YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Bought with the income of the WILLIAM C. EGLESTON FUND THE CECHS (BOHEMIANS) IN AMERICA AUGUSTINE HERRMAN The first known Cech immigrant in America THE CECHS (BOHEMIANS) IN AMERICA A Study of their National, Cultural Political, Social, Economic and Religious Life By THOMAS CAPEK AUTHOR OF BOHEMIAN (cech) BIBLIOGRAPHY, ETC. Illustrated BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY (Cfre ftibeontu: jBttjtf Cambribge 1920 COPYRIGHT, 1920, BY THOMAS CAFBK ALL KIGHTS RESERVED INTRODUCTORY THE subject of Germanic immigration has been treated in all its aspects, in German and in English alike. Literature relating to the settling of the Scandinavians, notably Swedes, is considera ble. The achievements of the Irish, the English, and the Dutch have been recorded in detail by numer ous writers. That the story of Spanish colonization is adequately described goes without saying, for the Spaniards, like the Dutch, the English, and in a lesser degree the French, were history-makers on a large scale. The large influx of Jews to the United States within the last three decades has stimulated scholars of the Hebrew race to study more inten sively than ever before their past here. What has been written on the theme of Cech im migration? In English very little. Emily Greene Balch's volume, Our Slavic Fellow Citizens, dis cusses not Cechs alone, but all the Slavs; besides, Miss Balch devotes the greater portion of her book to the consideration of her favorite subject, econ omy. My volume aims to throw light, not only on the economic condition of the Cech immigrant, but on his national, historic, religious, cultural, and social state as well. Considerable has, of course, been written, here and abroad, on the various phases of what the INTRODUCTORY Cechs loosely call their "national life" in America, although a full, connected story of the transatlantic branch of the race is still unwritten even in the national tongue. In 1908 the St. Louis Hlas published the Dejiny Cechuv Americkych (History of the Cechs in Amer ica), by Dr. John Habenicht of Chicago. The vol ume is not sufficiently dispassionate to fall within the more rigid definition of historical writing. It is frankly propagandist literature and ardently partisan. In compiling this work I have made generous use of the memoirs of pioneers in the Almanac Ameri can. Useful data are stored in the Pamdtniky (Me morials) which various lodges publish from time to time to commemorate some noted event in their existence. Old newspaper files have yielded abun dant, if not always authoritative, information. I have had access to the files of the Slavie, Dennice Novoveku, Pokrok Zdpadu, Delnik Americky, New Yorske Listy, and other papers. Of the greatest help to me were notes which I had collected for my work, Padesdt Let Ceskeho Tisku v Americe (Fifty Years of Bohemian Letters in America, published in 191 1). This volume contains a complete list of books, brochures, and newspapers beginning with January 1, i860, the day and year the first Cech language paper made its appearance on this con tinent. To Mr. Milo§ Lier, of the University of Prague, I am indebted for valuable material which vi INTRODUCTORY he extracted from the files of Prague papers bearing on emigration between the years 1848-60. Statistics are not always dependable. In five or ten years the figures here quoted will be out of date. America, which still feels the growing pains of national adolescence, has a way of confounding the statistician. When I finger the pages of Dr. John Palacky's book, Spojene Stdty SeveroamerickS (United States of North America), I can hardly realize that the mass of figures contained in that volume relate to the land in which I live — so un like is the America of 1919 and Palacky's America of 1876. I do not describe Cech America as a tourist who passes hurriedly through a foreign country and records the impressions of the moment ; I write as a close relative, a member of the family, who for thirty-nine years has lived uninterruptedly in Cech America or very close to its border. I know it in its holiday attire and in its working clothes. I know its faults, which are many, and its virtues, which, I like to think, outweigh them. A residence of seven years in Omaha, spent partly in a newspaper office, partly in a law office, gave me a rare opportunity to observe at close range the evolution of the virile settler of the Middle West, while life in large cities (in New York since 1894) has brought me in direct and daily contact with the men and women who live in those queer but cozy corners of America called, somewhat patronizingly, "foreign quarters." vii INTRODUCTORY The Cechs sent to America not adventurers, but bona-fide settlers almost synchronously with the Dutch and earlier than the Swedes. Driven from their native land in the first half of the seventeenth century, Cech Protestant exiles are known to have settled in New Amsterdam, the present New York, and among the English in Virginia.' The real Cech. immigration, however, dates from 1848, the year of revolutionary changes in Austria, and it is of that immigration that the volume, The Cechs (Bohemi ans) in America, chiefly treats. Most of the men and women who have taken a leading part in the affairs of American Cechs I have known personally, many of them intimately. My list of friends and acquaintances has included Charles Jonas', F. B. Zdrubek, L. J. Palda, John Rosicky, Bartos" Bittner, Josephine Humpal- Zeman, Frances Gregor, Vojta Masek, John Bo- recky, John Karel, Paul Albieri, Edward Rosewater, Frank Skarda, John A. Oliverius, Vaclav Snajdr. Of these Vaclav Snajdr is the only one now living. I exchanged letters with Joseph Pastor and corre sponded with the widow of Frank Mracek, latterly a resident of Odessa, Russia, and with the widow of Vojta Naprstek. I never had the good fortune to meet Ladimir Klacel, but heard sufficient concern ing that unhappy philosopher from my brother to enable me to form a fairly accurate picture of the purely human side of the man. The younger men and women who now stand at the helm of affairs viii INTRODUCTORY are known to me personally or through their work. Thirty-odd years ago Cech America was so Lilli putian that it was possible, without consulting Who 's Who, for every one to know every one else. If a meeting of nationals was held, all the men of consequence could be crowded under a common roof, if not conveniently seated around one table. Those were the days when the newspaper editors were the sole intellectuals of the nation. The poli ticians, big and little, lawyers, teachers, physicians, merchants, and others who presently clamor for their share of sunshine and popularity, were yet unborn or were striplings, attending school, when the veteran journalists like Jonas' ruled Cech America. As appears from the context, the volume dis cusses the Cech branch of the Cechoslovak nation only; the Slovaks are not included, for although the two race groups live side by side in several ur ban centers, each attends its own churches, patron izes its own club-houses, joins its own fraternal and other societies, lives its separate life. The Cech im migration was fully thirty years old when the Slo vaks began coming in. Their habitats are not the same. The Slovaks, as is shown by statistics, are massed in Pennsylvania, where the Cech population is small by comparison. Is the Cech an asset or a liability to his adopted country? "Our nation," comments Charles Veleminsky, a ix INTRODUCTORY pedagogue who traveled in the United States, "has ever been idealistic, sacrificing all for its ideals. Idealism is the most precious offering of the Cech immigrant to America. Without ideals even prac tical America is unthinkable." The Declaration of Independence of the Cechoslovak Nation pledges itself to uphold the ideals of modern democracy " as they have been the ideals of the Cechs for cen turies." From Hus to Havlicek the Cech has waged a ceaseless, though at times a losing war against the sinister powers of reaction. In the course of the struggle and directly due to it, his native lahd lost political independence, but the conqueror could not stifle in him the lofty ideals he inherited from his Hussite forebears. / The Cech is self-reliant. Note the names of the deputies in the former Austrian Parliament, or those now guiding the affairs of the Republic: Dr. Rieger, Dr. Pacak, Dr. Kramaf, Dr. Soukup, Mr. Klofac — all commoners. On the other hand, ob serve, for the sake of comparison, who had been the spokesmen of the Magyars in the Hungarian Parliament: Count Karolyi, Count Andrassy, Count Batthyany, Count Tisza, Count Apponyi. The native Cech nobility practically disappeared in the seventeenth century. The aristocracy owning estates in Bohemia was, up to the time of the war, almost without exception Austrian in sentiment, ultramontane in politics, feudal in traditions. Stern necessity has taught the Cech commoner to rely on x INTRODUCTORY none save himself, to think and act for himself. It is astounding what progress in art, literature, com merce, and industry he has made within the last few decades of national revival unaided by aristocracy and hampered, if anything, by the Vienna Govern ment. He is intelligent. At Ellis Island he has estab lished two records. Of all the races from the old Dual Empire, Germans and Magyars not excepted, the Cech was the lowest in the percentage of illit erates — one and one half per cent — and the highest in the percentage of skilled labor. If it is true, as their enemies contend, that the Slavs are as yet barbarians, the Cech, who in culture is fore most among the Slavs, can boast of being the first barbarian in Europe. Thomas Capek Bedford Park, New York City October, 1919 CONTENTS I. Seventeenth-Century Immigration i II. Eighteenth-Century Immigration 19 III. Nineteenth-Century Immigration and after 25 IV. The Distribution of the Stock 59 V. Trades, Business, Professions 69 VI. The Immigrant as a Liability 94 VII. Through Intermarriage into the Melting-Pot 96 VIII. All Born in America Belong to America 100 IX. New Bohemia in America 105 X. Gamin Etymology — Pantata — Cor ruption of the Language — Ameri canization of Names 114 XI. Rationalism: A Transition from the Old to the New 119 XII. Socialism and Radicalism 137 XIII. The Cech as a Soldier 155 XIV. Journalism and Literature 164 XV. Musicians, Artists, Visitors from Abroad xiii CONTENTS XVI. The Language Schools: Teaching of Cech 241 XVII. The Churches 246 XVIII. Fraternal and Other Societies 254 XIX. The Part the American Cechs took in the War of Liberation 265 Appendix 279 Index 285 ILLUSTRATIONS Augustine Herrman Frontispiece Map of Virginia and Maryland, 1670, by Aug ustine Herrman, with Portrait by Himself 12 Two American Cechophiles: Robert H. Vickers and Will S. Monroe 26 The Cechoslovak Legation in Washington: Commissioner Charles Pergler and Part of his Staff 34 Racine (Cech Bethlehem) in 1850 38 Invitation to a Beseda and Amateur Theatri cals held at Racine, October, 1861 38 Cech Residential Section, Chicago 44 Cech Business Quarter, Chicago 44 The Pathfinders: Vaclav Pohl, John Herman, Francis Korbel, John Borecky 48 The Pathfinders: A. L. Slesinger, Joseph Kri- kava, Joseph L. Lesikar, the Hubacek Brothers 52 Sokol Slovanska. Lipa Hall, Chicago 56 C.S.P.S. Hall, Chicago 56 Cech-American Hall, Milwaukee 56 xv ILLUSTRATIONS Plzensky Sokol Gymnastic Association Hall, Chicago 56 Map showing the Distribution of the Stock in the United States 60 Two Towns with Cech Names and Cech In habitants: Pisek, North Dakota, and Proti- vin, Iowa 66 The First Lawyers: Joseph Sosel, Cedar Rap ids, Iowa; J. W. Sykora, Cleveland; John Karel, Kewaunee, Wisconsin, former U.S. Consul-General to Petrograd; August Hai- dusek, La Grange, Texas 84 Pioneer Physicians: A. M. Dignowity, San Antonio; Adolph Chladek, Chicago; John Habenicht, Chicago; Edward J. Schevcik, New York 86 Congressmen of Cech Nationality: Thomas F. Konop, Anthony Michalek, John J. Babka, Adolph J. Sabath 88 Types of American Scholars of Cech Parent- , age: Dr. Paul J. Hanzlik, Dr. John Zeleny, " Dr. F. G. Novy, Dr. Alois F. Kovarik 90 Dr. Robert J. Kerner 92 Dr. Bohumil Simek 96 A Cech Alley in Chicago 106 Vojta Naprstek and "Mrs. Josephine," his wife 126 From a portrait by M. Svabinsky. xvi ILLUSTRATIONS Ladimir Klacel 132 L. J. Palda 138 Joseph Paces 152 From a photograph taken in Prague after his final release from prison. The face bears the marks of his physical sufferings. The First Number of the Slowan Amerikansky 164 Pioneer Journalists: J. B. Erben, Frank Kori zek, JosephiPastor, Frank Mr&oek 166 Charles Jonas' at Thirty 168 From a photograph taken in Prague, where he had gone to report for the Slavie on the Franco- Prussian War. Kristina Korizek, Jonas's Bride, at Twenty 168 From a photograph taken in 1864. Jonas's Birthplace at Malesov, Bohemia 168 Newspaper Homes: The Svornost, Chicago; The Hlasatel, Chicago; The Hospodaf, Omaha 172 Vaclav Snajdr 178 Jan Barta Letovsky 182 Anton Malinowski 182 Malinowski, an agent of the Russian Government, who had come to Racine for the purpose, accompanied Letov sky and Mracek on their futile expedition to Amur, Si beria, to select a location for a New Bohemia there. Charles Jonas' 184 From a photograph taken in 1890, when he was Lieuten ant-Governor of Wisconsin. Vaclav Snajdr and his brother-in-law Charles Jonas' 188 xvii ILLUSTRATIONS Vaclav Snajdr and Joseph V. Sladek 188 Early Newspapers 192 Francis B. Zdrubek 196 John Rosicky 198 John V. Capek 200 Professional Women: Catherine M. Capek, teacher in Cleveland, 1878-1918; Josephine Humpal-Zeman, social reformer; Frances Gregor, author; Dr. Anna F. Novak, of Chicago, the first woman physician of Cech nationality 202 Barto§ Bittner 204 Dr. Ales* Hrdlicka 206 Thomas Capek 208 Charles Pergler 212 Dr. J. F. Smetanka, Dr. J. E. S. Vojan, Joseph Tvrzicky 216 Clara Vostrovsky Winlow 220 Early Musicians: Vaclav Kopta, violinist; J. J. Kovafik, viola; J. H. Capek, violinist; V. A. Raboch, organist 226 Anna Drazdil 230 Frances R. Janauschek 230 Charles J. Vopicka of Chicago, United States ¦ Minister to Rumania 236 xviii ILLUSTRATIONS St. Prokop College, Lisle, Illinois 242 Sarka B. Hrbkova 244 St. Prokop Church, Chicago 246 Monsignor Joseph Hessoun 248 Vincent Pisek, D.D. 250 Jan Hus Church and Neighborhood House, New York 252 Jan Hus Monument, Bohemia, Long Island 258 Bethlehem Chapel, Loomis Street, Chicago 258 Birthplace of the C.S.P.S, 262 Jacob Mottl's boarding-house and saloon on Ninth Street • between Soulard and Lafayette Streets, St. Louis, where the Cech Slavic Benevolent Society was organized in 1854. By-Laws and Traveling Pass of the C.S.P.S. Brotherhood, issued in 1865 262 Rev. Oldrich Zlamal 268 Cechoslovak War Posters, designed by Vojta Preissig 274 Vladimir A. Geringer, United States Trade Commissioner to the Cechoslovak Republic 276 note on Cech pronunciation The diacritic mark occurs on the following letters: a, e, 8, 2, d" f, n, ?, §, I, u, fl, y, 2. D and 6 are seldom used. The mark tends alike to soften and shade the sound of the letter. a is pronounced long as in darling. 6 as a in care. £ as ye in yellow. c as ch in cherry. i and y as ee in tree. n as n in canon. f as rsh in Pershing. § as sh in shall. u and fl long as in rule. 2 as j in the French word jour. ch as in the Scottish loch. THE CECHS (BOHEMIANS) IN AMERICA CHAPTER I seventeenth-century immigration THE opening act of the drama of the Thirty Years' War, which was essentially a struggle for supremacy between Protestantism and Cathol icism, was staged in Bohemia. The Bohemian Pro testant Estates in 1619 deposed their ruler and elected Frederick of the Palatinate, son-in-law of James I of England, as King of Bohemia. One year after the coronation ceremony, or to be exact, November 8, 1620, the armies of the imperialists engaged the Bohemian army in battle near Prague, on what is called White Mountain, signally defeat ing it. The Battle of White Mountain was destined to become the most momentous event in the history of Bohemia. It marked the downfall of the nation's independence; it was directly responsible for the collapse of Protestantism in Bohemia and in coun tries confederated therewith. A number of the rebel chiefs fled from the coun try with Frederick; others soon followed the Winter King, so that Liechtenstein, Lieutenant-Governor THE CECHS IN AMERICA of Bohemia, was able to report to his imperial mas ter, on January 17, 1621, that the principal con spirators, to the number of sixty, were already be yond the border. Scores of suspects who could not get away in time or who, for some reason or other, scorned to save themselves by flight, were appre hended and tried for treason. On June 21, 1621, unforgettable as the "Bloody Day of Prague," twenty-seven of the rebels perished on the block. Still others were punished by the confiscation of their property, or by prison sentence. Those condemned to suffer death were Count Joachym Andrew Slik, Director under Frederick and Governor of Upper Lusatia ; Vaclav Budovec of Budova, orator, traveler, and author; Christo pher Harant of Pol2ic, a soldier and writer whose description of a journey to Egypt and Palestine is one of the ornaments of Cech literature of the seventeenth century; Count Caspar KapliF of Sulevic, an old man of eighty-six; Dr. John Jes- senius of Jessen, a distinguished physician, rector of the University in Prague, writer and speaker. Jessenius was condemned to have his tongue cut out, to be beheaded, and to have his body quar tered. The other victims who on that day gave their lives for their faith and country were: Prokop DvoFecky of Olbramovic, Frederick of Bile, Henry Otto of Los, William Konec-Chlumsky, Bohuslav of Michalovic, Divi§ Cernin of Chudenic, Valentin Kochan of Prachov, Tobias Steffek of Kolodej, 2 SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION Chfistopher Kobr, John Sultys, the mayor of Kutna Hora, Maximilian Hos'talek, the mayor of Zatec, Vaclav Jizbicky, Henry Kozel, Andrew Ko- cour, Henry Recicky, Michael Vitman, Simon Vok&c, Leander Riippel, and George Haunschild. The last two were Germans. TheodorSixtof Otters- dorf was pardoned at the last moment on the scaf fold. John Kutna ur, councilman of the Old Town of Prague, and his father-in-law, Simon Susicky, were hanged from a beam in the window of the Old Town Council Hall. Nathanael Vodiiansky was hanged from a gibbet set up in the center of the Old Town Square. "On this day of grief and sor row 1 it seemed that the victors were determined to put to the sword the whole of Bohemia and their pitiless revenge smote down all those who, by reason of their birth, their intellectual or moral attainments, their political services, their names, or their wealth, had raised themselves to the posi tion of leaders among their people, guardians of the nation's traditions and defenders of its rights." Count Slavata, a nobleman who himself played jj no inconsiderable part in the terrible drama of anti-!-; reformation, and who, on account of his religious jf convictions, cannot be accused of bias, is authority;! for the statement that 36,000 Protestant families, 1 including 185 houses of the nobility (some of these 1 Ernest Denis: Fin de l' Independence Boheme. Paris, 1890. Translated into Cech by Henry Vancura. Prague, 1904; also,Antonin Gindely : History of the Bohemian Rebellion in the Year 16 18. Prague, 1878. 3 THE CECHS IN AMERICA houses numbered as many as fifty members each), spurning the Emperor's terms, went into exile. Historians recognize three stages in the exodus of Protestants. The first emigration began in 1621 when the conqueror ordered the banishment of teachers and ministers of the gospel. By. reason of this edict about a thousand members of these two professions were forced to leave the country. Next, the wrath of the ruler turned against lay men. He caused their property to be confiscated. By the end of 1623 more than six hundred of the largest estates had been confiscated. On such a stupendous scale was the seizure of property carried out that but one fourth of the entire land in Bo hemia remained undisturbed in the hands of the original owners. This brought about the second emigration. Toward the close of 1626 Count Harrach, the Archbishop of Prague, submitted to the govern ment a plan for the re-Catholization of Bohemia, As amended by the crown, the plan contemplated not conversion, but extirpation of the Protestants. The imperial patent of July, 1627, provided that non-Catholics should not be permitted henceforth to live in the country. Now ensued the third emi gration, the most far-reaching of all. The exiles at first sought refuge in the neighbor ing states of Saxony, Silesia, Hungary, and Poland. As their hopes of an early return to the native country waned, they migrated to more distant 4 SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION lands: Transylvania, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, Hamburg, Holland, England, Brandenburg, Swit zerland. Not a few of the bolder spirits sailed on Dutch and English ships to America. In Saxony the refugees were numerous enough to people whole villages: Johanngeorgenstadt, Alt- georgfeld, Neugeorgfeld, Neusalz. Strong city colo nies were formed in Schandau, Freiberg, Annaberg (at Annaberg and Freiberg were the centers of titled emigrants), Schneeberg, Zwickau, Chemnitz, and Dresden. Those professing the Lutheran faith favored Pirna and Zittau. In 1691 the Zittau com munity built a church, in which Cech services con tinued to be held till 1846. At Neusalz worship in the native language was maintained far into the second half of the eighteenth century. At Pirna the number of exiles reached 2710 by the end of 1628; in 1631 the colony counted 2256 members. By 1639 only 1700 persons remained. About fifty aristo cratic families settled in Pirna. Dresden received the first contingent in 1622. Services in Cech were first permitted to be held in Dresden in 1650, and the congregation held together until 1845, when a German-speaking pastor took charge of the parish. Bishop Komensky could truly say that his was a scattered flock. Statesmen, scholars, teachers, di vines, soldiers, artisans, the flower of the nation, were forced "to eat the bitter bread of banish ment." Doctor Mathias Borbonius (Biirda) of Borben- THE CECHS IN AMERICA hayn, Latin poet, and Paul Strinsky of Zapska Stranka, author of the Respublica Bohemia (printed by the Elzevir Press in Leyden), sought asylum in the city of Thorn. George Holik, writer, resided in Germany, publishing at Wittenberg, in German, the Blutige Thrdnen des hochbedrdngten Bohmerlandes. Jacob Jacobeus of Kutnd Hora, author of a short Church History of Bohemia (published in Amster dam), retired to Holland. Daniel Skreta, a Director of the Revolution, earned his living as City Clerk in Danzig. John Raik became professor of medicine at Up- sala, Sweden; Philemon taught, history at Bremen. F. Natus, Orientalist, died in Braunschweig. Va clav Clemens, humanist (from his birthplace also called 2ebracky, Zebracenus), dwelled from time to time in Holland, Danzig, and Sweden. He died in the last-named country, a pensioner of Chancel lor Oxenstierna. Bishop John Amos Komensky established him self in Holland. Other refugees of note who made Holland their home were Doctor Habervesl of Hab- ernfeld, author of numerous works, one of which, Bellum Bohemicum ab Anno 1617 was issued at Leyden; Daniel Kohout, Director of the Revolu tion; Paul Skala of Zhor, author of The Church His tory, Church Chronology, and other learned books; Paul Jesin of BezdSdice, jurist and writer; Paul Kaplir of Sulevic, one of the commanders of the 6 SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION Bohemian Army; Vaclav William Roupovsky of Roupov, jurist. Ferdinand Charles Svihovsky of Risenberg died in Amiens, Adam Loksan of Loksan, in Sedan. The most famous exile who made his home in England was Vaclav Hollar of Prachen, etcher. Some twenty-four hundred plates bear the name of Wenceslaus Hollar Bohemus, or Wenceslaus Hol lar of Prague. Hollar died in 1677 in London. An other distinguished wanderer to England was Simon Partlic (Partlicius) of Spicberk, mathematician and author. Samuel Martinius of Drazov, traveler, writer, theologian, leader of the Lutheran party among his countrymen, took up an abode in Germany. Henik of Valdstein, a Director of the Revolution, died in Thorn. Charles of Zerotin, author and statesman, served the King of Denmark in a high capacity at court. Tobias Steffek of Kolodej accepted service with the Prince of Anhalt. Radslav Vchynsky of Vchynic and Tetov (or Kinsky, as the family name is now written), Direc tor of the Revolution, died at Leyden. A poet of acknowledged ability, Vchynsky is said to have been a master of eight languages. The Saxon family, von Ronau, traces its ancestry to John Albrecht Krinecky of Ronov, a man of letters. Von Treitschke, the German historian and pub- THE CECHS IN AMERICA Heist, also claims to be descended from a family of Cech exiles. So does General Woyrsch, who com manded a German army on the Polish front. Woyrsch's forebears were the Vojirs, an ancient and honorable family. ; Thomas V. Bilek x enumerates fifty lords and knights who accepted commissions in the Swedish army alone. . Count Hendrich Mates of Thurn attained the rank of field marshal; four rose to the rank of gen eral, Zdenko, Count of Hodic, Vaclav Ferdinand Sadovsky of Sloupno, Wolf Colon of Fels, Frederick Sobeticky of Sobetic. Colonels and lieutenant- colonels were: Jaroslav Count Kinsky, Vaclav Cabelicky of Soutic, Adam Berka of Dube, Henry Frederick of Stampach, Mathias Jizbicky, Vaclav Zaborsky of Brloh, Henry Petipesky of Chys, and Nicholas of Techenic. Two were brevetted majors, eleven captains, mostly of cavalry, two quarter master-generals, thirteen officers belonging to vari ous lines of the service. Exiles belonging to the military class joined as volunteers the armies of the state in which they happened to be living. Many enlisted in the Danish army; the greater part, however, made common cause with the Swedes, "shedding their blood," to quote the language of a historian, "for allies who afterward betrayed them." 1 Thomas V. Bilek: Reformace Katolickd, p. 176. Exile of non- Catholic nobility from the country. Prague, 1892. 8 SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION The first known emigrant to America by way of a Dutch port was Augustine Herrman.1 "Herrman came to New York in 1633, in the employment of the West India Company," says Charles Payson Mallery.2 "Three years later he was appointed by the Director and Council of New Netherlands, one of the Nine Men, a body of citizens selected to as sist the government by their counsel and advice." Mallery states that he was "a man of good educa tion, a surveyor by profession, skilled in sketching and drawing, an adventurous and enterprising merchant, . . . the first beginner of the Virginia tobacco trade." Some time in 1660 he moved from New York, where he owned land along the present Pearl Street, to Bohemia Manor in Maryland. This manor consisted of some twenty thousand acres in Cecil and New Castle Counties and it was granted by Lord Baltimore in recognition of serv ices rendered by Herrman in drawing the map of "Virginia and Maryland. As it is Planted and In habited this present Year 1670 Surveyed and Ex actly Drawne by the Only Labour and Endeavour of Augustin Herrman, Bohemiensis." Of Herrman's early life prior to his appearance in New Netherland, reports are conflicting. An Ameri can genealogist thinks he was born in Prague in 1 Dutch chroniclers spell the name indifferently: Herman, Herr man, Harman, Heerman, Hermans. 2 Charles Payson Mallery: Ancient Families of Bohemia Manor; their Homes and their Graves. 74 pp. The Historical Society of Dela ware. Wilmington, 1888. THE CECHS IN AMERICA 1605 and that his father's name was Augustine Ephraim. A Cech writer (Korensky) has expressed the belief that Herrman might have been a scion of a noble family. In the Memorial Book of the Town of Mseno (Bohemia) LittD., p. 39, the following entry is recorded: "a.d. 1 621, the Sunday before Christ's birth, on a cold day, our beloved pastor, Abraham Herzman, went into exile, with his family to the City of Zitava (Zittau). His noble-minded and pious wife did not live to see this humiliation, hav ing died of grief one month before his departure. . . . Before the parish house waited a vehicle, iq which sat the entire family, that is, son Augustine and three daughters. The pastor blessed his flock and followed the conveyance on foot, the people meanwhile chanting, 'From the depths of my sor rows, I appeal to Thee, Oh Lord,' and accompany ing their minister to the village of Bezdedice." 1 If the Augustine Herzman of Mseno, disregard ing the slight variation in the spelling of the sur name, is not the Augustine Herrman of Bohemia Manor, it is, admittedly, a remarkable coincidence in date and name. 1 Misled by Herrman's German-sounding name, German-Ameri can writers, notably Kapp, Faust, and Cronau, have appropriated Herrman as their own. This is an error which refutes itself. Tens of -l thousands of Cechs bear German names, just as there are tens of thousands of kern deutsch Germans, whose patronymics are unmis takably Slavic. Why should Herrman have signed himself on docu ments, as he did on his map of Virginia and Maryland, Bohemian, had he been a German? The inconsistency of this claim is obvious. 10 MAP OF VIRGINIA AND MAR* NP BY AUGUSTINE HERRMAN SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION Herrman's fondness for the land of his nativity. amounted to an obsession. In addition to his nam-' ing the first tract of land which he received from - Lord Baltimore, Bohemia Manor, he named other \ land grants, Three Bohemia Sisters and Little Bo- ) hernia. The supposition is not unreasonable that Herrman contemplated founding in America a col ony of compatriots. The Swedes in Delaware had established a New Sweden, the Dutch New Nether- land, the Puritans New England, why not a New Bohemia? Herrman's Bohemia Manor contained sufficient elbow-room for a good-sized settlement. In a New York deed 1 he describes himself as Augustine Herrman of Nova Bohemia, in the Prov ince of Maryland. To Herrman the misery of his co-religionists in Europe was well known, for he had been one of them. How successful he was with his colonization plan and how many, if any, Cech families found a home on his estate, local historians do not inform us. , By his will, executed in 1684 he directed that in the event of his family becoming extinct, a portion of Bohemia Manor should go to the State of Mary land for the purpose of founding a Protestant school, college and hospital, to be known by the name Au gustine Bohemia.2 1 Liber A, p. 145, July 9, 1672, New York City Register's Office. 2 "Augustine Herrman, Bohemian, 1605-1686." A paper prepared by General James Grant Wilson, of New York, an honorary member of the New Jersey Hist. Soe. Read at a meeting of the Society, May 15, 1890. New Jersey Hist. Soe. Proceedings, v. 21, no. 2, pp. 21-34. II THE CECHS IN AMERICA Genealogists agree that Frederick Philipse, as the name was spelled at that period, or Vrederyck Felypsen, founder of the noted American family of that name, was a native of Bohemia. Hon. John Jay, diplomatist and jurist, has this to say of the Philipses: "The first ancestor of this family who settled in this country was Frederick Flypsen, a native of Bohemia, where his family, being Pro testants, were persecuted. His mother, becoming a widow, was constrained to quit Bohemia with him and her other children. She fled to Holland with what little she could save from the wreck of their ' estate. The amount of that little not admitting her to provide better for Frederick, she bound him to a carpenter, and he became an excellent workman. He emigrated to New York, which was then under the Dutch Government, but in what year I am not informed." According to another source 1 Philipse's father "was the honorable Viscount Felyps of Bo hemia, who sprang from the ancient viscounts of that name and country." Again: "Besides their high rank as nobles, they appear to have held the office of grand veneurs or keepers of the deer forests in Bohemia, as there is still preserved in the family the color and badge of office, consisting of a gold chain set with amethysts, diamonds, rubies and emeralds to which was suspended a deer beautifully chased in gold." 1 Robert Bolton: History of the County of Westchester, from its First Settlement, p. 508. New York, 1848. 12 SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION Singularly enough, the register of Bohemian no bility of the seventeenth century does not contain the name Philipse or Felypsen. Neither does a ny one bearing that name appear to have suffered through confiscation of property. Thomas V. Bilek's His tory of Bohemian Confiscation after the year 1618, sets forth the name of every landowner whose property had been confiscated, but Philipses are not among them. Then, too, the rank of viscount was all but unknown in Bohemia. A more likely explan ation is — providing, of course, that Philipses be longed to the nobility — that they had discarded their Cech name, difficult to pronounce by foreign ers, assuming instead their given name, Philip. "The surname Felypsen," remarks Bolton, "is a patronymic from Philip, hence the English substi tute Frederick Philipse, which at an early period became the adopted name of the family" (page 319)- Chroniclers refer to Philipse as "Bohemian mer chant prince." He was one of the wealthiest men of his day in the American colonies. The Manor Hall in Yonkers, still standing, was one of the residences of the family; another seat, at Philipsburg, bore the name "Castle PhiUps." The story is told that George Washington fell in love with pretty Mary Philipse, a descendant of this illustrious family. According to one version, Philipse traveled to America in 1647, on the same ship with Stuyvesant. It is certain that in 1653 the family was already in 13 THE CECHS IN AMERICA New Amsterdam, for in that year Philipse is men tioned as one of the appraisers of the property of Augustine Herrman. This, by the way, would indi cate that Herrman and Philipse knew each other. Records prove that other natives of Bohemia lived in New Amsterdam besides Herrman and Philipse.1 In the Reformed Church was married, December 10, 165 1, Herrman to Johanna Varlet. Another rec ord of marriage of a Bohemian or rather a Mora vian, which is one and the same, reads: "1645. 26 Febr. Jeurian Fradell, j. m. Uyt Moravian en Tryn Herkser." Who would suspect a Bohemian under the name of Fradell? A few years later, another Fradell, Jeuraen Simon Fradell, weduwanaer (widower), was married in the same church. From the records it is not clear whether the entry refers to Jeurian Fradell, who had become a widower, or to another Fradell, Jeu rian Simon. y* An entry in the Dutch Church notes the mar riage of a girl by the name of Hollar. This might have been a relative of Wenceslaus Hollar, the etcher. Adam Unkelba, who was married in the church on September 12, 1660, was, without doubt, a Cech. Styntje Hermans, who contracted wedlock in the Dutch Church, May 14, 1655, with Cornelis Hendrickszen, may have been Herrman's sister, for 1 Berthold Fernow, editor: Marriages from 1630 to 1801 in the Re formed Dutch Church; records of New Amsterdam from 1653 to 1674. Published by the City of New York. 14 SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION the Memorial Book of Mseno mentions him as hav ing sisters. What about John Kostlo, a resident of New Amsterdam? This name is neither Dutch nor English. l The Dutch Government commissioned one Lo- ketka to go overseas and report on the condition of New Netherland. Loketka, presumably a Cech, sent an exhaustive report to his home government. Whether Loketka subsequently settled here or re turned to Holland is not known. It is more than probable that William Paca, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence for Maryland, was of Cech extraction. Genealogists are inclined to believe that Paca is of Italian or Portuguese origin; yet if they have no other proof for their belief save the supposedly Latin structure of the name, they will be surprised to learn that the cognomen Paca, root and termination, is Cech. Pacov is the name of a town in Bohemia; Paca, Pacd'k, Pacovsky, Pacalt, are family names com mon in Bohemia. Might not William Paca have been a descendant of a family which settled on Herrman's Bohemian Manor in Maryland? 2 That Cechs settled in Virginia is attested by ship manifests. These immigrants sailing for Virginia were beyond doubt Cech : Christopher Donak, who 1 New Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg., v. n, p. 123. 2 In the Pamdtky Ceskych Emigrantu vAmerice, the present author expressed the belief that Paca might be of Cech origin. J. V. Nigrin, writing to the Chicago daily Svornost, under date July 4, 1914, shares the belief. 15 THE CECHS IN AMERICA purchased land in 1655 in Northampton County; John Doza, a fellow passenger of the Donaks, who settled in the same county; Anna Dubes, who had taken land in 1652 in Lancaster County. Other immigrants were John Duch, settling in 1650 in Northumberland County, and Anna Simco, in 1653, in the same county.1 It is a gross exaggera tion, however, to say that "between 1650-80 sev eral thousand Cechs came to America, settling in the penal colonies of Georgia and Virginia. . . ." 2 The Cechs could not have settled in Georgia be tween 1650-80 for the very good reason that Geor gia was first settled by a colony of one hundred and twenty whites in 1733. That stragglers might have made their way with the Puritans to Massachusetts is more than likely; the Bohemian Church observed many of the stern concepts of religious duties which distinguished the Puritans. Matthew Cenig (Cenek) died in Massa chusetts in 1654.3 If the names of Elizabeth Baysa, Mary Bunc, and Loues (Louis) Standla are Cech, as they seem to be, it would go to prove that Cech exiles settled in Connecticut.4 1 George Cabell Greer (clerk, Virginia State Land Office) : 1623- 66. Early Virginia Immigrants. Richmond, 1912. 2 Pamdtnik Slovanskych Baptistu v Americe, p. 8. Chicago, 1909. 3 Early Records of Boston; also, New. Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg., v. 10, p. 219. 4 Births, Marriage and Deaths. Original Distribution of the Town of Hartford, Connecticut, among the Settlers; _, also, New. Eng. Hist. and Gen. Reg., v. 12, p. 173. 16 SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION Samuel Barta,1 bearer of a typically Cech name, signed a petition dated April 22, 1755, in which settlers living along the Kennebec River in Massa chusetts appealed for protection to Governor Shir ley. On the obverse of the petition, the name is spelled correctly Barta; on the reverse, however, the petitioner is already transformed by the chron icler into Barter. Alexander Barta, evidently a rel ative of Samuel, is on the roster of prisoners who were captured by the British in 1777. Alexander, too, is spelled carelessly Barta and Barter. John Spital, in some documents assumes the anglicized name John Spittle.2 It is possible that individual exiles had joined the Swedes who, under Governor Prins, founded a set tlement on the Delaware River (1638), naming the country New Sweden. Soldiers of Cech nationality served in the army of Gustavus Adolphus. Always friendly, the relations between the Swedes and Protestant Cechs were notably close about this time.3 Unerring traces of Cech exiles lead to one of the Barbados, the group of West India Islands which the British occupied in 1625. Augustine Herrman, it is known, had extensive business interests on the 1 New York Hist, and Gen. Reg., v. 44, pp. 203-04. . 2 Ibid., v. 19, p. 136. 3 "When the Thirty Years' War was brought to a close, Sweden, anxious to gain the friendship of all nations, sent Mathias Palbitsky to congratulate the King of Spain on the conclusion of peace." (Amandus Johnson: The Swedes in America, 1638-1900, v. 1, p. 164.) 17 THE CECHS IN AMERICA island; so did his fellow countryman Frederick Philipse. The ship Expedition, bound in Septem ber, 1635, for the Barbados, had aboard one Ed ward Benes, a name peculiarly Cech. In the "True and Perfect List of all ye Names of ye Inhabitants in ye Parrish of Christ Church, with an Exact accompt of all ye Land, white Servants; and Neg's [negroes] within ye Said Parrish Taken this 22th Decemb 1679," we find three other Cech names: John Hudlice, tailor, who shipped from South ampton on the Virginia, Captain John Weare, bound for the Barbadoes; Edward Marsan "has 10 acres and 6 negroes," and Anthony Slany "has 2 negroes." CHAPTER II EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION THE resolve of the Moravian Church to found colonies overseas marks a distinct epoch in the history of Cech emigration in the eighteenth cen tury. These emigrants came with the Germans at the time or times when religious ferment had made people restless in Central Europe. While the seven teenth-century arrivals had been assimilated by the English or the Dutch, according to where they hap pened to settle, the eighteenth-century immigrants to Pennsylvania merged into the larger Teutonic immigration. As told in detail in the preceding chapter, Prot estantism in Bohemia and Moravia had been crushed in the first quarter of the seventeenth cen tury; yet what theological writers describe as "the hidden seed" was never wholly destroyed. Here and there survived individuals and groups of indi viduals (in Bohemia, particularly in the Litomysl district) who, notwithstanding stern repression, clung in secret to the proscribed faith. To be sure, open adherence thereto was out of the question; there were no houses of worship in the land and none were allowed to be built. Yet what the follow ers of Hus were forbidden to do publicly they could not be stopped from practicing clandestinely. De- 19 the Cechs in America votional literature, which partisans contrived to smuggle into the country from across the Saxon border, was found to be the most efficacious means of keeping together the faithful. The city of Zittau, in Saxony, became the recognized book mart of the Cech Protestants. There Wenzel Kleych (1678- 1737) set up a printing shop, and manuals and prayer books printed in Kleych's establishment were distributed in Bohemia despite the watchful ness of the Austrian authorities. Kleych's most in defatigable assistant in this missionary activity was Adolph Christian Pescheck, himself a descend ant of a family of exiles who had settled in Ger many. Another name inseparably associated with Kleych's publishing house was that of John Liberda (1701-42), a schoolmaster and a pamphleteer, later a pastor of a Cech congregation in the suburb of Berlin. The Moravians never quite forgot that Bishop Komensky had been at one time a minister of a church in Fulnek, Moravia. In 1724 a number of families, tiring of endless molestation, decided to emigrate from Moravia to Saxony. Herrnhut was the name these emigrants gave to a settlement they founded on the estate of Count Zinzendorf. The families and individuals more or less promi nent among these emigrants from Moravia were: Melchior Kunz, Andrew Beyer, Matthew Stach, John and David Zeisberger, all of Zauchtenthal; the Jaeschke and Neisser families of Sehlen; the 20 EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION Grasman family of Senftleben and the Nitschmann family of Kunwald.1 Though they had come from German-speaking towns and villages of Moravia and bore German names, it should not be believed that all were Ger man. There were among them co-religionists of Cech birth or ancestry as is proved by a list of them prepared by George Neisser.2 In border lands where the Slavs and the Teutons live side by side mixing more or less freely, the patronymic is not an unerring index to the ances try. All are not Slavs who bear Slavic names; con versely, all are not Germans who have German names. For what they are worth, we extract from Neisser's list those patronymics which by sound or structure appear to be Cech-Slavic: Anna Neisser, maiden name Anna Holaschek (p. 41), Catherine Riedel, maiden name Zudolska (p. 43), Thomas Procop, married Anna Neisser (p. 51), Friedrich Boenisch, married Anna Stach (p. 54), Matthew Stach (p. 55), Rosina Stach, his wife (P- 55). Melchior Kunz, married Judith Holaschek (p. 56), George Schmidt, married Maria Wachofsky (p. 55), Matthew Miksch and Martha Miksch (p. 1 Edmund de Schweinitz : The History of the Church known as the Unitas Fratrum. 641 pp. 2 George Neisser: A List of the Bohemian and Moravian Emigrants to Saxony. Collected from various sources in print and manuscript; begun and compiled at New York from June 2 to July 20, 1772. Translated and edited by Albert G. Rau. Transactions of the Mora vian Historical Society, v. ix, parts 1 and 2. Printed for the Society. Bethlehem, Pa., 1911. Times Publishing Company. 21 THE CECHS IN AMERICA 57), Thomas Stach (p. 58), Michael Schukal and — Schukal, his wife (p. 60), Paul Jersabeck (p. 61), Christian Stach, brother or cousin of Matthew Stach (p. 61), Hukuff, wife of Zacharias Hu- kuff (p. 64), Anna Maria Lawatsch (p. 71), Andrias Anton Lawatsch (p. 71), Joseph Bullitschek (p. 75), Wenzel Procop (p. 76), Wenzel Till (p. 76), Anna Watscheck (p. 77), Zacharias Hirschel, Cech name Gecinek, pastor in Berlin (p. 77), Balthasar Dwor- zinsky (p. 78), Lucas Paresch (p. 78), John Kopat- schek (p. 78), Neskunda (p. 78), Susanna Peiter, daughter of Christopher Fakesch (p. 78), George Wenzel Golkowsky (p. 79), Susannah Hel ena Golkowsky (p. 80), Rosina Kisselova (p. 80), Johann Czerny (p. 80), Rosina Stuschike (p. 81), Franz Herodicz (p. 81), Anna Kreitsche, maiden name Boschena (p. 81), Dorothea Pospischill (p. 81), Carl Urban (p. 81), Matthew Pochobratsky (p. 82), John Kaplan (p. 82), Catherine Weiprach- titzke (p. 82), Eva Brachatshin (p. 82), Wenzel Slatnik (p. 83), Anna Kissela (p. 83), Wenzel Bonar (p. 83), Matthew Prokopek (p. 83), John Prokopek (p. 83), Elisabeth Keetschar, married Kowarsch (p. 83), Magdalena Fihol (p. 83), Marie Kubasek (p. 83), Andreas Broksch (p. 83), Martin Powalka (p. 83), Judith Shukal (p. 84), Jacob Swihola (p. 84), Joh. Jacob Swihola, Jr. (p. 84), Andreas Budeman- sky (p. 84), John Gilek (p. 84), John Matema (p. 84), Wenzel Oudrzik (p. 84), George Pakosta (p. 84), Anna Swoboda (p. 84), Carl Matschek (p. 84), 22 EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION Thomas Juren (p. 85), Augustin Witthofsky (p. 85), John Holeschofsky (p. 85). Some of the emigrants we find later among set tlers in Pennsylvania. In Egle's catalogue we meet with Michael Miksch (p. 167), Catherine Butman- sky (p. 168), Andrew Broksch (p. 170), Thomas Stach (p. 209), Andrew Anton Lawatsch (p. 210), George Wenceslaus Golkowsky (p. 302), Joseph Bullitschek (p. 303), Ulrick Pitcha, Anna Maria Masin, etc.1 In another register we note these Cech surnames: Martin Blisky, John Ludwig Buda, Mathias Hora, Gabriel Gascha, Johann Seirut- schek. Without doubt a descendant of a Cech family which settled in Pennsylvania in the eighteenth century was John W. Kittera, a member of Con gress from 1791 to 1801. At the completion of his congressional terms he was appointed United States District Attorney for the Eastern District of Penn sylvania and removed to Philadelphia, where he died. He was the son of Thomas Kittera of East Earl Township, Lancaster County. The first attempt at missions by Moravians un der British auspices was undertaken in Georgia. Toeltschig was one of nine missionaries sent to Georgia in 1734. Toeltschig died in Dublin in April, 1 William Henry Egle, editor: Notes and Queries: Historical, Bio graphical and Genealogical. Relating chiefly to interior Pennyslvania. Fourth series, v. i. Also, Names of Foreigners who took the Oath of Al legiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania 1727-75. With the foreign arrivals, 1786-1808. Harrisburg, Pa., 1892. 23 THE CECHS IN AMERICA 1764.1 The second colony was founded in Pennsyl vania, where the Moravians purchased a tract of five hundred acres in Bucks County in the spring of 1 741, and a second tract of five thousand acres at Nazareth. To Pennsylvania now set in a steady in flow of Moravians and it is reckoned that between 1 74 1 and 1762 upwards of seven hundred men and women, most of them members of congregations on the Continent and in Great Britain, crossed the seas and settled in Pennsylvania.2 1 Abraham Reincke: A Register of Members of the Moravian Church between 1727 and 1754. 2 W. C. Reichel: A Register of the Members of the Moravian Church. With historical annotations; also, I. Daniel Rupp: A Collection of upwards of 30,000 Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and other Immigrants in Pennsylvania, from 1727-76. CHAPTER III NINETEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION AND AFTER PRIOR to 1840 no one in Bohemia thought of emigrating, says a contemporary. In the first place, Bohemia experienced a wave of prosperity after the Napoleonic wars. Everything was cheap and there was plenty of work. In 1840, however, blighting droughts visited the country x and there was a failure of the potato crop. Suffering actual want, the Cech people at that time began to think of migrating to America. The first to leave Kutna Hora, as the gubernatorial passport of 1845 proves, was innkeeper Pospisil, the second, cabinet-maker Fiirst. The passport cost fifty florins in silver. With out it not even a mouse could slip across the border which was carefully patrolled by the grenzjagers. One incurred the risk of being shot if one attempted to cross without a passport. In 1847, thirty-nine men of the Thirty-fifth Pil- sen Regiment (Khevenhuller) escaped to America from the Mainz fortress, Tuma, the orderly of General Uhlmann, of the artillery,2 among them. Following Tuma, these soldiers deserted: Stropek, Skala, Zajicek, Lexa, Cukr, Osoba. In 1849 the 1 The Pokrok Zdpadu. 1888. Reminiscences of Anton Kocian (Kotzian) of Bfeclava. 2 In New York Tiima bore the by-name of Cech Columbus, a jocular allusion to his early landing. 25 THE CECHS IN AMERICA military accountant Touzimsky ran away to America, having embezzled the regimental funds. The latter's successful flight gave courage to other soldiers. "I planned with twenty-one other men to get away, too," relates Anton Kocian, "inas much as Tuma had written us that he owned in New York a Cech Casino and that the Cechs in that city had organized a club. At times as many as 700 emigrants, chiefly from the Slane, Beroun and Kourim district (Cech — Kraj, German — Kreis) concentrated at Mainz.1 There they waited for the ship to sail and if not accommodated in taverns, they were given shelter in the military barracks. I am certain some of the oldest deserters will recall the circumstances well. Stropek, Zajicek, Touzimsky, my school mates, were from Kutn& Hora. Tuma, Lexa, Skala and Cukr belonged by domicil to Kourim and Tabor. Where these men settled I do not know. I lost sight of the nineteen save one who, under the assumed name of Senna (JSenner) worked in a brickyard in Brooklyn. Tuma was the first cor respondent from America to newspapers in Bo hemia. He contributed to Charles Havlicek's paper. My brother-in-law wrote me when I served in the army, that an ex-soldier, Tuma by name, from time to time wrote for the papers." 2 1 Emigrants traveled from Bohemia via Bavaria to Mainz through the traveling agency of Karl Rabe who had an emigration bureau in Rheinstrasse. 2 If it is true, as Kocian says, that Tuma contributed to Prague papers, his letters were not published under his signature, for an 26 Robert H. Vickers Author of" History of Bohemia ' WillS. Monroe Author of "Bohemia and the Cechs ' TWO AMERICAN CECHOPHILES NINETEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION Until 1884 the authorities kept a record of emi gration in the Emigration Tabellen. These tables registered annually persons who left the empire and "emigrated to foreign lands with the intention of not returning." They noted the age, sex, and prop erty interests of the emigrant. After 1867 the au thorities began to lose control of the movement, and in 1884 the central bureau of statistics in Vienna abandoned this tabulation as unsatisfactory. In stead it began to publish in the Statistische Monat- schrift data bearing on the transoceanic emigration only, based on figures collected by Austrian consuls at the principal seaports of the world.1 In the sixties of the last century the Frenchman Alfred Legoyt 2 could say truthfully that the people of Austria showed no inclination to emigrate. With apparent satisfaction he noted that there were several factors which militated against emigration on a larger scale. Among other considerations there were the great distances to seaports, strict, almost prohibitive regulations by the state, prosperity among the small farmers, large areas of undevel oped land awaiting skilled cultivators, and so forth. Yet, before long, economists were amazed to wit- examination of the files of Havlicek's journals has failed to bring out Tuma's name. 1 Dr. J. Buzek: Das Auswanderungs-problem und die Regelung des Auswanderimgswesens in Oesterreich, v. x, pp. 441, 553. Zeit- schrift fur Volkswirtschaft, Socialpolitik und Verwaltung. Wien und Leipzig, 1 90 1. 2 Alfred Legoyt (1815-85): L'Emigration Europeenne. Paris, 1861. 27 THE CECHS IN AMERICA ness an almost revolutionary change in this re spect. From Bohemia there were two distinct kinds of emigration: the political one which had its origin in the revolutionary disturbances of 1848; the jother emigration, due to economic causes. 1 The wonderful stories of the discovery of gold in California excited the Cechs no less than they I jagitated other Europeans. Newspapers published ijhighly colored articles about the rich California gold fields, while emigration agents, plying their trade surreptitiously, magnified what was already exaggerated by the press. Warning by the authori ties against emigration had little or no effect; in a like manner admonitions by the church proved futile. It is probably true that the gold craze af fected Bohemia more generally than it agitated other Austrian states. In 1853, 1311 people emi grated from Plzen district, 1009 from Budejovice district. The year following witnessed the depar ture from the first-named district of 1946, from the second 1386, and from Pardubice district 1068. In 1855, Tabor district lost by emigration 649, Chrudim 499, Eger (Cheb) and Plzen 426 each. A falling-off occurred in 1859, when only 842 left Bohemia. Non-official statisticians estimate, how ever, that the figures here given are by far too low and that we should strike the mark by doub ling them. All told, the number of emigrants from the empire to the United States during the Cali- 28 NINETEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION fornia gold fever excitement amounted to about 25,000. It will be noticed in the following table that from the outset Bohemia and Moravia sent out an al most even ratio of males and females. Tabulated according to age, a majority of the emigrants were between seventeen and forty, which years, experi ence has demonstrated, represent a period of the highest physical productivity. In the adult male wage-earner it is a time when ambition impels him to most intensive effort and action. Emigration according to Sex and Age between 1850-60 * 1850 Land Sex Vp to 7 years 7-17 years 17-40 years'. 