— Mosea, Aug. 21, '86— aud Mercy, Nov. 5, '92. Clement Buxton, jr., married in Danbury April 4, 1711, to Elizabeth Ferris. Buxton Samuel, ye sou of Clement and of Judith Buxton, was born in Stamford, and was 14 years old ou ye 15 day of July, Anno Domo. 1713. Buxton, Eunice, dau. of do. , was 35 years old, Nov. 3, 1713. Buxton, Sarah aud Abigail, do., -were 24 years old Aug. 14, 1713. Baxton, Elizabeth,' do., was 17 years old June 7, 1713. Cloyson (Clason), Stephen and Elizabeth Periment m. 11, 11, 1654. Their children were : Jona., b. 11. 12; 1655— Stephen, 17, 12, '57— Ee becca, Mar. 1, '59-60— and a son May, 18, '62. Cloyson, Jonathan and Sarah Eoberts, m. 16, 10, 1680— and Stephen, b. 2, 10, 1681-rJonathan, d. 10, 4, '85, and Sarah his wife, 30, 6, '84. Cloyson. Mary, dau. of David, b. Aug. 17, 1689— Deborah, Nov. 2, '95— ' Hephzibah, Nov. 4, '98. Clawson, ; and Mary Homes, m. Dec. 1, 1692. Clason, Samuel aud Hannah Dunham, m. Deo. 7, 1693. 158 EEGISTEY — 1640—1700. Copp, John and M.iry, widow of late Ephraim Phelps, m. March 16, 1698. Cressy, John and Abigail Knap, m. Dec. 1, 1692. Their children were : Sarah, b. April 25, 1693— Abigail, March 8, '95— John, Feb. 2, '96— Debo rah, Feb. 14, '98— Nathaniel, Sept. 16, 1700— Moses, Feb, 14, 1701-2— and Mary, Feb. 15, '04-5. Cressy, John, son to William, b. May 15, 1695. Crissy, Mary, d. 25, 5, 1658. Cross, Nathaniel and Abigail had Hannah, b. Feb. 23, 1687 — aud Abigail, April 8, '94, and d. Sept. 5, 1710. Cross, Nathaniel and Hannah Knapp, m. Nov. 6, 1696, and had Deborah, Feb. 17, 1701-2— and Nathaniel, April 13, '03, Dann, Francis and Elizabeth Clason , m. Nov. 19, 1685, and had Elizabeth, b. August 27, '86. Davenport, Eev. John and Mrs. Martha Sellick, widow of John Sellick, m. April 18, 1695, and had Abigail, b. July 14, '96— John, Jan. 21, '98— Martha, Feb. 10, 1700— Sarah, July 17, '02— Theodora, Nov. 2, '03, d. Feb. 15, '12— Deodate, Oct. 23, '06— Elizabeth, August '08— Abraham, in '15— and James, in '16. Dean, John, son of Samuel, b. Dec. 10, 1659— and Joseph, April 6, '61. Dean, Samuel, d. Dec. 27, 1703. Dibble John, d. Sept. 1646. Dibble Nathaniel aud Sarah Waterbury, m. 10 3, 11666. Dibble, Zacharia, and Sarah Waterbury, m. May 10, '66,- and had Zach - ariah, b. Dec. 19, '67. Dibble, Zachariah and Sarah Clements, m. August 13, 1698, and had Zachariah, b. July 16, 1699— John, Oct. 22, 1701— Daniel, Feb. 19, '03-4- Ebenezer, July 18, '06- and Eeuben, Oct. 2, '08. Disbrow, John and Sarah Knap, m. 6, 2, 1657. Disbrow, Peter jind Sarah Knap, m. April_6, 16—. Elliot, Mary wifu of John, d. 17, 6, 1658. Ferris, Joseph and Euth Knap, m. 20, 9, 1657, and had Peter, b. 8, 9, 1660. Ferris, Jeffrey, d. 31, 5, 1658. Ferris, Susannah, wife to Jeffry, died at " Grinwich," Dec. 23, 1660. Ferris, Elizabeth, daughter of Peter, b. 28, 11, 1659, d. 5, '2, '60. HISTOBY OF STAMFOED. 159 Ferris, Joseph, son of Peter, b. 20, 6, '57— a son, 20, 6, 69— Mary, May 2, '62— and Elizabeth, Jan. 2, '64. Ferris, Martha, dau. of Isaac, b. June, 19, 1672. Feiris, Joseph, son of Joseph, b. March 31, 1688— Mary, Dec. 12, '90— Nathan, Oct. 22, '94-Samuel, Sept. 5, '96- Elizabeth, March 19, '98-9— Abigail, April 13, 1701 -Hannah, June 20, 1704— and Deborah, August 27, 1706. Finch, John. d. Sept. 5, 1657. Finch, Joseph and Elizabeth Austin, m. Nov. 23, 16—. Finch, Isaac and Elizabeth Basset, m. — 8, 1658, and had John, b. 20, 9, '59— , April 12, '62— Abraham, July 5, '65, before day— Elizabeth, Nov. 14, '69— Martha, June 19, '72— Eebecca March 17, '82-3— Sarah, 23, 11, '86— Jacob, Oct. 9, '91, and died 15, 2, 1702— and Benjamin, Jun e 29 1695. Finch, Samuel and Sarah, had Mary, b. March 2, 1692-3— Susannah, March 3, '93-4— Sarah, Sept. 25, '95— Abigail, July 15, '97— Hannah, March 23, 1700-1— and Martha, July 23, 1703. Finch Israel and Sarah Gold, m. Deo. 1, 1692. Finch, Ann, d. Nov. 9, 1703. Finch, Samuel, sr., d. April 23, 1698. Garnsy, Joseph and Eose Waterbury, m. 11, 3, 1659, and had Joseph, b. June 30, 1662. Garnsey, Joseph and Mary Lockwood, m. march 2, 1692-3, and had Mary, b. Sept 8, 1693— Joseph, April 23, '95— John, May 23, '97— Eose, April 11, '99— Jonathan, Nov. 14, 1701— Hannah, Jan. 27, '02— and Debro, Sept. 10, '04. i Graves, Sarah, d. Sept 13, 1C56. Graves, Benony, son of William d. April 12, 1657. Green, Mary, wife of John, d. 14, 9, 1657. Greer, John and Martha Finch, m. — , 7, 1658. Green, Benjamin and Susan, had a daughter, b. April 19, 1684 — a second daughter, July 8, '86— Lucretia, July 20, '90— and Benjamin, Nov. 5, '93— Susan, wife of Benjamin, d. Nov. 5, 1694, Benjamin and Hester Clemence, m. March 26, 1696, and had Hester, b. Dec. 19, 1696— Debro, April 25, 1701— and Joanna, March 14, 1702-3. 160 ' EEGISTEY— 1640— 1670. Green, Joseph, had Mary, May 30, 1681— Elizabeth, August 5, '83— Waightstill, Nov. 26, '85— Joseph, Jan. 23, '87-and John, Sept. 22, '91. Hardy, Mary, daughter of. Eichard, b. SO, 2, 1659. Hardy, Samuel and Eebeooa, Hobby, m. Nov. 18, 1686, and had Eebeoo.i b. Sept. 28, 1687. \'''' ' Hardy,Samael aud Eebecca ¦ Farbust, m. May 12, 1693,^ a second wife, They had Samuel, b. Aug. 8. 1701. Holly, Elisha, son of John, b. 6, 1, 1659 son of John, b. March 1, 1662-3. Holly, John, Mr., d. May 25, 168), in 63d year of his age. Holly, Increase and Elizabeth Newman, m. April 2, 1679, and had John, b. Feb. 29, '79— Jonathan, Feb. 23, '84— Joseph, March 24, '86-7— and Na than, Sept. 26, '92. Holly, Jonathan audi , had Jonathan, b. Aug. 16, 1C87— Sarnh, Dec. 4, '90— Charles, Aug. 21, '9i— David, Jan. 16, '95.6-Bethia, Feb. 4, '97-8, d. Jan. 20, '98-9— Jabez, Nov- 20, 99— Jobn and Increase, Sept 2, 1703— John, dying Sept. 20 -and Deborah, b. March 11, 1705-6. Holly, John and Hannah Newman, m. April 2, 1679, and had Daniel, b. 9, 3, 1680, and died 4, 6, '80— and Abigail, July 0, '82. Holly, John and Mary Cressy, m. March 10, 1697, aud had Abigail,- b. Oec. 15, 97— Ebenezer, March 31, '98-9— and Noah, Jiin 3, 1700-1. Holly, Jonathan.and Sarah Finch, m. Dec. 2, 1686. Holly, John .and , had John, b. April 14, 1685— Nathaniel, Feb. 9, •86-7— Josias," Feb. 27, '89-90— Hannah, Nov. 20, '94-Elizabeth, March 4, '97-8- and Sarah, Sept. 30, 1701. Hollj', Samrtcl,son of Samuel, b. Jan. 31, 1686-7. Holly, Elisha and Martha Holmes, m. Dec. 2, 1686, sud had Elisha, h. Nov. 10, 1687— Elizabeth, March, 2, 90— Martlm, Dec. 28, '91-^Eli2abetb, Jan. 28. '93-4— Elnathan, March 20, '96— Israel, Jan. 16, '97-'S-^A.bigiiil, June 8, 1700— John, Nov. 20, 1702, and died Dee. 8,1702— and Mary and Sarah, b. May 0, 1705, Mary, dying May 8, 1705. Holly, Samuel and Mary Close, m. Juno 25, 1668, and had John, b. April 20, 1670— Samuel, .May 10, '72— Hannah, Aug'. 15, '76, d. April 10, 1700^Jo- seph, b. Airril 2, '78— Mary, 26, 2. '80— and Benjamin, Oct. 4, '84., Holly, Samuel, d. iu ye 68th year of his age, May 13, 1709. Homes, Johu aud Eaohel Waterbury, m. 12, 8, 1659, apd had Mary, b.' EEGISTEY — 1640 — 1700. 161 Sept. 25, 1662,— Stephen, Jan. 14, '64— Eachel, Dec. 7, '69— and John, Oct. 18, '70. Homes, John and Maroy Bell, m. Jan. 15, 1701-2, and had Jonathan, b. May 21, '03, and because of his father's death, re-named John. Homes, Stephen and Mary Hubby, m. Nov. 18, 1086. nyat, Thomas, d. Sept. 9, 1656. Hoyt, Simon, d. 1, 7, 1657. Hoyt, Mary, daughter of Joshua and Mary, b. Dec. 22, 1664— Eebecca, Sept. 21, '67— Joshua, Oct. 4, '71— Sarah, April 17, '74— Samuel, July 3, '78— Hannah, Sept. 1, '81— Moses, Oct. 7, '83— and Abigail, Aug. 20, '85. Joshua, the father, d. Nov. 9, '90, as recorded -n-ill attests. Hoyt, Benjamin and Hannah AVood, m. Jan. 5, 1670, and had Benjamin b. Dec. 9, '71— Mary, Sept. 20, '73— Hana, June 3, '76— Simon, March 14, '77. Hoyte,, Samuel and Hunnah Holly, m. Nov. l(i, lti7— and had Scmuel, b. July 27, '73— John, Jan. 9, '75— Hannah, Nov, 23, '79- '80— Jonathan, June 11, '83, and died six -H-eeks old — Joseph, June 12, '86 — Ebenezer, Nov. 29, '87, and " dyed"— Nathan, Mhr. 24, '91— and Nathaniel, April 1, '94, and died July 27, 171—. Hoyt, Joshua and Mary Picket, m. March 16, 1098, aud had Jorusha, b. Dec. 8, '98 -and Joshua, June 7, 1700. Hait, Benjamin, jr. aud Elizabeth Jagger, m. June 10, 1097, aud had De borah, b. Aug. 9, '98— Benjamin, Aug. 24, 1700— David, Jan. 23, '02— Abra ham, June 16, '04— Samuel, who died Aug. 29, '03— Elizabeth, b. Sept. 26, '10, and died July 31, '12— Ebenezer, b. Oct. '12— Hannah, Deo. 8. '16, aurl Jonas, May 8, '20- Hoit, Samuel and Susanna Slason, m. Oct. 24, 1700. Hoyt, Mr. Samuel, Sr. and Mrs. Mary Gold, m. Sept. 20, 1714. Halt, Dea. Samuel, d. April 7, 1720. Hait, Eebecca, wife of Dea. Samuel, d. Deo. 8, 1713. Hughs, Eobert and Elizabeth Buxton, m. Jan. 6, 1655. Jackson, John had a daughter b. July 21, 1662. Jagger, Elizabeth, daughter of Jeremy, b. Sept. 18, and d. Dec. 17, 1657. Jiigger, Jeremy, d. 14, 6, 1658. 21 162 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. Jagger, Jonathan and Eebecca Homes, m. Aug. 22, 1700. Jones, Cornelius and Elizabeth Hyat, m. 6, 8, 1057. The age of the children of Cornelius Jones, entered this 17th Dec. 1657. eleven year old ye 20th of Aug. last ; ten year old next Feb. ; nelius eight year old ye beginning of Nov. last ; six year old, May next ; and three year old last Jan. Jones, Mary, daughter of Joseph, b. Jan. 4, 1677 ; Hannah, March 16, 79_'80— Joseph, Dec. 20, '82— Samuel, March 1, '84-85— and Cornelius, March 1, '87-'8. Juno, Peter, had Sarah, b. Jan. 30, 1680— Peter, Nov. 22, '83- James, June 29, '87— Thomas, July 23, '90— Mercy, Sept. 11, '92— aud Mary, July 30, '99. Knap, Joshua and Hannah Close, m. June 9, 1657, aud had Hannah, b. March 26, '60— Joseph, in '64 — Euth, iu '66 — Timothy, in '68 — Benjamin, in''73— Caleb, in '77— and Jonathan, in '79. Kuap, Elinor, wife of Nicholas, d. 16, 6, 1658. Knap, Nicholas and Unica Brown, widow of Peter, m. 9, 1, 1659. Knap, Caleb, son of Caleb, b. Nov.* 24, 16G1— and John, July 25, 'G4. Kuap, John and Hannah Ferris, m. June 10, 1692, and had Samuel, b. Aug. 27, '95— John, Aug. 14, '97— Hannah, March 10, '98-'9— a son, b. Aug. 15, '01— Charles, March 9, 1703— and Deborah, June 28, 1705. Knap. Moses and Elizabeth Crissy, m, ¦ 168—, and had Elizabeth, b. Sept. 7, '90. Knapp, Caleb and Hannah Clements, m. 23, 9, 1G94— Caleb, b. Sept. 30, '95— William, Dec. 15, '97— Sarah, Jan. -18, '99- Abigail, Jan. 9, 1701-2— Joshua, April 10, 1704— Joseph, Deo. 10, '06— Hanna, April 10, '10— Jo iiathan, Jan. 12, '12-'13. The next two children of this family were bom in Norwalk. Lawrence, Thomas, d. Aug. 16, '91. 'Leeds, John and Mary, had Jouathau, b Oct. 12, 1693 — John, IMiirch 8, '94— Sarah, Feb. 8, '96— Samuel, Feb. 21, '97— Ebenezer, Jan. 17, 1700— and Mary, Oct. 23, 1702. Lounsburj', Henry, son of Richard aud Elizabeth, b. Aug. 15, 16S4. Lockwood, Eliph-dlet and Mary, daughter, of John Gold, m. Oct. 11, 1099. Lockwood, Edmun, d. Jan. 31, 1692. EEGISTEY — 1640—1700. 163 LookwooJ, Jo.ieph and Elizabeth Ayrea, m. May 19, 1698, and had Jo seph, b. May 13, 1693—Hannah, March 24, '01— John, Sept. 18, '03— and Nathaniel, April 1, '06. Mdad, Baujamia and Sarah Waterbury, m. May 10, 1700. Mead, wife of William, d. Sept. 19, 1657. Merwin, Miles and Sarah Scofield, m. Nov. 30, — . Merwin, Joseph, son of John, b. May 2, 1657. Mills, sou of Eichard, died Dec. 25, 1660. "Jno. Mills of Stamford, and Mary Fountain daughter unto Aron Fouu- tain, who was born unto him by his wife Mary whose maiden name was Mary Beebe, who was ye daughter of Mr. Samuel Bcebe of new london, ware married ia Fairfield, by major Peter Burr, Assistant, October ye 2th, 1702." Miller, Sarah, daughter of Johu, b. Nov. 10, 1662. Newman, Hannah, daughter of William, b. 29, 10, 1637- Mary, d. 18, 10, 'o'J— and Jonathan, b. April 21, '61. Oliver, bora 20, 6, 1657. Oliver, son to William, b. 19, 9, 1650— a second sou, April 14, '62. Penoyer, Thomas and Lidde Kuap, m. May 22, 1GS5. and had Abiga'il b. 13, 8.. '86-Mary, Nov. 22, '88— Mellioent, April 13, 91— Mercy, Sept. 28, '93 -Samuel, April 3, '96— aud John, May 26, 98. Penoyer, Thomas, son of Eobert, b. March 29, 1658 -Mary, Nov. 25, 'GO —Martha, Sept. 23, '61--and Abrigail, 13. 8, 'OS. Pettet, Debrow, d. 7, 9, 1657. Pettet, John's wife d. 27, 7, 1G57. Pettot,'^-!^' and Sarah Scofield, m. 13, G, 1665. Pettet, David, son of John, b. July 20, 1654, and d. 2, 8, '57— Jonathan, b. Feb. 23— ,Sai-ah, 27, 6, 1666-John, b. 26, 8, '68— a son, 20, 6, 72— and Mercy, b. 5, 9, '74. Pettet. Jouathau, son of Jonathan, b. latter end of Oct. 1693 — John, March 8, '9d^5— Sarah, Feb. 8, '96-7— Samuel, Feb. 21, '98-9— and Ebenezer, Jan. 17, 1700-1. Pond, Abigail, daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth, b. ApriflS, 1698— Elizabeth, Nov. 22, '99-Josiah, Jan, 13, 1701— Hannah, Feb. 13, 1702-3— and Naomi, March 22, 1704-5. 164 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. Potter, John and Sarah Sellick, m. August 30, 1698. Eatliffe, William and Elizabeth Thele, ra. 29, 8, 1659' and had Mary, b, Oct. 27, 1662. Reynolds, Saragh, d. August 21, 1657. Reynolds, Jonathan, had Rebecca, b. 1656 — Jonathan, '60 — John, '62— Sarah, '65— Elizabeth, '67— aud Joseph, about 69- The father, Jonathan; d in 1673. Eich, Henry, and Martha Penoir, m. 21, 10, 1680. Eock, Hittabel, died Sept. 14, 1656. Eockwell. child of John, died 31, 5, 1658. Eoberts, Thomas aud Sarah Elliot, m. 27, 11, 1658, and had Sarah, b. Sept, 4, 1561, and a child, April, 1, '83. Scofield, Eichard, had Elizabeth, b. Nov. 27, 1653, and Jerimy, 10, 1, '58. Scofield, Mejcy. daughter of Daniel, b. the latter end of Nov. 0 9, 1657. Scofield, John and Hannah Mead, m. July 10, 1677— and had Samuel, b. July 10, '78— John, Jan. 15, '79— 80— Ebenezer, Jan. 26, '85— Nathanial, Dec. 10, '88— Mercy, Oct. 30, '90— Mary, Aug. 4, '94— and Susanna, March 2, 97-8. Scofield, John, died March 27, 1698-9. Scofield, Eichard and Euth Brundish, m. Sept. 14, 1689, and had Jeremiah, b. April 1, '91— Joshua, Nov. 5, '93— James, April 1, '96— Jona than, Oct. 9, '98— Hannah, Nov. 14, 1700— Debro, Feb. 14, 1702-3. Scofield, Daniel and Hannah Hoyt, m. April 17, 1701, and had Nathan, b. April 14, 1702. Seeley, Obadiah, d. August 25, 1657— Habakuk, d. 13, 6, 1658. Seeley, Martha, daughter of Jonas, b. Sept. 20, 1690— Jonas, July 22, '92 Susanna, June 12, '94— Ebenezer. Jan. 18, 96-7— Nathaniel, August 23 '99— and Ehzabeth, August 20, 1701. Seeley, John, son of Obadiah, b. August 25, 1693— Nathaniel, June 19, '95— Mercy, Jan. 30, '98— and Obadiah, August 7. 1701. Seeley, Sarah, daughter of Jouas, born Feb. 1694-5. Se! lick, Jonathan, and Abigail Law, m. May 11, 1665. Sillick, Jonathen, son of Jonathan, b. July 11, 1664 -David, Jan. 27, '65 EEGISTEY 1640 1700. 1.65 Selleck, John and Sarah Law, m. Oct. 28, 1669, and had Sarah, b. August 22, 1670— David, Dec. 27, '72— Nathaniel, April 7, '78— John, June 7, '81. Selleck, Mr. John, had Susanna, b. Feb. 2, 1683, and Johanna, b. May 31, '86. Selleck, Jonathan Jr., and Abigail Gold, m. Jan. 5, 1685— and had Abi gail, b. April 3, 1685— Nathan, Sept. 12. '86— and Theophila, Feb. 11, 94-5. Selleck, Nathaniel and Sarah Lockwood, m. Jan. 25, 1699— and had Daniel b. Dec. 23, 1700. Selleck, Capt. Jonathan, d. June 11, 1710. Selleck, Maj. Jonathan, d. Jan. 10, 1712-13. Shepard, Mary, widow, d. August 15, 1683. Simkins, Jonathan, d. 7, 8, 1657. Skelding, Thomas and Rebecca Slason, m. June 11, 1701. Slason, Sarah, daughter of John, jr., b, Jan. 20, 1693— Johu, Oct. 4, '95 —Martha, Sept. 17, '99— and Elizfibeth, April 18, 1703. Slason, Jonathan and Mary Waterbury, m. Feb. 4, 1699-1700- and had Abigail, b. March 8, 1700— Mary, Jan. 20, 1704. Slason, John, son of John, b. Sept, 9, 1664— Sarah, Jan. 20, '67— Jona than, July 25, '70— Elizabeth, Jan. '30, '72— Mary, April 21, '80— Thomas, 3, 12, '81— and Hannah, March 12, 85—6. Smith, Samuel, son of Henry, died 16, 8, 1658— Mary, 3, 10, '58— and a daughter, August 9, '61. ' Ann, wife of Henry, died second week in June, 1685. Smith, Elizabeth, wife to John, d. Oct. 6, 1703— and his youngest daugh ter, Oct 10, 1703. Smith, Hannah, daughter to John, d. Oct. 27, 1703. Stevens, Thomas, died, 19, 6, 1658. Stevens, Obadiah and Eebecca Eose, m. Dec. 18, 1678— and had Tho mas, b. Sept. 6,- 1679— Ephraim, Jan. 28, '80— Rose, Oct. 14, '83— Rebecca , 12, 2, '86— Elisha, April 23, '88— Daniel, Nov. 30, '90— Nathan, Deo. 1, '94 and Deliverance, a son, August 1, 1697. Stevens, Joseph and Sarah Buxton, m. June 24, 1680— and had Joseph b. May 21, '81— Unica, Dec. 5, '83— Sarah, Jan. 27, '86— and Mary, Jan, 30, '91— Stevens, Obadiah, d. Dec. 24, 1702. Stukey, George, and Ann Quimby, m. 28, 9, 1657' 160 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. Stukey, Elizabeth, d. Sep. 4, 165G. Stukey, George, d. Nov. 28, ISGO. Taylor, Gregory, d. 24, 7, 1057. Taylor, Goodwife, d. 18, 6, 1657. Theal, Nicholas, died 19, 6, 1658. Uffert, Eiiz-abeth, widow, d. Dec. 27, 1660. Usher, Eobert and Elizabeth Jagger, m. 12 , 3, 1659, aud had Elizabeth b. Feb. 25, 1659-60. Waterbury, John, d. 31. 5, 1G58. Waterbury, Sarah, daughter of Jonathan, b. August, 15, 1677 — Unice, Oct. 7, '79— Eose, Jan. 21, '81— Eaohel, Aug. 26, '84— Jonathan, Feb. 9, '85— Abigail, July 1, '88— and Joseph, Jah. 20, '91. Waterburj', Jouathanj d. Jan. 14, 1702. Waterbury, Mary, daughter of John, b. March 20, 1679— John, Oct. 30, '82— David, Jan. 24, '84— and Thomas, May 12, '87. Waterbury, John, sou of David, b. Jan. 25, 1G81-2— Elizabeth, Jan. 19, '83-4— and Sarah, Jau. 10, 84-5. Waterbury, David and Sarah Weed, 2d. -wife, m. August 11, 1698- aud had Euth, b. Jau. 3, 1699— and David, Nov. 9, 1701. AVaterbury. . , son to Jonas, b. Sept. 12, 1694. Webb, Eichard, d. Jan. 1, 1656. Webb, Joshua, son of Eichard, b. -; and — — Nell, March 30, 1662. Webb, Eichard, died, March 15, 1675,-6. Webb, child of Richard, died, Jan. 1, 1656. Webb, Joseph aud Hannah Scofield, m. Jan. 8, 1672, aud had Joseph, b. Jau. 5, 1674— Mary, April 14, '77 -Hannah, March '79— Sarah, Oct. 16, '81— aud Margery, Oct. 4, '83. Webb, Waitstill, child of Samuel, b. Jau. 6, 1690-1— Samuel, Nov. 6, '92 Mercy, April 11, '93— Charles, March 12, '96-7— Mary, Jan. 7, '98— 9— and Nathaniel, Nov. 0, 1700. Webb, Joseph, and Mary Hait, m. Feb. 23, 169S-and .had Joseph, b. Jau. 26, 1700-1— Ebenezer, b. March 7, 1704, and died, -April 16, 1704— Ben- j amin, August 24, 1705. EEGISTEY — 1640 — 1700. 167 Weed, Jonas, child, d. July 15, 1656. Weed, Jonas, son of John, b. Feb. 5, 1667— Daniel, Feb. 11, '69— Joseph, d. Jan. 7, '90, aged 12 years— Isaac, April 20, '91, aged 9 years— Mary, April 21, '91, aged 7 years, aud Hanna, March 22, '91, aged 4 years. Weed, Jouas and Bethia Holly, m. Nov. 16, 167 — . Weed, Jonas, son of Jonas, (Shoemaker), b. July 26, 1678— Benjamin April 5, '81— Jonathan, AprillS, '84 — Abigail, Aprils, '95— John, Nov. 19, '98— Miles, Feb. 24, 1700-1— Sarah, March 10, '02-'03— and Nathan, May 20, 1705. Weed, Jonas, (Shoomaker), d. Nov. 18, at eaveniug, 170G. Weed, Daniel and Mary Webb, m. Sept. 23, 1697. Weed, Daniel, had Abraham, d. 18 years old, Aug. 18, 16D8— Sarah, 23 years jold, Nov. 18, '98— Daniel, 13 years old, March 19, '98— Ebenezer, 6 years old, Oct. 22, '98— Nathaniel, 2 years old, Oct. 22, '98— Joseph, b. Aug. 18, '98— David, Aug. 19, 1700- Joanna, Nov. 8, '02— and Dairiel, May 14, '05 Weed, Samuel and Abigail Scofield, m. April 17, 1701. Weed, Joseph and Eebecca Higginbotham, m. Dec. 10, 1701. Weed, Jonas, at Noroton Corners, aud Sarah Waterburj', m. Jun. 20, 1703- 4, and had Jonas, b. at Noroton CornBra,.Dec. 24, 1704. Weed, Jonas, Sr. d. Nor. 19, 1704. Wiat, Nathaniel, sou of Nathaniel, b. July 18, 1637. Youngs, John aud Euth Eliat, (Elliot), m. Jan. 30, 1690, and had Eliza beth, b. April 22, '94, and d. April 15, 1706- Euth, b. May 21, '96— Mary, Aug. 30, 1700— John, May 5. 1703— Abigail, ilarch 13, '05-6— Thomas, Feb. 21, '07-8— Elizabeth, May 30, '10-Samuel, Sept. 30, '12— and Sarah, June 18, '15. CHAPTER X. ¦STAMFOED IX 1700. This year finds in Connecticut twenty-seven towns incorpo rated, of which Stamford ranks the thirteenth on the grand list. The population of the town is probably somewhere be tween five and six hundred. The territory is about seven and a half miles in width and not far from eleven in length. Sixty years have now passed since its settlement ; and they have been years which must have left many and well defined traces of their course. Already Eastfield, Southfield, Xorthfield and Newfield, em bracing a large part of the territory south of what is now the North Stamford Parish, had been " layed out " to the proprie tors or their children, or were yet used as common grounds for " winter corn " or summer pasture. Enough had been learned ot the several parts of this domain to have already established in common use names long since outworn or forgotten. Runkinheag and Short Rocks, Hardy's Hole and Slason's Wolf Pit, Elbow Plain and Rump Swamp, Great Fresh Meadow and Jagger's Den, Clabord Hill and Hollow Tree Ridge, are names of less significance in these modern times than when they expressed localities closely connected with the most important interests of the young colony. A well built fence running across its neck, and which twenty years ago had taxed the common time of the whole people, had secured the whole of our beauti ful headland, Shipan, as the yearly corn ground of the proprie tors ; while another fence running across eastward from below STAMFOED IX 1700. 169 the landing place to the north of where our new cemetery now lies, cut off the early Rocky Neck as their nearest pasture ground. Across this territory ran an irregular road, near the course of the present principal street through the town. From this, cart paths radiated at dift'erent points, ont to the several fields which had then been laid out, embracing the most of the southern part of the tract, while almost all the northern portion of it was still aforest,with openings for here and there a pioneer home on the two northward routes leading from the present center of Darien and Stamford over Woodpecker Ridge into the new settlement at Bedford across the Dutch lines. Of the state of these roads at this period, even the best of tiiein, that which formed the chief landward route between New Haven and New York, we find a very reliable description in the private journal of Madam Knight. She had started on horseb.ack from Boston, Oct. 2, 1704, to visit New York. Dec. 6th she left New Plaven attended by a kinsman of hers, Thomas Trowbridge of that city, also on horseback. They made the journey together, and started on tlieir return Dec. 15th. The journal thus mentions the route across Stamford. As she left Kye she says : " here we took leave of York government and descending the mountainous passage that .almost broke my heart in ascending, before wc eame to Stamford, a well compact town, but miserable meeting house which we passed and through many great difficulties, as bridges -which were exceeding high, and very tottering, and of vast length, steep and rocky hills and precipices (bugbears to a fearful fem.ale traveler). About nine at night we came to Norwalk, having crept over a timber of a hroken bridge .about thirty feet long and perhaps fifty to the water." On the journey to New York she says that between Xorwalk aud Rye they proceeded " walking and leading their horses neer a mile together, up a prodigious high hill." This is the hill of which she speaks on the return. Of the condition of the other roads traversing the town we have no account. '>'2 170 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. Already were visible the germs of at least two other cen ters on this tract, at Middlesex and at Woodpecker Hollow. But as yet no effort had been made to establish church or per manent school privileges elsewhere in all this stretch of terri tory, than at the very center of the town plot. Here, close by where the first rude church had been built, stands the third edifice, now in its sixth year of good service rendered the town, yet already undergoing such changes in its interior as the in creasing population demands. This very year the order is given to transfer the pulpit to the north end, and turn the seats to face it, and to throw galleries around the hitherto unused walls to accommodate those for whom there are now no seats. The fathers of the town were nearly all gone, and the third generation were now coming forward to the responsibilities and honors of social and civil life. We will see who are still here and in what positions, as far as the records of that day will show. The chief man of this now soine^\diat organized town Rev. John Davenport, has for some six years held his throne in the hearts of the peojDle who had voluntarily placed him there ¦ and there seems to be no abatement of their loyalty or their love. They still, with great unanimity, vote his annuity of the usual " specia," and a most bountiful supjjly of wood. Early Novem ber of this year gathers them together in formal town meeting, and the first and most important business of the day is to see that all the temporal wants of their faithful pastor are supplied. Sec how fully those citizens of the year of grace, 1700, jji-ovide for one of their pastor's wants. The whole town are assembled. Samuel Hoyt, the same who was to sit with Mr. Davenport, ere long, in the famous Saybrook Convention to aid in framing the famous Saybrook Platform, Avas doubtless their Moderator. The drum has ceased its summons, and the ready pastor has iu- voked on his people the presence and blessing of God. He re tires and the second man of all this people, moderator Hoyt, STAMFOED IX 1700. 