jiiilitfi 'ii' ¦' '"' 6 75 i c^y^^^ay. This book was digitized by Microsoft Corporation in cooperation with Yale University Library, 2008. You may not reproduce this digitized copy of the book for any purpose other than for scholarship, research, educational, or, in limited quantity, personal use. You may not distribute or provide access to this digitized copy (or modified or partial versions of it) for commercial purposes. DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE Colonial History OF THE State of New York EDITED BY BERTHOLD FERNOW. VOLUME XV. STATE ARCHIVES, VOL. I. ^Jiii.:^-;..-*^*^!* ALBANY, N. Y. : WEED, PARSONS AND COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1887. 4LUh& ^Mllll 3^'tj^N.l 3 s f ¦ » » gj ss .^ 1 1 -s tT Is- NEW YORK STATE ARCHIVES. NEW YORK IN THE REVOLUTION ¦ PREPARED UNDER DIRECTION OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS, By berthold fernow. VOLUME I ALBANY, N. Y.: WEED, PARSONS AND COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1887. CONTENTS. PAGE. I. Proceedings of the Provincial Congress 1 II. The New York Line on the Third Continental Establishment, 1776 163 III The Navy 254 IV. Officers of the Levies, Militia, Minute Men, Rangers and Associated Exempts, arranged by counties 255 V. Alphabetical List of the State Troops 308 VI. Appendix, containing: List of Officers of the New York Line on the First Continental Establishment, 1775 527 The Navy 529 The Green Mountain Boys and Vermont Militia 534 Additional Officers of New York 537 Service of the Levies and Militia 538 Casualties . Prisoners, Wounded and Killed . . . , 542 Pensioners of the State, alphabetically arranged 551. VII. Index 555 PREFACE. New-Englanders will occasionally assert, that New York did very little to assist her sister colonies in the struggle for independence more than one hundred years ago. To correct this opinion, the Editor has endeavored to resuscitate from the tomb of general oblivion the names of the men who proved their attachment to the cause of Hberty by serving in a mihtary capacity as officers and soldiers of the Regiments of the New York Line on Continental Establishment, of the Battalions of Levies, organized by the State of New York for purposes of self-protection, of the Regiments of Militia, Minute Men and Rangers and — of the Navy. Although the volume herewith laid before the public contains about 40,000 names, the Editor fears that many a family will be disappointed upon not finding an ancestor, whom family tradition has elevated upon the pinnacle of revolutionary fame. The reason for not bringing such names is that the records of the war of Independence, both in the archives of New York and at Washington, are defective ; for it has been the Editor's endeavor during five years, to examine every possible clue and enumerate the names there found. New York had been called upon to furnish four Regiments* for the Continental army. She furnished, according to the Mihtary Register, which has been mentioned on page 165, and from which most of the names of men serving in the New York Line, have been taken — 5,011 officers and soldiers for active field service out of a population of about 150,000 inhabitants^ In the matter of financial aid, New York, although then not as rich as she is now, did not lag behind her sister colonies, as the following " General abstract of the sums of money, including indents and paper money of every kind, reduced to specie value, which have been received by, or paid to, the several States, by Congress, from the commencement of the Revolution * This number was upon application of New York to Continental Congress raised to five. f Documentary History I. The censuB of the State of New York for 1795 shows, that there were then 64,454 men entitled to vote living within its boundaries. Vill Preface. to the present period ; made in pursuance of the order of the House of Representatives of the 23d of April, 1790," will show: STATES. New Hampshire. Massachusetts.. . Rhode Island Connecticut New York.... New Jersey Pennsylvania. . . . Delaware Maryland Virginia North Carolina. . South Carolina. . Georgia Paid to State. Received feom State. Dollars. 90.8ths. Dollars. 90.8tbs. 440,974 29.5 466,554 60.4 1,345,737 25.0 3,167,020 32.4 1,028,511 33.6 310,395 21.0 1,016.273 15.5 1,607,259 31.2 822,803 6.0 1,545,889 45.0 366,729 63.1 512,916 23.4 2,087,276 15.0 2,629,410 41.3 63,817 5.0 208,878 68.0 609,617 6.5 945,537 39.0 482,881 58.3 1,963,811 7.1 788,031 12.6 219,835 79.0 1,014,808 25.2 499,325 22.1 679,412 49.3 122,744 52.2 Treasury Department, Register's Office. This abstract is supplemented by a " Statement of the sums, in the old Continental Emission, paid by the following States into the Treasury of the United States, on accouut of their several quotas of the requisitions of Congress, of the 18th of March, 1780," which tells us that : New Hampshire paid $5,200,000, the total amount of her quota. Massachusetts, $29,000,000, her full quota. Rhode Island, $2,593,353 of her quota of $2,600,000. Connecticut, $9,151,484 of her quota of $22,100,000. New York, $7,905, 355 of her quota of $9,750,000. New Jersey, $6,826,675 of her quota of $11,700,000. Pennsylvania, $28,454,674 of her quota of $29,900,000. Delaware, $2,210,000, her full quota. Maryland, $9,149,585 of her quota of $20,940,000. Virginia, $13,040,376 of her quota of $32,500,000. North Carolina, $5,066,861 of her quota of $13,000,000. Albany, February, 1887. H. R. PIERSON, Chancellor of the Board of Regents. PROCEEDINGS OF THE PROVINCIAL CONGRESS, COMMITTEE OF SAFETY AND CONVENTION OF NEW YORK RELATING TO MILITARY MATTERS. PROCEEDINGS. Die Ltjnae, 4th ho. P. M. Mat 29th, 1775. The Congress met pursuant to adjournment. Present. °ofy New Y°oUrky \ Peter Van ¦Bru9h Livingston, Esquire, President. Isaac Low, John De Lancey Alexander McDougal James Beekman Leonard Lispenard Samuel Verplanck Joseph Hallett David Ciarkson Abraham Walton Thomas Smith Abraham Brasher John Morin Scott- Isaac Roosevelt John Van Cortland Jacobus Van Zandt Ci% Albany.11*7 \ V New York. ) The List of Officers mentioned & inclosed in the above Letter was also read & is as follows : Officers appointed by the Congress. ***** Philip Schuyler, Esquire, fourth Major General.1 ***** Richard Montgomerie, second Brigadier General. ***** A Letter from Edward Flemmmg, Esq1, signifying to this Congress his reasons for declining to accept of a Commission appointing him Lieutenant Colonel in the Regiment, whereof James Clinton, Esq" is Col0. ***** Ordered, that Col0. McDougaU, Mr. Scott & Col°. Clinton be a Committee to meet & confer with Messrs. Ethan Allen & Seth Warner & report the same with all convenient speed. 1 Only the officers from New York are here given. 16 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. Die Martes 9 ho. A. M. July 4th 1775. ***** Ordered, that Mr. Peter T. Curtenius get Uniform Coats made for all the Non-Commissioned Officers & Men to be raised in this Colony ; that the Coats of each Regiment be made with different Cuffs & facings. ***** Ordered, that Col0. McDougal have leave to nominate such Persons to fill up the vacancies in his Regiment below the rank of a Captain, as he may think proper, and that he report to this Congress such Persons, as he shall so nominate. ***** The Congress then resumed the Consideration of the Resolves of the Continental Congress bearing date the 23d instant, and after some time spent therein, the Congress was informed, that Ethan Allen was at the Door & desired admittance. * * * Ordered, that Ethan Allen be admitted.1 He delivered a list of officers, which is filed : A List of the Field Officers, Captains and part of the Lieutenants of the Regiment of Green Mountain Boys Consisting of Seven Companies. f^^^i Field Officers. Seth Warner [ Captains. Remember Baker Robert Cochran Michael Veal Peleg Sutherling Gideon Worren Wait Hopkins Heman Allen Levi Allen Adjutant Elijah Babcock Comissary Jonas Fay Doctor & Surrurgeon July 4th 1775 Col° Aliens royal List of loyal Officers. Ethan Allen & Seth Warner having been heard they withdrew. Ordered, that in Consequence of a Recommendation from the Continental Congress a Body of Troops not exceeding Five Hundred Men, Officers included, be forthwith raised of those called Green Mountain Boys, that they Elect all their own Officers except Field Officers. That Major General Schuyler be requested to forward this Order to them & receive from them a List of such Officers, as they shall elect to be communicated to this Congress and that General Schuyler be further requested, without Delay to procure the Sense of those Troops concerning the Persons who will be most agreable to them for Field Officers, and to make other inquiry & upon the whole advise this Congress, what Persons will be most proper to be appointed as field Officers to Command those Troops. That the said Troops, when raised, be considered as an independant Body their field Officers taking rank after the field Officers of the other Troops to be raised by this 1 The members for Albany, New York and Richmond Cos. voted against the admission of Ethan Allen. — B F First Lieuta. Ira Allen John Grant Ebenezer Allen David Ives Jesse Sawyer New York in the Revolution. 1 7 Colony for the Continental Service, — That their Corps of Officers consist of one Lieutenant Col0., one Major, seven Captains & fourteen Lieutenants and that the General be furnished with Blank Warrants to be filled up by him agreable to such election as above-mentioned. Die Merourii, 9 ho. A. M., July 5th 1775. ****** William Topp was mentioned to this Congress as a proper Person for Quarter Master of the first Regiment of Troops now raising in this Colony & the Congress being informed, that Lieutenant Coll0- Ritzema recommends him as a proper Person for that office, — Agreed, that he is approved of & that he be appointed to the said Office. John Van Cortlandt Esqre informed the Congress, that the Artillery Company of the Marine Society agreable to the Recommendation of this Congress had nominated their Officers to serve under Captain Anthony Rutgers, to wit : Christopher Miller for their Captain Lieutenant, Patrick Dennis first Lieutenant, Anthony Griffith Second Lieutenant & William Ritchie third Lieutenant and request the approbation of this Congress in the said Nomination. The Congress are of Opinion, that those Gentlemen will be proper Officers & do approve of & confirm the choice of the said Company in their Officers. Die Jovis 9 ho. A. M., Jult 6th 1775. ***** Resolved, that the Revd. John Peter Tetard be employed as french Interpreter to General Schuyler & as Chaplin for the Troops of this Colony & that his pay as Interpreter & Chaplin be equal to a Major's Pay. ***** Resolved, that Ten shillings shall be . allowed to every Soldier, that shall inlist in the Continental Congress in this Colony, for the present Campaign, who shall furnish himself with a good musket to be approved of by the Muster Master & Armourer for each Regiment. Die SATURNn, 9 ho. A. M., Jult 8th 1775. * * * Ordered and agreed, that Jacobus Swartwout be and is appointed by this Congress Muster N Master of the Troops, which shall be raised in Defence of American Liberty by the following Captains, to wit : Lewis Dubois1 Andrew Billings,' Henry B. Livingston' & Rufus Herrick.' 1 & ' Third, Clinton's Reg'. 8 & 4 Fourth, Holmes' Reg'. 3 18 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. Ordered and agreed, that Col. Phineas Fanning, David Mulford Esquire of Easthampton and Capt. Timothy Earle be and are appointed by this Congress Muster Masters of the Troops, that shall be raised in Suffolk County in defence of American Liberty. At a meeting of the Committee of Safett at the Citt Hall of the City of New York on Tuesday the 11th day of July, 1775. ***** An account of the men, who went from Manchester to Ticonderoga and of the money expended by Lieutenant Joseph Lockwood was read and filed and is in the words following to wit : Manchester, June 10th, 1775. A List of the men went from Manchester to Ticonderoga under the Command of Mr. Joseph . Lockwood : Nathan Smith Sergent Chrisf Roberts Josiah Brotton John Roberts Garmand Bulley Lemuel Bishop Petter Roberts Thos. Hyneman Abel Sawyer Hains Jery Beamer For 15 days service Benjamin Bears Dan Alen each man. William Dye Solom Soaper For Cash paid out for expenses the sum of £4. 10. 10. Commanded by me Joseph Lockwood, Lieut. A Letter from Henry B. Livingston Esq" informing, that he accepts of the Warrant sent him for the Commission of a Captain and has begun to enlist his men, is read and filed . At a Meeting of the Committee of Safety the 12th day of July 1775. ***** A letter from Captain Andrew Billings at Poughkeepsie setting forth his having enlisted 72 men and that he waits for directions how to proceed. Ordered, that a letter he wrote and forwarded to Capt. Billings directing him to inform Col0. Clinton of the progress he has made and to put himself and his Company under his Command and follow his directions. ***** A Draft of a Letter to the Delegates from this Colony at the Continental Congress was read and approved and is in the words following : Gentlemen : We beg leave for your information, to inclose you a copy of the instructions and warrant, New York in ihe Revolution. 19 which we have given to the Officers employed in raising our Troops. We have formed an arrangement of the 3000 men (exclusive of the Green Mountain Boys), which the Continental Congress have ordered us to raise, into 4 Battalions of 750 men each, including their Officers, and would be glad to be informed, what their pay is to be. We are at a loss about this matter, because the accounts we have of the pay of the Colonies of Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island differ so as to reduce us to an uncertainly, which we could wish to have removed. We think, with submission, that it would have a tendency to promote the service, if our Levies could be informed of the quantum of their pay. We have reason to believe, that the four Battalions will be compleated soon, but are sorry to inform you, that we have no powder for them, when raised. To the New York Delegates We are Yours &c at the Continental Congress. At a Meeting of the Committee of Safety, July 14th 1775. ***** Ordered, that Col0. McDougall, Capt. Anthony Rutgers and Mr. Samuel Tudor be authorized to purchase old Copper, Brass and other Materials for casting a Brass Field piece at such prices as they can obtain the said material . At a Meeting of the Committee of Safety, July 15th 1775. General Schuyler having by his letter of the eleventh instant requested this Committee to appoint a proper person to command the Sloop on Lake Champlain and send him up with all convenient speed and Capt. Patrick Dennis being sent for to confer with on the subject recom mended Capt. James Smith for the above service. Capt. James Smith attended and expressed his great willingness and cheerfulness to undertake that service and is tho't by this Committee to be a very proper person. Thereupon a draft of a warrant to the said- James Smith was read and approved of and is in the words following, to wit : Committee of Safety for the Colony of New York during the recess of the Provincial Congress, July 15th, 1775, Mr. James Smith You are hereby appointed Captain of an armed Vessel in the Continental Service. You will receive the pay of a Major in the Continental Forces and take your orders from Major General Schuyler or other commanding Officers of the Continental Troops for the time being. — The General will designate the Vessel you are to command and you will receive a Commission from the Continental Congress. By order of the Committee. 20 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. July 17th 1775. ***** A letter from John Lamb, dated this day, setting forth many inconveniences, that will attend draughting the men for an Artillery Company to be by him commanded and praying, that he may [have] leave to enlist his own Men and that their Cloathing may be blue with buff Cuffs and facings. Ordered, that Captain John Lamb raise a Company of one hundred men including Officers, to serve in the Continental Array as an Artillery Company,— that their Cloathing be blue faced with buff and that they have such pay, as shall be determined by the Continental Congress. ***** A Draft of a Circular letter to the respective Colonels of the Regiments of Troops now raising in this Colony was read and approved of and is in the words following to wit : Sir. Committee of Safety &c &c July 17, 1775. You are requested to prepare and lay before the Congress of this Colony at New York a State of your Regiment and of the number of Men ready and fit for service in each Company with all possible dispatch. — You will also be pleased, to inform the Congress, when you expect, your Regiment will be compleat and ready to take the field. We pray you to give all possible dispatch in this business — the present circumstances admit of no delay. The sooner your answer and return can be received, the more acceptable it will be. We are &c. &c. July 21st, 1775. * * * * , * A letter from the Honorable John Hancock Esqr of the 17th instant received ... and also a Resolve of the Continental Congress of the same date was read and is in the words following to wit : ***** In Congress, July 17th 1775. Resolved, that the Convention of New York be desired, to recommend a proper person for a Deputy Adjutant General or a Brigade Major for the Army in the New York Department. July 25th 1775 ***** A letter from Colonel James Clinton was read and filed and is in the Words following to wit : Little Britain, July 21st 1775 I have just now received your letter dated July 17th- * * * * * lean only acquaint you, that I have mustered Cap*. Nicholson's Company and Cap*. Denton's — Nicholson's is compleat, Denton wants but four men. Cap*8. Brown and Hasbrouck at New York in the Revolution. 21 Kingston has made but small progress, as they have but lately begun to enlist, but I make no doubt, they will soon get their men. I have seen Cap*. Billings at Poughkeepsie, who says his Company is compleat and I suppose, Cap*. Dubois' is by this time. I ordered him to apply to Cap*. Swartwout to muster the last two Companies, as he was appointed for that purpose. I have had no account from Cap*. Johnston of Orange-Town, nor the three Captains on Long Island. * * * * Die Jovis, 9 ho. A. M. July 27th 1775. The Congress met pursuant to adjournment. ***** The Congress took into consideration the appointment of a Deputy Adjutant General or a Brigade Major * * and thereupon agreed unanimously, that this Congress will appoint a Deputy Adjutant General, as being the superior Officer and after considering the merits of different Gentlemen, who were mentioned, it is unanimously agreed, that William Duer Esqre is a proper person for a Deputy Adjutant General. — And Ordered, that the blank Commission for that office received from the Continental Congress be immediately filled up for that Gentleman, which was accordingly done. ***** A draft of a letter to the New York Delegates at the Continental Congress was read and approved and is in the words following, to wit : In Provincial Congress. New York, July 27th 1775. Gentlemen. You will readily recollect yonr former recommendation of Mr. Duer to some Members of our Board for a Collonelcy and therefore will not be surprised, that we have seized the opportunity of appointing him Deputy Adjutant General with the rank of Colonel and we trust, you will not consider this as any disrespect to your late recommendation of Mr. \_Morgan\ Lewis. We have submitted it to your Body in our Letter to the President, whether the appointment of a Major of Brigade will not be proper and at the same time submitted the person to your nomination. You will therefore have an opportunity of filling up the Commission with such person, as you think most capable of performing the duties of his office. We are, Gentlemen &c. &c. "» A letter from the Committee of the County of West Chester was read and filed and is in the Words following : White Plains, July 7th 1775. Sir: The Committee of West Chester County, sensible of the great consequence, in our present struggle for Liberty, of having Officers of the Militia, who are sincere friends, to their Country, and also that many, if not a majority of the Militia Officers in this County upon account of their Oath of Allegiance or from sinister motives, endeavour to Counteract the present measures as far 22 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress- as possible, Do request the Provincial Congress to take the same into consideration and do what they shall think proper in so important a matter. To the President of the We have, Sir, &c &c. Provincial Congress. Gilbert Drake, Chairman. Resolved, that this Congress will on Thursday next take into consideration the State of the Militia of this Colony. ***** Ordered, that Col0. Lispenard, Col0. McDougall, Col0. Holmes, Col°. Hoffman and Mr. Graham be a Military Committee for fourteen days from this day, with full power during that time to order and dispose of all things whatsoever relating to or concerning the Troops raised or to be raised in this Colony. Die Martis, 9 ho. A. M. Aug. 1, 1775. ***** Resolved, that every officer, who has already enlisted or who shall hereafter enlist a soldier in the Regiments now raising in this Colony, shall be entitled to a dollar for each such soldier, who shall pass muster and be received into the service, the officer paying the expense of such enlistment. * * * * * A letter from General Schuyler of the 26th July ult°. was read and filed and is in the words Ticonderoga, July 26th 1775. following to wit: Could not a gentleman be got to accept of a Commission as Commander of Artillery ; perhaps if rank was given, it would induce some good man to undertake. Such an officer is so evidently necessary, that I hope this recommendation will claim your attention. Die Mercurii, 9 ho. A. M. Aug. 2a 1775. ***** A letter from John Lamb recommending Isaiah Wool as Lieu*, fire worker of his Company was read and filed. — The said Isaiah is approved of. — Ordered, that he be appointed Lieu*, fire worker of Cap*. Lamb's Company. * * * * A letter of General Schuyler to the Albany Committee, advising them, from the necessity of the case and to save time, to fill up the vacancies of such officers in the second Regiment, as had declined the service, was read. Also a list of the Officers of the second Regiment, as was fixed, with the changes, that had been made therein by the Albany Committee. Ordered, that the said List be delivered to the Committee of Rank. New York in the Revolution. 23 * * * * ¦ * A Committee of the Officers of the first Regiment (inferior to Field Officers) attending at the door, were admitted and by Capt. Goforth delivered in writing to the President three questions in the words following, to wit : Whether the Congress will favour this Committee with an answer to the memorial presented some days ago from the Officers of the first Regiment? We shall be glad to be informed what our pay is to be from the Captains down to the privates, the Adjutants and Quarter Masters included? and whether the Officers are to receive their Commissions before they embark ? The said Committee of Officers being withdrawn, the Congress took their queries into Consideration and delivered them an answer in the words following : To the queries of the Committee of Officers of the First Regiment the Congress gives the following answers, to wit : 1st. That they are not at liberty to make any allowance for the Cloathing and arms mentioned in their letter of the 26th ult°. 2d. That the pay of the Troops raised in the Colony will be ascertained by the Continental Congress, — but we have received assurances, that it will not be less, than the pay of the Connecticut Troops. 3d. That the Warrants given to the Officers are to remain with them instead of Commissions, until their Commissions arrive from the General. * * * * * Ordered, that Capt. John Lamb proceed with his Artillery Company to Ticonderoga and join the Army under the command of General Schuyler with all possible dispatch. Die Jovis, 9 ho. A. M. Aug. 3d, 1775. ***** A draft of a letter to General Washington requesting blank Commissions to be sent for the Officers of the New York Regiments was read and approved and is in the words following : In Provincial Congress, Neio York, Aug. 3d 1775. Sir. We are informed in a letter from the Continental Congress, that the General would make out the Commissions for our Regiments, to such persons as this Congress should recommend, — but are at a loss to know, whether you or General Schuyler are to issue the Commissions. — We understand however, that they have been transmitted to you. If this should be the case and the Commissions are to be filled up by General Schuyler, We beg you will send them to him or us without delay. If they are to be filled up by your Excellency, we suomit it, whether to prevent delay it would not be proper to send in blank to General Schuyler or to us, that the names may be filled up agreeable to the arrangement made by this Congress. The number of Commissions wanted will be about 200. His Excellency We are, &c &c Gen1 Washington. 24 Proceedings of Hie Provincial Congress. Die Sabbati, 9 ho. A. M. Aug. 5th 1775. ***** Resolved, that the Troops enlisted by this Colony shall be allowed fifty three shillings and four pence per month in such manner as the Troops of Connecticut and Massachusetts Bay receive their pay. That they be allowed one Blanket and one Regimental Coat. That they be allowed ten shillings for the use of their arms and that those, who have no arms, shall have arms purchased for them by the Colony and that such arms shall be returned at the end of the Campaign in good order, and if not returned, shall be paid for by such soldiers as shall be in default on that account. Die Martis, 9 ho. A. M. Aug8* 8th 1775 ***** Ordered, that Col0. Lispenard, Mr. Brasher, Mr. Journey, Col0. Ten Broeck, Col0- James V. Cortlandt, Col0. Hoffman, Mr. Hobart, Mr. Herring, Mr. Williams, Capt. Hornbeck, Col0. Blackwell, Mr. Marlett and Mr Watkins be a Committee to form and report a proper arrangement of the Militia of this Colony and that they report with all convenient speed. ***** A draft of a letter to Major General Schuyler was read and approved of and is in the words following : (Extract) This day four Companies of Col0 McDougall's Regim*. under the Command of Lieut. Col0. Ritzema are embarked for Albany, completely equipped, and rest assured Sir that no time shall be lost in forwarding the remainder of them, as soon as they have arms. The Albany regiment we understand is full and nearly supplied with arms. Col0. Clinton's, tho' full have scarcely any arms at all.— Orders have been given to the several Colonels to send such of their men, as are furnished with arms and they will be followed by the rest, as soon as possible. The greater part of the Cloathing and other necessaries have already been forwarded to the Regiment at Albany. With respect to the appointment of a Commander of the Artillery, recommended by you to our attention, we are utterly at a loss for a proper person to fill that office and therefore have as yet done nothing in the matter. — Capt. Lamb has orders for marching, he has about thirty mer, enlisted in his Company of Artillery and orders to fill it up by drafts out of the four Regiments at Ticonderoga. New York in ihe Revolution. 25 Die Mercurii, 9 ho. A. M. Aug. 9th 1775. ***** Mr. Hobart from the Committee to form an arrangement of the Militia of this Colony delivered in a report . . . The said Report was read . . . paragraph by paragraph and amended was filed and is in the words following, to wit : Your Committee do report, that it be recommended : 1. (See proceedings of August 22d, 1775 with the Militia Bill). Ordered that Congress do agree with the said Committee in their report — and Ordered, that it be published as resolutions of this Congress in all the Newspapers. Die Veneris, 9 ho. A. M. Aug. 11th 1775. ***** Ordered, that the powers of the Military Committee be continued for one week from this day. Resolved and Ordered, that the Colonels McDougall, Clinton and Holmes do respectively march to Albany with all convenient speed with the men now raised and under their respective Commands, (except the three Companies at the East end of Long Island and such recruiting Officers, as they shall think necessary to leave to recruit men) and that they there wait the directions of their General Officer or Officers. Resolved and Ordered, that the pay of the Officers employed in the Troops, now raised or raising in this Colony, shall commence from the time, they were respectively taken into the service. A letter from Samuel Broome bearing date this day was read and filed. Kingsbridge, Aug 11th 1775 Gentlemen. Some time past, while I was gone to our Provincial Camp near Boston, an unhappy difference happened on a field day between the Fusiliers, now commanded by Henry G. Livingston, Esqre and my company. As such disputes might greatly injure the cause, in which we are all engaged and to prevent the like for the future, I last night withdrew my company from Col°. Lasher's battalion. I am now on a journey to New England — when I return, shall with pleasure join any other battalion and act in any station you may please to assign me, in which I can best serve my country. * * * * To the Gentlemen of the Samuel Broome. Provincial Congress. Die Sabbati, 9 ho. A. M. Aug. 12th 1775. ***** A letter from Capt. Henry B. Livingston informing that his Company is ready and requesting to know, who is his Colonel was read and filed : 4 26 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. Rhinebeck, 8th August, 1775. Sir. I have enlisted upwards of 72 men, some of them have since deserted and others refused to appear, I now lack twelve men of the number prescribed me. I have kept those I have on duty constantly from the time of their enlistment and have them tolerably well disciplined. We are much in want of clothes, arms, shoes &c. We are unfit for a march until we have those necessaries, and some of my men, who have families here, would be very unwilling to inarch, until part of their pay is advanced to them I have not yet seen my second Lieutenant, Mr. Paddock, but expect him to-day with twenty men ; so that when he comes, I shall have more than my complement. List of Men in Capt. H. B. Livingston's Co. 4th Regt. Jacob Thomas, l8* Lieut Isaac Paddock 2d " Elijah Knap 1st Serg* Sanders Haynes 2d " Nath1 Ashford 3d " Robert Kenyon, l8* Corporal Jeremy Bird, 2d " John Rogers, 3d " Mich1 McDonnelle, Drummer Privates. John Moody Abisha Bingham Ebenezer Burnett James Fisher John Rogers jun Ebenezer Adams Ephraim Welch Francis Traver James Sullivan Jacob Levi Peter Lodawick Peter Vanduzer Dan1 Olden John Teater Benjn Wallace John Thomas George Suffring John Flm John Cary Philip Rossman John Coppinger James Edie Privates. Thomas Quin John Love Wm Watson Henry Rosman Jephthar Tallendon Henry Lewis Peter Gossper John Hufman Jacob Schriber Wm Ashley Jacob Signer John Davies Mich1- Mc Carter Cylas Flood Peter Beeker David Burns Richard Gomer John Lilley Christ? Blace John Brodie Wm Kearney Richd Digon John Casie James Shill Dennis Delancey Elias Bayly George Reed Joseph Coil Henry Davis Christian Schriver Henry Schriver New York in the Revolution. 27 Die Martis, 9 ho. A. M. 15th Aug*. 1775. The Congress met pursuant to adjournment. No Prayers. A letter from General Schuyler of the 318t of July last was read and filed and is in the words following . Ticonderoga, July 318* 1775. Gentlemen. I do myself the honor to enclose you copy of a letter aud paper I have received from the people called Green Mountain Boys, together with a copy of my letter in answer. 1 am apprehensive, that the Controversy, that has arisen amongst them, relative to Field Officers, will cause delay in the levies. Whilst at New York and even after my arrival here, on conversing with AUen and Warner, I did not conceive, there would have been any contest between them, or that a third person would have been recommended by the People as a Field Officer ; on that supposition and believing the people unanimous in their favour I should not have hesitated to have recommended them. The several papers referred to in the preceding letter from General Schuyler were respectively read and filed and are in the words following : " May it please your Honour. In compliance with the Orders of Congress as well as your recommendation, I enclose the proceedings of our Committee Meeting on the New Hampshire Grants, upon due notice to the Towns in General — all which is humbly submitted to your wisdom, not doubting but the war rants will issue agreeable to our wishes. Dorset July 28*11 1775. We are &c &c To the Honble Gen1. Schuyler. Nathan Clark, Chairman. At a Meeting of the Committees of the several Townships on the New Hampshire Grants, West of the Range of Green Mountains, convened at the house of Mr. Cephas Kents in the Township of Dorset, July 27th 1775 — Voted as follows, to wit : Is*. Chose Mr. Nathan Clark Chairman. 2d. Chose John Fasset Clerk. 3d. The motion being made and seconded — Whether this Convention shall prosecute in choosing Field and other Officers, according to the Provincial Congress and your Honour's directions ? Passed in the Affirmative : Then proceeded as follows : 4th Chose Mr. Seth Warner Lieutenant Colonel for the Regiment of Green Mountain Boys, by a majority of forty-one to five. 5th Chose Mr. Samuel Safford Major for said Regiment by a majority of twenty-eight to seventeen. 28 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. Then proceeded and chose seven Captains and fourteen Lieutenants by a great majority, viz : Captains First Lieutenants Second Lieutenants Weight Hopkins John Fasset Johan Noble Oliver Potter Eben1. Allen James Claghorn John Grant Barnebas Barnam John Chipman William Fitch David Galusha Philo Hard Gideon Brownson Jille Bleaksley Nathan Smith Micah Vail Ira Allen lessee Sawyer Heman Allen Gideon Warren Joshua Stanton. Nathan Clark Chairman. Hd Qra Ticonderoga, July 318' 1775. Sir : Your letter dated Dorset July 28th has been delivered me by Captain Fitch, together with all the votes, that were enclosed. The choice of the Captains and Lieutenants being left unconditional to the people, those chosen will receive their Warrants as soon as they come to my hands — and that the levying of the men may not be retarded, you will signify to them, that I hereby empower them immediately to proceed to that business without waiting for the warrants .... The votes I shall immediately transmit to Congress, that they may approve of the Field Officers or appoint others out of your Body, as they may think proper. I am, Sir, &c &c Ph. Schuyler. To Mr. Nathan Clark. Ordered, that Blank Warrants be sent to General Schuyler for the seven Captains & fourteen Lieutenants of the Troops to be raised by this Colony from among those called Green Mountain Boys. Ordered, that General Schuyler be requested and authorized to appoint a Lieutenant Colonel or Major or both for the Troops to be raised by this Colony from among those called Green Mountain Boys, when such a number are raised as (in his opinion) shall make it necessary. ' Resolved, that when the Green Mountain Boys are raised, each of them shall be furnished with a Coat and that Mr. Peter T. Curtenius be requested to purchase coarse green Cloth for that purpose and red Cloth sufficient to face those Coats and to have two hundred and twenty -five Coats of a large size made of the said Cloth. ***** A memorial of Captain Jacobus Wynkoop, dated this day, alleging that considering his age and former services* he conceives himself agrieved in his rank and situation in the Troops now raised in this Colony was read and filed. Die Sabbati, Aug. 15th 1775. * * * * ^ , Ordered, that the several Companies of the Troops of this Colony raised in Suffolk County proceed to Saratoga with all possible dispatch to join the Continental Army under command of Major General Schuyler. * Capt. Wynkoop, 51 years old, had been appointed Captain of the 8th (Kings Co.) Co. of Col. Holmes' (4"1) Reg'. He had held a commission as Capt. of a. Co. of Batteauxmen uuder Genl. Shirley in 1762 commanded Gen1. Gage's Company in Broadstreet's campaign & had been offered a Com", in the R1 Americans. New York in the Revolution. 29 Die Jovis, 9 ho. A. M. Aug. 17th 1775. A Letter from General Washington was read and filed and is in the words following : Camp at Cambridge, Aug. 10, 1775. Sir: Your favour of the 2d instant is duly received, but it is out of my power to comply with the request it contains of forwarding Commissions. All those I have yet received from the Honorable Continental Congress are far short of the number required in this Army, for which reason, when in New York, and by letter from this, I directed General Schuyler to apply to the Congress at Philadelphia for those of his Department as the shortest and easiest mode, — to which I must also now refer you I am, Sir, The President of the Geo. Washington. Provincial Congress — New York. A draft of a letter to Major General Schuyler was read and approved and is in the word following, to wit : In Provincial Congress. New York, Aug. 17th 1775. Sir : We have received your favour dated the 318' July last covering the proceedings of the Green Mountain Boys in their choice of Officers & agreeable to your request enclose you twenty one Blank warrants to be filled up agreeable to their choice. — The Field Officers were to be recommended jointly with you by this Congress, but as we are ignorant of the merits and qualifications of those among them, who would be equal to the appointment, we have therefore concluded to leave the appointment to you. The disputes already subsisting amongst their chiefs, the principles whereof we are strangers to is an additional inducement in determining us to this reference. Your acquaintance with them we hope will enable you to fix the choice on such persons as may be least exceptionable and who will most effectually promote the service Die Lunae, 9 ho. A. M. Aug. 218t 1775. The Muster Roll of Capt. Rufus Herrick's Company1 returned by Mr. Jacobus Swartwout was filed. The Muster Rolls of Capt. Andrew Billings' of Capt. Lewis DuBois3 and of Henry B. Livingston's* Companies returned by Mr. Jacobus Swartwout and filed. 1 Fourth (Dutchess Co.) Company of Col. Holmes' (4"1) Reg'. 5 Sixth (Dutchess Co.) Comp. Clintons (3d) Reg'. 8 Fourth (Dutchess Co.) Comp. same Reg'. 4 First (Dutchess Co.) Comp. Fourth Reg'. None of these rolls have been preserved. 30 Proceedings of ihe Provincial Congress. [The Militia Bill, as reported ay Anthony Hoffman, Chairman of the Committee on the arrangement of the Militia and adopted by the Provincial Congress August 22d 1775.] In Provincial Congress, New York, Aug. 22d 1775. W/iereas the well ordering and regulating the Militia of this Colony is become an object of the greatest importance to the preservation of the lives and Liberties of its Inhabitants. and Whereas, The Continental Congress held at Philadelphia on the 10th day of May last taking into consideration the necessity of such a regulation have recommended the same to the Inhabitants of the associated Colonies and Whereas this Congress on the ninth day of this instant August by several resolutions recommended to their constituents the expediency of forming themselves into Companies and chusing their Officers in the manner following, viz*. Resolved, that every County, City, Manor, Town, Precinct and District within this Colony, (where the same is not already done) be divided into districts or beats by their respective Committees in such manner, that out of each may be formed one military Company, ordinarily to consist of about eighty-three able bodied and effective men, Officers included, between 16 and 60 years of age. (The Battalion commanded by Col. Lasher, the Companies of Artillery, Light horse and Hussars in the City and County of New York and the Troops of Horse, Companies of Grenadiers and associated Companies already formed within this Colony excepted.) Resolved secondly, That in each Company so to be formed there be chosen (in the manner hereinafter mentioned) one Captain, two Lieutenants,- one Ensign, four Sergeants, four Corporals, one Clerk, one Drummer & one Fifer. Resolved thirdly, That two Committeemen at the least attend in each district or beat on a day to be appointed for the purpose of chusing the above mentioned Officers, who shall be persons within such district or beat, who have signed the General Association recommended by this Congress. That such choice or Election be made in the manner following, viz* — After the Company is drawn up the Committee men, who preside at the Election, may repair to a station at some convenient distance from the Company, — then let the men pass in a single file between them, each man giving the name of the person he chooses to fill the office in question, the majority of such votes to determine the Election. But in case the votes shall be so divided, that no one has the majority, then the presiding Committeemen are to acquaint the Company therewith and call them to a new Election — the same to be repeated, till such majority be obtained or the Company agree upon some other mode of choosing the Officers. The names of the Captains, Lieutenants aud Ensigns so chosen to be returned with all convenient speed to this or some future Provincial Congress of this Colony or during their recess to the Committee of Safety, to be commissioned by them. Resolved fourthly, That whenever a vacancy shall happen in any Company by the promotion death or resignation of an Officer, such vacancy to be filled up in the before mentioned manner. Resolved fifthly, That those Companies in the above excepted Battalion, commanded by Col. Lasher, which are now under the direction of Field Officers shall for the future be commanded by Captains, who are to be chosen in the manner aforesaid. Resolved sixthly, That for the purpose of completely carrying into execution the recom mendation of the Continental Congress; after the whole Militia is formed as above every fourth man of each Company be selected for Minute Men, of such persons, as are willing to enter into this necessary service. That the Officers of the Militia make with all convenient speed a return New York in the Revolution. 31 of the names of those persons to the Committee of their respective Counties, who shall thereupon arrange those men into Companies and who are to recommend to such new arranged Companies the choice of their Officers in the manner above mentioned, provided that where whole Companies offer their service as Minute Men, they shall be commanded by the Officers already chosen and the remaining number of .Minute Men shall be completed out of the other Companies as above. Resolved seventhly, That the several Committees do return to the Secretary of the Provincial Congress of this Colony the names of such persons, as do refuse to conform to the above resolves.' 1st. That the several Companies so formed be joined unto Regiments, each Regiment to consist of not less than five or more than ten Companies, (the Battalion commanded by Col. Lasher excepted). 2d. That a Major General be appointed and commissioned by this Congress to command the Militia of the Colony New York. d. That one Colonel, one Lieutenant Colonel, and two Majors, an Adjutant & Quarter Master be commissioned by this Congress for each Regiment. 4th. That the Militia of this Colony be formed into Brigades in the following manner, to wit : The Militia of the City and County \ of New York and Counties of Kings > One Brigade. and Richmond ) The Militia of the City and County ) . of Albany and County of Tryon ) ° The Militia ofthe Counties of Dutchess, ) _, , _ . . TT, , 7 , >- One other .Brigade and Westchester j The Militia of the Counties of Ulster ) _. „ t, . , , ., J- One other Brigade and Orange ) The Militia of the Counties of Queens ) , . 'and Suffolk } °ne °ther Bngade The Militia ofthe Counties of Charlotte, ) . „ , , , . „, . V One other Brigade Cumberland and Gloucester ) ° 5th. That a Brigadier General with a Major of Brigade be commissioned to the command of each Brigade. 6th. That every man between the ages of 16 and 50 do with all convenient speed furnish himself with a good Musket or firelock & Bayonet Sword or Tomahawk, a Steel Ramrod, Worm, Priming Wire and Brush fitted thereto, a Cartouch Box to contain 23 rounds of cartridges, 12 flints and a knapsack agreeable to the directions of the Continental Congress under forfeiture of five shillings for the want of a musket or firelock and of one shilling for the want of a bayonet, sword or tomahawk, cartridgebox, cartridge or bullet, the whole to be judged by the Captain or next commanding officer. That every man shall at his place of abode be also provided with one pound of powder and three pounds of bullets of proper size to his musket or firelock. 7th- That each Company (not Minute Men) do meet the first Monday in every month and spend at least four hours in each of the said days to perfect themselves in military discipline. Provided, that if the commissioned Officers of any Company shall judge it inexpedient to meet on that day, they have power to put off the meeting to some other day, notifying the Company thereof. 1 These are the resolutions of the 9* of August. 32 Proceedings of ihe Provincial Congress. 8th. That the Colonels and commanding Officers of each Regiment do assemble and exercise their respective Regiments at least two days in every year at some convenient place to be nxed Upon by the Field Officers. 9*"- That the several Companies of Horse already formed or to be formed in this Colony shall be under the direction of the Colonel of the Regiment, where their respective Captains do reside and be considered a part of such Regiment, - that the Officers and Privates shall assemble as often, as by these regulations it is required of the Companies of Foot (not Minute Men) and be subject to the same penalties and forfeitures for non-attendance, — That every man belonging to the Horse shall, with all convenient speed, provide himself with a good serviceable horse, not less than 14 hands high, with a good saddle, bridle, hostlers, housings, breast plate and crupper, a case of pistols, a sword or hanger, one pound of gunpowder and 3 lbs. of sizeable bullets, a pair of boots with suitable spurs and a carabine, well fixed with a good belt, swivel & buckle under the penalty of 10s. for the want of a sizeable horse & 5s. for the want of each or either of the articles of the Troopers' furniture. And also that every Trooper be provided at their respective places of abode with 1 lb of power and 3 lbs of bullets. 10*\ That in case any person shall refuse or neglect to serve as Sergeant, Corporal or Drummer in any Company being thereto requested by the Captain or commanding Officer or shall refuse or neglect to warn the men to appear under arms, when required by the Captain or commanding Officer, shall for every such neglect forfeit the sum of 40 shill. ll*11- That all Officers commissioned by this Congress Do subscribe the following declaration : We, the subscribers, the Officers of the Battalion or Regiment in the County of and Colony of New York do hereby promise and engage under all the ties of religion, honour and regard to our country, that we will respectively duly observe and carry into execution to the utmost of our power, all and every the orders, rules and recommendations made or to be made by the Continental Congress and the Congress or Convention of this Colony. That we'll also give in our respective ranks due obedience to the regulations by them established for the forming of the Militia of this Colony, as also due obedience to such Officers, who either by rank or superiority are placed above us in such order, as is directed by the said Continental or Provincial Congress. 12th. That the foUowing penalties be inflicted on those, who do not attend and obey orders on the days appointed for exercise, not having a reasonable excuse to be allowed of by the Officer commanding, towit : a Colonel £5, a Lieutenant Colonel £4, a Major £3, Captains, Lieutenants and Adjutants 30s. each, Ensigns and Quartermaster 20s. each, Sergeants, Corporals, Drummers, Fifers and Privates 10s. each for the first default and double for the second. — And in case any person make default three times successively or refuse to enlist and do duty, such person shall be advertised and held up as an enemy to his country. — All fines under the degree of a Captain to be levied on the goods and chattels of the offender by warrant from the Captain directed to a Sergeant of the Company and those of a Captain and all Field Officers under the degree of a Colonel to be levied on the goods and chattels of the offender by a warrant from the Colonel of the Regiment directed to the Adjutant, and those of a Colonel by a warrant from a Brigadier General directed to the Major of the Brigade, and for want of the goods and chattels to take the body of the offender and him keep in safe custody, until such fine together with the charges be paid. The monies arising by the fines in any Company be applied by the Captain, (after paying for Drum and Fife for the Company) towards purchasing Arms, Amunition and Accoutrements for such persons in such Company, as are unable to furnish themselves. — The New York in the Revolution. 83 monies arising by the fines of the Field Officers (after paying for a set of colours for each Battalion) be equally divided between the several Companies for the above mentioned use. T3th. That the members of his Majestys Council, Justices of the Supreme Court, of the Vice Admiralty Court, of the Mayors Courts and Inferior Courts of Common Pleas, — his majesty's Attorney General, — Secretary of the Province or his Deputy — Clerks of the Courts — Collector, Comptroller, Naval Officer and Searcher and Surveyor of his Majesty's Customs, — Ministers of the Gospel, Physicians and Surgeons — Members of the Continental Congress and of the Provincial Congress and the several Committees, while immediate!}' engaged in the public service — Sheriffs, Gaolers and Ferrymen — one Miller to each mill — and the people, called Quakers, be excused from military duty, except in cases of invasion and that in case of an invasion in any part of this Colony, the Physicians and Surgeons there or such of them as shall be directed by the Officers commanding the Militia (that shall march to oppose the Enemy) shall attend with proper medicines, instruments and other necessaries to take care of the sick and wounded. 14th. That the commissioned Officers of each Company of Minute Men form their Companies into four subdivisions in such manner, as they shall think most convenient for their frequent meetings. The subdivisions under their respective Officers to meet once in every week and to employ half a day or at least four hours each time in perfecting themselves in military discipline, the whole Companies to meet once every fortnight, to spend the same time for the same purpose. That the several Companies of Minute Men be formed into Regiments, to consist of about seven Companies each. That there be commissioned by the Congress to each Regiment, one Colonel, one Lieutenant Colonel, two Majors, and Adjutant and Quarter Master. 15th. That those Regiments be formed into Brigades, each Brigade to consist of about Regiments. That there be commissioned by this Congress to each Brigade one Brigadier General and a Major of Brigade. 16th. That the whole body of Minute Men shall be under the direction of the Major General appointed by this Congress, while within the Colony, unless a Continental Officer of superior or equal rank be present. 17th. That the Minute Men, when called out in defence of their country shall be subject to the Articles of War established by the Continental Congress and be entitled to the same allowance as to pay and provisions with the Continental Forces — To be under the direction of the Commander in Chief of those Forces. 18th. That they be subject to the like penalties and forfeitures for not attending on the days appointed for exercise as above mentioned. The said fines to be levied and applied as above directed. 19th. That in case of any alarm, invasion or insurrection every subaltern and soldier is immediatelv to repair properly armed and accoutred to his colours or Parade, (which Parade shall be understood to be the habitation of his Captain unless otherwise ordered) and the Captain or commanding Officer nearest to the place, where such invasion or insurrection shall be, shall immediately march his Company to oppose the Enemy, at the same time send off an express to the commanding Officer of the Regiment or Brigade, to which he belongs, who is to march with the whole or part of the Militia under his command, as he shall judge necessary, and use all possible diligence to prevent the Enemy from landing or penetrating into any part of the country and to quell every insurrection. That every non-commissioned Officer and Private, who shall neglect or refuse to perform his duty in this case, shall be subject to such pains, penalties and forfeitures, as shall be adjudged by a general Court-Martial. 5 34 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. 20th. That at least twice in every year the Captains or in their absence the next commanding Officer of every Company of Militia, as well as of the Minute Men as others, shall deliver to the Colonel of the Regiment a true and compleat Roll containing the names of all the men belonging to his Company, under the penalty of £2 to be recovered and applied, as hereinbefore directed And the Colonels of the Regiments shall within one month after the receipt of every such roll deliver or send a copy of every such roll to the Brigadier General of the Brigade, to which he belongs, who is directed to send the same or a copy to the Major. General of the Colony. 21st. That in case of an alarm or an invasion the Officer commanding in each district shall leave a proper detachment of his Company, to guard against the insurrection of slaves, or if judged more expedient and safe, may take the slaves" or part of them with him and employ them in carrying baggage, dragging cannon or the like. 22nd. That all persons, as well Minute Men as others, able to bear arms, who shall leave or attempt to leave a place actually invaded without leave of the Officer commanding such place, or who shall refuse to obey order in time of actual invasion or insurrection shall be liable to such punishment, as shall be inflicted by a Court-Martial. 23rd- That in case it shall be judged necessary at any time and place by this Congress, by the Committee of Safety or by the several Committees of the respective Counties or Districts, that a military watch be established, — All persons able to bear arms, where such watch is judged to bo necessary, shall upon due warning be obliged to serve on such watch under the penalty of 12s. foi' every neglect, A commissioned Officer in turn to mount said guard in person under the penalty of 40s. 24th. That every Centinel, who shall leave his post — be found asleep, when he is posted, shall be liable to such punishment, as shall be inflicted by a Court-Martial. 25th. That when the Militia, as well Minute Men as others, in case of Invasion or Insurrection shall be called out on actual service, They shall be subject to the same Rules and Orders, as directed and ordered by the Continental Congress of the associated Colonies held at Philadelphia on the 10th day of May last for better government of the Continental Troops. A letter from Capt. John Lamb, dated this day, soliciting this Congress to ascertain the pay of the Artillery Company under his command was read and filed. Agreed and ordered, That the Artillery Company raised in this Colony as part of the Continental Army and enlisted under Capt. John Lamb shall have such pay, as the Continental Congress shall agree to and order, and that in the meantime Capt. Lamb's Company shall have the like pay, as the Rhode Island Company of Artillery are allowed,* until the Continental Congress shall have fixed and ascertained the pay of Capt. Lamb's Company. And ordered, that Capt. John Lamb and his Company be considered as an additional Company to, and a part of Col0. McDougalVs Regiment and subject to his commands. * Capt. Lamb, in the letter mentioned, refers to the pay of the R. I. Company and points out as a mistake in that arrangement, that the pay of a 2". Lieutenant and Lieut. Fireworker is not equal to the pay of Lieutenants'of Foot Companies, also that a Bombardier receives more, than a Sergeant. New York in the Revolution. 35 Die Mercurii, 9 no. A. M. Aug. 23d 1775. * * * * * The Committee appointed to confer with Mr. Duer report, That it appears to the Committee, that Mr. Duer's private affairs are so peculiarly circumstanced, as to render it extremely imprudent for him to accept of his appointment to the office of Deputy Adjutant General in the Continental Army in this Colony Resolved, that this Congress does agree with the said Committee in their said report. . Resolved and agreed, nem. con., That Robert G. Livingston Junr., be appointed Deputy Adjutant General with the rank of Colonel in the place of Wm. Duer, Esqre and that he be directed to join the Army under the command of General Schuyler with all possible dispatch. Die Martis, Aug. 29th 1775. ***** A letter from General Schuyler, dated at Saratoga on the 19th instant was read and filed and is in the words following : (Extract) " Col0. Ritzema with tho four Companies under his command is to march this morning from McNeils, two miles above this. His detachment has a quantity of baggage sufficient for three compleate Regiments Fourteen of Col°. Ritzema' s men have already deserted since his arrival at Half Moon and I believe he will loose many more, before he reaches Ticonderoga. If those gone are like some that remain, we have gained by their going off. . ." (Extracts from letters of Gen1. Schuyler of the 20th and 23'1 Aug.) " Reports prevail, that the controversy between Allen and Warner is carried to such a length, that few men will be raised and that of those, that may enlist very few will have arms." " This morning (23d) Mr. Warner was with me for the Cloathing and Blankets of the Green Mountain Boys ; I read your resolutions to him and delivered six sets of warrants filled up agreeable to the choice made by them, — the seventh remains blank, as one of the Captains declined the service, and as these people could not take the field without some money to procure blankets, I have advanced him £500 on their pay. "1 did not mention to him your resolution authorizing me to appoint Field Officers, as I cannot possibly comply with that requisition. The peculiar situation of these people and the controversy they have had with this Colony or with gentlemen in it, renders that matter too delicate for me to determine and it was in this view, that I begged, that the warrants for the Field Officers might be sent me compleat, which I shall still hope to receive as soon as possible." ' ***** Resolved, that the Company of Artillery raised by Capt. Lamb be considered as part of the 3000 men directed by the Continental Congress to be raised in this Colony, — That the Officers and Men belonging to the said Company be entitled to pay agreeable to the Continental 1 See for these letters Journal of the New York Provincial Congress, Vol. 2. 36 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. arrangement now established,2 — That the Officers of the said Company be entitled to thejsame rank and be under the same command, as other Artillery Companies in the Continental Army * * and that the said Company do forthwith proceed to Ticonderoga and join the Army under General Schuyler and that Col0. McDougall see, that this order be complied with with all possible dispatch. ***** Resolved and agreed, nem. con, That Edward Flemming, Esquire, be appointed Deputy Adjutant General in the Continental Army with the rank of Colonel and that he be directed to join the forces under the command of Major General Schuyler with all possible dispatch. ***** Ordered, that Peter T. Curtenius furnish arms for the fourth Regiment, as fast as may be conveniently done, and that he forward such a number of arms to Albany for the fourth Regiment, as Col0. Holmes shall advise to be necessary, as fast as they can be procured. Die Veneris, 8 ho. A. M. Septbr 1, 1775. ***** Resolved, that Seth Warner be appointed Lieutenant Colonel of the Regiment of Green Mountain Boys and Resolved, that Samuel Safford be appointed Major of the said Regiment. * A letter from Col0. Goose V. Schaick, dated the 29th of August, was read and filed and is in the words following : (Extract) Albany, Aug. 29th 1775 Gent : I am at present stationed at Albany by General Schuyler to forward the troops, that arrive here, to Ticonderoga and it gives me pain to inform you, that Col0. Clinton arrived here with the other Field Officers and six Companies of his Battalion, five of which are armed but in bad repairs . . . Col0. Van Cortlandt is also arrived here with five Companies of Holmes' Battalion, who have not arms sufficient to supply one Company . . . I must also inform you, the men are much discontented for want of their pay, and do assure you, that the service greatly suffers. There is scarce anything to be heard in the Camp but Mutinies. I have for that purpose wrote to Mr. Jonathan Trumbull Junr, who I am informed is'appointed Deputy Pay Master General .... Nine of my Companies are up at Ticonderoga with the other two Field Officers in actual service and the last will march to-morrow 2 By a resolution of the Continental Congress, adopted on the 29th of July 1775, the following pay table was established : The pay of the Commissary-General of Musters to be 40 d per mo. Of the Dep Commissary Genl of Stores & Provisions 60 d Dep. Adj. Genl 50 d Brigade-Major 33 d Commissary of Artillery 30 d Judge Advocate 20 d Colonel 50 d Lieutenant-Col. 40 d Major 33 1-3 d Captain 20 d Lieutenant 13* d Ensign 10 d Sergeant 8 d Corporal, Drummer and Fifer, each 7 1-3 d Adjutant 18 1-3 d Quarter Master 18 1-3 d Chaplain 20 d Light Infantry Companies on the same footing as the other Companies of the Regt. In the Artillery-Corns the Captain to- receive 26 2-3 d p mo.. Capt. Lieut. 20 d., Lieutenants 18 1-3 d. & Lieutenant-Fireworker 13 1-3 d Sergeants 8 1 3 d Corporals 7 1-2 d„ Bombardiers 7 d., Matrosses 6 5-6 d. (See American Archives, 4th Series, Vol 'g p 1897) New York in the Revolution. 37 4 ho. P. M. Septbr 2d, 1775. ***** Egbert Dumont Esqr. delivered in a list of the Field and Staff Officers of four Regiments of the Militia in Ulster County, which was read and filed and is in the words following, to wit : (see Militia, Ulster Co.) Gilbert Livingston Esquire delivered in a List of the Field and Staff Officers of two Regiments of Minute Men in Dutchess County : (See Militia, Dutchess Co.) Resolved and ordered, that those Gentlemen be respectively appointed and commissioned in the respective offices, for which they are respectively above named. Die Jovis 9 ho. A. M. Sept. 7th 1775 ***** A Draft of a Commission to be given to the Officers of the Militia, Independent Companies and Minute Men of this Colony was read and approved, viz* : In the Committee of Safety for the Colony of New York The day of in the year of our Lord 1775. To Gentleman Greeting By Virtue of the Authority reposed iu us by the Provincial Congress of the said Colony, We do hereby nominate, authorize, constitute and appoint you of the , hereby requiring you before you enter into the exercise of your said office, to make in writing and subscribe in the presence of the Chairman of the Committee of the City, Town, District or Precinct, wherein you reside, The Declaration, appointed and directed by the ninth section of the seventh Resolve, contained in the rules and orders for regulating the Militia of the Colony of New York, recommended by the Provincial Congress the 22d day of August 1775, and authorizing you fully to execute all the powers, belonging to your said office by Virtue of the^said Rules and Orders and the said Declaration. And we do hereby require all persons under your command to pay due obedience to you according to the said Rules and Orders and such further Rules and Orders, as shall be made and recommended for the Militia of this Colony by the present or any future Continental Congress or Provisional Congress of this Colony. Die Veneris, 9 ho. A. M. Sepb.tr 15th, 1775. ***** Mr. Hobart moved .... that Commissions be immediately issued to Capt. Anthony Rutgers Company of Artillery. — The question being put thereon was carried in the negative. Ordered, that Col0. Lasher be requested to cause a return to be made and delivered to this Committee, of the Officers of his Battalion with all convenient speed, in order to be commissioned. 38 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. Die Martis, 9 ho. A. M. Septbr 19th, 1775. * * * * * A letter from the Honorable John Hancock Esq" of the 16th instant was read and filed and is in the words following : Philadelphia, September 16th 1775. Sir. Herewith I transmit you a Commission for Mr. Edward Flemming as Deputy Adjutant General with the Rank of Colonel agreeable to the recommendation of your Congress, which I have dated the day of his appointment. I also forward you 400 Commissions for the Officers of your Forces under the command of General Schuyler, which you'll please to have regularly fill'd up with the names of those gentlemen, who were appointed by your Congress and transmit them to General Schuyler to be delivered there Hon. P. V. B. Livingston I have the honor &c &c John Hancock Pres*. Die MERCURn, 9 ho. A M Oct 4h 1775. ***** A draft of a letter to the Delegates of this Colony at Continental Congress was read and approved of and is in the words following, to wit : In Provincial Congress at New York. October 4th, 1775. Gentlemen : . . . . Agreeable to your request we inform you of the state of the troops, raised by this Colony for the Continental service. — Eight Companies of the Is' or Col°- McDougall's Regiment, compleatly appointed, are now in actual service in the Northern Department. The 9th Company is ready, compleatly armed and equipped, and wind and weather permitting will sail for Albany to-morrow. The 10'11 Company will be armed and equipped and we hope ready to depart next week. The first detachment of this Regiment under Lieutenant Colonel Ritzema had proceeded as far as Half Moon before the 10th of August. The second or Colonel Van Schaick' s Regiment is compleatly equipped and in service at the outposts ; four Companies of this Regiment were raised early in the month of June and three of those Companies then proceeded as far as Lake George. The other companies of this Regiment were at and about Albany under the command of General Montgomery and we cannot ascertain the time of their departure. Seven Companies of the third or Colonel Clinton's Regiment are also in service at the outposts. The 8th and 9th Companies proceeded early last week from hence on their way to Isle aux Noix. The 10th Company is come to New York, wants a few muskets and will be ready and proceed this week. It may be proper to inform you, that the three last mentioned Companies of this Regiment were sent out and detained for some time at the East end of Nassau Island by order of Congress, to prevent the ministerial troops from carrying off the sheep and cattle from thence, the inhabitants of Suffolk County having armed them while in that service. The fourth or Colonel Holmes' Regiment is now at the outposts ; part of this Regiment was Ntv) York in the Revolution. 39 obliged to be detained at Albany, until arms could be procured for them, but the last Company proceeded down Lake George the 27th of September. The first and second Regiments and some part of the other Regiments are armed with the best of muskets and bayonets and the others with firelocks of the widest bore, which could be found, repaired where it was necessary, and fitted ; all our troops are furnished with belts and pouches for nineteen cartridges, bayonet belts, musket slings, blankets, coats, canteens, haversacks, &c. A great part of our arms have been procured by purchase ; some have been hired — and from necessity, to compleat some Companies, a few arms have in some places been impressed. ***** It may be proper to mention to you, that besides the troops above mentioned we raised a Company of Artillery, consisting of 70 men compleatly appointed ; they are now with the Army. When this Company was formed, the Continental Congress had not made an establishment for Artillery. The Congress of New York put this Company on the footing of the Rhode Isla?id establishment as to their pay, which was the only one known at that time. They are a good Company, well armed, many of them bred in Artillery service and much wanted. They were raised on the faith of being put and kept on the like pay as the Rhode Island Artillery, before we knew what the Continental pay was. We entreat, you would intimate this to the Congress and get the Rhode Island establishment confirmed for this Company. We are &c. Die Martis 9 ho. A. M. October 17th, 1775. * * * * * Mr. Kissam from the Committee appointed to examine all the resolutions and advices of the Continental Congress relative to this Colony delivered in their report, which was read, and the same being again read, paragraph by paragraph, and amended and approved of, is in the words following to wit : Your Committee report it as their opinion ***** 2d. That a letter be written to the respective Colonels of the Militia and Minute Men in this Colony, requesting them to appoint and notify to their respective Regiments some convenient place of rendezvous, where they are to muster compleatly equipped upon any public alarm and to remain, until marching orders are received by their respective Colonels or commanding Officers ; and that the Colonels be desired to acquaint the Congress of the place, they shall so respectively appoint for that purpose. ~ . ***** 6. Your Committee further report, that it is their opinion, that four Companies of Matrosses, consisting of 80 men each, will be necessary to -occupy the Forts on Hudson's river, when completed, and that one Company at least should be immediately enlisted for that purpose, and that it will be proper to write to the Continental Congress for their direction on this subject. ***** Resolved, that this Congress does agree with their Committee in their report. 40 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. Die Jovis, 9 ho. A. M. October 19th 1775. A petition from Samuel Tudor praying for rank for himself and Company was read and filed. Ordered, that Mr. Ciarkson and Mr. Thomas Smith and Mr. Morris be a Committee to enquire into the intention of Captain Rutgers and Captain Tudor and their respective Companies and report their opinion with respect to the rank of those gentlemen and their Companies. Die Jovis, 9 ho. A. M. November 2d, 1775. ***** A letter from the Honorable John Hancock, President of Continental Congress, was read and filed and is in the words following to wit : Philadelphia 28th Octbr 1775. Sir : Your letter of the 17th instant has been laid before the Congress and I am directed to acquaint you, that they approve of your immediately raising a Company of Matrosses, to consist of 68 Privates ; they prefer that number, as it is the fixed establishment of the Companies in the Continental service. You, will please to appoint and forward the list of the Officers proper to command them and their commissions shall be made out and sent you. The Congress desire you will inform them, when this Company shall be compleated and they will take under consideration your proposals for raising a larger number. Inclosed is the resolution of Congress. The President I am &c &c of Congress of New York. John Hancock, Pres*. The Resolution of Congress of the 28*11 October, therein inclosed, was also read and filed and is iu the words following towit : In Congress, October 28th, 1775. " Resolved, That a Company of Matrosses to consist of one Captain, one Captain Lieutenant, a first and second Lieutenant, a Lieutenant Fireworker, four Sergeants, four Corporals, eight Bombardiers, sixty-eight Matrosses, one Drummer and one Fifer be immediately raised in New York for the defense of Hudson's river and to occupy the fortifications now erecting in the Highlands; and that the President write to the Convention of that Province, recommending it to them immediately to raise the said Company and to appoint the proper Officers." Ordered, that Colonel McDougall, Mr. Van Zandt and Mr. Brasher be a Committee to arrange the Company and report. Die Veneris, 10 ho. A. M. November 3d, 1775. ***** The Congress then took into consideration the defenceless state of the fortifications on the banks of Hudson's river in the Highlands ; thereupon Ordered, that Colonel McDougall send Captain Grennell (3d Reg*.) and Captain Ledyard (1st Reg'.) with their Companies up to the said fortifications immediately to be and remain until Matrosses are raised or further orders. New York in, the Revolution. 41 December 6th P. M. Agreed unanimously, that Capt. John Grennell be recommended to the Continental Congress to be releas'd from his present duty and recommended for Captain of a Company of Matrosses and that a letter be wrote to the Continental Congress for that purpose. Friday Morng. 8th December 1775 A draft of a letter to the Honble John Hancock Esq", President of the Continental Congress, was read and filed and is in the words following, to wit : (Extract) In Provincial Congress, Decbr 8th 1775 Sir : * * * The delay in our meeting has prevented the raising the Artillery Company directed by Congress. — We have nominated Captain John Grenell of Col0. Clinton's Regiment as the most proper person we can meet with for the command of a Artillery Company ; he now commands a detachment of that Regiment at the post in the Highlands, from whence we cannot call him without leave of the Congress. As his Company is at present incompleat and the time of inlistment is nearly expired, we beg leave to suggest, whether it would not be proper to leave the Company under the command of his first Lieutenant for the present. We pray the sense of Congress on this matter as soon as possible and at the same time to be informed, what is the establishment of the Artillery with respect to pay, cloathing and arms We beg leave to inform the Congress, that in obedience to their Order three Companies of Minute Men, they directed, with their proper Officers are stationed in the Highlands near the Fortifications & under the command of Capt. John Grinnell, the present commanding Officer of the Continental Forces at the Fortress. ***** A draft of a letter to the delegates of this Colony at Continental Congress was read and approved of and is in the words following to wit : (Extract) In Provincial Congress, New York Decbr 8th 1775 Gentlemen : . . . . We are much obliged to you for putting it in our power to recommend thro' you an Officer to command at the Fortress in the Highlands. — We are fully of opinion with you, Gentlemen, that the person to fill that important office should be not only of the strictest honesty and fidelity, but also well acquainted with the pass he must defend ; we therefore recom mend Gilbert Livingston Esq., Mr. William Bedlow, Mr. Thomas Greenel and Mr. Jonathan Lawrence as persons qualified for that service Die Jovis, 10 ho. A. M. December 14th 1775. Col0. McDougall informed the Congress, that Captain Ledyard with his Company, which is incompleat, is in New York and has been of use in sundry duties here, since he came down from the Fort in the Highlands, and requested the opinion of this Congress, whether he should send 6 42 Proceedings of Hie Provincial Congress. him with his Company up to the Fort or detain him here. Thereupon Ordered, That Col0. McDougall detain Capt. Ledyard here or give him such other directions, as he shall think proper. Die Lunae, 10 ho. A. M. December 18*11 1775 ***** Ordered, that Col. Rensselaer, Major Lockwood, Mr. Treadwell and Mr. Scott be a Committee to revise and amend the Militia Law or Regulations for the Militia of this Colony, made and published by this Congress and they report thereon with all convenient speed. Die MERCURn, 3 ho. P. M. Deo. 20th. 1775 ***** The Committee appointed to prepare -amendments to the Resolves for regulating the Militia of this Colony bro* in their Report, which was read and according to order being read a second time & many amendments made thereto, was agreed to and resolved on and is in the words following to wit : Appenhix to the Rules and Orders for regulating the Militia of the Colony of New York. Is*. As the desire for promotion in the public service is extremely laudable and therefore should be so far incouraged, as may be consistent with the safety of the public and at the same time may not be construed into a design of countenancing promotions of course, it is earnestly recommended to every Company, to have a regard in elections to promote to Officers according to rank, so far as may be consistent with true merit and ability to serve the public. 2d. That wherever a sufficient number of Minute Men do not voluntarily turn out of any Regiment of the Militia of this Colony, to compleat the proportion in the aforesaid Rules and Orders required, the deficiency be made up by lot from those Companies, in which such deficiency shall happen. 3d. That the Militia of the Counties of Dutchess and Westchester be two separate Brigades. 4th. That when any person shall think himself aggrieved with respect of his being fined in consequence of the above mentioned regulations, the Committee of the City, Town, Manor, Precinct or District, where the cause of complaint ariseth, upon complaint made to them, shall have power to hear and determine the matter, and if said complaint shall appear to be groundless and vexatious, the complainant forfeit a sum equal to the fine in dispute fo be levied upon his Goods and Chattels by warrant from the Chairman directed to a Sergeant of the Company. The said forfeiture to be applied in the same manner, as the fines in the before said Regulations are applied, — and that no man shall be fined for want of powder and ball, who shall produce a receipt from his Captain of his having deposited in his hand Six Shillings and Nine pence for the purchase of these articles. 5th. That besides the stated meetings of the Companies of the Militia, it be recommended to the commissioned and noncommissioned officers to use all possible diligence to perfect their Companies in the Military art by inviting them together in small parties as often as they conveniently can meet. New York in the Revolution. 43 6th. That although persons above 50 years of age are not required to be enrolled in the Militia, yet it is most earnestly recommended to them, that they be respectively provided with arms, accoutrements & ammunition, as though they were required to be enrolled. 7rh- That it be earnestly recommended to every man in the Militia, to provide himself with a bayonet properly fitted to his musket or firelock. 8th. That no new Troops of Horse be formed, unless an augmentation be recommended by Congress or the Committee of Safety. 9th. That all persons incurring the penalties for non-attendance and disobedience of orders, specified in the 12th clause, shall for every default incur the forfeitures therein annexed to the first default, notwithstanding their being held up as Enemies to their Country. 10th. That the Minute Men meet in their respective Companies on the first and third Mondays in every Month and pass through the necessary military exercise under their proper Officers and that for the second meeting in every month the Officers, and Privates be respectively allowed the pay of the Continental Troops agreeable to the new Establishment, provided that the commanding Officer of each Minute Company, who shall be present at the muster and exercise of each respective Minute Company, do deliver to the Committee of the City, Town, Precinct or District in which they shall so meet to exercise, a muster roll of the commissioned and non-commissioned Officers and Privates of their respective Companies, who did actually appear and exercise, until they were dismissed by the commanding Officer, sworn to by the Officer, who was present and commanded for the day, and that besides these Regulations, it be recommended to them to meet in such subdivisions of each Company under a proper Officer, as will be most convenient for their frequent meeting. 11th. That if any Officer should omit to meet and exercise his men upon the days appointed or shall through favor or affection neglect to levy any fines in the said Rules and Orders for regulating the Militia required to be levied, he shall forfeit for every such neglect the sum of 40s. to be levied and applied, as is directed in the 12th clause of the before referred to Regulations. 12th. Resolved, that the Officers of the Minute Companies already chosen, do continue their Officers .'till the further orders of this or some future Congress. Die Jovis, 10 ho. A. M. December 21s' 1775. ¦* * * * * The Congress then proceeded to fix and determine the Rank of the Militia Officers of the several Counties in this Colony in order to enable the Committee appointed for that purpose to form and report a general Regulation for the Militia of the Colony and after some time spent thereon, the Congress determined the Officers of the respective Counties to have Rank in the following order, towit : 1B*. New York 8th. Kings 2d. Albany 9th. Queens 3d- Suffolk 10th. Richmond 4th. Ulster 11th- Tryon 5th. Westchester 12th. Cumberland 6th- Orange 33th. Charlotte 7th. Dutches 14th. Gloucester. 44 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. The Congress then proceeded for the same purpose, to fix and ascertain the Rank of the respective Brigadier Generals of the several Brigades in this Colony. And therefore Resolved, that the Brigadier General of the Brigade, which consists of the Militia of New York, Kings and Richmond Counties be considered as the first Brigadier General of this Colony and take rank accordingly ; That the Brigadier General of the Brigade, which consists of the Militia of Albany and Tryon Counties be considered as the second Brigadier General of this Colony and take rank accordingly ; That the Brigadier General of the Brigade, which consists of the Militia of Queens and Suffolk Counties, be considered as the third Brigadier General of this Colony and take rank accordingly : That the Brigadier General of the Brigade, which consists of the Militia of Ulster and Orange Counties be considered as the fourth Brigadier General of this Colony & take rank accordingly— Westchester County 5th. Dutchess County 6th Cumberland, Gloucester & Charlotte 7th. 3 ho P. M. December 218* 1775 The Committee appointed to form a Regulation or arrangement for the Militia of this Colony delivered in their report, which was read, and the same being read a second time, paragraph by paragraph, and many amendments and additions made thereto and finally agreed to & resolved on, is in the words following towit : Rules and Orders for arranging the rank of the Officers of the Militia of the Colony of New York. I8*. The Major General to be Commander in Chief of all the Militia now embodied and hereafter to be embodied within this Colony. 2d. The Brigadier General for the Brigade of the City and County of New York, the County of Kings and Richmond to be the second in command. [3d to 8th designates the rank of the other Brigadier-Generals as above.] 9th. The Majors of Brigade to take rank as above mentioned according to the priority of the Brigade, they shall respectively belong to. 10th. That the commissioned Officers of equal dignity of the several Regiments of Militia in the different Counties shall take rank and precedence according to the following arrangement : "(as above.) 11th. The rank of some of the Battalions or Regiments, and Companies in some of the Counties, being settled either by the Colonel already chosen or appointed or by the General Committee of the County, It is recommended, that the several Committees in this Colony, where such arrangements are not already made, do follow the example in arranging the Battalions and Companies within their respective Counties and transmit a copy of such arrangement to the Secretary of the Provincial Congress or Committee of Safety for the time being. 12th. That the Colonel of the first Regiment in any County in this Colony shall take rank of the Colonel of any second Regiment of any other County, notwithstanding the seniority of said County and so on with respect to second, third &c Regiments, and that the same rule be observed with respect to the rank of inferior Officers. 13th. That the Officers of the Minute Men, when in actual service, do take rank of the Officers of the Militia. New York in the Revolution. 45 Die Sabbati, 10 ho. A. M. Jan7 6th 1776. * * * * * Whereas it is the opinion of this Committee [of Safety] that an Artillery Company is absolutely necessary for the safety and defence of Suffolk County and for the protection of the Continental cruisers in the Sound, that some of the inlets of that County be fortified with cannon, and to those ends, that a regular Company of Artillery be constituted out of the Militia of that County, Resolved, therefore, that it be and it hereby is most earnestly recommended to the Committee of the said County without delay to form such a Company as aforesaid to consist of one Captain one Captain Lieutenant, one Lieut. Fireworker and 95 non-commissioned Officers and Privates . . . . and that the said Artillery Company shall to all intents and purposes be considered as Minute Men. Die Veneris, 10 ho. A. M. Jan7 12th 1776. * * * * *' The Committee of Safety then took into consideration the report of a Sub-Committee of the General Committee of the city of New York delivered in parol some days past to the following effect, to wit: That a certain Benjamin James, who had been chosen Cap*, of one of the Companies of Militia in the City of New York had refused to subscribe the Declaration mentioned in his commission, as necessary to his Entering on the Executing that office ; That on a new Election being ordered in that Company for a Captain, the Company re-elected the same Person and refused to elect any other ; — That there are some other instances of the like kind and the persons exercising Military Offices in the [like] predicament. The Committee are of opinion, that the best remedy for Inconveniences would be a Resolution of the Continental Congress or in their recess of the Committee of Safety for the time being, to exercise their discretion in appointing proper Officers without such Election, whenever Occasion may require. Thereupon a draft of a letter to the Delegates of this Colony on the subject of appointing Officers in such cases .... was read and approved of. * * * 10 ho. A. M. Die Lunae, 15th Jan7 1776 # * ¦* * * * The Resolve of the Continental Congress of the same date (Jan7 8th) on the subject of raising Troops for Canada was read and filed and is in the words following to wit : In Congress, January 8th 1776. Resolved, that to make up the Battalions voted for the defence of Canada, one Battalion be immediately raised in New Hampshire, one in Connecticut and one in New York, that two Battalions be formed out of the troops now in Canada and that General Montgomery be desired to recommend proper persons for Officers in said Battalions. 46 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. The other three Battalions to be sent from Pennsylvania and New Jersey. That Col. Van Schaick, Lieut. Col. Yates and Major Gansevoort be continued in the service of the United Colonies and that they take the command of the above Battalion to be levied in the Colony of New York. Die Sous, 9 ho. A. M. Jan7 21, 1776. ***** A draft of a letter to Major General Lee was read and approved of and is in the words following to wit : (Extract) In Committee of Safety, New York Jan7 21, 1776. We have provided ourselves with six Good Brass field pieces, have directed Carriages to be made for our other Artillery and are raising a Company of Artillery for ' the defense of the Colony on the Continental Establishment Die Lunae, Jan7 22d 1776. ***** Ordered, that Capt. John Grennell, who was recommended by the Provincial Congress of this Colony to the Continental Congress, as a Captain of an Artillery Company, be and he is hereby appointed accordingly, and that a warrant issue to the said Capt. John Grennell for that purpose. Die Mercurii 10 h° A. M. Jan7 24th 1776 ***** Messrs. Low, Bancker, John Reade and Denning, a Sub-Committee from the City Committee attending, were admitted. They informed this Committee, that they were charged with two different matters from the Committee of the City. — The one, that the Military niobt watch in this City is very frequently not to be depended on, — That it very frequently happens, that the Captains or Officers do not know the greater part of the Ground, and that there are some Companies many of which are not trustworthy, and Mr. Denning said, that when he lately had the care of the guard, he had many persons in his guard, to whom he could not think it prudent to communicate the countersign, — That the City Committee are of opinion, that the most proper method to guard this City is to raise a Regiment in this City in Continental pay ; and Mr. Denning alledges that there is a great number of men in this City, who would willingly enlist for that purpose, provided they can be ascertained, that they will not be ordered out of the Colony on any Continental duty. A letter from the Honorable John Hancock Esq" dated the 12th of January Inst, was read and filed and is in the words following to wit : New York in ihe Revolution. 47 (Extract) Philadelphia Jan7 12th 1776 Providence has hitherto been pleased to crown our attempts with success, but from the steps taken by Governor Carlton, there is reason to apprehend, our enemies, among their first attempts in the spring, will endeavour to recover the possession of that Country [Canada], as well to retrieve their honor, as to carry into execution their execrable designs against us To counteract their designs and prevent this Calamity, the Congress have resolved to employ nine Battalions the present year for the defense of Canada. One of these is to be composed of Canadians under Col. J. Livingston, who has so eminently signalized himself in the cause of America. Two are to be composed of the Troops now serving there, an honor due to the merits of those brave men, to have an opportunity of defending a Country, which their valour has rescued from slavery, — Three are to be sent from Pennsylvania and New Jersey, of which two are now under marching orders, The other three are to be raised to the Eastward, as you will see by the enclosed Resolution, viz*, one iu your Colony under the command of Col. V. Schaick, Lt. Col. Yates and Major Gansevoort, who as Gen1. Schuyler informs Congress, are desirous of continuing in the service, one in Connecticut and one in New Hampshire. ***** (Extract from another letter of John Hancock, Jan7 20th 1776) : " The Congress rely with confidence on your Zeal for the cause, that you will exert your •utmost endeavors, to hasten the march of the Troops ordered to Canada and to raise those destined for the defense of your Colony ; herewith I send you blank Commissions for the Officers under the rank of Majors, which you will please to fill up ; on the recommendation of Gen1. Schuyler the Congress have continued Col. V. Schaick, Lieut. Col. Yates and Major Gansevoort in the service of the United Colonies and appointed them to the Command of the Battalion to be raised in your Colony for the defense of Canada and they have directed me agreeable to an established rule, to request, you would please as soon as possible to transmit the names of a number of Gentlemen, whom you shall Judge duly qualified, at least two for each command, out of whom they may elect Field Officers for tho other Batallions. I inclose you the Commissions for the Officers under the rank of a Major for the Canada Batallion A Certified Copy of sundry Resolves of the Continental Congress of different dates from the 8'11 to the 20th Inst, was read and filed and is in the words following to wit : In Congress, January 19th 1776. Resolved, that four Battalions be raised in the Colony of New York for the defense of that Colony upon the same pay with those, directed to be raised in the Colony of Pennsylvania and that they be stationed, as the commanding Officer of the New York Department shall think best, to garrison the several Forts in that Colony from Crownpoint to the Southward and to prevent depredations upon Long Island, and promote the safety of the whole That for the more speedy Raising the Battalions, ordered on the 8th of January to be raised . . . . it be recommended to the general Assemblies, Conventions or Councils or Committees of Safety of those Colonies respectively, to exert their utmost endeavours in raising the said Battalions upon the same pay and subsistence as the army at Cambridge and to furnish them with provisions, ammunition and other necessaries for expediting their march to Canada ; and for further encouraging the men more cheerfully to enter into the service of their country, to give a 48 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. bounty of 6 2-3 dollars to every ablebodied effective man, properly cloathed for the service and having a good firelock with a bayonet and other accoutrements, and 4 dollars to every soldier not having the like arms and accoutrements ; the arms to be supplied by the Colony and the cost to be deducted out of the soldier's pay ; and also to provide blanket and haversack for every inlisted Soldier, and moreover to advance one month's pay to every Officer and Soldier before their march, that they may be able to purchase necessary cloathing. That the first two Companies, which shall be complete of every Battalion do march to that Country, as soon as they shall be ready and be followed in the same numbers with like expedition by the rest of the Corps In Congress, January 17th 1776. Resolved, that the Colonels of the several Battalions, ordered to be raised, do immediately order their Officers on recruiting service to such parts, where they are best known and have the greatest probability of success. That the Recruiting Officers ought to be caref ull to inlist none but healthy, sound and able bodied men, not under 16 years of age. That the Colonels of the aforesaid Battalions appoint some place or places of rendezvous, to which the recruits may be sent, and where the Battalions may be quartered. That the greatest attention ought to be paid to the behaviour of the Troops in quarters, that they may give no reasonable cause of complaint. That the quarters of the Troops be duly discharged once every week. That an allowance of 10s. pr man be made to the Recruiting Officers in lieu of their expenses in recruiting, exclusive of the subsistence money allowed them, and that in case any man be inlisted contrary to the foregoing regulations, the pay they may have received and the subsistence money, that may be paid for them shall be stopped from the pay of such Recruiting Officer. That no bought [or] indented Servants be employed on board the Fleet or in the Army of the United Colonies without the Consent of their masters. 3d ho. P. M. Die Veneris, Jan7 26th 1776. The Committee resumed the consideration of the Resolves and Letters recd from the Continenal Congress on the subject of raising Troops ; after some time spent therein the Committee sent for Col0. Lasher to know his sentiments on a Declaration, lately made by him to one of the Members, that if any more Troops were raised, the Battalion now under his command would in General be very desirous to be taken into the public service and pay. — After a short conference with Col. Lasher and delivering to him a copy of the Resolves of Congress for raising four Battalions for the defense of this Colony, he was desired to confer with the Officers of his Battalion and report the result thereof to this Committee. This Committee conceiving, that the speediest method of fixing on proper Officers for the four Regiments to be raised in this Colony and of being informed of the number of men, that may probably be enlisted in each County, is to write to the County Committee of the respective Counties in this Colony. Thereupon a draft of a Letter for that purpose was read and approved of and is in the words following towit : New York in ihe Revolution. 49 "Gentlemen. By resolves of the Honble the Continental Congress lately come to hand, this Colony is to raise four Regiments in Continental pay for the defense of the Colony. We conceive, that the Troops will be most speedily raised by having proper Officers taken from different Counties, where there are proper men, who will enlist. We therefore, request yon, with all possible dispatch to inform the Provincial Congress or this Committee of the number of men, which you have good reason to believe may be speedily raised and equipped in your County, and at the same time that you, with the advice of as many of the Deputies of your County to the Provincial Congress, as ma}r conveniently be obtained, recommend several proper persons for Captains, Lieuts. & Ensigns, who will be most likely to raise the men. We request in all cases, where it can conveniently be done, that you recommend two proper persons for each office, that the Provincial Congress may have an opportunity to chuse the one they think best qualified. We are &c &c Instructions for enlisting the Troops, directed by the Continental Congress to be raised in this Colony, were read and agreed to and are in the words following towit : Committee of Safety, New York Jan7 27th 1776 Instructions to the Colonels and other Officers for Inlistment of Four new Battalions in the Continental Service for the defence of the Colony of New York. Whereas, in order to the regular Inlistment of the Troops intended to be raised for the Continental service, it was Resolved in Continental Congress on the 17th Inst, towit : [See above) And whereas the Continental Congress on the 19th of J an7 Inst. Resolved [see above] The pay and regulations of which said Pennsylvania Troops and the said four Battalions are established by the Continental Congress as follows to wit : That each Battalion consist of Eight Companies, each Company of one Captain, two Lieutenants, one Ensign, four Serjeants, four Corporals, one Drum, one Fife and 76 Privates ; the pay as follows : Colonel 50 dollars per Kalendar month Lieutenants 18 dollars pr month Lieut. Colonel 40 do Ensign 13 1-3 do Major 331-3 do Sergeant 8 do . Captain 26 2-3 do Corporal, Drum & Fife 7 1-3 Privates 5 Staff of Battalion One Adjutant 18 1-3 dollars One Chaplain 20 dollars One Quartermaster 18 1-3 do One Surgeon 25 do The Privates liable to be discharged at any time on allowing them one Months pay extraordinary. That each of the Privates be allowed, instead of a bounty, a felt hat, a pair of yarn stockings and a pair of shoes, they to find their own arms. The men also to be furnished with a hunting shirt not exceeding in value 1 1-3 of a Dollar, and a blanket, provided it can be procured, but not to be made a part of the terms of inlistment. 7' 50 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. Every man, who furnishes himself with a good new blanket to be allowed therefore 2 Dollars and have liberty to take it away at the end of the campaign. Each Captain or other commissioned Officer, while in the recruiting service or on their march to join the Battalion, shall be allowed 2 2-3 dollars pr week for their subsistence, and the men, who inlist, while in quarters before they join their Battalion, 1 dollar pr week, and when on their march to join the Battalion 1 1-3 dollar pr week. That a ration consist of the following kinds and quantities of provisions, vizt : 1 lb of Beef or 3-4 lb of Pork or 1 lb of Saltfish per day. 1 lb of Bread or Flour per day. 3 pints of pease or beans per week, or vegetables equivalent, at one dollar p Bushel for pease or beans. 1 pint of milk p man p day or at the rate of 1-72 part of a dollar. 1 Quart of Spruce Beer or Cider p man p day or 9 Gallons of Molasses p 100 men p week, 1-2 a pint of Rice or 1 pint of Indian Meal p man p week. 3 lb of Candles to 100 p week for Guards. 24 lb Soft or 8 lb hard soap for 100 men p week. — Men in Barracks to be provided with crocus* and straw for bedding, fire wood and Iron pots. For their March or Campaign. A Camp Kettle for every Six Men & a canteen for each man. Arms and accoutrements for the men vizt each a good gun & bayonet, cartouch box, tomahawk, knapsack or haversack and two bills. Colours, Drums, Fifes and a pitching axe for-every ten men and entrenching tools to be provided at the public expense. Die Mercurii, 10th ho. A. M. January 31s* 1776. Col. Lasher delivered in a Memorandum of such Officers in his Reg*- as are willing to go into the Continental Service, which was read and filed. [At a meeting of the Officers of the first Battalion of the New York Independents at the House of Captn Abraham Van Dyck on Monday the 29th of January 1776, It was ordered, that the following Questions be put by the President (Col0. Lasher being President accordingly put the same) towit : Whether the officers present are willing, that the Battalion to which they belong engage as a Battalion in the Cause of this Country on the Terms and Conditions offered by the Committee of Safety for the Province of New York in answer to certain Questions proposed to them by a Committee of officers from the said meeting ? * No dictionary explains what crocus is. The Editor is inclined to believe that " crocus " means a yellow colored stuff for bed linen. New York in the Revolution. 51 Upon which Question being put the members divided as follows: For. Coll. Lasher Majr- Bowman Capt. J. Alner Lieut. H. Teibout J. Johnson W. Wilcox J. Bancker A. R. Bancker G. Beekman J. Wiley J. Moore J. Fortin N. Fish II. Brasher H. Livingston Against. Majr- Stockholm Capt. Van Dyck Lieut. Anthony Leonard Gilbert P. Brasher W. Livingston Herbeck Dickson Dickenson MeusierDuyckink Van Zandt Yeomans Adj. P. Brasher The names of Commissioned and non- Commissioned Officers of the first Battalion of New York who are willing to Enter in the service of their Country and likewise some of the privates which may be depended on. Coll. John Lasher Major Sebastian Bauman Capt. James Ahier Prussian Blues Capt. Lieut. Henry Livingston Fuziliers Capt. Abraham Van Wicke Sportsmen Adjutant Philipp Brasher Is' Lieut. Gerardus Beekman Sportsmen do John Wiley Light Infantry do John Johnson Rangers do Henry Tebout Prussian Blues Second Lieut. John Blancker Rangers do Nicholas Fish Fuziliers do Henry Brasher Prussian Blues Third Lieut. William Willcoke Fuziliers do Abraham P. Bancker Rangers Sergeant George Harsen Granadiers do John Vredenbergh Granadiers William Forbis Light horse Abraham Brasher Granadiers David Cree do Samuel Morlidge do George Masavei do Edward Dunscomb Fuziliers John Farrell do Andrew Oughterson do 52 Proceedings of ihe Provincial Congress. Sergeant Cornelius Becker Sportsmen Corperall Benjamin Bums Light Infantry George Lucom Granadier John Waldron Granadier, 2d Battalion Joseph Fortunne Sergeant Major Sergeant Frederick Stymes Light Infantry do Benj" Davis Light Infantry Names of Soldiers in Lasher's Regiment, who petitioned the Provincial Congress for pay and to have their services confined to the City and County of New York, Jan7 30, 1776 : Sam1 Johnson Adm Dolmage Garret Kip Rich*. Tole Hazard Stephen Smith Yellis Mandeville jun Jacob Brower Cornelius Bicker Peter Myers Robert Barry Christopher Hutten AlexT Anderson John Remmer Thomas Warner jun John J. Myers Benj. Brown John Brouwer jun John Van Dyck Leonard Fisher Walter Moffat Abraham Brevorte Nicholas Van Antwerp Fred. Stymets John Russel William Ten Broeck Anth7. Byvanck jun Peter Taulman Benj*. Griffith Benj. Burras James Armitage] A Memorial of Frederik Hartell* setting forth his former Rank and Services in the Army, offering his services and requesting a Commission of not inferior Rank to that, in which he had formerly served was read and filed. A Memorial of John Wylley offering his Service as a Capt. in the Continental service was read & filed. Ordered, that the Memorandum delivered in by Col0. Lasher and the Memorials of Fred* Hartell and John Wylley remain on file to be taken up again, when an arrangement of officers may be forming for Officers of the Regiments to be raised in this Colony for the Continental service. 3d P. M. January 31st 1776. * -x- * * * A draft of a letter to General Schuyler was read and approved of and is in the words following, towit: In Committee of Safety, New York, Jan7 31, 1776. Sir: We had the honor some time since of transmitting to you a Resolve of Congress for reducing the Battalions now in Canada to two and for raising a new Battalion for the Canada service under the command of Colonel Van Schaick. This regiment must for the most evident reasons be raised in the Northern Quarter, and we flatter ourselves you will look to the appointment of the Officers, for whom we shall without delay make out the necessary Commissions (for which we are possessed of Blanks), as soon as you will favor us with a roll for that purpose * Hartell states iu his paper, that lie had aerved aa Captain aud Lieut, iu the army of the King of Hungary until May, 1775, Sergeant in the Royal Americans in the siege of Havannah, when the Regt. was disbanded. He was a tobacconist at the time. New York in ihe Revolution. 53 Die Jovis, 10th ho. A. M. February 1st 1776 * * * * # A Letter from Col. Thomas Palmer dated 25th Inst, was read and filed aud is in the words following to wit : To the Honble Committee of Safety Gentlemen : for the Province of New York The Convention for this County at their last Session passed a Resolve, that no person shall inlist under a Minute Capt. in any other Town or Precinct within the County, Except that in which he resides. What views the Convention had in passing this Resolve I know not. But the Consequences resulting from it is already too conspicuous to our damage — as it is the only means, whereby two Minute Companies now recruiting (the one in New Windsor and the other in New Burgh Precinct) cannot be filled up, as their former mode having been to fill up their Companies out of the different precincts in such manner, as to be nearest their Officers, and most compact and handy for exercising their men, which in my opinion is the most Eligible — and in that way the Companies, which are already raised and whose time wont expire untill spring were filled up, — ¦ and a considerable part of those Companies, made up out of the precincts of New Windsor and New Burgh, — so that the two Companies now recruiting being under the restriction of the said County Resolve cannot obtain a competent number of Men and even suppose we were Just now setting out to raise Minute Men under the Limits of such a Resolution, it would be most absurd in its nature — as the number of the Militia are more or less according to the Extent and popularity of the Town and Precincts and the fourth of the Militia in some may not amount to a Company and in others more and perhaps not quite two Companies, so that it is absolutely necessary, that the Minute Captains may raise their Companies any where (at least) within one Militia Regiment, in which he may reside. This affair is likely to make much uneasiness and had this not happened, the Companies would easily been made out without the disagreeable necessity for Balloting, agreeable to your late Resolve, which will be a step that many begins to grumble at, for some says by that means there is a compultion on men, who are disaffected to the cause as well as to such other persons, as the circumstances of their families &° may render it disagreeable to be obliged to turn out, and acts of constraint ought (if possible) to be avoided. — I must therefore beg you will take the premisses into your Immediate consideration & should you be of opinion with me, that the said Resolve is attended with the Consequences aforesaid, that you will be pleased by a Resolution of your House to counteract the same by a line to the Chairman of the said Convention or by some such other ways and means, as in your wisdom you may Judge best. I need not remind you, that the Resolves of the County Convention and Sub-Committees within this Province are ever subject to your approbation or disapprobation. I beg leave to observe with the utmost concern, that no measures are yet going on for Expediting our Fortifications at Puplopes Point. The River being now frozen, so that the timber for the Barracks, which now chiefly lies at New Windsor may be carried in sleds down to Puplopes Point, which is most necessary in order for a House for Labourers, and no better time than the present for Collecting other necessaries back in the woods and bringing them on the spot in order for the Fortification. I am gentlemen , &c &c Newburgh, Jan7 25th 1776. Thomas Palmer The Horrle Committee of Safety New York. 54 Prceedings of ihe Provincial Congress. Die Sabati, 10th ho. A. M. Febr7 3d 1776 ***** A Letter from Arendt Van Hook setting forth his merits,* offering his service as a Captain in the Troops to be raised in this Colony, and, a Letter from Henry G. Livingston & Wm. Smith Livingston recommending the said Aaron Van Hook for his mental Qualifications were read and filed. Die Solis, 3d P. M. Febr7 4th 1776 ***** The Col8. & Lieut. Col8, of three Regiments of the City being assembled near the Hall, were requested to come into the Committee — after some conversation on the state of their respective Regiments — They were requested and directed to call out their respective Regiments to-morrow to know the state and number of their arms and of the men in their respective Regiments fit for duty — and to enable them to make proper returns to this Committee. Thereupon Ordered further, that Col. Curtenius be directed and he is hereby directed to deliver to the Colonels of the Regiments of the Militia of this City respectively so many Flints, as will enable them to provide each man in their respective Regiments with three flints, and Ordered, that the Col8, respectively do at their discretion distribute three flints to each such man in their respective Regiments, as they may think ought to be supplied therewith. 5ta ho. P. M. Die Lunae Feb7 5th 1776 A Letter from Wm Smith Esq" Chairman of the Committee of Suffolk County was read and filed and is in the words following, to wit : * Suffolk County Jan7 24th 1776 Gentlemen : In pursuance to your order we have appointed the Field Officers for the Minute Men in this County & also the Officers for the Artillery Company, which Companies we trust will be some security to this County ; at the same time this Committee beg leave to mention, that the Militia of this County but little exceeds 2000 — the great exposedness of the East end & the extensiveness of the County induces us to desire, such number of Continental Troops may be stationed here, as the Congress in their wisdom shall Judge necessary — we make no doubt the Continent proposes to protect and defend this Island and hope you will use your endeavours, that a sufficient force may be posted here for that purpose. We have a number of poor men in this County, who are good Soldiers and friends to the Cause & would be glad to inlist as Minute Men but have no Guns — we should be glad to know if a number can be procured at the public Expence for such persons as are unable to purchase them. * He claims to have been Senior Second Lieutenant and Adjutant of his Regiment, not named, while the letter from the two Livingstons says, he was a Private in the Independent Company of Fuseleers, of which Henry Livingston was Capt. Lieutenant. New York in ihe Revolution. 55 The situation of this County in many parts makes it extremely difficult to raise and train the Minute Men ; they complain they are not sufficiently paid considering the great distance they have to travel, many 8, 10 & 12 miles & that on foot to Exercise, the Officers also on the same acct. are at considerable expence, besides the expence raising of their Companies & pray they may be considered. By order of the Committee To the Hon°le Provincial Wm Smith, Chairman. Congress New York. A List of the Officers of the Minute men approved & chosen by the County Committee : Officers of the Artillery Wm Rogers Capt. John Franks Capt. Lieut. Jeremiah Rogers l8' Lieut Tho6 Baker 2d do John Tuthill Lieut, fireworker Josiah Smith, Col. John Hulbert 2d Col. Isaac Reeve 1st Major Jonathan Baker 2d do Isaac Overton Adjutant. Ebenezer Dayton Quarter Master Commissions issued, dated February 20th 1776. By order of the Committee Wm Smith, Chairman, Ordered, that Commissions issue for the Gentlemen therein named and that the residue of that Letter remain for the Consideration of the Provincial Congress. 4 »° P. M. Febr7 10'11 1776 Ordered, that Richard Norwood be, and he is hereby appointed a Commissary to take the care and delivery out of all such Military Stores and Implements of War, except Cannon, in this City and County of New York, as shall be from time to time committed to his care, by order of this Committee or the Provincial Congress and that he be paid for his services ... at and after the rate of 18 1-3 dollars per month. Die Solis 10 ho. A. M. February 11th 1776. ***** [Therefore] Ordered, that the [said] public Records of this Colony together with Sam1. Bayard Junr Esqr the Deputy Secretary of this Colony be forthwith conveyed under a proper Guard of the Militia of the City of New York to the dwelling House of Nich3. Bayard Esqr Alderman of the Out ward of the said City and Ordered further, that Col. Lasher fix on such Officers and Company of his Regiment for this and any other Duty, that may be directed, as he shall think proper & report the same to this Committee, the Committee hereby giving assurance, that provision will be made for the pay and subsistance of such Company equal to the Continental Establishment, while continued in service. 56 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. Die Lunae, P, M., February 12th 1776. The Congress met pursuant to adjournment. ***** A letter from General Schuyler dated the 6th Inst, was read and filed and is in the words following, towit: _ *' Albany, 6th Febr7 1776. Sir: The Continental Congress having ordered one Reg* to be raised in this Province to go into Canada, I requested of that respectable body to know, if the Companies that I ordered to be raised for garrisoning Crown Point, Tyconderoga, Fort George, &c were to be considered as part of them ; you will probably receive directions on this head, and that no delay may be made in the arrangement of the Officers to the Reg*. I do myself the Honor, to inclose you the names of such, as I gave recruiting orders to. — If Major Gansevoort should be provided for, or Col0 Yates promoted and if Capt Curtis had the Majority given him, I believe it would tend to fill up the Reg* with much expedition, as he has great influence in the part of the country, where he resides, which is about Canaan. I am, Sir, &c &c Ph. Schuyler. The President of the New York Congress. A Return of the names of persons, to whom Misting Orders have been delivered by Major General Philipp Schuyler. 1775 Nov 16 To Capt. Eleazer Curtis, an old Capt. in Col. Hinmans Reg*.*, now with his Company at Fort George " To Capt. Dan1 Mills 27 To Capt. Joseph McCracken 30 To Capt. Efoas Hasbrouck " To Capt. Andrew Billings la* Lieut8. Nov 28 To Lieut. Anthony Welp Lieut. Martin ) 1776 I Nov 27, 1775 Jan7 8 To Mr. Ebenezer Hill Lieut. Barnes ) 27 To Lieut Chas. Graham. 1775 2d. Lieut8. Nov 24 To Sergeant Cook Dec. 2 To Mr. Van Veghten 1776 Jan7 5 To Mr. James Clark " " To Mr. Wm- Moulton 1776 Ensigns Jan7 8 To Mr. Luther Bissel *A Connecticut Regiment. New York in the Revolution. 57 A Letter from Elihu Marvin Esq. Chairman of the Committee of Orange County dated Oxford Febr. 9th 1776 was read and filed and is in the words following to wit : (Extract): Oxford, February 9th 1776. Gentlemen : In consequence of your letter of 26th ult°. I convened our County Committee on Tuesday the 6th Inst. & laid the matter before them, relative to the raising of men for the defence of this Colony, — the same being taken into consideration the Committee are unanimously of opinion that there can be three Companies raised in this County, viz*. 2 on the North and one on the South side of the Mountains and have nominated the following persons for Officers to raise the two Companies on the Northside towit in Goshen Regiment : Dan1. Denton, Capt., Balthazar DeHart Is* Lieut. George H. Jackson 2d Lieut and Sam1. Carpenter Ensign : In Cornwall Reg*. Seth Marvin Capt. James Little Is8* Lieut. Nathan Strong 2d Lieut, and Stephen Halsey Ensign. . . . — but at the same time the Committee think it will out of their power to arm any consid erable part of the men they raise, on account of the quantity they furnished last year — none of which have been returned, and must therefore leave that matter with Congress — they are also of opinion, that it would be of bad consequence, to nominate more than one set of Officers to each Company and have therefore declined it Die Martis, A. M. Febr7 13th 1776. ***** A letter from the Committee of Marble Town, dated Jan7 29? sign'd by Levi Pawling, Chairman, was read and filed and is in the words following to wit : Gentlemen : We the Committee of the Township of Marble Town are under the disagreeable necessity of troubling your Honble Body, tho' as it is the first of the kind, we expect to be excused. The matter we have to lay before your Honble Board is, that in compliance to a resolve passed by the HonDle Provincial Congress the 22d of August last there was an Election for chnsing of Officers in the Company of the South West District of said Town and the following persons was chose by a very great majority, viz*. ' . . . , which your Honble Body has been pleased to commission. — These Gent", officiated each in their ranks with great Satisfaction, as far as we know, untill it pleased your Honble Body to promote Capt. Wynkoop to a Major in Col. De Witt's Reg* of Minute Men, after which there was a day appointed agreeable to said Resolve for filling up the vacancy by the Company's choice, when John Hasbrouck, a person not belonging to the Company nor even to the Reg*, sot up or intended to set up for Capt. of said Company, which caused a great deal of confusion. We therefore pray, that we may be informed as soon as possible, whether it is the opinion of your Honble Body, that a Capt. should be chose or that the first Lieut, should be promoted and the other subalterns raise in rank & then an Ensign to be chosen, which we think is the most natural construction to be laid on the resited Resolve and if a procedure of that kind cant take place, your Honours may be assured, that Mr. Broadhead will resign and then a new Election must ensue, and in course more trouble of that kind ensue, but at the same time we are willing to comply with such directions, as we may receive from your Honble Body. We are &c &c &c. 2 See Pawling 's Reg', Wynkoop 's Co. Ulster Co. M". 58 Proceedings of ihe Provincial Congress. The Petition of John Hasbrouck & others dated at Marbletown January the 30tb- 1776 was read & filed. They therein remonstrate against the Committee of said town in denying them the privilege of electing a Captain in the place of Cornelius E. Wynkoop, promoted to a Majority. [The names of the members of the Company, who signed this petition, calling themselves " sundry of the melitia of Marbletown " and a majority of 59 to 20, were : John Hasbrouck Jacobus Rosa Moses Terwilliger John Keater Corn3. Van der Merck Severyne Hasbrouck Johannis Smith Jacob Keater Wm Keater Corn3. Connewey Jonas Smith Hugh Iiass John Pheulison Solomon Johnson Samuel Paine Sam1 Gibson Wm Dunlop Jacob Conner John Conner W™ Conner Wm Hardy Martin Bogard Petrus Smith jun Silvester Van der Merck John Beaty Corn3. Van den Merck John Van den Merck Solomon Van den Merck Petrus Smith John Van Vliet Casparis Shurtur Andries Davis Allick M°Ginnis Wm M"Ginnis Wm Benson Alex1 Munro Abr™- Rosa Jacob Clarwater Joseph Clarwater Thomas Clarwater Fred* Clarwater Isaac Clarwater Daniel Clarwater Corn3. Ceyzer Hans Sluyter Joseph Keyzer Fredk. Keyzer Johan3. Bartlefolk Tho3. Gainer Jacob Sielie Andries Keyser Petrus Van Leuven Wm Johnson Dirick Bush Tunis Rosa Dirick Sluyter Danl Van Leuven Joh3. Keater jur John Ennis Gysbert Rosa John Franciska Andries Fiere John Van Wagenen Martin Middagh Johannis Middagh George Middagh Abr™ Middagh Robert Beatty.] A Letter from Daniel Pye, Esq. Chairman of a Committee on the South side of the Mountains in Orange County, recommending sundry Gentlemen for Officers in the Troops to be raised in this Colony, was read and filed. (The persons recommended were:) Amos Hutchings Capt. Patten Jackson l8t Lieut Robert Wood 2a do George Johnson Ensign Arie King Capt. Wm Sicher 1st Lieut John D. Coe 2d do Peter Oblenus Ensign Nominated for Officers for 1 Company for the Continental service. Nominated for Officers for one do do New York in the Revolution. 59 A Letter from Egbert Benson Esq. Chairman of the Committee of Dutchess County was read and filed and is in the words following to wit : Dutchess County Committee Febr 8th 1776. Gentlemen : In compliance with a Letter from the Committee of Safety, 26th Ult°., this Committee proceeded to deliberate on every part of your directions respecting the 4 Reg'3 to be raised & in Continental pay for the defense of this Colony, and are of opinion that (notwithstandingherearenow in this County six recruiting Officers in the service of the Continent, viz*. Captains Billings, Rosekrans & Graham, & Lieut. Burten & Doty and Ensign Johnson), we shall be able to compleat three Companies. Accordingly we have with the utmost caution and Circumspection recommended the following gentlemen in the different precincts as proper Officers for this most Essential Service, Viz* : William Burker Captain John Lloyd 1st Lieut Nath1. Mead 2d do John Punderson Ensign Abraham Swartwout Capt. John Durlmg Is* Lieut Eli Pearson 2d do George Brooks Ensign Nathan Pearce jun Capt. Joshua Barmom 1st Lieut. Josiah Crosby 2d do Tho3. Oslrander Ensign The latter part of your respectable favor directs us to nominate two Gentlemen for each Office, that you may have an opportunity of chusing the one you think best qualified. In this particular instance we beg leave to observe, that the inconveniences to us appear insurmountable and therefore have tho't proper to desist from the mode. We remain &c &c &c Die Mercurii, Feb7 14th 10" ho. A. M. 1776. ***** A Letter from Major Gen1. Lee, submitting to the Congress . . . the Establishment of a Company of Artificers &c was read and filed and is in the words following to wit : , (Extract) As in all probability a considerable Body of Troops will be stationed in this City and its environs during the present contest, I would take the liberty to propose to the Congress the establishment of a Corps of Artificers, such an establishment is not only necessary for the different military works, but I apprehend it will answer very materially in point of economy ; there is another circumstance, I must beg leave to mention, it is, Sir, to appoint some person as Commissary to receive, take care of and be responsible for the various sorts of Mihtary Stores now in our hands. I am, Sir, Your most obedient Servant Charles Lee. 60 Proceedings of ihe Provincial Congress. In Continental Congress, Feb7 5th 1776. Resolved . . . That Gen1. Schuyler be desired to issue warrants for compleating the Regiment directed to be raised in New York for the service of Canada and that it be recommended to the Convention of that Colony, to appoint such Officers thereof as Gen1. Schuyler hath nominated. That Gen1. Schuyler be desired to employ such Batteaumen as are in or near Albany instead of those it was recommended to the Convention of New York to procure. Die Jovis, A. M. Febr. 15th 1776 ***** A Letter from Tho3 Palmer Esq. inclosing an agreement and the names of a number of [57] men, who have agreed to enlist under Mr. Wm Martin as their Captn in the Troops to be raised for the defence of this Colony, as also an extract of the proceedings of the Committee of New Marlborough approving of & recommending the said William Martin as a Captn in the said Troops to be raised, was read. A Letter signed by Capt. Samuel Jones and several others dated at Goshen Febr7 9th 1776 was read and they thereby request that this Congress will favour the County of Orange with part of the Field Officers for the Troops intended to be raised in this Colony and they recommend Mr. Israel Wells as one of the Majors. [The letter is signed by : Samuel Jones, Capt., James Sawyer, Jacob Arnout, George Thompson, Capt., Moses Hetfield, Capt., John Jackson, Capt. Dan1. Everett, Joseph Wood, John Denton, Wm. Thompson, John Wood, Jacob Dunning & Peter Gale.] ***** The Committee appointed to consider of the resolves of Congress, relating to the ensuing Campaign, delivered in their Report in the words following, towit : Your Committee beg leave to Report the following Resolves : Is*. That for the more expeditiously compleating the enlistment of the four Battalions to be raised for the defence of this Colony, it is necessary, that a proportionable number of men be allotted to each County. 2d. That a sufficient number of Officers be appointed in each County to command the men to be raised in the same. 3d. That in the appointment of such Officers, those who have served their much injured Country in the last Campaign ought to have the preference. 4th. That when there are not a sufficient number of old Officers, who chuse to serve in any one County, the deficiency ought to be made up out of those, who are recommended by the respective County Committees. 5th. That a letter be wrote to the several County Committees inclosing the 3d & 4th of these Resolves together with blank Warrants for the Officers to be appointed in each respective County. 6th- That two Gentlemen be held up by this body, to the Continental Congress, to fill each place as field Officers in the four Battalions to be raised in this Colony and that such Field Officers, as have not been in actual service, be chosen from the several Counties, where the men are raised, in as equal proportions as may be. 7th. That the Colonel of each Regiment appoint the Adjutant and Quarter Master. New York in the Revolution. 61 8th. That the Chaplains, Surgeons and Surgeons' Mates be appointed by this Congress. All which is humbly submitted. The said Report being read was ordered to be read a second time — and being again read paragraph by paragraph — The Congress agrees with their Committee in their said Report. Mr. Covenhoven dissents. Col. McDougall from the Committee appointed yesterday to report on Major Gen1. Lee's letter, relating to the appointment of a Commissary for the Continental Artillery Stores and the appointment of a Company of Artificers, delivered in their report, which was read and is in the words following towit : The Committee appointed to consider of and report on the subjects recommended to Congress by Gen1. Lee's letter of the 14th Inst, do report : That a Commissary is necessary to take the charge of the Continental Stores in this City and the neighbourhood ; that they recommend Mr. Hugh Hughes for that Office & that a letter should be wrote to the Continental Congress informing them of this appointment and requesting to determine what pay he shall have. That a Company of Artificers is also necessary to be immediately embodied, because the works to be erected will require the assistance of Carpenters and Blacksmiths without delay and unless this Company is embodied the Gen1, will be obliged to employ a number of Tradesmen at daily wages, which will incur a greater expense to the Public, than would be created by the Company above mentioned. — That they are of opinion, that the Company should consist of about 60 Men, Officers included ; that one Cap" and two assistants will be necessary ; that the Cap", of the Company should be a Carpenter and have the" pay of a Captain of a marching Regiment ; that one of the assistants should be a Blacksmith, the other a Carpenter ; that the assistants should have a Lieut8, pay in the marching Regiments ; that they are informed the privates of the Companies of Artificers in the Camp near Cambridge have 10 dollars pr month and that the privates of this Company should have the same pay. — That from the information they have received from the Officers of the Train with the Gen1, the Cap"- of Artificers has three rations, the assistants two and the privates one. — That they recommend Mr. Anthony Post as a fit person to be the Capt. of the Company of Artificers. All which is humbly submitted to the Congress. The said Report being read, was ordered to be read a second time and being again read paragraph by paragraph and amended was agreed to. A. M. Febr 16th 1776. ***** A Letter from Andries Onderdonck, Chairman of the Committee of Haverstraw Precinct, dated 30th January 1776 was read and filed . . . (containing the following list of names of Officers, nominated for the Regiment of Militia of that Precinct :) 62 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. Ann Hawkes Hay, Colonel. Isaac Sherwood, Lieut Colonel. John Smith, 1st Major. John L. Smith, 2d do. William Ryder, Adjutant. Garret Onderdonck, Quarter Master. Clarks Town Company. Pond Company. Hendrick Turnure, Capt. Arte Sm%th, Capt. Walter Van Arden, l8* Lieut. Jacob Polhemus, 1st Lieut. Thomas Blauvelt, 2d do. Walter Cure, 2d do. John Myer, Ensign. Tunis Thomas, Ensign. King Street Company. New Company. Jacob Onderdonck, Capt. Arie Blauvelt, Capt. Resolvet Van Houtin, la* Lieut. , lBt Lieut. Andros Onderdonck, 2d do. Hendrick Astler, 2d do. Resolvet J. Van Houtin, Ensign. Albert Smith, Ensign. Haverstraw Company. Kakiate Company. Edward Wm Kiers, Capt. Reynard Quakenboss, Capt. James Rumsey, 1st Lieut. Garret Eckerson, l8* Lieut. John Gardener, 2d do. Jacob Ten Eyck, 2d do. Richard Ackerson, Ensign. Roger Osborn, Ensign. Ordered, that Commissions be made out for the Field and other Officers of the Militia in the Precinct of Haverstraw. * * * * * Ordered, that Col. Brasher, Mr. Scott, Mr. Wickham, Col. Hay, Col. G. Drake, Col. P. Ten Broeck, Mr. Rhea, Col. Nicoll, Mr. Moore, Mr. Vanderbilt and Doctor TF*ZZm?res be a Committee to settle the Quota or number of men and Officers under the Rank of Field Officers to be raised in the different Counties in this Colony to constitute the four Regiments ordered to be raised therein for the Continental Service and defence of this Colony and that the said Committee report with all convenient speed.* Mr. Herring from the Committee appointed to take into Consideration the letter from the Committee of Marbletown and the application of , the Company of Militia there, delivered iu their report and the draft of a letter to the Committee, which were respectively read and approved of and is in the words following, to-wit : Your Committee report That it is their opinion — That the Committee of the Township of Marbletown in Ulster County have put a wrong Construction upon the resolution of Congress alluded to in their Letter and that in consequence thereof, they have erred in refusing the Company of the Southwest district of said Town an opportunity of filling up, by an election, the vacancy occasioned by the promotion of their late Captain — That all the Committee of said Township can properly do towards the promotion of * This Committee was dissolved the following day and a new one appointed. New York in the Revolution. 63 the Subaltern Officers of said Company is to advise the Company to do it by election, but in case the Company elect any other person, it is the duty of the Committee to return his name in order to his being commissioned, provided he shall have signed the association and belong to the Beat or district of said Company. ***** Col. Livingston informed the Congress, that the present Militia Laws of this Congress are materially defective — particularly that the Officers are not enabled to fine their men for disobedience or non-appearance, if they are summoned as a Regiment more than twice a year. Ordered, that Gen1 Ten Broeck, Col. Livingston and Col. Morris Graham be a Committee to revise the Militia Laws and report thereon with all convenient speed. Die Veneris, 3 ho. P. M. Febr. 16th 1776. * * * * * A Letter from , Chairman of a Committee in Westchester County relating to Capt. James Varian of one of the Companies of Minute Men in Col. Drake's Reg*, was read. Thereupon Ordered, that Capt. James Varian with the men under his command continue on duty, receive Continental pay equal with the other Officers and men in the Reg*, to which he belongs, until the Dispute of his Election be settled or the farther order of this Congress. A. M. Febr7 17th, 1776. * . * * * * Col. Livingston from the Committee appointed to revise the Militia Laws of this Congress, delivered in their report, which was read and filed and is in the words following, towit : Your Committee having taken under their Consideration the Rules & Orders for regulating the Militia of this Colony published by this Congress the 22d of Aug* 1775 and the Appendix thereto published the 20th Decbr 1775, Beg leave to report That the following clause be added under the third Resolve, viz*, after the word " Officers" : " But in case any Company, when met, should refuse to elect Officers, agreeable to the above resolution, that then and in that case the field Officers of the Regiment or Regiments in that District or Precinct together with the Committee of said District or Precinct are hereby directed to recommend such persons for Officers for such Companies so refusing to elect, as they or the majority of them shall think capable." v That the words "or recommended" be added in the ali ¦'% resolve after the word "chosen." That the second clause of the Appendix be added to the sixth Resolve of the Rules and Orders. That after the VI Clause in the Rules and Orders the VII of the Appendix be added at the word "and" , That after the VII Clause in the Rules and Orders the V in the Appendix be added. That after the IX Clause in the Rules and Orders the VIII in the Appendix be added. 64 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. That the following be added to the X in the Rules and Orders after the words "forfeit the sum of 40 s." : " To be levied on the Good and Chattels of the Offender by warrant from the Capt. directed to a Sergeant of his Company and for want of the Goods and Chattels to take the body of the Offender and him keep in safe Custody until! such fine together with the charges be paid (or for the space of one Calander month.) That the IX clause of the Appendix be incorporated into the XII of the Rules and Orders. That the additional clause at No. 8 in the Rules and Orders be left out and the following substituted in the room of it, viz* : The monies arising by the fines in any Company to be applied by the Captains, (who are to keep regular ace*, of the same, and annually to render said ace*8, signed by them unto their commanding Officer after paying for Drum, Colors and Fife,) towards purchasing Arms, Ammunitions and Accoutrements for such persons in such Company as are unable to furnish themselves — and the monies arising by the fines of the Field Officers to be equally divided between the several Companies for the above mentioned use. In addition to the Exceptions in the XIII Clause of the Rules and Orders, viz*. All commissioned Officers, that have served in the Continental Service, Members of the Gen1. Assembly, a Founder and three hands to each Furnace and two men to each Forge, and the people called Quakers upon their producing a Certificate from the meeting. That the X Clause of the Appendix be incorporated into the XIV of the Rules and Orders. That the XXI Clause of the Rules and Orders at the word " against " the words " Disaffected persons ' ' be put in. That in the XI Clause of the Appendix after the word " Officer," the words "of Minute Men or Militia " be added. That the following new Clauses be added towit : That the Committee in every district or precinct are hereby impowered to call in to their aid, when they shall think it necessary any Company or Companies of Minute Men or Militia in their respective Districts or JE^recincts, who shall obey the order of their Chairman as fully and as effectually as if the same came from their commanding Officer, subject to such penalties for neglect or refusal of obeying their orders, as are provided for refusal and neglect of obeying the orders of such commanding Officer. That the Field Officers and Committees in each District and Precinct have power and are hereby requested to call out the Regiment or Regiments in such District or Precinct as often as they shall see fit for the good of the service, and all persons refusing to attend, being duly warned, or attending shall refuse to obey the orders of the commanding Officer and Chairman, shall for each offence forfeit the sum of 20s, to be levied and recd. as is directed in the X Clause of the Rules and Orders. That then the IV Clause of the Appendix be added. All which is humbly submitted to the Consideration of the Board by your Committee. Ordered, that the said Report be taken into consideration on Tuesday next and in the mean time that the same lay on the Table for the perusal of, the members. * * * * * The Congress finding their more urgent business frequently interrupted and their time consumed in applications of a military nature, which might more easily be dispatched by a Committee for that purpose, and at the same time, less impede other public business * Further action on this report was never taken. New York in the Revolution. 65 Therefore Resolved, that Col. P. Ten Broeck, Mr. Roosevelt, Mr. Yates and Mr. Hobart be aCommittee of War, to whom the Commander in Chief of the Continental Troops in this City may apply for such advice, direction or assistance, as he may from time to time have occasion for, from this Congress Ordered, that Gen1. Ten Broeck, Mr. Scott, Mr. Gansevort and Mr. Gilbert Livingston be a Committee to prepare a Draft of Instructions for the said Committee of War and that they report with all convenient speed. Messrs. William Wilcox, Nich*. Fish, Capt. Jn°. Roosevelt and Lieut. Dixon of the first Battalion waited on Congress as by authority from the said Battalion to offer to the Congress their service to be taken into pay as Minute Men in this City ; — those Gentlemen asked sundry Questions of the Congress to all which they recd answers and withdrew. ***** A Return from Elihu Marvin Esq" Chairman of the Committee of Orange County, bearing date at Oxford on the 15tn Inst, returning the names of proper persons for Officers in that County was read and filed and is in the words following towit : In County Committee Febr 15th 1776. Gentn : When this Committee made report to your HonDle Board of the number of men they conceived this County would be able to raise for the defence of the Colony, agreeable to the resolves of the Honole Continental Congress for that purpose provided, it was a received opinion amongst them, that the men were to be Inlisted for not more than one year certain and a Continental member then present forwarded the opinion, — but Mr. Seth Marvin, whom they nominated & returned for Capt. of one of the Companies, Informs that there was no certain period of Inlistment, but that they were to continue in the service during the pleasure of Congress and therefore declined taking his permit, untill he had taken the further advice of this Committee. — The Committee would therefore beg leave to inform your Honbl9 Board, that they think it very unlikely, that they will be able to raise the number of men they proposed upon such principles and if they can,- they are very sure, that none but the lower class of mankind will inlist and these they conceive not to be the men to be depended on, whereas on the other hand, if men were to be inlisted for one year only, they are very certain, that there would be many Volunteers out of good familys, men that might be depended on and that would fight upon urinciple, if they were bro't to a trial. The Committee also conceive, that a certain period is necessary to Inlist men upon and if it was two or three years, that it would be better than during the pleasure of Congress, they would be glad therefore, some certain time might be fixed on, but if that cannot be done the Officers are willing now to take the permits and make trial, but fear the consequences. Mr. Nathan Strong, one of the Officers nominated under Mr. Seth Marvin will receive the permits for that Company. I am, &c &c. Elihu Marvin, Chairman. Ordered, that it be referred to the Committee appointed to settle the Quota of Men and Officers to be raised in the different Counties in this Colony. 66 Proceedings of ihe Provincial Congress. Die Solis, 10th ho. A. M. Febr 18th 1776. Col. Hay from the Committee appointed to apportion the different quotas of men and Officers under the rank of Field Officers to be raised in the different Counties in this Colony to form the four Regiments ordered to be raised in this Colony, delivered in their report, which was read and the same being read a second time and filed, is in the words following towit : Your Committee appointed to levy the Quota's of Men to be raised in the different Counties of this Colony for the Service of the United Colonies — Report, that it is their opinion, that the Number of men, that can be raised in each County is as follows : New York 8 Companies Albany 5 do Tryon Charlotte Dutchess 21 4 Westchester 2 do do do do Suffolk 3 Companies Queens 1 do Kings & Richmond 1 do Orange 2 do Ulster 3 do humbly submitted by your Committee. 32 Companies, all which is A. Hawkes Hay, Chairman. The Congress agreed with their Committee in their said Report. ***** A letter from Col. Swartwout was read & filed and is in the words following, towit : To the Honble Provincial Congress. Gentlemen. Whereas Capt. Billings from Poughkeepsie has marched with what men he had Inlisted for the Continental Service without any orders I conceive — At his arrival in Town made application to me to Join my Reg*, as he was entirely destitute where to go, I admitted him for the present to Join, 'till I could have your sentiments thereon, as it is essential to know immediately, as I must make a Return to the Gen1, of my Regiment and of the effective Arms and have them compleated to 20 rounds per man. New York I am &c# &c_ Febr 18*" 1776. jAC0B Swartwout, Col. Thereupon a draft of an answer to Col. Swartwout was read & approved of and is in the words following to wit : Sir. «. . I ^ ^ TOS read aDd immediately taken into'consideration.- The Congress are of opinion that Capt. Billings with his Company cannot be permitted to Join your Reg*, of Minute Men' but that he ought immediately to return and wait the orders of Gen1. Schuyler To Col. Swartwout. We are &c T.r tj i ~P.M. Febr. 18*h 1776 Mr. Hobart according to order reported a draft of a letter to the County Committee in each respective County in this Colony, where Troops are to be raised, which was read and a proved and is in the words following, towit : New York in the Revolution. 67 In Provincial Congress New York Febr 18th 1776. Sir : The Congress having determined, that your County shall have the opp7 of raising Companies in the four Regiments to be raised by order of Continental Congress for the defence of this Colony, have resolved that blank warrants for the Officers of the same shall be sent to your Committee. You will observe by the inclosed Resolves, that you are restrained in the appointments to give the preference to such persons, as have served their Country in the last Campaign, but it is not by any means the design of Congress, that men who have misbehaved themselves should be any further employed. — It is expected, that the people will readily enlist in these Regts as they are raised for the express purpose of defending this Colony & unless we raise them from among ourselves in all probability they will be sent from other Colonies, which will be to our everlasting disgrace. We have great Confidence in your Zeal for the Common Cause and trust you will exert yourselves, that these Levies be compleated with all possible dispatch. P. S. It is expected that each man furnishes himself with a good Gun and Bayonet, Tomahawk, Knapsack or Haversack and two Bills, — but those who are not able to furnish these arms and accoutrements, will be supplied at the public expense, for the payment of whieh small stoppages will be made out of their monthly pay, 'till the whole are paid for, then they are to remain the property of the men. 3 ho. P. M. Die Martis, Febr 20th 1776. ***** A Letter from Col. Swartwout dated this day, inclosing returns of such Companies of his Reg*, as are present on duty was read and filed and is in the words following to wit : New York, 20th Febr 1776. Gentlemen : By the within enclosed returns you will see that those Captains in Town of my Reg*, have small Companies, but at the same time nigh a full sett of Officers. I expect the following Captains in hourly, towit : Capt : Woodford from Pawling' s Precinct, Capt. Ludvnton from Frbh Precinct, Capt. Clearck from Beekmans Precinct, Capt. Du?'ling from Rumbout Precinct. — Should it be the same case with the last mentioned Companies to have so few men & Officers compleat, it will be necessary for your Honble Board to fall on some plans either by sending to the several Cols, of Militia of our County to draft a sufficient number of men to fill the within mentioned Companies or by reducing the Officers to a proper number. If you should Judge the latter to be the best — probably it would suit many of the Officers to return to their families, as it answers no good purpose to have so many Officers, when so few men, but on the contrary create great cost — as it is natural to expect where Troops are Ceap there will be disorders attending them — as we have no Doctor for said Regiment, should be glad that Dr Tappen might be appointed for that purpose, as we have an overplenty of Officers — I have no other view in writing the foregoing than to acquaint you with the State of the Regiment. I am &c Jacobus Swartwout, Colonel. 68 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. The returns of the Companies of Col. Swartwout' s men were read and filed and are in the words following towit : Jacobus Swartwout, Col. CD Lieut. Col. GQ EC <9 i3 Major. "3 ato go CD CD §< 3 aaa 60 o .5 GQ 13 o 2 H OB O O cu P U Captain Schenck 1 2 2 2 34 Captain Barnum 1 2 1 3 2 1 27 1 Captain Weeks 1 2 1 4 2 1 18 10 3 6 2 9 4 4 79 The Members from the City and County of Albany informed the Congress, that sundry mistakes were made thro' haste by the County Committee and Field Officers in arranging the Regta of Militia in that County, whereby many Companies were very inconveniently placed under Field Officers at a distance from them and in other instances Companies out of one Vicinity placed in different RegtB. That a more convenient arrangement of the Militia of that County is now made, but to carry it into execution, it will be necessary to have some of the Commissions altered and new Commissions issued in other instances, of all which alterations, amendments and arrangement they have now produced a compleat form or list. Ordered, that all the amendments and alterations be made and such new Commissions issued as will be necessary to compleat the arrangement of the Militia of the County of Albany* A Letter of the 9th Inst from Zephaniah Piatt, Chairman of the Committee of Poughkeepsie was read and filed and is in the words following towit : Gentlemen : Inclosed you have a letter to Congress in answer to one from the Committee of Safety of 26th Ult°. informing that 4 Regiments are to be raised for the defense of the Colony & desirino- to know what number of men can be speedily armed and raised in the Country. —For the reasons mentioned in our letter, you will observe that we have resolved, that only 3 Companies can be compleated ; however we conceive, that if it was stipulated, that these Troops are to remain within the Colony, we would furnish a greater number of men, as many would in such case enter in the service, who would otherwise be deterred thro' fear of being sent upon distant disagreeable service; for this reason we would wish, you would, if you conveniently can, acquaint us with the particular destination of those Reg*8 & how far we may venture to engago with Officers & Men, that they shall not be obliged to march out of the Colony. — Wo are directed to inform you, that the Committee recommended Mr. RoV Freeman for the Commission of 2d Major in Col. Sutherland's Reg* vacant by the Resignation of Mr. Cantolin. You please to procure & transmit us his Commission as soon as possible. We remain &c &c (facsimile) Zephaniah Platt, Chairman Ordered that a Commission be issued to Mr. Robert Freeman as 2d Major and transmitted with all convenient speed. * See Militia of Albany Co. New York in the Revolution. 69 Die Mercurii, 10 ho. A. M. Febr. 21s' 1776. *j The Committee of War having taken into consideration Col. Swartwout' s letter of the 20th Inst, with the Returns of the several Companies of his Reg*, now on duty in this City, & finding that there is by much too great a proportion of Officers for the men already here and that it will probably be the same case with the Companies now on their march to join the Reg*, are of opinion, that Col. Swartwout be directed to appoint a proper number of Officers to the several Companies according to the Regulations for the Militia & that he order the supernumerary Officers to return with all possible dispatch to the County in order to compleat their Companies. 2nd1 y That where any Officer of a Minute Company shall be unable or refuse to engage in this service, he be directed to supply their place by Officers of the same rank from the Militia. 3rd1 7 That the men be enlisted to conti?iue in the service till the first day of May next, unless sooner discharged. Mr. Thomas Smith moved and was seconded for the following amendment, to wit; " That the third resolve be obliterated." — Debates arose on the said motion and the Question being put thereon, it was carried in the affirmative .... Resolved therefore, that the said third direction in the said Report be obliterated. — The first and second directions in the said Report being read a second time, The Congress agrees with their Committee thereon. ***** P. M. Febr 21s' 1776 ***** A letter from Gen1. Scnuyler at Albany, dated Febr 15*h 1776, on the subject ofthe Canada Reg' to be raised was read and filed and is in the words following, towit : (Extract) If I do not misapprehend the Resolution of Congress for levying Troops for the Canada Service, the raising of Col. Van Schaick' s Reg*- is recommended to you as well as the providing them with the necessaries to enable them to take the field. — I have neither Arms, Blankets or Cloathing. These ought to be immediately procured. I inclose you Copy of my Letter to the Gen1. Committee of this County, which sits to-day, by that you will see what I propose to do. The nomination of such Officers as may be wanted, I must leave to that Bod}', which as it is composed of Gentlemen from every part of the County is more able to Judge of those, who are likely to raise the men, than I can be. My Nephew, Peter Schuyler, a young Gentleman of about 30 years of age, wishes to be employed in some of the Reg*8 to be raised in this Colony as a Field Officer. I should be happy, provided he can be recommended without injuring others, that may have a better claim or giving umbrage. (Extract from Gen1. Schuyler's Letter to the Albany Committee) : You will perceive by the Resolutions of Congress, that the raising of Col. Van Schaick' s Reg*, was a service intended for the Provincial Congress or Committee of Safety, but since they have sent me the money [$12500°°] and that the delay, which must necessarily be occasioned by refusing my Intervention may be prejudicial to the service at this advanced season, I will readily with your assistance undertake the business, provided you Judge it practicable to compleat the 70 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. Reg*, in this Quarter. If not, I would only issue warrants to such Officers as served in that Corps last Campaign and are willing to reingage, which together with such other Officers (of which inclose a list) to whom warrants were issued for raising Troops without designing them particularly for any Regiment (and three of which have already enlisted near three Companies) will I apprehend nearly compleat the number of Officers,— a list of which I would transmit to the Colony Congress, that they may be sufficiently informed to appoint the Remainder. Col. Van Schaick has my orders to inform himself, which of his Officers on this side of Canada will reingage, those in Canada will be provided for there. I am, &c &c. Ph. Schuyler. Die Jovis, A. M. Febrt 22d, 1776. ***** A memorial of Capt. Danl. Griffin, Capt. Jn°. Johnson and 13 other Officers was read and filed and is in the words following to wit : To the Honble Provincial Congress of the Colony of New York, now sitting in this City. The Memorial of several of the Officers in the service of the United Colonies by appointment of this Colony for the Duty of the year 1775, in the Northern Army, Sheweth, That your Memorialists having been called upon early in the present Contest, have willingly obeyed the summons and cheerfully entered upon any Command or duty assigned them, in full expectation of being on the same footing with the other Continental Troops raised for the General defence & whereas by good authority, we are informed that the allowance given the Eastern Army for Officers' subsistence is much more than that recd by your Memorialists, humbly request that the Commissaries may be ordered to pay us the difference of Rations, having some of us recd but one Ration and others no provisions since we entered the Service, — whereas the Capt8. in the Eastern Army have from the first of July last, recd. three and the Subalterns two, whereby discontents are arising to the prejudice of that service, where harmony is essential for executing the purpose intended. That your Memorialists being informed an additional number of Troops are to be raised in this Colony for the Continental Service, beg leave to remind this Honble House of the services rendered the public by them and other Officers in the late year, hoping that the appointment may be such as will not supercede any Officer, who served with approbation and merit tho late Campaign, not doubting but this House will pay a proper attention in the same ; we mean not to dictate, but from a tender concern for the Character and honor of our absent Brethren, we are constrained to offer our sentiments thereon, least for want of Information an unintended wound may be given to that delicacy, which inspires the Breasts of Soldiers and in a great measure urges them to noble deeds and carries them through the Fatigues and Dangers in the Field, and we must add that a Soldier without a due sense of honor will not only be very unhappy in Corps he may serve in, but surely cannot be entrusted with the Defence of the Honor or Interests of the Public. Your Memorialists relying on the candour of this House beg leave to sign in behalf of our New York in ihe Revolution. 71 absent Brethren, praying as our duty is for the preservation of our valuable Rights and Privileges and for those who have direction of public business for that End. Daniel Griffin* John Johnson2 John Hulbert1 John Grenell1 Andrew Billings1 Jacobus Wynkoop3 Nath1. Woodward3 Benj. Ledyard2 Elias Hasbrouck1 !-Capts Jacobus Rosekrans3 j Captains Benj11' Marvin1 Wm Browne2 Thomas Lefoy3 - Ja*. M. Hughef Abm Riker3 New York, Febr7 21s' 1776. Lieuts The Congress are of opinion, that the first part of the Memorial would be a proper subject of application to Major Gen1. Schuyler and Walter Livingston Esqre, but not to this Congress — and that the latter part of the Memorial is already answered by a Resolve of this Congress of the 15th Inst. Anthony Post, Cap*, of a Company of Artificers delivered an estimate of the Tools necessary for each Carpenter in his Company and alledges that it will save public money, to direct the Carpenters to furnish their own Tools and to increase their wages from 10 to 13 dollars per month. [Referred to a Committee, which reported, " that the list of tools exhibited by Mr. Post is sufficient for two men at least " and " that it will be a saving to the public to allow the sum of 10s. per month for the use of their own Tools." This report was confirmed.] The order of the day4 being again read, The Congress proceeded thereon — after some time spent and some progress therein — Gen1. Ten Broeck moved and was seconded, that as this Congress is not properly informed, what promotions have taken place in Canada, without which we may greatly err and do injustice to or neglect Gentlemen of Character and merit, .who have served during the last Campaign, that the further consideration thereof be postponed for the present & that a letter be written to the Delegates of this Colony at Continental Congress and another letter to Gen1. Schuyler requesting, what Gentlemen are provided for. Thereupon a draft of a letter to the delegates of this Colony at Continental Congress was read and approved of and is in the words following towit : In Provincial Congress New York Febr 22, 1776. Gentlemen : This Congress earnestly solicitous' to do the strictest Justice to those worthy Gentn, who so readily turned out in the service of their Country the last Campaign and being entirely uncertain, what promotions have been made by the Continental Congress or any acting under their orders among the Officers, who served in the Troops raised by this Colony, take the liberty to inclose to you the Rank Roll of our 4 Reg'8., requesting that you by the first post will inform us what promotions had been made, that we may be in a capacity to nominate to the Congress two Gentlemen for each Field Officer of the 4 Battalions ordered to be raised by this Colony — You will easily perceive, that unless we are furnished with such account we may neglect some Gentlemen, whose services may be of the utmost importance to their Country. We are &c 1 Third Regiment. ! First Keg*. a Fourth. Keg'. 4 " For recommending to Continental Congress Field Officers for the 4 Batt" to be raised in the Colony." 72 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. A draft of a letter to Major Gen1. Schuyler was read and approved and is in the words following to wit : Sir : We are ordered by the Continental Congress to provide for the Officers, who served in Canada the last Campaign, and understand that some of these Officers have been provided for by that HonWe Body : we should take it as a favour, that you would inform us, who those persons are, that we may be enabled to make a proper arrangement of the Officers to command the Regts we are to raise. We are sorry to inform you in answer to your letter of the 15th Inst., that we are unable to supply Col. Van Schaick's Reg*, with any arms, Blankets or Cloathing, having by no means a sufficiency for the equipment of those Troops, we are to raise. We highly approve of your application to the Committee of Albany for the nomination of Officers for Col. Van Schaick's Reg*. ; at the same time shall give you every assistance in our power. — We concluded that there was a large number of arms lodged at Albany, as but few of our soldiers have brought back their Arms, many of which belonged to this City, and we expected to have them to put into the hands of the Troops to be raised in this Colony and should be glad to know, what is become ¦ of those Arms. As soon as we can procure the necessary information of the Officers provided for in Canada, we shall nominate the Field Officers for the Regiments we raise, when the nomination of the young Gentleman you mention shall be taken uuder consideration. We are &c. i ***** Col. Humphreys informed the Congress, that the Minute Men of his Reg', in particular and the greater part of those of the other Dutches and Westchester Reg'8, inlisted in full confidence [that their pay] would be 53s. 4d. per month, the Continental pay of last year, that tho' many of them were lately inlisted, yet they knew not of the change of the Continental pay at the time of their Enlistment, That they have, since the publication of the present Continental Establishment been very uneasy, That if their pay is reduced to 40s. per month many of them will return from the service. Ordered, that Thomas Smith draw a letter on that subject, stating their Case to the delegates of this Congress & requesting them to procure the pay of last year's Establishment for those Troops. Die Veneris, A. M. Febr 23rd 1776. ***** Col. McDougall recommended Mr. Alexander Hamilton for Capt. of a Company of Artillery Mr. James Moore for Capt. Lieu', and . . . Johnson, who was in service last year & who was lately appointed by the Committee of Safety for first Lieut. Ordered, that the appointment of those Officers be taken into consideration to-morrow morning. New York in the Revolution. 73 Die Sabati 10 ho. A. M. Febr 24th 1776. ***** A Letter from David Pye Esq", Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Orange County to the Congress and two letters from E. W. Kiers, one to Jesse Woodhull1 Esq and the other to Thomas Smith' Esq. were read. They thereby state their difficulties arising from the following matter, to wit : That their County Committee had recommended Officers for two Companies to be raised on the south side of the Mountains in Orange County ; — That each of these Officers had been at Expense in preparing for the service and engaging men for a Company ; — That only one Company being allotted by Congress to be raised in that part of the County each set of Officers claimed the preference and that to rid themselves of Jealousies and creating divisions they had returned the warrants and submitted to Congress to determine and fill up the warrants. Congress determined that the said warrants be filled up in manner following to wit : for Amos Hutchins, Capt. 4 ho. P. M. Die Lunae, Febr 26th 1776. ***** A Memorial of Joseph Crane bearing date the 24th Inst, setting forth his services in the last Campaign and praying the Care of an Artillery Company was read and filed. Ordered, that the Consideration thereof be. postponed until the appointment of Artillery Officers is resumed. ***** Mr. Smith in pursuance of an Order of last Thursday morning bro't in a draft of a letter relating to the pay of the Minute Men, which was read and approved and is in the words following to wit : Gentlemen : The Continental Congress formerly directed us to raise Minute Companies in this Colony and established their pay when called into actual service to be the same with the pay of the Continental Troops ; at the time we'were ordered to form these Companies, the pay of a Private was fixed at 53s. 4d. per month and the men were raised on assurance, that they were to receive this pay and altho' some of the Privates have been inlisted since the 19'11 of January, when the new Establishment was formed, which reduced the pay to 40s. per m0., yet the Officers not knowing of this reduction, inlisted their Privates on assurance, that they were to receive the pay of the old Establishment. These Companies are now called into actual service and are in this City ; they express great uneasiness at being reduced to the pay of 40s. per month, while they were promised 53s. 4d. We are apprehensive, that the service will suffer by this uneasiness and as it is not in our power to remove the difficulty, we should be glad to take the sense of the Continental Congress and beg you would transmit it to us as soon as possible. It may be proper to inform you that the Officers are content with the pay provided by the first Estabhshment, tho' less than the last Establishment. We are, Sirs &c. To the New York Delegates in Continental Congress. 1 President of the Provincial Congress, 'Member for New York City. 10 74 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. Die Martis, 10a ho. A. M: Febr 27th 1776. * * * * * A Letter from James Duane Esq. one of the Delegates of this Colony at Congress, dated 25th Inst, was read and filed and is in the words following towit. (Extract) : . . . The Congress have also declared their Intention of promoting Capt. Henry Livingston, who came Express from Gen1. Montgomery with the news of the surrender of Montreal, when an Opportunity should offer, but nothing has yet been done in his favour. As New 1 ork was tho't to be in a critical State and no recommendation had appeared from our Committee of Safety of the Officers for the four Battalions, it occasioned much surprise and uneasiness and the Apology I was able to make, viz* the expectation of a meeting of the Conven tion and the utility of their advice, which indeed depended on my conjecture, did not prove satisfactory. — It was said, that while everything was done for New York at the public Expense, that could be wished or asked, they neglected their own defence &c. — This produced a Resolution, that an inquiry should be made into your progress with respect to those Battalions. — Those Circumstances, if my memory has not failed, are all that have happened on this subject and which will suffice to convince you, that there is no obstruction in the way of your nominating the Field Officers agreeable to the recommendation of Congress. — You will doubtless see the propriety of despatch both on ace' of your security and your Reputation, both of which no man can have more sincerely at heart than myself. — ***** Lieut. Col0. Ritzema by request attended the Congress — being asked what has been done by Congress relative to the 2 Regts ordered to be formed out of the Troops in Canada, — Mr. Ritzema says, that there are about 900 men in Canada, that they are the remnants of all Corps, which have been there, and cannot usefully be formed into one or two Reg*3. That the Congress have superceded their former order to form 2 Battalions out of those Troops — That Mr. Walker has informed him, that Gen1. Wooster had attempted to carry the order iuto execution and has failed — That he looks upon the Officers in Canada as unprovided for and that they look upon themselves so. — That a Committee of Continental Congress told him, that the Officers were to be provided for in the new Levies in their respective Colonies from whence they proceeded in the Service. That on the 15th'11 Novr Gen1. Montgomery new Arranged the Army and Mr. Ritzema read a Copy of the General's declaration to the Troops and the terms of New Enlistments. — That the Gen1, by parole appointed the Field Officers, — That there remained in the whole about 1500 Stands of Arms, about 500 belonged to this Colony; that about 150 he left in 3 boxes in his rooms in Montreal. That the New England Troops carried off with them about 1500 Muskets, taken at St. John's, and that Col. Warner's party carried off all their arms. — Lieut. Col" Ritzema then o-ave a particular account of all the Officers from this Colony now in Canada. 4*a ho. P. M. Die Mercury Febr 28, 1776. The Officers proposed for Artillery Companies in this Colony having by direction from this Congress been desired to attend and be examined by Captn Smith the Engineer, Col0. McDougall delivered in a Certificate, which was read and filed and is in the words following towit : New York in the Revolution. 75 February 26*a 1776. Agreeable to desire of Col0. McDougall we have examined Mr. Ja3. Moore & think him fit for a Capt. Lieut, of Artillery. Wm Smith, Chief Engineer' S. Badlam, Capt. of Artillery The said Certificate being satisfactory to this Congress, — Ordered, that Mr. Jas. Moore be appointed and he is hereby appointed Cap*. Lieu*, of a Company of Artillery in this Colony. Col. Sam1 Drake of the Minute Reg* from the County of Westchester attending at the door was admitted. He informed the Congress, that .four months, the time for which many of his Men had enlisted, was fully expired and that they demanded their pay. — That if he is enabled to pay them, many may probably inlist anew. — As Col. Drake has not a Muster roll of his Reg* with him, the Congress agreed to advance him £300 on account. ***** Mr. Smith according to order reported a Draft of a Letter to the Continental Congress to cover the list of Gentlemen recommended for Field Officers of the 4 Battalions raising in this Colony, which was read and approved and is in the words following towit : In Provincial Congress, New York, Feb. 28, 1776. Sir : In obedience to the Resolution of Congress, we have now the Hon1, to transmit a list of Gentn. nominated by us as Field Officers for the 4 Battalions ordered to be raised for the defence of this Colony. In this nomination we have endeavoured to pay due attention to the merits of those Officers, who served in the last Campaign and are willing to continue in the service ; to those we have added a number of Gentlemen, who now tender their services to their country. — As soon as the Field Officers are fixed by Congress, we beg their Commissions may be forwarded. The other Officers are appointed and are recruiting in different parts of this Colony. It may not be improper to mention, that some of the Captains and Subalterns, who served in our Reg*8 last year, are now in Canada. Those Gentlemen we have not been able to provide for in the 4 Battalions now raising, as we were uncertain, when they would return or whether they were not provided for in the Canada Reg'8. We were apprehensive, if we provided for them in our Battalions, it might impead the raising the Troops and thereby injure the service. — In Justice to those Gentlemen we thought it our duty to mention this and to enclose a list of their names and doubt not but that their services will be duly considered by Congress and that proper provision will be made for them, if they are not already provided for. We have the Honor to be &c The Honble John Hancock Esq Pres* of Continental Congress. The Gentlemen nominated, out of which to Elect Field Officers for the 4 Reg*s. to be raised for the defense of this Colony are those that follow, viz' : For Colonels For Lieut. Colonels For Majors Alex1 McDougall Herman Zedwitz Fred* Von Weissenfels James Clinton Peter Gansevoort jun. John Fisher 1 Wm Smith had served the year before as Chief Engineer under Gen1 Lee and one of the "Engineers of the Grand Army," and the year previous as Cap'. Lieut, of Artillery. He was probably from Mass. 76 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. For Colonels For Lieut. Colonels For Majors Rudolphus Ritzema Barnabas Tuthill Dan1. Griffin Peter Yates Henry G. Livingston Henry B. Livingston Corn3. D. Wynkoop Peter P. Schuyler Marinus Willett Philipp Cortlandt John Hathorn Com". Van Dyck John Lasher Egbert Dumont John Nicholson Seth Warner Gouvemeur Morris Jas. Benedict A Letter from Major Gen1. Schuyler dated the 21s* Inst, requesting Arms, Cloathing Blanketts, Pitch, Turpentine and Oakum was read and filed and is in the words following towit : (Extract) Measures are taken to compleat Col. Van Schaick's Reg*, and hope with the Assistance, which the Committee of this City and County affords me, that it will be speedily accomplished. But I am distressed in the highest degree for Arms, Cloathing, Blanketts & every other necessary, I must therefore entreat that those things may be sent up the soonest possible Capt. Horton of the 4th Reg' is willing to continue in the Service, so is Capt. Henry B. Livingston / I wish the latter could be promoted out of respect to his family as well as his own Merit. I am &c Die Lunae, A. M, March 4**1776. ***** A Letter from Lieut. Col. Lewis Graham dated yesterday was read and filed, — he thereby informs, that the Quarter Master of Col. Drake's Regiment1 declines serving any longer & recommending Mr. James Cock as a proper person. The Congress are of opinion, that the Colonels of the different Regiments of Minute Men should appoint their own Quarter Master and give them warrants accordingly and that this method should be recommended to Col. Drake as occasion may require it and order that Mr. Benson by letter inform Lieut. Col. Lewis Graham of the Opinion of this Congress. ***** A letter from Major Gen1 Schuyler bearing date the 27th February was read and filed and is in the words following towit : (Extract :) .... I wish it was in ray power to inform you what Officers from this Colony are provided for in Canada. — I have never been able to get a return from thence, since the. order of Congress for raising two Battalions there, but as one of these Battalions I suppose will be Officered by the Officers from this Colony, you may make a probable guess of who will not be employed there from the enclosed list, on which they stand in the Order of their Rank in the Army. I have also enclosed a list of such Officers as served last Campaign and are now part of Col. Van 1 Then stationed at Home's Hook. New York in ihe Revolution. 77 Schaicks Regiments. Capt. Billings and Hasbrock and Lieut. Whelp had Warrants for raising men, but as I have never heard from them since they left this, I took no notice of them in the arrangement of this Regiment. I am extremely sorry that you can not supply '* with arms, I shall not know, how to furnish them I shall probably send into Canada some Companies of Col. Van Schaicks Regiment before I can hear from you ; those Officers I will give Commissions to, as I have some blank ones by me. I have added Lieut. Col. Yates and Major Gansevort to the inclosed list, as they are at least equally entitled to a chance of preferment with any of the other Field Officers, altho' they are reappointed to Col. Van Schaick's Regiment. A List of Officers of the 4 Regiments raised by New York in 1775, now in Canada, as they rank, Febr. 28th 1776. Field Officers. Col. James Clinton Lieut. Col Peter Yates, at Albany do John Nicholson Major Herman Zedwitz do Peter Gansevort jun do Lewis Dubois 1"' Lieutenants. Lieut. Benjn Evans " Wm Gilleylen " Sam1 Sacket " Dirick Hansen " Elias Van Bunschoten " Aaron Austin " Sam1 T. Pell " John Copp " Benj* Pelton " Thomas Dewitt " Jonathan Pearcy « WmMcCune " Digby Odium " Corn3 J. Jansen " Mathias Clarke " Philipp Dubois Bevier Captains. Capt. Fred* Van Weissenfels " John Visscher " Barent J. Ten Eyck " William Goforth " Gershom Mott " Jacobus S. Bruyn " Elisha Benedict " John Graham " Robert Johnson " David Palmer 2d Lieutenants. Richard Piatt Joseph Fitch James Gregg John G. Lansing Runald S. McDougall John Houston Isaac Van Wert Daniel Gano Roswell Beebee Timothy Hughes Albert PawUng Garret Van Wagenen Alexander Brink Nich3 Van Rensselaer Wm Martin Wm Mathewman Isaac Hubbell James Dow Geo. Nicholson, now Town Mayor at Montreal. 78 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. A List of the Officers of the 4 N. Y. Battalions raised in 1775, who have accepted commissions in Colonel Van Schaicks Reg*. Capt Dan1 Mills " Joseph McCra,cken 2d Lieut Guy Young Is* L*. Andrew Fink " John Barnes. " Charles Graham " Moses Martin A draft of an answer to Gen1. Schuyler's several letters was read and approved and is in the words following, towit : Sir: We have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of yours of the 21s* and 27th ult°. with a list of such Officers, as have served in the last Campaign. We fear from a want of proper Information and the necessity we are under of immediately compleating the four Regiments ordered to be raised for the defence of this Colony, some Gentlemen, now absent, may be neglected, whose merits ought to be considered — In our confused state we shall endeavour to do Justice to Individuals as far as is consistent with the public service. In this arrangements Mr. Paine's* merit will be considered. In the appointment of the Captains to our four Battalions we have thro' mistake omitted Capt. Wynkoop, whose services during the last summer Justly merit the attention of the public; we would wish, Sir, it was in our power to provide for him on the Lake, as we are informed, he is well qualified for service in that department, but if it should not be in your power to provide for him, we beg to have the earliest notice, that we may appoint him to the first vacancy. TIT 0 "^ ^ We are &c, * * * * * Nich*. Bayard Esq. this morning attending was admitted. He informed the Congress, that a Grenadier Comp7 of Col. Lasher's Regiment had been the guard of the Records of this Colony, since they had been at his house ; — that he has been informed it is to be changed and their place supplied by another Company. That the said Grenadier Company have behaved so prudently, that it would oblige him to have them continued. The Congress took the same into consideration and thereupon ordered, that Mr. Smith, Col. Lott and Mr. Roosevelt be a Committee to speak to Col. Lasher and with him determine on what Guard will be proper and necessary for a Guard to the said Records at Mr. Bayards. Col. McDougall informed the Congress that it was necessary to have arms for the men of the different Companies now enlisted in this City, that they may have arms if called to service and that they may be enured to the use of arms. Ordered, that Richard Norwood, Commissary of this Colony's Stores, deliver tc Col. - McDougall or his order such arms and accoutrements from time to time in store, as he shall direct for the Troops and take the receipts of such Capt8., to whom such arms and accoutrements are or shall be delivered. [Upon receiving information, that the British were preparing to evacuate Boston and would probably try to establish themselves in New York the following resolves relating to military matters were adopted :] * He had been recommended to Congress by Gen1. Schuyler as having served in the " artillery way " during part of 1775 and desirous of continuing in it in Canada. New York in the Revolution. 79 (4*\) That circular letters be wrote to the several Colonels of the Minute Men and Militia in this Colony from the County of Albany to the Southward, ordering them to hold their respective Regiments in readiness to march with their arms, accoutrements, blankets and five days provision on the first notice of an Invasion. (5th.) That Col. Lasher and Col. Heyer and the Colonels of the different Regiments of Militia in the City and County of New York be ordered to examine into the State of their respective Reg*8 with respect to the number of men, arms, accoutrements and ammunition and Report thereon forthwith. ***** Ordered, that Peter T. Curtenius deliver to Capt. Lieut. Jas. Moore a sufficient quantity of coarse blue cloth to make a Coat for each of his men, — and Ordered that Captain Lieu*. James Moore or the Paymaster of the said (Colony Artillery) Company for the time being, take care to deduct the Expense of the said Coats furnished to each of the said men out of his pay. (A Letter from Captain Wm. Barker of Amenia Precinct, Dutchess Co., March Is* 1776, to the President of the Prov. Congress.) Sir. — I have received orders under your hand to enlist men in the Continental service as a Captain and am very sorry the privates are not allowed as much pay as our near neighbours in Connecticut, who are allowed 53s. 4d. for a bounty and 53s. 4d. per month, which discourages our men from enlisting in our own Province ; but a bigger discouragement I take to be, that there is no time prescribed for their enlistment. Also, one place the orders say, they (the soldiers) to find their own arms, and in another place, arms and accoutrements for the men &c to be provided at the public expense, and no mention is made of any advance pay, which appears to me that it will be absolutely necessary that they should have one month's pay before they march, in order to furnish themselves. Under these discouragements I find it very dull raising men. If, therefore, Sir, you can by a line by the bearer give me any further directions in these matters you will greatly oblige, Sir, your most obed*. humb. serv*. William Barker. Die Maetis, 10" ho. A. M. March *h 1776 * * * * * . The Congress took into Consideration the application made by Mr. Gilbert Livingston, one of the members, yesterday on behalf of Lieut. Lee with respect to some Minute Men, now in Col. Swartwout's Reg*, which he claims to have Enlistedvfor the Continental service, before they enlisted in Capt. Clark's Company of Minute Men. A Letter recd. from Col. Swartwout yesterday was read and filed — he therein alledges, that those Minute Men were enlisted in Capt. Clark's Company, before Mr. Lee had any warrant and that therefore his Regiment has the preference to their service, but that he is cheerfully willing, that they enter into Continental service, when his Regiment is discharged. Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. 80 Thereupon Ordered, that the recruiting Officers for the Continental service, who are employed in that business by virtue of Warrants from this Congress, be allowed to enlist men from any of the Regiments of Minute Men in this Colony but however under the following Restrictions with respectto the Minute Regiments now in actual service in this City and its environs. - That no man shall be allowed to leave the Minute service, till the time of their Enlistment as Minute Men is expired or they are discharged from the present service, or untill the Commanding Officer of the Continental service at this post shall think it necessary for the public service, that they should join their respective Regiments, into which they shall have enlisted. Mr. Smith from the Committee appointed to confer with Col. Lasher on the mode best to be pursued for continuing the Guard to the public Records of this Colony, Reported, that Col. Lasher be ordered to provide a guard of forty-eight men out of his Battalion to protect the Record of this Colony, That that guard be relieved from time to time by detachments from his Battalion or Regiment, so as to give the different Companies in the Battalion their proper proportion of duty and that 12 men of such detachment be the proper Guard for 24 hours. Resolved that this Congress does agree with their said Committee in the aforegoing Report. The Congress took into consideration the State of the Militia in Queen's County and determined that it would be requisite to have the friends to the liberties of their Country there and particularly those Companies properly regimented. — Thereupon Ordered, that Mr. Hobart draw and report a Draft of a letter to Col. Blackwell and such other persons in that County as may be tho't necessary. Col. David Mulford of the 2d Reg*, in Suffolk County pursuant to the Regulations of the Provincial Congress of this Colony, returned to Brigadier General Woodhull a Statement of his Regiment, which was read and filed. [A true State of the 2d Regiment of Militia in Suffolk Co. 10th Febr7 1776.] OFFICERS' NAMES. David Mulford Jonathan Hedges Uriah Rogers George Herrick David Howell John Dayton David Pierson David Fithian Stephen Howell Wm Rogers Josiah Howell Samuel L'hommedieu . John Sanford, John Qelston Phineas Howell Lemuel Pierson Elias Matthews Total Number. 18 9 1 36 92 60 124 5062 5478 58 670 New York in the Revolution. 81 Col. Peter Ten Broeck from the Committee of War, according to order, reported a draft of Instructions for the Barrack Master, which was read and filed and is in the words following, to wit : Instructions for the Barrack Master. That the Field Officers of each Corps in this Colony be supplied with one Room ; the Captains with the Subalterns of each Company together with the Quarter Master and Adjutant to be entitled to a Room between each two. The Officers' Rooms of the said Corps to be furnished each with 1 pr. Andirons, 1 pr. Tongs, 1 Table, two Chairs and one Candlestick. For every Room for Non Commissioned Officers and Soldiers of the said Corps, each room to contain 20 men, 10 Cribs, 10 Bedcases and 10 Boulsters to be filled with straw every three months, 2 Iron Potts, 2 Trammells, 1 pr. Tongs, 1 Wood Axe, 1 Iron Candlestick, 1 Table, 2 Benches and 1 Bucket, — and with firewood as follows : For every Room for Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates from the Is* day Octr. to the Is' April 3-8 *hs of a Cord of Wood per week for each room so occupied as aforesaid — and for 5 Weeks preceding the Is' Octr. and 5 Weeks after the Is' April 3-16 Jf of a Cord of Wood pr week and for the remaining 16 weeks 1-8 of a Cord per week. Die Jovis, 4a ho. P. M. March 7th 1776. ***** Mr. Hobart according to Order also reported a draught of a Letter to Colo. Blackwell and sundry other Gentlemen of Queens County on the subject of forming the Friends to Liberty iu their County in a Militia &c. was read and approved and is in the words following towit : In Provincial Congress, March 7th 1776. Gentlemen: The Congress being of opinion, that it is absolutely necessary, that the Inhabitants of your County, who have signed the Association & are friendly to the Liberties of their Country should be formed into mihtary Companies and regimented and be in a capacity of defending themselves if attacked — and being informed, that they have appointed a County Committee and likewise, that Committees are chosen in several Districts in your County that they carry the Resolves of Congress for regulating the Militia into execution and recommend suitable Men for Field Officers Extracts from a Letter from Genl. Schuyler at Albany, Febey 29th 1776, to Gen1. Lee, laid BEFORE THE PROVINCIAL CONGRESS MARCH 8th. Congress having ordered, that I should repair to New York to take the Command there, as soon as my health would permit, I have taken the liberty to represent to them, that if that Obstacle was Immediately removed, I should not be able to leave this untill the Batteaux now building at Fort George were finished and everything got into such a Train, as that your army in Canada 11 82 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. may not suffer for want of provisions, which it certainly will, if I quit this and yon Immediately go into Canada, where your presence is much, very much indeed wanted. ***** The Regiments to be raised for the Canada service in the Massachusetts Bay and Connecticut are not yet marched from thence, four Companies of the Pennsilvanians are gone on the fifth, the only one left here will march to-morrow. Three Jersey Companies are also marched and about One Thousand from this Colony and the Massachusetts Bays which I ordered to be raised Immediately after our repulse at Quebeck. — As the Jersey & Pennsilvania Companies are very incompleat, I have ordered all the men, that were raised by my immediate order to be engaged for the Campaign and to remain in Canada. I imagined that necessity would Justify this Step and I have informed Congress thereof and pointed out the reasons, which induced me to it. Three Companies of Col. Van Schaick's Reg*, are nearly compleat ; one of them is at Fort George and the other at Ticonderoga, from whence they will move, as soon as I can get a few men out of those others, to be raised in the Colony, to take charge of those posts. All the Troops that have hitherto come up, have been only half armed and I am greatly distressed to furnish them ; none of them had Mockinsons and great Number wanted Shoes, Mittens, Caps, Stockings &c List of Names of Soldiers' Wives, whose husbands were absent in the Continental Service in the Northern Department and who received their husbands' pay in New York, March 8th 1776 Sarah Halloway Sarah Wright Elezabeth Triglith Elezabeth Kip Mary Linck Mary Nearn Jane Quackenbush Mary Burrow Letty Allen Mary Miller Hannah Grant Elizabeth Pool Docea McMullen John Kidder Elizabeth Parker Elizabeth Van der Feeld Sarah Hesse Anna Maria Werth Catherine Ashfield Catherine Tayler Herwy Lower Elizabeth Dougherty. Catherine Mcintosh Die Saeati, 10" ho. A. M. March 9th 1776. ***** On motion of Mr. Sands Resolved & Ordered, that the armed Schooner Schuyler, whereof James Smith is Commander, lately fitted out by Order of this Congress, be ordered to cruize on the Southern shore between Egg Harbour and Sandy Hook, to protect all vessels comino- into this port, — And that the Sloop Bishop, belonging to the Provincial Congress of this Colony, now in Egg Harbour or supposed to be there, be fitted out for the like purpose, And tha Mr. New York in ihe Revolution. 83 Sands and Mr. Randall be a Committee to fit out and compleatly arm the said Sloop Bishop and to appoint a Captain and Officers for the said Sloop. ***** In provincial Congress, New York, March 9, 1776 Gentlemen : Your Deputy, Mr. Bancker has applied to this Congress to spare out of our present small Stock a little Powder to be sent to some prudent person or persons in your County for the defense of the friends to Liberty and their Country there. The objection to the measure is, that the Militia of your County is not formed agreable to the Regulations of the Continental & this provincial Congress. We therefore request you, Gentlemen, to have your County divided into beats or districts & take proper measures, that the Militia of your County be formed as soon as possible, agreable to the Regulations above mentioned ; — and the names of the Captains and Subalterns returned to this Congress without delay, that their Commissions may be issued. We are respectfully &c &c To the Chairman & Members of the Committee of Richmond County. Die Lunae, 10a ho. A. M. March 21s' 1776. ***** Ordered, that Mr. Randall, Mr. Rutgers, Capt. Denning, Mr. Van Zandt and Mr. Hallett be and they are hereby appointed a Marine Committee with full powers to take such measures & give such Directions and employ such persons for the protection and advantage of Trade, as they may think proper, useful or necessary. — And that the said Marine Committee have the Charge, Care and Direction of fitting out the Sloop Bishop according to the order made on the 9th Instant New Yore, 13th March 1776. Gentlemen : Having received a Warrant from your Honorable House for the purpose of Inlisting a Company of Men in Orange County to act in one of the four Battallions Raising within this Province for the service of the United Colonies, beg Leave to informe you, that I have my Company compleat as to Numbers and that I have Inlisted a Number of genteel young fellows out of Reputable families, who would chuse to cloath themselves Intirely, Receiv the Value of some things proposed to be given them, 6uch as hats Shoes Stockins &c in cash and beg your Indulgence In that Respect. Some of the Men would willingly find their own guns, if they are not already provided, but the most of them are without that article. I am Now in Town waiting the Direction of Congress. I am, &c To the Honble Provincial Daniel Denton. Congress for the Colony of Neio York. 84 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. A long Letter from Col. Abraham. Hasbrouck at Kingston in Ulster County, Alledging that he is superceeded in his Rank as an Officer in the Militia was read and filed. Another very long Letter from said Colo. Abraham Hasbrouck, Johannes Snyder and the other Gentlemen lately appointed to be Field and Staff Officers of the Northern Regiment in Ulster County and covering all the Field and Staff Officers of that Regiment was also read and filed. The Gentlemen who wrote the last above mentioned Letter amongst many other Childish reasons therein Contained for returning their Commissions having assigned the two following as the principle — First, As they were called Officers of the Northern Regiment of Ulster County, And Secondly that their Commissions bear Test on the date posterior The date of many of the Inferior Officers of their Regiment. Die Jovis, 10a ho. A. M. March 14th 1776 ***** The Congress agreed, that Col0. Drake permit four Men in his Regiment inlisted with Capt. Lieut. James Moore in his Artillery Company, to go into that service. A Certificate of Stephen Badlam, Cap', of Artillery, was read and filed ; he thereby certifies, that he has examined Alexander Hamilton and judges him qualified to command a Company of Artillery. — Ordered, that the said Alexander Hamilton be and he is hereby appointed Captain of the Provincial Company of Artillery of this Colony. Ordered, that Mr. James Gilleland be and he is hereby appointed Second Lieutenant of the Provincial Company of Artillery of this Colony. ***** (6th17) Resolved and Ordered, that the Colonels of the Regiments in Orange County on the Southside of the Mountains do draft out of their Regiments at least one hundred Men in the following proportions, towit 65 privates out of Collonel Hays Regiment and 35 privates out of Colonel Lents Regiment and as many more Men out of these two Regiments as will turn out Volunteers for that Service, to be immediately sent to this City armed and accoutred in the best Manner possible, who shall be entitled to receive the same pay and provisions, as the other Continental forces in this Colony. (7th17) Resolved and Ordered, That Colonel Joseph Drake and Colonel Thomas Thomas of Westchester County do draft out of their Regiments 200 Men in the following proportions, towit two Companies of 65 privates each beside the Captains and other inferior Officers out of Colonel Joseph Drakes Regiment and one Company of 65 privates with the Captain and other inferior Officers of Colonel Thomas's Regiment and as many more men out of those two Regiments, as will turn out Volunteers for that service — to be immediately sent to the City of New York armed and accoutred in the best manner possible and to be joined to Colonel Samuel Drake's Regiment and to receive the same pay and provisions as the other Continental forces in this Colony. (8th17) Resolved and Ordered, That the respective Commanding Officers be directed pursuant * Not on record. New York in the Revolution. 85 to the Regulations made for the Militia of this Colony to levy and collect a fine of Ten Shillings upon each of those, who do not appear according to the above Order and carefully receive the same for the disposition of this Congress or Committee of Safety. (9thly) Resolved and Ordered, That the Officers be in the proportion of one Colonel, one Lieutenant Colonel, one. Major, one Adjutant and one Quartermaster to each Regiment, consisting of six hundred and fifty Men ; and one Captain, two Lieutenants and one Ensign for every sixty- five private and non-commissioned Officers in the same proportion. That the Officers and Soldiers so employed be allowed the Continental pay and ten pence half penny per day instead of nrovisions for each day they shall do work. Die Sabati, 9a ho A. M. March 16th 1776. ***** The Congress was informed by Mr. Paulding, one of the members, that Capt. Jonathan Horton has recruited a great part of his Company . . . . , N. B. A List of the Names of the Men inlisted in Captain Horton' s Company is filed to-day.* Mr. Hobart moved, that a Capt. Lieutenant and other Lieutenants be appointed to serve in the Company of Artillery whereof John Grinnell is appointed Captain. The Congress thereupon resolved and agreed, that the undernamed Gentlemen be appointed Officers in that Company, viz*. : ( on his producing a certificate, that he has been Joseph Crane Capt. Lieutenant j examined & is duely qualified. George Fleming Is* Lieutenant Thomas Grennell jun 2d Lieutenant John Reed jun. 3d Lieutenant or Lieutenant fireworker. Albany, 8th March 1776. Sir. — I am directed by the Committee of the City and County of Albany, to transmit you the enclosed resolves. I am, Sir, &c. Matt. Visscher. Albany Committee Chamber, Is* March 1776. Resolved, That Mr. Thomas T. Williams jun be recommended to the Honorable Provincial Congress for Quarter Master to the Regiment to be raised in the Counties of Albany, Tryon and Charlotte. Also Resolved, That Mr. Peter A. Fonda be recommended for Adjutant to said Regiment. Ordered, that the members from Albany County inform their Committee that the appointments of Adjutant and Quarter Master for the Regiments is given to the respective Colonels. The Congress were informed by Colo: Jesse Woodhull, that through the unhappy dissatisfaction in the Company of his Regiment, whereof Silas Pierson has been appointed Captain the said Company will be useless in their present State and he therefore requested the •Congress to provide some Relief in the premises. 86 Proceedings of ihe Provincial Congress. Ordered, That a set of blank commissions for the Company signed by the President and countersigned by one of the Secretaries be sent up to the Chairman of the Committee of Orange County ; That he be requested to lay this matter before the Committee of the County and that the said Committee, if they should think it advisable, order a new Election for Officers of the said Company and fill up the Commissions for the Officers, who shall be so elected. ***** Whereas it is apprehended by some persons, that the Regiments or Companies of Minute Men in this Colony are not subject to the Command of the Brigadier General, within whose Districts they generally reside, Resolved and Ordered, that the Brigadier Generals in this Colony be authorized and they are hereby authorized to command all Regiments or Companies of Minute Men within their respective Districts in as full and ample manner, as any other of the Militia of their respective Brigades. Die Lunae, 4 ho. P. M. March 18*11 1776. * * * * * A Letter from Abraham Lent, Esquire, Colonel of the Orangetown Regiment, bearing date the 17th Inst., was read and filed. He thereby informs, that he received the Resolution and Order of the Provincial Congress of the 13th Inst, for sending a number of Men from his Regiment to New York ; he thereby proposes to send a Captain and set of Officers for a Minute Company and requests an Explanation of the Order, which he appears to have misunderstood. A. Draft of an answer to Colonel Lent was read and approved of and is in the words following towit : Sir. — We received yours of yesterday and have only to observe, that only a Lieutenant's party was to be taken from your Regiment — and as for your Minute Men, we would remind you, that there can be no such thing, unless a Company is regularly formed. Therefore advise you, to send down with all convenient speed the 35 men wrote for with a first Lieutenant and Ensign with non-commissioned Officers in the same proportion, We are &c. Colo. Ab. Lent. By order of the Committee. A Return of Capt. Benj. Egbert's Company from Beat No. 2 of the City of New York who had been on fatigue yesterday at the Fortifications was bro't into the Committee and filed. Captain Benjamin Egbert Sergeant William Ball l8' Lieut. John Stout do Edward Welsh Ensign William Houseman do Jacob Scudder Clerk Cosby Hunt do Nicholas Connery Drummer Tom, a negro belonging to Fred*. Bassett. Privates. Effingham Embrie Morris Earl Sylvanus Dickinson Tho3. Tothen Gilbert Giles Cornelius Van Ranst David Morrison Gilbert Giles jun John Shaw John Donelson Sam1. Haviland James Rogers New York in the Revolution. 87 Lewis Rogers Daniel McNeal Jonathan Hutchins White Matlock Wm. Matlock Garret Beekman Jacob Collit Wm. Wallton John Retgers Privates. John Webbers John Byvank Fred1". Shonnerd John Lockhart Francis Conniham John Fisher Charles Duryee Sam1. Connery Wright White David Plumb Thomas Budd Jesse Smith Fred1-. Bassett Jacob Watson Daniel McFarland James Durand Jas. McKenny James Mitchell Die Martis, A. M., March 19th 1776. Captain Blauvelt from Orange Town attending requested the sense of the Committee: Whether the 35 men ordered to this City out of Col0. Lents Regiment may not come down under the Command of a Captain & Ensign. The Committee are of opinion, that the thirty-five privates ordered from Orange Town may be commanded by Captain Blauvelt & his Ensign. The Chairman and Capt. Rutgers informed the Committee that in pursuance of the directions of the provincial Congress of the day of March Instant they had purchased a Sloop to be made an Armed Vessel for the defence of the Trade of this and the neighboring Colonies, That they had agreed to pay the sum of £430 for the said Sloop. Ordered that the Treasurer pay to Captain Anthony Rutgers the sum of four hundred and thirty pounds to pay for the said Vessell & that the Treasurer take Mr. Rutgers' receipt for the same. Col". Hyer, Major Malcolm & Capt Wool of the 2d Battalion or Regiment of the City of New York came into the Committee. They informed that they were authorized by the said Battalion to offer their Service as a Regiment to be taken into constant pay as Minute men. — After some Conversation on that matter the Committee informed those Gentlemen that they would take that matter into Consideration & give them an answer, as soon as conveniently they can determine. 4*a ho. P. M. March 19*tt 1777. The Committee took into Consideration the proposal of Colonel Hyer and the other Officers of the second Battalion of the City of New York, made to the Committee this morning and Thereupon came to the determination in the words following towit : N° 1. The Committee of Safety taking into Consideration the application of Coll0. Hyer respecting the Second Batalion of Independent Companies of the Militia of this City are willing to engage the said Batalion as Minute men on immediate pay to Continue two months upon the following Terms : Viz* The batalion to consist of at least 7 Companies, Each Company to Consist of 86 men including Sergeants, Corporals, drum and fife besides Officers, to have 1 Col0. 1 Lieut. Col° 1 Major 1 Adjutant 1 Quartermaster The Pay to be the Same as the Continental Troops with an allowance of eight shillings pr week for their Rations, & Barrack Furniture. The officers to receive Pay in proportion to the number of men in their respective Companies 88 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. — That is to say that according to the whole Number of men as many Officers shall receive pay as conformable to the rules of Discipline & Service shall be a sufficient Body of Officers for such a Command as the Number of Men shall amount to. The Committee then took into Consideration the Letter of Lord Stirling and returns of Artillery Stores wanting, which were received at noon; the same were again read and areas follows : Sir- New York, March 18th 1776. It is of the utmost Importance to the Safety of this City and province that all the Artillery we are to rely on be completed in every article. It was but lately that I could obtain a complete state of all the Artillery on the Island : It was then so near the adjournment ot your Congress that I did not care to introduce to it a matter so long in detail. I now Inclose to you a return No. 1 of the whole Artillery and the Articles wanting to Equip and Compleat them to 100 Rounds, by whieh you will observe, that all the Cannon below six pounders are in want of every Article and would take up more time than we can spare at present to complete them. I have therefore made out another Return No. 2* of all the Cannon down to six pounders inclusive and these if the work be properly distributed may soon be Equiped with every necessary and I must request that the Committee of Safety will as soon as possible take measures to have all necessarys provided and you may be assured that I will lend every Assistance in my power for forwarding the work. As I have no copies of these Returns I should be glad to have them sent back to me when you have taken Copies of them. I am To the Chairman of the Sir Committee of Safety Your most Obedient humblScd 43 ta o f£ fi" © p.,2 3fc ¦& CD CO -a oes IB *H - O 3 cd cd 1°4A rfl CU C o£ £~ ^ Ch S 2 O co CD - M o£ta <- a 5 5uo 2 mCD D.CO TJ ace a 4 tnCD a,ou catSf ¦a wCPCC 2 % 43 S§ n ¦e c w 43 CD CDCh ¦a Ih (2 COCD « oCD SI 3 B co3 3 ao EH 32 21 17 4 42 37 42 24 1 1 1 bU i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 3 3 4 10 10 2 8 S-00 5 7 10 10 in 10 10 10 12 17 1 18 14 8 38 16 WHl 7 10 18 18 18 18 18 18 9 14 4 a 20 14 8 50 lit 500 JIKHI KKKI 8 16 18 20 20 20 20 m 20 6 4 2 25 81 1 15 10 54 32 300 100U 15511 1550 31 31 29 31 300 31 31 31 31 16 1' & 3 2d Lieuts. in Orange Co. 1 Major, 3 Capts. 2 Is' & 3 2* Lieuts. , in Dutchess Co. 1 Col. 4 Capt. 5 1" & 4 2d Lieuts. Ulster Co. 1 L« Col., 4 Capt". 4 1" & 4 2d Lieut, iu Albany Co. 1 Major. 2 Capt. 3 1" & 2 2d Lieuts. The troops from Queens, Kings & Richmond Co', to be joined to & made part of the two New York Co-Battalions, Westchester, Suffolk & Orange to form one Battalion, one first Lieut., one Serg'., one Corp1. & 23 men from Albany Co. to join the Orange Co. detachm'. , the same from Dutchess Co. for the Suffolk Go. detachm'. and one Serg'. with 9 privates to join the New York Battalion. The 175 men from Albany and the Dutchess & Ulster Co. detachm". less the above deduction were to form a separate Battalion. New York in the Revolution. 113 / Resolved, that the non-commissioned officers and privates of the Battalions or detachment of the Militia raised in the Counties of Albany, Tryon, Charlotte, Cumberland and Gloucester and destined to reinforce the Army in Canada be allowed a Bounty of 4 Dollars each and that in Case the Continental Congress should not make allowance for the same, such Bounty shall be at the charge of this Colony. MONDAT AFTERNOON, JUNE 17th. 1776. Col. Remsen stated to Congress, that it would be proper to lessen the Quota of Militia to be raised in New York — Because Is*. Their Quota is too large and will take two men out of every five, which is a much larger proportion than in any other County. 2d- Because many of men are to be placed under Officers, not of their own Election, and 3d. By a draft the poor man who has no real Estate, and very little personal property, is placed on a footing with a man of Opulence. Col. Remsen further mentioned that £3 $r man Bounty is given in New Jersey and drafting thereby dispensed with and that they compute all men, who have there resided but 15 days. Col. Remsen thereupon moved, that the Quota of Militia to be raised by New York be lessened and after some time spent in the Consideration thereof, the said was withdrawn and the Congress determined & Resolved, that Capt. Hamilton's Company of "Artillery be considered so many and a part of the Quota of Militia to be raised or furnished by the City and County of New York. Thursday morning, June 20th 1776 The Committee appointed yesterday to take into consideration the requisition of the Committee of Dutches County, relative to the raising a number of men to keep peace and order and to suppress the disaffected in the said County, Reported as follows to wit : Your Committee do report, That Whereas there are sundry disaffected and dangerous persons in the Counties of Dutchess and Westchester, who do now greatly disturb the peace of the said Counties and will most probably take up arms, whenever the Enemy shall make a Descent upon this Colony, to the great annoyance of the said Counties in particular and of other the good people of this Colony — and Whereas by reason of the several Drafts, which have been made in the said Counties, according to the late recommendation of the Continental Congress, the Militia thereof are rendered incapable of keeping Peace & Order in the said Counties without great inconvenience to themselves and much Injury to and neglect of their private property, and in as much as the Interest of this Colony may be materially affected by the dissentions which may prevail in the said Counties while the Continental Troops are engaged in the defense of those Counties more immediately exposed to the inroads of the Enemy — Your Committee are therefore of Opinion, that it will be prudent to take into the service of this Congress 100 men in Dutchess County Officers included and 50 men Officers included in Westchester County, the said men to be raised in the said Counties , 15 \ 114 Proceedings of ihe Provincial Congress. respectively and confined to the Service of those Counties & to continue in pay until the first day of November next, unless sooner discharged by this or a future Congress. [After considerable debate] Resolved that this Congress does agree with their Committee in the said Report. Mr. Morris then moved that a Committee be appointed to draw up and report an arrangement of the rank of the Officers, of their pay and subsistance, as well as the pay & subsistance of the privates and the most advantageous manner to raise the said Men. [Carried after debate by 23 to 2]. Friday morning, June 216* 1776. Brigadier Gen1 Scott represented to the House, that the service rendered it necessary, that a Major of Brigade be immediately appointed to the detachment of Militia under his command and requested the Congress to appoint a person to that office. Thereupon Resolved, that Gen1 Scott be authorized & requested to nominate and appoint such person to the said Office as he shall think proper. — Whereupon Gen1 Scott nominated & appointed Mr. Nich3. Fish to be his Brigade Major and requested that he be commissioned for that purpose, which was unanimously agreed to. Saturdat Morning, June 22d 1776. The Resolutions for raising two Companies of 50 Men each Officers included in Dutches County & one Company of 50 Men Officers included in Westchester County were read and being again read, were unanimously approved of and are as follows, towit : ***** Resolved, That the 100 men to be raised in Dutches County be divided into two Companies, each Company to consist of 1 Cap* 1 Lieut 3 Serjeants, 3 Corporals, 1 Fifer, one Drummer and 40 privates, and that the 50 men to be raised in Westchester County consist of 1 Capt. 1 Lieut. 3 Sergeants 3 Corporals, 1 Fifer, 1 Drummer and 40 privates — That the~ pay of those 3 Companies be the same as the pay of the Continental Troops. That the Captains be allowed 18s. p' week. the Lieutenants do 12 do and the Serjeants, Corporals, fif ers, Drummers and Privates 8s. each W week in lieu of all rations and subsistance. That Melancton Smith be appointed Captain of one of the said Companies to be raised in Dutchess County and that John Durldn be appointed Captain of the other and that Micah Townsend be appointed Captain of the said Company to be raised in Westchester County. That the General Committees of the said Counties be authorized to nominate and appoint the Subaltern Officers to the said Companies in their Counties respectively. That the said three Companies be deemed one Corps and that Melancton Smith be Captain Commandant, that Micah Townsend be the second Captain in rank and that John Durlin be the third Captain in rank in the said CorpB. New York in the Revolution. 115 Monday afternoon, June 24th 1776. Resolved and Ordered,1 that Col. Curtenius be requested to procure without delay on account of this Congress and on the most reasonable terms all the coarse woolen Cloth that is for sale in and about this City for the purpose of making Coats for the Troops raised and to be raised in this Colony for the present Campaign, and if a sufficient quantity for that purpose cannot be procured in this City, that he send to the City of Albany & the Town of Schenectady & elsewhere & cause to be purchased, as much more in addition to the quantity purchased in this City as will be sufficient to make one Coat for each Soldier so raised and to be raised as aforesaid. That Col. Curtenius procure without delay at the places as aforesaid and elsewhere Brain dressed Deers Leather sufficient to make each Soldier as aforesaid one Waistcoat and one pair of Breeches and that he employ a sufficient number of hands to make the said Coats, Waistcoats and Breeches with all possible expedition. That Col. Curtenius procure one Blanket, one Felt Hatt, two Shirts, two pair of woolen Hose and 2 pr. of shoes for each Soldier raised and to be raised as aforesaid Saturday Morning, June 29th 1776 A Letter from the HonMe John Hancock Esq', of the 26th Inst, was read and filed and is in the words following to wit : Philadelphia June 26th 1776. Gentlemen. You will perceive from the enclosed Resolves, which I do myself the honour of transmitting in obedience to the commands of Congress, that they have appointed not only the field Officers in the Regiment to be raised in your Colony, but likewise a number of Subalterns — The reason, that induced Congress to take that Step, as it is a deviation from Rule, should be particularly mentioned. I am therefore directed to inform you, that in Consequence of their being furnished with a list of the Officers, who had served in Canada, they have been enabled to appoint and in fact have only appointed, such as were originally recommended and appointed by the provincial Congress of your Colony, and have served faithfully both the last summer Campaign and thro' the winter. It is apprehended therefore the Congress have only prevented you in their appointments and that the same Gentlemen would have met with your approbation for their services to their Country ; added to this, the last Intelligence from Canada, showing our affairs to be in the most imminent danger, rendered the utmost dispatch necessary, that not a moment's time might be lost. The other Officers of the Battalion I am to request you will be pleased to appoint and exert every nerve to equip the Battalion as soon as possible. — As an additional encouragement the Congress have Resolved that a Bounty of Ten Dollars be given every Soldier who shall enlist for three years. I have the Honr. to be Gentlemen &c The Hon61* Convention John Hancock, Pres*. New York. {Lewis Dubois, Major in the Canada service was commissioned June 25th 1776 with instruction to raise a regiment for three years or during the war. See 5th Regiment of the 1 Iu consequence of the Resolves of Continental Congress of June 19th. 116 Proceedings of ihe Provincial Congress. N. Y. Line. The other officers appointed by Continental Congress June 26th were L*. Col. Jacobus S. Bruyn1, Major Wm. Goforth,2 Captains David Dubois, Elias Van Benschoten,3 Tho6. De Witt,3 Isaac Wool,i Philipp D. B. Bevier6, Richard Piatt,* Albert Pawling,6 Cornelius T. Jansen, first Lieufs. James Gregg3, Aaron Austin* 3 Jonathan Piercy,* 7 Evans Wherry, Garret Van Wagenen,* Henry. Vandenburg,5 Nath1 Conklin, Henry Dodge,5 second Lieut. Is* Comp. Dan1 Gano,* Surgeon John Coates and Adjutant Henry Dubois,5 Commission were to be given them, as soon as their full complement of men had been raised.) In Convention, Whiteplains, Jult 16th 1776 ***** Resolved, that one fourth part of the Militia of the Counties of Westchester, Dutchess, Ulster and Orange be forthwith drawn out for the defence of the Liberties, property Wives and Children of the Good People of this State, and as at this busy Season of the Year the service may be inconvenient to many of them Resolved, that each man be allowed 20 dollars as a bounty with Continental pay and subsistence and be continued in the service until the last day of December next, unless sooner discharged. Resolved, that these Levies be formed into Companies to consist of One Captain 2 Lieuts., 3 Sergeants, 3 Corporals, 1 Drummer, One Fifer and 50 privates and that the Captains and Subalterns be appointed by the field Officers of each Regiment of Militia from which the quotas are to be raised out of the Militia Officers,' having in such appointment a regard to their respective ranks & the dates of their commissions if a sufficient number of them are willing to serve — If not that they be at liberty to appoint such others as they may think properly qualified. Resolved, that each Regiment shall consist of 10 Captains and one Surgeon under the Command of One Colonel, One Lieut-Colonel and One Major and to have One Adjutant and One Quarter Master — that the field Officers and Surgeon be appointed by this Convention and the quartermaster and adjutant in each Reg*, by the Col0 thereof, and the non-commissioned Officers by the Captain of each Company under whom they go into service. Resolved, that each man furnish himself with a Blanket & Knapsack and every six men with a pot and Camp Kettle. Resolved, that two deputy Commissioners be appointed to provide 4 months provisions for 6000 men, to be deposited in two magazines, one on each side of the River, at such places as his Excellency Gen1. Washington shall think proper to appoint. Die Martis, 8th ho. A. M. July 23a 1776 Resolved unanimously, that there be raised in the County of Albany one hundred and twenty- six men Officers included to be employed as scouting parties to range the Woods and that the 'See 3d and 5th Beg". »In 1775 4* Capt. 1" Reg*. 2a Reg'. Appd. Lt. Col. 4th Reg' Jan? 13, 1777, resigned Feby 28,77 "3d Reg'. - See Lambs Artillery »5* Reg'. 'Malcom's Reg'. '4">Reg'. * Resigned, because they considered themselves slighted. New York in ihe Revolution. 117 same be divided into two Companies to consist of One Captain two Lieutenants, three Sergeants three Corporals & fifty-four Privates That in like manner & for the same Service two hundred and one men be raised in the County of Tryon to be divided into three Companies each to consist of One Captain, two Lieuts., three Sergeants, three Corporals and fifty-eight Privates. • That in like manner & for the same Service two hundred and fifty-two Men be raised in the Counties of Gloucester and Cumberland for the joint Defence of both Counties and that those Men be divided into four Companies, each Company to consist of one Captain two Lieuts three Sergeants, three Corporals & 54 Privates. That in like manner & for the same Service one hundred and twenty Men be raised in the County of Charlotte to be divided in the following Manner, viz*. Two Companies each to consist of One Captain, one Lieutenant, three Sergeants, three Corporals & forty-two Privates and one Party to consist of one Lieutenant, one Sergeant, one Corporal & seventeen Privates. That in like manner and for the same Service two hundred and one Men be raised in the County of Ulster to be divided into three Companies similar to those of the County of Tryon. That one Company be raised for the County of Orange to consist of one Captain, one Lieutenant, three Sergeants, three Corporals & forty-seven Privates. That the Commissioned Officers of the Companies of the Counties of Albany, Tryon, Charlotte, Ulster & Orange be nominated for Approbation & appointment of this Convention by the respective County Committees and that the said County Committees issue Warrants for levying those Troops to such Persons, whom they propose to nominate for Companies. And it is hereby strongly recommended to them to nominate Persons of sober & active Dispositions for these Appointments. That the Commissioned Officers for the Counties of Cumberland & Gloucester be nominated by the mutual Consent of the Committees of both Counties and that Warrants issue to the Captains of each Company in the same manner as before directed. That the Pay of the Officers & Privates be the same as the Pay of the Continental Troops. That a Bounty be allowed to each non-commissioned Officer and Private of twenty-five Dollars upon his passing Muster. That to each Captain be allowed sixteen shillings, to each Lieutenant fourteen shillings & to each non-commissioned Officer & Private ten shillings per week in lieu of all Rations. That the Officers and Privates furnish themselves each with a good Musket or firelock, Powder Horn, Bullet Pouch & Tomahawk Blanket & Knapsack. That the Companies in the Counties of Albany,, Try on, Charlotte, Ulster & Orange be confined to the Service of those Counties, unless called forth for the Defence of a neigbouring County or State by the mutual Consent of the bordering County Committees of the respective Counties or States. That the Companies in the Counties of Cumberland and Gloucester be under the command of a Major to be appointed by this Convention. That the Major commanding the Rangers in the Counties of Gloucester and Cumberland shall march to the Relief of any of the neighbouring Counties or States upon a mutual applica tion from the County Committees of such respective Counties or States or upon an Application from the Continental Officer commanding in the Northern Department, provided that such Conti nental Officer do not call those Companies out of the said three Counties of Cumberland, Gloucester and Charlotte. That each Officer of the respective Companies of Rangers shall before he receives his Warrant 118 Proceedings of ihe Provincial Congress. take an Oath before the Chairman of the County Committee from whence he is to be recommended that he will once in every Month or as soon after the expiration of any Month as possible transmit to the Convention or Legislature of this State a muster roll of the Names of every Officer or Private under his Command and their respective time of enlistment and Service and that any Officer who shall return a false muster Roll shall on conviction thereof loose his Pay and be cashiered and forever thereafter rendered incapable of holding any Office civil or military in this State. ***** Resolved, that seventy-five Men Officers included be raised to guard the Stores and Vessels with Provisions & Ammunition in and about the City of Albany. That they be under the Pay of this State. That they be embodied into one Company, to consist of one Captain, two Lieuten ants, four Sergeants, four Corporals, one Drumr & one fifer and sixty-two Privates. That they furnish themselves each with a Gun or Musket one Pouch or Cartouch Box, one Tomahawk or Cutlass. That they be allowed Continental Pay & be subject to the continental Rules and Articles of War, And that instead of Rations the Captain be allowed sixteen shillings, the Lieutenants twelve shillings and the non-commissioned Officers and Privates seven shillings per week. That they be under the Direction of the Committee of the City and County of Albany & in their absence the Sub Committee of the City of Albany. That they be continued in the said Service until the first day of December next unless sooner discharged by this or a future Convention or Legislature of this State. Die Mercurd, 9a ho. A. M. July 24ttl 1776. On Motion Resolved unanimously that a Committee be appointed to enquire into and report what Officers were in the Service of this State last year who merit the further patronage of this Convention and to devise modes of providing for all such deserving Officers, who stood forth in defence of the Liberties of America in the Dawn of this dispute. Ordered, that General Morris1, Col0. Hoffman' and Abraham Yates* Esq. be a Committee for the purpose above-mentioned. ........... On the Recommendation of the Members from Cumberland County* The Convention unani mously agreed to appoint Joab Hoisington Esqr. to be Major of the Rangers to be raised in the Counties of Gloucester & Cumberland. — Ordered that the Secretaries prepare a Draft of a Commission for him. ....... Resolved, that the Treasurer of this State do advance the following sums to the Deputies of the different Counties where the Rangers are to be raised being one-half of the Bounty resolved on by this Convention for those Forces, taking a receipt of the several Deputies of each County for the respective Sums undermentioned, towit : To the Deputies of Albany County £600 To the Deputies of Tryon County 960 To the Deputies of Cumberland County for the rangers to be raised in Gloucester and Cumberland Counties 1200 1 Member for Westchester Co. * Member for Dutchess Co. * Member for Albany Co. * Sessions, Marsh sad Stevens. New York in the Revolution. 119 To the Deputies of Ulster County £960 To the Deputies of Orange County 265 To the Deputies of Charlotte County 575 £4560 Thursday Morning July 25th 1776 The Committee appointed to take into Consideration & Report the most proper Mode for employing in the Service of this State Mr. James Stewa/rt late Lieutenant in Colonel Livingston's Regiment, delivered in their Report which was read & the same being read Paragraph by Paragraph & amended was agreed to and is in the words following : " Resolved that the said James Stewart is deserving a Captain's Commission in the Service of this State & that a warrant be immediately given him to raise a Company with all possible Dispatch. — That the said Company ought to consist of Scotch Highlanders or as many of them as possible and that they serve during the War unless sooner discharged by this Convention or a future Legislature of this State. That the said Company shall consist of one Captain, one Lieutenant, one Ensign, four Sergeants, four Corporals, one Drum one fife and not less than sixty-two Privates. — That a Bounty of fifteen Dollars be allowed to each non-commissioned Officer & Private, that they be entitled to continental Pay & Rations and subject to the continental Articles of War, tiU further Orders from this Convention or a future Legislature of this State. — That the said James Stewart shall not receive Pay as a Captain untill he shall have returned to this Convention or a future Legisla ture of this State a regular muster Roll upon Oath of thirty able bodied Men duly enlisted . That the Treasurer of this Convention be ordered to advance to the said James Stewart one hundred and forty-four Pounds in order to enable him to advance the Bounty to those he may enlist, taking his Receipt to account for the same to the Treasurer of this State. That as soon as the said James Stewart shall have returned to this Convention or future Legislature of this State a regular Muster Roll of thirty able bodied Men duly enlisted, certifying that the said Men have been mustered in the presence of a Person to be appointed by the Chairman of the Committee of the City and County of Albany, or of a Person to be appointed by the Chairman of the Committee of the City and County of New York, that then and not before the said James Stewart shall be authorized to draw upon the Chairman of the Committee of the City & County of Albany for the further sura of one hundred Pounds in order that he may be enabled to proceed in his enlist ment, giving his Receipt to account for the same to the Treasurer of this State, — and that when the said James Stewart shall have duly enlisted and mustered in the Presence of a Person to be appointed by the Chairman of the Committee of the City and County of Albany the whole of his Company or as many as he can enlist, That then he shall be entitled to receive of the said Chairman of the County Committee the remaining proportion of Bounty due to the non-commis sioned Officers and Privates, which he shall have enlisted. That if the said James Stewart shall not be able to compleat the enlistment of this Company, that he shall make a Report of the same with all Dispatch to the President of this Convention or to a future Legislature, who will either order his Commission to issue, or to make such farther provision for his Trouble in recruiting as the Equity of the Case shall require. (£288 ordered to be sent to John Barclay at Albany for making the above disbursements.) That the said James Stewart shall be authorized to engage to each Man the sum of seven 120 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. shillings per Week Billeting Money till such time as farther Provision is made for the Subsistence of his Recruits. That the said Company when raised shall either be employed as an independent Company or incorporated into any Battalion as to this Convention or to a future proper Authority of this State shall appear advisable. Die Merourii, July 31*b. 1776. Apphcation was made to the Convention on behalf of the Troop of Horse in Queens County, —That they conceive it hard to be drafted with the Common Militia of Foot on the late Resolu tion of this Convention for drafting one fourth part of the Militia into actual Service; as they have been at the Expence to equip themselves as Troopers under the authority of this State. Ordered, that Brigadier General Woodhull determine as he shall think proper on this Appli cation and give his directions accordingly. Die Jovis, 8a ho A. M. August Is*. 1776. Resolved, that the Militia of the Counties of Charlotte, Cumberland and Gloucester in this State be formed into two separate Brigades, anything in the Resolution of the provincial Congress of this Colony on the 22d day of August last past to the Contrary notwithstanding. That the Militia of the County of Charlotte compose one Brigade and the Militia of the Counties of Gloucester and Cumberland the other Brigade. And Resolved, that Jacob Bayley Esqr. of the Township of Newbury in Gloucester County be appointed Brigadier General of the Militia of the Counties of Gloucester & Cumberland. That Simon Stevens Esq1, of the Township of Springfield in the County of Cumberland be appointed Major of Brigade of the said Brigade and that Commissions issue for these Gentlemen immediately. Saturday Morning, August 3d 1776. A letter from Silvester Salisbury Esq. Captain of the Troop of horse in Ulster County dated the first instant was read and filed. He therein mentions, that Col0. Joh". Snyder in consequence of the late Resolutions of this Convention for drafting one fourth part of the Militia of Ulster County had directed that the said Troop of horse (whereof he is Captain) should be drafted. That the Troopers are ready to serve as horsemen, but refuse to serve [on foot] . He requests directions in the premises. The Convention took the same into Consideration and thereupon Resolved, that the Troopers in the several Troops of Horse in the Militia of this State embodied by & under the authority of the said State, who have provided themselves with proper Horses and accoutrements as Troopers be not compelled to serve as foot soldiers. New York in the Revolution. 121 Die MERcuRn, 8a ho. A. M. August 7th. 1776 The Committee to whom was referred the Consideration of the State of the Troopers in the Militia reported the following Resolutions, which were unanimously resolved on and agreed to : Whereas, the Service of Troopers does materially differ from that of others in the Militia, whereby it may frequently happen, that Horse may not be necessary for the Defence of the State at the same Time with Foot and on the Contrary Foot may not be necessary at the same Time with Horse or when both are necessary yet not in equal Proportions Therefore Resolved unanimously, that the Establishment of the Troopers 6hall be considered as totally different from that of the other Militia in this State, so that any general Orders for drafting the Militia shall apply only to the Foot Soldiers and any general Orders for the Troops of Horse shall apply only to them. Whereas the Defence of this State may require the immediate Service of the "several Troops of Horse in the Counties of Orange, Ulster, Dutchess & Westchester, Therefore Resolved, unani mously, that Gen1. Clinton be and he is hereby empowered to order out the whole or any Part or Detachment of the said Troops or either of them for such Time or Times, as he may think necessary until the last day of December next, unless otherwise ordered by this Convention or a future executive Power of this State & that provision shall be made for their Pay & Subsistence. Die Jovis 4a ho A. M. Aug* 8th 1776. Resolved, unanimously that Brigadier General Clinton be and he is hereby appointed to the command of all the Levies raised and to be raised in the Counties of Ulster, Orange & Westchester agreeable to the Resolution of this Convention of the (16th) day of July last. Resolved, that General Clinton be informed of his appointment and directed immediately to send Express to the Counties of Ulster, Dutchess, Orange and Westchester and order them to hasten their Levies and to march them down to the Fort now erected on the North Side of Kings Bridge, leaving 200 men under the command of a Brave and able Officer to take possession of and throw up works at the pass of Anthony's Nose. Resolved, that General Clinton be requested to order the Troops of Horse belonging to the Counties of Ulster, Orange and Westchester immediately to march to such Posts as he may think proper, that they should occupy in order to watch the motions of the Enemy's Ships of War now in Hudson River. Resolved, that Captain Abraham Ledieu be and is hereby authorized to raise one Company of Volunteers to serve in the Regiment of Militia of West Chester County called into Service and commanded by Colo. Thomas and that so many of the said Company as do now belong to the Militia of West Chester County be considered as part of the number ordered to be raised by drafts from the respective Regiments of the said Militia to which they do belong, And ordered that Lieut. Colo. Hamman and the Major of the said Regiment do determine on the Subalterns, who shall be called into Service in that Company, having regard to the Rank of the Officers of the Regiment to which they belong agreeable to the Resolutions of this Conven tion for calling out part of that Regiment into actual Service and ordered farther that the said Capt. Ledieu apply to Colo. Thomas for a proportion of Bounty money for his Men and Shew him this Copy of our Resolution — and that Capt. Le Dieu join Col. Thomas's Regiment with his said Company as soon as possible. 16 122 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. Friday Morning, Aug* 9th. 1776. Resolved unanimously, that the Company of Artillery formerly raised by Captain Hamilton under the authority of this State be according to a resolution of the late Convention of the day of June last considered as a part of the number ordered to be raised by the Continental Congress from the Militia of this State and therefore that the said Company be and hereby is incorporated into Gen1. Scott's Brigade. A. M. Saturday 10 Aug*. 1776. Whereas a number of the Inhabitants of this State by removing from one County to another have by that means avoided Military duty in either to the great injury of this State, Therefore be it Resolved and it is hereby Resolved that every person between the age of 16 & 50 abiding & continuing in any County for the space of 14 days be enrolled and appear in the Militia of 'the County in which he so abided under the penalty of 40s for every day's difference on which he or they shall not be so enrolled once after notice is given him or them by the Officer of the Beat in which they shall reside, Provided always that this Resolution shall not extend to such persons as are in the Service of this State or of the Continental Congress. Resolved, that 1-5 part of the Militia of the County of Albany be immediately drafted and marched with the utmost Expedition to the Encampment to the Northward of Kings Bridge to continue in Service one Month after their arrival at the said Encampment unless sooner discharged, and that the Officers commanding this reinforcement be appointed by the Brigadier General or Commander in Chief of the Militia of that Brigade, who is desired to pay all proper attention to the Rank of the respective Officers. Resolved, that one half of the Militia of Kings and Queens Counties be immediately ordered to march and put themselves under the Command of the Officer commanding the Continental Troops on Nassau Island to be continued in service until the 1st day of September next, unless sooner discharged by order of this Convention. Resolved, that the above Levies be formed into Companies to consist of One Captain, Two Lieutenants, Three Sergeants, Three Corporals, One Drummer, one Fifer and 50 privates and that the Captains and Subalterns be appointed by the Field Officers of each Regiment of the Militia from which the quotas are to be raised, out of the Militia Officers, having in such appoint ments regard to their Rank and the dates of their Commissions, if a sufficient number of such are willing to serve, if not, that they be at liberty to appoint such others as they may think properly qualified, and that the non-commissioned Officers be appointed by the Captains of each Company, under whom they are to serve. Resolved, that those Troops (to) be raised in the County of Albany shall be under the Command of One Col0., One Lieut. Col0, and One Major and have One Adjutant, One Quarter Master and One Surgeon. The field Officers of the Levies to be raised in the County of Albany to be appointed by the Brigadier General and the County Committee of the said County. — The Troops or Levies to be raised in Kings and Queens Counties to be formed into one Regiment to be under the command of One Colonel, One Lieut. Colonel and One Major and have One Adju tant and One Quarter Master. The field Officers of those to be raised in the Counties of King New York in ihe Revolution. 123 and Queens to be appointed by this Convention and the Adjutant and Quarter Master of each Reg' to be appointed by the Colonel of such Regiment. Resolved, that each man be furnished with a good musket or firelock, bayonet or Tomahawk, a Blanket and Knapsack, and every six men with a Pot or Camp Kettle, and to the intent that the Levies so raised may not be unfurnished with arms, the Committees in the different Townships and Districts in the said Counties and the Colonels of the Regiments are hereby impowered to furnish all such as have no arms by taking them from those who are not drafted and such other persons in the districts as have arms, the same being valued by the Committee of each District, the amount of such valuation hereafter to be paid to the proprietors of said arms by this Conven tion or the Arms to be restored in the same Order to their former proprietors, and that One penny per mile be allowed during their March for subsistence money and one days pay for every 20 Miles between home and rendezvous going and coming. Resolved that the Officers and men who compose this Reg*, shall receive Continental pay and Rations during the time they are in Service agreeable to their several ranks. Resolved, that the resolutions of this Convention relative to calling out every 5th man from the militia of the County of Albany be submitted to Gen1. Washington, and if he shall think them necessary, be sent to the Brigadier General of the County of Albany by Express. Resolved, that General Morris be desired to order out his whole Brigade with five days provisions, to take possession of such parts of the sound and Hudsons River, as he thinks most exposed to the Enemy and that the said Militia continue in Service and under Continental pay and subsistence for 10 days unless sooner discharged by this Convention, that each man who shall not have arms bring with him a Shovel, Spade or Pick axe or a Scythe streightened and fixed on a Pole. Resolved unanimously, that wnenever the whole Militia of any County in this State shall be ordered to march, that they bring with them all the disarmed and disaffected male Inhabitants from 16 to 55 years of age, who shall serve as fatigue men to the Respective Regiments. [Colonels or other commanding Officers of Regiments, also Captains or their substitutes, who refuse or neglect to obey orders for marching, to be suspended by the Generals of the respective Brigades and tried by Court Martial with a view of cashiering and rendering such Officer incapable of •holding again a military commission. The estate of any man, drafted as above and refusing to march, to be-assessed for enough money to hire a substitute, but not more than £30, the man remaining liable to other drafts.] August 12th. 1776 The HonWe The Convention of the State of New York. Gentlemen. It is necessary I should inform you, that there is at present a vacancy in my Company, arising from the promotion of Lieut. Johnson to a Captaincy in one of the Row Gallies (which command however he has since resigned for a very particular reason): As Artillery Officers are scarce in proportion to the call for them and as myself and the remaining Officers sustain an extraordinary weight of duty on account of the present vacancy, I shall esteem it a favour, if you will be pleased 124 Proceedings of ihe Provincial Congress. as soon as possible to make up my deficiency by a new appointment. — It would be productive of much inconveniency, should not the inferior Officers succeed in course and from this consideration I doubt not you will think it proper to advance Mr. Gilleland and Mr. Bean and fill up the third Lieutenancy with some other person. — I would beg the liberty warmly to recommend to your attention Thomas Thompson, now first Sergeant in my Company, a man highly deserving of notice and preferment. He has discharged his duties in his present Station with uncommon fidelity, assiduity and expertness. He is a very good disciplinarian, possesses the advantage of having seen a good deal of service in Germany, has a tolerable share of common sense & is well calculated not to disgrace the rank of an Officer & Gentleman ; In a word I verily believe he will make an excellent Lieut, and his advancement will be a great encouragement and benefit to my Company in particular and will be an animating example to all men of merit to whose knowledge it comes. Myself and my Officers will be much obliged to the Honble Convention to favour us with our commissions with all convenient speed, as they may be highly requisite under some circumstances, that may possibly hereafter arise. I am &c &c A. Hamilton, Cap*, of New York Battery. Ordered, that Col0. Livingston call on Cap*. Hamilton & inquire into this Matter and report to this House. A Letter from Col0. Remsen to Mr. John McKesson, informing that Col. Covenhoven of Kings County Militia requests Commissions for the following Officers, to Command the Drafts of the Militia in the said County, pursuant to the Resolves of this Convention of the Inst, to wit : Thomas Lane Cap*., Nich3 Van Brunt Is' Lieut., Mich1. Van Cleef 2d Lieut, for one Com pany, Harmanus Casper Lieut, to command 20 men, but to be under the command of Capt. Lane, — these not being Officers of the Militia, was read and committed to Col. Blackwell, Mr. Harper & Mr. Wisner. Thursday, A. M. Aug8* 15th. 1776. Col. Livingston, who was directed to inquire into the facts stated by Capt. Alex. Hamilton's letter read yesterday — Reported that the facts stated by Capt. Hamilton are correct, Thereupon Resolved, That whereas Thomas Thompson late a Sergeant in Capt. Hamilton's Company of Artillery has been represented to this Convention as a person, who has discharged his duty in his Office as aforesaid with uncommon Fidelity, Assiduity and Expertness, Therefore Resolved that the said Thomas Thompson be promoted "to the rank of a Lieu* in the said Company, and that this Convention will exert themselves in promoting from time to time such privates and non commissioned Officers in the Service of this State, as shall distinguish themselves by their Sobriety, Valour and Subordination to their Officers. Ordered, that this Resolution be published in the newspapers of this State. New York in the Revolution. 125 Die Veneris, 9a A. M. August 16th 1776 Two Letters from the Secret Committee at Poughkeepsie by Capt. Henry Benson was read & is in the words following to wit : Poughkeepsie, August 13th 1776. Sir : Among other measures devised for the defense of Hudsons River we have purchased and are fitting out Two Sloops, each of them more than a match for a Tender. We have given Capt. Benson the command of one, Capt. Casewell of the other. — It will be impracticable to get a sufficient number of men for them here, or in our opinion elsewhere, unless permission be given to the Capts. to inlist them from among the new Levies. We have written to Gen1. Washington on the subject and hope this expedient will meet with the approbation of the Convention. The State of Connecticut has sent us 20 Canon ten Twelves and ten six pounders with 50 rounds of shot to each Cannon. We find it necessary to direct Capt. Benson to endeavour to purchase at New York a number of Articles for the armed Vessels now fitting out here, which we cannot procure at this place and beg that all possible assistance may be given him. ........ We are &c &c. Rob*. Yates, Chairman. Ordered, that the said letters be referred to Mr. Duer & Col. De Witt — Mr. Duer . having reported thereon, the Convention agreed to a Recital in the words following namely : Whereas the Secret Committee, appointed by this Convention to devise means for annoying the Enemies Ships and obstructing the Navigation of Hudsons River, having by their letter recd this day informed the Convention of their fitting out two armed Vessels at Poughkeepsie and giving the command of one of them to Capt. Henry Benson, who they have sent down to New York to procure and purchase sundry Articles necessarily required in fitting out said Vessels and request the Convention to supply Capt. Benson with money for that purpose. Ordered that Peter V. B. Livingston Esqr. as Treasurer of this Convention advance to Capt. Henry Benson the sum of £500 for the purpose aforesaid and take his receipt for the same. Die Lunae, 9a ho. A. M. Aug* 19th 1776 The Case of Capt. John Wisner stated as follows, towit : That he had enlisted about 20 Riflemen in Orange County and about 20 at Susquehanna, that the men in Orange County thro' means of the Committee have enlisted in the Militia, That he has been ordered by tho Field Officers of the Militia of Orange County with a Lieut, to raise 38 men of the Militia for the present Service, that he has enlisted upwards of 40 men, that by a letter from H. Wisner Esqr. he has permission to fill up that Company, but that without part of the Bounty he cannot supply his men with arms. 126 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. Ordered, that Mr. Socket & Mr. Tredwell be a Committee to report thereon with all con-, venient speed1. . . . . . . . : • A Letter from General Morris dated yesterday at New Rochelle was read ; he signifies the opinion that it would be most prudent to discharge the Militia of his Brigade at present, with Orders to hold themselves in readiness to march on the first notice. Ordered, that Mr. Jos&. Smith enquire of his Excellency General Washington, whether the discharge of that Brigade at present will interfere with any plan he has laid or directions, which he may have given for the defence of that part of the County and if their discharge will not interfere with such plan or direction, that they be discharged. Die Sabbati, 4a ho. P. M. Aug*. 24th. 1776 ***** 5th. Resolved unanimously that such of the . Militia of Gen1. Woodhull' s Brigade as are or shall be in actual service, shall be entitled to Continental pay & rations agreeable to their respective Ranks. 6th. Resolved unanimously that Robert Townsend? be a Commissary to supply the Brigade with provisions till such time as Gen1. Washington shall give further Orders for that purpose. . . . Ordered, that the Committee submit to his Excellencys Consideration the propriety of Order ing Col. Smith's and Col. Remsen' s Reg*8, of Militia to join the said Brigade. Mondat Morning, August 26th 1776 The Committee appointed to wait on Gen1. Washington with the Resolutions for carrying out the Western Suffolk Reg*, and Queens County Militia to prevent the Stock falling in the Enemies hands do Report, that according to orders they waited on his Excellency that he would immediately give Orders that Col. Smith's and Remsen' s Reg*8, should march into Queens County to Join Gen1. Woodhull3 and as to calling out any more of the Militia, he asked what time we thought it would take to have the Militia of Westchester County Imbodyed, we told him we thought at least 4 or 5 days, upon which he made no reply. Your Committee do further report, it was the Generals opinion, that our Commissary should continue to supply the Troops under Brigadier General Woodhull and that he consult with the Commissary General, that they might not interfere with one another in purchasing provisions. Sam1. Townsend William Smith. Ordered that 50 Blank Commissions be sent to the Committee of the County of Albany. 1 He was allowed $580.00 to enable him to pay one half of the bounty to non-commissioned officers and privates of his Company as part of the Orange Co. Militia. Col. Allison & Col. Hawflwrne were ordered to muster his men before the bounty was paid. 8 Son of Samuel Townsend, the member for Queens County. 8 Then a prisoner in the hands of the Enemy, taken near Jamaica on L. L He died Sept. 20th. New York in ihe Revolution. 127 Ordered, that Mr. Adgate, Mr. Bleecker & Mr. Duer be a Committee to nominate a suitable character for Major of a Reg*, of the Militia in the County of Albany. Ordered, that the nomination of the Officers for the Albany Rangers be committed to the same Committee. Harlem, August 29th 1776 Resolved and ordered that the Brigadier Generals or commanding Officers of the Militia in the Counties of Orange, Ulster, Westchester and Dutchess do hold, their Militia in readiness to march at a moments warning with five Days Provision and as much Ammunition as possible. At the House of Mr. Odells in Philipse's Manor, Aug. 31s* 1776 Col. Jeromus Remsen followed the Committee (of Safety) from Harlem & requested to know the Sense of the Committee relative to the Disposition of the Regiment of Militia under his command lately come from Long Island. After mature Deliberation the Committee came to the following Resolutions to wit : Whereas Col0. Remsen's Regiment is composed of the Inhabitants of Kings & Queens Counties which said Counties are at present occupied by the Enemy, And Whereas it is the Duty of the Representatives of this State diligently to watch over the safety of their Constituents and to prevent their falling into the Hands of a Tyrannical Enemy who may compel them to bear Arms against their Country, Therefore Resolved that it be earnestly recommended to such of the said Militia, who are attached to the Cause of this invaded Country, to form themselves into Companies consisting of one Captain one Lieutenant one Ensign, three Sergeants, three Corporals, one Drum, one fife & fifty Privates. Resolved, that these Companies be commanded by the same Colonel, Captains & Subalterns under whom they have hitherto served And in Case any Officer or Officers should decline accept ing his or their Commissions, the same should be tendered to the next commissioned Officers in Rank, till the whole Companies are properly officer'd And that in Case from the decline of a sufficient number of Officers to accept Commissions there should be any Vacancies, the Company where such Vacancy may be shall nominate an Officer to whom the Convention of this State will grant a Commission, whenever the said nomination shall be approved of by Brigadier General Woodhull & Col0. Remsen. Resolved, that these Troops when raised shall be entitled to Continental Pay & Rations with a Bounty of four Pounds to each Man on passing Muster and that they continue in Service till the last day of December next and that if any man should chuse to inlist for the space of three years or during the War they shall receive a bounty of twenty Dollars per Man on passing Muster. Resolved that each Man furnish himself with a good Gun or Musket, Cartouch Box or Bullet Pouch, a Blanket and Knapsack and every six Men with a Pot or Camp Kettle. Die Mercurii, 9a ho. A. M. Sept"1 4th. 1776. The Committee to whom was referred the Consideration of the Resolution of the Convention of this State relative to the calling out the Militia of West Chester, Orange, Dutchess and Ulster . submit to this Committee of Safety the following Reasons among others 128 Proceedings of ihe Provincial Congress. 1B*. that from the best Information they have been able to obtain the Number of Armed and well affected Militia in the said Counties do not exceed three thousand and one hundred, the Number of disarmed and disaffected 2300, and the number of Slaves 2300 , . Die Lunae 4a ho. P. M. Sept. 16th 1776. The Convention was informed, that through the absence of General Morris the Militia of West Chester County are not so properly arranged & managed as they ought to be at this critical Juncture, occasioned by the absence of Gen1. Morris, Therefore Resolved that General Morris now at the general Congress do immediately return and assume the command of his Brigade. Tuesdat Morning, Sept. 17th. 1776. The Convention were informed, that a person, late one of the light Horse men of Kings County and a Lieutenant of Col0. Smith's Regiment are about Poughkeepsie in some distress and that pay is due to them — That sundry of the light Horsemen fled from the Island and have left their horses behind them. , Ordered, that Mr. Duane, Mr. Duer, Mr. Schenck & Doctor Crane be a Committee to enquire into the situation of the Light Horsemen & Lieutenant Onderdonck and that they report thereon. Wednesdat Afternoon, September 18th. 1776 A Letter from the Committee of Albany, dated the 12th Instant was read. They thereby inform, that the Major from Cumberland County, with the proportion of Men, that have been raised to the Eastward of the Green Mountains as a part of Col0. Van Dycks Regim*. have not joined the Regiment or come into the Service. Die Sabbati, 9a ho. A. M. Sept01 21s*. 1776 Mr. Wisner informed the Convention, that the Rangers raised in Orange County are ready for service ; but as the Indians are quiet and the Rangers unemployed he suggested to the Conven tion, whether it might not be proper to send them to Fort Montgomerie for the present in lieu of the Company of Militia lately ordered to be detached from that County. Resolved, that thirty men be raised in West Chester County by Capt. Samuel Delavan and put on the same establishment as those under the command of Capt. Micha Townsend that thev compose one Company, under the Command of the said Cap*. Samuel Delavan, who is hereby empowered to appoint three Sergeants, three Corporals and a Drummer or fifer in the said Company. New York in the Revolution. 129 Die Jovis 4*a ho. P. M. Sept*. 26th 1776. A Letter or request of Joab Hoisington was received and read and is in the words following to wit : To the Honorable Nathaniel Woodhull, President of the honorable Congress of the State of New York ; Agreeable to the order of the Honorable the Congress I have sent the Muster Rolls of the several Company's under my Command by Elizur Andrews, the Bearer, begging the favour of your forwarding the Remainder of the Bounty Rations & first Months Wages, taking his receipt for the same. Am Sir your humble servant Joab Hoisington N B. Please to remit my wages and rations likewise as much of the Ration as the Honor able Congress shah see fit — find it much easier to purchase Supplies with Cash. A Return of the Commissioned Officers of the four Companies of Rangers commanded by Major Hoisington, signed by James Clay Chairman was also read and certain Muster Rolls of the said Companies were also delivered in (as follows :) Captain Benjamin Wait 1st Lieut " John Strong 2d " " Joseph Hatch 1B* " " Elkanah Day, resd 2d " & Abner Seeley elected in his place Oct. 1B*. Lieut. Simon Stevens 2d " Amos Chamberlain 1B* Lieut. Nath1. or Benj*. Whitney 2d " Jehiel Robbins V in Waits Comp7. Elisha Hawley Zebulon Lyon EldadovMedadBenton)iuStrongs Q(ymp7 John Barnes ) 23, 1776 [• in Hatchs Compy . [¦ in Days Comp7. Muster Roll of Capt. Waits Company : Capt. Benj* . Wait, When enlisted. Aug. 6, 1776 Lieut. Eilsha Hawley 6, 1776 " Zebulon Lyon 6, 1776 Serg*. Wm- Hunter 8, 1776 " SamKMesser 16,1776 " Elijah Mason_ 7, 1776 Corp1. Mathew Hammond 7, 1776 « Bezaleel Gleason 23, 1776 " Phineas Saunders 7, 1776 Samuel Stone 7, 1776 Solomon Emmons 7, 1776 Simon Athorn 9, 1776 Ezekiel Hawley 9, 1776 John Heath 9, 1776 17 Jonathan Cady Elisha Flowers Eldad Hubbard. Ava Smead Mathev) Miller Joseph Haynes Israel Olmstead Ebenezer Umpstead Jonathan Hammon David Hunter John Billings Moses Whipple Phineas Newton Jacob HaU When enlisted. Aug. 16, 1776 16, 1776 19, 1776 23, 1776 27, 1776 30, 1776 30, 1776 30, 1776 8, 1776 8, 1776 10, 1776 23, 1776 23, 1776 23, 1776 130 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. When enlisted. Eleazar Leeland Aug. 23, 1776 Oliver Williams 7, 1776 John Killman Aug. 7, 1776 Adin Dyke 7, 1776 James Sanderson ,7, 1776 James Call JunT. 7, 1776 John Wadkins 12, 1776 Sylvester Buggley 27, 1776 John Louren, Septbr. 12, 1776 Nath1. Abbot Aug. 19, 1776 Bliss Hoisington 7, 1776 James Call 7, 1776 Lemuel Colton 12, 1776 Lott Hoddgman 13, 1776 Thomas Hunter 3,1776 Asa Call 7, 1776 Muster roll of Capt. When enlisted. Cap*. John Strong Aug. 6, 1776 Lieu*. Ftdad Benton 13, 1776 " John Barns 13, 1776 Serg* Edgar Andrews 6, 1776 " James Harwood 14, 1776 " Ephraim Pattersonli, 1776 Corp1 Ebenezer CaU 15, 1776 " Samuel Root 14, 1776 " Elisha Smawley 16, 1776 Andrew Powers 7, 1776 Ignatious Sprague 15, 1776 James Cody 15, 1776 Abijah Lampfield 15, 1776 Luke Lampfield 15, 1776 Thomas Richardson 17, 1776 Phinehas Rust 17, 1776 Oliver Rust 17, 1776 William Freeman 21, 1776 Seth Foard 14, 1776 Thomas Davies 14, 1776 Levi Andrews 14, 1776 iVoaA Foard 14, 1776 Richard Young 14, 1776 Hezekiah Foard 14, 1776 Samuel Crook 14, 1776 # to .a « "S3 ¦a "a oo ao ¦3 o B 2 1 3 121 2 1 363 22 54 1 31 17 1 4 5 1 12 2 11 1 60 4 6 49, Captain Baldwin's Independent Com- 44 Total 4 2 1 12 4 103 23 13 1 156 A Return of the officers and men in Garrison at Fort Montgomery under the Command of the honble Brigadier general James Clinton, Jauy 18th. 1777 Com'd. Officers Staff officers Non-i :om'd. Rank & Sie OFFICERS names. CO *3 43 3 03aMl i ¦** ta a COa o CDV 43 09 CD E Cho cc 3 43"to £a a 43 aCD ca ¦3¦J* aoo .a tt 3O 7. 3 Ph ¦« H 43 a ¦o ch Ch £•0 o o a a o O W «l o> CQ 3 CQ n Ph cn ID a 0 H Capt. Griffings 2d. N. Y. Reg* 1 1 2 1 15 5 2 1 23 Capt. Jackson 2d. N. Y. Reg* 1 1 2 1 21 5 2 1 29 Capt. Belknap 1 1 1 2 1 22 2 1 3 28 1 1 v 1 15 2 3 2 22 1 2 2 27 2 1 30 2 1 19 19 Total 3 3 4 1. 1 1 1 12 6 119 14 7 4 7 150 February 6th 1777 Mr. Duane gave notice, that he intends speedily to move that Brigadier general George Clinton may be appointed Major general of the Militia of this State. He assigned for reason, that it might be an introduction to place him in the continental service and desidered it may be considered of. On the motion of Mr. Little1 pursuant to a nomination of Brigadier general Geo. Clinton 1 Member from Orange County. 19 146 Proceedings of ihe Provincial Congress. Ordered that a commission issue to Seth Marvin esq. as Captain of a Company of Militia drafted from the Militia of Orange County to continue in service until the last day of March next pursuant to certain resolutions of the Convention of this State passed on the first day of January, the said Commission to continue in force until the said Company shall be discharged from service and then to be void. Sundat Morning, Februart 9th* 1777. *** * ** *** Whereas There is great reason to apprehend, that the Militia of the said Counties (of Albany, Tryon, Charlotte, Gloucester and Cumberland) are not armed and accoutred as the regulations for the Militia of this State require. Resolved, that such of the said Militia of the said several Counties, who shall not on being detached for the service aforesaid [re-inforcement of Ticonderoga'] be well armed and accoutred, be supplied by impress with arms and accoutrements from the rest of the militia of the said Counties respectively, that is to say — The detachment of each Regiment to be armed and accoutred from the rest of the militia of such regiment and the Brigadier general of each of the said Counties and such persons as they respectively shall authorize for the purposes hereby directed and required to make such impress as aforesaid. Fridat, Februart 19th* 1777 Kingston, Ulster Co. A letter from General G. Clinton dated at New Windsor on the 14th instant, Informing the Committee that pursuant to the Resolve of the Convention he has raised 500 men in the Counties Orange and Ulster, but as a great part of the Militia of Dutchess and Westchester are lately returned home, he is of opinion that the five hundred men apportioned to these Counties cannot be raised as volunteers & recommending that the Commandants of these Militia in each County should have their proportion was read. Monday Morning Febr 24th* 1777. The Committee to whom was referred the Letter from General George Clinton dehvered in their report on the same is the words following : " That as 500 of the men ordered to be raised by the Convention on the day of January 1777 out of the Mihtia of the Counties of Dutchess and Westchester as a part of one * These dates are plainly inconsistent, but in the original Friday the 21th. follows Saturday the 20*. New York in ihe Revolution. 147 thousand men to be commanded by General Geo. Clinton were prevented from being embodied by a subsequent Order for marching the militia of those Counties on an expedition in Westchester County and that although the said militia are now discharged, yet the time limited for services under General George Clinton will so soon expire, that your Committee are of opnion, it will not tend to the public good to attempt raising any more men, than the Companies already raised in the Countv of Westchester. February 26th 1777. Resolved that every non commissioned officer or private in either of the Companies of Rangers, who shall enlist in any of the Continental Regiments commanded by the Colonels Cortlandt, Gansevoort, Van Schaick, H B. Livingston or Dubois shall upon being sworn, be discharged from such Company of Rangers and permitted to join the Regiment in which he has so enlisted. Mondat, Morning March 10*b 1777. ***** Resolved, that the Commanding Officers of the five Continental Regiments, raising in this State, be requested to send Returns of their respective Regiments to this Convention, specifying particularly the number of men enlisted by such officer to the end this Convention may be informed of the State of the said Regiments and know, whether any and which of the said officers have been inattentive to the recruiting duty. Resolved, that the sum of sixteen shillings inclusive of what may be given by Congress be allowed to each recruiting Officer of the first, second, third, fourth and fifth Battalions raising in this State for every man, who shall pass muster, that he hath enlisted or may hereafter enlist for his expence and trouble in recruiting the same. Mondat Morning March 17th 1777 Mr. Morris requested the Sense of the House relative to the Artillery Company lately commanded by Captain Hamilton. Thereupon resolved that the said Company be permitted to enlist in the service of the Continent and that Mr. Morris inform Capt. Hamilton thereof. Die Lunae, 10*11 ho. A. M. March 24th 1777 * * * * Resolved that Colonel Jacobus Swartwout be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and required at his discretion to call out all or such part of the Militia of Dutchess County, as he, in his discretion, may from time to time think necessary for the Security of the important Forts and 148 Proceedings of ihe Provincial Congress. passes in the Highlands and to oppose the incursions of the Enemy into this State, and that he have power to impress Horses, Teams and Carriages and pay for reasonable hire or use of them. Resolved that the said Colonel Jacobus Swartwout take the command of the said Militia so to be by him called into Service, that they be allowed Continental pay and Rations and be subject to the Laws and Regulations provided for the government of the Continental Troops, while in service. Die Martis 9th ho. A. M. March 25th 1777. ***** Resolved that Brigadier General George Clinton be and he is hereby authorized and required, either on the requisition of his Excellency General Washington or at his own discretion to call into actual service all or any part or proportion of the Militia (as well horse as foot) of the Counties of Westchester, Dutchess, Ulster and Orange or either of them and that he station the said Militia in such manner as may be most proper for the securing the Forts and passes in the Highlands and frustrating the attempts of the Enemy to make Incursions into this State — and that they, be discharged as soon as the arrival of a sufficient number of Continental Troops or other contingency shall render their continuance in the Field unnecessary. Thursdat Morning, March 27th 1777 Resolved, that the Companies of Rangers commanded by Captains Elias Hasbrouck, Jacob Rutsen De Witt, Alexander Baldwin, John A. Bradt, Marcus Demotte, Christian Kitman, John Winn, Joshua Conckey, Isaac Moss and Lieut. Gideon Squire be and they are hereby discharged. ***** And whereas this Convention are informed that divers of the said Rangers have enlisted in the Continental service in other Regiments than those specified in the said Resolutions,1 therefore Resolved, that such of the aforesaid Rangers so enlisted be not allowed any pay or subsistence, which may be now due to them, until they shall enlist in one or other of the five regiments in the said Resolution specified. Resolved, that the Captain or other commanding officer of each of the Companies of Rangers above mentioned be and hereby is directed in his Muster Roll to return to this Convention, the name of each non-commissioned officer and private, who has enlisted out of his company into the Continental service and also the number of the Regiment and name of the Colonel or other commanding officer of the Regiment, into which such non-commissioned officer or private has so enlisted. 4 OC. P. M. Thursdat April 3, 1777 * * * * * Whereas it is the duty of every State to contribute as far as lays in their power to complete their respective regiments, as well as in order to relieve the Militia from frequent and burthensome 1 Of Feb? 26th, see p. 147. New York in the Revolution. 149 drafts, as (with the favor of Heaven) to insure success to the great and glorious cause in which we are engaged, l8t Therefore Resolved, that any person within this State, who shall on or before the first day of June next procure at his own expense an able bodied man to enlist for three years or during the war in either of the five Continental Regiments, raising under the direction of this Convention within this State and now commanded by the Colonels Van Schaick, Van Cortlandt, Gansevoort, Dubois and Henry B. Livingston, and shall deliver such soldier to any commissioned officer of either of the said Regiments, he shall on producing a Certificate of such delivery, signed by the said officer, to the Commanding Officer of the Regiment of Militia, to which the person so procuring such soldier shall belong, be exempted from all drafts from the Militia for the term of time, for which the person so enlisted shall engage. 2d. Resolved, that every person so enlisted and delivered, exclusive of what he shall receive from the person by whom he was engaged, shall be entitled to the same bounty and other privileges as are allowed to soldiers in the Continental Army.1 3d. Resolved, that every certificate of the delivery of any Soldier shall contain the name of the person delivered, together with the time of the delivery and shall be signed by the Officer to whom the same shall have been delivered in the presence of a Justice of the Peace or a chairman of the County or District Committee, by whom the usual oath shall be administered to such soldier, which Justice or Chairman shall countersign the said Certificate in the presence of two creditable witnesses ; and in case he shall suspect any fraud or collusion between such officer and the person demanding a certificate, he is hereby authorized and empowered to examine the said person and the officer or either of them upon oath touching the said fraud or collusion and if they shall appear to have been guilty thereof, he may and is hereby directed to commit the criminal to prison in order to his being tried for such fraud or Collusion. — And in case the said persons or either of them shall be found guilty thereof, he or they shall be punished by fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Court by whom the offence shall be tried. 4*b. Resolved that all such Certificates, as are above mentioned shall be filed with the Commanding Officer of the Regiment, to which the person producing the same shall belong before he can derive any benefit thereby. 5th. Resolved that every person counterfeiting or fraudulently procuring such certificate without having actually procured and delivered a soldier in manner aforesaid and every officer signing such fraudulent certificate shall on Conviction be subject to all the fines and penalties heretofore by law inflicted on persons found guilty of Forgery. Tuesdat Morning, April 8th 1777 Resolved, that Comford Sands' Esq. be directed to pay all officers of militia, who were called into service previous to the passing of the Resolution of Congress of the 21st of March last. That he allow the said Militia one penny lawful money per mile while on their March in lieu of Rations, That he pay the officers of the said Militia their back Rations. * * * 1 This resolution was continued in force to the first day of September. ' Appointed Paymaster of the Militia in Westchester, Dutchess, Orange and Ulster Counties April 4*. 1777. 150 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. Wliereas it hath been suggested to this Convention by John Wheelock Esquire, that three Companies of men may be raised in the Northeastern parts of this State for three years or during the war, and whereas a number of men may from time to time in the Course of the ensuing Campaign be required of this State to reinforce the Continental Troops, which may be stationed in a southern Department or for the defence of such of the inhabitants of this State as are more immediately exposed to the depredations of the enemy ; and whereas it is the interest of this State to avoid as much as possible the calling the inhabitants from their respective occupations into Service, Therefore 1st. Resolved, that three Companies be raised in the Northeastern parts of this State and that each Company consist of the like number of Officers and men as is directed by the Continental regulations and that they continue in service for three years unless sooner discharged by the Legis lature of this State. 2d. Resolved, that the Officers of each Company shall be nominated by the said John Wheelock and shall be entitled to Continental pay and rations from the time of such nomination, provided that the Company to which such Officers belong, shall at the end of eight weeks from the time of such nomination contain at least fifty men, inclusive of non-commissioned Officers. 3d. Resolved, that John Wheelock Esquire be commissioned as a Major in the service of this State and that he be entitled to Continental pay and Rations from the date of his Commission, provided that at the end of nine weeks from the date thereof the three Companies first mentioned, who are hereby put under his Command, contain together at least one hundred & fifty men, non commissioned Officers included. 4th. Resolved, that every Soldier so enlisting in the service of this State within either of the above Companies for three years, shall on his passing Muster be entitled to Continental bounty, Clothing, pay and rations, and that every of them, who shall find his own Arm, accoutrements and Blankets shall be entitled to a reasonable allowance therefor, to be ascertained by proper persons for that purpose to be appointed. 5th. Resolved, that the officers and privates of the above Corps shall, at the expiration of their term and when discharged by direction of the Legislature of this State, be entitled to Land within this State in the same proportion as is directed by the Continental regulations to be given to such of the Continental troops as serve during the war, and that the same shall be assigned to them or in case any of them shall die in the said service to their respective legal representatives free of all quit rent and charges out of the unlocated Lands of this State in such, part thereof as a future Legislature of this State may direct : provided always, that no conveyance of any right to the said Land shall be of avail previous to the grant thereof . 6th. Resolved, That Two thousand dollars be advanced to the said Jno. Wheelock towards defraying the expence of raising the said men and that the same be transmitted to him by the hands of Eleazar Wheelock Junr., he giving his receipt therefore to the Treasurer of this State. 7th. Resolved, that the said John Wheelock1 Esq. transmit to this Convention or to the Com mander in Chief of this State from time to time returns of the number of men, that shall be raised under the command of the said John Wheelock in consequence of the above Resolutions together with regular Muster rolls sworn to by the Captain of each Company and certified by the said John Wheelock Esquire. Resolved, that the said Companies or parts thereof, as they shall be raised, be forthwith - 1 John Wheelock's Commission as Major was issued the next day. New York in ihe Revolution. 151 marched to Fishkill in Dutchess County or such other place or places as the said Convention or Commander in Chief may direct. Resolved, that when the said Companies shall be completed a Surgeon be allowed them. Resolved, that the Officers and Privates of each of the said Companies be subject to similar Regulations and .Articles with those .provided for the Government of the American Army. Wednesdat Morning April 9th. 1777. ****** * Capt. Zephaniah Piatt reported a conference had with Egbert Benson Esquire on the subject of raising a Company to be under the direction of the Commissioners for detecting Conspiracies &c and thereupon Resolved, that the Commissioners for inquiring into, detecting and defeating all Conspiracies which may be formed in this State against the liberties of America be authorized to raise, pay and officer a Company for the defence of this State only, to consist of a Captain, two Subalterns, four Sergeants, four Corporals, one drummer, one Fifer and sixty privates to be allowed Conti nental pay — , to continue in service for one year unless sooner discharged by the Legislature and to be under the command and direction of the Commissioners above described or such persons as shall be appointed by the Legislature of this State. Resolved, that the said Company be allowed Continental Rations or in lieu thereof at the option of the said Commissioners or such other person or persons as shall be appointed to have the direction of the said Company the following subsistence to wit : To the Captain Eighteen shillings per week, To the Subalterns Sixteen shillings per week and to the non-commissioned Officers and privates twelve shillings per week. Die Lunae, 4 ho. P. M. April 14th 1777 A Memorial of Majr Albert Pawling dated this day was read as follows to wit : To the Honorable the Convention of the State of New York The Memorial of Alfred Pawling, Major of one of the Sixteen additional Regiments ordered to be raised by the Honorable the Congress, for the service of the United States of America and officered by his Excellency General Washington Humbly Sheweth That as well your Memorialist as the Officers of four Companies in one of the said Regiments,- are members of this State, as will appear from the enclosed List : that most of them are persons who have fled from the City of New York or Long Island, leaving their All behind them, rather than desert the Cause of Liberty and their Country by falling into the hands of the Enemy ; and all of them (one or two Subalterns excepted) have served as officers appointed by this State in the service of the United States of America and though with some degree of military reputa tion, as will appear by the recommendations given them to the Committee of Arrangement by the General Officers under whom they more immediately served, yet they were (from unavoidable necessity as your Memorialist believes) unprovided for in the five Regiments assigned to this State to raise. 152 Proceedings of ihe Provincial Congress. Your Memorialist further begs leave to premise, that the Officers of the said sixteen Regiments are not confined to any particular State to recruit the same, notwithstanding which it has been the policy of the States of Connecticut and Massachusetts Bay to grant their respective State Bounties as well to Recruits (wheresoever enlisted) for those Regiments, as for the Artillery, where the recruiting Officers only are members belonging to either of those States, by means whereof they furnish Officers and this State men for those choirs {corps) and besides the honor of apparently furnishing a large proportion of men for the war : at the close of it from the well known attach ment, that men generally have to their Officers, they will acquire by this stroke of policy whole Regiments of new subjects at the expence of this and others of the States. Your Memorialist however means not by this reasoning to ask , a Bounty or any extra encouragement for the Recruits of his officers, and as he wishes, so he will exert himself to raise as many in other States as he possibly can, for which purpose his recruiting Officers have proper directions : But your Memorialist can't help humbly thinking, that a late Resolve of this Honorable House giving an Exemption to such of the Militia from being drafted in the service as shall furnish or enlist men for either of the five Regiments of this State only bears extremely hard on his officers and will greatly retard, if not totally prevent their filling their Companies, except the same Resolve shall be extended to them. Your Memorialist therefore from a desire of promoting the Interest of this State, of which he has the honor of being a member, and of promoting the recruiting service at large, by having his Officers put on equal footing with others of the same State, has thought it his duty to lay the state of Facts contained in the above Memorial before this Honorable House with the fullest confidence (arising from the high opinion he entertains of their wisdom and justice) that the said Resolution will be extended equally to the other four Companies now raising in this State. And your Memorialist as in duty bound shall ever pray &c. Kingston, April 14th 1777. Albert Pawling A List of the officers of the four Companies alluaea to in the above Memorial : Capt. Nathaniel Tom Lieut Wood Lieut Drake " John Watkins " Lawrence " Oliver " Black " Neely " Robert " Santford " Munnell " Rodman Ordered, that Major Pawling be informed, that this Convention made and issued the Resolution, referred to in his Memorial in order to aid in recruiting the five Regiments, directed to be raised in this State, which they conceived themselves bound in honor to complete as soon as possible : And that when those Regiments are completed, the Convention will give all such aid to the recruiting Service in general as shall to them appear consistent with the particular Circumstances of this State. Tuesdat Morning, May 6 1777 Resolved, that the Committee and Field Officers of the County of Westchester be empowered to raise as many men as they can for the defence of the said County and that this Convention will defray the expences thereof. New York in the Revolution. 