40-50 years Past 50 Total Males Females BohemiaMoravia Silesia 87 9 42 79 4 66 15 I 2 22 5 16 103 5 77 23 2 12 3 I 166 13 108 1851 Bohemia MoraviaSilesia 187 3 21 154 8 28 58 37 43 1 3 193 5 3i 23 I 7 24 II 341 II 49 1852 BohemiaMoravia Silesia 229 18 47 198 19 38 . 89 5 14 79 12 10 188 14 53 43 67 28 I 427 37 85 » Mittkeilungen aus dent Gebiete der Statisttk, v. jcvii, part 3, p. 89. Herausgegeben von der K, K. Central = Commission. Wien, 1870. 29 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Bohemia MoraviaSilesia Bohemia MoraviaSilesia 1853 Bohemia 1730 1689 300 1235 1284 480 120 3419,,. Moravia 140 132 69 80 93 23 5 272"'" Silesia 124 100 55 49 99 16 5 224 1854 Bohemia 3H9 2979 1495 1315 2309 708 301 6128 Moravia 150 148 82 55 "5 36 10 298^ Silesia 73 74 32 31 63 H 7 147 1855 Bohemia 1507 I5H 714 706 1109 324 168 3021 Moravia 252 250 123 108 200 57 H 502 Silesia 18 H 4 6 19 3 32 1856 Bohemia 1054 1034 480 483 790 219 116 2088 Moravia 96 89 49 49 63 19 5 185 Silesia 1857 1 102 IO65 527 460 858 219 103 29 22 8 12 22 5 4 42 31 9 13 42 9 1858 1859 i860 685 138 31 617 120 19 269 60 5 294 66 11 556 100 29 126 26 4 2167 5i 73 Bohemia 678 663 284 300 346 141 70 IMI Moravia 49 26 6 16 39 9 5 75 Silesia 30 23 4 7 30 10 2 53 Bohemia 432 410 171 176 335 112 48 842 y, Moravia 32 33 II 12 33 7 2 65^ Silesia 23 20 3 7 32 1 - 43 >7 1302 6 258 I 50 30 NINETEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION During the eight years between i860 and 1868 the emigration from Bohemia, Moravia, and Sile sia was, respectively: Year Bohemia Moravia Silesia 1861 1927 12461 124 1950 2417 308974303220 88 55 52 8 38 158 371 71 64 1862 25 1863 29 1864 57 1865 59 1866 66 1867 126 1868 64 The total number of emigrants from Austria be tween 1850-68 was 57,726; of this no less than 43,645 is Bohemia's share. The backward districts of the southern part of the country furnished by far the heaviest quota. ; Emigration to Russia from Bohemia began to assume at this time marked proportions. Thousands were lured thither by the prospect of high wages — high, compared to wages paid in Austria — and by land grants offered to settlers by the Russian Gov ernment. After the Austro- Prussian War in 1866, the flow of surplus population toward America again increased; in fact, the Austro-Prussian War, synchronous as it was with the end of the Civil War, marked an epoch in emigration which from that year on mounted steadily and rapidly. After 1880 the character of the emigration is seen to change noticeably. The Cechs and Germans who 3i THE CECHS IN AMERICA had been supplying the bulk of the arrivals from Austria, gradually begin to give room to a new ethnic element, the Hungarians. Later the Jugo-Slavs follow the Hungarians and in the overshadowing figures that result, the Cech portion becomes, by comparison, negligible. Notwithstanding strict police regulations, adver tisements, though veiled, appear here and there telling of the great opportunities in America, giv ing instructions how to travel and other advice. Die Constitutionelle Allgemeine Zeitung von Bbhmen (Sep tember 22, 1848) contains the advertisement of the firm of Knorr & Janssen, of Hamburg. The repre sentative of the firm in Bohemia is Ed. Zenk of Liebenau. Another advertisement is that of Postschiff Ver- bindung London-New York. Passagiere und Aus- wanderer aus oest. Staate. The agent is G. H. Paulsen. The same newspaper recommends to readers in its issue of April 15, 1849, to purchase a book on America, bearing the title, Auf, nach Amerika, by Fr. Jager. An announcement, printed May 31, 1849, as sures the public that despite the Danish War, emi gration to America via Bremen proceeds uninter ruptedly. The Prazsky Vecerni List lends space (in 1 849) to the following advertisements: "May 22. Travelers to America are conveyed by 32 NINETEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION vessels on the 15th of every month by S. H. P. Schroder in Bremen. Agent C. Poppe, Prague, Konsky Trh, No. 833." "June 30. Announcement to Travelers to Amer ica. The firm of Liidering & Co., in Bremen, ships emigrants on the 1st and 15th of every month by fast going vessels. Agent, F. A. Dattelzweig, Kla- tovy (Klattau)." The Prazske Noviny of September 16, 1847, edited by Karel Havlicek, admonishes the readers not to emigrate. The article is obviously a reprint from the German. If the Cechs, the writer argues, who contemplate going to America, work as hard at home as Americans are known to toil, they will be surprised to find America at their own threshold. The Politicke wesnicke nowiny z Cech of September 11, 1849, pleads with the readers that love of the fatherland, if nothing else, should deter Cechs from emigrating. Who but adventurers dare the trip to America, anyway? Yet it is futile to try to divert the thoughts of the poor and the resolute from America. " Reports continue to arrive from California con cerning the large quantities of gold unearthed there," says the Noviny Lipy Slovanske of February 14, 1849. "Nuggets of gold ore weighing as much as a pound, in some cases two, have been found. There are instances on record of emigrants making in gold digging and in trading with the Indians as much as $30,000. The average earnings of a person 33 THE CECHS IN AMERICA per day amount to $100. Fever is prevalent among the inhabitants but it is not fatal. Clothing, food and domestic labor are very high; shirts sell at $10 each, beef from $i to $2 a pound, laundering a dozen shirts costs $6. A merchant's clerk commands $3,000 a year." Writing from New York to the Prague Ndrodni Noviny, April 3, 1849, J. C.1 harps on the same favorite theme, California and its fabulous riches. Emigrants traveled to the United States by the four ports of Hamburg, Havre, Antwerp and Bre men. As late as 1849 not a mile of railroad existed in Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, or Texas.2 Up to 1850-55 but a small percentage of emigrants went west by railroad. They chose their homes in lake or river cities which had been bene fited by canal and railroad construction. Buffalo, on Lake Erie, was of small importance until 1825 when by the opening of the Erie Canal, it became the gateway from the great valley to the Atlantic States. Cleveland in the same way benefited by the opening of the Erie Canal, as did Detroit, the oldest of the Western cities. Steamboats plied regularly between Milwaukee and Buffalo in the season of lake navigation. As a general rule the French and English clung to the seacoast, while the German, Scandinavian, and Cech pushed into agricultural 1 "J. £." is conceivably Joseph Cilinsky, a jeweler from Prague, and an early resident of New York. * McMaster's History of the United States, v. viii, p. 88. 34 Copyright by Harris If Ewing, Washington, D.C. THE CECHOSLOVAK LEGATION IN WASHINGTON Charles Pergler (second from left) and part of his Staff NINETEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION States. Before an all-rail connection had been es tablished between New York and Chicago, Buffalo was a kind of Mecca, where immigrants, journeying westward, assembled. The city presented a sight not to be seen elsewhere on this continent. Endless caravans of coaches, of lumbering moving vans, of country wagons, the latter loaded with household furniture, agricultural implements, boxes, trunks, moved through the principal thoroughfares. Immi grants, with packs and baskets strapped to their backs, lounged on the sidewalks or crowded in front of lodging-houses. In 1845, says a chronicler, 96,000 Europeans passed through the city. Boats which maintained communication with points west of Buffalo seemed to do no other business, except the transport of immigrants and their luggage. The decks of these boats were provided with stalls for domestic animals. In appearance, they sug gested nothing so much as Noah's Ark. Their decks were loaded with passengers, horses, horned cattle, vehicles, and household belongings. Ordinarily, travelers journeyed from New York to Albany by water, from Albany to Buffalo by rail, from Buffalo to Detroit by a lake boat. From the latter-named city to Chicago, again by boat, the journey lasted from five to six days. The Missouri Republican of July 20, 1849, advertises the trip from St. Louis to LaSalle, a distance of 281 miles for $5. From La- Salle to Chicago, 100 miles, $4. From Chicago to Buffalo via Buffalo and Detroit, from $5 to $8. 35 THE CECHS IN AMERICA From Buffalo to Albany by rail, $9.75. From Al bany to New York by boat, 50 cents. Owing to the popular clamor that transportation compan ies overcharged immigrants, a committee was ap pointed in New York to investigate the alleged charges of extortion. It was claimed that immi grants were treated brutally by agents and run ners, particularly those who were unable to speak English. Buffalo never appealed to Cechs. Boreck^ mentions by name about ten families who lived there in the mid-fifties. Even these few moved to other parts, eventually, save the Myskas or Misch- kas, as the name came to be spelled later.1 In the following seacoast, river, and lake cities the nuclei of settlements began forming in or after the fifties: New York, Baltimore, New Orleans, Buf falo, St. Louis, Dubuque, Cincinnati, Milwaukee, Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, Racine, Manitowoc, and Kewaunee. Always small, the settlements in New Orleans, Buffalo, and Dubuque soon disap peared, owing partly to removal, partly to assimi lation. The first farming communities sprang up in Wis consin. This State possessed advantages over others which strongly appealed to the Central European. The climate, though severe with long winters, was salubrious and singularly free from those frequent and unhealthy changes which prevail farther south. 1 John Boreck^: Chapters on the History of Cech-Moravians in America, p. 9. 36 NINETEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION The soil was adaptable to the raising of maize, rye, wheat, oats, and vegetables, all products with which the Cech husbandman was familiar. More over, there was no fear of the humiliating competi tion with negro labor. Wisconsin's attractions were widely advertised in German and Austrian news papers. In the aggregate, it had the largest propor tion of foreign citizens. Out of a population of 305,391 in 1850, there were 106,691, or more than one out of three, born abroad. Of that number nearly 40,000 were Germans. "The state [Wiscon sin] commended itself to settlers in other ways. Taxes were low; one could become a citizen within one year. Good land could be bought at $1.25 an acre and the ground of poorer quality for less price than that. The state maintained in New York City a salaried official, so called Immigration Commis sioner, whose duty it was to seek to divert the flow of newcomers thither. This commissioner ad vertised extensively in the foreign language press, mainly German, sending besides, generous quanti ties of printed matter to points in Germany, Aus tria, Switzerland." 1 One of the pamphlets read : " Come ! In Wisconsin all men are free and equal before the law. . . . Reli gious freedom is absolute and there is not the slight est connection between church and state. ... In Wisconsin no religious qualification is necessary for 1 Albert B. Faust: The German Element in the United States, v. 1, P- 477- 37 THE CECHS IN AMERICA office or to constitute a voter; all that is required is for the man to be 21 years old and to have lived in the state one year." l Wisconsin, for a long time, stood at the front of Cech effort in the United States. The weekly Slavie made familiar in every household the names of Milwaukee, Racine, Caledonia, Manitowoc, and Kewaunee. The Germans called Milwaukee the German Athens, the Cechs baptized Racine, where stood the cradle of the Slowan Amerikdnsky and later Slavie, the Cech Bethlehem. At one time or another, Wisconsin was the home of Vojta Naprstek, John Herman, Frank Kofizek, J. B. Letovsky, Vaclav Simonek, Vojta Masek, Charles Jonas, Ladimir Klaeel, Franta Mraeek, John Borecky, John Karel. Here were projected and came into existence, at the promptings of the Slavie the first Cech language schools; here, too, were organized the Slovanska Lipa chain of socie ties. When the newer States, Nebraska and Kansas, had been thrown open to settlers, it was the hardy Wisconsin pioneer who was ready to advise his less experienced countrymen in those States. "The Cech community of Milwaukee is one of the oldest in America ; it is older than either the one in Chicago or Cleveland, for the Cechs were per manently settled in Milwaukee the first half of the 1 John G. Gregory: Foreign Immigration to Wisconsin. Address delivered before the Wisconsin State Historical Convention at Mil waukee, October 11, 191 1. 38 RACINE ("CECH BETHLEHEM") IN 1830 Slovanske Besede mVAHMiLXIM J'ttfiliSTA%'ISArJM TANECNI ZABAVOU v Racine ilut* fijuo UiOt INVITATION TO A BESEDA, RACINE, OCTOBER, 1861 NINETEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION nineteenth century. ... In 1848 Vojta Naprstek came. It was he, who here had sown the seed of na tional life; he was the founder of the local Cech li brary; from him came the incentive to publish a Cech newspaper. . . . Synchronously with him ar rived in Milwaukee Hans Balatka of Moravia. . . ." " In no other state of northern America are so many Cechs settled as in Wisconsin. Admittedly, the first stopping point of our countrymen was Milwaukee, where now live between two and three hundred families; by far the largest numbers are found in the city and county of Manitowoc. . . ." "Many large Cech settlements may be found especially in the counties of Manitowoc, Kewaunee, Oconto, La Crosse, Adams, and Marathon."1 Vojta Masek (Mashek, 1 839-1903), a well-to-do merchant, tells in his reminiscences 2 that when he 1 F. K.: "The Cradle of Bohemian National Life in Milwaukee," The Kvety Americke, December 22, 1886. — "The Bohemian Opera House in Manitowoc," The Kv&ty Americke, April 13, 1887. — Vaclav Cizek: "Reminiscences of the Old Settlers." The Almanac Atnerikdn, 1897. — J. J. Vlach: (e) "Our Bohemian Population." Proceedings of the State Hist. Soe. of Wisconsin. Madison, 1902. — Nan Mashek. (e) "Bohemian Farmers in Wisconsin," Charities, New York, December 3, 1904. — Anton Novak: "Brief Account of the Bohemian Community in Milwaukee, in Memorial published on the occasion of the fourteenth convention of the C.S.P.S., held in Milwaukee, 1909. 2 The Kvety AmerickS, January 5, 1887, biography and portrait; the Almanac Amerikdn, 1891; the Almanac Amerikdn, 1901, me moirs and portrait. A lifelong friend of Jonas' and his schoolmate from Prague, Masek, gave up journalism (Jonas took over the Slavie from him) because "it did not offer enough opportunity to an ambitious man." 39 THE CECHS IN AMERICA came to Racine in 1861 the farmers, unable to make a living out of the few acres of soil which they had under cultivation, sought employment in the lum ber industry, laboring in the saw mills in towns, cutting and rolling logs in camps. Many of them worked as shingle cutters. Often the only domestic animal owned by the farmer was a cow or a calf. All around the country was thickly wooded; beautiful maples, cherry trees and birches were cut arid stumps burned to clear the land for cultivation. Unfortunately, beauty was the only asset of these trees. Market value they had none. Stumps were left in the ground until they rotted or were burned; in the patches, which by the way, widened year by year, the farmer planted his potatoes and his corn. Of the sea coast cities New York was the only one to attract Cechs in greater numbers. For a good many years New York served merely as a jumping- off place, a point of distribution, from which immi grants scattered to inland places. Although tens of thousands had passed through its gates on their journey westward, Joseph Pastor, in a communica tion to the Slavie, estimated in 1867 their strength there at 1500. The New Yorkers hired rooms in the poorest quarter of the city. The furniture consisted of only the necessary pieces; chairs, tables and beds. Cases were by no means' uncommon where two related families shared the same diminutive apartment. On the lower east side, in Essex, Divi sion, Houston, Delancy, and Rivington Streets, 40 NINETEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION which is the habitat of the poor from southeastern Europe, still may be seen many of the old-time ram shackle structures in which they lived. Worse yet was the back-yard tenement; shut off from light and air, the tenant and his children enjoyed within them about as much comfort as an inmate of a jail.1 No rural community in New York State of any consequence took root except one. That is situ-j'| ated at Bohemia, on Long Island, about fifty miles j from New York City. John Vavra, John Koula J and John Kratochvil are the reputed founders of it in 1855. A local historian says that eleven fam ilies settled in Bohemia Village in 1859.2 St. Louis bid fair at one time to become a Cech metropolis. There the first Catholic church was erected in 1854; there the C.S.P.S. benevolent brotherhood was organized in 1854. And had not Racine deprived it of the honor by a close margin of 1 Jacob Riis: (e) How the Other Half Lives (studies among the tenements of New York), pp. 136-47. New York, 1891. — Jane E. Robbins : (e) "The Bohemian Women in New York and their Work as Cigarmakers," Charities, New York, December 3, 1904. — Memorial issued on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the exist ence of the New York Supreme Lodge, C.S.P.S., and of lodges subor dinated thereto. 148 pp. January 16, 1904. — John V. Capek: The History of the Cech Community in New York and the Ndrodni Jednota (Society of National Union) of American Cechs. 48 pp. New York, 1904. — The Almanac of the Cech-Slavic People in New York, v. 1. 164 pp. New York, 1904. — J. E. S. Vojan: "The Cech Quarter of New York," pp. 176-84, in Greater New York, 1908. 2 Joseph F. Thuma: "History of Bohemia Village," The Almanac Amerikdn, 1896. "Reminiscences of John Koula," The Almanac Amerikdn, 1903. 41 THE CECHS IN AMERICA twenty days, St. Louis might have been the birth place of the Cech press in America. St. Louis attracted European settlers because it was the terminus of boats sailing up the Mississippi from New Orleans. Passenger and freight carrying lines navigating the Mississippi, Missouri, Illinois, and Ohio Rivers made regular stops there. Settlers bound for points west of the Mississippi River pre ferred St. Louis to Chicago. It had four times as many inhabitants as Chicago; in 1845 two German dailies were published there. When in 1853 Chicago was connected with the east by rail and travelers found it more convenient and cheaper to reach the northwest by way of New York and Chicago rather than enter it via New Orleans and the Missis sippi River, the claim of St. Louis to the title of Cech metropolis was irretrievably lost. Chicago ultimately wrested the scepter from its old rival.1 ! In Cleveland the Cechs began concentrating in 'larger numbers about the same time, that is, after 1852. 2 The story is told that sixteen families who 1 The Almanac Amerikdn, 1901. Vaclav Jirouch believes that no more than thirty Cech families lived in St. Louis in 1852. The growth of the St. Louis center suffered a setback during the Civil War; the tide of immigration turned, Jirouch thinks, to Cleveland, Chicago and to eastern cities generally. — The Memorial of the Fiftieth Jubi lee of C.S.P.S. 1854-1904, published on the occasion of the Thir teenth Convention of the C.S.P.S. Brotherhood, August i, 1904, at St. Louis. 2 The Cech Community of Cleveland and the Social Life thereof. 192 pp. Published the year of the Ethnographic Exhibition in Prague, 1895. Substantially the same story by Hugo Chotek, though concise, is reprinted in the Almanac Amerikdn, 1895, pp. 201-11. 42 NINETEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION arrived that year found temporary shelter in the home of a kind-hearted Bohemian Jew by the name of Levy. The fact should be noted that the Israelites in many instances preceded others from Bohemia. "When we reached Cleveland in 1853," says Mrs. Novak, "Indian tents were pitched beyond Newburgh. We settled in Brooklyn (suburb of Cleveland), where we found many of our country men. I recall the following names of old settlers: F. Zika, V. Benda, J. Kaiser, old man Kocian, Bl&ha, Zeman, Hladik, Stein, Bauer, Ptacek, Marek, etc." x Land prices in Cleveland, according to Novak, who came in 1853, were ridiculously low. All the pio neers could have become rich had they been fore- sighted. Any kind of work was welcome in the start, as long as it assured existence to the immi grant. A private census taken of the Cleveland com munity in 1869 2 lists 696 families, numbering a total of 3252 persons. Of these 1749 were men, 1503 women. The occupations of the men, the census gives as follows: 346 laborers, 76 masons, 72 joiners, 56 tailors, 44 shoemakers, 39 coopers, 25 lock smiths and machinists, 13 musicians, 11 smelters, More trustworthy data on the Cleveland community than Chotek's story are contained in the narratives of Francis Sykora (arrived in 1853), Joseph K?i2 (1853), Martin KrejEi (1854), Francis Sprosty (1866), Francis Payer (1868), Joseph V. Sykora (1863), in the Al manac A merikdn, 1895. — Magdalena Kucera: (e) "The Slavic Races in Cleveland," Charities, January, 1905. 1 The Cech Community of Cleveland, etc., p. 17. 2 The Slavie, February 17, 1869. 43 THE CECHS IN AMERICA 12 butchers, 9 saddlers, 9 weavers, 8 stone cutters, 7 wheelwrights, 6 furriers, 6 tinsmiths, 5 bakers, 5 tanners, 5 dyers, 4 cutlers, 2 builders, 2 bookbind ers, 1 printer, 1 watchmaker, 1 sanitary inspector, 1 policeman, I brewer, 1 lithographer, 1 priest, 22 saloonkeepers. The census gatherer (Payer? Er- hart?) records 396 owners of cottages. Into Chicago, the first groups began filtering in 1852-53, The Chicago pioneers squatted on the outskirts of the city, on land that is now a part of Lincoln Park. There they lived until 1855 in shacks when the owner of the land drove the squatters off. The men earned their living by loading and un loading lumber on the river front. The women and children did the customary chores around the house. On market days, the women went to market to buy groceries and to the abattoirs for cheap meats (haslet, tripe, kidneys, brains, etc.). Often the purchases were made on the cooperative plan.1 1 F. B. Zdrfibek: "History of Chicago and of its Cech Residents, pp. 139-71 — in the Almanac, Amerikdn, 1884. — Charles Jonas': (e) "The Bohemians in Chicago" Chicago Sunday Times, January 24, 1892. — St. J. Halik and J. R.: "Hall of the T. J. Sokol in Chicago," the Kv&ty Americke', March 16, 1887. — The Directory of American Cechs, published to commemorate the Cech Slavic Ethnographic Ex hibition in Prague, in 1895. 320 pp. — Josephine H. Zeman: (e) The Bohemian People in Chicago. The Hull House Papers, pp. 115-28. 1895. — Dr. John Habenicht: Reminiscences of a Cech Physician, A contribution to the history of Cech Americans. 89 pp. Chicago, 1 897. — Dr. John Habenicht and Anton Pregler: Memorial of old Cech Settlers of Chicago, published in commemoration of the second anni versary of the society, held August 20, 1899. 51 pp. — Paul Albieri: "The Cech Element in Chicago," pp. 5-40, in The Directory of Bo hemian Merchants, Tradesmen andSocieties. Chicago, 1900. — Frank 44 CECH RESIDENTIAL SECTION, CHICAGO Millard Avenue, looking north from Ogden Avenue CECH BUSINESS QUARTER, CHICAGO Blue Island Avenue, looking south from Eighteenth Street NINETEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION Minnesota boasted, in 1850, of 6077 white in habitants. Settlers, chiefly of Scandinavian an cestry, poured in so fast that ten years later the population had already mounted to 172,023. Though the Germans constituted a goodly per centage, yet their numbers in Minnesota never even approximated the grand total of Germandom in Wisconsin and it was far behind the figure made up by the combined populations of Swedes and Norwegians. In 1900 the census reported 211,769 settlers of Swedish and 224,892 of Norwegian an cestry. Of the Germanic race the census enumerator found in the State that year 289,822 people. New Prague greeted the first Cechs in 1856. "The fine stretch of land comprising LeSueur, Rice and Scott counties, peopled chiefly by our Cech countrymen and which we may truly call Little Bohemia was, fifty years ago, the stamping ground of droves of deer, roebuck and other beasts of the field." x B. Zdrfibek: The History of the Cech National Cemetery in Chicago, from 1877, the year of its foundation, to the twenty-fifth year of its existence in 1902. 144 pp. Chicago, 1902. — Memorial of Ludvik's Theatrical Troupe. Published to commemorate the tenth anniversary of a permanent Cech playhouse in Chicago. 52 pp. Chicago, 1893- 1903. — Alice G. Masaryk: (e) "The Bohemians in Chicago," Chari ties, December 3, 1904. — The F'*tory of Ten Years Duration of the Society of Old Cech Settlers of ¦>. 86 pp. Chicago, 1908. —J. E. S. Vojan: "Cech Chicago innings and Present Develop ment," pp. 29-68, in Direc> .^ Almanac of the Cech Population of Chicago. 1 Rev. John Rynda: Guide to the Cech Catholic Congregations in the" Archdiocese of St. Paul. 233 pp. Published by the League of Cech priests of that diocese. 1910. 45 the Cechs in America John Kas"par, who emigrated as a lad of fourteen, tells how the Kaspar, Maly, and Navratil fami lies journeyed from Racine (Wisconsin) to McLeod County in Minnesota. Each family provided itself for the long trek with an ox-team and a prairie schooner, in which were piled featherbeds, kitchen utensils, clothing, provisions. The caravan started from Racine on April I, reaching its objective in McLeod County after untold hardships, on July 6. x Iowa received the Cechs somewhat later than Wisconsin. A local annalist counted 139 Cechs in Cedar Rapids in 1856.2 Vaclav Drbohlav is known to have lived in Cedar Rapids in 1850; Vit Fibikar and Vaclav Rigl settled there either in 1851 or 1852. The arrivals of 1854 were John Barta Letovsk^, Anton Sulek, F. Kubias, Joseph Vanous (Wallace), John Witousek, Joseph Woytisek, John Cernin, Joseph and F. Rencin, Jacob Polak.3 "The first permanent settlement was made in the northern part of Johnson County, in Jefferson township and College township in Linn County. The majority of the older settlers in this section 1 The Almanac Amerikdn, 1891. 1 Joseph E. Marcombe: (e) The History of Linn County. * Memorial of the Cech American Day during the Golden Jubilee of Cedar Rapids, June 14, 1906, p. 42. — L. J. P. (alda): "Hall of the Reading Club in Cedar Rapids," the Kvety AmericM, February 16, 1887. — Sarka B. Hrbkova: (e) "Bohemians have done much for Cedar Rapids," The Cedar Rapids Republican, June 10, 1906. — J. R. Jicinsk^: (e) Bohemians in Linn County. Linn County Atlas. Davenport, 1907. 46 NINETEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION came in the years 1854 to 1856, but stragglers fol lowed for many years later." 1 Members of the Pecinovsky family were pioneers in Dubuque and Davenport.2 The settling of Spill- ville and vicinity took place later when railroads made traveling more convenient. M. B. Vosoba, Vaclav Jilek and Anton Simerda bought land in Jones County in 1855.3 Home-builders began arriving in Nebraska in noticeable numbers after 1863, following the pas sage of the Homestead Law. Saline County, and especially the stretch of land lying between the towns of Crete and Wilber, welcomed the vanguard of the strangers, all or nearly all of whom had come from Wisconsin. Some, it is said, were discontented with the climate, others with the soil of Wisconsin.4 A. L. Schlesinger 6 (1806-93), who died in Denver at a ripe old age, was the first-known settler there. Schlesinger had been a deputy to the Bohemian Diet. Dissatisfied with political conditions he emi grated in 1856. After various unsuccessful attempts to gain a footing elsewhere, he landed in Washington County, Nebraska, in 1857. For a number of years 1 B. Simek: (e) The Bohemians in Johnson County. (Ia.) p. i. 5 The Almanac Amerikdn, 1891. * Ibid., 1896. « Rev. John Stephen Broz: History of the St. Vdclav Bohemian Catholic Congregation in Dodge. 73 pp. — Jubilee edition of Osvita Americkd, June 15, 1904. — (e) History of the Bohemians in Ne braska. Published by the Nebraska State Historical Society, 1914. — Otto KotouC: (e) "The Bohemian Settlement at Humboldt," in His tory of Richardson County. « The Kvety Americke, January 6, 1886. Biography and portrait. 47 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Schlesinger made his living as a teamster, hauling food-stuffs and goods over the trackless plains between Omaha and Denver. Another old settler was Edward Rosewater (originally Rosenwasser), the founder of the Omaha Bee and of the Pokrok Zdpadu. Indisputably, Rose- water was the most distinguished Bohemian Jew in the State. John Herman who, like most Nebraskans, had first tried Wisconsin, is said to have brought with him more cash money to America than any other pioneer; according to John Rosicky, a Nebraska newspaper editor, some 80,000 florins. Like Schlesin ger, Herman had taken an active part in the national movement in Bohemia ; like Schlesinger, he too was elected to the Diet. Emanuel Arnold and Charles Havlicek, patriots and revivalists, were his per sonal friends. Both, when danger threatened, found succor under Herman's hospitable roof. Police ter rorism forced him to sell his property and emigrate in 1856. Due to unfortunate investments first in St. Francis, then in Manitowoc in Wisconsin, Her man lost his fortune and settled as a poor man in Saline County.1 Why the Cechs from Moravia have shown pref- 1 The Kvety Americki, March 30, 1887. — Biography and por trait, Jubilee edition of the Osveta Americkd, June 15, 1904. Herman was one of the striking figures among the pathfinders. Not without reason co-nationals looked up to him as a leader. The author served a term in the Nebraska Legislature with Herman's oldest son, Stephen. 48 VACLAV BOHL JOHN HERMAN FRANCIS KORBEL JOHN BORECKY NINETEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION erence for Texas x to the exclusion of other Southern States, is explained in another chapter. Dr. Habe nicht, who practiced his profession there, is author ity for the statement that the men who were instru mental in diverting the initial migration to that State were Pastors Bergman of Zapudov (Mora via) and Joseph J. Zvol&nek of Liptal and Vsetin (Moravia). Letters written by them to members of their former congregations induced many Protest ants from Moravia and Bohemia to migrate there. Catspring in Austin County, all accounts agree, formed the base and concentration point of the newcomers. Here they rested, took counsel, and bought supplies for the fatiguing journey inland. Cech Texas still recalls the old families of Joseph Lesikar, Joseph Siller, John Reymershoffer, Joseph Masik. Lesikar, his biographer records, reached Catspring in 1853. An admirer of Havlicek, he did his bit in preparing the ground for Cech journal ism in the United States. As agent in Texas of the St. Louis Ndrodni Noviny, an outspoken Unionist paper, Lesikar was threatened with death by Con federate neighbors unless he gave up the agency of this mischief-making publication. One of the Siller family studied law and was either the first or one of the first Cechs in the United States to devote himself to the practice of that profession. The Rey- mershoffers passed through Catspring in 1855. 1 Kenneth D. Miller: (e) "Bohemians in Texas," The Bohemian Review, May, 1917. 49 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Drifting to Galveston, they became prominent in business and politics there. John Reymershoffer, a son of the pioneer, acted as Austrian Consul. By Joseph Ma§ik is claimed the distinction of having been the first teacher of his nationality in Texas. In company with fifteen other families, Masik landed in Galveston in 1855; thence the travelers proceeded by boat to Houston and from Houston in prairie schooners to Catspring.1 Substantially the same story is reported by Antonfn Strupl, a photog rapher, having a studio in Industry.2 A prominent figure in Texas is August Haidusek of La Grange, proprietor of the journal Svoboda, jurist and banker. Haidusek migrated to Texas as a lad before the Civil War. He served in the Con federate army. He thinks he was the first lawyer of Cech birth in this country, having been admitted to the Texas bar in 1870.3 In Kansas, the oldest settlement took root ten years after the Civil War. "Meandering southwest, we entered Kansas at the corner of Washington and Republic Counties going through Republic, Jewell, Mitchell, and Lincoln Counties into Wilson town ship, Ellsworth County. . . . The founding of the settlement in Palacky Township occurred in June, 1876. . . . The largest party of Bohemian home- seekers came September 1, 1876, from Chicago. It was one of the organized clubs or colonization socie- 1 The Almanac Amerikdn, 1887. 2 Ibid., 1892. > Ibid., 1901. 50 NINETEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION ties (p. 477)." The newcomers spread over the counties of Osborne, Mitchell, Lincoln, Russell, Ellsworth, Barton. The locust pest, which ruined crops in Saline County, was the direct cause of many Nebraskans emigrating to Kansas.1 Settlements in North and South Dakota were founded, not by professional farmers arriving direct from Bohemia, as was the case with the farming j settlements in Wisconsin, Nebraska, and Iowa, but 1 by proletarians from large cities, such as Chicago. The longing to get away from the grinding misery i in the shop and factory impelled New Yorkers, { within the last fifteen or twenty years, to buy' farms in Connecticut. A few wayfarers went to Pennsylvania (Alle gheny) before the Civil War, but the main influx did not set in there until the seventies. The charac ter of the Pennsylvania immigration is essentially different; not farmers, but millworkers and miners migrated there. An attempt at farming on the cooperative plan was made by a number of families from Chicago at Vontay, in Virginia. The community, however, dis solved in 1900, after an existence of less than three years. Another settlement centering about Peters burg, near Richmond, has been, on the other hand, highly successful. The agricultural contingents in Oregon and 1 Francis J. Swehla: (e) "The Bohemians in Central Kansas." Collections of the Kansas State Historical Society. Topeka, 1915. 51 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Washington are not only small, but necessarily recent. This is also true of Oklahoma. The farmer constructed his dwelling as necessity dictated. If he chose his future home in prairie States such as Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, where tim ber was scarce, he built a sod house; if his prefer ence was for a woodland country, like Wisconsin, he constructed a log cabin. F. J. Sadilek, Register of Saline County in Nebraska, narrates how on a dark night he once rode with his horse and wagon right over a dugout, realizing his blunder only when he heard the terrified shrieks of the inmates. The sod houses were mere burrows in the ground. Where a stream ran through the land, the settler usually dug himself into the slope of it.1 Farmer Joseph Klima, who settled in 1854 near Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, describes how mem bers of his family, harnessing themselves, pulled logs to the site chosen for the cabin. Corn bread and "coffee," the latter ground from roasted corn, was the daily if not the sole food of the family. At times even that gave out. By dint of hard labor and self- denial, Klima saved enough to buy a team of oxen, a wagon, and a plow. After that, the progress of breaking up the ground went on more quickly than when the sole farming implement was a pick and a shovel. "I dragged on my back feather beds tied in a bundle and some kitchen utensils. My wife carried 1 F. J. Sadilek: My Reminiscences. 60 pp. Omaha, 1914. 52 Joseph L. Lesikar The Hubacek Brothers THE PATHFINDERS NINETEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION cooking-pots and our nine-year daughter had in her arms a kitten. Thus equipped we started house keeping in Wisconsin. Upon a closer examination of the land we had picked out, we espied on it some deserted log cabins, or rather the odds and ends of cabins, for everything but the walls was gone. With another family we put up in one of the cabins; our pallets consisted of a few logs on which we strewed brushwood to make them softer." * "With hoes we raked a patch of ground to plant potatoes. Our house was a very simple affair. We dug a hole in the ground, lining it with sod. Then we threw a top over it, overlaid that with brush wood and thatch and our dwelling was complete." 2 To get a true perspective on the old immigrations something should be known of the social and politi cal conditions as they existed in Bohemia about 1848. First of all let it be borne in mind that it was the agricultural and domestic labor from the prov-l I inces which supplied the major part of the new-' comers. Secondly, the peasantry had just emerged from a condition resembling semi-slavery, the law which abolished forced labor having been passed in 1849. The elementary school taught little more than reading, spelling, and arithmetic. The sover eign desired not educated citizens, but loyal and obedient subjects. For centuries the ruling class drummed into the head of the peasant its specious 1 The Almanac Amerikdn, 1903. Narrative of Frank Hrbek. 2 Ibid., 1891. Narrative of Joseph Pecinovsk£« 53 THE CECHS IN AMERICA theories: obey the Church, obey the Government, obey the lords. The archbishop claimed a prior lien on the peasant's soul; the emperor held a chattel mortgage on his body; the lord usurped the fruits of his labor. To the peasant little was left that was i free and unencumbered. Regimented from childhood up to obey and never i to command; knowing little or nothing of constitu tional liberty, was it any wonder that, if compared : to an Englishman, a Swede, or a German, the old- time Cech immigrant appeared backward and ser vile and sheepish? The fault, of course, was not his; the blame rested on the shoulders of those who for centuries held captive his intellect, who sought to retain their hold on him by the pernicious teaching that dumb obedience and unreasoning faith were his only hope of salvation. "When I came to St. Louis in May, 1857," says John Borecky,1 " I found in that city a strong Cech community. They had a Catholic Church, and a C.S.P.S. fraternal lodge. Yet the genuine Cech spirit somehow or other was lacking. Among so many of my countrymen I found no books except prayer books." When the author last visited his native land he was importuned with all sorts of questions con cerning the Americans. "Tell us how our country- 1 Lecture delivered by John Borecky on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Slovanska Lfpa Society. St. Louiske Listy, Jan uary, 1909. 54 NINETEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION men are doing in America. — Do you know my cousin, a manufacturer in Chicago? — Have you heard of my uncle, Mr. X? He is said to be doing excellently. — What do you hear about Mr. N., a wealthy notary in Chicago?" Everywhere the author met people who had or claimed to have uncles, cousins, brothers-in-law, grandfathers, who were manufacturers, wholesale merchants, superin tendents, and foremen. In every instance the rela tive held some commanding position; that all were wealthy was self -understood, for can one imagine an American uncle who is poor? A Prussian captain of industry has said that America was a land of unlimited possibilities. Yet despite all these possibilities we know that the process of transforming a peasant into a great mer chant and a mechanic into a manufacturer is not as rapid as some would wish and others want to believe. Every Cech community, of course, has its superintendents, foremen, and merchants, but these men, without an exception, have worked themselves up only after a hard and long-drawn- out struggle. Dollars and gray hair invariably come to the successful man together. A young Prague machinist remarked to the author: "I shall go to America next spring. I shall remain there three or five years, no longer, until I have saved some money, then I shall return to Prague.'^ That in America one gets rich quickly or easily is another illusion. Cech immigration is more 55 the Cechs in America than seventy years old, and yet how many wealthy men are there of that nationality? They can be counted on the fingers of two hands. But what immi grant has amassed a fortune overnight? Not one. Five years are spent in preparatory work; another five or ten years elapse before our Central European disappears in the melting-pot. Then there is the English language, the knowledge of which is useful to the mechanic and small business man and indis pensable to the professional. Without it the new comer is much in the same predicament as the handsome prince in the fable whom the sorceress had lured into the bewitched circle: he was power less to extricate himself from his position and none could reach him from without. To master English is in itself a problem. In three, five years, few suc ceed in accomplishing the task; those who shut themselves within the narrow confines of their own communities seldom learn it except in a perfunc tory fashion. In the beginning they held their social functions in halls owned by Germans. The reason was obvi ous. Next to the mother tongue, they were profi cient in German. English sounded unfamiliar to them. The community grew socially and economi cally, and churches and lodge-halls were built. These structures were modest, and judged by pres ent-day standards, unsightly. They answered the purpose, however, and satisfied the taste of the time. The material used in every instance was 56 SOKOL SLOVANSKA LIPA HALL CHICAGO C.S.P.S. HALL, CHICAGO 5N "S\ & Pflfr CECH-AMERICAN HALL, MILWAUKEE PLZENSKY SOKOL GYMNASTIC ASSO CIATION HALL, CHICAGO NINETEENTH-CENTURY IMMIGRATION wood. The Catholics in St. Louis built in 1854 a frame chapel (St. John Nepomuk) ; their Chicago co-religionists built in 1864 a frame chapel (St. Vaclav). The Sokol Slovansk& Lipa erected a frame hall on Taylor Street in Chicago in 1869. The Perun Hall, the social center of the Cleveland commu nity, originating in 1 87 1, is, however, constructed of brick. The C.S.P.S. Hall on Eighteenth Street, Chicago, which for many years housed a language school, is of the same material, brick. It dates to 1871. From wood to brick — a step forward. Years pass by, the old country sends annually a contin gent of from 5000 to 10,000 future citizens; the fresh arrivals augment the strength of those already here. Gradually the more enterprising shop- workers branch out as master mechanics; others leave fac tories to go into small business as bakers, grocers, butchers. The more Americanized settlers begin to buy real estate, at first for home purposes, later for speculation. Real estate rises in price, property in terests multiply, the well-to-do middle class, ap preciating the value of higher school education, gives the children the benefit of high school or col lege training. In time the sons and daughters of butchers, grocers, saloon-keepers, and farmers grad uate as school-teachers, lawyers, doctors, pharma cists, dentists. These American-born and American- bred children, if they decide to live for professional or other reasons in or near the settlement, make its inner life not only more complex, but also more 57 THE CECHS IN AMERICA refined. They refuse to live in the dark flats and ugly tenements which had housed their parents for years. As individuals prosper, their social and economic requirements correspondingly increase. A prompt decentralization of races, composing the old Dual Monarchy, a separation from bed and board, an alignment according to language and race ensues : a Pole to Pole, no matter whether in the old country your John Lubomirski owed allegiance to Austria, Prussia, or Russia; a Cech to Cech; the Magyar to his own; the Austro-German to the Ger mans from the Fatherland. The State idea to which Austro-Hungarian statesmen have clung as ten aciously as the dervish holds fast to his fetich, is that moment proved an illusion, or rather a delu sion: political boundaries that had separated people of the same race are seen to disappear as a rainbow fades. Only two binding ties survive: race and language. CHAPTER IV THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE STOCK THE Thirteenth (1910) Census found 539,392 foreign-born persons of Bohemian (and Mora vian) stock. Of this number 237,283 were of the same mother tongue, 8199 of mixed mother tongue; 41 ,724 were of foreign-born father, 23,448 of foreign- born mother.1 Distribution according to Countries of Origin in Detail * Foreign-born Total foreign 1010 1010 Bohemia (and Moravia) 228,738 539,392 Austria 219,214 515.183 Germany 6,263 17.382 Hungary 1,755 2,868 Russia 1,898 1,694 Europe, not specified 148 405 Canada 118 236 At sea 102 173 England 30 67 Roumania 27 38 Belgium 26 59 France 22 33 Turkey in Europe 18 20 Switzerland 16 34 Greece II 18 Turkey in Asia 8 13 Denmark 7 I3 South America. 7 8 Australia 5 43 Serbia 5 7 1 Thirteenth Census of the U.S. 1010 : Mother Tongue of the For eign White Stock. Table 2, p. 963. * Ibid., Table 22, pp. 995"-9°- 59 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Norway 4 16 Montenegro 4 4 India 4 4 Netherlands 3 17 Africa 3 10 Ireland 3 7 Luxemburg 3 3 Sweden 2 13 Bulgaria 2 3 Scotland I 9 Italy 1 7 Asia, not specified 1 6 Finland 1 5 Central America 1 1 China 1 1 Spain 2 Country not specified 24 41 Mixed foreign 949 Distribution of Stock according to States 1 Illinois 124,225 California 3,707 Nebraska 50,680 Massachusetts 3,010 Ohio 50,004 Washington 2,984 New York 47,4oo Colorado 2,903 Wisconsin 45.336 Connecticut 2,693 1 Texas 41,080 Indiana 2,126 Minnesota 33,247 Oregon 1,709 Iowa 32,050 Montana 1,653 Pennsylvania 13,945 Virginia 1,059 Missouri 13,928 Arkansas 778 Kansas 1 1,603 Wyoming 671 Michigan 10,130 Idaho 663 So. Dakota 9,943 West Virginia 535 Maryland 9.199 Rhode Island 346 No. Dakota 7,287 Kentucky 305 New Jersey 6,656 Utah 268 Oklahoma 5,633 Alabama 184 Tennessee 176 Florida 92 1 Thirteenth Census of the U.S. igio : Mother Tongue of the For eign White Stock. Table 17, pp. 985-86. 60 THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE STOCK New Mexico 175 Nevada 84 Louisiana 173 So. Carolina 71 District of Columbia 135 Mississippi 61 Georgia 127 New Hampshire 44 Delaware 121 Maine 41 Arizona 97 No. Carolina 16 It will be seen that the stock is bulked in the Middle West. South of the Mason and Dixon line, Texas comes first with considerable Cech popula tion, and Oklahoma next. Distribution in Cities havi Albany, N.Y Atlanta, Ga Baltimore, Md Birmingham, Ala . . . Boston, Mass Bridgeport, Conn . . . Buffalo, N.Y Cambridge, Mass Chicago, 111. Cincinnati, O Cleveland, O Columbus, O Dayton, O Denver, Colo Detroit, Mich Fall River, Mass Grand Rapids, Mich. Indianapolis, Ind Jersey City, N.J Kansas City, Mo Los Angeles, Cal Louisville, Ky NG 100,000 OR MORE INH, \BITANTS * Total Native foreign Foreign- of foreign white stock bom or mixed 1910 parentage 91 56 35 25 9 16 7.750 3,354 4,396 17 7 10 551 233 3i8 559 295 264 271 152 119 24 13 11 110,736 50,063 60,673 368 170 198 . 39,296 17.134 22,162 172 106 66 H7 78 69 607 248 359 2,641 1,133 1,508 5 5 177 7i 106 104 38 66 222 120 102 171 72 99 564 272 292 56 24 32 1 Thirteenth Census of the U.S. 1910: Mother Tongue of the For eign White Stock. Table 24, p. 1012. 61 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Lowell, Mass 6 3 3 Memphis, Tenn 30 16 14 Milwaukee, Wis 6,370 2,785 3,585 Minneapolis, Minn 1,649 684 965 Nashville, Tenn 37 15 22 New Haven, Conn 109 43 66 New Orleans, La 98 43 55 (New York, N.Y 40,988 21,078 19,910) " " Manhattan Boro . 31,167 16,506 14,661 " Bronx " . 3,206 1,498 1,708 " Brooklyn " . 1,615 857 758 " " Queens " . 4,851 2,129 2>722 " Richmond " . 149 88 61 Newark, N.J 1,150 582 568 Oakland, Cal 229 99 130 Omaha, Neb 5,414 2,622 2,792 Paterson, N.J 87 43 44 Philadelphia, Pa 1,652 778 874 Pittsburgh, Pa 3453 ^9°7 *>546 Portland, Oreg 354 178 176 Providence, R.I 95 63 32 Richmond, Va 47 24 23 Rochester, N.Y 86 33 53 St. Louis, Mo 10,282 4,118 6,164 St. Paul, Minn 4,140 1,621 2,519 San Francisco, Cal 960 489 471 Scranton, Pa 134 69 65 Seattle, Wash 402 239 163 Spokane, Wash 174 77 97 Syracuse, N.Y 83 38 45 Toledo, 0 393 262 131 Washington, D.C 135 59 76 Worcester, Mass 42 19 23 Distribution in Ten Selected Cities * Chicago 110,736 Milwaukee 6,370 New York 40,988 Omaha 5,414 Cleveland 39,296 St. Paul 4,140 St. Louis 10,282 Pittsburgh 3,453 Baltimore 7,750 Detroit 2,641 1 The Slavie of November 3, 1864, estimates the Cech urban popu- 62 THE DISTRIBUTION OP THE STOCK Immigration of Bohemian and Moravian stock from 1882 (in which year Bohemia first appeared independently in the census) to date, the figures since 1910 being those of the Commissioner-Gen eral of Immigration: * 1882 6,602 1900 3,060 1883 5,462 1901 3,766 1884 8,239 1902 5,590 l885 6,352 1903 9,577 1886 4,314 1904 11,838 l887 4,579 I9°5 ",757 1888 4,127 1906 12,958^ J889 3,085 1907.... 13.554' 1890 4,505 1908 10,164 1891 11,758 1909 6,850 1892 8,535 J9io 8,462 1893 5,548 1911 9,223 1894 2,536 1912 8,439 1895 1,607 1913 11,091 1896 2,709 1914 9,928 1897 1.954 1915 1.651 1898 2,478 1916 642 1899 2,526 1917 327 lation as follows: St. Louis, 7000; Chicago, 2500; New York, 1500; Milwaukee, 1200; Cleveland, 800; Detroit, 300. The same paper, dated August 15, 1865, overstates when it asserts that there were (in 1865) 120,000 people of Cech stock in America. The tendency among immigrants is to overestimate their number, so that if offi cial figures are inaccurate, private estimates are in most instances worthless. According to the census of 1870 there were little over 36,000 Cechs in the country. The Slavie of May 3, 1872, thinks that if to this num ber were added those who, through ignorance, had been tabulated as Austrians, we should get a total of 42,000 born in Bohemia. The city population was: Chicago, 6277; St. Louis, 2652; New York, 1487 ; Milwaukee, 1435 ; Detroit, 537 ; Allegheny, 324 ; Pittsburgh) 49. 1 Annual Report of the Commissioner-General of Immigration to the Secretary of Labor, pp. 74-75. Washington, 1917. 63 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Communities having more than ioo People of Cech Stock ' Alabama: Silverhill. Arkansas: Hazen, Dardanelle, Pine Bluff. California: Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco. Colorado: Denver. Connecticut: Bridgeport, East Haddam, New Haven, Chester, Stam ford, West Willington. District of Columbia: Washington. Illinois: Antioch, Algonquin, Belleville, Berwyn, Braidwood, Cary Station, Chicago, Cicero, Coal City, Collinsville, East St. Louis, Edwardsville, Granite City, Lockport, Lyons, Madison, Oak Park, Pullman, Pullman Junction, Streator, Wilmington. 1 The list of communities is based on the United States official census and on private estimates, furnished by persons who, by reason of their social or business standing or length of residence, are qualified to speak with authority for their respective States. The following collaborated on the list: Alabama, Anton Svoboda, farmer, Silverhill. Arkansas, John Kocou- rek, merchant, Hazen. California, Dr. Clara V. Winlow, social worker, writer, Los Angeles. Connecticut, L. C. Frank, former manager of the New Yorski Listy, New York. Illinois and Indiana, the late L. J. Tupf , publisher of the Slavie; J. V. Nigrin, secretary of the Bohemian Literary Society, and Vladimfr A. Geringer, publisher of the Svornost, all of Chi cago. Iowa, Professor Bohumil Shimek, Iowa City. Kansas, Dr. Joseph F. Pecival, Chicago (former practitioner in Kansas), and W. F. Sekavec, County Clerk, Ellsworth. Maryland, V. Miniberger, editor of the Cecho- American, Baltimore. Massachusetts, Joseph Kovar, South Boston. Michigan, John Bedrych, C.S.P.S. official, Detroit. Minnesota, F. B. Matlach, real-estate broker, St. Paul, and Rev. Joseph Bren, Hopkins. Missouri, Hynek Dostal, editor of the Hlas, and A. J. Cejka, fc.S.P.S. official, both of St. Louis. Montana, V. Simacek, farmer, Kolin. Ne- braska, Rose Rosicky, Secretary of the National Printing Company, Omaha. New Jersey, Rev. Norbert F. Capek, Newark. New York, the author. North Dakota, Rev. V. F. Mikolasek, Lankin. Ohio, F. J. Svo boda, publisher of the AmeriSan, Cleveland. Oklahoma, J. HruSka, Prague. Oregon, Adolph Groulik, farmer, Crabtree. Pennsylvania, Fred. Kalina, merchant, Pittsburgh, and Rev. Vaclav Losa, editor of the KrestanskS Listy, Coraopolis. South Dakota, Monsignor E. A. Bouska, Tabor. Texas, Rev. J. W. Dobias, Houston. Washington, James Tyra, Spokane, and John Nedelka, Seattle. Wisconsin, Caroline Jonas-Salak (daughter of Charles Jonas), Racine, and the late Anton Novak, pub lisher of the Domdcnost, Milwaukee. 