171 calls for such business, as now the providence of God orders them to " attend." The first response, introduces as of first importance tho claims of the good pastor, who was in charge of the spiritual interests of the whole town. Nineteen closely written lines, in the hand writing of the the honored recorder of the town, Samuel Holly, Sen., repoi-t to us all that was done in that November meeting ; but fifteen of them are devoted to recording the care which the people took of him whose sacred office they had been trained to honor, and whose personal character they had learned to respect and love. They now vote Mr. Davenport, his annuity of wood. Lest any part of it should bo lacking, the amount was provided for iu the town rate ; yet each inhabitant dwelling between Nor- w.alk and Greenwich was allowed " reasonable time and warn ing" for carting his proportion of the wood, which, from a previous record we learn must be deposited in the minister's yard before the end of November. They, then, vote the price which each person must pay who fails to carry his proportion of the supply, — eight shillings for each load — and order that none of the wood carried shall be cut over " six foot" long. Aud lest these orders should fail of practical execution, the fol lowing vote secures the desired result. "By voate ye town doe appoint Daniel Scofield and Elisha Holly to apportion to each man what wood he shall carry to Mr. Davenport, and to order ye time when it shall be carried ; and do Impower ye sd Scofield and Holly to hire all such men's pro portion of sd wood as shall neglect or refuse doing their sd pro portions, after Reasonable warning and time allowed for ye performing of ye sd worke, and shall pay all such as are hired, town Rate not exceeding eight shillings ye coard, and for their incouragement to ye sd persons improued In ye worke they shall have allowed them so much as their proportion is in ye town Rate ; yt is of wood." I have introduced this item of town business in its full pro- 172 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. portions, as most distinctly revealing the leading aim and spirit of the town, a hundred and sixty-eight years ago and to indi cate the manner in which they sought to realize it. Religion and its support was this aim, and for this the town government was framed and- pledged. Let us now name the men who are here, and their recorded positions. At the first town meeting held this year, March 5, 1700, the following offices are filled : For "viewers," that is, for those who were to inspect the fields and see that that they were closed so as to " turn creturs" by the fifteenth of March, but who were obliged to officiate the twentieth day of the month, we have the names of John Slason, sen., and Isaac Finch, sen., for the Northfield ; Joseph Garnsy and Daniel Cloisen for the Southfield ; and John Slason, jr., and John Crissy for the Eastfield. For " pounders," that is, for those authorized to impound lawless cattle, there were : Thomas Slason and Samuel Finch for Northfield; Daniel Lockwood, for the Southfield; John Green and John Bishop, for Eastfield ; and Clement Buxton for Roekyneck. For " suruaires," (surveyors,) were : Richard Scofield and Nathaniel Cross for Southfield and westward ; Benjamin Hoit, sen,, and Dan. Scofield, for Northfield and"Norward; Steven Bishop and Steven Homes for Eastfield and eastward and Rocky- neck. Mr. Samuel Hait and Elisha Holly are added to the committae for laying out Runkinheag or Short Rocks. Mr. Jonathan Selleck, jr.. Mr. David Waterbury and Eli sha Holly, are appointed to prosecute all " found defective upon the account of lands." Benjamin Green and Nathaniel Cross are to " vewe" the land west of Joseph (^arnsy's lot and report. Zacri Dibble is allowed ten acres from the sequestered lands, ¦ STAMFOED IN 1700. 173 Elisha Holly is to have six and Jonathan Crissy ten. David Waterbury and Elisha Holly are to report a place on Stony- brook for Mr. Bates to set a fulling mill, as he wishes leave to do. At the town meeting held August 23, 1700, Peter Ferris, jr„ and Jonathan Bates are appointed to make out the town list, and Samuel Holly, sen. " is to fit it for ye corte." No other vote of this meeting is recorded. At the town meeting held November 8 of this year, in addi tion to the votes respecting Mr. Davenport already reported, .John Holly, " Increasis son," has donated to him " a corner of land within the Eastfield gate next his lot, not preyising the highway," and Stephen Bishop, Jonathan Waterbury are to vewe ye sd land and stake it out to him. Daniel Scofield. sen. and Elisha Holly are chosen auditors. At the meeting held December 27th of this year, Benjamin Iloyt, sen. and John Ambler are chosen collectors to ga'ther Mr. Davenport's rate. John Slason, sen. and Joseph Ferris, constables. Daniel Scofield, sen. Jonas Weed, sen. Richard Scofield, Eli sha Holly and Samuel Holly, sen., are made townsmen. Left. Waterbury and Daniel Scofield, sen.. " Sheep masters to take care of ye flock." Joseph Turney and Increase Holly to lay out the laud granted by the town to " Zacry Debbie," and Jonathan Cross and Elisha Holly. The above are all the names which occur on the busi ness records of the town for the year 1700. Others who were living on this tract at the time, will appear from the assign ment of land by lot, December 26,1699. There were sixty- nine lots, and they were drawn by seventy-five persons in the following order. Stephen Clawson Ensign Bates William Clemance John Arnold Nathaniel Cross Joseph Garnsy John Crissy George Slason John Pettit John Holly, sen. Lieut. Bell Daniel Scofield Jonas Seeley Peter June Increase Holly 174 Abram Finch " ye pi-Sonage Mr. Mills Elawzer Slas ou Isaac Finch Mr. Bishop John Holme-s Johu Slason Jonathan Holly Joseph Turney Gapt. Selleck Mr. Lawes Eichard Scofield Joseph Theil Johu Smith Ed. aud Jo. Lockwood Thomas Penoyer John Weed_ Caleb Knapp HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. Stephen Holmes Francis Dan Jonathan Waterbury Samuel Hoyt Thomas Lawrence Benjamin Green .John Scofield Joseph Green Clement Buxton Samuel Webb Peter Ferris John Miller John Wescott David Waterbui-y Samuel Finch John Waterbury John Austin John Finch, Jan. Joseph Stevens Samuel Dean Abraham Am bier Jeremy Jagger Joseph tirown Joseph Hoyt Jouas Weed Elisha Holly Thomas Newman Moses Knapp Daniel Weed .Xonathau Jaggor, Widow Webster Seely, deceased Samuel Holly j Obadiah, Slevena Benjamin Hoyt John Finch Cornelius Jones John Goold Samuel Hardy In addition still to these names we have others in the follow ing list of estates made out in January, 1701. This list will also be in proof of the relative pecuniary standing of the citi zens at this date. The list is said to be that " belonging to ye proper inhabitance in Stamford." It is alphabetically arranged on the original record, and may be found in Book of Records A, page 376. £ s. d. X .s. d. Ambler. John, 92 10 0 Holly, Samuel, sen. 52 00 0 Andrews, Jeremiah, 96 18 0 Holly, John, ser. 71 10 0 Austen, John, 34 04 0 Holly, John, 63 00 0 Bates, John, sen. 135 00 0 Holly, Elixabeth, 61 16 3 Bates, John, jiin. 90 00 0 Holly, Jonathan, 58 10 0 Bell, Mrs. 105 00 0 Holly, John, jun.. 30 00 0 Bell, Jonathan, 55 05 6 Holly, Samuel, jun.. 20 00 0 Bishop, Stephen, 143 10 0 Holly, Joseph, 25 00 0 Bishop, Joseph, 55 12 0 Holly, John,un , 20 10 0 Bishop, Ebenezer, 33 00 0 Jagger, Jonathan, 39 05 0 Bishop, Benjamin, 38 10 0 June, Peter, 75 15 0 Brown, Joseph, 78 10 0 Jones, Orp, (orphan?) 04 Ofll STAMFOED IX 1700. 17.5 Baxton, Clement, 112 00 6 Knap, Moses, 45 05 0 Blachley, Samuel, 37 07 3 Knap, John, 111 05 0 Crissy, John, 40 16 0 Knap, Caleb, 34 17 6 Crissy Jonathan, 18 00 0 Lockwood, Joseph, 40 07 6 Cross, Nathaniel, 54 00 0 Lockwood, Daniel, 38 02 6 Closon, Daniel, 64 05 6 Lockwood, Edmund, 28 10 0 Closon, Samuel, 55 12 0 Mills, William, 21 00 0 Chapman Simon, 26 00 6 Mills, Johu, 18 00 0 Clemance, William, 27 12 0 Newman, Thomas, 83 00 0 Clark, Joseph, 21 00 0 Pettit, John, 56 07 9 Dan, Francis, 27 00 0 Penoyer, Thomas, 72 05 0 Dibble, Zechary, 26 05 3 Pond, Nathaniel, 36 00 0 Dean, Samuel, 14 13 0 Slason, Johu, 'sen. 101 05 0 Dean, John, 30 00 6 Slason, John, juu.. 57 15 0 Doan, Mathew, 18 00 0 Slason, Jonathan, 33 00 0 Ferris, Peter, 118 12 0 Slason, James, 43 02 Ferris, Joseph, 72 02 0 Slason, Stephen, 18 00 Ferris, Peter, juu. 39 00 0 Seeley, Obadiah, 26 00 0 Finch. Isaac, sen. 27 10 0 Seeley, Jouas, jun. . 18 00 0 Finch, Abraham, sen. .37 02 0 Scofield, Daniel, sen.. 115 05 0 Finch, John, 22 00 0 Scofield, Daniel, jun., 55 10 0 Finch, Samuel, 46 02 6 Scofield, Widow, 66 05 0 Finch, Joseph, 42 02 6 Scofield, John, 27 03 0 Finch, Abraham, jun. 35 00 0 Scofield, Eichard, 56 02 6 Pinch, Isaac, jun. 22 00 0 Smith, John, 107 02 0 Garnsey, Joseph, 46 10 0 Smith, Daniel, 148 0 0 Green, John, 28 17 6 Stevens, Obadiah, 79 07 6 Green, Benjamin, 55 09 0 Stevens, Thomas, 18 00 6 Green, Joseph, 81 01 0 Stevens, Joseph, ' 46 17 0 Gold, John, 88 02 6 Stone, John, 22 00 0 Hardy, Samuel, 47 00 0 Selleck, Major, 91 15 0 Higgingbothum, Mr. 30 00 0 Selleck, Widow, 106 05 0 Holmes, Stephen, 83 05 0 Selleck, Captaiu, 123 10 6 Holmes, Samuel, 18 00 0 Selleck, Nathaniel, 57 0 8 0 Holmes, John, 31 00 0 Seeley, Jonas, sen., 116 170 Hayt, Samuel, seu. 94 10 0 Traheru, Edward, 41 10 0 0 Hayt, Samuel, jun. 24 02 6 Turney, Joseph, 63 05 0 Hayt, John, 19 00 0 Waterbury, Daniel, 136 10 g Hayt, Benjamin, seu. 112 00 0 Waterburj', Jona. 100 00 0 Hayt, Benjamin, jun. 52 05 6 Weed, Jonas, sen. , 1.54 10 0 Hayt, Joshua, 31 12 6 Weed, Widow, 96 10 0 Hayt, Samuel, (smith) 36 12 6 Weed, Daniel, 26 07 0 176 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. Weed, Samuel, 22 15 0 Webster, Daniel, 30 0 0 Weed, Joseph, 55 06 3 Wood, Mr. 119 10 0 Webb, Samuel, 56 10 0 Youngs, John, 46 10 0 Webb, Joseph, 61 08 9 Davenport, Mr. John, 100 00 o Webster, John, 41 00 0 Entered tliis 28lh of Jan. 1701-2, by Sam'l Holly, recorder. The following choice morceau, found in the New York colo nial records of this date, will enable us to estimate the influence of Stiimford, in wha,t has since become the metropolis of the continent. It bears date. New York, November 28, 1700, and was written by the " Earl of Bellomont," to the English Lords of Trade, his mastei-s. It will give us a pretty clear idea of the Yankee enterprise of at least one of the Stamford boys of that day. The record will also, reveal the natural results of the nearness of Stamford to the great metropolis of the country, in dicating thus early in its history how strongly our businessmen are temjated towards the city. " Theres a town called Stamford, in Conn. Colony, on the border of this province, where one Major Selleck lives, who has a ware house close to the sea, that runs between the mainland and Nassau, (Long Island). Tliat man does us great mischief Avith his ware house, for he receives .abundance of goods from our vessels, and the merchants afterwards take their opportu nity of running them into this town. Major Selleck received at least £10,000 worth of treasure and East India goods, brought by one Clarke of this town fi-om Kid's sloop, and lodged with Selleck." CHAPTER XI. XEW FAMILY NAMES BETWEEN" 1660 AND 1775. This chapter proposes to reeord the introduction of new fami lies between 1660, to which date our fifth chapter brings down the list, and the opening of our revolutionary war. We shall, as iu the former chapters on the settlers, give such account of these new families as we have been able to secure. A few other names may appear in the text, but of persons probably tran siently here. We regret a want of space which compels quite an abridgment from our original draft of this chapter on the pioneer names of these new families. Aenold, Joseph, 1685, by vote of the town is allowed to set lip a shop on the town lot, towards the nortliwest corner. In 1688, with such help as he could command, he was found en gaged in rigging up a brigantine under suspicious circumstances. They could not or would not report the object or destination of the craft. This, too, was at the time when the English govern ment were continually finding fault with the New England colo nies for allowing piratical expeditions to be fitted out in their harbors. The fathers of the town, against whom no suspicion of disloyalty or even remissness in civil duty could be raised, at once issued their injunction upon the proceeding. The mere fact that the cause for rigging up the brigantine was unknown, was the ground of the injunction. He is called mariner, on leaving home. Mar. 20, 1688-9. The record states that "being designed on a voyage to sea, by God's grace," he appoints his brother John and his loving friend 23 178 HISTOET OF STAMFOED. Peter Chocke his attorneys. Several families of this name must have been here during the first half of the last century. Ayees, Richard, sen. gives son Philip land, Dec. 19, 1705; and his house and use of land to son " Harence." Mary his wife died, Jan. 19, 1715-6. Richaed, jr. said to be of Stamford, buys land, April 5, 1703, of Richard Sco'field. He, or another of the same name, married, Abigail , Dec. 18. 1712, and had a son John born in '14. The widow of Richard Ayres, married John Mott ; and in '35, John and Abigail Mott quit claim to their sons John and Ebenezer Ayres and their daugh ter Mary Ayres, all their interest in the estate of their honored father Richard Ayres. Bakee, Samuel 1775, buys of Wm. Budd Lucas, on Bald Hill. The name disappears for three quarters of a century, to re-appear in Luke Baker, whose family now live on South St. Banks, John, IT'SO. This family have continued in the north west part of the old township until the present day. Beachgood, John and Hannah, had children born here ; Mary, Nov. 18, 1721; Martha, March 0, '25 ; Peter, March 17 '26-7; Hannah, Sept. 8, '31. Beldin, John, 1691, is a partner with Jonathan Selleckin the purchase of the Pink Blossom, built in S tamford, by John Mills. This family was quite numerous and evidently had both means and influence about the middle of the laSt century. Bellamy, Slatthew, teacher, buys land of Robert Usher in 1688, when he is said to be of Stamford. In 1670 he was hired to teach school ; and the town give him a house lot, binding him to build on it within two years. The name soon disappeared from the roll of citizens. Blachley, Samuel, blacksmith, Aug. 15, 1695, buys land of Abraham Finch, and next year appears on the list of town offi cials. In 1708 he is on the school committee. In 1714, he was voted the liberty of Mill river, above Northfield for a mill, NEW FAMILY NAMES. 170 if he will build on it within three years. In 1723 he had a shop near the meeting house ; and by 1730, he had made such progress in position as to be allowed the honored prefix, Mr. to his name. By his first wife, Abigail Finch, he had Samuel, Sarah, and Abigail ; and by the second whose name was Sarah, a Mary, b. Aug. 24, 1710. His death occurred Oct. 14, '56. Blackley, Joseph, 1736-7, married Abigail Hoyt. Children, Sarah, b. Sept. 20, '37, and Joseph, June 24, '39. The wife Abigail died, June 27, 1739. This name is spelled Blatchely, Blachly, Blackesly, and in several other ways, making it difficult often to decide what family is indicated. The name appears often on the land re cords of the town. Blackman, Josiah, married here, Aug. 5, 1714, Sarah Brown. Children, one who died Feb. 25, '14-15; Josiah, born in 16; Sarah, b. Oct. 15, 1718 ; Joseph, b. Nov. 5,-1719 ; Elizabeth, d. April 11, 1730; Josiah, jr., d. Mar. 14, 1738-9. His name is several times on the list of town officials and his death is re corded, June 17, 1747. His wife died, Aug. 16, '45. Blanchaed, William and Abigail, had children ; Jacob, b. Feb. 28, 1744-5 ; Abigail, b. Sept. 7, 1746 ; William, b. Jan. 8, 1749-60, and a second Jacob, b. Feb. 5, 1752. He is among the ofiicials of the town as early as 1751. BoAEDMAN, Israel, was here in 1724, when his "ear mark" was entered to him. An Israel Boardman, married here March 13, 1745-6, Mary Blackman. Children, one that was b. and d. same day, and Mary, b. Feb. 1, 1753. BooLOCH, Richard, then 66 years old, owned a farm here in 1677, which had been given by John Budd to his son-in-law, John Ogden. Bostwice;, Ephraim, purchased Dec. 3, 1745, of Peter Quin tard of Norwalk, and Hannah Quintard and Nathaniel Hubbard of Stamford, the land of Isaac Quintard deceased. 180 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. From similarity of names in their families he was doubtless a grandson of that Arthur Bostwick whom Savage brings with his son John from the county of Chester, Eng. to Stratford. He was probably a cousin of the Rev. Ephraim Bostwick who was recorded here, as married to Mrs. Abigail Allen, March 1, 1738-9, and who was settled as pastor over the First Church in Greenwich, from 1730 to 1746. To this Rev. Ephraim, there were born and recorded here, Zachariah, b. Nov. 39, 1737; Ephriam, Oct. 25, 1741.; Mary, Aug. 4, 1743; Abigail, Aug: 16, 1745; Ebenezer, March 14, 1749; William, April 19, 1751, and Samuel, July 29, 1753. Ephraim Bostwick seems to have been active and prominent in the school society. BoEDEN, Nathaniel is on the list of the town officers in 1737. Bouton, Richard, had died here June 27, 1665, when his will was probated. His wife Ruth had the use of his property, and at her death, if there should be any left, it was to go to his son John's son John. John, 1722, is on the official list of the town, and Nathaniel is admitted an inhabitant the next year by vote of the town. John, jr., and Mary Pettit, m. Feb. 18, 1731-2. Children, Mary, b. Dec. 24, 'S3 ; Gold, b. Jan. 24, '33-4. This name has been quite numerous and furnished a good number of respect able citizens. Beiggs, Daniel in 1707 had lands here. He had married, Nov. 24, 1704, Elizabeth Newman at Rye, and his daughter Sarah is recorded as seven years old, March 29, '12-13. They had a daughter Mary, b. Jan. 24, '16-17. The name has con tinued until the present time though never very numerous. Beookbe, Samuel, 1748, is on the official list of the town and for several years must have been quite active and prominent. Beyan, Samuel and Augustin had families here during the first half of the last centurv. NEW FAMILY NAMES. 181 Ghestee, Richard, tailor, in 1708-9 buys dwelling house here of Joseph Lockwood. Chiciiestee, Daniel, 1722, married Abigail Bishop and had children.; Abraham, b. '25 ; Abigail, b. '27 ; Susannah, b. '33 ; and Daniel, b. '35. Clements, William, 1671, seems to have succeeded Mr. Ri der as teacher. In 1677 he is given a house lot if he and his " do forever maintain all the town fence lying by the two North- field gates, and for secnrity the above land shall be bound for ever." Clements, Widow Elizabeth, died here in 1727-8. Cluggston, John, 1721, takes his cattle mark. He and Eli zabeth had children, Elizabeth, John, Ann, Deborah, Samuel, Mary, Abigail. He had been twice married. Clock, John, was admitted an inhabitant by vote in 1725. He married Deborah Scofield, and had a daughter Catherine born, Jan. 6, 1725, and a son Albert, May 9,' '29. This name is still in the eastern part of the old township. Coeey, Thomas, 1720, when the following children are re corded to him and his wife Elizabeth ; Jane, six years old, Feb. 17th; Mary, four years old, Oct. 6th, and Thomas, one year old, Feb. 10th. "^ CoNKLiN, Gary, 1728, in north part of the town, has liberty to pay ministers rate in Bedford. Ceawfoed, James and Abigail had children ; John James, b. June 10, 1763, and d. April 21, '66 ; Joanna, b. Nov. 24, '65, and John, July 2, '67. Ceissy, William, Jan. 16, 1666, testifies in the Stamford court. His son John was born in 1665 ; and probably it was his daughter Mary who died in 1658. In 1672, in a deed of land sold to Nicholas Webster, he is styled planter. This name has been both numerous and respectable. Geoss-,, Nathaniel,- 1673, was' voted a home lot. In 1687, he buys- of Ebenezer Mead of Greenwich; land in Stamford. In 182 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. 1693, John Cross of Windsor, sells his house aud home lot in Stamford to his brother Nathaniel of Stamford. CuETiss, Cornelius, Oct. 3, 1712, married Deborah Green. Timothy, in '47 was one of the school committee and promi nent among the town officials afterward. Dan, Francis, the first of this name in town, bought land of Isaac Finch, March 17, 1684-5. By his wife, Elizabeth, he had children, " born in Stamford;" Abigail, b. March 30, 1699 ; Re becca, Aug. 25, 1706; Jonathan, Nov. 9, '09. This family set tled in the north part of the town and gave name to a part of it. D.vNiEL, (Daniels) Richard, married Bethiah Hoyt, March 1, 1750, and had a son Abraham, b. Sept. 24, '52. Davis, John, 1709, is admitted by vote an inhabitant of the town. Davenpoet, Rey. John, the ancestor of this family came here as our Chapter of Ecclesiastical history shows in 1693 ; .and his family from that date have been prominent in the his tory of the town. See Biog. Sketches ; and lor an account of the descendants of Mr. Davenport, the first of the family here. uee also the Davenport Family, by A. B. Davenport, Esq., of Brooklyn, N. Y. Delay AN, Cornelius, was probably the first of this name here. He had property here in 1713, and his wife Deborah had son Timothy, b. July 29th, of the same year; and in '46 appears among the officials of the town. John Delevan must have been here about as early, as he had a son Cornelius born here in '15. The family settled in the northeast part of the town where the name is still respectably represented. Demill, Peter, of French parentage, was here in business in 1703. He was evidently a man of means and of business en ergy. He lived on the ground now occupied by the Congrega tional Church. He died here in '22, when he was styled cap tain. Peter, son, probably of the above, had son Peter, b. NEW FAMILY NAMES. 183 May 23, 1731, and son Abraham, Dec. 21, 1735. He and An thony Demill a brother, probably, in 1727, were granted the privilege of building a grist mill at the mouth of Mill river, twenty rods below where " Harriss's old mill" was. For several years the name was quite prominent in the records of the town ; and is still well represented among the business men of New York. De FoEEST, Anthony .and Martha had son Reuben, b. Dec. 1756. Dixon, John, married Ruth Hait of Norwalk, and had son John born here, Nov. 25, 1761. He married fov his second wife, Rachel Sherwood of Stamford, and they had a son Hugh, b. Oct. 29, '70. The name is still found on our roll of citizens. DEEW,Dr. John, married here Feb. 4, 1714, Elizabeth Green. ilercy Drew, a daughter, probably of Dr. Drew, married here Jan, 8, '35-6, Jonathan Weed. (See list of physicians.) DcTFEEES, John and Mary, and Stephen and Sarah had chil di-en here between 1760 .and '75. They were land owners hero during the revolutionary war .and occupied a part of "Bauld" Hill, Canaan parish. Emeey, John, 1668, sells house and land to Richard Law. Fanchee, John, and Emice Bouton, m. Nov. 19, 1736, '34, fireman, '47, buys land of John Jacklin, and in '50 is on the official list of the town. Hanna, m. Joseph Garnsey, June 6, '28. Fountain, Mary, dau. of Aaron and Mary, m. John Mills, of Stamford, Oct. 2, 1702. Fountain, Sam. and Martha Scofield, m. Nov. 23. '74 Moses ; b. June 3, '76 ; S,am. b. June 4, '78. Fountain Eneas and Elizabeth Smith, m. Julyl779 ; Joseph, b. Jan. 3, '80. Gagee, Jeremiah, 1666, in the Court Records is said to be- 25 years of age; aud John, has lands assigned him in 1667. Gale, Joseph, a town officer in 1758. By wife Rebecca, he had children born between '32 and '44. 184 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. Gayloe, Jeremiah, the first of this name on the town records, had land assigned him in 1665. The name is still well repre sented in our list of town officials, and in families of other names. Gold, John, is outhe list of freemen in 1734, and sells land here in 1681. John, his son, probably married here, April 3, 170 7 Hannah Higginbothum. John sen. died in '02. This. name is found often on the land records of the town for about fifty years. GoEUM, George, the first of this family in Stamford, was licenced to sail from New London to Barbadoes, with his sloop Hennah, in 1727. He soon after this came to Stamford and settled on the spot now owned by Capt. Isaac Weed, in Darien. He afterwards went down to the landing, near the mouth of Goodwin's river, where his descendants still remain. In 1743, Capt. George Gorham, appears among the town offi cials. He had married, iu NewRochelle, July 20, '26, Hannah Banks ; the service being performed by " a Church of England Minister." Their children, recorded, were: Hannah, '28 ; Puella,'30; Abigail, '31; Phebe, '35; Daniel, '37; Jonathan, '40 ; Sarah, '42 ; George, '44 ; Joseph, '45 ; and Deborah, '48. Geay, Daniel and Prudence Waterbury, married here, Nov. 15, 1765, and had daughter, Mary, b. May 18, '67. Joshua and Elizabeth Dibble, married. May 20, '66, and had daughter Abigail, b. Feb. 9, '69. The name disappears from the records soon after the close of the war. Haeeis, Robert .and Eliz.abeth, were hereabout 1710, and had several children. RiCKOx:, Benjamin, was hei-e in business in 1715. He married, Feb. 3, '13-4, Sarah Selleck, and had two children rocordexl to them, Abigail and Bethel. Higginbottom, Richard, 1696, buys land of Daniel Wescot. According to Savage, he had gone from New Haven to Eliza- new family names. 185 bethtown, whence he removed to Stamford. He was a tailor and had married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Munson, and had a daughter, Rebecca, b. Oct. 12, 1682. He married, Dec. 11, 7107, Youne Waterburj^ At her death, in 1710, She is called Eunice. By vote of the town, Richard Higginbothom, is accept ed an inhabitant Jixn. 31. 1708-9. Hobby, John, 1663, had land bounded by William Hubbard's of Greenwich, and is, probably, the ancestor of the families of this name in town. The names spelled Huby, Hoby, Hubbe, llubey. Hubbey, .and Hubbey. How, John, 1710, married Comfort Finch; Isaac and Eliza. beth, had a son David, b. in 1720 ; Ebinezer, in '23, and James, '25. In '32, Isaac How was chosen ensign of the 1st company or trainband of Stamford. HuBBAED, William, "formerly of Greenwich," bought lan herein 1697, and again in 1704-5, he buys another parcel, west of Mill river, on "Pepperwood Ridge." The name is spelled Hubert, and Ilubbart. He w.as probably a grandson of George and Mary Hubburd, who came from England in 1635 or '36, and settled at Wethersfield. This George removed to Milford, and had a large family ; John, George, Daniel, William, Mary, Sarah, Abigail, Hannah and Elizabeth. Hull, Josiah and Hanna, has son Samuel, b. March 2, 1740-1, the father being dead. HurroN, Samuel, 1744, buys land of Joseph Judson & Joseph Brown. He was a man of some prominence in the town for a number of years. In '48 he paid forty shillings fine for refusing to serve on the grand jury. By his wife Rebecca, he had a daughter, Rebecca, and a son, Samuel, Feb. 20, '57. Ingeesol, John, 1721, is the first of this name on record here. and Simon, who appears twelve years later, when he married Hannah Palmer. This family has since then eeii well repre sented in all the generations. Jaevis, Samuel, bought dwelling house, homelot, barn and 24 186 HISTOEY OF STA3IF0ED. shop, Jan. 11,1 744-5 of Nathaniel Finch. To Samuel and Mar tha Jarvis are recorded the following children : Monson, b. Oct. '42; Samuel, July 4, '45; Polly, Feb. 21, '46-7; Sarah, Nov. 28, '50 John, Oct. 11, '52; William, Sept. 11. '5(3; Hannah, Sept. 27, '58, and Lavina, Oct. 5. '61. This family for several years was quite numerous and has always been in all its branches highly respectable. (See list of loyalists.) Jeffeey, John, admitted an inhabitant in 1727. The children of John and Sarah recorded here, are John, Samuel, and Mary. Jointee, Isaac, admitted an inhabitant by vote, 1713. Judson, John and Charity Smith, married, Mar. 17, 1768, and had children ; J ames, Mary, John, and Sarah. In '73 he buys land of Wm. Wheaton. King, William, 1728, is allowed a lot, four rods north and south, and two rods east and west, below Long Bridge, west side of Mill river for a tannery. Ketchum, John, of Huntington, and Hannah Bishop, m. June 11, 1728; and had, Hannah, Sarah, Joseph, Jonas, Zophar, Re" becca, and Ruth. This family is still represented here. Kimball, Henry, 1690, blacksmith, late of Boston, binds himself to pay Moses Knap, jun. blacksmith, forty-three pounds. L,vwEENCE, Thomas, sells land in the rear of his house lot to .lohn Thomjison, in 1667-8, .and was made freeman in 1670. He was one of the wealthy men of the town, as the list of 1687 shows. "Lawrence's farm" was a noted locality in that day. He died in 1691, as his inventory testifies. Leeds. How earl j' this family came to Stamford or whence they came, no records probably shovr. Our catalogue of the births before 1700, gives us the family of John and Mary, re corded here; and their children are: Jonathan, b. Oct. 12, 1603 ; John, b. March 8, '94 ; Sarah, Feb. 8, '96 ; Samuel, Feb. 21, '97; Ebenezer, Jan. 12, 1700, and Mary, Oct. 23, 1702. NEW FAMILY NAMES. 