153 May 27th 1777. A Letter of the 23d inst. was received from Lieutenant Colonel Jacob Hornbeck informing the Council that when a third part of the Militia of Ulster and Orange was drawn into Service it was agreed by Brigadier General Clinton & the field officers, that any three men, who should be classed together in the said Counties and could not agree to make out one man to stay the whole time, that said three men might make out together to serve the said time by turns ; in consequence of which several do serve by turns and relieve each other on set times — And further that Capt. Frederick Schoonmaker, who was enlisting a Company of men by order of the late Convention, had enlisted several persons, who were to go to their turns as aforesaid, whereby Discontents will be created and the Service injured. Resolved, that Captain Schoonmaker do not in future enlist any men into his company, who are actually engaged in manner aforesaid to relieve any men of the Militia called into service as aforesaid and that he discharge all such of the men, whom he hath already enlisted, as are under these engagements. May 28th 1777. Resolved,1 the time allowed for raising the three Companies to be by him ( Wheelock) raised in the Service of this State be prolonged eight Weeks2 from the Time formerly allowed by the Resolutions of the late Convention for that purpose. Resolved, that Samuel Paine Esq. & Eleazar Wheelock the one by Major Wheelock appointed a Captain & the other a Lieutenant be commissioned — And that Major Wheelock direct Lieuten ant Wheelock with the Privates of Captain Pains Company to march to Fishkill in Dutchess County without Delay there to receive and f ollow the further Directions of the Council of Safety or Executive power of this State. Resolved, that General Bayley of Gloucester County be requested to order one of the Compa nies of the Troops raised in the Counties of Gloucester & Cumberland, usually called Rangers, to march to Kingston in Ulster County without Delay to follow the further Directions of the Council of Safety or executive power of this State. In Congress, May 23d 1777. The Marine Committee to whom the letters from Gen1. McDougall & Gouv*. Morris respecting the manning & fitting two gallies for the Defence of the North river were referred, report that they have taken the said Letters into consideration & are of opinion, that such gallies as may be necessary for the Defence of the said river ought to be equipped and their operations directed by the State of New York, for they find this kind of defence is undertaken by all the other States, when it is found necessary. 1 Upon a memorial to that effect, presented by Major Wlieehck. 3 Major Wheelock had 70 men on the 28th of June following. 20 154 Proceedings of ihe Provincial Congress. Resolved, that the Delegates of the State of New York be desired to inform the Convention of that State, that the above report of the Marine Committee is accepted and adopted as the Sense of Congress on this Subject. Extract from the Minutes Cha8. Thompson Seer7 Die Sabbati, 10 ho. A. M. June 7th 1777 Resolved, that the Honorable the Congress have from the Commencement of the War with Great Britain considered the security of Hudson's River as an Object of the Utmost importance to the Safety of America and thereupon ordered at the Continental expence the creating of Fortifications thereon and by various resolutions impowered the Commander and Chief and the late Convention of this State to obstruct the navigation thereof & to build vessels of war for its security . Resolved, that it appears to this Council from the Representations of the Honorable Major General Putnam of the fourth instant necessary for the defence of the river that the Continental gallies now in Hudson's river be fitted and manned & that the General cause of America may suffer by any Delay in manning the same. Resolved, that Captain Cook, who is commander of the Lady Washington galley by appoint ment from his Excellency General Washington be requested to cause the said gallies to be properly manned & fitted for service & that this Council will advance the money necessary for that purpose. Die Martis, June 17th 1777 A Draft of a Letter to the President of General Congress was read, amended & approved & is in the words following to wit : Sir. We have received from the Delegates of this State the Resolutions of your honorable House of the twenty-third of May last requiring us to equip such Gallies as may be necessary for the Defence of Hudsons River and to direct their operations. Congress having hitherto consid ered this matter in the Light of a Continental charge we are confident they cannot mean to cast the Burthen now upon this weak and mutilated State and therefore are led to suppose, that this Resolution has not received that due Weight of Deliberation, which usually accompanies every Affair of Importance. From the earliest commencement of the present War a Line of Distinction hath by the Justice of your honorable Body been drawn between New York and her Sister States as the Center of America and in the vicinity of Canada : this State as well from the exposed situation of its Capital as from the great navigable River, by which it is intersected, became of necessity the grand Object of our Foes. It was wisely foreseen, that they would make the most strenuous exertions to possess themselves of it and that their Success by obstructing the easy Communication through this vast Continent by opening to them the Resources of a fertile and extensive Region & by removing every Obstruction to a free Intercourse with the Disaffected would expose all the New York in the Revolution. 155 neighbouring States to reiterated Depredations, subject the numerous Tribes of Savages to their entire Control and open a broad Road to the total subjection of America. From a full Conviction of these truths Congress have ordered several different Works to be erected and have empowered his Excellency the General and the late Convention of this State to construct Fireships & other vessels at the Expence of the Continent for the Defence of Hudsons River. Forts & Vessels have been built and many Obstructions raised in Consequence of these Resolutions and the better to forward the Designs of your Honorable House in this and in other Parts of America all the Cannon and other military Stores of this State to a very considerable Amount have been delivered to the Officers of the Continent. It is therefore with great surprise, that we are informed of your Requisition to fit out as many Gallies as may be thought necessary for the Defence of Hudsons River. For by the loss of our Capitol and Sea Coast almost all our Ship Carpenters and other necessary Mechanicks have sought Employment in the neighbouring States and those who remained have lately been sent to Lake George, where they now are in the Continental service. We have no Cannon and we can venture to assure Congress, that there are not twenty good Seamen to be hired in that Part of the State of New York now in our Possession. But were it in our Power to comply with this Requisition there is a most evident Impropriety in subjecting the Direction of those gallies, which are to cover the chain and keep open the Communication between the works on the different Sides of the River to the Executive Power of this State, For Vessels so employed are certainly to be considered as the necessary Appendages of those Works or indeed as a part of them and then that they should be independent of the Officer commanding at that Post is utterly inconsistent. For these Reasons, Sir, we hope Congress will excuse us for requesting the Reconsideration of that Resolution and not by Command we are incapable of complying with deprive us of the Pleasure we enjoy in acknowledging the Wisdom and Justice of their Measures by a ready & cheerful Acquiescence. That the Service may suffer as little as possible by this Delay, we have passed the Resolutions which we do ourselves the Honor to enclose and Sir, if you reflect upon the great Expence this State hath incurred by Bounties paid to their Militia, who have been called out, whenever the weakness of the Army required their Assistance, by the suppression of Insur rections and the Apprehension and Support of the disaffected, of whom not less than five hundred are at this time in Confinement ; by the maintenance of the numerous Poor from those Parts of our State in possession of the Enemy ; and above all by the enhanced Price, at which we obtain every necessary from the neighbouring States, it must be acknowledged that a parsimonious Disposition hath no Part, in what we have offered and that we have borne not only our full Share of the Burthen, but shown such Alacrity in taking it upon us, as must carry with it a Conviction, that we feel the utmost Regret, whenever we find ourselves so circumstanced as to be constrained to forbear complying with any Requisitions from your honorable House. To I am &c Honble John Hancock, Esq ***** 156 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. Newburg, 14th. June 1777. Gentlemen. * * * The Calling for the Rangers is stripping the Frontier of Men & Arms, which Order I received by Major Wheelock with a Verbal Account, that the others would soon follow, I gave the Orders for the March of the first Company but had no Money to March them, which they Insist upon. They Insist, that if the Conditions, they were raised upon, is altered in one part, it must in all before they March they say their Subsistence Money will not half Support them on their March nor at Kingston when they arrive. I am, Gentlemen, &c To Committee of Safety Kingston. Jacob Bayley Fort Montgomert, 2d July 1777 Sir. In Consequence of a Letter this Day received from his Excellency General Washington, of which I inclose you a Copy, I have issued Orders to Colonels Brinckerhqff, Ludington, Humphreys and Freer of Dutchess County to march their Regiments to Peekskill to reinforce the Army under General Putnam and Col0. Woodhull, Allison, McClaughry and Hasbroucks their Regiments to reinforce this Garrison and Col0. Heathorn his Regiment to the Post near Sydnams Bridge. I have omitted sending similar Orders to the Regiments in the upper End of Ulster and Dutchess Counties least the Situation of Affairs to the Northward might not admit of their coming this way, but should the Contrary be the Case, I beg the Council will order those Regiments to Peeks Kill and this Place To the HonbU Presd* I am with due Respect of the Council of Safety. _. Your most obed* Serv' Geo. Clinton In Marine Committee. Philadelphia, June 26th 1777. We must beg your assistance in getting the Ships fitted* and we now take the liberty to inclose a sufficient number of Blank Commissions and Warrants for the Lieutenants and other Officers, who are to be appointed temporary, until such time, as we are sufficiently informed, that they are well qualified for the Stations, in which they may be put To the Honorable The Council of Safety for the State of New York. Die Sabbati, 10" ho. A. M. July 12th. 1777. The Memorial of John Wheelock Esq' setting forth his Inability to raise the number of men in the Northeastern parts of this State, as stipulated by the Resolutions of the late Convention, to * The Continental frigates in Hudson Kiver. New York in ihe Revolution. 157 entitle the Officers of the Corps to Commissions — that at most only eighty men are engaged part of whom are now at Fishkill pursuant to the order of this Board — The Memorialist prays the Council to determine whether they think it expedient to confirm said Corps was received, read and filed and Ordered that the same be committed to Mr. Jay, Mr. RoV R. Livingston and Col0. De Witt. Die Martis, 10 ho. A. M. July 15a. 1777. ****** Ordered, that Lieutenant Colonel Eknendorph do by Drafts out of the Regiment of Militia under his Command furnish a Captain and twenty Men to guard the Prisoners confined in Kingston Gaol and on board the Fleet Prison Ordered, that Lieutenant Colonel Hornbeck do in like manner out of the Regiment under his Command furnish a Guard of a Lieutenant and fifteen men for the like purpose. Resolved, that the said Lieutenant Colonels do cause the said Guards to be relieved weekly by similar Drafts from the said Regiments of Militia, until the Company of Guards which this Board are endeavouring to raise can be compleated. Resolved, that the said Drafts be allowed the like Pay and Subsistence as are allowed to Capt. Schoonmakers Company. Ordered, that the Captains Elmendorph and Bogardus of Colonel Snyder's Regiment do by four o'clock this afternoon furnish a Guard of twenty-four men to relieve the Guards at the Court House and Fleet Prison, to be continued until relieved by other Guards from the Militia. Die MERcuRn 10a ho. A. M. July 16th 1777 Resolved, that Captain Frederick Schoonmaker be and he is hereby appointed to raise a Company of men similar to the Company he lately raised and commanded pursuant to the Resolu tions of the late Convention passed the twenty-ninth of April last — and to be under the like Regulations as to Service, Pay and Subsistence and to continue in Service until the first day of December next unless sooner discharged. Die Jovis, 4a ho. P. M. July 17th 1777 Resolved, that two Companies of Rangers be raised to serve in the Counties of Tryon, Ulster and Albany for the Protection of the Frontier Inhabitants of the said Counties ; that each Company consist of one Captain, one Lieutenant, four Seargeants, four Corporals one drum or fife and ninety Privates ; that they find their own arms and accoutrements and be allowed Conti nental pay and that the Captains be allowed Sixteen Shillings and the Lieutenants Fourteen Shil lings per week in Lieu of Rations. That the non-commissioned Officers and privates be allowed ten Shillings per week in Lieu of rations, except when it shall be thought more expedient by the 158 Proceedings of ihe Provincial Congress. Officer commanding the said Companies to have the same supplied with rations, in which case no subsistence money shall be allowed, but the same shall be applied by the said Commanding Officer to the purchase of such rations. Resolved, that John Harpur be first Captain, Alexander Harpur first Lieutenant, James Clyde second Captain and John Campbell first Lieutenant of the second Company. Resolved, that the said Companies shall continue in pay until the first day of January next unless sooner discharged by the Legislature of this State and be subject to the Command of the Governor or Commander in chief of this State. Resolved, that when the said Companies or either of them shall consist of more than fifty men, that a Second Lieutenant shall be added to such Company. Resolved, that the pay of the said Soldiers shall commence from the day of their enlistment and that regular Muster rolls be returned monthly by the Captains commanding the said Compa nies under oath. ...... Resolved, that Colonel Harpur proceed to recruit as fast as possible and as soon as twenty five men are enlisted, that he station them to the best advantage for the protection of the Inhabitants of said Counties under the Command of Lieutenant Harpur and so on from time to time as fast as a sufficient number of Recruits are collected — that Colonel Harpur Station them under a proper officer and in Case our Domestic Enemy or the Indians should make any Depredations on any of the Inhabitants that Colonel Harpur give orders to repel force by force. Resolved, that Colonel Harpur be cautious of making any attack upon the Savages or pursue any measures that bring on an Indian war, unless absolutely necessary for the Defence of the Inhabitants & rendered unavoidable by previous Hostilities committed on their Part ******* Whereas Major John Wheelock hath represented to this Board, that the late Convention of this State did on the eighth day of April appoint him to raise three Companies of men in the Northeastern part of the same, the Officers of which Companies were not to be entitled to Com missions, until at least one hundred and fifty men should be enlisted ; Notwithstanding his utmost Exertions and the Prolongation of the time limited for the raising the said men, he hath been able to enlist only eighty men and that there is no Probability of enlisting any more by reason of the open Defection of that part of the State and other Incidents then unforeseen, For which Reasons he hath requested this Board to determine either to confirm or disband the same Corps. And whereas it appears to this Council both reasonable and expedient, that the men so raised should be taken into the service of this State on the Terms of their enlistment, Provided that supernumerary Officers concerned therein will relinquish their Expectations of Commissions. Resolved, that if any Six of the twelve commissioned Officers named by Major Wheelock for the said three Companies shall voluntarily discharge themselves from the said Corps, That then Major Wheelock do forthwith march all the men so as aforesaid by him enlisted with the Residue of the Officers to this Place, That on their Arrival here their respective Commissions be delivered to them and the Corps stand confirmed. Resolved, that such of the Supernumerary Officers to be discharged as aforesaid as shall at any time within nine months from the date hereof procure and produce to Major Wheelock or the commanding Officer of the said Corps so many men to enlist in either of the said Companies as to render such additional Officer or Officers necessary to the said Company, shall be received and commissioned accordingly, but shall draw pay only from the time of such Junction — It being the Intention of this Council to give Countenance and Encouragement to all such as shall exert New York in the Revolution. 159 themselves in the Service of the State. Provided nevertheless that no number of men less than fifteen shall entitle a Subaltern to a Commission, nor a less number than twenty men shall entitle a Captain to a Commission. Resolved, that unless the above Resolutions be complied with in four weeks from the Date hereof the said Corps be disbanded & that Major Wheelock do repair hither to settle his Accounts Resolved, that on the Arrival of Major Wheelock with the Eighty men and six Commissioned Officers aforesaid at Kingston Captain Wait's Company of Rangers, who are also ordered to repair to this place be put under his Command. Die Veneris, 10a ho A. M. Jult 18th 1777. Ordered, that Colonel Lasher or his Deputy deliver to Colonel John Harpur one hundred weight of Gun Powder and three hundred weight of Lead for the use of the Rangers ordered to be raised under his command. Die Sabbati, 49 ho P. M. Jult 19th. 1777 Captain Frederick Schoonmaker attending according to order & being asked how many men he has enlisted in his Company, answered, that he had enlisted twenty three men for two months , -before he was made acquainted with the Resolutions directing them to be raised to serve till the first of December and therefore does not know, whether the said men will consent to serve so long or whether he can enlist many for that Term. Resolved, that Captain Frederick Schoonmaker do enlist the Company of men, which were directed to be raised by the Resolution of the sixteenth instant to serve until the first of Decem ber next, to serve until the first day of October next unless sooner disbanded and that he do cause all such as he hath enlisted to parade at the Court House in Kingston on Tuesday next to relieve those of the Militia, who are guarding Prisoners confined in the Gaol and Fleet Prison. Die Sabbati, 10a ho. A. M. August 9th 1777. A Petition of Silvester Salisbury, Captain of a Company of Light Horse at Kingston — Praying that this Council would be pleased to take into Consideration the services of the said Company and that Council would be pleased to fix the pay of the said Troop — was read and filed. Ordered, that the said Petition be referred to his Excellency the Governor and that he be requested to endeavour to obtain information, what is the Continental pay allowed to Troopers and that he be pleased to cause proper Muster Rolls of the Amount of their pay to be properly Authenticated, that they may be paid. 160 Proceedings of ihe Provincial Congress. Die Mercurh, 3a ho P. M. Aug. 13th. 1777 Ordered, that Colo. Lasher or his Deputy deliver to Colonel Graham or his order one hun dred small arms with accoutrements and that he take a receipt for the return of, the same. The Committee on Captain Payn's Letter & the Petition of ten Soldiers of his Company report the following Resolutions towit : Resolved, that Captain Payn and the Soldiers under his Command be continued in the pay of this State. Resolved, that Captain Payn be directed to compleat his Compliment of men & in the meanwhile make out a Muster Roll of the men that are now here and that they do duty with Captain Schoonmaker 's Company of Guards at this Place until further Orders. Resolved, that Colonel Lasher be directed to provide the men now here under Captain Payn's Command with Arms & Accoutrements & that they have the hke Subsistence as the men belong ing to Captain Schoonmaker 's Company. (Ordered accordingly next day.) Kingston, August 14th 1777. This is to inform your Honours, that the men now with me in this Place, are willing to do duty here as your Honours resolved yesterday ; the men expects to be furnished with arms and accoutrements and clothing as was proposed, and also they are out of money ; I desire that they may draw their back pay and the remainder of their bounty, clothing and rations. The enclosed is the names of those men with me, the time of their enlistment and bounty paid. Benjamin Chase, who was one that Lieut. Wheelock left at the Fishkill, who was returning home, got as far as Northfield, where I met him and turned him back, he got as far as Pittsfield and was taken sick, he is now there without money or friends ; I beg your Honours, that he may draw some money, and I will take care to send it to him and see that he is here as soon as possible, and I beg of your Honours, that I may be helped to some money, &c &c. . . . To the Council of Safety Samuel Paine. for the State of New York. Names. Time of enlistment. Bounty paid. April 17, 1777 April 19 May 20 May 1 April 18 May 12 April 28 April 21 April 22 May 9 April 17 5 do 5 do 5 do 5 do 5 do 5 do 5 do 5 do 5 do 5 do New York in ihe Revolution. 161 Die Jovis, 10a ho. A. M. August 14th 1777 Ordered, that the Commissary of the Clothing Store of this State furnish Captain Samuel Payne of Major Wheelock' s Corps with such Clothing for the men under his Command at this Place as are allowed to the Continental Troops. .... Ordered, that the Treasurer of this State advance to Captain Samuel Payn of Major Wheelocks Corps the sum of one hundred dollars on account. Die Sabbati, 10°. ho A. M. August 30tb 1777 Ordered, that Mr. Cantine be added to the Committee on the Major Wheelocks Memorial. The said Committee withdrew and after some time returned and delivered in their report, which was read and approved of and is in the words following viz*. " Your Committee to whom was referred the Memorial of John Wheelock Esq', have taken the same into consideration and beg leave to report (here follows a repetition of all the former resolutions &c down to the 17th of July and then the report continues:) " That it appears, that the aforesaid resolution of the 17th July hath not been complied with and therefore the said Corps is disbanded and all that remains is for the said Wheelock to settle his accounts." Die Martis, 4ta ho. P. M. September 2d, 1777 A Letter Colo : Morris Graham to his Excellency the Governor dated at Van Schaicks Island August the thirty-first enclosing an Arrangement of the Officers of the Regiments of Drafts from the Militia under his Command and requesting Commissions may be made out for such of them, whose names are marked with an Asterism was brought into Council by the Secretary by the direction of his Excellency, the same was read and immediately taken into Consideration. Resolved, that his Excellency the Governor be empowered and requested to grant Brevets to such Officers of Colo : Graham's Regiment of Draughts from the Militia serving in the Northern Army, as have not Commissions for the Rank, they now hold in the Regiment. Die Mercurii, 10a ho A. M. Sept1 3d, 1777. The Committee to whom was referred the Pay and Subsistence Rolls of the Men raised by order of the Committee of Westchester County for the defence thereof as also the Proceedings of the said Committee thereon delivered in their report, which was read and approved of and is in the words following, towit : 21 162 Proceedings of ihe Provincial Congress. That it appears to your Committee, that the late Convention of this State did in and by a certain Resolution bearing date the &¦* day of May last Resolve in the words following to wit •} That the Committee and Field Officers of the said County did order a certain Number of men to be raised for the Defence of said County by virtue of the said resolve, to continue in Service until the first day of January next unless sooner discharged and did agree to pay to each private six pounds per month and rations or in Lieu of Rations two Dollars per week, to each Sergeant seven pounds per month, to each Corporal, Fifer and Drummer six pounds ten shillings per month together with the same rations or allowance as the Privates — And to the commissioned Officers Continental pay and rations or in Lieu of Rations twenty-one shillings per week. That it appears from the pay and subsistence rolls, that eighty-eight men Officers included have been-raised in Consequence of the said Resolve and are now in actual Service in the said County And that the said pay and Subsistance rolls from the first day of June last to the first day of August being two months Amount to fifteen hundred and' thirty-two pounds three shillings and six pence. Your Committee after having stated the above Facts are of Opinion, That the aforesaid Committee and Field Officers were not Authorized or warranted by the true Construction of the said Resolve to raise the said Men on any other than the usual pay. And that the retaining in pay any Corps at the extravagant rate of wages on which these have been engaged would be attended with very evil consequences. Is*. By affording the Militia of any other County in the State when called into Actnal Service an equitable claim to the same extravigant pay especially where the County from which they might be ordered should be equally exposed to the Incursions of the enemy. 2dl7 The Establishing a pay for the Militia Service as far above the Continental pay would greatly retard the filling of the Continental regiments engaged to be raised by this State. Your Committee are nevertheless of opinion, that the Committee of the County of Westchester might possibly have been led into a misapprehension of the above recited resolution from its containing no express limitation of the pay that they were empowered to offer and that it would be unjust to leave the said Committee bound for the payment of the wages of the troops raised in Consequence of the above resolution, since they were probably prompted to the measure by their endeavour to serve the public. Resolved, therefore that the said pay and subsistence rolls be audited and that the rangers raised in the County of Westchester be immediately disbanded, unless they shall be willing to serve for continental pay and the above allowance for rations. ..... The Council being informed, that those men of Capt. Payn's Company, who by order of Council have joyned Captain Schoonmaker' s Company on a supposition that they belong to Major Wheelock' s Corps, who are disbanded have applied for passes to return home, — Thereupon Ordered, that the said men be informed, that they did not belong to Major Wheelock's Corpa at the time they were ordered to join Captain Schoonmaker 's Compauy and that Captain Schoonmaker be directed not to permit any of the said men to depart or quit his Company without orders from his Excellency the Governor or this Council. 1 See the Resolution of May 6th 1777 on page 152. THE NEW YORK LINE OF THE CONTINENTAL AEMT. THE NEW YORK LINE OF THE CONTINENTAL ARMY. The perusal of the foregoing Proceedings of the Provincial Congress &c will have shown, that the Continental Congress made three calls on the people of New York for assistance in their struggle against the attempts at coercion by the British Ministry, the first in 1775, the second early in 1776, and the third in the summer of 1776. Hardly any documentary evidence has been preserved to show, who answered to the first two of these calls by shouldering their muskets and reporting "ready for service "-to the officers, of whose names more or less complete .returns exist. In giving names of the officers and pf a few men of the first and second " Continental Establishments," the Editor has tried to avoid repeating lists of names, etc., already published iri the "Calendar of Revolutionary Papers," two Volumes, published by authority of the State in 1868. An examination of the Legislative Papers, collected from 1778 to 1830, of the Minutes of the Council of Appointment and of the Pension Board, has enabled the Editor to disinter the names of many Revolutionary worthies from the tomb of oblivion, where, however, many more must rest forever, in the absence of means to bring them again into light. The list of soldiers here following, according to Regiments and Companies, is taken from the " Military Register," a MSS. volume purchased by the State from Alexander Neely, for 100 acres of land in the Town ship of Sterling, Cayuga Co. (see chapter 265, Laws of 1828). Neely, a native of this State, had, while clerk in the War Department at Washington, compiled this register and as General Dearborn, Secretary of War, had by a letter of July 27, 1803, informed the then Secretary of State of New York, Thomas Tillotson, that " all returns made subsequently to the year 1781 and some of those made previous were consumed by fire with the War Office, in Novbr. 1800," the Legislature authorized the above purchase, a committee having found proof of its correctness. The abbreviations used in the following list mean : A. P., Assembly Papers, containing petitions for bounty-land, etc., and reciting in nearly every case the applicant's service, the recital being fortified by affidavits of former superior officers and brother-soldiers. C. A., the Minutes of the Council of Appointment, consisting of the Governor and a few Senators. A, B, C, Aa, Bb, Cc, I, the Minutes of the Pension Board. M. R., the Military Register, the entries of which are given in extenso, with the following omissions and abbreviations : the first date gives the day of entering in the Company; m. means mustered ; E., served to the end of the war. P. R., a pay-roll of the two Regiments, into which the New York Line had been consoli dated in 1781. An alphabetical index of the names of the Line and of the Militia Officers will follow at the end of the volume. This index does not contain the names of the soldiers of the Levies and Militia, which are arranged in alphabetical order. 166 Proceedings of ihe Provincial Congress. Ph-I oq a i— i ¦B •saqoui -,99,1 ga.,- moo^¦°CD _ OO CQ O CD fc. Ch r. cbcoo ooo a « o Sn o ° o OOfl o o CD O Ch Ch » =3* S 111 I f« S 3 " & j* 05051; tf £°--*0-->£| J3 | ^ m *- S c'lso fl o o o j-. ea rt 5 r-a o rtTS-a-c0 o Ofl" o ° 0~a iS .a-ata -jCDr* Br* .a eshaa On P-mmfl S3 CD c, CD0 Jij'3 etj-O " ^3 * *¦§.-. fl-op,-0 ofl £ o cci 6cg_cC) S5si3 A o o o ;- 1 . ea-ca-a pqo o 000 OJ;Oh *o ca'O'3 ^rt^O fl eel OO rt QtO feffl J B»*°OCOO nnn JOObO1" b «>" O O c O O £ .S.*0, gji S 2 cOrtO»t-t.^OC3 o r-lfH rrt ..-I cot-Hjceoosocece .rH-^i-scwtooooooeoeoeoiooa© -coco • © £h laiacococouHiato^ i»oio»o»o»oiQ»aiQ»oeoco»oi©cnioiaioiaioioiecoio IcAioeoioeoio Eh ..» Sola WStgS co a cd a OO^OnOOOOOO oBqOo 0 ooo ooo 0 o c oflJ OOO I 3 o 3o3o .ft So ¦3 I r-^ o -5 I fl Ch"-! r. M W~ *. ^ "J rH . -» rH 1 £ I £ 11 £ : I g fesS 3 So 3i,"3, r0r-\O cc) cc) es r-IOrJ 3 o-g O^ o O_co CD O O o OhjMr-lMcOrJarrtr-1 8 Sfl a) d i-hO «S.;S SB* •¦ir.a-ss CD fe rt CD 3 ¦02®aScDB°rH •o-Sog C-ra S3 61 v>n9tn -!SIin9 JO iBQ sss-ssassisssgisgsssssssssas^sssssHSScSssssss O CO CO O OS CO CO W O XO 10 10 TH CCl « Q rH 00 CO 1CS-1H CO « rH ^ M fc- CO O t- J3 2 1" 00 "* ^ "5 0s t- "5 a co a tj «-2r??.r-™fl d.-?o? igeSflflEtJOtiOoeOrt, BflllS ¦£.- 0 o.n ^flflfls 5 o «gflj The New York Line. 167 a cgOCOO OOOOOo a Prt a OOoOOOOc S 5?S I » fe,o » * » ^^ ?"»§ * cd £ co'O'O'a tt'O'O'O eo-a ?S3OhO aC3*0 CD^3 O rt o rt O 3 r**rt« -.J3 r. fl t. — r. frj rH r. fl £ fl C. rt OOO O-*3 c •O'U'O'Oien ued 3 " -5 M 1 O rt ™% or. pq fl o -. S'"3 ¦a o o o o o o o o o-o O O O O Ot25 a •U.TJT3T3TJ ^+3.*) tr fl cj tr 3 g 2 n'3«ns a ..a 050 nSffl hO oioioi^ioiooiooinoinwio-oioiooioiOLOioioioioiooioiQioois g :£ ' « J ® _ a a ct a (D P »cDr-. CD P CD r6 CD cjOoooaooooaSflScoogaooooooooooooooaoooo ¦efc-a'O-a-fi'a'Ofc-oft^fc-o-ofifcfc'ori-Q'a-a'a-o-o'GTi-V'a-ofcft-o-o-a-a SPS-ao : a& 3>'.S o b o o o-a o o o o a™ 0.3 o» 0-3 o o o o p o-s 0000000 0— o 0 |fqSa£-rt^«flflflfS^^^wtShrar3wmwfS*www(S'afi'' J«frt' O -Ob- -0->I^CDi-5a001vHiHrH»C0C0t-O00i-l--Sfl O ccfl OjS CD O •-.Nfci-sQflHhj. £ a . jo a •»£ „u a _, aa * o co „5Sfeo a S-"0 «-fl S o oogfl Or,rrtCH aCD . ,fl © ) CO O 2rt^°-5Sf 1| coo utE-Ofe i*CD*H S-a 0=0-5. ao S"3 ¦a 5 &"S^ 3 Ma g S s g^W^^tSOf-Cirt, sflf-S o ca o ea o ca^ 00 El H <1 >-. 1-5 c, co i-s co Q The New York Line. 169 « 3 ag toa »£ CMid r.^.""'?.^. #SXXM ^ S pua. SoJoi..i,.s>19'Sooorti,? Rogu £« ZSTt&tt&SS SirSic'Siooooooo o a go P30H«nf,*fefeMhmco3BSrrtSn*******mnn3 cd cd ii cd cd® d CD "3 CD 13 ^ CD CD CD e_ o.S.2 saoooSaooooaoooccaaSoOoaaaea ^aSnS^^^sa^^^aS^^^'SmS^ra^SSSfq '£*>£ ^.r.'S Bfc'r „ •& -r- oga^jooooa'aoflopoo^ooooooo.aopflo W(Sc2f3'a'a'a'a5feffle*«'0clS'aa«'a'a^'«g'arS^ CO HO CO fc- "* ^* t- fc- CO » O CO 00 CO CO CO OS US U5 CO fc- IO £--*Ha*(ntDb~ iGtamuaiaiaia%aiaia*a*a*a\aiG>ta*aia%a*fsiaiaiGiG*aiGtaiaiQ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Q-O OOOOOOOOOOO •0 "O "O "O "O "O 'O "O ^ ^ ^ 'd ?a ^3 »o 13 tj "d *o *d t3 -o" -a 'a ^ »a 13 »a tj ¦O ice Ota," a>?£ Oj£ o i o-3r2 o S o *0« aajaiiu°Srt4> o« a HotH^ a Boiae a o o„ -. „ aOwOrHH OHHOWOCS&IZiHOfflO rHHO rHr?i-1 «C^M^COW-5SSc«N3rHH?rHHCrCMiMCC)TOrHCOWWrHCirtC^?^ gssssi^s§si3*-3Scsa-ia''cSs«*rs§ig'oa' boooooooooo SflJo o o »U»Sjo j&o.o •a>e ©©-* ©© © rrt rrt rrt rH rtH rH r— rt rt r«»! t-©©c»incot- •»8aa I a o Uj lO lO 1Q lO -Q *0 tO «5 UIJ »0 U3 lO iO »0 W U3 US »0 10 tfitt9^0e<0<01QU)tOio & §• . O fl * ¦§ «§ .. fa S SPPSa ¦a o- o 0 t>j=B « a „.2a °C -0 Srrtfefl a o fl'ga o O 1-5 CH<)Oi-s CD ¦as . -St* fesao oofi • ¦a. 2 . offflr-; fl fa °^ 1 1W 03- *^ ; s « do :£" 2"© .f SPSS ¦ojglg.5 r1 . . . o pS^Sh fl • CD M S^fl-S a Isggg g uBi-MEh flt» aa .§« IU • 1-33 •say . . . -6 - dg •:;•:::: jj : : :.* : .f.g'g loo|lo-B 1|l . .3 jl^pIL tr,"0,0 s-.'a3 ° o ooo'SS'Soooooo ooooooffi ago-j cobS— as e S— 3|«,0'8'0 a jjflO'O'O'O'pO'piO'O'ool 0« g«^ aw5 Sm »a. g3assssssssssssssssssssssas.S3cSsScoSs§.sssga -(.Bjiaa jo isa rtOOOOOOCOOOOO rt-3 OOOOOOOO J*OrtO ooocoooooooooo • 3* • t a co g cd a a^ . . . fl S CD a« § fl o CrS The New York Line. 171 •a : o-a o ffaffa" ' 'I- fa-fefar-fa::^J'::::'r= l* g-3 S-S ° o o o^ o p-a o-a a o o-a o o o o c o g o~ g IS COOfc- 1H 1^ iH\iHV J\t-\Jc rK fc- CO lO i-i O rl O CO CO t- r-l rH OJ O I?fc- fc- r-ffc- CO OJ O CO CO r* tQlQkOtQiaiaiGiaiGiQiOZDtaiatatOiQtOtGiOiGtOiGCDtOiGiOtOiOtOiO J ft-. „ r-l II -.iSfetoaeSea 00000 00 Ooooooooo&oofeSotncBStB o o o o o B'O'O'B'O'O'O'aflfl'a'O'a'O'O'a Sa'O 8 ofl M o £ ¦afl'O'a'a'a »H t> ^ tr-rk ^CSfltr-r« ^ OOP Pl-3 Ir-C5fairlHC0l--l-Hrtl sssssssssasii-sssss^iigiiaScScSSScaScsa Scs^sssssssss^sscoss^ssasijsasssiss ciooooooooooo ^0000 a-ao o o o o o o o o o o .a^'O'a'a'a'a'O'a'a'a'a.^.ir'B'B'O'a.rtrrt13^^^ 3<S So-afl ®U 2 K o 3ofc5 fl 3S°Z o e& fr, o§a«« flSogja--' rl^CSlill-^nr-, . .E ¦at?-fa : a.2.2 o fa g'Oaifu a pa _. +j rSS« Sa Jr-BfaS" Iffl -btrQ^r? P-OOcOfrt llllo S a a „ 2fl o Bfl Hi-arBiai-s aa iS&'S bfl (tj 3 03p3w irSStS a . O fa rt" fa wfrt •fl— »co aaSe¥la! afafls -= °sa &sf a s s S a-o=3cSo-9£s«iS 172 The New York Line. m a EH O If <1 a s rt>i 6 53 "hH O bo o CQ a ¦ rHrf o r!c, o5s C<3 o *rH O rt r3 -M CD PA 0O-O-O-OC0i0 d-,0 Of, -j a a a Oft •j99innioA a-S 2§ O fa CO. 3£3 •las -55a S •«eaaa000ggafl mooo op Mrt«« o o :« -trt cj-a-oT. *§ 05 oca-a-aT.1-; a.^« ¦•OB .* -B cS^Qa h -si8a*PH-g|iSr3fl|r5gp;:6rl|ar?5rS{|5r?(S5^r5 a,2 a OjSfl cd ¦hBOc St, £ § a ! •2vfl "o-" 2S a--r,fl • 8 « a .-* lO'SjofaflflfafloSg agfl da ^3 0,0 o ofl o cd ac £.2 o afl CHrt^Cjl-sOOlSBraPrfBr^l-ScH .flfl iOEh The New York Line. 173 *>§.¦* 1 „ CD 5 CD CD P CJ paogaoooooopa o o o o ooooapasopBooo ma,0fl3'0'0'q'a'a'oBa'0'd,3'd'a'a'a'aaM5a',Jma'a'a,:, a : • • : : :.:... .a : : tea J'a^^ajB^ag": Of; +2 * t-CO tr-CO t- ' tr Oj m o o o o o o oo o ooo ooo o tit's P a o o « eg o cffl'S'S ' 'ifa r^fa ' OOOOOOp-gOOOOOOOOOp-flOOOOOOOOOOOO .5 Olrt O ^ Oi ^V- CO COWrt ^fc-rt Ql^ CO t^t-©rt CO ©OC5^ rtrt r-i r- Irt rHrt i-^ r-f :** io »o »o us us us co us us us CO CO ws us us us us us US CCS co us us »o co ca CO m CO US CO fl S-rt i-Sa ,0-1--'.---' ftftt*rfl P3 SJ OOM rt.l sSji. •Sfl Sw'O _ CD ea fa e3 fl a O«OOcj0« 3a- r« .•5-1* 3 CD : c cd s » rt, i-i fa "OrO fl+a ^3 CD a fa-rt. cD"3 }&l ;«*!£ 1 a • aa .a Oifa.O-CD -=T3,3 t» flfl PhCO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ia,aia'a'arD'a'a^'0'a'0'a'a'a'a'a'a'ara'a'3'a'3'0'a'Ox3'D'a,a 5l3S8SSffiS5eS3SS=?SSSgg5SSSSSS<3S53SS.S r4r4r4r4r4*<}t 3 CO •* IO ©COrt •* US 00 fc-CO CO CO CN t- t-r o o oo o 0.3 o SPooooooo C&OO ooo^Booo 00— ¦o'a'a'B'0'0 SirH^caca va-an-a-a s-a-a-a-a-a^ S-o-awa a CDS 2§« Sgacaifl,, fe^^flOg' Eh art_£ cd 9 afl^rtiB^a fl 3 a Bfl mP •^KoOBl-s^rS ¦3fls . - •a c«3a : !r2 aSSrt*3 a a aJ>-S a £ &f B Jfl a | fl^PxiSafaacosaC oaa'SScDawalgg i-s >-j i-s n 174 The New York Line. FIRST REGIMENT. Van Schaick, Goose, Colonel, Nov. 21, '76 ; m. to Jan'y '83 MR Van Dyck, Corn's, Lt. Colonel, Nov. 21, '76 ; m. to Jan'y '82 ; Colonel Levies Bb 73 A. P. 14-317 M R Tates, Christ' r P., Major Nov. 21. '76 ; resigned Nov. or Dec. '77 M R Ledyard, Benjamin, Major ; Captain 1st N T June 28, '75; Majoijth N T Nov 21, '76, transferred to 1st N T Apr 29, '78, resigned on ac't of ill health Mar. 26, '79 M R A. P. 22,3«**eg Wendell, J. H., Adjutant; Ensign V. Ness Co Nov. 21, '76, 2d Lieut Jan'y '79, Adj't Sept. 29, '80 ; m. to Jan'y '82, I 143 M R Tearse, Peter B., Adjutant Nov. 21, '76, 1st Lieut, com manding Lieut. Colonels Comp'y May 16, '76, res'd. Apr. 23, '81 A. P. 16-132, 19-488 M R Van Woert Henry, 2d Lieut & Qr M'r Nov 21, '76, Qr M'r, Jan'y 79, 1st Lieut. Sept 29, '80 ; m. to Jan'y '83 M R A. P. 15-175, 17-318, 20-29. Ten Eyck, Abr'm 2d Lieut, and P. M. Nov 21, '76, Qr. M'r, Jan'y 13, '77, deranged Jan'y 1, '81, A. P. 14-138, Mi. 38-499 M R Freligh,. Solomon, Rev., Chaplain, Nov 21, '76, app'd Jan'y 13, '77 (C. A.) omitted Sept. '77, never having joined. MR Mead, Wm. Surgeon, Nov 21, '76, resigned Oct 13, "W^h.. P. 15-142; A. P. 17-271 M R Sweet, Caleb, Surgeon, Surgeon's Mate May 1, '77 (posBi- bly app'd Nov 21, '76) Surgeon Oct 13, '79 ; m. to Jan'y '82 M R Plemming, Mich'l, Sergt Major, Serg't in Van Ness' Oct 28, '76, Serg't Major , must'd to end of war M R Suffridge, Wm. Qr M'r Serg't, Jan'y 8, '77, war, disch'd Nov 5, '78 M R Keyser, Henry, Dr Major, as Drummer in Van Ness', Oct. 29, '76, war ; Dr Major Mar 2, '78, des'd May 22, '80. M R Dougherty, Wm. Fife Major Nov 3, '77, war ; des'd Oct. 12, '78 M R Joined Oct 8 at Yorktown; fifer Lt Inf Co. Pay List. FIRST COMPANY. McCracken, Joseph, Captain 1st Co., Nov 21, '76, Major transf'd to 4th N Y May 29, '78; res'd Apr 1, '80; 'left arm shot away by a cannon ball at Monmouth, June 8, '78. Resident of Salem, Wash'n Co. M R Young, Guy, 1st Lieut. Nov 21, '76, Capt Lieut Mar. 26, Capt July 14, '79, deranged Jan'y 1, '81 M R Diefendorph, Henry, 1st Lieut ; app'd Jan'y 1777, vice Leonard Bleecker, original appointee. Mis. 28-499 Denny, John, 2d Lieutenant, entered Oct 22, '76, resigned Oct 7, '78 to assist his family, engaged a Company of Watermen under Q. M. Genl's Dept till end of war. M R A. P. 16-278. Brown, Jonathan, Ens'n ; ent'd Nov 22, '76, res'd April 29, '78, app'd Jan'y 13, '77, vice John Vernon res'd. M R Mis. 38-499 Morrison, Edw. Serg't Major, Nov 21, '73, 3 yrs. disch'd Jan'y 15, '80. M R Brown, David, Serg't, enl'd. Dec 15, '76, 3 yrs., tr. to Ma jor's Co. Jan'y '79, disch'd March 23, '79. M R Bell, Robert, Serg't, enl'd Jan'y 8, '77, war. M R Eyres, Wm., Serg't, Jan'y 8, '77, 3 yrs., des'd Aug. 2, '77. MR Terry, Nath'l, Serg't, Jan'y 15, '77, des'd Oct 24, '77 disch'd Jan 14, '80. M R Kidd, Alex., Serg't, as Corp'l Nov 28, '76, war ; Serg't Aug. 7, '77, Priv. in '79, Serg't Nov 80, Priv. June '82, E. MR Althiser, George, Corporal, Nov. 4, '76 ; war. M R Mosher, Nich's, Corp'l, Dec 31, '76, 3 yrs. , omt'd Nov. '77. MR Talbert, Wm. Corp'l, enl'd March 8, '77. E. A. P. 19-488, 22-51. M R Lt Inf Co. in '81. P R Clark, Benj. Fife Major, enl'd as Fifer in Graham's, Nov ¦"20, '76, F. Major June 27, '77 ; war ; reduced to Fifer .Nov 1, '77, des'd Oct 12, '78. M R Druscomb, Edw. Drum Major; Drummer Nov 28, '76, Dr. Major June 28, '77, reduced to Drummer March '78, des'd Oct. 12, '78. M R McCrackin, Wm. mus'n, Jan 1, '77, 3 yrs., Priv. Apr. '78, omt'd betw. March & Sept. '79. M R Ray, Jas. mus'n, Jan'y 2, '77 ; war ; Priv. Jan'y 24, '80. E. MR PRIVATES. Bregan, John, enl'd Oct 24, '76 ; war; des'd Jan'y 13, '77. MR Jones, Wm. Oct 24, '76 ; war , omt'd Apr. '78. M R Long, Andrew, Oct 24, '76 ; war ; omt'd betw. Mar. & Sept. '79. M R Sharp, Thos. Oct 24, '76 ; war ; taken by Indians July 23, '79. M R Van Dyke, Peter, Oct 24, '76 ; war ; Serg't Jan'y 4, '78. E as Priv. M R Watkins, Benj. Oct 24, '76 ; war ; E. MR Chaseley, Peter, Oct 25, '76 ; war ; Jan'y 18, '77. M R Henderson, William, enlisted Oct 25, '76 ; disabled by timber falling on his back at White Creek, '77, & cut through right knee at Fort Stanwix, '79, discharged from Corps of Invalids Sept 1, '82. I. 177 ; laborer, Charlotte Prec. Dutchess Co. C. 13, 134, Aa 40. MR Neal, Jeremiah, Oct 25, '76; war ; des'd Apr. 1, '80. M R Walton, Jno. Oct 25, '76, in Fink's Co ; war ; transf'd & E. MR Small, George, Oct 26, '76 ; war ; des'd Aug 7, '77. M R Frink, Elisha, Nov 4, '76 ; war ; om'd betw. Mar & Sept '79. MB ¦ ' Smith, Wm. Nov 4, '76 ; war ; E. MR Gaites, Mich'l, Nov 6, '76 ; war ; omt'd betw. March & Septbr '79. MR Thompson, Jno. lst.Nov 7, '76; war; des'd Aug. 2, '77, M R Thompson, Jno. 2d, Nov 8, '76; war; des'd Aug 2, *77. MR Burns, Daniel, enl'd Nov 8, '76 ; war ; deserted Nov. 13, '77. M R Yonkins, George, Nov 8, '76 ; war; died Sept 4, '77. M R Bloom, John, enl'd Nov 19, '86 ; war ; deserted Aug. 2, '77. MR Gardinier, Gilbert, enl'd Nov 25, '76, mustered to end of war. MR A. P. 23-109. Green, Charles, Nov 35, '76 ; war ; mustered to end of war. M R Boise, (Bouse) Peter, enlisted Nov. 28, '76, for 3 yrs., re-en listed Decbr '79, for the war, discharg'd Aug 17, '80, be cause subject to epileptic fits. Cambridge, Wash'n Co. A. P. 19-22. M R Fredenburgh, Isaac, Nov 28, '76, 3 yrs., re-enl'd Dec 4, '79, for 2 m., des'd March '80. M R Fredenburgh, Math'w, Nov 28, '76, 3 yrs., des'd Aug 17, '77. MR s Fredenburgh, Peter, Nov 28, '76, 3 yrs., transf'd to Lt Inf Co. Jan 9, '79, re-enl'd Dec 3, '79. M R Lent, Hercules, Nov 28, '76, 3 yrs., died Sept 12, '77, M R Marsden, Humphrey, Nov 28, '76, 3 yrs., re-enl'd Dec '79. E. MR The New York Line. 175 Pettit, Sam'l, Nov 28, "76; war; Corp'l Dec 14, '79, Lt Inf Co. in '81, Serg't June 1, '83. E. MR Malad, And'w, Decbr 1, '76, 3 yrs., died Jan'y 7, '77. M R Smith, Jno. Dec 3, '76 ; war. E. M R Sweeney, Dan'l, Dec 11, '76, 3 yrs., des'd Aug 7, '77. M R Whiteley, John, Dec 28, '76, 3 yrs., des'd Aug 2, '77 M R Quackenbush, Jno. died May 23, '77. M R Baxter, Wm. Jan'y 1, '77, 3 yrs., disch'd June 19, '77. M R Linsey, Abr'm, Jan'y 1, '77, 3 yrs., omt'd betw. March & Sijpt '79. M R Norton, Henry, enl'd Jan'y 1, '77, for war. A. P. 18-132. MR McDougall, Wm. Jan'y 8, '77 ; war ; des'd Mar 10, '77. MR Smith, David, enlisted Jan'y 8, '77, died July '78, (omt'd betw. Mar & Sept '79.) A. P. 18-160. M R Wall, Pat'k, Jan'y 8, '77 ; war ; died autumn 1780. M R Lovejoy, John, Jan'y 10, '77 ; war ; des'd Febr 2, '81. MR Cummuns, Peter, Jan'y 29, '77 ; war ; des'd Febr 20, '77. MR Williams, John, Jan'y 29, '77, 3 yrs., re-enl'd Dec '79, des'd March '80. M R Van Tine, Jno. Febr 1, '77, 3 yrs., des'd Oct 3, '77. M R Marricle, Anth'y, Febr 8, '77, 3 yrs., disch'd Febr. 5, '80. MR Marricle, Henry, Febr 8, '77, 3 yrs., disch'd Febr 5, '80. MR Linch, James, Febr 11, '77 ; war ; des'd Aug 7, '79. M R Ellis, Dan'l, Febr 15, '77, 3 yrs., disch'd Jan'y '79. M R Ramsay, Adam, Febr 20, '77, 3 yrs., des'd Aug 7, '77, taken Nov 6, '77, disch'd Febr 25, '80. M R Weaver, Nich's, Febr 23, '77, 3 yrs., des'd Julvl, ,77. MR Condo, Wm. Mar 2, '77 ; war ; disch'd Apr '80. MR Burve, Math'w, enl'd Mar 3, '77, 3 yrs., killed June 28, '78. M R Hogle, John, March 5, '77, 3 yrs., des'd Febr 20, 78. MR Burve, Jacob, enl'd Mar 6, '77, 3 yrs., disch'd Mch 6, '80. MR Shepherd, True, Mar 10, '77, 3 yrs., died June 1, '77. M R Barrett, Walter, enl'd Mar 11, '77 ; war ; deserted Mar 5, '78, joined Apr 78, died in the fall of '80. MR Sharp, Lewis, Mar 11, '77 ; war; des'd Apr 1, '80. M R Tin, Thos., Mar 11, '77 ; war ; des'd Apr 24, '77. MR Watson, Major, enl'd Mar 11, '77, deserted Sept 7, '77, joined Mar 5, '78,- taken prisoner at Fort Stanwix July '79 and never exchanged. A. P. 18-284. M R Heavens, Joseph, Mar 12, '77; war; Corp'l Aug 7, '77 ; m. to end of war. M R Wilson, Jas., Mar 19, '77; war. E. M R Dunham, Israel, Mar 20, '77, 3 yrs., musician April 78, died Aug 20, '78. M R Messenger, Uriah, Mar 20, '77 ; war ; des'd Apr 18, '77. MR Douglass, Jas. Mar 24, '77 ; war ; des'd Nov 25, '78. M R Dyke, (Dykeman) John, Mar 25, '77, 3 yrs., des'd Oct 20, '77, joined Jan'y 1, '82, des'd Febr 5, '82. MR Dyke, (Dykeman) Joseph, Mar 25, '77, 3 yrs., des'd Aug 17, '77. M R Tully, Sam'l, Mar 26, '77 ; war. E. M R Dunham, And'w, Mar 29, '77, 3 yrs., disch'd Febr 27, '80. MR Mosher, Hezek'h, May 1, '77, 3 yrs., des'd next day. M R Thompson, William, enl'd June 13, '77, 3 yrs., Corporal Sept. 30, '77. A. P. 19-489. M R Upper Canada Sloan, Hugh, July 1, '77 ; war. E. M R Robins, Jno., July 4, '77 ; war ; disch'd Oct 29, '77. M R Bennet, William, enl'd July 13, '77, 3 yrs., disch'd Jan'y 4, '80. M R Jordan, Thos., as Volunteer, Aug 13, '77, 9 m., as Private May 18, '78, 9 m., disch'd Jan'y '79. M R Merril, Jno., Sept 30, '77, 3 yrs., des'd Apr 1, '78. M R Muncy, Nathaniel, enl'd Sept 30, '67, disch'd Sept 30, '80. A. P. 16-394. M R Servos, Dan'l, Oct. 11, '77; war; des'd Oct. 15, '77. M R Siles, Christ'r, Dec 12, '77 ; war, died Oct 9. '78. M R Adams, Emanuel, enl'd Febr 10, '78 ; war ; mustered to end of war. M R Mitchell, Geo., 1st m. Mar '78; war; des'd May 22, '80. MR Abel, John, Mar 19, '78; war. E. MR Ravelia, Lewis, 1st m. Apr '78, 3 yrs. died Jan'y '79. M R Richards, Simon, 1st m. Apr '78; war; Serg't in Van Ness', May '78, omt'd Jan'y '79. MR Bowse, Henry, May 18, '78, 9 m., disch'd Jan'y '79. M R Derby, Thomas, July 27, '68; transf'd to Frink's, July •78(?) M R SECOND COMPANY. (Lateb LiEtrr. Colonels Company.) Graham, John, Captain, C. 66, Aa, 35, 81; Nov 21, '76, Ma jor Mar 26, '79, mus't to Jan'y '82 ; C. 66, Aa, 35, 81. MR Van Rensselaer, Nicb's, 1st Lieut. Nov 21, '76, Captain Sept 1, '78, deranged Jan'y 1, '80. MR Henry, Nath'l, 2d Lieut. Nov 21, '76, wounded at Sabbath Day Point, Mar 20, '77, resigned April 5, '81. A. P. - 14-138. MR Gilbert, Benj'n, Lt., app'd June 29, '81, vice Peter B. Tearce, res'd Apr 5, '81, C. A. Van Rensselaer, Jeremiah, Lieut., promo'd June29, '81, vice Nath'l Henry res'd Apr 5, '81. C. A. Wilson, Robert, Ens'n, app'd June 29, '81, vice Van Rens selaer promo'd. C. A. Young (?) Nath'l, 2d Lt., app'd Jan'y 13, *77, vice Jno. Lansing Mis 38-499. Keilus (?) Thos., Ens'n; app'd Jan'y 13, '77, vice Ten Eyck Mis 38-499. Hicks, Tho's, Ens'n, Nov 21, '76, absent with leave, Nov 14, '77, des'd Decbr 2, '77. M R Foy, Edw'd, Serg't, Nov 28, '76 ; war. M R Henderson, Sam'l, Serg't, Novbr 28, '76 ; war ; red'd to ranks Mar 22, '80, must'd to end of war. M R Maroney, Florence, Serg't, Nov 28, '76 ; war. E. M R Brown, Thomas, Serg't, Dec 13, '76, reduced to ranks Oct 29, '79, omitted Sept '80. M R Jones, James, Corp'l, Nov 28, '76 ; war ; red'd July 17 des'd Oct 12, '80. M R Linch, Wm., Corp'l, Nov 28, '76; war ; Priv. June 15, '78, Corp'l Mar 31, '79, Priv. Apr 27, '82. E. W R Potter, Sam'l, Corp'l, Deo. 13/76; war; Serg't Dec 13, '79, m. to Jan'y '82. M R Adams, James, Drummer, en'd Nov 28, '78, to end of war. MR Adams, William, Fifer, enl'd Dec 4, '78; war; to end of war. M R Adams, James, Fifer, enl'd Mar 9, '77, for war, mustered as Corporal to end of war. M R • • Privates. Hogan, Patrick, enl'd Oct 30, '76, wounded in left hip at Fort Schuyler, July 23, '79. C. 68, Aa,87, I. 179, dis charged from Corps of Invalids, Nov 3, '82. M R La borer, Fishkill, later Rumbout Precinct, Dutchess Co. Burns, Henry, Nov 28, '76 ; war, died June '77 M R Cameron, Dan'l, Nov 28, '76; war. M R Cotter, James, Nov 28, '76 ; war. MR Craig, John, Nov 28, '76 ; war, died July 26, '80. M R Dubois, Lewis, Nov 28, '76 ; mustered to end of war. MR „ „„ Haycock, John, Novbr 28, '76 ; war. E. M R 176 The New York Line. Hubble, Isaac, Novbr. 28, '76, war, prisoner July 23, '79, must'd to end of war. M R Hyer, Jacob, Nov. 28, '76 ; war, must'd to end of war. M R Kinnion, Rob't, Nov. 28, '76, des'd June, '77. M R Lee, Dan'l, Nov. 28, '76 ; war, E. M R Lewis, Sam'l, Nov. 28, '76 ; war, des'd June 17, '78. M R Louis, Jno., Nov. 28, '76 ; war, des'd May, '83. M R McDaniel, Mich'l, Nov. 28, '76, war; des'd July 7, '77. M R McFall, Paul, enl'd Nov. 28, '76, deserted Apr. 28, '77, re-taken July 14, '77, disabled by sickness and transf. to C. of Invalids, discharged June 10, 1783; B. C. 34. M R Albany City Minor, Moses, Nov. 28, '76 ; war, June, '77. M R Ritche, Cha's, Nov. 28, '76 ; war, des'd after Jan'y, '82. M R Rossman, Phil., Nov. 28, '76 ; war, des'd Feb. 2, 81. M R Cameron, Hugh, Nov. 30, '76 ; war, des'd July 8, '77. M R Frye, Peter, Nov. 30, '76 ; des'd June, '77. M R Turnbull, Wm., Nov. '30, 76 ; war, des'd Mar. 1,1780. M R Connor, Timothy, Dec'b'r 1, '76 ; des'd June, '77. M R Gorman, Rich'd, Dec. 1, '76 ; war, Jan'y to Mar. '79. M R McMasters, Alex., Dec. 1, '76 ; war, E. M R Bainbridge, Cha's, Dec. 2, '76 ; prisoner Aug. 3, '77. M R Frazier, Jer'h, Decb'r 3, '76 ; prisoner July 23, '79. M R Howard, Rand'l, Decb'r 10, 76 ; war, transf'd Aug. 14, '77. MR Barns, Patrick, Dec. 13, '76 ; des'd July 15, '77. M R Dickens, Will., Dec. 14, '76; war, must'd to end of war. M R Oliphant, Wm., Dec. 16, '76; war, E. M R Harris, Mich'l, Decb'r 22, 76 ; war, betw. Jan'y and Mch,, '79. MR McGraw, Jno., Dec. 23, '76 ; war, des'd Oct., 77. M R Lewis, Joseph, Decb'r 25, '76 ; war, E. M R Downing, Rich'd, Jan'y 12' '77 ; 3 yrs., disch'd Jan. 12, '80. M R Phlipsa, Christ'n, Feb. 24, '77; war, M R Catnell, Chr'r, Mar. 9, '77 ; war, prisoner Mar. 20, '77, must'd to end of war. M R Chatnel, Christopher, enlisted Mar., 9, '77 ; war, taken pris oner at Sabbathday Pt., Mar. 20, '77, mustered to end of war, A. P. 14-138. M R Storning, Adam, enlisted Mar, 9, '77 ; taken prisoner at Sabbathday Pt., Mar. 20, '77. A. P. 14-138. M R Webber, Adam, enlisted Mar. 9, '77 ; war, taken prisoner at Sabbathday Pt., Mar. 20, '77, joined again Dec. 15, '78. A. P. 14-138. M R Brend, Isaac, Mar. 10, '77 ; war, prisoner Mar. 20, died April, '77. M R Bruce, Benj., Mar. 10, '77; war, disch'd Mar. 10, '80. M R Purdy, Peter, Mar. 10, '77 ; war, omt'd June, '77. M R Winn, Peter, Mar. 10, '77 ; war, pris'r June 4, '79, time expired and omt'd Mar. '80. M R Brown, Joseph, Mar. 11, '77; war, disch'd SMar. 11, '80. M R Hail, Patr., Mar. 11, '77 ; war, prisoner Mar. 20, '77. M R Ryan, Thos., Mar. 11, '77 ; war, omt'd betw. Mar, and Sept., '79 M R Scrivener, Zadock, Mar. 11 , '77 ; 3 yrs. and war, disch'd Mar. 11, '80. MR West, Williston, Mar. 11, '77; war, pris'r Mar. 20, '77, j'd Dea 15, '78. M R French (FrankB), Jacob, Mar. 14, '77 ; war, prisoner Mar. 20, '77, x same day. M R Eelch, Nicolas, enlisted Mar. 14, '77 ; war, taken prisoner at Sabbathday Pt., Mar. 20, '77, exch'd Decbr. 15, '78, mustered to end of war. A. P. 14-138. M R Withercok, Michel, enlisted Mar. 14, '77 ; taken prisoner at Sabbathday Pt., Mar. 20, '77, joined Dec. 15, '78, mustered to end of war. A. P. 14-138. M R Robinson, Jno., Mar. 16, '77 ; war, x Jan'y 24, '78. M R Green, Silas, Mar. 18, '77; 3 yrs., disch'd Mar. 18, '80. M R Salsbury, Josh., Mar. 18, '77; 3 yrs., disch'd Mar. 18, '80. M R Johnston, Abr'm, Mar., '77; 3 yrs., disch'd Mar. 18, '80, MR Conolley, John, May 1, '77; 3 yrs. prisoner July 23, '79, time expired May 80, then omitted. M R Ellis, Benj., May 12, '77; war. M R Brown, John, Oct. 28, '77 ; 3 yrs, x Jan'y, '79. M R Dennison, Daniel, volunteer 1st m. Feb. '78 ; omitted Decb'r, '78. M R Moore, Phillip, Mar. 12, '78 ; des'd Mar. 22, '78. M R Titus, John, May 5, '78; war, des'd April 25, '78. M R Armstrong, John, 1st mustered March, '79 ; to end of war. M R Mitchell, Vinant, drum., Mar. 6, '79; des'd May 22, '80. M R Valentine, Wm., 1st m. Jan'y, '80. See Ballentine, McKean' s Co. M R Johnson, Jno., Mar. 21, 80 ; war, des'd next day. M R Adams, Matthew, taken from Brown's art'y May, '80 ; se verely wounded at Dobbs Ferry, Aug., '81. Aa, 34, I, 144, discharged by Gen'l Wash'n Jan'y 3, '83. M R Tailor, Goshen, Orange Co. Johnson, Nich's, Mar. 15, '81 ; m. May, '81. M R Saunders, Robert, enl'd Mar. 16, '77 ; invalided at battle of Monmouth, June 28, '78, discharged from C. of Invalids April 10, '83, I, 201, C. 66, 139, Aa, 35. MR Farmer, Fort Miller, Albany Co. M R Wilson, John G., enlisted as drummer for the war in April 1, '78, in 3d N. Y., tr. to 1st in '81 ; discharged on acof disability, Mar. 2, '82. MR A. P. 21-443. Mont gomery Co. Boone, Nicholas, '77-83 ; injured by an accident near Fort Stanwix, '78, A. P. 16-132. Kelch, Philipp, taken prisoner by Indians at Fort Schuy ler, July, '79, released at the end of the war, A.S P. 16-132. German Flats. THIRD COMPANY. Fink, Andrew, Captain, Nov. 21, '76; deranged Jan'y 1, '81, Maior and Inspector of Bounty Regt's from '81-3. A. P. 161, 120, 18-236. Manheim, Montg'y Co. Van Veghten, Tobias, 1st Lieut., Nov. 21, '76; died July 26, '77. M R Van Valkenburgh, B. J., 2d Lieut., ent'd Nov. 21, '76, 1st Lieut. Sept. 29, '80 ; deranged Jan. 1, '81. A. P. 17-318, 22-224. M R Brutus, Cayuga Co. Clark, or Klock.Jacob Ja., En'n, ent'd Nov 21, '76, app'd Jan'y 13, '77, vice Abr. Lansing ; Mis 38-499 ; resigned May 16, '80, and joined the British. A. P. 18-374. M R Pier, Jon'n Earnest, Serg't, Oct. 25, '76; war, E. M R Debiddy, Brent, Serg't, Nov. 7, '76 ; war, des'd Nov. 26, '76. M R Smith, Robert, Serg't, Dec. 12, '76 ; war, E. M R Lackey, Hugh, Serg't, Mar. 10, '77 ; war, red'd to priv. Mar. 31, '81, E. M R Isaacs, Isaac, Serg't, Mar. 12, '77 ; 3 yrs., serg't in Wen dell's, July 4, '77, tr. to Bleecker's 3d N. Y., Nov. 8, '78. M R Gray, Phil., Corp'l, Oct. 24, '76; war, prisoner July 23, '79. MR ' Helmer, Jno, Corp'l, Octbr. 25, '76 ; war, pris'r Octb'r 22, '79, must'd to end of war. M R McGuigan, Mich'l, Corp'l, Nov. 5, '76 ; war, Serg't Nov. 26, *76, Q'r M'r Serg't Dec. 28, 78, E. as Serg't. M R The New York Line. Ill Coopernal, Adam, Corporal, enlisted in Graham's Mar. 9, '77, for war, prisoner at Sabbathday Pt., Mar. 20, '77, returned on parole Febr, '78, Corporal in Finks Sept. 1, '80, drafted into Bleecker's, Jan'y, '81, wounded at Yorktown, Oct, '81, transf'd to Corps of Invalids about '82, disch'd by Gen'l Washington, Nov. 3, '82. I, 152 A. P. 14-138, 17-318. M R Stone Arabia. Kirk, George, Mus'n, Oct 26, '76 ; war, priv. July 28, — . E. M R ' ' Hendricksen, Corn., Mus'n, Febr'y 13, '77 ; war, private July 4, '77, E. M R Privates. Bishop, John, enlisted Oct 24, '75 ; captured at Fort Schuyler June 4, '79, and killed by the Indians. A. P. 20-25. M R Herkimer Co. Darling, Moses, Oct 24, '76; war, must'd to end of war. MR Mullen, John, Oct 24, '76; war, pris'r July 23, '79. MR Prindle, Jotham, enl'd Oct 34, '76 ; for war, in Finck's, tr. to Wendell's, E. MR A. P. 24-282. Ransier, Wm., Oct 24, '76; war, des'd Aug 12, '77. M R Van Norden, Albert, Oct 24, '76 ; war, E. M R Semore, Henry, Oct 24, '76; war, pris'r May 28, '79. M R Bardeen, Robert, Oct. 25, '76 ; w. x May 8, '77. M R Walton, Jno., Oct 25, '76 ; war, E. M R Burk, John, Oct. 26, '76 ; w. to E. MR Derrotter, Geo., Oct 26, '76; war, x Jan'y 1, '77. M R McClain, Anth'y, Oct 26, '76 ; war, omt'd betw. June and Sept 79. M R Seger, Staats, Oct 26, '76 ; war, Serg't Nov 26, '76, des'd Aug 12, '77. M R Viesel, Nich's, Oct 26, '76 ; war, . M R Evans, Pat'k, Oct 27, '76 ; war, des'd Jan'y 8, '77. M R Kinter, Nich's, Octb'r 28, '76 ; war, des'd May 22, '80. M R Lighthall, Abr'm, Oct 31, '76 ; 3 yrs, ([Corp'l July 5, '77, disch'd Dec 18, '78. MR Chambers, Leon'd, Nov 1, '76 ; war, must'd to end'of war. MR Phelps, Jon'n, Nov 6, '76 ; war, des'd July 27, '77. MR Anderson, Durias, enl'd Nov 9, '76, for war, deserted • Febr 28, '77. M R Wheeler, Rob't, Nov 11, '76 ; war, des'd Jan 2, '78. M R McKindley, Arch'd, Nov 19, '76 ; war, des'd Nov. 25, '80. M R Chasey, Stephen, Nov. 20, '76 ; war, x Nov 30, '76. M R Blum, Albert, Nov 25, '76 ; w. to end of war. M R Flick, Martin, Nov 25, '76 ; w. to end of war. M R Helmer, John, jun., Nov 25, '76 ; war, des'd May 22, '80. M R Cooper, Tho's, Decbr 1, '76 ; war, transf'd to Van Ness' Nov 24, '77; prisoner July 23, '79. M R Hattes, Thomas, enl. Dec 5, '76, tr. to Wendell's Co. Nov. 24, '77, disch'd from C. of Invalids Apr 10, '83. M R I, 172. A. P. 21-145, 24-282. Sharon, Saratoga Co. Tablee, Jacob, Dec. 5, '76 : war, des'd Feb 28, '81. MR Casselman, Chr'n, Dec 13, '76 ; war, must'd to end of war. M R Keller, Jno., Decbr 13, '76 ; war, E. M R Crowder, AnthoDy, enl'd Dec 15, '76 ; drafted for war into Capt. Wendell's Nov, '77, taken prisoner at Fort Stan wix, June 4, '79. A. P. 20-436, 24-282. M R Madrid, St. Lawrence Co. Crowder, Isaac, Decbr 15, '76; war, des'd Mar 4, '77. M R Brown, John, Enl'd Jan 5, '77, des'd Jan 22, '77. M R Ruptured discharged by Gen'l Wash'n Novbr, '82, died Oct '84. Cc 71, I, 149. Platner, John, Jan'y 12, '77 ; war, transf'd to Wells' 3d Conn. Reg't, Aug 19, '78. M R 23 Ransier, Jno, Jan'y 13, '77 ; war, E. M R Forbush, Barth'm, Jan'y 30, '77 ; 3 yrs, om'd Jan'v. '79 MR ' '. Roppool, Geo., Jan'y 20, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan. 20, '80. M R Walter, Jacob, Jan'y 20, '77 ; war, E. M R Walter, Martin, Jan'y 20, '77 ; war, Corp'l, E. M R Helmer, Anyost, Jan'y 22, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 22, '80, M R Helmer, Phil., Jan'y 22, '77 ; 3 yrs, omt'd April, '79. MR House, John, enlisted Jan'y 26, '77 ; taken prisoner by Indians at Fort Stanwix July 23, '79, paroled Sept. 19, '81, died Feb, '83. A. P., 16-120, 21-341. M R Man- heim, Montg'y Co. McArthur, John, Jan'y 26, '77; 3 yrs, omt'd Jan'y 26, '80. MR Saltsman, Peter, Jan'y 26, '77 ; war, E. M R Bangle, Jno., Jan'y 27, 77; w., prisoner July 23, '79, joined Oct, '80. M R Merscelus, Garret, Jan'y 27, '77 ; war, pris'r July 23, 79. M R Pease, Henyost, Jan'y 27, '77 ; war, . M R Van Slyck, Martin, Jan'y 27, '77 ; war, E. M R John, Jere'h, Jan'y 28, '77 ; war, transf'd to V. Ness' Nov. 27, '77, died Febr 28, '78. M R Wormwood (Wormeet), Math's, Feb. 5, '77 ; 8 yrs and war, omt'd Jan'y, '78. M R Charles, Chr'n, Febr 13, '77 ; war, transf'd to Van Ness' Nov 24, '77, must'd to end of war. M R Eckerson, Jacob, Febr 13, '77 ; war, transf'd to V. Ness Nov 24, '77, om'd Jan'y, '80. M R Sharp, Corn's. , Febr 13, '77 ; war, des'd Mar 6, '77. M R Ward, Jno., Febr 13, '77; war, E. M R Gaured, Sam'l, or Garret, Febr 14, '77; w., supposed dead or des'd and omt'd Mar, '80, killed June 28, '78. M R Pease, Conrad, Febr 14, '77; war, . M R Hall, James, Febr 15, '77; war, E. M R Decamp, Mathias, enlisted Febr 22, '77, ruptured on fatigue duty at Fort Stanwix, C, 11. A. P. 20-254. M R Discharged by Gen'l Wash'n Jan. 3, '83. I, 156. Rensselaer Manor, Albanv Co. Eskler, Jno., Febr'y 23, '77;' war, des'd Aug 17, '77, rej'd May 1, '78; des'd Oct. 7, '80. M R Hurtin, Jno., Febr. 23, '77; war, E. M R Onderkirk, Myndert, Febr. 24, '77, 3 yrs. and war, E. M R Brown, Nicholas, enl'd Mar 16, '77; 3 yrs, wounded in left side at Fort Schuyler, May 23, '79. Cc, 71. Mustered to end of war, disch'd June 8, '83. A. 154. M R Pala tine Distr, Montg'y Co. Brown, Nicholas, Mar 16, '77 ; 3 yrs, end of war. M R Stone, Jno., Mar 6, '77; war, E. M R Kilts, Conrad, Mar 7, '77; war, transf'd Oct, '78. MR Snell, Zeley, Mar 7, '77; war, des'd July 27 or 28, '77. M R Ballinger, (?) Philipp, Mar 10, '77; w., Corporal Aug 13, '77, to end of war. M R Brown, George, Mar 10, '77; 3 yrs, omitted betw. Mar and Sept, '79. M R Crandle, Godfrey, Mar 10, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Mar 10, '80. M R Huffsteder, Chr'n, Mar 10, '77; 3 yrs, transf'd Jan'y, '78. M R Rankins, Jas., Mar 10, '77; 3 yrs, E. M R Dom, John, Mar 11, '77; war, must'd to end of war. M R Wallace, Christian, enl'd Mar 11, '77; war, to end of war. A. P. 20-437. M R St. Lawrence Co. Williamson, Jno., Mar. 11, '77; war, E. M R Biller, Mich'l, Mar 12, '77; des'd Mar 13, '77. M R Bower, George, ,Mar 12, '77; 3 yrs to Jan'y 12, '78. M R Bredenbacker, Baltus, Mar 12, '77; 3 yrs, tr. Oct '77. M R 178 The New York Line. Clements, Jacob, Mar 12, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Mar 12, '80. M R Groundheart, Geo., Mar 12, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Mar 12, '80. M R Henderson, Elisha, Mar 12, '77; 3 yrs, transf'd to V. Ness' Co. Oct, '77, x Nov, '78. M R Houppel, Jno., Mar 12, '77; war, mus'n July 5, '77, des'd May 22, '80. M R Keller, Nich's, Mar 12, '77; 3 yrs, transf'd to V. Ness' Nov 24, '77; disch'd Mar 12, '80. M R Kels, John, Mar 12, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Mar 14, '80. M R Murry, Geo., Mar 12, '77 ; war, pris'r July 23, '79. M R Wolf, Michael, Mar 12, '77 ; 3 yrs , omt'd betw. June and Sept, '79. MR Wormwood, (Wormoet) Chr'n, May 6, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd May 6, '80. M R Davison, Wm., May 10, '77; war, des'd next day. M R Backus, John, enl'd May 11, '77; 3 yrs, tr. to Wendell's '78; -killed at Fort Schuyler, July 23, '79; MR A. P. 23-233, 24-282. Montgomery Co. Mount, Richard, July 17, '77. M R Muller, Peter, Sept 33, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Sept 23, '80. M R Sheely, Jno., Oct. 7, '77; war, x July 9, '78. M R Cobdon; John, Oct 16, '77; war, des'd May 22, '80, joined Oct 6, '80, must'd to end of war. M R Blie, Chr'n Jotham, Oct 20, '77; w. M R Tipperwine, Christian, enl'd Oct 24, '77 ; taken prisoner at Fort Stanwix June 4, '79. A. P 20-437. M R Van Snell, Jno. Fred'k, Oct 24, '77; war, pris'r July 23, '79. M R Harrious (Harris), Hend'k, Octbr 25, '77; war, transf'd to V. Ness', des'd Feb. 12, '78. M R Momenday (Munday), David, Oct. 26, '77; war, transf'd to V. Ness' Nov. 24, '77, omt'd between June and Sept, '79 M R Riemer, John George, Oct 26, '77 ; war, x Decbr 16, '77. MR Hoffman, And'w, Octbr 27, '77; war, E. M R Houff, John, Octbr 27, '77; war, transf'd to V. Ness', then to Frink's, des'd Jan'y, '82. M R Blaar, Jacob, Oct 28, '77; w., x Jan'y, '79. M R Rier, Jno., Oct 28, '77; war, Corp'l Dec 31, '79, des'd May 22, '80. M R Sangh, Peter, Oct 28, '87; war, des'd May 22, '80. M R Bouch, Wm., Oct 29, '77; des'd July 7, 78. M R Handell, Jno., lstm. Novbr, '77; des'd Aug 12, '78. M R Wickland (Whaland), Mathias, 1st m. Novbr, '77; fifer Nov 78, re-enl'd for war Dec. 29, '79. Stall, John Christ., Nov 2, '77; war, x Febr 24, '80. M R Counts, Adam, Nov 5, '77; war, must'd Corp'l at the end of war. M R Kiefelty, Felty, Febr 3, '78; 3 yrs, des'd Febr 4, '78. M R Fox, Philipp, Febr 28, '78; 3 yrs, from Willis' Reg't Aug 19, '78, disch'd Febr 22, '81. M R Felty, Augustus, Apr 9, '78; 3 yrs, re-enlisted Dec 29, '79, des'd May 22, '80. M R Fowlestroth, Henry, Apr 9, '78; 3 yrs, des'd Sept 9, '78, M R Frunsiner, Geo., Apr 9, '78; 3 yrs, re-enlisted Dec 4, 79. des'd May 22, '80. M R Shellenburgh , Geo., Apr 9, '78; 3 yrs, omt'd betw. June and Sept 79. M R Baker, Christopher, June 28, '78 ; w. to end of war. MR Bates, Conrad, enl'd June 28, '78 ; mustered to end of war. A. P. 18-374. M R Helmer, John D., Novbr 19, '68; war, des'd May 22, '80. M R Crantz, Marx, entered Febr 14, '79, to end of war. M R A. P. 22-33. Warren, Herkimer Co. Carman, Joshua, 1st m. Jan'y, '79, to end of war. M R Roberts, Jacob, , des'd Sept 9, '80. M R Cronhardt, George, returned as 3 years' man, "served during the most critical part of the American Revolu tion." (Cert, of his Captain.) A. P. i9-313. Sullivan, Chenango Co. FOURTH (Colonel's) COMPANY. Hicks, Benj., Captain, Nov 21, '76; must'd to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 15-178, 21-209. M R Parsons, Chas., 1st Lieut., Lieut. Nov. 21, '76, Capt. Lt. Sept. 1, '78, Capt. of 3d Comp. Mar. 26, '79, E. C, 11, 57, 111. Aa, 24, 26, 29. Cc, 71. M R Williamstown. Thorn, Sam'l, 3d Lieut. Nov. 21, '76, resigned Dec 26, '77. MR Ryckman, Wilhelm, 2d Lieut., ensign Nov 21, '76, 1st Lieut. Apr 5, '81, m. to Jan, '82, vice Ten Broeck, prom'd C, A. MR A. P. 23-337. Albany, N. Y. Bloodgood, Wm. , ensign, app'd June 29, '81, vice Ryck man, prom'd. C, A. MR Crofoot, Sam'l, Serg't, Oct 24, '76; war. M R Weed, Ezra, Serg't, enlisted Oct 24, '76; war, prisoner July 23, '79, rejoined and must'd to end of war. A. P. 20-288. M R Saratoga Co. Mash (Marsh), Joseph, Serg't, Dec. 15, '76, war; Serg't Major Col's Co., Jan'y 22, '80, Ens'n, Sept. '80, m'd to Jan'y '82. M R Shulls, Jno., Serg't, Jan'y 3, '77 ; 3 yrs, [disch'd Jan'y 4, '80. M R Wallace, Wm., Corp'l, Nov 15, '76; war, see Colonel's Comp'y. M R Veile, And'w G„ Nov. 18, '76 ; war, pris'r Jan'y 23, '77. M R Standsbury, Wm., Corp'l, Nov. 21, '76 ; war, pris. Oct 23, "77, des'd Nov. 25, '80. MR Bell, John, Corp'l, Jan'y 1, '77 ; x Oct 8, '78. M R Linegar, John, mus'n, Nov 18, '76; war, pris. Jan'y 1, '80. ,E. M R Weed, Abijah, mus'n, . M R Armstrong, Adam, Fifer, enl'd Jan'y 22, '80; to end of war. M R Armstrong, Archibald, Drummer, enl'd Jan'y 22, '80, to end of war. M R Privates. Lyons, Jas., Oct 22, '76 ; war, disch'd Nov 17, '77 M R Cosier, Hezek'h, Oct 24, '76; war, prisoner, Septbr, '78, Solyer, Zacheus, Oct 24, '76 ; war, E. M R Hoskins, Tho's, Octbr 25, '76; war, x Mar 17, '77. M R King, John, Oct 25, '76 ; war, Corp'l, July or Aug, '79, E. MR Mitchell, Edw., Oct 25, '76 ; war, E. M R Ford, John, Oct 27, '76 ; war, des'd Jan'y 25, '77. M R Shannon, Thos., Oct 28, '76; war, . M R Peters, John, Oct 31, '76 ; war, Corp*] Oct 24, '77, serg't Jan'y 4, '80. MR Handford, Obediah, Novbr 1, '76 ; war, des'd May 33, '80. M R Connor, Jas., Nov 4, '76 ; war, des'd Nov. 15, '76. M R McMichell, Jno., Nov 3, '76 ; war, des'd Jan'y 25, '77. M R Hildreth, Elijah, Novbr 4, '76; died Decbr 16, '76 M R Toorell, Roger, Nov 9, '76; war, pris'r Aug 3, '77. M R Ward, Jesse, Nov. 10, '76; war, des'd Jan'y 26, '77. M R Cronck, John, Nov 13, '76; war, Corp'l Jan 4, '80, mus tered to end of war. M R Linck, Owen, Nov 13, '76; war. M R The New York Line. 179 Potter, Wm.,Nov 13, '76; war, pris'r July 23, '79 M R Ball, Joseph, Nov 14, '76; died Oct 1, '77. M R Harris', Wm., Novbr 14, '76; war, Corp'l Jan'y 24, '77, E. MR McDavid, Henry, Nov 14, '76; war, died Oct 29, '78. MR Williams, Chas., Nov 14, '76 ; war, died Sept 29, '78. M R Conway, Wm., Nov 15, '76; war, des'd May 22, '80. M R Relay, Lewis, Nov 15, '76; war, died Dec 2, '78. M R McMahan, Mich'l, Nov 16, '76; war, des'd July 14, '77. M R Ryan, Dennis, Nov 16, '76 ; war, des'd Dec 20, '76. M R Wendell, Jno., Nov 16, '76; war, E. M R Bazil, Mich'l, Nov 17, '76; for war. M R Hope, Thomas, enl'd Nov 17, '76; discharged from C. of I. by Gen'l Wash'n, Nov 3, 1782. M R 1, 171. N. Y. C. Brownes, Samuel, Nov 18, '76; w., omitted Jan'y '79. MR Daugherty, William, enl'd Nov 18, '76; taken prisoner by Indians near Fort Stanwix, July 23, 1779, released at close of war. MR A. P. 22-122. Orange Co. Laverty, John, Nov 18, '76 ; war, E. M R McGHaughlin, Jno., Nov 18, '76 ; war, des'd Apr 24, '77. M R McQuin, Phil., Nov 18, '76; war, des'd Nov 20, '77, j'd May 7, '78, x May 9, 1779. M R O'Bryan, Thos., Nov 18, '76; war, E. M R O'Neal, Cha's, Nov 18, '76; war, des'd July 21, '77. M R Rieley, James, Nov 18, '76; war, E. M R Henley, David, Novbr 19, '76; war, died Novbr 28, '78. M R Pierce, Jno., Nov 19, '76; war, E. MR Burnhart, Jno., Nov 20, '76; to end of war. M R Fairchild, Jesse, Nov 20, '76; war, des'd Nov 16, '78. M R McGregor, Dan'l, Nov. 20, '76 ; war, des'd Febr 27, '78. M R Marsters, Jona., Nov 20, '76; war, E. M R Reed, James, Nov 20, '76; war, des'd Sept 20, '77. M R Starr, George, Nov 20, '76; war, . M R Warren, Edw'd, Nov 20, '76; war, des'd Apr. 4, '78. MR Wyllis, Jas., Nov 20, '76; war, des'd May 22, '80. M R Beedle, Moses, Novbr 21, '76; prisoner July 23, '79. MR Ammerman, Obadiah, enl'd Nov 22, '76; w., mustered to end of war. M R McClow, Jos'b, Nov. 22, '76 ; war, des'd July 2, '78. M R Jones, Ezra, Nov 26, '76 ; war, des'd Jan'y 30, rejoined Dec 25, '77, des'd Jan'y 10, '81. M R O'Bryan, Jno., Nov. 26, '76; war, des'd July21, '77. M R Spear, Jona., Nov 27, '76; war, E. M R Fuller, Mich'l, Nov 28, '76; war, des'd Sept 20, '77. M R Stevens, Abr'm, Nov, '76 ; war, des'd Nov 4, '80. M R Finn, And'w, Dec 3, '76; war, x Mar 1, '77. M R O'Donahy, Pat'k, Dec 3, '76; 3 yrs, Corp'l June 1, '80, enl'd for war, pris. Mar 31, '81, E. M R Hawkins, Isaac, Decbr 4, 76; war. M R Bomtreys, Geo., Dec 6, '76 ; 3 yrs, x Jan'y 8, '78. M R Brown, Francis, Decbr 6, '76; w., des'd Nov 14, '80. M R Paddock, John, Dec 15, '76 ; war.^des'd May 22, ,'80. M R Corman, Tho's, Dec 17, '76; war, des'd Apr 15, '77. M R Dunvan, Jno., Dec 23, '76; war, omitted betw. June and Sept, '79. M R Garret, Jas., Decbr 24, '76; w., x Febr 18, '77. M R Van Deboe, Jacob, Jan'y 3, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd June 3, '80. M R Decker, John, Jan'y 4, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 4, '80. M R Eldridge, Jona., Jan'y 11, '77; 3 yrs, des'd May 22, '80. MR Durham, Stephen, Jan'y 27, '77; 3 yrs, must'd to end of war. M R Fitzgerald, Jno., Jan'y 27, '77; 3 yrs, drummed out of the Reg't Mar 3, '78. M R Dingman, John, Febr 25, '77; war; prisoner June, '77, omitted Apr '78. M R Miles, John, enl'd Febr 25, '77; prisoner April, '77, worn out by the service, discharged from Corps of Invalids Jan'y 3, 1783; died April 6, 1785. I, 186. M R Brown, James, Mar 24, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Aug 15, '77. MR Ogden, Dan'l. Apr 4, '77 ; war, E. M R Kearish, Fred'k, Novbr 7, '77 ; war, des'd June 27, '78. M R McPatterson, Tho's, Nov 21, '77; war, des'd May 27, '78. M R Crannel, Wm., May 18, '78; gen. disch'd Feb 18, '79. MR Shuts, Peter, Jan'y 5, '79 ; 3 yrs, re-enlisted, x p'r roll of Sept to Dec, '80. M R Boyd, William. A. P. 21-209. Lansingburgh. FIFTH COMPANY. Van Ness, David, Captain, Nov 21, '76; absent without leave and omitted May, .'78 ; C, 138, Aa, 25, Graham's Comp. M R Hooghkerk, John, 1st Lieut., Novbr 21, '76; resigned Jan 15, 1779, on ac. of ill health and died shortly after. MR A. P. 18-196. Hardenbergh, Abr., 2d Lieut. Nov 21, '76, must'd to Jan, '82. M R Wendell, Jacob H, Ensign, Nov 21, '76 ; 2d Lieut. Jan'y, '79, adj't Sept 29, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Truesdell, William, Ens'n. A. P. 23-109. Green Co. Bogard, Gilbert, Serg't, enl. Oct 25, '76 ; taken prisoner at Fort Stanwix, June 4, '79. A. P. 20-436. M R Commins, Corn's, serg't, Oct 27, '76; war, red'd to ranks Mar 19, '77; must'd to end of war. M R A. P. 20-314. McGaughlin, Barnardr-Serg't, Oct 26, '76; war, pris. Dec. *77, Serg't Febr, '78, pris. June, '78, des'd Oct 5, 1780. M R Lee, Rob't, Serg't, Nov 9, '79 ; des'd Nov 17, '78. M R Richards, Simon, Serg't, May, '78; see S. Richards in McCrackens. M R Bromley, John, Corporal, enl'd Oct 26, '76; Corp'l May 4, '77, died in service, May 4, 1781. A. P. 13-260. M R Lewis, Henry, Corp'l, Oct 27, '76 ; war, Serg't, Mar 19, '77, pris. May 21, '78, disch'd July, '80. M R Miller, David, Corp'l, Nov 7, '76; war, x Mayj] 27, '78. MR Hankey, John, Corp'l, enl'd Mar 1, '77, for 3 yrs, reduced to ranks May 22, '78, Corp'l, May, '79, ruptured, dis charged from Corps of Invalids Nov 3, 1782. I, 175. M R Cummins, Jno., jun'r, Drummer, Nov 30, '78. M R Moroney, Alexr., Drum'r, Sept 1, '80. . M R Privates. Casey, Jno, Febr 18, '76 ; war, des'd Dec 6, '76. M R Anderson, P. W., enl'd Oct 1, '76 ; w., deserted Dec 7, '76. M R Knight, John Jacob, Oct 25, '76 ; war, Corp'l May 22, '78, des'd May 22, '80. M R Berryhill, Jno., Oct 26, '76; w., des'd Aug 16, '77, joined Jan'y, '78, disch'd Oct 13, '78. M R Hammond, Dan'l, Oct 26, '76 ; war, des'd Aug 15, '77. M R Van Vorst, Christ'n, Oct 26, '76 ; war, . M R Waysall, Wessells, (Viessels), Nicholas, enl'd Oct .26, '76; collar bone broken, discharged from Corps of Invalids April 10, 1783. Aa, 20, I, 210. M R Laborer, N. Y. C. 180 The New York Line. Wessels, Nich's, see Viesel. M R Stout, (Stoutenger), Geo., Oct 27, '76; war, E. M R Van Netten, Joseph, Oct 27, '76 ; war, E. M R Baptist, John, Oct 28, '76; prisoner July 23, '79. M R Hall, Charles, Octbr 28, '76; war, des'd Jan'y 20, '77. M R John, Francis, Octbr 28, '76 ; war, omt'd Jan'y, '80. M R Warden, (Warder), Thos., Oct 28, '76; war, des'd Febr 24, '81. M R Collard, Edw., Oct 29, '76; war, Fifer Sept 25, '77, pris. Sept '78. M R Haines, Thomas, enl'd Oct 29, '76; w., ruptured May, 1777, employed as Invalid in Gen'l Schuyler's guard, mustered to end of war. C, 120. MR Albany City. King, Wm., Octbr 29, '76; war, des'd Oct 19, '80, re-taken Apr 18, '81, m. May, '81. MR Fitcher, George, Oct 30, '76 ; war, des'd Jan'y 20, '77. M R Bucket, Jno., Oct 31, '76 ; des'd Jan'y 20, '77. M R Brown, James, Nov 1, '76 ; w., deserted Jan'y 20, '77. M R Thomas, John, Nov 1, '76; war, des'd Jan'y 20, '77. M R Cufman, Jno., Nov 3, '76; war, x May 2, '78. M R Flyhearty, Stephen, Nov 19, '76; war, x Mar 20, '77. M R Barret, Jno., Nov 20, '76 ; w , x Dec 4, '82. M R Morris, Harvey M., Nov 20, '76; war, x Febr 6, '77. M R Morris, Cha's, enlisted as Henry early in 1776; sent home sick, 1777. A. P. 23-108. W. Stockbridge, Mass. Bullock, (Black), Archibald, Novr 28, '76; w. x June 1, '80. M R Duff, David, Nov. 28, '76 ; war, des'd Aug 18, '77. M R Goodwin, Wm., Decbr 14, '76; war, Corp'l Mar 4, '77, must'd priv. at end of war. M R Stagg, John, Dec. 14, '76; war, des'd Febr 8, '77, taken Sept 20, '77, E. M R White, or Voit, Joseph, enl'd Dec 14, '76; ruptured, In valids July 6, '78, discharged from C. of Invalids Sept 1, 1782. C, 116. Aa, 11, I, 208, Cc, 74. M R Laborer, New Yo'k County, Haerlem Div. Outward, Catskill. Elwiston, Edw'd, Dec. 16, '76 ; war, miss'g July 8, om'd Nov, '77. MR Van Denburgh, Dan'l, Dec 21, '76; war, disch'd Sept, '78. M R Daniel, Henry, Dec 23, '76; 3 yrs, Corp'l April, '79, re-en listed for war, Oct 15, '79, must'd to end of war. M R Sherman, Jesse, , war, taken by Col. V. Cortlandt by -prior enlistment. M R Bray, Thomas, Jan'y 4, '77; w., x Oct 21, '78. M R Van Salsbury, Corn's, Jan 7, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Apr 1, '78. M R Allen, John, enl'd Jan'y 12, '77 ; 3 yrs, re-enlisted Dec. 19, '79, for 2 m. MR Rotcherry, Jas., Jan'y 23, '77; war, des'd. May 22, '80. M R Russell, Jas, Jan'y 24, '77; 3 yrs, time expired, omt'd Febr, '80. M R McCormick, Jas., Febr 1, '77 ; 3 yrs., des'd Apr 21, '78. M R Hart, Thomas, Febr 2, '77; 3 yrs, re-enlisted for war Novbr 5, '79, E. M R Cole, Francis, Febr 7, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Aug 16, '77. M R Smith, Jno., Feb 16, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Febr 24, '77. M R Quackenbush, Jacob, Febr 18, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Apr 18, '77. M R Van Loan, Nich's, Febr 20, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd same day. M R Elbertson, (Elwiston), William, enl'd Febr 22, '77; wounded twice in left leg at Monmouth, June 28, 1778 ; C. of Invalids, C, 138. Aa, I, 25, I, 67, discharged by Gen'l Wash'n, Apr 23, 1782. M R Laborer, N. Y. O, later Albany Co. Johnson, Daniel, Mar 9, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Mar 20, '77. MR. Johnston, Jno., Apr 1, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Apr 16, '77. M R Bromley, William, Apr 29, '77; w. to end of war. M R Carr, Wm., May 19, '77; 3 yrs, des'd, July 10, '77, joined Jan'v, '78, disch'd Mar 18, '80. M R Zeager", Thos., July 1, '77; war, died Oct 13, '78. M R Seager, Thos., see Zegar. Perkins, Jas., Aug 27, '77; 3 yrs, re-enl'd for war, E. M R Drinks, And'w, 1st m. Nov '77; war, des'd Sept 12, '78. M R Hite, Stephen, Febr 1, '78 ; 3 yrs, des'd July 2, '78. M R Standley, Dan'l, Febr 1, '78; 3 yrs, des'd Apr 15, '78. M R Wood, Peter, Febr 1, '78 ; 3 yrs, des'd Apr 15, '78. M R Taylor, Wm., Febr 11, '78; 3 yrs, des'd Apr 15, '78. M R Criper, C. Fred'k, 1st muste'd April 2, '78 ; 3 yrs, des'd May 5, '78. M R " Perkins, Josh, j'd June 5, '78 ; gen., disch'd Febr 5, '79, enl'd for war Mar 31, '79 ; Serg't Dec 23, '82, E. M R Uens, Wm., Nov 5, '78; transf'd to 3d N. Y. Nov 24, '78. MR SIXTH COMPANY. Van Veghten, Samuel, Captain, Nov 21, '76; according to List of Mil. Committee, but not in Mil'y Register. McKean, Rob't, Captain, 1st N. Y., Nov 21, '76, (Dec 14, '76, Mis. Pap., 35-357,) resigned Jan'y 29, '78, later Capt. in Van Rensselaer's 9 m. Levies. A. P. 21-197. M R Ten Broeck, Jno. G, 1st Lieut., Nov 21, '76; Captain June 29, '81, vice John H. Wendell, 7th Comp., resigned Apr 5, '81. C. A. A. P. 18-260. M R Scudder, William, 2d Lieut., com'd Nov 21, '76; 1st Lieut, Jan'y '79, taken prisoner by Indians at Fort Stanwix, July 23, 1779. A. P. 14-291. M R Moore, Jas., Ens'n, Nov 21, '76; resigned Feb 28, '78. M R Camble, Rob't, Serg't, Jan'y 20, '77; war, des'd Aug 5, '77. M R Furguson, Wm., Serg't, Jan'y 20, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 20, '80. M R Wilson, Jno., Serg't, Jan'y 20, '77; war, des'd Aug 5, '77. M R Dunlap, John, Serg't, Jan'y 28, '77; war, disch'd July 18, '82. M R Casey, Robert, Corp'l, Febr 2, '77; war, must'd at end of war, as Serg't. M R Conor, John, Corp'l, Febr 4, '77; war, x June 7, '78. M R Dunlap, Ja's, Corp'l, Febr 28, '77; war, x Oct 30, '79. M R O'Brian, Tho's, Drum'r, Jan'y 20, '77; 3 yrs, priv. Sept, '80, E. M R Davis, Rich'd, Fifer, Febr 1, '77; war, des'd Julv 7, '77. M R Bloom, Nicolas, Fifer, Febr 10, '79; 3 yrs, reduced June 1, '79. M R Rankins, Thos., Fifer, Mar 1, '80. E. Privates. McDougal, John, enl'd Nov 21, '76; (Jan'y 21, '77,) 3 yrs, Corp'l Nov 30, '78, discharged at Fort Schuyler Jan'y, 1781, (Jan'y 21, '80.) A. P. 17-79. M R Sloughter, Jonas, Jan'y 20, '77; war, Corp'l Nov 1, 79. M R O'Brian, John, Jan'y 20, '77 ; 3 yrs, re-enl'd for war Dec 19, '79, disch'd Febr 16, '81. M R The New York Line. 181 Keef, Arthur, Decbr 26, '76; 3 yrs, pris'r July 23, '79. M R Hungerford, David, enl'd Jan'y 23, '77; till close of war, died on the Isl'd of Jersey, 1784-5. (M R, died Dec 22, . '77.) A. P. 22-90. M R Wheeler, Hy., Jan'y 28, '77 ; war, pris'r July 23, '79, E. M R Ballantine, Wm., Jan'y 31, '77; 3 yrs, re-enlisted for war, to end of war. See Valentine. M R Cook, George, Jan'y 31, '77; war, des'd July 19, '78. MR Cockley, John, enlisted Febr 1, '77; war, taken prisoner while on duty in Gen'l Schuyler's house, Aug 1781, released at the end of the war. A. P. 15-178. M R Murray, Wm., Febr 1, '77; 8 yrs, Serg't Aug 6, '77, re-en l'd for war Sept 18, '79, Priv. Mar 23, '81, E. M R Runnian, Benj., Febr 1, '77; war, E.MR Bolten, Mathew, Febr 2, '77 ; 3 yrs, re-enlisted for 2 m., mustered to end of war. M R Hodges, David, enlisted Febr 2, 1777 ; deserted Oct 14, '80, mustered, deserted Apr 10, '82. A. P. 22-29. M R Pompey, Onondaga Co. Mills, Alexander, enl'd Febr 2, '77; lost right leg at York- town 29 Sept, 1781, E. C, 157, Aa, 12. M R Laborer, N. Y. City. Blayer, John, Febr 3, '77; 3 yrs, supposed deserted and omitted June 30, '77. M R Furguson, James, Febr 3, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Febr 3, '80. M R Lewis, Jas., Febr 3, '77; war, des'd Febr 5, '77. M R Anderson, David, enl. Febr 8, 77; war, deserted June 9, '77t M R Boom, John, enl. Febr 8, '77; for three yrs, during the war. A. P. 23-389. M R Ulysses, Tompkins Co. Thompson, Jas., Febr 17, '77, war, E. M R Wheeler, Sam'l, Febr'y 19, '77; war, des'd Dec 11, '80. M R Whissick, Geo., Febr, 20, '77; war, pris'r July 23, '79. M R Woodcock, Peter, Febr 20, '77 ; war, E. M R Louckes, Nich's, Febr 27, '77 ; war, des'd Mar 8, '77, M R Styles, Moses, Febr 28, '77; war, Corp'l Dec 1, '78, des'd Mar 28, '81, , E. M R Clow, Benjamin, Mar 3, '77 ; war, must'd to end of war. M R Crowder, Jas., Mar 3, '77; war, des'd June 24, '77. M R Dingman, Ad'm, Mar 3, '77; war, x Febr 26, '78. M R Foster, John, Mar 3, '77; war. M R Leathers, Ezk'l, Mar 8, '77; war. M R Boyce, James, Mar 9, '77; w., deserted Mar 1, '78, joined Febr, '80, disch'd Oct 20, '83. M R Saxburry, Wm., Mar 9, '77; war, x Decbr 19, "77. MR Sloughter, Nich's, Mar 9, '77; war, Serg't Aug 6, '77, E. MR Wormley, Jacob, Mar 19, '77; 3 yrs, pris'r July 23, '79. MR Chatfield, Sam'l, Mar 27, '77; war, x Oct 24, '78. M R Hays, Thorn's, Mar 28, '77; war, killed April 7, '80. M R SEVENTH Wendell, Jno., Captain, Nov 21, '76; resigned April 5, 1781. MR , , ,„ Sherwood, Adiel, 1st Lieut., Mar 1, '76(?); res'd May 16, '80. A. P. 24. M R Van Woert, Henry, Lt„ app'd Sept 29, '80, vice Adiel Sherwood, resigned. C. A. Miller, (Muller), Christopher, Lieut., entered Nov 21, '76, under arrest Sept '79, resigned Mar to June, 1780. A. P. 24-232. M R Miller, Jeremiah, Ens'n, entered Nov 21, '76, Ensign Jan. 13, '77, supernumerary Jan'y, '79, omitted July, '80. Mia. 38-199. C, A. MR A. P. 24-232. Columbia Co. McCormick, Jno., Mar 28, '77 ; war, E. M R Bratt, James, Mar 29, '77 ; w., died Sept 7, '78. M R Burch, Samuel, Mar 29, '77; w., died July 20, '78. M R Hiltz, Frederick, enl'd Mar 29, '77; discharged Novbr, 1782, as Invalid. A. P. 15-1. M R Herkimer Co. Hamilton, Jas., Mar 30, '77 ; war, des'd July 7, '77. M R Henderson, William, enl'd Mar 30, '77 ; taken prisoner at Cherry Valley, June, '79, exchanged two years later. A. P. 18-360, M R Moor, Jno., Apr 1, '77; war, des'd in 1781, j'd Mar, '82, E. M R Babit, Reuben, Apr 3, '77 ; w., x May 1, '78. M R Moor, Rich'd, Apr 3, '77; war, E. MR Wanderwaker, Jas., Apr 4, '77 : . M R Dingman, Abr'm, Apr 6, '77 ; war, must'd to end of war. M R House, Christian, enl'd Apr 6, '77 ; taken prisoner at Fort Stanwix, June 4, 1779 ; exch'd 1780. MR A. P. 24- 380. Montgomery Co Hewes, James, Apr 26, '77; war, disch'd Jan'y 26, '77. M R Catch, Jno, May 1, '77 ; war, Fifer, July;8, '77, ranks May, '78, des'd March 24, '81. M R Coon, Conrad, May 10, '77 ; war. M R House, Jacob, May 14, '77; war, prisoner July 22, '79. MR McKewn, Jas., 1st m. June, '77; volunteer omt'd Sept. '77. M R Slump, Martin, Oct 26, '77 ; war, des'd Nov 15, '80, m Jan'y, '81, des'd Mar 24, '81. M R Stock, Chas., Oct 26, '77; war, . M R Nasse, Gerrit, Oct 27, '77; war, E. M R Kane, Henry, enl'd 1777; taken prisoner at Fort Stanwix, 1779, exch'd at end of war. A. P. 24-380. Montgom ery Co. Anderson, Sam'l, 1st mustered Jan'y, '78 ; to end of war. M R Lewis, Wm., Febr 12, '78; war, des'd April 17, '78. M R De Staatsman, Jean, Mar 15, '78; war, Fifer June 1, '78, , red'd Aug 20, '78, died per roll of Sept to Decbr, '80. MR Staatsman, Jno. See De Staatsman. M R Baker, Hendrick, Mar -21, '78; w., deserted May 22, '80. M R Zeranius, Chr., Mar '78; war, E. M R Hagerman, Nich's, 1st m.. April '78; des'd April 20, '78. M R Plowman, Christ'r, 1st m. Apr, '78; war, des'd Apr 26, '78. M R Dougherty, John, enl'd April '78 ; left thigh bone broken, while on fatigue duty at Fort George, 1776, transferred to Corps of Invalids, discharged by Gen'l Wash'n, Sept 15, 1782. Aa, 24, I, 159. M R Des'd Apr 26, '78. Laborer, N. Y. C. Foreman, Chr'n, om'd betw. June and Sept, '79. M R Cornielusen, Hendrik, Apr 1 , '79 ; war, prisoner July 23, '79. M R Deverance, Hy. Jno., Decbr 7, '79 ; must'd to end of war. M R COMPANY. Orr, William, 1st Serg't, enl'd Dec 23, '76, during war, reduced to ranks May, '78, Sergt. June, '80, E. M R A. P. 24-282. Duncan, John, Serg't, enl'd Dec 10, '76, during war, ' prisoner Mch 19, '77, paroled, x Dec 26, '78. M R A. P 24-282. Russell, Jas., Serg't, Dec 16, '76; war, Ensign Febr 20, '77, omt'd July, '77. MR Isaacs, Isaac, Sergt., enl'd July 4 '77 ; for 3 yrs tr. to 3d N. Y. Nov, '78, see Fink's Comp. MR A. P. 24-282. 182 The New York Line. Hosmer, George, Corporal, enlisted December 19, '76 ; died in Hospital at Schenectady, Jan. 15, '78. Native of Connecticut. MR A. P. 24-226. Gasper, Peter, Corporal, enlisted Jan'y 3, '77; for war, Sergeant May 10, '78, mustered to end of war. M R A. P. 24-282. Parker, James, Corp'l, enl'd Jan'y 3, '77; for war, Sergt. Jan'y 21, '80, E. M R A. P. 24-282. Conely, Patrick, Fifer, Decbr 16, '76 ; war, disch'd Febr 24, '77. M R Hinton, Wm., Drum., Mar 10, '77; war, transf'd to Col. Hale's Reg't July 10, '77. M R Parker, Rich'd Jas., Fifer, enl'd Nov 1, '77; for war, Febr, '78, E. M R A. P. 24-282. Blue, Daniel, musician, June 1, 79; reduced May 1, '80, deserted Nov 5, '80. M R Winford, Henry, Fifer, enl'd Febr 5, '81 ; to end of war. MR A. P. 22-112. Privates. McFarlin, (McFarland), Hosea, enl'd Oct 25, '76 ; for war, in Finck's, tr. to Wendell's Nov, '77 ; prisoner July 23, '79. MR A. P. 24-282. Carman, Hendrik, enl'd Nov 28, '76 ; war, x June 1, '78. MR A. P. 24-282. De Freest, Abm., enl'd Nov 28, '76; during war, Sergt. Jan'y 1, '77, prisoner July 23, '79. MR A. P. 24-282. Goodale, Benj., enl'd Nov 28, '76; for war, in Gen'l Schuyler's guard Febr. '78, mustered to end of war. MR A. P. 24-282. Fullerton, John, enl'd Dec 2, '76; for war, omitted betw. June and Sept, '79. MR A. P. 24-282. Butler, John, enl'd Dec 4, '76; lost his eye and wounded in right leg and left hand, discharged by Gen'l Wash'n from Corps of Invalids, Sept 15, 1782. C. 202. A. P. 24-282. M R Late of Albany, labourer, N. Y. City, north Ward. Cahill, Robert, enl. Dec. 5, '76; for 3 yrs, on command Gen'l Hosp., Schenectady, Febr '78, disch'd '79. M R A. P. 24-282. Cline, Jacob, Decbr 5, '76; war, died May 31, '77. M R Paterson, Joseph, Dec 5, '76; war, des'd Mar 1, '77. M R Reed, Nath'l, enl'd Dec. 5, '76 ; war, prisoner Mar 19, '77, died in British prison Nov 20, 1777. MR A. P. 24-282. White, James, enl'd Dec. 5, '76; for war, Corp'l Jan'y 1, '77, Serg't Jan 1, '79, on command at Schenectady Febr, '78, mustered to end of war. MR A. P. 24-282. Wyatt, John, enl'd Dec 10, '76 ; for war, Gen'l Schuyler's guard Febr, '78, mustered to end of war. MR A. P. 24-283. Reyving, Jacob, enl'd Dec 14, '76; for war, on command at Schenectady Febr '78, deserted April 26, '78. M R A. P. 24-282. Amory, John, enl'd Dec 16, '76; w., deserted Jan'y 21, '77. M R Atkinson, James, enlisted Dec 19, '76; Corporal Jan'y 17, '78, mustered to end of war. A. P. 19-411, 24-382. M R Albany, N. Y. Bouillon, Wm., Dec 20, '76; w., x Jan'y 20, '77. M R Blanchard, Eph'm, en'ld Dec 24, '76, during war. M R A. P. 24-282. Acklin, Francis, enl'd Dec 23, '76; war, E'. MR A. P. 24-282. Welch, Thomas, enl'd Dec 23, '76 ; for war, deserted Febr 24,1781. MR A. P. 24-282. Defreest, Henry, Decbr 24, '76; war, des'd June 22, '77. M R Decker, John, enl'd Dec 27, 1776; for 3 yrs, deserted Apr 1, '79, joined Sept, '79, re-enlisted Decbr, '79, x Sept 24, '80. MR A. P. 24-282. Moore, Abr*m, enl'd Dec 29, '76; war, x Jan'y 31, '77. M R Reese, Martin, enl'd Jan'y 7, '77; for war, deserted July, '77, joined Jan'y, '78, Corp'l June, '80, mustered to end of war. MR A. P. 24-282. Abel, Hendrick, enl'd Jan'y 10, '77; war, deserted July 19, '77. M R Ranken, Daniel, enl'd Jan'y 13, 1777; disch'd Jan'y 21, 1780, on ac. of ill health. MR A. P. 20-302, 24-282, Kingsbury, Wash'n Co. Van Beuren, George, enl'd Jan'y 14, '77; for 3 yrs, dis ch'd Febr 13, '80. MR A. P. 24-282. Spence, Dan'l, Jan'y 16, '77; war, des'd Mar 8, '77. M R Cronkite, Patrick, enl'd Jan'y 21, '77 ; for 3 yrs, re-enlisted for war, Aug 15, '79; Corp'l June 21, '80, mustered as private t& end of war. MR A. P. 24-282. Snyder, Jacob, enlist'd Jan'y 21, 1777 ; for war, deserted Jan'y '78, mustered to end of war. A. P. 20-376, 24- 282. M R Claverack, Col. Co. Sagor, John, enl'd Jan'y 29, '77 ; for war, in Finck's, mus tered to end of war. MR A. P. 25-282. Weaver, Adam, enl'd Jan'y '77; 3 yrs, des'd Oct 8, '80. M R HodgeB, (Hoge), Abram D., enl'd Febr 2, '77; for war, disch'd at end of war. MR A. P. 22-31. Brookfield, Madison Co. Proper, Frederick, enl'd Febr 9, 1777 ; for 3 yrs, on com mand at Schenectady, Febr, '78, re-enlisted for the war, Aug 15, '79, E. MR A. P. 24-282. Closson, Caleb, Febr 11, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd July 16, '77. MR Clopper, Peter, enl'd Febr 17, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Febr 17, '80. A. P. 24-282. M R Jamison, Alexander, enl'd Febr 24, '77; for war, tr. to Wendell's Nov 24, '77, deserted April 20, '78. A. P. 24-282. M R Hanowel, Jno., Mar 12, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Mar 31, '79. MR Van Alstyne, Abm., enl'd Mar 13, !77 ; for 3 yrs, deserted Decbr 9, 77. A. P. 24-282. M R Sudlow, Samuel, enl'd Mar 16, '77; for war, mustered to end of war. A. P. 24-282. M R Kincaid, William, enlisted March 19, '77; taken prisoner at Fort Schuyler, July 23, '79, released shortly before end of war. A. P. 19-409, 24-282. M R Newbury, Vermont. Fulmer, Geo., enl'd Mar 20, '77; for war, must'd to end of war. MR A. P. 24-282. Benneway, Ezekiel, Apr 21, '77; 3 yrs, des'd May 8, '77. M R Emrich, Hendrick, Apr 21, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd July 10, '77. M R Morris, Isaac, enl'd Apr 21, '77; for 3 yrs, in Gen'l Schuy ler's guard, Feb 1, '78, disch'd May 1, 1780. M R A. P. 24-282. McManus, Wm., enl'd April 30, 1777; for '3 years, dis ch'd May 1, 1780. MR A. P. 24-282. Ketch, John, May, '77 ; war, Fifer, July 8, '77, Priv. May 28, '78, des'd Mar 24, '81. M R Linn, Aaron, enl'd May 12, '77; war, omt'd July '77. MR Shirts, Hendrick, enl'd May 17, '77; for war, deserted March 1, '78. MR A. P. 24-282. Smith, Conrad, May 17, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Oct 26, '77. M R Jolley, Rich'd, May 18, '77 ; war, x June 10, '77. M R Rossman, Conrad, May 19, '77 ; war, omt'd Nov, '77. M R Shufelt, Geo., May 19, '77; war, des'd Aug 8, '77. M R Furguson, Israel, June 1, '77; 3 yrs, des'd July 10, '77. MR J Wilson, Michael, enl'd June 7, '77; for war, deserted Sept 12, '78. Febr 78. MR A. P. 24-282. Cregier, John, enlisted Jan'y 13, 1777; served to end of war, from 1782 by substitute. A. P. 20-370. M R Deserted July 19, '77. Claverack, Col. Co. The New York Line. 183 Witherwax, William, enlisted June 15, 1777; for war, deserted April 1, '80, left on ac. of ill health. A. P. 20-374, 24-282. M R Lewiston, Col. Co. Backus, George, enl'd Aug 20, '77; for 3 yrs in Finck's, mustered to end of war. MR A. P. 23-335. Man- heim, Montgy. Co. Kelley, Patrick, enl'd Oct 8, '77 ; for war, Corp'l Jan'y 1, '79, deserted May 22, '80. MR A. P. 24-282. Gardinier, Peter, enl. Oct 16, '77; for 3 yrs, disch'd Oct 16, '80. MR A. P. 24-282. Bidner, John Chr., Oct 25, '77; in Finck's during war, tr, Nov '77, to Wendell's, died Dec 18, '78. MR A. P. 24-282. Rudolph, Christ., enl'd Oct 28, '77 ; for war, in Finck's, mustered to end of war. MR A. P. 24-282. Gilbert, John Casper, enl'd Nov 19, '77 ; for war, deserted May 22, '79. M R A. P. 24-282. Whalen, Richard, enl. Dec 28, 1777 ; for 3 yrs, re-enlisted Oct 17, '79, for war. MR A. P. 24-282. Chase, Jacob, enl. Jan'y 18, '78 ; 3 yrs, unfit for service through age, omitted Sept, 79. MR A. P. 24-282. Baker, Elnathan, enl. Febr 13, '78 ; for war, deserted April 1, '79. MR A. P. 24-282. Brummagin, Thos., lBt mustered April, '78; des'd Apr 11, '78. M R Master, Geo. P., 1st m. Apr, '78; war, des'd Aug 12, '78. M R Windsor, Jno., Dec 9, '78 ; E. MR Shepherd, (Shaver), Hend'k, 1st m. Jan'y, '79 ; des'd Nov 15, 1780. M R Stader, Christ'n, Jan'y 1, 79; des'd Mar 31, '82. M R Rossiter, Cha's, Jan'y 5, '79, war; des'd May 22, '80. M R Northwear, Geo. , Jan'y 27, '79 ; E. MR Turner, Sam'l, Jan'y 29, '79 ; des'd May 22, '80. M R Watson, Thos., Jan'y 29, '79 ; des'd Febr 10, '79. M R Boom, Fred'k, Feb 2, '79; des'd Mar 1, '79. M R Wegman, Jno., Febr'y 2, '79; des'd Mar 1, '79. M R Miller, Peter, Feb 4, '79; des'd Mar 1, '79, returned Sept 6, '80, . M R Brandoes, Geo., Febr 9, '79 ; des'd Mar 1, '79. M R Sudder, (Sutton), Benj., Febr 9, '79; des'd Mar 24, '81. M R Colwell, Math'w, Decbr 10, '79 ; to end of war. M R Colwell, Phil., Decbr 10, '79, to end of war. M R Calagan, John, Jan'y 25, '80; x Mar, '82. M R Hodge, James, Oct 10, '80; E. M R Elson, Aaron, Jan'y 20, '81 ; des'd May 23, '81. M R Wilson, Sam'l, Jan'y, 1781; m. May, '81. M R Plumley, Henry, Febr 5, '81 ; E. M R Salsbury, Gasper, E. MR Sheene, Jere'h, , E. M R Duncan, Jas., Jan'y 31, '81; must'd May, '81. M R Garret, Samuel, enlisted for war, Febr, '78. A. P. 24-282. MUSTER ROLL of Captain John H. Wendell's Company, in the First Battalion of New York Forces in the Service of the United States, commanded by Colonel Goose van Schaick. (A. P. 24r-238.) I November 21, 1776, Captain John H. Wendell, on command to Albany. ' do do 1st Lieut. Addiel Sherwood, on command to Schenectady. do do 2d Lieut. Christopher Muller. , do do Ensign Jeremiah C. Muller. Commissioned. Appointed Serjeants: William Orr Ab'm De Freest 1777, July 4th, Isaac Isaacs John Duncan (Taken pris'r Mar, 19 1779). Appointed Corporals : Peter Gasper James Parker James White (On com'nd at Schenect'y). James Atkinson George Hosmer (Dec'd 15th Jan'y, 1778). Fife: Rich'd Jas. Parker Enlisted Privates : James Atkinson (Prom'd Corp'l Jan'y 17, '78). Francis Acklin "1776, Decbr 4th, John Butler (Sick Gen'l Hosp'l, Albany). Eph'm Blacker 1777, May 11, John Backus Aug . 20, George Backus John Ch. Bidner 1778, Feb'y 13, Elnathan Baker Hendr'k Carman 1776, Decbr 5, Rob't Cahel (On Com'd Gen'l Hosp'l, Schenectady). 1777, Feb'y 17, Peter Clapper Jan'y 18, Jacob Chase Jan'y 21, Patrick Cronkite Anthony Crowder 1776, Decbr 27, John Decker John Fullerton Benj'n Goodale (On com'd Genl. Schuy ler's guard). Sam'l Garret 1777, Octbr 16, Peter Gardiner John Casper Gilbert Tho's Hattis Alex'r Jamison Will'm Kincaid Patrick Kelly 1777, Apr 21, Isaac Morris (On com'd Gen'l Schuyler's Guard). Apr 30, W'm McManus Hosea McFarlin 1777, Febr 9, Fred'k Roper (On com'd at Schenectady). Jotham Prindle James Reyring (On com'd at Schenect'y). 1777, Jan'y 13, Danl. Rankin (Do with Col. V. Schaick). Chris' n Rudolph Martin Roes Samuel Sudlow Hend'k Shirts John Sager 1777, George Van Beuren John Wyatt (On com'd Genl. Schuyler's Guard). Tho's Welch x 1777, Decbr 28, Rich'd Whalen Mich'l Wilson Wm. Wederwex Abr'm Van Alstine (Deserted Jan'y). Jacob Snider do Nath'l Reed (Died in captivity Nov. 20, 1777). George Fulmer Saratoga, Febr 26, 1778, mustered then Capt. John H. Wendell's Company, as ^j^^0 LTJB^De ?°M M 184 The New York Line. EIGHTH COMPANY. Veeder, Gerrit, Captain, Nov 21, '76 ; according to List of Military Committe, but not on Mil. Register. Copp, John, Capt., Nov 21, '76; app'd Captain Dec. 12, '76, Com. of Arrang't, resigned Mar 26, '79. M R Young, Guy, Capt., app'd Sept 29, 1780, vice John Copp, resigned July 14, '79. C. A. Salsbury, Barent Staats, 1st Lt., Nov 21, '76; Capt. Lt., vice Guy Young, prom'd, July 14, '79; deranged Jan'y 1781. C. A. MR Jaques, Asahel, 1st Lieut., in the Company at the Battle of White Plains. A. P. 23-241. Ancram, Col. Co. Van Valkenburgh, Lt., app'd Sept. 29, '80, vice B. S, Salisbury, prom'd, July 14, '79. C. A. See Finck's Co. Snow, Ephraim, 2d Lieut., Nov 21, '76 1st Lieut Mar 26, '79; m. to Jan'y '82. A. P. 16-172. M R Gilbert, Benj., Ensign, Nov 31, '76, Lieut. Apr 5, '81; must'd to Jan'y '82. M R Fonda, John, Ens'n, app'd June 29, '81, vice Gilbert, pro m'd. C. A. McLane, (McClean), John, Ord'y Sergt., enl'd as Corporal, Nov 5, '76; Sergt. July 23, '77. MR A. P. 24-296. Albany, N. Y. Lytle, Wm., Serg't, Oct 30, '76; war, Priv. Oct 17, '77, Serg't Apr 14, '78, Pris. Apr 17, '79 ; des'd May 22, '80. M R Cook, John, Ben'r, Sergt., Nov 11, '76; war, red'd to ranks July 23, '77, must'd to end of war or else — (deserted?) M R Welch, Jno., Serg't, Nov 26, '76; war, Priv. Oct 17, '77, E. M R Rynax, Wm., Sergt. Nov. 28, '76; war, . M R Gross, John, Corporal, enl'd Oct 30, '76; reduced to ranks Sept 30, '77, killed by Indians at Fort Schuyler July 23, 1779. A. P. 15-174. M R Colton, Dan'l, Corp'l, Nov 30, '76; war, 'miss'g on scout July 16, '77. M R Thomas, Ezekiel, Corp'l, Mar 29, '77; war, sergt., Oct. 18, '77, Priv. Mar 31, '81, E. M R Killip, Alex., Mus'n, Oct 30, '76; war, Priv. Jan 22, '80. MR Beebee, Ezra, Musician, Mar 10, '77; reduced July 13, '77, omitted June, Sept, '79. M R Wheeler, Isaac, Mus'n, Jan'y 22, '80, E. M R Privates. Nesbitt, Joseph, Oct 3, '76; war, Corp'l, Oct, '77, Priv, June, '78, E. M R Guthrie, (Guttrick), Christian, from Oct 25, 1776, to July 1, 1778; killed near Monmouth. MR A. P. 24-296.- Connecticut. Allen, John, enlisted Oct 30, '76; for the war, was in hos pital at disbandment of the army in 1783. A. P. 18-124. M R Jennings, Luke, Oct 30, '76; war, des'd Decbr 18, '76. M R Wright, Benj., Oct 30, '76 ; war, E. MR Nelme, Lem'l Jones, Nov 2, '76 ; war, Corp'l July, Sergt. Oct 18, '77, Pris. Jan'y 24, '78, Fife Major Oct, '78, Fifer Jan'y, '79. MR Spear, Henry Fred., Nov 2, '76; war, des'd Nov 25, '76. M R Baker, John, Nov 3, '76; w., deserted July 6, 78. M R Nelson, Jon'n, Nov 3, '76 ; war, died Jan'y 23, '77. M R Smith, Joseph, Nov 3, '76; war, des'd Oct 37, '77. M R Tobin, Edw., Nov. 3, '76; war, Corp. Oct 18, '77, Priv. Mar 31, '79. M R Frazier, Duncan, enl. Nov 5, '76; ruptured, on fatigue duty, 1779, discharged by Gen'l W-,sh'n from Corps of Invalids, April 23, 1782. C. 19, I, 168, Aa, 29. M R Laborer, Duanesburgh, Albany Co. Beers, David, Novbr 6, '76 ; died Aug 16, '77. M R Wailen, Walter, Nov 7, '76 ; war, E. M R Clement, Nich's, Nov 9, '76 ; war, must'd to end of war. M R Lock, Phil., Nov 11, '76; war, des'd Nov 25, 1776. M R Wood, Samuel, Nov 11, '76; war, des'd Nov 25, '76. M R Crosson, Samuel, Nov 12, '76 ; war, must'd to end of war. M R Bowen, John, Nov 13, '76; died Febr 16, '77. M R Cook, John, (?) disabled by a bombshell at Yorktown, Sept, 1781; discharged by Gen'l Wash'n, Jan'y 3, 1783. C. 67, 203, Aa, 26. Laborer, Slaughters Ld*g, Orange Co. Flin, Jno., Nov 15, '76; war, transf'd to Livingston's Reg't Aug. 25, '77. MR Smith, Jno., Nov 15, '76; war, desd same day. M R Brodbrook, Edw., Nov 16, '76; des'd April 6, *78. M R Burns, Barney, Nov 16, '76; des'd Novbr 16, '76. - M R Copeland, Wm., Nov 16, '76 ; war, prisoner June 4, '79. M R Cahill, John, Nov 17, '76; war, des'd Oct 10, '80. M R Joseph, Reuben, Nov 24, '76 ; war, died Febr 23, '77. M R Slingerlant, Peter, Nov 24, '76; war, died Febr 7, '77. M R McEntire, Barney, Nov 26, '76 ; war. M R Rose, John, Nov. 26, '76 ; war, des'd Oct 10, '80. M R Sutton, Jas., Nov 26, '76; war, des'd June 11, '78. M R Willagan, David, Nov 26, '76 ; war, died Febr 10, '77. M R Dewit, Aaron, Nov 27, '76; war, died Febr 18, '77. M R Cook, John, junr., Nov 28, '76; war, (deserted?) MR Vedder, Aaron, Nov 28, '76 , war, died small pox at Schenectady Barracks, Jan'y 6, '78. M R Hughes, Thomas, enlisted Nov 30, 1776, served until spring of 1783. A. P. 19-303. M R Broadalbin. Jones, Wm., Decbr 4, 76; war, omt'd betw. June and Aug, '79. M R Lighthall, John, Dec 5, '76 ; war, E.MR Rivers, Joseph, Dec 5, '76 ; war, died Mar 25, '77. M R Van der Bogart, Nich's, Dec 5, '76 ; war, Corp'l May 1, '79, E. M R Young, Christ., Dec. 7, '76; war, E. as Corp'l. M R McConnell, Wm., Dec 12, '76 ; war, E. M R Reed, Thos., Dec. 12, '76; war, des'd May 17, '78. M R Harrison, Phil., Decbr 16, '76 , war, died Aug 19, '77. M R Lansing, Garret, Decbr 16, '76; war, des'd Jan'y 16, '77, j'd June 27, '77 ; died Aug. 15, '77. M R Ackley, Joel, enl'd Dec 17, '76 ; war, mustered to end of ' war. M R Went, Barent, Dec 18, '76; war, transf'd to Invalid Jan'y, '80. MR J Willet, John, Dec. 18, '76 ; war, des'd July 9, '78. M R Donolly, James, enl. Jan'y 7, '77 ; disabled, tr. to C. of Invalids, discharged by Gen'l Wash'n Nov 3, 1782. C, 118, 144 1, 166. MR N. Y. City. Chatfield, David, Febr 9, '77 ; war. M R Harris, George, Mar 2, '77; war, transf'd to 5th Penn'a Batt'n, Aug. 10, '78. M RJ Broughton, Bartb'w, Mar 4, '77 ; w., to end of war. M R McCaully, Jas., Mar 4, '77 ; war, E. M R O'Neal, James, Mar 4, '77; war, des'd Nov 5, 1780 M R. McDanie], (McDonald), Daniel, Mar 12, '77; war, disch'd with impaired eyesight from Corps of Invalids Nov. 2, '82. M R Albany City. Van Benthuysen, Mart., Mar 13, '77; war, disch'd Nov. 13, '78. M R The New York Line. 185 Widrig, (Witherick) George, enl'd Mch 19, '77; mustered to end of war. A. P. 17-305. M R Herkimer Co. Bowen, Wessell, Mar 20, '77; des'd Aug 15, '77. M R Moss, Ebenezer, Mar 20, '77 ; war, miss'g July 18, '77 ; j'd Mar 9, '78, omt'd Sept, '80. M R Preston, Jonathan, enlisted March 28, 1777, Corp'l Oct 1, '77 ; war, fractured and lost his leg July, 1779 ; omt'd Sept, '80. C. 14, 143, I, 215, Cc, 51. M R King's Distr, Columbia Co. Canaan, Col. Co. Ruker, Joseph, Mar 20, '77; war, mus'n, June 13, '77, Priv. May, '78, disch'd unfit for duty Aug. 21, '78. MR Hazard, Raym'd, Mar 23, '77; war, des'd Nov 1, '77, re turned Mar 8, '78, des'd Octbr 10, 80. M R Horseford, Jesse, enl'd Mch 23, '77; disch'd as epileptic Aug, '82. C, 57. M R Salsbury, Jno. , Mar 23, '77; war, E. M R Service, Phil., Apr 4, '77; war, . M R George, Rob't, Apr 9, '77; war, shot for desertion July 1, '77. M R Bacon, Tamson, enl'd May 11, '77; Corp'l July 13, '77, serg't May 1, '79, taken prisoner at Fort Stanwix June 4, '79, must'd to end of war. A. P. 20-436. M R Sullivan, Corn's, Oct 17, '77 ; war, des'd Febr 10, '79. M R Stiller, Jno., Nov. 16, '77; war, died Febr 16, '77. M R McCoy, Wm., Nov 26, '77; war, . M R Cain, Abell, Decbr 5, '77; war, died Febr '79. M R Cain, Henry, Dec 19, '77; war, prisoner July 23, '79. M R Kevin, Jacob, Febr 5, '78 ; war, des'd Sept 9, '78. M R Brown, Elisha, Mar 1, '78 ; deserted Mar 28, '81. M R Parker, Elisha, Apr 6, '78 ; war, E. M R Griffith, Barney, enl'd Nov 12, '78 ; taken prisoner July 23, '79, discharged frcm Corps of Invalids by Gen'l Wash'n April 10, 1783. 1,169. MR N. Y. City. March, Eph'm, Dec 15, '78 ; . M R Mike, John, Pec 17, '78 ; des'd Mar 24, '81. M R Van Vorst, John, Dec 30, '78 ; M R Wallace, Daniel, , re-enl'd Nov 16, '79 ; des'd Sent 5, '80. MR Lent, Hercules, Febr 15, 81 ; E. MR Dingman, Gradus. A. P. 19-304. Broadajbin. Harrison, Hermanus. A. P. 19-304. Broadalbin. White, Joseph, ruptured. C, 84. Johnstown, Mont gomery Co. OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS of the First Regiment, whose Companies could not be ascertained. See Canadian transferred to Ten Broek, Peter, Captain. C. 120. Vosburgh, Peter J., Lieut. A. P. 17-203. Continentals. Clinton, Alex'r, Ensign, app'd Sept 29, '80 the Artillery. C. A. Ten Broeck, Abr'm, (or Adam), Ensign, app'd June 29, '81, vice Alex. Clinton. C. A. M R Marsh, John, Ensign, app'd Sept 29, '80. C. A. Wallace, Wm., Corp'l, Colonel's, . Nov 15, '76; war, E. M R McKay, Alex., Fife Major, Col's 1st m., Jan'y, '79; Priv. Dec, '79, Serg't Jan'y, 80, omt'd May, '80. M R Adams, John, Fifer, Colonel's Co., enlisted Dec 2, '79 ; served till end of war. A. P. 17-676. M R Weed, Abijah, Mus'n, Colonel's. Oct 24, '76; war, Fife Major, Dec 19, '79 ; des'd May 22, '80. M R Fitch, Caleb, Priv., Col's, 1st in. Jan'y, '79; om'd betw. Mar and Sept. '79. M R Wright, Jno., Priv., Colonel's, 1st m., Jan'y, '79, . M R Webber, Geo., Priv., Colonel's, Dec. 19, '79; war, M R Whaland, Mathias, Priv., see Wickland. M R Campbell, Burdie, Mus'n, Colonel's, 1st m., Jan'y '79, to end of war. M R Crowse, Elbert, Priv., Lt. Inf'y Co., Sept 1, '80, to end of war. M R Hughes, Mich'l, Priv., Lt. Inf'y, 1st m. Sept, '80. M R Louoks, And'w, Priv., Lt. Inf'y, Dec 10, '80, E. M R Loucks, John, Priv., Lt. Inf'y, Dec 13, '80. M R Robinson, Rich'd, Priv., Lt. Inf'y, Jan'y 18, '81, m., May, '81. M R Robinson, Rob't, Priv., Lt. Inf'y, Dec 29, '80, m., May '81. M R Rose, Sam'l, Priv., L. Inf'y, Febr 12, '80, des'd Apr 1,'80. MR Rude, Wm., Priv., Lt. Infy, Mar 18, '81, m., May, '81. M R Rynders, James, Private, Lt. Inf'y Comp., enlisted at Pompton, N. J., Aug 31, 1782. A. P. 19-11. M R Rynders, John, Priv., Lt. Inf'y, Aug 30, '82, . M R Baker, Ichabod, Private, enl'd Jan'y 1, '81, mustered to May, '81. MR A. P. 23-89. Albany. Beavans, Benj., Priv., Febr 8, '81 ; mustered to May, '81. M R Canten, Jonas, Priv., May 3, '81 ; must'd June, '81. M R Carman, Samuel, Priv., Sept 4, '82. M R Clark, John, Private. A. P. 23-89. Crandle, Godfrey, Priv., Febr 20, '81 ; must'd May, '81. M R Cuyper, John, Private, see Cooper, John. Gilmore, Wm., or Abr., Priv., , Jan'y 14, '81 ; must'd in May, '81. M R Guth, Jno., Priv., July 15, '82. MR Hyrne, Conrad, Priv. Jan'y 20, '81 ; des'd May 23, '81. MR McCalla, Hugh, Serg't, Mar 12, '81, E. M R McColm, Reuben, Priv., Jan'y 2, '81, E. M R Marshall, John, Febr 24, '81, m. May, '81. M R Moore, John, Fifer, June 1, '82. M R Nebby. Mich'l, Priv. , des'd Sept. 7, '80. M R Thompson, William, Private. A. P. 19-273. Swailes, John, Private. A. P. 20-310. 24 186 The New York Line. SECOND REGIMENT, Van Cortlandt, Philipp, Colonel, Nov 21, '76. C. 5, 6, 23, 25, 49, 50, 70, 86, 105, 119, 128, 131, 135, 155, 160, 177. Aa, 10, 16, 21, 30, 47, 60, 62. I, 151. Lieut. Col., Col. J. Holmes, 6 m. A. P. 19-4. De Roussi, Pierre Regnier, Lieut. Col., entered Nov 11, 1775, as Lieut. Col. Canadians, Lt. Col. 4th N. Y., March 26, 1777 ; tr. to 2d N. Y. June 28, 1779, Sub-In spector Jan'y, 1, 1780, resigned on account of ill-health Mar 29, 1780. A. P. 14-275. M R Cochrane, Robert, Lt. Col., Captain at Crown Pt. May, 1775, ent'd as Major Nov. 21, '76, Lt. Col. Mar. 30, '80, mustered to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 14-513. M R Fish. Nicholas, Major, Lieut, and Captain of Malcom's in 1775, Major 2d N. Y., Nov 21, '76, mustered to Jan'y, '82 ; Adj. Gen'l N. Y. Militia Mar 30, '86. C. A. 314. MR A. P. 21-502. Hutton, Christ., Lieut, and Adj't. 1,151. Dewit, Levi, Qr. Mr., Nov 21, '76, resigned April 15, '78. M R Provoost, Robt., Paymaster, app'd Jan'y 13, '77. Mis. 38-499. Evans, Israel, Chaplain, Nov 21, '76 ; re-app'd Jan'y 13, '77. Mis. 38-499. Haviland, Ebenezer, Surgeon, Novbr 21, '76 ; died June 28, '78. MR A. P. 15-228. Mead, Wm. Surgeon, app'd Jan'y 13, '77. Mis. 38-499. Menema, Dan'l, Surgeon, Aug. 1, '78 ; m. to Jan'y 82. I, 60. M R Smith, Isaac, Surgeon's Mate, Nov 21, '76 ; resigned Aug. 25, '78. MR Brown, John, Serg't Major, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, Ensign Sept 1, '78, resigned Febr 15, '81. MR Haight, Tho's, Qr. Mr. Sergt., April 23, '77; war, re duced to ranks Jan'y 1, '78, des'd Sept 6, '78. M R Dunn, Alex., Qr. Mr. Sergt. enlisted as Serg't Dec. 19, '76; Qr. Mr. Sergt. Jan'y 7, '78; re-enl'd Apr 25, '79, must'd to end of war. M R Erwin, John, Drum Major, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, died Sept 28, '77. M R Mitchell, David, Dr. Major, June 19, '77 ; war, des'd Mar 22, '79. M R Murrell, Isaac, Dr. Major, Drummer in Newkirk's Dec 2, '76; Dr. Major Apr 16, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Cummings, Jas., Drum Major, June 14, '81; reduced June '81, died Sept 4, '81. M R Boswith, Jas., Drum Major, Oct 23, '81; must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R McClusky, Peter, Fife Major, Jan'y 1, '77; war, died Dec 16, '78. MR FIRST COMPANY 76, died May 7, '78. Ricker, Abr'm, Captain, Nov 21 M R Clark, Mathias, (Mathew), 1st Lieut. Nov 21, '76. M R Mil. Com. Sherwood, Isaac, Lieut., Nov 21, '76; died Oct 10, '77. M R Munday, Wm., Lieut., Nov. 21, '76; Qr. Mr. May, '78, omt'd Qr. Mr. Jan'y, '80, dismissed by Crt. Ml Oct 11, '81. A. P. 14-385. M R Johnston, James, 2d Lt., app'd Apr 10, '82, vice Munday dismissed Oct 11, '81. C. A. Provoost, Robt., Ensign, Pay Master Nov 21, '76; Ens'n Sept 1, '78, m. to Jan'y, '81, then deranged. M R Powers, Cha's, Sergt., May 26, '77 ; war, des'd Dec 29, '77. MR Montgomery, James, Sergeant, entered Col. Gansevoort's 1776, discharged same year, in Ph. V. Cortlandt's 9 months in 1778; May 5, '78, 9 m., priv. Febf, '79, dis ch'd Feb 15, '79. MR A. P. 15-394. Lewis, Rich'd, Sergt., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. MR Lewis, Lenard, Corp'l, May 5, '78; 9 m., exchanged for Wm. Turner, Jan'y 24, '79. M R Jabine, John, Drum., Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Privates. Conklin, John, Dec 2, '26 ; war, des'd Apr 20, '77, must'd Jan'y, '78, transf'd Apr'l, '78. M R Edwards, Edw'd, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd July 10, '77. M R Hammon, John, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd Jan'y 4, '77. M R Powell, Stephen, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Knight, Wm., Jan'y 10, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Vulva, Thos., Jan'y 11, '77; war, x Febr 10, '77. M R Yates, John, Jan'y 11, '77 ; war, des'd Apr 20, '77. M R Smith, Joseph, Jan'y 15, '77 ; war, des'd Apr 20, '77. M R Casseday, Peter, Jan'y 20, '77 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 19-205. MR Corwin, Silas, Jan'y 20, '77 ; died in the service Oct 24, '77. A. P. 18-409. M R Tuttle, Joel, Jan'y 20, '77 ; war, omt'd Oct, '79, j'd Apr, '80, disch'd May 10, '80. M R Kip, James, Febr 6, '77; war, Sergt. Oct 6, '78, Priv. Oct, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Patterson, Jno., Mar 21, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Febr 25, '80. M R Ackenburgh, Henry, enl'd Apr 1, '77; w., des'd Apr 20, '77. MR F Hughson, Nath'l, April 1, '77 ; war, des'd April 19, '77. M R Sharp, Henry, Apr 1, '77; war, des'd Apr 20, '77. M R Warren, Francis, April 1, '77; war, des'd Apr 20, '77. Willson, Jacob, Apr 1, '77 ; war, des'd Apr 20, '77. MR Woolf, Hendrix, April 1, '77; war, des'd Apr 20, '77. MR Roberts, Jon'a, Apr 30, '77; war, disch'd June 1, '80. MR Smith, Caleb, Apr 30, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Bay, John, June 1, 77 ; war, des'd June 5, '77. M R Bear, Jacob, June 1, '77 ; war, des'd June 30, '77. M R King, John, June 1, '77; war, des'd Aug 13, '77 M R ¦• Freeland, John, July 24, '77 ; w., des'd Aug 10, '78. M*R Meddock, Jno., July 24, [/77; war, des'd Auk 10 '77. MR ° Anderson, Samuel, July 28, '77; des'd Aug 10, '77. Reddy, Jas., Dec 2, '77; war, m. to Jan'y '81. M R Powers, Chas., May 1, !78; war, des'd Mar 21 '78 (?) Barns James, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R The New York Line. 187 Blakney, John, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 5, '79. M R Bovee, John, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Cruger, Wm., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., x July 30, '78. M R Demesist, Nich's, May 5, '78 ; 9 in., Corp'l June, '78 ; dis ch'd Febr 14, '79. M R Edwards, Wm., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 15, '79. M R Evans, John, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Dec 30, '78. M R Garmin, James, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Eebr 17, '79. M R Griffin, John, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Griffin, Joseph, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., x Novbr 1, '78. M R Hall, Jno., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Feb 17, '79. M R Hornbeack, Eph'm, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Hunt, David, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Hurley, Jas., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Johnston, Jas., May 5, 78; 9 m., re-enlisted in Wright's, Jan'y 31, '79, and m. to Jan'y, 82. M R Kelly, John, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Lutts, Conrad, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. MR Lyonson, Wm., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. MR McBride, Wm., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 15, '79. M R McCarty, Isaac, May 5, '78 :9m., re-enl'd for 3 yrs Nov, '78, as Corp'l, disch'd Nov 30, '81. M R Malley, Jas., May 5, '78; 9 m., re-enlisted Dec 5, '78, des'd May 29, '79. M R Maxen, Adonijah, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. MR Milldon, Dan'l, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 15, '79. M R Morrison, David, May 5, '78; 9 m., Corp'l, July, '78; Serg't, Oct, 78, m. to Jan'y, 82. M R Murray, Nath'l, May 5, '78; 9 m., exch'd for Isaac Mott, Jan'y 22, '79. M R Pellham, Francis, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., des'd Aug 1, '78. MR Randle, Jno., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Roach, Wm., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Royal, Peter, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Runo, Simon, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., exch'd for C. Osterhout Dec 20, '78. M R Sampson, Geo., May 5, '78; 9 m., exch'd for Benj. De Witt Dec 25, '78. M R Simons, Corn's, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Smith, Elijah, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Van De Bogrant, Wynant, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 15, '79. M R Weesmiller, Hend'k, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Westerfelts, David, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 15, '79. MR Wheeler, Wm., May 5, '78; 9 m., re-enlisted Nov 26, '78, des'd April 1, '79. M R Wilcox, Aaron, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Post, Cornelius, May 7, '78 ; 9 m., omt'd Aug. '78. M R Leek, Johan H., Nov 19, '78 : war, des'd May 29, '78. M R Thompson, Standley, Nov 27, '78 ; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Christopher, Andres, Decbr 2, '78, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Pocknett, Jno., j'd July 25, '80, m. to Sept, '80. M R SECOND COMPANY. Pelton, Benj., Captain, Nov 21, '76; deranged, Jan'y 17, '81. M R Miller, Jas., Lieut., Nov21, '76 ; resigned Apr 7, '78. M R 1st Lt. 3d Co., Mil. Com. Bamper, Jacob, 2d Lieutenant, Nov 21, '76 ; resigned July 21, '77. Mil. Com. M R Beeckman, Tierck, Ensign, Nov 21, '76 ; Lieut. Sept 1, '78; must'd to Jan'y, '81, then deranged. Mil. Com. A. P. 14-385. M R Freeman, Jon'n, Sergt., Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd Febr 28, '77. M R Stevenson, Jno., Sergt., Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, Conductor of Military Stores, Sept., '78. M R Joyce, James, Sergt., Febr 14, '77; war, red'd to Priv. Sept 9, '77; x per roll of Aug, '80. M R Wilcox, John, Sergt, Feb 26, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd June, '80, jo'd Aug, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Dimmick, Peri us, Corp'l Febr 28, '77 ; war, Sergt., June 1, '77, died per roll of May, '78. M R Sherwood, Jas., Febr 17, '77; war, Corp'l, Aug 21, '77, m. to Jan'y, 82. M R Gray, Thomas, Corp'l, Febr 26, '77 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Griffith, Abr., Corp'l, Febr 26, '77; w., Sergt. Maj. May 24, '78, disch'd Apr. 15, '80, finding a man in his place. M R Crain, Wm., May 27, '77 ; war, Corp'l June 1, '77, des'd Aug 20, '77. M R Newcomb, Ja's, Corp'l, 1st m. Sept, '78 ; re-enlisted May 12, 79, des'd-Apr 21, '80. M R Blossom, Peter, Fifer, Febr 27, '77; war, prisoner April 16, '77. M R Cahoon, Hacan, Fifer, 1st m. Aug, '80 ; 5 m., reduced Sept 15, and disch'd Decbr 4, '80. M R Privates. Barnum, Samuel, enl'd Jan'y 1, '77; for the war, must'd to Jan'y, '82, later Hallett's. MR A. P. 23-297. Northampton, Montgr. Co. Flood, Francis, Jan'y 1, '77; w., disch'd by Col. V. Cort landt Febr 7, '80. M R Nickerson, Thomas, enlisted Feb 17, '77 ; war, sent to Gen'l Hospital sick of consumption in 1778, disch'd by Col. Van Cortlandt, Febr 8, '79. A. P. 19-75. M R Roberts, Caleb, Febr 17, '77 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Pulman, Salter, Febr 20, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Knapp, James, Drum., Febr 26, '77 ; war, m. to Jan'y, "82. M R Sherwood, Nath'l, Febr 26, '77; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Fung, Thorn's, Febr 28,"77; war, des'd'Mar 4, '77. M R Nostram, Jno., Feb 28, '77; war, des'd Mar 3, '77. M R Cameron, Dan'l, Mar 6, '77 ; war, des'd July 10, '77. M R Chase, Lott, Mar 6, '77; war, des'd next day. M R Olmstead, Jno., Mar 6, '77 ; war, des'd Oct 27. '80. M R Cassaty, Edward, Mar 7, '77; war, des'd Aug 1, '77, must'd to July, '78, to Jan'y, '82. M R Bradt, Andrew, Mar 10, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Callahan, John, Mar 10, '77; war, des'd July 11, '77. M R Kelly, Barney, Mar 10, '77; war, des'd July 10, '77. M R Van Ness, Corn's, Mar 10, '77; war, des'd Oct., '77, m. June, '78, to Jan'y, '82. M R Willson, Wm., Mar 12, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Mar 22, '77. M R Palmeter, Joseph, Mar 16, '77; war, died June 6, '78. M R Knapp, Caleb, Mar 17, '77 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Wood, Jacob, Mar 19, '77 ; 3 yrs., des'd Mar 22, '77. ,M R 188 The New York Line. Knapp, Isaac, Mar 22, '77 ; war, unfit for service pr. roll of Decbr, '80. M R Ten Eycke, John, Mar 22, '77 ; war, died June 3, '79. M R Barber, Stephen, Apr 8, '77; war, des'd April 21, '80. M R Cole, David, Apr 9, '77; war, mustered to Jan'y, '83. M R Hutchin, Wm., Apr 9, '77; 3 yrs, omt'd June, '78. M R McKeal, Adam, April 13, '77 ; war, transf'd to Sackett's Co., 4 N. Y., June 19, '77. M R Brown, John, Apr 14, '77 ; war, des'd Apr 17, '77. M R Love, Mich'l, Apr 14, '77 ; war, des'd Apr 17, '77. M R Field, Philipp, Apr 15, '77, war, died at Valley Forge, Aug, 1778 ; colored, slave of Col. Field, of S. East, Dutchess Co. MR A. P. 23-185. Horton, Christ'r, Apr 15, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Apr 15, '80. M R Mead, Nathan, Apr 19, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd May 20, '78. M R Floyer, Thomas, May 4, '77; war, des'd July 16, '77. M R Cooper, John, July 9, '77 ; war, des'd next day. M R Teatsworth, Thos., Aug 20, '77; war, des'd Dec. 20, '77, m. July, '79, des'd Jan'y 4, '80. M R Hudsler, (Hudsell), Nich's, Novbr 9, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Bacon, Penuel, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Sept 13, '78. M R Baker, Benj., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 27, '79. MR} Barber, William, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., des'd Sept 30, '78. M R Bartholomew, John, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd and re-en listed Nov 16, '78, in Wright's Company, where he was must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR Bentley, George, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd June 9, '78. M R Bogardus, Peter, May 5, '78; 9 m., omitted June, '79. M R Boyd, George, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Carman, John, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Champlain, Jas., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., omitted Febr '79. M R Cole, Samuel, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Davidson, Jas., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., omitted Febr, '79. M R Delaway, Jere'h, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Ford, George, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., om'd Febr, '79. M R Grains, Lewis, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Grissell, Jabez, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Hammer, Wm., May 5, '78; 9 m., des'd July 14, '78. M R King, Wm., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Lossey, Jacob, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Low, John, May 5, '78; 9 m., omt'd Febr, '79. M R Rapp, George, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. MR Shaw, Ichabod,. May 5, '78 ; 9 in., omt'd Febr 79. M R Smiley, Thos., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Shove, Fred'k, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. Skinner, Isaac, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Smith, Ezekiel, May 5, 78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Warren, John, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Brown, John, July 29, '78; des'd Aug 1, '78. M R Corkins, Simon, Sept 16, '80; 3 m., disch'd. M R Langdon, Benjamin, Mar 13, '81 ; war, m. to Jany '82. MR A. P. 22-77. Phelps, Ontario Co. THIRD COMPANY. Graham, Chas., Captain, Novbr 21, '76 ; must'd to Jan'y, '81, then deranged. A. P. 14-385. M R Miller, Jas., 1st Lieut. (Mil. Arrt.) See 2d Co Fairlie, Jas., 2d Lieut., Nov 21, '76 ; A. D. C. to Baron Steuben, must'd to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 14-317, 385. M R Wood, Robert, Ensign. (Mil. Committee.) Brown, Jonas, Sergt., enl'd as Priv. Jan'y 1, '77; war, Corp'l Oct 17, '78 ; Sergt. Mar 27, '78, died Oct 13, '81. M R Haight, Thos., Sergt., Jan'y 1, '77; Qr. Mr. Sergt., Apr 23, '77. M R Smith, Jno., Sergt., Jan'y 1, '77; war, died Jan'y 29, '81. M R Hibbard, Jas., Sergt., Jan'y 20, '77; died May 31, '77. M R Van Cleck, Peter, Sergt., Jan'v 31, '77 ; died Sept. 19, '77. M R Fulton, Alex., Sergt., Mar 77; 3 yrs, died Decbr, '78. M R Prince, Kemble, Sergt., June 19, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd May 30, 1780. M R Harris, David, Sergt., May 5, '78; 9 m., reduced to Priv, and disch'd Jan'y 1, '79. M R Jones, Evan, Corp'l, April 1, '77; 3 yrs, red'd Aug 31, '78, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Thompson, John, Corporal, enl. Apr 17, 1777 ; war, pris. Aug 31, '78 ; des'd Apr 27, '80. MR A. P. 23-147. Cato, Cayuga Co. Hopkins, Noah, Fifer, Febr 1, '77; 2 yrs, diBch'd Decbr 22, '79. M R Privates. Gilbert, Jno., Oct 21, '76; war, des'd next day. M R Bowen, Charles, Decbr 1, '76 ; war, des'd next day. M R Devoure, Abr'm, Decbr 1, '76 ; war, des'd next day, joined Apr, '77; disch'd Apr 20, '79. MR Shearman, Jesse, Dec 1, '76 ; 3 yrs, des'd May 26, '80. M R Lamb, Arthur, Decbr 2, '76 ; 3 yrs, des'd May 4, '77, j'd Aug 1, '81 ; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Righley, Joseph, Dec 3, '76 ; des'd next day. M R Stewart, Jno., Dec 3, '76; war, des'd next day. M R Armstrong, Benj., Dec 4, '76 ; des'd Dec 5, '76. M R Ashley, Aaron, Decbr 4, '76; war, omitted July, '78. MR Egbert, Dan'l, Dec 4, '76; war, des'd next day. M R Simons, Mich'l, Dec 4, '76 ; war, des'd next day. M R Lane, Wm.. Decbr 19, '76 ; 3 yrs, des'd May 23, '77. M R Robinson, Jno., Dec 19, '76 ; war, des'd Mar 23, '77, j'd Nov 5, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Bennett, Joshua, enlisted 1777, for 3 yrs, shortly after for the war, mortally wounded at Monmouth, died Oct, '78. A. P. 17-153. M R Bell, Matthew, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, deB'd July 18, '77, joined Aug 1, '78, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Braden, John, Priv., Jan'y 1, '77; war, Corporal March 1, m. to January, '82. M R Claxton, George, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd Apr 20, '80. M R Cully, Charles, Jan'y 1, '77 ; des'd July 10, '77. M R Grogan, Jno., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR ' Jenkins, Phil. , Jan'y 1, '77 ; des'd July 31, '77. M R The New York Line. 189 Leary, Kady, Jan'y 1, '77; des'd Mar 80, '80, died Sept 17, '81. M R Lunney, Phil., Jan'y 1, '77; war, died October, '78. M R O'Brian, Jno., Jan'y 1, '77 ; des'd July 31, '77. M R Paduck, Jan'y 1, '77; died June 20, '77. M R Varian, John, Jan'y 1, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Davie, Jona., Jan'y 3, '77; omitted Decbr, '77. M R Dickens, Thos., Jan'y 10, '77; omitted Mar, '80. M R Keith, John, Jan'y 18, '77 ; des'd next day. M R Davis, Hugh, Jan'y 27, '77 ; des'd July 12, '77. M R Neeby, Mich'l, Jan'y 29, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd May 20, '77. M R Moore, Jno., Febr 4, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Febr 26, '77. M R Peterson, Dan'l, Febr 14, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Mar 23, '77. M R Benjamin, Jonathan, Febr 20, '77; must'd to Jan'y, '81, killed near Fort Schuyler Apr 9, 1781. MR A. P. 22-106. Stevens, Jno., Febr 20, '77; 3 yrs, omt'd Nov, '77, j'd June 29, des'd Jan'y 2, '81. MR Crandell, Willson, Febr 22, '77 ; omitted Oct, '78. M R Sillsbury, David, Febr 25, '77 ; omt'd July, '78. M R Bradner, Andrew, Mar 1, '77 ; war, must'd to Jan'y '81, to end of war. M R Crane, John, Mar 2, '77 ; des'd July 15, '77. Crook, Wm., Mar 23, '77; war, prisoner Jan'y, '78. M R Springsted, Abr'm, Mar 19, '77 ; des'd June, '77, m. Aug, '78, to Jan'y, '82. M R Thompson, Daniel, Apr 1, '77, . M R Armstrong, Archibald, Apr 3, '77; w., disch'd Mar 27, '80. M R Thomas, Wm., Apr 23, '77; des'd July 12, '77. M R Powell, Thomas, Apr 30, '77 ; shot July 21, '77. M R Conklin, Joseph, May 20, '77; war, Corp'l Mar 1, '80, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Kniekerbaker, And'w, June 1, '77; m. to Jan'y '81, des'd Jan'y 14, '82. M R Hallenbeck, Jno., June 6, '77; war, disch'd Jan'y 31, '79, having found a substitute . M R Kincham, Fred'k, June 15, '77; des'd June 20, '77. M R Mahew, Peter, June 24, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd May 1, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Miller, Jacob, July 7, '77 ; 3 yrs, . M R Succanox, Dan'l, July 13, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Jan'y, '79. M R Corter, Philipp, 1st m. Decbr, '77 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Gould, Jno., 1st m. Decbr, '77; war, died Octobr, '78. M R McMurdy, Jas., 1st m. Jan'y, 78; des'd Decbr '78. M R Mann, Mich'l, 1st m. Jan'y, '78 ; des'd Dec 15, '78. M R Sickles, Zach'h, Febr 18, '78 ; war, des'd July 20, '77. (?) MR Cosman, Daniel, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 3, '79. M R Cunningham, Jas., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 3, '79. MR Dolph, Moses, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 3, '79. M R Elder, Joseph, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 3, '79. M R Hay, James, May 5, 78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 23, '78. M R Holmes, Hezek'h, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., died Decbr, '78. M R McClure, Wm., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 3, '79. McMasters, Jas., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., exch'd for Jno. Mullen, Jan'y 27, '79. M R Matthews, Jas., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 3, '79. M R Seaton, Willard, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 3, '79. M R Smith, Peter, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 3, '79. M R Weller, Amos, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 3, '79. M R Hanyon, Garret, May 6, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 3, '79. M R McEvers, Dan'l, May 6, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 3, '79. M R McKine, Dan'l May 6, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 3, '79. M R Montanye, Peter, May 12, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 3, '79. M R Reynolds, Jas., May 12, 78 ; 9 m., disch'd. M R Phelps, Eben'r, May 26, '78; 9 m., disch'd. M R Rose, Peter, Oct 30, '78; Drummer May 1, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Whipple, Nathan , enl. Oct 31, '78 ; died in service, June 24, 79. M R A. P. 22-335, 23-101. Dutchess Co. Busby, Wm., 1st muster Dec, '78; des'd ye 1st muster. M R Horseford, Joseph, Decbr 18, '78 ; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Johnston, Robt., Decbr 6, '78; omt'd Jan'y, 79. M R Jansing, Rob't, 1st m. Mar, '79 ; m. to Jan'y, '81 ; see Robert Johnston, in same Comp'y. M R Mullen, Jno., Jany 27, '79, as substitute for Jas. McMas ters ; disch'd Febr 3, '79. M R Van De Bergh, Math'w, 1st m. Mar 79; des'd Apr 22, *79. M R Clark, John, July 25, '80 ; 3 m., des'd. M R Tuck, Jno., July 25, '80 ; 5 m., disch'd Novbr, '80. M R Daniels, Geo., Aug 19, '80 ; war, des'd Mar 1, '81. M R Robley, Mich'l, Aug 19, '80 ; war, des'd Sept 4, '81. MR Powell, Thomas, ruptured and invalided ; discharged from C. of Invalids Aug 31, 1782. C, 105, I, 191. Al bany Co. .FOURTH COMPANY. Pell, Samuel T., Captain, Nov 21, '76 ; m. to Jan'y, 82. M R Codwise, Christopher, Lieutenant, Nov 21, '76 ; must'd to Jan'y, '81, then deranged. I, 164. M R 2d Lieut. Sth Comp'y in Mil. Com. White, Andrew, Lieutenant, entered early in 1776 ; En sign 4th Comp. Nov 21, '76, Lieut, early in '77, re signed April 5, 1780, on account of ill health. A. P. 16-434. M R Mil. Com. McKinney, Charles, Sergeant, Dec 3, '76 ; 3 yrs., re-en listed for war, Apr 1, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82, disabled by a wound in his right arm at Stillwater, Sept 19, 1777. C. 50, 132. M R Aa, 16. Laborer, Cornwall, Orange Co. Burdick, Moses, Sergt., Dec 9, '76; 3 yrs., reduced July 28, '81, transferred to Armand's Nov 1, '81. M R Burgess, Archibald, Serg't, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, reduced to ranks Nov 29, '78 ; disch'd May 1, '79. M R Carson, James, Serg't, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, must'd to Sept '80, to Jan'y, '82. M R Hadley, Joseph, Sergt. , Febr'y 6, '77 ; 3 yrs., private Dec 17, '78, disch'd Febr'y 5, '80. M R Campbell, Wm., Corp'l, Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 6, '80. M R Buckhout, Wm., Corporal, Febr 10, '77; war, died p. roll of Jan'y, '79. M R Lamberton, Simon, Corp'l Decbr 8, '76; 3 yrs, Sergt., June 1, 78, m. to Jan'y, '82 ; transf'd to Pelton's Apr 15, '80. M R Shucraft, Jno., Corp'l, Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, Sergt., Jan'y 1, '79, disch'd by Col. V. Cortlandt, Dec 22, '79. M R Jacquish, Jno., Corporal, as Corp'l Febr 20, '77; war, Sergt., May 24, '78, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Rich, Henry, Corp'l Aug 1, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Jan'y, '78, j'd Mar, '80, des'd July 15/81. 190 The New York Line. Connor, Wm., Corp'l, May 7, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. MR Sargeson, Wm., Drum'r, Jan'y 8, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Jones, Jacob, Fifer, May 19, '77; war, priv. May 25, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Privates. Stivers, Phil., Dec 3, '76 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Greenwood, John, Decbr 5, '76; 3 yrs, des'd Aug 2, '77. M R Gilbert, Wm., Decbr 7, '76; 3 yrs, re-enlisted Mar 21, '79; must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Eggers, Elijah, Dec 15, '76; war, des'd Jan'y 30, '77, must'd Oct 79, died Dec 17, '81. M R Graham, John, Decbr 15, '76 ; 3 yrs, des'd Decbr 25, '76. M R Albright, Jacob, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, mustered to Jan'y, '82. M R Cunningham, Shub'l, Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Dec 30, '79. M R Davis, Harmon, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd Jan'y 2, '78 ; joined Mar 21, '78, des'd Feb 11, '80. M R Dennis, Jno, Jan'y 1, '77; war, disch'd same day. M R Graham, And'w, Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, died Jan'y 29, '77. M R Hitchcock, John, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd Jan'y 2, '78, rej'd Mar 21, '78. M R Hopper, John, Jan'y 1, 77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Decbr 30, '79. M R McClain, Jno., Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd Jan'y 29, '77, j'd Oct, 81, transf'd to Sappers and Miners. M R Ronols, John, Jan'y 1, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd by Col. V. Cort landt Jan'y 1, '80. M R Ruff, Adam, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd Mar 5, '77. M R Stivers, Caleb, JanV 1, '77 ; war, des'd Jan'y 2, '78, j'd Mar 21, '78, deB'd Mar 16, '80. M R Thompson, Wm., Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, died Nov, 29, '78. M R Webb, John, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, Sergt. Apr 1, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Brooks, Thos., Jan'y 2, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Harris, Geo., Jan'y 5, '77 ; war, des'd next day. M R Sculthorp, Jno., Jan'y 5, '77; war, des'd Aug 1, '77. M R Owens, Moses, Jan'y 6, '77 ; war, des'd Mar 25, '77. M R Kelley, Conrad, Jan'y 10, '77; war, des'd Febr 10, '77. M R Davenport, Jno., Jan'y 28, '77 ; war, des'd Febr 6, '77. M R Brown, John, Febr 1, '77 ; war, des'd Febr 4, '77. M R Cargill, Isaac, Febr 1, '77; war, des'd Febr 5, '79. M R Kent, Isaac, Febr 1, '77; war, des'd Febr 10, '77. M R Mott, Noah, Febr 1, '77 ; 3 yrs, re-enl'd Apr 13, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Vaughan, Wm., Febr 2, '77 ; war, des'd Apr 3, '77. M R Ellison, Robt., Febr 4, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R McNames, Chas., Febr 10, '77; war, died Mar 17, '77. M R McKenney, James, Febr 14, '77 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 18-467. M R Gay, Edward, Febr'y 19, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Sept 18, '77. M R Rider, John, Mar 1, '77: 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 12, '80. M R Garrison, Jno., Mar 6, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Summers, Josh'a, Mar 9, '77; war, des'd Mar 21, '77. M R Reed, Wm., Mar 22, '77 ; war, des'd Mar 26, '77. M R Cole, Henry, Mar 23, '77; war, died Oct 18, '77. M R Holmes, Danl, Apr 11, '77 ; war, des'd Jan'y 28, '79. M R Dickens, James, Apr 15, '77; war, des'd June 28, '80, must'd June, '81, to Jan'y, '82. M R Randies, Joseph, Apr 15, '77 ; war, des'd Febr, '79, j'd Mar, '79 ; des'd Apr 20, '80. M R Hunt, John, May 1, '77 ; war, omt'd July, '78. M R Burling, Lewis, May 10, '77 ; war, des'd Mar 27, '79. M R Keating, Robt, May 23, '77 ; war, des'd Aug 21, '77. M R Jupiter, Silas, June 3, '77 ; war, m. to Jan'y, 82. M R Trimmons, Jona., Sept 3, '77|; war, Corp'l June '78, Sergt. Jan'y, '79, Sergt. Major Apr 8, '80, m. to Jan'y '82. MR Beagle, Silas, May 5, '78; 9 m., deserted July 4, '78. MR Gilder, Ebenezer, May 5, 78; 9 m., died June 22, '78. M R Gorham, Jabez, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 3, '79. M R Murray, Wm., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 2, '79. M R Robinson, Wm., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 9, '79. M R Scott, Wm., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., des'd Jan'y 23, '79. M R Spear, Joseph, May 5, '78 ; .9 m., disch'd Febr 13, '79. M R Tuttle, Solomon, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 9, '79. M R Walker, John, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 3, '79. M R Wedge, Benj., May 5, 78 ; 9 m., des'd Nov 9, '78. M R Willey, Simeon, May 5, '78., 9 m., disch'd Febr 16, '79. MR Williams, Thos, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Dec 23, '78. MR Amberman, Dirck, May 7, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr, '79. M R Beesomer, Johannes, May 7, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 16, '79. MR Copple, George, May 7, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 16, '79. M R Elsworth, John, May 7, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 13, '79. MR Glinblet, Peter, May 7, "78 ; 9 m., died June 22, '78. M R Harman, Edw'd, May 7, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 16, '79. M R Marston, Dan'l, May 7, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 16, '79. M R Rempsen, Henry, May 7, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 10, '79. M R Steenburg, Peter, May 7, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 10, '79. M R Willson, John, May 7, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 2, '79. M R Winchell, John, May 7, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R- Worry, John, Mar 7, '78 ; 9 in., disch'd Febr 16, '79. M R Chace, Caleb, Nov 3, '78 ; died per Roll, Sept, '79. M R Simpson, Jno., Nov 9, '78; transf'd to 1st N, J. Regt., per roll, June, '79. M R Layton, Wm., Nov 19, '78 ; des'd May 30, '80. M R Bussing, John, May 12, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 16, '79. MR Trewiliger, Jacobus, May 12, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 16' '79. MR Graham, Moses, 1st m., Jan'y '79; des'd June 19, '79. M R Mute, Wm., Febr 7, '79 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '82 M R Spriggs, Lazarus, Apr 3, '79; des'd Apr 20, '80, rei'd, m. Decbr, '82. MR J Shoemaker, Dan'l, Apr 5, '79; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Countrvman, Jacob, 1st m., July 80 ; must, to Sept '80 to Jan'y '82. MR' ' Cahoon, Joseph, July 25, '80; mustered to Sept, 80, to Jan'y '82. MR The New York Line. 191 Hill, Solomon, July 25, '80 ; must'd to Sept, '80. M R Joyce, David, July 25, '80 ; m. to Sept, '80. M R Thomas, Henry, 1st m. Aug '80; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Buckhout, John, enlisted in Capt. Samuel Bodge's 1st N. Y., 1776 for short time; re-enlisted 1781-2 (?) in 2d N. Y. A. P. 23-147. Hoosec, Albany Co. Crumb, John, frozen in his private parts, discharged by Gen'l Washington, 1782. C, 86. Albany, N. T. Dickens, Peter, died of small pox shortly after Yorktown, Nov 19, 1781. A. P. 18-437. Pay Roll. Swift, John, blind and lame; C 7, I, 204; discharged from C. of Invalids, Jan'y 7, 1783. B. 611. Canaan, King's Distr., Columbia Co. Ward, Thomas. C, 131. Bethlehem, Albany Co. FIFTH COMPANY. Ten Eyck, Barnet, Captain, Nov 21, '76 ; disch'd Jan'y 22, '78. M R Livingston, Gilbert J., Comm. Ensign 6th Co., Col. Jas. Clinton, Sept 1, 1776 ; 2d Lieut. 2d N. Y., Nov 21, Lieut. 28th June, 1779 (date April 7, 1778), resigned on ac. of ill health April 5, 1780, Captain N. Y. Levies, Summer, 1780 and 1781. C, 56. A. P. 14-326. M R Glenny, Wm., Lieut., Ensign 5th Co., Nov 21, '76 ; Lieut. June 21, 77, 1st Lieut,, vice Livingston, April 5, (July 1), 1780 ; died Oct 30, '81. A. P. 14-385. MR C. A. Talmadge, Samuel, Lt., app'd April 10, '82, vice Glenny, deceased, Oct 27, '81. C. A. Trout, Adam, Serg't., Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, disch'd on ac count of inability, April 1, '81. M R Douglass, Geo., Sergt., Jan 2, '77 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Shaw, Richard, Corp'l, Jan'y 1 , '77 ; war, des'd July 16, '77. M R Smith, Wm., Corp'l, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, priv. July 1, '77, disch'd Dec 19, '79. M R Stratten, Wm., Corp'l, May 1, '77; war, des'd Sept 1, '77. M R Mason, Thos., Drum., Jan'y 1, '77; war, priv. July, '78, died Oct 7, '81. M R Privates. Battersby, Robt., Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, to Jan'y, 82. M R Beevens, Christian, Jan'y 1, '77 ; des'd July 15, '77. M R Brett, James, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd July 20, '77, joined Oct 20, '81, transferred to Sappers and Miners, m. R Cain, Wm. , Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd July, 77. M R Campbell, Jno., Mch 1, '77 ; war, des'd Jan'y 1, '78. M R Garrison, Abr., Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd July 16, '77. M R Greggs, Jere'h, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd May 23, '77, joined Nov 13, '77, disch'd Dec 19, '79. M R Huntley, Thos, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd July 30, '77, Nov 13. '77. M R Ockerman, Wm., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, Sergt. July, '77, des'd Jan'y, '78, taken Mar, '78, priv. Apr '78, Sergt. June, '78, disch'd Dec 22, '79. M R Price, James, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd July '77. M R Shippey, David, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd May 23, '77. M R Steel, John, Jan'y 1, '77 ; 3 yrs, and war, disch'd Dec 22, '79. M R Trout, Mich'l, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd Jan'y 2, '78, taken Mar '78, disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Van de Bogart, Minant, Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs and war, des'd July, '77, jo'd July, '78, disch'd Dec 19, '79. MR Van Kleck, Henry, Jan'y 1, '77; war, Corp'l Dec '78 ; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Wentworth, John, Jan'y 1, '77; war, disch'd May 6, '79, M R Wood, Joseph, Jan'v 1, '77 ; war, des'd Aug 15, '77. M R Wygant, Tobias, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd July, '77, jo'd July, '78, Corp'l Oct, '78, disch'd July, 3, '80- M R Smith, John, Jan'y 28, '77 ; war, des'd May 23, '77. M R Smith, Peter, Jan'y 28, '77; war, des'd Febr, '77 M R Barnes, Rich'd, Febr 1, '77; war, omitted Aug '78. M R Gullion, Jno, July 16, '77 ; war, des'd Jan'y 1, '78. M R Friebush, Math'w, Nov 1, '77 ; war must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Ames, Hugh, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., des'd Aug, 78. M R Banks, Benj., May 5 '78 ; 9 m., Drummer, July '78, dis ch'd Oct 27, '78. MR Benjamin, Ebenezer, 5th May, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Aug '78. MR Bradner, Benoni, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Buck, Enoch, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., died Jan'y 14, '79. M R Camp, Esau, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 8, '79. M R Carter, Jno, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 13, '79. M R Crandell, Wrt;, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., re-enl'd Nov 29, '78, died Febr 79. M R Egleston, Eli, May 5, '79; 9 m., re-enl'd Nov 29, '78, des'd Dec 24, '79. M R Gareheart, (Gerhardt) Math'w, May 5, '78; 9 m., des'd Aug, '78. M R Higgins, Tho's, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. MR Fish, Caleb, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., died Mar 30, '79. M R Fish, Moses, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Foster, Nath'l, May 5, '78; 9 m., re-enl'd Nov 29, '78, des'd May 16, '79. M R Fuller, Jonas. May 5, '78 ; 9 m., des'd Aug '78. M R May, Dan'l, May 14, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 11, '79. M R Mead, Jehiel, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 13, '79. M R Morley, Abner, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., des'd Oct 16, '78. M R Parry, Jas., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 13, '79. M R Peterson, Jno., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Shutts, Fred'k, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 13, '79. MR Strawbridge, Abs'm, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 11, '79. M R Thomas, Jas., May 5, '78; 9 m., Corp'l, Aug 1, des'd Aug 25, '78. M R Thompson, Joshua, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Trimmons, Abner, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., re-enl'd Nov 29, '78, m. to Jan'y, 82. M R Waterman, Sam'l, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., died per Roll of July, '78. M R White, John, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., des'd Aug '78 M R Snyder, John, May 14, '78; 9 m., des'd (?) Jan'y 28, '79. M R George, Joshua, May 27, '78; 3 yrs, des'd Oct 16, '78. M R Furguson, James, June 1, '78 ; disch'd by order Board of War, April 4, '80. M R Burgess, Archibald, enlisted June, 1775, for 6 m. in Capt. Stephen Oakley's, Col. Drake's, for 6 m. ^in 1776, in Capt. S. T. Pell's 2d N. Y., as Sergt. Dec 25, 1776, for the war, disch'd on ac. of epileptic fits April 7, 1779. A. P. 21-297. Delaware Co. 192 The New York Line. SIXTH COMPANY. Wright, Jacob, Captain, Nov 21, '76; m., to Jan'y, '82. C, 119, Aa, 22. M R Van Woert, (Vert) Isaac, app'd Lieut, in Capt. Hor- ton's, Col. Jas. Holmes' in 1775, served in different capacities until app'd 1st Lieut., 6th Co., in 2d N. Y., Nov 21, '76 (Jan'y, 1777), lamed and disabled, 1779, deranged 1781. (M. R. resigned Apr 23, '79.) A. P. 21^493. Pittstown, Rensselaer Co. Van Wagenen, Tunis ( Gerrit), Ensign Nov 21, '76, F. Master Nov, '77, Qr. Mr. of N. Y. Brg., Aug. '78, to Jan'y 1, 1780, Lieut. Oct, '77, 1st Lieut, vice White, res'd Apr 5, 1780. A. P. 14-385, 15-75. M R De ranged Jan'y 1, 1781. Whitemore, Benj., Sergt., Dec 13, '76; war, omt'd Dec. '77. MR Burdick, Moses, Sergt., Decbr 19, '76 ; reduced to ranks Jan'y 10, 79, disch'd Dec 19, '79. M R Waterman, Henry, Serg't, Febr 13, '77; died July 20, '77. M R Harris, Moses, Serg't, Mar 22, '77; 3 yrs, discb'd Febr 4, '80. M R Leister, John, Serg't, June 1, '77 ; priv. Mar 1, '81, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Sower, Henry, Sergt, June 6, '77 ; war, des'd Sept 15, '77. MR Kennion, Wm., Sergt., 1st m. Jan'y, '79 ; Corp'l, Decbr, '79 ; (?) Serg't Apr 2, '80 ; m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Depew Abr'm, Corp'l, Jan'y 2, '77 ; war, Corp'l June 1, '77, disch'd Jan'y 3, 80. M R Fashee, David, Corp'l, Mar 21, '77 ; reduced to rank Sept. '79, des'd Mar 12, '80. M R Travis, (Traverse) Uriah, Corp'l, Mar 23, '77 ; 3 yrs or the war, 1778, discharged on ac. of disability, Jan'y 8, 1780. MR A. P. 21-503. N. Y. C. Dalton, Thomas, Apr 1, '77; Corp'l Jan'y, '78, reduced Jan'y, '79, wounded in right knee at Stillwater, Sept 19, 1777, Invalids, discharged May 15, '80, by Gen'l Wash'n, Sept 1, 1782. C. 135, Aa, 21, I, 161. MR Cooper, N. Y. City. Dunlap, Andrew, Corp'l, May 19, '77, Sergt. Sept 17, '77 ; lost his eyesight, left arm disabled, transf. to Corps of Invalids May 15, '80, discharged March 15, 1783. C, 6, 155, I, 164. M R Canajoharie, Mont gomery Co., later Coxsackie, Albany Co, Woodemore, Corn's, Drum'r, Dec 1, '76 ; war, priv. Aug 31, '78, m. to Jan'y, 82. M R Wright, Barrick, Drum'r, Jan'y 14, '77 ; war, m. priv. to Jan'y, '82. M R Thomas, Henry, Fifer, Mar 21, '77 ; war, pris. Aug 1, '78, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Weisenfelts, John, Fifer, Dec 14, '78; disch'd pr Roll June, '79. M R Privates. Spellsbury, (Sillsbury) Jacob, enlisted Nov. '76 ; Mar 21> '77, war, died Sept 20, '77. A. P. 17-423. M R Connor, Dan'l, Jan'y 1, '77 ; shot, April 21, '77. M R Griffin, Benj., Jan'y 1, '77; war, muBt'd to Jan'y, '82. MR Hitchcock, Samuel, enlisted Jan'y 1st, 1777 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 21-499. M R Albany Co. Kennedy, John, Jan'y 1, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Lent, Elias, Jan'y 1, '77 ; des'd Oct 19, '78. M R Varnell, John, Jan'y 1, '77 ; des'd Febr 1, '79. M R Wiley, Edw., Jan'y 1, '77 ; omt'd April, '78. M R Depew, Francis, Jan'y 3, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 3, '80. M R Bonus, James, Jan'y 5, '77 ; des'd next day. M R Drinnin, Hamilton, Jan'y 6. '77 ; war, prisoner Mar 29, '77. M R Stephens, Nath'l, Jan'y 9, '77; war, omt'd Jan'y '78. M R Marlin, Isaac, Jan'y 15, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 29, '80. M R Potter, Isaac, Jan'y 29, '77 ; war, died Mar 20, '78. M R Golden, Thomas, Febr 1, '77; w., des'd June 28, '77. M R Stillwell, Thos., Febr 6, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 8, '80. M R Dalton, Fred'k, Febr 7, '77 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR Fall, Robt., Febr 8, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Mar 14, '77. M R Dayton, Ezekiel, Febr 10, '77; war, des'd Sept 20, '78. M R Depew, Jno., Febr 10, '77 ; war, died p. roll of Aug, '78. M R Barrett, Mich'l, Febr 13 ; des'd Febr 15, '77. M R McKenney, Jno., Febr'y, 14, '77; war, des'd next day. M R Christian, Benj., Mar 1, '77; war, died June 12, '78. M R Griffiths, Jas., Mar 1, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Febr 2, '8"0. M R Crumm, John, Mar 9, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Mar 14, '77. M R Scott, Timothy, Mar 10, '77 ; war, des'd June 7, '77. M R Depew, Henry, Mar 20, '77 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR Christian, Jno. , Mar 22, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR Danielson, Tho's, Mar 23, '77; 3 yrs., des'd Mar 27, '77. M R Cole, Tunis, Mar 24, '77 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Sedore, Jno., Mar 24, '77 ; war. died Nov. '79. M R Van Tassell, Corn's, Mar 24, '77; war, died Jan'y 3, 1780. M R Francis, Jno., Apr 16, '77; war, des'd May 10, '77. M R Beach, Asa, Apr 17, '77 ; war, deserted. M R Todd, Thadeus, Apr 17, '77 ; war, des'd May 10, '77. M R Aston, Benj., May 27, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd June 7, '77. M R Bogardus, Abr'm, May 27, '77 ; war, omitted Apr 27, '78. M R Burdick, Henry, May 27, '77; war, Corp'l May 14, '80, reduced Nov 18, '81, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Oousterhout, Peter, May 27, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. MR Aston, Martin, May 28, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd June 7, '77, must'd July, '77, des'd Sept 16, '78. M R Templer, Thos., May 28, '77 ; war, died May, '78. M R Travis, Jacob, May 30, '77; war, died May 6, '77. M R Street, Sam'l, June 1, '77; war, pris'r Apr 16, '80, i'd and m. to Jan'y, '82. MR Dean, Isaac, June 2, '77 ; throughout the war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR A. P. 23-227. Mt. Pleasant, W. Ch. Co. Van De Bogart, Mynd't, June 3, '77 ; war, des'd July 12, *77. MR 3 Palmer, Jona., June 6, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. MR Hollenbeck, Jacob, jun., June 10, '77, war, Fifer Mar 21, '78, private Apr 1, '80, wounded four times, must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR A. P. 21-382. Davids, Jona., June 26, '77 ; war, des'd July 27, '77. M R Mumford, Jas., June 26, '77 ; war, des'd Sept 18, '77. M R Hotchkiss, Wm., Decbr 4, '77; war, died pr roll June, '78. MR Christian, Peter, 1st m. April, '78 ; war, died May 29, '78. M R Abeimer, Cornelius, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17 '79. MR Brooks, Joseph, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Burrell, Zach'h, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 16, '79. M R The New York Line. 193 Elliott, John, Mar 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Foster, Benoni, May 5, 78 ; 9 m., des'd Aug 2, '78. M R Hewett, Benj., Mar 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr'y 17, '79. M R Hoyt, Cesar, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd July 9, '78. M R Lovejoy, Nathan, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., omt'd Aug, '78. M R Mervin, Matth'w, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Mills, Sam'l, May 5, '72 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 10, '79. M R Neese, John, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., des'd Aug 1, '78, m. Sept, '78, disch'd Nov 19, '78. M R Oousterhout, Gilbert, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y, '79. M R Richmond, Benj., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., des'd Aug 10, '78. M R Stanton, Benj., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., omt'd Aug, '78. M R Van Sant, John, Mar 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 10, '79. M R Williams, James, May 5, '78; 9 m., died Aug 10, '78. M R Yawnes, John, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., re-enl'd, Fifer Apr 1, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Brust, Martin, Dec 22, '78 ; des'd Febr 3, '79. M R Johnson, James, Jan'y 31, '79 ; see Jas. Johnson in Riker's. M R Sartain, (Serton) James, Febr 7, '79 ; wounded in left arm, transf'd. to Invalids Aug 24, '81, discharged from Corps of Invalids Sept 1, 1782. C, 119, I 204. M R Hills- burgh, Albany Co. Burdick, Gideon, July 28, '80 ; 3 m., disch'd Oct 25, '80. M R Shippen, Wm., July 25, '80 ; 5 m., disch'd Dec 15, '81. M R Dennis, John, 1st m., omitted, must'd to Sept, '80. M R Othout, Sylvester, Jan'y 1, '81 ; des'd Aug 1, '81. M R Yeomans, Jere'h, Jan'y 9, '81 ; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Wilkerson, Joseph, Febr 1, '81 ; des'd Nov 17, '81. M R Ackerman, Elijah, Mch 21, '81 ; must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR Robins, Dan'l, Mar 21, '81 ; 1 yr., m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Featherly, Jno., Mar 28, '81, to Jan'y, '82. M R Featherly, Tho's, Mar 28, '81, to Jan'y, '82. M R Othout, Tilman, Apr 1, '81, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Barrett, Peter, Septbr, '81 ; must'd to Jan'y, '83. M R Leary, Jno, Sept 2, '81; m. to Jan'y, '82. MR Kinney, Jas., see McKinney, Jas, M R SEVENTH COMPANY. Hallet, Jonathan, Captain, Novbr 21, '76 ; m. to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 19-470. M R Hardenbergh, John L., Lieut., Novbr 21, '76; Adjt. Jan'y, '80, deranged Jan'y, '81. M R Wood, Robert, Lieut., Nov 21, '76; died Mar 10, '77. (In 5th Comp. Mil. Art.) M R Harper, Josh., Ens'n, Nov 21, '76 ; resigned Septbr 28, '78. M R Courtney, Francis, Sergt. , Dec 24, '76 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR Griffith, Sam'l, Corp'l, Dec 8, '76 ; 3 yrs, red'd Jan'y 18, '78, re-enlisted for war Mar 21, '79, des'd Mar 24, '80. M R Barron, John, Corporal, Jan'y 24, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Aug 2, '77. M R Lamb, Arthur, Drum., j'd Oct 26, '80 ; m. Aug, '81. M R Deaby, (Darby) Chas., Fifer, July 7, '77 ; 3 yrs, re-enlist'd Apr 2, '79 ; for war, must'd to" end of war. M R Privates. Lindon, James, June 6, '76; 3 yrs, des'd June 11, '77. M R Low, John, June 7, '76 ; 3 yrs, des'd Jury 17, '77. M R Lent, Hendrick, June 25, '76 ; war, died July 10, '78. M R Lyons, David, June 25, '76 ; 3 yrs, des'd June 11, '77. M R Foster, John, Dec 2, '76 ; war, wounded in left knee at Stillwater 19£h Sept, 1777, discharged at Princeton, N. J., Jan'y 23, 1780. M R C, 177, Aa 62, Cc 32. A. P. 18-210, 21-225. New Baltimore, Albany Co McDonald, Mich'l, Decbr 3, '76; 3 yrs, des'd July 11, '77. M R Mullener, Moses, Decbr, 3, '76 ; 3 yrs, omt'd July, '79, disch'd Dec 7, '79. M R Symon, Eph'm, Dec 3, '76 ; 3 yrs, des'd July 11, '77. M R Tallady, Jno., Dec 3, '76 ; omt'd Jan'y, '78. M R Carter, Sam'l, Dec 4, '76 ; disch'd Febr 2, '77. M R Phillips, Sam'l, Dec 4, '76 ; 3 yrs, joined Invalids at Bos ton pr. roll of Jan'y, '78. M R Bennett, Jeremiah, Decbr 5, '76 ; 3 yrs, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R 25 Bennet, John, enl'd Dec, '76 ; lost right leg at Stillwater, Sept 19, 1777, transferred to Invalid Corps, May 15, 1780, discharged by Gen'l Wash'n, Sept 15, 1782. C, 129. 1 147, Aa 10. M R Cooper, N. Y. C. North Ward. Costerly, James, Dec 5, '76 ; war, des'd July 11, '77. M R Danford, Wells, Dec 5, '76; 3 yrs, des'd Jan'y 11, '77. M R Moore, Chas., Dec 6, '76 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Dec 8, '79. M R Evans, John, Decbr 7, '76 ; 3 yrs, died Sept 24, '77. (Con nolly says Oct 4, '77.) M R McDonald, Jno., Dec 7, '76 ; 3 yrs. des'd July 31, 77. M R Murrell, Jno., Decbr 7, '76 ; war, Corp'l Apr 1, '79, Sergt. Dec 9, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. MR Sellers, Mich'l, Dec 7, '76 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Slutt, Peter, Dec. 7, '76 ; 3 yrs and war, re-enl'd Mar 23, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Venice, John, Dec 7, '76 ; 3 yrs and war, m. to Jan'y, 82. M R Sloan, Stephen, Dec 8, '76 ; 3 yrs, des'd Jan'y 28, '77. M R Burns, Robert, Decbr 10, '76 ; 3 yrs, re-enlisted for war, mustered to Jan'y, '82. M R Newman, Jas., Dec 10, '76 ; des'd Dec 28, '76. M R Thompson, Jno., Dec 12, '76 ; died Febr 26, '77. M R Collins, Jno, Dec 13, '76 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Hazard, James, Decbr 13, '76; 3 yrs, died May 17, '78. M R House, Anth'y, Decbr 13, '76 ; 3 yrs, unfit for service p. roll May, '77. M R Hitchcock, Jno., Decbr 14, '76 ; 3 yrs, des'd Febr 25, '80. M R Ross, Joseph, Dec. 14, '76 ; 3 yrs, des'd Dec 28, '76. M R Fuller, Daniel, Dec 15, '76 ; 3 yrs, deserted July 6, '77. M R Ruben, Moses, Dec 15, '76 ; des'd Jan'y 6, '77. M R Syrine, Jas., Dec 15, '76 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Apr, '78. M R Donaldson, Peter, Dec 16, '76; 3 yrs, disch'd Decbr 20, '79. M R Smith, Rich'd, Dec 16, '76 ; 3 yrs, re-enl'd Apr 8, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Aston, John, Dec 17, '76 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Dec 7, '79, M R Boyce, Peter, Decbr 17, '76 ; 3 yrs, re-enlisted for war, must'd to Jan'y, '81. MR 194 The New York Line. Nowe, Lewis, Dec 17, '76 ; 3 yrs and war, Corp'l Apr 5, '79, Sergt. July 22, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Flagg, Ebenezer, Dec 19, '76 ; 3 yrs, omitted Mar 24, '78. M R Pricbard, Thomas, Dec 21, '76; 3 yrs, died Mar 24, '78. M R Bowen, Charles, Decbr 22, '76 ; des'd Decbr 30, '76. M R Collins, Wm., Dec 23, '76; des'd June 30, '77. M R * Johnston, Moses, Decbr 23, '76 ; died Decbr 30, '76. M R Tretter, Jno., Dec 25, '76 ; des'd Jan'y 3, '77. M R Valentine, Obediah, Dec 30, '76 ; 3 yrs, des'd May 23, 1777. M R Ford, Timothy, Jan'y 1, '77 ; 3 yrs, died per Roll of April, '78. MR McGowan, Jere'h, Jan'y 1, 77 ; 3 yrs, . M R j?oung, John, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd Julv 24, '78, rej'd June 14, '80. M R Louch, Jacob, Jan'y 2, '77 ; des'd Jan'y 12, '77. M R Padder, Jno., Jan'y 2, '77 ; 3 yrs, re-enl'd Mar 7, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R McGraw, Jas., Jan'y 10, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Jan'y 18, '77. M R Bigham, Ja's, Jan'y 12, '77; died Feb 26, '77. M R Drew, Geo., Jan'y 14, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd July 11, '77. M R Hale, Israel, Jan'y 15, '77 ; des'd Mar 5, '77. M R McNiel, Jno, Jan'y 20, '77 ; 3'yrs, des'd Jan'y 22, '77. M R Briant, John, Jan'y 25, '77 ; des'd Jan'y 29, '77. M R Briant, Thos, Jan'y 25, '77 ; des'd Jan'y 29, '77. M R Matthews, Jas., Jan'y 26 ; 3 yrs, des'd July 12, '77. M R Lawn, Geo., Jan'y 27, '77 ; des'd July 31, '77. M R Whitney, Jacob, Febr 1, '77 ; des'd Apr 1, '80. M R Stagg, John, Febr 8, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Febr 24, '77. M R White, Wm., Febr 11, '77 ; war, des'd Nov 23, '81. M R Ketchum, Joseph, Febr 14, '77; war, Corp'l July 31, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Curry, James, Febr 15, '77 ; war, des'd Mar 15, '77, joined Mar 14, '79, des'd Mar 24, '80. M R Perry, Wm., Febr 15, '77 ; des'd Febr 24, '77. M R Shehan, Morris, Febr 15, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd June 11, '77. M R Smith, Solomon, Febr 15, 77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Febr 29,(?) '77. M R Symons, Willett, Febr 15, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Febr 29,(?) '77. M R Realy, Jas., Febr 16, '77 ; 3 yrs, enl'd for war Apr 1, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Parker, James, Febr 19, 77 ; 3 yrs, des'd July 3, '77. M R Witham, Joseph, Febr 19, '77; war, died June 20, 78. MR Bridges, James, Febr 25, '77 ; des'd Mar 13, '77. M R Robertson, Matt'w, Febr 25, 77 ; des'd July 3, '77. M R Sanders, Jno., Mar 9, '77 ; des'd Mar 16, '77. M R Clark, Abijah, Mar 19, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd June 14; '77. M R Duncan, Thomas, enlisted Apr 1 , '77 ; Sergt. Dec 18, '77, must'd to Jan'y, '82, and continued until end of the war, as Sergt. Capt. Jonathan Hallet's, disabled by rheuma tism. Almshouse, N. Y. City. C, 131. M R Mitchell, Martin, Apr 11, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Apr 7, 80. M R Moore, Jno, Apr 14, '77 ; war, des'd June 14, '77. M R Symon, Martin, Apr 14, '77 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Hall, Lynes, Apr 15, '77; 3 yrs, des'd July 27, '77. M R Handford, Jere'h, Apr 15, '77; war, des'd July 27, '77. M R Shutler, Jno., Apr 21, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Apr 21, '80. M R Dwyer, Thomas, May 17, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd July 22, '77. M R Darby, Asa, May 26, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Aug 2, '77. M R McKim, Jno., May 27, '77; 3 yrs, unfit for service prroll. M R Owens, Moberry, May 27, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Aug, '77, j'd Dec '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R McCurney, Stephen, June 1 , '77 ; war, drowned Aug 18, '77. M R Pumpshin, Dan'l, June 1. '77; war, des'd Aug 2, '77, rej'd, died May 1, '78. M R Brown, James, June 8, '77 ; 3 yrs, died July, '78. M R Kelly, John, June 22, '77 ; war, des'd July 5, '77. M R Houston, Jere'h, June 30, '77 ; omt'd June, '78. M R Seymour, Thos., June 30, 77; transf'd to Col. Bailey's (N. H.) Regt., Sept 14, '77. M R Rose, Jas. , Dec '77 ; 3 yrs, Corp'l Aug '78, enl'd for war, Mar '79, priv. July 16, '81, m. to July, '82. M R Williams, Francis, Jan'y 25, '78 ; war, died Apr 3, '79. M R Hamilicair, (Hemlin) Adam, Mar 3, '78 ; 3 yrs and war, des'd July 26, '78, m. Sept, '78, 'disch'd Mar 13, '81. M R Dewey, Elisha, joined Mar 23, '78 ; war, died May 1, '78. M R Lent, Abr'm, j'd Mar 23, '78 ; died pr Roll, Aug, '78. MR Oakley, John, j'd Mar 23, '78 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Cobler, Conrad, Apr 14, '78; war, des'd June 16, '81. M R Havilash, (Havelish) Mich'l, Apr 15, '58 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Harding, Henry, Apr 25, '78 ; 3 yrs, des'd, p. Roll July, '78. MR Cable, George, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., des'd(?) Apr 15, '80. M R Cleveland, Josiah, Mar 5, '78; 9 m., des'd June 26, '78. M R Darrow, Jedediah, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 20, '79. MR. Harrington, Benj., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 20, '78. M R Harrington, Isaac, May 5, '78; 9 m., des'd Aug 20, '78, joined and disch'd by Col. Van Cortlandt, Nov 30, '78. M R Lamb, John, May 5, '78 ; 9 m. , disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Laud, Benj., May 5, '78 ; 9 m„ died Aug, '78. M R Lowrey, John, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd. M R Lusk, John, May 5, '78; 9 m., re-enl'd and m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Otrander, Adam, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Nov 30, '78. M R Sohake, Jona., May 5, '78; 9 m., des'd Nov 3, '78. M R Kelson, Thos., May 7, '78; 9 m., died June 14, '78. M R Hallet, Rich'd, Septbr 28, '78 ; 4 m., disch'd Febr 20, '79. M R Rose, Jacob, Nov 1, '78; war, m. to Jan'y '82. MR Groton, Tompkins Co. Miller, Jno., Nov 14, '78; des'd Jan'y 15, '79, rej'd May 5, '80. MR Grill, Thomas, Nov 22' '78; must'd to Jan'y, 82. M R Arnold, Oliver, war, first must'd Jan'y, '79, des'd June 22, '79. M R Briggs, Jonathan, 1st must'd Dec, '79, to Jan'y, '82. M R Buys, Peter, A. P. 19-428. Watervliet, Albany Co. Moore, Thos., July 28, '80; 5 m., disch'd Dec 24, '80. MR Baker, Judah, Aug 3, '80; 3 yrs, diBch'd Oct 26, '80. M R Collins, Alben, Aug 3, '80; 3 m„ disch'd Oct, '80. M R Noyes, Wm., Febr 10, '81; Corp'l July 16, '81, m. to Jan'y, '82. MR Hunt, Prince, Mar 13, '81; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Durmot, Rich'd,. Apr 23, '81; must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R The New York Line. 195 EIGHTH COMPANY. Lounsbury, Edw'd, Captain, Lieut, in Ritzema's in 1776; Capt. Novbr 21, '76, resigned Oct 15, '78. Marbletown, Ulster Co., died about 1809. C, 128. 1, 119. MR Newkirk, Chas., Captain, Lieut. Nov 21, '76, Capt., Lieut. and Adj't, Oct, '78; omt'd Adj. Jan'y, '80, deranged Jan, '81. MR Weissenfels, C. F., Lieut., 2d Lieut. 6th Comp'y, Mil. Art., Nov 21, '76; 1st Lieut. Sept 1, '78, Qr. Mr. Oct 4, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 14-318. M R Clarke, Jeremiah, 2d Lieut., Nov 21, '76 ; resigned Decbr 17, '77. MR Mil. Com. Nottingham, William, Ensign, enlisted 1775; at St. JohnB, White Plains, Stillwater and Monmouth, Ensign 2d N. Y. Nov 21, '76, resigned May 4, 1779 on account of ill health, Lieutenant of LevieB for three campaigns. A. P. 16-420. M R Dolson, Peter, Ens'n, Nov 21, '76. Resigned Jan'y 19, '78. M R (1st Comp'y Mil. Art.) Peters, William, Ensign, June 29, '81; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R App'd June 29, '81, vice Steven Griffin, res'd. C. A. Wiebb, Nath'l, Orderly Sergt., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, Serg't Major, Apr 8, '77, discharged at Morristown, April 8, 1780. A. P. 15-19. M R Loosborrow, Isaac, Sergt., Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd Dec 6, '78. MR Stillwell, James, Sergeant, Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, shot through hip and right groin at Stillwater, Oct 19, 1777, priv. Nov '78, Sergt. Feb, '79, disch'd June 20, '79. C, 128, I, 60. M R Marbletown, Ulster Co. Matthews, Jas., Sergt., Apr 1, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Dec 6, '77. M R Davis, John, Sergt., May 1, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Sept 1, '78. M R Bunting, Thos. , Corporal, Jan'y 1, '77 ; Sergeant Sept, '78, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Conway, John, Corp'l, Jan'y 1, '77; red'd Sept 1, '78, rest'd Febr, '79, des'd Dec 16, '79. M R Elliot, Henry, Corp'l, Febr 2, '77; war, red'd June, '78, transf'd to Sappers and Miners, June 16, '81. M R Rooser, Aary, Corp'l, May 1, '77 ; war, died Febr 16, '78. M R Freer, Peter, Corp'l Aug 11, '77; 9 m., disch'd Feb 3, '79. M R Weisenfelts, Geo., June 22, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '81. MR Scott, James, Fifer, May 5, '78; 9 m., omt'd Jan'y, '79. joined and m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Privates. Harris, Geo., Dec 30, '76 ; des'd Mar 1, '77. M R Cox, John, Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, died Sept 19, '77. M R Craton, Thos., Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, died Aug 5, '77. M R Ivory, Jacobus, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Vandemark, Zachariah, enlisted 1776, sent home sick towards end of war, and returned as deserter for not conforming to the terms of his furlough, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd Nov 29, '80. MR A. P. 15-19, 17-650-56. Shawangunk, Ulster Co. Van Etten, Jacobus, Jau'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd Sept 5, '81. M R Teatsworth, Thos., Jan'y 1, '77; war, disch'd Apr, 1777. M R Cord well, Wm., Febr 1, '77; 3 yrs, prisoner, Mar 23, '77. M R Cowan, Tho's, Febr 1, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Apr 19, '78, joined Aug 10, '78, disch'd Febr 24, '79. M R Koole, Phil., Febr 28, '77. See Goole, Ph&.,{1). M R Lewis, James, Febr 28, '77 ; Corp'l Sepf, '78, disch'd Dec 23, '79. M R Condon, David, Mar 14, '77; war, died June 19, '80. M R Snow, John, Mar 17, '77; war, des'd Apr 1, '77. M R Benson, William, Apr 0, '77; war, died Oct 9, '78. M R Lyons, Mich'l, Apr 12, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Apr 8, '80. M R Phoenix, Matt'w, Apr 12, '77 ; war, disch'd Oct 9, '78. M R Harrington, Jas., Apr 25, '77; des'd June 5, '77. M R Cox, Robert, April 27, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Aston, Jeremiah, enl'd May 23, '77; w. , des'd July 31, '77. M R Adams, Peleg, enl'd June 1, '77; w., deserted May 22, '81, rejoined July 30, '81, must'd Jan'y, '82. M R Sherwood, Abr'm, June 1, '77; re-enl'd Mar 12, '79, des'd June 16, '81. MR Walker, Israel, June 1, '77]; 3 yrs, des'd Aug 10, '78, jo'd Sept, '78, Corp'l Febr 10, '79, disch'd Dec 23, '79. M R Wheeler, Wm., June 1, '77; disch'd Dec 23, '79. M R Reed, Bryan, June 2, '77 ; war, des'd July 28, '77. M R Giles, Rich'd, June 4, '77; war, sick, omitted June, '78. M R Tobias, John, June 16, '77 ; war, des'd June 27, '77. M R Boush, Peter, June 27, '77; w., des'd Apr 20, '79. M R Cummins, Benj., July 1, '77; des'd July 9, '77. M R Wilson, Arch'd, Aug 11, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Mar 20, '78. M R Hill, Wm., Aug 19, '77 ; des'd next day. M R Loomis, Jacob, Aug 19, '77 ; des'd Apr 21, '80, j'd Sept 6, '81, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Bismer, Jacob, May 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd and re-enlisted. M R Bismer, Michael, May 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 16, '79. M R Black, Jack, May 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 16, '79. M R Brink, Cornelius, May 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 16, '79. M R Connor, Daniel, Mar 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 4, '79. M R Constable, Garret, May 1, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr, '79. M R Conway, Corn's, May 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 16, '79. M R Crispell, Abr'm, May 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 16, '79. M R Crum, Wm., May 1, '78; 9 m., omitted Febr, '79. See Jno. Van Demark. M R Davis, And'w, May 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 16, '79. M R Dewit, Johs., May 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd Aug 5, '78. M R Evans, John, May 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 9, '79. M R Johnston, Peter, May 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 16, '79. M R Newkirk, Myndert, May 1, '78; 9 m., exch'd Nov 13, '78, for Anth'y While. M R Nottingham, Thos., May 1, '78; 9 m., discharged Febr 16, '79. M R Oosterhout, Cornelius, May 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. M R Oosterhout, Hendricus, May 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 16, '79. MR Oousterhought, Peter, May 1, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 11, '79 M R Patterson, Mich'l, May 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 16, '79. Putney, James, May 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 6, '79. Rosaa, Abr'm, May 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 16, '79. MR 196 The New York Line. Rosaa, Jacob, May 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 16, '79. M R Van De Mark, Jno., May 1, '79; 9 m., exch'd for Wm. Crum, Nov 22, '78 ; disch'd Febr 16, '79. M R Vanetta, Aary Terwilliger, May 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 16, '79. M R White, Anth'y, May 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 9., '79. M R White, Philipp, May 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 11, '79. MR Mott, Isaac, May 5, 78; 9 m., disch;d Febr 15, '79, see Isaac Mott in French's Oo. M R Turner, Wm., May 5, 78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 4, '79. M R McDonald, Ronald, May 15, '78 ; war, m. to Jan'y, 82. M R Walker, John, July 1, '78 ; des'd July 15, '78. M R Stanton, Benj., Sept 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 17, '79. MR Rugar, Jno., Nov 15, '78; des'd May 1, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Wilkelo, John, Nov 15, '78 ; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Krum, Christ'r, Novbr 19, '78; m. to Jan'y, '82. MR Hamilton, Patr'k, Novbr 20, '78 ; re-enlisted and des'd May 29, '79. M R Weeks, Abr'm, Nov 23, '78; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Wilsey, Isaac, Dec 8, '78; Corp'l Febr 15, '79, m. to Jan'y, *82. M R Dewit, Benj., substitute for Geo. Sampson, Dec 25, '78, disch'd Feb 17, '79. M R Bailey, Joseph, Jan'y 5, '79 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Cunningham, Henry, 1st m. Febr'y, '79 ; des'd Apr 21, '80, retaken Aug 14, '80, unfit for service p Roll of Decbr, '80. MR McDonald, Jno., 1st m. Feb, '79; des'd May 15, '79. M R May, Henry, 1st m. Febr, '79 ; des'd May 26, '80. M R Smith, Christ'n, 1st m. Febr, '79 ; des'd Nov 30, '80, , m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Stephens, Henry, 1st m. Feb, '79 ; des'd July 1, '81 M R Levy, Jacob, Mar 11, '79 ; des'd pr Roll, Oct, '79. M R Tuthill, Wm., May 10, '80; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Hyatt, Alphin, July 25, '80; 3 m., disch'd Oct 25, '80. M R Merrett, Jere'h, July 25, '80; 3 m., des'd (?) Oct 23, '80. M R Weesmiller, Hend'k, July 25, '80; disch'd Dec 4, '80. M R Spice, John, Apr 1, '81; Drum'r, Oct 11, '81, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Rapleya, Jeremiah, died in service at Fishkill, 1777. A. P. 20-441. Rochester, Ulster Co. OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS of the Second Regiment, whose proper place in the same could not be ascertained. Marshall, Elihu, Captain, Adj't 2d N., Nov 21, '76, Brig ade Major Apr 26, '78; Capt Apr 23, '79, deranged Jan'y, '81. B. 636. A. P. 17-650. M R French, Abner, Capt., Lieut, in Fish's, Nov 21, '76; Capt. June 1, '77, must'd to Jan'y 1, '81, then deranged, A. P. 14-386, 15-5. M R Besomer, (Bismer) Jacobus, Corp'l French's, Nov 30, '79. M R Johnston, James, Fifer, French's, Oct 6, '78; des'd Mar 21, '79. M R Cole, Philipp, private, Capt. French, enlisted 1779, died at Schenectady Decbr, 1780. A. P. 15-5. Febr 28, 1777, must'd to Jan'y, 81. M R Shawangunk, Ulster Co. Frederick, Johannes, priv., French's, Jan'y 7, '78 ; des'd Apr 20, '79. M R Quick, Cornelius, private, French's, Nov 26, '78 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '81. A. P. 20-441. M R Ulster Co. Newton, Wm., priv., French's, Nov 26, '78; des'd Jan'y 4, '79. M R Pitch tal, Henry, priv., French's, Dec 7, '78 ; des'd April 13, '79. M R Smith, Jno., priv., French's, Dec 7, '78; des'd May 16, '79. M R Mount, Henry, priv., French's, Dec 25, '78, des'd Apr 20, '79. M R Taylor, Edw., priv., French's, Jan'y 3, '79; to Jan'y, '82. M R Mott, Isaac, priv., French's, Jan'y 27, '79; des'd Sept 15, '81. M R Shaw, Wm., priv., French's, Febr 14, '79 ; des'd Apr 20, '79. M R Benjamin, Samuel, pr., French's, Apr 14, 79; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 22-121. M R Orange Co. Parr, Mathias, priv., French's, Mar 1, '81 ; m, to Jan'y, '82. M R Shaw, David, priv., French's, June 5, '81 ; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Tabor, Thomas, private, French's, Febr 16, '81, . M B Cherry, John, Drummer, Major's, 1st m. Sept 1, '79 ; must'd to Jan'y, '81, see J. Cherry, Sergt., 4th Reg't. MR Cavender, Moses, priv., Major's, Jan'y 4, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Cabbatson, Mich'l, priv., Major's, 1st m. Oct '79; war, des'd Apr 20, '80. M R Wheeler, Rich'd, priv., Fish's, Decbr 15, '76 ; 3 yrs., m. to Jan'y, '82, M R Bailey, Eben'r, private, Fish's, Aug 13, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Quick, Jacob, priv., Fish's, Nov 26, '78; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. MR Egleston, Jno., priv., Fish's, 1st m. Oct '79 ; am'd 1st muster. M R Trout, Mich'l, priv., Fish's, Jan'y 1, '80 ; m. to Jan'y. '82. MR Bates, Eliphalet, priv., Fish's, July 25, '80 ; 5 m., disch'd Dec 4, '80. M R Ducher, Barnet, priv., Fish's, July 25, '80; 5 m., disch'd Oct 28, '80. MR Hawley, Zadock, priv., Fish's, July 25, '80; 5 m., disch'd Decbr 15, '80. M R Hill, Asa, priv., Fish's, July 25, '80; 5 m., disch'd Dec 4, '80. M R House, Zeph'a, priv., Fish's, July 25, '80; 5 m., disch'd, Oct 25, '80. MR Nichols, Thos., priv., Fish's, July 25, '80; 5 m., disch'd Oct 25, '80. MR Crafts, James, Corp'l, Apr 10, '78 ; 3 yrs, disch'd April 10, '80. MR v Hunt, Win., priv., Marshall's, Jan'y 1, '77; war. must'd to Jan'y, '83. M R The New York Line. 197 McCay, Dan'l, priv., Marshall's, July 25, '80; 3 m., dis ch'd Oct 26, '80. M R McGowen, Jere'h, priv., Marshall's, Jan'y 1, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Mclntire, Alex., priv., Marshall's, July 25, '80; 5 m., disch'd Dec 4, '80. M R McKean, Sam'l, private, Marshall's. 20 m. B b 36. Miller, John, priv., Marshall's 1st m., July, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82, M R Nicholas, Jno., priv., Marshall's, July 25, '80; 5 m., dis ch'd Dec 4, '80. M R Parks, Sam'l, .priv., Marshall's, July 25, '80; 3 m., dis ch'd Oct 25, '80. M R Reily, James, priv., Marshall's, , m. to Jan'y, '81. MR Steenburg, David, priv., Marshall's, July 25, '80; 8 m., disch'd Oct 26, '80. M R Brady, Lewis, priv., Fowler's, Feb 14, '81; must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Holmes, John, private, Capt. Theo. Fowler, shot in the right hip before Yorktown, Oct 10, 1781 . C, 49, 171, Aa, 67. Laborer, Little Brittain, Ulster Co. Pay Roll. Ward, Thomas, private, Capt. Fowlers ; old age and long service, discharged from C. of Invalids Nov 3, 1782. C, to 70, Aa, 60. I 212. Laborer, N. Y. C, later Al bany Co., Crowton. Ray ,-Isaac, priv., Livingston's, May 5, '78; 9 m., deB'd(?) Febr 8, '79. M R Robinson, Jno., priv., Livingston's, May 5, '78; 9 m., Corp'l Dec 1, *78, des'd(?) May 16, '79 M R Robinson, Stephen, Drummer, Livingston's, Dec 3, '78; 3 yrs, des'd May 16, '79. M R Pawling, Henry, Capt., app'd March 12, '83, vice Henry Dubois, resigned to date, Nov 6, '82. C. A. Johnston, Geo., 2d Lieut., Nov 21, '76; resigned pr. Roll of April, '78. M R Woodruff, Ephraim, Lt., app'd Apr 10, '82, vice McClaughry, deceased, Oct 30, '81. C, A. A. P. 14-318. Swartwout, Barn., Ensign, Sept 1, '78; m. to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 14-385. M R Burnet, James, En'n, app'd Jan'y 13, '77, vice P. J. Schuyler. Mis. 38-499. Mount, Wm., Ensign, 1st m. Oct '78; never joined, re signed pr. m. July, '79. Morris, Lewis R., Ensign, app'd June 29, '81, vice John Brown, resigned. C. A. Schuyler, Dirck, Ensign, app'd June 5, '82. A. P. 24-318. C. A. Carpenter, Nehemiah, Ensign, app'd June 29, '81, to date from June 5, '79, when must'd as Ensign 5th N. Y., late Qr. Mr. 5th N. Y., returned from captivity. C. A. Bolton, Jonathan, Sergt., Jan'y 1, '77; war, died May 26, '78. M R Coe, Ichabod, Fifer, entered at 12 yrs of age as substitute for his father, discharged June 10, '83. A. P. 19-77. Brush, Eliakim, priv., Mar 1, '81 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Burwell, Zacharias, private, enlisted May 5, 1778, dis charged Febr 16, '79, term expired. A. P. 15-61. Carman, Samuel, had served 10 months at the conclusion of peace, and was then discharged. A. P. 22, 119. Cox, Charles, priv., Febr 1, '81 ; must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Hanniwill, Jno., priv., Jan'y 3, '81; m. May, '81. MR Harris, Cato, priv., Febr 18, '81; died on the Delaware about Nov. 27, '81. M R Marian, Francis, priv., Jan'y 1, '81; transf'd to Invalids Jan'y 1, '82. M R Moke, Gerardus, private, Capt. . , ruptured and trans ferred to the Corps of Invalids under Col. Nichola, discharged Sept 15, 1782. C, 5, 1, 190. German Flats, Montg'y Co. Neilson, Andrew, private. A. P. 18-310. Reily, James, private, wounded in the right leg and lost right eye, discharged from C. of Invalids, Jan'y 15, 1783. C 25, 194. Fredericksb'gh, Dutchess Co. Simkins, Isaac, private, enlisted for the war, discharged on ac. of disability. A. P. 22-46. Springsteed, Hermanus, private, lung disease, discharged from Corps of Invalids Nov 3, 1782. I, 200. THIRD REGIMENT. Gansevoort, Peter, Colonel, Nov 21, '76; deranged Jan'y 1, '81. MR Rosecrans, James, Major, Captain 5th N. Y., Nov 21, '76 ; Major 3d, Mar 1, '80, deranged Jan'y, '81. C. A. M R Sytez, George, Nov 21, '76, as Adj't, omt'd as Adj't May, '78; Capt. Jan'y 7, '80; m. to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 14-318. M R Hutton, Christ., Adjutant, Ens'n 7th Co., Mil. Com., Nov 21, '76; Adjutant May 28, '78, Lieut. Febr 6, '79, must'd to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 14-387. M R Williams, Thos., Qr. Mr. Nov 21, '76; omt'd May, '78. M R Van Rensselaer, Jere'h, Ensign, May 28, '78; Pay Master Nov 21, '76, m. to Jan'y, '82. re-app'd Jan'y 13, '77. A. P. 14-175, 387. Mis. 38-499. M R Mason, John, Chaplain, Nov 21, '78; re-app'd Jan'y 13, '77, resigned July 19, 1777, Mis. 38-499. M R Woodruff, Hunloke, Surgeon, Nov 21, '76; deranged Jan'y, 1781. A. P. 14-54. M R Elliot, Jno., Surgeon's Mate, Nov 21, '76; must'd to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 14-317, 387. M R Welding, Robert, Sergt. Major, Dec 17, '76; war, priv. in D. Witt's May 6, '78; Sergt. Febr 17, '79, died Dec 11, '79. MR' Jackson, Francis, Qr. Mr. Sergt., Octbr 31, '76; war, E. MR' Louden, Wm., Dr. Major, 1st m., Sept, '80; E. M R FIRST COMPANY. Van Bunschoten, Elias, Captain, Nov. 21, '76; went to resign Dec, '77, omt'd May, '78; later Major in Willet's Bounty Regt. MR A. P. 16-408. Diefendorf, Henry, 1st Lieut., Nov 21, '76; om'd May, '78. M R Yeomans, Moses, 2d Lieut., Nov 21, '76 ; omt'd May, '78. M R Ostrander, Thos., 2d Lieut., Nov. 21, '76 ; omt'd May, '78. M R Catfield, Wm., Sergt., May 1, '77; 3 yrs, Corp'l Mar 10, '77, disch'd Mar 10, '80. M R Jones, Thos., Sergt., June 10, '77; war, des'd Apr 5, '78, joined Apr 19, '78, E. M R 198 The New York Line. .Sturges, Isaac, Corp'l, Nov 4, '76 ; war, Sergt. June, '78, m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Barrett, Mich'l, Corp'l, Jan'y 29, '77 ; 3 yrs, later war, des'd Mar 13, '79. M R Hulser, Jno., Corp'l, June 16, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd June 16, '80. M R Kertel, Jno., Sergt., Dr. Major, Jan'y 1, '77; war, in Ar son's Co., 1st m. May, '78, des'd July 1, '78. M R DeClark, Abr'm, Drum., May 28, '77 ; war, must'd as priv. at end of war. M R Gardner, And'w, Fife Major, Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Jones, David, Fifer, May 28, '77 ; war, disch'd Decbr 7, '78. M R Mcintosh, Jno., Fifer, 1st m. Decbr, '78, as priv., E. MR Dorson, Dan'l, Fifer, Dec 6, '78; must'd private at end of war. M R Privates. Hyer, Alexander, Nov 2, '76 ; war, E. M R Sickles, Abr'm, Nov 16, '76 ; war, E. M R Bromley, Simon, Nov 26, '76 ; war, must'd to end of war. M R Van der Voort, Jas., Dec 15, '76; 3 yrs, Corp'l, May 1, '77, disch'd Dec 8, '79. MR Certain, James, Jan'y 1, '77; war, disch'd Dec 7, '78. M R Mute, Wm., Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, disch'd Nov 3, '78. M R Risdall, Wm., Jan'y 1, '77; war, E. M R Durand, Francis, Jan'y 6, '77; war, disch'd Nov 3, '78. M R Cavenaugh, John, Jan'y 10, '77; war, disch'd May 30, '78. MR Cook, Sam'l, Jan'y 10, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Mar 15, '77. M R Elibeck, Em., Jan'y 10, '77; war, des'd Mar 15, '77. M R Smith, Josiah, Jan'y 10, '77; war, des'd Mar 15, '77. MR Gaines, Christ'n, Jan'y 10, '77; war, des'd Mar 15, '77. M R Horton, Isaac, Jan'y 10, '77 ; war, des'd Mar 15, '77. M R Loosing," Peter, Jan'y 10, '77; war, des'd Mar 15, '77. M R McCoy, Alex., Jan'y 10, '77 ; war, E. M R Miller, Ludwick, Jan'y 10, '77 ; war, des'd Mar 15, '77. M R Miller, Jno., jun., Jan'y 10, '77; war, des'd Mar 15, '77. MR Nortrap, Moses, Jan'y, 10, '77; war, des'd Mar 15, '77. M R Sullivan, John, Jan'y 18, '77; war, died Jan'y 22, '78. MR Brass, John, Febr 2, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '81. M R Rowley, Thos., Febr 18, '77; war, des'd next day. M R Stokes, Alex'r, Febr 19, '77; war, des'd next day. M R Herrington, Wm., Febr 26, '77; war, des'd next day. M R Randle, Henry, priv. , Mar 1, '77; war, died about Oct 16, '81, in Virginia. M R Scott, Timothy, Mar 1, '77 ; war, died June 27, '77. M R Nostrand, Isaac, Mar 11, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Mar 1, '80. M R Peters, Simon, Mar 16, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Apr 1, '80. M R Roomer, William, enlisted Mar 16, 1777, for the war, E. A. P. 19-210. M R Welch, John, enlisted Mar 21, '77; war. Corporal Apr '79, taken prisoner April 11, '80, rejoined in Aug, '80, dis charged on ac. of wounds Oct 16, '80, by order of Gen'l W. A. P. 19-53. M R Depu, Abr'm, Apr 1, '77; war, des'd next day. M R Yeomans, Thos., Apr 1, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd next day. M R Dobbins, Thos., Apr 2, '77; 3 yrs, des'd next day. M R Reed, Sam'l, Apr 2, '77; war, des'd Febr 15, j'd Apr, '78, disch'd Apr 2, '80. M R Huggans, Jas., Apr 3, '77; 3 yrs, des'd next day. M R Cashier, Joseph, Apr 25, '77; war, des'd Mar 8, '78. MR Uthest, Jno., May 2, '77; war, E. M R Stump, Chas., July 10, '77; war, des'd Sept 16, '77. M R Weeks, Jacob, July 15, '77; war, E. M R Luther, John, July 16, '77 ; 3 yrs, omt'd Aug, '80. M R A. P. 23-91. Albany, N. Y. Appart, John, Aug 24, '77 ; war, to Jan'y, '81. MR Gloseman, Fred'k, Aug 24, '77 ; war, des'd Sept 16, '77. M R Barkhuff, Fred'k, Aug 24, 77; war. Bee Perhoof. M R Perhoof, Fred'k, Aug 24, '77; war, Corp'l Sept, '80, E. as priv. M R Gallady, Bart'w, Oct 11, '77; war, des'd same day. M R Brondo, Fred'k or Stephen, 1st m. Nov, '77; war, des'd Nov 23, '77. M R Zener, Fred'k, Nov 5, '77 ; war, des'd Oct 1, '78. M R Olmendorf, Leo'd, Nov 10, '77; war, E. M R Leplink, Jno., Nov 12, '77; war, disch'd Apr 10, '83. MR Persmith, Englart, Nov 12, '77 ; war, omt'd July, '79. MR Stimwell, Anth'y Nov 12, '77; war, des'd Mar 13, '79. MR Everhite, P. Jno., Dec 30, '77; war, des'd Oct 29, '78, jo'd Sept, '80, des'd Jan'y 1, '81. MR Weassels, Joseph, Febr 1, '78 ; war, des'd Oct 27, '79. MR Walter, Conrad, Febr 2, '78; war, des'd May 26, '80. MR Mott, Thos. , Apr 5, '78 ; 3 yrs, E. M R Jenkins, Ennes, May 30, '78; des'd June 6, '78. M R Nelson, Allen, 1st m. Jan'y, '79, E. M R Ryan, Pat'k, Febr 16, '79 ; des'd Febr 3, '80. M R Gray, John, Febr 23, '79 ; 3 yrs, must'd to Jan'y, '81. MR ' Jansen, Fred'k, Aug 8, '79; war, des'd Aug 16, '79. M R Waddle, William, Mar 5, "80, E. M R A. P. 23-381. Ulysses, Tompkins Co. Deratt, Jno., July 15, '80 ; 5 m„ disch'd Decbr 15, '80. M R Rannells, Abijah, July 15, '80; m. to Jan'y, '81 M R Johnson, John, 1st m. Sept, '80; des'd Sept 20, '80. The New York Line. 199 SECOND COMPANY. A MUSTER ROLL of Captain Thomas De Witt's Company, in the Third Battalion of New York Forces, in the service of the United States of America, commanded by Colonel Peter Gansevoort for the months of March and April, 1779. (A. P. 19, p. 466.) ( November 21st, 1776, Captain Thomas De Witt. Commissioned -! Appointed 6th February, 1777, Lieut. Christopher Hutton on Com'd at Albany. ( November 21st, 1776, Ensign George Denniston . Sergeants : John Skiffington John Smith Corporals : George Anderson, Bick in Quarters. Caleb Cornwell, on duty. Samuel Merrical ' Drum : Digory Prout Fife : Cornelius Blaunk Privates : Ezekiel Anderson John Boyce, on duty. John Baptiste John Baker, re-enlisted 17th Mar., 1779, during Stephen Barker, on com'd at Albany Benj'n Banks John Closs Kennet Campbell, on duty. John Dennis, on com'd at Albany. Samuel Eggs, do do James Fletcher, on duty. John Freeland Hugh Fothegill William Grote, on duty. Schenectady, 11th May, 1779. Then mustered roll. Privates : John Gall Frederick Herider John Lambert Moses Lambert Phenias Mclntire Edmund Morris, on duty. Peter Will'm Ostrander, sick in Albany. Adam Price, on duty. Joseph Putney John Ross George Rider Daniel Sutherland Christian Shell John Smith John Jocham Schrader Lawrence Van Kleef John Wetherstine Nathan Worden Solomon Williams, on duty. Frederick Wyburt John Wright, sick in Gen'l Hospital, Albany. Edward Brant, returned from desertion Mar 20, '79 ; discharged April 22, 1779. Robert Bozell, deserted April 22, 1779. Captain Thomas De Witt's Company as specified in the above Richard Lush, C. Musters. De Witt, Thomas, Captain, entered 1775, at St. John's and Quebec under Gen'l Montgomery, Captain 3d N. Y., (Clinton's) 1776, at Fort Schuyler, and under Sullivan, retired from the army, being superseded, Major of Levies for two campaigns. Capt. 3d N. Y. Nov 21, '76, resigned Jan'y 7, '80; muster roll says Jan'y 6, '81. MR B, I, A. P. 14-387, 16-178, 422. Sytez, George, Captain, July 1, 1780, vice De Witt res'd Jan'y 7, 1780. C. A. Tapp, William, 1st Lieut., entered Nov 21, '76; (Jan'y 1, 77,) resigned to support his family March 20, '80. A. P. 17-404. M R Bogart, Isaac, 2d Lieut., Nov 21, '76; omt'd May, '78. M R McClelland, Thos., Lieut., Nov 21, '76 ; cashiered and joined the enemy. M R Magee, Peter, Lieut., En'n in 1st Co. Mil. Com., Nov 21, 76 ; Lieut. May 29, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 14-387. MR C. A. ^herwood, John, Orderly Sergt., May 14, 1777,; war, dis charged on ac. of ill health, Novbr, 1778. A. P. 20-138. M R Stanford, Dutchess Co. Skifflngton, Jno. , Sergt., Apr 28, '77; 3 yrs and war, priv. Mar 21. Corp'l May 23, '81, E. M R Smith, John, Sergeant, enlisted 1775, in Van Schaick's, until disbanded, in GanBevoort's, June, 1777, Sergt. Sept 1, 1778, contracted rheumatism in Sullivan's campaign, deserted July 18, '80. Stone Arabia. A. P. 16-178, 83 MR Middagh, Martin, Decebr 10, '76; war, Sergt. July 1, '77, des'd, Mayl, '78. MR Prout, Diggory, Drum'r, Apr 12, '77 ; war, after derange ment drafted into Capt. Van Zite's, Col. V. Schaick, served to end of war. MR A. P. 21-426. Cortland Co. Blank, Corn's, Fifer, Febr 5, '77 ; 3 yrs later war, mus tered as Sergt. , at end of war. M R Privates. Anderson, Ezekiel, Decbr 3, '76 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Dec 3, '79. MR Bazell, Robt., Dec 4, '76; war, des'd Apr 22, '79. M R Closs, Jno., Dec 4, '76; war, must'd to Jan'y, '81. MR Douglass, Wm., Dec 5, '76; war, des'd next day. M R Duffy, Wm., Dec 5, '76; war, des'd next day. M R Dyal, Tho's, Dec 5, '76; war, des'd, Dec 17, '76. M R Fargo, Wm., Dec 5, '76; war, des'd Jan'y 2, '77. M R Wart, John, Dec 5, '76; 3 yrs, des'd next day. M R Acker, John, Dec 6, '76 ; des'd Dec 7, '76. M R Anderson, George, Dec 6, '76; Corp'l June 8, '77, re duced May 31, '79, disch'd Dec 6, '79. M R Piatt, Phil., Dec 6, 76; 3 yrs, des'd Feb 18, '77. M R Lounsberry, Wm., Decbr 9, '76; 3 yrs, des'd Apr 7, '77. MR Bowen, Charles, Dec 16, '76 ; 3 yrs, des'd Jan'y 2, '77. M R Cornwall, Caleb, Dec 16, '76 ; war, Corp'l Aug 1, '77, re- duoed May 31, '79, must'd to end of war. M R Sluyter, Corn's, Dec 16, '76; war, des'd Febr 17, '77. M R 200 The New York Line. Ostrander, Wm., Dec 22, '76 ; 3 yrs, Corp'l Sept, '80, E. M R Fletcher, Jas., Dec 30, '76; war, must'd to end of war. MR Gaul, Jno., Decbr 30, '76 ; war, des'd Jan'y 5, '80. M R Lambert, John, Decbr 30, '76 ; war, pris'r Apr 9, '81, E. MR Williams, Solomon, Dec 30, 76; war, m. to Jan'y, '81. MR Locksalt, Jas., Dec 31, '76 ; war, died Jan'y 18, '77. M R Baker, Jno., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, must'd to Jan'y, '81. MR Philipps, Eben'r, Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, des'd June 19, '77. M R Baptist, Jno., Jan'y 5, '77 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '81. M R Eggs, Sam'l, Jan'y 5, '77; war, must'd to end of war. M R Lewis, John, Jan'y 21, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Mar 9, '77. M *R Camble, Kenith, Jan'y 23, "77 ; war, must'd to end of war. M R Putney, Joseph, Febr 1, '77; war, claimed by Capt. Dex ter, June 28, '80. M R Ackerson, Benj., Feb 15, '77; war, killed Sept 8, '78. M R Brant, Edward, in Tiebouts, Mar 4, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Mar 10, '78; joined May 10, '78, deserted again Mar 11, '79,' joined Mar 20, disch'd April 22, '79. M R Brown, John, Mar 12, '77; war, des'd Mar 25, '77. M R Chase, Charles, Mar 12, '77; war, des'd next day. M R Nicholas, John, Mar 14, '77; war, disch'd Nov 3, '78. M R Price, Adam, Mar 30, '77; war. E. M R Dennis, Jno., April 19, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Apr 19, '80. M R Mclntire, Phineas, April 21, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Freeland, Jno., Apr 23, '77; war, des'd June 18, '80. M R Finkner, John, Apr 28, '77; war, des'd Febr 15, '79. M R Mosure, Zeb'n, May 1 , '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd June 19, '77. MR Myers, Joseph, May 6, '77 ; war, exch'd for J. Toshman, Jan'y 19, 78. M R Wuybert, Fred'k, May 10, '77 ; war, E. M R Mitchell, Geo., May 14, '77; war, des'd next day. M R Shippey, Zebulon, May 14, '77; des'd May 15, '77, taken Jan'y 3, '78, des'd April, 1778. M R Keffer, Jno., May 16, '77; war, des'd next day. M R Mott, Jas., May 16, '77 ; war, des'd next day. M R Morris, Edm'd, May 27, '77; war, E. M R Groot, Wm., May 30, '77; 3 yrs, must'd to end of war. M R Thompson, John, June 8„ '77; war, Corp'l Dec 10, '77, des'd Dec, '79, j'd Febr '80, des'd Nov 22, '80. M R Whetherstine, John, July 8, '77; 3 yrs and war, E. M R Schriner, Christ'n, Oct 15, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Nov 26, '78. M R Hanson, Nich's, 1st m. Dec '77; des'd Aug 10, '78, taken 13th, and shot 17th of Aug, '78. M R Bun Haugel, Benj., (Coral John) 1st must'd Jan'y, '78 ; war, to end of war. M R Schreder, Jno. J., Nov 1, '78; 3 yrs, E.MR Boyer, Godfrey, 1st must'd May, '78; must'd at end of war as Sergt. M R Barker, Stephen, May 30, '78; 3 yrs, must'd at end of war as Corp'l. M R Lambert, Moses, May 30, '78. M R Schulcraft, Jno., May 30, '78; 3 yrs, des'd June 10, 78. MR Banks, Benj., Jan'y 23, '79; w. to end of war, E. M R Grouse, Wm., Mar 5, '79 ; 3 yrs, des'd Mar 8, '79. M R Bouyes, John, 1st must'd Mar, '79; des'd Mar 8, '79. M R Bagley, David, May 12, '79; war, exch'd for Wm. Rudd, Mar 18, '81. M R Brown, Wm., May 15, '79 ; war, des'd May 22, '79. M R Boyes, Will'm, 1st must'd June, '79 ; must'd at end of war in place of J. Stoddard. M R Garrison, Jno., July 15, '80; 5 m., des'd(?) Decbr 15, '80. MR Price, Wm., July 15, '80; 5 m., disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Green, Timothy, Novbr 8, '80; 3 yrs, must'd to end of war. M R THIRD COMPANY. Jansen, Cornelius I., Captain, Novb'r 21, '76 ; m. to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 14-318, 387. M R Stockwell, Levi, 1st Lieut., Nov 21, '76; omt'd May, '78. (6th Co. Mil. Com.) M R Warner, Thos., 3d Lieut., Nov 21, '76; omt'd May, '78. (6th Comp. Mil. Com.) M R Bagley, Josiah, Nov 21, '76 ; Lieut. Jan'y 7, '80, must'd to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 14-387. M R (Mil. Com.) C. A. Abbey, Samuel, Sergt., Febr '6, '77; war, died Aug 5, '80. MR McDougall, Alex., Sergt., Febr 26, '77; 3 yrs, priv. Nov 16, '79, disch'd Febr 26, '80. MR Burhans, John, Sergt., May 13, '77; war, Ensign Febr 6, '79 ; res'd Decbr 6, '79. M R Sax, Jacob, Sergeant, enlisted Nov 26, 77; for 3 yrs, Corp'l Apr, '78, Sergt. June, '79, discharged Nov 27, 1780. MR A. P. 17-371, 20-51. Lad, Joseph, Corporal, from 1777 to close of war. A. P. 20-131. Upright, Nathan, Drum'r, Febr 16, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Febr 16, '80. M R McKinsie, Jno., Fifer, Nov 29, '76; 3 yrs, priv. Febr 1, '78, see before Parsons' Co. M R McConnolley, Hugh, Fifer, 1st m. May, '78; war,, m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Privates. Blowers, George, Nov 12, '76 ; war, des'd Febr 18, '80. M R Briggs, Jno., Nov 12, '76; war, must'd to Jan'y, '81. MR Evans, Joseph, Nov 12, '76 ; war, prisoner Apl 16, '80, rej'd and must'd to end of war. M R Kushel, Joseph, Nov 12, '76; war, m., to Jan'y, '81. MR Queen, Chris., Nov 12, '76, war, E. M R Scriver, Christ'r, Nov 12, '76; war, Corp'l May, '78, priv. Dec 14, '80, E. MR Weaver, Henry, Nov 26, '76 ; 3 yrs, des'd Aug '80 j'd Oct, '80, m. to Jan'y, '81. MR Seamans, Isaac, Nov 28, '76 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Nov 28, '77. MR Ademey, Henry, Nov 29, '76 ; war, E. M R Freeze, Joel, Decbr 1, '76; war, des'd next day. M R McDermot, Corn's, Decbr 1, '76 ; war, E. M R Gifford, Wm., Decbr 2, '76; war, des'd Apr 9, '81. M R Miles, John, Decbr 2, '76 ; war, E. M R Bayley, Joseph, Dec 10, '76; war, transferred to Jersey Brig. Oct 31, '79 ; rej'd Apr 9, '80, must'd to Jan'y, '81. M R Seamans, Eph'm, Dec 2, '76 ; 3 yrs, des'd Apr 26, '77. M R Mentz, Christ'r, Jan'y 5, '77 ; 3 yrs, omt'd sick Apr, '78. M R Black, Jno., Febr 16, '77 ; war, to end of war. M R Van. Dunk, Jno., Febr 16, '77; 3 yrs, des'd next day. M R Adley, Peter, Febr 19, '77; war, des'd Aug 2, *78. M R The New York Line 201 Wallace, John, Febr 20, '77; 3 yrs. disch'd Feb 18, '80. M R Sluyter, Jacob, Febr 26, '77 ; war, E. M R Hoff , Jesse, Febr 25, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd next day. M R Linebacker, Jno., Febr 25, '77; war, E. M R McHenery, John, Febr 26, '77; 3 yrs, des'd next day. MR Cramberry, Francis, Mar 8, '77; war, prisoner Aug 22, '78. MR Cashady, Nich's, Mar 13, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Mar 18, '80. M R Rose, Albert, Apr 4, '77; war, Corp'l June 17, '79, priv. Oct 1, '80, E. M R Campbell, Alex., April 5, 77; 3 yrs, des'd Apr 13, '77. MR Corragil, Jno. , April 8, '77; 3 yrs, must'd at end of war. M R Cansmond, James, Apr 18, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Apr 26, '77. MR Upright, George, Apr 19, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Apr 16, '80. MR Dornberry, Adams, June 16, '77; war, des'd June 22, '77. M R Piatt, Thos., Oct 28, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '81. MR Pitman, Jno., Oct 29, '77; war, died June 9, '80. M R Sellman, Jno., Oct 29, '77; war. See Pitman. M R Haman, John F., Nov 28, '77; w., des'd May 30 '81. MR A. P. 18-312. Hurley, (Hulley) Arth., Apr 3, '78 ; 3 yrs and war, E. M R Canfield, Timothy, Apr 17, '78; 3 yrs, must'd to end of war. M R Lent, Moses, Apr 25, '78; 3 yrs and war, E. MR A. P 24-228. Cayuga Co. Wilborn, Esau, Apr 30, '78 ; 3 yrs, died Aug 7, '80. Townsend, Rich'd, May 10, '78; war, disch'd May 3, '79. M R Lent, Hercules, May 27, '78; 3 yrs, disch'd Nov 3, '78. M R Hoffman, Fred'k, May 30, '78 ; 3 yrs, des'd June 6, '78. MR Lennard, Robt., May 30, '78 ; war, E. M R Minick, Barnhart, Jan'y 31, "79 ; 3 yrs, m, to Jan'y '81. M R Owens, Uriah, Mar 21, '79 ; war, E. M R Jackson, Jas., 1st m. Apr '79; des'd Apr 28, '79. M R Bennet, Chas., May 5, '79; 3 yrs, must'd to end of war. M R Hennet, Henry, May 9, '77 ; 3 yrs, must'd to end of war. M R Blowers, Ephr'm, Mar 17, '80 ; war. M R Canfield, Dennis, 1st m. July '80, must'd at end of war. MR Russell, Joseph ; see Kushel. M R FOURTH COMP ANI. Swartwout, Ab'm, Captain, Nov 21, '78; omt'd May, '78. M R Aa, 31, I, 174. Conine, Philipp, Lieutenant, Nov 21, '76; Capt. -Lieut., Jan'y 7, '80, vice Sytez, prom'd, deranged Jan'y 1, '81. M R C. A. Lewis, Samuel, Lieut., (4th Co. Mil. Com.) Nov 21, '76; Lieut. Mar 1, '80, vice Staats, res'd, m. to Jan, '82. A. P. 14-387. MR C. A. Fonday, Jno., Ensign, June 29, '81 ; must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR Batman, Wm., volunteer, Decbr 1, '79; omitted July, '80. M R Valentine, Joseph, Sergt., Nov 26, '76; 3 yrs, disch'd Nov 26, '79. M R Bogardus, Lewis, Sergt., Jan'y 12, '77; 3 yrs, reduced '78, Sergt. Febr 21, '79, disch'd May 1, '80. M R Parks, Timothy, Corp'l, Nov 26, '76; 3 yrs, priv. June, '78, disch'd Nov 26, '79. M R Marston, Jas., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 12, '80. M R Moore, Rob't, Drum., Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, priv. Jan'y 6, '78, m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Watson, Joseph, Drum'r, Jan'y 17, '77 or '78, priv. Mar '79, E. M R Palmeter, Isaac, Fifer, Mar 29, '77; 3 yrs, E. M R House, John, Fifer, Febr 1, '79 ; war, priv. Mar 20, '81, E. M R Privates. Scott, And'w, Oct 24, '76 ; war, des'd Dec 1, '76. M R Huggins, Jonathan, Nov 1, '76; war, lost left arm at Fort Schuyler, Aug 8, 1777, transf. to Corps of Invalids June 29, '79 ; discharged Sept 1, 1782. Aa, 31, I, 173. Laborer, Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co. Coon, John, Nov 4, '76 ; war, des'd Dec 18, '76. M R Morecraft, Wm., Nov 19, '76; war, des'd Dec 10, '76. M R Williams, Arthur, Nov 19, '76; war, des'd Apr 11, '80. M R Lee, Thomas, Nov 20, '76; war, des'd Dec 10, '76. M R 26 Sweeney, Roger, Nov 21, '76; war, des'd Dec 10, '76. M R Elliot, FranciB, Nov 26, '76 ; 3 yrs, must'd to end of war. M R Erwin, Jas., Nov 26, '76 ; 3 yrs, must'd to end of war. M R Furman, Gabriel, Nov 26, '76; 3 yrs, must'd to end of war. M R Harris, Selas, Novbr 26, '76 ; 3 yrs, died Aug 17, 1777. MR Huff, Robert, Nov 26, '76; 3 yrs, died May 2, '78. M R Lewis, Peter, Novbr 26, '76 ; 3 yrs, died Apr 24, '78. MR Pillow, Jno., Nov 26, '76 ; war, des'd Jan'y 1, '77. M R Sheridan, Rich'd, Nov 26, '76 ; 3 yrs, des'd Mar 1, '83. M R Sherrow, James, Nov 26, '76 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 18, '79. M R Smith, Jere'h, Nov 26, '76 ; 3 yrs, killed by Indians June 11, '78. M R Tompkins, Ab'm, Nov 26, '76 ; war, E. as Corp'l. M R Weaver, Henry, enl. for 6 m. in Capt. Swartwout's 3d N. Y., Nov 26, '76, tr to Capt. Johnson's 1st N. Y., de serted Aug, 1780, rejoined Oct, '80, mustered to Jan'y, '81. A. P. 23-201, 209. Rhinebeck. McNeil, John, enlisted Nov 27, 1776, for 3 yrs, disch'd on ac. of disability Dec 7, '1778, re-enlisted June, 1781, 8 m., Levies, drafted into Capt. A. Aorson's, Col. G. V. Schaick's, July, '81, to end of war. M R A. P. 21-386. Stillwater, Saratoga Co. Preston, Othniel, Nov 27, '76; 3 yrs, E. M R Van Kleck, James, enl'd Nov 27, '76, 2 yrs, disch'd Nov 26, '79. A. P. 19-13. M R Hurlbut, Aaron, Decbr 4, '76; war, E. M R Clement, Nich's, Decbr 8, '77; war, des'd Decbr 28, '76. M R i Barnes, James, Decbr 9, '76; war, des'd Jan'y 18, "77/ M R Bownd, Rodman, Jan'y 1, '77 ; 3 yrs, died Mar 9, '79. M R Chambers. Francis, Jan'y 4, 77 ; des'd Jan'y 19, '77. M R Driskell, Corn's, Jan'y 8, '77; war, des'd May 3, 78. M R 202 The New York Line. Woodworth, Josh'a, Febr 14, '77; war, disch'd Sept 7, '77. M R Loux, Hendrick, Mar 13, '77 ; war, E. M R Shift, George, Mar 13, '77; war, des'd Mar 23, '81. M R Weed, David, Mar 28, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Mar 8, '80. M R Van En burgh, Ab'm, Apr 17, '77 ; 3 yrs, E. MR Root, George, Apr 8, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd May 29, '78. M R Jones, Jere'h, June 15, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Jan'y 30, '78. M R Cook, Thomas, enlisted Aug 24, 1777; 3 yrs, taken pris oner in 1781, must'd to Jan'y, '81. A. P. 29-97. M R Owasco, Cayuga Co. Wade, Barnard, Aug 24, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd May 4, '79. M R * Cole, Francis, Decbr 23, '77 ; prisoner Aug 24, '78. M R Semall, Anth'y, Jan'y 12, '78; war, des'd Jan'y 24, '78. M R Jones, Seth, Mar 23, '78; 3 yrs, transf'd to Col. Willet's Regt. Augl, '80. MR Welding, Jere'h, March 24, '78; 3 yrs, E. M R Wilsey, Wm., Mar 25, '78 ; 3 yrs, E. M R Force, David, March 26, '78 ; 3 yrs, must'd to end of war. M R Frayer, Thorn's, Apr 3, '78; 11 yrs, disch'd Nov 13, '78. M R Myrick, Seth, Apr 6, '78; 3 yrs, exch'd for P. Little, May 1, '79. M R Taylor, Thos., Apr 9, '78; omt'd Nov, '78. M R Shaw, Jno., Apr 13, '78 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Oct 28, '78. M R Sherwood, Seymour, Apr 13, '78 ; 3 yrs, died Feb 10, '79. M R Riley, John, Apr 28, '78 ; 3 yrs, des'd June 10, '79. M R Hone, Wm., Apr 29, '78-; 3 yrs, Sergt. June 9, '78, des'd Febr. 14, '79. M R Mixer, Dan'l, Apr 29, '78 ; 3 yrs, des'd May 12, '78. M R Simkins, Gideon, May 1, '78, E. M R McGowan, Arch'd, May 6, '78 ; des'd Mar 12, '78. M R Delamater, Jno., 1st m. June, '78; Corp. Mar 21, '78, must'd Sergt. at end of war. M R Bakehom, Jacob, Febr 5, '79 ; 3 yrs, must'd to end of war. MR Preston, Benj., Febr 8, '79 ; 3 yrs, E. MR Allen, Thomas, Febr 10, '79 ; omitted, sick, June, '80. M R Bakehom, Jeremiah, Febr 13, '79; 3 yrs, died May 10, '80. M R Robinson, Andrew, Febr 17, '79 ; war, des'd July 3, '81. M R Cozzens, Mathew, Febr 25, '79; war, must'd to end of war. M R Riley, Patt, Apr 27, '79 ; 9 m. , transf'd to Gregg's Co. M R Little, Peter, May 1, '79 ; war, omt'd Dec, '79. M R Boyce, James, Oct 20, '79; 2 yrs, must'd to Jan'y, '81. M R Shields, Dan'l, 1st m. July, '80, E. MR- FIFTH COMPANY. Aorson, Aaron, Captain, enl'd Nov 21, '76; mustered to Jan'y, 1782. A. P. 14-317, 15-250. M R Ball, (Bail) John, 1st Lieut., Nov 21, '76 ; gone to resign and omitted May, '78. M R Welsh, John, 1st Lieutenant (8th Co. Mil. Com.) Nov 21, '76; cashiered and joined the enemy Jan'y 9, '79, M R Staats, Gerritt, 3d Lieut., comm. Aug 10, "76 Lieut, of a Co, of Home guards at Albany, Lieut. 3d N. Y. 23d Novbr 76, resigned March 1, 1780, Lieut, of Co. of Exempts, Albany, Apr 1781 to end of war. A. P. 17-239. MR C. A. Ament, Eldert, Ensign, Nov 21, '76; res'd Mar 22, '77. M R Montgomery, Jas., Volunteer, Febr 1, '77; omt'd Decbr, '77. M R Wilkinson, Robt., Sergt., Nov 26, '76; 3 yrs, war, E. M R Williams, Robert, Sergt., Nov 29, '76; war, priv. Aug, '78, Sergt. Apr 1, '79; died Apr 27, '80. M R Davenport, Tho's, Sergt., Dec 9, '76 ; 3 yrs, reduced to ranks Oct 16, '77, des'd Mar 11, '78, rej'd Nov 2, '79, des'd Jan'y, '80. M R Miller, Henry, Sergt. , Decbr 9, '76 ; war, priv. July 23, '80, des'd May 4, '81. M R Cooper, John, Sergt. , Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, reduced Jan'y 10, '79, des'd Mar 13, '79. M R Seely, Silvanus, Sergt., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, priv. Febr 14, '79, des'd June 9, '79. M R English, Joshua, Sergt. , Oct 13, '78 ; 3 yrs and war, red'd to ranks Mar 1, '79, des'd Oct 16, '80. M R Cartiel, John, Sergt., 1st m. Oct, '79, deserted Oct 6, '80. M R Warring, Benj., Corporal, Nov 23, '76; war, priv., Mar 31, '79, E. as Corp'l. M R Blaker, John, Corp'l, Decbr 1, '76; war, des'd May 2, '78. M R Owens, Dan'l, Corp'l, Dec 15, '76 ; war, Sergt. pr Roll, Dec, '79, E. M R Cashady, Luke, Corp'l, Dec 17, '76; war, reduced Feb'y 4, '78. M R Brocket, Moses, Corp'l, Decbr 24, '76; war, des'd, Mar 13, '79. M R Waiter, Thos., Corp'l, Apr 10, '77; war, des'd Mar 13, '79. MR Hill, Nich's, Drum'r, May8,'79; w., des'd Mar 13, '79. M R Willis, Thos., Fifer, Dec 17, '76;. war, des'd Mar 13, '79. M R Smith, Duncan, Fifer, Mar 22, '79; war, E. M R Privates. Adley, Peter, mustered to Jan'y, '81. M R Weaver, Hendrick, enlisted 1777, in Capt. Swartwout's, A. P. 19-210. M R Watson, Rich'd, Febr 2, '76 ; (?) 3 yrs, died Apr 18, '79. M R Burch, Sabin, May 26, '76 ; 3 yrs, des'd Mar 13, '79. M R Burk, Edmund, Oct 31, '76 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '81. MR Biford, Henry, Nov 10, '76; war, must'd to end of war. M R Van der Heyden, Adam, Nov 16, '76; war, m. to Jan'y, '81. MR Van der Heyden, Gershom, Nov 18, 1776 ; tr. to 1st N. Y., disch'd June 1st, 1781, having furnished 2 substi tutes (M R, des'd June 1, '81). MR A. P. 23-89. Albany, N. Y. Harriott, Thomas, Nov 21, 76; 3 yrs, disch'd Novbr 28, '79. MR Love, Davis, Nov 27, '76 ; war, Sergt. Apr, '78 ; m. priv. at end of war. M R Willey, John, Nov 27, '76 ; war, des'd Apr 11, '80. M R Deforrest, Henry, Nov 29, '76; war, des'd Jan'y 18, '77. MR Denny, Sam'l, Nov 29, '76; war, des'd Jan'y 18, '77. M R McKinzie, Jno., Nov 29, '76; 3 yrs, disch'd Nov 29, '79. MR Stephenson, Sam'l, Nov 29, '76; war, des'd Mar 13, '77. M R Barns, Stephen, Dec 1, '76 ; war, des'd Mar 13, '79. M R Bass, Henry, Dec 1, '76; war, must'd to end of war. M R Devaults, Stephen, Decbr 1, '76; war, des'd Febr 28, '77. M R The New York Lime. 203 Easton, Henry, Decbr 1, '76 ; 3 yrs, must'd at end of war. M R Fokes, Robert, Decbr 1, '76; w., des'd Febr 28, '77. M R Fothergill, Hugh, priv. Decbr 1, '76; war, Corp'l June 17, Sergt. Sept, '80, must'd private at end of war. M R Houxly, Jno., Decbr 1, '76; war, des'd Jan'y 25, '79. M R Hungerford, Dan'l, Decbr 1, '76 ; 3 yrs, des'd Jan'y 1, '77. M R Meeker, Nath'l, Dec 1, '76; 3 yrs, Corp'l Decbr 9, '78, dis- — ch'd Dec 1, '79. MR Mitchell, Robt., Decbr 1, '76; war, des'd Mar 13, '79. M R Murray, Barth'y, Decbr 1 '76; 3 yrs, m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Nelson, Caleb, Decbr L, '76; war, de'd Mar 1, '79. M R O'Connolly, James, Dec 1, '76 ; war, des'd Aug 22, '78. M R Price, Benj., Dec 1, '76; war, died Aug 10, '77. M R Robinson, Rich'd, Dec 1, '76 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Sept 1, '79. M R Shires, Jacob, Dec 1, '76 ; war, des'd May 1, '79. M R Staats, Sylvester, Dec 1, '76 ; war, des'd May 10, '78. M R Sullivan, Dennis, Dec 1, '76; war, Corp'l Febr 5, '78, priv. pr Roll Oct, '79, des'd Aug 26, '80. M R Sutter, Sam'l, Dec 1, '76; 3 yrs, disch'd Febr 17, '80. M R Van Matter, (Van Artten) John, Dec 1, '76; war, E. MR Vansites, Joseph, Dec 1, '76; war, disch'd May 30, '78. M R Varner, Henry, Dec 1, '76 ; war, died Mar 19, '78. M R Wright, John, Dec 1, '76 ; war, transf'd to Invalids pr Roll Dec, '80. M R Smith, Arch'd, Dee 2, '76 ; war, des'd Mar 13, '79. M R Clinton, Joseph, Dec 3, '76 ; war, must'd to end of war. M R Lambul, Abr'm, Decbr 3, '76; war, m. to Jan'y, '81. MR Moore, Fred'k, Dec 3, '76 ; war, E. M R Mulholland, Jas., Decbr 4, '76 ; war, E. M R Ross, John, Dec 4, '76 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '81. MR Cavin, Thos., Dec 5, '76: war, des'd Aug 7, '77. M R Blank, Cornelius, Dec 8, '76; war, died Febr 15, '77. M R Castles, Eliphalet, Dec 8, '76 ; war, des'd June 20, '80, joined July 22, transf'd to 1st New Hampshire Regt. M R Codgdon, John, Dec 8, '76 ; war, omitted Decbr, '77. M R Curtis, John, Decbr 8, '76 ; 3 yrs, des'd Dec 18, '76. M R Fowler, Jas., Dec 8, 76; 3 yrs, must'd to Jan'y, '81. M R Owens, Thos. , Dec 8, '76 ; war, killed at Fort Schuyler Aug 4, '77. M R Rice, Sam'l, Dec 8, '76 ; war, disch'd Nov 3, '78. MR Zeaster, Mich'l, Dec 8, '76 ; war, E. M R Still, Jas., Dec 9, '76 ; war, des'd Jan'y 30, '77. M R Alderman, Ephraim, Decb'r 10, '76 ; war, des'd May 31, '77. M R Gilbert, Sam'l, Decbr 10, '76; 3 yrs, disch'd Dec 6, '79. M R Goodcourage, Jno., Decbr .10, '76; war, must'd to end of war. M R Maston, Dan'l J., Decbr 10, '76 ; 3 yrs, des'd Jan'y 1, '77. M R Seaman, Dan'l, Dec 10, '76 ; war, des'd Jan'y 1, '77. M R Sevey, Joseph, Dec 10, '76 ; war, des'd Febr 12, '80, j'd Apr 4, '80, E. M R Grimsley, Wm., Decbr 12, '76; 3 yrs, des'd June 9, '79, joined Aug 9, '80, must'd to end of war. M R Hart, Gilbert, Dec 12, '76 ; war, disch'd Oct 4, '78. M R Hawey, Wm., Decbr 12, '76; war, E. M R Helmore, Jno., Decbr 12, '76 ; war, des'd Mar 12, '77. M R Williams, Eben'r, Dec 12, '76 ; war, des'd next day. M R Flinn, Jno., Decbr 13, '76; 3 yrs, deserted Mar 13, '79. MR Anthony, Francis, Decbr 15, '76 ; died June 13, '77. M R Pratt, Chalker, Dec 15, '76; war, disch'd Dec 10, '79. MR Sherlock, John, Dec 15, 76; war, E. M R Yates, Jas., Dec 18, '76; 3 yrs, disch'd Dec 26, '79. M R Parker, Edw'd, Dec 19, '76; war, E. M R Boreman, Jas., Dec 20, '76; 3 yrs, des'd same day. M R Hunter, Jona., Decbr 24, '76 ; war, Sergt. Oct 17, '77, disch'd Apr 24, '80. M R Mott, Sam'l, Decbr 28, '76 ; 3 yrs, m. to Jan'y, 81. M R Lenox, Sam'l, Decbr 29, '76; 3 yrs, died Febr 28, '77. MR Littlejohn, Jno., Decbr 29, '76; 3 yrs, des'd Jan'y 1, '77. MR Vansites, John, Dec 31, '76; war, des'd Febr 21, '80, j'd Apr '80, E. M R Mcintosh, John, enlisted 1777, served till 1782. A. P. 15-250. Albany. Baker, Jno., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, des'd May 2, '78. M R Clock, Jona., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, see Klock. M R Coudry, Beuj., Jan'y 1, '77; war, Corp'l July 23, '80, must'd to end of war. M R Davis, Nath'l, Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, sick, omitted Nov '78. M R France, Conrad, Jan'y 1, '77; war, must'd to end of war. M R Pixley, Eli, Jan'y 1 , '77 ; 3 yrs and w., des'd June 20, '80. MR Rider, George, Jan'y 1, '77; war, E. M R Slone, Thomas, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd Jan'y 18^ '77. M R Warden, Jona., or Nathan, Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, m. to Jan'y, '81. MR Witham, Wm., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Wobby, Roger, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd Jan'y 30, '80. M R Bovee, Nicholas P., Jan'y 2, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '81, Bcalped, wounded and disabled at Fort Stanwix. M R A. P. 22-234. C, 113, Cc, 30. Schenectady, Montgom ery Co. , later Albany Co . Starling, Levi, Jan'y 13, '77 ; war, Corp'l pr Roll Oct, '79, Sergt.-May 1, '82, E. MR Wallace, James, Jan'y 13, '77 ; war, sick, omt'd Nov, '78. M R Anthony, Peter, Jan'y 16, '77; war, must'd to end of war. M R White, Joseph, Jan'y 19, '77; war, des'd Febr 5, '80. M R White, Thos., Jan'y 19, '77; war, des'd Aug 22, '77, to the enemy. M R Buckstaff, Peter, Jan'y 20, '77; des'd Mar 13, '79. M R Burden, John, Jan'y 21, '77 ; war, des'd May 30, '80. MR Bassett, Joseph, Jan'y 27, '77 ; war, des'd Apr 15, '77. MR Paddock, Levy, Jan'y 27, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Nov 23, '78. M R Vaults, Peter, Jan'y 28, '77 ; war, E. See Peter De Vaults. M R Jones, Wm., Jan'y 39, '77; war, des'd Jan'y 20 *77.(?) M R Lowcey, Paul, Febr 1, '77 ; died Mar 20, '79. M R Christee, Jno., Febr 15, 77; war, des'd Febr 15, '77. M R Demant, Joseph, March 4, '77; 3 yrs and war, mus'td to Jan'y, '81. "M R Nagle, Fred'k, Mar 6, '77 ; war, des'd and joined the enemy Aug 21, '77. M R 204 The New York Line. Boyce, John, Mar 13, '77; war, must'd at end of war. MR Harter, Adam, Mar 13, '77 ; war, E. M R Slead, Joseph, Mar 14, '77 ; war, des'd Mar 13, '79. M R Anthony, John, Mar 1, '77 ; w., must'd to end of war. M R Gregg, Thos., Mar 17, '77; war, des'd Oct 11, joined Dec 20, '80, must'd to end of war. M R Foster, Thomas, Mar 24, '77; w., des'd Mar 13, '79. M R Lighthall, Jas., Apr 5, '77; war, E. M R Lighthall, Lancaster, Apr 7, '77; war, Corp'l July, '79, E. MR Merricle, Sam'l, Apr 8, '77; war, Corp'l Aug 30, '78, m. priv. at end of war. M R Happle, Adam, April 10, '77; war, des'd Nov 7, '80. M R Short, Jacob, Apr 13, '77; war, Corpl pr Roll Oct 19, Serg't May 1, '82, E. M R Smith, John, Apr 14, '77; war, Corp'l pr Roll, Oct, '79, Sergt. May 1, '82, E. M R Waggerman, Eman'l, Apr 18, '77; war, E. M R Clalfe, John, May 1 , '77 ; war, des'd Aug 10, '78. M R Newbergh, Jno., May 30, '77; war, 13, '79. M R Wey, John, June 4, '77; war, Corp'l Apr 1, '79, E. as Sergt. MR McFarlane, Jno., June 8, '77; war, transf'd to 2d New Jersey Regt. May 5, '80. M R Burk, John, June 9, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd June 9, '80. M R Veeder, Sam'l, June 9, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd June 9, '80. M R Chaddock, Silvanus, July 5, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Apr 22, '79. M R Burwolf, Christ'n, Oct 15, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Mar 13, '79. M R Veriken, Johan's, Oct 15, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Aug 16, '78. M R Berwart, Jno., Nov 6, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Nov 7, '80. M R Everstine, Francis, Nov 12, '77; war, des'd Febr 13, '79. M R Sharener, Ludowik, Nov 20, '77; war, E. MR Ferrigh, (Freg) Jno., Nov 27 ; 3 yrs, des'd (?) Nov 17, '80. M R Barns, Henry, 1st muster Dec '77; war, to end of war. M R Crowthar, Sam'l, 1st m. Decbr, '77; war, des'd May 2, '78. MR Dempster, John, 1st m. Decbr, '77; war, des'd May 2, '78. MR Henderson, Elisha, 1st m. Decbr, '77; war, exchanged for Wm. Wains. MR Kelson, Conrad, 1st m. Dec, 77; des'd Mar 13, 79. M R Lampier, Francis, 1st m. Dec '77 ; E. MR , Pratt, Jno., 1st m. Dec, '77; war, exch'd for John Wells, Nov 1, '78. M R Willet, Francis, 1st m. Dec, '77; war, omt'd May, '78. M R Yingle, Johannes F., 1st m. Dec, '77; des'd Nov 17, '80. M R Artewicks, Lawrence, Decbr, '77; war, must'd to end of war. M R Grace, James, 1st m. Jan'y, '78; war, must'd to end of war. M R Hencler, Fred'k, 1st m. Jan'y, '78; war, E. M R Hewnard (Huffner), 1st m. Jan'y, '78 ; war. M R Wise, Cutlip, 1st m. Jan'y, '78 ; des'd Mar 13, '79. M R Bradley, Rich'd, Jan'y 2, '79 ; war, des'd Febr 12, '79. M R Weyhereer, Jacob, Jan'y 8, '79; war, E. M R Cod wise, F. Geo., Jan'y 26, '78; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 26, •81. MR Carpenter, Moses, 1st m. Febr'y, '79, war, des'd Mar 13, '79. M R Shall, John, Febr 23, '78; war, died Aug 8, '78. M R Oldham, Jno., 1st m. Mar '78; 3 yrs, des'd Mar 1, '79, M R Gake, Sam'l, Apr 28, '78 ; deB'd Novbr 17, '80. M R Brown, John, 1st muster May, '78; disch'd Nov 3, '82. M R Williams, Abr'm, 1st m. May, '78; des'd Mar 13, '79. M R Zegart, Ch'r, 1st m. May, '78; des'd Oct 22, 1778. M R Plow, Jotham, May 14, '78; war, omt'd Decbr, '79. M R Smith, Peter, May 14, '78 ; war, des'd Oct 22, '78. M R Foor, Casper Johannes, Oct 19, '78; 3 yrs, must'd to end of war. M R McLean (McClean), John, Oct 21, '78; war, E. A. P. 16-73. MR Wells, John, substitute for John Pratt, Nov 1, '78. M R Wells, John, Nov 1, '78, E. M R Wright, Samuel, Nov 5, '78; as substitute for Sergt. Nel son in Tiebout's, E. M R Palpeman, Wm., 1st m. Dec '78 ; war, des'd May 2, '78.(?) MR Kelly, Patrick, Decbr 11, '78 ; war, des'd Aug 26, '80. MR Emica, G. Jno., Jan'y 5, '79 ; war, des'd Febr 12, '79. M R Dunnivan, Anth'y, Jan'y 22, '79; 3 yrs, omitted Dec, 79. M R Henry, Mich'l, Mar 4, '79 ; war, executed May 31, '79. MR Kysinger, Phil., Nov 6, '79; des'd Nov 18, '79. M R SIXTH COMPANY. Gregg, James, Captain, Novbr 21, '76; shot through the body, tomahawked and scalped, must'd to Jan'y, '82. C, 154. M R 82. Montgomery Co. Denniston, Geo. I., Ensign Nov 21, '76; Lieut. Mar 20,, '80, vice Tapp, resigned; deranged Jan'y 1, '81. A. P. 14-387, 18-355. M R C. A. Davenport, Thos., Sergt., Decbr 10, '76; 3 yrs, Sergt. May 27, '78, exch'd for John Burris Nov 5, '78. M R Sears, Enoch, Sergt., Jan'y 5, '77; war, des'd Dec 2, '77. M R McGlaughlin, Wm., Sergeant, Jan'y 28, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Mar, '79, volunteer Mar, '79, Conductor Mil. Stores, June 10, '79. M R Dowler, George, Sergt., enl'd Jan'y 31, '77; 3-yrsand war, must'd to end of war. MR A. P. 21-459. Johns town. Gallaspie, Wm., March 20, '77. war, Corp'l June 30, '77; Sergt. Jan'y 21, '80, must'd to end of war. M R Howell, John, Sergt., May 13, '78 ; war, des'd June 27, '78. MR Stephens, Wm., Corp'l, Nov 24, '76 ; war, des'd Aus 2, '78. MR s Prindle, Josh., Corp'l Dec 7, '76; 3 yrs, Sergt. Dec 4, '77, disch'd Dec 7, '79. MR! Burris, Jno., Corp'l, enl'd priv. Dec 11, '76; 3 yrs, Corp'l Mar 1, '79, disch'd Dec 6, '79. MR Mattison, Sam'], CorrVl, Febr 2, '77 ; war, killed by In dians June 25, '77. M R McCord, Wm., Corp'l, May 3, '77; war, Apr 19, '80, m. to Jan'y, '81. MR Hart, Jno., Corp'l, Oct 15, '77; 3 yrs, Corp'l Nov 5, '78, died Mar 1, '79. MR4 Osborn, Aaron, Drum'r, Febr 3, '77 ; war, priv. Dec '77, Corp'l Nov 26, '80, E. M R Willson, Robt., Fifer, Jan'y 29, >77; war, Sergt. Nov 26, '80, Ensign June 29, '81, m. to Jan'y, '83. MR The New York Line. 205 Privates. Alloon, Christian, Nov. 26, '78 ; war, discharged as unfit for service May 28, '80. MR Hill, Jno., Novbr 29, '76; war, des'd Mar 2, '79. M R Rogers, James, Nov 29, '76 ; killed by Indians July 3, '77. M R Comading, Nich's, Decbr 1, '76; war, must'd at end of war. M R Smith, Jno., Dec 1, '76; war, des'd Dec 20, '76. M R Smith, Wm., Dec 1, '76 ; des'd Apr 26, '77. M R Dobbins, Hugh, Decbr 2, '76; des'd June 21, '77. M R Dougherty, Tho's, Decbr 10, '76 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Decbr 11, .'79. M R Forbes, Alexander, Dec 10, '76; war, transf. to Capt. Leon. Bleecker's May 1, 1778, sent to S. I. under Lord Sterling Febr, 1780, broke left leg twice, transf. to Capt. Aaron Aorson's, Col. G. Van Schaick, until end of war, omt'd Jan'y, '78. C, 187. Painter, N. Y. City. M R Jackson, Arch., Decbr 10, '76; war, m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Merrit, Stephen, Dec 10, '76; war, disch'd Nov 3, '78. M R Gray, John, Dec 11, '76 ; des'd Decbr 21, '76. M R Burns, David, Dec 12, '76 ; des'd Jan'y 26, '77. M R Weaver, Johannes, Dec 12, '76; war, disch'd Nov 3, '78. M R McWay, Jno., Dec 13, '76; war, m. to Sept, '80. M R Downs, Pat'k, Decbr 14, '76; war, died Sept 15, '78. M R Swartwout, Corn's, Dec 18, '76 ; war, E. M R Clary, Dan'l, Decbr 20, '76; war, des'd Jan'y 1, '77. M R Quackenbush, Benj., Dec 20, '76; war, transf'd to Lamb's Art'y June 2, '80. M R Moore, Jas., Dec 21, '76; des'd Jan'y 29, '77. M R Rose, Solomon, Dec 21, '76 ; des'd Jan'y 1, '77. M R Fox, Benjamin, Decbr 27, '75; war, des'd Jan'y 20, '77. M R Abbott, William, Dec 31, '76 ; w., died Mar 8, '78. M R Christie, Jno., Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd Febr 8, '77. M R Very, Goorge, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd May 20, '82. M R Sullivan, James, Jan'y 2, '77; des'd Jan'y 4, '77. M R Sibby, David, Jan'y 3, '77 ; des'd Febr 7, '77. M R Lemmon, Alex., Jan'y 12, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Ohlin, Henry G., Jan'y 14, '77; war, Sergt., Apr 21, '79. M R Murry, Jas., Jan'y 15, '77; war, E. M R Sniffin, John, Jan'y 17, '77 ; des'd next day. M R Painter, Edw'd, Jan'y 19, '77; war, E. M R Duffin, Jno., Jan'y 21, '77; des'd Febr 23, '77. M R McDonald, Jas., Jan'y 28, '77; war, exch'd for Francis Fulton, May 14, '78. M R Dixon, Thos., Jan'y 31, '77; war, des.d Febr 12, '77. M R Brown, James, Febr 1, '77 ; des'd Apr 16, '77. M R Carry, Robt., Febr 2, '77; des'd Febr 14, '77. M R Knowling, Rich'd, Febr 2, '77; war, des'd June 21, '77. M R Smith, Samuel, Febr 2, '77; war, des'd Febr 14, '77. M R Empson, James, enlisted Febr 3, '77; taken prisoner at Fort Schuyler by Indians, July 3, 1777, until end of war. A. P. 18-354. M R Kallem, Reuben, Febr 3, '77; war, des'd Feb 22, '79, joined Mar, "79, E. M R Lovely, Francis, Febr 5, '77; pris. Mar 28, '77, j'd Dec 18, '78, des'd Febr 22, '79, j'd Mar 21, '79, des'd Jan'y 21, '80. MR Sammons, Piatt, Febr 6, '77; des'd Aug 5, '77, to the enemy. M R Weaver, George, enl'd Febr 6, '77 ; w., disch'd Nov 3, '78. M R Life guard of Gen'l Schuyler. A. P. 23-207. Esopus, Ulster Co. Smith, Solomon, Febr 7, '77; war, des'd June 20, '80. M R Morrill, Benj., Febr 11, '77 ; des'd Apr 6, '77. M R Morrison, Rich'd, Febr 14, '77 ; war, E. M R Hide, Tho's, Febr 25, '77 ; war, E. M R Darlington, Jno., Febr 29,(?) '77; des'd Mar 3, '77. M R Dawson, James, Mar 26, '77; des'd Sept 20, '77. M R Deo, Hugh, Mar 29, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '81. M R Ralie, David, Mar 29, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Robinson, James, Apr 29, '77; war, E. M R Clark, Jno., May 14, '77; des'd May 21, '77. M R Carman, Abr'm, May 21, '77; des'd May 23, '77, retaken Dec 1, '78, des'd Febr 25, '81. M R Hallegat, Baltis, May 28, '77 ; war, des'd Apr 29, '77,(?) M R Kibbald, George, 1st m., May, '78; des'd May 21, '78. M R Doughty, Isaac, May 13, '78 ; war, omt'd Decbr, '79. M R Johnson, Wm., May 13, '78 ; May 21, '78. M R McDonald, John, May 13, '78; 3 yrs, des'd Jan'y 6, '79. MR Sturdivant, Sam'l, May 13, '78; des'd Aug 22, '78. M R Fulton, FranciB, May 14, '78 ; war, Corp'l Mar 1, '79, des'd Febr 28, '81. M R Glover, Thomas, May 14, '78; war, Corp'l June 1, '78, des'd Decbr 7, '78. McMullen, Rich'd, May 14, '78; des'd May 20, '78. M R Miller, Joseph , May 14, '78 ; des'd May 23, '78. M R Smith, Peter, May 14, '78 ; war, des'd Oct 22, '78. M R Sutherland, James, May 14, '78 ; des'd Apr 10, '80. M R Holley, Benj., June 29, '78; war, m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Tumey, Jas., Oct 21, '78 ; 3 yrs, Corp'l Jan'y 12, '79, des'd Apr 15, '79. M R Shultz, John, Oct 23, '78, E. M R Sullivan, Roger, Oct 24, '78 ; 3 yrs, des'd Jan'y 24, '79. M R Williams, Jno., Oct 24, '78, E. M R Dean, Sam'l, Oct 26, '78; must'd to end of war. M R Alexander, Wm., muster Nov '78; des'd Nov 25, '78. M R Wruns, Wm., 1st m. Dec '78, E. M R Hoof, Jno., Decbr 20, '78 ; des'd Jan'y 20, '79. M R Speer, John, Dec 28, '78; m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Chaldenburgh, Mich'l, 1st m. Jan'y, '79; des'd Jan'y 12, '79. M R Conine, Joseph, Jan'y 2, '79 ; transf to 1st N. Y. Nov 14, '79. M R Maitre, (Mathers) O. John, Jan'y 2, '79; war, E. M R Norris, Isaac, May 30, '79 ; des'd Mar 31, '80. M R Worthington, Math'w, 1st m. Dec, '79 ; des'd Jan'y 21, '80. M R Kater, James, 1st m. Jan'y, '80 ; m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Baylis, Elias, 1st m. Dec, '80, to end of war. M R SEVENTH COMPANY. Tiebout, Henry, Captain, Nov 21, '76; m. to Jan'y, '82. Aa, 2. A. P. 14-387. M R McClelan, (McClennen) Thomas, Lieut. A. P. 20-166. MR Vanderhuyden, Nanning, Lieut., Nov 21, '76; omt'd May, '78. M R Nelson, Thomas, Sergt., Jan'y 1, '77; war, exch'd for Sam. Wright Nov 5, '78. M R Myers, Mich'l, Sergt., May 6, '77; war, exch'd for F. Myers, May 8, '78. M R Smith, Jno., Sergt., June 1, '77; war, Sergt. Major, Mar 16, '80, E. M R 206 The New York Line. Glen, Robert, Dec 3, '76; war, Corp'l May 10, '79, must'd to end of war. M R Haburn, Wm., Sergt., as Corp'l May 10, '77; 3 yrs, Sergt. Mar 9, '78, E. MR Edgerly, Jno., Corp'l, Jan'y 1, '77; war, must'd to end of war. M R Ladd, Joseph, Corp'l, 1st m. May, '78; Corp'l May, '78, des'd May 25, '81. M R Smith, Jno., Fifer, Jan'y 1, '77; war, died June 13, '80. M R Privates. Ash, Henry, Dec 3, '76 ; war, des'd Febr 8, '80, rejoined Mar 5, '80, transf'd to Lamb's Art'y Aug 2, '80. M R Campbell, Duncan, Dec 3, '76; war, must'd atend of war. M R Flinn, Henry, Dec 3, '76; war, must'd to Jan'y, '81. M R Frederick, Joachim (or John), Dec 3, '76 ; war, must'd to end of war. A. P. 20-170. M R Claverack, Col. Co. Harman, Jacob, Decbr 3, '76; war, des'd Apr 7, '77. M R Jones, John, Decbr 3, '76 ; war, pris'r July 3, '77. M R Kerr, James, Decbr 3, '76; war, des'd Apr 10, '77. M R Lewis, Lockard, Decbr 3, '76; war, m. to Jan'y, 1781. M R Patterson, I. Jas., Dec 3, '76; war, Corp'l, Mar '78, Sergt. May, '79, E. M R Peters, Jno., Dec 3, '76 ; war, E. M R Piper, Lewis, Dec 3, '76 ; war, E. M R Saylor, Jacob, Dec 3, '76 ; war, died Apr 30, '77. M R Shell, George, Dee 3, '76; war, E. M R Stagg, Jasper, Dec 3, '76 ; war, E. M R Stoddard, Ichabod, Dec 3, '76; war, exch'd for Wm. Boys, pr Roll June, '79. M R Genious, Peter, Decbr 3, '76; war, des'd June 24, '77. M R Van Blaricum, Jas., Dec 3, '76; 3 yrs, Sergt. Apr 28, '80, E. M R Wright, Abr'm, Dec 3, '76 ; war, des'd June 10, '80. M R Kerr, Mark, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, pris. July 21, '80, m. Corp'l at end of war. M R Shirts, Samuel, enl'd Jau'y 1, '77; war, died in hospital at Philad'a early in 1782 (exch'd for Peter Smith Mar 9, '79. M R) A. P. 19-372. Columbia Co. Scriber, Peter, Jan'y 4, '77 ; 3 yrs, E. M R Lansing, Evert, Jan'y 12, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 12, '80. M R Pinkney, Jona., Jan'y 23, '77; war, E. M R Sears, Wm., Febr 1, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Mar 12, '77. M R Turner, James, Febr 1, '77; war, prisoner July 3, '77. M R Harrington, Thos., Febr'y 3, '77 ; war, des'd same day. M R Mosiere, Hugh, Febr 5, '77; war, des'd June 10, '80. M R Failer, John, Febr 6, '77; war, des'd Mar 25, '77. M R Townsend, Jas., Febr 19, '77 ; war, des'd May 16, '78. M R Chambers, Henry, Febr'y 20, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Feb 20, '80. M R Still, Dan'l, Mar 1, '77; war, des'd Aug 9, '77. M R Roberts, Warren, Mar 16, '77; 3 yrs, des'd(?) Febr 1, '80. M R Rowley,' Seth, Mar 16, "77; 3 yrs, exch'd for J. Welsh Apr 15, '79. M R Steward, James, Mar 16, '77; war, des'd next day. M R Patterson, II. Jas., Mar 20, '77; war, E. M R Ritter, Henry, Mar 22, '77; war, omt'd Jan'y, '78. MR Christman, Nich's, Mar 30, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Nov 28, '77, joined Jan'y, '78, disch'd Mar 5, '80. M R Jansen, Ch's, Apr 26, '77 ; war, des'd July 25, '77. M R Welch, Rich'd, Apr 27, '77; war, E. M R Burch, Philipp, May 4, '77 ; war, to end of war. M R Cornwell, Josiah, May 4, '77; war, transf'd to 5th Regt. Aug 14, '80. M R Van Duzen, Ab'm, May 4, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Febr '80, j'd Apr '80, E. as Corp'l. M R Russel, Oliver, May 5, '77 ; war, des'd Apr 17, '78, j'd 25, '80, des'd June 4, '80. MR Waggoner, And'w, May 5, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Aug 15, '78. M R Rynard, John, May 8, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd May 9, '80. M R Crandle, Luke, May 9. '77; 3 yrs, disch'd May 9, '80. M R Cowen, James, May 9, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd May 9, '80. M R Sabine, Stephen, May 9, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Nov 22, '77. M R Sarles (Searles), Thomas, May 9, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd May 9, '80. A. P. 19-129. M R Schoolcraft, Lourens, May 9, '77; 3 yrs, sick, omt'd Dec, '77. M R Van Every, Benj., May 10, '77; war, des'd June 10, '77. M R Shall, George, May 11, '77; war, des'd July 20, '77. M R Purchase, Joseph, May 20, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd May 20, '80. MR Smith, Wm., May 22, '77; war, des'd June 10, '77. M R Van Every, David, May 23, '77; 3 yrs and war, des'd June 10, '77. MR Pierson, Jno., May 24, '77; war, des'd Apr 17, '78. M R Fryday, Conrad, May 25, '77 ; war, Drummer May, '78, must'd as priv. at end of war. M R Lansing, Jno., May 25, '77 ; war, des'd July 3, '77. M R Mahan, Patrick, May, 26, '77; war, disch'd on ac. of disa bility, Dec 2, '79. M R Acker, Conrad, May 29, '77; war. M R Connolly, Jno., June 4, '77; war, des'd next day. M R Coventry, John, June 4, '77; war, des'd June 12, '77. M R Coventry, John, June 11, '77; war, des'd next day. M R Cummings, Benj., June 4, '77; war, des'd June 24, '77. M R Roobach, Jere'h, June 4, 77; war, des'd July 1, '77. MR McCormick, Wm., June 13, '77; war, des'd Sept 19, '77. MR * Miller, Stephen, June 16, 3 yrs, des'd Sept 22, '77. M R Smith, John, June 16, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Apr 20, '79, j'd May 8, '79, des'd May 26, '81. M R Witmozer, Henry, Aug 28, '77; 3 yrs and war, des'd Aug 10, taken the 13th, and executed Aug 17, '78. M R Griudel, Moieh, 1st m. Oct, '77; des'd Octbr 20, '77. M R Harkman, Nich's, Oct 15, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Aug 10, '78. M R Houseman, Geo., Oct 15, '77; 3 yrB, disch'd Oct 15, '80. MR Neemiar (Niemeyr), John Henry, Oct 15, '77; war, dis ch'd Oct 15, '80. A. P. 20-74. M R Claverack, Col. Co. Poulson, Mich'r, Oct 15, '77; war, E. MR Tiece, Christ'r, Oct 15, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Aug 10, '78. MR Varicker, Jas., Oct 15, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Aug, '78. M R Keanor, Christ'n, 1st m. Decbr, '77; war des'd Mar 25 '77. M R Minac (Minick), Henry, 1st m. Dec, '77 ; war, E. M R Weeken, Conrad, 1st m. Dec, '77 ; war, des'd Apr 5, '79, j'd June 20, '80, m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Cool, Jno., Decbr 9, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Jan'y 5, '78. M R Creamer, Jno. -Dec 14, '77; war, des'd Dec 29, '78. M R Barrett, Wm., 1st mustered Jan'y, '78 ; des'd Febr 25 '81. M R The New York Line. 207 Brant, Christ'n, 1st m. Jan'y, 78, to end of war. M R Brown, Fred'k, 1st m. Jan'y, '78, omt'd May, '78. M R Tochman, Jno., Jan'y 19, '78 ; war, des'd Febr 4, '79. M R Lowe, Zach., 1st m. Mar, '78; des'd Mar 16, '78. M R Myers, Fred'k, substitute for Sergt. M. Myers, Mar 8, '78; war, des'd May, '79, j'd Nov, '79, m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Johnson, Jno., 1st m. May, '78; des'd Mar 17 '79. M R Speenback, Joseph, 1st m. May, '78; des'd Sept 14, '80. M R Lull, Wm., 1st m. Oct, '78; exch'd Mar 5, '79, for Elbert Ecker. MR Cock, Johannes, 1st m. Jan'y, '79 ; des'd Febr 8, '79. M R Corter, Jno., Jan'y 1, '79; 3 yrs, must'd at end of war. MR Geers, Benj., Jan'y 1, '79; 3 yrs and war, must'd to end of war. M R Grace, alias Gray, John, Febr'y 23, '79; 3 yrs, must'd to Jan'y, '81. MR Acker, Albert, 1st mustered Mar, '79; des'd Mar 1 '81 MR Coad, Wm.. 1st m. Mar, '79 ; must'd to end of war. M R Creckenbone, Johannes, 1st m. Mar, '79; must'd to end of war. M R Wrike, Henry, 1st m. Mar, '79; des'd Apr 7, '79. M R Lowman, Peter, 1st m. Mar, '79; E. M R Welsh, J., Apr 15, '79; as substitute for Seth Rowley. MR ' Lyon, Joseph, enl. May 12, '79; tr. to Capt. Savage's, Col. Lamb's Art'y, m. to Jan'y, '81, died in the Hospital at New Windsor at close of the war. A P. 22-31 M R Hillsdale, Columbia Co. Chickens, Thos., May 13, '79; war, des'd May 26, '80. M R Watson, Wm., May 16, '79; war, transf'd Oct 31, '79, to(?) MR Rochester, Jno., 1st m. Nov, '79; des'd Nov 17, '79. M R Willin, Chas., 1st m. Nov, '79; des'd Nov 17, '79. M R Wright, Robt., July 15, '80, E. M R Chace, John, injured while on fatigue duly at WeBt Point, October, 1783; discharged by Gen'l Wash'n, Aug 15, 1783. Aa, 2. Cooper, N. Y. C. Dockward. McArree, James. A. P. 20-166. Weaver, Hannekel, died near Cherry Valley, 1779. A. P 19-210. EIGHTH COMPANY. Bleecker, Leonard, Captain, Nov 21, '76 ; must'd to Jan'y, '82. Brigade Major under Lafayette. N. Y. City. NicholB, Isaac, Lieutenant, from June 28, 1775, to Dec 27, '79, resigned for family reasons. A. P. 16-402. Bowen, Prentis, 2d Lieut., Nov 21, '76; Q. Mr. May 28, '78, res'd as Q. Mr. July 14, '80, deranged Jan'y 1, '81. A. P. 14-387. MR Bogardus, Benj., Lieut., Nov 21, '76; 2d Lt. 2d Co. Mil. Com., must'd to Jan'y, '82, and resigned in '82. A. P. 14-387. M R Colbrath, (Hilbreath by mistake in Mil. Com.), Wm., Lieut., entered Nov 21, '76, as Ensign, Lieut., Nov 20, '78, Qr. Mr. July 15, '80, must'd to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 14-387. M R Spoor, John, Ensign, Nov, '76, (2d Co. Mil. Com.) pris'r July 3, '77, rej'd and dismissed March 31, '80. A. P. 14-387. M R Bagley, Josiah, comm'd Lieut., vice Spoor, to date from Mar 1, 1780. C. A. Peters, Sam'l, Ensign, Nov 21, '76, . M R Potam, Mat'w, Ensign, volunteer, June 1, '77; Ens'n, Nov 20, '77, omt'd May, '78. M R Jones, Wm., Sergt., Nov 26, '76; 3 yrs, disch'd Nov 26, '79. M R Vonk, Wm., Sergt., Jan'y 27, '77; war, des'd June 24, '81. MR Beeckman, Jno., Mar 21, '77; war, Corp'l May 30, '78, must'd as priv. July, '78, Corp'l Dec 10, '79, must'd Serg't end of war. M R Maxwell, Corn's, Sergt., as Corp'l Apr 5, '77; war, Sergt., May 30, '78, E. M R McCormick, Jas., Serg., Apr 6, '77; war, disch'd May 28, '78. M R Price, John, Sergeant, eye-sight impaired. Cc, 29. Albany City. Adams, James, Sergt., first mustered May, 1780; lost his eyesight, discharged by Gen'l Wash'n Oct 3, 1782. C, 82, I, 143. M R Albany, N. Y. Chase, John, Corp'l, Dec 1, '76; war, must'd private at end of war. M R Van De Voort, Jacob, Corp'l Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd May 16, '78, , des'd Oct 6, '80. M R Beadle, John, Corp'l, May 12, '77; war, must'd to end of war. M R Butson, Corn's, Drummer, Apr 4, '77 ; w., des'd Apr 15, '79. MR Van Orden, Ch's, Drum'r, Apr 10, '77 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '81. MR Hill, Henry, Drum., 1st m. Apr, '79; E. M R Lalancet, Jno., Fifer, Decbr 1, '76; war, priv. Dec 5, '79, E. M R Houxley, Jas., Fifer, June 17, '80, E. M R Privates. Adams, Stephen, Decbr 1, '76; 3 yrB, disch'd Decbr 1, '79 M R Cooper, Jno., Ju'r, Dec 1, '76; war, must'd to end of war MR Cooper, Jno., Sen'r, Dec 1, '76; war, must'd to Jan'y, '81. MR Devan, Corn's, Dec 1, '76; war, des'd Aug 22, '77. M R Hogterlin, Wm., Decbr 1, '76 ; war, des'd Mar 15, '78. MR Hopp, Ab'm, Decbr 1, '76 ; war, des'd Jan'y 28, '81. M R McCarthy, Dennis, Decbr 1, '76; war, E. M R Ousterhout, Isaac, Dec 1, '76 ; 3 yrs and war, E. MR Valentine, Peter, Dec 1, '76; 3 yrs, disch'd Dec 1, '79. MR Vredenburgh, Wm., Dec 1, '76; 3 yrs, E. M R Wilson, Thomas, Dec 1, '76; war, , wounded in left arm and shoulder at Fort Schuyler July, 1777. Aa, 70. M R Hosack, Albany Co. Eagans, Joshua, Decbr 8, '76; 3 yrs, des'd Apr 15, '79, re taken June, '80, must'd to end of war. M R Hunnewell, Jno., Decbr 9, '76; war, transf'd to 1st N. Y. Nov 24, '78, E. MR Isaacs, Isaac, Decbr 9, '76; 3 yrs, disch'd Decbr 9, '79. M R McCormick, Thos., Dec 9, '76; 3 yrs, des'd June 13, '77. M R Post, Rich'd, Dec 9, '76; 3 yrs, disch'd Dec 9, '79. M R Ambler, Nath'l, Corp'l May 30, '78; Dec 10, '76, 3 yrs, disch'd Dec 9, '76. M R Summers, Hugh, Dec 19, '76; 3 yrs, des'd Aug 21, '77, taken Sept 12, '77, disch'd Dec 1, '79. M R Armstrong, John, Dec 20, '76; 3 yrs, des'd Mar 25, '77. M R J 208 The New York Line. Pease, Nath'l, Dec 20, '76 ; war, des'd Jan'y 25, '77. MR Reynolds, Mich'l, Dec 20, '76; war, des'd Jan'y 26, '77. M R Benson, Thos., Decbr 21, '76; 3 yrs, des'd Aug 8, '77. M R Ackerman, David (Daniel), enl'd Jan'y 1, '77 ; w., killed at Peekskill Mar 23, '77. A. P. 20-200. M R Myers, Jacob, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd Apr 15, '81. M R Garrison, Abr., Jan'y 4, '77; war, must'd to end of war. M R Melchior, Paul, Jan'y, '77; war, disch'd May 28, '80, unfit for service. M R McKinzie, Kneil, Jan'y 11, '77; war, des'd Jan'y 17, '77. M R McCoy, Jas., Jan'y 12, '77; war, des'd Jan'y 17, '77. M R Tone, Andrew, Jan'v 14, '77; war, des'd Febr 20, '77. M R McCart, Jas., Jan'y 16, '77; war, des'd next day. M R Reynolds, John, Jan'y 16, '77; war, des'd Jan'y 26, '77. M R. Smith, George, Jan'y 16, '77; war, des'd Aug 22, '77. MR" Smith, Alex'r, Jan'y 18, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Apr 8, '80. M R Newton, Wm., Jan'y 20, '77; war, des'd Febr 12, '77. M R Haven, Isaac, Jan'y 28, '77; 3 yrs and war, des'd Mar 1, '77. M R O'Neal, John, Jan'y 30, '77; war, des'd Aug 22, '77. M R Knap, Benj., Febr 2, '77; war, des'd June 7, '80; M R Yeomans, Isaac, Febr 4, '77; war, pris'r Mar 22, '77, jo'd and m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Edes, Joseph, Febr 7, '77; war, must'd to end of war. M R Shields, James, Febr 8, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Feb 8, '80. A. P. 17-81. M R King, Aaron, Febr 8, '77; 3 vrs, taken prisoner and killed by Indians, July 3, '77. M R Brown, T. Charles, or John, Febr 9, '77; war, to end of war. M R Garaet, Jno., Febr'y 20, '77; 3 yrs, died Nobr, 77. M R Shades, Adam, Febr 23, '77; 3 yrs, pris'r July 3, '77, m. to Jan'y, '79, omt'd. M R Swan, Peter, Febr 28, '77; war, disch'd May 30, '78. M R Stagg, John, Mar 3, '77; war, transf'd to 1st N. Y. Sept. 20, '77. M R Willis, John, Mar 3, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Forbes, Alex., Mar 8, '77; war, must'd to end of war. M R Monrow, Alex., Mar 12, '77 ; 3 yrs ; E. MR Stevens, Sam'l, Mar 13, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Apr 15, '79. M R Robinson, George, Mar 14, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Mar 14, '80. M R Van der Worker, Martin, Mar 20, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Mar 20, '80. M R Hall, Jno., Mar 24, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Mar 14, '80. M R Waggerman, George, Mar 26, '77; war, E. M R Bowhall, Paul, Mar 27, '77; war, deserted Mar 13, '79. M R Maxwell, Wm., April 2, '77 ; 3 yrs, Sergt. May 30, '78, priv. July, '78, des'd Febr 10, '80. M R Collins. James, April 8, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd April 8, '80. M R McGraw, James, or Alex. , enlisted July, '75, in Capt. John Nicholson, Col. James Clinton, 6 m. troops, in Capt. Thos. De Witt's Co., same Regt. Jan'y 1, '76, in Capt. Thos. Dorsey's Co., Col. De Haas, at Quebeck Apr 15. '76, shot through tho leg on the retreat from Canada, enlisted in Capt. Bleecker's, Col. Gansevoort, April (June), 13, '77, discharged May 30, '78, as unfit for duty from his wound and old age. B, 1. MR Laborer, N. Y. C. Krack, Godlieb, April 14, '77 ; war, E. M R Shell, Christ'n, Apr 15, '77; war, des'd June 16, '80. M R Sutherland, Dan'l, Apr 27, '77; war, E. M R Pilgart, Hend'k, May 5, '77; war, des'd Oct, '77, taken Nov 1, '79, m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Burgess, Mich'l, May 22, '77; war, must'd to end of war. M R Moore, John, June 1, '77; war, des'd Aug 21, '79, taken Sept 12, '77, E. M R Orr, Battis, June 2, '77; war, E. M R Maybee, Leon'd, June 10, '77; war, des'd Aug 20, '77. M R McGennis, Jno., June 11, '77; war, des'd Sept 12, '77. M R McDonald, Donald, June 28, '77 ; war, des'd Apr 25, '79. M R Ennis, Henry, Aug 25, '77; war, must'd to end of war. M R Collins, Joseph, 1st m. Jan'y, '78; war, to end of war. M R Gatis, David, 1st m. Jan'y, '78; des'd Apr 23, '79. M R Burton, George, Febr 27, '78 ; war, des'd Apr 11, '80. M R Butler, Rich'd, Febr 27, '78; war, des'd Mar 30, '78. M R Dreyer, Fred'k, 1st m. Mar, '78; omitted Dec, '79. M R Gilmore, Robert, Mar 10, '78; w., disch'd Sept 24, '78. M R Gibson, And'w, Apr 9, '78; w., des'd Mar 12, '79, (78?) M R Adams, William, Apr 10, '78; war, des'd Mar 12, 79 (?). MR Speigler, Hend'k, Apr 10, '78; war, des'd Apr 4, '79, j'd Nov 5, '79, E. M R Ryan, Robert, Apr 11, '78 ; 3 yrs, E. M R Rynder, Christian, Apr 13, '78; war, E. M R Renne, Coral, Apr 14, '78; war, died May 16, '78. M R Burkdorf , John, Apr 15, '78 ; war, to end of war. M R Fimma, Anth'y, Apr 15, '78; war, must'd to Jan'y, '81. MR Hyle, Conrad, Apr 15, '78; war, des'd Aug 15, '78, joined Nov 5, '79, killed May 10, '80. M R Wysenberg, Hend'k, Apr 15, '78 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Smith, Hugh, Apr 23, '78; war, des'd Mar 24, '78(?). MR. Patterson, Wm., 1st m. May, '78, E. M R Williams, Abr'm, 1st m. May, '78 ; war, omt'd 1st muster. M R Dobb, Jno., 1st m. Sept, '78 ; deserted Apr 15, '79. M R Young, John, Nov 30, '78; war, des'd Mar 15, '79, jo'd July 15, '80, E. M R Van Cleck, Leon'd, or Law'ce, Dec 5, '78; 3 yrs, E. M R Collins, Wm., Dec 21, '78; war, des'd April 18, '79. M R Wallace, John, Dec 21, '78; war, des'd Mar 15, '79. M R Wright, Edward, Jan'y 4, '79 ; war, E. MR Bradey, George, Jan'y 9, '79; war, des'd Jan'y 16, '80. M R Weaver, Christ'n, 1st m. Mar, '79; m. to Jan'y. '81. MR " Bancker, Thos., July 15, '80; 5 m., disch'd Dec 15, '80. MR Trull, John, July 15, '80 ; 5 m., disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R The New York Line. 209 COLONEL'S COMPANY. (No Commissioned Officers Given), Gage, Jno., Sergt., April 8, '78; 3 yrs, Corp'l July 2, '78, des'd Aug 20, '80, must'd as Sergt. at end of war. M R Austiu, David, Nov 26, '76 ; Corp'l Apr 6, '80, des'd July 9, '80. M R Meeker, Solomon, Nov 26, '76; war, E. M R McFarlane, Jno., Dec 2, '76; war, E. M R Klock, Jona., Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, Corp'l, May, '78, priv. July, '78, disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Shirts, Peter, Mar 9, '79 ; E. MR Kiesburg, Christ'n, 1st m. May, '78; war, des'd Jan'y 30, '80. M R Ross, John, 1st m. May, '78; des'd Febr 1, j'd Apr 4, des'd June 25, '80. M R Grite, Wm., June 9, '78; war, must'd to end of war. M R Gardner, Sam'l, Novbr 12, '78 ; 3 yrs, must'd to end of war. M R Chaddock, Nath'l, Decbr 27, '78; 3 yrs, des'd April 27, '79. MR Loux, Nich's, Jan'y 29, '79: des'd May 6, '79. M R Scott, Jno., 1st m. July, '80; des'd Aug 9, '80. M R McCaully, Robt., July 15, '80; 5 m. disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Green, Boswart, July 30, '80 ; from 1st New Hampshire Regt. MR LIEUT. COLONEL'S COMPANY. Hooper, Jacob R., Sergt., as Corp'l, June 30, '77; war, Sergt. Apr 6, '80, priv. Apr 4, '83, E. M R Hadley, Bishop, Novbr 26, '76 ; war, m. to Jan'y '81. M R Huffner, Hendr'k, 1st m. Jan'y, '78 ; des'd Jan'y 30, '80. M R Hines, Hend'k, Jan'y 5, '79; des'd Apr 11, '80. M R Howel, Aaron, Febr 1, '80; E. M R OFFICERS AND MEN ofthe Third Regiment, whose proper place in the same could not be ascertained. Dusenbury, John, Lieutenant, Capt. Pierce, Col. Ritzma's 3d N. Y. Line, entered Jan'y, '76, went home sick, se verely wounded at White Plains Novbr, '76, ordered to Van Schaick's, served to Dec, '77, served with Gen. Scott as Brigade Major until Mch, '78, returned to Van Schaick's, transf. to Van Courtlandt's, ordered as Asst. Brigade Major to Gen'l Parsons in Westchester Co. for two years, served then under Lafayette in Philadelphia until fall of '82, fell ill on the march to West Point, N. Y. A. P. 17-275. Livingston, Gilbert B., Lieut., Nov 21, '76; Deserted 12th of October, 1777 ; hung ; (so in red ink in the original.) M R Gray, Silas, 2d Lt., app'd Jan'y 13, '77. Mis. 38^99, Lansing, Garret G., Ensign, Febr 6, '79; m. to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 14-387. M R Burhans, John, Ens'n, enlisted '77; served two years as Sergt., resigned Dec, '79, to assist his family. En sign '80. A. P.14-387, 16-346, 22-69. Fonda, Douw J., Ensign, May 29, '79; must'd to end of war. A. P. 14-387, 22-37. MR C. A. Stillwater. Herring, Ben., Ens'n, entered as Sergt. Jan'y 7, '77; war, Ens'n May 28, '78, must'd to Jan'y, '82, A. P. 14-387. M R Braun, Chas. F. A. P. 23-9L Albany, N. Y. Lotner, Jas., Drummer, Decbr 8, '76 ; war, des'd Mar 13, '79. M R Zannow, Frederick. A. P. 20-172. Claverack, Col. Co. EOURTH REGrlJMENT. Livingston, Henry B., Colonel, Nov 21, '76 ; resigned Jan'y 13, '79, entered as Captain, '75, resigned as Colo nel winter, '78. C, 172, 176, 204. Aa, 17, B, 22, 81. A. P. 16-138. M R Regnier, Peter, Lt. Colonel, resigned March 30, '80. C, 60. A. P. 18-228. Weisenfelts, Fred'k, Lieut. Colonel, Nov 21, '76; Lt. Colo nel Comt. 4th N. Y., Apr 26, '79, transf'd, deranged Jan'y 1, '81. M R Davis, Jno., Major, April 11, '80, vice McCracken, res'd, must'd to Jan'y, '81, then deranged. MR C. A. Sackett, Peter, Adjutant, Nov 21, 76; deserted Aug 25, '78. M R Vonck, Peter, Qr. Master, Nov 21, '76; disch'd Mar 24, '78, by Court Martial. M R Franks, John, Paymaster, Apr 9, '77 ; deranged p. Roll of June, '79. A. P. 20-418. M R Lawrence, John, Paymaster, app'd Jan'y 13, '77. Mis. 38-499. Tetard, John Peter, Chaplain, Nov 21, '76; . M R Vacher (Vasche), John Francis, Surgeon, Febr 7, '77; m. to Jan'y, '81, then deranged. A. P. 14-388. M R 27 Wood, Wm., Surgeon's Mate, Aug 15, '77; resigned Aug. 29, '78. M R Sibeo, Thos., Surgeon's Mate, Oct 23, '78!; omt'd Nov, '79. MR Pryor, Abner Wm., Surgeon's Mate, Jan'y 1, '80; m. to Jan'y, '82. MR' Tuthill, Azariah, Sergt. Major, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, Ensign Apr 23, '78, Lieut. Apr 11, '80, vice Ellsworth, prom., deranged Jan'y, '81. A. P. 14-388. C. A. MR Sinnott, Patt, Sergeant Major, Sergt. Nov 21, '76; Sergt. Major June 1, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. Had probably his home at Seabrook. M R Duguid, Jno., Qr. Mr. Sergeant, May 5, '78; 9 m., Qr. Mr. Sergt. Sept 12, '78, re-enl'd Nov 12, '78 ; 3 yrs, dis ch'd Nov, '81. M R Hartness, And'w, Qr. Mr. Sergt., Jan'y 20, '77; war. M R Ward, Robt., Drum Major, Dec 18, '76; war, Drum'r Aug, '77, Dr. Mr. May, '78, Drum'r Jan'y, '81, m. to July, '82. M R Fletcher, Lawrence, Dr. Major Aug 14, '77; war, died April, 26, '78. M R 210 The New York Line. FIRST COMPANY. Sackett, Sam'l, Captain, Nov 21, '76; died, Apr 15, '80. Aa, 19, B, 23. MR After his death Capt Theo. Fowler's Co. B, 22. A. P. 14-388. M R Norton, Nath'l, 1st Lieut., Nov 21, '76; Capt. 7th Co., Apr 23, '78, in Returns of Regt. in '80, deranged Jan'y, '81, 1st Lt. 1st Co. Mil. Com. A. P. 14-388, 22-249. M R OtBego Co. Smith, George, 2d Lieut., Nov 21, '76; Judge Advocate Oct 5, '77, no evidence of derangement. M R Strang, Gilbert, comm'd Lieut. '75 ; serv'd to Dec. , '76, in Dutchess Co. Minute Men, comm'd Lieut, in Col. Henry B. Livingston's 4th N. Y., Jan'y 1, '77, resigned in April, '78, on ac. of ill health. Mil. Com. A. P. 17-395." Nov. 21, '76, Lieut., Jan'y 9, ?78, res'd Apr 23, '78. M R Tallmadge, Samuel, Ens'n, Sergt. Nov 21, '76; war, En sign Mar 1, '79, with Col. De Hart in '79, '80, Adj't Apr 11, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 14-388. M R Griffing, Stephen, Ens'n, Sergt. Febr 6, '77; war, Ensign June 1, '79 ; to date from Jan'y i, '78, when he commenced doing duty, resigned Apr 4, '81. C. A. A. P. 14-388 M R Terboss, Simon, Sergt-, Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Schriver, Jacob N., Sergt., Apr 19, '77 ; war, priv. Dec 10, '77, transf'd to Gen'l Washington's Guard, June 16, '81. M R Parshall, James, Sergt. June 1, '77; war, captured while on furlough at Saybrook, '80, exch'd June, '80, sick and unable to rejoin his Reg't. A. P. 22-253. M R Saybrook, Conn. Smith, James, Sergt., June 1, '77; war, Corp'l, Jan'y, '78, priv., Mar 28, '78, omt'd Nov, '79. M R Welch, Eph'm, Sergt., July 3, '77 ; war, died Aug 26, '77. M R Goldsmith, Ezra, Corp'l, enl. Nov 21, '76 ; Sergt. Oct 21, '77, drowned in L. I. Sound, while on furlough in '83; mustered to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 21-1. M R Southold, L. I. Kamby, Jas., Corp'l, Decbr 1, '76 ; war, priv. Aug 24, '77. See Combe, Jas. M R Van Hover, Rynier, Corp'l, May 24, '77 ; 8 yrs, Sergt. May 1, '78, disch'd Nov 21, '79. M R Kader, John, Drum., 1st m. June, '79; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Day, Lewis, Fifer, July 15, '80; 5 m., disch'd Decbr 15, '80. M R Brooks, Joseph, Fifer, May 5, '78; 9 m., reduced Aug 1, *78, disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Privates. Buchanan, Samuel, Nov 21, '76; war, prisoner Mar 2, '81. M R Chappel, Benj., Nov 21, '76; war, Armorer, omitted Jan'y, '78. See B. Chapel. M R Cox, Jno., Nov 21, '76 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Davis, Chapman, Nov 21, '76; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Davis, Joshua, Nov 21, 76; war, des'd, 1st m., must'd Aug, '78, to Jan'y, '82. Dayton, Sam'l, Nov 21, '76; war, died Sept 16, '77. M R Dayton, Sam'l Jun'r, Nov 21, '76 ; war, died of his wounds Nov 1, '77. M R 1 Dickerson, David, Nov 21, '76; war, Corp'l Nov 24, '77, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Kenner, Jon'n, Novbr 21, '76; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Norton, Geo., Nov 21, '76; war, exch'd for B. Aston, May, '79. M R Reynolds, Timothy, Nov 21, '76; war, prisoner Mar 2, '81. M R Ruland, Jehiel, Nov 21, '76; war, died April 16, '79. M R Williamson, Jas., Nov 21, '76; war, Corp'l Oct, '78, Sergt. Apr, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R McKeal, Adam, Nov 26, '76 ; war, des'd Mar 1, '78. M R Barry, Charles, Dec 1, '76; war, died Febr 22, '78. M R Kelly, Maurice, Decbr 1, '76 ; war, m. to Jan '82. M R Peterson, Simon, Dec 1, '76; war, woundeed in left leg at New Town, Sullivan's Expedition, '79, discharged from Corps of Invalids Nov 1/83. C, 122, Aa, 19. M. R Laborer, N. Y. City. Van der Voort, John, Dec 4, '76 ; war, died of his wounds Oct 15, '77. M R Mills, And'w, Dec 5, '76; war, Corp'l June 1, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Aston, Benoni, Dec 18, 76 ; war, died April 16, '79, or disch'd. M R Cliff, Joseph, Decbr 18, '76; war, des'd Aug 10, '81. M R Cummings, Jona., Dec 25, '76; war, prisoner June 30, '77. MR Alport, John, Jan'y 1, '77; war, to Jan'y, '82. M R Craft, Nath'l Jan'y 1, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R English, John, Jan'y 1, '77; war, died May 1 , '78. M R Miller, Justus, Jan'y 1, '77; war, omt'd sick, Febr, '78. M R Pettit, Dan'l, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd Oct 20, '77. M R Wier, Jere'h, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd Apr, '80, m. Aug, '80, to Jan'y, '82. MR Corbey, Rich'd, Jan'y 5, '77 ; war, des'd Decbr 28, '78. M R Banker, Jacob, Jan'y 11, '77 ; war, des'd Oct 14, '77. M R Gordon, Wm., Jan'y 12, '77; war, des'd Sept 1, '77. M R Marshall, Jas., Jan'y 18, '77; war, des'd July 6, '80. M R Mitchell, Wm., Jan'y 20, '77; war, des'd Nov 1, '77. M R Moore, Jno., Febr 3, '77; war, des'd Nov 1, '77. M R Terry, Sam'l, Febr 9, '77; war, died Febr 1, '79. M R Clark, Jno., Feb'y 19, '77 ; war, des'd Sept 15, '81. M R Corwin, Edw., Mar 1, '77 ; prisoner Mar 2, '81. M R Chinander, Jno., Mar 20, '77 ; war, des'd Nov 1, '77. M R Murphy, Dan'l, Mar 26, '77; war, died June 20, '78. MR Greatman, Jno., Apr 26, '77; war, des'd July 5, '77. M R Idget, Geo., May 30, '77 ; 3 yrs, died May 21, '78. M R McKeal, Adam, June 19, '77; see McKeal, Adam, in 2d N. Y. M R Hawkins, Zophar, Nov 21, '77; war, prisoner Mar 2, '81. MR Disert, Jno., Nov 29, '77 ; war, des'd May 18, '78. M R Barnhart, Jeremiah, May 1, '79; 9 m., omitted Novbr, '79. M R Case, Wm., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd. M R Dickerson, Benj., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Joy, Sam'l, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., re-enlisted, omt'd June. '80. M R McCalley, Chas., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. MR Pettu, Sam'l, May 5, '78; 9 m., Drum'r, Dec '78, priv. Nov, '79, m. to Jan'y, '81. MR Rhodes, Jacob, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. MR Tinkle, Henry, May 5, '78 ; 9 m. , disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Weeks, John, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R 1 he New York Line. 211 Jones, John, May 1, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R jNogart, Jno., May 1, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. MR Strong, Wm., May 1, '79; 9 m., des'd June 21, '79. M R Kader, Adam, 1st m. June '79; war, ru. to Jan'y, '82. M R Harper, Wm., 1st in. Jan'y '80; prisoner Mar 2, '81. M R McClain, Jno., 1st m. Jan'y, '80; des'd Mar 28, '80. M R Morrill, Wm., 1st m. Mar '80 ; des'd Mar 10, '80. M R Decker, Mich'l, 1st m. Apr, '80 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Burham, Jere., July 15, '80 ; 5 m., disch'd Decbr 15, '80. MR Cornwall, Caleb, July 15, '80; 5 m., des'd Oct 15, '80Y M R Dullaway, Andrew, July 15, '80; 5 m., disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Dunbar, Wm., July 15, '80; war, des'd Oct 19, '80, joined Oct 20, '81, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Gray, James, July 15, '80; 5 m., disch'd Decbr 15, '80. M R Hunt, David, July 15, '80; 5 m., des'd Nov 4, '80. M R Nostrander, Jas., July 15, '80; 5 m., disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Randall, Seth, July 15, '80; 5 m„ des'd Noy 4, '80. M R Swift, Ambrose, July 15, '80; 5 m., disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R SECOND COMPANY. Davis, John, Captain, entered '75; taken prisoner '81, died in prison. A. P 18-421. Captain Nov 21 , '76, Major Apr 11, '80, m. to Jan'y, '81, then deranged. M R Heaven (Havens), Wm., 1st Lieut., Nov 21, '76, resigned Nov 7, '77. M R Concklin, Silvanus, 2d Lieut., Nov 21, '76; died Oct (Dec) '7, '78. MR Connolly's Return. Rose, Isaac A., Ensign, Nov 21, '76; Lieut. Nov 9, '77; res'd Jan'y 22, '78. M R Brewster, Caleb, Ens'n, commander U. S. Revenue Cut ter, Fairfield, Conn. A. P. 20-423. (2d Co. Mil. Com.) Howel, Geo., Sergt., Nov 21, '76; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Loaper, Abr'm, Sergt., Nov 21, '76; war, disch'd May 28, '78. M R Hilks, Jacob, Sergt., as Corp'l Nov 21, '76; war, Sergt. Nov 1, '78, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Buckingham, Stephen, Drummer, Decbr 25, '76; war, dis ch'd Mar 1, '80. M R Black, David, Drummer, Nov 1, '78; must'd priv. Jan'y, '80 to Jan'y, '82. M R McClaran, David, Fifer, 1st m. May, '78; war, died June 28, '78. M R " Burrows, Sam'l, Fifer, Nov 15, '78; des'd Apr 15, '80. M R Smith, John, Fifer, 1st m. Sept, '80 ; m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Coleman, Sam'l, Mus'n, May 5, '78 ; 9m., reduced July 31, '78, disch'd. M R Privates. Sanford, Benj., served during one campaign, '76. A. P. 21-139. South'n, L. I. Bassett, Wm., Nov 21, '76; war. M R Brown, Sam'l, Nov 21, '76; war, Corp'l Apr, '79, must'd to Jan'y, '82; served under Capt Jno. Smith, enlisted Nov 21, '76, Corporal '79, served until near the end of war. A. P. 21-135, 151. M R Southampton, L. I. Chappel, Benj., Nov 21, '76; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Conn, Wm., Nov 21, '76; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Doughty, Geo., Doc 11, '76; war, des'd Febr 10, '77. M R Edwards, David, Nov 21, '76; war, died Mar 16, '78, (Con nolly, died May 16, '78). M R Filer, Thomas, enlisted for the war Novbr 21, '76, killed Oct 31, '77. A. P. 17-422. M R Halsey, Abraham, Nov 21, '76; war, prisoner Mar 2, '81. A. P. 21-141. M R South'n, L. I. Halsey, Thomas, Novbr 21, '76; war, mustered to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 21-147. M R South'n, L. I. Howel, Seth, Nov 21, '76; war, pris'r Mar 3, '81. M R Kinney, Chas., Nov 21, '76; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R McCollen, Jno., Nov 21, '76; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Miller, Benj., Nov 21, '76; war, m. to Jan'y, '83. M R Morpeth, Wm., Nov 21, '76 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Paine, Silas, Nov 21, '76; war, disch'd on ac. of wounds at Paramus, N. J., Mar 23, '80, and furnished a substi tute, omitted Aug, '80. A . P. 24-140. M R South'n, Suffolk Co., later Ontario Co. Rainer, Ichabod, Nov 31, '76; war, died June 8, '78. M R Russell, Jona., Nov 21, '76; war, Corp'l, Apr '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Sandford, Dan'l, Nov 21, '76; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Simmons, Jno., Nov 21, '76; m. to Jan'v, '82. M R Smith, Davis, Nov 21, '76; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R White, Eph'm, Nov 21, '76; war, pris'r, Mar 2, '81. M R White, Stephen, Nov 21, '76; war, died Apr 13, '77. M R McEvers, Jno., Dec 28, '76 ; war, died Febr 6, '78. M R Latham, John, enlisted Nov '76 ; Mar 1, '77, war, died Dec 29, '78. A. P. 17-323. M R Concklin, Dan'l, Jan'y 1, '77; war, Corp'l Dec 1, '78, Sergt. Sept 1, '80, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Colvin, Jas., Jan'y 15, '77; war, des'd Mar 15, '77. M R Longworth, Isaac, Jan'y 15, '77; War, des'd Mar 23, '77. M R Stewart, Jno., Jan'y 15, '77; war, des'd Mar 23,8 '77. M R Valentine, Gabriel, Jan'y 15, '77 ; war, des'd Mar 23, '77. M R Vonck, Henry, Jan'y 15, '77; 3 yrs, sick, omt'd May, '79. M R Williams, Abr'm, Jan'y 15, '77; war, des'd May 26, '77. M R Wood, Sam'l, Jan'y 15, '77; war, des'd Mar 23, '77. M R Reid, James, Febr 27, '77; war, des'd Apr 1, '77. M R Robinson, Math'w, Mar 4, '77; war, des'd Aug 1, '77. M R Riggs, Dan'l, Apr 12, '77; war, des'd July 31, '78, taken June 12, '80. m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Blenberry, Elijah, Apr 29, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Nov 12, '77, joined June, '78, died July 1, '78. M R Andres, Joseph, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd . M R Black, David, May 5, '78; 9 m., died July 9, '78. M R Boyles, James, May 5, '78; 9 m., must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Chappel, Benj., Jr., 1st m. Apr., '78, to Jan'y, '82. M R Defew, Geo., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd. M R Delany, Dennis, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd. M R Dickerson, Jno., May 5, '78; 9 m., died Oct 1, '78. M R Ford, Wm., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd. M R Hall, Isaac, May 5, '78; 9 m., des'd July 26, '78. M R Harvey, David, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd. M R Himes, Joseph, May 5, '78; 9 in., died Nov 29, '78. M R Honovon, Rice, May 5, '78; 9 m. , des'd Sept 15, '78. M R Hosford, Ithamar, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd. M R 212 The New York Line. House, Jacobus, Decbr 27 '78; 9 m., des'd April 15, '80. MR Kieff, Arthur. May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd. M R Kirk, Joseph, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd. M R Knapping, Jere'h, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., des'd July 29, '78. MR Leppar, Jno., Decbr 6, '78; m. to Jan'y, '82. M'R Lewis, Jabez, May 5, '78; 9 m., des'd Nov 30/78. M R Pierce, Thos., Mar 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd. M R Robison, Jas., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., died June 16, '78. M R Roe, John, May 5, '78.; 9 m., transf'd to German Corps Aug 24, '78 M R Scott, James May 5, '78; 9 m., discharged. M R Wattles, Wm., May 5, '78; 9 m., Sergt. June, '78, priv. Oct, '78, disch'd. MR Weeks, James, May 5, '78 ; 9 m. , disch'd. M R Welsh, John, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd pr. Roll Oct, '78. MR Whaley, Timothy, May 5, '78; 9 m., des'd Sept 24, '78. M R Chistley, Jno., May 1, '79; 9 m., omitted Jan'y 1, '80. M R David, Isaac, May 1, '79 ; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Dick, Henry, May 1, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Sly, Wm., May 1, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Vaults, Conrad, May 1, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Word, Abijah, May 1, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Yarinton, Wm., May 1, '79 ; 9 m., re-enl'd and m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Aston, Lockwood, July 1, '80 ; disch'd Decbr 15, '80. M R Briggs, Jeremiah, July 1, '80; 6 m., disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Doughty, Elias, July 1, '80; 5 m., disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Doxey, Stephen, July 1, '80; 5 m., disch'd Decbr 15, '80. M R Moore, Robert, July 1, '80 ; des'd Oct, 24, '80. M R Moore, Thos., July 1, '80 ; disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Prime, Peter. July 1, '80; des'd Nov 8, '80. M R Ramis, James, July 1, '80; disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Ray, Robt., July 1, '80; disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Steenburgh, Peter, July 1, '80 ; disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Sweet, David, July 1, '80; disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Sweet, Nathan, July 1, '80; disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Shaw, Mich'l, joined Aug 21, '80; pris'r Mar 2, '80. M R Scott, John, entered as substitute, 1st m. Sept, '80 ; tr. to Col. Jackson's Mass. Troops at disbandment of 4th N. Y., Oct 8, 80, 'drowned on the march to Yorktown. A. P. 24-151. THIRD COMPANY. Pearsee, Jona. , Captain, "Nov 21, '76; resigned Apr 23, '78. Returns of the Regt. of '80,, 3d Capt. according to Mil Com., later in Willet's Bounty Regt. to Jan'y 1, '84, call Walker, 3d Capt. A. P. 16-354. MR Van Buuschoten. Peter, 2d Lieut., Nov 21, '76; 1st Lieut. Nov 9. '77 ; deranged Jan'y 1, '81. M R Van Howenburgh, Rudolph, Lieut., Ensign, (3d Co. Mil. Com.) Nov 21, '76 ; Lieut. Jan'y 9, '78; m. to Jan'y, '82. A: P. 19-255. M R Dodge, Samuel, Ensign, enl'd Sergt. May 2, '77; 3 yrs, Ens'n June 1, '79, to date from Jan'y 1, '78, he having commenced doing duty at that date, must'd to Jan'y, '82. C. A. M R Thompson, Jno., Sergt., Jan'y 1, 77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. MR Martin, Arch'd, Sergt., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., des'd Jan'y 18, '79. MR Van Atten, Peter, Corp'l, Apr 10, '77 ; 3 yrs, Sergt. June, '79, des'd July 21, '80. MR Welch Isaac, Corp'l, Aug 4, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd June 1, '78. M R White Geo., Corp'l, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. MR Gilchrist, Wm., Drummer, May 28, '77; 3 yrs, must'd priv. Jan'y, '80 to Jan'y, '82. M R Privates. Kipp, Matthew, enlisted Nov 26, '76; war, died in the service, '78, (omt'd Oct, '78.) A. P. 19-115. M R Robinson, And'w, Nov 27, '76; war, des'd Nov 28, '76. M R Hyatt, Abraham, enlisted Nov 28, '76 ; died at Valley Forge, May, '78, (omt'd Oct, 78.) A. P. 20-21. M R Dutchess Co. Bavley, Dan'l, Nov 29, '76; 3 yrs, disch'd Dec 3, '79. M R Rogers, Wm., Dec 3, '76; war, des'd next day. M R Colley, Henry, Dec 4, '76; war, des'd next day. M R Ephraim, Eben'r, Dec 4, '76; war, des'd next day. M R Francis, John, Dec 4, '76 ; war, deserted next day. M R Waterbury, Eli, Dec 4, '76 ; war, des'd Sept 5, '76,(?) M R Dwyre, Simon, Jan'y 29, '77; war, des'd next day. M R McCrackin, Jno., Jan'y 29, '77 ; des'd next day. M'R Tuthill, Jas., Jan'y 29, '77; war, died May 29, '78. "M R Light, Jno., Febr 26, '77; war, des'd June 1, '78, j'd Nov 25, '78, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Murphy, Jas., Mar 1, '77; war, des'd Sept 6, '77. M R Freyer, Simon, Apr 3, '77; 3 yrs, des'd July 10, 77. M R Bunner, Will'm, Apr 12, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Apr 21, '78. M R Foster, Wm., Apr 15, '77; w., des'd Apr 30, '77. M R Bryant, Thos., Apr 16, '77; war, died Sept 22, '77. M R Post, Samuel, Apr 19, '77; war, missing after Battle of Monmouth, June 28, '78. A. P. 19-255. M R Blace, Christ'n, Apr 24, '77; war, died Oct 22, '79. M R Carrier, Greer, April 25, '77; 3 yrs, des'd July 15, '77. MR Cook, M. B., April 25, '77; war, omitted Jan'y, '80. A. P. 23-85. M R Tioga Co. Macks, Aholiah, Apr 25, '77; 3 yrs, priv. Apr, '78, Corp'l, June 1, '79, disch'd Dec 10, '79. MR Burkstaff, David, May 2, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Nov 3, '77. M R Campbell, Jacob, May 2, '77 ; war, des'd Noy 3 '77. M R Miller, Peter. May 2, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd July 10, '77. M R Van der Bogart, John, May 2, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd May 2, '80. M R Westfall, Levi, May 2, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd May 2,i'80. MR Decker, Geo., May 7, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd May 2, '80. MR Minks, Jno., May 7, '77; 3 yrs and war, unfit for service, pr. m., Jan'y, '81. M R Plass, Mich'l, May 7, '77 ; war, des'd Aug 31, '77, exch'd for Jno. Minx. MR Hallenbeck, Abr'm, May 9, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Nov 3 '77. MR Halt, Fred'k, May 9, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd July 12, '77 M R Hoff, Bastian, May 10, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Aug 1, '77 M R Hoff, Henry H, May 9, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Oct 1, '77. M R Hoff, Wm., May 9, '77; 3 yrs, des'd June 1, joined Nov 25, '78, disch'd Nov 3, '80. MR i Plass, Peter, May 9, '77; 3 yrs, des'd June 1, i'd Nov 25, '78, disch'd Nov 2, '80. MR Rosman, Adam, May 9, '77; 3 yrs, exch'd for John Wil liams. M R The New York Line. 213 Hughson, Wm., May 10; '77; war, des'd June, '78. M R Williams, John, substitute for Adam Rosman, died Mar 18, '78. M R Coon, Peter, May 11, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Nov 3, '77, joined Nov 31, '78, disch'd Decbr 15, '80. M R Decker, B. Jas., May 11, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Oct 11, '77. M R Decker, Jacobus, May 11, '77; 3 yrs, des'd July 12, '77. M R Bunker, Will'm, May 12, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd May 12, '80. M R Houtou, Jno. V., May 17, '77; 3 yrs and war, des'd June 1, '77 M R Mitchell, Sam'l, May 17, '77; war, omt'd Apr, '79. M R Hubbard, Jno., May 21, '77; war, des'd Apr 1, '80, m. July, '80, to Jan'y, '82. M R Griffin, Barney, May 23, '77; war, disch'd unfit for service Febr 21, '78. M R Walker, Math'w, May 23, '77; Corp'l Apr, '79, Sergt. June, 79, priv. July 12, '81, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Travers, Nich's, May 28, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Aug 1, '77, j'd Nov 25, '78, disch'd Jan'y 31, '79. MR Thomas, John, May 29, '77; war, died Sept 19, '77. M R Stagg, John, Nov 27, '77; war, died June 24, '78. M R Bogg, John, Apr 23, '78 ; 3 yrs, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Warner, Killian, May 1, '79 ; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Baldwin, Nath'l, May 5, '78; 9 m., des'd Jan'y 28, '79. M R Carr, Anth'y, May 5, '78; 9 m., des'd Jan'y 28, '79. M R Cherry, Jno., May 5, '78; 9 m., must'd Drummer Oct, '78, must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR Curry, -Mich'l, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr'y 5, '79. M R Hammond, Is'c May 5, '78 ; 9 m., omt'd July, '78. M R Henesy, Jno., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., re-enlisted and omt'd May, '79 ; joined Aug 1, '81, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Maloy, Jno., May 5, '78; 9 m., Febr 5, '79. M R Merit, Ebenezer, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. MR Mowby, Tobias, May 5, '78; 9 m., Febr 5, '79. M R Norstrant, Geo., May 5, '78; 9 m„ disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Packall, Jno. H., May 5, '78; 9 m., re-enl'd, omt'd Jan'y, '80, prisoner, par'd in '81. M R Parkin, Thos., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. MR Van Valkenburg, Francis, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Whitman, Jno., May 5, '78; 9 m., died June, '78. M R Willson, Mich'l, May 5, '78; 9 m., 'des'd Jan'y 28, '79. M R Wise, Dan'l, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R About, Philipp, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Antone, John, May 5, '78; 9 m., omit'd July, '78. M R Antony, Simon, May 5, '78; 9 m., des'd Jan'y 28, '79. M R Acker, Henry, May 10, '77; war, des'd June 11, '77. M R Bishop, Ebenezer, May 12, '78; 9 m., died June 17, '78. M R Quant, Henry, 1st m. June, '78; 9 m., des'd July 13, '78. MR Pennear, Peter, Nov 5, '78; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Closser, Christ'n, Nov 6, '78; war, Corp'l Febr 1, '80, Sergt. Aug 13, '80, to Jan'y, '82. M R Myre, John, May 1, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Van Size, Gilbert, May 1, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. MR Day, Jona., July 5, '80 ; des'd Oct 15, '80. M R Michael, Sam'l ; see Sam'l Mitchell. M R Post, Cornelius. A. P. 19-255. FOURTH COMPANY. Jackson, Wm., Captain, Nov 21, '76 ; resigned Aug 21, '77. MR Marvin (Mervin), Benj., 1st Lieut., (4th Co. Mil. Com.) Nov 21, '76; Captain Jan'y 9, '78, resigned Apr 23, '78. Israel Smith became 4th Capt. according to Returns of Regt. in '80. MR Frilick, Joseph, Lieut., Ensign (4th Co. Mil. Com.) Nov 21, '76; Lieut. Nov 9, '77, must'd to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 14-318. M R Ludlow, Dan'l, Sergt. Jan'y 1, '77; war, priv. Nov 25, '77, Corp'l May, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Clark, David, Sergt., Mar 1, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR Miller, Jesse, Corp'l, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, exch'd for Jas. Johnston, May 28, '80. M R McClean, Niel, Drum'r, Dec 7, '77; war, priv. Sept 1, '80, to Jan'y, '82. M R Privates. Baremore, Edw., Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd Nov 16, '77. M R Campbell, Andrew, Jan'y 1, '77; war, Corp'l Sept 1, '80, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Davis, Rich'd, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, disch'd Febr 15, '79. M R Dunnivan, Peter, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd Nov 3, '80. M R Elswortb, John, Jan'y 1, '77, war, des'd Aug 1, '77, j'd May 4, '78. M R France, Jno., Jan'y 1, '77; war, died May 3, '78. M R Franks, Peter, Jan'y 1, 77; war, died May 26, '78. M R Holmes, Jno., Jan'y 1, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R McGillis, Hugh, Jan'y 1, '77; war, deserted Aug 1, '77 MR Mason, Thos., Jan'y 1, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Owens, Amaz'h, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd Jan'y 1, '80. MR Raney, John, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd Aug 1, '77. M R Smith, Benjamin, enl. Jan'y, '77 ; disabled by cold and fever at Valley Forge, winter '78, transferred to Col. Ph. V. Cortland, Jan'y '81, m. to Jan'y, '82, discharged June 7, '83. B, 81, C, 176. M R Weaver, New Windsor, Ulster Co. Smith, John, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd July 31, '77. M R Snowden, Jno., Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Upton, Benj., Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd July 33, '77, j'd July, '78, m. to Jan'y, '83. See Baton. M R Van Atter, James, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd Nov 16, '77, jo'd Mar 25, '78, omt'd July, '78. M R Canden, Philipp, Febr 10, '77; war, des'd Aug 16, '77. MR. Brown, Joseph, Febr 28, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Hooker, Jno., Mar 1, '77; war, died July 31, '77. M R Smith, Nathan, Mar 23, '77; war, des'd Jan'y 5, '79. M R Barnes, Jno., 1st m. July, '77; war, des'd July 27, '77. M R Baldwin, Jehiel, May 5, '78; 9 m,, des'd Febr 5, '79, (probably disch'd). M R Esmond, Josiah, May 5, '78; 9 m., des'd(?) Febr, 5 '79. M R Ferris, Lud'w, May 5, '78; 9 m., om'd July, '78. M R 214 The New York Line. Fish, Abner, May 5, 78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5. '79. M R Stephens, Justice, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Fitch, James, May 1, '79; disch'd Decbr 31, *79. M R Connor, John, Corp'l* May 5, '78 ; 9 m., des'd Nov 30, '78. M R Vredenbergh, Jas., Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd Nov 2, '80. See Vredenbergh. M R Canfield, Arnon, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Clark, Ephraim, May 5, '78 ; 9 m. , disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Cole, Aaron, May 5, '78; 9 m., des'd Nov 30, '78. M R Cole, Oliver, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Davis, Pat'k, May -6, '78; 9 m., re-enl'd and must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Davis, Thos., May 5, '78; 9 m., died p. Roll of Aug, '78. M R Davison, Jno., May 5, '78; 9 m., re-enl'd, mustered to Jan'y, '82. M R Dunmore, Caesar, May 5, '78; 9 m. disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Geers, Benj., May 5, '78; 9 m., des'd Novbr 30, '78. M R Hawkins, Noah, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Jaine, Jotham, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. Jacklin, Sam'l, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. Ketchum, Sam'l, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. McWhorter, John, May 5, '78; 9 in., disch'd Febr 5, '79. Mervin, Stephen, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. Newman, Abr'm, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. Penoyer, Israel, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd. Febr 5, '79. Robins, Evans, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. Van Tassell, Jno., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., des'd Sept 1, '78. Venier, Peter, May 5, '78; 9 m., omt'd Jan'y, '79. M R Walker, Edw'd, Mar 5, '78; 9 in., re'enl'd and m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Cole, Aaron, July 5, '80; must'd to Jan'y, '81. M R Concrite, Henry, July 5, '80; must'd to Jan'y, '81. M R Connor, James, July 5, '80; must'd to Jan'y, '81. M R Crigier, John, July 5, '80 ; must'd to Jan'y, 81. M R Davis, Peter, Febr 15, '79; war, prisoner Mar 2, '81. M R FIFTH COMPANY. Strong, Nathan, Captain, Nov 21, '76 ; deranged Apr '79. A. P. 17-431. M R Titus is 5th Capt. in Returns of Regt. of '80. N. Y. City. Concklin, Edward, 1st Lieut., Nov 21, '76; resigned Novbr 7, '77. M R Elsworth, Peter (2d Lt. Mil. Com.), Nov 21, '76 ; Lieut. Sept 17, '77, Adj. July, '78, Apr, '80, Capt., Lieut., Apr 11, '80, vice Dunscomb, prom., must'd to Jan'y, '81, then deranged. MR C. A. Howel, Jehiel, Sergt., Jan'y 30, 77; war, died June 26, '78. M R Parsons, John, Sergt., Jan'y 30, '77; war, died Sept 22, '77. M R Adams, Daniel, Sergt., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Crosby Enoch, Sergt.., May 5, '78 ; 9 m. in Strong's Co., 4th N. Y., disch'd Febr 5, '79, enl'd '80 in 2d N. Y. to end of war. A. P. 24-350. MR N. Y. C. Sutherland, Jas., Sergt., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Weaver, John, Corp'l, Nov 25, '76; war, priv. Febr, '79, Corp'l Jan'y, '81, priv. July, "81, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Mapes, Jno., Corp'l, Dec 15, '76; war, priv. Nov '77, died June 27, '78. M R Williams, Chas., Corp'l, Jan'y 1, '77; war, priv. May, '78, des'd Nov, '78, taken Jan'y, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Van North, John, Drum'r, Sept 24, '78 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Privates. Drake, Benoni, Nov 25, 76; war, des'd Nov 6, '77. M R Monday, James, Nov 25, '76; war, m., to Jan'y, '82. M R Stanley, Dan'l, Nov, '76 ; war, des'd same day. M R Thompson, Wm., Nov 25, '76; war, des'd June 4, '77. M R Warner, Martin, Nov 25, '76 ; war, des'd June 20, '77. M R Williams, Aaron, Dee 10, '76; war, des'd Aug 12, '77 MR Ellis, John, enlisted Decbr 15, '76, in Capt. Strong's Co., 4th N. Y., war, joined the 2d Regt. Jan 1, '81, pro moted to Sergt. Jan'y, '81, and served till end of war. A. P. 17-682. M R Hodges, Joseph, Decbr 15, '76; war, des'd Mar 12, '77. M R Curtis, Vaniard (Niard), enlisted Dec 16, '76; died at Valley Forge June, "78, died in hospital after Mon mouth, '78. Des'd Jan'y 31, '79. MR A. P. 17-431. Bazely, Corn's, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd Apr 1, '77. M R Cannady, Jno., Jan'y 1, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Gibson, Rob't, Jan'y 1, '77; war, died May 10, '78. M R Linch, Lawrence, Jan'y 1, '77; war. M R Smith, Wm., Jan'y 4, '77 ; war, des'd June 4, '77. M R McElley, John, Jan'y 13, '77; war, des'd Jan'y 31, '77. M R Hardy, David, Jan'y 30, '77 ; war, omt'd Decbr, '77, on board ship. M R Bartley, Anth'y, (or Bodley), Mar 1, '77; war. M R Skaats, (Scates), James, Mar 1, '77 ; war, Corp'l July, '81, m. to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 20-21. M R Laborer, N. Y. C. Jameson, 'Wm., Mar 10, '77; war, des'd Mar 21, '77. M R Ludlum, Jno., Mar 10, '77; war, Corp'l Febr, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Watkins, Wm., Mar 10, '77; war, des'd Mar 20, '77. M R Hall, James, Mar 12, '77; war, des'd Mar 22, '77. M R Wells, Wm., Mar 12, 77 ; war, des'd Mar 22, '79. M R McClean, Hugh, Mar 15, '77; war, des'd Mar 23, '77. M R McDowell, John, Mar 18, '77 ; war, pris'r Mar 2, '81. M R Impson, Elias, 1st m. May, '77 ; war, des'd May 12, '77. M R Impson, Robt., 1st m. May, '77; war, des'd May 12, '77. M R * Mervin or Marvin, in whose Company the Mil. Register says the men from Corporal John O'Connor served, probably commanded the 4th Company after Jackson's resignation. B. F. The New York Line. 215 Gillet, Joseph, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd, Febr 5, '79. M R Hunter, Benj., May 31, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd May 31, '80. M R Beckwith, Sibus, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., des'd Decbr 31, '78. M R Brock, Robert, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. MR Cole, Wm., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. MR Cunningham, Henry, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, . '79. M R Davis, Joseph, May 5, '78; 9 m., died p. roll of Jan'y, '79. MR Demorest, Jno., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Sept 24, '78. M R Dutcher, Adam, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Sept 16, '78. MR Eliker, Em., May 5, '78 ; disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Ellison, Jas., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Fairly, Wm., May 5, '78; 9 m., des'd Sept 1, '78. M R Gibson, John, May 5, '78; 9 in., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Hoomes, Jno., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. MR Huffman, Gab'l, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. MR Hunt, Solomon, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., des'd Decbr 81, '78. M R Kelly, Dennis, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. MR Kelly, Isaac, May 5, '78 ; 9 m. , disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Lansing, Jno., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Linch, Jno., May 5, '78; 9 m., des'd Aug 1, '78. M R Meken, Dan'l, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Roomer, Peter, May 5, '78; 9 in., disch'd Febr 7, '79. M R Runnells, Abijah, May 5, '78; 9 m., des'd Jan'y 31, '79. Runnells, Joseph, May 5, '78; 9 m., des'd Sept 1, '78. M R Scott, Alex'r, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Oct 7, '78. M R Siscoe, Dick, May. 5, '78 ; 9 m., unfit for service. M R Strong, John, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Sweed, Wm., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. MR Wilkinson, Thos., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Newcomb, Thomas, 1st m., Jan'y, '79; war, . M R Curley, John, May 1, '79; 8 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Mcintosh, Wm., May 1, '79; 8 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Myer, Chr'n, May 1, '79; 8 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Norton, Abell, May 1, '79; 8 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. MR Norton, Sibill, May 1, '79; 8 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Scott, Henry, May 1, '79 ; 8 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Tice, Joseph, May 1, '79 ; 8 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Lock, Jno., May 5, '79 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Ward, Abijah, 1st m. Febr'y, '80; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Ward, Zadoch, July 1, '80; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R SIXTH COMPANY. Walker, Benj., Captain, Nov 21, '76 ; A. D. C. to Baron Steuben, Sept, '78, to Gen'l Washington, Jan'y 25, '82, m. to Jan'y, '82. See Captain 3d Company. M R Fowler, Theodoslus, app'd 1st Lt., Jan'y 13, '77. Mis. 38-499. M R Hunt, Thos., 1st Lieut., 2d Lieut. (7th Co. Mil. Com.) Nov 21, '76; 1st Lieut. Nov 9, '77, m. to Jan'y, '81, then deranged. M R Gray, Silas, Lieut. (2d Lt. 6th Co.) Nov 26, '76; 1st Lieut. Mar 13, '77, Capt. vice Davis, prom'd, Apr 11, '80, de ranged Jan'y 1. A. P. 14-388. MR C. A. Barrett, James, Lieut., Nov 9, '77; Ensign Nov 21, '76, must'd Qr. Mr. to Jan'y, '81, then deranged. M R Dodge, Samuel, Ensign, Sergt. Oct 2, '77; 3 yrs, Ensign June 1, '79. MR' Morrill, Joseph, Ensign, Jan'y 1, '78; m. to Jan'y, '82, as Sergt. in Davis' Co. Dec 10, '76, war, Sergt. Maj. in Mervin's Mar 1, '79, Ens'n June 1, to date from Jan'y 1, '78, m. to Jan'y, '82, Lieut. A. P. 20-72. A. P. 14-388. C. A. Topping, Dan'l, Sergt., Nov 21, '76; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. MR Woodruff, Eph'm, Sergt., Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, Ensign Nov. 9, '77; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Sibb,io, Thos., Sergt., May 1, '77; war, Surgeon's Mate Nov 28, '78, omt'd Nov, '79. M R McCollister, Wm., Sergt., (Gray's Co.?) May 8, '77; war, priv. Aug, '80, Sergt. Jan'y, '81, priv. Sept, '81, m. to . Jan'y, '82. MR Fardimon, Sam'l, Sergt., July 15, '80; 5 m., disch'd Decbr 15, '80. M R Daniels, Jno., Sergt., joined Sept 1, '80. See Duns- comb's Comp'y. MR Davis, Rich'd, Sergt., Corpl. Nov 21, '76; war, Sergt. May, '79, to Jan'y, '82. M R Dickenson, Ab'm, Sergt., Corpl. Nov 21, '76 ; war, must'd Sergt. Jan'y, '81, to Jan'y, '82. M R Talmadge" Joseph, Corpl., (Fowler's Co.?) Nov 21, '76; war, Sergt. Jan'y, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Cambe, James, Corpl., Decbr 1, '76; war, reduced Aug 24, '77, sick, must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR Pollard, Thomas, Corpl. Jan'y 1, '77; war, Sergt. Dec 23, '78, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Roome, Benj., Corpl., Jan'y 1, '77; war, priv. Apr 27, '78, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Parks, Wm., Corpl., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Charlesworth, M. Jno., Drummer, Decbr 1, '76; war: Fife Major, Oct 15, '80, must'd Fifer Febr, 81, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Moulton, Cato, Drum'r, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd Apr 1, '80. MR Livingston, Dick, Fifer, Jan'y 1, '77; war, disch'd Oct 19, '78. M R Day, Aaron, Fifer, May 1, '79; 8 m., disch'd Dec 31, '79. M R Moulton, Josiah, Fifer, Nov 27, '79; 3 yrs, des'd Apr 1, '80. M R Privates. Dayton, Bennet, Nov 21, '76; war, transf'd to Sappers and Miners June 16, '81, to end of war. M R Denny, Peter, Nov 21, '76; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Sherwood, Micajah, Nov 21, '76; war, m. to Jan'y, '81. MR Thompson, Benj., Nov 21, '76 ; war, des'd Oct 7, '80. M R Rowland, Thos., Nov 27, '76; war, des'd Dec 20, '76. M R Adams, Jesse, Nov 28, '76; war, des'd Nov 29, '80. M R Thorp, Peter, Dec 6, '76; war, des'd Dec 20, '76. M R Bogart, John, Dec 7, '76 ; war, deserted Jan'y 20, '77. M R Mulliner, Moses, Dec 7, '76 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Dec 7, '79. See McCracken's Co. M R Plumb, Stephen, enlisted Dec 13, '76 ; war, transferred to 2d N. Y. early in '81, left eye destroyed before Yorktown, Va., Oct, '81, disch'd Jan'y 20, '82. C, 173. M R Carpenter, Cortlandt Manor, Westchester Co. 216 The New York Line. Barnham, Wm., Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Collins, Edw., Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd June 20, '79, joined, des'd again Sept 14, '81. M R Connor, Patrick, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd Decbr 4, '81. MR Cotteral, Rich'd, Jan'y 1, '77; war, must'd to JanJy, '82. M R Couzard, Rich'd, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd Oct 11, '81. M R Cox, Simon, Jan'y 1, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Crouch, James, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd Mar 25, '77. M R Decker, Jno., Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd Febr'y 17, '77. M R Dennison, Thos., Jan'y 1, '77; war, Corpl. Nov, '79, red'd Sept 1, '80, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R De Rouste, Anth'y, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Dougherty, Mark, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd Decbr 16, '77. M R Dunnivan, John, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Epton, Benj., Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd July 31, '77, jo'd July 1, '78, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R See Upton. Fonsey, Joseph, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd July 27, '77. M R Gray, Robert, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd July 27, '77. M R Handly, James, Jan'y 1, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Jeffers, John, Jan'y 1, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Johnson, Sam'l, Jan'y 1, 77; war, m. to Jan'y, '83. M R Leonard, Edw'd, Jan'y 1, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Link, Henry, Jan'y 1," '77; war, des'd July 8, '77. M R O'Niel, Thos., Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd July 8, '77. M R Richey, Alex'r, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd June 19, '80. M R Robinson, James, Jan'y 1, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. MR Rose, And'w, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, Corpl. Sept 1, '78, priv. Sept 1, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R St. Lawrence, John, Jan'y 1, '77; war, Corpl. Sept 1, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Seeds, George, Jan'y 1, '77; war, died Apr 9, '80. M R Simmons, Josha., Jan'y 1, '77; war, Corpl. Jan'y, '81, priv. Jan'y, '82. M R Smalley, Timothy, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd Oct 27, '80. MR Snuden, John, Jan'y 1, '77; m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Stanford, John, Jan'y 1, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Tool, John, Jan'y 1, '77; war, died Mar 20, '79. M R Welch, Joseph, Jan'y 1, '77; war, invalided May 17, '80. M R Wheeler, John, Jan'y 1, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Willson, Sam'l, Jan'y 1, '77; war, m. Jan'y, '82. M R Hill, Wm., Jan'y 31, '77; war, killed Febr 3, '80. M R Bredine, Francis, Febr 1, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Gillespie, James, Febr 1, '77; war, died Febr 11, '81. M R Keiff, Arthur, Feb 1 , '77 ; war, transf'd to 1st N. Y. June, '78. M R Whitney, Jacob, Febr 1, '77 ; war, omt'd Nov, '79, transf'd to 2d Regt. M R Bowers, Isaac, Febr 9, '77 ; war, des'd, June 18, '78. M R Fowler, Phil., Febr 9, '77; w., des'd 16th Febr, '77. M R Main, Robt., Febr 9, '77; war, des'd Febr 28, '77. M R Greer, David, Febr 14, '77; war, des'd Apr 21, '80. M R Moulton, Jas., Febr 16, '77; war, des'd Febr 28, '77. M R Moddy, Jas., Febr 20, '77; war, des'd Apr 20, '80. M R Blank, Jasper, Febr 27, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Febr 27, '80. Johnson, Wm., Mar 10, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Wood, John, Mar 10, '77 ; war, des'd Mar 24, '77. M R Tompkins, Nathl., Mar 18, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M'R Gibbons, Jno., May 8, '77; war, des'd July 26, '77. M R Frank, Mich]., Nov 1, '77 ; w., must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Robertson, Jas., 1st m. Jan'v, '78; war, des'd June 1, '79. M R Tarrent, Thos., Jan'y 6, '78; war, des'd Jan'y 29, '78. M R Barnhart, David, May 5, '78; 9 m., re-enlisted and des'd Apr 21, '80, must'd Aug, '80, prisoner Mar 2, '81. M R Baylies, Rich., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Burdick, Elisha, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Nov 5, '78. M R Carney, Barn's, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Sept 5, '79. M R Deck, Thos., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Eastward, Benj., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Granes, Seldon, May 5, '78; 9 m., exchanged for Josiah Graves. M R Gray, Benjamin, May 5, '78; 9 m., died from wounds rec'd at Monmouth, July 5, '78. A. P. 23-209. M R Holly, Sam'l, April 17, '80; prisoner Jan'y 1, '82. M R Haines, Joseph, May 5, '78; 9 m., died Nov 29, '78. See Jos. Hymer. M R Hammond, Chason (Gray's Co.?), May 5, '78, 9 m., dis ch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Hanmore, Jabez, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Homan, Jas., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Hunter, Jona., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Lee, Japeth, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Parshall, Jno., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Roberts, John, May 5, '78 ; war, des'd Febr 7, '79. M R Ruff, Conrad, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Sitzer, Barent, May 5, '78 ; 9 m. and war, died Mar 24, Steepels, Nathan, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Graves, Josiah, 1st m. Octbr, '78 ; disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Jones, Thos . , Octbr 29, '78 ; transf'd to Jersey Line Aug 10, '80. MR Ames, Francis, Nov, '78 ; war, transf'd to 3d N. H., Nov 2, '79. M R Bockhouse, Jacob, May 1, '79; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Cook, Obadiah, May 1, '79; disch'd Decbr 31, '79. M R Kelly, Dennis, May 1, '79; disch'd Decbr 31, '79. M R Loamis, Jno., May 1, '79; 8 m., disch'd Dec 31, '79. M R Ostrout, Gilbert, May 1, '79; 9 m., disch'd Nov 25, '79. MR Pall, Joseph, May 1, '79; disch'd Dec 31, '79. M R Stagg, Adam, May 1, '79; disch'd Dec 31, '79. M R Barnhart, Jeremiah, May 10, '79; 8 m., disch'd Jan'y 1. '80. MR J Bogardus, Peter, May 10, '79; 8 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Mitchell, Saml., July 1, '80; died Oct 7, 80. M R Bogard, Minard, July 5, '80; 5 m., disch'd Dec 15, '80. MR Finch, Elnathan, July 15, '80; 5 m„ disch'd Dec 15, '80. MR. Ladue, Jno., July 15, '80; 5 m., disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Burgess, Stephen, 1st m. Sept, '80, to Jan'y, '81. M R Curry, Elijah, 1st m. Sept, '80; des'd Oct 10, '80. M R EnnisB, Peter, 1st m. Sept, '80 ; disch'd Decbr 15, '80. MR Fosbnrgh, Peter, 1st muster Sept, '80, to Jan'y, '81. M R Kenny, Jesse, 1st m. Sept, '80; des'd Oct 10, '80. M R The New York Line. 217 King, Wm., 1st m. Sept, '80; m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Mason, Francis, 1st m. Sept, '80; disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Ogden, David, 1st m. Sept, '80; pris'r Mar 2, '81. M R Pell, Jno., 1st m. Sept, '80; m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Roft, Aaron, 1st m. Sept, '80; m. to Jan'y, '81. MR Dennis, Minor, 1st m. , Nov, '80; war, to Jan'y, '82. M R Yeomans, Eleazar, , des'd July 1, '80, m. Sept, '80, to Jan'y, '82. M R Herring, Jacob, Jan'y 1, '81 ; des'd Sept, '81, joined Decbr 5, '81, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Schoets, James. See Jas. Scates. M R SEVENTH COMPANY. Smith, Israel, Captain (see Capt. 4th Comp'y), Nov 21, '76. Pay Master Mar 1, '79 ; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Dunscomb, Edward, Lieut. (7th Co. Mil. Com.), Nov 21, '76; Capt., Lieut., Apr 23, '78, Capt. vice Sacket, de ceased Apr 11, '80, must'd to Jan'y, '81, then deranged. MR C. A. A. P. 14-388. Danes, Abm., Sergt. May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Stitt, John, Corpl., Dec 11, '76; war, Sergt. Dec 24, '78, des'd Sept 28, '80. M R Higby, Saml., Corpl., Dec 18, '76; war, Sergt. Oct '79, red'd to priv. Feb 8, '81, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Johnson, Uriah, Corpl., Dec 28, '76; war, died Febr 7, '78. M R Privates. Coneklin, Edw., Dec 10, '76; war, des'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Cook, Nathan, Dec 10, '76; 3 yrs, Corpl. Oct, '79, disch'd Dec 15, '79. M R Demott, Peter, Decbr 11, '76; was, died Jan'y 9, '78. M R Craig, Jno., Dec 12, '76; war, died Febr 17, '78. M R Cornwell, Thos., Dec 13, '76; war, des'd Jan'y 28, '77. M R Coon, Jacob, Decbr 15, '76 ; war des'd Aug 25, '77, joined Mar 10, '78, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Harvis, Evans, Decbr 15, '76; war, died Mar 4, '78. M R Ross, Wm., Dec 15, '76; war, disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Tompkins, Edw., Dec 25, '76 ; war, des'd May 1, '73. 