64 THE DISTRD3UTI0N OF THE STOCK Indiana: Crown Point, Gary, Hammond, Indiana Harbor, Indian apolis, Lockport, North Judson, Whiting. Iowa: Belle Plaine, Britt (or Duncan), Calmar (with surrounding country), Cedar Rapids, Center Point (with surrounding country), Chelsea, Clutier, Cou Falls, Cresco (with surrounding country), Davenport, Elberon, Ely, Fairfax (with surrounding country), Fort Atkinson, Fort Dodge (with surrounding country), Iowa City, Irving, Lone Tree (with surrounding country), Manly, Marion, Marshalltown (or Marshall Quarry, with surrounding country), Mason City, Morse, Mount Vernon, North Liberty, Oxford, Oxford Junction, Plymouth, Pocahontas, Prairieburg, Protivin, Richmond, Riverside, St. Ansgar, Shueyville, Sioux City (with surrounding country), Solon, Spillville, Swisher, Tama, Toledo, Turkey River, Vail, Vining, Walker, Walford, Wakish. Kansas: Ada, Atwood, Belleville, Black Wolf, Caldwell, Clebourne, Cuba, Ellsworth, Esbon, Everest, Glasco, Hanover, Hollyrood, Irving, Jennings, Kanopolis, Lucas, Marysville, Munden, Narka, New Tabor, Ogallah, Olmitz, Palacky, Pilsen, Plainville, Rosse- ville, Timken, Washington, Wilson, Zurich. Louisiana: New Orleans, Libuse, Kolin. Maryland: Baltimore, Curtis Bay. Massachusetts: Boston, New Bedford, Springfield, Three Rivers, Turners Falls, Westfield. Michigan: Detroit, East Saginaw, Grand Rapids, Iron Mountain, Ludington, Owosso, Traverse City. Minnesota: Alexandria, Austin, Badger, Bass Lake, Bear Creek, Bechyn, Beroun, Biscay, Blooming Prairie, Breckenridge, Brook- park, Browerville, Canby, Cromwell, Denham, Eden Prairie, Foley, Glencoe, Glenville, Greenbush, Heidelberg, Hill City (doubtful), Homolka, Hopkins, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jordan, LeSueur Center, Lonsdale, Lucan, Mahnomen, Maple Lake, Meadowlands (doubtful), Melrose (doubtful), Minneapolis, Min- netonka, Montgomery, Myrtle, New Prague, Olivia, Owatonna, Pine City, St. Louis Park, St. Paul, Sauk Center, Seaforth, Silver Lake, Stewart, Tabor, Taunton, Thief River Falls, Ulen, Veseli, Virginia, Vlasaty, Willow River, Winona. Missouri: Bolivar (and Karlin), Cainesville, Fen ton, High Ridge, Kansas City, Mashek, Rock Creek, St. Charles, St. Joseph, St. Louis. Montana: Coffee Creek, Denton, Great Falls, Kolin. Nebraska: Abie, Atkinson, Barnston, Bee, Beemer, Brainard, Bris- 65 the Cechs in America tow, Bruno, Burwell, Clarkson, Colon, Comstock, Crete, David City, Deweese, De Witt, Diller, Dodge, Dorchester, Du Bois, Dwight, Elyria, Exeter, Farwell, Friend, Galena, Garrison, Ge neva, Geranium, Hallam, Hay Springs, Hemingford, Heun, How ell, Humboldt, Kramer, Lawrence, Leigh, Lewiston, Linwood, Lindsay, Lincoln, Lodgepole, Loma, Lynch, Madison, Milligan, Morse Bluff, Niobrara, North Bend, Odell, Ohiowa, Omaha, Ord, Osmond, Pierce, Pishelville, Plainview, Plasi, Plattsmouth, Pleas ant Hill, Prague, Praha, Ravenna, Richland, Rogers, Rushville, St. Paul, Sargent, Schuyler, South Omaha, Spencer, Spring Ranch, Swanton, Stuart, Table Rock, Tate, Thurston, Tobias, Touhy, Ulysses, Valparaiso, Verdigre, Virginia, Wahoo, Western, Weston, West Point, Wilber, Wilson, Wymore. New Jersey: Bayonne, Boundbrook, Elizabeth, Garfield, Hoboken, Jersey City, Little Ferry, Newark, Passaic, Paterson, Trenton, Union Hill, West Hoboken, West New York. New York: Albany, Bay Shore, Bay Side, Binghamton, Bohemia, Buffalo, East Islip, Gloversville, Haverstraw, Herkimer, Newfield, New York, Poughkeepsie, Riverhead, Rochester, Rockland Lake, Sayville, Schenectady, Yonkers. North Dakota:. Bechyn, Conway, Dickinson, Lankin, Lawton, Lid- gerwood, Mandan, New Hradec, Pisek, Praha, Ross, Veseleyville, Wahpeton. Ohio: Akron, Bellaire, Bridgeport, Canton, Cincinnati, Claysville, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Defiance, Dillonvale, Drill, Lorain, Maynard, Mingo Junction, Mt. Carmel, Toledo. Oklahoma: Canute, Garber, Hennessey, Kingfisher, Medford, Okla homa City, Perry, Prague, Yukon. Oregon: Crabtree (and Scio), Malin, Portland, Scappoose. Pennsylvania: Allegheny (and Millvale), Bowerton, Coraopolis, Dauphin, East Pittsburg (and Turtle Creek), Irwin (and Jean- nette Manor), Loyalhanna (and Latrobe), McKees Rocks, Monaca, Mt. Pleasant, North Braddock, Philadelphia, Russellton, Scran- ton, Steelton (and Harrisburg), Uniontown, Verona, Wilkes-Barre. South Dakota: Academy, Armour, Bendon, Bijou Hills, Chamber lain, Crow Lake, Dante, Dixon, Eagle, Butte, Fairfax, Gann- valley, Geddes, Gettysburg, Gregory, Herrick, Houghton, Ips wich, Kadoka, Lake Andes, Lakeport, Lesterville, Letcher, Oka- ton, Platte, Ree Heights, Redfield, Red Lake, Roscoe, Scotland, Sisseton, Tabor, Tripp, Tyndall, Utica, Veblen, Vienna, Vodnany, Wagner, Winner, Yankton. 66 Pisek, North Dakota A street in Protivin, Iowa TWO TOWNS WITH CECH NAMES AND CECH INHABITANTS THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE STOCK Texas: Abbot, Alma, Ammansville, Ballinger, Barclay, Bartlett, Beasley, Beeville, Bleiberville, Bluff, Bomarton, Brenham, Bres- lau, Bryan, Buckholts, Burlington, Caldwell, Cameron, Cats- spring, Chriesman, Cistern, Corpus Christi, Coupland, Crisp, Crosby, Cyclone, Dacosta, Dallas, Deanville, Dillworth, Dime Box, Dubina, East Bernard, El Campo, Elgin, Ellinger, Engle, -* Ennis, Eola, Fairchilds, Falls City, Fayetteville, Flatonia, Flores- ville, Fort Worth, Frelsburg, Frenstat, Frydek, Gainesville, Gal veston, Glenflora, Gonzales, Granger, Guadelupe, Gus, Guy, Hackberry, Hallettsville, Harrold, Haskell, Henkhaus, Hillje, Hobson, Holik, Holland, Holliday, Holman, Houston, Houston Heights, Hubbard, Hungerford, Industry, Inez, Jarrell, Karnes City, Kaufman, Kendleton, Koerth, La Grange, Laneport, Louise, Lovelady, Lyra, Marak, Megargel, Merle, Miles, Moravia, Moul- ton, Mt. Calm, Nada, Needville, Nelsonville, Ocker, Oldenburg, Olmus, Penelope, Pierce, Pisek, Placedo, Plum, Port Lavaca, Poth, Praha, Primm, Rabb, Rices Crossing, Robstown, Rockdale, Rogers, Rosebud, Rosenberg, Rosprimm, Rowena, Roznov, Runge, St. John, Schulenburg, Sealy, Seymour, Shimek, Shiner, Skidmore, Smetana, Smithville, Snook, Strawn, Sublime, Sugar- land, Sunnyside, Sweet Home, Taiton, Taylor, Telico, Temple, Terrell, Thrall, Thurber, Tours, Tunis, Vernon, Victoria, Waco, Waller, Wallis, Waterloo, Weimar, Wesley, West, Wheelock, Wichita Falls, Wied, Yoakum, Yorktown. Virginia: Churchland, Disputanta, New Bohemia, Petersburg, Vontay. Washington: Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma. West Virginia: Wheeling. Wisconsin: Adams, Alaska, Algoma, Alma, Antigo, Appleton, Ash land, Baraboo, Barron, Bayfield, Beaver, Belle Plaine, Belleville, Birchlake, Birchwood, Black River Falls, Blue River, Boscobel, Branch, Bridgeport, Brill, Brodhead, Bryant, Butternut, Cadott, Caledonia, Campbellsport, Carlton, Carolville, Casco, Cato, Cazenovia, Chelsea, Chetek, Chilton, Chippewa Falls, Clay, Cobb, Coleman, Cornell, Cudahy, Dane, Denmark, Deerbrook, Dilly, Dodge, Eastman, Eau Claire, Fairchild, Fennimore, Fifield, Flambeau, Fond du Lac, Fort Atkinson, Forestville, Francis Creek, Friendship, Grand Rapids, Green Bay, Grimms, Haugen, Hazelhurst, Hillsboro, Holy Cross, Hudson, Hurley, Janesville, Jefferson, Kaukauna, Kellnersville, Kenosha, Kewaunee, Kewas- kum, Krok, Krakow, La Crosse, Ladysmith, Langlade, Lancaster, 67 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Lena, Lodi, Luxembourg, Manitowoc, Marathon, Marek, Mari- bel, Marion, Marinette, Marshall, Mauston, Medford, Mellen, Menasha, Menomonie, Merrill, Middleridge, Milladore, Mil waukee, Mishicot, Montfort, Mosinee, Muscoda, Necedah, Neva, New Auburn, North Milwaukee, Oconto, Odanah, Ogema, Osh- kosh, Park Falls, Phillips, Pilot Knob, Pilsen, Plover, Prairie du Chien, Prescott, Prentice, Racine, Reedsville, Rib Lake, River Falls, Rochester, Shawano, Sheboygan, Sister Bay, Slovan, South Milwaukee, Spencer, Stangelville, Sturgeon Bay, Tisch Mills, Two Rivers, Union Center, Viola, Waterloo, Waukesha, Wausau- kee, Wauseka, West Allis, Westboro, West Bend, Woodlawn, Yuba. CHAPTER V TRADES, BUSINESS, PROFESSIONS THE Twelfth Census figures on occupations showed 71,389 Bohemian male breadwinners of the first generation and 32,707 of the second engaged in gainful occupations. Of this number, 32 per cent of the first and 43 per cent of the second generation were engaged in agriculture. These per centages are large and bear witness to the dis tinctively agricultural character of the Bohemian population; taken together, more than 35 per cent of all breadwinners of Bohemian origin were agri culturists in 1900. The concentration of Bohemian farmers in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, and Texas is very evident, not far from four fifths of the 18,094 farmers of the first generation in the United States being found in those States. Nebraska leads with one fifth of all Bohemian farmers of the first generation, Texas follows with one sixth.1 All in all few rural colonies were visited (by the Immigration Commission) where members ap peared more intelligent or more prosperous than some of the Bohemian communities in Texas. In the Middle West — Wisconsin, for instance — Bo hemians are reputed to be on a par with the average 1 Reports of the Immigration Commission, v. 11, part 24, pp. 375- 481. 69 THE CECHS IN AMERICA farmers of any race of the same generation farming under similar conditions. The old settlements in Wisconsin have attained a high state of prosperity. The Commission investigated farming conditions in Texas, where it examined thirty colonies or settle ments; one small group in Missouri was studied; in Connecticut about 60 farming families consisting of 320 persons were visited. No attempt was made to investigate the very prosperous communities in Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Kansas, etc.1 To sum up, 32 per cent of the first and 43 per cent of the second generation are engaged in farm ing; the balance are massed in towns, working at various trades. Retail merchants thrive every where and their number is steadily on the increase. Seldom one finds Cechs doing unskilled outdoor labor, blasting, tunneling, road- building; they pre fer indoor jobs in the factory and the shop. Mining, likewise, does not seem to attract them; at least they are less in evidence than other Slavs in the Pennsylvania coal mines, coke regions, and steel mills. Musicians, professional and amateur, are numerous. A rather large proportion are employed as tailors — 6.9 per cent of the male breadwinners in the first generation and 3.7 per cent of those in the second. The corresponding percentage for the Russians are, respectively, 18 per cent and 5.5 per cent and for 1 Reports of the Immigration Commission, v. I, part 24, p. 9. 70 TRADES, BUSINESS, PROFESSIONS the Austrians 7.9 per cent and 1.9 per cent. No other nationalities have as high percentages in this occupation.1 In general intelligence the tailors rank high; many of them have learned the trade in large European cities, Prague, Vienna, Paris. A distinctive feature of the occupational distri-j bution of immigrants is the comparatively large! percentage (3.2) employed as tobacco operatives.jl This exceeds the corresponding percentage re ported for any other of the seventeen classes of immigrants for which the occupation statistics have been computed, the next highest percentage being that for the Russians (2.1). Of the 2266 Bohemian male immigrants reported in this occu pation, 1738, or more than three fourths, were in the State of New York, constituting more than one fourth (26.1 per cent) of the total number of Bo hemian immigrant breadwinners in that State. In the second generation the percentage of tobacco and cigar factory operatives declines to 7.7 per cent in the State of New York and to 1.3 per cent in the United States.2 Why the old immigration went into cigarmaking ( is not an uninteresting story. In the town of Sed-j lee, in Bohemia, the former Austrian Government! operated a large cigar factory employing over two 1 Reports of the Immigration Commission. Occupations of the first and second generations of immigrants in the United States, Senate Doc. 282, p. 117. * Ibid., p. 117. 71 1 i ! THE CECHS IN AMERICA thousand men and women. The tobacco industry in Austria was a government monopoly. In the sixties a few of the Sedlec cigarmakers emigrated to New York. The newcomers earned good wages, they wrote to their friends, and presently more cigarmakers arrived. Eventually workmen from other trades, unable to find employment in their own particular lines, mainly owing to their igno rance of English, drifted into the tobacco shops, and soon butchers, blacksmiths, students, tailors, musicians, men, women, and children toiled at to bacco — some in the shops, others, usually fam ilies, at "housework." Editor Palda estimated that when he visited New York in 1873, fully 95 per cent of his countrymen were earning their living at this sort of work. The system remembered in New York with horror as "housework" was abolished by act of the legislature in 1888. Theodore Roosevelt, by the way, was very active in the passage at Albany of this law. No greater menace to the public health ever existed than housework cigarmaking. The. ban put on it liberated from the tobacco bondage thousands of women and children. Even the male workman profited thereby; for unable to find a job in the shops, which became congested in con sequence, he was forced to look around for other work. In time he managed to get back to the trade to which he had been apprenticed in the old coun try. In the end the saying, "Every Cech a dgar- 72 TRADES, BUSINESS, PROFESSIONS maker," ceased to be true. It is estimated that less than 15 per cent of Cechs are now attached to this industry directly or indirectly in New York City. A New Yorker, well qualified to speak on the subject by reason of his long residence and his close intimacy with the home life of his nationals adduces these reasons why the second generation has given up cigarmaking and is going into other employ ments : "The young folks will not learn it and follow it as a trade. While it may have been good enough for their parents, they reason, it is not good enough for them. A girl who has graduated from a pub lic school will not think of going to the tobacco factory, there to work side by side with Italian, Russian, and Greek girls freshly landed. The de partment store, the office, win them because they offer greater opportunities than work in cigar shops." Fifty years of cigarmaking are back of the New York community, yet how many manufacturers of Cech nationality are there? Wertheimer, Bondy, Lederer, Krebs — not one Cech among them. The percentage of clerks, copyists, and salesmen among Bohemian male breadwinners advances from 1.6 per cent in the first generation to 5.6 per cent in the second. These figures are for the United States. In the State of New York the percentage is 1.2 in the first generation and advances to 5.8 in the second.1 1 Reports of the Immigration Commission, Senate Doc. 282, p. 118. 73 THE CECHS IN AMERICA In the first generation the leading occupation is that of farmer; in the second generation that of agricultural laborer. In each generation the four leading occupations are the same — farmers, gen eral laborers, tailors, and agricultural laborers.1 Four occupations — tobacco and cigar factory operatives, carpenters, miners, and butchers — appear in the list of the first ten for the first gener ation, but not in that for the second. In the second ! generation these places are taken by the clerks and copyists, the salesmen, the machinists, and the draymen, hackmen, and teamsters.2 Some thirty years ago a number of skilled pearl button makers came to the United States from 2i- rovnice, a provincial Bohemian town, known far and wide for its highly specialized pearl button industry. The 2irovnice workers introduced the craft here, and to-day there are some fifty pearl button shops owned by Cechs, employing in normal times from 1250 to 1300 operatives. This represents a total of 75 per cent of the industry in the East. The shops are in Manhattan, Astoria, and Winfield, in New York; Staffordville, West Willington, Higganum, Connecticut; Carlstadt, New Durham, Hoboken, Little Ferry, Cliffside, Newark, and Union Hill, New Jersey. The Mother 1 By the caption "agricultural laborers" is not meant seasonal labor on the farm only; it includes the sons of farmers, who live on the place with their parents. 1 Reports of the Immigration Commission, Senate Doc. 282, p. 118. 74 TRADES, BUSINESS, PROFESSIONS of Pearl Industry Association uses none other save ocean pearl.1 A 2irovnice man is said to own in Chicago the largest shop of its kind in the United States. A machinist in New York who is interested in one of the local shops has invented a labor-saving machine which, by way of compliment, he exports to Zirovnice. Land-ownership, more than any other agencyJJ has contributed to the wealth of Cechs in America.'/ All prospered who invested in land, the farmer in a higher degree than the city man. One can easily figure out how much the farmer has added to his competence when one remembers that fifty or sixty years ago he bought his land for a trifle of $5 or $10 an acre and now he values the same land at from $75 to $300 and even more an acre. If the buyer of city lots had the good fortune of getting in the path way of the building wave, he was able to dispose of his property quickly and advantageously; a less as tute or lucky buyer had to bide his time. Building lots were contracted for on the installment plan — one or two hundred dollars sufficed to bind the purchase. Early recognizing the value of self-help, they joined savings, loan, and building associations. With the aid of these associations thousands were enabled to build and own cottages in cities. In 1916 a Cleve land building association, the Mravenec (Ant), applied to the State authorities for permission to 1 Figures furnished by William Lomnicky, Secretary of the Mother of Pearl Industry Association, New York. 75 THE CECHS IN AMERICA increase its shares from $3,500,000 to $5,000,000. Commenting on the application, newspapers stated that this made the Mravenec the second strongest savings and loan association in Ohio. According to the report of the Auditor pf Public Accounts sub mitted to the Governor of Illinois showing the condition in that State of building, loan, and home stead associations as of December 1, 19 10, 94 out of a total of 197 associations located in Chicago were Cech; of a total of $17,000,000 assets, the share of these Cech associations was $8,785,917, or more than 50 per cent of the whole.1 If one strolls along Broadway, New York's main business artery, one notices scores of business signs bearing Slavic names: Zemanski, Pulaski, Chuknin, Malowicz, Verbelovsky, are some of the patronymics that beam at one in gold letters. If one peeks over the window shutter, however, one finds no Slavs there. The truth is that the Slav, inclining by temperament to husbandry, is a nov ice, a newcomer in business; he began late and with the small capital which he commands he must court luck in less aristocratic business thor oughfares than Broadway. The Jews are almost the sole carriers of Slavic names in big business. To this state of things the Cechs are no exception, though some of them have demonstrated their ability to grapple with the more intricate commer- 1 J. E. Salaba Vojan: Cech American Epistles, pp. 126-29. Chi cago, 191 1. 76 TRADES, BUSINESS, PROFESSIONS cial and industrial problems. The saloon-keeper no doubt preceded all others as a business man. To open a saloon required less preliminary training than almost any other business undertaking; the little capital that he needed for the start the brewer furnished, and if the beginner established himself in a foreign quarter, among the people of his own race, he could get on tolerably well with only the rudiments of English. To deny the great influence of the saloon and the saloon-keeper on the immigrant would be disputing the obvious. Most, if not all, the lodges and clubs which honeycomb the so-called foreign quarters have had their birth under the saloon roof. When in 1873 the New York cigarmakers undertook to organize against the rapacity of the bosses, eight relief societies sprang into existence in eight dif ferent saloons. What old settler does not recall the saloons kept by Mottl in St. Louis, Slavik in Chicago, Hubacek in New York? To have traveled through New York and not to have stopped at August Hubacek's tavern on the East Side would have been tantamount to a gross betrayal of the national cause. The fame of Hubacek's name rang from one corner of Cech America to another. John Slavik's place on Clark Street before the sixties was a recognized rendezvous of Chicagoans. In Jacob Mottl's saloon and boarding-house in St. Louis, the C.S.P.S. benevolent brotherhood ex perienced some of its initial triumphs. A liberal 77 THE CECHS IN AMERICA spender and a good fellow, the saloon-keeper, let it be admitted, was not always a liability. If he chose, or if he was the right sort of man, he could be a valuable asset. Of late years, however, the saloon-keeper's power has rapidly declined. His former prestige is now but a tradition and a tra dition, by the way, which is utterly incompre hensible to the latter-day immigrant. The National Halls, which are now found in every community of any consequence, have de«1t him the severest blow. Then there are the public reading-rooms and libraries, with their foreign departments; these take away from the saloon-keeper many a pro spective patron. A formidable foe of the saloon are the Settlement and Neighborhood Houses with their manifold attractions for young people: gym nastic clubs and summer camps for the boys and girls. Last, but not least, is the influence of the school, which teaches the young to abhor the liquor traffic as something disreputable. An examination of the advertising columns of the Slavie l at the time of the Civil War gives us a pretty good idea of the kind and magnitude of business. Of a total of eight pages, which the Slavie then printed, the advertisements take up less than two pages, and judging by their names, but five of the advertisers are of Cech nationality. Dr. Joseph Castka, physician and surgeon, occupying offices at 113 West Madison Street, Chicago, offers his 1 The Slavie, June 25, 1862. 78 TRADES, BUSINESS, PROFESSIONS skilled services to his countrymen; F. A- Klimt informs the public that he has opened a saloon near the corner of Van Buren and Market Streets, Chicago; Joseph Novak operates a hardware store at 143 Milwaukee Avenue, and John Raisler, a carpenter shop in the same city. Frank Pribyl keeps a grocery in Racine, Charles Roth a saloon and boarding-house in St. Louis. Dr. J. R. Veeter admonishes the St. Louisians to patronize him, because "he has studied in Prague and his ex tensive practice embraces every known disease." Hynek & Kriz manufacture cigars on the corner of Chestnut Street, in Milwaukee, while J. Beck, near Union Hall, in Racine, "expects that all Cechs will purchase unstintingly of his large stock of boots and shoes." If, beside these, we take into account a few small advertisements, such as Wanted, and Take Notice, the sum is complete. By 1865 the roster of advertisers has grown per ceptibly, but the saloon-keeper leads. From Chi cago Franta Bern sends gladsome news to his friends that he takes orders for crayon portraits, and sells pictures and books at reasonable prjces.1 John Borecky wishes all Chicago Slavonians to take notice that he has opened a New Cech Tavern at 239 Canal Street; Anna Brabenec, a midwife graduated with honors from the Prague Clinic of Midwifery, offers to women, at 153 East Sixth Street, New York, the benefit of her ten years' 1 The Slavie, March 14, 1865. 79 THE CECHS IN AMERICA experience. August Hubacek is owner of a Cech Saloon at 235 East Fifth Street, New York. Joseph Vozab heralds to the Cech-Slavs the joyful tiding that he has fitted up the White Inn at 133 Essex Street, New York, "where Cech musicians give a concert every Sunday; dancing every Mon day!" B. Chladek, dealer in household furniture, mirrors, and curtains, recommends his goods to the esteemed public, at 36 West Randolph Street, Chicago; Joseph Bures & A. Matuska are pro prietors of a Cech carpenter-shop in Chicago. "It is situated in Canal Street, No. 237, fifth house from the corner of Van Buren, next to the New Cech Tavern of J. Borecky." Fiser & Rubes' are the owners of a saloon at 160 Van Buren Street, next to the Rock Island Railroad Depot. Franta Seyk, tailor of Kewaunee, Wisconsin, has in stock hats, caps, shawls, gloves, shirts, clothing, and woolen goods for men. Frank Pivrnec, also of Kewaunee, manufactures all kinds of wagons, sleighs, plows, and cutters. Masek & Stransky, of Kewaunee, sell patent medicines, oils, paints, and supplies for painters, dry goods, spices, coffee, sugar, hardware, farmers' implements, the best quality of boots and slippers made to order, farm' and garden seeds, school supplies and clocks, jewelry, hats and caps, lamps and oil, wall-pa per, glaziers' supplies, writing-paper, penholders, perfumery, shoemakers' supplies. J. Vancl & J. Kralicek, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, deal in sugar, 80 Male Breadwinners of Bohemian Parentage (Parents born in Bohemia), First and Second Generations, Classified by Occupations, with per cent Distribution, 1900 1 Occupation All occupations Agents Agricultural pursuits Agricultural laborers Farmers, planters All others in this class Blacksmiths Boot and shoe makers Bookkeeper and accountants Building trades Carpenters and joiners Masons Painters Plumbers Other building trades Clerks and copyists Draymen, teamsters Iron and steel workers Hucksters and peddlers Laborers not specified Machinists Manufacturers and officials Messengers and errand boys Merchants and dealers Miners and quarrymen Printers, lithographers Professional service Salesmen Saloon-keepers and bartenders . . . Saw and planing mills employees. Servants and waiters Steam railroad employees Tailors Textile mill operatives Cotton mill operatives Hosiery Silk mill Woolen mill Other textile mills Tobacco and cigar factory All other First generation (born abroad) Number 71,389 395 22,857 4,428 18,094 335864 1,041 144 3,749 1.947 703792 159 82 5°9 863 1,672 194 9,996 926 498 86 2,130 1,567 417979649 1,064 720230847 4,931 375 48 5 3861 223 2,266 11,420 Per cent distribu tion 100. 0 .6 320 6.2 25-3 ¦5 1.2i-5 .2 5-3 2.7 1.0 1. 1 .2 . 1 •7 1.2 2-3 •3 o3 ¦7 .1 3-02.2 .6 i-4 ¦9 i-51.0 •3 1.2 6.9 ¦5 . 1 . 1 . 1 •3 3-2 16.0 1 Second generation (.born in United Slates) Number 32,707 151 13,997 8,928 4,961 108 325 214249 1,321 521 92 434 196 64 929591605 60 2,659 643 140 393759 254438653 930305 169 114 300 1,198 57 55 99 29 420 4,788 Per cent distribu tion 100. 0 •5 42.827-3 15-2 •3 1.0 ¦7 9 4.0 1.6 •3 1-3 .6 .2 1.8 .2 8.1 2.0 •4 1.2 23 .8 i-3 2.0 2.8 ¦9-5 ¦3¦9 3-7 .2 Reports of the Immigration Commission, Senate Doc. 282, p. 120. THE CECHS IN AMERICA coffee, tea, chicory, spices, chocolate, almonds, raisins, dates, nuts, dry prunes, pears, and dried apples, rice, pearl barley, millet; buy and sell pro duce and pay to farmers the highest cash prices; keep in stock patent medicines of all the firms of repute, lamps, oils and purest kerosene; excellent Limburger and Swiss cheeses, cigars of every brand, and particularly a large stock of old wines and best beers. J. Gerhardy & Frank Novak, of ioo Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, "hereby an nounce that, as heretofore, they have on hand a varied assortment of iron and tinware and other goods, stoves included; they also deal in Austrian scythes, the latter being the make of the most renowned Bohemian and Styrian factories." Frank Mary gives notice to all Cech-Slavs that he has opened the first tavern, "U Sokola," between Fifth and Sixth Streets, New York. Incidentally he expresses the hope "that all patriots will patronize him." The New York City Directory for 1850-51 regis ters the name of John Kubin, jeweler, 357 Hous ton Street; Christopher J. Kucha r, bookkeeper, 2"] Bowery; the Directory for 1852-53, Joseph Hubatchek, capmaker, 19 Avenue A.; Andrew Hu- baczek, engraver, 86 East Broadway; the Direc tory for 1851-52, Wenzel Twrdy (spelled by de scendants Twidey), tailor, 91 Willet Street. The Directory for 1859, Anthony Pokorny, capmaker, 213 Avenue A.; Francis Pokorny, saloon-keeper, 82 TRADES, BUSINESS, PROFESSIONS 294! Grand Street; Gabriel Pokorny, turner, 70 Willet Street; Louis Pokorny, tailor, 213 Clinton Street.1 Francis Vlasak or Francis W. Lasak (alias Lassak, as the name looked after it had been be comingly trimmed by the owner), who started as furrier at 376 Broome Street, was one of the first merchants of Cech nationality in the United States.2 From that street Lassak removed to 19 John Street, where he remained for years. The story is that Lasak owed his start in the fur busi ness to John Jacob Astor. The Lassaks inter married with well-to-do New York families and acquired considerable wealth. Another pioneer merchant was John Konvalinka, likewise a furrier. Konvalinka began cutting furs at his home, 11 Division Street, moving later to 36 Maiden Lane.3 The name Konvalinka is still seen above a fur shop in Maiden Lane. He died in June, 1896, at the age of seventy-five years, leaving four children. The Mathushek Piano (now a corporation) derives its name from Fred Mathuscheck,4 who began after the fifties as a piano-maker on a small scale at 34 Third Avenue. Another Cech piano- maker was J. Laukota, who, in partnership with 1 Trows' New York City Directory. 1859. 2 Thomas Longworthy: New York Register and City Directory for the Sixty-fourth Year of American Independence. New York, 1839. 3 Henry Wilson: The Directory of the City of New York for 1852-53. 4 According to Cech orthography, MatouSek. In the 1852 New York City Directory Mathuscheck is put down as a wood-carver. 83 THE CECHS IN AMERICA one Marschall, conducted a business at 5 Mercer Street.1 The following table, extracted from the Directory of Bohemian Merchants* throws an illuminative sidelight on the business life of the community in Chicago. The table, of course, does not include all the merchants and traders of that nationality, rather only those in business there whose card is inserted in the Directory. Twenty-six different occupations are classified. Contracting tailors 322 Barbers 43 Saloon-keepers 321 Lawyers 43 Grocers. 266 Custom tailors 40 Butchers 147 Bakers 39 Boots and shoes 107 Builders 38 Milkmen 97 Druggists 27 Confectioners and stationers 84 House-painters 26 Insurance and real estate Masons 25 brokers 60 Undertakers 22 Midwives 60 Music conservatories 22 Dressmakers 58 Bandmasters 19 Wood and coal 51 Plumbers 19 Cigar manufacturers 51 Blacksmiths 19 Physicians 45 Lawyers, physicians, and dentists are multiply ing so fast of late that warnings have been sounded of "overproduction of the learned proletariat." Chicago alone supported, in 1917, 46 male and 22 female medical practitioners and 78 lawyers.3 The 1 Henry Wilson: The Directory of the City of New York for 1851-52. 2 Directory of Bohemian Merchants, Traders, and Societies. Chi cago, 1900. 8 For the information on medical practitioners the author is indebted to Dr. L. J. Fisher; for the figures on lawyers, to Joseph A. Holpuch. 84 Joseph. Sosel J. W. Sykora John Karel August Haidusek THE FIRST LAWYERS TRADES, BUSINESS, PROFESSIONS Directory and Almanac of 191 5 1 prints (p. 241) the cards of 36 male and (p. 245) 19 female physicians. In the number of their inteligence the Cechs far surpass all other American Slavs. The great ma jority of the professionals are, of course, Ameri cans by birth or education. Physicians graduated from Prague or Vienna are comparatively few, the glamour of their foreign diplomas being no longer as overpowering as it was in the past. Who came first, the physician or the lawyer? Obviously the physician, since a diploma from a European medical school entitled him to practice medicine without an admission examination. Not so with the lawyer, in whose case the knowledge of English and also of American law was indispens able. And who but a native or a long-time resident possessed that knowledge in a sufficient degree to enable him to plead cases in court? Joseph W. Sykora2 of Cleveland believed he was entitled to wear the toga of the first Cech Blackstone. Fred erick Jonas, however, disputes Sykora 's contention. According to him, Joseph Sosel of Cedar Rapids was undoubtedly the first. F. Kolacnik is reported to have been a practitioner in Chicago in 1862. F. Parti, who did a law business in Chicago at the 1 Directory and Almanac of the Bohemian Population of Chicago. 1915- 2 J. W. Sykora came to Cleveland in 1863 as a student of the Latin School at Pisek. In the early years he took a conspicuous part in the social life of his countrymen of that city. At Pisek, Sykora was a classmate of John V. Capek. 85 THE CECHS IN AMERICA close of the sixties, was an old settler.1 Very likely Parti was a type one encounters in the doorways leading to piepoudre courts — a go-between and, on occasion, interpreter. Joseph Siller of Texas is said to have had a law office at Eagle Lake, Col orado, at the close of the Civil War. In New York there was Konvalinka, son of the furrier of that name, and John E. Brodsky; on the paternal side both were of Cech origin. "From this it would appear," comments Frederick Jonas', "that Sykora was not the first but probably the third among pioneer lawyers." August Haidusek, a newspaperman, jurist, and banker at La Grange, was admitted to the bar in Texas in 1870. He also advances his claim to priority as a valid one.2 Dr. Francis A. Valenta, a Cech by name, if not by affiliation, commenced practic ing in Chicago in 1851. Valenta is said to have early reemigrated to Europe. Dr. de Lewandowski, a "Bohemian" physician, enjoyed an extensive practice in New York City in the seventies. Doc tors of the stamp of de Lewandowski, who were ready to pose — on the office door-plate or in newspaper puffs — as a Bohemian for Bohemi ans, as a Pole for Poles, as a German for Germans, were by no means uncommon. Older readers of the 1 Dr. John Habenicht and Antonfn Pregler: Memorial of Old Cech Settlers in Chicago, p. 15. 1899. Reference to Kolacnik and Parti. 2 The Almanac Amerikdn, 1901. 86 A. M. Dignowity, San Antonio Adolph Chladek, Chicago John Habenicht, Chicago Edward J. Schevcik, New York PIONEER PHYSICIANS TRADES, BUSINESS, PROFESSIONS foreign-language press recall with a shudder the glaring advertisements of the "Eminent European Specialists." Whether any of the practitioners of long ago became rich from the proceeds of their practice is extremely doubtful. From what Dr. John Habenicht has to tell us of conditions in Chicago, it may be believed they did not. In the first place, people were too ignorant or faint hearted to go to the doctor save in desperate cases, when, as the Cech saying goes, "the patient's soul is on the tip of his tongue." Obstetrical cases were then wholly monopolized by the ubiquitous and complaisant midwife, "graduated with honors from the Prague clinic of midwifery." Then there was the proprietary medicine man to contend with — the greatest foe of the legitimate practi tioner of foreign nationality. Forty or fifty years ago competition against him must have been dis couraging, indeed. Nowhere was the humbug of his miracle-working liniments, pain-expellers, pul monary teas (brust thee), cough syrups, blood-puri fiers, more obstrusive and offending than in the foreign-language press. Dr. Habenicht asserts that "at that time [1866] there were only two Cech physicians in Chicago, Dr. Adolph Chladek and myself."1 Dr. Habenicht should not be understood as claiming that before his time there were no doctors outside of Chicago. There was, to mention one instance, Dr. Anthony » Dr. John Habenicht : Memoirs of a Cech Physician, p.44. Chicago, 1 897. 87 THE CECHS IN AMERICA M. Dignowity in Texas. Having landed in New York in 1832, Dignowity, after a somewhat ad venturous career — he had been a manufacturer, real-estate speculator, inventor, saloon-keeper, abo litionist agitator, mine-owner, author, and phys ician — moved to San Antonio, Texas, where he died in 1875. 1 Aldermen and councilmen, school trustees, as sessors, justices of the peace, legislators, county and town treasurers, registers and town clerks of Cech nationality have increased so prodigiously of late that the chronicler cannot count them all. Twenty, thirty years ago the newspaper editor introduced a column with the caption "Cechs in America," and in this column he noted the eleva tion to public office of every co-national. In those strenuous days even constables and justices of the peace came in for a generous share of newspaper applause. The editor recorded triumphantly the name of every village statesman rising to fame, every school-teacher, every pupil graduating with honors or without them, from a high or normal school. No one was too small to be overlooked. "The Cleveland people have no reason to com plain that Cechs are unrepresented in the police and fire departments of that city. According to the latest official bulletin, A. B. Sprosty is chief of police; A Cadek, F. Sprosty and F. Hoenig are 1 Anthony M. Dignowity: Autobiography. Bohemia under Aus trian Despotism. New York, 1859. 88 Thomas F. Konop Anthony Michalek John J. Babka Adolph J. Sabath CONGRESSMEN OF CECH. NATIONALITY TRADES, BUSINESS, PROFESSIONS captains; there are two lieutenants and 98 police men. In the fire department O. Cermak is captain; J. Pecka lieutenant and there are 43 firemen of our nationality." x If not the first, Edward Rosewater, who was sent from Omaha to the Nebraska State Legisla ture in 1870-71, was one of the pioneer lawmakers of Cech nationality.2 In Iowa, M. B. Letovsky of Iowa City, son of John Barta Letovsky, paved the way for other legislators. Charles Jonas' served in the lower house of Wisconsin, while John Karel, merchant, lawyer, and country banker, was elected from Kewaunee, in the same State. Among the other early Solons was John E. Brodsky of New York and Leo Meilbek of Illinois. Meilbek attained the further fame of having been a pioneer among socialist legislators. Lawmakers of Cech nationality in Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Dakota, Wisconsin are no longer rare. More than half a dozen of them help to make and unmake laws in Nebraska alone. The old-timers thought that Jonas' was the only man fit to represent his countrymen in Congress. Imagine, therefore, the surprise of all when in 1904 a young man, Anton Michalek, unknown even by name outside of the city where he lived, was elected to Congress by the Republicans of a Chicago district. Soon thereafter came Adolph J. 1 The Kvety Americke, August, 1918. 2 The Pokrok Zdpadu, September 25, 1889. 89 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Sabath, likewise from Chicago. A third repre sentative got in from Wisconsin — Thomas Konop. Yet a fourth Congressman of Cech ancestry, John J. Babka of Cleveland, was elected in the fall of 19 1 8. Priority, however, belongs to Michalek. No Cech has yet succeeded in being elected to the Senate, though the late Edward Rosewater was prominently mentioned as a candidate. More numerous than either the doctors or lawyers are the school-teachers. A recent estimate put the number of teachers of Cech descent in Nebraska alone at 290. Frederick Jonas believes that the daughters of J. B. Seykora of Iowa pre ceded all others as teachers. The two Landa sis ters of Cleveland taught public school in the mid- seventies. The elder of the sisters, Anna, married Frank Skarda, publisher of the New York DelnicM Listy. After her marriage Anna Skarda assisted her husband in newspaper work. Later she was associate editor of a Texas weekly. The younger sister, Catherine M. Capek, taught in Cleveland from 1874 to 1918. Anna Nedobyty of St. Paul, Minnesota, Clara Vostrovsky Winlow of San Jose, California, and Frances Gregor lead their sex as college graduates. In recent years young men are forging ahead to more responsible positions — as members of fac ulty staffs of colleges and universities. Several of them are scholars of national reputation. All students of chemistry know the name of 90 Dr. F. G. Novy^ Dr. Alois F. Kovarik TYPES OF AMERICAN SCHOLARS OF CECH PARENTAGE TRADES, BUSINESS, PROFESSIONS F. G. Novy, of the University of Michigan. Born in 1864 in Chicago, Novy graduated from the school in which he has been for many years a professor. Then he took post-graduate courses in Europe; among others he attended the University of Prague. Dr. Novy discovered a compound claimed to be a preventive for intestinal diseases such as Asiatic cholera and typhoid fever. In 1901 he was ap pointed member of the United States Commission to investigate the bubonic plague in the Orient. Dr. Robert Joseph Kerner, born in Chicago, is the author of Slavic Europe (a selected bibliog raphy in the western European languages), pub lished by the Harvard University Press in 191 8. For this volume the author gathered material both here and in Europe for a number of years — prac tically since he graduated from Harvard University. To the Anglo-Saxon scholar Slavic Europe is an indispensable aid. When the war broke out, Kerner severed temporarily his connection with the Uni versity of Missouri and accepted employment with the Government. Because of his profound knowl edge of the history, ethnology, and politics of the Slavic nations inhabiting central and southeastern Europe, Kerner's advice was sought by war experts both here and abroad whenever questions affecting the Slavs came up for discussion. Kerner's father is one of the publishers of the Chicago Denni Hlasatel. On the staff of Yale University are two profes- 91 the Cechs in America sors with excellent records: Dr. John Zeleny, born (1872) in Wisconsin, one-time acting dean of the graduate school of the University of Minnesota. Dr. Zeleny is Professor of Physics at Yale. He re ceived degrees from the University of Minnesota, from Cambridge in England, and from Yale. His older brother, Dr. Anthony Zeleny, is Professor of Physics at the University of Minnesota, and still another brother, Dr. Charles Zeleny, is Professor of Zoology at the University of Illinois. Dr. Alois F. Kovafik, an Iowan by birth, was formerly connected with the University of Minne sota; now he is attached to the Sloane Laboratory at Yale. The Victoria University of Manchester, in England, conferred upon Kovafik the degree of Sc.D., in recognition of researches in physics. Professors and students of the Prague University were genuinely surprised when Bohumil Simek, Professor of Botany in the State University of Iowa, delivered in 1914 lectures in impeccable Cech on the plant life of the United States. They were amazed upon being told that the learned botanist had never attended any but English lan guage schools; that up to that time he had not been in Europe; that all the Cech he knew he had learned in Iowa City, his native town, by self-tuition. Simek occupies a unique position among univer sity professors of Cech descent. He was never con tent to act the r&le of a mere onlooker or a critic. He felt he was a blood relative and that he must 92 DR. ROBERT J. KERNER TRADES, BUSINESS, PROFESSIONS collaborate, not criticize. Therefore he joined the societies of his racial kinsmen ; read Cech books and newspapers — for a time he edited the organ of the C.S.P.S. Society; he interested himself in most of their cultural problems. Many a youth is indebted for his college education to the Matice Society, of which the professor is a co-founder. Of his father, "a heretic and rebel" (as Austrian reactionaries used to call the Cech nationalists of 1848), Simek is justly proud. The elder Simek was a pioneer settler in that part of Iowa where the son was born in 1861. For his work as a scientist the Prague University recently made Simek Sc.D. Dri Paul J. Hanzlik, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, Western Reserve University, was born in Iowa (1885), studied in the Universities of Iowa and Illinois, and in 1914 was a research stu dent in the Pharmacological Institute of the Uni versity of Vienna. He has published important papers dealing with subjects in biological chemistry, pharmacology, and therapeutics. The first professor of Cech nationality was M. Charles Hruby, who came in 1834. He taught German language and literature in an Ohio Col lege. CHAPTER VI THE IMMIGRANT AS A LIABILITY OF the police reports obtained from the prin cipal cities of the United States, only those of Chicago contained records of arrests admitting of statistical analysis of the relations of immigrants to crime. The reports of the Chicago Police Depart ment for the four years from 1905 to 1908 con tained tabular statements of arrests by crime and nationality. The records for these four years were therefore combined and retabulated. These figures form the material on which this chapter is based.1 Figures show that offenses of personal violence are relatively most frequent among the crimes of the immigrants coming from eastern and southern Europe — the Lithuanians, Slavs, Italians, Poles, Greeks, Cechs, and Austrians. The largest pro portion is found in the Lithuanian group, of whose total crimes those of personal violence form 12. 1 per cent.2 The relatively large proportion of burglaries among the crimes of Cechs (1.7 per cent) is notice able, though ten other nationalities have larger percentages of the total gainful offenses. The Bo hemian percentage of burglary is the same as the 1 Police Arrests in the City of Chicago, chap, ix, p. 133, Senate Doc, v. 18. Washington, 1911. 2 Ibid., p. 136. 94 THE IMMIGRANT AS A LIABILITY Canadian and the German, but both of these latter nationalities have higher percentages of the total gainful offenses and of the specific crimes of for gery and fraud and of larceny and receiving stolen property.1 Among eight nationalities — Bohemian, Chinese, Danish, French, Irish, Norwegian, Slavonian, and Scotch — no arrests for abduction and kidnaping were made.2 The nationalities having the six highest per centages for simple assault are the Lithuanians, Slavs, Bohemians, Greeks, Poles, and Russians.3 Of the nationalities from the south and east of Europe only the Bohemians and the Russians have smaller percentages of homicide than any nation ality from northern and western Europe.4 The Polish, Bohemian, Slavonian, Canadian, Danish, German, Lithuanian, and Austrian all ex ceed the American white group in percentage for arrests for disorderly conduct.5 The record of the immigrant as a charity-seeker and pauper,6 as a dynamic force in industry,7 as a social problem in large cities,8 is adequately con sidered in the Senate Documents herein referred to. 1 Police Arrests in the City of Chicago, chap, ix, p. 140, Senate Doc, v. 18. Washington, 191 1. 2 Ibid., p. 143. 3 Ibid., p. 143. 4 Ibid., p. 144. 6 Ibid., p. 147. s Immigrants as Charity Seekers, Senate Doc, v. 10. 7 Immigrants in Industries, Senate Doc, vs. 68, 69, 70. 8 Immigrants in Cities. Senate Doc, vs. 66, 67. CHAPTER VII THROUGH INTERMARRIAGE INTO THE MELTING-POT WHILE, as a rule, the young folks choose life partners from among their own race, it will be noted from the figures given below that mixed marriages are increasingly popular. As a matter of fact there are not many Cech families unre lated, through one branch or another, to non-Cechs. Unions with mid-European races, particularly the Teutonic, have been most popular in the past. With Latin nations, Italians or French, or with the far Northern races (Scandinavians), Cechs rarely concluded marital relations. Comparatively few are the cases of Cechs mating with other Slavs: Poles, Russians, South Slavs (Jugo-Slavs). That the Teutons have supplied more marrying partners than all the other nationalities put together, may dismay the idealist and the Slavophil, but it does not surprise one who is familiar with pre-war con ditions in Central Europe. Love not only laughs at locksmiths, but it scorns to be made a party to a race feud. A vital link is the ability to speak the language of the other race; and much as the Slavo phil may deplore it, there still are more Cechs who know German than there are Cechs who speak Russian, Polish, or Serbo-Croatian. The 1 910 census made no investigation concern- 96 DR. BOHUMIL SIMEK THE MELTING-POT ing mixed marriages and hence it is impossible to give later official statistics than those of 1900.1 Father born in Mother born in ¦ Bohemia Austria 1676 Bohemia Canada (English) 154 Bohemia Canada (French) 33 Bohemia Denmark 22 Bohemia England 89 Bohemia France 68 Bohemia Germany 4024 Bohemia Hungary 455 Bohemia Ireland 132 Bohemia Italy 11 Bohemia Norway 22 Bohemia Poland 294 Bohemia Russia 166 Bohemia Sweden 35 Bohemia Switzerland 103 Bohemia Other countries 223 Mother born in Father born in Bohemia Austria 1741 Bohemia Canada (English) 357 Bohemia Canada (French) 92 Bohemia Denmark 9i Bohemia England 241 Bohemia France 171 Bohemia Germany 7H3 Bohemia Hungary 728 Bohemia Ireland 203 Bohemia Italy 85 Bohemia Norway 72 Bohemia Poland 771 Bohemia Russia 191 Bohemia Scotland 61 Bohemia Sweden 98 Bohemia Switzerland 240 Bohemia Wales 20 Bohemia Other countries 274 1 Twelfth Census (1900) of the United States Population, Part 1, p. 850, Table 56. Total persons of mixed foreign parentage. 97 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Is there any particular factor that enters into these mixed marriages? Sometimes it is the occu pational contact — employment in the same shop or factory — which brings two young people to gether. Common faith, if not a determining, is yet an influencing, factor. Years ago when New York Cechs were largely employed at cigarmaking, sev eral Cubans, specializing at what cigarmakers call "Spanish work," married Cech girls working in the tobacco industry. The author has been told that in and near Humboldt, Nebraska, Swiss and Cech farmers, being neighbors, have intermarried freely. The Chicago paper Svornost has recorded the case of the Mayor of Traverse City, Michigan, who boasted of German-Cech-French blood. Cases of curious marital snarls and tangles in evitably occur in mixed marriages. The divorce calendar of the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, contains the case of Gaydou vs. Gaydou. The plaintiff was a Cech woman who knew her mother tongue and no other language; the de fendant was a French-Canadian who could stam mer, besides his native French, only a few words in English. And yet these two, blissfully ignorant of each other's language, managed to live together happily for three whole months. An Italian cobbler in New York, curly-haired and swarthy of skin, swore to love and cherish a flaxen-haired Cech lass from near Kutni Hora. When these two started out on their marital life journey, their lingual at- 98 THE MELTING-POT tainments were so rudimentary that they had to resort to the expedient of the sign language. It makes one realize the truth of the saying that, after all, the whole world is kin, when one reads among lodge notices in the New Yorske Listy a call for a meeting of the "Union of Cech Women," signed by Ludmila Cassidy, secretary, and Jose- fina O'Connell, treasurer. In this instance the Hiber nian and the Cech hearts and hands have joined. Are mixed marriages happy? Mrs. de C, having as a widow married a Belgian, does not advise Cech girls to enter into wedlock with partners not of their own blood. "Usually such marriages end unhappily," is her warning. Mr. — sky of Brook lyn, however, holds an opposite view. His two daughters have made ideal alliances with German- Americans, while his son married a Yankee girl. "What difference does it make," argues Mr. — sky, "whom my girls marry? They are born here, and are therefore Americans, like their hus bands, who are also of the same (American) nation." CHAPTER VIII ALL BORN IN AMERICA BELONG TO AMERICA A NOTED violinist came to New York. The local Cech community, proud of its renowned countryman, gave an evening in his honor. If not contrary to the terms of his contract with the manager, the violinist consented to play. On the great day the Bohemian Hall was crowded with people eager to do homage to the artist who contributed to the fame of his country's music. Every one was pleasurably expectant when the artist arrived in company with his manager, carry ing the magic violin under his arm. The violinist played a bar or two of the national anthem Kde domov muj, putting into the simple air all the feeling of which a Cech musician away from home is capable. At that mOment, tense with emotion, women were seen to press handkerchiefs to their eyes. But it was interesting to note the unequal effect of the anthem on the hearers. While the old folks were visibly moved by the appealing tones that reminded them of the Fatherland, the young people listened coldly, critically. In the orchestra sat an elderly man, a staid citizen, father of several children, all of whom had been born in the metropolis. As the violinist struck the first bar of the Kde domov muj, the old gentle- ioo BORN IN AMERICA, AMERICANS man's powerful frame was seen to shake and his eyes grow moist. His son of about sixteen, who sat next to him, was also aroused by the music, but in a different way. He turned to his father and re monstrated: "Father, why do you weep? Why do you make such a show of yourself?" Are Cech children not interested in the birthland of their parents? Or, to state the case more point edly, are they indifferent about their ancestry? The answer is simple: the American Cech youth — American not only by cold statistics, but by sym pathy as well, for all that is born in America be longs to America — are neither better nor worse than the children of Swedish, French, or Irish parentage. Their schooling is American, their mother tongue English. The spirit of the Anglo- Saxon race, happily blended with distinctive Slavic traits, is their spirit. When Frances Gregor's English version of Bozena Nemcov&'s masterpiece BabiZka (Grand mother) came off the press, the Cech papers in the United States were deeply chagrined that the book, notwithstanding flattering newspaper no tices, did not appeal more strongly to the younger generation. "We are keenly disappointed that our American-born children feel so little interested in the work of our authoress," commented one news paper. "If Babicka had been published here in Cech we should have condoned the apathy of our young folk, but Miss Gregor's Babicka they should IOI I THE CECHS IN AMERICA all be able to understand." Yet is it reasonable to expect from our American children and grand children, reasoned the same journal, whose heads are full of fractions and algebra, to love our ador able Babicka, to listen patiently to her artless tales of rustic life, to evince curiosity about the contents of that wondrous, decorated dowry chest of hers? j The process of Americanization of children be- i gins in the primary grades of the public school and is made complete in practical life. Often for eign-born parents are heard complaining of the rapid denationalization of their offspring. It is by no means unusual for such parents, in order to give to children a working foundation in their vernacular, to make it a practice to converse with them at home in the native tongue, to the ex clusion of English. School-teachers are often in credulous that this or that child has been born in America, so elementary is the knowledge of Eng lish it brings to the schoolroom. The author has in mind the case of a boy, who, though born in New York, knew but a few words of English, and those he pronounced like a foreigner. At home, for his sake, English conversation was eschewed. Having been taken on a visit to his grandparents in San Jose, California, where there were no Cechs, the boy one day came running in to tell his grandfather how stupid his playmates were: they could not speak Cech! Yet all these expedients and precau- 102 BORN IN AMERICA, AMERICANS tions avail nothing. The moment the child crosses the threshold of the schoolhouse, the question of his future fealty is settled. With his grandmother, or other members of the family, he will talk Cech, because he has found out that grandmother knows no other language. Let the child, however, sense a J speaking knowledge of English in any one, relative or neighbor, that person will ever afterward be addressed by him in English only. The oddity has been noticed among the children of foreign-born parents, that while the first born speaks the mother tongue of the parents passably well, the youngest offspring speaks it poorly or not at all. The ex planation is simple enough. When the first child came, the parents in all probability were still monolingual, knowing no other except their own tongue. Meantime, as the other children began ar riving, the parents already had acquired a speak ing knowledge of English; that is to say, they had become bilingual. In consequence, the later-born children, no longer needing the "other language" in their intercourse with parents or older kin, never learned it. You may persist in telling your child of the glory of Bohemia's past; that the land of your birth had an old and honorable record long before the Pilgrim Fathers landed on the Massachusetts coast. The child will answer: But how small your country is compared to our si You realize how futile it is to argue with a youthful head to which nothing ap- 103 THE CECHS IN AMERICA peals more convincingly than physical greatness. The tallest mountain — Mount Whitney; the longest river — Missouri; two oceans; New York now estimated to be the largest city in the world; a republic of more than one hundred million in habitants — is it possible to play a bigger trump- card in order to convince youthful minds? Prague, too, is a city of respectable size? Why, we have a dozen towns larger than Prague. Two of our smaller States, New Jersey and Maryland, will counter pane the whole of Bohemia with a few hundred miles to spare! The area of a single American State is larger than the whole of the Cechoslovak Re public. CHAPTER DI NEW BOHEMIA IN AMERICA TWO and a half centuries ago, Augustine Herrman, lord of Bohemia Manor, visualized a New Bohemia which should shelter exiles of his faith and race, as New England, New Sweden, New Holland, and New France had been planned to serve as a haven of refuge to men from England, Sweden, Holland, and France. Pathfinders like Naprstek and Oliverius fancied that a Cech com munity was realizable; the perplexing question was how and where to establish it. Klacel, to the end of his days, was obsessed with a like notion. He dreamt of Svojanovs, compact groups con ducted somewhat on the pattern of Brook Farm. In the seventies Joseph W. Sykora, a member of the Cleveland bar, drew an alluring picture in the Slavie of a New Bohemia. Unfortunately, Sykora's Cech fairy tale was just what its name said — a fairy tale and nothing more. On December 31, 1865, and January 1 and 2, 1866, the so-called Slavic Congress met in Chicago to discuss the ways and means for the organization of a Cech- Slavic community. Charles Jonas was elected chairman, Adolph B. Chladek, secretary. It was planned to send a delegation (Charles Jonas and J. B. Erben) to Washington to petition the Govern- 105 THE CECHS IN AMERICA ment for a grant of land. But a public subscription which had been ordered to that end did not bring funds enough to defray the traveling expenses of the delegates to the capital, much less to lay a foundation for the proposed community. John A. Oliverius urged his countrymen to mi grate en masse to Oregon, and seek in that State, protected as it is on one side by the sea, the consummation of the long-cherished dream. The scheme was promptly voted down by Charles Jonas, who always looked upon Oliverius as a harmless fanatic. The projected migration of American Cechs to Russia that had been advo cated by J. B. Letovsky, F. Mracek, and others at the beginning of the Civil War, was another man ifestation of their yearning to live apart in settle ments made up of their own people. Experience has shown that the settlements thrived best in which the home-seekers were free to select their acres and choose their neighbors. Where land agents or leaders of colonizing expedi tions did the choosing for the farmers, there was discontent, resulting in failure. One of the earliest fruitful attempts at coloniza tion originated in Chicago. Under the leadership of Franta Bern and Franta Janousek, a company of agriculturists started in the seventies from Chi cago for Knox County, Nebraska. On the way, so the story goes, the two leaders disagreed as to the merits of the land, with the result that the expedi- 106 en 8 g as s •§ w ¦§ a I w t: >o g <: o NEW BOHEMIA IN AMERICA tion split into two parties : a number of the settlers took land in Knox County,1 near the present towns of Verdigre and Niobrara, while the other faction, led by Bern, crossed the Missouri River into the neighboring State of South Dakota and located in Bon Homme County. In 1874 a Chicago organiza tion, styling itself Slovanskd Osada (Slavic Colony) proposed to take workmen from congested centers and settle them in Nebraska or Kansas. About the same time some Omaha people organized the Slavonia club with the object of forming settle ments in Nebraska. The Ceska Osada (Cech Colony) in Chicago, an other organization, issued this appeal in 1876 to prospective land-tillers! "The idea of freeing one's self from the yoke of capital and building one's own existence in the country is excellent. We recog nize it to be the only feasible and practicable solu tion of the so-called workingmen's problems. The fertile soil of the West is capable of giving sus tenance and independence to millions of home- builders and we cannot do otherwise than approve of the plans of the society." The Ceskd Osada also favored settlements in a warmer climate. Onward to Texas, Arizona, and California, read their ad dress; let the Cechs feel the joy of resting in the shade of orange trees after their daily toil! A com- 1 The Pokrok Zdpadu of August 3, 1900, contains an account of the thirtieth anniversary of the Knox County settlement. — The Al manac Pionyr for 1919: "What the first settlers in Nebraska en dured." By one of them (Sedivy). 