187 An interesting letter from II. H. Leeds, Esq., of New York city, to his kinsman, J. W. Leeds of Stamford, indicates the locality of the family in England. Two brothers, John and William Leeds, once owned maiulv the territor}' on which the present city of Leeds is built, and from them the city takes its name. One of the descendants of William, was that Doctor Leeds, of Glare Hall, Cambridge, who purchased the manor of Graxton, near the middle of the 16th century. Three of his descendants came to America about 1650, one of them settling in Stamford, one in New London, and the other in New Jersey. The first record, I think, in Stamford, in which that name occurs is found under date of Sept. 30, 1692. It states that Mr. John Leeds made complaint before Jonathan Bell, commissioner, against a Mr. Johanes Courtland, merchant of New York, "for want of the iron Avork for carrying on of the vessel which he the said Leades is in building, for the said Courtland". Gary Leeds buys land here of John Waterbury, in 1708. A Gary and Martha Leeds, were living here early in the last century, having children ; John, b. Dec. 13, 1714; Gideon, b. May 4, '16 ; Israel, b. Sept. 29, '19 ; and Gary, b. to his, wid owed mother, Sept. 4, '30, the father Gary having d. June 7, '30. This Gary, m. Sept. 6, '57, Mary Giles, and was the grandfather of the present John W. Leeds, president of Stam ford Bank. Lloyd — The first mention of John Lloyd, the ancestor of this family in Stamford on our town records, bears date Dec. 17, 1747. He makes a plea to the town for permission to cart a " parcel of small stones out of his orchard on to the " sloug- hey" place in the road between the town and the common landing place, by Peter Demills especially " in the flat land all along the front of my orchard" ; and that he might be credited with this expense on the town-tax account. The record of this family is so exact, on the register of births, that I will copy it. The family did not remain long in town, yet he must have been 188 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. a prominent man during our revolutionary period to have been appointed to offices which he held. " Henbt was born in Stamford, in Connecticut, unto John and Sarah Lloyd, on Friday ye 22nd day of July, 1743, at ten minutes after eleven a clock in ye day, and was christened by ye Eev. Mr. Eichard Caner of Nor walk, ye Sth day of August, 1743. John, was born Feb. 22, 1744, nine minutes after six o'clock, evening, and christened by Eev. Mr. Samuel Seibury of Hamstead, Nov. 31, 1744 ; Eebecca, born in Stamford on Fryday, Jau. 2nd, 1746-7, at four o'clock in ye morning, and was baptized by ye Eev. Mr. Ebenezer Dibble, June ye 29th, 1746. Abigail, on Wednesday, Feb. ye 13, 1750, at four o'clock in the morning, and was baptized by Eev, Mr. Ebenezer Dibble, March ye 3, 1750. Sarah, born Monday July ye 2nd, 1763, at 40 minutes after one of the clock in ye morning, and was baptized by the Eev. Mr. Ebenezer Dibble, July 29th, 1753." Lewis, John and Martha Finch, married here April 23, 1729, and had a daughter Sarah recorded to them, Aug. 11, '39, and a son James, March 27, '41-2. Jonathan and Millecent Weed, married, March 20, '74, and had son James, born July 15, '75. Lines, David and Mary Cheson, married,Jan. 14, 1747-8, and had Mary, born April 9, '49; Polly, January 21, '52; Esther, Jan. 12, '55, and Nancy, Feb. 28, '57. LoNGWELL, John and Susannah, had a David born, Feb. 3, 1736-7, and a John in '46. LoDEE. Several of this name were living here after, about 1710, the name first occurring in 1685. LouNSBUEV, Richard, the first of this name recorded, was here in 1684. He and his wife Elizabeth, had son Henry born in that year. Michael Lounsbury in 1702, bought land on "Pep per Ridge, near Taunton." He married Sarah Lockwood. This name has beeu quite numerous in the north part of the town. Maesiiall, .John, has land assigned him by the town in 1667 ; and in 1687, he buys land of Richard Scofield. Nehemiah Marshall and Patience Webb, were married April 4, 1743, and had two children, Bethiah and Nehemiah, recorded to them. Maltby, Jonathan and Sarah, had son Jonathan, born June 29, 1720. He was one of the prominent men of the town for a NEW FAMILY NAMES. 189 number of years. He. attained colonel's rank in military life, .and held various civil offices in the gift of his townsmen. Mathews, Thomas, shepherd, appears as an inhabitant on the land record in 1690, and on leaving town on an expedition for Albany and " Ganadey," mortgaged his real estate as security for his debts. The land had been laid out to him in 1687. MiDDLEBEOOKS, Nathaniel and Elizabeth Hoyt, married 1749, and their child Mary was born March 16, '53, at which date the father was one of the town school committee. In '59, Nathan Middlebrook is named on the town committee. Mott, .John, 1735, had married widow Abigail Ayers, and with her gives quit claims to her children for their father Rich ard's estate. Nichols, Robert and Elizabeth had recorded to them, Ruth, Mary, Robert, Sarah, Abraham, Noah, David and Reuel. Thomas Nichols was here on official list of the town in 1763, and Robert in '74. The family name is still well represented here. NoETON, Hugh and Mercy had a son James born in May, 1729, and a son William who died, Aug. 16, '31. The death of the father is recorded. May 12, '38, and that of the mother. May 11, '34-5. OsBOEN, Abner and Marcy Pettit, married here. May 13, 1752, and had Samuel, Ebenezer, Benjamin, Mary and David. Palmee, Samuel and Hannah Cross, married Mar. 31, 1715, and had daughter Hannah. This family name is still honored not only on our citizens' list, but in one of our finest hills. Paedee, John, married Sarah Webb, and Joshua married Eli zabeth Webb, and both of them had families here soon after the middle of the last century. Paeketon, James and Mary, had children here ; Mary, James, Denne and John. In 1752, he is allowed £20, "old tenor money" for keeping his mother-in-law Abigail Whitehing, (Whiting.) 190 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. Pelton, Robert, 1744. Peeey, John, '09. Paedy, Joseph, admitted inhabitant, 1718. Philips, George 1688, is admitted an inhabitant "if becomes here to settle with his family." Platt, Stephen, admitted inhabitant, from Huntington, in 1757. Pond, Nathaniel, 1698, " blacksmith, late of Branford," buys land east of Noroton river of Jonathan Selleck, and in 1698, he also buys and sells land on Stony Brook. He was by vote ad mitted an inhabitant, Jan. 31, 1708-9. He had a large family. Potts, Thomas and Hannah Garnsy, were married, Jan. 1, 1735-8, and had children here. PowEES, Andrew, buys land in 1775, of Peter Weed in Canaan parish. PuEDY, Joseph and Elizabeth Ferris, m. Dee. 25, 1723, had Miiry, Joseph, and Elizabeth. Peovoece,. (Provost,) Samuel and Sarah Bishop, m. Jan. 5, 1765, and had nine children. A brother of this Samuel came to Stamford about the same time and had also a family. QuiNTAED, Isaac. This pioneer of the Stamford family of this name, as his grave stone in the north east corner of the Episcopal burying ground testifies, was " born in Bristol, in Old England," and died "February ye last day 1738, aged 42 yrs." How early the family came to Stamford no record shows. Our records have the marriage of Isaac Quintard and Hannah Knapp in 1716, from which, it is probable that the pioneer, then a young man of twenty years, had found his way out of New York and been ensnared by one of our Knapp maidens. Five children are recorded here, the first born April 1721 ; the second born May, 1722; Hannah, b. June 28, '24; Isaac, b. Dec. 29, '27; and Peter, born in '30. The first appearance of the name on our records which I have found, is in a record of sale of land from Robert Embree to " Isaac Quintard of New York City, merchant," dated Oct. 1, 1708. The land was NEW FAMILY NAMES. 191 bounded by the home lot of Bates, north ; by the home lots of Sam. Hait and Sam. Scofield, deceased, east ; by the common, west and south. Peter, son of Isaac, man-led in 1761, Elizabeth De Mill, and had five children, of whom Isaac the second child, married Han nah Palmer, March 20, 1786, and had six children, of whom, Isaac, the third son now occupies the house which his father was occupying at the opening of this century. Reed, John, the progenitor of this family in Stamford, ac cording to the family history, was born in Cornwall, Eng land, and in his sixteenth year entered Cromwell's army, and ou the restoration of Charles II. came to America. He is sup posed to have stopped first in Providence, R. I. — thence he went to Rye, N. Y. — thence to Norwalk, where we find a John Reed in 1666 or '67 John Reed, jr. of Norwalk, son of the John above, in '91, buys land of Stephen Clason, of Stam ford. In 1709, he buys of Cornelius Jones, and '13, of Jona than Bates. The land was lying on the Five-mile river, near his father's homestead. This family h.as been quite numerous. Rich, Henry, purchases of Caleb, Webb land 1681, and of Samuel Webb his home lot on the west side of Mill river, in the " Ox jjasture so called." In '80, on publish ing his intention of marriage with Martha Penoyer, a minor, her guardian objected. They, however, drew up articles of agreement between themselves and the parties to be married, on signing which " with witnesses, legally, then ye overseers do so for consent yt ye partys may proceed in m.arriage ; ye 20tli of December, 1680." Both "Hennery" and M.artha, sign the bond with their marks. In '85, this Henry Rich mortgages his land and house lot ou Horseneck, to secure Thomas Penoyer of Stamford, having sold his real estate in Stamford in '84. RoBEETS Zachariah, by special vote is admitted an inhabi tant, Jan. 31, 1708-9. He was ssiid to be of Bedford, when he first purchased land here in '01. RiCHAEDS, Samuel and Esther Hadyn, married, Nov. 24, 192 IlIST'OEY OF STAMFOED. 1768, and had Sarah, b. '70; Esther. '71 ; Lewis, '73 ; Noyse, 1777. Skelding, Thomas, 1701. married Rebecca Austin and their son, Thomas, w.as b. in '03 St. John, David, blacksmith, 1758, is allowed by vote of the town to settle at Woodpecker Ridge. James, and Hanna Hait, m. Sept. 19, 1753, and had a large family. Selleck. — This famllj^, natives of Wales, as the tradition is, were in Boston as early as 1643. Two of the sons of David .and Susanna Selleck of Boston, — Jonathan, born. May 20, '41, the very year of our settlement, and John, b. April 21, '43; came to Stamford about the year '60. Jonath.an had house and land recorded to him in '63. Jonathan, married Abigail, daughter of Richard Law, and had his first child, Jonathan, born here, .July, 11, 1664. He had two other sons, David, b. Jan. 21, '66, and John, who graduated at Harva.id, in '90. These sons all died, so Savage tells, us before the father's death, which is recorded as taking place, Jan. 10. 1712-13. This Jonathan was a prominent man, and at his death he bequeathed his Latin, Greek and Hebrew books to the Rev. Mr. Davenf)ort. John, the other jjioneer of this name, made freeman, 1669 ; married Sarah Law, a sister of his brother Jonathan's wife and had children, Sarah, b. August 22, 1669 ; David, b. Dec. 27, 1672; Nathaniel, b. April 7, '78 ; John, b. June 7, '81 ; Susanna, b. Feb. 2, '83, and Joann.a, b. May 31, '86. This .John was a weal thy ship-owner .and captain. Under date, Feb. 25, '68-9, the town granted Mr. .John Selleck a piece of Avaste land by the landing place to set a dwelling-house, or AA'^are-house. He Avas taken prisoner on a voyage to England, in May, '89, by the French, and never returned to Stamford. His estate Avas settled here in 1700, and Avas very large. A branch of this family Avent just after our revolutionary war to Oyster Bay, on Long Island, NEW FAMILY NAMES. 193 where, down to the present day there are found worth y repre sentatives of the name. Abigail, wife of Maj. Selleck, d. Dec. 20, 'II. Stone, John, in 1701, sells to Zach. Roberts, sen. of Bedford, the land and house he bought of Samuel Dean. He was one of the townsmen for a number of years. Stuaet, Charles, was here in 1763. Studwell, Joseph, was here in 1667. Thomas was here in March, '67-8, and binds himself to pay for, or return a cata logue of goods, among which were hatters tools. As security, he mortgaged three acres of meadow in the East field. Stueges, Christopher, admitted inhabitant by vote in town meeting, 1718, and had a son, Jabez, b. here, '21. For several years after '23, he is enrolled among the town officials. His wife, Mary, d. Feb. 17, '46-7. Stuedivant, Wm. In 1682, Nicholas Webster, receives from the tOAvnsmen a piece of land in the rear of his lot, which had been layed out to this Wm. Sturdivant. Talmadge, Thomas, was here in 1709, and by vote admitted an inhabitant. He married Mary Weed, and had a daughter Hannah. He had married again in '21, when his son James was born. Thompson, John, " gunsmith and resident in Stamford," sells house aud lands to Jonathan Selleck, May 7, 1667. He was here, also, in '69 and in '70 — sold land to Richard Webb. Teyheen, (Tryon) Edward, appears on the land record as early as 1684. One of his daughters married John Webster. Sarah, his wife, died here, Sept. 2, 1702, and his death oc curred May 14, '74 ; down to Avhich date his name is found quite frequently in the records. Thorp, Charles, was living here in 1733, when his son Ed ward Avas born. Todd, John, jr. AV.as an inhabitant in 1774. TuENBY, Joseph, had lands laid out to him in 1686 ;0n the 25 194 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. Other, (east) side of Noroton river. He was a man of some means. The family has never been numerous here. Walsh, James and Rebecca, had children ; Hannah, b. at Croswise, Jan. 17, 1736; Catherine, at Stamford, Aug. 12, '38 ; Mary. Feb. 8,1701-2; James, Aug. 28, '44; Jane, Oct. 17, '46 ; Lydia, Daniel and Abraham, Feb. 7, '49-50. The name is spelled both Walsh and Welsh. Waeing, Michael, came from Queen's Village, L. I. in 1717 iu company with James Wliite and Thomas Brush. They pur chased on Longridge. The family for tAVO or three generii- tions must have been quite numerous. In the first deed the names is Waron. Watees, John, married here in 1753, Oliver Delavan, and had a large family in the north part of the town. Waedwell, (Wardell) William, is the first of this family on our records. He was a son of Usual and Grace Wardwell of Ipswich, Mass. and Avas born in Bristol, R. I. May 13, 1693. Tho name appears here, Dec. 7, 1726, with that of Margaret his wife. Their daughter, Hannah is in the record of births. In '35, in Society's meeting, four pounds and nineteen shillings were granted to himfor AVork, Avhich by committee's order, had been done to Mr. Wright's house. In '43 he is recorded as sealer of measures. Wescott, — Spelled first Westgatt and variously afterward. Daniel was here pretty soon after 1660, and was propounded for freeman of the Conn. Colony, at the Hartford Court, in Oct. '69. He and his brother John had come probably from Fairfield, to which place they had come from Wethersfield. Both of them are reported frequently on the land records. Wescott, John .and Rose Holmes of Bedford, married April 9,1702. Wheelee, Justus iind Elizabeth had a son Justus, born in 1731. Whitney, Eliaseph is reported on the records in 1 748. NEW FAMILY NAMES. , 195 Whiting, Joseph, is in business here, 1724, and same year had recorded the birth and death of a daughter, Sarah. His wife Abigail died in '33, and he married Hannah Beachgood, Jan. 25, '33-4. White, James came from Huntington, L. I. in 1717. In com pany with Michael Waring and Thomas Brush, he purchases of John Hplly a tract of 246 acres, bounded by the New York State line on the north, by hills east of Great Meadow on the east, by Stony Brook on the north, and Miannus river on the west. He married Elizabeth Waring, Feb. 30, 1720, and had children, Timothy, Sarah, Jacob, Richard, Uriah and James. The family are still in possession of a part of the first purchase made by James, the pioneer, on Long Ridge. ' WiATT, Nathaniel and Mary, had son Henry, born in 1726. He was among the tOAvn officials in 1737. WiiEATON, Benjamin and his Avife Ruth had son Samuel, born herein 1750-1. How long the family had been here does not appear. The marriage of Jemima Wheaton to Reuben Holly is recorded in 1748-9. Samuel Wheaton and Mary Skelding were married in 1776, and had here, Mary, Samuel S., John S. and Ehza Ann. The Wheatons of New England, are said to be descended from an immigrant from SAvansea, Wales, who settled in Rehoboth, Mass. WiLLSON, John, Dr. 1 765, began the practice of medicine here, and Avas the fiither of a family Of physicians. That his father's family were living here previous to his birth, our records do no t show ; though his descendants suppose that fhey were. WiLMOT, Zophar and Sarah Webb, married Dec. 29, 1760, and had children ; John, b. July 9, 1762 ;Enos, April 18, 1766 : and James, Nov. 17, 1769. WiLMOT, Joseph and Hannah, had a son Isaac, b. Nov. 20, 1775. Williamson, John, married Mercy Hoyt, Sept. 17, 1746, and had children, Joanna, b. May 5, 1748 ; and Mary, Sept. 8, 1750. 196 • mstOEY 01* STAiiFOfil). WooLSEY, Gilbert, buys land here of Thomas Morehouse, in 1672. The name reappears again in Ebenezer and Margaret his wife who had children here; Anna, in 1717; Thomas, in 21 ; and Mehetable, in '23. In '25„ he is said to be of Fairfield, when he buys land on Ox Ridge, of David Waterbury. In '28, he is said to be of Stamford, and sells land to Abraham Wooster, of Ripton Parish, Stratford. In '30, he is allowed by the society to pay his church rates elsewhere. He died in Jan. '65. There must have been quite a family of this name here down to about 1800. CHAPTER XII. THE PEEIOD OP THE FEENCH AND INDIAN WAES. The second quarter of the eighteenth century was marked in this country by the varying struggle between the English and French for supremacy, on the border ground of the colonial settlements. With a more persuasive policy, the French had made friends of the Indians more readily than the English, and as early as 1737, attempted to use the advantage thus gained by erecting a fort at Grown Point — then claimed as within En glish territory. From this time until 1763, there was no settled peace'between the two parties, and the conflict which ensued called for large forces from all of the English settlements. How many of the three thousand soldiers, called into the service from Connecticut were from Stamford, we have no records to show. That the people of the toAvn were not indifierent wit nesses to the struggle is evident from occasional records still preserved. Of these we shall give the fullest account which can now be made up from reliable authorities. Tavo men appear now on the stage here, who were to become, before our revolutionary period should close, the two most eminent representatives of the town, the one in civil and the other in military service. Abraham Davenport, now entering upon the prime of his manhood, was one of that band of large minded citizens of the State, who attempted the permanent oc cupancy of the Susquehanna grant. This movement was origin ally made in the interest of the English against the Indians — a colony which should be so mature and so thoroughly protect ed, as to furnish a sort of bulwark against any future invasions 198 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. from hostile Indian tribes. And upon the success of such a colony would largely depend the future conduct of the Indians, as they should be tempted by Spanish or French appeals to them for aid against the English. David Waterbury, another son of Stamford, was now brought forward into military life, and we find him before the close of these French hostilities doing^ acceptable service Avith his regi ment, having already attained a major's rank. We must always regret the loss of the personal journals and letters, which these and others who Avere with them in the conflicts of these years of strife, must have written. From our town records, however, we shall find enough to hint, at least, the temper and mettle of the people, though a full catalogue, even, of those who served in these Avars from Stamford it will be impossible now to make. The following records still found in our book. No. I, of births, marriages and deaths, show how faithful the good clerk, Joseph Bishop was to make honorable mention of the soldiers' sacrifice. His own son is the first victim of the war whose fall he has to record. " Joseph Bishop, a Sholger, son of Joseph Bishop of Stam ford, died with sickness at Lake George, Nov. 25, at night in the year 1755." " Stephen Ambler, a soldier in the expedition at Lake George in 1754, son to Sergeant Stephen Ambler, died on his return at Sharon, Oct. 19, 1756." " Ezra Hait, of Stamford a sholger, dyed at Albyny Dec. 28, 1755." " Joseph Ferris, a Shoulger from Stamford in ye expedition towards Crown point in ye year 1756, in his return from the expedition dyed with sickness at Newfilford, on December ye 18, 1756." Peter Scofield, Reuben Scofield, and Abijah Weed, were also active in the military service of these years : and, also, among the revolutionary soldiers of the war of independence. Ben jamin Webb, grandfather of Benjamin S. Webb, was at the tak ing of Quebec by the English under Wolfe in 1759 ; and Char- FEENCH AND INDIAN WAES. 199 les Webb, Avho became so prominent an actor in the revolution ary period began here, also, his military career. The folloAving record shows that Stamford was not yet utterly Avanting in allegiance to the government of her sovereign, and also indicates three of the principal, perhaps the three most pro minent citizens of the tOAvn. At a town meeting held in 1757, the toAvn voted, that if the "Lord of London" shall send regulars into this town, the town will bear the charge of accommodating them with what shall be necessary for them." A tax of one penny on a pound is voted and Samuel Broker is appointed collector to gather it in by the first day of March next and hand it over to the commit tee, Col. Jona. Hoyt, Mr. Abraham Davenport and Ensign Hol ly, if the regulars come, and if not, he is excused from collecting the rate. In December 1758, we find thefolloAving record. " Col. Hoyt, Mr. Abraham Davenport, and Ensign Holly are appointed a committee, to supply his majesty's regular forces now quartered in this town, with fire wood for their guard room and hospital and what bedding they shall think proper to proAdde them Avith, to be paid for out of the toAvn treasury." We find, also, that the Governor and company of the Colony of Connecticut, at their meeting in New Haven, on the second Thursday of Octo ber, 1758, ordered the colony treasurer to pay the town of Stam ford 369£, 13 shillings and fourpence half penny to reimburse the toAvn for cost of keeping " a part of Colonel Eraser's High land battalion the last winter." The folloAving certificate from the committee is also on record. These may certify your Honors, that the Highland soldiers ordered to be quartered in the town of Stamford, arrived at said tOAvn, Nov. 30, 1757, and Avere quartered thereuntil March, 30, '58. The number of soldiers, officers included was 250. There were also belonging to them, seventeen women and nine chil dren. They were at the cost of the toAvn provided with house- room, bedding, firewood, candles, &c., &c, Their officers in- 200 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. sisted upon their being kept within a small compass, Avhich ex posed us to much more trouble and cost than otherwise Avould have been necessary. Stamford, April 28, 1758. Jona. Hoyt, ] Committee to A T> . „,™«T,.