1 M R Fink, Wm., Decbr 26, '76 ; war, des'd June 17, '77. M R Squirrel, John, Dec 26, '76; war, Corpl. Jan'y 1, '79, Sergt. Oct, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Gilchrist, Jno., Decbr 28, '76; war, died Jan'y 30, '77. M R Smith, Moses, Dec 28, '76 ; war, des'd July 22, '78, j'd Oct 18, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Christie, Wm., Jan'y 3, '77; war, des'd June 17, '77. M R Goodwin, George, Jan'y 14, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR Putman, Wm., Febr 9, '77; war, Corpl. Oct, '79, priv. Febr, '81, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Erwin, Jno., Febr 28, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR » Jackson, Thos., Mar 4, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Mahone, Jas., Mar 4, '77; war, des'd Sept 18, '77. M R Moran, Alex., Mar 4, '77; war, des'd Aug lv'77. M R Warden, Darius, Mar 4, 77; war, des'd Apr 1, '80. M R Willson, Walter, Mar 4, '77; war, omt'd May, '79. M R Hissam, Jno., Mar 5, '77 ; war, des'd Apr 1, '77. M R Anderson, James, Apr 25, '77; war, disch'd Jan 15, '80. MR Allison, Richard, enl'd May 5, '78; 9 m., taken prisoner and badly wounded at Monmouth, June 28, '78, exch'd Aug, '78, disch'd May, '79. A, 12. Farmer, Orange Co. (Bethlehem.) Brunson, Samuel, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. Crawford, Jno., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, 79. M R 28 Dickerson, Jed., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Doty, Jno., Mav 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Duff, Peter, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd, Febr 5, '79. M R Herrick, Wm., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., omt'd June, '78. M R Horton, Fred'k, Mar 5, '78 ; 9 m., des'd(?) Febr 5, '79. M R Humphry, Saml., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Hunter, Ezekl., May 5, '78; 9 m., transf'd to Col. DuBois' Regt. Sept, '78. M R Lee, Seth, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Lydle, Wm., May 5, '78 ; 9 in., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R McGowen, Duncan, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R McMichael, Ebenr., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Mingos, Hieronimus, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Morrison, Duncan, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Myers, Zach'h, May 5, '78; des'd(?) Febr 5, '79. M R Nicholl, Simon, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Preston, Benj., May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Randall, Moses, May 5, '78; 9 m. , died July 22, 78. M R Bandall, Nathl., Mar 5, '78 ; 9 m. , transf'd to Col. Put nam's Regt. Aug 25, '78. M R Runnells, Eli, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Simmons, Caleb, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Smith, Caleb, May 5, '78; 9 m., omt'd June, '78. M R Smith, Gideon, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Smith, John, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Suckanut, Jno., May 5, '78, 9 m., des'd(?) Febr 5, '79. M R Thompson, Elias, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Roe, Limon, Oct '78 ; m. to Jan'y, 82. M R Brandt, John, 1st m. May, '79 ; des'd Apr 24, '81. M R Brown, John, May 1, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Crannill, Isaac, May 1, '79; 9 in., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Dickson, Wm., May 1, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Hosport, Saml., May 1, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Hyser, Henry, May 1, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, 80. M R Livingston, Richd., May 1, 79; 8 m., des'd Nov 1, '79. M R Lusk, Michl., May 1, '79; 8 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Moss, David, May 1, '79 ; 9 m., omt'd Sept, '80 See D. Moss, Titus' Comp. Plimly, Wm., May 1, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R M R Weeks, James, July 10, '79 ; disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R 218 The New York Line. Wells, Elijah, July 10, '79; des'd Nov 4, '80. M R Scantlin, Jereh., Oct 1, '79 ; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Speed, George, Oct 1, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. MR Speed, Henry, Oct 1, '79 ; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Paul, Joseph, Jan'y 14, '80 ; des'd Apr 1, '80. M R Sandford, John, Jan'y 14, '80 ; see John Sandford, Walk er's Comp'y. M R Horton, Isaac, Mar 1, '81 ; des'd July 28, '81. M R Avory, Nehemiah, July 10, '80; , disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Parks, Jno. , July, '80; des'd Aug 26, '80. M R Palmatier, John, 1st m. Aug, '80; m, to Jan'y, '82. M R Humphrey, Jno., Nov 10, '80; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Amberman, Cornelius, Corpl., 1st must. Jan'y, '81, to Jan'y, '82. M R EIGHTH COMPANY. Titus, Jona., Captain, Nov 21, '76; m. to Jan'y, '81, then deranged. (See Capt. 5th Comp.) C, 204. A. P. 14-388. M R Huntington, L. I. Lloyd, John, 1st Lieut., Nov 21, '76; disch'd May 24, '78. MR A. P. 23-241. Litchfield Co., Conn. Hyatt, Abrm., 2d Lieut., Nov 21, '76; 1st Lieut, Nov 9, '77, acting Adjt. in '80, deranged Jan'y 1, '81, MR Punderson, Jno., Ensign, Nov 21, '76; omt'd Febr, '78. M R Crygier, Simon, Ensign (6th Co. Mil. Com.), Nov 21, '76; cashiered Aug 6, '77. M R Barr, John, Ensign, enl'd as Sergt., Jan'y 1, '77; war, Ensign, June 1, '79, to date from Jan'y 1, '78, must'd to Jan'y, '81, then deranged. A. P. 14-388. M R Hawkins, David, Sergt., Nov 21, '76; war, leg fractured by a ball at Saratoga, discharged June, '79. A P. 15-164, 18-226. Des'd May 31, '78. M R Crofoot, Nehemiah, Sergt., enlisted Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, sick, omitted June, '73, discharged as Invalid, '79. M R A. P. 22-83. Amenia, Dutchess Co., Wyoming. Holley, Jas., Sergt., Jan'y 1, '77; war, Corpl. Apr 15, '78, Sergt. Dec 15, '78, des'd July 18, '80. M R Smith, Josiah, Sergt., joined June, '78; 9 m., des'd Febr 11, '80. M R Glover, Thos. , Aug 1, '80, as Sergt., war, reduced to priv. Sept, '81, mustered to Jan'y, '82. M R Clark, James, Corpl., Nov 21, '76; war, died Oct 3, '77. MR Jarvis, Nathl., Corpl., Nov 21, '76; war, omt'd June, '78. M R Reynolds, Ebenr., Corpl., Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd May 26, '78. M R Camp, Asa, Corpl., July 10, '80; disch'd Decbr 18, '80. M R John, Silas, Drum., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs., died Febr 15, '78. M R Penoyer, Ise, Fifer, Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs., Fife Major, May 1, '79, disch'd Dec 31, '79. M R Privates. Bellamy, Silas, Nov 1, '76 ; war, died May 27, '78. M R Buckleman, Henry, Nov 13, '76 ; war, died June 27, '78. M R Armstrong, Jon'n, Nov 21, '76; war, des'd Oct 23, retaken Oct 29, '80, prisoner Mar 2, '81. M R Bennet, Jacob, Nov 21, '76; war, omitted Oct, '79, des'd Dec 1, '80, must'd July, '81, to Jan'y, '82. M R Bennett, Timothy, Nov 21, '76; war, Sergt. Oct, '79, must'd to Jan'y, '82.- M R Baker, Pierce, Nov 21, '76; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Barker, Jon'n, Nov 21, '76; war, des'd June 16, '81. M R Bartoo, Mooris, Nov 21, '76 ; war, Corpl. March, '79, red'd Jan'y, '82. M R Brown, Samuel, Nov 21, '76 ; war, des'd May 26, '78. M R Brush, Selah, Nov 21, '76 ; war, Corpl. May 15, '78, Sergt. Oct, '79, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Cook, George, Nov 21, '76 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Cor win, Gershom, enlisted Nov 21, '76; Drummer Sept 24, '80, disabled by sickness at Valley Forge, winter of '78, and lost his eye sight in consequence, tr. to Invalids Aug 10, '81. Badge of merit for 6 yrs. service. Cc, 19. A. P. 19-354. M R Ulster Co. Fosdick, Sam]., Nov 21, '76; war, des'd Oct 6, '77. M R Hawkins, Zach'h, Nov 21, '76; 3 yrs, disch'd Nov 21, '79. M R James, Ebenezer, Nov 21, '76 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Kelley, Robert, enl. Nov 21, '76; war, Corpl. Oct, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. MR A. P. 23-147. Dutchess Co. Lines, Hoseah, Nov 21, '76; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Munroe, Peter, Nov 21, 76 ; war, des'd May 26, '78. M R Reeve, Israel, Nov 21, '76 ; 3 yrs and war, shot through left thigh at Stillwater Oct 7, '77, discharged May 24, '79. (M R omitted Oct, '79.) Mariner, Southold, Suffolk Co. Satterly, Henry, enl. Nov 21, '76; died at Peekskill, Mar 30, '77. A. P. 20-416. Brookhaven, L. L Satterly, Richard, Nov 21, '76; war, des'd May 26, '78. A. P. 20-423. M R Brookhaven, L. 1. Smith, Gershom, Nov 21, '76; war, des'd 23, taken 29th of Oct, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Titus, Jonathan, Nov 21, '76 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Tuby, John, Nov 21, '76 ; war, disch'd Mar 3, '80. M R Tumand, Peter, Nov 21, '76; war, died May 20, '78. M R Tumand, Peter, Jr., Nov 21, '76; war, des'd Oct 23, taken Oct 29, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R White, Saml. Corwin, enlisted Nov 21, '76; died in ser vice May 9, '77. A. P. 20-228. M R Suffolk Co. Cashin, Wm., Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, sick, omitted July, '78. MR ' Coats, Joseph, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd May 26, '78, joined Apr 25(?), invalided Mar 5, '80. M R ' Cunningham, Archd., Jan'y 1, '77; war, Corpl., Mar 15, '79, reduced July 30, '80, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Elliot, Archibald, Jan 1, '77 ; 3 yrs and war, disch'd Jan'y, '82. A. P. 20-260. M R Newburgh, Orange Co. Fitzgeralif, Chris., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. MR ' ' Gee, David, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Gee, Ezekiel, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR- Granger, Jno., Jan'y 1, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82; MR Harris, Zach'h, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd April 30, '78. M R Hill, Thomas, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd Aug 8, '78, joined Aug 25, '81; m. to Jan'y, '82. MR Howe, John, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd and joined again, Corpl. Mar, '79, red'd Dec 24, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Howse, Zach'h, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd May 26, '78. The New York Line. 219 Hunter, Benj., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Jones, John, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd May 26, '78. M R McCulloch, Andw., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, died June 1, '78. M R Reynolds, James, Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 1, '50. MR Utter, Joseph, Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Oct 6, '77. M R Whitehead, William, enlisted at Ft. Montgomery, Jan'y 1, '77; tr. to Corps of Invalids May 15, '80, died while on furlough at Newburgh, Orange Co., served in Jas. Clinton's Co. in the French war. A. P. 20-202. M R Native of Maryland. Wickham, Stephen, Jan'y 1, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Oopinger, Walter, 1st m. Febr, '77 ; des'd Febr 28, '77. M R Holmes, Thos., Febr 1, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Spicer, Jacob, Febr 3, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Lambpisaac, Mar 1, '77; war, killed in battle of Saratoga, Sept 19, '77. A. P. 18-425. MR Smith, Obediah, Mar 1, '77; war, des'd Apr 5, '78. M R Tumand, David, Mar 1, '77; war, Fifer Mar, '78, des'd Mar 4, '80. MR Shevalier, Jos., Mar 11, '77; 3 yrs and war, m. to Jan'y, '82. MR Evans, William, 1st m., April, '77; discharged on ac. of disability, '80. A. P. 23-239, des'd Apr 19, '77. M R New Kent, Putnam Co. Lloyd, James, joined Capt. Davis' as Fifer, Apr 1, '77; war, disch'd Mar 27, '78. A. P. 18-425, 23-241. M R Sharon, Conn. Osburne, Henry, May 31, '77; 3 yrs., des'd Oct 31, '77. M R Wentworth, Saml. , May 31, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 1, '80, for B. Hunter. M R Furguson, Saml., May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Machraback, Dike, May 5, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Ritchey, Isaac, May 5, '72; 9 m., des'd(?) Febr 5, '79. MR Stewart, Jno.,. May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Oct 7, '78. M R Van Bunschoten, Elias, May 5, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Close, Christr., June 1, '78; 9 m., omt'd Jan'y, 79- M R Burch, Henry, June 1, '78; 9 m., sick, omit'd Sept, '78. M R Bowman, Backus, June 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Palmer, Amaziah, June 1, '78; priv. 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Spring, Nathl., June 1, '78; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Ransier, Geo., June 18, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd Febr 5, '79. M R Black, Richard, May 1, '78, 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. MR Black, Willm., May 1, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, 80. M R Reader, Jacob, May 1, '79 ; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, 80. M R Stratton, David, May 1, '79; 9 in., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Barnes, Gleen, July 10, '80; 9 m., disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Calver, Josiah, July 10, '80; des'd Novbr 3, '80. M R Godspeed, Hosea, July 10, '80; des'd Oct 24, '80. M R Miller, George, July 10, '80; disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Moss, David, joined Sept 1, '80; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. See D. Moss in Smith's Comp. M R Myers, David, July 10, '80; disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Nottingham, Lewis, July 10, '80; war, des'd Dec 21, '80. M R Perry, David, July 10, '80; disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Scutt, Wm., July 10, '80; 5 m., disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Shannon, Robt., July 10, '80 ; war, des'd Oct 23, taken Nov 20, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Willson, John, July 10, '80; disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Larabee, Elias, July 31, '80; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 19-287. M R Amsterdam, N. Y. LIEUT. COLONEL'S COMPANY. Baker, Henry, Sergt., Nov 21, '76 ; war, died July 27, '78. M R Burham, John, Sergt., July 5, '80; 5 m., disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Harmance, Jno., Corpl., July 5, '80; 5 m., disch'd Decbr 15, '80. M R Adams, James, Fifer, July 5, '80; war, des'd July 22, '80. M R Jones, David, July 15, '80; disch'd Decbr 15, '80. M R Privates. Benjamin, Stephen, Nov 25, '76; war, . M R Adams, Major, July 5, '80; 5 m., disch'd Decbr 15, '80. M R Berry, James, July 5, '80; 5 m., disch'd as unfit Nov 2, '80. M R Constable, Garrett, July 5, '80; disch'd Decbr 15, '80. M R Curtis, Solomon, July 5, '80; disch'd Decbr 15, '80. M R Hopkins, Eli, July 5, '80 ; 5 m., disch'd Decbr 15, '80. M R Hopper, Jno., July 5, '80; 5 m., disch'd Decbr 15, '80. M R Keeffer, Wm., July 5, '80; disch'd Decbr 15, '80. M R Lane, Jereh., July 5, '80; 3 yrs, in place of P. Coon, disch'd May 1, '81. M R Ostrander, Peter, July 5, '80; disch'd Oct 15, '80. M R Smith, Isaac, July 5, '80 ; diBch'd Dec 1, '80. M R Spragg, Alex., July 5, '80; disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Sturdifent, Jona., July 5, '80, disch'd Dec 15, 80. M R Whitaker, Edw., July 5, '80; . M R Williams, Adam, July 5, '80; des'd Oct 15, '80. M R Yeomans, Jonas, July 5, '80; disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Bruton, Arthur, 1st m. Aug, '80 ; tr'd to Art'y Aug 4, '80, must'd Jan'y 1, '81, to Jan'y, '82. M R Cole, Abrm., joined Aug 31, '80, for war, m. to Jan'y, '83. M R 220 The New York Line. The following names are given in the Military Register as of Dunscomb's Company, but the returns of the Regiment have no such company. It is probably the Colonel's Company, as Dunscomb is there returned as Capt., Lieut., in 1779. Denniston, Daniel D., Lieut., vice Gray, Ensign Nov 9, '77,Lieut. Apr 11, '80, must'd to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 14-388, 318, I, 189. C. A. Donnels, Jno., Sergt., May 1, '79; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. 7th Co.? Taylor, Oliver, Fifer, Dec 28, '76 ; war, priv. Aug 15, '77, des'd Oct 26, '77, j'd Oct 30, '79. Privates. Tubbs, Stephen, May 5, '78; 9 m., des'd June 21, '78. Barris, James, May 1, '79 ; 8 m., re-enlisted, died Sept 2, '80. Bernard, Saml., May 1, '79; war, disch'd by Muster M'r. pr. Roll of Jan'y, '80. Brainard, Reuben, May 1, '79; 8 m., disch'd Dec 31, '79. Brewer, Jeremh, Mav 1, '79; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. Bussing. Jno., May 1, "'79; 8 m., disch'd Dec 31, '79. Hill, Asa, May 1, 79 ; disch'd Dec 31, '79. Kelsey, Jno.; May 1, '79 ; disch'd Dec 31, '79. Kip, John, May 1 , '79 ; omt'd Novr, '79. Thomas, Richd., May 1, '79; disch'd Dec 31, '79. Van Gelder, Isaac, May 1, '79 ; war, des'd Mar 27, '80. Wright, John, May 1, '79 ; war, des'd Nov 2, '80. Pangbourne, Wm., May 5, '79 ; war, pris'r Mar 2, '81. Philipps, Jona., May 5, '79; war, died Dec 14, '79. Johnson, James, May 28, '80 ; m. to Jan'y, '81. Pangbourne, John, June 11, '80; Fifer, July 21, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. Barber, Reuben, July 1, '80; des'd Oct 24, '80. Fincomb, Amos, July 1, '80 ; died Nov 25, '81. McNiel, Chas., July 1, 80, m. to Jan'y, '82. Bogardus, Henry, July 5, '80; 6 m., disch'd Dec 15, '80. Lovejoy, Andw., July 5, 80 ; m. to Jan'y, '81. McOnanness, Wm., July 5, '80 ; m. to Jan'y, '81. Shaw, Pelis, July 5, '80; m. to Jan'y, '81.. Trim, Azariah, July 5, '80; m. to Jan'y, '81. Taylor, Jasper, July 5,,'80; des'd Nov 5, '80. Men of the Fourth Regiment, whose Company place could not be ascertained. Hasbrouck, Zacharias, Lieut., Col. Weissenfel's Line. Alkenbragh, Peter, private; . A. P. 19-261 A, P. 19-235. Hibbard, Abel, Sergt., Jan'y 1, '77 ; 3 yrs, died June 26, '78. GUlchrist, John, Jun'r, private ; died '82. A. P. 20-1 , Bruton, John, private ; . Substitute for Gilbert Saxton, died at West Point, spring of '82. A. P. 19-233. FIFTH REGIMENT. Dubois, Lewis, Colonel, June 25, '76 ; resigned Dec 22, '79. See Journal of Congress. M R Willet, MarinuB, Lt. Colonel, Command't, vice Dubois, July 1, '80. C. A. Bruyn, Jacobus or James, Lt. Col., June 26, '76; trans ferred to 3d, July, '80. M R See 3d N. Y. Logan, Samuel, Nov 21, '76 ; prisoner Oct 6, '77, deranged 1st Jan'y, '81. M R Dubois, Henry, Adjutant, Nov 21, '76; Capt.-Lieut., Sept 1, '78, Capt. Dec 22, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R A. P. C. A. 14-386, 457. Johnston, James, Ensign, as Sergt. Maj. Dec 28, '76; Ens'n June 25, '77, Qr. Mr. Dec 23, '79, Adj. July 14, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. MR A. P. 14-386, 457. Townsend, Saml., Pay Master, June 25, 77; . M R Gano, John, Chaplain, Novbr 21, '76; re-app'd Jan'y 13, '77 (Mis. 38-499), Brigade Chaplain July, '78. M R Cooke, Samuel, Surgeon, April 15, '77; must'd to Jan'y, '81, then deranged. A. P. 14-386. M R Coates, John, Surgeon, app'd Jan'y 13, '77. Mis. 38-499. Morrison, Robt., Surgeon's Mate, June 1, '77; omitted July, '78. M R Hutchinson, Ebenr., Surgeon's Mate, June 12, '78; must'd to Jan'y, '81, then deranged. A. P. 14-386. M R Furdon, Jno., Sergt. Maj., Apr 28, '80; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Furdon, Abr., Sergt. Maj., July 10, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Apr 2, '80. M R Hawkey, Richd., Qr. Mr. Sergt, as Sergt May 14, '78; war, Qr. Mr. Sergt. April 8, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Glason, Joseph, Dr. Major, Mar 15, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Mar 15, '80. MR Whitehead, Wm., Drum Major, as Drummer Dec 1, '76; war, Dr. Maj 'r Mar 15, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Godwin, Abr., Fife Major, Jan'y 1, '77; mustered to Jan'y, '82. M R FIRST COMPANY, Rosekrans, James, Captain, Nov 21, '76 ; Major, vice Cochrane, prom., 3d N. Y., Mar 1, '80. MR C. A. Dodge, Henry, 1st Lieut. Nov 21, '76; Capt., Lieut., vice Van Der Burgh, prom'd, Mar 30, '80, deranged Jan'y 1, '81. A. P. 386, 457; 15-312. MR C. A. Dodge, Samuel, 2d Lieut., Nov 21, '76; misa'g Oct 6, '77, must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR A. P. 14-318. Swartwout, Henry, Ens'n, Nov 21, 76; Lieut. Feb 28, '80, vice Betts, resigned, m. to Jan'y, '82. MR C. A. McCloughry, John, Ensign, 3d Co. (Mil. Com.) Nov 21, '76; pris'r Oct 6, '77, Lieut. Mar 30, '80, died Oct 27, '81. MR C. A. Christie, Jno., Sergt. Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Febr 29, '80. MR Johnson, Abrm., Sergt., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, red'd to priv. Apr 8, '79, disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. MR Lucy, Eleazar, Sergt., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. MR' ' Rainey, Jeremh., Sergt., Jan'y 14, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. MR s Tupper, Nathan, Corpl. Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. MR ' Woolcut, Wm., Corpl., Jan'y 6, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R The New York Line. 221 Lovet, John, Corpl., Jan'y 21, '77; war, Sergt. Oct, '78, priv. Nov, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Turbush, Isaac, Corpl., Jan'y 28, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77, j'd, disch'd Jan'y 9, '80. M R Dunn, Jerh., Corpl., Febr 14, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77, M R Yeomans, Stephen, Corpl., Mar 4, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Apr 1, '78, m. Aug, '78, omt'd Nov '79. M R Philipps, David, Drum'r, Mar 20, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, ' '82. M R Rosekrans, Depui, Fifer, Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Dodge, Richd., Fifer, 1st m. June, '78; Fifer Sept 1, '78, ^. M R Price, John, Febr 17, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Thornton, Jas., Febr 17, '77 ; 3 yrs and war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Utter, Isaac, Febr 17, '77 ; 3 yrs, omt'd Nov, '79. M R Utter, Isaac, Jun., Febr 20, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. MR Cockshure, Joseph, Mar 4, '77 ; 3 yrs, omitted Sept, '77. M R Carr, Wm., Mar 15, '77; war, omitted Sept, '77. Chedester, Benj., Mar 20, '77; 3 yrs, missing Oct 6, '77. kr M R Hollister, Nath'l, Mar 20, '77; 3 yrs, omitted Novbr, '79. - must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Privates. Simmons, Isaac, Sept 9, '76 ; war, never joined. M R Blancher, Wm., Sept 14, '76; war, omitted Sept, '77. M R Forrest, Robert, Sept 28, '76; war, omt'd Sept, '77. M R Jones, Joseph, Decbr 3, '76 ; 3 yrs, omt'd Sept, '77. M R Weston, Jno., Dec 12, '76, 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Lawrence, William, in Capt. Samuel Logan's Ulster Co. Minute Men, '75 ; enlisted as Sergt. in Capt. Jas. Rose crans' 5th N. Y., for 1 yr. in Dec 26, '76, in Capt. Tho. Lee's 5th N. Y. for the war in Dec 25, '76, priv. Apr 19, '78, served to end of war, (disch'd Dec 26, '79. M R) A. P. 22-299. Cayuga Co. McGraw, Jas., Dec 27, '76; 3 yrs, omt'd Sept 77. M R Barkins, Wm„ Jan'y 1, 77; 3 yrs, disch'd Apr 1, '81. M R Bundy, Jereh., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. MR Foster, Jeremiah, Jan'y 1, '77 ; 3 yrs, omt'd Septbr, '77. M R Lawrence, Jacob, Jan'y 1, '77; miss'g Oct 6, '77, j'd and m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Ostrander, Henry, Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77, rej'd and disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Reding, Timothy, Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Shaw, Solomon, Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Thayer, Jno., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. MR Van Hyning, Andw., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, des'd pr. roll of jan'y, '80. M R Venny, Vincent, Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Whaley, Benj., Jan'y 1, '77 ; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R McCorn, Edwd., Jan'y 4, '77; 3 yrs, omt'd Sept, '77. M R Clay, Thomas, Jan'y 6, '77; 3 yrs, omitted Sept, '77. M R Smith, Thos., Jan'y 7, '77 ; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Shaw, Moses, Jan'y 10, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Darling, Ezra, Jan'y 20, '77; 3 yrs, died Feb 13, '79. M R Gray, Sam'l, Jan'y 20, '77 ; 3 yrs, omt'd Sept, '77. M R Lent, Isaac, Jan'y 23, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Purdy, David, Jan'y 23, '77; 3 yrs, omt'd Sept, 77. M R Lake, Joshua, Jan'y 28, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd pr. roll Sept, '78. M R Southard, John, Jan'y 28, '77; 3 yrs and war, des'd Sept 12, '78, j'd Oct 10, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Kemble, Isaac, Febr 1, '77 ; war, omt'd Sept, '77. M R Frost, Wm., Febr 5, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Febr 5, "80. MR Peck, John, Febr 10, '77 ; 3 yrs, mise'g Oct 6, '77, rej'd, omt'd May, '79. M R Smith, Reuben, Febr 12 '77 ; 3 yrs, died Febr 12, '80, or discharged, musters imperfect. M R Springsteen, Herm., enl. for 3 yrs, Mar 31, '77; must'd to Jan'y, '82, died in Poughkeepsie, '82. MR A. P. 21-531, 22-228. Poughkeepsie. Williams, Rich'd, Jun., Apr 1, '77; war, des'd Sept 12, '78. MR Davis, Saml., Apr 4, '77 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Jee, John, Apr 7, '77; 3 yrs, Corpl., May 1, '78; disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Mcintosh, Jno., Apr 7, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Johnson, John, Apr 9, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Boulton, Geo., Apr 13, '77; 3 yrs, prisoner Apr 15, '80, must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR Letz, Evert, Apr 13, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Apr 13, '80. MR Keesly, Paul, Apr 14, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77; rej'd and omt'd Mar, 79. M R Tompkins, Edmd., Apr 14, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Tompkins, Elijah, Apr 14, '77; 3 yrB, miss'g Oct 6, '77. MR Springsteen, Isaac, Apr 19, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. MR Boyce, Thos., Apr 20, '77; war, omt'd Sept, '77. M R McArthur, Thos., Apr 20, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Slocum, Jona., Apr 20, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Bevan, David, Apr 21, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Hull, Saml., Apr 21, '77; war, m. Sergt. June, '78, omt'd Decbr, '78. M R Storm, John, Apr 29, '77; 3 yrs and war, miss'g Oct 6, '77, rej'd and m. to Jan, '82. M R Stephens, John, May 9, '77 ; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Weaver, Wm., May 11, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Williams, Richard, May 11, '77 ; 3 yrs, taken prisoner, des'd Sept 12, '78, disch'd May 11, '80. A. P. 18-312. M R Wheeler, Stephen, May 19, 77; omt'd May, '80. M R Finegar, Geo., May 26, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd May 26, '80. M R Tonegar, Geo. See Denigar, Vinegar. M R Woodle, Robt., May 26, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd May 26, '80. M R Robinson, George, June, '77 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Robinson, George, June 2, '77; war, disch'd Nov 20, '77. M R Sanford, Wm., June 9, '77 ; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Stanbury, Elijah, June 18, '77; 3 yrs and war, des'd Dec 4, '80, j'd May 12, '81, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Gelderman, Henry, June 21, '77; war, must'd Sergt. Jan'y, '78, priv. Nov, '79, Sergt. May, '80, disch'd Decbr, '80. M R Mullen, Wm., June 21, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77, joined and m. Jan'y, '82. M R Plumb, Saml., June 21, '77; war, des'd Nov 31, '77. MR Years, Ephm., June 30, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Nov 30, '77. M R 222 The New York Line. Krott, Jno., July 31, '77; war, des'd Mar 1, '78. M R Moore, Jacob, July 31, '77; war, des'd May 30, '78. M R Finn, Thomas, Aug 28, '77 ; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R James, John, enlisted Aug 31, '77 ; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. A. P. 19-216. M R Harwood, Jno., 1st m. Sept, '77; des'd Sept 12, '77. M R Edwards, David, Oct 20, '77; war, des'd Noy 17, '77. M R McAfee, Jno., Nov 3, '77 ; war, des'd Dec 24, '77. M R McKinsley, Jas., Nov 3, '77; war, des'd Dec 24, '77. MR Bishop, Ezekl., Nov 4, '77; war, des'd Jan'y 10, '78. MR Cook, Jacob, Nov 4, '77 ; war, des'd lsfmuster. M R Cook, Thos., Nov 4, '77; war, des'd 1st muster. M R Kniver, Wm., Nov 4, '77; war, disch'd Apr 6, '80. M R Marsh, Thos., Nov 4, '77; war, des'd Mar 1, '78. M R Niver, Wm., Nov 4, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Apr 6, '80. MR Jones, Seth, Mar 23, '78; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Daughty, Danl., Apr, '78; war, des'd in the same month. M R Meynema, Benj., May 10, '78; 3 yrs, died Apr 30, '79. M R Johnson, Joseph, May 19, '78 ; des'd Jan'y 15, '80. M R Johnson, Prince, May 19, '78; 3 vrs, des'd Jan'y 1, '81. MR Johnson, Thos., May 19, '78. M R Smith, Abner, Mar 20, '78; 3 yrs, Corpl., Jan'y, '80, des'd June 1, '80. M R Vermiliar, Peter, May 20, '78 ; 3 yrs and war, m . to Jan'y, '82. M R Brooks, Joseph, Mar 21, '78; war, omitted Mar, 79.- MR Crum, John, Mar 21, '78; 3 yrs, des'd Apr 27, '79. M R Keyser, Bartin, May 29, '78; 3 yrs, must'd July, '78. M R Decker, Christ., 1st m. June, '78 ; transf'd to Invalids May 15, '80, returned Aug 1, '81, must'd to Jan'y, '83. M R Decker, Martin, 1st m. June, '78; must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Delamater, Jno., 1st m. June, '78; transf'd to 3d Regt. July 1, '80. M R Edward, Gilbert, 1st m. June, '78; omt'd July, '78. M R Gardner, Saml., lstm. June, '78. M R Gibbons, Jno., 1st m. June, '78, to Jan'y, '82. M R Glean, Caleb, 1st m. June, '78, des'd July, 21, '80. M R Jones, Griffin, 1st m. June, 78; Fifer Septbr '79, des'd May 24, '81. M R Lounsbury, Jno., 1st m. June, '78; des'd May 24, '81, j'd Aug 1, '81, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Newkomb, Kinnis, lstm. June, '78; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Patterson, Thomas, 1st m. June, 78, des'd Oct 7, '80. M R Pulis, John, 1st m. June, '78 ; m. to Jan'y, '82, M R Race, Ephraim, 1st m. June, '78; des'd Febr 3, '80. M R Russell, Wm., 1st m. June, '78 ; Sergt., Nov, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Slick, Stephen, 1st m. June, '78 ; des'd pr. roll Mar, '80. M R Utler, Gilbert, 1st m. June, '78; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Van Gelder, Matw., 1st m. June, '78; war, m, Corpl. to Jan'y, '82. M R Ward, Josiah, 1st m. June, '78 ; des'd June 13, '80. M R Yearns, Eph'm, 1st m. June, '78 ; des'd June 18, '78. M R Darling, John, 1st m. July, '78; 9 m., des'd Sept 20, '78. M R Lewis, Henry, 1st m. July, '78; 9 m., disch'd. M R Steel, Daniel, 1st m. July, '78 ; des'd Sept 12, '78. M R Holly, Jno., 1st May, '79. M R Smith, Henry, Apr 15, '80; des'd Apr 21, '80. M R Boggs, John, 1st m. May, '80 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR Wheeler, Timothy, 1st m. May, '80 ; des'd Nov 1, '80, jo'd Apr 12, '81," m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Cunningham, Moses, May 2, '80; disch'd Decbr 15, '80. M R Van Osdall, Jno., May 2, '80 ; disch'd Decbr 15, '80. M R McKay, Wm., May 6, '80; disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R McNiel, John, July 25, '80; disch'd Sept 7, '80. M R Dotty, Peter, Jan'y 16, '81; des'd Jan'y 28, '81. M R Stocker, Wm., Febr 2, '81; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R SECOND COMPANY. Hutchins, Amos, Captain, Nov 21, '76; resigned May 9, '78. M R Jackson, Patten, 1st Lieut., Nov 21, '76; miss'g Oct 6, '77, exch'd Febr, '81, supernumerary since May, '79. M R Furman, John, 2d Lieut., Nov 21, '76; captured at Fort Montgomery, Oct 6, '77, exch'd '81, must'd to Jan'y, '82. Lieut. 1st N. Y. A. P. 19-15. A. P. 20-85, 141. M R (Mil. Com.) Little Esopus, Ulster Co. Stalker (Stocker), Seth, Orderly Sergt., Febr 12, '77; 3 yrs, priv. Dec, '77, m. to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 21-61. M R Newburgh, Orange Co. Pride, James, Sergt., Aug 12, '76; 3 yrs, omt'd Nov, '79. A. P. 22-412. Marlborough. Gain, Francis, Sergt., Febr 1, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77, joined and deserted Febr 1, '80. M R Robinson, Jas., Sergt., Aug 6, '77; 3 yrs, priv. June 23, '80, m. to July, '80. M R Conklin, Samuel, Corpl., enlisted Febr 18, '77; war, taken at Fort Montgomery, Oct 6, '77, died in prison. M R A. P. 21-61. Haverstraw, Rockland Co. Allison, John, Jun., Corpl., reduced June, '78, restored Aug 1, '78, must'd to Jan'y, '81. M R Factor, John, Drummer, Jan'y 1, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Allen, Jasper, Fife. Febr 8, '77; w., des'd Apr 14, '80. M R Privates. Clark, John, Dec 19, '76 ; war, des'd Mar 15, '7». M R Rhodes, John or Joseph, Dec 25, '76; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. MR " Robinson, Benj., Dec 25, '76; war, omit'd Aug, '77. M R Rose, James, enlisted early in "77 for 9 m. , re-enlisted in Col. Graham's for 9 m., re-enlisted in Col. Bayley's (Col. Washington's) Horse for 1 year, then in Capt. Lawrence's, Col. J. Harper's Levies, taken prisoner at Onondaga Lake, Oct 18, '80, exch'd May, '83. A. P. 21-7. M R Clarkstown, Rockland Co. Cooper, John, enl'd Jan'y 1, '77; war, tr. to Capt. Gra ham's 2d N. Y. , died of his wounds in Albany, Febr 9, '78. MR A. P. 24-172. Haverstraw. Langdon, Saml., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, omt'd Nov, 79. M R Lattimer, Benj., Jan'y 1, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77, j'd, omt'd Nov, '79. A. P. 22-228. Poughkeepsie, later Albany. MR Lattimer, Roger, Jan'y 1, '77; war, omt'd Jan'y, '80. MR "" Brush, Eliakins, Jan'y 8, '77; war, omitted Oct 6, '77. M R Traverse, Scot, Jan'y, 10, "77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77, i'd, m. to Jan'y, '82. MR • » J - The New York Line. 223 Richards, Philipp, Jan'y 14, '77; war, collar bones broken, while on fatigue duty at Fort Montgomery, '77, transf'd to Invalids Aug 10, '81, discharged fr. C. of I. Apr 10, '83. C, 159, Aa, 56, I, 195. MR Laborer, New Marlborough, Ulster Co. Titus, Jas., Jan'y 16, '77; war, des'd Apr, '77, jo'd Aug, '78, des'd Oct, '78, j'd June, '79, omt'd Nov, '79. M R Rhodes, Corn's, Febr 1, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Sears, Francis, enlisted Febr, '77; taken prisoner at Ft. Montg'y, Oct 6, '77, m. to Jan'y, '82, Apr 2, '77, war. A. P. 21-65. M R Haverstraw, Rockland Co. Bunker, Wm., Febr 10, '77; war, omt'd Oct 6, '77. M R Ackerson, Cornelius, Feb 11, '77; 8 yrs, Corp]. Sept, and miss'g Oct 6, (see Lieut, Corn. Ackerson, Harper's Levies) '77, rej'd and must'd Sergt. Nov, '79, omitted Jan'y, '80. MR Allison, John, Febr 12, '77; war, to Jan'y, '82. Corp. April 20, '81, M R Bunker, Lawrence, Febr 13, '77; war, omt'd Novbr, '79. M R Garrison, Samuel, Sen., enlisted Febr 12, '77; taken pris oner at Fort Montgomery Oct 6, '77, and died in N. Y. prison. A. P. 21-59. M R Haverstraw, Rockland Co. Cooper, Abrm., Febr 28, '77 ; war, disch'd April 19, '78. M R Marks, George, enlisted Mar 1, '77; war, discharged at Morristown, (des'd May 1, '80.) A P. 21-69, 519 et seq. M R Haverstraw, Rockland Co. Kniffin, Amos, Mar 4, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77, war, rej'd and m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Outhouse, Israel, April 1, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Crum, Hermanus, enlisted Apr 8, '77; war, taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, Oct 6, '77, and died in prison. A. P. 21-61, 79. M R Haverstraw, Rockland Co. Crum, Jacob, Apr 14, '77; war, des'd per roll of Decbr, 77. M R Cooper, Richd., May 14, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd, May 14, '80. M R Conklin, Thomas, enlisted May 20, '77; taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery Oct 6, '77, and died in prison. A. P. 19-157, 21-61. M R Haverstraw, Rockland Co. Yeomans, Benj., May 20, '77; war, omt'd June, '78. M R Deknight, Jno., June 3, '77; war. See Ten Eyck. Hopper, Peter, June 10, '77; war, des'd July 22, '78, joined Decbr 1, '79, must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR A. P. 21-521. Rockland Co. Fairen, Jno., June 16, '77 ; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Secor, John, June 26, '77; war, Corpl. Aug 22, '80, des'd Dec 3, '80. MR Jones, Joseph, July 6, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Baocock, Abrm., July 9, '77; war, des'd Apr 1, '78. M R Babcock, Elisha, July 12, '77; war, omitted Oct, '77. M R Ten Eyck, Joseph, substitute for Peter Bogardus, Aug 25, '77; miss'g Oct 6, '77, j'd m. to Jan'y, '82. See De Knight. A. P. 19-285. M R Rockland Co. Adams, Ephraim, 1st must'd Oct, '77; missing Oct 6, '77. M R Drake, Francis, 1st m. Oct, '77; miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Murphy, Edwd., 1st m. Nov, '77; . M R Yeomans, Isaac, Nov 5, '77; war, disch'd Febr 7, '78. M R Chase, Caleb, Nov 25, '77; war, disch'd Febr 7, '78. M R McDermott, Francis, May 18, '79; 9 m., disch'd. M R Ellison, John, Febr 12, '77; war, Corpl., Apr 20, '81, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R THIRD COMPANY. Stewart, James, Captain, Nov 21, '76; m. to Jan'y, '81, then deranged. M R Burnet, John, 1st Lieut., Nov 21, '76 ; res'd May 9, '78. M R Weaver, Edw., Ensign, Nov 21, '76; disch'd Dec 16, '77. M R Beard, Wm., Sergt., Dec 15, '76; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Kendrick, Thos., Sergt., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Tryon, Jno., Sergt., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, priv. Dec, '77, des'd Mar 4, '78. M R Willis, William, Sergt., Febr 18, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. See Johnson's Comp'y. M R Fitzgerald, Thos., Sergt., Aug 3, '77 ; war, must'd priv. Oct, '77, to Jan'y, '82. M R Smalley, Thos., Sergt., Sept 19, '77 7 war, priv. Dec, '77, m, to Jan'y, '82. M R "Mitchell, Jas., Sergt., as Corpl., Jan'y 21, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77, rej'd, Sergt., Nov 9, '79, des'd Oct 6, '80. M R West, John, Corpl., Jan'y 21, '77 ; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77, rej'd, Sergt., Jan'y 22, '79, m. to Jan'y,' '82. M R Willson, John, Corpl., Febr 1, '77 ; war, des'd Mar 14, '80. M R Turner, Frans., Corpl., May 20, '77; 3 yrs, priv., Sept., miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Davis, David, Drummer, Mar 1, '80; must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Mackey, Jno., Mus'n Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R. Privates. Ammerman, James, Decbr 1, '76 ; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77, rej'd, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Winchester, Danford, Decbr 19, '76; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Keeler, James, Decbr 20, '76; war, Corpl. Jan'y, '22, 79, des'd Sept 4, '80. M R Bentley, Wm., Dec 28, '76; war, died July 25, '77. M R Brooks, Walter, Jan'y 1, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Carrigan, Wm., Jan'y 1, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77, rej'd and des'd May, 24, '81. M R Christian, Peter, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77, rej'd and transf'd to Armand's, Nov 1, '81. MR Conklin, John, enlisted Jan'y 1, '77 ; taken at Fort Mont gomery Oct 6, '77. A. P. 21-63. M R Cutting, Fredrk. , Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd Mar, '78. M R Douglas, Wm., Jan'y 1, '77 ; des'd Jan'y 28, '77. MR Egbert, Danl., Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, omt'd Jan'y, '78. M R Fitzgibbons, James, Jan'y 1, '77; w., omt'd Jan'y, '78. M R Frazier, Lewis, Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd March, '78. M R Golding, Wm., Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd Mar 1, '77. M R Howell, Nathl., Jan'y 1, '77; des'd Jan'y 6, '77. M R Kipp, Abm., Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd Apr 15, '81, rej'd June 1, '81, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R McDonald, Jas., Jan'y 1, '77; war, Sergt. Dec 25, '77, des'd Mar 4, '78. M R McKee, Jno., Jan'y 1, '77; war, omt'd Jan'y, '78. M R Marshall, Robt., Jan'y 1, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77, rej'd and m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Monteath, Jas., Jan'y 1, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77, died pris'r Apr 26, '78. M R Orr, Danl., Jan'y 1, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77, rej'd July, '81, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Prime, Michl., Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd Mar 4, '78. M R Read, John, Jan'y 1, '77; war, Corpl. Oct 14, '77, Sergt. Nov 1, '77, priv. Jan'y 22, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R 224 The New York Line. Riker, Jereh-, Jan'y 1, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82 M R Smith, Joseph, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, Corpl. Apr 20, '81, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Thomson, Archd., Jan'y 1, '77; war, died July 27, '77. M R Young, John, Jan'y 1, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Ellicer, John, Jan'y 4, '77; des'd same day. M R Jones, Thos., Jan'y 16, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '81. M R Standley, John, Jan'y 17, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Wills, John, Jan'y 20, '77; 3 yrs, died per roll, Decbr, '79. MR Morrow, Patk., Jan'y 23, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 30, '80. M R Smith, Leml. M., Jan'y 24, '77; war, disch'd Mar 1, '77. M R Tomlinson, Benj., Jan'y 24, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, .'77. M R Wells, Peter, Jan'v 28, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77, rej'd, omt'd, Jan'y, '80." MR Olive, Love, Febr 2, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Hopper, Saml., Febr 5, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Febr 1, '80, re- enlisted Febr 15, des'd Oct 6, '80. M R Crawford, Thos., Febr 6, '77; war, disch'd July 38, '77. M R Thorn, Benj ., Febr 7, '77; des'd Mar 1, '77. M R Robinson, Robt., Febr 11, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. MR Kennedy, Denis, Febr 13, '77, 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. MR McKee, Joseph, Febr 16, '77; war, disch'd 'Mar 4, '78. MR Weeks, Melatiah, Febr 20, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, 82. M R Hosbrook, Geo., Febr 21, '77 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Ivory, Wm., Mar 8, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Humphrey, Jas., Mar 10, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Reeder, Joseph, Mar 10, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Springsteed, George, Mar 18, '77; war, des'd Febr 19, '78, m. Oct, '78, to Jan'y, '82. M R Russell, Thos., Mar 22, '77; war, des'd May 24, '81, rej'd Aug 1, '81, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Hunt, John, Mar 24, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Connight, Conrad, Mar 25, '77, war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR Tellant, Edward, Mar 25, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Brown, John, Mar 26, '77 ; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77, joined, sick, omt'd Jan'y, '80. M R Carrigan, Danl., Apr 1, '77; war, des'd Oct 6, '80. M R Hunt, Joshua, April 10, '77; war, disch'd July, '77. M R Gillespie, James, Apr 24, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Albright, John, May 7, 77; w., missing Oct 6, '77, rej'd, Corpl., Nov 7, '79'; pris. Mar 2, '81. M R Rhea, Benj., May 13, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Ivory, John, May 14, '77 ; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. I- R Stump, Jno., May 15, '77; war, des'd Sept 3, '80, j'd Oct 21, '81. MR Sampson, Isaac, May 24, '77 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Hallick, Jona., June 1, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Montgomery, Jas., July 27, '77 ; des'd same day. M R Barrett, John, Aug 22, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Cook, Isaac, Nov 7, '77 ; war, omt'd Jan'y, '78. M R Blosom, Solomon, Dec 4, '77; war, omt'd Jan'y, '78. M R Connolly, Henry, Decbr 1, '78; disch'd Jan'y 5, '79, by Genl. Court Martial. M R Morrison, Danl., May 19, '78; disch'd June 14, '79. M R Cook, David, May 3, '80 ; disch'd Decbr 6, '80. M R Masters, Joseph, May 3, '80 ; disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Wheeler, Wm., Mav 3, '80 ; disch'd Dec 6, '80. M R Willis, Thomas, May 3, '80 ; disch'd Dec 6, '80. M R FOURTH COMPANY. De Bevier, Philipp, Captain, Nov 21, '76 ; m. to Jan'y, '81, then deranged. M R Brinkley, Thomas, 1st Lieut., Nov 21, '76. A. P. 19-291. M R Mott, Ebenr., Lieut., Nov 21, '76; prisr. Oct 6, '77, 1st Lt., vice Dubois, promo'd, Dec 22, '79, deranged Jan'y, '81. (2d Lt. 7th Co. Mil. Com.) C. A. MR Conuolly, Michael, Lieut., 4th Co. (Mil. Com.) Nov 21, '76, Paymaster to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 14-386, 457, 19-216. M R Burnet, Ebenr., Sergt., Decbr 1, '76; 3 yrs, reduced to priv. Jan'y 7, '82. M R Prior, Jasper, Sergt., Mar 1, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Mar 7, '80. M R Hanna, James, Sergt., enlisted in Col. Saml. Drake's 6 m. Regt., '76; in Col. Dubois' Apr 7, '77, taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery Oct 6, '77, escaped April, '78, and served as Qr. Mr. Sergt. till expiration of term, April 6, '80, enlisted in Capt Andrew Thompson's Co., Col F. Weissenfels, '81, shot himself accidentally, permanently disabled. A. P. 18-308. M R Hornbeck, Hendk., Sergt., Apr 12, "77; 3 yrs, des'd(?) Mar 1, 80. M R Prior, Jasper, Sergt., Mar 7, '80; in place of J. Bay lis, des'd May 30, '80. M R Case, Joseph, Corpl., July 22, '76; 3 yrs, disch'd Aug 1, '79. M R Paresinus, James, Corpl., Jan'y 8, '77; 2 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 8, '80. M R Pembrook, Corpl., Wm., Febr 7, '77; 3 yrs, omt'd Mar, '80. M R Hissam, Jno., Corpl,, Apr 1, '77; war, Corpl. May, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Bazar, Walter, Drummer, May 2, '80; must'd Jan'y, '81. M R O'Key, Abm., Fifer, Aug 1, '76; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, ,'77 rej'd Aug, '78, as priv. , omt'd Nov, '79. M R Privates. Osburn, Danl., June 25, '76; 3 yrs, omt'd sick, Nov, '79. MR McAnarney, Jno., Aug 2, '76; 3 yrs, invalided May 15, '80. MR Wilson, Abrm., Aug 12, '76; 3 yrs and war, m. to Jan'y, '82. MR McDonald, Jno., Sept 4, '76; 3 yrs, des'd per m. July, '77. M R Haines, Jno., Sept 12, '76; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Matthews, Peter, Nov 3, '76; war, des'd pr. m. July, '77. MR v i, Griffin, Benjamin, Decbr 1, '76; 3 yrs, killed or taken at Fort Montgomery, Oct 6, '77. A. P. 19-67. M R Hendrickson, Jas. , Decbr 1, '76; 3 yrs, des'd Nov 15, '78, joi'd Febr 23, '79, disch'd Dec 1, '79. MR McLean, Jno., Decbr 1, '76; 3 yrs, disch'd Dec 1, '76(?) MR Shurley, Thos., Dec 1, '76; 3 yrs, disch'd Dec 1, '79. MR Dungan, Patk., Decbr 10, '76; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77, jo'd, disch'd Jan'y 17, '80. MR Tucker, Joshua, Dec 25, '76 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R The New York Line. 225 Tucker, Joshua, Dec 35, '76; war, m. to Jan'y, '83. M R Goodspeed, Gideon, Decbr 26, '76, 3 yrs, des'd Jan'y, '80. M R Philipps, Joshua, Dec 26, '76 ; war, Corpl. Jan'y 1, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. MR Slouter, Evert, Dec 26, '76; war, m. to Jan'y, '81. M R , Tallady, Solomon, Dec 26, '76; war, des'd Mar 1, '80. See Lee's Comp'y. M R Blaws, John, Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Dec 1, '79. M R Hallett, Wm., Jan'y 17, '77'; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'v 8, '80. MR Johnson, Alex., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, des'd June 28, '77. M R Johnson, Alex., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, des'd May 28, '77.(?) M R (? The same as the preceding.) Lent, Enos, Jan'y 1, '77; miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Russell, Wm., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Russell, Wm., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 1, '80.? M R (? The same as the preceding.) Traverse, Abrm., Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77, rej'd, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Crosbey, Saml., Jan'y 5, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77, rej'd and disch'd Jan'y 6, '80. M R Halkerson, Wm., Jan'y 5, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd June 6, '80. MR Smith, David, Jun., Jan'y 7, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 7, '80. MR Kniffen, Nehemh, Jan'y 10, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77, rej'd and m. to Jan'y, '82. See Sniffin. Wright, Abr'm, Jan'y 17, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. MR Hollett, George, Jan'y 18, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 8, '80. M R Hollett, Soln., Jan'y 18, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 8, '77. M R Shaffer, George, Jan'y 23, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Dimond, Moses, Jan'y 25, '77; 3 yrs, died Dec 10, '81. M R Taylor, Elijah, Jan'y 27, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Febr 10, '78. M R Woolsey, Henry, Jan'y 30, '77; 3 yrs, . M R Chapman, Lemuel, Febr 1, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 6, '80, M R Jewett, Caleb, Febr 1, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 7, '80. M R Mitchell, Joseph, Febr 1, '77; 3 vrs, des'd Sept., '77, j'd May, '78, des'd Oct, '78, j'd Apr, 79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Bloomer, Wm., Febr 6, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Febr 1, '80. M R Kent, Thomas, Febr 6, '77; 3 yrs, taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, Oct 6, '77, rej'd, disch'd Febr 7, "80. A. P. 20^32. M R Orange Co. Shay, Markom, Febr 6, '77 ; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77, rej'd, disch'd Jan'y 7, '80. M R Smith, David, Sen., Febr 7, 3 yrs and war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Penny, Jona., Febr 8, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Persons, Jas., Febr 11, '77; 3 yrs, des'd May 20, '77. M R Aldridge, Jacob, Febr 13, '77 ; 3 yrs, died Sept, '77. M R Givens, Saml., Febr 13, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Tilton, Peter, Mar 1, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 7, '80. M R Hartwell, Thomas, enl'd in 3d N. Y. Mar 3, '77 ; then in 5th N. Y. , taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery. A. P. 17-93. M R Hach, George, enl'd Mar 6, '77; taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, Oct 6, '77, died in N. Y. prison. A. P. 19-289. M R Newburgh, Orange Co. 29 Doughty, Jas., Mar 7, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Milligan (Millikin) Robert, enl'd Mar 9, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Mar 28, 79, hired a substitute. A. P. 12-378. M R Andrews, Joab, Mar 11, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Nelson, Wm., Mar 11, '77; 3 yrs., des'd Febr 1, '78. MR Smith, Jesse, enl. Mar 11, '77; captured at Fort Mont gomery Oct 6, '77, escaped and made Sergt. Apr 1, '80, tr. to Capt. Pawling's 2d N. Y., '81, m. to Jan'y, '82. MR A. P. 23-159. Providence, Saratoga Co. Richardson, Alexr., Mar 15, 77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. MR Bouyd, Danl., Mar 24, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Jan'y 5, '78. MR Chatfield, Jonathan, enl. Mar 31, '77; to end of war, des'd May 21, '78. MR A. P. 22-410. Fulton, Jno., Mar 31, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Sept 18, '77; jo'd June, '78, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Crofot, Asa, Apr 2, '77; 3 yrs, must'd to 31 Mar, '80. M R Richey, Jno., Apr 5, 77; war, drowned per roll of Nov, '77. M R Peterson, Alex., Apr 8, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Bishop, James, Apr 9, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Apr 9, '80. M R McDonald, John, Apr 9, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Montanye, Jas., Apr 10, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. MR Phenix, Robt., Apr 10, '77, 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Townsend, Saml., Apr 15, '77; 3 yrs and war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Cox, Thos., Apr 29, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Nov 25, '77. M R McColIister, Walter, May 1, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, 77. MR Slouter, John, May 13, '77; 3 yrs and war, Corpl. Jan'y 9, '80, priv. Nov 5, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. MR Moore, Jno., Mar 18, '77; 3 yrs, des'd May 31, '78. M R Bevan, Casper, May 19, '77; 3 yrs, des'd the 1st muster. M R Vosburgh, Jacob, May 19, '77; 3 yrs, des'd 1st m. M R Vosburgh, Lawrence, May 19, '77; 3 yrs des'd 1st m. M R Vosburgh, Saml., May 19, '77; 3 yrs, des'd 1st m. M R Welsh, Edw., May 19, '77; 3 yrs, transf'd to Invalids Aug 10, '81. MR Transferred to Capt. Vandenburgh's in Col. Phil. V. Cortlandt's 2d N. Y., shot through left leg at Fort Montgomery Oct 6, '77; tr. to Invalids Aug 10, '78, discharged from C. of Invalids Apr 10, '83. I, 211. Aa, 30. Laborer, Cortlandt Manor, Westchester Co. White, Peter, May 19, '77; 3 yrs, des'd 1st m. MR Davis, Jacob, May 20, '77 ; 3 yrs, and war, died pr. roll of Sept, '77. M R Longyer, Jacob, enlisted Ma7 20, '77 ; taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, Oct 6, '77, died in N Y. prison. A. P. 19-291. M R Crispell, Thomas, enlisted May 21, '77 ; war, taken pris oner at Fort Montgomery. A. P. 19-293. M R Mar bletown, Ulster Co. Claywatter, Mart., May 24, '77; 3 yrs, war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Furlough, Corn., May 24, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Apr 19, '78. M R Graham, John, May 30, '77; 3 yrs, des'd May 28, '77(?) M R Hines, Jno., June 2, '77; 3 yrs, Drummer Aug 2, '77, priv. Mar 8, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Bartlet, Lemuel, June 9, '77; war, des'd Apr 1, '80, rej'd , must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Dimond, Wm., June 13, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Hunter, Jno., June 13, '77 ; 3 yrs, omt'd Novbr, '77. M R 226 The New York Line. Coke. Wm., July 1, '77; 3 yrs, must'd Fifer, Nov, '77, disch'd July 1, '80. M R Miller, Jno. , July 1, '77; 3 yrs, des'd June 4, '78. M R Felix, Phil., Aug 3, '77 ; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Cline, Jacob, Aug 4, '77 ; 3 yrs, war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR Keyser, Andw. , Aug 4, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd July 31, '80. MR Keyser, Jno., Aug 4, 77; 3 yrs, disch'd July 31, '80. MR Robinson, Jas., Aug 10, '77; 3 yrs, Sergt. Nov, '77, priv. June 22, '79, omt'd Nov, '79. M R Vandemark, Gilbert, Aug 10, '77; 3 yrs, died Oct, '79. M R Jenkins, Thomas, enlisted Aug 27, '77; (Sept 7, '77. M R) 3 yrs, des'd 1st m. A. P. 19-216. M R Flannigan, Danl., Aug 28, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Aug 28, '80. MR Davis, John, Sept 4, '77 ; war, des'd pr. roll of July, '78? M R Fitzsimmons, Barn'd, Sept 4, '77; 3 yrs, des'd 1st muster. M R James, John, Sept 13, '77 ; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Finn, Jno., Sept 14, '77; 3 yrs, des'd 1st muster. M R Plank, Henry, Oct 20, '77; war, disch'd Mar 15, '78. M R Quick, Abr. , Nov 8, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Nov 8, '80. M R Wilkinson, Thos., Jan'y 26,' '78; 3 yrs, des'd Mar 5, '78. MR Russell, Thos., Febr 24, '78; 3 yrs, disch'd Apr 16, '78. M R Townsend, Absalom, Mar 16, '78 ; war, disch'd by muster master Dec 12, '79, died of diabetes at the close of war. MR A. P. 22-174, et seq. Rochester, Ulster Co. Leonard, Silas, June 21, '78; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 17, '79. M R Gardinier. Andrew, July 20, '78; must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR. Burdett, Elisha, Nov 10, '78; 3 yrs, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Sprague, Seth, Jan'y 13, '79 ; war, des'd Apr 1, '80, m. July and des'd Aug, '80. See Lee's Comp. M R Gregg, David, Jan'y 29, '79; war. See D. Gregg, Lee's Co. M R Smith, Samuel, substitute for R. Milligan, Febr 25, '79; des'd Febr 1, '80, j'd Aug 28, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 18-378. MR Holloway, James, May 6, '79; des'd May 28, '79. M R Jackson, Wm , May 11, '79; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Bartow, Jonas, May 15, '79; 3 yrs, des'd Nov 18, '80, rej'd Aug 1, '81, must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR Walker, Saml., May 19, '79; m, to Jan'y, '82. M R Stanley, Thos., May 27, '79; war, disch'd pr. roll, Jan'y. '80. MR Prague, Seth, 1st m. Dec, '79 ; war, supposed to be Sprague, whom see. M R Cheesely, John, Decbr 1, '79 ; war, des'd Apr 1, '80, jo'd July 21, '80, des'd Novbr 21, '80. MR Danielson, Isaac, Decbr 25, '79 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '81. MR Ellis, Joseph, April 6, '80; des'd July 15, '80. M R Hollett, Wm., May 2, '80; disch'd Dec 6, '80. M R Putney, Jas., May 2, '80 ; disch'd Dec 6, '80. M R Ellis, Jacob, June 8, '80 ; des'd June 28, '80, jo'd July 8, '80, died Decbr 19, '81. MR Hinkley, Thos., June 8, 80; des'd June 28, jo'd July 6, des'd July 31, '80. M R Kelley, Joshua or John, June 8, '80, des'd June 28 rej'd July, 6, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. MR Wood, James, June 8, '80 ; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Ransom, Henry, enlisted May 1, (July 2,) '80; discharged as consumptive and unfit for duty Dec 6, '80, died shortly after. A. P. 20-63. M R Ulster Co. Cline, John, July, '80 ; disch'd Decbr 6, '80. M R Schoonmaker, Cuff, July 25, '80; disch'd Dec 6 '80. MR FIFTH COMPANY. Johnson, John, Captain, Nov 21, '76; deranged Jan'y, '81. M R Vandenburgh, Henry, 1st Lieut., Nov 21, '76; Capt., vice Rosekrans, prom'd, Mar 30, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 14-317.457,22-412. C, 159. Aa 30, 56. C. A. MR Clinton Town. Betts, James, 2d Lieut., Nov 21, '76; resigned fall of '82 to support his family. M R, resigned Mar 1, '80. A. P. 14-434, 15-501, 17-179, 19-498. Bates, James, app'd Nov 21, '76; Lieut. 5th N. Y. June 28, '79, left the service to provide for his family, '81, probably Betts, above. McArthur, Alex., 2d Lieut., Nov 21, '76; (3d Comp. Mil. Com.) pris'r Oct 6, '77, supernumerary May, '79. M R Chamberlain, Jno., Sergt., Febr 1, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77 ; jo'd July 22, '78, des'd Nov 15, '80. M R Watson, Levy, Sergt., Jatfy 30, '77; war, Drum'r, July, '80, died Sept 29, '80. M R Willis, William, Sergt., Febr 12, '77 ; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 6, '80. M R Dickerson, Versal, Sergt., May 15, '77; war, reduced May 1, '79, omt'd July, '80. M R Furdon, Jno., Sergt., May 21, '77; war, Sergt. Maj. April 28, '80, must'd to Jan'y, '81. M R Combs, Saml., Corpl., Jan'y 1, '77; war, invalided May 14, '80. M R Randle, Abrm., Corpl., Jan'y 6, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Christie, Jno., Corpl., Jan'y 20, '77 ; war, died July 28, '81. M R Boughton, Joseph, Corpl., Apr 16, '77 ; war. M R Taller, Jas , Corpl., Apr 24, '77; war, Sergt. June 24, '78, disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Kolb, Jno., Corpl., May 1, '77; war, priv. Sept., '77. MR Godwin, David, Drum., Decbr 29, '76 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, 81. M R Cook, Thos., Mus'n Febr 18, '77 ; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. Ransom, Jas., Mus'n, Apr 24, '78 ; 3 yrs, priv. Sept 1, '80, disch'd May 10, '81. MR Eacles, Jacob, Mus'n, July 4, '77 ; war, must'd priv. Am? '77, to Jan'y, '82. MR i-s. Hunt, Joshua, Mus'n, Aug 1, '77 ; war, priv. June 1, '81. m. to Jan'y, '82. MR Privates. Rundle, Abel, enlisted *76;(?) taken prisoner at Fort Mont gomery Oct, '77, died in prison. A. P. 17-177. Van Hoozer, Ga'l, Dec 28, '76; war, m. to Jan'y '82 MR Kalb, John, shot in the head at Ft. Montgomery, Oct 6, '77; through the left arm and private parts near White Plains in '78, disch'd May 5, '79, re-enlisted in Capt. Anth'y Phelps', Col. M. Willet's Levies, lost some of his toes by frost on the march to Oswego, Jan'y, '83. A. 39, Bb, 72. Leatherbreechesmaker, Plattekill Ull ster (also Fishkill). Betts, James, Jan'y 1, '77; war, Corpl. July 1, '80, pris. Coil, Thos., Jan'y 1, '77; war, des'd July 15, '77. M R The New York Line. 227 Craft, Jacob, enl'd Jan'y 1, '77; war, disch'd Dec 31, '82. A. P. 21-537. M R Fishkill. Crafts, Jacob, tr. to Col. Van Cortlandt's, discharged as invalid Dec 31, '82. A. P. 16-364. Jones, Robt., Jan'y 1, '77; des'd July, '77. M R McCarty, John, Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd July 15, '77. M R Metcalf Wm., Jan'y 1, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Simpson, Jas., Jan'y 1, '77 ; war, des'd June 1, '78. M R West, Jacob, enl'd Jan'y 1, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Oct 29, '78, jo'd Nov 14, '78, m. to Jan'y, '82, (tr. to Haurtranck's 2d N. Y, '81.) M R A. P. 23-155. Mayfield, Mont gomery Co. Russell, James, Jan'y 9, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Gready, Thos., Jan'y 14, '77. war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR Palmerton, Thos., Jan'y 14, '77; war, omt'd July, '80, rej'd and m. to Jan'y, '82. MR Ross, Chas., Jan'y 14, '77; des'd pr. roll, July, '77. M R Serine, Jacob, Jan'y 14, '77; war, des'd 1st muster. M R Thomas, George, Jan'y 15, '77; 3 yrs, des'd July, '77, j'd Apr, '78, disch'd July, '78, m. Jan'y, '79, des'd Dec 28, '79. M R Purdy, David, Jan'y 20, '77; des'd pr. roll July, '77. M R Clark, Wm., Jan'y 21, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Sweet, Roger, Jan'y 21, '77; war, died Dec 20, '78. M R Dougherty, Wm., Jan'y 29, '77; des'd pr. roll of July, '77. M R Wemiah, Fredk., Febr 5, '77 ; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Nelson, Wm., Febr 11, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan'y 6, '80. M R Forguson, Saml., or James, Febr 15, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Hughs, Wm., Febr 17, '77; war, omt'd July, '80. M R Rose, Jonathan, Febr 20, "77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Simkins, Jeremh., Mar 4, '77; war, des'd Aug 9, '79, jo'd Oct 28, '79, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Simpkins, Jeremiah, enld. Mar 4, '77, for the war, (des'd Aug 9, '79, jo'd Oct 28, '78, m. to Jan'y, '82), disch'd on ac. of disability near close of war. MR A. P. 21-352. Salem, Wch. Co. Wilber, Jacob, Apr 2, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Dow, Volker, Apr 10, '77; must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Combs, Peter, April 24, '77; war, Corpl. Aug, '77, 'Sergt. Jan'y 7, '80, des'd Aug 10, '81. M R Cull, John, May 1, '77; war, des'd July 10, '78, mustered Sept, '78. disch'd May 6, '79. MR Nelson, Thomas, May 2, '77; des'd pr. roll July, '77. M R Gardner, James, May 4, '77; des'd pr. muster July, '77. M R Tongue, Geo., May 5, '77; war, died Oct 6, '77. M R Burage, Michl., May 6, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Hunter, James, May 6, '77 ; war, des'd May 26, '81. M R Nichols, Jno., May 6, '77; war, Corpl. Sept 1, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82 M R Nichols, Stephen, May 6, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Thompson, Elias, May 6, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Patrick, Robert, May 10, '77 ; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Springsteen, Wm., May 15, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Denton, Amos, May 19, '77 ;>3 yrs, disch'd May 19, '80. M R" Shear, Abm., May 20, '77; war, des'd May 24, 81. M R Oakley, Jona., May 21, '77; war, Corporal, Octbr, '79, Sergt., July, '80, m. to Jan'y, '82. MR Schoonmaker, Henry, May 24, '77; war, Sergt., Aug 1, '77, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Seymour, Abrm., May 25, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. MR ' House, Henry, May 28, '77; war, Corpl., Mar 1, '80, red'd Apr 20, '81, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Mooney, Wm., May 29, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M, R Pepper, John, June 1, '77 ; war, disch'd Dec 12, '79. M R Wilber, Ichabod, enl'd June 20, '77; for the war, Corpl., July, '80, must'd to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 21-500. M R Campbell, Geo., Aug 3, '77; 3 yrs, des'd 1st muster. M R Danford, Prince, Aug 12, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Stevens, Richd., Aug 15, '77 ; war, des'd Aug 2, '80. M R Cheshire, Nehemiah, or Jeremiah, Nov 15, '77; 3 yrs, des'd May 24, '81. M R Bunker, Bethl., Jan'y 9, '78; war, des'd 1st muster, must'd June, '78, Corpl. Oct, '79, des'd Mar 1, '80. M R Bunker, John, Jan'y 9, '78; war, des'd 1st muster, must'd May, '78, des'd Mar 1, '80. M R Davis, Hezekiah, Jan'y 9, '78; war, des'd 1st muster. M R Kempton, Obedh., Jan'y 9, '78; war, des'd 1st muster. M R Morris, Arch'd, Jan'y 9, '78 ; war, des'd 1st m. MR Foster, Gilbert, Jan'y 14, '78; war, des'd 1st m. M R Foster, Wm., Jan'y 14, '78; war, des'd 1st m. M R Merrit, Jno., Jan'y 14, '78 ; des'd 1st must. M R Benedict, Andrew, April 4, '78 ; war, muBt'd to Jan'y '82. M R Bishop, James, Apr 5, '78; war, des'd Oct 8, '78. M R Sherwood (Sheridan), Nehemiah, Apr 21, '78; 3 yrs, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Fowler, Michl., May 6, '78; 3 yrs, must'd to Jan'y, '82. MR Combs, John, 1st m. June, '78 ; des'd July 1, '81. MR Smith, Stephen, July 7, '78 ; des'd Oct 8, '78. M R Cain, Jno., Aug 1, '78; des'd Dec 1, '78, rej'd and transf'd to Sappers and Miners Aug 1, '80. M R Fish, Zebra, Novbr 16, '78; 3 yrs, disch'd Nov 16, '81. M R Richards, Gilbert, 1st m., Jan'y, '79; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Springsteen, Jno., Jan'y 1, '79; 3 yrs, died Dec 27, '79. M R Wheeler, Saml., Feb 7, '79; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Richey, James, 1st m. June, '79 ; killed or pris'r Apr 16, '80. M R Rosekrans, James, Apr 27, '80; disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Agent, James, May 2, '80; disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Brink, Adam, May 4, '80; disch'd Aug 29, '80. M R Plough, Henry, May 4, '80; disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Ritter, Jacob, May 12, '80, died Oct 1, '80. M R Terwilliger, Wilhelm, May 16, '80; 9 m., disch'd. M R China, Ware, May 17, '81; disch'd Sept 16, '81. MR Coe, Philip, July 29, '80; tr. to Invalids Aug 10, '81, until his son, a boy of 12, was accepted as substitute. M R Hall, John, Febr 25, '81; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Horn, Jno., Oct 1, '81; in place of Ware China, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R 228 The New York Line. SIXTH COMPANY. Hamtranck, F Jno., Capt., Nov 21, '76; m. to Jan'y, '82. MR Lawrence, Andrew, 1st Lieut., Nov. 21, '76; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Lawrence, Daniel, 2d Lieut., Nov 21, '76 ; resigned Aug, '77. MR Hanmer, Francis, Ens'n, Nov 21, '76; Qr. Mr. July 14, '80, deranged Jan'y, '81. A. P. 14-457. M R Lawrence, Benj., Sergt., Mar 22, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Dimmick, Danl., Sergt., Mar 26, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Humphrey, Alex., Sergt., Apr 25, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Barker, Wm., Sergt., May 26, '77; war, reduced to ranks Apr 7, '79, Sergt May 1, '79, des'd April 21, '80. M R Humphreys, Saml., Sergt., May 2, '80; disch'd Decbr 15, '80. M R Prebble, Joseph, Corp]., Mar 15, '77; war, des'd July 22, '78. M R Wandle, John, Corpl., Mar 20, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Ross, John, Drummer, Mar 8, '79 ; war, transf'd to Artil lery, June 30, '8L MR McLean, Jno., Fifer, May 15, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Russell, Thos., Mus'n, Apr 1, '78; 3 yrs and war, des'd May 24, '81. M R Privates. Bryant, Mathew, Dec 28, '76; war, des'd Mar 2, '77. M R Higgins,- Saml., Decbr 28, '76; war, disch'd perm. Aug, '77. M R Dunford, Wells, Dec 23, '76; war, des'd 1st muster. M R Slaven, Jas., Dec 28, '76 ; war, transf'd to Invalids pr. roll, Dec, '80. M R Wall, Jas., Dec 28, '76 ; war, des'd Jan'y 10, '77. M R Gilbert, Seth, Jan'y 13, '77; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Gee, Moses, Jan'y 20, '77 ; war, Corpl., May 1, '79, must'd priv. to '82. M R Van Nort, Joseph, enlisted Mar 17, '77; wounded in right hip and leg at Fort Montgomery, remained on the mus ter roll of the Regiment until Jan'y, '80. I, 120, A, 57. Cornwall, Orange Co. Ackles, John, Mar 25, '77; war, disch'd Dec 1, '77. M R Lattes, James, Mar 25, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Van Ole, Joseph, Mar 25, '77; war, des'd Mar 1, '80. M R Patterson, Wm., Mar 26, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Dec 1, '77. MR Van der Bark, Corns., Mar 29, '77; war, des'd per roll Nov., '77. M R Van Orsdol, James, enlisted Mar (15) 29, '77 ; missing at Fort Montgomery, Oct 16, '77. MR A. P. 19-393. Garrison, Abr., Mar 31, '77 ; war, des'd July 27, '77. M R Gillespie, Robert, Mar 31, '77 ; w., taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, Oct 6, '77, died in prison. A. P. 19-358. M R Ulster Co. Griffin, Joshua, Mar 31, '77 ; war, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Millard, Elisha, Mar 31, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Miller, John, enlisted for the war Mar 31, '77; taken pris. at Fort Montgomery, Oct 6, '77, and died in prison. A. P. 17-209, 19-518. M R Albany Co. Wood, Timothy, Apr 9, '77; war, des'd 1st m. MR Gray, Saml., Apr 13, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77, jo'd and des'd Dec 10, '77. M R Irland, Amos, Apr 19, '77; war, des'd 1st m. M R Johnson, Mich'l, May 14, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Thorn, Obadiah, June 14, '77; 9 m., re'enl'd, omt'd' June, '79. M R Austin, Holms, Aug 1, 77 ; w. to Jan'y, '82. M R St. John, , Sept 20, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, 177. M R China, Richd., Dec 28, '77; war, des'd first muster. M R Levan, Francis, Decbr 28, '77; war, des'd 1st m. MR Moore, Jno., Dec 28, '77; des'd 1st m. M R Yeomans, John, Mar 1, '78 ; war, des'd June 1, '78, jo'd Oct 17. des'd Nov 20, '78. M R House, Saml., Apr 5, '78; 3 yrs, des'd Apr 15, '78. M R Babcock, John, June 14, '78; 9 m., disch'd. M R Brockaway, Russell, June 14, '78 ; 9 m., re-enl'd and must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Berry, Elisha, June 14, '78; 9 m., des'd Aug 5, rej'd Aug 20, '78, disch'd. MR Cummins, Eben, June 14, '78; 9 m., re-enl'd, des'd Oct 10, '78, jo'd Dec 1, '78, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Eaton, Ephr., June 14, '78 ; 9 m., des'd Aug 5, '78. M R Griffith, Jeremiah, June 14, '78 ; 9 m., disch'd. M R Henekey, Man!., June 14, '78; 9 m., disch'd. M R Quain, Ephm., June 14, '78 ; 9 m., des'd Jan'y 17, '79. MR Ripley, John, June 14, '78; 9 m., re-enl'd, des'd Mar 15, '79. M R Shaw. James, June 14, 78; war, des'd Aug 5, jo'd Aug 20, '78, omt'd May, '79. MR Sole, Wm., June 14, '78; 9 m., Corpl., June 25, '78, dis ch'd. M R Avory, Nicholas, May 5, '79; 9 m., re-enl'd to E. of war. M R Dann, Fred'k, May 5, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Dibble, Hez'h, May '5, '79 ; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Dickenson, Gideon, May 5, '79 ; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. MR Lauraway, Isaac, May 5, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. MR Millard, Henry, May 5, '79; des'd Nov 9, '80. ~M R Ritterman, Jno., May 5, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. MR Swiss, Jacob, May 5, '79; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Vallairey, Jno., May 5, '79 ; 9 in., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. MR Baker, Willm., May 6, '79; 9 m., transf'd to Art'y Nov 14, '79. M R Battersby, John, May 6, '79 ; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80 MR Buttles, Lebra, May 6, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 21, '80. M R Carley, Joseph, drafted May 6, '79; disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. A. P. 24-394. Schenectady. M R Cann, Mathw., May 6, '79 ; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. MR Cornelius, John, May 6, '79; 9 m., re-enl'd and must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Cort, Martin, May 6, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Curtis, Ebenezer, May 6, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. MR J Heavens, Peter, May 6, '79 ; 9 m. , m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Richmond, Josiah, May 6, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Skinner, Jona., May 6, '79 ; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Sutliff, John, May 6, '79 ; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R The New York Line. 229 Hendricks, Wansex, May 9, '79, 9 m., disch'd Jau'y 1, '80. M R Tophet, Peter, May 9, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. MR Fluno, Jno., May 12, '79; 9 m., re-enl'd and omt'd Aug, '80. M R Halnass, Phil., May 12, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. MR Size, Abm., May 14,. '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Wasson, James, drafted May 14, '79 ; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. A. P. 24-396. M R Cayuga Co. Woodward, John, May 14, '79; 9 m., discn'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Filmore, Silas, May 19, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Clinton, Jno., May 21, '79 ; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Ryley, Sylvester, May 22, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, '80. M R Jackson, Robert, May 2, '80; disch'd Dec 16, '80. M R Ramsey, Jonas, May 2, '80 ; disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Cornwall, Joseph, 1st m. Aug, '80; must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Smith, Jesse, A. P. 18-256. The following Soldiers are returned as of Capt. Hamtranck's Company, 2d Regt., and may have been transferred from the 4:th to the 2d on the consolidation in 1781. Addoms, (Adams) Jesse, enl'd in Capt. Walker's 4th N. Y., tr. to Hamtrank's, '79, 2d N. Y., spring of '81, died at Williamsburgh, Va., Nov 7, '81. A. P. 18-248, 23-154. Ivery, James, shot through neck and right arm near Fort Schuyler spring '81 ; discharged from Corps of Invalids Jan'y 6, '83. Aa, 47, I, 181. Laborer, Shawangunck, Ulster Co. Reed, George, killed near Fort Schuyler, April 9, '81. Lambert, David, enl'd Apr 27, '77, in Capt. Graham's 2d N. Y„ deserted, rej'd Sept 15, '78, must'd to Jan'y, '81, taken pris'r near Ft. Schuyler, Apr 9, '81, released to end of war (to Jan'y, 81.) MR A. P. 22-106, 126. 230 The New York Line. A PAY ROLL of Captn Henry Godwin's 1th Company in a Reg't of Foot, Commanded by Colo. Lewis Dubois in the Service of the United States of America, For the Month of October, 1777. {N. Y. Col. MSS., CI, f. 147.) NAMES. Bank. Com- . mencem't of time. To what time paid. Pay per month. Whole time of service. Amount of pay. Total amount. Casualties. Henry Godwin . . Sol'n Pembleton (Pendle- Captain. 1st Lieut 2d do Ensign..Sergt... do Corpor'l do Drum'r. Private . do do dododo dododododododo dodododododo do do do do Sergt.... do Corpori.Fifer . . . Private. do do do do dodo do dodo do dodo do Oct. 2, 77. dododo x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x do x dodo do " do dodo dodo dodo do dodododo Oct. 7, '77. dodo do Nov. 2, '77 dodo do do dodo do dodododododo dodo dodododo do do dodo dododo do Oct. 7, '77 do do dodododo do do do do dodo do dodo dodo Dollars. 40 27 27 20 8 87 1-3 7 1-3 7 1-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 62-36 2-3 62-36 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-2 6 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 88 7 1-3 7 1-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 62-36 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 6 2-3 Mo. Day. 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 1 0 do dododo do do dodododo do do do dododododododo do dodo do 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 6 ' 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 6 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 L. S. D. 2 13 4 1 16 .. 1 16 .. 1 6 8 L. S. D. 7 12 0 15 4(?) 26 13 4 8 0 0 2 0 11 4 8 10 2-3 1 15 6 2-3 Mls'g since tbe 6th Oct. dodo do 8 4 .. 3 4.. 2 18 .. 2 18 .. 2 18 . 2 13 4 2 13 4 2 13 4 2 13 4 2 13 4 2 13 4 2 13 4 2 13 4 2 13 4 2 13 4 2 13 4 2 13 4 2 13 4 2 13 4 2 13 4 2 13 4 2 13 4 2 13 4 2 13 4 2 13 4 John Alabin ' — 2 13 4 2 13 4 2 13 4 0 10 8 0 10 8 0 9 9 1-2 0 9 9 1-2 0 8 10 2-3 0 8 10 2-3 0 8 10 2-3 0 8 10 2.3 0 8 10 2 3 0 8 10 2.3 0 8 10 2-3 0 8 10 2-3 0 8 10 243 0 8 10 2-3 Missing since Octb'r 6. do do do Deserted. Missing since Oct. 6. do dodo do dodo David Smith-. 0 8 10 2-3 0 8 10 2-3 0 8 10 2-8 0 8 10 3-8 do Missing since Oct. 6. do £.92 8 01-3 .. James Betts, Leut. [No explanation is given of what the x mark above stands for.] SEVENTH COMPANY. Godwin, Henry, Captain, Nov 21, '76; missing Oct 6, '77, jo'd and must'd to Jan'y, '81, then deranged. M R Pendleton, Solomon, 1st Lieut. Nov 21, '76 ; pris. Oct 6, '77, supernumerary May, 79. M R Leggett, Abraham, Ens'n, (7th Co., Mil. Com.) Ham- tranck's, Nov 21, '76 ; miss'g Oct 6, '77, pris'r, Lt., de ranged Jan'y 1, '81. A. P. 14-511. M R Morris, Lewis R., Ensign, June 29, '81 ; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Morgan, Joseph, recruiting Sergt., Febr 25, '77 ; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77, jo'd and m. to Jan'y, '82. M R A. P. 21-360. Salem, Wch. Co. Dailly, James, Sergt., Mar 5, '77; war, must'd priv. Sept, '77, miss'g Oct 6, '77, des'd p. roll of Decbr, '77. M R Rose, Jacob, Sergt., Mar 5, '77; war, des'd June 22, '80. M R Alebin, John, Sergt., Mar 16, '77 ; reduced Aug 1, '77, re stored Dec. '77, reduced again Aug '78, deserted Oct 6, '78. MR The New York Line. 231 Dixon, Lewis, Fifer. May 21, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77, rejo'd and des'd June 1, '80. M R Privates. Casner, Michl., Decbr 21, '76; 3 yrs, des'd Jan'y 20, '77. M R Dubois, Nathl., Jan'y 1, '77; war, disch'd Aug 16, '79. M R Robinson, Alexr., Jan'y 1, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Van Tine, Jno., Jan'y 5, '77; war, discharged July, '77. MR Allen, John, Jan'y 8, '77 ; w., des'd Jan'y 10, '77, must'd Aug, '77, omt'd Nov, 77. M R Sniffin, Nehemiah, Jan'y 10, '77; war, m. to Jan'y, '82. See Kniffin. M R Scudder, John, Febr 3, 77 ; war, des'd Mar 3, '77. M R Hill, Joshua, Febr 18, '77; war, died July 21, '77. M R Holms, Jesse, Febr 18, '77 ; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77, jo'd and des'd Jan'y 15, '80. M R Robinson, Peter, Febr 18, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Thomas, Jno., Febr 25, '77; war, des'd July 30, '77. M R McDougal, Hugh, Febr 29,(7) '77; war des'd Mar 6, '77. M R Otter (Utter) Nathl., Mar 5, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Utter, Nathan, Mar 5, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. See Otter. M R Green, Sitten, Mar 10, '77 ; war, des'd Mar 20, '78, must'd May, '79, des'd Febr 1, '80. M K Anderson, Joseph, Mar 15, '77 ; war, disch'd Oct 28, '79. M R Boyd, Robert, Mar 15, '77; war, des'd July 10, '77. M R Terwilliger, Jacob, Apr 1, '77 ; war, taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, Oct 6, '77; jo'd and m. to Jan'y, '82. A. P. 15-20. M R Ulster Co. Othout, Peter, Apr 2, '77; war, died Sept 2, '77. M R Delancey, Abm., May 4, '77; war, must'd probably to Jan'y, '81 or '82; he was still in the Regt., though absent on furlough, Febr '80. M R Bailey, Jon'n. May 6, '77 ; war, Sergt. Oct, '77, disch'd May 7, '80. M R Smith, David, May 13, '77 ; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Coe, Phil., May 15, '77 ; war, des'd July, '77. M R Welch, John, May 21, '77; war, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Johnson, Danl., 23d May, '77; war, Corpl. July 10, '77, des'd May, '78, jo'd Oct, '78, Corpl. Nov 1, '78, priv. Sept, '81, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Adams, Peleg, May 24, '77; war, disch'd July, '77. M R Denniger, Geo., May 26, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd May 26, '80. M R Tobias, Jacob, May 30, '77 ; war, died pr. roll of Jan'y, '79. M R Knapp, Aaron, June 9, '77; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. MR Mooney, Absalom, June 9, '77; war, . M R Van Gelder, Jacob, June 9, '77; war, des'd Oct 6, '77 rejo'd May 25, '78, died June 18, '79. M R Matthews, Jno., June 18, '77; war, des'd pr. roll Nov, Ti. M R Chandler, Jon'n, July 7, '77; war, disch'd Aug 31, '77. M R Golding, Lewis, Aug 28, '77 ; war, des'd per roll Nov, '77. MR Hunter, Ezekl., Nov 30, '77; war, des'd 1st m., m. Oct, '78, died May 7, '79. M R Shaw, Reuben, Dec 30, '77; war, des'd 1st m., m. Feb, '78, des'd Mar, '78. M R Heaster, Christ., 1st m. May, 579; des'd June 1, '81. M R Alberton, Stephen, May 30, '79; 9 in., disch'd Jan'y 1, .30. M R Higby, Eln'n, May 31, '79; 9 m., disch'd Jan'y 1, "80. MR Speenberg, Joseph, 1st m. Nov, '79; transf'd to 3d N. Y. Aug 15, '80. MR Tophop, Peter, 1st m. Jan'y, '80; des'd Dec 23, '80. M R Carley, Joseph, entered Jan'y 1, '80, in p]ace of Sergt. Tallery, must'd to Jan'y, '82. M R Utter, Isaac, Jun., 1st m. Apr, '80 ; omt'd July, '80, jo'd Oct, '81, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Clawatter, John, May 2, '80; disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Maps, Stephen, May 2, '80 ; 8 m., disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Terwilliger, Wm., May 16, '80; disch'd Dec 15, '80. M R Riston, Wm., 1st m. July, '80 ; m. to Jan'y, '82. M R EIGHTH COMPANY. Lee, Thomas, Captain, Nov 21, '76; resigned May 19, '78. M R Pawling, Henry, 1st Lieut., Nov 21, 76; pris. Oct 6, '77, rej'd, m. to Jan'y, '82. M R Birdsall, Daniel, 2d Lieut., comm'd Nov 21, '76 : resigned Dec 26, '79, because others had been promoted over his head. A. P. 14-386, 18-166, 19-279. M R English, Saml., 2d Lieut., Novbr 21, '76; deranged Jan, '81. M R Lent, Isaac, Sergt., Jan 1, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Dec 23, '79. M R Turbush, Corn's, Sergt., Jan 1, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Aug 15, '78. M R Owens, David, Sergt., May 23, '77; war, des'd Aug, '77. M R Bughey, Joseph, Corpl., Jan 1, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Decbr 1, '77, must'd priv. June, '78, disch'd Apr 1, '80. M R Vandermark, Corn's, Corpl., Jan 1, '77; war, Sergt. Sept 4, '77, priv. Jan 1, '82. M R Vantine, Francis, Corpl., Jan 1, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Jan 1, '80. A. P. 21-203. M R Dutchess Co. Banker; Nathl., Corpl., Jan 6, '77; 3 yrs, disch'd Dec 11, '79. M R Frimier, Jno., Drummer, Febr 15, '79; war, died Dec 20, '81. M R Parker, Elijah, Fifer, Sept 1, '77 ; 3 yrs, des'd Mar 2, '80. M R Paul, Wm., Musician, Jan 1, '77; 3 yrs, des'd Dec 24, '77. M R Slutt, Abm. , Musician, Apr 9, '77; 3 yrs, priv. Aug, '77, disch'd Dec 9, '79. MR Privates. Keisberger, Phil., . '76 ; 3 yrs, des'd June 26, '78. M R Risberger, Phi]., , '76; 3 yrs, des'd June 26, '78. M R Tallady, Jno., Nov 21, '76 ; war, des'd Jan, '80, j'd June, '80, m. to Jan, '82. M R Currin, Saml., Decbr 16, '76; 3 yrs, war, must'd to Jan, '82 M R Lune, Wm., Dec 16, '76; 3 yrs, disch'd Dec 16, '79. M R Smeedes, Jno., Dec 16, '76 ; 3 yrs, des'd Jan 5, '78. M R Boyd, Saml., Dec 25, '76; 3 yrs, miss'g Oct 6, '77. M R Donaldson, Isaac, Dec 25, '76; 3 yrs, must'd Jan, McKinney, July 20, 77; war. O, M R OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS of the 2d, or New York Regiment of Artillery. [The List of Names given in the "Balloting Book,'- published by the State in 1825, is as complete as the material existing allowed it to make. In the following list names are given from other sources, which either were not returned in the B. B., or where additional references seemed desirable.] Ailing, Stephen, Lieut., app'd Feb 5, 77; 1st Lieut. Sept. 20, 79, disch'd Dec 19, '82. A. P.20-236. B B. New Haven, Conn. Beauman, Sebastian, Major, succeeded in command of the Co. by Capt. Geo. Fleming. A. P. 14-497. B B. Brown, Jonathan, Captain. A. P. 21-153. Burnside, John, Lieut., died Jan, '81. A. P. 15-274. Doughty, John, Captain, entered early in 76, succeeded Capt. Alex. Hamilton in command of the Co. A. P. 14-497. B B. Fleming, George, Captain. Aa, 7. B B. Guion, Isaac, Capt., Lieut. A. P. 14-317. B B. Hamilton, Alexander, Captain, Capt. of Art., 75, A. D.'C. to Genl. Wash'n, with rank as Lt. Col. , Colonel by brevet Sept. 28, '83, to end of war. Aa, '54, A. P. 21-293. Hale, Mordecai, Surgeon, ruptured and wounded m the private parts Apr, '82. C, 136, Aa, 40, Physician, Tarrytown, Westchester Co. Harvey, Elisha, 2d Lieut., Capt. Isaiah Wools, ent'd 77, from Taunton, Mass., in service, 79. A. P. 14-483. Johnston, W., Capt., Lieut. I, 78. Kollock, Shipard, Lieut., served in the Infantry during campaign of 76 ; comm'd Jan, 77, resigned Jan, 79. Member of the N. J. Cincinnati July 4, '91. A. P. 23-151, 24-122, 160. Elizabeth, N. J. Lawrence, Oliver, Lieut., Capt. Brown's. A. P. 21-157. Danbury, Conn. Lockwood, Samuel, Captain. A. P. 18-477. Machin (Matchin), Thomas, Captain. A. P. 14-317. B B. Mansfield, Samuel, Captain, volunteer in the Canada Exp'n in 76; app'd to the command of a Lake Cham plain Schooner of 10 guns, Capt. of Art'y autumn of 76, raised his Comp'y in Connecticut, letter of thanks from Gen'l Wash'n for gallant services at Monmouth, resigned soon after, volunteer A. D. C. to Gov. Walton at the siege of Savannah, merchant in N. Y. after the war. A. P, 20-411, 21-163. Miles, John, Lieut., Mansfield's? A. P. 20-244, 21-165. B B. New Haven, Conn. Mix, Timothy, Lieut. 10th Comp., Capt. J. Brown's, en listed 77, as Sergt. to end of war. A. P. 20-43, 22-132. B B. New Haven, Conn. Moodie, Andrew, Captain. Aa, '48. C, 88. B B. Mott, Gersham, Captain. C, 46, Aa, 32, 59. B B. Nestell, Peter, Capt., Lieut. A. P. 14-318. Lieut, in •a t> Reed, Jacob, Capt. C, 77. B B. New York City. Savage, John (Joseph), Capt. A. P. 19-509. B B. Stephens, Wm., Capt. B, 60. B B. Swartwout, Cornelius, Capt. A. P. 14-317. Throop, Benjamin, Capt. A. P. 21-173. Rhinebeck, Dutchess Co. Throop, John Rutherford, Lieut. A. P. 20-244. B B New Haven, Conn. Walker, Robert, Capt., from spring 77, to spring '81. A. P. 20-298. Stratford, Conn. Warring, Henry, Capt., Lieut., Capt. Stevens'. A. P. 19-397. Greenwich, Fairfield Co. Williams, Henry A., Lieut. A. P. 14-317. B B. Woodward, Peter, Lieut., jo'd Aug, 77. A. P. 20-238. B B. Wool, Isaiah, Capt., in Lamb's Comp. 76. I, 7. Abernathy, Giles, Matross, enl'd Dec 17, 76; discharged Dec, '82, on ac. of disability by rheumatism. A. P. 17-217. Alley, William, Matross, Capt. Mansfield, enl'd 77, in valided at the close of the -war. Badge of Merit. A. P. 20-41. New Haven, Conn. Bishop, Joshua, Matross, Capt. Gersham Mott's, enl'd June 22, 77; disabled by the fall of a tree on his chest at Morristown, '80. C, 46. B B. Wch. Co. Barns, Solomon, Corp'l, Capt. Jon'n Brown. A. P. 20-93. B B. Bacon, Wm. , Matross, Capt. I. Wool's, entered from Woodstock, Conn., 77; in service Apr, 79. A. P. 14-483. Carr, Hugh, Matr., Capt. Wool, enl'd from Peekskill, 77, in service Apr, 79. A. P. 14-483. Chatcey, Benjamin, Matr., Capt. Reed's, enl'd '81, disch'd July, '83. A. P. 24-404, 22-25. B B. Halfmoon, Saratoga Co. Chittenden, Jared, Matross, Capt. Mansfield. A. P. 21-167. As Sergt. in B B. Clark, David, Sergt., Capt. Jon'n Brown's, enl'd May, 77; captured at Fort Montgomery, Oct 6, 77, died in prison. A. P. 20-89. Woodbridge, Conn. Cashall, Thomas, Matross, Capt. Mansfield. A. P. 21-165. B B. Crawford, Thomas, Bombardier, Lt. W. Johnston, Capt. enl'd as Sergt. in Capt. Ambrose Horton's Co., Col. James Holmes 4th N. Y., July, 75, wounded in the neck at St. John; enl'd in Capt. John Lamb's Co. of Art'y, at Montreal Jan 2, 75, hand injured by accident at Mon treal, March, 76. C, 201, Aa, 79. Laborer, N. Y. C. Cruduck, Wm., Matross, Capt. Wm. Stephens, enl'd 77; rheumatic and ruptured. B, 59, C, 136. Laborer, N. Y C. Day, John, Matross, Capt. I. Wool's, entered from Boston, 77; in service Apr, 79. A. P. 14-483. B B, gunner. Done, Thomas,. Matross, Capt. Wool, formerly in the Boston troops, enl'd in 76, under Capt. Isaiah Wool, then in command of Lamb's Co. , lost his eyesight by the explosion of a cannon before Quebec a month later, and taken prisoner with Capt. Lamb, transferred to Capt. Williams' Co., Corps of Invalids. C, 122, Aa, 23, I, 7. Mariner, N. Y. O, later, Newburgh, N. Y. The New York Line. 245 Douglas, William, Matross, Capt. Alex. Hamilton's, enl'd May 28, 76; lost right arm and had right leg broken by accidental explosion of a cannon in the Battery, N. Y. C, June 12, 76, tr. to Corps of Invalids, discharged by Gen'l Wash'n Sept 1, '82. Aa, 54, I, 15-7. Mariner, N. Y. C. Doyle, Thomas, Matr., Capt. Mansfield. A. P. 21-167., Dunlap, James, private, Capt. Walker's, enl'd 77; served till end of war. A. P. 17-123, 383. Dunlap, James, private, Capt. Reed's, lost his eyesight, tr. to C. of Invalids, disch'd Apr 10, '83. C, 77, 170. I, 163. A. P. 39-11. Schenectady. Eastwood, Amos, Matr., Capt. Wool, enl'd from N. Y. C. 77, in service, Apr, 79. A. P. 14-483. Fenton, Jotham, Mate, Capt. Mansfield. A. P. 21-167. B B, Fisk, Isaac, Sargt., Capt. Jon'n Brown, enl'd spring of 77, app'd Sergt. Major 79, 2d Lieut. June 29, '81, resigned for family reasons July 14, '82. A. P. 21-153. South- ington, Hartford Co., Conn. Hagley, John, private, Fleming's, died in the service Oct 14, '81. A. P. 18-413. B B. Gall, William, private, Capt. Machin's. A. P. 19-79. Marlborough, Ulster Co. Gillet, Benjamin, private, Reed's, served to end of war, A. P. 22, 21-130. B B. Albany, N. Y. Gross, Peter, private, Stevens'. A. P. 21-372. B B. Haverstraw, Rockland Co. Hackney, Joseph, private, Capt. Moody; enl'd fall of '82. A. P. 24-340. German Flatts, Warren Co., Penn'a. Hackney, William, Private, Capt. Moody's; enl'd, '82, to end of war. A. P. 24-352. B B. Canajoharie, Mont- gom'y Co. Hallock, Joseph, private, Capt. Fleming's. A. P. 23-385. B B. Newburgh, Orange Co. Jackson, John, Matr., Capt. Mansfield. A. P. 21-167. Johnson, Samuel, private, Capt. Stevens', served 6 yrs. 4 m. A. P. 19-395. Kearney, Thomas, private, Capt. G. Mott, lost his eye sight at Springfield, N. J.. May, '80, Sergt., Invalid Corps, discharged Oct 15, '83. C, 185, Aa, 32. Ship carpenter, N. Y. C. Lent, Jacob, Private, Capt. G. Mott's; enl. 77, for the war, served to end of war. A. P. 23-175. Courtland, Wch. Co., , Lockwood, jared, Sergt. A. P. 19-9. Lockwood, Moses, Gunner, Capt. S. Lockwood's, lost his left eye by an accident. A, 21. Farmer, Lower Salem, Wch. Co. McCay, Alexander, Bombardier, Capt. Andrew Moodie, enl'd 77; bayonet wounds in body and arm at Fort Clinton, Oct 6, 77. B, 650. Farmer, Montgomery Prec, Ulster Co. McKinney, William, Sergt., Major Baumans', enl'd May, 76; discharged March 2, '81. A. P. 17-415. Marshall, Mead, Gunner, Capt. I. Lockwood's, enl'd Apr 1, 77; had his feet frozen in an expedition to L. I. Dec, 77 ; disch'd Sept 12, 79. A, 196. Mariner, N. Y. C. MilBpaugh, John, Bombardier, Capt. John Doughty, wounded in left arm. B, '83.. Montgomery Prec, Ulster Co. Mullins, William, private, Capt. A. Moody. A. P. 20-352 Murphy, John, Matross, Capt. Matchin's, enl'd 77. A. P. 19-189, 516. B B. Nelson, Thomas, Matross, Capt. R. Walker, died of a spider bite at West Point, '80. A. P. 20-294. Nostrand, Luke, Matross, Capt. Bauman, enl'd 76; died at Valley Forge, Pa. Paddock, Peter, private, in Col. Ludington's Dutchess Co. Mil'a, enl'd Apr 1, '82, sent to Col. Lamb's Art'y, as Serg't. A. P. 16, 194. Parsons, Samuel, Serg't, Capt. I. Wool, entered from Marblehead, Mass., 77; in service Apr, 79. A. P. 14-483, Matross in B B. Prindle, Enos Jones, Serg't Major. A. P. 21-132. B B. Connecticut. Richards, James, Matross, Capt. Mansfield. A. P. 21-167. Richardson, Robert, Serg't, Capt. G. Mott, wounded at Paulus Hook, July 9, 76, and at White Plains Aug 13, 76, disch'd from C. of I. July 10, '83. C, 80, Aa, 59, I, 196. Weaver, Rumbout Prec, Dutchess Co. Rickhorn, Abraham, Gunner, Capt. Fleming's, enl'd Apr 9, 76; died of dysentery in Prince William Co., Va., Aug 17, '81. A. P. 19-187, 510. N. Y. C. Robinson, Samuel, private. A. P. 19-9. Ryan, Jeremiah, Bombardier, Capt. Walker's, enl'd in Capt. Solomon Reed's, Col David Waterbury's Conn. Mil., 75; volunteered under Col. Warner for attack on Fort Chambly, re-enlisted in Capt. A. Chapman's, Col. David Wooster's; in Lamb's Art'y, 77, disch'd as In valid July 8, '80. A. P. 23-41, 61. Rensselaerville, Albany Co. Shaver, James, Gunner, Capt. Andrew Moodie, disabled by a canDon ball in the small of his back at Fort Mont gomery, Oct 6, 77, disch'd from C. of Invalids, Jan 5, '83. C, 88, Aa, 48, I, 206. Shoemaker, Wallkil, Ulster Co. Sheehan, Thomas, Matr., Capt. Wool, enl'd from N. \. C. 77; in service Apr, 79. A. P. 14-483. B B. Sherwood, Andrew, Serg't, Capt. Machin, during war. A. P. 23-375 B B. Dryden, Tompkins Co. Silvia, James, Matr., Capt. Wool, entered from N. Y. 77, in service Apr, 79. A. P. 14-483. Simons, Robert, private, Capt. Walker, enl'd after the burning of Danbury, served through the war and lived to be over 81 years of age. A. P. 21-527. B B. Dela ware Co. Simpson, Robert, Matross, Capt. Mansfield. A. P. 21-167. Smith, Henry, 4th Gunner, Capt. Moody, enl'd June, 78; wounded at Monmouth, disch'd June, '83. A. P. 23-377. Dryden, Tompkins Co. Stagg, Cornelius, Matr., Capt. Wool, enlisted from N. Y. C. 77; in service Apr, 79. A. P. 14-483. Summers, Ferril, Corporal, Capt. John Doughty, wounded in left arm at Germantown, Oct 4, 77. A. 43, Cc, 6. B B Farmer, Shawangunck, Ulster Co. Thompson, John, private, Capt. A. Moody, killed at Fort Clinton, Oct 6, 77. A. P. 20-342. Thompson, Thaddeus, Serg't, Capt. Jon'n Brown's. A. P. 21-155. Bombardier in B B. Woodbridge, Conn. Thompson, William, Gunner, Capt. I. Wool, enl'd from Marblehead, 77. A. P. 14-483. Serg't in B B. Van Orsdol, John, private, Capt. A. Moody. A. P. 22-344. Orange Co. Vose, Amoriah, Serg't, Capt, I. Wool, entered from Meri- dien, Mass., 77 ; in service April, 79. A. P. 14-483. Wandal, Adam, Gunner, Capt. Geo. Fleming, ruptured. Aa, 7. B B. Laborer, N. Y. C. outward. Watkins, Nathan, Matr. , Capt. Mansfield. A. P. 21-167. Wendell, Jacob, private, Capt. Fleming's, A. P. 19-514, 193. Albany, N. Y. Whist, Joseph, Matr., Capt. Mansfield. A. P. 21-167. Winins, Silas, private. A. P. 19-228. Wise, William, Matross, Capt. S. Mansfield, enl'd 77, to close of war. A. P. 20-45, 22-132. Fifer in B B. New Haven, Conn. Worden, Paul, Matross, served to end of war. A. P. 18-407. 246 The New York Line. Other Artillery Men. Barber, Silas, Sergt., Capt. Nath'l Donnel's, Col. John Crane, 3d Art'y; four ribs on the right side broken at a fire in the barracks at West Point, Jan, '83. Bb, 13, A, 6. Carpenter, N. Y. C, Westward. Hep worth, Daniel, Bombardier, Capt. Th's Seward, 3d Art'y, lost right eye and wounded in right elbow by discharge of a gun in camp at Danbury, Oct 17, 78. Cc, 64. Farmer, Beekman, Dutchess Co. Rutgers, Anth'y, Capt. of Art'y Comp., formed by the Marine Society of N. Y., confirmed by Prov. Congr. June 9, 75. Jour. P. C. I, 234, 331. Miller, Christopher, Capt., Lieut., Rutger's Arfy Comp'y, July 5, 75. Dennis, Patrick, 1st Lieut. Rutger's Art'y Comp'y, July 5, 75. Griffith, Anth'y, 2d Lieut., Rutger's Art'y Comp'y, July 5, 75. Ritchie, Wm., 3d Lieut., Rutger's Art'y Comp'y, July 5 '75 Tuuor, Samuel, Capt., Indep'd Co. of Art'y, N. Y. City. ' LIST OF OFUCERS of Lamb's Artillery, appointed by the Governor and Council of Appointment. John Smith Alex'r Clinton Rob't H. Livingston Isaac Fisk Hiel Peck John Campbell Michael Wetsell John Reade Rob't Burnet, Jun'r Wm. Leacraft, joined Feb, '81, A. P. 20-238. B B. 2d Lieut's, Com missioned June 29, '81. Jonas Adams Isaac Smith Peter Tappin Wm. Morris Peter Anspatch Henry Demler 2d Lt. John Shaw, to date, B B. C. A. 2d Lieut's, Com m'd by C. of A. Nov 2, '81, to date from Aug 21. Nov 2, '8L A. P. 17-129. Capt. Thomas Machin vice Jeremiah Wool, res'd Aug 21, '80 do Jacob Reed, do Robert Walker, res'd Mar 23, '80 Capt. Lt., ,Caleb Brewster vice Tho's Thompson, dec'd June 23, '80 do Isaac Guion vice Machin, prom'd Aug 21, '80 do Isaiah Thompson vice Henry Waring, resigned Apr 14, '81 do Elisha Harvey vice Edw'd Archibald, resigned June 25, '81 do Peter Nestle vice Baxter How, deceased, Sept 20, '81 do James Brewster vice John Waldron, resigned April 8, '82 1st Lieut., George Leaycraft vice Isaac Guion, promoted Aug 21, '80 do Chilion Ford vice Wm. Hubbell, resigned Oct 1, '80 do Peter Woodward vice Samuel Whiting resigned Mar 23, '81 do Wm. Strachan vice Thompson, promoted Apr 14, '81 do James Bradford [163, B B,] vice Harvey, promoted June 25, '81 do Henry Ab'm Williams vice Nestle, promoted Sept 20, '81 do Henry Cunningham vice BrewBter, promoted April 8, '82 do Timothy Mix vice Oliver Lawrence, resigned Sept 20, 83 C. A. Mar. 12, '83. The New York Line. 247 RETURN of the five Continental Battalions raised under the direction of this State, and of those Officers and Soldiers^ serving in other Corps, who are credited to the State as part of its proportion of the Continental Army, and are entitled to receive State Supplies. Pough keepsie, Sept. 18, 1780. (A. P. 14, p. 442.) GENERAL staff. FIELD OFFICERS. COMPANY OFFICERS. regiment'l staff. B CDO e0 FIELD OFFICERS AND REGIMENTS. r.CDaCD e> o "3S i CDa© cs uM t; a 5 ¦ CO "3 1 < CO aotocnCh3 3 9a oo D COao0 o3 B o CO a ~S ¦r> O. al O 5667 7 23 1 5 5 3 acd o ra +-» ifaCD3a. 3 '7 8888 4 1 54 12 m a s ina H 'e 8465 'i 1 i0 toEf3 01 a. I ¦0 a Sm 03 ifi?¦»caO as rrt Major-Gene Brig. Gen'l Hospital Su State j Regim'nts. " Additional Corps of " Infantry. Artillery . . ¦ Cavalry. . . ¦ ral McDougall 1 "i 2 'i l ll l "i l 7 'i l i 3 "i ll ll l — rgeons : First, Col. V. Schaick 2d, Col. Cortlandt 3d, Col. Gansevoort 4th, Lt. Cl. Com.Weissenfels 5th, do do Willett 'Col. Spencer do Hazen do Webb do Livingstonf Col. Lamb do Crane do Moylan Major Lee 1 11 11 '"i 1 1 307 173 312 210 183 2926 *3 106 49 4 135 ** 16 Total 1 1 3 5 42 10 65 26 6 3 1.556 Nich's Fish, Major 2d State Reg't, and Inspector of the Line. * No returnB. f This Regiment ia given in this volume as the Canadian Continentals. Malcom's Reg't is not mentioned in the above return, why ? It was one of the Additional Continentals . In Spencer's, also called Fifth New Jersey Battalion. Lush, Stephen, Major and A. D. C. to Gov. Clinton, taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery. A. P. 19-293. Turner, Philipp, Surgeon-General U. S. A., Post Surgeon, Fort Columbus. A. P. 21-29. Wemple, Walter Vrooman, Senior Surgeon-General, Gen'l, Hospital, North. Dept. A. P. 17-85. Coventry, John H., Surgeon's Mate, under Dr. Cochran, in the General Hospital U. S. Army. A. P. 21-27. N. York City. Ledyard, Isaac, Surgeon's Mate, later Deputy Surveyor for the Hospital. Merselis, Henry, Capt. Van Dyck's Reg't in 76, Ass't Comm'y Hosp'l Dept., June, 77, Conim'y Hosp'l, Schenectady, until broken up; Ass't Comm'y Forage, Q. Mr. Dept. until spring '80, Dep'y Wagon Master from fall '80 to '83. Wright, John G., Surgeon's Mate, Mil. Hospital, from 76 to end of war. A. P. 17-70. Native of East Chester. Fisher, John, Assistant to Major-Gen'l Green, Qr. Mr. Gen'l U. S. A. Brooklyn, L. I. A. P. 21-33. Laurance, John, Judge- Advocate U. S. A., Paymaster 4th N. Y. Cont's to April 10, 77. A. P. 14-448. Post, John, Commissary of Issues, N. Y. Brigade from N. Y. 76 to '83. A. P. 19-265. Lansing, Jacob Jno., Com'r of Masters, S. of N. Y., Sept, '81. A. P. 14-428. Burgess, James, Serg't, Capt. W. Britton's, Col. Oliver Spencer's enl. in Capt. Johnson's, Col. Jas. Clinton's, July 15, 75, Serg't in,Capt. Derunder, Col. Nicolls, July 20, 76, Serg't in Spencer's Jan 10, 77, Q. M. Serg't June, 77, left hip injured by cannon ball at German* town, Oct. 4, 77, disch'd Mar 10, '80, re-enlisted in Capt. Sackett's, Graham's, 3 m., May 6, '80, in Capt. Hunt's, Col. Weissenfels', June 15, '81, in Capt. Dela- van's Horse, '82, to end of war. C, 192, A. P. 22-241. Weaver, Fredericksb'gh, Dutchess Co., later, N. Y. C. Anson, James, private, Col. Spencer's. A. P. 22-242. N. Y. City. Sickels, Garrett, private, Col. O. Spencer's. A. P. 22-242. N. Y. C. Wandell, David, private, Capt. Jas. Broderick, Col. Oliver Spencer, on the reduction of the Regt. he was to join the N. Y. troops, but was transf. to C. of I,, lost right arm in the battle of Germantown, Oct 4, 77, discharged from Corps of Invalids Apr 22, '83. C, 90, I, 213. A. P. 17-571, 20-117. Farmer, Goshen Prec, Orange Co., later Seneca, Ontario Co. 248 The New York Line. Winn, John, private, Col. 0. Spencer's, wounded in right knee. B, 84. Wallkill Prec, Ulster Co. In Hazen's {Second Canadian). Cady, Palmer, Lieut. Col., Columbia Co. A. P. 15-236, 23—303 Mooers, Benjamin, Adjutant. A. P. 23-307. Albany, N. Y. Schuyler, Nicolas, Surgeon, oldest son of Harmanus, cousin of Gen'l Sch. A. P. 15-236. Olivie, , Captain. A. P. 24-376. Monty, Francis, Lieut. A. P. 19-17. Torry, William, Lieut., A. P. 15-103. Kennelly, Patrick, Fifer, Capt. R. Lloyd, died in service at Lancaster, '82. A. P. 17-393, 23-295. N. Y. C. Privates. Blake, James, Capt. R. Lloyds, from 77 to end of war. A. P. 17-357, 23-311 . Albany City . Borrhans, Isaac, enlisted '82, disch'd June 21, '83, by Gen'l Washington. A. P. 17-50. Casey, John. A. P. 15-236. Kennelly, John, Capt. Lloyd's. A. P. 15-236, 23-295. Northampton, Montg'y Co. King, James, Capt. Lee, served 6 yrs. 3 m., disch'd at end of war. A. P. 18-112. Masling, Deliverance. A. P. 15-236. Monty, Placid, Canadian refugee, served from 76 to end of war. A. P. 19-17. Murray, David, first enlistment in Capt. Jer. Parmelee's, Col. Elmore's for about 1 yr., next in Capt. Wm. Sat- terlee's, Col. Moses Hazen's, March, 77, to end of war. A. P. 24-89. Vernon, Oneida Co. Navin, Sylvanus, deserted. A. P. 15-236. Orr. Thomas, Capt. Lloyd's. A. P. 18-103. Palmatier, Wm. A. P. 15-236. Parks, John. A. P. 15-236. Pierson, John. A. P. 15-236. Powder, Tobias, Capt. O'Hara's, enlisted at Albany latter part of 76, disch'd June 10, '83. A. P. 17-359. Ren way, Peter, Capt. Oliver. A. P. 24-376. Champlain, Clinton Co. Storms, Abraham. A. P. 15-236. Stringham, Peter, deserted. A. P. 15-236. Tracy(?), Samuel. A. P. 15-236. Van Zile, Egbert. A. P. 15-236. In Seth Warner's {Additional Continentals). Baits, David, Lieut., Capt. G. Wolcott, Lieut, in Wyn- koop's in 76, ent'd Warner's in 77, Capt. July 16, 79, deranged Jan 1, '81. A. P. 17-56, 19-23. Dunning, Michael, Jr., Lieut. A. P. 19-167, 435. Lighthall, Wm., Lieut., Capt. Wolcott, enl'd as Serg't Mar, 77; Ensign Nov 14, 78, Lieut. '80, captured Oct, '80, paroled Dec, '82. A. P. 15-111, 17-189, 503. Schenectady Co. Lyons, Thomas, Lieut., Capt. Burrows', left leg fractured at Ticonderoga, July 2, 77. A, 77, Bb, '57. A. P. 22-154. Whitehall Dist., Wash. Co. Swits, Walter, Lieut. A. P. 17-189, 22-158. Schenec tady Co. Williams, John, Lieut.(?) A. P. 17-205. Williams, Nehemiah, Lieut. A. P. 17-696. Boggs, Thomas, Orderly Sergt., enl'd 75, comm'd Lieut. of Rangers under Capt. John Barnes at Fort Ann, after retreat from Quebec, served one year and afterwards as volunteer and scout, Lieut, in Col. H. B. Van Renssel aer's (Capt. Levi Stockwel). A. P. 19-492. Skenes- borough, Wash'n Co. , later Onondaga, Onondaga Co. Force, Timothy, Sergeant. A. P. 17-698. Fletcher, John, Corporal, enl'd spring 77, killed at Fort George, Oct 11, '80. A. P. 19-35. Stewart, John, Corp'l, Capt. Wait Hopkins, disabled by a musket shot at Hulberton, July 7, 77. C, 106, Cc, 49, A, 25. Stillwater, Albany Co. Privates. Barns, Daniel, later Drum Major. A. P. 15-11, 17-698. Freeman, Richard, Capt. Wolcott's, enl'd May, 77, taken prisoner on Lake George July 15, 79, escaped Nov, '80, and found Reg't disbanded. A. P. 15-111, 17-696, 18-218, 23-315. Schenectady. Hunt, Wm. A P, 15-11, 17-698. Larrabe, Richard. A. P. 15-11, 17-698. Powell, Felix. A. P. 17-698. Schauber, William, Capt. G. Wolcott, enl'd 77; died in the service. A. P. 18-385. Truax, John, enl'd Mar, 77; served until Oct, '80 ; later in Col. M. Willett's. A. P. 15-11, 17-698, 15-322, 20-346. Schenectady, N. Y. Van Wagener, Evert, Lieut. M. Dunning, enl'd 76-7; taken prisoner July, 79. A. P. 19-167. Wilson, John. A. P. 15-11, 17-698. In Sheldon's Second Light Dragoons. Jackson, Tho's T., Lieut, and Adj., ent'd 79. A. P. 14-152, 17-567. Janes, Elijah, Lieut, and Paymaster. A. P. 16-162, 18-95, 21-233, 39-84. Lansingburgb. Dole, James, Lieut., Wash'n Co. Minute Men, 75, enl'd in Capt. McCracken's 1st N. Y for 6 m., 76; in Capt. Woodbridge's to Apr 1, 77, entered Shelbrook's May 7, '77, as private, Sergt. Dec, 77, Sergt. Major, 78", Lieut. June 14, '81. A. P. 16, 162, 22-184 to 212, 23-399. Lansingburgh. King, Joseph, Lieut. A. P. 21-325. Ridgefield. Seymour, Horace, Lieut. A. P. 16-162, 18-461. Webb, , Lieut. A. P. 22-187. Dickinson, Silvanus, Cornet, June, 79. A. P. 14-502. Glover, Samuel, Sergt. A. P. 21-327. Privates. np, John, ent'd in Capt. Fanchen, Col. Tho's Thomas, 76, joined Capt. Slawson's Rangers, 77, in Col. Lud- ington 78, skull fractured in 78, cut in the head, 79. A. P. 21-345. Poundridge, Wch. Co. Cooley, Samuel , Capt. Jer'h Hoagland, during the war. A. P. 21-233. Blacksmith, Salem, Wch. Co. Farrier, Schodack, Rensselaer Co. Fraser, Simon, Capt. Tho. Seymour. A. P. 17-567. Jourdon, James, Capt. Tho's Seymour (2d Troop), enl'd Mar, 78, served until Reg't was disbanded in '83. A. P. 16, 162. Niskayuna, Albany Co. Winn, John, Capt. Thos. Seymour, enl'd Mar, 78, served till Reg't was disbanded in '83. A. P. 16, 162. Troy, Rensselaer Co. Winn, Peter, Capt. Thos. Seymour's. 17-567. The New York Line. 249 ROLL AND MUSTER of the fifth Troop in the 2d Regiment Light Dragoons, Commanded by Capt. David Edgar, for the Months of Oct., Novb'r and Decb'r, '82. (A. P- 18, /08.) Capt. David Edgar, on Furlough. Lieut. Thomas J. Jackson, A. D. C. to Gen'l Sterling. Lieut. Gideon Hawley. RANK. Serg't do .... do do .... Corp'l do .... do .... do .... do .... do .. . Privates : No. 1.. 2.. 3..4 . 5 . 6.. 7..8.. 9.. 10.. 11.. 12..13.. 14..15..16..17..18.. 19.. 20 . 21.. 22..23.. 24..25..26..27..28.. 29..30..31.. 32..33..34.. 35..36..37 . 38..39..40.. 41..42..43..44.. 45.. 46.. 47.. Names. Elijah Churchill Joseph Gillman Zephaniah Webster . David Bull Dan'l Benedict , James Walker Henry Gosley . ...... Tim'y Humphrey . . , Jacob Tuller , Solomon Eaton , Wm. Chubb John Collor John Watson Asa Squin Elijah Cone Jared Tozer Aron Fox Joseph Craft , Palatiah Bugbee . . Neh'ah S. Cole Wm. Philipps. . Jesse Kneeland John Polly George Dalliby John Bugbee Berius Dunlap. Eph'm Weld , James Beers Libeus Brown Obediah Taylor. Tim'y Crosby Zephon Flowers. . . . John White Joseph Dimick John Welch Tho's Van Duzer. . . Tho's Banks Alex'r Ewing Edw'd Maxfield Cha's Child Eben'r Edgarton. . . Levy Benedict John Kilbourn Elijah Pate hen .... Amos Rich Elisha Minor Joel Barnard Abel Case ......... Neh'ah Packard. . . . Azor Bouton James Covil David Parkhurst. . . Joseph Robbins. . . . Solomon Parkhurst , Seth Jackson Martin Stiles , Roderick Adams Term for Inlistment. War do .... do .... 1 y. 3 m. War .... do .... 1 y. 4 m.. 1 y. 1 m. iy 1 y. 1 m. War. do . do . do . iy.-Wariy. War do 1 y.. War iy- i y- War dododododo do i y- War dodo l y. Wari y- War dodo i y- i y- War i y. War do i y. War do do 1 y- War do do do 1 y- iy. Im. 4 m. Casualties. 1 m. 2 m. 6 m. 1 m. 1 m. 1. m. 4 m. With Lieut. Jackson Mus tered. a 'So ¦3 a Alterations since last Muster. Deserted. Promoted 1st Nov. Reduced 5th Nov., 1782. 1782. Promoted 1st Nov., 1782. Promoted 1st Nov., 1782. Promoted 5th Nov., 1782. Deserted . Deserted. Deserted. 32 250 The New York Line. ROLL AND MUSTER — (Continued.) RANK. Names. Term for Inlistment. Casualties. Mus tered. Alterations since last Muster. 48 Elisha Mitchell War 49 50 1 y 51 War. 52 ... 53 1 y 54 55 War With Capt. Edgar. . . 56. .. do * 57 1 y. 3 m 58.... Silas Walton War 59 do 60 do I certify the above Roll to be the true state of said 1 I do certify the above Muster to be true in all its Troop this 3d day of Jan'y, 1783. [• contents. Inspection of Dec, 1782. Gideon Hawley, Lieut. ) W. Basier, Major and Asst. M. M. Army. In Moylan's Fourth Light Dragoons. Hallett, Jonah, Lieut. A. P. 18-327, 21-541. Wilson, Thomas, Sergt., Lieut, Capt. Craig. A. P. 19-472, 21, 547. Impson, Henry, private, Capt. Craigs, enl'd Aug, '80, for the war, disch'd at the end of war. A. P. 21-541. Montgomery, Orange Co. Pope, John, private, Col. Lee's Light Horse, at Valley Forge, Morristown, battle of Monmouth, Bottle Hill. A. p. 19-135, 23-383. Newburgh, Orange Co. Buchanan, John (James?), Captain, N. Y. C. Militia, 75, superintendent of boats, &c, on Hudson R., app'd by Gen'l Wash'n and Putnam, wounded in right arm and shoulder near Tarrytown, Jan 3, 78. C, 198, Aa, 39. A. P. 14-521. Vischer, Teunis T . , Captain of Batteaumen, app'd spring 77, served to Oct 10, '80., A. P. 14-160. Lockwood, Samuel, Captain'of whaleboat in L. I. Sound. B. 152. Baldwin, Luther, Lt. Colonel of Artificer's Regt., made up of citizens of different States. A. P. 18-340. Ford, James, Captain of Artificers, Q. M. G. Dept. A. P. 16-220. Mills, , Lieut., Corps of Artificers. A. P. 16-218. Pattin, Thomas, Captain Art'y Artificers. A. P. 16-244. Post, Anthony, Captain Artillery Artificers, app'd 77, deranged June 22, '81. A. P. 14-188. Reeder, Jacob, Master Armourer, Continental Army, with the rank of Captain, June, 76. A. P. 16-426. Sampson, Ezekiel, Lieut., Corps of Artificer's. A. P. 16-218. Shepherd, John, Lieut., Corps of Artificers. A. P. 16-218. Young, Ebenezer, Captain? Major? Comd'g Companies of Artificers in Q. M. GenTs Dept. A. P. 16-218. Brady, Thomas, Artificer, Capt. Jas. Ford. A. P. 16-220, Johnson, Comfort, Sergt., Capt. John Shepard, enl'd Oct. 77, tr. to Capt. Th's Pattin's Co. of Art'y Artificers. May, '80, served until end of war. A. P. 16-244. Gouvion, , Lieut. Col., Sappers and Miners. A. P. 24-422. Taulman, P., Capt. Lieut., Sappers and Miners, formerly Adjutant of Spencer's. A. P. 14-317, 22-243. Rock land Co. Osborne, Nathaniel, Sergt. Major, Capt. Ja's Beebe's Sappers and Miners, from Sept, 79, to June 12, '83. Badge of Honor. A. P. 21-418. Sherman, Conn. Hall, David, private, Capt. Beebe's Sappers and Miners. A. P. 21-422. Catskill. Whelen, Edward, Sergt., Capt. Walter Bicker's, Col. John Patte's Ad'l Cont's, enl'd Mar 7, 77; transferred as private to Gen'l Washington's Guard April 1, '80, wounded in the foot in Wch. Co., July, '81, disch'd on ac. of rheumatism, having procured a substitute Mar 18, '82. A, 225. Carpenter, N. Y. C. Gillen, Thomas, private, Wash'n Life Guard, enl'd ? 79, to end of war. A. P. 24-190. Wallkill, Orange Co. Tugh, Jonathan, Adjutant, Invalid Corps. I, 147. Slaven, James, private, Corps of Invalids, N. Y. State, discharged Sept 1, '82. I, 202. Townsend, Daniel, Corps of Invalids, enl'd in Col. Josiah Starr's 1st Conn., 77; transferred to C. of I. April 27, '80, on account of fistula and loss of right eye. B, 41. Carpenter, Fredericksburgh, Dutchess Co. King, Gideon, Lieut., Col. Ethan Allen's force. I, 54. Wudge, Jarvis, Lieut., Col. Ethan Allen's force. I, 54. ¦ King, Aaron, Sergt. , Col. Ethan Allen's force . I, 54. OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS, resident of the State of New York, who served elsewhere. Grill, Joseph Louis, Major, Canadian Refugee, Comm'd by Congress April 7, '80, to end of war. A. P. 22-422. Skinner, Tho's, Surgeon, Col. Sherman's 5th Conn. A. P. 18-206. Bartlett, John, Sergeant, Captain Davis, Lt. Col. Ebenezer Sproat's 13th Mass. Continental, wounded in right hip, at Rhode Island, Aug 29, 78. C, 92. Laborer, Mama- cotting Prec. , Ulster Co. , later. Bemus, Jotham, Corporal, Rhode Island Regt., Jere'h Olny, Lt. Col. Co'd'g, enl'd in Col. V. Schaick's for one year, 76, served 6 yrs. 1 m. 10 d., disch'd by Gen'l Washington, June 15, '83. A. P. 17-62. Town of Saratoga. Badge of Merit. The New York Line. 251 Dunham, Cornelius, private, Capt. Asa Bray Co., Cook's Cont's, disabled by a contusion Feb. 77; transf. to C. of InvalidB. (Capt. Judd's, Capt. Samuel Wells, B, 120, C, 156). B, 120, C, 156. Saratoga Dist., later New • Lebanon, Columbia Co. Greer, Benaja, private, Col. Exp. Stoor's Mil., wounded in right shoulder at Bunker Hill June 17, 75. A, 179. Bb, 27. Kinderhook, Col. Co. Guthrie, Abraham, private, Conn. Line. A. P. 24-302. Schenectady. Knapp, Abial, private, Capt. Ellis, Col. Scammels Cont's, wounded at Bemus Heights, 77. Cc, 74. Phillips- town, Albany Co. Bates, Daniel, in Col. Willet's, 75-76, Capt. Marseilles, Col. Van Dyck, 76, Capt. Broadhead, at the battle of Saratoga, 77, Capt. Noble's, Col. Wood's, 78, Col Shreeve's, at West Point, 79, Gen'l Heard's Mil. '80 and '81. A. P. 24-47. Minisink, Orange Co. Cole, Abraham, private, enl'd for 2 yrs, for war, died in the service. A. P. 22-402. Comrie, Alexander, private, Capt. John Ward, Col. Nichols, 6 m. A. P. 19-51. Manners, , Lt. Col. John Sands. A. P. 21-321. A MONTHLY RETURN of the 10 Companies of the first Regt. of the Continental Forces raised in the Colony of New York, Commanded by Col. McDougal, New York, 1st August, 1775. (A. P. 18, p. 12.) commissioned and staff officers EFFECTIVE RANK AND FILE wanting to compleat a co o ©ao o ¦4-- 3ca 5 o "a? c '3 p.cd V 1111 1 0 1 111 3CD s 1 11 11 0 1 1 1 1 3 CD 3¦a1 1 1 11 1111 1 j-) a •a< s Eh c o CD« r.3 03 CD rt IS V) "a oa3 m a a>to "bu ¦-¦CD 02 333333 3 333 13 a acd CD_Mo CQ u -a a rt ea -5 E¦a acd Jc! acd W •6 CD t. CDCOCD fi do Willit's 2 22 2 22 22 22 3643 25 49 53 10 4753 2462 1111 2 1 2 37 4727 5156 11 53 60 25 67 30 20 40 16115614 7 42 do Goforth's 1 .... ... 1 1 1 9 9 10 1 1 1 1 30 20 402 23 9 434 236 Captain Richard Varick, absent with Leave. Lieut. John Copp, Recruiting. Zebulon Applegate, of Capt. Willet's Comp'y, on Furlow. George Campbell, of Capt. Johnson's Comp'y, on Furlow. George Morie, of Capt. Goforth's Comp'y, on Furlow. Amasa Wm. Sands, of Capt. Cheesman's Comp'y, on Furlow. George May, of Capt. Cheesman's Comp'y, Deserted 20th July, 1778. Joseph Crane, of Capt. Mott's Company, on Furlow. John Holser, of Capt. Mott's Company, on Furlow. John Benham, of Capt. Quackenboss' Company, on Furlow Samuel Congar, of Capt. Lyons' Company, on Furlow. Josiah Crane, of Capt. Lyons' Company, oh Furlow. Tapp, William, was Quarter-Master of the Regiment. John Brogdon, Adjutant. 252 The New York Line. RETURN of the Regiment of foot in the Service of the United Colonies. Commanded by Col. McDougall, April 26, 1776. Mil. Ret. 27-106. OFFICERS COMMISSIONED. PRESENT STAFF. NON-COM- MISS'D. RANK AND FILE. WANTING TO COMPLETE. ALTERATIONS SINCE LAST RETURN. ' COMPANIES. % ac,o O ] CDao "oo>J 1 Ocd 1 m3 '3 o. cd Q i llil l i 7 3 CD 3 *j Ch t- 1111111 7 -r3 3CD 3 "3 a o CD CD CC "i" "i "i 3 d M *M a H "i lll ll il s c '5 acd -aO +3 acd3 -3< 1 1-4CDCOrt a o> 1 ao9& !3 1 CD +-> o rrt 1 1 1 CD CO CD «H E•n aaS 2 R (-. hJ 3 ¦O Ch O H-l 2 CDcnC m ' i 23 "4 2 cdCD a ¦a CD&rt oGO 5 "i" 4 1 •6 CD H- u CDcnCD fi Capt. Willet's.... 44 33434 3 2i222 2 2 68563723 3 68 5058 ?, 7 .... 17 1 15 do Lyon's ' i l 7 62 1 2 25 "i l 3 ...... 1 a 1 1 1 1 6 do Willey 1 3 7 2 Total. 1 1 1 SB 13 3 363 33 37 OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS of the New York Regiments on the Establishment of 1775. [ No complete returns are preserved. J McPherson, Capt. and A. D. C. to Gen'l Montgomery, died at Quebec Dec 31, '75. Minutes, IV, 413. Lawrance, John, Paymaster, Col. McDougall's 1st N. Y. A. P. 19-143. Mitchell, Uriah, Quarter Master, McDougall's Brigade, '77, to Nov 10, '78, app'd Post Q. M. at Newburgh, to July, '82. A. P. 14-126. Curtis, Benj., Surgeon, Col. McDougall's. A. P. 19-143. Forbes, Wm. A., Captain, Col. McDougall's 1st N. Y., entered as Capt.-Lieut., Capt. 10th Aug, '76. A. P. 19-143. Goforth, William, Captain, Col. Alex. McDougall's 1st N. Y. Aa, 8. Piatt, Richard, Captain, 1st Comp., 1st N, Y., before Que bec, served from June 28, '75, to Nov 25, '83, and passed through the grades of Lieut., Capt., Major, A. D. C. Dep'y Adj't Gen'l, Dep'y Q. M. Gen'l, in '80. N. Y. C. A. P. 22-355. Vergerau, Peter, Lieut., Col. McDougall's, killed by light ning in camp near N. Y. C. Aug, 76; Ensign 9th Co. 1st N. Y. L. Oct 3, '75, 2d Lieut., 2d Co., Feb 24, '76. A. P. 18-443, 21-362. N. Y. C. Callaghan, Edward, private, Capt. Wm. Goforth, Col. Alex. McDougall, 1st N. Y., lost eyesight Aug, '75. C, 163, Aa, 8. Laborer, N. Y. C, North Ward. Fleming, John, Sergt., Capt. Wilcox's, Col. Lasher's, taken prisoner in the battle of L. I. A. P. 15-508. Henry, Nathaniel, Lieut., Col. G. Van Schaick, app'd '77. Wounded at Sabbathday Pt., Mar 20, '77. A. P. 14-138. Ball, , Lieut., Col. Wynkoop's. A. P. 24-134. McDonald (McDaniel), Daniel, private, Capt. Parsons, (Copps), Col. G. V. Schaick, enl'd Mar 12, '77, eyesight impaired, discharged from Corps of Invalids Nov 3, '82. C, 117, I, 184. M R Albany City. Thomas, John, private, 2d N. Y. , lame, discharged from C. of Invalids April 10, '83. I, 207, Cc, 31. Kinderhook, Columbia Co. Belknap, John, Captain, Col. Clinton's. A. P. 22-301. New Windsor. Johnson, Robert, Captain, Col. James Clinton's. A. P. 22-241. Nicholson, John, Captain, Col. James Clinton, 6 m. troops, until reduction of Montreal, then promoted Lieut. Col., commanded Reg't of State Troops before Quebec, until June, '77; on detached service on Hudson R. under Gen'l Putnam, from Oct 10, '77, to Feb, '78. A. P. 16-358. Pierce O., Captain, Col. Ritzema's 3d N. Y. A. P. 17-279. Brook, John, Private, Capt. Corn. Hardenburgh's, Col. R. Ritzema's 3d N. Y., shot through right arm and other wise wounded. A, 175. Peenpack, Ulster Co. Morris, Daniel, Private, 4th Co. (Hardenburgh's), Col. Ritzema's, enl'd Mar, Apr, '76; shot through scrotum and both thighs at White Plains, Oct 28, '76. A, 87, Cc, 50, 1, 119. Weaver, Marbletown, Ulster Co. Holmes, James, Colonel, 4th N. Y., in '75. Aa, 79. A. P. 17-187-99. Joined Tories. Bell, S. F., Lieut., Capt. Horton's, Col. James Holmes' 4th N. Y., in '75, Major of ( 1 ) '84. I, 78. Thompson, Jesse, Lieut., Capt. Herrick 's, Col. Ja's Holmes. A. P. 17-201. Seaton, Rufus, Sergt., Capt. Herrick's, Col. Holmes. A. P. 17-199. Johnson, Samuel, Private, Capt. Nath. Woodward,- Col. Holmes, enl'd June, '75; in Canada and at Trenton, re- enlisted in Capt. Samuel Lockwood's N. Y. Art'y, dis charged on ap. of disability, '82. A. P. 18-477. Free hold, Queens Co. The New York Line. 253 Lenington, Thomas, Ensign, Capt. Nicholson's, Col. James Clinton's Reg't, in Canada, enl'd '75, taken pris oner, while in charge of a prize on the St. Lawrence, May 8, '76, exchanged after Reg't was disbanded. A. P. 16-410. Rumsey, Jonas, private, Capt. Denton's, enl'd March 1, '76. A. P. 23-397. Blooming Grove, Orange Co. Crapo, Peter, private, Capt. Sam. Van Vechten. Lieut. Col. Wynkoop's, enl'd '76, disch'd '77, in the Batteaux service for 1 yr., in May, '82, in Col. G. V. Schaick's to June 8, '83. A. P. 24-134. Schaghticoke, Rensselaer Co. Benedict, Joseph, Captain, Col. Jas. Holmes. A. P. 24-336. Havens, William, Captain, 4th N. Y. A. P. 17-425. Herrick, Rufus, Captain, Col. Jas. Holmes, 4th N. Y. A. P. 17-199. Horton, Ambrose, Captain, Col. James Holmes, 4th N. Y. Aa, 79. Woodward, Nath'l, Captain, Col. Ja's Holmes, Company was in Canada under Montgomery and at Trenton. A. P. 18-477. Visscher, John, Lieut. Colonel, Col. John Nicholson's, raised first Company of soldiers in State of N. Y., June, '75. A. P. 14-362. Albany, N. Y. Vinte, John, private, Col. Ja's Livingston, Canadian. A. P. 23-249. Champlain, Clinton Co. Talbot, Silas, Major, U. S. service, app'd Oct 10, '77; Lt. Col. Sept 14, '78, Commander of sloop Argo, spring of '79, shot twice, left thigh and wrist, at Fort Mifflin, Penn'a, Oct, '77, shot through right knee in an engage ment with the Br. Privateer Dragon, and Brigantine Hannah Spring, of '79. B, 18. Gentleman, Johnstown, Montgomery Co. THE NAVY. ( No lists of officers and men are in existence, the following names are taken from various sources, P. C. meaning Journal of the Provincial Congress, C. A. Minutes of the Council of Appointment, C. Minutes of Pension Board, A. P. Assembly Papers.) Smitn, James, Captain of an armed vessel on Lake Champlain, in Continental service, app'd July 15, 1775, with Pay of Major. P. C. Miller, Christopher, Captain of the frigate built in N. Y., "Continental Congress." P. C. June 6, 1776. OT°R)dS'eJrshnWm | CaPtain of the armed SlooP " Montgomery," 24 guns. P. C. VI, 624. A. P. 16-246. Smith, James, Captain armed Schooner " Schuyler." P. C. March 9, '76. Concklin, Titus, Captain of the armed vessel " Refugee." 1 Griffin, Daniel, do do "Revenge." j- Comm'd. C. A. Apr 2, '78. Ingraham, John, do do "Retaliation." ) Scudder, Wm. Smith,* Captain ofthe armed vessel " Ranger." C. A. Oct 30, '78. Hewlett, James, Captain of the armed vessel " Independence." \ q ^ jjjar g ^o, Rodgers, Joshua, do do " Greyhound." ) ' ' Ryder, Valentine* do do "Resolution." 1 Donaldson Fred'k, do do "•|h"k:" „ le. A. Mar 6, '81 Vincent, James,* do do " Porpoise." f ' Hunt, Samuel, -f do do " Fox." J Norton, Nath'l, do do " Suffolk." C. A. Apr 28, '81. Wynkoop, JacobuB, Commodore on Lake Champlain, vice Major Douglas, who declined. P. C. V and IX. Castle, Robert, Captain armed Sloop *' Camden." P. C. VII, VIII. Cregier, Thomas, Captain armed Sloop "Putnam." P. C. V, VI. Benson, Henry, Captain Sloop of War. P. O. IX. Dwight, Joseph, Captain Brigantine " Enterprise." Letter of Marque. P. C. V. Bicker, Victor, Lieutenant of Marines. P. C. VI, IX. Shaw, Daniel, first Lieut. Frigate "Congress." P. C. IX. Armed Sloops " Bishop," and " Harlequin." P. C. Privateer Whaleboat " Flying Fish." P. C. Harris, Robert, Lieut., Cont'l Sloop of War, "Reprisal," Captain Lambert Weeks. Lost ieft arm in an engagement with the " Swallow," Packet, New York City. C, 109. * These commissions were recalled by the Council June 29, 1781, because the Captains had landed on Long Island, and allowed their men to plunder the inhabitants. C. A. f This officer was suspended April 28, 1781. C. A. LEVIES AND MILITIA. The names in the following Alphabetical Lists are taken from volumes, entitled " An Account of Certificates Issued by the Treasurer of the State of New York." The parts in these volumes referring to the Militia and Levies are headed: j'ln pursuance of a Law passed the 27th Day of April, 1784, Entitled 'An Act for the settlement of Levies and Militia, for their services in the late War and for other purposes therein mentioned,' " &c, &c. The Rosters of Officers preceding the Alphabetical list and arranged according to Counties, are taken from the Minutes of the Provincial Congress, Committees of Safety and Arrangement, and of the Council of Appointment. The Editor has found it impossible to reconcile the obvious differences between the Councils of Appointment arrangements and the above pay lists. The Levies and Militia were governed by the following Laws, passed by the Legislature, superseding or amending the regulations of the Provincial Congress, given in the first part of this volume: Chap. 5: An Act for granting to the Governor £10,000 for paying, subsisting and defraying expenses of the Militia, whenever he shall call them into actual service. Feb. 21, 1778. Chap. 15. An Act exempting persons from Drafts in the Militia, who procure others to enlist. Chap. 22. An Act for raising 700 men to be employed in the Defense pf this State. March 31, 1778. They were to serve until Jan. 1, 1778, on Continental Pay and Rations, Drafts to be made out of Pierre Van Cortlandt's, Drake's, Thomas', Westchester, Field and Luddington, Dutchess Co. Mil. Regiments. Chap. 28. An Act for completing the 5 Continental Battalions raised under the Direction of this State, April 1, 1778. Authorizing Drafts from the Militia, every 15th man to serve for 9 months, and to rendezvous at Easton, Penn. The men obtained hereby are given in the Continental Regiments. Chap. 33. An Act for regulating the Militia. April 3, 1778. Chap. 33, of 1779. An Act for raising 1,000 men , for the Defence of the Frontiers of the State, March 13, 1779. To be officered by 1 Lt. Col., 1 Major, 5 Captains, 5 1st and 5 2d Lieuts., 1 Surgeon, 1 Adjt., 1 Qr. Mr.; Levies to be raised by Drafts from the Militia of such Counties as the Governor, with the advice of Colonels, shall decide. Chap. 13, 3d Session of 1779. An Act further to amend Act for regulating the Militia. Chap. 53, 3d Session, 1780. To raise Troops for the defence of the frontiers, March 11, 1780. "Whenever U. S. Congress shall have declared that the troops are to be paid at the expense of U. S." Chap. 55. For regulating the Militia. Chap. 70, June 24, 1780. For raising Levies to re-inforce the Army of the U. S. Chap. 73, July 1, 30. To complete the Continental Battalions. Bounties of Wheat, 10 bush, enlisting bounty and 1-J bushel per month of service if entered on or before Aug. 1. Deficiencies in the Levies to be made up by Draft from Militia. Chap. 4, Sept. 29, 1780, 4th Session. To raise Troops for the further Defence of the Frontiers. Chap. 14, Oct. 9, 1780. To complete the Quota of the Troops of this State to serve in the Army of the U. S. during the War. To be raised within the several Counties according to the following apportionment of the No. of 100: Albany, 40; Ulster, 14; Dutchess, 25; Orange, 11; Westchester, 3; Tryon, 5; Charlotte, 2. Amended Feb. 21, 1781. Chap. 23, March 10, 1781. To raise Troops for the immediate Defence. Chap. 32, March 21, 1787. For raising 2 Regiments for the Defence of this State on Bounties of unappropriated Lands. Chap. 60, July 1, 1780. For a further Company of Troops for the Defence of the State. Out of the Militia. Chap. 8, Nov. 17, 1781. For the further Defence of this State. Governor empowered to raise 1,500 men for not more than one year. Chap. 22, March 23, 1782. For raising Troops to complete the Line of this State in the service of U. S., and the two Regiments to be raised on Bounties of unappropriated Lands, and for the further Defence of the Frontiers. Chap. 27, April 4, 1782. To regulate the Militia. 256 Levies and Militia. OFFICERS of the 1,000 Men to be raised under Act 33, passed March 13th, 1779. The Council of Appointment, in their session of May 3, 1779, decided to divide these 1,000 Men into two distinct Corps, but made the appointments without designating to which of the two Corps each individual officer was to belong. Lieut. Colonels Commandant : Henry K. Van Rensselaer, of one Corps, Albert Pawling of the other. Majors : Elias Van Bunschoten, app'd April 22, 1779. Adjutants: John Elsworth, Jun'r, app'd April 22, 1779, and Qr. Masters : John Hardenbergh, in Pawling's, declined aud Edward Connor appointed Oct. 20, 1779. Surgeons : John Smedes, succeeded July 1, 1780, by Peter Vanderlin. Captains : Levi Stockwell John Wood Rob't Wood Rob't McKean Mathew Jansen Joshua Whitney Wm. Faulkner Eben'r Smith Piatt Jonathan Lawrence Isaac Bogart, Oct. 20, 1779, in Van Rensselaer's, vice Whitney, declined Robert Hunter, Oct. 20, 1779, in Pawling's, vice Piatt, declined Josiah Hallet, Oct. 20, 1779, in Pawling's, vice Lawrence, declined Lieutenants -. Henry Pawling 1 Tho's Ostrander > of Dutchess Co. Wm. Erskine ) Tho's Boggs, of Charlotte Co. Levi DeWitt * Wouter J. Vroomaa John Smith John McBride Peter Rosa Jonah Hallett Patrick Cronan Dirck Westbrook Abr'm Westfall Dunham (late of Van Schaick's) Manning Van der Heyden, Oct. 20, 1779, vice Westfall, declined Officers of the Regiments of Levies to be raised for the defense of the frontiers. May 11. 1780. C. A. Lieut, Colonel Commandant : Albert Pawling. Major : Thomas De Witt. Adjutant : Lieut. Cornelius Du Bois. Qr. Mr. : Lieut Edward Connor. Surgeon : Peter Vanderlyn, July 1, 1780. Captains • Daniel Williams Jon'n Lawrence, Jun'r Richard Sackett Levi De Witt Abr'm Westfall Henry Pawling Lieutenants : Henry Hoofenbergh John Inglish Timothy Coleman Wm. Nottingham Michael Dykeman John Odel Aldert D. Rosa Nath'l Tucker Wm. Mosier Isaac Requeau, Aug. 15, 1780, vice Tucker, declined Lieut. Col. Com't of the Second Regiment : John Harper. Major : John Chipman, June 16, 1780. Adjutant-Lieut. : Jonathan Davenport. Qr. Mr.-Lieut. : Barent Roseboom. Pay Mr.-Lieut, : Isaac Paris. Surgeon : Wm. Petrey, July 1, 1780. Captains • Robert McKean Gerrit Putnam Lothrop Allen Levi Stockwell Isaac Bogart Walter Vrooman Joseph Harrison, June 16, 1780. Rev. Johan Daniel Gros, Chaplain to the Levies, Lieutenants : Solomon Woodworth Mathew Potan Joseph Harper Ezra Buel George Passage 1 Victor Putnam | Thomas Bradshaw [-June 16, 1780. Seth Sherwood | Othniel Philipse J Juue 16, 1780. Levies and Militia. 257 Officers of the Levies of the State, Colonel : Lewis DuBois. Lt. Colonel : Major : Elias Van Bunschoten. Major : Melancton Woolsey. Major ¦ Miles Hughes. Captains : Moses Cantine Adiel Sherwood George Smith Benj'n Stevenson Gabriel Requaw John Heremanse Joshua Drake Thomas Lee Daniel Ganno Christ'r Muller James McGee Cornelius Van Santford Benj'n Du Bois Tho's McKinstry Lansingh John Burnet Gilbert I. Livingston James Blacksly to re-inforce the Army of the United States. July 1, 1780. Surgeon : Henry Buck. Surgeon : Oslmrn. Adjt. -Lieut : Geo. Harsen. Qr. Mr.-Lieut. : David Hunt. Qr. Mr.-Lieut. : Hugh McConnel. Lieutenants : Daniel Sackett Richard Peacock Joseph Requaw Daniel Delavan Abr'm Van Wert Joseph Hasbrouck • James Betts Henry J. Vandenbergh Jacob Bockee Moses Jones John Callender Jacob Vermillie Jeremiah C. Muller John Morris Fought Elias De Long Samuel Utley John Bradner Cornelius Eckerson Emanuel Duel Rob't Livingston, Jun'r Abr'm P. Heremans Peter Ten Broeck John Low James McClaughry, Jun'r Ezekiel Roberts Daniel Le Roy Jacob H. Peeck Jellis Fonda, Jun'r Wm. Bloodgood Jacob Hoghstrasser, Jun'r Jacob I. Heremans James Okely Jonas Rice Joseph Joy Zachariah Gelson C. A. Qr. Mr. : Surgeon : Peter Van Derlin, to both Regiments. Officers of Regiments raised for the immediate defence of the State. C. A. April 27, 1781. Lt. Col. Com't : Albert Pawling. Majors : Elias Van Bunschoten and Thomas De Witt. Adjutant : Captains : Jon'n Piercy John Burnet Jon'n Lawrence, Jun'r Henry Pawling Christ'r Codwise Daniel Williams Rich'd Sackett Gilbert I. Livingston Abr'm Westfall Lieutenants : John McEuen Edward Connor Joh's L. Hardenbergh Wm. Nottingham Cornelius I. Dubois Joh's J Jansen John J. Van Deusen Henry Van Hovenburgh Samuel Inglis Aldert Roosa Michael Dyckman James Oakley Wm. M osier Rich'd Peacock Abr'm Odell Emanuel Duel Paul Johnson Rich'd Dickenson John Ostrander John I. DuBois Nath'l Tucker Rob't Livingston, Juu'r 33 258 Levies and Militia. Lt. Col. Com't : Marinus Willet. Majors : John McKinstry and Peter Schuyler, Andrew Finck.* Adjutant : Qr. Mr. : Chaplain ; Johann Daniel Gross, to both Regiments. Surgeon : Wm. Petry. Captains. Benj'n DuBois Peter Elsworth Stephen White Laurence Gross Garret Putnam Holtham Dunham Silas Gray Elihu Marshall Philip Conyne Anth'y Whelp Abr'm Livingston Joseph Harrison Peter Van Rensselaer Thomas Skinner Aaron Hall App'd Nov. 2, 1781, "in the Reg't of Levies for the • further defense of the State, whereof M. Willet is Lt. Col. Com't." Lieutenants. Nan n ing Vander Heyden Jellis A. Fonda John Fonda, Jun'r Garret Newkirk Victor Putnam Jacob Samons Isaac Van Valkenburgh Nath'l Ford John Thornton James Cannon Wm. Moore Peter A . Van Bergen John Brown James Bockee George Passage Simon Vrooman Wm. Bloodgood Nath'l Cady David McKinBtry Peter Loop, Jun'r Solomon Barclay Timothy Hutton John Shaw Isaac Salkild Peter Van der Woort, Jun'r Jacob Hoghstrasser Wm. Van Arnum Wm. Willson John Spencer Solomon Woodward Randolph S. Wilson Josiah Skinner Joseph Van Ingen Mathew Trotter App'd Nov. 2, 1781, "in the -Reg't of Levies, &c, as above." ' Officers of the Regiments to be raised for the defence of the State on bounties of unappro priated Lands* G. A. April 28, 1781. Lt. Col. Com't : Marinus Willet. Majors : Josiah Throop and Lyman Hitchcock. Adj u t ant . Qr. Mr.: Surgeon : Elias Willard. Job Wright Tarrant Putnam Reuben Harrison Thomas Skinner Abr'm Westfall Elishamar Tozer Prentice Bowen Captains. James Johnson Josiah Skinner Jesse Hubbell Ephraim Fish Abr'm Romaine Josuah Simonds Thomas Lyon Ensigns : Joseph Van Engen. Lieutenants. *The Minutes of the Council of Appointment for March 21, 1783, say: "Whereas, Andrew Fink, Esquire, agreeable to orders from his Exc'y the Governor, did actually do' duty as Major in the Reg'ts of Levies for the defence of the frontiers, whereof Marinus Willet, Esq., was Lt. Col., from the 1st day of May to the last day of Decb'r, inclusive, but through some mistake, though he was appointed by the Council, the Entry thereof is omitted Resohed, therefore, that the said Andrew Fink be and he is hereby appointed a Major of the said Reg't of Levies accordingly." Levies and Militia. 259 Lt. Col. Com't : John McKinstry. Majors : Ezekiel Scott and Israel Spencer. Adjutant : Captains. Abr'm Livingston Peter Van Rensselaer George Darrow Joseph Harrison Wm. Ashley Wheler Rutland Simeon Newell Samuel Sloper Jedediah Heyde Teunis Van Wagenen, June 28, 1781 Ensigns: Barent Du Bois, June 28, 1781, in Van Wagenen's Company. Qr Mr. : Surgeon : Lieutenants. Playney Moore Aaron Root James Saint John Aaron King Oliver Lewis Wm. Lewis Samuel Peck Holdin Rutlin Askenah Shippen, in Van Wagenen's Co. June 28, 1781. Officers of the Regiment of Levies raised for the further defence of the State. Nov.' 2, 1781. Lt. Col. Com't : Frederick Weissenfels. a a. Major : Samuel Logan. Adj't. : Captains Henry Godwin Henry Dodge Daniel Sheperd Tho's Hunt And'w Thompson Henry Brewster, Jun'r Andrew White Lieutenants. John Punderson Theodorus Van Wyck Azariah Tuthill Qr. Mr : Surgeon : Henry Buck Alex'r McArthur Geo. Harsen John Elsworth Peter Welsh Jonah Weeks Cha's Stewart Eben'r Mott John Finch Francis Hanmer Finch Gilderslieve Geo. P. Weissenfels James Myer, Jun'r Sam'l Young Officers of Levies for defence of the Lt. Col. Com't: Marinus Willet, Colonel Com't Tryon Co. Mil'a. Lt. Col. Com't: Frederick Weissenfels. Majors: Thomas DeWitt and Elias Van Bunschoten. Adj't, "1 of Weissenfels': Lieut. Peter Welsh Qr. Mr. I do Lieut. Edw. Connor Surgeon, [ do Peter Vanderline. Surg. Mate J do John Young, Junr. July 10, 1782. Captains. Ab'm Livingston Phillip Conine Anth'y Whelp* Ab'm Westfall Jon'n Piercyf Rich'd Sackett Daniel Williams Prentice Bowen Thomas Hunt, July 10, 1782, in Weissenfels' Reg't, vice Sackett, declined. Johannis L. Hardenbergh, July 10, 1782, same Reg't. vice Williams, declined. ^fp^wW^*0" I Jnly 10, 1788, in Weissen- Henry Pawling ]¦ . , , £ , ' Andrew White ) tels Keg t- Abner French, July 24, 1782, 1 vice Conine, declined. 1 July 24, 1782, in Job Wrightt (Willet's Reg't. Guy Young} J Frontiers. C. A . April 10, 1782. Surgeon in Willet's: Wm. Petry. Surgeon's Mate: Moses Willard, July 24, 1782. Chaplain to both Reg'ts: Johan Daniel Gros. Joseph Harrison Peter B. Tiercef James Cannonf Silas Gray* Nathaniel Henry* Simeon Newellf i July 24, 1782, [Willet's Reg't, J Lieutenants John Finch • John Ostrander Johannis T. Jansen Cornelius I. DuBois John I. Dubois Theodorus Van Wyck Wm. Nottingham George P. Weissenfels Azariah Tuthill Samuel Youngs Alex'r McArthur John Barr July 10, 1782, in Weissen fels' Reg't. * Found to be supernumerary officers, ordered that no commissions issue, Sept. 29, 1782. t Appointed on the 24th of July, as Captains to recruit for the Regiments raising for the defence of the State on Bounties of unappropriated Lands. 260 Levies and Militia. Lieutenants - Victor Putnam John Thornton* Jellis Fonda* Abr'm Ten Eyck* Duncan Campbell* Peter Van Bergen* Timothy Hutton* Peter Loop* Pliny Mooref Thomas Skinner Josiah Richardson* Matthew Trotter* - (Continued). July 24, 1782, in Wil- " let's Reg't. Ensigns. Jesse Hubbel* Isaac Van Valkenburgh^: Rial Bingham* Oliver Newell* John Shavers- John Watson* Jon'n Hilton* Witter Johnson* Lawrence Tremper Storm Becker, of Schoharie John Hondsdon Christ'r Peak, Sept. 29, 1782, vice Hilton, declined. July 24, 1782, in Wil- "left Reg't. Officers of a Regiment of Levies raised for the defence of the frontiers for 8 months from the first day of April next. C. A. March 21, 1783. Lieut. Colonel: Marinus Willet. Majors: Elias Van Bunschoten and Andrew Finck Adjutant: Captains. Job Wright James Cannon Simeon Newell Peter B. Tierce Jon'n Pearsey Joseph Harrison Jellis A. Fonda 1 Qr. Mr.: ndrew Finck. Surgeon: Lieutenants. Ensigns. Pliny Moore Gideon Cole (Cowles) Josiah Richardson Ryal Bingham Duncan Campbell John C. Shaver John Thornton Jesse Hubble Mathew Trotter Christ'r Peak Timothy Hutton Lawrence Tremper Witter Johnson Ichabod Andrews c. A. Mar 21 | 83 p. 261. His Ex'y the Governor laid before the Council the Returns of the Levies raised on Bounties of unappropriated Lands for the defence of this State in consequence of the different Acts of the Legislature for that purpose, together with such information, as he had received on that subject; In order as the said Levies do not amount to a sufficient number to compose one Regiment on the Continental Establishment it might be determined by tbe Council which of the Officers had complied with the Terms prescribed by the Laws so as to be entitled to Commissions and his Excellency be thereby enabled to form them into an Independent Corps agreeable to the direction of the said Laws — And it being represented to the Council by some of the persons to whom Warrants were granted to recruit for the said service, that they have enlisted and caused to be mustered and delivered within the time limited by Law the number of men requisite to entitle them to Commissions, but have not been able to procure Certificates thereof from the Persons who received and mustered them, Whereupon- it is Resolved, that it is as well indispensably necessary to enable the Council to determine in the premises, as to do Justice to such Officers, and obviate all cause of complaint, That Returns be made to this Council by the Muster Master and such other persons as may have received and mustered any of the said Levies of the Men so by them respectively received and mustered, specifying the name of the Recruit, the time when mustered and by whom enlisted and delivered, and also a descriptive Roll by the Commanding Officer of the said Levies noting Deaths, Desertions and other Casualties. Resolved therefore .... that the issuing of Commissions to any of the Baid Officers, except such as have or shall produce Certificates from the Muster Master agreeable to Law intitling them to the same be suspended till the next meeting of the Council. June 27 | 83 Whereas it appears to the Council from the Returns of the Muster Master Jacob Lansingh that not any of the officers appointed to recruit the two Regiments on Bounties of Unappropriated Lands have enlisted and mustered the number of men, which would entitle them to Commissions, agreeably to the Acts of the Legislature in that case made and provided, Captain James Cannon, Lieutenants Pliny Moore and Rial Bingham, who have duly enlisted the Complement assigned to them Excepted and Whereas the officers of the Levies raised for the Defence of this State who, on such failures was appointed to recruit for the said Regiments, have increased the number of Recruits for the said Regiments, so as that the Barne are Equal to five Companies on the Continental Establishment and it is become necessary, that the same be arranged into a Corps and officered accordingly, Resolved, therefore that Job Wright, Jonathan Piercy, Peter B. Tierce, Simeon Newell and James Cannon be Captains of the said five Companies, That Abraham Ten Eyck, Pliny Moore, Rial Bingham, Josiah Richardson and John Thornton be Lieutenants of the said Companies, and that Ichabod Andrews, Witter Johnson, Jesse Hubble, John C. Shaver and Gideon Cowles be Ensigns of the said five Companies — That Moses Willard be Surgeon's Mate, and Elias Van Beenschoten Junior Esquire, Major of the said Corps and their Commissions respectively bear date the first day of January last except those of the Lieutenants Moore and Bingham, and of Captain Cannon, which are to bear date at the time, when they had Compleated their respective Complements of men to entile them thereto. * Appointed same day as Lieutenants, resp. Ensigns, to recruit, &c, as preceding note. \ Com'd same date as Lieut, in the Bounty Reg't, he having produced a, Muster Master's Certificate, that he completed his Quota of men. \ Found to be supernumerary officers, no commissions ordered to issue, Sept. 29, 1782. Levies and Militia. 261 Return of the Militia of the State of New York now in Continental Service. November 15,1779. {Clinton MSS. No. 2594.) OFFICERS PRESENT FOR DUTY. RANK AND FILE. CD -r3 V aa0CJ0 rt) a +3 a ALTERA TIONS SINCE LAST Field. Commissioned and Staff. Non-Commissioned. 3 O EhO «t-t +-> a0taCD fi -r5 aCO rfi0) Cha 0 CO cCOtn -Q 03 M CJ Si ¦a acdaa0 a O 209 14 3 J3 cm 3 _o 3 HH c 0 ¦3 0 RETURN. -a cdCO fi -a ed P35 4 cncoo o 2i to ao o O s m -. o 'ofs B "id •*» 613 14 411 33 cdccda Jochem Trayon, 2d Lieut., [Myndert Van Schaick's John Van Schaick, Ensign, ) °' Peter Van Bergen, Ensign, Witbeck's Co. Benjamin C. Dubois, Captain of the Company in his beat. Jacob Van Veghten, 1st) T . . Benjamin J. Dubois, 2dj Llleut- John Persen, Ensign. Anthony Abeel, 2d Lieut., ) -r,„.i Ai„.„i>.. n_ Christ'n Meyer! Ensign, ^ David Abeel s Co. May 3, 1779, and Oct. 21, 1779. Henry Van Bergen, Captain, vice Hooghteling, re signed. Richard Van Den Bergh, 1st ) Lieut., (first mis-named Cornelius Conyne, 2d j Hardenburgh). Peter Bronck, Ensign. Wm. Snyder, Captain, vice Abeel, resigned. 2d Major: John 1778. Adjutant: John Ten Broeck. Qr. Master: Hubartus Van Loon, 2d Lt., Jacob Van Veghten Ens'n, John Dubois 4th Company. Capt., John A. Witbeeck 1st Lt, Francis Salisbury 2d do Wessel Salisbury Ens'n, Barent Staats Salisbury 5th Company. Capt., David Abeel 1st Lt., Wm. Snyder 2d do Wm. Van Orden Durmond Ens'n, John Wigram Anth'y Abeel, 1st ) T . . Christ'n Meyer, 2d \ Ijlent- Fred'k Meyer, Ensign. John Person, 2d Lieut., Dubois' Co., vice Dubois, resigned. Oct. 21, 1779. John Schenneman, Ensign, Witbeck's Co., vice Peter Van Bergen, cashiered. March 26, 1781. James Waldron, Captain, Coenradt F. Ten Eyck, 1st ) T • Jacobus Moll, 2d ' £ Lieut. Andrew Sitzer, Ensign, James Bogardus, Ensign, Dubois' Co Anthony Abeel, Captain. Christ'r Meyer, 1st ) T Abr'm Overbagh, 2d f Jj,eut- Jeremiah Overbagh, Ensign. of a Company now assigned to the 11th Reg't, former ly part of the Gth. Levies and Militia. 271 TWELFTH REGIMENT — (Half Moon and Ballston Districts). Colonel: Jacobus Van Schoonhoven. Lt. Colonel: James Gordon. 1st Major: Ezekiel Taylor. 1st Company Capt., Gerardus Cluet 1st Lt., Albert Van Der Werken 2d do Robert Rowland Ens'n, John Van Der Werken re-appointed June 24, 1778. re-appointed ' 22, 1778. June 2d Company. Capt., Nanning N. Visscher 1st Lt., John Van Vranken 2d do Nich's Vranken Ens'n, Maas Van Vranken 3d Company. Capt., Jeremiah Vincent 1st Lt., Joseph Pinkney 2d do Peter Ferguson Ens'n, Elias Van Steenburgh re-appointed " 22, 1778. 1 re-appointed f 22, 1778. J June June Changes in the Regiment. June 22, 1778. Johannes Vandenbergh, Captain. Nich's Vandenbergh, 1st ) T . . Samuel Ten Brock, 2d J 1Jeut' Wm. Waldron, Ensign. Adrian Hageman, Ensign, Losee's Comp. March 4, 1780. Samuel Ten Broeck, 1st Lieut., John Van Denbergh's Co., vice Nich's Vandenbergh, appointed through mistake. Nicholas Van Derkar, 2d Lieut., vice Ten Broeck. Maes Van Vranken, Ensign, vice Moses Van Vranker, mis-named. Elias Steenbergh, Captain, vice Vincent, resigned. Joshua Taylor, 1st Lieut., vice Joseph Pinckney, removed. Joseph Coke, 2d Lieut., vice Peter Ferguson, re signed. 2d Major: Andrew Mitchell. Adjutant: David Ramsey. Qr. Master: Simon Ford. 4th Company. Capt., Joshua Losee 1st Lt., Thomas Hicks 2d do Corn's Veeling Ens'n, Oliver Waight 5th Company. Capt., Tyrannus Collins 1st Lt., Wm. McCrea 2d do Benj'n Wood Ens'n, David Clark 6th Company. Capt., Stephen White 1st Lt., Thomas Brown 2d do Epenetus White Ens'n, Nathan Raymond Michael De Graff, Ensign, vice" moted. Thomas Hicks, Captain, vice through mistake. Cornelius Freelink, 1st ) T . . Henry Banta, 2d \ Llleut' Christ'n Banta, Ensign. Nath'l Weed, 1st ) Stephen Sherwood, 2d J Caleb Benedict, Ensign, vice D. Clark, removed. Epenetus White, 1st Lieut, White's Co., vice Brown, resigned. Nathan Raymond, 2d Lieut. Kenneth Gordon, Ensign. March 8, 1781. Colonel Jacobus Van Schoonhoven, resigns (Feb'y 18th). Steenbergh, pro- Losee, appointed Lieut., Collins' Co. THIRTEENTH REGIMENT — (Saratoga District). Colonel: John McCrea, 1 re-appointed Lt. Colonel: Cornelius Van Veghten. Y June 22, 1st Major: Daniel Dickinson. ) 1778. 1st Company. Capt., Peter Van Woert 1st Lt., James Storm 2d do Jonathan Dunham Ens'n, Gerrit Van Beuren 2d Company. Capt, John Thompson 1st Lt., Josiah Benjamin 2d do John Hunter Ens'n, Joseph Row 3d Company. Capt, Henry O'Hara 1st Lt., Benj'n Giles 2d do Jonathan Pittet Ens'n, James Pittet 4th Company. Capt., Ephraim Woodward (Woodworth) 1st Lt., Thomas Balard 2d do Holturn Dunham Ens'n: Abel Belknap 2d Major: Jacob Van Schaick, re-appointed June 22, 1778. Adjutant; Archibald McNiel. Qr. Master: John Vernor. 5th Company. Capt., Ephraim Lake j 1st Lieut., Sam'l Sheldon | 2d do Jabez Gage Ens'n, Benajah Sheldon J 6th Company. Capt., Joseph Palmer 1st Lieut., John Davis 2d do Hezekiah Dunham Ens'n, Alpheus Davis 7th Company. Capt, David Jones 1st Lieut., Samuel Perry 2d do Peter Winne Ens'n, Elisha Bentley Minute Men. Capt., Alex'r Baldwin 1st Lieut., Samuel Bacon 2d do Walter Hughet Ens'n, Elias Palmer re-appointed June 22, * 1778. 272 Levies and Militia. Changes in the Regiment. June 22, 1778. Elisha Andries, Adjutant. Michael Beedel, Qr. Mr. Joshua Wheeler, 2d Lieut. , Van Woert's Co Peter Winne, Captain of the Company where he re sides. Benj'n Guiles, 1st) T5 t Isaac Doty, 2d f ijleut- Jonas Putnam, Ensign. PhmpTSers" fi& } Woodworks Co Hezekiah Dunscomb, Captain. John Davis, Jun'r, 1st ) T . t Richard Hilton, 2d J ljleul- Wm. Green, Ensign. Michael Denning, Captain. Stephen Benedict, 1st ) T . . Ashbel Andries, 2d f L,lem- Nath'l Grammin, Ensign. March 26, 1781. Colonel John McCrea resigns (March 24th). November 19, 1781. Holtum Dunham, Captain, dismissed as guilty of treasonable practices and desertion to the enemy. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT — (Hoosack and Schaghtecooke). Colonel: John Knickerbocker. Lt. Colonel: Daniel Bratt. 1st Major: Dirck Van Veghten. 1st Company. Capt., Hendrick Vanderhoof 1st Lt, Sam'l Ketcham 2d do Nath'l Ford Ens'n, Jacob Hallenbeck 2d Company. Capt., Walter N. Groesbeck 1st Lieut, Wynant Van Den Bergh 2d do Peter Davenport Ens'n, Jacob Yates. 3d Company. Capt., John Ja's Bleecker 1st Lt, John Snyder 2d do Mathew DeGarmo Ens'n, Stephen Thorn 4th Company. Capt., Lewis Van Woert 1st Lt., John Schouten 2d do Joseph Boyce Ens'n, John Morrel Changes in the Regiment. June 22, 1778. Peter Yates, Colonelj vice John Knickerbacker. John Van Rensselaer, Lieut. Colonel. John W. Groesbeck, 1st Major. Jacob Van Valkenburgh, Adjutant. Abr'm Vielle, Qr. Mr. Peter Devanport, 1st Lieut, } Jacob Yates, 2d Lieut., [¦ Groesbeck's Co. Stephen Vielle, Ensign, ) Garret Teunis Bradt, Captain of the Company where he resides. Mathew Brewer, 1st ) T . . Henry Bress, 2d J Llleut* John Van Wormer, Ensign. Thomas Brown, Captain. Jacob Van Ness, 1st ) T . . ¦curtrtt u..h. oji r ijieut. Eldert Fonda, 2d Gamaliel Waldo, Ensign. Nath'l Ford, 1st Lieut., VanderhofFs Co. Jacob Hallenbeck, 2d Lieut. Simon Vandercook, Ensign. James Hadlock, Captain. Joel Abbot, 1st ) T . , , John Ryne, 2d \ Lleut Samuel Sbipman, Ensign. Cornelius Wilsey, Captain. 2d Major: John Van Rensselaer. Adjutant: Charles H. Toll. Qr. Master: Ignatz Kip. 5th Company. Capt., Fenner Palmer 1st Lieut., John Johnson 2d do James Williamson Ens'n, Jonathan Davis 6th Company. Capt. , Daniel B. Bratt 1st Lt., Michael Lampman 2d do Isaac Lansingh Ensign, Francis Hogal 7th Company. Capt., Van Rensselaer 1st Lt, Michael Ryan 2d do Ens'n, Peter Hartwell Minute Company. Capt., John Ja's Bleecker 1st Lieut., William Thome 2d do Thomas Hicks Ens'n, Jonathan Rowland ¦ Lieut. Abney Van Amy, 1st Ezekiel Halstead, 2d John Harvey, Ensign. Mathew de Oarmo, Captain, Jesse Toll, 1st ) T . Oliver Rowland, 2d \ L,ieut- Jacob Van Wormer, Ensign. March 4, 1780. Jacob Yates, Captain, vice Groesbeck, declined. Joh's B. Bradt, 1st Lieut, vice Devanport, resigned and reduced to the ranks. Richard Devanport, 2d Lieut., vice Yates promoted. Joh's Van Antwerp, Ensign. Peter Marten, 1st Lieut., de Garmo's Co., vice Toll resigned and reduced to the ranks. Jacob Van Wormer, 2d Lieut., vice Rowland, de clined. Joseph Gaford, Ensign Wm. Brace, 2d Lieut., Hadlock's Co., vice Ryne, declined. John Palmer, Ensign, vice Shipman, declined. Stevannes Vielle, Qr. Mr. July 24, 1782. Charges preferred against Colonel Yates by Elisha Lovelace, for mal-conduct as Colonel, and as Super visor and Assessor of his district. Levies and Militia. FIFTEENTH REGIMENT -( United Districts of Schoharie and Duanesburgh.) 273 re-appointed Febru ary 20, 1778. Colonel: Peter Vrooman. Lt Colonel: Peter W. Ziele. 1st Major: Thomas Eckerson. 1st Company. Capt , George Man 1st Lt. , Christ'n Stubrag 2d do John Dominack Ens'n, Jacob Snyder 2d Company. Capt,, Jacob Hager 1st Lt., Martin Van Slyck Changes in the Regiment. February 20, 1778. Ephraim Vrooman, 1st Lieut., ) Cornelius Feeck, 2d do [¦ Heeger's Co. Peter Swart, Ensign, ) Dirck Miller, Captain of the Company where he re sides. John Meyers, 1st ) T . , Wm Kniskern. 2d f 'bleut- Peter Van Antwerpen, Ensign. Christ'n Stubragh, Captain. Jacob Snyder, 1st | T . Joh's Dietz, 2d f ljleut- Jacob W. Enders, Ensign. re-appointed Feb ruary 20, 1778. 2d Major: Jost Becker. Adjutant. Lawrence Schoolcraft. Qr. Master: Peter Ball. 2d do Joh's W. Bauch Ens'n, Joh's L. Lawyer 3d Company. Capt , Geo. Rechtmyer ) 1st Lt., Joh's J. Lawyer I re-appointed 2d do Martin W. Ziele f 20, 1778. Ens'n, Joh's Lawyer Bellinger J Feb. Christian Brown, Captain. Hendrick Borst, 1st ) T . Jacob Borst, 2d f ljieut- Joh's H. Scheffer, Ensign. Storm Becker, Captain of a Company in this Reg't in and about Batavia. ¦ Lieut. Peter Hager, 1st Peter Rightmeyer, 2d , Isaac Becker, Ensign. October 30, 1778. John Enders, Ensign, Stubi-agh's Co., vice Jacob W. Enders, declined. Nich's Warner. Ensign, Brown's Co., vice Scheffer. No return of the Sixteenth, or Cambridge Regiment, as arranged in October, 1775, has been preserved. The Minutes of the Council of Appointment state under April 4th, 1778- " Resolved, that the following persons be Officers of the Regiment in the County of Albany, commanded by Colonel Lewis Van Woert, to wit. . " Lewis Van Woert, Colonel. John Blare (Blair) Lt, Col. James Aston, 1st ) Mf-nr Jchn Younglove, 2d f JU-alor- John McClung, Adjutant. Joseph Younglove, Qr. Mr. Jogeph Wells, Captain. Gashem Woodworth, 1st ) T . Samuel Clark, 2d \ Llleut' James Morrison, Ensign. George Gilmore, Captain. Jon'n French, 1st ) T . . John Miller, 2d \ Lleut' Arch'd Robertson, Ensign. John McKillip, Captain. Andrew Thompson, 1st ) James Botton, 2d j Hugh Thompson Ensign. Cornelius Doty, Captain. Garret Van Ness, 1st ) Wm. Powel, 2d j Daniel Moore, Ensign. John Whitesides, Captain Wm. Whiteside, 1st ) Admiral Burch, 2d j Henry Loop, Ensign. Wm. Brown, Captain. Lieut. Lieut. ¦ Lieut, Isaac Prine, 1st ) T . , Benj'n Tiffany, 2d \ ijleut- Abr'm Wright, Ensign. May 28, 1778. Ebenezer Allen, 2d Major, vice Younglove, appointed in his stead upon false suggestion, Younglove to be again Adjutant. March 6, 1779. Charges of cowardice, &c, preferred against Col. Van Woert, Lt. Colonel Blair, Majors Ashton and Allen, but decided to be groundless, May 3, 1779, except against Major Allen, who was dismissed for having on a former occasion joined the enemy. February 26, 1781. Colonel Lewis Van Woert resigns. March 12, 1783. Major Ashton resigns on account of ill health. The Council, '• considering the present peculiar situation of that part of the State, ' resolve ' it would be inexpedient to make any new appoint ment in the Regiment," which Capt. Wells and others recommended. June 27, 1783. Joseph Caldwell, Lieut. Colonel. James Ashton, 1st Major. Joseph Wells, 2d do SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT — (Kings District) Colonel: Wm. Bradford Whiting. Lt. Colonel: Asa Waterman. IstMajor: Asa Douglas. , ) re-appointed June f 16, 1778. 1st Company. Capt, Asa Douglas 1st Lt, Elijah Bostwick 2d do Wm. Hallenbeck Ens'n, Isaac Averil 35 2d Major: Daniel Buck. Adjutant: Peter Garnsey. Qr. Master: Joseph Wood. 2d Company. Capt. Aaron Kelley (Kellogy) 1st. Lt., Wm. Warner, Jun. 2d do Polycarpus Smith Ens'n, Sam'l Olmstead re-app'd * 1778. June 16, 274 Levies and Militia. 3d Company. Capt., Philipp Frisbie 1st Lt, Ebenezer Cady 2d do Josiah Warner Ens'n, Ephraim Lord 4th Company. Capt., Nehemiah Fitch 1st Lt, Sam'l Higley (Hogly) 2d do John Smith Ens'n, Jonathan Mott 5th Company. Capt . , Eben'r Benjamin 1st Lt., Jonathan Ford 2d do John Munsey Ens'n, Asa Doty Changes in the Regiment. June 16, 1778. Martin Beebe, 1st Major, vice Aza Douglass, removed out of State. Philipp Frisby, 2d Major vice Daniel Bonck, resigned on account of bad health. Elijah Bostwick, Captain. Wm. Hollenbeck, 1st Lieut. Elijah Toles, 2d Lieut. Samuel Allen, Ensign. Eben'r Cady, Captain, vice Frisby, prom'd. Josiah Warner, 1st Lieut. Ezra Murry, 2d Lieut. «. Elijah Cady, Ensign. Gideon King, 1st Lieut, Fitch's Co., vice Higley, deceased . Peter Burker, Ensign, same Co. John Davis, Captain, vice Benjamin, resigned. Nath'l Rowley, 1st Lieut., vice Ford, resigned. Wm. Caswell, 2d Lieut., vice Munsey, deceased. Elisha Cady, Ensign. Daniel Herrick, Captain. Nath'l Herrick, 1st Lieut. Edw'd Whealer, 2d do Simon Lothrop, Ensign, vice Samuel Goodfellow, displaced. Jacob Vasbourgh, Captain, vice Elijah Hudson (Hudran) displaced. Samuel Thompson, 1st) j. ut ) vice others re- Lemuel Tubbs, 2d ) >• signed [names Nath'l Miles, Ensign, ) not given]. John Guile, 1st Lieut, ) „.,.., ru™,, John Gillett, 2d Lieut., \ Gllbert 3 CowP- John Salisbury, Captain. James Phelps, 1st ) T . . John Kalender, 2d [ ljleut- Benj'n Ford, Ensign. Eleazer Grant, Qr. Mr. .6th Company. Capt., Elijah Hudson 1st Lt., Jacob Vossburgh 2d do Ezra Allen Ens'n, Sam'l Bailey 7th Company. Capt,, Barret Dyer 1st Lt., Sam'l Wheeler 2d do Daniel Herrick Ens'n, Nathan Herrick 8th Company. Capt., Elijah Gilbert 1st Lt., John Gillett 2d do John Gill Ens'n, James Marvin Jon'n Warner, Adjutant. March 6, 1779. Samuel Allen, 2d Lieut., Bostwick's Co., vice Toles, resigned. Isaac Soul, Ensign, same Co. Gideon King, Captain, vice Fitch, resigned. Peter Barker, 1st Lieut, vice King, prom'd. David Darrow, 2d do vice John Smith, resigned. David Curtice, Ensign, vice Barker, prom'd. Nath'l Mighell, 2d Lieut., Vosburgh's Co., vice Tubbs, resigned. Samuel Darby, Ensign, vice Michel], promo'd. James Marvin, 2d Lieut., Gilbert's Co., vice Gillet, resigned. Edward Bexford, Ensign, vice Marvin. John Waterman, Qr. Mr., vice Grant, resigned. March 4, 1780. Ezra Lee, 2d Lieut., Kings Co., vice Darrow, de clined. Samuel Jones, Ensign, same Co., vice Curtis, re moved . June 23, 1780. Samuel Rexford, 1st Lieut, Gilbert's Co., vice John Quill, moved out of beat. Asahel Gray, 2d Lieut., same Camp. Josiah Deane, Ensign, Kellog's Co., vice Olmstead, incapable to serve through illness. September 29, 1780. Henry Walker, Ensign, Gilbert's Co. June 29, 1781. Jeremiah Hubbard, Ensign, Bostwick's Co., vice Soul, moved out of State. April 12, 1782. Josiah Dean, 2d Lieut., Kellog's Co., vice Smith, re signed. Jon'n Olmstead, Ensign, same Co. Albany County Associated Exempts. Schoharie District. Captain, Teunis Vroman 1st Lieut., Peter Sneider 2d do Martinus Vroman Ensign, Jacob Lawyer, Jun., -app'd Nov. 4, 1778. Schaghtacoke District. Captain, Corn's W. Vandenburgh 1st Lieut., Ignas Kip 2d do Jacob Fort Ensign, Rich'd Van Veghten app'd Nov. *¦ 1778. Kings District. Capt., Thadeus Noble 1st Lieut., Jon'n Douglas 2d do Moses Jones Ensign, Elijah Skinner Hoosick District. Captain, John Abbot 1st Lt, Henry Snyder 2d do Jacob Ouderkirk Ensign, Andrew Patterson app'd Nov. " 1778. -app'd Febr. 6, 1779. Levies and Militia. 275 Cambridge Distr. Captain, John Pettit 1st Lt., Samuel Hodge 2d do John McClung Ensign, Nathan Smith app'd March 6, 1779. Claverack District, 1st Co. Capt., Corn's S. Muller 1st Lieut., Peter A. Fonda 2d do Abr'm J. Vosburgh Ensign, Lawrence Conyne Claverack Disirict, 2d Co. Capt., Roger Kinne 1st Lieut,, Benj'n Chittenden 2d do Neh'h Spencer Ensign, Sam'l Dean ? District. Captain, Bastian Vischer 1 1st Lieut, Dirck Heemstrate V Nov. 5, 1778. 2d do Christ'r A. Yates ) ? District. Captain, Cornelius Van Santvoordt 1st Lieut., David Groesbeck 2d do Marte Myndertse. Ensign, app'd Nov. 5, " 1778. ? District. Captain, Guxon Frisby 1st Lieut., Eben'r Benjamin 2d do Elisha Pratt Ensign, Wm. Raynolds. Saratoga Distri Captain, Holtum Dunham 1st Lieut., Samuel Baker 2d do Elias Palmer Ensign, Ezra St. John ? app'd March 26, 1781. March 26, 1781. Thomas Hun, Captain, vice Santfort, resigned. Gerrit Staats, 2d Lieut., same Company. Saratoga Minute Men. Capt, Alex'r Baldwin, VI., 852," 1st Lt., Sam'l Bacon 2d do Walter Hewitt Ens'n, Elias Palmer Com'd Feb. 23/76. Return of Alex'r Baldwin's Co., lan'y 7, 1777. Captains. Lieuts. Sergeants. Corporals. Privates. 1 2 2 " i 3 29 6 4 10 3 2 1 1 Total 1 2 3 3 56 Charlotte County Militia The returns of the earlier regimental organizations are very imperfect. On the 19th of February, 1776, the following officers were appointed by the Provincial Congress: DORSET REGIMENT. Colonel: Dr. John Williams. Lt. Col.: Alex'r Campbell, of Argyle Township, vice Patrick Smith. 1st Major: Timothy Buwell, of Fort Miller, vice Nathan Hawley. 2d do Alex'r Webster, of Black Creek, vice Hamilton McCallister. Adjutant: Jon'n Baker, of Black Creek, vice John Jones, Qr. Mr.- Samuel Fuller, of Skeenesboro, vice Seth Sherwood. The Line Officers had been elected Sept. 21, and commissioned September 29, 1775, as follows: White Creek District. Captain, Eben'r Clark 1st Lieut., Cha's Hutchinson 2d do Edward Savage Ensign, Daniel McClary Kingsbury District. Captain, Asa Richardson 1st Lieut., Adiel Sherwood 2d do Nehemiah Seely Ensign, Samuel Harris 276 Levies and Militia. Argyle District. Captain, Alex'r Campbell 1st Lieut, Samuel Pain 2d do Peter Gilchrist Ensign, John McDougall Black Creek District. Captain, Alex'r Webster 1st Lieut., John Hamilton 2d do George McKnight Ensign, Samuel Crossett February 20, 1776. John Hamilton, Captain, vice Webster, promoted. George McKnight, 1st Lieut., vice Hamilton. James Wilson, 2d Lieut., vice McKnight. Changes in the Regiment. April 4, 1778. Alexander Webster, Lieut. Colonel, Thomas Armstrong, Major. Ruben Turner, Adjutant. Aaron Fuller, Qr. Mr. John Armstrong, Captain. Daniel McClurg, 1st Lieut. John Martin, 2d Lieut. Alex'r McNish, Ensign. Silas Childe, Captain. Edw'd Long, Captain. Robert Stewart, 1st ) Alex'r Turner, 2d j James Stewart, Ensign. John Barnes, Capt., vice Beatty, disaffected. Nehemiah Seely, Captain. Elijah Tozer, Captain. June 25, 177a. Colonel John Williams, dismissed for defrauding the Continental Pay Office by false pay-rolls, also re moved from the office of Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Charlotte County. Jacobus Swartwout, Colonel. James Moore, 1st Lieut., Barnes' Co. February 0, 1779. Silas Granger, 1st Lieut., ) mn„ip->, Cn Daniel Brundage, 2d Lieut., j 10zler a ^°' Thomas Bradshaw, 1st Lieut. . Seeley's Co. , re-app'd , Oct. 19, 1779. John McNeal, Captain, vice Beaty, who joined the enemy.* Noah Pain, 1st ) T . . John Green, 2d ] ljleut# February 27, 1779. The appointment of John McNeal annulled, because he had joined the enemy in 1777, and since re turned to the State. February 17, 1780. Ichabod Parker, 1st Lieut., Childe's Co. Asaph Cook, 2d Lieut. Samuel Buel, 2d Lieut., Seely's Co. • Lieut. Skeenesborough District. Captain, Jerem'h Burroughs 1st Lieut., Levi Stockwell 2d do Elisha Tousea Ensign, Silas Granger Granville Precinct. ^Ltut^oXire f C°m»'d Febr' 20' 1776' 2d do Ensign, re-appointed April 4, 1778. John Pattison, 2d Lieut., McNitt's Co. James Morrison, Ensign, same Co. Duncan Shaw, 1st Lieut., Argyle Co., vice Green, (?) removed. March 4, 1780. Alexander Webster, Colonel, vice Williams, removed from office for mal-conduct. Daniel Brundage, 1st Lieut., ) Ephraim Fuller, 2d do - Tozer"s Co. Paul Avaril, Ensign, vice Fuller, July 1,1780. Brinton Pain, Lieut. Colonel. September 29, 1780. Officers and Privates, petition for a change in some of the principal officers. Denied. James Wilson, Captain, vice John Hamilton, re signed. Samuel Crosset, 2d Lieut., vice Wilson. David Hopkins, Ensign. March 8, 1781 Lemuel Hide, 1st Lieut., Greenfield Co. Benj'n Baker, Jun'r, Ensign, Child's Co. March 16, 1781. Samuel Crosset, 1st Lieut,, Wilson's Co , vice McKnight, resigned. John Munson, Jun'r, 2d Lieut, vice Crosset. Wm. Lytle, Ensign, Armstrong's Co., vice John Mar tin, removed out of beat. March 29, 1781. Colonel Webster resigns. April 12, 1782. Levi Stockwell, Captain, vice 1 July 24, 1782, Joseph McCracken, Lieut. Colonel. Daniel Blakely, Captain, vice ? Asa Cook, of Granville, Captain, vice 1 June 27, 1783. William Hurlbut, Captain, New Haven Co. Isaac Harlow, 1st Lieut. Lemme Bartholomew, Ensign. Charlotte County Voluntary Associates. son, } J™ 16, 1778. Thomas Gould, 1st Lieut, Granville Co. of Exempts, Febr. 27, 1780. Captain, Alexander McNitt, ) june ig i nno 1st Lieut, Alexander Simson, j * Barnes had been appointed, vice Beatty, April 4, 1778. This appointment is unexplained. Levies and Militia. 271 Cumberland County Militia. The returns of the earlier organizations are incomplete. officers for Cumberland on the 4th of January, 1776: The Committee of Safety commissioned the following FIRST OR LOWER REGIMENT. Colonel: Wm. Williams Lt. Col. : Jon'n Hunt 1st Major: John Norton 2d do Oliver Lovell Adj't: Arad Hunt Qr. Mr. : Samuel Fletcher. The Line Officers were commissioned Feb. 26, 1776, as follows: Guilford Company. Captain, Stephen Shephardson 1st Lieut., David Stowel 2d do Timothy Root Ensign, Dillington Johnston Brattleborough Company. Captain, John Sergeant 1st Lieut., Oliver Cook 2d do Tim'y Church Ensign, John Alexander Fulham Company. Captain, Jon'n Knight 1st Lieut., Josiah Boyden 2d do Daniel Karthan Ensign, Shephard Gaites Changes in the First (Lower) Regiment. March 1, 1776. Benj'n Carpenter, Lieut. Colonel. Oliver Lovel, 1st )Maj Abijah Lovejoy, 2d J J Sam'l Minor, Adjutant. August 18, 1778 Eleazer Patterson, Colonel. John Sarjeant, Lieut. Colonel. Elkanah Day, Major. Henry Sherburne, Adj't. Rich'd Prouty, Qr. Mr. Reuben Field, Captain, Kinsdale Co. Weightstill Orvis, Ensign, same Co. Asa Rice, Captain, ) Timothy Root, 1st Lieut., V Guilford Co. Micah Rice, Ensign. ) John Pennel, Captain, Palitiah Fitch, 1st Lieut, Joseph Stewart, Jun'r, Ensign, Tim'y Church, Captain, James Blakeslee, 1st Lieut., Jon'n Church, 2d Lieut., Samuel Root, Ensign, Josiah Allen, Captain, Daniel Karthan, 1st Lieut., Shepard Gaites, Ensign, Lucas Wilson, Captain, j Daniel Busing (Cushing), 1st Lieut., lPutney Co. James Clay, 2d Lieut., Nath'l Lord, Ensign, Mich'l Gillson, 1st Lieut., Eph'm Ranney, 2d do Benj'n Whitney, Ensign, October 24, 1778. Moses Wright, Captain, Isaac Read, 1st Lieut., , Ashur Evans, Ensign, ) October 19, 1779, and June 16, 1780. James Clay 1st Lt , ) WiiSOn's Putney Co. Daniel Cushing, 2d Lt, J Hallifax Co. Brattleboro' Co. Fulham Co. . Westminster Co. [¦ Rockingham Co. Westminster Company. Captain, John Anwell 1st Lieut., Jabez Perry 2d do Azariah Wright Ensign, Wm. Crook Putney Company. Captain, Abijah Mores 1st Lieut., Daniel Jewett 2d do Ephraim Clay Ensign, Ephraim Pierce Halifax Company. Captain, David Rich 1st Lieut., Benj'n Henry 2d do Rob't Patterson Ensign, Edward Harris. I. | Springfield Co. October 20, 1779. Abner Bisbee, Captain, John Bisbee, 1st Lieut., Taylor Spencer, Ensign, June 16, 1780. Mich'l Gibson, Captain, Westminster Co. June 5, 1782. Timothy Church, Lieut. -Colonel Com't, vice Patter son, who declines acting. Wm. Shattuck, 1st Major. Henry Evans, 2d Major. Joel Biggelow, Adj't, also July 24, 1782. July 24, 1782. Artemas How, Captain, ) Reuben Church, 1st Lieut., Isaac Crosby, 2d Lieut. , RutherfordHays, Ensign, Richard Prouty, Captain, John Alexander, 1st Lieut., Francis Prouty, 2d do Jon'n Sartle Alexander, Ensign, J Joseph Peck, Captain, Wm. White, 1st Lieut., Israel Bullock, 2d do Joshua Nurse, Ensign, Daniel Ashcraft, Captain, James Walsworth, 1st Lieut., Benoni Cutbeth, 2d do Samuel Stafford, Ensign, South Co. Town. Brattleboro' I North Co., Brattie- ( boro'. -1st (Guilford) Co. ? 2d (Guilford) Co. Joseph Elliot, Captain, Elisha Root, 1st Lieut., Isaac Weld, 2d do Simeon Ferrel, Ensign, Thomas Baker, Captain, Isaac Orr, 1st Lieut., Daniel Donaldson, 2d Lieut., David Lamb, Ensign: Elisha Pierce, Qr. Mr. -3d Company. -Hallifax Co. 278 Levies and Militia. Colonel: Joseph Marsh. Lt. Col.: John Berrett. 1st Major: Hilkiah Grout. SECOND (Upper) REGIMENT. 2d Major: Joel Mathews. Adj't: Tim'y Spencer. Qr. Mr. : Amos Robinson. Joel Marsh, Captain. Cumberland County Minute Men. Colonel: Joab Hoisington. ! Lt. Colonel : Seth Smith. | 1st Major: Joseph Tyler. I No other intormation concerning these last two regiments has been preserved. 2d Major, Joel Marsh. Adj't: Timothy Phelps. Qr. Mr. : Elisha Hawley. Dutchess County Militia. Brigadier General: Petrus Ten Broeck. Brigadier General: Jacobus Swartwout, March 3, 1780. FIRST (Rhinebeck and North East) REGIMENT. Colonel: Petrus Ten Broeck. Lt. Colonel: Morris Graham. 1st Major: Simon Westfall. All commissioned October 17, 1775. 2d Major: Jon'n Landon. Adjutant: Wm. Stewart. Qr. Mr. : Hendrick Van Hovenbergh. First Company, Capt, Isaac Smith 1st Lt., Jacob Weaver 2d do Silas Husted Ensign, Mich'l Row North East Precinct Companies. Third Company. Captain, John Collins 1st Lieut., James Wilson 2d do Zachariah Philipps Ensign, Second Company. Capt., Arch'd Johnston 1st Lt., Abr'm Hartwell 2d do John Seaton Ensign, Gilbert Clap Commission issued October 19, 1775. Fourth Company. Captain, Israel Thompson 1st Lieut., Stephen Edgett 2d do John Row Ensign, Jehial Mead Rhinebeck Precinct Companies First Company. Captain, Simon Westfall 1st Lieut., Peter Westfall 2d do Wilhelmus Smith Ensign, Abr'm Dels Second Company. Captain, Wm. Radcliff 1st Lt., Abr'm T. Kipp 2d do John De Wit Ensign, Joh's Moore Third Company. Captain, Martin Hoffman 1st Lieut., Joh's Klum Commissions issued September 20, 1775. Changes in the Regiment. March 18, 1778. Morris Graham, Colonel, vice Brig. Gen'l Ten Broeck, deceased. Jon'n Landon, Lt. Colonel. Wm. Radcliff, 1st Major. David Van Ness, 2d Major. Jacob Tremper, 1st Lieut., Benj'n Van Steenbergh, 2d Lieut., J- Kipp's Co. Philipp Heermanse, Ensign, James Wilson, Captain of the Co., in the Beat, wherein he resides. 2d Lieut , Zachariah Hoffman Ensign, John J. Heermanse Fourth Company. Captain, David Van Ness 1st Lieut., Godtlop Martin 2d do Fred'k Bender Ensign, Corn's Elmendorph Fifth Company. Captain, Jacobus Kip 1st Lieut, Everardus Bogardus 2d do Jacob Tremper Ensign, Benj'n Van Steenbergh [ Kipp's John Wilson, 1st Lieut. Corn's Welsh, 2d do Peter Westfall, Captain, Wilh's Smith, 1st ) T . Christ'r Snyder, 2d f Lleut' Abr'm Welch, Ensign, Andrew Heermanse, Captain, moted. Corn's Elmendorph, 1st) T. Fred'k Bender, 2d \ Lleut- Jacob Klum, Captain. They had been elected March 7, and commissioned March 11, 1776. vice Van Ness, pro- Levies and Militia. 279 ,\ John Heermanse, 1st Andrew Heermanse, 2d, Abr'm Kipp, Captain Henry Pawling, 1st ) Ignus Benschoten, 2d j Abr'm Hartwell, Captain. John Seaton, 1st Lieut. Mistake rectified on May 28, 1778. Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. David Hamlin, 2d John Row, Captain George Head, 1st Sam'l Crandle, 2d Silas Husted, Captain. Augustin Graham, 1st ) T . . Jacob Weaver, 2d \ ljleut' George Moorehouse, Qr. Mr. Peter Fell, Major of the Reg't formed from Militia detachments for actual service under Col. Graham's command.* May 28, 1778. Elijah Townsend, Captain of Reg't of Militia detach ments, &c, for one year from January 1st, 1778. Albert Pawling, Lieut.-Colonel same Reg't. Klum's Co. Ryer Heermanse, 2d Lieut., Andrew Heermanse, Ensign, June 22, 1778. Robert Wood, 1st Lieut, of a Company in the Reg't formed from Detachments of Militia for the defence of the State, under Col. Graham. June 25, 1778. John Smith, 2d Lieut., vice Jacob Weaver. Jon'n Darling, Ensign, Husted's Co. Jacoh Shultz, Ensign, Kipp's Co. John Bull, Ensign, Hart well's Co. November 5, 1778. Coonradt Lasher, 2d Lieut., Heermanse's Co. W's Backer, Ensign, same Co., vice Fred'k Bender, removed out of beat or resigned. June 29, 1781. George Head, Captain, vice John Row, removed. Smith Simmons, 1st Lieut., vice Head, promoted. Arie Ferguson, 2d Lieut., vice Sam'l Crandle, re moved. Daniel Parks, Ensign. SECOND REGIMENT Rombout Precinct. Arranged and commissioned October 17, 1775. Colonel: Dirck Brinckerhoff. Lie at. -Col. : Abr'm Brinckerhoff. 1st Major: Daniel Terbos. Captain, Zebulon Southard 1st Lieut., Evert Wynkoop Swart 2d do Robert Brett Ensign, Isaac Van Wyck Captain, Jacob Griffin 1st Lieut., John G. Brinckerhoff 2d do Abr'm Schenck Ensign, Christ'n Du Bois, Jun. Captain, Joseph Horton 1st Lieut., Joh's Wiltsey 2d do John L. Losie Ensign, Jacob Buys, Jun. Captain, Isaac Hegeman 1st Lieut., Jacobus De Graff Changes in the Regiment. June 25, 1778. Abr'm Brinckerhoff, Colonel, vice D. Brinckerhoff, resigned. Jacob Griffen, Lieut.-Colonel. Andrew Hill, Major. Jacob Brinckerhoff, Adjutant. Isaac Sebring, Qr. Master. Isaac Van Wyck, Captain, vice Evert W. Swart, re signed. Abr'm Shults, 1st Lieut. John Cooper, 2d do Corn's Adrianse, Ensign. George Brinckerhoff, Captain. Stephen Osburn, 1st Lieut. BeDj'n Rosekrans, 2d do Jacobus Swartwout, Ensign. John Van Bunschoten, Captain. Robert Todd, 1st Lieut. 2d Major: Rich'd Van Wyck. Adjutant: Thomas Storm. Qr. Mr. : Adrian Brinckerhoff. 2d Lieut., Gideon Van Velen Ensign, Robert Todd Capt., Wm. Fowler 1st Lt., Math'w Van Bunschoten 2d do Daniel Outwater. Ens'n, Peter Van Bunschoten Capt., Stephen Brinckerhoff 1st Lt., John A. Brinckerhoff, died before October 17. 1775. 2d Lt., George Brinckerhoff Ens'n, Stephen Osburne Capt. Andrew Hill 1st Lt., Corn's Brinckerhoff 2d do Francis Way, Jun'r. Ens'n, Abr'm La Doux Barnard P. Van Clack, 2d Lieut. Cha's Hoffman, Ensign. Thomas. Storm, Captain. John Adrianse, 1st Lieut. Joh's De Witt, 2d do Jacob Byse, Ensign. Mathew Van Bunschoten, Captain. Abr'm Van Wyck, 1st Lieut. Wm. Askine (Erskine), 2d Lieut. Abr'm Hoghlandt, Ensign. Joh's Shults, Captain. Francis Way (Wag), 1st Lieut. Wm. Swartwout, 2d Lieut. Jacobus Swartwout, Ensign. John G. Brinckerhoff, Captain, first comm'n dated Decbr. 20, 1775. Christ'n DuBois, 1st Lieut. Daniel Schenk, 2d Lieut. * See for complete rosters of the Regiments commanded by Col. Morris Graham and Lieut.-Colonel Cornelius Humphrey, page 658, Volume I., Journal of the N. Y. Provincial Council. 280 Levies and Militia. Moses Barer, Ensign. May 3, 1779. John McBride, 2d (?) Lieut., Van Bunschoten's Co., vice Van Wyck, declined. October 20, 1779. Wm. Erskine, Captain, vice Mathew Van Bunschoten, resigned. Abr'm Hoghlandt, 1st Lieut. Isaac Van Cleef, 2d do John Ackerman, Ensign. September 21, 1780. Nich's Brewer, Captain, vice Erskine, moved out of beat. Abr'm Lent., 1st Lieut, vice Abr'm Van Wyck, de clined. Isaac Veal, 2d Lieut., vice Abr'm Hoglandt (?) re signed, Lamee Huff, Ensign, vice John Ackerman, declined. Uriah Hill, Qr. Mr., vice Sebring, removed. THIRD REGIMENT. Pawling's Precinct. No complete record of the earlier organization of this Regiment has been preserved. Capt. John Van Duser 1st Lt. Valentine Wheeler 2d Lt Luke Woolcot Ensign, Rudolf Karknikarbocor Capt., James Martin 1st Lt., Benj'n Elliott Elected Sept. 20, com'd Oct. 17, 1775. 2d do Stephen Akin Ensign, Nathan Burdick Isaac Tal man Ichabod Ward And'w Morehouse, Ezra Rutty Jun. Elected Sept. ' com'd Oct. 1775. 20,17, The Council of Appointments made the following changes: June 22, 1778. John Field, Colonel, to succeed himself. Andrew Morehouse, Lieut. Colonel. Joh'n Paddock, 1st Major. Isaac I. Talman, 2d do Ichabod Ward, Captain of the Company in the Beat where he resides. Andrew Morehouse, Jun'r, 1st ) , . , Gideon Thompson, 2d \ LlleaX" Ezra Rutty, Ensign. James Martin, Captain Benj'n Elliot, 1st ) T . . Stephen Akin, 2d ] L,leut' Samuel Games (Gardner), Ensign David Heacock, Captain. Joseph Chandler. 1st ) T . . Peter B. Hatfield, 2d \ L,leut' John Hatch, Ensign. Benj'n Higgins, CaDtain, vice Wm. Mott, late John Fields, S. East Prec't Co. Azer Barnum, 1st ) T . . . -,,, , „ Thomas Sears, 2d [ Lleut" vlce Ebenr Gage. Nathan Green, Jun., Ensign. Wm, Pierce, Captain. Stephen Hunt, 1st ) T . . Caleb Harris, 2d f Llieut' Benj'n Slocum, Ensign. Joseph Dyckman, Captain. Joshua Crosby, 1st / T. . Edward Penny, 2d ] L,leut- Daniel Doan, Ensign. October 19, 1779. Azor Barnam, Captain, vice Higgins, removed. Tho's Sears, 1st Lieut. Nathan Green, 2d Lieut Anth'y Gage, Ensign. June 29, 1781. Benj'n Elliot, Captain, vice Martin, moved out of beat. Stephen Akins, 1st Lieut, vice' Elliot. Samuel Gardner, 2d do vice Akins. Benj'n Elliot, Jun., Ensign, vice Gardner. Joseph Field, 2d Lieut. Barnham's Co., vice Sears, prom'd. Caleb Haines, 1st Lt., vice Hunt, removed. ) Pierce's Zacheus Marshall, 2d Lieut., vice Haines, j Co. Asa Haines, 2d Lt.vice Hatfield, re-) moved. J. Heacock' Co. Peter Carley, Ensign. FOURTH REGIMENT. Colonel, Tobias Stoutenbergh. Lieut. Col., John Freer.* 1st Major, Rob't Hoffman.* 2d Major, Benj'n Delavergne. Adjutant, John Carpenter. Qr. Master, John Ringley. . • Lieut. These officers were appointed October 17, 1775. No list of the line officers of that date is preserved. Changes in the Regiment. May 28, 1778. Theodorus Bailey, Adjutant. Daniel Smith, Qr. Master. Samuel Smith,* Captain of the Company in the beat, where he resides. Jonah Weeks, 1st ) T . . Siremus Newcomb, 2d f L,leut' Isaac Concklin, Captain. Josiah Barton, 1st ) , . , Jacob Schriver,* 2d j L,leut- Reuben Spencer, Ensign. John Van Kleeck, Captain, vice Peter Low,* resigned. Jacobus Freer,* 1st ) ¦ Simon Leroy, 2d j ' Jacobus Van De Bogart, Ensign. Bernardus Swartwout* Captain. Abr'm Fort,* 1st Lieut, vice Peter Lassing, resigned. Simon Lassing, 2d do Abr'm Van Keuren,* Ensign. Luke Stoutenburgh, Captain. Elijah Herrick, 1st Lieut. Henry Jersey, Ensign, Hugh Van Kleeck, Captain. Stephen Hendrickson, 1st Lieut. * These names appear in the lists of Associators of Poughkeepsie. Levies and Militia. 281 Elias Freer, 2d Lieut. Felix Lewis, Ensign. David Oostrum, Captain, vice Fred'k Stryt. Hugh Montgomerie, 1st. Joseph Harris, 2d. Anth'y Badgly, Jun'r, Ensign. Lemuel Concklin, Captain, vice Joseph Hegeman, resigned. Eliphalet Piatt, 1st Lieut., vice Paul Van Enden, resigned. John Johnson, 2d Lieut. Henry Kipp, Ensign. March 4, 1780. Robert Hoffman, Lieut.-Colonel. Stephen Hendrickson, Captain, vice Van Kleeck, cashiered Elias Freer, 1st ) T . . Felix Lewis, 2d \ Lleut Francis Kipp, Ensign. " Abr'm Fort, Captain, vice Swartwout. Simon Lawson (Lassing), 1st Lieut., vice Fort, prom'd. Abr'm Van Curer, 2d Lieut., vice Lawson, prom'd. Casparus C. Westerfelt,* Ensign, vice Van Curen, promoted. John Langdon, 2d Lieut, Smith's Co., vice Newcomb, removed. Aaron Lyon, Ensign, vice Langdon, prom'd. Reuben Spencer, Captain, vice Isaac Concklin, re signed. Daniel Annin, 1st Lieut., vice Burton, moved out of beat. Francis Neilson, 2d Lieut., vice Scriver, moved out of beat. James Gazely, Ensign. November 19, 1781. Lemuel Concklin, Captain, vice Oostrum, moved out of beat. Anth'y Badgly, 1st Lieut., vice Montgomerie, moved out of beat. Daniel Newcomb, 2d Lieut., vice Harris, resigned. Joseph Forman, Ensign, vice Badgly, prom'd. Francis Nelson, 1st Lieut., Spencer's Co., vice Burton. David Knap, 2d Lieut., Spencer's Co., vice Scriver. Elijah Herrick, Captain, vice Stoutenbergh, declined. Didymus Kinney, 1st Lieut, vice Herrick, prom'd. Henry Jersey, 2d Lieut. Jacobus Swartwout, Ensign. Eliphalet Piatt, Captain, vice Concklin, transferred to Oostrum's Co. Simeon I. Freer, Ensign, John Van Kleeck's Co. April 12, 1782. Captain Lemuel Concklin, not moving out of his beat, he is continued as Captain in the former beat. (See May 28. 1778). Eliphalet Piatt therefore remains 1st Lieut. Anthony Badgly, Captain, vice Oostrum. Joseph Forman, 1st Lieut., vice Newcomb, prisoner with the enemy. Ward, Ensign. Colonel Freer's commission to date from March 4, 1780, at which time the Council conceived him to be Colonel. FIFTH REGIMENT. Commissions issued October 17, 1775. Colonel: Wm. Humphrey. Lieut. Col. : James Van Deburgh. 1st Major: Benj'n Birdsall. Captain, Corn's Van Wyck 1st Lieut., Daniel Lawrence 2d do Martin Cornwel] Ensign: Nath'l Carey Captain, Wm. Clark 1st Lieut, Jon'n Dennis 2d do Daniel Uhl Ensign, Francis West Captain, John L. De Witt Changes in the Regiment. March 10, 1778. James Van Deburgh, Colonel, vice Wm. Humphrey. Benj'n Birsdall, Lieut. Colonel. Wm. Clark, Major, vice Jon'n Dennis. Eben'r Cary, Adjutant, vice Jon'n Carmer. Henry Bailey, Qr. Mr. Francis West, Captain of the Company, where he resides. Gideon Hall, 1st Lieut. Tabor Bentley, 2d Lieut, vice Arnold Reynolds, re signed. Joshua Champlain, Captain. Roger Morey, 1st Lieut. : Tillinghast Bentley, 2d Lieut. Joseph Reynolds, Captain. Edward Treadwell, 1st Lieut., vice Sam'l Tredle. Beekman's Precinct. 2d Major: Morris Place. Adjutant: Eben'r Curry. Qr. Master: Charles Piatt. 1st Lieut., 2d do Corn's I. Dubois, July 16, 1776. Captain, Joseph Reynolds 1st Lieut., Nath'l Smith 2d do John Losee, Jun'r Ensign, Peter Harris Captain, Isaac Vail 1st Lieut., Jesse Oakley 2d do Edw'd Adams Stephen Ferguson Gilbert Totten, 2d Lieut. Israel Vail, Captain, vice Israel Piatt. John Smith, 1st Lieut., vice Hezekiah Collins, re signed. Wm. Gifford, 2d Lieut., vice Stephen Ferguson, resigned. Valentine Wheeler, Captain. Luke JVoolent, 1st Lieut. Theophilus Sweet, 2d Lieut. October 20, 1779. Samuel Curtis, 1st Lieut.,Vail's Co., vice John Smith, deceased. John Vail, Jun'r, 2d Lieut., vice Gifford, removed from the County. Nehemiah Oakley, 2d Lieut., Reynold's Co., vice Totten, gone over to the enemy. * These names appear in the lists of Associators of Poughkeepsie. 36 282 Levies and Militia. Roger Morey, Captain, vice Champlin, resigned. Tillinghast Bentley, 1st Lieut., vice Morey, prom'd. Job Tanner, 2d Lieut., vice Bentley, prom'd. Joh's Koontz, 2d Lieut, Wheeler's Co., vice Woolcot, removed out of Company. Henry Bailey, Adj't, vice Doctor Cary, declined. Thomas Humphrey, Qr. Mr., vice Bailey, prom'd. SIXTH REGIMENT. Charlotte Precinct. Commissions issued October 17, 1775. Colonel: David Southerland. Lieut. Col.: Roswell Hopkins. 1st Major: Simeon Cook. Capt., Wm. Barker 1st Lieut., Job Mead 2d do Noah Hopkins Ens'n, Abner Gillett Capt., Brinton Paine 1st Lt., Sam'l Waters 2d do Ichabod Holmes Ens'n, Wm. Brush Capt., Joshua Lasell 1st Lt, Colbe Chamberlain 2d do David Doty Ens'n, Elisha Barlow Captain, Robert Freeman 1st Lieut, Elijah Smith 2d do Ezra St. John Ensign, Noah Wheeler Captain, Henry Humphrey 1st Lieut., Smith Southerland 2d do Silas German Ensign, George Krankhet Captain, Isaac Bloom 1st Lieut, John Gaseley, Jun'r 2d do John Williams Ensign, David Jenis Captain, Benj'n Delavergne 1st Lieut. , David Handy 2d Major, Rich'd de Cantelou. Adjutant: Joseph Carpenter. Qr. Mr.: Daniel Shephard. 2d Lieut., Wm. Woodworth Ensign, Joseph Harris Captain, Jacob Tobias 1st Lieut., Israel Plat 2d do Caleb Hyat Ensign, Gilbert Warden Captain, Eben'r HuBted 1st Lieut, Jon'n Meade 2d do James Talmage Ensign, Stephen Adset Captain, Roger Sutherland 1st Lieut, Josiah Gale 2d do Tho's Jenks Ensign, Joel Horskins Captain, Wm. Gay 1st Lieut., Joseph Hagaman 2d do Francis Leroy Ensign, Paul Vananden Captain, Isaac Conklin 1st Lieut., Peter Shults 2d do Josiah Burton Ensign, Eben'r Mott Captain, Peter Stoutenburgh 1st Lieut., Elijah Harreck 2d do Hugh Wilde Ensign, Joseph Hambleton A REPORT of Colonel David Sutherland's Regiment, made July the l§th, 1777, Dutchess County, State of New York. {Mis. Papers, 38, 107. In Capt. Barker's.... Capt. Husted Capt. Sutherland.. Capt. Humphrey. . Capt. Smith Capt. Chamberlain Capt. Piatt Capt. Waller Capt Waters.. .. Commission Officers in eych Com pany. 32 The Number of Solgers. 576970 60 5355 505056 520 Guns. 4245 3525 35 35 12 1249 290 Powder. Lbs. 4225 10 12 22 12 7 10 20 160 Lead. Lbs. 805580 608080 8080 60 655 Levies and Militia. 283 Changes in the Regiment. March 22, 1776. Captain, Joseph Hagerman 1st Lieut, John Hagerman 2d do Jon'n Holmes Ensign, Captain, Bernard Doughty These Officers were elected, but no record of their March 20, 1778. Roswell Hopkins, Colonel vice Sutherland resigned. Wm. Barker, Lieut. Colonel, vice Hopkins. Eben'r Husted, Jun'r, Major, " Simeon Cook, and Robert Freeman,* the former Majors having le- Thomas Jenks, 1st Lieut., Sutherland's Co. do j. Humphrey's Co. Joel Hoskins, 2d do Silas Germond, 1st Lieut. Jonas Parks, 2d do Elijah Smith, Captain. Noah Wheeler, 1st Lieut. Isaac Darrow, 2d do Colby Chamberlain, Captain. John Boyd, 1st Lieut. Wm. Chamberlain, 2d Lieut. Job Mead, Captain. Noah Hopkins, 1st Lieut. Abner Gillet, 2d do Jon'n Weller, Captain. Silas Belding, 1st Lieut. Silas Anson, 2d do vice B. Dutcher, displaced. Samuel Waters, Captain. John McNiel, 1st Lieut. Edmond Parlie, 2d do n»_ James Talmage, Captain. John Landen, 1st Lieut. Stephen Hatchet, 2d Lieut. Caleb Height (Hyat ?) Captain. Benj'n Haight, 1st Lieut. Edward Thome, 2d Lieut. June 25, 1778. Noah Wheeler, Captain, vice Elijah Smith, resigned. Isaac Darrow, 1st Lieut. Solomon Wheeler, 2d Lieut. David Trusdale, Ensign. Captain, Fred'k Stritt 1st Lieut, Wm. Woodworth 2d do Dan'l Hamill _ Ensign, David Ostrom Captain, Dirck Doty. being commissioned has been found. February 18, 1779. Brinton Paine, 2d Major. March 6, 1779. Benj'n Haight, Captain, vice Caleb Height, resigned. Gilbert Worden, 1st Lieut., vice Haight, prom'd. Daniel Golding, 2d Lieut, vice Edw'd Thorne, re- Rowland Gifford, do Sutherland's Co. Gilbert Worden, Justus Wilson, do do Haight's Co. Waters' Co. Elijah Parks, Reuben Doty, do do Mead's Co. Chamberlain's Co. James Mott, do Weller's Co. Wm. Woolsey, do Talmage's Co. George Kortright, do Humphrey's Co, Daniel Shepherd, Adjutant. Samuel Herrick, Qr. Mr. Wm. Furman, Ensign, vice Worden, prom'd. April 22, 1779. Edmond Perlee, 1st Lieut., vice John McNiel, re signed on account of infirmity. Justus Wilson, 2d Lieut., vice Perlee, prom'd. Rufus Herrick, Jun'r, Ensign, vice Wilson, prom'd. October 21, 1779. Daniel Shepherd, Captain, vice Job Mead, resigned. James Barnard, 2d Lieut. Paul Johnson, Ensign. Rufus Herrick, Jun'r, 2d Lieut., Waters' Co., vice Wilson, resigned. Ezra Paine, Ensign, vice Herrick, prom'd. Solomon Armstrong, Ensign, Chamberlain's Co., vice Doty, removed. September 29, 1780. Stephen Adset (Hatchet?) 1st Lieut., vice" John Langdon, removed to Connecticut, Abner Purdy, 2d Lieut., vice Adset, pro moted , Asa Allen, Ensign, vice Woolsey, moved out of beat, Joel Horskins, 1st Lieut., vice Jenks, \ moved off, j Suther- Joseph Duel, 2d Lieut., vice Horskins, J- land's Noah Gale, Ensign, vice Gifford moved J Co. out of beat, * J Jacob Bokee, Ensign, Waters' Co., vice Ezra Pain, moved out. Elijah Parks, 1st Lieut., Shepherd's Co., vice Hop kins, resigned and removed. Bezaliel Rudd, Qr. Mr. Samuel Herrick, Adjutant. June 29, 1781. Bezaliel Rudd, Qr. Mr., to be 1st Lieut. Co., vice Parks moved out. Paul Johnson, 2d Lieut., same Co., vice Barrett (Bar nard), moved out. Robert Hebard, Ensign, vice Johnson, prom'd. Abner Gillet, Qr. Mr., vice Rudd. Tal mage's Co. Shepherd's [SEVENTH] REGIMENT. Fredericksbtjrgh Precinct. No complete record of the first organization of this Regiment has been preserved. 1st Company (Beat No. 1). Capt., Ebenezer Robinson "| 1st Lt, Nath'l Scribner I elected 2d do Hezekiah Mead, Jun'r | '76. Ens'n, Obadiah Chase I Mar. 8, 2d Company (Beat No. 2). Capt., David Waterbury "] 1st Lt., Isaac Townsend , . , ¦,, .,,»/. 2d do Jonathan Webb felected Mar" U> 76- Ens'n, Timothy Delavan J * R. Freeman was appointed in place of Cantelou, who resigned Febr. 20, 1776. 284 Levies and Militia. 3d Company (Beat No. 3). Capt., Jonathan Paddock 1st Lt-, Simon Tryon was elected but went into Cont'l service 3d Lt., Jeremiah Burges Ens'n, Joseph Dyckman elected Sept. 20, '75. 4th Company (Beat No. 4). Capt., John Crane "| 2ddo-SSS6nd !««»'« '3-™ En'n, John Berry 5th Company (Beat No. 5) Capt, Wm. Colwell 1st Lt, Joel Mead 2d do Stephen Ludinton En'n, David Porter -elected Mar, 13, '76. 6th Company (Beat No. 6). Capt., David Heacock 1st Lt, Wm. Calkin 2d do Increase Bennet, elected but refused En'n, Moses Sage elected March 14, '76. The Minutes of the Council of Appointment mention it first on the 28th of May, 1778, as Colonel Henry Luddington's Regiment, and the following appointments are made: Henry Luddington, Colonel. Reuben Ferris, Lieut. Colonel. William Gee, 1st Major. Eben'r Robinson, 2d Major. Hosea Hamilton, Adjutant. Eleazer Baker, Qr. Mr. George Lane, Captain of the Co. in the beat, where he resides. Daniel Willsey, 1st Lieut., vice Reuben Drake. John Drake, 2d Lieut., vice Moses Dusenbury, re moved. Henry Willsey, Ensign. Joel Mead, Captain, vice Elijah Townsend, prom'd (see First Reg't). David Porter, 1st Lieut. Stephen Luddington, 2d Lieut. David Hill, Ensign. David Waterbury, Captain. Isaac Townsend, 1st Lieut. Timothy Delivan, 2d do James Egleston, Ensign. John Crane, Captain. David Smith, 1st Lieut. John Berry, 2d Lieut., vice Elijah Townsend. Joseph Gregory, Ensign, vice Berry. Hezekiah Mead, Captain. Solomon Hopkins, 1st Lieut. Elijah Fuller, 2d Lieut. Josiah Baker, Ensign, vice Eben'r Washburn, de serted to the enemy. Nath'l Scribner, Captain. David Merrick, 1st Lieut., vice Dan'l Maline, re moved. Wm. Martine, 2d Lieut., vice Nath'l Finch, resigned. Caleb Hazen, Ensign. John Haight, Captain. Israel Knap, 1st Lieut. Joseph Garrison, 2d Lieut. John Nelson, Ensign. June 29, 1780. Israel Knap, Captain, vice John Haight, resigned. Jon'n Owens, 1st Lieut. Tho's Bashford, 2d Lieut Jedediah Frost, Ensign. John McClean, 2d Lieut., Scribner's Co. John Robinson, 2d Lieut., ) ,, ,, „ Zebadee Kelly, Ensign, ^ Mead s Co. Elijah Townsend, Adj't., vice Hamilton, moved out of County. FIRST REGIMENT OF MINUTE MEN. Commissions issued October 17, 1775. Colonel- John'Van Ness, died before March 28, 1776. Lieut. Col.: Corn's Humphrey, prom'd Colonel March 28, 1776. 1st Major. Robert G. Livingston. First Rhinebeck Company. Captain, Herman Hoffman 1st Lieut., Andrew Hermanse 2d do George Sharp Ensign, James Adams. Second Rhinebeck Company. Captain, John L. De Witt 1st Lieut., Philipp Hereman 2d do Corn's J. Dubois, July 16, '76. vice John Steinbergh. Ensign, Jacob Kip I First Charlotte Company. Captain, Smith Southerland 1st Lieut., Zachias Marshall 2d do Uriah Sill Ensign, Stephen Haight Second Charlotte Company. Capt., Melancton Smith "| 1? £*" ' waaC™ l0 T \ com'd Feb. 22, 76. 2d do Wm. Mead En'n, Wm. Tremper 2d Major: James Read. Adjutant: Reuben Hopkins. Qr. Mr.: Joseph Ketcham, Jun. North East Company. Captain, Hugh Rea 1st Lieut., Daniel Wilson 2d do Nath'l Mead Ensign, Ph'enius Rice First Amenia Company Captain, Increas Child 1st Lieut-, John Loyd 2d do Wm. Blunt Ensign, Josiah Morse Second Amenia Company. Captain, Roswell Kinne "| 1st Lieut. , Judah Burton I comm'd 2d do Eben'r Carter f 1775. Ensign, Andrew Shaw J Nov. 3, Fishkill Company, Captain, Stephen Brinckerhoff "1 1st Lieut., George G. Brinckerhoff I comm'd Dec. 2d do Stephen Osborne f 20, 1775. Ensign, Benj'n Rosekrans J Levies and Militia. 285 SECOND REGIMENT OF MINUTE MEN, Commissions issued October 17, 1775. Colonel: Jacobus Swartwout Lieut. Col. : John Bailey, Jun'r. 1st Major: Malcom Morrison, resigned March 10, 1776. First (Poughkeepsie) Company. Captain, John Schenck, prom'd Major, vice Morrison 1st Lieut., Dr. Peter Tappen 2d do John Child Ensign, Mathew Van Keuren, resigned, and John Tappen, app'd Febr. 19, 1776. comm'd Feb. 26, 1776. Second (Rombout Prec't) Company Captain, Evert Wynkoop Swart, vice" Zebulon Southard, refused to sign the Association 1st Lieut., Robert Brett 2d do Isaac Van Wyck Ensign, Abr'm Shultz Third (Beekman's Prec't) Company. Captain, Wm. Clarke ) >d M x mf. 1st Lieut, Benj n Noxon J ' 2d Major: Henry Luddington, vice Henry Schenck, March 10, 1776. Adjutant: Joshua Carman, Jun'r. Qr. Mr. : Henry Godwin. Surgeon: Dr. Corn's Osborn. 2d do Martin Cornell Ensign, Nath'l Cary I comm'd Mar. 1, 1776. Fourth (Pawlings's Prec't) Company. Captain, Phenix Woodward 1st Lieut, Comfort Shaw 2d do Mark Williams Ensign, Gideon Oothout Fifth (South East) Company. Captain, Joshua Barnum, Jun'r 1st Lieut, Wm. Murch 2d do Eliakim Barnum Ensign, Jon'n Crane Sixth Company, no locality given, and it may be the same as the Third. Captain, Wm. Clarke 1 1st Lieut., Gilbert Strang V comm'd Mar. 11, 1776. 2d do Abr'm Hyatt ) No locality is given for the following three Companies of this Regiment, for whom commissions were issued February 26, i776. Captain, John Dorlon 1st Lieut., Henry Wyckoff 2d do Rob't Hill Ensign, Tho's Ostrander Captain, James Weeks 1st Lieut., Hugh Conner 2d Lieut., James Cooper Ensign, Theodorus Brett Captain, Comfort Luddington 1st Lieut., Elijah Oakley 2d do John Brady Ensign, Asa Berry DUTCHESS COUNTY REGBMENTS, " to go into immediate service," under the resolution of July 16, 1776. First Regiment. Colonel: Jacobus Swartwout Lt. Colonel: Reuben Ferris Major: Israel Thonipson No list of Line Officers for these two Regiments has been found. Second Regiment. Colonel: Morris Graham Lt. Colonel. Roswell Hopkins Major: Wm. Barker Colonel: Zephaniah Piatt. Lieut. Col. : Rufus Herrick. Major: Abr'm Schenck. REGIMENT OF ASSOCIATED EXEMPTS. (• appointed October 19, 1779. 18. Rhinebeck Precinct. Captain, Wm. Leonard ") 1st Lieut, Ephraim Brasher [app'd Aug. 2d do Gerardus Hardenbrook j 1778. Ensign, Godlope Mardin J Poughkeepsie Precinct, including Capt. John Van Bunschoten's Company. Captain, Elias Van Bunschoten 1st Lieut, Zephaniah Piatt, Jun'r 2d do Ezekiel Cooper Ensign, Rumbout Precinct. Captain, Abr'm Schenck 1st Lieut, Wm. Boerum 2d do Daniel Rapalje Amenia Precinct. Captain, Rufus Herrick 1st Lieut., Gilbert Willet 2d do John Chamberlain Ensign, David Collins Charlotte Precinct. Captain, Isaac Bloom 1st Lieut., John De Witt 2d do Appointed November 4, 1778. Captain, Gilbert Willett 1st Lieut., John Chamberlain 2d do David Collins Ensign, David Doty Captain, Abr'm Swartwout 1st Lieut., 2d do Ensign, Captain, Thomas Lee 1st Lieut, 2d do Ensign, • All appointed October 19, 1779. 286 Levies and Militia. Captain, Phineas Woodward 1st Lieut., Gideon Osterhout 2d do Nath'l Cary Captain, Edmund Baker 1st Lieut. , Thomas Russel 2d do Captain, John Collins 1st Lieut., Simon John Myer 2d do All appointed September 29, 1780. Companies raised under Resolution of June 22, 1776, to defend the County: ' 1st Captain, Melancton Smith. | 2d Captain, John Durlin. Company raised under Resolution of October 8, 1776, for the purpose of detecting and defeating conspiracies. Captain, Nath'l Scribner. | 1st Lieut. Joseph Field. Long Island Militia. The people of Long Island responded to the call of the Provincial Congress, asking them to organize in military bodies, as early as the inhabitants of the other counties and below are given the earlier organizations. The fortunes of war severing the connection between the Island and the Main land, these organizations could not be kept up, hence the list of Long Island officers is necessarily small. The Council of Appointments made no appointments for Long Island until 1784. KINGS COUNTY. Colonel- Richard Van Brunt . iiieut, Col : Nich's Covenhoven. 1st Major: Joh's Titus. AU commissioned March 11, 1776. Joh's Vanderbilt Lambert Suydam B. Johnson John Titus 2d Major: John Van Derbilt. Adjutant: George Carpenter. Qr. Mr. . Nich's Covenhoven. Captains. Corn's V. D. Veer Rem. Williamson Barnard Suydam Adrian Van Brunt A RETURN of the Officers chosen by the different Companies in Kings County, who have signed the Declaration and taken their Commissions, 1776. Light Horse . . . Troop of Horse Flatlands Gravesend y, of Brooklin. do do Flatbush Bushwlck New Uytrecht Captains. Adolph Waldron. . Lambert Suydam . . . Jere'h V. D. Bilt... Rem 'Williamson. Barent Johnson Ferd's Suydam. .. Corn's V. D Veer.. John Titus Abr'm Van Brunt.. 1st Lieutenants. Wm. Boerum Dan'l Raplye Alb'tStothoff Saml. Hubbard Barent Lefferts . . . Simon Bergen Peter Lefferts .... Abr'm Van Ranst . Ad n liegeman 2d Lieutenants. Thos. Everett Jacob Bloom Thos. Elsworth ... Garret Williamson Joost D. B. Vooise Wm. Brower John Van Duyn Peter Colyer Harm's Barkulo Ensigns. Jacob Sebring, Jun Peter V JO. Voort. Peter V. D. Bilt. .. John Lane Martin Schenck Ja'b Stillenwert John Bennem John Skillman Wm. Barre Quarter Masters. Isaac Sehring. Peter Wykoff. Rem. A. Remsen, 1st Lieut, of Waldron's Light Horse, had been elected, but declined, whereupon the Company was officered as above. QUEENS COUNTY. No record of any regimental organization has been found. early period of the war : Great Neck and Cow Neck Company. Captain, John Sands, app'd October 12, 1775. 1st Lieut., Henry Allen, declined. 2d do Tho's Mitchell, prom'd 1st Lieut. Mar. 8, 1776, vice Allen. Ensign, Aspinwall Cornwell (Cornell) prom'd 2d Lieut., vice Mitchell. Ensign, Andrew Onderdonk, app'd April 15, 1776. New Town District. (Southernmost Beat). Captain, Abr'm Remsen 1st Lieut., Benj'n Coe, prom'd Capt, \ juue 17 2d do Robert Furman, pr. 1st Lt., \ yma ' Ensign, Benj'n North, prom. 2d Lt., ) do Jonah Hallett, app'd June 18, 1776. The following are names of Company officers of an (North Beat). Captain, Jon'n Lawrence, prom'd Brig. Major. 1st Lieut., Wm. Sackett 2d do Wm. Lawrence, prom'd Capt. Aue. 1776. v s Ensign, Jesse Warner 14, Light Horse Company. Captain, Rich'd Lawrence, resigned on account of ill health. 1st Lieut., Dan'l Lawrence, promoted Captain, &c. 2d do Samuel Riker, prom'd 1st Lieut. Cornet, Jon'n Coe, superseded by Jon'n Lawrence. Qr. Mr., Peter Rapalje. Original commissions issued May 10, 1776. Levies and Militia. 287 Flushing Company Captain, Nath'l Tom, 1st Lieut., Mathias Van Dyck, 2d do Jeffry Hicks, Ensign, Nich's Van Dyck, comm'd June 8, " 1776. Jamaica Company. Captain, Ephraim Baylies, 1st Lieut, Increase Carpenter, 2d do Abr'm Vanausdale, Ensign, Othniel Smith, com'd March 27, " 1776. SUFFOLK COUNTY. First Regiment. Colonel: Wm. Floyd, of St. George's Manor, vice Piatt Conkling, who declined. Lieut. Col.: Dr. Gilbert Potter, of Huntington. 1st Major: Nathan Woodhull, of Brookhaven. Huntington and Smithtown Companies. Captain, John Wickes 1st Lieut., Epenetus Conckling 2d do Jonah Wood Ensign, Ebenez'r Prime Wood. Captain, Jesse Brush 1st Lieut, Jon'n Titus 2d do Philipp Conckling Ensign, Joseph Titus Captain, Timothy Carll 1st Lieut, Gilbert Fleet 2d do Joel Scudder Ensign, Nath'l Buffet, Jun'r 1st Brookhaven Co. Captain, Samuel Thompson 1st Lieut., Ab'm Woodhull 2d do Isaac Davis Ensign, Daniel Satterly comm'd Sept. 13, 1775. 2d Brookhaven Co. Captain, Eben'r Miller 1st Lieut., Caleb Woodhull 2d do James Davis Ensign, Davis Davis Changes in the Regiment. December 12, 1775. Joh'n Titus, Captain, 2d Comp., vice Jesse Brush, promoted Major. Joshua Rogers, 1st Lieut. Tho's Brush, 2d Lieut. February 7 and 8, 1776. Piatt Neal (Vail), Captain, Cow Harbour, or 5th Huntington Co. 2d Major: Edmund Smith, Jun'r, of Smithtown. Adjutant: Philipp Roe, ) „ „ , , Qr. Mr.: James Roe, \ of Brookhaven. 3d Brookhaven Company. Captain, Wm. Brewster ") 1st Lieut., Isaac Davis 2d do Uriah Smith Ensign, Benj'n Woodhull Smithtown Company. Captain, Philetus Smith 1st Lieut. , Edmund Smith, Jun'r, 2d do Daniel Tillotson Ensign, Richard Smith (com'd Sept. f 1776. (com'd Sept. | 1775. 13, 13, Islip Company, formed from East part of Smithtown and West part of Southamp ton. Captain, Benijah Strong ) 1st Lieut., Jeremiah Terry (comm'd Feb'ry 13, 2d do Samuel Oakley ( 1776. Ensign, Annen Mowbrey J Southold Company. Captain, Nathan Rose 1st Lieut., Hugh Smith 2d do David Fanning Ensign, John Smith 1 comm'd Sept 13, 1775. Mich'l Hart, 1st Lieut, Isaac Dennis, 2d do Jacob Concklin, Ensign. John Buffet, Captain, South or 4th Huntington Comp. Isaac Thompson, 1st Lieut. Zebulon Ketchum, 2d do Joseph Ketchum, Ensign. A Return of this Regiment dated April 5th, 1776, gives the following changes : Majors, Jesse Brush and Jeffry Smith. Qr. Mr., John Roe. Captain, Samuel Tomson. do Eben'r Miller. do Nathan Rose. do Wm. Brewster. do Philetus Smith. do Joshua Rogers. Captain, Epenetus Conckling do Joel Scudder. do John Buffet. do Plat Vail. do Gilbert Carle do Benijah Strong. SECOND REGIMENT. Colonel: David Mulford. Lt. Col.: Jon'n Hedges. 1st Major: Uriah Rogers. 2d do George Herrick. These Officers were so returned February 10, 1776. Adjutant: John Gelston. Qr. Mr. : Phineas Howell. Serg't Major: Lemuel Peirson. Drum Major: Elias Mathews. 288 Levies and Militia. A Return of the Names of the Persons for the Officers of the Second Battalion in Suffolk County, taken according to the Directions of the Provincial Congress by the Committees of _ Easthampton and Southampton. 1st Company. Capt., David Howell 1st Lt, Jeremiah Post 2d do Paul Jones Ens'n, Zephaniah Rogers 2d Company. Capt., John Dayton 1st Lt., Isaac Mulford Hunting 2d do John Miller, Jun'r. Ens'n, Wm. 3d Company. Capt., David Peirson 1st Lt, Daniel Heges 2d do David Sayre , Ens'n, Theophilus Peirson 4th Company. Capt, David Fithen 1st Lt., Sam'l Conckling 2d do Thomas Baker Ens'n, Daniel Conckling 5th Company. Capt., Stephen Howell 1st Lt, John White, Jun. Commissions issued September 13, 1775. 2d Lt.. Lemuel Wick En'n, Isaah Hallsey 6th Company. Capt., Wm. Rogers 1st Lt, Jesse Halsey 2d do Henry Halsey Ens'n, Nath'l Rogers 7th Company. Capt., Josiah Howell 1st Lt., Nathaniel Howell 2d do Mathew Howell Ens'n, Wm. Stephens 8th Company. Capt., Sam'l L'Hommedieu 1st Lt., Silas Jessup 2d do Edw'd Conckling Ens'n, Daniel Fordham 9th Company. Capt., John Sandford 1st Lt. , Edward Topping 2d do Philipp Howell Ens'n, John Hildreth THIRD REGIMENT. A third Regiment of Suffolk County is mentioned and commissions were issued to officers of the same, but no record of its roster has been found. Captain, Israel Scudder, 1st Lieut, Nath'l Buffet, 2d do Epenetus Smith, Ensign, John Hart, I commissioned Dec. 12, 1775, for 3d Com pany, 3d Reg't. 1st Lieut., Edmund Howell, 2d do Selah Reeve, Ensign, James Wells, commissioned June 29, 1776, for 2d Comp., 3d Reg't. REGIMENT OF MINUTE MEN. Colonel: Josiah Smith. Lieut. Col.: John Hulbert 1st Major: Isaac Reeve. 2d Major: Jon'n Baker. Easthampton Company, Captain, Ezekiel Mulford 1st Lieut, John Miller 2d do Nath'l Hand Ensign, Adjutant: Ephraim Marvin, April 4, 1776, vice Isaac Overton, declined. Qr. Mr. : Eben'r Dayton. com'd Feb. 23,1776. 1st Southampton Company. Captain, Zephaniah Rogers ] 1st Lieut, Nath'l Howell, Jun'r, (com'd Feb. 23, 2d do Mathew Sayer f 1776. Ensign, J 2d Southampton Company. Captain, David Pierson ") 1st Lieut, John Foster, Jun'r, [com'd Feb. 23, 2d do Abr'm Rose j 1776. Ensign, Edward Topping J The return of this Regiment of May 30, 1776, gives: Isaac Overton, 2d Major, vice Baker, and Captains, Nath'l Piatt and Tho's Wicks in addition to the above. 1st Southold Company. Captain, John Bayley 1st Lieut., Joshua Youngs 2d do John Tuthill Ensign, James Reeves 2d Southold Company. Captain, Paul Reeves 1st Lieut., John Corwin 2d do David Horton Ensign, Nath'l Hodson -com'd May 3, 1776. Lom'dMay 3, 1776. Brookhaven, Smith Town, Manor of St. George and Moriches Comp. Captain, Selah Strong ~| 1st Lieut, Wm Clark [com'd April 4, 2d do Caleb Brewster [ 1776. Ensign, Nath'l Brewster J Benjamin Coe, Captain, mentioned October 9, 1776. Captain, Wm. Ludlum and 2d Lieut. Ephraim Mars- ton, mentioned Deceb'r 2, 1776. Captain, Wm. Rogers Capt.-Lieut, John Franks. 1st Lieut., Jeremiah Rogers Commissioned Febr. 20, 1776 Levies and Militia. ARTILLERY COMPANY (belonging to Col. Smith's Minute Regiment). 289 ( 2d Lieut., Tho's Baker Lt. Fireworker, John Tuthill New York City and County. The names of the officers of the Militia Regiments from this County, as far as known or reported officially have already been published in the " Calendar of New York Historical MSS.— Revolutionary Papers," and are therefore not repeated nere. Colonel: Jesse Woodhull. Lieut. Col.: Elihu Marvin. 1st Major: Nath'l Strong. 1st. Captain, Archibald Little 1st Lieut., Birdsey Youngs 2d do Thomas Horton Ensign, Nathan Marvin 2d. Captain, Jonathan Tuthill, 1st Lieut, John Brewster, Jun'r, 2d do Samuel Strong, Ensign, Francis Brewster, 3d. Captain, Christ'r Vanduzer 1st Lieut, Wm. Roe, 2d do Obadiah Smith, Ensign, Isaac Tobias Orange County. EAST ORANGE OR CORNWALL REGIMENT. 2d Major: Zach's Du Bois Adjutant: Wm. Moffat. Qr. Mr.: Nath'l Satterly. reapp'd Febr. 21, 1778. (reapp'd Feb. I 1778. 21, These officers were commissioned Septb'r 15, 1775. Captain, Silap Pierson 1st Lieut, Joshua Brown were elected, but not commissioned, because Phineas Rumsey and others objected. Upper Clove Company. Captain, Garret Miller 1st Lieut., Asa Buck 2d do Wm. Horton Ensign, Aaron Miller Woodberry Clove Company. Captain, Francis Smith 1st Lieut, Thomas Smith 2d do Alex'r Galloway Ensign, JohnJVfcManus S. W. Part of Cornwall Prec't Captain, Stephen Slote, 1 1st Lieut., George Galloway, 2d do John Brown, Ensign David Rogers, Officers for a 7th (Goshen), Company: 2d Lieut., Daniel Reeve Ensign, Phinehas Heard 4th, 5th. 6th. reapp'd Febr. 21, 1778. Cantshook (Cornwall Prec't) Company, com missioned in February, 1776. Captain, Sam'l Patrick 1st Lieut., Benj'n Rose 2d do Isaac Garrison Ensign, James Cunningham A True account of the Number of Company, to wit (88) Privates, Pbenihas Rumsey John Vail John Wod Tuthill John Pain Stephen Jayn Joseph Davis David Aird Asa Overton John Gary Jedediah Fuller Benj'n Jayn John Rogers Elexander Smith John Myers John Ketcham Benj'n McVeaugh (McOcaugh) Men belonging to the List Men, and these Signers all Chearls Tooker Benj'n Harlow Nathan Rumsey Garret Durye Asa Rumsey Wm. McMullen Zopher Jayn John Carpenter John Stag Enos Hagity Selah Tooker Isaac Tooker Daniel Conkling Benj'n Cozat Abr'm Cooly of Captain Phenihas Rumsey' s belong to the Company : Stephen Huls Thomas Everson George Durye Peter Cavanagh Sam'l Reader Joseph Petterson Oliver Petterson John Bran Jeremiah Tuthill Wm. Bran Samuel Parshel Jesse Mathis James Ketcham Moses Train Wm. Tuthill Changes in the Regiment. March 81, 1777. Thomas Horton, Captain, Oxford Distr. Co., vice Little, deceased. Josiah Seeley, 1st ) T . . Nathan Marvin, 2d \ lj,eut' Barnabas Horton, Jun'r, Ensign. 37 February 21, 1778. Field and Staff were re-appointed as above. John Johnson, 1st Lieut., 1 James Galloway, 2d Lieu , >• Francis Smith's Co. Tho's Lummarcaux, Ensign, ) Gilbert Weeks, Ensign, Van Duzer's Co. 290- Levies and Militia. Lieut Seth Marvin, Captain of the Company in the Beat, where he resides. Josiah Seely, 1st ) Nathan Marviu, 2d ) Barnabas Horton, Ensign. Silas Pierson, Captain. Joseph Conklin, 1st ) j . . Joseph Brown, 2d J Peter Hubert, Ensign. John Pain, Captain. John Woodhull Tuthill, 1st ) T . t John Case, 2d f Ijleut Garrit Duryee, Ensign. Asa Buck, Captain. Wm. Horton, 1st ) Aaron Miller, 2d J Arch'd Cunningham, Ensign. August 18, 1778. Eben'r Woodhull, Captain Co. of Light Horse be longing to the Blooming Grove, Cornwall Prec't, Reg't. Lieut, wZTlZZgJf [Lieut Light Horse Co. Samuel Seely, Cornet. Qr. Mr., Azariah Martin. October 20, 1779, and July 1, 1780. Vanderzee's Company. Gilbert Weeks, 1st Lieut., vice Wm. Roe, moved out of County. Daniel Harrison, 2d Lieut, vice Smith declined. Isaac Van Dusen, Ensign. Joseph Conkling, Captain, vice Pierson, deceased. Peter Hubart, 1st Lieut, vice Conkling, prom'd. Joseph Case, 2d Lieut. Zeba Owens, Ensign. Aaron Miller, 1st Lieut., Bucks Co., vice Wm. Horton, cashiered. Areh'd Cunningham, 2d Lieut., vice Miller, prom'd. Wm. Miller, Ensign, vice Cunningham, prom'd. Samuel Seely, 2d Lieut., Woodhull's Light Horse, vice Herd, moved out of County. henias Herd, Cornet, vice Seely, promoted. LOWER (Orange Town*) REGIMENT. Colonel: Abr'm Lent, resigned March 26, 1776. Lt. Colonel: Joh's David Blauvelt, resigned Febr'y 27, 1777. 1st Major: Joh's J. Blauvelt. Southern Company. Captain, Joh's Jacob Blauvelt-|- 1st Lieut., James Lent 2d do James Smith Ensign, Hendrick Van den Linde Verbryck Eastern Company. Captain, Joh's Bellf 1st Lieut., John Sitcherf Commissions issued Deceb'r 22, 1775. No further record of Lent's Regiment has been found. commanded by Colonel A. Hawkins Hays, which see. 2d Major: Abr'm David Blauvelt. Adjutant: Jacobus De Clark.f Qr. Mr.: Isaac Perry. 2d Lieut. Wm. Grahamf Ensign, Dunniat (Daniel) Van der Donckf (Onder donck). Northern Company. Captain, Isaac Smith 1st Lieut., Joh's Isaac Blauvelt 2d do Wm., Sickels Ensign, Lambert Smith It seems to have been consolidated with the Regiment, HAVERSTRAW PRECINCT* REGIMENT. Colonel: Ann Hawkes Hays.f Lt. Colonel: Isaac Sherwood. 1st Major: John Smith. -J Clarks Town Company. Captain, Hendrick Turnuref 1st Lieut., Walter Van Ordenf 2d do Thomas Blauveltf Ensign, John Myerf Haverstraw Company. Captain, Wm. Kiers 1st Lieut., James Rumsey 2d do John Gardener Ensign, Rich'd Ackerson Pond Company. Captain, Arie Smith-f ist Lieut., Jacob Polhemus 2d do Walter Cure Ensign, Teunis Talman, Jun'r ommissions issued February 16, 1776. 2d Lieut., John L. Smith. f Adj't Wm. Ryder. Qr. Mr., Garret Onderdonck.f New Company. Captain, Arie Blauvelt 1st Lieut, 2d do Hendrick Astler Ensign, Albert Smith King Street Company. Captain, Jacob Onderdonckf 1st Lieut., Resolvent Van Houtenf 2d do Andros Onderdonck, Jun'r. f Ensign, Resolvent T. Van Houtenf Kakiate Company. Captain, Reynard Quackenboss 1st Lieut., Garrit Ecckerson 2d do Jacob Finke Ensign, Roger Ozburn * Now in Rockland County. f See changes in Hay's Regiment. Levies and Militia. 291 Changes in the Regiment. May 15, 1777. Garret Eckerson, Captain, vice Quackenboss, ill.f Roger Ozburn, 1st Lieut, f Paul Vander Voort, 2d Lieut, f Benj'n Coe, Ensign. Lieut, Jacob Ten Eyck, wants to resign and serve as private. May 28, 1778. " Resolved, on application to his Excellency the Governor for consolidating the two Regiments lately commanded by Colonel A. Hawkes Hay and Colonel Lent, in Orange County, and the Companies commanded by Gerrit Ackerson and Arie Blauvelt, belonging to the said Regiments (or one of them), which his Excellency is determined to consolidate, that the Officers of the said consolidated Regiment be as follows : " [The Officers marked by f in Lent's and Hay's, were re-appointed.] Gilbert Cuyler, Lieut. Colonel. Teunis Talman, 1st Lieut, Smith's Co., vice Pol- hemus. Dirck Van Derbelt, 2d Lieut., vice Walter Cure. Harmanus Talman, Ensign. Mathew Conklin, 1st Lieut., Blauvelt's Co., [Lent's Reg't.j John I. .Coe, Ensign, Eckerson's Co., vice Albert Smith. John Gardiner, Captain, vice Kiers, promoted. Rich'd Ackerson, 1st Lieut. John Waldron, 2n do vice Gardiner. Wm. Concklin, Ensign, vice Ackerson. Wm. Sickles, Captain, vice Isaac Smith. John Hogencamp, 1st Lieut. Corn's Blauvelt, 2d Lieut. Jacobus Sickels Ensign. April 4, 1782. Eckerson's Company again divided into two Companies, one of the new Companies to be officered by: Captain, Daniel Green. 1st Lieut., John Goetchius. 2d do John Osburn. Henry Hendrix, Jun'r, 2d Lieut., Joh's Blauvelt's Co. June 27, 1783. March 21, 1783. Colonel Hay resigns (Jan'y 1, 1783), because he con siders himslf superseded by Colonol Allison's pro motion to Brig. General. His Excellency the Governor, having laid before the Council his General Orders of this day, dividing the Regi ment . . . whereof Gilbert Cooper is Lieut.-Colonel, and forming the same into two Regiments : Resolved, that Joh's Bell be Lieut.-Colonel of tbe Orange Town and Tappan Precinct Regiment, Joh's James Blauvelt, Major, Jacobus De Clark, Adjutant, Abr'm Talman, Qr. Mr. John Hogencamp, Captain, vice Sickles, declined. Corn's Joh's Blauvelt, 1st Lieut. Jacob Sickles, EDsign. Mathew Concklin, Captain, vice J. J. Blauvelt, prom'd. Henry Hendrix, Jun'r, 1st Lieut. Wm. Concklin, EDsign. Wm. Graham, Captain, vice Joh's Bell, prom'd. Daniel Onderdonck, 1st Lieut. Wm. J. Bell, Ensign. GOSHEN REGIMENT. This Regiment had eleven Companies, and it being inconvenient for the soldiers to meet in one body, the County Committee, in February, 1776, decided to divide it into the Goshen and the Florida and Warwick Regiments. Colonel of Goshen Regiment, William Allison. Lieut.-Colonel: Dr. Benj. Thurston (Tusten). 1st Major: Moses Hatfield 2d Major: John Decker, Adjutant: John Wood. Qr. Mr. : James Sawyer. Commissioned Feb'r 28, 1776, re-appointed Feb'r 26, 1778. No complete roster of this Regiment has been preserved. 1st, George Thompson. 2d, Moses Cartright. 3d, Samuel Jones. 4th, John Jackson. Changes in the Regiment. February 26, 1778. Moses Kortright (Cartright), Captain. John Van Tuyl, 1st Lieut. Martin us Decker, 2d do Eph'm Meddag, Ensign. John Jackson, Captain. John McDawel, 1st ) t ieut Benj'n Halstead, 2d J Jabez Knap, Ensign. Daniel Sweasy, Captain, vice George Thompson, resigned . Eliud Tryon, 1st ) Lieut_ Benj n Moore, 2d J It had the following Captains in April, 1776: 5th, John Little. 6th, Daniel Rosekrans, with 11 Lieutenants, 6 En- sigas, and 431 Rank and File. Joseph Smith, Ensign. Samuel Jones, Captain. Peter Gale, 1st ) Lieut, vice Jacob Dunning, Sam'l Webb, 2d ( signed. Mich'l Carpenter, Ensign- John Little, Captain. Wm. Stewart, 1st I Lieut Abr'm Harding, 2d f Robert Thomson, Ensign. Jacob Cole, Captain, vice Rosekrans, removed. Samuel Cole, 1st ) jj;eut Samuel Knapp, 2d ) John Whitaker, Ensign. 292 Levies and Militia. Daniel Jackson, Adjutant, vice Wood, promoted. Abel Gale, Qr. Mr,, vice Sawyer, resigned. June 18. 1778. Samuel Cole, Captain, vice Jacob Cole. Samuel Knap, 1st ) T . . John Whitaker, 2d f ijleuI' Jacamiah Fergerson, Ensign. April 4, 1782. William Allison, Brigadier General of the Brigade formed by Allison's, Woodhull's and Hathorn's Regiments. March 12, 1783. Moses Hatfield, Lieut. Colonel, vice General Allison, promoted . David Swezy, 1st Major, vice Hatfield, promoted. Abr'm Westfall, 2d Major. John McDowell, Captain, vice Jackson, resigned. Jabez Knap, 1st ) T . . Jason Horton, 2d ,l Nath'l Row, Ensign. James Butler, Jun'r, Captain, vice Sweezy, promoted. Benj'n Moore, Jun'r, 1st ) T . . Wm. Jackson, 2d £ Ijleut- Joseph Denton, Ensign. Peter Gale, Captain, vice Jones, deceased. Samuel Webb, 1st Lieut Abr'm Harden, Captain, vice Little, deceased. Nathan Arnout, 1st Lieut. Silas Hults, 2d Lieut. Utter Van Tuyle, Ensign. Wilhelmus Westfall, Captain, vice Kortright, re signed. Elijah Van Aken, 1st Lieut. Levi Van Etten, Ensign. John Whitaker, Captain, vice Cole, moved out of beat. Solomon Tracy, 1st Lieut. Wm. Brown, Ensign. FLORIDA AND WARWICK REGIMENT. Colonel: John Hathorn. Lieut. Colonel: Charles Bradley. 1st Major: Henry Wisner, 3d. Commissions issued February 28, 1776. Florida Company. Captain, Nath'l Elmer 1st Lieut., John Popp'ino, Jun'r 2d do John Sayre Ensign, Rich'd Bailey Wawayanda Company. Captain, Wm. Blain. 1st Lieut, Thomas Wisner 2d do Thomas Sayre, Jun'r Ensign, Richard Johnson Pond Company. Captain, Henry Wisner, Jun'r 1st Lieut., Abr'm Dolson, Jun'r 2d do Peter Bartholf Ensign, John Hopper Commissions issued Septb'r 22, 1775. Changes in the Regiment. March 12, 1777. John Sayre, Captain, vice Nath'l Elmer John Kelley, 1st, ) T . . Rich'd Bailey, 2d, \ lj,eut' John Wood, Ensign Increase Holly, Captain, vice Eben'r Owens David Rogers, 1st > L, . James Wright, 2d pleut" Charles Knap, Ensign Sterling Company. Henry Townsend, Captain, Wm. Fitzgerald, 1st ) T . . Elisha Bennet, 2d \ ljleut' Joseph Concklin, Ensign February 19, 1778. John Hathorn, Colonel to succeed himself. Henry Wisner, Lieut. Colonel. John Topino (Popino), 1st Major. Wm. Blain, 2d Major. John Minthorn, Captain of the Company in the beat where he resides. Nath'l Ketchum, 1st Lieut. George Vance, 2d Lieut. John Benedict, Ensign. 2d Major: John Papus (Popino). Adjutant: Daniel Finch. Qr. Mr. : Jeremiah Curtis. Pochan Company. Captain, Eben'r Owens 1st Lieut., Increase Holly 2d do John Branson Ensign, David Rodgers West Side Wallkill Company Captain, Gilbert Bradner 1st Lieut., Joshua Davis 2d do James Dolson Ensign, Daniel Finch Warwick Company. Captain, Charles Bardsley 1st Lieut., Rich'd Welling 2d do Sam'l Lobdell Ensign, John Price Peter Bertolf (Bartholf), Captain Thomas Eagles, 1st Lieut. Joseph Jewel, 2d Lieut. Henry Bertolf, Ensign. John Sayre, Captain. John Kennedy, 1st Lieut. Rich'd Bailey, 2d Lieut. John Wood, Ensign. Henry Townsend, Captain. Solomon Finck, 1st Lieut. Wm. Fitzgerald, 2d Lieut. Elijah Fenton, Ensign. Calvin Shepherd, Captain. James Wright, 1st Lieut. Heyman Rowley, 2d Lieut. Charles Knap, Ensign. Andrew Miller, Captain. Henry Dobbin, 1st Lieut. John Howel, 2d Lieut. Jon'n Halleck, Ensign. David McCambly, Jun'r, Captain. Benj'n Cooley, 1st Lieut. Thomas Blain, 2d Lieut. David Wisner, Ensign. Nath'l Finch, Adjutant. Levies and Militia. 293 March 4, 1780. Rich'd Bailes (Bailey), Captain, vice John Sayre, re signed. John Wood, 1st Lieut., vice Kennedy, refused. Jonas Wood, 2d Lieut, vice Bailey, promoted. Daniel Veal, Ensign, vice Wood, promoted. Orange County Colonel: Isaac Nicoll, of Goshen. Lt. Colonel: Gilbert Cooper, of Haverstraw. 1st Major : Hendrick Vanderlinden Verbryck, of Tappan. Commissioned January 5, 1776. Blooming Grove Company. Captain, Thomas Moffat ") 1st Lieut., Seth Marvin ( ,, „ . lr, d_B_ 2d do James Little f comm'd Sept. 19, 1775. Ensign, Nathan Strong J Ensign, Wm. Bradley, comm'd Mar. 7, 1776. Orange Town Company. Captain, Joh's Jas. Blauvelt "1 1st Lieut., James Lent I elected 2d do James Smith f 1776. Ensign, Johannes T. Haring j March 12, Cornwall Prec't Company. Captain, Samuel Raymond 1st Lieut., David Reynolds (comm'd Novb'r 9, 2d do Rich'd Landon [ 1775. Ensign, Jeremiah Fowler ' Report of the State of Capt. Seth Marvin's ing of 56 Men, Novb'r 6, 1776. Seth Marvin, Capt. Abraham Hanford, Lieut. William Bradley, { «£ ^ ™?>»* *-*¦ Stephen Holsey, Serg't, | ^^IsT' ^ C°mP' Rodnick Beeby, Sergt. Daniel Smith, do Brewster Helms 1 David Cady >• Corporals. Timothy Little ) Cornelius Metune, Drum'r, missing Sept. 15. William Davis, missing Sept. 15. Jesse Marvin, sick, absent Sept. 20. Samuel Parshel, absent Aug. 27. Theophilus Jackson, absent Sept. 17. Abr'm Cory, absent Oct. 27. Wm. Hodge, absent Oct. 27. Isaac Kelly, left at King's Bridge. John Dickerson, do John Mapes, do Samuel Taylor do John Weed, sick, absent Oct. 27. Isaac Putchen, sick, absent Oct. 27. Francis Tuthill Joseph Davis Benj'n Howell Thomas Scott John Rogers Nathan Miller Minute Men. 2d Major : Hezekiah Howel, Jun'r, of Blooming Grove. Adjutant: Eben'r Woodhull, Blooming Grove. Qr. Mr. : Nehemiah Carpenter, of Goshen. Same (C. P.) Company, March 28, 1776. 1st Lieut., Rich'd Langdon 2d do Vincent Hellems Ensign, Mathew June South Side Company. Captain, Benj'n Coe 1st Lieut., Abr'm Onderdonk 2d do Paulus M. Vander Voort Ensign, Dan'l Coe, Jun'r Purling Brook Company. Captain, John Wisner, Jun'r 1st Lieut., Geo. Luckey 2d do John Sutton Ensign, David Armstrong I comm'd Feb. f 26, 1776. comm'd Octb'r 13, " 1775. Florida and Warwick Company. Captain, John Wisner | 1st Lieut., Abr'm Dolson Lle.tfid March 6 2d do Nathan Sayre pIectea Marcn *>¦ Ensign, Asa Wisner J 1776. Company in Colo. Sam'l Drake Reg't, Consist- {N. Y. Col. MSS., C. I.,f, 144.) Amos Miller Niard Curtice Rich'd Herriman James West Joseph Dickerson Zebud Tume John Ferren Jeremiah Griffith Elijah Skeels Asbad Root David Root Mathias Taylor George Long Derrick Johnson Abr'm Doran Benj'n Lord John Hughson David Chapman Ezekiel Chapman Andries Gordinier Jedediah Fuller John Marvin John Mury John Cole Obediah Helms Caleb Ashly Amos Travis Joseph Lord Henry Johnson, deserted. Jer'e Robeson, deserted. GOSHEN PRECINCT COMPANY OF ASSOCIATED EXEMPTS. Captain, Benj'n Edsall. j 2d Lieut., John Vance. 1st Lieut., Rich'd Willing. I Ensign, Anth'y Finn. 294 Levies and Militia. Richmond County. All that is to be found of the military service of this County has already been given in the Calendar of New York Historical Manuscripts, Revolutionary Papers, Volume I., page 274. Tryon County.* Brigadier General, Nicholas Herkeimer, Sept. 5, 1776. Brigade Major, John Frey. Marinus Willet, Colonel Commandant of Tryon County Militia, April 10, 1782 Colonel : Nicholas Herkimer. Lieut. Col. : Ebenezer Cox. Majors: Robert Wells and William Sebeer. 1st Company. Capt., Sam'l Clyde 1st Lt., John Campbell, Jr. 2d do James Cannon 2d Company. Capt., Michel Grass 1st Lt., Robert Campbell 2d do Peter Bowman 3d Company. Capt., Peter S. Tygert 1st Lt., Henry Zimmerman 2d do Benj. Mackey 4th Company. Capt, Jacob W. Seeber 1st Lt, , Francis Ute 2d do Adam Libe 5th Company. Capt, Henry Diefendorf 1st Lt., Jacob Diefendorf 2d do Henry Mayer Changes in the Regiment. June 25, 1778. Samuel Campbell, Colonel, vice Eben'r Cox, deceased, Samuel Clyde, Lieut. Colonel. Peter S. Dygert, Captain. Jost Dygert, 2d Lieut. John Windecker, Ensign. John Bowman, 1st Lieut, Dederick Hanning, Ensign Francis Ult, 1st Lieut Adam Lipe, 2d Jacob Mathias, E Abr'm Ropeman (Copeman), Captain, George Resner, 1st Lieut. Jacob Snyder, 2d do Abr'm Arndt, Ensign. Jacob Diefendorph, 2d Lieut, ) Comp. of Henry Dief- George Countryman, Ensign, J endorph, deceased. Ryneir Van Yeveren, Captain. John Van Yeveren, 2d Lieut. Henry Schrembling, Ensign. Mathias Brown, 2d Lieut., ) Jacob Haines, Ensign, j Thomas Whiteaker, Captain, John Campbell, 1st Lieut. Samuel Campbell, 2d Lieut. Samuel Whorfield, Ensign. Nicholas Weser, Captain. 1st BATTALION (Canajoharie). Adjutant: Sam'l Clyde. Qr. Master: John Prichard. ig, rjiisjgn, , Lieut., ) do \ Unsign, ) ) Capt. Mich'l Grass' ) Comp. Capt. R. Crous' (deceased) Comp. Jacob Miller's Comp. 6th Company. Capt. Abr'm Copeman 1st Lt, Yoost House 2d do Jacobus Resner 7th Company. Capt, Reinier Van Everen 1st Lt., Martin C. Van Alstyne 2d do James Guinall 8th Company. ('apt., Jacob Miller 1st Lt, Peter Summer 2d do Mathias Brown 9th Company. Capt., Nicholas Weser 1st Lt, Henry Bratt Henry Bradt, 1st Lieut. Adolph Waldradt, 2d Lieut. James Cannon, Adjutant. John Peckherd, Qr. Mr. October 19, 1770. Abr'm Copeman, Major. Jacob Sieber, Adj't, vice Cannon, removed. March 4, 1780. Peter S. Deygart, Major. Jost Deygert, Captain, vice Peter S. Deygart. John Windecker, 1st Lieut Nich's Deygart, 2d do Henry Moyer, Ensign. John Bauman (Bowman), Captain, vice Jacob Cress (Mich'l Grass ?), deserted to the enemy. Dederick Horning (Hanning), 1st Lieut, vice Bauman, prom'd. John Dunlap, 2d Lieut. Adam Flint, Ensign, vice Horning, prom'd. Jost Hause, Captain, vice Copeman, prom'd. Jacob Snyder, 1st Lieut. Abr'm Arndt, 2d do Hendrick Walradt, Ensign. Jacob Diefendorf, Captain, vice Henry Diefendorf, deceased. George Gunterman (Countryman), 1st Lieut. Nich's Bard, 2d Lieut. * Tryon County comprised the present Counties of Fulton, Montgomery, Ontario, Herkimer, Otsego, Tioga and Hamilton. Levies and Militia. 295 Rich'd Elwood, Ensign. John Van Yeveren, 1st Lieut., vice Marte Van Alstyne, declined. Henry Schremling, 2d Lieut. Cornelius Van Yeveren, Ensign. Mathias Brown, Captain, vice Miller, deserted to the enemy. Jacob Haines, 1st Lieut., vice Peter Summer, de serted to the enemy. Coenradt Brown, 2d Lieut., vice Math. Brown, prom'd. Jeremiah Young, Ensign, vice Haines, prom'd. John Picherd, Ensign, Weser*? Comp. 2d BATTALION (Palatine). Colonel: Jacob Clock, ) re-appointed June Lt. Colonel: Peter Waggoner. \ 25,1778. Majors : Hermanus Van Slyck and Hy. Merchell, Jr. 1st Company. Capt, Wm. Fox, Jr. 1st Lt., John Hess 2d do Peter Waggoner, Jr. Ens'n, Mathew Wormwood 2d Company. Capt., Christ'r P. Fox 1st Lt., John J's Clock 2d do Jacob J. Clock Adjutant: Anthony Van Vechten. Qr. Mr : Jacob Ekert. ) re-appoin'd June \ 25, 1778. 3d Company. Capt., Christ'r W. Fox 1st Lt., Peter Laucks 2d do Henry Miller Ens'n, Sam'l Van Elten -re-app'd June 25, 1778. 4th Company. Capt., John Kayser, Jr. 1st Lt, Andreas Lillenbagh Changes in the Regiment. June 25, 1778. SeverinusKlock 1st Lieut Kate An(Jrew Dm Rich'd Coppernol, 2d do I beck's Comp. Samuel Gray, Ensign. ) r Nich's Van Slyck, Ensign, Breadbake's Comp. John Scholl, 1st Lieut. ) Jost Scholl, 2d do [• Richter's Comp. George Fay, Ensign. ) Henry Zimmerman, Ensign, House's Comp. John Keyser, Captain. Adam Billinger, 1st Lieut. John Van Slyck, Ensign. John Hesse, Captain. Peter Wagner, Jun'r, 1st Lieut. Math'w Warmoedt, 2d do Peter Sits, Ensign. March 4, 1780. Henry Miller, 1st Lieut., Fox's Comp., vice Peter Laucks, disabled by sickness. Sam'l VanEtten, 2d Lieut., vice Miller, prom'd. 2d Lieut., Severinus Clok Ens'n, Rich'd Coppernoll 5th Company. Capt., John Breadbake ) 1st Lt, John Siely (Zieler) V re-app'd June 25, 1778. 2d do Jacob Ekert (Eaker)) 6th Company. Capt., Nich's Richter 1st Lt., John Williams 2d do Geo. Smith Ens'n, John Sholl 7th Company. Capt., Christian House 1st Lieut , John Zimmerman 2d do John Bellinger, Jr ) re-app'd f 1778. June 25, Isaac Paris, Ensign, vice Van Etten, prom'd. Severinus Klock, Captain, viee Dillenback, deceased. Rich'd Coppernol, 1st Lieut., vice Klock. Samuel Gray, 2d Lieut. Peter Kreins, Ensign. Henry Zimmerman, 2d Lieut. Coenradt Zimmerman, Ensign. John Van Slyck, 2d Lieut., John Smith, Ensign. Peter Sits, 2d Lieut. George Waggoner, Ensign. September 29, 1780. Christopher W. Fox, Major. Henry Miller, Captain, vice Fox, promoted. Samuel Van Etten, 1st. Lieut. Isaac Paris, 2d Lieut. Nicholas Coppernol, Ensign. Adam I. Klock, Adjutant, vice Erwin, moved out of Regiment • House's Comp. ¦ Keyser's Comp. ¦ Hesse's Comp. Colonel: Frederick Fisher. Lt. Colonel: Adam Fonda. Majors: John Bliven and John Newkirk. 1st Company. Capt., Jacob Gardiner ] 1st Lt, Ab'm D. Quackenbush I re-apo'd June 25, 2d do Wm. Hall ( 1778. Ens'n, Gideon Marlatt J 2d Company. Capt, John Davis 1st Lt, Abr'm Vedder (Veeder) 2d do Jacob Simon Ens'n, 3d BATTALION (Mohawk). Adjutant: Robert Yates. Qr. Mr. : Abr'm Van Horn. 3d Company. Capt., Robert Abr'm Yates, re-app'd June 25, 1778. 1st Lt., Cobus Crommel 2d do Peter Ab'm Yates do Ens'n, Hendrick Lewi3 do 4th Company. Capt., John Fisher ] 1st Lt, John Wemple , I re-app'd June 25, 2d do Myndert W. Quackenbush Y .£& ' Ens'n, Garret G. Van Blockler * ' (Brackelen) ) 296 Levies and Militia. 5th Company. Capt., Sam'l Pettengill 1st Lt., Thos. Caine 2d do Ens'n, Sam'l Barnhardt, Jun. 6th Company. Capt., Abner French 1st Lt., David McMaster 2d do Ens'n, Peter Vander Lenden Changes in the Regiment May 28, 1778. *¦ Charges of cowardice in General Herkimer's action preferred against Colonel Fisher and Lieut. Colonel Volkert Veeder. June 20, 1778. Consideration of the charges postponed [and never taken up again]. June 25, 1778. Frederick Fisher, Colonel, to succeed himself. Volkert Veeder, Lieut. Colonel John Newkirk, Major. Nicholas Dochsteder, 2d Lieut. ) late John Davis Garret S. Van Brackelen, Ens'n. J (deceased) Comp. Joseph Prentup, 1st Lieut., Yates Comp. Wm. Snoeck, 2d Lieut. ) late Samuel Pattin- Thomas Van Horne, Ensign. ( gale's Comp. David McMaster, Captain of the Company in the beat where he resides. Lawrence Shulter, 1st Lieut. ' James McMaster, 2d do Daniel Beverly, Ensign. Emanuel De Graef, Captain. Josiah Swart, 1st Lieut. Peter Van Olinda, 2d Lieut. Dirck Van Veghten, Ensign. Abel Hunt, 1st Lieut. 1 Nathan Kees, 2d Lieut. >• Hodge's Comp. Eph'm Pierce, Ensign. ) Samuel Rees, Captain. John Halenbeck, 1st Lieut. Joseph Still, 2d Lieut. Wm. Marinus, Ensign. Andrew Wemple. Captain. Henry Vroman, 1st Lieut. Wm. Lare, 2d Lieut. Adam Dochsteder, Ensign. ' Harmanus Mabie, Captain. Francis Pruyn, 1st Lieut. Vincent Quackenboss, 2d Lieut. Francis Putnam, Ensign. Peter Conyne, Adjutant. 7th Company. Capt., Lewis Croat 1st Lt., Jeremiah Swarts 2d do Christian Earnest Ens'n, Emanuel De Graff. 8th Company. Capt., Abr'm Hodges 1st Lt., Joseoh Yeamans 2d do Abel Hunt Ens'n, Amos Bennet March 8, 1781. John Wemple, Captain, vice John Fisher, deceased. Myndert Quackenboss, 1st Lieut., vice Wemple, prom'd. Gerrit G. Van Brakelen, 2d Lieut., vice Quackenboss, prom'd. Nicholas Hanson, Ensign. Abr'm Veeder, Captain, vice John Davis, deceased. Nich's Dochsteder, 1st Lieut. Gerrit S. Van Brakelen, 2d Lieut. Dirck Potman, Ensign. James McMaster, 1st Lieut., D. McMaster's Comp., vice Lawrence Shooler (Shulter), declined. David Beverly, 2d Lieut., vice McMaster, prom'd. Eph'm Pearce, Ensign, vice Beverly, prom'd. Wm, Snuke (Snoeck), Captain, vice Pattingale, de ceased, or taken prisoner in Herkeimer's battle. Thomas Van Horne, 1st Lieut., vice Snuke, prom'd. Peter Young, 2d Lieut., vice Van Horne, prom'd. Conradt Stine, Ensign. Joseph Yeomans, Captain, vice Hodges, removed out of County. Christian Ernest, 1st Lieut., vice Nathan Keys (Kees), moved out of beat. Amos Bennet, 2d Lieut., vice Hunt moved out of County. George Stine, Ensign. John Little, Captain, vice Andrew Wemple, deserted to the enemy. Solomon Woodworth, 1st Lieut., vice Wm. Lard (Lare), taken prisoner or deserted to the enemy. Henry H. Vrooman, 2d Lieut., vice Henry B. Vrooman, disabled. Peter Vrooman, Ensign. Simon Veeder, Quarter Master. March 16, 1781. Myndert W. Quackenboss, 2d Lieut., Wemple's Comp. Peter Conyne, Adjutant. suspended, having been found guilty of disaffected prac tices. 4th BATTALION (German Flatts and Kingsland). Colonel: Hanyoost Herkheimer. Lt. Colonel: Peter Bellinger. Major: Hanyoost Shoemaker. 1st Company, Capt., John Eisenlord 1st Lt., John Keyser 2d do Adam Bellinger Ens'n, John Smith 2d Company. Capt., John Petry 1st Lt., Hanyoost M. Petry 2d do Hanyoost H. Petry Ens'n, Wm. Empie 2d Major: John Eisenlor. Adjutant: John Demooth. Qr. Mr.: Rud. D. Staley. 3d Company. Capt., Daniel Petry 1st Lt., Peter Volts 2d do Max Raspach Ens'n, Geo. Helmer 4th Company. Capt., Fred'k Bellinger 1st Lt., Henry Harter 2d do John Demooth Ens'n, Peter Jas. Weaver „ Levies and Militia. 297 5th Company. Capt., Peter Bellinger 1st Lt., Jacob Baschauer 2d do Nich's Staring Ens'n, John P. Bellinger 6th Company. Capt. , Hanyoost Herkheimer 1st Lt., Fred'k Ahrendorf 2d do Tinus Clapsaddle Ens'n, 7th Company. Capt., Rudolph Shoemaker 1st Lt., Dedrick Stale Changes in the Regiment. June 25, 1778. Peter Bellinger, Colonel, to succeed himself. Frederick Bellinger, Lieut. Colonel. Jacob Baselcorn (Baschauer?) 1st Lieut.) Michael Fred'k Frank, 2d Lieut. J. Ettig's Patrick Campbell, Ensign. ) Comp. Henry Harter (Haster), Captain. John Demoth, 1st Lieut. Peter Jas. Weaver, 2d Lieut. John T. Bellinger, Ensign. Jacob Small, Captain. George F. Hellmer, 2d Lieut. Jacob D. Petice, Ensign. Henry Staring, Captain. 2d Lt.; Ens'n, Fred'k Shoemaker 8th Company. Capt., Geo. Herkheimer 1st Lt, Fred. Fox 2d do Archibald Armstrong Ens'n: Hanyoost Tygart 9th Company. Capt., Wm. Tygert 1st Lt., Jacob Volts 2d do George Wents. Ens'n: Fred Frank Theobald Baker, 1st Lieut. George Weaver, 2d do Henry Huber, 1st Lieut., Severinus Casselman's Company. Jacob C. Klock, 2d Lieut. Fred'k Gettman, Captain. Jacob Meyer, 2d Lieut. John Meyer, Ensign. Henry Eckler, Captain. Coenradt Ozendorff, 1st Lieut. Timothy Frank, 2d Lieut. Adam A. Staring, Ensign. George Demoth, Adjutant. Rudolph Steal, Qr. Mr. FIFTH REGIMENT. The records do not show when this Regiment was first organized. The Council of Safety, on the 17th of July, 1777, ordered two Companies of Rangers to be raised in the Counties of Tryon, Ulster and Albany for the protection of the frontier inhabitants. One of these Companies was to be commanded by John Harper, with Alexander Harper as First Lieutenant. This may have been the nucleus of the Fifth Tryon County Regiment, which does not appear in the Minutes of the Council of Appointment until March 3, 1780, when the following appointments were made : John Harper, Colonel of the Regiment heretofore commanded by him. Wm. Wills, Lieut. Colonel. Joseph Harper, 1st Major. Thomas Henry, 2d do St. Leger Cowley, Adjutant. Alex'r Harper, Captain of the Beat wherein he resides. Wm. McFarland, 1st ) T . , Thomas Henry, 2d \ ljleut' John Brown, Ensign. Daniel McGillevrey, Captain, vice Alex'r Liel, de serted to the enemy. Daniel Watson, 1st Lieut., vice McGillevrey, prom'd. John Van Der Werker, Captain. Isaac Quackenboss, 1st Lieut. Daniel Ogdon, 2d Lieut. Thomas Cully, Ensign. Lodwick Breakman, Captain. Joseph Bartholomew, 1st Lieut. John McMicken, Captain. James Mason, 1st ) T . , John Henry, 2d ] ljleut' Wm. Cornel, Ensign. BATTALION OF MINUTE MEN. Colonel: George Herkheimer. Lt. Colonel: Sam'l Campbell. Major: John Fonda. No list of Company Officers have been found. 2d Major: Jacob Ja. Clock. Adjutant: Samuel Gray. Qr. Master: John French. RANGERS. Captain, John Winn, appointed August 1, 1777. Lieut., Gross. Jacob Weaver and Wm. Roorey were Members of this Company. Captain, Kitman. Sergeant, James Grinnell. Ulster County. George Clinton, Brigadier General of Ulster and Orange Co. Militia, December 19, 1775 FIRST OR NORTHERN REGIMENT. Colo. : Johannes Hardenbergh. Lieut. Colo. : Abraham Hasbrouck. Major: Johannes Snyder. 38 Com'd Oct. '75. 25, Major: Jonathan Elmendorf. Adjutant: Petrus J. Elmendorf. Qr. Master: Abr'm A. Hasbrouck. ) Com'd 1 '75. Oct. 25, 298 Levies and Militia. On account of dissensions "the above arrangement was changed, and in January, 1776, the following Field Officers were chosen for the Northern Regiment of Ulster Co. Colonel: Abraham Hasbrouck, Elected Febr. comm'd Feb. 20, '76. Lieut. Col., J. Johannes Snyder. 1st Company. [68] Capt., Evert Bogardus 1st Lieut., Dan'l Graham 2d do Anthony Frere Ensign, Johannes Persen 2d Company. [60] Capt., Moses Cantine 1st Lieut, Philipp Swart 2d do Abr'm G. Vanaker Ensign: Hendrik Tarpenning 13, I Comm'd Oct. f 1775. 25, 1 i Comm'd f 1775. Oct. 25, [48] 3d Company. Capt., Matthew Dedrick 1st Lieut, Evert Wynkoop, 2d do Petrus Eyganaer Ensign, Hendrick Myer, not the Co. May 1, 1776. Jun. Comm'd Oct. 1775. 25, Majors: Jonathan Elmendorf and Adrian Wynkoop. Adjutant: Abr'm A. Hasbrouck. ) re-appointed Qr. Master: John Van Duersen, Jr. J Feb. 19, 1778. 4th Company. [50] Capt., John L. Dewitt 1st Lieut., Petrus Oosterhout 2d "do Tobias Myer Ensign, Petrus Brink re-appointed * May 28, 1778. 5th Company. [59] 5th Beat of Kings ton Township. Capt., Lucas De Witt 1st Lieut., Jeremiah Snyder 2d do Petrus Backer Ensign, Petrus West ] Com'd Nov. 2, I 1775. [Mil. Ret., 26, J 256. 6th Company. [50] Capt., Hendrick Schoonmaker 1st Lieut., Edward Schoonmaker 2d do Edward Whittaker Ensign, Isaac Burhans [A return dated the 1st of May, 1776, gives a 7th Company of 50 Privates, under command of Captain Gerardus Hardenbergh, the names of the two Lieutenants and the Ensign not being mentioned. This return shows, that each Company had 8 non-com. Officers and numbered Privates as above indicated in brackets. Colonel Hasbrouck had left the Begiment and the vacancies had been filled by promotion, Phil. Hooghteling being appointed 2d Major.] Comm'd Oct. 25, 1775. 7th Company. Capt,, Gerardus Hardenbergh. ) Reappointed May 28, 1st Lieut., Simon Lefever. j 1778. Kingston Company of Horse, Attached to First Regiment. Captain, Philipp Hooghteling. 1st Lieut, Silvester Salisbury, 2d do. Petrus Myndertse. Cornet, Corns. C. Newkerk. ) Qr. Mr. Corns. J. Du Bois. [• Comm'd Oct. 25, 1775 2d Qr. Mr., James Roe. ) Changes in the Regiment. February 19, 1778. Johannis Snyder, Colonel, to succeed himself. Jon'n Elmendorph, Lieut. Colonel. Adrien Wynkoop, 1st Major. Philipp Hooghteling, 2d Major. Tobias Van Buren, Captain Grenadier Company. Jacobus Van Gaasbeck, 1st Lieut. Cornelius Beekman, 2d do. Anthony Freer, 1st Lieut. Joh's Persin, 2d do. Solomon Hasbrouck, Ensign, Petrus Post, 1st Lieut. Petrus Eygenaer, 2d Lieut. Thos. Van Steenbergh, Ensign. ) November, 4, 1778. Charges preferred against Colonel Snyder and re ferred to the Governor as Commander-in-Chief of the Militia. Jeremiah Snyder, Captain. Petrus Backer, 1st Lieut. Martynus Humble, 2d Lieut. Tobias Wynkoop, Jun., Ensign. Philipp Swart, Captain, vice Cantine, resigned. Abr'm Van Acken, 1st Lieut. Hendrickus Teerpening, 2d Lieut. Theophilus Els worth, Enaign. June 16, 1778. Silvester Salisbury, Captain of Light Horse Company. 2d Lieut., Samuel Schoonmaker. En'n, Aart. Joh's Van Wagenen. ) Reappointed May j" May 28, 1778. Bogardus' Comp. [- Dederick's Comp. Cornelius Newkerk, 1st Lieut. James Roe, 2d Lieut. Abr'm Van Gaasbeck, Jun., Cornet. June 20, 1778. Benj'n Elmendorph, 3d Lieut., Grenadier Comp. Isaac S. Davis, Captain. 1 Company comprehending - Philipp Miller, 1st Lieut. I the settlements of Joh's Van Etting, 2d do. [ Woodstock, Little and Zacharius Short, Ensign. J Great Shandaken. October 19, 1779. John Van Deusen, Adjutant, vice Abr'm A. Has brouck, declined. Joh's J. Low, Qr. Master. October 23, 1779. Simon Lefever, Captain, vice Gerardus Hardenbergh, resigned. Samuel Schoonmaker, 1st Lieut. Joh's Blanchan, 2d Lieut. Petrus Wynkoop, Ens'n, vice Van Wagener, resigned. Joh's Ph. Dumond, Ensign Bogardus' Company, vice Haasbrouck, declined. Stephanis Fiero, Ensign Dederick's Company, vice Van Steenbergh, resigned. Cornelius C. Newkerk, Captain Light Horse Co., vice Salisbury, resigned. James Roe, 1st Lieut. Abr'm Van Gaasbeck, Jun'r, 2d Lieut. Abr'm Hoffman, Cornet. February 25, 1780. Isaac Burhans, 1st Lieut. Hendrick Schoonmaker's Co., vice Edw. Schoonmaker, resigned. Edward Schoonmaker, Jun., 2d Lieut., vice Edw. Whitaker, resigned. Andries Van Leuven, Ensign. November 2, 1781. . Lieut. Colonel Jon'n Elmendorph resigns. Levies and Militia. 299,' SECOND OR SOUTH END REGIMENT. Colonel: James Clinton.* Lieut. Colonel: James McClaughrey. 1st Major: Jacob Newkerk. Commissioned October 25, 1775. 1st Company, East Side of Wallkill. Captain, Samuel Watkins ~| comm'd Oct. 25, 1st Lieut, Daniel Crawford I 1775, and re- 2d do Stephen Harlow J app'd March 23, Ensign, Henry Smith J 1778. 2d Company, New Windsor Precinct. Captain, John, Nicoll ") 1st Lieut., Francis Mandeville I com'd Sept. 20, 2d do Hezekiah White f 1775. Ensign, Leonard D. Nicoll J 3d Company, Hanover Prec't. Captain, Wm. Jackson 1st Lieut., Henry Van Keuren 2d do Henry Munnel Ensign, 4th Company, Hanover Prect. Captain, Mathias Felter (Felton), ~) Com'd Octbr. 25, 1st Lieut, Henry Smith 2d do Joh's Newkerk Ensign, Wm. Crist 1775, and re app'd March 23, 1778. 5th Company, Westside of Wallkill. S'^JvHMnLl 1 Com'd Oct. 25, 1775, 1st Lieut, Edw d McNeal I ,, M • , „' 2d do John Wilkin f J?±P a Marca i6' Ensign, John Faulkner J l"°- 1 I Comm'd Sept. 20, f 1775. 6th Company, Peinpack, Mamakating Prect. Captain, Jacob Rutsen De Witt 1st Lieut., Abr'm Cuddeback 2d do Robert Cook Ensign, Samuel King Changes and Additions Captain, James Umphrey 1st Lieut., Silas Wood 2d do James Kerneghan Ensign, Richard Wood 8th, or New Windsor Comp. May 14,1776. Re-app'd Mar. 23, 1778. Coshocton Company. Captain Bazaliel Tyler, Jnn'r. ") 1st Lieut. Nath'l Reves. ( E]ected Dec 33 177g_ 2d do. Moses Thomas. | ' Ensign Nathan Mitchell. J May 2, 1776. Henry Van Keuren, Captain, vice Wm. Jackson, gone into Continental service (3d Reg't). Henry Munnel, 1st Lieut., vice Van Keuren, prom'd. March 23, 1778. James McClaughrey, Colonel, vice Brig. -Gen'l James Clinton. Jacob Newkerk, Lieut.-Colonel. Moses Philipps, Major. Leonard D. Nicoll, Captain, vice John Nicoll, re signed. Samuel Arthur, 1st Lieut. Isaac Nicoll (?), 2d Lieut. 2d Major: Moses Philipps. Adjutant: George Denniston. Qr. Mr,: Alex'r Trumble. 7th Company, Hanover Prect. Captain, Cadwalader C. Colden 1st Lieut., James Milligan 2d do John Hunter Ensign, Mathew Hunter 8th Company, New Windsor Prect. Captain, John Belknap 1st Lieut, Silas Wood 2d do Edward Falls Ensign, Jas. Stickney 9th Company, New Windsor Prect. Captain Wm. Telford, of Little Britain ] „ ,, 1st Lieut, James Faulkan ter (Faulkner) ,e/ap? „ of Little Britain ' \ ^arch 3, 2d Lieut., Alex'r Betty, of Little Britain J ''°- Ensign, John Burnet 10th Company, Mamacating Prect. Captain, John Crage (Creag) ") 1st Lieut., Manuel Gonsales ( Com'd Sept. 2d do Wm. Rose f 20, 1775. Ensign, Isaac Roosa J 11th Company, Wallkill Prect. Capt.. Wm. Denniston 1 1st Lieut., Benj. Weal I Comm'd Oct. 25, 2d do Joseph Jillet f 1775. Ensign, David Carwin J 12th Company, Wallkill Prect. Capt., Isaiah Veal ~j 1st Lieut., Israel Wickham I Comm'd Octbr. 25, 2d do John Dunning , 1775. Ensign, Jon'n Owen J Joshua Sears, Ensign. John Hunter, Captain, vice James Mulligan, deceased. James Hunter, 1st Lieut. Alex'r Kidd, 2d do. Edward Burns, Ensign. Evan Humphrey, Ensign Telford's Comp. Benj'n Veal, Captain, vice Wm. Denniston, removed out of beat. Wm. Gillet, 1st Lieut. David Cur win, 2d Lieut. Timothy Colman Ensign. John Dunning, 1st Lieut. Jon'n Owen, 2d Lieut. Samuel Wetherlow, Ensign John Barber, 1st Lieut. Wm. Watson, 2d do Teunis Vanasdal, Ensign. James McBride, Captain. James McClaughry, Jun., 1st Lieut. Andrew Neely, 2d Lieut. Henry Neely, Ensign. John Newkerk, Captain. Mathew Neely, 1st Lieut. Isaiah Veal's Comp. Van Keuren's Comp. * James Clinton was at this time also Colonel of the 3d N. Y. Regt. on Continental Establ't. 300 Levies and Militia. Abr'm Cuddeback, Captain. Robert Cook, 1st Lieut. Samuel King, 2d do Samuel Depuy, Ensign. -6th Company. May 28, 1778. David Monnel, 2d Lieut. Van Buren's (Keuren's) Comp., vice Wm. Watson, appointed by mistake, but not commissioned. June 25, 1778. Henry Neely, 2d Lieut., McBride's Company, vice An drew Neely, who requests to be appointed Ensign. March 3, 1780. Captain Samuel Watkins' resignation, dated Feb'ry 1, 1780, accepted. Captain Isaiah Veal's resignation, dated Octob'r 29, 1779, accepted. March 4, 1780. Robert Burnet, Jun'r, Ensign Telford's Comp. vice Humphrey, removed. April 27, 1781. Wm. Denniston, 2d Lieut. Humphrey's Comp. vice Silas Wood, resigned. Wm. Coddington, Ensign, same Comp., vice Rich'd Wood, resigned. Colonel, Levi Pawling. Lieut. Colonel, Jacob Hoornbeck. Majors, Johan's Cantine and Joseph Hasbrouck, THIRD REGIMENT. Adjutant, David Bevier. Qr. Master, Jacobus Bruyn, Jr. Surgeon, John Cregier. 1st Company, S. E. Dist. Captain, Corn's 0. Wynkoop. 1st Lieut, Chs. W. Broadhead. 2d do Moses M. Cantine. Ensign, Jacob Chambers. Mabletown Township. 2d Company, N. E. Dist. Captain, Frederick Schoonmaker, Jr. 1st Lieut., Benj. Louw. 2d do Jacobus Rosekrans. Ensign, John C. Dewitt Township of Rochester. 1st Company. Captain, Petrus Schoonmaker. 1st Lieut, Philipp Hoornbeck. 2d do Corn's Hardenbergh. Ensign, Dirck Westbrook. 2d Company (Southwestern Dist.). Captain, Adries Bevier. ) Re-appointed Feb. \ 21, 1778. 1st Lieut., Rich'd Broadhead. ) Re-appointed Feb. J 21, 1778. 2d do Reuben Dewitt Ensign, Johan's C. Dewitt- 3d Company. Captain, Jochem Schoonmaker, Jr. 1 1st Lieut., John Dupuy. I Reappointed Feb. 2d do Corn's Van Wagenen f 21, 1778. Ensign, Zacharias Rosekrans. J Township of New Paltz. 1st Company. Captain, Lewis J. Dubois. 1st Lieut, John A. Hardenbergh. 2d do Mathew Lefevre. Ensign, Mathusalim Dubois. Jun. 2d Company. Captain, Jacob Hasbrouck, Changes in the Regiment. March 19, 1776. Charles W. Broadhead, Captain Grenadier Comp., vice Wynkoop. Jacob Delamater, 1st Lieut. Grenadier Comp., vice Broadhead. May 3, 1776. Moses Depue, Ensign 3d Rochester Co., vice Rose krans, resigned. Jacobus Wynkoop, 1st Lieut. J Benj'n Merkel, 2d Lieut. V 1st Rochester Co. Fred'k Westbrook, Ensign. ) .February 21, 1778. John Cantine, Colonel, vice Levi Pawling, appointed 1st Judge Common Pleas. Joseph Haasbrouck, Lieut. Colonel, vice Hoornbeck, deceased. Jacob Haasbrouck, Jun., Major, Jacobus Rosekrans, 1st Lieut. ) d Marb,etown Co Leonard Hardenbergh, 2d Lieut. J Johannis Hoosa, Ensign. Peleg Ransom, Captain, 1 East p.^.^ of N(jw V Paltz. Originally com missi Sept. 20, 1775. John Hardenbergh Captain, ) j N p j c , Jon n Terwilliger, 1st Lieut j K 1st Lieut., Abr'm Deyo, Jun. 2d do Petrus Hasbrouck. Ensign, Samuel Bevier. 3d Company. Commissions issued Oct. 25, 1775, but no names given. Nath'l Potter, 1st Lieut. Wm. Donaldson, 2d Lieut. Wm. Elsworth, Ensign. (¦ 1st New Paltz Comp. (¦ Grenadier Comp. 2d New Paltz Comp. Daniel Frere, 2d Lieut Levi Deyou, Eusign, John Haasbrouck, Captain. Jacobus Haasbrouck 1st Lieut. Joseph Haasbrouck, 2d do Petrus Smith, Jun'r, Ensign. Moses M. Cantine, 1st Lieut. Daniel Broadhead, Ensign. Benj. Kortright, Captain. Dirick Westbrook, 1st Lieut. Fred'k Westbrook, 2d do Jacob Hornbeck. Ensign. Abr'm Deyou, Captain. Petrus Haasbrouck, 1st Lieut. Samuel Bevier, 2d Lieut. Joshua Haasbrouck, Ensign, j February 17, 1780. John Depuy, Captain, vice Jochem Schoonmaker, re signed. Cornelius Van Wagenen, 1st Lieut., vice Depuy, pro moted. Moses Depuy, 2d Lieut. John E. Depuy, Ensign. Josiah Haasbrouck, 2d Lieut, vice ) Bevier, declined. V Deyou's Comp. Petrus Bevier, Ensign. ) Levies and Militia. 301 Frederick Schoonmaker's Co. of Levi Pawling's Ulster County Reg't. Capt., Frederick Schoonmaker Lt, Corn's DuBois Lt., Jno. C. DeWitt Sergt's, Stephen Nottingham, ¦ July 15, '77. do Ben'n Elmendorf, do Peter Dumondt, do Daniel Mouris, Corp'l, Edw'd Heermanse, do John Schepmas, do Jno. C. Masten, do Peter Marius Green, Drummer, Martinus Schoonmaker, Privates, Abr'm Van Steenburgh, do Jacob Van Wagenen, do Jacobus Bush, Jun'r, do Abr'm Sluyter, do John P. Dumondt, do Corn's Conway, do Peter Enderly, do Willielmus Kiersted, do Fred'k Davis, do John B. Mastin, do Wm. Thompson, do Lowrance Kiefer, do John Freer, do Matheus Steenbergh, do Jno. Whittaker, do Jacob I. De Witt, do John I. De Witt, do Jno. G. Krom, do Henry Oosterhoudt, do Benj'n Schoonmaker, do Joachim Depuy, do Corn's Cool, do Tho's Hooghteling, do Peter Freer, do Jacob Roosa, do Coenradt W. Elmendorph, do Tjerck Van Keuren, July 15 do 17 do 15 do 15 do 15 do 17 do 15 do 17 do 15 do 17 do 15 do 15 do 15 do 15 do 16 do 16 do 22 do 26 do 15 do 28 do 17 do 30 do 29 do 17 do 17 do 17 do 31 do 31 do 30 do 31 do 26 do 17 do 16 do 17 do 17 do 17 Private, do do do do do dodododododo do dodo dodo do dododo do dodo dodo dodo dodo do do dodododo do do FOURTH REGIMENT. Corn's Stryker, John C. Low, Jno. Fiely, Jacob Clyn, Joh's Clyn, James Robinson, Jacob Hardenbergh, Abr'm Crispel, Jacob Heermanse, Abr'm Heermanse, Abr'm Elmendorph, Philipp Van Buren, Jacob Marius Green, Tobias Van Steenburgh, John Dumondt, Jun'r, Dirck Van Steenbergh, Corn's Dumondt, Solomon Ecker, Egbert Brinck, Joh's A. D. Lametter, Jno. Houghteling, Tobias Swart, Coenradt C. Elmendorph, Jacob DuBois, Abr'm Van Gaasbeck, Petrus Bogardus, Abr'm Low, Sylvester Marius Green, Corn's B. Masten, Jno. D. Lametter, Jno. Hasbrouck, Jun'r, Jno. F. Keator, Corn's Low, Abr'm Van Keuren, Jacobus Besimere, Wm. Scepmoes, Fred'k Merkil, Henry P. Oosterhout, July 15, '77 do 16 do 30 do 15 do 15 do 15 do 15 Aug. 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 3 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 2 do 2 do 2 Colonel, Jonathan Hasbrouck, reappointed March 9, 1778. Lieut. -Colonel , Joh's Hardenbergh, Jun. 1st Major. Joh's Jansen, Jun. Commissions dated October 25, 1775. North District of Newburgh. Captain, Anther Smith. ~| 1st Lieut, Isaac Fowler. I Commissioned Oct. 2d do John Foster. f 11, 1775. Ensign, Dan'l Clark. J Southeast District of Newburgh. Captain, Samuel Clark. "1 1st Lieut, Ben'j Smith, I Commissioned Oct. 2d do James Denton, Sen. | 11, 1775. Ensign, Martin Wygant. j Most Western Dist. of New Marlborough. Captain, Bordawine Tarpenny. "] 1st Lieut., Wm. Martin. I Commissioned Oct. 2d do Uriah Drake. f 11, 1775. Ensign, John Everitt. J Southeast Dist. New Marlborough. Captain, Caleb Merritt. "1 1st Lieut., Abijah Perkins. I Commissioned Oct. 2d do Stephen Case. f 11, 1775. Ensign, Mathew Wygant. j 2d Major, Lewis DuBois, Adjutant, Abr'm Schoonmaker. Qr. Master, Isaac Belknap, of Newburgh. Northeast Dist. of Marlborough Prec't, Captain, Jacob Wood. ~\ 1st Lieut., Juryan Mackey. 2d do Nath'l Goodspeed Ensign, John Knowlton. Commissioned Oct 17, 1775. South Dist. New Marlborough Prec't. Captain, Lewis DuBois. "1 1st Lieut., Caleb Merritt, I Commissioned Sept. 2d do Dr. Abijah Perkins. [ 20, 1775. Ensign, Mathew Wygant. J Northwest side of Shawangunk River. Captain, Thomas Jansen, Jun'r. 1st Lieut., Mathews Jansen. 2d do Abr'm Snider (Smedes). Ensign, Peter Decker. District between Shawangunk and Patty Rivers. Captain, Mathew Rea. 1st Lieut., Siah Robinson. 2d do Petrus Roosa. Ensign, James Hunter, Jun'r. ( Commissioned Aug. f 22,' 1775. 302 Levies and Militia. Captain, Jacob Conkling, 1st Lieut., Jacob Lawrence. 2d do David Guion. Ensign, Roger Barton. I Commissioned Oct. f 11. 1775. Southeast side of Patty River. Captain, Jacobus Rose. ] 1st Lieut., Cornelius Masten. ( . „0 1WK 2d do Wilh's Van DeMerk. CAu%- **• lni>- Ensign, Isaac Hardenbergh. J Hasbrouck.s Reg't, Jacob Conckling's Co., April 6, 1776. James Mills. Joh's Tremper, John Irwin. Samuel Totten. Wm. Bill. Changes in the Regiment. October 4, 1776, and March 9, L778. Siah (Isaiah) Robinson, Captain, vice Rea, James Hunter, 1st Lieut., vice Robinson. James Kaine, 2d Lieut. Evert Hoffman, Ensign. March 9, 1778. William Martin, 1st Lieut. David Oostrander, 2d do James Lyons, Ensign. John Gillaspy, Captain of where he resides. Jason Wilkin, 1st Lieut. Robert Hunter, 2d do Samuel Gillaspy, Ensign. John Crowel, Ensign, Concklin's Co. The other officers of the Co. re-appointed. Reuben Tucker, Ensign, Smith's Comp deceased. The other Co. officers re-appointed. Stephen Case, Captain. Mathew Wygant, 1st Lieut. John Bant, 2d Lieut. Nath'l Dubois, Ensign, vice Alex'r Cropsey, displaced. Annan Smith, 1st Lieut., vice Mackey, ") resigned. Nath'l Kilsey, 2d Lieut. Nath'l Harker, Ensign, vice Nolten (Knowlton), removed. Mathew Jansen, Captain, vice Thomas Jansen, Jun'r. Peter Decker, 1st Lieut. Nich's Hardenbergh, 2d Lieut., vice Smedes, dis placed. Jacob Rosekrans, Ensign. James Denton, 1st Lieut. 1 Martin Wygant, 2d do J. Clark's Comp. Munson Ward, Ensign. ) Wm. Cross, Captain, vice John Graham, displaced. John Crawford, 1st Lieut., vice Barkley, displaced. Robert Thompson, 2d Lieut, vice Crawford, prom'd. Robert Mould, Ensign, vice McCurdy, displaced. > Tarpenning's Co the Comp. in the Beat vice Clark, Wood's Comp. John Brush. Jonas Totten. Wm. Redman. George Quigley. Robert Ross. Jno. Kilpatrick. Bart, Cole. Ezekiel Terwilger. Gerret Decker. Eben'r Strickland. Teunis Dolson. Peter Brush. Joseph Darby. Eben'r Raymond. Jacob Strickland. Jon'n Brundage. Hugh Quigley. Cornelius Masten, Captain, vice Rose (Roosa), de ceased. W. Van De Mark, 1st Lieut. Isaac Hardenbergh, 2d do Wilhelmus Oostrander, Ensign. Jon'n Hardenbergh, Qr. Mr. February 27, 1779. Johannis Hardenbergh, Colonel, vice Jon'n Has brouck. Johannis Jansen, Lieut. Colonel. Samuel Clarke, Major. March 6, 1779. David Oostrander, Captain, vice Tarpenny (Tear- penning). James Lyon, 1st Lieut. Jacob Terwilliger, 2d Lieut Hugo Sheet, Ensign. June 29, 1780. James Denton, Captain, vice Clarke, prom'd. Samuel Gillaspy, 2d Lieut., John Gillaspy's Comp., vice Hunter, left the Reg't, Johannis Robinson, Ensign, vice Gillaspy, prom'd. John Gillaspy, Major. Henry Van Wyan, Qr. Mr., vice Hardenbergh, moved out of Regt. July 1, 1780. Jason Wilkin, Captain, vice Gillaspy, prom'd. Wm. Palmer, 1st Lieut. ) Isaac Hasbrouck, Jun'r, 2d Lieut. >¦ Denton's Co. Eleazer Gidney, Ensign. ) March 12, 1783. Wm. Irwin, Jun'r, Ensign, Concklin's Comp., vice John Crowel, removed out of beat. Wm. Oostrander, 2d, Lieut, Masten's Comp., vice Isaac Hardenbergh, removed out of beat. Michael Pelleyer, Ensign, same Comp., vice Oostrander, prom'd. Dirck Roosa, Jun'r, Ensign, Robinson's Co., vice Hoffman, moved out of beat, Colonel: Thomas Palmer. Lieut. Col. : Thomas Johnson, Jun'r. 1st Major: Arthur Parks. Commissioned Decb'r 21, 1775. New Marlborough Company, Captain, Silas Burdy ~\ 1st Lieut. , Wolvert Ackert ( 2d do Zophar Perkins j Ensign, Leonard Smith, Jun'r j SOUTHERN REGIMENT OF MINUTE MEN. 2d Major: Sam'l Logan. Adjutant: Sovereign Bruyn. Qr. Mr. : Isaac Belknap. com'd Dec. 1, 1775. List of other Companies wanting. Newburgh Company. Captain, Uriah Drake 1st Lieut., Jacob Lawrence 2d do Wm Erwin Ensign, Thomas Dun Sergeant, Lane elected May, 1776. Levies and Militia. 303 NORTHERN REGIMENT OF MINUTE MEN. Colonel: Charles De Witt Lieut Colonel: Andries De Witt, Jun'r. 1st Major: Christ'r Tappen. Commissioned Decb'r 21, 1775. No rosters of Company Officers have been found. Adjutant: Oake Sudam. Qr. Mr.: Corn's J. Elmendorph. 2d Major, Corn's E. Wynckoop. ASSOCIATED EXEMPTS. New Windsor Company. Captain, Mathew DuBois ) 1st Lieut., James Burnet y app'd June 25, 1779. 2d do John L. Moffat ) Ensign, Wm. Edmonston, app'd Oct. 21,1779. Kingston Company. Captain, Andries DeWitt 1st Lieut., Oke Sudam ld do Henry I. Sleght Ensign, Elias Haasbrouck Marble Town Distr. Company, Captain, John Brodhead ) , , 1st Lieut., Gerardus Hardenbergh J. Pf77, 2d do Tobias Dubois ) Ensign, v app'd Aug. 18, 1778. 1778. Nov. 4, New Marlborough Company. Captain, Samuel Edmonds 1st Lieut., Nath'l Wyat 2d do John Stratton Ensign, Micaja Lewis Rochester Company. Captain, Peter Schoonmaker 1st Lieut, Ephraim Depuy 2d do Benj'n Rose Ensign, app'd Novb'r 5, * 1778. app'd Octb'r 19, 1779. October 30, 1778. Moses Cantine, 2d Lieut., vice Sleght. Newburgh(?) Company. Captain , Uriar Drake 1st Lieut., Petrus Oostrander 2d do Thomas Dunn Ensign, Lewis Sleet app'd June h 1778. 25, Wallkill Prec't Company. Captain, James Wilkin 1 1st Lieut., Sam'l McCord 2d do David Currin Ensign, Peter McLaughlin Hanover Prec't Company. Captain, Wm. Simrall 1st Lieut., Isaac Rosa 2d do James Huey Ensign, John Shaver app'd Novb'r 4, " 1778. app'd Novb'r 4, 1778. Shawangunk Prec't Company. Captain, Tho's Jansen, Jun'r. ") 1st Lieut., Petrus Roosa (app'd Novb'r 5, 2d do Sovereign T. Bruyn | 1778. Ensign, Peter Van Gaasbeck, Ensign, vice Hasbrouck, de clined (Kingston Comp.) WESTCHESTER COUNTY. Lewis Morris, Brigadier-General, Juue 25, 1778. | Pell, Brigade Major. Colonel, Joseph Drake. Lt. Colonel, James Hammond. 1st Major, Moses Drake. 3d do Jon'n G. Graham. Adjutant, Abr'm Emmons. Qr. Mr., Theophilus Barton, Jun. Commissions issued October 19, 1775. Yonkers Company. Captain, John Cock. 1st Lieut, Wm. Betts. 2d do John Warner, Ensign, Jacob Post. J East Chester Company. Captain, Stephen Sneden. 1st Lieut., Thomas Pinkney. 2d do Daniel Serring. Ensign, Wm. Pinkney. Upper Philippsburgh Company. Captain, Abr'm Ledew. 1st Lieut., Benj'm Brown. 2d do John Relyea. Ensign, John Oakley (Son of Isaac). First (South) Regiment. New Rochelle Company. Captain, Joseph Drake. 1st Lieut., James Willis. 2d do David Guion. Ensign, . No commissions issued. Tarry Town Company. Captain, Abr'm Storm. 1st Lieut., George Combs. 2d do Joseph Appleby. Ensign, Nath'l Underhill. East Philippsburgh Company. Captain, David Davids. 1st Lieut., Benj'n Vermilya. 2d do Gilbert Dean. Ensign, Gabriel Requaw. Lower Philippsburgh Company. Captain, Isaac Vermilya. 1st Lieut., Israel Honeywell. 2d do Dennis Lent. Ensign, Hendrick Odell. 304 Levies and Militia. Upper Philippsburgh Associated Company. Captain, Wm. Dutcher. ) Commissioned Sept. 1st Lieut, Daniel Martlinghs. ) 18, 1775. Commissions issued September 20, 1775. Changes in the Regiment. August 28, 1776. Theo's Barlow, Commissary for Drake's Reg't and others in W. Ch. Co. October 23, 1776 (by election). Gload (Claude) Requa, Captain. Corn's Van Tassel. Sebourt Acker. Ensign. Jonas Arsor, 2d Lieut., Upper ' Philippsburgh Com pany. Benj'n Vermilya, Captain. Gilbert Dean, 1st Lieut. Wm. Fushie, 2d do June 16, 1778. James Hammond, reappointed Lieut.-Colonel. George Comb, Captain, vice Claude Requaw, resigned. Corn's Van Tassel, 1st Lieut. Jacob Van Tassel, 2d do Thomas Buice, Ensign. Daniel Martling, Captain, vice Dutcher. Tarrytown Company. East Philippsburgh Company. 2d Lieut, Gershom Sherwood. ) Commissioned Sept. Ensign, George Monson. J 13, 1775. Gershom Sherwood, 1st Lieut. John Van Wart, 2d Lieut. Peter Pawling, Ensign. Gabriel Requaw, Captain, vice Gilbert Dean. John Baker, 1st Lieut. Wm. Veal, 2d do Jon'n Knap, Ensign, vice James See, resigned. Jonas Arsor, Captain, vice Ledw (Ledouw) John Oakley, 1st Lieut. Henry Lambert, 2d Lieut. Benj. Brown, Ensign. Israel Honeywell, Jun'r, Captain. 1 Teunis Lent, 1st Lieut. I Lower Philipps- Daniel Williams, 2d Lieut. f burgh Company. Stephen Sherwood, Ensign. J Isaac Requaw, Adjutant. June 25, 1778. ; Richard Garrison, Qr. Master. Jonathan Horton, Major. SECOND (MIDDLE) REGIMENT. Colonel, Thomas Thomas. ) Reappointed Lt. Colonel, Gilbert Budd. Jun'r. \ 28, 1778. 1st Major, Eben'r Lockwood. Commissions issued October 19, 1775. Mamaroneck and Rye Comp'y. Captain, Robert Bloomer. 1st Lieut., Alex'r Hunt. 2d do Ezekiel Halsted. Ensign, Daniel Horton. Harrison's Prec't Comp'y. Captain, Henry Dusenberry. 1st Lieut., Lyon Miller. 2d do Caleb Paulding Horton. Ensign, Gilbert Dusinberry. North Castle, East Comp'y. Captain, Benoni Piatt. 1st Lieut., David Hobby. 2d do Abr'm Knapp. Ensign,- Jon'n Guion. North Castle, 8outh Comp'y. Captain, Benj'n Ogden. 1st Lieut., Jeremiah Hunter. 2d do Caleb Merritt Jun'r. Ensign, James Brundige., North Castle, North Comp'y. 2d da Ensign, , 1776. Harrison's Prec't, Cavalry Comp'y, Captain, Sam'l Treadwell. ") 1st Lieut. , Thadeus Avory. I n ,, _ , .., .„_,„ Cornet, Abr'm Hatfield. [ Comm d Febr. 21, 1776. Qr. Mr. Uytendall Allaire. J 2d Major, Thaddeus Crane. Adjutant, Jon'n G. Tompkins Qr. Mr,, John Thomas, Jun'r. Scarsdale and White Plains Comp'y. Captain, Joshua Hatfield. 1st Lieut., James Verrian. 2d do Anth'y Miller. Ensign, John Falconer. East Bedford Company. Captain, Lewis McDonald, Jun'r. 1st Lieut., James Miller. 2d do Henry Lord. Ensign, Jesse Miller. West Bedford Company. Captain, Eli Seeley. 1st Lieut., Hezekiah Grey. 2d do Eph'm Raymond. Ensign, Gabriel Higgins. Poundridge Company. Captain, Joseph Lockwood. lst,Lieut, Noah Bouton. 2d do Wm. Fansher. Ensign, Gilbert Reynolds. South Salem Company. Captain, Abijah Gilbert. 1st Lieut., Jacob Hait. 2d do Sands Raymond. Ensign, Joseph Coley. North Salem Company. Captain, Thaddeus Crane. 1st Lieut., Jesse Truesdale. 2d do Ezekiel Halley. Ensign, Eben'r Brown. Commissions issued September 13, 1775. Levies and Militia. 305 [Harrison's Prec't Company. I Grenadier(?) Com- f pany. Changes in the Regiment. January 19, 1776. Jesse Trumbull, Captain. \ Ezekiel Hawley (Halley) 1st Lieut, [North Salem Solomon Close, 2d Lieut., j Comp'y. Elijah Deane, Ensign. February 9, 1776. John Thomas Minor,* Captain, Gilbert Dusenberry, 1st Lieut, Wm. Woodward, 2d Lieut, James Miller, Jun'r, Ensign. May 29, 1776. Elijah Hunter, Captain, Richard Sacket, 1st Lieut., Silas Miller, 2d Lieut., Jeremiah Lownsberry, Ensign, March 20, 1777. Wm. Fansher, Captain Poundridge Company. Blanks sent for the other officers to Major Lock- wood. May 28, 1778. Edward Thomas, Adjutant, vice Jon'n G. Tompkins, resigned. Timothy Brundige, Qr. Master. Richard Sacket Captain 1 Joseph Miller, 1st Lieut, [¦ Grenadier Comp'y. Moses St. John, 2d do ) Josiah Miller, Captain, "1 Company formed by con- Zephaniah Miller, 1st Lt. I solidation of Nathan's, Nathan Canfield, 2d Lt., [ Hezekiah Miller, Ens'n, J Marcus Moseman, Captain, Silas Miller, 1st Lieut., Gabriel Higgen, 2d Lieut. Eli Tyler, Ensign, Ebenezer Scofield, Captain, vice Wm. Fansher, resigned, David Fansher, 2d Lieut., vice Jacob Travis, disabled in service, Samuel Levis, Ensign, vice late En sign, resigned, David Pardee, Captain, vice Gilbert," resigned, Jon'n Lowder, 1st Lieut. , Josiah Hays, 2d do David Smith, Ensign, Jesse Truesdale, Captain, Joseph Dewlittle, 1st Lieut., vice Eben'r Holley, resigned, Abr'm Smith, 2d Lieut., vice Sol. Close, resigned, \bijah Wallace, Ensign, Olmstead's, and Jesse Holley's Companies. I Bedford New Pur | chase Company. Poundridge Company. - South Salem Company. North Salem Company. David Hobby, Captain, "I Gilbert Lyon, 1st Lieut., I Middle Patent Corn- Wright Carpenter, 2d Lieut., j pany. Wm. Mosier, Ensign, J Jacob Purdy, Captain, Wm. Wright, 1st Lieut., David Lyon, 2d do Nath'l Tucker, Ensign, John Thomas, Jun., Captain, James Miller, 1st Lieut, Thomas Carpenter, 2d Lieut, Johu Faulkner, Ensign, Caleb Lawrence, Captain, Abr'm Miller, 1st Lieut, vice Alex'r Hunt, removed, James Brundige, 2d Lieut, vice Israel Seaman, deserted to the enemy, 1 Company formed by consolidation of North Castle, North and South Companies. I Company formed out of the Harri son's Prec't Com panies. 1 Mamaroneck and Rye Company. November 5, 1778. Uriah Wallace, Ensign, N. Salem Co., vice Abijah Wallace, appointed through mistake and not a, friend to the cause of America. March 3, 1780. David Hobby, Major, vice Thaddeus Crane, promoted. September 29, 1780. Moses St John, Captain, vice Miller, refused. Isaac Clarke, 1st Lieut, vice St John, promoted. Isaac Miller, 2d do Sackett's Company. Gilbert Lyon, Captain, vice Hobby, promoted. Wright Carpenter, 1st Lieut., vice Lyon, promoted. Wm. Mosher, 2d Lieut. March 8, 1781. Samuel Bancks, Ensign, Gilbert Lyon's Co., vice Mosher, promoted. Benj'n Ambler, Ensign, Sackett's Company (also Nov. 19, 1781.) June 29, 1781. Nath'l Tucker, 2d Lieut., Purdy's Co., vice David Lyon, removed. November 19, 1781. Hezekiah Miller, 2d Lieut. ) „. , , , „ Timothy Miller, Ensign. \ St John s Company. April 12, 1782. Jesse Truesdale Major. July 24, 1782. Isaac Smith, Adjutant, vice Edward Thomas, removed out of County. THIRD (NORTH, OR MANOR OF CORTLANDT) REGIMENT. Colonel, Pierre Van Cortlandt. Lient Colonel, Gilbert Drake. 1st Major, Joseph Strang. Commissions issued October 19, 1775. Captain, James Kronkhyte. 1st Lieut., Abr'm Lamb. 2d do Staats De Grote. Ensign, David Penore. 2d Major, Ebenezer Purdy. Adjutant, John Cooley. Qr. Mr., Isaac Norton. Captain, Gilbert Van Cortlandt, 1st Lieut., Daniel Hains. 2d do James Taller. Ensign, Harm's Gardinear. Quere, John Thomas, Jun'r? 39 306 Levies and Militia. Captain Gilbert Lockwood. 1st Lieut, John Drake. 2d do Joshua Drake. Ensign, Peter Carman. Captain, Andrew Brown. 1st Lieut., Samuel Haight. 2d do John Chrissey Miller. Ensign, Solomon Purdy. Captain, Nath'l Deli van. 1st Lieut., Thomas Nichols, Jun'r. Commmissions issued September 20, 1775. Changes in the Regiment. June 25, 1778. Samuel Drake, Colonel, vice Pierre Van Cortlandt, elected Lieut. Governor. John Hyatt, Lieut. Colonel, vice Gilbert Drake, resigned. Nath'l Delivan, Major, vice Joseph Strang, resigned. Benjamin Dykeman, 1st Lieut., ) Harmanus Godinear, 2d do y Kronkhyte's Comp. John Porter, Ensign, ) Ebenezer Boyd, Captain. John Mandevil, 1st Lieut. David Ferris, 2d do Major Drake, Ensign. Samuel Haight, Captain. Daniel Mortine, 1st Lieut. Solomon Purdy, 2d do Isaac Clarke, Ensign. Ephraim Lockwood, Captain. Isaac Keeler, 1st Lieut. Daniel Purdy, 2d do Wm. Rogers, Ensign. Samuel Delivan, Captain. Andrew Baker, 1st Lieut. Jacob Van Wert, 2d do John Montross, Ensign. John Drake, Captain. Abr'm Smith, 1st Lieut. Obediah Purdy, 2d Lieut. Henry Carman, EnBign. Henry Strang, Captain. Daniel Delivan, 1st Lieut. John McKeel, 2d do James Archer, Ensign. Samuel Lawrence, Captain. Joseph Benedict, 1st Lieut Nath'l Reynolds, Jun., 2d Lieut. Enoch Benedict, Ensign. James Taylor, Captain. John Kudney, 1st Lieut. Joseph Vail, Jun'r, 2d Lieut. 2d Lieut, Titus Runnells. Ensign, Abr'm Purdy. Captain, Gideon Selah. 1st Lieut, Samuel Lawrence. 2d do Caleb Hobby. Ensign, Abr'm Todd. Captain, John Hyatt. 1st Lieut., John Drake. 2d do Obediah Purdy. Ensign, Joseph Horton. Westchester County i- Light Horse Com- Corn- Isaac Vermilier, Jun'r, Ensign. February 27, 1779. Samuel DeLavan, Captain, John Mandeville, 1st Lieut., Uriah Wallace, 2d do Jacob Vermilie, Cornet, John Drake, Captain, ) Ezekiel Hyat, Jun'r, 1st Lieut., (Grenadier Elijah Scott, 2d Lieut., f pany. John Carman, Ensign, J Jonathan Porter, Ensign, Kronkhyte's Co., vice John Porter, appointed through mistake. Abr'm Buckhout, Captain, vice Samuel Delivan, ap pointed to the Light Horse. Jacob V. Woert, 1st Lieut. Abr'm Montrose, 2d do Israel Underhill, Ensign. Abr'm Smith Heddy, Captain, vice John Drake, ap pointed to the Grenadiers. William Golear, 1st Lieut. Elvan Purdy, 2d do John McCreery, Ensign. David Ferris, 1st Lieut., Boyd's Co., vice Mandeville, app'd to the L. Horse. Major Drake, 2d Lieut. Dennis Kennedy, Ensign. John Mikeel, 1st Lieut., Strang's Co. vice Oliver Delivan, removed out of County. James Archer, 2d Lieut. Jacob Carpenter, Ensign. Robert Lang, Qr. Master. Isaac Poineer, Adjutant. June 29, 1781. James Hunt, Ensign, Haight's Comp., vice Clark, removed out of beat. Joshua Drake, Ensign, Boyd's Comp., vice Kennedy, fled to tbe enemy. Austin Reynolds, Ensign, Heddy's (Headan's), Co., vice McCreery, removed. FOURTH REGIMENT, " formed of different Companies of the two Regiments commanded by Colonel Thomas and Colonel Drake and sett apart as a distinct Regiment" (C. of Appt , Oct'b'r 21, 1779.) Lieut. Colonel, Thaddeus Crane. February 17, 1780. John Coley, Adjutant. Jacob Gilbert, Qr. Master. Benj'n Chapman, Captain of the beat wherein he re sides. Josiah Hayly, 1st Lieut Major, Nath'l Delavan. Isaac Northrup, 2d Lieut, (Junior added to the name June 16, 1780.) John Chapman, Ensign. David Smith, 2d Lieut, vice Josiah ) ~ . , „ , , Hays, removed out of beat. I DarTld Parker a Benj'n Benedict, Ensign, vice Smith. ) LomPany- Levies and Militia. 807 Captain Ebenezer Scofield's Company divided into two and officered as follows : 1st. Daniel Bouton, Captain, vice Eben'r Scofield, removed . Gilbert Reynolds, 1st Lieut. Eben'r A>ery, Ensign. 2d. Samuel Lewis, Captain. Benj'n Brown, 1st Lieut, (name rectified to Benijah Brown, June 16, 1780, and April 10, 1782). Jehiel Bouton, Ensign. April 12, 1782. Jesse Truesdale, Major. April 10, 1782. Abr'm Fansher, 2d Lie'ut. j Chapman's Co. Jesse Seymore, Ensign, \ ™^n Chapman, de- Eben'r Avery, 1st Lieut., Bouton's Comp., vice Rey nolds, declined. Nathan Lockwood, Ensign, Lewis' Comp., vice Jehiel Bouton, moved out of beat. REGIMENT OF MINUTE MEN (Returns incomplete). Colonel, Joseph Drake, of New Rochelle. Lieut. Colonel, Lewis Graham. 1st Major, Samuel Lyon, promoted from ) Febr'y 22, 2d Major, vice Storm, resigned. ) 1776. 1st Company. Henry Slasson, Captain, vice Eben'r Slasson. ") Eben'r Scofield. 1st Lieut. Dan'l Waterbury, 2d Lieut. David Purdy, Ensign. (March 1, f 1776. Harrison's Prec't Company. Hezekiah Gray, Captain. j Corn's Clark, 1st Lieut. I -,?,„•., nn-ima John Miller, 2d do \ Febr 7 20' -1776' Isaac Titus, Ensign. J 2d Major, Eben'r Slasson, promoted from ) Febr'y 22, Captain's 1st Company. j 1776. Surgeon, Dr. Benj'n Miller. White Plains Company. Captain, James Verry. 1st Lieut., Sand Crawford. 2d do Isaac Oakley. Ensign, Joseph Todd. (?) Company. Captain, Steenrod. 1st Lieut., Micajah Fuller. 2d do Ensign, Lieut. Colonel, Joseph Benedict, appointed March 4, 1780. Company in limits of 4th Reg't. ffieuSXmrSose. i*K#** April 22, 2d do Titus Reynolds. ) x ' (?) Company. Captain, Eben'r Slasson. 1st Lieut., Sam'l Bouton. 2d do Zepheniah Mills. ASSOCIATED EXEMPTS. Major, Eben'r Slasson, appointed March 4, 1780. Appointed Oct. 19, 1779. ¦ ( ?) Company. Gald Bouton, Captain, vice David Dan, refused. Ap pointed June 16, 1780. Joseph Osburn, Captain. ) Benj'n Jones, 1st Lieut. >¦ Appointed June 16, 1780. Moses Hadden, 2d do ) foTBouttn,' Qr^Mr- } APP™ted '* 10' 1783" ALPHABETICAL ROSTER OF THE STATE TROOPS ALPHABETICAL ROSTER OF TBE STATE TROOPS. [By reference to the Index the County to which the Regiment belonged can be ascer.ained.] ^L. Name and Rank. Regiment. Aaikin, John, private Williams Aaikin, Nath'l, private Williams Abbet, David, private Hopkins Abbett, Elijah T., private Luddington Abbot, Benjamin, private Whiting Abbot, Benjamin, private Van Rensselaer Abbot, Caleb, private Whiting Abbot, David, private Tan Veghten Abbot, Es., sergeant Whiting Abbot, Joel, lieutenant Yates Abbot, Samuel, private Whiting Abbot, Selah, sergeant Whiting Abeel, Ant'y, lieut. Van Bergen Abeel, Garret,* private Van Bergen Aberson, Ant y, private Van Rensselaer Aberts, Wm., private Schuyler Abiel, Fellows, private Weissenfelt Abit, David, private Van Veghten Abraham, Ant'y, private Van Rensselaer Abrahams, Henry, private Thomas Abrahams, John, private Hathorn Abram, Morgan, private Abram, Anthony, private Abram, Christy an e, corpl. Abrams, John, private Abrams, John, private Achmoedie, David, private Wynkoop Ackart, Stephen, private Wynkoop Acker, Abraham, private Acker, Abm., private Acker, Abrm., private Acker, Benj'n, private Acker, Cybert, private Acker, Derick, private Acker, George, private Acker, Geo., private Acker, Geo., private Acker, Geo , private Acker, George, private Acker, Henry, private Acker, Jacob, private Acker, Jacob, t private Acker, Jacob, sergeant Acker, Jacob, sergeant Acker, Jacob, sergeant Acker; Jacob, Jr., sergeant Van Bergen Acker, James, corporal Acker, Jerem'h, private Acker, Jdo., lieut. Acker, John, private Acker, John, private Acker, John, private Pawling Van Rensselaer Van Bergen Phillips Malcom KlockHammond Van Bergen Hammond Dragoons HaysVroomanVrooman Fisher FisherVan Rensselaer Pawling Harper HammondHammondHammond Van Bergen Snyder Schuyle:Klock Klock Klock Company. Stowel Stowel TalmadgeMead King KingKing Dunning SalsburyHadlockSalisburyKings Snyder Schermerhorn Van Wie LivingstonDunning Staats Hobby Telford Sackett Woodworth Dubois Ostrander Drake Swart Swart Zeely MartlingHoneywellOrserDelavanOnderdonkStubrach PutnamVeeder Bries De Witt MartlingCombOrser WitbeckHoneywell Horton SwartVan Aerman Zeely Bedbig Kock Name and Rank. Acker, John, private Acker, John, private Acker, John, private Acker, John, private Acker, John, private Acker, Jury, private Acker, Peter, sergeant Acker, Peter, private Acker, Richard, lieut. Acker, Solomon, private Ackert, Solomon, private Acker, Ftephen, private Acker, Sybert, corporal Regiment. HammondFisher Fisher Fisher Van Bergen Van Rensselaer Yates Yates Hays Yates Wynkoop Hammond Hammond Acker, Sybert, Jr., private Hammond Acker, Syhert, private Van Bergen Acker, Tobias, private Hammond Acker, Tobias, private Van Bergen Ackerd, Jacob, private Wessenfels Ackerman, Arie, private Hopkins Ackerman, Casparus, sergt. Wessenfels Ackerman, David, private Van Veghten Ackerman, Ede, private Hays Ackerman, Isaac, private Van Veghten Ackerman, James, private Wessenfels Ackerman, James, private Vandenburgh Ackerman, James, private Van Veghten Ackerman, John, drummer Pawling Ackerman, John, fifer Harper Ackerman, John, private Brinckerhoff Ackerman, Jno. W., priv. Willet Ackerman, Robt., corporal Van Veghten Ackerson, Abraham, priv. Hays Ackerson, Corns., sergeant Pawling Ackerson, Corns., sergeant Malcom Ackerson, Corns., % lieut. Harper Ackerson, David, private Hays Ackerson, Derick, corporal Hays Ackerson, Derick, private Hays Ackerson, Garret, captain Hays Ackerson, George, private Harper Ackerson, Jacob, private Hays Ackerson, John, private Hays Ackerson, Thomas, private Hays Ackert, Jacob, private Wynkoop Ackert, Jerem'h, fifer Wynkoop Ackert, Martin, private Wynkoop Ackert, Peter, private Yates Ackert, Peter, sergeant Yates Ackert, Solomon, private Yates Ackley, Benjamin, private Hathorn Adair, Wm., sergeant Malcom Adam, John, private Hopkins Company. MartlingYatesVeeder Putman Honeywell Bries Hadlock Gardner WiltseSwart Orser Orser HoneywellMartlingHoneywell Dodge Brinkerhoff Dodge ThompsonHogencamp Dunham Dodge Storm Dunham Lawrence Lawrence Brower PearcyDunham TourneurLawrenceLawrence Hogencamp Bogart HogencampTourneur Onderdonk Swart SwartSwartHadlock Yates Hadlock Miller LivingstonLane * Shot through right shoulder at Schoharie kill, July 23, 1778. Farmer, Great Imboght, Albany Co., C. 51, I. 48. t Several wounds in chin, gullet and right shoulder December 17, 1779. Again wounded May 1, 1780. Farmer, Phillipsburgh, Westchester county, C83, Aa43. £ Enlisted in Capt. Hutching's Company, Col. Ritzema's, in 1776, for one year; in Capt. Hutching* s, in Col. Dubois', in 1777 taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery; exchanged ten months later; Lieutenant of Levies in 1780; joined Malcom's regiment taken prisoner at the Oneida Castle ; paroled 1782. See Ackerson, Cornelius, 5 N. Y. Clarkstown, Rockland Co. A. P. 14, 312 A. P. 17-97; 21-7-11. 