107 THE CECHS IN AMERICA mittee of this organization was sent to Shasta County, California, to report on conditions there; a minority opposed the coast State because, in its opinion, the price of the land was too high. To some, Oklahoma seemed to offer greater oppor tunities than California. One of the most ardent partisans of California, Frank Petrovec, a young man of the type characterized by Germans as a Latin farmer, because he had been educated in a Latin school, was accidentally killed by a railroad train as the investigation committee neared the border-line of the land of promise. This tragic in cident discouraged the members of the Ceskd Osada, who were never to taste the joy of resting beneath the orange tree after their daily toil. A. F. Dignowity of Del Rio, Texas, invited the j Cechs to settle on a ranch of some thirty thousand j acres which he claimed he owned jointly with his j brothers in Kinney County, seven miles from Fort Clark and Brackett.1 Dignowity contended his land was as fertile as any in California. He wished the countrymen of his father, the late Dr. Anthony M. Dignowity, to avail themselves of the opportun ity and establish a settlement on his land. Dig- nowity's appeal remained apparently unheeded, for no Cechs are known to live in that part of Texas. The Cechs are not the only Europeans who have aspired to build up separate communities. The 1 The Pokrok Zdpadu, January 18, 1888. 108 NEW BOHEMIA IN AMERICA Germans have made systematic and repeated efforts in that direction. Witness the Teutonic concentration in Pennsylvania. The Giesner Aus- wanderungs Gesellschaft schemed to make Mis souri a German State. Read what vision Paul Follenius and Friedrich Munch, two Germans of culture, conjured to themselves: "We must not go from here [Germany] without realizing a national idea or at least making the beginning toward its realization; the foundation of a new and free Ger many in the great North American Republic shall be laid by us. . . . Thus, we may be able at least in one of the American territories to establish an essen^ tially German State, in which refuge may be found for all those to whom conditions at home have become unbearable — a territory which shall be able to make a model State in the great Republic."1 Follenius and Munch and some followers secured land in 1834 m Warren County, but in a larger sense the plan ended in a failure. In 1835, a society was organized in New York by the name of Germania. The main object of Germania was to introduce and foster here German customs and language. The promoters petitioned Congress to set aside a suitable area for exclusive colonization by Germans. Congress disallowed the petition; but the petitioners, undismayed, deter- 1 Albert B. Faust: The German Element in the United States, with special reference to its political, moral, social, and educational in fluence, v. 1, p. 433. 1909. 109 THE CECHS IN AMERICA mined to pursue another course to attain their object. Immigrants from the Fatherland were to be advised to settle in enclaves picked out for them in advance; these enclaves were to be proclaimed German-language territories the moment German settlers had obtained the upper hand in them. The promoters, however, disagreed as to the choice of the State wherein the experiment was to be tried. While certain members favored Texas or Oregon, others thought the Middle West, somewhere be tween the Mississippi and the Lakes, the more suitable place. Franz Lohner, who had evinced considerable solicitude about the future of his countrymen beyond the seas, believed no country offered greater opportunities than the area between the basins of the Ohio and Missouri Rivers. The Irish, reasoned Lohner, made their homes in the large cities of the East; the Americans were scat tered over the length and breadth of the continent. This distribution of races left to the Germans the Middle West in which were the choicest prizes — Wisconsin and Iowa. Upon Milwaukee was con ferred the proud title, Deutsche Athen, German Athens. German settlers gained ascendancy in these Wisconsin counties: Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Wash ington, Grant, Sheboygan, Manitowoc, Jefferson, Outgamie, Fond du Lac, Sauk, Waupaca, Dane, Marathon, Waushara, Green Lake, Langlade, and Clark. What reader of older Cech newspapers will not readily recognize in several of these names old no NEW BOHEMIA IN AMERICA acquaintances? St. Killian is the home of a large settlement of Germans from northwestern Bo hemia.1 Count von Castell, an aide to the Duke of Nassau, became convinced that prospects were ex cellent for the introduction of German kultur in Texas. Castell enlisted not only the sympathy, but what was more important, the financial aid, of a number of aristocratic families in Germany and Austria. In 1842 two delegates, Count Boos Waldek and Victor von Leininger, traveled to Texas in order to study the situation on the spot. And so enthusiastic was the report which these two nobles sent home that the Mainzer Adelverein agreed to sponsor the plan publicly. A systematic pro-Texas campaign was undertaken in Central Europe. Two years later (1844) Prince Carl Solms-Braunfels started for the new land with one hundred and fifty families by way of Bremen. The place which these pioneers chose as their headquarters was named New Braunfels, in honor of the leader of the expedition. The agitation carried on by Solms-Braunfels had a direct bearing upon the immigration from Moravia a few years later. The principal seat of activity of the Mainzer Adelverein was at Mainz. Now, the Mainz fortress was until the Austro- Prussian War in 1866 garrisoned jointly by Austrian 1 Annual Report of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, pp. 58- 59- 1890. Ill THE CECHS IN AMERICA and Prussian soldiers. Cech soldiers served there among others, and the inference is a reasonable one that the projects of the Mainzer Adelverein were fairly well known to them. Besides, aristocrats who were interested in it as members or patrons, owned estates in Germany and Austria, as well as in Bohemia and Moravia. It was not mere coincidence that the Cechs .uniformly massed in those cities and country areas in which the Germans had been settled. Persons familiar with Cech psychology know that the march lof the Cech pathfinders in the footsteps of the Germans had not been fortuitous, but a matter of qareful premeditation. As explained on another page the Cechs were drawn to the Germans by a similarity, if not identity, in customs and mode, of life; besides, educated as many of them had been in German-language schools, the pioneers felt pretty much at home among the Germans — not withstanding old-country racial antagonisms. Wis consin, we know, was intended to be a German State; we find Cech farmers settling there. The Cechs began massing in St. Louis in the middle of the last century; and St. Louis was one of the Ger man strongholds in the Middle West. Other promi nently German cities were Milwaukee, Cincinnati, and Detroit; strong groups of Cechs located in all these. Could the Cechs with their incomparably small numbers and slender means hope to succeed where 112 NEW BOHEMIA rN AMERICA the Germans, having the advantage in numerical strength, superior organization, and powerful sup port, had failed? Judging by the lessons of the past it is certain that communities which aim to perpetuate a lan guage other than English will not thrive in the United States. The Slovaks at one time started a noisy campaign in their newspapers to divert miners and mill workers to a Slovak enclave in Arkansas. And the result? One village in Hazen County called Slovaktown attests the failure of the undertaking. Polonia in Wisconsin could tell its story of the shattered hopes of the Poles. A few decades ago the Scandinavians set out to dominate Minnesota. Now Minnesota dominates the Scan dinavians. No parish school, no church congregation, no foreign-language community can long withstand the force majeure of Americanization. In a measur able time the Bohemias, Germanias, New Braun- fels, Polonias, and Slovaktowns, will be but a name and a memory. CHAPTER X GAMIN ETYMOLOGY — PANTATA — CORRUPTION OP THE LANGUAGE — AMERICANIZATION OF NAMES GAMIN America has bestowed on certain of its immigrants race-names, jestful or tantalizing, over which the learned etymologist may well de spair. The Teuton is called "Dutchman," clearly from " Deutsch," " Deutscher." In the olden times, before the Yankee learned to differentiate between the new-comers from Central Europe, every immi grant resembling the German in dress or looks was unceremoniously dubbed by him a Dutchman. For the son of Italy the gamin etymologist has coined the somewhat cryptic appellations of "Dago" and "Wop." Even one ignorant of the mysteries of roots and terminations will readily understand why he refers to the Mexican as " Greaser." The Irishman is " Mick" and the Hungarian in Penn sylvania, " Hunk" or " Hunky." In some localities Bohemians are called "Bohoes," in other "Bo- hunks"; less familiar are the terms " Cheskey " and "Bootchkey." A non-Bohemian finding himself in a city quarter peopled by Bohemians cannot but notice the word Cesky (pronounced Cheskey) leer ing at him from every store sign : Cesky pekar (Cech baker), Cesky hostinec (Cech tavern), Cesky gro- cerista (Cech grocer). Promptly he must see a 114 GAMIN ETYMOLOGY connection between Cesky and Bohemian. The word "Bootchkey," however, offers no such clue to the etymologist as "Cheskey"; to get at its hidden meaning one must know something of the moods of the New York street. The explanation is made that in a street warfare the Cech boys of the Upper East Side signaled to each other with the call pockej, meaning, in Cech, wait, hold on. To the ears of the non-Cech playmates this sounded very much like bootchkey. Hence, a Bohemian is "Bootchkey." Thus far but one Cech word has made itself at home in the English language: pantata. The Stand ard Dictionary of the English Language,1 page 1273, gives this derivation of it: "Pan-tata. (Slang. U.S.) One having authority ; a boss. Czech — pan, mas ter, mister — toto, father. Pantata, pan — mister, and tata — endearing term for father (the true equiva lent in Bohemian for father being otec), is ordinarily used in addressing one's father-in-law, though in a broad sense any elderly countryman may be spoken to as pantata. As understood in New York, where the word was first used in 1894, at the time of the Lexow Committee trial, it signifies a corrupt police captain." 2 Has any one taken the pains to count the English words which have been injected into the Cech 1 Funk & Wagnalls Co. New York and London, 1903. 2 Report and Proceedings of the Senate Committee, appointed to investigate the Police Department of New York City, v. II, p. 1722. H5 THE CECHS IN AMERICA language? Glance through the advertisement col umns of a newspaper and you will begin to under stand what inroad English is making into the Cech. The following words are taken from a short real estate advertisement in the New Y or she Listy: acre, improvement, block, lot, mortgage, assessment, canalization. It is superfluous to say that the Cech language has an equivalent for every one of the foregoing expressions, yet English is given preference. Note how English looks when a foreign language ¦ — in this instance Slovak — tries to assimilate it. A Slovak weekly, Ndrodne Noviny of Pittsburgh, complained in a recent article entitled, "Preserve the Purity of our Tongue," of the wanton corrup tion of the Slovak. As transliterated into the Slovak tongue, English looks queer to an Amer ican: jesser — yes sir; noser — no sir; sej — say; jes — yes ; stir — sure ; olrajt — all right ; kvoder — quarter; dajm — dime; skuner — schooner; viska — whiskey; pejda — pay day; boket — bucket; dinerka — dinner; strita — street; revra — river; a psters — upsta irs ; da nsters — downsta irs. " The use of these and other corruptions," expostulates the editor of the NdrodnS Noviny, "has gained such a hold on our people, that most of them are no longer aware they are using them." As an instance of the subduing force of English, the same editor tells of a social at which the guests present agreed to pay a fine of five cents for each English word 116 CORRUPTION OF THE LANGUAGE uttered. In an hour's time $7.55 had been collected in fines. In the homeland the purists try to keep the tongue free from the dross of the so-called German isms. Who will keep watch over the purity of the language here and shield it from Anglicisms, from erosion and corruption? No name has caused its bearers greater discom fiture than Vaclav. Vaclav, be it remembered, is one of the patron saints of Bohemia. An ancient hymn which is still sung in the Catholic churches invokes "Holy Vaclav, Duke of Bohemian Land," to save his countrymen from extermination. Some how or other the American Vaclavs — St. Vaclav has a host of namesakes on both sides of the ocean — are not content with the name. A number of the milder malcontents have given it a German or a Latin form: Wenzel, VenCeslas, Venceslaus; the majority, though, figuratively speaking, have thrown Vaclav overboard, assuming in lieu of it William, Wesley, Wendel, James, according to the fancy of the bearer. Vaclav is, of course, as un translatable as Roland, Kenneth, or Leslie. The Americanization of names is a practice by no means infrequent, although it is not as wide spread as popularly believed. Caprice or expe diency prompt one to change his name. Sometimes a name is coined as a result of a fair exchange of values, Cech for English, provided it is translatable. Thus Jablecnik is made Appleton, Studnicka is 117 THE CECHS IN AMERICA transformed into Wells, Krejci becomes Taylor, Zastera hides himself behind Apron. In the ma jority of cases the man moulds his patronymic along the lines of Cech pronunciation: Korista — Corrister; Anderlik — Underleak; Kucera — Good- sheller; Koci — Cutshaw; Mrkvicka — Murray; Krenka — Krank; Mosnicka — Mason; Mar§alek — Marshall ; Nozir — Norris; Cihak — Jayshaw; Hudec — Hudson; Tesar — Teaser; Preucil — Prucil; Simacek — Smack. A Nebraska politician trimmed his name from Lapacek to La Pache; Vancura, a plain Vancura, by a genial tug at his surname emerged from out of the purging process as Van Cura. Who would sense in Van Cura a Cech and not a descendant of a Knickerbocker family? CHAPTER XI RATIONALISM: A TRANSITION FROM THE OLD TO THE NEW ACCORDING to Austrian official statistics, 960.48 of every 1000 persons in Bohemia profess the Catholic faith, 21.77 are Protestants, 16.19 Jews, 1. 12 Old Catholics, 0.20 without con fession, 0.24 mixed. These figures, however, do not obtain in America. If we were to take the Cech residents of New York as an illustration, we should get approximately this result: Catholics, 254; Prot estants, no; Jews, 16; persons without any church affiliation, 620. Conditions, of course, vary in dif ferent States and places, due to various local causes. In some the strength of the Catholics and of the non-Catholics is about evenly balanced. Chicago is such a place. In others the Catholics predominate; the latter is believed to be the case in Texas, Wisconsin, Minnesota. It is within the truth to say that 50 per cent of the Cechs inj America have seceded from their old-country faith. One author is convinced that the strength of the secessionists is nearer 60 or 70 per cent than 50.1 Of the non-church faction, two distinct shades '| are recognizable; first, the negativists, and secondly 1 J. E. Salaba Vojan: "Why should we American Cechs be Lib- eral-Minded? " pp. 425-28, in Cech Reader, edited by Vojta BeneS. Prague, 1912. 119 THE CECHS IN AMERICA the dyed-in-the-wool anti-clericals who have sub scribed to Havlicek's harsh formula as applied to the priests: give them nothing, credit them nothing. From what class do the dissenters come? The immigrant from the rural districts of the domes tic and agricultural labor class has, on the whole, remained loyal to the faith in which he was born and reared. Not so with the worker from urban or j industrial centers. In his ranks, cases of dissent are common. Among the inteligence, the educated class, religious secession has been the rule, not the exception. Indeed, so general was the secession by the intellectuals that, before the mid-nineties, the churchmen had no lay inteligence worth mention. As between the Cechs from Bohemia and those from Moravia, the first-named have manifested a readier inclination to break away than their more conservative kinsmen from Moravia. Certain people professed to think that the schism was but a whim and a fad and that when the nov elty of it wore off the malcontents would return. Well-informed commentators did not share this op timistic view. The whim, if it were a whim, has lasted altogether too long. Newspapers have been made and unmade by reason of the controversy between the churchmen and the secessionists. De termined to outdo the opposition, one faction has built houses of worship, while the other with equal perseverance has erected club-houses where men 120 RATIONALISM and women could meet "free from the intrusion of clericalism." What is the cause of this decatholization? One writer1 asserted that the rupture would never have taken place had not Joseph Pastor, i editor of the weekly Pokrok, thrown a firebrand ! of discord among his countrymen. Before Pastor's , time, he argued, the Cechs were of one mind, one \ faith. ) Another was inclined to blame the clergy. The j veteran priests, he charged, were wont to be (J domineering, and to show their resentment many 1 parishioners ceased going to church. Still another condemned Klacel and his subversive propaganda. Zdrubek and Snajdr and their liberal publications also came in for a share of censure. A fourth writer thought that it was the scarcity of houses of worship in the pioneer years which led to the parting of the ways. Yet he failed to explain why the Poles did not falter in their faith under precisely the same untoward conditions. A Pole migrates from Catholic Poland to non-Catholic United States and he remains steadfast, notwith- Jj standing the change of residence. The Cech, also a' < Catholic at home, becomes decatholicized overseas.! j Why? An extremist in all things, Dr. Habenicht 2 held 1 John Borecky: Chapters on the History of Cech- Moravians in America, p. 13. 2 John Habenicht: The History of the Cechs in America, p. x. 121 THE CECHS IN AMERICA l|to the view that "vulgar materialism" was at the I bottom of the defection. According to him the 1 liberals kept aloof from the churches for the reason / that they were averse to supporting them finan cially. An American student,1 whose books on immi grants have elicited wide newspaper comment, has no argument to offer; however, he is scandalized that there are so many non-churchmen among the Cechs. "They are thoroughly eaten through and through by infidelity." If this writer had said that the Cechs were "thoroughly eaten through and through," not by infidelity, but by Hussitism, so far as Hussitism implies a challenge to unquestion ing faith, he would have hit the nail on the head. The primary cause, the causa causans, of the alienation lies deep in the nation's past. To con tend that Pastor, or Klacel, or any one individual is responsible therefor is as reasonable as that John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry was the cause of the Civil War. First, there is Bohemia's Hussite past. Though he may not be conscious of it, the truth of the matter is that the Cech's inclination to dissent, to \ question, to challenge, to dispute, is largely in- j ;herited from his Hussite forefathers. In the Amer- | ican Cech these tendencies burst forth with ele mental strength the moment he landed in America, where he could speak, act, and think free from the 1 Edward A. Steiner: On the Trail of the Immigrant, p. 230. 122 RATIONALISM oppression to which he was subject in his native land. Von Ranke, the historian, avers that Emperor Charles IV (1316-78), was the greatest man born on Bohemian soil. Admittedly Charles was a wise, progressive sovereign. Under his rule many inno vations were introduced, the foundation of the Prague University in 1348 being doubtless his most enduring achievement. Contrary to what von Ranke asserts, the Cechs believe that not Emperor Charles but John Hus was the greatest man born in Bohemia. Non-Bohemian historians are apt to view and study Hussitism from one angle only, the religious. To the natives Hussitism has a deeper meaning. More than any other force it has kindled in them, keeping it alive for centuries, the feeling of national consciousness. The Austrian conqueror in the seventeenth century almost destroyed the nation, yet he was powerless to blot out the living memory of its glorious past, and it was under the light of this great past that nationalism revived in the middle of the nineteenth century. The Hussites started out to correct certain abuses in the Church ; but before long their lead ers, broadening the programme, raised the banner of nationalism and struck at the Teutons, whom eventually they pushed everywhere to the very edge of the frontier. The defense of faith and the defense of language were not the only issues in- 123 THE CECHS IN AMERICA , volved. In the course of time the dispute resolved i itself into its elemental factors: a struggle between democracy, which the Hussites championed, the right of men to determine for themselves their sys tem of government, their form of religion, and their scheme of social relationship; and aristocracy and Teutonism, represented by the anti-Hussites, which sought to impose upon the individual a privileged religion, government, and caste system. In the Cech of to-day Hussitism evokes emotions akin to those which move a Frenchman at the contemplation of the Great Revolution. The things the French did toward the close of the eighteenth century, the Hussites set out to achieve in the fifteenth century. That the Hussites failed, while the French three and a half centuries later triumphed, was due to causes wholly beyond the power of the Cechs to control. Secondly, there are the country's Protestant tra ditions. That, too, is a weighty factor the influence of which should not be minimized. Up to the Thirty Years' War the Cechs had been a Protestant nation. When the victor had begun to recatholicize Bo hemia following the disastrous Battle of White Hill in 1620, thousands, tens of thousands, preferred banishment to the renunciation of their faith. Sev eral of the chief rebels lost their heads on the scaf fold for a cause they believed to be a righteous one. Far from condemning the Protestants for having rebelled against the Hapsburgs, even though the 124 RATIONALISM ill-planned rebellion had almost cost the nation its life, every liberal-minded Cech of to-day admires as heroes and venerates as martyrs the men who on the Bloody Day at Prague, June 21, 1621, gave their lives for the Fatherland. Thirdly, the fact should not be lost sight of that between the American protagonists of rationalism and the revivalists in the mother country the con nection was not only close, but in many instances personal. The men who had worked for the regen eration of Bohemia since 1848, clergymen included, were thorough-going liberals, even radicals. One of the greatest leaders of this period, the man whom the American rationalists quote oftener than any other, was Charles Havlicek (1821-53), journalist and politician. Not Ladimir Klacel, as is popularly believed, but Vojta Naprstek, was the first to disseminate ra tionalism among American Cechs. Naprstek, who was an admirer and personal friend of Havlicek's, published in Milwaukee, in the early fifties, a lib eral weekly, the Flug Blatter. Though a German- language paper the Flug Blatter was read largely by Naprstek's fellow countrymen. Many of the patrons of the Flug Blatter became, in later years, stockholders, readers, publishers, editors, and sup porters of the Cech press. As interpreted in the columns of the Flug Blatter, Naprstek's liberalism was strikingly like that espoused by Havlicek in the Prague Ndrodni Noviny; that is to say, it was 125 THE CECHS IN AMERICA anti-clerical and anti-Austrian. "In 1854 the Flug Blatter was the subject of some heated debates in both houses of the Wisconsin legislature, where Assemblyman Worthington of Waukesha and Sen ator McGarry of Milwaukee offered resolutions prohibiting the legislative postmasters from dis tributing this publication to the members. These resolutions, however, were not adopted."1 Vojta Naprstek was born in Prague in 1828 and died in that city in 1894, mourned by the entire nation. He came to New York in 1849 as a political refugee. It is a mistake to think that Naprstek fled to America for political reasons only. In his mind's eye he pictured to himself an ideal Cech community in America. He weighed the matter carefully and noted in 1847 in his diary: "As soon as I am entirely ready, I shall start my agitation. In a year and half there shall be a Cech settlement in America."2 After wandering here and there he finally settled in Milwaukee, starting his publication in 1852. Al though his stay in America was of a comparatively short duration, eight years in all, it sufficed to make an enthusiastic American of him. Upon returning to his native land in 1857, he missed no opportunity to familiarize his country with American ideas, 1 Parkman: Club Papers, p. 236. 1896. 2 Julius Zeyer: Vojta Ndprstek. A lecture delivered on his seven tieth birthday, p. 11. Prague, 1896. Vojta Naprstek: Memorial Leaf. Prague, 1894. Reprint of illustrated articles from the Svetozor, Prague, xxviii: 1420-21-22. J. R. Jicinsky: Osveta Americkd, Feb ruary-March, 1907. 126 VOJTA NAPRSTEK AND "MRS. JOSEPHINE." HIS WIFE RATIONALISM American institutions, American methods. Amer icanism, it may truthfully be said, was Naprstek's life passion. When he came into possession of the family patrimony, which was considerable, he be gan to lay plans for what in time developed into the Naprstek American Museum, otherwise known as Naprstek Industrial Museum, in Prague. Woman suffrage had in him a warm advocate; the Club of American Women was organized and met in his salons. Naprstek's hospitable home was a rendez vous of emigrants and none were more heartily welcome than American Cechs. "That which the heart unites the sea shall not divide," was a motto prominently displayed in Naprstek's reading- rooms. He never sought the favor of the governing class, his democracy being too real and his religious views too radical. A New Yorker having once asked him what Americans he admired the most, the former editor of the Flug Blatter replied, unhesitat ingly, Paine and Jefferson. Now as to the part the press played in the se cession movement. The Slowan Amerikdnsky', Ndrodni Noviny, Slavie, and the St. Louis Pozor, followed the old- fashioned programme of Cech nationalism. The Pokrok, which appeared in Chicago in 1867 under the direction of Joseph Pastor, struck out boldly and openly against clericalism. The Pokrok's chal lenge was taken up the same year by the Katolicke Noviny, of which Father Joseph Molitor of Chicago 127 THE CECHS IN AMERICA was editor. Beginning with 1867 every newcomer in the journalistic field who had set out to serve the " interests of Cecho-Slavs in America " was obliged to choose between the one or the other camp. Neutrality was a word abhorred equally by both contentious factions. Matters progressed from bad to worse when Pastor resigned and Zdrubek as sumed his place as editor-in-chief of the Pokrok. During Zdrubek's editorship, and due to his igno rance of the law, occurred the sensational libel suit which Father William Repis of the St. Vaclav parish in Cleveland brought against the editor. Trivial in itself, the libel caused a tremendous up roar everywhere; the "infidels" and the churchmen alike regarded it as a sort of test of their respective strength. One of the fruits of Repis's libel suit was the organization by the liberal party of the Liberal Union. The Katolicke Noviny having passed out of existence for lack of support, Father Hessoun of St. Louis provided the Catholics in 1872 with another defender of their faith, the Hlas. The Hlas had retained almost unopposed the leadership among co-religionists until 1893-94. That year the order of the Benedictines established in Chicago two journals, since become influential, the Katolik and the Ndrod. The Catholic adherents rallied around Hessoun's Hlas, while the Pokrok continued to fight the battles of the liberals. Even in Klaeel's time the Pokrok was considered their organ, because the journal- 128 RATIONALISM istic ventures of the aged thinker never enjoyed a wide circulation. After a stormy existence of eleven-odd years the Pokrok finally suspended publication in Cleveland. The defunct Pokrok was replaced in the mid- seventies by two new pugnacious journals. One was the Chicago daily Svornost, which Zdrubek founded in 1875 in partnership with August Geringer; the other was the weekly Dennice No voveku started by Vaclav Snajdr in Cleveland. These two papers pledged themselves to uphold' the cause of free religious discussion. Snajdr sat in 1 the editorial chair of the Dennice Novoveku for' thirty- three years. Zdrubek held the reins of the" Svornost for thirty-five years. Friend and foe alike will agree that Snajdr and Zdrubek kept the pact faithfully. Excellently edited, the Dennice No voveku boasted by far the most intelligent, though not the largest, community of readers. Prior to 1891, the Dennice Novoveku was the official organ of the C.S.P.S. brotherhood. One can imagine what it meant to the cause of liberalism to get a fearless journal of the stamp of the Dennice into thousands of C.S.P.S. households. In plain language it signified the winning over to the side of the liberals of as many partisans as there were members in the organization. The J.C.D. sister hood also adopted the Dennice Novoveku as its organ; here again new territory had been con quered, new friends won. 129 THE CECHS IN AMERICA The progressives scored a triumph when Klacel arrived in the United States, in 1869. Here was an author of distinction, a much-talked-of philospher and intimate friend of some of the greatest men and women of Bohemia. A report which preceded him from abroad that he was coming to America to found a commune of followers, added, if any thing, to the magic of his name. Even men who had studied theology or were duly ordained as priests, turned against their Church. Few of these endured more for a principle than Father Thomas Juranek. Coming to America in 1848 or 1849, a backwash of revolutionary Bohe mia, Juranek tried hard to get a start at some thing that was more to his liking than the pulpit. He drudged for a time at cigarmaking in New York. Seeing no prospects in this occupation, he made his way to Milwaukee; there he became a fruit peddler. Saving a few dollars he bought a hand- organ and with this instrument strapped to his back, he tramped along the Mississippi River to New Orleans and back to Wisconsin. He settled in Cooperstown, in Manitowoc County; there he established himself as a schoolmaster, cigarmaker, justice of the peace, and newspaper correspondent.1 He died March 5, 1890. Juranek was not the only priest to lay aside the v 1 Thomas Juranek: The Contemplations and Reflections of an Old Cech Organ-Grinder toward the Close of the Nineteenth Century, To all liberal-minded Cechs for careful perusal and investigation, dedi cated by an apostate priest. Greenstreet, Wis., 1889. 130 RATIONALISM cassock. Old settlers will readily recall the case of William Repis (or Revis, as he later anglicized his name), who in the seventies ministered to a thriving parish in Cleveland. Due, it is claimed, to bitter attacks by the radical press, Repis left the priest hood, married, and settled on a farm in Iowa. Celebrated is the case of Ladimir Klacel. Edu cated for the priesthood, Klacel had taken the monastic vows of the Augustinian Friars and for a time taught philosophy at a school of that order at Brno, Moravia. But applying the philosophi cal deductions of Hegel, whose teachings he had embraced, to politics and religion, to Church and State, the brilliant pedagogue found himself, in consequence, in sharp opposition to his superiors. Expulsion from the school followed.1 In order to "emancipate his mind from the shackles of slavery," as the ex-friar described his mental state, he decided to emigrate overseas at the risk of losing friends and imperiling a splendid literary reputation. At that time Klacel was in his sixty-first year, which would seem to indicate that his resolve to leave the Church was the outcome of seasoned judgment. The circumstance that he had quarreled with the 1 Augustine Smetana (1814-51), a Cruciferian monk, was publicly excommunicated under circumstances recalling the dramatic and sensational expulsion from the Israelite Community, of which he was a member, of Baruch Spinoza, the Dutch philosopher. In this connection one is reminded of the case of another Cruciferian monk, Karl Anton Postl, known to American literature as Charles Seals- field, born in Moravia. Postl was a fellow inmate with Smetana in the monastery of that order in Prague. 131 THE CECHS IN AMERICA hierarchy and that the hierarchy had disciplined him added, if anything, to the luster of his name in the opinion of the American rationalists. Toward the close of his life, due, no doubt, to worries and cruel disappointments of all kinds, Klacel turned mystic and visionary. As a social reformer he shared Fourier's communistic ideas. Fourier, as we know, proposed what he termed phalansteries, consisting of a fixed number of per sons who should live together, combining the result of their labor. Klacel 's pet scheme was the organ ization in the Middle West (he had his eye on the Black Hills country in South Dakota) of Svoja- nov communities composed of his followers who should work the land on the cooperative basis — precisely Fourier's project. Fortunately for Klacel none of his communities of which he dreamed were realized; had they become actualities it is certain they would have collapsed as did most of the under takings of this kind, as for example the most noted one, Brook Farm in Massachusetts. When Klacel finds a competent biographer who will edit an | informing synopsis of his philosophy, the historian will be better prepared to assign a place to this 1 remarkable man in the evolution of thought in America. F. B. Zdrubek (1842-1911), "the arch-propa gandist of atheism," was the son of poor, struggling parents who sent him to a Catholic seminary to be educated for the priesthood. Having, as he tells us, 132 / / / / / / 1 1 1 LADIMIR KLACEL RATIONALISM experienced a change in religious faith, Zdrubek left the Catholic for a Protestant seminary, from which latter he duly graduated. Settling in Chicago and taking up journalism as a profession, he began as lecturer, writer, and journalist, "to combat the menace of bigotry and superstition among his countrymen." Few journalists waged a more relentless warfare against the clergy than Joseph Pastor, editor of the Pokrok, who served a novitiate with the friars of Zeliv Abbey. John V. Capek, author of the humorous life of St. Anthony of Padua, in verse, spent a school semester or two with the Franciscans in Prague. Capek asserted that it was in the monastic cell that his theological ideals underwent a change. Bartos Bittner and Alois Janda both took a course in Catholic theological seminaries, both re belling in the end. Dr. Frank Iska started his career as a priest. Unable to believe what he preached, he went over to the Old Catholic Church. In 1902 he arrived in the United States with the idea, it is said, of organ izing in Chicago a congregation of Old Catholics. Failing in this, he returned to his native country, but the following year came back, establishing a permanent residence in Chicago. Casting aside Old Catholicism, he avowed his adhesion to the prin ciples for which Klacel and Zdrubek fought all their lives — freedom of religious expression. 133 THE CECHS IN AMERICA J. B. Erben of St. Louis, the oldest living Cech journalist in the country, is said to have run away, as a student, from a Benedictine monastery in Bohe mia where he was being educated. Embracing the evangelical faith, Erben, who knew German as well as his mother tongue, gave himself to religious work among the Germans in the United States. Tragic was the end of John C. Hojda, spiritual head of the St. Vaclav parish in Baltimore. Re signing his charge and at the same time renouncing his faith, Hojda eked out a scanty existence on the Baltimore Telegraf, a struggling Cech weekly. Sub sequently he took up horticulture for a living. In a fit of insanity, due, it is said, to brooding over family matters, he killed two of his children. He was placed in an asylum, where he died in 1898. Rationalistic tenets, so far as known, claimed two converts from among the Protestants. One was a minister by the name of Joseph Kalda, a restless, discontented spirit. For a Chicago publishing house Kalda edited a book of Funeral Speeches for the use of those who wished non-church burial. Kalda died in want in Chicago under particularly dis tressing circumstances. A recent convert to ration alism is V. Mineberger, editor of the Baltimore Cecho-Slovan. Mineberger announced that it was his resolve to leave the Church in whose teachings he no longer believed. Like Zdrubek, Mineberger, too, was originally a Catholic. A strange case came to the notice of the public 134 RATIONALISM about eight years ago. The secretary of a New York liberal association, Anton Vlcek, died follow ing a short illness. Vlcek's occupation was that of a bookkeeper in a downtown business house. After ^iis death the members of the society were as tounded to learn that their radical-minded official had been none other than Father Anton Vlcek, formerly pastor of the St. Prokop Catholic parish in Cleveland. The surprising part of it was that Vlcek contrived to guard the secret of his former life even from intimates. Rev. Vaclav Vanek, a well-known Protestant divine, formerly attached to a parish in Baltimore, but now located in Chicago, originally studied theology in a Catholic seminary; finding himself in dissent from Catholic teachings he joined the Chicago coterie of journalists, of whom the late B. Bittner, liberal thinker, was one. Cech rationalism x in the United States is the 1 T. G. Masaryk: "Cech Liberals in America," Nase Doha (Prague), October, 1902, pp. 1-7; Rev. F. Tich£: Thoughts on New Religion. An answer to L. J. Palda. Probed into and submitted to an impartial examination. 88 pp.; Cech American Liberalism, 1907-11, or, Discussions, Deliberations and Resolutions passed at the Conven tion of Liberals, 135 pp. New York, 1911; Discussions, Deliberations and Resolutions passed at the Convention of Liberals, held June 13, 14, and 15, 1907. Chicago. 182 pp.; Lectures by T. G. Masaryk: Pub lished by the Executive Committee of the Liberal Union. 61 pp. Chicago, 1907. Contents of the lectures: "Havlicek and the Liberal Movement; "Liberalism and Religion"; "Religion and Human Society"; "The Principles adopted at the Convention of Cech Liberals in America "j "The Evolution of Liberalism" ; "The Politi cal Situation of the Cech Nation and Austria"; "The Woman and her Position in the Family and Public Life." 135 THE CECHS IN AMERICA after-growth of political repression and narrow- minded paternalism. Naprstek's Flug Blatter fought not creeds, but the Church as a political institution, as a partner of the Hapsburg State. Euphemisti cally Havlicek defined this one-time fellowship of the Hapsburg State and the Church as a "union of the saber and the aspergill." Now, when the fetters of bondage are shattered and in his home land the Cech js as free as he is here, whence will the militant rationalist derive his inspiration and his slogans? CHAPTER XII SOCIALISM AND RADICALISM LJ. PALDA is entitled to be called the father • of Cech socialism in the United States. In his autobiography Palda states that his admiration) for Lassalle and Marx dates from the time he J worked as a factory hand, a weaver, in Switzerland! and Saxony. This statement is open to doubt, for at the time of his arrival in New York, in 1867, Palda was a youth barely twenty years old. The more reasonable supposition is that the socialist cult obtained a firm hold on him not in Switzerland or Saxony, but in the United States, during his development into maturer manhood, when the laboring class, yielding to his forceful personality, acclaimed him as one of its chiefs. Just how deeply Palda was read in the party's literature, we glean from the following sentence: "At the house of friend Borovicka (New York) I came across Havlicek's Duch Ndrodnich Novin and a treatise on socialism and communism by Klacel."1 To gether with Frank Skarda he founded in Cleveland in 1875, DUnicke Listy (the Workingmen's News). 1 L. J. Palda: From Times Past. These reminiscences, in Cech, were published serially in the Osveta Americkd in 1903. Borovicka, here referred to, was an intelligent New York workman, reader of good books, and, at the time of Palda's first stay in New York, a caretaker of the library belonging to the Slovanska Lipa Society. 137 THE CECHS IN AMERICA The motto of the paper was "Equal duties, equal rights." The title-page bore the significant legend that the Workingmen's News was being published as the "Organ of the Socialist Workingmen's Party in the United States." Precisely what socialist party the paper claimed to be the official spokes man of, and who the members of the party were, has not been made clear. Joseph Bunata,1 a con temporary and a party man, admits there were Cech socialists in the country at that time (1875), yet he recalls nothing of an organized socialist party. For instance, Leo Meilbek, a member of the Illinois legislature, classified himself as a social democrat. Palda's business partner, Frank Skarda, was nominated, though not elected, on the socialist ticket for Lieutenant-Governor of Ohio. Two years later (1877) the DelnickS Listy was removed to New York City, the' publishers cor rectly surmising that the metropolis offered to a socialist paper a wider field than an inland city of the size and location of Cleveland. In Palda's reminiscences we are told that soon after the removal of the paper to New York, its' editor started organizing socialist clubs. The war- cry, "Proletarians of the world, unite," demanded not words, but action, he informs us. "The group I helped to organize bore the name, Cech-Slavic International Workingmen's Association of New 1 Joseph Bunata, a journalist living at Ennis, Texas, has long ago renounced his adherence to socialism. 138 L. J. PALDA SOCIALISM AND RADICALISM York." The principal members (besides Palda) were V. Jandus,1 George Sretr, Joseph Bunata, and Bily. The last-named was an arrival from Paris. In justice to Palda, it should be said that in his advocacy of socialism he was conciliatory. He was well aware of the fact that the doctrine was foreign to the mass of his countrymen, most of whom had emigrated from rural districts, and he was a patient teacher. Like all socialists, he believed, of course, that our social and economic order was unjust; yet he held consistently to the viewpoint that society had it in its power to purge itself, not by revolution, but by evolution. Moreover, he was not convinced that in obedience to the party's behests he must re nounce his Cech nationalism. In this last regard he was what we might call. a Nationalist Socialist. As his mind ripened, his views ran more along the lines of scientific socialism; that is, he predicted the coming of socialism as the result of gradual eco nomic evolution. Younger comrades.who were eager for action, tried more than once to discredit Palda in the esteem of the party. Pettifogger, capitalist in disguise, were some of the epithets hurled at him in their press. Palda's missionary work in America would have, in all likelihood, come to naught, had not events occurred at home which gave socialism here a firmer footing. In 1879 social democrats 1 V. (William) Jandus, since 1876 a resident of Cleveland, pub lished in the English language a forceful study, Social Wrongs and State Responsibilities. Cleveland. Horace Carr. 1913. 139 THE CECHS IN AMERICA held in Prague a secret meeting which has become known in the annals of the party as the St. Mar-. garet's Congress. (St. Margaret was the name of a hall in Prague.) Convoked without a permit, the Congress was dispersed by the police and a number of the leaders arrested and thrown into prison. Once on the police black-list, the more prominent of the socialists found existence in Bohemia unen durable. So they removed to other parts of the em pire, not a few leaving it altogether. Some went to Budapest; others escaped to Switzerland; still others chose as their future homes great industrial centers in Europe and America: Paris, London, New York, Chicago. On January 30, 1884, martial law was proclaimed in Vienna. A direct result of this measure was the suspension of the constitu tional rights of trial by jury (non-political cases excepted), freedom of association of citizens, and freedom of the press. With a stern hand the police dissolved political clubs, suppressed newspapers, arrested or expelled the leading agitators. So rigor ous was the clean-up that by 1885 social democracy in Austria was laid prostrate.1 Comrade Josef Hy- bes2 reckoned that in the period between 1878-87 1 Dr. Edward Benes: The Labor Movement in Austria and Bo hemia. 47 pp. Brandys n. L. 191 1. 2 Josef Hybe§: The Initial Days of the Propaganda among Cech Comrades. 64 pp. Brno, 1900. Hybe§ gives account in his pamphlet of their connection with the propaganda in Prague and Vienna of comrades Mikolanda, Mily, Zoula, Choura, all of whom had emi grated to America. 140 SOCIALISM AND RADICALISM the police, employing all those devices favored by the secret police of autocracy, had ruined the exist ence of some 2000 socialists. According to Josef Steiner x the political police had to its credit 4086 arrests and convictions between 1880-89. A look at Steiner's revelatory statistics will enable one to understand why Emperor Franz Josef nursed a personal grudge against social democrats. Steiner's Table Sentenced for 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 Unlawful association 41 364 8 10 41 1 367 23 24 91 1 332 17 10 92 3 335 39 17 5 9327 306 30 1711 93 11 302 16 3 1 145 9 250 22 4 5 11 2 283 19 5 5 2 1 246 25 3 1 14 5 240 73 2 1 Lese majeste (person of Emperor) Lese majeste (mem bers of reigning Disturbing peace . . . Unlawful collection Total 4086 423 438 451 491 484 426 435 325 278 335 All accounts agree that one of the first fugitive socialists to arrive in America was Leo Kochmann (1844-19 1 9), who escaped on the eve of going to jail to serve a sentence for active participation in the St. Margaret's Congress. Frank Skarda, who at that time (1882) was looking about for an editor, promptly gave Kochmann employment on the Delnicke Listy. From this time on until he retired 1 Josef Steiner: The Martyrdom of Cech-Slavic Social Democracy and the Progress of the Party in Austria. 178 pp. Prague, 1902. 141 THE CECHS IN AMERICA from journalism (1913), Kochmann resided in New York uninterruptedly, and the colony of social democrats in that city came to regard him as one of its strong men. Far below Palda in intelligence, possessing but an elementary-school education, dif fident as a speaker, upright, but in his earlier years inclined to be fanatical, Kochmann was toler ably well posted on the aims and literature of social democracy. However, his party was his world, and beyond the sky-line of that world he had neither the ambition nor the courage to look. The revolutionary verses appearing under his pen name, Vive la Lib- erte, were sincere and on occasions spirited. In col laboration with Frank J. Hlavacek and Bernard Here, Kochmann rendered into Cech (1890) Blos's French Revolution. For a quarter of a century he was editor-in-chief of the New York daily, Hlas Lidu. In 1882 Johann Most came to the United States. He had just finished a jail term of sixteen months in England for having glorified, in his journal, the assassination of Alexander II, Czar of Russia. Be fore that time Most had served terms in Austrian, Saxon, and Prussian prisons. Soon after his arrival, he undertook a speaking tour through the country. Social democrats were surprised at the large num ber of followers who flocked everywhere to Most's standard. In several cities in the United States, where Most delivered his harangues, anarchist clubs were established. A convention of radicals was held in Pittsburgh in 1883; and the New York police 142 SOCIALISM AND RADICALISM having in the meantime taken measures to check the local Most agitation, the headquarters of the party were transferred from New York to Chicago. Then followed, in 1886, the Haymarket tragedy which aroused and angered American public opin ion as no other similar event has ever done. A num ber of the organizers of the riot suffered the death penalty. At the same time the authorities launched a crusade against the anarchists from which they have never recovered.1 The fact cannot be denied that Johann Most found ardent sympathizers among those Cech social democrats who were dissatisfied with the orthodox, scholarly socialism of Marx and Lassalle, and who clamored for deeds. Literature and party news papers prove this irrefutably. The protagonists of revolutionary socialism were, with a few exceptions, workmen, but workme of the more intelligent and well-paid class — furriers, tailors, machinists, typesetters, — who had learned their trade or worked at it in large cities. The earn ing power of these craftsmen was comparatively 1 Hillquit thus differentiates between the socialist and the an archist: "The anarchist sees the highest state of development in the absolute sovereignty of the- individual, and considers all social restraints upon the personal and untrammeled personal liberty as injurious and reactionary elements in human civilization [p. 231]. The socialist regards society as an organic body, of which the in dividuals are but separate organs performing different functions for the organism as a whole and in turn deriving their strength from the well-being of the entire organism" (p. 230). Morris Hillquit: History of Socialism in the United States. 