„ C to take care Abe. Davenpoet, > „,, „. , ' of the High- Jno. Holly, J landers. In addition to the names already reported as prominent citi zens of the town at this period, we find those of Jonathan Dib ble and Charles Webb, in the Legislature. In military com mission, the town had David Waterbury, a captain in the 9th re giment. Conn. Militia, and in 1658, major in the 3rd regiment; Col. David Wooster, who in the revolutionary war became a gen eral ; and Joseph Hoyt, 1st lieutenant, who became one of the most gallant of our revolutionary colonels. The rolls of military papers preserved in the State Library in Hartford, gives us also the folloAving names of Stamford men in the service during these Avars. In 1754, Charles Knap, ensign, was discharged and Joseph Husted chosen in his place. In Nov. of this year, Joseph Wood was chosen lieutenant of Gapt. White's company. In 1755, CO. Sth of 4th regiment, was officered by Samuel Ilanford, cajst. ; Joseph Hoyt, lieut. and Isaiah Starr, 2d lieut. to go against GroAvn Point. March 10, 1757, Col. Jonathan Hait, notifies Capt. David Waterbury that his ensign, John Waterbury, had asked for dis charge from having fallen from his horse and broken his leg. Samuel Hutton was chosen in his place. Jonathan Maltby Avas captain of Co. 2 ; and on his resignation, Ebenezer Weed Avas chosen capt. Ezra Smith, lieut., and Char les Knap, ensign. In the east part of the town the company called out in 1747, had for its officers, .Jonathan Bates, capt. ; Jonathan Selleck, lieutenant, and Thomas Hauford and Nathan Reed, ensigns. These wars did not of course expose our toAvnship to any hos- FEENCH AND INDIAN WAES. 201 tile invasion from the French forces, and so Stamford, felt uo other interest in them than that of a loyal colony of His Ma jesty's royal government. But the service which the town here rendered, was not without its value, in fitting her sons for the great struggle, whose seeds Avere everywhere being sown. The Earl of Loudoun, whose forces we find quartered here, must have left among our observing citizens the feeling that it would not be always safest for the colonies to be at the mercy of so much haughtiness. His SAV'ay must have at times seemed too imperious to be borne ; and the inference would be, that the gov ernment which would commission and sustain such ministers of their authority, could not be long endured. Already the Bos- tonians had muttered, not indistinctly, their discontent. " If the EngUsh cannot protect us from the French and Indians, let us have the management of our afl^airs and we shall at least knoAv what we can do" — was the under current of feeling which Avas beginniijg to unite the English colonies, for their oavu defense and control. That our toAvnsmen shared largely in this feeling we shall soon see. , The following are the only other names I have been able to recover of the citizens of the town engaged in these Avars : — Jonathan, Sylvanus and Deliverance Slason, sons of Deliver ance and Hannah (Hoyt) Slason, of Avhom Jonathan was in the navy of the war. Neither of the sons ever returned. Ebenezer and Walter Weed sons of John Weed, Avere also in the service, of Avhom Ebenezer died Avhile on shipboard. Nothing else of material interest to our history occurred dur ing these years, save Avhat will be detailed in our religious and eoolesiastical record in a future chapter. There was a moderate growth in population and wealth in the town ; and doubtless a smoothing off of the early roughness of the ruder period. New- roads were opened, new and better bridges spanned our streams, school-houses multiplied as the population scattered over the ter ritory, a better culture was increasing the agricultural produc tions of the soil, and preparation was going on for still more 26 202 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. marked improvements in the future history of the town. Of the capabilities of the town in means, and men, and patriotism, the following chapters will furuish us the best proofs. CHAPTER Xlir. EEVOLUTIONAEY WAE. At the commencement of the revolutionary Avar, Connecticut numbered but sixty-seven towns, and Stamford ranked in popu lation the sixteenth. Her grand list was £34,078 8 shillings, which evidenced a still higher rank in means than in population. The year 1775 found her represented in the State Assembly by David Waterbury and Charles Webb, both of whom had seep service in the old French Avar, and were therefore competent to advise in the present emergencies of the state ; and by an unu sual stroke of good fortune, she was also honored in the senate of the state, by the first name among her civilians, the Hon. Abraham Davenport, Avho also had been active and influential during the long struggles of the French and Indian wars. The long expected crisis had noAV come. Everything indicated war. Yet though there were many reasons why our tOAvnsmen would be likely to shrink from an earnest contest with the mother country, they were not altogether unprepared for it. They had both the men and the means to begin and prosecute the strug gle. At the head of our ministers, of which the town then counted only five, was that patriot and scholar. Dr. Noah Welles, who, since his sermon preached Dec. 19, 1765, to arouse the people over the great outrage attempted against them by the Stamp Act, had missed no opportunity of encouraging his townsinen to a manly resistance against all such oppression ; and who, though called to lay down his useful life even at the beginning of the struggle, yet lived long enough to preach his annual 204 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. thanksgiving sermon, Nov. 16, 1775. In that sermon, a manu script copy of which is in my possession, he moved his people to a grateful commemoration of the goodness of their father's God as shown them in " frustrating the plans of our enemies," espe cially in their attempts to secure the aid of the Canadians, and Indians and negroes ; in so signally preserving the lives of our exposed people ; in granting the remarkable success attending our military enterprizes at Lexington, Charleston, and more lately to the north, in which though " engaged with the best British troops " he assures them avc were " yet never worsted ;" and in inspiring the remarkable union and harmony through the colonies in the present struggle for liberty." Nor behind him, in his fervent patriotism, Avas that faithful co-adjutor. Rev. Dr. Moses Mather, then the patriot minister of the Middlesex, (Darien) Church, and so soon to test his patriot ism, amid the insulting- jeers of the ruthless soldiery Avho Avere to drag him from his own consecrated sanctuary, and still more triumphantly, amid the cruel hardships and threatened horrors of the execrable Provost prison to which he was doomed. At the head of our civilians stood the honorable Abraham Davenport, a man of college education, long familiar with the public service in civil life, well grounded in such legal learning as enabled him, with no misgivings, to rely upon the essential justice of the revolutionary cause, endowed, more than most men, with an instinctive reverence for what was right and an inflexible purpose to insist upon it, and what was of scarcely less value to him for the part he was called to act, the inheritor of a large estate, and the father of an educated and noAV influ ential family who thoroughly sympathized with him in his espousal of the patriot cause. Side by side with him, ready to the utmost of their means to sustain any measures which might promise to aid them in as serting the rights of the colonies against the unjust demands of the crown, stood the substantial citizens of the town — the Hoyts, and Hollys, and Lockwoods, and Knapps, and Scofields, EEVOLUTIONAEY WAE. 205 and Smiths, and Seelys, and Warings, and Waterburys, and Webbs, and Weeds. Nor were we without military men for the emergency. There were the Waterburys then known as senior and junior, the former long a colonel in the continental service who had earned some reputation for good judgment and military ability in the field, and the latter soon to earn by his personal fitness for it, the rank of general of brigade ; and also the two Webbs, father and son, the one now a colonel, to test and prove his claim still more fully in several well fought battles of the pending strife, and the other to pay the forfeit of his active and not unmerito- rious service with his own imprisonment and death. Then there wag the spirited Joseph Hoyt, the leader of our minute men, who only needed to hear that patriot blood had been shed at Lexington, to fly to our exposed metropolis for its defense, and who was so soon to become the fighting colonel of our fighting seventh ; and then our captains and lieutenants and ensigns, and, still more needed and helpful than they, our long list of resolute privates, honoring the name of all our principal Stam ford families and cheerfully girding themselves for manliest de fence of their, homes. Thus with one brigadier, two or more eolohels, a half dozen captains, a full dozen lieutenants, with a number of commissaries and agents of the military power, sus tained by a gallant band of the rank and file of the army for independence, Stamford, in spite of the special temptations to the opposite course, maintained her honor in that great struggle which made these British colonies forever free from the dicta tion and greed of an unscrupulous foreign power. An ihcident occurred in March, 1774, which might seem to forebode indecision and weakness among the patriots of the town. A special town meeting had been called to appoint de legates to the convention to be held, March 27th in Middletown. After the meeting was opened by the appointment of Colonel Abraham Davenport, moderator ; it was voted that the town will appoint a committee to meet at Middletown on the last 206 HISTOEY OF STAMFOltD. Wednesday iu March, instant, there to consult proper measures to be pursued to evade the evils Avhich the town apprehend they are in danger of concerning Susquehannah." x\fter this vote, which for aught that appears was unanimousj Gapt. Fyler Dibble and Dr. John Wilson were appointed the committee. The meeting adjourned to meet again on the 11th of the following month to hear the report of the committee. At the appointed time the adjourned meeting was held. The town make an appropriation to cover the expenses of the committee and vote, that the petition recommended by the Middletown Convention, should be signed by the town clerk, Samuel Jar vis, in the name of the tOAvn, and forwarded to the Assembly at its next Session. This petition was a lengthy argument framed in the interests of the Pennsylvanians against the claims of Connecticut to the territory then held by her citizens and subject to her authority. The convention authorizing it, was made up of delegates from only tAventy-three of the sixty-three towns belonging to the state ; and their action received but little sympathy from the mass of the people. Their petition was couched in terms indi cating an excessive loyalty to the English government and a readiness to abide by almost any decision of the crown. Mr. Ingersoll of Pennsylvania, was later an avowed tory. Captain Dibble and Mr. Jarvis of Stamford also enrolled themselves among those loyal still to the king ; and it would seem that the Stamford people, in mass, were by this action committed to the side of the crown against the revolution, whose beginnings Avere already felt and seen. But a fcAV months will show how erroneous such a conclusion would be. We shall find ample record to show, that during that long struggle, the great majority of our townsmen were heartily and self-sacrificingly for the war. Before the opening of hostilities on the eventful 19th of April, 1775, our citizens had expressed themselves unequivocally for the patriot cause. The insolence of the crown, exhibited in the arbitrary and ty- EEVOLUTIONAEY WAE. 207 rannical acts which disgraced the records of the English parlia- nient from the time GrenviUe, in 1763, accepted Jenkinson's Stamp Act as the legal process for collecting revenue in America, down to that most odious coercion act which closed the port of Boston, had most effectually schooled the great mass of Ameri can citizens to an earnest and impassioned resistance to any further demands of the English government. Henceforth, not even the former concessions to the croAvn would be allowed ; and the people of the several colo nies, needed only a fcAv months of mutual interchange of opinions and purpose to be fully pre pared for their irrevocable declaration of independence. To prepare the way for that declaration, the voice of Stamford was not wanting. The Boston Port Bill had been passed and great sufiering was the result. Our patriot citizens felt that the in sult and injury done to Boston was also intended for themselves and all who had ventured to question the right of the British parliament to issue and enforce such demands ; and they Avould not meanly shrink from an open espousal of the cause which had already brought down the vengeance of the crown upon their suffering brethren. Accordingly they met on the 7th of October, 1774, in the town house, which proving too small for the patriot band, they immediately adjourned to the meeting house, when the following minute was promptly passed. "The inhabitants of this town sensibly affected A\'ith the distress to which the town of Boston and province of Massachusetts Bay are subjected by several unconstitutional acts of the British parliament ; * * * * hoping to convince the people of this continent that notwithstanding our long si lence Ave are by no means unwilling to join with our sister towns to assert our just rights aud oppose every design of a corrupt ministry to enslave America, do declare that we acknowledge our subjection to the crown of Great Britain and all the constitutional powers thereto belonging as esta blished in the illustrious house of Hauover ; that it is our earnest desire that the same peaceable connexion should subsist between us and tho mo ther country as had subsisted for a long time before the late unconstitution al measures adopted by the parliament of Great Britain ; and we hope that some plan will be found out by the general congress to effect the reconcilia tion we wish for ; yet we are determined by every lawful way to join -with our sister oolenies resolutely to defend our just rights : * * ' thnt weare pleased that a congress of deputies from the colony is now met at Philadel phia, and relying upon the wisdom of that bodj' we declare that we are ready to adopt such reasonable measures as shall by them be judged fov the genera! good of the inhabitants of America." 208 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. This action testifies to the heartiness Avith which our towns men entered upon the great struggle against the encroachments of the mother country. Before the opening of the Avar the peo ple had been prepared for it. And when the news of the first battle at Lexington and Concord reached the town it was fo und ready Avith a prompt response. New York, then rapidly ad vancing in importance, was thought to be in especial danger from an invasion of the enemy. Joseph Hoyt of Stamford, who had now for about twenty years been in military life enlisted immediately a company of thirty men and started for the city. As no immediate danger was apprehended to the city the com pany returned to Stamford and reported only eight days service. The bill of service thus rendered, would in these days be deemed a model for economy. I append it in full. Whole pay for men's time, £20 8 4 Gash expended by Gapt. Hoyt on the march, 3 12 0 Cash expended by Lieut. Webb, 0 17 0 Cash expended by Lieut. Ezra Lockwood, 0 6 9 A sloop with part of the company and 12 men be longing to Greenwich, under Capt. Hoyt, from New- York to Stamford, £2 11 9 Gapt. Hoyt's horse hire, 0 12 6 £28 8 4 The Ezra Loc^Avood here reported as lieutenant, is enrolled on the company list as a private. All of the names are found iu our alphabetical list. But not thus easily were o-ar townsinen to meet their obliga tions to the patriot cause. On returning Captain Hoyt com menced raising another company, for the continental service wherever needed. By the sixth of July, he had organized a company of seventy-five men AAdio Avere reported ready for duty. The names Avould indicate that nearly all of them were Stam ford men. This second company continued in the service until December 24, 1775, and the entire cost of the service rendered EEVOLUTIONAEY AVAE. 209 by them was reported as one thousand one hundred and thirty- nine and a half pounds sterling. A third company was raised here early in the Spring of 1776. In one of the pay-rolls of this company it is called the " Com pany of Col. David Waterbury, in the regiment of forces of the United colonies under command of Colonel David Water bury." On the list David Waterbury is euro lied as colonel and captain, and Sylvanus Brown as captain and lieutenant. The number of days service is appended to the names, and this will indicate the company in the alphabetical list at the end of this chapter. In the summer, of 1776, Ave were also represented in the service by a part, at least, of another company under Captain Webb, who were stationed in Ncav York city. Hoav many other com panies or parts of companies Avere raised in Stamford, we have no means of knowing. Our catalogue of revolutionary men at the end of this chapter, will doubtless fail to report many who honored Stamford in the Avar. Every record, it is believed, which our tOAvn and State can now furnish has been carefully examined to complete it; and every local record has been sought for the purpose of reporting fully all eng,agements and skir mishes and every form of military movement here, during the struggle. But Stamford Avas not destined to become the thea- ter of any general engagement between the opposing armies. A few excursions of small detachments of the British troops, and more freqnent sallies from their loyal holds on the IsLand, or from their tolerated tory homes in the tOAvn, of the still trusty subjects of the crown, constituted all the AA^arlike en terprises Avhieh disturbed the quiet of the town. No British army, it is believed, ever crossed the entire breadth of the terri tory, and probably, never more than a single brigade of the patriotic troops at a time, Avere quartered here. Once, at least, after the memorable repulse of the revolutionists at Horseneck, and that still more memorable feat of the daring Putnam, in his fearless flight to Stamford for aid, the British did probably in- 27 210 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. suit the extreme borders of our soil ; but the gallant general had so far outstripped them, as to have rallied our townsmen in sufficient numbers with the aid of the garrison in our fort, to meet them and turn their invasion into a precipitous retreat. Once, also, probably, Avas the eastern margin of our patriot town desecrated with the stealthy tread of British armed men ; but their safety demanded a hurried return to the transports which had landed them, and so the town was spared the rav age they had designed. The folloAving letter from our most distinguished townsman, is authentic respecting the standing of two other of our citizens, and shows' how our people managed their foreign commerce during the war : Stamford, Dec. 8, 1775. Eespboted Sik, — Mr. Selleck aud Mr. Bates, two of my neighbors own a vessel of about fifty tons, with which they are desirous to make a voyage to the West Indies, to carry cattle and provisions and bring back military stores, if a permit can be obtained of your Honor, for the performance. I suppose that is expected that Mr. Bates will go Master, if the vessel is per mitted to go. I believe he may be depended ou ; and I do not know a mau better calculated for the business. The vessel is said to be a prime sailor. We have but a few pounds of powder in our town stock, and I believe it will be universally agreeable to the inhabitants of the town, thet a permit should be granted. At the desire of Mr. Bates, I write this. He inform- me that Mr. Selleck wilt apply to your Honor for the permit, and will give bond, if required, for the faithful conduct of the master. Mr. Selleck is e, man of considerable interest, and his bond will be quite sufificient. I am with the greatest esteem aud respect, your Honor's most obedient and humble servant, ABRAM DAVENPOET, Hon. Gov. Teumbull. But the most extensive invasion of the town by the British and their loyal abettors here, occurred Sunday, July 22, 1781. The leaders in that sacriligious foray were from among the tories of the eastern part of the tOAvn, and their depredations and cap tures were confined to their oavu neighbors and friends. During the night preceding they had crossed the Sound from Lloyd's neck in scA^en boats, and stealthUy secreted themselves, about forty in number, in a SAvamp a few rods south of the meeting house, Avaiting the gathering of the congregation for their usual worship Providentially several of the leading patriots Avere EEVOLUTIONAEY WAE. 211 not at church in the morning, and the attack was delayed. In the afternoon the unsuspecting citizens had taken their seats as usual. The services had commenced. Dr., then Mr. Mather, was in the pulpit \vhich he had now occupied for nearly forty years, and it Avas undoubtedly his earnest patriotism which had led to this attack. Its object was to capture that fearless preacher of treason, and the leaders of his people whom he had so effectually seduced from their loyalty. Suddenly the house was surrounded and the summons to surrender was issued, in the well known voice of their neighbor, Captain Frost. Small chance had been left for the congregation to escape. Yet, a single old lady, thoroughly patriotic and as thoroughly plucky, marched through their encircling line. Four youths who had noticed the incipient move of the tory invaders, had also made proof of their agility and Avere out of reach of the sentinel's shot. One other lad, a son of the officiating minister, ventured also an attempt at escape. Seizing his hat he started for the door Avhere he encountered a leveled gun, and the insulting ex clamation, " there, I've got you now" ! " Not yet," he quietly said, as he struck doAvn the gun and leaped from the door. Nor was the sentinel quick enough to cut short his flight, though the shot which was meant to do it, left its scar, life-long, on his heel. And now 'commenced in earnest the work of tory re venge. With derisive jeers, the venerable pastor was called doAvn from the pulpit to lead his congregation in a very differ ent service. The men and older youths of the congregation were drawn up two and two in marching order, and tied arm to arm. The pastor was ordered to the front, alone, to lead the march. All was UOAV ready for the start. The yaluable articles of jewelry, found on both the men and women had been appropriated by the excellent captain. Every horsg needed for the invading band had been taken, and the women and children consigned to the care of the rear-guard, until the captors with their pris oners and spoil should be well under way. The orders are given, and, driven by their former neighbors and the venial sol- 212 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. diery of the British power, some forty-eight of our townsmen Avere hurried away to the boats awaiting them at the. shore. They were thence taken over to Lloyd's Neck. Here they found, not congenial friends, but many of their life-long neigh bors and kindred, whom the revolution had alienated and made their open and bitterest enemies. But they were soon disposed of Twenty-four of the number were released to return home on parol. The remainder, tAventy-six in number, Avere ordered on board a brig and confined below deck. They were taken to the Provost prison to New York city, where they endured every conceivable indignity. Here they Avere kept until the 27th of the following December, when those of them who survived the horrors of that confinement, nineteen in all, were exchanged. We have in Dr. Dwight's travels, the following account of the sufferings to Avhich Mr. Mather was subjected during this imprisonment. " This venerable man was marched with his parishioners to the shore, and thence conveyed to Lloyd's Neck. From that place he was soon marched to New York and confined iu the Provost prison. His food was stinted and wretched to a degree not easily imaginable. His lodgings cor responded with his food. His company, to a considerable extent was made up of a mere rabble, and their conversation, from which he could not re treat, composed of profaneness and libaldj-y. Here, also, he was insulted daily by the Provost marshal, whose name was Canuinpjham,— a -wretch remembered iu this country, only with detestation. This wretch, among other kinds of abuse, took a particular satisfaction in announcing from time to time to Dr. Mather, that on that diy, the morrow or some time, at a little distance, he was to be executed. But Dr. Mather was not without his iriends, however, who know nothing of him, except his character. A lady of distinction, having learned his circumstances, and having obtains d the necessary permission, sent to him clothes and food, and comforts with a liberal hand." I hoped to be able to make out a complete list of the men who were carried away in this expedition of the British and tories. No contemporaneous records, within my reach, have enabled be to do so. But if there were no greaj, engagements between large armies within this territory, it must not be inferred that the town was unaffected by the war. Every neighborhood in the town^ and almost every year of the war, witnessed events of greater or less importance, which contributed according to their measure. EEVOLUTIONAEY WAE. 213 towards the great result. In many ways the loyalty of our people was testified, and they who were never in arms, were called at times, to show a soldier's courage. They who seemed to do least in furtherance of the cause, made often the most eostly sacrifices of affection and treasure to its success. The little, every day contributions, which really constitute the most unequivocal testimonies to a people's spirit and power, are not of a character to seek or win publicity. No diary of the times reports them. No actor publishes them. They come unheralded and pass by unchronicled. Nevertheless they are neither unknown nor forgotten. Their influence is felt, and that influence determines the people's destiny. Let us gather some of these floating waifs of our revolution ary period. They come down to us with the authority of chance-saved letters perhaps, preserved, no one knows how, in spite of our proverbial waste of all this most precious material for human history. They have been tossed about and along on mere tradition, it may be, yet so credibly preserved, as to war rant our fullest confidence, or they were intrusted to the faith - ful guardianship of some memento of transmitted love, voiceless indeed, yet with a language that can never be misunderstood. What a story of family affection and family exposure the fol lowing narrative tells. During the war the family of Capt. John Holly was living in the house now owned by Samuel Leeds, Esq., on Clark's hill. Among their most precious trea sures was a quarto bible, an elegant edition for those times, printed in London in 1763. This bible had been giA^en to Miss Holly, afterAvards Mrs. David Waterbury, at the early age of five years for the ease and correctness with which she read one of the chapters in Chronicles, filled with scripture names. When the family, for their earliest patriotism Avere exposed to stealthy depredations both from British and tory vengeance, the bible was carefully buried in the back yard with other family trea sures. There it remained through the war. When it was ex humed, it was found in good condition excepting the heavy 214 IIISTOEY OF STAMFOED. clasps upon it, which had been rusted off. That old bible still remains a precious relict in the possession of Mrs. Abigail H. Seely, a daughter of Mrs. Waterbury, audits story shows what trials belonged to the period of our revolutionary war. And now let us see hoAV the war entered our families in • ano ther way, taking off their sons to the field, or to garrison ex posed points, wherever needed. The foUoAving stray letter is one of thousands written during the war from the town, but this has survived the fate of the most of the rest. It was writ ten on a half sheet of coarse foolscap, now, of course, brown Avith age ; and directed in a large fair hand " to Silas, Thaddeus and Bates Hayt, in Capt. Webb's company, in Main street, near the chapel, Ncav York. Per. favor of Henry Marshall." The entire letter, for which I am indebted to Mr. John Holmes of Ncav Hope, recently deceased, is as follows : Stamfoed, Aug. 20. 