312 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Adam, Peter, private Adam, Peter, private Adams, Baley, private Adams, Dan'l, sergeant Adams, David, private Adams, Deliverance, priv. Adams, Edward, private Adams, Edward, private Adams, Elijah, sergeant Adams, Elijah, sergeant Adams, Elijah, private Adams, Elijah, private Adams, Ephm., private Adams, Ephraim, private Adams, Gilbert, private Adams, Gilbert, private Adams, Gilbert, private Adams, Gilbert, private Adams, John, private Adams, John, private Adams, John, Jr., private Adams, John, private Adams, Jonas, private Adams', Major, private Adams, Major, private Adams, Moses, private Adams, Noah, private Adams, Noah, private Adams, Oliver, sergeant Adams, Oliver, private Adams, Thomas, private Adams, William, surgeon Adams, William, sergeant Adamy, Peter, lieut. Ademy, Peter, lieut. Adamy, Peter, private Addison, William, private Adkins, Thos., private Adrian, Theods., sergeant Adkins, William, private Adriance, Corns., lieut. Adriance, Corns., ensign Adriance, George, sergeant Adriance, I., Jr., corporal Adriance, John, private Adriance, Rem., Jr., priv. Adriance, Theods., corpl. Adriance, Theods., sergt. Adriance, Theods., private Adriance, Theods., private Adrit, John, private Adset, Martin, private Adsill, Benjn., corporal Adsist, Geo., corporal Adsist, Silas, sergeant Adsist, Stephn., lieut. Adsits, Benin., private Adtendon, Asal, private Adzit, John, private Aelstyne, Danl., private Aerndt, Abrah'm, lieut. Aernhout, Chris., corporal Aernhout, Chris., corporal Aernhout, Chris., private Aernhout, John, private Aernhout, John, private Aifeet, James, private Affener, Hendk.-, private Affleek, James, private Affleck, James, private Afflict, James, private Afner, Hendk., private Afner Henry, private Afner, John, ensign Afner, John, lieut. Afner, Wilhelmus, private Agan, James, private Agan, John, private Agard, Joseph, private Agen, John, private Agens, James, private Agens, John, private Regiment. Company. Clyde Leipe Piatt Bradbick Livingston Elliot Van Rensselaer Hawley Willet Skinner Wessenfels Godwin Van Schoonhoven Vandenbergh Van Schoonhoven Visscher Willet Harrison Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Schuyler Tillman Willet Cannon Van Bergen Witbeck Webster Malcom Livingston Luddington Mead Luddington Waterbury Yates Luddington Mead Luddington Mead Luddington Crane Brinkerhoff Storm Wessenfels White Luddington Lane Hopkins Lane Graham Bostwick Van Rensselaer Cady Van Rensselaer Schuyler Tillman Luddington Mead Graham Luddington Crane Klock Ruff Clyde Ruff Willett Skinner Hathorn Bartolf V an Rensselaer Dubois Willett Debois Humfrey Brinckerhoff Van Wyck Brinckerhoff Van Wyck Brinkerhoff Storm Brinkerhoff Storm Brinkerhoff Storm Pawling Pawling Dubois McFoght Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoof Pawling Wood Van Ness Wessenfels Shephard Dubois Chamberlain Hopkins Waters Hopkins Waters Hopkins Watera Dubois Chamberlain Graham Wilson Van Rensselaer Hawley Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Clyde House Schuyler Slingerland Quackenboss Slingerland Quackenboss Slingerland Schuyler Slingerland Quackenboss Slingerland Webster Long Van Schoonhoven Steenbergh Webster Webster Armstrong Webster Armstrong Van Schoonhoven Taylor Van Schoonhoven Taylor Van Schoonhoven Taylor Van Schoonhoven Taylor Van Schoonhoven Taylor Yates Brown Yates Weltse Graham Pearce Yates Wiltse Yates Weltse Yates Weltse Name and Rank. Regiment. Ager, James, private Wessenfels Agers, Henry Julius, priv. Willet Aggins, James, private Agins, James, sergeant Agins, James, private Agnue, Will., private Agnue, Will., private Willet Wessenfels Pawling Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Pawling Johnson Johnson Quackenboss Fisher Vandenburgh Ahrendorf, Peter, corporal Bellinger Aile, Michl., private Fisher Airis, Reuben, private Crane Aker, George, private Klock Akins, David, private Field Akker, John, private Fisher Akley, Jon'n, private Luddington Albant, Henry, private Fisher Albe, Eleazer, private Armstrong Albem, Nathan, private Wessenfels Alberson, Joseph, sergeant Johnson Albert, White, corporal Willet Albertson, Richard, priv. Albertson, Stephen, priv. Albertson, William, priv. Albragh, John, private Albrant, Hendk., private Albro, Benjamin, private Aldalf, Lawrence, private Johnson Aldbird, Bailey, sergeant Crane Alder, Joseph, private Hathorn Alderage, Gilbert, private Johnson Aldrich, Robert, private Hathorn Aldridge, Benjn., private Wessenfels Aldridge, David, private Armstrong Aldridge, James, private Van Woert Alderidge, Jonn., private Van Rensselaer Aldridge, Jonn., private Webster Aleban, Jonn., sergeant Dragoons Alendorph, Christ, private Graham Alesworth, Caleb, private Whiting Alexander, James, sergt. Webster Alexander, James, private Armstrong Alexander, John, corporal Wessenfels Alexander, John, private Wessenfels Alexander, Robert, lieut. Wemple Alexander, Robert, private Wemple Alexander, Robert, private Wemple Alexander, Rufus, private Wessenfels Alexander, Sandy, private Wemple Algalt, William, private Brinckerhoff Algate, Thos., private Schuyler Algelt, John, private Brinckerhoff Alger, Amiel, sergeant Graham Alger, Anul, private Graham Alger, George, private Cortland Algire, John, private Fisher Algyre, Jacob, private Allar, John, private Van Rensselaer Alleby, Jonathan, private Crane Allen, Asa, sergeant Hopkins Allen, Caleb, private Van Woert Allen, Daniel, private Whiting Allen, David, private Graham Allen, David, private Van Rensselaer Allen, David, private Van Woert Allen, Ebenezer, corporal Pawling Allen, George, private Graham Allen, George, Jr., private Graham Allen, Henry, sergeant Webster Allen, Henry, private Willet Allen, Henry, private Webster Allen, Henry, private Webster Allen, Henry, private Harper Allen, Jabez, private Whiting Allen, James, private Willet Allen, James, private Graham Allen, James, private Van Woert Allen, James, private Van Veghten Allen, Jesse, sergeant Willet Allen, Jesse, sergeant Van Bergen Allen, John, private Van Woert Allen, John, private Van Rensselaer Allen, John, private Van Rensselaer Allen, Jonathan, private Whiting Company, Godwin DeboisWestfallWestfall Staats WoodworthFrankVeeder Scofield Miller Hecock VeederMead Yeoman McNittHuntConcklin Fonda Burnet Mastin Concklin Veeder WheelerSmith Truesdel Telford Smith Conklin McNitt Brown Vanderhoof Delavan Husted Herrick McNittMcNitt Godwin Godwin Mynderse Van Slyck Shephard MyndersonSchults Lansing Schults Mabee Fonda De Garmo Scofield Waters Whiteside Shaw WhitesideWilliams Pearce Pearce Long Marshall Long McNitt Harrison Davis Pearcy Whiteside Van Woert Cannon Witbeck GilmoreTurner SchermerhornCady Hosier of the State Troops. 313 Name and Rank. Regiment. Van Rensselaer Williams MalcolmHarperYatesDubois Van Rensselaer Dubois DuboisVan Bergen Van Bergen Crane Williams Williams Van Woert Willet FisherGraham Allen, Jonh'n, private Allen, Josiah, private Alien, Lemuel, private Allen, Lothrop, captain Allen, Peter, corporal Allen, Reuben, private Allen, Samuel, lieut. Allen, Saml., s. mate Allen, Saml., private Allen, Saml., private Allen, Saml., sergeant Allen, Saml., sergeant Allen, Saml., private Allen, Seth, private Allen, Stephen, private Allen, William, private Allen, Wm., private Allen, William, private Allenbraugh, John, private Schuyler Aller, Abm., private Van Rensselaer Aller, John, private Pawling Aller, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Allger-John, private Fisher Allet, Wm., private Schuyler Allison, Benju., private Wisner Allison, Henry, private WisDer Allison, Isaac, private Hays Allison, Isaac, private Dubois Allison, James, private Wisner Allison, Jeremiah, private Hays Allison, John, private Hathorn Allison, John, private Hays Allison, Joseph, private Hays Allison, Joseph B., private Hays Allison, .Peter, private Hays Allison, Samuel, private Hays Allison, Thomas, sergeant Hays Allison, Thomas, private Phillips Allison, William, private Hays Allwood, Peter, private Willet Ament, Eldert, sergeant Wemple Aimer, Jno., private Van Woert Almy, John, private Van Woert Alsderve, Jacobus, private Johnson Alsdorph, Johannis, private Johnson Alsdorph, Philip, corporal Hathorn Alfdorph, Philip, corporal Johnson Alsdorph, Philip, private Johnson Alsdorph, Philip, private Pawling Alsworth, Thos., private Hopkins Alt, Johannis, private Alter, Jacob, private Willet Alter, Peter, corporal Yates Altor, Abrm., private Yates Alvert, White, private Van Veghten Alyea, John, private Hathorn Alyea, John, private Alyea, Peter, corporal Hathorn Alyea, Peter, private Hathorn Alyea, Peter, private Lansing Alyea, Samuel, private Hathorn Amberman, Derick, private Willet Amble, Abm., private Ambler, Abrm., private Ambler, Benj., ensign Ambler, Benj'n, ensign Ambler, Benj'n, ensign Ambler, Enos, private Ambler, Enos, private Ambler, Jerem h, private Ambler, John, corporal Ambler, John, private a, mi n, Jr. Crane CraneThomas ThomasThomas Wessenfels CraneThomas Crane Drake Ambler, John, Jr., private Drake Ambler, John, private Benedict Ambler, Natban, corporal Harper Ambler, Nathan, private Wessenfels Ambler, Stephen, private Drake Ambler, Stephen, private Dragoons Ament, Elder, private Wemple Amerson, Wm., private Fisber Ammeruian, Albert, private Brinckerhoff Ammerman, Aurt, private Hays 40 Company. Cady Shepardson McKinstry Hadlock Lee King Dubois Hoghtaling Van Schaick Shepardson Shepardson Whiteside Livingston Yeoman Wilson Van Wee De Garmo Pawling De Garmo YatesLausingBaly Baly GardnerGano Gardner Sayres Gardner GardnerGardnerGarnner Gardner Gardner Miller GardnerGillet Schermerhorn WhitesideWhiteside GillispyConklin Smith Gillispy Percy Wheeler Fonda Putinan Winne Bartolf Miuthom MiuthornMiuthom Shepherd MiuthornWelp LawrenceLawrenceMiller Sacket St. John Hunt Lawrence St. John LawrenceSeely Seely Seely Vroman Thompson SeelyDelavan Myuderson Yeoman Brower Bell Livingston Van Rensselaer Van Veghten Name and Rank. Regiment. Ammerman. Dirk, private Pawling Anderson, Alexr., private Schuyler Anderson, Benj'n, private Thomas Anderson, Benj'n, private Thomas Anderson, David, sergeant Williams Anderson, Duncan, private Anderson, Geo., sergeant Piatt Anderson, Geo., private Burnet Anderson, Geo., private Willet Anderson, James, private Crane Anderson, Jerem'h, private Thomas Anderson, John, -F. M. Malcolm Anderson, John, private Wessenfels Anderson, William, privateJohnson Anderson, Wm., private Fisher Anderson, Wm., private Fisher Anderson, William, private Fisher Andiss, Ephm., private Van Veghten Andon, Casper, private Andreas, Spira, private Andres, Amos, private Andress, Ash bell, lieut. Andress, Ashbell, corporal Van Veghten Andress, Deliv'ce, corporal Van Veghten Andress, Deliv'ce, corporal Van Veghten Andress, Deliv'nce, private Van Veghten Andress, John, private Van Veghten Andress, John, private Van VegUteu Andress, John, drummer Graham Andress, Joseph, corporal Van Veghten Andress, Joseph, corporal Graham Andress, Joseph, private Van Veghten Andress, Joseph, private Van Veghten Andress, Nath 1, private Van Veghten Andress, Nath'l, private Van Veghten Andress, Nath'l S., private Van Veghten Andress, Titus, corporal Van Veghten Andress, Titus, corporal Andress, Titus, private Andrew, Amos, private Andrew, David, private Andrews, Elisha, adjutant Andrews, Ichabod, ensign Andrews, Isaac, private Andrews, John, private Andrews, Wm., private Andrews, Zenos, private Andriance, John, Jr., priv. Vandenburgh Andries, Daniel, sergeant Whiting Andries, Daniel, private Andries, John, private Andru, Daniel, private Andrus, Ashbel, lieut. Andrus, Benj'n, ensign Andrus, Joseph, private Andrus, Rosell, corporal Andrus, Samuel, private Angell, Geo., private Angell, John, corporal Angle, Jurry, private Angell, Wm., private Angle, Wm., private Anjivine, Joseph, private Antrum, Humphry, priv. Annen, Dan'l, private Anning, James, private Annis, James, private Annis, Joseph, private Annis, Josiah, private Anny, Geo., private Ansley, Samuel, corporal Ansley, Samuel, private Ansom, James, private Anson, James, sergeant Anson, James, corporal Anson, John private Antes, Jacob, private Antes, John, private Anthony, Aldert, private Anthony, Aldert, private Anthony, Barthm., private Yates Anthony, Casper, private Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Willet Graham Pawling Fisher Willet Whiting Graham Whiting Van Veghten Whiting WhitingWillet Whiting Clyde Clyde Livingston Clyde Livingston Luddington Yates Brinckerhoff BrinckerhoffJohnson WebsterWebster Fisher Harper Pawling PawlingWessenfelsSchuyler JohnsonJohnson Company. PawlingSharp Hubby Lyon StowelFonda Van Santvoort Pawling Harrison Bouton PurdyCautine Jansen Gartneer McMaster Yeoman Woodworth PulverHawley NobleDenning Denning Thompson Woodworth Thompson Thompson Woodwoth. Nail Thompson NailThompsonWoodworth Woodworth Denning WinneThompson Winne Schermerhorn Husted Bostwick Faulkner Yeoman Pearcy Storm GilbertGilbert Muller Bostwick Woodworth GilbertGilbertSalsbury Brown BrownBrownShaver Shaw Crane Hadlock Schutt Brinckerhoff Concklin Long Yates FondaFondaLawrence Lawrence Bowen Fonda Slyngerland Jansen Smith Brown Bogert 3U Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Anthony, Ellabart, private Van Rensselaer Anthony, George, private Willet Anthony, Geo., private Anthony, Israel, private Anthony, Israel, lifer Anthony, Jacob, private Anthony, John, sergeant Anthony, John, private Anthony, John, private Anthony, John, private Anthony, John, private Anthony, John, private Anthony, John, private Anthony, Rich'd, private Anthony, Rich'd, private Anthony, Rich'd, private Anthoney, Sant., private Anthony, Stephen, private Van Veghten Antice, John, private Fisher Antis, Conrad, private Fisher Antis, John, corporal Fisher Antis, John, private Schuyler Antis, William, private Graham Antony, Albert, private Antony, Albert, private Antony, Barthm., private Antony, Elebard, private Antony, Isaac, fifer Antony, Jacob, private WilletSchuyler Schuyler YatesSchuyler Hathorn Johnson Johnson Wessenfels Pawling Schuyler GrahamVan Veghten Van Veghten Yates YatesYates YatesSchuylerYates Antwerp, Barthm., private Yates Any, Godfret, private Fisher Any, Jacob, private Fisher Apel, Henry, private Clyde Appelie, Hendk., private Schuyler Apple, Henry, private Clyde Applebe, Conrod, private Brinckerhoff Applestall, Abm., private Applestall, Isaac, private Hathorn Appley, Jacob, private Klock Appljee, Conrod, private Brinkerhoff Arcenson, Garret, private Schuyler Archant, George, private Thomas Archart, George, private Thomas Archer, Annanias, private Fisher Archer, David, sergeant Van Veghten Archer, David, sergeant Van Veghten Archer, David, private Hays Archer, Jacob, private Hays Archer, James, lieut. Drake Archer, James, private Graham Archer, James, private Van Bergen Archer, John, private Van Bergen Archer, Jonathan, private Hathorn Archey, Ananias, private Harper Arch'd, John, private Piatt Arden, Jacob, private Hays Ardon, John, private Wessenfels Arendorf, Fred'k, private Bellinger Arendorf, Fred., Sr., priv. Bellinger Arendorf, Geo., private Bellinger Arhart, Geo., private Thomas Arie, Terwilliger, private Johnson Aris, Thomas, private Malcom Aris, Thomas, private Malcom ArksoD, Garret, private Wemple Arkson, Henry, private Wemple Arkson, William, private Wemple Aries, Joseph, sergeant Whiting Armes, Jacob, private Willett Armin, James, private Vandenburgh Arms, Jacob, private Willet Arsben, Dan'l, private Johnson Armstrong, Arch'b, private Hathorn Armstrong, Arch'd, private Pawling Armstrong, Arch'd, private Pawling Armstrong, Arch'd, private Newkirk Armstrong, Arch'd, private Wisner Com pany. De Garmo Gross Cannon LansingLansing Wiltse Ostrum MillerCross Jansen Westfall WestfallLansingThompson Vau Woert Bogert Vau Woert GartnerYates Gartnere Slyngerland Lansing BruttsVan Den Burgh Van Den Burgh Hadlock Lansing Van Den Burgh Little Veeder Diffendorf Van Aernam Diffendorf BrinckerhoffVan Duzer ShepherdRighter BrinkerhoffVan Aernam LyonLyon Degraas Woodworth Van Woort Sickles TourneurStrangHoneywell Honeywell Miller PutmanVan Santvoort Ackerson Hunt Frank Frank Frank Lyon Gillispy McKinstry Delavan Wanson Herrick ElsworthStormElsworth MastinTelfordWestfall Burnet McBride Baly Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Armstrong, Benj'n, private Hopkins Lane Armstrong, Dan'l, corporal Van Schoonhoven White Armstrong, David, private Wisner Baly Armstrong, Edward, priv. Thomas Sackett Armstrong, Edw' d,* priv. Thomas St. John Armstrong, Francis, corpl. Wisner Baly Armstrong, Francis, priv. Hathorn Armstrong, Francis, priv. Hathorn Hopkins LuddingtonDuboisWisner Armstrong, Gabriel, priv. Armstrong, Gab'l, private Armstrong, Geo., private Armstrong, Geo., private Armstrong, Isaac, private Thomas Armstrong, J., Jr., private Luddington Armstrong, James, sergt. Hathorn Armstrong, James, private Wessenfels Armstrong, James, private Williams Armstrong, James, private Webster Armstrong, James, private Armstrong Armstrong, James, private Wisner Armstrong, James, private Wisner Armstrong, James, private Crane Armstrong, John, captain Williams Armstrong, John, captain Webster Armstrong, Jno., captain Armstrong Armstrong, John, corporal Van Veghten Armstrong, John, private Wessenfels Armstrong, John, private Willet Armstrong, John, private Willet Armstrong, John, private Van Rensselaer Armstrong, John, private Luddington Armstrong, Joseph, private Hathorn Armstrong, Joseph, private Halhorn Armstrong, Joseph, private Wisner Armstrong, Nathan, corpl. Yates Armstrong, Nathan, corpl. Yates Armstrong, Nathan, priv. Van Woert Armstrong, Nathan, priv. Yates Armstrong, Robt., private Willet Armstrong, Robert, priv. Williams Armstrong, Robt., private Williams Armstrong, Robert, private Webster Armstrong, Robert, private Webster Armstrong, Robert, priv. Webster Armstrong, Robt., private Webster Armstrong, Robt., private Armstrong Armstrong, Robert, private Hays Armstrong, Bobt., private Schuyler Armstrong, Thos., major Williams Armstrong, Thos., major Webster Armstrong, Thos., private Van Veghten Armstrong, Tbos., private Van Veghten Arnal, William, private ' Malcom Arnet, Corns., private Dubois Arnelt, Henry, private Wessenfels Arnhout, Jacob, private Schuyler Arnold, Abimelick, private Van Veghten Arnold, Abraham, private Willet Arnold, David, corporal Willet Arnold, David, private Van Rensselaer Arnold, Eben'r, private Yates Arnold, Eleazer, private Van Rensselaer Arnold, Elisha, sergeant Vau Rensselaer Arnold, Elisha, private Van Rensselaer Arnold, Elisha, private Schuyler Arnold, James, private Thomas Arnold, Jeremiah, private Thomas Arnold, John, private Arnold, John, private Arnold, Pelick, private Luddingtou Arnold, Semeur, corporal Luddingtc.i Arnold, Stephen, private Van Rensselaer Arnold, William, private Pawling Arnojd, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Arnold, Will., private Van Rensselaer Arnold, Will., private Van Rensselaer Arnon, Jacob, private Fisher McCamply Lane Lane Gano Baly Sacket. Lane MillerGodwin ArmstrongArmstrong Armstrong Miller Baly Lawrence Hunt Fonda Wright StaatsLane Sayres Miuthorn Baly Hadlock Brown Hodge Brown Livingston Armstrong McNitt Armstrong ArmstrongArmstrong Armstrong Gardner Tillman Thompson Woodworth McKinstry Gano Godwin Van Wee Van Woert GrayLivingston Schermerhorn Brown Shaw VanderhoofVanderhoof Lansing Purdy Purdy Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Veghten Woodworth Waterbury WaterburyNiles Wood -Townsend Schermerhorn Veeder * Enlisted for 45 days in Capt. Mosher's Levies, same Regt., January 1, 1781. 1781. Farmer, Poundridge, Westchester Co. A-3. Shot in the back at Morrisania, January 28, Roster of the State Troops. 315 Name and Rank. Arnord, David, private Arnul, Seymour, private Arsen, Robert, private Arson, Thos., private Ashall, Bradshaw, private Asken, William, private Ashman, Samuel, private Ashman, Sam'l, private Ashley, Absolom, private Ashbey, Ant'y, private Ashley, Ant'y, private Ashley, Peter, private Ashly, Alden, private Ashly, John, private Ashton, James, major Ashton, John, private Ashton, Phinehas, private Ashton, Tbos., private Asor, Thomas, private Aspell, James, private Asteu, Will., private Astill, William, private Astin, Abrm., private Astine, Amos, private Astin, Jacob, private Astin, John, private Astin, Parvis, private Astin, Thomas, private Aston, Jacob, private Aston, Peter, private Aston, Philip, private Atkins, Isaac, private Atkins, Isaac, private Atkins, .Thos., private Atkins, Wm., private Attaffitt, Jno., private Atwater, Jesse, private Atwater, Jesse, private Atwell, Paul, private Atwell, Paul, private Atwood, Jabez, private Atwood, Jon'n, private Atwood, Peter, private Atwood, Tim'y, sergeant Atwood, Tim'y, sergeant Auer, John, private Auer, Tobias, sergeant Auer, Tobias, private Auker, Henry, private Aul, Nath'l, private Auler, Abner, private Aurie, John, private Aurie, Tobias, sergeant Aurseu, Thos., private Aursen, Thomas, private Regiment. Company. Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Luddington Lane Clyde Brown Van Rensselaer Sharp Webster Long Telford Hathorn Willet Wright Vau Veghten Drake Haight Field Hecock Field Dyckman Van Rensselaer PhiliD Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Woert Van Woert Gilmore Van Veghten Van Woert Van Woert Petti t Van Schoonhoven Taylor Wisuer Baly Wiftse Yates Newkirk Crawfoid Brinckerhoff Livingston Storm Smith Luddington Mead Van Woert Gilmore Vau Bergen Dubois Graham Wilson Van Rensselaer Philips Harrison Willet Field Hecock Graham Pearce Van Rensselaer Graham Magee Hum frey Webster Childs Armstrong McNitt Willet Welp Willet Wright Wessenfels Hardeobnrgh Harper Willet Harrison Henry LivingstonVan Rensselaer Elliot Elliot Drake Drake Drake Kronkhites Schuyler Slyngerland Van Veghten Van Rensselaer De Garmo Drake Drake Schuyler Foreast Vau Rensselaer Bries Name and Rank. Regiment. Aurson, Thomas, private Van Rensselaer Auser, After, private Hammond Auser, Isaac, private Hammond Auser, Solomon, private Hammond usgood, Nath'l, private Graham Austin, Isaac, private Drake Austin, Jobe, sergeant. Luddington Austin, John, sergeant Armstrong Austin, John, corporal Webster Austin, John, private Webster Austin, Jno., private Van Woert Austin, Justus, private Van Rensselaer Austin, Lockwood, private Wessenfels Austin, Robert, private Hopkins Austin, Robert, private Luddington Austin, Smith, private Luddington Austine, John, private Willet Austine, John, private Van Woert Avaril, Joseph, private Webster Avaril, Paul, lieut. Armstrong Avaril, Paul, sergeant Armstrong Avaril, Thomas, private Webster Averil, Paul, sergeant Webster Averil, Thomas, private Webster Company. Shaw Averts, Timothy, corporal Pawling Avery, Abel, private Piatt Avery, Abel, private Van Rensselaer Avery, Abiel, private Willet Avery, Eben'r, ensign Crane Avery, Eben'r, private Dragoons Avery, Eben'r, private Crane Avery, Elisha, private Crane Avery, Enoch, private Crane Avery, Enoch, private Crane Avery, James, private Avery, James, private Crane Avery, James, private Crane Avery, James, fifer Crane Avery, John, drummer Crane Avery, John, private Crane Avery, John, private Brinckernoff Avery, Nehemiah, private Wessenfels Avery, Neh'h, private Pawling Avery, Solomon, private Crane Avery, Solomon, private Crane Avets, John, private Graham Avia, Able, private Van Rensselaer Ayhart, Geo., private Thomas Aylsworth, Benj., captain Van Schoonhoven Ayres, Peter, corporal Ayers, Reuben, private Crane Avery, Reuben, Jr., priv. Crane Ayres, Robert, private Willet Ayres, Thomas, private Pawling Ayres, William, corporal Wessenfels Haight Crane Tozer Tozer HodgesNilesLane CraneCrane Newell Wells Tozer Tozer Thomas Tozer TozerHunter Kinntie Schermerhorn Marshall Bouton Delavan Scofield Bouton Bouton ScofieldStevenson Lawrence Scofield BoutonScofieldBoutonBrinckerhoffHardenburgh Livingston Bouton Scofield Wilson Dekker HobbyNobleLewis Lewis WrightFaulkner Brewster B. Baard, Andrew, private Babcock, Amos, corporal Babcock, Amos, private Babcock, Amos, Jr., priv. Babcock, Azariah, private Babcock, Benjamin, priv. Babcock, Benjamin, priv. Babcock, Charles, private Babcock, David, private Babcock, David, private Babcock, Elisha, private Babcock, Elisha, private Babcock, Elisha, private Babcock, Ezariah, private Babcock, James, private Babcock, James, private Babcock, James, private Babcock, James, private Babcock, Jason, sergeant Babcock, Job, private Babcock, Job IX, private SchuylerVan Rensselaer Wessenfels * Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer WilletGraham Van Rensselaer Graham Van Rensselaer Wessenfels Willet Vau Rensselaer Vau Rensselaer HathornHathorn Hays VandenburghVan Rensselaer Van Veghten Hays SharpHustedBowen Shaw Shaw Marshall Lansing Elliot Lansing NilesBowen Tearse Niles Shaw SayreShepherd AckersonWheeler Odle Gardner Babcock,Babcock, Babcock,Babcock, Babcock, Babcock,Babcock,Babcock, Babcock, Babcock,Babcock,Babcock,Babcock,Babcock,Babcock, Babcock, Babcock,Babcock,Babcock,Babcock, Babcock, JobE., private John, sergeant Jno., corporal John, private John, private John, private John, private John, private John, private John, private JohnB., private JohnB., private Jon'n, private Jon'n, private Joseph, corporal Joseph, private Joshua, private Joshua, private Nehemiah, priv. Newman, private Silas, private Hays Gardner Van Rensselaer Niles Van Rensselaer Odle Wessenfel Bowen Harper Drake Van Rensselaer Odle Van Woert Gilmore Van Woert Brown Van Rensselaer Niles Van Woert McKillip Van Rensselaer Shaw Van Rensselaer Odle Willet Tearse Van Veghten Van Rensselaer Husted Van Renselsaer Shaw Van Rensselaer Odle Van Rensselaer Randall Harper Drake Willet Tearse Van Rensselaer Niles 316 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Babcock, Silas, Jr., private Babcock, Solomon, private Babcock, Thos., private Babcock, Wm., sergeant Babelt, John, private Bacer, Jacob, private Bacer, Joseph, private Bacher, John, private Bachus, Jno., private Bachus, John, private Baches, John, private Backer, Barnert, private Backer, Garret, private Backer, Ichabod, private Backer, John, corporal Backer, John, corporal Backer, John, private Backer, John, private Backer, Judah, private Backer, Martin, private Backer, Martinus, private Backer, Martinus, private Backer, Petrus, lieut. Backer, Zenas,* private Backley, Nich's, private Backman, Henry, private Backman, John, private Backnes, John, private Backney, Nich's, private Backter, John, private Backter, Thos., private Bacon, Abel, corporal BacOn, Abel, private Bacon, James, private Bacon, Joseph, private Bacon, Penual, private Bacon, Phenias, private Bacon, Phineas, private Bacon, Winthrop, private Bacon, Winthrop, private Bacor, Herrington, private Badcock, Jou'n, private Badcock, Nehemiah, priv. Badcock, Silas, Jr,, private Bader, Francis, private Bader, Melgert, private Bader, Mebzer, private Bader, Mich'l, private Bader, Mich'l, private Bader, Mich'l, private Bader, Mich'l, private Bader, Mich'l, private Badford, And'w, private Baden, Melgar, private Badley, John, private Badman, David, private Badow, Jacob, private Baerdt, Andries, Jr., corpl. Baerdt, Andries, private Baga, James, private Bage, James, private Baggs, James, private Bagley, David, private Bagley, John, private Bagly, Josiah, private Bago, James, private Bags, James, private Barchus, Jno., private Bailer, Joseph, private Bailey, David, private Bailey, David, private Bailey, David, drummer Bailey, Elisha, private Bailey, George, sergeant Bailey, Gilbert, private Bailey, Hew, private Bailey, John.t private Bailey, John, private Regiment. Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Hays WhitingVan Rensselaer Brinckerhoff Van Rensselaer Van Alstyn Klock Klock Van Alstyn Willet Wemple Van Rensselaer Schuyler Van Rensselaer Yates Van Cortlandt Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Wynkoop WilletArmstrongWilletHays KlockWebster Klock Klock Yates Yates Malcolm Vsn Rensselaer Van Reusselaer Van Reusselaer Schuyler Yates Van Rensselaer YatesVan Rensselaer Van Veghten Van Rensselaer BradbickKlock Klock KlockKlock Klock Klock Klock Wynkoop Klock Quackenboss Klock HopkinsVan Rensselaer Schuyler YatesWemple Yates Willet Van Ness Van Ness YatesYates KlockKlock Willet Newkirk GrahamVan Rensselaer Van Rensselaer CraneVan Rensselaer Wessenfels Company. Niles NilesGardner Davis Turner Van Benschoten OdleVan Valkenburgh Miller Klock Vau Valkenburgh Debois Van Petteu Niles Ostrum Turner Hadlock Humphrey Brown Gilmore Whiteside SkinnerFonda AckersonKock Helmer Helmer HadlockBlakely Odle De Garmo Vanderhoof Tillman Yates De Garmo HadlockNiles Woodworth Niles Piatt MillerMillerHess Miller Klock CayserSuts Van Buren Miller Zeely Lane De Forest Sharp Yates Mynderse Weltse Harrison Yates Yates Miller Zeely Van Rensselaer Mc Bride BostwickOdle Odle Lockwood Odle Horton Hunt Name and Rank. Regiment. Bailey, John, private Brinckerhoff Bailey, Joseph, private Wessenfels Bailey, Joseph, private Luddington Bailey, Moses, private Pawling Bailey, Moses, private Malcom Bailey, Peleg, private Luddington Bailey, Richard, captain Hathoru Bailey, Rich'd, lieut. Hathorn Bailey, Richard, private Hathorn Bailey, Richard, private Wessenfels Bailey, Rich'd, private Williams Bailey, Stephen, private Van Alstyn Bailey, Theod's, adjutant Graham Bailey, Thomas, private Van Rensselaer Bailey, Tim'y, corporal Van Schoonhovei Bailey, Timothy, private Willet Bailey, Tim'y, private Malcom Bailey, Tim'y, private Van Alstyn Baillie, John, private Hathorn Baily, Dan'l, private Duboi3 Baily, John, private Hammond Baily, John, private Van Bergen Baily, John, private Baily, Rich'd, corporal Malcom Bain, Casp., private Livingston Baistle, John, private Van Rensselaer Bakeman, Ashmeal, private Fisher Bakeman, Asmael, private Fisher Bakeman, Eshman, private Fisher Bakeman, Ishmeal, private Fisher Bakeman, Jacob, sergeant Van Bergen Baker, Adam, private Fisher Baker, Albert, private Willet Baker, Albert, private Willet Baker, Albert, private Armstrong Baker, Andrew, private Willet Baker, And'w, private Van Rensselaer Baker, Barth'w, private Johnson Baker, Benj'n, ensign Webster Babbett, Daniel, private Field Baker, Conrad, sergeant Graham Baker, Conradt, private Pawling Baker, Coenradt, private Schuyler Baker, Dan'l, private Hammond Baker, Dan'l, private Van Bergen Baker, David, private Willet Baker, David, private Van Woert Baker, David, private Vau Rensselaer Baker, Edmund, captain Luddington Baker, Edy, private Van Veghten Baker, Eleazer, quar. mr. Luddington Baker, Elisha, private Field Baker, Garret, private Wemple Baker, Gilbert, private Hammond Baker, James, private Vandenburgh Baker, James, private Van Rensselaer Baker, Jesse, lieut. Hammond Baker, Jesse, corporal Hopkins Baker, Jesse, private Wessenfels Baker, Jesse, private Brinckerhoff Baker, Johannis S., priv. Vrooman Baker, John, private Wessenfels Baker, John, private Malcom Baker, John, private Van Woert Baker, John, private Hammond Baker, John, private Livingston Baker, Joseph, private Piatt Baker, Joseph, private Van Rensselaer Baker, Joshua, guar. mr. Luddington Baker, Joshua, Jr., private Luddington Baker, Josiah, ensign Luddington Baker, Judah, private Malcom Baker, Judah, private Hopkins Baker, Lemuel, private Yates Baker, Martinus, private Van Woert Baker, Morris, private Hammond Baker, Moses, ensign Brickerhoff Baker, Peter, lieut. Wynkoop Company. Van Wyck Westfall Waterbury Williams Livingston Baker SayresBailey Westfall Shepardsoi Truesdel OdleWhite - Livingston TruesdelTelford Gano MartlingHoneywell Horton BlakelyShaverBries (?) YatesYates YatesYates Van Schaick DegraasGray WrightLivingston Price Ostrander Childs Hecock Lansing Hunter Lansing Requa Honeywell Tearse Whiteside Niles Thompson Dykeman Van Alten Requa Van Wyck ShawRequa Brinkerhoff Dodge Brinkerhoof Thompson Gilmore Orser Shaw Van Santvoort Odle Mead MeadDelavan Barnum Vandenburgh Whiteside Requa Binckerhoff * Enlisted January, 1781 ; discharged January, 1784. Buffalo. nlisted 1778. Mt. Pleasant, Westchester Co. A. tEnli P. 20-142. A. P. 24-324. Roster of the State Troops. 317 Name and Rank. Baker, Peter, sergeant Baker, Peter, private Baker, Petrus, lieut. Baker, Phineas, private Baker, Richard, private Baker, Richard, private Baker, Samuel, private Baker, Solomou, private Baker, Solomon, sergeant Baker, Stephen, s. major Baker, Stephen, private Baker, Storm, sergeaut Baker, Timothy, private Baker, Timothy, private Baker, Thomas, private Baker, Thomas, private Baker, Thomas, private Baker, William, sergeant Baker, William,* private Baker, William, private Baker, Wm., private Baker, William, private Baker, William, private Bakus, John, private Baldman, John, private Baldwin, Aaron, private Baldwin, Alex'r, sergeant Baldwin, Alex'r, private Baldwin, Corn's, lieut. Baldwin, David, private Baldwin, Elisha, private Baldwin, Henry, private Baldwin, Hezekiah, priv. Baldwin, James, corporal Baldwin, Nathan, private Baldwin, Setb,t private Baley, Daniel, private Baley, Geo., sergeant Baley, George, private Baley, Nathaniel, private Ball, Aaron, corporal Ball, Flamen, private Ball, John, private Ball, Jno., private Ball, John, private Ball, Mattice, private Ball, Mattice, private Ball, Mattice, private Ball, Peter, quar. master Ball, Stephen, private Ball, William, private Ballard, Benony, private Ballard, Caleb, corporal Ballard, Caleb, private Ballard, John, private Ballard, Peleg, private Ballard, Tracy, private Bally, George, private Balman, John, private Balsh, Andries, private Balsle, Andries, private Balsle, Peter, private Balsley, Andrew, private Balsly, Peter, private Balyca, Simon, sergeant Balys, Dan'l, private Balys, Rich'd, captain Balys, Richard, private Balys, Rich'd, Jr., private Bamp, Sherry, private Bapmt, John, private Bancker, Abr'm, private Bancker, Flores, 1st lieut. Bancker, Francis, private Bancker, Fred'k, private Bancker, Hend'k, private Regiment. Company, Wessenfels White Van Woert Whiteside Wynkoop Piatt Lee Wessenfels White Pawling Pawling Willet Aran Rensselaer Webster Childs Armstrong McNitt Luddington Whiting Herrick Graham Lansing Webster Childs Armstrong McNitt Malcom Hays Smith Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Wessenfels White Willet Welp Pawling Sackett Dubois Lee Graham Pearce Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Klock Miller Fisher Yeoman Wessenfels Willet Gray Van Veghten Graham Sherwood Field Barnum Luddington Scribner Luddington Scribner Willet Gray Luddington Scribner Whiting Bostwick Hathorn Sheperds Van Rensselaer Randall Van Rensselaer Niles Hathorn Miller Vandenburgh Van Wyck Van Schoonhoven Collins Wessenfels Westfall Malcom McKinstry Van Schoonhoven Hicks Vrooman Stubrach Vrooman Brown Vrooman Miller VroomanVan Schoonhoven Hicks Pawling Burnet Harper Harrison Luddington Mead Wessenfels Thompson Pawling Williams Luddington Mead Lundington Scribner Van Rensselaer Odle Fisher Fisher Klock House Klock House- Klock Helmer Klock Zeely Klock Cayser Johnson Ostrander Lansing Shepherd Wisner Hathorn Shepherd Wisner Balys Pawling Livingston Wemple Bancker Hays Stevenson Van Schaick Wessenfels Hardenburgh Humphrev Hammond Requa Name and Rank. Regiment, Bancker, James, private Harper Bancker, Nich's, private Hammond Bancker, Nich's, private Hammond Bancker, Solomon, private Johnson Bancker, Thomas, captain Wemple Bancker, Tho's B., captain Wemple Banday, Elisha, private Van Rensselaer Banick, Geo., private Banker, Garret, private Banker, John, private Banker, Nich's, private Banker, Thomas, private Banks, Arthur, sergeant Banks, Benj'n, private Banks, David, private Banks, John, sergeant Banks, John, private Banks, Jon'n, sergeant Banks, Obediah,! private Mead Banks, Jon'n, sergeant Thomas Banks, Jon'n, corporal Banks, Jon'D, corporal Banks, Jon'n, corporal Banks, Jon'n, private Banks, Sam'l, sergeant Banks, Sam'l, sergeant Banks, Sam'l, private Banks, Sam'l, private Banks, Sam'l, private Banson, John, private Banter, John, private Banter, John, private Banter, Hendnck, private Van Schoonhoven Banter, Helebrant, private Willet Banmer, John, sergeant Van Schoonho'n Banvert, Abr'm, private Field Bany, Ichabod, private Bellinger Barber, Benjamin, private Whiting Barber, Edward, private Van Rensselaer Barber, Elisha, private Barber, Elisha, private Barber, James, private Barber, John, adjutant Barber, John, lieut. Barber, John, lieut. Barber, John, corporal Barbor, John, private Barber, John, private Barber, John, private Barber, John, private Barber, Jon'n, corporal Barber, Jon'n, corporal Barber, Jon'n, private Barber, Joseph, private Barber, Joseph, private Barber, Moses, lieut. Barber, Reuben, private Barber, Reuben, private Barber, Reuben, private Barber, Sam'l, private Barber, Simeon, corporal Barber, Simeon, private Barber, Solomon, private Barber, Thomas, private Barber, William, private Barber, Wm., private Barch, George, private Barchwith, John, corporal Willet Barcker, Peter, private Vau Veghten Barckley, James, private Barcky, Jacob, private Barclay, John, sergeant Barcley, James, private Barcup, Andrew, privat Bard, Francis, private Bard, Peter, private Pawling Schuyler BrinckerhoffVan Bergen Graham SchuylerVan Ness WilletDragoonThomas Thomas Thomas Lyon ThomasThomas ThomasThomas Thomas ThomasThomas Van Rensselaer Van Veghten Van Schoonhoven Wessenfels Pawling Van Woert Hathorn HathornNewkirk Webster WebsterWebster WebsterArmstrong WilliamsWebsterArmstrong Wessenfels Pawling Vandenburgh Wessenfels Hopkins Schuyler Luddington Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Schoonhoven Hopkins Graham Van Rensselaer Klock JohnsonBellinger Lansing Johnson Willet Schuyler X. Company. Al!on CombMartlcng OstraDder DeWitt Vischer Van Wyck Honeywell Conklin Slingerlan£tConineDelavanSt. John Lyon Howe St. John Hobby Thomas LyonLyonLyonLyonLyon Moseman Hobby Husted Hicks Hicks Fonda Aylsworth Hecock Staring Gilbert Miles Westfall Westfall Pettit Tedford VankeurenHamilton Hamilton Ttibmas Hamilton Wilson HamiltonLong Wilson Westfall Westfall Storm PawlingBarnum Tillman KnappWoodworthWinne Vandenburgh Barnum Lansing Odle " Kocks Livingston Johnson Frank Houston JansenHarrison Slyngerland Min thorn * Enlisted April 10, 1781, as drummer in Capt. Durey's, lost his feet by frost in winter of 1782. Dutchess Co., A. P. 20-380. t Grosvenor s (Connt. Regt.), Ballston, Saratoga Co. A. P. 23-19. X Shot through left arm and body while on a reconnoitering party on L. I. Sound in a boat under Captain Elnathan Close, Oct. 23, 1779. Laborer, Outward N. Y. C. A. 215. 318 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Barden, Isaac, private Barder, Michael, private Bardine, William, private Bardsley, John, private Bardsley, Levi, private Bardsly, Stiles, sergeant Bardt, Nicholas,* lieut. Barely, Isaac, private Baremore, Henry, drum. Baremore, Marshall, priv. Baremore, Marshall, priv. Baremore, Wm., private Barganer, Peter, private Bargor, Peter, private Barhart, Jerem'h, private Barheit, Tunis, private Barheyd, Elish, private Barbeydt, Jacob, private Barheydt, Wouter, private Barliout, Corn's, private Barhout, John, private Barbout, Lewes, private Barhout, Nich's, lieut. Barhout, Thunes, private Barhuydt, Jacob, private Barhydt, Jacob, private Barhydt, James, private Barhydt, Jno., private Barhydt, Nich's, lieut. Barhyte, Walter, private Bark, George, private Barker, Elihu, sergeant Barker, James, private Barker, John, drummer Barker, John, private Barker, Levi, private Barker, Nath'Ij sergeant Barker, Nathan, private Barker, Peter, lieut. Barker, Philip, private Barker, Sam'l, priyate Barker, Solomon, private Barkere, Thomas, private Barker, William, private Barker, Zenos, private Barkerd, Hermanus, priv. Barkeyt, Wouter, private Barkill, Lewis, private Barkins, David, private Barkley, Thomas, sergeant Barkman, John, private Barlet, John, private Barley, James, private Barley, Jonathan, private Barlow, Joseph, private Barlow, Joseph, private Barlow, Natnan, private Banuore, Wm., private Barn Hauk, John, private Barnard, Siraou, corporal Barne, Samuel, private Barner, Joseph, private Barner, Simon, private Barnes, Benoni, sergeant Barnes, Elisha, private Barnes, Glen, private Barnes, Guilliam, private Barnes, Jacob, corporal Barnes, Jacob, private Barnes, Jacob, private Barnes, James, sergeant Barnes, James, private Barnes, James, private Barnes, James, private Barnes, Jesse, private Barnes, John, corporal Barnes, Johu, private Barus, John, private Regiment. Whiting Klock Johnson Yates Yates Whiting Clyde Fisher Hays Vandenburgh Dubois Livingston Luddington Wynkoop Fisher Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Vau Reusselaer Wemple Wemple Wemple Wemple Wemple Wemple Wemple Wemple Wemple Van Rensselaer Pawling Whiting Vau Rensselaer WilletWillet Whiting ArmstrongHopkins Whiting Willet Binckerhoff Whiting Van Bergen WilletWillet SchuylerFisherBrinckerhoff Newkirk Graham Fisher Drake Cantine Cortland WessenfelsField BrinckerhoffWillet Company. Gilbert Cayser Ostrander Brown Salisbury Diefendorf Snooks Smith Wheeler Lee Fonda Pulver Lane Swart McMaster Woodworth SchermerhornSchermerhorn Wansou Fonda Mynderson Outhout Fonda Van Slyck Van Slyck Steenbergh Van Slyck Fonda Bries Burnet King Elliot Pearcy Pearcy King McNittLane Kings Putman Brower King Witbeck Cannon DeboisVan Wee FisherBrinckerhoff McBride Williams Yates KronkhitesHasbrouck Hecock Fonda Van Wyck Elsworth Van Schoonho'n Van Deuburgh Graham Willet Van Schoonho'n Whiting Wessenfels Wessenfels Malcom Malcom Fisher Van Schoonhoven WebsterArmstrongGraham Van Ness Willet Wessenfels Pawling Lansing Cannon Taylor Gilbert McKinstry Wemple Child3 McNitt Lansing WrightWhite H unter Name and Rank. WebsterWebster GrahamWhiting Whiting Brinckerhoff Webster VandenburghBrinckerhoff Regiment. Company. Childs McNitt Lansing Gilbert Gilbert Van Wyck Long Storm Brower WoodPawling Shaver Hadlock SmithShaver VaunTtensselaer Elliot Van Bergen Hoghtaling Van Bergeu Dubois Williams Rice Williams Shepardson Williams Shepardson Barnes, John, private Barnes, John, private Barnes, Joseph, private Barnes, Nath'l, private Barnes, Samuel, private Barnes, Solomon, private Barnes, Thomas, private Barnes, Wm., private Barnes, Wm., private Barnes, Wm., Jr., private Pawling Barnet, John, private Pawling Barnet, John, private Livingston Barnet, Moses, private Yates Barnet, Nathaniel, private Wessenfels Barnet, Simon, private Livingston Barnet, Simon, private Barnet, Symon, private Barnett, John, private Barnett, John, private Barney, Edward, private Barney, James, private Barney, Johu, private Baruham, Thos., corporal Vau Schoonho'n Collins (?) Livingston Barnhard, Henry, private Humphrey Barnhardt, Chas., corporal Fisher McMaster Barnhart, Charles, private Fisher McMaster Barnhart, Christr., private Graham Hermance Barnhart, Christr., private Graham Husted Barnhart, Henry, private Van Rensselaer De Garmo Barnhart, Johu, corporal Fisher McMaster Barnhart, Johu, private Fisher McMaster Barnhart, John, private Fisher Snook Barnhart, Joseph, private Van Rensselaer De Garmo Barnhart, Philip, private Vrooman Heager Barnhart, Wm., private Vrooman Barnhoke, John, private Brinkerhoff Van Wyck (?) Barnord, Simon, corporal Willet Elsworth Barns, Benoni, sergeant Van Schoonho'n Taylor Barns, Glean, private Cortland Barns, J. Van Ostrant.priv. Hays Tourneur Barns, Jacob, private , Fisher Fisher Barns, James, sergeant Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Barns, James, sergeaut Van Schoonhoven Visscher Barns, James, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Barns, John, private Armstrong McNitt Barns, John, private Fisher Fisher Barns, John, private Brinckerhoff Van Wyck (?) Barns, Nath'l, corporal Harper - Allen Barns, Nath'l, private Harper Allen Barns, Samuel, private Harper Allen Barns, Thomas, private Barnum, Aza, captain Baruum, Azar, captain Barnum, Bethuel, ensign Barnum, Bethuel, ensign Barnum, Bethuel, private Van Rensselaer Barnum, Isaac, private Van Rensselaer Barnum, Israel, private Willet Barnum, Israel, private Van Rensselaer Barnum, Jabez, private Van Reusselaer Barnum, Jonah, corporal Field Barnum, Levy, sergeant Harper Barnum, Noah, corporal Wessenfels Barnum, Noah, corporal Field Barnum, Noah, private Field Barnum, Samuel, surgeon Crane Barnum, Stephen, private Wessenfels Barnum, Stephen, private Field Barnum, Thomas, sergeant Van Schoonhoven Collins Barnum, Thomas, sergeant Van Schoonhoven Hicks Baruum, William, private Van Rensselaer Staats Barnum, Will., private Van Rensselaer Van Schoonnoven Collins (?) , Field Hopkins Van Rensselaer Townsena Van Reusselaer Schermerhorn Bries Bries Livingston Bries Staats Barnum Drake Shephard Barnum Barnum ShepherdBarnum Baron, Anth'y, private Piatt Baroon, Anth'y, private Pawling Barope, Andrew, private Wemple Barope, John, private Wemple Barope, Thomas, private Wemple Barr, Daniel, private Wessenfels Townsend Brodhead Pawling MyndersonFonda Wanson Brewster * Wounded in the breast at Johnstown, Oct. 25, 1781, Canajoharie district. B. 136, C. 87. Roster of the State Troops. 319 Name and Rank. Barr, John, lieut. Barr, John, lieut. Barr, Jon'n, private Barr, Moses, fifer Barrans, Jacob, private Barrans, John, private Barrerd, Peter, private Barrel, Colman, private Barres, James, private Barret, Abraham, private Barret, Abraham, private Barret, Isaac, Jr., private Barret, John, private - Barret, John, corporal Barret, John, private Barret, John, private Barret, Marcus, sergeant Barret, Marcus, sergeant Barret, Nath'l, corporal Barret, Reuben, private Barret, Reuben, private Barret, Samuel, private Barret, William, private Barrett, Abraham, private Barrett, Barth'w, sergeant Barrett, Bethuel, private Barrett, Isaac, private Barrett, Isaac, private Barrett, John, private Barrett, Jonathan, private Barrett, Justus, private Barrett, Marcus, sergeant Barrett, Reuben, private Barrett, Samuel, private Barrett, Samuel, private Barrett, Will., private Barrick, George, private Barrick, George, private Barringer, David, sergeant Barringer, David, sergeant Barringer, John, private Barringer, Peter, private Barringer. Philip, private Barrington, Lewis, private Barrit, Jon'n, private Barrow, Daniel, private Barrow, Daniel, private Barrow, Dan'l, private Barry, Sam'l, private I Barry, William, private Barsh, Adam, private Barsh, Ludolph, private Barsh, Rudolph, private Barst, Johannes, private Bart, Andries, private Bart, Andries, private Barte, Nich's, fieut. Bartel, Andries, private Bartel, Will., private Barten, Joseph, private Bartholf, Cornelius, priv. Bartholf, Cozinas, private Bartholf, Crinus, corporal Bartholf, Henry, ensign Bartholf, James, private Bartholf, John, private Bartholf, Peter, captain Bartholf, Stephen, private Bartholomew, Dehobald, p. Barth'w, Dewalt, private Barth'w, Dewalt, private Barth'w, Jabold, private Barth'w, Jeptha, private Barth'w, John, private Barth'w, Joseph, private Barth'w, Joseph, private v Barth'w, Samuel, private Barth'w, Philip, private Barth'w, Stephen, private Barth'w, Zebalt, private Bartine, Sam'l, private Bartle, Andries, private Regiment. Wessenfels Wessenfels Dubois Willet Fisher FisherHarperWhitingYatesThomas ThomasLuddingtonWessenfelsPawlingCantineLuddington Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Luddington MalcomThoma3 WilletThomasLuddington LuddingtonLuddington W illet LuddingtonThomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Luddington Johnson Johnson Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Harper Van Rensselaer PawlingPawling Wynkoop Luddingto Harper Klock Klock Piatt WilletVan Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Clyde Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Schoonhoven Hick Company. Bowen Westfall GanoWrightFisher Fisher Harrison BostwickBrown St. John Mosenia MeadDodge Hunter HasbrouckLane St. John Moseman Moseman St. John Stevenson Knapp Delavan Moseman HaleMoseman Baker LaneMead MarshallMead Moseman Moseman St. John Moseman MeadCrossJohnson Sharp HustedHusted Elliot Husted Bogart Hawley De Witt LivingstonVan Beuren KnappPutmanWagner Wagner Bradbick Debois De Forest Sharp Diffendorf BriesBries Hathorn Hathorn Hathorn Hathorn Hathorn Ha them Hathorn Hathorn Vrooman Willet GrahamVrooman WebsterWebster Webster Armstrong Webster Yates Webster Vrooman Luddington Van Rensselaer MillerBailey (?) Bartholf Bartholf BartholfBartholf Bartholf Livingston Lansing Tozer Tozer Tozer Tozer Tozer Brown Mead Bries Name and Rank. Regiment. Bartle, William, private Van Rensselaer Bartlet, Barth'w, sergeant Armstrong Bartlet, Geo., private Bartlet, Hans, private Wessenfels Bartlet, Joseph, private Harper Bartlet, Levi, private Pawling Bartlett, Barth w, sergeant Webster Bartlett, Barth' w, corporal Webster Bartlett, Barth'w, private Webster Bartlett, Geo., private Crane Bartley, Abr'm, private Malcom Bartley, Dan'l, private Bartley, Eben'r, private Bartley, Jacob, private Bartley, Jacob, private Bartley, James, private Bartley, Mich'l, private Bartley, Simon, private Bartly, Esaias, corporal Bartoff, Henry, lieut. Bartoff, Peter, captain Bartoff, Stephen, corporal Wisner Bartolf, Crinus, corporal Hathorn Bartolf, Crinus, corporal Bartolf, Henry, (?) lieut. Bartolf, Henry, ensign Bartolf, Peter, captain Bartolf, Samuel, private Barton, Caleb, corporal Barton, Caleb, private Barton, Caleb, private Barton, Elijah, private Barton, Gilbert, private Barton, Gilbert, private Barton, Isaac, private Barton, Stephen, private Bartons, Elisha, private Bartow, Andrew, private Barupt, John, private Barus, Wm., sergeant Barwell, James, private Barwick, Robert, private Baseman, John, private Basford, Wm., s. m. Bashford, James, private Bashford, Wm., corporal Basseroom, John, private Bassett, Caesar, private Bassett, Cesar, private Basset, Cesar, private Basset, John, private Basset, Nehemiah, private Whiting Bassett, Seth, private Yates Basteyance, Jno., sergeant Wemple Basteyance, John, private Wemple Bastick, Edwd., corporal Van Rensselaer Batehellor, Zeph., lieut. Bate, James, private Hays Bateluthermark, J., private Clyde Bateman, John, adjutant Harper Bateman, John, lieut. Bates, Elisha, private Bates, Hickby, sergeant Bates, Huke, private Bates, Joseph, private Bates, Justus, private Bates, Michl., private Bates, Stephen, sergeant Bates, Will., private Bates, Zeph., private Bates, Zepheniah, private Batey, Samuel, private Batinger, Martiu, private Batman, Reuben, private Batts, Elisha, private Batts, Johs., private Bauch, Christian, sergeant Vrooman Bauch, Christ., sergeant Vrooman Bauch, Christ., sergeant Bauch, Christn., private Bauch, Corn's, sergeant Bauch, Corn's, corporal Wemple Hathorn Wessenfels Pawling WempleWempleLivingston FisherWisner Wisner HathornHathorn Hathorn HathornHathornDrakeDrakeDrakeLuddingtonDubois Luddington Johnson Newkirk Drake Luddington Wemple BrinckerhoffJohnson Hays Pawling Drake Luddington Drake Livingston PawlingWessenfels Pawling Fisher Harper Crane HopkinsBrinckerhoffVan Rensselaer Wessenfels Klock Brinckerhoff Yates VandenburghVan Cortland WilletClyde Van Rensselaer CraneLivingston Vrooman VroomanVrooman Vrooman Company. Bries McNitt Truesdell BrewsterHarrison Hunter Long Long LongTruesdel McKinstry Van Petten Mervin Dodge Wood Bancker BanckerHouserad Fisher Bartoff Bartoff Miller Bartolf Bailey BartolfBailey BoydBoyd Haight LaneLeeLaneMastinCrawfordHaight Lane Bancker Storm Concklin GardnerPiercy Lane Haight Rockenfelle Livingston PawlingPawling DavisYates WansonMynderson Van Allen Fonda Tourneur LeipeVrooman Lewis Van Benschoten Brower Shaw Miller BrinckerhoS! Brown Van Wyck Livingston House Turner Scofield Shaver Heager Richtmyer Becker Becker Rigbtmier 320 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment Bauch, Corn's, private Vrooman Bauch, David, private Vrooman Bauman, Fred'k, private Bellinger Bauman, Geo. A., private Bellinger Bauch, Henrich, private Bauch, Henrich, private Bauch, Henrich, private Bauch, Henrich, Jr., priv. Bauch, Jacob, private Bauch, Johs., lieut. Bauch, Johannis, private Bauch, John, private Bauch, John, private Bauch, John, private Bauch, Lawrence, private Bauch, Nich's, private Bauch, Nich's, private Bauch, Nich's, private Bauch, Nicholas, private Bauch, Nich's, private Bauch, Nich's Win., private Vrooman Bauch, Peter, private Vrooman Bauch, Thomas, private Bauch, Thomas, private Bauch, Thomas, private Bauch, Thomas, private Bauch, Wm., private Bauch, Wm., private Bauck, William, private Baul, Samuel, private Baum, Fred'k, private Baum, Philip, private Bauman, Adam, private Bauman, Adam, private Bauman, Fred'k, private Bauman, Fred'k, private Bauman, Geo. A., private Bauman, Hannis, private Bauman, Jacob, sergeant Bauman, Nich's, private Bauman, Stophel, private Baunger, Jacob, private Baus, Peter, private Baut, Conrat, private Bauvelt, Abraham, sergeant Hays Bavier, John, private Johnson Bawert, John, sergeant Bawin, Philip, private Bawman, John, captain Baxter, Benj'n, private Baxter, David, private Baxter, Isaac, private Baxter, John,* private Baxter, Lockard, private Baxter, Oliver, private Baxter, Thomas, private Baxter, Thomas, private Baxter, Thomas, Baxtor, Aaron, private Bay, John, private Bayard, John, corporal Bayard, Valentine, corporal Klock Bayelas, John, private Bayer, John, private Bayer, John, private Bayham, Robert, private Bayham, Robert, private Bayles, Joseph, private Bayley, Asher, private Bayley, Devow, private Bayley, Devoe, private Bayley, Elias, private Bayley, Jacob, private Bayley, James, private Bayley, Sam'l, private Bays, James, private Bazley, James, private Bazillai, Ransom, private Beach, Benj'n, private Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman VroomanVroomanVrooman VroomanVrooman VroomanVrooman Vrooman Vrooman VroomanVroomanVroomanVrooman VroomanVroomanVroomanVrooman Vrooman VroomanWillet KlockHarper Klock Bellinger Bellinger BellingerWempleBellinger BellingerBellinger Bellinger BellingerVan Rensselaer WhitingVan Bergen Willet Klock Clyde Crane Crane Dragoons Crane Drake Dragoons Willet Crane Willet Van Rensselaer Klock Yates Klock FisherHathorn HathornHathorn Van Rensselaer Drake DrakeLuddingtonWemple Drake Hopkins Van Rensselaer Drake Wessenfels Yates Company. Rightmier Herder Herder H eager Becker Brown Stubrach H eager Brown Becker H eager Miller Richtmyer Heager Heager Brown StrubachMillerRichtmyerBecker Heager DeboisCaysonPutman Miller Herder Staring Staring Van Petteu HerderHerderHerder Herder Herder Sharp Gilbert Onderdonck Johnson Gray Miller Lawrence Truesdell Delavan Truesdell Haight ' Delavan Pearcy Truesdell Henry Muller CayserCayserSutsVeeder Minthorn McCamply Minthorn Elliot Delivan Haight Mead Mynderson HaightLane DeGarmo LivingstonWeltse Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Salsbury WellsKlock OosterhoudtPearcy Oosterhoudt Scofield Klock Zeely Van Schaick Tillman Tillman Wilson Beach, Rawsel, private Whiting Beach, Tho's, private Van Woert Beacker, Henry, private Klock Beacraft, Jon'n, sergeant Van Rensselaer Beacraft, Tho's, sergeant Willet Beacraft, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Beadient, Zalmon, private Crane Beadle, Mich'l, q. mr. Van Veghten Beagle, Ab'm, private Drake Beaker, Hend'k B., private Klock Bealon, Joseph, private Klock Beam, Adam, private Beam, Adam, private Schuyler Beam, John, private Schuyler Beam, Wm., private Graham Beams, Jerem'h, sergeant Van Veghten Bean, William, private Pawling Pawling Bear, Cuffy, private Wynkoop Bear, Yury, private Wynkoop Dedrick Beard, Francis, private Schuyler Slingerlandt Beard, John, private Wessenfels Westfall Beard, John, private Willet Tearse Bearmour, Henry, private Clyde Van Everat Bears, John, corporal Hathorn Shepherd Bears, Timothy, private Hathorn ayres Bearsh, Jonn, private Livingston Smith Beater, Jacob, private Dubois De Mont Beath, Rob't, corporal Wemple Fonda Beatb, Teller, private Wemple Mynderse Beath, Thomas, private Wemple Van Pelten Beatis, Robert, private Cantine Hasbrouck Beats, Jesse, private Van Rensselaer Turner Beatty, Alex'r, t lieut. McClaughry Tilford Beatty, John, private Williams McNitt Beatty, Thomas, private Armstrong Armstrong Beaty, John, private Webster McNitt Beaty, John, private Hathorn Brodhead Beauman, Adam, private Bellinger Frank Beauman, Jacob, sergeant Bellinger Frank (?) Beauman, Nich's, private Bellinger Herder Beaur, John, private Wynkoop Swart Beaver, John, private Wynkoop Swart Beaver, Peter, private Wynkoop Swart Beaye, Jas., private Drake Delivan Bebee, Peter; private Willet Van Rensselaer Beccus, Joseph, corporal Armstrong McNitt Bechus, John, private Webster Childs Becker, Ab'm, private Willet Harrison Becker, Ab'm, private Vrooman Heager Becker, Ab'm, private Vrooman Richtmyer Becker, Ab'm, private Vrooman Becker Becker, Adam, private Graham Lansing Becker, Adam, private Vrooman Heager Becker, Adam, private Schuyler Lansing Becker, Adam, private Van Rensscaer Schermerhorn Becker, Albartus, sergeant Vrooman Richtmyer Becker, Albartus, private Vrooman Becker Becker, Albertus, lieut. Harper Becker, Alb., private Vrooman Becker, Alb., Jr., private Vrooman Rightmier Becker, Bill, private Vrooman Becker, Coenraed, private Vrooman Heager Becker, Corn's P., private Vrooman Richtmyer Becker, David, private Vrooman Rightmier Becker, David, private Van Woert Whiteside Becker, David, Jr., private Vrooman Becker, Fred'k, private Vrooman Becker, Frederick, private Vrooman Heager Becker, Garret, private Vrooman Rightmier Becker, Garret, private Schuyler Hogan Becker, George, private Vrooman Stubrach Becker, George, private Vrooman Brown Becker, George, private Vrooman Miller Becker, Gerard, private Vrooman -Richtmyer Becker, Gerred, private Vrooman Becker, Gerret, private Vrooman Becker, Harmanus, private Vrooman Rightmier Becker, Harmanus, private Vrooman Becker, Heud'k, private Vrooman Richtmyer * Wounded in the shoulder and left arm, Westchesr Co. C, 41. t Served from December, 1776, through summer of 1777, New Windsor, Orange Co. A. P. 23-261, 124, 55. Roster of the State Troops. 321 Name and Rank. Regiment. Becker, Hend'k, private Klock Becker, Henrich, private Vrooman Becker, Henry, sergeant Bellinger Becker, Henry, private Klock Becker, Jacob, private Vrooman Beekman, Henry, private Malcom Becker, Henry, private Schuyler Becker, Isaac, ensign Vrooman Becker, Jacob, private Vrooman Becker, Jacob, private Vrooman Becker, Jacob, private Vrooman Becker, Jacob, private Vrooman Becker, Jacob, private Livingston Becker, Johannis, private Vrooman Becker, Johannis, private Vrooman Becker, Johannis, private Van Bergen Becker, Johau's A., sergt. Vrooman Becker, Joh's Ab'm, priv. Vrooman Becker, Joh's Alb's, priv. Vrooman Becker, Johan's A., priv. Vrooman Becker,John's F., private Vrooman Becker, Johan's H., priv. Vrooman Becker, Johan's J., priv. Vrooman Becker, Johan's J., 'private ATrooman Becker, Johan's B., corp'l Vrooman Becker, John H., private Vrooman Becker, Johannis, P., priv. Vrooman Becker, Johs. Wm., priv. Vrooman Becker, John, private Becker, Johu, private Becker, John, private Becker, John, private Becker, John, private Becker, John, private Becker, John, private Willet Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Yates Van Woert Van Bergen Yates Becker, John, private Becker, John Ab., sergeant Vrooman Becker, Juo. Ab., private Vrooman Becker, John Albs., corpl. Vrooman Becker, John Al., private Vrooman Becker, John A., private Vrooman Becker, John B., private Vrooman Becker, John G., fifer Vrooman Becker, John H., private Vrooman Becker, John I, private Vrooman Becker, John J., private Vrooman Becker, John P., corporal Vrooman Becker, John P., private Vrooman Becker, Jno. S., private Vrooman Becker, John St., private Vrooman Becker, John N., private Vrooman Becker, John Wm., private Vrooman Becker, Joost, major Vrooman Bechas, Joseph, private Becker, Lodowick, privai Becker, Martin, private Becker, Nichs., private Becker, Peter, private Becker, Peter, private Becker, Peter, private Becker, Peter, private Becker, Philip, private Becker, Philip, private Becker, Philip, private Becker, Philip, private Becker, Silas, sergeant Becker, Storm, captain Becker, Storm, sergeant Becker, Storm, sergeant Becker, Storm, sergeant Becker, Storm, corporal Becker, Storm, private Becker, Storm A, lieut. Becker, Storm A., privat Becker, Wm., ensign Becker, Wm., private Becker, Wm., private- Becker, Wm., private Becker, Wm., private Becket, John, private Company. Cayser RightmierHarber Kock Stubrach CantineHoganRichtmyerBrown Stubrach Miller Richtmyer Smith Stubrach Miller Rightmier Richtmyer Heager RichtmyerRightmierRichtmyerRichtmyer Richtmye Rightmier LivingstonBrownStubrach Miller Yates Hodges Witbeck Brown RichtmyerBeckerStubrach RichtmyerMiller RightmierBecker Rightmier Rightmier Richtmyer Richtmyer Becker Webster Childs Schuyler Hogan Van Woert Whitesides Vrooman Klock Ruff Wessenfels Brewster Clyde House Vrooman Becker Klock Kock Klock Kock Graham Lansing Schuyler Hogan Hathorn Brodhead Vrooman Graham Lansing Vrooman Rightmier Vrooman Stubrach Vroman Vrooman Willet Harrison Vrooman Rightmier Humfrey Graham Lansing Vrooman Stubrach Vrooman Brown Vrooman Miller Hathorn Case Name and Rank. Regiment. Becket, Runnel, private Van Rensselaer Beckins, Elijah, private Graham Beekman, J., sergt. major Malcom Beekman, John, sergeant Malcom Bechus, Elijah, private Beckus, Elijah, private Beckus, John, private Beckurth, Daniel, private Beckwith, Daniel, private Beckwith, David, private Beckwith, John, s. m. Beckworth, Wm., private Bedal, Will., private Becraft, Willm., private Beddle, Danl., private Bedell, Jesse, private Beder, Christian, private Bedford, Andrew, private Bedford, Corns., private Bedford, Cornelius, private Pawling Bedford, John, private Wynkoop Bedford, Jonas, private Bedford, Jones, private Bedford, Simon, private Bedhig, John, captain Bedient, Falmon, private Beedle, Saml., private Bedle, Thomas, private Bedleston, Henry, private Van Veghten Bedivel, Daniel, sergeant Willet Beebe, Bodnck, private Beebe, Constant, private Beebe, Constant, private Beebe, David, private Beebe, Martin, major Beebe, Nath'l, corporal Beebe, Nath'l, private Beebe, Nath'l, private Beebe, Nath'l, private Bebee, Philo, corporal Beebe, Philo, private Beeby, Peter, private Beeby, Constant, sergeant Graham Beeby, Constant, private Graham Beech, Benjn., private Beedle, Danl., private Beedle, John, corporal Beedle, John, private Beedle, Joseph, private Beedle, Thos., private Beek, Nichs., private Beeker, David, private Beeker, Gerrit, private Beeker, John, private Beeker, John, private Beeker, Joseph, private Beeker, Peter, corporal Beeker, Solomon, private Beeker, Wouter, private Beekers, John, private Beekman, Benj., corporal Beekman, Benj., private Beekman, Ben]., private Beekman, Benj., private Beekman, Corns., lieut. Beekman, Corns,, lieut. Beekman, Garret G., priv. Drake Beekman, Hend'k, private Wynkoop Beekman, Hendricus, priv. Wynkoop Beekman, Jacob, private Willet Beekman, John, Jr., priv. Snyder Beekman, John, Jr., private Wynkoop Beekman, J. H., lieut.-col. Van Rensselaer Beekman, John I., sergeant Wynkoop Beekman, John J., sergeant Piatt Beekman, Theophs., priv. Klock Beekman, Thomas, private Wynkoop Beekman, Tjerck, lieut. Hooghteling Beeler, Jacob, private Klock Beeler, Joseph, private Klock Webster Armstrong Armstrong Willet WilletDubois Whiting WhitingVan Rensselaer Wemple Van Veghten Brinckerhoff Hathorn WyukoopPawling Pawling PiattWynkoop Klock Crane Drake Van Veghten Whiting WhitingVan Rensselaer Whitiug Whiting Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Whiting Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Vau Veghten Brower Brinckerhoff Van Veghten Van Veghten SchuylerVan Woert Quackenboss WessenfelsYates Klock Cuyler WilletQuackenboss Webster Wessenfels Wessenfels Wynkoop WynkoopSnyder Wynkoop Company. De Forest Sherwood CantineCantine Childs McNitt McNittTearse Henry Chamberlain Salsbury Bostwick Bries Dietz,Van Woert BrinckerhoffBogardus Swartz Hunter Pawling PawlingBrodheadDeWitt Strang Winne GrayCady Davis Cady Davis Gilmore Wells GilmoreDotyNoble Cady Shaw Williams LansingDeGarmo Van Woert Brinckerhoff SchuttVan Woert Van Woert OstrumDoty Van Wie Brewster Yates Kock Livingston Van Wie ChildsPawling Pawling Van Beuren SwartsSwartsVan Buren Boyd Bogardus Van Buren ConineSwarts SwartsBrodheadMiller Van Buren KockKock 41 322 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Beelman, Jacob, private Beelman, John, private Beely, Jacob, private Beely, Tim'y, corporal Beem, Jno., private Beer, Adam, private Beer, Henry, corporal Beer, Henry, private Beer, John, private Beers, Fanton, private Beers, John, private Beets, Jacob, private Beets, James, lieut. Begal, John, private Begal, Samuel, private Begal, Stephen, private Begel, John, private Begerdis, Robis, private Begleston, Henry, private Begordus, James, ensign Begordus, Peter, private Begrave, Mich'l, ensign Bekler, Garret, private Belew, Isaac, sergean Belew, Isaac, private Belknap, Abel, lieut. Belknap, Abel, ensign Belknap, Jacob, private Belknap, Thomas, private Bell, Fred'k, private Bell, Fred'k, private Bell, George,* private Bell, Hendrick, private Bell, Hendrick, private Bell, Henry, private Bell, Henry, private Bell, Jacob, private Bell, Jacob, private Bell, John, captain Bell, John, private Bell, John, private Bell, Martin, private Bell, Matt'w, private Bell, Nich's, corporal Bell, Robert, private Bell, Stephen, private Bell, Thomas, private Bell, Tho's, private Bell, William, sergeant Bell, William, private Bell, William, private Bell, William, private Bell, Wm., private Bell, William, private ell, William, private Bell, Wm., private Bell, Wm., Jr., private Bell, Wm., Sr., private Bell, Wm., Sen'r, private Bell, Wm. W., private Bellas, Jonas, private Billiger, Michael, sergeant Bellengar, Fred'k, private Bellinger, Adam, corporal Bellinger, Adam, private Bellinger, Adam, private Bellinger, Adam, private Bellinger, Adam, private Bellinger,. Christ'n, private Bellinger, Fred'k, lieut.-col Bellinger, Fred'k, private Bellinger, Fred'k, private Bellinger, Fred' k, private Bellinger, Fred'k, private Bell, G. Henry, guide Bellinger, Hannis, private Bellinger, Hend'k, private Bellinger, Hend'k, private Bellinger, Henry, private Regiment. Company. Schuyler Van Aerman Schuyler Van Aerman Klock Kock Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Rensselaer Deucker Wynkoop WynkoopWynkoop WynkoopCrane rtiockwood Lansing Shepherd Newkirk McBride Dubois Chamberlain Van Rensselaer Staats Van Rensselaer Woodworth Luddington Lane Van Rensselaer Townsend Van Bergen Witbeck Van Veghten Van Woert Van Bergen Hoghtaling Van Bergen Hoghtaling Van Schoonhoven Collins WempleDrake Drake Van Veghten Van Veghten Hathorn Wessenfels Clyde ClydeBellinger Hays HaysHays BrinckerhoffBellinger Bellinger Bays Fisher Van Rensselaer Van Woert Harper BellingerMalcolm Schuyler Johnson Bellinger Hays Webster Webster Armstrong Malcom CooperHays Hays Bays Bays Hays Hathorn Johnson Klock Piatt Clyde ClydeKlock Klock Harper Bellinger Klock Klock Clyde KlockBellingerBellinger Klock Klock Clyde Van Petten Woodworth Thompson Case Hardenburgh Diffendorf LeipeEdge BellBlauvelt Van Benschouten Frank Herder McMaster Turner Gilmore Drake StaringLansingSmithFrank Bell McNittMcNittGardner GardnerHortonOnderdonk BellOnderdonkBell Mervin JohnsonHess Bradbick Diffendorf HouseCayser Suts Putman Zeely House Leipe Wagner HerderCayser House Diffendorf Name and Rank. Regiment. Bellinger, Henry, private Klock Bellinger, Henry, private Klock Bellinger, Johannis, priv. Vrooman Bellinger, Joh's L., lieut. Vrooman Bellinger, John L., ensign Vrooman Bellinger, Johan' sL., en gnBellinger Bellinger, Johan's L., en'gn Bellinger Bellinger, Johan's L., en'gn Vrooinan Bellinger, John, corporal Bellinger Bellinger, John, corporal Bellinger Bell, John, private Malcomb Bellinger, John, private Vrooman Bellinger, John, private Bellinger Bellinger, Joost, corporal Klock Bellinger, Jost, corporal Klock Bellinger, Jost, private Klock Bellinger, Marcus, Jr.,corp. Vrooman Bellinger, Marcus, corporal Vrooman Bellinger, Marcus, private Vrooman Bellinger, Marcus, private Vrooman Bellinger, Marcus, private Vrooman Bellinger, Marcus, private Vrooman Bellinger, Marcus, private Vrooman Bellinger, Marcus, Jr., pri. Vrooman Bellinger, Marcus, Jr., pr. Vrooman Bellinger, Martin, private Clyde Bell, Nich's, private Bellinger Bellinger, Nich's L., ensign Bellinger Bellinger, Peter, Sr., col. Bellinger, Peter, Jr , q. mr. Bellinger Bellinger, Peter, private Klock Bellinger, Peter, private Bellinger Bellinger, Peter, private Bellinger Bellinger, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Bellinger, Stoffel, private Bellinger Bellinger, William, corpl. Clyde Bellows, Thomas, sergeant Armstrong Bellows, Thomas, private Webster Bells, Elisha, private Van Woert Belmore, Stephen/private Van Woert Beltar, John, private Van Veghten Belue, Isaac, private Thomas' Bemus, Edmund, sergeant Williams Bemus, Wm., private Van Veghten Ben, Casper, private Livingston Ben, George, private Van Rensselaer Ben, James, private Livingston Bender, Christian, sergeant Quackenboss Bender, Christ'r, sergeant Schuyler Bender, Jacob, private Bellinger Benedict, Aaron, private Van Rensselaer Benedict, Francis, private Bellinger Benedict, Isaac, private Van Rensselaer Benedict, James, private Hathorn Benedict, James, private Van Rensselaer Benedict, Lewis, private Dragoons Benedict, Peter, private Dragoons Benedict, Stephen, lieut. Van veghten Benedict, Stephen, lieut. Van Veghten Benedict, Ambrpse, private Drake Benedict, Amos, private Thomas Benedict, Azariah, private Wessenfels Benedict, Benj'n, lieut. ""™ Benedict, Benj'n, fifer Benedict, Caleb, ensign Benedict, Eben'r, private Benedict, Elias, private Benedict, Elias, private Benedict, Elias, private Benedict, Elias, private Benedict, Elisha, private Benedict, Elisha, private Benedict, Elisha, private Benedict, Elisha, private Benedict, Enoch, ensign Company. Miller House Richtmeyer Herder StaringHeager Frank Herder Drake Frank House House Miller Rightmier Richtmyer Stubrach Miller Richtmyer Becker Richtmyer Becker House Frank Herder House Frank Herder De Forest Herder Leipe McNitt Hamilton Gilmore Whiteside Woodworth Moseman Shepardson Woodworth SmithPhilips Smith Slingerlandt Slingerlandt Staring Staring Miller De Garmo Delavan Delavan Dunning Woodworth Seely Gilbert Hunt LockwoodGilbert Crane Thomas Van Schoonhoven Collins Field Barnum Van Schoonhoven Collins Harper Drake Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Hicks Van Schoonhoven Collins VanSchoonhoyenVan Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Hicks Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Crane Laurence Benedict, Enoch, sergeant Drake Seely Benedict, Felix, private Van Schoonhoven Collins Benedict, Isaac, private Yates Hadlock Benedict, Isaac, private Yates Wiltse * Wounded in the thigh at Oriskanie, Aug. 6, 1777. German Flats. A. 163. Roster of the State Troops. 323 Name and Rank. Regiment. CraneHathornYatesVon Rensseiaer YatesHathorn HuthornHathorn Hays i?) CraneCrane Company. Lawrence Minthorn Yates Van Rensselaer Crane Drake Crane DrakeCrane Wiltse Bailey Minthorn McCamley Stevenson Lockwood .Lawrence SeelySeely De Garmo LawrenceSeely Lawrence Steenbergh Seely Lawrence Gould Harrison Seely Benedict, Jacob, private Benedict, James, private Benedict, James, private Benedict, James, private Benedict, James, private Benedict, John, ensign Benedict, John, ensign Benedict, John, ensign Benedict, Joner, private Benedict, Jos'h, Ueut-col. Benedict, Joseph, lieut. Benedict, Joseph, lieut. Benedict, Joseph, sergeant Drake Benedict, Joseph, private Drake Benedict, Joseph, private Benedict, Jos'h, Jr., priv. Benedict, Lewis, private Benedict, Lewis, private Benedict, Micajah, private Benedict, Nathan, private Benedict, Nathan, private Benedict, Nathan, private Benedict Benedict, Oliver, Jr., priv. Harper Benedict, Peter, sergeant Benedict Benedict, Ryer, private Van Schoonhoven Hicks Benedict, Stephen, lieut. Van Veghten Benedict, Tim'y, sergeant Hays Stevenson Benedict, Tim'y, sergeant Drake Lawrence Benedict, Tim'y, private Crane Lawrence Benedict, Tom, private Wessenfels Hunt Benedict, Uriah, private Willet White Benedict, Uriah, private Van Schoonhoven Benedict, William, sergt. Beneway, Peter, private Beney, Nich's, private Benham, James, corporal Beninger, Isaac, private Benjamin, Buack, private Willet Benjamin, Daniel, private Hathorn Benjamin, Daniel, private Benjamin, David, private Hathorn Benjamin, David private Pawling Benjamin, Ebenezer, priv. Willet Benjamin, Eben'r, private Willet Benjamin, Eben'r, private Piatt _ Benjamin, Elijah, private Luddington Benjamin, James, private Crane Benjamin, James, private Thomas Benjamin, Jon'n, private Dubois Benjamin, Josiah, lieut Van Veghten Benjamin, Josiah, lieut. Van Veghten Benjamin, Josiah, private Van Veghten Benjamin, Josiah, private Van Veghten Benjamin, Nathan, private Hathorn Benjamin, Richard, priv. Wisner Benjamin, Samuel, private Hathorn Benjamin, Samuel, private Hathorn Benjamin, Samuel, private Wisner Benjamin, Silas, private Philips Benjamin, Siras, private Piatt Benjamin, Syrus, private Dubois Benjamins, Daniel, private Whiting Benjamins, Daniel, private Whiting Benjamins, Daniel, private Malcom Benjamins, Daniel, private Van Rensselaer Benjamins, Darius, priv. Luddington Benjamins, Eben'r, lieut. Whiting Hathorn Yates Fisher Hathorn Hammond nja Benjamins^ Eben'rj private Van Rensselaer Benn, George, private Van Rensselaer Benn, George, private Van Rensselaer Benn, John, private Van Rensselaer Bennedict, Daniel, private Hathorn Benner, Frederick.private Piatt Benner, John, private Piatt Bennet, Abraham, private Wessenfels Bennet, Amos, lieut. Fisher Bennet, Amos, lieut. Fisher Bennet, Amos, private Hathorn Bennet, Benj., private Graham Bennet, Benj., private Yates Bennet Benj., private Van Rensselaer Bennet, Bildad, private Van Veghten Minthorn Van Denburgh McMasterMinthorn GrayMinthorn Noble Westfall Gray Harrison KinnieBaker Chapman' Gilbert Gano ThompsonWoodworth Woodworth Dunham MinthornBalys Say'res Shepherd Balys MillerLee LeeDavis Salisbury Livingston Cady Mead Davis Cady Osterhout Philips WoodworthMinthorn BloomBloomHardenburgh McMaster YeomansShepherdSherwood Hadlock Woodworth Name and Rank. Bennet, David, private Bennet, Ephraim, sergeant Bennet, Ephraim, sergeant Bennet, Ephraim, private Bennet, Ephraim, private Bennet, Ephraim, private Bennet, Ezra, private Bennet, Francis, private Bennet, Increase, private Bennet, James, private Bennet, Isaiah, sergeant Bennet, Ja'mes, private Bennet, Jerem'h, corporal Bennet, Jeremiah, private Bennet, Jesse; private Bennet, John, private Bennet, Jon'n, private Bennet, Jon'n, private Bennet, Jon'n, private Bennet, Joseph, corporal Bennet, Joseph, private Bennet, Mitcnel, private Bennet, Nathan, corporal Bennet, Owen, private Bennet, Owen, private Bennet, Richard, private Bennet, Richard, private Bennet, Richard, private Bennet, Robert, private Bennet, Robert, private Bennet, Robinson, private Bennet, Robinson, private Bennet, Thadeus, private Bennet, Thomas, private Bennet, Wm., private Bennett, Abraham, private Bennett, Richard, private Benneway, John, private Benneway, John, private Bennit, Amacy, private Bennit, Robert, private Bennitt, Amos, private Bennway, John, private Bennway, Icabod, private Benord, Thomas, private Benorray, John, private Benraft, Thomas, private Benrich, Franz, private Benscoten, James, private Benson, Bildad, corporal Benson, Bildad, private Benson, Bildad, private Benson, Bildad, private Benson, Elias private Benson, Elihu, private Benson, Elihu, private Benson, Elnathan, private Benson, Job, private Benson, Joel, private Benson, Joel, private Benson, Johanes, corporal Benson, Johannes, private Benson, John, private Benson, John, private Benson, John, private Renson, John, private Benson, John, private Benson, John, private Benson, John, private Benson, Jon'n, private Benson, Joseph, private Benson, Peter, corporal Benthouse, Peter, private Bentlet, Richard, private Bentley, Benjn., private Bentley, Oliver, lieut. Bentley, Richard, private Bentley, Samuel, private Bentley, Samuel, private Bentley, Thomas, private Bentley, Tillinghost, lieut. Bently, Benedict, private Regiment. Van Rensselaer Hathorn Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer HathornWisnerVan Rensselaer Yates FieldHathornLuddington Wisner Dubois Hathorn Van Rensselaer WessenfelsYates Yates Van Woert Brinckerhoff Malcom Pawling YatesWillet Willet Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten YatesVan Rensselaer Yates YatesHathorn HathornYates HathornYates Yates Van Rensselaer Field YatesYates Yates Van Schaick Brinckerhoff Yates Willet Bellinger GrahamVan Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Yates Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Rensselaer Van Veghten Yates Van Rensselaer HaysHays Graham Hays Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Rensselaer Johnson WempleWebsterVan Reusselaer Van Rensselaer Webster Van Rensselaer Graham Vandenburgh Graham Van Veghten Company. De Garmo McCamly Fraist Sharp McCamly Baly Turner Brown Heacock McCamley Kidd Balys Gano Minthorn Turner Thompson Hadlock Yates Brown Brinckerhoof Delavan WestfallBrown Livingston Gillet Van Woert WinnoWoodworth YatesDe Garmo Hadlock Brown Hadlock McCamlyMcCamlyMcCamply Yates Yates De Garmo Dykeman Hadlock Hadlock Brown Schutt Marshal] Small Wilson Van Woert Woodworth Van Woert Winne Hadlock Thompson Van Woert De Garmo Van Woert Hadlock De Garmo Blauvelt Blauvelt Sharp HustedWoodworth Van Woert Dunham Fonda Shaw Wood Fonda Tozer Niles Niles Tozer Niles" Vail Wheel. Vail 324 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Bently, Green, private Wisner Bently, Joseph, private Whiting Bently, Rich d, private Webster Bently, Sam'l, sergeant Van Rensselaer BeDtly, Thomas, private Whiting Bently, Thomas, private Van Veghten Bently, TilliDghast, lieut, Vandenburg Benton, Jonathan, private Willet Berch, Lutwick, private Bellinger Berdick, Asa, private Berdick, Cary, private Berg, Ab'm, private Berg, Adam, private Berg, Philip, private Berg, Philip, private Berg, Wm., private Berger, Jacob, private Berger, Jacob, private Berger, Jacob, private Berger, Wilhelmus, private Wynkoop Berger, Wouter, private Hathorn Berger, Wouter, private Bergh, Ab'm, private Berg, Philip, private Bergh, Philip, private Bergh, Philip, private Berhydt, Thunes, private Berimer, Casper, private Berimer, Mich'l, private Berimore, Marshal, private Dubois Beringer, Zacharias, priv. Schuyler Berk, Carl, private Berkey, Jacob, private Berkey, Peter, sergeant Berkie, Jacob, private Berkie, Peter, private Berkley, Elias, private Berkman, Jacob, sergeant Van Bergen Berky, Peter, sergeant Bellinger Bernard, Simon, private Wessenfels Bernard, Fred'k,* surg. Harper Bernard, Warden, private Pawling Berner, Hans Jurrie, priv. Wynkoop Berner, Joseph, private Bernet, John, private Bernhart, Fred'k, private Bernhart, Harme, private Bernhart, Joseph, private Vrooman Bernhert, Henry, private Yates Bernhert, Joseph, private Yates Berrerd, Peter, private Harper Berrett, John, private Cantine Berringer, David, sergeant Schuyler Berringer, Jacob, private Wessenfels Berringer, Jacob, private Schuyler Berringer, John, private Van Rensselaer Berringer, John, private Van Rensselaer Berringer, Patrick, private Livingston Berringer, Philip, private Van Rensselaer Berringer, Zacharias, priv. Van Rensselaer Berry, Elisha, Jr., private Van Rensselaer Berry, Elisha, private Van Rensselaer Berry, Jabez, sergeant Luddington Berry, Jabez, sergeant Luddington Berry, Jabez, sergeant Luddington Berry, James, private Weisenfels Berry, John, lieut. Hopkins Berry, John, lieut. Luddington Berry, Nich's, private Brinckerhoff Berry, Nich's, private Graham Berry, Peter, private Hopkins Berry, Peter, private Brinckerhoff Berry, Samuel, sergeant Wessenfels Berry, Sam'l, corporal Van Rensselaer Berry, Sam'l, private Hopkins Berry, Sam'l, private Van Rensselaer Berry, Sam'l, private Luddington Berry, Wm., Jr., corporal Van Alstyn Berry, Wm., private Fisher Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Vrooman Vrooman VroomanVroomanVrooman Malcom Pawliug Wynkoop Pawling Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Wemple Wessenfels Wessenfels Schuyler Bellinger Bellinger Bellinger Bellinger Fisher Vrooman Graham Yates Clyde Company. Baly Herrick Niles Herrick Woodworth WheelerNewell Herder Shaw Shaw Stubrach Brown Brown Miller Stubrach Cantine Van Aken Bogardus Van Aken Miller Stubrach Miller RichtmyerFonda Livingston Livingston LeeScharp Tillman FrankHerder Herder McMaster Dubois Frank Williams Swart Husted Brown Rightmier Harrison Hasbrouck Scharp WhiteScharp Shaw Sharp RockfellerSharpSharp Niles Niles Knapp Waterbury Crane Lane Crane BrinckerhoofVailBrinkerhoffBrinckerhoof Shephard Niles Lane Niles MeadTruesdel Degraas Name and Rank. Berry, Wm., private Berry, Wm., private Bersey, Weimngs, private Bersh, Rudolph, private Bertine, John, private Bertine, John, private Besemer, John, private Besemer, Mich'l, private Besey, Elias, private Beshar, Jacob, private Bessay, Eph'm, private Bessel, John, sergeant Bessel, Seth, private Bessey, Ephraim, private Best, Benj'n, private Best, Benjamin, private Best, Benj'n, private Best, Hend'k, corporal Best, Jacob, private Best, John, lieut. Best, Peter, private Best, Wilhelmus, private Best, Wm., private Bestad, Alex'r, private Bester, John, private Betallemew, Jn'o, private Betel, Bennage, private Bett, Casper, private Bettess, John, private Bettess, John, private Bettess, John, private Bettis, Jeremiah, private Bettis, Jeremiah, private Bettis, Wm., private Betts, James, lieut. Betts, Nathan, private Betty, Thomas, sergeant Betty, William, sergeant Bettyss, Jeremiah, private Bevee, Nich's, private Beveer, Jonas, sergeant Beven, Jacob, private Bevens, Benjamin, private Bever, Edward, private Bever, Jacob, corporal Bever, Nath'l, corporal Bevere, Ab'm, private Beverly, David, lieut. Beverly, David, ensign Beverly, Thomas, private Bevey," Elias, private Bevey, Nich's, private Bevie, Isaac, private Bevier, Andries, private Bevier, Benj'n, sergeant Bevier, Benjamin, private Bevier, Coenradt, private Bevier, Conradt, private Bevier, Corn's, private Bevier, Corn's,, private Bevier, Jacob, private Bevier, Jacob, private Bevier, Jacob, private Bevier, Johannes, private Bevier, Jonas, sergeant Bevier, Matt'w, sergeant Bevier, Thomas, private Bevils, Benjamin, private Bevin, Benjamin, private Bevins, Charles, private Bevort, Alex'r, private Bevy, Nich's, private Bewel, Samuel, sergeant Bewman, Fred'k, private Beyay, James, private Beyea, Isaac, private Beyce, Tohide, private Bibbins, John, fifer Bice, John, Jr., private Regiment. Company. Fisher McMaster Van Alstyn Claw Willet Harrison Van Schaick Hammond Martling Van Bergen Honeywell Wessenfels Hardenburgh Pawling Faulkner Webster Long - Bellinger Frank Van Woert Wells Dubois Chamberlain Yates Brutt Van Woert Pellet Livingston Shaw Livingston Elliot Van Rensselaer Rockfeller Livingston Pulver Van IS ess Whiting Livingston Shaver Livingston Rockfeller Livingston Shaw Livingston Pulver Wemple Bancker Willet Skinner Cantine Hasbrouck Fisher Veeder Graham Wison Thomas Moseman Thomas Moseman Thomas St. John Van Schoonhov'n Visscher Van Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Hicks Dubois Chamberlain Thomas Gilbert Newkirk Van Keuren Phillips Ostrander Steenbergh Fisher McMaster Johnson Wilkins Van Woert Whiteside Schuyler Van Aernum Schuyler Groot Yates Brown Johnson Johnson Johnson Jansen Fisher McMaster Fisher McMaster Fisher McMaster Armstrong Fisher McMaster Drake Hadden Graham Sherwood Cantine Graham Pawling Piercy Cantine Graham Cantine Hasbrouck Graham Van Woert Whitesides Cantine Hasbrouck Graham Johnson Gillespy Cantine Schuyler Groot Schuyler Ostrum Vrooman Miller Johnson Johnson Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Fisher McMaster Webster Long Wemple Van Atten Drake Delivan Luddington Lane Van Rensselaer De Garmo Van Rensselaer King Van Veghten Thompson * From October 1 to December 31, 1730. Canajoharie, A. P. 16-1, Roster of the State Troops. 325 Name and Rank. Bice, Yawnas, private Bicely, David, private Bick, Mart's, private Bick, Martinus, private Bickart, John, private Bickel, John, private Bicker, Corse, private Bicker, George, private Bicker, Henry, corporal Bicker, Henry, private Bicker, Jacob, private Bickle, John, private Bidleman, Simon, private Bidwell, Daniel, sergeant Bidwell, Dan'l, corporal Bidwell, Daniel, private Bidwell, Daniel, private Bidwell, David, sergeant Bidwell, David, private Bidwell, Jacob, private Bidwell, Jacob, private Biffer, John Lide, sergeant Bigelow, Joel, private Bigelow, Joseph, private Bigelow, Samuel, private Bigelow, Samuel, private Bigelow, William, private Bigford, Samuel, private Biggel, Will, sergeant Biggraft, George, corporal Biglow, Jotham, private Biglow, Sam'l, private Bigraft, Thomas, sergeant Bigs, Tim'y, private Bigsby, Jonathan, private Bigsley, Christ'r, private Bikert, Jacobus, private Bikker, Nich's, private Bikler, Nich's, private Biles, George, private Biles, Walter, private Bikley, And'w, private Billame, James, private Billens, James, private Billing, James, private Billinger, Johan s L., ens'n Billinger, John L., ensign Billinger, Hend'k I., priv. Billinger, Henry, private Billinger, Philip, private Billings, James, private Billing, Increas, private Billing, Incris, private Bills, Elisha, private Bills, Joel, corporal Binaway, John, private Bineway, Peter, private Bingham, Richard, lieut. Birch, Isaiah, private Bircham, Henry, corporal Birchum, Henry, private Bird, Samuel, private Birdick, Cary, private Birdsal, Nathan, corporal Birdsall, Benj'n, lieut. -col. Birdsal I, Dan'l, private Birdsall, Elemuell, private Birdsall, Jacob, corporal Birdsall, Jacob, private Birdsall, John, private Birdsall, Sam'l, private Birdsall, Tho's, private Birdsell, Squire, private Birdsell, Thomas, private Bireway, Peter, private Birth, Jerem'h, private Bise, John, private Bise, Wm., private Bishet, Chas., private Bishney, Francis, private Bishop, And'w, private Bishop, And'w, private Regiment. Newkirk Vrooman Vrooman Klock KlockVrooman Harper Clyde Vrooman Company. Horton McBride Richtmyer Becker Wagner Fonda ZeelyStubrach Vroman Leipe StubrachFonda LeipeWright Dunham Dunning Woodworth Dunning Dunning DunningWoodworth Veeder Rice Schermerhorn LODg Tozer Rice Clyde Willet Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Fisher Williams Van Rensselae Webster Webster Williams Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Rensselaer Bries Van Bergen WilliamsArmstrongPiattVan Rensselaer Van Ness Brinckerhoff Klock Yates Yates MalcolmWessenfels Webster Fisher Fisher FisherVrooman Vrooman KlockClyde Clyde FisherFisher Harper Van Woert Whiting YatesYatesWillet FieldSchuyler Schuyler Hays Van Rensselaer Hathorn Shepardson Tozer Kinnue Odle WhitneyVan Wyck House Van Den Burgh Brutt McKinstry Westfall Long Gartneer Fisher Yeoman Rightmier Mnler WagnerDiefendorf Leipe Yeoman Snook Putnam Gilmore Gilbert Yates Drake FieldDrake Drake LuddingtonDrake Fields Fields Fields Yates FisherDrake Van Veghten KlockDubois Crane Crane NewellDyckman Tillman Tillman Gardner Husted TelfordBoydBaruum Haight Haight Kidd BoydBarnum Hecock Hecock Brutt Yeomans Dunham HouseLee Lawrence Bouton Name and Rank. Bishop, Caleb, private Bishop, Chas., private Bishop, Epenetus, private Bishop, Epenetus, private Bishop, James, private Bishop, James, private Bishop, John, sergeant Bishop, John, sergeant Bishop, John, corporal Bishop, John, private Bishop, John, private Bishop, John, private Bishop, Johu, private Bishop, John, private Bishop, John, private Bishop, John, private Bishop, Joshua, private Bishop, Levi, private Bishop, Levi, private Bishuit, Francis, private Biskit, Charles, private Biskirk, Joseph, private Bisley, Oliver, private Bissill, John, sergeant Bitcher, Adam, private Bitcher, Henry, private Biteman, Peter, private Bitser, Wilhelmus, private Bivins, John, private Bixby, Andrew, private Bixby, Manasseh, sergeant Bixby, And'w, private Bixby, Ephraim, private Bixby, Samuel, sergeant Bixby, Samuel, private Blacius, Lawrence, private Black, Abm., private Black, Abraham, private Black, Dick, private Black, Henry, private Black, Jack, private, Black, James, private Black, James, private Black, James, private Black, John, private Black; John, private Black, Lewis, private Black, Robert, private Black, Robert, private Black, Robt., private Black, Tob., private Black, Wm., private Blackland, Garret, G., It., Blackley, David, private Blackly, David, private Blackly, Geo., private Blackly, James, private Blackly, James, private Blackly, John, private Blackman, Ephm., private Blackman, Ephm., corpl. Blackman, Joel, private Blackny, Nichs., private Blackney, Nichs., private Blain, Thomas, private Blair, John, lieut. -col. Blair, John, private Blair, John, Jr., private Blair, Robt, private Blair, Robert, private Blake, Freelove, private Blake, James, private Blake, James, private Blakely, James, captain Blakely, James, private Blakely, James, private Blakely, John, private Blakesly, Nathl., private Blakly, David, private Blamely, Wm., private Blanard, Abner, sergeant Blanchard, Abiather, priv. Regiment. Company. Brinkerhoff Brinkerhoff Klock Cayser Crane Scofield Benedict Bouton Wessenfels Hardenburgh Crane Lockwood Pawling Livingston Willet Cannon Dubois Burnet Stevenson Hammond Drake Boyd Crane Lockwood Crane Scofield Crane Truesdell Crane Lewis Brinkerhoff Brinkerhoff Pawling Faulkner Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Field Dyckman Klock House Schuyler Lansing Luddington Crane Dubois Chamberlain Graham Wilson Van Veghten Clyde Leipe Livingston Smith Whiting King Van Rensselaer Graves Williams Stowel Van Ness Williams Rice Williams Shepardson Williams Rice Willet Gross Wessenfel Livingston Pawling Piercy Crane Truesdell Malcom Cantine Malcom Cantine Hathorn Telford Webster Armstrong Van Woert Gilmore Piatt Van Santvoor Wynkoop Pawling Livingston Hathorn Telford Van Woert Gilmore Malcom Drake Willet Gillet Van Veghten Winne Fisher Wemple Armstrong McNitt Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong McNitt Van Rensselaer De Garmo Armstrong Armstrong Crane Scofield Crane Bouton Graham Williams Wessenfels Livingston Webster Long Wisner Baly Van Woert Van Woert Gilmore Wisner Baly Van Woert Gilmore Van Woert Doty Whiting Salisbury Van Woert Gilmore Van Woert McKillip Malcom Willet Livingston Yates Yates Webster Malcom Blakely Webster Harper Bogart Armstrong Tozer Van Alstyne Truesdel 326 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Van Veghten Piatt Hathorn Hathorn Hathorn Hathorn Hathorn Livingston Dubois Hays Hays Hays: Blanchard, Abner, private Webster Blanchard, Abner, private Armstrong Blanchard, Joseph, private Blancher, Abner, private Webster Blancher, John, private Webster Blancher, Richard, private Graham Blancker, Anthony, priv. B landing, John, private Blane, James, private, Blane, John, private Blane, John, Jr., private Blane, Thomas, lieut. Blane, Thomas, lieut. Blane, Wm., major Blasins, Lawrence, private Willet Blass, Michael, private Livingston Blass, Wm., private Blassdell, Levi, sergeant Blauvelt, Abrm., sergeant Blauvelt, Abm., private Blauvelt, Abraham, priv. Blauvelt, Abraham,* priv. Hays Blauvelt, Abraham, priv. Hays Blauvelt, Abraham D., pr. Hays Blauvelt, Adam, private Hays Blauvelt, Aurie, captain Hays Blauvelt, Cornelius, lieut. Hays Blauvelt, Cornelius, sergt. Wessenfels Blauvelt, Cornelius, corpl. Cooper Blauvelt, Corns., corporal Hays Blauvelt, Cornelius, priv. Hays Blauvelt, Cornelius, Sr.,p. Hays Blauvelt, Corns., private Blauvelt, Daniel, private Blauvelt, Daniel A., priv. Blauvelt, Fredk., private Blauvelt, Garret, private Blauvelt, Garret G., priv. Blauvelt, Garret Jas., pr. Blauvelt, Garret, Jas., pr. Blauvelt, Harmanes, priv. Blauvelt, Harmanus, serg. Hays Blauvelt, Harmanus, priv. Hays Blauvelt, Hendrick, priv. Hays Blauvelt. Hendk., A., pr. Hays Blauvelt, Hendk., D., pr. Blauvelt, Isaac, corporal Blauvelt, Isaac, corporal Blauvelt, Isaac, private Blauvelt, Isaac C., private Hays Blauvelt, Isaac G., private Hays"- Blauvelt, Isaac H., private Hays Blauvelt, Jacob, corporal Hays Blauvelt, Jacob, private Hays Blauvelfjacobus, sergt. Hays Blauvelt, Jacobus, private Hays Blauvelt, Jacobus Johs., p. Hays Blauvelt, Johannes, capt. Hays Blauvelt, Johannes, priv. Hays Blauvelt, Johannes, priv. Hays Blauvelt, Johanes J., cor. Hays Blauvelt, Johanes J., priv. Hays Blauvelt, Johannes J. A., p. Hays Blauvelt, Johannis D., pr. Hays Blauvelt, Johannis G., cor. Hays Blauvelt, John, captain Cooper Blauvelt, John, private Blauvelt, John, private Blauvelt, John, private Blauvelt, John G., corpl. Blauvelt, John G. R., pr. Blauvelt, John H.^ private Hays Blauvelt, J ohoos, private Hays Blauvelt, Joseph, sergeant Hays Blauvelt, Joseph, private Hays Blauvelt, Joseph_G., priv. Hays Blauvelt, Joseph G., priv. Hays HaysHaysHaysHays Hays Hays Hays Bays HaysHays Cooper Hays Hays Hays Hays Company. TozerTozer Thomas Conklin Gardner Woodworth LeeMcCamley Minthorn McCamly Gross Rockenfelle PulverDubois Tourneur Tourneur SmithAckersonBlauvelt Hogencamp Onderdonk HogencampThompson Blauvelt Tourneur TourneurTourneur HogencampHogencamp HogencampBlauvelt BellBlauvelt Hogencamp Sickles Ackerson Tourneur TourneurSickles' Bogencamp Hogencamp Sickles HogencampTourneurHogencamp BlauveltSickles Sickles' Hogencamp Onderdonck Blauvelt Blauvelt OnderdonkTourneur Hogencamp Sickles Hogencamp" Blauvelt Hogencamp Blauvelt Tourneur OnderdonkBlauvelt HogencampAckerson Sickles HogencampSickles Sickles Hogencamp Williams Williams Clyde WebsterYates Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster' Livingston Livingston Whiting Drake Graham Name and Rank. Regiment Blauvelt, Peter, private" Hays Blauvelt, Richard, private Hays Blauvelt, Richard, private Hays Blauvelt, Thomas, lieut. Hays Blauvelt, Tbunis, sergt, Hays Blauvelt, Thunis, private Hays Blaw, John, private Piatt Blazure, Lawrence, private Willet Bleakly, David, private < " Bleakly, John, private Bleats, Geo., private Bleckly, John, private Bleecker, Henry, private Bleeker, Jno. S., private Bleekley, George, private Webster Bleekly, David, private Webster Bleekiy, David, private Bleekly, George, private Bleekly, James, private Bleekly, James, private Bleekley, John, private Bless, Hend'k, private Bless, Mich'l, private Blessens, Lorentz, private Klock' Blidth, Benj'n, lieut. Blidth, Gideon, private Blinn, Elisha, private Blioth, Gideon, private Blodgett, Ab'm, private Bloodgood, Wm., lieut. Bloemdal, Jacob, sergt. Bloemendal, Corn's, priv. Van Rensselaer Bloemendale, John, sergt. Van Rensselaer Bloomendal, John, private Schuyler Blomendal, Jno., sergeant Van Rensselaer Bloomindale, Philip, priv. Van Rensselaer Bloomandal, Jacob, priv. Willet Bloodgood, Oliver, private Crane Bloodgood, Oliver, private Thomas Bloodgood, William, lieut. Willet Bloom, Benj'n, private Brinkerhoff Bloom, Isaac, captain Bloom, Jacob, lieut.-. Bloom, John, private Bloom, Johu, private Bloom, O'Key, private Bloom, Peter, private Bloom, Silvester, private Bloomendale, John Bloomer, Abr'm, private Bloomer, Abr'm, private Bloomer, Abr'm, private Bloomer, Abr'm, private Bloomer, Joseph, private Pawling Bloomer, Reuban, private Thomas Bloomer, William, private Johnson Bloomer, Stephen, private Crane Bloomer, Stephen, private Drake Bloomer, WiUiam, private Johnson Bloomin, Ab'm, private f» ,! , ; Blours, David, private Blower, David, private Blower, Will., private Blowers, Abiel, private Blowers, Abiel, private Blowers, Charles, private Van Woert Blowers, Chas., private Van Woert Blowers, Chas., private Van Woert Blowers, Samuel,^ private Graham Blowers, Sam'l, private Van Woert Blowers, Sam'l, private Bluen, John, major Bluer, Thos., private Bly, Clark, sergeant Bly, Jon'n. private Company. Onderdonk Hogencamp SicklesTourneur Blauvelt Blauvelt Lee Fonda Armstrong ArmstrongLeipe' Long RoseboomVandenbnrghHamilton Childs Armstrong Armstrong ChildsHamilton Hamilton PulverRockenfeller House Davis Piatt Hathorn Hathorn Pawling'Wessenfels Brinckerhoff Schuyler Crane DrakeDubois Drake Dubois Van Rensselaer Yates Yates" Yates Van Woert Bock, Christ'r, sergeant Boaly, Elias, private Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Willet Luddington RoseboomDe Forest Sharp Veeder De Forest Fraist Harrison Lockwood Gilbert Elsworth Brinkerhoff MinthornMcCamlyWestfall Westfall SchuttSharp Lockwood Delivan ChamberlainHaight Faulkner LyonsJohnson Lockwood Delivan Ostrander Chamberlain DeGarmo Wiltse Hadlock Brown Brown Gilmore Doty Sherwood DotyWhitesides Sharp Shaw Shaw Elsworth Knapp * Shot through the thigh and run through the breast near Orange Town, September 29, 1778. I, 132. t Kings Co. Militia. Taken prisoner on L. I. early in the war. Yeoman, Brooklyn, L. I. A. P. 14-38. t Taken prisoner at Fort Ann, Oct. 80, 1780, exchanged May, 1782. Northampton, Montg'y Co. A. P. 19-881. Roster of the State Troops. 32V Name and Rank. Regiment. Booker, Jacob, lieut. Willet, Bockee, Jacob, q. m. s. Hopkins Booker, Johannis Alb'n, p. Vrooman Booker, Zachariah, private Graham HathornJohnson Johnson Johnson Hathorn Johnson Van Veghten PawlingPawlingPawling Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Johnson Willet Brinkerhofl PawlingBrinckerhoff Brinkerhoff Fisher Van Bergen Bodine, Isaac, private Bodine, Isaac, private Bodine, John, private Bodine, John, private Bodine, John, private Boding, Isaac, private Bodish, Gideon, private Bodie, William, private Bodley, William, private Bodly, William, private Bodly, William, private Bodlong, Aaron, private Bodlong, Benj'n, private Bodyne, John, private Boemus, Jon'n, private Boerum, Henry, private Boerum, Nich's, sergeant Boerum, Nich's, private Boerum, William, corporal Vandenburgh Boerum, Wm., corporal Dubois Boerum, William, private Pawling Boerum, Win., private Bogard, Henry, private Bogardus, Abm, private Bogardus, Corn's, private Bogardus, Egbert, private Hopkins Bogardus, Ekibad, private Brinckerhoff Bogardus, Eph'm, sergt. Van Bergen Bogardus, Evert, captain Hathorn Bogardus, Evert, captain Wynkoop Bogardus, Francis, private Brinckerhoff Bogardus, Hend'k, private Van Bergen Bogardus, Henry, sergeant Van Bergen Bogardus, Henry, private Willet Bogardus, Henry, private Weisenfels Bogart, Isaac, captain Harper Bogardus, Jacob, private Van Bergen Bogardus, Jacob, private Van Bergen Bogardus, James, ensign Van Bergen Bogardus, James, sergeant Van Bergen Bogardus, James,* private Wessenfels Bogardus, James, private Harper Bogardus, Lewis, private Dubois Bogardus, Naning, private Willet Bogardus, Nann'g, private Van Bergen Bogardus, Nich's, private Wynkoop Bogardus, Peter, private Bogardus, Peter, private Bogardus, Peter, private Bogardus, Peter, private Bogardus, Peter, private Bogardus, Schibolet, priv. Van Schoonhoven Bogart, Barent, private Cuyler Bogart, Christ'r, private Schuyler Bogardns, Corn's, private Brinckerhoff Bogert, Cornelius, private Hathorn Bogart, Corn's, private Wessenfels Bogert, Corn's, private Bogart, Dan'l, private Bogart, David, private Bogart, David, private Bogart, Gilbert, corporal Bogart, Gilbert, corporal Bogart, Gilbert, private Bogart, Gisbert, private Bogart, Henry, private Bogert, Isaac, captain Bogart, Jacob, sergeant Bogart, Jacob, private Bogart, Jacob, private Bogart, Jacob, private Bogart, Johannes, private Hays Bogart, Johannis, private Hays Bogart, John, sergeant Hays Company. Welp Rightmier Wilson Conklin Cross Cross Jansen Conklin Jansen Van Woert HunterDe Witt Pearcy Husted Husted Gillispy Livingston Storm Wood Brinkerhoff Storm McFoght WoodBrinkerhoff Yeomans Dubois Brinkerhoff Witbeck HopkinsPiattVan Bergen Brinckerhoff Wynkoop MalcomBrinkerhoffHays Hays Cooper Hays Dubois HaysHathorn Cooper MalcomHays Browers Dubois Hoghtaling Welp Hoghtaling Dubois Dubois HardenburgbAllen Lee ConineHoghtalingBrinkerhoff Lee Dubois Van Wyck Van Buren Van Denbergn LansingVan Wyck Brodhead Livingston Cantine Brinkerhoff SicklesHogencamp Blauvelt BlauveltDubois Bell Brodhead Blauvelt Blauvelt \ Sickles Sickles HogencampSickles Schuyler Vandenburgh HammondSchuyler Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Armstrong Van Rensselaer Schuyler Clyde Clyde PawlingHammond Wessenfels Wemple Name and Rank. Regiment. Bogart, John, sergeant Hays Bogart, MynderD., private Wessenfels Bogart, Nich's, private Bogart, Peter, corporal Bogart, Peter, private Bogart, Peter, private Bogart, Peter, private Bogart, Peter, private Bogert, Ort, private Boges, Thomas, lieut. Bogges, James, lieut. Boggs, Thomas, lieut. Boggs, James, private Boggs, James, private Boggs, James, Jr., private Schuyler Bogington, Sam'l, private Luddington Bogington, Solomon, priv. Luddington Bogo, James, private Yates Bogue, John, private Pawling Bogworth, Heze'h, private Bohal, Adam, private Bohal, Adam, private Bohnnor, James, private Boice, Aaron, private Boice, Abraham, private Boice, Ab'm, private Boice, Ab'm, private Boice, Benjamin, sergeant Van Woert Boice, Benj'n, corporal Van Woert Boice, Benj'n, private Van Woert Boice, Hendrick, corporal Wessenfels Boice, Henry, private Van Woert Boice, Henry, private Brinckerhoff Boice, Isaac, private Wemple Boice, Jacob, private Boice, James, private Boice, James, private Boice, James, private Boice, Jehordah, private Boice, Jeohiada, private Boice, John, private Boice, Millar, private Boice, Miller, private Boice, Peter, private Boid, George, sergeant Boid, George, sergeant Boid, Thomas, private Boid, William, private Boigs, Philip, private Boiles, Walter, private Bois, Miller, private Boise, Ab'm, private Boise, James, private Bolar, Simon, private Boldman, John, private Bollard, Tracy, private Bolson, Alex'r, private Bolson, Ant'y, private Bolson, Corn's, private Bolson, John, corporal Bolson, John, private Bolt, Dan'l, private Bolt, Uriah, private Bolton, Alex r, private Bolton, Alex'r, private Bolton, Alex'r, private Bolton, James, lieut. Bolton, John, private Bolton, Samuel, private Bomehower, George, priv. Willet Bonhoven, Geo., private Van Rensselaer Bonhoven, Geo., private Boncker, Adolph, private Brinckerhoff Boncker, Nath I, corporal Brinckerhoff ' Boncker, Stephen, private Brinckerhoff Bond, Rich'd, private Wemple Bone, Benj'n, sergeant Van Woert Bonestarl, Philip, private Piatt WempleWemple YatesYates Hammond Van Woert YatesSchuyler Schuyler Williams SchuylerDrake Wessenfels Van Rensselaer Webster Wemple Van Veghten FisherField Hays HaysHaysHays Hays Crane Crane Harper Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Harper Harper Company. Hogencamp White Roseboom Lansing Van Wyck Lansing Van Wyck Van Benschoten TozerStockwell StockwellTillman TillmanWaterbury Waterbury Yates Faulkner House Leipe WestfallRequa Pawling Mynderse Horton Gilmore GilmoreDoty WhiteGilmore Van Benschoten Mynderse Horton Fonda Wanson Horton Weltse Requa Hodges Horton Tillman Tillman Armstrong Tillman Delivan Godwin De Garmo LongMynderson Woodworth YeomanHecock GardnerGardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Chapman Chapman Harrison PettitDoty Pettit Harrison Allen Elsworth Husted Bogert Brower BrinckerhoffBrowers Wanson Gilmore Bloom Served in 1780, Poughkeepsie. A. P. 23-195. 328 Name and Rank. Bonesteal, Henry, private Bonesteel, David, private Bonester, Henry, corporal Bonkel, Jno., corporal Bonker, Abraham, private Bonker, Adolf, corporal Bonker, Adolph, private Bohker, Jacob, private Bonker, John, private Bonker, Solomon, private Bonker, Stephen, private Bonnesteel, David, private Bonnesteel, Fred'k, private Bonnesteel, Hend'k, priv. Bonnesteel, Nich's, private Bonnestell, Philip, private Bonnet, Ephraim, sergeant Bonney, Ichabod, private Bonney, John, private Bonney, John, private Bonnisteel, David, private Bont, Eph'm, private Bont, John, lieut. Bont, Peter, private Bonte, Matt'w, private Bonter, Christian, ensign Bonter, Hend'k, lieut. Bookee, Jacob, lieut. Booker, Jacob, lieut. Booker, Jacob, private Boolman, John, private Boom, Ab'm, private Boom, Fred'k, private Boom, Fred'k, private Boon, Richard, private Boon, Daniel, private Boord, John, corporal Boorum, Wm., hent. Booth, David, private Booth, Isaiah, private Borden, Dan'l, sergeant Borden, Francis, private Bordine, Dan'l, private Bordine, Francis, private Bordock, Ab'm, private Bore, Nath'l, private Boreton, Samuel, private Borgandus, Matt'w, fifer Borhans, Edward, private Borhans, Jacob, private Borhans, John, private Borich, Kasber, private Bork, Christ., sergeant Borkee, Jacob, lieut. Borland, Charles, private Borland, Thomas, private Borows, James, private Boroman, Robert, private Borough, Gideon, private Borrey, Isaac, private Borough, J ames, private Boroughs, James, private Borroughs, Ephraim, priv. Borst, Baltus, private Borst, Henrich, lieut. Borst, Henry, lieut. Borst, Jacob, lieut. Borst, Jacob, lieut. Borst, Jacob, private Borst, Johannes, private Borst, Johannis, private Borst, Johannis, private Borst, Johannis, private Borst, Johannis, private Borst, Johannis, Jr., priv. Borst, John, private Borst, John, private Borst, John, private Borst, Jno., Jr., private Borst, John, Jr., private Borst, Joost, drummer Borst, Joost, private Roster of the State Troops. Regiment. WilletVan Rensselaer Willet Schuyler Thomas Drake Drake Luddington Johnson Company. Livingston Philip Tearse Lansing Purdy Crane Roosa Hopkins Van BenschoteD Van Rensselaer Husted Van Rensselaer Odle Van Rensselaer Shaw Van Rensselaer Shaw Van Rensselaer Shaw HathornWillet Gillet Willet Hole Willet Gillet Van Rensselaer Sharp Graham Muller Johnson Roosa Hammond Comb Van Rensselaer Odle Van Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Dubois McFogn. Willet Welp Livingston Smith Harper Vrooman Schuyler Slyngeriandt Willet Gross Clyde Difendorf Vrooman Miller Johnson Johnson Wiljiams Armstrong Piatt Lee Willet Newell Hopkins Talmadge Drake Boyd Johnson Jansen Drake Boyd Johnson Jansen Van Rensselaer Odle Hays Stevenson Pawling Sackett Graham Vail Wynkoop Van Beuren Hays Wynkoop Van Buren Vrooman Miller Willet Elsworth Dubois Burnet Newkirk Crawford Newkirk Crawford Yates Hadlock Van Woert Hodge Armstrong Tozer Hays Gardner Van Rensselaer De Garmo Yates Yates Webster Long Vrooman Brown Vrooman Brown Vrooman Miller Vrooman Stubrach Vrooman Brown Vrooman Richtmyer Willet Debois Vrooman Vrooman Miller Vrooman Richtmyer Vrooman Brown Vrooman Richtmyer Vrooman Stubrach Vrooman Brown Vrooman Becker Vrooman Becker Vrooman Rightmier Vrooman Vrooman Stubrach Name aud Rank. Regiment. Van Bergen Dubois • Van Schoonhoven Van Rensselaer Willet GrahamThomasThomasThomas SchuyleiSchuyler Borst, Joost, private Vrooman Borst, Joost, private Vrooman Borst, Joost, I., drummer Vrooman Borst, Martinus, private Vrooman Borst, Migel, private Vrooman Bort, Nichs., fieut. Clyde Borst, Peter, private Vrooman Borst, Philip, private Vrooman Bortel, Fredk., private Van Rensselaer Bortel, John, private Van Rensselaer Bortell, Barthw., private Armstrong Borum, Nicholas, sergeant Hammond Bonis, Aaron, sergeant Fisher Bory, Will, private Boshart, Henry, private Boskerk, Martin, private Boss, Jeremiah, private Boston, Negro, private Bostwick, Edward, private Willet Bostwick, Elijah, captain Whiting Bostwick, Elijah, captain Bostwick, James, private Bostwick, John, private Bostwick, Jonn., private Boskerk, Joseph, private Boskirk, Joseph, private Bostwick, Robert, sergeant Thomas Bostwick, Robt., sergeant Thomas Bostwick, Robt., sergeant Thomas Bostwick, Robert, private Thomas Bostwick, Samuel, private Thomas Bostwick, Saml,, private Thomas Bostwich, Stephen, private Thomas Bostwick, Stephen, private Thomas Bostwick, Stephen, private Thomas Bosworth, Ezekiah, private Whiting Bosworth, Jaben, private Whiting Bott, Daniel, private Bothel, James, private Botter, Benjn., private Bottle, Thos., private Bottles, Joseph, private Bouch, Corns., corporal Bouch, Lawrence, private Vrooman Bouch, Thomas, private Vrooman Bouch, Thomas, private Vrooman Bouch, Wm., private Vrooman Bouchall, Hooper, private Willet Boudish, John, sergeant Van Rensselaer Bough, Peter, private Boughton, Ezra, private Bourrougb, Gideon, priv. Bouse, Henry, corporal Bouse, Henry, private Bouse, Jonn., private Boush, Geo., private Bouten, Jehiel, ensign Bouten, Jesse, private Bouten, John, corporal Bouten, Nathl., private Bouten, Saml., private Bouton, Benajah, private Bouton, Benajah, private Bouton, Benajah, private Bouton, Benin., private Bouton, Danl., captain Bouton, Danl., lieut. Bouton, David, sergeant Bouton, David, private Bouton, Ebenr., private Bouton, Ebenr., private Bouton, Ebenr., private Bouton, Elijah, private Bouton, Ezra, private Bouton, Ezra, private Bouton, Gould, captain Bouton, Gould, private Bouton, Hezekiah, private Hays Bouton, Jesse, private Crane Bouton, Jesse, private Crane Bouton, Joel, quartermas'r Benedict Bouton, Joel, private Thomas Company. Brown Becker Rightmier Rightmier Brown Diffendorf Rightmier RightmierPhilipsLong Putmau Witbeck Fonda Collins (?) Niles Van Rensselaer Cannon Wessenfels Armstrong Van Woert Drake Willet Vrooman Willet Thomas Van Woert Willet Van Rensselaer KlockCrane Crane Crane Crane Luddington CraneCraneThomas DragoonCrane Crane Drake Drake CraneCraneThomas Crane Drake Crane Benedict - Thomas SacketSacket Chapman Lansing LansingChapmanSackett St. John Sacket Sacket Chapman Sacket ChapmanSt. John GilbertSalisbury Hunt Long WhitesideHaight Skinner Richtmier RightmyerMiller RichtmyerHarrisonDe Garmo Harrison St. John Stockwell WhitesideNewell De Garmo Klock LewisLewis LewisLewis Waterbury ScofieldBoutonGilbert Delavan Scofield DelivanDelivan Chapman Bouton Gilbert Lawrence LawrenceLawrence Gilbert Stevenson Lawrence ScofieldGilbert Roster of the State Troops. 329 Name and Rank. Bouton, Jehiel, sergeant Bouton, John, sergeant Bouton, John, private Bouton, Joseph, private Bouton, Matthew, private Bouton, Moses, private Bouton, Moses, private Bouton, Nathl., private Bouse, Nichs., private Bouck, Nichs., private Bouton, Noah, sergt. -maj. Bouton, Noah, private Bouton, Noah, private Bouton, Saml., lieut. Bouton, Saml., private Bouton, Saml., private Bouton, Saml., private Bouton, Seth, private Bouton, Seymour, private Bouton, Shubael, private Bouton, Stephen, private Bouton, Stephen, private Bouton, Timy., private Bouton, Timothy, private Bouton, Timothy, private Boutton, Hiel, ensign Boutten, John, sergeant Bouwen, Timothy, private Bovee, Jacob, Jr., private Bovee, Nich's, private Bovee, Nich's, private Bovee, Peter, private Bover, Edward, private Bovert, Henry, private Bovice, Ab'm, private Bovie, Ab'm, private Bovie, Jacob, private Bovie, John, sergeant Bovie, John, private Bovie, Matt'w, sergeant Bovie, Matt'w, private Bovie, Martin, private Bovie, Nich's, private Bovie, Peter, private Bovie, Philip, private Bovier, David, private Bovier, David, private Bovier, Simon, private Bowdick, Gideon, private Bowdish, Gideon, private Bowdish, Henry, private Bowdish, John, private Bowell, James, private Bowen, Daniel, private Bowen, Fred'k, private Bowen, Isaac, fifer Bowen, Joel, private Bowen, Prentice, captain Bowen, Tim'y,* private Bower, Dan'l, private Bowers, Joel, private Bowers, Joel, private Bowing, Dan'l, private Bowing, Daniel, private Bowker, Zilas, private Bowley, Heman, lieut. Bowman, Adam, private Bowman, And'w, private Bowman, Andries, private Bowmau, John, captain Bowman, John, private Bowman, Peter, private Bowman, Rob't, private Bowman, Rob't, private Regiment. Crane ThomasBenedict Crane Crane Hays Drake Crane Van Rensselaer Schuyler Benedict Field Field Benedict CraneLuddington Thomas Crane Crane Crane Crane Crane Pawling CraneCrane Crane CraneHarperYates FisherFisher YatesSchuylerFisher WempleWemple Yates Yates Yates Fisher Schuyler Schuyler Wemple Yates Schuyle. WessenfelsPawling Wessenfels Van Veghten Vim Veghten Van Veghten YatesJohnsonHathornKlockWessenfels Willet (?) Wessenfels Harper Brinckerhoff Hathorn Wessenfels Johnson Johnson Cantine Hathorn Dubois SchuylerSchuyler Clyde Fisher Yates Van Woert Van Woert Company. Scofield Gilbert Gould Scofield Truesdel Stevenson Lawrence Scofield DeGarmo Ostrum Dykeman Hecock Bouton ScofieldScribner Gilbert Lewis Truesdell Truesdell Scofield BoutonSacket Scofield Bouton Lewis Lewis VroomanDegraas Snook Groot Mabee WansonWanson HadlockHadlock MarselusLansing LansingVan Slyck Hadlock Lansing White De Witt White Thompson Woodworth Wiltse ConklinZeelyBowen Schermerhorn Van Wyck Mervin Westfall Jansen CrossHasbrouck Shepherd De Mont Ostrum Van Aernum McMasterWiltse Gilmore Doty Name and Rank. Regiment. Bowman, Rob't, Jr., priv. Van Woert Bowne, Philip, lieut.(?) Graham Bownen, Hendrick, sergt. Livingston Bownington, John, private Wessenfels Bowton, Sam'l, private Wessenfels Boy, Brave, private Wessenfels Boy, Brave, drummer Hays Boy, Bray, private Hays (?) Boy, Brave, private Boyce, Jacob, t private Hammond Boyce, James, private Graham Boyce, John, private Hopkins Boyce, John, private Crake Boyce, Thos., ensign Harper Boyce, Thomas,]; ensign Drake Boyd, Eben'r, captain Drake Boyd, Geo., private Van Rensselaer Boyd, James, private Schuyler Boyd, Jno., sergeant Armstrong Boyd, John, corporal Webster Boyd, Jon'n, private Cuyler Boyd, Nath'l, private Wessenfels Boyd, Peleg, private Malcom Boyd, Robert, private Hathorn Boyd, Robert, private Webster Boyd, Robert, private Webster Boyd, Robt., private Armstrong Boyd, Sam'l, private Hopkins Boyd, Thomas, private Willet Boyd, Thomas, private Webster Boyd, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Boyde, Wm., private Schuyler Boyer, Francis, private Willet Brabner, John, q. m. sergt. Hathorn Brace, Robt., private Van Woert Brace, William, lieat. Yates Brackland, Garret, lieut. Fisher Bracklen, Garret, lieut. Fisher Bracklen, Garret G., lieut. Fisher Brackman, Lodwick, priv. Van Bergen Bracks, George, private Wessenfels Brackbeck, John, captain Piatt Bradbig, John, captain Klock Bradbuck, Jobn,§ corporal Klock Bradee, Jesse, private Crane Bradenburgh, Baltus, 1 pr. Bellinger Bradford, James, private Wemple Bradhack, John, private Bellinger Bradhouwer, Nich's, priv. Dubois (?) Bradley, Dan'l 0., private Bradley, Ephraim, private Pawling Bradley, John, sergeant Van Rensselaer Bradley, Nathan, private Pawling Bradner, Ant'y, private Vrooman Bradner, Colvil, private Hathorn Bradner, Colwell, private Bradner, John, qr. mr. Dubois Bradner, John, lieut. Dubois Bradner, John, sergeant Hathorn Bradnor, Benoy, private Malcom Bradshaw, Ashel, private Webster Bradshaw, John, private Field Bradshaw, Rob't, private Bradshaw, Stephen, priv. Vandenburgh Bradshaw, Stephen, priv. Graham Bradshaw, Thomas, lieut. Wehster Bradshaw, Thomas, lieut. Armstrong Bradshaw, Thomas, lieut. Harper Harrison Bradshaw, Wm., private Van Schoonhoven Taylor Bradshaw, Wm., private Van Veghten Van Woert Bradt, Aaron, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Bradt, Aaron, private Wemple Mynderson Bradt, Ab'm, private Wemple Fonda Bradt, Adrian, private Schuyler Slyngerland Company. HodgesSmith Hunt StevensonStevenson WilsonTalmadgeBoyd Comb Vanderhoof Van Wie Armstrong Hamilton HardenburghBlakely McCamply Armstrong Armstrong Wheeler Livingston Armstrong Odle SharpVan Rensselaer WellsHadlockVeeder Wemple Wemple WitheckBrewster Lawrence Starring Van Slyck Frank Fonda WoodVanderhoof Westfall Minthorn Minthorn Gano Miller McKinstry Dyckman FondaWheeler Vail ?Enlisted in 1780. Captured at Oneida, and disabled by bad treatment, etc., in Canadian prisons. Farmer, East Distr., Rensselaer Manor, Philippstown, Albany Co. B 103, Aa 14. t Shot through the right knee at Tarrytown, June 22, 1780. Westchester, I 93. % Wounded by cutlass in neck and left arm near Pine's Bridge, March 3, 1782. Blacksmith, Philippsburgh, Westchester Co. C 29, Aa 42. § Wounded in right shoulder at Oriskanie, August 6, 1777. Palatine Distr. A. 156. | Wounded in the left thigh at New-Petersburgh, July 1780. Herkimer, Montgomery Co. Cc 82. 42 330 Roster of the State Troops. Company. Van Rensselaer Wemple Schemerhorn Wemple Bancker Wemple Outhout Wemple Outhout Wemple Van Petten Wemple Van Atten Schuyler Veeder Van Schoonhoven Visscher Name and Rank. Regiment. Bradt, Andries, private Bradt, Anthony, private Bradt, Ant'y D., private Bradt, Arent A., private Bradt, Arent S., private Bradt, Corn's, private Bradt, Corn's private Bradt, Dan'l A., private Bradt, Dirck, private Bradt, Elias, private Wemple Van Petten Bradt, Eph'm, oorporal Wemple Outhout Bradt, Garret, private Schuyler Slyngerlandt Bradt, Garret, private Wemple Mynderse Bradt, Jacobus, private Wemple Bradt, Jacobus, private Wemple Outhout Bradt, Jacobus A., private Wemple Outhout Bradt, John, private Wemple Van Petten Bradt, John, private Wemple Van Petten Bradt, John, private Van Woert Doty Bradt, John, private Schuyler Bradt, John, private Schuyler Lansing Bradt, Jno., private Schuyler Lansing Bradt, John, private Schuyler Vischer Bradt, John, private Schuyler Hogan Bradt, John B., private Yates Brown Bradt, Jno. F., private Schuyler Lansing Bradt, John S., private Wemple Van Atten Bradt, Martin, private Schuyler Van Wee Bradt, Myndert, private Wemple Van Petten Bradt, Myndert, private Wemple Van Atten Bradt, Nich's, private Van Rensselaer De Garmo Bradt, Nich's, private Yates Brown Bradt, Nich's, private Yates Weltse Bradt, Peter A., private Schuyler Van Wee Bradt, Peter B., private Schuyler Van Wee Bradt, Samuel, private Wemple Mynderse Bradt, Sam'l S., private Wemple Outhout Bradt, Storm, private Willet Conine Bradt, Storm, private Willet Harrison Bradthack, Jacob, private Bellinger Frank Bradwell, Henry, private Hays Tourneur Brady, John, private Graham Vail Brady, Simeon, private Drake Haight Bragham, John, private Wemple Bragham, John, private Wemple Bragham, Joseph, private Wemple Braiden, Thomas, private Johnson Robinson Braim, John, private Fisher Veeder Brain, John, private Fisher Veeder Brain, Moses, private Van Rensselaer Woodworth Brainer, Anthony, private Hathorn Miller Brainer, Ruben, sergeant Willet .Gross Brainward, Reuben, priv. Van Ness Brakeman, Jacob, private Willet Harrison Braman, Fred'k, private Van Rensselaer Odle Bramble, Wm., sergeant Schuyler Slyngeriand Bramble, Wm., sergeant Schuyler Groot Bramer, Anthony, private Hathorn Minthorn Branard, Caleb, private Van Ness Brand, Michael, private Vrooman Richtmyer Branda, Wilhelmus, priv. Van Bergen Hoghtaling Brandage, Nathan, private Stevenson Brandaw, Hend'k, private Van Bergen Witbeck Brandaw, Nich's, private Van Bergen Witbeck Brandaw, Peter, corporal Van Bergen Witbeck Brandaw, Peter, Jr., priv. Van Bergen Witbeck Brandaw, Wm., private Van Bergen Dubois Branden, Abraham, private Harper Allen Brando, Wilhelmus, priv. Van Bergen Hoghtaling Branbart, Chas., private Fisher Yates Brank, Eph'm, private Van Bergen Bram, John, private Fisher Veeder Brannah, James, sergeant Brannan, Adam, private Johnson Cross Brannon, Michael, private Wessenfels White Brannon, Reuben, private Wessenfels Goodwin Brant, Edward, corporal Willet White Brant, Mich'l, private Vrooman Brant, Philip, private Drake Boyd Brantner, Anthony, private Willet Debois- Brantner, Ant'y, private Vrooman Rightmier Name and Rank. Brantner, Anth., private Brasteld, And'w, private Brate, Henry, lieut. Brathack, Jacob, private Bratt, Adrian, sergeant Bratt, Dan'l, private Bratt, Eliphalam, private Bratt, Hendk., private Bratt, Henry, private Bratt, Jacobus, private Bratt, Jacobus, private Bratt, John, private Bratt, John, private Bratt, John, private Bratt, John B., lieut. Bratt, John B., private Bratt, Nichs., private Bratt, Nichs., private Bratt, Peter, private Bratt, P. Bill., private Bratt, Strom, private Bratz, James, private Braver, John, private Brawen, Eldrick, private Brawn, Christr., private Brawn, Nathan, private Braws, Eliakim, private Bryant, John, private Brayton, Joseph, private Brayton, Mattw., private Breadbake, John, captain Breaden, Thomas, private Brease, Henry, lieut. Breasted, Andrew, private Breawer, John, private Breawer, Wm., private Breel, Peter, private Breester, Joseph, private Bresea, Will., private Bresse, Jellis, sergeant Brett, Fredk., private Brett, James, private Brett, Robert, private Brett, Rombout, private Brett, Theods., private Brettenback, Baltus, priv. Brene, Henry, lieut. Brevort, Abrm., private Brewer, Abraham, private Brewer, Abraham, private Brewer, Aury, private Brewer, Cornelius, private Brewer, Deliverance, priv. Brewer, Deliverance, priv. Brewer, Elias, sergeant Brewer, Elias, sergeant Brewer, Elias, private Brewer, Garrey, private Brewer, Garrit, private Brewer, Harman, lieut. Brewer, Hendk., private Brewer, Henry, private Brewer, Henry, private Brewer, Henry, private Brewer, Isaac, private Brewer, Isaac, private Brewer, Jacob, private Brewer, Jacob, private Brewer, Jeremh., private Brewer, Jeremiah, private Brewer, John, private Brewer, John, private Brewer, Mattw., lieut. Brewer, Mattw., private Brewer, Peter, private Brewer, Peter, private Brewer, Samuel, private Brewer, Samuel, private Brewer, Saml., private Brewer, Saml., private Brewer, William, private Regiment . Company. Vrooman Wynkoop Clyde Weeser Van Rensselaer De Forest Quackenboss Yates Yates Noble Schuyler Klock Lansing Ruff Klock Miller Klock Ruff Van Woert Brown Van Woert Whiteside Schuyler Lansing Yates Yates Yates Yates Yates Yates Van Rensselaer De Garmo Schuyler Veeder Van Ness Van Bergen Witbeck Clyde " Weeser Van Rensselaer Price Pawling Laurence Drake Haight Drake Haight Johnson Ostrander Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Van Woert Wells Van Woert Brown Klock Johnson Jansen Yates Weltse Wynkoop Dedrick Klock Klock Klock Klock Webster Long Schuyler Van Rensselaer Tillman Bries Van Alstyne Philips Wynkoop Wessenfels White Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoof Brinckerhoff Schults Brinckerhoff Bellinger Staring Yates Hadlock Van Bergen Honeywell Hays Tourneur Hammond Hays Smith Wessenfels Livingston Hammond Comb Hammond Requa Van Woert Wells Van Woert Doty Van Woert Hodges Field Hecock Piatt Lee Klock Luddington Lane Wemple Van Woert Van Slyck Hodges Van Woert Whiteside Hays Tourneur Hays Willet -Ackerman Wright Hammond Piatt Lee Van Schoonhoven Visscher Willet Fonda Graham Conklin Yates Hadlock Hammond Vrooman Stnbrach Vrooman Heager Brinkerhoft Hopkins Hays Bell Van Cortland Luddington Lane Klock Klock Roster of the State Troops. 331 Regiment. Willet Hopkins Brinckerhoff Allison WeissenfelsHopkins Luddington Name and Rank. Brewer, William, private Brewer, Wm., corporal Brewer, Wm., private Brewer, William, private Brewer, Uldrick, sergeant Hays Brewster, Danl., corporal Van Rensselaer Brewster, Henry, captain Weissenfels Brewster, Harvey, Jr.,* lt, Brewster, Jesse, corporal Brewster, John, sergeant Brewster, John, sergeant Brewster, Nathan, private Hathorn Brewster, Peltiah, private Field Briant, Saml., private Van Veghten Briqkman, Jacob, private Van Bergen Brickman, Lodwick, corpl. Van Bergen Brickman, Lodiwick, priv, Van Bergen Bridges, Ed'd, private Drake Bridleburgh, Baltus, priv. Bries, Anth'y, captain Van Rensselaer Briesee, Willm., sergeant Van Rensaelaer Briggs, Henry, private Hays Briggs, Isaac, private Briggs, Jasper, corporal Briggs, Jeremh., private Briggs, Jesper, private Briggs, John, private Briggs, Joseph, private Briggs, Joshua, private Briggs, Josiah, private Briggs, Lawrence, private Hays Briggs, Lawrence, private Hays Briggs, Mattw., private Hays Briggs, Oliver, corporal Briggs, Philip, private Briggs, Rufus, private Briggs, Stephen, private Briggs, Thos., private Brightman, Johnson, Corp. Van Woert Brightman, Johnson, priv. Van Woert Brigs, Abrm., private Van Veghten Brigs, Caleb, private Van Rensselaer Brigs, Caleb, private Van Rensselaer Brigs, Caleb, private Brinckerhoff Brigs, Christ'r, fifer Van Rensselaer Brim, Jno., private Willet Brimhall, Joseph, private Whiting Brimmer, Godfrey, private Van Rensselaer Brimmer, Jno., private Van Rensselaer Brinck, Corn's C., sergeant Wynkoop Brinck, John, private Johnson Brinck, John, private Johnson Brinck, John, A., private Wynkoop Brinck, Petrus, private Malcolm Brinckerhoff, Ab'm, col. Brinckerhoff, Ab'm, priv. Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff, Dan'l, drum. Brinkerhoff Brinckerhoff, Dan'l, priv. Hopkins Brinckerhoff, Derick, priv. Brinkerhoff Brinckerhoff, Geo., priv. Vandenburgh Brinckerhoof, Geo., priv. Brinkerhoff Brinckerhoff, Hen., nfer Brinkerhoff Brinckerhoff, Henry, priv. Pawling Brinckerhoff, Isaac, priv. Hopkins Brinckerhoff, Isaac, priv. Brinckerhoff, Jacob, adjt. Brinckerhoff, John, capt. Brinckerhoff, John, priv. Brinckerhoff, John, priv. Brinckerhoff, John G., cap. Brinckerhoff Brink, Adam, private Wessenfels Brink, Corn's, sergeant Wynkoop Brink, Corn's, private Brink, Corn's, private Brink, Jacob, private Brink, Jacob, Jr., private Wynkoop Brink, John, private Johnson Drake Hays Weissenfels HaysHays Wisner Thomas Van Woert Van Rensselaer Crane Van Woert Graham Thomas BrinkerhoffBrinckerhoff Brinkerhoff Hopkins Brinkerhoff JohnsonJohnson Wynkoop Company. Cannon Van Benschoten Humphrey Van Benschoten Tourneur Townsend BrewsterLaneMead Van Deuse Dyckman Winne Fonda BriesOnderdon Boyd Bell On_erdonk MillerHubby Gilmore Bell Blauvelt Bell Randall Lockwood McKillip Bostwick Hobby Wells Whiteside Van Woert Shaw Husted Van Wyck Schermerhorn Fonda Davis ShawShaw Johnson Roosa Schoonmaker McKinstry Brinckerhoof BrinckerhoofVan Benschoten Brinkerhoff Storms Brinkerhoff Brinckerhoff Wood Van Benschoten Brinkerhoff Van Benschoten Storms PawlingDe Witt Jansen Smith De Witt De Witt Jansen Name and Rank. Regiment. Brink, John, private Wessenfels Brink, John, Jr., private Wynkoop Brink, John C, private Wynkoop Brink, Peter, private Johnson Brink, Solomon, private Malcom Brink, Adam, private Pawling Brinkerhoff, Geo., captain Hopkins Brinkerhoof, Geo., captain Brinckerhoff Brink, Corn's, sergeant Wynkoop Brink, Corn's, private Pawling Brink, Corn's, private Pawling Brink, Corn's C, sergeant Wynkoop Brink, Henry, private Wynkoop Brink, Jacob, Jr., sergeant Wynkoop Brink, Jacob, Jr., private Pawlings Brink, Jacob, Jr., private Wynkoop Brink, John, private Johnson Brink, John, private Johnson Brihk, John, private Pawling Brink, John, private Pawling Brink, John, private Wynkoop Brink, John C., private Pawling Brink, John C, private Wynkoop Brink, Jno. J., private Piatt Brink, John T., private Wynkoop Brink, Peter, ensign Wynkoop Brink, Peter, private Johnson Brink, Peter, private Johnson Brink, Peter, private Hays Brink, Peter C., private Wynkoop Brink, Rob't, private Cantine Brink, Solomon, private Johnson Brisbin, James, private Van Veghten Brisban, William, private Van Veghten Brisbin, Wm., private Van Veghten Brissenbecker, Balser, pr. Clyde Brissie, Hend'k, private Van Rensselaer Bristar, Silas, private Webster Brister, Dan'l, corporal Van Rensselaer Brister, Dan' 1, private Van Rensselaer Bristol, Amos, private Whiting Bristol, Benjamin, corpl. Whiting Bristole, Ab m, private Van Rensselaer Bristoll, Abell, private Whiting Britt, George, private Vandenburgh Britt, Peter, private Wynkoop Britt, Peter, private Wynkoop Britt, William, corporal Wynkoop Britt, William, private Wynkoop Broad, Geo. Jah., private Klock Broad, John Jah., private Klock Broad, Peter Jah., private Klock Broadford, James, private Wemple Broadhack, Jon'n, private Bellinger Broadhead, Thos., private Wessenfels Broadhook, John, private Van Rensselaer Broaker, James, private Whiting Broakman, Godney, priv. Klock Brock, Francis, private Brinckerhoff Brock, John, private Yates Brock, Will., corporal Drake Brock, Wm., private Drake Brockway, Consider, priv. Van Rensselaer Brockway, Consider, priv. Van Rensselaer Brockway, Justus, private Van Rensselaer Brockway, Rich'd, private Van Rensselaer Brodback, Jacob, corporal Bellinger Brodhack, Barth'w, private Bellinger Brodhack, Barth'w, private Bellinger Brodhacker, Bartley, priv. Van Rensselaer Brodhead, Charles, captain Hathorn Brodhead, Henry,q. m. ser. Pawling Brodhead, Henry, sergeant Wessenfels Brodhead, Henry, private Graham Brodhead, Henry, private Pawling Brodhead, John, captain Piatt Brodhead, John, private Graham Company. Pawling Dedrick De Witt WilkinsMcKinstry Hunter De Witt Hunter Livingston De Witt Van Aken De Witt JansenHunterWestbrook De Witt Hunter Van Buren Brodhead De Witt GillespieJansenDe Witt Cross WoodworthWoodworthDunham RuffLong Townsend Townsend Kellogg Salsbury Brief Bostwick Van Wyck Hess Hess Hess Van Slyck SmallPawling Bries Herrick RuffBrinckerhoff Brown Drake TurnerSchermerhorn Niles Turner Staring SmallFrank Bries Brodhead PiercyWhiteDe Witt Sherwood * First Lieutenant, commanding company, when wounded and taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery. •Co., B, 11. A. P. 21-17. Blooming Grove, Orange 332 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Brodhead, John, Jr., priv. Brower, Jerem'h, private Van Schoonhoven Taylor Brodhead, Sam'l, sergeam Cantine Hasbrouck Brower, John, corporal Klock Kock Brodhead, Will., sergeant Cantine Brower, John, private Klock Kock Brodhead, William, priv. Pawling De Witt Brower, John, private Schuyler Lansing Brodish, John, corporal Harper Harrison Brower, Nicholas, captain Brinckerhoff Brodthack, John, private Bellinger Staring Brower, Richard, private Schuyler Van Aernum Brogs, Christ'r, private Van Rensselaer Niles Brower, Richard, private Schuyler Lansing Brokeway, Gideon, fifer Harper Allen Brower, Teunis, private Pawling Livingston Bromhover, Geo., private Willet Fonda Brower, Wm., private Willet Welp Bronck, Jonas, private Van Bergen Van Schaick Brower, William, private Wessenfels Brondo, William, Jr., priv Van Bergen Hoghtaling Brower, Tunis, private Brinckerhoff Brower Bronk, Casper, private Van Bergen Witbeck Brown, Aaron, private Brinckerhoff Schutt Bronk, Ephraim, private Van Bergen Hoghtaling Brown, Abraham, private Johnson Wood Bronk, Ephraim, private Van Bergen Witbeck Brown, Abm., private Wemple Mynderson Bronk, Jonas, private Van Bergen Hoghtaling Brown, Abm., private Hammond Bronk, Nicholas, private Van Bergen Witbeck Brown, Abrm., private Crane Lewis Bronk, Peter, ensign Van Bergen Brown, Abm., private Williamson Shepardson Bronk, Philip, corporal Van Bergen Hoghtaling Brown, Adam, sergeant Clyde Van Everat Broock, Thom., private Brookman, Godfrey, priv. Pawling Saekett Brown, Adam, private Brown, Adam, Jr., privat Vrooman Klock Ruff i Vrooman Heager Lewis Brookman, Godfrid, priv. Clyde Ruff Brown, Adonijah, private Brown, Adonijah, Jr., priv Crane Brook, John, private Yates Crane Lewis Brook, John, private Brooke, Joseph, private Thomas Gilbert. A 26. Brown, Alexr., private Hathorn Minthorn Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Brown, Alexr., private Wisner Miller Brooker, William, private Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Brown, Amos, private Van Rensselaer Cady Brooks, Dan'l, private Crane Lawrence Brown, Amos, private Crane Brooks, Dan'l, private Truesdell Brown, Ananias, private Crane Lockwood Brooks, Geo., private Brooks, Jerem h, private Dubois Gano Brown, Andw., corporal Benedict Osburn Malcom Drake Brown, Asa, private Pawling Faulkner Brooks, Jesse, private Van Rensselaer Staats Brown, Asa, private Pawling Wood Brooks, John, corporal Hays Stevenson Brown, Asa, private Pawling Westfall Brooks, John, corporal Drake Lawrence Brown, Benajah, lieut. Crane Lewis Brooks, John, private Pawling Westfall Brown, Benajah, sergeant Crane Scofield Brooks, John, private Hays Tourneur Brown, Benjn., ensign Bammond Orser Brooks, John, private Crane Lawrence Brown, Benjn., private Van Veghten Thompson Van Woert Brooks, John,* private Allison Brown, Benjn., private Van Veghten Brooks, John,+ private McClaughny Cuddeback Brown, Benjn., private Van Veghten Dunham Brooks, Joshua, corporal Van Rensselaer Staats Brown, Brockaway, private Stevenson Brooks, Mich'l, private Pawling Sackett Brown, Brocker, private Crane Lewis Brooks, Mich'l,$ private Thomas Gilbert Brown, Brook, private Drake Drake Brooks, William, sergeani Hathorn Miller Brown, Caleb, sergeant Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Brooks, Wm., private Dubois Gano Brown, Caleb, corporal Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Brooks, Will., private Luddington Mead Brown, Caleb, private Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Brooks, William, private Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Brown, Chas., private Yates Hadlock Broom, Samuel, corporal Van Woert Whiteside Brown, Christian, captain Vrooman Brosea, Henry, private Van Rensselaer Bries Brown, Christn., private Klock Ruff • Brothers, John, sergeant Fisher Brown, Christr., private Drake Haight Brothers, John, corporal Fisher Brown, Coenrad, lieut. Clyde Brown Brothers, John, private Fisher Veeder Brown, Cornelius, private Johnson Ostrander Brothers, John, private Fisher Little Brown, Corns., private Malcolm Delavan Brothers, John, private Fisher Veeder Brown, Corns., private Luddington Mead Brotherton, John, private Brotherton, Micajan, priv. Van Rensselaer Turner Brown, Daniel, private Thomas Hubby Van Rensselaer Turner Brown, David, sergeant Thomas Hubby Brotherton, Micajah, priv. Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Brown, David, drummer Van Woert Brown Brotherton, Zophar, priv. Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Brown, David, private Yates Brott, Adrean, sergeant Quackenboss Brown, David, § lieut. Mead (Conn' t.) Van Woert Green Brougham, Simon, private Wemple Mynderse- Brown, David, private Gilmore Browden, Eben'r, private Luddington Kidd Brown, David, private Van Woert Doty Brower, Aaron, private Wessenfels Bowen Brown, David, private Drake Kronkhite Brower, Abr'm, private Van Rensselaer Brown, Deliverance, sergt . Benedict Seely Browman, Benj'n, private Van Veghten Van Woert Brown, Deliverance, priv. Wessenfels Hunt Brower, Chas., private Brinckerhoff Brower Brown, Deliverance, priv. Thomas Hubby Brower, Corn's, private Brown, Deliverance, priv. Drake Seely Brower, Dan'l, private Brinckerhoff Brown, Deliverance, priv. Crane Lawrence Brower, David, sergeant Brinckerhoff Brower Brown, Ebenezer, private Johnson Johnson Brower, Eidrick, private Harper Lawrence Brown, Ebenezer, private Johnson Ostrander Brower, Garret, private Vandenburgh Brinckerhoff Storm Brown, Ebenezer, private Johnson Jansen Brower, Garret, private Brower Brown, Eber, private Crane Scofield Brower, George, private Wessenfels White Brown, Eber, private Benedict Gould Brower, George, private Van Rensselaer Brown, Edward, private Willet Marshall Brower, Helmer, private Klock Zeely Brown, Edward, -private Van Rensselaer Van Allen Brower, Jeremiah, sergeant Wessenfels Dodge Brown, Elijah, private Crane Scofield Brower, Jeremiah, private Vandenburgh Storm Brown, Elijah, private Crane Lewis * Taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery October 6, 1777. Exchanged August 1778. Farmer, Monroe, Orange Co. A. P. 23-265. t Enlisted in Capt. Corn. Hardenburgh's Co. (Col. R. Ritzema, 3d N. Y.), 1776. Shot through right arm at White Plains October 28, 1776. Enlisted in Capt. Cuddebaek's Co. (Col. Jas. McClaughrey), Ulster Co. Mil. Three wounds in same arm in an expedition against Indians July. 1779. Laborer, Peenpack, Ulster Co. B 30. % Accidentally wounded in the right leg on the march to Peekskill December 24, 1776. Tailor, Lower Salem Westchester Co A 26. § Shot in the abdomen at Horseneck, Westchester Co., February 26, 1779. Farmer ; Salem, Westchester Co. A 233 B 6-32. Roster of the State Troops. 333 Name and Rank. Regiment. Brown, Brown,Brown,Brown, Brown, Brown,Brown, Brown,Brown, Brown,Brown,Brown, Brown,Brown, Brown,Brown,Brown, Brown,Brown,Brown, Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown, Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown, Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown, Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown,Brown, Brown, Brown,Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown, Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown, Brown,Brown, Brown, Eliphalet, private Wessenfels Eliphalet, private Crane Elisha, private Wessenfels Elisha, private Field Enos, private Crane Enos, private Hays Enos, Sr. , private Crane Gerardus, private Drake Halsey, private Wessenfels Halsey, private Halsey, private Henry, private Henry, private Henry, private Henry, private Henry, private Hezekiah, sergt. Hezekiah, private Isaac, corporal Isaac, corporal Isaac, private Isaac, private Isaac, private Isaac, private Jacob, private Jacob, private Jacob, private James, private James, private James, private James, private James, private James H., private ...... James H., corporal Wessenfels Jeremh., private Wessenfels Jeremiah, private Webster Jeremh., private Armstrong Jeremiah, private Malcom Jesse, sergeant Van Rensselaer Thomas Thomas WessenfelsPawling ' Whiting Whiting Yates Yates Yates HammondHammond Hatton Johnson Van Rensselaer Luddington Crane Drake BrinckerhoffHathornWessenfels Hopkins Crane Brinckerhoff Wessenfels Jesse, private Joel, private Joel, private John, ensign John, sergeant John, corporal John, drummer John, private John, private John, private John, private John, private JohD, private John, private John, private John, private John, Jr., private Jonas, corporal Jonas, private Jon'n, private Jon'n, private Jon'n, private Jon'n, private Jon'n, private Joost, private Joseph, sergeant Joseph, sergeant Joseph, corporal Joseph, private Joseph, private Joseph, private Joseph, private Joseph, private Josiah, private Jost, private Lebias, private Libear, private Luther, private Luther, private Malachi, private Malak't., private Mathew, captain Migel, private Webster Van Veghten Van Veghten Vrooman WessenfelsGraham Willet Klock Pawling Thomas Malcom Vrooman Piatt Drake Van Rensselaer Crane ' Crane Crane Crane Johnson Yates Dubois CraneVan Rensselaer Vrooman Crane Crane ThomasWhitingVrooman Drake Yates Thomas Crane Vrooman Hays Hays Willet Van Veghten Malcom Pawling ClydeVrooman Company Hunt ScofieldDodgeHecock LewisStevenson Lewis Hunt LyonsHubbyGodwin De Witt Salsbury KelloggBrownCombs Orser Van Deusei Concklin Niles BakerLewis Delivan SchuttMcCamley Shephard Waters Lockwood Schutt HardenburghHardenburghWestfall ChildsMcNittMcKinstry Townsend Sherwood Van Woert Woodworth Hunt Bostwick WhiteKlock Sacket St John McKinstry Heager Kinnue Delivan King Lockwood Lewis LewisLewis MastinVandenburghChamberlain Lockwood Schermerhorn Lockwood LawrenceLawrence King HeagerSeely Brown Lawrence Chapman Stevenson Stevenson LivingstonWoodworthDrake Burnet Heager Name and Rank. Regiment. Brown, Migel, private Vrooman Brown, Migel, private Vrooman Brown, Moses, private Field Brown, Nath'l., private Thomas Brown, Nath'l., private Brown, Nath'l, private Drake Brown, Nathan, private Crane Brown, Nehem'h, corporal Van Rensselaer Brown, Neh'h, private Van Rensselaer Brown, Noah, private Dubois Brown, Noah, Jr., private Hopkins Brown, Perias, private Brown, Peter, private Brown, Peter, private Brown, Peter, private Brown, Peter, private Brown, Reuben, private Brown, Richard, private Brown, Rich'd, private Brown, Robt., private Brown, Sam'l, sergeant Brown, Sam'l, sergeant Brown, Sam'l, corporal Brown, Sam'l, corporal Brown, Samuel, private Brown, Samuel, private Brown, Samuel, private Brown, Sam'l, private Brown, Sam'l, private Brown, Sam'l, private Brown, Sam'l, private Brown, Sam'l, private Brown, Sam'l, private Brown, Sam'l, private Brown, Sam'l, private Brown, Sam'l, private Brown, Sam'l, private Brown, Sebas, private Brown, Silas, private Brown, Silas, private Brown, Silas, private Brown, Silvanus, private Brown, Solomon, private Brown, Solomon, private Brown, Stephen, private Brown, Stephen, private Brown, Thomas, captain Brown, Thos., lieut. Brown, Thomas, lieut. Brown, Thomas, private Brown, Thos., private Brown, Titus, private Brown, Tunis, private Brown, Valentine, sergt. Brown, Wm., captain Brown, Wm., captain Brown, Will., sergeant Brower, William, private Brown, William, private Brown, Wm., private Brown, Wm., private Brown, Wm., private Brown, Wm., private Company. Heager Becker Dyckman Hobby Stevenson BoydChapman Schermerhorn Schermerhorn Chamberlain WatersWelp Conklin Sackett Lawrence Schermerhorn" LewisMerwin Van Aerman Turner Bostwick GanoGilmore Whiteside White WestfallGilbert Willet Hathorn Pawling Crane Van Rensselaer CraneHathorn Schuyler Van Rensselaer GrahamDubois Van Woert Van Woert Wessenfels PawlingWhitingGrahamDrakeVan Woert DuboisDrake Crane Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Brinckorhoff Graham ThomasDrake Van Renselaer Crane Whitney Crane Crane Hopkins Brinckerhoff Yates Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Van Rensselaer Hawley Van Renselaer Niles Thomas Lawrence Thomas Hubby Willet Welp Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Van Woert Lansing Thomas Klock Willet Malcom Crane VroomanCortland Dubois DelivanWhiteside McFoght Haight Lockwood Turner Schermerhorn Schutt Vail SeelyOdle Lawrence Kellogg Lawrence Bouton Brinkerhoff Van Wyck jawrence Kock Conine DelavanLewis Brown Dubois HunterDoty Van Woert Gilmore Turner Comb Brown, Zede'k, private Brown, Zephaniah, private Pawling Brownen, Blackman, sergt. Van Woert Browner, Benj'n, private Van Veghten Brownin, Blackman, sergt. Van Woert Bruce, Ben'n, private Van Rensselaer Bruce, James, private Hammond Bruce, Jerem'h, private Van Schoonhoven Collins? Bruce, Robert, q. m. sergt. Pawling Williams Bruce, Robert, sergeant Wessenfels Livingston Bruce, Robt, sergeant Pawling Sacket Bruce, Robert, sergeant Thomas St. John Bru'ce, Robt., sergeant Crane Bruce, Robert, corporal Cooper Blauvelt Bruce, Robert, corporal Hays Blauvelt Bruce, Robert, private Crane Truesdell Bruce, Wm., private Hammond Comb Bruckman, Godfried, priv. Clyde House Bruck'man, John, private Clyde House 334 Roster of the State Troops. Company. Chapman StubrachMiller Smith House Kline Shaver VeederDebois Name and Rank. Regiment. Brue, Robt., sergeant Thomas Bruer, Peter, private Vrooman Bruer, Peter, private Vrooman Bruin, Cornelius, private Johnson Bruiner, Fred'k, private Clyde Bruirie, Johannis N., serg. Livingston Bruise, John T., private Livingston Brum, John, private Fisher Brnmer, Lodewick, private Willet Brumfield, James, private Brinckerhoff Schutt Brumfield, Jerem h, priv. Vandenburgh Van Wyck Brundage, Dan'l, lieut. Webster Tozer Brundage, David, private Thomas Bobby Brundage, Hachaliah, priv. Drake Haight Brundage, James, private Thomas Purdy Brundage, James, private Thomas Chapman Brundage, James, private Horton Brundage, James, private Thomas Lawrence Brundage, James, private Brinckerhoff Brundage, Jesse, private Thomas Hubby Brundage, Jesse, private Thomas Purdy Brundage, John, private Thomas St. John Brundage, John, private Luddingto Scribner Brundage, Joseph, private Crane Lawrence Brundage, Josiah, private Thomas Purdy Brundage, Josiah, private Thomas Hobby Brundage, Masten, private Thomas Purdy / Brundage, Mostin, private Thomas Purdy Brundage, Nath'l, private Thomas , Purdy Brundage, Nath'l, private Thomas Hobby Brundage, Silvanus, corpl. Thomas Hubby Brundage, Silvanus, priv. Thomas Hubby Brundage, Solomon, priv. Wessenfels Westfall Brundage, Stephen, private Drake Seely Brundage, Stephen, private Crane Lawrence Brundage, Sylvanus, priv. Thomas Lyon Brundage, Thomas, priv. Vandenburgh Wheeler Brundage, Tim'y, private Thomas Lawrence Brundeg, James, private Brundige, Daniel, lieut Armstrong Tozer Brundige, John, private Hathorn McCamly Brundridge, Tim'y, qr. mr. Thomas Bruner, Chris'n, private Clyde House Bruner, Fred'k, private Clyde Diffendorf Brunk, Corn's, private Johnson Smith Brunk, Philip, private Van Bergen Dubois Brunner, Jacob, private Klock Ruff Brunner, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Staats Brush, Benj'n, private Van Veghten Woodworth Brush, David, private Pawling De Witt Brush, David, private Wessenfels Brush, Eliakim, private Pawling De Witt Brush, Gilbert, private Crane Lockwood Brush, Isaac, private Wessenfels White Brush, Isaiah, private Wessenfels Brush, Jesse, private Thomas Miller Brush, Jesse, private Thomas Sackett Brush, Jesse, private Thomas St. John Brush, Joshua, private Hathorn Conklin Brush, Robert, private Hays Tourneur Brush, Thomas, private Drake Delivan Brush, Thomas, private Truesdell Brustare, John, private Fisher Veeder Bruster, John, private Van Rensselaer Bries Bruster, John, private Field Hecock Bruster, Sam'l, private Schuyler Tillman Bruster, Sam'l, private Field Hecock Brutt, Gerret Tuniss, capt. Yate3 Bruyn, Ahraham, private Johnson Janson Bruyn, Beni'n, private Graham Sherwood (?) Bruyn, Cornelius, private Johnson Johnson Bruyn, Cornelius, private Johnson Jansen Bruyn, Johannis, private Johnson Jansen Bruyn, Zach's, private Johnson Gillispy Bryan, Alden, private Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Bryan, Sam'l, private Van Veghten Dunham Bryent, Sam'l, private Van Veghten Woodworth Bryon, John, private Bays (?) Stevenson Buch, Henry, surgeon Wessenfels Buchanan, Eben'r, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Buchanan, James, private Wessenfels Westfall Buchanan, James, private Hathorn Telford Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Buchanan, Patrick, private Van Woert Brown Buchanan, Patrick, private Van Woert ^ot7 Buchanan, Robert, sergt. Hathorn Telford Bucher, Nath'l, private Harper Harrison Buck, Amos, sergeant Van Woert Pettit Buck, Amos, private Van Woert Hodges Buck, Amos, private Whiting Kellogg Buck, Benjamin, private Whiting Salsbury Bnck, Henry, surgeon Dubois Buck, Ichabod, private Whiting Salsbury Buck, Israel, Jr., drummer Hopkins Wheeler Buck, John, private Van Veghten Thompson Buck, John, private Van Neghten Winne Buck, Perregreen, private Van Veghten Thompson Buckbee, John, sergeant Thomas Moseman Buckbee, John, sergeant Thomas St. John Buckbee, Russel, private Crane Buckel, John, corporal Webster Buckerth, David, private Dubois Chamberlain Bucket, John, private Dubois Burnet Buckhout, Ab'm, captain Drake Buckhout, Dan'l, private Drake Bnckhout Buckhout, Jacob, corporal Hammond Comb Buckhout, James, private Wessenfels Thompson Buckhout, John, private Cortland Buckingham, Eben'r, priv. Van Schoonhoven Buckingham, William, priv. Weissenfels Godwin Buckler, Jabez, private Field Dykeman Buckley, Andrew, sergeant Harper Bogart Buckley, Andrew, corporal Willet Elsworth Buckley, Jabez, private Luddington Waterbury Buckley, Thos., private Hammond Buckly, And'w, private Willett Gillet Buckman, Ab'm, drum maj. Dubois Lee Buckman, Hendricus, priv. Wynkoop Van Beuren Buckout, John, private Yates Yates Budd, Benj'amin, sergeant Hathorn Mervin Budd, Fredrick, private Hathorn Mervin Budd, Fred'k, private Pawling Westfall Budd, Gilbert, lieut. -col. Thomas Budd, Gilbert, private Brinckerhoff Schutt Budd, J ohn, private Brinckerhoff Schutt Budd, Joseph, private Drake Haight Budine, John, sergeant Fisher McMaster Buel, Cirus, private Graham Sherwood Buel, Grover, sergeant Humphrey Buel, Jonathan, private Willet Skinner Buel, Samuel, lieut. Armstrong Buel, Samuel, sergeant Webster Buese, Elias, private Webster Buff, Jonathan, private Willet Harrison Bugbee, Ezekiel, private Luddington Mead Bugbee, John, sergeant Thomas Moseman Bugbee, John, private Hopkins Wheeler Bugbee, Sam'l, private Hopkins Brinkerhoff Bugby, John, sergeant Thomas Moseman Bugby, Russell, Jr., priv. Crane Lockwood Bugby, Silvester, private Luddington Waterbury Bugh, Robert, private Drake Delivan Buice, Aaron, private Hammond Martling Buice, Aaron, private Van Bergen Honeywell Buice, Abraham, private Hammond Martling Buice, Abm., Jr,, private Hammond Comb Buice, Abm., Jr., private Hammond Requa Buice, Jacob, private Hammond Martling Buice, James, private Hammond Martling Buice, John, private Hammond Comb Buice, John, private Van Bergen Honeywell Buice, Peter, private Hammond Requa Buice, Thos., ensign Hammond Comb Buice, Thomas, private Van Bergen Honeywell Buice, Wm., private Hammond Martling Buice, Wm., private Hammond Orser Bukel, Christr., private Webster Buloy, John, private Drake Bulice, Peter, private Malcom Cantine Bull, Danl., private Johnson Roosa Bull, James, corporal Newkirk Faulkner Bull, Moses, private Newkirk Faulkner Bull, Wm., private Van Alstyn Ostrander Bullock, Charles, private Willet White Bullock, Charles, private Willet Tearse Roster of the State Troops. 335 Name and Rank. Regiment, Bullock, Shubael, corpora. Williams Bulman, John, private Bulman, John, private Bulsen, Henry, private Bulsen, John, private Bulsin, Benjn., private Busling, Hendk., private Buslin, Henry, private Bulsing, Garades, private Schuyler Bulsing, Henry, private Schuyler Bulsing, John, sergeant Bulsing, John, corporal Bulson, Gradus, private Bulson, Henry, private Bump, Aaron, private Bump, Ichabod, private Bump, Jacob, private Bump, Jezebud, private Bump, Moses, corporal Bump, Pelatiah, private Bump, Setathuel, private Bump, Stephen, private Bumpas, Ruben, private Bumper, Ed'd, private Bumper, Fredk., private Bumper, Ruben, private Bumpus, Fredk., private Bumpus, Fredk., private Bunce, Abraham, private Buncker, Solomon, private Pawling Buncker, Thomas, private Pawling Bunda, Elisha, private Yates Bunda, Nath'l, private Yates Bunda, Simeon, private Yates Bunday, Ashbel, corporal Bundle, John, private Bundy, Jerem'h, private Bunkat, John, private Bunker, Solomon, private Wessenfels Bunn, Jacob, sergeant Fisher Bunn, Jacob, private Bunn, Jacob, private Bunn, John, corporal Bunn, John, private Bunn, John, private Bunnell, Jonathan, private Armstrong Bunnow, Simeon, private Wessenfels Bunside, Wm., private Bunt, Peter, sergeant Bunt, Peter, private Bunt, Eph'm, private Buntler, Christ, ensign Bunstead, Fred'k, private Willet Bur, Daniel, private Malcolm Burance, Tjerick, private Burbet, John, private Burch, Admeral, lieut Burch, Admiral, lieut. Burch, Admiral, lieut. Burch, Amos, private Burch, Benj'n, private Burch, Beverly, private Burch, Charles, private Burch, Danl., private Burch, David, private Burch, George, private Burch, Ichabod, private Burch, Increase, private Burch, Jerem'h, private Burch, Jeremiah, private Burch, Jerem'h, private Burch, Jerem'h, private Burch, John, private Burch, Jon' n, private Burch, Josiah, private Burch, Rich'd, private Burch, Silas, private Burch, Thomas, private Burch, Thos., private Burcham, Henry, private Burched, Nath'l, private Bnrchell, Jerem'h, private Hay WilletFisher Schuyler Schuyler Schuyler Schuyler Schuyler Schuyler Schuyler Schuyler Willet Van Woert Yates Brinckerhoff Yates Van Woert DuboisDubois Van Woert Van Reusselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Vau Rensselae" Willet Willet Whiting Yates Benedict Wessenfels Schuyler Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Schuyler Van Bergen Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Schoonhoven Hicks Gross Company. Shepardson Gross YeomanOstrum Ostrum Ostrum Lansing LansingLansingOstrum Ostrum LansingOstrum Tearse Whiteside Brown Van Wyck Brutt DotyChamberlain ChamberlainMcKillip Husted Shaw Shaw Shaw Newell Henry Burnet Livingston Hadlock Brown Gould Van Aernum White Snook Snook YeomanMcMaster McMaster Snook Shephard Veeder Osterhoudt Hawley Weisenfels Fisher Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert FieldVan Woert FieldFieldField FieldVan Woert Yates FisherFisher Fisher Field Field FieldWessenfels Van Woert Field Van Woert Van Woert Malcom Cortland McKinstry Veeder GilmoreWhitesideMcKillip Gilmore Hecock Hodges Hecock Hecock HecockBarnum Gilmore Vandenburgh McMaster Fisher Yeoman Hecock Hecock Hecock GilmoreBarnum Wells Whiteside McKinstry Name and Rank. Regiment. Burchild, Dan'l, private Crane Burchim, Henry, corporal Schuyler Burdack, Gideon, private Van Cortlandt Burden, Ab'm, private Van Veghten Burdick, Abr'm, private Van Rensselaer Burdick, Amos, private Luddington Burdick, Caleb, private Luddington Burdine, David, private Phillips Burdick, Asa, private Van Rensselaer Burdick, Cary, private Van Rensselaer Burdick, Gideon, private Malcom Burdine, John, private Johnson Burdine, William, private Johnson Burdine, Wm., private Dubois Bnrdjah, Coenrad, private Drake Burdock, Ab'm, private Van Rensselaer Burdock, Gideon, private Willet Burg, Philip, private Vrooman Burgardus, Jon'n C, priv. Vandenburgh Burgarth, Lambert, private Graham Burgat, Hend'k, private Van Rensselaer Burger, Jacob, private Burger, John, private Burger, John, private Burger, Martin, private Burger, Stephen, private Burger, Wilhelmus, priv. Burger, Wilhelmus, priv. Burger, Zechaniah, priv. Burges, Archabel, private Burges, Archer, private Burges, James, sergeant Burges, James, sergeant Burges, James, private Burges, John, private Burges, John, private Burges, Stephen, corporal Wfilet Burges, Stephen, private Whiting Burges, Stephen, private Burges, Stephen, private Burges, Thomas, private Burgess, Archibald, priv. Burgess, Archer, private Burgess, Arch'd, private Burgess, Archibald, priv. Burgess, Mich'l, sergeant Burgett, Lambert, private Willet Burgett, Milbury, private Willet Burgh, Jonathan, private Wessenfels Burgh, Jon'n, private Hopkins Burghdery, Philip, private Drake Burghdo, Coenrad, private Drake Burghwood, Lambert, priv. Van Ness Burgis, Thomas, private Van Rensslaer Burham, Jacobus, private Vandenburgh Burhan, Barent, private Wynkoop Burhance, Charick, private Harper Burhance, Cherck, private Pawling Burhance, Peter, Jr., priv. Brinckerhoff Burhans, Ab'm, sergeant Wynkoop Burhans, Ab'm, corporal Wynkoop Burhans, Ab'm, private Malcom Burhans, Abr'm, private Wynkoop Burhans, Abr'm, Jr., sergt. Wynkoop Burhans, Abr'm, Jr., corp. Wynkoop Burhans, Ab'm, Jr., priv. Wynkoop Burhans, Barnard, private Wynkoop Burhans, Benj'n, private Wynkoop Schoonmaker Burhans, Cornelius, sergt. Wynkoop Burhans, Corn's, private Piatt Brodhead Burhans, Corn's, private Wynkoop Burhans, CorpeliuS; sergt. Wynkoop Van Beuren Burhans, Ihark, private Wynkoop Burhans, Isaac, lieut. Wynkoop Van Beuren Burhans, Isaac, lieut. Wynkoop Schoonmaker Burhans, Isaac, ensign Hathorn Bogardus Burhans, Isaac, private Pawling Hunter Burhans, John, sergeant Weisenfell Burhans, John, corporal Pawling Westbrook Burhans, John, corporal Wynkoop Schoonmaker Burhans, John, private Wynkoop Schoonmaker Burhans, John, Jr., private Wynkoop Van Beuren Wynkoop Hopkins SchuylerGrahamWeisenfels Malcom Wynkoop Pawling HaysPawling Wessenfels Wessenfels Hays Harper Graham Cantine DrakeHarpers Hammond Van Bergen Wessenfels Company. Lawrence Sharp Dunham Rundall Mead Mead Ostrander Shaw Husted Delavan Cross BurnetOdle Conine Stubrach Van Wyck Muller Graves Swart Van Benschoten Van Aernum Husted Cantine De Witt Stevenson Smith Sacket Stevenson Hunt Thompson Smith HarrisonDavis Allen Wilson Ramsen Drake OrserHoneywell ThompsonPearcy Pearcy Shephard Waters BriesVan Wyck VromanLivingstonVan Benschoten Cantine Schoonmaker Schoonmaker 336 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Burhans, Jon'n, private WynkoopWillet Swart Burris, James, private Yates Weltse Burnham, Josiah, private Pearey Burns, Thomas, sergeant Quackenboss Slingerland > Burhans, Rich'd, private Wynkoop Burrop, Thomas, private Webster McNitt Burhans, Sam'l, private Snyder Swart Burross, Dan'l, private Webster McNitt Burhans, Sam'l, private Wynkoop Schoonmaker Burross, GideoD, private Webeter McNitt Burhans, Tireck, private Pawling Hunter Burross, William, private Webster McNitt Burhuydt, Corn's, private Wemple Fonda Bnrrough, Benjamin, priv Yates Yates Burhuydt, John, private Burhuyt, Nich's, lieut Wemple Van Slyck Burroughs, Benj'n, private Yates Yates Wemple Burroughs, Benj'n, privat e Yates Yates Burhydt, James, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Burroughs, Daniel, private Webster Tozer Burk, Aron, private Willet Harrison Burroughs, Daniel, private Armstrong Tozer Burk, George, corporal Willet Conine Burroughs, Gideon, priv. Webster Tozer Burk, John, sergeant Hathorn Burroughs, Gideon, priv. Armstrong Tozer Burk, John, private Willet Harrison Burroughs, James, priv. Webster Tozer Burk, John, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Burroughs, James, priv. Armstrong Tozer Burk, John, private Van Rensselaer Elliot Burroughs, James, priv. Yates Yates Burkdurf, Philip, corpora Drake Strang Van Wee Burroughs, Jas., private Brinckerhoff Schutt Burkeyt, Jacob, private Schuyler Burroughs, Joseph, private Armstrong Tozer Burky, Jacob, private Bellinger Staring Burroughs, Philip, private Hathorn Minthorn Burky, Peter, sergeant Bellinger Staring Burroughs, WiUiam, priv. Armstrong Tozer Burley, Ebenezer, private Burley, Ebenezer, Jr., priv Graham Pearce Burrous, James, private Yates Graham Pearce Burst, Jacob J., private Harper Pawling Bogart Burley, Elijah, private Harper Drake Burt, Christ'r, private Westfall Burling, Benj'n, private Dubois Burnet (?) Burt, David, private Wisner Baly McCamly Burling, Benj'n, private Burling, Eben'r Sam'l, pr. Dubois McFoght Burt, David, private Hathorn Field Hecock Burt, Henry, private Van Woert Brown Burling, Gilead, private Hopkins Field Barnum Burt, James, sergeant Hathorn Minthorn Burling, Gillard, private Hecock Burt John, drummer Willet Cannon Burling, Gillead, private Burlingham, Pardon, priv. Field Dyckman Bnrt, John, private Hathorn Miller Dragoons Van Bergen Delavan Burt, John, private Hathorn Bailey Buriingham, Pardon, priv Honeywell Burt, John, private Burt, Samuel, private Wisner Baly Bailey Burlingham, Reuben, priv Whiting Herrick Hathorn Burlingham, SelasN., priv . Van Veghten Woodworth Burteh, Hezekiah, private Dubois Lee Burlingham, Silas, private Van Veghten Woodworth Burteh, Isaiah, private Dubois Lee Burlingham, Silas, private Van Veghten Winne Burteh, Jesse, private Dubois Lee Buriingson, Joel, private Dubois Lee Burteh, Joseph, private Dubois Lee Burlison, Joel, private Field Dyckman Burton, Jacob, sergeant Van Bergen Burlison, Joel, private Field Barnum Burton, Joseph, private Van Alstyn Vosburgh Burlison, Fearnot, private Malcom LivingstonBrinckerhoof Burtt, Henry, private Van Woert Doty Burlyson, Ferenot, private Brinckerhoff Burvel, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Woodworth Burman, Peter, private Johnson Roosa Burwell, James, private Pawling Piercy Burnell, Thomas, private Luddington Knapp Burwell, Will., private Van Rensselaer Turner Burnes, Charles, private Graham Muller Buscark, Martin, private Buschart, Coenrad, priv. Van Woert Whiteside Burnes, Jacob, private Fisher WempleVan Benschoten Yates Hadlock Burnet, Isaac, private Brinckerhoff Busea, Hend'k, private Van Rensselaer Bries Burnet, John, captain Pawling Busbin, James, private Van Veghten Dunham Burnet, John, captain Dubois Bush, Asahel, sergeant Willet Newell Burnet, John, private Graham Vail Bush, Asahel, corporal Willet Newell Burnet, William, private Graham Bush, Caunradus, private Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Burnett, Isaac, sergeant Brinkerhoof Bush, Conradt, corporal Yates Welse Burnett, Patrick, private Hathorn Telford Bush, Corn's, private Wessenfels Godwin' Burnham, Mashal, private Van Alstyn Claw Bush, CoinraucVus, corpl. Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Burns, Aaron, sergeant Fisher Bush, Danl., private Van Rensselaer Woodworth Burns, Arent, private Wemple Bush, Ebner, private Piatt Van Santvoort Burns, Charles, private Johnson Jansen Bush, George, private Klock Kock Burns, David, private Hay Gardner Bush, George, private Klock Kock Burns, David, private Burns, Edward, private Wemple Mynderson Bush, George, private Clyde Weeser Pawling Sacket Bush, Guilbard, private Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Burns, Edw'd, private Crane Scofield Bush, Henry, private Johnson Ostrander Burns, Edward, private Crane Lewis Bush, Henry, private Pawling Faulkner Burns, Francis, private Newkirk Crawford Bush, Henry, private Harper Vrooman Burns, Francis, private Van Rensselaer Odle Bush, Johannes, private Van Rensselaer Burns, Sam'l, private Van Rensselaer Odle Bush, Job's, private Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Burns, Sam'l, private Yates Hadlock Bush, John, private Willet Gray Burns, Sam'l, private Yates Weltse Bnsh, John, private Harper Harrison Burns, William, private Wessenfels Hardenbnrgh Bush, John, private Van Rensselaer De Garmo Burns, William, private Pawling Pawling Bush, John, private Vau Rensselaer Vanderhoof Burns, Wm., private Malcom Drake Bush, John, private Cortland Burns, William, private Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Bush, John, private Yates Weltse Burns, Wm., private Van Schoonhoven White Bush, John, private Van Rensselaer Staats Burnside, John, private Quackenboss Veeder Bush, John, private Brinckerhoff Brinkerhoof Burnside, Thomas, private Quackenboss Veeder Bush, Julius, private Klock Miller Burr, Aaron, private Van Woert Whiteside Bush, Peter, private Pawling Wood Burr, Aaron, private Van Woert Wells Bush, Peter, private Hopkins Brinkerhoff Burr, Daniel, Jr.,* private Sand Manner Bush, Peter, private Brinkerhoff Brinkerhoof Burrack, Jerem'h, private Armstrong Tozer Bush, Stephen, private Drake Seely Burral, Jon'n, private Stockwell Bush, Stephen, private Crane Lawrence Burres, Philip, private Burris, Charles, private Minthorn Bush, Thomas, private Brinckerhoff Brower Graham Muller Bush, Wm., sergeant Drake Burris, Francis, private Newkirk McBride Bush, Zachariah, private Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoof * Enlisted 1776 ; taken prisoner as a scout near White Plains, and remained in New York till end of war. Oysterbay, L. I. A. P. 21-321 . Roster of the State Troops. 337 Name akd Rank. Bushart, Hend'k, private Bushart, Henry, private Bushart, Jacob, private Bushart, John, private Bushee, Sam'l, private Bushert, John, sergeant Bushert, John, private Bushert, John, private Busk, Henry (Buck?), pr. Buskark, Derick, private Buskark, Martin, private Buskark, Sam'l, private Buskerk, Rich'd, private Buskert, John, sergeant Buskirk, Dirike, corporal Buskirk, John, corporal Buskirk, John, private Buskirk, Martin, private Buss, Christian, private Bussan, Wm., private Bussin, John, private Bussing, John, private Bussing, William, private Butal, Tbos., private Butcher, Robt., private Butler, Abraham, private Buller, Isaac, corporal Butler, Israel, private Butler, John, private Butler, John, private Butler, Jno., private Butler, Jonathan, private Butler, Joseph, sergeant Butler, Joseph, private Button, Peter, private Butler, Stephen, private Regiment. FisherVan Veghten Fisher FisherFisherWilletVan Woert Van Woert Van Bergen Van Woert Fisher Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Yates ClydeGraham Wessenfel MalcomMalcom Drake Brinckerhoff Hathhor Hays Hays Pawling Van Rensselaer Schuyler Van Rensselaer Malcom Hays Field Hopkins Company. Fonda FondaFonda Fisher Thompson FisherFisher Wemple Gray Whiteside Whiteside HoghtalingGilmore Fisher DotyBrown PettitYatesDygert Conklin Godwin Delavan Delavan Boyd Van Benschouten Mervin AckersonFaulknerSharp Sharp Townsend AckersonHecock Wheeler Name and Rank. Butler, Tim'y, private Butler, Thomas, private Butler, Zach'h, private Butly, Richard, private Butterfield, , lieut. Butterfield, James, private Buttler, Solomon, private Buttolph, Isaac, private Button, Elezer, private Button, James, lieut. Button, Peter, private Butts, William, corporal Buzze, Jon'n, drummer Buzzie, Jon'n drummer Buyce, Abm., private Buyce, Henry, private Buyce, James, private Buyce, James, private Buyer, John, P., private Buyer, Valentine, private Buyear, Sylas, private Buyker, Silas, private Buyker, Sylas, Jr., priv. Buys, Jas., private Buyse (?), Jacob, Jr., ensn. Byard, John, private Byce, Simon, private Bykman, Abm., private Byington, David, private Byington, Sam'l, private By Phenberf?), Jacobus, p. Byrky, Jacob, private Bysbow, Andrew, private Byvanck, John, private Byvee, Nicholas, private Regiment. Company. Field Hecock Fisher Fisher Van Rensselaer Turner Armstrong Tozer Dubois De Mout Clyde B aw man Van Rensselaer De Forest Whiting Vosburgh Van Veghten Van Woert Van Woert Whiteside Van Woert Hodges Wessenfels Livingston Noble HarpeT Allen Wemple Brinckerhoff Wanson Van Benschouten Wemple Fonda Wynkoop Swarts Klock Cayser Klock Wagne Pawling Pie rcy Pawling Pawling Pawling Piercy Wemple Outhout Brinkerhoff Storm Pawling Hunter Brinckerhoff Schutt Brinckerhoff Wessenfels Dodge Luddington Lane Livingston Smith Bellinger Staring Willet Hole Graham Muller Fisher Yeoman c. Cabee, Stephen, private Cable, John, private Cable, Piatt, private Cable, Piatt, private Cables, Zebulon, private Cachel, John, private Cachey, And'w, private Cacoll, James, private Caddiback, Ab'm, privrte Cadey, David, private Cadey, Zebulon, private Cadman, John, drummer Cadman, Joseph, private Cadocan, Barney, private Cady, Aaron, private Cady, David,* private Cady, David, sergeant Cady, David, private Cady, David, Jr.,t private Cady, Ebenezer, captain Cady, Eben'r, captain Cady, Eleazer, private Cady, Elijah, ensign Cady, Elisha, ensign Cady, Ezra, private Cady, Isaac, private Cady, James, private Cady, James, Jr., private Cady, Luther, private Cady, Luther, private Cady, Luther, private Cady, Nicholas, private Cady, Zebulon, private Caghel, Daniel, private Thomas Van Schoonhoven Hopkins Field Van Rensselaer Hathorn Fisher Van Rensselaer Klock Van Rensselaer Yates Willet Graham VroomanWhiting Willet Whiting Graham Willet Whiting Van Rensselaer Whiting Whiting Whiting Whiting Thomas (?) Fisher FisherWebster Armstrong Armstrong FisherVan Veghten Johnson Chapman Aylsworth Barnum Barnum Schermerhorn Conklin McMasterElliot Westfall Vau Alle Hadlock Harrison Miller Cady Skinner Davis Bostwick Woodworth Cady Davis Davis CadyBogert YeomanYeoman Childs YeomanJansen Caghey, Andries, private Caghey, Hugh, private Cahall, Robert, private Cahil, Dan'l, private Cahill, Daniel, private Cahoon, Herman, private Caboone, Hymon, private Cahoon, Joseph, private Cahoon, Joseph, private Cahoon, Samuel, private Cain, Daniel, private Cain, Isaiah, private Cain, John, private Cain, John, private Cain, John, private Cain, John, private Cain, Joseph, private Cain, Peter, private Cain, Thomas, private Cain, Wm., private Caine, Peter W., private Caine, Warren, private Cairman, Dan'l, private Cairman, Henry, private Cairman, James, private Caldwell, James, private Caldwell, John, j; private Caldwell, Joseph, private Caldwill, Arther, private Calender, John, lieut. Calender, John, lieut. Calender, Sam'l, private Calkin, Daniel, private Calkin, James, corporal Vrooman Miller Vrooman Heager Pawling Wessenfels Johnson Cross Johnson Gillispy Wessenfels Van Cortlandt Hays Gardner Van Cortlandt Hays Gardner Hathorn Shepherd Van Rensselaer Townsend Willet Putman Willet Marshall Fisher Yates Van Bergen Fisher Harper Putman Schuyler Lansing Wemple Van Petten Wemple Van Petten Drake Drake Drake Drake Drake Drake Johnson Cross Graham Van Woert Hodges Whiting Salisbury Graham Bostwick Crane Lewis Whiting Davis Field Hecock * Wounded in the arm October 6, 1782. I, 124. t Wounded in left arm at Herkimer, September, 1781. Mohawk district, Montgomery county. % Taken prisoner at Fort Ann Oct 18, 1782, Kingsbury, Washington Co. A. P. 338. 43 A, 206. 338 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Fisher Van Rensselaer Dubois Van Rensselaer Klock WilletArmstrong Pawling Schuyler Van Veghten Willet Van Rensselaer Livingston Wemple Pawling Pawling WilletPawling Harper Wessenfels BellingerHathorn Pawling Calkin, Will, ensign Luddington Kidd Calkins, Eleazer, private Graham Pearce Calkins, Eli, private Wessenfels Dodge Calkins, John, private Webster Calkins, Jon'n, private Webster Calkins, Matt'w, private Willet Calkins, Matt'w, private Willet Callaghan, Thomas, sergt. Callagham, Thomas, priv. Pawling Caller, Jacob, private Fisher Callor, Henry, private Bellinger Calon, Wm., sergeant Cals, Zebulon, private Calter, Jabez, sergeant Calum, Joshua, private Calutia, Thomas, private Calver, David, private Calver, Sam'l, private Calwell, Arthur, private Caldwell, John, private Cambell, Dan'l, private Cambell, John, private Cambell, John, private Cambell, Martin, private Cambell, Solomon, sergt. Van Veghten Camble, Dan'l, private Wemple Camble, Dan'l, private Camble, James, private Camble, John, corporal Camble, John, private Camble, John, private Camble, John, private Camel, Henry, private Camel, Patrick, lieut. Camel, Simon, private Camenway, Andrew, priv Cameron, Angush, private Cameron, D.avid, private Wessenfels Cameron, David, private Graham Cameron, Dougle, private Field Camfield, Philo,* sergeant Cornfield (Conn.) Stoddard Cammel, Albert, private Hays Bell Cammel, Albert, private Hays Onderdonk Cammel, Daniel, private Piatt Van Sanvoort Cammel, Harmen, private Schuyler Ostrum Cammel, Herm's, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Cammel, James, private Van Ness Cammel, John, sergeant Bellinger Frank Cammel, John, sergeant Van Rensselaer Rockfeller Cammel, Latwick, private Bellinger Frank Cammel, Luke, private Hays Onderdonk Cammel, Robert, private Hays Bell Cammel, Stephen, private Hays Onderdonk Cammel, William, private Hays Onderdonk Cammel, William, private Graham Wilson Cammel, William, private Pawling Faulkner Cammer, Abram, private Van Bergen Dubois Camp, Asa, sergeant Willet Gillet Camp, Asa, sergeant Willet Henry Camp, Asa, sergeant Harpers Allen Camp, Asa, corporal Weisenfels Camp, Nich's, sergeant Yates Yates Camp, Nich's, corporal Yates Weltse Camp, William, corporal Hathorn McCamly Campbell, Allen, private Webster Sherwood Campbell, Arch'd, private Wessenfels Livingston Campbell, Arch'd, private Willet Pearcy Campbell, Daniel, private Phillips Ostrander Cambell, Dan'l, private Van Veghten Thompson Campbell, David, private Willet Pearcey Campbell, Duncan, lieut. Willet Gillet Campbell, George, sergt. Armstrong Campbell, Harm's, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Campbell, James, sergeant Wessenfels Livingston Campbell, James, private Wessenfels Shephard Campbell, James, private Willet Wright Campbell, James, private Thomas Campbell, James, private Van Ness ' Whitney Campbell, John, corporal Willet Harrison Tearse Henry Humfrey Livingston Yates Huber Fisher Turner Lee SchermerhornZeelyHole McNitt BurnetOstrumThompson WelpGraves Shaver Thompson Bancker Pawling Pawling Fonda Pawling Vrooman Dodge Frank Brodhead SacketFonda Shephard Hermance Hecock Name and Rank. Campbell, John, private Campbell, John, private Campbell, John, private Campbell, John, private Campbell, John, private Campbell, John, private Campbell, Nath'l, sergeant Campbell, Pat'k, lieut. Campbell, Robt., sergeant Campbell, Robt., corporal Campbell, Robt., private Campbell, Robert, private Campbell, Robert, private Campbell, Robison, priv. Campbell, Sam'l, sergeant Campbell,. Sam'l, private Campbell, Solomon, sergt. Campbell, Solomon, sergt. Campbell, Solomon, priv. Campbell, Thomas, priv. Campbeil, Wm., private Campbell, Wm., private Campble, Robinson, priv. Campbell, Thomas, private Cample, Solomon, sergeant Canada, Alexander, priv. Canada, Henry, private Canada, Henry, private Canada, Josiah, private Canada, Philip, private Canada, William, private Canady, James, private Canady, James, private Canady, James, private Canady, Robert, sergeant Canady, Robert, private Canady, Robt. private Canady, Robt, private Canady, Robert, Jr., sergt. Candle, Solomon, sergeant Candy, James, private Cane, Benjamin, drummer Cane, Isaiah, private Cane, John, private Cane, Peter, private Caner, Joseph, private Canfield, Arnon, private Canfield, Amos, private Canfield, Dan'l, private Canfield, Ebenezer, private Canfield, Isaiah, private Canfield, James, corporal, Canfield, James, private Canfield, James, private Canfield, John, private Canfield, Josiah, private Canfield, Nath'l, lieut. Canfield, Titus, private Canfield, Titus, private Canfield, Titus, private Canief, John, private Cantff, Isaac, private Caniff, John, private Canine, John, corporal Canine, John, private Canker, Peter, private Cannady, James, private Cannan, Henry, private Caiman, Thos., private Cannel, Christ'r, private Cannel, John, private Cannel, William, private Cannief, Levi, private Cannif, James, private Cannif, John, private Canniff, Levi, private Canniff, William, private Cannon, Abr'm, private Cannon, Arnout, private Regiment. Willet Wessenfels Malcom Fisher Fisher LivingstonFisher BellingerMalcom MalcomMalcomHays Van Bergen Field Van Veghten Fisher Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten PiattGraham Dubois Graham WilletVan Veghten WebsterWillet Graham YatesCrane Hays(?) Van Woert Fisher FisherFisherFisher Fisher Fisher FisherVan' Veghten Van Woert HopkinsVan Rensselaer Fisher Fisher Graham Pawling Hopkins Brinkerhoff WessenfelsCraneCraneDuboisThomas CraneThomas HopkinsVandenburghBrinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Company. Wright White Delavan McMaster Degraas Rockenfelle McMasterFrank McKinstry Honeywell DyckmanMcMaster Dunham WoodworthWoodworthLee Lansing Chamberla Pearce Putman Thompson Armstrong LivingstonLansingHadlock Scofield Stevenson Hodges YeomanYeoman Gartneer DegraasYeoman YeomanThompson Doty Talmadge Townsend YatesYates Wilsonn Livingston TalmadgeBrinkerhoofThompsonChapman McFoght Gilbert Van Duzen Scofield Miller Brinkerhoff Van Wyck Brinckerhoof Brower Van Schoonhoven Taylor Vandenburgh Storm Fisher Putman Fisher Fisher Van Rensselaer Sharp Fisher Yeoman Benedict Osburn DrakeVan Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh CooperBrinkerhoff Hay HammondHopkins Van Alstyn Field Wessenfels Blauvelt Brower Gardner Van Benschoten Truesdel DyckmanDodge * Shot through right knee in a skirmish between Stamford and Eastchester, May 24, 1782. Co. Bb, 62. Farmer, Kent Parish, Dutchess Roster of the State Troops. 339 Klock Van Rensselaer Vau Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Schuyler Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Brinckerhoff Name and Rank. Regiment, Cannon, James, captain Willet Cannon, James, lieut. Willet Cannon, Mathew,* private Campbell Cannon, Peter, private Pawling Cannon, And'w, private Fisher Canout, Jacob, segeant Cansolly, Benjamin, priv Canter, John, private Canter, Jonas, private Canter, Jonas, private Canter, Jonas, private Canter, Jones, private Canter, Rich'd, private Cantfield, James, private Cantin, Benjamin, private Hathorn Cantine, John, colonel Cantine, John, private Cantine, John, private Cantine, Moses, captain Cantine, Peter, private Cantine, Wm., private Canton, John, private Canton, John, private Canton, John, private Capbell, James, private Caper, Joseph, private Capes, Martin, private ,,,,,,.¦_ Cappernoll, Nicholas, lieut. Klock Capsey, John, private Van Rensselaer Car, William, private Yates Carby, Stephen, private Thomas Carby, Stephen, private Thomas Carcaden, William, private Johnson Carcker, Jacob, private Harper Card, Hugh, private Card, Stephen, private Care, Enos, private Carel, Jury, private Carey, John, private Carey, Joseph, private ,,.,.,,,.„.,-..,„¦.,,, Carey, Joseph, Sr. private Brinckerhoff Carey, Lemuel, private Yates Carey, Seth, private Carey, Seth, private Carey, Wm., private Cargill, Henry, private Cans, Peter, 'private Carkel, Jacobus, private Carl, George, private Carl, Jonas, private Carl, Jurrey, private Carle, John, private Carlee, Jon'n, corporal Carles, Henry, private Carley, Ab'm, private Carley, Ab'm, private Carley, Job, private Carley, John, corporal Carley, John, private Carlie, Barth'w, private Carlo, Henry, private Carlo, Wm., private Carlough, Nicholas, priv. Carlow, Stephen, private Carly, Israel, private Carly, Moses, sergeant Carman, Dan'l, corporal Carman, John, ensign Carman, John, private Carman, John, private Carman, Jno., private Carman, Peter, private Carman, Sam'l, private Carman, Thomas, private PawlingCantine Malcom Graham Cantine Klock Klock Klock WessenfelsWebster Livingston Pawling Van Rensselaer Pawling Wynkoop Luddington Brinckerhoff YatesVan Woert Fisher HaysDrake Van Bergen Wynkoop Luddington Wynkoop Hopkins Hopkins Drake Armstrong Van Ness Fields DuboisWebster Wemple Wemple Hays Whiting Johnson Van Ness Drake Drake Johnson Piatt DuboisBenedict Graham Brinckerhoff Hathorn farmer, Henry, private Hathorn Carmickle, John, private Van Rensselaer Company. Marshall Williams Williams Mabee SteenberghTownsend De Forest Fraist Sharp Hnsted Townsend Brower Telford Westbrook Hasbrouck Hasbrouck Breadbake MillerZeely Armstrong Smith Kock Shaw Brown Hobby Lyon Concklin PutmanWestfallOdle WestfallKnapp Schutt Schutt Hadlock Hadlock Doty Yeoman Bell Delivan Dubois De Witt MeadVan Beuren LaneBarnumBoyd Stockwell Barnum Burnet LongVan Slyck Van Slyck Blauvelt Davis Wilkins Drake Drake SmithLee McFoghtOsburn Conklin BrinckerhoffShepherd Townsend Regiment. Van Rensselaer Schuyler Schuyler Van Alstvu Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Schuyler Pawling Name and Rank. Carmikel, John, private Carmin, Fred'k, private Carmin, Fred'k, private Carmon, Dan'l, private Cam, John, private Carnaghan, John, private Wessenfels Carner, Andrew, private Hathorn Carner, Andrew, private Wessenfels Carner, Andrew, private Pawling Carner, Barnabus, private Dubois Carner, Henry, private Van Rensselaer Carner, John, sergeant Carner, John, private Carner, Philip, private Carner, Philip, private Carner, Philip, private Carney, Barnabas, corpl. Carney, Barnabus, private Dubois' Carnwright, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Carny, Stephen, private Johnson Caroat, David, private Fisher Carolina, Joseph, private Graham Carpanard, Simon, private Van Bergen Carpenter, Barent, private Wessenfels Carpenter, Barnet, private Van Veghten Carpenter, Barney, private Van Veghten Carpenter, Benjamin, priv. Willet Carpenter, Benjamin, priv. Van Veghten Carpenter, Cephas, private Williams Carpenter, Edward, priv. Williams Carpenter, Jack, private Van Rensselaer Carpenter, James, private Crane Carpenter, Jerem'h, priv. Van Rensselaer Carpenter, Jerem'h, priv. Yates Carpenter, John, private Van Veghten Carpenter, Joseph, corp'l. Dubois Carpenter, Joseph, private Webster Carpenter, Joshua, private Hathorn Carpenter, Joshua, private Wisner Carpenter, Josiah, private Yates Carpenter, Neh'h, private Pawling Carpenter, Nicholas, priv. Pawling Carpenter, Philip, f private Willet Carpenter, Prospect, priv. Willet Carpenter, Prospect, priv. Willet Carpenter, Reuphes, priv. Thomas Carpenter, Right, private Johnson Carpenter, Rufus, drum'r Thomas Carpenter, Seriel, private Williams Carpenter, Thos.,t lieut. Carpenter, Thomas, priv. Carpenter, Thomas, priv. Carpenter, Uright, adjt. Carpenter, Uright, lieut. Carpenter, Uright, lieut. Carpenter, Walter, private Van Rensselaer Carpenter, Walter, private Van Rensselaer Carpenter, Warren, private Willet Carpenter, Warren, priv. Van Veghten Carpenter, William, priv. T Carpenter, William, priv. Carpenter, Wm., private Carpenter, Wright, lieut. Carpenter, Wright, lieut. Carr, Abm., private Van Rensselaer Carr, Chas., private Willet Carr, Charles, private Van Rensselaer Carr, Eneas, seigeant Wesseufels Carr, Horris, private Newkirk Carr, Jacob, private Hammond Carr, James, private Graham Carr, John, private Willet Carr, John, private Yates Carr, Joseph, corporal Schuyler Carr, Joseph, private Schuyler Carr, Joseph, private Van Veghten ThomasHarperCrane Thomas ThomasThomas Hathorn Wessenfels LansingThomas Company. Schermerhorn Ostrum OstrumHyatClaw Godwin Brodhead PawlingBurnet Burnet Sharp SharpSharpFraistSharp Sharp FaulknerBurnet Sharp Cross Fisher Hermance Honeywell Shephard Woodworth Winne GrayWoodworth Rice Rice Schermerhorn Truesdell De Garmo ¦WiltseWoodworth LeeChilds Minthorn Miller Weltse Westfall Westfall Wright TearseHenry Lyon Mastin Hubby Rice Thomas Drake Truesdall Hubby Lyon WoodworthSchermerhorn FondaWoodworth Minthorn Westfall Shepherd St. John Hobby OdleCannon NilesHunt McBrideSherwood Marshall Yates Lansing Lansing Dunham * Shot in the thigh by Indians at Cherry Valley, November 11, 1778. Canajoharie. A. 92. Cc, 72. f Served from May 31, 1782, to January 4, 1784. A. P. 23-391. X Run through the body with a bayonet at Harrison's Purchase November 8, 1778. Shoemaker, Harrisons, Westchester Co C 20, 1 125. 340 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Casler, Nich's, private Casler, Thomas, private Casler, Thos., private Caspar, Peter, private Casper, Christian, private Casper, Christian, private Casper, Christ., private Casper, Wm., sergeant Casper, Wm., private Cass, Wm., private Cassady, Nicholas, cor-p. Cassady, Nich's, corporal Cassat, Francis, private Cassel, Wm., corporal Cassell, Wm., corporal Casselman, Barth'w, priv. Casselman, Bartle, private Casselman, Corporal, corp. Ca3selman, Johannes, priv. Casselman, John, corporal Casselman, John, corporal Casselman, John; corporal Cssselman, John, private Casselman, John, private Casselman, John, private Casselman, John, private Casselman, Jno.; private Casselman, John, private Casselman, Peter, private Casselman, Peter, private Casselman, Yoh, private Cast, Fred'k, private Castle, Lemuel, private Castile, William, private Caswell, Abner, private Castle, Amos, private Castle, John, private Castle, Selah, private Castleman, Bartle, private Castleman, Barth'w, priv. Castner, William, private Castor, William, private Caswell, David, private Caswell, Jon'n, private Caswell, Jonathan, private Cawell, Lemuel, private Caswell, Lemuel, private Caswell, Sam'l, private Cateham, Jonas, private Cateham, Sam'l, private Caten, Isaac, private Cater, James, private Cater, James, private Caterlin, Nath'l, private Cates, Zebulon, private Cather, Alex'r, private Catman, Wm., private Cato, , private Cator, Thomas, private Catt, Mich'l, private Catt, Mich'l, private Catterlin, Nath'l, private Catterlon, Nath'l, private Caughanoven, Jacob, priv. Caulver, Joseph, private Caunick, Jon'n, private Caurl, Henry, drummer Caurl, Henry, private Caurl, John, sergeant Caurl, John, sergeant Caurl, Wm., private Caurl, Wm., private Causbut, John, private Cause, Casper, private Caviler, John, private Cavince, John, private Cavinear, John, private Cawson, Abr'm, private Regiment. Company. Willet Willet Gillet White Willet Gillet Van Rensselaer Elliot Livingston Smith Livingston Elliot Livingston Pulvei Livingston Smith Livingston Smith Malcom Livingston Westfall Pawling Wessenfels Westfall Fisher McMaster Wessenfels Livingston Wynkoop Klock Miller Klock Kock Klock Zeely Klock Kock Klock Bedhig Willet Gross Klock Bradbig Klock Miller Klock Breadbake Klock Hess Klock Zeely Fonda Willet Klock House Willet Skinner Klock Suts Klock Kock Bellinger Herder Hopkins Wheeler Wynkoop De Witt Webster Long Whiting Davis Whiting Davis Whiting Davis Klock Kock Willet Newell Willet Fonda Willet Pearcy Graham Webster Armstrong Webster Armstrong Webster Long Yates Yates Harper Allen Van Bergen Van Schaick Van Bergen Witbeck Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Piatt Van Santvoort Fisher Degraas Willet Tearse Willet Welp Drake Boyd Drake Haight Wessenfels Westfall Pawling Westfall Fisher Yates Harper Allen Van Rensselaer Staats Wemple Mynderse Wemple Fonda Wemple Fonda Wemple Mynderson Wemple Mynderse Wanson Wemple SchuylerVan Bergen Lansing Johnson Roosa Willet Henry Van Rensselaer Willet Graham Pearce Name and Rank. Regiment. Carr, Norris, private Newkirk Carr, Robert, private Hathorn Carr, Tunis, private Harper Carr, William, sergeant Willet Carr, Wm., private Willet Carr, Wm., private Willet Carr, Wm., private Schuyler Carrel, John, private Fisher Carrell, David, private Cortland Carrigan, Gilbert,* private Ludinton Carrigin, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Carringham, John, private Malcom Carrington, Aaron, private Whiting Crarry, Rich'd, private Drake Carsm, William, private Willet Carson, William, private Harper Carswell, Abner, sergeant Armstrong Carswell, David, t private Graham Carswell, Nath' 1, private Webster Cartagen, Barney, private Vrooman Cartee, Wm., private Pawling Carter, Daniel, private Bays Carter, Eben'r, sergeant Carter, Jabez, sergeant Carter, Jabez, corporal Carter, John, private Carter, John, private Carter, John, private Carter, John, private Carter, John, private Carter, Jonas, private Carter, Luke, private Carter, Wm., private Carthy, Moses, private Carthy, Moses, private Carthy, Moses, private Cartwright, Henry, private Fisher Carver, Barnabus, private Luddington Carver, Tim'y, private Luddington Carwell, Nathan, private Armstrong Cary, John, private Cary, Stephen, private Cas, Counradt, private Cas, Peter, private Case, Abm., private Case, Alex'r, private Case, Coenraed, sergeant Case, Coenrat, private Case, Elijah, private Case, Elijah, private Case, Enos, private Case, Gedaliah, private Casker, Hend'k, private Case, John, private Case, John, private Case, Joseph, sergeant Case, Joseph, private Case, Joseph, private Case, Joseph, private Case, Joseph, private Case, Joshua, private Case, Josiah, private Case, Stephen, captain Case, William, private Case, William, private Case, William, private Casey, James, private Casey, Willet, private Cashen, Wm., private Cashon, Wm., private Casler, Adam, private Casler, Henry, private Casler, John, private Casler, John, private Casler, John, private Casler, John, Jr., private Casler, Joseph, private Casler, Nich s, corporal PiattDubois Field Willet Willet HopkinsHarper Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Pawling Harper Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Rensselaer Wemple Fisher WebsterVan Veghten SchuylerSchuyler Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Hathorn Hopkins Schuyler Hathorn JohnsonVan Rensselaer JohnsonVan Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Veghten Hathorn Hathorn Hathorn Hathorn Hathorn Pawling YatesPiattHopkinsDuboisWillet Willet Willet Willet Willet WilletWillet Willet Company. McBride Shepherd Allen Marshall Marshall Van Rensselaer Lansing Ludinton Husted McKinstry Davis (?) Boyd White Bogart LongSherwood McNitt StubrachSackett Stevenson BloomLee DyckmanVan Rensselaer Pearcy WheelerBogart Townsend Sharp WoodHarrison WoodwortWinne Dunham YeomanMead Mead McNitt Odle Bancker Fisher Hamilton Van Aernum Van Aernum Odle Randall Miller Lane Van Aernum Case Smith ShawConcklinNiles Turner WinneMcCamley Bailey Miller McCamly WestfallHadlock Bloom Wheeler Chamberlain WhiteNewell Elsworth Hole Tearse Tearse Fonda Gross * Shot himself by accident. Frederickstown, Dutchess county. Bb, 8. + Enlisted October 6, 1780 ; captured October 10; escaped and retaken; exchanged June 10, 1782. A. P. 24-44. Argyle, Washington Co. Roster of the State Troops. 341 Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Caysar, Barnard, sergeant Klock Cayser Cayser, John, captain Klock Cayton, Isaac, private Luddington Crane Cecil, Rich'd, private Van Alstyn Van Beuren Ceelere, Isaiah, private Van Veghten Woodworth Cellar, Christen, private Van Rensselaer Odle Celler, Jacob, private Fisher . Yates Cembet, John, private Graham Wilson Cemrich, Jerommus, priv. Wynkoop Ceriey, Albert, private Field Hecock Cerley, John, private Field Hecock Ceriey, Oliver, private Field Hecock Cerley, Peter, sergeant Field Hecock Cessler, Thomas, private Clyde Leipe Cesseler, Thomas, private Wemple Mynderson Cever, Battis, private Graham Wilson Chace, David, private Yates- Wiltse Chace, Jabes, private Piatt Lee Chace, Lemuel, private Yates Hadlock Chace, Rich'd, private Hopkins Lane 1 Chadwick, Comfort, priv. Luddington Mead 'Chadwick, Comfort, priv. Luddington Baker | Chairman, Job, private Roseboom Shallow, Alex'r^ private Wemple Fonda Chamberlain, Colbe, capt. Graham Chamberlain, Colbe, capt. Dubois Chamberlain, Calvin, priv. Howley Chamberlain, Gardian, pr. Van Ness Howley Chamberlain, Jehu, private Van Ness Howley Chamberlain, Joseph, priv. Van Veghten Van Woert Chamberlain,^ Judah, priv. Piatt Kinnue Chamberlain, Wiat, priv. Van Rensselaer Hawley Chamberland, Jacob, priv. Pawling Wood Chambers, Adam, private Webster Long Chambers, Cornelius, priv. Wessenfels White Chambers, Cornelius, priv. Pawling Piercy Chambers, Corn's, private Graham Sherwood (?) Chambers, Corn's, private Cantine Hasbrouck Chambers, David, private Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Chambers, Ephraim, priv. Hays Chambers, Henry, private Willet Tearse Chambers, Jacob, private Klock Westfall Chambers, Jacobus, priv. Wessenfels Hardenburgh Chambers, Jacobus, priv. Pawling De Witt Chambers, Jacobus, priv. Pawling Pawling Chambers, John, private Wessenfels Pawling Chambers, John, private Pawling Pawting Chambers, Jno., private Williams Long Chambers, John, private Webster Long Chambers, Thos., serg.maj. Hathorn Champanois, Andrew, pr. Hammond Requa Champanois, Thos., priv. Hammond Martling Champanois, Thos., priv. Hammond Requa Champanois, Wm., private Hammond Requa Champenois, Andrew, priv. Horton Champenway, And'w, priv. Thomas Chapman Champlin, Batson, private Van Alstyn Truesdel Champien, Daniel, private Armstrong Champlin, Clark, private Graham Nail Champlin, Thomas, private Luddington Knapp. Champlin, Thomas sergt. Graham Nail Chamsonis, Harman, priv. Hammond Requa Chance, — ¦ — ¦, private Hathorn McCamply Chandler, Abraham, corpl. Hathorn Bartolf Chandler, Abram, sergeant Wisner Bartoff Chandler, David, corpl. Hathorn Van Deusen Chandler, Isaac, private Wessenfels Westfall Chandler, Joseph, lieut. Field Hecock Channel, John C, private Wemple Channel, Thos., private Wemple Channon, Alex'r, private Wemple Wanson Channon, Jno., corporal Wemple Outhout Channon, Rob't, private Wemple Wanson Channon, Thomas, private Wemple Van Patten Channon, Wm., private Wemple Chapel, Sam'l, private Van Rensselaer De Garmo Name and Rank. Regiment. Chapel, Sam'l, private Yates Chapman, Amos, corporal Graham Chapman, Amous, private Willet Chapman, Amos, private Whiting Chapman, Amos, private Van Alstyn Chapman, Asa, private Van Alstyn Chapman, Benj'n, captain Thomas Chapman, Benj'n, captain Crane Chapman, Bem'n, private Thomas Chapman, Dan 1, private Pawling Chapman, Daniel, private Chapman, Dan'l, private Crane Chapman, Dan'l, private Benedict Chapman, David, sergeant Van Alstyn Chapman, Edward, private Harper Chapman, Enoch, private Field Chapman, Ezekiel, sergt. Van Alstyn Chapman, Ezekiel, corpl. Willet Chapman, Ezekiel, private Van Veghten Chapman, Ezra, private Whiting Chapman, Ezra, private Van Alstyn Chapman, Ezra, private Van Alstyn Chapman, Heman, private Whiting Chapman, Heman, private Whiting Chapman, Herman, private Graham Chapman, John, sergeant Crane Chapman, John, private Thomas Chapman, Jon'n, lieut. Van Alstyn Chapman, Jonathan, priv. Chapman, Noah, sergeant Willet Chapman, Noah, private Van Veghten Chapman, Noah, private Van Veghten Chapman, Noah, private Van Alstyn Chapman, Samuel, private Harper Chapman, Sam'l, private Van Veghten Chapman, Stephen, priv. Pawling Company. Bostwick Hole SalsburyClaw Philips GilbertSacket Stevenson Scofield Bouton Truesdel AllenBarnum Truesdel Van Renselaer ThompsonCadyOstrander Truesdel Davis Cady Bostwick Chapman Gilbert Truesdel Fonda Winne WoodworthPhilips Vrooman Dunham Sacket Chapman, Stephen, priv. Van Rensselaer Hawley Chapman, Steven, private Stevenson Chapman, Tho's, private Fields Dykeman Chapman, Uriah, private Pawling Westfall Chapman, Zadock, private Whiting King Chard, Barce, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Chard, Bears, private Graham Williams Chard, Bass, private Van Schoonhoven Chard, Hugh, sergeant Wessenfels Brewster Chard, Hugh, private Hathorn Van Deusen Chard, Hugh, private Wessenfels Brewster Charhart, Jacob, private Wessenfels Livingston Charles, Claas, private Wemple Bancker Charles, Tobias, private Wemple Mynderson Charlick, Henry, private Thomas Moseman Charlick," Henry, private Thomas St. Johu Charlick, Henry, private Luddington Mead Charlisk, John, private Thomas Moseman Charlick, John, private Thomas St. John Charlick, Jon'n, private Thomas Moseman Charpanard, (Charponal), Simon,* private Hammond Requa Charpanard, Simon, priv. Van Bergen Honeywell Charty, Henry, private Wemple Charty, Henry, Jr., private Wemple Chase, Ab'm, private Yates Brown Chase, Benj'n, private Williams Shepardson Chase, Berry, sergeant Fields Dykeman Chase, Bery, private Dubois Lee Chase, Dan'l, private Van Woert Whiteside Chase, Eben'r, private Pawling Piercy Chase, Enos, private Pawling Piercy Chase, Jebes, private Luddington Kidd Chase, Joshua, t private Swartwout Pearce Chase, Jedediah, private Pawling Williams Chase, John, private Luddington Mead Chase, Judah, private Luddington Mead Chase, Obadiah, private Luddington Mead Chase, Phineas, private Van Woert Brown Chase, Robert, private Luddington Knapp * Wounded in back of head and left-hand near Morrisania, and taken prisoner Deceb'r 17,1779. Laborer, Philippsburgh, W.Chester Co. B. 158. Aa, 65. t Served from 1776 to end of war. Onondaga Co. A. P. 22-323. 342 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Chase, Robt., private Chase, Sam'l, corporal Chase, Seth, corporal Chase, Stephen, private Chase, Thomas, corporal Chase, Thomas, private Chatey, Joseph, private Ch atfield, Caleb, corporal Chatfield, Corn's, private Chatfield, Corn's, private Chatfield, Jesse, private Chatfield, Wm., private Chatman, Josiah, private Chatterton, Jacob, private Chatterton, Jon' n, private Chatterton, Nath'l, private Chatterton, Nath'l, private Chatterton, Tho's, private Chause, Chass, private Cheley, Martin, private Cheney, William, private Chesley, Simon, private Chesnay, John, private Chesney, John, private Chesney, Wm., private Chesnut, Alex'r, private Chettersteen, Nathan, priv. Chezel, John, private Chichester, James, private Chicister, James, private Childs, Inerias, private Childs, Silas, captain Childs, Silas, private Chiles, Solomon, private Chillister, Elisha, private Chilson, Joseph, private Chinchill, Isaac, private Chipman, John, major Chism, Peter, private Chitester, Nathan, private Chitle, Elisha, private Chittendon, Moses, sergt. Chitter, John, Sr., private Chitterson, Elisha, private Chittersteer, Dan'l, private Chitterton, Jacob, private Chord, Bass, private Chrinburgh, Geo., private Chrisey, John, private Christanse, Corn's, private Christersteer, Nath'l, priv. Christian, Charles, priv. Christian, Corn's, private Christian, Corn's, private Christian, George, private Christian, John, corporal Christian, John, private Christian, John, private Christian, Marcus, private Christian, Rich'd, private Christian, Solomon, priv. Christiance, Ahaswares,pr. Christiance, Ahaswerus.pr. Christiance, Isaac, private Christianse, Corn's, priv. Christianse, Corn's, priv. Christianse, Corn's, priv. Christice, John, private Christie, And'w, ensign Christie, Andrew, private Christie, Andrew, private Christie, John, private Christie, Robert, drummer Christinore, Corn's, priv. Christion, Corn's, private Christinse, Solomon, priv. Christman, Fred'k, private Christman, Hannes, private Christman, Jacob, corporal Christman, Jacob, private Christman, Jacob, private Christman, Jacob, private Regiment. Luddington Van Woert Field WilliamsField FieldVan Rensselaer Pawling Harper Van Rensselaer Van Veghten Brinckerhoff Van Schoonhoven Drake DrakeWessenfels PawlingDrakeVan Bergen Yates Yates Van Rensselaer SchuylerSchuyler Schuyler Lansing Van Veghten YatesVan Bergen Van Bergen Van Veghten WebsterArmstrong WilletVan Rensselaer HathornHarperGrahamGrahamVan Rensselaer Whiting Bellinger Van Rensselaer Van Veghten DrakeWillet Fisher Drake Company. Lane DotyDykemanRice Dykeman Dykeman King Hunter Harrison Turner Van Woert Van Benschoten Pawling LivingstonVan Schaick Yates Schermernorn LansingLansing Lansing Woodworth Witbeck Dubois Woodworth McNittFondaVanderhoof Miller MullerSherwood (?) Vanderhoof SalisburyFrank Vanderhoof Woodworth Kronkhites Wright Yeoman Haight Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Veghten Woodworth . Luddington Lane Pawling Hunter Vandenburgh Wheeler Luddington Lane Johnson Johnson Luddington Knapp Luddington Lane Van Bergen Honeywell . Luddington Lane Van Bergen Wemple Wanson Wemple Fonda Wemple Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven Visscher Johnson Jansen Wisner Bartoff Hathorn Miller Hathorn Bartholf Van Schoonhoven Hicks WilletVan Veghten Van Veghten Van Bergen Bellinger Bellinger KlockKlock Klock Klock Wright DunhamDuboisFrank Herder MillerMiller Caysei Miller Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. ClydeHarper Bellinger Bellinger Van Bergen Schuyler Malcom Van Rensselaer Pawling Dubois Hopkins Willet Van Rensselaer MalcomWhiting Hopkins Brinckerhoff Dubois Van Bergen Brinkerhoff Brinkerhoff Frank Herder Staring Gillet Miller Breadbake Leipe Putman Frank Staring Frank Staring Hunter Pawling Livingston Hoghtaling Witbeck Lansing Livingston Schermerhorn Hunter Chamberlain Wheeler Welp Odle DelavanHerrickWood FaulknerVan Benschoten BrinckerhoffMcFoght Honeywell BrinkerhoffBrinkerhoffBrinkerhoff Cady Storm Brower Brower Christman, Jacob, private Bellinger Christman, Jacob, private Bellinger Christman, Jacob, private Bellinger Christijanse, John, private Willet Christman, Jacob C., priv Klock Christman, John, private Klock Christman, John, private Christman, John, private Christman, John, private Christman, John, private Christman, Nich's, private Bellinger Christman, Nich's, private Bellinger Christpele, Jacob, private Powling Christsinger, John, private Pawling Christyan, Corn's, private Willet Christyansa, Solomon, pr. Van Bergen Christyanse, Solomon, pr. Church, Jacob, private Church, James, private Church, James, private Church, John, private Church, Jon'n, private Church, Medad, private Church, Midea, fifer Church, Nath'l, private Church, Sam'l, private Churchel, Stephen, corpl. Churchel, William, private Pawling Churchell, Jonas, private Pawling Churchill, Ed'd, private Churchill, Ed'd, private Churchill, James, private Churchill, James, private Churchill, John, private Churchill, Jonas, private Churchill, Joseph, private Brinkerhoff Churchill, Stephen, corpl. Van Rensselaer Churchill, William, private Vandenburgh Churchwell, Isaac, private Brinckerhoff Churchwell, John, private Brinckerhoff Ciberth, John, private Van Schoonhoven Hicks Cifmor, William, private Willet Skinner Cilbach, Hanerist, private Fisher Veeder Cilker, Wm., private Wemple Van Petten Cillecack, John, private Fisher Veeder Cimvergh, Matt'w, private Johnson Jansen Cittinton, Jediah, private Yates Cittle, Daniel, private Wemple Van Slyck Cittle, David, private Wemple Cittle, John, private Wemple Fonda Claarwater, Joseph, priv. Cantine Hasbrouck Claerwater, Petrus, priv. Pawling De Witt Clake, Joseph, private Klock Hess Clallen, James, private Van Rensselaer Clap, Benj'n, private Brinkerhoff Storm Clap, John, private Brinkerhoff Storm Clap, Lemuel, private Van Veghten Woodworth Clap, Thomas, private Brinkerhoff Storm Clapman, Sam'l, private Hopkins Barnum Clapman, Thomas, priv. Hopkins Barnum Clapp, Benjamin, private Thomas Purdy Clapp, Benjamin, private Thomas Lyons Clapp, Benjamin, private Thomas St. John Clapp, Elias, private Drake Clapp, Henry, private Thomas Purdy Clapp, Henry, private Thomas Lyons Clapp, Joseph, private Hopkins Talmadge Clapp, Silas, private Vandenburgh Storm Clapper, John, corporal Van Rensselaer Osterhoudt Clapsaddle, And'w, private Klock Breadbake Clapsaddle, And'w, private Willet Tearse Clapsaddle, George, priv. Clyde Ruff Clapsaddle, Wm., sergeant Piatt < Bradbick Clapsaddle, Wm., private Klock Breadbake Clapsaddle, Wm., private Willet Livingston Clapsaddle, Wm., private Clyde Leipe Clapsattle, And'w, private Bellinger Staring Clapsattle, Wm., private Bellinger Staring Clarck, Isaad, lieut. Thomas St. John Clarewater, John, private Pawling Westfall Clark, Aaron, private Hathorn Miller Clark, Anthony, private Hathorn Minthorn Roster of the State Troops. 343 Name and Rank. ClarkClark Clark, Clark,Clark Clark ClarkClark. Clark!Clark private ClarkClarkClarkClarkClarkClark,ClarkClark'ClarkClarkClark Clark Clark ClarkClark ClarkClarkClarkClark ClarkClarkClark ClarkClark Clark. ClarkClarkClark ClarkClarkClark ClarkClarkClark Clark, Clark ClarkClark Clark ClarkClarkClark Clark Clark,Clark,ClarkClarkClark,Clark,Clark.ClarkClark,Clark,Clark,ClarkClarkClarkjClark,Clark, Benj'n, private Benoni, private Benony, private Caleb, lieut. Caleb, corporal Caleb, private Caleb, private Corn's, private Corn's, private Cownedge Kincaid, Regiment. Wessenfels Webster Dubois Thomas Thomas Van Rensselaer Thomas Benedict Daniel, private Daniel, private Dan'l, private Daniel D., private Carry, private David, private David, private Elias, private Elisha, private Ephraim, sergeant Ephraim, private Ezekiel, private George, private Henry, private Henry, private Isaac, lieut Isaac, ensign Isaac, sergeant Israel, private Jabez, private Jabez, private Jacob, private Jacobus D., private James, sergeant James, corporal James, private James, private James, private James, private James v., adjt. John, ensign John, corporal John, corporal John, corporal John, private John, private John, private John, private John, private John, private John, private John, private John, private John, private John, private John, private John, private John, private John, private Jon'n, private Jon'n, private Joseph, private Isaac, lieut. Joseph, sergeant Josiah, sergeant Jotham, private Matt'w, private Matthias, private Michael D., private Clark, Nathan, private Nathan, private Clark, Nathan, private Clark, Nathan, private Clark, Oth'l, corporal Clark, Reuben, private Clark, Richard, private Clark, Rich'd, private Clark, Sam'l, lieut. Clark, Sam'l, lieut. Clark, Samuel, lieut. Clark, Sam'l, lieut. Whiting Thomas Thomas Hays Van Rensselaer ThomasThomas Wessenfels Van Rensselaer Crane Yates Hathorn Thomas Thomas Thomas Drake Thomas Yates Crane Crane Thomas Hays Hathorn Thomas Hathorn WebsterThomasThomas Hays Schuyler Harper Van Woert Van Woert WessenfelsWessenfels Pawling Pawling Pawling WilliamsWebster WebsterArmstrong Van Woert Drake Drake Crane Crane Yates CraneCraneThomasThomas Thomas Thomas Yates WempleBrinkerhoff HaysThomas ThomasThomas Thomas Hammond Hathorn HathornWisnerVan Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Company. ArmstrongLee St John St. John Schermerhorn Gould Fonda HerrickMoseman St. John Tourneur Niles Miller St. John Livingston Shaw Truesdel Truesdell BrownSackett St. John St. John Haight Miller Brown Scofield Bouton Miller Tourneur Case Sackett Bartolf Long St. John Moseman A. P. 14-243 Tillman Harrison GilmoreWhitesideWhiteWestfallWood Hunter Williams Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Wells Kronkhite Scofield Bouton Brown ScofieldBouton Sackett St. John St. John Chapman Hadlock Bancker Brinkerhoff Bell Sacket Lyon Chapman St. John Orser Van Deusen SayresBaly Wells DotyGilmore Brown Name and Rank. Regiment. Clark, Samuel, private Wessenfels Clark, Samuel, private Pawling Clark, Samuel, private Harper Clark, Silas, private Thomas Clark, Thomas, private Hathorn Clark, Thomas, private Webster Clark, Thomas, private Armstrong Clark, Thomas, private Van Ness Clark, Thomas, private Van Rensselaer Clark, Titas, private Thomas Clark, Titus, private Thomas Clark, Waters, private Willet Clark, Wm., major Vandenburg Clark, William, sergeant Hathorn Clark, William, corporal Hathorn Clark, William, private Willet Clark, William, private Webster Clark, Wm., private Dubois Clark, Wm., private Fisher Clark, Wm!, private Dragoons Clarke, Dan'l, private Crane Clarke, Isaac, sergeant Thomas Clarke, Isaac, private Drake Clarke, James D., adjutant Hays Clarke, John, private Clarke, Thomas, surgeon Webster Clarwater, Jacob, private Johnson Clarwater, Jacob, private Johnson Clarwater, Jacob, private Johnson Clarwater, John, private Wessenfels Clarwater, John, private Pawling Clarwater, John, private Willet Clarwater, Joseph, private Johnson Clarwater, Matthew, priv. Pawling Clarwater, Matt'w, private Malcom Clary, Luke, private Graham Clary, Luke, private Van Woert Clase, John, private Schuyler Clase, John, private Quackenboss Class, Benj'n, private Thomas Classon, Wilber, private Hopkins Classon, Will, private Luddington Claver, Nich's, private Schuyler Claw, And'w, private Van Alstyn Claw, Andris/private Van Alstyn Claw, Burger, captain Van Alstyn Claw, Burger, private Van Alstyn Claw, John, private Van Bergen Claw, John, private Van Bergen Claw, John, Jr., private Van Bergen Claw, Lawrence, private Van Rensselaer Clawson, Ezra, private Drake Clawson, Jacob, private Drake Clea, Hugh, private Hathorn Clearwater, Jeremiah, cor. Wynkoop Clebsalet, William, private Clyde Cleveland, Lemuel, corpl. Van Rensselaer Clegrove, James, private Van Rensselaer defend, William, private Pawling Clement, Arent, private Wemple Clement, Bartlett, private Fisher Clement, John, private Wemple Clement, John, private Wemple Clement, John, private Fisher Clement, Lambert, sergt. Fisher Clement, Lambert, priv. Fisher Clement, Peter, private Wemple Clement, Peter, private Wemple Clement, Peter, private Van Veghten Clement, Peter, private Van Veghten Clements, Chas., private Thomas Clements, Jacob, private Klock Clements, Jacob, private Bellinger Clements, Jacob, private . Bellinger Clements, James, private Thomas Clements, Philip, private Harper Clements, Philip, private Bellinger Clemons, Aaron, private Drake Clemons, John, corporal Clemons, Wm., private Drake Clerk, Aaron, sergeant Wisner Clerk, Aaron, private Hathorn Company. ThompsonLawrenceLawrenceSt. John Bartholf Armstrong ArmstrongNiles Miller St. John Van Rensselaer McCamleyMinthorn Fonda Long Dubois McMaster Delavan Howley GillispyOstranderJansen LivingstonHunter WilkinFaulkner DrakeMagee Gilmore Veeder BarnumMead Lansing Ostrander Philips Vosburgh Dubois Witbeck Dubois Bries Haight Haight TelfordVan Beuren House GravesNiles Wood Van Petten Yeoman Van Petten Van Atten Fisher Wemple Veeder Van Petten Van Atten Woodworth Thompson Hobby House Herder Staring Hobby PutmanStaring Strang HumphreyStrang MillerMinthorn 344 Roster of the State Troops. Van Rensselaer Field Hays Graham Name and Rank. Regiment. Clerk, Abram, private Van Rensselaer Clerk, David, sergeant Van Rensselaer Cleveland, Ezra, ensign Quackenboss Clerk, James, sergeant Johnson Clerk, James L., Sr., priv. Hays Clerk, James L. Jr., priv. Hays Clerk, John, private Clerk, John, private Clerk, John D., private Clerk, Robin, private Cleveland, Benj'n, piivate Williams Cleveland, Benj'n, private Webster Cleveland, Benjamin, priv. Armstrong Cleveland, Jonas, private Whiting Cleveland, Lemuel, private Harper Cleveland, Wm., private Dubois Cline, Adam, private Cline, Ant'y, private Cline, Benj'n, lieut. Cline, Jacob, private Cline, Jacob, private Cline, Jacob, private Cline, Jacob, private Cline, John, private Cline, Jonas, private Cline, Wm., private Clint, John, private Clintick, Sam'l, private Clinton, John, sergeant Clinton, John, private Clinton, Wm., private Fisher Livingston FisherJohnson Johnson JohnsonJohnson Johnson Wessenfels Van Schaick Schuyler Wisner WillettVan Schoonhoven Fields Company. Van Allen Cady Concklin TourneurTourneur Hawley Hecock OnderdonkWilsonArmstrong Armstrong ArmstrongGilbert Bogart McFoght Degraas Kline VeederWood Cross JohnsonJansen Godwin Tillman ThomasThomas Thomas Willet Brinckerhoff Van Schoonhoven Clobwrigh, Christ, private Van Woert Clock, Jacob, sergeant Clock, Jacob, private Clock, Jacob, private Clock, Joseph, private Clock, Sam'l, private Clogg, Eliphalet, private Clopper, Henry, sergeant Van Rensselaer Clopper, John, corporal Van Rensselaer Close', Henry, private WelSsenfel Close, Jabez, private Drake Close, Jabez, private Crane Close, Jesse, corporal Crane Close, Jesse, private Close, John, Rev., private Phillips Close, Peter, private Wessenfels Close, Reuben, private Fisher Close, Solomon, lieut. Close, Solomon, lieut. Clossen, Wilbert, private Clossen, Wm., sergeant Closson, Jacob, private Closson, Wilber, private Clough, George, private Clous, John Gothp, priv. Clous, Joqn Jury, private Phillips Clover, Nichs., private Dubois Clover, Nicholas, private Willet Clover, Nichs., private Schuyler Clow, John, private Van Bergen Clow, John Gothel, private Graham Benedict Field FieldField Field WilletGraham Clow, Peter^ private Van Rensselaer Cloyd, Daniel, private Willet Cloyd, Dan'l, private Graham Cluet, Fred'k, private Schuyler Cluet, Fred'k, private Schuyler Cluet, Fred'k, private Cuyler Cluet, Fred'k F., private Schuyler Cluet, John, private Schuyler Clugston, Sam'l, private Clum, Adam, private Livingston Clum, Adam, private Livingston Clum, Hend'k, private Livingston Clumant, Lambert, private Fisher Clump, Zach'h, private Brinckerhoff Clunck, John, private Clung, Jno., private Van Woert Clute, Barth'w, private Wemple Clute, Dan'l, private Wemple Clute, Dirck, private Van Schoonhoven Clute, Eph'm, private Van Veghten Livingston BarnumBrown Sacket Hobby Lyons FondaBrower VisscherPhilip Godwin SeelyTruesdellTruesdel Truesdell Ostrander Hunt Yeoman Truesdell SeelyHecock Dykeman HecockBarnumMarshall Bostwick Ostrander Dubois Harrison Lansing William Van Allen TearseWilliams Van Wee Lansing Lansing Van Wee Smith Rockenfelle Pulver Fisher Brower Hodges MyndersonFonda Visscher Name and Rank. Clute, Fred'k, private Clute, Fred'k, private Clute, Fred'k, private Clute, Fred'k, F., private Clute, Garret, private Clute, Garret F., private Clute, Garrit, private Clute, Garrit, private Clute, Garrit, private Clute, Garrit D., private Clnte, Gradus, sergeant Clute, Gradus, corporal Clute, Gradus, private Clute, Gradus, private Clute, Gradus, private Clute, Gradus, private Clute, Gradus, Jr., private Clute, Gradus J., private Clute, Grandes, sergeant Clute, Gradus G., corporal Clute, Gradus G., private Clute, Isaac, sergeant Clute, Jacob, private Clute, Jacob, private Clute, Jacob, private Clute, Jacob G., corp'l Clute, Jacob P., private Clute, John, sergeant Clute, John, corporal Clute, John, private Clute, John, private Clute, John, private Clute, John, private Clute, Jno., private Clute, John B., private Clute, John B., private Clute, Nich's, corporal Clutt, Nich's, private Clute, Nich's, private Clute, Peter, private Clute, Petrus, private Clutt, John, private Clyde, Sam'l. lieut. col. Clyne, Henry, private Clyne, Jacob, private Clyne, Jaocb, private Clyne, Joseph, private Clyne, Martinus, private Clyne, Nich's, private Clyne, Wm., private Coal, Jabish, corporal Coal, John, private Coale, Johannis, private Coale, Peter, private Coalman, Benjamin, priv., Coalman, Jacob, private Coalman, Samuel, private Coalman, Samuel, private Coalman, William, private Coan, Peter, private Coaplin, Samuel, private Coates, Thomas, private Coats, Chris' r, private Coats, Christ'r, private Coats, Joseph, private Coats, Zebulon, private Cob, Aaron, private Cobb, Eben'r, private Cobb, Jno. B., corporal Cobbert, John, private Cochenbergh, Adam, priv. Cochnet, Jacob, private Cochran, And'w, private Cochran, Andrew, private Cochran, Sam'l, private Cock, Casper, private Cock, Peter, private Cockle, Tim'y, private Cochran, Wm., private Cockring, James, private Cockshuer, Jonas, private Cockton, Thomas, private Regiment. Company. Wemple Schuyler Lansing Schuyler Ostrum Schuyler Lansing Willet Elsworth Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven Hicks Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Steenbergh Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Taylor Van Schoonhoven Visscher Schuyler Ostrum Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Veghten Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Wemple Fonda Wemple Mynderson Wemple Van Slyck Schuyler Ostrum Steenbergh Wemple Mynderse Wemple Schermerhorn Wemple Fonda Graham Bostwick Van Schoonnoven Visscher Wemple Fonda Wemple Wanson Schuyler Ostrum Wemple Bancker Wemple Van Slyck Schuyler Ostrum Schuyler Lansing Schuyler Ostrum Wemple Van Slyck Wemple Schermerhorn Schuyler Lansing Willet Van Rensselae Hathorn Conklin Dubois Burnet Schuyler Lansing Fisher McMaster Schuyler Lansing Bellinger Frank Van Rensselaer De Garmo Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Livingston Rockenfelle Livingston Rockenfelle Hathorn Minthorn Fisher Degraas Hathorn Bailey Hathorn Minthorrt Harper Allen Van Rensselaer Sharp Harper Putnam Van Rensselaer Turner Willet Tearse Willet Henry Van Rensselaer Niles Graham Lansing Weisenfels Van Veghten Van Woort Dubois Chamberlain Van Veghten Dunham Fisher Veeder Fonda Fisher McMaster Fisher Snooks Wessenfels Livingston Klock Miller Fisher Yates Clyde Leipe Brinckerhoff Willet Newell Fields Dyckman Clyde Leipe Roster of the State Troops. 345 Name and Rank. ' Coddington, Benjamin, pr. Coddington, Jacob, private Coddington^Jonah, private Codington, Benjamin, pr. Codington, Jacob, private Codington, Levy, private Codman, Geo., private Codner, George, private Codner, Ishmael, private Codney, Wm., private Codurse, Christ'r, corporal Codwise, Christopher, pr. Coe, Benjamin, private Coe, Daniel, private Coe, Daniel, Jr., private Coe, Daniel S., private Coe, Halsteadj private Coe, Isaac, private Coe, John, ensign Coe, John, private Coe, John D., private Coe, John S., private Coe, Jonas, sergeant Coe, Jonas, private Coe, Matthew, private Coe, Matthew, private Coe, Matthew, Jr., private Coe, Matthew D., private Coe, Samuel, sergeant Coe, Samuel, private Coe, Samuel, private Coe, Samuel, Jr., private Coe, William, private Coen, Asa, private Coenradt, Fred'k, private Coenraed, Henrich, private Coenraed, Henrich, Jr., pr. Coenraed, John, private Coenrat, Adam, private Coenrat, Henry, private Coenraut, Nich's, private Coens, Ab'm, corporal Coens, Matthias, private Coens, Sam'l, private Coens, Wm., private Coens, Wm., private Coerus, Causin, private Coffin, Bartlet, private Coffin, John, private Cogal, John, private. Cogden, Tim'y, private Cogler, Jacob, private Cohone, Alex'r, fifer Cohone, Alex'r, private Cohoon, J oseph,. private Cokenut, Jacob, private Cokenut, John, private Cokin, Thomas, private Cokin, Thorney, private Colbert, John, private Colborth, Thomas, private Colborth, Thomas, private Colbreath, Thomas, priv. Colbroth, Tho's, private Colder, Ab'm, private Coldwell, Arthur, private Coldwell, James, private Coldwell, James, private Coldwell, James, private Coldwell, John, sergeant Coldwell, Robert, private Coldwell, Wm., private Coldwin, James, private Cole, Aaron, private Cole, Abraham, private Cole, Abraham, private Cole, Abraham, private Cole, Abm., private Cole, Abm., private Cole, Abm., private Cole, Andries, private Cole, Azor, private 44 Regiment. Pawling Cantine CantineHathorn Hathorn Hathorn Van Ness GrahamGrahamGraham Graham Graham Hays Hays Hays Hay3 Hays Hays Hays Hays Hays Cooper Hays Hays Cooper HaysHays HaysCooper Bays Hays HaysV an Rensselaer SchuylerVroomanVrooman Clyde Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Alstyn Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer LivingstonVan Rensslaer Livingston Wynkoop Van Veghten Brinckerhoff Fisher WilletFisher Graham GrahamVan Rensselaer Fisher Fisher Bellinger Bellinger Van Veghten Drake Luddington Van Bergen LuddingtonWemple Wessenfels Johnson Johnson Lansing Graham Yate's Newkirk Crane Brinckerhoff Cooper Hays Hays Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Hays Company. Burnet Hasbrouck Brodhead BrodheadBrodhead Sherwood Sherwood Muller Hermance Husted Gardner AckersonAckerson Ackerson Ackerson AckersonAckerson Ackerson AckersonGardner Aokerson Gardner Ackerson Ackerson Ackerson Gardner Ackerson AckersonAckersonShaw Scharp RichtmyerRichtmyerBrown Ostrander ShawShawShaver , Sharp Smith Swart Van Woert Brinckerhoff Degraas Gillet Veeder Muller Muller Hawley Van Schoonhoven White Staring Staring Scribners Honeywell Lane BanckerHardenburghJansen Cross Brown Sherwood Brown Van Keuren Lockwood Van Benschouten Blauvelt Tourneur Ackerson Thompson DenningVan Woert Tourneur Regiment. Van Schoonhoven Van Woert Van Reusselaer Piatt Field Johnson Johnson Graham Luddington Luddington Luddington Luddington Van Alstyn Van Rensselaer Graham Hays Livingston BrinckerhoffVan Rensselaer Johnson Harper Van Schoonhoven Visscher Name and Rank. Cole, Azor, private Cole, Barnabus, private Cole, IsaaCj private Coles, Benjamin, private Cole, Benjamin, private Cole, Cornelius, private Cole, Corn's, private Cole, Corn's, private Cole, Dan'l, private Cole, Eben'r, sergeant Cole, Eben'r, private Cole, Elisha, private Cole, Gerard, private Cole, Gerrit, private Cole, Henry, private Cole, Isaac, private Cole, Isaac, private Cole, Jacob, private Cole, James, private Cole, Johannes, private -Cole, John, private Cole, John, private Cole, John, private Cole, John, private Cole, John, private Cole, John, private Cole, Joseph, sergeant Cole, Josephus, private Cole, Moses, sergeant Cole, Moses, private Cole, Moses, private Cole, Peter, corporal Cole, Peter, private Cole, Peter, private Cole, Reuben, private Cole, Reuben, private Cole, Royal, private Cole, Simon, corporal Cole, Simon, private Cole, Simon Peter, private Phillips Cole, Simon P., private Pawling Cole, Simon P., private Cole, Sylvanus, private Cole, Tobias, private Cole, Wilhelmus, private Cole, Wm., private Cole, Wm. D., private Colegrove, Francis, private Colegrove, Francis, priv. Wessenfels Coleman, Abner, private Coleman, Andrew, private Harper Coleman, Duncan, private Johnson Coleman, John, private Hays Coleman, John, private Van Rensselaer Coleman, Joseph, private Johnson Coleman, Samuel, private Hathorn Coleman, Samuel, private Hathorn Coleman, Samuel, private Hathorn Coleman, Thomas, private Vrooman Colemen, Timothy, lieut. Pawling Colin, William, corporal Colkin, Simon, private Colkin, Will., private Colkins, Eli, private Colkins, Joshua, private Coll, James, private Collamar, Ebenezer, priv. Pawling Collance, Corn's, private Schuyler Collard, Ab'm, private Cooper Collard, Abraham, private Hays Collard, James, private Drake Collard, James, private Collejeine, Dierick, priv Collen, Jacob, private Coller, Jacob, private Colley, John, private Collier, Jocham, private Collins, Benj'n, private Collins, Benj'n, private Collins, Benj'n, private Collins, Ebner, private Collins, James, corporal Company. Gilmore King Lee Barnum Roosa Ostrander SherwoodMead Waterbury MeadMead Van Beuren Van Allen Bostwick Tourneur Pulver Van Benschoten Briefs Wilkins Allen YatesDuboisLivingstonWynkoop Luddington HathornGraham Malcom Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Willet Livingston Wessenfels Luddington Van Rensselaer Graham Wessenfels PawlingField Wessenfels Klock Van Veghten Johnson Pawling FieldFieldField FieldYates Crane Van Bergen FisherFisherLuddington Van Bergen Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Harper Hadlock DuboisShaver SwartMeadMiller Williams Blakely SchermerhornOsterhoudt White Rockfeller White Mead Turner Husted White Ostrander De Witt Burnet Dyckman White Westfall DunningJohnson Livingston Van Duzer Vrooman Robinson Onderdonck Rockfeller Conklin Miller Bailey Minthorn HeagerWestfall Sackett Hecock Hecock HecockHecock Hadlock Van Aernum Gardner AckersonDrakeLawrence Witbeck YatesYates Lane Dubois Woodworth Woodworth Van Woert Woodworth Bogart 346 Roster of Jhe State Troops. Name and Rank. Collins, John, corporal Collins, John, private Collins, John, private Collins, Julius, sergeant Collins, Julius, corporal Collins, Manasah, private Collins, Rich'd, sergeant Collins, Richard, corporal Collins, Rich'd, private Collins, Thomas, private Collins, Thomas, private Collins, Tyrannis, captain Collins, Tyrannis, captain Collins, Wm., private Collins, Wm., sergeant Collins, Wm., private Collins, Wm., private Collings, John, private Collings, Rich'd, sergeant Colls, Adonijah, corporal Colman, John, private Colon, Wm., sergeant Colon, Wm., sergeant Colon, Wm., sergeant Colon, Wm., private Colter, John, private Colter, John, private Coltman, William, private Colver, Joshua, private Colver, Joshua, private Colver, Nath'l, ensign Colvert, John, private Colwell, James, private Colwell, James, private Colwell, John, private Colwell, John, private Colwell, Joseph, private Colwell, Wm., private Colyer, Isaac, sergeant Colyer, Isaac, private Colyer, Isaac, private Colyer, Isaac, private Colyer, Jacob, private Colyer, Jacob, private Colyard, James, private Colyer, John, private Colyer, Wm., private Com, John, private Comb, George, captain Comb, Sam'l, Jr., private Combs, Barnard, private Combs, John, sergeant Combs, John, private Combs, Michael, private Combs, Mich'l, private Combs, Mich'l, private Combs, Mich'l, private Combs, Solomon, private Combs, Solomon, private Combser, Nich's, private Comery, James, private Comes, Solomon, private Comstock, Peter, private Comfort, Benjamin, corpl. Comfort, Benj'n, corporal Comfort, Rich'd, private Comfort, Rich'd, private Comfort, Samuel, private Coming, Will., lieut. Coming, Will, ensign Coming, Wm., sergeant Comins, Francis, private Comlin, Ephraim, private Commel, Harmanus, priv. Commer, Ab'm, private Commill, Roberson, priv. Commings, Jacob, private Commings, John, private Commins, Francis, private Commins, Isaiah, private Commons, Johu. private Regiment. Company. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Wessenfels Pawling Commons, John, private Wemple Bancker Armstrong Commons, Josiah, private Yates Brutt Van Woert Glimore Comory, James, private Fisher Yeoman Van Woert Gilmore Comper, Reuben, private Van Rensselaer Husted Van Woert Gilmore Comstock, Peter, private Van Veghten Thompson Van Schoonhoven Compton, John, private Brinkerhoff Storm Fonda Concker, Peter, private Schuyler Scharp Fonda Concklin, Abraham, priv. Wessenfels Bowen Fonda Concklin, Elias, private Brinckerhoff Van Benschoten Webster Concklin, Elisha, private Livingston Shaver Armstrong Armstrong Concklin, Ephraim, privat e Willet Conine Gordon Concklin, Ephraim, priv, Willet Cannon Van Schoonhoven Concklin, Isaac, private Drake Boyd Hopkins Talmadge Concklin, Isaac, private Willet Van Rensselaer Harper Drake Conklin, Jacob, captain Hathorn Van Veghten Van Woert Concklin, Jacob, captain Johnson Van Veghten Dunham Concklin, Jacob, private Hopkins Talmadge Van Cortlandt Concklin, Jacob, private Van Schoonnoven Taylor Fonda Concklin, James, private Van Schoonhoven Taylor Whiting Gilbert Concklin, Jerem'h, private Drake Graham Lansing Concklin, John, corporal Brinckerhoff Van Benschouten Fisher Mabee Concklin, John, private Wessenfels Thompson Fisher Gartner Concklin, John, private Pawling Lawrence Fisher Fisher Concklin, John^irivate Pawling Livingston Fisher Gartner Concklin, John, private Hopkins Van Benschoten Johnson Cross Concklin, John, private Harper Lawrence Wessenfels Brewster Concklin, John, private Livingston Brinckerhoff Shaver Harper Allen Concklin, John, private Van Benschoten Willet Welp Concklin, Jon'n, private Dragoons Delavan Whiting Salsbury Concklin, Jon'n, private Truesdell Whiting Salisbury Concklin, Joseph, corporal Willet Livingston Van Veghten Woodworth Concklin, Josiah, private Harper Bogart Hopkins Luddington Lane Concklin, Lawrence, priv. Brinckerhoff Van Benschouten Mead Concklin, Matt'w, private Brinckerhoff Van Benschoten Schuyler Lansing Concklin, Matthias, private Malcom - Schuyler Ostrum Concklin, Nathan, private Wessenfels Hunt Luddington Mead Concklin, Samuel, private Willet Wright Boyd Luddington Mead Concklin, Seth, private Drake Fisher ¦ Fisher Concklin, Thomas, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Fisher Gartner Concklin, Tim'y, private Malcom McKinstry Fisher Yates Concklin, William, sergt. Johnson Mastin Fisher Fisher Concklin, Wm., private Van Denburgh Storm Fisher Gartner Concklin, Wm., private Binckerhoff Brower Fisher Yates Conckling, Aaron, private Hays Gardner Drake Haight Conckling, Abraham, ser. Hays Fisher Yates Conckling, Abraham, cor. Hays Ackerson Fisher Yates Conckling, Abraham, priv Hays Bell Wemple Bancker Conckling, Abr'm, private Hays Ackerson Hammond Conckling, David, private Hays Bell Livingston Shaver Conckling, Eben'r, priv. Thomas Moseman Willet Gross Conckling, Eben'r, priv. Thomas Moseman Wemple Mynderse Conckling, Eben'r, priv. Thomas St. John Wemple Mynderson Conckling, Ezekiel, priv. Hays Ackerson Pawling Pawling Conckling, Gabriel, priv. Hays Gardner Drake Boyd Conckling, Henry, private Hays Gardner Drake Haight Conckling, Isaac, private Hays Ackerson Graham Wilson Conckling, Jacob, private Wessenfels Dodge Thomas St. John Conckling, Jacob, private Crane Chapman Thomas Moseman Conckling, John, private Cooper Blauvelt Van Rensselaer De Garmo Conckling, John, private Hays Bell Fisher Yeoman Conckling, John, private Hays Gardner Johnson Mastin Conckling, John, private Conckling, John L., priv. Hays Blauvelt Van Veghten Thompson Hays Gardner Johnson Wood Conckling, Joseph, priv. Conckling, Joseph H., pr. Hays Gardner Johnson Cross Hays Gardner Brinkerhoof Conckling, Lewis, private Conckling, Lewis I., priv. Conckling, Matthias, lieut. Hays Gardner Brinkerhoff Storm Hays Blauvelt Johnson Jansen Hays Blauvelt Van Rensselaer Woodworth Conckling, Matthias, corp. Hays Bell Van Rensselaer Woodworth Conckling, Michael, priv. Haya Ackerson Van Rensselaer Woodworth Conckling, Michael, priv. Havs Hogencamp Ackerson Van Rensselaer De Garmo Conckling, Nich's, private Hays Van Bergen Hoghtaling Conckling, Nicholas W., p Hays Ackerson Schuvler Ostrum Conckling, Stephen, cor. Hays Ackerson Van Bergen Witbeck Conckling, Stephen, priv. Hays Gardner Dubois Lee Conckling, Thomas, priv. Hays Gardner Dubois Dubois Conckling, Tim'y, private Drake Dubois Dubois Conckling, Wm., ensign Hays Gardner Yates Hadlock Conckling, William, ser. Hays Blawvelt Yates Yates Conckling, William, priv.. Conda, William, private Hays Sickles Wemple Mynderse Webster Long Roster of the State Troops. 347 Name and Rank. Regiment. Conderman, Fred'k, priv. Clyde Conderman, Geo., lieut. Clyde Conderman, John F., priv. Clyde Conderman, John M., pr. Clyde Conderman, Marcus, priv. Clyde Cone, Ichabod, private Van Rensselaer - Condy, John, private Van Rensselaer Cone, Ichabod, private Willet Cone, John, private Van Rensselaer Cone, Samuel, sergeant Cone, Samuel, private Conely, Hugh, private Conrad, Manuel, private Conger, Isaiah; private Conger, James, private Conger, Reuben, sergeant Quackenboss Conger, Ruben, sergeant Schuyler Conger, Uzziah, corp'l Congrete, John, private Conick, Jon'n, private FisherFisher Wemple Schuyler Schuyler Quackenboss HarperVan Rensselaer Conine, Lawrence, ensign Van Rensselaer Conine, Peter, private Van Bergen Conine, Philip, captain Willet Conker, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Conkey, Joseph, quarterm. Williams Conkey, Joseph, quarterm. Webster Conkey, Joshua, quarterm. Armstrong Conkey, Richard, corp. Armstrong Conkey, Rich'd, private Webster Conkey, Silas, private Armstrong Conklin, Eben'r, private Thomas Conklin, Ephraim, private Van Bergen Conklin, Jno., private Schuyler Conklin, John, private Van Veghten Conklin, Lamuel, captain Graham Conklin, Nath'l, private Van Veghten Conklin, Samuel, private Pawling Conklin, Sam'l, private Dubois Conklin, Sam'l, private Van Veghten Conklin, Sam'l, private Luddington Conklin, Sam'l, private Luddington Conkling, Jonathan, priv. Crane Conkling, Nathan, private Luddington Conkling, Sam'l, corporal Luddington Conkright, Abr'm, private Fisher Conley, John, private Van Bergen Conhn, John, sergeant Graham Conmine, John, private Wemple Conmore, Daniel, corporal Pawling Connel, John, private Connel, Peter, private Connel, Rob't, private Connel, Wm., private Connell, Edward, private Connell, Peter, private Connelly, Jacob, private Conner, Edward, private Conner, James, private Conner, Jno., private Conner, John, private Conner, John, private Conner, Sam'l, private Connery, James, private Connery, John, private Conneway, Cornelius, pr. Conneway, John, private Conney, Rob't, private Connil, Jno., private Connoly, Jacob, private Connolly, John, private Connoly, John, private Connor, Alex'r, private Connor, Daniel, private Connor, Ed'd, lt. andq. m. Wessenfels Connor, Edward, lieut. Pawling Connor, Edward, qr. mr. Pawling Connor, Edward, lieut. Pawling Connor, Edward, lieut. --Pawling Connor, Jacobus, private Cantine Connor, James, corporal Harper Connor, James, private Pawling Connor, James, private Weisenfels Van Rensselaer Thomas Yates Yates Yates Thomas Willet FisherVan Woert Fisher FisherWessenfels Fisher Cantine Hathorn Cantine YatesVan Rensselaer Graham WessenfelsThomas Van Rensslaer Pawling Company. Diffendorf Diffendorf DiffendorfDiffendorf Diffendorf Turner De Garmo Livingston Woodworth Noble Gartneer Snook Van Pette Van Wee Van Wee Van Wie Van Wee Allen StaatsMuller Shaw , Long Long Long Sharp Dunning Thompson Westfall GanoKnapp Waterbury Truesdell CraneCrane Yeoman Witbeck Conklin Bancker Westbrook Dencker (?) Hubby Yates Hadlock YatesLyon ElsworthFonda Yates Pettit Veeder Yeoman Yeoman HasbrouckBrodhead HasbrouckBrownSharp Lansing White Moseman Turner Wood Hunter Pawling BurnetHasbrouckAllen Wood Name and Rank. Connor, John, sergeant Connor, John, private Connor, John, private Connor, Patrick, private Connor, William, private Conor, Philip, private Conover, Sam'l, private Conrad, Henry, private Conrad, John, corporal Conrade, Nich's, private Conrads, Johannis, private Conradt, Henry, private Conradt, John, private Conrah, Joseph, private Coenrat, Henry, private Conrate, Joseph, private Conrate, Nich s, private Conroe, Wm., private Conrow, William, private Conrow, William, private Consaul, David, private Constable, Garret, sergt. Constable, Garret, private Constable, Carrit, sergt. Constable, John, sergeant Constable, William, priv. Constable, William, priv. Contine, Benjamin, priv. Conway, Cornelius, priv. Conwa)-", John, private Conway, John, corporal Conwell, Robt., private Conycee, Jacob, private Conyeas, Jacob, private Conyers, Jacob, private Conyne, Ab'm, sergeant Conyne, Ab'm, private Conyne, Casparus, private Conyne, John, sergeant Conyne, Jno., private Conyne, John, private Cook, Amos, sergeant Cook, Asa, lieut, Cool, Asalph, lieut. Cook, Asaph, lieut. Cook, Benjamin, private Cook, Casper, private Cook, Corn's, private Cook, Darius, private Cook, David, sergeant Cook, David, sergeant Cook, David, private Cook, David, private Cook, David, private Cook, David, private Cook, Dennis, private Cook, Henry, private Cook, Isaac, corporal Cook, James, private Cook, James, private Cook, Job, private Cook, Job, private Cook, Jno., lieut. Cook, John, sergeant Cook, John, private Cook, John, private Cook, John, private Cook, John, private Cook, John, private Cook, John, private Cooke, Joseph, adjutant Cook, Joseph, lieut. Cook, Joseph, lieut Cook, Joseph, private Cook, Joseph, private Cook, Joseph, private Cook, Joseph, private Cook, Joseph, private Cook, Joseph, private Cook, Levy, private Cook, Nathan, corporal Cook, Nath'l, corporal Regiment. Company. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Hays Brinckerhoff Van Wyck Humphrey Pawling Wood Van Rensselaer Shaw Wemple Bancker Willet Harrison Hallet Marshall FisherLivingston Rockenfelle Graham Miller Willet Marshall Fisher Gartnere Schuyler Tillman Fisher Gartner Fisher Gartner Graham Conklin Wessenfels White Wessenfels Pawling Wemple Van Petten Wessenfels Pawling Weisenfels Pawling Livingston Cantine Hasbrouck Pawling Livingston Wynkoop Phillips Ostrander Pawliag De Witt Pawling Westbrook Pawling Piercy Yates Weltse Wynkoop De Witt Wynkoop De Witt Wynkoop De Witt Fisher Wemple Fisher Fisher Van Rensselaer Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Webster Long Webster Childs Webster Childs ArmstrongPawling Wood Klock Miller Yates Wiltse Weisenfels Wessenfels Hardenburgh Pawling Burnet Hathorn Telford Wessenfels Hardenburgh Phillips Ostrander Willet Pawling Wood Wessenfels Dodge Van Rensselaer Turner Graham Hermahce Hopkins Wheeler Wessenfels Shephard Hopkins Wheeler Van Schoonhoven Taylor Webster Long Hopkins Van Benschoten Van Schoonhoven Taylor Cantine Ramsen Brinckerhoff Van Benschouten Van Alstyn Truesdel Van Alstyn Vosburgh Van Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Van Denberg Van Schoonhoven Visscher Willet Livingston Webster Childs Armstrong Van Bergen Van Rensselaer Niles Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Van Rensselaer Townsend Pawling Westfall Van Veghten Dunham 348 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Cook, Nathan, private Cook, Nath'l, private Cook, Nich's, private Cook, Peter, private Cook, Rich'd, private Cook, Sam'l, private Cook, Simson, private Cook, Solomon, private Cook, Wm., private Cook, William, private Cook, Zebulon, private Cooke, Joseph, lieut. Cookingham, Frederic, pr. Cool, Barnabus, private Cool, Corn's, private Cool, John, private Cool, Peter, private Cool, Wm sergeant Coolcraft, Lawrence, priv. Coole, Barent, private Coole, Peter, sergeant Cooley, James, private Cooley, James, private Cooley, John, adjt. Cooley, John, adjt. Cooley, Sam'l, corporal Coolgrave, Francis, private Coolver, Joshua, private Cooly, Benjamin, lieut. Cboly, Benj., lieut. Coon, Abm., private Coon, Adam, private Coon, Asa, private Coon, Hezekiah, private Coon, Jacob, sergeant Coon, Jacob, private Coon, Jacob, Jr., sergeant Coon, James, private Coon, Jerem'h, private Coon, Jerem'h, private Coon, John, private Coon, John, private Coon, Marcus, ensign Coon, Nathan, Jr., private Coon, Nathan, Jr., private Coon, Nathan, private Coon, Peter, private Coone, Ichabod, sergeant Coone, Peter, private Coone, Wm., private Cooney, Alex'r, private Cooney, Wm., private Coonhover, Adriance, pr. Coonhoven, Benj'n, priv. Coons, Abm., private Coons, Abm., private Coons, Adam, private Coons, Matthias, private Coons, Peter, private Coons, Philip, private Coons, Philip, private Coons, Wm., private Cooper, Abraham, sergt. Cooper, Abraham, private Cooper, Albert, private Cooper, Christ., private Cooper, Cornelius, sergt Cooper, Corn's, sergeant Cooper, Corn's, corporal Cooper, Corn's, private Cooper, Corn's, private Cooper, Corn's, private Cooper, Corn's, private Cooper, Corn's, Sr., priv. Cooper, Eda, private Cooper, Eder, private Cooper, Elijah, private Cooper, Garret, private Cooper, Garret, private Cooper, Garret, private Cooper, George, private Cooper, Gilbert, lieut -col. Regiment. Wessenfels Van Veghten Van Woert Fisher Van Rensselaer Hopkins Piatt Dubois VandenburghBrinckerhoff Graham Van Schoonhoven Graham Willet Johnson Willet GrahamPiatt Schuyler Hathorn Van Rensselaer WilletWillet Drake Crane DrakeWynkoop Willet Hathorn Hathorn Van Reusselaer Livingston Graham Van Rensselear Vandenburg Dubois Vandenburg Van Rensselaer Van Veghten Van Veghten Pawling Clyde Livingston Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer WessenfelsWillet Wessenfels Yates Quackenboss Schuyler BrinckerhoffBrinckerhoff Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Livingston Van Rensselaer LivingstonLivingston Brinckerhoff Van Reneselaer Cooper Hays Schuyler Hays Vandenburgh CooperBrinckerhoff Wessenfels Hays BrinckerhoffVandenburgh Hays Malcom HarperWessenfels Wessenfels Hays Luddington Vrooman Company. Brewster Van Woert PettitPutman StaatsWheeler Bloom Chamberlain Storm Van Benschouten Williams Taylor Wilson Livingston Mastin Gray HermanceSan Santvoorts Lansing Conklin PhilipWelp Welp Lawrence Welp BaileyMcCamply Shaw Elliot Conklin ShawWheeler Lee Wheeler Shaw WoodworthDunhamHunter Van Everat Houserat Shaw Husted Shaw WrightShephard Yates SlingerlandtVeederBrinckerhoffBrinckerhoff De Forest Sharp HouseradHouseradShaverBrinckerhoff GardnerAckersonAckersonScharp Gardner Van Wyck GardnerVan Wyck Thompson Onderdonk Van Wyck, HarrisonThompson Bowen Onderdonk Knapp Name and Rank. Regiment. Cooper Hays Wessenfels Cooper Piatt VandenburghHammond Brinckerhoff Van Woert Pawling PawlingGraham Cooper, Gilbert, lieut. -col. Hays Cooper, Gilbert, sergeant Hays Cooper, Gilbert, private Cooper, Gilbert, private Cooper, Hend'k, private Cooper, Hend'k, private Cooper, Hendrick, private Hays Cooper, Henry, private Pawling Cooper, Henry, private Harper Cooper, Jacob, private Brinckerhoff Cooper, James, sergt. -maj. Wessenfels Cooper, James, private Pawling Cooper, J ames, private Cooper, John, lieut. Cooper, Jno., lieut. Cooper, John, lieut. Cooper, John, sergeant Cooper, John, private Cooper, John, private Cooper, John, private Cooper, John, private Cooper, John, private Cooper, John, private Cooper, John, private Cooper, John, private Cooper, John, private Cooper, Joseph, private Cooper, Joseph, private Cooper, Obadiah, sergeant Quackenboss Cooper, Obadiah, corporal Brinckerhoff Cooper, Obadiah, private Van Rensselaer Cooper, Obadiah, private Quackenboss Cooper, Obadiah, private Brinckerhoff Cooper, Obadiah L, corp'l Brinckerhoff Cooper, Obediah, private Graham Cooper, Obediah, private Cooper, Obediah, private Cooper, Peter, private C'ooper, Teunis, private Cooper, William, sergeant Van Rensselaer Cooper, Wm., sergeant Schuyler Cooper, Wm., private Cooper, Wm., private Cooper Wm., private Cooper, Wm., private Cooper, Wm., private Cooper, Wm., private Cooper, Wm., private Cooper, Will., private Cooper, Woolvert, private Hays Coovert, John, private Wessensels Copeland, Samuel, private Fisher Copeland, Simon, private Fisher Copelin, Samuel, private Copeman, Abm., major Copeman, Jacob, private Copernol, John, private Coppernol, Nich's, lieut. Coppernol, Richard, lieut. Klock Coppernol, William, priv. Klock Coppernoll, John, lieut. Klock Coppernoll, John, ser. maj. Klock Coppernoll, Nicholas, lieu. Klock Coppernoll, Nich's, ensign Klock Coppernoll, Nich's, ensign Klock Coppernoll, Wm., sergeant Klock Coppernoll, Wm., private Klock Coragell, Abraham, corp'l Pawling Corby, John, sergeant Van Bergen Corby, John, private Van Bergen Cordeman, Esenr'd, priv. Clyde Corey, Benj'n, private Corey, John, lieut Corey, John, private Corey, John, private Corey, John, private Corey, Jon'n, sergeant Corey, Jon'n, private Corle, George, private Cork, John, Jr., private Corking, Ese, private Corkings, John, private HarperVan Woert Van Woert Van Woert Brinckerhoff Webster Hays Vandenburgh Schuyler Van Rensselaer Hays HathornSchuylerVan Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Company. Ackerson Gardner Thompson Gardner OnderdonkLawrenceLawrence Godwin WoodVan Santvoort Van Wyck Van Wyck DotyFaulkner HunterMagee Gardner Vrooman Gilmore BrownWhiteside Armstrong Gardner Veeder Staats Van Wyck Van Wyck Magee Van Wyck Veeder SharpHogencamp Sharp Scharp Mervin Sharp Doty Brown Whiteside Woodworth DunhamWoodworthAckerson Veeder Veeder Getman's Rangers. Pa., A.P. 21-3 Clyde Vandenburgh KlockKlock Van Rensselaer Storm Klock Cayser Kock Zeely Bradbick KockKockKockMillerSutsKlock Faulkner Hoghtaling Hoghtaling Diffendorf Niles Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Van Woert Van Woert Van Rensselaer Van Woert Van Woert Wynkoop Livingston Schuyler \ates GilmoreDotyNile'sDotyBrownDe Witt Rockenfelle VeederWiltse Roster of the State Troops. 349 Regiment. Van Cortlandt Drake Fisher Fisher Thomas Hays Name and Rank. Corkins, Simon, private Corlmon, James, private Cornah, Nich's, private Cornate, Nich's, private Cornay, Thomas, private Cornelisen, John, private Cornelison, Corn's, private Vrooman Cornelison, John, private Harper Cornelison, John, private Van Alstyn Cornelison, Michael, priv. Wessenfels Cornelison, Michael, priv. Hays Cornelisse, Corn's, private Vrooman Cornelius, Elias, surgeon Drake Cornelius, John, private Pawling Cornelius, John, private Willet Corneliuse, Corn's, private Vrooman Corneliuson, John, private Hays Corneliuson, Mich'l, priv. Hays Corneluisse, Corn's, priv. Vrooman Cornell, Benj'n, sergeant Cornnell, Clements, priv. Cornell, James, private Cornell, John, private Cornell, Joseph, private Cornell, Paul, private Cornell, Peter, private Corner, John, private Corneyne, "Peter, adjutant Fisher Cornick, Jon'n, private Van Rensseiae Cornine, John, private Comstock, Jon'n, private Cornue, Dan'l, private Cornue, Wessel, private Cornue, Wessel, private Cornwall, Clement, priv. Cornwall, Gabriel, private Hathorn Cornwell, Benj'n, private Pawling Cornwell, David, private Cornwell, David, private Cornwell, James, private Cornwell, John, private Cornwell, Lewis, private Cornwell, Sam'l, private Cornwell, William, private Malcom Cornwell, William, private Hays Dubois BrinckerhoffVan Denburgh Brinckerhoff Van Woert Van Veghten Thomas Van Renssela Fisher Van Rensselaer Wemple Wemple Wemple Hopkins- Field Field Graham Van Denburgh GrahamGraham Coroan, Alex'r, private Corol, Mich'l, private Corps, Dan'l, private Corps, Joseph, sergeant Corps, Joseph, corporal Corps, Nath 1, private Corps, Nath'l, private Corregel, Abraham, priv. Correl, John, private Correl, John, private Corrue, Wessel, private Corsant, David, private Van Woert Livingston Van Schoonhoven Taylor Van Schoonhoven Taylor Van Schoonhoven Taylor Van Schoonhoven Taylor Company. Gartnere Yates St. John Bell Richtmyer LawrenceVan Buren Bowen Bell Becker Lawrence Wright Richtmyer Lee Brower WheelerBrowerWhitesideVan Woert Lyon De Forest Woodworth Yeoman Shaw Bancker BanckerVan Slyck Van Bensehoten Shepherd Pawling BarnumHecockVailWheeler Vail Vail McKinstry Gilmore Pulver Van Veghten Pawling FisherFisherWemple Fisher Corsant, Francis, private Fisher Corsate, Jacob, private Fisher Corsault, David, private Fisher Corselt, Wm., sergeant Van Rensselaer Cosote, David, private Fisher Cosote, James, private Fisher Croswell, Abner, private Webster Corter, John, private Hathorn Corter, Peter, private Cortney, Wm., private Vrooman Cortney, Wm., private Vrooman Cortney, Wm., private Vrooman Cartwright, Abraham, pr. Hathorn Cortzs, John, Jr., private Livingston Corns, Lawrence, private Willet Corus, Lawrence, private Willet Cory, John, sergeant Cosbort, John, private Schuyler Cosier, John, private Willet Cosier, Joseph, private Dubois Cosset, James, private Fisher Cossote, James, private Fisher Thompson Westbrook Gartneer Yates Bancker Mabee Snook Fisher MabeePrice Gartnere Gartnere LODgBartolf MinthornStubrachBrown Miller Shepherd Rockfeller TearseHenryVan Aernum ElsworthDe Mout Name and Rank. Regiment. Cost, Martin, private Willet Cost, Martin, private Harper Cote, Azor, private Van Schoonhoven Cotman, Counraud, private Livingston Cotman, George, private Van Rensselaer Cotral, Abis, private Cotrel, Heber, private Cott, Daniel, sergeant Cottenden, Levi, private Cotteral, Geo., private Cotton, John, private Cotton, Nath'l, private Cotton, Thadeus, private Cougenhogen, Sam'l, priv. «, ,,, Cough, Severinus, private Schuyler Cough, Suffrinus, private Schuyler Cough, Sufrinus, private Coughenhoven, Isaac, pr. Coughenoven, John, priv. Coughner, Peter, private Coughness, Peter, private Coughny, And'w, private Coughorat, John, private . , Coughvenhoven, Isaac, pr. Fisher Coughvenhoven, Jno., pr. Fisher Conhanhowen, SBm'l, pr. Coukendal, Martinus, pr. Coule, Oliver, private Coulter, Alex'r, private Coulter, Alex'r, private Coulter, Alex'r, private Coulter, James, sergeant Coulter, James, private Coulter, John, private Coulter, John, private Coulter, Thomas, private Coune, Temuel, private Counhoven, And w, private Brinkerhoff Counrod, Dum, private Klock Countryman, Coenrad, pr. Clyde Countryman, Coenraed,ser. Clyde Countryman, Coenraed, co. Clyde Countryman, Coenraed, pr. Clyde Countryman, Fred'k, priv. Clyde Countryman, Fred'k, priv. Clyde Countryman, Geo., lieut. Clyde Countryman, Jacob, priv. Clyde Countryman, John, ensign Clyde Countryman, John, private Clyde Countryman, John, private Clyde Countryman, John, private Clyde Countryman, John F., pr. Clyde Countryman, John M., pr. Clyde Countryman, Marks, priv. Clyde Courl, Henry, private Wemple Courter, Peter, private Hathorn Courtright, Henry, private Weisenfels Courtwater, Dan'l, private Brinckerhoff GrahamVan Woert Brinckerhoff PawlingHays Van Rensselaer Van Bergen Hays Quackenboss Schuyler Fisher Fisher Schuyler Schuyler Fisher Fisher Quakenboss WessenfelsWillet Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Johnson Johnson WessenfelsFisher Couton, Simon, private Covel, David, corporal Covel, Jacob, private Covel, Jacob, private Covel, Jon'n, private Covel, Joseph, private Covenhoven, Ab'm, private Fisher Covenhoven, Francis, priv. Graham Covenhoven, Peter,* sergt. Pisher Covenhoven, Wm., ser. mr. Graham Covenhoven, Wm., sergt. Graham Covenhoven, Wm., sergt, Covert, James.'t private Covert, John, pYivate Covert, Silvenus, private Covey, John, private Covey, John, private Covey, Joseph, private Covey, Walter, private Covey, Walter, private Covil, James, sergeant Van Veghten Willet Armstrong Yates Vau Woert Van Woert Graham Wessenfels Brinckerhoff Luddington Yates Yates Field Luddington Field Yates Company. Elsworth Bogart White Pulver Hawley Bostwick Pettit Brinckerhoff Pawling StevensoDHawley Witbeck Stevenson Ostrum Ostrum Ostrum Ostrum Ostrum Yates Fisher Gartner Gartneer VeederWestfallHarrisonGilmoreDotyBrown DotyGilmoreCross Wilkins Hardenburgh Gartner Brinkerhoff Hess Difendorf Leipe Leipe House Diefendorf House Diffendorf Diffendorf Leipe Ruff Difendorf HouseDiffendorfDiffendorf Difendorf Minthorn Brower Dunning Hole McNitt BrownHodges Brown Degraas HermanceGardener Hermance Wilson Lane HadlockBrown Hecock Waterbury Hecock Brown * Shotthrough the knee at Oriskanie, August 6, 1777. 19. t Enlisted April 1, 1782. Transferred to Lamb's Artillery. A. P. 16-144. 350 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Van Woert Fisher Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Graham Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Covil, James, private Covill, Cesar,* private Covner, Jacob, private Cowdin, Alex'r, private Cowan, Alex'r, private Cowan, James, private Cowan, James, private Cowen, Robt., private Cowan, Robt., private Cowan, Wm., private Cowden, James, S., corpl Cowder, John, private Cowden, Sam'l, fifter Cowdin, James, private Cowden, James, private Cowdin, James S., drum'r Van Woert Cowdin, James S., private Van Woert Cowdin, Sam'l, fifer Van Woert Cowen, Daniel, private Pawling Cowen, David, private Luddington Cowen, Thomas, private Pawling Cowen, Wm., private Cowenoven, Jacob, private Fisher Cowin, William, private Graham Cowing, Isaac, sergeant Wessenfels Cowing, Isaac, private Luddington Cowl, Israel, private Whiting Cowles, Adonijah, corporal Whiting Cowles, Gideon, lieut. Willet Cowles, Gideon, + ensign Willet Cowles, Gideon, sergt. Cowles, Moses, private Cowley, Jon'n, private Cowley, Jon'n, private Cownover, Francis, corpl. Cownover, Jacob, private Cowns, Matt'w, private Cowvenhoven, Sam'l, pr. Cox, Benjamin, private Cox, Cha's, private Cox, Fesser, private Cox, John, corporal Cox, John, coirporal Cox, John, private Cox, John, private Cox, John, pr vate Cox, John B., private Cox, Joseph, private Cox, Thomas, private Cox, William, private Cox, William, private Cox, William, private Cox, William, private Cox, Fascer, private Coxwell, Francis, private Crab, John, private Crabb, Fred'k, private Crabb, Rich'd, private Crachenbergh, Adam, priv. Fisher Crackenberg, Geo., priv. Crachenbergh, Geo., priv, Craemer, John, private Crafford, John, private Craft, Caleb, private Craft, Charles, private Craft, Thomas, private Crage, James, private Crague, Adam, private Craig, Adam, private Craig, James, private Craig, James, private Crain, Edmund, private Crais, Geo., private Crais, Peter, private Craiton, Robert, private Crall, John, private Crame, Ezekiel, private Crannel, Martin, private Company, HodgesWemple DotyGilmore Gilmore Doty Wells Brown Gilmore Wells Sherwood McKillipWells Gilmore Gilmore Hodges Brown Sackett Waterbury De Witt Stockwell Veeder Sherwood White Waterbury Gilbert GilbertCannon Newell Willet Newell Whiting Gilbert Vrooman Richtmyer Dubois Gano Graham Wilson Fisher Veeder Van Rensselaer Sharp Schuyler Veeder Hathorn Miller Willet Tearse Bellinger Small Yates Brown Yates Weltse Hays Onderdonk Yates Hadlock Williams Stowels Pawling Westfalls Wessenfels Brewster Hathorn Miller Johnson Jansen Johnson Wilkins Pawling Westfall Pawling Piercy Bellinger Staring Wessenfels Dodge Luddington Crane Thomas Miller Thomas St. John's Fisher Veeder Fisher Degraas Fisher Veeder ClydeWemple House Wanson Luddingten Crane Luddington Baker Pawling Wood Armstrong Armstrong Phillip Ostrander Hathorn Conklin Webster Long Webster Armstrong Van Rensselaer Woodworth Clyde Brown Clyde Brown Armstrong Long Fisher Snook Johnson Roosa Willet Elsworth Name and Rank. Cramer, Christ'r, private Cramer, Godfred, private Cramer, Hend'k, private Cramer, Henry, private Cramer, John, private Cramer, Jury, private Crammel, Harmones, priv. Fisher Crammer, Wendle, private Wynkoop Crammer, Wm., private Livingston Cramphen, Batson, private Van Alstyn Cromphin, Batsen, private Van Alstyn Cranatier, John, private Vrooman Crance, Peter, qr. mr. Newkirk Cranch, Christopher, priv, Wessenfels Crandel, Abr'm, private Brinckerhoff Crandel, Benj'n, private Crandel, Sam'l, sergeant Crandell, John, private Crandle, Jerem'h, private Crandle, Jerem'h, private Crandle, Luce, private Crandle, Samuel, private Crandull, Peter, private Crane, Benj'n H., private Wisner Crane, Isaac,! lieut. Humphrey Crane, Iza, drummer Crane, James, private Crane, James, private Crane, James, private Crane, James, private Crane, John, captain Crane, John, private Crane, Jonas, private Crane, Joseph, captain Crane, Joseph, Jr., surg. Crane, Peter, eorporal Crane, Peter, private Crane, Peter, private Crane, Solomon, adj't Crane, Stephen, private Crane, Stephen, private Crane, Thaddeus, lt. col. Crane, Thaddeus, major Crane, William, private Crane, Will., private Craner, John, private Crank, Abr'm, private Cranker, John, private Crankhey, David, private Crankhite, Ab'm, private Crankhite, Stephen, priv. Yates Crankhite, Tunis, private Yates Cranks, John, private Crannel, Isaac, private Crannel, John, private Crannel, Jno., private Crannel, Martha (?) private Schuyler Crannel, Nich's, sergeant Schuyler Crannel, Nich's, private Schuyler Crannell Wm. W., private Schuyler Crannell, Martin, private Willet Crannell, Nich's, sergeant Crannell, William, private Willet Craps, Peter, private Graham Crans, Christopher, private Johnson Regiment. ' Company. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Clyde Ruff Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven Visscher Ciyde House Van Schoonhoven Visscher Veeder Y:YatesVan Rensselaer Van Veghten Fields Pawling Piatt Van Rensselaer Field HathornPawling Malcom CraneLuddington Hays Wessenfels HaysField ThomasCrane Crane Fields Wessenfels Phillips Pawling Fields Clyde BrinkerhoffWillet Van Renssslaer Yates Van Bergen Van Rennselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Crans, Ezekiel, private Crans, Henry, private Crans, Henry, private Crans, Henry, private Crans, Henry, private Crans, Peter, qr. mr. Crans, Philip, sergeant Cranse, Jacob, sergeant Cranse, John, private Cranse, Joseph, private Crantz, Hend'k, private Crapsey, John, private Crary, Jno., private Johnson Hathorn Johnson JohnsonFisher Phillips Johnson Klock KlockKlock Bellinger Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Swart Smith Philips Vosburgh White Van Benschoten Wiltse Wiltse Shaw Van Woert Dyckman Wood Lee Odle Baly Barnum Barnum Telford Hunter . Drake Truesdell Tourneur Godwin St. John Lawrence Truesdell Thompson Miller Williams Barnum House Storm Marshall De Forest BruttBruttBrutt Witbeck Sharp De Forest Sharp Lansing Lansing Ostrum Lansing EllsworthRoseboom Elsworth Lansing Gillispy Gillispy Conklin CrossJansen Fisher Jansen Cayser Hess Hess Frank Shaw Shaw * Sacket's Minute Men. Dutchess Co. A. P. 22-88. t A. P. 15-374, 18-291. % Entered March 8, 1777, taken prisoner in W. Chster Co. March Ifi, 1777, remained in prison four years. A. P. 17-885. Roster of the State Troops. 351 Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Crary, Jon'n, private Van Rensselaer Shaw Crasinger, Jacob, sergeant Clyde Van Everat Crasman, Dan., private Van Woert Gilmore Craps, Michael, private Schuyler Van Aernum Crassatt, John, private Fisher Little Cratchenbergh, Condret, p. Fonda Cratchenburgh, Condit, pr. Fonda Cratsenbergh, Coonradt, p. Fonda Cratsinger, Jacob, sergt. Clyde Van Everat Cratzer, Leonard, private Klock Miller Crause, Leonard, private Klock Hess Crauss, George, private Clyde Leipe Craven, John, private Malcom Blakely Craven, John, Jr., private Van Rensselaer Shaw Craver, Andrew, sergeant Van Rensselaer Fraist Craver, Andries, private Van Rensselaer De Forest Craver, Geo., private Van Rensselaer Husted Craver, Jno., private Van Rensselaer De Forest Crawford, Alex'r, ensign Wemple Wanson Crawford, Alex'r, private Wemple Wanson Crawford, Dan'l, private Crane Bouton Crawford, David, captain Newkirk Crawford, David, private Johnson Cross Crawford, David, private Johnson Gillispy Crawford, David, private Johnson Jansen Crawford, Henderson, priv. Stevenson Crawford, Henderson, priv. Crane Bouton Crawford, James, sergeant Wessenfels Brewster Crawford, James, sergeant Newkirk Crawford Crawford, James, corporal Wessenfels Brewster Crawford, James, private Van Bergen Honeywell Crawford, John, sergeant Van Schoonhoven Visscher Crawford, John, sergeant Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Hathorn Telford Van Schoonhoven Crawford, John, private Crawford, John, private Crawford, John, private Wemple Crawford, John, private Van Veghten Crawford, John, private Drake Crawford, John, private Crane Crawford, Jon'n, private Hathorn Crawford, Jonathan, priv. Johnson Crawford, Jon'n, private Johnson Crawford, Joseph, lieut Johnson Crawford, Joseph, lieut. Johnson Crawford, Joseph, corp'l Willet Crawford, Joseph, private Wemple Crawford, Nathan, private Hathorn Crawford, Nathan, private Johnson Crawford, Robert, private Johnson Crawford, Robert, private -Johnson Crawford, Robert, corp'l Thomas Crawford, Robert, private Drake Crawford, Robert, private Benedict Crbwford, Samuel, private Hathorn Crawford, Samuel, private Johnson Crawford, Stephen, priv. Crane Crawford, Wm., private Crane Crawford, Wm., private Brinckerhoff Crawfoot, Rob't, private Drake Craymer, Charles, private Vrooman Grays, Lawrence, private Van Rensselaer Creamer, John, private Clyde Creamer, Jost, private Clyde Creator, John, private Wynkoop Cree, Joseph, private Pawling Cree, Joseph, private Pawling Creed, Augustin, private Wessenfels Creese, Jno., private Creesy, John, private Cregier, Thomas, private Crefler, Philip, private Crem, Jacob, private Cremmer, Jacob, private* Crenis, Hend'k private Creps, Peter, private Cressey, William, private Thomas Cretzer, Leonard, corporal Klock Hays Van Rensselaer BellingerWilletKlockVan Schoonhoven Taylor St John Righter Wanson Drake Bouton Conklin GillispyJansenGillispy WilkinsGross WansonConklinCross Jansen Cross Moseman Boyd Ostium Telford Jansen Bouton Chapman Van Wyck Drake Miller Sharp Leipe Leipe Swart Faulkner Westfall Shephard Fonda Fonda BlauveltOdle Frank Gillet Hess Criest, Martinus, private Hathorn Tedford Cridenwiser, Henry, priv. Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Crighton, Robert, private Williams Long Crim, Henry, private Harper Putman Cring, John, private Klock Zeely Vrooman Thomas Thomas Klock Pawling HathornPawling Wynkoop Pawling WessenfelsPawling WynkoopThomas Fisher Wessenfels Name and Rank. Regiment Crippell, John, sergeant Johnson Crippen, Ichabod, private Willet Crippen, Ichabod, private Willet Crippen, John, ensign Van Ness Crippen, Reuben, private Willet Crippen, Thadius, private Willet Crippin, Reuben, private Van Alstyn Criscall, Jacob, private Crisey, Silv's, private Crisey, Will, private Crisler, George, private Crisman, J. Nich's, private Willet Crispel, Benj'n, private Snyder Crispel, Benj'n, private Wynkoop Crispel, Jacob, private Wyncoop Crispel, John, private Pawling Crispel, Petrus P., private Wynkoop dispell, Abm., sergeant Wessenfels dispell, Abraham, dr. Crispel], Abraham, priv. dispell, Abraham, priv. dispell, Abr'm, private dispell, Elisha, private dispell, Hendrick, private Pawling dispell, Jacob, private Pawling dispell, John, private dispell, John, Jr., priv. dispell, John T., private Crisse, Sylvanus, private Crisse, Simon, private Crisse, William, private Crisse, William, private Crissey, Ebenezer, private Thomas Crissey, Eben'r, private Thomas Crissey, Silvanus, private Thomas Crissey, Sylvanus, priv. Thomas Crissey, Silvanus, private Thomas Crissy, John, private Drake Crist, Abr'm, sergeant Malcom Crist, Christian, private Phillips Crist, Christian, private Crist, Daniel, private Crust, William, ensign Crist, Matt' w, private Cristean, Marcus, private Cnstice, John, private Cristinger, John, private Cristman, Fred'k, private Bellinger Cristman, Jacob, private Bellinger Crittenton, Zebulon, priv. Critzinger, John, private Crochenbergh, Adam, pr. Crochenbergh, Adam, pr. Crochenbergh, Geo., priv. Fisher Crockbusgh, Geo., private Fisher Crockenbergh, Adam, pr. Fisher Crockenbergh, Geo., corp. Fisher Crocher, Ephraim, priv. Webster Crocher, Levi, private Crocker, Amos, private Crocker, Tim'y, private Crofford, Alex'r, private Crofford, Joseph, private Croft, James, corporal Crom, William, corporal Cromel, Harmanus, priv. Cromhoon, John, private Cromill, Aaron, private Crommel, Aaron, private Crommel, Harmanes, priv. Fisher Crompton, John, private Hopkins Cromwel, Harmanas, priv. Fisher Cromwell, Aaron, private Fisher Cromwell, Harmonus, priv. Fisher Cromwell, Jacobus, private Cromwell, James, private Cromwell, James, private Cromwell, Phil., surgeon Cronck, Ab'm, private Cronice, Ezekiel, private Cronk, Aaron, private Cronk, Corn's, private Malcom Malcom Hathorn MalcomVan Bergen Johnson Wyncoop YatesWynkoop Fisher Fisher Webster Van Alstyne Field Wemple Wemple Pawling Hathorn Fisher Fisher Van Rensselaer Fisher Fisher, I 9 HopkinsJohnson Yates Van Rensselaer Company Wood Tearse Henry Whiting PearcyPearcy Philips Richtmyer BedhigHarrison Swart SwartPawling Livingston Pawling Mervin PawlingPawling PawlingDe Witt Livingston Pawling DegraasHunt Stevenson MosemanSt. John St. John St. John Moseman HaightDrake Ostrande DrakeDrake Telford Drake Honeywell Wilkins (?) FrankFrank Brown Swart Veeder VeederVeeder Yeoman YatesVeeder Long Long ¦ Truesdel BarnumWanson WansonSacket VeederPutnamDe Forest Veeder Van Benschoten Veeder Yates Veeder Fonda Fonda Gartner Van Benschoten Jansen Brown 352 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Cronk, Francis, corporal Cronk, Francis, corporal Cronk, Fred'k, private Cronk, John, private Cronk, Stephen, private Cronk, Tim'y, private Cronkhite, Ab'm, private Cronkhite, Abr'm, private Cronkite, Corn's, private Cronkright, Ab'm, private Cronkthrite, Ab'm, corpl. Cronkthrite, Ab'm, private Cronkthrite, Jacob, private Cronkthrite, Stephen, pr. Cronkthrite, Teunis, sergt. Crook, Christ'r, private Crook, Christ'r, private Crook, Conrad, private Crook, Cronrod, private Cronk, Corn's, private Crook, Martin, private Crook, Peter, private Crook, William, private Crooker, Ebenezer, private Crooks, John, private Crookshanks, Geo., priv. Croos, Leonard, sergeant Croos, John^private Crooshank, Wm., private Croot, Leonard, private Croover, John, private Croover, John, private Crop, Lemuel, private Cropper, Corn's, private Cropsey, Matthew, private Cropsy, Henry, private Crosby, Abner, private Crosby, David, private Crosby, Eleazer, private Crosby, Elemuel, corporal Crosby, Eli, private Crosby, Enoch, sergeant Crosby, Enoch, private Crosby, Enoch, private Crosby, James, private Crosby, Jon' n, private Crosby, Joseph, private Crosby, Joshuaflieut. Crosby, Josiah, sergeant Crosby, Lemuel, private Crosby, Lemuel, private Crosby, Matthew, private Crosby, Moses, private Crosby, Reuben, qr. mr. Crosby, Reuben, private Crosby, Richard, sergeant Crosby, Sam'l, private Crosby, Solomon, private Crosby, Theod's, private Crosby, Thomas, corporal Crosett, John, private Crosley, Henry, private Crosman, Dan'l, private Crosman, Dan, private Cross, Dan'l, private Cross, Daniel, private Cross, Dan'l, private Cross, David, private Cross, Joel, corporal Cross, John, private Cross, John, private Cross, John, private Cross, John, private Cross, John, private Cross, Lemuel, private Cross, Lemuel, private Cross, Leonard, sergeant Cross, Reuben, private Cross, William, captain Regiment. Yates Yates Johnson YatesPawling Van Rensselaer Yates YatesYates Yates Yate3 Yates Yates Yates Fisher Fisher DuboisJohnson Yates Wynkoop Fisher GrahamWhiting WilletWilliams Phillips Wynkoop WebsterJohnsonJohnsonJohnson Crane Wisner Hathorn JohnsonFieldFieldFieldField FieldMalcom Pawling LuddingtonField FieldFieldFieldFieldHopkins Luddington JohnsonFieldField Dubois Wessenfels Field Luddington Luddington Whiting Webster Wessenfels Van Woert Van Woert Van Rensselaer Harper Yates HathornHathorn Harper Crane Crane Benedict Wynkoop Crane HathornHarper Johnson Company. Hadlock Willet Ostrander Van Duzer Hadlock Williams De Garmo Wiltse HadlockHadlock Brown Brown BrownBrown Brown Gartuer Burnet Johnson Wiltse Bogardus Yates Nail Davis ConineMcNitt Ostrander Swart McNittConcklin JansenCross Scofield Baly Case Roosa DykemanDykeman Dyckman DykemanDykemanDelavan Hunter Mead Dyckman BarnumBarnum Dykeman DykemanBarnum Knapp.OstranderDykeman ¦ Lee White Barnum Waterbury Kidd KelloggHamilton Godwin Gilmore McKillip De Garmo Harrison Weltse Minthorn BartolfVrooman Scofield Bouton Swart Stevenson Bouton ConklinDrake Name and Rank. Cross, William, private Crossby, Eben'r, corporal Crossby, Samuel, private Crosserd, John, private Crosset, Benj'n, sergeant Crosset, Benj'n, private Crosset, Benj'n, private Crosset, "Benj'n, Jr., priv. Crosset, James,* private Crosset, John, sergeant Crosset, John, private Crosset, Samuel, ensign Crossett, John, private Crosset, John, private Crosset, Samuel, ensign Crossman, David, private Crossman, Mich'l, private Crosson, David, private Crosson, David, private Crotcher, Leonard, private Crouch, Rich'd, private Croughvenhoven, John, pr. Cronnee, Philip, sergeant Crouse, John, private douse, Joseph, private Crouse, Leonard, private' Crouse, Leonard, private Crouse, Mich'l, private Croutt, John, private Crover, Aaron, private Crover, George, private Crover, Geo., private Crover, George, private Crow, Joshua, private Crow, Peter, private Crowbarak, Peter, sergt. Crowber, John, private Crowel, Joel, private Crowel, Seth, private Crowel, Seth, private Crowell, James, private Crowell, James, private Crower, John, private Crowford, Franeis, private Crowgeer, Geo., private Crowley, Jerem'h, private Crowley, Jon'n, private Crowley, William, private Crowley, Wm., private Crownnart, Geo., private Crowshorn, John, private Crowter, John, private Croy, John G., private Croy, Peter, private Crub, Abijah, private Cruger, Arnest, private Crugier, John, private dull, John, private Crum, John, private Crumb, John, private Crumb, Peter, private Crumb, Peter, private Crumb, Richard, private Crumb, Wm., private Crumm, Jacob, private Crummel, Harmanus, priv. Crumtou, John, private Crusbeck, Nich's, private Crusbeck, Peter, private Crush, Francis, private Cruss, Francis, private Cruyslar, Sylvester, priv. Cry, John, private Cry, John, private Cry, John, private Cuble, John, private Cuckleatt, Daniel, private Cudberth, Benj'n, private Cuddeback, Ab'm, captain. Regiment. Graham WessenfelsHopkins WillettFisher Fisher Fisher Willet Fisher WebsterWilliams Armstrong FisherWebster Hathorn Pawling Hathorn Wisner WilletArmstrong Fisher Schuyler Klock Klock Klock Klock Schuyler Webster Johnson Johnson Dubois Pawling Hays Malcom Yates Cooper PawlingVan Woert Vau Woert Van Veghten Van Veghten Johnson Wisner Wessenfels Van Rensselaer Willst Fisher Klock WempleHays Van Rensselaer VandenburghJohnson Weisenfels Fisher Hay Cooper Hays Hays Clyde Fisher BenedictYates Yates Fisher Fisher Wynkoop WessenfelsWessenfels Malcom Van Schoonhoven Hicks Hays Onderdonk Malcom McKinstry , Klock Company. Sherwood DodgeBarnum PutmanFondaLittleLittle ArmstrongHamilton Wilson LittleHamilton WestfallMiller Miller Fonda McNittYatesVan Aerman HessHess Hess Zeeler Lansing Hamilton JansenWoodBurnet Faulkner GardnerLivingston Willet BlauveltHunter Gilmore McKillip WoodworthWinne Baly Brewster Fonda Turner Putman Little House Bancker Blauvelt Odle Bogert StormsJohnson Snook Roseboom GardnerGardner Gardner Gardner Blauvelt Leipe Yeomans Seely Hadlock Hadlock SnookSnook Godwin White Drake * Killed at Johnstown, Oct. 25, 1781. A. P. 15-28. Roster cf the State Troops, 353 Name and Rank. Regiment Cuddeback, Peter, private Pawling Cuddeback, Peter, private Klock Cudeback, Ab'm, private Cudney, Reuben, private Cuff, (a negro), private Cullen, Charles, lieut Cullen, Corn's, private Culley, David, private Culley, Matthew, private Culley, Thomas, private Culley, Thomas, private Cullon, Nath'l, private Cully, David, private Culman, Henry, private Culp, 'Jacob, private Culp, Jacob, private Culp, Johannis, private Culp, John, corporal Culter, John, private Culver, Bezahel, private Culver, Dan'l, private Culver, David, private Culver, James, private Culver, James, Jr., sergt. Culver, Joseph, private Culver, Nath 1, private Cuivert, James, corporal Cumince, John, private Cummings, Isaac, private Willet Cummings, John O., corp. Willet Cummins, Gallar, private Graham • Cummins, John, private Wemple Cummins, Josiah, private Harper Cummins, Nathan, private Armstrong Cummins, Obadiah, priv. Webster Cummins, Peter, private Cummins, Peter, private Cummins, Philip, private Cummins, Peter, private Cummins, Philip, private Cummins, Thomas, corpl. Cummins, Wm., sergeant Van Rensselaer Cumsock, David, private Van Rensselaer Cumton, David, private Cund, Hend'k, private Cunda, Adam, private Cunday, Adam, private Curden, John, surgeon Cunder, Adam, private Cunderman, Adam, private Clyde Cunderman, John, ensign Clyde Cunnel, Robert private Yates Gunnels, Austin, private Drake Cunniger, John, private Schuyler Cunningham, Abel, private Pawling Cunningham, Benj'n, priv. Wessenfels Cunningham, Benj'n, priv. Wessenfels Cunningham, Henry, priv. Pawling Cunningham, James, priv. Pawling Cunningham, Jas., private Willet Cunningham, James, priv. Van Veghten Cunningham, James, priv. Crane Cunningham, Johannis, p. Klock Cunningham, John, priv. Cunningham, John, priv. Cunningham, John, priv. Cunningham, John, priv. Cunningham, John, priv. Cunningham, John, priv. Cunningham, John, priv. Cunningham, John, priv. Cunningham, John, priv. Cunningham, Moses, pr. Cunningham, Samuel, pr. Thomas Cunningham, Wm., corpl. Pawling Cunningham, Will., corpl. Van Rensselaer Cunningham, Wm., priv. Pawling Cunningham, Wm., priv. Klock Phillips DrakeClyde LuddingtonSchuyler Van Rensselaer Harper Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Willet Graham KlockHathornNewkirkPawling WilletWebster Van Woert Dubois 'Willet Vandenburgh Brinckerhoff Van Woert Van Veghten Wemple Wessenfels VandenburghWillet Graham Van Rensselaer Willet Malcom Livingston WempleWempleVan Schoonhoven Wemple PawlingThomas Clyde Malcom Bellinger Hammond Graham Company. Wood De Witt Ostrander Ruff Kidd Van Aernum Bogart Osterhoudt Muller Conine MageeMiller Telford McBride Burnet Welp Childs GilmoreLeeTearse StormBrower Noble Gilmore Bancker LivingstonWright NailBancker Drake McNitt HamiltonShephardWheeler Gray VailSchermerhorn Skinner Turner Husted McKinstry Pulver Van Slyck Van Slyck Van Slyck Leipe Leipe Hadlock Drake Ostrum Sackett Brewster Hardenburgh Wood Westfall TearseThompson Lawrence RuffPawling Purdy Ruff DelavanHerder Requa Horton Humfeey Husted ChapmanDeWitt Staats BurnetSuts Name and Rank. Regiment. Cunningham, Wm., private Bellinger Cunningham, Wm., private Bellinger Livingston Malcom Van Rensselaer Willet Thomas BrinckerhoffBrinckerhoff Hays Dubois Van Schoonhoven Hicks HaysPawling Hathorn Livingston Brinckerhoff Gardner Sacket Bartholf Boyd Bartholf Smith Storm Van Schoonhoven Collins (?) Van Schoonhoven Cunx, Wm., private Curbey, John, private Curbret, Benj'n, private Curby, John, corporal Curby, Stephen, private Cure, Matt w, private Cure, Sam'l, private Cure, Walter, private Cure, Walter, private Cnre, Wm., sergeant Brinckerhoff Curkendolph, Solomon, p. Klock Curlar, Aaron, private Van Woert Curlis, James, private Curree, John, private Curren, Gilbert, private Curren, Patrick, private Currey, Benjamin, private Hathorn Currev, Stephen, private Drake Currey William, private Currey, Wm., private Currie, Arch'd, private Currie, Eph'm, private Currie, John, private Currie, John, private Brinkerhoff Currington, Enough, priv. Malcom Curry, Charles, private Hopkins Curry, Charles, private Curry, Elijah, private Wessenfels Curry, John, private Livingston Curry, Rich'd, private Drake Cursin, William, private Willet Curtenis, Peter, private Newkirk Curthis, Jepther, private Vandenburgh Curtice, Abner, private Whiting Curtice, Daniel, private Whiting Curtice, Thomas, sergeant Newkirk Curtice, Thos., Jr., priv. Van Rensselaer Cuttip, Ebenezer, private Whiting Cuttip, Ebenezer, Jr., pr. Whiting Cttuip, Nath'l, sergeant Whiting Curtis, Alentis, private Willet Curtis, Ashbil, corporal Webster Curtis,. Assel, private Willet Curtis, Dan'l, private Webster Curtis, Dan'l, private Armstrong Curtis, Ezra, private Wessenfels Curtis, James, private Dubois Curtis, Jeremiah, q'rmast. Hathorn Curtis, Joel, private Graham Curtis, Josepn, private Graham Curtis, Joseph, private Van Alstyn Curtis, Joshua, private Hathorn Curtis, Jotham, private Willet Curtus, Namad, private Malcom Curtis, Samuel, private Williams Curtis, Solomon, private Wessenfels Curtis, Thomas, private Willet Curtiss, Eben'r, private Van Alstyn Curtiss, David, private Van Alstyn Curtiss, Jeptha, private Pawling Curtner, Peter, private Clyde Curtus, Solomon, private Harper Cushman, Consider, priv. Luddington Cushman, Consider, priv. Field Cushman, William, private Brinkerhoff Cushman, Wm., private Hopkins Cutaback, William, corp'l Phillips Cutler, James, sergeant Williams Cutler, James, private Cutler, Joseph,* ensign Cutler, Nathan, corporal Cutler, Thomas, private Cutty, Jon'n^private Cuykendall, William, priv. Pawling Cuykindolph, Peter, priv. Klock Company Herder Staring SmithDelavan Price Conine Hubby SchuttSchuttSmith Minthorn Brinkerhoff Westbrook McKillip Cuylder, John, private Wemple Storm DrakeLane StevensonShephard Smith Boyd White Vankeuren Van Wyck Bostwick Bostwick CrawfordNiles SalisburySalisbury Salisbury Gray Gray Childs McNitt McFoght Magee Bostwick PhilipsMervin Marshall McKinstry Rice Livingston Truesdel Burnet Leipe Allen Mead HecockBrinkerhoff Van Benschoten Ostrander Stowel Williams Shepardson Stoddard (Conn.) Canfield Dubois Dubois Williams Shepardson Vrooman Richtmyer Westfall Westfall Bancker * Bayonet and shot wound in the thigh near White Plains, May 17, 1782. Merchant, N. Y. C. Montgomery Ward, later Mont gomery Co. C. 191. B. 62. 45 354 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Cuylder, John, private Cuyler, Abm., major Cuyler, Abm., private Cuyler, Abm., private Cuyler, Abm., private Cuyler, John, private Cuyser, Tunis, private Regiment. Company. Wemple Bancker Lansing Schuyler Lansing Schuyler Ostrum Schuyler Vischer Wemple Hammond Van Slyck Name and Rank. Cyferton, Manasa, private Dubois Cymbergh, Matt'w, corp. Cypher, Ivy, private Cypher, Jerry, private Cypher, Peter, private Cyres, Benjamin, private Regiment. Company Dubois Burnet Johnson Gillispy Drake Drake Drake Wessenfels White D. Daby, Eben'r, sergeant Van Rensselaer Woodworth Dackon, Jno., private Klock House Dackstader, Geo., private Bellinger Herder Dackstader, Hannis, corp. Bellinger Herder Dackstader, John, corp. Bellinger Herder Dackstader, Peter, private Bellinger Herder Dackstedder, Nich's, priv. Klock Zeely Dacksteder, Nich's, priv. Klock Bedhig Dacksteder, Nich's, priv. Klock Kock Dacksteder, Jno., private Van Rensselaer De Forest Dacksteder, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Staats Daey, Aaron, fifer Willet Pearcy . Dagget, Mayhew, sergeant Hopkins Talmadge Daggsteady, Nich's, ser. Klock Miller Dailey, Eben'r, sergeant Van Rensselaer Woodworth Dailey, John, private Phillips Miller Daily, Joseph, private Wessenfels Westfall Daily, Robt, corporal Johnson Wilkins Daily, Robert, private Johnson Cross Daily, Robert, private Pawling Burnet Daily, Robt., private Dubois Burnet Daily, Samuel, private Wessenfels Westfall Dailey, Samuel, private Graham Dains, Abraham, sergeant Pawling Westfall Dake, Chas., private Van Woert Brown Dake, Chas., Jr., private Van Woert Brown Dake, John, sergeant Phillips Ostrander Dake, Manuel, sergeant . Willet Wright Dake, Oliver, private Willet Wright Dake, Wm. Gold, private Van Woert Brown Dalap, John, private Schuyler Ostrum Dale, William, private Johnson Wood Dales, William, private Johnson Jansen Daley, Eben'r, private Van Rensselaer Woodworth Daley, John, private Hathorn Miller Daley, Sam'l, sergeant Van Veghten Van Woert Daley, Sam'l, corporal Van Veghten Woodworth Dall, John, sergeant Hathorn Telford Dall, William, private Willet Harrison Dallaway, Jerem'h, private Brinckerhoff Van Wyck Dallinson, Jos., private Thomas Lawrence Dalman, Wm., private Van Woert Brown Dalmon, Henry, sergeant Wemple Outhout Dalmouth, Ab m, private Wemple Dalmouth, Henry, sergeant Wemple Dalton, William, private Horton Dalton, Wm., private Crane Chapman Daly, David, private Van Veghten Daly, John, corporal Hathorn Miller Daly, Nathan, private Vrooman Heager Dalway, And'w, private Pawling Livingston Dalway, Jeremiah, private Pawling Livingston Damerest, David, private Hathorn Bartolf Damerest, Jacob, private Hathorn Bartholf J Damoth, Rich'd, private Clyde Van Everat Dan, Abraham, private Thomas Chapman Dan, Abr'm, private Crane Chapman Dan, David, private Benedict Bouton Dan, Hezekiah, private Crane Lewis Dan, James, fifer Crane Scofield Dan, James, fifer Crane Lewis Dan, Jon'n, private Thomas Sacket Dan, Nath'l, private Crane Lewis Dan, Sam'l, private Crane Lewis Dan, Squire, private Crane Lewis Dan, Thaddeus, private Luddington Baker Dan, Will., private Luddington Waterbnry Danes, Ab'm, private Malcom McKinstry Daniels, Asa, private Van Ness Tanner Daniels, Elijah, private Thomas Moseman Daniels, Elijah, private Drake Boyd Daniels, Jacob, sergeant Graham Daniels, Jacob, sergeant Schuyler Daniels, Thomas, private Thomas Dannals, Thomas, private Willet Dannea, Lewis, private Vrooman Dannels, Jacob, private Schuyler Dannels, James, private Brinckerhoff Dannils, Thomas, private Livingston Dannily, Wm., private Livingston Danon, Geo., private Cortland Dansil, Daniel, private Harper Dantum, Wm., private Van Woert Darby, George, private Pawling Darby, Samuel, ensign Whiting Darby, Wm., sergeant Drake Darbyshire, David, private Wessenfels Darkin, Patrick, private Dubois Darling, Benj'n, private Dubois Darling, Ebenezer, private Whiting Darling, John, private Whiting Darling, John, corporal Harper Darling, Peter, private Wessenfels Darling, Peter private Graham Darling, Samuel, private Whiting Darling, Sam'l, private Graham Darling, Zeph'h, private Darrow, Ambus, private Willet Darrow, Ammarias, private Graham Darrow, Dan'l, private Willet Darrow, Dan'l, private Graham Darrow, Dan'l, private Van Rensselaer Darrow, Geo., private "Willet Darrow, George, private Willet Darrow, James, private Yates Darrow, James, private Yates Darrow, Jedediah, private Willet Darrow, Jedediah, private Darrow, Jedediah, private Harper Darrow, Jedediah, private Van Rensselaer Darrow, Jedediah, private Van Ness Darrow, John, private Whiting Darrow, John, private Fisher Dashsteder, John, private Bellinger Dasihham, John, private Datcher, Will., private Dater, Corn's, private Dates, John, private Dates, John, private Daton, Fred'k, private Daton, Isaac, private Dalton, Wm., private Daty, Adam, Jr., private Daught, John, private Davee, Isaac, private Davee, John, private Davendorf, Dan'l, sergeant Willet Davendorph, Jacob, priv. Fisher Davenport, Charles, sergt. Whiting Davenport, Garret, private Piatt Davenport, Jacob, private Yates Davenport, Jacobus, priv. Cantine Davenport, John, private Wynkoop Davenport, Peter, private Yates Davenport, Rich'd, sergt. Yates Davenport, Richard, sergt. Yates Davenport, Robert, private Hathorn Davenport, Robert, privateJohnson Davenport, Robert, privateJohnson Davenport, Robert, private Johnson Daverix, Elisha, private Van Rensselaer Daverson, James, private Brinckerhoff Fisher Benedict Hopkins Vandenburgh Brinckerhoff PawlingWessenfels HaysYates Cortland Cortland Lansing Lansing Hobby Harrison Heager LansingBrinckerhoof PulverElliot Bogart Gilmore PawlingVosburgh Haight Thompson Burnet Lee King King Vrooman Shephard Naif King Bostwick Gross MullerSkinner Bostwick KingMarshall Gray Yates BrownHole Noble Bogart Hawley Whiting DavisYeomanFrank Yates BoutonVan Benschoten StormVan Benschouten Wood Hunt HobbyBlauvelt Brutt Putman Yates Salisbury Brodhead Yates Hasbrouck Dedrick Yates Wiltse Mervin GillispyJansen Roosa SchermerhornBrower Roster of ihe State Troops. Name and Rank. Davey, Samuel, sergeant Davice, Joseph, private David, Adam, private David, Henry, private David, Isaac, private David, John, private Davids, David, private Davids, Wm., private Davids, Wm., private - Davidson, Barnabus, priv Davidson, Daniel, private Davidson, James, private Davis, Abelia, private Davis, Abm., sergeant Davis, Abm., private Davis, Abm.,- private Davis, Abm., private Davis, Adam, private Davis, Adeliah, private Davis, Aerent, private Davis, Alverson, private Davis, Amos, fifer Davis, Amos, private Davis, Andrew, private Davis, Andrew, private Davis, Andrew, private Davis, Audrew, private Davis, Andrias, private Davis, Benj., dnvate Davis, Benj., private Davis, Benj., private Davis, Daniel, corporal Davis, Daniel, corporal Davis, Dan'l, fifer Davis, Dan'l, private Davis, David, private Davis, Dennis, private Davis, Eben'r, sergeant Davis, Elias, private Davis, Ezra, sergeant Davis, Geo., private Davis, George, private Davis, George, private Davis, Hend'k, private Davis, Isaac, sergeant Davis, Isaac, sergeant Davis, Isaac, private Davis, Isaac, private Davis, Isaac, private Davis, Jacobus, private Davis, James, sergeant Davis, James, sergeant Davis, James, corporal Davis, James, private Davis, James, private Davis, James, private Davis, John, captain Davis, John, lieut. Davis, John, lieut. Davis, John, lieut. Davis, John, sergeant Davis, Johu, sergeant Davis, John, sergeant Davis, John, sergeant Davis, John, corporal Davis, John, private Davis, John, private Davis, John, private Davis, John, private Davis, John, private Davis, John, private Davis, John, private Davis, John, private Davis, John, private Davis, John, private Davis, John, private Davis, John, private Davis, John, private Davis, John, private" Regiment Company. Webster Tozer Klock Hess Klock Ruff Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Wessenfels Wessenfels Hammond Hammond Orser Hammond Martling . Malcom Blakely Vandenburgh Wheeler Williams Shepardson Whiting Cady Fisher Fisher Wemple Fonda Wemple Outhout Fisher Veeder Fisher Veeder Whiting Herrick Clyde Difendorf Graham Pearce Van Rensselaer Cady Willet Gray Pawling Hunter Van Cortlandt Van Ness Whitney Howley Pawling Pawling Hathorn Shepherd Pawling Pawling Dubois Gano Whiting Davis Van Rensselaer Cady Williamson Shepardson Pawling Westfall Van Rensselaer Husted Van Alstyn Van Veghten Wessenfels Van Valkenburgh Dunham Livingston Whiting Herrick Bellinger Small Van Rensselaer Philip Van Alstyn Minthorn Hammond Orser Fisher Veeder Stevenson Fisher Veeder Drake Boyd Cantine Hasbrouck Fisher Fisher Fisher Wemple Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Wemple Fisher Veeder Whiting Van Veghten Van Woert Van Veghten Winne Van Veghten Dunham Van Schoonhoven Collins Bellinger Herder Bellinger Small Fisher Wemple Van Schoonhoven Hicks Johnson Gillispy Johnson Cross Willet Welp Whiting Davis Willet Pearcy Noble Graham Bostwick Malcom Cantine Wemple Van Rensselaer Fonda Odle Fisher Yates Fisher Little Van Veghten Dnnham Van Bergen Name and Rank. Regiment. Davis, John, private Cantine Davis, John, private Snyder Davis, John, private Luddington Davis, John, private Brinckerhoff Davis, Joseph, fifer Hathorn Davis, Joseph, fifer Malcom Davis, Joseph, fifer Wynkoop Davis, Joseph, private Wynkoop Davis, Joseph, private Wynkoop Davis, Nathan, corporal Van Veghten Davis, Nathan, private Wessenfels Davis, Nathan, private Davis, Paul, private Fields Davis, Peter, sergeant Davis, Peter, corporal Bellinger Davis, Peter, private Bellinger Davis, Peter, private Cantine Davis, Semps A., private Wynkoop Davis, Sampson, sergeant Wynkoop Davis, Samuel, private Wessenfels Davis, Samuel, private Pawling Davis, Samuel, private Pawling Davis, Sam'l, private Luddington Davis, Squire, private Van Woert Davis, Thomas, private Fisher Davis, Valentine, private Wessenfels Davis, Valentine, private Pawling Davis, Valentine, private Pawling Davis, William, corporal Wessenfels Davis, William, cojporal Malcom Davis, William, private Pawling Davis, William, private Pawling Davis, William, private Pawling Davis, Wm., private Drake Davis, Wm.,* private Hammond Davis, William, private Wynkoop Davis, William, Jun'r, pr. Pawling Davison, Alverson, private Dubois Davison, , private Hays Davison, Dan'l, private Dubois Davis, James, private Brinckerhoff Davits, John B., private Wynkoop Day, Aaron, private Willet Davy, Adam, private Harper Day, Aaron, fifer Harper Day, AaroD, private Van Rensselaer Day, Aaron, private Willet Day, Aron, fifer Willet Day, Henry, private Hathorn Day, Jerem'h, private Van Rensselaer Day, John, private Malcom Day, Jon'n, private Pawling Day, Jon'n, private Harper Day, Lewis, fifer Willet Day, Lewis, private Harper Daykins, Elisha, private Luddington Daykins, Johnson, private Luddington Dayton, Cornbury, private Brinckerhoff Dayton, Hezekiah, private Brinckorhoff Dayton, John, private Graham Deake, John, private Klock Deal, Jacob, private Hays Deal, William, private Deal, Wm., private Dealy, Nathan, private Dean, Abraham, private Dean, Ab'm, private Dean, Ashbel, private " Dean, Benjamin, private Dean, Caleb, private Dean, Dan'l, ensign Dean, Daniel, private Dean, Eben'r, private Dean, Elijah, ensign Dean, Elijah, private Dean, Ephraim, private Dean, Ezekiel, private Dean, Ezra,+ private Dean, George, private Johnson GrahamVrooman Pawling Van Rensselaer Baldwin LuddingtonLuddington Field Vandenburgh Wessenfels Fields DrakeLuddington Baldwin Hathorn 355 Company. Hasbrouck Swart MeadVan Wyck Bogardus Cantine Schoonmaker Swart Dunham ShephardHumphrey Dyckman Roseboom SmallSmall Hasbrouck Schoonmaker White De Witt BurnetScribner GilmoreDegraas' Livingston De Witt Piercy Hardenburgh Drake Hunter Westbrook Piercy Boyd Schoonmaker Westbrook Lee McFoghtVan Benschouten Harrison Putman VroomanHawley Harrison Gray Telford Shaw Delavan Williams Allen Fonda Bogart Mead Meed Van Benschouten Brinckerhoff Bostwick Klock Gardner Jansen Wilson Pawling Odle Mills, A. P. 19-91 Baker Baker Dykeman Wheeler HuntTruesdell Barnum Boyd BakerMills McCamply * Severely wounded near Verplank's Point, July, 1779. I. 21. t Served three years. A. P. 19-87. 