234 pp. New York, 1903. H3 THE CECHS IN AMERICA high ; in intelligence they towered far above the un skilled agricultural and domestic labor from the non-industrial districts of KutnS. Hora, Tabor, Pisek. Association with men and women of other races lent these men that air of cosmopolitanism which is the envy of the provincial. Not a few were glib talkers, if not effective, persuasive impromptu debaters; when oratory failed to convince the doubter through presentation of reasons, they were ready to try to sway the wavering ones by appeal to passion and prejudice. Most idealists, as we know, possess the gift of eloquence to an unusual degree. In addition to the vernacular, almost all, if not all, were versed in German. This enabled them to read German-language newspapers, and associate freely with German comrades. Those who had been em ployed in Paris brought with them to America a smattering of French. The members of the small London colony learned English. Comrades with a literary turn of mind, on coming to the United States translated almost exclusively from German sources; seldom from English or French, never from Russian. This made apparent the dominating influ ence of the several Volkszeitungs, Arbeiterzeitungs, and Volksrechts on the American Cech socialist editors. But few of the journalists knew English enough freely to translate from it. This meant that they judged America in the light of a foreign dogma and sought to reform it through the medium of a foreign language. 144 SOCIALISM AND RADICALISM Proselytism by means of the press reached its high- water mark between 1885 and 1890. New York City was the center of the movement; less active was the field of the radicals in Cleveland and Chi cago. By far the busiest publishers were: The Cech groups of the International Working- men's Union of Chicago (Ceske skupiny Mez'mk- rodni Delnicke Jednoty v Chicagu). Series, Epistles of Revolution. The American Workingman (Delnik Americky). Series, Workingmen's Library. The Group Anarchy (Bezvladi) of New York. Series, The International Library. The Group Self- Rule (Samospr&va) of New York. Series, The Epistles of Freedom. The Literary and Debating Club Progress (Pok rok) of New York. The Cech Workingmen's Educational Society No. 2 of New York (Ceskodelnicky vzdelavaci Spolek cis. 2 v New Yorku). The Cech Social Democratic Section in New York (Ceskd socialni demokraticka sekce v New Yorku). The Group Bezvladi attained a considerable posi tion as a publisher. While not strong numerically, its membership was made up of self-conscious young men who knew that to carry on a propa ganda with results Costs money, but they were will ing to pay for it. Members taxed themselves from $1 to $5 monthly according to the wages they H5 THE CECHS IN AMERICA earned. Now and then London and Paris sent in small gifts of money; even comrades in Bohemia contributed their mite. The main burden of financ ing the propaganda was borne and ungrudgingly paid by the New York units. Save a few revolutionary songs by Norbert Zoula, Joseph B. Pecka, Leo Kochmann, and F. J. Hlavaeek, the Cech book literature of social re formers, which, by the way, is surprisingly copious, consists of translations. Not one creative thinker, not one self-directing reasoner appears among them. The catalogue shows translations — un skilled translations at that — from Michael Baku- nine, Adolf Douai, Peter Kropotkin, Paul Lafargue, Enrico Malatesta, Karl Marx, Johann Most, J. A. Popengiesel, Elisee Reclus, A. Rette, A. Schaffle, Pierre Ramus, Ferdinand Lassalle. . In due time the consequences of the propaganda /began to be manifest. The New York community split into two antagonistic factions : the nationalists and the radical socialists. The first-named party stood for Americanism ; as a subordinate issue, it de fended Cech nationalism as interpreted by Jonas' and by the other editors. Agreeably to the tenets of their creed, the socialists inclined toward inter nationalism, which, as the name implies, spurned national separatism. From radical socialism to anarchism was only a small leap and there were many reformers who embraced the creed of anar chy openly. 146 SOCIALISM AND RADICALISM Thoughtful and observant men, Palda among them, warned the radicals, clustered around the Proletdr and the Delnicke Listy x in New York and around the Budoucnost, in Chicago, to be moderate. The agitation, they pointed out, was doomed to end in a fiasco if not supported by the American press. Who was it that sympathized with the radicals, they argued? Not the American workman, nor yet the farmer; these two classes remained deaf to their seductive catchwords. The farmer and the mechanic read none save the English-language papers, which discussed the timely topics of trade-unionism, tariff, pension, currency. Radical socialism found favor and support in large industrial places only, and then in the foreign quarters thereof. "Anarchy is hope lessly discounted," argued Palda, "so long as the carriers of the doctrine are confined to Volkszeit- ungs and to other foreign-language newspapers." But a writer in the Proletdr reproved the father of socialism for interfering in a quarrel the merits of which he, a capitalist ( !) and a westerner, had ceased to understand. The advent in New York of Norbert Zoula,2 a silversmith from Prague, is chronicled in 1883. Zoula spent a year and a half in an Austrian prison 1 This Delnicki Listy must not be confounded with Skarda's paper of that name. The Delnicke Listy here mentioned was the property of the International Workingmen's Union of New York, edited by F. J. Hlavaeek. _ 2 According to one account Zoula was by birth a Slovene, not a Cech. 147 THE CECHS IN AMERICA awaiting trial; after finishing a sentence of ten months, he repaired to Switzerland, from which country he emigrated here. After a comparatively short stay in New York, he proceeded to Chicago to edit in that city the Budoucnost (Future), "organ of anarchists of the Cech-Slavic language." His associates in the management of the paper were Joseph Pondelicek, Jacob Mikolanda, Joseph B. Pecka. The vigorous police censorship which fol lowed the Chicago Haymarket outbreak forced this journal, like many other anarchist papers, to suspend. The year the Budoucnost sang its swan song, Zoula died in California of tuberculosis, "the common malady of the proletariat," a newspaper commented at the time : and he died in utter want, deserted by his comrades. Joseph Boleslav Pecka, moulder by trade, made his appearance in Chicago in 1884. As the recording secretary of St. Margaret's Congress, he brought upon himself in the motherland the anger of the police. For this with thirty other comrades he was put into prison. His "portion " was eighteen months and he served his term in full. Having been active in Vienna as collaborator of the Delnicke Listy, he needed no urging to do his share in the press prop aganda of the party in America. He died in Chicago in 1897, in his forty-eighth year. Two years after his death, comrades published his SebranS Bdsne (Col lected Songs). Pecka's style as a journalist was vigorous and clear. The Collected Songs (92 pages) 148 RADICALISM AND SOCIALISM are the revolutionary rhapsodies of the downtrod den proletarian. Jacob Mikolanda, a baker, migrated in 1882 or 1883. He became connected with the Chicago Budoucnost, and when this radical paper was forced to the wall, he wrote for the Prdvo Lidu (People's Rights), a weekly of more moderate tone than the Budoucnost. For alleged complicity in the Hay- market affair Mikolanda was sent to the work house for six months. His death occurred in Cleve land. Frank J. Hlavaeek, now on the editorial staff of the Chicago daily Spravedlnost (Justice), began life as a miner. Having had a certain degree of newspa per training at home, Hlavaeek from the outset (he came to New York about 1887) gave himself wholly to journalism. With several friends he set up in New York in 1893 the Delnicke Listy, the publisher of which was nominally the International Working- men's Union. By common consent the Delnicke Listy was regarded as the organ of revolutionary social ists. For want of support the paper was forced to give up its existence in New York. It was removed to Cleveland, where, under the editorship of V. Kudlata, it finally went under. Disillusioned, Hlavaeek quit New York and went to Chicago. There he returned to his old allegiance — social democracy. With the downfall of the Delnicke Listy the radical wing of social democrats, the party of action in New York, lost its greatest support. 149 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Thereafter the decline of this faction in New York was rapid and its ultimate break-up inevitable. Among other small things, Hlavaeek published a collection of workingmen's songs in Cech, The Torch (214 pages) and a rhymed narrative of the Crea tion, "accurately according to the version of the Bible." Though Hlavaeek is not above the average rhymester in skill, one cannot but concede, reading his humorous tale of the Creation, that he possessed a certain store of robust humor. Zdrubek tried to tell much the same story in verse, but his Bible to Laugh is incomparably inferior to Hlavacek's. Edward Mily, a typesetter, was expelled from Bohemia and later from Vienna as a political unde sirable. He went to Budapest, removing in 1884 to London. Later he came to New York. Mily did effective work on the Volne Listy (Free News),1 and translated, besides, several pamphlets. The youngest refugee was William Krouzilka, a student from Prague. A ready debater and a clever newspaper reporter, Krouzilka, despite his youth, rose quickly to prominence in the party. In Chicago, whither he went from New York, he published cred itable pamphlets, one of which was a Life of Dar win. He died in Chicago a few years ago. Vaclav Kudlata, said to have been a student of theology in Bohemia, delivered in 1897 a lecture "on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the 1 The Volni Listy originated in 1890 in Brooklyn. Suspended in the first months of the war. 150 SOCIALISM AND RADICALISM death of the Chicago Martyrs," which was that year printed in pamphlet form under the heading After Ten Years. Another brochure by Kudlata is en titled, Half-hearted and Whole Liberalism (1897). Kudlata died in 191 7, at Elizabeth, New Jersey. None of the reformers had a more enthusiastic following in the debating clubs than Gustav Haber- man. During his second stay in the United States, in the early nineties, Haberman helped to father the radical VolnS Listy in New York. "Later I dis sented from the extreme policy of this paper," we read in his memoirs.1 Returning to Bohemia, Haber man rose to a commanding position in the working- men's councils and he was elected on the socialistic ticket to the old Austrian Parliament. Of Frank Choura (a miner living in a small town in Pennsylvania) Dr. Soukup has this to say: "He was a witness and a participant in the Paces drama. After the arrest of Paces, Rampas and Christopher Cerny, he (Choura) fled to America. On this man rested the terrible suspicion of having informed on his comrades. The events of the last few years have, however, fully exonerated Choura." Because he had a guilty knowledge of the exist ence of Paces's unlicensed printing shop and had omitted to inform the police, Frank Janota, a tailor, became, in the eyes of the law, Paces's accomplice after the fact. Janota saved himself from arrest by 1 Gustav Haberman: Z miho Zivota (From my Life). 253 pp. Prague, 1914. 151 THE CECHS IN AMERICA a hurried flight to Switzerland. From the Swiss Re public he went to London, and there published sheets which he called Pomsta (Revenge) and Revo- luce (Revolution) . Reaching New York some time in 1894, he became associated with the Volne Listy, remaining at the head of this paper for about five years. Janota signed his articles with the pseudo nym "Rebel." In the little cemetery at Neligh, Nebraska, lies buried a martyr-workman whose tragic life-story, because true, is more gripping than that of Jean Valjean, in Les Miserables. Whereas in Hugo's mas terpiece the villain was the sergeant Th6nardier, in the case of Joseph Paces, the Cech Jean Valjean, it was the State, as typified by secret police, which played the villain's role. Joseph Paces was a simple workman, whom social and national wrongs had made a rebel — rebel against society and state. Jean Valjean stole a loaf of bread and for this was sent to the galleys; Paces did not steal, cheat, or rob. He was a political crim inal, though a desperate one, according to the view point of the Austrian police. What crimes did Paces commit? First, he set up a secret printing press in northern Bohemia to further the propaganda of social democracy. Because he did this without a license from the authorities (who, of course, would not have granted it) , he violated certain strict police regulations. Then he was guilty of lese majeste. The Government prosecutor charged him with treason, 152 JOSEPH PACES SOCIALISM AND RADICALISM besides. When in prison, Paces in a moment of desperation attacked a brutal jail-keeper with a knife; this constituted a new crime: assault with intent to kill. On the occasion of his discharge from prison (altogether Paces had given eighteen years of his life to the cause of social democracy) , his comrades in Prague arranged a reception in his honor. "Here we saw him for the first time," writes Dr. Francis Soukup.1 "A bent, pale-faced man, looking as if he had just arisen from the grave. With face seamed, a haunted look, proud flesh around one eye. Hands trembling as if palsied, knees wabbly. Eighteen years spent in an Austrian prison at hard labor had left its marks on this living skeleton. ..." Dr. Soukup visited Paces's grave at Neligh. "Here Paces came to find his resting-place. ... On these vast plains, in the heart of America, far from the people who had taken away from him all he had, wife, chil dren, youth, health, life. . . . Such had been his life, such is his grave; great as a man, greater still as the martyr of the Cech proletariat. ..." Anarchism among the American Cechs is dead. The Haymarket event dealt it a knock-out blow from which it never recovered. The older generation of immigrants, who had the opportunity to note at close range its corrosive tendencies and the vicious methods employed by its votaries, recall it as a 1 Dr. Francis Soukup : America; a Series of Pictures from American Life. Prague, 1912. 153 THE CECHS IN AMERICA hideous vision. Both the leaders and the followers are anxious to forget the past. The socialists have four newspapers to further their cause, namely, the Spravedlnost (Justice) and the Zdjmy Lidu (Interests of the People) in Chi cago, the Americke Delnicke Listy (American Work ingmen's News) in Cleveland, and the Obrana (Defense) in New York. CHAPTER XIII THE CECH AS A SOLDIER IN the Civil War the Cechs provided the United States Army with more musicians than generals. At any rate, the historian is certain of the existence of the former, whereas a most thorough search of the register of officers from 1789, the year of the or ganization of the Army, to 1903,1 failed to unearth a single general. The Poles presented to the strug gling Republic two fighters of note, Kosciuszko and Pulaski. A number of Polish officers are known to have served in the Civil War. The name of V. Krzyzanowski, who held an independent com mand, comes to mind. No Austro-Hungarian na tion, however, has paid such generous tribute to Mars, the god of war, as the Magyars.2 This is of course explained by the circumstance that many Magyar officers were living here in involuntary exile, following the suppression of the Hungarian Rebellion in 1849. Among the list of officers serving in the Union Army and claimed to be Magyar one notices such suspiciously un-Magyar names as John T. Fiala and Anton Pokorny. The last-named 1 Francis B. Heitmann: Historical Register and Dictionary of the U.S. Army, from its Organization, September 29, 1789, to March 2, 1003. Published under Act of Congress, March 2, 1903. Washington. Government Printing Office. 2 Eugene Pivany: Hungarians in the American Civil War. Cleve land, 1913. 155 THE CECHS IN AMERICA was major of the Eighth and lieutenant-colonel of the Seventh New York Infantry. Pridefully the Chicago Cechoslovaks point to the fact that their first club (i860) was a military organization styling itself the Slavonian Lincoln Rifle Company. Several of the Cech members hav ing dropped out before the volunteers had been called into service, the club corrected its name to Lincoln Rifle Company. Geza Mihaloczy, according to one version a Slovak, but according to another (Pivarry), a Magyar, is remembered as its organi zer. Whether Magyar or Slovak, Mihaloczy died a brave soldier's death on the battle-field. He lies buried at Chattanooga. Before the war he was quite a conspicuous figure in the Chicago circles. But two officers, in the Register and Dictionary have given Bohemia as their birthland : John Pilsen (seemingly an assumed name from the town of Pilsen), captain of a New York regiment of volun teers, and John Rziha. Elsewhere, Rziha is referred to as John Laub de Laubenfels. The Slavie prints a communication dated March 19, 1862, from pri vate J. Zajicek, stationed at Hunter's Chapel, Vir ginia, in which occurs this passage: "In our regi ment of volunteers, that is the 8th of New York, we have only a handful of Cechs, eight all told. The first in command of Company B. is F. Werther,1 by 1 Frederick Werther owned a liquor saloon in New York, much patronized by Cechs. He took active interest in the social activities of his blood brothers. 156 THE CECH AS A SOLDIER birth a Slovak, who is attached heart and soul to his ancient race." In another letter, also published in the Slavie, bearing the date December 5, 1862, the same soldier (Zajicek) writes: "When the 28 th Wis consin Regiment passed through (Hunter's Chapel) we lined up by the roadside. We were surprised to hear that so many Cechs were enrolled in that regiment. Presently a comrade rushed to tell us the joyful news that he had recognized several friends in the 28th Regiment, with whom he had spent enjoyable days in Chicago and Milwaukee; Lieutenant Landa was there and with him no less than sixty Cechs." The Slavie that year was sending out about twenty copies to soldiers in the field. From this it would seem that there were not many soldiers in the camps; or that Cech fighters had been braver soldiers than newspaper subscribers. Just how many had shouldered the musket in de fense of the Union, one cannot say, for the muster rolls did not tabulate the nationality of the private. The subjective and often more confusing than illu minating reminiscences of Cech soldiers, which we find reprinted in Joseph Cermak's book,1 offer no basis even for an estimate, much less for accurate computation. A monument has been erected in the Bohemian National Cemetery in Chicago to com memorate their participation in the great struggle. We have said that the Cechs had contributed 1 Joseph Cermak: The History of America. From various sources. Chicago, 1889. 157 THE CECHS IN AMERICA more musicians to the Army than generals. In cor roboration of this we find in the local history of the Poles x this bit of interesting information: "A depu tation of Poles headed by Officer Ludwig Zychlinski wished to pay the compliments of their people to President Lincoln, who was staying in camp not far from St. Louis. General Hooker undertook to intro duce the delegation to Lincoln. The President asked how many Poles were serving in the army; and re calling some of the Polish officers by name, Krzy- zanowski first of all, he praised their valor." On this occasion, relates Zychlinski, "a toast was drunk to the health and good luck of the Poles, and the musicians, among whom were Cechs and two Poles from Warsaw, played the anthem, 'Jeszcze Polska nie Zginela' (Poland has not yet perished) which moved all to tears." "So far as I could make out from the scanty ma terial at my disposal no Cech in the Union Army wore a higher brevet than Adolph B. Chladek (born 1838 in Vamberk, Bohemia, died 1887 in Chicago). He served with the Ninth Wisconsin Infantry, early receiving the commission of second lieuten ant. At first he was attached to the staff of Gen eral Schofield; later he served on that of General Weir.2 Cermak believes that American Cechs sent a con- 1 History of the Polish National Union, p. 23. Chicago, 1905. 2 Joseph Cermak : The History of America. Part m, The History of the Civil War. Chicago, 1889. 158 THE CECH AS A SOLDIER siderable number of their sons to the ranks. Pre cisely how many, he fails to state; his narrative accounts for these numbers serving in the Union Army: Iowa, 29 men x (p. 198); Wisconsin, 26 (p. 181); Maryland, 19 (p. 182); Illinois, 13 (p. 78); Michigan, 10; and so forth. Cermak leaves it to be inferred that, except a handful of conscripts in the Confederate Army from Texas and Louisiana (the only Southern States having Cech population), they were all fighting for the Union. John Wagner, a not over- veracious writer,2 as sumes that Captain Lesdegar Kinsky (conceivably a member of the aristocratic family of that name) was a Bohemian. Kinsky served in the war until 1864 when wounds and sickness incapacitated him. He died in Boston in 1891. Another soldier of for tune from Bohemia with a Civil War record was Count Edward C. Wratislaw, Lieutenant-colonel of the Forty-fifth New York Infantry.3 Cenek Paclt, a rolling stone and a globe-trotter, whose inextinguishable desire for adventure had led him to explore the ends of the earth, is the only soldier of Cech nationality serving in the Mexican War of whom we have any record. Having enlisted 1 B. Shimek: (e) The Bohemians in Johnson County, on pp. 6-7, gives the names of 57 Cechs serving in the 6th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 22d, 46th, 47th Iowa Infantry and 1st, 2d, 6th, 8th, and 9th Iowa Cavalry, in addition to 6 regulars. 2 John Wagner: Transatlantic Gossip. 41 pp. Prague, 1898. 3 F. B. Heitmann: Field Officers of Volunteers and Militia in the Service of the United States during the War of the Rebellion; 1861-65; p. 827. 159 THE CECHS IN AMERICA in the United States Army in 1846^ Paclt claimed to have taken part in several of the battles that ended in the seizure, by General Winfield Scott, of Mexico City in 1847. Discharged/from the Army in 1853, this restless wanderer resumed his globe trotting. He died in 1887 in Zululand.1 Hundreds of Cech volunteers and enlisted men shouldered the musket in the Spanish-American War, doing their duty honorably in Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines. A comrade in arms, a United States regular, told their collective story.2 In the war just ended Cechoslovak volunteers (at home they call them legionaries), fought the Central Powers under Russian, French, Italian, Serbian, Canadian, English and United States colors. How many legionaries served in the armies of the Allies? Soon after his arrival from Russia President Masaryk in a speech delivered in Carnegie Hall, in the summer of 1918, asserted that 50,000 Cechoslo- vaks in Siberia were under arms and that another 60,000 were awaiting to be armed. The Cechoslovak unit in France numbered 15,000 men. This was made up of volunteers from the United States and deserters and released pris oners of war from the Russian and Serbian fronts. The contingent in Italy, composed wholly of de- 1 Cenek Paclt' s World Travels. By Dr. Jaroslav Svoboda. Mlada Boleslav, 1888. 2 Matthew Masek : The Spanish-American War of 1898. Illustrated. 48 pp. August Geringer. Chicago, 1899. 160 THE CECH AS A SOLDIER serters from the Austro-Hungarian Armies, was mentioned in the dispatches as having over 20,000 men. Some 1000 took part in the operations on the Balkan fronts. A writer who has made a close study of published reports computes the strength of volunteers and enlisted men in the United States at 100,000. In the opinion of the same writer the loss in man power on the Allied side was 34,000. By far the heaviest losses were sustained in the Russian campaigns and in the terrible march with the Serbian Army across Albania. Putting the estimate of the losses in the Austro- Hungarian Armies at 220,000, we obtain a total of 254,000 men killed.1 A popular legend in Bohemia says that the knights slumbering in the cave of the Blanik Moun tain would awaken and with St. Vaclav leading them would fall upon the enemy at the hour of the Fatherland's direst peril and would confound and destroy him. The knights of the legend did awaken and they did come out of the Blanik Mountain at the time the Fatherland was in supreme peril. That was in July, 1 914. The knights were the legionaries who gave their lives to the end that democracy might triumph and that their native land might be freed from the yoke of the Hapsburg oppressor. 1 Otakar Charvat: The Pokrok, July 16, 1919. I6l THE CECH AS A SOLDIER On July 18, 1919, President Woodrow Wilson reviewed in Washington a detachment of invalided veterans returning home from Siberia. On this occa sion the President addressed the following eulogy to "Major Vladimir Jirsa, officers, and men of the detachment of the Cechoslovak Army," which will always be read and treasured by Cechoslovak le gionaries. "It gives me great pleasure to have this oppor tunity to review this detachment of your valiant army and to extend to you, its officers, and the brave men associated with you, a most cordial welcome. Though we have been far away, we have watched your actions, and have been moved by admiration of the services you have rendered under the most adverse circumstances. Having been sub jected to an alien control, you were fired by a love of your former independence and for the institu tions of your native land, and gallantly aligned yourselves with those who fought in opposition to all despotism and military autocracy. At the mo ment when adversity came to the armies with which you were fighting, and when darkness and discouragement cast a shadow upon your cause, you declined to be daunted by circumstance and retained your gallant hope. Your steadfastness in purpose, your unshaking belief in high ideals, your valor of mind, of body and of heart evoked the admiration of the world. In the midst of a disorgan ized people and subject to influence which worked 162 THE CECHS IN AMERICA for ruin, you constantly maintained order within your ranks, and by your example helped those with whom you came in contact to reestablish their lives. I cannot say too much in praise of the demeanor of your brave army in these trying circumstances. Future generations will happily record the influence for good which you were privileged to exercise upon a large part of the population of the world, and will accord you the place which you have so courageously won. There is perhaps nowhere recorded a more brilliant record than the withdrawal of your forces in opposition to the armies of Germany and Austria, through a population at first hostile, or the march of your armies for thousands of miles across the great stretches of Siberia, all the while keeping in mind the necessity for order and organization. " You are returning now to your native land, which is to-day, we all rejoice to say, again a free and independent country. May you contribute to her life that stamina which you so conspicuously mani fested through all your trying experiences in Russia and Siberia, and may you keep in mind after your return, as you had kept in mind heretofore, that the laws of God, the laws of man, and the laws of nature require systematic order and cool counsel for their proper application and development, and for the welfare and happiness of the human race." CHAPTER XD7 JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE AN American writer who examined the bibliog raphy of Cech books, pamphlets, year-books, memorials, and newspapers published here since i860, expressed genuine astonishment at its bulk. Not knowing the language, however, he was unable to differentiate between original productions and publications which are mere reprints, translations, or adaptations. The truth is that original works catalogued are but few. The 'book output of the socialists, for instance, is made up of translations. Several of the most productive authors — to men tion one, Zdrubek — were translators, not original writers. Is it possible to create in America a distinctive German, or Swedish, or Cech literature? More in tensively than any other race the Germans culti vated letters in their national tongue in America; yet what really great writers have they produced since Peter Zenker's time? "The hopes of a German- American literature, entertained by some of the enthusiasts of 1832 and 1848, have never been real ized," so answers this query Gustavus Ohlinger. "It would be difficult to find a German book," he continues, "which the Germans themselves would claim was entitled to even an humble place in liter- 164 Iltlt Racine, W 1 ifronshi, 1 ledna, Jjfc.-*4jt *fly.' ,- pd,!( fcrf, -• V - . (A-^l* k|t<»rflrh ri.iWHAV Hilm-ia Ma fm fc-M, MrW| tMf Crjrft Tclfnn "J "r ttJWMjfi. !h l*ttauitl— trm« (lufrnii torm-it* ! fcrnnt (rtni f frolwui, i 4nnftna ahi! *titr™rojii I tuviTKnm-I'i'^*". -'bit*™' B*f hoi..* :,„ ¦ , | Miir,|rii!n-n pjjfoH r«#w-NtMtwrul I*6* W***ilM. T.rn Ion^m' 3 tnf*nVrIrfLirf ¦•¦iri.f*." In, ;*m i **'** ttliil iw ' IjtM in*i,».i*tn-t4{ •lfcfi™»i ». [ir-ifH, fly |t 'Uk *¦ Ihroi Ul«-i ' »:*«.'¦ Ma, .-.fcti.if-t: i,--:i ."'¦-:¦ 1 '*ilj*nri ffouftaft. .»r*rn(b .(•miil.i it tuM Dn rtrfl fun r> Midxlrm [vrvtn. liirfijl tut THjfl. (un oullu fulK C« K(t (to Htftji fi ««!iirl, r> pirW u in ettr IwiaiNii. M Irtm rM iWill ir Iruiitl, 3 UEbU Ii (tii tiVnui), j Ji rr*o »k ClrWCwftw, (*tvr; !4U ¦ ,,!¦. 'llmW fp inr;i rrttiiiV I BOftvIl Hull, tHf lim' TIL*;.* - jTrfe/, ! Hj™ Wtf, H tHMjm^ilidi l^lr* 1^01'- „(" W flrjfbi (itf-rnrai*! - *|N Iriintrml, K»lwV>»- mr.uJnr.i- fill jllf twt c*- K*J(Jii n 1 l.ifliJU. \n U | uimrpil-la ' i, Hlj™: Jhft" W <(K ¦ 111 w IR^tiHH u.1.i!> ifp'i ' jlW r^i+r|*iu SlW( n-.r-uhTiT* h«ifir, rfr > Mirll— [r*(f OjfT* i,.!t, iStr J* litajri aital. rmt fi1'™ Nrf* mrrrn ]• rttglrft ifinipp nj-jlillj o it»KliIm ttwii, unl'H. wit'* llr^ullm k BrrtJl^jUlL .'.¦' ) JJlllI iPli f.- I .1 (jlt|[r!,i:| 111 ill Ifiwr — INl iMiTr tctiliUfvi Wca— nj/i*$t a ifUBwrti »r(ri)— hwftfi It t-t.i. irjf|l BVU1IIT(«HI pji f ™*, Xiin'iali tnMw ri'i-,mi>:iivi.'*tvtTJ nit hill. iVH ilnnM tfl(h>, i.« furatk irri fniirl-rl - »*MrJ - fit™ riXittr fnt I frW Ml, liiMnirltrrMli. .Vckf FiiU Thi j™, fchr WpTini riir.aill ¦ ^rai f.iprrrf h+jti, rirfM |h«\ (1>. i -fn-r.-j.-nr-in. ^di in r.fim r,-rci.'ii.i'i ri'irw 2 irrriin IjfrjH rfrtfln* ifflrl f« I "sin, jfflr (fofi n« Bmtn (m, riNd iT-.i-n ur''''' B''¦'t,, * L,!*rJlu' '"rajMl^ ft i rwui m *itu i, rS*» .0 l irli ilaicn irartu r.- ¦ i r-:, .-¦¦.!' B , -'mil iiwrimliif t tinunt.ii s mi vfc r.- THE FIRST NUMBER OF THE SLOWAN AMERIKANSKY The first Cech Newspaper in the United States JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE ature. Very few native-born German-Americans have become German writers of even average abil- ity-" Perhaps Swedish, Italian, or Cech authors may yet create a work of striking and enduring value, but in view of the absorbing force of Americanism one is certain that other than English-language lit erature will not thrive here. Journalism preceded book literature.1 The first newspaper, Slowan Amerikdnsky, came out Janu ary I, i860; the first publication in book form, of which we have authentic record, was issued in 1865.2 From the first the newspapers had the upper hand. To improve them the publishers spared neither time nor expense; book literature, unfor tunately, remained an afterthought. Like Cinder ella it was forced to mope in the corner, while the publisher spent all his spare cash to dress up the pampered daughter, the newspaper, in most at tractive finery. Of course, one must reckon with the high-pressure life of the average American, who finds just time enough to read the daily paper. That book- publishing continued to be neglected was due, 1 th (F. K. Ringsmuth): "Cech Literature in America," Kvety Americke, September 29, 1886. 2 Pravda, etc., The Truth, or an open discussion of events and of progress in the nineteenth century, as viewed in the light of his tory and from other sources, by Charles Prochazka. Racine, 1865. A year before, that is in 1864, Charles Jonas' brought out a Spelling Book and First Reader for Cech Slavic Youth in America, and Anton Eisner, in St. Louis, a Reminder of the Fatherland. The two last- named publications, however, were reprints. 165 THE CECHS IN AMERICA largely, to a lack of a purchasing public. August Geringer in Chicago, John Rosicky in Omaha, Anton Novak in Milwaukee, and Charles Jonas in Racine published quite a number of books and might have published more if the public had shown more appreciation — in buying them. A New York bookseller, on being asked what class of people purchased Cech books, replied: "My best customers are clergymen and socialists. Old settlers seldom buy a book; their children never." Useful handbooks antedated belles-lettres. Dic tionaries and interpreters were as indispensable to the immigrant as a plough is needful to the farmer or tools to the mechanic. Five years after the Ameri can type foundries had cast type with Cech dia critic marks, Charles Jonas compiled for the use of his countrymen a Bohemian-English Interpreter. By 1870 F. B. Zdrubek had gotten out an English Grammar. Both publications were woefully deficient textually and crude typographically. For that mat ter, everything that came off the press in those days, whether a pamphlet or a newspaper, bore tell-tale marks of apprenticeship. In the winter of 1852-53 arrived in Boston, on the ship Amor, a small company of home-seekers, several of whom were destined to play a noted part in the history of Cech immigration. One of them was Frank Korizek (1 820-99), 1 stonemason and 1 Kvety Americke, August 18, 1886. Biography and portrait. 166 J. B. ERBEN FRANK KORIZEK JOSEPH PASTOR FRANK MRACEK JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE odd-job man from Letovice, a provincial town in Moravia. At one time Korizek had been a turnkey in the chateau of Count Kalnoky. It hardly need be added that he was, in addition to all his varied accomplishments, a self-taught musician, who was glad to earn a florin or two at country dances and weddings. Korizek settled in Racine — Watertown was his objective — and earned the distinction of being the Nestor of Cech journalism. His daughter, Christina, married Charles Jonas; the other daughter, Cecilia, was given in marriage to Vaclav Snajdr, a name in separably linked with the evolution of the rational ist movement. Another of the Amor's passengers was John Barta (also called Letovsky, from Letovice, his birthplace), Korizek's fellow townsman and school mate. Barta (1821-98, Iowa City), who had ren dered invaluable help to Korizek, in his initial strug gles with the Slowan Amerikdnsky, established in 1869 at Iowa City a weekly bearing almost the same name as Korizek's journal. The paper founded by Barta still continues to be issued in Cedar Rapids, whither it was removed from Iowa City. Its name is Slovan Americky (American Slav). Charles Jonas, in the biography * of Korizek, asserts that his father-in-law made up his mind to become a publisher after reading the life-story of Benjamin Franklin. The famous American philoso- 1 Jubilee issue of Slavie, November 4, 1885. I67 THE CECHS IN AMERICA pher started his career as a printer's apprentice; why could not Korizek begin the same way, even though he was a married man and father of a grow ing family? In this resolve, Jonas tells us, Korizek was strengthened by the study of Charles Hav- licek's x editorials loaned to him by a friend. While it is conceivable that Korizek found an inspiration in the life-stories of Franklin and Havli cek, and was eager to emulate, in his own humble way, the example of these great men, yet there is one essential fact which Jonas omitted in telling of Korizek's achievement, namely, that years before another fellow countryman in the United States had striven hard to establish here a newspaper in the Cech language. That man was Vojta Naprstek. In 1857 Naprstek addressed a meeting of interested parties in St. Louis on the subject. He urged New Yorkers to help, and he is known to have corre sponded with Chicagoans toward the same end. Naprstek even outlined the future policy of such a paper. It should be liberal and fearless, somewhat like Havlicek's Ndrodni Noviny. Naprstek's return to Europe in 1857 alone prevented him from realiz ing this pet project. Notwithstanding this clear and convincing evidence, we are asked by Jonas to be- 1 Charles Havlicek, or Charles Havlicek Borovsk^ (from Bo- rovany, his birthplace), was a noted publicist, whose journal, Ndrodni Noviny (National Gazette) the Austrian Government sup pressed as revolutionary. A volume of selected editorials was pub lished under the caption, The Spirit (the essence) of the Ndrodni Noviny. 168 KRISTINA KORIZEK, JONAS'S BRIDE CHARLES JONAS AT 30 JONAS'S BIRTHPLACE AT MALESOV, BOHEMIA JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE lieve that his father-in-law derived all his resolve and drew all his inspiration from Franklin and Hav licek and none from Vojta Naprstek, his near neigh bor and contemporary (Naprstek lived in Milwau kee, Korizek in Racine). Posterity will do justice to Vojta Naprstek as the originator, the mental spon sor, of the idea; Korizek will be remembered as the mechanic who consummated it. Korizek learned to set type in the shop of the National Demokrat, a German weekly in his home town, Racine. Hearing that stored behind the sa cristy of a Milwaukee church was a hand printing press, the property of a priest, Korizek decided to buy it. The price of the press was $140. He had a few dollars laid aside, which he had earned as a musician, and, with loans and gifts from friends, he succeeded in raising $40. For the balance of the purchase price, that is $100, Korizek gave the priest a mortgage on his cottage. The first number of Korizek's weekly was dated January I, i860. It bore the name Slowan Ameri- kdnsky. The type was German, or "kurent" (cur rent), as the old folks used to call German script. Twenty-four numbers of the paper Korizek edited and set up alone, with only such small outside help as Joseph Satran (tailor) and Vaclav Simonek (school-teacher) were able to render. In the day time he worked in the printing shop; evenings he was kept busy reading and writing by candle light, except when he was engaged to play, for 169 THE CECHS IN AMERICA music still assured the sole dependable means of a livelihood and he felt he must not neglect it.1 Korizek's Slowan Amerikdnsky was three or four weeks old, when the St. Louis Cechs launched forth another weekly, the Ndrodni Noviny (National Gazette). This paper was meant to be the first jour nal published in America, but owing to the dilatori- ness of its promoters, it really was the second. The St. Louis paper was a joint-stock enterprise which had been in the making for upward of three or four years. In a way the Ndrodni Noviny was Naprstek's paper, inasmuch as its stockholders were following the plan previously laid out by him. By acting quickly, Korizek forestalled the St. Louisians by less than a month, reaping as publisher whatever advantage accrued from priority. Before long the Slowan Amerikdnsky and the Ndrodni Noviny felt keenly the adverse economic conditions incident to the Civil War, and friends having advised merger as the only means of saving both properties from bankruptcy, a meeting of representative men was arranged in Caledonia, Wisconsin, with the result that the rival concerns joined forces. The Slowan Amerikdnsky and the Ndrodni Noviny, title names and all, were thrown into the melting-pot out of which emerged on Octo ber 30, 1 86 1, a weekly, that was christened the 1 Slavie, November 4, 1885. Kvety Americke, September 18, 1886. Biography written by Charles Jonas'. 170 JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE Slavie. Racine prevailed over St. Louis as the home office of the new journal. Between January, i860, and the spring of 191 1, 326 Cech journals had come into being, represent ing every shade of public opinion.1 Socialists, anar chists, Protestants, Catholics, agnostics, Republi cans, Democrats have had their say in them. Of these 326 journals some 85 survive and to-day clamor to be heard. The Hlasatel (Herald) of Chicago claims a circulation of 25,000, if one is to take the advertising agent at his word. The Hospoddf (Husbandman), an agricultural bi monthly, with a home in Omaha, is said to be a reg ular guest in 30,000 households. The year 1875 witnessed the issuance in Chicago of the first daily, the Svornost; now four dailies serve the needs of readers in that busy Western metropolis alone. One champions the cause of the socialists, another pro claims itself the organ of the Catholics, the tend ency of the third is anti-clerical, the fourth seeks to be independent. Cleveland and New York sup port two dailies each, Omaha one. "Published in the interest of the Cecho-Slavs in America" is a legend that is printed under the headlines of pretty nearly every journal, irrespec tive of religious or political affiliation. Usually, if not always, the paper is being issued in the interest of one Cecho-Slav — namely, the publisher. 1 Thomas Capek: Padesdt Let ceskeho tisku v Americe (Fifty Years of Cech Letters in America), p. 185. New York, 191 1. 171 THE CECHS IN AMERICA To the dictates of the American political parties the Cechs responded readily and loyally. Demo crats and Republicans were, of course, always rep resented in the press. The old Prohibitionist party never made any conquest among them. The Slavie under Jonas's management was a stanch Demo cratic partisan. The Pokrok Zdpadu, while John Rosicky owned and edited it, was a steadfast Re publican adherent. A dyed-in-the-wool Republican among the veteran editors was John A. Oliverius, who was never happier than at election time when he could measure swords with Jonas' in a newspaper encounter. He was a fortunate publisher, indeed, who owned a printing press. Generally the beginner had only sufficient funds to buy a modest stock of type, cases, galleys, and stones. The paper was set up in the shop, but sent out to an American or German press room to be printed. It was only after a time that the publisher, if his venture proved successful, was able to buy a printing press, usually on the installment plan. Bruce's type foundry in New York was among the first in the country to yield to the demand for Cech type. To the great misery of typesetters, Bruce and later Spindler cast no other than lower and upper case type. Accented job type was sup plied by the foundries at a much later date. Type setters who knew the trade from the old country were few. Most, if not all, the printers were initi ated into the mysteries of this craft in America. 172 NEWSPAPER HOMES The Svornost, Chicago; The Hospodar, Omaha; The Hlasatel, Chicago JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE Every pioneer newspaperman, publisher, and edi tor knew in detail the tricks of the business and could, in case of an emergency, such as a strike, not only edit, but set up and print his own paper. Long is the roster of editors who rose from the case to a seat in the editorial sanctum sanctorum. Proud was the publisher, jubilant the typesetters, apprecia tive the readers, when the paper appeared dressed in brand-new type from Bruce's or Spindler's foundry. Every one on such an occasion had a word of praise for the publisher's spirit and enterprise. However, such events were exceedingly rare. Many papers, alas! never lived to wear a second suit of clothes. A Cleveland weekly, now happily defunct, will be remembered with a shudder for its battered type and general ragged looks. Editor! Journalist! A time was when the editor not only wrote for the people; he literally thought for them. His advice on matters relating to the affairs of the community never failed to command attention. Grumblers there were, of course, who dis sented from the editor's views, but sooner or later the opposition was sure to fall victim to the mighty man's wrath. The editor was invariably picked out to umpire quarrels, many of which, by the way, were of his own making. He was chosen as orator to address meetings and conventions; played leading r61es at amateur theatricals; taught the local Cech language school; helped to organize new lodges; was called 173 THE CECHS IN AMERICA _ upon to write funeral orations, political speeches, and banquet toasts. When Jonas was in the heyday of his power, his word in the Slavie was law and his decision admitted of no appeal. Now lawyers, doctors, teachers, mer chants, and professional politicians help the editor to mould public opinion. In towns where there were two or more rival journals there were bound to be two or more con tentious factions. The editor, in each case, was the fixed star around which the lesser lights circled. Stories of Indian life were as popular with the veteran reader as are the conventional detective thrillers of the present day. Without an exception every paper fed its patrons on them.The scribe who translated them into fustian Cech seemed to revel in them no less than the reader himself. The curious feature of it was that the border settler, who should have been the last person in the world to entertain romantic notions about the redskin, was most fond of stories of Indian adventure. Singularly enough, not one of the devotees of this trashy reading seemed to know enough to translate the wholesome tales of James Fenimore Cooper. Instead, they wasted their time on such worthless rubbish as the Dragon of Silver Lake, or the Old Backwoodsman, Hukah Jim, the Cruel Modoc, Wild Katie, or the Prairie Outlaw. If reproved, the editor excused his course by arguing that first you must teach people to be readers before you begin to educate their taste. 174 JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE The Russo-Turkish War (1877) and the occupa tion by Austria-Hungary of Bosnia and Herzego vina happily diverted the readers' attention from the redskin and the cowboy to the South Slavs. Promptly the Indian fell into disfavor, and the edi tor, answering the call of Slavic blood, turned to the life of the Balkan Slavs and their age-long strug gle against the Turkish master. Then it was that Prokop Chocholousek,1 a writer whose romantic tales from South-Slavic countries had enjoyed great popularity in Bohemia, came to his own. There was hardly a paper which did not, during the period of the Russo-Turkish War, lend generous space to Chocholousek's South-Slavic heroics. With the rise of modern Cech literature, novels by Alois Jirasek, Karel Rais, Vaclav Hladik, and other writers of recognized ability, began to dom inate more and more the columns reserved for fic tion. It is no secret that Cech-American publishers are dependent for this sort of reading matter on the literary output of the mother country. Copyright laws have no terrors for the publisher or the editor, accustomed to literary pillage. When the book mar ket abroad was poor, as it was thirty or forty years ago, the reader here was made to starve in a liter ary sense. One can imagine what dearth of reading matter there was half a century ago when the St. 1 Prokop Chocholousek (1819-64) was a writer who imitated Walter Scott. His stories, though lacking the finish and preparation of his favorite master, exercised a powerful spell over the reader, particularly of the younger set. 175 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Louis Pozor, a weekly circulating among the work ing classes, was driven by dire need to reprint Klacel's unpalatable Dobroveda. Of the old-time romances none were in greater demand by the pub lishers than Herloszsohn's The Last Taborite, or Bohemia in the Fifteenth Century} We dare say that this historic novel will be found reprinted in every paper dating back to the seventies. Anti-clerical journals, the Pokrok, Dennice No voveku, Svornost, and Sotek, maintained a special column in which the editor registered, or reviewed, each week, the transgressions of the clergy. Bitt- ner's "Clerical Peep Hole" in the Sotek made un comfortable reading for the priest who happened to get into the focus of the " Peep Hole." Of sensational disclosures by nuns who had made their escape from convents, there were published several variants. Sister Lucy tells in the Svornost of her harrowing experiences in an English convent. Sister Agatha confesses her troubles to the Dennice Novoveku. Sister Therese bares the alleged secrets of her life, also in the Svornost. Zdrubek translated, for the Svornost, Chiniquy's Priest, Woman and Con fessional. Exposures, confessions, revelations are 1 George Charles Reginald Herloszsohn, in Cech Herlo§, was born in Prague in 1804; died in Germany in 1849. Although his stories were written by him in German, he betrayed his nativity in every historic novel. A passionate admirer of Bohemia's past, he liked to sketch the stern heroes of the Hussite Wars, when Bohemia hurled defiance at papal Europe. Though uncritical, his historic novels are still popular. . 176 JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE many; there is the Confession by Pope Alexander VI, "iby Altaroche; Priest's Victims, by J. E. Ball; the Secrets of the Spanish Inquisition, by M. V. Fereal; Hierarchy and Aristocracy, by F. Hassaurek. Discussing some of the commercial aspects of ^journalism Vaclav Snajdr, has this to say: * ". . . /Two or three Cech houses established a reputation ' as steadfast and dependable advertisers. The firms of Severa (Cedar Rapids) and of Triner (Chicago) settled their bills promptly on the day and on the hour. The checks from firms like these made it pos sible for many a newspaper to meet its expenses. "Forty- five years ago typesetters were paid twenty-five cents per thousand ems. Of course, much depended on the typesetter himself and on the locality where the paper was published. Girls who had been trained for the work by the publisher received less. "The wages of typesetters on the Dennice Novo veku were $15, later $18, payment being made promptly on wage day. I would rather have left the shop empty-handed myself on Saturday, than not to have paid the employees. I know, however, that certain publishers treated their men scandalously in this respect. When daily papers began to gain a firm footing and Cech typographical unions had organized their men, the wages of typesetters rose so markedly that many a reporter gave up his job 1 Specially communicated in 1915 to the author by Vaclav Snajdr, at present living in retirement in Cleveland. 177 THE CECHS IN AMERICA at the desk and took to typesetting. At the case the reporter felt he was more independent; the pub lisher did not require him to attend, in the interest of his paper, dances, amateur theatricals, concerts, meetings. Furthermore, as a typesetter, he was se cure from the impertinence of petty demagogues, who made miserable the life of the editor. "The Slavie' s high- water mark in the matter of subscribers was 4000. The highest figure reached by the Dennice Novoveku was 3000. Considering the paper's radical policy, this was considered as en viably large. But in time a recession came. Pub lishers started to manufacture 'patent inside' weeklies and bi-weeklies filled with material taken bodily from the dailies. Against these factory-made weeklies, as they might be called, the genuine week lies could compete in everything save in the quan tity of reading matter. "Except for occasional help, the Slavie never em ployed a salaried associate editor. It was always a partnership, or a profit-sharing arrangement of one kind or other. Korizek and Barta had agreed to divide the profits; but as matters were there was nothing to divide. On the contrary, the paper would have been run at a loss but for extras earned by Korizek as a musician. After the merger of the Ndrodni Noviny and the Slowan Amerikdnsky, Mracek and Barta were to have drawn a certain salary. This salary was not paid as agreed, for the simple reason that there were no available funds. 178 VACLAV SNAJDR JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE Mracek and Barta, as you know, went to Russia on a special mission. In Jonas's and Korizek's time, the old system of profit-sharing was again put into practice and continued until 1868, when I bought out Korizek's share. After that Charles Jonas and I drew $50 a month each. The profits, if any, we divided at the end of the year. My salary as asso ciate editor never exceeded $50 per month. About the same stipend was paid to J. V. Sladek who worked for the Slavie a few weeks. Joseph Jiri Krai received a compensation of $60 or $65 a month. I am not certain how much other publishers were paying, but my impression is that John A. Oliverius did not receive more on the Pozor than $45 or $50. Zdrubek began with $50. Joseph Pastor had a prom ise of more on the Nova Doba of Chicago; however, the receipts were never such as to warrant the extra compensation. In those days $50 a month was gen erally thought a fair honorarium. As to your in quiry concerning circulation. Until 1865 readers were counted by the hundreds only. The Slavie probably had at that time 2000 subscribers. When I bought out Korizek in 1868 the circulation was 2500; readers began to increase after the seventies. Advertisements were at first inserted not so much for revenue as to fill the space. In 1870 advertise ments netted the Slavie $200. Later there was a steady accession of advertising matter. The best- paid advertisement was that of the North German Lloyd — $25 yearly. 179 THE CECHS IN AMERICA "What the Bartas doled out to Klacel as editor of the Slovan Amerikdnsky, I do not know, but it could not have amounted to much, for the old pro fessor never wearied complaining to his friends that he was in want and that his pay was beggarly. "After his return from Europe, where he had gone to report on the Franco- Prussian War, Jonas began publishing a small weekly, a sort of a supple ment to the Slavie, which he named the Amerikdn. He was enough of a business man to see that the Slavie could not keep two editors busy, and he was anxious to earn an extra dollar from this new enter prise. The typesetting on the supplement was done almost entirely by his wife Christine, who, like her younger sister, Celia, later my wife, had become a skilled typesetter. " Meantime Edward Rosewater,1 who had served for a time in the Civil War as a field telegraph oper ator, issued in Omaha, besides his daily paper the Bee, a Cech weekly, the Pokrok Zapadu. One of the contributors to the Pokrok Zapadu was carpenter Vodicka. The sheet led a precarious existence, be ing more of an advertising medium of land specula tors than a purveyor of news. Obviously this state of things did not tend to raise the paper's reputa tion among its readers. Seeing that the Cechs were beginning to settle in Nebraska in increasing num bers, Rosewater decided to raise the standard of the 1 Kvety Americke, September 28, 1887. Biography and portrait. Rosewater was born in 1841 and arrived in 1854. 