1776. Deae Childeen, ' We reoived Bates' Letter of Aug. 19th, and greatly rejoice to hear of your welfare. We gladly improve the present opportunity of writing to in form you that we are all well ; and that we send a pail of butter, two pounds of Avhich belongs to Bates, one pound to Henry Wix and the re mainder to Silas and Thaddeus. We should have been glad to send you potatoes if to be had. We send you some sauce, which you must distri bute. Henry Wix has some by himself. After wishing you the Divine pro tection, we remain your affectionate parents, Abe'm Hait. Hannah Hait. P. S. — "Mr. Merceir has applied to me for your horse, bridle and sad dle ; and if you are willing to part with him you will inform me thereof. I shall be willing to make you a present of my horse, a new saddle and bri dle aud a watch in lieu thereof." What a revelation of neighborhood estrangement and its cure is found in this morceau of our family history. The Jarvis family were excellent and prominent people here, but their affections were Avith their king, rather than with his rebellious subjects. When therefore it seemed necessary that this family should be sent over the line, Gapt. Samuel Lock. EEVOLUTIONAEY WAE. 215 wood of GreenAvich AA'as appointed to execute the order. This he did with the ready zeal of a revolutionary patriot ; and of course his officiousness alienated the two families. No loyal Jarvis could thenceforth endure one of the notoriously rebell ious Lockwood tribe. But the years roll on and work strange cures, as Avell as aggravate maladies not to be healed. A grand son of the inexorable captain was Avon to a surrender by the maidenly graces of a grand-daughter of the courtly royalist, and so far at least the old feud Avas healed, as the family of our worthy citizen judge Ferris will attest. Take also this illustration of the restoration of confidence and affection on the return of peace. Captain Slason and deacon Joseph Mather, while on guard one night in the eastern part of the town, recognized two of their former neighbors, now tories, landing with a boat load of contraband goods, with which to drive a profitable trade with the knowing ones in th.at neighborhood. The captain and dea con at once take possession of the men and their boat. Going eagerly to the AVork of landing the choice goods which in the process became their prize, they incautiously left their muskets on the shore. Naturally enough. Smith, one of the tories, seiz ed the captain's gun .and called upon his comrade to take the deacon's ; jind so, they could make themselves more than even with their captors. But the stahvart captain Avas not so to be trifled with. Springing from the boat, he dashes down Avith a single blow the exulting tory, and remains master of the field. The end remains to be told. After the Avar Avas over, the tory Smith remaining here, by due course of nature came to his end. The doughty captain, Avho had so signally humbled him, spent his last years as the happy husband of the reconciled and hap py widow. What a touching picture of tragedy, unnatural, the follow ing fact exhibits. Zachariah Hoyt and several of his neighbors were on guard near the mouth of GoodAvives river; and as nothing betokened the presence of British or tory foe, they 216 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. were enjoying a pleasant hour of merry chat and sport., Sud; denly a volley from loyal muskets, mortally Avounded two of their number, when the rest hurriedly escaped. And now the concealed tory band came forward, to see whom of their old friends and neighbors they had made to bite the dust. One of them, as if momentarily grieved for the shot he had fired, could only ask, in soothing terms : " Cousin Zach, is this you ?" And a mournful " Yes" was the only answer of the dying man. Among the memorabilia of our revolutionary period should be recalled the athletic frame and reckless and successful daring of " Uncle Thad." Thaddeus Hoyt, who had lived a few rods south west from the place where Alfred Hoyt, Esq., now lives, was one of our most earnest Avhigs. His actiA'e patriotism had aroused the hatred of every tory in the neighborhood, and ex posed him to incessant annoyance and hazard from their raids upon his property or their attacks upon his person. So much exposed was he in his house by night, that he often retired in the evening with his gun and blanket to a neighboring clump of cedars which afforded him safer shelter. His cattle were all marked for seizure and one by one they Avere stealthily carried off. Having pretty good evidence that one of his tory neigh bors, Samuel Lockwood, was a leader in these depredations, he determined upon confronting him, on one of his predatory incur sions. The opportunity soon came. The neighbor had selected just such cattle as would best answer his purpose and was hur rying off to the British lines Avith his prize. Suddenly, " uncle Thad " arrests his progress. The tory thus unexpectedly caught, quickly levels his gun and sn.aps. The musket, loyal to the king, failed her duty to his subject. Not to be thus defeated, " uncle Thad" strikes down the gun, grapples with the tory, himself, and holds him in his unrelentiug grasp. Nor does he release his hold before, thoroughly subdued, he begs for quarter and pledges a future abandonment of his tory practices. And the prowess of our toAvnsmen Avas witnessed on the water, also, as Avell as on the land. The following will best il- EEVOLUTIONAEY WAE. 217 lustrate Our m.arine heroism during the Avar. I will let this story stand, as my predecessor in this field of research. Rev. J. W. Alvord, tells it. " A frigate and sloop-of-Avar, belonging to the enemy, Avere lying in Oyster Bay, opposite this village, and the Avhale- boats from this place, commanded by Captain Jones, determin ed on taking the sloop. On a foggy morning they rowed silently around her, and coming nearer and nearer, they were at length discoA'ered and instantly hailed — "Who's there?" '-A friend." "A friend to whom?" " PU let you know," said Jones, " the rebels have been rowing round the bay all night and you've known nothing about it. I'll report you to the Ad miral for neglecting your watch." By this time the men in the boats were climbing up the sides of the British vessel, while Jones, who was as rough as the ocean on Avhich he had been brought up, kept storming aAvay at the captain for his negli gence. The British officer trembled from head to foot, thinking that he had run foul of some violent old tory, who would cer tainly report him to his commander. He assured Jones that he had kept the strictest Avatch — begged him to look at the order of his vessel — the training of his guns, and the priming of his muskets.- A number of these muskets were by this- time in the hands of the assailing party, when instantly Jones' foot stamp ed heavily upon the deck, and in the next moment the sloop was theirs ! She carried fifteen or twenty guns, and was fully equipped for service. Another vessel was about this time cap tured by these whaleboats as she lay in the narrows beloAv. They attacked her in open day — one, as tliey approached, had its rudder carried away by a cannon shot, and swinging under the stern of the English vessel, the men entered her cabin win dows, just as the crew were driven below, by the men in the other boats, Avho had obtained possession of her deck. After a short and desperate fight with broadswords and bayonets, in the cabin, the crew surrendered, and the vessel Avas brought to Stamford," 28 218 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. Among our enterprising townsmen who did good service in harassing and weakening the enemy was one of our numerous Smiths of that day. It has come doAvn to us, well authentica ted, that a British officer Avho had been landing the loyalty of the leading tories of the town, wound up his eulogy with this comforting reflection : " and in fact we could get along well enough with you Stamford Yankees if it wasn't for that old red haired Smith." Take this incident, illustrative of the exposure of the revolu tionists to another sort of treatment Avhen the tories gained some temporary advantage. The house of deacon Joseph Ma ther was visited one night by a band of these prowling loyal ists. They had heard that the deacon's house was used as a safe depository of the valuables of his neighbors. Finding Mrs. Mather at home, they drove her, at the point of the bayonet to the place where her silver had been buried. They take the col lection, and then dri\'e her back to the house and compel her to cook them a warm supper. On leaving they take the deacon with them down to the shore, to prcA'cnt him from giving an alarm. The following are tAvo illustrations of the dreadful Avreck which a period of war sometimes makes. Among those Avho were engaged, July 22, 1781, in capturing the congregation in Middlesex, was RoAvland Slason, an incorrigible tory. He re sided but a short distance from the church, and those on whom he then laid violent hands, Avere his life-long neighbors and friends. After the war he was allowed to remain in possession of his home and property, but he could nevermore have ration al enjoyment from either. He had sunk under a heavy cloud, Avhich no earthly sun was ever to pierce. His mental faculties had given Avay, and he at length roved aimlessly about, a piti able maniac. Not less painful Avas the effect of the war upon the mind and the life of Stephen Weed. His first experience of British and tory tveattPent had been a lesson he could not forget. Tho EEVOLUTIONAEY AVaE. 2l9 sanctuary to Ayhich he had gone with his parents, was no de fense against their ruthless violence. They had stealthily sur rounded that halloAved pjace, and seized and carried off his friends and neighbors and even his venerated pastor. Nothing but his own agility, had saved him from the cruel doom of his friends. He was one of the five Avho escaped from the congre gation. But the lesson had taught him that he had nothing more to hope from the forbearance or mercy of the enemy, and he at once enlisted in the service of his country. He cheerfully offered himself to whatever peril the sacrifice might involve. In the march and on the field, by day and by night, in heat and in cold, he stood at his post and did nobly what a good soldier should do. To the end of the war, he lost no opportunity of making proof of his courage and his patriotism. But the in- cessancy and severity of his duties aggravated by his confine ment in the execrable Provost prison of New York, were more than he could sustain. He gradually broke down and at length sunk into a state of mental derangement, from which there was to be no recovery. Yet in his insanity, he remained a soldier still. His talk was of the battalion. His walk was a soldier's march. His work was that of the field, in front of or near a threatning foe. He lived in constant expectation of the invasion of a for eign enemy. He had a clear presentiment of the time and man ner of the approach. He long and steadily insisted that the in vading march was to be up the Noroton valley, and unless its progress could be resisted, the whole country to the north would be mercilessly laid waste. The line of march was to be just to the west of his oavu residence, and he could never leave his own home and country to be thus laid waste, without exhausting all his means for their defense. Nor was he long in planning his defense. Choosing a felicitous position commanding the intervale below, he commenced the work of fortifying. He built a stone fort enclosing a subter ranean retreat which might answer for a magazine, and sur rounded the whole with a ditch. One only entrance admitted 220 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. friend or foe to tfiis work. After having thus completed the fort, day after day, for nine weary years, he stood sentinel or paced his appointed beat, Avith his watchful eye ever ready on his trusty lock, or scanning the opening vale to the south for the first glimpse of the coming foe. Here he was proud to re ceive the notice of strangers as they visited his fort to witness his military drUl. He never tired of telling over his old cam paigns and seemed to have an accurate remembrance of what had transpired during his service in the war of his country. But he would allow no change to be made in the works on whiah he must rely for defense. One little addition enly to his own arrangements was permitted. A huge black snake was one day found coiled up in the sun on his grand promenade in front of his works, and the idea seized him that this was to be his relief sentinel. He therefore only took note when his relief was posted, and Avould neither tempt the faithful sentry to leave his post nor allow any one else to disturb him. Day after day did the faithful and apparently sympathizing sentinel take his post and relieve for a while the old man, until one day he loca ted himself on another part of the ground than that to Avhich he had been assigned. Immediately, in the exercise of his mili tary authority the uncompromising old disciplinarian summarily dispatched him for being thus found off his guard. But the years wore away, and the old soldier was called to lay down his arms. Nothing but phy.sical exhaustion could cheat him out of the service in which he gloried, and he died as he had lived, under the shadow of that great war cloud which death alone could shake off from his burdened spirit. We have now learned from the main drift of the incidents we have collected, that Stamford was exposed all through the war, to the petty annoyance of small bands of tories. The " cow boys," her OAvn sons, or at least under their guidance, were everywhere on the alert to seize upon all unprotected cattle and grain with which to maintain their credit with the king and his army. They were not loyal enough to take sides openly with EEVOLUTIONAEY WAE. 221 the king's soldiers, and either their fears or their hopes hindered" them from espousing heartily the cause of their neighbors. And the social position of this class was such as to render their op position all the more hurtful to the patriot cause. They were not the poorest and least influential of the community, who thus held back and so effectively opposed the struggle for our independence. Many of the most talented and wealthy were in their ranks. The arguments by which they sought to justify their course, were those to which the loyal and conservative of every age resort. At the first, the great body of the people, and to the -last, a large minority could not think of breaking away from their allegiance to the crown. By every means in their power therefore excepting an absolute resort to the ranks of the king's forces, they sought to hinder and harass the king's rebellious subjects. Incidental or purposed collision between these tories and the avowed revolutionists were very numerous. Sometimes serious damage to property, and even loss of life was the result. The foUoAving chapter will best set forth this feature of those days which " tried men's souls." CHAPTER XIV. CHEONOLOGICAL EECOED_ OP EEVOLUTIONAEY ACTS IN STAMFOED DUEING THE WAE. This chapter will report many facts which could not well be introduced into the preceding chapter, and yet of sufficient lo cal importance to justify preservation in our history. In many instances the day of the month is not given in the record from which our extracts are made. 1774. This year finds the town represented in the general assembly—^ David Waterbury and Thomas Young for the Spring Session, and Charles Webb and David Waterbury in the Fall. Oct. 7. — At a meeting warned to consider the claims of the Bostonians then suffering from the action of the port bill, John Lloyd, Samuel Hutton, Capt. Samuel Youngs, Capt. David Hoyt and Charles Weed Avere appointed " a committee to re ceive subscriptions for the supply of the poor in the town of Boston." The foUoAving is the clerks' attestation which follows the re cord. " The above is a true copy of record, it being a very full meet ing — almost an unanimous vote." S. Jaevis, Town Clerk. 1775. Abraham Davenport, assistant ; and Col. David Waterbury and Col. Charles Webb, representatives for the Spring Session, and Benjamin Weed and Thomas Young, for the FaU Session of the general assembly. CHEONOLOGICAL EECOED. 223 June 6. — Col. Charles Webb reports his mission of 22 days to Crown Point and Ticonderoga, and gives his note with six others for 500 pounds to raise funds to pay expense of the ex pedition. June 15. — Col. Waterbury reports his command at Stamford ready for orders. June.— Capt. Joseph Hoyt, Avith Chas. Webb, jr., for his lieutenant, and Samuel Whiting, ensign, Sam. Hutton, Benj. Weed, Sam'l Wheaton and Sam'l Webb, sergts. and 24 privates, march to New York for the defense of the city. Hinman's " war of the Rev." gives him only 23 men. June 19. — New York calls for Wooster's and Waterbury's troops in Stamford, to march within five miles of the city. They marched. July. — Charles Webb, appointed colonel of seventh regiment. Sept. 19. — Committee of safety for the town, appointed agree ably to recommendation of the continental congress. Col. Da venport, Esq., Benj. Weed, Esq., Amos Weed, Charles Weed, Israel Weed, Nathan Lounsbury, Thaddeus Bell, Stephen Bi shop, Deodate Davenport, Charles Smith and James Young. Witness : Sam. Jarvis, clerk. Oct. — Daniel Gray is authorized to transport a sloop load of rye and corn to Machias and Falmouth, under 500£ boiid. Dec. 11. — Committee of safety re-appointed; Ab. Davenport, Esq., David Waterbury, jr., Esq., David Webb, Jona. Waring, jr., Lieut. Sam'l Hutton, Benj. Weed, Esq., John Hoyt, jr., Charles Weed, Abraham Weed, Nathan Lounsbury, Samuel Richards, Gapt. Amos Weed, Chas. Smith, Isaac LockAvood, Jas. Young, Deodate Davenport, Jona. Bates, Hezekiah Daven port, Abraham Bates, Jos. Webb, jr., and Thaddeus Bell. 1776. Abraham Davenport, assistant; and Benjamin Weed and Col. D. Waterbury, representatives at Spring Session, and Benjamin Weed and John Davenport at the Fall, 224 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. Jan. 22. — Gen. Lee in Stamford with 1200 continental troops. Feb. — .Jos. Hull and Philip Redfield who were here in Ward's regiment, were detailed as privateers in Captain Selleck's sloop to serve for six weeks. March 1. — Captain Ebenezer Slason, made major ; Henry Sla son, captain; Ebenezer Scofield, 1st lieutenant ; Daniel Water bury, 2nd lieutenant, and David Purdy, ensign. April 3. — ^Trial of Munson Jarvis and David Picket. Joshua Stone, a spy, captured here, and imprisoned, and fined 20£. June. — David Waterbury, jr., appointed brigadier general; Sylvanus Brown, captain ; Joseph Webb, 1st lieutenant ; Thad deus Weed, 2nd lieut, and Gideon Waterbury, ensign. June 22. — Gen. Lee at Stamford, with 1200 men, hoping to take them into New York. The committee of safety of New York are afraid and stop the force this side. Gen. Waterbury goes to the lines to see what can be done, Avhile Lee, disabled with the gout, remains at Stamford. Oct. — Captain Niles of the famous " Spy ", to cruise between Nantiicket and Stamford. Sept. 16. — Corp. Chas. Steward, from Stamford, is confined in Halifiax. Nov. 8. — Robert Parke, stationed here to recruit for the army., Nov. 14. — Disaffected citizens sent to Lebanon, Ct., as dan gerous to the state. NoA'. 20. — A party of loyalists from a British tender landed, and shot 'and carried off two fat cattle. 1777. Abraham Davenport, assistant ; John Davenport and John Hoyt, jr., representatives in Spring Session, and Gapt. Sylvanus Knapp and Capt. Isaac Lockwood in the Fall. Feb. 14. — Benj. Betts taken from his bed and carried to Long Island and forced into the British service. He subsequently CHEONOLOGICAL EECOED. 225 escaped, and being suspected of toryism, was arrested, imprison ed and fined, and requested to give bonds for future loyalty. Feb, 24. — Samuel Crissy and Nathan Munday come home, and on signing a declaration of allegiance are permitted to re main. Feb. 28. — Wm. Fitch, a tory couvict, is allowed to return to Stamford and back to Canterbury in 20 days. March. — Doolittle & Co., to forAvard to Stamford, 600 lbs. powder, 30 six-pound shot, and 30 three pound-shot. In May the Gov. orders the Ncav Haven mill to send the same amount of pow der. In June, the Salisbury furnace, to send 100 round shot to suit the Stamford cannon. Saturday before May 23. — A number of British ships, vessels and flat bottomed boats appeared off the harbor. Gen. Wooster is here with several regiments. The stores of medicines then here under charge of Dr. Turner, were ordered to be sent io Danbury. July 7. — Capt. Reuben Scofield and Capt. Edward Rogers, ordered to march their companies to GreenAvich and Capt. Bradley to march to Stamford. Sept. 3. — A bushel of salt ordered to be sent to Stamford for the army. Oct. 11. — " To the general assembly of the State of Connec ticut UOAV sitting at Hartford, by adjournment, the memorial of us the subscribers, select men of the toAvn of Stamford — sIioav- eth, that the said town is overcharged in the number of soldiers as their quota filling up the Continental army, at least ten men, upon computation of the number of whites in said tOAvn accord ing to the return of the number in the year 1774 — that since that time more than 1 00 men have gone off to the enemy from sd toAvu besides the number killed in battle and who have died in captivity and by sickness brought into the tOAvn from the army aud otherwise Avliich have greatly diminished their num bers aud rendered it extremely difficult if not imjiracticable to 29 226 HISTOEY OF STAMFOED. supply their quota as now stated — and the more as they, are a frontier town." Ab. Davenp. I Senator Isaac Lockwood, y and Sylvanus Knapp, j Representatives Nov. 14. — Gen. Ass. voted that the Committee of inspection of Lebanon, be and they are here by directed and, authorized to take care and custody of the prisoners sent here under guard from Stamford, as being persons dangerous to the state, and to dispose of and govern them in the best manner they can as their prudence shall direct, until further orders from the Gen. Ass. or the Governor and his Com. as aforesaid. Dec. 1 — Committee to care for families whose husbands had gone into the continental service ; Jas. Young, Jona. Waring, jr., Chas. Knapp, Chas. Weed, Amos Weed, Thaddeus Bell, Jona. Bates and Thos. June. At the same time, Jos. Ambler, Ab. Weed, Thad. Hoyt, and Samuel Richards, Avere appointed to supply the commissary Avith such clothing, f WILLIAM LEEDS PRESIDENT OF STAMFORD NATIONAL BANK. I.ATEE BIOGRAPHY. 403 erine, Avife of Dr. Samuel Lockwood, dentist, of Ncav York city ; .Josephine Eliza ; EdAvard Francis, and Emily Irene. Lockwood, Isaac, son of Isaac and Rebecca (Seely) Lock Avood was born in Stamford, Nov. 4, 1762. Like many others of the sons of the town during the last half century, he com menced his life as a seaman. He soon abandoned his sea-life, returned to Stamford and settled down, on what Avas then the old turnpike, in the old Lockwood homestead, now occupied by George Hubbard, Esq. Here he spent the rest of his days. He was soon found ready and efficient in aiding forward every needed enterprise of the tOAvn, and rose rapidly to his place among tho first citizens. At the beginning of this century, no man stood higher than he*in the public esteem. For nineteen years he did good service as one of the select men of the town, and represented the tOAvn in eight sessions of the state legisla ture. He Avas characterized for his promptness and punctuality. It was a proverb that Capt. Lockwood's rambling pony was tha best time piece in the tOAvn, never failing- to appear Avith her rider at the post office at the appointed time. Mathee, Joseph Avas the second son of Rev. Moses Mather, D. D., of Middlesex Society, Stamford, (Darien,) where he was horn, July 21, 1753. He united Avith his father's church, Aug. 9, 1778. HoAvas a young man of much promise. And soon at tained a position of influence among the citizens of the town. He distinguished himself early as a warm advocate of the inde pendence of the American colonies; and of course, like his patriotic father, he Avas a constant mark for the shafts of British and tory vengeance. He lived about two miles to the north of the viUage, and his house was used as a depository for the more costly treasures of the citizens who were more exposed to the raids of the enemy from Long Island. But, removed as he was from the center of the parish, he was easUy found and greatly harassed by his former neighbors, who had now gone over to the enemy. No less than forty-four of his father's parishioners were af one time during the Avar, just across the Sound on 404 HISTOEY OF STAMFORD. Lloyd's Neck, more bitter against patriots than the king's troops themselves. He married, May 29, 1777, Sarah Scot, of Ridgefield. Their children, eight of whom are still living, (1862,) were Hannah, born June 2, 1777; Sarah, born March 28, 1780; Moses, born May 21, 1782; Raiiia, born May 4, 1784; Glare, born July 31, 1787 ; Joseph, born Sept. 30, 1789 ; Nancy, born Jan. 27, 1792 ; Betsey, born March 23, 1794 ; David Scott, born Dec. 14, 1795 ; and Phebe, born Nov. 27, 1798. At his death he left these ten children, forty-five grandchildren, forty-eight great-grandchild ren, and one great-great-grandchild. Mathee, Moses, D. D., was the son of Timothy Mather of Lyme, Conn., where he was born March 6, 1719. He graduated in Yale in 1739, and was settled over the church in Middlesex Society of Stamford, now Darien, June 14, 1744, having begun to preach there April 19, 1742. Here he remained a faithful and successful preacher and pastor until his death, Sept. 21, 1806 — more than sixty-four years — which fact of itself is ample testimony to his usefulness. His ability is also testified in the works which he left, which though not numerous, evince his solid learning and his deep piety. He won his doctorate from the College of New Jersey in 1791. From 1777 to 1790 he was a FelloAv of Yale College. But the doctor will be best knoAvn for his earnest and active patriotism during the struggle which Avon our colonial indepen dence, of which our account of that struggle will furnish ample proof The following testimony from Dr. Dwight's " Travels" is abundantly corroborated by all' that Ave hear of his character from those who remember him, or from those who heard their j)arents dAvell upon his precious memory. "Dr. Mather was a m.an distinguished for learning and piety, a strong understanding and a most exemplary life. His natural temper Avas grave and unbending. His candor was that of the Gospel, — the wisdom which is from above — which, while it is ' pure and peaceable' is also ' without par tiality." '^'p^'^ 0mm ^m, "V STEPHEN B PROVOa" later BIOGEAPHY. 