356 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Dean, GideoD, private Cantine Hasbrouck Decker, Jacob, private Phillips Ostrander Dean, Gilbert, private Dean, Henry, private Benedict Gould Decker, Jacob, private Decker, Jacob C., private Pawling Westfall Van Veghten Woodworth Livingston Shaver Dean, Henry, private Van Veghten Denning Decker, John, major Klock Dean, Isaac, private Cantine Decker, John, private Hathorn Bailey Conklin Dean, Isaac, private Benedict Seely Decker, John, private Hathorn Dean, Jabez, private Van Veghten Thompson Decker, John, private Pawling Pawling Dean, Jabez, private Van Veghten Dunham Decker, John, private Livingston Shaver Dean, Jabez, private Van Ness Decker, John, private Wisner Baly Dean, Jadiab, private Hathorn Case Decker, John, Jr., private Decker, Lawrence L, corpl Pawling Pawling Rockfeller Dean, James, private Wessenfels Livingston Van Rensselaer Dean, John, private Phillips Van Rensselaer Miller Decker, Leonard, ensign Rockfeller Dean, John, private Odle Decker, Manassa, private Johnson Cross Dean, John, private Hammond Requa Decker, Moses, private Hathorn Dean, John, private Van Bergen Honeywell Decker, Moses, private Pawling Westfall Dean, John, private Luddington Baker Decker, Noah, private Johnson Cross Dean, Joseph, private Luddington Scribner Decker; Noah, private Johnson Jansen Dean, Reuben, private Wessenfels Decker, Noah, private Pawling Burnet Dean, Robert, private Drake Drake Decker, Peter, private Hathorn Miller Dean, Solomon, private Johnson Wilkins Decker, Peter, private Hathorn Bogardus Dean, Stephen, private Brinkerhoff Brower Decker, Peter, private Johnson Ostrander Dean, Stewart, private Dean, Thos., private Lansing Brown Decker, Peter, private Johnson Jansen Hammond Requa Decker, Peter, private Johnson Smith Dean, Wm., private Dean, Wm., Jr., drummer Drake Boyd Decker, Peter, private Wynkoop Dedrick Drake Boyd Decker, Wilhelmus, priv. Johnson Gillispy Deane, Isaac, private Cantine Ramsen Decker, Wilhelmus, priv. Johnson Cross Deane, Jedediah, private Cantine Ramsen Decker, William, private Johnson Smith Dean, Moses,* private Baldwin Mills Decker, Uriah, private Johnson Cross Deane, Samuel, private Pawling Sacket Decker, Uriah, private Pawling Wood Dearkis, John, sergeant Decline, Leonard, private Willet Livingston Deaven, Joseph, private Klock Hess Decline, Leonard, private Graham Lansing Deavice, Jacob, private Klock Cayser Decoine, Edward, private Hays Ackerson De Barker, John, private Willet Conine De Cooke, Corn's, private Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Debaum, David, private Hays Ackerson Dederick, Cato, private Wynkoop Debbie, Zacchariah, corpl Whiting King Dederick, David, private Clyde Diffendorf Debelt, James, corporal Hays Onderdonck Dederick, Devalt, private Clyde Diffendorf Debelt, Rich'd, corporal Cooper Blauvelt Dederick, Dewalt, private Dederick, Frederick, corp! Clyde Leipe De Bocker, John, private Willet Cannon . Willet Conine Debois, Abraham, private Webster Long Dederick, Fred'k, private Van Bergen Hoghtaling Debois, Benjamin, captair Willet ' Dederick, Gilbert, private Wynkoop De Bois, Corn's, adjutant Pawling Dedrick, John, private Wynkoop De Bois, Jacob, private Graham Williams Dedrick, Fred'k, private Van Bergen Dubois Debois, Thomas, private Hammond Dedrick, Fred'k, private Van Bergen Witbeck Debois, William, private Johnson Smith Dedrick, Fred'k, private Van Rensselaer Philip Decay, Thomas, private Hathorn McCamley Dedrick, Harmanus, priv. Wynkoop Schoonmaker Deck, Henry, private Willet Gross Dedrick, Jacobus, ser. Wynkoop Dedrick Deck, Henry, private Clyde House Dedrick, Jacobus, private Wynkoop De Witt Decker, Abraham, private Johnson Smith Dedrick, Matt'w, captain Wynkoop Decker, Abr'm, private Livingston Shaver Dedrick, Peter, private Van Bergen Witbeck Decker, Abr'm, private Van Rensselaer Rockfeller Dedrick, Peter, private Van Bergen Van Schaick Decker, Abraham, Jr., pr Johnson Gillispy Dedrix, Theode, private Willet Livingston Bartoff Decker, Abraham, Jr., pr Johnson Jansen Deeker, Corn's, private Wisner Decker, Benjamin, private Johnson Johnson Deeker, Garret, private Wisner Bartoff Decker, Benjamin, private Johnson Roosa Defendorf, Jacob H., priv . Clyde Difendorf Decker, Benjamin, privat 3 Johnson Jansen Defendorf, Ja. H. R., pr. Clyde Difendorf Decker, Benj'n, private Livingston Pulver Defendorf, John, private Clyde Difendorf Decker, Benjamin, private Johnson Jansen Defendorf, Jno., private Defendorf, John J., priv. Willet Gillet Decker, Benjamin J., priv . Johnsen Cross Clyde Difendorf Decker, Cornelius, sergt. Hathorn Bartholf De Fonda, Abm., private Yates Brown Decker, Corn's, sergeant Hathorn McCambly De Fonda, Peter, private Yates Brown Decker, Corn's, private Wessenfels Hardenburgh Deforege, Reuben, privatf Wessenfels Hunt Decker, Counraud, private Livingston Shaver Deforest, David, private Van Rensselaer De Forest , Decker, Eleazer, private Johnson De Forest, Derick, lieut. Schuyler Lansing Decker, Elias, private Johnson Gillispy Deforest, Derick, ser. Schuyler Lansing Decker, Elias, private Johnson Cross Deforest, Direek, ser. Schnvler Ostrnm Decker, Elias, private Johnson Jansen De Forest, Isaac, ser. Willet Pearcy Decker, Elijah, private Johnson Jansen De Forest, Isaac, corp. Willet Pearcy Decker, Eliza, private Johnson Jansen De Forest, Jacob, captain Van Rensselaer Decker, Ephraim, corporal Phillips Ostrander Deforest, Jesse, private Schuyler Lansing Decker, Ephraim, private Wynkoop Johnson Swart Deforest, Philip, private Van Rensselaer De Forest Decker, Evert, private Decker, Gabriel, private Jansen Deforest, Reuben, private Deforest, Wm., private Thomas St. John Hathorn McCambly Van Rensselaer De Forest Decker, Geo., private Livingston Pulver Defraist, Martin, private Van Rensselaer Fraist Decker, Gerrit, corporal Hathorn McCambly Defraist, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Fraist Decker, Gerrit, private Hathorn Conklin De Fraist, Philip, private Van Rensselaer Sharp Decker, Isaac, private Newkirk Crawford Defreese, Eben'r, private Crane Lewis Decker, Isaac, private Wynkoop De Funda, Abm., urivate Yates Brown Decker, Jacob, sergeant Dubois Burnet De Funda, Eldad, lieut. Yates Brown Decker, Jacob, sergeant Livingston Shaver De Funda, Jacobe, private Yates Brown Decker, Jacob, private Willet Harrison Degairooe, Tunis, private Wemple Bancker * Enlisted in 1777 ; detailed and served as sergeant of Artificers to end of war. A. P. 19-87. Roster of the State Troops. 357 Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. De Ganno, Abm,, private Van Rensselaer . De Garmo De Ganno, Abm., private Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof De Ganno, Jacob, private Van Rensselaer De Garmo De Ganno, Jacob, ensign Van Rensselaer De Garmo De Garmo, Jacob, private Quackenboss Van Wie De Garmo, Matt'w, captain Van Rensselaer Degarmo, Tawes, private Wemple Van Slyck Degarmo, Elias, private Cantine Ramsen Degolen, James, private Willet Hole De Golya, James, private Wemple Van Petten De Graaf, Abm., priv. Van Schoonhoven Taylor De Graaf, Fred'k, private Fisher Marselus De Graaf, Hendrick, priv. Hathorn Bogardus Degraaf, Hend'k, private Snyder Swart De Graaf, Henry, private Wynkoop Swart Degraaf, Jerem'h, ser. Fisher Marselis De Graaf, John, private Wynkoop Swart De Graaf, Mich'l; ensign Van Schoonhoven De Graaf, Simon, ens'n (?) Van Schoonhoven Visscher Degraaf, Simon, private Wemple Degraas, Emanuel, captain Fisher Degraat, Henry, private Wynkoop Swart De Graat, John, private Wynkoop Swart De Graf, Jesse, private Harper Drake De Graff, Abm., sergeant Wemple Van Slyck De Graff, Abm., private Van Schoonhoven Taylor De Graff, Abm., private Wemple Fonda De Graff, Abm., private Wemple Mynderson De Graff, Abm., private Wemple Bancker De Graff, Abm., private Wemple Bancker De Graff, Abm. N., private Wemple Mynderse De Graff, And'w, private Wemple Van Petten De Graff, And'w, private Wemple Van Atten De Graff, And'w, private Wemple Fonda De Graff, Corn's, private Wemple Bancker De Graff, Jesse, corporal Wemple Wanson De Graff, Jesse, private Wemple Van Atten De Graff, John, sergeant Wemple Van Petten De Graff, John, private Wemple Mynderse De .Graff, John, Jr., priv. Wemple Fonda De Graff, John N., private Wemple Bancker De Graff, Mich' 1, lieut. Van Schoonhoven Taylor De Graff, Mich'l, ensign Van Schoonhoven Taylor De Graff, Moses, corporal Hopkins Van Benschoten De Graff, Moses, corporal Brinckerhoff Van Benschoten De Graff, Moses, private Brinckerhoff Van Benschoten De Graff, Simon, sergeant Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh De Graff, Simon, private Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh De Graff, Simon, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher De Graff, Simon, private Wemple Fonda De Graff, Wm., private Wemple Van Petten De Graff, Wm., private Wemple Van Atten De Graff, William, private Wemple Swart De Grave, Simon, sergeant Van Schoonhoven Collins (?) Degraw, Cornelius, priv. Hays Ackerson ,Degraw, John, private Hays Ackerson Degraw, John, private Hays Bells Degraw, Luke, private Hays Onderdonk Degraw, William, private Hays Onderdonk Degray, Thomas, private Field Hecock DeGroat, Elias, private Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth De Groat, Henry, private Van Woert Gilmore Pegroat, Joseph, private Pawling De Witt De Groat, Nich's, private Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth De Groot, Elias, private Van Schoonhoven White De Groot, Isaac, private Piatt Brodhead Degrote, Joseph, sergeant Hathorn Case De Grote, Joseph, private Wessenfels Hardenburgh Degrote, States, private Drake Degrout, Henry, private Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth De Grove, Abm., private Van Schoonhoven Visscher De Grove, Michael, ensign VanSchoonhoven Steenbergh De Grove, Tim'y, sergeant Van Schoonhoven Visscher Degrove, William, private Stevenson Degrushe, Elias, private Hammond Degrushie, Elias, private Wessenfels Degullion, Joseph, private Wemple De Gulyea, James, private Wemple Van Petten De Gulyea, Jas., Jr., priv. Wemple Van Petten Dehaisch, Philip, corpl., . Klock Miller Deharsh, Philip, private Harper Putman Dehaist, Philip, corporal Klock Miller Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Deharsh, Philip, private Klock Miller Dehue, John, private Drake Haight Dejo, Abm., Jr., private Cantine Hasbrouck Delamater, Abrm., sergt. Wynkoop Van Beuren Delamater, Abm., private Livingston Rockenfelle Delamater, Abrm. A., priv. Wynkoop Swart Delamater, Abrm.C, corp. Wynkoop Swart De Lamater, Benj., priv. Willet Marshall Delamater, Benj., private Malcom Livingston Delamater, Benj., private Van Alstyn Truesdel Delamater, Benj., private Wynkoop Swart Delamater, Corn's, private Wynkoop Van Beuren Delamater, Corn's, private Wynkoop De Witt Delamater, Corn'sC, priv. Wynkoop Swart Delamater, Corn's J., priv. Wynkoop Swart Delamater, David, private Wyukoop Delamater, Henry, private Willet Cannon Delamater, Isaac, private Hammond Orser Delamater, Isaac, private Van Bergen Honeywell Delamater, Jacob, private Delamater, James, private Fisher Degraas Delamteer, John, corporal Pawling Westfall Delamater, John, private Wynkoop Bogardus Delamater, John, private Wynkoop Van Beuren Delamater, John, Jr., pr. Wynkoop Van Beuren Delamater, Samuel, priv. Hammond Delamater, Wm., private Brinkerhoff Storm Delamatre, Jacob, private Hopkins Wheeler Delameter, Benj., private Snyder Swart Delameter, David, private Snyder Swart Delamater, Henry, private Willet Marshall Delametter, Jacob, sergt. Van Alstyn Truesdel Delancy, Frank, private Crane Lawrence Delaney, Dennis, private Wessenfels Pawling Delaney, Dennis, private De Lanev, Francis, private Wessenfels Hunt Dalano, Nathan, private Yates Hadlock Delano, Thomas, serg. -maj. Wessenfels Pawling Delano, Thos., private Van Rensselaer Turner Delany, Denis, private Pawling Hunter Delany, Dennis, corporal Pawling Pawling Delavan, Danl., captain Malcom Delavan, Danl., private Crane Lockwood Delavan, Nath'l, major Crane Delavan, Samuel, captain Dragoons Delavan, Tim'y, private Crane Lockwood Delaway, Jeremiah, priv. Vandenburgh Van Wyek Delaway, John, private Willet Putman Delemont, Henry, sergeant Wemple Delevan, John, private Crane Lockwood Delevan, Matt'w, private Dragoons Delavan Delevan, Nath'l, private Dragoons Delavan Delevan, Nathan, private Crane Lockwood Delevan, Stephen, private Dragoons Delavan Deleway, John, private Willet Tearse Deline, Benj'n, lieut. Fisher Degraas Deline. Benj'n, lieut. Fisher Little Deline, Isaac, private Fisher McMaster Deline, Isaac, private Fisher Snook Deline, Ricyer, private Willet Putman Deline, Ryer, private Fisher Snook Deline, Wm., private Fisher Snook Deliton, Benj'n, private Van Rensselaer Townsend Delivan, Abrim, private Luddington Waterbury Delivan, Dan'l, lieut. Drake Delivan Delivan, John, private Drake Delivan Delivan, Matt'w, private Drake Delivan Delivan, Nath'l, captain Drake Delivan, Nathan, private Drake Delivan Delivan, Samuel, Gaptain Drake Delivan, Stephen, private Drake Delivan Delivan, Tim'y, lieut. Luddington Waterbury Delivan, Timothy, private Luddington Waterbury Dellenbag, Hend'k, sergt. Klock Bradbig Dellenbag, John, sergeant Klock Bradbig Dellina, Calvin, s. mate Willet Dellino, Nath'l, private Willet Cannon Dellino, Thomas, fifer Hopkins Wheeler Delmont. H enry, private Wemple Bancker Deloin, Benj'n, private Fisher Delong, Dan'l, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Delong, David, private Willet Fonda 358 Roster of the Stale Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Delong, David, private Willet DeLong, David, private Van Schoonhoven Delong, David, private Schuyler Delong, Elias, lieut. Malcom Delong, Elias, private Van Ness Delong, Ezekiel, private Van Schoonhoven Delong, Francis,* lieut Van Ness Delong, Francis, private Armstrong Delong, Jacob, private Van Rensselaer Delong, Jacob, private Van Rensselaer Delong, James, ensign Delong, John, private Delong, Joseph, private De Long, Joseph, private Delong, Nich's, private Delong, Nich's, private Delson, Jacob, private Demarest, David, private Demarist, James, private Demaurst, Nich's, private Weisenfels De Melt, Garret, private Brinckerhoff Demerest, David, private Demerest, James, private Demerest, Peter, private Demerest, Samuel, sergt. Demerist, John, private Demerit, Jacob v., private Pawling Demick, Shubab, sergeant Luddington Demilt, Isaac, private Van Schoonhoven Deming, Asahel, sergeant Whiting Deming, John, private ' Deming, Joseph, sergeant Whiting Deming, Sam'l, private Van Woert Demire, John, private Demise, Garret, private Demmick, Sam'l, private Demming, John, private Demming, Sam'l, private Demmon, Samuel, private Hopkins Demond, Isaac, private Pawling Demond, Peter, private De Mont, John, private^ De Mont, Rich'd, private Demooth, John, private Demoray, David, private Demoray, David, private Demoray, Samuel, private Van Rensselaer Demoree, Nicholas, sergt. Yates Demorist, John, private Demot, James, private De Mott, James, private De Mout, Mark, captain Demport, Umphrey, priv. Dempsey, Thomas, private Pawling Dempsy, Thomas, corpl. Pawling Demsey, Mark, private Demsey, Thomas, private De Mun, John, private Demuth, Ded'k; private Tlpnnitq T)pdf»ri.Or T,rivs Harper Willet Yates Van Rensselaer Yates Pawling Wessenfels Hays HaysHaysHaysHathorn Hays Van Bergen Willet Wessenfels Piatt Van Woert Pawling Dubois Dubois Harper Yates Van Rensselaer Van Bergen JohnsonJohnson DuboisVan Rensselaer Graham Malcom Wessenfels Clyde Demuts, Dederick, private Clyde Demutb, Dedrick, private Bellinger Demuth, Didrick, private Bellinger Demuth, Fred'k, private Bellinger Demuth, Geo., adjutant Bellinger. A. P. Demuth, Hannis, lieut. Bellinger Demuth, John, lieut. Bellinger Demuth, John, lieut. Bellinger Demuth, John, private Bellinger Demuth, Maix, private Bellinger Demuth, Markus, private Bellinger Dencker, Henry, captain Van Renselaer Dencker, Henry, Jr., sergt. Van Rensselaer Dencker, Henry, Jr., priv. Van Rensselaer Dener, Moses, private Schuyler Dengh, Elijah, private Pawling Dening, Humphrey, priv. Van Renselaer Denions, William, private Van Rensselaer Denker, Henry, Jr , priv. Van Rensselaer Denmick, Sam'l, private Cortland Company. Wright Visscher Ostrum Drake TaylorHogeboomDe Farmo Vanderhoof Harrison Gray Yates Vanderhoof Weltse Faulkner Thompson Hogencamp Van Benschouten HogencampAckerson AckersonMiller Gardner Pawling Mead TaylorGilbertNoble Gilbert. Gilmore Witbeck Gross Kinnue Gilmore Talmadge Wood Wood De Mout De Mout Putman Hadlock VanderhoofVanderhoof VandenburghHoghtaling Mastin Concklin Vanderhoof Livingston Livingston Conklin McKinstry Pawling HouseLeipe Herder Staring Frank 14-478. Herder Frank Herder HerderHerder Staring ShawLansing Sacket Woodworth Elliot Name and Rank. Denning, Asa, sergeant Denning, Daniel, private Denning, Dan'l, private Denning, David, private Denning, Eben'r, private Denning, Humphrey, serg. Denning, Isaac, private Dennis, John, private Denning, Mich I, captain Denning, Zebulon, corp. Dennis, Umphrey, private Dennis, Umphrey, private Dennis, John, private Dennis, John, private Dennis, John, private Dennis, John, private Dennis, John, private Dennis, Philip, private Dennis, Samuel, sergeant Dennis, Samuel, private Dennis, Wm., corporal Dennis, Wm., private Dennis, Wm., private Dennis, Wm., private Dennison, Christ'r, sergt. Dennison, Dan'l, sergeant Dennison, Ebenezer, priv. Dennis'sen, James, private Denniston, Dan'l, sergeant Denniston, John, private Denniston, Wm., private Denny, Barber, private Denney, Bargo, corporal Denny, Charles, private Denny, Richard, private Denny, Sover, private Denton, Alexander, priv. Denton, Alex'r, private Denton, Alex'r, private Denton, Dan'l, private Denton, Daniel, private Denton, Dan'l, private Dennis, Jacob, private Denton, James, lieut. Denton, Joseph, private Denton, Joseph, private Denton, Joseph, private Denton, Joseph, private Denton, Jonas, private Denton, Nath'l, private Denton, Nath'l, private Denton, Nath'l, private Denton, Nath'l, private Denton, William, private Denton, Wm., private Deo, Christ'l, private Depare, Andries, private Depeu, Peter, private De Pew, Corn's, sergeant Depew, John, sergeant Depew, Wm., private Depu, Ab'm, private De Pue, John, corporal De Pue, Peter, private Depun, Elias, private - Depuy, Abraham, private Depuy, Benjamin, private Depuy, Benj'n, private Depuy, Elias, private Depuy, Geo., private Depuy, John, private Depuy, John, Jr., private Depuy, Moses, ensign Depuy, Moses, private Depuy, Peter, private Depuy, Samuel, private Depuy, William, private Deralt, John, corporal Derbishire, Daniel, private Regiment. Company. Whiting Noble Van Rensselaer Kings Whiting Bostwick Van Veghten Dunning Van Rensselaer Woodworth Whiting Bostwick Bellinger Frank Van Veghten Whiting Bostwick Van Veghten Woodworth Van Veghten Van Woert Malcom Blakely Bellinger Frank Bellinger Staring Van Veghten Van Woert Van Veghten Woodworth Graham Wilson Van Woert Whiteside Van Woert Wells Van Veghten Van Woert Van Veghten Woodworth Van Veghten Van Woert Van Veghten Dunham Van Ness Van Rensselaer Niles Van Rensselaer Niles Piatt Van Santvoort Van Rensselaer Niles Johnson Gillispy Willet Elsworth Luddington Knapp Graham Vail Hopkins Wheeler Hopkins Wheeler Vrooman Stubrach Thomas Moseman Thomas St. John Thomas Moseman Thomas St. John Thomas Moseman Thomas Moseman Bellinger Staring Johnson Mastin Pawling Wood Thomas St John Thomas Moseman Drake Hadden Hathorn Shepherd Yates Yates Van Rensselaer De Garmo Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Yates Brown Thomas Moseman Thomas St. John Van Bergen Pawling Wood Brinckerhoff Van Benschoten CantineDrake Buckhout Thomas Hobby Hopkins Van Benschoten Wessenfels Thompson Brinckerhoff Van Benschoten Willet Thomas St. John Klock De Witt Cantine Hasbrouck Hathorn Brodhead Thomas St. John Pawling Westbrook Cantine Hasbrouck Hathorn Brodhead Graham Hopkins Van Benschoten Klock Westfall Thomas St. John Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Wessenfels * Wounded in breast and shoulder, Hillsdale, Columbia Co. Cc, 61. Roster of the State Troops. 359 Dubois Hays Hays Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Malcom Van Rensselaer Name and Rank. Regiment. Derbishire, James, private Wessenfels Derbois, John, private Hathorn Derby, James, private Field Deryea, George, private Hathorn Deridder, Evert, private Van Veghten Derivere, Corn's, corporal Hammond Derivere, Henry, private Hammond Derivien, Corn's, private Hammond Derivier, John, private Hammond Deriviere, Con's, private Hammond Deriviere, Corn's, private Van Bergen Deriviere, Hend'k, corpl. Hammond Derivile, Solomon, private Wemple Derevrie, Corn's, private Van Bergen Dermott, James, private Deronde, Abraham, priv. Deronde, Jacob, private Deronde, Hend'k, private Deronde, Henry, private Deronde, Henry L, private Hays Deronde, Tobias, private Hays Deronderf, Jacob, private Fisher Derrow, James, private Van Rensselaer De Sylva, Joseph,* Deuvel, Edmund, lieut. Dubois Devandorph, Jacob, priv. Fisher Devence, Jacobus, private Johnson Devendorf, Daniel, sergt. Willett Devenport Gerrit, Jr., pr. Cantine Devenport, Peter, sergeant Yates Devenport, Rich'd, lieut. Yates Devenport Thomas, priv. Deverix, Elisha, sergeant Deverix, Jon'n, private Deverix, Jon'n, private Deverix, Joseph, private Deverix, Joseph, private Deverix, Thadeus, private Van Rensselaer Deverix, Theod's, private Van Rensselaer Devers, John, private DeVew, Henry, private Devine, Asher, sergeant Devine, Asher, private Devine, Oliver, private Devins, Jacobus, private Deviraux, Joseph, private Harper Devius, Jacobus, private Graham Devoe, David, private Devoe, David, private Devoe, Dirck, private Devoe, Henry, private Devoe, Henry, private Devoe, Isaac, drummer Devoe, Isaac, private Devoe, Isaac, private Devoe, Isaac, private Devoe, Isaac J., corporal Devoe, Jacob, private Devoe, James, private Devoe, John, drnmmer Devoe, John, private Devoe, John, private Devoe, John I., drummer Devoe, John I., private Devoe, John R., private Devoe, Martinus, private Devoe, Martinus, private Devoe, Samuel, private Devoe, Wm., corporal Devoe, William, corporal Devoe, William, corporal Devoe, Wm., private Devoe, Wm., private Devoet, Ab'm, private Devoo, Anth'y, private Devoo, David, private Devoo, David, private Devoo, Peter, private Company. MervinHecock Mervins Van Woert Orser Martling Combs Comb Honeywell Orser Mynderse Honeywell BurnetAckerson Ackerson Gardner Ackerson Ackerson Ackerson YatesDe Garmo Chamberlain Yates Johnson Putman Hasbrouck Van Denburgh Yates Van Duzer Townsend TownsendSchermerhorn Townsend SchermerhornSchermerhorn Van Schoonhoven White Willet VandenburghBrinkerhoff Piatt Johnson Hammond Van Bergen Elsworth Storm Brinkerhoff Bloom CrossLawrence Sherwood Martling Honeywell Van Schoonhoven Vau Denburgh Willet White Willet Tearse Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Visscher WessenfelsVan Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Taylor Hammond Comb Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Piatt Lee Schuyler Van Aernum Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonheven Hicks Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven Hammond Martling ' Van Bergen Honeywell Van Schoonhoven Wessenfels White Drake Drake Drake Name and Rank. Devoo, Wm., private Devort, Sam'l, private Devose, Jacob, private Devour. Abraham, private Devy, Adam, private Devy, Peter, private Devys, Arendt, private Dewalt, Meyer, private Dewell, Emanuel, lieut. Dewever, Abm., private Dewey, Isaiah, private De Witt, Abraham, priv. De Witt, Abm., private De Witt, Abm., private De Witt, Abm., private De Witt, Anderies A., pr. De Witt, Andrias, private De Witt, Benjamin, priv. De Witt, Benjamin, priv. De Witt, Cornelius, priv. De Witt, Corn's, private De Witt, Corn's, private De Witt, Corn's, private De Witt, Corn's, private De Witt, Corn's D, ser. De Witt, Cornelius D., pr. De Witt, Egbert, private De Witt, Gerrit, private De Witt, Jacob, drummer De Witt, Jacob, private De Witt, Jacob, private De Witt, Jacob, private De Witt, Jacob, private De Witt, Jacob I., private De Witt, Jacob R., captain De Witt, Jacobus, private De Witt, Jacobus, private De Witt, James, corporal De Witt, James, private De Witt, Johannis, private De Witt, Johannis, private De Witt, John, private De Witt, John, private De Witt, John, private De Witt, John, private De Wit, John Jr., lieut., De Witt, John, Jun'r, priv. De Witt, John I., private De Witt, John I., private De Witt, John L., captain De Witt, John P., captain De Witt, Jon'n, Jun'r, pr. De Witt, Levi, captain De Witt, Levi, lieut. De Witt, Luke, private Dewitt, Luke, private De Witt, Moses, private De Witt, Peter, private Dewit, Peter, Jr., private Dewitt, Reuben, lieut. De Witt, Teherit, private Dewitt, Thack C, private Dewitt, Theret C, private De Witt, Thomas, major De Witt, Thomas, major De Witt, Thomas, Jr., lieu. De Witt, Tjerck, private De Witt, Tom, private De WitfTony, private De Witt, Wm., corporal De Witt, William, private De Witt, William, private De Witt, William, private De Witt, William, private De Witt, William, private De Witt, William, Jr., pr. Dey, Lewis, fifer Deyell, William, private Regiment. DrakeBrinckerhoffVan Veghten PawlingClyde Clyde Clyde Clyde DuboisSchuyler YatesPawlingVan Bergen WynkoopWynkoop CantineGraham Yates Graham Pawling Pawling Wynkoop Wynkoop Graham Pawling Cantine WessenfelsHathornHathornWessenfels Pawling PawlingWynkoop Wynkoop Klock Pawling PawlingWessenfels Pawling Wynkoop Wynkoop HathornGraham Hopkins Wynkoop Brinkerhoff Pawling HathornWynkoop Wynkoop Graham Pawling Pawling Van Bergen Van Bergen Phillips WessenfelsCortlandCantine Cantine Wynkoop Wynkoop WessenfelsPawling Vandenburgh WynkoopCantine PawlingDubois Hathorn Wessenfels Pawling Pawling Graham Weisenfels Hathorn Company. Brower Van Woert Westfall House House Diffendorf LeipeChamberlain LansingHadlock Westbrook DuboisSchoonmakerDe Witt Hasbrouck Yates Pearce Westbrook Pawling Schoonmaker De Witt PearceFaulkner HasbrouckWhite Mervin BogardusPawling Pawling Burnet SwartSwart Faulkner De Witt White Piercy Schoonmaker De Witt Mervin Van Benschoten De Witt Storm Mervin De Witt Sherwood Faulkner Houghtaling Dubois OstranderThompson Hasbrouck Van Beuren Van Buren Storm Faulkner Dubois Bogardus White De Witt PiercyWhite Bogardus * Volunteer, later private during tbe whole war. In Augnst, 1776, escaping from confinement, he swam from Staten Island Ion of General Howe's intentions. Broome, Schoharie county. A. P. 19-151. to New Jersey and gave information i 360 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Deygert, Jost, captain Deygert, Nich's, lieut. Deygert, Nich's, private Deygert, William, Jr., ser. Deykert, Nich's, private Deyo, Elias, private Deyo, Ezekiel, corporal Deyo, Henry, private Deyo, Hugh, corporal Deyoe, Peter, private Deyoo, Dan'l, private Deyoo, Henry, private Deyoo, John, private Deyoo, Levi, ensign Dibble, Asa, private Dibble, Dan'l, private Dibble, Dan'l, private Dibble, Hezkiab, sergeant Dibble, Joel, private Dibble, Jon'n, sergeant Dibble, Jon'n, private Dick, Henry, private Dick, Henry, private Dick, John, private Dick, Paulis, private Dickens, Thomas, private Dickens, Thomas, private Dickenson, Dan'l, major Dickenson, John, private Dickenson, Joseph, private Dickenson, Sam 1, sergt. Dickenson, Thomas H., p. Dickenson, Zebulon, priv. Dicker, Cha's C, private Dicker, Francis, private Dicker, Francis, private Dicker, Isaac, sergeant Dicker, Jacob, sergeant Dicker, John C., private Dicker, Leonard, ensign Dickerman, Joseph, priv. Dickerson, Gideon, sergt. Dickerson, James, private Dickerson, John, private Dickerson, John, private Dickerson, Joseph, private Dickerson, Judathan, priv. Dickeson, Ichabod, private Dickey, Matt'w, private Dickings, Arnold, private Dickins, Arnold, private Dickins, Arnold, Jr., priv. Dickins, Mordecai, private Dickins, Sam'l, private Dickinson, John H., priv. Dickinson, Joseph, private Dickinson, Joseph, private Dickinson, Zebulon, fifer Dickinson, Zebulon, priv. Dickman, Joseph, private Dickson, Andrew, private Dickson, Dan'l, corporal Dickson, Dan'l, private Dickson, Dan'l, Jr., priv. Dickson, James, private Dickson, John, private Dickson, John, private Dickson, John, private Dickson, Marshal,* private Dickson, Nathan, sergeant Dickson, Richard, private Dickson, Wm., private Diedrick, Fred'k, private Diedrick, Peter, private Diets, Adam, ensign Dietz, Han Joost, private Dietz, Jacob, lieut. Dietz, John, lieut. Dietz, John, lieut. Regiment. Clyde Clyde ClydeKlockKlock Wessenfels Cantine Johnson Wessenfels Graham Cantine CantineCantine CantineWebsterDrake BenedictWillet Field Benedict Crane Willet Livingston Webster Livingston Drake Beuedict Van Veghten Wessenfels Van Veghten Van Veghten Vandenburgh Van Veghten LivingstonGraham Van Rensselaer Livingston Livingston Livingston LivingstonHammondWillet WilletWillet Whiting Van Veghten Graham Van Rensselaer Webster Crane Crane Crane CraneCrane Brinckerhoff Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Bergen Pawling Crane Crane Crane Luddington Drake Crane BenedictCraneCrane Willet Van Bergen Van Bergen Schuyler Vrooman VroomanVrooman Vrooman Company. DygertDygert Breadbake Wagner Livingston Hasbrouck Gillispy Livingston Conklin Hasbrouck Ramsen Ramsen Hasbrouck Childs Osbnrn Gray Hecock Bouton Schofield FondaRockenfelle Hamilton Rockenfelle SeelySeely White Woodworth Van Woert Van Wyck Woodworth Rockfeller Muller Elliot Shaver ShaverShaver Shaver Orser FondaMarshallWright Herrick W ood worth Williams Schermerhorn LongLawrence Lockwood Lockwood Lockwood Lockwood Van Wyck Woodworth Winne Thompson WinneHoneywellFaulknerBouton Scofield Mead SeelyLawrence S^cly Lawrence- Lawrence Gillet DuboisDubois OstrumStubrachStubrach Brown Stubrach Name and Rank. Regiment. Dietz, John, private Vrooman Dietz, Joost, fifer Vrooman Dietz, Joost, fifer Vrooman Dickson, Theodorus, priv. Luddington Dietz, William, private Vrooman Dietz, Wm., private Vrooman Dietz, Wm., private Vrooman Dietz, Wm., Jnn'r, priv. Vrooman Dieuel, Benj'n, private Dubois Diezlaer, William, private Klock Diffendorf, Jacob, captain Clyde Dikeman, Abraham, priv. Hays Dill, Daniel, private Johnson Dill, David, segeant Johnson Dill, David, private Johnson Dill, David, private Johnson Dill, John, private Newkirk Dillenback, Baltus, private Clyde Dillenback, Henry, sergt. Klock Dillenback, Henry, private Klock Dillenback, John, private Klock Dillenback, John, private Klock Dillenback, Jno., private Klock Dillenback, Martin, private Clyde Dillenbag, Henry, private Klock Dillenbeck, Henry, sergt. Klock Dillenbeck, Henry, private Klock Dillenbeck, John, private Klock Dillenbeck, Johjr, private Klock Dillenbeck, Martin, priv. Klock Dilliknow, Calven, private Van Ness Dillimthis, James, private Fisher Dillinow, Nathan, private Whiting Dimick, Sam'l, private Pawling Dimir, Ab'm, private Van Rensselaer Dimmer, Adam, private Vrooman Dimons, Henry, private Van Rensselaer Dincker, Henry, lieut. Schuyler Diness, Philip, private Livingston Diness, Yerry, private Livingston Dingas, Hannes, private Bellinger Dinger, Emery, private Thomas Dinger, John, Jr., private Thomas Dingee, Sam'l, private Drake Dinger, Elijah, corporal Thomas Dinger, Emery, private Thomas Dinger, Emery, private Thomas Dinger, John, private Thomas Dinger, John, private Thomas Dinger, John, Jr., private Thomas' Dinger, John, Sr., private Thomas Dinges, Elijah, corporal Thomas Dingey, Sam'l, private Drake Dinghart, Jacob, lieut. Fisher Dingman, Casper, private Van Alstyn Dingman, Garret, private Fisher Dingman, Gerrit, private Fisher Dingman, Isaac, private Van Alstyn Dingman, Jacob, sergeant Pisher Dingman, Jacob, sergeant Fisher Dingman, Jacob, private Fisher Dingman, Jacob, private Van Alstyn Dingman, Peter, private Fisher Dingman, Sam'l, private Willet Dingman, Sam'l, private Fisher Dingmanse, Adolphus, pri. Van Rensselaer Dings, Jacob, private Livingston Dings, Johannes, private Livingston Dings, John, private Livingston Dings, Stuffle, private Livingston Dingsman, Dennis, private Clyde Dinger, Sam'l, private Dinnis, John, private Dinsman, Anth'y, private Dinton, James, lieut. Dinza, John, private Dirick, Wm., private Dirly, Philip, private Disbrow, Andrew, private DrakeVan Cortlandt Clyde Johnson ThomasVan Rensselaer Wessenfels Luddington Company. Stubrach Stubrach MillerMead Brown StubrachMillerStubrachChamberlain Miller Tourneur Wilkins Ostrander Gillispy Jansen Faulkner Diffendorf Zealy Zeely BreadbakeZeely Suts Diffendorf Miller Breadbake Bedhig BedhigKlock Ruff VeederKingHunterSchermerhorn Miller Schermerhorn Tillman HouseradHouseradHerder Haight Moseman Moseman St. John Moseman St. John Moseman Moseman Moseman Boyd Yates Van Valkenburgh Yeoman Snook YatesYeomanYeoman Van Valkenburgh Yeoman PutmanYeoman Shaver HouseradHouserad HouseradVan Everat Haight Van Everat Concklin Shephard Waterburv * Wounded in right hip at Crompond, June 24, 1779. Farmer, Lower Salem, W. Chester Co. I, 127. A. 15. Roster of (lie State Troops. 361 Name and Rank. Regiment. Disbrow, David, sergeant Luddington Disbrow, Nathan, corporal Luddington Disbrow, Nathan, Jr., cor. Luddington Disby, Andrew, private Hopkins Divey, Samuel, sergeant WelSster Divine, John, private Wessenfels Divany, Archibald, private Pawling Dixon, Andrew, corporal Malcom Dixon, Hezekiah, private Pawling Dixon, James, private Luddington Dixon, Robert, private Harper Dixon Thaddeus, private Hopkins Dixon, Woter, private Van Rensselaer Dixon, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Doann, Daniel, lieut. Field Dobbs, Dan'l, private Van Alstyn Dobbin, Hugh, private Hathorn Dobbin, Robert, private Fisher Dobbins, Henry, lieut. Hathorn Dobbins, Hugh, private Wessenfels Dobson, John, private Willet Dochstader, Fred'k, corpl. Fisher Dochstader, Nich's, lieut. Fisher Dockstater, John, private Clyde Docksteder, Adam, corpl. Fisher Docksteder, Adam, private Fisher Docksteder, Fred'k, sergt. Fisher Docksteder, Fred'k, corp. Fisher Docksteder, Fred'k, priv. Docksteder, Fd'kF., serg. Fisher Docksteeder, Fd'kF., priv. Fisher Docksteder, Fd'k H., serg. Fisher Docksteeder, Fd'k H.,priv. Fisher Docksteder, George, corp. Fisher Docksteder, Geo., private Fisher Docksteder, Geo. P., corp. Fisher Docksteder, Geo. F. priv. Fisher Docksteder, Geo. H., priv. Fisher Docksteeder, HamuelF., p. Fisher Docksteder, Hend'k, priv. Fisher Docksteder, Hend'k F., pr. Fisher Docksteder, Hend'k H., p. Fisher Docksteeder, Henry, priv. Fisher Docksteder, Jacob, private Fisher Docksteeder, John, private Fisher Docksteder, John F. priv. Fisher Docksteder, John H., priv. Docksteder, John H., priv. Fisher Docksteder, Leonard, priv. Fisher Docksteder, Leonard,Jr.,p. Fisher Docksteder, Manuel, priv. Fisher Docksteder, , priv. Docksteder, Mark, private Fisher Docksteder, Marks, priv. Docksteder, Nich's, lieut. Fisher Docksteder, Nich's, sergt. Fisher Docksteder, Nich's, priv. Fisher Docksteder, Nich's F., pr. Fisher Docksteder, Nich's F., pr. Fisher Docksteder, Nich's H., ser. Fisher Docksteder, Nich's H., pr. Docty, Isaac, private Docty, Shadwick, private Dodge, Andrew, private Dodge, Dan'l, private Dodge, Daniel, private Dodge, Dan'l, private Dodge, Francis, private Dodge, Henry, captain Dodge, Nath'l, corporal Dodge, Sam'l, private Dodge, Stephen, private Doesbusled, Dan'l, private Thomas Doffield, John, private Hathorn Dogolen, Joseph, private Dogoly, James, private Dokins, Edward, private Done, Elnathan, private Doney, William, private Graham GrahamMalcom Wessenfels WilletGraham Van Bergen Wessenfels Thomas Cantine Pawling WilletWillet Wessenfels Field Willet Company. Mead Waterbury MeadLane Tozer White Hunter Drake Sacket Waterbury Putman BarnumVan Allen Van Allen DyckmanVan Valkenburgh Veeder MillerBrewster Pearcy Yeoman Yeoman Difendor Yates Yates Veeder Veeder FondaVeederVeeder Veeder Veeder Yates Veeder VeederVeederVeederVeeder VeederVeederVeederYatesVeederYates Veeder Fonda Veeder Veeder VeederVeeder Fonda Veeder Fonda VeederVeeder Veeder Veeder Little VeederFonda Muller Muller DodgePutman Williams Honeywell Miller Hasbrouck Williams Purdy Case Hole PearcyBrewster Dykeman Harrison Crane Van Ness Graham Van Rensselaer Whiting Fisher Fisher FisherFisherFisher Name and Rank. Regiment. Donnolly, Wm., private Livingston Doolittle, Dan'l, private Crane Doolittle, Hackahah, priv. Van Ness Doolittle, Hopkins, private Wessenfels Doolittle, Hopkins, private Hays Doolittle, Hopkins, private Crane Doolittle, Hopkins, private Crane Doolittle, Joseph, lieut. Crane Doolittle, Reuben, corpl. Doolittle, Tim'y, private Dooly, Philip, private Dooty, Joseph, corporal Dop, David, private Dop, Johannis, private Dor, Matthew, private Doran, Alex'r, private Doran, David, corporal Doran, David, private Doran, Jacob, sergeant Doran, John, corporal Dolery, Jerem'h, corporal Dubois Dolittle, David, private Willet Dolittle, Tim'y, private Graham Dollaway, And'w, private Weisenfels Dolleway, Jerem'h, private Hopkins Dolph, John, private Hopkins Dolph, John, private . Livingston Dolphin, Thomas, private Field Dolson, Isaac, drummer Dolson, John, private Dolson, John, private Dolson, John N, private Dolton, Wm., sergeant Dolton, Wm,, sergeant Dolton, William, private Dolton, William, private Dom, Melger, private Domenck, John, drummer Vrooman Dominick, John, private Vrooman Dominick, Samuel, private Wessenfels Domvee, David, private Luddington Donaldson, Ab'm, private Cantine Donaldson, Joseph, private Donavan, Daniel, private Wessenfels Done, David, private Armstrong Doringbergh, John, private Fisher Company. Rockenfelle TruesdellHunt Stevenson LawrenceTruesdellTruesdel Truesdel Vail CadyFonda Van Schoonhoven Collins (?) HathornHathornJohnson Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Bellinger Dorling, John, lieut, Dorn, Ab'm, private Dorn, Ab'm, private Dorn, David, private Dorn, John, private Dorn, John, Jr., private Dornbergh, John, private Dors, Jeptha, private Dors, Joseph, private Dose, Peter, sergeant Dotey, Isaac, corporal Dottey, John, private Dotton, Isaac, private Dotton, Isaac, private Dotton, Will., private Doty, Asa, ensign Doty, Corn's, captain Doty^Elias, private Doty, Isaac,* lieut. Doty, Isaac, sergeant Doty, Jacob, private Doty, John, private Doty, Joseph, corporal Doty, Joseph, private Doty, Joseph, private Doty, Orman, private Doty, Orman, private Doty, Peter, private Doty, Peter, private Doty, Philip, sergeant Doty, Reuben, private Dotey, Samuel, corporal Doty, Shadewick, private Wemple Wemple Van Alstyn FisherGraham Fisher Fisher Malcom Malcom Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer ArmstrongDrakeLuddingtonWhitingVan Woert Wessenfels McCrea Willet Van Rensselaer Webster WhitingLuddington Graham Yates Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Yates Cady McMaster Fisher McFoght Newell Muller Brinkerhoff Barnum Elliot HecockMinthornCaseOstranderSickles Sacket Lyon Lyon St John Small Miller ThompsonCrane Ramsen White Fisher Wilson Wanson Van Valkenburgh Veeder Wanson Little Fisher BlakelyBlakely Price Grave LongHaight Stevenson Mead Salsbury Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Long Davis KnappVail Weltse Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Weltse Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Whiting Davis Van Rensselaer Van Allen Graham Muller * Commanding pilots ; served from August 26 to November 23, 1779. A. P. 15-244. 46 362 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Doty, Shadrick, private Doty, Theodosius, private Doty, Y'ellis, private Dougherty, Corn's, private Doughty, Elias, private Doughty, Elias, private Dourn, David, private Douglas, Adam, private Douglas, James, private Douglass, James, private Douglass, John, private Douglass, Jonathan, priv. Douglass, Jon'n, private Douglass, Wheeler, private Douglass, William, private Donandorve, Jacob, priv. Douws, John D. P., priv. Dovis, John, private Dowen, Ichabod, private Dowey, Samuel, sergeant Dowin, David, private Dowling, And'w, private Downin, Corn's, private Downen, Corn's, private Downer, Corn's, sergeant Downer, Israel, private Downing, Cornelius, sergt, Downing, John, private Downing, John, private Downing, Roger, private Downs, John, corporal Downy, Roger, private Dowty, Elias, private Dox, Isaac, private Dox, James, private Dov, John, private Dox, Peter, private Dox, Samuel, ensign Dox, Samuel, sergeant Dox, Samuel, sergeant Doxey, Stephen, private Doxey, Stephen, private Doxy, Stephen, private Doxy, Stephen, private Doyl, Charles, private Doyle, Charles, private Doyle, Stephen, private Doyle, Stephen, private Drake, Elijah, lieut. Drake, Gilbert, colonel , Drake, Gilbert, lieut. col. Drake, Gilbert, sergeant Drake, Gilbert, sergeant Drake, Gilbert, private Drake, Gilbert, private Drake, Gilbert, private Drake, Gilbert, private Drake, Jasper, sergeant Drake, Jasper, corporal Drake, Jasper, private Drake, Jerem'h, private Drake, John, captain Drake, John, lieut. Drake, John, private Drake, John, private Drake, John, private Drake, Joshua, captain Drake, Joshua, captain Drake, Joshua, ensign Drake, Joshua, sergeant Draper, Joseph, corporal Drake, Joshua, private Drake, Joshua, private Drake, Josiah, private Drake, Richard, private Drake, Sam'l, colonel Drake, Sam'l, sergeant Drake, Sam'l, private Drake, William, private Regiment. Willet WebsterWillet Livingston Cortland Weisenfels FisherNewkirk Johnson Wessenfels Field Willet Van Schoonhoven Newkirk FisherVan Rensselaer VandenburghYates WebsterFisher Hopkins Luddington Graham Willet Luddington Vandenburg Wessenfels Wessenfels Brinkerhoff Hays Vandenhurgh Pawling Company. Wright McNittLivingston Shaver VeederMcBride Gillispy Hardenburgh Hecock Livingston Roseboom McBride Yates Bries Van Wyck Hadlock Tozer Veeder Talmadge Knapp Vail • WelpKnapp WheelerPawling Westfall Storm StevensonStormWood Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Hathorn Telford Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Willet Livingston Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven White Weisenfels Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoof Pawling Pawling Cortland Snyder Swart Wynkoop Fisher McMaster Fisher Yeoman Drake Boyd Pawling Williams Hays Stevenson Dragoons Delavan Drake Haight Crane Truesdell Drake Buckhout Drake Boyd Drake Boyd Drake Boyd Drake Boyd Drake Luddington Lane Drake Boyd Thomas Graham Vail Malcom HarperDrake Boyd Drake Boyd Graham Pearce Dubois Gano Drake Boyd Cantine Ramsen Johnson Mastin Hammond Orser Hammond Orser Johnson Jansen Name and Rank. Drake, William, private Drake, Wm., private Draper, John, sergeant Draper, John, private Dratt, John, private Dratt, John, corporal Dratt, John, Jr., private Drew, Gilbert, sergeant Drew, Gilbert, sergeant Drew, Isaac, private Drew, Isaac, private Drew, Joshua, private Drew, Oliver, private Drew, Oliver, private Drew, Oliver, private Drew, Will'm,* corporal Draper, Reuben, private Drew, Sam'l, private Drew, Wm., private Regiment.JohnsonDrakePawling WessenfelsHarperVan Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Luddington Luddington LuddingtonLuddington Cantine HathornWessenfels CantineGraham Graham LuddingtonLuddington Drisselman, Christ'r, priv. Clyde Drom, Nich's, private Klock Drom, Zacharias, private Van Rensselaer Drummer, Jacob, private Van Rensselaer Drum, Peter, private Willet Dubois, Abm., private Webster Dubois, Abm., private Livingston Dubois, Andrew, private Johnson Dubois, Andries, private Hathorn Dubois, Barent, sergeant Van Bergen Dubois, Baurint, sergeant Van Bergen Dubois, Barint, private Van Bergen Dubois, Benj'n, captain Dubois Dubois, Benj'n, captain Van Bergen Du Bois, Benj'n S., private Van Bergen Dubois, Charles, private Willet Dubois, Christian, lieut. Hopkins Dubois, Christ'r, lieut. Brinckerhoff Dubois, Coenradt, private Cantine Dubois, Corn's, lieut. col. Van Bergen Du Bois, Corn's, adjutant Pawling Dubois, Corn's, lieut. Wessenfels Dubois, Corn's, lieut. Pawling Dubois, Corn's, lieut. Pawling Dubois, Corn's, private Hopkins Dubois, Corn's, private Piatt Dubois, Cort, private Brinckerhoff Du Bois, Dan'l, corpl. Cantine Dubois, David, private Wiessenfels Dubois, David, private Wynkoop Dubois, David, Jr., private Pawling Dubois, Garret, private Pawling Dubois, Gideon, private Brinckerhoff Dubois, Henry, private Cantine Dubois, Isaac, corporal Hathorn Dubois, Isaac, private Cantine Du Bois, Jacob, private Hopkins Dubois, Jacob, private Brinkerhoff Dubois, Jacob, private Wynkoop Dubois, James, private Hathorn Dubois, James, private Wynkoop Dubois, James, Jr., private Wynkoop Du Bois, Jerem'h, private Snyder Dubois, Jeremiah, private Wynkoop Du Bois, Joel, private Van Bergen Dubois, Joel, private Van Bergen Dubois, Johannis, private Wynkoop Dubois, John, lieut. Wessenfels Dubois, John, private Pawling Dubois, John, private Wessenfels Dubois, John, private Hooghteling Dubois, John I. , private Wynkoop Du Bois, John J., lieut Pawling Dubois, Jonathan, corpl. Johnson Dubois, Jonathan, corpl. Johnson Dubois, Jonathan, private Johnson Dubois, Lawrence, private Van Bergen Dubois, Lawrence, private Van Bergen Dubois, Lawrence, private Van Bergen Dubois, Lewis, colonel Company. Smith Boyd Westfall Hardenburgh Drake Van Denburgh Van Denbergh MeadMead Knapp MeadRamsenBrodhead Hasbrouck Drake PearceMead Mead House Zeely OdleHarrisonLong Shaver Gillespie Conklin Van Schaick WhitbeckHoghtaling Hoghtaling Livingston Van Benschoten Brinckerhoff Hasbrouck LivingstonDe Witt Piercy Van Benschoten Brodhead - Brinckerhoff PawlingDedrick Pawling Van Benschouten Hasbrouck Brodhead Hasbrouck Van Benschote Brinkerhoff BogardusSwartSwartSwart Van Beuren Hoghtaling Dubois Hardenburgh Pawling PawlingMastin Concklin Ho Hoghtaling Dubois Witbeck * Wounded in the left leg at Miles Square, Westchester Co., July 26, 1776. Frederickstown, Dutchess Co., A. 83, B. 6, 1. Roster of the Slate Troops. 363 Name and Rank. Dubois, Martin, private Dubois, Matt'w, private Dubois, Matt'w, private Dubois, Nath'l, ensign Dubois, Nath'l, ensign Dubois, Nath'l, ensign Dubois, Peter, private Dubois, Robert, private Dubois, Samuel, private Du Bois, Sam'l, private Debois, Tho's, corporal Dubois, Tunis" private Dubois, Wessel, private Dubois, Wessel, private Dubois, Wilhelmus, priv. Dubois, William, private Duboys, Jeremiah, private Wynkoop Duboyse, Peter, private Brinckerhoff Duch, John, private Ducker, David, private Van Rensselaer Duckworth, Aaron, private Hathorn Dudley, Simeon, private Duel, Banamiel, lieut. Duel, Joseph, private Duell, Wilber, private Duey, Sam'l, private Duff, Jon'n, private Duffield, John, private Duglass, Jno., private Duglas, Jon'n, private Duglass, Sam'l, private Duglass, Tho's, private Dufittle, Dan'l, private Dulittle, Joseph, sergt. Dull, Christian, private Dull, Christian, private Dnm, -Counradt, private Dum, Nich's, private Duman, John, private Dumerest, Cornelius, priv. Hathorn Dumerest, Corn's, private Wisner Dumerest, David, corporal Hathorn Dumerest, David, private Hathorn Dumerest, David, private Wisner Dumerest Peter, private Hathorn Dumerest, Peter, private Wisner Dumerest, Samuel, private Hathorn Dumerest, Sam'l, private Wisner Dumerist, Cornelius, priv. Hathorn Dumm, Nich's, private Klock Dumm, Nicholas, private Klock Dummer, Nicholas, private Klock Dumon, Isaac, private Pawling Dumon, John, private Wynkoop Dumon, John, Jr., private Wynkoop Dumond, Corn's, sergeant Pawling Dumond, Corn's, private Wynkoop Dumond, Corn's, private Hooghteling Dumond, Egbert, private Hooghteling Dumond, Egenas, private Pawling Dumond, Egenas, private Wynkoop Dumond, Ignas, private Dumond, Isaac, private Dumond, Isaac, private Dumond, Johannes P., lt. Dumond, JohannisP., en. Dumond, John B., private Van Bergen Dumond, Peter, sergeant Wynkoop Dumond, Peter, private Pawling Dumond, Peter, private Wynkoop Dumond, Peter, Jr., sergt. Wynkoop Dumond, Peter, Jr., sergt. Wynkoop Dumond, Will., private Van Bergen Dnmont, John, private Graham Dumont, John H., private Wessenfels Du Mott, Isaac, private Johnson Dun, Alex'r, private Armstrong Dun, James, sergeant Fisher Dun, James, private Fisher Regiment. Wessenfels Wessenfels Wynkoop Hathorn Johnson Johnson Wynkoop Hathorn Snyder Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Hathorn Cantine Hathorn Wynkoop Willet GrahamHopkins Graham Van Rensselaer Johnson Schuyler Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Yates SnyderWynkoop Klock Klock Wynkoop Hathorn Pawling Hooghteling Wynkoop Wynkoop Company. LivingstonWhite De Witt Case Mastin Concklin HumfreySwart Bogard Swart BrowerBrodhead Hasbrouck Case De Witt Van Beuren Schutt Stockwell SchermerhornShepherd Hawley WelpHalsted Talmadge Elliot Ostrander Ostrum Van Den Burgh Truesdell TruesdellSwart De Witt Zeely Miller Van Buren Bartholf Bartoff Bartholf Bartholf Bartoff Bartholf Bartoff Bartholf Bartoff Miller Kock Kock Kock Van Beuren Van Beuren Livingston Westbrook Bogardus Westbrook Bogardus Van Beuren Westbrook Swart Van Buren Swart Husted Livingston Concklin Long Veeder Name and Rank. Dun, John, private Dun, Melgert, private Dun, Nich's, private Dun, Oliver, private Dun, Rich'd, private Dunavan, Daniel, private Dunbar, Amos, private Dunbar, Amos, private Dunbar, Amos, private Dunbar, Amos, private Dunbar, Amos, private Dunbarre, Robt., private Dunbar, Samuel, private Dunbar, Wm., private Duncan, John, private Duncan, John, private Dunckel, Frank, private Dunkle, George, private Dunckel, Gerard, private Dunckel, Nich's, corporal Dunckel, Peter, sergeant Duncket, Peter, sergeant Dunghill, Peter, private Dunham, Charles, private Dunham, Charles, private Dunham, Eben'r, private Dunham, E*oen'r, private Dunham, Elijah, private Dunham, Elijah,* private Dunham, Elijah, private Dunham, Eph'm, private Dunham, Hezekiah, capt. Dunham, Holton, private Dunham, John, sergeant Dunham, John, private Dunham, John, private Dunham, John, private Dunham, Joseph, private Dunham, Joseph, private Dunham, Sam 1, private Dunham, Sam'l, private Dunham, Sam'l, private Dunham, Solomon, private Dunham, Sylvanus, corpl. Dunham, Sylvanus, priv. Duning, James, corporal Dnning, James, corporal Duning, James, corporal Duning, Lewis, private Duning, Mich'l, lieut. Dunkell, Peter, private Dunkill, George, f private Dunkin, Dan'l, private Dunking, John, private Dunkle, Peter, private Dunlap, John, sergeant Dunlap, John, sergeant Dunlap, John, private Dunlap, John, private Dunlap, Thomas, private Dunlap, William, private Dunlap, William, private Dunlap, William, private Dunlap, Wm., private Dunn, Adam, private Dunn, Alex'r, private Dunn, Henry, private Dunn, James, private Dunn, James, Jr., private Dunn, John, private Dunn, John, private Dunn, Phineas, private Dunn, Rich'd, private Dunnals, Jacob, sergeant Dunnavan, Daniel, private Dunnavan, Dan'l, private Dunner, Jacob, private Dunnery, Zophar, private Dunnin, David, private Regiment. HathornKlock KlockCortland Fisher HarperHathorn Wessensfels PawlingMalcomHays Harper Havs Dubois WebsterWemple ClydeClyde Clyde Clyde Clyde ClydeClyde Harper YatesFisher Fisher Webster McCrea Yates Yates Van Veghten Van Veghten Harper Willet HarperFisherVan Woert Van Woert Graham Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Clyde Clyde Crane Armstrong ClydeClydeVan Woert Johnson Van Woert WessenfelsHathorn Clyde Vau Woert KlockWilletVan Veghten Fisher Fisher Cantine FisherLansingWilletPawling WessenfelsFisher Vrooman Pawling Company. BrodheadBradbig Bradbig Veeder Alen Mervin WestfallWestfall McKinsAllen Stevenson LeeHamilton Bancker Leipe Leipe Leipe Leipe Leipe Leipe Ruff Harrison Brown DegraasLittle Long Doty WeltseBrown Winne Putman GrossPutman Little GilmoreHodgesWoodwortb Dunham Dunham Woodworth WoodworthThompson DenningDunham Denning Dunning Ruff Leipe TruesdellMcNittRuffBowmanBrownDotyBrewster Brodhead De Witt BawmanGilmore Hess Livingston Dunham LittleLittle Hasbrouck Little Shepherd Fonda Harrison Wood White Yates Miller Westfall * Served from August 26 to November 27, 1779. A. P. 13-244. t Shot in the right eye inaction near Torlagh, Montgomery county, July 10, 1781. Canajoharie. B 89. 364 Roster of the State Troops. Regiment.Hathorn Van Veghten YatesVan Veghten Van Veghten Van Schoonhoven Van Veghten Drake Drake Drake Crane Klock Dubois Webster Graham Webster WebsterWessenfels Name and Rank. Dunning, David, private Dunning, Eben'r, private Dunning, Ephraim, sergt Dunning, Jesse, sergeant Dunham, Jesse, sergeant Dunning, Jesse, private Dunning, Mich'l, captain Dupe', Ab'm, corporal Dupe, John, sergeant Dupue, Hend'k, private Durand, Francis, private Dure, John, private Durgen, Patrick, private Durgy, James, private Durgy, Leddias, private Durgy, Ledias, private Durgy, Nathan, private Durling, Benj'n, private Duronden, Matt'w, private Wynkoop Duryee, Abm., private Brinckerhoff Duryee, Charles, private Brinckerhoff Dusen, Aaront, private Harper Dusenberry, Chas. , private Luddington Dusenberry, Jervis, priv. Luddington Dusenberry, Moses, priv. Luddington Dusenberry, Rich'd, priv. Drake Dusenberry, Wm., private Luddington Dusenberry, Wm.,* private Dusenberry, Wm., Jr., pr. Luddington Dusenbury, Chas., private Hopkins Dusenbury, Gilbert, priv. Wessenfels Dusenbury, Rich'd, private Drake Dusenbury, Wm., sergeant Hathorn Dusenbury, Wm., corp'l Wessenfels Dusenbury, Will., private Luddington Duskier, Mark, private Clyde Dusler, Jacob, drummer Dusler, Jacob, private Dusler, Jacob, private Dusler, John, private Dusler, Marks, private Dusler, William, sergeant Klock Dutcher, Abm., private Hammond Dutcher, Abm., private Hammond Dutcher, Abrm., private Van Bergen Dutcher, Barnabus, sergt. Hays (?) Dutcher, Barnard, private Pawling Dutcher, Baruk, private Van Cortlandt Dutcher, David, private Dutcher, Henry, private Dutcher, Henry, private Dutcher, Henry, private Dutcher, Isaac, private Dutcher, Isaac, private Dutcher, Jacob, sergeant Dutcher, John, private Dutcher, John, private Dutcher, Lawrence, priv. Dutcher, Lawrence, priv. Dutcher, Peter, fifer Dutcher, Roelif, private Dutcher, Solomon, sergt. Dutcher, Solomon, sergt. Duvell, Benj'n, private Duyckman, Garret, private Hammond Duyo, Ab'm, Jr., private Cantine Duysler, John, private Clyde Duzenbury, Jarves, priv. Drake Duzenbury, William, priv. Wessenfels DweDy, Abner, private Van Veghten Dwyer, John, private Williams Company. Minthorn DenningBrutt Dunham Woodworth Clyde Klock Klock Clyde Clyde Wessenfels Pawling Harper Wessenfels Cooper Hays HaysYatesVan Veghten Yates Van Rensselaer Hays PawlingVan Woert Van Woert Dubois Boyd Boyd Boyd Lewis House Burnet Long Long Long BrowerBrinckerhoff Harrison LaneLane Lane Lane Lane Lane White Conklin Dodge KnappHouse House Klock SutsHouse HouseRighter Comb Orser HoneywellStevensonWilliams Hunter Allen Gardner Smith Stevenson HadlockThompson Smith Hunter Pettit HodgesChamberlain HasbrouckDiffendorf Boyd Dodge Woodworth Rice, Name and Rank. Dybusb, Jacob, private Dyckens, Richard, private Dyckens, Richard, private Dyckens, Thomas, private Dyckert, Henry, private Dyckert, Henry, private Dyckert, Ichafiort, private Dyckman, Ab'm, private Dyckman, Abr'm, + private Dyckman, Benj'n, lieut Dyckman, Benj'n, private Dyckman, Fred'c, private Dyckman, Garret, private Dyckman, Garret, private Dyckman, Hezekiah, priv. Dyckman, Hezekiah, priv. Dyckman, Jacob, private Dyckman, Jacobus, priv. Dyckman, James, private Dyckman, Jno., sergeant Dyckman, Joseph, captain Dyckman, Mich'l, lieut. Dyckman, Mich'l, lieut. Dyckman, Robert, private Dyckman, Wm., private Dyckman, Wm., private Dyckman, Wm., private Dye, Amos, private Dye, John, sergeant Dyer, Azra, private Dyer, Ezra, private Dyer, James, private Dyer, John, sergeant Dyer, John, private Dygart, Petrus S., major Dygart, Wm. H., private Dygert, George, private Dygert, George, private Dygert, Henry, private Dykeman, Joseph, captain Dygert, Peter, private Dygert, Peter, private Dygert, Peter H., sergt. Dygert, Peter H., sergt. Dygert, Peter H., private Dygert, Peter P., private Dygert, Peter P., private Dygert, Peter S., private Dygert, Peter S., corporal Dygert, Peter W., private Dygert, Salbierenus P., p. Dygert, Seffreanes, private Dygert, Seffreanes,Jr., prj Dygert, Sepinus H., priv. Dygert, Sepinus P., priv. Dygert, Sestreanes, priv. Dygert, Severinus, priv. Dygert, Sovrinus, private Dygert, Sovrinus, private Dygert, Sovrinus, private Dygert, Sovrinus H., priv. Deygert, William, sergt. Dygert, William, private Dygert, William, private Dygart, Wm., private Dygert, William, Jr., serg. Dygert, Wm. H., private Dygert, William H., priv. Dygert, William W., serg. Dykeman, Benj'n, private Dytcher, David, private Regiment. Company. Bellinger Huber Cooper Gardner Hays Gardner Hays Gardner Clyde Leipe Clyde Weeser Clyde Weeser Hays Tourneur Drake Drake Kronkhites Pawling Williams Van Rensselaer Bries Drake Kronkhite Drake Wessenfels White Luddington Mead Drake Van Bergen Honeyw Drake Drake Kronkhites Field Pawling Williams Graham Williams Stevenson Malcom Malcom Delavan Drake Kronkhites Van Rensselaer Niles Van Rensselaer Niles Yates Yates Van Veghten Wessenfels Dunham Hardenburg Van Rensselaer Turner Clyde Klock Bradbig Klock Breadbake Klock Zealy Klock Zeely Field Klock Miller Klock Zeely Klock Zeely Klock Bedhig Breadbake Klock Klock Zealy Klock Bedhig Breadbake Klock Klock Bradbig Klock Zealy Klock Zeely Bradbig Klock Klock Bradbig Klock Zealy Klock Zealy Klock Klock Harper Putman Klock Klock Klock Breadbake Klock Zeely Klock Klock Klock Breadbake Klock Hess Klock Miller Klock Cayser Klock . Zeely Klock '' Zeely Klock Bedheg Klock Zealy Fields Dykeman Brinckerhoff Van Bensch * Quartermaster's department. Enlisted 1776 and served five years. Greene county. A. P. 23-1. ¦(¦ Enlisted for six months in 1776; mounted guide in West Chester Co., with rank and pay as captain of the line in 1778 • killed March 4, 1782. Kiugsbridge, N. Y. A. P. 24-358. Roster of the State Troops 365 E. Name and Rank. Eading, Conrath, private Eadle, George, private Eadle, Geo., private Eadle, Hend'k, private Eady, James, private Eady, James, private Eady, James, private Eady, Joshua, private Eady, Zeph, private Eagars, Julius, private Eager, William, private Eager, Wm., private Eagle, John, private Eagles, Thomas, lieut. Eagleston, Jesse, sergeant Eahle, Christ'r, private Eahle, Peter, corporal Eakerly, Benj'n, corporal Eale, William, private Eallit, John, drummer Ean, Cezar, private Ean, Ja's, private Eaply, Philip, private Earcher, Edward, private Earing, Earl, private Earing, Sam'l, private Earing, Sam'l, private Earl, Daniel, sergeant Earl, Daniel, sergeant : Earl, Daniel, private Earl, Daniel, private Earl, David, private Earl, Eph'm, private Earl, Ezra, private Earl, Jon'n, sergt. Earl, Joseph, private Earl, Joseph, private Earl, Moses, corporal Earl, Robert, private Earl, William, Jun'r, priv. Earle, Joseph, private Earls, Daniel, sergeant Earls, Dan'l, Jr., private Earls, David, private Earls, Moses, sergeant Earnel, David, private Earnest, Christ' n, lieut. Earnest, Christian, sergt. Earnest, Christian, private Earnest, Christ'n, sergt. Earnest, Jacob, sergeant Earnest Jacob, corporal Earnest, Jacob, private Earnest, Jacob, private East, John, private Easters, Ben n, private Easton, George, private Eastwood, Abel, private Eastwood, Abel, private Eastwood, Abel, private Eastwood, Benj n, private Eastwood, Benj'n, private Eastwood, Benj'n, private Eastwood, Benj'n, private Eastwood, Dan 1, private Eastwood, Dan'l, private Eastwood, Eben'r, private Eastwood, John, private Eastwood, John, private Eastwood, Nath'l, private Eastwood, Nath'l, private Eatkins, Wm., private Eaton, Able, sorporal Eaton, Elijah, private Eaton, Ephraim, lieut. Eaton, Eph'm, private Eaton, Ephraim, private Eaton James, sergeant Eaton, James, private Regiment. KlockKlock Klock Klock Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Veghten Vrooman Newkirk LansingGrahamHathornWhitingClydeClyde Luddington Klock DrakeHathornHathornKlock Willet Van Rensselaer Van Renselaer Earing Webster Webster WebsterWebster Yates Hopkins Hathorn Armstrong Van Rensselaer Van Alstyn Van Woert Van Alstyn Graham Graham Van Woert Yates Van Alstyn Van Rensselaer FisherFisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Willet Fisher Phillips Williams Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Yates YatesFisher HarperYates Van Rensselaer Clyde Whiting Van Alstyn WilletFisher Fisher Willet Fisher Company. Bradbig Cayser Wagner Cayser Wells Gilmore Brown Thompson Heagar McBride Houston Pearce Bartholf Leipe LeipeLane Breadbake Brodhead Brodhead Cayser Livingston Sharp Husted Brief Long Tozer Tozer BrownWaters Van Dnzer Mervin Tozer Cady Truesdel Brown Truesdel Bostwick Brown Wiltse Truesdel Schermerhorn Yeoman Yeoman Yeoman Yeoman Yeoman Yeoman Fonda YeomanMiller Humphrey LongGilmoreGilmore DotyVanderhoof VanderhoofVanderhoof Stockwell HadlockWeltse Yeoman Harrison Stockwell Yates De Garmo Bawman Davis Ostrander Skinner McMaster Y eoman Gross Yates Name and Rank. Regiment. Eaton, James, private Fisher Eaton, John, private Whiting Eaton, Nath'l, private Eaton, Thomas, private Eaton, Thos., private Eatteck, George, private Eaung, Sam'l, private Ebberson, Benj'n, private Van Rensselaer Ebbersen, Martin, private Van Rensselaer Ecclisimon, John, private Van Rensselaer Ecclisimon, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Eccor, Jerem'h, private Wynkoop Eccor, Martinus, private Eccor, Solomon, private Echert, Jacob, private Eckart, Henry, private Eckart, Jeremiah, private Wynkoop Eckart, Peter, sergeant Yates Eckee, Peter, sergeant Eckelsimor, Peter, priv. Ecker, Abm., private Ecker, Abraham, private Ecker, Abm., private Ecker, Dennis, private Ecker, George, ensign Ecker, George, ensign Ecker, George, sergeant Ecker, George, private Ecker, Geo., private Ecker, Geo., private Ecker, Geo., private Ecker, Geo., private Yates Fisher FisherWilletVan Rensselaer Wynkoop WynkoopWynkoop Wynkoop Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer KlockKlock KlockSchuyler Klock Klock KlockKlock Vrooman Vrooman HarperFisher Ecker, George, Jr., private Klock Ecker, Henry, private Klock Ecker, Jacob, adjutant Klock Ecker, Jacob, lieut. Klock Ecker, Jacob, lieut. Klock Ecker, Jacob, lieut. Klock Ecker, Jacob, quarterm' er Klock Ecker, John, private Ecker, Jacob, private Wynkoop Ecker, John, lieut Klock Ecker, John, private Klock Ecker, John, private Klock Ecker, John, private Ecker, Joost, private Vrooman Ecker, Martin, private Wynkoop Ecker, Nicholas, private Klock Ecker, Nich's, private Klock Ecker, Nich's, private Willet Ecker, Nich's, private Klock Ecker, Solomon, private Van Rensselaer Ecker, Stephen, private Johnson Ecker, Thomas, major Vrooman Eckerson, Corn's, lieut. Pawling Eckerson. Corn's, lieut. Harper Eckerson, Corn's, private Vrooman Eckerson, Corn's, private Vrooman Eckerson, Corn's, private Vrooman Eckerson, Corn's, private Vrooman Eckerson, Corn's Jr., priv, Vrooman Eckerson, Dunis, private Vrooman Eckerson, Duenus, Jr., pr. Vrooman Eckerson, John, sergeant Hays Eckerson, John, private Vrooman Eckerson, Teunis, private Vrooman Eckerson, Teunis, private Vrooman Eckerson, Teunis, Jr., pr. Vrooman Eckerson, Thomas, private Vrooman Eckerson, Thomas, private Vrooman Eckerson, Thomas, private Hays Eckerson, Thomas Jr., pr. Vrooman Ecert, George, private Van Rensselaer Eckert, Jacob, private Wynkoop Eckert, Jan., private Hathorn Eckert, Jerem h, private Wynkoop Eckert, Peter, sergeant Yates Eckert, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Eckert, Solomon, private Yates Company. Yeoman Cady WiltseYeoman Marselus Skinner Odle Schermerhorn Schermerhorn Van Buren Van Buren Van Buren Swart . Swart Swart YatesDe Garmo De Garmo MillerBedhig Suts Hogan Zeely Zealy BreadbakeZeely RichtmyerPutman Veeder BedhigSuts BreadbakeZeely Bedhig FondaBradbig MillerSuts Fonda Breadbake Bedhig Debois Bradbig De Garmo Cross Sacket Lawrence Stubrach Brown Stubrach Miller Rightmier Tourneur BrownRichtmyer Becker Richtmyer Stubrach Brown Tourneur Richtmyer Swart Bogardus SwartYates De Garmo Yates 366 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Eckert, Stephen, private Wynkoop Eckkert, Tom., private Hathorn Eckker, Stephanus, priv. Johnson Eckler, Christ'r, private Clyde Eckler, Christ'r, private Clyde Eckler, Fred'k, private Willet Eckler, Hend'k,, private Clyde Eckler, Henry, private Klock Eckler, Henry, Jr., private Clyde Eckler, John, private Clyde Eckler, John, private Clyde Eckler, Leonard, private Clyde Eckler, Leonard, private Clyde Eckler, Leonard, private Clyde Eckler, Leonard, private Harpers Eckler, Peter, private Clyde Eckler, Peter, private Clyde Edcell, Philip, private Ede, Joshua, private Webster Edel, Joshua, private Dubois Eden, John, private Graham Edgar, David, private Williams Edgar, Wm., private Van Woert Edget Joel, private Hammond Edgor, David, private ' Armstrong Edneeler, John, private Quackenboss Edie. Joshua, private Dubois Edminster, Joseph, private Van Ness Edmiston, William, private Hathorn Edmonds, Matt'w, private Van Veghten Edmonds, Matt'w, private Van Veghten Edmonds, Matt'w, private Van Veghten Edmonds, John, private Van Ness Edmonds, Robt, private Van Veghten Edmunds, Robt., private Van Veghten Edmonds, Samuel, private Juhnson Edmonds, Samuel, private Johnson Edmonds, Samuel, private Piatt Edmonds, Sam'l, private Van Veghten Edmonds, Sam'l, private Van Veghten Edmonds, Tim'y, private Van Veghten Edmunds, Matt w, private Van Veghten Edsall, James, private Hathorn Edsall, John, private Hathorn Edsall, Joseph, private Dubois Edsall, Peter, private Hathorn Edsall, Philip, private Hathorn Edsall, Philip, corporal Hathorn Edwards, Abel, private Willet Edwards, Abel, private Van Veghten Edwards, Abel, private Van Rensselaer Edwards, Dan'l, private Williams Edwards, James, private Hays Edwards, John, qr. mr. ser. Wessenfels Edwards, John, sergeant Wessenfels Edwards, Samuel, private Willet Edwards, Sam'l, private Van Rensselaer Edwards, Simeon, lieut. Williams Edwards, Simeon, lieut. Williams Edwards, Thos., private Malcom Edwards, Tim'y, private Van Veghten Edwards, William, private Harper Edy, Zepheniah, private Van Veghten Edy, Zeph'h, private Van Veghten Een, Ab m, private Cantine Effenaer, Hend'k, private Van Schoonhoven Taylor Effenaer, John, sergeant Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Effenaer, Wilhelmus, priv. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Company. Swart Bogardus GillispyDiffendorf House Cannon House Ruff House DiffendorfHouse Diffendorf House Leipe Putman Diffendorf House MinthornLong Lee Husted McNitt Gilmore McNitt Lee Telford Woodworth Van Woert Thompson WinneMastin Concklin Brodhead ThompsonDunhamVan Woert Dunning Miller McCamply Gano Bailey Bailey Minthorn Fonda Winne King Shepardson Bell Godwin Hunt Fonda KingsShepardson RiceBlakely Woodworth Allen Woodworth Thompson Effener, Joseph, private Schuyle Eganer, John, corporal Pawling Egberson, Jacob, private Webster Egbert, Abraham, private Thomas Egbertson, Jacob, private Armstrong Egenar, Frederick, private Wynkoop Egenor, Jacobus, private Wessenfels Egenor, William, corporal Wynkoop Eggleston, Amos, private Hathorn Egleston, Benj'n, private Livingston Lansing Hunt Childs Purdy McNitt Pawling Van Beuren McCamply Elliot Name and Rank. Egleston, Benj'n, private Egleston, James, ensign Egleston, James, ensign Enl, Peter, corporal Ehl, Petros, private Ehl, William, private Ehle, Anth'y, private Ehle, Harms, private Ehle, John, sergeant Ehle, Mich'l, private Ehle, Wm., private Ehring, John, private Ehts, Adam, private Ebts, Christ'r, private Ehts, John Christ., corpl. Ehts, William, private Eigania, Peter R., private Eigenbrad, Geo., private Eigenbrod, John, private Eigenbrod, Peter I., priv. Eigenbrod, Peter I., Jr., pr. Eigenbroot, John, lieut. Eigenbrot, Peter, private Eighenar, Jacob, private Eighler, John, corporal Eigler, Fred'k, private Eighter, John, corporal Eights, Ab'm, private Evis, Phelix, private Ekelor, And'w, private Eker, George, Jr., private Eker, John, private Eker, Nich's, private Eker, Nich's, private Ekl, Mich'l, private Elder, Joseph, sergeant Elder, Joseph, private Elder, Joseph, private Eldride, Joseph, private Eldridge, Joseph, private Eldridge, Thomas, private Eleazer, Gidney, sergeant Element, Eldert, sergeant Eles, Geo., private Eles, Geo., private Elfendorf, Debois, private Eligh, John, private Eliot, Andrew, private Eliot, Benj'n, lieut. Eliot, Benj'n, Jr., private Eliot, Jacob, corporal Elkenbrack,.John, private Elkenbraugh, Jacob, priv. Elkenbraugh, Philip, priv. Elker, John, lieut. Elkson, Sam'l, private Ellen, Jesse, private Ellen, Thomas, private Eller, John, corporal Eller, John, private Eller, John, private Ellen, John, private Eller,David, private Ellet,James, private Ellet.Joseph, private Ellet, Thomas, private Ellice, James, private Ellicks, Fred'k, private Ellin, James, private Elliot, Benjamin, lieut. Elliot, Benjamin,* private Elliot, Christopher, private Elliot, Christopher, priv. Elliot, Christ'r, private Elliot, Dan'l, private Elliot, Dan'l, private Elliot, Dan'l, private Elliot, David, private Regiment. Company. Van Rensselaer Elliot Luddington Mead Luddington Waterbury Clyde Leip Klock Helmer Klock Zeely Clyde Van Everat Clyde Van Everat Clyde Van Everat Klock Kock Klock Bradbig Van Rensselaer Woodworth Clyde Van Everat Clyde Van Everat Clyde Van Everat Clyde Van Everat Wynkoop De Witt Klock Wagner Klock Wagner Klock Wagner Klock Wagner Klock Helmer Klock Helmer Wynkoop Schoonmaker Harper Putman Vrooman Beecker, I 49. Harper Putman Lansing Brown Malcom Van Bergen Dubois Klock Zeely Veeder Fisher Klock Zeely Klock Zealy Klock Cayser Wessenfels Brewster Wessenfels Brewster Malcom Drake LuddingtonVan Alstyn KnappVan Valkenburgh Van Woert Hodges Hathorn Case Wemple Van Rensselaer Shaw Van Rensselaer Husted Clyde Diffendo Wynkoop Dedrick Fisher Yeoman Fisher Yeoman Van Alstyn Philips Livingston Houserad Livingston Houserad Schuyler Van Aernum Wemple Van Bergen Van Petten Dubois Fonda Wessenfels Livingston Pawling Hunter Pawling Pawling Cantine Hasbrouck Pawling Sackett Wessenfels Hunt Fisher Yates Wessenfels White Wemple Mynderse Schuyler Ostrum Graham Pearce Swartwout Pearce Wessenfels Vandenburgh Wheeler Piatt Lee Armstrong Luddington Knapp Yates Wiltse Vandenburgh Wheeler * Onondaga Co. A. P. 22-327. Roster of the State Troops. 367 Name and Rank. Elliot, Gideon,* private Elliot, Jacob, private Elliot, Jacob, private Elliot, James; private Elliot, John, corporal Elliot, John, private Elliot, John, private Elliot, Joseph, captain Elliot, Joseph, captain Elliot, Joseph, private Elliot, Joseph, private Elliot, Luben, private Elliot, Mich'l, private Elliot, Robert, private Ellis, Benj., private Ellis, Benj., private Regiment. Willet Fisher Van Bergen BenedictVandenburghVan Rensselaer LivingstonVan Rensalaer Fisher Williams Webster Livingston Thomas WebsterVan Renselaer Ellis, Christopher, private Wessenfels Ellis, Christ, private Wessenfels Ellis, Dan'l, private Van Woert Ellis, Geo., private Van Rensselaer Ellis, Henry, private Brinckerhoff Ellis, James, private Wemple Ellis, Jerem'h, private Field Ellis, John, private Willet Ellis, John, private Harper Ellis, John, private Fisher Ellis, Thos., corporal Field Ellis, Wm., private Vau Woert Ellis, Wm., private Van Woert Ellison, David, private Willet Ellison, David, private Harper Ellison, James, private Malcom Ellison, Jerem'h, corporal Wessenfels Ellison, Joseph, private Hays Ellison, Matthew, private Hays Ellison, Samuel, private Pawling Ellison, Sam'l, private Hays Ellison, Samuel, private Harper Elliss, Elijah, private Field Ellit, John, private Drake Eliot, Dan'l, private Webster Eliot, John, private Webster Eliot, Labin, private Webster Eliot, Thomas, private Pawling Eliott, James, fifer Drake Ellwood, Benj'n, private Clyde Ellwood, Benj' n, private Clyde Ellwood, Isaac, private Clyde Ellwood, Peter, private Clyde Ellwood, Rich'd, ensign Clyde Ellsworth, Esick, private Van Rensselaer Ellsworth, Isaac, private Harper Elmendorf, Luas,Jr., priv. Wynkoop Elmendorf, Peter, private Wynkoop Elmendorp, Jacob, private Willet Elmendorp, Jocobus, priv. Hathorn Elmendorph, Abr'm, priv. Wynkoop Elmendorph,. Abr'm, priv. Graham Elmendorph, Aris G., pr. Hathorn Elmendorph, Benj'n, srgt Wynkoop Elmendorph, Coenr't C, p. Wynkoop Elmendorph, Coenr'tE., p. Wynkoop Elmendorp, Coenr'dtC., p. Wynkoop Elmendorph, Coenr'tE., p. Wynkoop Elmendorph, Coenr'tEd.,p. Wynkoop Elmeudorph, C'nr'dt W.,p. Wynkoop Elmendorp, Corn's, lieut. Graham Elmendorph, Corn's C, pr. Wynkoop Elmendorp, Jacob, sergt Willet Elmendorph, Jacob, priv. Schuvler Elmendorph, Jacob, priv. Van Rensselaer Elmendorph, Jacob, priv. Wynkoop Elmendorph, Peter, priv. Wessenfels Elmendorph, Petrus, pr. Hooghteling Elmore, Daniel, private Willet Elmore, Ichabod, private Thomas Elsdorph, Philip, private Wessenfels Elsworth, Wm., private Cantine Else, John, quartermaster Graham Company. Pearcy Noble Yeoman Honeywell Osburn Wheeler Graves Yeoman Shepardson Shaver St John . Long Husted Brewster WestfallHodges Husted Brower Mynderson Hecock PutmanPutman Yates Dykeman Doty Brown Van Rensselaer Bogart McKinstry Hunt Tourneur Gardner LawrenceLawrenceDykeman Haight Pawling Diffendorff HouseDiffendorf Difendorf Diffendorf Allen Allen Pearcy Mervin Van Beuren Husted BogardusVan Beuren Bogardus Van Beuren Swart Van Beuren Swart Van Beuren HustedVan Buren HenrySharp SharpVan Beuren Livingston Newell St John White Ramsen Name and Rank. Elseworth, John, private Elseworth, John, private Elsworth, Abm., private Elsworth, Abm., private Elsworth, Abm., private Elsworth, Alex'r, private Regiment CortlandCantine Wemple Wemple WempleBrinckerhoff Company. Hasbrouck Mynderse WansonBrower Ramsen Elsworth, Benj'n, sergeant Cantine Elsworth, Geo., private Van Schoonhoven Taylor Elsworth, George, private Van Rensselaer Nile Elsworth, Henry, private PawliDg Pawling Wessenfels Pawling Willet Hathorn Willet Pawling GrahamWessenfels LuddingtonWilletVan Rensselaer Elsworth, John, adjutant Elsworth, John, lieut. Elsworth, John, lieut Elsworth, John, ser. Elsworth, John, private Elsworth, John, sergeant Elsworth, John, private Elsworth, John, private Elsworth, Jno., private Elsworth, John, private Elsworth, Peter, captain Elsworth, Philip, private Elsworth, Rufus, private Elsworth, Theop's, ensign Wynkoop Elsworth, Theop's, ensign Wynkoop Elsworth, Wm., ensign Cantine Eltergee, Michael, private Hays Elting, Hend'k, private Van Rensselaer Elting, Hendricus, private Wynkoop Elting, John, sergeant Hathorn Elting, John, sergeant Wynkoop Elting, John, private Van Rensselaer Elting, Peter, private Wynkoop Elting, Peter, Jr., private Wynkoop Elting, William, sergeant ~ Elting, William, Jr., ser. Eltinge, Abram, sergeant Eltinge, John, sergeant Eltinge, Thomas, sergeant Pawling Elvendorf, Tohias, private Clyde Elwart, Sanders, private Hammond Elwell, Ezra, private Elwell, Isaac, private Elwell, Jabez, private Elwell, Jabus, private Elwell, John, private Elwood, Isaac, corporal Elwood, Isaac, corporal Elwood, Isaac,* corporal Eman, Jacob, private Eman, Jacob, private Embody, Heury, sergeant Ement, Eldert, private Emer, Peter, private Emericb, Wilhelmus, priv. Hathorn Emerick, Peter, private Wynkoop Emrick, Peter, private Emerick, Wm., private Emerick, Johannes, corp. Emerick, Peter, private Emerick, William, corp. Emeris, Miller, private Emery, David, private Emery, Wilhelmus, Jr., ser. Wynkoop Emmerick, Johannis, priv. Wynkoop Emmit, Teunis, private Hays Emmons, James, private Hays Empey, Philip, corporal Klock Emphe, John, private Klock Empie, Adam, sergeant Klock Empie, Fred'k, private Klock Empie, Fred'k, private Klock Empie, Frek'k, private Klock Empie, John, private Klock Empie, John, private Klock Empee, John, private Wemple Empie, John, Jr., private Klock Empie, Philip, private Klock Empie, William, private Wemple Wynkoop Wynkoop Van Rensselaer Wynkoop Field Luddington Field Luddington FieldKlockClydeCoxFisherFisher Clyde Wemple Fisher Wynkoop Van Bergen Wynkoop Hathorn Wynkoop Thomas Webster Westfall DodgeWood Elsworth Brodhead Elsworth PawlingHermance CraneHumfrey Van Allen Van Beuren Swart RamsenBlauvelt Philip Van Beuren Bogardus BogardusBogardus Swart Van Beuren Van Beuren Philip Pawling Difendorf BarnumKiddBarnum KiddBarnum Ruff Ruff Diefendoi DegraasVeeder Diffendorf Mynderse DegraasBogardus DeWitt Dedrick HoghtalingBogardus DedrickSt. John Long Dc Witt Ackerson Ackerson Miller Cayser MillerMiller] Klock SutsMillerCayser BanckerMiller Miller Bancker * A. P. 18-264. t Wounded in the right shoulder at Oriskanie, Aug. 6, 1777. Canajoharie Distr., B. 174. 368 Roster of the Slate Troops. Name and Rank. Emrick, John, private Emrigh, John, private Emrigh, Peter, private Emrigh, Peter, private Emrigh, Peter, private Emrigh, Will., corporal Emrigh, Wilhelmus, priv. Emsbury, Nath'l, corporal Emson, Benjamin, private Emson, John, private Emson, John, private Enderly, Peter, private Enders, Jacob, private Enders, Jabob, private Enders, Jacob, private Enders, Jacob, private Enders, Johannis, corporal Enders, John, ensign Enders, John, ensign Enders, John, private Enders, John, private Enders, John, private Enders, John, Jr., private Enders, Peter, private Enders, Peter, private Enders, Peter, private Enders, Peter, private Enders, Peter, Jr., private Enders, Peter, Jun'r, priv. Enders, Peter, Jr., private Enders, Wm., sergeant Enders, Wm., sergeant Enders, Wm., sergeant Enders, Wm., private Endis, John, ensign Endis, Peter, Jr., private Endish, Robert, private Endurs, Jacob, private Eney, Geo., private Eney, Godfrey, private Eney, John, private Engers, James, private England, Benj'n, corporal England, Benjamin, priv. Engle, Wm., private Engles, Geo., private Engles, James, private English, And'w, corporal English, George, private English, John, lieut. English, Robert, private English, Rob't, private English, William, corporal English, William, private English, William, private Engram, Humphrey, priv. Engram, Umphrey, priv. Engram, Umphrey, Sr., p. Engram, Umphrey, Jr., p. Enguson, John, sergeant Engust, John, private Enist, Corn's, private Enist, Peter, private Enist, Wm., private Ennest, Harf man, private Ennest, Peter, private Ennis, Corn's, private Ennis, James, private Ennis, Peter, private Ennis, Peter, private Ennis, Peter, private Ennis, Peter, private Ennis, Peter, private Ennis, Peter, private Ennis, William, private Ennis, William, private Enn ist, Hartman, private Ennist, Hennan, private Ennist, James, private Ennist, Peter, private Ennist William, private Ensan, Laurence, private Regiment. Wynkoop Pawling PawlingPawling Wynkoop Snyder WynkoopPiatt Johnson Johnson Johnson Cantine Vrooman VroomanVroomanVrooman Vrooman Vrooman VroomanVrooman Vrooman VroomanVroomanVrooman Vrooman Vrooman VroomanVrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman VroomanVrooman Dubois Fisher FisherFisherFisher SchuylerFisher FisherPiatt Malcom Willet Willet PawlingPawling WessenfeUDubois Pawling Pawling Whiting Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer KlockKlock CantineCantine Cantine CantineCantine Pawling BrinkerhoffBrinkerhoff Pawling Hammond Cortland WessenfelsWeisenfels Pawling Pawling Cantine Cantine Pawling PawlingWessenfelsDubois t Company. DedrickVan Aken Westbrook Van Aken Swart Kinnue Jansen Jansen Wilkin Hasbrouck Stubrach Brown StubrachMiller MillerStubrachBrown Brown Stubrach Miller Stubrach StubrachBrownMiller Richtmyer Brown Stubrach Miller Stubrach Brown Miller StubrachStubrachBurnetMarselus DegraasDegraa3Degraas Lansing Veeder Veeder Bradbick McKinsti White Gillet Faulkner WestfallHardenbnrBurnet Piercy Piercy VosburghDe Garmo Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Hess Hess HasbrouckHasbrouckHasbrouck Faulkner Storm Storm Faulkner Faulkner De Witt Hasbrouck HasbrouckPiercyWestbrookLivingstonFonda Name and Rank. Regiment. Ensign, James, private Wisner Ensley, Simeon, private Pawling Entice, Conrad, private Fisher Eny, Cutfret, private Fisher Eny, Geo., private Fisher Ercherd, Edward, private Schuyler Erkenbergh, Fite, private Livingston Erkins, David, private ®}f^e Erkson, Henry, private Wemple Erkson, John, sergeant Klock Erkson, John, private Klock Erkson, John, private Klock Erkson, John, private Klock Erkson, Wm., private Wemple Erkson, Wm., private Wemple Ernell, Elisha, sergeant Yates Ernest, Christ., lieut. Fisher Ernest, Jacob, private Fisher Ernest, Matt'w, private Wynkoop Erskine, John, private Klock Ersksen, John, private Klock Erwin, Andrew, adjutant Klock Erwin, James, private Wessenfels Erwin, James, private Erwin, Rob't, sergeant Johnson Erwin, Rob't, sergeant Johnson Erwin, Rob't, sergeant Dubois Esgasinger, John, private Fisher Esdall, John, private Willet Esmay, Thomas, lieut. Quackenboss Esmon, Orey, private Espenno, Anthony, sergt. Pawling Esselstyne, Jacob, sergt. Willet Esselstyne, Rich'd, major Van Rensselaer Ester, Benjamin, sergeeant Graham Ester, Philip, private .Graham Esterman, Christ., sergeant Fisher Eston, Geo., private Williams Eston, Geo., private Webster Etaugh, Conrad, corporal Willet Etch, Jacob, corporal Etewater, Jesse, private Etick, Conradt, private Etig, Geo., private Evans, Amos, private Evans, Amos, private Evans, Ebenezer, private Evans, Eben'r, private Evans, Eben'r, private Evans, Ed'd, private Evans, John, private Evans, Joseph, private Evans, Joseph, private Evans, Nathan, sergeant Evans, Samuel, private Evans, Sam'l, private Evans, Shad, private Evans, William, private Dubois Evens, Samuel, private Willet Evens, Sam'l, sergeant Yates Evens, Thomas, private Field Evens, Thomas, corporal Graham Evens, Thomas, Jr., priv. Field Everitt, George, private Luddington Everitt, George, private Luddington Everitt, Isaac, sergeant Luddington Everitt, Jacob, private Pawling Everman, John, private Hays Everse, Adam, private Fisher Everse, Jno., private Schuyler Eversey, Evert, private Schuyler Everson, Adam, private Fisher Everse, Adam, corporal Fisher Everse, Adam, private Fisher Eversy, Evert, corporal Schuyler Everson, Adam, private Everson, Evert, private Schuyler Everson, Johannis, private Everson, John, private Willet Everson, John, private Everson, John, private Fisher Everson, John, private Fisher Company. Baly Westfall Yates Mabee Mabee Vischer Rockenfelle Bowman Outhout Zealy Breadbake Zeely Bedhig Mynderse Outhout Yates McMasters Yates De Witt Miller Bradbig Godwin Johnson Ostrander Burnet Mabee Tearse WilliamsMarshall WilsonWilson Snook Armstrong Long Cannon De Mont Hamilton Elsworth HerderShephard Chamberlain Tearse Henry Dubois Webster WilletBellingerWessenfelsDubois WiiletWillet Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Willet Percy Williams Armstrong Graham Miller Vrooman Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Willet Wright Van Rensselaer De Garmo Graham Wilson Chamberlain Van Rensselaer Brown DyckmanPearce DyckmanScribner Waterbury Scribner Westfall Blauvelt Veeder Yan Aernum LansingVeeder VeederVeederLansing Fonda Lansing Fonda Elsworth Fonda McMaster Snook Roster of the State Troops. 369 Name and Rank. Everston, Adam, private Everston, John, private Evert, John, private Evert, John, private Everts, Ambrus, private Evertson, Henry, private Everutb, John, private Every, Henry, private Every, Henry, private Every, Jacob, private Every, John, private Every, William, private Evins, Sam'l, private Evoruth, Jacob, private Evory, Jacob McV., private Evris, Phelix, private Evsman, John, private Evsty, Jacob, private Evy, Mich'l, private Eycklon, Fred'k, private Regiment. Fisher Fisher Schuyler Quackenboss Pawling Lansing Malcom Pawling Cantine BrinckerhoffBrinckerhoff WilletYates Malcom Dubois Malcom Bellinger Wynkoop Clyde Van Bergen Company. Yeoman Yeoman Van Wie Van Wie Hunter Brown McKinstry Westbrook Hasbrouck Van Benschoten BrinckerhoffNewell BrownMcKinstryBurnetSmall BawmanWitbeck Name and Rank. Regiment Company. Eycklor, And'w, private Van Bergen Witbeck Eyesman, Stephen, private Bellinger Frank Eygenaar, Jacobus, corpl Pawling Westbrook Eygenaar, Jacobus, priv. Hathorn Bogardus Eygenaar, Johannis, sergt. Pawling Welstbrook Eygenaar, William, corpl. Hathorn Bogardus Eygenar, Corn's, private Wynkoop Eygenar, Jacobus, corporal Wynkoop Eygenar, Peter, lieut. Wynkoop Eygenar, Peter P., private Wynkoop Eygenar, William, corpl. Wynkoop De Witt Eygener, Jacobus, private Wynkoop Dedrick Eygener, Johannis, sergt. Wynkoop Dedrick Eygener, Peter, sergeant Wynkoop Eygener, Peter, Jr., corpl. Wynkoop Dedrick Eygener, Peter P., drum'r Wynkoop Dedrick Eygener, William, private Wynkoop Dedrick Eygenier, Peter P., corpl. Wynkoop De Wiit Eygeniz, Peter, lieut. Wynkoop Dedrick Eyker, John, lieut. Schuyler Lansing F. Faaks, Isaac, private VanRensselaer Schermerhorn Fabush, Jesse, private Graham Magee Facke, Nich's, private Vrooman Heager Faddan, John, sergeant Dubois Dubois Fadden, John, private Van Rensselaer Sharp Faick, Corn's, sergeant Vrooman Stubrach Faick, Nich's, private Vrooman Stubrach Failing, Jacob, private Klock Zeely Failing, John, private Klock Zeely Fairchild, James, private Thomas Miller Fairchild, Matt'w, sergeant Van Schoonhoven Fairchild, Matt'w, private Van Schoonhoven Fairfield, Oliver, private Wessenfels Hunt Fairchild, Stephen, private Van Rensselaer Graves Fairman, John, private Wemple Van Petten Fake, Corn's, lieut. Vrooman Heager Fakes, Geo., private Yates Vandenbergh Faklar, Fred'k, private Van Bergen Witbeck Faladay, Henry, private Van Bergen Witbeck Faick, Joseph, private Vrooman Miller Falconer, John, ensign Thomas Falensby, Jacobus, private Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Falensbo, John, private Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Faling, Lips, private Willet Gross Faliser, John, private Johnson Smith Falk, Jacobus, private Vrooman Stubrach Falk, Isaac, private ' Clyde Brown Falk, Johannis, private Vrooman Stubrach Falk, Johannis, private Wynkoop Dedrick Falk, John, private Wynkoop Van Beuren Falk, William, private Wynkoop Dedrick Falkenbergh,Ab'm, private Wynkoop DeWitt Falkenbargh, Abr'm L., p. Wessenfels Livingston Falkeneer, John, private Crane Lewis Falkonear, John, sergeant Pawling Wood Fanaka, Abr'm, lieut. Wynkoop DeWitt Fanaka, Abr'm, sergeant Wynkoop DeWitt Fancher, Dan'l, private Crane Lewis Fancher, David, lieut. Crane Scofield Fancher, David, private Crane Lewis Fancber, Elijah, private Crane Bouton Fancher, Elisha, private Crane Lewis Fancher, John, private Crane Chapman Fancher, Joseph, sergeant Crane Scofield Fancher, Joseph, sergeant Crane Lewis Fancher, Nath'l, private Crane Lewis Fancher, Squire,* private Crane Lewis Fancher, Wm.,+ private Crane Bouton Fancher, Wm., private Benedict Gould Faney, Christ'r, private Fisher Veeder Fanner, Jacob, private Fisher Yates Fanster, Moses, private Clyde Bawman Fansworth, Eben'r, sergt. Webster Fansworth, Joseph, corpl. Webster Fansworth, Josiah, private Webster Fansworth, Solomon, priv. Webster Farbox, John, private Willet Farbush, John, private Clyde Fare, Petrus, private Schuyler Fargison, Gabriel, private Hays Farguson, Daniel, private Fisher Farguson, Dan'l, private Fisher Farguson, Ephraim, priv. Hathorn Farguson, Gilbert, private Pawling Farguson, Wm., private Fisher Fans, Conrad, private Wynkoop Farley, Caleb, private Wemple Farnham, Asa, sergeant Harper Famworth, Solomon, priv. Armstrong Faro, Christ'r, corporal Schuyler Faro, Christ'r, private Schuyler Faro, Hend'k, corporal Schuyler Faro, Peter, private Schuyler Farrel, Charles, private Fisher Farrel, Dan'l, private Brinckerhoff Farrell, Michael 0., private Wessenfels Farrier, Robert, corporal Hathorn Farrier, Robert, corporal Hathorn Farrinton, Robert, private Van Rensselaer Farris, Ezra, private Field Farris, Jacob, private Yates Farris, James, private Johnson Farris, Lewis, private Yates Farris, Lewis, private Van Rensselaer Farros, Eron, private Willet Farry, Nath'l, sergeant Van Woert Farry, Nath'l, sergeant Van Woert Fars, Christ., private Fisher Fashay, Wm., private Hammond Faster, Watson, private Willet Faucher, Wm., private Crane Faugh, Geo., s. mate Willet Faulkner, Samuel, private Newkirk Faulkner, William, captain Pawling Faulkner, William, captain Newkirk Faulkner, William, private Newkirk Fauncber, Ab'm, sergeant Crane Fauncher, Squire, private Crane Fauster, Moses, private Clyde Feagles, Jacob, private Hathorn Feagles, Jacob, private Wisner Feal, John, private Willet Feanes, Mich'l, private Klock Feather, Wm., private Klock ChildsChilds Childs Childs Skinner Diffendorf LansingTourneur Mabee Snook Miller Fanlkner SnookVan Slyck Vrooman McNitt Lansing Lansing LansingLansingMcMaster Van Wyck LivingstonMinthorn McCamly Woodworth HecockYates Concklin Yates Welp Pettit HodgesDegraas Conine Scofield Faulkner Faulkner Chapman Lewis Bowman Bartholf Bartoff HarrisonBradbig Klock * Badly wounded and crippled at North Castle, March 18, 1781. Poundridge, W. Chester Co. + Shot in both feet by accident June 10, 1781. Farmer, Poundridge. B 165 47 B 164, 1 112. 370 Name and Rank. Feather, Wm., private Federly, Philip, private Feeble, John, private Feeck, Corn's, lieut. Feeek, Corn's, lieut. Feeck, Jacob, private Feeck, Johannis, private Feeck, Nich's, private Feeck, Peter, private Feek, Alex'r, private Feek, Corn's, lieut. Feeke, Nich's, private Feeke, Peter, private Feek, Peter, private Feeks, Joseph, private Feeks, Prior, corporal Feeks, Prior, private Feeks, Prier, private Feeks, Rob't,* corporal Feeks, Robert, private Feeks, Rob't, private Feeling, George, private Feeling, Jacob, private Feeling, Henry, sergeant Feeling, John, private Feeling, Nich's, private Feely, John, private Feench, Joseph, private Feeres, Conradt, private Feero, Abraham, private Feero,. Felty, private Fegles, Jacob, private Fehling, Peter, private Felbush, Jesse, private Felbush, Jesse, private Feling, John, private Feling, John, private Feling, Philip, private Feller, Jacob, corporal Feller, Nicholas, private Feller, Nich's, private Feller, Nich's, private Fellewysen, Abm, private Felling, Andrew, private Felling, George, private Felling, Jacob, private Felling, Peter, corporal Fellows, John, private Fellows, John, private Felta, Johannis, Jr., priv. Felta, Philip, private Felten, Peter, private Felter, Jacob, private Felter, Johannis, private Felter, John, private Felter, Peter, private Felter, Peter, private Felter, Peter, private Felter, Peter, private Felter, Peter, private Felter, Petrus, private Felter, William, private Felty, Petrus, private Felting, Philip, private Feltman, John, private Feltman, John, private Feltman, John, private Felton, John, Jr., private Felton, Benjamin, private Felts, Conrad, private Fenchens, Ed'd, private Fenes, Mich'l, sergeant Fenes, Mich'l, private Fennel, Edward, sergeant Fennel, Ed'd, sergeant Fennel, Edward, private Fenny, Ward, private Fenster, John, private Roster of the State Troops. Regiment. Klock Schuyler Clyde Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman ClydeVroomanVrooman Vrooman Vrooman ThomasThomasThomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Klock KlockClyde Klock Clyde Van Alstyne Fisher Wynkoop WessenfelsVan Bergen Hathorn Clyde Willet Graham Klock Klock Klock SchuyierVan Rensselaer Van Rensselaer SchuylerVan Schoonhoven Clyde Klock Clyde Clyde Van Veghten Van Veghten Wynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Hays Wynkoop Pawling Cooper Hays Hays Harper Wynkoop HaysWynkoop Piatt Hathorn Hathorn Hathorn Wynkoop Wynkoop DrakeDrake Clyde Clyde Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Crane Clyde Company. Bradbig Slyngerland Diffendorf Heager RichtmyerRichtmyer Heager Bowman Heager Heager Heager HubbyLyonsLyons Hobby Lyons Hubby Lyons House House LeipeHouse Ruff Van Valkenburgh Yeomans Pawling Du Bois McCambly Leipe Gross Magee CayserHouse CayserSharpShawSharp SharpVisscherLeipeHelmerLeipe Leipe ThompsonWoodworthDe Witt De Witt Schoonmaker Smith Van Beuren LawrenceGardner Smith Gardner LawrenceSwart Smith Schoonmaker Bradbick Sayre Shepherd Minthorn De Witt BoydBawman Bowman Thompson DunhamThompson Lockwood Difendorf Name and Rank. Fenton, Elijah, ensign Fera, Conradt, private Ferdon, Sam'l, private Ferdon, Tho's, sergeant Feres, Canrad, private Fergison, John, private Ferguson, Benj'n, private Ferguson, Benj'n, private Ferguson, Caleb, private Ferguson, Enos, private , Ferguson, Gilbert, private Ferguson, Gilbert, private Ferguson, Gilbert, private Ferguson, Hezekiah,, priv. Ferguson, Jacob, private Ferguson, Jeremiah, priv. Ferguson, Jerem'h, private Ferguson, Jerem'h, private Ferguson, John, private Ferguson, John, private Ferguson, Peter, private Ferguson, Sam'l, private Ferguson, Samuel, private Ferguson, Thomas, sergt Ferguson, Thomas, private Ferguson, Thomas, private Ferguson, Wm., corporal Ferguson, William, private Ferguson, Uriah, private Fermilar, Philip, private Fero, Coenrad, private Fero, Christian, private Fero, Christian, private Fero, Peter, corporal Fero, Peter, private Fero, Peter, private Fero, Peter, private Fero, Stephen, ensign Fero, William, private Ferrand, John, surg. maj. Ferres, John, private Ferres, Justus, private Ferress, Rich'd, private Ferrier, Robert, private Ferrier, Robt., private Ferril, Amherst, private Ferrington, Jos., private Ferris, Alexander, private Ferris, Benj'n, private Ferris, Caleb, private Ferris, David, lieut Ferris, David, lieut. Ferris, Caron, private Ferris, Ezra, corporal Ferris, Ezra, private Ferris, Ezra, private Ferris, Ezra, private Ferris, Gideon, private Ferris, Jacob, private Ferris, James, private Ferris, James, private Ferris, Jonathan, sergeant Ferris, Jonathan, private Ferris, Jno., private Ferris, John, private Ferris, John, private Ferris, John, private Ferris, John, private Ferris, Jon'n, private Ferris, Joseph, private Ferris, Joshua, private Ferris, Reuben, lieut. -col- Ferris, Sam'l, drummer Ferris, Samuel, private Ferris, Samuel, private Ferris, Samuel, private Ferris, Seth, corporal Ferris, Silvanus, private Regiment. HathornWynkoopWeisenfel3 WeisenfelsWynkoop Hays Dubois Van Rensselaer Willet Wessenfels Wessenfels Vandenburgh Willet Van Alstyn Wessenfels Vandenburgh Van Rensselaer Vrooman Luddington Van Schoonhoven Johnson Johnson Drake Luddington Luddington Dubois Hathorn Graham FieldHathorn Hathorn WynkoopWynkoopHathorn Pawling Wynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Cooper Crane Field Drake Hathorn Wisner Van Veghten Brinckerhoff Pawling Crane Drake Drake Drake Willet Pawling Wessenfels PawlingLuddingtoa Pawling Van Veghten Pawling Crane Benedict Thomas Pawling Thomas DrakeThomas Drake Drake LnddingtoD Crane Pawling Thomas Thomas Hopkins Company. SchoonmakerDodge Tourneur Lee Schermerhorn CaDnonThompson Thompson Wheeler Marshall Van Buren Thompson Wheeler Schermerhorn MillerScribner TaylorRoosa JohnsonKnapp ScribnerDe Mont Shepherd VailDykemanBogardus Mervin BogardusWestbrookDe Wit' LewisDyckman Boyd MinthornBaly Brinckerhoff Livingston Lawrence Boyd Boyd Haight Welp Livingston Shephard LivingstonMead Livingston WinneSacket LewisOsburn St. John Sackett St. John Stevenson Haight LyonBoyd Stevenson Boyd Lewis Livingston Lyon Hubby Talmadge Stevenson * Shot in the head and lost left eye, taken prisoner in West Chester Co. Decb'r 20, 1780, exch'd Sept. 3, 1781. Shoemaker, North Castle, W. Ch. Co., later Ballston, Albany Co. B. 144, Bb, 76. Roster of the State Troops. 371 Name and Rank. Ferris, Sylvenus,* private Ferris, Thomas, sergeant Ferris, Thomas, private Ferris, Wm., sergeant , Ferris, Wm., private Ferriss, Benj'n, private Ferriss, Gould, private Ferriss, James, private Ferriss, James, private Ferriss, Jonathan, private Ferriss, Peter, sergeant Ferrol, Daniel private Ferry, Eben'r, private Ferry, Ebenezer, private Ferster, George, private Fetherly, John, private Fetherly, Philip, private Fetterly, John, private Fetterly, John, private Fetterly, John H., private Fetterly, John T., private Fevinegea, John, corporal Fey, George, ensign Fey, Geo., private Fey, George, Jr., private Fidler, Godfrey, private Fidler, Godfrey, private Fie, Geo., private Field, Jesse, private Field, Jesse, private Field, Jesse, private Field, Jesse, private Felter, Johannis, sergeant Field, John, colonel Field, Nathan, private Fiele, Johannis, private Fieris, Coenradt, private Fieris, Coenrad, private Fiero, Abm., private Fiero, Christian, private Fiero, Christian, Jr., priv. Fiero, Christ'n, private Fiero, John, private Fiero, John C., private Fiero, John C, private Fiero, Peter, private Fiero, Stephen, ensign Fiero, Stephen, private Fiero, William, private Fiero, Wm., private Fierns, Coenradt, private Fighter, And'w, corp'l File, Geo., private File, Geo., Jr., private Filer, William, private Files, George, private Files, Henry, private Files, Jacob, corporal Files, John, private Files, Philip, private Filkins, Abr'm, private Filkins, Henry, corporal Filkins, Henry, private Filkins, James, private Filkins, Johan's, private Filler, Nich's, Jr., private Filmore, Richard, private Filpse, Abner, private Filsey, Timothy, private Finch, Amos, private Finch, And'w, major Finch, Comfort, private Finch, Ebenezer, private Finch, Eben'r, private Finch, Elnathan, corporal Finch, Hanjost sergeant Finch, James, Jr., private Regiment. Pawling Thomas Hopkins CraneCrane Crane Crane Thomas Crane Hopkins Webster Armstrong Vrooman SchuylerSchuylerClyde Piatt Clyde Clyde Klock Klock Klock KlockWillet Harper Fisher Wessenfels Hopkins FieldFieldHaysHopkinsWynkoop Private Wynkoop Pawling Wynkoop Wynkoop Snyder Van Bergen WykkoopWynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Pawling Clyde Fisher Fisher Webster Fisher FisherFisher Willet - Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Willet Hathorn Hopkins WilletHopkinsYatesVan Rensselaer WessenfelsKlockDrake Company. Sackett Thomas Talmadge HumfreyLockwood Bouton Scofield Bouton Sackett Lockwood Brinkerhoff Childs SlyngerlandtSlyngerlandt LeipeBreadbake Leipe Leipe Zeely Righter Cayser Righter FondaPutman Wemple Hunt Barnum Barnum Barnum Smith Lane SwartPawling SwartLivingston Dedrick Swart Witbeck De Witt Dedrick DedrickDedrick De Witt De Witt Dedrick Livingston Brown Wemple Wemple Sherwood Fonda Wemple Putman Yeoman Tearse Schermerhorn Woodworth WoodworthSchermerhornWoodworth De Forest Marshall Humfrey Bogardus Water Talmadge De GarmD Hunt KlockHaight Name and Rank. Finch, John, lieut. Finch, John, lieut. Finch, John, lieut. Finch, John, sergeant Finch, John, private Finch, John, private Finch, John, private Finch, Jonathan, sergeant Finch, Jonathan, Sr., corp Finch, Jonathau, Jr., corp. Finch, Jon'n, private Finch, Jon'n, -f private Finch, Nath'l, adjutant Finch, Nath'l, private Finch, Peter, private Finch, Philip, private Finch, Philip, private Finch, Philip, private Finch, Reuben, private Finch, Reuben, private Finch, Samuel, sergeant Finch, Samuel, corporal Finch, Sam'l, private Finch, Silvanus, private Finch, Sylvanus, private Finch, Solomon, lieut. Finch, Solomon, private Finch, William, private Finch, Wm., private Finck, And'w, private Finck, Christian, private Finck, Christ'r, private Finck, Hanyost, private Finck, John, lieut Finck, John, sergeant Finck, Peter, private Finck, Peter, private Finck, Peter, private Finck, Peter, private Finck, Wm., private Finck, Wm., private Finck, Wm., private Finck, William, Jun'r, pr. Finck, William, Jun'r, pr. Findenck, Jacob, private Fine, And'w1, private Fine, Francis, private Finel, Edward, sergeant Finger, John, private Fink, Christian, private Fink, Christ, private Fink, Will, corporal Fink, William, private Fink, William, private Fink, Wm., Jr., private Finkey, John, corporal Finn, Anthony, lieut Finn, Henry, private Finney, Isaac, private Finny, Ward, private Fingue, John, private Finslor, John, private Finsly, James, private Finster, H annis, private Finster, John, private Fire, Leonard, private Fireligh, Samuel, drum'r Firkins, Gordon, private Firrann, John, surgeon Fish, Abner, private Fish, Abner, private Fish, Abr'm, private Fish, Benj'n, private Fish, Caleb, private Fish, Eph'm, sergeant Fish, Eph'm, corporal Fish, Ephraim, fifer Regiment. Klock Wessenfels WessenfelsKlock HopkinsDrakeCrane Thomas Hays Hays ThomasThomasHathorn Luddington Vrooman Wessenfels Thomas Hopkins Luddington Luddington Van Veghten PawlingVan Veghten Luddington Hopkins HathornHathorn Klock Vrooman Klock Klock KlockKlockKlock Klock Vrooman VroomanVrooman VroomanVrooman Vrooman VroomanKlockKlockFisher FisherFisher Van Veghten Van Rensselaer Klock KlockKlock Klock Vrooman Klock Schuyler Hathorn Willet Van Rensselaer Luddington Dubois Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Bellinger Bellinger Van Bergen WynkoopCantineHaysGraham Van Veghten Yates Van Veghten Graham Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Company. Zealy Shephard Pawling Breadbake LaneHaight Lockwood SackettStevenson StevensonSacket Moseman Scribner Stubrach WhiteHubby Wheeler Scribner Waterbury Westfall Denning Scribner Lane Minthorn Breadbake Suts Klock KlockZeely Zeely Breadbake Stubrach BrownMiller Stubrach Miller StubrachRichtmyer ZeelyBreadbake WempleYatesYates Woodworth Elliot Klock Suts Helmer Miller Miller Zealy Lansing BaileyPearcyKingWaterbury Dubois DeGarmoHerder Staring WitbeckHasbrouck Sherwood Thompson Brown Van Woert Husted Van Woert Van Woert Woodworth * Shot through the cheeks and jawbone broken at North Castle, Sept. 5, 1781. Albany Co. C 42. + Shot in right arm on a reconnoissance near Cortlandt Manor April 21, 1780. Tailor, late of Bedford, now of Fredericks burgh, Westchester Co., later Ballston, Albany Co. 372 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Fish, Eph'm, private Fish, Eph'm, private Fish, Eph'm, private Fish, John, private Fish, Joseph, private Fish, Joseph, private Fish, Joshua, private Fish, Joshua, private Fish, Levi, private Fisb, Moses, corporal Fish, Nathan'l, adjt. Fish, Nathan, private Fish, Pardon, private Fishback, Henry, private Fishback, Henry, private Fishback, Henry, sergeant Fishback, Henry, private Fisher, Abijah, private Fisher, Ab'm, private Fisber, Adam, private Fisher, Amos, sergeant Fisher, Amos, sergeant Fisher, Christian, private Fisher, Christ' d, private Fisher, Christ'r, private Fisher, Christ'r, private Fisher, Colouel, private Fisher, Daniel, private Fisher, Dan'l, private Fisher, Elijah, sergeant Fisher, Elisha, private Fisher, Fred'k, colonel Fisher, Garret, private Fisher, George, private Fisher, Gilbert, private Fisher, Harmanus, private Fisher, Henry, sergeant Fisher, Henry, sergeant Fisher, Henry, private Fisher, Jacob, private Fisher, Jacob, private Fisher, Jerem'h, private Fisher, John, captain Fisher, John, private Fisher, Joseph, private Fisher, Nath'l, sergeant Fisber, Nath'l, private Fisher, Samuel, private Fisher, Sam'l, private Fisher, Sam'l, private Fisher, Teunis, private Fisher, Wm., private Fisher, Will, private Fishly, Benjamin, private Fisk, Ab'm, private Fisk, Joseph, private Fisk, Wm., private Fisk, Will, private Fitch, Asa, private Fitch, Doctor, private Fitch, Doctor, private Fitch, Elisha, private Fitch, Elijah, Fitch, Elitha, private Fitch, John, private Fitch, Jub'r, private Fitch, Palethia, private Fitch, Yore, private Fitchet", Francis, private Fitchpatrick, Peter, private Fitzgerald, Christ'r M.,pr. Fix, Philip, private Fix, Priah, private Flack, Arch d, private Flack, James, private Flack, James, private Flack, Peter, corporal Flack, Peter, private Flagellend, Joseph, private Regiment, Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten WebsterHopkins Van Veghten Van Veghten HopkinsHathorn Hammond Van Veghten KlockKlock Fisher Fisher Thomas Yates Van Rensselaer Van Woert Van Woert Van Rensalaer Yates Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer HopkinsThomas SchuylerVan Rensselaer Thomas Fisher Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten YatesVan Rensselaer Yates FisherHammond ThomasLuddingtonField HammondHammond Van Schoonhoven Van Woert Van Woert Hays YatesVan Rensselaer Graham Van Rensselaer WilletWebsterArmstrong Webster Graham Webster Van Schoonhoven Whiting Armstrong Graham Hammond Fisher Pawling Klock Thomas, Van Veghten Armstrong Graham Bellinger Clyde Van Rensselaer Company. Woodworth Van Woert Dunham Long Talmadge HumfreyVan Woert WinneHumfrey Talmadge Requa WoodworthZealy Breadbake Little LittlePurdy Brown Vanderhoof Gilmore Brown Vanderhoof Yates DeGarmoVanderhoof , Waters Humfrey Horton Ostrum Vanderhoof PurdyFisher Van Woert WoodworthVan Woert Hadlock Vanderhoof Brown Orser Miller Mead Hecock Requa Horton Visscher PettitMcKillip StevensonHadlock Turner Lansing Turner LivingstonMcNittMcNitt Long Sherwood McNitt Collins (?) Salisbury McNitt Conklin Degraas Livingston ZeelySt. John Woodworth Armstrong FrankLeipe Staats Name and Rank. Flagg, John^ sergeant Regiment Willet Harper Klock Klock Klock KlockKlock Klock KlockKlockKlock KlockKlock Willet Willet Quackenboss Schuyler Flanburah, William, priv. Flauder, Dan'l, private Flander, Hend'k, private Flander, Hend'k, private Flander, Hend'k, private Flander, Jacob, private Flander, Jacob, private Flander, John, private Flander, John, private Flander, John, private Flander, Teanuse, private Flander, Tunis, private Flanders, Henry, private Flanders, Jacob, private Flannigan, Dan'l, private Flansburg, Jno., lieut. Flansburgh, David, private Schuyler Flansburgh, Jno., sergeant Schuyler Flansburgh, John, corporal Quackenboss Flansburgh, Matt'w, lieut. Schuyler Flansburgh, Matt'w, priv. Willet Flansburgh, Matt'w, priv. Quackenboss Flansburgh, Wm., lieut. Schuyler Fleman, Solomon, private Malcom Flemin, Forton, private Malcom Fleming, Aasa, private Harper Fleming, Asa, private Willet Fleming, Thomas, private Field Flensburgh, Anthony, priv. Willet Flensburg, Dan'l, private Quackenboss Flensburgh, Dan'l, private Schuyler Flensburgh, Dan'l, private Quackenboss Flensburgh, David, private Schuyler Flensburgh, David, private Quackenboss Flensburgh, John, sergeant Quackenboss Flensburgh, Matt'w, lieut. Quackenboss Flensburgh, Peter, private Schuyler Flensburgh, Peter, private Quackenboss Flensburgh, Peter, Jr., pr. Quackenboss Flensbury, John, lient Flensbury, Matt'w, lieut. Flensbury, Will., lieut. Flin, David, private Flin, John, private Flin, Patrick, private Flin, Patrick, private Flind, Adam, ensign Flind, Alex'r, private Flind, Corn's, private Flind, Robt., sergeant Fling, Patrick, private Fling, Thos., private Fl;nn, David, private Flint, Alex'r, private Flint, David, private Flint, John, private Flipse, Ab'm, private Flipsey, Harmanus, priv. Flisue, Philip, corporal Flitcher, John, private Floods, John, private Floods, John, private Company. Gillet. Drake Wagner HessRighterWagner Hess WagnerHessRighterWagner Hess RighterGross Gross Van Wie Hogan Van Wee Van Wee HoganHole Hogan Blakely McKinstry Vrooman Gross Hecock Gillet Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan Hunter Van Schoonhoven Collins Van Veghten Woodworth Brinckerhoof BowmanBowmanBowman Bowman Woodworth Schuyler Schuyler QuackenbossPawling Brinckerhoff ClydeClydeClyde Clyde Van Veghten Malcom Pawling Clyde Whiting Clyde Fisher WilletFisherWillet Crane Benedict i, pn Flounsburgh, Anthony, pr. Willet Flowers, Benj'n, private Brinckerhoff Flue, John, private Flyn, John, private Flynn, Patrick, private Foes, Geo., private Foght, John M., lieut Forgus, Christ'n, private Folant, Jacob, private Foldger, Benjamin, private Wemple Folensby, Jeroom, private Van Rensselaer Folent, Jureo, private Wynkoop Folger, Thomas, private Wemple Folger, Thomas, private Wemple Folger, Tho's, private Wemple Folgert, John, private Clyde LivingstonVan Everat GilbertVan Everat Marselis Gross HarrisonChapman Gould Hole Brinckerhoof DrakeVan Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Drake Willet DuboisGraham Wynkoop Pearcy Gano Muller Schoonmaker Wanson Staats SchoonmakerMynderse BanckerWanson Leipe * Albany county. A. P. 21-3 Roster of the State Troops. 373 Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Foght, John Morris Hathorn Fogurson, John, private Pawling Westfall Folensby, Jerone, private Van Rensselaer Staats Folingcrook, Christ'r, priv. Fisher Fisher Folke, , surgeon Fisher Folkert, John, private Clyde Bowman Folkest, John, private Clyde Leipe Follet, John, private Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Follet, John, private Schuyler Tillman Folmer, Christ'n, private Bellinger Herder Folmer, Coenradt, private Bellinger Frank Folmer, Coenradt, private Bellinger Herder Folmer, Counraud, private Van Schaick Folmer, Conrod, private Willet Cannon Folmer, Cunrad, private Harper Putman Folmer, Thomas, private Bellinger Herder Folmer, William, private Van Rensselaer Folmer, Wm., private Van Schaick Fols, Coenradt, corporal Bellinger Small Fols, Coenradt, private Bellinger Herder Fols, Conradt C, private Bellinger Herder Fols, Geo., corporal Bellinger Herder Fols, Jacob, private Bellinger Herder Fols, Jost, sergeant Bellinger Herder Fols, Melger,, sergeant Bellinger Herder Fols, Peter, private Bellinger Small Follent, Jury, private Wynkoop Schoonmaker Foltz, Coenradt, sergeant Bellinger Staring Foltz, Coenradt, private Bellinger Frank Poltz, Geo., corporal Bellinger Frank Foltz, Jacob, private Bellinger Frank Foltz, Hanyost,* private Klock Herder Foltz, Melchior, private Klock Herder. I 20. Foltz, Minard, sergeant Bellinger Frank Foltz, Peter, corporal Bellinger Herder Foltz, Peter, private Bellinger Frank Fonda, Abraham, captain Willet Fonda, Abraham, lieut. Willet Gray Fonda, Adam, private Fonda Fonda, Adam, private Fisher Fisher Fonda, Aldert, private Yates Wiltse Fonda, Corn's, private Van Rensselaer Fonda, Francis, private Van Veghten Fonda, Isaac, ensign Lansing Forest Fonda, Isaac, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Fonda, Isaac v., ensign Van Veghten Thompso Fonda, Isaac H., private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Fonda, Jacob, private Yates Wiltse Fonda, Jacob, private Lansing Brown Fonda, Jacobus, sergeant Van Rensselaer Price Fonda, Jeles, captain Wemple Fonda, Jeles, lieut Wemple Mynderse Fonda, Jelles P., private Wemple Bancker Fonda, Jellis, adjt Graham Fonda, Jellis, Captain Willet Fonda, Jellis A., lt. and adj. Willet Fonda, Jellis, lieut. Graham Hermance Fonda, Jno., lieut. Van Renss Sharp Fonda, John, private Willet White Fonda, John, private Fonda Fonda, John, private Fisher Fisher Fonda, John, private Van Reneselaer Staats Fonda, John H., corporal Van Schoonhoven Visschei Fonda, John H., private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Fonda, Jno. I., major Van Rensselaer Fonda, John I., lieut Van Renselaer Sharp Fonda, John P., lieut Schuyler Scharp Fonda, Jonda, It and q. m. Willet Fonda, Peter A., lieut. Piatt Kinnue Fonda, Peter A., lieut. Van Rensselaer Fonday, Ab'm, private Yates Brown Fonday, Ab'm, D., major Schuyler Fonday, Isaac, ensign Van Veghten Thompson Fonday, Isaac, ensign Van Veghten Dunham Fonday, Jacob, private Schuyler Vischer Fonday, Jacob D , ensign Van Veghten Thompson Fondey, John, Jr., ensign Cuyler Fone, Adam, private Clyde Diffendorf Name and Rank. Regiment. Foneyea, John, private Klock Fontaman, Fred'k, private Wessenfels Fonyea, John, private Fooler, Gershom, private Foort, Dan'l, private Foort, Peter, corporal Foort, Peter, private Foort, Peter, private Foort, Silas (?) private Foot, Andrias, corporal Foot, Asa, private Foot, Darius, private Foot, Evets, private Foot, John, corporal Foot, John, private Foot, John, private Foot, John, private Foot, John, private Foot, Samuel, private Foot, Simeon, corporal Foot, Simeon, private Forbes, William, private Forbes, Wm. G., private Forbus, William, private Forbush, Isaac, private Forbush, John, private Forbush, Nich's, private Forbush, Samuel, private Force, Daniel, private Force, Daniel, private Force, Henry, private Force, Oliver, private Force, Tim'y, private Force, Timothy, private Ford, Abel,, private Ford, Abi'a, private Ford, Arche, fifer Ford, Ashe, fifer Ford, Asher, fifer Ford, Benjamin, ensign Ford, Isaac, private Ford, James, fifer Ford, John, drummer Ford, Nathaniel, lieut Ford, Nath'l, lieut. Ford, Nath'l, lieut Ford, Nath'l, lieut. Ford, Nath'l, private Ford, Thomas, private Ford, Thos., pnvate Ford, Wm., private Forde, Archer, fifer Fordt, Abr'm, sergeant Fordt, Dan'l, sergeant Fordt, John, corporal Fordt, Nich's, sergeant Fordt, Nich's, private Klock Quackenboss Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Drake Klock WhitingWillet Whiting Wessenfels Pawling Van Rensselaer Whiting Willet Malcom JohnsonJohnson Johnson Clyde Clyde Clyde Hopkins Webster Armstrong Graham Webster Webster ArmstrongWhiting Whiting Van Veght Pawling Willet Whiting Wessenfels Hopkins Van Rensselaer Willet Yates Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Veghten Van Woert Van Veghten Van Veghten Yates Company. Bradbig BreadbakeWhiteside Brown Doty Whiteside LawrenceHouse Davis Wright Howley Davis Pawling Pawling Humfrey Cady DavisGrayDelavanOstrander Jansen Cross Weeser Diffendorf DygertTalmadge LongPearce Long Davis Salisbury Van Woert Wood A.P. 18-306, 19-107 Salsbury Shephard Waters VanderhoofGray HadlockDeGarmo Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Thompson Hodge Thompson Van Woert Brown Brown YatesVan Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Visscher Fordt, Nich's, Jr., private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Fordt, Simon, quar. mr. Van Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Schuyler Johnson Johnson Lansing Fisher Fordt, Simon, private Foreast, Jacob, captain Foresight, Wm., private Forest, Isaac D., captain Forest, Matt'w, private Forgason, James, corporal Willet Forgason, John, private Cooper Forgason, Thomas, private Hays Forge, Henry, private Vandenburgh Forgerson, Daniel, private Fisher Forgerson, Tho's, private Drake Forginson, Wm., private Fisher Fork, Daniel, private Hammond Fork, Isaac, private Clyde Forkamaer, Jno., private Crane Forkenear, John, private Crane Forkes, Daniel, pnvate Fisher Forks, William, sergeant Clyde Forman, Gilbert, sergeant Drake McMaster Hole Gardner AckersonWheeler Yeoman Haight Orser Bowman Scofield Fisher Diffendorf * Wounded in right arm and shoulder near German Flats, July 9, 1779. Kingsland Distr., Montgomery Co. C. 75, I. 19. 374 Roster of (he State Troops. Name and Rank. Forman, Gilbert, private Forman, Miles, private Forman, Miles, private Fornbrooke, Christ'n, priv. Forneyea, John, corporal Forrest, James, sergeant Forrest, Matthew, sergeant Forrest, Matt'w, private Forrest, Matt'w, private Forsher, John, private Forster, George,* private Forster, Jacob, private Forsyth, William, private Fort, Abm., private Fort, Andrew, corporal Fort, Andries, corporal Fort, Dan'l, sergeant Fort, Dan'l, sergeant Fort, Daniel, corporal Fort, Dan'l, corporal Fort, Dan'l, private Fort, Jacob, lieut. Fort, Jacob, sergeant Fort, Jacob, private Fort, John, sergeant Fort, John, sergeant Fort, John, sergeant Fort, John, corporal Fort, John, corporal Fort, John, private Fort, John, private Fort, John, private Fort, John, private Fort, John, private Fort, John, private Fort, John D., sergeant Fort, John D., private Fort, John I., private Fort, Lewis, private Fort, Lewis, private Fort, Lewis, private Fort, Nich's, private Fort, Nich's c., private Fort, Simon, private Forlatt, John, private Fortt, Daniel, corporal Fortt, Dan'l, corporal Fortt, Jno., private Fortt, Peter, private Fosborough, Peter, private Fose, Consider, private Foshea, John, private Foster, Abm., private Foster, Abm., private Foster, Absalom, private Foster, Benjamin, sergeant Foster, David, private Foster, Jacob, private Foster, John, private Foster, John, sergeant Foster, John, private Foster, John, private Foster, John, private Foster, John, private Foster, John, private Foster, Jon'n, private Foster, Jon'n, private Foster, Nathan, private Foster, Nath'l, private Foster, Rich'd, private Foster, Samuel, private Foster, Samuel, private Foster, Samuel, private Foster, Sam'l, private Foster, Seth, private Foster, Seth, private Foster, Thos., private Foster, Wm., private Regiment. Drake Thomas Thomas Fisher Klock Hathorn FisherFisher FisherHammond Vrooman Vrooman JohnsonYatesKlock KlockVan Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Van Woert YatesYatesYatesWilletWempleWemple Yates YatesYates Willet YatesVan Woert Van Rensselaer Yates Yates WempleWemple YatesYatesYatesYatesVan Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Van Rensselaer Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert WeisenfelsVan Rensselaer Crane WebsterArmstrong WessenfelsPawling Field SchuvlerWilletWilliamsWebster ClydeGraham Crane Van Ness Graham Van Veghten Clyde FieldArmstrong WessenfelsPawlingWillet Field Field Field Van Veghten Van Schoonhoven Company Thomas Lyons YeomanBedhig McCamley McMasterMcMaster Degraas Requa BrownBrown Jansen Yates Zeely House Van Denburgh Visscher Visscher WellsBrown Van Denburgn Yates GilletVan Slyck BanckerYates Brutt Yates SkinnerYates Wells De Garmo Brown Weltse Bancker Bancker YatesBrutt YatesBrown VisscherVisscher VisscherRockfellerWhiteside Gilmore Gilmore Gilmore Niles LawrenceChilds McNitt Shephard WilliamsBarnum OstrumSkinner McNitt McNitt Ruff BostwickChapman Sherwood Ruff Hecock McNitt Shephard Wood WrightBarnum Dyckman BarnumHicks Name and Rank. Regiment. Foster, Wm.,t private Whiting Foster, Wm., private Van Veghten Foster, Will., private Van Veghten Fotis, Counraud, private Van Schaick Fountain, Enos, sergeant Wessenfels Foush, John Peter, priv. Hathorn Fowler, Austin, private Brinckerhoff Fowler, Caleb, private Hopkins Fowler, Dan'l, private Dubois Fowler, Geo., sergeant Webster Fowler, Geo., sergeant Webster Fowler, George, private Webster Fowler, George, private Armstrong Fowler, George, private Williams Fowler, Geo., private Van Woert Fowler, George, private Van Woert Fowler, Geo., private Cortland Fowler, Geo., private Wessenfels Fowler, Gilbert, private Hays Fowler, Gilbert, private Hays Fowler, Isaac, lieut. Johnson Fowler, Isaac, private Van Woert Fowler, Isaac, private Van Woert Fowler, Isaac, private Drake Fowler, Jabez, private Drake Fowler, James, corporal Drake Fowler, James, private Fisher Fowler, James, private Wynkoop Fowler, Jase, private Drake Fowler, John, private Van Schoonhoven Fowler, John, private Van Woert Fowler, John, private Graham Fowler, Jon'n, private Willet Fowler, Joseph, private Pawling Fowler, Joseph, private Brinckerhoff Fowler, Joshua, private Hammond Fowler, Levy, private Yates Fowler, Lewis, corporal Hays Fowler, Martin, private Drake Fowler, Mayers, private Willet Fowler, Morrel, private Van Woert Fowler, Morris, private Van Rensselaer Fowler, Moses, private Thomas Fowler, Moses, private Hammond Fowler, Nehemiah, private Wessenfels Fowler, Reuben, private Drake Fowler, Solomon, corporal Drake Fowler, Solomon, private Drake Fox, Christian Wm., major Klock Fox, Christop'r, major Klock Fox, Christ'r, private Klock Fox, Consider, private Klock Fox, Daniel, sergeant Klock Fox, Dan'l, sergeant Klock Fox, Hiel, private Whiting Fox, John, private Bellinger. Fox, Jon'n, private Livingston Fox, Jon'n, private Fox, Jon'n, private Van Rensselaer Fox, Joseph, corporal Klock Fox, Joseph, private Klock Fox, Joseph, private Klock Fox, Lemuel, private Pawling Fox, Lips W., private Klock Fox, Nath'l, private Willet Fox, Nath'l, private Yates Fox, Oliver, private Pawling Fox, Oliver, Jr., private Field Fox, Peter, corporal Klock Fox, Peter, private Klock Fox, Peter, private Willet Fox, Peter, private Clyde Fox, Peter, corporal Klock Fox, Peter, private Klock Fox, Peter P., private Klock Fox, Philip P., private Klock Fox, Stofel, private Klock Fox, Stoffel, private Klock Company. Bostwick Denning Woodworth Hunt Miller Van Wyck BarnumBurnet Thomas Hamilton McNittMcNitt Hamilton Wells Brown SmithHogencamp Wilkin WellsGilmoreBoyd Delavan BoydYoeman Schoomake Strang Taylor WhitesideVailLivingston Williams BrinckerhoffHadlockAckersonBoyd PutmanWhiteside Shaw Purdy Godwin Boyd BoydBoyd MillerSchermerhorn HessWagner BostwickFrankPulver Humfre ElliotHessHess Wagner Williams Wagner Wright Williams Dyckman Cayser Ruff Gross Ruff Hess WagnerWagner Wagner Wagner Miller * Captured by Indians at Cobleskill, September 2, 1780, released November, 1781. A. P. 16-63. t Eye shot out and captured at Moses Creek, Albany Co., July 30, 1777. Weaver, Upper Salem, Westchester Co., B. 38, I. 1. Roster of the State Troops. 375 Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Fox, William, lieut. Klock Miller Fox, William, private Klock Miller Fox, William, private Clyde Diffendorf Fox, Will., private Klock Wagner Fradenbergh, Isaac, priv. Schuyler Lansing Fradenburgh, John, priv. Yates Hadlock Fraer, John, private Wessenfels Pawling Fraiser, Jno., private Thomas St. Joh» Fraist, David, private Van Rensselaer Sharp Fraist, Jacob I., captain Van Rensselaer Fraist, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Sharp Fraist, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Sharp Fralic, Benj'n, private Van Bergen Dubois Fralic, Benj'n, private Van Bergen Witbeck Fralic, John, private Van Bergen • Dubois Fralie, John, private Van Bergen Witbeck Fraleek, John, corp'l Wynkoop De Witt Fraligh, Fra's, private Klock Wagner Framen, Silas, private Van Bergen Witbeck France, Adam, private Wessenfels Livingston France, Adam, private Pawling Livingston France, Adam, private Wynkoop De Witt France, Joast, private Johnson Wood France, Johannes, private Wynkoop France, John, private Pawling Hunter France, John, private Wynkoop Schoonmaker France, Swantick, private Willet Cannon France, Yost, private Johnson Jansen Francher, Dan 1, private Crane Scofield Francher, Elijah, private Crane Scofield Francher, John, piivate Thomas St John Francher, Nathan'l, private Crane Scofield Francikle, Philip, private Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Francis, Henry, private Willet Newell Francis, John, private Malcom Livingston Francis, Sam'l, private Malcom Livingston Francis, William, private Pawling Westbrook Francisco, Adam, private Van Rensselaer Van Derhof Francisco, Drick, private Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Francisco, John, private Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Francisco, Levi, private Yates Francisko, Dirck, private Yates Brown Frank, Adam, doctor Clyde Frank, Adam, sergeant Fisher Fisher Frank, Albert, private Fisher Yeoman Frank, And'w, corporal Fisher Yeoman Frank, Andrew, private Willet Putman Frank, And'w, private Fisher McMaster Frank, And'w, private Fisher Yeoman Frank, Andrew, private Fisher Putman Frank, And'w, private Bogert Frank, And'w, Jr., private Fisher Yates Frank, Andries, corporal Fisher Yeoman Frank, David, sergeant Wemple Bancker Frank, David, private Wemple Schermerhorn Frank, David, private Wemple Bancker Frank, Fred'k, captain Bellinger Frank, Hend'k, private Bellinger Herder Frank, Henry, sergeant Fisher McMaster Frank, Henry, private Harper Putman Frank, Henry, private Bellinger Frank Frank, Henry, private Bellinger Staring Frank, Henry, private Fisher Yeoman Frank, Jacob, sergeant Fisher Yates Frank, Jacob, private Fisher Yates Frank, Jacob, private Fisher Degraas Frank, Jacob, private Fisher Pi'tman FraDk, Jacob, private Fisher Yeoman _ Frank, John, sergeant Bellinger Frank Frank, John, sergeant Bellinger Staring Frank, Joseph, private Fisher Yeoman Frank, Lawrence, private Van Rensselaer Frank, Tim'y, lieut Bellinger Frank Frank, Tim'y, lieut. Bellinger Staring Franke, David, private Wemple Franklin, Benj'n, corporal Brinkerhoof Franklin, Nathan, private Wessenfels Thompson Franklin, Nathan, private Field Dyckman Franklin, Philip, private Williams Stowel Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Franks, Andrew,* private Fisher Yates Frans, Adam, private Wynkoop Frans, Christ'r, private Schuyler Lansing Frans, Cornelius, private Wynkoop Frans, Jacob, corporal Wynkoop De Witt Frans, Jacob, private Schuyler Lansing Frans, Jacob, Jr., corporal Wynkoop Frans, Jacob, Jr., private Wynkoop De Witt Frans, John, private Wynkoop Frans, Wilhelmus, private Piatt Brodhead Frans, Wilhelmus, private Wynkoop De Witt Frans, Will., private Snyder Swart Frans, Wm., private Wynkoop Van Beuren Fransisco, Ab'm, private Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Fransisco, Corn's, private Van Rensselaer De Garmo Fransisco, Corn's, private Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Fransisco, Derick, private Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Fransisco, Jerem'h, priv. Van Rensselaer De Garmo Fransisco, Jerem'h, priv. Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Fransisco, John, sergeant Yates Yates Fransisco, John, sergeant Van Rensselaer De Garmo Fransisco, John, sergeant Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Fransisco, John, private Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Fransisco, Levini, private Van Rensselaer De Garmo Fransisco, Levine, private Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Fransisco, Michel, private Yates Brutt Fransisco, Michael, private Yates Van Denburgh Fransisco, Mich'l, private Vau Rensselaer Vanderhoof Fransisco, Mich'l, private Yates Weltse Fransisco, Rich'd, private Yates Hadlock Fransisco, Rich'd, private Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Fransisco, Tho's, private Van Rensselaer De Garmo Fransisco, Thomas, private Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Franssway, John, private Wemple Wanson Franswortb, Eben'r, sergt. Webster Childs Fransworth, Josiah, priv. Webster ChilQ3 Frantz, Adam, private Wynkoop De Witt Frantz, Christ'r, sergeant Clyde Brown Frantz, Christ'r, private Clyde Brown Frank, Jacob, corp'l Wynkoop De Witt Frantz, Jacob, private Clyde Brown Frantz, Jacob, private 9*7^® Brown Frantz, John, private Wynkoop De Witt Frantz, Wilhelmus, private,Wynkoop De Witt Fraze, Isaac, private Harper Vrooman Frasherj John, private Pawling Sacket Frasher, Wm., private Livingston Rockfeller Frasier, John, private Thomas St. John Frast, Enos, sergeant, Graham Wilson Fratenburgb, Abr'm, priv. .Wiffet Van Renselaer Fratt, Casper, private Schuyler Lansing Fratt, Jacob, private Schuyler Lansing Fratt, John, private Schuyler Lansing Fratt, Nich's, private Schuyler Lansing Frattic, John, drummer Schuyler Van Wee Frattice-, John, private Schuyler Van Wee Fratts, Casper, private Schuyler Van Aernum Fratts, Jno., private Schuyler Van Aernum Fratz, John, private Schuyler Lansing Frats, Nich's, private Schuyler Lansing Frayer, Elias, private Piatt Lee Frayer, Jno., private Van Rensselaer Shaw Frayer, Jno., private Vau Rensselaer De Forest Frayer, Jdo., private Van Rensselaer Sharp Frayer, John, private Schuyler Lansing Frayer, Zebulon, private Thomas St.. John ^ Frazer, John, private Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Frealing, Jacob, private Klock Klock Frear, Ant'y, lieut. Snyder Swart Frear, John, private Pawling Livingston Frear, Peter, sergeant Schuyler Tillman Frease, Isaac, private Harper Vroman Fredenberg, Abr'm, priv. Graham Wilson Fredenburgh, Peter, priv. Hays Blauvelt Frederick, Abraham, priv. Hays Blauvelt Frederick, Barent, private Fonda Frederick, Chas., private Hopkins Wheeler Frederick, Francis, private Fisher Yates Frederick, Francis, private Fisher Snook * Wounded in left thigh at Oriskanie, August 6, 1777. Mohawk Distr. B 100, Cc 34. 376 Roster of the State Troops. Name ANr Rank. Regiment. Frederick, Henry, private Hays Frederick, Jacob, private Fisher Frederick, Jacob, private Fisher Frederick, Jacob, private Fisher Frederick, Matt'w, private Schuyler Frederick, Mich'l, corporal Clyde Frederick, Mich'l, corporal Schuyler Frederick, Mich'l, private Schuyler Frederick, Peter, sergeant Fisher Frederick, Peter sergeant Fisher Frederick, Philip, private Fisher Frederick, Robert, private Hays Frederick, Timmermon, en. Klock Fredrick, Philip, private Fisher Freeback, Gee., private Klock Freel, Peter, private Graham Freeland. Robert, private Willet Freeman, Elijah, sergeant Dubois Freeman Elijah, private Van Veghten Freeman. Elisha, sergeant Van Veghten Freeman, Elisha, private Van Veghten Freeman, Elisha, private Freeman, Elisha, private Freeman, Elisha, private Freeman, Gideon, sergt. Freeman, Gideon, private Freeman, Gideon, private Van Veghten Freeman, Isaac, private Yates Freeman, Isaac, private Freeman, James, private Freeman, John, private Freeman, John, private Freeman, John, private Freeman, Jonas, private Freeman, Robert, private Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Yates Van Veghten Schuyler Schuyler Van Rensselaer WilletPiatt Freeman, Stephen* private Van Veghten Freer, Benj'n, private Wynkoop Freer, Dan'l, lieut. Cantine Freer, Gerrit, private Wynkoop Freer, Hengo, drummer Snyder Freer, Hugh, private Wynkoop Freer, Jacob T., private Cantine Freer, Jerem'h, sergeant Snyder Freer, Jeremiah, private Wynkoop Freer, John, private Hathorn Freer, John, private Van Rensselaer Freer, Jno., Jr., private Snyder Freer, Jonathan, private Wynkoop Freer, Peter, corporal Pawling Freer, Peter, private Pawling Freer, Peter, private Wynkoop Freer, Sam'l, private Wynkoop Frees, Ab'm, private Wynkoop Frees, Johannes, private Wynkoop Frees, Sam'l, private Wynkoop Freeson, John, private Van Rensselaer Freland, George, private Wynkoop Frelic, Benj'n, private Van Bergen Frelich, Felt, private Klock Frelich, Francis, private Klock Frelich, Jacob, private Klock Frelick, Valentine, private Klock Freligh, Benj'n, private Van Bergen Freligh, Chnst'r, private Freligh, Hend'k, private Freligh, Jacob, private Freligh, Jacob, private Freligh, Jacob, private Freligh, John, private Freligh, John, private Freligh, Lodewick, private Van Rensselaer Freligh, Martin, private Schuyler Freligh, Samuel, private Hathorn Freligh, Sam'l, private Wynkoop Freligh, Valentine, private Klock Freman. George, pnvate Field French, Abner, captain Willet Freton, Ab'm, corporal Drake Van Rensselaer Wynkoop Klock Van Rensselaer SchuylerHathornVan Bergen Company. BlauveltWemple Snook FisherVan Aerman Brown Van Aernum Van Aernum Yates SnookSnook Blauvelt HouseFisher Cayser Sherwood Newell Chamberlain Van Woert Van Woert Thompson Woodworth Van Woert Winne Thompson Van Woert WinneHadlock Brown Van Woert Van Aernum Lansing Townsend Conine Bloom Van Woert Swart Swart Swart Swart Bogardus Dencker (?) Swart PawlingPawling Swart Bogardus Bogardus BogardusStaatsWitbeck Hess HessHess Suts Witbeck Kock Tillman Mervin Tillman BogardusKock Heacock Strang Name and Rank. Regiment. French, Ansel, private Willet French, David, private Van Woert French, Eben'r, private Fisher French, Eben'r, private Fisher French, John, lieut., Van Woert French, John, corporal French, John, drummer Whiting French, John, private Malcom French, John, pnvate Graham French, John, private Van Veghten French, John, private Van Veghten French, Jon'n, lieut. Van Woert French, Joseph, private Graham French, Joseph, private Fisher French, Joseph, private Fisher French, Samuel, private Frenchard, John, private Wessenfels Frent, Jacob, private Johnson Frere, Jacob, private Cantine Frere, Paul, private Cantine Frest, Jacob, private Klock Fretchard, Coenraed, priv. Clyde Fretcher, Coenraed, priv. Clyde Fi-etz, Ernest, sergeant Clyde Frey, Jacob, private Klock Frey, Jacob, sergeant Frey, Jacob, private Frey, John,* brig.-maj. Freymason, Jacob, private Freymeyer, Johannes, t Friar, Isaac, corporal Friechard, Henry, private Fricbard, Henry, private Frick, Peter, private Friday, Geo., private Frier, Nich's, private Frier, Simeon, corporal Friligh, Hend'k, private Frihgh, John, pnvate Friligh, Samuel, drummer Wynkoop Frim, Welter, private Van Rensselaer Frimmer, Christian, priv. Frink, Hendrick, private Frink, John, drummer Frint, Jacob, private Frint, Jacob, private Frisba, Samuel, private Vrooman Van Rensselaer Vandenburgh ClydeYates GrahamWynkoopWynkoop Klock Dubois Van Rensselaer Johnson Johnson Whiting Frisbee, Benjamin, private Willet Frisbee, John, private Willet Frisbey, Wm., private Van Veghten Frisby, Benj'n, private Van Rensselaer Frisby, Edward, sergeant Whiting Frisby, Jno., private Van Rensselaer Frisby, John, private Whiting Frisby, John, private Van Rensselaer Frisby, Philip, private Whiting Frisby, Thos.,t private Willet Frisby, Thomas, private Van Rensselaer Fritchard, Coenraed, corp. Clyde Fritcher, Conradt, private Klock Fritcher, Henry, private Klock Fritchet, Henry, private Frits, Wm., private Livingston Fritten, James, private Lansing Frogan, John, private Van Rensselaer Froman, Henry B., private France, Jacob, private Frost, David, private Frost, Enos, private Frost, John, private Frost Stephen, private Frost, Thomas, private Frost, Thomas, private Frost, Thomas, private Frost, Wm., private Froust, John P., private Frumen, Silas, private Frunk, Adam, private WilletLuddingtonWessenfelsLuddington Weissenfels VandenburghLuddington Graham Crane Wisner Van Bergen Fisher Company. Gross Gilmore YeomanMarselus Gilmore NobleLivingston BostwickWoodworth DunhamGilmore Lansing Yates Yeoman NoblesBrewster CrossHasbrouck Hasbrouck Breadbake Ruff Van Everat Brown RighterFondaFonda Fonda Borst Price FondaFonda Wheeler Ruff Weltse Conklin TurnerMiller De Mout Van Allen Gillispy Jansen Cady Newell Livingston Thompson Odle Cady Shaw Herrick Shaw Davis Pearcy ShawRuff Ruff Ruff Fonda Smith Houston Elliot Fonda Harrison Mead ShephardScribner Wheeler Knapp VailLockwoodBartoffDubois * Shot through left arm at Oriskanie, Aug. fi, 1777. Palatine Distr. B 173, 1 15. t Captured by Indians at Cobleskill, Sept. 2, 1780; in captivity one year. A.P. 16-98. X Berne, Albany Co. A.P. 23-371. Roster of the State Troops. 377 Name and Rank. Frur, John, corporal Fry, George, private Fry, Jacob, sergeant Fry, Jacob, corporal Fry, Jacob, private Fry, Jacob, private Fry, Jacob, private Fry, Jacob, private Fry, John, corporal Fry an, Ab'm, private Frydagh, George, private Fryday, Jacob, drummer Fryday, Jacob, private Fryderburch, Baltus, priv. Fryer, John, private Fryer, Jno., private Fryer, John, private Fryer, John P., private Fryer, Peter, private Fryer, Sam'l, private Frygh, John, private Fryfick, Martin, private Frymier, David, private Frymier, Geo., private Frymier, J ohannis, private Frymier, John, private Frymier, Migel, private Frymore, David, private Fucks, Peter, private Fue, Hend'k, private Fue, John, private Fuecks, George, sergeant Fuecks, Will., lieut. Fullenton, Alex'r, private Fuller, A., q. m. Fuller, Abijah, private Fuller, Abr'm, private Fuller, Alex'r, |>rivate_ Fuller, Benjamtn,* private Fuller, Dan 1, corporal Fuller, Daniel, private Fuller, Daniel, private Fuller, Dan'l, private Fuller, Dan'l, private Fuller, Dan'l, private Fuller, David, private Fuller, David, private Fuller, David, private Fuller, David, private Fuller, David, private Fuller, David, private Fuller, Elijah, lieut. Fuller, Elijah, lieut. Fuller, Elisaw, private Fuller, Ephraim, lieut. Fuller, Ephraim, sergeant Fuller, Ephraim, sergeant Fuller, Ephraim, private Fuller, Gershom, private Fuller, Isaac, sergeant Fuller, Isaac, sergeant Fuller, Isaac, private Fuller, Isaac, private Fuller, Isaac, private Fuller, Isaac, private Fuller, Jabez, private Fuller, Jabish, private Fulmer, Jacob, corporal Fuller, Jaduthan, private Fuller, James, private Fuller, Jason, private Fuller, Jedediah, private Fuller, John, private Fuller, Jon'n, private Fuller, Joseph, private Fuller, Joseph, private Regiment. Company. Willet Skinner Fonda Fonda Klock Miller Klock Righter Miller Klock Fonda Fonda Van Rensselaer Elliot Klock Ruff Quackenboss Van Wie Schuyler Van Wee Bellinger Herder Graham Lansing Van Rensselaer Fraist Schuyler Lansing Graham Lansing Willet White Van Rensselaer Fraist Armstrong McNitt Van Schaick Vrooman Browns Vrooman Brown Vrooman Heager Vrooman Vrooman Brown Willet Harrison Clyde Leipe Drake Drake Kronkhite Klock Helmer Klock Helmer Van Veghten Webster Drake Delivan Fisher Yeomans Van Veghten Van Woert Graham Sherwood Yates Weltse Willet Livingston Harper Harrison Yates Dubois Dubois Van Rensselaer De Garmo Hathorn Mervin Pawling Westfall Pawling Burnet Hopkins Lane Luddington Mead Van Alstyn Ostrander Luddington Mead Luddington Waterbury Crane Lockwood Armstrong Tozer Webster Tozer Armstrong Tozer Webster Tozer Schuyler Van Wie Fisher Mc Masters Fisher Yeoman Drake Seely Willet Hole Fisher McMaster Luddington Mead Crane Lockwood Drake Delivan Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Van Rensselaer Shaw Lansing Brown Quackenboss Van Wie Hathorn Van Woert Gilmore Van Rensselaer De Garmo Thomas St. John Drake Haight Name and Rank. Fuller, Joseph, private Fuller, Josiah, private Fuller, Matt'w, private Fuller, Micajah, private Fuller, Mich 1, private Fuller, Mich'l, private Fuller, Nathan, sergeant Fuller, Nath'l, private Fuller, Nath' l,t private Fuller, Nathan, private Fuller, Robert, serjt ' Fuller, Robt., sergeant Fuller, Robt., private Fuller, Robert, private Fuller, Simeon, private Fuller, Simeon, private Fuller, Simeon, sergeant Fuller, Tim'y, private Fuller, William, private Fuller, Will., private Fuller, Wm., private Fuller, Versel, private Fuller, Vessels, sergeant Fullerton, Alex'r, private Fullerton, James, private Company. LawrenceSkinner SeelyMcMastersYeomanHaight Long Doty Seely - Tozer Baker TozerTozer Delivan Lawrence Lockwood Hadlock Roseboom Stockwell Brown Woodworth Fonda Woodworth Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Regiment. Crane Willet Webster Benedict Fisher FisberDrakeWebster McCrea - Benedict Armstrong Luddington Webster Armstrong Drake Crane Crane Yates Lansing Van Veghten WilletVan Veghten Fullerton, William, private Pawling Westfall Fulleton, James, private Van Schoonhoven Hicks Fulling, James, private Fullington, Alex r, priv, Fulmer, Conrad, private Fulmer, Jacob, corporal Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Veghten Woodworth Bellinger Frank Van Schoonhoven Hicks Fulmer, Johannis, private Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Fulmer, John, private Fulmer, John, private Fulmer, Thos., private Fulmore, Christian, priv. Fulmore, Christopher, pr. Fultb, Conradt, private Fulton, David, sergeant Fulton, David, corporal Fultz, Conrad, private Fuluyser, Abm., private Fun, Adam, private Fund, Jelles A., ensign Funda, Abm., private Funda, Jacob, private Funda, Jelles, captain Funda, Jellis P., private Funda, (?) Stephen, priv. Fundey, Isaac, private Funk, Christ'r, private Funk, Christ'r, private Funk, Jacob, private Funk, Peter, private Funk, William, private Furman, Alex'r,t lieut. Furman, Benjamin, priv. Furman, Joseph, private Furman, Joseph, private Furman, Ralph, private Furman, Samuel, private Furnea, John, private Furniyea, John, private Furoo, Peter, private Furshie, John, private Fuselaer, John, private Fydert, Sovrinus P., priv. Fye, George, private Fye, Geo., private Fye, Jacob, private Fykes, George, private Fykes, Philip, private Fykes, Philip, private Fyler, George, private Fyles, Geo., private Fynck, John, ensign Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Hicks Bellinger Frank Dubois De Mout Willet Elsworth Willet Elsworth Wisner Miller Hathorn Bellinger Frank Van Schoonhoven Visscher Clyde Diffendorf Wemple Fonda Yates Brutt Yates Brown Wemple Wemple Bancker Yates Brown .Van Schoonhoven Visscher Graham Bostwick Livingston Rockenfelle Livingston Rockenfelle Livingston Rockenfelle Willet Harrison Hays Gardner Luddington Mead Field Hecock Hays Wessenfels White Klock Miller Klock Zeely Wynkoop Van Beuren Hays Ackerson Clyde Diffendorf Klock Zeely Fisher Wemple Fonda Fonda Klock Miller Klock Klock Klock Suts Fonda Fonda Klock Zeely * Taken prisoner at Fort Ann, Oct. 10, 1780, exchanged Oct. 18, 1782. Washington Co. A. P. 19-327. t Served from Aug. 26 to Nov. 23, 1779. A. P. 15-244. X Taken prisoner at Kings Bridge, and died in prison.- A. P. 17-473. 48 378 Roster of the State Troops. a. Name and Rank. Gaat, Alex'r, private Gaat, Alex'r, private Gaat, John, private Gabriel (a Negro), private Gacole, Jacob, private Gaaff, Christ, private Gage, Alden, sergeant Gage, Alden, corporal Gage, Ant'y, sergeant Gage, Eben'r, private Gage, Jabez, lieut Gage, Jesse, corporal Gage, Jesse, private Gage, Justus, private Gage, Mark, sergeant Gage, Mark, private Gage, Moses, private Gage, Sylvanus, sergeant Gager, Nath'l, private Gaile, Ephraim, private Gailer, Sam'l, private Gailer, William,* lieut Gailer, Wm., private Gailinghouse, John, priv. Gainer, Ed'd, private Gains, Francis, private Gains, Josiah, private Galasbey, David, sergeant Galasby, David, sergeant Galden, Amos, private Galer, Wm., lieut Gale, John, private Gale, Sam'l, private Galer, Wm., lieut Galer, Wm., lieut. Galger, Isaac, private Gall, John, private Gail, Stephen, private Gallasbey, John, private Gallaspy, James, private Gallatian, James, private Gallinger, Henry, private Gallipser, Wm., private Gallop, Will., private Galloway, John, private Galloway, Joseph, private Galloway, Thomas, private Gallup, Rufus, private Gallute, James, t private Gaman, Elias, private Gamaur, Ezekiel, Gamaur, Jacob, Gamble, James, corporal Gamble, James, corporal Gamble, James, private Gamble, Sam'l, private Gannan, Dan'l, private Ganno, James, private Gannon, Joseph, private Gano, Dan'l, captain Gano, Dan'l, paymaster Ganong, Isaac, private Ganong, Jacob, private Ganong, John, private Ganong, John, private Ganong, John, Jr., private Ganong, Marcus, private Regiment. Webstsr Webster Webster Hays Van Rensselaer Klock Malcom Field Field LuddingtonVan Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Field Hopkins Field LuddingtonField " Luddington Williams Drake Dubois Webster Van Rensselaer Pawling Pawling Pawling Thomas Drake Pawling Hopkins Wemple Drake Clyde DuboisHammondPawling JohnsonJohnson Fisber Van Rensselaer Yates Piatt Van Rensselaer Van Woert Yates Swift (Conn't) Klock Klock Klock Webster Armstrong Webster Webster Drake Hathorn DuboisDubois Luddington Luddington Drake LuddingtonLuddington Luddington Company. Long McNitt Long Stevenson Ostrander SutsLivingston -Barnum BarnumKidd ThompsonThompson DyckmanBarnumBarnum Waterbury Dyckman Lane StowelHyat Hedden Hyat Gano Long Bries WoodFaulkner De Witt Hubby Wood Talmadge Hadden WeeserChamberlainCombFaulknerGillispy CrossDe Garmo Weltse Van Santvoort Shaw Brown Weltse Duryea De Witt Long Hamilton Hamilton BoydMcCambly Minthorn Scribner Scribner Haight WaterburyWaterbury Scribner Name and Rank. Ganong, Reuben, private- Ganong, Reuben, private Gans, Fred'k, private Gansevoort, Coenrad, ser't Gansevoort, Leonard, priv. Ganson, John, private Ganswort, Conradt, lieut. Gardener, Robt., private Gardenhouse, John, priv. Gardenier, Hend'k, private Gardenier, Nich's, private Gardenier, Nich's, private Gardenier, Nich's H., priv. Gardenier, Samuel,} priv. Gardenneer, John, private Gardeuneer, Nich's, priv. Garder, Hend'k, sergeant Gardine, Harman, lieut Gardineer, Ab'm, private Gardineer, Mathines, priv. Gardineer, Matt'w, private Gardineer, Nich's, private Gardiner, Corn's, private Gardiner, Harman, lieut. Gardiner, Peter H., private Gardiner, Samuel, private Gardinier, Harmanus, ens'n Gardinier, Nich's, pnvate Gardneer, Ab'm, private Gardneer, Matt'w, private Gardneer, Nich's, private Gardner, Benj'n, sergeant Gardner, Benj'n, private Gardner, Benj., Jr., priv. Gardner, David, private Gardner, George, sergeant Gardner, George, private Gardner, Godfrey, sergt. Gardner, Hend'k, private Gardner, Hewland, private Gardner, Isaac, private Gardner, James, private Gardner, James, private Gardner, John, captain Gardner, John, captain Gardner, John, sergeant Gardner, John, corporal Gardner, Matt'w I., priv. Gardner, Simeon, sergeant Gardner, Simeon, private Gardner, Simeon, private Gardner, William, private Gardner, Wm., private Gardner, Wm., private Gardnier, James, private Gardnier, Tunis, private Garey, Alex" r, private Garlinghouse, Jos., corpl. Garlock, Christyan, priv. Garlock, Jacob, private Garlogh, Adam, private Garmain, James, private Garman, David, private Garmo, Peter D., private Garno, Ab'm D., private Garno, Jacob D., private Garnosick, William, priv. Regiment. Luddington Luddington Schuyler Lansing Lansing Vrooman Van Rensselaer Wessenfels Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Vau Rensselaer Van Rensselaer FisherFisherFisher Klock Drake FisherFisher FisherFisher Harper Drake Van Alstyn Malcom WilletFisher FisherFisher Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Hopkins Wessenfels Van Schoonhoven Van Alstyn Schuyler Van Rensselaer Graham Hays Livingston Cooper Company. Scribner WaterburyLansingForest Brocon Roseboom Schermerhorn Godwin SchermerhornWoodworth Schermerhorn Schermerhorn VeederGartner Cayser YatesYates FisherPutman Drake Kronkhite McKinstry Gillet Yates Veeder Schermerhorn Niles Niles WatersGodwin Hicks Vischer Niles BostwickGardner Pulver LivingstonFisher Fisher Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer WhitingWempleFisherWessenfelsHarper Webster Pawling Willet Clyde Klock Pawling Crane Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Willet Shaver Veeder Niles Niles Turner Salisbury BanckerYates WhitePutman LongWood FondaDiffendorf House Hunter Truesdell Van Schaick Crane *Enlisted in Capt Jas. Benedict's (Col. Jas. Holmes) July, '75; in Capt Hyatt's (Col. Drake) for one year in 1776; in same Comp. (Col. Hammond) 1777 as Sergt. Major; Master at Arms on the Trumbull Frigate 1779 for ten months; lieut. in Capt. Dela- van's (Col. Malcom's); later 2d N. Y. 1780 to end of war. A. P. 24-336. N. Y. C. t Wounded in left knee at Jamestown, Va., July 6, 1781. Stillwater, Albany county. Cc 84. X Ensign in the Militia in 1760. Dangerously wounded at Oriskanie, August 6, 1777. 1 104. Roster of the State Troops. 379 Name and Rank. Regiment. Hays Van Rensselaer DrakeVan Bergen Schuyler Johnson Wessenfels DrakeDrakeWessenfels Klock Yates Vandenburgn Van Bergen Van Rensselaer Pawling Garnsey, Wm., private Crane Garnsey, Will., Sr., priv. Crane Garnsey, Will., Jr., priv. Crane Garra, Sidney, private Armstrong Garreno, Sam'l, private Van Schoonhoven Garret, Geo., private Thomas Garret, James, private Willet Garret, Robert, private Wessenfels Garrett, Benj'n, private Hopkins Garrett, Isaac, private Hopkins Garrison, Ab'm, lieut. Garrison, Abraham, corpl. Wessenfels Garrison, Abr'm, drum'r Hays Garrison, Abr'm, private Garrison^ Abm., private Garrison, Abm., Jr., priv. Hays Garrison, Dennis, private Hammond Garrison, Dennis, private Garrison, Dennis, private Garrison, Garrit R., lieut. Garrison, Isaac, private Garrison, Jacob, private Garrison, John, sergeant Garrison, John, corporal Garrison, John, fifer Garrison, John, private Garrison, John, private Garrison, Johu, private Garrison, John, private Garrison, John, private Garrison, John, fifer j ..,-. Garrison, Joseph, corporal Wessenfels Garrison, Joseph, private Hays Garrison, Peter, private Cooper Garrison, Peter, private Hays Garrison, Peter, private Wessenfels Garrison, Reuben, private Brinckerhoff Garrison, Rich'd,* c[r. mr. Hammond Garrison, Tunis, private Hays (?) Garrison, Wm., lieut Garrison, William, private Hathorn Garshie, Edward, private Willet Garsling, Peter,private Fisher Garson, Gerret K ensign Schuyler Garrit, Benj'n, private Dubois Garrit, James, private Willet Garrit, Wm., private Van Ness Garritson, Abm., lieut. Gartneer, Abm., private Fisher Gartneer, John, corporal Fisher Gartneer, Martin, private Fisher Gartneer, Martin, private Fisher Gartneer, Matt'w, private Fisher Gartneer, Nich's, private Fisher - Gartneer, Nich's, private Fisher Gartneer, Nich's J., priv. Fisher Gartner, Peter, private Bellinger Gartnere, Jacob, captain Fisher Garvey, Francis, private Pawling Garvey, Francis, private Malcom Garvey, Francis, private Cortland Garvey, Thomas, private Willet Gates, Ezra, private Whiting Gates, Jared, private Whiting Gates, Joshua, private Webster Gates, Ezra, sergeant Whiting Gates, Jered, private Van Rensselaer Gates, John, private Van Rensselaer Gates, John, corp'l Van Rensselaer Gates, Joshua, private Webster Gates, Nathan, private Van Rensselaer Gates, Nath'l, private Van Rensselaer Gates, Samuel, sergeant Graham Gates, Simon, private Graham Gates, Simon, private Van Rensselaer Gates, Stephen, private Van Veghten Gatey, Robert, corporal Williams ffatry, John, private Williams Gatt, Alex'r, private Webster Company. ScofieldLewis LewisLong Thomas PearcyBrewster Waters Wheeler Fonda Bowen OnderdonkOnderdonk Vanderhoof Onderdonk Comb BoydHoneywell Ostrum OstranderBowen Boyd BoydPawling Kock Weltse Storm Honeywell Elliot Livingston ThompsonOnderdonkBlauveltOnderdonk Schult StevensonFondaMinthornHarrison Snook Ostrum Chamberlain Hole WhitneyFonda Yates Veeder Yates Veeder Gartnere Gartneer Veeder Gartnere Herder Williams Livingston Van Rensselaer Gilbert Gilbert Long Gilbert Schermerhorn Woodworth SchermerhornLongWoodworthSchermerhorn Magee Schermerhorn Woodworth HamiltonArmstrong Long Regiment. Webster Harper Van Rensselaer Drake ThomasDrake Armstrong MalcomArmstrong Brinckerhoff HarperSchuyler Willet Field Van Veghten Van Veghten Drake WessenfelsJohnson Snyder Wynkoop Van Woert WisnerClyde Webster Klock Dubois Hays Name and Rank. Gatt, John, private Gauf, Asel, private Gauf, Joseph, private Gauff, Isaac, sergeant Gaulard, Wm., major Gaulding^ Zen'us, private Gauler, King, private Gault, Alex'r, private Gault, Alex'r, corporal Gault, John, private Gault, Matt'w, private Gault, Story, private Gauns, Fredk, private Gause, Benjamin, private Gauze, Benjamin, private Willet Gay, Dan'l, private Hopkins Gay, Jason, private Gay, Tim'y, corporal Gay, Wm., private Gazeley, James, private Geacocks, Francis, private Piatt Gearne, Chas., private Klock Geatty, David, private Webster Gecocks, Bowrus, private Wisner Gecocks, Thos., sergeant Van Veghten Gee, Moses, private Gee, Jerem'h, corporal Gee, Joseph, private Gee, Joseph, private Gelmore, William, corpl. Gelston. Sam'l, private Gely, Thomas, private Gema, Alex'r, private Gender, Henry, private Genson, Rich'd, private Geotches, John, sergeant Gerban, James, private Gerlach, Geo., private Gerlag, Adam, private Gerloch, Adam, private Gerloch, Christian, private Clyde Gerloch, Henry, private Clyde Gerloch, Philip, private Clyde Gerlock, Adam, private Klock Gerlock, Christian, private Klock Gerlock, George P., private Klock Gerlock, Geo. W., sergeant Clyde Gerlock, George Wm., pr. Klock Gerlock, Jacob, private Clyde Gerlock, Nich's, private Vrooman Gerlock, Jacob, private Clyde Gerlock, Van Christ, priv. Clyde Gcrlogh, Philip, private Klock Germain, James, private Harper German, David, private Crane German, James, private Wessenfels Gernryck, Zacharias, priv. Schuyler Geroe, Benjamin, private Hays Gerreson, Gerret, ensign Gerow, Dan'l, private Gerray, Alex'r, private Gerritz, Fred'k, private Gershom, Nichols, private Crane Gerson, Gerret B., ensign Schuyler Gesson, Matt'w, private Getches, Joseph, private Getman, Christ'r, private Getman, Fred'k, private Getman, Fred'k, private Getman, Fred'k, private Getman, George, private Getman, Geo., private Getman, Johannis, corpl. Getman, John, corpl. Getman, Johu, private Getman, John, Jr., private Klock Getman, Peter, private Klock Getman, Peter, private Van Schaick Getman, Stoffel, private Bellinger Clyde Klock Clyde Schuyler Drake Webster Clyde Hays Cooper KlockKlockKlockVan Schaick KlockKlockKlockKlock Klock Company. LongWestfallDrakeVan Alien PurdyDrake Long Blakely Van Wyck AllenLansing- Marshall Cannon Barnum Dyckman Van Woert Van Woert Boyd Lee Klock Hamilton Baly Winne Hardenburgh WilkinsSwart WellsBaly Leipe LongKock Burnet Blauvelt Leipe Miller Ruff Ruff Leipe RuffRuff RuffRuff Ruff Ruff Diffendorf Heager House House Ruff DrakeHardenburghTillman Onderdonk Lansing Long House Lockwood Ostrum Stevenson GardnerKlock Kock Suts Miller Klock Klock Suts Miller MillerMiller [Herder ' Shot in the right breast near Pine's Bridge, July 7, 1779. Carpenter, Philippsburg, Westchester Co., C. 32, Aa. 36, I. 90, 380 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Gteman, Thomas, private Klock Getty, Adam, private Webster Getty, David, private Webster Getty, John, sergeant Webster Getty, John, private Webster Getty, John, private Armstrong Getty, Robert, corporal Webster Getty, Robert, corporal Armstrong Getty, Robert, private Webster Getty, Robert, private Webster Getty, Robert, Jr., private Webster Ghoes, Henry, private Ghoewy, Barent, private Ghostspeed, Joseph, priv. Ghowey, Andrew, pnvate Gibbs, Aron, private Gibbs, Aron, private Gibbs, Aaron, private Gibbs, Derias, private Gibbs, Derias, private Gibbs, Samuel,* lieut. Van Rensselaer Schuyler Harper Schuyler Webster Webster Armstrong Webster ArmstrongWillis (3d Conn. Cont's) Webster Hamilton WebsterPiatt Graham Graham Fisher Fisher Armstrong Company Miller HamiltonHamilton Hamilton Hamilton Wilsou WilsonHamilton Armstrong Armstrong Woodworth Ostrum Allen OstrumThomas Hamilton McNittHamilton Gibbs, Solomon, private Gibbs, Spencer, private Gibbs, Werham, private Gibson, Wm., private Gibson, David, private Gibson, David, corpl. Gibson, Wm., private Gibson, Wm., private Gideon, John, private Gideons, Josepn, private Gifford, William, private Gifford, Ammezian, private Whiting Gifford, Benj'n, private Yates Gifford, Benj'n, private Yates Gifford, Elisha, private Hopkins Gifford, Gersham, private Yates Gifford, Gideon, corporal Van Woert Gifford, Gideon, corporal Gifford, John,t private Gifford, John, private Gifford, Joseph, ensign Gifford, Joseph, private Gifford, Joseph, private Gifford, Roland, private Gifford, Sam'l, private Gifford, Wm., private Giffords, Elisha, private Giffords, Sam'l, private Gilbert, Abijah, captain Gilbert, Augustus, private Willet Gilbert, Benajah, private Thomas Gilbert, Daniel, private Gilbert, Eben'r, private Gilbert, Elisha, captain Gilbert, Ephraim, private Gilbert, Everham, sergt. Gilbert, Jacob, qr. mast'r Gilbert, Jacob, private Gilbert, Jesse, private Gilbert, Jesse, private Gilbert, John, sergeant Gilbert, Joseph, private Gilbert, Just, private Gilbert, Nathaniel, corpl. Gilbert, Samuel, private Gilbert, Stephen, private Gilbert, Stephen, private Gilbert, Thomas, private Gilbert, Tho's, private Gilchrist, James, private Gilchrist, John, private Gilchrist, Sam'l, private Gilchrist, Sam'l, private Gilchrist, Tho's, private Gilchrist, Tho's, private Graham Van Woert Graham Wessenfels Van Rensselaer Graham Yates Whiting Hopkins Van Veghten Luddington Luddington Thomas Hathorn CantineWhiting Wynkoop Wynkoop CraneThomas Hathorn Pawling Graham WhitingWynkoop Whiting Whiting Dragoon CraneWhiting WebsterArmstrong Armstrong Fields Thomas Thomas Fields Alien Hamilton HamiltonHamilton Van Santvoort Williams Williams McMaster Yeoman Tozer Vail Gilbert Hadlock WiltseLane YatesGilmore McKillip Sherwood White De Garmo Vosburgh Lane DunhamMeadMead PearcyGilbert S ayres RamsenSchoonmaker Gilbert Brodhead Livingston Hermance Gilbert GilbertGilbert Delavan Lawrence Kings Childs McNitt McNitt Barnum Lyon Chapman Barnum Name and Rank. Gilchrist, Will., private Gilcrease, Thomas, private Gildersleeve, James, priv. Gildersleeve, Joseph, priv. Gildersleeve, Joseph, priv. Gildersleeve, Jo' s, private Gildersleeve, Nath 1, priv. Gildersleeves, James, priv. Gildersleves, Joseph, priv. Gile, Benj'n. lieut. Giles, Gilbert, private Giles, Henry, private Giles, John, private Giles, John, private- Giles, Sam'l, sergeant Giles, Solomon, private Gilford, Amaziah, private Gilford, Benjamin, private Gill, John, private Gill, Stephen, private Gill, William, private Gillard, Sam'l, private Gillaspy, David, private Gillaspy, George, private Gillaspy, John, private Gilles, Alex'r, private Gillis, Arch'd, private Gilles, John, private Gillespy, James, private Gillet, Abner, lieut. Gillet, Abner, lieut Gillet, Charles, private Gillet, Joel, captain Gillet, John, private Gillet, Samuel, corporal Gillet, Beriah. private Gillett, Richard, private Gillis, John, private Gillispy, George, private Gillispy, James, private Gillispy, John, captain Gillispy, John, private Gillispy, John, private Gillispy, Neal, private Gillispy, Samuel, lieut. Gillispy, Samuel, ensign Gillot, Bariah, private Gills, Charles, private Gilly, Thomas, private Gilmore, Counrad, private Gilmore, George, captain Gilmore, James, private Gilmore, Wm., corporal Gilmore, Wm., corporal Gilmore, Wm., private Gilmore, Wm., private Gils, John, private Gilson, Zazariah, lieut. Ginkins, John, private Ginsqn, Rich'd, private Gipse'n, John, sergeant Gipson, William, private Gitman, Christian, private Gitman, Fred'k, captain Gittman, Coenrath, private Gittman, Fred'k, Jr., priv. Gittman, George, private Gittman, John, private Gittman, Peter, private Gittman, Peter, private Gittman, Thomas, private Gitty, Robert, private Givens, Thomas, private Glantz, John, private Glasby, James, private Glass, Wm., sergeant Glass, Wm., private Regiment. Fields Hftpkins Brinckerhoff Hopkins Wessenfels BrinckerhoffBrinckerhoff Vandenburgh Cortland Van Veghten Yates Willet Van Veghten FisherMalcom Willet GrahamWessenfels WessenfelsHammond Graham Fields Wessenfels Johnson Johnson Armstrong Armstrong Wessenfels Graham HopkinsHopkins Willet Willet Hopkin3 YatesVandenburgh Quackenboss JohnsonJohnson Johnson JohnsonJohnson Armstrong Johnson Johnson YatesHathorn ClydeVan Schaick Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert SchuylerWhitingMalcom Schuyler Dubois Willet FisherKlock Bellinger Bellinger Bellinger Klock Klock Klock Bellinger Klock Webster WessenfelsKlock Johnson Yates Yates Company. Hecock Barnum Schutt Brinkerhoff SchuttSchuttVan Wyck Van Woert VandenburghFonda Winne Yeoman Blakely Livingston Pearce Shephard Thompson Combs Sherwood Hecock White JansenJansen McNittBogert Hardenburgh Wheeler Waters Newell Wheeler Yates WheelerWood Wood CrossWilkins Gillispy Wood TelfordRuff Gilmore Gilmore Brown Hodges Tillman Gilbert.Livingston Ostrum Burnet Livingston Yeoman KockStaring Staring Miller MillerMiller StaringMiller Long White RuffJansen Yates Yates * Enlisted April, 1775; Lieut. January 1, 1777; shot through right arm at Norwalk, Conn., July 11, 1779, Invalids. New York city ; later Westchester county. C 100, 190. t Taken prisoner at Fort Arm, Oct 10, 1780, exch'd Oct. 18, 1782. Pittstown, Rensselaer Co. A. P. 19-319. Lieut. Corps of Roster of the State Troops. 381 Name and Rank. . Regiment. Glause, George, private Klock Glean, Anth'y, private Piatt Glen, Isaac, private Wemple Glen, Jacob, private Wemple Glen, John, private Wemple Glen, John L, private Wemple Glen, John S., private Wemple Glen, John S., private Wemple Glen, John S., private Wemple Glen, William, private Wessenfels Glis, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Goart, John, private Harper Goble, George, drummer Hathorn Goble, George, private Hathorn Goble, George, private Wisner Goble, Jacob, sergeant Hathorn Goble, Jacob, private Hathorn Godeke, Wm., private Van Woert Godfrey, David, private Hathorn Godfrey, David, private Pawling Godleap, Peter, private Willet Godly, Peter, private Willet Godwin, Henry, captain Wessenfels Goes, Dirk, private Van Alstyn Goes, Ephraim, private Van Rensselaer Goes, Eph'm, private Van Alstyn Goes, Isaac, major Van Alstyn Goes, John, ensign Van Alstyn Goes, John, sergeant Van Bergen Goes, John, Jr., private Van Alstyn Goes, John I., private Van Alstyn Goes, Lawrence, private Van Alstyn Goes, Matthias, private Van Alstyn Goes, Michael, private Van Alstyn Goes, Tobias, private Van Alstyn Goetches, -Abraham, priv. Hays Goetches, Joseph, private Hays Goetius, Henry, private Johnson Goeway, And'w, private Goeway, Andries, private Goeway, Barent, private Goeway, Barent, private Goewey, Garret, corporal Goewy, John, private Goff, Oliver, corporal Goff, Oliver, drummer Goff, Roswell, private Gold, Elijah, private Gold, Jesse, corporal Golden, Amos, private Golden, Amos, private Golden, Benjamin, private Harper Golden, William, private Willet Goldin, Elias, private Goldin, Jesse, private Goldin, Justice, private Golding, Benj'n, private Golding, Benj'n, private Goldon, William, private Gole, Samuel, sergeant Goller, King, private Gollup, William, private Golobe, Jno., private Gonsalis, Daniel, private Gonsalus, Daniel, private Gonson, Wm., private Goodall, James, private Goodchus, Jacob, private Goodenough, David, priv. Williams Goodenough, Ithamer, pr. Williams Gooderick, Elijah, private Hopkins Goodfellow; William, priv. Brinckerhoff Goodhew, Joseph, private Malcom Goodjoin, William, priv. Piatt Goodman, John, private Drake Goodspeed, Abner, priv. Field Goodspeed, Isaac, private Pawling Goodspeed, Israel, private Luddington Schuyler Schuyler Van Rensselaer SchuylerSchuyler Schuyler Harper Harper Malcom Graham MalcomThomas Thomas Van Woert Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer WilletNewkirk DrakeYates Livingston Johnson Johnson SchuylerLuddingtonVan Bergen Company. Ruff BloomSchermerhorn Fonda Schermerhorn Van Petten Schermerhorn Van Petten Van Atten Godwin Dencker (?) HarrisonMcCamplyMcCamly Baly McCamblyMcCamly Whiteside Mervin Burnet Elsworth Cannon Ostrander Van Allen ClawClawWitbeck Vosburgh Vosburgh Van Valkenburgn Ostrander Van Buren Ackerson Ackerson Ostrander Ostrum Lansing Lansing Lansing Foreast Vroman Vrooman DelavanMuller Livingston St. John Moseman Harrison Henry Pettit VanderhoofDeGarmo DeGarmo VanderhoofNewell Crawford Drake Brown Shaver Johnson Gillispy Lansing Knapp WitbeckRice Rice Wheeler Brinckerhoff Blakely Van Santvoort Boyd Dykeman Faulkner Knapp Name and Rank. Regiment. Goodspeed, Jacob, private Vandenburgh Goodwin, Joseph, corp. Williams Goodseedp, Nath'l, private Cantine Goold, Jesse, private Goose, Mathise, private Goose, Nich's, corp. Goose, Nicholas, private Goose, Nicb's, private Goot, Story, private Gorden, James, Jr., priv. Gordney, Wm., private Gordon, Chas., private Gordon, Corn's, private Gordon, James, private Gordon, James, lieut-col, Gorden, James, private Gordin, James, private Gordon, Joseph, private Gordon, Peter, private Gordon, Peter, private Gorden, Rob.t, private Gordon, Wm., private Gordon, Wm., private Goreham, James, private Gorham, James, private Gorrotson, Abrm., lieut. Gorslin, James, private Gorsline, Sam'l, sergeant Gorson, Wm., private Gorton, Peleg, private Gose, John, sergeant Gose, John, sergeant Gose, Nicholas', private Goslin, Will., private Goss, Oliver, fifer Gott, John, private Gott, John, private Gott, Story, private Gott, Story, private Gottman, Christian, priv. Goula, Jesse, private Gould, Eben'r, sergt. Gould, Eben'r, sergeant Gould, Elijah, private Gould, Jabez, private Gould, Jabin, private Gould, Jesse, private Gould, John,* private Gould, John, private Gould, Pearl, private Gould, William, private Goulding, Amos, private Gounez, Edward, private Gowey, Barent, private Gowey, Garret, corporal Gowey, Jno., private Graat, John, private Graet, Hend'k A., private Graff, Christ'r, private Graff, Jacob, private Graff, Jacob, private Graff, Jacob, private Graff, Philip, private Graff, John, private Graft, Jacob, private Graft, Philip, private Graft, Philip, private Grage, And w, private Gragory, Reuben, private Graham, Dennis, private Graham, George, private Graham, James, sergeant Graham, James, sergeant Graham, James, sergeant Graham, James, private Graham, James, private Graham, John, adjutant Graham, John, private Whiting Willet Van Bergen Willet Willet Piatt Company. Wheeler Shepardson Ramsen Davis ConineHoghtaling Conine Cannon Kinnue Van Schoonhoven Hicks Vrooman Miller Wemple Mynderson Hopkins Talmadge Van Schoonhoven Collins Van Schoonhoven Field Hecock Graham Pearce Wemple Mynderson Van Rensselaer Sharp Van Veghten Winne "Wemple Outhout Wemple Mynderson Wemple Van Schoonhoven Visscher Hopkins Barnum Fonda Wessenfels White Brinckerhoff Schuyler Lansing Van Rensselaer Turner Van Bergen Dubois Van Bergen Witbeck Van Bergen Dubois Van Rensselaer Niles Malcom Blakely Whiting Salisbury Van Rensselaer Cady Willet Gillet Willet Henry Klock Kock Van Alstyn Philips Webster Childs Armstrong Hopkins Wheeler Armstrong McNitt Webster Childs Van Rensselaer Cady Drake Delivan Crane Truesdell Malcom Blakely Malcom Blakely Thomas Lyons Webster Long Van Rensselaer Sharp Lansing Schuyler Van Rensselaer Sharp Graham Bostwick Fisher Veeder Klock Klock s Fonda Fisher Fisher Fisher Wemple Fisher Yates Van Rensselaer Fisher Veeder Willet Van Rensselaer Graham Muller Wemple Van Veghten Bancker Denning Cantine Ramsen Dubois Lee Johnson Jansen Johnson Cross Johnson Wilkin Wessenfels Hard»nbugh Pawling Piercy Graham Phillips Ostrander * In Captain Roger's Co., same regiment, five months in 1776. Huntington, L. I., A. P. 15-117. Wounded in a skirmish near Eastchester, March 16, 1777. 382 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Harrison Childs Ramsen Cross Jansen Bell Gillispy Armstrong Drake Childs McNittFaulkner Piercy ChildsRuff Ruff Long Armstrong Long Armstrong Graham, John, private Armstrong Armstrong Graham, John, private Graham Sherwood Graham, John, private Yates Bell Graham, Jno., private Yates Hadlock Graham, John, private Cantine Graham, Joseph, private Harper Graham, Morris, colonel Graham, Robert, private Johnson Graham, Robert, surgeon Thomas Graham, Robt,, private Crane Graham, Robt., private Cantine Graham, Rosil, private Webster Graham, Sylvanus, private Cantine Graham, Thomas, private Johnson Graham, Thomas, private Johnson Graham, William, lieut. Hays Graham, William, private Johnson Graham, William, private Armstrong Graham, Wm., private Malcom Graham, Wintrop, private Webster Graham, William, private Webster Graham, Wintrop, private Armstrong Graham, Zachariah, priv. Pawling Graham, Zacharias, piiv. Pawling Grahams, Tony, private Thomas Grame, Wintrop, private Webster Gramer, And'w, private Klock Gramer, Godfrey, private Klock Grames, John, private Webster Graines, John, private Webster Grames, William, private Webster Grames, William, private Webster Granatier, John, private Vrooman Granby, Rich'd, private Willet Tearse Grandby, Rich'd, private Willet Henry Granfield, Arch'd, private Van Rensselaer Niles Granger, John, private Willet Pearcy Grans, Fred'k, private Schuyler Lansing Grans, Mich'l, private Vrooman GraDt, John, private Webster Sherwood Grant, John, private Armstrong Grant, John, private Klock Miller Grant, Peter, private Dubois Lee Grant, Vincent, private Wessenfels Brewster Grass, Geo., fifer Willet Tearse Grate, Abraham, private Willet Hole Grathan, John, private Noble Gausbeek, Nich's, private Yates Grause, Leonard, private Klock Cayser Grant, Jerone, private Van Bergen Graves, Bort, private Livingston Pulver Graves, David, private Van Ness Tanner Graves, Increase, sergeant Van Ness Tanner Graves, Jed' h, corporal Van Ness Tanner Graves, John, private Van Alstyn Ostrander Graves, Jonah, captain Van Renselaer Graves, Josiah, private Whiting Vosburgh Graves, Joseph,* sergeant Baldwin's Albany Co. Rangers Graves, Lewis, corporal Whiting Bostwick Graves, Mark, private Willet Gillet Graves, Mark, private Willet Henry Graves, Noadiah, private Whiting Davis Graves, Noadiah, private Graham Bostwick Graves, Noadiah, private Van Rensselaer King Graves, Nodiah Sawyer, pr. Armstrong Graves, Rich'd, private Van Alstyn Ostrander Graves, Bich'd, private Van Alstyn Claw Graves, Rich'd, private Van Alstyn Truesdell Graves, Rupil, private Yates Brown Graves, Russel, private Yates Brown Graves, Russel, private Yates - Hadlock Graves, Selden, private Van Rensselaer Graves Graves, Stephen S., priv. Van Ness Tanner Graves, Tim'y, sergeant Whiting Bostwick Graves, Tim'y, sergeant Graham Bostwick Graves, Zebulon, private Thomas Hubby Grawback, Dan'l, private Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Name and Rank. Reoihbnt. Grawback, Hend'k, private Van Rensselaer Grawborgar, Peter, sergt Yates Gray, Al? m, private Gray, Adam, sergeant Gray, Adam, private KlockKlock Whiting Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Graham WebsterVan Woert Armstrong Gray, Asahel, lieut. Gray, Dan'l, lieut. Gray, Dan'l, private Gray, Daniel, private Gray, Dan'l, private Gray, David, private Gray, David, private Gray, Edward, private Gray, Eliphalet, sergeant Gray, Hugh, private Van Woert Gray, Jabez, private Whiting Gray, James, lieut. Van Rensselaer Gray, James, private Wessenfels Gray, James, private Harper Gray, James, private Van Rensselaer Gray, James, private Wessenfels Gray, James, private Van Rensselaer Gray, John, sergeant Whiting Gray, John, corporal Klock Gray, John, corporal Webster Gray, John, fifer Field Gray, John, private Hathorn Gray, John, private Wessenfels Gray, John, private Hathorn Gray, John private Webster Gray, John, private Klock Gray, John, private Graham Gray, Jon'n, Sen'r, priv. Webster Gray, Jon'n, private Luddington Gray, Jon'n, private Field Gray, Juduthan, sergeant Hopkins Gray, Nathaniel, sergeant Hathorn Gray, Nath'l, private Williams Gray, Nath'l, private Webster Gray, Nath'l, private Armstrong Gray, Robert, private Klock Gray, Sam'l, adjutant Klock Gray, Sam'l, private Webster Gray, Silas, captain Willet Gray, Wm., private Van Woert Gray, Wm., private Van Woert Gray, Will., private Field Grean, Neal, private Van Rensselaer Grear, Joseph, sergeant Malcom Greatsinger, John, private Hathorn Greaves, Thomas, sergeant Pawling Greay, Adam, sergeant Klock Greay, Andrew, private Klock Greay, John, private Klock Greay, Ropeart, private Klock Greay, Samuel, lieut. Klock Greek, James, private Hopkins Green, Abraham, drummer Thomas Green, Ab'm, private Green, And'w, drummer Green, And'w, private Green, Asahel, private Green, Benj'n, private Green, Benj'n, private Green, Benjamin, private Green, Benjamin, private Green, Benj'n, private Green, Boen, corporal Green, Boen, private Green, Caleb, private Green, Caleb, private Green, Cha's, t lieut. Green, Charles, private Green, Chase, private Green, Daniel, private Green, Daniel, private Green, Dan'l, private Company. Vanderhoof Brown Brinkerhoof Kock Zeely GilbertShaw Odle Randall Husted Armstrong WellsLong Stevenson Wells Gilbert Husted White Allen Odle StaatsHerrick KockLong Hecock Shepherd Dodge McCamly McNittCayser Conklin McNitt Knapp HecockWheeler LongLong Long Kock Long Gilmore McKillip Hecock Odle DrakeBogardus Piercy Klock Klock KlockKlock KlockLane Hubby Hobby Bouton Scofield Pearcy Shaw Gilmore Scofield BoutonOsburn Hodge Gilmore Lee Dyckman Husted Hnbby Hadlock Telford ThomasCrane Crane Willet Van Rensselaer Van Woert Crane Crane Benedict Van Woert Van Woert DuboisField Van Rensselaer ThomasYates Hathorn Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn * Enlisted 1776; taken prisoner at Sabbath Day Pt March 20, 1777; paroled fall of 1778. Kings Distr., Columbia Co. A. P. 14-526, 16-85. + Ensign in Shaw's Co. Aug. 11, 1780, Lieut. Aug. 15, 1781. A. P. 16-250. Roster of the State Troops. 383 Name and Rank. Green, David, corpl. Green, Ebenezer, private Green, Eben'r, pnvate Green, Ebenezer, private Green, Eben'r, private Green, Ed'd, private Green, Ezekiel, private Green, Ezekiel, private Green, Gilbert, private Green, Henry, private Green, Isaac,* private Green, Isaac, private Green, Isaac, private Green, Israel, private Green, James, ensign Green, James, sergeant Green, Jas., private Green, James, private Green, James, private Green, James, private Green, James, private Green, Jehial, private Green, Jehiel, private Green, Jehiel, private Green, Jerem'h, sergeant Green, Jeremiah, private Green, Joab, lieut. Green, Jno., sergeant Green, Jno., sergeant Green, John, private Green, John, private Green, John, private Green, Jno., private Green, John, private Green, Jno., private Green, John, private Green, John, private Green, Joseph, private Green, Joseph, private Green, Joseph, private Green, Joseph, Jr., priv. Green, Josiah, t private Green, Luke, sergeant Green, Luke, sergeant Green, Luke, private Green, Nathan, ensign Green, Obediah, corporal Green, Patrick, private Green, Perry, private Green, Peter, private Green, Peter, private Green, Preserved, private Green, Samuel, private Green, Samuel, private Green, Samuel, private Green, Silas, private Green, Silvester M., priv. Green, Stephen, private Green, Stephen, private Green, Stephen, private Green, Thomas, sergeant Green, Thos., private Green, Thomas, private Green, Tobias, private Green, Fones, private Green, Wm., (jr. mr. serg. Green, Wm., lieut Green, Wm., ensign Green, Will, ensign Green, William, sergeant Green, Wilham, sergeant Green, Wm., private Green, Wm., private Green, Will, private Green, Will, private Green, Zachariah,! corpl. Greene, Ambrose, private Regiment. Van Rensselaer Willet Willet Harper Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Hopkins BrinckerhoffBrinckerhoffVan Woert Wessenfels Field BrinkerhoffNewkirkVan Rensselaer Wessenfels GrahamVan Veghten FieldBrinckerhoffBrinckerhoffCrane Wessenfels Crane GrahamVan Woert Van Woert Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Thomas Malcom Van Rensselaer Van Woert Field Luddington Brinckerhoff Wessenfels Hopkins Brinkerhoff Brinckerhoff 3d Conn't line Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer FieldVan Rensselaer Hays Van Reneselaer Pawling Wessenfels Van Rensselaer WessenfelsDrake Drake Graham Snyder Vandenburgh DrakeBrinckerhoff Van Rensselaer Van Woert Van Ness Hopkins WhitingVan Rensselaer Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten HathornHathorn Hathorn Van Bergen Van Ness. Webb's Cont'Is Van Rensselaer Company. Turner FondaPearcy Vrooman Graves Shaw BrinkerhoffVan Wyck Schutt McKillip Dyckman Van Wyck Crawford Shaw Livingston LansingBarnumBrinckerhoofSchutt LawrenceHunt Scofield Conklin Wells Gilmore Shaw Husted St. John DelavanStevensonShaw DotyDykemanLane WhiteBrinkerhoff Van Wyck Van Wyck Comstock ShawHusted Shaw BarnumStaats Gardner Shaw Livingston Turner Hunt Boyd Haight Magee Swart Van Wyck Schutts Graves GilmoreWhitney Talmadge KingDunham Dunham WoodworthShepherd McCambly Minthorn " Honeywell Walbridge Woodworth Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Greene, Perry, private Van Rensselaer Husted Greenfield, Enos, private Vau Rensselaer Shaw ' Greenfield, Enos, private Van Rensselaer Odle Greenman, Benj'n, private Van Rensselaer Turner Greenwall, Daniel, private Pawling Burnet Gregory, Benjamin, priv. Pawling Westfal' Gregory, Boswell, private Hopkins Lane Gregory, Daniel, private Thomas Miller Gregory, Dan'l, private Luddington Scribner Gregory, David, corporal Van Veghten Dunning Gregory, David, private Van Veghten Gregory, Ezra, sergeant Luddington Scribner Gregory, Ezra, private Luddington Waterbury Gregory, Jehiel, private Thomas St. John Gregory, John, sergeant Drake Buckhout Gregory, John, private Dragoons Delavan Gregory, John, private Drake Haight Gregory, Joseph, ensign Luddington Crane Gregory, Joseph, ensign Luddington Lane Gregory, Joshua, private Hopkins Lane Gregory, Joshua, private Luddington Scribner Gregory, Josiah, sergeant Luddington Scribner Gregory, Nehemiah, priv. Thomas St. John Gregory, Nehemiah, priv. Stevensen Gregory, Russell, corporal Luddington Scribner Gregory, Sam'l, private Luddington Scribner Gregory, Sam'l, private Luddington Waterbury Gregory, Thomas, private Luddington Scribner Gregory, Tim'y, private Luddington Baker Gregory, CJrijah, sergeant Van Schoonhoven Collins (?) Grembs, Hend'k, private Klock Klock Grembs, Hend'k, private Klock Suts Grembs, John, sergeant Klock Kock Grenfield, Enos, private Van Rensselaer Shaw Greng, John, private Klock Hess Grenus, Peter, ensign Klock Kock Grewsbeck, Nich's, q. m. s. Van Rensselaer DeGarmo Grewsbeck, Nich's, private Van Rensselaer DeGarmo Grewsbeck, Peter, private Van Rensselaer DeGarmo Grewsbeck, Peter, corpl. Van Rensselaer DeGarmo Grey, Andrew, private Johnson Johnson Grey, Isaac, sergeant Williams Long Griffen, Joseph, private Hopkins Van Benschoten Griffen, Peter, private Hopkins Van Benschoten Griffin, Eben'r, private Malcom McKinstry Griffin, Isaac, private Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Griffin, Jacob, lieut-col. Griffin, Jacob, lieut-col. Griffin, Jacob, private Griffin, John, private Griffin, John, private Griffin, John, private Griffin, J^hn, private Griffin, John, private Griffin, John, private Griffin, John, private Griffin, John, private Griffin, Joseph, private Griffin, Joseph, private Griffin, Joshua, private Griffin, William, private Griffin, William, Jr., priv Griffls, Thomas, private Griffiths, Abner, corporal Van Rensselaer Griffin, Alex'r, sergeant Cuyler Griffith, Aron, private Yates Griffith, Eli, pnvate Armstrong Griffith, Elnathan, private Van Rensselaer Griffith, Elnathan, private Van Rensselaer Griffith, Jasper, corporal Van Rensselaer Griffith, Jasper, private Van Rensselaer Griffith, Jerem'h, ensign Van Rensselaer Griffith, Jerem'h, sergeant Van Rensselaer Griffith, Joshua, private Van Rensselaer Griffith, Joshua, private Luddington Griffith, Lazarus, private Luddington Griffith, Nath'l, corporal Van Rensselaer Johnson Williams Hopkins Hopkins MalcomBrinckerhoff Hopkins BrinckerhoffGraham Wessenfels Wessenfels Pawling Pawling PawlingHopkinsDuboisBrinkerhoff Malcom Van Veghten BrinkerhoffArmstrong Webster Armstrong ConklinLivingston Hardenburgh HunterDe Witt Piercy WatersChamberlain StormLivingstonVan Woert Storm Sherwood McNitt Shaw McNitt Odle Randall Shaw ShawShawShawOdle MeadMeadRandall * Enlisted April 1, 1782, transferred to Lamb's Artillery. A. P. 16-194. T Wounded in the left shoulder at Compo, Conn., April 28, 1777. Weaver, Fredericksburgh, Dutchess Co. C8. t Shot through left shoulder at White Marsh, Penna., December 7, 1777. Clergyman, Southold, L. I. B. 6-78. 384 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Griffith, Nath'l, private Griffith, Nath'l, private Griffith, Samuel, private Griffith, Stephen, private Griffith, Thomas, private Griffith, Thomas, private Griffith, William, sergeant Griffith, Wm., private Griffith, Will., private Griffiths, James, corporal Griffiths, Reuben, private Griffiths, William, private Griffiths, Wm., private Griffiths, Wm., private Griffiths, Wm., private Grig, And'w, private Grigg, Hez'h, private Grigg, Hez'h, private Grigg, James, private Grigg, Wm. , private Griggs, Abm., private Griggs, Everett, private Griggs, Evert, private Griggs, John, private Griggs, Samuel, private Griggs, Simon, corporal Griggs, Simon, private Griggs, Simon, sergeant Griggs, Simon, sergeant Grigory, John, quarterm'r Grigs, John, sergeant Grim, Henry, private Grimbs, Henry, private Grimes, James, private . Grimes, John, private Grimes, John, private Grimes, William, private Grindlemire, Christ'r, priv. Grinfield, John, private Gring, John, private Grippen, John, sergeant Grippens, Egbert, private Grisler, George, private Grissel, Jothem, private Griswold, David, private Griswold, Elijah, private Griswold, Eph'm, private Griswold, Gabez, private Griswold, Jabez, corp'l Griswold, Jacob, private Gnswold, Miles, sergeant Griswold, Miles, sergeant Griswould, Jabez, private Griswould, John, private Grivie, Philip, private Grizall, Eph'm, private Grizall, Jabez, private Grizall, Josiah, private Grizel, David, private Grizzle, John, private Griswould, Jabez, private Groadt, Simon, corporal Groat, Ab'm A., private Groat, Ab'm C, private Groat, And'w, private Groat, And'w, private Groat, Dirck C, private Groat, Hieron, private Groat, Hyeron, private Groat, John, private Groat, Peter, private Groat, Peter, private Groat, Simon, corporal Groat, Simon A., private Groat, Simon C, private Groat, Simon S., sergeant Groat, Wilhelmus, private Groce, Lawrence, lieut Groen, John, private Groen, Silvester M., priv. Groenvolt, Daniel, private Groesbeck, Ant'y, private Regiment. Company. Van Rensselaer Odle Van Rensselaer Shaw Whiting Gilbert Van Rensselaer Odle Webster Childs Armstrong McNitt Whiting Gilbert Graham Lansing Luddington Mead Harper Bogart Van Alstyn Van Buren Webster Van Veghten Woodworth Van Veghten Van Woert Van Veghten Dunham Wemple Wanson Wessenfels Westfall Malcom Delavan Wemple Mynderson Piatt Lee Van Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Taylor Willet White Van Schoonhoven Phillips Ostrander Van Schoonhoven Van Schoonvoven Taylor Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Veghten Drake Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Willet Elsworth Klock Kock Field Hecock Whiting King Williams Armstrong Williams Armstrong Van Rensselaer Philip Van Rensselaer Odle Klock Hess Van Ness Willet Gross Klock Zeely Yates Van Denburgh Graham Muller Willet Pearcy Schuyler Tillman Van Rensselaer Philip Schuyler Tillman Van Rensselaer Noble Graham Bostwick Van Ness Van Schoonhoven Visscher Schuyler Veeder Yates Yates Yates Yates Yates Yates Yates Hadlock Van Schoonnoven Howley Wemple Wanson Wemple Bancker Wemple Bancker Wemple Mynderse Wemple Bancker Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Rensselaer Osterhoudt Van Rensselaer Philip Van Rensselaer Hawley Van Rensselaer Muller Van Rensselaer Philip Wemple Mynderse Wemple Bancker Wemple JJancker Wemple Bancker Van Rensselaer Philips Clyde Ruff Van Rensselaer A. P. 16-248. Wynkoop Bogardus Pawling Westfall Schuyler Lansing Name and Rank. Groesbeck, David, lieut. Groesbeck, Harman, priv. Groesbeck, Hugh, corpl. Groesbeck, Jacob, private Groesbeck, Jacob, private Groesbeek, Jno., private Groesbeck, Nich's, private Groesbeck, Nich's L.priv, Groesbeck, Nich's W., pr. Groesbeck, Peter, private Groesbeck, Peter, private Groesbeck, Peter, private Groesbeck, Peter W., corp. Groesbeck, Peter W., priv. Groesbeck, Walter N., pr. Groesbeck, Wm., private Groesbeck, Wm., private Groesbeek, Gysbert, sergt. Groman, Nath'l, ensign Grommon, Nath'l, ensign Gromon, Nath'l, ensign GroomJ Edward, private Groom, Joseph, sergeant Groom, Joseph, private Groom, Joseph, private Grooman, John, private Grooms, David, private Grooms, James, sergeant Grooms, James, private Grooms, Wm., private Groone, Jacob, M., private Groone, Jacob M., Jr., pr. Groone, Peter Maurice, pr. Groone, Silvester M., priv. Groone, William M., priv. Groosbeck, Garret, lieut. Groosbeck, Nich's, private Groosbeck, Nich's, private Groosbeck, Nich's, private Groot, Ab'm, private Groot, Class A., private Groot, Clause, private Groot, Corn's, private Groot, Corn's A., sergeant Groot, Dirck, private Groot, Dirck A., private Groot, Dirck C, sergeant Groot, Dirck, private Groot, Dirk, sergeant Groot, Dirk, private Groot, Dirk P., private Groot, Isaac, sergeant Groot, Jesse, private Groot, Jesse, private Groot, John, captain Groot, John, pnvate Groot, Nich's, private Groot, Nicholas, private Groot, Nich's, A., private Gros, John Dan'l, chaplain Grosbeck, Gysbert, priv. Grosbeck, Hugh, corporal Grosbeck, Jacob, private Grosbeck, Nich's M., priv. Grosline, Sam'l, corporal Grosline, Wm., private Gross, Henry, private Gross, Henry, private Gross, Jacob, private Gross, Jacob, private Gross, Lawrence, captain Gross, Lawrence, lieut. Gross, Peter, private Grot, Ab'm, private . Grot, Andries, private Grote, Ab'm, private Grote, Ab'm A., private Grote, Ab'm C, private Grote, And'w, private Grote, Dirk, private Grote, Peter, private Grote, Simon, private Regiment. Company. Roseboom Yates Vandenburgh Yates Yates Willet Harrison Yates Yates Schuyler Slyngerland Yates Yates Yates Yates Yates Yates Schuyler Lansing ¦Yates Yates Schuyler Lansing Yates Yates Yates Yates Yates Vandenburgh Yates Yates Yates Yates Schuyler Slingerlandt Van Veghten Dunning Van Veghten Thompson Van Veghten Denning Van Bergen Hoghtaling Van Bergen Hoghtaling Van Bergen Hoghtaling Van Bergen Dubois Van Veghten Denning Van Schoonhoven Aylesworth Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Wynkoop Van Buren Wynkoop Van Buren Wynkoop Van Buren Wynkoop Van Buren Wynkoop Van Buren Van Rensselaer Price Yates Brown Yates Weltse Yates Weltse Schuyler Ostrum Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven Visscher Yates Yates Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven Visscher Schuyler Ostrum Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Willet Gillet Schuyler Ostrum Steenbergh Van Schoonhoven Visscher SchuylerSchuyler Vischer Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Ness Whiting Van Schoonhoven Visscher Schuyler Van Wee Yates Yates Yates Yates Yates Brown Brinckerhoff Van Wyck Brinckerhoff Schutt Klock Zeely Klock Bedhegs Cooper Blauvelt Hays Bell Willet Klock Ruff Hays Bell Schuyler Ostrum Willet Hole Wemple Wemple Bancker Wemple Van Slyck Wemple Bancker Van Schoonhoven Piatt Kinnue Wemple Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Grote, Simon C, sergeant Wemple Grote, Simon C, private Wemple Grott, Ab'm, corporal Schuyler Grott, Derick, sergeant Schuyler Grott, Dirick N., private Schuyler Groundheart, Geo., private Willet Grousbeck, Harman, priv. Yates Grousbeck, Harmon, priv. Yates Grousbeck, John, private Y"ates Grousbeck, John N, priv. Yates Grousbeck, John N., priv. Yates Grousbeck, Nich s,q.m. ser. Yates Grousbeck, Nich's, private Yates Grousbeck, Peter, private Yates Grousbeck, Walter N., pr. Y ates Grout, Corn's, sergeant Wemple Grout, Helkiah, private Malcom Grove, Benjamin, private Webster Grover, And'w, private Webster Grover, Benj'n, private Armstrong Grover, Benj'n, private Webster Grover, Eleazer, private Williams Grover, Joseph, private Armstrong Grover, Penuel, private Armstrong Grover, Penwel, corporal Webster Grover, Peter, private Webster Grover, Phineas, corporal Webster Grover, Silas, private Webster Grow, Christ'r, private Fisher Growman, Nath^, ensign Van Veghten Gruhes, Claas, private Dubois Grummon, Ebenezer, priv. Hays Company. BanckerBancker Lansing Lansing Lansing FondaBruttVau Denburgh Brutt Van Denburgh Yates Yates Brutt Mynderse Delavan Armstrong ChildsMcNitt Child Shepardson ChildsChilds.Childs Childs Yates Burnet Stevenson Grun, Eben'r, private Weisenfels Grun, Jones, private Whiting Kings Grun, Obadiah, private Van Rensselaer Staats Grun, Sam'l, private Drake Haight Grupes, Elias, private Dubois Burnet Gruss, Evert, private Van Schoonnoven Visscher Guatt, Matt'w, private Brinckerhoff Gudson, Peter, private Quackenboss Slingerlandt Gue, Joseph, private Wessenfels Hunt Guge, Evert, private Willet White Guil, Daniel, sergeant Willet Gray Guildersleeves, Finch,lieut Wessenfels Hunt Guile, Amos, private Van Veghten Guile, Benj'n, lieut. Van Veghten Guile, Daniel, sergeant Van Veghten Woodworth Guiles, Henry, private Willet Putman Regiment. Johnson Clyde Klock Graham Vandenburgh" Name and Rank. Guion, David, lieut. Guivit, Fred'k, private Gulagh, Adam, private Guller, James D., private Gulnack, Jacob, sergeant Gulnack, Jacob, sergeant Brinckerhoff" Gulnack, Mich'l, private Hopkins Gulneck, Mich'l, private Brinckerhoff Guloch, Christian, private Klock Gullery, George, private Webster Gultery, John, pnvate Webster Gunsalis, Daniel, private Johnson Gunsalis, Emanuel, private Pawling Gunsalis, John, private Schuyler Gunsarel, John, private Schuyler Gunsaul, John, private Schuyler Gunsaul, Peter, private Schuyler Gunsolen, Samuel, private Graham Gurdiner, Corn's, private Harper Gurmond, Peter, private Hopkins Gurnee, Benjamin, private Hays Gurnee, Elias, private Hays Gurnee, Francis, private Hays Gurnee, Francis, Jr., priv. Hays Gurnee, Isaiah, private Hays Gurnee, John, private Gurnee, John J., private Gurnee, Stephen, fifer Gurner, Francis, private Gurnia, Benjamin, private Malcom Gurrison, Jonas, private Pawling Gutches, Hendricus, priv. Johnson Guthrey, George, private Webster Guthrey, John, private Webster Guthry, John, private Armstrong Guthry, Samuel, private Gutridge, Mich'l, private Gutry, Sam'l, private Guttoy, John, private Guy, John,* private Guy, Tim'y, corporal Guy, Tim'y, private Guyles, John, private Guy wit, Fred'k, private Gwinn, Mich'l, private Gwitz, John, private Gyer, John, sergeant Gyer, John, private Hays Hays HaysHays Armstrong Piatt WilliamsWebsterGraham Van Veghte Graham FisherKlock Clyde Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Company. OstranderRuff Cayser 385 Storm Van Benschouten Van Benschouten Van Benschouten Ruff Long Cross Pawling Lansing Ostrum OstrumOstrum SherwoodDrakeTalmadge Ackerson Ackerson Oaderdonk Gardner Ackerson Ackerson Ackerson Ackerson Gardner Westfall Cross Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Bloom Armstrong Armstrong Sherwood Thompson Ruff Humfrey House Bries Bries H. Haas, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Haasbrock, Jonathan, pr. Wynkoop Haasbrook, Dan'l, corp'l Snyder Haasbrook, Dan'l, corporal Wynkoop Haasbrook, John, corporal Wynkoop Haasbrook, John, corporal Wynkoop Haasbrook, Joseph, lieut. Hathorn Haasbrook, Solomon, ser. Snyder Haasbrough, Jacob, priv. Van Rensselaer Haasner, Jacob, private Brinckerhoff Haberman, Jacob, private Klock Haberman, Jacob, private Clyde Habner, Andrew, private Klock Haborn, John, private Hopkins Haborn, John, private Brinckerhoff Hacker, Sam'l, private Van Ness Hacket, Josiah, private Van Ness Hackle, Robert, private Hays Hackley, Andrew, private Whiting Hackman, Thomas, priv. Harper Hackney, George, private Willet Hackney, Geo., private Wemple Hackney, Geo., private Wemple Hackney, William, private Willet Hacks, James, corp 1 Van Rensselaer Hacks, John, private Webster Swart Swart BogardusBogardus Swart Brodhead Swart BrinckerhoffRuff House Ruff Van Benschoten Brower Tanner TannerGardner King HarrisonGross Mynderse Wanson Fonda NilesChilds Hadby, Isaac, sergeant Hadden, Abm. Smith, cap. Hadden, Abm. S., lieut. Hadden, John, Jr., private Hadick, Wm., private Hadlack, Sam'l, private Hadley, Fred'k, private Hadley, Fred'k, private Hadley, Fred'k, private Hadley, George, private Hadley, Isaac, sergeant Hadley, Isaac, sergeant Hadley, Isaac, sergeant Hadley, Isaac, private Hadley, Joseph, sergeant Hadley, Moses, corporal Hadley, Moses, private Hadley, Moses, private Hadley, Moses, private Hadley, Stephen, fifer Hadley, Stephen, private Hadley, Stephen, private Hadley, William, corporal Hadley, Wm., private Hadley, Wm., private Hadley, Will., private Cooper Drake Drake Drake Van. Rensselaer Yates Johnson CooperHays Hays Wessenfels Pawling Harper HaysGraham Pawling Van Bergen LuddingtonLuddington Hays CooperHays Wessenfels Hopkins Van Bergen Luddington Gardner Hadden Elliot Brown Mastin Gardner Tourneur Tourneur Bowen Lawrence Lawrence Tourneur WilliamsSacket Honeywell MeadWaterbury Tourneur Gardner Tourneur HuntLaneHoneywellWaterbury * Enlisted 1779, taken prisoner at Fort Ann Oct. 10, 1780 ; exchanged Oct. 18, 1782, Kingsbury, Washington Co. A. P., 19-323. 49 386 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Hadley, Wm., Jr., private Van Bergen Honeywell Hadlock, James, captain Yates Hadlock, Samuel, private Yates Hadlock Hadock, Thos., private Van Rensselaer Odle Hadon, Alpheus, private Field Dykeman Haeman, Peter, private Klock Klock Haff, Lawrence, ensign Brinckerhoff Brower Hagadorn, Adam, private Willet Debois Hagadorn, Jacob, lieut Livingston Rockenfelle Hagadorn, Jacob, private Livingston Rockenfell Hagadorn, John, private Willet Debois Hagadorn, Samuel, private Willet Debois Hagadorn, Samuel, private Willet Hole Hagadorn, Samuel, private Harper Vrooman Hagaman, Adrian, private Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Hagaman, Francis, private Brinckerhoff Brower Hagaman, Jerem'h, priv. Brinckerhoff Brower Hagaman, Nich's, private Malcom Delavan Hagedorn, Barth'w, priv. Willet Dubois Hagadorn, Dirck, sergeant Vrooman Hagedorn, Harm's, private Wemple Hagedorn, John, private Graham Lansing Hagedorn, Sam'l, private Graham Lansing Hagedorn, Wm., private Livingston Rockenfell Hagedourn, Sam'l, private Graham Magee Hageman, Joseph, private Piatt Bloom Hageman, Nich s, corporal Van Schoonhoven Hageman, Nich's, private Wessenfels Dodge Hageman, Peter, private Brinckerhoff Van Wyck Hagen, Martin, sergeant Van Veghten Van Woert Hagen, Martin, private Van Veghten Van Woert Hagencamp, Gisbert, priv. Hays Ackerson Hager, Henry, private Willet Debois Hager, Henry, private Willet Harrison Hager, Joseph, corporal Willet Debois Hager, Thos., private ' Luddington Knapp Hager, William, private Wessenfels White Hagerman, Ad'm, private Van Rensselaer Fraist Hagerman, Nich's, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Graham Van Veghten Vrooman Vrooman Fisher Thomas Drake Drake Crane Hagerman, Nich's, private Graham Hagerman, Wm., sergeant Van Rensselaer Hagerman, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Hagerman, Wm., private Hagerthy, Wm., private Hagetorn, Adam, private Hagetorn, Bait, private Hagetorn, Barth m, private Vrooman Hagetorn, Dirck, sergeant Vrooman Hagetorn, Sam'l, private Vrooman Hagle, John, private Haight, Charles, private Haight, Elithan, private Haight, Elnathan, Jr., pr. Haight, Enoch, private Haight, Enoch, private Haight, Hezekiah, private Crane Haight, Jacob, private Hays Haight, Jesse, private Crane Haight, J ohn, private Drake Haight, Joseph, private Drake Haight, Joseph, private Haight, Reuben, private Haight, Samuel, captain Haight, Samuel, private Haight, Sam'l, private Haight, Sam'l, Jr., priv. Haight, Silvanus, Jr., priv. Crane Haight, Solomon, private Drake Haight, Steph' n, Conklin Shaw De Forest Wessenfels Hammond DrakeHopkinsDrake Hopkins Thompson Heager Heager Heager Yates PurdyHaddenLewis Stevenson Lewis Stevenson Lewis Boyd Boyd Waters Haight Waters LewisBoyd Haight, Walter, private Hail, Daniel, private Hailey, Geo., private Hailey, Jacob, private Hainie, Hend'k, private Haines, John, pnvate Hains, And'w, private Hains, Asa, lieut. Hains, Henry, private Hains, Henry, private Hains, James, private Hains, John,, private Hair, Amos, private Graham HammondThomas Miller Wemple Wanson Wemple Wanson Klock Hess Brinkerhoff Brinkerhoof Klock Hess Field Hecock Hathorn Conklin Johnson Jansen Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Fisher Yeoman Brinckerhoff Brower Name and Rank. Regiment. Hairmancy, Gose, private Van Bergen Hait, Abijah, private Crane Hait, Benj'n, private Crane Hait, Henry, private Lansing Hait, Hezekiah, private Thomas Hait, Jacob, lieut. Thomas Hait, Jon'n, private Thomas Hait, Jonathan, private Crane Hait, Minna, private Wessenfels Hait, Nathan, private Crane Hait, Parson, private Crane Hait, Silas, Jr., private Crane Hait, Silvanus, private Crane Haite, Abijah, private Pawling Haizel, Geo., Jr., corporal Vrooman Hake, Emanuel, private Hake, Fred'k, private Clyde Hake, Fred'k, private Clyde Haker, Nathan, private Van Rensselaer Hakes, Jesse, pnvate Willet Halbert, Thomas, private Hathorn Halegas, Peter, private Klock Halenbeck, Casper, private Van Rensselaer Halenbeek, Jacob, private Schuyler Halenbeek, Isaac, private Willet Hall, Ambrose, private Field Hall, Asa, private Graham Hall, BeDajah, corporal Willet Hall, Benajah, private Field Hall, Benjamin, fifer Pawling Hall, Ben'n, fifer Graham Hall, Ben; amin, private Pawling Hall, Benamin, private Wessenfels Hall, Benj'n, private Graham Hall, Benoni, private Van Rensselaer Hall, Boston, private Weisenfels Hall, Boston, private Pawling Hall, Burges, private Van Woert Hall, Caleb, private Drake Hall, Charles, private Whiting Hall, Christ'r, private Willet Hall, Christ'r, private Willet Hall, Christ'r, private Graham Hall, Christopher, private Van Rensselaer Hall, Daniel, private Hall, Elisha, private Hall, Ezekiel, private Hall, Gardner, corporal Hall, Gardner, private Hall, Gideon, lieut. Hall, George, sergeant Hall, George, private Hall, Gustner, private Hall, Isaac, private Hall, Jacob, sergeant Hall, Jacob, private Hall, Jacob, private Hall, Jacob, private Hall, Jesse, private Hall, Jesse, private Hall, John, lieut. Hall, John, sergeant Hall, John, sergeant Hall, John, corporal Hall, John, fifer Hall, John, private Hall, John, private Hall, John, private Hall, John, private Hall, John, private Hall, John, private Hall, John, private Hall, John, private Hall, John, private Hall, John, private Hall, John H., private Hall, John W., private Hall, Joseph, sergeant Hall, Justice, private Hall, Michael, private Hall, Morton, private Hall, Nich's, private DrakeLuddingtonGraham Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Vandenburgh Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Renselaer WilletFisher FisherFisher Fisher Field Graham Luddington Hopkins LuddingtonThomas Hathorn WessenfelsPawlingWemple WempleFisher DrakeWisnerField Field WempleWemple Thomas Van Alstyn Armstrong FieldWemple Company. Hoghtaling Lewis Lewis BrowerGilbert Gilbert St. John Lewis Lewis Lewis LewisLewisSacketStubrachNoble DiffendorfHouse NilesMarshall Shepherd Wagner Bries VeederConine Hecock Vail Fonda Dyckman Hunter Hermance WoodShephard Hermance NilesWestfall Westfall Wells BovdGilbertTearse Henry BostwickOdleBoydMead Pearce Niles Niles Wheeler NilesNilesNilesLivingston Snook FisherMarselus Dyckman Vail Baker ¦Barnum Knapp Purdy BartholfShephard Faulkner BanckerVan Slyck Fonda MabeeBoydBarthoff Dyckman Barnum Bancker Bancker Purdy ClawMcNitt Barnum Van Slyck Roster of the State Troops. 387 Regiment. Fisher Hathorn Wessenfels Pawling DuboisVan Rensselaer Field WilletWillet Hathorn WisnerVan Veghten Swift (Conn.) Van Woert Van Woert Luddington FisherFisherFisherWillet GrahamWemple Fisher Yates Van Rensselaer Fisher Name and Rank. Hall, Peter, private Hall, Reuben, private Hall, Robert, private Hall, Robert, private Hall, Robert, private Hall, Rowland, private Hall, Sam'l, private Hall, Simon, private Hall, Simon, private Hall, Stephen, private Hall, Stephen, private Hall, Sylvester, private Hall, Talmadge,* lieut. Hall, Thomas, private Hall, Thomas, private Hall, Thomas, private Hall, William, lieut. Hall, Wm., lieut. Hall, Wm., lieut Hall, Wm., private Hall, Wm., private Hall, Wm., private Hall, Wm., private Hall, Wm., private Hall, Wm., private Hall, Will, private Hall, Wm., Jr., private Hallebold, Teunis, private Klock Hallen, William, private Yates Hallen, Will, private Yates Hallenbeck, Jacob, private Van Bergen Hallenbeck, Jacob, private Dubois Hallenbolt, Andrias, corpl. Klock Hallent, James, private Van Rensselaer Hallent, George, private Hallet, Jeffer, private Hallet, Nathan, private Hallet, RichaTQ, private Hallet, William, t corporal Wessenfels Hallett, Wm... private Wessenfels Hallett, Wm., private Willet Hailey, Joseph, private Yates Hailey, Newman, private Hallick, Jeffry, private Hallick, Jeffry, private Hallick, Jonathan, lieut. Hallick, Jonathan, ensign Hathorn Hailing, William, private Yates Hallock, Jon'n, lieut. Wisner Hallock, Joseph, private Pawling Hallock, Joshua, private Hathorn Hallock, Thomas, private Pawling Hallester, William, private Cantine Hally, Joseph, private Field Hally, Zadock, private Halmer, John, private Halms, Sam'l, private Halock, James, captain Halstead, David, private Halstead, Henry, private Halstead, Josiah, private Kiuwunniu Halstead, Josiah, corporal Brinckerhoff Halsted, Mich'l, private Drake Halstead, Mich'l, private Crane Halstead, Samuel, private Pawh'ng Halstead, Thomas, private Brinckerhoff Halstead, Timothy, private Hays Halsted, Edward, private Hays Halsted, Jacob, private Halstead, John, private Halstead, John, private Halsted, John, private Halsted, John, Sr., private Hays Halsted, John, Jr., private Hays Halsted, Joseph, lieut. Yates Halsted, Thomas, sergeant Yates Halsted, Thos., sergeant Yates Johnson Wessenfels Wessenfels Graham Malcom CortlandHathorn Willet Clyde Van Veghten Yates WessenfelsHays Brinckerhoff Hays Wessenfels Cooper Hays Company. VeederMinthorn Hardenburgh Bnrnet Burnet Niles Barnum Gillet Henry Minthorn Bartoff Woodworth Pettit Whiteside ScribnerMabeeGartnere Fisher Putman Williams Van Slyck Fonda Veeder Brown Niles Gartner House Hadlock Brown Dubois House Schermerhorn Wilkins WestfallHumfrey Hardenburgh HardenburghBrown WilsonMcKinstrMiller Miller Brown Miller Faulkner Pawling Ramsen Dyckman Tearse Leipe Dunham Thompson Gardner Brinckerhoof Brinckerhoff Seely LawrenceWestfall BrinckerhoffAckersonTourneurTourneur Godwin Gardner TourneurTourneurTourneur Wiltse Hadlock Wiltse Name and Rank. Halsted, Tim'y, corporal Halter, Johannes, private Halter, Mich'l, private Halter, Peter, private Hambleton, Geo., private Van Bensselaer Hambleton, Geo., private Van Rensselaer Hambleton, Jno., private Van Rensselaer Hambleton, Silas, private Van Rensselaer Hambleton, William, priv. Willet Hamblin, Benj'n, private Luddington Hamblin, Seth, private Van Alstyn Hamblin, Zaccheus, priv. Van Alstyn Hamblin, Zaacheus, priv. Van Alstyn Hamel, Abr'm, private Wynkoop Hamestract, Wm., private Schuyler Hamestrat, Derick, lieut. Schuyler Hamestraut, Derick, lieut. Schuyler Hamestraut, Dirick, ensign Schuyler Hamestraut, Isaac, private Schuyler Hameton, James, private Webster Hamilton, Abner, private Webster Hamilton, Charles, private Thomas ? Hamilton, James, sergeant Schuyler Hamilton, Jas., private Webster Hamilton, James, private Armstrong Hamilton, James, private Hamilton, John, captaiu Hamilton, John, captain Hamilton, John, private Hamilton, Jno., private Hamilton, John, private Hamilton, Joseph, private Webster Hamilton, Joseph, private Armstrong Hamilton, Patrick, surgeon Whiting Hamilton, Silas, private Harper Hamlen, Ephraim, corpl. Graham Hamlin, Amos.t private Hamlin, Asa, sergeant Hamlen, Isaac, private Hammell, Nath'l, private Hammell, Nath'l, private Hammil, Daniel, private Hammil, Herman, private WynkYop Hammil, Martin, lieut Wynkoop Hammon, David, private Hammon, David, private Hammon, James, It. -col. Hammon, John, private Hammon, Paul, private Hammon, Paul, private Hammon, Wm., private Hammond, Benj'n, private Van Veghten Hammond, John, sergeant Field Hammond, John, private Graham Hammond, Jon'n, private Van Veghten Hammond, Jno., private Hammond Hammond, John C., sergt. Hammond, Paul, private Hammon, Paul, private Hammond, States,§ ser. Hammond, Wm., private Hammond, William, priv. Hampaugh, Peter, private Graham Hamrid, Peter, private Graham Hamstraet, Isaac, private Han, Jacob, private Hana, John, private Hanar, Philip, private Haney, Fred'k, private Handay, Manassah, priv. Handerson, Edward, priv. Van Rensselaer Handerson, John, sergeant Van Rensselaer Handley, Matt'w, private Dubois Handly, John, private Willet Handmore, Moses, private Pawling Handy, Manasseh, private Graham Hane, Jacob, private Schuyler Regiment. Company. Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Livingston Rockenfell Livingston Rockenfell Livingston Rockenfell Husted Husted ShawShaw LivingstonScribner Ostrander Ostrander Truesdel De Witt SlyngerlandtVan Aernum Groot GrootGroot McNitt Long StockwellVan Aernum LongArmstrong Dubois Dubois Williams Webster Webster Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Willet Willet Van Ness Wessenfels Dubois Phillips Hays Hays WessenfelsVan Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Willet Van Veghten Harper HammondVan Woert Van Woert SchuylerFisherWilliams Van Rensselaer Van Alstyn Pawling Long OdleRandall Hamilton Wilson HarrisonWilson Newell Pearcy Dodge Chamberlain Miller De Witt Bell Blauvelt Westfall Woodworth Van Woert Van Woert Van Duser Sherwood Wright Dunham DrakeRequa WellsGilmore Hermance Wilson Slyngerlandt VeederArmstrong Sharp Ostrander Westfall De Garmo Turner Lee Welp Faulkner Conklin Van Aernum * Wounded in left wrist and groin at Stony Point July 16, 1779. Outward, N. Y. city. Aa 4. X Enlisted spring of 1782. A. P. 28-244. § Shot through left leg near Sing Sing, June 17, 1779. House carpenter, Tarrytown. C. 28, Aa. 27. t A.P. 21-121, 129- 388 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Haner, Wilhelmus, corp. Haner, Wilhelmus, priv. Haner, Wm., Jr., private Hanes, John, private Hanes, Pardon, private Hanewel, Rise, private Haney, Charles, corp. Hanfield, David, private Hanford, Abr'm, sergeant Hanford, Ozias,* private Hangadorn, Peter, private Hangeborn, Sam'l, private Hankey, John J., private Hankley, Gershom, priv. Hanks, Benj'n, private Hanks, John, private Hanman, Lewis, sergeant Hanmore, David, corporal Hanmore, Jabesh, corp. Hanmore, Robt, private Hanna, John, private Hanna, John, private Hanna, John, private Hanna, Wm., private Hannah, James, sergeant Hannah, William, corp. Hannah, William, private Hannan, Jacob, Hanness, James, private Hannion, John, private Hannis, James, corporal Hannon, Alex'r, corporal Hannon, James, private Hans, James, private Hanse, William, private Hansell, Geo.,t private Hansen, Dirk, private Hansen, John, corporal Hansen, Victor, private Hansen, William, private Hanson, Art., private Hanson, Art, private Hanson, Arthur, private Hanson, Barent, private Hanson, Ort, private Hanson, John, private Hanson, Rich'd, private Hanson, Rich'd, private Hanson, Victor, private Hansue, Jacob, private Hansy, Jacob, private Hant, Mich's, private Hanwell, Ryse, private Hanycom, Don., private Hanycom, John, private Hanyeu, Garret, private Hapman, John, private Harbach, John, private Harback, John, private Harbor, Jacob, private Harbour, Mich'l, corporal Herden, Jno., lieut Harden, John, ensign Hardenbergh, Corn s, priv. Hardenberg, Derick, priv. Hardenberg, Isaac, lieut. Hardenberg, Jacob, Jr., pr. Hardenburgh, Dirck, pnv. Hardenbergh, Jacob, ser. Hardenbergh, John's G., p. Hardenbergh, Joh's G., p. Hardenbergh, John, priv. Hardenbergh, Jno.L.,capt. Hardenbergh, J. L., lieut. Hardenbergh, Lewis, priv. Company. Van Rensselaer Sharp Van Rensselaer Sharp Van Rensselaer Sharp Fisher Yeoman Yates Brown Van Rensselaer De Garmo Yates Brown Graham Benedict Bonton Swift (Conn.) Chapman Van Schoonhoven Hicks Schuyler Ostrum Willet Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Turner Van Reusselaer Niles Van Rensselaer Turner Willet Livingston Wessenfels Brewster Pawling Burnet Piatt Van Santvoort Webster Long Webster Armstrong Armstrong McNitt Fisher McMaster Wessenfels Thompson Hays Smith Hays Smith Yates Willet Marshall Pawling Lawrence Wessenfels Westfall Wemple Wanson Fisher Yates Dubois Dubois Wynkoop Swart St Clair (Penn.) Bonner Van Rensselaer Bries Fisher Putman Fisher Fisher Wessenfels Livingston Dubois McFoght Brinckerhoff Brower Vandenburgh Storm Fonda Graham Conklin Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Fonda Fisher Fisher Fisher Putman Hays Smith Hays~ Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Van Rensselaer De Garmo Graham Wilson Graham Wilson Yates Yates Graham Wilson Bellinger Frank Schuyler Vischer Clyde House Willet Pearcy Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Yates Wiltse Hays Brinckerhoff Hathorn Case Cantine Hasbrouck Hopkins Brinkerhoff Pawling Westbrook Graham - HaysCantine Hasbrouck Wessenfels Pawling Piercy Hathorn Conklin Wessenfels Johnson Van Alstyn Schuyler Fisher Wemple Wessenfels Fisher Wessenfels Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Alstyn Van Schaick Johnson Hathorn Webster Name and Rank. Regiment. Hardenburgh, Lewis, priv. Wessenfels Hardenbergh, Lewis, priv. Wynkoop Hardenbergh, Nich's,lieut Johnson Hardenbergh, Peter, priv. Wynkoop Hardenbergh, Peter, priv. Wynkoop Hardenbrook, Gerardus,lt Piatt Harder, Philip, private Bellinger Ilardif ant, Zur, private Harding, James, private Hare, Daniel, private Hare, Jacob, private Hare, James, private Hare, Peter, private Haremance, Israel, private Schuyler Hargemen, Abraham, priv. Klock Hanng, Abraham, private Hays Haring, Adam, private Bellinger Haring, Hercules, private Haring, John, sergeant Haris, Benjamin, private Hariway, Jost, private Hariway, Philip, private Hark, Daniel, private Harkamier, George, priv. Harken, John, private Harker, John, private Harkir, Joseph, private Harker, Nathaniel, ensign Johnson Harkmer, Ab'm, private Bellinger Harkman, Adam, private Dubois Harkmer, George, private Willet Harkmer, George, private Bellinger Harkmer, Nich's, private Bellinger Harlan, Thomas, private Cortland Harlin, Adam, sergeant Bellinger Harlow, Elijah, private Van Rensselaer Harman, John C, sergeant Willet Harman, Lemuel, private Van Woert Harman, William, private Van Woert Harmanse, John, private Willet Harmon, Alex'r, private Wemple Harmon, Coenrad, private Yates Harmon, Jacob, private Yates Harnden, Samuel, private Armstrong Harness, Robert, private Thomas Haroy, Philip, private Harp, Henry, private Harp, Henry, private Harper, Alex'r, captain Harper, Arch'd, private Harper, Arch'd, private Harper, Godfrey, private Harper, Godfry, private Harper, Godfrey, private Harper, Johnt Harper, John, lt. -col. comt. Harper, Joseph, § lieut. Harper Harpur, Godfray, private Harra, Joseph, private Harra, Samuel, private Harrill, Wm., private Harret, Thomas, sergeant Wessenfels Harret, Thomas, corporal Wessenfels Harring, John, sergeant Fisher Harrington, Ab'm, private Graham Harrington, Ab'm, private Van Rensselaer Harrington, Ab'm, private Van Rensselaer Harrington, Isaac, private Willet Harrington, Isaac, private Van Rensselaer Harrington, James, private Webster Harrington, James, private Armstrong Harrington, John, private Graham Harrington, John, private Harper Harrington, Joseph, priv. Webster Harrington, Nath'l, private Van Rensselaer Willet Pawling Cantine HarperFisher Hopkins Drake Crane ThomasWebsterWebsterYates Company. PawlingSwart JohnsonVan Beuren Swart Bloom Herder Jansen Truesdel Lansing Snook Mynderse Ostrum MillerTourneur Frank Pawling Putman Hunt Sharp Sharp ClawOstrander Case Thomas Smith FrankSkinner FrankFrankStaring King Fonda GilmoreGilmore Marshall Wanson Van Denburgh Van Denburgh McNitt MillerWhite Faulkner Hasbrouck Bogart DeGraas Lane Delivan Lockwood Allen St. John McNitt Long Yates PawlingPawlingGartnereMagee Odle Bries Livingston Staats McNitt McNitt Allen ChildsBries * Shot in tbe right thigh at Germantown, Oct. 4, 1778. Shoemaker, Bedford, Westchester Co. A. 90, B. 625. t Enlisted May, 1776, crushed between batteaux,at Chambly on the retreat from Canada under Sullivan. Laborer New Wind sor, Ulster Co. 0. 140. X Guide of Gen. James Clinton on the Western expedition, 1779. Harpersfield. A. P. 19-370. § Left arm disabled at Canajobarie October 19, 1780. Farmer, Harpersfield, Montgomery county. B 24. Roster of the State Troops. 389 Name and Rank. Rbgiment. Harrington, Peter, private Webster Harrington, Peter, private Armstrong Herrington, Reuben, priv. Pawling Harrington, Reuben, priv. Luddington Harrington, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Harrington, Zach'h, sergt. Van Rensselaer Harriway, Joast, private Van Rensselaer Harris, Abijah, private Thomas Harris, Ahaze, private Van Rensselaer Harris, Alpheus, corporal Johnson Harris, Benj'n, corporal Van Rensselaer Harris, David, private Harris, Eliphalet, private Harris, Elphalet, private Harris, Ephraim, private Harris, Eph'm, private Harris, Ezekiel, private Harris, Ezekiel, private Harris, Ezekiel, private Harris, Ezekiel, private Harris, Ezekiel, Jr., priv. Harris, Gilbert, private Harris, Gilbert, private Harris, Gilbert, Jr., private Webster Harris, Henry, private Pawling Harris, Henry, private Harris, James, private Harris, James, private Harris, John, corporal Harris, John, private Harris, John, private Harris, John, private Harris, John, private Harris, Jonathan, private Harris, Jonathan, private Harris, Jonathan, private Harris, Joseph,* sergeant Harris, Joseph, private Harris, Joseph, private Harris, Joshua, private Harris, Joshua, private Harris, Joshua, Jr., private Webster Harris, Justus, sergeant Thomas Harris, Justus, sergeant Harris, Mindert, private Harris, Myndred, private Harris, Moses, private Harris, Nath'l, private Harris, Noah, private Harris, Noah, private Harris, Peter, private Harris, Robt, private Harris, Salathual, corporal Malcom Harris, Samuel, private Webster Harris, Squire, fifer Harris, Thomas, private Harris, Thomas, private Harris, William, private Harris, William, private Harris, Wm., private Harris, William, private Harris, Zebulon, private .,„„.,. Harrison, Harmanes, sergt Fisher Harrison, Harmanus, sergt. Fisher Harrison, Harmanus, corpl. Fisber Harrison, Harmanus, priv. Fisher Harrison, Harmonas, priv. Fisher Harrison, James, private Vrooman Harrison, James, Jr., priv. Vrooman Harrison, Joseph, captain Willet Harrison, Joseph, captain Harper Harrison, Peter, sergeant Dubois Harrison, Peter, private Fisher Harrison, Peter, private Fisher Harrison, Thomas, ensign Fisher Harrison, Thos., sergeant Fisher Harrison, Thomas, sergt. Fisher Harrison, Thomas, private Fisher Harper Graham Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer ThomasThomas Thomas Van Rensselaer Thomas Webster Armstrong Cantine Hathorn Van Rensselaer Webster Newkirk Webster Armstrong Van Rensselaer Johnson Webster ArmstrongWoodb'ge(Mass. Webster Armstrong Webster Dubois ThomasVandenburgn Brinckerhoff Hammond ArmstrongPawling GrahamGraham Thomas Wessenfels PawlingHarper Wessenfels Armstrong Thomas Graham Thomas Company. Childs McNitt WoodsKnapp Woodworth BriesHusted Miller WoodworthWood Bries Vrooman NobleBostwick Woodworth Schermerhorn MosemanMiller St. John SchermerhornMoseman Sherwood Long Livingston CaseSchermerhorn Vankeuren Schermerhorn Cross ) Pearl Sherwood Chamberlain Long St. John Moseman Storm Van Benshouten Combs Wood Hermance Vail St. John Delavan SherwoodBrewster Faulkner Vrooman Livingston St. John Moseman Fisher DegraasMcMaster DegraasGartner De Mont Mabee Degraas Degraas McMaster Degraas Gartneer . Name and Rank. Regiment. Harrison, Thomas, private Fisher Harriway, Philip, private Van Rensselaer Harrold, Wm., private Yates Harrys, Joshua, private Dubois Harsa, Samuel, private Webster Harsen, George, lieut. Wessenfels Harsen, George, lieut Graham Harsen, Harmon, private Willet Harsen, Nich's, private Fisher Harsen, Peter, private Willet Harky, Wm., private Wemple Harsha, Jno., private Webster Harskay, Hugh, private Van Veght Harsin, George, private Piatt Hart, Andrew, private Newkirk Hart, Coenradt, private Klock Hart, Conradt, private Willet Hart, Coenradt, private Klock Hart, Daniel, private Klock Hart, Daniel, private Klock Hart, Dan'l, private Klock Hart, Isaac, private Van Veghten Hart, Isaac, private Van Veghten Hart, Isaac, private Van Veghten Hart, Isaac, private Van Veghten Hart, Isaac, private Van Veghten Hart, James, private Dubois Hart, James, private Van Rensselaer Hart, Jerem'h, private Van Veghten Hart, Jerem'h, private Van Veghten Hart, John, private Klock Hart, John, private Klock Hart, John, private Klock Hart, John, private Drake Hart, Mich'l, private Brinckerh Hart, Wil iam, corporal Pawling Hart, William, private Pawling Harter, Fred'k, private Bellinger Harter, Fred'k, Jr., priv. Bellinger Harter, Lawrence I., priv. Bellinger Harter, Lawrence N., priv. Bellinger Harter, Nich's, private Bellinger Harter, Nich's L, private Bellinger Harter, Philip, private Bellinger Hartford, Eph'm, corporal Dragoons Hartford, Eph'm, private Crane Hartford, Peter, private Crane Hartford, Peter, private Crane Hartford, Samuel, private Willet Hartford, Thomas, private Crane Hartford, Thomas, private Benedict Hartfort, Francis, private Hathorn Hartman, Adam,f private Bellinger Hartwell, James, private Field Harver, Christian, corporal Willet Harvey, Benjamin, private Webstei Harvey, Joel, private Willet Harvey, Jon'n, private Webster Harvey, Moses, private Webster Harvey, Moses, private Armstrong Harvey, Nath'l, private Webster Harvey, Phinchar, private Webster Harvey, Phineas, private Webster Hasbrouck, Dan'l, corpl. Wynkoop Hasbrook, Jacobus, priv. Wynkoop Hasbrook, Joseph, lt.-col. Hathorn Hasbrook, Solomon, sergt. Wynkoop Hasbrook, Solomon, priv. Wynkoop Hasbrouck, Benj'n, priv. Cantine Hasbrouck, Dan'l, corpl. Wynkoop Hasbrouck, Jacob, private Hays Hasbrouck, John, captain Cantine Hasbrouck, Joseph, adjt. Malcom Hasbrouck, Joseph, Jr., lt. Malcom Hasbrouck, Josiah, lieut Cantine Hasbrouck, Severyne, ser. Cantine Hasbrouck, Severyne, priv. Cantine Hase, Nathan, privatej Van Rensselaer Company. Degraas Husted Yates Chamherl Long Brewster PutmanFisher PutmanVan Petten Armstrong Thompson Bloom Vankeuren Righter Fonda Miller Miller Righter Miller Van Woert Thompson Van Woert Van Woert Winne Lee Cady Woodworth Winne MillerCayser Miller Van Benschoten De Witt Wood Frank FrankDemnth Frank Frank Delivan Scofield Bouton Wright Scofield Bouton Case Frank Hecock Harrison Armstrong Pearcy Hamilton Tozer TozerTozer TozerTozer BogardusHasbrouck Drake Hasbrouck Hasbrouck Bries * Enlisted 1775 ; severely wounded at Bunker Hill June, 1776. Canaan, Columbia county. A 59. A. P. 15-215, 23-241. t Served three years three months ; shot in the right shoulder at German Flats, Oct. 29, 1780 ; had 17 children. Herkimer. A. P. 19-113, 21-430. 390 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Hasel, Coenrad, private Hases, Lawrence, private Hasin, Tho's, private Hass, Christian, sergeant Hasten, Joseph, private Haswell, Joseph, private Hatch, Benjamin, private Hatch, Dorastas, private Hatch, Henry, private Hatch, John, private Hatch, Joseph, pnvate Hatch, Joseph, private Hatch, Matt w, private Hatch, Oliver, sergeant Hatch, Samuel, private Hatch, Solomon, sergeant Hatch, Thomas, lieut. Hatch, William, sergeant Hatch, William, private Hatch, Will., private Hatchel, Geo., corporal Hate, Sam'l, private Hatenback, Henry, private Hatfield, Ab'm, private Hatfield, Dan'l, private Hatfield, Joshua, private Hatfield, Joshua, private Hatfield, Moses, major Hathaway, John, private Hathorn, John, colonel Hatley, Fred'k, private Hatt, Jacob, private Hatt, William, private Hatter, Johannes, private Hatter, Mich'l, private Hatter, Peter, private Hatton, Tim'y, lieut. Hauch, Henrich, sergeant Hauck, Henrich, corporal Hauck, Henrich, corporal Hauck, Henrich, private Haugedorn, Henry, priv. Haugcdorn, Peter, private Haulenback, Jacob, lieut. Haull, John, private Haunsen, Tore, private Haus, Benj'n, private Hause, Peter A., private Hause, William, private Hauver, Christian, private Havener, John, private Havens, Abraham, private Havens, Benjamin, private Havens, Daniel, private Havens, Darius, private Havens, John, private Havens, Peleg, private Havens, Thomas, private Havens, Thomas, private Havens, Thomas, private Havens, Thomas, private Haver, Andries, private Haver, Christ'r, private Haver, Johannis, ser. Haver, Johannis, private Haver, John, sergeant Haver, Peter, private Haviland, John, private Havin, Benj'n, private Haw, Jon'n, private Hawford, Abm., private Hawk, Christ'r, private Hawk, Fred'k, private Hawk, Geo., private Hawk, George, private Hawk, HencPk, corporal Hawkin, Dan'l, private Hawkins, Adone, private Hawkins, Arthur, private Hawkins, Ed'd, private Hawk, Fred'k, private Hawkins, James, private Regiment. Van Veghten Vandenburgh Cortland Klock Hays SchuylerWebster Field Van Ness Van Ness Dubois Graham WilletDubois Willet Wessenfels Van Ness Harper Van Rensselaer Van Ness VroomanLuddingtonYatesBenedict Drake Drake Hammond Allison Van Woert Company. Van Woert Wheeler Zeely Smith Slyngerland Sherwood HecockWhiting Chamberlain PearceHole Chamberlain Wright TannerVrooman GravesWhitingCrane Brown Osburn Gilmore Johnson Roosa Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Wessenfels Brewster Livingston Rockenfelle Livingston Rockenfelle Livingston Rockenfelle Schuyler Lansing Vrooman Vrooman Stubrach Vrooman Miller Vrooman Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Thomas Fisher Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Cooper Graham WhitingWillet Whiting Willet Van Veghten Van Veghten WilletWhiting Willet GrahamVan Rensselaer Livingston Livingston LivingstonVan Rensselae" LivingstonField Willet WilletCraneVan Alstyn Piatt Bradbick Van Veghten Dunham Van Veghten Woodworth Vrooman Stubrach Van Rensselaer Hawley Van Veghten Van Woert Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Van Veghten Van Woert Clyde Diffendorf Johnson Wilkin (?) Yeoman Bries OsterhoudBlauvelt Husted Humfrey Gilbert Skinner King Livingston DunhamThompson White King CannonLansing Philip RockenfelleRockenfelle Rockenfelle RockfellerElliotBarunm Henry Livingsto Chapmau Name and Rank. Hawkins, James, private Hawkins, Reuben, private Hawkins, Samuel, private Hawkins, Sam'l, private Hawkins, Sam'l, private Hawkins, Stephen, private Hawkins, Thomas, private Hawkins, Thomas, private Hawley, Abner, captain, Hawley, Abner, captain Hawley, Benjamin, private Hawley, Dan'l, private Hawley, Ezekieh lieut Hawley, Ezekiel, private Hawley, James, private Hawley, Joseph, private Hawn, Conradt, private Haws, John, private Haws, Pelatiah, sergeant Haws, Pelatiah, private Haws, Samuel, private Haws, Seth, private Haws, Solomon, qr. mr. sr. Haws, Solomon, private Haws, William, private Hawxhurst, Thos., private Hawxhurst, Thos., private Hay, A. Hawkes, colonfel Hay, William, private Hay, Wm., private Hay, Wm., private Hay, Wm., private Hayburn, John, private Haycock, Richard, private Haycock, Richard, private Hayer, Geo., private Hayer, Geo. Fric, private Hayes, Josiah, private Hayes, Nath'l, private Hayes, Hezekiah, private Haynard, Mich'l, private Hayner, Helmus, sergeant Hayner, Philip, private Haynes, James, private Haynes, John, sergeant Hayney, Hend'k, private Hayns, Henry, private Hayns, John, private Hays, Ab'm, private Hays, Benjamin, private Hays, Benj'n, private Hays, Ephraim, private Hays, Isaac, private Hays, James, private Hays, Jesse, private Hays, Jesse, private Hays, Jno., private Hays, John, private Hays, John, private Hays, Nath'l, private Hays, Nath'l, private Hays, Nath'l, private Hays, Nath'l, private Hays, Nath'l, private Hayse, Abr'm, private Hayse, Allen, private Hayse, Freegift, private Hayse, Henry, private Hayse, Isaac, private Hayse, James, private Hayse, James, private Hayse, Jesse, private Hayse, John, private Hayse, Josiah, sergeant Hayse, Nath'l, private Hayse, Nathan, private Hayse, Stephen, private Hayse, Thomas, private Hayse, Thomas, private Hayse, Thomas A., private Hayt, Abraham, private Hayt, Enoch, private Regiment. Company. Luddington Mead, Willet Cannon Hopkins Barnum Luddington Knapp Luddington Mead Harper Bogart Pawling Westfall Pawling Pawling Van Rensselaer Van Ness Hawley Yates Brown Truesdell Benedict Seely Van Rensselaer Hawley Yates Brown Willet Pearcy Willet Wright Drake Boycl Drake Haight Whiting King Drake Boyd Drake Drake Boyd Pawling Wood Thomas St. John Thomas Moseman Graham Van Woert Wells Van Woert Gilmore Van Woert Whiteside Vandenburgh Storm Hathorn Miller Hathorn Bartholf Bellinger Staring Bellinger Herder Crane Chapman Crane Lewi3 Wessenfels White Drake Van Rensselaer Shaw Van Rensselaer Shaw Wessenfels Hardenburgh Klock Cayser Johnson Cross Vandenburgh Storm Drake Boyd Thomas St' John Van Rensselaor Bries Van Rensselaer Decker Benedict Gould Field Hecock Pawling Sacket Crane Lawrence Van Rensselaer Cortland Field Hecock Pawling Sacket Thomas Chapman Cortland Wessenfels Field Hecock Crane Chapman Crane Chapman Crane Chapman Crane Chapman Crane Chapman Crane Chapman Thomas Gilbert Crane Chapman Crane Chapman Thomas Gilbert Crane Chapman Van Rensselaer Bries Thomas Gilbert Crane Chapman Thomas Gilbert Thomas Gilbert Thomas Miller Thomas Chapman Roster of the State Troops. 391 Name and Rank. Hayt, Israel, private Hayt, Jacob, private Hayt, Jakin, private Hayt Phineas, private Regiment. Thomas Thomas ThomasThomas Company. Miller Miller GilbertMiller Miller Gilbert Lawrence Gano Livingston Dykeman Mead Godwin Waterbur,ScribnerScribner Scribner Waterbury Westfall Gano McKinstry Wagner Hess Bailey Drake Heager HeagerHeager HeagerBecker Hayt, Sylvanus, private Thomas Hayt, Uriah, private Thomas Hay ton, Sam'l, private Crane Hayward, Wm., fifer Dubois Hazard, Joshua, corporal Malcom Hazard, Sam'l, private Field Hazelton, David, private Luddington Hazelton, Phil'n, corporal Wesssenfels Hazen, Caleb, lieut. Luddington Hazen, Caleb, ensign Luddington Hazen, Eleazer, sergeant Luddington Hazen, Moses, corporal Luddington Hazen, Moses, corporal Luddington Head, Briton, private Pawling Head, Brittain, private Dubois Head, Joseph, private Malcom Headcock, Dan 1, private Klock Headeach, Dan'l, private Klock Headly, Isaac, private Hathorn Headow, Moses, lieut Drake Heager, Adam, private Vrooman Heager, Henrich, private Vrooman Heager, Henry, private Vrooman Heager, Johannis, sergeant Vrooman Heager, Joost, private Vrooman Heager, Jacob, captain Vrooman Heager, Joseph, sergeant Vrooman Heager, Joseph, private Vrooman Heager Heager, Peter, lieut. Vrooman Heager Heager, Samuel, private Vrooman Heager Heagley, Seth, private Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Heamstraet, Jacob, private Schuyler Lansing Hearld, Wm., private Yates Hadlock Heas, Hend'k, private Klock Wagner Hease, Hend'k, private Klock Hess Hease, John, sergeant Graham Wilson Heath, Dan'l, lieut. Van Woert Gilmore Heath, Dan'l, sergeant Van Woert Gilmore Heath, Dan'l, private Van Woert Gilmore Heath, Dan'l, private Van Woert Hodges Heath, Dan'l, private Van Woert Whitesides Heath, Elijah, private Van Woert Gilmore Heath, James, private Willet Hole Heath, Joseph, private Van Woert Wells Heath, Joseph, private Van Woert Gilmore Heath, Joseph, Jr., private Van Woert Gilmore Heath, Joshua, sergeant Clyde Weeser Heath, Josiah, private Willet Hole Heath, Sam'l, sergeant Van Woert Gilmore Heath, Sam'l, sergeant Van Woert Brown Heath, Simeon, private Van Woert Gilmore Heath, Simeon, private Van Woert Whiteside Heath, Simon, private Harper Drake Heath, Stephen, private Graham Magee Heath, Steven, private Van Woert Gilmore Heath, Tim'y, corporal Van Woert Gilmore Heath, Tim'y, private Van Woert Whiteside Heath, Winslow,* private Graham Sherwood Heath, Winslow, private Van'Woert Gilmore Heathway, Jon'n, corporal Graham Sherwood Heator, William, private Pawling Sacket Heavens, Thomas, private Willet White Heburn, Robert, private Thomas Miller Hecock, David, captai.i Field Hecock, David, J r. , private Field Hecock Hecock, Giles, private Willet Elsworth Hecock, John, sergeant Field Hecock Hecock, Joss, private Field Hecock Hecock, Noab, private Field Hecock Hedding, John, private Drake Drake Hedding, Joseph, sergeant Drake Drake Hedding, Moses, lieut. Benedict Osburn Hederington, Joseph, priv. Wemple Van Atten Hedger, Evert, private Pawling Faulkner Hedger, Evert, private Johnson Mastin ' Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Hedger, Evert, private Johnson Roosa Hedger, John, private Johnson Smith Hedger, John, private Hathorn Conklin Hedger, John, private Johnson Ostrander Hedger, Joseph, private Luddington Crane Hedger, Robert, private Luddington Crane Hedger, Samuel, private Pawling Westfall Hedger, Wilhelmus, corpl. Phillips Ostrander Hedger, Wilhelmus, priv. Johnson Wilkins Hedger, William, private Johnson Roosa Iledget, Ab'm, private Wemple Wanson Heemaker, Andries, priv. Van Rensslaer De Forest N Heemstraet, Isaac, private Schuyler Van Wee Heemstraet, David, private Van Schoonhoven Taylor Heemstraet, Derick, en'n Schuyler Slyngerlandt Heemstraet, Dirck, sergt. Van Schoonhoven Steenbergh Heenstraet, Dirck, private Van Schoonhoven Taylor Heemstraet, Isaac, private Schuyler Slyngerlandt Heemstraet, John, private Schuyler Lansing Heemstraet, Philip, priv. Schuyler Ostrum Heemstreet, Dan'l, priv. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Heenstraet, David, private Van Schoonhoven Taylor Heer, Casper, private Klock House Heermance, And'w, lieut Graham Wilson Heermance, Edward, priv. Wynkoop Swart Heermance, Goosa, sergt. Graham Wilson Heermance, H'd'k,Jr., cor., Brinckerhoff Brower Heermance, John, private Wynkoop Bogardus Heermans, Ed'd, private Hathorn Bogardus Heermans, Edward, priv. Wynkoop Heermans, John, private Wynkoop Heermanse, H'nd'k, Sr., p. Brinckerhoff Brower Heermansen, Edward, pr. Pawling Burnet Heerwag, Charles, private Clyde Brown Hees, John, private Klock Klock Hees, John, private Klock Suts Hefner, Joseph, private Schuyler Lansing Hefner, Joseph, private Schuyler Ostrum Hegley, Dan'l, private Van Rensselaer Kings Height, Rich'd, private Pawling Faulkner Height, Samuel, private Wessenfels Hunt Heimer, Hend'k, sergeant Klock Hess Heiney, Fred'k, private Klock Righter Heiney, George, private Klock Righter Heins, Andrew, private Clyde Leipe Heirs, Phelix, corporal Cooper Gardner Heirs, Phelix, private Hays Gardner Heldenbrant, Wendel, en. Schuyler Slingerlandt Heleass, Conread, private Klock Hess Heleass, Peter, private Klock Hess Helenbrant, Wendel, lieut. Schuyler Slingerlandt Helibrand, John, corporal Whiting Vosburgh Heligas, Coenrad, private Klock Wagner Heliker, John, private Hammond Comb Heliker, John, private Hammond Martling Heliker, John, private Hammond Orser Heliker, John, private Brinkerhoff Storm Hellebold, Teunis, private Klock House Hellebolt, Andrew, private Klock Cayser Hellebolt, Andrew, private Klock House Hellebolt, Dennis, private Klock House Hellegas, Peter, private Klock House Hellen, William, private Yates Hellenbeck, Casper, sergt. Van Bergen Witbeck Helhnbeck, Michael, priv. Van Bergen Witbeck Hellenbeeck, Isaac, private Van Bergen Witbeck Hellinbeeck, Jacob,private Van Bergen Dubois Hellsinger, Jacob, private Vrooman Hellzenger, John, private Willet Debois Hellzenger, Michael, priv. Willet Debois Helm, Daniel, private Pawling Piercy Helm, Simon, private Cantine Hasbrouck Helmer, Adam, lieut. Piatt Bradbick Helmer, Adam, private Klock Miller Helmer, Conrad, private Bellinger Frank Helmer, Fred'k, private Bellinger Frank Helmer, Fred'k, private Bellinger Herder Helmer, Fred'k H., private Bellinger Herder Helmer, George, lieut. Bellinger Frank Taken prisoner at Fort Ann, Oct. 10, 1780, exchanged Oct. 18, 1782. Montgomery Co. A. P. 19- 392 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Bellinger Bellinger Klock Klock Clyde FisherDubois WessenfelsHarper Hathorn Willet HarperVroomanVrooman Klock Helmer, George, lieut. Bellinger Helmer, George,* lieut Bellmger ' Helmer, Hanyost, private Wemple Helmer, Hend'k, sergeant Klock Helmer, Hend'k, sergeant Klock Helmer, Hans, corporal Klock Helmer, Johan Jost, priv. Van Rensselaer Helmer, John, private Willet Helmer, John, private Klock Helmer, John, private Fisher Helmer, John, private Klock Helmer, Leancart, corporal Klock Helmer, Leonard, private Klock Helmer, Philip, captain Klock Helmer, Philip, sergeant Helmer, Philip, sergeant Helmer, Philip, private Helmer, Philip, Jr., priv. Hellmer, Jost, private Helmes, Jerem h, private Pawling Helmore, John, corporal Klock Helmore, John, private Helms, Dan'l, corporal Helms, John, sergeant Helms, John, private Helms, William, private Helsinger, John, private Helsinger, John, private Helsinger, Migel, private Helsinger, Peter, private Helwig, Jno., private Hemmenway, Samuehpriv. Hathorn Hemple, Hend'k, sergeant Hempstead, Nath'l, sergt. Field Hemsinger, George, priv. Van Rensselaer Hen, William, private Pawling Henckley, Gershom, priv. Van Rensselaer Hender,'John, private Van Alstyn Hendericks, Aaron, sergt. Van Bergen Henderson, Alex'r, sergt. Williams Henderson, Alex'r, sergt. Webster Henderson, Alex'r, private Graham Henderson, Bamp, private Pawling Henderson, David, private Willet Henderson, David, private Webster Henderson, Edward, priv. Yates Henderson, Edward, priv. Van Rensselaer Henderson, John, private Webster Henderson, John, private Armstrong Henderson, Thomas, priv. Piatt Henderson, William, priv. Webster Henderson, William, priv. Armstrong Hendert, John, private Bellinger Hendresse, John, private Fisher Hendrick, Aaron, private Van Bergen Hendrick, Guerrit, private Van Rensselaer Hendrick, Jon'n, private Van Rensselaer Hendrick, Peter, private Wemple Hendricks, Bartal, lieut. Willet Hendricks, Bartill, ensign Livingston Hendricks, Bartill, private Livingston Hendricks, Bartill, private Livingston Hendricks, Johan's, corpl. Wynkoop Heodricks, John, private Wynkoop Hendricks, Peter, private Willet Hendricks, Peter, private Willet Hendricksa, Aaron, corp'l Van Bergen Hendricksa, Wm., pnvate Van Bergen Hendrickse, John,sergeant Fisher Hendrickse, John, corporal Fisher Hendricksen, Jacob, priv. Wynkoop Hendricksen, Lawrence.pr. Cantine Hendricksey, Jacob, priv. Wynkoop Hendricksey, Johannis.pr. Wynkoop Hendricksey, Philip, priv. Wynkoop Hendrickson, David, sergt. Armstrong Hendrickson, Hend'k, pr. Hays Hendrickson, Jacob, priv. Johnson Hendrickson, Jacobus, pr. Haya Company. Herder Small Bancker Hess Wagner HessPhilip Tearse Cayser Snook Wagner Klock Kock Frank Herder Wagner Wagner Leipe Sacket HessMcMaster BurnetShephardAlleuTearse Bogart House FondaBarnum Sharp Westfall Turner Van Buren WitbeckLongLong Pawling Livingston Long Long Long Lee Long Long Herdei PhilipMynderse Elsworth Smith Rockfeller Smith Van Beuren Elsworth CannonHoghtalingHoghtalingMarselusMarselus Schoonmaker Hasbrouck SchoonmakerSchoonmaker Schoonmaker Long BlauveltSmith Blauvelt WhitingVan Rensseiaer YatesFisher Willet Van Rensselaer HarperWebsterWebster Van Rensselaer Webster Armstrong Wemple Van Woert Willet Malcom VroomanBellinger YatesBellinger Name and Rank. Regiment, Hendrickson, Johannis.pr. Wynkoop Hendrickson, John, priv. Malcom Hendrickson, John, priv. Hays Hendrickson, John, priv. Hays Hendrickson, Peter, priv. Cantine Hendrickson, Philip, priv. Wynkoop Hendrix, Abraham, priv. Whiting Hendrix, Worse, private Henerys, Benjamin, priv, Henill, Wm., private Henin, James, private Henkley, Gershom, private Van Rensselaer Henman, Zachariah, priv. Hopkins Henman, Moses, private Van Rensselaer Henneker, Emanuel, priv. Schuyler Hennicker, Manuel, priv. Van Rensselaer Hennicum, Elisha, private Wessenfels Hennion, John, private Harper Henry, Amasa, corporal Henry, Ephraim, private Henry, Hugh, corporal Henry, Hugh, private Henry, Hugh, private Henry, Jacob, private Henry, John, private Henry, John, private Henry, John, private Henry, Joseph, private Henry, Nath 1, captain Henry, Nath'l, private Henry, Robt., private Henry, Wm., private Henter, Lourens, private Henyen, Garret, private Hepple, Jacob, sergeant Herchiemer, Nicholas, pr. Klock Herdei, John's, private Herder, Benj'n, sergeant Van Rensselaer Herder, Benj'n, private Van Rensselaer Herder, Fred'k, private Bellinger Herder, Hendrick, captain Bellinger Herder, Jacob P., corp. Van Rensseiaer Herder, Laurens, private Bellinger Herder, Laurence N., priv. Bellinger Herder, Laurens F., priv. Bellingei Herder, Laurentz, private Bellinger Herder, Nich's, private Bellinger Herder, Nich's, private Bellinger Herder, Nich's F., private Bellinger Herder, Philip, private Bellinger Herder, Philip, private Herdick, Jon n, private Herdick, Peter, private Herdick, Peter, private Herdick, William, private Van Rensselaer Heremansen, Abr'm, priv. Wynkoop Heremansen, Edward, pr. Wynkoop Heren, James, private Herkemer, Geo., private Herkemer, John, private Herkemier, Geo., private Herkimar, Abr'm, private Herkimer, Nich's, private Klock Herkman, Geo., private Klock Herkmere, Jost, private Herld, William, private Herman, Lemuel, private Hermana, Gose, private Hermanay, John, corporal Weisenfells Hermance, And'w, captain Graham Hermance, Andrew, lieut. Graham Hermance, Andrew P., lt Graham Hermance, John, captain Graham Hermance, John, lieut. Graham Heremansen, Abr'm, priv. Wynkoop Hermonce, Simeon, priv. Hernden, John, private Armstrong Herren, James, Jr., priv. Vrooman Herrick, Daniel, captain Whiting Livingston Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Graham Vrooman Bellinger BellingerWillet Klock Bellinger YatesVan Woert Van Bergen Company. Schoonmaker CantineBellBlauveltHasbrouck Schoonmaker Cady CadyCady Yates SnookSchermerhorn BarnumShawSharp Sharp White Lawrence CannonSchermerhorn HarrisonLong Long Price McNittMcNittMynderson Wells RoseboomDrake HeagerHerder Yates SmallMillerFonda HerderPhilipHerder Herder Herder Frank Herder Small HerderHerder Pulver Philip Husted Philip Van Buren Van Buren Richtmyer StariDg Staring FondaMiller MillerMiller Frank YatesGilmore Hoghtaling HermanceHermance Van Buren Humfrey McNitt * Wounded in left arm at Oriskame, August 6, 1771. Kingsland district, Montgomery county. C 71, Roster of the State Troops. 393 Name and Rank. Herrick, Daniel, private Herrick, Elijah, private Herrick, Elijah, Herrick, Johannis, private Herrick, Jon'n, private Herrick, Jon'n, private Herrick, Jon'n, private Herrick, Joseph, private Herrick, Joseph, private Herrick, Nathan, lieut. Herrick, Rufus, lieut-col. Herrick, Stephen, private Herrill, Wm., private Herring, Isaac, private Herring, Henry, private Herring, Henry, private Herring, Hercules, private Herring, Isaac, private Herring, John, private Herring, John, private Herring, Robt, private Herrington, Ab'm, private Herrington, Alex'r, sergt. Herrington, Benj'n, corpl. Herrington, Benj'n, priv. Herrington, Eber, private Herrington, Isaac, private Herrington, James, private Herrington, John, private Herrington, Nath'l, corpl. Herrington, Robert,priv. Herrington, William, priv. Herrington, Zach'h, priv. Herrinton, Abram, private Herrinton, John, private Herris, Henry, private Herron, Eliot, private Herron, Elliot, private Herron, James, private Herron, John, fifer Herron, John, private Herron, John, private Herron, Jno., private Herron, Robt, private Herron, Robert, private Herter, Laurens, private Herter, Lourens, -.corporal Hertown, William, private Herwag, Charles, private Herway, Jost, private Herwey, Coenraet, private Herwick, Philip, ensign Herwig, Joost, private Hesbrouck, Solomon, sergt Hesler, Harmis,'private Hesler, Nich's, private Hesolee, John, private Hess, Augustus, Sr., priv. Hess, Christian, private Hess, Christ'r, private Hess, Conrad, private Hess, Coenrat, private Hess, Daniel, private Hess, Dan'l, private Hess, Fred'k, private Hess, Fred'k, private Hess, Fred'k, private Hess, George, private Hess, Geo., private Hess, Henry, private Hess, Henry, private Hess, Johannes,* private Hess, John, captain Hess, John, private Hess, John, private Hess, John, private Hess, Nicholas, private Hess, Nich's, pnvate Hess, Robert, private Regiment. Willet WessenfelsGraham Van Rensselaer WessenfelsHopkins Dubois Malcom Piatt Whiting Piatt Piatt Yates Hays KlockKlock Pawling Hays Van Woert Harper Van Rensselaer Wessenfels Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer HathornVan Rensselaer ! Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Veghten Harper Willet Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Malcom Van Woert Graham VroomaDNewkirkVan Woert Van Woert Van Woert VroomanVrooman Bellinger Bellinger Willet Clyde Van Rensselaer Schuyler SchuylerVan Rensselaer . Wynkoop Bellinger Bellinger WilletBellinger KlockWillet Bellinger Bellinger KlockKlock Klock Klock BellingerClyde Piatt Klock ClydeBellinger Klock Willet Clyde Bellinger HathornCantine Cantine Company, White Dodge Woodworth Dodge WatersChamberlain McKinstry BloomHerrickBloom Yates Sickles Suts KlockPawling Hogencamp Whiteside Fonda Bogart Bries GodwinBries BriesShepherd Bries Bries BriesBogart Elsworth Bries Townsend Townsend Cantine Gilmore Richtmyer FaulknerGilmore Hodge Doty Ricntmy Staring Small Gillet Brown Scharp Scharp Sharp HerderHerderLivingston Frank Zealy Gillet FrankHerderHess Wagner Helmer Wagner Frank Difendorf BradbickRuffRuff Ittica Debois Brown Frank Brodhead Hasbrouck Hasbrouck Regiment. Bellinger Bellinger Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman SchuylerBrinckerhoff Van Veghten Cantine Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Harper WilletVan Rensselaer Piatt Van Rensselaer Piatt Field Name and Rank. Hesser, Martin, private Hetcock, Dan'l, private Hethel, George, private Hetsel, Geo., corporal Hetzel, Geo., corporal Hetzman, Hend'k, private Vrooman Hevelon, Sam'l, private Heverlan, John, private Hevermanser, John, priv. Hewet, Asa, private Hewet, Benj'n, private Hewet, James, private Hewet, Oliver, private Hewet, James, private Hewins, Joseph, private Hewit, James, private Hewit, James, private Hewit, Joseph, private Hewit, Sam 1, private Hewman, Zach'h, private Hewstead, James, corporal Crane Hewsted, James, corporal Crane Hewsted, Thadeus, private Crane Hewston, James, corporal Yates Hewton, John v., private Cooper Heyderbergh, Sybrant, pr. Wemple Heyer, George, private Bellinger Heyer, Peter, private Bellinger Heymer, Philip, Jr., corp. Schuyler Heyner, Wilhelmus, priv. Schuyler Heyney, Fred'k, private Klock Heynpaugh, Peter, private Pawling Heyns, Jacob, lieut. Clyde Heyns, Jacob, sergeant Clyde Heyntz, William, private Heysen, Henry, private Heyser, Henry, sergeant Heyser, Jacob, private Heyser, Jacob, Sr., private Livingston Heyser, Jacob, Jr., private Livingston Heyser, Peter, private Livingston Heyurse, Martin, private Bellinger Hezelton, Daniel, corporal Luddington Hiat, Roger, private Hiatt, Minna, private Hibbert, Elisha, private Hibbird, Reuben, private Hibiner, Michael, private Hickam, Solomon, private Hopkins Hickman, Michael, private Graham Hicks, Daniel, private Hicks, Daniel, private Hicks, Daniel, private Hicks, George, private Hicks, Jesse, private Hicks, Jesse, private Hicks, Jesse, private Hicks, John, private Hicks, John, private Hicks, John, private Hicks, John, private Hicks, Joseph, drummer Hicks, Joseph, private Hicks, Nath'l, private Hicks, Samuel, private Hicks, Thomas, captain Hicks, Thomas, sergeant Hicks, Thomas, private Hicks, Thomas, private Hicks, Thomas, private Hickly, Herman, private Hickly, Henning, private Hickman, John, private Hickly, George, corporal Hicky, George, private Hicky, Mich 1, private Hicox, Noah, private Hide, Henry, sergeant Higby, James, private Clyde Livingston Livingston Livingston Van Schoonhoven CortlandVan Veghte DuboisDrake Yates Yates YatesVan Rensselaer Willet Van Rensselaer WilletWessenfelsPawling Pawling BrinckerhoffWilletWillet Vandenburg Van Sehoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Willet Yates Yates Van Rensselaer Van Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven SchuylerClydeClyde ClydeField Johnson Wisner Company. HerderHuber Miller Stubrach Miller Miller Hyat VeederBrower Winne SchermerhornTurner Harrison Newell Turner Bradbick Randall Bradbick Barnum ScofieldChapman Yates Blauvelt Van Slyck Frank Herder Scharp Sharp Kock Westbrook BrownBrownBrown Rockenfelle Rockenfelle Rockenfelle Rockenfelle Rockenfelle Rockenfelle Huber Mead Hicks Winne Chamberlain BoydLane HermanceHadlock Yates Wiltse BriesGilletOdle Henry Pawling Faulkner Livingston Brower Hole GilletWheeler Taylor Livingston Van Denburgh Wiltse Woodworth Taylor TaylorOstrum Bowman Bowman Bowman DyckmanMastinBaly 50 * Wounded in right arm at Oriakanie August 6, 1777. German Flats. A 198. 394 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Com pany. Higby, John, private Van Schoonhoven Collins Higby, Lewis, private Van Schoonhoven Collins Higby, Jacob, private Pawling Sacket Hisby, James, private Hathorn Sayres Higby, James, sergeant Higby, Lemuel, private Hathorn Minthorn Brinckerhoff Van Benschouten Higens, Thomas, private Van Veghten Woodworth Higgins, Ebenezer, private Thomas Moseman Higgins, Eben'r, private Thomas St. John Higgins, Enoch, private Willet Fonda Higgins, Gabriel, lieut. Thomas St. John Higgins, Gabriel, lieut Thomas Moseman Higgins, John, private Fonda Higgins, Joseph, private Thomas Mosemen Higgins, Joseph, private Thomas St John Higgins, Joseph, private Stevenson Higgins, Moses, corporal Thomas Moseman Higgins, Moses, corporal Thomas St John Higgins, Robert, private Armstrong Armstrong Higgins, Thomas, private Field Barnum High, William, private Webster Sherwood High, William, private Graham High, Will, private Yates Tozer Highby, Wm., private Webster Wiltse Highley, Seth, private Harper Drake Hight, Ezekiel, private Drake Drake Hight, Juaway, private Drake Drake Higley, Josh, private Dubois DeMout Higley, Seba, private Whiting King Noble Higley, Sebe, private Highley, William, private Armstrong Hilaker, Haramon, private Drake Tozer Haight Hildendbrant, Wendle, pr . Schuyler Lansing Hilhouse, John, sergeant Pawling Burnet Hill, Andrew, major Brinkerhoff Hill, Andrew, major Graham Hill, Amos, private Harper Vrooman Hill, Asa,* private Willet Gross Hill, Asa, private Van Cortlandt Hill, Asa, private Van Ness Hill, Daniel, private Van Rensselaer Odle Hill, David, sergeant Johnson Roosa Hill, David, private Field Hecock Hill, Dennis, private Wessenfels Hunt Hill, Dennis, private Drake Haight Hilt. Eben'r, corporal Van Rensselaer Turner Hill, Eleazer, private Hill, Eleazer, Jr., private Van Rensselaar Randall Van Rensselaer Shaw Hill, Elijah, private Van Cortlandt Hill, Elijah, private Field Hecock Hill, George, private Johnson Cross Hill, Henry, private Van Rensselaer Hill, Henry, private Yates Weltse Hill, James, private Thomas Miller Hill, James, private Hammond Hill, James, private Drake Boyd Hill, John, corporal Yates Hadlock Hill, John, private Yates Yates Hill, Nathan, sergeant Pawling Pawling McFoght Hill, Nath'l, sergeant Dubois Hill, Nath'l, sergeant Hammond Hill, Peter, private Lansing Houston Hill, Reuben, private Willet Livingston Hill, Ruben, private Van Rensselaer Shaw Hill, Sam'l, sergeant Van Rensselaer Woodworth Hill, Sam'l, private Van Rensselaer De Forest Hill, Sam'l, private Van Rensselaer Bries Hill, Solomon, private Van Cortlandt Hill, Stephen, private Vandenburgh Wheeler Hill, Tho's, pnvate Van Woert, Hodges Hill, Uriah, sergeant Brinckerhoff Schutt Hill, Uriah, private Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoof Hill, Uriah, private Brinckerhoff Schutt Hill, William, sergeant Johnson Cross Hill, William, sergeant Johnson Jansen Hill, William, private Johnson Gillispy Hill, William, private Wessenfels White Name and Rank. Regiment. Hill, William, private Vandenburgh Hill, William, private Yates Hill, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Hill, Wm., private Hill, Wm., private Hillebrand, Coonrad priv. Hiller, John, private Hillhouse, John, private Hillman, Nich's, private Hillot, Rich'd, lieut. Hillman, Nich's, private Hilman, Nich's, corporal Hills, Asa, private Hills, Christoffel, private Hills, Christoffel, Jr , pr. Hills, Christoffel, Jr., pr. Hill, Christ'r, private Hills, Christ'r, private Hills, Geo., private Hills, Geo., private Hills, John, drummer Hills, Stoffel, private Hills, Stoffel, private Hills, Stoffel, Jr., private Hills, Stoffel, Jr., private Hills, Thomas, private Hills, Thomas, private Hillto, Christ., Jr, private Vrooman Hillts, Geo., private Vrooman Hillts, John, private Hilsinger, Jacob, private Hilsinger, Jacob, private Hilsinger, John, private Hilsinger, John, private Hilsinger, John, Jr., priv. Vrooman Hilsinger, Mich'l, private Vrooman Hilsinger, Peter, private Hilsinger, Peter, private Hilsinger, Peter, private Hilsinger, Peter, private Hilton, Jacob, private Hilton, James, private Hilton, John,+ private Hilton, Jon'n, heut. Hilton, Jon'n, corporal Hilton, Jonathan, fifer Hilton, Jon'n, private Hilton, Peter, private Hilton, Peter, private Hilton, Rich'd, lieut. Hilts, Christ'r, private Hiltz, Christoffel, Jr., pr. Hiltz, Christ'r, private Hiltz, Christ'r, private Luddington Whiting Bellinger Pawling Cooper Van Veghten Hays. Wessenfels Willet Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Willet Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman DuboisVrooman Vrooman VroomanVrooman LuddingtonLuddington Klock Vrooman Vrooman VroomanVrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Van Rensselaer 2d N. H. Regt Willet Graham Van Veghten Cuyler Schuyler Van Veghten Van Veghten Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Hiltz, Christopher, Jr., pr. Vrooman Hiltz, Geo., private Vrooman Hiltz, Geo., private Bellinger Hiltz, Geo., private Bellinger Hiltz, Geo., private Bellinger Hiltz, Geo., Jr., private Bellinger Hiltz, Geo. G., private Bellinger Hiltz, Geo. H., private Bellinger Hiltz, Geo. N , private Bellinger Hiltz, Geo. N, private Bellinger Hiltz, Godfrey, private Bellinger Hiltz, Godfrey, private Bellinger Hiltz, Hannis, drummer Bellinger Hiltz, Hannis, private Bellinger Hiltz, John, private Bellinger Hiltz, Nich's, private Bellinger Hiltz, Nich's, private Bellinger Hiltz, Peter, private Klock Hiltzinger, Mich'l, private Graham Himbark, Matt'w, corporal Johnson Himes, Solomon, sergeant Van Rensselaer Himlar, Adam, private Willet Hinckley, Elkany, private Field Company. Van Wyck Hadlock De Garmo HumfreyCraneVosburgh Staring Westfall ¦ Gardner Dunham Onderdonk Bowen Cross Miller Miller Richtmyer Livingston Stubrach Brown De Mout Brown Miller Stubrach Brown Knapp Lane Ruff Stubrach Miller StubrachMiller Becker Stubrach Miller Richtmyer BrownPrice Roseboom TearseLansing Dunham Van Aernum Winne DunhamStubrachMiller Richtmyer Richtmyer Stubrach Frank Herder SmaU Herder HerderHerderFrank Herder Herder Frank HerderHerder Frank FrankHerder MillerLansingCross Schermerhorn Elsworth Barnum • Disabled by the fall of his horse at Fort Rensselaer, and discharged November, 1781. Hillsdale, Columbia Co. A 137, Co 69. f Shot through right leg, Caughnawaga Distr. Cc, 88. Roster of the State Troops. 395 Name and Rank. Regiment. i Hinckley, Gershom, priv. Van Rensselaer Hinckley, Paul, private Van Rensselaer Hinder, Joseph, private Malcom Hindersaws Jno. Jurie, pr. Van Rensselaer Hines, Daniel, private Willet Hines, George, private Willet Hines, James, private Pawling Hink, John,* private Butler (Penn.) Hinkley, Elkanah, corp. Field Hinkley, Elkany, corporal Dubois Hinkley, Josiah, private Field Hinkley, Reuben, corporal Field Hinkly, Gesham, private Graham Hinkly, Jersham, private Hinkley, Josiah, private Hinman, Zach'h, private Hinnes, James, corporal Hintzeger, Peter, private Hinver, Felix, private Hippie, George, private Hirtchen, Ed'd, private Histed, Ed'd, sergeant Histed, Ed'd, corporal Histed, Ed'd, private Hitchcock, Abner, private Whiting" Hitchcock, Chilinb, drum'r Whiting Hitchcock, David, private Hammond Hitchcock, David, private Hammond Hitchcock, John, private Hammond Hitchcock, Stephen, priv. Van Veghten Hitchcock, Zenis, private Willet Hitchman, John, private Hith, Dennis, private Hith, Henry, private Hitsman, Henrich, corp. Hitt, Dennis, private Hitt, Gerard, private Hitzcock, John, private Hitzel, Geo., private Hitzinger, Mich'l, private Hitzman, Henrich, corp. Graham Field Field Hathorn VroomanVrooman Willet FisherVan Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten WilletDrake Drake Vrooman Wessenfels Drake Weisenfels Vrooman Graham Vrooman Hitzman, Hend'k, private Vrooman Hix, William, private Yates Hix, Wm., private Graham Hoamer, Jacob, private Brinckerhoff Hoard, David, private Harper Hoard, David, corp. Van Rensselaer Hoard, Isaac, corp. Van Rensselaer Hoard, Isaac, private Van Rensselaer Hoard, Sam'l, private Van Rensselaer Hoard, Simeon, private Van Rensselaer Hobbey, Caleb, private Benedict Hobble, Matt'w, sergeant Yates Hobby, Caleb, lieut. Drake Hobby, David, major Thomas Hobby, David, captain Thomas Hobby, Israel, private Wisner Hobby, Jon'n, sergeant Thomas Hobby, Jon'n, private Hobs, Samuel, private Willet Hochstrasser, Jacob, lieut. Willet Hochtrasser, Jacob, lieut. Graham Hochstrasser, Jacob, ser. Piatt Hocks, Jon'n, private Pawling Hocksey, Fred'k, private Van Rensseiaer Hocksey, Will., private Van Rensselaer Hodelow, Solomon, private Wynkoop Hodge, Abm., private Fisher Hodge, Abm., private Fisher Hodge, Ab'm, private Brinckerhoff Hodge, Dan'l, private Graham Hodge, Eph'm, private Fisher Hodge, Ezekiel, private Yates Hodge, Isaac, private Piatt Hodge, Israel, private Wessenfels Hodge, Israel, private Klock Hodge, James, sergeant Thomas Hodge, James, private Schuyler Hodge, James, corporal Company. Turner NilesMcKinstryStaats White Harrison Burnet Seely Dyckman Lee DykemanDykeman Magee Magee Dykeman Barnum Telford Miller Hole Yates Woodworth Woodworth Woodworth Kings KingOrser MartlingOrserThompson Gray Harrison Haight HaightStubrach Hunt Boyd Miller Lansing Stubrach Miller VailBrinckerhoofHarrison Niles NilesShaw NilesNiles Bouton Brown A. P., 14-528 Baly Sacket Hobby PutmanLivingston Lansing Van Santvoort SacketNiles NilesVan Buren McMaster YeomanVan Wyck Williams McMaster Brown Van Santvoort WestfallWestfall St. John Tillman Stevenson Regiment. Crane Van Woert Pawling Pawling PawlingVan Woert Fisher Fisher Yates Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Vau Rensselaer YatesVan Woert Van Rensselaer YatesPawling Yates Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Name and Rank. Hodge, James, private Hodge, Joshua, private Hodge, Ralph, private Hodge, Ralph, private Hodge, Ralph, private Hodge, Solomon, private Hodge, William, sergeant Hathorn Hodger, Sam'l, private Hathorn Hodges, Ab'm, private Hodges, Ab'm, private Hodges, Benj'n, private Hodges, Curtis, private Hodges, Dan'l, private Hodges, Ezekiel, private Hodges, Ezekiel, private Hodges, Isaac, pnvate Hodges, Isaac, private Hodges, Isaac, private Hodges, Isaac, private Hodges, Israel, private Hodges, John, private Hodges, Joshua, sergeant Hodges, Joshua, private Hodges, Joshua, private Hodges, Sam'l, captain Hodges, Sam'l, lieut Hodges, Samuel, private Hodges, Solomon, private Van Woert Hodges, Solomon, private Van Woert Hodges, Solomon, private Van Woert Hodgson, Geo., sergeant Willet Hodgeson, Geo. corporal Hodgson, Geo., private Hoe, Jonas, private Hoeman, Peter, private Hoff, Rich'd, private Hoff, Rich'd, Jr., private Hoff, Wm., private Hoff, Will., private Hoffman, Abr'm, cornet Hoffman, Abr'm, private Hoffman, Adam, private Hoffman, Charles, ensign Hoffman, Dan'l, private Hoffman, George, private Hoffman, Nicholas, private Johnson Hoff manf Philip, private Clyde Hoffnagel, Chnstian, priv. Klock Hoffstrasser, Jacob, priv. Vrooman Hoffstrasser, Jacob, priv. Vrooman Hofstader, Christian, priv. Bellinger Hofsted, Christian, private Bellinger Hofsteder, Christ'r, private Bellinger Hogaboom, Jacob, private Willet Hogaboom, Peter, private Fisher Hogal, John, private Fisher Hogal, Mich'l, private Fisher Hogalone, Barth'w, private Hogan, George, captain Schuyler Hogan, Geo., captain Hogan, Geo., private Hogan, Jurian, private Hogan, William, corporal Hogans, Edward, private Hogarthy, Wm., private Hoge, Geo., private Hogebome, James, private Willet Hogeboom, Barth'w, priv. Vandenburgh Hegeboom, Barth'w, priv. Brinckerhoff Hogeboom, Christ., corpl. Fisher Hogeboom, Christ, private Fisher Hogeboom, Dereck, sergt. Fisher Hogeboom, Dirck, private Van Rensselaer Hogeboom, John, private Schuyler Hogeboom, Jno., private Fisher Hogeboom, Peter, private Fisher Hogeboom, Stephen, priv. Van Rensselaer Hogedorn, Sam 1, private Vrooman Hogedorn, Sam'l, private Schuyler GrahamWillet HaysKlock Fisher FisherLivingstonVan Rensselaer Wynkoop Wynkoop Graham Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Van Alstyn Company. TruesdellWhitesideWoodsPawling Williams Gilmore Mervin Conklin McMaster Yeoman YatesHodgesHodges Hodges De Garmo Hadlock Hodges BrownWestfall Hadlock Gilmore Gilmore Hodges DotyWells Gilmore Whiteside MarshallLansing MarshallAckerson Suts Fisher^ Fisher Smith Philip Husted Van Benschouten Van Benschouten PhilipsJohnsonBrown BreadbakeStubrach Brown StaringHerder Staring Gray Snook Degraas Quackenboss Schuyler Quackenboss Van Alstyn Brinckerhoff Van Veghten Fisher Humphrey Hogan Claw BrinckerhoofThompson Degraas ElsworthStorm Van Benschouten McMaster McMaster McMaster SchermerhornLansing McMasterMcMaster Philip Richtmyer Ostrum ' Shot through left groin at Green Springs, Va., autumn of 1781. Hatter, Kakiate, Orange Co. C. 178. 396 Name and Rank. Hogedorn, Barth'w, priv. Hogedorn, Dirck, corporal Hogel, Abm., private Hogel, Francis, private Hogel, Nich's, private Hogeland, Wm., private Hogell, Jno., corporal Hogelorn, Dirck, sergeant Hogen, Wm., private Hogencamp, John H., lieut. Hogencamp, John M., cap. Hogetorn, Adam, private Hogetorn,"Baltus, private Hogetorn, Barth'w, ser. Hogetorn, Barthw, private Hogetorn, Dirck, sergeant Hogetorn, Dirck, private Hogetorn, John, private Hogetorn, Samuel, private Hogg, John, private Hogges, Curtis, private Hogges Dan'l, private Hogges, Ezekiel, sergeant Hogh, George, private Hogheborne, Peter, priv. Hoghstraute, Baltus, priv. Hoghstrauter, Jacob, priv. Hoghstrauter, Paul, priv. Hoghtalin, John, private Hoghtaling, John, private Hoghtaling, John, pnvate Hoghtaling, Thomas, cap. Hoghteeling, Thomas, pr. Hoghteling, John, private Hoghteling, Wm., private Hoghteling, Will., private Hogil, Nich's, private Hogill, Jacob, private Hogil. J acob, private Hogil, Jacob, private Hogill, Nich's, private Hogins, Benjamin, private Hogins, David, private Hogins, Ed'd, private Hogins, Jesse, private Hogland, Abm., lieut. Hogland, Dirck, private Hogland, Wm., private Hogland, William, private Hogle, Corn's, private Hogle, Corn's, private Hogle, Peter, private Hogle, Peter, private Hogle, Peter, private Hogobon, Christ., private Hogoboom, Christ'r, priv. Hogoboom, Derick, ser. Hogoboom, Derick, corp. Hogoboom, Peter, private Hogoboom, Peter, private Hogstrauter, Baltus, priv. Hogstrauter, Paul, ser. Hogtaling, Storm, private Hoick, Peter, private Hoit, Abijah, private Hoit, Abraham, private Hoit, Daniel, private Hoit, Elijah, sergeant Hoit, Enoch, private Hoit, Ezra, private Hoit, Israel, private Hoit, Jacob, private Hoit, Phineas, private Hoit, Thadeus, private Hoit, William, private Holand, John, private Holcomb, Isaac, private Holcomb, Isaac, corporal Holcomb, Zepheniah, priv. Holdaway, Henry, private Holden, Dan'l, private Holdenbergh, Abm., priv. Roster of the State Troops. Regiment. Vrooman Vrooman Yates Yates SchuylerBrinckerhoffYates Vrooman Van Alstyn HaysHays Vrooman VroomanVrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman VroomanVroomanVan Rensselaer Thomas (?) Yates Yates Fisher Fisher Schuyler Schuyler Schuyler BrinckerhoffGrahamSchuyler Van Bergen Wynkoop Quackenboss Schuyler Quackenboss SchuylerVan Rensselaer Schuyler Schuyler Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Reusselaer Hopkins Van Rensselaer Hopkins Brinckerhoff Hays HaysVan Woert Van Woert Vau Woert Van Woert Van Woert Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher FisherFisher SchuylerSchuylerSchuyler YatesThomas Thomas Weissenfels ThomasThomasThomasThomasThomas Williams Hays Whiting Whiting Van Rensselaer Vrooman Dubois Fisher Company. StubrachStubrach Sharp Brinckerhoff Brutt Heager Ostrander Sickles Heager Heager Heager Heager HeagerBries Stockwell HadlockHadlock DegraasFisherSlyngerlandt Vischer GrootVan Benschoten Muller Van Wee Van Wie Van Wie Van Wie Foreast De Forest Foreast Sharp De Fores De Garmo Shaw Brinckerhoff ShawVan Benschoten Brower - Bell Hogenca Gilmore Hodges Wells Gilmore Brown Yates McMasterMcMasterMcMasterMcMasterYeomanSlyngerlandt Slyngerlandt Stevenson St. John St. John HuntStevensonSt. John St. John St John St. John St. John ShepardsonSickles Bostwick Davis (?) HawleyHeager Gano Yeoman Name and Rank. Regiment. Holdredge, Abr'm, ser. Holdridge, Amasa, priv. Willet Holdridge, Arnold, priv. Van Ness Holdridge, Felix, private Graham Holdridge, Rich'd, private Van Rensselaer Holdron, Andries, private Hays Holdron, John, private Hays Hole, Aron, captain Willet Hole, John, private Johnson Holembeck, Matthice, priv. Van Rensselaer Holenbeck, Dan'l, private Yates Holenbeck, Garret, private Yates Holenbeeck, Michael, pr. Van Rensselaer Holester, Elisha, sergeant Whiting Holiday, Henry, private Harper Holiday, Henry, private Van Rensselaer Holiday, Will, private Drake Holkomb, Phineas, private Van Ness Holl, Levy^private Van Schoonhoven Holladay, William, private Thomas Holland, James, private Van Rensselaer Holland, John, private Van Woert Holiand, Thomas, sergeant Hays Hollenbeck, Jacob, lieut. Yates Hollenbeck, William, lieut. Whiting Holies' er, Lazarus, private Van Schoonhoven Hollester, William, sergt. Johnson Hollet, James, private Thomas Hollet, Joseph, private Hathorn Hollet, Moses, private Johnson Hollet, Richard, private Brinckerhoff Hollet, William, private Johnson Hollet', William, private Pawling Holley, Daniel, private Yates Holley, Daniel, private Luddington Holley, Josiah, private Hathorn Holliday, John, private Field Holliday, Simeon, private Field Hollister, Benj'n, private Piatt Hollister, Elisha, sergeant Willet Hollister, Elisha, private Whiting Hollister, Isaac, private Hollister. Josiah, private Hollister, Smith, private Hollobard, Jesse, private Holly, Daniel, private Johnson Van Schoonhoven Graham Graham Hathorn Yates Hathorn Hathorn Hathorn HathornWessenfels Wessenfels Wisner Willet Thomas Thomas Willet Willet Hplly, Daniel, private Holly, Josiah, private Holly, Josiah, private Holly, Noah, sergeant Holly, Noah, Jr., private Holly, Robin, private Holly, William, private Holly, Wm., private Holly, Zadock, private Holmes, Abijah, private Holmes, Abijah, private Holmes, Aida, pnvate Holmes, Addia, private Holmes, Beacher, corporal Thomas Holmes, Beecher, sergeant Thomas Holmes, Benj'n, corporal Willet Holmes, Caleb, private Van Schoonhoven Holmes, Caleb, private Van Schoonhoven Holmes, Caleb, private Van Schoonhoven Holmes, Caleb, private Van Veghten Holmes, Esa, ensign Van Rensselaer Holmes, Isaac, private Benedict Holmes, Isaac, private Brinkerhoff Holmes, James, private Wessenfels Holmes, James, private Wessenfels Holmes, James, private Thomas Holmes, James, private Hopkins Holmes, Jedadiab, private Graham Holmes, Jedediah, private Whiting Holmes, Jedediah, private Van Rensselaer Holmes, Jeremiah, private Thomas Holmes, Jeremiah, private Thomas Holmes, Jerem'h, private Holmes, Jerem'h, private Thomas Holmes, John, private Pawling Holmes, John, private Crane Company. Howley Fonda Pearce Cady Tourneur Tourneur Jansen Philip Hadlock WeltseOsterhoudt CadyBogart Van Allen Haight Van Denburgh MosemanVan Schoonhoven Whiteside Weltse Davis (?) Aylsworth Ostrander Lawrence Case Smith Van Wyck Ostrander PiercyHadlockLaneBaileyDykeman Dykeman Bloom Pearcy Davis Ostrander Collins Williams MullerBrown ShepherdShepherd ShepherdHuntBrewster Baly Fonda Sackett St. John Henry Gillet MillerSt. John Tearse Visscher HicksWhite Elliot Gould Brinkerhoff Shephard Hunt St John Waters Bostwick CadyMiller Sacket Stevenson WoodChapman Roster of the State Troops. 397 Name and Rank. Regiment. Thomas ThomasPiatt Field Dragoons Thomas Wessenfels Thomas Hopkins Thomas ThomasThomasThomasThomas Thomas Brinckerhoff LivingstonBenedict Drake Van Veghten Thomas Dubois Holmes, Jon'n, corporal Holmes, Jon'n, corporal Holmes, Joseph, private Holmes, Joseph, private Holmes, Lewis, private Holmes, Nath'l, corporal Holmes, Nath'l, private Holmes, Nathan, private Holmes, Nathan, private Holmes, Reuben, sergeant Hathorn Holmes, Reuben, sergeant Johnson Holmes, Reuben, sergeant Johnson Holmes, Reuben, private Thomas Holmes, Reuben, private Holmes, Samuel, private Holmes, Samuel, private Holmes, Stephen, private Holmes, Stephen, private Holmes, Stephen, private Holmes, William, private Holms, Asa, ensign Holms, Elennah, private Holms, John, corporal Holms, Peter, private Holms, Sam'l, private Holms, Stephen, private Holmstead, Gideon, priv. Holenbeck, Garrit, private Willet Holnecker, And'w, private Willet HolDocker, And'w, private Willet Holp, John, corp'l Hopkins Holsey, Zepheniah Lt. Drag. Holstapple, John, private Van Rensselaer Holstapple, Will., sergt. Van Rensselaer Holstapple, Will., private Van Rensselaer Holstead, Thomas, private Pawling Hoisted, EzekieL private Yates Hoisted, John, Jr., private Hays Holt, John, private Vrooman Holt, Will., private Van Rensselaer Homan, John, private Klock Romans, John, corporal Pawling Homer, Francis, private Homer, Joshua, private Homer, Joshua, private Homes, Ab'm, private Homes, Solomon, sergt. Homes, William, private Homes, John, private Homes, Rowell, private Hominel, Abraham, priv. Hommal, Harman, private Wynkoop Hommel, Abr'm, corporal Pawling Hommel, Abr'm, private Wynkoop Hommel, Argent, Jr.; priv. Wynkoop Hommel, George, private Wynkoop Hommel, Harnrs, private Pawling Hommel, Herman, private Wynkoop Hommel, Jury, Jr., priv. Wynkoop Hommel, Martin, lieut. Hommel, Martin, lieut. Hommel, Martin, lieut. Hommel, Peter, corporal Honen, Joshua, corporal Honewell, Rice, private Honeywell, Israel, captain Harper Honeywell, Israel, captain Van Bergen Honeywell, John, private Van Bergen Honeywell, Matt's, priv. Field Honeywell, Rice, private Van Rensselaer Honsnield, Geo., private Klock Honshield, George, private Klock Honson, Fieton, private Fisher Honson, Tutor, private Honson, Victor, corporal Hood, John, private Hood, John, private Hoof, Zephaniah, private Hooff, Rich'd, private Hoofman, John, sergeant Hooghtaling, Abr'm, priv Hooghteling, Philip, major Pawling Wessenfels Malcom Van Renseelaer Van Rensselaer BrinckerhoffHathorn WilletHathorn Fisher Fisher WessenfelsPawling Willet Fisher JohnsonHays Company. Chapman Racket Lee Barnum Delavan Sackett Hunt St. John Wheeler CaseConcklin Smith Moseman St. John Moseman St. John Moseman St. John Moseman ElliotHumfrey Bouton DuboisGray Gillet Henry Waters Philip PhilipPhilip Philip Faulkner WiltseTourneur Brown Philip Westfall Westfall Faulkner Hardenburgh Drake SchermerhornSchermerhornVan Wyck Miller Van Renselaer BogardusDeWitt Van Aken De Witt Hathorn Pawling Wynkoop Wynkoop Wessenfels Van Rensselaer Van Aken Bogardus Westbrook De Witt Hardenburgh Honeywell Barunm Zeely BedhigFisher Fisher Fisher Livingston Piercy Van Renselaer Fisher Wilkins Van Rensselaer Sharp Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven Collins Van Schoonhoven Yates Name and Rank. Regiment. Hooghteling, Philip, priv. Hays Hooghteling, Thomas, pr. Wynkoop Hooghteling, Wm.,Jr.,pr. Wynkoop Hoogland, Wm., .private Brinkerhoff Hoogtalen, John, private Brinckerhoff Hooker, Gilbert, sergeant Willet Hoolcot, William, corporal Pawling Hoole, John, private Johnson Hoombuck, Benj., Jr., pr. Cantine Hoop, Isaac, private Hooper, John, private Hooper, John, private Hooper, Stephen, private Hooper, Wilhah, private Hooper, Wm., private Hoopole, Geo., private Hooppol, Geo., private Hoorbeek, Ephraim, priv. Hoornbeck, Benj'n, priv. Hoornbeck, Cornelius, pr. Pawling Hoornbeek, Lawrence, pr. Cantine Hoornbeck, Petrus, private Cantine Hoornbeck, Sam'l, private Cantine Hoornbeck, Warner, priv. Cantine Hoose, John, private Yates Hoose, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Hootmaker, Adam, private Clyde Hoover, Isaac, private Dubois Hoover, Jacob, private Clyde Hop, Rich'd, Jr., private Hoper, Wilhelmus, corpl, Hoper, Wm., private Company. SwartSwart Brinkerhoff Van Benschouten Newell William Gillispy Yates W empie WemplePawling Cantine Fisher SchuylerYates HopkinsHopkins,Hopkins, Hopkins, Hopkins, Hopkins,Hopkins, Hopkins,Hopkins, Hopkins.Hopkins.HopkinsHopkins,Hopkins,Hopkins,Hopkins,Hopkins,Hopkins,Hopkins Hopkins, Hopkins. Hopkins, Hopkins, Hopkins,Hopkins, Hopkins.Hopkins,Hopkins, HopkinsHopkinsHopkins, Hopkins,Hopkins,Hopkins, Hopkins. Hopkins,Hopkins,Hopkins,Hopkins,Hopkins,Hopkins,Hopkins,Hopkins,Hopkins, Hopkins.Hopkins,Hopkins,Hopkins,Hopkins, Hopkins Williams Webster Armstrong Webster Luddington Van Rensselaer Webster WilliamsWebster Webster Armstrong WilliamsWilliams Webster Benj n, sergeant Hopkins Berry, sergeant Field David, sergeant David, sergeant David, sergeant David, private David, Jr., priv. Armstrong Eli, private Wessenfels Eli, private Fred'k, private Geo., private Isaac, corporal Isaac, corporal Isaac, private Isaac, private Isaiah, sergeant Luddington Isaiah, private Luddington James, private James, private James, private James, Sr.,priv. Williams Jerem'h, private Luddington Joel, private Yates John, private Webster Jon'n, private Luddington Joseph, private Luddington Nathan, private Webster Nathan, private Armstrong Noah, fifer Van Rensselaer Noah, Sr., private Van Rensselaer Robert, corporal Williams Robt., corporal Webster Robt., private Williams Robert, private Webster Robert, private Webster Robt., private Graham Roswell, colonel Roswell,Jr.,surg. Hopkins Samuel, private Williams Sam'l, private Webster Samuel, private Armstrong Sam'l, Sr., priv. Webster Sam'l, Jr., priv. Webster Solomon, lieut. Hopkins Solomon, lieut. Luddington Stephen, corporal Willet Thatcher, private Luddington Thomas, private ' Willet Thomas, private Pawling Thos., private Luddington Hadlock Mynderse De Witt Hasbrouck De Witt HasbrouckHasbrouck HasbrouckBrown Staats Ruff Burnet RuffFisherScharp HadlockBarnum Barnum Hamilton Hamilton Wilson Hamilton Scribner Schermerhorn Long Hamilton Hamilton HamiltonWilson Lane Mead HamiltonLong LongLong Mead HadlockLongScribner Scribner Long Schermerhorn Schermerhorn LongLongLong Long Hamilton LongLong LongLong BarnumMead Pearcy Scribner Elsworth Pawling Scribner 398 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Hopper, Cornelius, private Hathorn Hopper, Corn's, private Hathorn Hopper, David, private Graham Hopper, Henry,* private Van Dyck Hopper, Jacob, private Clyde Hopper, John, corporal Pawling Hopper, John, private Willet Hopper, John, private Van Bergen Hopper, John, private Weisenfels Hopper, Lamber, corporal Hathorn Hopper, Lambert, private Hathorn Hopper, Lumbert, private Hathorn Hopper, Paul, private Hathorn Hopper, Paul, private Hays Hopper, Reynard, private Hays Hopper, Reynard, private Hays Hoppin, William, corporal Hathorn Hopping, David, private Graham Hoppins, Daniel, sergeant Hathorn Hopple, Francis, corporal Schuyler Hoppoll, Francis, corporal Schuyler Hoppoll, Francis, private Schuyler Hord, Sam'l, private Van Rensselaer Hordig, Andrew, private Klock Horner, Nicholas, private Vandenburgh Hornbeck, Corn's, private Hays Hornbeck, Corn's, private Cantine Hornbeck, Dan'l, private Yates Hornbeck, Ephraim, corpl. Pawling Hornbeck, Ephraim, priv. Johnson Hornbeck, Ephraim, priv. Johnson Hornbrook, Ephraim, priv. Wessenfels Hornbeek, Ephraim, priv. Pawling Hornbeek, Isaac, sergeant Cantine Hornbeck, Jacob, lieut. Yates Hornbeck, Jacob, private Graham Horn, James, private Horn, Matthias, private Hornbeeck, Joel, private Hornbeck, Johannis, priv. Hornbeck, Johan's, private Cantine Hornbeck, Lawrence, priv. Cantine Hornbeck, Philip, q. m. Cantine Hornbeck, Sam'l, private Cantine Hornbeck, Petrus, private Cantine Hornbeek, Benjamin, priv. Pawling Horning, Adam, sergeant Clyde Horning, Adam, private Horning, Dederick, lieut. Horning, Dederick, priv. Horning, Geo., private HorniDg, John, corporal Horning, John, private Horning, Leonard, private Clyde Horsa, Jobn, private Williams Horsbrook, John, corpl. Wynkoop Horse, Nich's, private Luddington Horsefort, Samuel, private Harper Horsford, John, private Wemple Horsford, Samuel, private Whiting Horshea, John, private Armstrong Horskins, Joel, lieut. Hopkins Horton, Caleb, private Horton, Caleb, private Hammond Horton, Dan'l, sergeant Thomas Horton, Dan'l, sergeant Drake Horton, Dan'l, private Drake Horton, David, private Hopkins Horton, George, private Hopkin3 Horton, Gilbert, private Brinckerhoff Horton, Israel, private Hathorn Horton, Israel, private Wisner Horton, James, private Hathorn Horton, James, private Hays Horton, James, private Van Veghten Horton, Jeremiah, private Hathorn Horton, Jerem'h, private Malcom Horton, Jerem'h, private Wisner Horton, Jobn, sergeant Drake Fisher Fisher GrahamHuys ClydeClydeClydeClyde Clyde Clyde Company. MinthornMinthornWilson Spencer Brown Woods WelpHoneywellMinthornMcCamley Minthorn Minthorn Ackerson Tourneur Tourneur Bailey Hermance Bailey Van Aernum Van Aernum Van Aernum Niles MillerWheelerHasbrouck Hadlock Burnet OstranderWilkin White Faulkner Hasbrouck HadlockYeoman Fisher Hasbrouck Hasbrouck Piercy Bowman LeipeBowmanLeipeLeipeBowman Bawman Ruff Armstrong Knapp Allen Mynderson Salisbury Armstrong Talmadge Horton Moseman Drake Drake Waters Waters Brinckerhoff Miller Miller Mervin Thompson McKinstryMiller Drake Name and Rank. Horton, John, private Horton Horton HortonHortonHorton HortonHortonHortonHortonHorton Horton,Horton. HortonHortonHorton HortonHortonHorton Horton HortonHorton! Horton Horton Horton Horton HortonHortonHortonHorton HortonHorton,Horton, Horton Horton Regiment. Drake Jon'n,* captain Jno., private Hammond Joseph, sergeant Drake Joseph, sergeant Drake Joseph, private Drake Joseph, sergeant Joseph P., private Vandenburgh Joseph, sergeant Brinckerhoff Matthias, private Brinkerhoff Neh'h, private Drake Peleg, sergeanj) Hopkins Peter, sergeant Hopkins Peter, sergeant Brinkerhoff Peter, private Brinkerhoff Samuel, private Malcom Sam'l, private Pawling Sam'l, private Hopkins Stafford, private Williams Stephen, private Drake Thomas, sergeant Whiting Thomas, corporal Thomas Luddington Drake WilletPawling Dubois Van Veghten Drake Drake Van Rensselaer Hathorn YatesFisher GrahamWessenfels Webster Pawling Tho's, private Thomas Tho's, private Wessenfels Thomas, captain Thomas, pnvate Wm., drummer William, private William, private Wm., private Wm., private Wm.. private Wm., private Wm., private Zacheus, private Hose, John, private Hose, Rich'd, private Hosher, Thomas, private Hosier, Tho's, private Hosker, Josiah, private Hoskis, Bennony, private Hoss, John, private Hoss, Rich'd, private Fisher Hosstrasser, Jacob, private Vrooman Hothalin, James, private Dubois Hothson, David, private Fisher Hott, John, private Vrooman Holt, John, private Vrooman Holt, John, private Vrooman Holter, Johannis, private Vrooman Houch, Henrick, corporal Vrooman Houck, Henrick, corporal Vrooman Houfnagel, Christ., private Klock Hough, Wm., private Schuyler Houghtalen, Jerem'h, priv. Wynkoop Houghtalen, John, private Wynkoop Houghtalen, Thomas,sergt Wynkoop Houghtalen, Thomas, priv. Wynkoop Houghtahn, Thomas, corpl. Wynkoop Houghtalin, Wm. T., corpl. Wynkoop Houghtalen, Wm. T., priv. Wynkoop Houghtaling, Jacob, priv. Van Woert Houghton, Edward, private Williams Houfc, Peter, private Yates Hour, John, private Schuyler House, Adam, sergeant Clyde House, Adam, private Klock ' House, Adam, private Klock House, Adam, private Klock House, Christ., captain Klock House, Corn's, private Pawling House, Cornelius, private Hays House, Corn's, private Harper House, Doctor, Wemple House, Elias, private Klock House, Elias, private Klock House, Fred'k, private Klock House, George, private Klock House, George, private Willet Company. Boyd StrangHaddenDrakeHyat Storm Brinckerhoof BrinkerhoffBoyd Talmadge Van Benschqte Brinckerhoff Brinkerhoff McKinstry Woods Talmadge StowelStrang Gilbert Purdy Chapman Mead -^ GraySacket Dubois Thompson Hadden Boyd King Putmau Vail Tozer Taylor Van Schoonhoven Taylor Gartner Stubrach Dubois YatesStubrach Miller Brown Richtmyer Stubrach Brown Bradbig Van Wee Van Buren Van Beuren Van Beuren Van Beuren Van Buren Van Buren Van Buren Doty Rice Hadlock Visher House Hess Cayser Wagner LawrenceAckerson Lawrence ZealyBradbig Kock Ruff Gross * Two ribs broken. Hillsdale, Columbia Co. B 6, 73. Roster of the State Troops. 399 Name and Bank. Regiment. House, George, private Willet S House, George, private Clyde House, Harman, private Klock House, Harman, private Clyde House, Henry, private Willet House, Henry, private Clyde House, Jacob, private Clyde House, John, private Clyde House, John, private Hays House, Jost CT, corporal Clyde House, John, private Hays House, John, private Yates House, Joost, corporal Clyde House, Joseph, captain Clyde House, Peter, corporal Clyde House, Peter, private Clyde House, Peter, private Van Rensselaer House, Peter A., private Clyde House, Peter A., private Harper House, Peter C, private Clyde House, Peter P., private Clyde House, Reynard, private Cooper House, Reynard, private Hays House, Reynard, Sr., priv. Hays House, Reynard, Jr., priv. Havs House, Seth, private Malcom House, Seth, private Wessenfels Houseman, Geo.,* sergeant Willet Houseman, John, corporal Willet Houser, Henry, private Hays Houser, Henry, private Harper Houserads, Adam, captain Livingston Houshapple, Zachr's, priv. Livingston Houss, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Houston, George, private Newkirk Houston, James, captain Lansing Houston, Zebulon, private Newkirk Housworth, Mich'l, private Housworth, Mich'l, private Schuyler Hover, John, private Hover, Phelix, private Graham Hovenburgh, Henry, priv. Piatt How, David, private How, David, private How, Jesse, corporal Willet How, John, sergeant Hopkins How, John, private Dubois How, Libes, sergeant Drake How, Samuel, private Willet How, Sam'l, private Van Rensselaer How, Silvanus, private Thomas Willet Van Schoonhoven White Company. Harrison House Ruff House Gros3HouseHouse Dygert TourneurHouse Tourneur Weltse House House House Staats House Putman House HouseBlauveltTournerTourneurTourneurDelavan Cannon Elsworth Ackerson Drake Rockenfelle Staats McBride McBride Van Schaick TillmanFonda Muller Bloom White How, Timothy, Jr.,+ priv. Weissenfels How, Thomas, private Willet How, Thomas, private Hopkins How, Titus, private Wessenfels Howan, Felix, private Vrooman Howard, Bunyan, private Van Rensselaer Howard, Daniel, private Graham Howard, Edward, private Piatt Howard, Enos, private Willet Howard, Enos, private Graham Howard, Enos, private Van Rensselae Howard, Ezekiel, private Wisner Howard, Ezekiel, private Howard, Jesse, private Willet Howard, Jesse, private Van Veghten Howard, John, corporal Whiting Howard, Jon'n, sergeant Van Rensselaer Howard, Jon'n, private Van Rensselaer Howard, Joseph, private Hopkins Howard, Joseph, private Brinckerhoff Howard, Joseph, private Graham Howard, Josiah, private Van Rensselaer Howard, Matthew, private Yates Howard, Matthew, private Yates Howard, Matthew, private Van Rensselaer White Lane Chamberlain DrakeWelp Hubby' Bowers WelpLanePawling Turner Pearce Lee Van Rensselaer Muller Hawley Minthorn Gray Thompson Herrick Turner Turner Brinkerhoff Van Wyck Vail TurnerHadlock Yates DeGarmo Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Howard, Nathan, private Van Rensselaer Turner Howard, Richard, private Hays Bolls Howard, Stephen, private Whiting Herrick Howard, William, private Hathorn Bailey Howber, Felix, private Willet Debois Howe, David, private Van Schoonhoven White Howe, Jesse, corporal Willet White Howe, Jesse, corporal Harper Drake Howe, Jesse, corporal Van Schoonhoven Howe, Jesse, corporal Van Schoonhoven Visscher Howe, Jesse, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Howe, Jesse, private Luddington Crane Howe, John, private Stevenson Howe, Peter, private Wemple Van Petten Howe, Timothy, private Wessenfels Bowen Howe, Timothy, private Wessenfels Westfall Howel, Gilbert, private Hathorn Howel, Ketchum, sergeant Hathorn Minthorn Howel, William, corporal Humfrey Howell, Azariah, private Hathorn Miller Howell, Azariah, private Phillips Miller Howell, David, sergeant Hathorn Howell, David private Hathorn Howell, Ezra, private Hathorn Howell, George, private Wisner Miller Howell, Isaiah, private Pawling Westfall Howell, Isaiah, private Dubois Gano Howell, Israel, private Phillips Miller Howell, Jobn, lieut. Hathorn Miller Howell, John, lieut. Phillips Miller Howell, John, private Johnson Cross Howell, Silas, private Wisner Bartoff Howell, Stephen, Lt. Dragoons Phillips Howell, Vanson, private Vrooman Heager Howell, William, private Hopkins Wheeler Howen, Zeph'h, private Van Cortlandt Howes, Job, corporal Luddington Waterbury Howes, Job, private Luddington Waterburo Howes, John, sergeant Luddington Waterbury Howes, Moody, private Luddington Waterbury Howkans, James, private Hathorn Case Howland, Obadiah, private Field Hecock Howler, Felix, private Willet Debois Howley, Abner, captain Howley, Henry, private Hopkins Wheeler Howley, James, private Willet Hole Howley, Jesse, private Dragoons Delavan Howley, Zadock, private Van Cortlandt Howley, Zadock, private Vau Rensselaer Hawley Hows, Daniel, private Luddington Waterbury Hoy, Richard, sergeant Williams McNitt Hoy, Richard, private Webster Long Hoy, Richard, private Armstrong McNitt Hoy, William, private Webster McNitt Hoy, William, private Armstrong McNitt Hoy, William, Jr., private Armstrong Hoyer, George, private Van Schaick Hoyer, Geo. Fred'k, priv. Schuyler Ostrum Hoyer, Peter, private Harper Putman Hoyet, John, private Van Rensselaer Woodworth Hoyett, Jacob, private Crane Lawreuce Hoyla, Zadiock, sergeant Van Ness Hoyt, Abel, private Crane ChapmanScoheld Hoyt, Abijah, private Hoyt, Abrim, private Hoyt, Caleb, private Hoyt, Enoch, private Hoyt, Enoch, private Hoyt, Gideon, private Hoyt, Gideon, private Hoyt, Hay, private ' Hoyt, Hezekiah, private Crane Hoyt, Hezekiah, Jr. , priv. Crane Hoyt, Jacan, private Crane Hoyt, Jacob, private Benedict Hoyt, Jesse, corporal Crane CraneCraneCrane CraneCrane Crane Crane BenedictCrane Chapman Chapman Scofield Bouton Scofield GouldLawrence Chapman Chapman ChapmanBouton Chapman * Deserted from British Army ; enlisted in Willet's in 1781, and served until the Regiment was disbanded. t Enlisted in 1782. A. P. 18-206. A. P. 24-234. 