180 JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE Pokrok Zapadu, and he offered me, upon whose ad vice I do not remember, the editorship, at a weekly salary of $25, in addition to giving me lodging in the printing shop. This salary Rosewater paid me regularly; and to show my gratitude, I toiled night and day, taking charge not only of the editorial columns, but of business correspondence as well. Advertisements were few, because Cech business men, other than saloon-keepers, grocers, bakers, and butchers, were but a handful. That publishers accepted advertisements at ridiculously low rates is true. Some papers were content to receive almost any price; again others were satisfied to be paid by the advertiser in kind — clothing and footwear for the printers, dress material for the women folks. The Dennice Novoveku in the initial years owed its existence to profitable advertisements which I so licited personally in my off hours, after my editorial duties were done. Subscriptions from readers came in tardily and were inadequate to keep the paper going." As they have lived so they have died — in hon orable poverty. Bittner, the greatest talent of them all, left his family in utter destitution. Janda, an other gifted journalist, died pitifully poor. A chari table relative drove the proverbial wolf away from Oliverius's door more than once. Klacel was all but a public almoner living on the scant pittance of his admirers. The income from the newspaper drudg ery barely sufficed to keep soul and body together. 181 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Palda repeatedly jeopardized his business interests by his unconquerable passion for journalistic work. In his memoirs Palda laments: " If times were hard in Cleveland they were intolerable in New York. The employees, to be sure, had to be paid promptly. We three publishers divided the income as follows: John V. Capek, being single and having supposedly smaller needs, drew five dollars weekly; I received eight wherewith to support myself, wife and three children; Skarda and his wife kept the balance." Believing he was taking a final leave of the profes sion Capek in the last number of the Cleveland Ndrodni Noviny (1873) says with ill-concealed bit terness: " I throw away my pen with which I have wasted here three of the best years of my life." To Pastor, ambitious and clear-headed, the outlook appeared so dismal that he made haste to with draw while still young and turn his energy to a more gainful employment. Zdrubek was one of the few favored ones who accumulated a competence. But Zdrubek's main revenue was derived, not from journalism, but from paid functions incident to his position as Speaker of the Liberal Union in Chicago. No ordinary journalist was Frank Mracek J (born in Moravia in 1828, died, 1896, in Odessa, Russia), whom the publishers of the St. Louis Nd- 1 John Borecky : Chapters on the History of Cech- Moravians in America, p. 9. Cedar Rapids, 1896. The Pokrok Zdpadu, March 10, 1896. 182 JAN BARTA LETOVSKY ANTON MALINOWSKI JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE rodni Noviny called in i860, to edit that paper. His biographer said of him that he had been sentenced to serve a twenty-year term in the military prison at Kufstein, in the Tyrol, for having taken an ac tive part in political agitation in Prague. After the amnesty in 1857 Mracek emigrated to the United States. In the first years of the Civil War, a farming element, discontented with conditions here, con ceived the somewhat fantastic plan of migrating to Asiatic Russia. Mracek and Barta Letovsky were chosen as envoys to go to the Czar's land, there to pick out a suitable region for the future New Bohemia. Happily, the contemplated emigra tion to Russia never took place ; so far as is known only one emigrant settled in Russia pursuant to the plan. That emigrant was Mracek himself. To his countrymen in the United States Mracek's leave- taking was a real loss, for he was a cultured gentle man, a born leader and organizer. Mracek's widow, who is still living (or rather was living before the war) in Russia, draws a pension from the United States Government; he served in the Army during the Civil War. Charles Jonas (1840-96), the "first Cech in America," as Carl Schurz was the "first German," came to the United States in 1863, as an under graduate of the Polytechnic at Prague. To save himself from arrest for actively participating in the Cech national movement, Jonas had fled to Lon don; from that city friends invited him to come to 183 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Racine to take charge of the Slavie. When he as sumed editorship of that paper he was but twenty- three years old, an alarmingly immature age for an editor. Yet Jonas's youth was not without its compensations, for it enabled him to master more quickly the English language and to grow up, so to say, with the surroundings. Even before he came to America he had evinced a marked liking for public affairs, to which in the United States he could give free rein. In his student days he wrote a political pam phlet in German wherein he sought to prove that a confederacy of free nations was the only solu tion of the Austrian problem. His quick wit told him he must master the English language before he could aspire to leadership among his people here. At a time when others were still hesitating whether they should stay in America or emigrate to Amur, Jonas' busied himself with English. Though a mere youth, he was sagacious enough to recognize the unwisdom of opening the columns of the Slavie to religious disputes. That the temptation to do so was strong is easily believable, for Jonas was a lib eral through and through, and there was no mistake as to where his sympathies lay. Among his journal istic colleagues he attained an exceptional position: friend and foe alike learned to look up to him as an authority, from whose decision but few had the courage to appeal. Such was the weight of his word that his views and his opinions on matters relat- 184 CHARLES JONAS JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE ing to the national life of the Cechs in America were regarded as final; not perhaps that he was always right, but because it was Jonas who said it. About 1872 the Slavie ranged itself openly on the side of the Democratic Party, with the result that probably the majority of Cechs followed Jonas willingly and embraced the creed thereof. His liter ary work was entirely of the useful kind. Though he had been trained, as stated, for the career of a technicist, he plunged courageously into philology and lexicography. His initial volume was the Bo hemian-English Interpreter, published in 1865. x In 1876 appeared the Bohemian-English and English- Bohemian dictionaries. The fact that these diction aries have gone through sixteen editions, in each case amplified and improved, is the best testimony of their merit and usefulness. In 1884 followed the New American Interpreter; in 1890 Bohemian Made Easy. The American Law and Golden Book for Farmers are compilations. Other Cechs have achieved higher political honors than he; Jonas was state senator (1883), consul to Prague (1885), lieutenant-governor of Wisconsin (1890), consul to Petrograd (1894), consul to Crefeld (1894). Yet in 1 Adolph William Straka, political exile living in London, preceded Jonas' by three years with his English Grammar, published in Prague in 1862. This is the first book of its kind in the Cech language. Inas much as Jonas' came to Racine from London and had associated in the English capital with Straka, the inference is that it was Straka's example which inspired Jonas to devote himself in America to the same line of literary work. 185 THE CECHS IN AMERICA the estimation of the old-timers, Jonas was with out a peer. He died at Crefeld, Germany,1 and was buried in Prague. His tombstone bears this inscrip tion: "Charles Jonas, first United States Consul of Cech nationality, born October 30, 1840, died Janu ary 15, 1896. I have one wish. Bury me in the loved Cech land, for which I have fervently longed and for which I have sacrificed all." 2 Journalism will not forget the name of Joseph Pastor, the fighting editor of the ultra-radical weekly Pokrok. Pastor was born in 1841, and af ter graduation from a Latin school (gymnasium), being too poor to continue his studies in the uni versity, he joined a religious order. He appeared in New York in 1866. There he earned a niggardly living at cigarmaking. Later he entered the service of the New York Staatszeitung as a stenographer. 1 In order to set at rest the stories current as to the causeof Jon&S's death, the author addressed a letter of inquiry to the State Depart ment. Here is the answer: Department of State, August 10, 1918 Mr. Thomas Capek. Dear Sir : In response to your inquiry of July 29th I regret to in form you that the Department's records show that Mr. Charles Jonas', American Consul at Crefeld, Germany, died of heart failure, January 15, 1896. Herbert C. Hengstler, Acting Chief, Consular Bureau 2 The Kv&ty Americkd, July 15, 1885, autobiography and portrait; the Slavie, January 22, 1896, obituary by J. J. Krai and portrait; the Svetozor, Prague, xxxii: 120-21, portrait of tombstone; the Slavie, May 31, 1912, eulogy by J. E. S. Vojan, on the occasion of the un veiling of a monument to Jonas in Racine. 186 JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE Pastor was a thorough German scholar. His letters from New York to the Slavie attracted the atten tion of Jonas and of Korizek, who offered him the editorship of the Pokrok. While no one questioned Pastor's ability and sincerity, the more cultured element deplored his rough-and-tumble style of handling his adversaries. Father Joseph Molitor, of the Chicago Katolicke Noviny, was a particular suf ferer at Pastor's hands. Wearied of the miseries of journalism, he removed to Hamburg, where he established himself as a steamship ticket agent. During his residence in Hamburg he issued in 1884 a periodical, the Ceske Osady v Amer ice (Cech Settle ments in America), containing much useful statis tical information. Pastor was a warm admirer of America and of its free institutions. The KvSty Americke (American Blossoms) 1 had this to say of Vaclav Snajdr, from 1877 to 191 1 the publisher and editor of the Dennice Novoveku: "He holds a notable rank in our national life, enjoying the esteem and confidence of the liberal element among Cechs in America. After the retirement of Jonas from active journalism, Snajdr occupied without doubt a foremost place as a newspaper writer; as a poet he has not been equaled (among his countrymen here). Pity, though, that the exhaust ing work of journalism has stifled in him the poet." 1 The Kvety Americke, August 17, 1887. Biography and portrait; Thomas Capek: Fifty Years of Cech Letters in America, pp. 120-21, autobiographical note. I87 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Snajdr, who was born in 1847, came to the United States the same year as did Klacel. Preparatory to his taking charge of the Dennice NovovSku, which he founded in 1877, he received journalistic training on the Slavie, Pokrok Zapadu, and Pokrok. Several of his compilations — his favorite author appears to have been Ingersoll — were published in pam phlet form. The estimate of Snajdr by the Kvety Americke is correct in the main, except for the asser tion that he ranked next to Jonas as a journalist. The truth is that disciplined readers appraised Snajdr as the abler newspaperman of the two. This estimate of Snajdr's abilities was sustained as Jo nas, in later years, began to neglect journalism for the more exciting, though not profitable, game of politics. Snajdr was always frank, at times dis agreeably so. Jonas' as an aspiring politician was necessarily wary, diplomatic. Except for a few pamphlets, all Snajdr's literary production is stored in the Dennice Novoveku, and the thought is a mournful one — a tragic feature of the journalism of a small nation — that a man's life effort should be bound up in the archives of a newspaper of which there exists but one copy, the copy which is called the editorial file. An original personality among the old standard- bearers was John Borecky (1828-1908).1 Though he received no more than a village school education 1 The Kvety Americke, November 10, 1886; St. Louiske Listy, January, 1909. 188 VACLAV SNAJDR AND HIS BROTHER-IN-LAW CHARLES JONAS (standing) VACLAV SNAJDR AND JOSEPH V. SLADEK (left) JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE and notwithstanding the fact that he was a stranger to the mysteries of Cech orthography, to quote a journalistic opponent, Borecky was capable of writ ing thoughtful, and if the subject-matter related to the doings of pioneers, exceedingly informative, articles. Aggressive to rashness, Borecky was un afraid even of Klacel, if he believed himself in the right. In newspaper disputes he had no hesitancy in attacking Snajdr, Zdrubek and Palda. His great gift was his remarkable memory which, even in his ex treme old age — he died at Little Rock, Arkansas, in his eightieth year — served him unerringly. If a controversy arose over the details of some long-for gotten event, all that was needed was to knock at the door of old man Borecky and he promptly sup plied the missing facts. His scrap-book was deadly and men with shady pasts felt uneasy when Borecky became reminiscent. It was he who silenced Hynek Sladek,1 a poor newspaper scribe; it was he who made J. B. Erben, the first editor of the St. Louis Ndrodni Noviny and the intimate of his youth, dis gusted with journalism.2 In addition to articles 1 For details from Sladek's life, see article, "One of the Pioneer Cech editors," the Kvety Americke, Omaha, July 10, 1902; another account, the Kvety Americke, November 10, 1886. Hynek Sladek should not be confounded with J. V. Sladek, the poet. 2 J. B. Erben was born in 1837, and according to latest advices, lives with his daughter in retirement in St. Louis. His past has been the subject of heated controversies, in which Borecky, his chief de tractor, invariably led the opposition. Osvlta Americkd, January 16, 1907, and Borecky's letter, dated March 15, 1907, published in the St. Louiske Listy. 189 THE CECHS IN AMERICA scattered in various newspapers, he wrote a brief treatise, Kapitoly (Chapters on the History of Cech-Moravians in America). Only that part of the tract which contains the personal reminiscences of the author is of value; the rest, in which Borecky debates with the protagonists of liberalism, is rambling. Following a newspaper quarrel, Borecky left the liberal party and joined, in theory at least, the socialists. He came to the United States as a journeyman tailor and resided alternately in Mil waukee, St. Louis, Chicago, and Little Rock. John A. Oliverius (i 843-1 904) was not nick named "newspaper grave-digger" without reason. His name is associated with sixteen papers on which he had been active as editor or in which he was in terested as publisher. Not one newspaperman could boast of such a record. Oliverius's head was ever afire with lofty ideals and far-reaching plans, the latter invariably aiming to save from racial extinc tion his countrymen in America. Among other things he advocated the founding of a New Bo hemia, preferably in Oregon, where it would be protected on one side by the sea. Charles Jonas', his political adversary — Oliverius championed the Republican Party while Jonas' was a Democratic partisan — was wont to call him a visionary and a fool; yet Oliverius was far from a fool. On the con trary, he was, on occasions, a shrewd judge of men, far-sighted, almost prophetic in some of his conclu sions. In a newspaper melSe, it is true, he often lost 190 JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE all sense of proportion. Despite his long residence in America (Chicago), he never learned the art of making money, a circumstance all the more remark able, since he had been trained in his youth for a merchant's career. But for the charitableness of a relative abroad he would have suffered what Klacel bitterly termed, vulgar want. His nickname, " news paper grave-digger," was not wholly undeserved, yet it was Oliverius' s cash and his alone, which went to pay for all the newspaper graves that he dug. In 1890 he published in pamphlet form a lec ture on the Cultural Meaning of the Queen's Court and Green Hill MSS. (144 pp.). In view of the fact that both of these manuscripts were proved to be spurious, the treatise has but an antiquarian inter est. Not even his opponents questioned his probity or his rugged patriotism. "Oliverius was impracti cable," "Oliverius was an idealistic visionary," was the worst they could say of him. He died in poverty and is buried in Prague. Ladimir Klacel x created nothing in America of enduring value. Driven by dire need to seek a liv ing in unprofitable and unappreciated newspaper work, again and again changing his residence, — he 1 The Kvety Americke, September 15, 1885, biography and por trait; Vaclav Snaj'dr: Ladimir {Francis) Kldcel: His Life and Teach ing. 49 pp. Cleveland, 1908; same, the Dennice Novoveku, April 9, 1908. The monument above his grave in Belle Plaine bears inscrip tions in Cech, English, and Latin. The English text is: "Professor Ladimir Klacel, the Cech Patriot, Philosopher and Freethinker, born at Ceska, Tfebova, April 7th, 1803. Died at Belle Plaine, March 17th, 1882. Erected by his grateful countrymen." 191 THE CECHS IN AMERICA lived successively in Iowa City, Chicago, Coopers- town, Kossuthtown, Keewaunee, Krok, Milwau kee, Belle Plaine, — Klacel lacked that repose of mind and sense of security which, if not indispens able, are yet conducive to scholarly pursuits. Snajdr, who visited Klacel in his flat in Chicago, thus describes the plight of the hapless philosopher: " He occupied one room partitioned off by a screen; the front part was used as a kitchen and sleeping- place by the housekeeper, Mrs. Moll. In the other lived Klacel surrounded by his books. Dejection and poverty were reflected in his sorrowing eyes. ' We subsist on bread and milk and at times we lack even that; besides, my clothes are falling apart,' he complained, pointing to a black alpaca coat, such as the clergy wear. Neither I nor my companion could repress our emotions. I shall not forget this visit." A fellow countryman found Klacel weeping on the steps of a country church in Wisconsin, in which, in his utter destitution, he was compelled, as a means of earning a scant pittance, to conduct services to a motley congregation. What poignant suffering it must have caused him to again put on priest's vestments and repeat before the altar the ceremony which he had often ridiculed. To a friend he wrote that he wished to publish in America a newspaper "serving the needs of a cul tured people, who strive after truth, righteousness, love. Yet, what do I find? Every lofty ideal meets 192 ' '. _ ' tit iflM^uiiidtt fb (Can m Sifrii tJfgMMgqptai uiir> «N«slrr Mb Vqfia ^Vtf. !>. xaiiodnHHUnovlw. i T I j i1"! \ a fl, "JT^SftJ 'iriatiuuK nonutic. ¦.-....,,.,-.¦. ,.-¦,,¦ ' '/¦ PGKRQjT - ./ H as* fr*"> *>S s£' :" : ':¦ ^-i: ,¦:--., SLOYO UVOBNI. Bohemian Voice ifORKSKE LISTY. — — SVORNOST. Chicago, patek S. /•(/'«« /S7J. t&sfo /. I*, n, u ,HI. t, n< D„.jt 1 1 Hhtikt «oI1>y pUul , -3^/X"^il^T^r^^w!''^™'SioI stroll ^HAinwmKA, EARLY NEWSPAPERS JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE with derision. Nevertheless I persist and try to please the minority, at least, hoping that in the end victory may be our reward. But it is disheartening to have to struggle with vulgar want." And this in a communication to an admirer: "How deeply grieved I am that they [the Bartas] should treat me as if I were a day laborer, from whom they accept what suits them, paying me what they please for services rendered. All too readily do they forget that the 1500 subscribers [of the Slovan Amerikdn sky] are due to my endeavor." "Klacel's American writings," comments Anton Novak of Milwaukee, "were printed in editions at no time exceeding 500; of this number about one half was sold, the remaining half was knocked about on the shelves for years until I gave the stuff away or threw it out on the rubbish heap, in order to gain shelf -space for other books. It was very poor busi ness; there were issues that did not bring in enough to pay the cost of the print paper. The Vecny Kal- enddr (Perpetual Calendar) had about 150 sub scribers; the Historie Spojenych Statu Americkych (History of the United States) barely 100. That under such circumstances I could not go on with other of Klacel's publications is self-evident." One cannot speak of Klacel as a journalist. Judg ing his work in the retrospect, we get the picture of a sorrowing old man, captivated by dogmas; one who had no adequate conception of the realities of American life. Is it to be wondered that readers 193 THE CECHS IN AMERICA grumbled that "Klacel wrote too learnedly"? In the Hlas Jednoty spoke not an American journalist, whose function is to record the events of the day, but an old-fashioned schoolmaster. Among self-made men, who, to use a homely but an expressive phrase, pulled themselves up by their boot-straps, the best known was L. J. Palda (1847-1912). An eloquent speaker, an independent thinker, a gifted journalist, an indefatigable organ izer, Palda might have risen high, had he been able to tear himself away from the diminutive world to which his birth had chained him, but which he adored above all else. He had many of the faults and virtues of the great men, of the Mirabeaus, Gam- bettas, Cavours, and Riegers of history. His life gave every evidence of his strong personality. He organizes workingmen, advocates socialism — he is rightfully called the father of Cech socialism — by appealing speeches tries to sustain, when and wher ever called, the waning courage of strikers, drudges as editor and as pamphleteer. It is hard to decide which of his achievements deserve higher praise. Is it his work as a publicist? Or his efforts as an or ganizer of labor? Even his enemies — and Palda had plenty of them (he was vainglorious, they said) — will not gainsay his splendid gift of eloquence. So cialists will not detract from his merits, though the more radical element repudiated him, at one time, as a reactionary. An idealist and humanist despite unending disappointments, Palda wrote, in 1902, a 194 JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE remarkable booklet, which he entitled Myslenky o novem ndbozenstvi (Thoughts on New Religion). In it the thinking man sets out to analyze his creed; not satisfied with evasion he demands solution of the perplexing problem of religion. He arrives at the conclusion that mere non-belief, negativity, is not enough. "I yearned by this exposition of my faith partly to ease my troubled mind, partly, if possible, to assist in the approaching regeneration of our lib eral party. I see this possible only in a new religion, which shall embrace all our desires, all our ideals, our teachings, our views. ... I realized more and more that mere negativity, renunciation of the be liefs, will not suffice to fill a spiritual void." Palda's New Religion, however, pleased neither the ortho dox among the rationalists nor the old-fashioned believers. The latter challenged the author through the person of Father Tichy of Minnesota,1 who was of the opinion that there was no need to go in search of new creeds. All that was necessary was an abid ing constancy in the old, the true faith. As for the rationalists, they passed a scathing resolution in which they, metaphorically speaking, ejected Palda from their ranks as an apostate and undesirable. Palda's last years were spent in Cedar Rapids, where he operated a cigar factory on a small scale. By trade he was not a cigarmaker; he came to the United States in 1867 as a journeyman weaver. Journalism always attracted him and he yielded to 1 Odpoved* Paldovi (A Reply to Palda). 1906. A pamphlet of 88 pp. 195 THE CECHS IN AMERICA its allurements, though his business often suffered in consequence. He received but little more than a common school education; yet those who had the good fortune of knowing him intimately agreed that he was not only an amiable companion, but a cultured man. A well-stocked library was his only college. As a journalist he towered far above Zdru bek and as a student he outranked Jonas, who had more of a practical than contemplative mind. His tragic death occurred in Cedar Rapids in 1912.1 Frank Boleslav Zdrubek was born in 1842 of a poor family. He was sent to a Catholic theological seminary to be educated for the priesthood. Hav ing, as he says, experienced a change in religious faith, Zdrubek left the Catholic for a Protestant seminary, from which latter he graduated. Emi grating before the seventies to the United States, he took charge, at Caledonia, Wisconsin, and at Wesley, Texas, of evangelical congregations of Cech-Moravian Brethren. But his career as a min ister of the gospel was of brief duration. The par ishioners complained that their pastor was too radi cal in his views; the pastor again was dissatisfied because his flock was not progressive enough. When Joseph Pastor resigned from the anti-cleri cal weekly Pokrok, Zdrubek gave up the pulpit, removed to Chicago, and "notwithstanding his 1 The Kvety Americke, August 15, 1885, autobiography and por trait; Dr. F. Soukup: article in Prague Prdvo Lidu, reprinted in Hlas Lidu, July 10, 1913; article in Prague Cos, reprinted in Hlas Lidu, July 8, 1913. I96 FRANCIS B. ZDRUBEK JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE retiring disposition and his aversion to public life," accepted the post of editor of that paper. "He did this all the more readily, as he felt that as a minister of the gospel he could not make an honorable living unless he chose to make of his vocation a vulgar traffic and practice from the pulpit pious extor tion." x Zdrubek was an iconoclast who believed in no miracles save those which science performed. Though a pulpiteer of considerable experience, it could not be said of him that he was an orator. As a journalist he was distinctly commonplace. Most prolific of all the Cech literati,, he was, in fact, not a creative writer, but a translator. Yet in the end Zdrubek managed to raise himself to the fore most place among his countrymen and the liberals bowed to him as their chief. What was the secret of his success? Zdrubek was a man who triumphed not by reason of genius, for he was not above medioc rity, but rather because all his life he had been a hard, conscientious worker, a man of unblemished reputation. The liberal ideas which he imbibed •from Voltaire, Paine, Ingersoll, Klacel, and other thinkers, he espoused with a zeal, which no one would have suspected in this meek and humble ex- pastor. His life-work proceeded along two dissimi lar lines: like Jonas he compiled dictionaries and grammars. At the same time he combated, orally and in writing, clericalism in all its forms. The 1 The Kvety Americke, June 23, 1886, autobiography. 197 THE CECHS IN AMERICA English Grammar came out in 1870. Then followed successively, How to Pronounce in English, Cech English Interpreter, Pocket Dictionary of the English and Cech Languages, and a grammar or two for Cech elementary schools. His translations from English and German include: Das Leben Jesu, by David Friedrich Strauss (1883) ; The Age of Reason, by Thomas Paine (1884); Die Konventionellen Lu- gen der Kulturmenschheit, by Max Nordau (1885); Kraft und Stoff, by Ludwig Buechner (1889). Then there are the Sermons, delivered on various occasions, but chiefly as a Speaker of the Liberal Union in Chicago between 1879 and 1894. His rhymed Comic Bible (1885) is maladroit. In 1877 he took part in a public disputation with Father V. Coka, a Chicago priest. Zdrubek's contribution to this debate was printed under the title, Two Reli gious Disputations, etc. Jointly with August Ger inger he founded, in 1875, the Chicago Svornost, remaining uninterruptedly at its head up to his death in Chicago in 191 1. An adversary thus epit omized Zdrubek's life-work: "With tireless en ergy worthy of a better cause, he propagated the teaching of infidelity, and he admired greatly the doctrines of that American agnostic, Robert Ingersoll." The roster of pioneers would be incomplete with out the name of John Rosicky of Omaha.1 A self- 1 A Souvenir, published in memory of John Rosicky, American Cech journalist and patriot. 90 pp. Omaha, 1910. I98 JOHN ROSICKY JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE made man, Rosicky came to be recognized as one of the forceful members of the journalistic profes sion. In 1 87 1 he took over from Edward Rosewater the weekly Pokrok Zapadu (Progress of the West) , then a small sheet, without influence and without readers. In time Rosicky raised the Pokrok Zapadu to the front of Cech weeklies. That his tastes were higher than mere commercial journalism, he proved in 1884, when he set up the Kvety Americke, the first genuine attempt at a Cech literary periodical. Bravely the Kvety AmericM strove to live up to the programme outlined in the prospectus of the pub lisher. But the most ambitious plans of a publisher are doomed to miscarry if the reading community fails adequately to support him. Tiring of the re current deficits, Rosicky was forced to modify his original plan with the Kvety Americke. Out of the compromise emerged, in 1903, a publication called the Osveta Americkd (American Culture), half com mercial, half literary. By far the most profitable of Rosicky's ventures proved to be an agricultural paper, the Hospodar (Husbandman). This publica tion now claims a larger circulation than any other agricultural paper printed in the Cech language. Rosicky was a newspaper man and not an author. Only one brief booklet — businesslike and to the point — bears his name, Jakje v Americe ? (America as it is), compiled "for the guidance of newly ar rived compatriots in America." A man of compel ling individuality, he rendered helpful service to 199 THE CECHS IN AMERICA settlers west of the Missouri River. He was born in 1845, came with his parents to America in 1861, and died in Omaha in 1910. John V. Capek was a humorist whom no Cech writer in America has yet equaled. His homely hu mor was of that rustic grain — Capek was peasant born — which, like a happy after-dinner speech, provokes both good feeling and mirth. His ready pen turned out droll rhymes with the same aston ishing ease and neatness with which a magician pulls things out of his hat. The comic Life of St. Anthony of Padua (New York, 1883) in verse is fairly indicative of Capek's skill in this respect. The life of the Italian saint, by the way, is not a translation of Wilhelm Busch's Der Heilige St. An- tonius von Padua. Only the illustrations are bor rowed from that German writer-artist. The text is original. Capek's humorous weekly, the Diblik (Puck), will long be remembered by discriminating lovers of clean, sparkling humor. As a journalist and writer of fiction, he was thought of highly by contemporaries, and would have added consider ably to Cech letters here, since he was a man of fine culture and broad views, had not experiments in electricity lured him away from literature. He was born in Bohemia, in 1842, studied in the Univer sity of Prague, and came to America in 1871 in answer to a call from the publishers of the Cleve land Pokrok. He died in New York in 1909. F. K. Ringsmuth possessed more than a versi- 200 JOHN V. CAPEK JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE fier's adroitness at turning out rhymes. He, too, had in him the material of which genuine poets are made. Marital troubles were accountable for Rings- muth's complete desertion of literature. Pecksnif- fian colleagues called him a turncoat; in a sense, Ringsmuth was a turncoat. From a social democrat and a rationalist, which he was in his younger years, he turned for consolation to the Scriptures, be coming first a missionary, later a Protestant min ister. The Kytice Bdsni (Bouquet of Poems, New York, 1882) discloses a man of decided poetic talent. Josephine Humpal-Zeman (1 870-1 906), a news paper writer, and advocate of woman's suffrage, was the very opposite of Frances Gregor. An un fortunate marriage forced her to earn her own liv ing. Incidentally, marital experiences lent a sharper angle to her estimate of the new woman. Mrs. Zeman first obtained entrance into American circles through the good offices of certain women inter ested in a Chicago settlement house. One of these, Mary Ingersoll, Mrs. Zeman called, in a book dedi cation, "My second mother." Presumably due to the generosity of this woman, Mrs. Zeman was sent to a seminary. From the seminary she brought home two very valuable assets: first, a fair com mand of the English language, and secondly, a broader general knowledge. Later in life, when she put herself at the head of the woman suffrage move ment, she was enabled to make excellent use of 201 THE CECHS IN AMERICA these acquirements. With other women she founded in Chicago, in 1894, a weekly paper, the Zenske Listy (Woman's Gazette). Aside from journalism she was active as a lecturer, speaking to audiences in English or in her mother tongue, as circumstances required. She was the pioneer in this work. Un- gallantly, Bartos Bittner was wont to chaff her in the Sotek with the sobriquet, "Mrs. General." Mrs. Zeman was a type that shone to greatest advantage on the lecture platform championing the rights of her sex, or in woman's clubs, where her readiness as a debater was a great asset. We have only one book from her, Amerika v pravim Svetle (America in its True Light), published in Prague in 1903. "The book contains three of the lectures I delivered while on a visit to my native land, in some thirty towns in Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia." The "three lec tures" is a pamphlet full of bright bon mots. The observations in America in its True Light are clev erly phrased but superficial. She died in Prague in 1906. Using the popular history by Benson John Loss- ing as a model and "from various other sources," Joseph Cermak of Chicago has compiled a History of the United States. In the preface Cermak asks the forbearance of the critic, his compilation being, as he explains, "an extra work, done at odd evening hours, in addition to the hurry-up work of a news paper editor." Even the most indulgent reviewer will readily agree with the compiler that his His- 202 Catherine M . Capek Josephine Humpal-Zeman Frances Gregor Dr. Anna F. Novak PROFESSIONAL WOMEN JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE tory of the United States was done as extra work. A standard history of the United States, preferably a translation by a competent translator of some approved textbook used in our schools, is one of the existing needs of American Cech literature. And this need, unfortunately, Cermak' s history does not fill. Cermak is an authority on the technique of physical training and his book (4.12 pp.), Physical Training; Being a Practical Aid to Cech American Instructors of Youth, has earned the praise of Sokols here and in Bohemia. No visitor has written so many glaring inaccu racies and screaming untruths about America as John Wagner (1856-1905, in Prague). The man simply could not treat America seriously or soberly; he only knew America as the land of "unlimited impossibilities," America farcical and grotesque. Wagner was a Cech Munchausen, and judging from some of his performances one is inclined to believe that if Bill Nye's Comic History of the United States had fallen into his hands, he would have pro nounced it a genuine history of America. Wagner should have known better, for he was not a Sunday tourist who studies a country by looking at it from the window of a railroad train and then describes it. He lived in the United States for a considerable time, doing newspaper work in New York, Omaha, and Chicago. His pamphlet, Transatlantic Gossip, was published in Prague in 1898. Frances Gregor was born in Bohemia in 1850, but 203 THE CECHS IN AMERICA was brought to this country when an infant. In Wisconsin, where her parents settled on a farm, she became a school-teacher. Ambitious to better her self, she entered Cornell University, from which she graduated with honors. The supreme wish of her life was realized when friends enabled her to go to Prague, there to devote herself to literary work and, incidentally, to improve her knowledge of the Cech tongue. The fruits of her stay abroad were, first, a translation of Bozena Nemcova's charming story from rustic life, Babicka (Grandmother), and later, the History of Bohemia. In translating Nemcova's Babicka into idiomatic English — the first story book by a Cech author, so honored — Frances Gregor rendered a real service to literature. Many an American Cech youth has had his or her first glimpse of Cech rural life from the English version of Babicka. Gregor's History of Bohemia has since been superseded by abler historical narratives. An incurable malady not only interfered with her liter ary work, but made life, especially towards the end, unendurable. She died in 1901, in Colorado. Literary critics will assign to Bartos Bittner (1861-1912) 1 a leading place as an essayist. Bittner was intended for the law; but tiring of the Austro- Cech Blackstone, he gave up his law studies and entered a Catholic theological seminary. From this 1 Quill and Vojan: Orgdn Bratrstva, C.S.P.S., May, 1913; " Rem iniscences of Barto§ Bittner," C.A.T.K.; "Leave-Taking of BartoS Bittner," Hlas Lidu, May 10, 1912. 204 BARTOS BITTNER JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE he ran away and came, in 1884, to this country. Soon after arriving, he secured a position as a teacher in a language school in Cedar Rapids. Journalism, however, attracted him, and presently we find him at it in New York and later in Chicago. In the Western metropolis he set up a humorous and satirical weekly, the Sotek (Imp), which soon achieved marked success. He reached the height of popularity about 1894, when the Chicago Bene dictines, angered by his philippics — Bittner's raillery was particularly aimed at Abbot Jager — brought a suit for criminal libel against him. Though as poor as the proverbial church mouse, Bittner was able promptly to raise among his ad mirers $20,000 bail. The winning of the suit still more enhanced his reputation. Having lost the Sotek, owing to poor business management, Bittner became a literary free lance, working for whom he pleased and when he pleased; that, for one of his capricious temperament, meant that he worked irregularly, often not at all. But whatever issued from his facile pen bore unmistakable evidence of a talent of high order. He employed political satires with great effectiveness. As a matter of fact there were two Bittners; one, who at times was given to conviviality. This Bittner was introspective, brood ing, wretched, a grave study for the psychologist. The other Bittner was a poet and a thinker, a mas ter of Cech diction, who defied the greatest lumi naries among his countrymen. His essays, poems, 205 THE CECHS IN AMERICA , and humorous discourses, if edited, would fill vol umes. His end was as tragic as had been bohemian the life he elected to lead. Separated from his fam ily he died alone, unrecognized, in a squalid Chi cago lodging-house. Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, who is in charge of the Divi sion of Physical Anthropology in the United States National Museum in Washington, was born in Bo hemia, 1869. He immigrated with his parents as a lad. In New York he studied and for a short time practiced medicine. From the general practice of his profession he soon turned his attention to the anthropology of the insane and other defective classes. His writings, notably those on the antiq uity of man in North and South America, are numerous and acknowledged by scientists as au thoritative. Hrdlicka did research work in Eu rope, Argentine, Peru, Panama, Mexico, Siberia, China, Egypt. He is a member of many scientific bodies in this country and in Europe, of the Cech Academy of Sciences among them. Since 191 8 he has edited the American Journal of Physical Anthro pology, of which publication he is also the founder. Readers of the Dennice Novoveku have not forgotten the instructive articles in Cech which Dr. Hrdlicka contributed years ago. Cech America has had but a few talented writers of fiction. Three names have found an echo in the old country, Paul Albieri (1861-1901), John Hav- lasa, and J. R. Psenka. Albieri came to America 206 DR. ALES HRDLICKA JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE with the reputation of a successful narrator of stories of military life. In time he might have achieved distinction as a journalist, his fitness for newspaper work being undeniable, if only his rest lessness, ever driving him into new ventures, had not set at naught every serious effort that he made in that direction. That he was a poor judge of men and a worse critic of things he proved time and again by his notes on America, published in Prague papers. Bohemian in a double sense (that is, by birth and by habits) he was withal a delightful companion and a gifted conversationalist. He met death in a railroad accident in Texas. A Chicago girl (Vlasta Charlotte Kozel, 1873- 1901), writing under the name of Pavla Cechovi, contributed to newspapers colorful articles of strik ing originality. Though born and bred in Chicago and notwithstanding the fact that she had never seen the inside of a Cech schoolroom, Miss Cech- ova acquired a remarkable command of Cech, pre ferring to compose in that language exclusively. Though it is uncommon for American-born chil dren to use the Cech for literary expression, Miss Cechova was by no means an isolated case. Miss Rose Rosicky, who was born in Omaha and edu cated in the schools of that city, and who has only a book acquaintance with the native country of her parents, never having been in Bohemia, edits with ability the woman's page in the Omaha Kvety AmerickS. Mrs. Ludmila Kuchar-Foxlee, a New 207 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Yorker by birth and schooling, writes excellent Cech. Miss Sarka B. Hrbkova, a native of Iowa, was formerly professor of Cech in the Nebraska State University. For a while she was editor-in- chief of a college students' monthly, the Komensky. Alois Janda, a theologian, actor, journalist, teacher, was more than an everyday versifier; he was a gifted poet. Janda's first offering in book form, Ceskym Dusim (To Cech Souls; St. Louis, 1894), proves it beyond all doubt. When maturer years had tempered his judgment, Janda wrote articles for the Chicago Svornost remarkable for depth of thought and dignity of expression. He died in penury in Chicago, in 191 1. J. J. Krai, for years editor of the socialist daily Spravedlnost (Justice) in Chicago, now an employee of the Government in Washington, belongs to the younger set of writers. His most ambitious literary effort is a volume called Vira a Veda (Faith and Science), 213 pp. Neither Klacel, nor Zdrubek, nor Snajdr can claim authorship to anything equaling Krai's Vira a Veda. The book is replete with tell ing arguments and seemingly unanswerable facts. Krai's other brochures are, the Life of Abraham Lincoln, Life of Ladimir Klacel, . American Law (the author was admitted to the bar), Darwin's Descent of Man and the Law of Natural Selection. John Vranek, a Catholic clergyman in Omaha, published in Chicago a volume of poems, Na AmerickS PudS (On American Soil), 263 pp. Among 208 THOMAS CAPEK JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE the Catholic clergy with literary tastes, Vranek ranks high. The life which country priests are con strained to lead, notably those in charge of congre gations of foreigners, is sufficiently dreary and monotonous to silence the talent of the most am bitious ones. Father Vranek's lyric muse is too true to be silenced. John Stephen Broz (1865-19 19), a studious and learned Nebraska priest (died at South Omaha) did research work in anthropology. No scholar was better informed on the subject of skeletal remains of the aborigines in Nebraska than Father Broz. On the anthropology of Indians he read papers be fore scientific societies to which he belonged. He was, besides, an authority on the history of Cech immigration to Nebraska. V. A. Jung resided in the United States a num ber of years. He received his journalistic training on Rosicky 's Pokrok Zapadu, some time in 1882. For a Prague house he translated from Byron and from Russian and Polish poets. He is the author of unabridged English-Cech andCech-English diction aries. None of his books were published in America. E. St. Vraz, a traveler, author and lecturer, who makes his home in Chicago and collaborates on the Svornost and the almanac Amerikdn, has written extensively on travel. He is well posted on condi tions in South America, having lived in the tropics for years. All his travel books have been published in Bohemia. 209 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Who did not know or has not heard of Dr. John Habenicht (i 840-191 7), the author of the Dejiny Cechuv Americkych (History of the Cechs in Amer ica) ? Countless are the anecdotes which the profes sional humorist relates about the amiable doctor: of his innocent stage affectations and mannerisms and of his other notable failing, that is, an aggra vated case of wanderlust. In his prime an amateur actor of no mean ability, Dr. Habenicht was never happier than when he got a chance to talk over the histrionic triumphs in the past of himself and of his stage cronies. The amateur stage was an obsession with him; a close acquaintance said of him that he knew the heroes and the villains of Shakespeare dramas better than the master minds of medi cine and surgery. The wanderlust led him to try, in a professional way, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Baltimore, and towns in Texas, Nebraska, Minne sota. Chicago, however, was his favorite stamping- ground and to Chicago he unfailingly returned. It was on his itineraries through the Southwest, he as serts, that he picked up the data on Cech immigra tion for the Dejiny. Faulty and biased, the history is not without merit, particularly as regards the names and biographies of old settlers. The "unbe lievers" and the "materialists" the author excori ates with gusto. Although only thirty-eight years of age, John Havlasa has a whole row of volumes to his credit. Havlasa's predilection for the uncanny and the 210 JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE occult has been pointed out by the critics. During the war he spent a few months in an Austrian de tention camp for presuming to criticize the Govern ment. He completed a tour around the world in company with his wife and had planned to lecture in his native country on what he had seen and experi enced in America (for several years he resided in California), Tahiti, Japan, and elsewhere, when the war broke out. Apropos, his wife is a granddaughter of John Herman, a Wisconsin and Nebraska pio neer. Havlasa came to the United States at the time of the St. Louis Exposition (1904) and liked this country so well that he stayed until 1914. Ladislav Tupy1 (1872-19 18) was an ardent col lector of old-time newspapers. From time to time the need of an American Cech museum has been considered ; if the project is ever put through Tupy's invaluable collection of journals should be ac quired for it. Another of his fancies was to keep a record of the doings (and of misdoings as well) of men and women prominent in the public eye. This record Tupy kept with punctilious attention to details in much the same way as a merchant makes entries of sales and purchases in his ledgers. Tupy had been associated with Bittner on the Sotek, and at the time of his death (he died in a train accident near Chicago) was publisher of the Slavie. The war has been the making of the reputations of some men; on the other hand, it has been the 211 THE CECHS IN AMERICA undoing of others. Dr. Frank I§ka, editor pf the defunct Vesmir (Universe), is one of the idols whom the war has brushed down ruthlessly from the high pedestal of public favor. At the outset ISka, like every Cech journalist in the country, was whole-heartedly against Austria and Germany. By degrees, as the war progressed, his paper, the Vesmir, was noticed to swerve to the side of the Austrophiles. Readers of the paper were puzzled. Associated with Iska on the Vesmir was an Obscure journalist, A. C. Melichar, a pre-war arrival, who was strongly suspected of maintaining friendly relations with Austrian officials in Wash ington and in New York. Dr. Iska gravely compromised his reputation, not so much by reason of charges made against him on January 26, 19 16, by the Providence Journal, as that in the Vesmir he pursued a policy that was distinctly pro-Austrian. By this Dr. Iska has put himself in a class all by himself. Fifty-odd years of Cech journalism in the United States does not re cord a single instance of a paper having taken its cue from official Austria. That the obloquy which Dr. Iska brought on his name will react unfavor ably on the rationalist movement, of which he was, until the wary one of the strong men, is obvious. The ghost of Clement Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar, Prince of Metternich, the crafty diplomat and statesman of the Austria of bygone days, must have been rudely shocked when Charles Pergler was 212 Copyright by 1'irie Mac Donald CHARLES PERGLER JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE appointed Commissioner in the United States of the Cechoslovak Republic. Think of it, the repre sentative in Washington of sixty-six per cent of what was Austria before the war a commoner, an out-and-out Cech, a diplomat schooled, not in the Vienna Terezianum, but in the law office of a town in the Middle West — Cresco, Iowa! Before the war a Cech stood small chance of getting a consular post and none whatever of a diplomatic appointment in the service of the old Austro-Hungarian Government. The diplomatic and consular service was reserved for German bar ons, Magyar counts, with now and then a Polish szlachtic. Austro-Hungarian embassies and con sulates everywhere were regarded by Cechs as enemy territory. The Austro-Hungarian Consul- General in New York was once asked what he thought of the American Cechs. "Of all the races of the Hapsburg monarchy we like the Cechs best. Why? Because they never come here and they never bother us for favors." When the Bohemian National Alliance, which was then in its swaddling clothes, began to issue manifestoes to the public at large signed by men representing various factions, certain New Yorkers asked inquiringly, "Who is Pergler?" All that New Yorkers knew about him was that he had written a handbook on American civics, a brief biography of Wendell Phillips, and that he had been on the staff of the Chicago Spravedlnost. One day Pergler came 213 THE CECHS IN AMERICA to New York to address a meeting of nationals. He spoke on his usual topic, Cech emancipa tion. After this meeting censorious New Yorkers no longer asked, "Who is Pergler?" He has been heard many times since, and every appearance has strengthened the conviction that as a speaker Pergler has no peer among American Cechs. Palda had the reputation of being a speaker of rare gifts, but Palda was handicapped in that he spoke in his mother tongue only, while Pergler is equally at home in both English and Cech. Like Palda and other American Cechs who ac quired prominence he is a self-made man. He was eight years old when his parents emigrated to the United States. In Chicago he graduated from the public schools. A year or two later his widowed mother returned from Chicago to Bohemia with the family. In Prague Pergler clerked in a store for a while. Even as a youth not yet out of his teens he took a keen interest in public affairs, writing items for party organs, and on occasions delivering fervid speeches at meetings of the younger set of the So cial Democratic Party. At twenty-three we find Pergler back in Chicago once more, doing respon sible work on the daily Spravedlnost. From journal ism to law was the next step in his career. He was a country lawyer in Iowa when he was drafted for the work of the Bohemian National Alliance.' The lectures and talks he has delivered before chambers of commerce, economic leagues, bar asso- 214 JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE ciations, college clubs, legislative bodies, and before men of affairs generally, contributed in no small degree to a clearer understanding by the thinking American people of the past history and future as pirations of the reborn Cechoslovak State. In addition to all his absorbing duties he found time to write virile articles for magazines and book lets on Cechoslovak subjects. The Heart of Europe and the Czechoslovak State are his best publications. Vojta Benes, since 191 6 general secretary of the Bohemian National Alliance, is by profession a school-teacher. Before the war the Matice Associa tion invited him to the United States, first, to re form the Cech language schools, and secondly, to provide these schools with up-to-date textbooks. As a result of his sojourn here a Prague publishing house printed in 1912, "for the Patrons of the Lib eral School in New York," Ceska Citanka (Cech Reader, 430 pp.) "for the use of Cech-Slavic Youth in America." Later two more readers were brought out by Benes. Returning to the United States in the late summer of 1915, Benes at once joined in the work of political emancipation of his nationals. In 1916 the Bohemian National Alliance appointed him its organizer and general secretary in place of Joseph Tvrzicky, who was transferred by the Alliance to the Publicity Bureau. The Readers are not Benes's only books; he has set down his war impressions in several brochures. As a young man Dr. Jaroslav F. Smetanka, editor 215 THE CECHS IN AMERICA of the Czechoslovak Review, thought he wanted to be a minister of the gospel, and so, upon graduation from a gymnasium in Bohemia, he matriculated in the Union Theological Seminary in New York. The seminary course finished, Smetanka began to take more than a layman's interest in Blackstone's Commentaries. The upshot of it Was that, instead of putting on the cloth, he entered a college out West and took up the study of the law in earnest, securing in the end a doctor's degree. When the world war started, Smetanka had a well-established law office in Chicago. In the winter of 191 7 the Bohemian National Alliance decided to publish a monthly in English. The executive of the Alliance offered the post of editor to Smetanka, who ac cepted, and closing his law office, he became hence forth a journalist. A man of broad views, Smetanka edits the Czechoslovak Review ably and conserva tively. Recently the Czechoslovak Government named him Consul in Chicago. Francis Kopecky, Consul General in New York, was the first con sular appointee to this country. Informed opinion is that J. E. S. Vojan, Joseph Tvrzicky, Karel HOrky, and F. J. Kutak, stand at the head of the journalistic profession. Jaroslav E. Salaba Vojan, former editor of the Prague Nova Ceska Revue, is a writer of subtle in tellect and of pronounced artistic tastes. In a news paper polemic he is distinguished by that urbanity and dignity which men like Pastor misinterpreted 216 DR. J. F. SMETANKA DR. J. E. S. VOJAN JOSEPH TVRZICKY JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE as weakness or as fear of an adversary. Vojan's Cesko- Americke Epistoly (Cech- American Epistles; Chicago, 191 1) is an illuminative review of the so-called national life in America, of its bright and dark sides. Though all the deductions in the Epistles are not to be unquestioningly accepted, the author's courage and sincerity are worthy of praise. Vojan's articles written in Cech are noted for faultless phrasing and literary finish. Joseph Tvrzicky, of the Czechoslovak Informa tion Bureau in Washington, rendered a peculiarly helpful service in the crystallization of public opin ion in the first years of the war. Over his colleagues Tvrzicky has the advantage that he knows person ally many of the men prominent in literature and politics in Bohemia. In Prague he had been a poten tial force in the club life of academic youth. From Karel Horky, who landed in the fall of 191 6, the public expected much and not without reason, for the reputation of a capable writer pre ceded Horky from the other side. Ted" anebo Nikdy (Now or Never), a brochure on Bohemia's aspi rations, made Horky's name a by-word in every household. Soon after his arrival, Horky started a weekly in New York, the Podebradka. This journal might have prospered, if the publisher (Horky) had been half as clever a business man as the editor (Horky) was. On the spur of the moment he rushed out a pamphlet, which on the face of it was a defense of his father-in-law, Dyrich, a disavowed 217 THE CECHS IN AMERICA leader of the Cechoslovak troops in Russia; in real ity the pamphlet turned out to be a vitriolic attack on the men who were directing in foreign countries Bohemia's propaganda for independence. For good measure the pamphleteerslapped back at American Cechs. Horky's fall, as a result of the pamphlet, was as sudden as had been rapid his rise in public favor. Charles Dickens, it is said, never ceased re gretting the authorship of the American Notes. The time will come — if it is not already at hand — when impressionist Horky will repent having pub lished his pamphlet, Dyrich' s Nation and Benes' Public (52 pp., New York, 1917). F. J. Kutak is a well- poised newspaperman who has a way of going straight into the essentials of a topic. His articles are relished by readers who ap preciate the value of clarity, order, and arrange ment. Kutak is editor of the Organ Bratrstva, C.S.P.S. He conducted the Rozhledy (Review), an illustrated weekly which he established in 1905 in Chicago. If fiction writing assured to authors not wealth, but sufficiency, J. R. Psenka, editor of the Chicago Svornost, and author of Washington Zdvora and other romances from the life of American Cechs, would have in all probability given up journalism for fiction writing. Psenka served in Africa in the French Foreign Legion and in one of his stories he describes his adventures as a legionary. Journalists who are looked up to are: Hynek 218 JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE Dostal, of the St. Louis Hlas, conceded to be the ablest of the Catholic laymen; Vaclav J. Petrzelka, of the Svornost; Joseph Martinek, of the Americke Delnicke Listy in Cleveland; F. Holecek, editor-in- chief, and his associate, A. J. Havranek, of the Chicago Denni Hlasatel; Otakar Charvat, of the Omaha Pokrok Zapadu; Stanislav Serpan, editor oi the Bratrsky Vestnik (Fraternal Bulletin) ; Joseph J. Novy of the New Yorske Listy and B. Gregr of the Hlas Lidu. The latter two are New Yorkers. There are two veteran journalists in Texas: Joseph Bunata, a free-lance contributor to the liberal press, and L. W. Dongres (Just A. Man). J. J. Kar- nik of New York, who is interested in Cech lan guage schools, wields a trenchant pen. A large and steadily increasing group of books comprises literature of the useful kind: Pocket Dic tionaries, English Instructors, Interpreters, Read ers, Spellers, Almanacs, Memorial Books (pub lished chiefly by fraternal organizations to record their anniversaries), Cook Books, Books of Toasts, Guides in Household Economy, Farmer's Guides, Manuals of Felicitations, Patriotic and Folk Songs, Handbooks of Declamations for Sociables, Hand books of Speeches and Ceremonials for the use of Clubs and Fraternal Societies, Handbooks of Funeral Addresses for use at non-church burials (by F. B. Zdrubek, J. Kalda, B. Pavlikova), and so forth. There are no less than six manuals on American 219 THE CECHS IN AMERICA civics discussing American judicature, immigra tion, and naturalization laws. They are by Charles Jonas, J. J. Krai, Charles Pergler, Vladimir A. Geringer, J. F. Smetanka, Louis Pacak. The man ual by Pacak is the newest and most comprehen sive of all. The output in prose and verse as a rule does not get beyond the newspapers, but there are, of course, a few exceptions. The published collection, in addi tion to the books enumerated in the foregoing, in clude: F. J. Skaloud, Bordinkdri (Boarders, a bit of romance from the life of Chicago Cechs) ; J. A. Trojan, V boji za ideal (Battling for an Ideal); Otakar Charvat, Kresby a Povidky (Portraits and Tales); F. Stankova-Bujarkovi, Po stopdch ceskS krve (On the Trail of Cech Descendants, a Civil War narrative); Jiri Marin,. Pod Mrakem (Beneath Dark Clouds) ; Joseph Mach, Na obou polokoulich (In Both Hemispheres). This chapter would be incomplete without men tioning writers of Cech birth or extraction who seek to express themselves in both languages or who write in English only. Anna V. Capek: Bibliography. Frances Gregor: History, transla- Thomas Capek: Bibliography, tions of fiction. history, politics. Jeffrey D. Hrbek: Poetry. Thomas Capek, Jr.: Journalism. Sarka B. Hrbkova: Literature. Jaroslav Cisaf : Politics, trans- Ale§ HrdliSka: Ethnography, an- lations of poetry. thropology. Anthony M. Dignowity: Mem- J.R.Jicinsky:Sokolbodyculture. oirs. Charles Jonas': Dictionaries, F. Francl: Grammar. grammars. 