405 Dr. Sprague's " Annals of the American Pulpit" contains an interesting letter from Rev. Mark Mead of Greenwich, which gives us the following delineation of his personal appearance and social character. " He was a man of about the middle stature, rather slender than other wise, of a pleasant expression of countenance, and free and easy in conver sation. Dr. Mather, though generally a poor man, had a rich vein of hu mor, of Avhich there still remain many traditions. A man in his parish who pretended to be a sort of half Quaker, half infidel, and who was a mem ber of the vigilance committee in the revolution, as he was riding in com pany with him on horseback, said to him, 'Your Master used to ride an ass and how is it that you ride a horse?' 'Because," said the doctor, 'the asses are all taken up for committee men.' "Dr. Mather used to wear a long, rounded, Quaker coat, Avilh very large brass buttons from top to bottom. The Quakers, at that time, used to Avear buttons made of apple tree, and just enough to fasten their coats. The samo man mentioned above, on meeting Dr. Mather one day, said to him, ' Moses, why does thee wear so many buttons ou thy coat.' ' To show you, . said the Doctor, ' that my religion does not consist in a button. ' " Nor is the Dr. scarcely less to be remembered for the family which he left: Soon, after his settlement, Sept. 10, 1746, he married one of his parishioners, Hannah Bell, by whom he had three children — John, born Sept. 20, 1747, Hannah, born May 20, 1751, and Joseph, born July 21, 1753. His Avife died April 23, 1755, and he married again, Jan. 1, 1756, Mrs. Elizabeth Whiting, also a ¦'parishioner, by whom he ha-d only one son, Noyes, born September 1, 1756. His second wife died Dec. 18, 1757. He married for his third wife, Rebecca Raymond, of Norwalk, Aug. 23, 1768, by whom, there Avere recorded to him four chUdren ; Moses, born Nov. 13, 1760. Raymond, born Jan. 31, 1763, Isaac, born Dec. 6, 1764, and Samuel, born Dec. 19, 1765. Of the above children, Hannah married Philo Betts and had eleven children ; Joseph married Sarah Scott, of Ridgefield, and had ten children, six of whom, now venerable both for years and personal worth, it was the author's good fortune to meet at the homestead of their father in the summer of 1862 ; Noyes married and had nine children, and Samuel had five. 406 history of STAMFORD. Of the ten children of Joseph, eight had families, and their children to the number of fifty-five are enrolled in the " Gene alogy of the Mather Family." In 1855, Rev. Mr. Kinney, then pastor of the church in Darien, makes this interesting record for Dr. Sprague's " Annals of the American Pulpit :" "I think that more thau half of those who compose my cougregatiou on the Sabbath, and nearly our whole choir of singers are his (Dr Mather's). de.sceudants. Two of his great-grandsons have recently been ordained deacons of this church." Provost, Stephen Bishop, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Bishop,) was born in Stamford, April 23, 1792. His mother Avas daughter of deacon Stephen Bishop of the North Stamford Gongregational church, who was grandson of Rev. John Bishop, the second pastor of the. first church of Stamford. Mr. Provost Il as spent the most of his life in his native town, where he has been successfulin business, and much respected and honored, as our official record will show. He married, April 5, 1821, Catherine, daughter of Christopher and Elizabeth Tillman, ot Noav York. Their children have been ; Stephen Henry, noAV a merchant in New York city; Christopher Tillman ; David R., now in California ; Mary Catherine, thedate Mrs. Edward Sco field ; Elizabeth Jane^nowMrs. Hiram Taylor, of Stamford; and Julia Francis, who died young. QuiNTAED, Geo. W., eldest son of Isaac Quintard and his Avife, Mrs. Clarissa (Hoyt) Shay, was born in Stamford, April 22, 1822. He went, still young, into New York city, where ho Avas engaged a few years in the grocery business. He married, Feb._ 15, 1844, Frances, daughter of Charles Morgan, Esq., later proprietor of the Morgan Iron and Ship Works, corner of Ninth-st. and East River. Disposing of his grocery business, he entered the firm of his father-in-law, then T. F. Secor & Co., Mr. Secor being the foundry-man of the firm, and Mr. Morgan the financier. Afterwards, under the title of the Morgan Iron Works, in company with his father-in-law, and later Avitli his brother-in-law, Hon. F. M. Merrit, of Stamford, and LATER IJIOGEAPHY. 407 Still later as the sole proprietor of those extensive works, Mr. Quintard laid the foundation of the great business prosperity which has placed him among the leading men of the city. During the recent war he Avas largely employed in furnishing engines for the Avar ships needed in the United States Navy, and rendered timely and important aid to the Union cause. Since the war he has retired from the iron business, and is uoav president of one of the southern lines of steamship transporta tion. He is also connected with various other business boards in the city. His summer residence is in Rye. He has tAVO children. Quintard, Charles Todd, brother to the above, Avas born in Stamford, Dec. 22, 1824. He graduated M. D. at the University of New York in 1846, having been a student of Dr. Valentino Mott. After spending a few months in the Bellevue Hospital, and as physician to the Noav York City Dispensary, he removed to Georgia. Here he soon Avon reputation in his jprofession and as a medical Avriter, and in 1851, he was called to the chair of physiology and anatomy in the Memphis Medical College. Devoting himself, meanwhile, also, to theological studies, under the direction of Bishop Otey of Tennessee, in 1855 he was ad mitted to orders. At once, he entered on the rectorship of Cal vary church, Memphis, from Avhich he went, in 1858, to the church of the Advent, Nashville. Under his successful ministry of four years, this church advanced from thirty-six to about three hundred communicants. His progress in his uoav profes sion of theology Avas rapid, as in that of medicine,' and in 1866 ho received his doctorate in Divinity,«and was chosen Bishop of Tennessee, to Avhich office he was consecrated by the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, in Philadelphia. Quintard, Edward A., brother to Geo. W. and Charles T., above, is also a native of Stamford, Avhere he was born in 1826. He went to Noav York as clerk to the Scranton Coal Com pany. Since then he has been largely engaged in the coal busi- 408 HISTORY OF STAMFORD. ness, making for himself a good name and an eminent place, among the leading firms in his branch of business. He is ex tensively engaged also in mining coal. For a number of years he has spent his summers in Stamford, and in 1867, he built on Clark's Hill, a fine family residence of stone, one of the most imposing as well as costly of our many elegant Stamford homes. He married for his first wife, Matilda Gil lespie, of NoAA' York city, who died leaving two children. He married for his second wife, Mary, daughter of cap tain William Skiddy, of Stamford, by Avhora he has tAvo children. Reed, Elijah, son of Jesse aud Mercy (Weed) Reed, was born in Stamford, Middlesex parish, in 1778. In his thirty-sixth year he became a christian, and de voted himself with singular earnestness, to the duties of the christian life. He was chosen deacon of the church in Darien ; and from that tirne he felt himself to be a servant of the Lord. There was no .call which the church could make upon him to Avhich he did not respond. In season and out of season, he embraced opportunities, or cre ated them, for doing good. The Bible was his daily compan ion ; and from its treasury, he never failed to draw timely instructions for all classes whom he met. No man practiced a more rigid self denial than he, that he might do good. None cultivated .all the graces of the spirit more than he. None evinced a deeper interest in the welfare of Zion, or in the spirit ual condition of impenitent men than he. And no one had more faith in the divinely appointed mean^ for tha recovery and salvation of men. This good man died Nov. 16, 1561, when, and as he Avould have Avished to die, on the morning of the Lord's Day, with all the peace and joyful hope which that day had been wont to bring him. Mr. Reed Avas only the fifth generation removed from tho John Reed whom we have enrolled as the pioneer of the family in the town. The line of the ascent will be John, Thomas, and Thomas, the second son of John, as above. 'C<_jay^^ J LATER BIOGRAPHY. 409 lliCHAKos, James, D. D., was born Oct. 29, 1767, in New Canaan parish, a short distance east of tho old line between Stamford and Norwalk. While still a boy, he came to Stam ford village and engaged himself as an appren tice to the cabi net making trade. He proved a faithful apprentice, yet found time in his leisure moments for reading and study ; and at length formed and executed the purpose of fitting himself for college. While in Stamford he became a teacher in one of our village schools. He was also the subject of a re vival of religion, and united with the Congregational chnrcli here, Sept. 17, 1786. Iu 1739 he entered Yale coUega, and received, in 1794, the honorary degree of A. M. He studied theology Avith Dr. Dwight, and vras licensed to preach by the Fairfield West As sociation in 1793. The same year he Avas settled inMorristOAvn, N. J., as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church there. He soon gave proofs of that strong good sense and efficiency in all that he attempted, which at length gave him the enviable repu tation Avhicli he won and retained. From Morristown he Avas called to Newark in June 1809, to succeed that prince among our pulpit orators. Dr. E. D. Griffin, Avho had then accepted his professorship at An dover. Here Mr. Richards became very eminent in his profession, both as jii-eacher and pastor. In 1823 he Avas called to the chair of Christian Theology in the Auburn Theological Seminary. He died in Auburn, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1848. Skelding, Dea. Thomas, was son of James and Mary Skelding, and Avas born in Stamford, Feb. 6, 1773. The year after his marriage he removed to Troy, N. Y., where he soon attained eminence among the enterprising men of that flonrishhig city. He Avas equally eminent in business and re ligion. Brought up a Congregationalist, after his conversion, I'.o united Avith the Baptist church in Troy in 1806, and proved himself one of the most faithful and devoted of christians. He vi&s chosen deacon of this church in 1812; and when, in 1822, lie removed to New York, he was at once called to the samo of fice in the South Baptist Church of that city, then just organ- 62 410 HISTORY OF .STAMFORD. ized. Here he labored with a groAving zeal until his work on earth AA'as done. On the second Sabbath of December, 1830, while enjoying the usual services of the sanctuary, he was struck Avitli a sudden paralysis which almost deprived him of motion and speech. He was taken home, Avhere he languished many weeks, but partially recoA'oring the use of his limbs and of his voice. In July of the next year he visited his friends and kindred in his native tOAvn ; and while here, surrounded Avith the grateful reminiscences of his early days, in the family of his brother James, he peacefully and in joyous hope closed his earthly career Aug. 1, 1831. His obituary in the Baptist Re pository, gives us a very pleasant imjsression of the chocu-fiil and beneficent piety of this good man : '-In Avealth ho was an example to the rich," and when deprived of his earthly pos sessions, his cheerful trust in God still " taught the poor to bo humble, submissive and thankful." Smi'th, Rea'. Daniel, wa,% the son of Peter and Mary Smith of Noav Canaan, where he was born Aug. 3, 1764. He graduated at Yale in 1791, and the same year united with the Congregational church in Sharon. After studying theology Avith the ReA^ Cotton Mather Smith of Sharon, whose youngest daughter he married, he Avas licensed to preach, Oct. 2, 1792, by the Litchfield North Association, and ordained pastor of the First Congregational church in Stamford, June 13, 1793. Here he labored in word and doctrine with very great acceptance doAVii to a very advanced age. He Avas a man, who is remem bered still by many of the citizens of Stamford, both in the denomination to which he belonged, and in others, as ono of unusual good sense and Avisdom. Few pastors ever endeared themselves more to their people than he. His hold on his peo ple Avas fully and most promptly shoAvn, Avhen in 1839, after a ministry of forty-seven years, he recounted his labors, acknoAvl- edged his groAving infirmities, and asked to be relieved from a portion of his cares. Their reply is found in the following reso lution : "That we reeoguize, iu our pastor a diligent servant of Christ, one who, later eiography. 411 for the long time he has ministered to us in holy things, has ever exhibited a happy union of prudence witjji zeal; and one who, iu all his intercourse Avith ns and his ministrations to us has cultivated those feelings Avhich most endear a pastor to his flock. And we earnestly entreat our God that he may long be spared to watch over us, to instruct us and to pray for us." In addition to the labors of preacher and pastor, Mr. Smith conducted a private school in his oavu house for many years ; and many of the youth of the toAvn recall with affectionate in terest the days of their pleasant pupilage under his kindly care. lie married for his first Avife Mary Smith, as aboAC, July 9, 1793, by Avliom he had tAVO children, JuHa Ann, born April 5, 1794, aud Thomas Mather; born March 7, 1796.. He married again June 14, 1801, Catherine, daughter of David Webb, of Stamford. Their children were David Webb, born April 11, 1802, lived single and died in Stamford ; Mary Eliza beth, born Oct. 28, 1804, and married Fitch Rodgers, of Stam ford, and still survives to occupy the house which her father left; James Augustus, born Aug. 1, 1807; EdAvard William, born Sept. 2, 1813, Avho graduated at Yale in 1835, and studied law; and John Cotton, born April 6, 1811, graduated at Yale in 1835, and Avas studying medicine Avhen he died. Smith, Thomas Mather, oldest son of Rev. Daniel, (sec pre ceding sketch,) Avas born in Stamford, March 7, 1796. He graduated at Yale College in 1816 ; and after spending a year Avith his uncle, Hon. John Cotton Smith, he entered the theo logical seminary, where he graduated in theology in 1820. In 1822 he Avas ordained to the Avork of the ministry, and settled over the Third Congregation church, in Portland, Maine. He, also, Avas settled as Congregational pastor at Fall River, Mass.; at Catskill, N. Y. ; and at New Bedford, Mass. While here, his vioAvs of church polity changing, he embraced the Episco pal theory, and Avas ordained deacon, by Bishop Smith, of Kentucky ; and the next year, priest, by Bishop Eastman, of Massachusetts. In 1845, he was appointed MUnor Professor of Systematic Divinity at Kenyon College, Gambler, Ohio. In 1850 he Avas honored Avith the degree of Doctor of Divinity, by 412 HISTORY OF STAMFORD. Bowdoin College. He remained at his post in Kenyon College until 1863, — discharging its duties, Avhich Avere often very exact ing, — having embraced at times those of president of the institu tion, with great acceptance and success. On his resignation, in 1863, he Avas honored as Emeritus Professor. The following testimony is borne to his character by his classmate, Rev. Dr. W. G. Fowler, of Durham, Conn. He says, '¦What struck me was his fine social nature. Perhaps the reason of this was, that his mother and my mother were first cousins, through their grandfather, Eev. 'William Worthington. He always met me as a cousin, frank, confiding, aflfectionate. The movements of his mind were easy and natural, not requiring any special excitement to bring them into play. His emotional nature was healthy and easily stirred, but also controlled, .so far as I saw, by the proprieties of time aud place. He was always a good schol ar, with the power of being a better one. In short, I think he showed, while in college, in perceptible embryo, the same mental characteristics, which in subsequent life were so finely developed and matured." Mr. Smith married, Sept. 26, 1822, Mary G. eldest daughter of Rev. Dr. Leonard Woods, of AndoA'er, Mass. They had six children, three of whom died in infancy. His son, John Cotton Smith, graduated at BoAvdoin College in 1847 ; studied theol-, ogy at the seminary of Avhich his father Avas a professor, and is noAV a popular preacher of the Episcopal denomination in Now "York city. He, also, has been honored Avith a doctorate of divinity. Smith, .James W., oldest son of Philander and Clarissa (Holly) Smith, was born on Longridge, July 8, 1810. He fitted for college under the late Hawley Olmstead, Esq., of Wilton, having the AVork of the ministry in view. His physician think ing his health Avould never allow him to be a preacher, dissuad ed him from the attempt, and he devoted himself to the study of medicine, graduating at the New York Medical College ; and was commissioned by the American Board as physician to their Sandwich Island mission in 1812. While engaged in the Avork of his profession as missionary physician, he was also called to the office of lay preacher ; and such Avas the urgency of tho calls upon him, that he Avas, in 1854, ordained as pastor of the church LATER niOGRAPHV. 413 in Koloa, on the island of Kauai. Here Ave soon find limi in full charge of the missionary work at his station, and gathering around him and training faithful native helpers. Wo next find him so strongly endeared to his people, that they are ready to propose supporting him, themselves. Accord ingly wo find him, in 1851, asking a release from the service of the Board, and since that date he has been supported by the people whom he was appointed to lift up out of the degradation of heathenism. During his residence on the island he has filled several important offices, and in thom all has commended him self to the people. He married Millieent Knapp, of North GreenAvich, a sister of the two excellent christian ministers, 'j^Rovs. Horton, and Jared D. Knapp. They have had nine children, of whom seven aro still living; William Owen, Jared Knapp, Alfred Holly, Emma, Lottie, Molina and Juliett. Smith, Truman, a native of Roxbury, Conn. He graduated at Yale in 1815, and entered the legal profession, in which he became one of our most eminent jurists and advocates.. Entering upon public civil life, he became as representative and senator from Connecticut in the United States Congress, — one of our ablest statesmen. In 1853 he removed to Stamford, Avhero he has since then resided. His first Avife was Maria Cook, of Litch field, Avho died April 20, 1849, leaving one daughter, Jenny P. now Mrs. George A. Hoyt, of Stamford. His second wife Avas Mary A. Dickenson, by whom he has had six chUdren. On the organization of the Court of Claims, to decide cases arising under the various acts growing out the rebellion, Mr. Smith was appointed one of the judges, holding the office untU the court terminated. No generation of Connecticut jur ists or statesmen has furnished us an example of more diUgent and successful Avorking, or of more uncompromising loyalty to the Avelfare of the people. Stea''ens, Edwin, Avas the son of deacon David and Stevens, of Ponus street, in Avhat is uoav Noav Canaan, He Avas 414 HISTORY OP STAMFORD. born Julv 4, 1802, and graduated at Yale with honor in 1828. He was also tutor in Yale in 1831 and '2. In 1831, ho was licensed as preacher by the New Haven East Association, and became a christian missionary. He commenced this service as chaplain to our seamen in the East, and for three years had his home in Canton, laboring in season and out of season for the temporal good of this long neglected class. In 1838, he Avas transferred from tho support of the Seaman's Friend Society, to that of the American Board of Foreign Missions. He started in March of this year, with those apostolic missionaries, Roa'. Messrs. Gutzlaff and Medhurst, on a tour up the coast from Canton. They_ ascended the Min, four days journey, Avithout opposition, but on the fifth clay their course was arrested by hostile demonstrations from the natives. They were fired upon, and two of their company, which numbered eighteen souls, Avere Avounded, and the attempt to proceed further was post poned. The time had not yet come for that populous territory to be opened to the intercourse of foreigners, and they, the teachers of a new religion. They succeeded in retreating doAvn the Min, and coasting along the shore ; and, stopping where allowed, they distributed books and held such conferences Avith the natives as might promote their work. In Shantung, alone, in two days, they succeeded in distributing 1,000 volumes of religious works, and Avherever they could come in contact with the peojile, not over-persuaded by the presence of suspicious officials, they found a readiness to entertain their message and receive their books. Bnt the government Avere soon on the guard, and the move ments of the missionary party were effectually arrested. Their voyage was the first ever made by missionaries along- that coast for the purpose of evangelizing those teeming millions, without first conciliating them by the gift or sale of opium. On the temjiorary interruption of their labors, Mr. Stevens applied himself with very gre.at success to the mastery of the Mandarin, the national language of China. Tn December, 1836, he started on board the Hinimaleh, to LATER BIOGRAPHY. 415 visit several of the islands in the Indian archipelago, to examine the spiritual condition of the people and distribute among them such books as he might be able to induce them to take. In the prosecution of this pioneer missionary work, he touched at Sin gapore on the 15th of the month. The fever of that climate suddenly seized him, and terminated his life, Jan. 5, 1837. His co-laborers in the field where he so prematurely fell, agree in testifying to his great worth. His loss was deeply felt by thom. They had proved his great excellence. His scholarship and his deep-toned piety Ayere aUke needed, and they felt that the loss of them was irreparable. Their testimony of him is : " He possessed a mature judgment and remarkable decision of character, A holy intrepidity in facing dangers that came iu the path of duty. From his conversion, the Bible was his constant companion. ' Chjist, our rock, was pre-eminently his theme. Accuracy characterized him as a Chinese student. His knowledge of the Bible and critical study of it, marked him oat as an invaluable assistant in the future revisions of the Scriptures into Chinese; and to this his own attention seemed to be turned." Todd, Ambrose Seymoue, D. D., son of Roa-. Ambrose and Lavinia Todd, was born in Huntington, Conn., Dec. 6, 1798. He was ordained deacon in the Episcopal church, July 15, 1820, and priest, June 30, 1823, by Bishop Brownell, and insti tuted rector of St. John's church, Stamford. For nearly forty years he remained in charge of the St. John's parish. With more than ordinary ability in the pulpit, he showed great tact and wisdom in his pastoral oversight of his charge. Few mon have secured more universal esteem. Few pastors have avoii so much regard and confidence, at the same time, from both their own and other denominations. His death occurred here June 22, 1861. The following extract from the funeral address, delivered by Bishop Williams, is a fitting testimonial to his ministerial fidel ity and success : "This ministry, with its trials and its cheer, our brother exercised faith fully through more than twice a score of years, aud — Avhat is specially remarkable in these days of change— for almost tho entire period in a sin;,d'j cni-o. And he was permitted to live to see great fruits spi ing from th ai 416 HISTORV OF STAMFORD. long-continued and faithful labors. What was the oue cure, thirty-eight years ago, forms to-day five parishes, with seven churches and chapels duly consecrated, served— till he himself was removed — by seven clergy men. "In this immediate parish, the humble edifice that in the beginning more than served its needs, has given place to this in which we meet to day; and this has been once enlarged itself, and there is added to it now another house of God. Thirty-six years ago, the number of those who galh. ered to the Lord's table, in all tbe cure, was ninety; to-day, the roll com prises the names of near five hundred. These are some tangible and visible results, whose testimony comes be. fore us to-day, aud whose witness is laid up on high. But, brethren, how much more is there Avhich is not written, which cannot be writt'.n here — Avhich man's eye can never see, of Avhioh man's lip can never speak, aud ¦ which, after all, is the true and living history of this, as of every other fpiith- ful piistorabip ! The unwritten story of the spiritual lives of the genera tion of this people that has passed away; the sermons preached; the baptisms and euoharists administered; the young trained aud led on to confirmation; the sick visited and prepared for death; sinners pointed and brought to the blood of Jesus; the pastoral counsels, the priestly labors, the ministrations to tlie poor and the afliicted, the public service, and the work Irom house to house — what a hislorv do all these make up— what a testimony do they bear !" Nor is the following testimony, from the excellent discourse preached on the Sunday following his death, by his assistant and successor, Rev. Walter Mitchell, less beautiful or illustrative of the character and influence of the man : "Thirty-eight years are this day completed siuce he knelt before tho same altar where, thirty-six years before that, I'is father had kuelt, to re ceive, at the hands of Bishop Seabury, the commission to preach and to baptize. Thirty-eight years are this day fulfilled, during which his life has been all yonr own. Its story is better known to you than to me ; for what I have but heard, you — at least many of you — have seen and felt. Yet I may allude to facts, long siuce occurred, which may have passed from yonr memories. At the time of his eoming, the town of New Caanan was within the same charge, aud for one or two years it was his constant cu.stom to mount his horse, at the close of the second service here, and to ride over roads far less easy of travel than at present, to repeat his ministrations at that distant station. Iu addition to this, his cure extended over what is uow Darien on the east and Greenwich on the Avest. And that was then no nominal labor. As I have gone with him upon his more distant visiting.?, LATER BIOGRAPHY. 