400 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Crane Crane Benedict CraneCrane Crane Crane Drake Crane CraneCrane Crane CraneVan Rensselaer Van Schaick Van Alstyn Hoyt, Jesse, private Hoyt, John, private Hoyt, John, private Hoyt, Jonathan, private Hoyt, Parson, private Hoyt, Person, private Hoyt, Rice, private Hoyt (?), Silas, private Hoyt, Silas, private Hoyt, Silas, private Hoyt, Silas, private Hoyt, Sylvanus, private Hoyt, Uriah, private Hoyte, John, private Hozer, Peter, private Hubbard, David, private Hubbard, Ezekiel, private Hopkins Hubbard, Jeremiah, ensign Whiting Hubbard, John, private Willet Hubbard, Jon'n, sergeant Hubbard, Joseph, corp. Whiting Hubbard, Joseph, corp. Malcom Hubbard, Joseph, private Malcom Hubbard, Prince, private Wessenfels Hubbard, Prince, private Dubois Hubbard, Reuben, corp. Hopkins Hubbard, Samuel, private Willet Hubbard, William, corp. Harper Hubbard, Wm., private Hubbel, John, private Hubbel, Jon'n, private Hubbel, Jon'n, private Hubbel, Matt'w, private Hubbel, Thomas, private Hubbell, Abijah, private Hubbell, Jabus, private Hubbell, Peter, private Hubbert, John, private Hubbil, Matt'w, private Hubble, Abijah, private Hubble, Dan'l, corporal Hubble, Ethamour, private Harper Hubble, Gershom, private Wessenfels Hubble, Ithamer, private Willet Hnbble, Ithamar, private Van Rensselaer Hubble, Jabez, pnvate Van Schoonhoven Hubble, Jesse, lieut Willet Hubble, Jon'n, private Van Rensselaer Hubble, Matt'w, sergeant Van Rensselaer Hubble, Matt'w, private Van Rensselaer Hubble, Neh'h, private Hubble, Peter, private Hubble, Rich'd, private Hubbord, Prime, private Hubbord, Rubin, private Hubbs, Alex'r,* lieut. Hubbs, Alex'r, private Hubbs, Chas., lieut Hubbs, Charles, sergeant Hubbs, Charles, private Hubby, David, captain Hubby, Jonath, private Hubby, Jon'n, private Huber, Henry, captain Huber, Jacob, corp'l Huber, John, private Huber, John, private Huber, John, private Huber, Rasler, corporal Huckins, Isaac, corporal Hucock, Guiles, private Huddleston, Wm., private Graham Hudler, Solomon, private Wessenfels Hudler, Solomon, private Malcom Hudson, Ephraim, lieut. Schuyler Hudson, Ejih'm, lieut. Hudson, Moses, sergeant Hudson, Rich'd, pnvate Huey, James, lieut. Company. Scofield Gould Scofield Scofield Lawrence ChapmanLawrenceLawrenceChapmanBouton Scofield Chapman Townsend Van Rensselaer WhitingWebster Yates YatesWhitingVan Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Crane Willet YatesVan Schoonhoven Van Rensselaer Wheeler Bostwick Van Renselaer Van Schaick KingDrakeDrakeWhite ChamberlainWheeler Gray AllenKing Davis Weltse Van Veghten CraneWessenfelsDubois Dubois Van Rensselaer Fisher Fisher .Fisher Fisher Thomas Thomas ThomasBellinger Klock Bellinger BellingerKlockBellingerBrinckerhoff Willet Quackenboss Quackenboss Malcom Piatt Cady Visscher ChapmanSkinner Hadlock Visscher De Garmo Drake Gray De Garmo Wright De Garmo Vanderhoof LawrenceChamberlain Chamberlain Schermerhorn YeomanYeomanYeoman Yeoman Hubby St. Jo'hn Wagner Huber Staring Wagner HuberSchult Elsworth Conklin Livingston Cantine Veeder Drake Van Santvoort Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Huff, Benjamin, private -Whiting Davis Huff, Elis, private Huff, Gersham, private Huff, Jno., corporal Huff, John, private Huff, John, private Huff, John, private Huff, Rich'd, private Huff, Rich'd, Jr., private Huff, Zepheniah, private Huffman, Dan'l, private Huffman, Hermanes, priv. Huffman, Jacob, private Huffnage, Christian, priv. Huffnagil, Christian, priv. Hufman, John, sergeant Hufnagle, Christ'r, private Hugan, John, sergeant Hugan, John, private Huganan, David, private Huganan, Reter, private Hugenin, David, private Huggans, William, corp. Huggans, William, private Huggins, Robert, private Huggins, Wm., corporal Hughes, James M., major Hughes, James M., major Hughes, Wm., private Hughson, Jerem'h, private Hughsted, Thos., corporal Hughston, John, private Hughston, Wm., fifer Huick, Henry, private Huit, John, private Hnlf, Angle, private Hulin, John, private Hull, Ashbell, fifer t Hull, Dan'l, lieut. X Hull, Dan'l, private Hull, Dan'l, Jr., private Hull, David, private Hull, David, private Hull, Eleazer, Jr. , private Hull, Eliphelet, private Hull, Hezekiah, lieut, Hull, Hezekiah, sergeant Hull, Isaac, private Hull, Isaac, private Hull, Joseph, private Hull, Justus, sergeant Hull, Nathaniel, sergeant Hull, Peter, private Hull, Samuel, private Hull, Samuel, private Hull, Seth, sergeant Hull, Seth, private Hull, Selten, sergeant Hull, Stephen, private Hulls, Daniel, private Hulon, John, Jr., private Hulsbery, Adam, private Hulsick, George, private Hulslander, Adam, priv. Hulst, Peter, private Hultz, Geo. A., private Humasse, John, private Humble, Herman, private Humblis, Harmanus, priv. Humel, Abr'm, pnvate Humel, Ab'm, private Humfrey, Benj n, private Humfrey, Henry, captain Humfry, James, private Webster Hummel, Abraham, priv. Pawling Westbrook Hummel, Jury, private Wynkoop Van Beuren Hummel, Peter, private Wynkoop Hummell, John J., private Wessenfels Pawling Hummil, Peter, corporal Wynkoop Van Beuren -Whiting WhitingHays Ackerson Dubois Gano - Hopkins VaD Benschoten Vandenburgh Storm Humfrey Fisher Fisher Mabee Van Rensselaer Cady Hopkins Van Benschoten Hays Smith Webster Long Klock Zealy Klock Miller Johnson Cross Klock Cayser Graham Magee Wessenfels Godwin Van Alstyn Claw Van Alstyn Philip Van Rensselaer Van Allen Webster Webster Armstrong Webster Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Harper DuboisCrane Lewis Drake Haight Thomas Moseman Brinckerhoff Brower Brinckerhoff Brower Schuyler Hogan Hathorn Case Brinckerhoff Van Benschoten Vandenburgh Wheeler Willet ' Newell Van Rensselaer Husted Van Reusselaer Shaw Van Rensselaer Shaw Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Veghten Dunning Van Rensselaer Shaw Van Veghten Thompson Van Rensselaer Shaw Van Rensselaer Shaw Willet Gray Thomas Gilbert Lansing Brown Van Rensselaer Shaw Johnson Ostrander Van Rensselaer Shaw Johnson Cross . Philips Ostrander Van Veghten Denning Van Veghten Denning Van Veghten Van Woert Stevenson Hathorn Mervin Graham Vail Willet Fonda Wessenfels Livingston Wessenfels White Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Bellinger Frank Willet Marshall Wynkoop Schoonmaker Wynkoop Schoonmaker Wynkoop Schoonmaker Wynkoop De Witt Vrooman * Philippstown. A. P. 21-277. + A. P. 17-712. X A. P. 16-248, 252. Roster of the State Troops. 401 Namb and Rank. Regiment. Humphrey, Evens, private Yates Humphrey, Nich's, private Graham Humphrey, Tho's, private Hammond Humphreys, John, private Harper Humphry, Benj'n, private Vrooman Humphry, Charles, priv. Hathorn Humphry, Emry, pnvate Graham Humphry, Ezra, priyate Van Alstyn Humphry, James, private Vrooman Humphrey, James,* priv. Yates Humphry, James, sergeant Vrooman Bumphry, John, private Vrooman Humphry, Sam'l, private Willet Humstead, Elias, private Wynkoop Hunden, John, sergeant Thomas? Hunderman, Henry, sergt. Schuyler Hunderman, Henry, sergt. Quackenboss Hunderman, Henry, corp'l Quackenboss Hunderman, Henry, priv. Queckenboss Hundson, John, serg. maj. Williams Hunfrey, Wm., private Hopkins Hungerford, Elisha, priv. Schuyler Hunn, Mark, private Fisher Hunsdal, Alex'r, sergeant Williams Hunsdon, Allen, sergeant Webster Hunsdon, Allen, sergeant Armstrong Hunsdon, Allen, private Webster Hunsdon, Johnj lieut Willet Hunsdon, John, sergeant Webster Hunsdon, John, private Webster Hunsdon, Jno., private Webster Hunsdon, John, private Armstrong Hunt, Aaron, private Wessenfels Hunt, Amara, private Yates Hunt, Arnold, private Hammond Hunt, Dan'l, private Malcom Hunt, David, q. m. Graham Hunt, David, lieut. Graham Hunt, David, private Harper Hunt, Eden, q. mr. Graham Hunt, Eden, private Van Bergen Hunt, Elvin, private Van Woert Hunt, Elvin, private Van Woert Hunt, Elvin, private Van Woert Hunt, Emeze, private Yates Hunt, Emry, private Yates Hunt, Gila, private Whiting Hunt, Gilbert, private Hays Hunt, Gilbert, private Crane Hunt, Gillead, private Cooper Hunt, Gilliad, private Hays Hunt, Jacob, private Benedict Hunt, Jesse, private Crane Hunt, John, private Graham Hunt, Jon'n, private Thomas Hunt, Jon'n, private Hunt, Joseph, qr. mr. sergt. Hays Hunt, Joseph, private Hunt, Jotham, private Hunt, Lewis, private Hunt, Luther, sergeant Hunt, Obadiah, private Hunt, Obd'h, private Hunt, Obediah, private Hunt, Pelathia, private Hunt, Philip, private Hunt, Philip, private Hunt, Philip, private Hunt, Philip, private Hunt, Philip, private Hunt, Reuben, private Hunt, Robt, private Hunt, Samuel, private Hunt, Sam'l, private Hunt, Solomon, private Hays Graham Whiting Drake DrakeLivingstonThomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Hays Van Woert Hays Hammond Drake Company. Husted AllenHeager Telford Ostrander Heager Miller RichtmyerSwart Stockwell Slingerlandt SlingerlandtSlingerlandtSlingerlandt Talmadge Van Wee Snook Armstrong LongArmstrong Armstrong Livingston Armstrong Long Armstrong Brewster Orser Livingston BostwickAllen HoneywellWells Gilmore Whiteside HadlockHadlock Gilbert Gardner TruesdelGardner Smith OsburnLockwood Conklin St. John Stevenson Ackerson Pearce StevensonKellogg Stevenson Drake Boyd Kline Hobby Lyon St. John Hobby Lyon Onderdonk Gilmore Ackejson OrserDrake Name and Rank. Hunt, Solomon, private Hunt, Thomas, adjutant Hunt, Thomas, captain Hunt, Thos., sergeant Hunt, Thomas, sergeant Hunt, Thos., private Hunt, Thomas, private Hunt, Thomas, private Hunt, Tim'y, private Hunter, Andrew, qr. mr. Hunter, Andrew, private Regiment. DragoonsCrane Wessenfels Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten FieldVan Woert Fisher Whiting Whiting Company. Delavan WoodworthThompsonWoodworth Dyckman McKillip Yeoman Hunter, Archibald, private Johnson Hunter, David, private Hunter, Eben'r, private Hunter, Eben'r, private Hunter, Elijah, captain Hunter, George, sergeant Hunter, James, private Hunter, James, private Hunter, John, corporal Hunter, Jobn, corporal Hunter, John, private Hunter, John, private Hunter, Jon'n, private Hunter, Jon'n, private Hunter, Moses, drummer Hunt, Philip, private Hunter, Robert, captain Hunter, Robt., private Hunter, Sam'l, private Hunter, Sam'l, private Hunter, Thomas, private Hunter, Thos., pnvate Huntly, Solomon, private Huper, Stephen, private Hurlbut, Benoni, private Hurlbut, Caleb, sergeant KingRoosa Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Dubois Chamberlain Wessenfels Van Veghten Thompson Willet Skinner Dubois Burnet Pawling Sacket Van Veghten Dunning Willet Hole Willet Tearse Van Veghten Van Woert Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Graham Sherwood Thomas Lyon PawliDg Van Veghten Dunning Van Veghten Dunning Van Veghten Dunham Phillips Miller Van Veghten Winne Willet Welp Van Veghten Denning Webster Tozer Webster Tozer Hurlbut, Stephen,^ drum'r Bradley (Conn't) Sandford Hurlbut, William, private Webster Tozer Hurley, James, private Wessenfels White Hurltow, Caleb, private Armstrong Tozer Hurmance, Joseph H., It. Graham Magee Hurmance, Jacob I., lieut. Graham Magee Hurrington, Zachariah, pr. Graham Magee Hurry, John, private Wemple Wanson Rursbergh, David, Van Cortlandt Hurter, Lawrence I., priv. Bellinger Frank Hus, Casper, private Livingston Shaver Huson, Gabriel, private Brinkerhoff Brinkerhoff Huson, Jerem'h, private Luddington Baker Huson, Robert, private Luddington Waterbury Huson, James, private Yates Hadlock Huss, John, private Yates Brutt Huss, John, private Yates Hadlock Huss, John, private Yates Yates Huss, John, private Van Rensselaer De Garmo Huss, Nich's, private Van Bergen Witbeck Huston, Dan'l, Sr., private Van Rensselaer Price Hustaad, Thomas, private Drake • Haight Husted, David, captain Van Rensselaer Husted, David, lieut. Van Rensselaer Shaw Husted, David, lieut. Van Rensselaer Woodworth Husted, David, lieut. Van Renselaer Schermerhorn Husted, James, captain -Van Rensselaer Hustead, James, sergeant Crane Lewis Husted, Jonathan, private Wessenfels Livingston Husted, Noah, private Hammond Husted, Peter, private Hopkins Waters Husted, Silas, captain Graham Husted, Thaddeus, private Willet Gray Husten, James, corporal Yates Yates Husten, James, private Yates Weltse Hustin, James, private Yates Yates Husting, James, private Yates Hustis, David, lieut. Van Rensselaer Shaw * Entered as Orderly Sergeant in Tilford's Co., McClaughry's Reg't, and served from 1776 to Jan'y, 1777, then for three months during 1777, taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, Oct. 6, 1777, exchanged Aug., 1778, served then as private in Yates' Reg't. Newburgh, Orange Co. A. P. 23-253. t Shot through the lungs. Westchester Co. C. 81. X Enlisted January 1, 1777; disabled by fever same year. Weaver, Fredericksburgh, Dutchess county. C 181. 51 402 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Huston, Dan'l, Jr., private Van Rensselaer Huston, Lebbuen, private Hathorn Hutchan, Charles, private Armstrong Hutchan, Ed'd, private Fisher Hutchason, David, private Hutchen, Edward, private Fisher Hutchens, Asey, private Vandenburgh Hutchens, John, drummer Wessenfels Hutcheson, Benj'n, private Whiting Hutchin, Ed'd, corporal Willet Hutchings, Amos, private Hays Hutchins, Absalom, private Thomas Hutchins, Absalom, corp'l Thomas Hutchins, Absalom, private Thomas Hutchins, Absalom, private Thomas Hutchins, Alex' r, private Wessenfels Hutchins, Asa, pnvate Pawling Hutchins, Benj'n, private Hopkins Hutchins, Charles, private Webster Hutchins, Charles, private Webster Hutchins, Ezekiel, private Pawling Hutchins, Jacob, private Brinkerhoff Hutchinson, Benj n, corp. Graham Hutchinson, Ed'd, private Fisher Hutchinson, Jonathan, pr. Wynkoop Hutchinson, Solomon, pr. Van Ness Hutchor, William, private Willet Hutchson, William, priv. Willet Hutimacher, Adam, priv. Klock Hutman, Adam, sergeant Bellinger Huts, John, private Fisher Hutson, John, private Hays Hutt, John, private Graham Hutt, John, private Vrooman Hutten, John, private Hays Hutton, John, private Hays Hutton, Richard, private Drake Hutton, Timothy, lieut. Willet Hutton, Timothy, lieut. Willet Hutton, Timothy, lieut Schuyler Huyck, Burger, ensign Van Alstyn Huyck, Burger D., private Van Alstyn Huyck, Burger D,, private Van Alstyn Huyok, Burger I., private Van Alstyn Buyck, George, pnvate Schuyler Huyck, Hend'k, private Van Rensselaer Huyck, John, Jr., private Van Alstyn Company. Price Telford Armstrong Yates Hawley Yates Van Wyck Pawling Cady Fonda GardnerPurdy St. John Purdy Lyon Hardenburgh Pawling Brinkerhoff McNitt Armstrong HunterStormBostwick Yates Welp Welp Ruff Staring VeederHogencamp Muller StubrachTourneurTourneur Boyd GrossLivingston Lansing Vosburgh OstranderClaw Ostrander Van Wee Schermerhorn Ostrander Name and Rank. Regiment. Huyck, John A., sergeant Van Alstyn Huyck, Matthew, private Van Rensselaer Huyck, Nich's, private Graham Huyck, Nich's, private Van Rensselaer Huyck, Will, sergeant Van Rensselaer Huyck, Will, private Van Rensselaer Huyk, Henry, private Schuyler Hyat, Jno., captain Hyath, Elias, private Drake Hyath, Solomon, private Drake Hyatt, Abr'm, lieut. Thomas Hyatt, Alpen, private Van Cortlandt Hyatt, Alvan, private Luddington Hyatt, Eleven, private Pawling Hyatt, Elias, private Pawling Hyatt, Elias, private Malcom Hyatt, Elias, private Luddington Hyatt, Elisha, private Thomas Hyatt, Elvin, private Luddington Hyatt, Ezek' 1, lieut Drake Hyatt, Ezekiel, private Hyatt, Ezekiel, private Benedict Hyatt, John, lieut-col. Drake Hyatt, Jno., private Drake Hyatt, Minor, private Luddington Hyatt, Seth, private Drake Hyatt, Stephen, private Luddington Hylton, Adam, private Van Bergen Hymepaugh, Peter.private Wynkoop Hymes, Frek'k, private Cantine Hymes, Solomon, sergeant Van Rensselaer Hynard, Michael, private Drake Hyne, Corn's, private Graham Hyne, Philip, corporal Pawling Hyner, George, sergeant Van Rensselaer Hynes, Benjamin, private Van Rensselaer Hynpagh, Peter, private Pawling Hynpah, Peter, private Wynkoop Hyns, Fred'k, private Malcom Hyon, Philip, private Pawling Hyon, Jobn, private Yates Hyse, Daniel, private Van Rensselaer Hyser, Henry, private Livingston Hyser, John, private Willet Hyser, John, private Harper Hyser, Matthias, private Bellinger Company. Claw Van Allen Magee SchermerhoroSchermerhorrtHogan HaightHaight B15 Mead Williams Williams Livingston Mead Scribner Drake Hyat Osburn MeadDrake Scribner Hasbrouck Schermerhorn Drake Sherwood DeWitt HustedVanderhoof SwartCantine Pawling Hadlock DeGarmo RockenfelleElsworth Putman Staring I. Ibie, Tiel, private Ice, John, private Ide, Ebenezer, private Idol, James, pnvate Ikeler, John, private Ikler, John, sergeant Ikler, John, corporal Ikler, John, private Imike, Johannis, private Impson, Benjamin, private Incall, Joseph, private Indian, Anthony, pnvate Indian, Nicholas, private Infield, Batian, private Ingalls, Elihu, lieut. (?) Ingallson, Josiah, corp. Ingdell, Sam'l, private Ingells, James, private Ingersol, Dan'l, private Ingersol, Jonah, private Ingersol, Philip, private Ingersol, Philip, private Ingersoll, Jesse, private Ingersoll, Philip, private Ingerson, John, private Ingerson, John, private Ingles, James, private Ingles, Samuel, private Ingless, Sam'l, private Inglis, Geo., corporal Inglis, George, fifer Van Rensselaer Dubois Whiting Van Rensselaer Fisher Fisher Fisher FisherLivingston Johnson FisherWilletWillet Wemple Graham Benedict DrakeVan Rensselaer Van Veghten ThomasVan Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten WessenfelsCrane Van Rensselaer Van Reusselaer Van Rensselaer WessenfelsWessenfels DeForest McFoght Herrick Odle Little LittleLittle Rockenfelle Gillispy Snook Harrison Harrison Bancker Osburn Lawrence Turner Woodworth Miller DunhamWoodworthWoodworthDunningLewis SchermerhornSchermerhorn WoodworthWestfall Brewster Ingliss, Sam'l, sergeant Ingold, Johannis, private Ingram, Justice, private Ingrun, Humphry, private Inman, Abm., private Inman, Benj'n, private Inman, Ezekiel, private Inman, Ezekiel, private Inman, Mich'l, private Inman, Mich'l, private Innis, James, private Inyer, Landert, private Ireland, Abraham, private Irish, Benjamin, private Irish, John, private Irish, Thomas, private Irvin, Andr'w, adjutant Irvin, Henry, lieut. Irwin, James, private Irvin, James, private Irwin, James, private Irvin, William, corporal Irvine, Henry, private Irwin, Henry, lieut. Isaacs, Sam'l, private Isdawy, James, drum. m. Isdel, John, private Isden, John, drummer Isinger, Ant'y, private Israels, John, private Israels, John, private Van Rensselaer Vrooman Wessenfels Willet Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten WessenfelsVan Bergen Thomas Vandenburgh Vandenburgh Vandenburgh Klock LivingstonVan Woert Van Woert Van Woert Johnson GrahamLivingston Thomas Graham Van Schoonhoven Harper WilletHammondHammond WoodworthBrownPawling Gray Van Woert Van Woert Thompson Van Woert Van Woert WinneWhite Witbeck Hubby WheelerWheelerWheeler Elliot Gilmore Brown Whiteside ConcklinMuller Houserad Gilbert Hicks Allen Pearcy Comb Requa Roster of the State Troops. 403 Name and Rank. Ittick, Christ'r, sergeant Ittick, Counrad, pnvate Ittick, Geo., corporal Ittig, Christ'n, sergeant Ittig, Coenrath, private Ittigh, Coenrath, private Ittigh, Fred'k, private Ittigh, Fred'k, private Ittigh, Geo., private Ittigh, Jacob, private I Regiment. Van Schaick Van Schaick Van Schaick BellingerBellinger Bellinger Bellinger Bellinger Bellinger Bellinger Company. GittmanHerder Staring Frank Staring Staring Herder Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Ittigh, Jacob, private Bellinger Staring Ittigh, Marus, private Bellinger Herder Ittigh, Markus, private Bellinger Staring Iunsback, Philip, private Livingston Rockenfelle Ively, John, private Yates Hadlock Ives, Ephraim, private Pawling Wood Ives, Gregory, private Wessenfels Dodge Izerman, John, private Hays Hogencamp Izerman, Joseph, private Hays Hogencamp J. Jack, Esquire, private Pawling Jack, Free, private Hathorn Jacker, George, private Klock Jacket, Wm., corp. Thomas Jackeways, Geo., private Van Veghten Jackling, Freeman, private Pawling Jackson, Abel, private Hathorn Jackson, And'w, private Van Veghten JacksoD, David, private Webster Jackson, Ebenezer, priv. Willet Jackson, Enoch, private Hathorn Jackson, Enoch, private Hathorn Jackson, Enoch, private Wisner Jackson, Ephraim, private Van Rensselaer Jackson, George, corp. Hathorn Jackson, George, private Drake Jackson, Hannibal, private Hathorn Jackson, Hannibal, private Wessenfels Jackson, Hannibal, private Pawling Jackson, Henry, private Van Rensselaer Jackson, Iasa, private Van Renselaer Jackson, Jacob, sergeant Whiting Jackson, James, sergeant Van Rensselaer Jackson, James, private Hathorn Jackson, James, private Wessenfels Jackson, James, private Whiting Jackson, James, private Webster Jackson, James, private Van Rensselaer Jackson, James, private Wisner Jackson, James, private Graham Jackson, John, private Malcom Jackson, Joseph, private Willet Jackson, Joseph, private Brinckerhoff Jackson, Lyman, sergeant Harper Jackson, Lyman, sergeant Piatt , Jackson, Natn'l, private Webster Jackson, Nathan, private Armstrong Jackson, Richard, private Piatt Jackson, Robt, private Willet Jackson, Samuel, private Whiting Jackson, Sam'l, private Yates Jackson, Theophilus, priv. Whiting Jackson, William, private Hathorn Jackson, William, private Newkirk Jackway, Dan'l, corporal Hopkins Jacob, Henry, private Clyde Jacobs, Ab'm, sergeant Thomas Jacobs, Bastian, private Livingston Jacobs, Israel, private Benedict Jacobs, Wm.,* sergeant Mead (Conn't) Jacobse, Jacob, pnvate Vrooman Jacobson, Evert, private Schuyler Jacobson, Jacob, private Vrooman Jacobson, Jacobus, private Vrooman Jacobus, Sam'l, sergeant Van Rensselaer Jacoby, John, private Van Rensselaer Jacocks, Sam'l, corporal Van Rensselaer Jacox, Bowers, corporal Hathorn Jacox, Gershom, private Wessenfels Jadwill, Joseph, private Yates Jadwin, Joseph, private Yates Jamer, Henry, private Van Schoonhoven James, Henry, private Van Veghten James, Nath 1, private Van Schoonhoven Livingston Case ZeelyLawrence Van Woert Sacket Sayres Thompson Sherwood Van Rensselaer Sayres ShepherdBaly Shaw A.P. 16-248. CaseBuckhout Bogardus Pawling Pawling De Garmo King Davis Hawley Sayres White Cady Sherwood SharpBaly Conklin McKinstry Harrison BrinckerhoffAllen Kinnue Armstrong Armstrong LeeDavis Yates McCambly McBride WheelerWeeserLawrence Rockenfeller Osburn Close Richtmyer VeederBeckerRichtmyer Odle Philip Randall McCamplyShephard Vandenburgh Yates Taylor Malcom KlockLivingstonVan Rensselaer Van Bergen Vrooman Johnson Pawling James, Nath'l, private James, Nath'l, private James, Robt., private Van Veghten Jameson, Thomas, private Wessenfels Jamison, Thomas, private Phillips Jamison, Wm., private Drake Jammison, Thomas, priv. Janea, Christ'n, private Janes, David, private Janse, Roelof, private Jansen, Conradt, private Jansen, Dirck, major Jansen, Henrich, private Jansen, Jacobus, private Jansen, Johnn's, lieut. Jansen, Johannes, private Graham Jansen, Johannis, private Vrooman Jansen, Johnnis J., private Wessenfels Jansen, Johannes I., lieut. Jansen Jansen, John, private Vrooman Jansen, Joseph, private Vrooman Jansen, Matt w, captain Jansen, Matt'w, private Jansen, Nich's, private Jansen, Nicholas, private Jansen, Richard, private Jansen, Thomas, private Jansen, Thomas, Jr., priv. Graham Janson, T. Johannus, lieut. Pawling Jaqua, Asahel, sergeant Jaquer, Thomas, private Jaques, Thos., private Jaqueways, Geo., private Jardon, Robert, private Jarow, Benj'n, private Jarvis, Francis, private Jassey, Juas, private Javel, John, private Jay, Augustus, private Jaycocks, Thomas, private Graham Jaycox, Bowes, corporal Hathorn Jayne, Matt's, private Pawling Jayne, Sam'l, private Wisner Jayne, Samuel, Jr., private Hathorn Jayne, Sam'l, Jr., private Wisner Jean, John, private Jean, Matthew, private Jederick, Francis, private Jedwill, Joseph, private Jee, Andrew, private Jee, Jeremiah, private Jee, John, private Jefferies, Thos., private Jellet, Beriah, private Jems, John, pnvate Jems, Jon'n, private Jenkins, Aaron, corporal Jenkins, Anth'y, corporal Van Alstyn Jenkins, Anth'y, private Willet Jenkins, Ezekiel, corporal Wessenfels Jenkins, Ezekiel, private Wessenfels Jenkins, James, private Hathorn Jenkins, Nath'l, corporal Luddington Jenkins, Nath'l, private Luddington Van Schoonhoven White Van Schoonhoven Thompson Johnson WessenfelsJohnson Johnson Wessenfels Graham Van Woert Van Woert Van Veghten Newkirk Brinckerhoff Wessenfels Vrooman Hammond Paw-ling Luddington PawlingFisher Yates JohnsonJohnson Brinckerhoff Van Veghten Yates Thomas Thomas Cooper GodwinOstrander Boyd Drake Klock Elliot Schermerhorn Rightmier Burnet Rightmier Livingston Roos, A. P. 17-700. Livingston Gillispy Ostrander Godwin De Witt Noble GilmoreGilmore Fanlkner Schutt Combs Livingston ConklmMcCamly Westfall Baly Baly WaterburyWestfall Snook Brutt Ostrander Ostrander BrowerThompson Brower Miller St. John Gardner Van Buren Marshall Shephard MillerBaker Scribner * Enlisted* May 3, 1780, for three months ; cut in left arm with a broad sword at Quakers' Ridge, Greenwich, Conn., June 26, 1780. Mariner, Out Ward, New York city. A 184. 404 Roster cf the State Troops. Name and Rank. Jenkins, Sam'l, private Jenkins, Simeon, private Jenkins, Solomon, private Jenkins, Thomas, private Jenks, Cornelius, lieut. Jennens, Samuel, private Jenning, Jesse, sergeant Jennings, Benjamin sergt. Jennings, Benjamin, priv. Jennings, Benjamin, priv. Jennings, Edmund, priv. Jennings, Edmund, private Jennings, Isaac, private Jennings, Isaac, private Jennings, Stephen, private Jeny, John, private Jerfers, Ed'd, private Jerl, Dan'l, private Jerman, Peter, private Jermin, James, private Jermond, William, sergt. Jero, Dan'l, private Jeroms, Jason, private Jersey, John, private Jersey, Peter, private Jersey, Richard, private Jessey, Juas, private Jessup, Ebenezer, private Jessup, Ebenezer, private Jewel, Jacob, private Jewell, Alpheus, corporal Jewell, Ezekiel, private Jewell, Geo., private Jewell, George, private Jewell, Geo , private Jewell, Harman, private Jewell, Isaac, Jr., private Jewell, John, fifer Jewell, John, private Jewell, John, Jr., private Jewell, Joseph, lieut. Jewell, Joseph, lieut Jewitt, Alpheus, corporal Jiles, John, private Jincks, Julus, private Jinkins, John, private Jinson, Richard, private Jo, Black, private John, Peter, private John, Wm., private Johns, Neh'h, private Johnson, Abraham, sergt. Johnson, Abraham, priv. Johnsou, Abraham, priv. Johnson, Andrew, private Johnson, And'w, private Johnson, And'w, private Johnson, Arthur, private Johnson, Benjamin, priv. Johnson, Benjamin, priv. Johnson, Corn's, drum'r Johnson, Daniel, private Johnshn, Dirrick, private Johnson, Elijah, private Johnson, Geo., private Johnson, Gisbert, private Johnson, Isaac, corporal Johnson, Isaac, private Johnson, Isaac, private Johnson, Jacob, private Johnson, Jacobus, private Johnson, Jacobus, private Johnson, James, private Johnson, James, private Johnson, Johannis, private Johnson, John, lieut. Johnson, John, sergeant Johnson, John, sergeant Regiment. Company. Scribner Vail BakerWheelerHagar. A. Van Santvoort Luddington GrahamLuddington Vandenburgh Vrooman PiattVan Schoonhoven Visscher Hathorn Bailey Hathorn McCamble) Hathorn Sayres Van Schoonhoven Hicks Steenbergh P. 16-154 Hathorn Sayres Hathorn Minthorn Wessenfels Westfall Fisher Veeder Hays Bell Wynkoop Wessenfels Shephard Malcom Cantine Graham Vail Hopkins Willet Brinkerhoff Newell Hays Onderdonk Hays Tourneur Wessenfels Dodge Vrooman Hathorn Sayres Hathorn Minthorn Luddington Mead Dubois Chamberlain Hopkins Brinkerhoff Hopkins Van Benschoten Drake Buckhout Brinckerhoff Brower Hopkins Van Benschoten Brinkerhoff Storm Graham Pearce Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Brinkerhoff Brinkerhoff Hathorn McCamley Hathorn Bartholf Dubois Chamberlain Fisher Yeoman Van Rensselaer Shaw Schuyler Pawling Ostrum Hunter Howley Hays Smith Clyde Ruff Luddington Kidd Hathorn Brodhead Johnson Concklin Johnson Wilkin Pawling Westfall Fonda Fisher Snook Johnson Gillispy Willet Conine Pawling Hunter Hathorn Brodhead Wessinfels Pawling Marshall Willet Graham Bostwick Schuyler Lansing Hays Ackerson Cantine Ramsen Cantine Hasbrouck Van Alstyn Pawling Faulkner Johnson Gillespy Johnson Wilkin Van Rensselaer Sharp Van Wyck Brinckerhoff Piatt Brodhead Hathorn Mervin Hathorn Shepherd Hathorn McCamply Name and Rank. Regiment. Johnson, John, sergeant Whiting Johnson, John, sergeant Fisker Johnson, John, private Hathorn Johnson, Jobn, private Johnson Johnson, John, private Whiting Johnson, John, private Malcom Johnson, John, private Hays Johnson, John, private Johnson, John, private Johnson, John, private Johnson, John, private Johnson, John, private Johnson, John, private Johnson, John, private Johnson, John, private Johnson, John, private Johnson, John, private Johnson, John, private Johnson, John, private Johnsou, Jonathan, priv. Johnson, Jon'n, private Johnson, Jon'n, private Johnson, Joseph, quar. mr. Johnson, Joseph, private Johnson, Josiah, private Johnson, Josiah, private Johnson, Josiah, private Johnson, Josiah, private Johnson, Matt'w, captain Johnson, Paul, ser. major Johnson, Peter, sergeant Johnson, Peter, private Johnson, Peter, private Johnson, Philip, private Johnson, Richard, corp. Johnson, Richard, private Johnson, Richard, private Johnson, Rich'd, private Johnson, Rich'd, private Johnson, Robt, private Johnson, Robt., private Johnson, Roolif, private Johnson, Ruliph, private Johnson, Sam 1, private Johnson, Sam'l, private Johnson, Shubal, private Johnson, Solomon, private Johnson, Stephen, private Johnson, Stephen, private Johnson, Thomas, private Johnson, Thomas, private Johnson, Thomas, private Johnson, Thomas, private Johnson, Thomas, private Johnson, Thomas, private Johnson, Thomas, private Johnson, Thomas, private Johnson, Thomas, private Johnson, Thomas, private Johnson, Thomas, private Johnson, Thomas, private Johnson, Timothy, private Crane Johnson, Timothy, private Crane Johnson, William, private Hathorn Johnson, William, private Hathorn Johnson, Wm.,* private Johnson, Wm., private V ,n Woert Johnson, Wm., private Kiock Johnson, Wm,, private Dubois Johnson, William, private Schuyler Johnson, Witter, ensign Willet Johnson, Witter, sergeant Fisher Johnson, Witter, private Fisher Johnson, Abm., private Johnson Johnston, And'w, private Fisher Johnston, Arthur, private Johnson Johnston, Benjamin, priv. Harper Johnston, Daniel, sergeant Wessenfels Hays Hays YatesYates Dubois SchuylerFisher Van Veghten Van Veghten WisnerVan Alstyn Hathorn CantineCantineHays Field HopkinsYates Cortland WessenfelsJohnson Hopkins Malcom Van Veghten Van Alstyn Van Rensseh Johnson HathornWhiting Wessenfels WisnerHopkinsFisherFisherFisher Dubois FieldGraham CraneGrahamHathornWessenfelsWessenfelsHopkinsHays Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Schuyler WisnerBrinckerhoff Company. King Snook Wilken KingDrake Ackerson Tourneur Gardner BlauveltHadlock Yates Gano Lansing Snook Van Woert Winne Baly Van Buren Brodhead Hasbrouck Ramsen Dyckman Brinkerhoff Hadlock Cantine WoodworthSharpJohnsonMcCambly Baly Brinkerhoff McMasterYeomanYates- McFoght Hecock Bostwick Roseboom Chapman Vail McCamly GodwinDodge Brinkerhoff Ackerson Shaw De Forest Sharp Sharp Baly SchuttHawley Scofield Bouton Shepherd McCamly GilmoreCayser LeeLansing A. P. 18-287, 291. McMaster McMasterJohnsonMabee CrossVrooman White * Enlisted in Capt. Wm. Watson's in 1775, in Demuth's, 1776, rowed Gen'l B. Arnold to the ''Vulture " man of war. taken prisoner, escaped in Va., could not return to his regiment, enlisted as seaman on an American privateer. A. P. 23-279. Roster of the State Troops. 405 Name and Rank. Regiment. Johnston, Isaac, private Willet Johnston, John, sergeant Cooper Johnston, John, private Hathorn Johnston, John, private Willet Johnston, John, private Hays Johnston, John, private Piatt Johnston, John, private Yates Johnston, Philip, private Willet Johnston, Philip, private Willet Johnston, Philip, private Willet Johnston, Richard, private Wessenfels Johnston, Robt., private Brinckerhoff Johnston, Shepherd, priv. Cooper Johnston, William, private Pawling Johnston, Witter, lieut. Willet Johnston, Witter, lieut. Willet Jolly, James, sergeant Quackenboss Jolly, James, private Schuyler Jonck, Jacob, private Graham Jones, Abel, private Whiting Jones, Abraham, private Wessenfels Jones, Abraham, private Wessenfels Jones, Abm., private Crane Jones, Abr., private Crane Jones, Abm., private Crane Jones, Almaunus, private Fisher Jones, Amos, private Van Rensselaer Jones, Annanias, private Luddington Jones, Asa, sergeant Pawling Jones, Asa, sergeant Benedict Jones, Asa,, private Drake Jones, Benj'n, lieut. Benedict Jones, Benjamin, private Pawling Jones, Benjamin, private Cooper Jones, Benjamin, private Hays Jones, Benjamin, private Hays Jones, Benjamin, private Hays Jones, Benjamin, private Drake Jones, Benj'n, private Dragoons Jones, Cornelius, private Hathorn Jones, Corn's, private Hammond Jones, David, fifer Pawling Jones, David, fifer Pawling Jones, David, fifer Wessenfels Jones, Ebenezer, corporal Crane Jones, Eben'r, corporal Crane Jones, Eben'r, private Field Jones, Edward, private Hays Jones, Elias, private Field Jones, Eph'm, corporal Field Jones, Ephraim, corporal Graham Jones, George, private Drake Jones, Harmanus, corporal Fisher Jones, Harmanus, private Willet Jones, Harmanus, private Fisher JoDes, Isaac, private Jones, Isaac, private Jones, Isaac, private Jones, Isaac, private Jones, Isaac, private Jones, Jabez, sergeant Jones, Jacob, private Jones, James, lieut Jones, James, private Jones, James, private Jones, James, private Jones, James, private Jones, James, private Jones, James, private Jones, Jeremiah, private Jones, Jeremiah, private Jones, Job, private Jones, Jno., sergeant Jones, John, private Jones, John, private Jones, Jonas, private Jones, Jonas, private Jones, Joseph, private PawlingCooper HaysHarperField Van Rensselaer Hays Van Rensselaer Hathorn Pawling Malcom Fisher Fisber Fisher Wessenfels Pawling Wessenfels Drake Drake Malcom Hays Malcom Company. Gillet Blauvelt Bailey MarshallSmith Van Santvoort Yates Marshall Pearcy, Henry ' BrewsterVan Wyck GardnerWestfall Pearcy HenrySlingerlandt Slingerlandt LansingGilbertThompson Bowen Lawrence Scofield Lewis Yeoman Niles Mead Sackett Osburn Haight Osburn WestfallGardner Tourneur Ackerson Onderdonk Delivan DelavanMcCamply Requa Faulkner LivingstonScofieldLewis Dykeman AckersonDyckman Hecock Pearce BoydYeomanGross Marselis Lawrence Blauvelt BlauveltLawrence Dyckman Husted Ackerson Niles Miller Westfall YatesMcMaster Marselis Livingston LivingstonHuntBoydOnderdonk Boyd Ackerson Delavan Name and Rank. Jones, Joseph, private Jones, Joseph, private Jones, Laban, private Jones, Laben, private Jones, Levi, private Jones, Lewis, private Jones, Moses, lieut. Jones, Moses, lieut Jones, Moses, private Jones, Nathan, private Jones, Nathan, Jr., private Field Regiment. HaysField Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Field Graham Whiting Piatt Whiting Hathorn Company. Ackerson Dykeman Shaw Husted Dykeman Vail Kinnue Gilbert McCamly Hecock Ostrander Lawrence Talmadge Gross DeMout McMaster Yeoman Bartolf King Jones, Samuel,* sergeant Hayes(N.J.Levies)Craig Jones, Samuel, private Field Dyken. Jones, Philip, private Jones, Philip, private Jones, Ransom, private Jones, Richard, private Jones, Richard, private Jones, Rich'd, private Jones, Rich'd, private Jones, Robert, private Jones, Samuel, ensign PhillipsCraneHopkinsWilletDuboisFisberFisher Hathorn Whiting Jones, Silas, private Van Rensselaer Jones, Silas, private Van Rensselaer Jones, Silas, Jr., private Van Rensselaer Jones, Simry, private Pawling Jones, Thomas, private Van Bergen Jones, Thomas, private Field Jones, William, private Willet Jones, Wm., private Graham Jones, William, private Hays Jones, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Jones, Wm., private Luddington Jonk, Jacob, private Willet Jonks, Jacob, private Graham Jonson, Benj'n, private Wessenfels Jonson, Eden, private Van Woert Jonson, John, private Yates Jonson, Jon'n, private Williams Jonson, Wm., private Van Woert Jonson, Wm., private Van Woert Jordan, Adam, private Clyde Jordan, Adam, private Clyde Jordan, Casper L., private Clyde Jordan, Gasper, private Clyde Jordan, Geo., private Clyde Jordan, Peter, private Clyde Jorden, Michael, private Pawling Jorden, Rasper, private Klock Jordon, Geo., private Klock Jordon, John, private Clyde Jordon, John P., private Clyde Jordon, Kasper, private Klock Jordon, Nich's, private Clyde Jordon, Peter, private Clyde Jore, David, pnvate Van Cortlandt Joreh, Michael, private Livingston Jork, Dan'l, private Wynkoop Joslin, Ant'y, private Hopkins Joslin, Ant'y, private Joslin, Henry, private Van Alstyn Joy, Albartus, private Hathorn Joy, Amos, corporal Malcom Joy, David, private Williams Joy, Joseph, lieut. Malcom Joy, Samuel, private Willet Jubb, Negroe, private Van Rensselaer Jucker, George, private Klock Jud, Ebenezer, ensign Van Rensselaer Judd, Eben'r, sergeant Van Rensselaer Jude, Eben'r, ensign Van Rensselaer Juger, John, private Klock Jump, Amos, private Crane Jump, Amos, private Benedict Jump, Gilbert, private Drake ¦ Jump, Gilbert, private Crane Jump, Reuben, private Drake Jump, Wm.,t private Crane Dykeman Shaw Husted Shaw Sacket BarnumLivingstonWilliamsBlauvelt Niles Baker Livingston WestfallHodges Rice Gilmore Brown Brown Leipe LeipeRuff LeipeLeipe Faulkner Ruff Ruff LeipeLeipe Ruff LeipeLeipe Shaver WatersHumphrey TruesdellBogardusBlakelyShepardson BlakelyPearcv Elliot* Miller Schermerhorn Schermerhorn Woodworth House Scofield GouldDelivan Lockwood Delivan Lockwood * Lost left leg at Newark, N. J., May 29, 1782. Schoolmaster, N. Y. city, later weaver, Elizabethtown, N. J. C 12, 200. Aa 71. t Cut in right shoulder and head at Crompond June 24, 1779. Farmer, Upper Salem, Westchester county. B 105, 406 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Jumps, Williams, private June, Abraham, private June, Abraham, private June, Ab'm private June, Benjamin, private June, Ezra, private June, Israel, private June, Israel, private June, John, private June, Joshua, private Regiment. Company. Thomas St. John Wessenfels Godwin Wessenfels Westfall Malcom McKinstry Drake Delivan Thomas Crane Scofield Crane Lewis Wessenfels Dodge Crane Lawrence Name and Rank. June, Nathan,* priv. (guide June, Samuel, private Junk, Jerem'h, ensign Junk, Mathias, private Junk, Peter, private Junk, Zachariah, private Juny, William, private Jurey, John, private Jyles, William, private Regiment. Company ) Malcom W essentels Westfall Clyde Brown Clyde Brown Clyde Brown Clyde Brown Hays Stevenson Graham Husted Brinkerhoff Storm K. Kaan, John, private Kaap, Lebias, private Kachee, Andrew, private Kack, Casper, private Kader, Stephen, private Kady, Nath'l, private Kahoon, David, private Kain, Isaiah, private Kain, John, private Kara, John I., private Kain, Joseph, private Kain, Paul H., private Kain, Peter, pnvate Kain, Thomas, private Kallenbolt, Andreas, corpl. Kamball, Jesse, private Kane, James, lieut. Kane, John, private Kannady, Alex'r, corporal Kannady, Jno., private Kannady, John, sergeant Kannady, John, private Kannady, John, Jr., priv. Kannady, Sam'l, sergeant Kannady, Rob't, sergeant Kannady, Will., private Karlagh, Nicholas, private Karle, Geo., private Kasselman, John, private Karker, Henry, private Karker, Jacob, private Kater, Abr'm, sergeant Kater, Jacobus, private Kater, James, private Keaber, John, private Keadman, John, private Keador, Stephen, private Keafer, William, corporal , Keak, Geo., private Kearn, John, private Kearne, Peter, private Kearney, Thomas, t priv. Keaselman, Peardle, priv. Keasler, Henry, private Keator, Cornelius, private Keator, Corn's, private Keator, Jacob, private Keator, John, private Keator, John, private Keator, Peter, private Keator, Wilhelmus, priv. Keator, William, private Keator, Wm. N., private Keech, Geo., private Keech, Jacob, sergeant Keech, James, sergeant Keech, James, private Keech, James, private Van Bergen Hoghtaling Hays Gardner Fisher McMaster Klock Miller Weisenfels Fisher Yeoman Hays Gardner Van Rensselaer Townsend Fisher Snook Fisher Snoqk Fisher Snook Livingston Shaw Fisher Snook Fisher Snook Klock House Whiting Cady Johnson Smith Luddington Kidd Wemple Wanson Vrooman Miller Wemple Wanson Wemple Wanson Wemple Wanson Wemple Wanson Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Crane Lewis Wynkoop Bellinger Small Klock Klock Schuyler Ostrum Schuyler Ostrum Wynkoop Van Bergen Van Bergen Hoghtaling Klock Bradbig Klock Hess Harper Allen Hathorn Bogardus Willet Fonda Klock Klock Drake Buckhout Gumbly (Maryl'd) Baily Klock Klock Willet 'Hole Pawling De Witt Cantine Hasbrouck Hathorn Brodhead Hathorn Brodhead Pawling De Witt Cantine Hasbrouck Pawling De Witt Hathorn Brodhead Cantine Hasbrouck Fisher Yeoman Fisher Yeoman Fisher Yeoman Fisher Degraas Fisher Yeoman Keefer, Leonard, private Keefer, Will., private Keeher, John, corporal Keelar, Nathan, private Keeler, Eben'r. private Keeler, Eben'r, private Keeler, Fred'k, private Keeler, Henry, private Keeler, Hezekiah, private Keeler, Isaac,} lieut. Keeler, Isaac, sergeant Keeler, Isaac, private Keeler, Isaiah, § private Keeler, Isaiah, private Keeler, Isaiah, private Keeler, Isaiah, private Keeler, Jacob, private Keeler, Jeremiah, private Keeler, John, private Keeler, John, private Keeler, Nath'l, trumpeter Keeler, Nath'l, private Keeler, Nath'l, private Keeler, Nath'l, private Keeler, Phenias, private Keeler, Stephen, private Keeling, Adam, private Keephart, Caleb, private Keer, Henry .private Keerstader, Wilhelmus, sr. Kees, Jacob, private Keese, And'w, private Keese, John, private Keeth, Geo., private Keeth, James, sergeant Kefer, Lawrence, private Kefer, Wm., Jr., corporal Keffer, Baltus, private Keffer, William, corporal Keith, James, private Kelder, Christ, private Kelder, Hend'k, private Kelder, Henry, private Kelder, J acob, private Kelder, John, private Kelin, Adam, private Kellen, Raspur, sergeant Keller, And w, private Keller, And'w, private Keller, And'w, Jr., private Keller, And'w, Jr., private Keller, Felix, private Keller, Fred'k, private Keller, Jacob, private Keller, Jacob R., private Keller, Nich's, private Keller, William, private Kelley, Benj'n, private GrahamWeisenfels Wessenfels DrakeDragoons Thomas Thomas Crane Graham Crane Drake Van Veghten Harper Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten DrakeCrane WessenfelsWynkoop Dragoons Drake Grane Crane Crane Dragoon Crane Livingston DrakeWynkoop Fisher Thomas Wemple Fisher Fisher Wynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Fisher Van Rensselaer Van Alstyn Wemple Thomas Klock Klock Clyde Klock Clyde Klock Van Rensselaer Clyde ClydeBellinger Van Rensselaer Luddington HustedThompsonHaight DelavanGilbert Sackett Truesdell Pearce Lockwood Delivan Van Woert Drake Thompson Winne DunhamDelivanTruesdell HardenburghDelavanDelivan LockwoodLawrence LawrenceDelavanBoutonShaw Strang Van Beuren Wemple St. John Schermerhorn Yeoman Yeoman Van Beuren Schoonmaker Yeoman Randall Fonda Bancker Fonda Hobby Ruff Ruff Ruff Ruff Difendorf RuffOdle DifendorfDifendorf Staring Odle Mead ?Enlisted May, 1777, in Commissary Department to April, 1778; in Quartermaster's Department to end of war. Suffield, Orange county ; later Dryden, Cayuga county. A. P. 22-355. t Enlisted 1776, drafted into Capt. Handy's, Lee's Legion, in 1779; shot in left breast at Paulus Hook Aus 9 1779 Poundridge, W. Chester Co. C, 184. 5' ' X Fingers cut off and taken prisoner at Crompond, June 24, 1779. Carpenter, Upper Salem, W. Chester Co C 34 I 29 127, § Enlisted May 20, 1780; taken prisoner at Canaseraga Oct. 23, 1780, released Nov. 28, 1782. Mexico, Oneida Co.' A.' P. 23-273. Roster of the State Troops. 407 Name and Rank. Regiment. Wright Van Benshouten Company. Kelley, Ebenezer, private Harper Harrison Kelley, John, private Clyde Weeser Kelley, Jno., private Van Rensselaer Sharp Kelley, John, private Luddington Knapp Kelley, John, private Graham Vail Kelley, Jonas, private Cantine Ramsen Kelley, Peter, private Fisher Snook Kelley, Sheuble, private Field Dykeman Kelley, Thomas, private Klock Ruff Kelley, Zebedee, ensign Luddington Mead Kellogg, Aaron, captain Whiting Kellogg, Eliph't, corporal Willet Kellogg, William, private Brinckerhoff Kellogh, Azor, private Van Schoonhoven Kellogh, Eliphalet, private Van Schoonhoven Kellor, Andrew, Jr., priv. Clyde Kellor, Gasper, sergeant Clyde Kellor, Phelix, private Clyde Kellum, Robert, private Thomas Kellup, William, private Van Veghten Kelly, Carpenter, sergeant Hays Kelly, Carpenter, private Hays Kelly, Carpenter, private ¦ Kelly, David, private Kelly, David, private Kelly, Daniel, private Kelly, Dennis, private Kelly, Dennis, private Kelly, George, private Kelly, Henry, private Kelly, Henry, private Kelly, Henry, private Kelly, Henry, private Kelly, Isaac, private Kelly, John, private Kelly, John, private Kelly, Jon'n, private Kelly, Jude, sergeant Kelly, Reuben, private Kelly, Selvenus, private Kelly, Sylvanus, private Kelly, Sylvanus, private Kelly, Thomas, private Kelly, Thomas, private Kelly, William, private Kelly, William, private Kelmer, Hend'k, private Kelmer, John, private Kelmer, Leonard, private Kelse, John, private Kelseh, John, private Kelsey, , lieut. Hays Pawling Field Hays Wessenfels Pawling Klock Willet Harper Fisher FisherWessenfels Cantine Luddington Field LuddingtonFieldCortlandWessenfels Field Clyde Hays Vandenburgh Vandenburgh Klock ClydeKlock Willet Bellinger Johnson Van Rensselaer Wessenfels Bellinger BellingerKlock Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Graham Kelsey, Eben'r, private Kelsey, John, private Kelsh, John, Sr., private Kelsh, John, Jr., private Keltz, Peter, private Kelyer, Fred'k, private Kelyer, William, private Kemple, John, private Kenbergh, Fred'k, private Piatt Kenedy, George, sergeant Van Schoonhoven Collins Kenedy, Henry, private Brinckerhoff " Van Wyck Van Schoonhoven Hicks Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Van Schoonhoven Hicks Ruff Ruff Ruff St John Van Woert Tourneur Onderdonk Westfall Dykeman Westfall WestfallKlock Putman PutmanDegraas Little Brewster Ramsen Waterbury DykemanWaterburyDykemanDykeman Ruff TourneurWheeler Storm Bradbig Leipe KockElsworthFrank Cross Schermerhorn Livingston StaringStaring Cayser Odle Odle Hermance Van Santvoort Kenedy, Thomas, private Kenedy, Thomas, private Kennady, John, corporal Kennedy, Alex'r, private Armstrong Armstrong Kennedy, Dennis, sergeant Drake Haight Kennedy, Fargus, private Fisher Marselus Kennedy, Joseph, private Crane Lewis Kennedy, Philip, private Crane Kennedy, Robert, sergeant Fisher Degraas Kennedy, Robert, private Fisher Kennedy, Thomas, private Van Schoonhoven Collins Kennedy, William, corp'l Kenney, Jesse, corporal Kenney, Jesse, private Kenny, Amos, private Kent, Moses, private Kenton, Richard, private Kenyon, Daniel, private Ker, John, private Crane Piatt Van Alstyn WilletField Willet Van Rensselaer Wisner Lewis Bloom Philips Marshall Dykeman Newell Odle Baly Name and Rank. Regiment. Ker, William, private Hathorn Ker, William, Jr. , private Hathorn Kerby, Albert, private . Luddington Kergher, Gotlick, private Van Rensselaer Kerker, Henry, corporal Schuyler Kerker, Henry, private Schuyler Kerker, Jacob, private Schuyler Kerker, Yedlock, private Van Rensselaer Kerknaer, Rykert, private Schuyler Kerkner, Jacob, fifer Schuyler Kerley, John, private Luddington Kermer, Fred'k, private Schuyler Kern, Badus, sergeant Klock Kern, Badus, private Klock Kern, Bait, corporal Willet Kern, Earl, private Klock Kern, John, private Klock Kern, John, private Klock Kern, John, private Klock Kern, Michael, sergeant Klock Kern, Michael, sergeant Klock Kern, Michael, private Klock Kern, Mich'l, private Klock Kernagheon, Alex'r, priv. Bathorn Kerner, Andries, private Cantine Kernew, Wessel, private Wemple Kerr, John, private Hathorn Kershon, Isaac, private Brinckerhoff Kerson, Sam'l, sergeant Cantine Kertegan, Barent, private Vrooman Keslaer, Jacob, private Bellinger Keslaer, John, private Bellinger Keslar, Harmanus, private Hays Keslar, John, private Bellinger Kesler, Jacob, sergeant Bellinger Kesler, Jacob, sergeant Bellinger Kesler, John, private Bellinger Kesler, Joseph, private Bellinger Kesler, Melger, corporal Bellinger Kesner, William, private Harper Kess, Christian, private Klock Kesselman, John, private Klock Kesslaer, Jacob Jno., priv. Bellinger Kesslar, Coenrad, corporal Bellinger Kessler, Conrath, private Klock Kessler, Jacob, private Bellinger Kessler, Jacob I., private Bellinger Kessler, John, private Bellinger Kessler, Joseph, private Klock Kessler, Melgert, private Klock Kessler, Nich's, private Bellinger Kessler, Nich's, private Bellinger Kessler, Peter, private Clyde Ketch, James, private Fisher Ketcham, Abijah, private Van Rensselaer Ketcham, Azariah, private Ketcham, Carrol, private Ketcham, Dan'l, private Van Rensselaer Ketcham, Dan'l, private Field Ketcham, Eph'm, private Fisher Ketcham, Jonas, private Van Rensselaer Ketcham, Nathan, lieut. Ketcham, Nath'l, private Willet Ketcham, Philip, private Ketcham, Sam'l, private Ketchem, Jesse, private Ketchem, Jon'n, sergeant Van Rensselaer Ketchem, Titus, corporal Brinckerhoff Ketchem, Titus, private Brinckerhoff Ketcher, Jobn, private Wessenfels Ketchum, Abijah, sergeant Whiting Ketchum, Abijah, private Yates Ketchum, Azariah, private Hathorn Ketchum, Dan'l, private Yates Ketchum, Howel, corporal Hathorn Ketchum, Howell, sergt. Hathorn Ketchum, Howell, private Hathorn Ketchum, Isaac, private Whiting Ketchum, James, private Yates Ketchum, Joel, sergeant Hathorn Ketchum, Joel, private Willet Ketchum, Joel, private Harper Company. SayreSayre Mead Staats Ostrum Ostrum Ostrum Schermerhorn Van Wee OstrumMead Lansing House Wagner Fonda House ZeelyHouse Bradbig Hess House HouseBradbig Telford Mynderson Minthorn Van Wyck Hasbrouck MillerFrankFrank SmithSmall StaringSmall StaringStaring Small Putman Bieadbake Kock Frank Frank Bradbig SmallSmall Herder House BradbigHerder SmallDygert McMaster Vanderhoof Minthorn Truesdell VanderhoofDykeman Little Vanderhoof Minthorn Gross Minthorn Minthorn Howley King Van Wyck Bowen Vosburgh Hadlock Minthorn Wiltse Bailey Minthorn Weltse Minthorn Gross Vrooman 408 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment Ketchum, Jno., sergeant Ketchum, Joseph, private Ketchum, Joshua, private Drake Ketchum, Nathan, lieut Hathorn Ketchum, Nathaniel, priv. Whiting Ketchum, Philip, private Hathorn Ketchum, Samuel, private Hathorn Ketchum, Samuel, private Hathorn Ketchum, Stephen, sergt. Van Rensselaer Keth, James, sergeant Fisher Kettle, Adam, private Harper Kettle, Benj'n, private Van Woert Kettle, Nich's, private Van Rensselaer Kettle, Sarah (?), private Graham Keyntz, Jacob, sergeant Clyde Keyser, Abm., corp. Vrooman Keyser, Barent, private Klock Keyser, Bearend, sergeant Klock Keyser, Hanjost, private Klock Keyser, Henry, private Klock Keyser, Henry, private Klock Keyser, Johannis, captain Klock Keyser, Johannis, sergeant Vrooman Keyser, John, private Klock Keyser, John, private Vrooman Keyser, Joost, private Klock Keyser, Mich'l, corporal Klock Keyser, Yoost, private Klock Kidd, Alex'r, captain Luddingto Kidd, Alex'r, private Field Kidder, Stephen, sergeant Kidder, Stephen, private Willet Kidney, Peter, private Vrooman Kief, Dan'l, private Van Rensselaer Kiefer, Lawrence, private Wynkoop Kiefer, William, corporal Wynkoop Kiefer, Wm., private Pawling Kieffer, William, private Wynkoop Kiel, Christ'r, private Clyde Kiening, Leonard, private Vrooman Kieslar, Peterj private Hays Kieslaer, Philip, private Hays Kiesler, Peter, private Wessenfels Kiersted, John, private Wynkoop Kiersted, Wilhelmus, sergt Wynkoop Kiersted, William, sergeant Wynkoop Kiff, Andrew, private Thomas Kiff, John, private Van Rensselaer Kilby, Jerem'h, private Hopkins Kiler, John, private Fisher •Kiles, Conrath, private Klock Kiles, Peter, private Klock Kill, Christ'r, private Willet Kill, Nathan, private Vandeburgh Killee, Jon'n, corporal Hopkins Killer, And'w, pnvate Klock Killey, Henry, private Klock Killey, Henry, private Willet Killey, John, private Luddington Killip, John M., private Clyde Killip, Thos. M., sergeant Van Woert Killogg, Eliph't, private Willet Killogg, Stephen, private Willet Kills, Koenrad, pnvate Klock Kils, Peter, private Klock Kilse, John, private Willet Kilsinger, Peter, private Vrooman Kilts, Adam, private Klock Kilts, Adam, private Klock Kilts, Conradt, private Klock, Kilts, Conradt, private Klock Kilts, Counradt, private Klock Kilts, John, private Kilts, Nich's, private Klock Kilts, Peter, private Klock Kilts, Peter, private Klock Kilts, Philip, corporal Klock Kilts, Philip, private Klock Kilts, Philip, private Klock Company. Hyat Noble Hadden MinthornBostwick MiDthorn Bailey Minthorn King Yeoman VroomanDoty Sherwood Brown HeagerKockKlockBradbig Klock Suts Kock HeagerKock KlockZeely HecockBogert Wright Stubrach Staats Van Beuren House Miller Gardner Onderdonk Bowen SwartMiller Barnum Veeder BradbigBradbig Gillet StormBarnum Ruff Zeely Putman Mead WeeserGilmoreWright Pearcy MillerMiller Elsworth BrownKlock Suts Zealy Miller Kock Fonda Suts Klock SutsKlockKock Suts Name and Rank. Kilty, Peter, private Kiltz, Conrad, private Kiltz, Konrath, private Kiltz, Nicholas, private Kim, Geo., private Kimmas, John, private Kimmel, Baltus, private Kincaid, Cownedge, priv. Kincaid, Crounedge, corpl. King, Aaron, sergeant King, Asahel, private King, Aurie, private King, Barley, private King, Caleb, private King, Clayman, private King, David, private King, Gideon, captain King, Gideon, captain King, Heman, sergeant King, Heman, private King, Hez'h, private King, Israel, private King, Israel, private King, Jacob, private King, James, private King, James, private King, James, private King, James, private King, John, private King, John, private King, John, private King, Joshua, sergeant King, Leonard, private King, Merrick, fifer King, Nath'l, private King, Nicholas, private King, Obadiah, private King, Reuben, private King, Solomon, sergeant King, Solomon, sergeant King, Solomon, sergeant King, Solomon, sergeant King, Stephen, private King, Stephen, private King, Thomas, private King, Walter, private King, Walter,* private King, WiUiam, drummer King, William, drummer King, William, private King, Will., private Kingsland, Philip, qr. mr. Kingsland, Philip, private Kingsley, John, private Kingsly, Joseph, private Kinner, John, private Kinney, Asa, sergeant Kinney, Asa, private Kinney, Solomon, private Kinnue, Roger, captain Kinyon, Dan'l, private KinyoD, Griffin, private Kip, Benjamin, sergeant Kip, Benjamin, sergeant Kip, Boudewin, private Kip, Ignis, lieut. Kipp, Badawine, private Kipp, Benoni, pnvate Kipp, Bordwin, private Kipp, Egnus, pnvate Kipp, Jacob, private Kipp, J ohn, private Kipp, Reseph, private Kipp, Reseph A., private Kipp, Ruler, private Kir, David, Jr , private Kircum, Solomon, private Kirk, Tho's, private Kirk, William, private Regimen* Klock Klock Klock Klock Klock Webster Van Rensselaer Whiting Whiting Hays Ludington Field JohnsonLuddington Whiting Van Rensselaer Luddington Luddington Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Hays Willet Thomas Thomas Williams Willet Graham Klock DrakeWilier Field Field JohnsonLuddington Harper Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert JohnsonLuddingtonWilletCooper McClaughry Wessenfels Pawling Hathorn Weisenfel Hathorn Hathorn Wemple Wemple HathornArmstrongWebster Van Ness Piatt Van Rensselaer Willet Cuyler Lansing Yates Yates Yates Graham Yates Wessenfels Graham WilletGraham Graham Wisner Luddington Willet Johnson Company. Miller Miller Cayser Miller Suts Hamilton De Forest Fonda Fonda KingKing Blauvelt Baker Barnum WilkinsWaterbury Baker WaterburyDoty Wells Pettit Blauvelt Livingston Moseman St. John RiceHarrisonMullerMiller Haight Debois DykemanDykemanConcklin Waterbury Vrooman Gilmore Hodges Doty McKillip MastinBaker Marshall Blauvelt Humphrey Hunt Wood McCamly MyndersonMynderse Hamilton RandallWelp Forest Yates Van Den Burgh Yates Conklin Weltse White Wilson Wright WilsonWilson Humfrey BalyScribner Pearcy Cross * Shot through the groin at Fort Clinton, Oct. 6, 1777. Wheelwright, Orange Co., later N. Y. City. C, 162. I, 68. Roster of the State Troops. 409 Name and Rank. Kirk, William, private Kirkpatrick, Samuel, serg. Kirkum, Solomon, private Kiscoe, Andrew, pnvate Kiser, Isaac, private Kiser, John, private Kisner, William, private Kitch, Joab, private Kitcham, Benjamin, fifer Kitcham, Nath'l, lieut Kitcham, Samuel, private Kitman, Edward, private Kits, John, Jr., private Kits, John, Jr., private Kittle, Adam, private Kiltie, Dan'l, private Kittle, Henry, private Kittle, Jocham, private Kittle, John, private Kittle, John, private Kittle, John, private Kittle, Nich's, private Kittle, Nich's, private Kittle, Wm., private Kittle, Wm., private Kitts, George, private Kitts, Geo., private Kitts, Jacob, private Kitts, John, corporal Kitts, John, private Kitts, John, private Kitz, Counrad, private Kitz, Peter, private Kitz, Philip, private Klaarwater, Jeremiah, pr. Kleeckman, Fred'k, corpl. Klicken, Geo., private Kline, Adam, corporal Kline, Ant'y, private Kline, Conrad, captain Kline, Jacob, private Kline, John, private Kline, John, private Kline, John, private Kline, Jon'n, private Kline, Marthinis, private Kline, Peter, private Kline, Ludwig, sergeant Klock, Adam, private Klock, Coenrad, private Klock, George G., private Klock, George G., private Klock, George H., private Klock, Hend'k, private Klock, Hend'k, private Klock, Hend'k,Sr., private Klock, Hend'k I., private Klock, Hend'k J., private Klock, Jacob, colonel Klock, Jacob, private Klock, J acob Conrad, lieut, Klock, John, private Klock, John, private Klock, Joseph, private Klock, Joseph, private Klock, Jost, private Klock, Jost, private Klock, Levinus, captain Klyn, John, private Klyne, William, private Knantz, John, private Knap, Able, private Knap, Abraham, corporal Knap, Benjamin, private Knap, Caleb, fifer Knap, David, private Knap, Eben'r, private Knap, Gabriel, private Knap, Gerard, private Regiment. Company. Johnson Wilkins Johnson Gillispy Luddington Lane Thomas St. John Malcom Cantine Malcom Cantine Clyde House Hathorn Brodhead Willet Skinner Hathorn Minthorn Hathorn Minthorn Willet Hole Fisher Fisher Fisher Veeder Willet Gross Van Rensselaer Van Allen Wessenfels Hardenburgh Willet Gross Van Rensselaer Van Allen Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Van Alstyn Van Valkenburgh Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Van Alstyn Vosburgh Yates Van Den Burgh Yates Brutt Willet Putman Fisher Yates Fonda Fisher Fisher Fonda Fisher Fisher Klock Miller Klock Zeely Klock Zeelv Hathorn Brodhead Willet Debois Van Rensselaer Fisher Van Rensselaer Elliot Livingston Livingston Kline Wessenfels Livingsten Fisher Snook Fisher Fisher Willet Fisher Snook Livingston Kline Clyde Klock Brown House Klock Helmer Klock House Klock Wagner Klock Wagner Klock Hess Klock Wagner Klock Hess Klock Wagner Klock Hess Klock Hess 'Klock Klock Klock Suts Klock Hess Klock Cayser Clyde Leipe Bellinger Frank Klock Pawling Livingstou Harper Clyde Putman House Hays Willet Ackerson WrightSmith Hays Hays Stevenson Drake Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Luddington Lane Hays Gardner Name and Rank. Knap, Henry, corporal Knap, Henry, private Knap, Isaac, sergeant Knap, James, private Knap, James, private Knap, Jeremiah, private Knap, Jeremiah, private Knap, Joel, private Knap, Joel, private Knap, Jonas, private Knap, Jon'n, ensign Knap, Joseph, private Knap, Joseph, private Knap, Lucius, private Knap, Nath'l, private Knap, Samuel, private Knap, Silas, private Knap, William, sergeant Knapp, Abraham, private Knapp, Renjamin, private Knapp, Benj'n, private Knapp, Caleb, private Knapp, Charles, ensign Knapp, Daniel, private Knapp, Ephraim, private Knapp, Israel, captain Knapp, James, private Knapp, Jon'n,* private Knapp, Joseph, private Knapp, Joseph, private Knapp, Joseph, private Knapp, Joshua, private Knapp, Joseph, Jr.,t priv. Knapp, Moses, private Knapp, Moses, private Knapp, Moses, private Knapp, Shadrach, private Knapp, Shadrick, private Knapp, Silas, private Knapp, Silas, private Knapp, William, corporal Knauts, John, private Knave, Daniel, corporal Knave, John, corporal Kneeland, Benj'n S., major Kniekback, Philip, ensign Knickerbacker, Jno., priv. Knickerbacker, Law'nce.p. Knickerbacker, Jobn, pr. Knickerbackker, John, pr. Knickerbacker, Philip, en. Kneskern, Jacob, private Knieskern, Henrich, priv. Knieskern, Henrich, priv. Knieskern, Henrich H.,pr. Knieskern, John, private Knieskern, Peter, sergeant Knieskern, Peter, private Kniesler, John, private Knifer, Michael, corporal Knifer, Moses, private Kniffen, Amos, private Kniffen, Amos, private Kniffen, Benj'n, private Kniffen, Jacob, private Kniffen, John, private Kniffen, Peter, private Kniffen, Sam'l, private Kniffen, Sam'l, private Kniffen, Thomas, private Kniffin, Amos, private Kniffin, And'w, private Kniffin, Gilbert, private Kniffin, Jacob, private Kniffin, Jon'n, private Knight, Dan'l, sergeant Knishaner, Peter, private Kniskern, Dennis, private Kniskern, Henrich, priv. Regiment. WilletVan Rensselaer Van Alstyn Hays Harper Cooper HaysHammon Hammond Hays HammondHathorn HaysVan Ness PawlingHays Hays Willet Thomas Graham Luddington HathornHathorn LuddingtonMalcom Luddington Harper Allison Wessenfels Drake DrakeCraneMead (Conn't) HathornHathornCrane WessenfelsBrinckerhoffThomas Harper HathornClyde WhitingLivingstonHopkinsHopkins Yates GrahamLivingston Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman VroomanVroomanClyde VroomanVrooman Van Bergen BrinckerhoffLuddington LuddingtonCrane HaysHathorn Drake Luddington LuddingtonThomas LuddingtonThomas Drake Hays Brinckerhoff Williams VandenburghVrooman Vrooman Company. FondaSchermerhorn Truesdel GardnerAllenGardnerGardner Comb OrserGardnerRequaTelfordGardnerWoodAckerson Gardner Skinner Hubby Sherwood MeadShepherd ShepherdCraneBlakely AllenLittle Godwin Boyd Haight Truesdell Howe Shepherd McCambly LockwoodDodge SchuttHobby HarrisonMcCamply LeipeFondaFonda DavisShaver Wheeler Wheeler Yates Husted Shaver BrownStubrach Brown Stubrach Dygert HeagerHeager Van Schaick Van Benschouten ScribnerMeadLawrence Ackerson Case Scribner Waterbury LawrenceWaterburyHaight Gardner ShepardsonStorm Miller Stubrach * Shot in the thigh in action with Indians on the Delaware river July 22, 1779. Goshen, Orange Co. A. P. 14-68. t Lost four fingers of left band iu engagement with British cavalry near Horse Neck, Jan. 9. Weaver, outward, N. Y. C. B.152. 52 410 Roster pf the State Troops. Name and Rank. Kniskern, Henrich, priv. Kniskern, Henrich, priv. Kniskern, Henry, private Kniskern, Jacob, private Kniskern, Jacob, corp. Kniskern, Jacob, corporal Kniskern, Jacob, private Kniskern, Jacob, private Kniskern, Johannis, priv. Kniskern, Jobn, private Kniskern, Peter, private Kniskern, Teunis, private Kniskern, Tunis, private Knolten, Elijah, private Knolton, Ephraim, private Knolton, Eph'm, private Knolton, John, private Knolton, Thad's, private Knott, Nath'l, private Knott, Nath'l, private Knoulten, Elijah, private Knoulton, Elijah, private Knoulten, Ephraim, priv. Knout, Jacob, private Knouts, John, private Knoutz, Geo., private Knox, Abm., private Knox, Geo!,* sergt.-major Knox, John, private Knox, Joseph, sergeant Knox, Joseph, private Knox, Joseph, private Knox, Joseph, private Knox, Robt., private Knox, Robert, private Knox, Thomas, private Knox, Thomas, private Knox, Thomas, private Koach, Casper, private Kobb, John, corporal Koch, John, sergeant Koch, Rudolph, captain Koch, Rudolph, fifer Kock, Beados, private Kock, Beatus, private Kock, John, lieut. Kock, John.t sergt. Kock, Rudolph, Jr., priv. Kock, Sovrinus, captain Kock, Sovrinus, Jr., ser. Kock, Sovrinus, sergeant Kogh, Hezek'h, private Koening, Johannis, private Koening, Leonard, corp. Koening, Leonart, private Koening, Migel, private Koening, Stoffel, private Koning, Leonard, corporal Koning, Stoffel, private Konkigbt, Abm.; private Konstable, Gerrit, privat. Konstable, Will., private Koock, Rudolt, private Korick, Caspar, private Korigh, Kasper, private Korish, Kasper, private Kortright, Abraham, priv. Kortright, Abr'm private Kortright, Lawr'ce, Jr., p. Kortright, Moses, private Kortwright, Abr'm, priv. Kortright, John, private Kotts, John, private Kram, Simon, private Kramer, Charles, private Regiment. Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman VroomanVroomanVrooman VroomanVroomanVroomanVroomanVan Rensselaer Thomas ThomasVan Veghten Thomas Luddington Luddington Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Willet Clyde Clyde Crane Butler (Penn.) Drake Willet DrakeCraneCraneDrakeCrane Hathorn JohnsonJohnson Klock DuboisKlockKlockPiatt Klock Klock Klock Klock Klock Klock KlockKlock Van Rensselaer VroomanVrooman Vrooman Vrooman VroomanVrooman Vrooman Fisher SnyderSnyder Klock Vrooman Vrooman VroomanHathornPiatt CantineKlock Hays Wemple HammondCantine Vrooman Company. Miller Richtmyer Heager StubrachMiller Richtmyer Stubracb Miller Miller HeagerStubrach Miller Moseman St. John Dunning Moseman Mead Waterbury Townsend Schermerhort Townsend GilletHouseWeeser LockwooDelivan Fonda Delivan LawrenceLockwood Delivan LockwoodConklin Cross JansenHess ChamberlKlock Bradbick KlockSuts Suts Dillenbeck Kock Kock Kock De Garmo BrownBrownRichtmyerBrownBrown StubrachYeoman SwartSwartKlockRichtmyer Shepherd Brodhead Hasbrouck Westfall (?) Hasbrouck Brown Name and Rank. Kramer, John, private Kranatier, Jacob, private Kranatier, Jacob, private Kranatier, Jacob, private Kranatier, Jacob, private Kranatier, John, private Krans, Henry, private Krans, Mioh'l, private Kraus, Jacob, private Krauss, John, private Krauss, Leonard, private Kreams, Hend'k, private Kreams, John, sergeant Kreams, Peter, ensign Krembs, Henry, Jr., priv. Krembs, Peter, Jr., lieut Kremer, Carl, private Kremer, Chas-, private Kremer, Charles, private Kremer, Charles, private Krems, Hend'k, private Kretzer, Leonard, private Kriesler, Baltus, private Kriesler, Baltus, private Kriesler, Baltus, private Kriesler, John, private Krim, Hend'k, private Kring, John, private Kring, John, corporal Kring, Ludwick, corporal Kring, Ludwick, private Kring, Ludwigh, private Kritzer, Leonard, corporal Krom, Benjamin, private K-om, Benjamin, private Krom, Hend'k, private Krom, Hend'k W., private Krom, Henry, private Krom, Jacob, sergeant Krom, Jacob, private Krom, Simon, private Krom, Simon G., private Krom, William, private Kronk, James, private Kronkhites, James, captain Kronkhyte, Dennis, private Kronkhytt, Isaac, private Kroos, John, private Kross, Leonard, sergeant Krous, Jost, private Krouse, John, private Krum, Benjamin, private Krum, Benj'n, private Krum, Henry B., private Krum, Henry W., private Krum, Jacob, private Krum, Johannis, Jr., priv. Krum, John, private Krum, John, private Krum, Reuben, private Krum, Simon, private Krum, Wm., private Kuhl, Philip, private Kuhl, Philip, private Kule, Philip, private Kulman, Jacoh, private Kunterman, John, private Kuyter, Corn's, private Kyser, Barent, private Kyser, Henry, private Kyser, Jacob, private Kyser, John, private Kyser, Joost, private Kyte, John, private Regiment. . Klock VroomanVroomanVroomanVroomanVrooman BellingerBellinger KlockKlock Klock Klock KlockKlockKlock Klock VroomanVroomanVrooman VroomanKlock Klock Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman KlockKlock Klock Klock Klock Klock Klock Hathorn Wynkoop Wynkoop WynkoopPawling Wynkoop Cantine Pawling Pawling Hathorn Drake Drake Drake DrakeWynkoop Wynkoop Klock Klock Pawling MalcomWynkoopWynkoop Cantine Cantine Pawling Cantine CantineCantine Cantine Klock Klock Klock Fisher KlockCantine Klock Klock Snyder Van Rensselaer KlockHathorn Company. SutsStubrachBrown Stubrach MillerBrownSmall SmallHelmer Wagner Wagner KlockKlockKlock Kock Kock Miller Stubrach BrownBecker Cayser Miller Heager Becker Heager Heager Bradbig Wagner MillerRighter Righter MillerRighter Brodhead Swart Van Beuren Swart Pawling Swart HasbrouckPiercyPiercyBrodhead Boyd Boyd Swart Bradbig ZeelyHunter Cantine HasbrouckHasbrouckHunter HasbrouckHasbrouck HasbrouckHasbrouck KlockSuts RighterMabee Ruff Hasbrouck Kock Kock SwartKockMcCamly * Enlisted in 1776, sergt.-major Oct 5, 1777, shot through the body by accident at Albany July 18, 1778, discharged Nov., 1779, employed in commissary's department till Dec. 81, 1781. Carman, N. Y., B. 77. \ t Shot in the head at Oriskanie Aug. 6, 1777. Palatine, distr., B. 128, I. 97. ^ Roster of the State Troops. 411 Name and Rank. Labdin, Sylvenus, private Labdon, Dan'l, corporal Labriska, Jno. I., private Lack, Solomon, pnvate Lacacks, Hend'k, private Ladeau, Dan'l, private Ladew, Abm., private Ladew, Nath'l, private Ladew, Oliver, private Ladew, Peter, private Ladew, William, sergeant Ladew, William, private Ladew, Wm., Sr., privat) Ladoo, John, private Ladue, John, private Ladue, John, private Ladue, Wm., corporal Lafaver, Noah, private Lafever, Coenrad, private Lafever, Jon'n, private Lagange, Isaac, private Lagrang, Christ'r, private Lagrange, Jacob, Jr., priv, Lain, Alexander, private Lain, William, private Lain, William, private Lainderson, John, private Lainderson, Tim'y, priv. Laine, Joseph, private Laine, Peter, sergeant Laine, Samuel, private Lair, Adam, private Lais, Abm., private Lais, Asa, private Laisher, Sam'l, private Lake, Abm., sergeant Lake, Benj'n, sergeant Lake, Benj'n, private Lake, Cary C, private Lake, Christ'r, private Lake, Christ'r, private Lake, Christ'r, private Lake, Garret, private Lake, Garret, private Lake, Henry, private Lake, Henry, private Lake, Henry, private Lake, John, private Lake, Joshua, private Lake, Nich's, private Lake, Nicholas, Jr., priv. Lake, Stephen, private Lake, William, sergeant Lalley, John, private Lam, Christian, private Lamb, Abm., private Lamb, Alex'r, private Lamb, Alex'r, private Lamb, David, private Lamb, Jacob, private Lamb, James, private Lamb, James, private Lamb, John, private Lamb, Martain, private Lamb, Patrick, private Lamb, Pomp, private Lamb, Pomp, private Lamb, William, sergeant Lamb, Wm., private Lamb, Wm.,* private Lambert, Abm., private Lambert, Corn's, private Lambert, John, sergeant L. Regiment. Company. Van Rensselaer Townsend Klock Cayser Lansing Brown Schuyler Hogan Klock Hess Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Schult Brinckerhoff Schult Brinckerhoff Schult Brinckerhoff Schult Brinckerhoff Schult Brinckerhoff Schult Brinckerhoff Schult Weisenfels HammondHarper Allen Hopkins Brinkerhoft Malcom Cantine Snyder Swart Wynkoop Swart Schuyler Veeder Schuyler Veeder . Schuyler Veeder Willet Conine Johnson Wilkins Pawling Piercy Fisher Veeder Fisher Veeder Hopkins Brinkerhoff Drake Drake Pawling Sacket Johnson Johnson Van Rensselaer Odle Van Rensselaer Odle Luddington Waterbury Van Woert Brown Van Schoonhoven Taylor Van Schoonhoven Van Denbur Van Rensselaer Niles Van Woert Wells Van Woert Gilmore Van Woert Brown Yates Brown Yates Hadlock Van Woert Wells Van Woert Gilmore Van Woert Brown Dubois Lee Wessenfels Hardenburgh Van Woert Doty Van Woert Brown Luddington Knapp Willet Debois Willet Gross Clyde Brown Benedict Osburn Hays Gardner Wisner Baly Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Hays Gardner Hathorn McCamly Wisner Baly Yates Wiltse Hays Gardner Drake Haight Hays Gardner Van Cortlandt Vrooman Vrooman Zeely Harper Hammond Orser Hammond Martling Wemple Fonda Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Lambert John, private Wemple Mynderson Lambert, Jno., private Wemple Fonda Lambert, John, private Wsmple Mynderse Lambert, Lambert, priv. Drake Boyd Lambert, Peter, corporal Willet Gitlet Lamberts, Henry, lieut. Hammond Orser Lamberts, Lambert, priv. Hammond Comb Lamberts, Lambert, priv. Hammond Orser Lamberts, Lambert, priv. Hammond Martling Lamberts, Wm., private Hammond Orser Lame, William, private Vrooman Heager Lamen, Clement, private Van Bergen Witbeck Lamen, Clement, Jr., priv. Van Bergen Witbeck Lamen, Jacob, sergeant Van Bergen Witbeck Lamen, Jacob, private Van Bergen Witbeck Lamen, Will., private Van Bergen Witbeck Lamenyan, John, Jr., priv. Cantine Ramsen Lamfear, Amos, priv-ate Van Rensseiaer Turner Lamfier, John.pnvate Hopkins Wtters Lamkins, Thomas, private Van Woert Gilmore Lamonyau, John, Jr., priv. Cantine Hasbrouek Lampert, Geo., private Clyde Leipe Lampert, Peter, private Clyde House Lampert, Peter, Jr., priv. Clyde Leipe Lampert, Peter, Jr., priv. Clyde House Lamperston, Peter, private Clyde House Lampford, Peter, private Klock Ruff Lampher, Levi, private Van Veghten Dunham Lamphere, Johu, private Dubois Chamberlain Lamphier, John, private Wessenfels Lamphier, Jon'n, private Van Rensselaer Shaw Lamphior, John, private Dubois Chamberlain Lamphire, Levi^ private Van Veghten Lampkin, Thomas, private Van Woert Gilmore Lampkin, Tho's, private Van Woert Whiteside Lampman, Henry, private Van Rensselaer Odle Lampman, Jacob, private Van Rensselaer Odle Lampman, Peter, private Klock Zeely Lampman, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Odle Lampman, Peter,t corpl. Klock Lamptman, Peter, private Klock Wagner Lamser, Isaac, private Van Rensselaer De Garmo Lanard, Jobn, lieut. Schuyler Slingerlandt Lancaster, Samuel, sergt. Willet Livingston Lance, John, private Willet Elsworth Land, George, private Van Rensselaer Philip Land, Jeremy, private Van. Rensselaer Land, Jeremy T., private Van Rensselaer Land, Jurrey, private Van'Rensselaer Philip Land, Wm., lieut. Fisher Landen, Jesse, private Van Rensselaer Landersa, John, private Fisher Veeder Landerse, James, private Fisher Fisher Landerse, John, private Fisher Yates Landerse, John, private Fisher Veeder Landerse, John, private Fisher Veeder Landerson, James, private Fisher Fisher Landerson, Jobn, corporal Fisher Veeder Landerson, John, private Fisher Veeder Landerson, Martin, private Fisher Landerson, Tim'y, private Fonda Landerson, Tim'y, pnvate Fisher Veeder Landt, Felter, lieut Van Alstyn Philips Landt, Jury, private Van Rensselaer Osterhoudt Landus, Eben r, private Malcom McKinstry Lane, Abraham, private Drake Drake Lane, Ab'm, private Drake Boyd Lane, Amos, sergeant Drake Strang Lane, Amos, private Drake Drake Lane, Christian, private Clyde Brown Lane, Dan'l, private Wiessenfels Hunt Lane, Dan'l, private Fisher Fisher Lane, George, captain Hopkins * Captured bv Indians April 7, 1780, released Nov. 28, 1782. Harpersfield, Delaware Co., A. P. 22-345. t Shot in the' right hip 1777, Palatine Distr. C, 93. 412 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company Lane, Geo., captain Luddington Lane, George, sergeant Johnson Lane, Gilbert, corporal Brinckerhoff Lane, Gilbert, private Brinckerhoff Lane, Gilbert, Jr., private Brinckerhoff Lane, Henry, private Hays Lane, Jacob, private Fisher Lane, Jacob, private Brinckerhoff Lane, Jeremiah, private Wessenfels Lane, Jeremiah, private Wessenfels Lane, Jesse, private Brinckerhoff Lane, Joseph, private Piatt Lane, Joseph, private Drake Lane, Joseph, private Brinckerhoff Lane, Joshua, private Wessenfels Lane, Joshua, private Brinckerhoff Lane, Nath'l, sergeant Drake Lane, Nath'l, sergeant Drake Lane, Nathan, sergeant Luddington Lane, Nath'l, sergeant Drake Lane, Nathan, Jr., sergt Luddington Lane, Nath'l, private Lane, Nath'l, private Drake Lane, Peter, sergeant Drake Lane, Peter, sergeant Lane, Reuben, private Thomas Lane, Sam'l, private Wessenfels Lane, Solomon, private Lane, Solomon, private Drake Lane, Solomon, private Drake Lane, Stephen, corporal Drake Lane, Stephen, private Drake Lane, William, corporal Brinckerhoff Lane, William, private Wessenfels Lane, William, private Wessenfels Lane, Wm., private Hopkins Lane, Wm., private Dubois Lane, Wm., private Brinckerhoff Lane, Wm., private Brinckerhoff Lane, William, Jr., private Brinckerhoff Lanert, John, lieut. Quackenboss Lang, John, private Van Veghten Lang, Robt-,* qr. mr. Drake Langdon, Benj'n, private Luddington Langdorn, Jonathan, priv. Brinkerhoff Langendyck, Corn's, priv. Pawling Langendyck, Corn's, priv. Pawling Langendyck, Corn's, priv. Wynkoop Langendyck, Corns., priv. Wynkoop Langendyck, Jobn, priv. Langyar, Wm., private Lank, John, private Lankman, Peter, private Lannon, Rich'd, private Lansing, Jacob, J., priv. Lanser, Will., private Lansing, Ab'm, sergeant Lansing, Ab'm, sergeant Lansing, Ab'm, private Lansing, Ab'm, private Lansing,' Ab'm, private Lansing, Abr'm G., private Lansing Lansing, Christ'r, qr. mr. Schuyler Lansing, Corn's, private Lansing, Corn's, private Lansing, Evert, private Lansing, Evert, private Lansing, Evert, private Lansing, Garret, private Lansing, Garret, private Wemple Fonda Lansing, Garret, private Van Veghten Woodworth Lansing, Garret, private Van Veghten Thompson Lansing, Garret, private Van Veghten Van Woert Lansing, Garret G., qr. mr. Wemple Lansing, Garret G., private Wemple Fonda Lansing, Garret J., private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Lansing, Garret I., private Van Veghten Van Woert Lansing, Harpert, private Van Rensselaer Wynkoop Wynkood Fisher Van Rensselaer Fisher Schuyler Van Rensselaer Wemple Van Rensselaer Wemple Vau Rensselaer Schuyler Mastin Schutt Schutt Schutt Ackerson Fisher Van Benschouten Shephard Pawling SchuttLeeDrakeSchutt White SchuttDrake Haight Lane BuckhoutLaneStevensonDrakeDrake Hyat Thomas Bowen Stevenson Drake Strang Drake DrakeSchutt Dodge White Brinkerhoff McFoghtBrinckerhoff Schutt Schutt SlingerlandtWoodworth Mead BrinkerhoffWestbrook Van Aken Schoonmaker De Witt De Witt Van Beuren VeederOdleYatesLansing Turner Schermerhorn Lansing Brown WemnleVan Rensseiaer Willet WilletDubois Conine Pearcy Dubois Van Schoonhoven Visscher Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Lansing, Henry, sergeant Van Schoonhoven Van Denbur Lansing, Henry, private Willet Livingston Lansing, Henry, private Yates Brutt Lansing, Henry I., corporal Schuyler Lansing Lansing, Henry I. , private Schuyler Lansing Lansing, Henry I., private Schuyler Ostrum Lansing, Isaac, private Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Lansing, Isaac, private Schuyler Van Wee Lansing, Jacob, Jr., colonel Lansing, Jacob F., lieut. Schuyler Lansing Lansing, Jacob H., private Schuyler Lansing Lansing, Jacob I., captain Schuyler Lansing, Jacob I., lieut. Schuyler Lansing, Jacob I., private Schuyler Lansing Lansing, Jacob J., corporal Schuyler Lansing Lansing, Jacob, Jr., priv. Schuyler Lansing Lansing, Jacob Jno., capt Graham Lansing, Jacob Jno., ju. adv. Schuyler Lansing, Jacob S., private Schuyler Lansing Lansing, John, private Willet Elsworth Lansing, John, private Willet Cannon Lansing, John, private Wemple Fonda Lansing, John C., private Wemple Wanson Lansing, John E., adjt. Van Rensselaer Lansing, John G., adjt. Fisher Lansing, John H., private Schuyler Lansing Lansing, Jno. Jacob,qr.mr. Van Schoonhoven Lansing, Levinus, private Schuyler Tillman Lansing, Levinus, private Van Rensselaer Sharp Lansing, Levinus F., capt. Schuyler Lansing, Levinus F., corpl. Schuyler Lansing Lansing, Nich's, private Lansing Brown Lansing, Obadiah, lieut Van Rensselaer Staats Lansing, Saunder, private Lansing Brown Lansing, William, private Vandenburgh Storm Lansingh, Ab'm I., private Van Schaick Lansingh, Corn's, private Van Schaick Lanson, John, private Pawling Hunter Lanson, William, private Pawling Hunter Lantfire, Henry, private Van Bergen Dubois Lape, Jurry, private Livingston Shaver Lape, Sam 1, sergeant Van Rensselaer De Forest Lepe, Sam'l, sergeant Van Rensselaer Husted Lape, Sam'l, private Van Rensselaer Fraist Lape, Thomas, private Livingston Shaw Laph, Wm. D., private Wemple Bancker Lapius, Dan'l, private Klock Wagner Lappee, Daniel, private Clyde Diffendorf Lapper, Jacob, sergeant Fisher Veeder Lapper, Jacob, private Fisher Veeder Lapper, John, private Fisher '"eeder Lapper, Wyent, private Klock Miller Lappics, Joseph A., priv. Van Rensselaer Lappies, Wm., private Schuyler Scharp Lappius, Ab'm, private Van Rensselaer De Forest Lappius, Daniel, private Piatt Bradbick Lappius, Wm., corporal Van Rensselaer Shaw Lappius, Wm., private Van Rensselaer De Forest Laraway, Isaac, private Schuyler Ostrum Laraway, Levinus, private Schuyler Veeder Larby, Elias, private Harper Vroman Lard, Thomas, sergeant Willet Putman Lard, Wm., lieut. Fisher Lard, William, sergeant Wessenfels Putman Lard, William, sergeant Willet Putman Lariay, Isaac, private Quackenboss Laroy, Francis, private Cantine Ramsen Laroy, Rop, private Cantine Hasbrouck Larraway, Jacob, private Willet Debois Larue, Crinus, private Wisner Bartoff Larue, Henry, private Wisuer Bartoff Larway, Pete , private Wynkoop Lary, John, private Brinckerhoff Brower Lascells, Ed*a, private Drake Boyd Lasever, John, corporal Cantine Lasever, Matt'w, private Cantine Lasher, Conradt B., priv. Livingston Rockenfelle Lasher, Fred'k, private Van Duzer * Taken prisoner on New York Island September 15, 1776 ; ruptured iu captivity. Farmer, Crompond, Westchester county. C37, Aa58. -- Roster of the State Troops. 413 Name and Rank. Lasher, Garrit, private Lasher, Garret, private Lasher, Garret, Jr., private Lasher, Gerrit, Jr., private Lasher, G. B., private Lasher, Johannes, sergt. Lasher, Johannis, Jr., priv. Lasher, Johannis J., priv. Lasher, Joh's P., private Lasher, John, private Lasher, John, private Lasher, Philip, private Lasher, Wm., private Lask, Mich'l, private Lasler, Martin, private Lason, Joseph, private Laspel, Fred'k, private Lassing, George, private Lassing, George, private Lassure, Sam'l, private Lasure, Sam'l, private Later, Wm., pnvate Latham, Sam 1, private Latemore, Benjamin, priv. Latemore, Daniel, sergt. Later, Wm., private Latham, David, sergeant Latham, Sam'l, private Latimore, Thomas, private Latsel, Wm., private Lattimore, Francis, private Lattimore, John, private Lattimore, Roger, private Lattimore, Roger, private Lattimore, Roger, private Laucks, Andreas, sergeant Laucks, Antreas, private Laucks, -Jacob, private Laucks, Jerem'h, private Laughaday, John, private Laughback, Carl, sergeant Laughbergh, Carol, sergt. Laughlin, James,* private Laughlin, James, private Lauks, Adam, private Lauks, George, private Lauks, Henry A., private Lauks, Henry W., private Lauks, Jacob, private Lauks, Jerris, private Launders, Jabez, private Launsberry, Joseph, priv. Laurence, Hoskier, private Laurence, John, private Laurence, John, private Laurence, Jno., private ¦Laurence, Jonathan, capt. Laurence, Peter, private Laus, Sam'l, private Laux, Adam, private Laux, Corn's, private Laux, George, corporal Laux, Henry, private Laux, Henry, Jr., private Laux, Hepry A., private Laux, Jacob, private Lauxe, Jacob, private Lavanne, Francis, private Laver, Conrath, private Law, Consider, private Law, John, corporal Law, John, private Law, John, private Law, John, private Law, Jno., private Law, Joseph, private Law, Thomas, private Regiment. Klock LivingstonLivingston Klock Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston KlockVan Rensselaer LivingstonLivingston Van Alstyn Fisher Hopkins Willet Wessenfels HaysThomas Hopkin3 Schuyler YatesHathorn Harper SchuylerYates YatesBrinckerhoff GrahamVan Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Johnson Pawling Wessenfels Vrooman VroomanKlock Vrooman Willet Livingston Livingston Dubois Johnson Klock KlockKlock Klock Klock Vrooman Van Rensselaer Hammond Wessenfels Livingston Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Pawling Livingston Fisher Klock Clyde Klock Klock Klock Klock Klock Klock WessenfelsKlockWhitingWhiting WilliamsWebsterArmstrong Vrooman Whiting Whiting Company. Klock Smith SmithKock SmithSmithRockenfelle Smith Smith Klock RockfellerRockenfelleReckenfelle Claw FisherWaters CrossLivingston Hobby LaneVeeder Case BogartVeeder BrownBrown Van Wyck ConklinTaylor Taylor Ostrander Pawling Cayser Richtmyer PutmanShaver Shaver BurnetCross Miller MillerMiller Miller Miller Richtmyer Bries Shephard Kline Staats FraistRockenfelleDegraasMiller Brown MillerMiller Miller Miller Miller Zeely PawlingHouse King King Armstrong ArmstrongArmstrong Becker King King Name and Rank. Lawer, Conrath, private Lawer, Fred'k, private Lawke, Corn's, private Lawrence, Alex'r, private Lawrence, And'w T., priv. Lawrence, Benj'n, + sergt Lawrence, Caleb, captain Lawrence, Caleb, lieut. Lawrence, Clerk, private Lawrence, David, private Lawrence, George, private Lawrence, Gideon, private Lawrence, Jacob, lieut Lawrence, John, sergeant Lawrence, John, sergeant Lawrence, John, private Lawrence, John, private Lawrence, John, private Lawrence, Jon'n, captain Lawrence, Joseph, private Lawrence, Joseph, private Lawrence, Joseph, private Lawrence, Peter, private Lawrence, Peter, private Lawrence, Rich'd, lieut. Lawrence, Rich'd, lieut. Lawrence, Sam'l, captain Lawrence, Sam'l, captain Lawrence, Sam'l, lieut. Lawrence, Samuel, priv. Lawrence, Sam'l, private Lawrence, Sam'l, Jr., corp. Lawrence, William, ser. Lawrence, Will., corp. Lawrence, William, priv. Lawson, Isaac, private Lawson, Isaac, private Lawson, Isaac, private Lawson, Isaac, private Lawson, Jacob, private Lawson, Lawrence, priv. Lawson, Lawrence, priv. Lawson, Matthew, private Lawson, Matt'w, private Lawson, Samuel, private Lawson, Sam'l, private Lawson, Sam'l, private Lawson, Sam'l, private Lawson, Sam'l, private Lawson, Simon, lieut. Lawyer, Abm., corp. Lawyer, Abm., private Lawyer, Abr'm, private Lawyer, Abm., private Lawyer, Abm., private Lawyer, Adam, private Lawyer, David, sergeant Lawyer, David, corporal Lawyer, David, corp. Lawyer, David, corporal Lawyer, David, corporal Lawyer, David, private Lawyer, David, private Lawyer, Jacob, ensign Lawyer, Jacob, sergeant Lawyer, Jacob, sergeant Lawyer, Jacob, sergeant Lawyer, Jacob, sergeant Lawyer, Jacob, sergeant Lawyer, Jacob, private Lawyer, Johannis H., lieut. Lawyer, Johannis I., lieut. Lawyer, John, lieut. Lawyer, John, lieut. Lawyer, John, private Lawyer, John L., private Lawyer, Lambert, private Regiment Klock Fisher Clyde Wessenfels Piatt Allison ThomasThomas Graham Hays Hays Van Veghten Hathorn Johnson Johnson Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Brinckerhoff Harper Wessenfels Pawling Van Ness Willet Willet Pawling Harper Drake Crane Drake Drake Crane Johnson Van Rensselaer Willet Drake DrakeDrake Graham Wessenfels Drake Pawling Malcom Pawling ThomasDrake Drake Drake GrahamVroomanVroomanVrooman Vrooman Vrooman Wessenfels Vrooman VroomanVrooman VroomanVrooman Vrooman Vrooman VroomanVrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman VroomanVroomanVrooman Vrooman VroomanVrooman Vrooman Vrooman Graham Company. Cayser Yates Brown Dodge LeeRoos Wilson Bell TourneurDenningConklin RobinsonOstrander Bries Townsend Brinckerhoff Pawling. Pawling Livingston TearseLaurence Lawrence Seely Stevenson Seely Lawrence Concklin Townsend Wright Stevenson Drake Boyd Haight ConklinHuntDrake Livingston McKinstry Sacket MosemanDrake HaightBuckhout ConklinHeager Stubrach Brown Miller RichtmyerBrewster Stubrach Brown RightmierMiller Miller RichtmyerStubrach Miller RichtmyerBrown Becker Brown Richtmyer Stubrach Brown Becker Lansing * Taken prisoner at Fort Herkimer, in prison until end of war. A. P. 17-257. t Enlisted for 3 months Aug., 1777, taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery Oct 6, 1777, exchanged Sept., 1778. A. P. 17- 414 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Lawyer, Lambert, private Lawyer, Lamber, private Lawyer, Lambert, private Lawyer, Lambert, private Lawyer, Lawrence, sergt. Lawyer, Nich's, private Lawyer, Nich's, private Lawyer, Peter, private Laybolt, Jacob, private Layman, Geo., private Leach, Wm., private Leacraft, William, private Leacraft, William, private Leak, Garret, private Leak, Peter, private Leaman, Jacob, sergeant Leamans, Arch'd, private Leamin, Jacob, sergeant Lean, Jabez, private Leancaster, David, private Leans, Fred'k, private Leary, Johu, private Leary, John, private Leasure, Sam 1( Lands), ser. Leasure, Sam'l, private Leater, James, private Leather, Christian, corpl. Leather, Christian, private Leather, Christ., pnvate Leather, John, corporal Leather, John, corporal Leather, John, private Leather, John, private Leather, John, private Leather, John, private Leather, John, private Leather, John, private Lebber, Weygand, private Lecock, David, sergeant Ledder, Christian, private Lee, Abijah, private Lee, Elijah, corporal Lee, Inos, corporal Lee, Enos, private Lee, Eph'm, private Lee, Ezra, lieut. Lee, Israel, corporal Lee, James, private Leendert, Jno., lieut. Lee, John, corporal Lee, John, private Lee, John, private Lee, John, Jr., private Lee, Jon'n, private Lee, Jon'n, private Lee, Jon'n, private Lee, Jon'n, private Lee, Joseph, private Lee, Thomas, captain Lee, Thomas, captain Lee, Thomas, private Lee, William, corporal Lee, William, private Lee, Wm., private Lee, William, private Lee, William, private Lee, Zadock, private Lee, Zeptha, private Leek, Philip, private Leeke, Wm., private Leeke, William, private Leekevaw, Lodowick, priv. Leeor, War'm, private Leeper, John, private Leeson, Joel, private Lefen, Conrad, private Lefever, Joh's, private Lefever, John, private Lefever, John A., private Lefever, Matt'w, private Lefever, Philip, private Regiment. Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman JohnsonWillet Drake HaysHays V an Rensselaer Willet Van Bergen Graham Van Bergen Van Veghten Wisner WilletHopkinsVandenburgh Pawling Thomas Van Rensselaer Klock Klock Klock KlockKlock Klock Klock KlockKlock KlockKlock Klock Fisher KlockDrake Benedict Drake Drake Van Rensselaer WhitingVan Rensselaer Schuyler Drake Van Rensselaer Yates DrakeWessenfelsMalcomPiattBrinckerhoffPiatt Piatt Dubois Willet Whiting Whiting Graham Piatt Drake Whiting Pawling Benedict Vrooman Harper Schuyler DrakeFisherHarper WynkoopCantine Cantine Cantine Cantine Cantine Company. Stubrach Brown Miller Richtmyer Brown Miller Cross Harrison Strang Smith Ackerson Pearcy Witbeck Williams Dhbois Miller Pearcy Van Benschoten Storm SacketChapman Woodworth Zealy Breadbake „ Bradbig Zeely ^ BradbigBreadbake Miller Zeely Bedhipr Kock Suts House Fisher Miller Osburn CadyKing Hawley HortonSlingerlandtDrake Weltse HaddenHardenburghDrake Van Santvoort BrinckerhoffLee Wright King DavisBostwickKinnue King Faulkner Gould Heager BogartVan Aernum Buckhout YeomanDrake Hasbrouck Hasbrouck Hasbrouck Hasbrouck Hasbrouck Name and Rank. Regiment. Lefevour, Noah, sergeant Hathorn Lefevour, Solomon, priv. Hathorn Lefevour, Tom, private Hathorn Leffer, Martin, private Fisher Le Foy, Abraham, private Wessenfels Lefoy, Abraham, private Harper Lefoy, Thomas, private Legg, John, Jr., corporal Legg, John, Jr., private Legg, Sam'l, private Legg, Sam'l, private Legget, Elijah, private Legget, Lue, private Legget, Tho's, private Legget, Wm., sergeant Legget, William, private Legget, Wm., private Leggeth, Gabriel, private Drake Leggett, Ab'm, private Dragoons Lehy, William, private Leibly, Simon, private Leipe, Adam, captain Leipe, John, Jr., private Lekoy, Henry, private Lelly. John, private Le Loin, Benj'n, private Leman, Clem't, private Leman, Wm., private Lem Bell, John A., private Van Alstyn Lemmes, And'w, private Graham Lemmon, William, private Van Rensselaer Lemnery, Solomon, priv. Livingston Lemon, Arch'd, private Lemon, Clement, private Lemon, Francis, private Lemon, Francis, private Lemon, Jacob, sergeant Lemon, John, private Lemond, Francis, private Lemond, John, private Lempmeu, Ab'm, private Lempmen, Peter, private Lenard, Henry, private Lenard, Job, private Lenardy, Tim y, private Lenardson, Tim'y, private Lenardsy, Tim'y, private Lenardt, Jobn, lieut. Quackenboss Lenderbeek, John, private Brinckerhoff Lendner, Geo., private Clyde Lendner, Geo., private Clyde Lenens, Wm., private Fisher Lennen, James, private Fisher Lenning, Rich'd, private Fisher ' Lenox, John, private Fisher Len Sinah, Garret I., corp. Van Veghten Lensing, Henry, private Yates Lent, Ab'm, private Lent, Ab'm, private Lent, Ab'm, private Lent, Ab'm, private Lent, Ab'm, Jr., private Lent, Abr'm, Jr., lieut Lent, Ab'm C., private Lent, Adolph, private Lent, Albert, private Lent, Dennis, lieut. Lent, Harman, private Lent, Hend'k, sergeant Lent, Hend'k, sergeant Lent, Hend'k, corporal Lent, Hend'k, private Bays ¦Wynkoop Wynkoop Hays Wynkoop Hammond GrahamThomas Hays Pawling Crane Harper ClydeClyde ClydeWessenfels Klock Fisher Van Bergen Van Bergen Graham Van Bergen Williams Webster Van Bergen GrahamWebster Webster Yates YatesMalcom Whiting Van Veghten Van Veghten Drake Benedict Van Veghten Brinckerhoff Drake Thomas Drake Van Bergen Drake Van Veghten Van Veghten Drake Drake Lent, Hend'k, Jr., private Van Veghten Lent, Henry, sergeant Lent, Henry, private Lent, Henry, private Lent, Henry, private Lent, Henry, private Lent, Hercules, private Lent, Hercules, private Lent, Jacob, private Van Veghten Willet Drake Drake HarperPawlingDrake Company. Brodhead Brodhead BrodheadFisher ThompsonLawrenceBlauveltSchoonmaker Hermance Stevenson Hunter Lawrence Haight Delavan Drake Diffendorf Leipe Kock Witbeck Witbeck Claw MullerGravesShaverMullerDuboisLongLong Muller LongHong Drake Gilbert Fonda Fonda Fonda Slingerlandt Schutt House Leipe Yates YeomanSnookYeoman Van Woert Woodworth Van Woert Kronkhites OsburnWinne Brower Lyons Honeywell Kronkhites Van Woert WinneHaightWinne Van Woert GrayStevenson Kronkhites Buckhout Drake Faulkner Baight Roster of the State Troops. 415 Name and Rank. Lent, Isaac, private Lent, Isaac, private Lent, Jacob, private Lent, Jacob, private Lent, Jacob, private Lent, James, private Lent, James, private Lent, Johannes, private Lent, John, corporal Lent, John, corporal Lent, John, private Lent, John, private Lent, John, private Lent John, private Lent, John, private Lent, Jobn, private Lent, John B, private Lent, John C, private LeDt, John L., private Lent, Matt'w, private Lent, Philip, private Lent, Teunis, private Lent, Tobias, private Lent, Wm., private Lent, Will., private Lent, Wm., private Lenter, Jacob, private Lenter, George, private Lentz, Hennis, private Lentz, Jacob, private Lentz, Jacob, private Lentz, John, private Lentz, John, Jr., private Lentz, Peter, private Leonard, Constant, priv. Leonard, Constant, priv. Leonard, Elijah, sergt. Leonard, Isaac, private Leonard, Robert, private Leonard, Robert, private Leonard, Thomas, private Leonardson, Tim'y; priv. Lepard, Fred'k, pnvate Lepard, John, private Lepert, Fred'k, private Lephard, John, private Lepper, — - — , private Lepper, Fred'k, private Lepper, Jacob, sergeant Lepper, Wyand, private Lepperd, Fred'k, private Lequer, Abm., private Lequire, Abm., private Lequire, Abm., private Leroy, Dan'l, lieut. LeRoy, Francis, private Leroy, John S., private Leroy, Peter, private Leroy, Robert, private Leroy, Simon, private Leroy, Simon, private LeRoy, Simon, private Lesher, Bastian, ensign Lesler, Martin, private Lesoy, Abm,, private Lessinger, Nich's, private Lester, Allin, sergeant Lester, John, private Letts, Abraham, sergeant Letts, Abraham, private Letts, Abm., private Letts, Abm., private Leuven, Christopher, priv. Lever, John, private Leverage, Benj'n, private Leverage, Benj'n, private Leveren, Ant'y, private Leverse, Ant'y, private Levey, Mich'l, private Regiment. PawlingDrake Hays Van Veghten Drake Pawling Drake Drake Drake Drake Cooper Hays Schuyler Drake DrakeDrake DrakeDrake DrakeYates Drake DrakeDrakeDrakeDrake Klock ClydeBellinger BellingerBellingerBellinger BellingerBellinger Hathorn Wisner WilletYates Wessenfels Thomas Yates WilletWillet Clyde Klock Klock HarperFisherKlock Clyde Brtuckerboff HopkinsBrinckerhoffGrahamBrinckerhoff Vandenburgh Brinckerhoff HathornHathorn Cantine Brinckerhoff Livingston Fisher Pawling Klock Johnson Field Phillips Hathorn Wessenfels" MalcomHathorn Fisher Drake Drake Van Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Schuyler Company. SacketGardnerVan Woert Kronkhites HunterBuckhout KronkhitesHaight BuckhoutBlauvelt Smith Stevenson Sharp Kronkhites Buckhout Kronkhites Kronkhites Kronkhites Haight Buckhout House HouseHerder Herder Staring Staring StaringStaring SayresBalys SkinnerHadlock Hunt Hubby HadlockFonda Fonda Fonda House CayserRuff Putman Veeder Miller Difendorf Brinkerhoff Van Wyck Muller Van Benschoten StormBrinckerhoff Brodhead BrodheadRamsen Van Benschoten Smith FisberLawrenceZealy Smith HecockMillerMinthornWestfall McKinstry Brodhead McMaster Boyd Haight Van Denburgh Van Denburgh Ostrum Name and Rank. Levie, Philip, corporal Levie, Philip, private Levinas, Thos., private Levine, Francis, private Levinus, John, private Leviston, John, private Levy, Hendrick, corporal Levy, Mich'l, private Lewis, Abel, sergeant Lewis, Abel, private Lewis, Abm., sergeant Lewis, Adam, private Lewis, Andrew, private Lewis, Ant'y, private Lewis, Asa, sergeant Lewis, Asa, private Lewis, Christ'r, private Lewis, Christ'r, private Lewis, Clear, sergt. Lewis, Cornelius, private Lewis, Cornelius, private Lewis, Daniel, private Lewis, David, private Lewis, David, private Lewis, David, private Lewis, David, Jr., private Lewis, Eben'r, private Lewis, Elijah, private Lewis, Elijah, private Lewis, Felix, private Lewis, Fred'k, private Lewis, Gilbert, private Lewis, Hend'k, private Lewis, Hend'k, private Lewis, Henry, ensign Lewis, Henry, sergeant Lewis, Henry, private Lewis, Henry, private Lewis, Isaac, private Lewis, Isaac, private Lewis, Jabesh, private Lewis, Jacob, private Lewis, Jacob, private Lewis, Jacob, private Lewis, James, corporal Lewis, James, private Lewis, James, private Lewis, James, private Lewis, James, private Lewis, James, private Lewis, James, private Lewis, James, private Lewis, James, private Lewis, John, sergeant Lewis, John, sergeant Lewis, Jno., corporal Lewis, John, private Lewis, John, private Lewis, John, private Lewis, John, private Lewis, John, private Lewis, Joseph, private Lewis, Phineas, corporal Lewis, Reuben, private Lewis, Reuben, private Lewis, Reuben, private Lewis, Reuben, private Lewis, Richard, sergeant Lewis, Robt, private Lewis, Robert, private Lewis, Sam'l, captain Lewis, Sam'l, ensign Lewis, Samuel, private Lewis, Samuel, private Lewis, Samuel, private Lewis, Stephen, private Lewis, Thomas, qr. mr. Lewis, William, private Lewis, William, private Regiment. Clyde ClydeDrake Harper Drake ArmstrongGraham Schuyler Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer FisherFisher Graham Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Graham Van Woert Willet Hathorn JohnsonThomas Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer FisherFisherWilletWillet Willet Pawling Fisher Pawling Graham Van Rensselaer Fisher Willet Van Rensselaer Graham Wessenfels Malcom Pawling Wessenfels Graham Graham PawlingPawling Malcom Cooper Cooper Hays HaysHays Harper Dubois Fisher Fisher Johnson WessenfelsWempleFisherVan Rensselaer Graham Van Rensselaer Graham Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Johnson Van Woert Schuyler CraneCrane Hathorn Johnson Crane Graham Luddington Hathorn Wessenfels Company. BowmanBowmanStrang Bogart Boyd ArmstrongWilson Ostrum Randall Randall Philips Yates YatesHusted Shaw Randall Magee Hodges Pearcy Case Ostrander Purdy Shaw Husted Yates YatesMarshallTearse Henry LivingstonYates Livingston Hermance De Garmo Yates TearseOdle Husted Westfall McKinstry Westfall WestfallHermance Husted WestfallLawrence McKinstry Blauvelt Gardner Tourneur Ackerson Gardner LawrenceLeeYates Yates JohnsonGodwin Van Petten Putman Turner Husted Odle Magee Hodges Brown McKillipWood GilmoreOstrum Scofield McCamplyOstrander Lewis MageeKnapp Case Godwin 416 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Lewis, William,* private Lewis, Wm., private Lewis, Wm., private Lewis, Will., private Lewitt, Therck C, private Leyber, Weygand, private Leyon, Geo., private Lible, Thomas, corporal Liddle, Chas., private Liddle, Cornelius, private Lidel, John, fifer Lidel, John, private Liefeit, John, corporal Lieverse, Levinus, private Lieverse, Levinus, private Lieverse, Levinus, private Lifehite, Jno., private Lifehite, Jno., private Light, Henry, private Light, Joseph, private Light, Josiah, private Light, Josiah, private Light, William, private Light, Woolsey, private Lightbody, Gabriel, priv. Lighthall, Ab'm, sergeant Lighthall, Ab'm, private Lighthall, Ab'm, private Lighthall, Ab'm, W., priv. Lighthall, David, private Lighthall, Geo., private Lighthall, Geo., private Lighthall, Nich's, private Lighthall, Nich's, private Lighthall, Nich's, private Lighthall, Nich's, private Lighthall, Tho's, private Lighthall, Wm., private Lighthart, Barnabus, priv. Lightheart, Barney, priv. Lifiepach, John, private Lilley, Abner, private Lin, Aron, private Lin, John, private Linard, Henry, private Lincomfelter, John, priv. Lincomfelter, Mich'l, priv. Linderbeek, John, private Lindsay, David, private Lindsay, James, private Link, John, private Link, William, private Linkletter, James, private Linnenback, Jno., private Linsey, David, private Linsey, States, private Linsfelter, Jno., private Lint, Ab'm, private Lint, Elias, private Lint, John, sergeant Lints, Jacob, private Lion, Alvin, sergeant Lion, John, sergeant Lion, Sam'l, private Lions, Samuel, drummer Lipe, Johannis, Sr., priv. Lipe, John, private Lipe, John, private Liscom, Samuel, private Lisk, Benj'n, private Lisson, John, private Lisson, Sam'l, private Lits, Rulif, private Littell, John, captain Little, Andrew, private Little, Dan'l, private Regiment. Company. Grosvenor(Conn.) Wadlicott Wemple Van Petten Fisher YatesVan Duzer Wynkoop Van Buren Klock House Van Rensselaer De Garmo Willet Hole Wessenfels Hardenburgh Wessenfels Livingston Fisher Veeder Fisher Veeder Willet Livingston Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgn Schuyler Lansing Schuyler Tillman Willet Gillet Willet Henry Luddington Mead Thomas Pawling Sackett Thomas Moseman Brinckerhoff Schutt Brinckerhoff Schutt Hathorn Van Deusen Bellinger Frank Bellinger Frank Wemple Fonda Wemple Fonda Wemple Wanson Bellinger Staring Wemple Van Atten Bellinger Frank Bellinger Gittman Bellinger Staring Wemple Van Atten Wemplo Wanson Wemple Fonda Willet Fonda Van Veghten Winne Fisher Veeder Van Veghten Woodworth Van Rensselaer Husted Van Rensselaer Husted Malcom Blakely Fisher Little Fisher Little Brinckerhoff Schutt Fields Dyckman Graham Pearce Fisher Veeder Graham Wilson Hays Ackerson Fisher Veeder Fields Hecock Wessenfels Hunt Fisher Degraas Van Veghten Dunham Graham Sherwood Van Rensslaer Sharp Willet Fonda Drake Strang Drake Strang Drake Strang Webster Long Klock Ruff Clyde Van Everat Clyde Ruff Weissenfels White" Brinckerhoff Schutt Yates Wiltse Yates Wiltse Johnson Gillispy FisherArmstrong Armstrong Wemple Mynderse Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Little, David, private Wemple Outhout Little, David, private Wemple Wanson Little, Francis, sergeant Pawling Westfall Little, Francis, private Klock Westfall Little, Isaac, sergt. major Webster Little, John, private ' Fisher Veeder Little, Rob't, private Williams Armstrong Little, Robert, private Webster Armstrong Little, Rob't, private Armstrong Armstrong Little, Stephen, private Graham Magee Little, Stephen, private Van Rensselaer Niles Little, Tho's, private Wemple Wanson Little, Wm., ensign Armstrong Armstrong Little, William, sergeant Williams Armstrong Little, William, private Webster Little, William, private Malcom McKinstry Litts, David, private Wessenfels Hardenburgh Litts, David, private Pawling Burnet Litts, David, private Dubois Burnet Litts, John, private Wessenfels Hardenburgh Litts, Rulif, private Johnson Wilkin Litts, William, private Wynkoop Swarts Litz, Evert, private Johnson Wilkin Litz, Rulef, private Johnson Jansen Lively, Simon, private Clyde Difendorf Diverse, Doun, sergeant Schuyler Lansing Liverse, Doun, private Schuyler Lansing Liverse, Douwe, sergeant Schuyler Lansing Liversy, Levinus, private Schuyler Tillman Livine, Doun, sergeant Schuyler Lansing Livinghston, Dan'l, private Webster Long Livingston, Abraham, cap. Willet Livingston, Daniel, private Webster Long Livingston, Gilbert G. , cap. Malcom Livingston, Gilbert J., cap. Wessenfels Livingston, Gilberti., cap. Pawling Livingston, Henry, lt.-col. Graham Livingston, John, private Webster McNitt Livingston, John, private Webster Armstrong Livingston, John, private Schuyler Slyngerlandt Livingston, Rich'd, private Graham Muller Livingston, Rich'd, private Willet Welp Livingston, Richard, priv. Graham Wilson Livingston, Robt.H., lieut Graham Lansing Lloyd, Elisha, private Wessenfels Shephard Lobdell, Daniel, t private Klock Lobdell, Jacob, private Drake Delivan Lobdell, Jacob, private Crane Lockwood Lobdell, John, private Crane Lockwood Locee, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Loehaday(Locharty), J.,tp. Willet Putman Lockwood, Amos, fifer Piatt Lee Lockwood, Benjamin, priv. Wessenfels Hunt Lockwood, Daniel, sergt. Crane Bouton Lockwood, Daniel, private Hopkins Barnum Lockwood, Daniel, private Crane Scofield Lockwood, Daniel, private Field Hecock Lockwood, David, private Thomas St. John Lockwood, David, private Crane Lockwood Lockwood, David, private Crane Scofield Lockwood, David, private Crane Lewis Lockwood, Eben'r, private Hopkins Lane Lockwood, Eben'r, private Crane Lewis Lockwood, Eben'r, private Luddington Mead Lockwood, Eph'm, captain Crane Lockwood, Henry, private Field Dykeman Lockwood, Hezekiah, priv. Crane Scofield Lockwood, Hezekiah, priv. Crane Lewis Lockwood, Isaac, private Pawling DeWitt Lockwood, Jacob, private Crane Scofield Lockwood, James, private Hathorn Case Lockwood, Job, private Wessenfels Hunt Lockwood, John, corporal Wessenfels Dodge Lockwood, Joseph, private Benedict Gould Lockwood, Joseph, Jr., pr. Crane Lewis Lockwood, Moses, private Wessenfels Hunt Loch, Lawrence, private Pawling Pawling * Wounded on fatigue duty in Connecticut fall of 1778. Laborer, Fredericksburgh, Dutchess county ; later Ballston, Albany county. B 149, Cc 2. t Taken prisoner by Indians April 8, 1780. Three years and a half in captivity. A. P. 16-79. X Wounded at Johnstown October 25, 1781,. Caughnawaga district. C 4, B 665. Roster of the State Troops. 417 Name and Rank. Regiment. Lockwood, Moses, private Pawling Lockwood, Moses, private Hays Lockwood, Nathan, private Crane Lockwood, Nathan, private Crane Lockwood, Nathan, private Crane Lockwood, Nath'l, private Thomas Lockwood, Peter, corporal Luddington Lockwood, Reuben, priv. Thomas Lockwood, Reuben, priv. Crane Lockwood, Samuel, priv. Crane Lockwood, Samuel, private Crane Lockwood, Samuel, private Crane Lockwood, Solomon, priv. Field Lockwood, Timothy, dr. Loder, Daniel, private Loder, John, private Loder, John, private Loder, John, private Loder, Jon'n, sergeant Loder, Pettit, private Loder, Pettit, private Loder, Peth't, private Lodewyck, Henry, sergt Lodewyck, Henry, sergt. Lodewyck, John, private Lodwick, Richard, private Willet Pawling CraneCrane Crane Benedict Thomas Wessenfels Thomas Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Loff, David, private Logan, Samuel, major Loghlin, James, private Lomesly, Epenetus, priv. Lomis, Andrew, private Lomis, Daniel, private Lomis, Daniel, private Lomis, Jacob, private Lomis, Jacob, private Lomis, Job, sergeant Lomis, Job, private Lomiss, Seth, corporal Lommerex, Luke, private Lommis, William, private Armstrong London, Edon, private Pawling Lones, Adam, private Lones, George, private Lones, Geo. M., private Long, Adam, private Long, Edward, captain Long, Edward, captain Long, Edward, captain Long, George, ensign Long, George, sergeant Long, George, private Long, Hend'k, sergeant Long, John, private Long, Nich's, private Long, William, private Longendyck, Corn's, priv. Wynkoop Longendyck, John, priv. Wynkoop Longingdyke, John, priv. Wynkoop Longwell, John, private Hathorn Longyaer, William, private Hathorn Longyaer, William, private Pawling Longyear, Christ'r, private Wynkoop Longy ear, William, private Wynkoop Lonns, John, private Willet Loomis, John, private Livingston Loony, Francis, private Willet Loop, Henry, private Loop, Martinus, private Loop, Martin, private Loop, Martin, private Loop, Peter, lieut. Loop, Peter, lieut. Loop, Peter, Jr., lieut. Loop, Peter, Jr., private Lope, Daniel, private Lope, Daniel, private Loraway, Jacob, private Lord, Daniel, private HarperWessenfelsDubois ThomasVan Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer YatesYates Yates YatesWhitingHathorn Schuyler Clyde Clyde Schuyler WilliamsWebsterArmstrong Van Alstyn Van Alstyn Van Alstyn Klock Quackenboss Vrooman Harper Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert HalletWillet Willet Van Rensselaer Clyde ClydeWillet Fisher Company. Sacket Stevenson Scofield Bouton Lewis Hubby Mead St. John Truesdell Lawrence ChapmanScofield DykemanWilliamsLawrenceScofieldLewis Gould Gilbert Hunt Chapman Stevenson Staats WoodworthWoodworth Fonda Harrison BurnetHubbyGraves Turner SchermerhornHadlock Brown BrownBrown Kellogg Mervine McNittPiercyTillman House House Slyngerlana PhilipsPhilips Van Valkenburgh Suts Van Wie Heager Bogart DeWitt Van Buren McCamly Bogardus WestbrookDeWitt DeWittMarshall Elliot Livingston Whiteside Gilmore BrownWhiteside MarshallHarrisonMarshall Diffendorf Leipe HarrisonSnook Name and Rank. Lord, Henry, private Lord, Tim'y, sergeant Lord, Wm., lieut. Lord, William, private Lorde, Ephraim, private Lorde, Joseph, sergeant Lord, Joseph, private Loree, Joel, private Losee, Abr'm L., private Losee, Hans, private Losee, John, private Losee, John, private Losee, Simon, private Losey, Jacob, private Lossing, Matt'w, private Losson, George, private Losson, Sam'l, private Lothrop, Eben'r, corporal Graham Lothrop, Eben'r, fifer Lothrop, Eben'r, private Graham Lothrop, Ezra, sergeant Whiting Lothrop, Ichabod, private Whiting Lothrop, Josiah, private Whiting Lothrop, Josiah, private Lothrop, Simon, ensign Lothrop, Mildiah, private Lots, Henrv, private Lotterage, Wm., corporal Lotterege, Wm., private Lotts, Jno., private Louck, Mich'l, private Loucks, Antreas, sergeant Vrooman Loucks, Antreas, private Vrooman Loucks, Geo., corporal Loucks, Hend'k, private Loucks, Jeremias, private Loucks, Johannis, private Loucks, Peter, private Loucks, Peter, private Loucks, Wm.,* private Loudon, John, private Loudon, John, private Loughbagh, Carol, sergt. Lounberry, Joshua, private Thomas Lounsberry, Gideon, priv. Crane Lounsberry, James, priv. Wessenfels Lounsberry, Stephen, priv. Thomas Lounsbury, Joshua, private Lourey, Joel, private Crane Loury, Tobias, private Hays Louthrip, Lebrous, private Malcom Louw, Sam'l, private Cantine Loux, Adam, private Klock Loux, Derick, private Klock Loux, Geo., private Klock Loux, Hend'k, sergeant Klock Loux, Jacob, private Klock Loux, Jeremiah, priv* Vrooman Loux, Jost, private Clyde Loux, Peter, private Klock Loux, Wm., private ' Klock Loux, Wm., private Klock Lovejoy, Andrew, sergeant Harper Lovejoy, And'w, sergeant Van Rensselaer Lovejoy, And'w, "private Weisenfels Lovejoy, Benjamin, private Whiting Lovejoy, Benj'n, private Van Rensselaer Lovejoy, Nathan, private Whiting Lovejoy, Nathan, private Piatt Lovel, John, private Willet Lovelace, Elisha, private Yates Lovelass, Wm., private Luddington Loveles, Elisha, private Van Rensselaer Loveles, Jerem'h, private Van Rensselaer Lovell, Alex'r, private Johnson Lovels, Ben, private Van Rensselaer Lovjoy, Dan'l, private Willet Low, Abraham, sergeant Wynkoop Regiment. Graham Willet Fisher Willet WhitingWhiting Willet ThomasBrinkerhoff BrinkerhoffHopkins Graham Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Wessenfels Pawling Drake Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Whiting Johnson Schuyler Schuyler Piatt Wessenfels Klock Klock VroomanKlockKlock Klock Klock Webster Armstrong Livingston Company. Wilson Van Rensela NewellCady CadyFonda Chapman Storm StormVan Benschoten Vail Brinckerhoff Van Benschoten Pawling Drake Muller Noble Miller Davis Davis Davis Cady Cady Cady Lansing" LansingVan Santvoo Thompson BeckerCayserCayserRightmieRuffZeelyBedhigFox Long Long ShaverHubby Truesdell Hunt Moseman Hobby Truesdell Smith Delavan Hasbrouck MillerMiller Miller Klock MillerDygertBradbigKlockSutsAllen Hawley Davis Cady Davis KinnueHole Hadlock Baker De Garmo De Garmo Concklin De Garmo Skinner De Witt * Shot through right arm at Oriskanie August 6, 1777. Stone Arabia, Montgomery county. A. P. 14-252, I 36. 53 418 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regimen* Low, Abraham, private Wynkoop Low, Abr'm, private Wynkoop Low, Ab'm A., private Snyder Low, Abr'm C, private Wynkoop Low, Abi-"m C, private Wynkoop Low, Abraham D., private Wessenfels Low, Abr'm E., private Wynkoop Low, Abr'm G., private Low, Corn's, private Low, Corn's, private Low, Corn's, private Low, Fred'k, private Low, Jacob, private Low, Jacobus, private Low, James, private Low, Johannis, q. mr. Low, John, q. mr. Low, John, lieut. Low, John, private Low, John, private Low, Johu, private Lew, John, private Low, John, private Loury, John, private Low, John, private Low, John, private Low, John, private Low, John, private Low, John, private Low, John C., private Low, John J., lieut. Low, Peter, private Low, Peter, private Low, Samuel, private Low, Sam'l, private Low, Tjeick, private Low, Wm. E., sergeant Wynkoop CantineWynkoop WynkoopWynkoop Johnson Wynkoop Hathorn Wynkoop HathornWilletWessenfels Pawling Pawling Vrooman Vrooman Dubois Cortland Wessenfels Snyder Van Rensselaer Brinckerhoff Wynkoop Malcom Newkirk WynkoopHathorn Cantine Wynkoop Wynkoop Livingston Webster Whiting Klock Van Rensselaer Klock Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Lowbeck, Charles, sergt. Lowden, John, private Lowding, John, private Lowen, Counread, corpl. Lower, Casper, private Lower, Conradt, pnvate Lower, Mich'l, corporal Lower, Mich'l, private Lowers, Casparus, private Van Rensselaer Lowes, John, private Clyde Lownes, Johannes, private Willet Lownsberry, Epenetus, pr. Dragoons Lownsberry, James, priv. Thomas Lownsberry, Stephen, pr. Thomas Lownsberry, Steph., priv. Thomas Lowrey, Thomas, private Crane Lowy, Casper, private Van Rensselaer Loyd, Dan 1, private Fisher Loyd, Dan'l, private Fisher Loyd, Daniel, private Fisher Loyd, Rich'd, private Fisher Loyd, Rich'd, private Fisher Loyd, William, private Harper Loyn, Joseph, private Vandenburgh Loyn, Tho's, private Willet Lucas, Amos, sergeant Webster Lucas, Amos, sergeant Armstrong Lucas, Amos, Jr., private Armstrong Lucas, Daniel, private Webster Lucas, David, private Van Woert Lucas, David, private Van Woert Lucas, Jno., sergeant Yates Lucas, John, private Yates Lucas, Nath'l, private Van Woert Lucas, William, private Wessenfels Lucas, Wm., private Crane Lucas, Wm., Jr., private Dragoons Lucas, Wm. Budd,*farrier Dragoons Luce, Ephraim, private Wessenfels Luce, Israel, private Whiting Luce, Israel, private Luce, Israel, private Graham Company. De Witt SwartSwart Van Beuren Swart Livingston Swart Van Beuren Hasbrouck Van Buren Van Beuren De Witt Johnson Van Buren Telford Dubois White Hunter PawlingStubrach Miller Lee SwartBriesBrinckerhoof Van Buren Cantine McBride BrodheadHasbrouclSwart Pulver Long Gilbert HessWoodworthHouseWoodworth WoodworthTurnerHouse Gillet Delavan St. John Moseman St John Truesdel Woodworth MabeeYates SnookMabee Yates Bogart Van Wyck Livingston Gilmore Doty Hadlock WiltseHodge Hunt Lewis DelavanDelavan Shephard Davis Noble Bostwick Name and Rank. Regiment Company. Luck, Solomon, private Schuyler Hogan Luckey George, ser. maj Hathorn Luckey, James, private Malcom McKinstry Luckey, James, private Graham Conklin Luckey, Jesse, private Hathorn McCamly Luckey, Jesse, private Hathorn Minthorn Luckey, Jesse, private Wessenfels Westfall Luckey, John, sergeant Hathorn Shepherd Luckey, John, private Hathorn Shepherd Luckey, Robert, sergeant Wessenfels Dodge Luckey, Robert, corporal Wessenfels Dodge Lucks, Ab'm, private Graham Muller Lucks, And' w, private Graham Muller Lucks, Dan'l, private Webster Long Lucks, Johannes, private Graham Muller Lucky, George, private Pawling Westfall Lucky, Samuel, private Pawling Westfall Lucky, Sam'l, private Brinckerhoff Van Benschoten Ludenton, Stephen, priv. Luddington, Elisha, priv. Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Malcom Livingston Luddington, Elisha, priv. Hopkins Barnum Luddington, Henry, col. Luddington, William, priv Wessenfels Westfall Ludington, Comfort, priv Field Hecock Ludington, Stephen, priv. Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Ludinton, Comfort, priv. Luddington Mead Luers, William, private Wisner Luff man, John, private Wessenfels Godwin Lufman, John, private Hathorn Telford Luike, Abraham, private Graham Muller Luike, Andrew, private Graham Muller Luike, George, private Van Schoonhoven Taylor Luike, Johannis, private Graham Muller Luiks, Abraham, private Graham Muller Luiks, Andrew, private Graham Muller Luiks, Johannes, private Graham Muller Luk, William, corporal Piatt Bradbick Luke, Ab'm, private Van Woert Doty Faulkner Luke, Johq, private Pawling Van Woert Luke, Nich's, private Gilmore Luke, Solomon, private Quackenboss Van Wie Lukey, George, adjutant Wisner Lull, Nathan, private Graham Muller Lumbert, Peter, private Willet Livingston Lumm, Jonathan, private Whiting Davis Lummel, Ezekiel, private Willet Van Rensselaer Lummerex, Joseph, priv. Hathorn Mervin Lummes, And'w, private Graham Muller Luner, Philip, private Harper Vrooman Lunes, Philip, private Harper Vl-ooman Luny, William, private Van Alstyn Truesdel Lupe, Christopher, private Piatt Kinnue Lureland, Silas, sergeant Thomas St. John Lurine, James, corporal Hopkins Lane Lurvey, Elisha, private Van Rensselaer Van Allen Lurvey, William, private Van Rensselaer Van Allen Lurvy, William, private Van Alstyn Truesdel Lusk, Jacob, private Harper Vrooman Lusk, Jacob, private Van Alstyn Claw Lusk, Jacob, private Willet ' Marshall Lusk, Jacob, private Lusk, Michael, s. major Willet Cannon Willet Henry Lusk, Michael, private Willet Marshall Lusk, Michael, private Harper Vrooman Lusk, Michael, Sr., private Willet Pearcy Lusk, Michael, Jr., privat 3 Willet Pearcy Lusk, Michael, Jr., private Willet Henry Harrison Lusk, William, sergeant Willet Lusk, William, private Willet Marshall Lusk, William, private Willet Pearcy Lusk, William, private Willet Henry Lusk, William, private Harper Vrooman Lusk, William, private Van Alstyn Claw Luther, John, private Webster Childs Luts, Coenradt, private Pawling Piercy Lutts, Conrad, private Dubois Burnet Lutts, Jacob, private Wessenfels White Lutts, John, private" Wessenfels White Lutts, John, private Johnson Gillispy * Cut in the head and taken prisoner in West Chester Co. June 11, 1780. Schoolmaster, Pittstown, Albany Co. Bb, 45. Roster of the State Troops. 419 Name and Rank. Luty, John, fifer Lutz, Coenrad, private Lutz, Conrad, private Lutz, George, private Lutz, Jactfb, private Luyck, John, private Luyck, Joseph, private Luycke, Solomon, private Quackenboss Luyks, Corn's, private Wynkoop Luyks, Peter, Jr., private Wynkoop Luyks, Peter W., private Wynkoop Luypart, John, private Luyster, Dirck, private Luyster, Peter, private Lyan, John, private Regimeni ' Klock Hathorn Johnson Klock Hathorn Graham Graham WempleBrinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Drake Lygert, William H., private Klock Lynch, James, private Lynck, Peter, private Lynd, Thomas, private Lynde, Dan'l, private Lynde, Thomas, private Lynds, Dan'l, private Lynes, James, private LyDes, James, private Lynn, George, corporal Lyon, Abel, private Lyon, Amaziah, private Lyon, Benj'n, private Lyon, Benj'n, private Lyon, Caleb, private Lyon, David, lieut Lyon, Elvin, sergeant Lyon, Gilbert, captain Lyon, Gilbert, lieut. Lyon, Israel, sergeant Lyon, Israel, sergeant Lyon, Israel, corporal Lyon, James, lieut. Lyon, James, corporal Lyon, James, private Lyon, John, private Loan, John, private Hays Livingston Williams Williams Williams Williams Yates Yates Hathorn Pawling Graham ThomasBenedict CraneThomas Drake ThomasThomasThomas ThomasThomas Johnson Drake Graham Thomas Thomas Company Miller Conklin Johnson Klock Conklin Hermance HermanceVan Wie FondaBrower Brower DrakeKockPulver Shepardson LiceRice ShephardsonBrutt Van Denburgh ConklinWestfall Osburn Lawrence Purdy Boyd Hubby Sackett St. John Miller Ostrander Drake Vail Hubby Lyon Name and Rank. Lyon, John, private Lyon, John, private Lyon, John, private Lyon, Joseph, private Lyon, Justus, private Lyon, Justus, private Lyon, Michael, private Lyon, Moses, private Lyon, Nath'l, private Lyon, Moah, private Lyon, Peter, private Lyon, Peter, private Lyon, Roger, private Lyon, Roger, private Lyon, Samuel, private Lyon, Samuel, private Lyon, Samuel, private Lyon, Sam'l, private Lyon, Sam'l, private Lyon, Sam'l, private Lyon, Thomas, private Lyon, Thomas, private Lyons, Abel, private Lyons, Ameriah, private Lyons, Barny, private Lyons, Ed'd, private Lyons, Jnmes, private Lyons, Michael,* private Lyons, Nath'l, private Lyons, Samuel, private Lyons, Samuel, private Lyons, Thos., private Lytle, Robert, private Lyttle, Andrew, private Lyttle, And'w, private Lyttle, Isaac, sergt. major Lyttle, James, corporal Little, John, private Lyttle, Robt., private Lyttle, William, sergeant Lyttle, Wm., private Regiment DrakeThomasDrake ThomasThomas Thomas Pawling Thomas Harper Crane Thomas Thomas ThomasThomasWebster ThomasThomasThomas Benedict Thomas Wessenfels Webster Pawling Graham Pawling Drake Yates Wessenfels Willet Williams Hays WebsterArmstrong WebsterWebster ArmstrongWebster Webster WebsterWebsterWebster Company Haight Hobby Buckhout Lyon Moseman St. John PawlingSacketHarrison Lawrence Lyon Hobby Moseman St. Jehn Long SackettSt. John Lawrence Osburn Lyon Hunt McNitt WestfallLansingWestfall Boyd Yates Livingston Marshall Long Tourneur Long McNitt McNitt Armstrong A. P. 19-405. HamiltonMcNitt Armstrong Armstrong M. Maap, John, private Maap, Rob't, private Mab, Johannis, private Mab, John, private Mab, John, private Mabee, Peter, private Mabee, Arent, private Mabee, Casparus, private Mabee, Corn's, private Mabee, Harmanus, capt. Mabee, Jerem'h, private Mabee, Peter, private Mabee, Peter, private Maben, John, private Mabey, John, corporal Mabie, Abraham, private Mabie, Albert, private Mabie, Albert, private Mabie, Arent, private Mabie, Casparus, sergeant Mabie, Casparus, private Mabie, Cornelius, private Mabie, Cornelius, private Mabie, Corn's, private Mabie, Corn's, private Mabie, Corn's, private Mabie, John, private Mabie, John, private Mabie, Jno. I., private Wemple Fonda Wemple Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Willet Gross Van Schoonhoven Hicks Drake Haight Wemple . Van Patten Hays Hogencamp Cooper Blauvelt Fisher Cooper Blauvelt Fisher Fisher Lnddington Baker Howley Wemple Van Petten Hays Blauvelt Wemple Schermerhorn Wemple Van Slyck Wemple Van Patten Hays Sickles Hays Blauvelt Hays Sickles Hays Hogencamp Wemple Schermerhorn Wemple Van Petten Wemple Van Atten Hays Blauvelt Wemple Van Petten Wemple Van Atten Mabie, John Peter, private Mabie, Patrick, private Mabie, Peter, corporal Mabie, Peter, private Mabie, Peter, private Mabie, Peter Ch's, private Mabie, Petrus, private Mabie, Yoast, private Maby, Peter, private McAdam, David, private McAlpin, John, private McAnteer, Alex'r, private McAntly, Mich'l, private McArder, Duncan, private McArder, Jno., private McArthur, Alexander, It. McArthur, Alexander, lt. McArthur, Alexander, pr. McArthur, Charles, lieut. McArthur, Cba's, private McArthur, Charles, priv. McArthur, Donald, priv. McArthur, Duncan, priv. McArthur, John, lieut. McArthur, John, private McArthur, John P., priv. McArthur, Neal, private McArthur, Robert, private McArthur, Samuel, private Hays Blauvelt Wemple Fonda Hays Blauvelt Wemple Van Petten Wemple Van Atten Hays Blauvelt Wemple Bancker Hays Blauvelt Drake Johnson Gillispy Graham Wilson Van Cortlandt Drake Boyd Klock House Klock House Weissenfels Godwin Wessenfel Bowen Wessenfels Brewster Van Rensselaer Graves Willef Wright Van Ness Fisher Little Fisher Little Livingston Elliot Armstrong Armstrong Livingston Elliot Willet Pearcy Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong * Wounded in the right side. Marbletown, Ulster county. C 56, Cc I 420 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Pawling Dubois Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Johnson Hopkins McAully, Wm., private Van Woert McBane, John, private Wemple McBarney, Wm., private Philips McBillop, Thomas, private Webster McBorney, William, priv. Johnson McBride, James, captain Newkirk McBride, Jobn, lieut. McBride, John, lieut. McBride, John, corporal McBride, John, private McBride, John, private McBurney, William, priv, McCabe, Benj'n, "private McCabee, Benj'n, private Luddington McCabey, Dennis, private Brinkerhoff McCabey, Edward, private Brinkerhoff McCabey, Wm., private Brinckerhoff McCaily, John, private Wemple McCain, James, private Hathorn McCain, Joseph, sergeant Hathorn McCain, William, private Hathorn McCalif, Nich's, private Van Rensselaer McCall, Alex'r, private Wemple McCall, John, private Webster McCallen, Thomas, private Pawling McCalley, Olive, private Hathorn McCallop, John, private Webster McCam, Wm,, private Wisner McCamley, David, captain Hathorn McCamly, David, private Wisner McCan, Cornelius, private Wessenfels McCane, Joseph, private Hathorn McCane, Robert, private Hathorn McCane, William, private Hathorn McCanly, Philip, private Wisner McCann, James, private McCann, James, private McCann, James, private McCann, James, private McCarter, Francis, private Armstrong McCarter, John, private Williams McCarter, John, private Webster McCarter, John, private Webster McCarter, John, Sr., priv. Armstrong McCarter, Rob't, private Williams McCarter, Robert, private Webster McCarter, Samuel, private Webster McCarthy, Moses, private Van Veghten McCarty, Duncan, private Clyde McCarty, Hugh, private Graham McCarty, John, corporal McCarty, John, private McCarty, Jno., private McCarty, Wm., private McCauley, Cha's, corporal Harper McCauley, Wm., private Vau Woert McCaully, Rob't, private McCay, Daniel, private McCay, John, private McCay, William, private McCead, Eben'r, private McCew, James, private McChain, George, private Van Bergen McChain, John, sergeant Van Bergen McChesney, Hugh, private Schuyler McChesney, John, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Hathorn Hathorn HathornPawling Clyde Wemple Van Rensselaer Wemple Harper Wessenfels JohnsonWilliamsDrake Wemple Company. Gilmore Mynderse Ostrander LongJansen Wood McFoght Woodworth Van Woert Gillispy Lane Lane Van Wyck Wanson McCambly BartholfMcCambly Staats Mynderson ThomasBurnet TelfordMcNitt Baly BalyThompson McCamlyMcCamlyMcCamly Baly McCamleyMinthorn Bartolf Westfall Armstrong LongArmstrong McNitt ArmstrongArmstrong Armstrong Woodworth Dygert Sherwood Dygert WansonOdleVan Petten Bogart Gilmore Drake ThompsonOstrander McNitt Haight Van Petten HoneywellHoneywell Lansing McChesney, John, private Van Woert Pettit McChesney, Jno., private Schuyler Lansing McChesney, Joseph, priv. Schuyler Lansing McChesny, Sam'l, private Van Rensselaer Sharp McChesney, Walter, priv. Van Rensselaer McChesney, Wm., private Schuyler Lansing McChisney, Joseph, priv. Schuyler Van Aernum McClarchry, Matt'w, priv. Williams Long McClaghry, James, lieut. Newkirk McBride McClallen, James, private Harper Harrison McClaming, James, private Van Rensselaer McClane, John, private Pawling Burnet McClaning, James, private Van Rensselaer McClarning, John, private Wessenfels Brewster McCIaughry, And'w, priv. Webster McNitt McClaughry, Matt'w, priv. Webster Long Name and Rank. McClean, Cornelius, priv. McClean, Dan'l, private McClean, Hector, private McClean, John, sergeant McClean, John, sergeant McCleary, Daniel, lieut. McCleary, Dan'l, lieut. McCleary, David, lieut. McCleary, John, private McCleave, Wm., sergeant McCleave, Wm., sergeant McClees, Peter, private McClelland, James, private McClintock, John, private McClochry, Matt'w, priv McClockin, J oseph,' private McCIockin, Josiah, private McCloghery, Matt'w, priv. McClomphy, Thomas, priv. McClong, John, lieut. McCloud, Alex'r, sergeant McCloud, Alex'r, private McCloude, Alex'r, private McCloughen, Josepn, priv. McCloughey, Rich d, priv. McClout, Alex'r, private McClughan, Rob't, private McClure, James, private McClure, William, private McClure, William, private McClure, William, private McClure, William, private McClure, William, private McCoarter, Peter, private McCollister, Arch'd, priv. McCollister, Hamilton, pr. McCollister, John, private McCollister, John, private McCollister, Mamel'n, pr. McCollom, Findley, Jr., pr. McCollom, John, private McCollome, James, private McCollop, Thomas, private McCollough, James, priv. McCollum, John, private McCollum, Robert, private McCollum, William, priv. McColly, Hugh, private McColment, Bornt, private McConnel, Hugh, adjt. McConnel, Hugh, lieut. McConnel, Matthew, sergt. McConnel, Philip- private McConnel, Philip, private McConnell, John, private McConnell, Matt'w, sergt McCord, James, private McCord, John, private McCord, John, private McCord, John, private McCord, Rob't, private McCormick, James, priv, McCormick, James, priv. McCoughan, Robert, priv. McCoulough, John, sergt. McCow, John, private McCown, Dunvan, private McCoy, Chas., private McCoy, Dan'l, private McCoy, Dan'l, private McCoy, Dan'l, private McCoy, Eph'm, corporal McCoy, James, private McCoy, John, sergeant McCoy, John, private McCoy, John, private McCoy, John, private McCoy, John, private McCoy, John, private McCoy, Jno. A., private McCoy, William, private McCoy, William, private Regiment. Company. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Thomas St. John Livingston Elliot Lansing Houston Wynkoop Williams Armstrong Webster Long Armstrong Webster Long De Garmo Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Piatt Lee Harper Harrison Wessenfels Brewster Armstrong Long Dubois Burnet Dubois Burnet Webster Long Fisher Snook Van Woert J'ettit Pawling Sacket Cuyler Pawling Wood Hathorn Tilford Van Woert Gilmore Vrooman Becker Johnson Cross Newkirk Faulkner Hathorn McCambly Hathorn Shepherd Wessenfels Brewster Wessenfels Westfall Pawling Westfall Hays Gardner Willet Van Renselaer Armstrong McNitt Webster McNitt Armstrong McNitt Webster McNitt Fisher Little Harper Allen Wemple Mynderse Webster McNitt Johnson Gillispy Fonda Johnson Jansen Johnson Mastin Dubois Dubois Fisher Veeder Dubois Dubois Lee Hathorn Bartolf Hathorn Shepherd Hathorn McCamly Wisner Bartoff Wisner Bartoff Hammond Johnson Gillispy Johnson Cross Johnson Wilkin Hammond Wessenfels White Wessenfels Livingston Johnson Roosa Johnson Hathorn Conklin Dubois Burnet Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Cortlandt Wessenfels Graham Wilson Dubois Chamberlain Graham Magee Wessenfels Brewster Wessenfels Brewster Webster Armstrong Graham Lansing Vrooman Richtmyer Drake Boyd Vrooman Webster McNitt Webster Armstrong Roster of the State Troops. 421 Name, and Rank;, McCoy, Wm., private -. / McCoy, William, private McCoy, Wm., private McCrachen, Joseph, priv. McCracken, David, private McCracken, David, private McCracken, Josiah, priv. McCrackin, Joseph, priv. McCrady, James, private McCrady, Rob't, private McCrany, Abraham, priv. McCray, Sam'l, private McCrea, James, private McCrea, John, colonel McCrea, Sam'l, private McCready, David, private McCready, James, private McCready, John, ensign McCready, John, private McCreary, Rob't, private McCrede'y, Charles, priv. McCreef, William, private McCreny, William, corpl. McCrire, Alexander, priv. McCrudy, Geo., private McCue, James, private McCue, Sam'l, private McCugh, James, private McCuRom, James, private McCurdy, John, private McCure, Duncan, private McCutchen, Rob't, private McCutcbeon, And'w, priv. McDaniel, Alex'r, private McDaniel, Corn's, private McDaniel, Daniel, private McDaniel, Dan'l, private McDaniel, Daniel, private McDaniel, John, private McDavid, Chas., private McDermont, Jas., private McDole, Geo., corporal McDonald, Colon, ensign McDonald, Daniel, private McDonald, Ed'd, corporal McDonald, Edward, corpl. McDonald, Ed'd, drummer McDonald, Edward, priv. McDonald, Ed'd, private McDonald, James, q. m. McDonald, James, private McDonald, James, private McDonald, John, private McDonald, John, private McDonald, John, private McDonald, John, private McDonald, Mich'l, private McDonald, Nich's, private McDonel, James, private McDonel, James, private McDonel, James, private McDonel, Nich's, private McDoneli, Alex'r, private McDonell, Colon, private McDonnal, Colin, sergeant McDonnal, Colon, ensign McDonnal, Colon, private McDonnel, John, private McDonnell, James, private McDormont, Ja's, private McDougall, Alex'r, sergt. McDougall, Alex'r, sergt McDougall, Alex'r, private McDougal, Alex'r, private McDgugall, Duncan, priv. McDougall, Dunian, priv. McDougall, John, pnvate McDowel, Dan'l, private McDowel, Henry, private McDowell, Jon'n, private , Regiment. Armstrong Armstrong Van Schoonhoven Webster Webster Armstrong Armstrong Williams Brincke-hoffFisherPawlingVan Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Company. ArmstrongMcNitt Van Denburgh Long Long Armstrong Armstrong Van Benschoten SnookPiercy White Collins (?) Van Schoonhoven Hicks Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth GrahamDrake Vail Johnson Wilkin Fisher Snook Luddington Knapp Williams Armstrong Wessenfels White Hathorn Telford Vandenburgh Wheeler Johnson Wilkins Van Schoonhoven Piatt Van Santvoort Pawling Livingston Johnson Cross Hathorn Conklin Hopkins Brinkerhoff Van Veghten Woodworth Willet Livingston Malcom Cantine Hathorn Miller Wessenfels Westfall Pawling Westfall Webster Long Van Veghten Woodworth Wemple Wanson Willet Harrison Livingston Rockfeller Pawling Westfall Graham Williams Van Woert Gilmore Van Woert Brown Van Woert Brown Graham " Williams Thomas Hathorn Telford Fisher Degraas Webster Long Armstrong Long Fonda Fisher Putman Vau Schoonhoven Fisher Fisher Fisher Gartnere Fisher Yates Fisher Fisher Fisher Gartnere Armstrong Armstrong Rockenfelle Livingston Livingston Rockenfell Livingston Rockenfelle Livingston Rockenfelle Webster Wessenfels Hunt Wemple Mynderson Wessenfels Brewster Armstrong Webster Armstrong Wemple Van Slyck Wemple Mynderson Webster Sherwood Johnson Mastin Hathorn Conklin Johnson Mastin Name and ank. ' McEuen, Corn's, private McEwen, David, private McEvers, James, private McFaggert, James, private McFafl, Hend'k, private McFall, Hend'k, private McFall, Neal, Bergeant McFall, Neal, private McFall, Neil, corporal McFall, Patrick, sergeant McFall, Patrick, private McFall, Patrick, private McFall, Pat'k, private McFall, Patrick, private McFall, Rob't, corporal McFall, Robert, private McFardin, James, private McFarding, Gabriel, priv. McFarlan, James, corporal McFarlan, James, private McFarlan, John, private McFarlan, William, priv. McFarland, James, corpl. McFarland, James, corpl. McFarland, James, private McFarland, James, private McFarland, John, private McFarlin, Ja's, corporal McFarlin, Ja's, private McFarlin, John, private McFarlin, John, private McFarlin, William, private McFarlin, William, private McFarling, And'w, private McFarling, And'w, private McFarling, James, private McFarran, John, private McFarran, William, priv. McFarren, John, private McFarsen, Dan'l, private McFarsin, And'w, private McFarthey, Gab'l, private McFartbey, James, private McFeron, John, private McFerson, Dan'l, private McFerson, John, private McFoght, John, captain McFoght, John, lieut. McFoy, James, private McGan, Peter, private McGarshie, Robert, priv. McGea, Will., private McGee, George, private McGee, Geo., private MaGee, James, private McGee, James, private McGee, James, private McGee, John, private McGee, Samuel, private McGee, Sam'l, private McGee, William, private McGee, Wm., private McGibbons, Peter, sergt. McGill, John, sergeant McGill, John, private McGill, John, private McGinnis, Jacob, private McGinnis, Peter, private McGinnis, Wm., private McGlashen, Robt., private McGloughlin, John, corpl. McGonigel, Robt, private McGonnegal, John, sergt. McGonnegal, Thomas, pr. McGonning, Robt., sergt. McGowen, James, private McGown, Robert, corporal McGraw, Christ'r, private McGraw, Dan'l, private McGraw, Dennis, private Regiment. Malcom Johnson Graham Fisher Livingston Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer LivingstonLivingston Livingston LivingstonLivingston Van Alstyn Van Alstyne Livingston Van Rensselaer Luddington Hammond Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Webster WebsterWebster Webster Webster Williams Williams Williams Webster Williams Webster WempleWemple Webster Webster Webster Armstrong Webster Wynkoop Drake Drake Webster Webster Webster Dubois Dubois HaysVan Rensselaer Willet Van Veghten WilletWillet Van Woert Van Rensselaer PawlingPawling Wynkoop Willet Van Veghten Van Rensselaer Vandenburgh Willet LivingstonVan Rensselaer WebsterCantine Johnson Van Ness Van Ness Van Ness Van Rensselaer Yates Piatt Fisher Fisher Fisher Company. Cross ConklinMcMaster Elliot Rockfeller Rockfeller Shaw Shaver Shaver Shaw Shaver VosburghVan Valkenburgh Shaver RockfellerBakerOrserArmstrong Armstrong ArmstrongArmstrong Long LongLongArmstrong Armstrong Armstrong ArmstrongArmstrong Armstrong ArmstrongBancker Van Slyck Tozer TozerHamilton Long Hamilton Tozer Gano Blauvelt Bries Harrison Woodworth Welp Searcy Gilmore Van Allen Stockwell Lawrence Westbrook Hole Woodworth Staats StormCannon Smith Philip Armstrong HasbrouckFonda Jansen Whitney Whitney Graves BruttBradbickSnookSnook Snook 422 Roster of the State Troops. Pawling Hathorn Pawling HopkinsVan Rensselaer Yates Schuyler Livingston Wemple Graham Willet Van Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven GrahamVan Schoonhoven Graham Name anh Rank. Regiment McGraw, Jno., private Fisher McGraw, Jno., private Fisher McGraw, Wm., private Fisher McGrigor, Duncan, private McGrun, Owen, private Fisher McGuire, Daniel, private McGuire, Daniel, private McGuire, Hugh, private McGuire, Hugh, private McGurgy, John, private Mach, John, private Machisne, Henry, private Machisne, Joseph, private Schuyler McHutchen, Robt., private Brinkerhoff Mcllvain, David, private Johnson Mclntire, Jno., private Mclntire, John, private Mclntire, Wm., private Mcintosh, And'w, private Mcintosh, John, sergeant Mcintosh, John, sergeant Mcintosh, John, corporal Mcintosh, Jno., private Mcintosh, John, private Mcintosh, Simon, private Mcintosh, Wilham, private Willet Mack, Dan'l, private Van Ness Mack, John, private Pawling Mackadams, Hew, private Schuyler McKay, John, corporal Hathorn McKay, William, private McKean, Samuel, private McKee, James, private McKee, James, private McKee, Sam'l, private McKee, Sam'l, private McKee, Sam'l, private McKee, Thomas, corporal Malcom McKee, Thomas, private Wessenfels McKee, Thomas, private Mackeel, John, lieut McKeel, John, private Mackeel, Nath'l, private McKellip, Thomas, private Van Woert McKellup, Wm., sergeant Van Veghten McKellup, Wm., private Van Veghten McKellups, Wm., private Van Veghten McKellup, Wm., private Van Veghten MeKelroy; Cornelius, priv. Hathorn McKenny, Amos, private Armstrong McKenny, Dan'l, private Fisher McKenny, John, private McKenny, Matt'w, private Johnson McRenzie, Alex'r, private Wynkoop McKerque, Duncan, priv. McKey, Alex'r, private Johnson Mackey, Alex'r, private Pawling Mackey, Jesse, private Pawling Mackey, Johannes, private Pawling Mackey, Wm , private Willet (?) McKibb, Mich'l, private Webster Mackie, William, drummer Wessenfels McKiel, John, lieut. Drake McKillip, John, captain Van Woert McKillip, Tho's, sergeant McKillip, Wm., private McKillop, Thomas, corpl. McKiminy, Isaac, private McKiney, Amos, private McKinney, John, private McKinney, John, private McKinney, Josebh, private Graham McKinsey, Alexander, pr. Wessenfels McKinster, John, major Willet McKinstrey, Ch's, lieut. Van Ness McKinstry, David, lieut Van Rensselaer McKiostry, John, major Van Renselaer McKinstry, Thomas, capt Malcom Hathorn Willet Van Woert Van Woert Vrooman Wemple Wemple Wessenfels Drake Benedict Drake Van Woert Van Veghten Van Woert WisnerWebster Webster Company. MabeeSnookSnook Fonda Yates WestfallTelfordLivingston Waters PriceYatesLansing Lansing Van Wyck JansenFonda Elliot Bancke Lansing Livingston White VisscherLansing VisscherHusted Harrison PiercyLansing Telford Brodhead Marshall Wells Doty Miller Mynders WansonDtake ¦ GodwinHardenburgh Strang OsburnStrang GilmoreVan Woert Winne Thompson Van Woert McMasterFondaRoosaDe Witt Fonda Roosa Pawling De Wi De Wi LongGodwin BuckhouPettit Van Woert Brown Baly SherwoodFondaHermance Pawling Company Whitney Husted Van Buren Van Beuren Van Keuren Williams Sherwood HamiltonHamilton Van Schoonhoven Hicks Van Schoonhoven Visscher Klock SkinnerYates WoodworthBaly Stevenson Johnson Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgn Hunt. Scribner Van Keuren Wood Wanson Van Schaick Van Rensselaer HarperWeisenfelsVan Rensselaer Whitney Hnwley Name and Rank. Regiment. McKinstry, Thomas, lieut. Van Ness McKirney, Joseph, private Graham McKleene, John, private Wynkoop McKleene, John, private Wynkoop McKleene, John, private Wynkoop McKloud, Alex'r, sergt. Pawling McKnight, Alex'r, pnvate Webster McKnight, Geo., lieut. Williams McKnight, George, lieut Webster McKnight, John, private McKnight, Tho's, private Macknod, James, private Klock McKnul, James, private Willet McKoy, Wm., private Yates McKown, James, private Van Rensselaer McKune, Joseph, private Wisner McLane, Daniel, private Hays McLaughlin, John, corpl. Johnson McLean, Corn's, private Van Sch McLean, Daniel, private Wessenfels McLean, John, lieut. Luddington McLean, John, corporal Newkirk McLeod, Alex'r,* sergeant Pawling McMailing, Wm., private Wemple McManner, Hugh, lieut. Van Rensselaer McMannes, Hugh, private McManness, Michael, priv. Drake McManry, Wm., private Wessenfels McManus, Hugh, lieut. McManus, Hugh, private McManus, Wm., private McManus, Will, private McManus, Wm., private McMartin, Duncan.Jr., pr. McMartin, John, private Fisher McMartin, Peter, private Fisher McMartin, Wm., private Wemple McMaster, David, captain Fisher McMaster, Hugh, sergeant Fisher McMaster, Hugh, private Fisher McMaster, James, lieut. Fisher McMaster, James.sergeant Dubois McMaster, James,sergeant Fisher McMaster, John, private Pawling McMaster, Robt, corporal Fisher McMaster, Robt, private Willet McMaster, Robt, private Fisher McMaster, Thomas.private Fisher McMasters, James, lieut. Fisher McMasters, Robert, sergt. Willet McMichael, James, private Van Alstyn McMichael, John, private Pawling McMichael, John, private Williams McMichael, John, private Webster McMichael, Robt., lieut Wemple McMichal, Alex'r, sergeant Wemple McMichal, Daniel, private Wemple McMichal, Daniel, private Wemple McMichal, John, private Armstrong McMichall, Alex'r, corpl. Wemple McMichall, Alex'r, private Wemple McMichall, Daniel, private Wemple McMichall, James, private Wemple McMicle, Ebenezer, priv. Willet McMiller, John, private Johnson McMitchell, Alex'r, private Wemple McMitchell, James, private Wemple McMitchell, John, sergeant Schuyler McMitt, Daniel, sergeant Williams McMoness, Hugh, private Fisher McMulland, John, private Johnson McMullen, Daniel, corpl. Van Rensselaer McMullen, Daniel, private Van Rensselaer McMullen, Hugh, private Van Rensselaer McMullen, Hugh, private Van Rensselaer McMullen, John, private Johnson McMullen, John, private Webster McMullen, John, private Webster Shaw Fonda Bogart ShawFonda Little Little Wanson McMaster McMasterMcMaster Burnet McMasterWestfall McMasterHoleMcMaster McMaster Snook Philips BurnetLong Long Wanson BanckerBancker Van Slyck Long Wanson Mynderson Mynderson Mynderson GrossOstrander Fonda Fonda HoganLong Fisher Gillispy Schermerhorn Woodworth WoodworthSchermerhorn Mastin McNitt Armstrong * Enlisted for six months in 1779; in Sackett's Co. for six months in 17S0 ; sergeant of Capt. Williams' Co. for six months in 1781. Island of Jamaica. A. P, 21-103. Roster of the State Troops. 423 Name and Rank. Regiment, McMullen, John, private Armstrong McMun, William, private Wessenfels McMunn, John, private Hathorn McMurray, Robert, private Webster McMurray, Robt, private Armstrong McNackten, Peter, sergt. Clyde McNaghten, Peter, lieut. Fisher McNagbten, Peter sergt. Fisher McName, William, corpl. Pawling McName, William, private Pawling McNamel, John, private Pawlin McNeal, Edward, lieut. McNeal, Henry, private McNeal, Neal, private McNeal, Will, private McNees, Alex'r, ensign McNees, Alex'r, ensign McNees, James, private McNees, Joseph, private McNees, Joseph, private McNeil, Arch'd, private McNeil, Arch'd, private McNeil, William, private McNish, Alex'r,* lieut McNish, Andrew, private McNish, Joseph, private McNitt, Alex'r, captain McNitt, Alex'r, captain McNitt, Alex'r, captain McNitt, Alex'r, private McNitt, Alex'r, private McNitt, Andrew, private ,.,,,.,,,, McNitt, Alexander, t priv. Williams McNitt, Daniel, sergeant Webster McNitt, Dan'l, private McNitt, David, sergeant McNitt, David, sergeant McNitt, John, private McNitt, John, private McNul, John, sergeant McNult, Alex'r, private McNut, And'w, private McNutt, And'w, private McNutt, Dan'l, private McNutt, James, private McNutt, James, private McNutt, John, private McNutt, John, private McNutt, Sam'l, private Macon, John, private McPherson, Dan'l, private Graham McPlum, John, corporal Graham McQuean, James, private Wemple McQueen, James, sergeant Wemple McQuery, David, private Willet McQuine, Corn's, private Malcom McQuivey, Asa, private Webster McQuivey, David, private Webster McQuivey, James, private Webster McQuivey, Simeon, corprl. Webster McReady, Wm., private Fisher McReary, John, private McReary, Robert, private McReary, Robert, private McReady, Robt., private McRoberts, John, private McSwainy, Daniel, private Pawling McSwany, Daniel, private Hathorn McSweeny, Dan'l, private Wessenfel3 McSweney, Dan'l, private Graham McTaggart, James, private Fisher McTassel, Peter, private Luddington McVane, Daniel, private Willet McVain, Dan'l, private McVan Evory, Jacob, priv. Dubois McVee, Benjamin, private Hathorn Company. Armstrong Hardenburgh Telford Armstrong Armstrong Dygert LittleLittleLivingston Livingston Pawling Newkirk Faulkner Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoof Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Scyuyler Tillman Williams Armstrong WebsterWebster McNitt Webster Long Webster Armstrong Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven Hicks Van Schoonhoven Collins Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Williams Webster Armstrong Webster Webster Webster Webster WilliamsWebsterWilliams WebsterWebsterGraham WilletArmstrong Armstrong Willet " Bellinger Armstrong Harper Wemple Fisher Johnson JohnsonJohnson Fisher Malcom ArmstrongArmstrong Armstrong Long McNitt Long HutchinsonLong McNitt Long Long Long LongMcMult Sherwood Livingston Long Long Starin Long Harrison Van Slyck Mynderse Van Petten Livingston McNitt Childs Childs Childs Fisher Cross Jansen Cross Snook Blakely Westfall Telford Westfall McMasterLane Gross Fonda Mervin Regiment. Newkirk Hathorn WebsterArmstrong Armstrong Armstrong Name ano Rank. McVey, Alex'r, private McWay, Daniel, private McWear, Wm., private McWear, Wm., private McWethy, David, private McWethy, Silas, corporal McWharter, James, private Armstrong McWharton, James, priv. Dubois MeWharton, Thomas, priv. Dubois MmWherter, James, priv. Van Woert McWherter, James, priv. McWhirter, James, priv. McWhorten, Jas., private McWhorter, Henry, priv. McWhorter, Hugh, sergt. McWhorter, Hugh, sergt McWhorter, Hugh, sergt. McWhorter, James, priv. McWhorter, John, ensign McWhorter, John, sergt McWhorter, John, private Hathorn McWhorter, John, private Hathorn McWhorter, Thos., private Wisner McWilhams, James, priv. Malcom McWilliams, John, private Willet McWithy, David, sergt. Webster McWithy, Isaac, private McWithy, James, private McWithy, Silas, private Madries, James, corporal Maffet, John, corporal Dubois Webster WisnerHathorn Hathorn Hathorn Hathorn Pawling Wisner Hathorn Webster Webster Webster Pawling Graham Magee, Alexander, private Schuyler Magee, James, captain Graham Magee, James, paymaster Graham Magee, James, private Van Woert Magee, John, private Cooper Magee, John, private Hays Magee, John, private Harper Magee, John, private Schuyler Magee, John, private Schuyler Magee, John, private Van Rensselaer Magee, Peter, private Wynkoop Magee, Sam'l, private Wynkoop Magey, Peter, sergeant Wynkoop Magey, Peter, private Wynkoop Magey, Peter, Jr., private Wynkoop Magh, Joshua, private Van Rensselaer Magibens, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Maginoress, Robt, private Wemple Magraw, Dan'l, private Fisher Magraw, Dennis, private Fisber Magraw, Jno., private Fisher Magraw, Owen, private Fisher Manallan, Hugh, private Vrooman Mahoney, Jacob, private Van Veghten Mahoney, Jacob, private Van Veghten Mahoney, James, private Wessenfels Mahoney, John, ensign Van Veghten Maid, Stephen, sergeant Crane Maid, Stephen, private Crane Mailes, Charles, private Wemple Maim, Jacob, private Vrooman Maim, Wm., private Wemple Main, James, sergeant Van Rensselaer Main, James, private Van Rensselaer Main, Wm., private Van Schoonhoven Main, Wm., private Wemple Maines, Charles, sergeant Wessenfels Mainerd, Elisha, private Thomas Mainrod, Stephen, private Thomas Mair, James, sergeant Mair, John D., private Mair, Wm., private Mais, Robert, private Makeel, John, private Van Rensselaer WilletWempleWynkoop Drake Makefal, William, private Willet Company. Crawford Telford Armstrong LongGano Gano Wells Gano Long Miller Shepherd BaileyMcCamleyShepherd Faulkner BalyMcCamley McCamley Shepherd BalyDrake Gross Childs Childs ChildsChildsBurnetHermance Slyngerlandt Pettit Gardner Onderdonk LawrenceLansing Slyngerlandt StaatsDe Witt De Witt Van Beuren SchoonmakerSchoonmaker Odle BriesWanson McMaster McMaster McMaster McMaster Richtmyer Dunham Woodworth Livingston LockwoodLockwood Mynders Stubrach Myndersou Randall Odle VisscherMynderse Pawling Miller Miller Rundall Conine Mynderse Van Beuren StraDg Elsworth during 1 October, 1780 ; exchanged October, '82. Washington, Seneca county. A. P. 20-99. 1784. Salem, Wash'n. Co. B 111, I 56. _ on county Militia prisoner at Fort Ann 424 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Makefee, William, private Willet Maker, Solomon, private Luddington Maker, Solomon, private Luddington Makesam, Benj'n, private Hopkins Makey, John, private Hathorn Malat, Richard, private Willet Malcom, William, colonel Maid, Richard, private Males, Charles, private Males, Charles, private Malet, Marks, private Malford, David, private Mallason, Timothy, private Van Rensselaer Mallery, Samuel, sergeant Van Ness Mallery, Wm., private Yates Malond, Jotm, private Graham Malone, John, private Willet Maloney, John, private Hathorn Malony, John, private Maloon, John, private Malot, John, private Maloy, Jobn, private Maloye, Thomas, private WilletWemple Wemple Johnson PawlingWilletFisherVan Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Maltimore, James, private Graham Maly, John, private Lansing Man, Jacob, private Fisher Man, James, private Harper Man, Solomon, private ^Graham Manday, Elijah, private Drake Manderfield, John, private Yates Mandevil, Henry, sergeant Hathorn Mandevill, Hend'k, corpl. Yates Mandevill, John, private Van Rensselaer Mandevill, John, private Van Rensselaer Mandevili, John, private Drake Mandevill, Jno., lieut. Dragoons Mandeville, Matt'w, corpl. Graham Mandeville, Stephen, priv. Thomas Mandovel, Matthew, sergt. Graham Mandovell, Matthew, corp. Graham Mane, Henry, private Van Rensselaer Mane, Jerem'h, private Van Rensselaer Mane, Sebeus, private Luddington Mane, William, private Van Schoonhoven Manger, Lawrence, private Van Rensselaer Manger, Lawrence, private Van Rensselaer Manneld, Calvin, private Van Veghten Mangham, Daniel, private Hammond Mangham, Daniel, private Thomas Mahoney, John, ensign Van Veghten Manicus, Casparus, private Brinckerhoff Mank, John, corporal Clyde Mann, George, private Hays Mann, Jacob, private Schuyler Mann, Peter, Jr., private Vrooman Mann, Peter, Jr., private Vrooman Mann, William, private Vrooman Mannery, Wm., private Brinckerhoff Mannon, Edward, private Wemple Manon, John, private Wemple Manrow, Joseph, fifer Crane Manrow, Nathan, private Crane Manrow, Selah, private Crane Mans, Jacob, pnvate Schuyler Mansfield, Thomas, private Van Veghten Manson, Silas, private Van Rensselaer Manvell, Adrian, private Field Many, James, private Hathorn Map, Joseph, private Van Schoonhoven Mapes, Bethuel, private Phillips Mapes, Bethuel, private Pawling Mapes, Bethwell, private Mapes, Henry, private Hathorn Mapes, Henry, private Wessenfels Mapes, Henry, private Wessenfels Mapes, Henry, private Pawling Mapes, Henry, private Malcom Mapes, Henry, Jr., private Wessenfels Mapes, James, private Malcom Mappes, Steph'n, private Willet Marble, Martin, sergeant Willet Company. Elsworth Knapp WaterburyWheelerCaseGrossGross Mynderse Bancker Fonda Mastin TurnerHadlockConklin Fonda Miller Westfall Putman Fisher SchermerhornSchermerhorn ConklinBrown Little Vroman HermanceBoyd Hadlock Van Deusen Vandenburgh DeGarmo Vanderhoof BoydDelavanMuller St. John Muller Muller TurnerTurner MeadVisscher TurnerTownsendWoodworth Requa Thomas Winne StormDiffendorf Bell Van Aerman Stubrach BrownBrown Van Wyck WansonMynderse Chapman Chapman Chapman Van Aernum WoodworthRandall HecockMerwin Hicks MillerWestfallVanduzer Mervin Brewster Westfall Westfall McKinstry Westfall McKinstry Newell Name and Rank. Marble, Sampson, private Marcell, Dirck, private Marces, Alex'r, private March, Stephen, private March, Stephen, private Marhat, Mark, private Marenas, Wm., private Mareness, Wm., corporal Marenus, Wm., private Marenus, Wm., private Marick, David, lieut. Marick, Isaac, private Marienes, Abraham, corpl. Marin, Charles, private Mariness, Wm., sergeant Marinus, Ab'm, corporal Marinus, Geo., private Marinus, George, private Marinus, Jerem'h, private Marinus, Jeremy, private Marinus, Jury, private Marinus, Thomas, private Marinus, Will., private Mark, Johannis, private Mark, Joseph, private Mark, Stephen, private Markel, Jacob, private Markel, Lawrence, private Markel, Mich'l, private Markell, Henry, private Markell, Matt'w, private Markell, Wm., private ' Market, Lawrence, private Markle, Dirk, private Markle, Johannis, private Markle, John, private Markle, Matt'w, private Marks, Comfort, private Marks, Eben'r, private Marks, Isaac, private Marks, Jesse, private Marks, Petre, private Marlat, John, private Marlatt, Gideon, lieut Marlatt, Gideon, ensign Marlatt, John, private Marlatt, Mich'l, private Marlatt, Tho's, private Marlatt, Thomas, private Marlatt, Mich'l, private Marquat, Jacob, private Marquat, Jacob, private Marr, Solomon, private Marrell, Mich'l, private Marrick, Abel, private Marrow, Alex'r, private Marroy, William, private Marsail, John, sergeant Marselis, Isaac, captain Merselous, Ahaswerus G.,p. Marselous, John, private Marselous, John, private Marselus, Garret, private Marsh, Elnathan, private Marsh, Ephraim, private Marsh, Eph'm, private Marsh, Ephraim, private Marsh, John, corporal Marsh, John, private Marsh, Marchus, private Marsh, Samuel, private Marsh, William, private Marsh, William, private Marshal, Ant'y, sergeant Marshal, Anth'y, private Marshal, Henry, private Marshal, Henry, private Marshal, John, corporal Marshal, Simeon, private Marshall, Ab'm, private Marshall, Ab'm, private Regiment. Willet Wemple Wemple KlockKlockFisherFisherFisher FisherLuddington Luddington Klock ' LuddingtonSchuyler Klock Schuyler Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Vrooman Van Rensselaer Harper Van Rensselaer Pawling Van Rensselaer Klock PawlingVan Bergen Schuyler Hopkins WempleWemple Van Bergen Klock Pawling Pawling Wemple Van Renselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Harper BellingerFisher Fisher FisherFisher FisherFisherFisherFisherWessenfelsGraham GrahamSchuyler Van Rensselaer Fisher Yates Van Alstyn Fisher WempleWempleWemple Schuyler FieldYates Van Rensselaer Yates Yates Field Graham Malcom Williams William BenedictCrane HathornCrane FisherVan Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Company. Tearse Van Atten Van Slyck Hess Wagner Fonda Degraas Tisher Fisher Scribner Scribner Ruff KnappSlingerlandt Ruff Ostrum Bries Bries Bries BogartBries Faulkner Schermerhorn Zeely Piercy DuboisVan Aernum Van Benschoten Van Petten Van Petten HoghtalingKock WestbrookHunter Van Petten SchermerhornSchermerhorn Schermerhorn Harrison Frank Fisher Gartner GartnerHoganGartnerMabeeGartner FisherWhiteConklin HermanceVan Aernum De Garmo Snook Hadlock Claw Bancker Fonda Van Slyck Lansing Barnum Hadlock De Garmo Brown Hadlock Barnum Hermance Blakely ShepardsonStowel Bouton Conklin Bouton Fisher Woodworth Woodworth Dunham Roster of the State Troops. 425 Name and Rank. Marshall, Arnon, private Marshall, Amon, private Marshall, Anthony, private Marshall, Elihu, captain Marshall, Elihu, private Marshall, Enos, private Marshall, Henry, private Marshall, Henry, private Marshall, James, private Marshall, Jerem'h, sergt. Marshall, Jeremiah, sergt. Marshall, John, sergeant Marshall, John, private Marshall, Simeon, corpl. Marshall, Simeon, corporal Marshall, Simon, sergeant Marshall, Simon, private Marshall, Wm., private Marshel, Joseph, private Marsten, Aert, private Marsters, Wm., corporal Marshurll, Josiah, private Marten, Cha's, private Marten, Dan'l, private Marten, Joseph, private Marthews, Joseph, private Marthis, Henry, private Martial, James, private Martiell, Dan'l, private Martill, Abr'm, private Martin, Alexander, corpl. Martin, Alexander, private Martin, Alex'r, private Martin, Alexander, private Martin, Alex'r, private Martin, Amassa, private Martin, Arch'd, sergeant Martin, Arch'd, private Martin, Arch'd, private Martin, Chas., private Martin, Dan'l, lieut. Martin, Fred'k, private Martin, Gershom, private Martin, Henry, private Martin, Henry, private Martin, Hugh, private Martin, James, private Martin, Jeremiah, private Martin, Jeremiah, private Martin, John, lieut. Martin, John, private Martin, John, private Martin, John, private Martin, John, private Martin, John, private Martin, Joseph, corporal Martin, Joseph, private Martin, Joseph, private Martin, Moses, private Martin, Moses, private Martin, Nath'l, private Martin, Peter, lieut Martin, Peter, lieut Martin, Philip, private Martin, Philip, private Martin, Philip, private Martin, Philip,* private Martin, Philip, private Martin, Rich'd, private Martin, Robt, corporal Martin, Robert, corporal Martin, Robert, private Martin, Robt., private Martin, Thomas, private Martin, Thomas, private Martin, Thomas, private MartiD, Wm., private Regiment. Company. Crane Lewis Crane Scofield Crane Scofield Willet Yates Weltse Van Alstyn Philips Wessenfels Godwin Crane Lewis Wessenfels White Johnson Cross Johnson Gillispy Fisher Gartner Fisher Putman Van Veghten Woodworth Willet Gray Van Veghten Woodworth Van Veghten Woodworth Hopkins Waters Crane Brinckerhoff Van Benschoten Yates Vandenburgh Hopkins Barnum Wemple Mynderson Pawling Van Aken Pawling Van Ak Drake Haight Hadlock Yates Pawling Burnet Vau Rensselaer Hawley Fisher Fisher Klock Zeely Klock Zeely Klock Miller Klock Bedhig Bradbig Klock Willett Marshall Wessenfels Westfall Pawling Westfall Dubois Gano Wemple Mynderse Drake Haight Van Bergen VandenburghYatesVan Rensselaer Van Wyck De Garmo Webster Armstrong Townsend Van Rensselaer Yates * Hadlock Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoof Webster Armstrong Johnson Cross Hays Onderdonk Hammond Comb Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Fisher Little Armstrong McNitt Van Rensselaer Wynkoop Dedrick Webster McNitt Armstrong McNitt Van Rensselaer Yates Van Rensselaer De Garmo Klock Breadbake Klock Miller Klock Zeely Fisher Veeder Fisher Putman Van Rensselaer Odle Clyde Bowman Harper Putman Stevenson Van Rensselaer Odle Wessenfels White Dubois Dubois Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoof Wemple Mynderse Name and Rank. Regiment. Martine, Dan'l, private Drake Martine, James, private Luddington Martine, feamuel, private Luddington Martine, Thomas, private Van Rensselaer Martine, Wm.,t private Hammond Martion, Thomas, private Hathorn Martling, Daniel, captain Hammond Martling, David, corporal Martling, Peter, private Martling, Peter, private Marton, John, lieut Marutt, Stephen, private Marven, Martin, private Marvin, Gerard, private Marvin, Jem, private Marvin, Martin, private Marvin, Matt'w, private Marvin, Matt'w, private Marvin, Matt'w, private Marvin, Matt., corporal Marvin, Stephen, pnvate Mash, John, private Mash, Wm., private Mashanunce, John, priv. Mason, Francis, private Mason, Gerard, sergeant Mason, Jerem'h, private Mason, Jerem'h, private Mason, Jerred, sergt. Mason, John, corporal Mason, John, private Mason, John, private Mason, John, private Mason, Silas, private Masoner, John, private Masoner, John, private Masor, James, private Massy, And'w, sergeant Masten, Abr'm, corporal Masten, Ab'm, private Masten, Abr'm, Jr., priv. Masten, Abr'm A., private Wynkoop Masten, Corn's, private Wynkoop Masten, Corn's B., corporal Snyder Masten, Corn's B., corpl. Wynkoop Masten, Corn's C, corpl. Masten, Daniel, private Masten, Dan'l, private Masten, Ezekiel, private Masten, Ezekiel, private Masten, Hendrick, private Hathorn Masten, Hend'k, Jr., priv. Snyder Masten, Hendricus, priv. Wynkoop Masten, Johannes, private Johnson Masten, Johannes B., priv. Wynkoop Masten, Johannes C, sergt Wynkoop Masten, Johannes E., priv. Wynkoop Masten, John, corporal Johnston Masten, John, private Johnson Masten, John, private Philips Masten, John C., private Snyder Masten, Joseph, private Hathorn Masten, Joseph, private Wynkoop Masten, Matthew, private Pawling Masten, Robt., private Wemple Masten, Taves, pnvate Johnson Masters, Richard, private Hathorn Mastin, Aart, sergeant Johnson Mastin, Abraham, private Johnson Mastin, Art, sergeant Johnson Mastin, Aurt, private Brinckerhoff Mastin, Cornelius, captain Johnson Mastin, Cornelius, private Hathorn Mastin, Ezekiel, private Johnson Mastin, Ezekiel, private Brinckerhoff Mastin, James, private Wessenfels Mastin, John, private Johnson Hammond Hammond Van Bergen Williams Van Bergen Van Rensselaer Van Veghten Van Veghten Harper Van Rensselaer SchuylerSchuyler Van Rensselaer YatesYates Graham Wessenfels Thomas Thomas Thomas Fisher Willet WempleFisher Van Rensselaer Fisher FisherBrinckerhoffField JohnsonWynkoopWynkoop Wynkoop Piatt WynkoopHopkins Hammond Company. Haight Waterbury Waterbury Vanderhoof Telford C 83, Aa 43 MartlingCombs Honeywell Armstrong SharpDunning Van Woert Drake ShawSharp Tillman Husted Van Schaick Brutt Wilson Shephard Purdy Fonda St. John Little Putman Bancker Little Odle McMaster Snook Brower DyckmanGillispy BogardusBogardus BogardusBogardus Swart Van Beuren Brodhead SwartVan Benschoten Bogardus Swart Bogardus Jansen Bogardus BogardusSwartWilkinWilkin OstranderSwartBogardusPierceyMynderson Wilkin MinthornRoosa Gillispy Gillispy Van Benschoten Bogardus Gillispy Van Benschoten Hardenburgh Smith * Wounded in the right thigh at Onskanie August 6, 1777, and in the left arm at Johnstown October 25, 1717. Caughnawaga District, Montgomery county. C 2, Cc 57. 1 102. t Wounded in the pnvate parts at Stephentown, Westchester county. Bb 54. 54 426 Hosier of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Mastin, John, private Thomas Hubby Mastin, Samuel, private Willet Piercy Mastin, Thomas, private Wessenfels Thompson Maston, Daniel, private Wessenfels Pawling Maston, George, private Van Sch Maston, John, private Johnson Maston, Jon'n, private Johnson Maston, Joseph, private Willet Matcher, Lodowick, priv. Schuyler Materstock, Adam, private Wynkoop Materstock, Jacob, private Wynkoop Materstock, John, sergeant Wynkoop Materstock, John, private Wynkoop Materstock, Peter, private Wynkoop Mathers, James,* private McClaughry Mathes, Hend'k, private Vrooman Mathews, Luke, private Thomas Mathias, Jb., lieut. Clyde Mathies, Henrich, private Vrooman Mathors, Stephen, corporal Drake Matson, David, private Van Rensselaer Matterstock, Peter, private Wynkoop Mattes, Joh's, private Vrooman Matthew, James, private Pawling Matthews, Abner, private Whiting Matthews, Clerk, private Van Schoonhoven Taylor Matthews, Henry, corporal Yates Matthews, Henry, private Yates Matthews, Jabez, private Willet Name and Rank. Regiment. Clyde Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Gillispy Jansen Lansing Jansen Hobby Leipe RightmierOdle DedrickRichtmyerWestfall Gilbert HadlockPearcy Stevenson Husted Brewster ConklinGardner Haight ArmstrongLivingston McNitt Armstrong Matthews, Luke, private Matthews, Obediah, priv. Van Rensselaer Matthews, Peter, private Wessenfels Matthews, Samuel, corpl. Graham Matthews, Samuel, private Hays Matthews, Samuel private Drake Matthews, William, priv. Armstrong Matthewson, Warin, priv. Willet Matthison, Daniel, private Williams Mattias, William, private Webster Mattice, Ab'm, private Vrooman Mattice, Ab'm, private Vrooman Heager Mattice, Coenraed, private Vrooman Heager Mattice, Elias, private Vrooman Heager Mattice, Fred'k, private Vrooman Heager Mattice, George, private Vrooman Heager Mattice, Henrich, private Vrooman Rightmier Mattice, Henrich, Jr., priv. Vrooman Mattice, Johannis, private Vrooman Mattice, Johannis, private Vrooman Mattice, Job annis, Jr., pr. Vrooman Mattice, John, private Vrooman Mattice, John, private Vrooman Mattice, John, Jr., private Vrooman Mattice, John H., private Vrooman Mattice, Joost, sergeant Vrooman Mattice, Joost, sergeant Vrooman Mattice, Joost, private Vrooman Mattice, Nicholas, private Vrooman Mattice, Nich's, Jr., priv. Vrooman Mattice, Nich. F., pnvate Vrooman Mattice, Nich's J., private Vrooman Mattison, Daniel, private Webster Mattue, George, private Willet Maun, Jacob, private Vrooman Maun, Jacob, private Vrooman Maun, Jacob, private Vrooman Maun, Peter, Jr., private Vrooman Maun, Peter, Jr., private Vrooman Maun, William, sergeant Vrooman Maun, Wm., sergeant Vrooman Mann, Wm., sergeant Vrooman Mann, Wm., sergeant Vrooman Maun, Wm., private Vrooman Mawer, Henry, private Fisher Maxfield, John, sergeant Graham Maxon, Stephen, fifer Van Rensselaer Maxson, Stephen, private Van Rensselaer May, Daniel, private Piatt May, John Wm., private Yates Maybee, Abraham, private Hays RightmierBecker Rightmier Heager BeckerHeagerRichtmyer Heager Rightmier Heager HeagerMcNitt Debois Brown Stubrach Miller Stubrach MillerStubrach Miller RightmyerBrown Snook ConklinHustedHusted Bloom Maybee, David, private Maybee, Jacob, private Maybee, Jacob, sergeant Maybee, Jesper, pnvate Maybee, Joseph, private Maybee, Peter, corporal Maybee, Peter, private Mayer, Corn's, corporal Mayer, Dewalt, private Mayer, Fred'k, sergeant Mayer, Fred'k, private Mayer, Henry, corporal Mayer, Henry, private Mayer, Henry, private Mayer, Johannis, private Mayer, John, corporal Mayer, Joseph, corporal Mayer, Lewis, private Mayer, Matthias, private Mayer, Mich'l, sergeant Mayer, Nich's, private Mayer, Nich's, private Mayer, Peter, private Mayer, Peter, private ueiur Mayerson, Thomas, private Field Mayfield, John, private Graham Mayland, Leonard, private Van Rensselaer Maynard, Isaiah, private Thomas Maynard, Johh, private Thomas Maze, Ab'm, private Meach, Joseph, private Mead, Aaron, private Mead, Aaron, private Mead, Abner, private Mead, Abr'm, private Mead, And'w, q. m. sergt. Mead, And'w, private Mead, Billey, private Mead, Calvin, private Mead, Dan'l, private David, private David, private David, private Ebenezer, private Eben'r, private Mead. MeadMeadMead Mead, MeadMead Mead Mead Dueu r, unvaLtr 1'ratve Eben'r, Jr., private Drake l?Jrv...r.rl r.„4^„4„ F, r „ I r r. Mead,Mead.Mead! Mead,Mead. Mead, _.. . , ., . ., , ... — Mead, Edmund, private Mead, Eli, private Mead, Enoch, adjutant Mead, Enoch, private Mead, Enoch, private Mead, Ethan, private Mead, Ezekiel, corporal Mead, Ezekiel, private Mead, Gilbert, private Halsey, corporal Halsey, private Henry, private Hezekiah, captain Isaac, private Isaac, private Isaiah, sergeant Ismeal, private ._, Jacob, ensign Mead, Jacob, sergeant Mead, James, private Mead, Jerem'h, private Mead, Jesse, private Mead, Joel, captain Mead, Joel, pnvate Mead, John, private Mead, Jonah, sergeant Mead, Jonah, corporal Alead, Jonah, private Mead, Joseph, drummer Mead, Joseph, private Mead, Joseph, private Mead, Joseph, private Mead, Joseph, private Mead, Joshua, sergeant Hathorn Hays Clyde Hays Hays Van Rensselaer Klock Livingston Bellinger Bellinger Clyde Van Rensselaer LivingstonBellingerBellingerWillet Bellinger Bellinger Bellinger Bellinger Bellinger Bellinger Luddington Yates Van Woert CraneLuddington'Crane Benedict Thomas Luddington Crane DrakeHaysCrane Brinckerhoff Pawling Drake DrakeGrahamBenedict Drake Crane Drake Thomas Hays DrakeCrane Crane LuddingtonMalcom Luddington Hopkins Dubois Luddington Luddington Luddington Brinckerhoff CraneLuddington Hays WilletThomas Dubois Crane Pawling DrakeDrake DrakeThomas Company. Dygert Minthorn Minthorn Dygert Sharp Miller SmithHerder Herder Dygert Sharp SmithHerder Herder Putman Herder Herder Herder Staring Herder Staring Dykeman LansingThomas Thomas Mead Hadlock Gilmore Lawrence Mead Dawrence Gilbert Mead Lawrence Drake StevensonLawrence Brinckerhoff Westfall Haight Haight Williams Seely Lawrence Seely St. John Stevenson DrakeTruesdel Truesdell Lockwood Livingston MeadWaters Chamberlain Baker Mead Mead Van Benschoten Bouton Smith HarrisonSt. John Delivan Lawrence Sackett Stevenson Drake Boyd Haight St. John * Shot through right shoulder at Fort Clinton Oct. 6, 1777. Leatherdresser, N. Y. city. C 137, Aa 69, I 51. Roster of the State Troops. 427 Name and Rank. Regiment, Mead, Joshua, private Thomas Mead, Joshua, private Drake Mead, Levi, private Crane Mead, Lewis, private Wessenfels Mead, Lewis, private Wessenfels Mead, Libbeus,* Bergeant Drake Mead, Marshal, private Pawling Mead, Marshal, private Crane Mead, Marshal, private Drake Mead, Marshall, private Wessenfels Mead, Marshall, private Drake Mead, Marshel, private Drake Mead, Martial, private Pawling Mead, Moses, private Luddington Mead, Neh'h, private Yates Mead, Noah, pnvate Yates Mead, Selah, private Drake Mead, Sely, sergeant Drake Mead, Stephen, corporal Thomas Mead, Stephen, corporal Crane Mead, Stephen, private Drake Mead, Zachariah, private Mead, Zaleek, private Mead, Zalock, private Meade, Joh., private Meads, Joseph, sergeant Meads, Joseph, private Meager, Jon n, private Meales, Chas., private Means, Charles, sergeaant Pawling Meares, Thomas, private Fisher Measureall, Corn's, private Hopkins Measureall, Corn's, private Field Meckel, Johannis, private WynKoop Meeker, Jon'n, private Meddock, Aurt, private Meddock, James, private Medew, Lewis, private Medlar, Christ'r, private Medonate, Nich's, private Fisher Meed, David, private Brinckerhoff ' Meed, Joseph, private Meeks, Joseph, private Meeks, Joseph, private Meeks, Josiah, private Megee, John, private Megger, Samuel, private Megmce, Peter, private Megin, Dan'l, private Meiggs, Benj'n, private Meinard, Christian, private Clyde Meker, Dan'l, private Meker, John, private Meker, Robt., sergeant Mekill, John, sergeant Melangdon, Benjamin, pr. Melegan, Robt., private Mellar, Jno., private Melody, Sam'l, corporal Melody, Sam'l, corporal Melon, John, private Melony, John, private Melony, John, private Melony, John, private Menard, Elisha, private Menard, Stephen, private Thomas Mendsirl, Hend'k; corpl. Yates Menema, John, private Menet, Ab'm, private Mengus, David, private Menter, Elijah,- private Metiter, Robert, private Ments, Christ'r, private Mentz, John, private Mercer, Alex'r, private Merchant, Abel, private Mercy, And'w, private Merenis, George, private Merenis, Jerem'h, private Vrooman Company. Sackett Haight LockwoodWhite Livingston Lawrence Sacket TruesdellBuckhoutHunt Drake Haight Sacket MeadWiltse Weltse Haight St. John Truesdel Delivan Van Schoonhoven White Crane Drake Whiting Van Rensselaer Yates Van Rensselaer Wemple Van Ness Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Weisenfels DrakeHays Hays Webster Schuyler Piatt Williams Williams Fisher Drake HopkinsGraham Van Woert WilliamsWilliams Willet Hathorn Hathorn Phillips Thomas Hopkins Drake Wessenfels Van Rensselaer Van Woert Piatt Johnson Wemple Hopkins DuboisVrooman Lawrence Seely Cady De Garmo Hadlock Graves MynderseLivingstonMcMasterBarnumHecockWhitingVan Benschoten Van Benschoten Van B<" chouten Brinckerhoff BuckhoutAckersonBlauveltChilds Groot BrodheadArmstrong Minthorn Rice BrownVan Duzer Veeder Drake Lane Sherwood Gilmore Shepardson Rice Putman Sayres Minthorn Miller St. John St. John BruttVan Benschoten White Shaw Whiteside Van Santvoort Gillispy Van Slyck Wheeler LeeStubrachBrown Name and Rank. Regiment. Merenus, Jerem'h, private Schuyler Merete, Amos, private Van Rensselaer Mericale, Jacob, private Willet Merick, Thomas, sergeant Van Veghten Meriman, Titas, private Pawling Meriness, George, private Schuyler Meriness, Jerem'h, private Schuyler Meriness, William, sergt. Schuyler Meriness, WiUiam, private Schuyler Merinis, George, private Vrooman Merit, Ab'm, private Dragoon Merkel, Fred'k, private Clyde Merkel, Johannis, private Wynkoop Merkell, Benjamin, private Graham Merkell, Benj'n, private Canton Merkle, Dewalt, private Klock Merkle, Dewalt, private Klock Merkle, Henrich, private Vrooman Merkle, Hend'k, private Vrooman Merkle, Jacob, private Wessenfels Merkle, Jacob, private Vrooman Merkle, Jacob, private Vrooman Merkle, John, private Vrooman Merkle, Matthias, corporal Clyde Merkle, Michael, corporal Clyde Merkle, Michael F., priv. Clyde Merkle, Nich's, private Merkle, Peter, private Merkle, Philip, private Merkle, Philip, private Merky, Max, private Merrel, Morres, private Merrel, Morris, private Merrick, Abel, private Merrick, Peter, private Company. Vischer Graves Dunning WoodGroot Groot Slyngerlandt GrootStubrach Delavan Brown Hasbrouck Klock Shuts Stubrach Miller LivingstonStubrach Miller Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Klock Miller Richtmyer KlineDeGarmo Vanderhoof Vrooman Klock VroomanVrooman Livingston Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Van Rensselaer Shaw Merrick, Stephen, private Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Merrick, Stephen, private Van Schoonhoven Hicks Merrick, Thomas, sergeant Van Veghten Winne Merril, Morris, sergeant Van Rensalaer Vanderhoof Van Rensselaer YatesVan Rensselaer Malcom Thomas Graham Hopkins Merril, Morris, private Merril, Moses, sergeant Merrit, Amos, corporal Merrit, Amos, private Merrit, Daniel, private Merrit, Eben'r, private Merrit, Eben'r, private Merrit, Eben'r, private Merrit, George, private Johnson Merrit, Jerem'h, private Malcom Merrit, John, private Thomas Merrit, John, private Piatt Merrit, Joseph, private Vandenburgh Merrit, Joseph, private Brinckerhoff Merrit, Sylvanus, drum'r, Thomas Merrit, Silv's, private Thomas Merrit, Thomas, private Johnson Merrith, Abm., private Drake Merritt, Abm., private Malcom Merritt, Abm., private Drake Merritt, Eben'r, private Pawling Merritt, Eben'r, private Willet Merritt, Jeremiah, private Merritt, John, private Crane Merritt, Luke, private Crane Merselis, Guysbert, private Wemple Mersellis, John, private Wemple Merselous, Ahasu's G., p. ' Wemple Merselous, Alex'r, private Wemple Merselous, Alex'r, private Wemple Merselous, Arent, private Wemple Merselous, Guysbert, priv. Wemple Merselous, Hend'k, pnvate Wemple Merselous, Henry, private Wemple Merselous, John, private Wemple Merselous, John, private Wemple Merselous, John, private Wemple Merselous, John B., priv. Merselous, John N, priv. Wemple Merselous, Swares, private Wemple Vanderhoof Hadlock Philip Delavan Hobby Hermance Wheeler Humfrey OstranderDelavan Chapman Lee Van Wyck Brinckerhoff Purdy HobbyOstranderHaight Delavan Pawling Gillet Stevenson LawrenceLockwood BanckerMynderson MynderseVan Slyck Van Slyck Fonda Bancker Van Atten Mynderson Van Slyck FondaBancker Bancker * Enlisted in Col. Chas. Webb's, June, 1775; discharged, and re-enlisted early in 1776 in Capt. Slawson's Company ; shot through right hip, and otherwise severely wounded at Crompo, April 27, 1777. B 148, I 31. A. P. 14-528, 21-57. Shoemaker, Lower Salem, Westchester county. 428 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Mersclus, Gerret M., priv. Schuyler Vischer Millard, Nath'l, private Van Veghten Dunham Merser, Alex'r, private Wemple Millard, Robt, private Van Veghten Thompson Mervin, Jobn, private Yates Hadlock Millard, Robt., private Van Veghten Dunham Mervin, Matt'w, private Willet Tearse Millard, Stephen, private Yates Brown Mervin, Seth, captain Hathorn Millegan, Robt, private Van Veghten Winne Meser, Jno., private Van Woert Gilmore Milleman, John, private Yates Meseret, J ohn, private Quackenboss Miller, Abijah, private Thomas Miller Messavy, Geo, private Van Bergen Honeywell Miller, Abijah, private Thomas St. John Metross, James, private Drake Miller, Abm., private Johnson Wood Metz, John, private Johnson Jansen Miller, Abraham, private Johnson Cross Meyer, Christ'r, private Van Rensselaer Sharp Miller, Abm., private Pawling Sacket Meyer, Henry, private Clyde House Miller, Abraham, private Thomas Sacket Meyer, Henry, private Van Rensselaer Sharp Miller, Adam, private Fisher Yates Meyer, John, private Clyde Leipe Miller, Adam, private Fisher Veeder Meyer, John, private Van Rensselaer Miller, Alex'r, private Miller, Alexander, private Hathorn Minthorn Meyer, Stephen, private Snyder Swart Wessenfels Godwin Meyers, Fred'k, sergeant Van Rensselaer Elliot Miller, Alex'r, private Wisner Baly Micars, Green, private Thomas St John Miller, Andrew, captain Hathorn Michael, Chas., private Van Rensselaer Sharp Miller, Andrew, captain Phillips Michael, Peter, pnvate Van Rensselaer Miller, And'w, captain Wisner Michal, Hugh, private Wemple Bancker Miller, Andrew, corporal Willet Cannon Michal, Robt, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Miller, And'w, private Wessenfels Westfall Michard, Henry, private Fonda Miller, Andrew, private Willet Ellsworth Michel, Geo., private Van Rensselaer Sharp Miller, And'w, private Van Rensselaer Sharp De Forest Mickel, Jurian, private Van Rensselaer Staats Miller, Andries, lieut. Van Rensselaer Mickel, Nich's, private Van Rensselaer Staats Miller, Andries, lieut. Schuyler Forest Mickell, Carl, private Van Rensselaer Sharp Miller, Asra, private Pawling Faulkner Mickell, Nich's, private Van Rensselaer Sharp Miller, Barent, corporal Van Rensslaer Sharp Mickle, John, private Fonda Miller, Barent, private Schuyler Scharp Middagh, Abm., private Cantine Miller, Benj'n, surgeon Benedict Middagh, Aert, private Brinckerhoff Van Benschoten Miller, Benj'n, private Van Rensselaer Husted Middagh, Dan'l, private Wessenfels Westfall Miller, Casher, private Van Alstyn Van Buren Middagh, George, private Cantine Hasbrouck Miller, Chas., private Webster Childs Middagh, James, private Brinckerhoff Van Benschoten Miller, Christ'r, captain Graham Middle, Christ'r, private Harper Vroman Miller, Christ'r, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Middlebrook, Mich'l, lieut Van Schoonhoven White Miller, Coenrad, private Clyde Diffeudorf Middlebrook, Mich'l, ser. Van Schoonhoven White Miller, Coenraed, private Clyde House Middledaugh, Aert, drum' r Hopkins Van Benschoten Miller, Coenraed, private Clyde Ruff Middleton, Benj'n, sergt. Middleton, Benj'n, private Midgley, Joseph, private Van Rensselaer Turner Miller, Conrad, private Fisher Yates Van Rensselaer Woodworth Miller, Conradt, private Klock Ruff Wessenfels Dodge Miller, Corn's, sergeant Thomas Miller Mier, Abraham, private Wessenfels Pawling Miller, Cornelius, sergeant Thomas Sackett Mier, Cornelius, private Wessenfels Pawling Miller, Corn's, sergeant Thomas St. John Mier, John, private Clyde Van Everat Miller, Dan'l, private Thomas Thomas Miers, John, private Van Rensselaer Staats Miller, Daniel, private Thomas St. John Miers, Stephen, private Van Veghten Dunham Miller, David, private Van Veghten Winne Milburn, Andrew, private Hathorn Case Miller, David, private Wisner Miller Milburn, Andrew, private Johnson Cross Miller, Dionnius, private Clyde House Milburn, John, sergeant Pawling Hunter Miller, Dionicius, private Miller, Dirck, captain Clyde Leipe Milduin, Dan'l, private Cantine Vrooman Mileman, John, private Yates Yates Miller, Ebenezer, private Thomas Sacket Miles, Benajah, private Dubois Lee Miller, Eben'r, private Thomas St. John Miles, Benajah, private Miles, Benajah, private Brinckerhoff Schult Miller, Edward, private Hathorn Telford Graham Pearce. Miller, Elezer, private Van Veghten Van Woert Miles, Jerem'h, private Van Rensselaer Townsend Miller, Elias, private Wessenfels White Miles, John, private Brinckerhoff Schult Miller, Eliazer, private Willet Van Renselaer Miles, Nath'l, lieut Van Rensselaer Cady Miller, Enos, corporal Thomas Miller Miles, Noah, private Hopkins Brinkerhoff Miller, Enos, private Miller, Ezekiel, private Thomas St. John Miles, Noah, private Brinckerhoff Schult Armstrong McNitt Miles, Solomon, private Thomas St. John Miller, Felte, private Bellinger Herder Miles, Thomas, private Van Rensselaer De Garmo Miller, Fred'k, private Fisber Yates Miles, William, corporal Wessenfels Hunt Miller, Garret, private Klock Ruff Miles, William, corp'l Malcom 1 Delavan Miller, Garret, private Clyde Ruff Miles, William, private Willet Skinner Miller, Garret, private Van Duzer Miles, William, private Willet Harrison Miller, Geo., private Wessenfels White Milks, Benjamin, private Van Rensselaer Miller, George, private Willet Putman Millage, Thomas, private Dubois Gano Miller, George, private Pawling Faulkner Millar, James, private Van Woert Brown Miller, George, private Pawling Livingston Millar, John, private Van Schoonhoven Miller, Geo,, private Fisher Veeder Millar, John, private Van Woert Gilmore Miller, Geo., private Fisher Putnam Millar, Robt., private Van Woert Whiteside Miller, Geo., private Van Veghten Weisenfels Dunham Millard, Eddy, private Van Veghten Woodworth Miller, Geo., private Millard, Eleazer, private Van Veghten Thompson Miller, Gesper, private Thomas Sackett Millard, Elezer, corporal Van Veghten Miller, Gideon, corporal Thomas Sackett Millard, Elijah, private Millard, Elijah, private Van Renselaer Shaw Miller, Gideon, corporal Thomas Chapman Purdy Van Rensseiaer Husted Miller, Gilbert, private Thomas Millard, Jed'h, private Van Veghten DenniDg Miller, Hakaliah, private Thomas St. John Millard, John, private Van Rensselaer Odle Miller, Hakaliat, private Thomas Miller Millard, John, private Van Rensselaer Shaw Miller, Hans, private Johnson Cross Millard, Jno., private Van Rensselaer Randall Miller, Harman, private Van Rensselaer Sharp Millard, John, drum'r Van Rensselaer Husted Miller, Hend'k, private Van Rensselaer De Forest Millard, Nath'l, private Van Veghten Winne Miller, Hend'k, private Schuyler Sharp Roster of the State Troops. 429 Name and Rank. Miller, Hend'k, private Miller, Henry, captain Miller, Henry, corporal Miller, Henry, corporal Miller, Henry, private Miller, Henry, private Miller, Henry private Miller, Henry, private Miller, Henry, private Miller, Hezekiah, private Miller, Hezekiah, lieut Regiment. Yates Klock Bellinger Yates Graham Drake Van Rensselaer Crane Van Ness ThomasThomas Van Schoonhoven Taylor BellingerVan Rensselaer Fisher Miller, Increase, sergeant Thomas Miller, Isaac, lieut. Thomas Miller, Isaac, lieut. Thomas Miller, Isaac, lieut. Thomas Miller, Jacob, private Thomas Miller, Jacob, private Thomas Miller, Jacob, private Thomas Miller, Jacob, private Miller, Jacob, private Miller, Jacob, private Miller, Jacob, private Miller, Jacob, Jr., private Wemple Miller, Jacob P., sergeant Schuyler Miller, Jacobus, private Johnson Miller, Jacobus, private Miller, Jacobus, private Miller, James, lieut. Miller, James, sergeant Miller, James, corporal Miller, James, private Miller, James, private Miller, James, private Miller, James, private Miller, James, private Miller, James, private Miller, James, private Miller, James, private Miller, James, private Miller, James, private Miller, Jedediah, private Miller, Jelles, private Miller, Jerem*h, lieut. Miller, Jerem'h, private Miller, Jerem'h, private Miller, Jerem'h, private Miller, Jeremy J., sergeant Van Rensselaer Miller, Johannes, private Johnson Miller, Johannis, private Miller, Johannis, private Miller, John, sergeant Miller, John, sergeant Miller, John, corporal Miller, John, private Company. Vandenburgh FrankVan Den Burgh Williams Seely Sharp Lawrence Sackett St. John St. John MillerSt. John Sacket Sacket Chapman St. John PawlingHarperThomas Drake Willet Johnson Johnson WilletWebster ThomasWisner Thomas Benedict Brinkerhoff Van Veghten Fisher GrahamThomasVan Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Schuyler Ostrum Staring Freest Yates WansonLansing J an sc n BurnetPutman Thomas Haight Putman Wood Cross Long Purdy Miller Van Duzer ThomasGould Brinkerhoff Winne WempleMillerSt. John Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, privat Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, private JohnsonNewkirk Clyde FisherHathornHathornKlock JohnsonJohnsonPawling Pawling ThomasClyde Malcom Graham Piatt Klock Philip Jansen Wilkin McBride House Yeoman Miller Telford Miller Jansen Wilkin Faulkner Burnet SackettDiffendorfDrake Lansing BloomCayser Van Schoonhoven Visscher Drake Haight Bellinger Frank Bellinger , Herder Bellinger * Staring Van Rensselaer De Forest Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Schuyler Schuyler SchuylerVan Veghten Drake Wisner Crane Sharp Husted Forest Lansing Ostrum Dunning Boyd Baly SteenberghLawrence Name and Rank. Miller, John, private Miller, John, private Miller, John, Jr., private Miller, John, Jr., private Miller, John Crysy, lieut. Miller, John C, private Miller, John C, private Miller, Jonas, private Miller, Jonathan, private Miller, Jonathan, private Miller, Jon'n, private Miller, Joseph, lieut. Miller, Joseph, lieut. Miller, Joseph, lieut. Miller, Joseph, private Miller, Joshua, private Miller, Josiah. captain Miller, Josiah, sergeant Miller, Josiah, sergeant Miller, Josiah, private Miller, Josiah, private Miller, Lemuel, private Miller, Lemuel, private Miller, Lemuel, corporal Miller, Leonard, private Miller, Luykes, private Miller, Matt'w, private Miller, Moses, private Miller, Nath'l, private Miller, Nath'l, private Miller, Nath'l, private Miller, Nathan, private Miller, Nathan, private Miller, Nathan, private Miller, Nich's, private Miller, Nich's, private Miller, Peter, private Miller, Peter, private Miller, Peter, private Miller, Peter, private Miller, Peter, private Miller, Peter, private Miller, Peter, Sr., private Miller, Philip, private Miller, Philip, private Miller, Phillip, private Miller, Phillip, private Miller, Richard, private Miller, Robert, qr. mr. sgt. Miller, Robt., private Miller, Robt, private Miller, Robt., private Miller, Samuel, lieut. Miller, Samuel, sergeant Miller, Samuel, private Miller, Samuel, private Miller, Samuel, private Miller, Samuel, private Miller, Samuel, private Miller, Samuel, private Miller, Samuel, private Miller, Samuel, private Miller, Silas, lieut. Miller, Silas, lieut. _ Miller, Solomon, private Miller, Thadeus, private Miller, Thaniel, private Miller, Thomas, private Miller, Timothy, ensign Miller, Timothy, private Miller, Titus, private Miller, Valentine, private Miller, Volcker, pnvate Miller, Volckert, private Miller, William, ensign Miller, Wm., corporal Miller, Wm., private Miller, Wm., private Miller, Wm., private Miller, Zedie, private Millerd, John, private Regiment. Van Rensselaer Van Alstyn Johnson Drake Drake Clyde BenedictLivingston Thomas Vau Alstyn Van Alstyn Thomas ThomasThomas Thomas Company. Bries Ostrander CrossHaight HaightHouse Seely Shaver Miller Truesdel Phillips Sacket ChapmanSt. John Thomas Van Schoonhoven Taylor Thomas Thomas Sackett Thomas Chapman Crane Lewis Benedict Gould DrakeThomas St. John Drake Haight Van Rensselaer Sharp Van Rensselaer Sharp Livingston Kline Hammond Webster ThomasThomasCrane BenedictThomas Bellinger Thomas Hathorn Wessenfels Willet Thomas Thomas Wessenfels Klock Brinkerhoff Thomas Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Veghten Lansing ThomasKlockWessenfelsThomasThomas SchuylerCrane Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Brinckerhoff Thomas Thomas Thomas Bellinger Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Hathorn Thomas Wessenfels DrakeThomas Harder Van Rensselaer Childs Miller Sacket Scofield Gould Lyon FrankThomas Bogardus Hardenburgh Elsworth MillerSt. John Van Duzer Hardenburgh Fonda Stockwell Righter BrinkerhoffMiller Gilmore Wells Whiteside Houston Thomas Righter GodwinHubby Miller Ostrum Lawrence Thomas Hubby Moseman St. John Miller Sackett StockwellVan Wyck St. John Miller Miller Staring Decker Sharp Sackett Brewster BoydDrake Odle 430 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Millerd, Nath'l, private Milles, Jeremiah, private Millet, Felix, private Millet, lon'n, private Milligan, Rob't, private Milligan, Robt, private Milligon, Alex'r, private Millikin, James, private Milliner, Alex'r, private Millroy, John,* private Mills, Alex'r, private Mills, Benajah, private Mills, Brown, private Mills, David, private Mills, James, private Mills, James, private Mills, John, private Mills, John, private Mills, John, private Mills, John, private Mills, Jon'n, private Mills, Jon'n, private Mills, Joseph, private Mills, Josiah, drummer Mills, Josiah, private Mills, Peter, + captain Mills, Reuben, private Mills, Reuben, private Mills, Robert private Mills, Samuel, corporal Mills, Silas, private Mills, Solomon, private Mills, Solomon, pnvate Mills, Timothy, private Mills, Zeph'h, lieut. Mills, Zach'h, private Mils, Henry, corporal Milspagh, Abraham, sergt Milspagh, Abm., corporal Milspagh, Abraham, corpl. Milspagh, Abraham, priv. Milspagh, Christian, priv. Milspagh, Fred'k, private Milspagh, Fred'k, private Milspagh, Isaac, private Milspagh, Isaac, private Milspagh, Isaac, private Milspagh, Matt's, private Milspagh, Matt's, Bergeant Milspaugh, Christian, pr. Milspaugh, Malch'a, priv. Milton, Henry, private Milton, Henry, private Milton, Henry, Jr., corpl. Milton, John, private Milton, John, private Miluan, Robert, private Minckleman,Harm'n,Jr.,p.Minkle, Isaac, private Minckler, Isaiah, private Mind rsick, Fred'k, private Mine, William, private Minema, John, private Miner, Amos, sergeant Mingo, William, private Mink, Black, private Minkelar, Harmanus, corp. Minkelar, Harman, private Minkerlar, Corn's, private Minklear, Adam, private Minklen, Adam, private Minn, Thomas, private Minner, James, sergeant ¦ Minner, James, private Minnigh, Peter, private Minnor, James, private Regiment. Graham Van Rensselaer Piatt Grabam Graham WessenfelsHathornVan Bergen Johnson S. Warner Field Field Field Johnson Webster Armstrong Dubois ThomasYates HathornPawlingThomasThomas Benedict Thomas Thomas Brinkerhoff Pawling Pawling Van Veghten BenedictWhiting Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Wessenfels Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson JohnsonJohnson JohnsonMalcom Johnson Schuyler SchuylerVan Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Dubois Snyder Schuyler Schuyler GrahamSchuyler Brinkerhoff Van Rensselaer HopkinsWessenfe Wynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Livingston LivingstonPawlingHammondVan Bergen Van Rensselaer Dragoons Company. TownsendBradbick Telford Witbeck Jansen HecockDyckman HecockJohnson Armstrong Armstrong McFoght Stevenson TelfordSacketSacket Sackett Gould Sackett St. John Brinkerhoff Pawling Vanduzer Sacket Stevenson Thompson Bouton Vanduzer CrossCross Jansen Gillispy BrewsterJansen Wilkins Jansen Ostrander Wilkin Roosa CrossDrake Johnson SharpForest DeForest DeForest Sharp Lee Swart Van Aernum Lansing Lansing Lansing Brinkerhoff Turner Wheeler Pawling Schoonmaker SchoonmakerSchoonmaker Smith Smith Livingston Martling Honeywell Sharp Delavan Name and Rank. Regiment. Minor, Amos, private Van Rensselaer Minord, Daniel, private Webster Minthorn, John, captain Hathorn Minthorn, John, Jr,, priv. Hathorn Minthorn, Nathaniel, priv. Hathorn Minthorn, Nathaniel, priv. Hathorn Minthorn, Nathaniel, priv. Hathorn Minthorn, Nathaniel, pnv. Wessenfels Mire, Stephen, private Mire, Stephen, private Mires,- Ab'm, pnvate Mires, John, sergeant Mires, John, private Mires, William, private Mires, William, corporal Mirkel, John, private Mirkle, Mathias, private Misiner, James, private Missick, Hend'k J., sergt Van Rensselaer Mitchel, Joseph, private Webster Mitchel, Rob't, private Harper Mitchell, Alex'r, sergeant Wemple Mitchell, And'w, major Van Schoonhoven Mitchell, Ensign, private Mitchell, George, private Mitchell, James, private Mitchell, James, private Mitchell, John, private Mitchell, John, private Mitchell, Joseph, corporal Pawling Mitchell, Martin, corporal Mitchell, Rob't, private Moak, Chris., private Moak, Franc's, private Moak, Jacob, Jr., private Moak, John, private Moak, John, private Mobs, Piers, private Moe, Abraham, private Moet, Conradt, pnvate Moet, Johannes, private Moffat, Isaac, corporal Moffet, Hosea, lieut. Moffet, Hosea, ensign Moger, Wm., private Mohannon, Rob't, private Moker, Coenrad, private Mole, John, private Willet Mole, Philip, private Johnson Mole, Philip, private Johnson Mole, Philip, Jr., private Johnson Mole, Robert, ensign Johnson Moler, Simeon, private Van Veghten Van Veghten Wynkoop Dubois Van Woert MalcomWessenfelsWessenfels Wynkoop Clyde Vau Bergen Webster VandenburghHathornWillet Hathorn Phillips Moleyer, Timothy, private Van Rensselaer Moll, Isaac, corporal Van Rensselaer Moll, Isaac, private Van Rensselaer Moll, Jacobus, sergeant Van Rensselaer Moll, Myndert, private Schuyler Moll, Myndert, private Van Rensselaer Moll, Wouter, private Van Rensselaer Moll, Wouter A., private Van Rensselaer Molloy, Thomas, private Willet Molov, Tho's, private Graham Mombrote, Wm., private Fisher Mombrute, Steven, private Mombrute, Wm., private Fisher Mombrute, Wm., private Monard, Daniel, private Moncrief, Hugh, private Moncrief, Hugh, private Moncrief, William, private Williams Moncrief, William, private Webster Moncrief, Wm., private Armstrong Moncrieff, Charles, private Newkirk Mondovel, Matt'w, corpl. Graham Company. Turner Hamilton Minthorn Bailey Minthorn McCambly Godwin Dunham Van Beuren Lee WhitesideDrakeDodge Dodge BrownBoneywell Tozer Allen Mynderson Tozer Wheeler McCamlyLivingstonMcCamly Miller Williams Stevenson " Van Schoonhoven Schuyler Van Wee QuackenbossQuackenbossQuackenboss Hogan Schuyler Hogan Willet Welp Hopkins Lane Van Alstyn Philips Van Alstvn Phillips Miller Van Rensselaer Turner Van Renselaer Turner Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Gross Wood OstranderCross Cross Woodworth TurnerStaats Schermerhorn SchermerhornVan Wee SchermerhornSchermerhornLivingstonMageeGartnereFonda Gartner Fisher McNitt Long Armstrong McNitt Armstrong Armstrong Vankeuren Muller FisherArmstrong WebsterWebster * Enlisted 1777, taken prisoner near Ticonderoga 1779, re-taken 1780, regt disbanded 1781. Florida, Schenec. Co. A.P. 23-285. + Baldwin's Artificers, a regt made up of citizens of different States. No ] New York. Resident in 1800 o,f Minisink, Orange county. A. P., 18-840. i proof given that Mills belonged to the quota of Roster of the State Troops. 431 Name and Rank. Monel, John, private Money, Absalom, private Money, Absalom, private Money, Jacob, private Monfort, Albert, private Monfort, Elbert D., priv. Mongar, Philip, serg^mt Monger, Sam 1, private Monger, Tim'y, private Monger, Tim'y, private Monier, John, private Monk, John, corporal Monk, John, private Monk, John, Jr., private Monnel, David, lieut Monnell, James, private Monross, Jesse, private Monrow, Alex'r, private Monrow, Joseph, private Monrow, Justis, sergeant Monrow, Nathan, private Monrow, Selah, private Monrow, Sely, private Monroy, Alexander,' priv. Mont, Corn's, sergt. Mont,-Philip, private Montanye, Peter, sergeant Montanye, Peter, private Montanye, John, private Montayne, Jobn, private Montayne, Peter, private Monteeth, Wm., private Montfort, John, private Montfort, Jno. P., private Montfort, Peter, private Montfoort, Abber'y, priv. Montfoort, Albert, private Montfoort, Dominicus, pr. Montfoort, Peter, corporal Montgomery, Alex'r, corpl. Montgomery, Arch'd, priv. Montgomery. Elijah, priv. Montgomery, Ezekiel, priv. Montgomery, Hugh, priv. Montgomery, James, priv. Montgomery, John, priv. Montgomery, John, priv. Montgomery, Peter, priv. Montieth, Wm., private Montooth, Wm., private Montooth, Wm., private Montrace, James, private Montrace, Peter, private Montrot, John, private Montule, Wm., private Moo, Huston, private Moo, Jacob, private Moody, Benjamin, private Mook, Jacob, Jr., private Mool, Isaac, private Mool, Jacobus, private Mool, Robert, ensign Moon, Abraham, private Moon, Abm., private Moon, Abm., private Moon, Jacob, private Moon, Jacob, sergeant Moon, John, private Moon, Huster, private Moon, Jerem'h, private Moon, John, private Moon, John, private Moon, Matt'w, private Moon, Matthew, private Moo" Paul, private Regiment. Company. Schuyler Lansing Pawling Sacket Hopkins Lane Vrooman Stubrach Hammond Brinkerhoff Storm Van Veghten Van Woert Van Veghten Van Woert Willet Fonda Van Veghten Winne Graham Lansing Clyde Diffendorf Clyde House Clyde Diffendorf Newkirk Vankeuren Newkirk Vankeuren Harper Drake Fisher Snook Wessenfels Hunt Hopkins Lane Thomas Gilbert Wessenfels Hunt Thomas Gilbert Fisher McMaster Wessenfels Livingston Wilkins Johnson Pawling Pawling Wessenfels Livingston Hays Malcom Bell Pawling Hunter Fisher Yeoman Brinckerhoff Brower Brinckerhoff Brower Hopkins Van Benschoten Brinckerhoff Brower Brinckerhoff Van Benschoten Brinckerhoff Van Benschoten Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff . Van Alstyn Claw Van Rensselaer Van Allen Hopkins Talmadge Van Rensselaer Cady Van Cortlandt Fisher McMaster Willet Elsworth Williams Stowel Fisher Yeoman Fisher McMaster Fisher Gartner Fisher Yeoman Drake Kronkhite Drake Kronkhite Graham Conklin Fisher Yates Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhove n Visscher Wessenfels Hunt Schuyler Veeder Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Phillips Ostrander Willet Tearse Willet Henry Van Rensselaer Odle Willet Fonda Fisher Fisher Van Renssela . Niles Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Rensselaer Turner Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Rensselaer Niles Harper Graham Allen Pearce Van Rensselaer Philips Name and Rank. Moon, William, private Moone, Jacob, sergeant Mooney, Almlom, private Mooney, Jacob, private Mooney, Elisha, private Mooney, Jacob, private Moor, Abraham, private Moor, Hugh, private Moor, Hugh, private Moor, Isaac, private Moor, James, lieut. Moor, James, private Moor, James, private Moor, James, Sr., private Moor, James, Jr. private Moor, John, sergeant Moor, John, private Moor, John, private Moor, John, private Moor, Joseph,* private Moor, Matt w, private Moor, Perus, private Moor, Peter, private Moor, Pliny, t adjt Moor, Pliny, lieut Moor, Wm., ensign Mooran, Wm., private Moore, Alpheus, sergeant Moore, Barren, corporal Moore, Chas., sergeant Moore, Chas, private Moore, Charles, private Moore, Daniel, private Moore, Ephraim, private Moore, George, sergeant Moore, George, private Moore, Geo., private Moore, George, private Moore, George, private Moore, Hosea. private Moore, Isaac, private Moore, Jacob, private Moore, Jacob, private Moore, Jacob, private Moore, James, private Moore, John, fifer Moore, John, fifer Moore, John, private Moore, John, private Moore, John, private Moore, John A., private Moore, Martin, private Moore, Martin, private Moore, Philip, private Moore, Phineas, sergeant Moore, Reuben, cerporal Moore, Reuben, drummer Moore, Reuben, drummer Moore, Thomas, private MoopB, Thomas, private Moore, Thomas, private Moore, Thomas, private Moore, Thos., private Moore, Thos., private Moore, Thomas, private Moore, William, lieut Moore, Wm., lieut. Moore, William, private Moore, William, private Moore, Wm., private Moores, Hezekiah, private Moorey, Gideon, private Moorey, Thos., private Moorey, Thos., private Moorey, Thomas, private Regiment. Van Schoonhoven Fisher Wessenfels Vrooman Van Alstyn VroomanVan Schoonhoven Webster Armstrong Willet Armstrong Williams WempleWebster Webster Armstrong Newkirk Webster WebsterAllisonHarper Willet Livingston Willet WilletWempleHarper Van Veghten Fisher Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Pawling Malcom Hathorn HathornPhillips FisherFisherVan Veghten WessenfelsJohnsonJohnsonJohnson ClydeMalcom DrakeWemple Fisher Van Bergen Van Alstyne Thomas Wessenfels LivingstonVan Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten HathornWessenfels Willet Pawling Van Veghten Van Cortlandt Weisenfels Willet Wemple Hathorn WessenfelsWisner Malcom Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Company. Aylsworth Snook Hunt Claw Visscher Armstrong Armstrong Conine McNittMcNitt McNitt McNitt McNittVankeurenLong McNittAllenVan Renselaer Pulver Wright Wanson Allen Dunham Yeoman Thompson Thompson Woodworth Livingston Livingston Shepherd Miller Yates PutmanDunhamWestfallCrossGillispyJansen House LivingstonDrake Wanson Mabee Witbeck Philips Moseman Rockenfelle Dunham DunhamWinne Dunham Brodhead Godwin Welp Burnet Thompson WhiteWanson McCamly Brewster Baly Blakely Thompson Thompson DunhamWoodworth * Captured at Fort Montgomery Oct. 6, 1777; died as prisoner Febr. 25, 1778. t Champlain, Clinton Co. A. P. 14-428, 18-287, 23-295. A. P. 16-262. 432 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Moorhous, John, sergeant Webster Sherwood Moorhous, Iohn, corporal Webster Mopp, Fred'k, private Wessenfels Moray, Alex'r, private Fisher Snook Mordough, Jacky, private Johnson Gillispy More, Alpheus, sergeant Van Veghten Winne More, Barent, private Fisher Yates More, Conrad, private Fisher Yates More, Conrad, private Fisher Putman More, Conrad, Jr., private Fisher Yates More, Elisha, Jr., private Van Alstyn Van Buren More, Gideon, private Van Veghten Winne More, Hosea, private Van Veghten Van Woert More, Hoseah, private Van Veghten Dunning More, John, private Fisher Yates More, John, private Fisher Degraas More, John, private Van Bergen Dubois More, Phineas, private Van Veghten More, Reuben, drummer Van Veghten Dunham More, Sam'l, private Van Alstyn Van Buren Morehous, George, private Van Schoonhoven White Morehous, Joseph, private Van Schoonhoven White Morehouse, Benj'n, private Crane Lawrence Morehouse, David, sergt. Graham Pearce Morehouse, Elijah, private Graham Pearce Morehouse, Geo., private Van Schoonhoven Morehouse, Isaac, private Field Dyckman Morehouse, Isaac, private Field Hecock Morehouse, John, corporal Armstrong Morehouse, John, private Luddington Mead Morehouse, Reuben, priv. Dubois Lee Morehouse, Sam'l, private Crane Truesdell Morehouse, Stephen, priv. Field Barnum Morehouse, Thos., private Dubois Gano Morell, Jon'n, private Van Woert Whiteside Moren, Wm., private Harper Allen Morey, Elish., private Van Alstyn Van Buren Morey, Elisha, private Van Rensselaer Cady Morey, Sam'l, sergeant Van Alstyn Morey, Silas, sergeant Van Rensselaer Turner Morey, Thos., private Van Veghten Morgan, David, sergeant Cooper Blauvelt Morgan, David, private Wessenfels Bowen Morgan, David, private Malcom Morgan, James, private Van Rensselaer Shaw Morgan, John, private Fonda Morgan, Joseph, private Wessenfels Godwin Morgan, Nath'l, private Webster Long Morgan, Seth, private Wessenfels Morgan, Thomas, private Hathorn Shepherd Morgan, Thomas, private Drake" Boyd Morhous, John, corporal Webster Morison, Hugh, fifer Stockwell Morison, John, private Van Woert Wells Morison, John, private Van Woert Gilmore Morison, Sam'l, sergeant Van Woert Gilmore Morison, Sam'l, drummer Van Woert Wells Morks, Adrian, private Brinckerhoff Brower Morlet, Thomas, private Fisher McMaster Morp, Stephen, sergeant Whiting Davis Morral, Jno., corporal Schuyler Ostrum Morral, Jon'n, private Van Woert Brown Morray, James, private Vrooman Heager Morray, Thomas, privat Vrooman Morrel, Ab'm, sergeant Luddington Knapp Morrel, Benj'n, pnvate Thomas Lawreuce Morrel, Jacob, private Thomas Lawrence Morrel, James, private Vrooman Morrel, John, private Pawling Sacket Morrel, Thomas, private Wemple Bancker Morrel, William, private Schuyler Tillman Morrell, Ab'm, private Field Barnum Morrell, James, corporal Drake Boyd Morrell, William, private Willet Pearcy Morrell, Wm., private Graham Lansing Morril, John, sergeant Van Woert Pettit Morris, David, pnvate Hays Onderdonk Morris, Eben'r, private Graham Hermance Morris, Jacob, private Hays Tourneur Name and Bank. Regiment. Company. Morris, John, sergeant Hathorn Brodhead Morris, John, private Pawling DeWitt Morris, Lewis, brig. -gen. Morris, Robert, pnvate Pawling Westbrook Morris, Robert, private Wynkoop Schoonmaker Morris, Robert, private Graham Vail Morris, Samuel, private Hays o Morrison, Dunkin, private Malcom Drake Morrison, Ed'd,sergt.-maj. Graham Magee Morrison, Ephraim.private Webster Long Morrison, Ham'n, private Newkirk McBride Morrison, Ham'r, sergeant Newkirk McBride Morrison, Hugh, corporal Webster Long Morrison, Hugh, private Graham Sherwood Morrison, Hugh, private Willet Livingston Morrison, Hugh, private Webster Long Morrison, James, ensign Webster McNitt Morrison, James, ensign Van Woert Wells Morrison, James, ensign Van Woert Brown Morrison, James, private Webster Long Morrison, James, private Armstrong Morrison, James, private Van Woert Pettit Morrison, John, corporal Stockwell Morrison, John, private Graham Morrison, John, private Van Woert Wells Morrison, Nicholas.private Willet Van Rensselaer Morrison, Robert, private Pawling Hunter Morrison, Samuel.sergeant Van Woert Wells Morrison. Samuel,sergeantVan Woert Gilmore Morrison, Samuel, fifer Van Woert Gilmore Morrison, Samuel, private Webster Long Morrison, Thomas, private Webster Long Morrison, William, private Hathorn Telford Morrob, Morris, private Yates Weltse Morse, Joel, private Williams Rice Morse, Joel, private Williams Stowell Morse, Joseph, private Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoof Morse, Rufus, private Wessenfels Shephard Morse, Stephen, sergeant Whiting Davis Mortough, Laurence, priv. Dubois DeMout Mory, Silas, ensign Van Rensselaer Turner Mory, Silas, sergeant Van Rensselaer Turner Moseman, Marcus, captain Thomas Moseman, Marcus, corpl. Thomas Moseman Moseman, Peter, sergeant Thomas St. John Moseman, Peter, sergeant Thomas Moseman Mosher, Caleb, private Brinckerhoff Brower Mosher, David, private Van Woert Whiteside Mosher, Jabez, corporal Van Woert Whiteside Mosher, James, private Drake Delivan Mosher, John,* private Thomas Purdy Mosher, Joseph, private Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Mosher, Nicholas, sergt. Graham Magee Mosher, William, lieut. Thomas Mosher, William, ensign Hubby Moshier, Cornelius, pnvate Wessenfels White Moshier, Jabez, private Van Woert Brown Moshier, Johiel, private Field Dyckman Moshier, Johiel, private Field Hecock Moshier, Lemuel, private Wessenfels Hunt Moshier, William, qr. mr. Thomas Hubby Moshur, Thomas, corporal Willet Gillet Moshure, Thomas, private Willet White Mosier, Abner, private Dubois Gano Mosier, Daniel, private Van Woert Brown Mosier, David, corporal Van Woert Brown Mosier, David, private Van Woert Doty Mosier, David, private Van Veghten Thompson Mosier, Hez'h, sergeant Van Woert Brown Mosier, Hez'h, sergeant Van Woert McKillip Mosier, Hez'h, corporal Van Woert Doty Mosier, Hez'h, private Van Woert Hodges Mosier, Jabez, corporal Van Woert Brown Mosier, Jabez, private Van Woert Brown Mosier, Jabez, Jr., corpl. Van Woert Brown Mosier, James, private Crane Lockwood Mosier, John, private Thomas Purdy Moses, Joseph, private Malcom McKinstry Moses, Joseph, private Van Schoonhoven Steenbergh ' Shot through left arm and breast at North Castle, W.Chester Co., April 27,1781. Shoemaker,Bedf ord, W. Ch. Co. A 59, B 648. Roster of the State Troops. 433 Name and Rank. Mosier, Lemuel, private Mosier, Nich's, serg. maj. Mosier, Nich's, sergeant Mosier, Seth, private Mosier, Simeon, private Mosier, Simon, private Mosier, William, lieut. -Mosier, William, lieut Mosier, William, ensign Mospse, Frederick, private Moss, Benjamin, pnvate Moss, Isaac, private Moss, Joshua, private Moss, Josiah, private Moss, Simon, sergeant Moss, Simon, private Moss, Will., private Moster, Wm., private Mosure, Aimer, private Mosure, David, private Mosure, Nich's, sergeant Mott, Charles, private Mott, Ebenezer, Itandq.m. Mott, Eben'r, corporal Mott, Eben'r, private Mott, Henry, private Mott, Jacob, private Mott, Jacob, private Mott, Jacob, private Mott, Jacob, private Mott, Jerem'h, private Mott, Jeremiah, private Mott, Jonathan, private Mott, Joseph, private Mott, Mordecai, private Moft, Mordica, private Mott, Rob't, pnvate Mott, Sylvanus, private Mott, Tho's, private Mott, Wm., private Mott, Will., Jr., private Mott, Zebulon, sergeant Mott, Zebulon, sergeant Mouers, Johans, Jr., priv. Moule, Fred'k, private Moule, Jacob, private Moule, John, Jr., private Moulton, Calvin.* Moulton, Wm.,+ captain Mount, Joseph, private Mount, Sam 1, private Mount, Samuel, private Mountain, Andrew, priv. Mountain, Nehemiah, priv. Mouri, John, private Mouse, John J., private Mow, Husted, private Mow, Jacob, private Mowatt, James, private Mower, Barent, private Mower, Conrad, private Mower, George, private Mower, George, private Mower, Henrick, private Mower, Henry, private Mower, Jacob, private Mower, Peter, private Mower, William, private Mowers, Jacob, private Mowers, Johaunes, Jr., cor. Mowle, Fred'k, private Mowle, Jacob, private Mowle, John, private Mowris, Petrus, private Regiment. CraneVan Woert Van Woert Pawling Thomas Thomas Pawling Thomas ThomasJohnsonGrahamWilletWilletVan Veghten Harper Luddington Malcom Pawling Van Veghten Graham Hays Weissenfels Van Rensselaer Van Alstyn MalcomCooper Hays Field Van Renselaer Van Alstyn Whiting DuboisHays Cooper Graham HaysField Hopkins FieldLuddington Graham Wynkoop Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Warner Fisher Graham Fisher HaysHathorn Hathorn Van Alstyn Company. Lockwood Brown BrownWestbrookChapman Pnrdy SacketSt John Hubby Humfrey Jansen SherwoodWelpWelp Dunham Drake Mead McKinstrv Westfall ' Woodworth Magee Gardner NobleShaw Ostrander Gardner Gardner Barnum Woodworth Ostrander King Chamberlain Gardner Gardner Magee GardnerBarnumBarnum BarnumKnappVail PhilipPhilip Philip De Graas MageeDegraas Blauvelt Telford TelfordTruesdel Van Schoonhoven White Van Schoonhoven Visscher Wessenfels White Livingston Smith Fisher Yates Willet Putman Fisher Yates Graham Wilson Fisher Snook Graham Wilson Willet Putman Graham Wilson Wynkoop Wynkoop Van Rensselaer Philip Van Rensselaer Philip ' Van Rensselaer Philip Pawling De Witt Name and Rank. •Mowris, Samuel, private Moyer, Henry, ensign Moyor, David, private Mubray, John, private Muckelwayne, David, priv. Muckle, Jobn, private Mudge, Aaron, private Mudge, Abel, private Mudge, Eben'r, private Mudge, Ebenezer, private Mudge, Ebenezer, private Mudge, Jared, private Mudge, Joshua, private Mudge, Mich'l, private Mug, Samuel, private Mugh, Joshua, private Mukill, Jacob, private Mulberry, Peter, private Mullain, Rich'd, private Mullen, John, private Mullen, John, private Mullen, Michael, private Mullen, Mich'l, private Mullen, Patrick, private Mullen, Patrick, private Muller, Amus, sergeant Muller, Andries, lieut Muller, Christ'n, private Muller, Corn's S., captain Muller, Fred'k, private Muller, Jacob, sergeant Muller, Jacob, private Muller^ James, private Muller, Jeremiah, lieut" Muller, Jerem'h, private Muller, Jeremiah G.,X cap. Muller, Jeremy C, private Muller, Jeremy Jac, priv. Muller, Jeremy Johs.. lt. Muller, John, private Muller, John, private Muller, John, private Muller, Lendert, private Muller, Nich's, private Muller, Sam'l, private Muller, Stepheu, sergeant Muller, Stephen, private Muller, Stephen J., ser. Muller, Will., private Muller, Will., waggoner Mullick, Jesse, private Mulony, John, private Multer, Peter, private Multer, Jacob, private Muluane, Thos., private Mumford, James, private Mumford, Robinson, fifer Munderback, John, corp. Munen, Mich'l, private Muney, Dan'l, private Munford, Robison, private Munger, Benj'n, private Munger, Philip, sergeant Munger, Philip, private Munger, Sam'l, sergeant MuDger, Sam'l, private Munie, Jacob, private Munk, John, private Munn, Israel, private Munnell, David, lieut. Munro, Joseph, private Munrow, Nathan, private Munrow, Selah, private Munseback, Hannis, priv. Regiment. Company. Pawling Pawling Clyde Dygert Willet Skinner Wemple Wanson Hathorn Conklin Van Schoonhoven Hicks Whiting King Fisher Yeoman Graham Bostwick Willet Gray Van Rensselaer Cady Whiting King Van Rensselaer Randall Van Alstyn Truesdel Whiting Cady Van Rensselaer Odle Klock Miller Cuyler Hammond Webster Armstrong Webster Armstrong Johnson Cross Johnson Johnson Wessenfels Hardenburgh Pawling Burnet Malcom McKinstry Van Rensselaer Husted Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Schuyler > Lansing Schuyler LansiDg Van Schoonhoven Hicks Graham Muller Van Rensselaer Osterhoudt Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Philip Van Rensselaer Philip Van Rensselaer Philip Pawling Pawling Van Rensselaer Woodworth Bogert Van Rensselaer Sharp Van Rensselaer Woodworth Van Rensselaer Philip Van Rensselaer Philip CuylerVan Rensselaer Philip Van Rensselaer Philip Philip Hathorn Bailey Hathorn Shepherd Bellinger Herder Bellinger Herder Schuyler Slyngerlandt Newkirk McBride Yates Hadlock Bellinger Staring Weisenfels Van Rensselaer Hawley Yates Van Veghten Woodworth Van Veghten Woodworth Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Woodworth VroomanClyde Diffendorf Van Schoonhoven Visscher Phillips Ostrander Crane Chapman Yates Hadlock Thomas Chapman Bellinger Herder * Lieut, in one of the Regiments raised on bounties, 1781. A. P., 17-559. T Enlisted in Col. Jas. Holmes' 4th N. Y., 1775; Lieut, in Van Schaick's Jan. 2, 1776. Captain in Warner's Feb. 16, '78; Regiment disbanded in 1781, served until April, 1782. Dutchess Co. A. P., 17-187. t Wounded in right shoulder at Caughuawaga Oct. 19, 1780. Claverack, Columbia Co., B. 116. 55 434 Name and Rank. Munsey, Dan'l, private Muusil, Joseph, private Munson, John, lieut Munson, John, private Munson, Nath'l, corporal Munson, Nath'l, private Munson, Nath'l, private Munson, Nath'l, private Munson, Titus, private Munson, Titus, private Muntross, J acob, private Murdoch, James, private Murdock, Hez'h, private Murdock, James, private Murdock, Lackey, private Murdoph, Geo., private Mure, Wm., private Murfee, Thomas, private Murfey, Thomas, corporal Murfy, Timothy, private Murgittroyd, Joseph, priv. Murow, Sam'l, private Murphey, Thomas, private Murphy, Henry,* private Murphy, John, private Murphy, Robt., private Murphy, Robert, private Murphy, Robert, private Murphy, Thomas, corporal Murphy, Thomas, corporal Murphy, Thomas, private Murphy, Thomas, private Murphy, Thomas, private Murphy, Timothy, private Murphy, Timtys, private Murr, Wm., private Murray, Alex'r, sergeant Murray, Alex'r, private Murray, And'w, private Murray, David, corporal Murray, David, private Murray, David, private Murray, Ezra, lieut. Murray, James, private Murray, John, private Murray, Nich's, private Murray, Peter, private Murray, Thomas, private Murray, William, priv-ate Murrey, James, pnvate Murry, Alex'r, private Murry, David, private Murry, James, private Murry, John, private Murry, Reuben, lieut Murry, Thos., private Murry, Wilt., sergeant Muny, Wm., private Mury, Esery, lieut. Mushat, Wm., private Mushell, Wm., private Mushett, Wm., private Muts, Henry, corporal Myall, Joseph, corporal Myarlin, Wm., private Myderse, Harman, private Myderse, Harm's, private Myer, Abraham, private Myer, Abraham, private Myer, Abr'm, private Myer, Abr'm, private Myer, Abraham, Jr., priv. Myer, Adolph, private Myer, Adolph, private Myer, Benjamin, private Myer, Benjamin, private Myer, Benj'n, Jr., private Myer, Chnst'n, ensign Myer, Christian, private Roster of the State Troops. Regiment. Van Ness CraneArmstrong Webster Armstrong WilliamsWebster Armstrong YatesVan Rensselaer DrakeHathorn Webster WessenfelsWessenfelsFisherSchuyler Y'ates Malcom Harper Van Rensselae Yates ClydeClyde Schuyler Thomas Pawling CranePawling Clyde WessenfelsPawlingYates Vrooman Vrooman Schuyler WilletFisher Field Fisher Fisher Fisher Whiting Vrooman WempleHarper Harper Klock HarperVan Schoonhoven Willet FisherWillet Wemple Whiting Schuyler Yates Van Rensselaer Whiting Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Fisher Harper Webster GrahamWemple Pawling HopkinsHaysWynkoop Pawling Brinckerhoff Vandenburgh Pawling- WynkoopWynkoop Van Bergen Wynkoop Company. Lawrence McNitt Hamilton McNitt Hamilton Hamilton Wilson Hadlock Mervin Long BrewsteiGodwinLansing Yates McKinstr BogartPhilip HadlockVan Evera Leipe Veeder LyonWilliamsLawrenceLivingston Van Everat White Livingston Yates Lansing GilletMcMaster BarnumMcMaster McMaster Snook Richtmyer Wanson Allen Vroman Ruff Drake Aylsworth Hole McMaster Debois Wanson Herrick Slyngerlandt WeltseDe Garmo Cady GilmoreGilmoreGilmore DegraasDrake Magee Fonda LivingstonBrinkerhoffTourneur De Witt Livingston Brower StormPawling De Witt De Witt Van Schaick Name and Rank. Regiment. Myer, Christian, private Graham Myer, Christyana, ensign Van Bergen, Myer, Corn's, private Hays Myer, Corn's, private Schuyler Myer, Cornelius, private Wynkoop Myer, Daniel, private Hays Myer, David, private Willet Myer, Deobald, private Klock Myer, Ephraim, private Hathorn Myer, Ephraim, corporal Wynkoop Myer, Ephraim, private Wynkoop Myer, Ephraim, Jr., priv. Wynkoop Myer, Garret, private Myer, Hendrick, private Myer, Hendricks, private Myer, Henry, private Myer, Henry, private Myer, Henry F., private Myer, Henry H., private Myer, Henry S., private Myer, Jacob, qr. mr. Myer, Jacob, lieut. Myer, Jacob, sergeant Myer, Jacob, private Myer, Jacob, private Myer, Jacob, private Myer, Jacob H., private Myer, James, sergeant Myer, Johannis, Jr., priv. Myer, John, ensign Myer, John, sergeant Myer, John, private Myer, John, private Myer, John, private Myer, John, private Myer, Jobn, private Myer, John, private Myer, Jobn, private Myer, John, private Myer, John, Jr., corporal Myer, John, Jr., private Myer, John Henry, private Clyde Myer, Joseph, private Bellinger Myer, Lewis, private Myer, Mathias, private Myer, Peter, private Myer, Peter, private Myer, Peter, private Myer, Peter, Jr., private Myer, Peter B., private Myer, Peter I., private Myer, Peter J., corporal Myer, Peter L., private Myer, Peter L., sergeant Myer, Peter L., private Myer, Peter T., private Myer, Philip, private Myer, Solomon, private Myer, Stephen, private GrahamWynkoopClyde Van Rensselaer Clyde Clyde Clyde PawlingBellinger ClydeClydeHays Klock Clyde Hays Wynkooj. BaysHaysKlock Klock Klock Pawling Clyde Vandenburgh KlockBrinkerhoff Wynkoop Wynkoop Piatt Clyde Pawling GrahamDubois Wynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Hathorn WynkoopWynkoopWynkoop Pawling Clyde Wynkoop Myer, Stephen, Jr., private Wynkoop Myer, Teunis, private Pawling Myer, Tobias, lieut. Wynkoop Myer, Tunis, sergeant Wynkoop Myer, Tunis, corporal Wynkoop Myer, William, sergeant Hathorn Myer, William, private Pawling Myer, Wm., Jr., sergeant Wynkoop Myer, Wm., Jr., corporal Wynkoop Myer, William, Jr., private Wynkoop Myers, Abr'm, private Brinckerhoff Myers, Andrew, private Hays Myers, Andries, sergeant Schuyler Myers, Daniel, private Hays Myers, David, private Harper Myers, David, private Cortland Myers, David, private Wessenfels Myers, Frederick, private Willet Harrison Myers, George, private Fisher Yates Myers, Henry, private Wessenfels Brewster Company. Husted Dubois Blauvelt Sharp De Witt SmithFonda House Bogardus De Witt Schoonmakei Smith Husted De Witt Diffendorf Philip DiffendorfDiffendorf Diffendorf Wood GittmanDiffendorf HouseSmith Suts Diffendorf TourneurDe Witt Tourneur TourneurBreadbake Miller ZeelyWood Leipe Storm Bradbig Brinkerhoff De Witt De Witt House Staring Bradbick Leipe Westbrook HustedDem out De Witt De Witt De Witt De Witt Bogardus Dedrick De Witt Wood DiffendorfDe Witt De Witt Livingston De Witt De Witt Bogardus Wood De Witt Schoonmaker Brinckerhoof SmithLansing Smith Allen Wounded in the right arm Oct. 25, 1781. Canajoharie Distr., B. 135. Roster of the State Troops. 435 Name and Rank. Myers,Myers,Myers, Myers, Myers,Myers,Myers, Myers, Myers,ilyers, Myers,Myers,Myers, Myers, Myers,Myers,Myers,Myers,Myers,Myers,Myers, Myers,Myers, Myers, -Henry, private Jacob, private Jacob, private Jacob, private Jacob, private Jacob S., sergeant James, lieut. Jerem'n, private John, lieut. John, lieut. John, lieut. John, sergeant John, sergeant John, sergeant John, private John, private Jobn, private John, private Jolln, private John, private Michael, private Michael,* private Peter, private Peter, private Regim en-i. Pawling Cooper Fisber Fisher BrinckerhoffClyde Wessenfels Van Rensselaer VroomanVrooman Vroomau WilletWilletWillet Pawling Willet Dubois Van Rensselaer Brinkerhoff Brinckerhoff Piatt FisherFisherBrinckerhoff Company. PawlingBlauvelt Yates Veeder Brower DiffendorfThompsonTownsend StubrachMiller Heager Livingston Tearse Henry Westfall Henry McFoghtBrinkerhoff Brower Van Santvoort Yates Brower Name and Rank. Regiment. Myers, Philip, corporal Schuyler Myers, William, private Brinkerhoff Mygers, John, corporal Van Veghten Mynderse, Abm., private Graham Mynderse, Fred'k, corporal Van Rensselaer Mynderse, Fred'k, private Van Rensselaer Mynderse, Harme, private Wemple Mynderse, John, captain Wemple Mynderse, Laurence, priv. Wemple Mynderse, Laurence, priv. Wemple Mynderson, Barent, lieut. Schuyler Mynderson, Fred'k, priv. Graham Mynderson, Fred'k, priv. Cuyler Mynderson, Harman, priv. Wemple Mynderson, John, captain Wemple Mynheer, John, private Graham Myre, And'w, sergeant Schuyler Myre, Benj'n, private Wynkoop Myre, Philip, corporal Schuyler Myres, Stephen, private Van Veghten Myrick, Isaac, private Luddington Myrick, John, private Luddington Myrrick, Benj'n, private Field Mysner, John, private ' Schuyler Company. Lansing Brinckerhoff Woodworth StaatsStaats Fonda Schermerhorn Bancker GrootLansing Fonda Lansing LansingVan Beuren LansingDunham WaterburyWaterbury Dyckman Veeder '3ST Van Schoonhoven Visscher Fonda Nairen, James, private Thomas Purdy Nairn, James, corporal Thomas St. John Nairn, James, private Hammond Requa Nalley, John, private Klock Zeely Name, Abraham, private "Willet White Names, Abm., private Nanes, Joseph, private Nanson, John, private Fisher Nanson, Richard, private Nap, Cyrus, private Van Veghten Nap, Jon'n, private Piatt Naron, James (Nixon), cor. Pawling Nash, Azor, private Van Schoonhoven Field Hecock Bellinger Frank Nash, Azor, private Nash, David, private Nash, James, private Nash, John, sergeant Nash, John, sergeant Nash, John, pnvate Nash, Samuel, corporal Nathan, Race, corporal Nathan, Reace, private ., „, ,,,,- Naughton, Josiah, private Whiting Naughton,- Theode, private Whiting Nave, John, corporal Nave, John, private Nave, John, private Fisher Naver, Johannes, sergeant Fisher FondaVan Woert Van Santvoort Sacket Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Livingston Elliot Van Schoonhoven White Wessenfels Pawling Neally, John, private Neally, John, private Neally, Sam'l, private Nealy, Matt'w, fifer Nealy, Matt'w, private Near, Carl, private Near, Carrell, private Near, Geo., private Near, Geo., private Near, Geo., private Near, George, private Nearing, James, corporal Neastei, Godlip, private Neastel, Mearty, Jr., priv Needen, John, private ,, , : . Neelson, Joseph, corporal Williams Neely, Henry, lieut. Hathorn Neely, Henry, lieut. Neely, Matt'w, private Neely, Sam'l, private Neely, Thomas, private Neer, Casper, private LansingFisher Brinckerhoff Wemple WempleVan Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensalaer Yates Yates Pawling Klock Klock Kvingston Newkirk Wemple Brinckerhoff NewkirkKlock Westfall Westfall Fonda FondaDegraas Fonda Houston McMaster Brinckerhoff Wanson Wanson Sharp Fraist De Garmo VanderhoofBrownWiltseSacket KlockKlock Rockfeller Armstrong Telford McBride Wanson Brinckerhoof Crawford House Negro, Tom, private Sljde {Ruff Nehemiah, John H., priv. Wessenfels White Neilson, Absalom, private Wessenfels Thompson Neilson, Absalom, private Malcom Livingston Neilson, John, private Yates Wiltse Neker, Charles, private Schuyler Sharp Neily, John, fife major Willet Wright Neirin, James, corporal Wessenfels Hunt Nelles, Andrew,'private Klock Cayser Nelles, George, private Clyde Diffendorf Nelles, George, private Clyde Dygert Nelles, Geo., private Klock Cayser Nelles, Geo., private Klock House Nelles, Hend'k, drummer Klock Cayser Nelles, Henry, Jr., private Clyde Diffendorf Nelles, John, corporal Klock Miller Nelles, John, private Klock Cayser Nelles, Joseph, private Klock Cayser Nelles, Peter, private Klock Cayser Nelles, Wm., private Klock Cayser Nellice, Hendrick, private Klock Hess Nellice, Jobn, corporal Klock Miller Nellice, John, private Klock Hess Nellice, John, private Klock Miller Nellice, Joseph, private Klock Hess Nellice, Peter, drummer Klock Hess Nellice, Peter, private Klock Hess Nellice, Peter, Jr., private Klock Hess Nellice, Philip, corporal Klock Hess Nellice, Philip, private Klock Zeely Nellice, Robert, sergeant Klock Hess Nellice, William, private Klock Hess Nellice, William, private Klock Hess Nellis, Andrew, private Klock Miller Nellis, And'w, private Klock Zeely Nellis, And'w, private Klock Wagner Nellis, Christian, private Clyde Leipe Nellis, Christian, private Clyde Weeser Nellis, Deobalt, sergeant Klock Helmer Nellis, George, private Klock House Nellis, George, private Clyde Leipe Nellis, Geo., private Klock Helmer Nellis, Hend'k, corporal Klock Wagner Nellis, Henry, drummer Klock Zeely Nellis, Henry, private Clyde Leipe' Nellis, Henry N., private Clyde Leipe Nellis, Jacob, private Clyde Dygert Nellis, John, corporal Klock Miller Nellis, John, private Clyde Leipe * Shot in left thigh near Johnstown October 25, 1781. German Flats. 1, 117. 436 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Nellis, John, private Klock Nellis, John H., corporal Klock Nellis, Joseph, private Klock Nellis, Lips, private Klock Nellis, Lodowick, lieut. Klock Nellis, Lodowick, private Klock Nellis, Peter, private Klock Nellis, Peter H., private Klock Nellis, Peter W., drummer Klock Nellis, Robert, private Nellis, Robt, private Nellis, Robt., private Nellis, William, private Nellis, William, private Nellis, Wm., private Nellis, Will., private Nelly, John, private Nelsoj^, Absalom, private Nelson, Absalom, private Nelson, Eli, private Nelson, Elijah, private Nelson, Ely, private Nelson, Francis, lieut. Nelson, John, private Nelson, John, private Nelson, John, private Nelson, Jobn, private Nelson, Jobn, private Nelson, John, private Nelson, John, private Nelson, Jon'n, private Nelson, Joseph, sergeant Nelson, Joseph, sergeant Nelson, Paul, private Nelson, Paul, private Nenton, Nath'l, private Neoman, Peter, private Neor, Zacharias, private Nesbit, John, private Clyde Clyde Willet Clyde CrydeKlock Klock Klock HopkinsLuddington Thomas LuddingtonHaysPawling Thomas Van Veghten Van Veghten Drake Crane Van Rensseiaer Webster ArmstrongHopkinsBrinkerhoff Van Rensselaer Klock Graham Webster Nesseller, Coenrad, private Van Schoonhoven Taylor Nesseller, John, private Van Schoonhoven Taylor Company. Helmer WagnerWagner Wagner SutsKlock Zeely WagnerWagner Weeser Ruff Fonda Leipe \ Weeser \ Helmer • Wagner Bedhig LaneCrane St. John Crane Stevenson Humfrey Sacket St. John Stevenson WoodworthVan Woert Lawrence TruesdellTownsendLong Armstrong Van Benschoten Brower Vanderhoof Klock Wilson McNitt Nestal, Geo., private Nestall, George, private Nestall, Geo.,* private Nestall, Gotlieb, private Neste.1, And'w, private Nestel, Geo., corporal Nestel, Geo., corporal Nestel, George, private Nestel, Henry, private Nestel, Martin, private Nestel, Martin, private Nestel, George, private Nestle, Gadthel, private Nestle, Gothlieb, private Nestle, Martin, private Nestle, Richard, private Netzley, Gerret, sergeant Nevens, John, private Nevins, John, private New, Peter, private New, Simon, private New, Simon, private Newal, Asa, private Neward, Joseph, corporal Newberry, Joseph, private Field Newbury, Edy, private Hathorn Newbury, Joshua, corporal Field Newcomb, James, private Harper Newcomb, James, sergeant Yates Newcomb, James, private Yates Newcomb, Thomas, private Hopkins Newel, Asa, private Van Veghten Newel, Thadius, private Whiting Newell, Asa, sergeant Van Veghten Newell, Asa, private Van Veghten Willet KlockWillet Klock Klock Klock Klock Harper Klock Klock Klock Willet Klock Klock Klock;.Willet1 Vroonlan ArmstrongWebster. > Van. Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Veghten Van Veghlen Fonda MillerNewellKockBradbig Klock Suts Putman Bradbig KlockSuts Gross Kock KockBedhig Gross Miller Armstrong Armstrong PhilipMullerPhilipWoodworthHecock Minthorn Hecock AlienWiltse Wiltse WaterWoodworthKingWoodworthWinne Name and Rank. Newell, Chancey,t corporal Newell, Eben'r, sergeant Newell, Eben'r, private Newell, Joseph, private Newell, Oliver, % lieut Newell, Seth, § drummer Newell, Simeon, captain Newell, SirrajahJ private Newhil, David, private Newkerk, Benj'n, private Newkerk.NewkerkNewkerk Newkerk Newkirk. Newkirk,Newkirk Newkirk.Newkirk, Newkirk, Newkirk, Newkirk.Newkirk,Newkirk, Newkirk Newkirk.NewkirkNewkirk, Newkirk,Newkirk,Newkirk.NewkirkNewkirk.Newkirk,Newkirk Newkirk NewkirkNewkirkNewkirk. Newkirk.Newkirk.Newkirk. Newkirk,Newkirk,NewlandNewland.NewlandNewland. NewJand, Newman,NewmanNewmanNewmanNewman NewmanNewmanNewman,Newman.Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman NewmanNewman Newmau NewmanNewman Newman NewmanNewman.NewmanNewman Newman Newman Isaac, private Jacob, corporal John, private i, Benjnmin, priv, Abr'm, private Ab'm, private Adam, private Benj'n, private Charles, captain Corn's, private Garret, lieut. Garret, ensign Garret, private Garret, private Garret, private Garrit Corn's, lt. Garrit C, private Gerardus, priv. Gerret, private Gerrit C, priv. Henry, private Isaac, private Jack, private Jacob, lieut. -col. Jacob, private Jacob, private Jacob, private Jacob, private John, major Jno., private Myndert, private Philip, private Samuel, private Thomas, private Israel, corporal Israel, private Joseph, private Rial, private Ryal, private Abner, private Abner, private Benj'n, private Bennone, private Caleb, private Caleb, private Chas., private David, private Eleth'D, private Ezekiel, private Ezekiel, private Henry, private Isaac, private Isaac, private Isaac, Jr., priv. Jacob, private James, private James, private James, private Jerem'h, private Jonas, private Jonas, private Jon'n, private Jonathan, priv. Joseph,spnvateMoses, private Moses, private Regiment. Willet Van Veghten Van Veghten Hopkins Willet WilletWillet Willet WilliamsPawling Pawling Pawling Pawling Hays FisherFisher Piatt Hooghteling HoogtelingHays Willet Fisher FisherFisher Fisher FisherFisher Van Bergen Fisher Fisher Cantine Graham Pawling Pawling Harper Van Bergen Van Bergen Fisher Fisher Piatt HaysHathorn WilletVan Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten ThomasThomas Van Veghte Hays Drake CraneSchuyler Willet Crane ThomasThomas SchuylerVan Rensselaer Benedict Crane Thomas Drake Crane Benedict Thomas Thomas Thomas Pawling Crane Klock Drake Dragoons Company. Newell Woodworth Van Woert Wheeler NewellNewell NewellStowelPiercy PiercyLivingston Westfall Mabee Fisher Van Santvoort Putman Putman GartnerYatesSnookMarselis Marselis Witbeck Fisher SnookHasbrouck HunterDe Witt Putman Hoghtaling Dubois Mabee Brodhead Bogardus Debois WoodworthWoodworth Woodworth WoodworthThompsonMillerSt John Van Woert Stevenson Delivan Lockwood Lansing GilletLawrence Miller St. John Lansing Turner Seely l Lockwood St. John Lawrence Seely St. John Miller St John Sacket Lawrenqe Cayser Seely Delavan * Shot through the body. New York county ; later Schenectady. B 1 57, Cc 80. t.Enlisted February 2, 1782. A. P. 17-712 X Appointed June 22, 1782; sick ofismall-pox at Fort Dayton, Novb'r, '82, and sent home. Canaan, Columbia Co. A. P. 17-704. S Enliste January 1, 1782. A. P. 17-712. )| Enlisted February 3, 1782. A. P. 17-912. Roster . of\t7ie State Troops.; 437 Name anh Rank. Van Cortlandt Thomas Yates Van Rensselaer Thomas Regiment. Newman, Nath'l, private Drake Newman, Nath'l, private Benedict Newman, Peter, private Drake Newman, Peter, private Crane Newman, Plat, private Thomas Newman, Sam'l, private Crane Newman, Sam'l, private Crane Newman, Sam'l, private Crane Newman, Wm., private Wessenfels Newnon, Zebulon, private Hopkins Newton, Abner, corporal Van Rensselaer Newton, Abner, private Vau Rensselaer Newton, Benj'n, private Willet Newton, James, private Vandenburgh Nicholson, Isaac, corporal Van Rensselaer Nickerson, Issachar, priv. Luddington Nicholas, Garret, sergeant Vrooman Nicholas, John, private Van Cortlandt Nicholas, Sam'l, private Williams Nicholas, Sam'l, Jr., priv. Williams Nicholas, Silas, private Willet Nicholas, Tho's, private Nicholls, Ab'm, pnvate Nicholls, Asa, private Nicholls, Jno., private Nicholls, Thanet, private Nicholls, Thomas, private Drake Nichols, Abel, private Crane Nichols, Ben'jn, private Drake Nichols, Benj n, private Van Rensselaer s Nichols, Caleb, private Van Rensselaer Nichols, Jesse, private Drake Nichols, Jesse, private Crane Nichols, Jno., corporal Van Rensselaer Nichols, John, private Willet Nichols, Jonas, private Malcom Nichols, Josiah, private Dragoons Nichols, Robert, private Drake Nichols, Sam'l, private Williams Nichols, Silsow, private Van Rensselaer Nichols, Simeon, private Van Rensselaer Nichols, Simon, private Klock Nichols, Thadeus, private Williams Nichols, Thomas, private Malcom Nichols, Thos., Jr., private Crane Nichols, William, private Drake Nichols, William, sergeant Malcom Nicholson, Basset, private Luddington Nicholson, Israel, private Yates Nickenson, Bassett,private Field Nickenson, Levi, private Field Nickerson, Aaron, private Luddington Nickerson, Isaacher, priv. Hopkins Nickerson, Isacher, private Luddington Nickerson, James, private Field Nickerson, Jonathan, priv. Wessenfels Nickerson, Joshua, private Hopkins Nickerson, Thomas, fifer Wessenfels Nickerson, Thos., private Field Nickerson, Thos., private Luddington Nickerson, Thos., private Luddington Nickerson, Uriah, private Luddington Nickerson, Uriah, private Field Nickinson, Aaron, private Nickles, Caleb, private Nickles, Jesse, private Nickles, Thomas, private Nickolls, Asa, private Nicol, Francis, private Nicolas, John, private Nicolds, William, private Van Veghten Nicoll, Francis, pnvate Schuyler Nicolls, Benjamin, private Hathorn Nicolls, William, private Johnson Nie, Francis, private Nier, Caspr, private Nifer, Jacob, corporal Nifer, Myckal, corporal Company. Seely Seely Field WhitingDrake Drake Yates Quackenboss Pawling Van Rensselaei Willet Brinckerhoff Van Bergen LawrenceLyon Lawrence Scofield Lewis WheelerTownsendMarshallWheeler De Garmo Waterbury Brown ' Shepardson RiceCannonSacketYatesOdle St. John Delivan LockwoodBoyd Turner Schermerhorn Delivan LockwoodRandallLivingston Blakely Delavan Delivan RiceTurner Schermerhorn Wagner RiceDelavan Lockwood Boyd DrakeKnappHadlock Hecock Hecock Waterbury Lane BakerDyckmanPawlingBarnum Shephard Barnum Knapp Kidd Kidd Hecock Hecock Gilbert Delivan Delivan BrownVan Wie Pawling Vischer McCamply Conklin Gross Van Benschoten Witbeck Company. Stowel Turner HubbyHarrison Husted Niles ShawHusted Hess House Burnet Armstrong Long Livingston Cannon V.' i Name and Rank. , Regiment. Night, Daniel, sergeant Williams Niles, John, lieut Van Rensselaer Niles, Nathaniel, private Thomas Niles, Nath'l, private Harper Niles, Nath'l, private Van Rensselaer Niles, Robert, private Van Rensselaer Niles, Simeon, private Van Rensselaer Niles, Simeon, private Van Rensselaer Niles, Stephen, captain Van Rensselaer Nillice, Robert, sergeant Klock Nisbet, Charles, private Klock Niven, Wm., private Pawling Nivens, John, private Webster Nivins, John, corporal Webster Nixon, David, private Malcom Noble, Caleb,* private Willet Noble, Lyman, private Wessenfels Noble, Thadeus, captain , Nobles, John, private Van Woert Brown Nogard, John, private Humfrey Noisdall, Dirck, private Dubois McFoght Nokes, John, private Yates Wiltse Nolds, Elijah, private Armstrong Tozer Nole, Elisha, private Webster Tozer Nolto.n, Abner, corporal Van Rensselaer Bries Nolton, Daniel, private Johnson Ostrander Nolton, Eph'm, private Van Rensselaer Bries Nolton, Robert, sergeant Van Rensselaer Bries Nolton, Robert, private Van Rensselaer Bries Nonontion, Corn's, private Willet Newell Noole, Caleb, private Willet Pearcy Noorstrant, Peter,sergeant Brinckerhoff Storm Noorstrent, Corn's, private Brinckerhoff Brower Nores, John, private Van Rensselaer King , Norris, Shadwick, private Wisner Baly Norris, Walter, private Van Bergen Hoghtaling Northrop, Abijah, private Crane Northrop, Dan'l, private Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Northorp, David, qr. m. s. Crane Northrop, Eli, private Pawling Sacket Northrop, Eli, private Crane Lawrence Northrop, Eli, private Crane Chapman Northr,op, Isaac, sergeant Crane Chapman Northrop, Isaac, private Crane Chapman Northrop, Jared, private Thomas St. John Northrop, Thadeus, private Van Schoonhoven White Northrop, Wilson, corporal Van Schoonhoven Collins Northrup, Eli, private Wessenfels Northrup, Isaac, sergeant Drake Northrup, Isaac, Jr., priv. Thomas Northrup, Joel, private Thomas Northrup, Joseph, sergeant Van Rensselaer Northrup, Neepham, corpl. Van Rensselaer Northrup, Needham, priv. Van Rensselaer Northrup, Nich's, private Van Rensselaer Nortman, Jacob, private Fisher Norton, Christophel, priv. Schuyler Norton, Christ'r, private Van Rensselaer Norton, Christ'r, private Norton, Isaac, t Norton, James, private Norton, John, private Nortcjn, John, private Norton, Jon'n, private Norton, Rich'd, private Norton, Sam'l,^private Norton, Stephen, private Norton, William, sergeant Harper Norton, William, private Willet Norton, Wm., private Nortorn, Wm., private Norton, Wm., private Nosdal, Dirck, private Nostrander, James, private Wessenfels Nostrandt, Isaac, corporal Vandenburgh Nostrant, Corn's, private Vandenburgh Nostrant, Corn's, private Nostrant, George, sergeant Pawling Schuyler Van Veghten Van Rensselaer Schuyler Van Woert Van Rensselaer Van Veghten Graham Van Rensselaer Van Bensselaer Van Veghten Dubois Hunt Lawrence Gilbert GilbertNiles NilesNiles Niles MarselusSharp Sharp Sharp Thompson Fraist Tillman ( Gilmore Sharp Woodworth BostwickHarrison Tearse Fraist Thompson Burnet Vim Wyck StormHumphrey Wood * Transferred to Fonda's company. A. P. 20-412. t Quartermaster in Pierre Van Cortland's Regt. in 1777. A. P. 15-327. 438 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Nostrant, Geo., private Nostrant, John, private Nostrent, Geo., sergt. maj. Nothingham, Thos., private Nott, John, private Nottingham, Lewis, priv. Nottingham, Thomas, priv. Nottingham, Thomas, priv. Nottingham, Thomas, priv. Nottingham, Thomas, priv. Nottingham, William, lieut Nottingham, William, lieut Nottingham, William, lieut. Regiment. Vandenburgh Dubois Malcom Livingston HarperWessenfels Pawling PawlingCantine Wessenfels Pawling Pawling Company. "Storm Humphrey Lee DrakeShaver Allen White Hunter PawlingHasbrouck White Westfall Piercy Name and Rank. Nothingham, William, lieut, Novell, James, private Nowe, Lewis, sergeant Noyes, John, private Nuan, Fred'k, private Nubury, Edea, private Null, Christian, private Null, John, private Numan, Caleb, private Numan, Piatt, corporal Nye, Seth, private Nyney, Geo., private Regiment. Company. Malcom Cantine Van Schoonhoven Taylor Malcom William Van Rensselaer Hathorn Wessenfels Piatt Drake Thomas Yates Klock Delavan Shepardson Elliot BaileyPawling Brodhead DelivanHubby Miller o. Oakley, Elijah, sergeant Oakley, Caleb, private Oakley, Corn's, private Oakley, Elijah, private Oakley, Isaac, private Oakley, Isaac, private Oakley, Isaac, private Oakley, James,* lieut. Oakley, Jno., ensign Oakley, John, private Oakley, Jonas, lieut. Oakley, Neh'h, corporal Oakley, Robt, sergeant Oakley, Stephen, captain Oakley, Stephen, private Oakley, Thomas, private Oakley, Tim'y, private Oakley, Wm., private Oakly, Isaac, private Oakly, James, lieut. Oakman, Prisdine, private Oalman, John, private Oar, Jacob, private Oarchard, Edward, private Oarchard, Tho's, private Oasburn, John, private Oatis, James, private Obale, James, private Obale, Wm., private Obale, Wm., private Obeal, James, private Oblenis, Hendrick, private Oblenis, Henry, private Oblenis, Peter, sergeant Oblenis, Peter, private O'Bradly, Dan'l, private 0' Bradley, Daniel, private O'Bradley, Daniel, private Obrian, Corn's, private Obrian, Lodowick, private Obrien, John, private 0' Bryant, Corn's, sergeant Ocerman, James, private Ochenbacker, Peter, priv. Ockerman, David, private Ockerman, Ede, private Ockerman, Edey, private Ockerman, John, fifer Ockerman, John, fifer Ockerman, John, private O'Cummings, John, corpl. 0' Cummings, John, priv. Odel, Gershom, private Odel, Isaac, private Odel, John.t lieut Odel, Jonas; lieut. Odel, Jon'n, private Luddington Kidd Hammond Thomas Field Hecock Hammond Orser Thomas Benedict Seely Pawling Williams Hammond Martling Graham Vail Hammond Orser Stockwell Luddington ' Lane Drake A. P. 21-297 Yates Brown Pawling Wood Luddington Lane Drake Boyd Hammond Combs Dubois Gano Dubois De Mout Fisher Yeoman Clyde Diffendorf Harper Bogart Bogert Bogert Field Dyckman Van Veghten Van Woert Van Veghten Van Woert Van Veghten Dunham Van Veghten Winne Cooper Blauvelt Hays Tourneur Hays Tourneur Hays Tourneur Johnson Jansen Wessenfels Hardenburgh Pawling Burnet Willet Van Renselaer Schuyler LansingBlauvelt Hays Van Alstyn Van Veghten Schuyler Van Aernum Hays Blauvelt Hays Sickles Cooper Blauvelt Cooper Gardner Hays Onderdonk Hays Bell Willet Wright Willet Wright Yates Brutt Hammond Comb Graham Williams Van Rensselaer Randall Stevenson Odel, Joseph, private Odel, Simeon, private Odell, Simeon, private Odell, Abr'm, private Odell, Austin, private Odell, Amos, private Odell, Augustin, captain Odell, David, private Odell, Isaac, private Odell, Isaac, private Odell, Isaac, private Odell, Jacob, private Odell, Jacob, \ private Odell, John, private Odell, John, private Odell, Jonas,§ sergeant Odell, Jonas, private Odell, Jon'n, private Odell, Jon'n, private Odell, Peter, private Odell, Peter, private Odell, Wm., private Odell, Wm., private Odell, Will., private Oderkirk, Frederick, corpl. Oderkark, Fred'k, corpl. Odle, Aaron, private Odle, Aaron, private Odle, Ab'm, private Odle, Abr'm, Jr., private Odle, Augustine,! captain Odle, Dan'l, private Odle, Isaac, "[ private Odle, Isaac, private Odle, Jacob, private Odle, Jacob, private Odle, James, q. mr. sergt. Odle, James, corporal Odle, Jerem'h, private Odle, John, private Odle, Jonah, private Odle, Jonathan, private Odle, Jon'n, private Odle, Jon'n, private Odle, Jonathan, private Odle, Nathan'l, private Odle, Nath'l, private Odle, Nath'l, private Odle, Peter, private Odle, Rich'd, private Odle, Rich'd, private Odle, Rich'd, private Odle, Wm., private Oernhout, Christ'r, private O'Ferl, Mich'l, private O'Ferrel, Mich'1, private O'Ferrel, Mich'l,** sergt. Graham Conklin Van Rensselaer Randall Van Rensselaer Turner Van Bergen Honeywell Van Rensselaer. A. P. 15-146 Luddington Lane Van Rensselaer. A. P. 16-198. Van Rensselaer Turner Drake Van Bergen Honeywell Luddington Scribner Van Rensselaer Odle Drake Van Bergen Honeywell Luddington Lane Van Woert Gilmore Johnson Roosa Drake Boyd Van Bergen Honeywell Drake Drake Boyd Van Bergen Honeywell Van Rensselaer Turner Yates Brutt Yate3 Hadlock Hopkins Lane Luddington Knapp Drake Van Bergen Honeywell Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Husted Drake Van Bergen Honeywell Drake Van Rensselaer Odle Piatt Van Rensselaer Odle Drake Hathorn McCamply Van Woert Whiteside Pawling Hunter Malcom Cantine Drake Wessenfels White Hays Gardner Van Renselaer Odle Drake Boyd Drake Wessenfels Drake Haight Buckhout Drake Van Bergen Honeywell Van Wee Schuyler Pawling Piercy Cantine Cantine Hasbrouck * Private in Drake's in 1776. A. P. 24-368. * t Private in Drake's six months in 1776. Lieut, in Graham's, 1780. Greensburgh, W. Ch. Co. A. P., 24-368. X Enlisted for six months in 1776. Yonkers. A. P. 24-368. § Later Lieut, Van Rensselaer's. A. P., 15-146, 16-248. II See Odell. 1 Enlisted for six months in 1776. A. P., 24-368. ** See Opherl. Roster of the State Troops. 439 Name and Rank. Regiment. 0'Ferril,(?) Amherst Van Veghten Ogden, Benjamin, private Luddington Ogdon, Benj'n, private Brinckerhoff Ogden, Dan'l, private Ogdon, Dan'l, private Ogden, David, private Ogden, David, private Ogden, Edmund, private Ogden, Gilbert, private Ogden, Humphrey, private Field Ogden, Ichabod, private Ogden, John, sergeant Ogden, John, corporal Ogden, John, private Ogden, John, private Ogdon, John, private Ogdon, John, private Ogden, Jon'n, sergeant Ogden, Joseph, private Ogden, Joseph, private Ogden, Joseph, private Ogden, Nathan, private Ogden, Rich'd, corporal Oght, George, private Onarris, William, private Ohr, Jacob, private Okens, Edward, private Okeley, Stephen, private Okey, Martin, drummer Okley, Stephen, private Ogdon, John, corporal Olcult, Isaac, private Oldfield, George, private Oldredge, Gilbert, private Hathorn Oldridge, David, private Webster Olds, Gilbert, sergeant Olds, James, private Oliman, John, private Oliver, John, private Oliver, John, private Oliver, John, private Oliver, Thomas, private Oiler, Peter, private Olmer, Fred'k, private Fisher Fisher Fisber Fisher Field Thomas Schuyler WempleThomas Wemple Wemple FieldWessenfels Wessenfels Field Drake Bellinger Pawling Clyde Graham Yates Wessenfels Yates WempleWessenfelsPawling Willet Webster Fisher Schuyler Schuyler Schuyler PawlingYatesWillet Company. Mead Brinckernoo Mabee Snook Gartner YatesHecock PurdyHecockStevenson Tillman Fonda Sackett StevensonMynderson Bancker Van Schaick Hecock Thompson Brewster Hecock Delivan Staring Westbrook Diffendorf Wilson Bowen Hadlock Mynderse Shephard Westfall CaseChildsCannon ChildsYates Van Wie Slyngerlandt Groot FaulknerPutmanGould Olmstadt, Nathan, private Benedict Olmstead, Daniel, private Van Schoonhoven Hicks Olmstead, Eben'r, private Hopkins Barnum Olmstead, Hezekiah, sergt. Crane Chapman Olmstead, James, private Crane Chapman Olmstead, Nathan, private Crane Scofield Olmstead, Nehemiah, ser. Whiting Kellogg Olmsted, Aaron, private Whiting Kellogg Olmsted, Eben'r, private Field Barnum Olmsted, Hezekiah, priv. Thomas Gilbert . Olmsted, Jonathan, sergt Whiting Salsbury Olmsted, Nath'l, private Whiting Kellogg Olmsted, Sam'l, ensign Van Rensselaer King Olmsted, Samuel, Jr., priv. Whiting Salsbury Olmsted, Wm., Jr., pnvate Whiting Kellog Olsaver, Lawrence, private Newkirk McBride Olter, Jacob, private Willet Fonda Olthousen, Nich's, private Van Alstyn Ostrander Omehie, John, private Klock Hess Omens, Daniel, private Willet Hole Omstead, Aaron, drummer Harper Bogart Omsted, Christopher, ser. Yates Brown Omsted, Gideon, sergeant Yates Brown Omsted, Gideon, private Yates Brown Onck, Jacob, private Schuyler Ostrum Onderdonck, Albert, priv. Hays Onderdonk Onderdonck, Jacob, cap. Hays Onderdonk, Abraham, pr. Hays Ackerson Onderdonk, Adderyan, pr. Hays Tourneur Onderdonk, Adrian, priv. Hays Bell Onderdonk, Adrian, priv. Hays Smith Onderdonk, Anderyon, pr. Hays Smith Onderdonk, Andries, lieut Hays Onderdonck Onderdonk, Andries, ser. Hays Tourneur Onderdonk, Andries, priv. Hays . Tourneur Onderdonk, Dan'l, lieut. Hays Onderdonk, Daniel, ensign Hays Bell Onderdonk, Garret, priv. Hays Bell Name and Rank. Onderdonk, Garret, priv. Onderdonk,. Henry, priv. Onderdonk, Isaac, ser. Onderdonk, Isaac, private Onderdonk, Jacob, captain Onderdonk, J ames, ser. mr. Onderdonk, James, private Onderdonk, Johannes, pr. Onderdonk, Roehff, priv. Onderdonk, Thomas, priv. Onderhert, Arent, private- Onderkerk, Arent, private Onderkirk, Abm., private Onderkirk, J acob, private Onderkirk, John, private Onderkirk, John, Jr., priv. Onderkirk, Taukel, private Onger, Frederick, private Oneal, James, private Oneel, John, private O'Neil, Charles, private Oneil, John, sergeant Onum, Jonathan, private Oosterhoudt, Fred'k, priv. Oosteroudt, H'd'cus P., p. Oosterhoudt, Hend'k, priv. Oosterhoudt, Teunis, corp. Oosterhout, Ezekiel, corp. Oosterhout, Henry, sergt. Oosterhout, Henry, private Oosterhout, Kryn, private Oothout, Abm., captain Oothout, Henry, private Oothout, Volkert, private Opherl, Michael, private Orchard, John, private Orchard, Thomas, corpl. Orchard, Thomas, corpl. Orchart, Thomas, corpl. Orchart, Thomas, private Orcut, James, private Orendorph, Peter, private Orenduvff, Coenraed, priv. Onm, Robert, private Orlog, Fred'k, private Orlog, William, private Orlop, Fred'k, private Orlop, Fred'k, private Orlop, Hend'k, corporal Orlop, William, private Orr, Will, lieut. Orser, Abm., private Orser, Abm., private Orser, Abm., private Orser, Abr'm, private Orser, Albert, private Orser, Elbert, sergeant Orser, Jobn, private Orser, Jonas, captain Orser, Jonas, private Orser, Nicholas, private Orsher, Onies, private Orsons, John D., private Ort, Corn's, private Osborn, Benjamin, private Osborn, John, sergeant Osborn, Roger, lieut Osborn, William, corporal Osborn, Stephen, lieut. Osborne, Peter, private Osburn, Abm., private Osburn, Asher, private Osburn, , sergt. maj Osburn, Dennis, private Osburn, Ezekiel, private Osburn, James, private Osburn, John, sergeant Osburn, John, drummer Osburn, John, private Osburn, John, private Osburn, John, private Osburn, Joseph, captain Regiment, HaysHays Hays Malcom Hays Hays Hays HaysHays Hays Wemple Wemple Schuyler Schuyler WilletSchuyler Schuyler SchuylerVan Alstyn Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Alstyn Phillips Klock CantineCantine CantineHathorn QuackenbossQuackenboss Hathorn Wemple Schuyler Schuyler Pawling Hopkins Willet Harper WilletWillet Armstrong BellingerClydeHopkins Schuyler Schuyler Schuyler Schuyler Schuyler Schuyler Van Ness HammondHammond Hammond Van Bergen Van Bergen Hammond Hammond Van Bergen Hammond WilletWeisenfels Graham Hays HaysHays HaysBrinckerhoffHopkins WisnerWhiting . MalcomHammond Field BrinckerhoffCrane Wessenfels Pawling Thomas Benedict Company. TourneurTourneur BellAa78 Tourneur TourneurTourneurTourneur Mynderse Outhout Tillman Van Aernum Tearse Van Wee Van Aernum Slyngerlandt VanBuren Van Allen WoodworthClaw MillerHouse HasbrouckHasbrouck Hasbroucl- BrodheadVan Wie Van Wie Brodhead Vischer Lansing PawlingWaters Elsworth Bogart Elsworth Cannon FrankRuffWaters Lansing Lansing Van Aernum Lansing Lansing Lansing Tanner Comb Martling Orser Honeywell HoneywellMartling Honeywell HoneyaJell Orser Putman GodwinConklin AckersonBlauvelt Ackerson Blauvelt Brinckerhoff BrinkerhoffBaly Kellogg Orser Barnum Van Wyck Truesdel TruesdellWhite Sackett St John 440 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. , Regiment. Company. Hunt Osburn, Joseph, private Wessenfels Osburn, Peter, sergt. maj. Graham Osburn, Peter, private Brinckerhoff Osburn, Samuel, private Vandenburgh Osburn, Samuel, private Drake Osburn, Samuel, private Brinckerhoff Osdall, John, V., sergeant Pawling Osgood, Aaron, private Webster Osgood, Aaron, private Armstrong Osgood, Aaron, Jr., privateWebster Osgood, Aron, Jr., private Webster Osgood, Nath'l, private Webster Gsgood, Nath'l, private Armstrong Osser, Ab'm, private Dragoons Osson, Thomas, private Van Schoonhoven Taylor Osterhaut, Gilbert, private Dubois Dubois Osterhoudt, Abr'm, priv. Wynkoop Osterhondt, Aldert, private Klock Osterhoudt, Benj'n, sergt. Wynkoop Osterdoudt, Ben j' n, private Wynkoop Osterhoudt, Edward, priv. Wynkoop Osterhoudt, Elias, private Pawling Osterhoudt, Elias, private Wynkoop Osterhoudt, Elias, private Wynkoop Osterhoudt, Hend'k, priv. Schuyler Osterhoudt, Hend'cus, pr. Cantine Osterhoudt, Hendricus,sgt. Cantine Osterhoudt, Henry, private Pawling Osterhoudt, Henry, private Pawling Osterhoudt, James, sergt Wynkoop Osterdoudt, James, private Wynkoop Osterhoudt, Johannes, pr. Wynkoop Osterhoudt Johannis, pr. Hays Osterhoudt, John, captain Van Rensselaer Osterhoudt, John, private Wynkoop Osterhoudt, Martinus, pr. Cantine Osterhoudt, Peter, lieut Wynkoop Osterhoudt, Peter, corp. Wynkoop Osterhoudt, Peter, private Pawling Osterhoudt, Peter, private Pawling Osterhoudt, Peter, private Wynkoop -, Jr., pr. Wynkoop Osterhoudt, Peter, Osterhoudt, Petrus, sergt Wynkoop Osterhoudt, Sam'l, corp. Wynkoop Osterhoudt, Sam'l, private Cantine Osterhoudt, Teunis,Jr.,pr. Pawling Osterhoudt, Teunis, sergt. Pawling Osterhoudt, Teunis, sergt. Pawling Osterhoudt, Teunis, priv. Wynkoop Osterhoudt, Tunis, sergt. Pawling Osterhoudt, Tunis, private Wynkoop Osterhoudt, Wm., private Wynkoop Osterhout, Abm., private Wynkoop Osterhout, Fred'k, private Klock Osterhout, Helmus, private Schuyler Osterhout, Hend'k, private Pawling Osterhout, Jacobus, sergt. Wynkoop Osterhout, Johannis, priv. Wynkoop Osterhout, John, sergeant Bellinger Osterhout, Peter, corporal Pawling Osterhout, Peter, private Wynkoop Osterhout, Peter L., priv. Osteihqut, Teunis, sergt. Osterhout, Tunis, private Osterhout, Will., private Osterhout, William, priv. Osterman, Christ , sergt. Osterman, Christ'n, sergt Fisher Ostran, Gilbert, corporal Ostrander, Aaron, captain Van Alstyn Ostrander, Aaron, lieut. Van Alstyn Ostrander, Aaron, lieut. Van Alstyn Ostrander, Abm., drum'r Yates Ostrander, Abm , private Ostrander, Abm., private Ostrander, Adam, private Ostrander, And'w, private Van Rensselaer Ostrander, Arend, private Van Rensselaer Ostrander, Benj'n, private Livingston Ostrander, Corn's, private Brinkerhoff Ostrander, David, captain Johnson Wynkoop WessenfelsHaysSnyder Wynkoop Fisher Van Rensalaer Yates Van Rensselaer Van Wyck Van Wyck BrinckerhoofBurnet Hamilton Wilson Hamilton HamiltonHamilton Delavan Schoonmaker Westfall Schoonmaker Hunter SchoonmakerDeWitt Van Wee Hasbrouck HunterLivingston Schoonmaker Schoonmaker Hasbrouck De Witt Hunter Westbrook Schoonmaker Dedrick WestbrookWestbrook PiercyFaulknerDe Witt DedrickVan Beuren Miller Van Wie Pawling Frank PawlingVan Beuren Hardenburgh Swart McMaster Snook Humfrey Claw Hadlock De Garmo Brown Bries Woodworth PhilipPulverStorm Name and Rank. Ostrander, David, captain Ostrander, Garret, private Ostrander, Garrit private Ostrander, Hend'k, lieut. Ostrander, Hend'k, private Ostrander, Hend'k, private Ostrander, Hend'k, Jr , pr. Ostrander, Henry, lieut. Ostrander, Henry, private Ostrander, Henry, private Ostrander, Henry, private Ostrander, Henry, private Ostrander, Henry, private Ostrander, Henry, private Ostrander, Isaac, private Ostrander, Jacob, private Ostrander, James, private Ostrander, Johannes, corp. Ostrander, Jno., adjt Ostrander, John, lieut Ostrander, John, lieut Ostrander, Jno., lieut Ostrander, John, lieut. Ostrander, John, ensign Ostrander, John, private Ostrander, John, private Ostrander, Jno., private Ostrander, John, private Ostrander, Jon'n, sergeant Ostrander, Jon'n, private Ostrander, Johntice, priv. Ostrander, Mosqs, private Ostrander, Peter, sergeant Ostrander, Peter, private Ostrander, Peter, private Ostrander, Peter, private Ostrander, Peter, private Ostrander, Peter, private Ostrander, Sam'l, private Ostrander, Teunis, sergt. Ostrander, Teunis, private Ostrander, Thomas, sergt. Ostrander, Wilhelmus, en. Ostrander, Wilhelmus, pr. Ostrander, William, ensign Ostrander, William, priv. Ostrander, Wm., private Ostrandt, Adam, private Ostrant, Aldert, private Ostrant, Ezekiel, private Ostrant, Peter, private Ostrautter, Baltus, private Ostrom, John, private Ostrom, John, Jr., private Ostronder, Peter, private Ostrum, Henry, captain Ostrum, John, private Ostrum, John H., private Ostrum, Reulif, pnvate Ostrum, Ruliff, private Oswald, Thomas, private Oswald, Thomas, private Otis, James, private Otter, John, private Otterman, James, private Otterman, James, private Otterson, And'w, private Ottman, Christian, private Otto, Frantz, private Otto, Gotlieb, private Otto, Gotlieb, private Otto, Gotlieb, private Ouderkerk, Peter, private Ouderkirk, Andries, priv. Ouderkirk, Isaac, private Ouderkirk, Jacob, private Ouderkirk, John, private Ouderkirk, John, private Ouderkirk, John, private Ouderkirk, John, private Ouderkirk, Peter, sergeant Regiment. Phillips Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Schuyler Van Rensselaer, Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer QuackenbossGraham Van Bergen Van Rensselaer Quackenboss Wynkoop Van Renselaer Van Rensselaer Wynkoop Johnson Graham Wessenfels Pawling Graham Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer LivingstonVan Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Yates Pawling Van Rensseiaer Van Rensselaer Yates , Van Bergen Weisenfels Van Rensselaer WynkoopSchuylerSchuyler Pawling Johnson Van Rensselaer Johnson Johnson GrahamHarper PawlingPawlingPawling Willet Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Yates Schuyler Pawling Schuyler Schuyler Graham WebsterArmstrong GrahamPawling WessenfelsWessenfels Hopkins ClydeVrooman Vrooman VroomanVrooman Schuyler Schuyler Schuyler SchuylerSchuylerSchuylerSchuyler Schuyler Schuyler Company. Bries Woodworth Van Wie OsterhoudtBries Philip Van Wie Muller HumfreyBries Van Wie Swart BriesFraist Wilkin PawlingLivingston Muller Bries Staats Rockfeller Shaw Sharp HustedBries Bries Brutt Livingston Bries Odle Brutt Hoghtaling BriesSwart Ostrum Ostrum Faulkner Ostrander PhilipGillispyWilliamsHarrison Westfall Pawling Pawling HarrisonVan Benschoten Van Benschouten Hadlock SacketOstrum OstrumWilson Long LongPearce Faulkner Brewster White BrinkerheffBrownRichtmyer BrownMiller Richtmyer Van Aernum Lansing Lansing Lansing Van Wie Van Aernum Ostrum Ostrum Lansing Roster of the State Troops. 441 Name and Rank. Regiment. Ouderkirk, Peter, private Schuyler Ouderkirk, Petrus, private Schuyler Ouderkirk, Petrus, private Schuyler Ousterhoudt, Aldert, priv. Wessenfels Ousterhoudt, Fred'k, priv. Klock Ousterhoudt, Fred'k, priv. Klock Ousterhoudt, Fred'k^ priv. Klock Ousterhoudt, Hendrick, pr. Wessenfels Ousterhoudt, Jobn, sergt Bellinger Ousterhoudt, John, sergt. Bellinger Ousterhoudt, Sam'l, pnv. Cantine Ousterhoudt, Tunis, priv. Wessenfels Ousterhout, Henry, corpl. Wessenfels Ousterhout, Peter, private Piatt Out, Matthias, private Van Bergen Ovendorph, Fred'k, private Bellinger Ovensants, Philip, corpl. Van Rensselaer Overaker, Wandle, private Yates Overaker, Wandle, private Yates Overbagh, Ab'm, private Van Bergen Overbagh, Benjamin, priv. Schuyler Overbagh, Clement, priv. Van Bergen Overbagh, Isaac, private Van Bergen Overbagh, Jerry, sergeant Van Bergen Overbagh, Jerem'h, private Van Bergen Overbagh, John, sergeant Van Bergen Overbagh, John, corporal Van Bergen Overbagh, Peter, private Van Bergen Overhigh, Jerem'h, private Dubois Overocker, Adam, private Van Rensselaer Overocker, Adam, private Van Rensselaer Overocker, George, corpl. Van Rensselaer Overocker, Geo., corporal Van Rensselaer Overocker, George, private Van Rensselaer Overocker, Jacob, private Van Rensselaer Overocker, Jacob, private Yates Overocker, Mich'l, corpl. Van Rensselaer Overocker, Mich'l, private Van Rensselaer Overocker, Mich'l, private Van Rensselaer Overocker, Mich'l W., pr. Van Rensselaer Overoker, Adam, private Yates Overoker, Geo., private Yates Company. Van Aernum Slyngerlandt Groot Westfall Cayser HouseWagnerHardenburgh Frank Herden Hasbrouck Hardenburgh LivingstouBrodhead Dubois Frank Staats Brutt Van Den Burgh Witbeck Van Wee Hoghtaling Dubois WitbeckHoghtaling Dubois De Garmo Vanderhoof De Garmo Vanderhoof Van Derhoof Vanderhoof Weltse Van Derhof De Garmo Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Hadlock Hadlock Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Overpagh, Abr'm, corporal Van Bergen Hoghtaling Overpagh, Jeremiah, priv. Van Bergen Hoghtaling Overpagh, John, sergeant Willet Conine Overpagh, John, private Van Bergen Hoghtaling Overpagh, Wilhelmus, cor. Van Bergen Hoghtaling Overpagh, John, corporal Van Bergea Van Schaick Overpaw, John, private Malcom Delavan Overrocker, Adam, private Yates Brown Overy, Joseph, corporal Wessenfels White Ovet, Isaac, private Graham Ovett, Isaac, private Van Woert Gilmore Ovit, Eben'r, private Noble Owen, David, corporal Newkirk Crawford Owen, Joseph, Jr., private Thomas Owen, Thad's, private Graham Conklin Owens, Alenatus, sergeant Van Schoonhoven Taylor Owens, Amasa, private Wessenfels Brewster Owens, Benjamin, private Johnson Wilkins Owens, Benjamin, private Pawling Faulkner Owens, Elisha, private Harper Vrooman Owens, Epenetus, sergeant Van Schoonhoven Taylor Owens, Epenetus, private Van Schoonhoven Taylor Owens, John, private Wessenfels White Owens, Isaac, private Cortland Owens, James, private Wessenfels White Owens, Jedediah, private Thomas Thomas Owens, Jerem'h, private Horton Owens, Jesse, private Luddington Lane Owens, John, private Johnson Johnson Owens, John, private Pawling Faulkner Owens, Jno., private Dubois Burnet Owens, Jonathan, private Wessenfels Godwin Owens, Jon'n, private Wessenfels White Owens, Joseph, private Willet Pearcy Owens, Joshua, private Phillips Ostrander Owens, Na's, pnvate Newkirk Crawford Owens, Solomon, private Dubois Lee Owens, Thaddeus, private Wessenfels Owlman, John, private Fisher Yeoman Oxberger, John, private Schuyler Lansing Oxen, John, private Willet Newell Oxtrim, Gilbert, corporal Graham Wilson Paba, Ernst, private Pace, Henry, private Packer, James, private Paddarck, Jon'n, major*" Paddark, Nath' n, serg. maj, Paddick, Henry, private Paddick, Job, private Paddick, Job, private Paddock, Daniel, private Paddock, David, private Paddock, John, private Paddock, Judah, corporal Paddock, Levy, private Paddock, Levy, private Paddock, Peter,* private Paddock, Peter, private Paddock, Seth, private Paddock, Stephen, corpl. Padduck, Peter, private Padget, James, private Padget, John, corporal Page Amos, private Page Christ'r, private Page Samuel, private Page Samuel, private Page, William, private Paget, James, private Pain, Bunnel, private Pain, Caesar, private Pain, John, private Pain, Joseph, private Clyde Willet Williams FieldFieldSchuyler YatesVan Rensselaer Wessenfels Luddington Willet Luddington Van Rensselaer Yates Luddington Brinckerhoff LuddingtonLuddington Schuyler Schuyler YatesWebster Van Schoonhoven SchuylerWilliams Van Rensselaer Webster Pawling Vrooman Hammond House Livingston Shepardson Tillman WhiteWaterbury Van Rensselaer Waterbury MeadVan Benschoten WaterburyWaterbury Tillman Van Schaick Tillman HadlockLong AylsworthOstrum Armstrong Dencker (?) Long Livingston RichtmyerComb P. Pain, Joseph, private Pain, Joseph, private Pain, Noah, private Paine, Brinton, lieut. col. Paine, Brinton, major Paine, Daniel, private Paine, Ezra, quar. mr. Paine, Ichabod, Jr., sergt Paine, Joseph, -f private Paine, Samuel, private Paine, Thomas, private Painter, Edward, lieut. Painter, Philip, private Painter, Thomas, private Pairce, Norris, private Palchen, Zebulon, private Paldon, John, lieut. Paley, Hend'k, private Palin, Peter, private Pall, James, private Pallinger, William, private Palmanter, Thomas, priv. Palmateer, Abr'm, private Palmateer, Mich'l, sergt. Palmateer, Mich'l, private Palmateer, William, priv. Palmater, Mich'l, sergeant Palmater, Peter, private Palmatie, Peter, private Palmatier, Isaac, private Palmatier, Tho's, private Hammond Van Bergen Webster Dubois Hopkins Van Alstyn HopkinsHopkinsHammond HopkinsHopkins Van Alstyn SchuylerVan Alstyn YatesVan Rensselaer Brinckerhoff Brinckeehoff Schuyler" Clyde FisherCantine Cantine CantineJohnsonCantineBrinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Van Schoonhoven Van Rensselaer Comb Honeywell Long Philips Wheeler Honeywell Wheeler Brinkerhoff Ostrander OstrumOstrander King HortonVan Benschoten Van Benschoten Veeder Van Everat Veeder Ramsen RamsenRoosa Hasbrouck Van Benschoten Van Benschouten CollinsStaats * Enlisted in Weissenfels's Levies April 1, 1732; sent to Lamb's Artillery as sergeant A. P. 16-194. t Shot twice in right side near Philippsburgh, West Chester county, Jan. 11, 1781. Farmer, Philippsburgh. Aa 52. 56 442 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Palmatier, William, private Palmeeter, Wm., private Palmelton, Joshua, private Palmer, Aaron, private Palmer, Aaron, private Palmer, Amariah, sergeant Palmer, Amaziab, sergeant Palmer, Amaziah, private 6 Palmer, Amaziel, private Palmer, Amoziah, sergt. Palmer, Benj'n, private Palmer, Benah, private Palmer, David, corporal Palmer, David, private Palmer, Elijah, private Palmer, Elisha, private Palmer, Elisha, private Palmer, Ephraim, private Palmer, Fenner, private Palmer, Gersham, private Palmer, Gideon, pnvate Palmer, Gideon, private «=»- Palmer, Gilbert, private Palmer, Henry, private Palmer, Isaac, private Palmer, Jacob, private Palmer, Jacob, private Palmer, Jacob, private Palmer, Jacob, private Palmer, Jacob, private Palmer, James, private Palmer, Jerard, corpl. Palmer, Jerem'h, pnvate Palmer, Jesse, private Palmer, John, ensign Palmer, John, sergeant Palmer, John, private Palmer, John, private Palmer, John, private Palmer, John, private Palmer, Jonathan, private Palmer, Joseph, private Palmer, Joseph, private Palmer, Levi, private Palmer, Messenger, private Palmer, Nathan, sergeant Palmer, Nathan, corporal Palmer, Nath'l, private Palmer, Obediah, private Palmer, Othniel, private Palmer, Phinner, private Palmer, Rob't, pnvate Palmer, Solomon, corporal Palmer, Solomon, private Palmer, Stephen, sergeant Palmer, Thomas, private Palmer, Thomas, private Palmer, Thomas, private Palmer, Thos., ensign Palmer, William, pnvate Palmer, Will., private Palmer, Will., private Palmerteer, John, private Palmerton, Joshua, private Palmerton, Joshua, private Palmerton, Thomas, priv. Palmeteer, Joshua, private Palmetier, John, private Palsperger, John, private Palsperger, John, private Pampeely, Bennet, sergt. Panesknut, John, private Pangburn, Rich'd, private Pangburn, Wm., private Pangburn, Will., private Pannel, Isaac, private Pannel, John, private Pannel, Moses, private Pannel, Rob't, private Regiment. Company. Pawling Piercy Van Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Pawling Sacket Thomas Hobby Van Schoonhoven White Graham Lansing Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven White Willet White Hopkins Talmadge Van Schoonhoven White Yates Hadlock Whiting Salsbury Van Ness Drake Delivan Crane Lockwood Hays Stevenson Yates Hadlock Yates Hadlock Crane Trusdel Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Howley Wessenfels Hunt Willet Cannon Wessenfels Shephard Willet Cannon Van Bergen Dubois Van Bergen Witbeck Van Bergen Van Schaick Whiting Vosburgh Van Veghten Winne Van Woert Gilmore Crane Lockwood Yates Hadlock Yates Hadlock Graham Williams Hopkins Talmadge Van Veghten Van Woert Van Rensselaer Hawley Onderdonk Hays Wessenfels Pawling Graham Conklin Drake Haight Stevenson Yates Hadlock •Yates Hadlock Yates Hadlock. Crane Lockwood Van Veghten Thompson Yates Hadlock Van Bergen Witbeck Graham Pearce Wessenfels Hunt Van Rensselaer Philip Thomas % Hubby Thomas "Lyon Stevenson Van Rensselaer Husted Johnson Conklin Luddington Kidd Field Hecock Pawling Pawling Van Schoonhoven Taylor Van Schoonhoven Steenbergh Pawling Pawling Van Schoonhoven Quackenboss KlockKlock Wessenfels Hopkins Quackenboss Schuyler Quackenboss Webster WebsterWebster Webster KlockSutsWhiteWheelerSlingerlandt Van Wee LongLong LongLong Name and Rank. Pannel, Robert, private Pannel, Robert, private Panter, Jacob, private Panter, Lewis, private Panter, Ulridge, private Parburgh, Henry, private Parcels, Peter, private Parcey, John, private Pardee, John,* private Pardee, Nathan, sergeant Pardner, Valentine, priv. Pardy, John, private Pardy, John, private Pardy, Nathan, private Pardys Silas, sergeant Pardy, Thomas, private Paree, David, private Parent, Jacob, private Parent, Levi, private Parie, John, private Paris, Isaac, paymaster Paris, Isaac, lieut Paris, Isaac, lieut. Paris, Isaac, private Parish, Azariah, sergeant Parish, Azariah, sergeant Parish, Cyprian, private Parish, Cyprian, private Parish, Dan'l, sergeant Parish, Dan'l, private Parish, Eph't, private Parish, John, private Parish, John, private Parish, John, private Parish, John, private Parish, John, private Parish, Joseph, private Parish, Josiah, fifer Parish, Josiah, private Parish, Silas, private Parish, Stephen, private Parish, Stephen, private Parish, Uriah, sergeant Park, Daniel,-, sergeant Parkel, Jacob, private Parker, And'w, private Parker, Caleb, private Parker, Caleb, private Parker, Eliphalet, corp. Parker, Eliphlet, private Parker, Elisha, private Parker, George, private Parker, Ichabod, lieut Parker, Isaac, sergeant Parker, Jacob, private Parker, Jesse, private Parker, John, private Parker, Jon'n, private Parker, Joseph, private Parker, Joseph, private Parker, Mich 1, private Parker, Mich'l, private Parker, Moses, private Parker, Nath'l, sergeant Parker, Nath'l, private Parker, Nath'l, private Parker, Nath'l, private Parker, Nath'l, private Parker, Peter, private Parker, Robert, drummer Parker, Samuel, private Parker, Timothy, private Parkes, James, private Parkley, Jacob, private Parkly, Mich'l, corporal Parkly, Mich'l, private Parks, Amesiah, private Parks, Dan'l, private Parks, Dan'l, private Regiment. Company. Webster McNitt Armstrong McNitt Piatt Bradbick Fisher Yates Fisher Yates Graham Wilson Malcom Van Bergen Willet Newell Benedict Bouton Graham Husted Pawling Sacket Whiting Davis Thomas Gilbert Van Rensselaer Cady Hopkins Wheeler Yates Wiltse Drake Boyd Drake Boyd Van Bergen HarperKlock Witbeck Miller Harper Putman Klock Miller Hopkins Field Barnum Dykeman Hopkins Lane Cortland HopkinsLuddington Lane Baker Wessenfels Pawling Westfall Webster Long Webster Hamilton Armstrong • Livingston Elliot Wessenfels White Webster Hamilton Webster Hamilton Luddington Scribner Van Rensselaer De Garmo Yates Brown Field Dyckman McCrea Doty Schuyler Lansing Schuyler Sharp Yates Yates Van Rensselaer De Garmo Armstrong Webster Child Willet Gray Whiting Gilbert Webster Childs Hays Gardner Hays Gardner Whiting Davis Hays Gardner Yates Hadlock Crane Lawrence Hopkins Brinkerhoff Webster Childs Armstrong McNitt Drake Webster Childs Hopkins Brinkerhoff Drake Luddington Knapp Brinckerhoof Brinckerhoff Hays Gardner Elsworth Willet Van Cortlandt Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Webster Sherwood Schuyler Slyngerlandt Schuyler Groot SchuylerVan Veghten Slyngerlandt Woodworth Graham Van Veghten Thompson * Ontario Co. A. P. 21-195. t Served from Aug. 26 to Nov. 23, 1779. A. P. 15-244. Roster of the State Troops. 443 Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Parks, David, private Whiting Davis Parks, Elijah, lieut Hopkins Wheeler Parks, Ezra, corporal Whiting Davis Parks, Jacob, private Graham Pearce Parks, Jehial, sergeant Van Veghten Thompson Parks, Jehial, sergeant Van Veghten Dunning Parks, Jonas, lieut Hopkins Talmadge Parks, Oliver, private Malcom Livingston Parks, Robt., private Harper Allen Parks, Samuel, private Pawling" Pawling Parks, Samuel,- private Hopkins Talmadge Parks, Smith, corporal Whiting Davis Parksj Squire, private Noble Parks, Tim'y, private Graham Lansing Parmerter, Abijah, private Hays Stevenson Parr, Moses, private Willet Gilbert Parrent, Jacob, private Drake Haight Parrie, John, private Van Bergen Witbeck Parris, Anth'y, private Vandenburgh Van Wyck Parrish, Cyprian,* private Wessenfels Parrish, Silas,t private Ludinton Swartwout Parsall, Deavenport, priv. Hammond Parse, Benj'n, private Van Rensselaer De Garmo Parse, Dan 1, private Van Rensselaer De Garmo Parse, Dan'l, private Luddington Mead Parse, Rich'd, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Parsell, Jacob, corporal Hays Gardner Parsell, Johannes, private Hays Blauvelt Parsell, John, private Hays Gardner Parsell, Paul, private Hays Ackerson Parsell, Paul, private Hays Gardner Parsell, Wm., corporal Hays Hogencamp Parsen, John I., private Wynkoop De Witt Parshall, David, private Pawling Westfall Parshall, James, private Dubois Gano Parshel, John, private Hathorn Telford Parsin, Garrit, private Van Bergen Hoghtaling Parsin, John, lieut. Van Bergen Hoghtaling Parson, Corn's, private Wynkoop Parson, Henry, private Van Veghten Parson, John, lieut. Van Bergen Hoghtaling Parsons, John, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Partial, John, private Malcom Drake Parlick, Robt., private Van Rensselaer Townsend Partick, Robt, Jr., priv. Van Rensselaer Townsend Partrick, James, private Willet Marshall Partrick, John, private Drake Delivan Partrick, Matthew, private Willet Marshall Partridge, John, private Malcom Delavan Partridge, Thomas, private Williams Stowel Partridge, Thomas, private Williams Rice Pashall, James, private Clyde Bawman Pasola, Gyla, private Vrooman Pass, Christ'r, corporal Schuyler Ostrum Pass, Christ'r, private Schuyler Van Aernum Pass, Christ'r, private Schuyler Ostrum Pass, Jonathan, private Pawling Westfall Pass, Lodowick, private Schuyler Ostrum Passage, Geo., lieut. Willet Debois Passage, George, lieut. Harper Bogart Passage, Geo., sergt. major Wemple Passage, Geo., sergeant Wemple Outhout Passage, Geo., Jr., private Wemple Outhout Passage, Joseph, private Willet Tearse Passagie, Henry, private Van Rensselaer Shaw Passassey, Henry, corporal Schuyler Scharp Passasy, Joseph, private Van Rensselaer Passenger, And'w, private Schuyler Slyngerlandt Passenger, Soverinus, pr. Schuyler Lansing Pastow, Henry, private Wynkoop V an Beuren Patehen, Hezekiah, private Whiting King Patchen, Isaac, private Vrooman Patehen, James, private Whiting King Patchen, Jesse, corporal Whiting ¦ King Patchen, Squire, corporal Van Schoonhoven Hicks Patchen, Walter, private Whiting King Patchen, Zachariah, corpl. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Patcher, Walter, private Willet Harrison Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Patchin, Isaac.t private Ziele Harper Pachin, Jabez, private Van Schoonhoven Collins Patchin, Samuel, private Van Schoonhoven Collins Patchon, Samuel, sergeant Harper Harrison Patengall, John, private Fisher Fisher Patengall, Sam'l, private Fisher Fisher Pater, Elisha, private Van Rensselaer Turner Paterson, Adam, private Van Woert Gilmore Paterson, Adam, private Van Woert Hodges Paterson, Adam, private Fisher McMaster Paterson, Ezra, private Armstrong Paterson, John, lieut Armstrong Paterson, Jon'n, private Williams Stowel Paterson, Joseph, private Webster Long Paterson, Levi, private Armstrong Paterson, Moses, private Wynkoop Paterson, Robt., private Yates Hadlock Paterson, Robt., private Van Rensselaer De Garmo Paterson, Thos., private Wemple Wanson Paterson, Wm., private Van Woert Gilmore Paterson, Wm., private Cantine Paterson, Zacheus, private Webster Childs Patged, James, ensign Schuyler Tillman Patrick, Eben'r, sergeant Van Veghten Woodworth Patrick, Eben'r, sergeant Van Veghten Thompson Patrick, John, private Crane Lockwood Patrick, John, private Drake Delivan Patrick, Joshua, private Van Veghten Thompson Patrick, Matt'w, private Van Rensselaer Bries Patrick, Robt., private Van Veghten Thompson Patrick, Robt-, private Van Rensselaer Townsend Patrick, Wm., private Van Veghten Patrie, Conrad, private Livingston Shaver Patrie, Conrad C., private Livingston Shaver Patrie, Conrad C, private Livingston Shaw Patry, John, private Klock Wagner Patry, Joseph, private Klock Wagner Patten, Allen, private Van Veghten Van Woert Patten, Edward, private Van Bergen Honeywell Patterson, Abijah, private Brinckerhoff Van Benschoten Patterson, Adam, private Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Patterson, Asa, private Malcom . Drake Patterson, David, private Webster Long Patterson, David, private Armstrong Patterson, Edward, private Van Ness Whitney Patterson, Ezra, private Webster Long Patterson, Henry, private Newkirk- Faulkner Patterson, Israel, private Pawling Burnet Patterson, Jacob, private Van Rensselaer Philip Patterson, James, corpl. Wessenfels Godwin Patterson, James, private Wessenfels Godwin Patterson, James, private Pawling Westfall Patterson, James, private Van Bergn Hoghtaling Patterson, James, private Van Bergen Van Schaick Patterson, John, sergeant Newkirk Faulkner Patterson, John, private Fields Hecock Patterson, Joseph, private Hathorn Minthorn Patterson, Joseph, private Webster Long Patterson, Levi, private Webster Long Patterson, Levi, private Armstrong Long Patterson, Oliver, corporal Willet Gillet Patterson, Oliver, private Wemple Wanson Patterson, Mich'l, private Piatt Brodhead Patterson, Robert, private Yates Hadlock Patterson, Thomas, private Wessenfels White Patterson, Thomas, priv. Vrooman Miller PattersoD, Tho's, private Yan Veghten Thompson Patterson, Thomas, private Van Veghten Van Woert Patterson, Wm., private Cantine Hasbrouck Patterson, Zacheus, priv. Armstrong Pattingill, Oliver, private Webster Long Pattingill, Sam'l, private Fisher Yates Pattinson, David, private Webster Long Pattinson, Ezra, private Webster Long Pattinson, Joseph, private Webster Long Pattinson, Levi, private Webster Long Pattis, Will., private Yates Wiltse Pattison, Ezra, private Webster Long * Enlisted for nine months, June, 1782. A. P. 22-75. t Enlisted February 15, 1776: broke left ankle by accidental fall March 15, 1776. Farmer, Pepacunk, Ulster Co. X Captured by Indians April 7, 1780 ; released November 28, 1782. Jefferson, Schoharie county. A. P. 22-.343.„ Cc24. 