220 CLARA VOSTROVSKY WINLOW Author of " Our Little Czechoslovak Cousin" " The Story of the Slav Races," etc. JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE R. J. Kerner: Bibliography. Otto Kotouc: Translations of poetry. J. J. Krai: Folk-music, biogra phy, translations of fiction, economics, grammars. Antonie Krejsa: Translations of fiction. L. Zelenka Lerando: Music. Beatrice M. Mekota: Transla tions of fiction. J. V. Nigrin: Grammars. Charles Pergler: Politics, his tory, economics. Godfrey R. Pisek: Medicine. Vincent Pisek: Translations of folk-songs. E. F. Prantner: Politics, eco nomics. Charles Recht: Translations of poetry, drama. Rose Rosicky: Translations of fiction. B. Simek: Politics. Joseph Sinkmajer: Ecclesiastical history. Jaroslav F. Smeta'nka: Politics, journalism. Anthony M. Soukup: Diction aries, language manuals. Edward O. Tabor: Political econ omy. Ladislav Urban : Music. J. E. S. Vojan: Art, music. Clara V. Winlow: Child study, juvenile fiction, history. F. B. Zdrubek: Grammars, dic tionaries. Jaroslav J. Zmrhal: Grammars, civics. That American Cechs of the younger generation have not, heretofore, taken a more general interest in English Bohemica is both surprising and regret table. They have shown their mettle in commer cial and professional pursuits — why the aloofness from literature? 1 1 For a complete list of English Bohemica, see Thomas Capek and AnnaV. Capek: Bohemian (Cech) Bibliography. 256 pp. Illustrated. Fleming H. Revell Company. New York, 1918. CHAPTER XV MUSICIANS, ARTISTS, VISITORS FROM ABROAD A BRASS band or a symphony orchestra with out a Cech is unthinkable. At Fortress Mon roe, at Presidio, at West Point, Annapolis, the Brooklyn Navy Yard, in the Philippines, Hawaii, Porto Rico, at Western army posts, where there is a brass band a Cech musician is certain to be around. Joseph Buchar, veteran of the Civil, Indian, and Spanish-American Wars, was bandmaster at the Academy at West Point. William Emanuel Bo- leska (Bolech) was bandmaster at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. He had served with the Navy since 1874. During the Civil War he was bandmaster of the Sixth Regiment of United States Infantry. Bandmaster Vondracek (Von Drack), from New York, wielded the baton for a quater of a century at various army posts. Hanzi Lochner, also a New Yorker, was bandmaster aboard a man-of-war stationed off Guam. Jaroslav Jicha conducts on the battleship South Carolina; F. Karasek, at the Arsenal in Columbus, Ohio; Jacob Schmidt was, during the war, bandmaster at Camp Cody, New Mexico. V. F. Safranek, formerly at Fort Snelling, is conductor at Fort Kamehameha, Hawaii. Before that he was attached to a post in the Philippines. M. Torovsky^ leads a band at Annapolis. Major 222 MUSIC Vincent F. Faltis, now an American citizen and res ident of New York, was a bandmaster in Cairo. He wears a number of British, Egyptian, Bulgarian, and German ribbons. "Kryl and his Band" is an organization of recognized merit in the Middle West. The Mudra and Zamecnik bands of Cleve land were in their day unrivalled in Ohio. If it were possible to enumerate all the musicians who are dependent wholly or partly on income de rived from music at dances, funerals, and amateur theatricals, one would get a formidable total. At one time (1903) there were eleven Cechs in the Theodore Thomas Orchestra. When in 1883 a certain fledgling of the Prague Conservatory of Music was leaving the Cech capi tal for a concert tour to the United States, John Neruda memorialized the event by one of his in imitable feuilletons in the Prague Ndrodni Listy, so unusual was the occurrence, so venturesome appeared the project! Who could count all the pupils and graduates of that conservatory now con nected with the various musical organizations, or earning their living as teachers? Instances of musical families are not uncommon. Take the Ondriceks. The founder of the family re nown was Francis Ondricek, violinist, who visited the United States in 1895. He went back, but four of his kinsfolk came here to live. Emanuel has a music school in Boston; Charles, who had been a member of the Kneisel Quartet, is established in 223 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Toronto. One sister, a violinist, is married to Karel Leitner, piano teacher in New York; the other sis ter, a piano teacher, is the wife of Bedrich VaSka, a cellist with the Eastman Quintet in Rochester. Vaska is said to have organized the Sevcik Quartet, an organization well known in Europe. The On- driceks have inherited their gift from their father, whom old Prague remembers as an inveterate fiddler. The Ersts, of Chicago, grandfather, father, and son, three generations of musicians, were all grad uates of the Prague Conservatory of Music: the grandfather, Stephen Erst, in 1846 as clarionet- ist; the father, Stephen Erst second, as vocalist in 1883; the son, Stephen Erst third, in 1910 as pian ist. Stephen Erst second is choirmaster in a prom inent church in his home city. How many musical families in the United States can equal the record of the Hrubys of Cleveland? Local No. 4, American Federation of Musicians, has enrolled twelve Hrubys as members. Lagging some what behind the Hrubys in numbers, yet a force to be reckoned with, is the Zamecnik clan of the same city: John Zamecnik (honorary), John S. Zamec nik, Joseph Zamecnik (honorary), Joseph E. Zamec nik, Joseph J. Zamecnik. The directory of member ship of Local No. 4 contains 179 Cech names.1 Bohumir Kryl of Chicago, a popular cornetist, has two daughters who are accomplished musicians. 1 American Federation of Musicians, Local No. 4, Cleveland, p. 78. 224 MUSICIANS Josy Kryl, a pupil of Ysaye, is a violin virtuoso; Marie Kryl has won recognition as a pianist. Joseph Kryl, Bohumir's brother, plays the French horn with the Chicago Philharmonic Society. Francis Ondricek and Jan Kubelik lead as violin ists. Kubelik's first visit occurred in 1901. One year after that Jaroslav Kocian came. "Before my time," writes J. H. Chapek, violin teacher in Chi cago, "no Cech violinist had given concerts in this country except Wenzel Kopta. In 1866 Kopta was soloist with the Theodore Thomas Orchestra and the New York Philharmonic Society. The following year he traveled with Max Strakosch. He married Flora Pauline Wilson of Philadelphia, returning thereupon to his native country. In Prague Kopta and I belonged to the same musical organization and Antonin Dvorak often came to hear us play. If my memory serves me right, Joseph Kaspar of Washington, D.C., toured the country in 1879-80." Many years ago Kopta removed with his family from Bohemia to southern California and he died in the coast State in 191 6. His wife has translated a volume of Cech poems into English. The largest colony of artists is of course found in New York. Wenzel A. Raboch, in former years organist in the Trinity Church, is frequently heard at organ recitals, and critics have declared that on the or gan, his favorite instrument, Raboch has not many equals. 225 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Joseph J. Kovafik, of the New York Philhar monic Society, was pronounced by Safonov, the Russian conductor, one of the best viola players in the country. An intimate friend of Dvorak, — it was at Spillville, Iowa, Kovafik's birthplace, that the great composer put the finishing touches to the "New World Symphony, " — Kovafik is thor oughly familiar with Cech music. In the Prague Conservatory, he made the personal acquaintance of many prominent Cech composers. There is in the metropolis, Joseph Stransky, con ductor of the Philharmonic Society of New York. Rudolf Friml, pianist and composer, began his career as Kubelik's accompanist. Friml now devotes himself entirely to composition and in his light creations he has met both with professional and financial success. The musical comedies "Fire fly," "High Jinks," " I Love You," and others, have attained wide popularity, notably in New York. Victor Kolaf , violinist, who on occasions con ducted the Damrosch Symphony Orchestra, aims higher as a composer of music than mere commer cial profit. He writes serious music, and those who know this striving young musician predict he will make a mark for himself. His better known com positions are: " Lyric Suite," "Hiawatha," " Indian Scherzo," "Fairy Tale," "Americana," and "Sym phony D-dur." Kolar introduced himself to musi cal America some dozen years ago, when he came over with the "Cech Trio" (Kola?, violin, Reiser, 226 VACLAV KOPTA, violinist J. J. KOVARIK, viola Hp»" ^B 1 1 1 1 Bl i i ^MKm v? 1 B| ¦. j^H ¦ngp^ A IM J. H. CAPEK, violinist V. A. RABOCH, organist MUSICIANS violoncello, Volavy, piano). The story is that Jan Kubelik "discovered" Kolaf in Budapest. Alois Reiser (Kolaf 's colleague from Prague), won in 19 1 8 the Elizabeth Coolidge (Berkshire String Quartet) second prize in composition. John Mokrejs, a piano teacher, has composed a number of piano suites. He is the author of Les sons in Harmony and Lessons in Rhythm. Ladislav Urban, composer, wrote the booklet, Music in Bohemia. Ludvik Schwab, teacher and composer, came to New York as Kubelik's accompanist. Margaret Volavy, pianist, teacher in the Volpe School of Music was schooled in Vienna, while Marie Mikova received her training in Paris. Emil J. Polak, composer and accompanist, has a clientele largely among the Metropolitan 'Opera singers. Ludmila Vojackovi-Wetche, pianist, is a gradu ate of the Prague Conservatory ; so is Joseph Franzl, instructor on the French horn in the Institute of Musical Art, and Anna Fuka-Pangrac, organist. Last but not least, Otakar Bartik is master of ballet in the Metropolitan Opera. A composer of unquestioned ability was the late Otakar Novaeek, who played first violin with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, later with the New York Symphony Orchestra. He died in New York in 1900. Music teachers, as may be inferred, are most 227 THE CECHS IN AMERICA numerous in cities populated by their nationals. The Directory of Bohemian Merchants and Traders of Chicago contains the cards of twenty-two con servatories and nineteen bandmasters. However, enterprising talents are found everywhere. Pupils of the Prague Conservatory who have helped to make Cech music better known are: Charles Rychlik, John S. Zamecnik, and Edward Krejsa, of Cleveland. All three have studied under Dvorak and all three compose. Joseph Cadek is master of a conservatory of music in Chattanooga. He gave a violin recital in the White House during McKinley's administra tion. On this occasion for the first time Cech music was heard in the official residence of the Presidents. Marie Herites-Kohn teaches the violin in the Agri cultural and Mechanical College at Stillwater, Ok lahoma; August Molzer is head of a school of music at Lincoln, Nebraska; J. Gerald Mraz, au thor of Systematized Intervals, a work on violin technic, is the founder of the Mraz Violin School in Oklahoma City; Vratislav Mudroch is with the Mudroch School of Music in Nashville. The Malek Music School in Grand Rapids, Michigan, takes its name from Otakar Malek, pianist, formerly assist ant conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic Society. Though born in Egypt, Emil Straka has not lost through the accident of his birth the inherited bent of his race for music. Straka's music school is in St. Paul. Before he settled permanently in America, 228 MUSICIANS L. Zelenka Lerando was concert harpist to the Duke of Devonshire and later at the court of Det- mold, Lippe. He toured America in 1911-15. A Cech by birth (on his father's side) was Joseph Mischka, for more than half a century a teacher of music in Buffalo. Born in 1826, Mischka settled in that city with his parents in 1853. John Borecky, who knew Mischka personally, counts him as a fellow countryman, spelling his name Myska. He died in Buffalo in 1913. Born in the same year as Mischka and like him a teacher among the Germans was Hans Balatka. In Milwaukee Balatka achieved wide renown as author, conductor, and musical critic (writing for the Illinois Staatszeitung) . In former years he was happy to get into touch with his nationals. He did not deny his Cech birth ; environment, he declared, had made him a German.1 A genius in his own way was John Reindl, who came to New York in 1869, with Slavjansky's Rus sian Concert Company. In Prague Reindl sang in' the Russian Cathedral with the wife of Antonin Dvorak. For a time he was soloist in the Russian Cathedral in San Francisco and while in that city he took up the study of Chinese, and friends claim he was the only Cech who could carry on a conver sation in that language. Reindl died in New York in 1906 in poverty. Singers almost forgotten by the present genera- 1 The Pokrok Zdpadu, April 25, 1899. Balatka's obituary. 229 THE CECHS IN AMERICA tion are Anna Drazdil (Drasdil) and Clementine KalaS. Anna Drazdil, contralto, was the pioneer song bird to appear in the United States. Her greatest success is recorded from Philadelphia, where she sang in the Academy of Music, September 20-27, 1876, with Theodore Thomas. To Peter Capek, a Milwaukee musician, she confided that she was born in Budejovice and that she first visited the United States in 1872, arriving from London. In the early eighties she married a New York mer chant after which she retired from the concert stage.1 Clementine KalaS, a contralto and composer "of rare literary attainments and esthetic culture," belonged to Colonel Mapleson's operatic ensemble. She died in Brazil while on a concert tour, in June, 1889, sincerely mourned by the literary and artistic set in Prague. Vrchlicky wrote a poem in her mem ory, "E Morta." The Clementine Kalas founda tion, in the Cech Academy of Sciences and Arts, awards prizes for the best compositions. On "Bohemian Day," August 12, 1893, at the Chicago Columbian Exposition, two masters of music conducted their own compositions; one was Antonin Dvorak, the other Vojtech I. Hlavac of Petrograd. Hlavac returned to Russia, the country of his adoption, where he died a few years ago. To the American musical public Antonin Dvorak, 1 The Pokrok Zdpadu, October 27, 1875. 230 ANNA DRAZDIL FRANCES R. JANAUSCHEK DRAMATIC ARTISTS composer of the "New World Symphony," re quires no introduction. He came to New York in 1892, to take charge of the National Conservatory of Music, founded by Jeannette Thurber, remain ing until 1895. Ernestine Schumann-Heink is not a Cech, though born in Libeii, near Prague; the same is true of the late Gustav Mahler, whose affiliations had been with the Germans of Bohemia, not with the Cechs. Frances Janauschek (1830-1906) was a Cech, notwithstanding the fact that she had never acted on the Bohemian stage, having played first in Ger man and later, when she mastered English, in that language. The author had many interesting talks with Madame Janauschek in 1899 and corre sponded with her. She frankly admitted to him that her people had been of pure Cech stock. But her dramatic training was German, as indeed Prague at the time of her girlhood had the veneer of a German city. Upon one visit, when Madame Janauschek was already gravely ill, she surprised the author by saying the Lord's Prayer (Pater Noster) in fluent Cech, though, as she remarked, she had lived the greater part of half a century outside her native country. In the national tongue the name is spelled Janousek. Joseph Smaha, regisseur of the National Theater in Prague, gave a number of readings and dramatic performances (with the support of amateurs) in the larger Cech communities, notably in Chicago, the 231 THE CECHS IN AMERICA year of the Columbian Exposition. The sojourn of this noted actor was productive of much good; the amateur enthusiasts (no community, however diminutive, is without these) had an opportunity to study at close range Smaha's histrionic art and, incidentally, to better their own. An event of unusual importance was the arrival in 1893 °f Ludvik's Theatrical Company from Bohemia. Heretofore the burden of producing plays in the Cech language rested entirely on the shoul ders of the much-worked amateur clubs. Ludvik came over with an ensemble of twenty-two men and women and after he had toured pretty thoroughly all Cech America, amid the acclaim of people, most of whom had not seen a play acted in their mother tongue by professional actors in years, if ever, Lud vik settled in Chicago, where his company has remained ever since. It is the only Cech dramatic organization of professionals in the United States. In 1898 Ludvik took his actors on a trip to Bo hemia and if the press agent's accounts can be trusted, they captured theater-goers with their repertoire of American plays translated. l In the winter of 1898 there arrived in New York the Cech Humoristic Troupe consisting of Henry Kovaf, Joseph Wanderer, Rudolph Prusa, Engel- berta Heisler, Rose Breicha. They toured the larger 1 1893-1003. Memorial of Ludvik's Theatrical Company, published on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of a Cech playhouse in Chicago. Illustrated. 52 pp. 232 VISITING MUSICIANS settlements with success. The Cech Singing Quar tet (Mikolas, Cerny, Novak, Svojsik) paid a pro fessional visit to their American nationals in 1902. Two American actresses of Cech descent have been flatteringly noticed by dramatic critics: Blanche Yurka of New York and Adelaide Novak of Chicago. Blanche Yurka's high talent was recog nized in "Daybreak," in which play she achieved conspicuous success. There is still another Novak, namely Jane, a well-known photoplay star. Four or five of the visiting musical artists bear European reputations: Jan Kubelik, violin virtu oso, Emmy Destinn, prima donna of the Metropoli tan Opera in New York, Carl Burian, tenor, who will be remembered by the older patrons of the Metropolitan Opera. Newspapers have put down Leo Slezak as a Bohemian tenor, though he pro fessed to be " Internazional." One season (191 5) the roster of the Metropolitan Opera in New York contained the name of Erna Zarskd, soprano. Bogea Oumiroff, baritone, at present living in Paris, visited the United States three times. During the winter season of 1903, Oumiroff, accompanied on the piano by Rudolph Prusa of New York, sang , Cech and Slovak folk songs in the White House be fore President Roosevelt. "This appearance in the White House I consider one of the artistic triumphs of my life," declared Oumiroff. Cech folk songs, by the way, were again heard in the White House; this 233 THE CECHS IN AMERICA time they were sung by Louise Llewellyn, an Amer ican soprano, whose interpretation of them, critics agreed, was exceptionally felicitous. Rose Matura, a dramatic and operatic artist of the National Theater in Prague, gave a number of recitals here in 1903. Later two Prague singers, W. Florjansky (accompanied on the piano by Francis Veselsky) and Bohumil Ptak toured the country. Such as they were, their artistic successes were confined to audiences of nationals. The high position of Cech graphic art is ably sus tained in the United States by three names, Preis sig, Ruzicka, Vondrous. Rudolph Ruzicka of New York is credited as being without peer among wood engravers plying the art in America. He is president of the Czecho slovak Arts Club in New York. J. C. Vondrous, etcher, also a New Yorker, be longs to the Anglo-American school, a classifica tion of which he may well be proud. No collection of American war posters can be complete or representative without the colored posters which Vojta Preissig designed for the Bo hemian National Alliance. Preissig's posters are animated, masterful. The artist, full of patriotic wrath, is seen inflicting unsparing chastisement on Austria-Hungary, "the embodiment of centuries- old crime against the liberty of mankind." Preissig is professor in the Wentworth Institute in Boston. Albin Polasek and Joseph Mario Korbel are the 234 ILLUSTRATORS AND PAINTERS two foremost sculptors of Cech birth in America. Polasek is professor in the Chicago Art Institute. Korbel is a New Yorker with a growing patronage among the wealthy. Illustrators of Cech birth or extraction are many. A pioneer illustrator is Emanuel V. Nadherny, for more than twenty-five years member of the art staff on the New York Herald. Vincent A. Svoboda of New York specializes in poster drawing; some of his genres, however, have been genuinely admired. Harrison Fisher inherited his talent from his Cech father. The elder Fisher, who died in California, was a painter though not as successful as his son. Joseph Mrazek of New York is the leading repre sentative in the United States of Cech peasant art. Jan Matulka, also a resident of New York, won the Joseph Pulitzer prize in the Academy of Design. Next to New York Chicago has the largest com munity of artists. A veteran among these is Marie Koupal-Lusk, painter. She immigrated with her parents in 1867 and studied in New York and Paris. A. Sterba, painter, and Albin Polasek, sculptor, teach in the Chicago Art Institute. Some of the other painters, designers, illustrators, and sculptors are, Rudolf F. Ingerle, Thomas F. Ouska, Oldfich Farsky, August Petrtyl, Rudolf Bohunek, A. Lukas, Jarka Kosar. Of the visiting artists Alfons M. Mucha is by far the most widely known. While in America Mucha received a commission from Charles R. Crane, of 235 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Chicago and New York, to paint a cycle of alle gories symbolical of the evolution of the Slav. When completed, the canvases are to be presented by Crane to the municipality of Prague. Bohuslav Kroupa, illustrator, traveler, author, lecturer, knew the Northwest and the American cowboy and Indian as intimately as any native. He illustrated the publication, From Ocean to Ocean; Sanford Fleming's Expedition through Can ada in 1872. His experiences of travel and of life among the Indians he stored in an English pub lication, An Artist's Tour in North and Central America and the Sandwich Islands. (London, 1890.) The Prague illustrated papers printed many of his sketches. That America. is an object of ever-increasing con cern to the people on the other side is apparent from the long list of transatlantic visitors — publi cists, artists, business men. The earliest known guests were the Reverend Hefman z Tardy and the Reverend L. B. Kaspar who came in 1869 in the interest of the Cech Re formed (evangelical) Church. The Reverend Kas par described the journey in a Report of Pilgrimage undertaken to America i86q. Joseph V. Sladek, one of Bohemia's major poets, a Shakespearean scholar, a translator of Bret Harte, Henry W. Longfellow, Frank Richard Stockton, Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Lord Byron, Robert Burns, S. T. Coleridge, spent a few months in the 236 CHARLES J. VOPICKA, OF CHICAGO United States Minister to Rumania VISITORS FROM ABROAD United States (1869-70), to the enduring profit of his country's literature. Another stranger was Dr. Joseph Stolba, whose volume, Beyond the Ocean, published upon his re turn in 1873, long retained primacy among books on American travel. Like all Stolba's travelogues, Beyond the Ocean is written in a light, rather humor ous vein, making no attempt at deeper research. The Chicago World's Fair (1893) brought hither a number of travelers, two authors of prominence among them: Francis Herites and Joseph Korensky. The latter-named set out from Chicago, with his friend and traveling companion (Reznicek), on a tour around the world, which he described in two large volumes, Travels around the World in 1893-04. Herites's study of American conditions was favor ably commended at the time for its fairness and accuracy. Dr. Emil Holub delivered a series of lectures on his African travel and discoveries before ethno graphic and geographic societies in 1894. An exceptional interest attached to the visit in 1902 of Thomas G. Masaryk, then the leader of the realist party in Bohemia. Five years later Masaryk returned. He spoke on political, national, economic, and philosophic topics. Incidentally Masaryk lec tured at the University of Chicago on the "History of a Small Nation." The Louisiana Purchase Exposition and the Inter-Parliamentary Congress, held in St. Louis 237 THE CECHS IN AMERICA (1904) were attended by engineers, manufacturers, and men of affairs generally. George Stibral, Su perintendent of the Art and Industrial School in Prague, jointly with Architect John Kotera, had charge of the arrangement of the technical part of the Austrian section of the exposition. President Masaryk is not the only one who knows America from close-at-hand study; three ministers of his first cabinet — Vaclav J. Klofac, Minister of National Defense, the late General Milan R. Ste- fanik, Minister of War, Dr. Francis Soukup, Min ister of Justice, have traveled here more or less ex tensively — while a fourth (Gustav Haberman, Minister of Education) lived in the United States long enough to have been entitled to citizenship. None appeared to be more profoundly impressed with the industrial potentialities of the New World than Dr. Soukup. His volume, America; a Series of Pictures from American Life, which he published in 1912, stamps the author as a wide-awake, astute observer, though by no means a flatterer. To Dr. Soukup, who is a social democrat and who sat as deputy in the old Austrian Parliament, was ac corded the privilege of speaking before the House of Representatives in Washington. Gustav Haberman toiled in New York and in Chicago on socialistic newspapers. He made three journeys to America, in 1889, 1892, 1913, as one learns from his volume, From my Life, published in 1914. 238 VISITORS FROM ABROAD Stefanik traveled across the continent for the first time in 19 10 bound for Tahiti for the purpose of making astronomical observations on that island. During the war Stefanik twice revisited America. The Cech Sokol Union paid to the American Sokols a long-deferred visit in 1909. The "Sokol Excursion to America," as the Sokol annalists call it, was led by Dr. Joseph Scheiner, the president of the organization. At least three of the excursionists set down in print their observations. Dr. Scheiner's book is entitled, Sokol Excursion to America in iqoq. At the instance of the Cech Press Bureau in Chi cago, Count Liitzow in the winter of 191 2 delivered lectures in American universities and colleges on the "Bohemian Question." His subjective ideas Count Liitzow embodied in a pamphlet, written in German, Amerikanische Eindrucke. Other visitors who wrote their impressions of America were: Cenek Kricka, architect, lately elected to the National Assembly (published his notes in the Prazskd Lidovd Revue, 1905-06), and J. F. Votruba, writer on economical subjects. Dr. George Guth, John Havlasa and F. Sokol Tuma were commissioned by Prague papers to "write up " the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Havlasa found California, to which he repaired, so congenial that he prolonged his stay for years. The American rationalists asked Dr. Theodore Bartosek (1907) and Charles Pelant (1908), both active in the ra tionalist movement in Bohemia, to lecture to them. 239 THE CECHS IN AMERICA A delegation of the Prague Chamber of Com merce came in 1912 to repay a visit that had been previously made by the Boston Chamber of Com merce. Not only merchants, but scientists joined the delegation. Dr. Charles Veleminsky made a fruitful study of- the American school system in 191 2. Dr. Vele minsky, who holds a responsible position in the Ministry of Education, purposes introducing in the Czechoslovak Republic many of the school features thought to be distinctively American. CHAPTER XVI THE LANGUAGE SCHOOLS: TEACHING OF CECH THE Slovanski Lipa Society in Milwaukee opened a Cech language school June 22, 1862.1 Joseph W. Sykora, in a letter from Cleveland to< the Slavie, announces that July 24, 1864, after the/ saying of the mass, instruction to children would/ be given in spelling, reading, and arithmetic, in the schoolrooms of the St. Joseph Church.2 The first language school in Chicago was organ ized in the fall of 1864. " Instruction in the mother tongue will be conducted every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Sundays from 1 p.m., for adults in the Hall of the Slovanska Lipa." New York's first school dates from September 24, 1865, and we are told that thirty-nine children were in attendance at the opening.3 In 1881 the Slovan Americky began agitating the question of founding a Cech College somewhere in the Middle West, in or near some larger settlement. A society for that purpose was incorporated in John son County, Iowa, and the Slovan Americky, the originator of the idea, undertook to raise a founda tion fund. But the Slavie — because the idea had not emanated from the editor of that paper, the 1 The Slavie, June 18, 1862. 2 Ibid., July 14, 1864. 3 Ibid., May 22, 1867. 24I THE CECHS IN AMERICA Slovan Americky charged — while not openly hos tile to the scheme, expressed grave doubts concern ing its feasibility. " Our opinion is that we can ven ture into it with a fair hope of success," commented the Slavie, "if we raise $20,000 to start with. If American Cechs want the college, they will no doubt subscribe this sum." The $20,000 endowment fund was not subscribed, and the college was notfounded. At the instance of the American (Congregational) Home Missionary Society, Oberlin College organ ized in 1885 a Theological Seminary in connection with its Slavic Department. Through the Anne WalwOrth bequest of 1905, Oberlin College came into possession of a fund, the income of which is sufficient to provide for the instruction and main tenance of about ten students.1 Professor Louis Francis Minkovsky is chairman of the faculty com mittee of the Slavic Department.2 The Reverend J. Prucha of Cleveland is certain that of all American higher institutions of learning Oberlin College was the first to introduce in its curriculum the study of Cech. "Our mother tongue has been taught in this school for more than five years," he wrote in 1894.3 At Lisle (Du Page County, Illinois), the Bene dictines have established what the college sylla bus describes as the only higher Cech-Slavic educa- 1 The Bulletin of Oberlin College, March 10, 1916, p. 6. 2 The establishment of the Slavic Department was due to the un tiring efforts of the Reverend H. A. Schauffler. 3 Communication by the Reverend J. Prucha, the Pokrok Zdpadu, February 7, 1894. 242 ST. PROKOP COLLEGE, LISLE, ILLINOIS TEACHING OF CECH LANGUAGE tional institution in America. This college was opened in 1887, in Chicago, but was removed in 1901 to Lisle, where a more suitable building had been erected for its needs.1 The founders dedicated the school to St. Prokop (Procopius), whose name it bears.Between the language schools, which the liberal element support out of voluntary gifts, and the Catholic parochial schools, there is the essential difference that while the Catholics give full instruc tion to children, the liberals practically confine their school courses to teaching the Cech language only, sessions being held after public school hours. The liberals, needless to say, are opposed to sec tarian instruction, contending that children should not be deprived of the advantages which the public school offers. All told the number of children receiving instruc tion in the liberal schools is from 7500 to 8000. Chicago, with its suburbs, maintains nineteen schools, attended by 1340 pupils.2 The school in New York City is attended by 800 pupils. Cleve land sends 700 children to the language schools. "In five years we have succeded in getting into our organization 69 schools with 5292 children," says J. J. Karnik.3 1 Annual Report of St. Procopius College, at Lisle. 1908-09. 2 Directory and Almanac of the Bohemian Population of Chicago, p. 66. 1915.^ 3 Ceskd Skola, v. xvm, p. 16. Published by the Ceska Amencka Matice Skolska in 1915, in commemoration of the death of a great 243 THE CECHS IN AMERICA The University of California has had a lecturer on Cech (George R. Noyes) since 1901. During the year 1919-20 courses in elementary Cech with exer cises in conversation, reading, and composition will be given in Columbia University (A. B. Koukol). For a time B. Prokosch taught it in the University of Wisconsin and L. Z. Lerando in the Ohio State University. Prokosch also lectured on Cech and Russian in the University of Chicago. Coe College in Iowa (Anna Heyberger) and the State University of Texas (Charles Knizek) give courses. The best organized departments teaching not only the fun damentals of the grammar, but the reading of more difficult texts, prose and poetry, with exercises, are found in the Dubuque College and Seminary (Alois Barta), the St. Procopius College (Kosmas Vesely), and Oberlin College (Louis F. Minkovsky) . A Cech department was established in the Uni versity of Nebraska in 1907. The late Jeffrey D. Hrbek was put in charge. After his death, his sister, Sarka B. Hrbkova, succeeded him, remaining at its head until 1919, when it was abolished. Between 1913-15 instruction in the language was given in the State University of Iowa (Anna Heyberger). Cech is taught in one or two high schools in Chi- Cech, Master John Hus. Edited by J. J. Karnik; Discourses on school subjects and pedagogical manuals of the Cech American School Association (Matice). Last pamphlet is numbered v. xxi; Vojta BeneS: Contribution to the Reform of the Cech Schools in America, vs. iv and V. 88 pp. Cleveland, 1914. 244 SARKA B. HRBKOVA TEACHING OF CECH LANGUAGE cago, in the high schools at Wilber, Prague, Crete, Clarkson, Brainard, Fremont, Verdigre, and Milli- gan, in Nebraska. "In addition," writes Dr. R. J. Kerner, of the University of Missouri, "Harvard University (Dr. Leo Wiener), University of Michigan, University of Notre Dame, University of Pennsylvania, Univer sity of Wisconsin, gave courses in Slavic languages and literatures usually Russian, in the case of Notre Dame, Polish."1 1 For much of this information the author expresses his gratitude to Dr. Kerner, Dr. Lerando, and Professor Hrbkova. Professor Meader of the University of Michigan wrote in 1913 for the Russian Review (published by the University of Liverpool) a short, but good, account of the origin of Slavic work in the United States. CHAPTER XVII THE CHURCHES THE strength of Catholics and of Protestants may be approximated by the number of congregations and pastors which they respectively support. According to their official organ,1 the Catholics had, in 1917, 270 priests administering 320 par ishes, missions, and branches. Several of these were 1 The Katolik. Cech American Almanac for the year. Register of Cech priests in America, pp. 194-97. Register of Cech Catholic Set tlements in America, pp. 197-207. Reading: Rev. Anton Peter Hou§t: The Cech Catholic Settlements in America. St. Louis, 1890. Rev. Joseph Sinkmajer: (e) "The Bohe mians in the United States. ' ' The Catholic Encyclopedia, v. 11, pp. 620- 22. Rev. Valentine Kohlbeck: (e) "The Bohemian Element. Short History of the Bohemian Catholic Congregations in Chicago," The New World, pp. 136-40. April, 1900. The First Annual Report, or a catalogue of the St. Prokop College in Lisle, Illinois, for the year 1901-02. Rev. J. G. Kissner: (e) "The Catholic Church and the Bohemian Immigrants," The Charities, Dec, 1904. New York. Rev. Valentine Kohlbeck: (e) "The Catholic Bohemians in the United States." The Champlain Educator, January-March, 1906. The First Cech Catholic Convention. Held in the St. John Nepomuk Church, in St. Louis, September 24-26, 1907. 54 pp. Rev. Prokop Neuzil: Memo rial of the St. Prokop Congregation. Twenty-five Year Jubilee of the Consecration of St. John Prokop Church, pp. 7-29. Chicago, 1908. Rev. Prokop Neuzil : Twenty-five Years of Endeavor. Report on the work of Cech Benedictines of the St. Prokop Abbey in Chicago, from the year of their coming to Chicago in 1885 to 1910. 73 pp. Chicago. Dr. John Habenicht: The History of the Cechs in America. St. Louis. 1904. Rev. John Rynda: A Guide through the Cech Catho lic Settlements in the Archdiocese of St. Paul (Minn). 233 pp. Chi cago, 1910. 246 ST. PROKOP CHURCH AUport and Eighteenth Streets, Chicago THE CHURCHES mixed; that is, Cech-German, Cech- Irish, Cech- Polish. The St. Prokop Parish in Chicago is rated the strongest and supposedly the richest in the country. No State supports a greater number of Catholic centers (churches, missions, stations, either wholly Cech, or mixed, that is, Cech-Irish, Cech-Polish, etc.) than Texas — 68. Wisconsin ranks next with 57 centers. Then follow: Nebraska, 48; Minnesota, 28; Iowa, 21; Kansas, 16; Illinois, 14 (of which 10 congregations are situated in Chicago) ; South Dakota, 12; North Dakota, 9; Michigan, 7; Mis souri, 6; Ohio, 6 (all 6 in Cleveland) ; New York, 6 (2 in New York City); Oklahoma, 5; Maryland, 4; Massachusetts, 2 ; Pennsylvania, 2 ; Indiana, 2 ; Vir ginia, 2 ; and 1 each in New Jersey, Oregon, Colo rado, Washington.1 The first Catholic house of worship was built in St. Louis, in the autumn of 1854. It was dedicated to St. John Nepomuk. Father Lipovsky of Lipovice was the first priest.2 Under Father Joseph Hessoun, who took charge of the St. John Nepomuk Chapel about 1865, St. Louis grew to be the center and stronghold of Ca tholicism. To the present day the older immigrants harbor a peculiar affection for St. Louis even though 1 The Katolik, for 1917, pp. 197-206. 2 The Reverend Henry Lipovsky, scion of a noble family, had an active career. He was assigned as a missionary to London, Rugby, and Cardiff; later he served in China as chaplain to British troops stationed there. He died in Prague in 1894, aged sixty-seven years. 247 THE CECHS IN AMERICA the Chicago Benedictines wrested the scepter of leadership from it. In St. Louis Father Hessoun lived and labored for many years. He was the great est prelate the American Cech Catholics have had. Considering that in the mother country the Cath olics constitute ninety-six per cent of the entire population and the Protestants less than three per cent,1 the number of Cech-Prdtestant churches and congregations in the United States might seem to be disproportionately large. If the old country per centage were to hold good the Protestants should have four houses of worship instead of thirty-five which they really possess. The Protestants, among whom the Presbyterians are very active, notably in the East, maintain 1 60 centers as follows: Presbyterians, 55 centers; Union of the Bohemian-Moravian Brethren in North America, 30; Baptists, 28; Methodists, 21; Congregationalists, 19; Independent Reformed, 5; Reformed Congregationalists, 2. Several congregations are mixed; in Pennsyl vania they are Cech-Slovak. About one hundred pastors have charge of the spiritual welfare of the evangelical parishioners. The Jan Hus Presby terian Church in New York, Dr. Vincent Pisek, pastor, with 1057 children attending the Sunday School, leads the list.2 1 According to the official Austrian statistics. 2 The Sion, National Almanac for the year 1917. Schematism of the Cech-Slavic Evangelical Churches in America. Reading: The Reverends William Siller, Vaclav Prucha, and 248 MONSIGNOR JOSEPH HESSOUN THE CHURCHES Trying as the beginnings of the Catholics have been, they cannot be compared with the difficulties which beset the old-time Protestants. When the life story of the Reverend Francis Kiin is told the emo tions are moved as when reading a chapter from Sienkiewicz's novel Quo Vadis, depicting the hard ships of the early Christians. Lack of churches and priests were the main drawback of the Catholics. Then, too, the clergy had to contend with religious indifference and in many instances the open hostil ity of the people. The Protestants of two genera tions ago had neither houses of worship, nor min isters, nor — religionists. So long was the evangeli cal faith discriminated against in Austria that at the time the ban against it was removed, by the Patent of Tolerance, there were scarcely any Prot estants left in Bohemia and Moravia. There was not one regularly ordained minister in either country to attend to the spiritual needs of the scattered few who survived the anti-Reformation. Pastors (known to the church history as "Tolerance Pas tors") had to be literally borrowed from neighbor ing Hungary to help. Before the Union Theological Seminary in New York and the Slavic Theological Department in Oberlin College trained the first pastors of Cech R. M. De Castello: Memorial of Cech Evangelical Churches in the United States; containing the description of all Cech congregations of Presbyterians, Independents, Reformed, Congregationalists, Metho dists, and Baptists as they existed in 1900. 290 pp. Chicago, 1900. Souvenir of Slavic Baptists in America. 34 pp. Chicago, 1909. 249 THE CECHS IN AMERICA nationality, the entire burden of missionary work devolved upon non-Cechs, In New York it was a Magyar, the Reverend Gustave Alexy, who sought out, instructed, and organized Cech Protestants. That was in 1874. The theological training of the first Cech minister in New York, Dr. Vincent Pisek, was not completed until 1883. The Reverend H. A. Schauffler, a member of the noted family of Amer ican divines of that name, did apostolary work among the Cechs in Cleveland. Having learned the language, Dr. Schauffler came to be recognized as their leading religious adviser and the champion of their wants before American co-religionists (Con gregationalists). The Bethlehem Chapel in Cleve land, dedicated in 1885, was the result of Dr. Schauffler's untiring effort; the Slavic Theological Department in Oberlin College is likewise conceded to have been his idea and his achievement.1 Dr. Schauffler figures prominently in the religious revival of Chicago Cechs. At a Conference of the Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions held in that city in 1883, Dr. Schauffler argued some thing like this: "What have you ddne for your 38,000 Cechs? Nothing. Chicago has the largest settlement of Cechs of any city in the land. Their newspapers advocate free thought and there are other reasons why evangelical endeavor should be 1 (e) The Slavic Department of Oberlin College, Under the super vision of the Slavic Committee of Theological Seminary. 21 pp. Oberlin, 1916. 250 VINCENT PISEK. D.D. THE CHURCHES furthered among them." A few weeks after the hold ing of this conference, Dr. Schauffler had the satis faction of reporting to his friends that his appeal had not been a fruitless one; that the Reverend E. A. Adams, his colleague in Prague, would give up his post in the Cech capital and would de vote himself wholly to missionary work among the Chicago Cechs. Proficient in the Cech language like Dr. Schauf fler, Dr. Adams won in time the respect and affec tion of the Chicago community. Even the liberals learned to esteem this amiable, tolerant Yankee churchman. In the autumn of 1884 Dr. Adams de livered his prefatory sermon before a congregation consisting of some sixteen persons; in 1890 that same congregation, with the help of American friends, was able to build the Bethlehem Chapel at a cost of $35,000. A few words of tribute should be paid to the pioneer evangelist, the Reverend Kun, who founded the mother church at Ely, Iowa. Descended from a family of preachers, — his grandfather had been one of the Tolerance Pastors called from Hungary to Bohemia and Moravia to care for Protestants there and his father also had been a minister of the gospel, — Klin's relation to the early Protestants was precisely the same as that of Father Hessoun's to the Catholics: he was an admired leader, and an unselfish friend. Of his stern resolve and his devo tion to what he considered his dkity to co-religion- 251 THE CECHS IN AMERICA ists, we can form a faint conception when we re member that he often braved a trip of sixty miles through roadless country to visit his people. That was before and during the Civil War. He preached in English, Cech, or German, as circumstances re quired. To the United States Kun emigrated in 1856. Before coming he was warned that " the pros pects for a Cech pastor were not encouraging." Kun was wont to make an annual tour to parish ioners in Iowa, Minnesota, Dakota, Kansas. Ten houses of worship were built and as many congre gations organized along his customary route. The worthy man died at Ely in 1894 m his sixty-ninth year. The first evangelical service in Cech was held in Texas. The pastor conducting it was the Reverend Joseph Zvolanek, a colleague in Moravia of the Reverend Kun; the year was 1855 and the place, Fayetteville. However, it is not Fayetteville, but Wesley, in Washington County, which claims pre cedence as having the oldest evangelical congre gation in Texas. The organization of the parish at Wesley dates to 1864. Among the pastors at Wesley is mentioned no less conspicuous a person than F. B. Zdrubek, who had charge of the parish in 1872.1 The Protestants maintain 43 centers in Texas; 23 in Pennsylvania (mostly Slovak); Nebraska, 14; Illinois (Chicago), 12; Ohio (Cleveland), 11; Iowa, 1 Memorial of Cech Evangelical Churches in the United States, p. 130. 252 WMii j-" y^ mil Jf! JAN HUS CHURCH AND NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE, NEW YORK THE CHURCHES 10 ; Minnesota, 10; Wisconsin, 5; Kansas, 5; New York, 5; South Dakota, 4; Oklahoma, 3; Maryland (Baltimore), 2; Missouri (St. Louis), 2; Virginia, 2; 1 each in New Jersey, Delaware, Michigan, Ten nessee.1 1 The Sion. National Almanac for 1917, pp. 115-25. As to Bap tists: Souvenir (book) published to commemorate the first conven tion of Baptists of Slavic nationality held in Chicago, 1909. Preface by the Reverend V. Kralicek. CHAPTER XVIII FRATERNAL AND OTHER SOCIETIES THERE are no dependable figures relative to the number of various Cech fraternal organ izations in the United States. All is guesswork in this regard. Generally it is thought that the number of lodges and clubs is not below 2500. The Chicago community is credited with no less than 500. In 1 91 5 the Chicagoans were represented in the Build ing Association League of Illinois with 227 Building and Loan Associations.1 Two distinct classes are recognizable: benevolent Or conf raternal organizations which pay a benefit in case of sickness or death, and non-benefit associa tions. Of the non-benefit class the most interesting are the Sokols (gymnastic),2 the amateur theatrical clubs, and the choral societies. No community of any consequence is without at least one of the three. The Cech loves song and the choral society offers him an opportunity to sing; so long as the profes- 1 The Directory and Almanac of the Bohemian Population of Chi cago, p. 44. 1915. 2 J. R. JiEinsky: The Memorial of the National Union Sokol (Na- rodni Jednota Sokolska) in the United States. In commemoration of its twenty-fifth anniversary. 224 pp. Chicago, 1904; J. R. Jiclnsky, editor: Tracing the History of the American Sokols. 43 pp. Chicago, 1865-1908; Henry Ort: The First All-Sokol Convention, held in Chi cago, August 26-29, 1909. 132 pp. Chicago, 1909. Josef Scheiner: The Sokol Excursion to America in iqoq. 108 pp. Prague, 1910; Josef Oswald: The Excursion of Cech Sokols to America. 1909. Pribram, 254 FRATERNAL AND OTHER SOCIETIES sional stage in America will not grant entrSe to the dramas and the comedies of his native playwrights, he will have amateurs act on the amateur stage his kings, his heroes, his peasants, his maids. And what Cech youth would not enrol as a Sokol and give ready assent to the truism that only a healthy body can give lodgement to a sound mind? The parent society, there is no doubt, originated in New York. Havlicek's Slovan, of May 7, 1851, contains this direct reference to it: "As an interest ing piece of news for our readers we here give a brief extract of a letter of March 3, received by us from a Mr. T. who emigrated five years ago to New York." The writer, Mr. T., proceeds to tell how the Cech residents of New York had organized a club the year before (1850) giving it the name, Cech Society. Nationals who contemplate going to Amer ica are advised to write to the club if they desire trustworthy information about the country. Who was T.? Presumably none other than the army deserter, Tuma, who fled from the garrison at Mainz either in 1847 or 1848, and who opened a saloon (casino) in New York. From the diary of Vojta Naprstek we learn that the club alluded to by T. bore the name "Cech Society." Vaclav Pohl was president; Andrew Hubacek, vice-president; F. V. Cerveny, treasurer; Joseph Cilinsky, secretary; Vojta Naprstek, libra rian. The Cech Society met in the hotel (saloon) of Colonel Charles Burgthal (erroneously spelled 255 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Burgthaler), 14 City Hall Place. This ramshackle building has been torn down to make room for the present Municipal Building. Colonel Burgthal was no colonel at all, but a non-commissioned officer in the Austrian army. He received his chevrons of colonel, not from the Austrian army command, but from the admiring patrons of his tavern. The fact that his wife was of Cech birth made the colonel's resort homelike to the countrymen of his wife. Before the end of the year forty-two men had en rolled as members. Vojta Naprstek, at his own re quest, took charge of the society's library. Apropos, books were Naprstek's hobby; it is said that among the treasured volumes he had brought in his grip sack from Europe were the works of Voltaire, Fou rier and Saint-Simon. An insatiable reader and a modernist in the fullest sense of the word, Naprstek was never happier than when he could lend his books to book-lovers. Of the members of the Cech Society, none rose to greater prominence than Francis Korbel and Vojta Naprstek. By a singular twist of fortune the Gov ernment, which in 1848 tried to apprehend Korbel as a revolutionist, appointed him in 1894 Austrian Consul in San Francisco. Having retired from ac tive business long ago, Korbel is living quietly in the Cech capital, from which he was forced to flee in 1848-49. A picturesque member was Joseph Krikava. 