417 there would scarcely be a house at which had he not at some time held ser vices. For every funeral, almost every occasion at Avhioh believers were called together, was then held to be a fit time and place for the pastoral voice to be heard. Through the whole extent of this and the neighboring townships — a territory as wide as the See of many a primitive bishop— there i8 hardly a place not associated with his labors. During the period of his ministry, he preached more than four thousand five hundred times, exclusive of extempore addresses and funeral discour ses ; performed over four hundred funeral services ; baptized over five hun dred infants and more than one hundred adults, and presented for con firmation threo hundred aud tweuty-six persons. He also fulfilled the duties of Trustee of the General Theological Seminary and of the Berk ley Divinity School, at Middletown, of this diocese, and represented tho diocese as a delegate to the eventful Gjuaral Assembly of 1841. The de gree of Doctor of Divinity was the same year conferred on him by Colum bia College. He was the first to propose aud to organize the county meetings of the clergy of Fairfield county, and to his efficient aid and counsel, they owed, for many years their success. Waterbury, David, Jr., son of John and Susanna Water bury Avasborn in Stamford, Feb. 12, 1722. His prominence as oaa of th'j military a:-tors in our revolutionary struggle will justify the space which our sketch of him must occupy in our tOAvn history. "We probably had several citizens engaged with the patriots in that memorable contest, who in many respects w-ere his superiors ; but ho attained, and, as Ave are increasingly convinced, not AA"ithout merit, a rank in the service liigher than auy of them. That he had already seen service in the French and Indian War has been elsoAvhere shoAvn. That he wa,5 ready at the opening of tlie revolutionary struggle to enter heartily into tho service of the patriot cause, is most abundantly evinced by the responsible military offices he accepted and honored. Our first introduction to him as a military officer in the revolutionary war, Ave have throui>'li the following letter from Gen. Lee : New Hates, Jan'ry ye 16th, 1775. Siui— It is with the greatest coucern that I am informed you have re ceived orders to disband the men whom you had engaged. The important news from Canada renders it necessary that they should without loss of time be re-assembled. I must request therefore that you will immediately 53 418 HISTORY OF STAMFOED. call 'em together. I will mj'self answer for the measure to the' Continental Congress. I entreat and conjure you therefore that they may be re-enlisted and equipped for service with all possible expedition. As to the arrange ment of your officers you shall receive instructions before the men can be assembled. I'or God's sake lose no time. Every thing, perhaps the fate of America depends upon your expedition. I am sir, your most obedient servant, Chaeles Lee, To Colonel Waterbury, Stamford. Major General. Early in March we find Gol. Yv'aterbury Avitli his regiment recruited, and ready to march from Stamford. He preceded them himself to New York, to jirepare for the coming action. The colonel finds at Kingsbridge a deputation of citizens, earnestly pleading Avith him not to enter the city, as the enemy had SAA'orn to fire it, if revolutionary troops should be found in it. Bat the Connecticut men had enlisted for the fight, and under their leader they Avere not inclined to cede any part of the domain to the rule of King George's troops : and we ac- accordingly find him quartered in the upper j^.art of the city. On the si.x:tli of March he is still in the city and is ordered to send doAvn from the upper barracks, Wm. Lounsbury and others confined there for spiking our guns beyond King's Bridge. They Avore sent doAAai, according to orders and on be ing tried and found guilty were remanded to the same confine ment. We next find him at the head of his regiment, a thousaud strong, leaving- Ilarlaem the third Tuesday of July, 1775, for Albany. August 28th, he embarks from Ticonderago for Isle aux Noix, fourteen miles beloAV St. John, toward Avhich tho army were uoav moving. The object of the campaign was the permanent occnj)ancy of CroAvii Point and Ticonderoga, they having just been taken from the British, Avho had held posses sion of both forts since the memorable campaign of 1759. On his return from his northern expedition in January, 1776, Col. Waterbury Avas ordered by President Hancock to raise five or six hundred men and go over to Long Island to capture tories Avho had refused to AOte for deputies to the convention L.VTKU BIOORAPnV. 419 to be held in New York. It appears that when ho had gathered his quota of men his orders Avere countermanded. A letter of the colonel is preserved in the American Archives to President Hancock, dated Ncav York, Sept. 16, 1775, asking for indem nity for his expenses for the preparations then made. Though he seems not to have jiursued the tories on the Island, he had done very efficient service .among their sympathizers in West chester county. Great complaint was made of his severity tOAvards that class of traitors. He seems to have shown them no mercy. One of the reasons given by citizens in this vicinity for going over to the enemy was the excessive rigor of Colonel Waterbury. So Elisha Davis, of Greenwich, testifies for him self, when he made a plea for the restoration of his estate. In February, 1776, Colonel Samuel Drake, of Westchester, made, an appeal for thirty guns, two pair of holsters, nine cutlasses, and three pistols, which the officious colonel had taken from suspected citizens Avithin his jurisdiction, by orders from General Lee. The following testimony regarding the colonel bears date Mareh 2, 1770, aud shows us how jealous he Avas of every bin. dranco to tho progress of the Revolution : " Jos. Cheeseman, of Noav York, testifies that this day being on board a boat in Peck's Slip, he heard Gol. Waterbury say that he had for some time thought that things Avould not go well unless the city of New York was crushed down, and that it must be done by their people before things would go aa^oU." (Am. Archives, vol. v.) That this sensitiveness to the toryism of the day did not dis qualify tho colonel for his military position, the following order shows : Camebidgb, March 15, 1776. Sie : — You are to proceed with the regiment under your command to Nor wich, in Connecticut. His excellency expects yoa will preserve good order and discipline upon your march. » , * The general, depending upon your zeal, experience and good conduct, is satisfied that on your part no vigilance will be wanting. Col. D. Waterbury, juu. Hok.vtio Gates, Adjuta-at General. The foUoAving correspondence exhibits still further the esti mate in whioh Colonel Waterbury's services at this period were held : 420 HISTORY OF STAEFORD. Lebanon- April 29, 1776. Sie :— David Waterbury. juu., oi Stamford, E.squire, Ool. of a regiment from this colony in the northern department the last year, and at the taking of St. Johns and Montreal, nnd lately in the service at New York with major general Lee ; at all times behaved with bravery and honor. When you have a vacancy ia the army answerable to hi.s rank, I do heartily com mend him to your kind notice aud regard. I am with great esteem aud regard, sir, your ob.l. humble servant, To his Excellency Gen. Wa.shingtou. .Tona. TaUiMBOLL. New Yoek, May 13, 1776. Sie .-—Gov. Trumbull has been pleased to mention you to me as a proper person to fcuccecd to the command of a regiment lately General Arnold's. If you incline to engage in the service again, I shall be obliged to yon for signifying as much, iu order that I may lay the matter before congress for their approval. I am, sir, with great respect, your most obd. servant. To Colonel DaA-id Waterbury, of Stamford. Geo. Washington. In his reply to this proposal of Gen. Washington, the colonel complains that he had not hitherto received the promotion which was his due, and while he asked no further commission, he pledges his readiness to volunteer his services at any moment Avhen they may be needed. The general assembly in their session of June, 1776, appointed Col. Waterbury a brigadier general " in the battalions of mil itia now to be raised to reinforce the continental army in Canada." On the 5th of July, at the head of the first division of the continental forces, he reached New York, sharing the command of that division with General Wadsworth. With all possible dispatch the men are hurried to the scene of the openin<^ campaign on Lake George. The general himself reports from Skeensborough, July the 15th, where he is forwarding troops to Ticonderoga, .as fast as they can come up. Under date of July 18th, h- again wi-ltes lo Washington as follows : "Deae Sie : I received your favor of the 16th, aud your honor may rest assured that I shall execute the orders as fur as lies in my p jwor I would L.\.TEE BIOGRAPHY. 421 inform your honor there are no troops arrived yet. I hnvo had intelligence of their being ou the march to this place, and I hope tho3» will soon arrive. I have a small party now clearing out Wood Creek aud a small party build- iug a place proper to keep a guard on the hill east of the mill ; and the rest are employed in getting timber for the carpenters and mills, and on guard. I have not men sufficient to begin the fortifications ou the west side of the mill. Your honor will see by the returns that there are but few men here ; but what there are I shall eud3:ivor to keep well employed ; and as soon as others come in, I shall do the same by them. I have picked up all the axes, and the blacksmiths have overhauled them. I shall stAud in great need of tools on the arrival of troops. Sir, I shall with pleasure receive your o.-Ijrs as you sue cause to send them, and hope I shall bo abla to put them iuto execution agreeably to your honor's expectation. David Wateeboet, jr." From this time, until early iu September, he remained here in command, exercising the utmost disi^atch in drilling and transmitting recruits. His labors must have been very great, as his letters and special dispatches of that period evince. A large number of these letters are preserved in the ^^merican Archives; and it is not saying too much of them to claim that they show the general to has'c been an earnest patriot aud a faithful servant of the people in that day of their great strug gle. The only one of these letters which our space wUl allow iis to use is that of August 31st. It discloses both the hum.ani- ty and the fidelity of the gener.al. It Avas addressed to his superior officer, General Gates. Sm : —Col. Woodbridge and his major have been detained in this neigh-* borhood fourteen days, iu consequence' of having been inoculated, and not bringing certificates that they were properly cleansed ; and they grow un easy that they are kept back. I shall be glad to know if your honor intends I shall let them go forward to Ticonderoga. If not I shall be glad to have some instructions how to act; concerning them. I am, de.ir general, your honor's most obd. humble servant, David Watesbuet, Jr. That the general Avas held in high esteem among the highest officers in the army is abundantly attested, by the army cor respondence of that day. Under date of Aug. 7, 1776, General Schuvler thus writes to him from German Flats : 422 HISTORY OF STAMFORD. "I thauk you for your attention, and the information yoa gave. My long stay here very much distresses me. It is however a great alleviation of my anxiety that you are at Sksensboro-ugb, aud 1 am confident you Avill expedite the work as much as possible. I am, dear general, sincerely yonr most obedient humble servant, Philip Schuylee.'' Under date of Aug. 18, 1776, General Gates, then in com mand of the northern army, thus coinmends and endorses Gen eral Waterbury : " As he is an able seaman and a brave officer, I intend that he shall join General Arnold Avith the rest of the squadron, the instant thej' can be armed and equipped. As General Arnold and he are upon the best terras, I am satisfied no dispute about command or AA-ant of confidence in each other will retard the public service." And, again, Aug. 20th, General Schuyler thus v/rites to Gen eral Gates : " I am extremely happy that General Waterbury is to join General Arnold. I know him to be a good man as Avell as a good officer." General Waterbury Avas appointed, Sept. 2nd, second officer in the fleet under General Arnold, then in Lake Ghfimplain ; and on the eighth, he started for Ticonderoga to take this new command. On the second of the foUoAving month he saUed from Ticonderoga with tAvo galleys to join the fleet. On the fourteenth, a letter from Sir Guy Carleton to Lord Germain introduces General Waterbury to us as a prisoner. He ends his account of their victory with this exultation : " We have taken Mr. Waterbury, the second in command, one of their brigadier generals." The following dispatches also show him to be a prisoner of war, yet show in what esteem ho is held by his superior in command. Saeatoga, Oct. 18, 1776. SiE :— General Waterbury, who is prisoner on his parole, is on his way from Albany to Connecticut. I have advisod him to go directly from Al bany to yon. He is capable of jgiving you that information you requested in your last favour to me. He is not only a brave and good officer, but a candid and honest man, uninfluenced by any unbecoming prejudices. He will also acquaint you with our affairs at Ticonderoga. LATEE BIOGEAPHY. 423 I am, most respectfully, sir, your obedient and very humble servant, To the Hon. Jona. Trumbull. Ph. Schuyler. Oct. 23, 1776. General Waterbury has entreated me to recommend him to congress to be exchanged for General McDonald, or any other officer. I wish it to be accomplished. Ph. Schuylee. To John Hancock. A lengthy letter from General Waterbury, dated Stamford, Oct. 24, 1779, and addressed to President Hancock, giving his account of his capture, is preserved in the American Archives. The general was soon exchanged. I do not find that he was afterwards in any special engagement, though he was contin ued in command. He returned to liis native town, where he was held in honor by his townsmen. He served the town as selectman, and as representative in the state legislature. His residence Avas on the west side of our harbor, where his business Avas that of a farmer. He died June 29, 1801, and was buried in the old burying lot, on the west side of Mill River. His widow, Mary, died Nov. 7, 1810, aged 77 years. They left one son, William, who Avas a man considerably in public business of the toAvn, known as WiUiam Waterbury 4th. He left, also, one daughter, Mary, who died single, at twenty-six years of age. Wateebury, Charles, son of Jonathan B. and Betsey (Weed) Waterbury, was born here, in November 1819. He learned tho saddler's trade in Bridgeport, but on the opening of the Noav York and New Haven Railroad, he engaged in the service of the railroad as baggage master. He afterwards served as bag gage master, conductor and assistant superintendent on the Naugatuck road, untU he was appointed, in 1843, its superin tendent, which office he held until his death in 1868. Few men in these offices, have commended themselves more fully to the traveUng pubHc than he has ahvays done. Modest and retiring in disposition, he Avas nevertheless a prompt and most efficient business man. Tlie W.aterbury dust-excluding ventilator, which 424 HISTORY OF STAMFOED. a few years ago added so much to the comfort'of passengers over his road, during the summer months, was his invention, and from the sale of the patent he realized a handsome sum. Mr. Waterbury was also an earnest christian man, and has been for years connected Avith the second Gongregational church in Bridgeport. His funeral, which was atteuded in Bridgeport, on Sunday Sept. 6, 1868, was a marked tribute to his private and public worth. He married Cordelia Lockwood, of Green Avich, who survives him. They had no children. Charles Webb was the son of Charles and Mai-y Smith Webb, and Avas. born here, Feb. 13, 1724. He became early prominent in civil and military affairs, as the town records abundantly show. In 1757 he was chosen selectman for the first time, and was afterwards re-elected nineteen times. In 1758 he was chosen for the first time to represent the town in the state legislature, and was re-elected to the same office tAA'enty-three times. At this date he had become so promi nent as to be entitled by vote to the third pew in the meeting house. He was also a military man, having attained, in 1760, the rank of captain. On the opening of the revolutionary war, he was at once looked to as one of the leaders of the town in opposition to the demands of the croAA'n. We find him in the state legislature, and at home, speaking for the war ; and when at length the war had been declared, Ave find him entrusted with posts of Aveighty responsibility, both in civil and military life. In May, 1775, he was sent by the Continental Congress ou a tour of military investigation to Ticonderoga, of Avhich he made a satisfactory report on the Sth of June following. In July of this year the legislature commissioned him colonel, and he is put in command of a regiment of the state militia, and is stationed at Greenwich. In September he is ordered to New Haven, and in Oct. 23, he writes from his camp. Winter HUl, that he has noAV prepared his command for any service to which General Washington may call them. L.\TEE BIOGRAPHY. 425 He was in the battle of White Plains, Oct. 28, where he won for himself the reputation of an excellent and bold officer. The following certificate from the colonel is preserved in the American Archives. HARxroED, Juue 16, 1777. " I hereby certify that in the action at the White Plains, on rho 28 th of October, 1776, the regiment then under my commimd, in obedience to my orders unslung aud laid down their packs to engage the enemy '; aud the enemy overpowering aud gaining tho ground, said jiacks and the baggage of the regiment fell intc the bauds of the enemy without the default of the losses and by the merit of tbe chauce of war-. Chas. Webb, Col. 19 Eegt. Cousiderable loss of clothin;; and arui.s \v:i3 sustained by the regiment uuder my command in the action aud retreat oa Long Island in August 1 ist, none of which, so far as came to my knowledge, appeared lo happen thro any neglect or disobedience of orders of the loosers ; also on York Is land Sept. 15, 1776, said regiment were ordered by Gen. Scott to unsliug their packs to engage the enemy, which we did accordingly, and the enemy advanced ; and precipitate retreat being ordered, siv'id packs fell into tht^ir hands aud witho-at auy neglect or co-vvardioa of the owners, so far as I could jiidgo. Hartford, Jun8;2, 1777." He was also at the battle of White Marsh, December 1777, where his reginient received the attack of the Hessian forpe. The struggle was very spirited, and his regiment lost eighty- four killed on the field and a large number Avounded. ^ As an officer, Colonel Webb Avas marked for his promptness aud efficiency. He was a strict disciplinarian. Thoroughly in sympathy with the revolutionary movement himself, he could accept nothing less than a Avhole-hearted earnestness in all who were engaged iu its support. He tolerated no patriotism which suspicion could touch. He married here, July 16, 1747, Mary Holly. Their children were, Charles, born Dec. 30, 1750; Sarah, born May 2, 1753; Hannah, born May 28, 1766; Samuel, born March 7, 1760; and Isaac, born July 28, 1766. The son Charles Avas with his father in the revolutionary army, and was killed on a gun boat in the Sound but a short 54 426 HISTORY OF STAMFOED. distance from Stamford harbor. He had married here, Feb. 16, 1772, Elizabeth Smith, and had a daughter, Betsey, born Oct. 16, 1772. Weed, Charles A., son of Smith .and Mary (Youngs) Weed, was born in Stamford, May 13, 1826. He had been liv ing in Richmond about nine years, when the southern rebellion opened, and had about fifteen thousand dollars invested in his business. As he would not renounce his allegiance to the govern- ment of the United States, the local authorities took possession of his property and gave him a few hours to leave the city with his family. He accepted the terms and removed his family again to Stamford, preferring even jDOverty, if it must be so, to treason. When at length in the progress of our Union armies. Gen. Butler had taken possession of New Orleans and the surround ing country, Mr. Weed was at liberty to avail himself of tho advantages offered to loyal citizens. He had been despoiled by the rebellion of his entire property, and the chance was now offered to him to wrest from the rebellion many times his loss. He found on reaching New Orleans, in July, 1862, the large plantations of theneighborhood covered with crops, which the fugitive planters had' sown, now neglected and in danger of beuig utterly lost. Under governmental protection he went to the work of gathering in the crops. He hired the negroes who had been abandoned by their masters, giving to the govern ment one half of the products secured, and abundantly indem nifying himself for the loses he had sustained in Richmond. Since then he has been engaged in business in New Orleans, where he has had an extensive commission house under the firm of C. A. Weed & Co. His enterprise is also shown in other ways. He found the old New Orleans Crescent in a bankrupt condition, purchased it, and substituting for it the New Orleans Times, has built up the largest and one of the most successful newspaper enterprises of the South. He was also the original mover of the First National Bank of the city, LATEE BIOGRAPHY, ,427 and the largest stockholder in it. He was oft'ered the presi dency of it, but refused. He, also, projected the New Orleans Fire Insurance Company, which has also grown to b? au insti tution of great local value. Mr. Weed is now erecting a family residence on Noroton hill, one of tho most commanding sites in his native town, which is to be for the present, the summer, and Avhicli he intends to make the permanent residence of his family. He married in 1826, Abigail S. Lounsbury, daughter of Samuel Lounsbury, and has four children, three sons and one daughter. Weed, Edward, son of Philo and Abigail Weed, was born in the north part of the town, July 17, 1807. In 1817 his parents removed to the toAvn of Denmark, New York, Avhere from the frontier condition of that neighborhood, but few priv- ilges could be enjoyed. At the usual age he commenced learniug a trade ; but ou his oonversion, in his eighteenth year, longing to do all iu his power to win others to the Saviour, he left his trade and began studying in the hope of becoming a preacher. In two years he had fitted himself to teach, and engaged for the Avinter of 1826-7 in a school in BoonvUle, N. Y. During this time he was very actively engaged in christian labors, and showed a zeal and skill which promised much future usefulness. The next summer he ^entered the Oneida Institute, then just estab lished on the manual labor plan, where he remained four years. He spent also three years in Lane Seminary from its opening in 1832, Avhen he showed himself an honest christian scholar. Among the questions discussed at the literary society of the students, that of anti-slavery forced itself upon their attention. It eHcited the intensest interest, and became so engrossing as to excite the fears of the trustees of the seminary; and they soon prohibited its further discussion. Several of the students, of whom Mr. Weed was one, left the seminary, and spent some time in the careful study of the interdicted subject, and became henceforth zealous and effective champions of the slave. 42 S - HISTORY OF STAMFORD. He was licensed to preach by the Chilioothe Presbytery in November, 1835, and entered upon this work with a zeal al most apostolic. He soon engaged in lecturing upon anti-slavery, and was employed by the Ohio State Anti-Slavery Society. In this field of labor he was uuAvearied, through evil report as Avell as good, counting not his oAvn life dear unto him, if by its sac rifice he might help the oppressed. He labored on, amid op-. position and ridicule and persecution, until the spring of 1838, when he was invited to the pastorate of the free Presbyterian Church of Mount Vernon, Ohio. Here he labored with great acceptance until the year 1842, when he accepted a call to Pat- erson, N. J. While connected with this church he labored ex tensively as a revivalist in many other churches, and was greatly blessed. In January, 1842, he was, greatly to the sor row of his church and people in Paterson, dismissed, that he might take charge of the free Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn, N. Y. He returned to his former charge in Paterson, after an absence of fifteen months, was installed and continued to labor among them until his health failed in the spring of 1849, and he was obliged to ask for a dismission. Hoping to recover his strength, he accepted a kind invitation from captain Knight, of the ship New World to take the ocean trip with him on his next voyage to Liverpool. While in England he made many warm friends who ministered to his comfort and supplied all his earthly wants. But no care from them and no solicitude of the dearer ones he had left behind, could arrest the progress of his disease. It was decided by his physicians that he could not long live, and he resolved to return and die among his friends at home. He reached home Dec. 22, 1850, and lived until Jan. 20, 1851. On the 23rd he Avas buried in Paterson amid the tears of an affectionate family and an endeared people. He had been greatly beloved for his great excellence of character, and the mourning was noAV most heart-felt, because his great usafulness had so soon ended. Mr. Weed married for his first Avife, Nov. 5. 