444 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Pattison, Jacob, private Webster Pattison, John, lieut. Webster Pattison, Levi, private Webster Pattison, Mich'l, private Pawling Pattison, Thomas, private Pawling Pattison, Zachariah, priv. Webster Paul, James, private Hays Paulding, Caleb, private Thomas Paulding, Cornelis, private Hays Paulding, Garret, private Hays Paulding, John, private Hammond Paulding, John, private Van Bergen Paulding, John Sr., private Hammond Paulding, Jobn H., major Hammond Paulding, Joseph, private Hammond Paulding, Peter, ensign Hammond Paulding, Peter, ensign Hammond Paulding, Roger, private Hammond Paulding, Thomas, private Thomas Paulding, Thomas, private Hammond Paulding, Wm., private Hammond Paulding, William, private Hammond Paulding, Wm., private Van Bergen Pauling, Tho's H., private Hammond Pauly, Jacob, private Clyde Paunderson, John, private Paunt, Lewis, private Drake Pawling, Albert, col. com. Pawling, Cornelius, priv. Pawling, Corn's, private Pawling, Henry, captain Pawling, Henry, captain Pawling, Henry, lieut. Pawling, John, private Pawling, John, private Payer, John, private Payne, Dan'l, private Payne, David, private Payne, David, private Payne, Thomas, private Payne, Thomas, private Payne, Tho's, private Payra, John, private Peabody, John, private Peabody, William B.,priv. Whiting Peabody, Wm. Bridges, pr. Van Rensselaer Peacock, Rich'd, lieut. Hays Peacock, Thomas, sergt. Peak, Christ'r, lieut. Peak, Garret, private Peaker, Adolf, private Peaker, Philip, private Pealee, Edmund, paymast'r Hopkins Pearce, Isaac, private Luddington Pearce, James, private Pearce, Jon'n, private Pearce, Richard, private Pearce, Thomas, private Pearce, William, captain Pearcy, John, private Pearcy, Jon'n, captain Pears, Jacob, private Pearse, Isaac, private Pearse, James, private Pearse, John, private Pearsall, James, private Peary, James, private Peas, Abner, private Peas, Asa, sergeant Pease, Abner, private Pease, Abner, private Pease, Asa, private Peat, James, private Peatrie, Joseph, private Peatt, James, private Peatt, Lewis, private Pebe, Simeon, private Peck, Abijah, private Graham Graham Wessenfels Pawling Pawling Pawling Graham Willet Van Rensselaer Willet WilletWilletWilletVan Ness WilletWhiting Newkirk Willet Graham Klock Klock Company. McNitt McNitt Long PawlingDe Witt Childs Smith Thomas BellSmith Comb Honeywell Comb Martling Comb Martling OrserRequa Hobby Requa Comb Orser Honeywell Martling Bowman Humfrey Haight Hermance Wilson Hunter Pawling Wilson Putman Cady NewellHenry Newell HenryHarrison Bostwick KingKing StevensonVankeurenGilletLansingKlock Klock Mead Van Schoonhoven Visscher Wessenfels Westfall Wessenfels White Willet Harrison Graham Willet Gillet Willet Van Schoonhoven Visscher Luddington Waterbury Van Schoonhoven Visscher Thomas VandenburghDrakeWilletWhiting Harper Van Rensselaer DuboisCrane KlockCrane Crane Van Veghten Crane Wheeler Drake Van Renselaer Harrison Schermerhorn Dubois Scofield HessLewisLewis Winne Lockwood Name and Rank. Peck, Ab'm., private Peck, Adonijah, private Peck, Arent, private Peck, Benjamin, private Peck, Benj'n, private Peck, Christ'r, private Peck, Christ'r, private Peck, Corn's, private Peck, Corn's C., private Peck, David, private Peck, Harm's, private Peck, Harm's, private Peck, Henry, private Peck, Henry H., private Peck, Jacobus, lieut. Peck, Jacobus, corporal Peck, Jacobus, private Peck, Jacobus, private Peck, John, private Peck, John, private Peck, John, private Peck, John, private Peck, Joseph, private Peck, Joseph, private Peck, Lewis, corporal Peck, Lewis, private Peck, Moses, private Peck, Oliver, private Peckwell, Christ'r, private Armstrong Pederick, Abijah, private Crane Peebles, Hugh, qr. master Van Schoonhoven Regiment. Van Rensselaer Willet Wemple Thomas CraneWillet Wemple Wemple Wemple Thsmas WempleWemple WempleWemple Wemple Wemple Wemple Wemple Webster Armstrong WempleWempleHopkins Drake Wemple Wemple Willet Brinckerhoff Peek, Ab'm, private Peek, Arent, private Peek, Daniel, private Peek, David, private Peek, Garret, private Van Rensselaer WempleWemple Thomas Van Rensselaer Van Renssalaer Wemple Wemple Peek, Garret, "private Peek, Harm's H., private Peek, Jacobus, corporal Peek, Jacobus H., private Wemple Peek, James, lieut. Dubois Peek, James I., private Wemple Peek, Jesse, private Wemple Peek, John, private Wemple Peek, John I., private Wemple Peek, Joseph, private Wemple Peek, Lewis, private Wemple Peelor, Jacob, private Willet Peer, James, private Drake Peery, James, Jr., sergeant Drake Peese, Asa, private Willet Peiffer, Jacob, private Bellinger Peirce, Norris, private Yates Peletz, George, private Clyde Peley, Jacob, private Van Bergen Peley, Joseph, private Van Bergen Pelham, Eh, corporal Dubois Pelham, Eli, fifer Dubois Pelham, Elijah, private Crane Pelham, Elisha, private Crane Pelham, John, corporal Crane Pelham, Joseph, sergeant Crane Pelham, Joseph, private Thomas Pelham, Samuel, private Crane Pelhamus, Aurt, private Hays Pelhamus, Daniel, sergeant Wynkoop Pell, David, private Field Pell, John, private Weisenfels Pell, Philip, private Luddington Pell, Roger, private Drake Pellem, Elisha, private Crane Pellem, John, corporal Crane Pellem, Joseph, sergeant Crane Pellinger, Adam, private Klock Pellinger, Adam P., private Klock Pellinger, Adam P., private Klock Pellinger, Peter, pnvate Van ReusseSae. Pellum, Francis, private Company. Husted Newell Mynderson St. John LockwoodGray Van Slyck Van Slyck Van Slyck HobbyMynderse Van Slyck Schermerhorn, Mynderson Mynderse Van Petten Fonda Van Slyck Hamilton Wilson Bancker Van Slyck Brinkerhoff Van Petten Mynderse Harrison Brinckerhoff Lockwood Vandenburgh Sharp Van Petten Van Petten Hubhy ShawSharp MyndersonMynderson Dubois Van Petten Fonda Van Petten Bancker Mynderson Van Petten Conine LivingstonHerderBrown Leipe Witbeck Witbeck McFoght Burnet LawrencaBoutonBoutonBouton St. John Lawrence Tonrnem Hecock Kidd BoydScofieldScofieldScofield KlockBradbig Klock Husted Humfrey * Wounded in the face, eye destroyed, October 18, 1782. Albany county, Cc 28. Roster of the State Troops. 445 Name and Rank. Regiment. Pelon, Henry, private Vandenburgh Pels, Evert, pnvate Schuyler Peltze, Evert, private Pawling .Penal, Moses, private Graham Penar, Jabine, private Webster Penbrook, Willliam, priv. Johnson Penbrook, William, private Wessenfels Penbrook, William, private Pawling Pendall, Jon'n, sergeant Graham Pendergrass, Thomas.priv. Van Rensselaer Pendergrass, Thos., priv. Yates Penear, John, sergeant Pawling Peney, David, private Willet Penfield, Isaac, sergeant Graham Penfold, William, private Hopkins Penier, John, adjutant Van Rensselaer Penjil, Peter, private Johnson Pennel, Moses, corporal Webster Pennel, Moses, fifer Penney, John, private Penny, Daniel, private Penny David, drummer Penny, Ed'd, lieut Penny, James, private Penny, John, private Penny, John, private Penny, Joseph, lieut. Penny, Joseph, private Penny, Stephen, private Penny, Will., private Penoyer, Amos, sergeant Penoyer, Isaac, adjutant Penui], John, private Penwell, Moses, private Webster FieldWillet Willet Field Johnson Ostrander Weisenfels LuddingtonWhiting JohnsonField Hopkins Drake Willet Armstrong Percel, Jeremiah, sergeant Wynkoop Percel, Jerem'h, private Wynkoop Perhamus, Cornelius, priv. Hathorn Perine, Dan'l, private Perine, David, private Perkins, Christ'r, corporal Van Veghten Perkins, Christ'r, private Van Veghten Perkins, Eben'r, private Cantine Perkins, Elijah, private Field Perkins, Oliver, private Van Veghten Perkins, Zopher, private Piatt Perkley, Jacob, corporal Schuyler Perkley, Mich'l, corporal Schuyler Perre, John, private Van Bergen Perre, Dan'l, private Livingston Perrigo, Usual, private Cortland Perrigo, Uzal, private Wessenfels Perry, Aaron, private Van Woert Perry, Aaron, private Van Woert Perry, Absalom; private Yates Perry, Bowlen, private Van Woert Perry, David, private Hathorn Perry, David, private Graham Perry, David, private Harper Perry, David, private Piatt Perry, David, private Dubois Perry, David, private Weisenfels Perry, Isaac, private Hays Perry, Jacobus, private Hays ,Perry, Johannis, private Hays Perry, Jno. . corporal Van Woert Perry, John, corporal Van Woert Perry, John, private Wessenfels • Perry, John, private Hopkins Perry, John, private Van Woert Perry, Jno., corporal Van Woert Perry, John, private Van Veghten Perry, John, private Van Bergen Perry, Jonathan, Jr., priv. Phillips Perry, Josiah, private Van Rensseiaer Perry, Justis, private Van Rensselaer Perry, Obadiah, private Hopkins Perry, Samuel, private Wessenfels Company. Storm Ostium Faulkuer Childs Johnson White Burnet Pearce De Garmo Weltse Pawling Gray Miller Van Benschoten Cross Long Long Dykeman Pearcy Pearcy Dykeihau Ostrander Knapp Kellogg Wilkin BarnumWheelerGray Long SwartSwart Case FondaFonda Woodworth Woodworth Ramsen Dykeman Woodworth Brodhead Groot Groot Witbock Shaver WellsBrown Brown Whiteside MinthornNobleAllen Kinnue BurnetBlauvelt BlauveltBlauvelt Brown Whiteside Thompson Barnum , Doty Brown Dubois Miller Townsend WheelerDodge Name and Rank. Perry, Samuel, private Perry, Sam'l, private Perry, Samuel, private Perry. Sam'l, private Perry, Seth, lieut. Perry, Seth, private Perry, Simeon, private Perry, Thos., private Perry, Urian, private Pers, Joel, private Perse, Corn s, private Perse, James, private Perse, John, sergeant Perse, Ry ekert, private Persel, Jerem'h, sergeant Persell, William, private Perseys, Henry, private Persin, Garret, private Persin, Jacobus, private Persin, John, ensign Persin, John, sergeant Perslow, Henry, drummer Person, Adam, private Person, Corn's, private Person, Garrit, private Person, Johannes, lieut. Person, John, lieut Person, John, private Person, John L, private Person, Johannis, lieut. Person, Matt's, private Personas, Jacobus, private Persons, Henry, private Persons, Henry, private Persons, John, private Persons, Peter, private Perter, Frederic, private Perveer, James, sergeant Pessenger, Suft, private Petcher, Gotlieb, private Petcher, Jonathan, lieut. Peter, Godelsp, private Peter, Joseph, corporal Peters, Andrew, private Peters, And'w, private Peters, Joseph, private Peters, Simon, private Peters, Simon, private Peters, Simon, private Peterson, Benj'n, private Peterson, Harm's, private Petersou, John, private Peterson, John, private Peterson, John, private Peterson, John, private Peterson, John, private Peterson, Peter, private Peterson, Philip, private Peterson, Robt., private Petre, Marks, private Petrie, Johannes,* private Petrie, Joseph, private Petrie, William, surgeon Petrie, Wm., surgeon Petry, Dan'l, private Petry, Dedrick, private Petry, Dedrick, private Petry, Jacob, ensign Petry, John, private Petry, John M., private Petry, Jost, private Petry, Marks, private Petry, Will., surgeon Pettengal, Wm., pnvate Petter, Benj'n, private Petters, Matt'w, private Petterson, Chas., sergeant Regiment. Company. Hopkins Barnum Luddington Knapp Field Dykeman Field Hecock Van Rensselaer Townseud Van Rensselaer Bries Field Dykeman Van Rensselaer Odle Hays Smith Van Rensselaer Turner Wynkoop Dedrick Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schojohoven Visscher Wynk Swart Haya Sickles Van Rensselaer Fraist Van Bergen Dubois Van Bergen Dubois Van Bergen Dubois Van Bergen Witbeck Malcom Cantine Van Rensselaer De Forest Wynkoop De Witt Van Bergen Hathorn Bogardus Van Bergen WynkoopWynkoop De Witt Wynkoop WynKoop Bogardus Pawling Westbrook Van Veghten Woodworth Van Veghten Winne Van Schoonhoven Hicks Malcom Graham Wilson Johnson Smith SchuylerHarper Allen Howley Willet Elsworth Van Woert Wells Van Woert Gilmore Van Woert Hodges Fisher Snook Willet Elsworth Willet Gillet Harper Bogart Van Alstyn Van Buren Wemple Wanson Willet Harrison Pawling Sacket Webster Sherwood Hammond Martling Schuyler Ostrum Harper Drake Van Alstyn Van Buren Van Woert Hodges Bellinger Frank Bellinger Small Klock House Willet Harper Bellinger Small Bellinger Staring Bellinger Small Bellinger Small Bellinger Frank Bellinger Small Bellinger Small Bellinger Herder Klock (?) Fisher McMaster Van Woert Whiteside Van Veghten Van Woert Wemple Wanson * Shot through shoulder and back at Oriskanie Aug. 6, 1777. Kingsland Distr., Montgomery Co., A. 161. 446 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Petterson,' Joseph, private Armstrong Long Philips, David, sergt. Graham Muller Petterson, Oliver, corporal Wemple Wanson Philips, David, private Hopkins Brinkerhoff Petterson, Oliver, private Wemple Fonda Philips, Ebenezer, private Harper Allen Petterson, Thomas, priv. Wemple Fonda Philips, Eben'r, private Van Rensselaer King Petterson, Thomas, priv. Wemple Wanson Philips, Elisha, private Webster Pettibone, Dan'l, private Cantine Ramsen Philips, Elisha, private Armstrong Pettingale, Asa, private Willet Livingston Philips, Elisha, private Van Veghten Van Woert Pettingel, Jacob, sergeant Fisher Snook Philips, Fulkert, private Fisher Fisher Pettingel, Jacob, private Fisher Snook Philips, Gilbert, private Hays Gardner Pettingel, Joseph, private Fisher Snook Philips, Harmpnas, privat e Fisher Veeder Pettinger, Richard, privat e Wessenfels Thompson Philips, Henry, private Hammond Pettingill, Jacob, private Fisher Snook Philips, Henry, private Fisher Snook Pettingill, Joseph, private Pettingill, Sam 1, private Fisher Snook Philips, Isaac, private Wessenfels White Fisher Mabee Philips, Isaac, private Willet Livingston Pettingill, Sam'l, private Fisher Snook Philips, Isaac, private Whiting Cady Pettingill, Wm., private Fisher Snook Philips, Isaac, private HarperCortland Bogart Pettis, Asa, private Pettit, Davia, private Van Woert Whiteside Philips, Israel, private Hopkins Van Benschoten Philips, Jacob, private Willet Putman Pettit, David, private Brinckerhoff Brown Philips, Jacob, private Fisher Yeoman Pettit, Eben'r, private Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Philips, Jacobus, private Harper Putman Pettit, Jacob, private Wessenfels White Philips, James, private Klock Hess Pettit, John, captain Van Woert Philips, James, private Fisher Yeoman Pettit, John,* corporal Willet Newell Philips, John, captain Van Alstyn Pettit, John, private Willet Grav Philips, John, private Van Alstyn Ostrander Pettit, Micaijah, private Van Woert Pettit Philips, John, private Livingston Shaver Pettit, Thomas, corporal Willet Newell ' Philips, John, private Schuyler Lansing Petton, Philip, private Luddington Waterbury Philips, John, private Fisher Yates Petus, Simon, private Willet Elsworth Philips, John, private Fisher Snook Pew, Abraham, private Thomas Lyon Philips, John, private Fisher Yeoman Pew, Cornelius D , private Hays Onderdonk Philips, John, private Brinkerhoff Storm Pew, John D., private Hays Onderdonk Philips, Joseph, private Van Alstyn Ostrander Pew, Peter D., private Hays Onderdonk Philips, Joseph, private Schuyler Lansing Phalips, John, private Van Rensselaer King Philips, Joseph, private Crane Chapman Phantom, James, private Harper Allen Philips, Joseph, private Field Dykeman Phans, Jacob, private Van Veghten Dunham Philips, Lewis, private Fisher Yeoman Pharis, Levi, private Pharo, Christ r, corporal Van Veghten Dunham Philips, Moses, major Hathorn Schuyler Lansing Philips, Otniel, lieut. Harper Drake Phelp, David, private Pawling Pawling Philips, Peter, private Livingston Rockenfelle Phelps, Amous, private Willet Welp Philips, Philip, private Willet Marshall Phelps, David, private Wessenfels Livingston Philips, Ri, private Hays Gardner Phelps, David, private Graham Wilson Philips, Samuel, private Pawling Sacket Phelps, Elihu, private Whiting Salisbury Philips, Sam'l, private Dubois Lee Phelps, Elijah, private Phelps, James, lieut. Graham Philips, Sam'l, private Philips, Shadrick, sergt Drake Boyd Whiting Salisbury Van Rensselaer De Garmo Phelps, Tim'y, private Van Woert Hodges Smith Philips, Thomas, private Wemple Fonda Phenber, Jacobus B., priv . Livingston Philips, William, private Hammond Phenix, Abrm., private Wynkoop Van Beuren Philips, Wm., private Fisher Yates Phenton, Amos, private HopkinsFisher Lane Philips, Wm., private Fisher Snook Phibes, Henry, private Wemple Philips, Zeba, private Webster Philes, Henry, private Fisher Wemple Philips, Ziba, private Armstrong Philip, Abm., private Van Rensselaer Phillip, John, private Van Rensselaer Sharp Van Wyck Philip, Adam, private Van Rensselaer Philip Phillips, Ab'm, private Brinckerhoff Philip, Adam, wagoner Van Rensselaer PhilipOsterhoudt Phillips, Christ'r, private Phillips, Christ'r, Jr., pr. Livingston Rockenfelle Philip, Christian, private Van Rensselaer LivingstonBrinckerhoff Rockenfelle Philip, Christian, private Van Renselaer Philip Phillips, David, private Van Wyck Philip, David, sergeant Van Rensselaer Philip Phillips, Folkert, private Fisher Fisher Philip, George, lieut. Van Rensselaer Philip Phillips, Francis, private Van Woert Gilmore Philip, Jacob, private Van Rensselaer Muller Phillips, Hend'k, sergeant Vandenburgh Van Wyck Philip, Jacobus, captain Van Rensselaer Phillips, Hend'k, corporal Brinckerhoff Philip, John, captain Van Alstyn Phillips, Henry, private Brinkerhoff Van Wyck Philip, John, corpl. Van Rensselaer Philip Phillips, Henry, private Brinkerhoff Brinkerhoff Philip, John, Jr., private Fisher Yates Phillips, Henry, private Brinckerhoff Brower Philip, John H., corporal Van Rensselaer Philip Phillips, Isaac, private Field Hecock Philip, Peter, private Van Alstyn Van Valkenburgh Phillips, Jacob, private Brinckerhoff Van Wyck Philip, Peter, private Van Alstyn Vosburgh Phillips, James, pnvate Wessenfels Dodge Philip, Petrus, private Philip, Shadrick, private Vau Alstyn Philip Van Woert Phillips, James, private Schuyler Ostrum Van Veghten Phillips, James, private • Fisher Veeder Philip, Wilhelmus, private Van Rensselaer Phillips, Johannis, private Livingston Rockenfelle Philip, William, private Van Rensselaer Philip Phillips, John, private Fisher Snook Philip, Will., Jr., private Van Rensselaer Philip Phillips, John, private Willet Gillet Philips, Abner, pnvate Willet Harrison Phillips, John, private Fisher Yates Philips, Abner, private Graham Wilson Phillips, Lewis, private Fisher Yeoman Philips, Ab'm, private Fonda Phillips, Peter, private Livingston Rockenfelle Philips, Ab'm, private Fisher McMaster Phillips, Phillip, pnvate Phillips, Ralph, Jr., corpl. Drake Boyd Philips, Amasa, private Willet Wright Brinckerhoff Brower Philips, Amos, corporal Field Hecock Phillips, Thomas, private Van Rensselaer Odle Philips, Daniel, private Hays Gardner Phillips, William, private Brinckerhoff Van Wyck * Severely frost bitten on expedition to Oswego in winter of 1782-8. Greenfield, Saratoga Co., A. P. 21-177. Roster of the State Troops. 447 Name and Rank. Phillips, William, private Phillips, Wm., private t>i,iii„=<. ak>™ «.-:„.,.., Regiment. Brinckerhoff Fisher Fisher Philipse, Ab'm, private Philipse, Eben'r, private Philipse, Fulkert, private Fisher Philipse, Harmanus, sergt. Fisher Philipse, Harmanus, priv. Fisher Philipse, Jacob, private Fisher Philhpse, James, private Fisher Philipse, John, pnvate Fisher Philipse, John, Jr., private Fisher Philipse, Philip, private Fisher Philipse, Philipse, private Fisher Philhpse, Harmonas, priv. Fisher Phillipse, Philip, private Willet Phillo, Samuel, private Philmore, Sirus, private Phyfer, Jacob, oorporal Piarce, John, private Pick, Martinus, private Pickard, Adolph, private Pickard, Adolph,* private Pickard, Adolphus, private Willet Pickard, Conrad, pnvate Willet Pickard, Conrad, private Pickard, George, private Pickard, Isaac, private Pickard, Jacobus, private Pickard, John, private Pickard, John,t quar. mr. Pickard, John C, private Pickard, Nicholas, private Clyde Pickbern, John, private Wemple Pickel, John, fifer Pickel, John, private Pickel, John, private Pickely, John, private Pickerd, Conradt, private Pickert, Adolph, corporal Pickert, Coenraed, private Clyde Pickert, Coenraet private Clyde Pickert, George, private Clyde Pickert, Isaac, private Pickert, John, ensign Pickert, Nicholas, private Pickert, Robert, pnvate Pickings, Peter, private Pickle, John, private Pickle, John, private Pickle, John, private Pier, Ernest, private Pierce, Benj'n, private Pierce, David, private Pierce, Ephraim, ensign Pierce, Eph'm, private Pierce, John, private Pierce, Levy, private Pierce, Norris, private Piercy, Jonathan, captain Piers, John, private Piersye, Isaac, sergeant Graham Van Schoonhoven Bellinger Harper Vrooman KlockCampbell Klock ClydeClydeKlock Klock Clyde Klock Webster Fisher Fisher Fisher Klock Clyde Clyde Clyde Clyde Clyde Thomas WebsterFisher Fisher Klock Yates Yates FisherFisher Van Rensselaer Yates Yates Pawling Van Alstyn Pieterson, Benj'n, private Van Alstyn Piew, Ab'm, private Piew, David, private Pifer, Christ'n, private Pifer, Fred'k, private Pigner, Tise, private Pike, Ezra, corporal Pike, Ezra, private Pike, Javis, private Pike, Jarvis, private Pike, Will., sergeant Pikerd, Barth'w, private Pikerd, John, private Pikes, Ezra, private Pilgrim, Michael, private Pineer, Ab'm, private Brinkerhoff Yates Yates Johnson ClydeVan Rensselaer Hopkins Graham Hopkins Van Rensselaer Klock Klock Vau Rensselaer Johnson Field Company. Brower Snook Veeder NobleWemple VeederVeederVeederVeeder Veeder Veeder LittleVeeder Veeder Fonda VailGittmanVrooman Richtmyer RuffWerns Tearse Fonda Suts Diffendorf Diffendorf House Klock Klock Diffendorf Mynderse Veeder Degraas Veeder Klock Weeser House Weeser Diffendorf Diffendorf Weeser Diffendorf House Chapman Sherwood Degraas Putman Wagner McMasterMcMasterRockfeller Stevenson Truesdel OstranderStorm Yates Vandenburgh Cross DygertSchermerhornWheeler Williams Wheeler Philips Cayser Kock SchermerhornJansen Hecock Name and Rank. Pinckney, Lewis, private Pine, Isaac, lieut. Pine, John,' private Pine, John, private Pine, Norris, private Pine, Sam'l, private Pine, Timothy, private Pineer, David, private Pinkney, Fred'k, private Pinkney, Israel, private Pinkney, John, private Pinkney, Lewis, private Pinkney, Thomas, private Piper, Hend'k, private Piper, Jacob, private Piper, Joseph, private Pipre, Eldre, sergeant Pirkny, Christ'r, private Pise, Geo., oorporal Piser, Christ'r, private Pitcher, Isaac, sergeant Pitcher, Isaac, sergeant Pitcher, Isaac, sergeant Pitcher, Jon'n, lieut. Pitcher, Reuben, private Pitt, Eph'm, private Pixley, Will., private Place, Freeman, private Place, Truman, private Place, William, private Place, Uriah, private Plado, Sander, private Plamate, Benoni, private Plamer, David, private Plank, Adam, private Plank, Adam, private Plank, John, private Flank, John, private Plank, John, private Plank, Mich'l, private Plant, John, private Plants, John, private Plantz, Johannis, private Plantz, John, private Plaper, Christian, private Plaper, Christian, private Flapper, Christ'r, private Plarra, Samuel, private Plass, Freeman, private Plass, Freman, private Plass, Peter, private Plass, Peter M., private Plass, Uriah, private Platner, Henry, lieut. Plato, James, sergeant Plato, James, corporal Plato, James, private Piatt, Caleb, private Piatt, John, private Piatt, Rich'd, private Piatt, Rich'd, private Piatt, William, corp. Piatt, Zeph'h, colonel Plattow, James, private Ploegh, Hend'k, private Ploegh, Henry, private Ploegh, Teunis, private Plonk, Jeury, sergeant Plough, Hend'k, private Plough, Henry, private Plough, Henry, private Plough, Henry, Jr., priv. Plough, Nich's, private Plough, Wilhelmus, priv. Plough, Tunis, private Plough, Sam'l, private Plumb, Amariah, private Regiment. Luddington Van Woert ThomasThomas Van Rensselaer DrakeWessenfels FieldLuddington LuddingtonDrake Malcom Benedict Johnson Bellinger BellingerDubois Van Veghten Clyde Yates Van Rensselaer WilletVan Ness Van Ness Webster Malcom Van Ness Drake Thomas Johnson Thomas Schuyler Hopkins Van Bergen Fisher Fisher Fisher Van Bergen Clyde Van Bergen DrakeKlock Clyde Klock Klock Klock Webster Pawling Thomas LivingstonLivingstonThomasVan Rensselaer HopkinsLuddington Luddington LuddingtonMalcom Pawling WynkoopWynkoop Van Bergen Wynkoop Wessenfels WessenfelsWessenfels ClydePiattWynkoop Graham Willet Company. Mead Brown Hubby Lyon Drake Hunt HecockWaterbury MeadLivingston Osburn Roosa FrankFrank De Mout Woodworth DiffendorfVandenburgh Van Allen Harrison Long McKinstryBuckhout St. John MastinSt. John Groot Waters Witbeck Degraas Veeder Veeder Witbeck House Witbeck Fonda RuffHouseZeely Miller Miller Long SacketRockenfelleRockenfelle Sackett Philip Fonda Fonda Fonda Talmadge Waterbury WaterburyMeadDelavan FondaLivingstonSwart Swart Witbeck Van Beuren Pawling Livingston Livingston Van Everat Lee Van Beuren WilsonPearcy * Wounded in the shoulder August 6, 1777- Canajoharie. B 48. t Shot through left arm at Oriskanie, August 6, 1777, died May i, 1783. 448 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Plumb, Caleb, private Plumb, Jeremiah, corporal Plumb, John, private Plumb, Joseph, private Plumbly, Jon'n, private Plumbly, Jon'n, corporal Plumstead, Joseph, private Pocknott, John, private Podman, Arond, private Poland, Wm., private Polaskie, Ant'y, private Polden, William, private Polen, William, private Polhamus, Abm., private Polhamus, John, private Polhamus, Theodorus, pr. Polhemus, Abr'm, private Polhemus, Daniel, sergeant Polhemus, Daniel, sergeant Polhemus, Daniel, corporal Polhemus, Dan'l, private Polhemus, Henry, private Polhemus, Theodorus, cor. Poll, Ab'm, private Pollen, Wm., private Pollock, Wm., private Polmanter, John, private Poloke, Wm., private Pompelly, Bennet, sergeant Pond, Chance, private Ponhall, Adam, private Ponier, Isaac, private Ponnal, Robert, private Pontineer, Henry, private Pool, Ab'm, private Pool, Ab'm, private Pool, Ant'y, private Pool, Garrit, private Pool, Garrit, private Pool, George, private Pool, Henry, private Pool, Jacob, private Pool, James, private Pool, Johannes, private Pool, John, private Pool, Jurian, private Pool, Matt'w, private Pool, Melgert, private Pool, Melkert, private Pool, William, pnvate Pool, William, private Pool, William, private Pool, Wm., private Pool, William, private Poolmanter, John, private Poor, Moses, privatet Pootmauter, Wm., private Popino, Dan'l, private Poppino, Daniel, private Poppino, John, major Poppino, John, major Poppino, John, private Poppino, Rich'd, private Poppino, Richard, private Poppino, William, private Poppino, Wm., private Porch, Andrew, private Porck, Andrew, private Pordon, Thomas, private Pore, Matt'w, private Porrell, Thomas, private Porter, David, lieut. Porter, Elijah, private Porter, Felix, private Porter, John, lieut. Porter, Jonathan, lieut. Post, Abraham, private Post, Abraham, private Post, Abr'm, private Post, Ab'm, A., private Post, Ant'y, private Regiment. Willet / Willet Willet Willet Wessenfels Wessenfels Johnson Van Cortlandt Klock HaysWessenfels Hays Hays Cooper Hays Wessenfels PawlingPawling Wessenfels Hays Hays Van Rensselaer DrakeWebster Fisher ArmstrongWessenfels Wessenfels Schuyler Drake Armstrong Cantine Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Wessenfels Wessenfels Pawling Hays Harper Fisher Van Rensselaer Fisher Wisner Hathorn WisnerHathorn Hathorn Hathorn HathornHathorn Wisner Harper Pawling Brinkerhoff Hays Yates Luddington Van Woert Van Rensselaer Drake Hays Hays WynkoopWynkoop Field Company. Pearcy PearcyGray Wright GodwinGodwin Roosa Stevenson Blauvelt Hunt Stevenson TourneurTourneur Blauvelt Smith Pawling LivingstonLivingston Pawling Tourneur Tourneur Sharp Boyd Armstrong Yates ArmstrongHardenburghBrewsterVan Aernum BoydLong Hasbrouck De Forest Husted Schermerhorn Staats TownsendWoodworth BriesBries Townsend BriesTownsend Staats Bries Bries Staats Thompson B^wen Lawrence Tourneur Lawrence GartnerNilesGartner BalySayres Sayres Shepherd Minthorn Sayres Baly Lawrence Lawrence Brinkerhoff Stevenson Mead GilmoreDelivan BellTourneur De Witt DedrickHecock Name and Rank. Post, Benjamin, private Post, Benj'n, private Post, Cornelius, sergeant Post, Corn's, sergeant Post, Corn's, private Post, Daniel, private Post, Daniel, private Post, Garret, private Post, Hendrick, private Post, Hendrick, private Post, Hend'k, pnvate Post, Hend'k, private Post, Henry, sergeant Post, Henry, private Post, Henry, private Post, Henry, Jr., private Post, Isaac, sergeant Post, Isaac, private Post, Isaac, private Post, Isaac, private Post, Isaac, private Post, Isaac, Jr., private Post, Isaac Ab'm, private Post, Jacobus, sergeant Post, Jacobus, corporal - Post, Jacobus, private Post, Jacobus, private Post, John, private Post, John, private Post, Joseph, corporal Post, Joseph, private Post, Joseph, private Post, Martin, corporal Post, Martin, private Post, Martin, private Post, Martin, private Post, Martinus, private Post, Martinus, private Post, Martinus, Jr., private Post, Nicholas, private Post, Nich's, private Post, Peter, lieut., Post, Rich'd, private Post, Samuel, corporal Post, Samuel, private Post, Samuel, pnvate Post, Sam'l, private Post, Sam'l, private Post, Wm,, Jr., private Post, Zeblum, private Postjun, Martine, private Potan, Matt'w, lieut. Poter, Francis, private Potlard, David, private Pots, James, private Pots, Thomas, private Pottard, David, private Potten, Allen, private Potter, David, private Potter, Edward, private Potter, Edward, private Potter, Ed'd, private Potter, Elisha, private Potter, Gilbert, private Potter, Gilbert, private Potter, John, ensign Potter, John, ensign Potter, Jon'n, private Potter, Jon'n, private Potter, Nath'l, lieut. Potter, Nath'l, private Potter, Poland, private Potter, Rob't, private Potter, Robert, private Potter, R., private Potter, Robert, private Potter, Roland, private Potter, Samuel, sergeant Potter, Sam'l, corporal Potter, Sam'l, private Potter, Simon, private Regiment. Schuyler Quackenboss Pawling Harper Wynkoop Cooper Hays HathornHathornPawlingPawling Wynkoop Luddington WessenfelsPawling WynkoopWynkoop Pawling PawlingHays Wynkoop Wynkoop Hays Wynkoop Pawling Hathorn Wynkoop Hays Wynkoop Drake Drake Brinkerhoff Wynkoop WessenfelsPawling Pawling Wynkoop Hathorn Wynkoop Klock Klock Wynkoop Schuyler Wynkoop Pawling PawlingWynkoop Wynkoop LivingstonWillet Wynkoop Harper Malcom Crane CraneMalcomVan Veghten FieldJohnsonJohnson Johnson Whiting Drake Drake Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Veghten Van Veghten CantineVan Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten DrakeVan Rensselaer Benedict Harper Van Ness DrakeVan Woert Van Veghten Company. Van Wie Van Wie Hunter Vrooman Blauvelt Bell McCamly Bogardus Pawling Livingston De Witt Lane Livingston Van Aken Hunter Westbrook Tourneur Dedrick Tourneur Dedrick Pawling McCamly Schoonmaker Blauvelt Dedrick Haight Schutt Pawling Westbrook LivingstonBogardus SchoonmakerHess Wagner LansingHunterWestbrook Schoonmaker Dedrick Smith Van Buren Vrooman Fonda Blakely Lewis Lewis BlakelyVan Woert Hecock GillispyCross Jansen Boyd Haight WoodworthSchermerhornWoodworth Van Woert Hasbrouck Van Woert Van Woert Boyd Niles Osburn DrakeBoyd Hodges Van Woert Roster of >the State Troops. 449 Name and Rank. Potter, Thomas, private Potter, William, private Potts, David, private Poul, Charles, lieut. Powel, Jesse, private Powel, Jon'n, sergeant Powel, Jon'n, sergeant Powel, Jon'n, corporal Powel, Jon'n, private Powel, Rich'd, sergeant Powel, Wm., lieut, Powel, Wm., fifer Powel, Wm., private Powel, Wm., private Powel, William, private Powell, Abraham, private Powell, Thomas, private Power, John, private Power, Moses, private Power, Nich's, lieut. Power, Nich's, private Power, Nich's, Jr., ensign Power, Wm., lieut Powers, Charles,* private Powers, James, corporal Powers, James, private Powers, John, private Powers, J ohn, private Powers, Moses, private Powers, William, private Poyneer, Wright, sergeant Praim, John, private Pratt, Bill, pnvate Pratt, Chaltier, private Pratt, David, heut. col. Pratt, Emanuel, private Pratt, Ephraim, private Pratt, Ezra, sergeant 'Pratt, Obediah, pnvate Pratt, Rob't, private Pratt, Robert, private Pratt, Wm,, sergeant Pratt, William, private Pratt, Wm., private Pratt, Wm., private Predickman, Lodewick, p. Prentee, Dan'l, private Prentess, Wm., pri-vate Prentice, Dan'l, private Prentice, Dan'l, private Prentice, Ichabod, private Prentiph, Joseph, heut. Prentiph, Wm., private Prentiss, Dan'l, private Prentiss, Joseph, lieut. Prentiss, Wm., private Prescott, Thomas, private Fresher, Abraham, private Preslar, Joseph, private Prester, Ab'm, private Preston, David, corporal Preston, David, private Preston, Isaac, corporal Preston, John, corporal Preston, John, fifer Preston, John, private Preston, Levi, private Preston, Samuel, corporal Preston, Samuel, corporal Preston, Wm., filer Preston, Wm., private Preston, Wm., private Preston, Wm., private Preston, Wm., private Preston, Wm., private Regiment. Company. Van Veghten Van Woert Whiting Herrick Graham Wilson Clyde Bowman Drake Haight Yates Brutt Yates Weltse Yates Hadlock Yates Hadlock Yates Hadlock Van Woert Doty Yates Brutt Yates Brutt Yates Hadlock Van Woert Hodges Brinkerhoff Hopkins Yates Van Woert Brown Armstrong Livingston Pulver Livingston Pulver Livingston Van Woert Pulver Doty Willet Newell Hathorn Mervin Wessenfels Thompson Van Woert Doty McKillip Van Woert Harper Harrison Webster Childs Graham Pearce Fisher Veeder Howley Whiting Bostwick Van Ness Noble Whiting Gilbert Williams Rice Whiting Graham Bostwick Van Rensselaer King McFoght Dubois Willet Harrison Van Rensselaer Hawley Fisher Marselus Van Bergen Van Schaick Fisher Yeoman Fisher Yates Fisher Degraas Fisher Yeoman Whiting Herrick Fisher Yates Fisher Yates Fisher McMaster Fisher Yates Fisher Yates Vandenburgh Van Wyck Stevenson Phillips Ostrander Pawling Van Woert Pawling Gilmore Van Woert Brown Van Rensselaer King Van Woert Brown Van Woert Brown Van Woert Brown Whiting Salsbury Von Woert Gilmore Van Woert Brown Van Woert Brown Whiting Gilbert Van Woert Doty Harper Drake Van Woert Brown Van Woert McKillip Name and Rank. Prestor, John, private Presure, Ab'm, private Prett, Johu, private Prevale, Reech, private Price, Daniel, private Price, David, private Price, David, private Price, Elijah, sergeant Price, Elijah, sergeant Price, George, corporal Price, George, corporal Price, James, private Price, John, major Price, John, captain Price, John, sergeant Price, John, private Price, Jno., private Price, Jobn, Jr., private Price, Jon'n, private Price, Jon'n, private Price, Samuel, private Price, Sam'l, private Price, Sam'l, private Price, Timothy, private Price, Tim'y, private Price, William, private Price, William, private Pride, James, private Pride, James, private Prime, David, priyate Prime, Francis, lieut. Prime, Francis, private Prime, Hend'k, private Prime, Henry, private Prime, Henry, private Prime, Henry, private Prime, John, private Prime, John, private Prime, John, private Prime, Lewis, private Prime, Lewis, private Prime, Sam'l, private Primmer, John, private Prince, David, private Prince, Tsaac, lieut. Prince, Isaac, lieut Prince, Joab, sergeant Prince, Job, sergeant Prince, John, private Prince, Jon'n, private Prince, Kemple, sergeant Prince, Negro, private Prince, Richard, sergeant Prince, Richard, private Prindle, Alex'r, sergeant Prindle, Joel, corporal Prindle, Joel, private Prine, Daniel, private Prine, Isaac, heut Pnntup, Joseph, t lieut Prior, Barak, private Prior, Joseph, private Prisoner, Christian, private Procher, George, private Proper, Fred'k, private Proper, James, private Proper, Peter, private Proper, Peter, private Pruden, Edward, private Pruine, Francis, heut Pruine, Francis, heut. Pruine, John, private Pruine, Lewis, sergeant Pruine, Lewis, private Pruine, Peter, private Prune, John, private Regiment. Company. Cantine Ramsen Drake Boyd Fisher Degraas Van Schoonhoven Steenbergh Vrooman Stubrach Graham Hermance Van Woert Brown Van Rensselaer Turner Van Rensselaer Willet Clyde Luddington Schuyler Van Rensselaer Yates Klock Van Rensselaer YatesYates Van Rensselaer Yates Van Rensselaer YatesDubois YatesHarperVan Schoonhoven Schermerhorn Putman Difendorf Mead A. P. 14-454 Hadlock House Brown HadlockYates DeGarmo WeltseDubois Brown Drake CantineCantine FisherFisher Fisher Fisher Fisher FisherWilletFisher FisherFisherFisher WilletVan Rensselaer Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Veghten Van Veghten Graham Willet Wessenfels Wessenfels Van Rensselaer Van Veghten Van Woert Van Woert FisherThomasThomas Harper Graham Van Alstyn Van Rensselaer GrahamVan Rensselaer Livingston Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisber Fisher Fisher Fisher Hasbrouck RamsenFonda Fisher PutmanDegraas Fisher PutmanYeomanPutman Fisher Putman Fisher Putman GilletHusted Doty Gilmore Brown GilmoreDotyWoodworth Van Woert Hermance Dodge Dodge Dodge Shaw DunhamMcKillip FondaBrown Yates Bogart Wilson Van Valkenburgh Bries Alagee StaatsShaver Yates Fisher Fisher Fisher FisherGardner * Enlisted for three years in^l781, discharged at end of war. Madison Co. A. P., 23-283. t Wounded in left thigh at Johnstown October 25, 1781. Mohawk district, Montgomery county. B 97, Cc 35. 57 450 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Pruym, David, private Pruyme, Sam'l, private Pruyn, David, private Pruyn, John, sergeant Pruyn, Rynier, private Pruyne, David, sergeant Pruyne, David, private Pruyne, Francis, lieut. Pruyne, Henry, private Pruyne, John, private Pruyne, John, private Pruyne, Lewis, sergeant Pruyne, Peter, private Prym, David, private Pryme, Dan'l, private Pry me, John, private Pryme, Jno., private Pudney, Corn s, pnvate Pudney, Francis, pnvate Pudney, James, private Puduey, James, private Pudney, James, pnvate Pudney, Jobn, private Pudney, Rich'd, private Pudney, Thorn, private Pudney, Thorn, private Pugly, Talman, private Pugsley, Sam'l, private Pulay, Benj'n, private Pulhames, John, private Pulhamus, Abraham, priv. Pulhamus, Aurt, private Pulhamus, Corn's, private Pulhamus, Daniel, corporal Pulhamus, Theod's, priv. Pullock, John, private Pullock, Wm., private Pullock, Wm., private Pulver, Hend'k, captain Pulver, Jacob, sergeant Pulver, Wandel, lieut. Punalds, Elisha, Jr., priv. Punderson, John, lieut Purchase, Tabert, private Purchase, Thos., private Purdee, James, sergeant Purdy, Ab'm, private Purdy, Ab'm, private Purdy, Alvan, lieut, Purdy, Alvan, private Purdy, Anth'y, private Purdy, Caleb, private Purdy, Dan'l, lieut. Purdy, Dan'l, sergeant Purdy, Dan'l, private Purdy, Dan'l, pnvate Purdy, David, drummer Purdy, David, drummer Purdy, Deliverance, priv. Purdy, Deliverance, priv. Purdy, Deliverance, Sr., p. Purdy, Eben'r, private Purdy, Francis, private Purdy, Francis, private Pm-dy, Isaac, private Purdy, Israel, private Purdy, Israel, private Purdy, Izut, private Purdy, Jacob, captain Purdy, Jacob, corporal Purdy, Jacob, private Purdy, Jesse„private Purdy, Jesse, private Purdy, Jesse, private Purdy, Jobn, corporal Regiment Wemple Fisher LansingLansing Fisher Fisher Fisher FisherFisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher WilletFisher Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Hathorn Pawling Willet Brinckerhoff Wessenfels Willet Cortland Hammond Drake Willet Hays HaysHays VandenburghVandenburgh Hays BrinckerhoffHopkins Brinckerhoff Livingston Livingston Livingston Van Rensselaer Wessenfels Willet Van Veghten Drake Drake Crane DrakeDrake Hammond Hammond Crane Drake Drake Crane Drake Crane DrakeCrane CraneVan Veghten Thomas Hammond ThomasThomas DrakeThomas Thomas Thomas WilletThomas Crane Willet Company. FondaMynderson Snook ForestBrown SnookSnookMabee Snook HoganSnook Hogan Snook Fonda McMaster Putman McMasterVan Wyck SchuttCase Burnet Van Wyck LivingstonLivingston Putman TourneurTourneur Tourneur Storm StormTourneur Van Wyck Brinkerhoff Van Wyck Houserad Elliot Odle Shephard Gray Denning Delivan Lockwood Drake Lockwood Delivan Haight LockwoodDelivanLockwoodDelivan Lockwood Lockwood PurdyPurdy Chapman Seely Purdy HortonNewell St. John Lawrence Newell Name and Rank. Purdy, John, fifer Purdy, John, private Purdy, Jonah, sergeant Purdy, Jon'n, sergeant Purdy, Jonathan,* corpl. Purdy, Jon'n, private Purdy, Jon'n, private Purdy, Jon'n, private Purdy, Jon'n, private Purdy, Joseph, private Purdy, Joseph, private Purdy, Joseph, Sr., private Purdy, Josiah, private Purdy, Josiah, private Purdy, Joziel, private Purdy, Nath'l, private Purdy, Nath'l, private Purdy, Obadiah, sergeant Purdy, Obediah, lieut Purdy, Peter, sergeant Purdy, Sam'l, private Purdy, Sam'l, private Purdy, Sam'l, private Purdy, Silvanus, private Purdy, Simon, private Purdy, Simon, private Purdy, Simon, private Purdy, Solomon, lieut. Purdy, Solomon, t sergeant Purdy, Solomon, private- Purdy, Solomon, Jr., priv. Purdy, Solomon, private Purdy, Stephen, corporal Purdy, Stephen, corporal Purdy, Stephen, private Purdy, Stephen, private Purdy, Stephen, private Purdy, Stephen, private Purdy, Sylvanus, private Purdy, Thomas, private Purdy, Thos., private Purdy, William, private Putman, Aaron, private Putman, Aaron, private Putman, Aaron, private Putman, Aaron, private Putman, Aaron L., private Putman, Adam, private Putman, Adam, private Putman, Adam, private Putman, Adam, private Putman, Arent, private Putman, Arent I., private Putman, Arent L., private Putman, Corn's, private Putman, Corn's, private Putman, Corn's, private Putman, Corn's, private Putman, Corn's, private Putman, Corn's, private Putman, David, captain Putman, David, corporal Putman, David, private Putman, David, private Putman, David.-private Putman, David, private Putman, David, private Putman, David, private Putman, David, private Putman, David, private Putman, David, private Putman, Francis, lieut. Putman, Francis, ensign Putman, Francis, ensign Putman, Francis, private Regiment. Crane Drake ThomasThomasCraneThomas Crane Drake DrakeBrinckerhoffCraneHopkins Dubois ThomasVandenburgh BrinckerhoffBenedict DrakeYates Drake Crane Crane Drake Thomas Crane Thomas DrakeDrake Harper Drake DragoonsJohnsonDrakeWessenfelsHopkins Drake CraneDrakeThomas DragoonsJohnson Klock WempleWemple Fisher Wemple ClydeFisher Fisher Fisher Wemple Wemple Wemple Wemple Wemple Wemple Fisher Fisher Klock (?) Willet Klock Klock Klock Harper FisherFisher , FisherFisher Fisher Fisher Fisher FisherFisher Company. Lockwood DelivanChapman St. Iohn Lockwood Purdy Horton Lawrence Delivan Haight Schutt Lockwood Waters Chamberlain Purdy Van Wyck SchuttOsburn Drake Wiltse Strang Lawrence Lockwood' Haight Chapman Lawrence Purdy Haight Teller Haight Delavan Wood Delivan GodwinTalmadgeDelivan LockwoodPurdyDelavan Mastin Zeely FondaMyndersonLittleMyndersonDiffendorf GartneerYates Fisher MynderseBancker Bancker Mynderse Bancker Wanson Fonda Yates Little MarshallBreadbakeZeely BedhigVrooman WempleDegraas Fisher Veeder Little Snook Hogan Fisher Putman * Severely wounded and taken prisoner June 24, 1779. Salem, Westchester county. I 29, Bb 28. t Shot and taken prisoner at Morrisania March 4, 1782. Farmer, New Marlborough, Ulster Co., C. 198. Roster of the State Troops. 451 Name and Rank. Putman, Putman,Putman,Putman,Putman,Putman,Putman,Putman,Putman, Putman,Putman,Putman,Putman,Putman,Putman, Putman,Putman, Putman,Putman, Putman, Putnam,Putman,Putman, Putman, Putman,Putman, Fred'k, private Fred'k, private Garret, captain Garret, captain Garret, captain Garret, private Geo., sergeant Geo., private Henry, sergeant Henry, private Hend' k, private Henry, private Henry, private Jacob, private Jacob, private Jacobus, private John, sergeant John, sergeant John, corp. John, private John, private Lewis, corporal Lewis, corporal Lewis, private Rich'd, lieut. Rich'd, ensign, Regiment. FisherFisherWilletHarper Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher JohnsonJohnsonFisher Fisher Fisher FisherFisher Fisher JohnsonFisherJohnson Van Schoonhoven WempleFisherFisher FisherFisher Fisher Company. Yates Degrass Snook Yates Putman Roosa Johnson Gartneer Fisher PutmanFisher LittleDegrass Jansen Little Cross Visscher Fonda Yates Degraas Yates Veeder Veeder Name and Rank. Putman, Rich'd, sergeant Putman, Victor, lieut Putman, Victor, lieut Putman, Victor, lieut. Putman, Victor, sergeant Putman, Victor,sergeant Putman, Victor, corporal Putman, Victor, private Putman, Victor, private Putman, Victor, private Putman, Victor, private Pntman, Victor, private Putman, Victor, private Putman, Victor, Jr., priv. Putman, Wm., sergeant Putman, Wm., private Putman, Wm., private Putman, Wm., private Putman, Wm., private Putmer, John, sergt Puxley, Clark, private Pyke, Will., sergeant Pyne, Phillip, private Pyne, Robert, private Pyne, Silvanus, private Pyne, Thomas, private Regiment. FisherWillet Harper Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher FisherFisherFisher Fisher FisherFisher FisherFisher FisherFisher Fisher Hathorn Willet Van Rensselaer Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Company. VeederPutman BogartGartneer Degraas Little Yates HoganMabee Degraas Snook LittlePutman PutmanFisher MabeeGartner Fisher Veeder Conklin Fonda Philip Van Wyck Q. Qua, Robert, private Qua, Rob't, private Quack, Ab'm, lieut. Quack, Ab'm, corporal Quack, Abrm, Jr., private Quack, Ab'm D., ensign Quack, David, sergeant Quack, David, private Quack, Fred'k, private Quack, Gradus, private Quack, Isaac, corporal Quack, Isaac, corporal Quack, Isaac, private Quack, Isaac, private Quack, Jacob, private Quack, Jacob, private Quack, John, private Quack, John, private Quack, Mindert, lieut. Quack, Mindert, private Quack, Myndert Wm., lt. Quack, Nich's, sergeant Quack, Nich's, private Quack, Vincent, lieut Quack, Wm., private Quackenboos, Fred'k, priv. Quackenboos, Peter, priv. Quackenbos, Ab'm, heut Quackenbos, Ab'm, corpl. Quackenbos, Dan'l, priv. Quackenbos, Garret, priv. Quackenbos, Gradus, priv. Quackenbos, Isaac, private Quackenbos, Jacob, private Quackenbos, John, corpl. Quackenboss, Jno., private Quackenbos, M. W., lieut. Quackenbos, Nich's, sergt. Quackenbos, Nich's, priv. Quackenbos, Wm., private Quackenbos, Wm., private Quackenbosh, Gosa, sergt. Quackenboss, Abr^priv. Quackenboss, David, corp. Quackenboss, Henry, col. Quackenboss, Hunter, priv. Quackenboss, Isaac, priv. WebsterArmstrongFisherFisher Fisher Fisher Fisher SchuylerWempleSchuyler Schuyler Schuyler Fisher SchuylerSchuyler Fisher FisherFisher FisherFisher Fisher Fisher FisherFisher SchuylerSchuyler Fisher Fisher Livingston LivingstonVan Schoonhoven Fisher Van Schoonhoven FisherWemple FisherFisherFisherFisherFisher Yates Hays Clyde Armstrong Armstrong Yates YatesYeomanYoeman Fisher Fonda Groot Outhout Lansing Ostrum Lansing MabeeGrootSlyngerlandt Yates Putman Yates Fisher Fisher Mabee Putman SlyngerlandtVischerSnookShaver Shaver Vandenburgh Fisher Van Denburgh Bancker Wemple Clyde Clyde Degraas Fisher Brown Blauvelt Van Everat Van Everat Weeser Quackenboss, James, sergt, Quackenboss, Jeremy, pr. Quackenboss, John, priv. Quackenboss, JohnB., adjt. Quackenboss, Peter, sergt Quackenboss, Reinard, pr. Quackenboss, Reynier, pr. Quackenboss, Reynard, pr. Quackenbus, Ab'm, lieut. Quackenbus, Ab'm, priv. Quackenbus, David, sergt Quackenbus, David, priv. Quackenbus, Goose, sergt Quackenbus, Isaac, priv. Quackenbus, John, private Quackenbus, Mindert,lieut. Quackenbus, Mindert, lieut. Quackenbus, Nich's, sergt Quackenbus, Peter, corpl. Quackenbus, Peter, corpl. Quackenbus, Peter, private Quackenbus, William, pr. Quackenbush, Adrian, pr. Quackenbush, David, priv. Quackenbush, Garret, pr. Quackenbush, Gerret, ser. Quackenbush, Harman, pr. Quackenbush, Harman, pr. Quackenbush, James, lieut Quackenbush, James, priv. Quackenbush, John, priv. Quackenbush, Peter, priv. Quackenbush, Tunis, priv. Quackenbush, William, pr. Quant, Fred'k, private Quant, Fred' k, private Quant, Fred'k, private Queen, Henry, private Queen, Owen, private Quick, Andrew, private Quick, Andrew, private Quick, David, pnvate Quick, George, private Quick, Hendricus, private Quick, Jacob, private ' Quick, John, private Quick, John, private .Hays Clyde Van Everat Wemple Bancker Schuyler Clyde Van Everat Cooper Blauvelt Hays Blauvelt Hays Fisher Ackerson Gartnere Fisher Gartnere Fisher Wemple Fisher Yates Wiltse Fisher Fisher Fisher Gartneer Fisher Fisher Fisher Wemple Fisher Gartneer Fisher Gartneer Fisher Fisher Fisher Gartner Fisher Gartneer Schuyler Vischer Fonda Livingston Shaver Schuyler Veeder Yates Brutt Yates Vandenburgh Hays A. P. 14-243 Hays Tourneur Wemple Bancker SchuylerVan Woert Vischer Whiteside Fisher Fisher Harper Bogart Schuyler Lansing Schuyler Van Rensselaer Groot Woodworth Van Rensselaer Woodworth Thomas Chapman Lockwood Crane Malcom Delavan Pawling Hunter Cantine Pawling Westfall Pawling Westfall Drake Delivan 452 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Quick, John,* private Quick, John, private Quick, John, private Quick, John, Jr., private Quick, Lewis, private Quick, Peter, corporal Quicke, Andrew, private Quilhot, Stephen, private Quimbe, Nath'l, pnvate Quimby, Stephen, private Quimby, Stephen, private Regim ent. Company. Allison Lieut. Decker Dragoons Delavan Crane Lockwood Drake Delivan Hathorn Case Hathorn Case Crane Lawrence Van Alstyn Claw Hathorn Case Willet Conine Willet Cannon Name and Rank. Quin, William, private Quivey, Asa, sergeant Quoek, David, sergeant Quock, Mindert, lieut Quock, Mindert Q., sergt. Quockenbos, Davis, lieut. Quoller, Casper, Jr., priv. Quolling, Henry, sergeant Quollinger, And'w, private Quolhnger, Casper, private Quollinger, Hend'k, sergt. Regiment. Compant. Willet Fonda Webster McNitt Fisber Fisher Fisher B'isher Fisher Fisher Fisher Wemple Clyde House Clyde House Clyde Diffendorf Clyde Diffendorf Clyde House R. Race, Benj'n, private Race, Dan 1, corporal 'Race, Eph'm, private Race, Eph'm, private Race, John, private Race, Thomas, private . Rackley, Andrew, private Raden, Patrick, private Radinoar, Jacob, private Radley, Jacob, private Radley, Jacob, private Radley, John, private Radley, John, Jr., private Radley, Peter, private Radley, Jno., private Radly, Jacob, corporal Radly, John, private Radnor, George, private Radon, Patrick, private Raff, Christophel, private Raff, Henry, sergeant Raff, Jobn, pnvate Raghmine, John, private Ragon, Thomas, private Raiment, Sands, private Raine, David, private Rainer, Samuel, private Rainer, Samuel, private Rainer, William, private Rainer, William, private Raisner, Jacobus, corporal Raisner, James, private Ralph, George, private Ralph, George, private Ramage, James, private Ramage, John, private Ramage, John, private Ramage, John, private Ramage, John, private Rambagh, Astmus, private Rambough, Ashmael, priv. Rament, William, private Ramer, Fred'k, corporal Rames, James, private Rammage, John, private Ramon, John, private Rampson, Garret, private Ramsay, Nathan, private Ramsay, Jonas, private Ramsen, Abraham, private Ramsen, Aurt, private Ramsen, Henry, private Ramsen, James, private Ramsen, Peleg, captain Ramsen, Teunis, private Ramser, Christ'r, private Ramsey, Christ'r, private Ramsey, Jesse, private Ramson, Aurt, private Ramson, George, private Ramson, Henry, private Livingston Van Rensselaer Kline Schermerhorn Livingston Van Rensselaer Klock Elliot Van Bergen Van Bergen Armstrong Crane ChapmanRuff ClydeWillet Harrison Quackenboss Schuyler Veeder Quackenboss Schuyler Lansing Livingston Shaver Graham Muller Graham Muller Willet Fonda Pawling Sacket Schuyler Lansing Thomas Moseman Schuyler Lansing Fisher Yates Field Barnum Pawling Sackets Johnson Gillispy Phillips Miller Wisner BalyMcCamly Hathorn Hathorn Minthorn Klock Ruff Clyde House Dubois Lee Graham Vail Webster McNitt Williams Armstrong Webster Long Webster Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Fisher Snook Fisher Fisher Van Rensselaer Cady De Garmo Van Rensselaer Weisenfels Willet Livingston Hays Smith Hays Tourneur Pawling Faulkner Willet Hays Onderdonk Hays Tourneur Pawling Faulkner Wessenfels Dodge Cantine Hathorn McCambly Van Rensselaer De Garmo Van Rensselaer Pawling Faulkner Hays Smith Hays Smith Willet Ramson, Johannis, priv. Ranald, Hugh, private Ranald, John, private Ranalds, Hugh, private Ranalds, John, pnvate Ranalds, John, private Ranbagh, Astmus, private Randal, Chas., private Randal, David, sergeant Randal, David, private Randal, Jesse, sergeant Randal, Jno., sergeant Randal, Jno., private Randal, Joseph, private Randal, Matt'w, corporal Randal, Matt'w, private Randal, Reuben, private Randal, Stephen, private Randall, Benj'n, captain Randall, Benj'n, private Randall, David,t private Randall, Jno., private Randall, Jno., private Randall, Joshua, private Randall, Joshua,:): corporal Randall, Matt'w, corporal Randall, Matt'w, private Randall, Matt'w,§ private Randall, Stephen, lieut. Randall, Stephen, private Randall, William, private Randall, William, private Randall, Wm., private Randel, Joseph, private Randel, Matthew, corporal Randell, Benjamin, pnvate Randell, Benj'n, private Randell, John, private i Randels, Benjamin, private Randle, Benj n, private Handle, David, private Randle, Elias, private Randle, Mattbew, corporal Randle, Matt's, private Randle, Nath'l, corporal Randle, Nathial, private Randolph, Richard, lieut. Raney, David, private Raney, Samuel, private Rangburn, Will., private Rank, Cornelius, sergeant Rank, John, private Rank, Philip, private Ranney, Seth, private Ransier, George, private Ransom, James, corporal Ranson, Henry, private Ranton, Patrick, private Rany, David, private Rany, Samuel, private Rany, Samuel, private Hays Smith Webster Armstrong Webster Childs Webster Armstrong Webster Long Webster Armstrong Fisher Snook Thomas Hobby Thomas Miller Thomas St. John Thomas Miller Van Rensselaer Randall Van Rensselaer Rundall Webster Childs Van Rensselaer Randall Van Rensselaer Rundall Whiting Gilbert Van Rensselaer Randall Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer A. P. 16-250 Van Rensselaer Shaw Van Rensselaer Shaw Van Rensselaer Randall Van Rensselaer Odle Van Rensselaer Shaw Van Rensselaer Randall Van Rensselaer Odle Van Rensselaer Shaw Van Rensselaer Odle Van Rensselaer Shaw Hathorn Sayres Hathorn Shepherd ; Wisner Baly Harper Allen Willet Welp Drake Seely Van Rensselaer Odle Van Rensslaer Odle Willet Marshall Crane Lawrence Thomas St John /' Van Veghten Willet Welp Dubois Willet Marshall Vandenburgh Storm Willet Skinner Johnson Jansen Johnson Roosa Quackenboss Van Wie Johnson Wilkin Johnson Gillispy Johnson Wilkin Whiting Gilbert Clyde House Wessenfels Pawling Thomas St. John Crane Lewis Johnson Gillispy Johnson Gillispy Johnson Jansen * Ordered out against Indians under Brant Oct 9, 1786; badly wounded at Monga Creek on the 12th. Farmer, Mamacating, Ulster county. C, 151. * t Enlisted as private Oct 19, 1777; lieut Aug. 5, 1780. X Later sergeant. A. P. 16-248. § See Rundall. Roster of the State Troops. 453 Name ANn Rank. Regiment. Rapagee, John, private Brinckerhoff Rapaqee, Isaac, private Brinckerhoff Rapelje, Daniel, lieut Piatt Rapp, George, private Klock Rapp, George, private Klock Rapp, Geo., private Willet Rapspel, Fred'k, private Klock Raqua, James, drummer Hammond Rasa, Corn's, corporal Yates Rasbach, John, private Bellinger Rasbell, Fred'k,* private Klock Rase, John, private Hays Rasley, James, sergeant Wessenfels Raspel, Fred'k, private Willet Ratenavcr, George, private Clyde Ratenaver, Jacob,+ private Clyde Rath, Adam, private Livingston Company. Van Benschoten Van Benschouten LeeMiller Zealy Fonda BradbigRequa Yates Small House Gardner Hunt Gross Leipe Leipe Rockenfelle Rath, Coenrad, private Van Rensselaer Philip Ratnouz, Jacob, corporal Klock Ruff Ratt, Asa, private Van Veghten Dunham Rattan, William, private Hammond Orser Rattan, Wm., private Van Bergen Honeywell Battle, Joseph, private Willet Hole Rau, Dan'l, private Van Rensselaer Staats Rawson, Henry, private Thomas St. John Ray, Charles, private Weisenfels Ray, Daniel, private^ Pawling De Witt Ray, Daniel, private Pawling Burnet Ray, Dan'l, private Van Rensselaer Van Allen Ray, Isaac, corporal Humphrey Ray, James, lieut Lansing Houston Ray, John, corporal Van Veghten Van Woert Ray, John, private Van Veghten Van Woert Ray, John, private Williams Stowel Ray, Martin, private Van Ness Whitney Ray, Raysal, fifer Graham Sherwood Ray, Rosel, private Van Veghten Van Woert Ray, Simon, private Hathorn Shepherd Ray, William, corporal Willet Gray Ray, William, private Phillips Ostrander Ray, Wm., private Van Rensselaer De Garmo Ray, Zachariah, private Willet Harrison Ray, Zakeriah, private Van Veghten Van Woert Ray, Zeek, private Van Veghten Van Woert Raymond, Eben, private Luddington Scribner Raymond, Enoch, privat • Thomas St. John Raymond, Enoch, private Thomas Moseman Raymond, James, private Thomas Moseman Raymond, James, private Crane Chapman Raymond, James, private Benedict Gould Raymond, John, private Thomas St. John Raymond, John, private Thomas Moseman Raymond, Nathan, lieut. Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Raymond, Nathan, ensign Van Schoonhoven visscher Raymond, Sands, lieut. Thomas Gilbert Raymond,' Sands, sergeant Crane Raymond, Sands, corporal Thomas Chapman Raymond, Sands, corporal Crane Chapman Raymond, Sands, private Crane Chapman Raymond, Sands, private Benedict Gould Raymond, Sands, Jr., pr. Thomas Gilbert Raymond, Thaddeus, priv. Luddington Knapp Raymond, Thaddeus, priv. Luddington Scribner Raymond, Thaddeus, priv. Luddington Waterbury Raymond, Thomas, private Thomas Moseman Raymond Thomas, private Thomas St. John Raymond, Uriah, sergeant Field Dykeman Raymond, William, priv, Whiting Davis Raynolds, Jesse, private Thomas Purdy Raynolds, Moses, private Luddington Mead Raynor, Dan'l, private Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoof Raynson, Henry, private Thomas Miller Rayse, Jon'n, private Vau Rensselaer Osterhoudt Rayse, Philip, private Van Reusselaer Philips Rea, Matt'w, Jr., private Johnsen Jansen Rea, Stephen, corporal Johnson Gillispy Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Rea, Stephen, private Johnson Roosa Rea, Stephen, private Johnson Robinson Reace, William, sergeant Pawling Wcstfal1 Read, Alex'r, private Armstrong Read, Alpheas, private Harper Drake Read, Archy, pnvate Drake Read, Jacob, private Luddington Lane Read, John, private Klock Miller Read, 'John, private Wessenfels Godwin Road, John, private Willet Gross Read, Sam'l, private Williams Stowel Read, Stephen, private Johnson Ostrander Reade, Isaac, private Hammond Requa Reader, Josiah, corporal Hays Readley, Philip, private Schuyler Van Wee Reagle, Dan'l, private Van Veghten Woodworth Realer, John, private Klock Cayser Reany, David, private Johnson Cross Reas, Daniel, corporal Willet Livingston Reas, Jonas, private Graham Wilson Reasenor, Jacob, corporal Clyde Ruff Reator, William, private Pawling Faulkner Reaves, Nath'l, private Malcom McKinstry Reaves, William, private Van Schoonhoven Record, Coenrod, private Yates Hadlock Redclift, Peter, private Schuyler Groot Redclift, Philip, private Schuyler Groot Redder, Evert D., corporal Van Veghten Van Woei Reddick, Philip, private Hathorn McCamley Reder, Ab'm, private Wemple Mynderson Reder, Charles, lieut Dragoons Phillips Redington, Jacob, private Whiting King Redman, David, private Hathorn Conklin Redwood, Prince, private Willet Elsworth Redwood, Prince, private Willet Tearse Redy, Chas, private Fisher Little Reed, Conrad, private Fisher Veeder Reed, Elias, private Van Veghten Woodworth Reed, Fred'k, sergeant Malcom Blakely Reed, Jacob, private Field .Dykeman Reed, James, private Pawliug Westfall Reed, James, private Hammond Reed, James, private Drake Boyd Reed, Ketcbel, private Van Ness Tanner Reed, John, private Hathorn Bartoff Reed, Leonard, private Malcom Blakely Reed, Peter, private Hays Ackerson Reed, Samuel, private Wessenfels Westfall Reed, Samuel, corporal Pawling Westfall Reed, Samuel, private Hopkins Wheeler Reed, Simeon, private Van Ness Reed, Wm., private Schuyler Tillman Reede, Asa, private Armstrong Reeder, Hend'k, private Klock Cayser Reeder, John, private Schuyler Slyngerlandt Reeder, William, private Hathorn Mervin Reekie Andrew, private Newkirk McBride Reelman, Jacob, private Schuyler Van Aernum Rees, Benjamin, sergeant Van Alstyn Van Buren Rees, Benj'n, sergeant Van Alstyn Philips Rees, Jacob, private Fisher Wemple Rees, Jacob, private Fisher Veeder Reese, Geo., private Schuyler Lansing Reese, Jacob, private Fisher Veeder Reese, Philip, private Schuyler Ostrum Reess, Geo,, private Schuyler Lansing Reeve, Andrew, private Thomas St. John Reeves, Daniel, private Wessenfels Godwin Reeves, Elisha, private Pawling Westfall Reeves, William, sergeant Van Veghten Woodworth Reeves, James, Jr., % priv. Allison Little Regel, Christian, private Bellinger Herder Reghtmeyt, Conrad, priv. Snyder Swart Reghtmier, Christ'n, serg. Vrooman Reghtmyer, John, private Fonda Regnaw, Gabriel, private Drake * Wounded in the jaw August 6, 1777. Palatine District. B 130. t Wounded in left thigh near Torlach, Montgomery county, July 10, 1781. Canajoharie. B 9, C 167, I 75. X Ordered out against Indians at Minisink, July 20, 1779, shot through ieft arm July 22, 1779. Farmer, Goshen Precinct, Orange Co. C, 148. I, 110. 454 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Rehern, Joseph,* private Rehern, Joseph,* private Reifer, Joh's, sergeant Reigel, Christ'n, private Reightmyer, Peter, private Reima, John, J private Reinhard, Geo., private Reinhard, Geo., private ' Reinhard, Wm., private Reinhart, Geo., private Reinhart, Geo., private Reinhart, Geo., private Reinhart, Mattice, private Reinhart, William, corpl. Reinhart, Wm., private Reinhart, Wm., private Reinhart, Wm., private Rekert, Hend'k, private Relay, Rob't, private Releay, Simon, private Relee, Dened, corporal Rellee, Simon, corporal Relyea, Jacob, private Relyea, John, private Relyea, Peter, private Relyea, Peter, private Relyea, Simeon, private Relyea, Simeon, sergeant Rema, Jacob, private Rema, John, private Rema, Martin, private Remaw, John, private Remer, Fred'k, corporal Remer, Fred'k, private Remise, John, private Remsen, Henry, private Remsen, Jobn, private Remsen, Teunis, privtate Kendall, Ishua, sergeant Renesear, Geo., corporal Renex, Andrew, sergeant Rennals, John, private Renolds, Lusia, sergeant Rensey, Hend'k, sergeant Rensler, Lawrence, sergt. Reny, Samuel, private Reply, Piram, corporal Requa, Abm., private Requa, Abr'm, private Requa, Dan'l, sergeant Requa, Dan'l, private Requa, Gabriel, captain Requa, Gabriel, sergeant Requa, Gabriel, sergeant Requa, Gabriel, sergeant Requa, Isaac, lieut. Requa, Isaac, lieut. Requa, James, private Requa, John, private Requa, Joseph, lieut Requa, Joseph, private Requa, Joseph, private Requaw, Isaac, lieut. Reque, Dan'l, private Reque, James, private Res, Jacob, private Resacker, Peter, private Resco, John, private Resco, Noah, private Resco, Sam'l, private Resco, Theophilus, private Resco, Theophilus, private Resco, Thomas, private Resequire, John, private Regiment. Knickerbocker Van Rensselaer Bellinger Van Bergen Bellinger Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Clyde VroomanVrooman VroomanFisher GrahamQuackenboss Johnson Johnson SchuylerPawling Schuyler SchuylerPawling Pawling ClydeClyde Clyde WilletYates Yates Pawling KlockHathorn Van Rensselaer WilletHarperWessenfels LivingstonSchuyler YatesPhillips WilletHammond Van Bergen Hammond Hammond Hammond Van Bergen Hammond HammondHammond Van Bergen Luddington Hammond Malcom LuddingtonHammond Pawling Hammond Hammond FisherHarper Crane Crane CraneCrane Crane Crane Crane Company. Russell Frank Hoghtaling Starring ~"~ Stubrach Miller Stubrach StubrachMiller HouseStubrach MillerBecker Conklin Smith Smith Groot Piercy Slyngerlandt Groot PiercyPiercy Ruff RuffRuff Gross Yates Wiltse Fonda BurnetCayserBartholf OdleTearse Vrooman ThompsonElliot Van Aernum Vandenburgh Ostrander Harrison RequaHoneywellRequa Requa Honeywell Comb Orser OrserHoneywellScribnerRequa Scribner Requa Sackett Comb Martling Veeder Bogart Chapman Chapman Chapman Scofield Bouton Chapman Name and Rank. Resew, John, private Restyne, John, private Resue, John, pnvate Resue, John, private Reton, Peter, private Retong, William, private Retter, Jacob, private Rettig, Christ'r, private Retz, Conradt, private Reveer, Jonas, private Revere, Hend'k, private Reversion, James, private Rex, Rufus, private Rexford, Edward, lieut. Rexford, Ensighn, private Rexford, Joseph, private Rexford, Samuel, lieut Reyley, Jacobus, sergeaDt Reymond, Sands, sergeant Reymond, Thomas, private Reynard, John, private Reynard, Wm., private Reyner, Francis, lieut. Reynolds, Abijah, private Reynolds, Abraham, priv. Reynolds, And'w, private Reynolds, Austin, ensign Reynolds, Austin, ser.-m'r Reynolds, Benj'n, private Reynolds, Benjamin, priv. Reynolds, Benj'n, private Reynolds, Benj' n,§ private Reynolds, Benj'n, Jr., pr. Reynolds, Benony, private Reynolds, Caleb, private Reynolds, Eli, private Reynolds, Elisha, private Reynolds, Ezra, private Reynolds, Ezra, private Reynolds, Gilbert, private Reynolds, Gilbert, private Reynolds, Henry, private Reynolds, Hugh, private Reynolds, Israel, private Reynolds, Jesse, sergt. Reynolds, Jesse, sergt. Reynolds, Jesse, private Reynolds, Jessop, private Reynolds, Jessup, sergeant Reynolds, Jessup, sergeant Reynolds, Jessup, private Reynolds, Joel, private Reynolds, John, private Reynolds, John, private Reynolds, John, private Reynolds, Jno., private Reynolds, Jonah, private Reynolds, Jonah, private Reynolds, Jon'n, heut Reynolds, Jon'n, lieut. Reynolds, Jon'n,| private Reynolds, Joseph, sergt Reynolds, Joseph, private Reynolds, Joseph, private Reynolds, Joshua, private Reynolds, Lewis, sergeant Reynolds, Nath'l, lieut. Reynolds, Nath'l, private Reynolds, Nath'l, private Reynolds, Nath'l, Jr., priv. Reynolds, Shubal, private Reynolds, Shubel, private Reynolds, Stephen, private Reynolds, Stephen, priv. Regiment. Vrooman SchuylerVrooman Vrooman Pawling HammondDrake Clyde Klock Johnson Livingston Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer WilletWilletWempleCrane ThomasGrahamFisher Hopkins Hays Brinckerhoff DrakeDrakeHays Hays Dragoons Drake Crane Van Veghten Hopkins Van Ness Van Rensselaer Drake Dragoons Crane Benedict Van Rensselaer Armstrong Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas HopkinsArmstrong Thomas Thomas Van Rensselaer Thomas Thomas Van Rensselaer Van Ness Waterbury(Conn)ThomasVan Rensselaer Crane Van Rensselaer Crane Drake Benedict Drake HopkinsDubois Dubois Wessenfels Company. Stubrach Slingerlandt Miller Stubrach Williams Delivan Brown Zeely JansenStevenson ShaverOdleKingGrayFonda Noble LewisMoseman Stevenson Lansing Hogan Waters Ackerson Van Wyck AckersonStevensonDelavan Lawrence Lawrence Waters Odle SeelyDelavan Scofield Bouton Niles Armstrong Hobby Hubby LyonPurdyHobby Hobby Lyon St. John Waters Armstrong SacketChapman Odle Hubby St. John Graves Hobby LyonHumfreyNiles LockwoodElliott Lawrence Seely Seely Seely Waters ChamberlainChamberlain Shephard * Wounded in the wrist at Bennington, Aug. 16, 1777. Cambridge Distr., Albany Co. B, 7. t Shot through left arm at Wallumschack, Aug. 16, 1777. I, 83. % Wounded in right arm at New Petersburgh, Oct. 10, 1778. Herkimer, Montgomery Co. Cc, 86. § Right arm fractured by a musket ball Oct. 26, 1781. Farmer, Lower Salem, Westchester Co. B, 93. | Disabled at the siege of St. John. Lower Salem, Westchester Co. B, 147. Roster of the State Troops. 455 Name and Rank. Regiment. Reynolds, Thomas, sergt. Van Rensselaer Reynolds, Thomas, private Thomas ¦n 1J-. m. l: i T» j- Reynolds, Titus, lieut. Benedict Reynolds, William,* priv, Woodhull Reynolds, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Reynolds, William, priv. Crane Reynolds, William, priv. Crane Rhades, Rich'd, private Luddington Rheinhart, William, priv. Clyde Rhen, Wm., private Van Schoonhoven Rhine, Christ'r, private Van Veghten Rhine, Timothy, private Crane Rhoades, Isaac, private Luddington Rhoades, John, private Luddington Rhodes, Rich'd, private Hopkins Rhyfer, And'w, private Bellinger Riall, Peter, private Hopkins Ribesomen, Mathias, priv. Clyde , Ribsamin, Mathias, private Clyde ! Ribsomen, William, priv. Clyde ' Rice, Asa, captain -. Williams Rice, David, sergeant Armstrong , Rice, David, sergeant Van Woert I Rice, David, private Webster Rice, David, private Harper Rice, Edward, private. Luddington \ Rice, Ezekiel, private > Williams Rice, Francis, sergeant Williams Rice, Isaac, private ¦ ¦¦ - '' Wessenfels Rice, John, sergeant ' Van Veghten Rice, John, private Wessenfels Rice, Jobn, private Pawling . Rice, John, private Willet Rice, John, private Clyde Rice, John, private Yates Rice, John, private Yates Rice, John, private Van Veghten Rice, John, private Van Veghten Rice, John, Jr., private Van Veghten Rice, Jonas, lieut. Malcom Rice, Jonas, private Williams Rice, Nich's, private Fisher Rice, Peter, private Williams Rice, Peter, private Williams Rice, Phineas, private Williams Rice, Phineas, private Williams Rice, Sam'l, sergeant Malcom Rice, Sam'l, sergeant Luddington Rice, Sam'l, private Luddington Rice, Samuel, private Luddington Rice, Seth, private Graham Rice, Seth, private Yates Rice, Seth, private Yates Rice, Wm., private Malcom Rich'd,'Adolph(Prichardlp. Klock Richard, Edward, private Dubois Richard, Johannis, private Klock Richard, Nath'l, private Johnson Richard, Nath'l, private Johnson Richard, Nath'l, private Johnson Richard, Nathaniel, private Pawling Richard, Nath'l, private Wessenfels Richards, David, private Luddington Richards, Eliphalet, priv. Hathorn Richards, Eliphalet, priv. Wisner Richards, Ezra, sergeant Luddington Richards, Ezra, private Pawling Richards, Ezra, private Cortland Richards, Ezra, private Wessenfels Richards, Ezra, private Luddington Richards, John, private Willet Richards, Moses, private Hopkins Richards, Moses, private Luddington Richardson, Asa, private Webster Richardson, Isaac, private Field Richardson, Isaac, private Yates Richardson, Isaac, private Graham Richardson, James, private Willet Richardson, James, private Yates Company. OdleMoseman Seely Smith Odle Scofield Bouton Lane House White ThompsonLawrenceLaneLewis LaneStaring Brinkerhoff Leipe Bawman Leipe Pettit Long Harrison "» WaterburyShepardsonRice , - White r Dunham ' WestfaU Piercy Wright ' Difendorf Brutt Yates ThompsonWinne Thompson Blakefy ,, Rico '' Snook Shepardson StowelRice i Stowel < Livingston Waterbury Mead Scribner Hadlock Yates Delavan KockDubois Ruff CrossOstrander Jansen Burnet WaterburyMinthorn Miller Waterbury Sacket Lane Skinner Lane Waterbury Sherwood Dyckman BrownPearceLivingstonYates Company. BrownMcMasterMcMaster McMaster McMaster GilletHenry GravesFonda Pearcy Elsworth Wright Cannon Elsworth DuboisPearce Small Cannon De Garmo De Garrno Miller Miller Miller Gray Hadlock Stubrach DedrickDunham Whiting Magee Fonda Fonda Ostrander Name and Rank. Regiment. Richardson, James, private Yates Richardson, John, private Fisher Richardson, Jon'n, sergt. Fisher Richardson, Jon'n, corpl. Fisher Richardson, Jon'n, private Fisher Richardson, Joseph, priv. Willet Richardson, Joseph, priv. Willet Richardson, Joseph, priv. Van Rensselaer Richardson, Joseph, priv. Van Ness Richardson, Josiah, heut Willet Richardson, Josiah, lieut. Willet Richardson, William, priv. Willet Richardson, William, priv. Willet Richardson, William, corpl. Willet Richardson, William, priv. Willet Richardson, Wm., private Dubois Richardson, William, priv. Graham Richel, Christ, private Bellinger Richer, Henrv, private Willet Richerson, Ab'm, private Van Rensselaer Richerson, James, private Van Rensselaer Richerson, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Richert, Lewis, corporal Klock Richert, Lewis, private Klock Richert, Ludwick, sergeant Klock Richeson, James, corporal Willet Richeson, Thomas, private Yates Richie, Andrew, private Wynkoop Richier, John, private Vrooman Richley, Jacob, private Wynkoop Richman, Benj'n, private Van Vegnten Richman, Edward, private Van Ness Richmon, Abijah, private Graham Richmon, Benjamin, priv. Willet Richmon, Silvester, priv. Willet Richmon, Simeon, sergt. Van Alstyn Richmond, John, private Cortland Richmond, John, private Wessenfelf Richmond, Josiah, sergt. Malcom Richmond, Simeon, sergt. Van Alstyn Richmond, Simeon, priv. Van Alstyn Richom, James, private Yates Richter, John, private Vrooman Richter, Nich's, private Vrooman Richtmeyer, John, private Fisher Richtmyer, Christ'n, sergt. Vrooman Richtmyer, Christ'r, sergt. Vrooman Richtmyer, Christ., private Vrooman Richtmyer, Conrad, priv. Wynkoop Richtmyer, Geo,, captain Vrooman Richtmyer, Geo., private Vrooman Richtmyer, George, Jr., pr. Wynkoop Richtmyer, Jacob, private Vrooman Richtmyer, Johannis, priv. Wynkoop Richtmyer, Peter, private Wynkoop Rickard, Jacob, sergeant Klock Rickart, Hend'k, corporal Fisher Rickart, Jobn, private Yates Rickely, And'w, private Webster Ricker, Hend'k, private Fisher Rickerd, Conrath, private Klock Rickerd, Lodowick, sergt Klock Rickerd, Lodowick, private Klock Rickert, George, corporal Vrooman Rickert, George, private Vrooman Rickert, Geo., private Vrooman Rickert, Hend'k, private Fisher Rickert, Jacob, private Harper Rickert Johannis, sergeant Vrooman Rickert, Johannis, private Vrooman Rickert, John, sergeant Vrooman Rickert, John, sergeant Vrooman Rickert, John, sergeant Vrooman Rickert, John, corporal Vrooman Rickert, John, private Vrooman Heager -Rickert, John, private Klock House Rickert, John, private Yates Rickert, Lodowick, private Klock House Rickert, Marcus, fifer Vrooman Brown LivingstonTruesdelOstrander HadlockStubrach Miller Putman MillerRichtmyer Richtmyer Heager Richtmyer CayserGartneer Brutt CayserMiller Cayser Becker Rightmyer Miller Gartner PutmanRightmyer RichtmyerStubrach Brown Miller * Wounded and captured at Fort Montgomery, October 6, 1777. I 129. 456 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Rickert, Marcus, fifer Rickert, Marcus, private Rickert, Marcus, private Rickert, Nich's, private Rickert, Nich's, private Rickert, Nich's, private Rickey, John, private Rickly, Jacob, private Rickman, Abm., sgt maj. Ricksly, Charles, private Ridder, Evert, private Ridder, Evert D., private Ridder, George, pnvate Riddick, Philip, private Riddick, Philip, private Riddle, George, private Riddle, John, pnvate Rider, Andries, private Rider, Benj'n, private Rider, Christ'r, private Rider, Ctjrist'r, private Rider, Christ'r, private Rider, David, private Rider, John, private Rider, John, private Rider, John, private Rider, Simeon, private Rider, Simeon, Jr., private Rider, Valentine, private Rider, William, private Ridman, Peter, private Riegel, Christ'n, private Riegel, Frederick, private Riefy, James, private Rifenberger, Hend'k, priv. Rifle, James, private Rigby, William, private Rigel, Godfrey, private Riggs, Daniel, private Riggs, Josiah, private Righmer, John, private Right, John, private Right, Solomon, sergeant Right, Thomas, private Righter, Johannis, private Righter, Nich's, captain Rightmier, Christ'r, sergt. Rightmier, George, captain Rightmier, John, private Rightmire, John, private Rightmire, Jno., private Rightmire, John, private Rightmore, Henry, private Rightmye, Henry, private Rightmyer, Conradt, priv. Rightmyer, Conrad, priv. Rightmyer, George, priv. Rightmyer, Harman, priv. Rightmyer, Henry,* priv. Rightmyer, Joh's, pnvate Rightmyer, Jno., private Rightmyer, John, private Rightmyer, Jury W., priv. Rigins, Powel, private Rikel, John, pnvate Rikeman, Herm's, sergeant Riker, Matthew, private Riker, Peter, private Rikert, Henry, private Rile, James, sergeant Riley, John, private Rillye, John, private Rima, George, private Rima, Hannis, private Rima, John, private Rina, John, Sr., private Regiment. Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman VroomanHathorn SnyderDuboisVan Woert Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Hathorn Hathorn Van Veghten Wessenfels Van Rensselaer Cantine Hopkins Van Rensselaer Field Field DrakeField LuddingtonField FieldThomas Graham WilletBellinger Bellinger Drake Van Rensselaer Thomas WebsterBellinger CraneCrane Fisher Vrooman Piatt Vrooman Vrooman Klock Vrooman Vrooman Willet Harper Fisher Wynkoop Willet WilletWynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Willet Wynkoop Van Bergen Wynkoop Phillips Johnson Hays Thomas Willet WessenfelsHarper JohnsonBellingerBellingerBellingerBellinger Company. Rightmier Stubrach Miller Rightmier BeckerHeager McCamplySwart j LeeGilmoreVan Woert DunhamBailey Bartolf Winne DodgeDeForest Barnum DeForest Barnum Barnum Haight Barnum Waterbury BarnumBarnumLawrenceLansing Fonda Staring Demouth Boyd Rockfeller St. John Thomas Frank LawrenceTruesdell Miller Kinnue Heager Stubrach Rightmier Conine BogartMcMasterDeWittFondaPutman DedrickDedrick Putman Dedrick Fonda DeWittOstrander Fonda JohnsonSmithLyonPutman Hunt Vrooman Wilkins Staring Herder Staring Staring Name and Rank. Regiment. Wessenfels Piatt Drake CraneFisher GrahamGraham Willet Willet Livingston Van Rensselaer Wemple Van Veghten Webster Thomas Wynkoop Malcom Rinchart, William, private Willet Rinders, James, private Wessenfels Rinders, John, private Rine, Richard, private Rine, Timothy, private Rine, Timothy, private Rinejens, Samuel, private Rines, John, corporal Riness, Adres, private Ringodorph, Philip, private Livingston Ringous, Samuel, private Fisber Ripley, Asa, private Ripley, Piram, private Ripsom, Mathias,t private Risdorf, George, private Risdorp, John, private Rise, John, private Rise, John, private Risen, Ab'm, corporal Risle, James, private Ritchards, Coenrad, priv. Rittenbergh, Adam, priv. Rittenburgh, George, priv. Pawling Ritter, And'w, sergt. Vrooman Ritter, Antreas, private Vrooman Ritter, Christ., private Vrooman Ritter, Johannis, private Vrooman Ritter, John, private Vrooman Ritter, Killian, private Vrooman Rittle, Henry, private Pawling Ritzman, Johannis, private Klock River, Benj'n, private Vrooman Rivers, Ant'y, private Field Rnyans, Philip, sergeant(?) Livingston Roach, William, private Wessenfels Boads, John, private Hathorn Roads, John, private Van Veghten Roads, Philip, private Van Veghten Roads, Wm., private Van Veghten Roads, Wm., private Van Veghten Roads, Wm., private Van Veghten Roads, Wm., private Van Veghten Roal, Henry, private Hammond Roase, James, private Rob, Jobn, private Klock Robards, Ezekiel, private Van Veghten Robards, Peter, private Luddington Robards, Purchas, private Van Veghten Robards, Wm., private Van Veghten Robbins, Evans, private Hopkins Robbins, Wm., private Van Veghten Robenson, Benj'n, private Van Rensselaer Robenson, Isaac, private Van Rensselaer Robenson, John, private Thomas Robenson-Joseph, private Fisher Roberds, Wm., private Van Veghten Roberson, Benj'n, private Van Rensselaer Roberson, Jesse, sergeant Pawling Roberson, Jesse, corporal Pawling Roberson, Johannes, ens'n. Johnson Roberson, John, private Van Rensselaer Roberson, Joshua, private Van Rensselaer Roberson, Nath'l, private Dubois Roberson, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Roberts, Ab'm, corporal Schuyler Roberts, Amos, private Thomas Roberts, Benj'n, Jr., priv. Field Roberts, Edward, private Van Bergen Roberts, Ezekiel,? sergeant Roberts, Ez'l, sergeant Harper Roberts, Ezekiel, private Graham Roberts, Ezekiel, private Van Veghten Roberts, James, private Wessenfels Roberts, James, private Cortland Roberts, John, private Willet Roberts, John, private Graham Company. Fonda Van Santvoort Haight LawrenceDegraas Conklin Vail Rockenfelle Degraas Skinner Gray Beauman Smith Odle Bancker Van Woert Long St. John Drake Faulkner Becker Rightmier Jtichtmyer Faulkner Ruff Stubrach Hecock Shaver Godwin BaileyDunning Dunning Woodworth Dunning ThompsonDenning Fonda Zeely Thompson Baker Thompson Thompson Waters Woodworth Turner Turner St. John SnookVan Woert Turner LawrenceLawrence JansenOdleOdleChamberlain Tillman Miller Barnum Hoghtaling Harrison Thompson Pawling White Hermance * Wounded in left arm at Johnstown Oct. 25, 1781. Mohawk Distr., Montgomery county. B 96, Cc 54. t Killed at Oriskany. A. P. 17-167 X Baldwin's Rangers. Entered Sept, '76; taken prisoner at Sabbath Day Point, March 19, 1777, paroled Decb'r, 1777, Lieut in Capt Sherwood's, Col. Graham's, taken prisoner at Fort Ann, Oct 10, 1780, escaped end of 1,782. A. P., 14-310, 15-85, 9-169. Roster of the State Troops. 457 Name and Rank. Roberts, John, private Roberts, John M., private Roberts, Mordecai, private Roberts, Mordecai, private Roberts, Peter, private Roberts, Peter, private Roberts, Purchas, private Roberts, Robert, private Roberts, Wm., private Robertson, Ab'm, private Robertson, Charles, private Robertson, Cha's, corpl. Robertson, Isaac, private Robertson, Jerem'h, corpl. Robertson, Jesse, private Robertson, John, private Robertson, John, private Robertson, John, private Robertson, John, private Robertson, Rich'd, ensign Robertson, Rob't, private Robertson, William, sergt Robertson, Wm., private Robeson, Isaiah, private Robeson, Robt't, private Robins, Dan'l, corporal Robins, Dan'l, private Robins, David, private Robins, Eben'r, private Robins, Elijah, private Robins, Joseph, sergeant Robins, Jube, private Robins, Tim'y, private Robins, William, private Robinson, Arch'd, ensign Robinson, Asacher, priv. Robinson, Cha's, corporal Robinson, Eben'r, major Robinson, Ebenezer, priv. Robinson, Eben'r, private Robinson, Eben'r, private Robinson, Eben'r, private Robinson, Esseker, private Robinson, Evans, private Robinson, Geo., private Robinson, Geo., private Robinson, Geo., private Robinson, George, private Robinson, Hector, private Robinson, Isaac, corporal Robinson, Isachar, private Robinson, Issachar, priv. Robinson, James, ensign Robinson, James, private Robinson, John, lieut. Robinson, John, private Robinson, John, private Robinson, John, Jr., private Robinson, John, private Robinson, Levi, private Robinson, Lewis, private Robinson, Lewis, private Robinson, Lewis, private Robinson, Peter, private Robinson, Peter, private Robinson, Peter, private Robinson, Rob't, private Robinson, Rob't, private Robinson, Siah, captain Robison, Arch'd, lieut Robison, Arch'd, ensign Robison, Charles, private Robison, Ezra, private Robison, Hutor, private Robison, Hector, private Robison, Jesse, private Robison, James, private Robison, James, private Robison, John, private Robison, John, private Robison, John, private Regiment. Harper Malcom Hathorn Hathorn Van Rensselaer Luddington Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Rensselaer WilletVan Veghten Van Veghten Willet Cooper Johnson Pawling Thomas Van Woert Van Veghten Willet Graham Hathorn Fisher Willet Graham Piatt Yates DuboisHays Willet Graham Van Veghten Van Woert Van Veghten Van Veghten LuddingtonWessenfelsHopkins Luddington Luddington Luddington WessenfelsFisher Fisher FisberVan Alstyn Willet Van Rensselaer Luddington Luddington Livingston Wessenfels LuddingtonHathorn Hathorn FieldWillet Wessenfels Field Graham Willet Malcom Luddington Fisher • FisherJohnson Van Woert Van Woert Graham Graham Willet MalcomHarper Pawling Pawling WilletWempleWemple Company. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Vroman Robison, John, private Van Rensselaer Randall Blakely Robison, William, private Pawling Van Woert Hunter Miller Robison, William, private Wells • Shepherd Robison, Wm., private Van Woert Gilmore Cady Robsamen, Wm., private Clyde Bowman Waterbury Roche, Fred'k, private Schuyler Slingerlandt Kock Woodworth Rock, Rudolph, Jr., priv. Klock Winne Rock, William, private Dubois Burnet Van Woert Rockafelow, Christ'r, priv Rockanson, James, private Lansing Houston Odle Yates Harrison Rockefellow, Johannes, pr . Newkirk Van Keuren Dunham Rockenfelle, Diell, captain Livingston Woodworth Rockenfeller, Diel, private Livingston Rockenfelle Marshall Rockenfeller, Diel, Jr., p. Livingston Rockenfelle Blauvelt Rockenfeller, Simeon, pr. Livingston Rockenfelle Ostrander Rockenfeller, Wm., lieut. Livingston Rockenfelle Williams Rockenfeller, Wm., priv. Livingston Shaver Miller Rockenfeller, Wm., priv. Livingston Rockenfelle Fonda Rockenfellows, Wm., pr. Willet Harrison Whiteside Rockfalow, John, private Hathorn Telford Dunham Rockfeller, Diel, captain LivingstonVan Rensselaer Tearse Rockfeller, Diel, captain Lansing Rockfeller, Diel, sergeant Livingston Rockfeller Brodhead Rockfeller, Philip, adjt. Livingston Yates Rockfellow, Christ'r, corp Rockfellow, Henry, corpl. Newkirk Van Keuren - Tourse Newkirk Van Keuren Muller Rockwell, Benj'n, private Thomas Gilbert Bloom Rockwell, Enos, private Wessenfels White Wiltse Rockwell, Enos, private Hopkins Barnum Chamberlain Rockwell, Job, private Thomas Gilbert Blauvelt Rockwell, Jon'n, drummer Minthorn Harrison Rockwell, Nathan, private Rockwell, Nathan, Jr., pr. Stevenson Williams Thomas Gilbert Woodworth Rockwell, Silas, private Luddington Knapp Gilmore Rockwell, Simon, private Harper Drake Woodworth Rockwell, Simon, private Van Veghten Thompson Winne Rockwell, Stephen, private Field Barnum Rockwell, Wm., private Thomas Chapman Shephard Rodds, John, private Van Veghten Lane Rodgers, Daniel, private Malcom Drake Scribner .Rodgers, Hugh, corporal Van Woert Wells Mead Rodgers, Hugh, corporal Van Woert Gilmore Knapp Rodgers, Joseph, private Wessenfels Westfall Shephard McMasters Rodgers, Justus, private Hays Smith Rodman, David, private Klock Hess Degraas Rodman, John, private Van Ness Tanner Yeomans Rodman, Joseph, private Van Ness Rodman, Thomas, private Van Rensselaer Graves Wright Rodman, Thomas, private Van Ness Whiting Turner Roe, Benjamin, corporal Hathorn Bailey Scribner Roe, Benjamin, corporal Hopkins Van Benschoten Mead Roe, Benjamin, corporal Brinckerhoff Brinkerhoff Kline Roe, Benjamin, private Hathorn Sayres Livingston Roe, Benjamin, private Hathorn Minthorn Mead Roe, David, private Brinkerhoff Bailey Roe, Eben'r, private Van Rensselaer Elliot Minthorn Roe, John, corporal Hathorn Case Minthorn Roe, John, private Hathorn McCamley Hecock Roe, John, private Dubois Burnet Harrison Roe, Nath'l, private Hathorn SayresBaly Dodge Roe, Nath'l, private Wisner Hecock Roe, Timothy, corporal Hathorn Shepherd Pearce Roe, Timothy, corporal Hathorn Sayre Tearse Roe, William, private Hopkins Lane Delavan Roesteel, John, private Clyde Wessenfels Van Everat Scribner Roff, Aaron, private Pawling McMaster Roff, Christopher, private Hays Stevenson Yeoman Roff, Christ'r, private Drake Haight Roff, Fred'k, private Schuyler Vischer Gilmore Roff, Henry, corporal Drake Haight Gilmore Roff, Henry, private Drake Haight Roff, Stoffel, private Schuyler Lansing , Williams Rogers, Amos, corporal Crane Lockwood Gray McKinstry Rogers, Amos, private Drake Delivan Rogers, Annanias, private Minthorn Lawrence Rogers, Augustin, private Hathorn Miller Wood Rogers, Daniel, private Newkirk Faulkner Piercy Rogers, Daniel, private Van Veghten Van Woert Livingston Rogers, George, corporal Willet Skinner MyndersonWemple Rogers, Hugh, corporal Webster Long Rogers, Hugh, private Willet Wright 58 458 Roster of the State Troops. Name ind Rank. Regiment. Company. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Rogers, Hugh, corporal Van Woert Gilmore Romyn, Abr'm, private Van Renselaer Schermerhorn Rogers Hugh, corporal Williams Long Fonda Ronalds, Elijah, private Whiting Cady Rogers Jacob, private Willet Ronalds, Henry, private Van Rensselaer Niles Rogers Jacob, private Van Veghten Woodworth Ronalds, James, private Wemple Rogers James, sergeant Pawling Westfall Ronan, John, private Ronkel, Hend'k, private Webster Armstrong Rogers James, coropral Pawling Burnet Schuyler Lansing Rogers James, private Newkirk Faulkner Ronkel, John, corporal Schuyler Lansing Rogers James, private Williams McNitt Ronkel, John, private Ronkel, John C., private Schuyler Lansing Rogers James, private Webster McNitt Schuyler Lansing Rogers James, private Stockwell Ronkle, Hend'k, private Schuyler Lansing Rogers John, private Pawling Westfall Ronkle, John, corporal Van Veghten . Rogers John, private Fisher McMaster Ronkle, John, private Schuyler Van Veghten Lansing Van Woert Rogers John, private Fisher Degraas Ronnels, Elias, private Rogers Jon'n, private Graham Vait Ronnels, Geo., private Van Veghten Van Woert Rogers Joseph, private Van Rensselaer Turner Ronnels, John, "corpl. Van Veghten Van Woert Rogers Joseph, private Van Veghten Woodworth Ronnels, Thomas, private Van Veghten Van Woert Rogers Joseph, private Pawling Westfall Ronyon, Sam'l, private Rood, Elijah, pnvate , Vrooman . Becker Rogers Joseph, private Brinckerhoff Van Wyck Howley Rogers Justis, private Hays Smith Rood, Ezra, quar'mast sr. Dubois Lee Rogers Lewis, sergeant Dragoons Delavan Roof, Philip, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Rogers Lewis, private Truesdell Roop, Peter, private Roory, Hend'k, private Willet Marshall Rogers Michael, private Graham Muller Fisher Rogers Michael, private Brinckerhoff Brinkerhoff Roosa, Abm., sergeant Wessenfels Westfall Rogers Moses, corporal Dubois Burnet Roosa, Abraham, corporal Pawling PiercyDe Witt Rogers Philip, lieut. Van Veghten Woodworth Roosa, Abraham, private Pawling Rogers Philip, lieut. Van Veghten Van Woert Roosa, Aldert,* lieut. Willet Rogers Philip, lieut Van Veghten Winne Roosa, Aldert, lieut. Pawling Westfall Rogers Philip, private Van Rensselaer Shaw Roosa, Aldert, lieut. Pawling De Witt Rogers Piatt, private Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Roosa, Aldert, private Pawling Westbrook Rogers Piatt, private Hopkins Brinckerhoff Roosa, Corn's,-)- private Allison Rogers Reuben, private Hopkins Malcom Talmadge Boosa, Dirck, Sr., private Graham Sherwood Rogers Ruben, private McKinstry Roosa, Eldert, lieut. Wessenfels Westfall Rogers Richard, private Luddington Knapp Roosa, Evert, private Johnson Concklin Rogers Robert, private Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Roosa, Evert, private Wessenfels Hardenburgh Rogers Samuel, private Clyde Bawman Roosa, Evert, private Pawling Burnet Rogers Samuel, private Fisher Little Roosa, Jacob, sergt. Pawling Burnet Rogers Wm., quar. mr. Drake Roosa, Jacob, private Pawling Faulkner Rogers Wm., ensign Crane --Lockwood Roosa, Jacob, private Pawling Hunter Rogers Wm., sergeant Drake Delivan Roosa, Jacob, private Hays Rogers Wm., private Williams Long Roosa, Johannes, private Pawling Faulkner Rogers Wm., private Webster Long Roosa, John, private Johnson Concklin Rogers Wm., private Armstrong Long Roosa, John, private Roosa, John, Jr., private Pawling Piercy Rogers Wm., private Drake Delivan Wynkoop Swart Rofcewell, Simon, private Van Veghten Thompson Roosa, Peter, captain Johnson Gillispy Rold, James, private Van Woert Gilmore Roosa, Richard, private Pawling Faulkner Rolinger, Casper, private Clyde House Roosa, William, private Pawling Westbrook Roliver, Paul, private Harper Putman Roosa, William, private Pawling Piercy Roller, Andrew, private Klock Klock Roose, John, private Schuyler Lansing Van Aernum Rolo, James, private Van Woert Gilmore Rooseboom, Garret, priv. Brown Rolo, James, private Van Woert Brown Roosevelt, Cornelius, priv Hays Blauvelt Rolo, James, private Van Woert McKillip Root, Asa, sergeant Van Schoonhoven Tavlor Rolo, Walter, corporal Van Woert Wells Root, Asa, sergeant Steenbereh Rolon, Wm., private Drake Root, Asa, private Van Schoonhoven Taylor Roman, Aaron, private Pawling Livingston Root, Asa, private Van Rensselaer Woodworth Roman, Peter, private Yates Hadlock Root, Barney, private Vrooman Roman, Peter, private Schuyler Ostrum Root, Christ, private Klock Klock Roman, Peter, private Yates Yates Root, Denison, private Van Veghten Thompson Romer, Aaron, private Wessenfels Livingston Root, Dennis, private Van Veghten Woodworth Romer, Aaron, private Graham Williams Root, Israel, private Van Alstyn Philips Romer, Aaron, private Graham Conklin Root, Josiah, private Van Rensselaer Romer, Hend'k, private Drake Root, Stephen, private Van Schoonhoven Tavlor Romer, Henry, private Hammond Comb Root, Stephen, private Van Veghten Dunning Romer, Henry, private Hammond Orser Root, Stephen, private Van Veghten Winne Romer, Henry, private Romer, Henry, Jr., privat Van Bergen Honeywell Root, Tim'y, lieut Williams Rice e Hammond Comb Rorey, Justice, sergeant Rorich, Kasber, private Fisher Yeoman Romer, James, private Harper Allen Vrooman Miller Romer, James, private Hammond Comb Rorich, Kasper, private Vrooman Stubrach Romer, John, private Brinckerhoff Van Benchoten Rorick, Barney, private Rorick, Hend'k, sergeant Vrooman Stubrach Romer, John, private Graham Conklin Fisher Marselis Romes, Henry, private Van Bergen Honeywell Rory, Wm., sergeant Fisher Snook Romine, Abm., private Fisher Wemple Rosa, Abraham, sergt. Hathorn Conklin Romine, John, private Clyde Bowman Rosa, Abm., private Graham Romine, Nich's, private Fisher Fisher Rosa, Abraham, Sr., priv. Hathorn Conklin Romine, Nich's, private Fisher Wemple Rosa, Dirk, sergeant Johnson Gillispy Jansen Romine, Nich's, private Fisher Yeoman Rosa, Dirk, sergeant Johnson Romine, Theods. F., q. mr . Fisher Rosa, Elias, sergeant Wemple Fonda * November, 1782, to December 27, 1783, when discharged. Shawangunck, Ulster Co. A. P. 15-15. t Taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery Oct 6, 1777, exchanged Aug., 1778. Physician, Newburgh, Orange Co. A. P. 24-27. Roster of the State Troops. 459 Name and Rank. Rosa, Evert, private Regiment. Johnson Johnson MalcomWemple Wemple Yates HathornPiatt Willet Van Bergen Van Rensselaer Wemple Rosa, Evert, Jr., private Rosa, John, private Rosa, John, private Rosa, John, private Rosa, John, private Rosa, John E., private Rosa, Peter, corporal Rosa, Storm, private Rosa, Storm, private Rosa, Wm., ensign Rosaboom, John, lieut. Rosakrans, Zacharias, priv. Piatt Rosboom, John, lieut. Wemple Rose, Abraham, private Graham Rose, Ab'm, private Malcom Rose, Ab'm, private Van Bergen Rose, Adert, private Dubois Rose, Aldert, corporal Hathorn Rose, Aldert, private Johnson Rose, Andrew S., corporal Livingston Rose, Baiter, private Van Rensselaer Rose, Baltus, private Van Rensselaer Rose, Benjamin, private Yates Rose, Corn's, corporal Yates Rose, Cornelius, private Yates Rose, Daniel, sergeant Van Rensselaer Rose, Dan'l, private Van Veghten Rose, Evert, private Johnson Rose, Evert, private Johnson Rose, Harman, private Livingston Rose, Jacob, pnvate Willet Rose, Jacob, private Rose, Jacob, private Rose, Jacob, private Rose, James, private Rose, James, private Rose, John, corporal Rose, John, private Rose, John, private Rose, John, private Rose, John, private Rose, John, private Rose, John, private Rose, John, private Van Woert Rose, John, private Van Rensselaer Rose, John, private Van Rensselaer Rose, John, Jr., private Yates Rose, Nath'l, sergeant Van Rensselaer Rose, Nath'l, corporal Van Rensselaer Rose, Nich's, sergeant Van Rensselaer Rose, Ory, private Van Rensselaer Rose, Peter, private Johnson Rose, Sam'l, private Van Rensselaer Rose, Teunis, corporal Hathorn Rose, Will., corporal Luddington Rose, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Roseboom, Barent, qr. mr. Harper Roseboom, Barent, lieut. Harper Roseboom, Barent, private Van Rensselaer Roseboom, Jacob, captain Roseboom, John, lieut. Wemple Rosecrance, Peter, sergeant Brinckerhoff Rosecrans, Corn's, private Pawling Rosecrans, Hend'k, sergt. Johnson Rosecrans, Hans, private Brinckerhoff Rosecrans, John, private Johnson Rosecrans, Thomas, corpl. Hopkins Rosecrans, Wilhelmus, ser. Johnson Rosecrans, William, sergt Johnson Rosecranse, Benj'n, lieut. Brinckerhoff Rosecranse, Derick, private Brinckerhoff Rosecranse, Peter, private Brinckerhoff Rosecranse, Thomas, priv. Brinckerhoff Rosecrantz, Nicholas, priv. Klock Rosefalt, Jacob, private Yates Rosekrance, James, priv. Willet Rosekrans, Dirk, private Pawling Rosekrans, Fred'k, private Hathorn Rosekrans, Geo., private Klock Rosekrans, Jacobus, priv. Hathorn Hays Hays Pawling PawlingVan Rensselaer Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson HarperVan Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Company. WilkinsJansen Cantine Bancker Van Slyck YatesBogardus Brodhead Conine Van Schaick Randall Fonda Brodhead WansonDelavan Witbeck BurnetBrodhead Rockfeller Turner Staats Yates Yates Staats Woodworth Gillispy Smith Rockfeller Livingston Bogert SmithGardnerLawrenceSacket Woodworth GillispyMastin Concklin Wilkins Lawrence Brown Staats Turner Yates Niles Schermerhorn Niles WoodworthGillispy Odle Brodhead Lane Randall AllenPriceOuthout Van Benschoten Westfall Gillispy Storm Roosa Van Benschoten Jansen GillispyBrinckerhoofBrinckerhoof Van Benschoten Van Benschouten Breadbake HadlockPawling Brodhead Bradbig Brodhead Name and Rank. Rosekrans, Jacobus, priv. Rosekrans, James, private Rosekrans, John, private Rosekrans, Nich's, private Rosenberry, Geo., private Roser, Isaac, private Rosevelt, Joseph, private Rosey, John, private Rosh, Wm., private Rosliver, Paul, private ftosman, Conrad, private Rosman, Dan'l, private Rosman, Henry, private Rosman, Henry, private Rosman, Jacob, private Rosman, Sam'l, private Ross, Aaron, private Ross, Benj'n, sergeant Ross, Benj'n, private Ross, Corn's, private Ross, Dan'l, private Ross, Finly, private Ross, Finly, private Ross, Jno., private Ross, Walter, corporal Ross, William, private Ross, William, private Ross, Wm., private Rossel, Rozel, private Rossman, Adam, private Rost, Aaron, private Rote, Christian, private Rote, Thomas, private Roth, Thomas, private Rother, John, private Roton, Wm., private Rottenower, George, priv. Rouck, Hend'k, sergeant Roud, Asa, private Rougling, James, private Roukel, BeDry, corporal Roukle, Henry, private Roun, John, private Rous, Frederic, private Rous, Jacob, private Rous, John, private Rouse, Baltus, private Rouse, Coenradt, private Rouse, Dan'l, sergeant Rouse, Elias, private Rouse, Fred'k, private Rouse, Jacob, private Rouse, Jno., captain Rouse, John, private Rouse, John, private Rouse, Jon'n, private Rouse, Jon'n, private Rouse, Jonhthan, private Rouse, Nich's, private Rouse, Nich's, private Row, Benj'n, private Row, Joseph, lieut Row, Joseph, lieut. Row, Mich'l, private Row, Will., private Rowan, James, private Rowan, John, private Rowan, John, private Rowan, John, Sr., private Rowan, John, Jr., private Rowe, David, private Rowland, John, private Rowland, Luke, private Rowland, Marvin, sergeant Rowland, Marvin, private Rowland, Robert, private Rowland, Sam'l, private Rowland, Sam'l, private Rowley, Aaron, corpl. Rowley, Constant, private Rowley, Dan'l, private Regiment. PawlingHays Johnson Bellinger Van Rensselaer Wemple HaysDubois HarperWilletWillet Graham GrahamLivingston Livingston PawlingVan Veghten Yates Yates Van Veghten Pawling Pawling Van Woert Van Woert JohnsonWessenfelsDubois Van Schoonhoven LivingstonWeisenfels PawlingWillet Vrooman Clyde Drake Willet FisherWebstev Van Woert Schuyler SchuylerWilliams* Van Rensselaer Van Reneselaer Van Bergen Van Rensselaer Van Alstyn Van Rensselaer Klock Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Graham Yates Yates Van Rensselaer Yates Yates Van Rensselaer Yates Wynkoop Van Veghten Van Veghten Piatt Van Rensselaer Webster Armstrong Webster Webster ArmstrongBrinckerhoff Graham Pawling Brinckerhoff BrinckerhoffPiatt Van Alstyn Van Alstyn Willet WisnerField Company. Pawling JansenFrank Odle Bancker BlauveltStevenson Burnet Putman HarrisonHarrisonWilliams Miller Shaver Pawling YatesDe Witt PiercyGilmore Wells Cross White Burnet Shaver Burnet , Harrison Richtmyer HouseGross Marselus ChildGilmore Lansing Lansing Armstrong Turner Schermerhorn Witbeck Staats Ostrander Staats Breadbake WoodworthDe Garmo Vandenburgh Wiltse Brown Wiltse Wiltse Thompson Dunham Bloom Armstrong ArmstrongArmstrongArmstrongArmstrong Biinckerhoof Muller Hunter Brower Schutt BloomTruesdel Philips Van Renselaer - Baly Hecock 460 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Rowley, Elijah, private Rowley, Heman, heut Rowley, Jabish, corporal Rowley, Jabish, private Rowley, Jabish, private Rowley, Jesse, private Rowley, Joel, corporal Rowley, John, private Rowley, Joseph L., private Rowley, Moses, private Rowley, Nath'l, lieut. Rowley, Reuben, lieut. Rowley, Reuben, private Rowley, Richmon, private Rowley, Samuel, sergeant Rowley, Seth, sergeant Rowley, Seth, sergeant Rowley, Seth, sergeant Rowley, Seth, sergeant Rowley, Shubal, private Rowley, Tim'y, private Rowley, Weeks, private Rowlin, John, private Rowlin, Oliver, private Rowlin, Oliver, private Rowlin, Sam'l, private Rowly, Heman, lieut. Rowly, Jabish, corporal Rowly, John, sergeant Roxford, Samuel, lieut. Rover, John, private Ruart, Hend'k, private Rubold, George, private Rude, Andrew, private Rude, Dan'l, pnvate Rude, Ely, private Rue, Joseph R., private Ruff, Christ'r, private Ruff, Dan'l, private Ruff, Henry, sergeant Ruff, John, captain Ruff, John, captain Ruff, John, private Ruff, John, Jr., private Ruff, John, Jr., private Ruff, Jon'n, private Ruff,- Mich'l, private Ruff, Mich'l, private Ruff, Philip, private Ruff, Sam'l, private Ruff, Sam'l, private Rugar, Gabriel, private Rugar, Moses, private Ruge, Joseph, private Ruger, Francis, corporal Ruger, Gabriel, private Ruger, Gab'l, private Ruger, Gideon, sergeant Ruger, Gideon, private Ruger, Moses, private Rugg, Benjamin, private Ruleffson, Ab'm, private Rullia, John, private Rulman, Jacob, private Runrath, Henrich, private Rumer, Fred'k, corporal Rumer, James, private Rumney, David, adjutant Rumney, John, private Rumney, Jno., private Rumney, John G., sergt Rump, Christian, private Rump, Henry, sergeant Rumsey, David, captain Rumsey, James, private Rumsey, Jonas, private Rumsey, Jesse, private Rumsey, Jesse, private Regiment Field Hathorn Graham Willet Graham Whiting Whiting Van Rensselaer Whiting Whiting Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Vau Rensselaer Whiting Willet Willet Willet Willet Harper Wessenfels Van Rensselaer Graham Van Ness YatesYates Van Rensselaer Hathorn Graham WilletWhiting Company. HecockShepherd Muller HoleMuller King SalsburyHawley KelloggSalsbury CadyTownsendSchermerhornSalsburyWelpWhite Fonda Harrison Harrison Godwin Schermerhorn Wilson Brutt Van Den Burgh De Garmo Shepherd MullerWhite Gilbert Fonda Staring MillerLivingston White Fisher Bellinger Phillips Willet Willet Van Schoonhoven Hicks Stevenson Van Ness Drake Klock ClydeSchuylerClydeClydeWilletKlockKlock Van Aernum Leipe Ruff Hole Zeely Kock Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Crane Lockwood DrakeVan Rensselaer Van Veghten Woodworth Van Veghten Woodworth Van Veghten Dunham Yates Yates Graham Vail Yates Yates Yates Yates Van Veghten Dunham Willet Wright Fisher Fisher Dubois Burnet Schuyler Van Aernum Vrooman Richtmyer Yates Brutt Crane Lawrence Van Schoonhoven Willet White Graham Lansing Van Schoonhoven Visscher Johnson Cross Johnson Cross Van Schoonhoven Piatt Lee Hathorn Mervin Wessenfels Westfall Malcom McKinstry Name and Rank. Rumsey, Jonas, private Rumsey, Moses, private Rundal, David, heut Rundal, Isaac, private Rundal, John, sergeant Rundal, John, private Rundal, Rich'd, private Rundal, Rich'd, private Rundall, Benj'n, private Rundall, Matt'w,* private Rundel, Isaac, private Rnndell, Elnathan, private Rundels, Benjamin, priv. Rundels, Isaac, private Rundle, Abraham, corporal Rundte, Abm., drummer Rundle, David, private Rundle, David, private Rundle, Elnathan, private Rundle, Elnathan, private Rundle, Ezra, Jr., private Rundle, Isaac, private Rundle, Isaac, private Rundle, John, private Rundle, John, private Rundel, Syras, private Rundull, Jabus, private Rundus, John, corporal Runia, John, Jr., private Runions, Jon'n, sergeant Runnalds, David, private Runnells, Eliphalet, priv. Runnels, David, private Runnels, John, private Runnels, Rich'd, private Runnins, John, Sr., priv. Runnins, John, Jr., priv. Runno, Simon, sergeant Runo, Simon, private Runsey, John, private Runyans, John, private 'Runyens, Henry, private Rupe. George, corporal Ruport, Adam, private Rury, Henry, private Rury, Wm., sergeant Rusae, Jno., private Rusco, Sam'l, private Rusco, Theophilus, private Rusco, Thomas, private Rusecow, John, private Rush, George, private Rush, John, pnvate Russ, Fred'k, private Russ, Harmanus, sergeant Russ, Harm's, private Russ, Nathan, private Russ, Samuel, private Russel, Abm., private Russel, Benj'n, private Russel, Benjamin, private Russel, Eben'r, private Russel, James, Corp. Russel, John, sergeant Russel, John, private Russel, Jonathan, private Russel, William, private Russell, Abm., private Russell, Dirk, private Russell, James, corporal Russell, James, private Russell, James, private Russell, John, sergeant Russell, John, corporal Russell, Ludwick, private Russell, Robt, private Russell, Roland, private Russell, Rowlin, private Regiment. WessenfelsHathornVan Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Drake Van Rensselaer ThomasVan Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Wessenfels WilletVan Rensselaer PawlingCranePawlingThomasPawlingCrane Crane Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Crane Crane Pawling Thomas Malcom Bellinger Clyde Field Cortland HathornGraham Thomas Clyde Clyde Graham Wessenfels Thomas Fisher Fisher Vandenburg Fisher Fisher Vrooman Thomas Crane Thomas Thomas Klock Luddington SchuylerLivingstonLivingston Willet LivingstonDrakeWillet Willet Webster HopkinsDrakeWilliamsWhiting Johnson Drake Van Rensselaer Luddington Harper LuddingtonCrane LuddingtonWynkoopLuddington Field Dubois Company. Brewster Mervin Randall Shaw Haight Randal) St. John StevensonShawOdle Shaw Hunt Marshall Shaw SackettLawrence Sacket St. John Sacket LawrenceTruesdellSbaw OdleLockwood Truesdell Sacket McKinstry StaringBowman DykemanMervinSherwood St. John Ruff Ruff VailMoseman Fisher FisherWheelerFonda Snook Snook RichtmyerGilbert Lawrence Gilbert Chapman Ruff Lane Van Wee Rockenfelle Rockenfelle Wright Rockenfelle Cannon Marshall McNitt Lane Haight Shepardson Bostwick WilkinBoydMeadBogartBaker Lockwood Mead Dedrick Baker Barnum Lee * See Randall. Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Russell, Samuel, ensign Russell, Thomas, lieut Rutty, Zebulon, private Rutty, Zebulon, private Rutty, Zebulon, private Rutty, Zebulon, private Ruyker, Sylas, private Ryan, Christ'r, private Ryan, John, private Ryan, John, private Ryan, William, private Rybenergh, Adam, private Ryce, Peter, private Ryckart, Hend'k, private Ryckart, Marcus, private Ryckart, Mich'l, private Ryckenstyen, Joseph, priv. Ryckman, Corn's, private Ryckman, Fred'k, private Ryckman, Garrit, private Ryckman, Harm's, sergt. Ryder, Benjamin, private Ryder, Benjamin, private Ryder, Caleb, private Ryder, Coonrod, private Ryder John, private Ryel, Peter, private Ryer, Tunis, private Ryer, William, private Ryers, Francis, private Ryesdorph, Leonard, priv. Rykeman, Abm., private Ryker, Abraham, corporal Ryker, Abraham, private Ryker, Abram, private Ryker, Hend'k, private Ryker, James, private Ryker, Matthew, private Rykert, Henry, private Regiment. Whiting Luddington Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert PawlingVau Veghten Pawling YatesVan Alstyn Livingston GrahamVrooman Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Wemple Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Johnson Hathorn PawlingBrinckerhoff Hays Pawling BrinckerhoffBrinkerhoffVan Rensselaer Willet Van Rensselaer BrinckerhoffCooper Hays Hays Cooper Hays Hays Willet Company. BakerHodgesDoty Brown McKillipWestbrookThompson Wood Van Buren RockenfelleConklin Fonda Stubrach De Forest Sharp Van Slyck Bries Bries Ostrander BrodheadPawling Schutt Gardner Pawling Schutt Brinkerhoff Sbaw Gillet Fraist Van Wyck Gardner Ackerson TourneurBlauvelt Blauvelt OnderdonkPutman Name and Rank. Rykert, Henry, private Rykert, Michael, private Ryley, Jacob, sergeant Ryley, John, lieut. Ryley, John, lieut. Ryley, Philip, sergeant Ryley, Philip, private Ryley, Philip, private Ryley, Silvester, private Rymes, Henry, private Rynard, John, sergeant Rynard, William, private Rynards, John, sergeant Ryndas, James, private Ryne, Edward, private Ryne, Lawrence, private Ryner, John, drummer Rynese, Andrew, sergeant Ryness, Andrew, private Ryness, John, corporal Rynhard, William, private Rynhart, William, private Rynix, Andrew, sergeant Rynix, John, drummer Rynix, John, private Rynix, Richard, private Rynoes, Jacob, private Rynolds, Elisha, private Rynolds, John, private Rynolds, Silas, private Rynnolds, George, private Rynus, Abraham, private Rynus, John, private Ryon, Dunkin, private Ryon, John, private Ryor, Henry, private Ryphenberg, Adam, private Rysdorph, John, private Regiment. FisherVan Rensselaer Wemple Van Rensselaer Schuyler Wemple Harper Wemple Van Rensselaer Thomas Graham GrahamGraham Malcom Van Alstyn Van Rensselaer Wemple HarperBrinckerhoffBrinckerhoffWillet VroomanWemple Wemple Wemple WempleMalcomVan Rensselaer Van Veghten Willet Van Veghten Vandenburgh Pawling Willet Van Renssalaer LivingstonVan Rensselaer 461 Company. Fisher Sharp Mynderse Husted Sharp Mynderse Drake Mynderse Schermerhorn Miller MullerLansing Muller DelavanOstranderWanson Vrooman Van Benschoten Van Benschouten Gross Stubrach Wanson Wanson WansonWanson Delavan Odle Woodworth Harrison Storm Livingston Van Rensselaer DeGarmoFonda Rockenfelle DeForest 8. Sabens, Billings, private Sabens, Joshua, private Saber, Henry, pnvate Sacie, David, private Sacket, Ananias, private Sacket, Benjamin, private Sacket, Benjamin, private Sacket, Benjamin, private Sacket, Benjamin, private Sacket, Daniel, lieut. Sacket, James, private Sacket, John, private Sacket, John, private Sacket, Prime, private Sacket, Prince, private Sacket, Richard, captain Sacket, Richard, captain Sacket, Richard, captain Sacket, Richard, captain Sacket, Richard, private Sacket, William, private Sackett, John, private Sackett, John, private Sackett, Richard, private Sackett, Richard, captain Sackett, Solomon, private Sackett, Solomon, private Sackner, John, corporal Sacks, Peter, private Sadler, William, private Sadlor, John, private Sadore, Stephen, corporal Safford, Jon n, drummer Sage, Benjamin, private Sage, Daniel, private Sage, Selah, private Sageman, Jacob, private Field Van Reusselaer Wemple Brinckerhoff Whiting Harper Van Rensselaer Malcom Thomas Harper Van Rensselaer Pawling WessenfeUPawling Pawling Thomas Thomas ThomasThomas Van Rensselaer Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas ClydeWynkoop Hathorn Pawling Hammond MalcomVan Rensselaer WhitingWhiting Johnson Dyckman Shaw Fonda Van Wyck King NobleAllen Turner LivingstonSacket Allen Turner Sacket Hunt St. John Lawrence Sackett Turner Sackett Sackett St. John Dygert Telford Wood Orser Blakely HustedGilbert Gilbert Johnson Saibner, Sam'l, private Van Rensselaer Sails, Mordecai, sergeant Van Veghten Woodworth Sails, Ezekiel, sergeant Van Veghten "Woodworth Sailsbnry, James, private Williams Shepardson St. Clair, George, private Pawling Faulkner St. Clair, John, private Johnson Jansen St. Clair, John, private Johnson Cross St Clair, John, private Johnson Wilkins St. John, Abijah, private Thomas St. John St. John, Abi'm, private Field Hecock St. John, Adam, private Pawling Hunter St. John, Adam, private Johnson Cross St. John, Gideon, private Wessenfels Pawling St. John, John, pnvate Crane Scofield St. John, John, Jr., private Crane Lewis St. John, Joseph, private Wessenfels White St. John, Joseph, private Pawling Burnet St. John, Moses, captain Thomas St. John, Moses, lieut. Thomas Sackett St. John, Noah, private Johnson Ostrander St. John, Noah, private Cantine Ramsen St.' John, Sam'l,* ord. serg. Willet Whelp St. John, Samuel, private Johnson Ostrander St John, Tedius, private Wemple Fonda St. John, Thedius, private Wemple Mynderson St. Jobn, Thos., private Field Barnum St. Johns, Adam, corporal Johnson Ostrander Salback, Jacob, private Livingston Smith , Salback, Johannis, sergt. Livingston Rockenfelle Salback, Johannis, priv. Livingston Rockenfelle Salback, Philip, private Livingston Rockenfelle Salbugh, Jacob, private Van Rensselaer Rockenfelle Sales, Benjamin, private Schuyler Ostrum Sales, Mordica, sergeant Van Veghten Winne Salge, Henrich, private Vrooman Stubrach Salge, Henrich, private Vrooman Richtmyer Salhild, Isaac, lieut Willet Welp * Hadley, Saratoga county. A. P. 20-400. 462 Roster of the Slate Troops. Van Bergen Van Bergen Dubois Fisher Whiting Whiting Van Alstyn Van Alstyn Name and Rank. Regiment. Salisbury, Ab'm, private Van Bergen Salisbury, Benanuel, priv. Van Ness Salisbury, Francis, lieut. Van Bergen Salisbury, Francis, private Van Bergen Salisbury, Gideon, private Graham Salisbury, James, private Williams Salisbury, John, private Pawling Salisbury, John, private Fisher Salisbury, Joseph, private Graham Salisbury, Joseph, private Willet Salisbury, Lawrence, priv. Dubois Salisbury, Lawrence, priv. Van Bergen Salisbury, Lawrence, priv. Van Bergen Salisbury, Lukas, private Graham Salisbury, Silvester, priv. Van Alstyn Salisbury, Wessel, lieut. Van Bergen Salisbury, Wessel, lieut Salisbury, Wm., private Salkell, Isaac, sergeant Sailer, Jacob, private Sails, Jacob, private Sails, Samuel, sergeant Sally, John, private Sally, Thomas, private Salmon, Absalom, private Willet Salmon, Absolum, private Whiting Salmon, Absolum, private Willet Salmon, Ashell, private Graham Salsbagh, John, corporal Van Rensselaer Salsbury, Gideon, private Willet Salsbury, Harmanus, priv. Van Rensselaer Salsbury, Isaac, private Van Rensselaer Salsbury, John, captain Whiting Salsbury, John, private Van Alstyn Salsbury, Joseph, sergeant Quackenboss Salsbury, Joseph, private Willet Salsbury, Joseph, private Van Rensselaer Salsbury, Joseph, private Van Rensselaer Salsbury, Lawrence, priv. Van Bergen Salsbury, Lawrence, priv. Van Rensselaer Salsbury, Lucas, private Van Rensselaer Salsbury, Silvester, priv. Salsbury, Silvester, priv. Salsbury, Tobias, private Salsman, Hend'k, private Klock Salsman, Henry, private Klock Salsman, John, private Saltman, Geo., private Saltman, Henry, private Saltman, Henry, Jr., priv. Klock Saltmarch, William, priv. Willet Saltmarsh, Wm., sergeant Whiting Salts, Benj'n, private Schuyler Salts, Benjamin, private Schuyler Saltsman, George, private Klock Saltsman, Henry, private Klock Saltsman, John, private Salyea, Henry, private Salyea, Henry, private Salyer, Edward, private Salyer, Michael, sergeant Hays Salyer, Mich'l, private Hays Salyer, William, private Hays Samborn, Nath'l, private Yates Sambourns, Nath'l, priv. Yates Samburns, Nath'l, private Yates Sammon, Corn's, private Pawling Sammon, Jacob, corporal Johnson Sammon, Matt'w, corporal Johnson Sammon, Matthew, private Johnson Sammon, Matt'w, private Johnson Sammons, Fred'k, sergeant Sammons, Jacob, corporal Johnson Sammons, Jacob, private Johnson Sammons, Jacob, private Yates Sammons, Jacob, private Sammons, Johannes, priv. Cantine Sammons, John, private Hathorn Van Alstyn Wynkoop Van Rensselaer Klock Klock Klock KlockGraham Van Rensselaer Hays Company. WitbeckWitbeck Witbeck Muller Stowel Westfall Yates MageeTearse, A.P. 19-241 DuboisHoghtaling Witbeck MageeVosburgh Dubois Witbeck LeeYates GilbertGilbert Van Valkenburgh Van Valkenburgh HenryHerrick Tearse Pearce Rockfeller Harrison BriesOdle Ostrander Van Wie Harrison Staats WoodworthVan Schaick StaatsBries Van Valkenburgh Odle Cavser Miller Miller Miller KlockMillerVan Rensselaer Salsbury Lansing OstrumMiller Suts Miller Lansing Bries Blauvelt Blauvelt Tourneur Ackerson Yates Wiltse Brown Burnett Jansen GillispyJohnsonSmith Jansen Ostrander YatesFonda McCambly Name and Rank. Regiment. Sammons, Matt'w, corpl. Johnson Sammons, Reuben, corpl. Hathorn Sammons, Sam'l, ensign Sammons, Samson, ensign Sammons, Teunis, private Johnson Sammons, Teunis, private Johnson Sammons, Thomas, priv. Pawling Sample, Hugh, private Fisher Sample, Sam'l, private Fisher Sampson, George, private Luddington Sanders, John, private Willet Sanders, John, private Sanders, Peleg, corporal Sanders, Wait, private Sanders, Wait, private Sanders, Wait, Jr., private Willet Sanderson, John, private Fisher Sandford, David, pnvate Sandford, John, sergeant Sandford, Ezra, corporal Sandrys, Henry, private Sands, John, corporal Sands, Samuel, private Sands, Steven, private Sandy, Corn's, corporal Sante, Gilbert, private Santford, Wm., private Santjohn, Matt'w, private Hathorn Santon, William, private Brinckerhoff Sarbough, William, priv. Sarin, Philips, private Saririg, Nich's, private Sarles, Rich'd, private Sarles, Thadeus, private Sarlls, James, pnvate Sarlls, Will., private Sarrine, Isaac, private , Sarvis, John, sergeant Sarvis, John, private Sasha, Ab'm, private Sasha, Wm., private Sason, Tho's, private Sasse, David, private Satin, Ease, private Satsman, Henry, private Saturly, Joseph, private Saucks, Antreas, private Saults, James, private Saunders, Henry, private Saunders, Isaac, private Saunders, John, private Savage, Edward, private Savage, Edward, private Savage, James, private Savage, James, private Savage, James, private Savage, Joel, private Savage, Roger, private Savage, Roger, private Savery, Nehemiah, sergt. Saviour, John, private Sawer, Moses, private Saws, James, private Sawyer, Moses, private Sawyer, Nodiah, private Sax, Peter, private Saxberry, Corn's, private Saxton, Eben'r, private Saxton, Eben'r, private Saxton, Gersham, corpl. Saxton, Gersham, private Graham' Saxton, Gershom, private Van Veghten Saxtob, John,* private Pawling Saxton, Noble, private Piatt Sayer, Joshua, private Hathorn Sayles, Ahab, sergeant Van Veghten Sayles, Ahab, corporal Van Veghten Sayles, Ahab, private Van Veghten WempleWilletGrahamWillet Hathorn Hathorn Hathorn Clyde DrakeThomas HammondDrake Graham Van Rensselaer Fisher Fisher Fisher ThomasThomas Thomas ThomasLuddingtonHarper FisherFisherFisber Van Veghten WempleVan Rensselaer Klock Graham VroomanSchuyler Clyde Van Alstyn Willet ' Webster Armstrong Williams Webster Armstrong WilletWhiting Whiting PawlingWillet Webster Thomas Webster WebsterWynkoop Van Rensselaer Van Ness Van Veghten Company. Jansen ShepherdFonda Fonda Cross Jansen Pawling SnookMcMasterKnapp Cannon ' SchermerhornPearcy Williams White White FisherMinthorn MinthornMinthorn.Difendorf Strang Purdy.Delivan VailOdleCase Van Benschoten Little Yeoman Fisher Moseman Lane Putman Snook Yeoman Yeoman Dunning BanckerBriesMiller Ostrum DiffendorfVan Buren Marshall McNitt McNitt Armstrong Long Long Skinner SalsburyKellogg Hunter Wright Childs Moseman Childs Dedrick Fonda Odle Woodworth Lansing Woodworth Sacket Kinnue Bailey Woodworth Woodworth Woodworth * Dutchess C. A. P., 22-8 Roster of the State Troops. 463 Regiment. Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten WisnerHathorn Hathorn * HathornHathorn HathornWisnerDubois HathornHathorn Name and Rank. Sayles, Ezekiel, sergeant Sayles, Ezekiel, private Sayles, Jacob, private Sayles, John, private Sayles, John, private Sayles, John, private Sayles, Moi-dica, sergeant Van Veghten Sayles, Mordica, sergeant Van Veghten Sayles, Stephen, private Van Veghten Sayles, Sylvenus, private "" Sayls, John, private Saymore, Wm., private Sayre, Benj'n, private Sayre, Daniel, private Sayre, James, private Sayre, Job, private Sayre, Jonas, private Sayre, Lewis, sergeant Sayre, Lewis, sergeant Sayre, Seeby, sergeant Sayre, Thomas, sergeant Sayres, John, captain Scangen, Thomas, private Wemple Scarborough, Wm., priv. Fisher Schafer, Henry, private Clyde Schafer, Johannis, private Vrooman Schaick, Hend'k, private Van Veghten Schall, Henry, private Clyde Scham, Jeremiah, private Van Bergen Schanemen, Jobn, private Van Bergen Schank, William, corporal Willet Schankler, Jerem'h, priv. Malcom Schannon, John, sergeant Wemple Schannon, John, corporal Wemple Schapman, Jno., corp. Scharm, Peter, private Scharp, Geo., captain Scharp, Jacob, private Scharp, Lawrence P., priv. Van Alstyn Scharp, Martinus, lieut. Schuyler Sceed, Stephen, private Scheate, Andony, private Scheel, Peter, private Scheets, Peter, corporal Schefer, Adam, private Schefer, Adam, private Schefer, Adam, Jr., priv. Schefer, Christ'n, corporal Vrooman Schefer, Christ'n, private Vrooman Schefer, Christ'r, private Schefer, Debald, private Schefer, Dennis, private Schefer, Dennis, private Schefer, Dewald, private Schefer, Dewald, private Schefer, Henrich, sergeant Vrooman Schefer, Henrich, private Vrooman Schefer, Henrich, private Vrooman Schefer, Henrich, private Vrooman Schefer, Henricus, private Vroman Schefer, Henry, private Vrooman Schefer, Jacob, private Vrooman Schefer, Johannis, private Vrooman Schefer, Johannis, private Vrooman Schefer, Johannis, private Vrooman Schefer, Johannis, Jr., pr. Vrooman Schefer, Johannis F., priv. Vrooman Schefer, Johannis Jas., pr. Vrooman Schefer, Johs. J., private Vrooman Schefer, Johannis T., pr. Vrooman Schefer, John, private Vrooman Schefer, John, private Vrooman Schefer, John, private Vrooman Schefer, John, Jr., private Vroon an Schefer, John F., private Vrooman Schefer, Joost, private Vrooman Schefer, Joost, private Vrooman Schefer, Lambert, private Vrooman Schefer, Marcus, private Vrooman Schefer, Marcus, private Vrooman Snyder Van Bergen SchuylerVan Alstyn Van Rensselaer Clyde KlockKlock Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Company. Woodworth Woodworth WoodworthWoodworthWinne Dunham WoodworthDunhamWoodworth Woodworth Woodworth Thompson Baly MinthornSayres Mervin McCamley McCamley Baly Gano McCamly Van Atten Little House Miller Van Woert Diffendorf Van Schaick Witbeck HoleMcKinstry Outhout Outhout Swart Van Valkenburgh Van Valkenburgh Sharp De Garmo House Righter RighterStubrach BrownBrown HeagerHeager BrownStubrachBrownStubrachBrownBrown Stubrach BrownRightmierMiller Becker Brown BrownRichtmyerBrownBrown StubrachStubrach Rightmier Richtmyer Stubrach BrownMillerBrown Brown Richtmyer Brown Stubrach Miller Vrooman VroomanVrooman Vrooman Vrooman VroomanVroomanVroomanVrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman PiattBrinckerhoff ClydeBellinger VandenburghBrinckerhoff Name and Rank. Regiment. Schefer, Marcus, private Vrooman Schefer, Marcus, private Vrooman Schefer, Marcus, private Vrooman Schefer, Marcus, Jr., priv. Vrooman Schefer, Marcus, Jr., priv. Vrooman Schefer, Marcus, Jr., priv. Vrooman Schefer, Peter, corporal Vrooman Schefer, Peter, Jr., corpl. Vrooman Schefer, Peter, Jr., private Vrooman Schefer, Tenes, Jr., private Vrooman Schefer, Teunis, private Vrooman Schefer, Zewald, private Schell, Adam, private Schell, Christian, private Schell, Christ., private Schell, Fred'k, private Schell, George, corporal Schell, George, private Schell, Jacob F., private Schell, Jacob F., private Schell, Jacob F., private Schell, Jacob J., private Schell, Jacob J., private Schell, John F., private Schell, Joost, corporal Schell, Joost, private Schelman, George, private Vrooman Schelmedine, Richard, cor. Vrooman Schelmentine, Rich'd, sgt. Vrooman Schenck, Abm., major Schenck, Daniel, lieut. Schenck, George, private Schenck, George, private Schenck, Ralph, corporal Schenck, Ruhff, private Scheneman, Henry, private Willet Schenk, Peter A., sergeant Piatt Scherme, Hend'k, corporal Van Bergen Schermehorn, Jacob, priv. Van Bergen Schermerhorn, Aaron, pr. Wemple Schermerhorn, Aments, pr. Wemple Schermerhorn, And'w, pr. Wemple Schermerhorn, And'w, pr. Wemple Schermerhorn, And'w, pr. Wemple Schermerhorn, Bar't F., en. Wemple Schermerhorn, Barth'w, p. Wemple Schermerhorn, Barth'w, p. Wemple Schermerhorn, Beth'l, pr. Wemple Schermerhorn, BeridS.,en. Wemple Schermerhorn, Corn's, pr. Van Bergen Schermerhorn, Corn's, pr. Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn, Daniel, cap. Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn, Fram'r, en. Wemple Schermerhorn, Garret, pr. Wemple Schermerhorn, Henry I., p. Wemple Schermerhorn, Jacob, cpt Wemple Schermerhorn, Jacob,lieut Schuyler Schermerhorn, Jacob.lieut. Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn, Jacob, ser. Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn, Jacob, ser. Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn, Jacob, priv. Wemple Schermerhorn, Jacob, priv. Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn, Jacob, priv. Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn, Jacob, priv. Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn, Jacob, priv. Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn, Jacob C.,m. Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn, Jacob C, p. Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn, Jacob H., p. Aran Rensselaer Schermerhorn, Jacob J., p. Wemple Schermerhorn, Jacob R., s. Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn, John, priv. Wemple Schermerhorn, John, iriv. Wemple Schermerhorn, John L, pr. Wemple Schermerhorn, John J., pr. Wemple Schermerhorn, John L., pr. Willet Schermerhorn, JohnR.,sgt.Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn, John W., cap. Vau Rensselaer Schermerhorn, Maus, priv. Wemple Schermerhorn, Nich's,serg. Wemple Schermerhorn, Nich's,priv. Wemple Company. RichtmyerBrownBecker StubrachBrown Miller BrownBrown Brown Stubrach Stubrach RightmierMiller Rightmier Becker Miller Stubrach Miller Brown Stubrach BrownStubrach RightmierRichtmyer Becker Brinkerhoff HouseStaring Storm Brinckerhoff Debois LeeDubois Witbeck Fonda Mynderson Wanson Bancker Fonda OuthoutBancker Woodworth BanckerVan Petten Van Wee Schermerhorn Bries Schermerhorn Mynderson Sharp HustedBries SchermerhornSchermerhornSchermerhornOuthoutSchermerhorn Fonda Mynderson LivingstonStaats Bancker Van Slyck 464 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Schermerhorn, Nich's,priv. Wemple Schermerhorn, Nich's,priv. Wemple Schermerhorn, Philip, pr. Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn, Richard, p. Wemple Schermerhorn, Bich'd, pr. Wemple Schermerhorn, Ryer, priv. Wemple Schermerhorn, Ryk't, pr. Wemple Schermerhorn, Samuel, pr. Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn, Samuel, pr. Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn, Simon, pr. Wemple Schermerhorn, Trum'r, en. Wemple Scherp, Solomon, private Van Rensselaer Schilling, Alex'r, private Wemple Schimel, Diedrick, private Clyde Schimel, Francis, private Clyde Schimmel, Jacob, private Willet Schirp, Gysbert, private Van Bergen Schneider, Godlib, private Clyde Schneider, Jacob, private Clyde Schneider, John, private Clyde Schneider, Peter, lieut Vrooman Schneyder, John, private Vrooman Schneyder, Johannis, priv. Vrooman Schneyder, Ludwick, priv. Vrooman. Schnider, Godlib, private Clyde Schnider, Michael, private Clyde Scholl, Henry, private Clyde Schomaker, John, private Van Bergen Schonden, Josiah, private Clyde Schonmaker, Wilhelmus, p. Johnson School, Henyost, lieut. Klock Schoolcraft, Adam, private Van Woert Schoolcraft, Christ, priv. Van Woert Schoolcraft, Cobus, priv. Van Woert Schoolcraft, Jacob, priv. Vrooman Schoolcraft, Jacob, priv. Vrooman Schoolcraft, Jacob, priv. Vrooman Schoolcraft, Jacob, priv. Vrooman Schoolcraft, John, sergt. Schuyler Schoolcraft, Jobn, sergt. Schuyler Schoolcraft, John, priv. Willet / Schoolcraft, John, priv. Willet Schoolcraft, John, priv. Willet Schoolcraft, John, priv. Harper Schoolcraft, John, priv. Schuyler Schoolcraft, Lawrence, ad't Vrooman Schoolcraft, Lawrence, pr. Vrooman Schoolcraft, Lawrence, pr. Vrooman Schoolcraft, Lawrence, pr. Vrooman Schoolcraft, Lawrence, pr. Schuyler Schoolcraft, Law'ce, Jr.,pr. Vrooman Schoolcraft, Peter, private Willet Schoolcraft, Peter, private Graham Schoolcraft, Peter, private Vrooman Schoolcraft, Peter, private Vrooman Schoolcraft, Peter, private Vrooman Schoolcraft, Wm., private Vrooman Schoomaker, Coffey, priv. Willet Schoomaker, Ed'd, private Snyder Schoonmaker, Abr'm, adjt. Johnson Schoonmaker, David, ser. Wynkoop Schoonmaker, David, priv. Wynkoop Schoonmaker, Edward, lt. Wynkoop Schoonmaker, Edw'd, ser. Wynkoop Schoonmaker, Ed'd, sergt. Malcom Schoonmaker, Ed'd, sergt. Wynkoop Schoonmaker, Ed'd, priv. Hoghtaling Schoonmaker, Ed'd, priv. Hathorn Schoonmaker, Ed'd, priv. Malcom Schoonmaker, Ed'd, priv. Hays Schoonmaker, Ed'd, priv. Wynkoop Schoonmaker, Ed'd A., pr. Wynkoop Schoonmaker, Ed'd E., pr. Wynkoop Schoonmaker, Egbert,Jr., p. Wynkoop Schoonmaker, Fred'k, pr. Cantine Schoonmaker, Fred'k,Jr.,s. Wynkoop Schoonmaker, Hend'k.capt Wynkoop Schoonmaker, Hezekia, pr. Wynkoop Company. Bancker Van Slyck Woodworth MynderseOuthout Van Petten Outhout Woodworth Schermerhorn OuthoutBanckerBries Wanson 5 House J HouseGillet Dubois HouseHouse House Richtmyer Richtmyer House House Diffendorf . Dubois \ Diffendorf Jansen -1 Righter PettitDoty Whiteside StubrachBrown Miller RichtmyerSlyngerlandt Groot White / Cannon * Harrison Bogart Groot -? Brown Stubraeh Miller Slyngerlandt Miller Debois ' Miller Stubrach BrownMiller •Becker Swart Schoonmaker Schoonmaker Schoonmaker Schoonmaker Cantine Bogardus Cantine SchoonmakerSchoonmaker Schoonmaker Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Schoonmaker, Hec'h, priv. Hays Schoonmaker, Isaac, priv. Johnson Schoonmaker, Isaac, priv. Johnson Schoonmaker, Issac, priv. Wessenfels Schoonmaker, Jacob, priv. Johnson Schoonmaker, Jacob, priv. Cantine Schoonmaker, Jacob D., pr. Cantine Schoonmaker, James, priv. Hathorn Schoonmaker, Johannis, p. Wynkoop Schoonmaker, Jno., sergt Schuyler Schoonmaker, John, sergt. Quackenboss Schoonmaker, John, priv. Pawling Schoonmaker, John, priv. Pawling Schoonmaker, John, priv. Wynkoop Schoonmaker, John 0., pr. Wynkoop Schoonmaker, John E., pr. Pawling Schoonmaker, Martin, ser. Pawling Schoonmaker, Mart's, priv. Cantine . , Schoonmaker, Nich's, priv. Wynkoop Schoonmaker, Peter, corpl. Wynkoop Schoonmaker, Peter, priv. Hays Schoonmaker, Sam'l, priv. Wynkoop Schoonmaker, Sam'l, priv. Piatt Schoonmaker, Tharick, pr. Wynkoop Schoonmaker, Thark,sergt Wynkoop Schoonmaker, Thark, cor. Wynkoop Schoonmacker, Tjerck, pr. Wynkoop Schoonover, Benj'n, priv. Dubois Scboonover, James, priv. Dubois Schoonover, Thomas, priv. Malcom Schott, James, private Willet Schott, Thos., private Willet Sohott, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Schounhoven, Peter, priv. Brinckerhoff Schouten, Esias, private Clyde Schouten, Jacob, private Van S Schouten, Simon, private Brinckerhoff Schouten, Wm., corporal Brinckerhoff Schovel, Abner, private Malcom Schram, Clem't, private Van Bergen Schram, Clem't, private Van Bergen Schram, Fred'k, sergeant Van Bergen Schram, Fred'k, sergeant Van Bergen Schram, Fred'k, sergeant Van Bergen Schram, Fred'k, corporal Van Bergen Schram, Fred'k, private Van Bergen Schram, Fred'k, private Van Bergen Schreiber, Steph' n, private Clyde Schrem, Peter, private Van Bergeu Schremling, Henry, lieut. Clyde Schremling, Tawalt, priv. Fisher Schriber, Stepb'n, private Clyde Schriver, Balties, private Weissenfels Schryer, Nich's, private Van Rensselaer Schryver, Albartus, priv. Schuh, Joseph, private Fisher Schulds, Will., sergeant Klock Schullz, John, sergt. maj. Klock Schults, Abr'm, lieut. Brinckerhoff Schunemcn, John, private Van Bergen Schut, Alex'r; private Van Schoonhoven Schut, Christian, corporal Pawling Schut, Christian, private Wynkoop Schut, Isaac, private Livingston Schut, Solomon, sergeant Livingston Schut, Solomon, private Pawling Schut, Solomon, private Livingston Schut, Wm., private Bellinger Schutt, Abr'm. corporal Brinckerhoff Schutt, Christian, private Snyder Schutt, HeHdrick,* private Hardenbergh Schutt, James, corp I Brinckerhoff Schutt, James, private Brinckerhoff Schutt, James, private Brinckerhoff Schutt, Johannes, captain Brinckerhoff Schutt, Solomon, private Pawling Schuyler, Abr'm, lieut. Lansing Schuyler, David, private Willet Ostrander Jansen Hardenburgh Cross HasbrouckHasbrouck Brodhead Schoonmaker Van Wee Van Wie Pawling Livingston Livingston Westbrook De Witt BrodheadSchoonmaker Schoonmaker Schoonmaker GanoGano Delavan LivingstonFonda Van Allen Van Benschoten Difendorf Van Schoonhoven Collins (?) Brinckerhoof Brinckerhoof BlakelyDubois WitbeckHoghtaling Witbeck WitbeckDubois Hoghtaling House WitbeckVan Everat Putman House WhiteDe Garmo Humphrey Yates Witbeck 1 PawlingDedrickElliot Shaver Livingston Shaver Herder Schutt SwartRobinson Schutt Brinckerhoof SchuttHunter Forest Gross * Enlisted in Robin of disability Nov. 18, 1776 son's Minute Men for six months in May, 1776, in Power's Rangers, Sept. 15, 1776, discharged on account 776. Broome, Schoharie Co. A. P., 23-23. Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank Regiment Schuyler, Derick, .private Willet Schuyler, Dirck, private Quackenboss Schuyler, John, sergeant Schuyler, Jno., sergeant Schuyler, John, sergeant Schuyler, John, private Schuyler, John, private Schnyler, Jno., private Schuyler, Peter, lieut. Schuyler, Peter, private Schuyler, Peter, private Schuyler, Peter, private Schuyler, Philip, private Schuyler, Philip, P., col. Schuyler, Reuben, private Wemple Schuyler, Reuben, private Schuyler Schuyler, Simon, private Vrooman Schuyler, Simon, private Schuyler, Simon, private Schuyler, Stephen I., col. Schyler, David, Jr., priv. Schyler, Jost, private Schyler, Nich's, private Schyler, Peter, private Scidmore, Abner, private , ,,,, ,, Scidmore, John, corporal Van Veghten Scidmore, Zopher, corpl. Van Veghten Sckinkle, Henry, Jr., priv. Van Rensselaer Scisco, John, private Yates Scoffield, Ezra, private Luddington Scoffield, Smith, sergeant Crane Scofield, Amos, private Crane Scofield, Amos, private Scofield, Csesar, private Scofield, David, sergeant Scofield, David, corporal Scofield, David, private Scofield, David, private Scofield, David, private , Scofield, Deliverance, priv. Crane Scofield, Eben'r, captain Crane Scofield, Elisha, private Pawling Scofield, Elisha, private Crane Scofield, Elnathan, private Crane Scofield, Gideon, private Crane Scofield, Henry, private Scofield, Henry, private Scofield, Henry, private Scofield, Henry, private Scofield, Henry, private Scofield, James, private Scofield, Jesse, private , Scofield, Jonathan, private Hathorn Scofield, Joseph, private Crane Scofield, Joseph, private Scofield, Josiah, private Scofield, Mich'l, private Scofield, Mich'l, private Scofield, Moses, corporal Scofield, Nathan, private Scofield, Peter, private Scofield, Peter, private Scofield, Seaser, private Scofield, Silas, sergeant Scofield, Silvenus, private Brinckerhoff Scofield, Smoth, sergeant Thomas Scofield, Smith, sergeant Crane Scofield, Smith, sergeant Crane Scofield, Smith, private Crane Scofield, Sylvanus, private Brinckerhoff Scofield, Wm., private Crane Scoonover, Joseph, private Pawling Scoot, Joseph, private Fisher Scoot, Thomas, private Harper Score, Jacob, private Scot, Abm., private Scot, Benjamin, corporal Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Willet Vrooman Van Rensselaer Schuyler Schuyler Schuyler Schuyler Schuyler Vrooman Vrooman Clyde Clyde Clyde Clyde Van Veghten Benedict PawlingCrane Crane Hathorn Thomas Crane Wessenfels CraneCrane CraneCrane Wessenfels Thomas Crane Crane Crane Crane Pawling Hathorn Crane Crane Hays Thomas Hays Yates Yates Company. Livingston Van Wie StubrachBrown Miller Skinner SharpOstrum Lansing Ostrum Vischer Ostrum Fonda Ostrum Stubrach Brown Miller DygertDygertDygert Dygert Woodworth Winne Dunham Philips Hadlock Mead LewisScofield Gould Sacket Lewis LewisMinthorn Chapman Scofield ScofieldSacket LewisLewisLewis HuntLawrence Scofield Bouton Lewis Hunt Chapman Minthorn Scofield Lewis Lewis Scofield Bouton Sackett McCamley Scofield LewisStevenson Hubby Storm ChapmanLockwood Lewis ScofieldBrinckerhoff Scofield Westfall Little Harrison GardnerHadlock Name and Rank. Scot, Stephen, private Scot, Thomas, private Scotbman, James, private Scott, Abm., private Scott, Alex'r, private Scott, Alex'r, private Scott, Archibald, private Scott, Arch'd, private Scott, Cornelius, sergeant Scott, David, private Scott, Elijah, lieut Scott, Elijah, lieut. Scott, Elijah, lieut Scott, Elijah, private Scott, Elijah, private Scott, Hend'k, private Scott, Henry, corporal Scott, Henry, private Scott, Isaac, private Scott, James, corpl. Scott, James, private Scott, James,* private Scott, James, private Scott, James, private Scott, James, private Scott, John, lieut. Scott, John, private Scott, John, private Scott, John, private Scott, John, private Scott, John, private Scott, Jno., private Scott, John, private Scott, John, private Scott, , major Scott, Joseph, private Scott, Peter, sergeant Scott, P. Ashton, private Scott, Simon, sergeant Scott, Stephen, private Scott, Stephen, private Scott, Thaddeus, private Scott, Thaddeus, private Scott, Thomas, corporal ' Scott, Thomas, corporal Scott, Thomas, private Scott, Thomas, private Scott, Thos., private Scott, Walter, private Scott, Wm., sergeant Scott, William, private Scott, Wm., private Scott, Wm., private Scott, William, private Scott, Wm., private Scott, Wm., private Scou, Warner, private Scout, Thomas, private Scouten, Andrew, private Scouten, Corn's, private Scouten, Eph'm, sergeant Scouten, Esias, private Scouten, Johannes, sergt. Scouten, John, drummer Scouten, Jobn, private Scouten, John, private Scouten, Simon, private Scouten, Simon, private Scouton, John, corporal Scoutten, Corn's, private Scrafer, George, private Scram, John, private Scramlen, David, private Scranton, Merchant, priv. Screls, Benjamin, private Scriber, Sacock, private Scriber, Stephen, private 465 Regiment. Company. Yates Brutt Yates Brutt Thomas Moseman Field Hecock Hathorn Mervin Malcom Drake Hathorn Telford Wessenfels White Willet Hole Schuyler Foreast Thomas Moseman Drake Drake Drake Boyd Webster Long Hyat Van Ness Willet Marshall Hathorn Case Graham Husted Johnson Cross Johnson Cross Clyde Wilson Johnson Jansen Van Schoonhoven Visscher Dubois Lee Van Rensselaer Price Phillips Ostrander Webster Tozer Graham Hopkins Waters Van Woert Wells Van Woert Brown Van Alstyn Van Valkenburgh Graham Husted Willet A. P. 21-81. FisherField Hecock Van Woert Brown Graham Husted Yates Yates Van Woert Gilmore Hathorn Bartolf Hathorn McCambly Yates Yates Yates Weltse Phillips Miller Harper Harrison Van Rensselaer De Garmo Brinckerhoff Brower Van Alstyn Truesdell Johnson Smith Graham Muller Weisenfels Van Alstyn Truesdel Van Alstyn Van Valkenburgh Graham Husted Drake Haight Yates Brown Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Schutt Clyde Diffendorf Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Hopkins Brinkerhoff Van Woert Pettit Hopkins Brinkerhoff Brinckerhoff Schutt Willet Livingston Hopkins Brinkerhoff Schuyler Van Aernum Van Rensselaer Van Allen Fisher Mabee Harper Drake Willet Livingston Yates Willet Fonda * Wounded in body and hands at Cherry Valley Nov 11, 1778. Cherry Valley, Montgomery Co. B. 6-69. 59 466 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Dubois Dubois Van Schoonhoven White Yates Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer WilletYates Yates Yates De Garmo De Garmo Livingston Brutt Yates Brown Van Schoonhoven White Willet HarperYatesDubois Luddington Van Rehsselaer Scribner, Aaron, sergeant Scribner, Aaron, private Scribner, Abel, corporal Scribner, Abel, corporal Scribner, Abel, fifer Scribner, Abel, private Scribner, Abel, private Scribner, Abel, private Scribner, Abel, private Scribner, Adam, private Scribner, John, private Scribner, John, private Scribner, Jobn, private Scribner, Jon'n, private Scribner, Nath'l, captain Scribner, Samuel, private Scribner, Stephen, private Thomas Scribner, Thadeus, private Willet Scribner, Thad's, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Scribner, Thadeus, private Van Schoonhoven Scribner, Thadeus, private Steenbergh Scribner, Thaddeus, private Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Scribner, Theodions, priv. Willet l ' ' Scribner, Thomas,*sgt.-mj. Willet Scribner, Thomas, sergeant Willet Scribner, Thomas, private Willet Scribner, Zadock, sergeant Willet Scribner, Zadock, sergeant Yates Scribner, Zadock, private Yates Scribner, Zeph., private Crane Scribner, Zoedack, corporal Dubois Scrier, Nich's, private Yates Scrisselman, Christian, pr. Willet Scriver, Stephen, private Wynkoop Scryver, Abartus, private Wynkoop Scryver, Albartus, private Wynkoop Scryver, Albertus, sergeant Wynkoop Scryver, John, private Wynkoop Scryver, Martin, corporal Wynkoop Wynkoop WilletWilletYates Van Bergen Livingston HarrisonBrown Dubois De Garmo ChapmanWhite White Scryver, Stephen, private Scudder, Ezekiel, private Scudder, John, sergeant Scut, Abm., private Scut, Hend'k, private Scut, Joseph, private Scut, Peter, private Scut, Solomon, private Scut, Wm., sergeant Scutt, Abm., private Scutt, Abm., private Scutt, Christian, corporal Scutt, Fred'k, private Scutt, Hugh, ensign Scutt, Joseph, private Scutt, Joseph, private Scutt, Peter, private Scutt, Peter, private Scutt, Solomon, private Scutt, Solomon, private Scutt, Stephen, private Scutt, Stephen, private Scutt, William, private Scutt, William, private Van Bergen Wynkoop Livingston HopkinsYatesWessenfels Vandenburgh JohnsonHopkinsBrinckerhoff Willet Luddington Harper Van Bergen Hopkins Vandenburgh Wessenfels Willet Scutt, William, private Scutt, W'H'am, Jr. Van Bergen ( private Willet Sea, Abr'm, private Van Veghten Sea, Abm., private Van Veghten Sea, David, private Van Veghten Seacraft, Jacob, sergeant Vrooman Seacy, Wilhelmus, private Wemple Seager, Evert, private Seal, John, private Sealant, John, private Sealey, Nath'l, private Sealy, Coenrad, private Sealy, Daniel, private Sealy, David, private Harper Yates Wynkoop CranePhillipsVan Woert Van Woert Gillet White Livingston Brown Brown Lockwood Dubois WeltsePutmanSwartSwartSwart SwartSwartSwart Swart A.P. 17-712 Newell A.P. 17-712 Hadlock WitbeckHumfrey Hoghtaling Van Buren Kline Brinkerhoff Weltse Pawling Van Wyck Roosa BrinkerhoffBrinckerhoff Cannon Scribner Bogart Hoghtaling Van Benschoten StormGodwinCronin Hoghtaling Conme Winne Dunham Dunham Miller Wanson Bogart Brutt Van Buren OstranderGilmore Wells Name and Rank. Sealy, Eben'r, corporal Sealy, Eben'r, private Sealy, Eben'r, private Sealy, Eli, corporal Sealy, Eli, private Sealy, Gideon, private Sealy, Gideon, private Sealy, Joseph, private Sealy, Matt w, private Sealy, Nath'l, private Sealy, Silas, private Sealy, Thadeus, corporal Sealy, Will., private Seaman, Ab'm, private Seaman, Ab'm, private Seaman, Dan'l, private Seaman, Harmanus, priv. Seaman, Helmes, private Seaman, Helmus, private Seaman, Isaac, t lieut. Seaman, John, private Seaman, Peter, private Seaman, Willet, private Seaman, Wm., private Seamans, Isaac, private Seamons, Caleb, private Seamons, John, private Seamons, Joseph, private Seamons, Paul, private Seamonds, Henry, private Searles, James, private Searles, John, private Searles, John, private Searles, Rich'd, private Searles, Rich'd, private Searles, Richard, Jr., priv. Searles, Thadeus, private Searles, Thadeus, private Searles, William, private Searles, William, private Sears, Ab'm, private Sears, Alliten, private Sears, Benj'n, private Sears, Elnathan, private Sears, Enoch, corporal Sears, John, private Sears, Peter, private Sears, Samuel, private Sears, Sam'l, private Sears, Seth, private Sears, Seth, Jr., private Sears, Stephen, private Sears, Stephen, private Sears, Sunderland, private Sears, Sunderland, private Sears, Thomas, lieut Sears, Thos., lieut. Seart, Jacob, private Seasey, Ab'm, private Seasy, David, private Seatin, Willard, private Seaton, John, lieut. Seaton, William, heut Seavens, Wm., private Seavy, David, private Seawant, Philip, private Seaward, Jedediah, sergt. , Seawise, John, private Sebein, John, ensign Seber, Henry, X private Seber, Hend'k, private Sebo, Harry, private Sebre, Will., private Sebrew, John, corporal Sebring, Corn's, private Sebring, Isaac, qr. mr. Sebring, Isaac, sergeant Regiment. Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Thomas ThomasHaysCrane Van Veghten Van Rensselaer Crane Crane Thomas Field Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Drake Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Johnston HopkinsVan Rensselaer Thomas Van Rensselaer Thomas Hays ¦ Hays HaysDrake ThomasThomasThomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas ThomasThomasThomas Van Veghten Malcom Field McClaughryFieldMalcomFieldVan Veghten Field Field HopkinsField Company. GilmoreWells Gilmore Moseman Moseman Stevenson Lawrence Woodworth De Garmo Scofield Bouton Moseman Barnum Odle RandallBoyd Woodworth Sharp . Husted Wright Talmadge Shaw Hobby Shaw PurdyGardner Onderdonk Onderdonk Onderdonk St. John Moseman S. John St John MosemanMoseman Moseman St. John St. John Moseman DunhamDrakeBarnumA. P. 19-390. Barnum Drake BarnumStevenson Dunham Barnum Barnum BarnnmBarnum Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven White Field Field KlockWempleWempleVan Rensselaer Graham Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Wemple Hays Harper Fisher Klock Cox Fisher Livingston Van Rensselaer MalcomBrinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Dyckman BarnumBradbig OuthoutOuthout Staats WilsonWoodworth Vanderhoof Outhout Smith AllenMcMaster Ruff Van Evert Veeder HouseradBries McKinstry Van Wyck Van Wyck * Discharged Dec. 31, 1782. Albany county, A.P. 21-561. J Wounded at Oriskany August 6, 1777. Caughnawaga District. t Queens Co. A. P. 21-440. C 3, Cc 56. Roster of the State Troops. 467 Name and Rank. Sebring, Lewis, private Seby, John, private Secam, Jonas, private Secaus, Jonas, private Secor, Andrew, private Secor, Andrew, private Secor, Benjamin, private Secor, Daniel,' drummer Secor, Isaac, private Secor, Isaac, private Secor, Isaac, private Secor, Isaac J., private Secor, Jacob, private Secor, Jacob, private Secor, James, sergeant Secor, James E., private Secor, Jonas, private Secor, Josiah, private Secor, Samuel, private Secor, Warner, private Secord, Isaac, private Secord, Josiah, private Sedam, And'w, private Sedam, Tunis, private Seddam, Sam'l, private Sedore, Isaac, private Sedore, Stephen, private See, Abraham, private See, Abm., private See, David, sergeant See, David, private See, David, private See, David, private See, Harmonas, private See, Isaac, private See, Isaac, private See, Isaac, Jr., private See, James, sergeant See, James, private See, James, private See, James, Jr., private See, Paul, private See, Peter, private Seeber, Conradt, private Seeber, Henry, private Seeber, Jodn, private Seeber, John, private Seeber, John W., private Seeber, William, heut Seebor, Jacobus, corporal Seeger, Garret, private Seeger, Garret, private Seeger, John S., private Seely, Caleb, private Seely, David, private Seely, Eli, corporal Seely, Eli, Sr., private Seely, Gideon, captain Seely, Gideon, captain Seely, Gideon, Jr., private Seely, James, private Seely, John, sergeant Seely, John, private Seely, John, private Seely, John, private Seely, Joseph, private Seely, Nath 1, corp. Seely, Nehe'h, private Seely, Samuel, sergt Seely, Samuel, corporal Seely, Samuel, private Seely, Sam'l, private Seely, Silvanus,* private Seely, Thadeus.t corporal Seely, Thadeus, private Regiment. Company. Van Alstyn Ostrander Van Schoonhoven Visscher HarperPawling Lawrence Law-rence Cooper Gardner Hays Ackerson Hays Ackerson Hays Ackerson Cooper Gardner Hays Ackerson Hays Onderdonk Hays Ackerson Cooper Blauvelt Hays Onderdonk Hays Ackerson Hays Blauvelt Hay3 Ackerson Hammond Bays Ackerson Drake Haight Brinckerhoff Schutt Brinckerhoff Schutt Van Rensselaer De Garmo Yates Hadlock Yates Hadlock Wessenfels Hunt Hammond Comb Hammond Orser Van Veghten Van Woert Van Veghten Woodworth Hammond Comb Hammond Hartling Van Bergen Van Veghten Honeywell Woodworth Hammond Requa Hammond Martling Hammond Requa Hammond Requa Hammond Comb Hammond Orser Hammond Requa Hammond Requa Hammond Requa Ruff Klock Fonda Willet Hole Clyde Leipe Clyde Leipe Clyde Leipe Clyde Van Everat Schuyler Quackenboss Van Wee Van Wie Schuyler Veeder Hathbrn Mervin Van Woert Doty Thomas St. John Thomas St John Drake Benedict Crane . Lawrence Crane Lewis Yates Wiltse Hathorn Minthorn Hathorn McCambly Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Van Veghten Woodworth Crane Bouton Van Schoonhoven Hicks Hathorn Sayres Piatt Van Santvoort Phillips Ostrander Wisner Baly Graham Acker Thomas Moseman Thomas St John Name and Rank. Seemon, Mich'l, private Seepmoes, John, corp. Seepmoes, John, private Seepmoes, Wm., private Seepmoes, Wm., private Seers, Enoch, corporal Regiment. GrahamWynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Field Seers, Sunderland, private Van Schoonhoven WempleSchuyler Clyde LivingstonVan Reusselaer Johnson Schuyler Quackenboss J ohnson Hathorn Van Veghten Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Luddington Thomas Seese, David, private Seever, John, lieut Seever, John, ensign Segendorph, Adam, lieut. Seger, Edw'd, private Seger, Malachi, private Seger, Peter, private Seger, Peter, private Segor, Malachi, private Seiber, Henry, private Seiffer, John, private Seiro, Henry, private Seitzer, Fred'k, private Sela, Stephen, private Selah, John, private Selback, Christian, private Klock Selbaugh, Henerits, priv. Fisher Sele, Joseph, private Selfer, Geo., private Selfridge, Ed d, private Selfridge, Ed'd, private Selfridge, Ed'd, private Selfridge, Edward, private Van Woert Selfridge, Jno., corporal Van Woert Selfridge, John, corporal Van Woert Selfridge, Jno., private Van Woert Selfridge, Jon'n, corporal Van Woert Selfridge, Oliver, private Van Woert Selfridge, Oliver, private Selfridge, Oliver, private Selfridge, Oliver, private Sell, Uriah, private Selleck, Fred'k, corpl, Selleck, Gershom, private Benedict Sellich, Hanerits, private Fisher Selly, John, private Dubois Semon, Baltis, sergeant Livingston Semonds, Joseph, private Piatt Semons, Harmanus, priv. Van Rensselaer Semons, Henry, private Drake Senberry, Corn's, Jr., priv. Fisher Sencebough, Henry, priv. Johnson Pension, Adam, private Johnson Senlant, John, private Wynkoop Sennet, Isaac, private Van Rensselaer Seperly, Hend'k, private Van Rensselaer Serapport, Geo., sergeant Schuyler Sergeant, James, private Wessenfels Sergeant, James, private Series, Tho's, private Serls, Thadeus, private Serois, Geo., private Sert, Jacob, private Servan, Garret, private Servant, Abraham, private Hays Servant, Adoryon, private Hays Servant, Garret, private Hays Servant, Henry, private Servant, Philip, corporal Servant, Philip, private Servant, Philip, private Service, Christian, private Fisher Service, Fred'k, private Fisher Service, John, pnvate Service, John, private Service, Philip, private Service, Rich d, private Servis, Christ'n, private Company. HustedVan Beuren Van Buren Van Beuren De Witt DyckmanOuthoutTillman Ruff Smith Schermerhorn Jansen Veeder Cross Fonda Leipe Tozer Clyde Webster Van Alstyn Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Pawling Van Rensselaer CraneFisher Klock- Hayal Hays Hays , Hays Hays Fisher Fisher FisherFisher Fisher McCamly ZeelyVeeder Van Woert GilmoreGilmore Doty Brown McKillip Gilmore BrownGilmore Hodge | Gilmore ' HodgeDoty Bro'wn Kidd Gilbert Gould Veeder Dubois Shaver Brodhead TurnerHaight Degraas Cross Roosa Van Buren TurnerDe Forest Van Aernum Hunt SacketHusted LockwoodSnook ZealyTourneur Tourneur Smith Tourneur Tourneur TourneurBell Tourneur Yeomans SnookMcMaster Snook McMaster Snook * Enlisted March, 1778; shot by a sentinel in the right thigh at Phillipsburgh, April 12, 1778. Weaver, South-east Precinct, Dutchess Co. C. 24, I. 122. t Enlisted, 1780 ; wounded in head and arms and taken prisoner by British cavalry at Bedford, Nov. 21, 1780. Farmer, Bed ford, Westchester Co. A. 229. 468 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Servis, Fred'k, private Fisher Snook Servis, Geo., private Fisher Snook Servis, Hend'k, private Fisher Snook Servis, John, private Fisher Snook Servis, Rich'd, private Fisher Snook Sessee, Ab'm, private Dubois DeMout Sestreanes, Weack, private Klock Klock Setz, Henry, private Clyde Leipe Sever, Jacob, adjutant Clyde Sever, John, ensign Clyde Ruff Severs, Jno., private Schuyler Van Aernum Severse, John, private Schuyler Van Aernum Severson, Dirick, private Van Bergen Hoghtaling Severson, Dirk, private Van Bergen Van Schaick Sexton, James, private Van Rensselaer Graves Sextran, Noble, private Van Ness Seyant, James, private Drake Boyd Seyman, John, private Graham Conklin Seymour, Jesse, private Crane Chapman Seymour, Jesse, private Crane Scofield Seymour, Thaddeus, priv. Benedict Gould Shaddock, James, private Fisher Yeoman Shaddock, Thomas, corpl. Fisher Yeoman Shaddock, Thos., private Fisher McMaster Shaddock, Thos., private Fisher Snook Shaddock, Thomas, priv. Fisher Yeoman Shaddon, Peter, sergeant Van Bergen Van Schaick Shadenburgb, Jury Jac'b,p. Van Rensselaer Staats Shades, Adam, private Willet Tearse Shades, Adam, private Willet Henry . Shadow, Peter, sergeant Van Bergen Witbeck Shafer, Barth'w^ sergeant Klock Miller Shafer, Charles, private Quackenboss Slingerlandt Shafer, Francis, private Quackenboss Slingerlandt Shafer, Hendrick, private Vrooman Stubrach Shafer, Johannes, private Hathorn Brodhead Shafer, John, sergeant Willet Elsworth Shafer John, private Vrooman Stubrach Shafer, John C., lieut. Willet Cannon Shafer, Lambert, private Vrooman Miller Shafer, Marcus, private Vrooman Stubrach Shafer, Peter, corporal Vrooman Miller Shaff, Hend'k, sergeant Van Schoonhoven Taylor Shaff, Henry, private Van Woert Whiteside Shaff, John, private Van Woert Gilmore Shaff, John, private Van Woert Hodges Shaff, John, private Van Woert Brown Shaff, John, private Van Woert Whiteside Shaff, William, sergeant Van Woert Gilmore Shaff, Wm., sergeant Van Woert Whiteside Shaff, Wm., private Van Woert Hodges Shaffaer, John, private Klock Helmer Shaffer, Barth'w, sergeant Vrooman Miller Shaffer, Barth'w, sergeant Klock Zeely Shaffer, Henry, private Klock Zealy Shaffer, Jacob, private Klock Zeely Shaffer, James, private Fisher Little Shaffer, John, private Klock Zeely Shaffer, Jobn, private Klock Bedhig Shaffer, John, private Klock Klock Shaffer, John, private Klock Suts Shaffer, John, private Fisher Little Shaft, Hend'k, sergeant Van Schoonhoven Taylor Shait, Peter, private Klock Miller Shaler, John, private Van Rensselaer De Garmo \ Shalkill, Ezrah, sergeant Dubois Lee Shall, George, private Klock Miller Shall, George, private Klock Zeely Shall, George, private Willet Harrison Shall, Hendrick, private Willet Harrison Shall, John, private Willet Gross Shall, John, private Harper Putman Shambling, Henry, private Fisher Fisher Shan, Jacob, private Fisher Little Shanemon, John, private Van Bergen Witbeck Shank, George, private Fonda Shanse, Jeremiah, private Van Rensselaer Staats Shapley, Richard, private Armstrong McNitt Shaply, Richard, private Webster Childs Share, Andries, private «. Hathorn Bogardus Share, Matt'w, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Shareman, Christ'r, corpl. Van Rensselaer Shaw Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. WestfallChildsDrake Gilmore DotyVischer Wells Pettit Sharer, Robert, private Pawling Sharp, Abraham, private Webster Sharp, Andrew, private Webster Sharp, Andrew, private Harper Sharp, Andrew, private Van Woert Sharp, Andrew, private Van Woert Sharp, Coenrad, private Schuyler Sharp, Corn's, sergeant Van Woert Sharp, Corn's sergeant Van Woert Sharp, Eliakim, private Van Rensselaer Turner Sharp, George, captain Van Rensselaer Sharp, George, captain Schuyler Sharp, George, private Van Rensselaer Sharp Sharp, Jacob, private Fisher Snook Sharp, James, private Hays Onderdonk Sharp, John, private Graham Sharp, John, private Van Woert Doty Sharp, John, private Van Alstyn Van Valkenburgh Sharp, John, private Graham Wilson Sharp, Joseph, private Van Woert Gilmore Sharp, Martinus, heut. Van Rensselaer De Forest Sharp, Martin, private Van Rensselaer Sharp Sharp, Nich's, private Van Rensselaer Sharp Sharp, Peter, sergeant Yates Hadlock Sharp, Peter, private Harper Harrison Sharp, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Sharp Sharp, Peter, private Van Woert Gilmore Sharp, Peter, private Livingston Rockenfelle Sharp, Peter, private Van Woert McKillip Sharp, Philip, private Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Sharp, Philip, private Van Schoonhoven Hicks Sharp, Richard, private Van Woert Brown Sharp, Richard, private Van Woert Whiteside Sharp, Solomon, private Van Rensselaer Bries Sharp, William, corporal Wisner Baly Sharp, William, private Yates Brown Sharpanard, Simon, private Hammond Comb Sharpe, Matthew, lieut. Van Rensselaer Fraist Sharpentine, Jacob, private Fisher Snook Sharpnut, Simeon, private Stevenson , Sharrow, Samuel, private Armstrong Sharsa, Daniel, private Van Alstyn Claw Shart, Peter, private Piatt Bradbick Sharter, John, private Hathorn Conklin Shasa, Ab'm, private Fisber Yeoman Shasa, William, private Fisher Yeoman Shattuck, Thomas, sergt. Willet Gray Shaufelt, Christ'r, private Van Bergen Shaver, Adam, private Graham Miller Shaver, Adam, private Graham Muller Shaver, Adam, private Harper Putman Shaver, Barth'w, sergeant Klock Miller Shaver, Charles, lieut Livingston Shaver Shaver, Charles, private Livingston Rockfeller Shaver, Christ'r, private Schuyler Tillman Shaver, Fred'k, private Van Rensselaer Fraist Shaver, Hend'k, pnvate Van Rensselaer Woodworth Shaver, Hend'k, private Willet Fonda Shaver, Henry, private Klock Breadbake Shaver, Henry, private Klock Zeely Shaver, Henry, private Willet Harrison Shaver, Jacob F., captain Livingston Shaver, John, captain Livingston Shaver, John, ensign Schuyler Lansing Shaver, John, sergeant Schuyler Lansing Shaver, John corporal Livingston Shaver Shaver, John, fifer Graham Husted ¦, Shaver, John, private Klock Zeely Shaver, John, private Wessenfels White Shaver, John, private Pawling Pawling Shaver, Jno., private Graham Hermance Shaver, John, private Livingston Rockfeller Shaver, John, private Schuyler Sharp Shaver, John, private Fisher Shaver, Jorst, private Schuyler Visher ' Shaves, Nich's, private Fonda Shaver, Peter, sergeant Schuyler Lansing Shaver, Peter, private Livingston Shaver Shaver, Peter, private Livingston Shaw Shaver, Peter, private Schuyler Lansing Shaver, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Rockfeller Shavileer, Wm., private Hopkins Wheeler Roster of the State Troops. 469 Name and Rank. Shaw, Ant'y, private Shaw, Comfort, corporal Shaw, Comfort, fifer Shaw, Comfort, drummer Shaw, Comfort, private Shaw, Dan'l, private Shaw, Dan'l, private Shaw, Dan'l, private Shaw, Dan'l, private Shaw, Duncan, lieut Shaw, Duncan, lieut. Shaw, Ezra, sergeant Shaw, Henry, sergeant Shaw, Henry, private Shaw, Ichabod, sergeant Shaw, Jacob, corporal Shaw, James, captain Shaw, James, sergeant Shaw, Jas., sergeant Shaw, James, private Shaw, James, private Shaw, James, Jr., private Shaw, James Minor, priv. Shaw, Jedediah, private Shaw, John, lieut. Shaw, John, corporal Shaw, John, private Shaw, John, private Shaw, John, private Shaw, John, private Shaw, Joseph, private Shaw, Joshua, private Shaw, Joshua, private Shaw, Nath'l, private Shaw, Neal, corporal Shaw, Neal, private Shaw, Patrick, private Shaw, Pelig, pnvate Shaw, Samuel, captain Shaw, Stephen, private Shaw, Thomas, private Shaw, Thomas, private Shay, John, private Shay, Marcom, sergt. maj. Shea, Timothy, private Sheakerman, Philip, sergt. Shear, Ab'm,1 private Shear, Abr'm, private Shear, Lodewick, private Shear, Peter, private Shearer, James, private Shearer, Will., private Shearman, Abial, corporal Shearman, Caleb, private Shearman, Elisha, sergeant Shearman, Jenkins, priv. Shears, Andrew, private Sheaver, Fred'k, private Shedden, Ab'm, heut Shedden, Moses, lieut Sheely, Martin, sergeant Sheely, Martin, private Sheep, Geo., private Sheep, Geo. F., private Sheep, George F., private Sheever, Will., private Shefer, Adam, private Shefer, Henry, private Sheff, Geo., corporal Sheffer, Henry, private Sheffer, Henry, private Sheffer, Jacob, private Sheffer, Joh's, private Sheffer, John, private Sheffer, Nich's, private Sheffer, Nich's, private Sheffield, John, private Sheffield, Nathan, private Regiment. Company. Van Rensselaer Niles Willet Putman Van Rensselaer De Garmo Van Rensselaer Niles Van Rensselaer Niles Van Woert Gilmore Van Woert Doty Yates Weltse Field Hecock Webster ArmstrongDubois Chamberlain Harper Putman Malcom Blakely Field Dyckman Willet Putman Van Rensselaer Willet Tearse Willet Henry Pawling Williams Van Rensselaer Shaw Luddington Mead Van Rensselaer Niles Van Ness Whiting Willet Elsworth Schuyler Lansing Hopkins Talmadge Drake Seely Schuyler Lansing Dragoons Delavan Van Ness Whitney Wessenfels Thompson Luddington Mead Yates Hadlock Schuyler Lansing Schuyler Lansing Hays Hogencamp Weisenfels Van Rensselaer Fonda Johnson Jansen Johnson Cross Cortland Harper Bogart Crane Truesdell Willet ElsworthBrinkerhoof Brinkerhoff Storm Hopkins Van Benschoten Van Schoonhoven Visscher Hammond Yates Wiltse Drake Seely Yates Hadlock Drake Seely Willet White Wynkoop Swait Van Rensselaer Odle HyatHyat Klock Ruff Clyde Ruff Fisher Veeder Fisher Veeder Fonda Yates Weltse Clyde House Klock Miller Willet Fonda Klock Zeely Klock Bedhig Klock Bradbig Livingston Smith Klock Miller Klock Bradbig Livingston Smith Whiting Bostwick Willet Fonda Name and Rank. Regiment. Sheffield, Nathan, private Van Veghten Shehan,. Butler, corporal Fisher Shelar, , private Van Woert Shelden, George, corporal Van Rensselaer Sheldon, Isaac, ensign Van Rensselaer Shelden, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Sheldon, Benj'n, ensign Van Veghten Sheldon, George, private Van Rensselaer Sheldon, Isaac, ensign Van Rensselaer Sheldon, John, private Van Veghten Sheldon, Sam'l, lieut Van Veghten Sheldon, William, private Wessenfels Sheley, Martin, private Yates Shelft, Christ, private Fisher Shell, Adam, private Graham Shell, Adam, private Vrooman Shell, Adam, Jr., corporal Klock Shell, Christ., private Bellinger Shell, Fred'k, private Willet Shell, Fred'k, private Bellinger Shell, John, private Klock Shell, John, private Bellinger Shell, Joost, private Vrooman Shell, Philip, private Schuyler Shelley, Wm., private Schuyler Shellup, Christ, private Fisher Shelly, Fred'k, private Fisher Shelly, John, sergeant Van Rensselaer Shelly, Wm., private Schuyler Shelly, Wm., private Schuyler Shelman, Geo., private Vrooman Shelman, Geo., private Vrooman Shelmentein, Rich'd, corp. Vrooman Sheloman, Geo., private Vrooman Shelps, Bayly, private Van Ness Sheltenburger, Casper, pr. Willet Shely, Martin, private Yates Shenough, Frederick, priv. Hays Shepard, John, private Webster Shepard, Moses, private Phillips Shepardson, Dan 1, private Williams Shepardson, Enoch, priv. Williams Shepardson, Enoch, priv. Williams Shepardson, John, private Williams Shepardson, John, private Williams Shepardson, John, private Williams Shepardson, William, priv. Williams Shepardson, Zeph'h, priv. Williams Shepardson, Zeph'h, priv. Williams Sheperd, James, private Harper Sheperd, Joel, private Willet Shephard, Benj'n, private Lansing Shephard, Dan 1, captain Wessenfels Shephard, Didamus, corp. Van Veghten Shephard, Dedymus, ser. Van Veghten Shephard, Israel, sergeant Van Rensselaer Shephard, James, private Willet Shephard, Jonathan,* It. Allison Shephard, Nath'l, private Van Veghten Shepherd, Benjamin, priv. Hathorn Shepherd, Benjamin, priv. Wessenfels Shepherd, Colvil, captain Hathorn Shepherd, Col vill, captain Lansing Shepherd, Daniel, adjutant Hopkins Shepherd, Didymus, ser. Van Veghten Shepherd, Hen'y, private Webster Shepherd, Israel, private Van Rensselaer Shepherd, James, private Willet Shepherd, James, private Newkirk Shepherd, James, private Van Rensselaer Shepherd, John, private Webster Shepherd, John, private Armstrong Shepherd, Jon'n, corp. Van Rensselaer Shepherd, Jonathan, priv. Wessenfels Shepherd, Silas, private Armstrong Shepherd, William, priv. Yates Sheppard, Henry, private Willet Sheppard, Horace, private Willet Company. Fisher Gilmore Niles NilesTurner WinneNiles Niles Van Woert Hunt BrownSnook LatrsingStubrachKock Small FoDdaFrank Miller Small Van Aernum OstrumMcMaster Snook Woodworth Lansing Ostrum StubrachBrownHeagerStubrach Elsworth HadlockLongMiller Rice Shepardson Rice Shepardson Stowel RiceShepardson Stowel Shepardson Vroman Newell Shepherd WinneWoodworth Harrison Duncan Winne Shepherd Godwin Long Van Renselaer Crawford Graves Hamilton Hawley Shephard Vandenburgh Livingston Newell * Killed in action on the Delaware river, July 22, 1779. A. P. 15-514. 470 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Sheppard, Joel, private Willet Sheppard, Rufus, private Willet Shepperd, Isaac, private Cortland Shepperley, Barnard, priv. Van Rensselaer Sheppun, Wm., private Van Cortlandt Sherburn, Henry, private Williams Sherburne, Henry, private Williams Sherdifent, Jon'n, private Weisenfels Van Schoonhoven Graham Wemple Crane Drake Wessenfels Van Rensselaer Graham Armstrong Sherer, John, sergeant Sherer, Robert, private Sheridan, Rich'd, private Sherman, Abial, sergeant Sherman, Abiel,* private Sherman, Batchelnr, priv. Van Woer. Sherman, Batchelor, priv. Van Woert Sherman, Bach, private Van Woert Sherman, Caleb, private Yates Sherman, Christ'r, private Van Rensselaer Sherman, Henry, sergeant Van Veghten Sherman, Henry, private Van Veghten Sherman, Jenkins, private Willet Sherman, Jinken, private Van Rensselaer Sherman, John, private Van Woert Sherman, Lamuel, corporal Van Woert Sherman, Lemuel, corporal Van Woert Sherman, Lemuel, private Van Woert Sherman, Lemuel, private Van Woert Sherman, Peter, private Crane Sherman, Shubael, sergt. Van Woert Sherman, Shubal, corporal Van Woert Sherman, Shubal, private Van Woert Sherman, Wm., private Hopkins Sherrard, Robert, private Sherts, David, sergeant Sherwood, Adiel, captain Sherwood, Asahel, sergt. Sherwood, Abel, sergeant Webster Sherwood, Daniel, pnvate Malcom Sherwood, David, private Hays Sherwood, Elijah, private Hammond Sherwood, Elisha, private Drake Sherwood, Gersham, lieut. Hammond Shepherd, Henry, private Armstrong Sherwood, Isaac, private Hammond Sherwood, Jacob, private Hammond Sherwood, James, private Harper Sherwood, James, private Van Schoonhoven Sherwood, Job, private Hammond Sherwood, Job, private Drake Sherwood, Joseph, private Drake Sherwood, Joshua, private Hammond Sherwood, Joshua, private Drake Sherwood, Justis, private Drake Sherwood, Moses, private Hammond Sherwood, Moses, private Wessenfels Sherwood, Newcomb, serg. Sherwood, Oliver, private Crane Sherwood, Samuel, lieut. Webster Sherwood, Samuel, sergt Sherwood, Sam'l, private Sherwood, Seth, captain Sherwood, Seth, lieut. Sherwood, Seth, private Sherwood, Seth, private Sherwood, Seth N., priv. Sherwood, Seth N, priv. Sherwood, Squire, sergt. Sherwood, Stephen, lieut Van Schoonhoven Sherwood, Stephen, ens'n Van Schoonhoven Sherwood, Stephen, priv. Van Bergen Sherwood, Wm., private Sherwood, Wm., private Shetman, Geo., private Shew, Garret, private Shew, Gilbert, corporal Shew, Gilbert, private Shew, Godfred, sergeant Shew, Godfred, private Shew, Henry, sergeant Company. HenryPearcy Vanderhoof Shepardson Rice VisscherSherwood LawrenceDelavan GilmoreWhiteside Whiteside Shaw Van Woert Van Woert White Niles Whiteside HodgeDoty Gilmore Whiteside Lawrence Whiteside Gilmore Whiteside Talmadge WestfallPhilip Webster Hammond WebsterHarper Webster Armstrong Webster ArmstrongWessenfels HammondVan Bergen Vrooman Hays Hays Hays Harper McKinstry Smith - Orser Martling LongOrser Orser PutmanWhiteCombBoyd OrserBoyd MartlingLawrence Orser Drake Shephard Visscher Hicks Honeywell Orser Honeywell StubrachSmith Smith Smith Fonda FondaPutman Name and Rank. Regiment. Vroman WilletBellinger Graham Van Veghten Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Klock Klock Klock Klock Klock Klock Willet Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Shew, Henry, sergeant Fisher Shew, Henry, private Fisher Shew, Jacob, private Harper Shew, Jacob, private Fisher Shew, John, private Hays Shew, John, private Fisher Shew, Stephen, private Sheyder, Nich's, private Shide, Peter, private Shieff, Geo., private Shields, James, private Shields, William, sergeant Pawling Shiely, Coenradt, private Pawling Shiffer, Johannis, private Livingston Shiffield, Charles, private Van Veghten Shiffield, Christ'r, private Van Veghten Shiffield, Nath' 1, private Van Veghten Shiffield, Nath'l, private Shift, Christ'n, private Shilder, John, private Shilft, Christ'r, private Shilft, Fred'k, private Shilft, Fred'k, private Shill, Jacob, corporal Shill, Jacob, corporal Shill, Jacob, corporal Shill, Jacob, private Shill, Jacob, private Shill, Jacob, private Shiller, John, private Shiltenberger, Casper, pr. Willet Shinnel, Francis, private Clyde Shipman, Ashael, private Shipman, Dan'l, private Shipman, Dan'l, private Shipman, Elisha, private Shipman, Timothy, private Van Veghten Shipman, Tim'y, private Van Veghten Shipman, Tim'y, private Van Veghten Shipperly, Barnet, private Livingston Shireman, Geo., corporal Clyde Shitser, Hend'k, private Klock Shiftier, John, private Wessenfels Shoe, Augustinus, private Wynkoop Shoe, Henry, sergeant Willet Shoe, Jacob, corporal Willet Sboecraft, Jacob, private Johnson Shoecraft, Jacob, private Shoecraft, John, sergeant Shoecraft, John, sergeant Shoefelt, Christ'r, private Shoefelt, John, private Shoefelts, Christ'r, private Dubois Shoemaker, Han Jost, pr. Bellinger Shoemaker, John, sergeant Quackenboss Shoemaker, John, private Van Bergen Shoemaker, Jost, private Shoemaker, Rudolph, priv. Fisher Shoemaker, Thomas, corp. Bellinger Shoemaker, Thomas, priv. Bellinger Shoemaker, Thomas, priv. Fisher Shoeman, William, private Shell, Hanyost, lieut. Klock Sholl, John, lieut. Klock Sholl, John, lieut. Klock Sholl, John, lieut Klock Sholl, John, corporal Van Rensselaer Sholl, John Jost, ensign Klock Sholl, Joseph, lieut Klock Shomaker, Christ., private Bellinger Shomaker, Stophel, private Bellinger Shook, William, captain Fisher Shool, John, private Willet Shoolcraft, Peter, private Graham Shoot, Aaron, private Binkerhoff Sborfelt, Christophel, priv. Van Bergen Short, Hendricus, private Wynkoop Short, Henry, private Pawling Short, Henry, private Wynkoop Pawling Pawling Pawling Willet Wessenfels Company. LittleLittle Putman Little Smith LittleFondaBecker FondaStaring MageeWestfall Westbrook Smith Dunham DunhamDunham Winne Snook HumfreyYates Mabee SnookMiller Zeely BedhigZeely Kock BradbigTearse ElsworthHouse Gilmore DotyHodge Doty Woodworth Van Woert Winne RockenfelleDygert Bradbig White FondaFonda WilkinHunter DeWitt Piercy ConinePawling DuboisStaringVan Wie Witbeck Fonda Putman Gittman Prank Fisher Fonda Righter Miller Righter Wagner Staats Wagner Hess Frank Frank Snook GrossMiller Brinkerhoff Van Schaick Hunter * Shot through right hand at Fort Independence, January, 10, 1777. Cooper, Salem, Westchester Co. C. 63. Hosier of the State Troops. 471 Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Short, Peter, private Pawling Hunter Short, Peter, private Pawling Livingston Short, Petrus, private Wynkoop Short, Zachariah, private Snyder Swart Shortenburgh, Jacob, priv. Van Rensselaer Turner Shorter, Casparus, private Pawling Westbrook Should, George, private Klock Klock Should, John, private Klock Klock Shoulders, Jacob, private Harper Bogart Shoulds, Hendrick, private Klock Klock Shourt, Adolph, private Hays Blauvelt Shourt, Hendrick, private Cooper Blauvelt Shourt, Hendrick, private Hays Blauvelt Shourt, Lewis, private Hays Blauvelt Shourt, William, private Graham Conklin Shouse, Jacob, private Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Shouten, Jacob, private Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Shouton, Hugh, private Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Shouton, Johannis, private Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Show, Ebenezer, private Willet Hole Showers, George, private Van Rensselaer Woodworth Showers, Will, corporal Van Rensselaer Woodworth Showers, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Woodworth Shuble, Wentworth, priv. Willet Welp Shucraft, Jacob, private Johnson Ostrander Shucraft, John, sergeant Wessenfels White Shuck, Zacharias, private Schuyler Ostrum Shnfalts, Jno., private Graham Hermance Shufalts, William, private Graham Hermance Shular, George, private Fisher Marselus Shuler, Lawrence, lieut. Fisher McMaster Shules, John, private Klock Hess Shulet, Abm., lieut Brinckerhoff Van Wyck Shullup, Christian, private Fisher McMaster Shult, Hend' k, sergeant Van Rensselaer Osterhoudt Shult, Hend'k, sergeant Van Rensselaer Philips Shulters, David, pnvate Livingston Rockenfelle Shultes, Barent, private Livingston Rockenfelle Shultes, William, private Willet Debois Shultis, Casparus, lieut Livingston Smith Shultis, Hend'k, sergeant Livingston Pulver Shultis, Jacob, corporal Klock Miller Shultis, John, sergeant Klock Miller Shultis,. John, private Klock Miller Shultis, John, private Graham Husted Shultis, Philip, corporal -Livingston Smith Shultis, Ph., private Livingston Shaver Shultis, Philip, private Livingston Smith Shultis, William, sergeant Klock . Miller Shultiz, John, sergeant Klock Miller Shults, Ab'm, lieut. Shults, Abraham; private Willet Elsworth Shults, Abm., private Willet Harrison Shults, Casparus, lieut. Van Rensselaer Elliot Shults, Christ'r, private Brinckerhoff Van Wyck Shults, George, private Klock Kock Shults, Henry, private Willet Elsworth Shults, Johannis, Jr., cor. Klock Kock Shults, John, private Klock Miller Shults, John, private Klock Kock Shults, John, private Pawling Pawling Shults, John, private Van Alstyn Ostrander Shults, William, sergeant Klock Miller Shultus, Barent, private Livingston Rockenfelle Shultus, David, private Livingston Rockenfelle Shultus, Henry, private Livingston Rockenfelle Shultz, Ab'm, lieut. Hopkins Brinkerhoff Shultz, Hend'k, private Klock Cayser Shultz, Henry, private Klock" Miller Shultz, Jacob, corporal Klock Miller Shultz, Jacob, private Klock Miller Shultz, Jacob, private Klock Zeely Shultz, Jacob private Klock Cayser Shultz, John, sergeant Klock Miller Shultz, John, private Klock Kock Shultz, John, private Klock Cayser Shultz, John, private Klock Miller Shultz, William, sergeant Klock Miller Shumaker, John, private Bellinger Frank Shumaker, Thos., private Bellinger Herder Shuneman, John, private Van Bergen Witbeck Shurk, James, private Drake Boyd Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Shurmun, Darius, private Field Dyckman Shurter, Casparus, sergt. Pawling Pawling Shurts, John, sergeant Graham Miller Shut, Fred'k, private Cortland Shut, James, private Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Shute, Ezek' I, private Hammond Shute, William, private Willet Putman Shutes, George, private Klock Kock Shuts, Abraham, private Willet Elsworth Shuts, Abraham, private Harper Bogart Shuts, Adam, private Livingston Poiver Shuts, Christley, private1 Wemple Mynderse Shuts, Fred'k, pnvate Wessenfels Shuts, John, lieut. Livingston Shaver Shuts, John, lieut. Livingston Shaw Shuts, John, sergeant Livingston Shaver Shuts, John H., private Livingston Shaver Shuts, Petrus, private Livingston Shaver Shuts, Wm., private Fisher Snook Shuts, Wm., Jr., private Fisher Snook Shutter, Henry, private Klock Miller Shutter, Jacob, fifer Schuyler Slingerlandt Shutter, Robt, sergeant Newkirk McBride Shutter, Wm., private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Shutts, Ab'm, private Van Rensselaer Rockfeller Shutts, John, heut. Van Rensselaer Rockfeller Shutts, John, private Graham Muller Shyle, Peter, private Klock Miller Sibel, Jacob, private Schuyler Lansing Sickelson, Jacob, lieut. Cooper Blauvelt Sickles, Jacob, ensign Hays Sickles Sickles, Jacob, ensign Hays Hogencamp Sickles, Jacob, corporal Hays Sickles Sickles, Johannis, sergeant Hays Sickles Sickles, John, sergeant Hays Hogencamp Sickles, John, private Wessenfels Brewster Sickles, Robert, private Hays Sickles Sickles, Robert, private Hays Hogencamp Sickles, William, captain Hays Sickles, William, private Hays Hogencamp Sickner, Jacob, private Graham Husted Sidman, Jacob, private Johnson Roosa Sidmore, Zophur, corporal Van Veghten Dunham Sidnigh, Wm., private Vrooman Miller Sidon, Isaac, private Van Bergen Honeywell Sidways, James, drummer Wessenfels Godwin Sifentia, Manisa, private Johnson Johnson Sifer, Abraham, private Drake Drake Sign, John, private Van Schoonhoven Hicks Signor, Abertus, private Piatt Bloom Silback, John, private Klock Kock Silbock, John, private Klock Cayser Sillagh, John, private Klock Kock Silfaidge, Jno., corporal Van Woert Gilmore Silicker, Jacob, private Drake Boyd Silgwith, William, private Hathorn Case Silkworm, William, private Johnson Ostrander Silkwortb, William, private Wessenfels Hardenburgh Silleback, Christ'n, private Klock Kock Silleback, Christ., private Fisher Veeder Silleback, John, private Klock Kock Sillebeck, Hemest, private Fisher Veeder Sillepoch, Henerist, private Fisher Veeder Sillepoch, John, private Fisher Veeder Sillick, Darling, private Crane Lewis Sillick, Fred'k, private Crane Chapman Sillick, Gershom, private Crane Chapman Sillick, James, private Wessenfels Hunt Sillick, Nathan, private Crane Lewis Sillinback, John, private Fisher Veeder Silsbe, Enos, private Hathorn McCamply Silsbee, David, private Dubois Gano Silsbee, Israel, private Drake Seely Silsby, Elijah, private Pawling Sacket Silsby, Enos, private Wisner Baly Silsby, Israel, sergeant Crane Lawrence Silsby, Israel, private Stevenson Silsby, Jonathan, private Phillips Miller Silsby, Joseph, private Hathorn McCamly Silvester, Prince, private Willet Pearcy Silyea, Hend'k, corporal Vrooman Stubrach Simbergh, Jacob, private Fisher Veeder 472 Roster of the State Troops. Name And Rank. Regiment. Luddington Bellinger Bellinger Newkirk Luddington Luddington Johnson Yates Wessenfels Simeons, Jon'n, private Simer, Gerom, private Simer, Isaac, private Simeral, Robert, private Simkins, John, private Simkins, John, private Simkins, John, Jr., private Luddington Simkins, Robt, private Luddington Simmer man, Coenraet, pr. Clyde Simmerman, Henry, priv. Clyde Simmins, Joseph, private Cantine Simmon, Christ'r, private Van Rensselaer Simmon, John, private Simmons Aaron, private Simmons Benjamin, priv. Pawling Simmons Cornelius, priv. Johnson Simmons Corn's, private Pawling Simmons Fred'k, sergeant Fisher Simmons Fred'k, private Fisher Simmons Insilo, private Simmons Jacob, private Simmons Jacob, private Simmons Jacob, private Simmons John, private Simmons Joseph, private Hathorn Simmons' Matt w, private Johnson Simmons' Moses, private Thomas Simmons' Paul, private Hays Simmons' Ruben, private Malcom Simmons' Sampson, ensign Simmons' Samuel, private Hathorn Simmons' Thomas, private Fisher Simmons' Teunis, private Johnson Simmons' Wilhelmus, pr. Van Rensselaer Simmons', Willet, private Simon, J> oh n, private Piatt Simons, .Benjamin, private Pawling Simons, , Enoch, private Pawling Simons, Fred'k, private Simons, 'Isaac, private Simons, 'Jacob, lieut Simons, 'James, private Simons, 'John, private Simons, 'John, private Simons, John, private Simons, Joshua, private Simons, Ruben, private Simons, Theodius, private Van Rensselaer Simons, ,Wm., private Livingston Simpson, Andrew, private Williams Simpson, And'w, private Webster Simpson, And'w, private Armstrong Simpson, Edward, private Schuyler Simpson, George, private Wessenfels Simpson, James, private Van Rensselaer Simpson, John, private Hathorn Simpson, John, private Wessenfels Simpson, Joseph, private Willet Simpson, Nich s, private Fisher Simpson, Peter, private Dubois Simpson, Peter, Jr., priv. Graham Simpson Samuel, corporal Hathorn Simson, Alex'r, lieut. Williams Simson, Alex'r, lieut. Webster Simson, Alex'r, lieut Armstrong Simson, And'w, private Webster Simson, Edw'd, private Simson, Henry, private Simson, Henry, private Simson, James, private Simson, Robert, private Simson, Robert, private Sinberry, Benj'n, private Sinbeny, Corn's, private Sine, John, private Sine, Peter, private Sines, Peter, private Singer, John Valent, priv. Vrooman Singer, John V., sergeant Vrooman Singer, Peter, private Schuyler Sinsipough, Henry, private! Johnson Company. Scribner Small Small Crawford MeadLaneLaneLaneLeipeLeipe Hasbrouck Shaw Bogert Humfrey Hunter Gillispy Faulkner VeederVeeder Humfrey Johnson YatesFonda Bowen Conklin CrossHubby Tourneur Drake Fonda TelfordVeeder Cross Shaw Stevenson Bradbick Williams Sacket Veeder Purdy Gross Putman HarrisonBurnet McKinstry LivingstonSchermerhorn ShawHouserad Long Long Long Tillman Shepherd Shaw McCamly Hardenburgh FondaMabee Burnet Vail McCamly McNittMcNitt McNitt Long Van Rensselaer Schuyler Veeder Fisher Degraas Van Rensselaer Shaw Graham Van Rensselaer Kiug Fisher Degraas Fisher Degraas Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Van Schoonhoven Visscher Brown Becker Fisher ThomasWillet Harper ¦Willet Pawling MalcomWillet Wemple Van Wee Jansen Name and Rank. Sipperly, Barnard, private Sipperly, Jacob, private Sipperly, Philip, private Sippler, Henry, private Sisam, John, private Sisco, Henry, private Sisrin, John, private Sisson, John, private Sissorn, John, private Sjtcher, John, lieut Sjtcher, John, lieut Sitney, Henrich, private Sitney, Joost, private Sitney, Peter, private Sitney, Peter, private Sitney, Peter, private Sitney, William, private Sitney, Wm., private Sitney, Wm., private Sitney, Wm., private Sits, Baltus, private Sits, Hend'k, private Sits, John, drummer Sittell, John, private Sitterling, Hend'k, private Sitterling, Jacob, private Sitterly, Jacob, corporal Sittirling, Henry, private Sittirling, Jno., private Sittle, Hend'k, private Sittle, John, private Sitz, Baltus, private Sitz, George, private Sitz, Hend? k, private Sitz, John, private Sitz, Nich's, corporal Sitz, Nich's, private Sitz, Peter, private Sivell, Benj n, private Sixbee, John, private Sixbee, Nich's, private Sixbee, Nich's, private Sixberry, Adam, private Sixberry, Adam, private Sixberry, Benjamin, corp. Sixberry, Corn's, sergeant Sixberry, Corn's, corporal Sixberry, Corn's, private Sixberry, Corn's, private Sixberry, Corn's, private Sixberry, Corn's, Jr., priv. Sixberry, Hend'k, private Skarmahorn, Corn's, priv. Skatts, Barth'w, private Skegle, Rich'd, sergeant Skelly, Alex'r, private Skelly, Alex'r, private Skelly, William, private Sketch, James, private Skidmore, Abner, sergeant Skidmore, Abner, corporal Skidmore, Abner, private Skidmore, John, sergeant Skidmore, John, corporal Skidmore, John, private Skidmore, Solomon, corp. Skidmore, Solomon, priv. Skidmore, Zophar, corpl. Skinnel, Francis, private Skinner, David, private Skinner, David, private Skinner, David, private Skinner, Elijah, lieut Skinner, Elijah, Jr., priv. Skinner, James, lieut Skinner, Jesse, private Skinner, John, private Skinner, John, private Skinner, John, private Skinner, Jonathan, sergt. Skinner, Joseph, private Regiment. Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Renselaer Livingston Yates Yates Van Rensselaer YatesCooperHays VroomanVrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman VroomanVroomanVrooman Vrooman Clyde KlockPiatt SchuylerSchuyler Schuyler SchuylerSchuylerSchuylerSchuylerSchuyler Clyde KlockKlock Clyde Clyde Clyde Clyde Van Bergen Schuyler Schuyler Quackenboss FisherFisher FisherFisherFisherFisher Dubois Fisher FisherFisher Graham Newkirk Drake Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Willet Webster Armstrong Van Rensselaer Whiting Whiting Willet Whiting Graham Fisher Van Rensselaer Willet Van Rensselaer Company. VanderhoofVanDerhof Husted Shaw ShaverHadlock YatesDe Garmo BrownBlauvelt Bell Stubrach Stubrach Brown MillerStubrachBrow"h MillerRichtmyer House Wagner BradbickVan Aernum Van Aernnm Van Aernum Van Aernum Van Aernum Van Aernum Van Aernum Van Aernum House KlockHess House House House Leipe Slingerlandt Hogan Degraas Marselus Degraas Degraas DeMout Marselus DegraasMarselis Vail Vankeuren Kronkhite Gilmore DotyGilmore Doty WoodworthWoodworthWoodworthWoodworthWoodworth Woodworth Woodworth Woodworth Fonda Childs McNitt ShawBostwick HoleHerrick Yeoman Staats Gray Shaw Roster of the State Troops. 473 , Company. King Skinner ' Cannon Bostwick Cannon Noble Yeoman LawrenceLawrence Lawrence Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Van Schoonhoven Taylor Van Schoonhoven Taylor Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Van Schoonhoven Steenbergh Name and Rank. Regiment." Skinner, Josiah,* lieut Willet Skinner, Josiah, sergt-maj. Van Rensselaer Skinner, Josiah, private Whiting ~ Skinner, Michael, private Willet Skinner, Michael, private Willet Skinner, Solomon, private Whiting Skinner, Solomon, private Graham Skinner, Thomas, captain Willet Skinner, Thomas, lieut. Willet Skinner, Thomas, sergeant Skinner, Thomas, private Fisher Skniffen, Peter, private Thomas Skniffen, Thomas, private Thomas Skniffen, William, private Thomas Skouten, Dirck, sergeant Skouten, Dirck, sergeant Skouten, Dirck, private Skouten, Jacob, private Skouton, Dirck, sergeant Skul, Nathan, private Whiting Kellogg Skuts, Johannis, lieut. Livingston Shaver Skuts, John, sergeant Livingston Shaver Skuts, John A., private Livingston Shaw Skutt, Tunis, sergeant Brinckerhoff Brower Slack, Joseph, private Whiting Herrick Slack, Wilham, private Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Slara, Joseph, private Webster McNitt Slarra, Samuel, private Webster Long Slasen, Amos, private Crane Scofield Slasen, Jesse, private Crane Lawrence Slason, Ab'm, private Crane Scofield Slason, Amos, private Crane Lewis Slason, Deliverance.private Crane Slason, Eben'r, private Crane Lawrence Slason, Eben'r, private Crane Scofield Slason, Eben'r, Jr., priv. Crane Lewis Slason, Eleazer, private Crane Scofield Slason, Eleazer, Jr., priv. Crane Scofield Slason, Elizar, private Crane Lewis Slason, Henry, private Thomas Gilbert Slason, Israel, private Crane Lewis Slason, Jesse, private Crane Scofield Slason, John, private Crane Lewis Slason, Nathan, private Crane Lewis Slason, Sam'l, private Crane Chapman Slason, Sam'l, private Crane Lewis Slason, Stephen, private Crane Scofield Slason, Stephen, private Crane Lewis Slason, Stephen, private Thomas Gilbert Slater, David, sergeant Pawling Sacket Slater, David, corporal Pawling Sacket Slater, Isaac, private Johnson Roosa Slater, Isaac, private Johnson Concklin Slater, John, private Johnson Johnson Slater, Robt., private Schuyler Groot Slater, Robt., private Schuyler - Van Wee Slater, Robt, private Schuyler Slyngerlandt Slator, Nich's, private Pawling Livingston Slater, William, private Pawling Livingston Slatry, Patrick, private Yates Hadlock Slats, Peter, private Bellinger Staring Slaughson, David, corpl. Van Veghten Slaughter, John, private Johnson Gillispy Slawson, Ab'm, private Benedict Gould Slawson, Amos, private Thomas Chapman Slawson, Amos, private Hays Stevenson Slawson, David, corporal Van Veghten Van Woert Slawson, Deliverance, pr. Crane Bouton Slawson, Eben'r, major Benedict Slawson, Henry, private Benedict Bouton Slawson, Jon'n, fifer Crane Lewis Slawson, Nath'l, private Crane Lewis Slawson, Samuel, private Wessenfels Hunt Slawson, Samuel, private Crane Lewis Slawson, Stephen, private Crane Slawter, Gilb't, private Thomas Thomas .Slay, John, private Hathorn Telford Slayer, Henry, private Graham Lansing Name and Rank. Slaytor, John, private Slaytor, Robt., corporal Sleght, Ab'm, sergeant Sleght, Henry B., private Sleght, Henry B., private Sleght, Jacobus, qr. mr. Sleght, John, private Sleght, John, corporal Sleght, John, private Sleght, Peter, private Sleght, Solomon, private Sleght, Tunis, private Sleight, Abraham, sergt. Sleight, Ab'm, sergeant Sleight, John, private Slight, Henry, private Slingerlandt, Teunis, capt. Slingerlandt, Teunis, capt. Slip, Wm., private Sloan, James, private Sloan, James, private Sloan, James, private Sloan, James, private Slobits, Mich'l, private Slocum, Benj'n, ensign Slocum, Elezer, private Slocnm, George, private Slocum, Joseph, private Slon, William, private Sloot, Isaac, private Sloot, John, sergeant Sloot, John, private Slop, Francis, private Slorra, Sam'l, private Slos, John, private Slott, Corn's, sergeant Slott, William, private Sloughter, Isaac, private Slouter, Dan'l, private Slouter, Nich's, private Slouter, William, private Slover, Isaac, private Slover, Isaac, private Slowter, Wm., private Slup, Francis, corporal Slup, Francis, private Sluten, Adam, private Slutt, Ab'm, private Slutt, John, private Slutt, John, private Slutt, John, private Slutt, Mawel, corporal Slutt, Silas, corporal Slutt, Wm., private Sluyder, Nich's, private Sluyter, Ab'm, corporal Sluyter, Corn's, private Sluyter, Corn's, private Sluyter, Corn's, private Sluyter, Jacob, private Sluyter, James, private Sluyter, James, private Sluyter, Nich's, private Sluyter, Nich's, private Sluyter, William, private Sluyter, Will., private Sly, Conrade, private Sly, Conrod, private Sly, Elisha, private Sly, Elisha, private Sly, Henry, private Slyder, Nich s, private Slyke, Jacobus v., private Slyke, Wm. S., private Slyngerlandt, Peter, priv. Slyngerlant, Jacob, corpl. Sl'yngerlant, Jacob, private Slyter, Adam, private Regiment. Company. Pawling Hunter Schuyler Lansing Brinckerhoff Van Benschouten Wynkoop Bogardus Wynkoop Van Beuren Piatt Hathorn Brodhead Brinckerhoff Van Benschoten Brinckerhoff Van Benschouten Wynkoop Swart Wynkoop Wynkoop Wessenfels Van Beuren Dodge Hopkins Van Benschoten Wessenfels Dodge Dubois McFoght Schuyler Quackenboss Yates Hadlock Webster Long Armstrong Long Van Rensselaer Dencker Schuyler Tillman ; Fisher Yates Field DyckmanVan Woert Van Veghten Field Dyckman Van Veghten Van Woert Hathorn Telford Luddington Baker Brinckerhoff Schutt Luddington Lane Schuyler Ostrum Armstrong Long Shaver Livingston Johnson Wilkins Johnson Mastin Wessenfels Pawling Wessenfels Pawling Wessenfels Pawling Dubois Burnet Wessenfels Malcom Livingston Schuyler Lansing Schuyler Lansing Dubois Dubois Willet Pawling Faulkner Pawling Williams Luddington Scribner Wessenfels Godwin Drake Drake Willet Vrooman Pawling De Witt Wessenfels Livingston Malcom Cantine Van Rensselaer Sharp Cantine Hasbrouck Cantine Hasbrouck Van Rensselaer Staats Vrooman Richtmyer Van Rensselaer Sharp Pawling Livingston Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Hathorn Minthorn Hathorn Bailey Yates Hadlock Yates Weltse Yates Weltse Vrooman Klock Zealy Klock Breadbake Schuyler Slyngerlandt Schuyler Lansing Schuyler Van Rensselaer Lansing De Garmo * Appointed April S, 1781-; resigned his commission in favor of Thomas Skinner June 10, 1782. 60- A. P. 14-428, 16-13. 474 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Slyter, Nich's, private Smades, Benjamin, private Smades, Petrus B., private Small, Henry, sergeant Small, Isaac, private Small, James, private Small, James, private Small, James, private Small, James, Jr., private Small, John, Captain Small, Zach'h, private Smalley, David, private Smalley, Reuben, private Smalley, Reuben, private Smalley, Reuben, private Smalling, Jacob, corporal Smally, James, private Smart, George, qr. mr. ser. Smawley, El? a, private Smawley, Reuben, private Smawley, Zaccheus, priv. Smeath, James, private Smedes, Ben jam in B., priv. Smedes, Benjamin B., priv. Smedes, John, surgeon Smedus, Petrus B., private Smedus, Petrus B., private Smiley, John, private Smiley, John, private Smith, Aaron, private Smith, Aaron, private Smith, Aaron, private Smith, Abijah, private Smith, Abner, corporal Smith, Abner, private Smith, Abner, private Smith, Abr'm, lieut Smith, Abraham, sergeant Smith, Ab'm, sergeant Smith, Ab'm, drummer Smith, Abr'm, drummer Smith, Abraham, private Smith, Abraham, private Smith, Abraham, private Smith, Abraham, private Smith, Abr'm, private Smith, Abraham, Jr., priv. Smith, Adam, pnvate Smith, Adam, private Smith, Adam, private Smith, Adam, private Smith, Adam, private Smith, Adam, private Smith, Adron, private Smith, Albert, private Smith, Alpheus, corporal Smith, Alpheus, drummer Smith, Alpheus, private Smith, Alpheus, private Smith, Alpheus, private Smith, Anning, heut Smith, Anth'y, private Smith, Arent, private Smith, Arthur, captain Smith, Asa, private Smith, Asa, private Smith, Asa, private Smith, Aury, captain Smith, Balgert, private Smith, Baltis, private Smith, Baltus, sergeant Smith, Baltus, private Smith, Baltus S., private Smith, Benajah, sergeant Smith, Benajah, private Smith, Benj'n, sergeant Smith, Benjamin, private Smith, Benj'n, private Smith, Benj'n, private Smith, Bill, sergeant Smith, Caleb, corporal Regiment. Company. Vrooman Stubrach Johnson Ostrander Wynkoop Van Buren Van Bergen Hoghtaling Hopkins Lane Van Woert Gilmore Luddington Mead Luddington Baker Luddington Mead Bellinger Luddington Mead Williams Rice Willet Harrison Graham Muller Piatt Kinnue Willet Newell Luddington Knapp Piatt Whiting Salsbury Whiting Salisbury Luddington Lane Klock Klock Johnson Johnson Johnson Jansen Levies Wynkoop Van Beuren Wynkoop Swart Wemple Mynderse Wemple Bancker Webster Childs Armstrong McNitt Fonda Van Schoonhoven Hicks Dragoons Delavan Drake Seely Crane Truesdell Crane Truesdel Hays Blauvelt Crane Truesdell Hopkins Lane Luddington Lane H a thorn Shepherd Hays Ackerson Hays Gardner Hays 'Blauvelt Crane Truesdell Crane Truesdell Willet Hole Willet Gillet Hays Smith Bellinger Frank Bellinger Herder Wemple Fonda Hays Blauvelt Field Barnum Hopkins Barnum WessenfelsLuddington Knapp Field Barnum Johnson Cross Willet Harrison Fonda Johnson Hopkins Lane Luddington Waterbury Van Alstyn Ostrander HaysKlock Miller Willet Cannon Klock Righter Klock Miller Klock Miller Van Schoonhoven Hicks Luddington Mead Benedict Seely Thomas Chapman Van Woert Gilmore Van Woert Brown Willet Gillet Thomas Chapman Name and Rank. Smith,Smith. SmithSmithSmithSmith,Smith,Smith!Smith!SmithSmith,Smith,Smith,Smith.SmithSmith SmithSmithSmithSmith SmithSmith Smith SmithSmith Smith, Smith,Smith,SmithSmith Smith SmithSmithSmithSmith,SmithSmithSmithSmithSmithSmith SmithSmithSmith,SmithSmith,Smith,Smith, Smith.SmithSmithSmithSmith.SmithSmithSmithSmith.SmithSmithSmithSmithSmithSmith!SmithSmith Smith Smith,SmithSmith,Smith SmithSmithSmith SmithSmithSmithSmithSmithSmithSmithSmith , Caleb, private , Caleb, private , Caleb, private , Caleb, private , Caleb, private , .Caleb, Sr., private , Caleb, Jr., private ,, Charlbs, private i, Christian, private , Christ'r, sergeant , Christopher, priv. ., Coenradt, private , Corn's, corporal , Corn's, private , Corn's, private , Corn's C., private , Danick, private , Dan'l, sergeant , Dan'l, corporal , Daniel, private , Daniel, private , Daniel, private , Daniel, private , Dan'l, private , Daniel, private , Daniel, private , Dan'l, private , Dan'l, private , Dan'l, private , David, lieut. , David, sergeant , David, sergeant , David, private , David, private , David, private , Dickinson, private , Dirck, private , Doctor, private , Doctor, private , Ebenezer, corporal , Ebenezer, private , Eben'r, private , Edward, private , Edward, private , Edward, private , Eleazer, private , Elezer, private , Elias, private , Elias, private , Elijah, sergeant , Elijah, corporal , Elijah, private , Elisha, sergeant , Elisha, private , Elisha, private , Enos, private , Ezekiel, private , Ezekiel, -private , Francis, private , Francis, private , Francis, private , Fred'k, private , Fred'k, corporal , Fred'k, corporal , Fred'k, corporal , Fred'k, private , Garret, private , Garret, private , Garret, private , Garrit, private , Geo., sergeant , George, sergeant , George, sergeant , Geo., sergeant , Geo., sergeant , George, corporal , Geo., corporal , George, corporal , George, private , George, private , George, private Regiment. HathornHathorn Drake Van Woert Wisner CraneCrane Van Rensselaer Van Alstyn Van Alstyn Whiting Hays Hays Wisner Hathorn Whiting ThomasThomas Malcom Malcom PiattVan Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Luddington HaysHays Thomas Thomas Lansing Webster Van Rensselaer WessenfelsCraneWhiting Whiting ArmstrongWessenfelsHaysLuddington DrakeDrake Company. McCamley Shepherd Delivan Doty Baly Lockwood Lockwood Fraist Philips Van Buren Gilbert FondaFondaFonda Hogencamp AckersonFondaFonda MillerMiller Miller MillerSt. John Drake Livingston KinnueWoodworth Thompson Van Woert Crane Sickles HogencampHubby Gilbert Brown Hamilton Philip Hunt Lawrence Salisbury Gilbert White OnderdonkMeadDelivan Lawrence Van Schoonhoven VanDenburgh Van Schoonhoven Visscher Wessenfels Godwin Wessenfels Godwin Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Luddington Van Veghten Luddington WessenfelsWillet Graham Hathorn Johnson BrinkerhoffHays Bellinger Bellinger BellingerVan Bergen HaysHaysHarperPawlingBellinger Klock NewkirkBellingerBellinger Klock Johnson Graham Klock Johnson Wessenfels Crane WoodworthKnapp WhiteWelp Vail Case Storm Ackerson Frank Herder Staring Hoghtaling Tourneur Ackerson Lawrence Lawrence Frank Righter Vankeuren Herder Staring Miller Wood Conklin Miller Cross Thompson Roster of the State Troops. 475 Name and Rank. Smith, Geo., private Smith, Gilbert, private Smith, Gilbert, private Smith, Gilbert, private Smith, Hannis, private Smith, Harmanus, corpl. Smith, Harmanus, private Smith, Helmis, private Smith, Hend'k, sergeant Smith, Hend'k, private Smith, Hend'k, private Smith, Hend'k, private Smith, Henry, corporal Smith, Henry, private Smith, Henry, private Smith, Henry, private Smith, Henry, private Smith, Henry, private Smith, Henry, private Smith, Henry, private Smith, Henry, private Smith, Henry, private Smith, Henry, private Smith, Isaac, private Smith, Isaac, private Smith, Isaac, private Smith, Isaac, private Smith, Isaac, private Smith, Isaac, private Smith, Isaac, private Smith, Isaac, private Smith, Isaac, private Smith, Isaac, private Smith, Israel, private Smith, Jacob, private Smith, Jacob, private Smith, Jacob, private Smith, Jacob, private Smith, Jacob, private Smith, Jacob, private Smith, Jacob, private Smith, James, sergeant Smith, James, private Smith, James, private Smith, James, private Smith, James, private Smith, James, private Smith, James,* private Smith, James, private Smith, James, private Smith, James, private Smith, James, private Smith, James, private Smith, James, private Smith, James, private Smith, James, private Smith, James, private Smith, James, private Smith, James, private Smith, James, private Smith, James, private Smith, Jared, private Smith, Jeremiah, private Smith, Jeremiah, private Smith, Jeremiah, private Smith, Jesse, private Smith, Johannes, private Smith, John,t lieut. Smith, John, major Smith, John,:, lieut. Smith, John, lieut. Smith, John, sergeant Smith, John, sergeant Regiment. Company. Klock Cayser Webster Long Armstrong Long Luddington Lane Bellinger Herder Fisher Veeder Fisher Veeder Schuyler Lansing Van Bergen Witbeck Klock Hess Klock' Cayser Klock Wagner Van Schoonhoven Visscher Hathorn McCamley Hathorn Case Klock Miller Willet Gross Clyde Diffendorf Graham Webster Van Woert Brown Van Veghten Graham Vail Wessenfels White Thomas Sackett Thomas St. John Hays Onderdonk Hays Hogencamp Hammond Orser CortlandWisner Baly Drake ^Haight Crane Truesdell Hopkins Talmadge Hathorn Bailey Hathorn Bartolf Newkirk Vankeuren Stevenson Van Rensselaer Sharp Wisner Bartoff Crane Truesdel Horton Wessenfels Shephard Willet Gross Willet Conine Pawling Westfall Thomas Purdy Thomas Lyons Malcom Blakely Hopkins Waters Hopkins Lane Hays Ackerson Piatt Bradbick Livingston Houserad Livingston Shaver Humfrey Drake Drake Drake Haight Luddington Mead Luddington Lane Drake Buckhout Van Rensselaer Cady Pawling Hunter Van Rensselaer Philip Luddington Waterbury Thomas Sackett Cantine Van Rensselaer Hays Van Schaaick Van Alstyn Philips Hopkins Brinkerhoff Thomas Lawrence Name and Rank. Smith SmithSmithSmithSmithSmithSmithSmithSm.th. SmithSmithSmithSmith ^Smith. SmithSmithSmithSmithSmithSmithSmithSmith SmithSmithSmithSmithSmith.Smith.SmithSmith,Smith.SmithSmith SmithSmithSmithSmith Smith SmithSmith,SmithSmith,Smith.SmithSmithSmithSmith. SmithSmith.Smith!SmithSmith,Smith SmithSmithSmithSmithSmith SmithSmithSmith! Smith Smith.Smith. SmithSmith,SmithSmithSmithSmith Smith Smith 1 Smith , John, sergeant , John, corporal , John, fifer , John, corporal , John, private , John, private , John, private , John, private , Jno., private , John, private , John, private , John, private , John, private , John, private , John, private , John, private , John, private , John, private , John, private , John, private , John, private , John, private , John, private , John, private , John, private , Jobn, private , John, private , John, private , John, private , John, private , John, private , John, private , John, private , John, private , John, Jr., private , John C, sergeant , John C, corporal , John C, private , John E., private , John L., 2d maj. , Jonas, private , Jonas, private , Jonas, private , Jonas, private , Jon'n, private , Joseph, lieut. , Joseph, sergeant , Joseph, corporal , Joseph, corporal , Joseph, drummer , Joseph, drummer , Joseph, drummer , Joseph, drummer , Joseph, private , Joseph, private , Joseph, private , Joseph, private , Joseph, private , Joseph, private , Joseph, private , Joseph, private , Joseph, private , Joseph, private , Joseph, private , Joseph, private , Joseph, Sr,, private , Joshua, private , Joshua, private , Joshua, private , Joshua, private , Josiah, § lieut , Jost, private , Jost, private Regiment. Brinckerhoff Bellinger Van Rensselaer Hathorn Hathorn Johnson Wessenfels Willet Willet Willet Phillips Pawling PawlingNewkirkWillet Webster Clyde Malcom Hays Harper Harper Company. Brinckerhoof Herder Van .Allen Fonda McCamleyBartolf Ostrander Pawling ElsworthGross Gray Miller Pawling Westfall VankeurenNewell Childs Dygert LivingstonOnderdonk Allen Bogart Van Schoonhoven Taylor Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Bellinger Wemple Dubois DuboisSchuyler Wisner Drake CraneLuddington Graham Schuyler Willet Willet Hays Hays Hays HathornWessenfelsPawlingPawling Field Wiener Livingston Wessenfels Brinckerhoff Piatt Dubois Field Field BathornWillet PawlingBopkins Vandenburgh HarperBellinger DuboisLivingston DrakeLansing Van Alstyn Brinckerhoff HathornHopkins CraneBrinckerhoff FrankWansonDubois Burnet Van Aernum Bartolf Haight Scofield LaneWilson Van Aernum Cannon Marshall Ackerson Onderdonk Van Deusen Livingston DeWittPawling Barnum BartolfShaverShephard BrinckerhoofLee Lee Dyckman BarnumShepherdElsworthWood WatersVau Wyck Vrooman Frank DeMout Shaver Haight Shepherd Van Buren Brinckerhoff TelfordBrinckerhoffTruesdell Schutt Canfield (Conn.) Stoddard Bellinger Herder Bellinger Staring * Shot through right shoulder and cut by bayonets at North Castle, Nov. 19, 1782. North Castle, W. Chester Co. C, 88, Cc, 17. i, t Entered in 1776 as sergt. in Capt Jacob Seaber's Levies, re-enlisted in Capt Mackin's for the war in 1777, procured a sub stitute and was discharged ; Xieut in Capt. Breadbeck"s from 1778 to 'it. Manlius, Onondaga Co. A. P., 21-197. t See Appendix, 4th Tryon Co. Regiment. § Badly wounded and taken prisoner on a reconnoissance between Stamford and East Chester,; May 27, 1782. Farmer, Pound ridge, W. Chester Co. Bb 8. 476 Hosier of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Smith, Lamuel, private Truesdell Smith, Lawrence, private Van Bergen Honeywell Smith, Lemuel,«sergeant Crane Truesdel Smith, Lemuel, private Cortland Smith, Lemuel, private Wessenfels Smith, Leir, private Whiting Gilbert Smith, Levi, private Willet Wright Smith, Lewis, private Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Smith, Lewis, private Steenbergh Smith, Lige, private Johnson Wilkin Smith, Ludlow, private Hathorn Case Smith, Ludlow, private Johnson Ostrander Smith, Ludlow, private Dubois Burnet Smith, Major, private Luddington Mead Smith, Major, private Field Hecock Smith, Marlis, private Schuyler Van Aernum Smith, Martin, corporal Hopkins Brinckerhoff Smith, Martin, private Brinkerhoff Brinckerhoff Smith, Mathew, private Crane Chapman Smith, Matthew, private Klock Cayser Gilbert Smith, Matthew, private Thomas Smith, Matthias, private Klock Helmer Smith, Michael, sergeant Graham Husted Smith, Michael, private Graham Hermance Smith, Morris, private Thomas Purdy Smith, Morris, private Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Smith, Moses, private Van Schoonhoven Hicks Smith, Moses, private Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Smith, Nathan, lieut. Van Woert Hodges Smith, Nath'l, corporal Crane Lockwood Smith, Nath'l, private Thomas Sacket Smith, Nath'l, private Hays Onderdonk Smith, Nath'l, private Stevenson Smith, Natbl', private Crane Truesdell Smith, Nath'l, private Smith, Nath'l, Jr., private Benedict Osburn Crane Truesdell Smith, Nath'l, sergeant Luddington Waterbury Smith, Nehem'h, private Piatt Bloom Smith, Nicholas, corporal Willet Gross s Smith, Nich's, private Klock Righter Smith, Nich's, private Graham LansingWitbeck Smith, Nich's, private Van Bergen , Smith, Nich's, private Smith, Nich's, Jr., private Harper BogartRighter Miller Klock Smith, Noah, private Thomas Smith, Noah, corporal Thomas St. John Smith, Noah, private Smith, Obadiah, private Thomas St. John Graham Conklin Smith, Oliver, corporal Thomas Purdy Smith, Oliver, corporal Thomas Sacket Smith, Peleg, sergeant Smith, Pelick, private Hays Stevenson Crane Truesdell Smith, Peter, sergeant Cooper Blauvelt Smith, Peter, sergeant Livingston Shaver Smith, Peter, corporal Wessenfels Thompson Smith, Peter, private Graham Hermance Smith, Peter, private Hays Tourneur Smith, Peter, private Hays Ackerson Smith, Peter, private Bellinger Frank Smith, Peter, private Bellinger Harder Smith, Peter, private Livingston Van Rensselaer Shaver Smith, Peter, private Osterhoudt Smith, Peter J. A., private Van Rensselaer Smith, Philip, captain Livingston Smith, Philip, private Klock Ruff Smith, Philip, private Willet Harrison Smith, Philip, private Clyde Ruff Smith, Philip, private Hopkins Water Smith, Philip, private Livingston Van Rensselaer Pulver Smith, Philip, private Elliot Smith, Philip, private Luddington Mead Smith, Philip, private Graham Husted Smith, Policarpus, lieut. Whiting Salsbury Smith, Pollycarp, private Harper Graham Allen Smith, Prusia, private Smith, Prussia, private Webster Smith, Reuben, private Armstrong Smith, Reuben, private Crane Truesdel Smith, Reuben, private Williams Shepardson Name and Rank. Smith, Reyard, private Smith, Rich'd, sergeant Smith, Rich'd, corporal Smith, Rich'd, private Smith, Rich'd, private Smith, Rich'd, private Smith, Robert^ private Smith, Robert, private Smith, Robt, private Smith, Robt, private Smith, Rodger, private Smith, Samuel, sergeant Smith, Sam'l, corporal Smitn, Samuel, private Smith, Sam'l, private Smith, Samuel, private Smith, Samuel, private Smith, Sam'l, private Smith, Samuel, private Smith, Selah, private Smith, Seth, private Smith, Simeon, private Smith, Simeon, private Smith, Solomon, private Smith, Solomon, private Smith, Solomon, private Smith, Solomon, private Smith, Solomon, private Smith, Stephen, sergeant Smith, Stephen, private Smith, Stephen, private Smith, Stephen, private Smith, Stephen, private Smith, Sylvester, fifer Smith, Teunis P., private Smith, Thomas, sergeant Smith, Thomas, sergeant Smith, Thomas, corporal Smith, Thos., corporal Smith, Thomas, private Smith, Thomas, private Smith, Thomas, private Smith, Thomas, private Smith, Thomas, private Smith, Thomas, private Smith, Thomas, private Smith, Tim'y, private Smith, Westel, sergeant Smith, Westle, sergeant Smith, Wilhelmus, private Smith, Wm., adjutant Smith, William, private Smith, William, sergeant Smith, William, sergeant Smith, William, sergeant Smith, Will., fifer Smith, William, sergeaut Smith, William, private Smith, William, private Smith, William, private Smith, William, private Smith, William, private Smith, Wm., private Smith, Wm., private Smith, Wm., private Smith, Wm., private Smith, Wm., private Smith, Wm., private Smith, Zaocius, private Smith, Zachariah, private Smith, Zachariah, private Smith, Zacharias, private Smyth, Helmes, private Snake, Geo., private Snaper, Geo., private Sneck, George, private Snedecar, Isaac, corporal Snedecar, Theunis, private Snedeker, Isaac, private Regiment Company. Hays Ackerson Thomas Purdy Thomas Purdy Childs Webster Dubois Chamberlain Luddington Lane Hathorn Telford Wemple Fonda WempleVan Rensselaer Mynderse Sharp Van Woert Hodge Hathorn Telford Drake Haight Whiting Salisbury Malcom Hays Livingston Drake Rockenfelle Luddington Crane Vun Alstyn Wisner Baly Luddington Mead Yates Brutt Yates Weltse Graham Drake Seely Crane Lawrence Luddington Crane Luddington Lane Newkirk Crawford Thomas Sackett Hays Onderdonk Hays Gardner Graham Husted Brinckerhoff Schutt Van Rensselaer Willet Welp Vandenburg Wheeler Wessenfels White Dubois Lee Hathorn Brodhead Wessenfels Bowen Vrooman Van Veghten Winne Cantine Hasbrouck Crane Truesdell Luddington Lane Pawling Faulkner Hathorn Sayres Wisner Baly Schuyler Piatt Lansing Williams Armstrong Webster Armstrong Armstrong Van Bergen Witbeck Snyder Sw-art Klock Righter Klock Ruff Johnson Wessenfels Godwin Willet Skinner Willet Cannon Bellinger Staring Van Rensselaer Shaw Dubois Burnet Van Rensselaer De Garmo Wessenfels Van Bergen Dubois Humfrey Pawling Pawling Livingston Shaver Wessenfels Schuyler Lansing Clyde Schuyler Ruff Van Aernum Klock Ruff Vandenburg Wheeler Hays Smith Graham Vail Roster of the State Troops. 477 Name and Rank. Snedeker, James, private Sneduar, James, private Sneek, George, private Snell, Adam, corporal Snell, Adam, private Snell, Adam, private Snell, Adam, private Snell, Adam, private Snell, Adam, Jr., corporal Snell, Epinus, private Snell, Geo., private Snell, Geo., private Snell, Han Joost,* private Snell, Honeekle, private Snell, Jacob, drummer Snell, John, fifer Snell, John, private Snell, John, private Snell, John, Jr., private Snell, John F., private Snell, John Jacob, private Snell, John I., fifer Snell, John J., private Snell, John J., private Snell, John Job, private Snell, John S., private Snell, Joost, private Snell, Nich's, sergeant ¦ Snell, Nich's. private Snell, Nich's, private Snell, Nich's, private Snell, Nich's, private Snell, Peter, private Snell, Peter, private Snell, Peter, private Snell, Peter, private Snell, Robt., private Snell, Sefrinus, private Snells, Adam, private Snider, Adam, sergeant Snider, Adam, private Snider, Dan'l, Jr., private Snider, George, private Snider, Henry, private Snider, Jacob, corporal Snider, John, private Snider, Martin, private Snider, Moses, private Snider, Peter, private Snider, Simon, private Sniffen, Andrew, private Sniffen, And'w, private Sniffen, James, corporal Sniffen, James, private Sniffen, John, private Sniffen, John, private Sniffen, Peter, private Sniffen, Reuben, sergeant Sniffen, Reuben, private Sniffen, Reuben, private Sniffen, Reuben, private Sniffen, Reuben, Jr., priv. Sniffen, Shubal, private Sniffen, Thomas, private Sniffer, George, private Snock, Henry, private Snock, John, captain Suock, William, lieut Snoden, Francis, private Snody, Wm., private Snody, Wm., private Snook, Conrad, private Snook, Henry, private Snook, John, lieut. Snook, John, ensign Snook, John, private Snook, William, captain Snow, Samuel, private Snow, Samuel, private Regiment. Wessenfels Cortland Klock Klock Klock Klock Klock Klock Klock Klock Klock Klock Klock Klock KlockKlockKlockKlock Klock Klock Klock Klock KlockKlockKlock Klock KlockKlockKlockKlockKlock KlockKlock Klock Klock Klock Klock Klock Fisher Fisher Johnson Brinckerhoff JohnsonVan Rensselaer Wessenfels Van Veghten BrinckerhoffVan Alstyn Van Alstyn Thomas Thomas ThomasJohnson Thomas Thomas ThomasThomasThomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Fisher Fisher FisherWessenfels Van Schoonhoven Van Veghten LivingstonFisher Fisher Fisher Fisher FisherWhiting Van Bergen Company. Ruff KlockKock Zeely Cayser Suts Kock SutsKlockSuts Kock Hess MillerZeely HouseKock Klock Suts Miller HouseBreadbake Kock Miller Kock KockSuts . Righter Zeely Klock Bradbig House V Klock ' Cayser Suts Fonda Klock Cayser Veeder Veeder JohnsonVan Benschoten Cross De Garmo DodgeDunham Van Benschoten Philips Lyon Hobby Thomas ConcklinThomas Lawrence- Hubby ' Purdy Lyon Purdy Humfrey .Lawrence Miller SnookSnook Dodge Dunning Kline Snook Marselis Marselis King Name and Rank. Snow, Will., sergeant Regiment. Field Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Pawling Hays Snuck, John, private Snuck, Martin, private Snugg, John, private Snyder, Ab'm, sergeant Snyder, Abraham, sergt. Snyder, Abraham, private Pawling Snyder, Abraham, private Hays Snyder, Ab'm, private Wynkoop Snyder, Ada.m, sergeant Fisher Snyder, Andrew, private Piatt Snyder, Benj'n, private Wynkoop Snyder, Christian, private Wynknop Snyder, Christ'r, sergeant Piatt Snyder, Christ'r, sergeant Pawling Snyder, Christ'r, private Yates Snyder, Christ'r, private Snyder, Christ'r, private Snyder, Conrad, private Snyder, Conradt, private Snyder, Cornelius, private Hathorn Snyder, Corn's, private Dubois Snyder, Daniel, private Snyder, Elias, private Snyder, Elias, private Snyder, George, corporal Snyder, George, private Snyder, George, private Snyder, George, private Snyder, George, private Snyder, Geo., Jr., private Vrooman Snyder, Geo. G., private Vrooman Snyder, Gotlib, sergeant Schuyler Snyder, Hend'k, sergeant Wynkoop Snyder, Hend'k, private Hays Snyder, Henry, sergeant Pawling Snyder, Henry, private Johnson Snyder, Henry, private Vrooman Snyder, Hermanes, private Hays Snyder, Jacob, lieut. Vrooman Snyder, Jacob, lieut. Vrooman Snyder, Jacob, lieut. Vrooman Snyder, Jacob, corporal Yates Snyder, Jacob, private Snyder, Jacob, private Wynkoop Wynkoop Van Rensselaer Livingston Johnson Hathorn PawlingVrooman VroomanVrooman Piatt Van Rensselaer JohnsonPawling Vrooman Snyder, Jacob, private Snyder, Jacob, Jr., private Vrooman Snyder, Jeremiah, private Wynkoop Snyder, Johannis, sergeant Wynkoop Snyder, Johannis, private Vrooman Snyder, Johannis, private Vrooman Snyder, Johannis, Jr., pr. Vrooman Snyder, John, private Johnson Snyder, John, private Vrooman Snyder, John, private Vrooman Snyder, John, private Vrooman Snyder, John, private Yates Snyder, John, private Van Rensselaer Snyder, John, private Yates Snyder, John, private Wynkoop Snyder, John, Jr., private Vrooman Snyder, John M., private Wynkoop Snyder, Lawrence, private Van Rensselaer Snyder, Lodowick, sergt Livingston Snyder, Lodowick, sergt. Livingston Snyder, Lodowick, private Livingston Snyder, Lodowick, private Schuyler Snyder, Lodwick, ensign Snyder, Lodwick, private Vrooman Snyder, Lodwick, private Livingston Snyder, Ludwig, private Vrooman Snyder, Ludwig, private Vrooman Snyder, Ludwig, private Vrooman Snyder, Mark, private Van Veghten Snyder, Martin, sergeant Hathorn Snyder, Martin, private Wynkoop Snyder, Paul, private Van Rensselaer Snyder, Peter, heut. Vrooman Snyder, Peter, private Hays Company. Dykeman OsterhoudtGraves Westbrook SmithLivingston Smith DeWittBrodhead Brodhead Van Aken Brown DeWittDedrickRockfeller Rockenfelle Conklin Burnet Smith BogardusVan Aken Miller Heager Stubrach Bloom Elliot Heager Sharp DeWitt SmithVan Aken Ostrander Heager Smith Stubrach Brown MillerWeltse Jansen DeWitt Heager Miller Dedrick Rightmier StubrachMiller WilkinStubrach Brown Richtmyer Brutt DeGarmo Weltse Van Buren Stubrach DeWitt Houserad Pulver Elliot Slyngerlandt Van Schaick Miller Shaver Stubrach Miller HeagerVan Woert Bogardus DeWitt Sharp Smith 1 Shot through the body and foot Oct. 25, 17 il. Palatine Distr.,' Montgomery Co. B. 113. 478 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Snyder, Philip, sergeant Snyder, Sam'l, sergeant Snyder, Sam'l, private Snyder, Solomon, private Snyder, Wm., corporal Snyder, Wm., corporal Snyder, William, private Snyder, Wm., private Snyder, William, private Snyder, Wm., private Snyder, Wm., private Snyder, Wm., private Snyder, Wm., private Snyder, Wm. H., private Snyder, Zacha'h, sergeant Snyder, Zach'h, private Snyder, Zach'h, Jr., corp. Snyder, Zacharias, corpl. Snyder, Yerry, private Sodan, John, private Soder, Pettet, private Sodert, Wm., sergeant Sohake, Jon'n, private Sohock, John, private Solace, John, private Sole, Isaac, lieut. Sole, William, qr. mr. ser. Sole, William, private Solis, John, private Solomon, John, private Soloven, John, private Spmendyck, Jacob, drum. Somendyke, Jacob, sergt. Bomerndyke, Jacob, sergt. Somerndyke, Wm., sergt Somes, Richard, private Somes, Stephen, corporal Son, Moses, private Sonake, Jon n, private Sools, Wm., qr. mr. serg. Soop, Coenrad, private Sopen, Tim'y, private Soper, Timothy, private Soper, Timothy, private Sorine, Charles, private Sorine, Israel, pnvate Sotterly, Eacus, private Soube, Mich'l, private Sonde, John, private Soule, Elijah, private Souper, David, private Souser, John, private Soutant, John, private Southard, Gilbert, private Southard, Henry, private Southard, Henry, private Southard, Henry, private Southard, Isaac, private Southard, James, private Southard, John, private Southard, John, private Southard, Jonas, private Southard, John, Jr., priv. Southard, Sam'l, sergeant Southerland, Silas, sergt Southerland, Silas, sergt. Sowden, John, private Sower, Peter, corporal Spack, Thobias, private Spaerback, Martinus, priv. Spahn, Nich's, private Spalden, Nemiah, sergt. Spalding, Elijah, sergeant Spalding, Elijah, drummer Spalding, Elijah, private Spalding, Neh'h, sergeant Regiment. Vrooman Livingston Livingston Wynkoop Livingston Van Rensselaer GrahamVrooman LivingstonLivingston Schuyler Livingston VroomanVan Rensselaer Van Bergen Van Bergen Van Bergen Van Bergen LivingstonHopkinsThomas FisherGraham Graham DrakeWillet WilletDrake Vandenburgh Pawling Brinckerhoff BrinckerhoffHopkins BrinckerhoffBrinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Van Alstyn Graham WilletSchuyler DuboisDubois Graham LuddingtonLuddingtonVrooman SchuylerGraham Van Schoonhoven Van Bergen Wynkoop Brinckerhoff WessenfelsPawlingVandenburghBrinkerhoff HopkinsHopkinsBrinckerhoff Brinkerhoff Brinckerhoff Van Ness Thomas Thomas Brinckerhoff Van Rensselaer Wemple Clyde Bellinger Willet Yates Yates Yates Van Rensselaer Company. RockenfelleRockenfelleRockenfelle Rockfeller Muller Brown Rockfeller Houserad Ostrum Rockenfelle Richtmyer Rockfeller Van Schaick Bouserad Brinkerhoff Chapman Yates Magee Boyd NobleVan Renselaer Haight Van Wyck Wood SchuttBrower BrinkerhoffVan Wyck BrowerBrowerTruesdel Magee Putman Hogan Chamberlain Chamberlain Husted CraneCrane Richtmyer Fonda Van Aernum Pearce AylsworthHoghtaling Van Buren Van Wyck Dodge Hunter Storms Storms Van Benschoten Brinkerhoff Van Wyck Brinkerhoff Van Wyck HubbyLyons Van Wyck Wanson House Frank HoleBrown Brown Hadlock Graves Name and Rank.' Spalding, Nehem'h, sergt. Spalding, Sam'l, private Spalding, Walter, private Spaldwin, Edward, private Spalsbeck, John, private Spanenburgh, Jacob, priv. Spanknebef, John, private Spannenbergh, Jacob, pr. Sparbeck, Conradt, priv. Sparbeck, Martinus, priv. Sparkbek, Martinus, priv. Sparke, Alex'r, private Sparks, Abraham, private Sparks, Abraham, private Sparks, Ab'm, private Sparks, Abraham, private Sparks, Abraham, Jr., pr. Sparks, Jacob, senjeant Sparks, Pearl,* private Sparks, Robert, sergeant Sparks, Robert, sergeant Sparks, Robert, sergeant Sparks, Robert, pnvate Sparks, Robt., private Sparling, George, private Sparling, Johu, private Sparling, John, private Spaulding, Ed'd, private Spaulding, Sam'l, private Spawn, Joachem, private Speakerman, Philip, sergt. Speanbergh, Jacob, private Spears, Arch'd, private Specher, John, private Speck, Abr'm, private Speck, Claas, private Speckman, Phillip, private Speed, George, private Speed, George, private Speed, Henry, private Speed, Henry, private Speed, Henry, private Spence, John, private Spence, John, private Spencer, Aaron, private Spencer, Abner, t private Spencer, Amos, corporal Spencer, David, private Spencer, Eleazer, lieut Spencer, Eleazer, lieut. Spencer, Eliphez, private Spencer, Ezekiel, private Spencer, Israel, private Spencer, Jabin, private Spencer, Jerem'h, private Spencer, John, lieut. Spencer, Jonah, private Spencer, Jon'n, private Spencer, Jon'n, private Spencer, Matt'w, corporal Spencer, Matthias, sergt, Spencer, Nath'l, private Spencer, Nich's, private Spencer, Nimos, private Spencer, Orang, private Spencer, Peleg, private Spencer, Phineas, private Spencer, Rufus, private Spencer, Sam'l, sergeant Spencer, Sam'l, private Spencer, Sam'l, private Spencer, Trueman, private Spencer, Trueman, private Spencer, Trueman, private Sperling, George, private Sperling, John, sergeant Regiment. Van Ness Van Ness Van Ness Clyde Pawling Wemple Company. WhitingBogert Weeser Hunter Graham Hermance Willet Harrison Clyde House Schuyler Van Aernum Harper Allen Johnson Jansen Johnson Robinson Wessenfels Westfall Pawling Piercy Johnson Johnson Johnson Roosa Campbell Diefendorf Johnson Cross Johnson Jansen Pawliug Burnet Pawling De Witt Graham Wynkoop Pawling Hunter Wynkoop Schoonmaker Van Ness Tanner Van Ness Tanner Schuyler Hogan Willet Elsworth Wessenfels White Steenbergh Klock Zealy Wemple Wemple Bancker Livingston Pulver Harper Bogart Van Bergen Willet Marshall Graham Muller Van Bergen Hopkins Brinkerhoff Brinckerhoff Van Wyck Fisher Degraas Burrel (Connec' ) Stevens Howley Howley Van Ness Howley Howley Webster Long Van Ness Tanner Webster Childs Webster Childs Willet Van Rensselai Fisher Yeoman Fisher Yates Fisher Yeoman Graham Vail Howley Fisher Yeoman Van Rensselaer Niles Van Ness Fisher Yates Whiting King Van Ness Graham Vail Van Rensselaer Cady Philips Van Rensselaer Field Barnum Willet Newell Willet Henry Willet Hole Wynkoop Dedrick Wynkoop * Shot through left arm at Oriskanie August 6, 1777. Canajoharie District. B 176, I 89. t Enlisted 1776 ; taken prisoner by Indians at the Cedars. Hillsdale, Columbia county. A. P. 22-80. Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Sperling, John, private Spicer, Jeremiah, private Spicer, Mich'l, pnvate Spicer, Nathan, private Spike, Dan'l, pnvate Spike, Dan'l, private Spikeman, Philip, private Spikerman, John, private Spilman, Conradt, private Spinose, Anthony, private Spire, Jeremiah, private Spire, Jerem'h, private Spitcer, AaroD, private Spitcer, Aaron, private Spitcher, Aaron, private Spitcher, Aaron, private Spitcher, Garret, private Spitcher, Garret, private Spitcher, Gerrit, private Spoke, James, private . Spon, Nich's, private Spon, Nich's, private Spoon, John, private Spoon, Nich's, private Spoone, John, pnvate Spoor, Henry, private Spoor, Isaac, private Spoor, Isaac, private Spoor,- Jahor, private Spoor, Jeroon, private Spoore, John, private Spoore, John, private Spoore, Nich's, private Spore, Abm., private Spore, John, corporal Spore, John C, private Spore, Nich's, private Spoten, Wm., private Spotten, James, private Spotten, Thos., corporal Spotten, Thos. L., private Spotten, Will., private Spotten, William, private Spotter, William, private Spow, Isaac, private Spraage, John, private Spracher, Geo., sergeant Spracher, George, sergt. Spracher, George, private Sprag, Elisha, private Sprag, John, sergeant Sprage, John, private Sprager, Conrad, private Spragg, John, private Spragge, Benj'n, private Sprague, Amasa, private Sprague, Benjamin, priv. Sprague, Eben'r, private Sprague, Elijah, private Sprague, Elijah, private Sprague, Elijah, private Sprague, George, sergeant Sprague, Gibson, private Sprague, Gibson, private Sprague, Gideon, corporal Sprague, Gideon, private Sprague, Jerem'h, private Sprague, John, sergeant Sprague, John, private Sprague, Solomon, private Sprague, Stephen, private Spraig, John, corporal Spraig, John, private Spraker George, Jr., priv. Sprauge, 'Alexander, priv. Spreacher, Conrad, priv. Spreacher, Geo., sergeant Regiment. Company. Wynkoop Schoonmaker Hopkins Wheeler Willet Newell Willet Newell Van Veghten Woodworth Van Veghten Dunham Livingston Shaver Livingston Shaw Livingston Rockenfelle Wessenfels Hunt Wessenfels Shephard Dubois Chamberlain Graham Lansing Wemple Van Slyck Wemple _ Fonda Wemple Mynderson Wemple Van Petten Wemple Van Alien Wemple Wanson Drake Boyd Bellinger Staring Bellinger Small Willet Skinner Willet Gillet Clyde Difendorf Van Rensselaer Townsend Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Van Rensselaer Woodworth Fisher McMaster Van Rensselaer Turner Fisher McMaster Van Bergen Witbeck Fisher McMaster Van Bergen Witbeck Fisher McMaster Van Bergen Fisher McMaster Van Rensselaer Sharp Schuyler Tillman Van Rensselaer Sharp Schuyler Tillman Van Schaick Schuyler Tillman Piatt Van Santvoort Van Bergen Witbeck Thomas Moseman Klock Bedhig Klock Zeely Klock Zeely Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven Visscher Luddington Lane Willet Fonda Weissenfels Godwin Wessenfels Thompson Hathorn Case Dubois Lee Van Schoonhoven Hicks Van Schoonhoven Collins Van Schoonhoven Hicks Luddington Mead Vau Rensselaer Niles Van Woert Wells Van Woert Gilmore Hathorn Case Dubois Burnet Luddington Mead Van Schoonhoven Collins Luddington Mead Van Woert Wells Hathorn Shepherd Hays Stevenson WessenfelsKlock Zeely Willet Skinner Klock Bradbig Klock Suts Name and Rank. Regiment. Spreacher, Geo., corporal Klock Spreacher, George, private Klock Spreacher, Geo., private Klock Spreacher, Geo., Jr., priv. Klock Spreag, Amasa, private Johnson Spreag, Jno., pnvate Malcom Spreague, Alex'r, private Weisenfels Sprecher, George, sergt. Klock Sprecher, George, private Klock Sprecker, George, private Klock Spreecker, George, sergt Klock Spreecker, Geo., Jr., priv. Klock Spreecker, John, private Klock Sprigg, John, private Malcom Sprinar, Dan'l, private Schuyler Spring, Ephraim, sergeant Van Rensselaer Spring, John, corp. Armstrong Spring, John, private Webster Spring, Nath'l, sergeant Whiting Springer, Benj'n, private Schuyler Spriuger, Dennis, private Schuyler Springer, Dennis, private Schuyler Springer, Jacob, private Van Rensselaer Springer, Rich'd, corporal Van Veghten Springer, Rich'd, corporal Van Veghten Springer, Rich'd, corporal Van Veghten Springsted, William, priv. Van Rensselaer Springsteed, Benj'n, priv. Van Rensselaer Springsteel, Garret, priv. Brinckerhoff Springsteel, Samuel, priv. Hays Springsteen, Bastiaen, pr. Van Rensselaer Springsteen, David, priv. Hays Springsteen, David, priv. Brinkerhoff Springsteen, Isaac, private Hays Springsteen, Jacob, sergt. Van Rensselaer Springsteen, Jereme, dr.' Graham Springsteen, John, private Hays Springsteen, John, private Hays Springsteen, John S., priv. Hays Springsteen, Sam'l, priv. Drake Springsteen, Sam'l, priv. Drake Springsteen, Slaughts, pr. Hays Springsteen, Will., private Van Rensselaer Sprong, Dan'l, private Vau Rensselaer Sprong, David, private Van Rensselaer Sprug, Gideon, private Hays Sprung, Ephraim, private Van Rensselaer Sprung, John, sergeant Van Rensselaer Spucher, George, sergeant Klock Spunster, Benj'n, private Van Rensselaer Squaren, Frank, private Drake Sqires, Frank, private Drake Squires, Ichabod, sergeant Wessenfels Squoral, Daniel, private Pawling Staates, Peter, private Piatt Staats, Abr'm, private Van Alstyn Staats, Abr'm L, private Van Alstyn Staats, Barent, lieut.-eol. Schuyler Staats, Barent, lieut-col. Van Rensselaer Staats, Barent, sergeant Van Rensselaer Staats, Barent, corporal Van Rensselaer Staats, Barent, private Van Rensselaer Staats, Hend'k, private Snyder Staats, Henry, private Wynkoop Staats, Jacob, qr. master Van Rensselaer Staats, Jacob, lieut. Van Rensselaer Staats, Jacob, private Van Alstyn Staats, John, ensign Van Rensselaer Staats, John, private Van Alstyn Staats, John, Jr., private Van Alstyn Staats, Nich's, captain Van Rensselaer Staats, Philip,* lieut. Van Rensselaer Staats, Philip, lieut. Van Rensselaer Stackwell, Levi, private Armstrong Stader, Jost, private Graham Stafford, Amos, private Graham Stafford, Amos, corporal Van Veghten 479 Company. Cayser Hess BradbigBradbigWilkin Livingston ZealyZealy Miller BreadbakeBreadbake Breadbake Livingston LansingTurner ChildsKingVan Aernum Slyngerlandt Groot Sharp Woodworth Van Woert Winne WoodworthSchermerhorn SchuttSmith SchermerhornGardnerStorm Gardner Schermerhorn Magee Ackerson Gardner Gardner Kronkite Gardner SchermerhornStaats Staats GardnerTurnerSchermerhornMillerDrake Drake Shephard WoodBloom Van Valkenburgh Van Valkenburgh Staats Staats Woodworth Swarts Dedrick Staats Van Valkenburgh BriesClaw Van Valkenburgh Staats Woodworth Tozer Muller Vail Woodworth * Wounded in the leg July, 1777. Crawlo., east, dist, Rensselaerswyck manor, Albany Co. C, 67. 480 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Stafford, Richard, sergeant Wessenfels White Stafford, Samuel, private Van Veghten Thompson Stage, John, private Dubois Burnet Stagg, Abraham, sergeant Hathorn Stagg, Abraham, private Hathorn Bailey Stagg, Adam, private Pawling Piercy Stagg, Benjamin, private Pawling DeWitt Stagg, John, private Hays Onderdonk Stagg, John, private Piatt Van Santvoort Stagg, Paul, private Hays Ackerson Stagg, Peter, private Hathorn Bailey Stailey, George, private Wemple Wanson Stailey, Matthew, private Wemple Wanson Stale, George, private Fisher Fisher Staley, Hend'k, private Fisher McMaster Staley, Henry, corporal Fisher McMaster Staley, Henry, private Fisher McMaster Stalk, John, private Willet Van Rensselaer Stalker, John, private Willet Marshall Stalker, William, private Harper BogartFisner Stall, Joseph, private Fisher Stall, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Woodworth Stall, Peter, private Stall, Rudolph, private Van Rensselaer Staats Klock Ruff Staly, Jacob, private Fonda Staly, Hend'k, corporal Fisher McMaster Staly, Rulif, private Fisher Snook Stam, Fred'k, private Fisher Gartnere Stam, Jacob, private Klock Zeely Stam, Philip, private Fisher Gartner Stauim, George, private Klock Klock Stamm, George, private Klock Suts Stamm, Laurence, private Klock Klock Standley, John, private Wemple Van Petten Standley, John, private Wemple Fonda Standley, John, private Wemple Wanson Stanford, Getham, private Drake Delivan Staning, Adam, private Fisher Yates Staning, Philip, private Fisher Gartner Stanley, Gideon, private Drake Boyd Stanley, Joseph, private PawlingVan Woert Williams Stanly, John, private Wells Stanning, Adam, private Fisher Gartnere Stanning, Fred'k, private Fisher Gartnere Stanning, John, private Fisher Gartner • Stanning, Nich's, private Fisher Gartnere Stanning, William, private Fisher Gartnere Stansel, Nich's, drummer Graham Lansing Stansel, Nich's, private Schuyler Lansing Stansill, George, *private Stansill, Nicholas, private Klock Kock Klock Kock Stanten, Peter, private Whiting Stanton, Benj'n, private Malcom McKinstry Stanton, Rufus, private Malcom Drake Stanton, William, private Hathorn Case Stanton, William, private Hopkins Van Benschoten Stanton, William, private Brinckerhoff Van Benschouten Staples, Jon'n, private Pawling Westfall Staples, Nathan, private Wessenfels Brewster Starenbergh, Christ, priv. Fisher Veeder Staring, Adam, ensign Bellinger Fiank Staring, Adam, ensign Bellinger Staring Staring, Adam, private Klock Miller Staring, Adam, sergeant Bellinger Huber Staring, Adam, sergeant Bellinger Frank Staring, Adam, sergeant Bellinger Herder Staring, Adam, sergeant Bellinger Staring Staring, Adam, private Klock Miller Staring, Adam, private Bellinger Frank Staring, Adam, private Bellinger Staring Staring, Adam, private Staring, Adam I., private Fisher Fisher Bellinger Staring Staring, Conrad, private Bellinger Huber Staring, Fred'k, private Fisher Fisher Staring, Geo., private Harper Putman Staring, Geo., private Bellinger Staring, Hend'k, captain Bellinger Name and Rank. Staring, Hend'k, private Staring, Henry N., corpl. Staring, Jacob, private Staring, Jacob, private Staring, John, private Staring, Joseph, sergeant Staring, Nich s, private Staring, Peter, private Staring, Valentine, private Staring, Valentine, Sr., pr. Stark, Aaron, fifer Stark, Aaron, fifer Stark, Asahel, sergeant Stark, Asahel, private Stark, Christ'r, sergeant Stark, Christ'r, private Stark, Henry, private Stark, Henry, private Stark, James, private Stark, John, private Stark, John, private Stark, Jon'n, private Starkweather, Roger, corp. Stam, Adam, private Stam, Fred'k, private Starn, Nich's, private Stam, Nich's, corporal Starn, Philip, private Sternberg, Lambert, Jr.,co. Starnberger, Lambert, cor. Starnbergh, Jacob, private Slams, Wm., sergeant Starr, Aaron, private Starr, Comfret, private Starring, Adam, private Stars, Aaron, private Stars, Moses, private Start, Nathan, private Start, Nathan, private State, Benjamin, private State, Geo., sergeant State, Hend'k, private State, John, lieut Steak, George, private Steal, John, private Steancle, Nich's, private Stebbins, Lewis, private Stebbins, Lewis, private Stebbins, Nehemiah, corpl. Stebbins, Neh'h, private Stebens, Lewis, private Stebens, Neh'h, private Steecher, John, private Steeder, Nicholas, private Steein, John, private Steel, John, private Steel, John, private Steel, Jobn, private Steel, Jon'n, private Steel, Thomas, private Steel, Thomas, private Steel, Thomas, private Steel, Thomas, private Steen, Geo., ensign Steen, Geo., private Steen, John, private Steen, Wm., sergeant Steen, Wm., private Steenbarch, James, private Steenbergh, Ab'm, private Steenbergh, Abraham, pr. Steenbergh, Abr'm Z., pr. Steenbergh, Cora's, priv. Steenbergh, Elias, capt. Steenbergh, Elias, pnvate Steenbergh, James, priv. Steenbergh, Jeremiah, pr. Regiment. Company. Bellinger Frank Bellinger Staring Klock Cayser Bellinger Huber Fisher Putman Fisher Putman Bellinger Frank Bellinger Frank Bellinger Huber Bellinger Huber Field Dyckman Graham Pearce Yates Weltse Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer De Garmo Yates Brown Dubois Lee Field Dyckman Graham Pearce Dubois Dubois Field Dyckman Graham Pearce Harper Drake Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Vrooman Miller Vrooman Fisher Yates Malcom Blakely Wessenfels Bowen Williams Shepardson Fisher Veeder Wessenfels Thompson Wessenfels Thompson Hopkins Lane Harper Drake Livingston Elliot Bellinger Gittman Livingston Pulver Livingston Pulver Klock Zeely McNitt Armstrong Klock Klock Hays Stevenson Dragoons Delavan Thomas Gilbert Benedict Bouton Field Hecock Field Hecock Klock Miller Klock House Fisher Webster Armstrong Williams Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Willet Pearcy Harper Drake Van Woert Wells Van Woert Gilmore Webster Armstrong Fisher McMaster Fisher McMaster Fisher Marselis Fisher McMaster Fisher McMaster Van Schoonhoven Taylor Wessenfels Pawling Pawling Pawling Wynkoop Hopkins Van Benschoten Van Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Klock Kock Wounded in the shoulder at Johnstown October 25, 1781. Canajoharie. B, 86. Roster of the State Troops. 481 Name and Rank. Regiment. Company Bteenbergh, Jerem'h, pr. Van Bergen Witbeck Steenbergh, Johannis, pr. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Bteenbergh, John, private Johnson Johnson Steenbergh, John, private Pawling Pawling Steenbergh, John, private Wessenfels Pawling Steenbergh, John, private Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Steenbergh, John, brivate Wynkoop De Witt Steenbergh, John Van, pr. Hathorn Conklin Steenbergh, Peter, private Wessenfels Pawling Steenbergh, Peter, private Harper Bogart Steenbergh, Peter, private Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Steenbergh, Thomas, priv. Wynkoop Dedrick Steenbergh, Thos. G., pr. Wynkoop Dedrick Steenborough, Peter, priv. Weisenfels Steenra, Corn's, private Drake Delivan Steenrod, Corn's, private Dragoons Delavan Steenrod, Eben'r, private Drake ' Seely Steenrod, Eben'r, private Crane Lawrence Steenrod, Solomon, priv. Wessenfels Hunt Steenrod, Solomon, priv. Crane Lockwood Steer, John, private Fisher Marselus Steers, Peter, private Wemple Wanson Stehl, Dedrick, private Bellinger Frank Steily, Henry, private Wemple Mynderse Stein, Adam A., private Fisher Veeder Stein, Conrad, ensign Fisher Snook Stein, George, ensign Fisher Snook Stein, William, sergeant Fisher Snook Steins, Peter, private Fisher Veeder Stelwell, Sam'l, private Yates Yates Stely, Ruleph, private Fisher Snook Stenbergh, John, corporal Van Bergen Witbeck Stenbrander, Benj'n, priv. Van Bergen Stenebrander, David, pr. Van Bergen Stennard, Ogilsby D., pr. Wessenfels Stenpel, Nich's, private Clyde Stensell, George, private Klock Stensell, Nich's, private '-' ! -'¦ Stensil, Wm., private Stenson, Wm., private Stensrel, Geo., corporal Klock Klock Van Rensselaer Clyde ClydeFisber Stensrel, Nich s, private Stephen, Amasa, private Stephen, Simon, Jr., priv. Whiting Stephens, Albert, private Hays - Stephens, Amasa, private Fisher Stephens, Amasa, corpl. Fisher Stephens, Daniel, sergt Willet Stephens, David, private Hathorn Stephens, David, private Malcom Stephens, David, private Wisner Stephens, Elijah, private Van Veghten Stephens, Elisha, private Hathorn Stephens, Elisha, private Hathorn Stephens, Elisha, private Van Veghten Stephens, Isaac, fifer Willet Stephens, John, private Pawling Stephens, John, private Pawling Stephens, John, private Willet Stephens, Jon'n, private Wisner Stephens, Joseph, private Wisner Stephens, Joseph, private Stephens, Justice, private Wessenfels Stephens, Matt'w, private Piatt Stephens, Oliver, private Crane Stephens, Peter, corporal Hays Stephens, Resolvert, priv. Hays Stephens, Reuben, Sr., pr. Crane Stephens, Reuben, Jr., pr. Crane Stephens, Ruliff, private Cooper Stephens, Rulif, sergeant Hays Stephens, Russell, private Field Stephens, Russell, private Graham Stephens, Samuel, corpl. Van Veghten Stephens, Silvanus, priv. Crane Stephens, Stephen, private Cooper Stephens, Stephen H., pr. Hays Stephens, Stephen N., pr. Hays Hunt Leipe Kock Kock SutsWeeser Weeser Little Bostwick Onderdonk Wolcott. Miller McKinstry Miller Thompson MillerMinthorn WoodworthHole De Witt Livingston TearseMiller MillerVan Duzer Brewster Bloom Lewis Onderdonk Onderdonk Lewis LewisGardner Onderdonck Hecock Pearce Gardner Onderdonk Onderdonk Name and Rank. Regiment. Stephens, Stephen S., pr. Hays Stephens, Thomas, corpl. Field Stephens, Thos., private Van Rensselaer Stephens, Thos., private Van Rensselaer Stephens, Wm., sergeant Yates Stephens, Wm., private Hays Stephenson, Andrew, priv. Webster Stephenson, Fred'k, priv. Van Ness Stephenson, James, priv. Williams Stephenson, James, priv. Webster Stephenson, James, priv. Armstrong Sterberg, Ab'm, private Vrooman Stering, John, private Stern, Adam, private Fisher Sternberg, Abm., private Vrooman Sternberg, Abraham, priv. Vrooman Sternberg, David, sergeant Vrooman Sternberg, Jacob, private Vrooman Sternberg, Jacob, private Fisher Sternberg, Lambert, corp. Vrooman Sternberg, Lambert, priv. Vrooman Sternberger, Abm., private Vrooman Sternberger, David, sergt. Vrooman Sternberger, Jacob, priv. Vrooman Sternberger, Jacob, priv. Vrooman Sternberger, Jacob, priv. Fisher Sternberger, Lambert, cpl. Vrooman Sternberger, Lambert, cpl. Vrooman Sternberger, Lambert, cpl. Vrooman Sternberger, Lambert, pr. Vrooman Sternberger, L'bert, Jr., cpl. Vrooman Sternberger, L'bert, Jr., cpl. Vrooman Sternbergh, Abm., private Vrooman Sternbergh, Abm., private Vrooman Sternbergh, Jacob, private Fisher Sterrenbergh, Joseph, ser. Fisher Sfert, Christ'r, private Van Rensselaer Stevans, John, private Clyde Stevans, Samuel, private Van Veghten Stevens, Dan'l, sergt.. Willet Stevens, Dan'l,* pnvate Willet Stevens, Eben'r, private Van Veghten Stevens, Elijah, private Malcom Stevens, Elijah, private Van Veghten Stevens, Elisha, private Hathorn Stevens, Elisha, private Van Veghten Stevens, James, sergeant Yates Stevens, James, sergeant Van Rensselaer Stevens, James, sergeant Yates Stevens, Jered, private Van Rensselaer Stevens, Jerem'h, private Drake Stevens, John, drummer Crane Stevens, John, private Willet Stevens, Jobn, private Hopkins Stevens, Jobn, private Vandenburgh Stevens, John, private Wemple Stevens, John, private Wemple Stevens, John, private Drake Stevens, Joseph, corporal Van Veghten Stevens, Joseph, corporal Van Veghten Stevens, Joseph, corporal Van Veghten Stevens, Joseph, private Van Veghten Stevens, Matt w, private Van Woert Stevens, Oliver, private Stevens, Peter, private Wemple Stevens, Peter, private Van Veghten Stevens, Reuben, private Stevens, Russel, private Wessenfels Stevens, Sam'l, private Van Veghten Stevens, Sam'l, private Van Veghten Stevens, Solomon, private Malcom Stevens, Stephen, private Malcom Stevens, Wm., sergeant Van Woert Stevens, Will., sergeant Yates Stevens, William, private Malcom Stevens, Wm., private Van Woert Stevens, William, private Van Woert Stevens, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Company. Onderdons DyckmanOlds Shaw Hadlock Onderdonk Sherwood McNitt Armstrong ArmstrongBrown FondaVeederMiller Miller Fisher Miller Miller Stubrach Stubrach Stubrach Brown Yates BrownStubrach Miller Rightmyer StubrachBrown Stubrach Miller Yates Yates De Garmo Leipe Thompson NewellVan Woert McKinstryVan Woert Miller • Van Woert Hadlock De Garmo Wiltse Turner Boyd Lewis Gross Van Benschoten Storm BanckerVan Slyck BoydThonipson Van Woert Winne Pettit Stevenson Bancker Van Woert Stevenson WhiteThompsonVan Woert Blakely GilmoreWeltse Wells Brown Vanderhoof 61 * Shot through the lungs. Columbia Co. B. 72. 482 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Stevens, Will., pnvate Van Rensselaer Still, Francis, private Schuyler Ostrum Stevenson, Benjamin, cap Hays Still John, private Johnson Wilkin Stevenson, Hugh, private Stevenson, Will., private Johnson Ostrander Still Robert, private Hathorn Telford Thomas Thomas Still Robt, private Malcom Drake Stever, Henry, ensign Van Alstyn Van Buren Stilhson, David, private Whiting Davis Stever, Jacob, sergeant Van Alstyn Van Buren Stillman, Henry, private Willet Tearse Stevers, Jerem'h, corp. Hammond Orser Stillman. Henry, private Willet Henry Steward, Daniel, private Armstrong Stillwell, James, sergeant Pawling Pawling Steward, Dan'l, private WempleVan Rensselaer Mynderse Odle Stillwell, Sam'l, private Yates Brutt Steward, Elemul, private Stillwill, James, sergeant Pawling Pawling Steward, Geo., private Wemple Van Slyck Stillwill, Thos. R., private Benedict Osburn Steward, Geo., private Luddington Lane Stilt, James, pnvate Stilwell, Sam 1, private Johnson Wilkin Steward, James, private Wemple Van Woert Van Slyck Yates Wiltse Steward, James, private .Steward, Jedediah, corp. Whiteside Stimens, Pbihp, sergeant Clyde Dygert Whiting Stimpson, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Steward, Jedediah, private Whiting Herrick Stine, Geo., ensign Fisher Putman Steward, John, private Willet Conine Stine, William, private Thomas St. John Steward, John, private Thomas Moseman Stinebriner, David, private Hathorn Bogardus , Steward, John, private Graham Muller Stinger, Solomon, private Stiples, Nathan, private Pawling Sacket Steward, Jno., corporal Wemple Wanson Hathorn Telford Steward, John, pnvate Steward, John, Jr., privat Wemple Bancker Stitt, John, private Johnson Gillispy s Armstrong Stivers, Jeremiah, private Van Bergen Honeywell Steward, Leflet, private Van Rensselaer Odle Stobats, Mich'l, private Fisher Yates Steward, Lemuel, private Van Rensselaer Odle Stobits, Mich'l, private Fisher Yates Steward, Robert, private Willet Marshall Stock, Godfrey, private Van Woert Wells Steward, Solomon, private Graham Sherwood Stock, Godfrey, private Van Woert Hodges Faulkner Steward, Stephen, private Crane Stockbridge, John, private Pawling Stewart, Alex'r, qr.-mr. Malcom Stockem, Isaac, private Drake Drake Stewart, Alex'r, corporal Webster McNitt Stocker, Seth, private Johnson Smith Stewart, Alex'r, private Williams Long Stockham, Sam'l, private Crane Lockwood Stewart, Alex'r, private Stewart, Alex'r, private Webster Long McNitt Stocks, Godfrey, private Van Woert Gilmore Armstrong Stockum, Jon'n, private Hopkins Lane Stewart, Alex'r, Sr., priv. Webster) Long Stockum, Wm., private Hopkins Lane Stewart, Arch'd, private Stewart, Charles, lieut Webster Long Stockwell, Levi, captain Stockwell, Levi, private Levies t Wessenfels Brewster Armstrong Tozer Stewart, Charles, sergeant Weissenfels Stocum, Wm., private Malcom LivingstonBlakely Stewart, Charles, private Cooper Gardner Stodard, John, private Malcom Stewart, Dan'l, private Webster Child Stokam, Isaac, private Drake Strang Stewart, Dan'l, private Wemple Wanson Stone, Aaron, private Webster Long Stewart, David, private Williams Long Stone, Aaron, private Armstrong Stewart, David, private Armstrong Long Stone, Conrad, ensign Fisher Fisher Stewart, David, private Webster Long Stone, Dan'l, private Dubois Chamberlain Stewart, Eliphalet, sergt. Stewart, Geo., corporal Van Rensselaer Stone, David, private Fisher Dykeman Willet Gillet Stone, George, lieut. Fisher Yeoman Stewart, Geo., private Willet Gillet Stone, George, ensign Fisher Yeoman Stewart, Geo., private Wemple Stone, George, private Stone, Israel, private Fisher Yeoman Stewart, James, ensign Williams Long Armstrong Stewart, James, ensign Webster Long Stone, Swelster, private Malcom McKinstry Stewart, James, ensign Armstrong- Long Stone, Wm., sergeant Fisher Yeoman Stewart, James, corporal Armstrong Long Stone, Will, private Fisher Yeoman Stewart, James, private Willet Livingston Stonebrander, David, priv. Wessenfels Dodge Stewart, James, private Webster Long Stoneburner, David, priv. Malcom Delavan Stewart, James, private Hays Smith Stoner, Henry, private Ponda Stewart, James, private Van Woert Gilmore Stoner, Henry, private Malcom Stewart, James, private Van Woert Brown Stook, Godfrey, private Van Woert Doty Stewart, James, private Van Woert McKillip Stoop, Francis, private Schuyler Lansing Stewart, Jobn, oorporal Webster Childs Stopplebeen, Jacob, priv. Willet Cannon Stewart, John, sergeant Willet Gillet Stoppjebeen, Jacob, priv. Willet Marshall Stewart, John, private Willet Harrison Stoppelbeen, Jacob, priv. Van Rensselaer Philip Stewart, John, private Willet Pearcy Stopplebeen, Johannes, pr . Van Alstyn Stewart, Lemuel, corporal Van Rensselaer Odle Stoppelbeen, Mich'l, priv. Van Rensselaer Philip Stewart, Oliver, private Webster Stopplebeen, Peter, sergt. Graham Muller Stewart, Oliver, private Armstrong Stoppelbeen, Peter, priv. Van Rensselaer Philip Stewart, Robt., heut. Williams Long Stopplebeen, Peter, priv. Van Rensselaer Osterhoudt Stewart, Robt., heut. Webster Long Stopplebeen, Peter, priv. Graham Muller Stewart, Robt., heut. Armstrong Long Stopplebern, Mich'l, priv. Van Rensselaer Osterhoudt Stewart, Sam'l, sergeant Webster Long Stoppleton, Peter, sergt. Graham Muller Stewart, Samuel, sergeant Graham Storam, Eben'r, private Graham Pearce Stewart, Samuel,* private McCrea Doty Storbitts, Mich'l, private Storing, Philip, private Fisher Yates Stewart, Samuel, private Webster Fisher Putman Stewart, Solomon, private Armstrong McNitt Storm, Ab'm, sergeant Hammond Comb Stewart, William, private Willet Livingston Storm, Abraham, sergean Storm, Abraham, private Hammond Orser Stewart, William, pnvate Steynbrenner, Benj'n, pr. Webster Long Cooper Blauvelt Vrooman Richtmyer Storm, Ab'm, private Hammond Martling Stickel, Nicholas, private Graham Husted Storm, Abr'm, private Storm, David, heut. Van Bergen Van Veghten Honeywell Van Woert Sticklin, John, private Thomas Lawrence Sticklin, John, Jr., private Thomas Lawrence Storm, David, private Hammond Orser Stickling, John, private Stidwell, Jobn, private Thomas St. John Storm, David, private Van Veghten Van Woert Drake Haight Storm, David, private Van Veghten Woodworth Stiles, Reuben, private Van Veghten Woodworth Storm, Hank, private Thomas * August 26 to November 23, 1779. A. P. 15-244. t In several regiments. Roster of the State Troops. 483 Name and Rank. Storm, Isaac, private Storm, Isaac, private Storm, Isaac, private Storm, Isaac, Jr., private Storm, Isaac, Sr., private Storm, Jacob, private Storm, James, lieut Storm, James, lieut Storm, John, private Storm, Nich's, private Storm, Nich's,- private Storm, Nich's, private Storm, Philip, private Storm, Thomas, captain Storm, Thomas, captain Storms, Abraham, private Storms, David, private Storms, Isaac, private Storms, Isaac, private Storms, Isaac, private Storms, James, lieut. Storms, James, private Storms, John, private Storms, Nich's, private Storms, London, private Stern, Jacob, private Stern, John, private Sternbergh, Joseph, sergt. Stort, Amos, private Stort, Wm,, private Stolt, Abraham, private Stott, William, private Stoughton, Levi, private StouF, Peter, private Stoutenburgh, Is'c, Jr., p. Stoutenburgh, Jacobus, p. Stovel, John, private Stoven, Isaac, private Stover, Francis, private Stover, Jacob, private Stow, Isaac, private Stowel, Asa, private Stowel, David, captain Stowel, David, lieut. Stowel, David, private Stowel, Hezekiah, private Strachan, John, private Stracher, John, private Strader, Jost, private Strader, Jost, private Strader, Nich's, private Strahan, John, private Strail, John, corporal Strail, John, private Strang, Gerard, private Strang, Gilbert, private Strang, Henry, captain Strang, Joseph, major Strang, Joseph, Jr., priv, Strang, Tho's, private Strannee, William, private Stranton, Marchen, priv. Straub, William, private Straub, William, private Straught, Jacob, private Strawhack, Adam, private Strawbeck, Adam, private Streader, Nicholas, private Streader, Nich's, private Strecher, John, private Streder, Nicholas, private Streeker, John, private Strevel, Dldrick, private Strieker, Ab'm, private Strickland, Abraham, serg. Strickland, Eben'r, private Strickland, Jacob, private Regiment. Company. Van Veghten Thompson Van Veghten Van Woert Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Van Veghten Vau Woert Van Veghten Van Woert Johnson Cross Van Veghten Thompson Van Veghten Winne Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoof Hammond Orser Fisher Yates Van Bergen Honeywell Fisber Yates Vandenburgh BrinkerhoffHays Smith Willet Welp Graham Van Veghten Winne Van Veghten Van Woert Van Veghten Van Woert Vandenburgh Van Wyck Vandenburgh Van Wyck Hammond Martling Hays(?) Stevenson Fisner Veeder Fisher Fisher Yates Whiting Salisbury Harper Harrison Wessenfels Brewster Hays Onderdonk Willet Newell Van Rensselaer Staats Wynkoop Schoonmaker Thomas Lyons Yates Hadlock Cortland Schuyler Van Wee Yates Weltse Van Schoonhoven Hicks Williams Rice Williams Williams Shepardson Williams Rice Williams Rice Klock Zeely Klock Miller Graham Muller Livingston Rockfeller Klock Miller Graham Conklin Fisher McMaster Fisher McMaster Drake Boyd Drake Boyd Drake Drake Drake Boyd Drake Strang Whiting Cady Van Schoonhoven Hicks Klock Klock Klock Suts Hays Blauvelt Willet Gross Clyde Ruff Klock Miller Klock House Klock Miller Klock House Klock Miller Livingston Elliot Johnson Smith Johnson Concklin Van Veghten Woodworth Johnson Ostrander Name and Rank. Regiment. Strickhn, Abraham, sergt. Johnson Stricklin, Eben'r, private Van Veghten Stricklin, Johu, private Thomas Stricklin, John, Jr., priv. Thomas Striker, Abr'm, private Johnson Stringham, Wm., private Hays Strobeck, Adam,*private Willet Strobeck, Adam, private Clyde Strobeck, Adam, private Clyde Strobeck, Fred'k, private Clyde Strobeck, Fred'k, private Clyde Strobeck, Jacob, private Clyde Strobegh, Adam, private Willet Strobell, Christ'r, private Bellinger Strobidge, James, private Crane Stronck, Henry, private Van Rensselaer Strong, Elias, t private Willet Strong, Gabriel, private Van Veghten Strong, Gabriel, private Van Veghten Strong, Joel, private Wessenfels Strong, Jobn, private Willet Strong, John, private Pawling Strong, John, private Drake Strong, Joseph, private Wessenfels Strong, Robert, private Harper Strong, Warham, private Willet Stroop, Bastyane, private Van Bergen Stroop, Jacob, private Van Bergen Stroop, John, private Van Rensselaer Strove!, John, corporal Yates Strovel, John, private Yates Strover, Mandeville, priv. Yates Strover, Manuel, private Yates Strubel, Christ., private Klock Strubel, Christ'r, private Klock Strutt, Aaron, private Brinckerhoff Stryker, Abraham, private Pawling Stryker, Abraham, private Pawling Stuart, Charles, lieut. Wessenfels Stuart, Charles, Jr., % sergt. Wessenfels Stuart, Charles, sergeant Pawling Stuart, Ezekiel, private Wessenfels Stuart, John, fifer Pawling Stuart, Oliver, private Webster Stuart, Oliver, private Harper Stuart, Wm., private Fisher Stuberach, Barent, private Graham Stubergh, Barent, private Vrooman Stubits, Michael, private Fisher Stubrach, Barent, private Vrooman Stubrach, Barent, private Vrooman Stubrach, Barent, private Vrooman Stubrach, Barent, private Vrooman Stubrach, Christ'n, captain Vrooman Stubrack, Barent, private Graham Stue, Thomas, private Webster Stukelin, Eben'r, private Van Veghten Stul, Jno., private Webster Stull, Wilhelmus, private Van Rensselaer Stun, George, ensign Fisher Sturdevant, Consider, q.m. Wessenfels Sturdevant, David, private Hopkins Sturdevant, Isaac, corporal Wessenfels Sturdevant, Isaac, private Wessenfels Sturdivant, David, private Pawling Sturdivant, Isaac, sergeant Malcom Sturdivant, Richard, priv. Luddington Sturges, Ab'm, private . Wessenfels Styles, Israel, private ' Van Veghten Stymets, William, private Piatt Suard, Daniel, private Crane Suard, Reuben, private Willet Subar, John, ensign Klock Suber, Coenradt, private Klock Suck, Zacherius, private Schuyler Sudam, Oke, lieut Piatt Sudam, Oke, lieut. Wynkoop Company. Mastin Van Woert LawrenceLawrence Concklin SmithGross Brown Leipe Brown Leipe LeipeFondaStaringLawrence Husted Pearcy Woodworth Van Woert Conine Hunter Bogart Newell Witbeck ' Witbeck DeForest YatesHadlockVandenburgh Vandenburgh Klock Suts BrowerWoodBurnetWestfallWestfallSackettBrewster Sackett Harrison Snook LansingMiller Yates StubrachBrown Miller Richtmyer LansingMcNitt Woodworth Armstrong FraistYates Pawling LaneWhite Brewster WilliamsDelavan ; Waterbury Winne Van Santvoort Chapman Pearcy Ruff Ruff LansingBrodhead * Wounded in the arm and back July 7, 1781. Montgomery county. B 36. t Enlisted early in 1782; discharged 1784. A. P. 18-107. X Fredericksburgh, Dutchess county. A. P. 15-321. 484 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Sugler, Richard, sergeant Suits, George, private Suits, Peter, pnvate Sulbach, Garret,* private Sulback, Christian, private Sulfridge, Oliver, private Suller, Andrew, private Suller, Gospord, private Sullivan, Chas., sergeant Sullivan, Chas., private Sullivan, Chas., private Sullivan, David, sergeant Sullivan, David, corp. Sullivan, David, corporal Sullivan, George, private Sullivan, Jacob, lieut. Sullivan, John, private Sullivan, Mich'l, private Sullivan, William, private Suits, John, private Suits, Peter, sergeant Sumers, Robt, private Summers, -Nich's, private Summers, Robt., private Summers, Robt, private Summons, John's, sergt Sumple, 'Hugh, private Siinicher, Lodowick, priv. Sup, William, private Supes, Coenradt, private Surdam, Ardris, private Surdam, Lawrence, private Surdam, Lawrence, private Surdam, Lump, private Surdam, Rynear, private Surdam, Sam'l, private Surdam, Tunis, private Surdan, Tunis, private Surgent, James, private Suro, Henry, pnvate Surret, David, private Surtland, Ambros, private Suthard, Henry, private Suthard, Thomas, private Sutherland, Ancus, private Sutherland, Gurlin, priv. Sutherland, James, priv. Sutherland, Joseph, priv. Sutherland, Rich'd, priv. Sutherland, Silas, sergt Sutherland, Silas, sergt. Sutherland, Smith, captain Sutherland, Solomon, priv. Sutherland, Stephen, priv. Sutherland, Stephen, priv. Sutherland, William, corp. Sutherland, Wm., private Sutherly, Aukis, private Suts, Derick, private Suts, Dirck, private Suts, John, lieut. Suts, John, private Suts, John, private Suts, John, private Suts, Peter, captain Suts, Peter, sergeant Suts, Peter, private Suts, Peter, private Sutten, Joseph, private Sutton, And w, private Sutton, James, private Sutton, John Pell, private Sutton, Solomon, private Sutton, Thomas, private Sutton, William, private Sutts, John, private Sutts, John, Jr., private Sutts, Peter, coi-poral Sutts, Peter, corporal Regiment. Drake WilletWilletKlock Klock Willet Clyde Clyde WempleWemple Wemple Van Rensselaer Graham Van Rensselaer Phillips Wemple Newkirk Wessenfels PawlingKlock KlockVan Woert Schuyler Van Woert Van Woert Cantine Fisher Hays , Graham Quackenboss YatesVan Rensselaer Yates Yates Vandenburgh Yates Van Woert Yates Webster Van Woert Willet Cortland Van Alstyn VroomanWessenfelsWessenfels Hopkins Hopkins Thomas Graham Hopkins Drake Crane Wessenfels DuboisVrooman Klock Klock Klock Klock KlockKlock Klock Klock KlockKlock BrinckerhoffDrake Van Schoonhoven Drake.Drake PhillipsPawling Klock Klock KlockKlock Company. SkinnerSkinner Breadbeck Zeely LivingstonDifendorf Diffendorf Wanson Fonda Wanson Schermerhorn Magee Schermerhorn Miller Wanson McBride Brewster WestfallHess Miller Gilmore Van Aernum Gilmore Doty HasbrouckYates WilsonHadlock De Garmo BrownVan Wyck BrownHodges Hadlock Stevenson Whiteside Wright Philips Richmyer Dodge ShephardTalmadge Brinkerhoff Lyon Hobby Talmadge Seely Lawrence ShephardChamberlain Klock SutsKlock Klock SutsMiller Klock Klock Miller Van Wyck DrakeAylsworth DrakeDrake MillerWestfallKock Kock ZeelyKock Name and Rank. Regiment. Suvis, Henry, private Webster Suyland, Johannis, private Wynkoop Suyland, Johannis, private Wynkoop Swaar, Jacob, private Pawling Swain, John, private Van Rensselaer Swan, Edward, private Van Alstyne Swan, Wm., private Malcom Sward, Stephen, private Crane Swart, Abraham, private Johnson Swart, Benj'n, sergeant Fisher Swart, Benj'n, sergeant Fisher Swart, Benjamin, corporal Malcom Swart, Benjamin, private Fisher Swart, Benj'n, private Fisher Swart, Benjamin, private Wynkoop Swart, Corn's, private Wynkoop Swart, Cornelius, private Wynkoop Swart, Cornelius L., priv Wynkoop Swart, Daniel, private Johnson Swart, Dan'l, private Johnson Swart, Denes, corporal Vrooman Swart, Dennis, private Vrooman Swart, Geo., pnvate Schuyler Swart, Isaac, private Johnson Swart, Isaias J., lieut. Fisher Swart, Jacobus, private Wemple Swart, James, private Wemple Swart, Jerem'h, lieut. Fisher Swart, John, private Fisher Swart, John, private Fisher Swart, John, private Johnson Swart, John, private Johnson Swart, John, private Fisher Swart, Lawrence, private Vrooman Swart, Lawrence, private Vrooman Swart, Lawrence, private Vrooman Swart, Nicholas, sergeant Wemple Swart, Peter, ensign Vrooman Swart, Peter, ensign Vrooman Swart, Peter, private Wynkoop Swart, Philip, captain Snyder Swart, Philip, captain Wynkoop Swart, Sies, sergeant Fisher Swart, Teunis, private Vrooman Swart, Thomas, private Wessenfels Swart, Thomas, private Wynkoop Swart, Thomas, private Wynkoop Swart, Thunis, heut. Wemple Swart, .Tobias, corporal Wynkoop Swart, Tobias, private Wynkoop Swart, Tunis, private Fisher Swart, Tunis, private Wynkoop Swart, Walter, private Fisher Swart, Walter, private Fisher Swart, Will., lieut. Fisher Swart, Will., sergeant Fisher Swart, William, private Hathorn Swart, William, private Pawling Swart, Wm., private Malcom Swart, Wm., private Fisher Swart, William, private Wynkoop Swartout, Aaron, fifer Hathorn Swartout, Jacobus, ensign Brinckerhoff Swartwout, Aaron, fifer Hathorn Swartwout, Aaron, fifer Hathorn Swartwout, Cornelius, ser. Pawling Swartwout, Corn's, private Brinckerhoff Swartwout, Corn's,t priv. McClaughry Swartwout, Derick, corpl. Vandenburgh Swartwont, Jabes, lieut. Vandenburgh Swartwout, Jack, private Wessenfels Swartwort, Jacobus, ensign Brinckerhoff Swartwout, Jacobus, ensign Swartwout, James, ensign Brinckerhoff Swartwout, James, private Klock Swartwout, John, corporal Brinckerhoff Swartwout, John, private Vandenburgh Swartwout, John, private Brinckerhoff Swartwout, John, private Graham Company. Tozer Bogardu3Swart Pawling Schermerhorn A. P. 18-176. Delavan ChapmanJansen Mabee Degraas Cantine McMaster Degraas Schoonmaker Van Buren Swart Schoonmaker Gillispy JansenBrown Slyngerlandt GillispyDegraas Van Allen Van Patten Marselis Yates Degraas Gillispy WilkinMcMaster HeagerStubrach Richtmyer Van Petten Heager Heager Fisher Miller PawlingVan Beuren Schoonmaker Van Petten Swart Van Buren McMaster De Witt Degraas Marselis Marselis Marselis Bogardus Cantine Swart Miller BrinckerhoofMiller Minthorn Wood Schutt Cuddeback Storm Van Wyck White Schutt Brinkerhoof BrowerBrinckerhoof Van Wyck Schutt Conklin * Wounded in the abdomen Aug. 6, 1777. Palatine Distr. B. 139. t Right hip-bone broken by a musket ball, and shot in left thigh at Peenpack, Ulster Co., Oct. 13, 1778. Farmer, Peenpack. B 71. Roster of the State Troops. 485 Name and Rank. Regiment. Swartwout, Moses, private Wisner Swartwout, Rich'd, private Brinckerhoff Swartwout, Samuel, priv. Wessenfels Swartwout, Sam'l, private Brinckerhoff Swartwout, Thomas, corpl. Brinckerhoff Swartwout, Thomas, priv. Brinckerhoff Swartwout, Wm., lieut. Hopkins Swartwout, Wm., lieut. Brinckerhoff Swartwout, Wm., lieut. Brinckerhoff Swayer, Lambert, sergeant Willet Swayer, Lambert, private Willet Sweat, Wm., sergeant Sweet, Amos, private Sweet, Amos, private Sweet, Benj'n, private Sweet, Godfrey,* private Sweet, James, private Sweet, Jerem'h, private Sweet, Nathan, private Sweet, Robert, private Sweet, Sam'l, private Sweet, Silas, private Sweet, Thomas, private Swart, Thuner, lieut Sweet, Timothy, corporal Sweet, Wm., sergeant Sweet, Wm., sergeant Sweet, Wm., private Sweeting, Lewis, private Sweeting, Nath'l, private Sweetling, Ambus, private Malcom Sweezy, Joseph, private Wessenfels Swegles, Matthias, private Wisner Swertfeeger, Augustin, pr. Schuyler Swelling, Ambus, private Malcom Swift, Ambrose, private Wessenfels Swift, Isaiah, corporal Luddington Swift, Isaiah, corporal Luddington Swingle, Herivmus, private Johnson Swins. Joseph, private Brinckerhoff Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Yates Graham Van Rensselaer Harper Van Rensselaer Weisenfels WeisenfelsVan Rensselaer .Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Wemple Graham Yates Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Company. Miller Brinckerhoff DodgeSchuttSchutt BrinckerhoofBrinkerhoff Schutt Brower Putman Fonda De Garm OdleHadlock Vail Drake Shaw ShawOdle Shaw Van Petten Vail De Garmo Shaw TurnerTurner Livingston WhiteBartolf TillmanLivingston Mead Baker Jansen Storm Name and Rank. Swisselman, Christian, pr. Swits, Ab'm, major Swits, Henry, private Swits, Jacob, private Swits, Jacob, private Swits, Jacob A., corporal Swits, Jacob A., private Swits, Jacob I., private Swits, Jacob I., private Swobe, Michael, private Swolve, Michael, private Swoonover, Benj'n.private Sword, Thomas, private Swords, Thomas, private Sybel, Jacob, private Syble, Martinus, sergeant Syble, Martinus, private Sybrand, Wiele, private Sybre, Jacob, private Syce, Ab'm, private Sycher, John, lieut. Syder, Lodowick, private Syfert, John, private Syfert, John, private Sylmser, Mayrter, private Symmister, John, drum'r Symonds, Ruben, private Sypher, Jacob, private Sypher, Jacob, private Sypher, Jeremiah, private Sypher, John, private Sypher, John, private Sypher, John, private Sypher, John, private Sypher, John, Jr., private Sypher, Pero, corporal Sypher, Peter, drummer Sypher, Peter, private Syphert, Godfrey, private Syphor, John, private Regiment Company. Willet Putman Wemple Wemple Mynderson Wemple Fonda Wemple Mynderson Wemple Fonda Wempie Mynderson Wemple Fonda Wemple Mynderson Fonda Fonda Pawling Wemple Westfall Bancker Wemple Wanson Schuyler Slyngerlandt Schuyler Schuyler Groot Slyngerlandt Yates Yates Schuyler Groot Wemple Bancker Hays Schuyler Klock Slyngerlandt Miller Klock Bouse Fisher Degraas Skinner Willet Wemple Mynderson Hammond Martling Hammond Requa Hammond Orser Hammond Comb Hammond Martling Hammond Requa Hammond Orser Hammond Requa Hammond Orser Hammond Orser Van Bergen Honeywell Klock Kock Horton T. Taber, Harman, private Taber, William, private Tabor, Benjamin, private Tabor, Nath'l, private Tabor, Record, private Tabor, Will., corporal Tackier, James, private Taggert, James, private Tail, Andrew, pnvate Taim, Walter, private Takeels, James, private Talbush, Jesse, private Talhamer, Peter, private Tallady, John, private Tallar Ahasurus,. private Tallbush, Andrew, private Tallbush, Jonah, private Taller, John, private Taller, William, private Tallmage, Elish, ensign Tallman, Abr'm, sergeant Tallman, Dowe, private Tallman, Dowe, private Tallman, Garret, private Tallman, Garret, private Tallman, Harman, private Tallman, John, private Tallman, John, private Tallman, Thomas, drum'r Tallman, Timothy, private Tallman, Timothy, private Tallman, William, private Tailor, Sw., sergeant Tallow, Perue, private Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Willett Gross Van Rensselaer Niles Graham Pearce Van Rensselaer Niles Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Webster Long Fisher Snook Graham Muller Willet Marshall Armstrong Long Graham Magee Van Schoonhoven Visscher Willet Cannon Armstrong Long Fonda Wemple Wemple Fonda Armstrong Long Armstrong McNitt Van Rensselaer Philips Hays Bells Hays Blauvelt Hays Hogencamp Hays HogencampSickles Hays Hays Bells Hays Sickles Hays Hogencamp Graham Lansing Vandenburgh Brinkerhoff Storm Brinkerhoff Cooper Gardner Van Bergen Hoghtaling Drake Tallow, Pure, private Drake Talmadge, James, captain Hopkins Talmage, Joel, private Van Ness Talmage, Josiah, private Van Ness Talman, Ezekiel, private Van Veghten Talman, Jon'n, sergeant Van Woert Talman, Jon'n, corporal Van Woert Talman, Jon'n, private Van Woert Talman, Thomas, drummer Willet Talman, William, private Van Woert Talman, William, private Talman, Wm., private Talton, John, corporal Tamage, Ezra, private Tamson, John, private Taning, Henry, private Tankees, Isaac, private Tanner, Abel, private Tanner, Abel, private Tanner, Benjamin, private Harper Tanner, Gideon, private Harper Tanner, Jacob, sergeant Tanner, Jacob, private Tanner, John, private Tanner, John, private Tanner, Jobn, private Tanner, Joseph, private Tanner, Joseph, private Tanner, Joseph Allen, cap. Van Ness Tanner, Nathan, private Van Renselaer Tannor, Zephar, private Tansa, Peter, private Tansel, Daniel, private Tansel, Nich's, private Van Woert Van Woert Van Rensselaer Webster Pawling Wessenfels Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Fisher WebsterArmstrong Thomas Van Woert Van Woert Pawling Van Bergen Willet Willet WinneBrown Doty BrownMarshall Doty Brown Whiteside HumfreyCady LongFaulknerHunt Niles Schermerhorn Drake Harrison Yates Childs Sackett Doty BrownOdle Westbrook Dubois ElsworthElsworth * Wounded in right hand and wrist at Fort Ann, July 7, 1777. 486 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Taple, Jacob, private Tappen, John, sergeant Tappen, Matt'w, sergeant Tappen, Matt'w, corporal Tappen, Peter, private Tarbush, Henry, private Tarbush, Joseph, private Tarepening, Rich'd, priv. Tarepenning, Jacob, priv. Tarepenning, Samuel, pr. Tarr, Nath'l, private Tarry, Nath'l, sergeant Tarry, Nath'l, private Tarry, Norton, corporal Talter, John, sergeant Talter, Jobn, private Taulman, Abraham, corpl. Taulman, Abraham, priv. Taulman, Dowe, private Taulman, Harman, ensign Taulman, Harman, sergt. Taulman, Jacob, private Taulman, John, sergeant Taulman, John, private Taulman, Peter, private Taulman, Theunis,* lieut. Taulman, Theunis D., priv. Taulman, Theunis H., pr. Taulman, Thomas, lieut Taulman, Thomas, private Taun, John, private Taws, David, private Taylor, Abner, private Taylor, Asa,t private Taylor, Caleb, private Taylor, Dan'l, private Taylor, David, private Taylor, David, corporal Taylor, Eben'r, pnvate Taylor, Eben'r, private Taylor, Edmund, private Taylor, Edmund, private Taylor, Elijah, pnvate Taylor, Elijah, private Taylor, Elijah, private Taylor, Elnathan, private Taylor, Ezekiel, major Taylor, Friend, private Taylor, Gameliel, sergeant Taylor, Gam'l, private Taylor, Gilbert, private Taylor, Gilbert, private Taylor, Gilbert, private Taylor, Henry, private Taylor, Henry, private Taylor, Henry, private Taylor, Henry, private Taylor, Isaac, private Taylor, Israel, private Taylor, Israel, private Taylor, James, corporal Taylor, James, corporal Taylor, James, private Taylor, James, private Taylor, James, private Taylor, James, private Taylor, Jasper, private Taylor, Jasper, private Taylor, Jeremiah, corpl. Taylor, Jerem'h, private Taylor, Jerem'h, private Taylor, Jerem'h, private Taylor, Jesper, private Taylor, Jesse, private 1 Taylor, John, Ueut XVEQIMENT WvnkoopPiattWessenfels WessenfelsWynkoop Hathorn Pawling Johnson Pawling Johnson Van Woert Van Woert WessenfelsWessenfels Wessenfels HaysHaysHays Hays Hays MalcomHays Hays Hays Graham Hays Hays Hays Hays Hays Wemple Cooper Chester. (Ct.Line) Isham Hathorn McCamley Company. Van Buren LeeDodge Dodge Bogardus Case Hunter Concklin Hunter Concklin Stevenson Brown BrownWestfall BrewsterBrewsterSmithSmith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Bell SmithSmithSmith Smith Smith Wanson Gardner Luddington NewkirkWessenfels WilletDrake DrakePawling Pawling Drake HammondVan Schoonhoven Willet Vandenburg Luddington Hammond Drake Benedict Pawling Hays Drake Graham Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten GrahamGraham Graham Graham Hays Schuyler Willet Mead McBrideHowley WestfallGilletHaight Buckhout Hunter Sacket Buckhout Hole Wheeler Knapp CombOsburn WoodStevenson Drake Husted ThompsonThompsonWinneLansingWilliamsWilliamsLansingTourneur VeederElsworth Bogart Wefssenfels White Dubois Lee Van Veghten Woodworth Van Veghten Winne Willet Elsworth Van Ness Whiting Van Schoonhoven Vandenbergh Name and Rank. Taylor, John, corporal Taylor, John,:, private Taylor, John, corporal Taylor, John, private Taylor, John, private Taylor, John, private Taylor, John, private Taylor, John, private Taylor, John, private Taylor, John, private Taylor, John, Jr., private Taylor, Jon'n, private Taylor, Jonathan, private Vail Ness Taylor, Joseph, private Willet Taylor, Joseph, private Taylor, Joseph, private Taylor, Joseph, private Taylor, Joshua, captain Taylor, Joshua, lieut Taylor, Joshua, private Taylor, Lucas, private Taylor, Matthias, lieut. Taylor, Matthias, sergean Taylor, Moses, sergeant Taylor, Samuel, pnvate Taylor, Samuel, private Taylor, Solomon, private Taylor, Spencer, private Taylor, Stephen, private Taylor, Stephen, private Taylor, Stephen, private Taylor, Stephen, private Taylor, Thomas, private Taylor, Thos., private Taylor, Thomas, private Taylor, Walter, corporal Taylor, Walter, private Taylor, Walter, private Taylor, Walter, private Taylor, Walter, private Taylor, William, corporal Hays Taylor, William, private Taylor, William, private Taylor, Wm., private Teabout, George, private Teabout, Henry, private Teachout, Jacob, private Tead, Charles, pnvate Tead, SamueL private Tead, Will., Jr., private Tearpenny, Levi, private Tears, Lawrence, private Tearse, Peter B., captain Techout, Jacob, private Regiment. Company. Hays Blauvelt Hays Onderdonck Van Schoonhoven Taylor Wessenfels Thompson Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Van Schoonhoven Taylor Van Ness Drake Boyd Van Cortland Van Rensselaer Woodworth Van Schoonhoven Taylor Hays Tourneur Livingston Graham Lansing Schuyler Lansing Field Hecock Van Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Steenberg Hays Gardner Qnackenboss Van Wie Van Alstyn Truesdel Van Alstyn Philips HaysWillet Bell Harrison Willet Pearcy Wemple Mynderson Willet Newell Wessenfels White Dubois McFoght Brinckerhoof Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Schutt Willet Conine Willet Cannon Drake Hadden Wemple Willet Gillet Wemple Mynderson Wemple Bancker Wemple Van Slyck Blauvelt Hays Hathorn Mervin HaysDubois Onderdonk McFoght Hays Ackerson Hays Ackerson Yates Weltse Drake Haight Klock Hess Drake Haight Johnson Gillispy Johnson Jansen WilletVan Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Techout, William, private Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Teechout, Jacob, private Schuyler Lansing Teed, Charles, private Drake Haight Teehout, Jacob, private Van Schoonhoven Teerpaning, Abr'm, private Wynkoop Swart Teerpaning, Garrit, private Wynkoop Swart Teerpaning, Jacobus, priv. Wynkoop Swart Teerpaning, Petrus, priv. Wynkoop Swart Teerpaning, Simeon, priv Wynkoop Swart Teerpaning, William, cor. Wynkoop Teerpanning, Henry, lieut. Wynkoop Swart Teerpening, WiUiam, priv. Wynkoop Swart Teerponning, Lawrence, p. Pawling Piercy Teerpenny, Abraham, pr. Pawling De Witt Teerpenny, Will., private Snyder Swart Teers, Jacob, private Piatt Van Santvoort Teers, Lawrence, private Johnson , Johnson Teethout, Jacob, private Schuyler Lansing Teets, John, private Snyder Swart Teetshout, Jacob, private Schuyler Lansing Telfer, Geo., private Van Woert Doty •Rockland Co. A. P., 21-9. ' t Disabled by a cannon ball at White Plains Oct. 23, 1776. Hampton, Washington Co. A, 80. Bb, 55. X Backbone fractured by a ball in an engagement in Bergen county, N. J., May 17, 1779. Cartman, formerly of Clarkstown, Orange county, later New York city. Aa 78. Roster of the State Troops. 487 Name and Rank. Telford, William, captain Regiment. Hathorn WempleThomas ¦-- Van Rensselaer Wemple Tell, Jobn, private Teller, Henry, private Teller, Jacob, corporal Teller, Jacobus, private Teller, James, captain Teller, John, private Wemple Teller, John, private Van Bergen Teller, Oliver, private Hopkins Teljar, Oliver, private Brinckerhoff Teller, Wm., private Wemple Teller, Wm., sergeant Wemple Teller, Wm., private Wemple Temple, James, private Livingston Ten Broeck, A., general Ten Broeck, Adam, ensign Van Rensselaer Ten Broeck, Corn's, priv. Ten Broeck, Peter B., lieut. Malcom Ten Broeck, Sam'l, major Ten Broeck, Samuel, lieut. Van Schoonhoven Tenbrook, John, private Wynkoop Ten Brook, Peter B., lieut. Harper Ten Brook, Peter B., priv. Van Rensselaer Ten Brook, Sam'l, private Van Rensselaer Ten Brouk, John, private Lansing Tenery, Sover, private Vrooman Ten Eyck, Abm., It, p. m. Willet Ten Eyck, Abm., private Livingston Ten Eyck, Barent, q.-m. s. Harper Ten Eyck, Barent, sergt. Willet Ten Eyck, Barent, private Willet Ten Eyck, Barent, private Willet Ten Eyck, Barent, private Van Rensselaer Ten Eyck, Coenradt, major Quackenboss Ten Eyck, Derick, private Hathorn Ten Eyck, Dirck, private Wynkoop Ten Eyck, Gurney, private Willet Ten Eyck, Jacob, private Wemple Ten Eyck, Jacob, private Ten Eyck, Jacob, private Ten Eyck, John, private Ten Eyck, Jno., Jr., priv. Ten Eyck, John B., sergt. Livingston Ten Eyck, Jno. B., private Livingston Ten Eyck, Matthew, priv. Hays Ten Eyck, Myndert L, pr. Wemple Ten Eyck, Myndert S., pr. Wemple Ten Eyck, Peter, ensign Van Rensselaer Tenis, Jacob, corporal Tennel, Edward, private Tenner, Jacob, private Tenner, Zopbar, priyate Tenpenny, John, private Tensler, John, corporal Tenure, James, pnvate Tenure, James, private Tenure, James, private Tenure, John, private Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston BellingerVan Veghten Willet Pawling Brinckerhoff Yates Cooper Hays Hays Cooper Tenure, Lawrence, private Hays Tenure, Odle, private Hays Tenure, Odle, private Hays Tenyke, Hend k, private Cooper Tenyke, Henry, private Hays Tenyke, Jacob, private Hays Tenyke, Jacob, Jr., private Hays Tenyke, John, private Hays Terboss, Abr'm, private Brinckerhoff Terboss, William, private Hammond TerBush, Henry, private Pawling TerBush, Henry, private Vandenburgh Terbush, Henry, private Dubois Terbush, Joseph, private Wessenfels Terbush, Joseph, private Pawling TerBush, William, private Wessenfels TerBush, William, private Vandenburgh Tercoss, Wm., private Brinckerhoff Terepening, Abr'm, corp. Hathorn Terepening, Levy, private Hathorn Terhone, John, private Brinckerhoff Terhoon, Dan'l, corp. Brinckerhoff Terhoon, John, sergeant Brinckerhoff Terhune, Dan'l, private Brinckerhoff Company. Van Petten MosemanDe Forest Schermerhorn Witbeck Brinkerhoff Van Wyck FondaOuthoutWanson Shaver Osterhoudt Roseboom McKinstry Van Denburgh Lawrence Osterhoudt Brown Miller A, P. 18-287 ShaverBogart Cannon Conine CannonPrice Mervin WelpShaverShawShaver Shaw Shaw Shaver Van Slyck Schermerhorn Schermerhorn Staring Thompson PutmanFaulkner Van Benschoten Blauvelt TourneurHogencamp Blauvelt Smith Smith OnderdonkGardner Gardner Ackerson Ackerson Gardner Van Wyck Sackett Van Wyck McFoght PawlingPawling Brewster Van Wyck Van Wyck ConklinConklin Van Benschoten Van Benschouten Van Benschouten Van Benschoten Johnson Wynkoop Wynkoop Armstrong Webster Webster ThomasHathorn PawlingMalcom Malcom Crane Luddington Dubois Name and Rank. Regiment. Ternure, Lawrence, priv. Terpaning, Lawrence, pr. Terpaning, Wm., private Terpanning, Henry, lieut. Terpening, Joseph, privateJohnson1' Terpenning, Dirk, private Johnson Terpenning, Elias, private Johnson Terpenning, Henry, lieut. Pawling Terpenning, Jacob, private Wessenfels Terpenning, Jno., private Hopkins Terpenning, John, private Brinckerhoff Terpenny, Abr'm, sergt. Johnson Terpenny, Jacobus, priv. Snyder Terpenny, Lawrence, priv. Johnson Terrel, Job, private Van Rensselaer Terrel, Samuel, drummer Williams Terril, Amos, private Websteri Terril, Amos, private Armstrong Terril, Matthew, drummer Hathorn Terril, Sam'l, corporal Webster Terril, Sam'l, drummer Webster Terril, Sam'l, drummer Terril, William, sergeant Terril, Wm., corp. Ten-is, Johath, private Terry, Benjamin, private Terry, Benjamin, private Terry, Benj'n, private Terry, Nath'l, sergeant Terry, Northan, private Terry, Sam'l, private Terry, Sam'l, private Terry, Turbany, private Terwillerger, Simon, priv. Quackenboss Terwilligar, Jacob, lieut. Johnson Terwilliger, Aaron, private Johnson Terwilliger, Aaron, privateJohnson Terwilliger, Aaron, privateJohnson Terwilliger, Aaron, private Pawling Terwilliger, Abr'm, priv. Johnson Terwilliger, Abraham, pr. Johnson Terwilliger, Ab'm, .private Pawling Terwilliger, Abr'm, priv. Pawling Terwilliger, Ab'm, private Dubois Terwilliger, Abra'm,Jr., p. Johnson Terwilliger, Arie, corporal Hathorn Terwilliger, Aron, private Wessenfels Terwilliger, Ary, private Johnson Terwilliger, Aury, private Johnson Terwilliger, Benjamin, pr. Johnson Terwilliger, Benjamin, pr. Johnson Terwilliger, Corn's, priv. Johnson Terwilliger, Corn's, priv. Johnson Terwilliger, Corn's, priv. Graham Terwilliger, Daniel, priv. Johnson Terwilliger, Evert, private Johnson Terwilliger, Evert, private Cantine Terwilliger, Harmanus.sgt. Terwilliger, Hendrick, pr. Johnson Terwilliger, Hendricus, pr. Johnson Terwilliger, Hendricns, pr. Johnson Terwilliger, Henry, private Johnson Terwilliger, Hezekiel, priv. Johnson Terwilliger, Hugh, private Johnson Terwilliger, Isaac, private Johnson Terwilliger, Isaac, private Wemple Terwilliger, Isaac, private Johnson Terwilliger, Isaac, Jr., pr. Johnson Terwilliger, Jacob, lieut. Hathorn Terwilliger, Jacob, private Johnson Terwilliger, Jacob, private Fisher Terwilliger, Jacob, Jr., pr. Johnson Terwilliger, Jacobus, priv. Johnson Terwilliger, Jacobus, priv. Pawling Terwilliger, Jacobus, priv. Pawling Terwilliger, Jacobus, priv. Wemple Terwilliger, Jacobus, priv. Wemple Terwilliger, James, privateJohnson Terwilliger, James, privateJohnson Terwilliger, James, private Wessenfels Terwilliger, James, private Dubois Terwilliger, James, private Fisher Company. Ostrander Swart Van Beuren Mastin Johnson Van Aken Hardenburgh Van Benschoten Van Benschouten VanDenburghWilkinSmithTurnerHamilton Hamilton Wilson Miller Hamilton Wilson McNitt McNittSt. John Bailey Westfall McKinstry Delavan Lockwood Mead Chamberlain Mastin Ostrander Jansen SmithDeWitt Ostrander Smith Faulkner PiercyBurnet Johnson ConklinGodwin SmithOstrander Gillispy Ostrander Jansen Smith JansenJansen HasbrouckFonda Cross Jansen Gillispy Cross Jansen Robinson CrossVan Petten JansenJohnsonConklin Veeder Ostrander Roosa FaulknerPawling Van Petten Van Atten OstranderSmithLivingstonBurnet Veeder 488 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Johnson Johnson Johnson Wessenfels Terwilliger, James F., cor. Johnson Terwilliger, James P., pr. Pawling Terwilliger, Jerean, priv. Brinckerhoff Terwilliger, John, pnvate Johnson Terwilliger, Jonas, corpl. Terwilliger, Joseph, priv. Terwilliger, Joseph, priv. Terwilliger, Josiah, priv Terwilliger, Jurrain, priv. Brinckerhoff Terwilliger, Martin, priv. Wessenfels Terwilliger, Mart's, priv. Pawling Terwilliger, Matt'w, sergt. Johnson Terwilliger, Orrey, private Johnson Terwilliger, Peter, private Johnson Terwilliger, Peter, private Johnson Terwilliger, Peter, private Wessenfels Terwilliger, Peter, private Pawling Terwilliger, Peterfaur, pr. Johnson Terwilliger, Peter N., priv. Johnson Terwilliger, Peter P., priv. Johnson Terwilliger, Peter P., priv. Johnson Terwilliger, Peter P., priv. Johnson Terwilliger, Peter Vas, pr. Johnson Terwilliger, Peter V., priv. Johnson Terwilliger, Petrus, priv. Johnson Terwilliger, Philip, private Johnson Terwilliger, Philip, private Johnson Terwilliger, Simon, sergt. Johnson Terwilliger, Simon, sergt. Johnson Terwilliger, Simon, privateJohnson Terwilliger, Simon, privateJohnson Terwilliger, Solomon, priv. Johnson Terwilliger, Solomon, priv. Johnson Terwilliger, Solomon, priv. Wemple Terwilliger, Teunis, corpl. Johnson Terwilliger, Teunis, priv. Terwilliger, Teunis, priv. Terwilliger, Teunis, priv. Terwilliger, Teunis, priv. Terwilliger, Teunis, triv. Terwilliger, Teunis C., pr. Johnson Terwilliger, Teunis C, pr. Wessenfels Terwilliger, Tunis, private Graham Terwilliger, Tunis, private Dubois Terwilliger, Wilhelmus, p. Pawling Terwilliger, William, priv. Johnson Terwilliger, William, priv. Wessenfels Terwilliger, Zachariah,* p. Terwilling, Abraham, cor. Johnson Tery, Dsbany, private Testil, Johannis, private Tetter, William, private Tetterly, John, private Hathorn Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson DuboisWynkoop Cooper Clyde Teuriger, Wilhelmus, cor. Phillips Thacher, John, private Willet Tharber, Hezekiah, priv. Whiting Tharp, Matt'w, private Pawling Thatcher, Stephen, private Brinckerhoff Theal, Will., private Drake Theel, Joseph, private Brinckerhoff Thiet, William, private Drake Thocker, Stephen, private Vandenburgh Thom, Dan'l, private Drake Thomas, Benj n, private Thomas, Benah, corporal Thomas, Berial, corporal Thomas, Caleb, private Thomas, Caleb, private Thomas, Edward, adjt Thomas, Eliphalet, private Armstrong Thomas, Ed d, lieut. Thomas Thomas, Edward, sergeant Thomas Thomas, Ephraim, pnvate Webster Thomas, Ephraim, private Webster Thomas, Ephraim, private Graham Thomas, Ezekiel, surgeon Van Alstyn Thomas, Ezekiel, private Van Alstyn Thomas, Israel, private Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Hopkins Willet Malcom Van Alstyn Thomas Company. Robinson Hunter Van Benschoten Gillispy Mastin Roosa Smith LivingstonVan Benschouten Hardenburgh Burnet JansenJansen Mastin ConklinHardenburg DeWitt Jansen Cross Gillispy Jansen Smith Gillispy Cross Jansen RoosaRobinson Johnson Jansen Gillispy Johnson ConcklinMastin Van Petten ConcklinConklinGillispyOstrander Wilkins SmithGillispy WhiteBurnet PiercyWhite Jansen ChamberlainBlauvelt Leipe Ostrander Welp KingWestfallBrinckerhoff Haight BrownBuckhout Van Wyck Haight Niles Waters WelpLivingstonTruesdel Tozer Long Tozer Vosburgh Odle Name and Rank. Regiment. Thomas, Israel, private Schuyler Thomas, Israel, private Van Rensselaer Thomas, Jacob, corporal Van Alstyn Thomas, Jacob, private Harper Thomas, Joel, private Armstrong Thomas, Johannes, priv. Livingston Thomas, John, captain Webster Thomas, John, captain Thomas Thomas, John, sergeant Webster Thomas, John, private Webster Thomas, John, private Hopkins Thomas, John, private Graham Thomas, John, private Webster Thomas, John, private Armstrong Thomas, Joseph, private Luddington Thomas, Joseph, + private Wessenfels Thomas, Peter, sergeant Harper Thomas, Peter, corporal Van Schoonhoven Thomas, Peter, corporal Thomas, Ralph, sergeant Willet Thomas, Rich'd, sergeant Dubois Thomas, Robert, private Schuyler Thomas, Samuel, private Armstrong Thomas, Thomas, colonel Thomas, Thomas, private Fields Thomas, Will, private Van Rensselaer Thomlinson, Sam'l, private Van Ness Thomp, James, private Armstrong Thomp, Joseph, private Armstrong Thompkins, Joshua, priv. Graham Thompla, Sylvanus, priv. Drake Thompson, Aaron, private Clyde Ahijah, private Pawling Abisha, priv. Livingston Alexander, pr. Johnson Andrew, capt. Wessenfels And'w, lieut. Van Woert And'w, lieut. Van Woert And'w, sergt. Johnson And'w, sergt Johnson And'w, sergt. Philips And'w, sergt. Johnson Arch'd, priv. Johnson Arch'd, priv. Johnson Arch'd, priv. Johnson Company. Foreast BriesPhilips Bogart Long Rockenfeller Thompson ThompsonThompsonThompson Thompson ThompsonThompson. ThompsonThompson.Thompson.ThompsonThompson.ThompsonThompson,ThompsonThompson,Thompson Thompson. Thompson ThompsonThompson Thompson Thompson.Thompson Thompson,Thompson. ThompsonThompsonThompson. ThompsonThompson,ThompsonThompsonThompsonThompson,Thompson Thompson Thompson ThompsonThompson!ThompsonThompson. ThompsonThompsonThompson Thompson -, private Hays Benj'n, private Wisner Caleb, private Dan'l, private Luddington Elisha, private Willet Elisha, private Willet Ezra, private Brinckerhoff Geo., private Livingston Hugh, ensign Van Woert Hugh, ensign Van Woert Hugh, ensign Van Woert Israel, private Yates. Jack, private Wessenfels Jack, private Willet James, corpl. Willet James, private Webster James, private Wemple James, private Fisher James, private Fisher James, private Fisher Jed'h, private Wessenfels Jedediah, priv. Pawling Jedediah, priv. Pawling Joel, sergeant Pawling Joel, private Hopkins John, captain Van Veghten John, private Hathorn TozerTozer Waters VailTozerKnapp Bogart i Bogert Harrison Gano Tillman Barnum NilesArmstrongArmstrong Conklin Van Everat Hunter ClineCross Pettit Whiteside Cross Wilkin Ostrander Jansen Jansen CrossWilkins Baly Humfrey John, private John, private John, private John, private John, private John, private Armstrong Clyde Van Veghten Van Veghten Wisner Graham Newell Henry BrinckerhoofHouseradGilmore Pettit Doty Wiltse Pawling Elsworth Wright Long Mabee Gartner YatesWestfallWoodWestfallHunterWatersSayres Long Van Everat Woodworth Van Woert Baly Pearce * Taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery and died in prison at New York city, A. P. 15-20. t Enlisted April 1, 1782, detached to Lamb's Artillery. A. P., 16-194. Roster of the State Troops. 