256 FRATERNAL AND OTHER SOCIETIES After various unsuccessful ventures — he tried photography and farming — Krikava opened a wine-shop at 50 Avenue B, which became the favor ite haunt of the old-timers. ' ' Grandfather Krikava, ' ' as his boon companions called him, died in New York in 1888. Vaclav Pohl claimed to have fought in 1848 behind the barricades in the short-lived revolution in Prague. A radical of the Havlicek type, Pohl converted many a pioneer to his way of thinking. By trade he was a cabinet-maker and a wood-carver, although he tried his luck at many trades.1 Andrew Hubacek 2 was related to the well-known family of that name. August Hubacek's saloon in East Fifth Street, New York, was for years the center of Cech social life. Great was the renown of the Hubacek name in New York. One of the Hubaceks who settled in Rochester is reputed to have planted in that city the Bohemian prune tree. F. V. Cerven^ was of respected stock. The Cer- venys of Kralove Hradec, in Bohemia, have been far-famed since 1842 as makers of musical instru ments. F. V. Cerveny, too, was apprenticed to this craft and worked at it in a shop at 16 John Street, 1 Almanac Amerikdn, 1890. Pohl died in Kewannee, Wisconsin, in 1893. 2 Wilson's City Directory of the City of New York for 1850-51 con tains the name of Joseph Hubacek, capmaker, 73 First Avenue; the same directory forr 1852-53 has Andrew Hubaczek, engraver, 86 East Broadway. 257 THE CECHS IN AMERICA New York City.1 Like Naprstek, Cerven£ removed early from New York to Milwaukee. There he died at the age of eighty-one. Accounts vary as to the official name of the Cech Society. On the title-page of a volume which Na prstek donated to the society's library, there is this inscription : To the Cech-Slavic Union in New York (Cesko-Slovanske Jednote v New Yorku venuje V. N. 18552).2 Tuma thinks the title was Cech Society (Ceski Spolecnost). A. Hubacek is certain the full title was the First Cech Slavic Society in America (Prvni Cesko-Slovansky Spolek v Amer- ice).3 Lastly, Anton Kotzian contends it was the Cech Linden Tree (Ceskd Lipa). The oldest existing fraternal organization (estab lished in March, 1854, m St. Louis) is the Cech Slavic Benevolent Society, known by its initials, C.S.P.S. In miniature the history of the C.S.P.S. is the history of Cech America — rather of the half of it which inclines toward liberal thinking — for the C.S.P.S. fraternity stands ,for liberalism. Its potentiality first began to be felt after the eighties. Before that time the influence it exercised on Cech affairs was unimportant, unless the C.S.P.S. is to 1 Doggett & Rode: New York Directory for 1851-52. 2 The initials V. N. are undoubtedly in the handwriting of Vojta Naprstek, though they may be those of Vaclav Nebesk^ (1818-82), Klacel's literary friend and associate. 3 Reminiscences of A. Hubacek (of San Francisco), Pokrok Zd- padu, August 1, 1894. 258 JAN HUS MONUMENT, BOHEMIA, LONG ISLAND BETHLEHEM CHAPEL, LOOMIS STREET, CHICAGO FRATERNAL AND OTHER SOCIETIES be given credit for things done not by itself as an organization, but by its members. Affiliated with the C.S.P.S. is the Union of Cech Women (Jednota Ceskych Dam). The Western Cech Fraternal Union is an offshoot of the C.S.P.S. Owing to conflict of interests between the East and the West, which the convention, held in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1896, failed to reconcile, a number of opposition delegates met in a conference in Omaha the year following the St. Paul convention and or ganized there a wholly independent body, giving it the name Western Cech Fraternal Union. John Rosicky, the Omaha editor, led the opposition. Fortunately the secessionists have affirmed their adherence to the ideals of liberalism which have ever been the distinguishing feature of the parent society. To stand well in the opinion of his American neighbor was (and for that matter still is) the su preme concern of the immigrant. When a news paper made a slurring remark about his nationality or, what hurt his sensibility still deeper, ignored or underrated him at this or that public function, grumbling was general. On the other hand, all rejoiced and felt proud when the race name, Bo hemian, Cech, had been linked to some noteworthy act or when a Cech here or in Europe had been featured in the press. Societies have been organized and newspapers established with the sole aim of "interpreting to 259 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Americans Cech ideals; of defending the honor of the Cech name in America." The National Union (Ndrodni Jednota), the Cech American National Committee (Cesko- Americky Narodni Vybor), the National Sentinel (Narodni Straz), the National Council (Narodni Rada), the Slavic Alliance (Na rodni Sdruzeni), the Cech American Press Bureau (Cesko-Americki Tiskova. Kancelaf) were some of the societies dedicated to this object. Every one of them performed some good service, removed some prejudice, added in some way to bringing knowledge of the Cech to Americans. No society started out with brighter prospects of success than the Cech American National Com mittee. Backed by the C.S.P.S., which fathered it (1891), supported by the entire liberal press, it bid fair to become the institution of all Cech factions. According to a programme outlined by L. J. Palda, its president, the Cech American National Com mittee proposed to open a press bureau in Prague to the end that American newspapers might be sup plied with impartial news relative to Bohemia and the Cechs; to publish a monthly magazine in the English language; to publish in English or assist in the publication of the history of Bohemia; to found a library of English language works dealing with Cech and other Slav countries; to gather statistical and other data bearing on Cech immigration to the United States; to foster closer cultural and commer cial relations between Bohemia and the United 260 FRATERNAL AND OTHER SOCIETIES States; to urge upon Cech immigrants the vital im portance of American citizenship and of the knowl edge of English, preserving, as far as practicable, the Cech tongue, so that Americans of Cech ances try might be able to read, in the language of their fathers, the story of the sufferings of the Cech race and through this lesson prize more highly the bless ings of liberty enjoyed by them in America. Rob ert H. Vickers's History of Bohemia, the first story of the nation in English, was published. The Bo hemian Voice was issued as the "organ of the Bo hemian National Committee" (with Thomas Capek as editor). The other tasks the Committee could not realize at all, or only partially. The following Cechs and Slovaks were members of the Commit tee: L. J. Palda, Charles Jonas', John Rosicky, F. B. Zdrubek, Bohumil Simek, Anton Klobasa, J. V. Teibel, J. H. Stepan, Vaclav Snajdr, V. W. Woy- tisek, J. V. Matejka, Joseph Wirth, I. J. Gallia, Hynek Opic, F. Choura.1 The Society for the Promotion of Higher Edu cation (Matice Vyssiho Vzdelani), established in 1902, was planned chiefly by two men. Bohumil Simek was its intellectual organizer. The practical promoter, the man who financed it, was W. F. Severa, manufacturer of proprietary medicines in Cedar Rapids. Severa's substantial endowment gift made the Matice not only realizable, but what 1 Minutes of the Second Meeting of the National Commitee, held in Chicago, the 24th, 25th, and 26th November, 1892, 28 pp. 261 THE CECHS IN AMERICA is more essential, he laid an enduring foundation thereto. An auxiliary of the Society for the Pro motion of Higher Education is the Federation of Komensky's Educational Clubs. Everywhere in the Middle West where there is a college, and students of Cech birth or extraction attending it, there is apt to be a Komensky Club. The Cech American Press Bureau (originating in Chicago in 1909) owed its existence to the gen erosity of Francis Korbel and rendered, aside from its purely reportorial function, meritorious serv ice on two distinct occasions. It invited to Amer ica Count Liitzow, pioneer in English Bohemica. Liitzow delivered a series of talks in colleges, before audiences composed of youth who will mould the public opinion of to-morrow. No man was better qualified than Liitzow to lecture on Bohemia before cultured Americans. His renown as an author and his thorough mastery of the language — Liitzow was English on his mother's side — gave additional interest to his authoritative presentation of the subject. The Press Bureau cooperated with Burton Holmes in making motion pictures in Bohemia and in giving illustrated lectures in principal American cities. . ' Following a bad precedent and grouping them into Catholic and non-Catholic, the principal fra ternal organizations, which pay full or only nom inal sick and death benefits, are: 262 BIRTHPLACE OF THE C.S.P.S. KONSTITUCE A - ., MIMOZi&QNY CECHQ-SLOVAHSKEHQ PQOPORUJICIHO V ST. LOUISU, STATU MISSOURI. Tiak „N4rcdnjch Noviu." BY-LAWS AND TRAVELING PASS OF THE C.S.P.S. BROTHERHOOD, ISSUED IN 1865 FRATERNAL AND OTHER SOCIETIES Catholic Organizations l Members Cech Roman Catholic First Central Union in the United States (Ceska Rimsko-Katolicka Prvni UstFedni Jednota ve Sp. St. Americkych) 5,i88 Central Union of Women in the United States (Ustredni Jednota Zen ve Sp. St. Americkych) 9,580 Catholic Workingman (Katolicky Delnik) 3,931 Cech Roman Catholic Central Union in Wisconsin (Ceska Rimsko-Katolicka Jednota ve Statu Wisconsin) 900 -Catholic Union in Texas (Katolicka Jednota Texaska) 2,186 Western Cech Catholic Union (Zapadni Ceska Katolicka Jednota) _..... 3,703 Cech Roman Catholic Union of Women in Texas (Cesk& Rimsko-Katolicka, Jednota 2en ve Statu Texas) 2.070 Cech Roman Catholic Benevolent Union under the patron age of St. John Nepomuk in Ohio (Ceska Rimsko-Kato licka Podporujici Jednota pod z&stitou sv. Jana Nepo- muck6ho ve Statu Ohio) 2,200 Cech Roman Catholic Union of Women in Cleveland, Ohio (Ceska Rimsko-Katolicka Jednota 2en v Cleveland, O.) . . . 1,500 Catholic Union Sokol (Katolicka Jednota Sokol) 1 ,650 Total 32,908 Non-Catholic Organizations 2 Cech Slavic Benevolent Society (Cesko-Slovansky Podporu jici Spolek, C.S.P.S.). Official report, February, 1919. . . . 23,680 Western Cech Fraternal Union (Zapadni. Cesko-Bratrska Jednota, Z.C.B.J.). Official report, November, 1918 21,149 Union of Cech Women (Jednota Ceskych Dam, J.C.D.). Official report, February, 1918 23,000 1 For these figures the author is indebted to the Reverend Valen tine Kohlbeck, editor of the Chicago Ndrod and Katolik. He writes (December 4, 1918): "These figures are official and, therefore, accu rate. Quite a number of our people belong to other organizations, such as the Catholic Order of Foresters, Knights of Columbus, etc. These organizations are not Bohemian, although many of the soci eties (lodges) are entirely composed of Bohemians." 2 For these figures the author's thanks are due to B. 0. Vaskfl, editor of the C.S.B.P.J. Orgdn. 263 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Members Sisterhood Benevolent Union (Sesterska Podporujici Jed nota, S.P.J.). Official report, May, 1918 12,000 Sokol Community in America (Sokolska Obec v Americe). Official Report, 1919 10,302 Slavic Benevolent Union in the State of Texas (Slovansk& Podporujici Jednota Statu Texas, S.P.J .T.). Estimated.. . 9,500 Cech Slavic Union (Cesko-Slovanski Jednota, C.S.J. ). Offi- __ cial report, December, 1918 6,385 Cech Slavic Fraternal Benevolent Union (Cesko-SlovanskS. Bratrska Podporujici Jednota, C.S.B.P.J.). Official report, January, 1919 3,667 Union of Taborites (Jednota Taboritu, J. T.). Estimated. . . 2,500 Cech American Union (Cesko-Americka Jednota, C.A.J.). Estimated 2,000 Cech Slavic Benevolent Woman's Society (Cesko-Slovanske Podporujici Damskd Spolky, C.S.P.D.S.). Official report, February, 1919 2,500 Association of Cech American Women (Sdruzeni Cesko- Americkfah Dam, S.C.A.D.). Estimated 3,000 Union of Cech Patriotic Women (Jednota Ceskych Vlaste- nek, J.C.V.). Estimated 3,500 Total 123,183 CHAPTER XIX THE PART THE AMERICAN CECHS TOOK IN THE WAR OP LIBERATION AT the time he was taking leave of his compa triots in America, President Masaryk (Farewell, Address, November n, 191 8) declared that in the . history of -liberation the American Cechs and Slo vaks are assured honorable mention. The American Cechs played a double r61e in the drama which ended in the humbling in the dust of the Hapsburgs and the final disruption of the Dual Monarchy. In the first place they financed the ex ternal revolutionary movement. They are consid ered the richest, as they are admittedly the strong est, branch of the race outside the motherland. Secondly, it was expected of them that they would present the cause of the Cechoslovaks before the country and would endeavor to win for it American public opinion. That it was Masaryk who had the rare insight and foresight to get away from Austria while it was yet time was regarded as a happy augury. On the occasion of his two previous visits Masaryk had made a host of friends here. The liberal and, not ably, the intellectual element held him in high es teem. Masaryk is sincere in all his actions, and as Carlyle expresses it, "sincerity, a deep, great, genu- 265 THE CECHS IN AMERICA ine sincerity, is the first characteristic of all men in any way heroic." He enjoyed full confidence of the leaders at home. Vienna feared him, for it found that he was unassailable. Shortly before the war the readers of a Prague journal took a test vote on the question: if Bohemia were a republic, who would be elected its president? Significantly, Masaryk re ceived the majority of the votes. The external revolution against Austria was set in motion the moment Masaryk reached Swiss soil. For obvious reasons the first few months the propa ganda he and his confreres planned had to be car ried on in secrecy. Prague was known to swarm with spies and informers and no one must be unneces sarily compromised or sacrificed. On July 6, 1915, the day of the quincentenary of the burning of Bohemia's national hero and mar tyr, Hus, Ernest Denis lectured on the essence of Hussitism in the Hall of the Reformation at Geneva, Switzerland. On this day Masaryk, in a few curt sentences which he delivered without any attempt at oratory, laid down the nation's platform : " Every Cech must now elect whether or not he is in favor of reformation or anti-reformation; must now say whether or not he is in favor of the Cech idea or the Austrian idea. Austria is the mouthpiece in Europe of anti-reformation and reaction." Months before the Hus celebration in Switzer land, where Masaryk first publicly arraigned Aus tria, the American Cechs were busy at work. In 266 CECHS IN WAR OF LIBERATION September, 1914, the New Yorkers formed the American Committee for the Liberation of the Cech People. An organization nation-wide in scope was formed in Chicago as a result of a conference held in that city, January 2-3, 1915. After June 6, 1915, this society was officially designated as the Bohe mian National Alliance (Ceske Narodni Sdruzeni). Rapidly the Alliance spread a network of branches throughout the country ; by the time the war ended, these branches numbered some 350. Dr. L. J. Fisher, a Chicago physician, now in the service of the Czechoslovak Government in Prague, was elected president, remaining at the head of the Alliance almost until the end of the war. Upon his departure for the front in France, Dr. Joseph F. Pecival assumed presidency. Joseph Tvrzicky was chosen executive secretary and manager of the Press Bureau. Since 1916 Vojta Benes acted as organizer. The important office of treasurer was entrusted to James F. Stepina,' president of the American State Bank. For a time Dr. J. E. S. Vojan functioned as secretary, J. J. Zmrhal and Dr. J. F. Smetanka attending to English language corre spondence. When the United States declared war on the Central Powers, the Alliance promptly re adjusted its programme to meet the new conditions incident to the war. Heretofore the Alliance had labored for Cechoslovak freedom. From that time on its branches became the sentinels of wholesome, loyal Americanism, efficient agencies for the sale of 267 THE CECHS IN AMERICA Liberty Bonds, rallying points for volunteering and for war activities in general. That the Cechoslovaks bought as many Liberty Bonds as the official fig ures disclose they did, is due, in a large measure, to the efforts of the Alliance and its branches and to the Slovak League. The women kept an even pace with the men. Their sewing and knitting "Bees" turned out sweaters and comfort kits for the soldiers in France, Italy, and Russia. Many of the societies of the "Bees" became in war-time auxiliaries of the American Red Cross. Libule S. Motak of New York, prominent in relief work, has been appointed since Representative for the United States of the Czechoslovak Red Cross, If cannon is the ultima ratio regum, the last ar gument of kings, money is an indispensable weapon of the up-to-date revolutionary. Precisely how large a fund was raised by the American Cechs and Slo vaks has not yet been made public; when official figures are available we may be surprised to find that the total runs not into the hundreds of thou sands but into millions. The money was gathered by means of self -taxation, donations, bazaars— not without hard work, scheming, and pinching. Three centuries of subjection, political and economic, have pushed the Cechoslovaks into the employee class; wealthy men are the exception. How to raise millions from workmen was a problem. Not a dollar was asked for or accepted from any foreign source. Those were Masaryk's orders. 268 REV. OLDRICH ZLAMAL CECHS IN WAR OF LIBERATION "This is our revolution, and we must pay for it with our own money." The first bazaar of consequence was held in New York in the winter of 1916. It yielded $22,250. This was thought an extraordi nary achievement. The bazaar given in Cleveland in March, 191 7, netted $25,000 and one closely fol lowing it in Chicago, $40,000. The comparatively small Omaha community surprised all by making $65,109.20 in September, 1918. A few weeks la ter the Texas Cechs got together at a bazaar f6te in Taylor another $50,000 or $60,000. The bazaar at Cedar Rapids (Iowa) turned in $25,000. The Thanksgiving Day offering in 1918, which was na tion-wide, totaled $320,000. To this Chicago gave over $100,000, Cleveland $40,000. All the money was not spent for political purposes. Large sums went to relieve distress on the other side. For in stance, one million francs were cabled to the Cecho slovak Minister of Foreign Affairs in Paris for the purchase of food. In order to reach and stir up the masses it was necessary to hold meetings without number. Meet ings are the salt, the ferment of all questions requir ing public discussion. Meetings sustain the spirit of the waverer, they dispel the doubts of the pes simist. Press publicity was another, though more subtle, lever of the agitator. Both agencies were employed as needs required or means permitted. Speakers visited every community of fellow coun trymen from Canada to Texas. The majority of these 269 THE CECHS IN AMERICA speakers were, of course, Americans. Before he ac cepted service in the Military Intelligence Division of the United States Army, Captain Emanuel V. Voska of New York held in his hands the threads of the propaganda in the East. Lecturers and propagandists came from Europe, too. F. Kopecky, a plain-spoken artisan from Lon don, brought tidings from the small colony of Cechs there. Personal contact with the Cechoslovaks in Russia was established through Captain Ferdi nand Pisecky, who reached America in 1917. Under the auspices of the Alliance Captain Pisecky toured the principal Cech and Slovak settlements. Four officers, Lieutenants Miloslav Niederle, Antonin Holy, Joseph Horvath, and Oldrich Spaniel, ar rived in the winter of 191 7-1 8. Although they came from France — rather from the Cechoslovak Army in France — all four were war veterans from Rus sia. The object of their journey was military; they were after recruits for war service in France. Sol diers who came here on missions connected with the war, military, political, and diplomatic were: Gen eral Milan R. Stefanik, Colonel Vladimir Hurban, Captains Zdenko Fierlinger, Jaromir Spacek, and V. Houska, Major John Sipek, Lieutenants F. Danielovsky' and Charles Zmrhal. It is not known that many a Teuton plot to fo ment strikes, to set warehouses and docks on fire, to blow up munition-carrying ships was bared and many an evil-doer apprehended and sent to prison 270 CECHS IN WAR OF LIBERATION on evidence furnished to the Government by loyal Cechoslovaks. To run down the malefactors and checkmate their nefarious activity, Cechoslovak agents were scattered throughout the industrial centers in the East, to warn the Slavic workmen not to strike unless they wanted to do the bidding of the Kaiser and his paid agents. Newspapers and magazines were established in foreign lands. At home the press was muzzled ; the censor would not permit it to speak out the nation's will, the nation's hope. Since Prague was forced to keep mute, exiles living in Russia, France, Switzer land, England, and the United States, must speak. And they did speak. The Cechoslovak prisoners of war started a paper in Russia, which they called the Cechoslovak. It printed articles in Cech, Slovak, and Russian. Professor Ernest Denis, of the Sor- bonne, brought out in Paris, May, 1915, La Nation Tcheque. A few months later appeared the Cesko- slovenskd Samostatnost (Cechoslovak Independ ence), also in the French capital. The New Europe, with Masaryk among its collaborators, came out in London, October, 191 6. The Alliance started pub lishing the Bohemian Review in Chicago in Febru ary, 191 7; since November, 191 8, it has appeared under the corrected title, Czechoslovak Review. Leaflets, pamphlets, and books printed in French, English, Russian, Italian, and Cech were turned out unstintingly and sent to college libraries, clubs, to men of affairs, men influential in politics and 271 THE CECHS IN AMERICA literature. Suffice it to give the titles of some of these books and leaflets: Bohemia under Hapsburg Misrule (Capek); Bohemian Question, Heart of Europe (Pergler); Voice of an Oppressed People, Problem of Small Nations (Masaryk); Future of Bohemia (Seton- Watson) ; Bohemia: her Story and her Claims (Marchant) ; Case of Bohemia, Czecho slovaks, an Oppressed Nationality (Namier); Bo hemia (Benes and Zmrhal) ; Bohemia's Claim for Freedom (Prochazka); Bohemia's Case foY Inde pendence (E. Benes) ; Czechoslovaks, a new Belliger ent Nation (Hazen) ; Austrian Terrorism in Bohemia, etc. The Slav Press Bureau was opened in New York; this formed the nucleus out of which grew the Czechoslovak Information Bureau now exist ing in Washington. Unobtrusive work was done outside the organization, too. For instance, the author of this volume made it a practice to send, during the war, propagandist letters to men promi nent in public life in the United States and England. The alarming news cabled to America of the massacres of rebellious soldiers, of executions of civilians, of trials for treason (Dr. Charles Krama?, the first Premier, and Dr. Alois Ra§in, the first Minister of Finance were sentenced to death; President Masaryk's daughter, Dr. Alice G. Masa ryk, was thrown into prison), of confiscations by the Government of properties of those found guilty of treason or desertion, or espionage, or opposing the armed power of the State, nerved the workers, if 272 CECHS IN WAR OF LIBERATION anything, to greater effort. More indignation meet ings, more appeals for protection to the State De partment, more pamphlets, more intensive agita tion, more cables to agents and couriers in Europe.1 Then there was the minor detail work. Artistic stamps and post-cards were put into circulation, buttons and badges and diplomas were sold for the benefit of the campaign fund. Vojtech Preissig, of the Wentworth Institute in Boston, designed mas terful war posters. Most of such interesting trifles as badges, buttons, post-cards, came from the work shops of the members of the Cechoslovak Arts Club of New York. This Club decorated in an ar tistic manner the show windows of prominent business houses on Fifth Avenue with Cechoslovak colors, views and portraits, maps, posters, and printed matter. A most valuable exhibit from an educational point of view proved to be a huge port- 1 Some of the news items cabled here were, fortunately, mere in ventions of the war reporter. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the New York Herald, cabled on August 20, 1914, the particulars of a revolutionary outbreak in Prague which never took place: "The Kieff correspondent of the Novoe Vremya sends details of an uprising in Bohemia, when Czech Polish troops shot down their German offi cers, shouting, 'Down with William! Down with Austria! Long live Russia!' Prague for a whole day was in the hands of the mutineers. The next day the Austrians, who had been reinforced, reentered the city and took fearful reprisals. Every Cech caught in the street was killed. The river Moldavia, it is declared, ran red with Cech blood. The finest monuments in the city were destroyed and shops were pil laged. A new uprising occurred two days later, followed by fresh re prisals. Among the victims was Dr. Kramarzh, M. Klofatch, a pro fessor Masaryk, who was executed in the citadel. A similar fate is believed to have overtaken the Russian consul, Mr. Zhukovsky." 273 THE CECHS IN AMERICA , able map of Central Europe. This map showed the racial boundaries of the reborn state and marked the strategic positions of the Cechoslovak troops astride the Trans-Siberian railroad in Russia. The map was placed in front of the Public Library on Fifth Avenue and Forty-second Street. Thousands of New Yorkers passing by daily were compelled to take notice of the map. Who are the Cechoslovaks? Are they a faction of the Bolsheviks? Are they re lated to the Bohemians? What connection, if any, is there between the Bohemians living on the up per east side of New York and the Bohemians in Greenwich Village? Many a grown-up New Yorker learned his primer in Cechoslovak history by study ing the map. From New York the map traveled to inland cities, to repeat there the errand of education it performed so admirably on Fifth Avenue. At first it was confidently expected that the lib eration of the race from thralldom would come from the east. The Russians were blood-brothers; they freed the Serbs and the Bulgarians, and they would redeem the Cechoslovaks next. Hence the propagandists concentrated their efforts on Russia. The Russian front collapsing, however, owing to Bolshevik betrayal, the center of activity was shifted to Paris. Two trusted lieutenants of Mas aryk took charge of matters in the French capi tal, Dr. Edward Benes (first Minister of Foreign Affairs) and the late General Milan R. Stefanik (first Minister of War). 274 MOR HO! MOR HO ! za nasi svobodw w predu s OS-ARI FRANCU SVQJHO RODU HODNf I CECHOSLOVAK WAR POSTERS Designed by Vojta Preissig, Wentworth Institute, Boston CECHS IN WAR OF LIBERATION An important conference was held in Cleveland in October, 191 5, between the leaders of the Alli ance and the Slovak League. Complete accord was reached and the two race groups, Cechs and Slo vaks, agreed to work hand in hand, in pursuance of one aim under one supreme leadership. February 5, 1917, a meeting was arranged in Chicago between the Catholic Party and the repre sentatives of the Alliance. The Catholics expressed themselves as willing to share in the work of the Alliance and the Slovak League, but, standing fast on the ground of belief, how could they collaborate with the other side which held to unbelief? The Reverend Oldrich Zlamal, a priest from Cleveland, took a dissenting viewpoint. "The Cech of Catholic faith," he pleaded in the Farnik (The Parishioner), "without in any way jeopardizing his religion and church interests, has no good reason why he should sympathize with the present-day Austria." One version, said to be the true one, of why the Catholic Party wavered so long was, that the Right Rever end Joseph M. Koudelka of Wisconsin, a Bishop of Cech nationality, in the first months of the war appended his signature to a public declaration, which sought to exculpate Austria and Germany for bringing on the war. Whatever the motive of the abstention, the Reverend Father Zlamal and other brave and patriotic priests prevailed in the end and the Catholic Party joined the Alliance. Thus at last all the factions, the liberals, the socialists, 275 THE CECHS IN AMERICA and the Catholics, were fraternally united and pledged to work for the liberation of the Father land. Masaryk reached the Pacific Coast on his way from Russia, in April, 1918. His arrival lent new zest to the drive which the propagandists were making to win American public opinion. Impressive receptions were given in his honor, in Chicago, New York, Baltimore, Cleveland; speeches were delivered before packed audiences in Carnegie Hall and elsewhere; interviews to newspapermen were granted. The publicity campaign took a sharp curve upward. Slowly but surely, Cechs and Slovaks were worming themselves into the headlines of the American press. Meantime Austrian statesmen still pretended to believe that there was no such thing as a Bohemian or a Cechoslovak question ; if there was, that it was one of internal Austro-Hungarian politics with which the Governments of Vienna and Budapest would concern themselves when the proper time came. But the principle of self-determination of nations — that government must rest upon the consent of the governed — was by this time rap idly gaining converts in America. The statesmen of Austria and Hungary knew that the principle of self-determination would mark the doom of the Hapsburg Empire. June 30, 1918, President Poincare of France jour neyed to the war zone to make a formal presen- 276 VLADIMIR A. GERINGER United States Trade Commissioner to the Cechoslovak Republic Publisher of the Chicago "Svornost" CECHS IN WAR OF LIBERATION tation of the Cechoslovak flag to the soldiers of that nationality. On that occasion M. Pichon, the Foreign Secretary, speaking for the government of the Republic, "deemed it equitable and necessary to proclaim the rights of the Czechoslovak nation to independence." Recognition by the British Government is dated August 13, 1918. "In consideration of their efforts to achieve independence, Great Britain regards the Czechoslovaks as an allied nation and . . . recog nizes the right of the Czechoslovak National Coun cil as the supreme organ of Czechoslovak national interests and as the present trustee of the future Czechoslovak government. ..." September 2, 191 8, the United States Govern ment through Secretary Lansing declared that " the Government of the United States recognizes that a state of belligerency exists between the Czecho slovaks thus organized (that is, prosecuting their purposes for independence) and the German and Austro-Hungarian Empires. ... It also recognizes the Czechoslovaks." The Declaration of Independence, severing for ever the ties binding Czechoslovakia to Austria- Hungary, bears date October 18, 1918, in Paris, and is signed by Thomas G. Masaryk, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance; Milan R. Stefanik, Minis ter of National Defense; and Edward Benes", Min ister of Foreign Affairs and of the Interior. November 2, 191 8, delegates representing all 277 THE CECHS IN AMERICA political parties met in Geneva, Switzerland, and after adopting the draft of a constitution for the Cechoslovak Republic, patterned after that of the United States, elected unanimously as its first President, Thomas Garrigue Masaryk. A full and impartial account of the Liberation Movement has not yet been written. The events are too recent and the persons concerned too close to enable the historian to form a critical estimate of the degree of credit due. THE END APPENDIX APPENDIX1 The theme of Cech emigration to the United States has been con sidered from every conceivable viewpoint, not only by American Cechs, but by visitors from the mother country as well. The conclu sion of writers from overseas not unfrequently discloses a lack of preparation, if not an utter non-comprehension of American realities; moreover, much of the Americana printed abroad is light reading, calculated not so much to inform as to amuse the reader. Dr. Joseph Stolba: In North America. 181 pp. Prague. 1876. The earliest visitor from abroad, however, was not Dr. Stolba, but two Protestant ministers, Ludvik B. Kaspar and Herman z Tardy. The first-named, Kaspar, prepared for his superiors a summary of the journey in A Report of a Pilgrimage to America in the Summer of 1869. Ladimir Klacel, in the initial numbers of the Hlas Jednoty Svo- \ bodomyslnych (no. 1 is dated February 19, 1872), collected data on pioneer immigration. Joseph V. Sladek, poet and Shakespearean scholar, wrote for the Prague Osveta and Lumir of his American experiences. "On a Cech Farm in Texas," by Sladek, appeared in Lumir in 1884. Sladek was among the first to translate the American Constitution into Cech. For the information of the emigrant, Joseph Pastor published in Hamburg, in 1884, a monthly journal, Cech Settlements in America. John Palacky, son of the historian Francis Palacky, compiled the United States of America. 142 pp. Prague. 1884. Palacky's work deals wholly with statistics; Charles Jonas' assisted this author, who knew America by hearsay only, never having visited here. John Wagner: The Cech Settlers in North America. 63 pp. Prague. 1887. Unreliable and gossipy. Thomas Capek: Monuments of Cech Immigration to America. First ed. 1889; second ed., revised, 112 pp. Omaha. 1907. Anton Peter HouS?: The Cech Catholic Settlements in America. St. Louis. 1890. 1 All the sources quoted or referred to in the text or in the foot notes are in the Cech language except those marked (e) English and (g) German. 28l APPENDLX R. W. Turner: (e) "Emigration from Bohemia," U.S. Consular Reports. 1890. Charles Jonas': (e) " Bohemian and Hungarian Emigration to the United States," U.S. Consular Reports. 1890. Joseph Cermak: The History of America, after Benson J. Lossing and other sources; contains the lives and experiences of Cech sol diers who fought in the Civil War. Chicago. 1910. Thomas Capek: (e) "The Bohemians in America," The Chau- tauquan, October, 1891. Joseph Kofensky: Journey around the World in 1893-94. Refers to New York Cechs in v. 1, pp. 43-50. Prague. John Wagner: Transoceanic Gossip. 155 pp. Prague. 1898. The same comment is pertinent to this book as to the author's other work. Reverends William Siller, Vaclav Prucha, and R. M. de Castello: Memorial of the Cech Evangelical Churches in the United States. 290 pp. Chicago. 1900. Dr. Vladimir Novak: Journeying through the United States of America. 51 pp. Prague. 1900. Josephine Humpal-Zeman: (e) Bohemian Settlements in America. Industrial Commission Reports, 1901. J. Buzek: (g) " Das Auswanderungs-problem und die Regelung es Auswanderungswesen in Oesterreich," Zeitschrift fur Volks- \sirtschaft, Socialpolitik und Verwaltung, v. 10. Wien. 1901. J. J. Vlach: (e)"Our Bohemian Population," Proceedings of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, pp. 159-62. Madison. 1902. ., E. A. Steiner: (e) "Character of the Bohemians in the United States," Outlook, April 25, 1903. Dr. George Guth : My Vacation in America. Feuillelons and Caus- eries from a Trip to the St. Louis Exposition. 137 pp. Prague. 1904. Josephine Humpal-Zeman: (e) "Bohemia: a Stir of its Social Con science," The Commons, July, 1904. Vaclav §varc: (e) "The Culture which the Slav offers America," The Charities, July 1, 1905. Francis Sailer: America. 47 pp. Prague. 1905. This travelogue by Sailer reads like a tale from the Thousand and One Nights fabulous stories. Dr. John Auerhan: "The Cechs in America," Pokrokovd Revue. Prague, v. 7, no. 16, April, 1906, pp. 420-28; no. 17, pp. 481-86. Dr. Auerhan is another commentator, who knows America by hearsay only. John Rosicky: America as it is. Omaha. 282 (w APPENDIX E. G. Balch: (e) "The Story of a Bohemian Pioneer," The Chau- tauquan, February, 1906. E. A. Steiner: (e) On the Trail of the Immigrant. New York. 1906. Marie Ziegler: Artist's Impressions. 68 pp. Prague. 1907. "A Press Agent's Impressions" would have been a more appropriate caption for this pamphlet abounding in magniloquent phrases of a journey through America. J. F. Votruba: "Americanization and American Cechs," Prazskd Lidovd Revue, v. iv. Prague. 1908. E. G. Balch: (e) "The Peasant Background of our Slavic Fellow Citizens," The Charities, August 6, 1910. John Habenicht: History of the Cechs in America. 773 pp. St. Louis. 1910. E. G. Balch: (e) Our Slavic Fellow Citizens. 536 pp. New York. 1910. R. H. Schauffler: (e) "The Bohemian," Outlook, March, 1911. Thomas Capek: Fifty Years of Cech Letters (Journalism and Litera ture) in America. From January 1, i860, when the first Cech lan guage newspaper was published in America, to January 1, 1910. With supplements to the beginning of 191 1 . 280 pp. New York. 191 1 . "Emigration to America," The Moravskd Orlice. Brno, Moravia, January 16, 191 1. Anton Pimper: "The Cech Americans and their Cultural Prob lem," The Samostatnost. Prague, July 20, 191 1. J. E. S. Vojan: Cech American Epistles. 192 pp. Chicago. 1911. Dr. Francis Drtina: Cultural Relations of American Cechs with their Motherland. A speech delivered in the presence of American Cechs in the MSstanska Beseda, Prague, July 4, 1912. Dr. Francis Drtina: "The American Cechs," The Ceske Slovo. Prague, March 1, 1912. Dr. Frank Soukup: America; a series of pictures from American life. 363 pp. Prague. 1912. Directory cf Cechs in the United States. 104 pp. Compiled by E. St. Vraz with the collaboration, as to Chicago statistics, of J. Kramer Tvrzicky. Dr. John Auerhan, John Hejret, and A. Svojsik: The Cech Emigra tion. Reprint from Osveta. Prague. 1912. Dr. Emanuel Gregr: "A Discussion of Economic Subjects with American Cechs," in the Me"St.anska Beseda, Prague. Reported in the Prague Herold, June 30, 1912. Count Francis Liitzow: (g) American Impressions, gleaned on a lecture tour on Bohemia, given in several institutions of learning. Prague. 1912. 283 APPENDIX Francis Herites: American and Other Sketches from my Journeys. 252 pp. Prague. 1913. Dr. Anton Boha£: Random chapters from Slavic statistics. " The Emigration of Slavs to America," The Slovansky Prehled, v. 15. 433 PP- Prague. 1913. E. A. Steiner: (e) "Among the Bohemians," From Alien to Citizen, pp. 169-76. New York. 1914. Sarka B. Hrbkova: (e) The Bohemians in Nebraska. Nebraska State Historical Society. 48 pp. Lincoln. 1914. Gustav Haberman: From my Life. 299 pp. Prague. 1914. Anton Pimper : Emigration Problem. 80 pp. Prague. Dr. Navratil: Cech Physicians in America. 25 pp. Prague. 1914. Francis J. Swehla: (e) "The Bohemians in Central Kansas," Kansas Historical Society Collections, pp. 469-512. Topeka. 1915. B. S(h)imek: (e) The Bohemians in Johnson County. Iowa. 10 pp. Archibald McClure: (e) " Leadership of the New America, Racial and Religious," Bohemians, pp. 47-60. New York. 19 16. Karel Pelant: The Real America, v. 1. 135 pp. Moravska Os trava, Moravia. 1919. INDEX INDEX Adams, E. A., 251 Albieri, Paul, viii, 44, 206 Alexy, Gustave, 250 Americanization of children, 102 ; of names, 115 Anarchism, 143 ; revolutionary propaganda, 145; no creative thinkers, 146 Auerhan, John, 282, 283 Babka, John J., 90 Balatka, Hans, 39, 229 Balch, Emily G., v, 283 Barta, Alois, 244 Bartosek, Theodore, 239 Bern, Franta, 79, 106, 107 BeneS, Edward, 140, 272, 274, 277 BeneS, Vojta, 119, 215, 244, 267, 272 Bilek, Thomas V., 8, 13 Bittner, BartoS, viii, 133, 176, 181, 202, 204, 205, 211 Bohac", Anton, 284 Bohemia, conditions in, about 1848, 53 Bohemia Manor in Maryland, 1 1 Bohemian Voice, 261 BohunSk, Rudolf, 235 Bolton, Robert, 12 Borecky, John, viii, 36, 38, 54, 79, 80, 121, 188, 189, 190, 229 Bro2, John Stephen, 47, 209 Building and loan associations in Cleveland, 75; in Chicago, 76 Bujarkova, F. S., 220 Bunata, Joseph, 138, 139, 219 2 Burian, Carl, 233 Business men; Jews carriers of Slavic names, 76 Buzek, J., 27, 282 Capek, Anna V., 220, 221 Capek, Catherine M., 90 Capek, John V., 41, 85, 133, 182; talented humorist, 200 Capek (Chapek), Joseph H., 225 Capek, Norbert F., 64 Capek, Peter, 230 Capek, Thomas, vi, xi, 48, 171, 186, 187, 220, 221, 261, 272, 281, 282, 283 Capek, Thomas, Jr., 220 Castello, R. M. de, 282 Catholics build first church, 247; St. Louis center, 247; St. Prokop 's parish, 247; early trials, 249; societies, 263 Cechs, idealists, self-reliant, lit erate, xi Cech-American National Com mittee, 260 Cech Colony (Ceska Osada), 170 Cech Press Bureau, 239 Cech Humoristic Quartet, 232 Cech Singing Quartet, 233 Cech Society, 255, 256, 258 Cermak, Joseph, 157, 158, 159, 202, 203, 282 Cerven£, F. V., 255, 257 Charvat, Otakar, 161, 219, 220 Children are American, 102 Chladek, Adolph, 87 Choral Societies, 254 Chotek, Hugo, 42, 43 87 INDEX Choura, Frank, 140, 151, 261 Cigar-making in New York, 71, 72, 73 Cilinsk^, Josef, 255 CfsaF, Jaroslav, 220 Crane, Charles R., 235, 236 Crime; personal violence and assault, 94; burglaries in Chi cago, 94 Czechoslovak (Bohemian) Na tional Alliance center of Lib eration movement, 267 Danielovsk£, Lt. F., 270 Democratic party followers, 171, 172, 185, 190 Denis, Ernest, 3, 266, 271 Destinn, Emmy, 233 Dignowity, Anthony M., 88, 108, 220 Distribution of stock in Middle West, 61 Dongres, L. W., 219 Dostal, Hynek, 64, 219 Drazdil, Anna, 230 Drtina, Francis, 283 Dvo?ak, Antonin, 225, 226, 228, 229, 230 Egle, William Henry, editor, 23 Eisner, Anton, 165 Erben, J. B., 105, 134, 189 Ersts (See Musical families) Farsky, Oldrich, 235 Faust, Albert B., 37, 109 Fernow, Berthold, editor, 14 Fierlinger, Capt. Zdenko, 270 Fisher, Harrison, 235 Fisher, L. J., 84, 267 Florjansky, W., 234 Foxlee, Ludmila Kucha?, 207 Francl, F., 220 Fraternal societies, 254; C.S.P.S., 258 Friml, Rudolph, 226 Geringer, August, 160, 166 Geringer, Vladimir A., 64, 220 Germans; settlements in U.S., 109, no, in; Cechs mass in same centers, 112; hold social functions in German-owned halls, 56 Gindely, Antonfn, 3 Greer, George Cabell, 16 Gregor, Frances, viii, 90, 101, 201, 203, 204, 220 Gregr, B., 219 Gregr, Emanuel, 283 Guth, George, 239, 282 Habenicht, John, vi, 44, 49, 86, 87, 121, 210, 246, 283 Haberman, Gustav, 151, 238, 284 HaiduSek, August, 50, 86 Hallk, St. J., 44 Hanzlik, Paul J., 93 Havlasa, John, 206, 210, 211, 239 Havlicek, Charles, x, 26, 33, 48, 49, 120, 125, 135, 136, 137, 255. 257 Havranek, A. J., 219 Hazen, Charles D., 272 Heink, Ernestine Schumann- 231 Hejret, John, 283 Here, Bernhard, 142 Herites, Francis, 237, 284 Herman, John, 38, 48, 211 Herrman, Augustine, first known Cech immigrant, 9; lord Bohe mia Manor, n, 14, 15, 17, 105 Hessoun, Joseph, 128, 247; fore most prelate, 248, 251 288 INDEX Heyberger, Anna, 244 Hlavac, Vojt&h I., 230 Hlava&k, Frank J., 142, 146, 147, 149, 150, 168 Hojda, John C, 134 Holecek, F., 219 Hollar, Wenceslaus, 7, 14 Holmes, Burton, 262 Holub, Emil, 237 Holy, Lt. Antonfn, 270 Horky, Karel, 216, 217, 218 Horvath, Lt. Joseph, 270 Housing conditions in New York City, 40; Cleveland, 43; Chica go, 44 Houska, Capt. V., 270 HouSt, Anton Peter, 246, 281 Hrbek, Jeffrey D., 220, 244 Hrbkova, §arka B., 46, 208, 244, 245. 284 HrdliCka, AleS, 206, 220 Hrubys (See Musical families) Hubacek, Andrew, 82, 255, 257 Hubacek, August, 77, 80, 257, 258 Hubacek, Joseph, 82, 257 Hurban, Col. Vladimir, 270 Hus, John, 19; greatest Cech born in Bohemia, 123; 244 Hussitism issue in Bohemia, 122 : deeper meaning, 123; lecture on, in Geneva, 266 HybeS, Josef, 140 Illiteracy, xi 'Immigration after 1848, 28; even ratio males and females, 29; tables, 29, 30, 31; officials discourage, 33; pour through Hamburg, etc., 34 Ingerle, Rudolf F., 235 ISka, Frank, 133, 212 Janauschek, Frances R., 231 Janda, Alois, 133, 181, 208 Jandus, William, 139 Janota, Frank, 151, 152 JanouSek, Franta, 106 Jews immigrate before others, 43 Jiclnsky, J. R., 46, 126, 220, 254 Jirsa, Maj. Vladimir, 162 Johnson, Amandus, 17 JonaS, Charles, ix, 39, 44, 64, 89, 105, 106, 146, 165, 166, 167, 168, 170, 174, 179, 180; "first Cech in America," 183, 184, 185; buried in Prague, 186; 187, 188, 190, 196, 197, 220, 261, 281, 282 JonaS, Frederick, 85, 90 Journalism preceded book litera ture, 165; first newspaper, 165; in German script, 169; editor and his influence, 173; reading matter, 174 ; commercial aspect, 177; salaries of editors, 179; live and die in poverty, 181 Jung, V. A., 209 Juranek, Thomas, 130 KalaS, Clementine, 230 Kalda, Joseph, 134, 219 Karel, John, viii, 38, 89 Karnik, J. J., 219, 243, 244 KaSpar, Joseph, 225 KaSpar, Ludvik B., 236, 281 Kerner, R. J., 91, 221, 245 Kissner, J. G., 246 Klacel, Ladimir, viii, 105, 121, 122, 125, 128; arrives in Amer ica, 130; expelled from college, 131 ; dreamer and visionary, 132; 133. 137. 176, 180, 181, 188, 189; creates nothing in America, 191; suffers grinding 289 INDEX poverty, 192; 193, 194, 197, 208, 258, 281 Kleych, Wenzel, 20 Klofag, Vaclav J., 238, 273 Knfzek, Charles, 244 Kralicek, V, 253 Krejsa, Edward, 228 Kochmann, Leo (Vive la Liberte), 141, 142, 146 Kocian, Jaroslav, 225 Kohlbeck, Valentine, 246, 263 Kola?, Victor, 226, 227 Komensky (Comenius), John Amos, Bishop, 5, 6, 20 Komensky Educational Clubs, 262 Konop, Thomas, 90 Konvalinka, John, 83, 86 Kopecky, Francis, Cechoslovak Consul General, 216 Kopta, Flora P. Wilson, 225 Kopta, Wenzel, 225 Korbel, Francis, 256, 262 Korbel, J. Mario, 234, 235 KoFensky, Joseph, 10, 237, 282 Ko?izek, Frank, 38, 166; Nestor of Cech journalism, 167; 168, 169, 170, 178, 179, 187 KoSaF, Jarka, 235 Kotouc", Otto, 47, 221 Koudelka, Bishop Joseph M., ex culpates Austria from war guilt, 275 Koukol, Alois B., 244 Kova?, Joseph, 64 Kova?fk, Alois, F., 92 KpvAHk, Joseph J., 226 Kozel, Vlasta Charlotte (Pavla Cechova), 207 Krai, J. J., 179, 186, 208, 220, 221 KramaF, Charles, 272, 273 Krejsa, Antonie, 221 Krejsa, Edward, 228 K?icka, Cenek, 239 K?ikava, Josef, 256, 257 Kroupa, Bohuslav, 236 Krouzilka, William, 150 Kryl and his Band, 223, 224, 225 Kubelik, Jan, 225, 227, 233 Kudlata, Vaclav, 149, 150, 151 Kun, F., 249, 251, 252 Kutak, F. J., 216, 218 Land ownership, source of wealth, 75 Language; corruption of, 116; English dominant, 116 Language schools, 241 ; supported by gifts, 243; teaching of Cech, 243 Lassak, Francis W., 83 Leitner, Karel, 224 Lerando-Zelenka L., 221, 229, 244. 245 Letovsky, John B., 38, 106, 167, 178, 179, 180, 183 Letovsky, M. B., 89, 193 Liberda, John, 20 Lier, MiloS, vi Lipovsky of Lipovice, Henry, 247 Literature, chiefly translations, 164; first book, 165; writers in English, 221 Ludvik's Theatrical Troupe, 45, 232 LukaS, A., 235 Lusk, Marie Koupal, 235 Liitzow, Count, 231, 262, 283 McClure, Archibald, 284 Mahler, Gustav, 231 Mallery, Charles Payson, 9 Marchant, Francis P., 272 Marriage with Teutons and others, 96 290 INDEX Martinek, Joseph, 219 Masaryk, Alice G., 45, 272 Masaryk, Thomas G., 135, 237, 238, 265, 266, 268, 272, 273, 276, 277, 278 Masek, Matthew, 160 MaSek, Vojta, viii, 38, 39, 80 Mashek, Nan, 39 Matgjka, J. V., 261 Matulka, Jan, 235 Matura, Rose, 234 Meilbek, Leo, 89, 138 Mekota, Beatrice M., 221 Melichar, A. C, 212 Michalek, Anton, 89 Mihal6czy, Geza, 156 Mikolanda, Jacob, 140, 148, 149 Mikova, Marie, 227 Miller, Kenneth D., 49 Mily, Edward, 140, 150 Mineberger, V. (Harris Zachar), 64- 134 Mischka (Myska), Joseph, 36, 229 MiSkovsk^, Louis F., 242, 244 Mokrejs, John, 227 Moravians, 20, 23, 24 Moravian Cechs favor Texas, 48 ; are conservative, 120 Moravian Church, 19; in Georgia, 23; Pennsylvania, 24 Motak, LibuSe S., 268 Mottl, Jacob, 77 Mracek, Frank, viii, 106, 178, 179, 182, 183 Mrazek, Joseph, 235 Mucha, Alfons M., 235 Mudra Band, 223 Musical families: the OndFiceks, 223; Ersts of Chicago, 224; Hrubys and Zamec' of Cleveland, 224, 228 Nadhenry, E. V, 235 Namier, Lewis B., 272 Naprstek, Vojta, viii, 38, 39, 105; protagonist of liberalism, 125; planned Cech community, 126; admirer of America, 127; 136; originator of Cech newspaper in U.S., 168; 169, 255, 256, 257> 258 Navratil, Dr., 284 Nebesk£, Vaclav, 258 Neisser, George, 21 Neuzil, Prokop, 246 Niederle, Lt. Miloslav, 270 Nigrin, J. V., 15, 64, 221 Novacek, Otakar, 227 Novak, Anton, 39, 64, 166, 193 Novak, Vladimir, 282 Novy, Frederick G., 91 Nov£, J. J., 219 Noyes, George R., 244 Oberlin College, 242 Occupation. Farmers predomin ate, 69; musicians numerous, 70; cigarmakers in New York, 7X> 72, 73; pearl button mak ers, 74; table of occupations, 81 ; tailors in Chicago, 84; Cech intelligence, 85 Oliverius, John A., viii, 105, 106, 172, 179; "newspaper grave- digger," 190, 191 OndFicek, Emanuel, 223 Ondricek, Francis, 223, 225 Ort, Henry, 254 Oswald, Josef, 254 Oumiroff, Bogea, 233 OuSka, Thomas F., 235 Paca, William, of Cech lineage, 15 291 INDEX Pacak, Louis, 220 Paces, Joseph, 151 ; Cech Valjean, 152, 153 Paclt, Cengk, 159, 160 Palacky, John, vii, 281 Palda, L. J., viii, 46, 72, 135; father of Cech socialism, 137; 138, 139, 142, 147, 182, 189, 194, 195, 214, 260, 261 Pantata, 115 Pastor, Joseph, viii, 40, 121, 122, 127, 128, 133, 179, 182; anti clerical, 186; 187, 196, 216, 281 Pavlikova, B ozena, 219 Pearl button makers, 74, 75 Pecival, Joseph F., 64, 267 Pecka, Joseph B., 146, 148 Pelant, Charles, 239, 284 Pergler, Charles, 212; accredited to U.S., 213; eloquent speaker, 214; 220, 221, 272 Pescheck, Adolph Christian, 20 Petrtyl, August, 235 Petrzelka, Vaclav J., 219 Philipse (Flypsen), Frederick, 12; "Bohemian merchant prince," 13; 14- 18 Pimper, Anton, 283 Pfsecky, Ferdinand (Ma?fn, Ji?i), 220, 270 Pisek, Godfrey R., 221 Pisek, Vincent, 221, 248, 250 Pivany, Eugene, 155 Pohl, Vaclav, 255, 257 Polak, Emil J., 227 Polasek, Albin, 234, 235 Pondelicek, Joseph, 148 Prantner, E. F., 221 Pregler, Anton, 44, 86 Preissig, Vojta, 234, 273 Prochazka, Charles, 165 Prochazka, J., 272 Prohibition party, no adherents, 172 Prokosch, B., 244 Protestant exiles, 4; in New Netherlands, 9; Virginia, 15; Barbadoes Islands, 17; cling to proscribed faith, 19; in Penn sylvania, 23; Cechs a Protest ant nation, 124; difficulties of, 249 ; organized in U.S. by non- Cechs, 250; mother church, ' 252 Prucha, J., 242 Prucha, Vaclav, 248, 282 PSenka, J. R., 206, 218 Quill (pseudonym), 204 Raboch, Wenzel A., 225 RaSin, Alois, 272 Rau, Albert G., 21 Recht, Charles, 221 Reichel, W. C, 24 Reincke, Abraham, 24 Reiser, Alois, 226, 227 Religious defection, 119; reasons, 122; influence of press, 127; clergymen renounce faith, 130 RepiS (Revis), William, brings libel suit, 128 Republican party followers, 171, 172, 190 Riis, Jacob, 41 Ringsmuth, F. K., 165, 200, 201 Robbins, Jane E., 41 Rosewater, Edward, viii, 48, 89, 90, 180, 181, 199 Rosicky, John, viii, 48, 166, 198, 199, 209, 259, 261, 282 Rosicky, Rose, 64, 207, 221 Rupp, I. Daniel, 24 Ruzi£ka, Rudolph, 234 292 INDEX Rychlfk, Charles, 228 Rynda, John, 45, 246 St. Margaret's Congress, 140 St. Prokop College, 243, 244 Sabath, A. J., 90 Sadflek, F. J., 52 Salak, Caroline J., 64 Sailer, Francis, 282 Saloonkeeper, pioneer business man, 77; influence, 77; not always a liability, 78 Schauffler, H. A., 242, 250, 251 Schauffler, R. H., 283 Scheiner, Josef, 239, 254 Schlesinger (Slesinger), A. L., 47, 48 Schwab, Ludvik, 227 Schweinitz, Edmund de, 21 Sealsfield, Charles (Karl Postl), 131 Segregation of nationals, 58 Serpan, St., 219 Settlements, farming, in Wis consin, 36; alluring advertise ments, 37 ; in footsteps of Ger mans, 112; city settlements, 36; New York a jumping-off ground, 40; St. Louis first me tropolis, 41; Chicago wrests scepter, 42 ; separate comrjiun- ities, 105, 126; Slavic Congress, 105; proposed emigration to Amur, 106 Severa, W. F., 177, 261 Shimek (Simek), B., 47, 64, 92, 93, 159, 221, 261, 284 Siller, William, 248, 282 Siller, Joseph, 49, 86 Sinkmajer, Joseph, 221, 246 Sfpek, Maj. John, 270 Skaloud, F. J., 220 Skarda, Anna, 90 Skarda, Frank, viii, 90, 137, 138, 141, 147, 182 Sladek, Hynek, 189 Sladek, Joseph V., 179, 189, 236, 281 Slavic Alliance, 260 Slavfk, John, 77 Slezak, Leo, 233 Slovanska Osada, 107 Smaha, Joseph, 231, 232 Smetana, Augustine, excommu nicated, 131 Smetanka, Jaroslav F., 215, 216, 220, 221, 267 Snajdr, Viclav, viii, 121; for 33 ¦ years editor Dennice Novo- vSku, 129; 167, 177, 187, 188, 189, 191, 192, 208, 261 Socialism introduced, 137; com rades organize, 138; influx of socialists, 140 Society for Promotion of Higher Education (Matice VySSiho VzdSlani), 261 Sokol Excursion, 239; Sokols, 254 Soldiers in Civil War, 157; Span ish Campaign, 160; World War, 160 Sosel, Joseph, 85 Soukup, Anthony M., 221 Soukup, Francis, 151, 153, 196, 221, 238, 283 Spacek, Capt. Jaromfr, 270 Spaniel, Lt. OldFich, 270 Stefanik, Gen. Milan R., 238, 239, 270, 274, 277 Steiner, Edward A., 122, 282, 283, 284 Steiner, Josef, 141 StSpina, J. F., 267 StSrba, A., 235 293 INDEX Stolba, Joseph, 237, 281 Straka, Adolph William, 185 Stransky, Josef, 226 Stransk^, Paul of Zapska Stranka, 6. Svarc, Vaclav (Ven), 282 Svoboda, Vincent, 235 Svojanov communities, planned by Klacel, 132 Svojsik, A., 283 Swehla, Francis J., 51, 284 Sykora, Joseph W., 43, 85, 86, 105, 241 Tabor, Edward 0., 221 Tardy, He?man z, 236, 281 Theatricals, amateur, popular, 254 Thuma, Joseph F., 41 Tichy, F., 135, 195 Triner, Joseph, 177 Tuma, Cech Columbus, 25 Tuma, F. Sokol, 239 Tupy, Ladislav, 64, 211 Turner, R. W., 282 Trojan, J. A., 220 Tvrzicky, Joseph, 215, 216, 217, 267, 283 Urban, Ladislav, 221, 227 Vancura, Henry, 3 VanSk, Vaclav, 135 VaSka, Bed?ich, 224 VaSkfl, B. 0., 263 Veleminsk#, Charles, ix, 240 Vesely, Kosmas, 244 Vickers, Robert H., 261 Visitors from abroad, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240; Czechoslovak ministers in America, 238 Vlach, J. J., 39, 282 Vojan, J. E. S., 41, 45, 76, 119. 186, 204, 216, 217, 221, 267, 283 Volav£, Margaret, 227 VondrouS, J. C, 234 Voska, E. V., 270 Votruba, J. F., 239, 283 Vranek, John, 208, 209 Vraz, E. St., 209, 283 Wagner, John, 159, 203, 281, 282 Watson, R. W. Seton, 272 Wetch6, Ludmila Vojacek, 227 Wiener, Leo, 245 Wilson, James Grant, 1 1 Wilson, President Woodrow, 162 Winlow, Clara V, 64, 90, 221 Woytisek, V. W., 261 Yurka, Blanche, 233 Zamecnik (See Musical families) Zarska, Erna, 233 Zdrubek, F. B., viii, 44, 45, 121, I28; 35 years editor Svornost, 129; 132, 133, 134, 150, 164, 166, 176, 179; Speaker of Lib eral Union, 182; 189, 196; not creative writer, 197; 198, 208, 219, 221, 252, 261 Zelen£, John, 92 Zeman, Josephine Humpal-, viii, 44, 201 ; suffragette leader, 202, 282 Zeyer, Julius, 126 Ziegler, Marie, 283 Zlamal, 01d?ich, 275 Zmrhal, Jaroslav J., 211, 267, 272 Zmrhal, Lt. Charles, 270 Zoula, Norbert, 140, 146, 147, 148 Zvolanek, Joseph, 252 (Stbe Hiiterifitie pct## CAMBRIDGE . MASSACHUSETTS V . S . A