1836, Phebe Mathews of Mexicoville, N. Y. She died Dec. 12, 1843. He LATER BIOGRAPHY. 426 married for his second wife, Sept. 9, 1844, a Miss Porter, of Whitestown, who survived him. He had four children, to whom allusion is made in his memoir; Benjamin, Josephine, Edward and Albert. Weed, Enos, was one ot tho most erratic characters that Stamford has produced. He was the son of Enos. He was a man of considerable originality, thinking independently of books, and practicing, in everything, A\-ith no. special regard to the rules or usages of customary practice. He went into med icine, and became somewhat noted as a medical adviser and practitioner, but, in his own way. He went into letters, and constructed a spelling book with many novelties, both in the alphabet employed and in the orthography. He went also into religion and theology. Following no school or sect, he struck out for himself, and became a preacher, whom, though the orthodox could not wholly endorse, they could not utterly condemn. It may be due his memory to note the fact that with all his eccentricity, he Avas counted worthy, in 1790, of being appointed leader of the first Methodist class established in Stamford ; and that he Avas an authorized local preacher in that denomination. A single specimen of his genius and spirit is here insei'ted, taken from an old paper to which he sometimes contributed, and probably nothing which the historian could Avrite, would so effectuaUy set this unique son of the toAvn so exactly before the reader as this autobiographic Avaif : My name is Enos Weed, and junior too, Which is something more, It shows that Weeds have grown before. Long as you see this in the paper, From place to place I mean to caper. And pick up all the cash I can, Conforming to my preseut plan. How large the " pile" was, which his capers gathered, history does not show. Weed, Nathaniel, son of Hezekiah and Rebecca (Knapp) Weed, was born in Stamford, Oct. 1, 1785. He is a descend- 430 HISTOEY OP STAMFORD. ant probably in the sixth generation from Jonas Weed, whose name occurs among the pioneers of the town. At the early age of fifteen years he went into Noav York city, where he engaged as clerk untU he should become of age. Before this period arrived he had Avon such confidence in his business integrity and skUl, as to secure flattering offers to engage in ncAV business enterprises ; but ho characteristically decided to fulfill his engagements Avith his employer to the end of his minority. When his time was out and he had enjoyed a visit to his parents for a foAv davs, his former employer proposed engaging him still longer, as a clerk. His prompt answer was, " I shall be no man's clerk hereafter. I can manage for myself, and if it must be, with a buck and saw, I can still do better than to clerk it longer." With this spirit he entered the dry goods business, and success was with him. In 1827 he was chosen president of the North River Bank^ and soon organized the Ocean Bank, of which he was for years president, and which he left in 1850, greatly to the regret of the directors. He still has among the cherished memorials of his business life the elegant vase which they gave him on his re tirement from that office. Retaining his interest in the town Avhich gave him birth, he built the elegant mansion which he still occupies in Darien, only a few rods east of the place on which he was born. Here, since 1850, he has lived, respected and honored in. a graceful old age. He married, first, Hannah Smith, of New York city, in 1810, by whom he had a son, Harvey A., who graduated with first honors of his class in Columbia College, New York, and became a lawyer ; and a daughtci, Caroline, Avho died at the age of tAveuty-six. Mr. Weed married for his second wife, in 1840, Mrs. Mary (Smith) Weed, a younger sister of his first -ftnfe, and the widow of his younger brother. Weed, Samuel, son of Ananias and Sally (Brown) Weed, was born it Stamford in 1791 He fitted for college at the North ^¦i'»*bvrio. r^PermeSf- NATHAETEL "XVEED. LATE PRESIDENT OF THE OCEAN HA NX EITTA^ j VEK . LATER BIOGRAPHY. 431 Salem Academy, and entered Yale College in 1809.- He grad uated with his class in 1813, taking a good stand in a class con- laiuing such names as Geo. E. Badgor, L. L. D. ; Elias Cornelius, D. D., of whom he was the room mate while in college ; Norris Bull, D. D. ; David B. Douglass, L. L. D. ; WUHam T. Dwight, D. D. ; Prof Alexauder, Wm. Fisher, Charles Hawley, Esq. ; Augustus B. Longstreet, L. L. D. ; Elisha Mitchell, D. D. ; Prof Denison Olmsted, L. L. D., and Dr. George Sumner. He commenced the study of theology with Rev. Ebenezer Philips, of East Hampton, L. I., and after being licensed to preach, supplied the church in Babylon, L. I., for a year. While hero he received a call to settle in North Stamford, his native parish, and had decided to accept it. Being already under ap pointment to the general assembly of the Presbyterian Church at their first session in Philadelphia, he started to'^attend the meeting and was taken with the sickness from which he never recovered. He died in Philadelphia in June, 1 820. Weeks, Jonathan Dibble, Avas the son of Lewis and Sarah (Guire) Weeks, and was born in Stamford, Feb. 2, 1811. His youth was spent in comparative poverty. His advantages Avere only those of the poorer boys of our poorer rural school districts. But he had in him that which gives tbe^ poorest boy a certain passport to most substantial prosperity and Avealth. Industrious, honest and persevering, he Avas equally faithful to himself and his employer. The talent entrusted to him, thus faithfuHy used, was soon more than doubled. Beginning as an apprentice in the rolling mills at RippoAA'am foundry, he' went, at about the age of twenty, into the employ of Davenport & Layton, at Roxbury miUs, where he soon became an equal partner with John A. Davenport. During his apprenticeship, by unwearied application, he had made such progress in his studies that he had read the neces sary Latin and Greek for admission to college at his tAventieth year; and had, also, by his industry and economy, besides con- 432 HISTORY OF STAMFORD. tributing to the support of his father's family, laid by what he supposed would enable him to take a collegiate course, prepara tory to the study of law, in which profession he hoped to spend his life. But unexpected sickness thwarted this cherished plan, and regretfully, yet with earnest purpose, he still gave himself to the business Avhich Provideuce seemed to appoint him. After a successful career at the Roxbury mills he became joint part ner with the Davenport Brothers, in the extensive rolling mills at Stillwater. Here he spent the rest of his life. In the duties of his extensive business, whose business Avas mainly entrusted ' to his care, and in quiet and private acts of his noble generosity, ho accomplished great good. He Avas universally beloved by the mauy laborers Avho were in his employ. They were all mourners when he died. Multi-. tudes of the poor of his native town Avete the objects of his gen^ erous benefactions. He seemed most pleased in giving, and, to those who most needed it. He never married, but he found or made for himself a home in the family of his younger brother, James William, where he found all that he wanted in a home. Here he enjoyed himself, and here he was the joy of those whom he spoke of as his OAvn family. Nothing could fempt him to leave it. For the last eloA'^en years of his life he had not spent a night aAvav from the home he so much loved. Here he gave himself to his business and reading. In both he was diligent and thorough. Every hour Avaa employed, and well employed. His reading Avas carefully selected. He could not be entertained by the fashionable light literature of the day ; he needed something more substantial. History, biography, phUosophy and science, Avere the works Avhich engrossed his time, and in them his reading Avas quite extensive. Two characteristics prominent in his Avhole life, made him one of the most beloved and trustAVorthy men of the town. He was conscientious and benevolent. After he had reached manhood, learning that a school bill of his boyhood had never been paid, LATER BIOGEAPHY. 433 he carefully enquired after every possible arrearage of those early years, and cashed them Avith full interest. His benevo lence was unbounded, and much of it ivas unknoAvn. Though he gathered a handsoms estate, he had, while living, the truer joy of distributing in benefactions, Avhere he knew they would do good, probably a still larger amount. Ilissiidden death occurred Jan. 21, 1864, and the multitudes who gathered at his funeral were the best witnesses a good man could have, to the esteem, in Avhich ho was held. Unaffected and universal mourning attested the public' bereavement. Welles, Noah, D. D, Avasborn in Colchester, Jan. 23, 1718, and graduated at Yale College in 1741. His scholarship is in dicated in his appointment as tutor in his Alma Mater in 1745. After receiving his license to preach he Avas settled as pastor of the Stamford Church, as our chapter on ecclesiastical matters, shoAvs, Dec. 31, 1746. We have already in our history been obliged to report his success in the work of the ministry here. He attained a high rank among the ministers of Connecticut. He Avas chosen a Fellow of Yale CoUege in 1774, and received the degree of D. D., the same year from the CoUege of New Jersey. Dr. Dwight thus testifies to his ability and standing. "Dr. Welles was early distinguished for his talents. His imagiuatiou VA'as vivid and poetical, his intellect vigorous, aud his learning extensive. His manners at the same time were an unusually happy compouud of politeness aud dignity. Ia his couversation, he w.is alternately sprightly and grave, as occasicii dictated, and eutertaiuiug aud instructive. At the same time he was an excellent minister of the Gospel ; exemplary in all the virtues of christian life ; an able preacher ; a wise ruler of the church ; and au eminently discreet manager of its important concerns. He was oue of the three chosen friends of the late Governor Livingston of New Jersey, to whom he addressed, when young, a haudsoraely written poem, prefixed to bis Philosophic Solitude.'' Dr. Welles was soraoAvhat fond of theological controversy. And as his ministry Avas in that period in Avhich Episcopacy Avas Avorking its way into the colonies, and particularly into Fairfield County, he felt himself called upon, in virtue of his 55 434 HISTORY OF Sl'AMFOED. office here, to defend the church organization to which ho was .attached. His discourse on Presbyterian ordination, printed ia 1763, at the new printing office, near tho Royal Exchange,' by John Hoyt, was an able justification of his authority as a minister of the church of Christ. It had been preached on two successive Sabbaths to his own people. Subsequently, ho published a still more lengthy, and perhaps still more spirited defense of the authority of the Congregational clergy, and of the polity of the Congregational Church. Though earnestly entering into their discussions, he was never diverted by them from the great work of his profession ; nor was his spirit ever soured by them towards the Episcopal clergy or the denomiua- tion. The work just named stirred up considerable denonina- tional feeling among the Episcopal clergy, and called forth from the earliest clergyman of that denomination here, the Rev. James Wetmore, a work of some spirit entitled ; " A Vindication of tho Professors of the Church of England in Connecticut, against Invectives contained in a sermon by Noah Hobart, of Stamford, Dec. 31, 1746." The name Hobart in the title of the work is of course a mistake of the printer, for Welles. (See Wetmore FamUy.) Dr. Welles, married in 1751, Abigail Woolsey, daughter of Rev. Benjamin Woolsey, of Oyster Bay, by whom he had the folio Aving children : Sarah, born Nov. 9, 1752 ; Mary Sylvester, born Oct. 20, 1754; Theodosia, born Oct. 22, 1758; AbigaU, born Oct. 12, 1760; Noah, born Oct. 3, 1762; Betsey, born Feb. 23, 1765; Rebecca, born July 5, 1767; WiUiam, born Jan. 22, 1769; Melancthon Woolsey, born Dec. 9, 1770; ApoUos, born Oct. 10, 1773 ; John and James, tAvins, born AprU 7,^1776. Dr. Welles died Dec, 31, 1776, and his Avife Oct. 28, 18 11, aged 81, CHAPTER XXV MlSflELLANEOUS TOPirs. U-XTON LODOK. This is one of the oldest institutions ot the town, and de serves its place in our history. Its charter bears date, Nov. 18, i763 ; and Avas issued by " Geo. Harrison, Esq., Provincial Grand Master of the most Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Masons in the province of Ncav York." It authorizes Sylvanus Waterbury, " our Avorshipful and well be loved brother," " to form a lodge, to choose his Avardens, and .appoint other officers, Avith the consent of the brethren assem bled in due form, to make masons, as also to do all .and every such acts and things appertaining to said office, as usually have and ought to be done by other masters." He is to pay over to the Provincial Grand Lodge at New York, out of tho first monies he shall receive, three pounds and three shillings ster ling, to be applied to the use of the Grand Charity. This lodge Avas designed for Stamford and Jlorseneck, (GreenAvich,) and parts adjacent. The records of the lodge from 1763 to 1780 are lost, the only name of the members for that period, preserved, being that in the charter, Sylvanus Waterbury. Since then there have been four hundred and sixty names added to the membership. The worshipful masters of the lodge, according to the records preserved have been, Sylvanus Waterbury, John Anderson, Israel Knapp, Jabez Fitch, Wm. Bush, Isaac Reed, Sturges Perry, Samuel Bush, Noyes Mather, Alexander MiUs, James Stevens, Isaac LockAvood, Samuel Keeler, Simeon II. Minor, Benj. Huested, Isaac Bishop, Charles Hawley, Erastus Weed, John W. Leods, fourteen years; Peter Brown. Sands Adams, 436 HISTOEY OF STAMFORD. A. A. Holly, nineteen years ; W. H. Holly, Roswell Hoyt, H- Bulkley, PhUip L. Hoyt, T. J. Daskam , John A. Scofield, JamcS H. Olmstead, and Dwight Waugh. RITTENHOUSE CHAPTEE. This chapter of royal iirch masons was chartered at a grand chapter of royal arch masons held in New Haven, Oct. 18, 1810, on a memoria] presented to them by James Stevens and sundry other brethren, noAV residing in, and adjacent to, Stam ford. The officers installed by the chapter are the most Avor shipful brother James Stevens, H. P. ; the right worshipful brother, Isaac Lockw ood, K-g. ; and the right Avorshipful brother Ezekiel Lockwood, S-e. The high priests of this order have been : James Stevens, Isaac Lockwood, Simeon H. Minor, Joseph Keeler, Wm. J. Street, Charles Hawley, John W. Leeds, Nathan Camp, Wm. Holly, Smith Scott, Geo. B. Glendining, Luke A. Lockwood, and James H. Olmstead. ROADS. At this day we have no conception of the difficulties connect ed with travel in the early period of our history. For many years the travel was on foot or on horseback j and theroiids Avere only meandering paths, such as aflTordcd easiest progress for the Aveary feet. For many years they were marked hardly more than to clear off the trees and bushes, and this was done by each landowner before hi s own lot. Hoav rapidly these paths or roads were laid out we have no means of know ing. One pecuHarity of the highw ay of that eariy day was the fact of a gate across the road, wherever a side road entered the main one of the settlement— so that for several years, one could not probably have traveled a half mile in any direction from the center of the town, Avithout meeting one of these gates. After a few years, by special action in town meeting, these gates Avere removed, generally on petition of some of the outsiders who found them a serious annoyance. miscellaneous. 437 The following vote of 28th, 2d month, 1682, is a sample of the A'Otes providing for the support of these highway gates : "Joseph Stevens is to have on acre aud half of land joyning to ye north of his lot in cousideration whereof he is to keep and maintain ye lower south field gate; and ye sd land is bound forye maintaining thereof. Also the sd Stevens is to keep & maintaine ye rooky neck gate for ye same tiuantity of land yt before Avas laid to it & ye laud to stand bound for ye gate as aforesaid: goodman. Dean & Joshua Hoit are apointed to lay It out.'' , The following vote is curious, as showing how even the great coast-route thoroughfare must have boon subject to a similar obstruction. It bears date, Jan. 1764. " By vote ye tOAvn doth own the prosecution yt hath bine made upon ye state of John Pettit or ye fins for tho deffects in a pece offence by GrinAvich bars, markt I P, and neglected by him, viz. John Pettit." These gates, bars and fences across the roads Avere found exceedingly troublesome ; and when other reasons could not induce their removal, resort Avas sometimes had to the strong arm. Thus, in 1723, we find this record : "the town by vote agree that they will stand by and justify those men that have been employed by the proprietors to pull down the fence that was set up across the highway near Thomas Stevens." Without prosecuting the research further, it is due at least to the entertainment of future readers of our tOAvn history, that we attempt to sketch the fin,al touches to the great thorough fare of the town. From the first, tho route betAveen New Haven and New York ran through Stamford, mainly where the main road noAV lies. Yet, from local impediments, it Avas much more crooked, than now. Our engineering skill had not yet come to test its abUlty, in the encounter with very formi dable granite bluffls, nor with what seemed the bottomless marshes and impenetrable swamps of our impracticable sur face. And so it happened, that as business grew, and demand ed greater expedition, — as Avheeled carriages succeeded eques- t rian or pedestrian locomotion, and felt more than they, these 438 HISTORY OF STAMFORD. deviations from a right-lined course, our enterprising town,-:'- laen gave themselves no rest until they had done Avhat seemed to them possible, towards leveling and straitening their roads. Especially on those roads built for the daily passing of tho heavy stage coach, did this improvement seem indispensable. Such was our main road through Stamford. Tlie entire pojju- Iatio,n in Eastern Connecticut, and so on .all the Avay to Provi dence and Boston, were interested then as now, in shortening the distance and the time over the route. They had succeeded in .satisfying themselves with the old roads until about 1795, when the call for thorough improvement began to be heard. The state legislature appointed commissioners, Avith almost ab solute authority, to go over the road and lay out a uoav turn pike for greater expedition in travel. All along on tho road betAveen Ncav Haven and Greenwich, there arose dissatisfaC' tion and opposition. In Stamford there seems to have been no very earnest objection to the route adopted by the committee until, in their zeal for reform, they decided that the interest of the traveling public demanded a strait road through the vil lage. But here they found themselves arrested by the old burying lot which, from the earliest remembrances of the towns people, had been held sacred for the rest of their dead. This lot covered the ground between the old " Washington House," or Webb Tavern, and the corner occupied by the Methodist Church ; and the old turnpike had followed the present route of Park Place till it enters River street. The enterprising com mittee insist on laying out the noAV turnpike right across that hallowed spot. The town opposed, and for years kept the com- xnittee and the legislature at bay. But the world moves on and by 1805, enough of our townsmen had been draA^^n into the current to approve ancl second the measure. John Daven port even took stock in the sacrilegious enterprise, and Ave find his name at the head of a petition for the summary and au thorative opening of the desired road. The town oppose and ithe corporation persevere. The legal authority is granted, and miscellaneous. 439 the invasio n begins. Entering the burying lot, j ust south of the cast end of our present Park Place, they plowe d strait across, as the present Main street runs, to the Methodist Church, where they again entered the old turnpike. Removing care- fuUy the grave stones and exhuming the remains beneath, they commence the thorough grading of the new road. In spite of the mutterings, which betokened serious hostility to tho daring act, the corporation go on in their work. Night over takes them, and they are obUged to rest. But now is the time for the opposition. Team after team of Stamford oxen, sturdy and true to the sturdy and true men who drove them, filed on towards the newly opened road. Immense rocks Avere hauled right across both ends of the opening ; and when " Uncle Thad," the same who thirty years before had so delight ed his townsmen by shaking his tory neighbor, was satisfied that the turnpike corporation would have a job sufficiently discouraging to remove the obstructions, the men and teams Avere withdrawn to rest for another night's work, if it should be necessary. Twice more this game was played, but the influence of the age and the strong arm of the law Avere alike against it, and the opposition of the town had to yield. The road was fin ished ; but the feeling of some of the opposition, at the head of whom were such leaders of the people as Captain Isaac Lock- wood and Captain Thaddeus Hoyt, was so deep, that no pres sure of business could ever prevail on them to drive over those few rods of what, to the day of their death, thoy looked upon as desecrated ground. NEWSPAPERS. In April, 1829, Stamford took a new step forward in her progress. A printing office Avas opened here and the Stamford Intelligencer was issued. The editor not succeeding to his sat isfaction, Wm. H. HoUy, Esq., at the solicitation of some of the citizens of the toAvn, and under a pledge of pecuniary support 3 started a new paper, Feb. 16,1830, under the title of the Stamford Smtin&l From that date to the present^ the tOAvn has not. 440 HISTORY OF STAMFOED. been without its weekly paper. Mr. Holly continued in charge of the paper under the title of " Sentinel," ¦' Democratic Senti nel" and " Farmer's Advocate," until June 27, 1841. It is not too much to say for the paper that its management was marked by great abilitj'. As a pioneer paper, few of its day equaled it. Alfred W. Pearce succeeded Mr. Holly, under whose editor ial care it continued until Sept. 29, 1841, when Henry Nichols succeeded him. The last paper issued by Mr. Nichols, which I have found, bears date March 26, 1842, and in June of the same year the " Farmers and Merchant's Advocate" was issued under the editorial management of the former editor, Wm. Henry Holly. In May, 1848, Edgar Hoyt and AndroAv J. Smith took charge of the paper, and enlarged with the simple title of the "Stamford Advocate," Avhich it has since retained. On the dissolution of the copartnership between Mr, Hoyt and Smith in June, 1849, Mr. Hoyt assumed full control of the Advocate until 1860, when Wm. S. Campbell, who proved an efficient editor, became proprietor. There were foAV papers in the state more ably man aged, than the Advocate, while in his hands. He soon took into partnership with himself, Wm. W. Gillespie, the foreman in his printing department. On his death, Mr. Gillespie formed a neAV partnership Vith Hev. James J. Woolsey, which was dis solved in the spring of 1868. Mr. GiUespie immediately organ ized a new firm, W. W. GUlespie & Co., introduced steam as motive power, and greatly enlarged his facilities for carrying on all_departments of his business. Hoav satisfactorily the paper is managed, and how necessary it is found to be to the town are seen in the increasing subscription list, this having more than trebled during^ the last three years. STEAMBOATS. As early as 1825, the OHver Wolcott Avas put on the Stam ford line, and for years made trips every other day to New York. But the town has been mainly supplied by boats which touched here on the route from ports further east. In the .MISCELLANEOUS. 441 spruig of 1849, the Steamboat Norwalk, riinuing between Nor Avalk and New York stopped at Stamford. And since then, successively, the Ella, and Stamford, and Shippan, have done a Large part of the freighting between Now York and Stamford. At first, at low tides, the boats landed on the Avest side of the harbor, but a short distance above the present residence of our venerable deacon Theodore Davenport; but in 1856, the brothers Knapp — James E., of Noav York, and John B. of Richmond HiU, opened the channel to their new dock at tho foot of South street, to which point the boats have continued to run until now. For several summers, the only steamboat Avhich accommodated Stamford stopped at Portchestor. CANAL. - This Avork was due mainly to the energy of Alfred Bishop-. (See Later Biognaphy.) It was deemed the beginning of bet ter days for the town, Avhen in 1833, this feat was accomplished. The first sloop Avhicli cleaved its Avaters was onr " May- floAver," and Ave may be sure its young captain, not yet among our oldest citizens, Rufus WardAvell, Esq., felt no little pride as ho pioneered our local commerce. Those Avarehouses which lined the terminus of the canal, Avere doubtless looked upon as tho beginning of no slight commercial prosperity. But a readier aA-enuo to the gre.at commercial center was destined at no distant day to be opened ; and our commercial warehouses Avere doomed to decline into the AVork shops and Ioav tenements, Avhicli we shall have to aAvait the coming of a better time to remove. Two years after it Avas opened, our local paper, the Sentinel, thus speaks of its possibilities: " Through the perseverance of a siuglo individual, a ship cbnunel has been opened, and the enterprising Messrs. Wm. and B. Hoyt & Co., have despatched the schooner James Star with a full freight for the West Indies, The A'alue of this canal to this vicinity, is not yet fully realized, but every day unfolds to the skeptic new evideaoes of its utility. The schooner in due time, about six weeks, returned, " nine days from Eleuthall, Avell laden Avith fruit, copper, dye AA^oods, 56 442 HISTORY OF STAMFORD. f.-V-^vMw«t ^ iaK ¦ fc4 »r '-¦ 3 **-@#-^ 1. y Mm - WW ..¥*¦< ;.-*«i*.tfrt* Jf* y- J.r*M . ,, , ,,- ^ ' iwr.' k ¦'• *rt *"\ i"" Jli'i*^*''**