489 Name and Rank. Regiment. Thompson ThompsonThompsonThompsonThompsonThompsonThompsonThompsonThompsonThompsonThompsonThompson.ThompsonThompson, Thompson ThompsonThompsonThompsonThompson,ThompsonThompson,Thompson Thompson Thompson,Thompson.ThompsonThompsonThompsonThompsonThompsonThompsonThompson Jon'n, private Jon'n, private Van Veghten Jon'n, private Drake Jon'n, private Wynkoop Jon'n, private Wynkoop Joncton, priv. Wynkoop Joseph, corpl. Hopkins Joshua, private Pawling Joshua, private Pawling Matt'w, Jr., pr. Wynkoop Matt'w E., pr. Wynkoop Robert, lieut. Johnson Robert, lieut. Johnson Samuel, lieut. Whiting Sam'l, private Thomas, doct'r Livingston Thomas, drum. Pawling Thomas, priv. Willet Thomas, priv. Whiting Thos., private Clyde Thomas, priv. Luddington William, priv. Williams William, priv. Webster Wm., private Armstrong William, priv. Clyde William, priv. Hays William priv. Piatt Wm., private Van Woert Wm., private Van Woert Wm., private Van Woert Will., private Van Woert William, priv. Wynkoop Thomson, Alex'r, private Van Rensselaer Thomson, Dan'l, private Field Thomson, Hugh, ensign Van Woert Thomson, Jacob, private Webster Thomson, James, private Webster Thomson, James, private Fisher Thomson, John, private Webster Thomson, Jobn, private Wemple Thomson, Peter, private Wemple Thomson, Samuel, private Vandenburg Thomson, William, priv. Webster Thorber, Hezekiah, priv. Whiting Thorenton, Thomas, priv. Dubois Thorn, Dan'l, private Thomas Thorn, Ebenezer, private Graham Thorn, Gershom, private Drake Thorn, James, private Van Veghten Thorn, John, private Van Bergen Thorn, Robert, private Van Bergen Thorn, Sam'l, private Wemple Thorn, Thos., private Drake Thome, Daniel, private Thomas Thorns, Lodwick, private Harper Thornton, Jeremiah, priv. Graham Thornton, John, lieut Willet Thornton, John,* lieut. Willet Thornton, John, lieut. Wemple Thornton, John, lieut Wemple Thornton, John, private Van Veghten Thornton, Thomas, lieut. Wemple Thornton, Thomas, priv. Vrooman Thornton, Thos., private Wemple Thornton, William, private Pawling Thorp, Ezra, private Ziele Thorrington, Thomas, pr. Field Thorton, Thomas, private Graham Thousler, Wm., private Klock Thrinker, Guttup, private Harper Thristin, Job, Jr., private Whiting Throm, Jacob, private Cantine Throm, John, private Cantine Throm, Simon, private Cantine Throop, Josiah, major Willet Company. Stevenson Van Woert Lawrence Van Beuren Swart WatersDeWitt Pawling Van Buren Wood Cross Vosburgh Humfrey Livingston Henry Vosburgh Van Everat Knapp ArmstrongArmstrongArmstrongVan Everat Ackerson Bradbick GilmorePettitBrown McKillipOsterhoudt Dyckman Gilmore Long Long LongMyndersonWansonWheelerArmstrong King LeeHusted Van Schaick Witbeck Purdy Harrison PearceWhite TearseMynderse Wanson WoodworthWanson MillerWanson HunterHarper Dyckman PearceKlockHarrison King Name and Rank. Thum, Adam,]; sergt. Thum, Conrath, private Thum, Nich's, private Thum, Nicholas, private Thum, Nich's, private Thurber, David, private Thurn, Nich's, private Thursdall, Wm., qr.-mr. sr, Thurst, Mathias, private Thurstin, Dan'l, private Thurstin, Ezra, private Thurston, Benj'n, corporal Thurston, Benj'n, private Thurston, James, private Thurston, Joseph, private Thurtin, Jasin, private Tibbets, John, private Tibbit, Geo., private Tibbies, Geo., private Tibbies, Solomon, private Tice, Henry, private Tice, Henry, private Tice, Henry, private Tice, John, private Tice, John, private Tice, John, private Ticker, Benj n, private Tickner, Benj'n, private Tichout, Isaac, private Tichout, Nich's, private Tid, Sam'l, private Tidd, Nathan, private Tidemore, John, private Tiebout, George, private Tierce, Jon'n, private Tiffeny, Benj'n, lieut Tiffeny, Benj'n, lieut Tiffl, Nath'l, private Tiffl, Stanton, private Tifft, Stanton, private Tignor, Jon'n, private Tikee, Jacob, private Tikner, Benj'n, private Tikner, Charles, private Tikner, Hezekiah, private Tikner, Jonathan, private Tikner, Will., private Tiler, Samuel, private Tilford, Alex'r,§ private Tilleback, Baltus, private Tilleback, Hend'k, private Tillebeck, Matbimus, priv. Tillebock, Martin, private Tilhmore, Serus, private Tillison, Eleazer, private Tillman, Christ'r, captain Tillman, Christ'r, captain Tillman, John, private Tillsay, Job, private Tillus, Philip, private Tilm, Nich's, private Tilman, Derick, private Tilman, John, private Tilman, Wm., ensign Tilson, Nich's, private Tilson, Timothy, private Tilson, Tim'y, private Tilt, William, corporal Tilt, William, private Tilton, Peter, private Timmerman, Adam, corpl. Timmerman, , priv. Timmerman, Conrath, en'n Timmerman, Conrath L., s. | Timmerman, Counradt, ser. Regiment. Klock KlockKlockKlockKlockWilliamsKlockGrahamFisher Willet Whiting BrinckerhoffBrinkerhoff Brinckerhoff Hopkins Pawling Schuyler Yates Van Rensselaer Pawling Johnson JohnsonPawling PawlingCooperDragoons Van Rensselaer Van Ness Van Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Schuyler LuddingtonVan Rensel Cooper Pawling Van Woert Van Woert Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten GrahamHaysVan Ness Van Ness Van Ness Van Ness Van Ness Yates McClaughry Clyde Schuyler Clyde Clyde WhitingDrakeSchuyler Van Ness SchuylerPawling DuboisKlock Schuyler Schuyler SchuylerDrakeWessenfelsPawlingHays HaysPawling KlockKlockKlock Klock Klock Company Cayser Zeely Bedhig CayserShephardsonZeely YeomanHarrison King Brinckerhoff Brinkerhoff Brinckerhoof Wheeler Livingston Tillimam Hadlock De Garmo HunterJohnson RoosaBurnetLawrence Blauvelt DelavanGraves Taylor Taylor Ostrum MeadHawley Gardner Westfall WellsBrown Winne Miller Tourneur Tanner TannerTannerTanner Tanner Hadlock Telford Diffendorf Van Aernum Difendorf Ruff Delivan Vischer Livingston Chamberlain KlockLansing Lansing Lansing Delivan Livingston Pawling Gardner Gardner PiercyHouseHouse House House Zeely * Schenectady. A. P. 18-287, 21-410. + Taken prisoner by Indians near Harpersfield, April 7, 1780 ; in prison to Nov. 28, 1782. Harpersfield. A. P. 22-341. X During 1779 and 80. A. P. 16-188. § Wounded in left foot at Fort Montgomery, Oct. 6, 1777. Tailor, Little Britain, Ulster county. B 108, 1 114. 62 490 Name and Rank. Timmerman, Hend'k,* en'n Timmerman, Hend'kL., pr. Timmerman, Koemad, en'n Timmerman, Koenrad, ser. Timmerman, Jacob, private Timmerman, Jacob I., pr. Timmerman, Jacob L., pr. Timmerman, John, lieut. Timmerman, John, private Timmerman, Jno. «., priv. Timmerman, John I., priv. Timmerman, William, ser. Timmermon, Counradt, L.,s. Timmermon, Henry, lieut. Timmermon, John, lieut. Tims, Mich'l, private Tingue, Jno., private Tinkee, Coonrod, private Tinkee, John, sergeant Tinkey, Jacob, private Tinnegar, Geo., private Tinsler, James, private Tinsler, John, corporal Tinton, John, private Tip, William, private Tippet, Jobn, private Tippet, Jon'n, private Tippet, Thos., private Tippet, Thomas, private Tippit, Thomas, private Tise, John, private T-ise, Jost Henry, private Tiser, Geo., private Tisler, George, private jTitchout, John, private Titchout, Nich's, private Tittiman, Ab'm, private Titus, Benjamin, private Titus, Benj'n, private Titus, Henry, private Titus, John, private Titus, John, private Titus, John, private Titus, Joseph, private Titus, Joseph, private Titus, Josiah, private Titus, Philip, pivate Titus, Philip, private Titus, Philip, private Titus, Timothy, private Titus, Tim'y, private Titus, Timothy, private Tize, Johe, private Tobbs, Stephen, private Tobey, Eleazer, private Tobias, John, pnvate Tobias, John, private Tobias, John, private Todd, Ab'm, heut. Todd, Ab'm, private Todd, Ab'm, private Todd, Adam, private Todd, Joseph, sergeant Todd, Oliver, private Todd, Oliver, private Todd, Rob't, lieut Todd, Robert, private Tods, Amos, private Toll, Chas., private Toll, Charles, private Toll, Charles, private Toll, Dan'l, ensign Toll, Jesse, Jieut. Toll, Jesse, private Toll, John, private Toll, Jobn, private Toll, Simon, corporal Toll, Simon, private Toll, Simon, private Roster of the State Troops. Regiment. Klock Klock Klock KlockKlockKlockKlock Klock Klock Klock Klock Klock Klock Klock Klock Fisher Schuyler Hays Hays HaysGraham Company. HouseHouse House House Cayser House HouseHouse Cayser House House House House House HouseSnookLansing AckersonAckerson Tourneur Hermance Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer De Garmo Wisner Bartoff Pawling Livingston Van Rensselaer Van Renselaer Niles Dubois Hammond Orser Dubois McFoght Van Bergen Honeywell Piatt Van Santvoort Yates Hadlock Schuyler Lansing Brinckerhoff Van Wyck Van Schoonhoven Taylor Van Reneselaer Crane Truesdell Benedict Seely Fisher Wemple Drake Delivan Crane Truesdell Benedict Seely Crane Truesdell Benedict Seely Drake Delivan Willet Fonda Dubois Chamberlain Graham Husted Webster McNitt Drake Delivan Crane Truesdell Harper Lawrence Willet Gillet Williams Shepardson Wessenfels White Hopkins Waters Hopkins Talmadge Drake Seely Crane Lawrence Benedict Seely Cortland Hathorn Bartholf Drake Seely Crane Lawrence Brinckerhoff Van Benschouten Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Willet Harrison Wemple Van Petten Yates Brutt Yates Van Denburgh Wemple Van Petten Yates Yates Vandenburgh Wemple Van Petten Wemple Van Atten Schuyler Lansing \ ates Yates Schuyler Lansing Name and Rank. Toller, Eben'r, private Tollerday, Zaccheus, priv. Tolles, Amos, private Tolles, Titus, sergeant Tolman, Thomas, drum'r Tom, the Negro, private Tomb, David, private Tomb, David, private Tomb, James, private Tomb, Joseph, private Tomb, Joseph, private Tomb, Thomas, private Tomkins, Caleb, private Tomkins, Corn's, Jr., priv. Tomkins, Isaac, private Tomkins, James, fifer Tomkins, Jerem'h, priv. Tomkins, Jerem'h, priv. Tomkins, John, private Tomkins, Stephen, private Tomkins, Thomas, private Tompkins, Jerem'h, priv. Tompkins, Jerem'h, priv. Tompkins, Jerem'h, priv. Tompkins, Jon'n, private Tompkins, Jonathan' priv. Tompkins, Joshua, private Tompkins, Lawrence, priv. Tompkins, Lawrence, priv. Tompkins, Lawrence, priv. Tompkins, Phineas, corpl. Tompkins, Phineas, priv. Tompkins, Silvanes, priv. Toms. Benj'n, private Toms, James, private Toms, John, private Toms, StepheD, private Tomson, Jack, private Tomson, Tho's, private Toneray, Dan'l, qr. mr. Tong, Abr'm, private Tonkery, DanM, qr. mr. Tonkry, Nich's, private Tonner, Jacob, private Tonner, Jacob, private Tonyea, John, private Tood, Robert, private Tood, Robert, private Tooks, Reuben, ensign Tooper, Wm., private Toqua, Asahail, ensign Tornton, James, sergeant Torry, Benj'n, private Totten, Dan'l, private Totten, David, private Totten, Jacob, private Totten, Jones, private Totten, Levi, private Totten, Levi, private Totten, Levy, private Totten, Thomas, private Totton, Dan'l, private Totton, Levy, private Touler, Geo., sergeant Tourneur, Henry, captain Tourneur, Henry, sergt. Tourneur, Henry, private Tourneur, James, private Tourneur, James, Sr., pr. Tourneur, Johannis, priv. Tourneur, Mich'l, private Tourneur, Woodhull, priv. Tousby, Nath'l, sergeant Towler, George, private Town, John, private Townsend, Amos, private Townsend, Amos, private Townsend, Charles, drum. Townsend, Claudius, priv. Regiment. Company. Van Rensselaer Turner Thomas Purdy Whiting Bostwick Whiting Van Rensselae Turner Willet Gillet Williams McNitt Webster McNitt Webster Long Williams Long Webster Long Webster Long Field Hecock Luddington Lane Cantine Ramsen Luddington Lane HammondCantine Hasbrouck Hathorn Brodhead Luddington Lane Cantine Ramsen Hammond Comb Hammond Martling Hammond Orser Pawling Piercy Cantine Drake Pawling Piercy Malcom Delavan Cantine Hathorn Sayres Wisner Baly Drake Boyd Graham Vail Van Veghten Van Veghten Thompson Van Veghter Thompson Willet Elsworth Willet Gillet Schuyler Tillman Wynkoop Schuyler Tillman Pawling Hunter Fisher Yates Fisher Putnam Klock Zealy Van Schoonhoven Taylor Van Schoonhoven Steenbergh Johnson Wilkins Van Schoonhoven Visscher Piatt Van Santvoort Wemple Wanson Wessenfels Westfall Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Van Bergen Hoghtaling Hathorn Conklin Hathorn Sayres Hathorn Shepherd Hathorn Minthorn Hathorn Telford Dubois McFoght Wisner Baly Armstrong Wilson HaysHays Tourneur Hays Tourneur Hays Tourneur Hays Tourneur Hays Tourneur Hays Tourneur Hays Tourneur Van Veghten Van Woert Van Woert McKillip Hays Smith Luddington Mead Piatt Lee Luddington Mead Hathorn Miller * Wounded m left side at Oriskanie, August 6, 1777. Palatine District C 112. Roster of the State Troops. 491 Regiment. Luddington LuddingtonLuddingtonThomas Name and Rank. Townsend, Daniel, fifer Townsend, Eber, private Townsend, Elijah, adjt. Townsend, Ephraim, priv. Townsend, Gamaliel, priv. Wisner Townsend, Gerardus, priv. Pawling Townsend, Gerardus, priv. Pawling Townsend, Gilbert, private Luddington Townsend, Gradus, private Pawling Townsend, Isaac, lieut. Hopkins Townsend, Isaac, lieut. Luddington Tnwnsend, Isaac, drum'r Luddington Townsend, Isaac, private Field Townsend, James, sergeant Luddington Townsend, James, private Willet Townsend, James, private Hopkins TownseDd, James, private Drake Townsend, James, private Crane Townsend, James, private Luddington Townsend, James, private Van Rensselaer Townsend, John, private Field Townsend, John, private Luddington Townsend, Lawrence, cap. Van Rensselaer Townsend, Lawrence, priv. Van Rensselaer Townsend, Levi, private Field Townsend, Levy, corporal Luddington Townsend, Silvanus, priv. Drake Townsend, Solomon, priv. Field Townsend, Zeph'h, private Luddington Townshend, Amos, private Luddington Towsley, Nath'l, corporal Van Veghten Tozer, Barrick, private Tozer, Barrick, private Tozer, Baruch, private Tozer, Elisha, captain Tozer, Elishama, captain Tozer, Paroh, private Tracey, Solomon, private Tramble, John, pnvate Trape, James, private Trapp, James, private Trater,. Joseph, private Traver, Francis, private Traver, Petrus, private Traverse, Gabriel, private Drake Traverse, Jacob, private Crane Travis, Absalom, private Travis, Daniel, private Travis, Ezekiel,* captain Travis, George, corporal Travis, Gilbert, private Travis, Hezekiah, private Travis, Jacob,t lieut. Travis, Jacob, private Travis, Jacob, private Travis, James, private Travis, Jon'n, private Travis, Jon'n, private Travis, Joseph, private Travis, Philio, private Travis, Stephen, private Travis, Sylvenus, private Travis, Titus, private Travis, Will., private Tread, Samuel, private Treasy, Silas, private Treat, AshbilL private Treat, FeasTprivate Treat, Woodbridge, fifer Treat, Woodbridge, private Treaten, Joseph, private Treaver, Francis, private Tredle, Esq'r, private Tredwel, Edward, lieut. Tredwell, Edward, lieut. Treet, Ashbel, fifer Trem, Walter, private Webster ArmstrongWebster Armstrong Webster Armstrong Armstrong PiattJohnson Johnson Livingston Company. Waterbury Mead Purdy Baly FaulknerWestfall Knapp Westfall Lane ' Waterbury Waterbury Barnnm Mead ConineBrinckerhoff Haight LockwoodWaterbury Townsend Barnum Waterbury Bries HecockMead Delivan Barnum Mead Knapp WoodworthTozer Tozer Tozer Tozer McNitt Van Santvoort Jansen Gillispy Smith Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Livingston Drake Drake McClaughry Luddington Drake Shaver Boyd Boyd Lane Drake Boyd Thomas Fancher Crane Scofield Crane Bouton Luddingtoi Lane Drake Hadden Drake Boyd Drake Boyd Pawling Westfall Drake Drake Pawling Williams Luddington Lane Luddington Lane Klock Cayser Willet Livingston Willet Pearcy Van Rensselaer King Graham Bostwick Noble LivingstonVan Scboonhove Smith n Vandenburgh Pawling Livingston Graham Nail Vandenburgh Wheeler Whiting King Van Rensselaer Turner Name and Rank. Regiment. Tremper, Jacob, sergeant Wynkoop Tremper, Jacob, private Wynkoop Tremper, Johans, private Wynkoop Tremper, Johans, Jr., priv. Wynkoop Tremper, John, private Wynkoop Tremper, Lawrence, lieut. Willet Tremper, Alichael, private Vandenburgh Tremper, Valentine, priv. Wynkoop Tremper, Valentine!5., pr. Wynkoop Tremper, Valentine T., pr. Wynkoop Tremper, Wilhelmus, priv. Wynkoop Treusdale, Jesse, private Wessenfels Trewalt, Francis, private Schuyler Trewiliger, Harmanus, sgt. Trickey, Chris' r, private Wessenfels Trickey, WiUiam, corporal Hathorn Trickey, William, corporal Wisner Trickey, William, private Hathorn Trickey, William, private Wessenfels Trim, Azariah, private Weisenfels Trim, Ezra, private Pawling Trim, Ezra, private Pawling Trim, Ezra, private Wessenfels Trim, Walter, private Willet Trimble, Alex'r, private Lansing Trimble, John, sergeant Newkirk 4p Trimble, William, private Newkirk Yi Tnmmond, Jon'n, sergeant Willet -;5i Trimper, Lawrence, private -*T Trimper, Lawrence, private Lansing Trip, Anth'y, private Whiting Trip, Anth'y, private Graham Trip, Anth'y, private Van Rensselaer Trip, Job, private Van Veghten Trip, Peley, private Van Veghten Trip, Peley, private Van Veghten Trip, Thos., private Van Veghten Trip, Wm., private Van Veghten Tripp, Caleb, private Van Veghten Tripp, Charles, private Willet Tripp, David, private Van Veghten Tripp, David, private Van Veghten Tripp, David, private Van Veghten Tripp, Everett, private Van Veghten Tripp, Everitt, private Vandenburgh Tripp, Evert, private Wessenfels Tripp, Job, corporal Willet Tripp, Thos., private Van Veghten Tripp, William, private Wessenfels Troman, Henry, private Trotter, Matt'w, It, qr. mr. Willet Trotter, Matthew, lieut Willet Trout, Adam, private Wessenfels Trout, Adam, private Malcom Trowbridge, James, private Thomas Trowbridge, John, sergeant Wessenfels Trowbridge, Ralph, pnvate Cantine Trowis, Zebulon, private Thomas Truax, Ab'm, ensign Wemple Truax, Abraham, private Willet Truax, Ab'm, private Wemple Truax, Ab'm, private Schuyler Truax, Abr'm, private Quackenboss Truax, Abr'm I., ensign Wemple Truax, Ab'm P., private Wemple Truax, Caleb, sergeant Wemple ' Truax, Caleb, private Wemple Truax, Caleb, private Wemple Truax, 'Caleb, private Wemple Truax, Christ., private Schuyler Truax, Christian, private Quackenboss Truax, Henry, private Truax, Henry, corporal Lansing Truax, Isaac, private Schuyler Truax, Jacob, private Willet Truax, Jacob L, private Truck, Johannes, Jr., priv. Wynkoop Company. A.P. 18-287 Van Wyck Hunt TillmanFonda Hardenburgh MillerMillerMillerBrewster Wood Williams MarshallHouston McBride McBride TearseRoseboomBrownHerrick Bostwick Cady Woodworth Dunham Van Woert Dunham Winne Wright Thompson Dunning Dunham WoodworthWheeler Shepard Fonda Van Woert Shephard Fonda A. P. 16^-320 LivingstonThompson St. John Hardenburgh Hasbrouck Moseman Mynderson Elsworth Fonda VeederVeederWanson MyndersonMyndersonBancker Van Slyck Veeder VeederRoseboomBrownOstrumElsworthRoseboom * Wounded in the right arm. Ulster Co. B 125. t Lost left arm at Crompo, Conn., April 28, 1777. Farmer, Poundridge, Westchest* county. C 180, I 5. 492 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Truax, John,* private Willet Cross Tucker, Nath'l, ensign Thomas St. Jobn Truax, John, private Schuyler Veeder Tucker, Reuben, sergeant Thomas Purdy Truax, John, private Wemple Mynderse Wanson Tucker, Reuben, private Thomas Hubby Truax, John, private Wemple Tucker, Reuben, private Thomas St. John Truax, John, private Truax, John P., private Schuyler Slyngerlandt Mynderson Tucker, Robt., corporal Thomas LyonHubbv Wemple Tucker, Samuel, private Thomas Truck, Jacob, Jr., corporal Wynkoop Tucker, Samuel, private Thomas St. John Truck, John, private Truesdal, Jon'n, private Wynkoop Tucker, William, private Thomas Purdy Crane Lawrence Tucker, Wm., private Schuyler Lansing Truesdale, Jehial, private Whiting Herriek Tud, James, private Wisner Miller Truesdale, Jesse, private Crane Lawrence Tud, Jesse, private Wisner Miller Truesdel, Gershom, captain Van Alstyn Tufs, Zachariah, private Harper Bogart Truesdel, Jesse, captain Crane Tufts, Zach'h, private Vrooman Heager Truesdel, Jesse, private Crane Truesdell Tuesdell, Jabez, private Dragoons Delavan Truesdel, Jonathan, priv. Crane Truesdell Tuesdell, Sam'l, private Dragoons Delavan Truesdel, Joseph, Sr., cor. Crane Chapman Turn, Adam, private Klock Wagner Truesdel, Joseph, Jr., priv Crane Chapman Turn, Conrad, private Turn, Malchard, private Klock Wagner Truesdel, Rich'd, private Crane Truesdell Klock Wagner Truesdell, Jebish, private Crane Truesdell Tuman, David, private Fisher Snook Truesdell, Jesse, captain Truesdil, Gershom, lieut Crane Tump, Reuben, private Crane Lockwood Van Alstyn Philips Tump, William, private Crane Lockwood Truesdil,-Hiel, private Van Alstyn Truesdel Tunis, Peter, private Hopkins Van Benschoten Truesdil, Iseel, private Trukey, Jerem'h, sergeant Van Alstyn Truesdel Turbait, John, private Wessenfels Shephard Wisner Miller Turbush, Isaac, private Willet Welp Trull, John, private Willet Livingston Turck, Johannis, Jr., priv . Wynkoop Wessenfels Trull, John, private Harper Harrison Turer, William, private Westfall Trull, John, private Van Rensselaer Price Turk, Henry, private Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Trumbell, Judah, private Van Woert Hodges Turk, Jacob, corporal Hathorn Bogardus Trumble, Elijah, private Whiting Vosburgh Turk, Jacob, Jr., corp. Wynkoop Schoonmaker Trumble, Elijah, private Willet Harrison Turk, Jacob, Jr., private Snyder Swart Trumble, James, private Wessenfels Hunt Turk, Johannis, private Wynkoop Swart Trumble, Judah, sergeant Van Woert Doty Turk, John, private Hathorn Bogardus Trumble, Judah, corporal Van Woert Gilmore Turk, John, private Pawling Pawling Trumble, Judah, corporal Van Woert McKillip Turk, John, private Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Trumble, Judah, private Willet GrayTelford Turk, Thomas, private Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Trumble, William, private Hathorn Turks, Hendrick, private Wynkoop Trumpes, Thunis, private Hays Fisher Onderdoi Turnbull, John, private Wemple Wanson Trunk, Adam, sergeant Turner, Alex'r, lieut William3 Long Trunk, Adam, private Fisher Gartner Turner, Alex'r, lieut. Webster Long Trusdale, Jesse, private Trusdale, Samuel, private Wessenfels Hunt Turner, Alex'r, lieut. Armstrong Long Pawling Sacket Turner, Alex'r, fifer Williams Armstrong Trusdale, Thomas, fifer Wessenfels Godwin Turner, Alex'r, private Hopkins Van Benschoten Trusdall, Wm., qr.-mr. sr Graham Turner, Alex'r, private Armstrong Armstrong Trusdel, Jon'n, private Hays Stevenson Turner, Dan'l, private Field Hecock Trusdiel, Richard, private Van Alstyn Ostrander Turner, Elisha, private Luddington Mead Trusdil, Rich'd, sergeant Van Alstyn Ostrander Turner, Gilbert, private Livingston Kline Trusdle, Sam'l, private Pawling Williams Turner, Hugh, sergeant Hathorn Telford Truslman, Christ'r, private Willet Fonda Turner, Ichabod, captain Van Rensselaer Trut, Bell fifer Whiting King Turner, Jacob, private GrahamJ Trut, James, private Whiting King Turner, Jacob, private Cantine Hasbrouck Truwex, Isaac, private SchuylerVan Bergen Lansing Hoghtaling Turner, James, private Vrooman Heager Tryon, Jocham, lieut. Turner, John, private Wessenfels Godwin Tryon, Jocham, lieut. Van Bergen Witbeck Turner, John, private Drake Boyd Tryon, Peter, private Van Bergen Dubois Turner, John, private Luddington Mead Tryon, William, private Willet Putman Turner, Joshua, sergeant Drake Haight Tryon, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Shaw Turner, Joshua, corporal Drake Haight Tubbs, Benijah, private Field Dyckman Turner, Lemuel, sergeant Van Rensselaer Tubbs, Bethiel, private Armstrong Tozer Turner, Lemuel, private Willet White Tubbs, Beth'l, private Webster Long Turner, Reuben, adjt. Williams Tubbs, Bethuel, private Webster Tozer Turner, Reuben, adjt. Turner, Reuben, adjt Webster Tubbs, Bethuel, private Webster Long Armstrong Tubbs, Bethuel, private Webster Childs Turner, Rich'd, private Van Woert Hodges Tubbs, Cyrus, private Tubbs, Ichabod, private Cortland Turner, Simon, private Wessenfels White Willet Wright Turner, Stephen, private Hopkins Luddington Lane Tubbs, Zebulon, private Webster Tozer Turner, Stephen, private Turner, William, corpora! Mead Tubee, John, private Willet Tearse Cantine Hasbrouck Tubee, Jno., private Willet Henry Turner, Will., private Cantine Tuck, John, private Van Cortlandt Turrel, Joseph, private Fisher Tucker, Daniel, private Hathorn Mervin Turtell, Israel, private Wemple Mynderson Wanson Tucker, Geo., private Klock House Turtle, Israel, private Wemple Tucker, Jacob, private Klock House Turtle, Solomon, corporal Wemple Mynderse Tucker, Johannis, private Klock Kock Turtle, Solomon, private Wemple Mynderse Tucker, Jno., prvate Tucker, Joseph, private Willet Fonda Turtle, Solomon, private Turtle, Toll'm, private Wemple Bancker Armstrong McNitt Wemple Bancker Tucker, Nath'l, qr.-mr. Thomas Hubby Tusler, John, private Willet Putman Tucker, Nath'l, heut Pawling Sackett Tusler, Marks, private Willet Gross Tucker, Nath'l, lieut. Thomas St. John Tutel, Joseph, private Fisher Yates Tucker, Nath'l, ensign Thomas Purdy Tuthil, William, private 11 athorn Mervin Tucker, Nath'l, ensign Thomas Sacket Tuthill, Azariah, lieut. Wessenfels Hunt * Enlisted March, 1777, in Warner's; transferred to Willet's, and served to October, 1780. Schenectady. 968, 18-322, 20-346. A. P. 15-111,17- Roster of the State Troops. 493 Name and Rank. Regiment. Tuthill, Daniel, private Wessenfels Tuthill, Francis, corporal Hathorn Tuthill, Hez'h, private Wessenfels Tuthill, James, corporal Hathorn Tuthill, John W , lieut. Field Tuttle, Abijah, private Van Veghten Tuttle, Albert, private Drake Tuttle, Daniel, private Hays Tuttle, James, private Pawling Tuttle, James, private Drake Tuttle, John, corporal Van Veghten Tuttle, John, private Drake Tuttle, Joseph, private Willet Tuttle, Joseph, private Drake Tuttle, Jubez, private Van Veghten Tutton, Samuel, private Van Bergen Tutton, Samuel, private Van Bergen Twaghman, John, private Dubois Twaghtman, John, private Pawling Twendorph, Jacob, private Fisher Twilgar, James, private Fisher Twitchel, Benoni, private Field Twitchell, Benoni, private Graham Twitte, Joseph, private Fisher Tygart, Peter, private Willet Tyger, George, private Klock Tygert, George, private Schuyler Tygert, William, private Schuyler Company. Brewster Mervin Westfall Mervin Vanduser Woodworth Sacket Putman Kronkhite DuboisWitbeckDuboisWilliamsYates Putman DyckmanPearceYates TearseZeelySlingerlandt Slingerlandt Name and Rank. Tyler, Charles, private Tyler, Eli, ensign Tyler, Eli, ensign Tyler, Eli, corporal Tyler, George, private Tyler, Jabez, private Tyler, Jabish, private Tyler, Jales, private Tyler, James, private Tyler, James, private Tyler, Jehiel, private Tyler, John, private TyleT, John, private Tyler, Johiel, private Tyler, Jon'n, private Tyler, Jon'n, private Tyler, Samuel, private Tyler, Shubell, private Tyler, Simeon, sergeant Tyler, Simon, private Tyler, William, private Tymer, Peter, private Tyms, James, private Tyms, Michael private Tymeson, Eldert, private Tymeson, Eldert, private Tymeson, Eldert C., priv. Tyrell, Peter, private Regiment. Pawling ThomasThomas Thomas CraneDrake Drake DrakeCrane Drake Thomas Thomas Drake Thomas BenedictYates Van Veghten Thomas ThomasPawling- Schuyler Wemple WempleVan Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Drake Company. Pawling MosemanSt John Fonda Lockwood DelivanDelivanDelivan Lockwood Delivan St. John Moseman Delivan MosemanGould Woodworth St. John St. John Pawling OstrumMyndersonVandenburghVisscher VisscherBoyd TJ . Udell, John, private Van Rensselaer Udell, Will, private Van Rensselaer Udridge, Robert, sergeant Van Schoonhoven Ullendorf, Daniel, private Klock Ullendorf, Daniel, private Clyde Ulman, Bornt, private Fisher Ulman, John, private Fisher Ulman, John, private Fisher Ulseeber, Stepnen, private Clyde Ulsgheeber, Stephen, priv. Clyde Ulsneeber, Bastian, private Clyde Ultermark, John B., priv, Clyde Umphrey, John, private Van Veghten Umphrey, James, private Van Rensselaer Umphry, Ephans, private Van Rensselaer Umphry, James, private Armstrong Umpstead, Jed'h, private Armstrong Umstead, Jed'h, private Webster Umstreed, Gideon, private Umstreed, Jed'h, private Underdonk, Aaron, private Hays Uuderdonk, Daniel, ensign Hays Underdonk, Garret, priv. Hays Underdonk, Isaac, sergt. Hays Underwood, William, serg. Drake Underwood, Wm., private Drake Turner Turner Ayslworth Ruff House VeederYates Veeder LeipeLeipeLeipe Leipe Dunham Stockwell Stockwell BoydBoyd Underwood, Will., private Upright, George, corporal Upright, Geo., private Upright, Geo., private Upright, Jan Jurry, priv. Upright, Malachia, private Upright, Nathan, private Upwright, George, private Upwright, George, private Upwright, George, private Upwright, Nathan, private Uran, Jacob, private Uran, John, private Urial, Nath'l, private Uriel, Thomas, private Utby, Jerem'h, private Utley, Jeremiah, private Utley, Samuel, lieut Utley, Samuel, private Utt, Francis, private Utter, Amos, private Utter, Eben'r, private Utter, John, pnvate Utter, Samuel, private Utter, Will., private Drake Haight White Wessenfels Wessenfels White Piatt Van Santvoort Graham Sherwood Johnson Cross Johnson Ostrander Johnson Roosa Johnson Cross Pawling Burnet Johnson Wilkins Fisher Little Fisher Little Willet White Stockwell Van Alstyn Phillips Willet GrayMcKinstry Malcom Van Ness Whitney Klock Ruff Field Hecock Field Hecock Field Hecock Field Hecock Luddington Mead V. Vach, John Geo., surgeon Vactor, Jno., private Vader, Corn's, private Vail, Dan'l, ensign Vail, Daniel, sergeant Vail, Gushan, private Vail, Isaac, lieut. Vail, Israel, captain Vail, Israel, lieut. Vail, Joseph, lieut Vail, Wilham, lieut Vail, Wm., lieut Valck, Harmanus, private Valck, Joacum, private Valck, Joost, pnvate Valck, Joost, private Valck, Joost, private Valck, Johannis, private Klock Fonda Wemple Fonda Wisner Baly Hathorn Sayres Brinckerhoff Brower Brinckerhoff Brower Graham Luddington Knapp Drake Hammond Martling Hammond Requa Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Stubrach Vrooman Brown Vrooman Muller Wynkoop "Valck, John, private Valck, John, private Valckenburgh, Harm's, pi\ Valckenburgh, Isaac V., lt. Valckenburgh, Jerome, pr. Valenburgh, Peter, private Valentine, Alex'r, corporal Valentine, Alex'r, private Valentine, Alex'r, private Valentine, Benj'n, private Valentine, Elvin, private Valentine, Gab'l, private Valentine, Jacob, private Valentine, John, private Valentine, John, Sr., serg. Valentine, John, Sr., priv. Valentine, Peter, sergeant Valentine, Peter, private Vrooman Vrooman Heager Willet Harrison Willet Harrison Van Rensselaer Staats Van Renselaer Schermerhorn Van Woert Wells Harper Harrison Van Woert Whiteside Van Rensselaer Staats Drake Boyd Van Schoonhoven Visscher Schuyler Sharp Whiting Davis Vrooman Brown Vrooman Brown Wessenfels Bowen Pawling Lawrence 494 Roster of the State Troops: Name and Rank. Regiment. Valentine, Peter, private Harper Valentine, Peter, private Van Veghten Valentine, Rich'd, sergt. Van Rensselaer Valentine, Rich'd, sergt. Van Rensselaer Valentine, Rich'd, private Graham Valentine, Rich'd, private Van Rensselaer Valentine, Rich'd, private Van Rensselaer Valentine, Rich'd, private Van Rensselaer Valentine, Rich'd, private Graham , Valentine, Stephen, priv. Willet Valk, Abi'm,. private Van Rensselaer Valk, Adam, private Schuyler Valk,-4saac, private Van Rensselaer Valk, Joachim, private Van Rensselaer Valk, Johannis, private Wynkoop Valk, John, private Schuyler Valk, John, private Van Rensselaer Valk, John J., private Van Rensselaer Valk, Matt'w, private Van Rensselaer Valk, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Valkenburgh, Ab., W., ser. Van Rensselaer Valkenburgh, Adam, priv. Willet Valkenburgh, Adam, priv. Vrooman Valkenburgh, Dirck, priv. Van Rensselaer Valkenburgh, Harm's, pr. Vrooman Valkenburgh, Horoman, p. Graham Valkenburgh, Isaac, priv. Schuyler Valkenburgh, Jacob, priv. Van Rensselaer Valkenburgh, Joachim, pr. Schuyler Valkenburgh, Joachum, p. Vrooman Valkenburgh, Jocham, pr. Vrooman Valkenburgh, Jochim, pr. Van Rensselaer Valkenburgh, Johans, pr. Wynkoop Valkenburgh, John, corpl. Van Rensselaer Valkenburgh, Jno., private Harper Valkenburgh, John, priv. Schuyler Valkenburgh, Joost, priv. Vrooman Valkeneer, Justice V., ser. Van Renssela Vallance, David,* lieut. Vallow, Stephen, sergeant Malcom Valour, Stephen, sergeant Wessenfels Valpruck, Malkert, private Fisher Valt, Wilhelmus, pnvate Wynkoop Valter, Christian, private Klock Van Acken, John, private Schuyler Van Acken, Levy, lieut Schuyler VanAelstyn, Ab mS.,maj. Schuyler Van Aelstyne, And'w, pr. Schuyler Van Aelstyne, Dan'l, priv. Van Schoonhoven Van Aelstyne, Thomas pr. Van Alstyn Van Aerman, Ab'm, priv. Van Rensselaer Van Aerman, John, ensign Schuyler Van Aernam, Abr'm, serg. Schuyler Van Aernam, Ab'm, priv. Schuyler Van Aernam, Evert, priv. Schuyler Van Aernam, Henry, priv. Schuyler Van Aernam, Isaac, lieut. Schuyler Van Aernam, Isaac, priv. Quackenboss Van Aernam, Jacob, capt. Schuyler Van Aernam, Jobn, ensign Schuyler Van Aernam, John, priv. Schuyler Van Aernam, Wm., priv. Schuyler Van Aernom, Ab'm, sergt. Van Rensselaer Van Aernom, Jon'n, priv. Van Rensselaer Van Aernum, Ab'm, priv. Graham Van Aernum, Ab'm, priv. Van Rensselaer Van Aernum, Evert, priv. Schuyler Van Aernum, Jacob, sergt. Schuyler Van Aernum, John, priv. Schuyler Van Aernum, John, priv. Schuyler Van Aernum, John V., en'n Schuyler Van Aernum, Jno. W., pr, Schuyler Van Aernum, Wm., priv. Schuyler Van Aernum, Wm., priv. Schuyler Van Aken, Ab'm, captain Pawling Van Aken, Abr'm, lieut. Wynkoop Van Aken, Abr'm G., lieut. Wynkoop Van Aken, Benj'n, private Wynkoop Van Aken, Cato, pnvate Wynkoop Company. Lawrence ThompsonTownsend Magee Staats Bries Schermerhorn Conklin Skinner Schermerhorn Van Wee Bries Staats Slyngerlandt Schermerhorn Staats Staats SchermerhornHarrison Heager SchermerhornHeagerMiller Van Wee SchermerhornVan Wee Heager SchermerhornSchermerhornBogart Van Wee McKinstry Godwin Veeder Ostrum Groot ForeastVan Wee Van Denburgh Van Valkenburgh Van Aernam LansingLansingLansing Tillman Slingerlandt Van Wie Lansing Vischer Van Aernum Lansing Van Aernum Ostrum Van Aernum Tillman Van Aernam Van Aernum Van Aernum Lansing Swart Swart Swart Name and Rank. Van Aken, Daniel, private Van Aken, Elias, private Van Aken, Eliphas, private Van Aken, Gideon, private Van Aken, Isaac, private Van Aken, Peter, private Van Aken, Peter G., priv. Van Aken, Petrus, pnvate Van Aker, Eliphas, private Van Aker, Peter, private Van Alen, Abr'm, lieut. Van Alen, Corn's, private Van Alen, Derick, private Van Alen, Henry, private Van Alen, Jacob, corporal Van Alen, J ohn, private Van Alen, John E., private Van Alen, Maunis, private Van Alen, Peter, private Van Alen, Philip, private Van Alen, Wm., private Van Allen, Guysbert, priv. Van Allen, Henry, private Van Allen, Jacobus, capt. Van Allen, Philip, private Van Aller, Andrew, priv. Van Alstine, Ab'm, sergt. Van Alstine, Abr'm, pnv. Van Alstine, Ab'm, private Van Alstine, Cornelius, pr. Van Alstine, Corn's, priv. Van Alstine, Corn's, priv. Van Alstine, Corn's, priv. Van Alstine, Corn's C, pr. Van Alstine, Corn's J., pr. Van Alstine, Gilbert, sergt. Van Alstine, Gilbert, sergt. Van Alstine, Gilbert A., ser. Van Alstine, Harm's, corpl. Van Alstine, Barm's, priv. Van Alstine, Isaac, pnv. Van Alstine, Jacob, sergt. Van Alstine, Jacob, corpl. Van Alstine, J acob, priv. Van Alstine, John, priv. Van Alstine, John, priv. Van Alstine, John, priv. Van Alstine, John G., priv. Van Alstine, John M., priv, Van Alstine, Martin, priv. Van Alstine, Martin, priv. Van Alstine, Martin A., pr. Van Alstine, Martin G., pr. Van Alstine, Peter, private Van Alstine, Philip, priv. Van Alstine, Philip, priv. Van Alstine, Thomas, priv. Van Alstyn, Ab'm, colonel Van Alstyn, Abr'm, priv. Van Alstyn, Philip, lt col. Van Alstyne, Corn s, priv. Van Alstyne, Corn's, priv. Van Alstyne, Jacob, adjt. Van Alstyne, John, lieut. Van Alstyne, John I., lieut. Van Alstyne, Leonard, pr. Vau Alstyne, Martin C, p. Van Alstyne, Mart A., cor. Van Alstyne, Matt'w,qr.mr. Van Alstyne, Nich's, priv. Van Alstyne, Thomas, pr. Van Amber, Joseph, pnv. Van Amber, Matt w, priv. Vanambergh, Henry, priv. Vanambergh, Jeremiah, pr. Vanambergh, Jerem'h, pr. Vanambrough, Jerem'h, p. Van Amburgh, Jerem'h, p. Van Ame, Ahner, lieut. Regiment. Klock Pawling WynkoopWynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop WynkoopWynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Van Alstyn Van Alstyn Van Alstyn Van Alstyn Fisher Schuyler Van Alstyn Van Rensselaer Van Alstyn Vrooman Schuyler Van Alstyn Yates Van Rensselaer VroomanHathorn Fisher Clyde Fisher Willet ClydeFisher Clyde Clyde Fisher Fisher FisherClydeClyde Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Willet Clyde Fisher Clyde Clyde Clyde ClydeClyde Clyde Clyde ClydeClydeClyde Van Alstyn Van Alstyn Van Rensselaer Fisher Van Rensselaer Van Alstyn Van Alstyn Van Alstyn Klock ClydeVan Rensselaer Klock Van Alstyn Wessenfels Van Veghten Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson PawlingYates Company. Westfall SwartSwartSwart Swart Swart SwartSwart ¦Swart . - Vosburgh Fisher Van Valkenburgh Vanderhoof TruesdelHeager HoganTruesdelBrown Minthorn Yates Van Everat Yates Elsworth Van Everat Fonda Van Everat- Van Everat Mabee Gartner Gartner Bawman Van Everat FisherMabee Yates Yates Harrison Van Everat YatesVan Everat Van Everat Van Everat RuffVan Everat Vau Fverat Van Everat Van Everat Ruff Van Everat Ostrander Fraist GartneerPhilips Van Valkenburgh . OstranderRuff Van Everat Ruff Van Valkenburgh Dodge Woodworth WilkinJansen Wilkin Gillispy Burnet Yates * Seth Warner's, entered Oct., '76, deranged Sept., '79. A. P., 17-561, 18-204. Roster of the Slate Troops. 495 Name and Bank. Regiment. Yates Van Arnon, Lewis, corp. Van Ander. Paul, private Van Antwerp, John* priv. Van Antwemper, John, cor. Fisher Van Antwemper, John, pr. Fisher Van Antwerp, Dan'l, pnv. Hays Van Antwerp, Garret, pr. Wemple ' Van Antwerp, Jacob, priv. Van Antwerp, Jno., ensign Yates Van Antwerp, John, ensign Yates Van Antwerp, John, sergt. Wemple Van Antwerp, John, sergt. Yates •Van Antwerp, Jno., sergt Yates Van Antwerp, John, sergt. Yates Van Antwerp, John, corp. Fisher Van Antwerp, John, priv. Vrooman Van Antwerp, John, priv. Hays Van Antwerp, John, priv. Wemple Van Antwerp, John, priv. Van Antwerp, John, priv. Fisher Van Antwerp, John, Jr., p. Fisher Van Antwerp, Lewis, priv. Yates Van Antwerp, Lewis, priv. Yates Van Antwerp, Peter, en. Vrooman Van Antwerp, Peter, priv. Wemple Van Antwerp, Simon, pr. Wemple Van Antwerp, Peter, priv. Wemple Van Antwerp, Simon, pr. Wemple Van Antwerp, Simon, pr. Yates Van Antwerp, Simon L., p. Yates Vanarnum, Lukes, corp. Van Rensselaer Van Arnum, William, It. Willet Van Asdall, John, corp. Pawling Van Asp, Samuel, private Willet Van Atten, Aaron, private Malcom Van Atten, Isaac, private Graham Van Atten, John, captain Wemple Van Atten, Peter, private Graham Van Auken, Hend'k, priv. Schuyler Van Auken, Henry, priv. Schuyler Van Auken, Levi, lieut. Schuyler Van Aulen, Hend'k, ser. Van Rensselaer Van Aulen, Hend'k, corp. Van Rensselaer Van Aulen, Maunus, priv. Van Rensselaer Van Auker, Levi, lieut Schuyler Van Aulstine, John, priv. Fisher Van Avery, Jacob, private Brinckerhoff Van Bargen, Peter, lieut. Willet Van Baskirk, Sam'l, priv. Van Bergen Van Beaura, Geo., private Graham Van Benhusen, Matt'w, pr. Harper Van Benschoten, Elias, ajt. Pawling Van Benschoten, Elias,mjr. Pawling Van Benschoten, Elias,mjr. Malcom Van Benschoten, Elias,mjr. Willet Van Benschoten, H'man,p. Graham Van Benschoten, Jacob, c. Pawling Van Benschoten, Jacob, pr. Brinckerhoff Van Benschoten, J'annis,p. Hays Van Benschoten, Jobn, cap. Hopkins Van Benschoten, Sol'n, cor. Pawling Van Benschoten, Sol'n, pr. Hooghteling Van Benschouten, John, c'n Brinckerhoff Van Benschouten, T'nis.pr. Brinckerhoff Van Benthouse, Peter, pr. Wemple Van Benthousen, Peter, p. Wemple Van Benthuysen, Peter, p. Wemple Van Benthnysen, Robt, p. Wemple Van Bergen, Ant'y, colonel Van Bergen, David, priv. Van Bergen Van Bergen, David, priv. Van Bergen Van Bergen, Garret, priv. Van Bergen Van Bergen, Henry, lieut. Van Bergen Van Bergen, Henry, Van Bergen Van Bergen, Martin, priv. Van Bergen Van Bergen, Peter, lieut Willet Van Bergen, Peter, lieut. Willet VaD Bergen, Peter, lieut. Willet Van Bergen, Peter, ensign Van Bergen Company. Brown Humfrey Veeder Veeder Hogencamp Fonda Fonda Hadlock YatesVan Petten Hadlock YatesWiltseVeeder Richtmyer Blauvelt Van Atten Fonda Veeder Veeder Brutt Van DenBurgh Van Petten Bancker Van Petten Van Atten Yates De Garmo Harrison Faulkner SkinnerDrakeHustedHusted Lansing Groot Slingerlandt Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Slyngerlandt Yeoman Van Benschoten Conine Dnbois Miller Vrooman HermanceLivingstonBrower Van Benschouten FondaFonda Mynderse Bancker Hoghtaling Witbeck HoghtalingHoghtaling Van Schaick WitbeckTearse Gillet HenryWitbeck Name and Rank. Regiment. Van Bergen, Thos., priv. Van Bergen Van Beuren, Abm., corp. Van Rensselaer Van Beuren, Corn's, major Van Rensselaer Van Beuren, Corn's, priv. Van Rensselaer Van Beuren, Corn's, priv. Schuyler Van Beuren, Garret, en. Van Veghten Van Beuren, Hend., priv. Van Veghten Van Buren, Harm's, priv. Van Rensselaer Van Beuren, Hend'k, priv. Van Rensselaer Van Beuren, Josiah, lieut. Van Renselaer Van Beuren, Martin, priv. Van Veghten Van Beuren, Philip, sergt. Wessenfels Van Beuren, Philip, corp. Wynkoop Van Beuren, Philip, priv. Wynkoop Van Beuren, Philip, priv. Wynkoop Van Beuren, Tobias, cap. Wynkoop Van Blacorn, James, pnv. Cantine Van Bomell, Peter, private Hopkins Van Boskirk, And'w, serg. Van Bergen Van Brack. Gerret, lient Fisher Van Brackel, Garret, lieut. Fisher Van Brackland, Garret, It. Fisher Van Brackland, Gilbert, p. Fisher Van Bracklen, And'w, pr. Fisher Van Bracklen, Garret, it. Fisher Van Bracklen, Garret, ens. Fisher Van Bracklen, Gar'tG., en. Fisher Van Brackler, Malkert, pr. Fisher Van Bracklin, Gilkert, pr. Fisher Van Bracklin, Gysbert, p. Van Bracklin, Gysbert, p. Fisher Van Bracklin, Malkert, pr. Fisher Van Bracklin, Nich's, pr. Van Bracklin, Sander, pr. Fisher Van Brimer, Thomas, pr. Vrooman Van Brocket, Garret, priv. Fisher Van Brokel, Malkert, priv. Fisher Van Brockle, James, priv. Hays Van Brunt, Ruliff, private Wisner Van Brute, Wm., private Fisher Van Bumble, Hufffe, priv. Brinckerhoff Van Bumble, Peter, priv. Brinckerhoff Van Bumblen, Christ'r, pr. Brinckerhoff Van Bumbler, Peter, pnv. Brinckerhoff Van Bunschoten, Harm. cor. Graham Van Buntseston, Egenos,lt Graham Van Buren, Ab'm, captain Van Alstyne Van Buren, Abr'm, priv. Van Rensselaer Van Buren, Corn's, priv. Van Rensselaer Van Buren, Corn's, priv. Schuyler Van Buren, Corn's, priv. Van Rensselaer Van Buren, Corn's, priv. Van Rensselaer Van Buren, Corn's, priv. Van Alstyn Van Buren, Corn's H., pr. Van Renselaer Van Buren, Eph'm I., priv. Van Alstyn Van Buren, Francis, priv. Van Alstyn Van Buren, Fran's, private Van Alstyn Van Buren, Garret, lieut. Van Veghten Van BureD, Garret, ensign Van Veghten Van Buren, Harman, maj. Van Alstyn Van Buren, Harmanus, pr. Van Rensselaer Van Buren, Hend'k, priv. Van Veghten Van Buren, Hend'k, priv. Van Rensselaer Van Buren, Henry, priv. Van Veghten Van Buren, Henry, priv. Van Veghten Van Buren, Henry, priv. Van Veghten Van Buren, Henry H., pr. Van Rensselaer Van Buren, John, ensign Van Van Alstyn Van Buren, John, private Van Rensselaer Van Buren, John, private Van Rensselaer Van Buren, John, private Van Alstyn Van Buren, Leendert, pr. Van Rensselaer Van Buren, Leonard, priv. Schuyler Van Buren, Maas, private Van Rensselaer Van Buren, Marte, ensign Van Rensselaer Van Buren, Marte, sergt. Van Rensselaer Van Buren, Marte, private Van Rensselaer Van Buren, Martin C, pr. Van Rensselaer Van Buren, Martin C, pr. Vau Rensselaer Company. StaatsSharp ScharpVan Woert Woodworth Woodworth Woodworth Van Allen Van Weort White -Swart Bogardus Van Beuren Ramsen Van Benschoten Dubois Veeder VeederVeederVeeder Veeder Veeder Fisher Fisher Veeder Veeder FondaDegraas Veeder Fonda Veeder^ VeederVeeder BellBaly >¦ Putman Van Benschoten Vau Benschoten Van Benschoten Van Benschouten Husted Husted Staats Sharp Scharp Woodworth Bries Ostrander Bries Vosburgh Philips Vosburgh Van Woert Woodworth Bries Van Woert BriesVan Woert Dunham Woodworth BriesVan Valkenburgh Staats WoodworthPhilips Sharp Scharp Schermerhorn Staats StaatsWoodworth Staats Woodworth * Capt. Getman's Rangers; taken prisoner Mar. 22, 80. Johnstown, Montg'y Co. A. P. 21-388. 496 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Van Buren, Marte B., pr. Van Rensselaer Staats Van Buren, Marthen, priv. Yates Brutt Van Buren, Martin, ensign Van Rensselaer Turner Van Buren, Martin, corpl. Van Veghten Van Woert Van Buren, Mart. C., ens. Van Rensselaer Woodworth Van Buren, Mart P., serg. Van Rensselaer Woodworth Van Buren, Mart'n P., ser. Van Rensselaer Staats Van Buren, Martin P., cor. Van Renselaer Staats Van Buren, Matt'w, sergt. Van Rensselaer Turner Van Buren, Morter, priv. Van Veghten Van Woert Van Buren, Peter M., priv. Van Rensselaer Staats Van Buren, Philip, private Wynkoop Van Buren Van Buren, Tobias, priv. Van Rensselaer Staats Van Buren, Tobias, priv. Van Rensselaer Woodworth Van Buren, Tobias, capt. Wynkoop Van Buren Van Buren, Tobias B., pr. Van Rensselaer Staats Van Buren, Tobias H., pr. Van Rensselaer Staats Van Buren, Will, private Van Rensselaer Staats Van Buren, Will., private Van Rensselaer Woodworth Van Buren, Will., private Van Rensselaer Turner Vanburgh, Geo., private Graham Muller Van Burra, Geo., private Graham Muller Van Buskerk, Peter, serg. Yates Brutt Van Buskerk, Peter, priv. Yates Hadlock Van Buskirk, Martin, pr. Yates Yates Van Buskirk, George, pr. Hays Blauvelt Van Buskirk, Peter, sergt Yates Yates Van Camp, Jno., private Clyde Diffendorf Van Camp, Moses, sergt. Willet Gross Van Camp, Moses, private Harper Putman Van Camp, Simeon, priv. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Campe, Cornel's, ser. Clyde Diffendorf Van Campe, Cornel's, pr. Clyde Diffendorf Van Campe, Isaac, private Clyde Diffendorf Van Carack, Winant, corp. Yates Hadlock Vance, George, lieut. Hathorn Bailey Vance, George, lieut. Hathorn Minthorn Vance, James, private Hathorn McCamly Van Cleef, Isaac, sergeant Wessenfels Dodge Van Cleft, Garret, pnvate Hays Onderdonk Van Clief, Garret, private Wessenfels Bowen Van Clief, Isaac, adjt. Vandenburgh Van Cloff, Isaac, private Brinckerhoff Van Coits, Daniel, private Brinkerhoff Van Compe, Corn's, corp. Clyde Van Cotts, John, private Brinckerhoff Vancoy, Ab'm, private Drake Van Curen, Casparus.priv. Brinckerhoff Van Curen, Matthew, pr. Brinckerhoff Van Curer, Matthew, priv. Vandamark, Ezekiel, priv. Johnson Vandamark, Wm., lieut. Johnson Van Damerk, Solomon, pr. Pawling Van Darosh, Simeon, ensn. Yates Van Darwer, Harm's, priv. Clyde Van Debelt, Dowe, private Hays Vandebelt, James, sergeant Cooper Van de Bergh, Claudius, p. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van De Bergh, Corn's, pr. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van De Bergh, Peter, pr. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van De Bergh, Rymer, p. Van Rensselaer DeForest Van De Boe, Jacob, priv. Van Rensselaer Van De Bogart, Aurnt, pr. Livingston Van De Bogart, James, pr, Wessenfels Van De Bogart, John, ser. Pawling Livingston Vandebogart, John, privat Harper Putman Van Debogart, John, priv. Dubois Dubois Van D. Bogart, John, priv. Pawling Wood Van De Bogart, Mich'l, pr. Livingston Elliot Van de Bogart, Mich'l, pr. Livingston Shaver Vandebogart, Mich'l, priv. Van Rensselaer Elliot Van D. Bogart, Nich's, pr. Wemple Van Slyck Van D. Bogart. Nich's, pr. Wemple Wanson Van De Bogart, Peter, lieut. Livingston Pulver Van De Bogart, Peter, pr. Pawling Livingston Van De Bogart, Peter, pr. Livingston Shaver Van D. Bogert, John, pr. Harper Bogart Van de Bogert, Mynert, lt. Van Rensselaer Rockfeller Van Debogert, Nich's C, p. Wemple Brower Brinkerhoff DiffendorfVan Benschoten Delivan Van Benschouten Van Benschoten Brinkerhoff Smith Smith Hunter Brown Van Everat Onderdonk Gardner Philips Shaver Name and Rank. Van de Bogert, Peter, priv. Vandeboghart, Mynhart, p Van Dehor, Jacob, sergt. Van D. Brugh, Barent, pr. Van De Brugh, Garrit, pr. Van D. Brugh, Matt's, pr. Van D. Burg, Matt's R., p. Vandeburgh, Ab'm, priv. Vandeburgh, Burger, priv. Van Deburgh, Corn's, pr. Van De Burgh, Daniel, pr. Van D. Burgh, Dan'l, cor. Van D. Burgh, Garret, pr. Van D. Burgh, Gilbert, p. VanD. Burgh, G'tVolk.p. Van D. Burgh, Jacob, pr. Van D. Burgh, Jacob, pr. Vandeburgh, John, pnv. Van Deburgh, John, priv. Van D. Burgh, Levinus, p. Van D. Burgh, Rutger, pr. Van De Burgh, Rynier, pr. Van D. Burgh, Teunis, ft Van De Burgh, Windert,p. Van D. Cook, Corn's, cor. Van D. Cook, Henry, sgt Vau D. Cook, Isaac, pnv. Van D. Cook, Jacob, corp. Van D. Cook, Simon, en. Van D. Cook, Simon, priv. Vandeevelt, Derick, priv. V. De Graff, John, priv. Vandel, Abr'm, private Vandelinda, Daniel, private Vandelinda, Daniel,private Van Deluida, Geradus, pr. Vande Liode, Peter, priv. Vandelinder, Benj'n, priv. Vandelinder, Geradus, pr. Van D. Linder, Garadus, p. Vandelinder, Peter, lieut Vandeline, Petrus, private Vandeline, Peter, private Vandemark, Arie, private Vandemark, Corn's, priv. Vandemark, Ezekiel, priv. Vandemark, Fred'k, priv. Vandemark, Jacob, priv. Vandemark, Jacob, priv. Vandemark, Jacob, priv. Van De Mark, Jacob, priv. Van Demark, Jacob,* priv. Van Demark, John, corpl. Van Demark, Joseph, priv. Van Demark, Joseph, priv. Van Demark, Solomon, pr. Vandemark, Wilhelm, lt. Vandemerk, Corn's, priv. Vandemerk, Ezekiel, priv. Van Demerk, George, priv. Van Demerk, Jacob, priv. Van Demerk, Joseph, priv. Van De Merkin, Hend'k, pr. Van Den Bercask, Garret, p. Van Den Bergh, Ab'm, pr. Van Den Bergh, Barent, p. Van Denbergh, Daniel, pr. Vandenbergh, Daniel, pr. Van Den Bergh, Garret, p. Vandenbergh, Garret, priv. Van Den Bergh, Garret, p. Van Denbergh, Gerrit F., p. Van Den Bergh, GerH T.,p. Vanden Bergh, Gysb't, p. Vanden Bergh, Jacob, pr. Vandenbergh, John, capt. Van Den Bergh, John, pr. Vandenbergh, Nich's, pr. Vandenbergh, Peter, priv. Regiment. Company. Van Rensselaer Elliot . Weisenfels W filet Marshall Van Rensselaer Fraist Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Van Rensselaer Fraist Van Rensselaer Sharp Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoof Schuyler Lansing Schuyler Lansing Willet Gross Harper Pntman Van Veghten Van Woert Van Rensselaer Shaw Van Rensselaer DeForest Van Rensselaer DeForest Van Rensselaer Sharp Wessenfels White Malcom McKinstry Schuyler Van Rensselaer Lansing Fraist Van Rensselaer SharpVan Wie SchuylerVan Veghten Winne Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Malcom Wemple Fonda Crane Truesdell Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Woert Schuyler Van Aernum Fisher McMaster Van Veghten Van Woert Van Veghten Dunham Fisher McMaster Johnson Jansen Johnson Smith Cantine Hasbrouck Wessenfels White Johnson Jansen Cantine Hasbrouck Johnson Gillispy Jnhnson Jansen Johnson Smith Wessenfels Pawling Cantine Hasbrouck Pawling Pawling Cantine Hasbrouck Pawling De Witt Cantine Hasbrouck Johnson Gillispy Cantine Hasbrouck Pawling Burnet Pawling De Witt Pawling De Witt Cantine Hasbrouck Fonda Van Veghten Van Woert Van Rensselaer Staats Van Rensselaer Staats Willet Tearse Vrooman Stubrach Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Veghten Van Woert Van Rensselaer Bries Van Rensselaer Bries Schuyler Foreast Schuyler Foreast Vau Schoonhoven Van Rensselaer Staats Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven Visscher * Rochester, Ulster county, A. P. 20-318. Roster of the State Troops. 497 Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Vandenbergh, Philip, pr. Yates Yates Van Denbergh, Rntger.pr. Van Schoonhoven Vandenbergh Van Denbergh, Teunis, ft. Quackenboss Van Wie Vanden Bergh, Volkert, p. Schuvler Foreast Van Den Bergh, Volkertp. Van Rensselaer Staats Van Den Bergh, Volkert.p. Van Rensselaer Bries Vandenbergh, Winant pr. Yates Yates Van Den Bery, Ab'm, priv. Van Rensselaer Staats Van Denburgh, Ab'm, pr. Schuyler Lansing Vandenburgh, Benj'n, pr. Drake Haight Vandenburgh, Corn's.capt. Yates Van Den Burgh, Corn's, p. Van Rensselaer Bries Van Denburgh, Corn'sC, p. Schuyler Lansinz VanD.Burgh,Cor'sW.,cap. Yates Van Den Burgh, Evert, pr. Schuyler Vischer Vandenburgh, Garret, lt. Schuyler Van Aernum Van Den Burgh, Garret, lt. Schuyler Lansing Van Den Burgh, Garret, pr. Van Veghten Van Woert Van Den Burgh, Garrit, pr. Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh, Gilbert, pr. Schuyler Sharp Van Den Burgh, Gysbert.p. Van Rensselaer De Forest Van Den Burgh, Gysbert,p. Van Rensselaer Sharp Vandenburgh, Henry, lieut. Dubois Lee Vandenburg, James, col. Vandenburgh, Jacob, priv. Schuyler Sharp Van Denburgh, John, capt Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh, John, pnv. Schuyler Veeder Vandenburgh, Levinus, pr. Schuyler Lansing Van Den Burgh, Nich's, pr. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Den Burgh, Peter, cor. Vandenburg Wheeler Vandenburgh, Peter, priv. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Vandenburgh, Philip, priv, Yates Yates Vandenburgh, Rynier, pr. Schuyler Sharp Vandenburgh, Thomas, p. Wessenfels Vandenburgh, Titus, priv. Schuyler Sharp Van Den Burgh, Volkert, p. Van Rensselaer Sharp Van Den Burgh, Volkert, p. Van Rensselaer Townsend Vandenburgh, Volkier, pr. Schuyler Sharp Vandenburgh, Wm., sergt. Yates Yates Vandenburgh, Will., priv. Drake Haight Vandenburgh, Winant, ser. Yates Yates Van Denburgh, Wynant, st Schuyler Lansing Van Den Merken, Jno., pr. Cantine Van Den Mirkin, Arie, pr. Cantine Van Den Werk, Henry, pr. Willet Fonda' Van Den Zee, Corn's, pnv. Schuyler Hogan Vanderbaker, David, priv. Hays Tourneur' Vanderbarrak, Wynant, pr. Yates Weltse i Vanderbelt, Corn's, sergt Hays Tourneur i Vanderbelt, Corn's, priv. Hays Tourneur Vanderbelt, Derick, lieut. Hays Smith * Van Derbelt, Derick, priv. Hays Tourneur Vanderbelt,. Derick, priv. Hays Smith Van Der Belt, Dirk, priv. Vanderbelt, John, private Vanderbergh, Ab'm, priv. Van Der Bergh, Ab'm, pr. SmithLansing Staats MalcomHaysSchuyler Van Rensselaer Van Derbergb, Dirk, priv. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Der Bergh, Garret, pr. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Der Bergh, Nich's, pr. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Vander Bergh, Peter, priv. Van Schoonhoven Vanderbergh, Philip, priv. Yates Yates Vandercock, Sam'l, ensign Van Rensselaer Vandercook, Corn's, priv. Van Rensselaer Van Der Cook, Isaac, corpl. Van Rensselaer Vander Cook, Isaac, priv. Van Rensselaer Vander Cook, Jacob, corpl. Van Rensselaer Van Derhoof Van Der Cook, Simon, etf n Van Rensselaer - De Garmo Vandercook, Simon, en'n Yates Weltse Vander Heyden, Ab'm.pr. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Derheyden, Dan'l, pr. Wemple Fonda Vander Heyden, Dan'l, pr. Wemple Mynderse Van Der Heyden, David, p. Wemple Bancker Vander Heyden, Dirk J., p. Schuyler Tillman VanDerHeyden, Garsham,p. Willet Tearse Vander Heyden, John.capt Van Rensselaer Van Der Heyden, Jno. D. p. Schuyler Sharp Van Der Heyden, Jno.D., p. Schuyler Tillmon Van Der Heyden,Matt'w,p. Van Rensselaer Shaw Vanderhoof VanderhoofVanderhoaf Van Derhof Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Vander Heyden, Matt'w.p. Schuyler Tillman Vander Heyden, Nan'g, lt. Van Rensselaer Vander Heyden, Nan'g, lt Schuyler Tilman VanDerHeyden, Nan'g, p. Van Schaick Vander Heyder, David, pr. Wemple Vander Heyder, Dirick, p. Van Rensselaer Vander Heyder, John, ser. Van Rensselaer Vanderhider, David, priv. Willet Hole Vanderhider, Gusham, pr. Willet Hole Van D. Hoof, Corn's, pr. Hathorn Shepherd Vanderhoof, Guilbard, pr. Van Rensselaer De Garmo Vanderhoof, Guilbard, pr. Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Van D. Hoof, Hend'k, cap. Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof, Henry, priv. Hathorn McCambly Van D. Hoof, Jacob, priv. Hathorn Shepherd Vanderhoof, Jacob, priv. Yates Hadlock Vanderhoof, Jacob, priv. Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Van D. Hoof, Mathias, pr. Pawling Wood Van D. Hoof, Thomas, pr. Hathorn Shepherd Vanderhook, Isaac, priv. Yates Van Der Hyden, John, pr. Quackenboss Slingerlandt Vander Kar, Abm., private Steenbergh Van Der Karr, Aaron, pr. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Der Karr, Abr'm, fifer Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Vanderkarr, Abm., fifer Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Der Karr, Abraham, p. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Vanderkarr, Abm., priv. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Vanderkarr, Abr'm, priv. Van Schoonhoven Collins Vanderkarr, Dirk, private Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Derkarr, Dirck, Jr., p. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Der Karr, Dirck A., p. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Der Karr, Hend'k, pr. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Vanderkarr, Nich's, lieut. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Vanderkarr, Rich'd, priv. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Vanderlinder, Peter, ensign Fisber Mabee Vanderlyn, Peter, surgeon Wessenfels Vanderlyn, Peter, surgeon Pawling Vanderlyne, Nich's, priv. Hays Vanderpool, Andris, priv. Van Alstyn Vosburgh Vanderpool, Jacobus, priv. Van Alstyn Vosburgh Van Der Pool, John, corp. Van Rensselaer Staats Vander Pool, John, private Van Rensselaer Staats Van Der Pool, Malkert, pr. Van Rensselaer Staats Van Der Pool, Melchert, p. Van Rensselaer Woodworth Van Dervoort, Baumt, ser. Hays Gardner Van Dervoort, Baumt, pr. Hays Gardner Vandervoort, Garret, priv. Hays Ackerson Vandervoort, Jacobus, pr. Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Van D. Voort, John, corp. Wessenfels Dodge Vandervoort, John, priv. Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Vandervoort, John,* priv. Swartwout Vandervoort, John, Jr., p. Hays Ackerson Vandervoort, Jonas, priv. Hays Ackerson Vandervoort, Paul, priv. Hays Gardner Vandervoort, Peter, priv. Hays Ackerson Vandervoort, Peter, priv. Brinckerhoff Storm Vander Wark, John, priv. Willet Putman Vanderwarker, Thos., ser. Fisher Yeoman Van D. Wercan, Isaac, pr. Van Veghten Winne Van D. Wercken, Morter,c.Van Veghten Van Woert Van Derwerk, Thos., priv. Klock Zeelj- Van Der Werke, Albert, p. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Vander Werke, Francis, p. Van Schoonhoven White Vander Werke, Gradus, p. Van Schoonhoven White Van Derwerke, Jocham, p. Klock Bedhig Vander Werke, John, priv. Van Schoonhoven Hicks Vanderwerke, John A., pr. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Derwerke, Thos., pr. Klock Zealy Van Derwerke, Wm., ser. Klock Zeely Van Derwerke, Wm., priv. Klock Bedhig Vander Werken, Barent, p. Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Vander Werken, Francis, p. Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Van Der Werken, Grad.,p. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Vander Werken, Gradus, p. Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Vander Werken, Hend'k,p. Fonda V. Der Werken, Herm's, p. Willet Fonda Van Derwerken, John, pr. Klock Ruff Van Der Werken, John, p. Willet Livingston Van Der Werken, John, p. Van Schoonhoven Vau Denburgh * Capt. Wm. Clark's minutemen in 1775 to March 76; then in a N. J. Regt.; then in Capt. Darling's of Swartwout's in 1777. Beekman, Dutchess Co. A. P. 24-210. 63 498 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Vander Werkeu, John, pr. Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Van Der Werken, Jno., p. Fisher Veeder Vander Werken,John J., p. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Der Werken, JohnR., p. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh VanDerWerken,Martin,cl. Van Veghten Van Woert Vander Werken, Martin, p. Yates Yates Vanderwerken, Thomas, p. Klock Miller Van Der Werker,JohnA., p. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Der Werker,Joshua,p. Clyde Van Everat Vanderwerker, Wm., priv. Fisher Fisher Van Derwerkin, Jochim, p. Klock Rnff VanDerWerkin,Th's,Jr.,p. Klock Kock Vander Wirkin, Martin, p. Yate9 Yates Vanderworker, Harm's, p. Piatt Bradbick Vanderzee, Albert, private Schuyler Hogan Vanderzee, Cora's, private Schuyler Hogan VanderZee, Corn' s, priv. Quackenboss Van Wie VanderZie, Walter, priv. Roseboom Van Des Carr, Rich'd, pr. Willet Livingston Van Deurse, Aaron, priv. Schuyler Van Wee Van Deursen, Christ r, pr. Van Rensselaer Shaw Van Deursen, Christ'r, pr. Van Rensselaer De Forest Van Deursen, Christ'r, pr. Van Rensselaer Staats Van Deursen, Christ'r, pr. Van Rensselaer Bries Van Deursen, Corn's, priv. Van Rensselaer De Forest Van Deursen, Harpert, pr. Van Rensselaer Bries Van Deursen, Hend'k, pr. Van Rensselaer De Forest Van Deursen, Hend'k, pr. Schuyler Foreast Van Deursen, Henry, pr. Van Rensselaer Husted Van Deursen, Jno., private Van Rensselaer Husted Van Deusen, Aaron, sergt. Quackenboss Van Deusen, Aaron, priv. Quackenboss Van Deusen, Abm., sergt. Fisher Veeder Van Deusen, Abm., corp. Fisher Veeder Van Deusen, Abm., priv. Willet Fonda Van Deusen, Abm., priv. Fisher Veeder Van Deusen, Ab'm, private Stockwell Vau Deusen, Albert, sergt. Fisher Veeder Van Deusen, Christ'r, cap. Hathorn Van Deusen, Gilbert, serg. Fisher Veeder Van Deusen, Gilbeat, serg. Fisher Putman Van Deusen, Gilbert, corp. Fisher Veeder Van Deusen, Gilbert, priv. Fisher Veeder Van Deusen, Harpert, pr. Fisher Veeder Van Deusen, Hendrick, pr. Van Vechten Van Woert Van Deusen, Henry, priv. Van Rensselaer Sharp Van Deusen, John, adjt. Wemple Van Deusen, John, lieut. Pawling Pawling Van Deusen, John, lieut Pawling Livingston Van Deusen, John, paym'r Cantine A. P. 14-336 Van Deusen, John, private Van Rensselaer Osterhoudt Van Deusen, John, private Hooghtaling Van Deusen, Matt'w, sergt Fonda Van Deusen, Matt'w, corp. Fonda Van Deusen, Matt'w, priv. Fonda Van Deusen, Matt'w, priv. Fisher Veeder Van Deuzen, John, lieut. Hammond .Martling Van Deuzen, John, priv. Van Alstyn Vosburgh Van Deverken, Hend'k, pr. Fonda Van De Volgen, Corn's, p. Wemple Bancker Van De Volgen, Peter, pr. Wemple Bancker Van De Volgen, Petrus, pr. Wemple Schermerhorn Vandevort, James, sergt Humfrey Vandevort, John, private Hays Ackerson Vandevort, Paul, heut Cooper Gardner Van De Warkin, Clas, pr. Fonda Vandewarkin, Henry, priv. Fonda Van Dewarkin, Jacob, pr. Fonda Van Dewarkin, John, pr. Fonda Van Dewarkin, John, priv. Fisher Mabee Vandewater, Adolph, priv. Wessenfels Dodge Vandewater, Adolph, priv. Dubois Lee Vande Water, Adolphus, p. Brinckerhoff Van Benschoten Vandewater, Harmanus, c. Hammond Vandewater, Heman, priv. Hopkins Van Benschoten Vande Water, Herman, pr. Brinkerhoff Brinkerhoff Vandewater, Herm's, corp. Wessenfels Dodge Vandewater, Herm's, priv. Wessenfels Dodge Vandewater, Jacobus, pr. Hopkins Van Benschoten Vande Water, James, priv. Brinckerhoff Van Benschoten Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Vande Water, JohD, priv. Brinckerhoff , Van Benschoten Vandewater, Joseph, priv. Hopkins Van Benschoten Vand.e Water, Michael, pr. Van Rensselaer Elliot Vande Waters, Hynis, p. Livingston Pulver Van De Waters, Michael, p. Livingston Houserad Van De Werke, Harm's, p. Clyde Van Evera* Van De Werke, Jacob, pr. Clyde Brown Van De Werken, Casper, s. Fisher Veeder- Van De Werken, Casper, p.. Fisher Veeder Van De Werken, Geo., pr." Fisher Veeder Van De Werken, Jacob, p. Fonda Vande Werken, John A., p. Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Van De Werken, Peter, s. Fisher Veeder Vandewerken, Wm., priv. Fisher Mabee Vandewerkin, John, priv. Fisher Putman Van Dewirkin, Albert, sgt. Fisher Veeder Van De Wirkin, Albert, p. Fisher Veeder Vandewirkin, Albert, priv. Fisher Putman Van Dewirkin, John, sergt Fisher Veeder Van Dewirkin, Jno., priv. Fisher Veeder Vandewoort, Paul, private Brinkerhoff Storm Vandewort, Paul, lieut. Hays Ackerson Van Dewsen, Aerent, priv. Schuyler Slingerland Van Dick, Dirck, private Van Veghten Woodworth Van Dickark, Ezekiel, priv. Phillips Ostrander Vandle, James, private Brinckerhoff Van Wyck Van Dolson, Jacobus, dr. Hays Sickles Van Dolson, Jacobus, dr. Hays Hogencamp Van Dolson, John, private Hays Hogencamp Van Dooser, Ab'm, priv. Webster Thomas Van Duer, Mac, alias Mao Donald,* private Weissenfels Livingston Van Duersen, Arent, priv. Schuyler Slingerlandt Van Duerson, John, paym. Pawling Van Duesen, Matt'w? priv. Schuyler Hogan Van Duren, Jno., pnvate Van Rensselaer Sharp Van Durson, Wm., private Willet Livingston Van Dusen Aaron, private Harper Harrison Van Dusen, Ab'm, sergt. Van Woert Whiteside Vandusen, Ab'm, private Van Woert Whiteside Van Dusen, Ab'm, private Fisher Putman Vandusen, Caspares, priv. Graham Vail Van Dusen, Geo., private Livingston Kline Van Dusen, Isaac, private Piatt Lee Van Dusen, Jevous, corpl. Fonda Van Dusen, John, paym r Pawling Vandusen, John, quar. mr. Cantine Van Dusen, John, private Van Alstyn Ostrander Vandusen, Markerf, priv. Fonda Van Dusen, Matt'w, corpl. Fisher Veeder Van Dusen, Richard, pnv. Fonda Van Dusen, Rob't, private Livingston Shaw Van Dusen, Walkert, priv. Fonda Vanduser, Ab'm, private Graham Vail Van Duser, Martin, private Vandenburgh Wheeler Vandusor, Jessy, private Graham Wilson Van Duzen, Aaron, private Willet Livingston Van Duzen, Ab'm, sergt Webster Childs Van Duzen, John, private Piatt Kiunue Van Duzen, Matt'w, priv. Piatt Bloom Van Duzen, Christ, capt. Field Dyckman Van Dyck, Aaron, private Willet Cannon Van Dyck, Corn' s, fifer, Willet , Harrison Van Dyck, Corn's, private Vrooman Richtmyer Van Dyck, Corn' s, fifer Harper Bogart Van Dyck, Corn's, private Wemple Mynderse Van Dyck, Corn' s, private Vrooman Van Dyck, Corn's H., priv. Wemple Wanson Van Dyck, David, private Willet Conine Van Dyck, David, private Schuyler Hogan Van Dyck, Henry, private Wemple Fonda Van Dyck, Henry, private Wemple Mynderson Van Dyck, Jacob, private Willet Debois Van Dyck, Jacob, private Thomas Moseman Van Dyck, Jacob, private Vrooman Stubrach Van Dyck, Jacob, private Thomas St. John Van Dyck, Jacob, private Vrooman Brown Van Dyck, John, private Vrooman Becker Van Dyck, Peter, private Harper Bogart Van Dyke, Aurt, private Van Bergen Hoghtaling * Enlisted in 1782 ; orderly to Col. Weissenfels. New York city. A. P. 15-53. Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Van Dyke, Corn's, private Wemple Van Dyke, Corn's H., priv. Wemple Van Dyke, Hend'k, private Wemple Van Dyke, Jacob, private Vrooman Vandyke, John, private Hays Vnn Dyke, Mattnise, priv. Van Bergen Vaneark, Peter, private Van Reusselaer Van Elten, John, private Wynkoop Van Enger, Joseph, lieut. Willet Van Engo, Josepn, private Wemple Van Eps, Charles, private Van Eps, Evert, sergeant Van Eps, Evert, private Van Eps, John, sergeant Fisher Van Eps, John, private Wemple Van Eps, John, private Wemple Van Eps, John, private Fisher Van Eps, JohnB., corporal Wemple Van Eps, John B., private Wemple Van Eps, John I., private Wemple Van Eps, Jno. Jas., priv. Wemple Van Eps, John V., private Wemple Vanersdoll, Teunis, ensign Newkirk Vanery, Ead, private Brinckerhoff Vanes, Garret F., sergeant Van Rensselaer Vaness, Garret, lieut. Van Woert Van Etten, Benj'n, private Van Rensse Van Etten, Benj'n, private Schuyler Van Etten, Benjamin, priv. Schuyler Van Etten, Jacobus, priv. Piatt Van Etten, Jacobus, priv. Klock Van Etten, John, private Wynkoop Van Etten, Samuel, lieut. Klock Van Etter, Levi, private Klock Van Etty, Sam'l, lieut. Klock Van Ever, Martin, private Pawling Van Everat, Cora's, ensign Clyde Van Everat, Corn's, priv. Clyde Van Everat, John, lieut Clyde Van Everat, John, private Clyde Van Everat, Renier, capt. Clyde Van Everson, Garret, priv. Willet Vane Ness, Johu, private Yates Van Evory, Jacob, private Dubois Van Evun, Thomas, private Willet Van Ewerson, Gano, private Willet Van Falkenburgh, Levi, pr. Van Ness Van Fleet, James, private Klock Van Frooman, Henry, pr. Van Gaasbeck, Abi'm, pr. Wynkoop Van Gaasbeck, Jacob, lt. Wynkoop Van Gaasbeck, John, priv Wynkoop Van Gaasbeck, John, Jr., c. Wynkoop Van Gaasbeek, Abr'm, pr. Wynkoop Van Gaasbeek, Peter, lieut. Wynkoop VanGalder, Isaac, private Vangarden, Jacobus, priv. Johnson Vangarden, Jacobus, priv. Pawling VanGassbeck, Abr'm, pr. Wynkoop VanGassbeck, Ab'm W., p. Wynkoop Van Gassbeck. Jacobus, It. Wynkoop Van Gelder, Hend'k, priv. Graham Van Gelder, John, private Webster Van Gelten, Antreas, priv. Vrooman Vangerder, Andries, priv. Pawling Van Gizling, Corn's, priv. Wemple Van Gorden, James, priv. Johnson Van Guyslen, Jacob, priv. Wemple Van Guysling, Jacob, priv. Wemple VanGuysling, Peter, priv. Wemple Vanhagen, John, private Van Rensselaer Van Hagen, Martin, priv. Van Veghten Vanhagen, Martin, private Van Rensselaer Van Hagen, Matt'w, priv. Van Veghten Van Hawten, Clause, priv. Hays Van Heinenger, Henry, pr. Yates Van Hewren, Benj'n, pnv. Johnson Van Hewten, Samuel, priv. Hays Vander Heyden, Matt'w, p. Van Rensselaer Van Hienenger, Henry, p. Yates Van Hining, Hend'k, pnv. Van Veghten ,Van Hinninger, Henry, pr. Yates | Van Hoesen, Corn's, priv. Van Rensselaer Company. Outhout OuthoutOuthout Stubrach Ackerson Dubois De Garmo De Witt HoleMyndersonFonda Fonda Fonda Gartneer Fonda MynderseGartnerVan Atten Van Petten Van Atten Outhout Van Petten Vankeuren Van Benschoten De Garmo DotyDe Forest Sharp Van Wee Bradbick Miller MillerMillerSacketVan Everat Van Everat Van Everat Ruff Hanry Brown McFoght Livingston Pearcy Tanner WestbrookFonda SwartVan Buren Swart Van Buren V. Duzer Jansen Burnet Van Buren Van Beuren Conklin Tozer BurnetSmall GillispyOuthout Bancker Van Slyck Bries Van Woert Staats Van Woert Onderdonk Yates Concklin Onderdonk Yates DunningBrutt Osterhoudt Harper FisherFisher Fisher Fisher Name and Rank. Regiment. Van Hoesen, Harman, pr. Van Rensselaer Van Hoesen, Jacob I., ser. Van Renselaer Van Hoesen, Jacob I., pr. Van Alstyn Van Hoesen, John, private Van Alstyn Van Hoesen, Myndert, pr. Van Rensselaer Van Hoesen, Nich's, pnv. Van Rensselaer Van Hoesen, Rynier, priv. Van Rensselaer Van Hoevenburgh.Eggo, p. Pawling Van Hoevenb'gh, Henry, lt. Pawling Van Horn, Ab m, qr. mr. Fisher Van Horn, Ab'm, ensign Fisher Van Horn, Ab'm, private Fisher Van Horn, Corn's, private Fisher Van Horn, Cornety, priv. Fisher Van Horn, Henry, private Fisher Vanhorn, John, corporal Fisher Van Horn, John, private Van Hom, John, private Van Horn, Thos., lieut. Van Horn, Thos., lieut Van Horn, Thomas, lieut. Vanhoughten, John, corpl. Hays Van Housen, Jacob, priv. Van Alstyn Vanhousen, John, private Hays Van Housen, John, priv. Van Bergen Van Houten, Clause, sergt Hays Vanhouten, Dirck, private Hays Van Houten, Johannes, pr. Harper Van Houten, John, private Pawling Van Houten, John, private Cooper Van Houten, John, private Hays Van Houten, John, private Harper Vanhouten, Nicholas, corp. Hays Van Houten, Peter, priv. Cooper Van Houten, Peter, priv. Hays Van Houten, Peter, priv. Wisner Van Houten, Resolvert, pr. Hays Van Houten, Resolvert, en. Hays Van Houten, Thunis, priv. Cooper Van Houten, Thunis, priv. Hays Van Houter, Ab'm, private Malcom Van Howten, Abraham, cor. Hays Van Howten, Dirck, priv. Hays Van Howten, John, corpl. Hays Van Howten, Resolvert, lt. Cooper Van Howten, Resolvert, It Hays Van Howten, Thunis, corp. Hays Van Howter, John, private Hays Van Hozen, John, private Hays Van Hozer, Francis, priv. Van Ness Van Hussen, Albert, priv. Fisher Vanhuten, Peter, private Van Inger, John, private Van Ining, Ab'm, private Vaninwegen, Corn's, Vaninwegen, Harm's, priv. Klock Van Iveran, Martinus, pr. Van Rensselaer Van Iveren, Barent, priv. Van Rensselaer Van Iveren, Jacob, s. maj. Schuyler Van Iveren, Jacob, sergt. Schuyler Van Iveren, Martin, ensign Van Rensselaer Van Iveren, Martinus, pr. Schuyler Van Iveren, Rynier, lieut. Van Rensselaer Van Iveren, Rynier, ensign Van Rensselaer Van Iveren, Rynear, ens'n Schuyler Van Iveren, Rynier, ens'n Schuyler Van Iverin, Barent, priv. Van Rensselaer Van Jeveren, Garret, priv. Harper Vank, Peter, sergeant Hays Van Kamp, Abraham, priv. Pawling Van Kamp, Abrm., private Pawling Van Kerse, John, private Brinckerhoff Van Keuren, Abr'm, capt. Wynkoop Van Keuren, Abr'm, corpl. Wynkoop Van Keuren, Benj'n, priv. Johnson Van Keuren, Benjamin, pr. Johnson Van Keuren, Benjamin, pr. Graham Vankeuren, Charick, pnv. Johnson Van Keuren, Corn's, priv. Wynkoop Van Keuren, Corn's M., sr. Wynkoop Van Keuren, Garret, priv. Wynkoop Van Keuren, Garret, priv. Wynkoop Van Keuren, Hazael, priv. Johnson Hays WempleKlock 499 Company. Bries Philip Van Valkenburgh Philips Bries Osterhoud. Bries PawlingPawling Snook Snook Snook YatesSnook Putman Putman Snook Mabee Snook Yeoman OstranderTourneur HoghtalingOnderdonck Tourneur Rock'dCo.A.P.21-9 Lawrence Gardner Onderdonk Lawrence Tourneur Gardner Tourneur Bartoff Tourneur Onderdonck Gardner OnderdonckOnderdonkBell Gardner Onderdonck Onderdonck Bell Tourneur McMaster Tourneur Van Slyck Brinkerhoof WestfallSharp Bries Foreast Sharp Bries (?) SharpShaw De Forest Foreast Sharp Bries BogartSmith De Witt Burnet Van Benschouten Van Buren Gillispy Mastin Wilkin SwartSwart Swart Bogardus Cross 500 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Van Keuren, Hazael, priv. Johnson Jansen Vankeuren, Hazel, private Johnson Gillispy Vankeuren, Hend'k, capt. Newkirk Vankeuren, Jacob, priv. Johnson Mastin Vankeuren, Jacobus, priv. Johnson Roosa Vankeuren, Jacobus, Jr., p. Johnson Jansen Van Keuren, Levi, private Johnson Van Keuren, Matt'w, priv. Hathorn Bogardas Van Keuren, Matt'w, priv. Snyder Swart Van Keuren, Matt'w, priv. Wynkoop Swart Van Keuren, Matt's, corp. Wynkoop Van Buren Van Keuren, Matt' s, priv. Wynkoop Van Keuren Van Keuren, Matt's, priv. Wynkoop Van Buren Van Keuren, Philip, sergt. Pawling De Witt Van Keuren, Philip, priv. Graham Van Keuren; Philip, priv. Wynkoop Swart Van Keuren, Reuben, sgt Johnson Jansen Van Keuren, Reuben, sgt. Johnson Roosa Van Keuren, Tierck, pnv. Pawling DeWitt Van Keuren, Tierk, lieut. Pawling Van Keuren, Tjerck, corpl. Wynkoop Van Keuren, Tjerck, priv. Piatt Van Keuren, Tjerck, priv. Snyder Van Keuren, Tjerck, priv. Wynkoop Van Keurer, Fred'k, sergt. Van Kewren, Jacob, Jr., p. Johnson Van Kewreng, Jacobus, p. Phillips Van Kleck, Baltus, private Brinckerhoff Van Kleck, Barent, lieut. Brinckerhoff Van Kleck, Barent, private Brinckerhoff Van Kleck, Barent A., pr. Brinckerhoff Van Kleck, Barent B., pr. Brinckerhoff Van Kleck, Jacob, private Wessenfels Van Kleck, Joseph, private Wessenfels Van Kleck, Michael, priv. Brinckerhoff Van Kleeck, Baltus, priv. Hopkins Van Kleeck, Barent, priv. Hammond Van Kleeck, Geo., private Wessenfels Van Kleeck, Michael, pr. Pawling Van Kleeck, Michael, priv. Wessenfels VanKleek, Barent P., lieut. Brinckerhoff Van Kranche, Adam, priv. Van Schoonhoven Van Kuren, Charick, priv. Johnson Van Kuren, Matt'w, priv. Hopkins Van Kuren, Philip, sergt Pawling Van Kuren, Turk, private Hooghtaling Vanlarakie, Benj'n, private Graham Van Lenom, Andrew, ensn. Wynkoop VanLenon, John, Jr., sgt. Wynkoop Van Leugen, Christ'r, pr. Cantine Van Leugen, John, private Cantine Van Leuvan, Jobn, sergt. Wynkoop Van Leuven, Andrew, en. Wynkoop Van Leuven, Andrew, sgt. Wynkoop Van Leuven, Christ'r,pnv. Pawling Van Leuven, John, pnvate Wynkoop Van Leuven, Zachariah, p. Pawling Van Lenven, Zachary, cor. Wynkoop Van Leuven, Zachary, priv. Wynkoop Van Leuvene, Zach's, sgt. Wynkoop Van Lewen, Petrus, priv. Cantine Van Lone, Jacobus,private Vrooman Van Lone, John, private Klock Van Loon, Nich's, private Willet Vanloover, Benjamin, priv. Van Ness Vanloover, Cora's, private Van Ness Van Low, John, private Van Bergen Van Mack, Barnabus W,, p. Wisner Van Metyer, Corn's, priv. Fisher Van Moert, Jacob, pnvate Schuyler Vannaken, Nath'l, private Wessenfels Vanname, Aaron, private Yates Vanname, Abner, lieut. Van Name, Abner, lieut. Van Naps, John, private Van Neps, Jobn, private Van Ness, Adam, private Van Ness, Cherrick, priv. Van Ness, David, private Van Ness, Garret, private Wemple Van Ness, Jacob, heut Yates Van Ness, Jacob, lieut. Yates Van Rensselaer YatesFisherFisherVan Alstyn Van Alstyn Brodhead SwartSwartJohnson Ostrander Van Benschouten Van Benschoten Van Benschoten Van Benschoten Van Benschoten Dodge , Thompson Van Benschoten Van Benschoten Wood Van Benschoten VandenburghGillispy Van Benschoten Wood Vail Schoonmaker Schoonmaker Schoonmaker Schoonmaker Westbrook Hunter Schoonmaker Schoonmaker Hasbrouck Heager Bedhig Harrison Whitney Whitnev Witbeck Baly Lansing Westfall Weltse DeGarmo Wiltse Yeoman Putman SteenberghOstrander Mynderse YatesBrown Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Van Ness, Jacobus, ensign Van Alstyn Van Ness, John, private Schuyler Van Ness, John, private Van Ness, John, private Van Ness, Wm., private Van Ness, Wm., private Van Ness, Will, Jr., priv. Vannest, Jacob, private Van Rensselaer Van Nest, JamesoD, priv. Willet Vannest, Jerome, pnvate Van Rensselaer Vannest, John, pnvate Van Rensselaer Van Nettee, Jacobus, priv. Willet Van Netten, Jacob, private Willet Ostrander Lansing Schuyler Ostrum Yates Brown Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Rensselaer Phillips DeGarmo Gray DeGarmoDeGarmo GrossFonda Gray Van Nish, John, private Willet Van Noe, Corn's, private Graham VaD Noe, Peter, private Graham Van Norden, Peter, corp. Van Bergen Witbeck Van Norton, Henry, pnv. Yates Van Nostrandt, John, priv. Wessenfels Dodge Vannostrandt, Wm., priv. Hammond Comb Van Olinda, Daniel,private Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Van Olinda, Daniel, private Van Schoonhoven Hicks HaysBays Hays Hays Van Olinda, Jacob, private Schuyler Van Olinda, Peter, private Schuyler Van Olinde, Benj'n, lieut. Fisher Van Olinde, Benj'n, sergt. Fisher Van Olinde, Benj'n,private Fisher Van Olinde, Jacob, private Fisher Van Olinde, Peter, lieut Fisher Van Ordan, Andries, priv. Hays Vanordan, Jaccb, private Van Ordan, Peter, private Van Ordan, Walter, lieut. Van Orden, Andries, priv. Van Orden, Jacobus, priv. Van Orden, John, sergeant Van Bergen Van Orden, John, private Hays Van Orden, John, private Hays Van Orden, John, private Van Bergen Van Orden, Peter, sergeant Van Bergen Van Orden, Peter, private Hays Van Orden, Peter, private Van Bergen Van Order, Albert, private Van Veghten Vanorder, Andrew, private Hays Van Order, Hend'k, drum'r Cooper Van Order, Hend'k, priv. Hays Van Order, Hend'k, drum'r Hays Van Order, Henry, drum'r Malcom Van Orman, Ab'm, private Van Veghten Van Ornam, Ab'm, private Van Veghten Van Ornam, Luke, private Yates Van Oman, Isaac, private Cortland Van Osdell, John.^private Wessenfels Van Ostell, John, sergeant Wessenfels Van Ostrand, Wm., private Hammond Van Ostrander, John, serg. Van Rensselaer Van Ostrandt, Wm., priv. Van Bergen Van Outen, Hend' k, corpl. Van Rensselaer Van Patten, Adam, private Wemple Van Patten, Adam, private Wemple Van Patten, And'w, lieut. Wemple Van Patten, Fred'k, sergt Wemple Van Patten, Fred'k, priv. Wemple Van Patten, Fred'k, priv. Schuyler Van Patten, Fred'k, priv. Quackenboss Van Patten, Fred'k D., pr. Wemple Van Patten, Henry, priv. Wemple Van Patten, John, private Wemple Van Patten, Nich's, private Wemple Van Patten, Peter, private Schuyler Van Patten, Philip, private Wemple Van Patten, Syman P., pr. Wemple Van Pelt, Henry, private Luddington Van Pelt, Jocham, private Van Bergen Van Pelt, John, private Pawling Van Pelt, John, private Luddington Van Peten, Ament, private Wemple Van Petten, Adam, private Wemple Van Petten, Aurent, priv. Wemple Van Petten, Frederick, ser. Wemple Van Petten, Fred'k, sergt. Wemple Van Petten, Fred'k, priv. Wemple Lansing Lansing Degrass Fisner Degraas Degraas Degraas Tourneur Tourneur TourneurTourneurTourneurOnderdonk Tourneur Hogencamp Tourneur Woodworth Smith Gardner Smith Van Woert Van Woert Hadlock Hardenburgh Hardenburgh Comb Staats HoneywellVanderhoof Van Atten Van Petten FondaVan Atten Bancker VeederVeederOuthout Van Atten Outhout Van Atten Veeder Van Atten Van Atten Lane Witbeck Williams Lane Van Petten Schermerhorn Van Petten Fonda Wanson Roster of the State Troops. 501 Name and Rank. Regiment. Van Petten, Fred'k, priv. Quackenboss Van Petten, Fred'k S., ser. Wemple Van Petten, Fred'k S., pr. Wemple Van Petten, Henry, sergt Wemple Van Petten, Henry, priv. Wemple Van Petten, John, captain Wemple Van Petten, John, private Schuyler Van Petten, John, private Schuyler Van Petten, Nich's, sergt. Schuyler Van Petten, Nich's, corprl. Wemple Van Petten, Nich's, priv. Wemple Van Petten, Nich's, private Wemple Van Petten, Nich's, private Schuyler Van Petten, Nich's A., serg. Wemple Van Petten, Nich's A., Corp. Wemple Van Petten, Nich's H., pr. Wemple Van Petten, Nich's R., pr. Wemple Van Petten, Nich's S., pr. Wemple Van Petten, Peter, private Quackenboss Van Petten, Philip, priv. Wemple Van Petten, Philip, priv. Wemple Van Petten, Simon, priv. Wemple Van Petten, Simon P., pr. Wemple Van Plank, Ab'm, private Schuyler Van Piatt, Jocham, private Van Bergen Van Renselaer, H. J., lt. col. Van Renselaer, James, pr. Van Rensselaer Van Renselaer, Kilian, col. Van Renselaer, Nich's, pr. Van Rensselaer Van Renselaer, Robt., col. Van Rensselaer,H.K.,ltcol. Van Rensselaer, John, lt. col. Van Rensselaer, Peter, capt. Willet Van Salisbury, Corn's, pr. Van Rensselaer Vansandford, Cora's, capt. Van Santford, Corn's, en'n Wemple Van Santvoort, Corn's, capt. Piatt VauSantvoort, Corn's, en'n Wemple Van Schaack, Garret, priv. Wemple Van Schaack, John, ensign Van Bergen Van Schaack, Nich's, priv. Van Bergen Van Schaack, Nich's, priv. Van Bergen Van Schaack, Nich's, pr. Van Bergen Company. Van Petten Van Petten Van Petten Van Petten Slyngerlandt Groot Van Aernum Van Petten FondaVan Aernum Van Petten Van Atten Van Atten Van Petten Van Petten Van Petteu Fonda Van Petten Van Petten Lansing Dubois BriesBries Staats Onthout Van Slyck Hoghtaling Hoghtaling Dnbois Witbeck ¦ .u u^uaiH,^ inwis, pi. t au Dergeii vviLnecK Van Schaaick, Goose, priv. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schack, Garret, priv. Wemple Van Schack, John, ensign Van Bergen Van Schack, Nicholas, pr. Willet Van Schaick, Anth'y, capt. Van Schaick, Ant'y, sergt. Wynkoop Van Schaick, Anth'y, drr. Wynkoop Van Schaick, Anth'y, pr. Wynkoop Van Schaick, Garret, ens. Van Rensselaer Van Schaick, Garret, priv. Wemple Van Schaick, GarH G., cor. Schuyler VanSchaick, GarretG.,pr. Schuyler jjansing Van Schaick, Goose, priv. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schaaick, Gose, priv. Van Bergen VanSchaick, Ja'b G., q. m. Van Veghten Van Sfchaick, John, priv. Wemple Van Schaick, Mynd't, cap. Van Bergen Van Schaick, Roger, priv. Graham Van Schoick, Anthony, pr. Wynkoop Van Schoick, Ant'y L., dr. Wynkoop ncnuuuiiiuKer Van Schoon, Hend'k, pr. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven, Jac' s,c'l. Van Schoonhoven, Jas., pr. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven, Ja's, pr. Lansing n™,™ Van Schoy, Abel, private Hopkins Vanschoy, Ab'm, private Drake Vanschoy, Corn's, private Drake Vanscboy, James, private Drake VanScoit, Abr'm, private Hays (?) Van Scoit, Jon'n, private Hays Van Scouten, , maj. Willet Van Scoy, Abel, private Luddington Van Scoy, Ab'm, private Crane Van Scoy, Ab'm, Jr., priv. Crane Van Scoy, Corn's, sergt. Wessenfels Vanscoy, Cora's, private Crane Van Scoy, Corn's, private Crane Van Scoy, Jacob, corpl. Luddington Van Scoy, Jon'n, private Wessenfels Van Slyck ConineSchoonmak Price Lansing Lansing Fonda Schoonmaker BrownBarnum Delivan Delivan Delivan StevensonStevenson A. P., 21-275 Mead Lawrenco LockwoodHunt Lawrence Lockwood Baker Hunt Wemple WempleWemple Schuyler Wemple DuBois(f)Vrooman Name and Rank. Regiment. Van Scoy, Jon'n, private Crane Van Scoy, Samuel, private Wessenfels Vanscoy, Sam'l, pnvate Crane Van Scoy, Timothy, priv. Crane Van Seekelen, Rynier, pr. Willet Van Selten, Antfias, priv. Vrooman Van Senger, John, sergt Vrooman Van Sice, Ab'm, private Van Sice, Ab'm, private Van Sice, Corn's, private Van Sice, Corn's, private Van Sice, Corn's, private „EUI, Van Sice, Corn's, private Wemple Van Sice, Guysbert, priv. Wemple Van Sice, Jacobus, private Wemple Van Sickle, Rynear, priv. Harper Van Sicklen, David, priv. Willet Van Sickler, David, priv. Willet Van Sickler, Rinier, priv. Willet Van Sickler, Rynea, priv. Fisher Van Sickles, Daniel, priv. Hays Van Sicklin, Corn's, priv. Malcom Van Sicklin, Rymer, priv. Willet Van Silm, John, private Van Sille, John, private Van Sirlin, Jno., private Van Sisen, Joseph, priv. Vansize, Hanyost, private Piatt Van Skay, Kurnatus, priv. Pawling Van Slack, Martin, private Fisher Van Sleek, Samuel, priv. Klock Van Slice, John, private Wemple Van Slick, Adam, private Klock Van Slick, Copes, private Klock Van Slick, Samuel, private Klock Van Slick, Wm., private Klock Van Slike, Matt'w, sergt. Fisher Van Slike, Matt'w, private Fisher Van Slike, Matt'w, private Fisher Van Slike, Nich's, corpl. Fisher Van Slike, Nich's, private Fisher Van Slike, Nich's, private Fisher Van Slike, Nich's, private Fisher Van Slyce, Jacobus, priv. Wemple Van Slyce, Guysbert, priv. Wemple Van Slyck, Adam, corpl. Klock Van Slyck, Adrian, sergt Wemple Van Slyck, Adrian, corpl. Wemple Van Slyck, Adrian, sergt. Wemple Van Slyck, And'w, priv. Wemple Van Slyck, Ant'y, private Wemple Van Slyck, Ant'y, private Wemple Van Slyck, Corn's, sergt Wemple Van Slyck, Cora's, private Wemple Van Slyck, Corn's, private Wemple Vau Slyck, Corn's A., lt. Wemple Van Slyck, Corn's A., priv. Wemple Van Slyck, Derick, private Van Alstyn Van Slyck, George, private Willet Van Slyck, Geo., private Clyde Van Slyck, Harm's, priv. Wemple Van Slyck, Jacob, private Bellinger Van Slyck, Jacobus, priv. Klock Van Slyck, Jacobus, priv. Van Slyck, Jacobus, priv. Van Slyck, Jacobus, priv. Van Slyck, Jesse, captain Van Slyck, John, lieut. ,uvu Van Slyck, Matt'w, private Fisher Van Slyck, Nich's, ensign Klock Van Slyck, Nich's G.,priv. Klock Van Slyck, Peter, private Vrooman Van Slyck, Peter, private Wemple Van Slyck, Samuel, corpl. Klock Van Slyck, Samuel, private Klock Van Slyck, Teunis, private Van Bergen Van Slyck, Tunis, private Van Bergen Van Slyck, Tunis, private Van Bergen Van Slyck, William, priv. Klock Van Slyck, William, priv. Klock Van Slyk, Adam, corporal Klock Van Slyk, Dirk, private Van Bergen Klock Klock Bellinger Wemple Klock Company. Lockwood Hunt Lockwood Lockwood Putman Bancker Van Slyck Fonda Van Aernum Van Slyck BanckerVau Slyck Putman Putman FondaLittleOnderdonk McKinstry Putman Fonda Fonda FondaBradbickSacket YeomanHess Bradbig Bradbig BradbigBradbig Gartner Yates Yates Gartner Bancker Bancker Bedhig FondaFonda Mynderse Van Atten Van Petten Van Atten Van Slyck Schermerhorn Fonda SchermerhornVan Petten Van Buren Gross Dygert Van Petten Huber Zeely Bedhig Kock Staring Cayser Mabee Bradbig Bradbig Richtmyer Van Slyck Breadbake Zeely Hoghtaling DuboisWitbeck Zeely Bedhig Zeely Van Schaick 502 Roster of the State, Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Van Slyk, Nich' s, lieut. Klock Van Slyk, Prince, private Van Bergen Van Slyk, Teunis, private Van Bergen Van Slyke, Adam, private Klock Van Slyke, Jacobus, priv. Klock Van Slyke, Jacobus, priv. Klock Van Slyke, John, private Clyde Van Slyke, Nicholas, en'n Klock Van Slyke, Nich's, ensign Klock Van Slyke, Peter, private Van Alstyn Van Slyke, Peter, private Vrooman Van Slyke, Samuel, priv. Klock Van Slytes, Peter, private Van Bergen Van Snooke, Henry, priv. Fisher Vahsont, Jno., private Yates Van Sordam, Lowrana, pr. Yates Vansteenbark, John, pnv. Johnson Van Steenberg, John, srgt. Wynkoop Van Steenberger, Corn's, p. Brinckerhoff Van Steenbergh, Ab'm, ser. Wynkoop Van Steenbergh, Ab'm, cor. Wynkoop Van Steenbergh, Ab'm, pr. Johnson Van Steenbergh, Ab'm, pr. Snyder Van Steenbergh, Ab'm, pr. Wynkoop Van Steenbergh, Benj'n, pr. Wessenfels Van Steenbergh, Benj'n,pr. Snyder Van Steenbergh, Benj'n, pr. Wynkoop Van Steenbergh, Dirck, pr. Wynkoop Van Steenbergh, Dirck, pr. Wynkoop Van Steenbergh, Dirk, pr. Wynkoop Van Steenbergh, Henry, pr. Wynkobp Van Steenbergh, John, cor. Malcom Van Steenbergh, John, pr. Hathorn Van Steenbergh, John, pr. Wynkoop Van Steenbergh, J. Jr., pr. Wynkoop Van Steenbergh, J . V., pr. Snyder Van Steenbergh, Matt'w, p. Wynkoop Van Steenbergh, Peter.cor. Pawling Van Steenbergh, Peter, pr. Pawling Van Steenbergh, Peter, pr. Wynkoop Van Steenbergh, Pontis, pr. Wynkoop VaD Steenbergh, Tobias, p. Wynkoop Van Steenbergh, T., Jr.,pr. Wynkoop Van Steenbergh, T., Jr., pr. Wynkoop Van Steenburgh, Benj'n, pr. Hathorn Van Stike, Matt'w, private Fisher Van Stike, Nich's, private Fisher Van Suklen, John, private Brinckerhoff Van Surdam, And'w, priv. Yates Van Surdam, Teunis, pr. Yates Van Syce, Corn's, private Wemple Van Syce, Isaac, private Wemple Vantaf ell, Ab' m, private Drake Van Tassel, Ab'm, sergt. Hammond Van Tassel, Ab'm, sergt Hammond Vantassel, Ab'm, corporal Van Woert Van Tassel, Ab'm, private Graham Van Tassel, Abr'm, private Graham Van Tassel, Ab'm, private Hammond Van Tassel, Ab'm, private Van Woert Vantassel, Ab'm, private Van Woert Vantassel, Ab'm, private Hammond Van Tassel, Ab'm, private Drake Van Tassel, Abr'm, priv. Van Bergen Van Tassel, Ab'm, Jr., pr. Hammond Van Tassel, Corn's, lieut. Hammond Van Tassel, Corn's, lieut. Hammond Van Tassel, Cora's, priv. Hammond Van Tassel, Corn's, private Drake Van Tassel, Corn's, private Van Bergen Van Tassel, Corn's.Jr., pr. Hammond Van Tassel, Corn's, Jr., pr. Van Bergen Van Tassel, David, private Drake Van Tassel, David, private Van Bergen Van Tassel, Henry, private Brinckerhoff Van Tassel, Isaac, sergt. Hammond Van Tassel, Isaac, private Wessenfels Van Tassel, Isaac,* private Drake Van Tassel, Isaac, private Van Bergen Company. ZeelyVan Schaick Van Schaick Breadbake Breadbake Miller Van Everat Breadbake Bedhig Van VElkenburgh Rightmier Zealy YatesHadlock Wiltse JansenVan Benschouten Van Buren Van Buren GillispySwart White SwartSchoonmaker Van Buren Swart Van Keuren DedrickCantine Conklin . Schoonmaker Swart Van Aken Pawling Van Beuren Van Buren Dedrick Bogardus Gartner Gartner Brower Brown BanckerMynderse Haight OrserMartling Whiteside Magee Magee GilmoreWhiteside Comb Honeywell Martling CombOrser Orser Honeywell Comb Honeywell HoneywellBrinckerhoff Hunt Honeywell Name and Rank. Regiment. Van Tassel, Jacob, lieut. Hammond Van Tassel, Jacob, private Brinkerhoff Van Tassel, John, private Thomas Vantassel, John, private Hammond Van Tassel, John, private Hammond Van Tassel, John, private Hammond Van Tassel, John, private Drake Van Tassel, John, private Van Bergen Van Tassel, John, private Brinckerhoff Vantassel, Peter, private Hammond Van Tassel, Peter, private Hammond Van Tassel, Stephen, priv. Hammond Van Tastle, Corn' s, private Graham Vantavell, John, private Drake Van Terwilliger, Peter, pr. Pawling Vantesel, Ab m, corporal Van Woert Van Tessel, Corn's, private Van Woert Vantessel, Cora's, private Van Woert Vantessel, Corn's, private Van Woert Van Tessel, Henry, private Van Woert Vantessel, Henry, private Van Woert Vantessel, Henry, private Van Woert Van Teveren, Garret, priv. Harper Van Tile, John, private Lansing Van Tine, Ab'm, private Schuyler Van Tine, Ab'm, private Brinckerhoff Vantine, Corn's, private Brinckerhoff Vantine, William, sergeant Brinckerhoff Vants, John, private Pawling Van Tuyl, John, corporal Graham Van Vaghten, Dirick, ens'n Yates Van Vaghten, Rich' d,ens'n Yates Van Vaghten, Tunis, priv. Yates Van Vaghton, Tunes,ens'n Fisher Van Valckenburgh, Mat'w,s. Van Rensselaer Van Valckenburgh, Mat, p. Van Rensselaer Van Valckenburgh, Yoest,p. Willet Van Valk, Jacob N, priv. Van Rensselaer Van Valkenburg, Dirck, p. Van Rensselaer Van Valkenburgh, Ab'm, p. Van Rensselaer Van Valkenburgh,B'thw,p. Van Alstyn Van Valkenburgh, Ch.,q.m. Livingston Van Valkenburgh, Cl'ds, p. Van Alstyn Van Valkenburgh,Der'k,p. Van Bergen Van Valkenburgh, Died'k,s. Van Bergen Van Valkenburgh,Dirk,sgt Van Bergen Van Valken burgh, G' shm, p. Graham Van Valkenburgh,H'm's, s. Willet Van Valkenburgh, H'ry, p. Willet Van Valkenburgh, Isaac, lt. Willet Van Valkenburgh, Isaac, p. Van Bergen Van Valkenburgh, I. P., cap. Van Alstyn Van Valkenburgh, Jacob,aj. Yates Van Valkenburgh,Jacob, lt. Van Rensselaer Van Valkenburgh, Jacob, s. Van Bergen Van Valkenburgh, Jacob, p. Schuyler Van Valkenburgh, J. L.,p. Van Rensselaer Van Valkenburgh, Jac's, p. Van Alstyn Van Valkenburgh, Jere'h,p. Graham Van Valkenburgh,J'chm,p. Van Alstyn Van Valkenburgh, J' chm, p. Willet Van Valkenburgh, Joc'm, p. Willet Van Valkenburgh, Joc'm,p. Van Rensselaer Van Valkenburgh, Jno., p. Graham Van Valkenburgh, Jno., p. Van Alstyn Van Valkenburgh, J.A., p. Van Rensselaer Van Valkenburgh,Joost, p. Vrooman Van Valkenburgh, Lam't,p. Van Rensselaer Van Valkenburgh, Lam't,p. Van Alstyn Van Valkenburgh,Lam't,p. Van Alstyn Van H. ValkenbTi,Law'ce,p.Van Alstyn Van Valkenburgh,Nich's,p. Van Rensselaer Van Valkenburgh,Nich's,p. Van Rensselaer Van Valkenburgh, Peter,p. Van Rensselaer Van Valkenburgh, P. I., p. Van Alstyn Van Valkenburgh, Wm.,p. Van Rensselaer Van Vaughan, Theod'k, en. Fisher Van Vaughten, Theod'k, lt. Fisher Van Vechten, Benj'n, lieut. Van Bergen COMPANY. BrinkerhoffMosemanComb MartlingOrser Kronkhite Honeywell BrinkerhoffMartlingComb Martling SherwoodHaight Bnrnet Doty Gilmore Brown WhitesideGilmore Brown Whiteside BogartBrown Tillman Van Wyck Van Wyck Brinckerhoff Sacket Lansing Van Denburgh VandenburghYates Yeoman Staats Woodworth Harrison Schemerhorn Woodworth Van Valkenburgh Van Valkenburgh Witbeck Van Schaick Lansing Debois Marshall Gonine Witbeck Schermerhorn Hoghtaling Slyngerlandt SchermerhornTruesdel Muller Van Valkenburgh DeboisHarrison Schermerhorn Magee Van Valkenburgh Schermerhorn Stubrach Schermerhorn OstranderPhilipsPhillips Woodworth Schermerhorn Schermerhorn Vosburgh Van Alien Degraas DegraasDubois * From August 9 to December 1, 1781. A. P. 23-219. Roster of the State Troops. 503 Name and Rank. Van Vechten, Jacob, lieut Van Vecter, Ant'y, private Van Veeler, Jerem'h, priv. Van Veghten, Corn's, lt-cl. Van Veghten, Derick, ens. Van Veghten, Herman, pr. Van Veghten, Philip, priv. Van Veghten, Volk t, priv. Van Velen, Dan'l, private Van Velen, Ede, private Van Velen, Jeremiah, pr. Van Velen, Moses, private Van Velen, Jobn, private Van Vetta, Samuel, lieut. Van ver, Ab'm, private Van V. Hoof, Jacob, priv. Van Vlaat, Henry, private Van Vlank, Geo., private Van Vlacker, George, priv. Van Vlackren, Abrm, pr. Van Vleck, Abr'm K., pr. Van Vleck, Abr'm K., pr. Van Vleck, Benj'n, priv. Van Vleck, Henry, private Van Vleck, Joshua, priv. Van Vleck, Sam'l, private Van Vleck, Tunis, private Van Vlecke, Ab'm, private Van Vlecker, John, Jr., sr. VanVlecker, John N., serg Van Vleckren, Alex'r, pr. Van Vleckren, Geo., pnv. Van Vleckren, Henry, pr. Van Vleckren, Marinus, sr. Van Vleet, Aaron, private Van Vleet, Arie, private Van Vleet, Aurie, private Van Vleet, Jurry, private Van Vlick, Tjerck, priv. Van Vliet, Arie, private Van Vliet, Aurey, private Van Vliet, George, corpl. Vau Vliet, George, private Van Vliet, J ohn, private Van Vliet, Tjerck, private Van Vliet, Arie, sergeant Van Vliet, Arie, private Van Vliet, Arie, private Van Vliet, Geo., sergeant Van Voies, Garret, sergt Van Volkenburgh,Ab'm, p. Van Volkenburgh,Cobus,p. Van Volkenburgh,Der'k,p. Van Volkenburgh,Geo., pr. Van Voorhes, fotep'n, cor. Van Voorhis, Ab'm, priv. Van Voorhis, Ab'm, priv: Van Voorhis, Dan'l, priv. Van Voorhis, Henry, priv. Van Voorhis, Jeromus, ser Van Voorhis, William, pr. Van Voorhis, Zach'h, priv. Van Voras, John, private Van Vorhes, Jacob, priv. Van Vorhes, John, private Van Vorhis, Ab'm, corpl. Van Vorhis, Jeromus, pr. Van Vorst, Jelles, private Van Vorst, Jelles I., priv. Van Vorst Jelles T., priv. Van Vorst, John, private Van Vorst, John D., priv. Van Vorst, Jno. D., priv. Van Vorst, Peter, pnvate Van Vorst, Phillip, lieut Van Vort, Ab'm, private Van Vort, Jno., private Van Vort, John v., private VanVoughten,Theod'k,en.Van Vranche, Ab'm G., pr. VanVranche, Adam, pnv. Van Vranche, Clause, priv. Regiment. Van Bergen WempleVandenburgh Fisher Yates Schuyler Van Rensselaer Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff BrinckerhoffBrinckerhoff Klock DrakeVan Rensselaer Schuyler Cortland Vandenburgh Brinkerhoff: Schuyler Wemple Brinckerhoff Wessenfels Schuyler Van Schoonhoven Schuyler VandenburghBrinkerhoffHopkins Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff BrinckerhoffWillet Wynkoop Schuyler Wynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Schuyler Hathorn Wynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop SchuylerWynkoop Snyder Yates Van Rensselaer Van Bergen Van Bergen Van Ness BrinkerhoffHopkins Brinckerhoff Hopkins Hopkins HopkinsWessenfels Brinkerhoff Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff BrinckerhoffWemple Wemple Wemple Wemple Wemple Wemple Wemple Company. HoghtaliDg Bancker Storm Degraas Yates. Vischer Bries Van Benschoten Van Benschoten Van Benschoten Van Benschoten Van Benschoten CayserHaight Vanderhoof LansingVan Wyck Brinkerhoff Van Schaick TillmanBauckerVan Benschoten Godwin TillmanSharp Storm Storm Brinkerhoff Brinkerhoof Van Benschouten Brinckerhoff TearseSwart Ostrum Swart Swart Swart Ostrum Bogardus SwartSwart Swart Ostrum Swart Weltse De Forest HoghtalingHoghtaling StormVan Benschoten Van Wyck Van Benschoten Brinkerhoff Brinkerhoff Livingston Brinkerhoff Fonda Van Wyck Van Wyck Van Wyke (?) Bancker Bancker Bancker Fonda Fonda Bancker Wemple Fisher Stevenson FondaFondaDegraas Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Name and Rank. Regiment. Compant. Van Vranche, Evert, priv. Var Schoonhoven Visscher Van Vranche, Garrit, priv. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Vranche, John R., pr. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Vranche, Maas, ens n, Van Schoonhoven Visscher VanVranche, Nich's, lieut. Van Schoonhoven Visscher VanVranche Rich'd R., p. Van Schoonhoven Visscher VanVrancher, Class, priv. Steenbergh Van Vrancher, Nich's, lt. Steenbergh Van Vrancke, Adam, priv. Van Schoonhoven Hicks Van Vrancke, Dirck, serg. Van Schoonhoven Hicks Van Vrancke, Dirick, pr. Wemple Bancker Van Vrancke, Evert, priv. Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Vrancke, Elias, priv. Van Schoonhoven White Van Vrancke, Jacob, priv Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Van Vrancken, Ab'm, pr. Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Van Vrancken, Ab'm, pr. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Vrancken, Ab'mG., p. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Vrancken, Adam, srgt. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Vrancken, Adam A., p. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Vrancken, Claas priv. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Vrancken, Claas G., p. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Vrancken, Corn's, pr. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Vrancken, Dirck, ser. Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Van Vrancken, Direk, priv Wemple Bancker Van Vrancken, Dirk, serg. Van Schoonhoven Taylor Van Vrancken, Evert, pnv Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Vrancken, Garret, pr. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Vrancken, Jacobus, p Van Schoonhoven Van Vrancken, James, pr. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van A'rancken, John, lieut. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Vrancken, John, priv. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Vrancken, John J., p. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Vrancken, Maas, ens'n Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Van Vrancken, Nich's, pr. Van Schoonhoven Taylor Van Vrancken, Rich'd, pr. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Vrancken, Rich'd, pr. Wemple Bancker Van Vrancken, Ryckert, p Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Vrancken, Sam'l, pr. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Vrancken, Wout, pr. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Vrancker, Sam'l, priv. Van Vrank, Derick private Wemple Van Vrank, Maus, private Wemple Vsn Vrank, Nich's, priv. Wemple Van Vrank, Rich'd, priv. Wemple Van Vrank, Ryk't, private Wemple Van Vranke, Rich'd, priv. Wemple Van Vranke, Ryk't R., pr Wemple Van Vranken, Rich'd,jpriv Wemple Van Vranken, Rich'dB.,pr. Wemple Van Vranken, Ryk't, priv. Wemple Van Vranken, Ryk'tR., pr. Wemple Van Vrancker, Dirck, pnv. Wemple VanVredenburgh,Bj'n,cor. Graham Van Vurst, Jellis, priv. Fisher Van Vurder, Henry,drum'r Malcom Van Vurder, Peter, private Pawling Van Vurder, Peter, private Malcom Van Vurder, Peter, private Harper Van Vurder, Peter, private Wemple Van Waert, Jacob, private Van Waert, Rich'd, private Schuyler Van Waert, Rutger, priv. Schuyler Van Waganan, Johan, pr. Wynkoop Van Waganeer, Benj'n, pr. Wynkoop Von Waganen, Ab'm B., p. Wynkoop Van Waganen, Benj'n, pr. Wynkoop Van Waganen, Benj'n, pr. Wynkoop Van Waganen, Henry, pr. Wynkoop Van Waganen, Isaac I., pr. Wynkoop Van Waganen, Jacob, pnv. Wynkoop Van Wagene, Hend'k, priv. Snyder Van Wagenen, Benj'n, ser. Cantine Van Wagenen, Corn's, lt. Cantine Van Waganen, Dan'l, priv. Pawling Van Wagenen,Hendricus,p. Wynkoop Van Wagenen, John, priv. Cantine Van Wagenen, Levi, priv. Cantine Van Wagenen, Mich'l, pr. Thomas Van Wagenen, Simon, pr. Cantine Van Wagener, Andrew, pr. Harper Van Wagener, Andries, pr. Hathorn Van Wagener, Dan'l, pnv. Piatt Steenbergh BanckerFonda Mynderson Wanson Bancker Fonda Bancker Bancker Bancker BanckerBancker Bancker WilsonMcMaster Lawrence Lawrence Van Petten Roseboom Ostrum Ostrum Van Beuren SwartSwart Swart SwartHasbrouckHasbrouckPiercyHasbrouck Moseman Hasbrouck Vrooman Bogardus Brodhead 504 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Van Wagener,* Evert, pr. Warner Van Wagener, Gerret, serg. Graham Van Wagener, Mich'l, priv. Thomas Van Waggener, Tobias, pr. Pawling Van Wagner, Garret, pnv. Wessenfels Van Wagonen, Jon'n, dr. Pawling Van Walker, George, priv. Willet Van Warner, Corn s, priv. Fisher Van Wart, Abraham, lieut. Hays Van Wart, Ab'm, private Hammond Van Wart, Cobus, private Drake Van Wart, Garret, private Pawling Van Wart, Garret, private Hammond Van Wart, Hend'k, corpl. Hammond Van Wart, Henry, private Hammond Vau Wart, Isaac, corporal Hammond Van Wart, Isaac, private Hammond Van Wart, Jacob, sergeant Hammond Van Wart, Jacob, corporal Hammond Van Wart, Jacob, private Van Wart, Jacob, private Hammond Van Wart, Jacob, private Dragoons Van Wart, Jacob, private Van Bergen Van Wart, James, private Hammond Van Wart, James, private Van Bergen Van Wart, John, lieut. Hammond Van Wart, Jobn, lieut Hammond Van Wart, John, lieut. Van Bergen Van Wart, John, sergeant Hammond Van Wart, John, private Pawling Van Wart, John, private Van Wart, John, private Van Wart, John, private Van Wart, John, private Van Wart, Martinus, priv. Hammond Van Wart, Wm., private Hammond Van Wart, Wm., private Van Wart, Wm., private Van Wart, Will, private Van Wee, Jno., captain Van Wee, John, captain Van Wegan, Henry, lieut. Van Werke, Hend k, priv. Van Der Werken, Martin, p. Wessenfels Van Wert, Garret, private Van Bergen Van Whermen, Casper, pr. Van Bergen Van Whermen, Corn's V., p. Van Bergen Van Wider, Peter, private Malcom Van Wie, Ab'm, pnvate Schuyler Van Wie, Ab'm, private Quackenboss Van Wie, And'w, private Schuyler Van Wie, Aurey, heut. Schuyler Van Wie, Aurey, sergeant Quackenboss Van Wie, Casparus, priv. Schuyler Van Wie, Cora's, private Schuyler Van Wie, Corn's, private Quackenboss Van Wie, Garret, private Schuyler Van Wie, Garret 6., sergt. Schuyler Van Wie, Gerrit, private Quackenboss Van Wie, Gerrit G., sergt. Quackenboss Van Wie, Isaac, private Schuyler Van Wie, Isaac, private Van Wie, John, ensign Van Wie, John H., ensign Van Wie, John H., ensign Van Wie, Peter, private Van Wie, Peter, private Van Wie, Will, private Van Woerman, Peter, priv. Drake Van Woert, Jacob, private Schuyler Van Woert, John, sergeant Schuyler Van Woert, John, private Schuyler Van Woert, John, private Drake Van Woert, Lewis, colonel Van Woert, Peter, captain Van Veghten Van Woert, Rutger, private Schuyler Hammond Hammond Drake Van Bergen DrakeVan Bergen Hammond SchuylerQuackenboss Johnson Quackenboss Quackenboss QuackenbossSchuyler Quackenboss Schuyler Quackenboss Company. Dunning Wilson St. John Sacket Dodge Faulkner Hole Snook StevensonMartling SacketComb Orser Orser OrserMartling MartlingOrser StevensonCombDelavanHoneywell Comb Honeywell Martling Orser HoneywellComb Sacket Comb Orser HoneywellMartling Comb Honeywell Martling GillispyFonda Honeywell DuboisDubois Van Wee Van Wie Van Wee Van Wee Van Wee Lansing Van Wee Van Wie Van Wee Van Wie Van Wie Van Wie Van Wie Van Wie Van Wie Van Wie Van Wie Van Wie Vischer Van Wie LansingLansing Visscher Ostrum Name and Rank. Regiment. Van Wormen, Casper,priv. Van Bergen Van Wormen, Corn's, pr. Van Bergen Van Wormen, Henry, pr. Yates Van Wormen, Peter, priv. Van Bergen Van Wormer, Matthew, p. Willet Van Wormer, Jacob, lieut. Van Rensselaer Van Wormer, John, ensign Yates Van Wormer, John, ensign Yates Van Wormer, Peter, priv. Hammond Van Wormer, Peter, priv. Drake Van Wormer, Peter, priv. Van Bergen Van Woert, Wm.,-. priv. Hammond Van Wy, Corn's, private Vandenburgh Van Wyan, Henry, private Graham Van Wyck, Ab'm, private Brinckerhoff Van Wyck, Corn's, qr. mr. Brinckerhoff Van Wyck, Isaac, captain Vandenburgh Van Wyck, Isaac, captain Brinckerhoff Van Wyck, John, corporal Brinckerhoff Van Wyck, John, private Hopkins Van Wyck, John, private Brinckerhoff Van Wyck, John B., corp. Brinkerhoff Van Wyck, Theod's, lieut. Wessenfels Van Wyck, Theo's,j: lieut Wessenfels Van Wyck, Theod's, corpl. Brinkerhoff Van Wyck, Theodorus, pr. Hopkins Van Wyck, Theodorus, pr. Hammond Van Wyck, Theod's, priv. Brinckerhoff Van Wyck, Theod's, priv. Brinckerhoff Van Wyck, Theod's, Jr., p. Brinckerhoff Van Wyke, Corn's, private Vandenburgh Van Yeuren, Rynier, lieut. Van Rensselaer Van Yeveren, Gysbert, pr. Van Rensselaer Van Yeveren, Jacob, pnv. Van Rensselaer Van Zandt, Jno., q. m. sgt. Malcom Van Zandt, John, sergeant Malcom Van Zandt, John, private Schuyler Van Zandt, John, private Schuyler Van Zandt, Levi, private Thomas Van Zant, John, private Fisher Van Zichel, Sam'l, private Klock Van Zielen, John, private Van Zile, Abraham, private Wessenfels Van Zile, Egbert, private Hazen Van Zilen, John, private Varder, John, private Hays Varmily, Jacob M., ensign Dragoons Varnam, Thomas, private Drake Varnel, Daniel, private Hays Varnel, Dan'l, private Crane Varnel, John, private Crane Varnum, Thos., private Drake Varnum, Thomas, private Drake Vater, Melgert, private Vaughan, Dan'l, private Vaughn, John, sergeant Vaughn, Obed'h, private Veach, And'w, private Veach, John, private Veader, Arnold, sergeant Veader, Garret, lieut. Veader, Peter, private Veader, P?ter I., private Veader, Peter V., private Veal, Daniel, ensign Veal, Dan'l, private Veal, Dan'l, corporal Veal, Geo., private Veal, John, private Veal, John, private Veal, John, private Veal, Josepn, private Vealy, Philip, private Vealy, Philip private Vearing, James, private Veather, Arnold, private Klock Whiting Vau Ness Van Rensselaer Hammond Hammond Klock WempleHarper Wemple Wemple Hathorn Drake Dragoons Hopkins Wessenfels Luddington Luddington Wessenfels Wemple WempleThomas Klock Company. Hoghtaling Hoghtaling Hadlock Honeywell Livingston DeGarmo Brutt Brown CombHoneywell Requa Storm Sherwood Brower Brinckerhoff BrinkerhoffSchutt Brinckerhoff Godwwin Hardenburgh Storm Van Benschoten BrinckerhoffSchutt Brinckerhoff Van Wyck Sharp Sharp SharpCantineCantineSlyngerlandt GrootHobbyYeoman Cayser Fonda Bowen A.P. 15-23 Fonda Blauvelt Delavan Drake Stevenson Lockwood Lockwood Haight Buckhout Zeely King Randall Kock Mynderse Vroman Van Atten Van Petten Minthorn HaightDelavan Lane ScribnerLaneWestfall Van Petten Van Atten Purdy Klock * Enlisted 1776-7; taken prisoner July, 1779. A. P. 19-67. t Cutlass wounds in left shoulder arid face near Morrisania, December 17, 1779. Farmer, Tarrytown, Westchester county. X Fishkill. A. P. 23-197. C 126, Aa 63. Roster of the State Troops. 505 Name and Rank. Vedder, Albert, private Albert, private Albert, private Albert, private Albert A, private Wemple Alex'r, private Wemple Alex'r, private Arent, private Arent, private Arent S., lieut. Arent S., lieut. Barent, private Clas, private Corn's, private Corn's, private Corn's, private Corset, private Francis, lieut. Francis, private Fran's, private Fred'k, sergeant Fred'k, corporal Fred'k, private Garret, private Harman, private Harmanus, corpl, Harm's, private Harm's, private Harmanus, priv. Vedder Vedder,Vedder,Vedder, Vedder,Vedder.Vedder,Vedder,Vedder,Vedder,Vedder!Vedder, Vedder, Vedder, VedderVedder,Vedder,Vedder,VedderVedderVedd..!Vedder Vedder,Vedder! Vedder,Vedder,Vedder,Vedder Vedder, Vedder,VedderVeeder,Vedder,Vedder,Vedder Vedder Vedder,Vedder, Vedder, VedderVedder, Vedder,Vedder,Vedder!Vedder!Vedder! Regiment. Wemple Wemple Fisher Fisher Wemple WempleWempleWemple WempleWemple Wemple Wemple Wemple Company. Van Petten Outhout Degraas Marselus Van Atten BanckerVan Slyck Van Petten OuthoutBancker Wanson Wanson Outhout (?) Mynderson Outhout Van Slyck WempleVan Schoon oven Visscher Wemple Van Slyck Wemple Bancker Wemple Outhout Wemple Outhout Wemple Wemple Wemple Van Slyck Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Wemple Van Petten , i — Steenbergh Helmes S., private Wemple Bancker Jacob, private Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven Visscher Jacob, private Isaac, corporal Isaac, corporal John, private John,_private John B., private John B., private Nich's, corporal Nich's, private Nich's, private Nich's, private Nich's S., private Wemple Peter I., sergeant Wemple Peter S., private Wemple Philip, lieut. Philip, lieut, Fisher WempleWemple Wemple Wemple Wemple WempleWempleWemple Vedder, Simon, private Vedder, Simon, private Vedder, Simon B., corpl. Vedder, Simon B., private Wemple Vedder, Wilhelmus, priv. Wemple Vedders.Seth, private Van Sc" Veder, Arnold, sergeant Klock Veder, Arnold, sergeant Klock Veder, Corn's, private Wemple Veder, Francis, lieut. Wemple Veder, Garret S., lieut. Wemple Veder, John, Jr., private (?1 Fisher Veder, John B.< private Wemple Veder, Nich's, private Wemple Veder, Peter H., private Wemple Veder, Peter S., sergeant Wemple Veder, Philip, lieut. Wemple Veder, Simon, private Fisher Veder, Wilhelmus, private Wemple Degraas MynderseWanson Bancker Van Slyck OuthoutFonda Outhout Van Slyck Bancker Wanson Mynderse Wemple Van Petten Wemple / Van Atten Wemple Van Petten Wemple Bancker Wemple Outhout Outhout ,,.- Mynderson Van Schoonhoven Hicks Veeder, Ab'm, captain Veeder, Ab'm, captain Veeder, Ab., captain Veeder, Corn's, private Veeder, Garret S., lieut. Veeder, Jacob, private Veeder, John, sergeant Veeder, John, sergeant Veeder, John, private Veeder, John T., private Veeder, Nich's I., private Veeder, Peter H., private Veeder, Simon, qr. mr. Veeder, Simon, corporal Schuyler Fisher Quackenboss Fisher Wemple Lansing Fisher Fisher WempleWilletFisherFisher Hess Kock Mynderse Van Slyck Veeder Bancker Fonda Bancker FondaFonda Veeder Fonda ' Veeder Schermerhorn Steenbergh Roseboom Forest Veeder Veeder Van Slyck GilletVeeder Name and Rank. Regiment. Veeder, Simon, private Fisher Veeder, Volkert, lieut. col. Fisher Veeder, Volkert, lieut. col. Quackenboss Veeder, Wingart, private Schuyler Veele, Johannis, private Wynkoop Veelen, Peter, private Yates Veelin, Tunis, private Yates Veghtin, John, private Vefle, John, private Yates Velle, Stephen, ensign Yates Velthuysen, Jno., private Wemple Vene, Solomon, private Armstrong Venne, Mich'l, private Klock Venton, Will., private . Fisher I Ventress, William, drum'r Field Vergen, Abija,' private Harper Vermelia, John, private Graham Vermilia, Jacob M., lieut. Malcom Vermillia, Joseph, sergeant Wessenfels Vermillia, Philip, corporal Wessenfels Vemilliar, Benj n, private Brinkerhoff Vermilliar, David, private Brinkerhoff Vermilliar, Gerardus, priv. Brinkerhoff Vermilliar, John, private Brinkerhoff Vermillie, Jacob W., cornet Drake Vermillier, David, private Hopkins Vennillier, Gerard's, priv. Vandenburgh Vermillier, Isaac, private Hopkins Vermillier, Philip, private Van Bergen Vermillier, William, priv. Van Bergen Vermilya, Joseph, private Dragoons Vermilyea, John, private Luddington Vermilyea, Peter, private Drake Vermilyea, Philip, private Drake Vermollyea, Isaac, ensign Drake Vermylea, Will., private Luddington Verner, Easy, private Wemple Vernoy, Abraham, private Wessenfels Vernoy^Johannis, private Cantine Dubois Verry, David, private Vertry, Thomas, private Vervala, James, private Vervalen, Cornelius, priv. Vervalen, James, private Vervela, Cornelius, private Cooper Verwye, Corn's, drum'r Brinekerhoff Vesger, John, private Wemple Vespter, John, private Graham Vesscher, Garret, private Schuyler Vesscher, Jno., Jr., private Wemple Vestervelt, John, private Wessenfels Vethuysen, John, private Vicar, John, private Vichter, Andries, private Vickery, Benj'n, private Vickery, Ichabod, private Wessenfels Vickery, Ichabod, private Hopkins Vickory, Jehabud, private Dubois Willet Hays Hay3 Hays Wemple Schuyler Schuyler Wessenfels Vickry, Thos., private Viele, Stephen, qr. mr. Victor, Putman, sergeant Victory, John, private Vidder, Gilbert, private Viele, Ab'm, private Viele, John, private Viele, John, private Viele, John, private Viele, Lewis, private Viele, Lewis, private Viele, Lewis It, private Viele, Lewis J., private Viele, Lewis P., private Viele, Lewis P., private Viele, Philip G., private Viele, Stephen,* qr. mr. Viele, Teunis, private Viele, Tunis, private Viele, Tunis, private Vielen, John, private Vielen, John L, corporal Field Van Rensselaer Fisher Graham Wemple YatesYates Yates Yates Yates YatesYates Yates YatesYates Yates Yates Yates Yates Yates Yates Y'ates Company. Veeder Veeder Yates Yates Fonda Brown WiltseBancker Tozer Kock Marselus Hecock Vroman Conklin DelavanHunt HuntStorm Storm Storm StormDelavan Van Benschoten StormWaters Honeywell HoneywellDelavan Waterbury Scribner BanckerWhite BurnetGray Ackerson Tourneur Tourneur Blauvelt Brower Schermerhorn WilsonOstrum FondaDodge Bancker Hogan Van Aernum WhiteWhite Barnum Lee Dykeman De Garmo Yates Williams Mynderse Brutt Yates Brutt Vandenburgh BruttVandenburgh BruttVandenburgh BruttVandenburgh Vandenburgh Brutt Vandenburgh Yates Yates 64 * Served from October 29, 1780, to December 20, 1781. A. P. 17-644. 506 Hosier of the State Troops. Name and Bank. Vielen, Peter,'private Vielen, Stephen, ensign Vielen, Sybrant, private Vielen, Tunis, pnvate Vielen, Tunis L., private Vieler, Tunis, private Viely, Simeon, private Ville, Philip G., private Vinagar, Asahel, private Vincent, Isaac, private Vincent, Jeremiah, private Vincent, John, private Vine, Eab, private Vine, John, private Vine, John, private Vine, John, private Vine, Solomon, corporal Vinegar, Adam, private Vinegar, Henry, private Vinegar, Jno., private Vinegar, Samuel, private Vinegar, Sam'l, private Vines, Jererniah, private Vinhagen, John, private Vinhagen, Martin, private Vinson, James, private Vintin, Wm., private Virgin, James, private Vischer, Bastian, private Vischer, John qr. mr. Vischer, John, private Vischer, Nanning, private Viscoy, Jon'n, private Visher, Bastian T., capt Visher, Bastian F., capt. Visscher, Bastian H., priv. Visscher Eldert, private Visscher, Nanning, capt. Visscher, Nanning. 2d lt. Visscher, Nanning, private Visscher, Nanning, private Visscher, Ryneer, private Vissdue, Eldert, private Vlack, John, private Vlack, Joost, private Vocke, Godfrey, pnvate Vocke, Henry, pnvate Voght, Christ'r Jos., priv Voght, Godfrey, fifer Voght, Henry, private Voires, Garret, sergeant Volentine, John, private Volentine, Joseph, private Volinde, Benj'n, private Volintine, James, private Voliutine, Stephen, private Volk, John, private Volkenburgh, Johannis, pr. Vollandt, Jurry, private Vollentine, Peter, private Vollentine, Peter, private Vols, Conrad, private Voorhast, Gerret, sergeant Voorheese, Garret, sergt. Voorheis, Jacob, private Voorheis, Sam'l, corporal Voorheis, Sam'l, private Voorheis, Sam'l, private Voorhis, Ab'm, private Voorhis, John, private Voorhous, John, private Vorce, Daniel, private Vores, Garret, sergeant Vorheis, Sam'l, corporal Vorhis, Sam'l, corporal Vorhis, Stephen, private Vorres, Garret, sergeant Vosbergh, Jacob, private Vosbourgh, Jacobus, serg. Vosburg, Peter, private Vosburgh, Ab'm, private Regiment. Company. Yates Yates Y'ates Yates Yates Yates Yates Yates Yates Yates Yates Yates Quackenboss Yates Brown Van Rensselaer Turner Van Bergen Honeywell Van Schoonhoven Taylor Van Schoonhoven Taylor Van Rensselaer Schuyler Van Wee Schuyler Slyngerlandt Schuyler Groot Webster Tozer Van Rensselaer De Garmo Hopkins Wheeler Pawling Sacket Pawling Wood Wessenfels Wessenfels Dodge Van Rensselaer Townsend Van Rensselaer Townsend Thomas Lawrence Fisher McMaster Van Rensselaer Hawley Van Rensselaer Price Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Bries Schuyler Tillman Crane Lawrence Schuyler SchuylerGraham Lansing Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven Van Schaick Van Rensselaer Sharp Schuyler Tillman Lansing Brown Yates Yates Wemple Mynderson Vrooman Miller Pawling Sacket Pawling Sackett Drake Boyd Drake Boyd Drake Boyd Van Rensselaer De Garmo Van Woert Whiteside Van Woert Gilmore Fisher Degraas Willet Livingston Van Woert Gilmore Wynkoop De Witt Wynkoop De Witt Wynkoop Cooper Blauvelt Hays Blauvelt Harper Yates Hadlock Yates Thomas Lyon Thomas Lyon Thomas Lyon Thomas St John Brinckerhoff Storm Fonda Schuyler Veeder Webster Tozer Van Rensselaer De Garmo Thomas Hubby Hobby Hays Onderdonk Van Rensselaer Schuyler Lansing Van Rensselaer Van Allen Cuyler Schuyler Lansing Name and Rank. Regiment. Vosburgh, Abr'm, private Van Alstyn Vosburgh, Abr'm, private Wynkoop Vosburgh, Ab'm, private Schuyler Vosburgh, David, private Van Alstyn Vosburgh, Garret, private Schuyler Vosburgh, Harman, capt. Van Alstyn Vosburgh, Harm's, private Vrooman Vosburgh, Jacob, captain Whiting Vosburgh, Jacob, private Livingston Vosburgh, Jacob, private Sehuyler Vosburgh, Joachim, priv. Van Alstyn Vosburgh, John, private Whiting Vosburgh, Lawrence, priv. Livingston Vosburgh, Mark, private Willet Vosburgh, Matt'w, private Van Rensselaer Vosburgh, Nicholas, priv. Van Bergen Vosburgh, Peter, corporal Willet Vosburgh, Peter, private Harper Vosburgh, Peter, private Livingston Vossburgh, Peter, private Van Reiisselaer Vosburgh, William, lient Van Alstyn Vosburgh, William, lieut Vau Alstyn Vosburgh, Wm., private Van Alstyn Vredenbergh, Matt'w, pr. Piatt Vredenborough, Ab'm, pr. Yates Vredenburgh, Ab'm, pnv. Graham Vredenburgh, Ab'm, priv. Yates Vredenburgh, Ab'm, sergt. Drake Vredenburgh, Benj'n, pr. Drake Vredenburgh, Gideon, pr. Van Rensselaer Vredenburgh, Isaac, priv. Schuyler Vredenburgh, Jacobus, pr. Yates Vredenburgh, John, priv, Yates Vredenburgh, John, priv. Van Alstyn Vredenburgh, Peter, priv. Graham Vredenburgh, Thos., priv. Cortland Vredenburgh, Wm., sergt Graham Vredenburgh, Will., priv. Drake Vretenburgh, Ab'm, priv. Drake Vroman, Adam, corporal Vrooman Vroman, Adam, private Willet Vioman, Adam, private Vrooman Vroman, Adam, private Vrooman Vroman, Adam, private Wemple Vroman, Adam, private Wemple Vroman, Adam, private Yates Vroman, Adam, private Cuyler Vroman, Adam, private Yates Vroman, Adam, Jr., priv. Vrooman Vroman, Adam J., private Vrooman Vroman, Arent, sergeant Schuyler Vroman, Arent, private Schuyler Vroman, Barent, private Vrooman Vroman, Barent, private Vrooman Vroman, Barent, private Vrooman Vroman, Barent, private Vrooman Vroman, Barent, Jr., priv. Vrooman Vroman, Barth'w, sergeant Vrooman Vroman, Barth'w, corporal Vrooman Vroman, Barth'w, private Vrooman Vroman, Barton, private Vrooman Vroman, Eph'm, lieut Vrooman Vroman, Eph'm, private Vrooman Vroman, Henry, heut Fisher Vroman, Henry, lieut Fisher Vroman, Henry, sergeant Fisher Vroman, Henry, private Fisher Vroman, Henry B., lieut. Fisher Vroman, Isaac, private Vrooman Vroman, Isaac, Jr., priv. Vrooman Vroman, John, private Vrooman Vroman, John, private Vrooman Vroman, John, private Vrooman Vroman, John, private Fisher Vroman, Jonas, private Vrooman Vroman, John B., lieut. Wemple Vroman, Lawrence, ensign Wemple Vroman, Martinus, private Vrooman Vroman, Martinus, private Vrooman Vroman, Peter, lieut. Fisher Vroman, Peter, ensign Fisher Company. Van Valkenburgh Bogardus LansingTruesdel Lansing Heager Kline Lansing Van Valkenburgh DavisRockfellerPearcyWoodworth Witbeck Harrison Bogart Houserad Philips Van valkenburgh Van Valkepbijrgh Bloom HadlockLansingBrutt Haight Haight Elliot Lansing Brutt Brutt Hermance Hermance HaightHaight Debois Richtmyer Heager Fonda Bancker Brown Heager Lansing Lansing Stubrach Brown Miller Becker Rightmier Becker Heager Richtmyer Stubrach Littell Putman Fisher Fisher Stubrach Heager Veeder BeckerBanckerFonda HeagerHeager Littel Littel Roster of the State Troops. 507 Name and Rank. Regiment. Vroman, Peter, private Willet Vroman, Peter, private Vrooman Vroman, Peter, private Vroman Vroman, Peter, private Vrooman Vroman, Peter, private Vrooman Vroman, Peter, private Willet Vroman, Peter A., private Vrooman Vroman, Peter A., private Vrooman Vroman, Peter Ad., priv. Vrooman Vroman, Peter Corn's, cor. Vrooman Vroman, Peter C, private Vrooman Vroman, Peter J., private Vrooman Vroman, Sam'l, pnvate Vrooman Vroman, Samuei, private Vrooman Vroman, Simon, heut Willet Vroman, Simon, sergeant Wemple Vroman, Simon, private Vrooman Vroman, Simon, private Vrooman Vroman, Simon, private Vrooman Vroman, Simon, private Fisher Vroman, Victor, sergeant Fisher Vroman, Walter, captain Harper Vromant, Barent, corporal Vrooman Vrooman, Aaron, private Wemple Vrooman, Ab'm, private Wemple Vrooman, Adam, private Wemple Vrooman, Adam, private Wemple Vrooman, Adam, private Schuyler Vrooman, Adam, private Schuyler Vrooman, Arent, private Wemple Vrooman, Barth'w,* Jr., pr. Vrooman Vrooman, Corn's, corporal Schuyler Vrooman, David, private Wemple Company. Debois Stubrach Brown Rightmier Muller Debois Richtmyer Heager Stubrach Rightmier Heager GrossFonda Stubrach Heager Veeder Little Heager Fonda Bancker Fonda Mynderson Groot HoganBancker Heager Hogan Mynderse Regiment. Wemple Schuyler Fisher Schuyler Schuyler WempleSchuyler Schuyler Name and Rank. Vrooman, Ephraim, lieut. Vrooman, Hend'k, corporal Schuyler Vrooman, Henry, private Wemple Vrooman, Henry, private ' Vrooman, Henry, private Vrooman, Henry, private Vrooman, Isaac, sergeant Vrooman, Isaac, private Vrooman, Jacob, private Vrooman, lacob, private Vrooman, Jacob, private Vrooman, Jacob I., private Weniple Vrooman, Jacob I., priv. Wemple Vrooman, John, lieut. Wemple Vrooman, John, private Wemple Vrooman, John,* private Vrooman Vrooman, Iohn I., private Wemple Vrooman, John I., private Wemple Vrooman, Lawrence, lieut Wemple Vrooman, Lawrence, en. Wemple Vroomau, Nich's, private " Vrooman, Nich's, private Vrooman, Peter, colonel Vrooman, Peter, private Vrooman, Samuel, private Vrooman Vrooman, Simon, sergeant Wemple Vrooman, Simon private Wemple Vrooman, Simon J., lieut Dubois Vrooman, Simon I., sergt. Wemple Vrooman, Simon J., priv. Wemple Vrooman, Walter, lieut. Wemple Vrooman, Wm., private Van Veghten Vroover, Rich'd, private Wemple Schuyler Schuyler Fisher Company. Lansing Fonda Bancker Groot Fisher Van Aernum Van Aernum Small Groot Slyngerlandt MvnderseBancker Bancker Mynderse Hager Bancker Mynderson Fonda Mynderse SlyngerlandtGrootWemple Mynderse FondaBurnet WansonMynderson Van Slyck Bancker w. Wabb, Bavid, private Armstrong Wabb, John, private Armstrong Wabel, Hend'k, corporal Klock Wackman, Daniel, private Hathorn Wackman, Henry, private Johnson Wackman, Markus, priv. Johnson Waddle, Robert, private Wessenfels Wade, Solomon, private Webster Wademax, And'w, private Van Rensseiaer Wadermax, Lawrence, pr. Van Rensselaer Wadkins, Edmund, private Van Rensselaer Wadkins, Henry, private Armstrong Wadsworth, Elijah, priv. Van Woert Wadsworth, Elisha, priv. Van Woert Wadsworth, Elisha, priv. Van Woert Wadsworth, John, private Graham Wadsworth, Josiah, priv. Willet Wadworth, John, private Van Rensselaer Waermute, John, private Clyde Waert, Matthies, private Fisher Wafel, Adam, private Klock Wafel, Geo., private Klock Wafel, Henry, private Klock Wafel, John, private Klock Waffel, Adam, private Klpck Waffel, George, private Klock Waffel, George, private Klock Waffel, Henry, corporal Klock Waffell, John, private Klock Waffel, John, private Klock Wagenaer,*Englebaert, Clyde Wagenaer, George, priv. Clyde Wagenaer Jacob, private Clyde Wagenen, Peter, lieut-col. Klock Wagener, Tobias, private Drake Wager, John, private Van Rensselaer Wager, Leonard, private Wager, Thomas, private Yates LongLong Cayser BrodheadJansen Ostrander BrewsterHamiltonFraist Fraist Shaw Wells Gilmore Magee LivingstonCady Leipe Marselus Kock SutsMuller Klock Zeely Zeely Bedhig ZealyZeely BedhigRuff Diffendorf Diffendorf Vanderhoof Van Schaick Wiltse Waggenaer, Engelhart, pr. Wagger, Thomas, priv. Waggoner, Englehardt, sg. Waggoner, George, ensign Waggoner, lacob", private Waggoner, John, sergeant Wagnaer, George, private Wagnaer, Isaac, pnvate Wagnaer, Jacob, private Wagner, Geo., lieut. Wagner, Geo.,+ private Wagner, John, private Wagner, Joseph, sergeant Wagner, Mich 1, private Wagner, Mich'l, private Wagner, Peter, captain Wagoner, Geo., lieut. Wagoner, Geo., ensign Wagoner, George, private Wagoner, Joseph, sergeant Wagoner, Joseph, private Wagoner, Michael, private Wagoner, Peter, lieut.-col. Wagoner, Tobias, private Wagonet, Harmanus, priv. Waide, Joseph, private Waight, John, private Wairing, John, private Waisimillar, Jerem'h, p Waist, Conrad, private Wait, Benj'n, sergeant Wait, Geo., private Wait, Geo., private Wait, John, private Wait, John, private Wait, Nath'l, private Wait, Oliver, private Wait, Reuben, sergeant Clyde House Van Rensselaer De Garmo Klock Ruff Klock Hess Clyde Diffendorf Schuyler Groot Clyde House Clyde House Clyde Klock House Wagner Dierendor Cox Klock Wagner Klock Wagner Wemple Mynderse Wanson Wemple Klock Schuyier Klock Van Aernum Hess Willet Skinner Klock Cayser Klock Hess Willet Hole Klock Hays Willet Livingston Wessen Hunt Yates Brutt Field Dykeman Cantine Wemple Wanson Yates Hadlock Whiting Herrick Graham Bostwick Yates Hadlock Yates Yates Whiting Herrick Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Van Rensselaer Odle * Captured by Indians August 9, 1780; releasebVon parole 1782. A. P. 16-156. t Wounded in left thigh, at Oriskanie, August 6, 1777. Canajoharie, Montgomery county. C 107, Cc 43. 508 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Wait, Wm., private Waite, Benj'n private Wakman, Henry, priv. Wakonan, Dan'l, private Wald, Joseph, private Walde, John, private Walder, Christian, private Walder, Geo., private Walder, Jobn, Sr., private Walder, John, Jr., private Walderon, Corn's, private Walderren, Garret, private Waldo, David, private Waldo, David, private Waldo, David, private Waldo, John, private Waldo, John, private Waldo, Jno., private Waldo, John, private Waldo, Jon'n, private Waldo, Jon'n, private Waldo, Jon'n, private Waldorph, Hend'k, private Waldow, Jno., private Waldrom, Jacob, private Waldrom, James, private Waldron, Benj'n, private Waldron, Corn's, private Waldron, Corn's, private Waldron, David, private Waldron, Edward, private Waldron, Evert, private Waldron, Garret, private Waldron, Garrit, private Waldron, Isaac, private Waldron, Isaac, private Waldron, James, private Waldron, John, private Waldron, John, private Waldron, John, private Waldron, John P., private Waldron, Joseph, private Waldron, Peter, private Waldron, Peter, private Waldron, Wm., private Waldron, Wm., private Waldron, Wm., ensign Waldron, Wm., private Waldron, Wm., private Waldrum, Joseph, private Waldrum, Wm., private Waling, James, private Walker, And'w, ensign Walker, Eben'r, private Walker, Eben'r, private Walker, Geo., private Walker, James, private Walker, James, private Walker, James, private Walker, John, private Walker, John, private Walker, John, private Walker, John, private Walker, John, private Walker, John, private Walker, Stephen, private Walker, William, private Walkin, John, private Wall, John, private Wall, Richard, privav Wallace, Abijah, private Wallace, Benj'n, sergeant Wallace, Benj'n, private Wallace, Benj'n, private Wallace, Dan'l, private Wallace, Elisha, private Wallace, Jacob, private Wallace, Jacob, private Regiment. Company. Yates Hadlock Yates Hadlock Johnson Cantine Hasbrouck Van Rensselaer Turner Yates Brown Klock Zeely Klock Klock Yates Hadlock Yates Hadlock Schuyler Lansing Yates Van Woert Wells Van Woert Gilmore Van Woert McKillip Yates Yates Yates Hadlock Van Woert Gilmore Yates Brown Van Woert Wells Van Woert Gilmore Van Woert Hodges Wessenfels White Van Rensselaer De Garmo Hays Gardner Hays Ackerson Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Schuyler Lansing Yates Yates Brinckerhoff Brower Hays Gardner Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Yates lates Van Schoonhoven Hammond Requa Van Bergen Honeywell Willet Cannon Hays Tourneur Brinkerhoff Brinkerhoff Cooper Blauvelt Brinckerhoff Brower Wessenfels Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Brinckerhoff Brower Graham Hermance Piatt Bloom Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Wessenfels Cortland • Cortland Van Woert Gilmore Lansing Houston Webster Childs Armstrong Clyde Brown Webster Childs Armstrong McNitt Van Rensselaer Shaw Whiting Vosburgh Webster Childs Armstrong McNitt Hays Gardner Dubois Dubois Dubois McFoght Armstrong McNitt Hathorn Telford Dubois Dubois Fonda Hatborn Minthorn Crane Truesdell Graham Lansing Van Woert Gilmore Van Woert Doty Yates Brown Yates Brown Dragoons Delavan Crane Truesdel Name and Rank. Regiment. Wallace, James, private Crane Wallace, John, private Wessenfels Wallace, John, private Williams Wallace, Nath'l, private Yates Wallace, Nath'l, private Yates Wallace, Nehemiah, priv. Van Rensselaer Wallace, Nehem'h, private Yates Wallace, Nehem'h, private Yates Wallace, Uriah, lieut. Dragoons Wallace, Uriah, sergeant Wallace, Wm., lieut. Dubois Wallace, William, private Johnson Wallace, William, private Wallarade, Jacob, private Klock Waliaver, John, pnvate Clyde Wallaver, Nich's, private Clyde Wallen, James, private Van Ness Wallen, Jerem'h, private Webster Waller, John, private Johnson Walles, Elijah, private Yates Walles, William, private Wallice, Hugh, private Johnson Walling, Jerem'h, private Willet Wallis, Wm., sergeant Wallis, John, private Cooper Wallis, Timothy, private Yates Wallis, Wm., private Wallraed, William, private Clyde Wallraet, George, private Clyde Wallrate, Adolph, private Clyde Wallrate, Geo., private Clyde Wallrate, Henry, private Clyde Wallrate, John, private Clyde Wallridge, Elijah, private Hopkins Wallsworth, Wm., private Williams Walls, Frederick, private Schuyler Wallse, Coenraed, private Clyde Wallse, Coenrad, Jr., priv. Clyde Wallse, Jacob, private Clyde Walred, Jacob, private Klock Walrad, Nich's, private Klock Walrade, Fred'k, sergeant Clyde Walrade, John, private Clyde Walrades, Jacob, private Klock Walradt, Adolphus, private Willet Walradt, Adolph, private Wemple Walradt, Adolph, private Fisher Walradt, Henry, private Klock Walradt, Isaac, private Klock Walradt, Jacob, private Klock Walradt, Jacob, private Klock Walradt, Jacob, private Klock Walradt, Jacob H., private Klock Walraed, William, private Clyde Walraet, Henry, ensign Clyde Walrat, Adolph, private Klock Walrat, Peter, sergeant Klock Walrate, Fred'k, sergeant Clyde Walrate, Hend'k, sergeant Clyde Walrate, Hend'k, private Klock Walrate, Isaac, private Klock Walrate, Jacob, sergeant Clyde Walrate, Jacob, private Clyde Walrate, John, private Klock Walrate, Peter I., private Klock Walrate, William, private Clyde Walrath, Adam, private Klock Walrath, Adam A., private Klock Walrath, Adolph, private Klock Walrath, Adolph H., priv. Klock Walrath, Fred k, private Klock Walrath, Henry, sergeant Klock Walrath, Henry, private Klock Walrath, Henry, private Klock Walrath, Henry A.,* sergt. Klock Walrath, Jacob, corporal Klock Walrath, Jacob, private Klock Walrath, Jacob, private Klock Company. Truesdell Bowen Long Hadlock Wiltse Brown Wiltse Delavan Truesdell De Mout Cross Fonda MillerDygertDyirert Childs Mastin Hadlock Fonda Livingston Fonda Blauvelt FondaVan Everat Leipe Weeser Leipe Diffendorf Diffendorf Talmadge Shepardson Lansing Ruff RuffRuff MillerMiller Difendorf Diffendorf Zeely Van Rensselaer Bancker Little Bedhig Zeely Bedhig Klock Suts Kock Van Everat House HelmerWagner Diffendorf Diffendorf WagnerWagner Diffendorf Leipe Wagner Wagner Leipe House Fox Bradbiff BreadbakeHouse House -Breadbake Zealy House House Zealy Cayser * Wounded in left arm at Fort Walrad, Palatine District, May 26, 1781. Canajoharie. B 91, Cc 44. Roster of the State Troops. 509 Name and Rank. Regiment, Walrath Jacob, private Klock Walrath John, private Klock Walrath Nich's, ensign Klock Walrath, Nicholas,*private Klock Walrath, Nicholas, private Klock Walread, Nicholas, ensign Klock Walreadt lacob, private Walroad, Garret, private Walroad, Isaac, private Walroad, John, private Walroad, Peter, sergeant Wals, Fred'k, private Wals, Teunis, corporal Walsey, Solomon, private Dubois Walsh, Peter, private Wessenfels Walt, Christ'n, private Walten, Adam, private Walter, Adam, private Walter, Adam, private Walter, Black, private Walter, Christian, private Klock Walter, Christ'r, private Klock Walts, Conrad, private Walter, George, private Walter, George, private Walter, Geo.,t private Walter, Geo., private Walter, Henry, ensign Walter, John, private Walter, John, private Walter, John, private Walter, Seth, private Walts, Conradt, private Walts, George, private Walts, Jacob, private Waltsie, John, private Waltz, Coenraed, private W.H. rtr.nnT.arl Ur. nv^r, Klock Klock Klock Klock Klock Schuyler Schuyler KlockKlock Klock Klock Wessenfels Piatt Klock Willet KlockKlock Whiting Van Rensselaer Schuyler Willet KlockKlock Piatt Van Veghten Clyde Waltz, Coenrad, S*r,, priv. Clyde Waltz, Coenraed, Jr., priv. Clyde Waltz, Jacob, corporal Clyde Wamp, Barnabus, private Fisher Wampbell, Corn's, private Fisher Wampbell, John, Jr., priv. Fisher Wand, Joshua, private Graham Wandal, Ab'm, private Wandel, John, private Wandell, Ab'm, private Wandell, Abr'm, private Wandell, John, private Waudle, Abraham,- private Hathorn Wandle, Abr'm, private Hathorn Wandle, Abraham, private Hathorn Wandle, Garret, private Van Rensselaer Wandle, Jacob, private Wanger, Tho's, private Wannamaker, Peter, priv Wannenmaker, Adolph, p Wannute, Peter, private Wans, James, pnvate Wans, John, private Wansen, John, private Wanson, Ja's, private Wanson, Jno., private Wanson, Tho's, captain Wansor, Thomas, private Wansor, Thomas, private Ward, Aaron, sergeant Ward, Aaron, private Ward, Aaron, private Ward, Andrew, private Ward, Benjamin, private Ward, Benj'n, private Ward, Benjamin, private Ward, Caleb, private Ward, Chas., private Ward, Christ'r, private Ward, Christ'r, private _Ward, Christ'r, private Ward, Christ'r, private Wisner Yates Van Veghten BenedictYates Hays Drake Hays HaysClyde Schuyler Schuyler Willet Graham Graham Wemple DrakeCrane Schuyler Van Rensselaer Schuyler Schuvler Willet Schuyler SchuylerDrakeField Graham Wemple Wemple Schuyler Company. Bradbig House Miller Fox Miller Miller ZeelyHess Hess Hess Hess Ostrum Ostrum Chamberlain Pawling Miller Miller Cayser Miller Pawling Miller Cayser Bradbick KockGross Dillenbeck Cayser Gilbert Sharp Scharp Fonda Pearcy Ruff Kock Bradbick Van Woert House HouseHouse HouseYeoman Fisher Fisher WilsonBalyBrown Van Woert Seely Y'ates BaileyMinthorn McCamly Bell Strang Blauvelt Blauvelt Leipe Veeder Veeder GrossMagee MageeDelivan Lockwood Tillman Tillman SlyngerlandtLivingstonSlyngerlandt Groot Boyd Hecock Magee Mynderson Wanson Van Wee Name and Rank. Ward, Dan'l, private Ward, Dan'l, private Ward, David, private Ward, Edward, private Ward, Elihu, private Ward, Ezekiel, private Ward, Israel, private Ward, James, private Ward, James, private Ward, James, private Ward, -John, private Ward, John, private Ward, Jon'n, private Ward, John, private Ward,-John, Sr., private Ward, Jon'n, private Ward, Joshua, private Ward, Josiah, private Ward, Josiah, sergeant Ward, Josiah, sergeant Ward, Moses, private Ward, Moses, private Ward, Moses, private Ward, Moses, private Ward, Moses, private Ward, Nathan, private Ward, Richard, private Ward, Rich'd, private Ward, Rich'd, private Ward, Samuel, private Ward, Samuel, private Ward, Solomon, private Ward, Thomas, private Ward, Thomas C., sergeant Ward, William, private Ward, Wm., private Ward, Wm., private Ward, Wm., private Ward, Wm., private Ward, Zadock, private Ward, Zadock, private Wardell, Eliakim, private Warden, Ahitophel, priv. Warden, Barnard, private Warden, Barnerd, private Warden, Joshua, ensign Warden, Nath'l, private Warden, Walter, lieut. Wardin, Gilbert, private Wardin, Nath'l, private Warding, Nath'l, private Warding, Nath'l, private Wareing, David, private Wareing, Joshua, private Waring, David, private Waring, Theod's, sergeant Warman, Corn's Van, priv. Warmish, Peter J., private Warmood, Matthias, priv. Warmouth, Christ'r, priv. Warmouth, Matt'w, private Warmouth, Peter, private Warmouth, Wm., private Warmuth, John, private Warmuth, Peter J., private Warmwood, Peter, private Warmwood, Peter, private Warn, William, private Warner, Abraham, private Warner, And'w, private Warner, Chr's Alex'r, pr. Warner, Christoffel, pnv. Warner, Daniel, fifer Warner, Eben'r, private Warner, George, private Warner, James, private Warner, James, private Warner, Jason, private Warner, John, sergeant Regiment. Company. Minthorn Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Johnson Concklin Schuyler Slyngerlandt Van Woert Hodges Minthorn Hopkins Lane Willet Wright Brinkerhoff Brinkerhoff Field Hecock Schuyler Slyngerlandt Schuyler Groot Van Woert Hodges Van Bergen Webster Sherwood Van Woert Wells Wessenfels Thompson Wessenfels Dodge Pawling Faulkner Malcom McKinstry Malcom Livingston Schuyler Groot Drake Luddington Knapp Minthorn HammondJohnson Ostrander Schuyler Slyngerlandt Schuyler Groot Webster Armstrong Pawling Faulkner Wisner Baly Pawling Westfall Johnson Ostrander Johnson Concklin Pawling Hunter Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Brinkerhoff Brinkerhoff Harper Vroman Van Ness Whiting Wessenfels Hunt Willet Wright Weisenfels Harper Vroman Van Rensselaer Odle Van Woert Whiteside Van Rensselaer Odle Van Rensselaer Odle Van Woert Wells Van Woert Brown Van Woert Gilmore Thomas St. Johu Thomas Sackett Thomas Sacket Luddington Mead Willet Conine Klock Zeely Klock Cayser Klock Bradbig Klock Bradbig Klock Bradbig Klock Bradbig Klock Bedhig Klock Bedhig Klock Hess Klock Ruff Schuyler Veeder Whiting Davis Klock Kock Klock Breadbake Vrooman Rightmier Whiting Kellogg Malcom McKinstry Vrooman Brown Van Woert Gilmore Whiting Gilbert Whiting Kellogg Whiting * Wounded in right arm August 6, 1777. Palatine District, Montgomery county. t Wounded in the neck Aug. 6, 1777. Palatine Dist, Montg'y Co. B, 114. C94. 510 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Warner, Jonathan, adjt Whiting Warner Joost, private Vrooman Warner, Joost, private Vrooman Warner, Joost, Jr., private Vrooman Warner, Josiah, lieut. Whiting Warner, Josiah, lieut. Whiting Warner, Lupton, private Whiting Warner, Lupton, Jr., priv. Whiting Warner, Nich's, ensign Vrooman Warner, Nich's, ensign Vrooman Warner, Nich's, ensign Vrooman Warner, Peter, private Fisher Warner, Richard, private Wemple Warner, Samuel, private Wemple Warner, Stoffel, private Vrooman Warner, Thomas, private Wessenfels Warner, William, lieut Whiting Warner, William, private Whiting Warnuth, Peter J., private Klock Warren, Benj'n, corporal Malcom Warren, David, private Webster Warren, David, sergeant Armstrong Warren, Mordecai, private Wessenfels Warren, Nathaniel, corpl. Willet Warren, Peter, private Drake Warren, Peter, private Crane Warren, Stephen, private Piatt Warrin, Thaddeus, serg. Luddington Warrin, Theod's, corporal Hays Warring, Ephraim, private Field Warring, Gideon,* private Wart, Andrew, private Fisher Wart, John, private Willet Wart, John, private Fisher Wart, Matt's, private Fisher Wart, Matt's, private Fisher Wart, Maurinus, private Fisher Wart, Morris, private Fisher Warth, Matthew, private Fisher Wasburn, Isaac, private Brinckerhoff Wash, Luther, private Whiting Washbown, Edmund, priv. Willet Washbun, Isaac, private Brinckerhoff Washburn, Daniel, private Van Veghten Washburn, Daniel, private Hammond Washburn, Dennis, private Van Veghten Washburn, Hope, private Whiting Washburn, Jabez, private Van Veghten Washburn, Joel, private Van Veghten Washburn, John, private Livingston Washburn, Joseph, private Hammond Washburn, Martinus, priv. Livingston Washburn, Silas, private Hammond Wason, James, sergeant Willet Wason, John, private Willet Wason, Thomas, private Weisenfels Wassel, George, private Klock Wassel, Henry, pnvate Klock Wassel, William, private Klock Wassels, Andrew, private Van Rensselaer Wassels, Luke, private Van Rensselaer Wasson, James,t private Willet Wasson, John, private Willet Waste, Conrad, private Wemple Waston, James, private Graham Waston, John, private Graham Wate, Benj'n, sergeant Yate3 Wate, John, private Yates Waterberry, Daniel, private Crane Waterberry, John, private Crane Waterberry, Samuel, sergt. Crane Waterberry, Samuel, pnv. Crane Waterbury, Daniel, private Crane Waterbury, Daniel, private Crane Waterbury, Daniel, private Benedict Waterbury, David, captain Luddington Waterbury, Enos, private Luddington Waterbury, Enos, private Luddington Company. Brown Miller Davis Cady KelloggKellogg Stubrach Brown RichtmyerDegraas Mynderson Van Slyck Dodge Kellogg Gilbert Zeely ChildsWhite SkinnerDelivan Lockwood BloomWaterbury Smith Hecock Veeder Putman Snook Snook Marselis Snook SnookSchutt Cady Wright Schutt ThompsonThompson Davis Thompson Thompson Kline KlineWhite White Bradbig BradbigBradbig Young Newell Wanson MageeMagee Brown Scofield Bouton Scofield BoutonBouton Mead Waterbury Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. WestfallWestfall LewisLewis Lockwood Scofield Waterbury, James, private Wessenfels Waterbury, James, private Pawling Waterbury, John, corporal Crane Waterbury, John, private Crane Waterbury, Samuel, sergt. Crane Waterbury, Samuel, priv. Crane Waterman, Asa, lieut-col. Waterman, Asa, lieut-col. Van Rensselaer Waterman, Elisha, private Willet Van Rensselaer Waterman, Glud'n, privat- Whiting Salisbury Waterman, John, qr. mr. Whiting Waterman, Samuel, priv. Willet Van Rensselaer Waters, Benjamin, private Hopkin3 Talmadge Waters, Corn's, private Hopkins Talmadge Waters, David; private Graham Bostwick Waters, Isaac, private Hopkins Waters Waters, John, private Brinckerhoff Van Wyck Waters, Mich'l, private Livingston Elliot Waters, Sam'l, captain Hopkins Waterstock, Jacob, private Hathorn Bogardus Watkins, Edmund, private Willet Marshall Watkins, Edmund, private Van Rensselaer Shaw Watkins, Henry, private Webster Childs Watman, Dan'l, private Cantine Hasbrouck Watrous, Ed'd A., private Van Schoonhoven Collins Watson, Alex'r, pnvate Wemple Watson, Cyprain, private Van Veghten Watson, Ephraim, private Van Veghten Watson, Geffery, private Graham Watson, James, private Van Veghten Watson, James, private Van Veghten Watson, J epson, private Willet Watson, John, lieut. Willet Watson, John, private Armstrong Watson, John, private Webster Watson, Levi, sergeant Wessenfels Watson, Nicholas, private Johnson Watson, Simon, pnvate Hopkins Watson, William, private Willet Watson, William, srgt.maj. Newkirk Watson, Zelots, private Schuyler Wattels, Sam'l, sergeant Van Rensseiaer Watter, George, private Willet Wattles, David, private Whiting Wattles, Samuel, sergeant Whiting Wattles, Samuel, corporal Whiting Wattles, Walter, private Whiting Watts, Fred'k, pnvate Watts, Frederick, private Watts, John, sergeant Watts, John, private Watts, Robert, private Watts, Thomas, private Watts, Thos., private Wavill, Geo., private Wavill, Henry, corporal Wauls, Fred'k, private Waults, Fred'k, private Way, Benjamin, private Way, Benjamin, private Way, Benj'n, private Way, Dan 1, private Way, David, private Way, David, private Way, Francis, lieut. Way, Francis, lieut. Way, Fred'k, private Way, Fred'k, private Way, Geo., sergeant Way, Gideon, private Way, James, private Way, James, private Way, John, private Way, John, private Way, John, private Way, John, private Way, Josiah, private Way, Thomas, private Schuyler Schuyler BrinckerhoffField Field Willet Van Veghten Klock Klock Schuyler OstrumVandenburghHammond Humfrey Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Van Schoonhoven Visscher Bancker Thompson Thompson' Conklin Thompson- Dunham Conine Livingston Tozer Tozer Shephard Masten Talmadge'Gross McBride Hogan King GrossKing King " King King Van Aernum Lansing Brinckerhoff Hecock Hecock Wright Thompson Breadbake. ZeelyOstrum Ostrum Van Wyck BrinckerhoffBrinckerhoffHopkins Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Brinckorhoff BrinckerhoffBrinckerhoff Wessenfels Hopkins Brinckerhoff Van Rensselaer Vanderburgh SchuttBrower Brinkerhoff Brinkerhoof Brower BrinckerhoffBrinckerhoof Schutt DodgeBrinkerhoffHumfrey Schutt Turner Storm * Disabled by a cutlass stroke. Horicon, Washington Co. B 6, 79. t Enlisted May, 1782. Schenectady Co. A. P. 21-215. Hosier of ihe State Troops. 511 Name and Bans. Regiment. Company. Way, Thomas, private Piatt Lee Way, Thomas, private Brinckerhoff Storm Wead, Nathan, private Hays Stevenson Wead, Pheneas, private Harper Harrison Weaderman, Jno., private Schuyler Van Wee Waderman, Matt'w, priv. Schuyler Van Wee Weak, John, corporal Klock Klock Wealer, John, private Willet Harrison Wean, Wm., private Drake Weard, Pheneas, private Harper Harrison Wearing, David, private Thomas Chapman Wearing, James, private Crane Truesdel Wearing, Mich'l, private Truesdell Wearnn, Theodorus, priv. Hays Smith Weast, John, private Livingston Shaver Weat, Nath'l, private Willet White Weatherhead, Edmund, pr. Van Veghten Thompson Weaver, David, private Willet Welp Weaver, Edward, private Van Schoonhoven Taylor Weaver, Fred'k, private Fisher Weaver, Geo., fifer Dubois De Mout Weaver, Geo., private Van Rensselaer De Forest Weaver, Geo., private Van Rensselaer Husted Weaver, Geo., private Van Schaick Weaver, Hamical, private Fisher Veeder Weaver, Harris, private Van Rensselaer Odle Weaver, Jacob, heut Schuyler Ostrum Weaver, Jacob, private Klock Breadbake Weaver, Jacob, private Klock Zeely Weaver, Jacob, Schuyler Van Aernum Weaver, John, private Wynkoop Swart Weaver, Josias, private Van Schoonhoven Taylor Weaver, Loudon, private Willet Newell Weaver, Loudon, private Willet Henry Weaver, Nich's, sergeant Fisher Veeder Weaver, Nich's, private Klock Ruff Weaver, Nich's, private Willet Putman Weaver, Nich's, private Van Rensselaer Husted Web, John, private Yates Hadlock Webard, John, private Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoof Webb, David, private Webster Long Webb, James, private Phillips Miller Webb, John, private Williams Long Webb, John, private Webster Long Webb, John, private Crane Truesdell Webb, Jonathan, private Phillips Ostrander Webb, Joseph, corporal Wessenfels Brewster Webb, Joseph, private Malcom McKinstry Webb, Noah, private Field Dykeman Webb, Silvanus, private Thomas Hubby Webb, Silvanus, private Thomas St. John Webb, Silvanus, private Thomas Lyon Webb, William, private Wessenfels Hunt Webb, William, private Stevenson Webber, Christian, private Vrooman Richtmyer Webber, Henrich, Jr., pr. Vrooman Stubrach Webber, Henry, private Van Bergen Witbeck Webber, Jacob, private Klock Zeely Webber, John, private Van Bergen Witbeck Webber, Nich's, private Klock Breadbake Webber, Nicholas, private Klock Zeely Webbers, John, private Wessenfels White Weber, Fred'k, private Bellinger Herder Weber, Fred'k, private Bellinger Staring Weber, Fred'k, Jr., priv. Bellinger Herder Weber, Fred'k G., priv. Bellinger Herder Weber, Geo., private Bellinger Herder Weber, Geo. L, private Bellinger Herder Weber, Geo. I., private Bellinger Staring • Weber, Geo. M., private Bellinger Herder Weber, Henrich, Jr., priv. Vroman Stubrach Weber, Jacob, private Bellinger Herder Weber, Jacob, Sr., private Bellinger Frank Weber, Jacob G., private Bellinger Frank Weber, Jacob G., private Bellinger Herder Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Weber, Jacob I., private Bellinger Frank Weber, Jacob I., private Bellinger Herder Weber, Jacob J., private Bellinger Herder Weber, Jacob N., private Bellinger Frank Weber, Jacob N., private Bellinger Herder Weber, J. G., private Bellinger Herder Weber, Mich'l, private Bellinger Herder Weber, Nich's, jrivate Bellinger Herder Weber, Nich's G., private Bellinger Herder Weber, Nich's H., private Bellinger Herder Weber, Peter, lieut. Bellinger Frank Weber, Peter, lieut. Bellinger Herder Weber, Peter, private Bellinger Frank Weber, Peter, private Bellinger Herder Webers, John, private Malcom Cantine Weble, John, private Van Woert Whiteside Webster, Alexander, col. Webster, Alex'r, major Williams Webster, Daniel, corporal Whiting Salisbury Webster, David, drummer Whiting Davis Webster, Elihu, sergeant Van Veghten Dunham Webster, Isaac, corporal Whiting Davis " Webster, Joseph, private Dragoons Delavan Webster, Oliver, private Dubois Lee Webster, Palatia, private Willet Welp Weeber, Jacob, private Bellinger Frank Weeber, Jacob G., private Bellinger Frank Weeber, Jacob J., private Bellinger Frank Weeber, Jacob N., private Bellinger Frank Weeber, Peter, lieut. Bellinger Frank Weeber, Peter, private Bellinger Frank Weecks, James, private Wessenfels Weed, Alex'r, private Crane Lewis Weed, Charles, corporal Wessenfels Hunt Weed, Eli, private Crane Lewis Weed, Gilbert, private Crane Scofield Weed, Gilbert, private Benedict Gould Weed, Jonathan,* private Willet Pearce Weed, Jehiel, private Benedict Seely Weed, Jehiel, Jr., private Field . Hecock Weed, John, private Wessenfels Hunt Weed, John, private N Field Barnum Weed, Jonathan, private Crane Chapman ' Weed, Jonathan, private Crane Lewis Weed, Jonathan, private Thomas Gilbert Weed, Nath'l, lieut. Van Schoonhoven Hicks Weed, Nath'l, lieut. Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Weed, Nath'l, lieut. Steenbergh Weed, Phenias, fifer Van Schoonhoven Weed, Phineas, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Weed, Phineas,+ sergt. Willet Pearce Weed, Phineas, private Van Schoonhoven White Weed, Phineas, private Steenbergh Weed, Samuel, private Johnsou Concklin Weed, William, X sergeant Willet Wright Weed, William, sergeant Harper Drake Weed, William, private Vau Schoonhoven Visscher Weedon, Dennison, private Armstrong McNitt Week, Malakay, private Drake Haight Weeks, Ab'm, pnvate Brinkerhoof Weeks, Absalom, private Drake Haight Weeks, Absalom, private Drake Buckhout Weeks, Daniel, private Thomas Hubby Weeks, Daniel, private Van Veghten Winne Weeks, Daniel, private Van Veghten Dunham Weeks, Gilbert, private Drake Weeks, James, private Thomas Purdy Weeks, James, private Weisenfels Weeks, James, private Thomas Weeks, Jonas, lieut Wessenfels Dodge Weeks, Jon'n, private Thomas Sacket Weeks, Malake, private Drake Haight Weeks, Nath'l, private Thomas Sacket Weeks, Nath'l, private Thomas St. Johu Weeks, Nath'l, private Crane Lewis * Enlisted 1778, discharged at Schenectady, 1783-4. Greenfield, Saratoga Co. A. P. 21-275. t Served as substitute for his brother William, 1781-3. Milton, Saratoga Co. A. P. 21-408. X Enlisted 1781 for three years; served a few months and then sent his brother Phineas as substitute, who served to Jan. 7, 1783, when disbanded. Milton, Saratoga county, A. P. 21-408. 512 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Weeks, Nath'l, private Weeks, Nath'l, private Weeks, Nath'l, private Weeks, Nathan, private Weeks, Nath'l, Jr., private Weeks, Obediah, private Weeks, Phineas, private Weeks, Phineas, private Weeks, Reuben, private Weeks, Samuel, private Weeks, Silas, pnvate Weeks, Simon, private Weeks, William, private Weeks, Wm., private Weeks, Zophar, Weekson, Elijah, private Weeler, Joshua, lieut. Weeller, Jon'n, private Weer, Jon'n, private Weert, Mawritz, private Weeser, Nich's, captain Weever, Hend'k, private Wegins, Jacob, private Weight, Benia, sergeant Weight, Benj'n, pnvate Weight, Christ'r, private Weight, George, private Weiks, Aud'w, pnvate Weiman, Peter, private Weir, James,* corporal Weir, John, sergeant Weir, Robert, pnvate Weismiller, Jer'h, private Weissenfels, Fred'k, lt. -col. Weissenfels, George P., lt. Weissenfels, John, private Weissenfelt, George, priv. Welbore, Gideon, private Welch, Benj'n, sergeant Welch, Daniel, private Welch, Daniel, private Welch, Eben'r, private Welch, Eben'r, private Welch, John, pnvate Welch, Josiah, private Welch, Peter, lieut -adjt. Welch, Peter, private Welch, Richard, private Welch, Rich'd, private Welch, Samuel, private Welch, Thomas, private Welch, Vine, private Welch, Vine, private Welch, William, private Welch, William, private Weld, Isaac, private Weld, Isaac, private Weld, Isaac, private Weldon, Ab'm., private Weldon, Ab'm, private Weldon, Timothy, private We'.done, James, private Weliker, John, private Weller, Fred'k, private Weller, John, private Weller, Robert, sergeant Weller, Robert, private Welles, William, corporal Welling, John, private Welling, Thomas, private Wells, Ab'm, sergeant Wells, Ab'm, private Wells, Austin, sergeant Wells, Austin, sergeant Wells, Austin, sergeant Wells, Austin, sergeant Wells, Benj'n, sergeant Wells, Benj'n, private Regiment. Drake Drake Crane Crane Drake Pawling Crane HammondFisherThomas Van Veghten Hammond Graham Field Van Veghten Yates Pawling Fisher , Clyde Schuyler Hathorn Yates Yates Luddington GrahamLivingstonFisher Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Wessenfels comd't Wessenfels Wessenfels Pawling Wessenfels Graham WebsterVan Veghten Willet Willet Graham Webster Weissenfels Wynkoop Cooper Hays Webster Willet Whiting Willet Pawling Drake Williams Williams Williams Van Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Van Schoonhoven Pawling Hammond Johnson Johnson Wemple Wemple Hopkins HathornHathorn Van Bergen Van Bergen Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Company. Seely Lawrence Lawrence Lewis SeelyPawling Stevenson Lawrence Yeoman Humphrey Woodworth Dyckman Van Woert Brutt Sacket McMaster Lansing Case Hadlock HadlockKnapp Vail Shaver Veeder Green Well3 GilmoreHardenburgh WhiteWhite Williams Livingston Husted McNitt Van Woert Tearse Henry Husted Tozer DeWittGardnerGardner WelpDavis Newell Pawling Shepardson Rice Stowel Vandenburgh VisscherVisscher WoodMartling Cross Gillispy Fonda WheelerMinthornMinthorn WellsGilmore Hodges McKillip Odle Shaw Name and Rank. Wells, Benj'n, private Wells, Caleb, private Wells, Calvin, private Wells, Corn's, private Wells, Daniel, sergeant Wells, David, private Wells, David, private Wells, Eben'r, private Wells, Edmund, sergeant Wells, Edmund, private Wells, Edward, sergeant Wells, Gamaliel, ensign WgIIs, George, private Wells, Gersham, private Wells, Gershom, private Wells, Gershon, private Wells, Gershon, private Wells, Henry, private Wells, Henry, private Wells, Henry, private Wells, Henry, private Wells, Henry, private Wells, Jacobus, private Wells, James, private Wells, James, private Wells, James, private Wells, James, private Wells, James, I private Wells, James, private Wells, James, private Wells, James, private Wells, Jesse, private Wells, Jesse, private Wells, Jesse, private Wells, John, pnvate Wells, Joseph, captain Wells, Joseph, private Wells, Nich s, private Wells, Nicholas, private Wells, Peter, private Wells, Peter, private Wells, Peter, pnvate Wells, Philip, private Wells, Philip, private Wells, Prince, private Wells, Samuel, private Wells, Shelar, private Wells, Shelar, private Wells, Shelar, private Wells, Shelar, private Wells, Teunis, private Wells, Tim'y, sergeant Wells, Tim'y, sergeant Wells, Tim'y, sergeant Wells, Tim'y, corporal Wells, Tim'y, corporal Wells, Tim'y, corporal Wells, Tunes, private Wellsworth, Gilbert, priv. Welp, Ant'y, captain Welsh, David, private Welsh, Henry, private Welsh, Morto, private Welsh, Morto, private Welsh, Rosel, private Welthuysen, Jobn, private Weltse, Corn's, captain Werner, Peter, private Wemp, Aaron, private Wempell, Wm,, private Wemper, John Penat, priv. Wemple, Aaron, private Wemple, Ab'm, colonel Wemple, Arent, private Wemple, Barent, private Wemple, Barent, pnvate Wemple, Barent B\, priv. Regiment. Yates Van Rensselaer Malcom WynkoopVan Woert Wessenfels Dubois Van Rensselaer. Van Woert Van Woert Van Bergen Van Rensselaer Yates HathornDubois Hathorn Wisner Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert WynkoopVan Woert Wynkoop HathornHarperVan Veghten Van Bergen Grosvenor' s Con necticut Con'ls Cantine Brinckerhoff Wynkoop Hathorn DuboisWisner Whiting Van Woert Wessenfels Van Bergen Van Bergen Cantine Cantine Wynkoop Van Bergen Van Bergen PawlingWessenfels Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Vah Woert Van Veghten Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Schuyler Pawling Willet WebsterVan Woert Van Woert Van Woert Willet Wemple Yates Fisher Willet Fisher Fisher Schuyler Schuyler Fisher Dubois Company. Sbaw Blakely Wells WestfallGano Schermerhorn Brown Wells Hoghtaling DeGarmo Bailey GanoMiller Miller GilmoreDoty Brown Whiteside De Witt Brodhead Allen WitbeckSpaulding Ramsen BrowerBailey Gano Miller Gilbert White Dubois WitbeckHasbrouckRamsen De Witt Dubois WitbeckWestfall Brewster Wells GilmoreDoty Brown Van Woert Wells Doty Whiteside Wells Gilmore Hodges Lansing WestfallTozerWells Wells Pettit Skinner Bancker DegraasElsworth Fisher Veeder Lansing Lansing Fonda Fisber Fonda * Wounded in ihe shoulder at Saratoga October 15, 1777. Salem, Washington county. C 97, 1 84. t Left elbow dislocated October, 1781. Hillsdale, Columbia county. Bb 54. Roster of the State Troops. 513 Name- and Rank. Regiment. Wemple, Barent W., priv. Wemple, Barent, corporal Fisher Wemple, Barent, private Fisher Wemple, Barent, Jr.. priv. Fisher Wemple, Bernard, pnvate Wemple, Bern'd B., priv. Wemple, Corn's, private Fisher Wemple, Ephraim, priv. Fisher Wemple, Hend'k, sergeant Wemple, Hend'k, private Fisher Wemple, Henry, corporal Wemple, John, captain Wemple, Jno., lieut. Wemple, John, sergeant Wemple, John, private Wemple, John, private Wemple, John, Jr., corpl. Clyde Van Rensselaer Schuyler FisherFisher Wemple Wemple Fisher ., — .[... Fisher Wemple, John J., sergeant Wemple Wemple, Jno. 1., private Wemple Wemple, Mindert, private Fisher Wemple, Myndert, major Wemple Wemple, My'd, major Schuyler Wemple, Myndert, lieut. Wemple Wemple, Myndert, lieut Wemple Wemple, Myndert, private Wemple Wemple, Myndert A., en'n Wemple Wemple, Wm., private Fisher Wendecker, John, lieut. Clyde Wendecker, Nich's, priv. Wendel, Garret, private Wendel, Gerret, private Wendel, Stephen, private Thomas Wendell, Ab'm, private Van Rensselaer Wendell, Ab'm, private Van Veghten Wendell, Ab'm, private Van Veghten Wendell, Ab'm R., private Schuyler Wendell, Ahaswares, priv. Wemple Wendell, Ahaswares, priv. Wemple Wendell, Garret, private Schuyler Wendell, Harm's, major Lansing Wendell, John, private Yates Wendell, John B., private Wemple Wendell, Jno. B. F., priv. Wemple Wendell, Martinus, private Van Rensselaer Wendle, Ab'm, private Van Veghten Wendle, Ab'm, private Wendle, Garret, private Wenn, John, private Wenter, Mich'l, private Wentforth, Jas., private Wentworth, James, priv. Werner, Alex'r, private Wermer, Andrew, private Klock Werner, Chas., private Vrooman Werner, Christoffel, priv. Werner, Christoffel, priv. Werner, Christ'r, private Werner, Christ'r, private Werner, Christ'r, private Werner, Christ'r, private Werner, Geo., private Werner, Geo., private ..,., Werner, Geo., Jr., private Vrooman Werner, Joost, private Vrooman Werner, Joost, private Vrooman Werner, Joost, Jr., private Vrooman Werner, Nich's, ensign Vrooman Werner, Nicholas, ensign Vrooman Werner, Stoffel, private Vrooman Werth, Andrew, private Werth, Henrich, private Wert, Henrich, private Werth, Johannis, private Werth, John, private Werth, John, private ,,„,„„„ Wesbrouck, Abraham, pr. Pawling Weser, Nich's, corporal Fisher Weser, Nich's, private Fisher Wesimiller, Jerem'h, priv. Cantine Wesner, William, private Hathorn Wessell, Geo., sergeant Yates Wessell, Richard, private Hays 65 Van Veghten Schuyler Vrooman Van Bergen Graham GrahamKlock Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Klock Klock VroomanVrooman Fisher VroomanVrooman Vrooman Vrooman Vrooman Company. Fonda Wemple Wemple Pisher Ponda Fonda Hogan Marselus FondaFonda FisherVan Petten Fisher BanckerBancker Veeder Fonda Mynderson Van Petten Schermerhorn Mabee Dygert Dygert Price Lansing HubbyVan Woert Van Woert TillmanVan Petten Van Atten Lansing Yates Van Petten Dencker (?) Van Woert Winne Lansing Miller Muller Muller Bradbig Suts Stubrach Richtmyer RichtmyerBecker Klock Suts Stubrach Brown Brown StubrachMiller Richtmyer Stubrach Brown Stubrach Veeder Stubrach BrownMiller Brown Stubrach Burnet Veeder Veeder Hasbrouck McCambly Vandenburgh Bell Name and Rank. Regiment. Wessels, Aaron, private Wemple Wessels, Arent, private Wemple Wessels, Hamon, private Wemple Wessels, Harmon, private Wemple Wessels, Rich'd, private Hays Wesselse, Aaron, private Wemple Wesselse, And'w, private Schuyler Wesselse, Arent, private Wemple Wesselse, Herman, private Wemple Wesselson, Aaron, private Wemple Wessenfels (Weissenfels), Fred., colonel Wessenfels, George, lieut. Wessenfels Wesser, Nich's, corporal Fisher Wesser, Nich's, private Klock Wesser, Nich's, private Fisher West, Aaron, private Graham West, Ant'y, private Willet West, Benajah, private Van Woert West, Benj'n, private Van Woert West, Benj'n, private Van Rensselaer West, Clement, private Luddington West, David, pnvate Van Ness West, Jon'n, corporal Van Rensselaer West, Samuel, private Whiting West, Wilbertsoh, sergt. Yates Westavelt, Casparus, priv. Malcom Westbrook, Ab m, private Johnson Westbroock, Dirck, priv. Hays Westbrook, Dirk, captain Pawling Westbrook, Fred'k, lieut Hathorn Westbrook, John, captain Klock Westcock, John, private Thomas Westcoot, Joseph, private Van Rensselaer Westcot, Arnold, private Van Rensselaer Westcott, Abraham, priv. Thomas Westcott, Ezra, private Thomas Westcott, Reuben, sergt. Drake Westcott, Sam'l, private Thomas Wester, Jacob, corporal Klock Westerfelt, Abraham, pr. Phillips Westerfelt, Aldert, private Phillips Westerhout, John, private Phillips Westerman, Peter, private Clyde Westervelt, Abraham, pr. Hays Westervelt, Albert, sergt Brinckerhoff Westervelt, Casparus, pr. Hays Westervelt Casparus, pr. Graham Westervelt, Daniel, private Hays Westervelt, Geo., private Hopkins Westervelt, George, priv. Brinckerhoff Westervelt, Jacobus, priv. Brinckerhoff Westervelt, James, private Brinckerhoff Westervelt, J ohn, private Brinckerhoff Westervelt, Peter, private Hays Westfall, Ab'm, captain Wessenfels Westfall, Abraham, captain Pawling Westfall, Abraham, captain Klock Westfall, Abraham, lieut. Phillips Westfall, Abr'm, corporal Graham Westfall, Ab'm, oorporal Graham Westfall, Benj'n, private Graham Westfall, Gilbert, private Westfall, Gilbert, private Graham Westfall, Helimus, captain Klock Westfall, Jacobus, sergeant Graham Westfall, Levi, sergeant Pawling Westfall, Levi, private Wessenfels Westfall, Petrus, private Schuyler Westfall, Simon, private Klock Westham, Waren, private Harper Westers, Joseph, private Pawling Wetmore, Stephen, private Weton, Kobert, private Wemple Wetsel, Christ'r, private Van Veghten Wetterstien, Hend'k, priv. Bellinger Wever, Andrus, private Van Rensselaer Wever, David, private Graham Wever, Edward, private Piatt Wever, Fred'k, private Bellinger Wever, Fred'k, private Van Rensselaer j Wever, George, lieut. Bellinger Company. Fonda Bancker Bancker Van Slyck Bancker Van Wee Bancker Bancker Wanson White Veeder Bradbig Veeder Pearce Livingston McKillipBrown Knapp Tanner NilesDavies Brown McKinstry Gillispy St. John Niles Shaw St. John Sackett Haight St. John BradbigMillerMiller Miller Leipe Sickles Van Benschouten Tourneur Concklin Tourneur . Van Benschoten Van Benschoten Brinckerhoff BrinkerhoffVan Benschouten Tourneur Miller WilsonHermanceWilson Humfrey Wilson Wilson Pawling Pawling Slyngerlandt Westfall V.-oman Sacket Howley Van Slyck Woodworth Frank Odle Conklin Lee Staring Odle Herder 514 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Wever, George, private Wever, Harris, private Wever, Hend'k, private Wever, Jacob, private Wever, Jno., private Wever, Nich's, corporal Wever, Nich's, private Wever, Nich's, private Whale, Timothy, private Whalen, Abel, lieut Whaley, Tim'y, private Wharing, James, private Wharry, Evans, qr. mr. Wharry, James, sergeant Whealen, Ira, private Whealey, James, private Wheat, Amos, private Wheat, James, private Wheaton, Benjamin, corp. Wheaton, Tho s, private Wheaton, Tho's, private Whedon, Damison, private Whedon, David, irummer Whedon, Dennison, private Whedon, Edmund, private Whedon, Edmund, Jr., pr. Wheeler, Abel, lieut. Wheeler, Ab'm, private Wheeler, Ephraim, private Wheeler, Ezra, private Wheeler Fred'k, private Wheeler, Fred'k, private Wheeler, Gilbert, private Wheeler, Isaac, private Wheeler, Jacob, private Wheeler, Jacob, corporal Wheeler, John, private Wheeler, John, private Wheeler, John, private Wheeler, John, private Wheeler, Jon'n, private Wheeler, Jon'n, private Wheeler, Joshua, lieut. Wheeler, Josiah, private Wheeler, Josiah, private Wheeler, Nathan, private, Wheeler, Noah, captain Wheeler, Richard, private Wheeler, Samuel, qr.mr. s. Wheeler, Sam'l, private Wheeler, Sam'l, private Wheeler, Timothy, private Wheeler, Valentine, capt. Wheelock, John, private Wheelor, Ezra, private Whelar, Edward, lieut. Whellar, Fred'k, private Wheller, Robert, sergeant Wherry, John, private Wheten, Rob't, private Wheton, Benj'n, private Whidon, Edmund, private Whigh, Mich'l, corporal Whigham, Rob't, private Whipple, Elijah, private Whipple, Elijah, pnvate Whipple, Elisha, private Whipple, Esick, private Whipple, Esick, private Whirter, John, private Whirter, Matt w, private Whister, James, private Whitack, Ab'm, private Whitaker, Ab'm, private Whitaker, Abr'm, private Whitaker, Benjamin, priv. Whitaker, Edward, priv. Whitaker, Edward, priv. Whitaker, Edward, priv. Regiment. Bellinger Van Rensselaer Schuyler BellingerSchuyler Fisher Bellinger Fisher Graham Van Ness Dubois Johnson Newkirk Newkirk Dubois LuddingtonPawling Harper Willet Willet WilletWebster WilliamsWebster Webster WebsterWillet Van Veghten Hopkins Johnson WempleNewkirkFisherVan Woert Wessenfels WilletWillet Harper Van Rensselaer Yates Van Veghten CraneBenedict Hathorn Hopkins Yates Van Woert Van Woert Van Alstyn Pawling Vandenburg Thomas Dubois Whiting Wemple Wemple JohnsonWemple ThomasWebsterKlock Wessenfels Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Webster Webster Webster YatesHathorn WynkoopHathorn HathornHays Wynkoop Company. Staring Odle Lansing Staring Van Aernum Veeder StaringVeeder PearceLee Johnson Vankeuren Chamberlain Mead BurnetBogart Gillet Henry NewellHamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Cannon Dunham Talmadge Gillispy Outhout Crawford McMasterBrown Stockwell Shephard Marshall Cannon Vroman Vanderhoof Y'ates Truesdall Seely Minthorn Hadlock Brown Claw Wood LyonsChamberlain Gilbert Oothout Oothout Wilkins Van Slyck Hobby LongHess Brewster Thompson Van Woert WoodworthVan Woert Woodworth McNittMcNitt Long Bogardus Bogardus Bogardus WhWhWh WhWhWhWh Wh: Regiment. tbeck, John, private Schuyler tbeck, Peter, pnvate Van Rensselaer tbeck, Thos., sergeant Van Veghten tbeck, Wm., private Van Rensselaer tbeek, Ab'm, private Schuyler thick, Ab'm, private Van Rensselaer tcomb, Ezra, private Graham tcomb, Jobn, private Graham tcomb, Simon, private Whiting tecomb, Simon, private Hopkins Name and Rank, WhWh Wh Wh Wh Wh WhWh Wh Wh Wh WhWhWh Wh Wh Wh WhWh WhWhWhWhWhWhWhWhWhWh WhWh WhWh Wh: WhWhWhWh Wh WhWhWh Wh: WhWh WhWhWhWhWhWhWh WhWh WhWhWhWh:WhWhWhWhWh:Wh WhWhWhWhWh WhWh And'w, captain Corn's, private Daniel, corporal David, private David, private Ebenezer, surgeon Ed'd, sergeant Ed'd, sergeant Edward, private Elijah, private Epenetus, lieut Epenetus, lieut Epenetus, lieut. Epenetus, lieut. Henry, corporal Jacob, private James, private James, private James, private James, private Jone, private John, sergeant John, corporal John, corporal John, private John, private John, private John, private John, private John, private John, private Jonas, private Nathan, sergeant Nath'l, sergeant Nathaniel, sergt. Nath'l, sergeaat Nath'l, private Nath'l, private Nath'l, private Nath'l, private Nich's, corporal Peregrun, private Rufus, corporal Rufus, private Solomon, corporal Solomon, private Stephen, captain Stephen, captain Stephen, captain Stephen, coporal Stephen, private Stephen, private Stephen, private Stephen, private Stephen, Jr., priv. William, private Wm., private Wm., private Wm., private Wm., private Wm.,* private Wessenfels Phillips Fisher Fisher Drake FisherFisher Fisher Whiting Company. Lansing De Forest Winne De Forest VischerDe Garmo WilliamsWilliams Davis Wheeler Minthorn Miller VeederLittle McMaster DegraasDegraas Vosburgh Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Schoonhoven White Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Van Alstyn Willet WilletVan Veghten Van Bergen Schuyler PawlingWessenfelsWillet Thomas Webster ThomasThomas Van Buren PearcyMarshall DunningWitbeck Tillman Burnett White Sacket Hamilton Lyon St John Van Schoonhoven Hicks Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Van Rensselaer Thomas Thomas Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Pawling De Witt Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Willet WilletWillet Hopkins SkinnerCannon Cannon Lane Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Gano Van Rensselaer Woodworth ThompsonWhiteCase DuboisWillet Van Veghten Van Veghten WesSenfela Hathorn Willet Van Schoonhoven Drake Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Willet White Van Schoonhoven Visscher Horton Thomas Van Schoonhoven White Willet Conine Graham Miller Wemple Van Sly Van Rensselaer Odle Van Rensselaer Williams Van Ness Will., Jr., private tecor, Thomas, private tehead, Thomas, priv. Willet tehead, Thos., private .Van Veghten temau, Benj'n, private Willet teman, Benj'n, private Van Rensselaer teman, Benoni, private Van Rensselaer temat Geo., private Van Reusselaer Graves StowelFonda Fonda Winne Gillet Turner Turner Turner • Shot through the body at Saratoga, October 11, 1777. 1 106. Roster of the State Troops. 515 Name and Rank. Regiment. Whiteman, Jacob, private Schuyler Whitemore, James, private Armstrong Whitemore, Philip, private Livingston Whiteshock, Stephen, pr. Van Veghten Whiteside, Ed'd, private Van Woert Whiteside, Jon'n, captain Van Woert Whiteside, Tho's,qr.mr.ser. Van Woert Whiteside, Thos.qr.mr.ser. Van Woert Whiteside, Thomas, lieut. Van Woert Whiteside, Thomas, sergt. Van Woert Whiteside, Thomas, sergt. Van Woert Whitewood, Cora's, priv. Van Alstyn Whitfield, Jesse, private Van Rensselaer Whitford, Caleb, private Yates Whitford Jesse, private Van Rensselaer Whitford, Joshua, corpl. Van Rensselaer Whitford, Joshua, private Van Rensselaer Whiticor, Thomas, private Whitimast, Zach., private Livingston Whiting, Abijah, private Drake Whiting, Adam, private Whiting, Adam, private Whiting, Daniel, private Whiting Joshua, captain Whitley, John, private Whitman, Benjamin, priv. Willet Whitman,- Benjamin, priv. Whiting Whitman, Edward, pnv. Yates Whitman, Elijah, pnvate Whiting Whitman, George, private Hathorn Whitman, Izra, private Livingston Whitman, Samuel, private Whiting Whitman, Sam'l, private Yates Whitmore, Amos, private Whitmore, James, private Webster Whitmore, Philip, private Livingston Whitmore, Stuffel, private Livingston Whitmour, Benjamin, pr. Wsbster Whitmour, James, private Webster Whitney, Abijah, private Hathorn Whitney, Abijah, private Drake Whitney, Benjamin, priv. Hathorn Whitney, Benjamin, priv. Hathorn Whitney, Daniel, private Hathorn Whitney, David, private Wessenfels Whitney, David, private Cantine Whitney, Ephraim, priyate Williams Whitney, Ezekiel, private Whitney, Gilbert, private Whitney, Jacob, sergeant Cantine Whitney, Jacob, cerporal Pawling Whitney, Jacob, private Cantine Whitney, James, private Crane Whitney, Joshua, captain Van Ness Whitney, Josh' a, private Webster Whitney, Justus, sergt. Whitney, Seth, private Whitney, Seth, private Whitney, Silas, sergeant Whitney, Silas, private Whitney, William, private Van Nesa Whitteger, Ab'm, private Whittick, Ab'm, private Yates Whitton, Joseph, private Hays Whitteker, Philip,* private Snyder Whitwood, Charles, priv. Van Alstyn Whitwood, Sam'l, private Van Alstyn Whony, Daniel private Pawling Whor ey Daniel, corpl. Hathorn Whorry, Daniel, private Wessenfels Whorry, John, sergeant Pawling Whorry, John, private Johnson Wiber, Geo., private Bellinger Wiber, Nich's, sergeant Bellinger Wibert, John, private Vandenburgh Wibradt, Adolph, private Wemple Wick, John, private Klock Wick, Jno., private Klock Wick, John, Jr., private Klock Company. Ostram Wilson Shaver Thompson Whiteside Gilmore Brown Whiteside Doty Whiteside Shaw BrownHustedHusted Husted Fonda Kline Haight Williams Shepardson Williams Rice Hathorn Miller Van Ness Van Schoonhoven Visscher Conine Herrick Hadlock HerrickSayre PulverHerrick Van Duzer Hamilton Shaw Kline Hamilton Thoma3 Minthorn Buckhout MillerMinthorn Minthorn Hardenburgh Ramsen RiceHumfrey Truesdell Ramsen Pawling Hasbrouck PawlingPawlingBenedict Thomas Childs Sackett Williams OsburnStevenson St. John Whiting Humfrey Hadloek Blauvelt Philips Philips Burnet Tilford Hardenburgh Faulkner Jansen Frank Frank Van Wyck BanckerKlock Suts Kock Van Alstyn , Johnson Graham Graham Pawling Name and Rank. Regiment, Wick, Mich'l, corporal Klock Wickham, Benjamin, corp. Hopkins Wickham, Daniel, private Hopkins Wickham, Jon'n, pnvate Piatt Wickham Warren, priv. Wickman, Marikus, Jr., p, Wicks, John, private Wicks, Jonah, lieut. Wicks, Phinehas, private Wickson, Eben'r, private Hopkins Wickson, John, private Wessenfels Wickum, David, private Wessenfels Wide, Jost Henry, private Clyde Widbeck, Jacob, pnvate Livingston Widecor, Ab'm, private Wynkoop Wjdecor, Edward, private Wynkoop Widrigh, Jacob, pnvate Bellinger Wjele, Henry, pnvate Clyde Wier, John, Bergeant Van Woert Wier, John, sergeant Van Woert Wiessenfels, Fred'k, lt. coL Wiessmer, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Wiessmer, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Wiessner, Peter, Jr., priv. Van Rensselaer Wiest, Peter, corporal Wynkoop Wiest, Peter, private Wynkoop Wietrig, George, private Wigant, Matt'w, heut Wigant, Michael, private Wiggans, Anon, private Wiggins, Charle,s, private Hathorn Wiggins, William, private Wessenfels Wikes, James, private Wiksom, John, corporal Wilbert, John, private Wilbont Tabis, private Wilbot, Tobias, private Wilcock, Benj'n, private Wilcock, Rosal, private Wilcocke, Tyles, private Wilcocks, Francis, private Van Veghten Wilcocks, Gilbert, private Van Veghten Wilcocks, Tyles, private Van Veghten Wilcox, Aaron, private Wilcox, Caleb, private Wilcox, David, private Wilcox, David, private Wilcox, David, private Wilcox, Gilbert, private Wilcox, Isaac, pnvate Wilcox, Jeremiah, sergeant Willet Wilcox, Joshua, private Van Rensselaer Wilcox, Nath'l, private Wilcox, Nathan, private Wilcox, Salvenus, corpl. Wilcox, Stephen, private Wilcox, Tyle, private Wilde, William, private Wildee, William, private Wildy, Jacob, sergeant Wildy, Jacob, private Wile, Christian, private Wilee, Hend'k, private Wiles, George, private Wiles, George, private Wiley, Alex'r, private Wiley, Henry, sergeant Wiley, James, private Wiley, John, private Wiley John, private Wiley, Nich's, private Wiley, Primus, private Wilfort, Goleps, private Wilkelow, Jacob, private Wilkenson, Thomas, priv. Wessenfels Wilkerson, John, lieut Van Rensselaer Wilkerson, John, private Van Rensselaer Wilkes, John,t pnvate Willet Wilkie, Augustus, sergt. Graham Bellinger Johnson Hathorn Johnson LuddingtonHopkins DuboisDubois Field Field Van Veghten Wessenfels Van Rensselaer Hathorn Van Woert Dubois Van Veghten Pawling Willet WilletWillet Van Rensselaer Van Veghten Brinkerhoff Schuyler Hammond Van Bergen Fisher Fisher Klock Klock Van Rensselaer Van Bergen Whiting Wemple Wemple Fisher Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Wessenfels Company. Kock Talmadge Talmadge BloomTruesdel JohnsonWilson ConklinSacket Lane Thompson LeipeRockfeller Staring LeipeWhitesideGilmore Philip PhilipSwart Swart HerderWood Case Roosa Minthorn BowenVan Duzer Lane BrinkerhoffChamberlainChamberlain Hecock Hecock Van Woert WoodworthVan Woert Van Woert Shephard Shaw Shephard Brown Gano Woodworth Woods Van Rensselaer Shaw Van Rensselaer CannonVan Rensselaer Shaw WoodworthStorm Ostrum Martling Honeywell Veeder VeederHessWagnerCady King Van Petten Fonda McMasterSchermerhorn De Garmo Livingston Shaw ShawWright Magee * Procured a substitute to serve in 5th N. Y. A. P., 19-216. Enlisted 1782-8 ; discharged January 4, 1784. Bridgewater, Oneida county. A. P. 23-243. 516 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Wilkin, Jason, captain Johnson Wilkin, Jason, lieut. Johnson Wilkin, Obediah, private Van Rensselaer Wilkins, Daniel, private Newkirk Wilkins, Daniel, private Williams Wilkins, George, private Newkirk Wilkins, James, private Hathorn Wilkins, James, private Field Wilkins, Ob'h, private Yates Wilkins, William, private Hathorn Wilkinson, David, private Dubois Wilkinson, John, dr. maj. Willet Wilkinson, John, private Hopkins Wilkinson, Nathan, private Willet Wilkinson, Thomas, corpl. Hopkins Wilkison, Jno., lieut. Will, Christian, sergeant Will, Christian, private Will, Henry, lieut. Will, Henry, ensign Will, Henry, private Will, John, private Willar, Amos, private Willard, Abel, private Willard, Elias,* surgeon Willard, Moses, sur. mate Willcocks, Aaron, private Willcocks, Jared, private Willcocks, Simeon, private Van Rensselaer Willcocks, Tyles, private Van Veghten Willcox, Abner, sergeant Willcox, Diges, private Willcox, Nath'l, private Willcox, Nath'l, private Willcox, Plin, pnvate Willcox, Thomas, private Wilier, Amos, sergeant Wilier, Fred'k, private Wilier, Joseph, private Willes, Issecan, private Willes, Jedediah, private Willes, Reuben, private Willes, Rich'd, private Willes, Thomas, private Willess, James, private Willet, Elbert, private Willet, Josiah, private Willet, Marinus, col-comd't Willet, Marinus, 1. c.-comd't Willhin, William, private Newkirk Williams, Abm., private Williams, Abraham, priv. Williams, Abm., private Williams, Abm., private Williams, Abraham, priv. Williams, Abm., private Williams, Abm., Jr., priv. Williams, Adam, private Williams, Adam, private Williams, Ahan, private Williams, Asher, private Williams, Azael, private Williams, Benj'n, private Van Rensselaer Williams, Benj'n, private Graham Williams, Corn's, private Wemple Williams, Corn's, private w„mrxir. Williams, Dage, private Williams, Dage, private Williams, Dage, private Williams, Daniel, captain Williams, Dan'l.t captain Williams, Dan'l, sergeant Williams, Dan'l, sergeant Williams, Dan'l, corporal Williams, Dan'l, private Williams, Dan'l, private Van Rensselaer WynkoopLivingston Livingston LivingstonLansingWemple Van Woert Malcom Willet Willet Hopkins Armstrong Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Whiting Graham Willet Johnson Drake Van Veghten Field Van Veghten Field FieldField Lansing Armstrong Wessenfela PawlingHammond HammondHammond Van Bergen Hammond Hathorn JohnsonVan Rensselaer Yates Yates Wemple Thomas Pawling Thomas Pawling Graham FisherFisherFisher Wessenfels Fisher Company. Gillispy Faulkner RiceFaulkner Van Deusen Van Duser Hadlock TelfordChamberlain Wright Talmadge *— Newell Talmadge Husted RockenfelleRockenfelle Rockenfelle Brown Van Allen Gilmore Blakely A.P. 18-291 Waters McNitt King Van Woert DeGarmo Noble Cady Bostwick t Pearce Hole Cross Drake WinneHecockWinneHecockHecockHecock Brown Tozer McBride Hunt Sacket Comb MartlingOrser Honeywell Martling Conklin Johnson De Garmo YatesShaw WilsonFonda Van Slyck ChapmanSacketSt. John McMaster YeomanFisher Westfall Snook Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Williams, Williams! Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams Williams,Williams, Williams,Williamsj Williams, Williams,Williams WilliamsWilliams Williams! Williams,Williams, Williams,Williams, Williams,Williams,Williams,Williams,Williams,Williams Williams Williams, Williams, Williams,Williams WilliamsWilliams,Williams Williams. Williams,Williams,Williams,Williams,Williams,Williams,Williams WilliamsWilliams Williams Williams, Williams, Williams Williams,Williams,Williams. Williams, Williams,Williams. Williams, Williams,Williams, Williams,Williams,Williams,Williams,Williams, Williams Williams, Williams Williams,Williams, Williams, Williams Williams, WilliamsWilliams, Williams, Williams, Williams. , Dan'l, private , David, sergeant , David, corporal ., David, corporal , David, corporal , David, private ,, David, private ,, David, private ,, David, private ;, David, private ;, Eben'r, private ,, Eben'r, private , Elias, corporal , Elias, private , Elias, private , Esaw, private , Eze, private ,, Ezekiel, private ,, Ezekiel, X private ,, Fred'k, private , Fred'k, private , Gilbert, corporal , Gilbert, private , Gilbert, private , Gilbert, private , Gilbert, private , Gilbert, private ,, Gilbert, private ,, Icabud, private ,, Ichabod, § priv. ,, Ichabod, private ,, Ichabod, private ,, Isaac, fifer , Isaac, private ,, Isaac, private , Jabin, private i, Jacob, sergeant 1, James, private , James, private ., James, Jr., priv. ,, Jeremiah, priv. , Job, private ,, John, colonel , John, surgeon ., John, lieut ,, John,_private i, John,"private , John, private i, John, private , Jno., private , John, private , John, private >, Jno., private ,, John, private ,, John, private , John, private , Joseph, private , Joseph, private , Joseph, private , Josiah, private , Josiah, private , Lemuel, private ,, Lemuel, private , Lewis, corporal , Lewis, corporal ;, Lewis, private ,, Lewis, private , Lodwick, priv. , Marquis, corpl. , Nathan, private ., Nehemiah, lieut. , Petrus, private , Pomp, private , Reace, sergt , Richard, private ., Robert, private Fisher Yeoman Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Graham Lansing Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Visscher Webster Long Armstrong Long Van Schoonhoven Van Denburgh Van Schoonhoven Taylor HammondPiatt Graham Willet WhitingVrooman MartlingBloomWilsonDeboisBostwick Van Rensselaer De Garmo Whiting Salsbury Whiting Salisbury Sage Clark Van Schoonhoven Van Denhurgl Van Schoonhoven Visscher Hays Gardner Pawling Lawrence Pawling Sacket Cooper Gardner Hays Stevenson Harper Drake Lawrence Drake Haight Drake Delivan Crane Lockwood Luddington Waterbury Drake Boyd Wessenfels Westfall Willet Webster Childs Wemple Van Slyck Hathorn Shepherd Pawling Westfall Hathorn Shepherd Hathorn Mervin Graham Sherwood Webster Armstrong Warner's Conts. A. P. 17-205. Johnson Cross Willet Fonda Pawling De Witt Willet Tearse Willet Henry Pawling Sacket Harper Drake Van Schoonhoven Taylor Van Schoonhoven Visscher Van Veghten Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Van Veghten Thompson Van Veghten Dunham Van Veghten Woodword Cooper Gardner 'Hays Gardner Armstrong McNitt Graham Husted Webster Long Armstrong Long Williams Long McNitt Armstrong Webster McNitt Thomas Malcom Blakely Warner A. P. 17-696. Schuyler Lansing Dubois McFoght Westfall , Pawling Johnson Ostrander Thomas Purdy * Mate in U. S. hospital 1775 to '77. Hospital surgeon for New York. Albany. A. P. 21-89-95. t Lieut, in Gen'l Geo. Clinton's Brigade 1776; taken prisoner 1778; in prison 15 months, A. P. 14-350. % Disabled by sickness November, 1776. Hillsdale, Columbia Co. Bb. 39. § Enlisted Jan'y], 1777, for 3 months, wounded in left thigh March 16, 1777. Shoemaker and farmer, North Salem, West chester Co. A. 90, Bb. 53. Roster of the State Troops. 517 Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Williams, Robt., private Van Veghten Denning Williams, Robt., private Van Veghten Winne Williams, Samuel, private Williams McNitt Williams, Sam'l, private Crane Lockwood Williams, States, private Drake Boyd Williams, Stephen, private Thomas Purdy Williams, Stephen, private Crane Lockwood Williams, Thomas, sergt Webster Long Williams, Thomas, sergt. Armstrong Long Williams, Thomas, private Williams Long Williams, Thos., private Malcom Delavan Williams, Thos., private Hopkins .Lane Williams, Thomas, private Drake Delivan Williams, Thomas, private Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Williams, Thos., pnvate Yates Williams, Thomas, private Van Rensselaer Muller Williams, Thos., private Luddington Lane Williams, Thomas P., priv. Yates 5 Brown Williams, Uriah, private Wessenfels Williams, Warren, private Hopkins Wheeler Williams, Wheeler, private Willet Williams, William, private Willet Marshall Williams, William, private Pawling Livingston Williams, William, private Willet Livingston Williams, Wm., private Graham Bostwick Williams, Wm., private Van Veghten Denning Williams, William, private Van Rensselaer Cady Williamson, Ehser, private Klock Cayser Williamson, Jas., private Graham Magee Williamson, James, priv. Yates Hadlock Williamson, Jeremiah, pr. Hays Smith Williamson, John, private Harper Bogart Williamson, Marcus, corpl. Thomas Moseman Williamson, Marcus, corpl. Thomas St. John Williamson, Marcus, priv. Thomas Williamson, Nich's, corpl. Hays Smith Williamson, Nich's, priv. Hays Smith Williamson, Peter, private Cuyler Williamson, William, priv. Thomas Moseman Williamson, Wm., private Thomas St. John Williamson, William, priv. Van Schoonhoven Visscher Williard, Moses, s. mate Willet Wiiliber, John, private Willibor, John, sergeant Willigh, Philip, sergeant Willis, Eziiel, private Willis, Henry, private Willis, Henry, private Willis, James, private Willis, James, private Willis, Thomas, private Willis, Thomas, private Willis, Thos., private Willis, Thos., private Willis, Wm., private Willis, William, private Willman, John, private Harper Willet Schuyler Van Veghten Hathorn PawlingWessenfels Pawling Pawling Hathorn Van Veghten Willet MalcomHarper Harper Willox, Nathaniel, private Willet Wills, Abraham, sergt. Willet Wills, Ab' m, private Van Bergen Wills, David, corporal Wisner Wills, Ebenezer, private Whiting Wills, George, sergeant Yates Wills, Geo., private Yates Wills, Philip, private Willet Willsar, Albert, private Hays Willsey, Matt'w, private Hopkins Willson, Andrew, private Hays Willson, Andrew, private Van Alstyn Willson, Eben'r, private Yates Willson, Hugh, private Willet Willson, Israel, sergeant Willet Willson, James, captain Armstrong Willson, James, lieut. Webster Willson, James, corporal Clyde Willson, James, private Willet Willson, James, private Webster Willson, James, private Armstrong BogartHarrisonSharp Winne Van Deusen LivingstonWestfall Westfall Westfall Van Deusen Winne Lawrence DrakeGrayConine Van Schaick Miller GilbertBrown Brown Conine GardnerVan Benscnoten Ackerson Ostrander Wiltse Livingston Fonda Hamilton Difendorf Elsworth Tozer Tozer Name and Rank. Willson, James, private Willson, James, private Willson, John, private Willson, John, private Willson, John, private Willson, John, private Willson, John, private Willson, Jobn, private Willson, Joseph, private Willson, Samuel, private Willson, Samuel, private Willson, Silas, private Willson, Thomas, private Willson, Thomas, private Willson, Uriah, private Willson, William, lieut Willsy, Will, private Wilsee, James, private Wilsey, Jacob, sergeant Wilsey, James, private Wilsey, John, private Wilsey, William, private Wilsie, Daniel, lieut. Wilson, Abner, private Wilson, Aimer, private Wilson, Amos, sergeant Wilson, And'w, corporal Wilson, Andrew, private Wilson, Andrew, private Wilson, Andrew, private Wilson, Daniel, private Wilson, Daniel, private Wilson, David, private Wilson, Dirick, private Wilson, David,* private Wilson, Eben'r, private Wilson, Jesse, sergt. -maj. Wilson, Jesse, sergeant Wilson, James, captain Wilson, James, heut. Wilson, James, lieut Wilson, James, private Wilson, James, private Wilson, James, private Wilson, James, private Wilson, John, sergeant Wilson, Jobn, captain Wilson, John, private Wilson, John, private Wilson, John, private Wilson, John, private Wilson, John, private Wilson, John, private Wilson, John, private Wilson, John, private Wilson, John, private Wilson, John, private Wilson, John, private Wilson, John, private Wilson, John, private Wilson, John, private Wilson, Joseph, private Wilson, Nathan, private Wilson, Nathum, private Wilson, Nathum, private Wilson, Nicholas, t sergt Wilson, Noah, private Wilson, Peter, private Wilson, Richard, private Wilson, Robert, sergeant Wilson, Robert, sergeant Wilson, Robert, sergeant Wilson, Robert, sergeant Wilson, Robert, private Wilson, Samuel, sergeant Wilson, Samuel, private Wilson, Samuel, private Wilson, Samuel, corporal Regiment. Company. Clyde House Hays Ackerson Willet Elslworth Webster Long Webster Tozer Armstrong Tozer Malcom Blakely Weisenfels Webster Long Webster Long Armstrong Long Harper Allen Webster Tozer Armstrong Tozer Hays Ackerson Willet Harrison Brinkerhoff Van Benschoten Van Schoonhoven Van Alstyn Phillips ' Harper Drake Willet Welp Johnsou Roosa Luddington Lane Fisher McMaster Fisher McMaster Hopkins Waters Wessenfels Godwin Wessenfels Godwin Fisher McMaster Cuyler Luddington Scribner Luddington Mead Webster Hamilton Van Alstyn Ostrander Tuston Van Tuyler Yates Wiltse Willet Putman Graham Williams Graham Webster Williams Hamilton Webster Tozer Hays Tourneur Drake Seely Drake Haight Fonda Graham Wessenfels White Pawling Williams Warner's Conts. A. P. 15-11, 17-6< Webster Hamilton Webster Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong LongFonda Fisher Veeder Drake Hadden Wisner Baly Drake Haight Dyckman Field Van Rensselaer Staats Webster Long Van Woert Hodges Wells Van Woert Van Woert Gilmore Cussa (?) Hewlett Armstrong Armstrong McNitt Van Alstyn Philips Williams Hamilton Webster Hamilton Armstrong Wilson Graham Wilson Van Rensselaer Staats Armstrong McNitt Williams Long Van Woert Doty Drake * Badly wounded three times at Peenpack, October 25, 1778. t Queens County. A. P. 24-440, Laborer, New Shawangunk, Ulster Co. C 145, 1 1 518 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Wilson, Samuel, private Wilson, Samuel, private Wilson, Samuel, private Wilson, Samuel, private Wilson, Samuel, Jr., private Wilson, Thomas, corporal Wilson, Valentine, corpl. Wilson, Valentine, corpl. Wilson, Valentine, private Wilson, William, sergeant Wilson, William, private Wilson, William, private Wilson, William, private Wiltey, William, private Wiltbouse, John, private Wiltney, Obediah, private Wiltse, Corn's, sergeant Wiltse, Francis, private Wiltse, Gerardus, corpl. Wiltse, Henry, corporal Wiltse, James, private Wiltse, Martin, private Wiltse, Peter, private Wiltsee, Corn's, sergeant Wiltsee, Gerardus, private Wiltsee, Joseph, private Wiltsee, Wm., pnvate Wiltsee, William, private Wiltser, Cornwell, sergt. Wiltsey, Gradus, private Wiltsey, James, private Wiltsey, James, private Wiltsey, John, private Wilsey, John, private Wiltsey, Peter, private Wiltsie, Henry, ensign Wiltsie, Peter, private Wiltzee, Harmery, private Wimple, Barend, private Wimple, John, sergeant Wimple, Myndert R., ens. Winans, Ichabod, private Winans, Isaac,' private Winans, Isaac, private Winans, Silas, private Winans, Wm., private Winchel, Elijah, private Winchel, Jerem'h, private Winchel, John, private Winchel, John, private Winchel, , private Winchel, John, private Winchell, Elijah, private Winchell, Peltheah, priv. Winckoop, Peter, private Windall, John, private Windecker, Fred'k, priv. Windecker, Fred'k, priv. Windecker, Nich's, sergt. Windeker, Jacob, private Windell, Harmanus, col. Winderstien, Henry, priv. Windfield, Abraham, fifer Windfield, Elias, private Windfield, Henry, private Windfield, Henry, private Windfield, Simon, private Windfield, Wm., private Wineer, Caspur, private Winegan, Sam'l, private Winegar, Sam'l, private Winegard, James, ensign Winen, Arent, private Winen, Arent, Jr., corpl. Wines, Jerem'h, sergeant Wines, Jerem'h, private Winfiel, Isaac, private Winfield, Abraham, priv. Regiment. Webster Drake Fisher Field Drake Luddington Drake Crane Drake Schuyler Johnson WessenfelsHarperVandenburgh Graham DrakeBrinckerhoff Yates BrinckerhoffVan Rensselaer Van Veghten Yates Hammond Hopkins BrinckerhoffBrinckerhoffHopkins BrinckerhoffGrahamVan Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Van Veghten Graham VandenburghLuddington Brinckerhoff Brinckerhoff Wemple Wemple HatshornWisnerGraham Hopkins Wisner Yates YatesHarper Vau Rensselaer SchuylerSchuyler Yates Harper Wynkoop YatesClyde KlockKlockKlock Bellinger Hathorn Pawling Hathorn WisnerJohnson Wisner Wesssenfels DuboisDubois Van Rensselaer Wynkoop WynkoopPiattWessenfelsPiattHathorn Company. Long HaightMcMaster Hecock Scribner Haight Lawrence Seely Lansing Smith Hardenburgh BogartVan Wyck Williams Drake Storm Wiltse Van Benschoten Woodworth Weltse Van Benschoten Van Benschouten Brinckerhoof Brinkerhoff Van Benschouten Vail Van Woert Van Woert DunhamVan Woert Conklin Van Wyck Lane BrinckerhoofVan Benschoten Fonda Minthorn Baly Husted Talmadge Baly Yates VandenburghHarrison Slingerlandt Tillman Yates Harrison De Witt Yates House Cayser Cayser Cayser Herder McCamly Faulkner McCamly Baly Wood BalyPawlingChamberlain Chamberlain Van Allen Bloom Livingston Van Santvoort Name and Rank. Regiment. Wessenfels Wessenfels Wessenfels PawlingPawling Wynkoop Winfield, Ab'm, private Winfield, Abr'm, private Winfield, Ab'm, private Winfield, Ab'm, private Winfield, Abraham, priv. Winfield, Benj'n, corpl. Winfield, Benjamin, priv. Wynkoop Winfield, Dan 1, private Snyder Winfield, Dan'l, private Winfield, Dan'l, private Winfield, Elias, private Winfield, Elias, private Winfield, Henry, private Winfield, Jacob, private Winfield, Simeon, corpl. Winfield, Simeon, private Wessenfels Winfield, Simeon, private Pawling Winfield, Simon, private Wynkoop Winfield, William, private Hathorn Wing, Benjamin,* private Graham Wing, Benj'n, private Van Woert Wing, Benj'n, private Van Woert Wing, Daniel, private Graham Wing, David, private Van Woert Wing, David, private Van Woert Wingart, Jacobus, private Van Alstyn Winings, Ichabud, private Hathorn Winkel, John, private Klock Winkello, John, private Pawling Winkfield, Simon, private PawlingKlock Wynkoop Wynkoop Johnson Johnson Hathorn Wessenfels Pawling Winkle, John, private Winn, John, pnvate . Winn, Johnson, private Winn, Joseph, private. Winn, Peter, private Winne, Ant'y, private Winne, Corn's, sergeant Winne, Corn's, private Winne, Dan'l, private Winne, Dan'l, private Winne, David, private Winne, David, private Winne, Jacob, adjutant Winne, Jacob, private Winne, Jacobus, private Winne, James, private Winne, John, private Winne, John, private Winne, John, private Winne, Kilian, private Winne, Killian, private Klock BrinckerhoffBrinckerhoffPawling Schuyler Schuyler Quackenboss Schuyler - QuackenbossSchuyler QuackenbossVrooman SchuylerWynkoopWynkoop Schuyler QuackenbossQuackenboss Harper Van Bergen Winne, Lawrence, private Van Bergen Winne, Levinus, lieut. Schuyler Winne, Peter, captain Van Veghten Winne, Peter, lieut. Quackenboss Winne, Peter, private Wynkoop Winne, Peter, Jr., private Wynkoop Winne, Peter A., private Wynkoop Winne, Peter I., private Wynkoop Winne, Will., private Quackenboss Winnea, Garret, private Yates Winnen, Corn's, private Wynkoop Winnen, Jacobus, private Wynkoop Winnen, Jobn, private Wynkoop Winner, Benjamin, private Wynkoop Winner, John, private Wessenfels Winner, John, private Pawling Winner, Peter, Jr., private Wynkoop Winney, Jacob, It. and q. m. Willet Winney, Jacob, lieut Willet Winney, John, private Willet Winney, John, private Pawling Winney, Levinus, lieut Winnings, Isaac, private Hathorn Winnings, William, private Hathorn Wiunor, Peter, private Wynkoop Winple, Aaron, private Willet Winshal, James, private Graham Company. Brewster White Westfall Westfall Burnet SwartSwart Van Beuren SwartOstrander Roosa McCambly Livingston Pawling Livingston PawlingSwart McCamply Gilmore Doty Sherwood Doty Brown Minthorn Klock PiercyHunterSuts Ruff Schutt Schutt Hunter Van Aernum Van Wie Van Wie Van Wie Van Wie Van Wie Van Wie Van Wie De Witt De Witt Van Wie Van Wie SlingerlandtBogart HoghtalingHoghtaling Lansing Van Wie De Witt De Witt De Witt Van Wie Van DenBurgh Livingston Pawling Van Renselaer Conine 'Hunter Roseboom Sayres Sayres Elsworth Wilson * Taken prisoner at Fort Ann, Oct. 10, 1780, exch'd Oct. 18, 1782. Rensselaer Co. A. P., 19-329. Roster of the State Troops/ 519 Willet Van Bergen Van Bergen Van Bergen Hopkins Willet Graham Name and Rank. Regiment. Winslor, Abr" m, private Van Rensselaer Winslow, Joseph, private Hopkins Winslow, Sam 1, private Hopkins Winslow, Samuel, private Vandenburgh Winslow, Sam'l, private Brinkerhoff Winter, John, corporal Winter, Mich'l, private Winter, Mich'l, private Winter, Mich'l, private Winter, Moses, private Winter, Peter, private Winters, John, corporal Winterscale, Bonaley, priv. Willet Wintfield, Peter, private Johnson Wintfield, Peter, private Johnson Wintworth, Alpheus, priv. Yates Wintworth, James, private Willet Wipple, Elisha, private Van Veghten Wipple, Ezek, private Van Veghten Wird, Andries, private Fisher Wirson, Dan'l, private Luddington Wirson, Jobn, private Wise, Benjamin, private Wise, Benjamin, private Wisener, Smith, surgeon Wiser, John, sergeant Wisner, Allabert, private Wisner, Asa, private Wisner, David, ensign Wisner, David, ensign Wisner, David, ensign Wisner, Henry, lieut. -coL Wisner, John, lieut-col. Wisner, John, private Wisner, Samuel, private Wisner, Samnel, private Wisner, Smith, private Wisner, Smith, private Wisner, Wm., private Wisner, Wm., private Wisner, Wm., private Wisner, Wilham, Jr., priv. Hathorn Wisor, John, private Fisher Wispier, John, private Pawling Witbeck, Abraham, priv. Van Rensselaer Witbeck, Abm., private Van Rensselaer Witbeck, Abm., private Schuyler Witbeck, Abm., private Van Rensselaer Witbeck, Casparus, priv. Schuyler Witbeck, Harper, lieut. Van Rensselaer Witbeck, John, private Schuyler Witbeck, John, private Schuyler Witbeck, John, private Vau Rensselaer Witbeck, John A., captain Van Bergen Witbeck, Jon'n, private Van Rensselaer Witbeck, Laudert, private Van Rensselaer Witbeck, Leonard, private Van Rensselaer Witbeck, Martin, private Vau Rensselaer Witbeck, Marte C., private Van Rensselaer Witbeck, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Witbeck, Samuel, private Harper Witbeck, Thos., sergeant Van Veghten Witbeck, Thomas, private Van Rensselaer Witbeck, Thos. I., sergeant Van Veghten Witbeck, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Witbeck, Will., private Van Rensselaer Witbeek, John, private Schuyler Witbeek, Samuel, private Schuyler Witbeek, Walter, private Schuyler Witbek, Thos., pnvate Van Veghten Witchson, Eben'r, private Luddington Witeman, Geo., private Van Rensselaer Witey, Wm., private Van Schoonhoven Witford, Caleb, private Yates With, Evert, private Van Rensselaer Withbeck, Andrews, priv- Van Alstyn Withbeck, Andris, Jr., pr. Van Alstyn Withford, Cillip, private Yates Witherwa, Peter, private Van Rensselaer Witherwax, Allick; private Yates Witherwax, Alex'r, private Van Rensselaer Luddington Hathorn Piatt Hathorn Fisher Wisner Hathorn Hathorn Hathorn Wisner HathornHathorn FisherHathorn Hathorn Hathorn Hathorn Hathorn Wisner Wisner Company. TurnerWatersVan Benschoten StormStormVan Renselaer Dubois WitbeckVan Schaick LaneHarrison Magee Livingston Gillispy Jansen Harrison Van Woert Dunham Veeder Crane Crane TelfordVan Santvoort MillerDegraasBaly Shepherd Shepherd McCamly Baly Degraas Minthorn McCamly Bailey Bartolf Bartholf Bartolf Baily Bartholf DegraasPawling De Forest SharpVischer Bries Hogan BriesLansing Hogan Staats Staats Staats Staats StaatsStaats Sharp Bogart Van Woert Briess Van Woert Sharp Briess Lansing OstrumHogan Van Woert Knapp Hadlock Schermerhorn Van Valkenburgh Van Valkenburgh De Garmo Weltse Vanderhoof Name and Rank. Regiment. Witherwax, David, private Van Rensselaer Witherwax, David, private Yates Witherwax, Johannes, pr. Van Rensselaer Witherwax, Martin, sergt. Van Rensselaer Witherwax, Martin, priv. Van Rensselaer Witherway, Johannes, priv. Van Rensselaer Withy, Simon, corporal Webster Witicker, Edward, private Wynkoop Witiker, Ab'm, private Wynkoop Witiker, Abr'm, Jr., priv. Wynkoop Witiker, Benjamin, priv. Wynkoop Witiker, Edward, Jr., priv. Wynkoop Witiker, Jacobus, private Wynkoop Witiker, James, private Wynkoop Witiker, James, private Wynkoop Witiker, Petrus, private Wynkoop Witinger, Christ'r, private Van Rensselaer Witmore, Christopher, pr. Willet Witney, David, private Malcom Witney, Seth, private Drake Witney, Silas, private Witrigh, Mich'l, private Bellinger Wittaker, Ab'm, private Snyeer Wittaker, Edward, private Pawling Wittaker, James, private Wynkoop Witterker, Thos., private Schuyler Wittiker, Abraham, private Wynkoop Wittiker, Benj'n, corporal Wynkoop Wittiker, Benj'n, private Wynkoop Wittiker, Edward, corporal Wynkoop Wittiker, James, private Wynkoop Wittinger, Christ r, private Van Rensselaer Wittmore, Peletiah, private Benedict Wituker, Ed'd, private Wixon, David, private- Wixon, Eben'r, private Wixon, Elijah, private Wixon, Isaac, private Wiyemiller, Hend'k, priv. Wobben, Johannis T., pr. Wodard, William, private Woester, George, private Wold, John, private Wolder, Wm., private Woldrom, John, private Woldron, John, heut. Woleber, John, private Wolcott, Adsett, private Wolf, Adam, sergeant Wolf, Ant'y, private Wolf, George, private Wolf, Jacob, private Wolf, Jacob, private Wolf, Jacob, private Wolf, John, sergeant Wolf, John, private Wolf, Peter, corpl. Wolf, Samuel, private Wolf, Simon, private Wolf, Wm., private Wolfe, Holmas, private Wolfe, John, private Wolfe, Wilhelmus, private Van Bergen Wolfen, Jerem'h, private Wynkoop Wolfen, Johans, Jr., priv. Wolfen, Johannis H., pr. Wolfen, John, private Wolfrom, John F., sergt. Wolfrom, Philip, lieut. Wolfrom, Philip, sergeant Van Alstyn Wolkermood, John, priv. Clyde Wollever, Ab'm, private Wollever, Ab'm, private Wollever, Jacob, private Wollever, Jacob, private Wollibur, John, private Wollibure, Jobn, sergeant Willet Wolliver, Peter, drummer Bellinger Wolp, Garrit, private Willet Wolp, Jacob, private Willet Wolrate, Adolph, private Fisher Wessenfels Malcom FieldFieldFieldVan Cortlandt Wessenfels Thomas WynkoopYatesSchuylerHaysHays Vrooman WessenfelsWynkoop Graham Van Alstyn Clyde Clyde Clyde Bellinger Wynkoop Van Alstyn CortlandWessenfels GrahamVan Bergen Van Bergen Wynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Van Alstyn Van Alstyn Bellinger Bellinger BellingerBellingerVrooman Company. Vanderhoof Weltse Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Childs De Witt Schoonmaker Schoonmaker Schoonmaker De Witt Schoonmaker De Witt SchoonmakerSharp Harrison CantineDrake StevensonStaring Swart Swart Veeder Schoonmaker Wynkoop De Forest OsburnLivingston Barnum Dykeman Dykeman Livingston Purdy Swart Wiltse OstrumHogencampGardnerHeager Shephard Lansing Diffendorf House Leipe Staring VailDubois De Witt De Witt Philips Ruff Frank Herder Frank Staring HeagerDebois Frank Skinner Skinner Veeder 520 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank.^ Regiment. Company. Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Wolsey. And'w, private Van Rensselaer Odle Wood, John, private Hathorn Miller Wolsey, Simon, private Dubois Chamberlain Wood, John, private Hathorn Telford Wolsworth, Gilbert, priv. Malcom Drake Wood, John, private Malcom McKinstry Wolvan, John, priv. Wynkoop De Witt Wood, John, private Van Schoonhoven Visscher Wolven, Adam, sergeant Hathorn Mervin Wood, John, private WempleVan Ness Van Atten Wolven, Jeremiah, private Wolven, Johannis H., pr. Wynkoop Wood, John, private Whiting Wynkoop Dedrick Wood, John, private Luddington Waterbury Won, Nich's, private Bellinger Herder Wood, John, private Brinckerhoff Schutt Wood, Ab'm, private Johnson Jansen Wood, Jonah, private Pawling Sacket Wood, Alex'r, It drag. Philips Wood, Jonah, private Crane Lawrence Wood, Alexander, sergt. Hathorn McCamley Shepherd Wood, Jonah,- private Crane Lockwood Wood, Alexander, sergt. Hathorn Wood, Jonas, lieut Hathorn Miller Wood Alex'r, sergeant Wessenfels Westfall Wood, Jonas, lieut. Wisner Baly Wood, Alexander, private Hathorn Minthorn Wood, Jonas, private Pawling Westfall Wood, Alexander, private Hathorn Mervin Wood, Jonathan, sergeant Crane Bouton Wood, Alex'r, private Wisner Baly Wood, Jon'n, corporal Hathorn Shepherd Wood, Amos, private Hathorn Van Dusen Wood, Jon'n, private Hathorn Minthorn Wood, And'w, sergeant Wood, Andrew, private Lansing Shepherd Wood, Jon'n, private Wisner Baly Hathorn Sayre Baly Wood, Jon'n, private Crane Scofield Wood, And'w, private Wisner Wood, Joseph, private Hays Gardner Wood, Barnabas, private Wood, Barney, pnvate Wood, Barth'w, private Willet Marshall Wood, Joseph, private Crane Scofield Van Rensselaer Turner Wood, Joseph, private Crane Bouton Drake Wood, Joseph, private Brinckerhoff Schutt Wood, Barthol'w, private Wood, Benjamin, lieut Wood, Benjamin, private Wood, Benj'n, private Wood, Dan'l, corporal Graham Vail Wood, Jotham, private Hopkins Van Benschoten Van Schoonhoven White Wood, Lemuel,* private Fitch's Indpt. Co. Crane Truesdell Conn't. Militia Benedict Seely Wood, Nath'l, private Wood, Nath'l, lieut Thomas Miller Wisner Miller Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Wood, Ebenezer, private Cooper Gardner Wood, Nathan, corporal Drake Haight St. John Wood, Elijah, private Van Schoonhoven Hicks Wood, Nathan, private Thomas Wood, Enoch, private Van Schoonhoven Collins Wood, Nathan, private Drake Wood, George, private Hathorn Sayre Wood, Nath'l, private Crane Bouton Wood, George, private Hathorn Shepherd Wood, Philip, private Drake Lawrence Wood, George, private Wisner Baly Wood, Philip, private Thomas Gilbert Wood, Gerard, private Crane Lawrence Wood, Robert, captain Pawling Wood, Halsey, private Drake Delivan Wood, Robert, private Willet Fonda Wood, Henry, private Hays Smith Wood, Robert, private Malcom McKinstry Wood, Henry, private Wood, Hezekiah, private Hays Hogencamp Wood, Robert, private Van Ness Crane Bouton Wood, Samuel, corporal Hays Wood, Isaac, private Hammond Wood, Samuel, private Hays Tourneur Wood, Isaac, private Malcom McKinstry Wood, Solomon, private Hopkin3 Van Benschoten Wood, Isaac, private Brinckerhoff Schutt Wood, Solomon, private Vandenburgh Storm Wood, Isaiah, sergeant Wessenfels Godwin Wood, Solomon, private Dubois Wood, Israel, corporal Crane Lawrence Wood, Solomon, private Brinkerhoff Brinkerhoff Wood, Israel,, private Hathorn Bailey Wood, Stephen, private Johnson Ostrander Wood, Israel, private Hathorn Sayre Wood, Stephen, private Thomas Miller Wood, Israel, private Hathorn Minthorn Wood, Thomas, private Willet Welp - Wood, Israel, private Drake Seely Wood, Thos., pnvate Humfrey Wood, Israel, private Wisner Baly Wood, Thomas, private Brinckerhoff Schntt Wood, Israel, private Luddington Mead Wood, Timothy, corporal Johnson Ostrander Wood, Jacob, captain Johnson Wood, Timothy, private Hathorn Van Deusen Wood, Jacob, qr. mr. Cooper Wood, Timothy, private Wood, Tim'y, private Johnson Ostrander Wood, Jacob, private Malcom McKinstry Malcom Delavan Wood, Jacob, private Dubois Burnet Wood, Tim'y, private Dubois Burnet Wood, Jacob, private Van Bergen Wood, Vincent, private Hathorn Sayers Wood, Jacob, private Crane Chapman Wood, Vincent, private Hathorn Shepherd Wood, Jacob, private Wood, Jacob, Jr., private Van Rensselaer Turner Wood, Vincent, private Hathorn Minthorn Crane Chapman Wood, Vincent, private Wessenfels Westfall Wood, Jacob, Jr., private Thomas Gilbert Wood, Vincent, private Wisner Baly Wood, James, sergeant Willet Harrison Wood, William, private Hathorn Minthorn Wood, James, corporal CuylerWillet Wood, William, private Hathorn Telford Wood, James, private Van Renselaer Wood, William, private Pawling Westfall Wood, James, private Graham Muller Wood, William, private Willet Van Rensselaer Wood, James, private Van Rensselaer Elliot Woodard, Asa, private Woodard, Beneaict,privai Van Rensselaer Cady Wood, Jered, private Crane Chapman Brinkerhoff e Whiting King Wood, Jesse, private Hopkins Woodard, Caleb, private Van Woert Whiteside Wood, Jesse, private Brinckerhoff Schutt Woodard, Eph'm, private Piatt Lee Wood, Job, private Hathorn Conklin Woodard, Gershom, lieut. Van Woert Whiteside Wood, Job, private Johnson Mastin Woodard, Jonathan, priv. Whiting King- Wood, Job, privaie, Phillips Ostrander Woodard, Joseph, sergeant Van Woert Whitesida Wood, Job, private Willet Gillet Woodard, Josiah, private Van Woert Whiteside Wood, Job, private Dubois Burnet Woodard, Levi, private Whiting King Wood, John, captain Woodbeck, Samuel, privateWillet Elsworth Wood, John, ensign Hathorn Say, es Woodbeck, Thomas, sergt. Van Veghten Van Woert Wood, John, ensign Hathorn Minthorn Woodbeck, Thos., sergeant Van Veghten Dunham Wood, John, sergeant Wessenfels Thompson Woodbeck, Thomas, sergt. Van Veghten Woodworth Wood, John, sergeant Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Woodbrige, Thomas, pnv . AVessenfels Hunt Wood, John, sergeant Wisner Miller Woodcock, Abr'm, private Fisher Yeoman * Enlisted 1781. Two ribs in left side broken by a musket ball near Frog's Neck, W. Chester Co., June 14, 1781. Farmer, North Castle, Westchester county. B 159. — __ . ..... — Roster of the State Troops. 521 Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Woodcock, Ab'm, private Fisher Snook Woodcock, John, private Willet Newell Woodcock, Jno , private Willet Henry Woodcock. John, pnvate Fisher Yeoman Woodcock, Peter, private Fisher Yates Woodcock, Peter private Fisher Yeoman Wooden. Reuben, private Willet Tearse Wooden, Reuben, private Willet Henry Wooden, Tim'y, private Van Schoonhoven Vandenburgh Woodhull. Jesse, private Hathorn Woodhull. Justice, private Wisner Miller Woodhull, Nath'l sergeant Hathorn Mervin Woodhull, Nath'l, sergeant Phillips Miller Woodin. John, private Luddington Mead . Wooding, Reuben, private Graham Miller Woods, Elisha private Malcom Delavan Woods, Solomon, private Dubois McFoght Woods, William, private Fisher McMaster Woodward, Abijah, corpl. Van Reusselaer Schermerhorn Woodward, Daniel, privateJohnson Cross Woodward, Ephraim, priv. Willet Hole Woodward, Eph'm, pnv. -Graham Miller Woodward, John, private Van Woert McKillip Woodward, Joseph, private Van Woert Gilmore Woodward, Joseph, private Van Woert Doty Woodwin, Reuben, private Van Ness Woodworth, Abel, private Whiting Salisbury Woodworth, Amos, private Van Veghten Woodworth Woodworth, Caleb, private Van Woert Wells Woodworth, Caleb private Van Woert Gilmore Woodworth, Caleb, private Van Woert Pettit Woodworth, Daniel, priv. Pawling Burnet Woodworth, Eph'm, capt. Van Veghten Woodworth, Eph'm, priv Van Veghten Woodworth Woodworth, Eph'm, Jr., p. Van Veghten Woodworth Woodworth, Gersham, lt. Van Woert Wells Woodworth, Gershom, lt. Van Woert Gilmore Woodwerth, Gershom, srgt Yates Brown Woodworth, Gershom. pr. Van Woert Pettit Woodworth, Gershom, pr. Yates Brown Woodworth, Josiah, priv. Van Woert Wells Woodworth, Josiah, priv. Van Woert Pettit Woodworth, Reuben, corpl. Van Veghten Dunham Woodworth, Reuben, drum. Harper Harrison Woodworth, Reuben, drum. Van Veghten Thompson Woodworth, Reuben,drum. Van Veghten Woodworth Woodworth, Reuben, priv. Van Veghten Van Woert Woodworth, Reuben, priv. Van Veghten Woodworth Woodworth, Robert, capt. Van Rensselaer Woodworth, Roznil,* priv. Brown's (Mass.) Levies Ely Woodworth, Salah, sergt Fisher Little Woodworth, Sealy, priv. Fisher Degrass Woodworth, Solomon, lt. Harper Putman Woodworth, Solomon, lt. Fisher Little Woodworth, Solomon, It Willet Skinner Woodworth, Solomon, pr. Fisher Degraas Woodworth, Wm., lieut. Van Woert Wells Woodworth, Wm., sergt Van Woert Wells . Wookert, Joseph, private Willet Gillet Wool, Chas., private Lansing Houston Wool, James, private Van Rensselaer Vanderhoof Wool, John, private ' Van Rensselaer Wool, John, private Schuyler Tillman Wool, John, private Van Schaick Woolcot, Joseph, private Van Rensselaer Turner Woolcot, Justis. private Van Rensselaer Turner Woolcot, Wiott, sergeant Van Ness Woolcott, Joseph, private Van Rensselaer Turner Woolcot, Luke, private Van Rensselaer Turner Woolcut, Justice, corporal Van Rensselaer Turner Woolcut, Justus, private Graham Bostwick Woolcut, Luke, private Van Rensselaer Turner Woolcut, Yackert, private Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn Woolever, Peter, drummer Klock House Woolf, Jacob, private Clyde House Woolf, Peter, private Pawling Hunter Woolgemute, John, sergt. Clyde Leipe Name and Rank. Regiment. Company. Woolgemuth, Wm., corpl. Clyde Leipe Woolgemuts, John, sergt. Clyde Leipe Woolgemuts, William, pr. Clyde Leipe Woolgert, Joseph, private Piatt Bradbick Woolman, Miles, private Willet Wrio-ht Woolsey, Dan'l, private Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth V. ooisey, Dan'l, private Cantine Hasbrouck Woolsey, Dan'l, private Cantine Ramsen Woolsey, Henry, private Hathorn Case Woolsey Henry, private Cantine Ramsen Woolsey, Israel, private Drake Drake Woolsey, Jacob, private Cooper Blauvelt Woolsey, Jacob, private Hays Bell Woolsey, John, private Thomas St. John Woolsey, John, private Thomas Moseman Woolsey, John, Jr., priv. Thomas Moseman Woolsey, Jon'n, private Hathorn Case Woolsey, Jon'n, private Van Schoonhoven Aylsworth Woolsey, Josiah, private Thomas Moseman Woolsey, Mel. Ld., major Graham Woolsey, Nathan, private Willet Welp Woolsey, Nathan, private Hopkins Talmadge Woolsey, Noah, private Hathorn Case Woolven, John, Jr., priv. Wynkoop Dedrick Woolven, John H., private Wynkoop Woolvin, Jerem'h, private Wynkoop Dedrick Wooster, Will., private Field Barnum Word, Moses, private Schuyler Groot Word, Jou'n, sergeant Thomas Chapman Word, Reuben, sergeant Whiting Herrick Worden, Annanias, private Thomas Hobby Worden, Geo., private Thomas Purdy Worden, Geo., private Thomas St. John Worden, Gilbert, private Thomas Sackett Worden, Isaac, private Thomas Lawrence Worden, Joseph, private Thomas Sackett Worden, Joseph, private Thomas St. John Worden, Moses, private Van Rensselaer Turner Worden, Nath'l, private Van Rensselaer Turner Worden, Valentine, priv, Thomas Hubby Worden, Valentine, priv. Thomas St. John Wordet, Solomon, private Thomas St. John Wordin, David, private Graham Vail Wordin, Walter, ensign Van Rensselaer Odle Wording, Annanias, priv. Thomas Lyon Wording, George, private Thomas Lyon Wording, Valentine, priv Thomas Lyon Wordon, George, private Thomas Hobby Worhes, Abraham, qr.-mr. Vandenburg Workman, Henry, private Johnson Wilkins Workman, Phineas, corp. Hopkins Lane Worster, Christ'r, private Webster Long Wormer, Andrew, private Klock Klock Wormer, Arent, private Schuyler Van Aernum Wormer, Corn's, private Cuyler Wormer, Fred'k, private Schuyler Lansing Wormer, Fred'k, private Schuyler Van Wie Wormer, Peter, private Schuyler Van Aernum Wormwood, Christ'n, priv Klock Breadbake Wormwood, John, private Willet Skinner Wormwood, John, private Willet Tearse Wormwood, John, private Klock Klock Wormwood, John, private Schuyler Ostrum Wormwood, John T., priv Klock Zealy Wormwood, Molaese (Mat- ticel, corporal Klock Hess Wormwood, Peter, corp. Klock Breadbake Wormwood, Peter, corp. Clyde Ruff Wormwood, Peter, private Klock Cayser Wormwood, Peter T., priv. Klock Zealy Wormwood, Petrus, pnv. Klock Zeely Wormwood, William, priv, Klock Breadbake Wornbe"rgh, Jno., private Fisher Fisher Worren, John, private Hathorn Brodhead Worth, Rich'd, private Hopkins Waters Worthurth, John, corporal Whiting Herrick Wrickmer, Abm., drummer Vandenburgh Van Wyck Wright, Abm., ensign Van Woert Wells Wounded in left arm on the Mohawk river October 19, 1780. East Rensselaerwyck Manor. C 168. 66. 522 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank, Wright, Wright, Wright,Wright, Wright, Wright, Wright Wright,Wright, Wright, Wright,Wright, Wright, Wright, Wright Wright,Wright, Wright,Wright, Wright,Wright, Wright,Wright, Wright, Wright,Wright, Wright, Wright, Wright,Wright,Wright,Wright, Wright, Wright,Wright, Wright,Wright, Wright,Wright, Wright,Wright, Wright,Wright, Wright, Wright,Wright, Abm., ensign Abm , ensign Abm., private Alex'r, private Asa, private Benj'n, private Caleb, sergeant Caleb, sergeant Caleb, private Caleb, private Christ'r, private Christ'r, private Dan'l, corp. Dan'l,.Jr., private David, private David, Jr., priv. Edmond, private Edmund, private Gilbert, private Isaac, private Isaiah,* private Jacob, sergeant Jacob, private Jacob, private Jacob,+ private James, heut Job, captain John, private John, private Jonah, private Jon'n, private Jon'n, private Joseph, private Joseph, private Micajah, private Nath 1, private Reuben, ensign Reuben, ensign Robert, private Sam'l, private Thomas, private Thomas, private Thomas, private Wm., heut Will., private Zebulon, private Regiment. Van Woert Van Woert DragoonsYates WhitingBenedict Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Van Woert Vandenburgh Graham Van Alstyne Brinckerhoff Willet Whiting Field Dubois Thomas Hammond Durkee (Conn't) Drake Willet WilletClydeHathornWillet Thomas Brinckerhoff Webster Webster ArmstrongVandenburghGrahamDrake Dragoons Van Veghten Van Veghten HarperVan Woert Vandenburgh DrakeBrinckerhoffThomasLuddingtonLuddijgton Company. DotyBrown Delavan Yates Bostwick Osburn Wells Doty Wells GilmoreWheeler VailPhilipsBrinckerhoof Livingston Bostwick Barnum Lee St John Dallane or Holmes Haight Skinner Hole HouseShepherd PurdyBrowerChildsChilds McNittWheeler Vail Haight DelavanWoodworth Van Woert Drake BrownVan Wyck Schutt Purdy Mead Scribner Name and Rank. Wrinfield, David, private Wringht, Caleb, private Write, Edmund, private Wry, John, private Wudge, Jervis, lieut Wyat, Nath'l, private Wycoff, John, private Wyedt, Joseph, private Wygant, John, sergeant Wygant, Mich'l, private Wyley, John, private Wyley, Stephen, private Wyley, Thomas, private Wyley, Thomas, private Wyley, Wm., sergeant Wyley, Wm., ser. maj. Wyley, Wm., private Wyley, Wm., private Wylles, Chalres, private Wyllie, James, private Wynance, Jno., private Wynants, Jobn, private Wyngaert, Peter, private Wynkoop, Adrian, major Wynkoop, Cornelius, priv. Wynkoop, Corn's, private Wynkoop, Cornelius D., p. Wynkoop, Evert, private Wynkoop, Everts, private Wynkoop, Hiskia, private Wynkoop, John, sergeant Wynkoop, John, private Wynkoop, John, private Wynkoop, John, private Wynkoop, John, Jr., priv. Wygant, Martin, private Wynkoop, Peter, corporal Wynkoop, Peter, private Wynkoop, Tobias, ensign Wynkoop, Wm., private Wytaker, Ab'm, private Wyteker, Edward, corpl. Wyteker, John, private Wyteker, John, private Wyteker, Philip, private Wyteker, Wm., private Regiment. Company. Wynkoop Swart Van Woert Gilmore Dubois Lee Hathorn Bailey AllenHathorn Brodhead Brinckerhoff Brinkerhoff Van Rensselaer Niles Johnson Smith Johnson Smith Van Rensselaer Turner Van Schoonhoven Taylor Wessenfels White Pawling Hunter Vau Schoonhoven Taylor Van Schoonhoven Taylor Van Schoonhoven Taylor SchuylerFieldWhitingGrahamWessenfels Van Rensselaer Hathorn Wessenfels Cantine Hays Wynkoop WynkoopWynkoop HathornSchuyler Snyder WynkoopWynkoopJohnsonWynkoopVan Alstyne Wynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop Wynkoop WynkoopWynkoop Ostrum DyckmanGilbert Hermance Shephard Schermerhorn Livingston Hasbrouck De Witt Bogardus Hogan Swart Van Beuren Van Beuren Ostrander VosburghDe Witt Van Beuren Van Beuren Van Keuren Van Beuren Van Beuren Van Beuren Y. Yager, Philip, corporal Yager, Wandle, pnvate Yale, Stephen, private Yale, Uriah, private Yales, Enos, private Yales, Thomas, private Yamtom, Ant'y, private Yane, Christ., private Yane, Henry, private Yanna, Henry, private Yanny, Christ, corporal Yanny, Christ'r, pnvate Yanny, Christ., private Yanny, Henry, sergeant Yanny, Henry, corporal Yanny, Henry, private Yanter, Henry, private Yaple, Adam, pnvate Yards, Gilbert, private Yards, Johnson, private Yarins, Thomas, pnvate Yark, John, private Yarnes. Joseph, pnvate Yarns, Gilbert, private Yarns, Nathan, private Yarns, Nathan, private Yarns, Reuben, private Livingston LivingstonField FieldField Van Rensselaer Wessenfels FisherFisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher FisherFisher Fisher Wemple Cantine ArmstroL g Armstrong WebsterPawling Webster Webster HopkinsLuddington Field Shaver Yate, Pulver Yate, Hecock Yates Hecock Yates Hecock Yates Turner Yates Hardenburgh Yates Wemple Yates Wemple Yates Wemple Yates Fisher Yates Fisher Yates Wemple Yates Fisher Yates Fisher Yates Fisher Yates Mynderse Yates Yates Yates Yates Sherwood Yates Piercy Yates Long Yates Long Yates Lane Yates Mead Yates Hecock Yates , Wait, private , Ab'm, corporal s, Ab'm, corporal s, Ab'm, private s, Abraham, private s, Christ'r, private s, Christ'r A., lieut. s, Evert, private s, Evert, private 3, Jacob, captain s, James, lieut. 3, James, private s, Jiles, lieut s, John G., private s, Jno., private s, John 11.. private s, Nich's, lieut. s, Nich's, lieut. s, Nich's, ensign s, Peter, lieut. s, Peter, private s, Peter, private s, Peter, private s, Peter W., private s, Richard, private s, Robert, captain s, William, private Wessenfels WempleWempleWempleYates Clyde Schuyler Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer YatesHarper Yates Wemple Van Rensselaer Van Rensselaer SchuylerWempleWempleWemple Fisher YatesYatesVan Rensselaer Van Rensselaer Vandenburgh Fisher Graham Shephard Mynderse Fonda Van. Slyck Yates Ruff Vischer Sharp Bries HadlockFonda Sharp Sharp Visscher Mynderson FondaFonda Yates HadlockYates De Garmo Philip Van Wyck Conklin * Disabled on fatigue duty near Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Nov., 1777. Hillsdale, Columbia Co. t Wounded in left arm at Oriskanie, Aug. 6, 1777. Canajoharie Distr. C. I. 100. A. 210, Bb. 74. Roster of the State Troops. 523 Wynkoop HarperKlock WessenfelsFisherPawlingHooghteling Name and Rank. Regiment. Yaunee, Hend'k, private Fisher Yauney, Christian,* priv. Yeaple", Hannacle, private Pawling Yeaple, Hannicle, private Pawling Yeaple, Jacob, private Yeaple, Jacob, private Yeat, James, private Yecker, George, private Yeller, Ahasuerus, private Van Bergen Yeller, John, private Van Bergen Yelverton, Ant'y, private Cantine Yeoman, Francis, sergeant Lansing Yeoman, Joseph, captain Fisher Yeoman, Nathan, private Yeomans, James, captain Yeomans, Moses, lieut. Yeomans, Moses, private Yeomans, Samuel, private Hays Yeomans, Stephen, private Wessenfels Yeople, Hannicle, private Wynkoop Yeralewyn, John, private Van Alstyn Yett James, private Willet Yoger, Hend'k, private Willet Yoles, Thomas, private Van Rensselaer Yomans, Francis, private Piatt Yongs, John, private Yates Yoran, Jacob, private Klock Yordan, John, t private Clyde Yordan, Nicholas,? private Clyde York, Dan'l, private Yates York, Dan'l, private Snyder York, Dan'l, private Wynkoop York, Dan'l, private Willet York, John, private Wessenfels York, John, private Pawling York, John, private Pawling York, John, private Cantine York, Moses, private Wynkoop York, Petrus, private Cantine York, Thomas, private Van Rensselaer Yorks, Aaron, private Johnson Yorks, Aaron, private Dubois Yorks, John, private Hammond Yorren, Jacob, private Klock Yoste, Peter, private Fisher Yost, Peter, private Fisher Yost, Peter, Jr., private Fisher Yougher, Geo., private Willet Youmans, Eliab, private Van Bergen Youmans, Josias, private Weisenfels Young, Abraham, private Hopkins Young, Abm., private Brinckerhoff Young, Adam, private Klock Young, Adam, private Clyde Young, Alex'r, private Webster Young, Alex'r, private Dubois Young, Andrew, private Clyde Young, Andries, private Klock Young, Barney, private Willet Young, Benjamin, private Hathorn Young, Calhvan, private Wemple Young, Calven, private Wemple Young, Charles, private Newkirk Young, Christian, corporal Johnson Young, Christian, private Klock Young, Christian, private Wessenfels Young, Christ'n, Jr., priv. Clyde Young, Christ'n, private Cuyler Young, Crist, private Clyde Young, Coll'r, private Wemple Young, Dan'l, private Van Rensselaer Young, Elkanah, private Hopkins Young, Elkany, private Field Young, Ephraim, private Graham Young, Fred'k, private Whiting Young, Fred'k, private Clyde Com pany. Yeoman Livingston Pawling PawlingSwart BogartZeely WitbeckRamsen Houston BowenYeoman Smith Hunt SwartVan Buren MarshallHarrison Turner Van Santvoort YatesHouse BrownSwart De Witt Cannon ' HardenburghHunter Westbrook Hasbrouck Turner BurnetRequa House DegraasLittleLittleFonda WitbeckBrinkerhoff Schutt Ruff Ruff Tozer Dubois Leipe House Tearse Telford Mynderson Bancker McBirde Jansen Ruff WhiteHouse House Mynderse Odle Barnum BarnumHusted Davis House Name and Rank. Regiment. Young, Fred'k, private Hays Young, Fred'k, private Wemple Young, Fred'k, private Van Alstyn Young, Garret, private Clyde Young, George, private Pawling Young, Geo., private Newkirk Young, Geo., private Malcom Young, George, private Fisher Young, Gerard, private Clyde Young, Godfrey, sergeant Klock Young, Godfrey,§ corp. Clyde Young, Godfried, sergeant Clvde Young, Godfrid, private Clyde Young, Guy, captain Willet Young, Hend'k. private Willet Young, Hendrick, private Van Bergen Young, Henry, private Wessenfels Young, Henry, private Willet Young, Henry, private Piatt Young, Henry, private Schuyler Young, Henry, private Van Bergen Young, Henry, private Graham Young, Henry I., private Clyde Young, Jacob, private Klock Young, Jacob, private Clyde Young, Jacob, private Klock Young, Jacob, Jr., private Clyde Young, Jacob, Jr., private Clyde Young, James, corporal Young, James, private Young, Jeremiah, ensign Young, Jerem'h, corporal Young, Jerem'h, private Young, Jerem'h, private Young, Johannis, corporal Willet Young, John, s. mate Wessenfels Young, John, sergeant Young, John, fifer Young, John, private Young, John, private Young, John, private Young, John, private Young, John, private Young, John, private Young, John, private Young, John, private Young, John, private Young, John, private Young, John, private Young, Joseph, private Young, Joseph, private Young, Jost, private Young, Lewis, corporal Young, Lodowick, private Klock Young, Lodowick, private Fisher Young, Lodwick, private Clyde Young, Ludwick, private Klock Young, Ludwick, private Klock Young, Nich's, pnvate Klock Young, Peter, heut Fisher Young, Peter, lieut. Fisher Young, Peter, sergeant Willet Young, Peter, sergeant 2!-f Young, Peter, private Willet Young, Peter T., private Clyde Young, Philip, private Van Rensselaer Young, Richard, private Klock Young, Richard, private Piatt Young, Richard, private Klock Young, Rich'd, private Klock Young, Robert, private Clyde Young, Samuel, private Field Young, Schrist, private Clyde Young, Seth, private Wemple Young, Shaw, private Field Young, Thomas, sergeant Clyde Graham Wessenfels ClydeWynkoop Harper Wynkoop Van Rensselaer ClvdeWillet Willet Clyde Clyde Clyde Harper Van Schoonhoven YatesVan Rensselaer Yates BrinckerhoffClyde Clyde Clyde Klock Company. Ackerson Mynderson Claw House BurnetMcBride Drake FisherHouse Ruff Cassemin Ruff House Gillet White HarrisonBradbick Ostrum Witbeck Husted Leipe Ruff DygertBradbigLeipe Ruff Husted Pawling Brown Bogart Tearse VanderhoofHouse Hole Pearcy House Leipe Bauman Drake Hadlock Turner Yates Schutt Van Everat Bauman Leipe BreadbakeCayser Little Dygert ZeelyBradbigCayserMcMasterSnook Gross LeipeTearseLeipe Price Kock Bradbick Klock Suts WeeserHecockHouseMyndersonBarnumHouse * Getman's Rangers, Johnstown, Montg'y Co. A. P. 21-3S8. + Wounded in left hip at Johnstown Oct. 25, 1781. Canajohane. B, 92. X Disabled by a wound in his hand at Torlagh, July 7, 1781. Canajoharie. B. 91. § Wounded in his private parts at Oriskanie Aug. 6, 1777. Canajoharie. B. 175. 524 Roster of the State Troops. Name and Rank. Regiment. Young, Thos., private Clyde Young, Thos., private Van Rensselaer Young, William, sergeant Fisher Young, Wm., private Willet Young, Wm., private Graham Young, Wm., private Vrooman Young, Wm., private Vrooman Young, Wm., private Vrooman Young, Wm., private Livingston Young, Wm., private Fisher Young, Wm., private Fisher Young, Wm., private Van Rensselaer Young, Zach'r, private Livingston Younglove, David, doctor Clyde Younglove, David,* private Van Woert Younglove, Joseph, adjt. Van Woert Younglove, Joseph, qr. mr. Van Woert Younglove, Samuel, sergt. Van Rensselaer Younglove, Samuel, priv. Van Rensselaer Younglove, Samuel, priv. Yates Youngs, Daniel, private Van Rensselaer Youngs, Daniel, private Van Veghten Youngs, Daniel, private Van Veghten Youngs, David, serg.-maj. Yates Youngs, George, private Wessenfels Company. DiffendorfNiles Snook GrayBostwickStubrachBrown Miller ShawSnook Fisher _ CadyShaw Wells DeGarmoDeGarmo Weltse OdleDenning DunhamYates Hardenburgh Name and Rank. Youngs, Jacob, private Youngs, James, sergeant Youngs, John, private Youngs, John, private Voungs, John, private Youngs, Jobn, private Youngs, John, private Youngs, John N., private Youngs, Joseph, private Youngs, Manuel, private Youngs, Samuel, lieut Youngs, Samuel, lieut. Youngs, Samuel, private Youngs, Samuel, private Youran, Jacob, private Youste, Peter, private Yual, John, private Yucker, John, private Yuger, Jacob, private Yuker, George, private Yuker, Jacob, private Yunck, Zacharias, private Yuran, Jacob, private Yurns, Gilbert, private Regiment. WilletGraham Hopkins HarperYates Yates Brinckerhoff YatesHammondVan Rensselaer Wessenfels Wessenfels Hammond Field Fisher Fisber Wessenfels Willet Klock KlockKlock PiattKlock Webster Company. Gillet Husted Brinckerhoff AllenBrown Weltse Brinckerhoff YatesRequa VanderhoofWhiteHunt Requa DyckmanLittle Fisher GrossCayser House House Bradbick HouseLong z. Zabriska, Jno. I., private Zart, John, private Zeacraft, Jacob, sergeant Zealy, John, captain Zeaning, Jacob, private Zeber, Petrus, private Zech, David, private Zech, Joost, private Zeech, David, private Zeech, Nich's, private Zeeche, Corn's, lieut. Zeeckley, John, Meut. Zeeck, Peter, private Zeecke, Nich's, private Zeeh, David, private Zeeh, Joost, pnvate Zeely, Jobn, captain Zeely, John, lieut. Zeely, Martinus, lieut Zeh, David, private Zeh, David, private Zeb, Joost, private Zeh, Joost, private Zeb, Nich's, private Zeh, Nich's, private Zent, Wissell, private Zessinger, Nicholas, sergt. Zessinger, Nich's, sergeant Zeyly, John, lieut. Ziegraft, Jacob, sergeant Ziegraft, Jacob, sergeant Lansing Vroman Vrooman Stubrach Klock Bradbig Livingston Shaw Vrooman Becker Vrooman Vrooman Richtmyer Vrooman Vrooman Klock Breadbake Vrooman Becker. Vroomau Vrooman Rightmier Vrooman Rightmier Klock Klock Bedhig Vrooman Richtmyer Vrooman Richtmyer Vrooman Vrooman Richtmyer Vrooman Becker Vrooman Richtmyer Vrooman Brown Livingston Rockenfelle Klock ZeelyBedhig Bradbig Klock Klock Vrooman Stubrach Vrooman Miller Ziegraft, Jacob, private Ziele, Martinus, lieut. Ziele, Peter, lieut-col. Ziele, Peter, private Ziele, Peter, Jr., private Ziely, John, lieut Zimmemau, Christian, priv. Zimmer, Adam, private Zimmer, Geo., private Zimmer, Jacob, private Zimmer, Jacob, private Zimmer, Jacob, private Zimmer, Jacob, private Zimmer, Peter, sergeant Zimmer, Peter, corporal Zimmer, Peter, corporal Zimmer, Peter, corporal Zimmer, Peter, private Zimmer, Wm., private Zimmer, William, private Zimmerman, Christ'r, priv. Zimmerman, Deobalt, corp. Zimmerman, Geo., private Zimmerman, Henry, priv. Zimmerman, Jacob, priv. Zimmerman, John, priv. Zitser, Geo., private Zodenpah, John, private Zufelt, Henry, private Zuricher, Lodowick, priv. Vrooman Richtmyer Vrooman Rightmier Vrooman Vrooman Becker Vrooman Wemple Klock Miller Vrooman Miller Vrooman Becker Vrooman Stubrach Vrooman Brown Vrooman Miller Vrooman Richtmyer Vrooman Vrooman Stubrach Vrooman Brown Vrooman Miller Vrooman Stubrach Vrooman Stubrach __ Vrooman Heager Klock Miller Klock Helmer Klock Helmer Livingston Rockenfelle Klock Zeely Klock Wagner Harper Vrooman Hays Tourneur Schuyler Tillman Hays Onderdonk * Wounded in shoulder and back at Bennington, August 16, 1777. Canajoharie. B 126, C 166, I 86. APPENDIX. APPENDIX. Colonel r Alex'r, McDougall Lieut.-Col.. Rudolph Ritzema Qr. Mr..: Wm. Tap, July 5. Chaplain: Israel Evans, Aug. 3. Surgeon: John L. Lynn, June 28 The New York Line on the Continental Establishment of 1775. FIRST REGIMENT. I June 30. I June 28. 1st Capt., Fred'k Weissenfels 1st Lieut., John A. McDougall ) 2d do Rickard Piatt, date blank, vice Stephen Steel. 2d Capt., Marinus Millett 1st Lieut., Wm. Gilleland 2d do Leonard Bleecker 3d Capt., John Johnson 1st Lieut, Wm. Brown y June 28. 2d do Abr'm E. Brasher 4th Capt, Wm. Goforth 1st Lieut., James W. Payne 2d do Ranald S. McDougall 5th Capt., Jacob Cheeseman,* July 5. 1st Lieut., Aaron Austin, vice James Alner ) j^g 23 2d do John Houston j 6th Capt., Richard Varick 1st Lieut., John Copp, date blank, Tice David Van Horne 2d Lieut., Daniel Gano, June 28. Major: Herman Zedwitz, July 15. Adj't: John Brogdon, June 30. Jf [ Surg. Mate j gSj^^J.* «• 7th Capt., Gershom Mott 1st Lieut., Benj'n Pelton 2d do Timothy Hughes June 28. 8th Capt., John Quackenboss 1st Lieut., Jon'n Pearcy 2d do Garret van Waggenen, date blank, vice Jas. Campbell * 9th Capt. Benj'n Ledger (Ledyard), vice Sam. Broome, July 18. 1st Lieut., Digby Odium, date blank. 2d do James M. Hughes, July 22. Ensign, Peter Vergereau, Oct. 21. 10th Capt., David Lyon, of Elizabeth, N. J., July 14, vice Abr. van Wyck. 1st Lieut., Mathias Clarke, date blank, vice Wm. Leary. 2d Lieut., John Beekman, June 28. • SECOND REGIMENT. Colonel: Goose van Schaick, vice M. Rose-") boom, declined I jane an Lieut-Col.: Peter Yates, vice Van Schaick, | promoted. J Major: Peter 'Gansevoort. date blank, vice Lucas van Veghten, declined. Adjt.: John Tillman Qr. Mr.: Henry van Woerdt Chaplain:Surgeon: Stephen McCrea, f date blank. Surgeon's Mate: Bedford Williams. - date blank. * Capt. Cheeseman was killed at Quebec Decb'r 31, 1775. t Senior Surgeon (Jen'l Hospital in 1776, deranged in 1781. Stillwater District. A. P. 14-438. 528 Appendix. Albany County Company. 1st Capt., John Fisher 1st Lieut., Benj. Evans 2d do Joseph Fitch y June 28. Albany County Company. 2d Capt , Corn's van Dyck 1st Lieut, Corn's van, Slyck 2d do Guy Young, March, 1776. Albany County Company. 3d Capt., Barent J. Ten Eyck, vice Peter Roseboom, de clined. 1st Lieut., Dirck Hanson, vice Barent Roseboom, de clined. 2d Lieut., John G. Lansing, vice Hansen, promoted. Tryon County Company. 4th Capt., Christ'r P. Yates, July 15, vice John Fry, Brigade Major. 1st Lieut., Andrew Fink, vice Anth'y van Veghten, de clined. 2d Lieut., John Keyser, Jr.,* vice Mathew Wormwood, declined. John Smith was a sergeant of this company. 5th Capt, George White, vice Stephen ),„.,, . Schuyler ^aateoianK. 1st Lieut., Jervis Mudge 2d do Eleazar Grant Albany County Company, 6th Capt., Hezekiah Baldwin 1st Lieut., Nath'l Rowley 2d do Rosewell Beebee Charlotte County Company, 7th Capt., Joseph McCracken 1st Lieut., Moses Martin 2 do John Barns date blank. June 28. June 28. Albany and Cumberland Counties Company. Sth Capt., Elisha Benedict, date blank. 1st Lieut., Wm. McClune, of Cumberland, July 21,-vice Samuel Fletcher, then with the army at Cambridge. 2d Lieut, Alex. Brink, June 29. Albany County Company. 9th Capt., John Graham, vice Peter Yates, prom. 1st Lieut, Gideon King, vice Henry van Veghten, de clined. 2d Lieut., Nich's van Rensselaer, vice King, prom. Albany County Company. 10th Capt. Joel Pratt 1st Lieut, Benj. Chittenden 2d do Israel Spencer June 28. THIRD REGIMENT. Colonel: James Clinton,"June 30. Lieut.-Col. : Corn's D. Wynkoop, Aug. 2, vice Edw'd Fleming, promoted. Major: Henry Livingston, Jr., vice Wynkoop. Adjt: George L. Schroeter \ 1 d M k Qr. Mr.; James Hamilton J Chaplain: Surgeon: Samuel Cooke, Aug. 25. Surg. Mate: John Stephenson Suffolk County Company. 1st Capt., Daniel Griffin, 1 1st Lieut, Benj. Marvin >- June 28. 2d do Nath'l Norton ) Jacob Conckling had a warrant to recruit for this Company; 75 men had enlisted March 29, 17764 Ulster County Company. 2d Capt. John Nicholson, of New Windsor.8 1st Lieut., David Dubois, vice Isaac Belknap, declined. 2d Lieut, James Gregg, vice Dubois. Company mus tered complete July 21, 1775. Suffolk County Company. 3d Capt., John Hulbert 1 1st Lieut., John Davis >• June 28. 2d do Wm. Havens ) 68 men had enlisted at Southampton July 27, 1775. Dutchess County Company. 4th Capt. Lewis Dubois ; app'd major in 1 Canada \ June 28. 1st Lieut, Elias van Benschoten, Jr. ) Comp. probably complete July 21, 1775. 2d do Andrew T. Lawrence, July 11, vice Corn's Ad riance, declined. Suffolk County Company. 5th Capt., John Grenell, of Huntington, June 28. 1st Lieut, Sam Smith of Smith Town, July 14, vice Wm. Philipse, declined. 2d do Alex'r Ketcham, of Huntington, vice Ph. Concklin, declined. Dutchess County Company. 6th Capt., Andrew Billings 1st Lieut., Ezekiel Cooper 2d do John Langdon (June 28. Companycomplete July 20, '75 * Keyser died Nov'br, 1775, and was succeeded by Tobias van Veghten. } Andrew Moodie was appointed Adjutant of this Regiment Septbr.- 28, 1775, vice Adam Schroeter. The strength of the Companies and other data are taken from a letter of James Clinton to the Convention, dated Little Britain, 'uly 21, 1775. § Made Lieut. Colonel in Canada. Appendix. 529 Dutchess County Company. 7th Capt. Jac. Bruyn, vice Egbert Dumond. 1st Lieut, Thos. DeWitt, vice Bruyn, prom. 2d do Albert Pawling, Aug. 2, vice De Witt pro moted. Small progress made July 21. Orange County Company. 8th Capt., Daniel Denton 1st Lieut, Batho. Dehart 2d do Geo. Hamilton Jack son of Goshen, vice Stephen Howell June 28. Company mustered before July 21, wanting four men. Ulster County Company. 9th Capt., Elias Hasbrouck, vice John "1 Cantine j 1st Lieut. Corn's T. Jansen of Sua wan- V„ „ne 28- gunk. [ Small progress. 2d do Petrus Roggen J Orange Town Company. 10th Capt., Rob't Johnston, June 28. 1st Lieut, Marinus Goetscbius, declines, and Phil. Dubois Bevier prom, from 2d J- June 28. Lieut. 2d do Wm. Martin, Aug. 18. FOURTH REGIMENT. Colonel: James Holmes Lieut.-Col.: Phil, van Cortlandt J- June 30. Major: Barnabas Tuthill Adjutant: Job Mulford, Aug. 2 or 22. Dutchess County Company. 1st Capt., Henry B. Livingston, June 28. 1st Lieut^, Jacob Thomas, vice Roswell Wilcox, de clined in July. 2d Lieut., Isaac Paddock, July 19, vice Thomas, pro moted. , Westchester County Company. 2d Capt., Joseph Benedict, July 27, vice S. Cannon* 1st Lieut, Samuel Sacket, June 28. 2d do Gould Bouton, Aug. 3, vice Sacket, pro moted. Queens County Company. 3d Capt., Nath'l Woodward ) T 0Q 1st Lieut. , Abr'm Riker \ J une • June 28. 2d do Jesse Thompson ) Westchester County Company. 5th Capt, Ambrose Horton, June 28. 1st Lieut., Sam. Treadwell Pell, July 13, vice Samuel Cannon.* 2d Lieut., Isaac van Wert, Aug. 3, vice Nehemiah Mar shall, declined. 56 men had enlisted at White Plains on July 26, 1775. Qr. Mr.: Benj'n Chapman, date blank. Chaplain:Surgeon: Eben'r Haviland, Aug, 4. Surg. Mate: Edw. Sands, Aug. 17. Westchester County (Bedford) Company. 6th Capt Daniel Mills 1st Lieut, Elijah Haight, declined. 2d Lieut. , Miles Oakley Hunter, vice Sam. ? June 28. Westchester County Company. 7th Capt., Jon'n Piatt 1st Lieut, David Don J- June 28. 2d do Manning Bull npany [¦Jun Kings County Company. 8th Capt., Jacobus Wyncoop ") 1st Lieut. , Anth'y Whelp I T OQ 2d do Thos. Lefoy, of Westchester f June £a' Co., July 7, vice Sam. Sacket. J Dutchess County Company. 9th Capt., Jac. Rosekrans, of Fishkill, Aug. 3. 1st Lieut. , Sam. van Veghten , do 2d do Thos. Lee, of Fishkill, promoted 1st Lieut. Aug. 3; W. B. Algen, 2d Lieut, Aug. 21. Richmond County Company. 10th Capt., David Palmerf [ , 1st Lieut, Wm. Crane j 2d do Wm. Mathewman, of Westchester Co. ¦ Date blank. THE NAVY. In Congress. The Delegates of the United Colonies of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Khode- Island, Connecticut, New- York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania and the counties of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex on Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, To All unto whom these Presents shall come, send Greeting : Know Ye, * Samuel Cannon had first been appointed 1st Lieut, of the 5th Company, but returned his commission July 5, 1775. Appointed captain 2d Comp. he declined " for want of influence to enlist men." t Palmer was appointed first Lieut, and had enlisted 23 men in Richmond County; he returned his warrant Aug. 11, 1775. Abr'm Losbear was a sergeant in this Company. m 530 Appendix. That we have granted, and by these Presents do grant Licence and Authority to William Rogers Mariner, Commander of the Sloop called Montgomerie of the Burthen of Sixty Tons, or there abouts, belonging to and fitted out by the provincial Congress of New York in the Colony of New York mounting Six Carriage Guns, and navigated by Sixty Men, to fit out and set forth the said Sloop in a warlike Manner, and by and with the said ' Sloop and the Crew thereof, by force of Arms, to attack, seize and take the Ships and other Vessels belonging to the Inhabitants of Great Britain, or any of them, with their Tackle, Apparel, Furniture and Ladings, on the High Seas, or between high water and low water Marks, and to bring the same to some convenient Ports in the said Colonies, in Order that the Courts, which are or shall be there appointed to hear and determine Causes civil and maritime, may proceed in due Form to condemn the said Captures, if they be adjudged lawful Prizes ; the said William Rogers having given Bond, with sufficient Sureties, that Nothing be done by the said William Rogers or any of the Officers, Mariners or Company thereof contrary to, or inconsistent with the Usages and Customs of Nations, and the Instructions,* a Copy of which is herewith delivered to him. And we will and require all our Officers whatsoever to give Succour and Assistance to the said William Rogers in the Premises. This commission shall continue in Force until the Congress shall issue Orders to the Contrary. Dated at New York By Order of the Congress this 17th day of April, 1776. . John Hancock, President. INSTRUCTIONS.* In Committee of Safety, New Yobk, April 19, 1776. Sir. As the armed Sloop Montgomerie whereof you are Commander, is now completely fitted out in a warlike manner - — Our Orders are : That you repair on board with your Officers and Men and proceed to Sea and act against the enemies of the United Colonies agreeable to your Instructions from the Congress. * You are to cruise along shore on our Coast anywhere between Sandy Hook and Cape May or from Sandy Hook to the east End of Long Island. You are always to keep some Inlet under your Lee, so that yon may secure a retreat from a superior force. Be careful to send such Prkes as you may take into some place of safety in the United Colonies. It is very necessary to have a good Pilot on board & also to make yourself well acquainted on the Coast. You are to assist any of the friends of the United Colonies by every means in your Power and assist to carry them into some Place of Safety & where different objects for assistance offer at the same time you are to give the preference to the Vessels and Inhabitants of this Colony. You are always & by every Opportunity to advise the provincial Congress or Committee of Safety of this Colony of your Proceedings. "We wish you Success and remain To William Rogers Esq. Your friends & humble servants Commander of the By Order of the Committee armed Sloop Pieeke van Coktlandt, Chairman. Montgomerie. The Instructions from Congress are not extant. Appendix. 531 THE INVITATION Of the Continental Congress to their Brethren, who are Sons of Liberty and Seamen, to engage in the defence of the Liberties of America. We whose hands and marks are hereunto set and subscribed being officers, seamen and marines, do and each of us doth agree to and with William Rogers of the good Sloop, called the Montgomerie, belonging to the Thirteen United Colonies of America, now bound on a cruise, from the port of New York, against the enemies of the Thirteen United Colonies of North America in manner and form following, That is to say, In the first place, — We do hereby agree for, by and under the considerations after mentioned to and with the said Commander, forthwith to enter and ship ourselves, and in due and seasonable time, to repair on board the said Sloop, called the Montgomerie, and during the term of twelve months,- unless sooner discharged by the Congress, to the" utmost of our power and ability respec tively to discharge our several services or stations, and in everything to be conformable and obedient to the several requirings and lawful commands of the said William Rogers and his successors in command. Secondly. We do also oblige and subject ourselves to serve on board the said ship, during the said cruise, and as she is a ship of war, We do severally oblige ourselves by these articles, to comply with and be subject to the rules and discipline of the American Fleet as established by the Congress, and to be governed and commanded in time of action with an enemy according to the Bame rules, and submit ourselves to the same punishments and penalties as are there inflicted, in case we or any of us offer to desert our quarters, or not obey the commands of the said William Rogers or his successors in command, in giving chase to any ship or ships, vessel or vessels or otherwise, and if upon a scrutiny of our said William Rogers or his said officers, we or any of us should be found guilty of any breach contrary to the tenor of this agreement, or any act of cowardice, We do hereby severally submit and agree, to allow and forfeit our several and respec tive shares, of and in any prize or prizes we shall then have taken to be divided among the said ship's company. Thirdly. We do also severally agree and oblige ourselves, that when any prize or prizes have been taken, to follow the express directions of the said William Rogers or his successors in command in boarding the said prize, and be under the command of any officer whom the said William Rogers shall appoint, and be assisting to him to carry the said prize to whatever port or ports such prize or prizes shall be assigned by the said William Rogers. And we do hereby severally agree and covenant in that case, to be true and faithful in discharge of our duty and trust, and will not in any shape embezzle, defraud or plunder anything on board such prize or prizes — And , in case any or either of us shall be found guilty of any breach, contrary to the meaning of this agreement, we and such of us being guilty thereof, do hereby severally submit and agree, to allow so much of all and every of our shares and parts of our shares of and in the said prize and prizes then or thence after to be taken and of all our respective wages, that then shall be due and coming to us in respect of our services, as shall make good such plunder or embezzlement we shall have been found guilty of Fourthly. And it is also further agreed, to be the true intent and meaning of all parties hereto, that the officer or officers, or any ofthe ship's company sent on board any prize shall have as good a share and interest of any prize, as shall be thereafter taken, during his or their absence, as if he or they had been on board the said vessel at the time of taking thereof, anything herein contained 532 Appendix. to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided always, And it is hereby agreed to be the meaning of the said last above-mentioned clause, that if the said officer or officers and any such of the said ship's company, to whom the conduct and management of any prize has been entrusted, do not (first having accepted the commands of the said commander concerning the said prize under his [or] their custody) immediately repair to the respective harbour, where the said William Rogers or his successors in command shall order or do not proceed with the said prize or prizes so taken to the respective port or ports to be assigned by the said William Rogers for the time being, that [upon such] failure or any or either of the agreements aforesaid contained on our parts, We and each and every of us so offending, do hereby severally submit and agree to be cashiered not only for our several and respective interests and scares of and in the captures or prize money, but totally to be excluded and divested from the payment of any wages then due to us for and in respect of our several services on board the said Sloop Montgomerie and the interest and shares of 6nch delinquents that otherwise would have accrued to us. E'ifthly. And the said William Rogers for and in behalf of himself and the said Thirteen United Colonies of North America, doth hereby covenant and agree to and with the said officers, seamen and marines, whose names or marks are hereto set or subscribed to pay them in consideration of such services, so much money per month as in a schedule hereunder mentioned and set opposite to their names or marks of each respective officer, seaman or land man and likewise to advance unto each and every of them one month's pay at entrance (due security for the same being first given) the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge. Sixthly. And as an encouragement to exert the valour of the seamen and mariners, in defending the said Sloop and in subduing and distressing the said enemy, the said William Rogers for and on behalf of the said Thirteen United Colonies of North Amen'ca doth further covenant, promise and agree to and with all and every of the officers, seamen and marines, parties hereto, that in case any prize or prizes shall be taken by [the said ship] during the intended cruise, that the same shall be proceeded against and distributed according to the resolves of the Congress passed the 15lh day of November, 1775. Seventhly. And it is by these presents mutually agreed and consented to and between the 6aid William Rogers and every the officers, seamen and marines parties thereto, That in case the Commander for the time being lose a limb in an engagement or be otherwise disabled so as to be rendered incapable afterwards of getting a livelihood to subsist upon, he shall receive out of the neat profits of such prize or prizes and prize goods, if so much arise, before a dividend or distribu tion be declared the sum of Four Hundred Dollars, or if he lose his life, his widow or children (if any) shall receive the said bounty of Four Hundred Dollars, together with all prize money, to him belonging at the time of his decease. And if the Captain of the Marines, or any other commission or warrant officer, lose a limb or be otherwise disabled, so as to be rendered incapable afterwards of getting a subsistance, he or they so disabled, shall receive a Bounty of Three Hundred Dollars, if so much arise from the neat profits as aforesaid, and in case of death the widow or children (if any) is, are and shall be entitled to the same together with their share of prize money, due at the time of their decease. And if an inferior officer, marine or sailor lose a limb or be otherwise disabled so as to be rendered incapable afterwards of getting a subsistance, he or they shall receive a bounty of Two Hundred Dollars, to be deducted as aforesaid and in case of death, the widow or children (if any) is, are and shall be entitled to the same, together with his share of prize money due at the time of his decease. He who first discovers a ship or other vessel, which shall afterwards become a prize, shall be entitled to a double share of such prize. Appendix. 533 He who shall first board a ship or vessel making resistance, which shall become a prize, shall be entitled to a triple share. There shall be ten shares of every prize, which shall be taken and condemned, set apart to be given to such inferior officers, seamen and marines, as shall be adjudged best to deserve them by the superior officers who shall be appointed to make such determination. * * * [Rest missing.] Time of Wages entry. Men's names. Quality. per rath. Wm. Bogers ......... Commander.... $32 Theunis Thew Apr. 18. Benj. Anthony Surgeon 20 John Leaycraft 20 Jabez Westcott Mate 15 Fred. Donaldson Gunner -. . . 15 his Thos. X Hencock Boatswain 15 mark. his Benj . X Morrell Carpenter 15 mark. Lionel Baker Gunner 10 2-3 Robert Jamison Mate 9 1-3 his Rich'd X Nite. Seaman 8 mark. his Thos. X Butler do 8 mark. Thos. Pnrkiss do 8 \ Aug. Darcy do 8 Isaac Ter Bosh Marine 6 2-3 Elisha Reeve Seaman 8 Arch. Campbell Marine 8 Johu Parcels 8 19. Eben'r Conckling 8 Joseph Baley Sargeant 8 Sol. Ketchum Land 6 2-3 Wm. Taylor Seaman 8 18. Lionel Baker Boy 31-8 Subbrine Donaldson ... do 31-8 Jos. Talkentan do 6 2-3 his John X McQ ray . , 8 mark. Zach. Parsons Seaman 8 Thos. Lamberd 8 James Cook 8 per mth. Time of entry. Men's names. Quality. his Apl. 21. Peter X Damrel $8 mark. Abram Hyeart 8-6 2-3 his 22. Elias X Roberds Seaman 8 mark. McCagah Managan do 8 Richard Gildersleeve. . . do 8 Eliphalet Wood do 8 Simeon Crosman do 8 Stephan Denton do James Cluaugh John Willett i. his Grancy X Ten mark. 22. Reber Kelley Seaman 8 his Jacob X Morrell 8 mark. Duncan McDonall May 2. Eliph. Beebee Pilot 8 7. Jon'n Armstrong 6 2-3 27. Henry Bryan 6 2-3 Joseph Should his June28.Thos. X Ruland 6 2-3 mark. Joseph Waer 6 2-3 July 7. Salmond Simmons 6 2-3 Oct. 24. John Wyer Sep. 14. Lionel Baker 15 Nov. 5. Eben'r Smith 28. John Shine Dec. 1. Micah Hart 6 2-3 John Jackson 5. Nath'l Smith Mar. 11. Epenetus Wekes 8 List of Vessels captured by the " Monkgomerie," William Rogers, Commander, and by the " Schuyler," Charles Pond, Commander. 1776, January. The " Blue Mountain Valley," taken near Sandy Hook. 1776 June. The "Charlotte" sloop, cargo consisting of intrenching tools, valued at £1051.15.9, turned over to Continental Store Keeper Ezekiel Cheevers, at the request of General Washington. Date not given. The " Pembroke," Capt. Bunker, and the " Speedwell," Capt. Swain, brigs, cargo sold by Peter Colt, Agent, for £394.13.6. The " Mary," sloop, cargo sold for £184:. 7. 6. The " Crawford," ship The " Sally," sloop. The " Nancy," sloop. ¦ The " Hiram," schooner. 534 Appendix. The " Hannah," schooner, taken in May-June 1777 and cargo sold in Maryland for £11280.10.3, Maryland currency, or £12274.14.4 New York currency. Treas. Journ. I 130. Captain Rogers was the first man on board the " Blue Mountain Valley." Henry Benson, mentioned on page 254, was Captain of the " Hudson," sloop of war. Treas urer's Journal. I p. 161, 164, 211. Quigley, Thomas, Lieut, of Schooner " Putnam." T. J. I 104. The " Sally," armed sloop, Wilkie Dodge, Commander, was fitted out in April, 1776, at an expense of £248. — .10, having originally costed £325. She was insured for £650. Treas. Journ. I 20, 37, 39, 18. The " Polly," armed sloop, M. van Alstyne, Commander, was insured for £500. Tr. J. 1 20, 37. The Green Mountain Boys. As the " Green Mountain Boys " were organized under authority of New York, the "Editor has considered it advisable to give the information in regard to them as found in the New York records, on pages 16, 27 and 28 preceding. Having since been placed in charge of the Vermont Papers, collected by the late Henry Stevens of London, and purchased by the State of New York, the Editor is enabled to give the following returns and names of Vermont soldiers : A Return of Captain John Grant's Company in Colo. Warner's Regiment in the Servis of the United Colonies. COMMISSION NONCOMM. EFFECTIVE RANK AND FILE. WANTING TO COMPLEAT. OFFICERS. OFFICERS. tn DO -r. a tn a -2 aa.m a •6 §a •a 3o tia m •a aS3 s •a a °3 •-» Orsto aS3 <* S S3 r.p. rO s3 a8a 'S D 3 "3 o a0303 S3 r«l a si o J SQ a a. 02 CQ O o M E-i OS o W 1 2 3 l l 6 7 16 . .. ... 37 .... 1 34 March 81, Ao. 1776. Befor Quebec. John Grant, Capt. Appendix. §35 fc e .« > CQ •s ^ r-^cq V 3s "8 M g ¦5)g -2 sSs>- aa ¦4a ao SG f- O M r. r. H< ah r.< •SntssiH K5 H CO CO CJ lO K rH i-t HO •pgmof :** • . -i-t . to •paSjBHOSiQ •rH 1 - •pa^jasaQ rH rH O* ¦ «CM T M O wr3 M 0 -< Mr.« 'l^ioj *# CO O CO SO O 0 rH OJ i-h i-i (M r 3 Oi H Oi •qSnoiJnj no - j i - •pusunnoo no I-H CO ; j ji-t e O 00 •jnasqB j[oig i-H • -1 rH i-H i-H ¦ lO •s^dBO ¦ rH rH rH rH i-i rH ¦H i>- •joCbjj ¦Hog -}i rH • • i-H ¦pnouoo rH • • • i-H COss <.a,a • o Q : o K O a «. 8- Sealy O U' 1 3 02 PS O a § 3 rM 'O •a o 02 ^ 1-1 rO - 3 !I -rfl oi O _ 3 °g 3 Z *= a 0 3 03 ti oj Ci £M 02 «" -a 3 0) 02 02 COrH Otn CQ «'|"a o 536 Appendix. Pay-book for the Year 1780. This is a manuscript volume, found among the before-mentioned Vermont Papers, but without further indications as to what State or Regiment the six Companies belonged. A comparison of the names contained in it with names in the U. S. Pension Rolls has convinced the Editor that these troops were of the Vermont Militia. Officers. Capt. Jesse Safford, Corpl. Rufus Root. Lieut. Zebulon Lyon, Corpl Charles Rice. - Lieut. Moses Evans, Corpl. Benj. Sessions. En. or Sgt. Cleafford Chaffee, Corpl. Herman Durkee. Sergt. Barnabas Strong, Corpl. Experience Triscott, Sergt. John Woods. Drummer William Bennet, Sergt. Reuben Spalding, Fifer Daniel Stearns. • Sergt. Abel Payne, Jonathan Benton, Sylvester Bugby, Win. Bootman, Jas. Cooper. Calvin Dyke. Tim. Durkee, Amos Throop, John Gould, Seth Gould. Isaac Stowell, Isaiah Grover, John Haraden, James Hoton, Jerom Hutchinson. Bliss Hoisington. Vespatian Hoisington, Dirick Oxford. Asa Horton, David Luinbard, Luke Lamphier, Stephen Marcy Cyprian Morgan, Stephen Powell, Jabez Parkhurst, Capt. Benj. Cox, Lieut. Beriah Green, Sergt. Adam Howard, Sergt. Eben'r Clark, Jon'n Carpenter, Asa Call, Nathan Dycke, Sam'l Dycke, John Strong, Robert Green, James Howe, Amos Parker, Jacob Salisbury, Reuben Smith, Elkanah Sprague, Privates. Asa Persivel, Artemus Robinson, Elmeriah Roundy, Simeon Root. Tim. Richardson, Eben r Squire. Eben r P. Stearns, Joreham Sawens. Sylvester Smith, Nath 1 Akins, Wm. Strong, Nichs Smith, John W. Throop, Sam 1 Tredway, John Titus. Aaron Trusdell, Jere h Virginia, John Wilcox, John Williams, Bennet Williams, Josiah Williams, Sampson Marble, Caleb Hoton, Josiah Goodrich. Officers. Corpl. Edw. Church, Corpl. Robt. Burch, Corpl. John Ellis, Fifer Dan'l Perkins. Privates. Lathrop Thompson, Asa Wooster, Benj. Cox, Jr., Line Hoisington, Jere'h Bishop Abr'm Taylor, Daniel Sartel, Math. Smith, And. Stevens, Joseph Lull. Officers. Capt. Jos. Tyler, Lieut. Jon'n Parks, Ensign Isaac Wheeler, Sergt. Seth Hudson, Sergt. David Williams, Sergt. David Kyes, Sergt. David Heaton, Corpl. Eph. Barnes, Corpl. Thos. Haskell, Corpl. Rufus Shepard, Corpl. Jon'n Pike. Privates. Asher Alvord, Peter Akins, Jon'n Whitney, Sam'l Parker, Appolos Haild, Moses Church, Sam'l Laughton, Joel Knight, Abel Haven, John Patterson, Arch'd McCornick, Jon n Clayton, Joshua Briggs, Elias Rice, Jas. Ball, Sam 1 Woodward, Albert Pratt, Nath'l Bartlett, Eph. Bruce, John Miller, David Laughton, Abel Butler, Abr'm Rugg, John Montgomery, Aaron Blanchard, Abner Moore, Arastus Mather, Eleazer Harris, John Green, Dana Hide, Seth Stow, Charles Peirce Philemon Holden, Benoni Patten, Nath. Foster, Henry Balcom, Amaziah Taft, Daniel Sweers. Officers. Capt. Wm. Dyre, Lieut Gideon Spencer, Ensign, Solomon Safford, Sergt. Moses Hurd, Sergt. Simeon Prentice, Sergt. Jed. Durfee, Corpl. Moses Ellis, Corpl. Stephen Holmes, Corpl. James Bates, Drummer. Luther Topliff, alias Dan. Howlitt, Fifer, Stephen Fuller. John Ripley. Levi Buck, Sol. Fuller, Walter Bates, Nathan Sherman, John Weeks, Silas Walbridge, Jos. Norton, Erastus Hathaway, Thos. Buck, Joab Lawrence, Phin's Meiggs, Dan'l Smith, James Burnit, John Bradford, Thos. Starkweather, Privates Sam 1 Harvey, Gale Ferman, Sam'l Chapins, John Holmes, Fran Storey, Benj. Lamb, Jonas Safford, Chester Derby, Fran. Matteson, Geo. Briggs, Phin's Ward, Isaac Mathews, John Heeling, David Fay, John -Davis. Officers. Capt. Sam'l Allen, Lieut. Isaac Martin, Lieut. Lemuel Roberts, Sergt. David Parkhill, Sergt. Asa Jackson, Sergt. Jethro Jackson, Jere'h Briggs, Edm. Bacon, Aaron Beach, Oliver Bell, Jos. Chipman, Clement Clark, Sergt. Sylvanus Brown, Corpl. Eben'r Charley, Corpl. Weight Wright, Corpl. Jonah Ives, Corpl. Reuben Post, Fifer, Jere'h Dewey. Privates. Elias Crary, Luther Dury, Josiah Edy, Chauncey Graves, Nath'l Hamilton, Reuben Ives, Appendix. 537 Philemon Johnson, Benoni Kenney, Miles Leat, Isaac Mead, Sam'l McConnell, Glover Nicholson, Elias Post, Charles Roys, Capt. Clarke Parker, Lieut. Tim. Abbott, Lieut. Ez'l Parker, Sergt. Jon'n Griswould, Sergt. John Cummins, Privates. Stephen Roys, Sam'l Sheldon, Artemus Southworth, Gishor Southworth, Eben'r Tuttle, Henry White, Jon'n Whipple, Jed. Williams. Officers. Sergt. Cyprian Herrick, Corpl. Jos. Potter, Corpl. Nath'l Wood, Corpl. Wm. Popple, Drummer, Eln. Hunt. Benj. Herwood, Levi Morgan Thos. Card, Henry Matterson, Caleb Matterson, Salmon Wheeler, Wm. Herrington, Stephen 01 in, Rich'd Herrington, Jos. Willebar, Jac. Barnheart, Coon Reynolds, Paul Gammet, Caleb Clark, Roger Kinsley, Henry Walbridge, Privates, Sam u el Haynes, Nath'l Graves, Wm. Roberts, Eph. Potter, Sam'l Welch, Levi Wheeler, Abner Nobles, Josiah Bates, Moses Barber, Caleb Morgan, Fred Jewitt Reuben Bennit, Abr Dunning, Isaac Grover, Wm. Potter, Eben'r Ayre. Additional Officers of New York Troops. Brigade Major to General Clinton in 1776 Haring, John, and 7. Benson, Robt., A. D. C. to Gov'r Clinton, with Lieut.- Colonel's rauk. Brownson, Gideon, Major, Col. S. Warner. ( Lansing, Jere'h, Brigade Major to Gen'l Ten Brook. Andrew Fink, Jr., Brigade Major of Militia and Levies -from Sept. 1, 1781, to Jan'y 1, 1782. Tierce, Peter B., Brigade Major to Gen'l Gansevoort March 6 to 13; Oct. 1 to 31; Dec'br 4 to 12, 1781. Lansing, Jacob John, Judge Advocate, Gen'l Gansevoort's Brig, of Militia. Irwin (Erwin), Andrew, Adjt. Col. Klock from Febr. 28 to Dec. -81, 1779, and from Mar. 16 to Sent. 1, 1780. Close, John, Rev'd, Chaplain to Brigade' of Levies from the Militia, commanded by Col. Hathorn from Oct. 10 to Nov. 23, 1779. Gross, John Dan'l, Rev'd, Chaplain to the Levies raised for the defence of the frontiers, June 16 to Dec. 5, 1780, April 27, 1781, to Jan'y 1, 1782 ; April 10, 1782, to Jan'y 1, 1783. Adams, William, Doctor. Surgeon on the lines from April 1 to Aug. 1, 1781, by Capt. Richard Sackett's command. Crane, Joseph, Dr., Assistant Surgeon Militia. Cromwell, Phil., Surgeon, Colonel Fisher. Graham, Chauncey, Dr., Hospital Department. le Rou, Samuel, Dr., do Mead, S., in Hospital Department. Morgan, , Dr., do Monell, Geo., Surgeon, Ten Broeck's Brigade, June 27 to Aug. 15, 1777, Perry, , Dr., in Hospital Department. Petry, William, Chief Surgeon, Col. Henry K. van Rensse laer, from Aug. 1, 1779, to Jan'y 1, 1780. Smith, James, Dr., Surgeon at Forts Montgomery and Clinton ; later in Hospital Department. Tappen, Peter, Dr., in Hospital Department. White, Henry, Surgeon of Militia at Fort Montgomery. WiUiams, John, Dr., in Hospital Department. Codwise, Christ'r, Captain and Muster Master in Col. Pawling's Levies. Hitchcock, Lyman, Inspector and Muster Master of 4 months and 9 months Levies. Rutgers, Henry, Dept. Muster Master Gen'l. May 16 to March 12, 1780. Delavan, Nath'l, Major. Hunt, Thomas, Adit., on active duty from June 10 to 24, 1781. J Demoth, Hans Mark, Captain, Col. Bellinger. In the three months service, but receives pay for 39 months. 68 commanding guard of prison- T., to Lancaster, Penn., Aug- In Foght, John Morris, Lieut ers from Fishkill, N, 12 to Sept, 14, 1780. Gailer, William, Lieut., Col. Malcom's State Brigade. service for 1 month. Williams, Daniel, Guide to the Army, March 5 to Dec'br 81, 1777. Franks, John, Comm'y of Supplies on the East End of L. I. Lasher, John, Commissary of Mil. Stores from May 9, 1778, to Nov'br 25, 1783. Bancker, A. B., Commissary of Prisoners. Boudinot, Elias, Commissary of Prisoners. Dodge, Henry, Commissary of Prisoners. Pell, Philipp, Commissary of Prisoners. Skinner, Abr'm, Comm'y of Prisoners. Van Rensselaer, Phil. , Comm'y Mil. Stores. Elmendorph, Corn's C, Commissary of Fleet Prison. Richard Ten Eyck, Storekeeper, under Col. John Lasher. from July 10, 1778, to Jan'y 1, 1781. Wiley, John, Comm'y of Purchases for the N. T. Line. Henry, John, Commissary of Cloathing. Douglass, Jon'n, Forage Master, Col. Willet (?) Hering, Benj., Ensign, 1st N. Y. McConnel, Hugh, Sergt. and Ensign, Capt. Rich'd Varick. Col. A. McDougall; enlisted 1776 in Capt. Van Dyck's Co., Col. John Lasher's Independent Grenadiers in 1774 ; then early in 1776 in Varick's ; Ensign Aug. 10, '76: served until reconstruction ; Superintendent of Sad dlery Stores in Danbury; Lieut, and Q. M. Col. L. Dubois in 1780; Adjutant to the end of campaign. Hodges, Samuel, Captain, Col. G. Van Schaick's. Sum mer of 1776.. Haight, Thomas, Ensign, Col. G. Van Schaick in 1776. Spaulding, , Captain, Col. P. Gansevoort's Cont'ls. Hardenbergh, Cornelius, Captain, Colonel Rudolph Rit zema, discharged in Oct., 1776, later Fred. Weisen fels. 4th Cont'ls. Wynkoop, Jacobus, Captain, 4th N. Y, ; comm'd, 1775, in command of the Lakes 1776: put under arrest by Gen'l Gates Summer of 177G; reinstated by Gen'l Schuyler March, 1777; on this duty until evacution of Ticon deroga; at Kingston on ordnance and engineering duty from Oct., 1777, to Spring of 1778; ordered to prepare batteaux for defence of Hudson R., May, 1778; pay of Captain of Frigate. Kingston, N. Y. Dubois, Lewis, Colonel, Sth N. Y., C 74, 159, Aa 30: 3 months' Levies, I 16; Captain and Major, Expedition to Canada; Col. 5th N. Y., June 21, 1776; resigned Dec. 22, 1779; Col. Levies 1780-1. Poughkeepsie. Johnson, Robert, Captain, Colonel, John Nicholson. C 29. 538 Appendix. Saxon, Gilbert, Sergt , McCracken's, Col. Weesenfels, Mar. 1, "7?. War; des'd Mar. 20, '78; disch d Aug. 1, '80, discharged on furnishing a substitute (Job Bruton). 4th N. Y. Delavan, Daniel, Capt., Col. Albert Pawling's Levies ; entered 1775, ensign 1776 ; Lieut, in Col. Graham's 1778-9; Captain in Col. Malcom's July, 1780; detached to 2d N. Y. until close of war. Westchester Co. Barnes, John, Captain of Rangers at Fort Ann. Delavan, Samuel, Captain Company of Rangers. Getman, Christian, Capt. of Rangers. Kasselmau, John, Captain of Rangers ; Col. J. Klock's. Sackett, Richard, Captain of Minutemen. A. P. 22-88. Thum, Adam Captain of Rangers; Col. Jacob Klock's. Dacher, Cornelius, Lieutenant of Minutemen in Colum bia Co. Delong, , Captain, Butler's Rangers. Yeomans, Moses, Lieutenant, of Rangers, Lt.-Col. Albert Pawling's. Company of 18 raised for 6 months in 1781, June 8 to Dec. 8. Kingston, N. Y. Harper, John, Lt. -Colonel, 7 mths. New Levies, Aa 14; Volunteer in Sullivan's Exp'n, 1779 ; Colonel of Lev ies, 1780., Flemming (Fleming), Edward, Lieut.-Col. under Mont gomery in Canada ; resigned on account of ill health 1776 ; died Dec. 14, 1784? Recruiting officers of John Wheelock, A. A. B. 27 : Capt. I. Young, Comfort Seever, Davenport Philips, Abel Curtis, Samuel Archley, Samuel Creshman, Daniel Waldo, E. Wheelock, Jr. An examination, made of books formerly belonging to the Auditor's and Treasurer's offices, has enabled the Editor to add the following, which gives information concerning the various terms during which the Militia was called out for service, and the casualties for which the State had to pay, after the Revolution, to the sufferers as pen sioners, or for the period spent in prisons, and to the heirs of those who had died'of wounds or been killed in action. Hunter, Matthew, Captain of Minutemen, Ulster Co., 1775-6; served at Fort Montgomery Oct., '77; Adju tant. Col. Jon'n Hasbrouck's Orange Co Mil. from Dec. 18, 1776, to Jan. 17, '77. Logan, Samuel, Major, 5th N. Y.; Captain of Ulster Co. Minutemen in 1775; Major 5th N. Y. Nov. 21, '76, then deranged Jan'y 1, '81. Lloyd, Richard, Captain, Col. M. Hazen. Lush, Thomas, Captain of Militia at Ticonderoga, 1775. St. John, Samuel, Captain, Lt.-Col. John McKinstry's Bounty ; entered the service 1775, after Lexington ; Captain in McKinstry's April, 1781. Troy, N. Y. Varick, Richard, Captain, Col. McDougall; resigned as Captain of McDougall Sept., '76 ; Secr'y to Gen'l Phil. . Schuyler; Dep. Muster M. Gen'l, North Dept., Sept., '76, with rank as Lt.-Col.: Senior Dep. Comm. Gen'l of Muster April, '77; deranged and discharged Jan'y, 1780; A. D. C. to Gen'l Arnold Aug., 1780; Record ing Secretary to Gen'l Washington May 25, 1781, to Dec, 1783. N. Y. City. Visscher, John, Captain, Albany Co. Militia in 1775 on ser vice in Canada; Major end of 1775; Lt.-Col. N. Y. Line July, 1777; deranged end of 1779. Albany, N. Y. Service of the Levies and Militia. Bogart. Isaac, Capt., of Col. Henry K. van Rensselaer's. Co. called out with 1 Capt., 2 Sergts., 1 Corpl. 15 Priv. from Jan'y 1 to March 1, 1780. A. A. B. 18. Stockwell, Levi, Capt., Col. H. K. van Rensselaer. 1 Capt., 1 Lieut., 1 Sergt., 3 Corpls., 1 Fifer, 18 Priv. from Jan'y 1 to Jan'y 15, 1780. A. A. B. 18. Col. John Harper's Regt. of Levies was in active Bervice of the U. S. from May 11 to Novbr. 30, 1780. Besides the officers, given on Page 256, the " Audited Accounts, A. p. 43," mention Captains Joshua Drake and Jonathan Lawrence ; also Lieuts. Albertus Becker and James Yule. The Regiment of New Levies, authorized by Act 33 of 1779 and commanded by Lieut;. Colonel Albert Pawling, was in active service from Novbr. 1 to Decbr. 25, 1779, from April to Novbr., 1780, from April to December, 178-1. Of the officers, mentioned on Page 256, Major van Benschoten, Captains Wood, Faulkner and Hunter were of this Reg iment according to " Audited Accounts," A. p. 3. John van Deusen was Paymaster of Pawling's Regt. in 1780 and 1781. The " Audited Accounts" give for 1781 the following names of officers in addition: Captains : Pearsie, Living ston, Burnet and Lieut. Yeoman. A pay Abstract of Col. Lewis Du Bois' Regt. of Levies, (see Page 257), gives Field and Staff as follows, A. A.A. 143: Paine, Brinton, Lieut. Col. Hughes, James M., Major Gano, Daniel, Pay Master McConnell, Hugh, Adjt. Bradner, John, Qr. Mr. Allen, Sam'l, Surgeon's Mate. In the Regiment, raised for the immediate defense of the State, and commanded by Lieut. Col. Marinus. Willet, A. A, A. 58, gives the following changes and additions: Jacob Winney, Quarter Master from Aug. 7 to Nov. 30. Calvin Dillino (Dillins) Surgeon's Mate and Captain Fonda. Josiah Throop, 2d Major in place of Peter Schuyler. Jellis A. Fonda, Lieut, and Adjutant. John Fonda, Lieut, and Quartermaster from April 27 to Aug. 7, 1781. A. A. A. page 56 and 57 gives for the Regiment of Levies raised for the further defence of the State, Page 259, Peter Welsh, Lieut, and Adjutant, and Eben'r Mott, Lieut, and Qr. Mr. These officers served in the same position in the Regt of Levies for the defence of the Frontiers, Page 259, in which Captains Livingston, Westfall and Bowen commanded Companies. A pay roll (A. A. A. 67) of the Field and Staff Officers of Col. Marinus Willet's Regiment of New York State Levies in the service of the U. S. for the Months of April, May, June, July, August, Septbr., Octbr., Novbr. and Decbr,, 1782, differs from the same roll given on pages 259 and 260: Appendix. 539 Jellis A. Fonda, Lieut, and Adjt. from April 7 to Novbr. 1 Pliny Moore, Adjt. from Novbr. 7 to Decbr. 81. Abr'm Ten Eyck, Lieut, and Pay Master. George Faugh, Surgeon's Mate, April 7 to July 31. Moses Willard, do Aug. 1 to Decbr. 31. Mathew Trotter, Lieut, and Qr. Mr. Thomas Scribner, Sergt.-Major. Wm. Sole, Qr. Mr. Sergt. Additional Captains : Livingston, Young, French and Henry. A Regimental Abstract of the First Regiment of New York Levies in the Service of the U. S., commanded by Colonel William Malcom. A. A. A, 76; Names and Bank. William Malcom, Col Elias van Benschoten, Major Joseph Haasbrouck, Adjt Alex. Stewart, Qr. Mr Peter Osburn, Surg. Mate Captains: Cantine, Mclnstry, Blakesley, Drake, Livingston, Delavan. Pay Abstract of the 3d New York Regt. of Levies in the service of the U. S. of America commanded by Col. M. Graham, 1780. A. A. A. 71: Commencing 1780. Ending 1781. July 1 Feb. 13 do Oct. 80, 1780 do do do Nov. 30 do Oct. 30 Lieutenant: Requaw Henry Livingston, Lieut. Col. Melancton L'd Woolsey, Major Jellis Fonda, Adj't. Aug. 1 to Oct. 30 John Ostrander, Adjt. Sept. 12 to Oct. 26 David Hunt, Quarter Master Jas. Magee, Pay Master Peter Osborne, Surgeon's Mate. Captains: Magee, Lansing, Bostwick, Williams, Hermanse, Muller, Adiel Sherwood. Lieutenants in Sherwood's Co. : Ezekiel Roberts, Corn's Baldwin, John Bolton. A. A.-A. 64 has a pay roll of Sergeant David Mills and 14 Horsemen, ordered out by Gen'l Geo. Clinton to appre hend Samuel Herris and other disaffected persons in April, 1777. The names of his 14 men are: Bowdewin Terpenny Gabriel Traverse Michael Billeger Jobn Demarest George Upright Nicholas Jansen Samuel Ganseles Capt. Stephen Case's Company was on duty " guarding the shores of Hudson River" in Oct., 1777. A. A. A. 10. Delavan, Sam'l, Capt. Light Horse Company, consisted of 1 Capt., 2 Lieuts., 1 Cornet, 3 Sergts., 3 Corpls, 1 Trumpeter, 1 Farrier, 51 Privates. A. A. A. 177. Hyatt, John, Capt. Comp'y of Guides, ordered into Con tinental service by Gen'l McDougall. 1 Capt., 2 Lieuts., 2 Sergts., 8 Priv. No date. A. A. A. 326. Elliott, Benj., Lieut, commanding 10 men as guard of Con tinental stores from Sth to 35th of May, 1777. A. A. A. 87. Yeomans, Moses, Lieut, of Rangers, ordered out by his Excellency, the Governor, and annexed to Col. Paw ling's Regt. of Levies from June 8 to Dec. 8, 1781. A. A. A. 158. Gansevoort, Peter, Brig. Genera], on active duty from March 6 to 12, Octbr. 1 to 31, and Decbr. 4 to 12, 1781. A. A. B. 41. The Third Albany County Regiment was in active service under Colonel Philipp P. Schuyler to repel the com mon enemy at various dates between Octbr. 28, 1779, to Novbr. 4, 1781. A. A. A. 151. Additional officers men tioned are, Captain John van Wie and Lieut. Bastian T. Visscher. The Fifth Albany Co. Regt. was called out Oct. 29, 1779, to Oct. 26, 1780. A. A. A. 290. The Sixth Albany County Regt. was on duty uuder Lt.-Col. Henry K. van Rensselaer, dates not given, with the following additional officers. A. A. A. 120: Jon'n Dubois Benj. Terwilliger Peter Vas Terwilliger, Jr. Gilbert Barton Ab'rm Terwilliger Reuben Decker John Stilwell. To™- t„„,o, rvi™„i 1 Genl. Ten Broek's Brig, of Mil- Lansing, Jacob, Colonel, ... , , , „.?, , Onvlpr Ahr'm Mainr I -tia ordered during 28 days be wail n ' T ¦' I tween No v. 1 1 , 1778, and Nov. Wandell, Herm., Major, j 6> lm A A' A ^ Wendell, Harmanus, Lt.-Col., Gen'l Gansevoort's Brig., ordered out- to remove some disaffected families from the Frontiers, Septbr. 11 to 16, 1781. A A. A. 232. Roseboom, Jacob, Capt., Col. Abr. Cuyler. 1 Capt., 3 Lieuts., 4 Sergts. and 15 Privs., from 16 to 2G of Aug., 1781. A. A. A. 267. John Fondey,. Ensign, 2 Sergts., 2 Corpls. and 14 Privates to Schoharie June 14, 1780. A. A. A. 234. Forrest, Isaac, Capt., Col. Jacob Lansing, Albany. 1 Capt., 1 Lieut., 1 Ensign, 4 Sergts., 2 Corpls., 26 Pri vates, at Stone Arabia from Oct. 26 to Nov. 6, 1779. A. A. B. 25. Captain, Samuel Shaw, Captain, Henry Denker, Lieut., James Husted, Tilman, Christ'r, Capt., Col. Stephen I. Schuyler. 1 Capt., 2 Lieuts., 1 Ensign, 5 Sergts., 4 Corpls., 32 Privs., from Oct. 29 to Nov, 6, 1779; 1 Capt., 1 Lieut., Captain, David Husted, Captain, Aug. Odell, Quarter-Master, M. van Alstyn. 1 Ensign, 4 Sergts., 18 Privs., from May 21 to June 1, 1780; 1 Capt.,1 Lieut., 21 Privs., Dec. 9 to l'J. 1781. A. A. A. 278. The Seventh Regt. of Albany Co. Militia under Col. van Alstyne was in active service Octbr. 15 to 26, Novbr. •'. to 12, 1780, Octbr. 13 to 23, Octbr. 27 to Novbr. 24, 1781. Major Harman van Buren commanded a detachment of the Regiment on active service July 1 to 23, and Septbr. 20 to Octbr. 6. 1777. Major Isaac Goes was in command <>{ another detachment July 10 to 20, 1777. Ezekiel Thomas acted as Surgeon, and Capt. Herman Vosburgh and Lieut. Wm. Wolfrom are additional officers mentioned. A. A. B. 52, 53. 540 Appendix. Van Alstyn's Regt., 1 Lieut., 2 Sergts. 6 Privs. of, to Fort Herkimer, Aug. 15 to Sept. 7, 1779. A. A. A. 233. Of Van Ness' Reg.t, 1 Ensign, 3 Sergts, 17 Privs. to Fort Plank from May 27 to June 7, 1780. 1 Lieut.-Col., 3 Capts. ,6 Lieuts., 7 Sergts. and 58 Privs. to Saratoga, Oct. and Nov., 1781. A. A. A. 233. Turner, Joseph Allen, Capt., Col. Van Ness. 1 Capt., 2 Lieuts., 1 Sergt., 1 Corpl., 17 Privs. from Oct. 11 to 25, 1781. A. A. A. 233. Whalen, Abel, Lieut., Col. Van Ness. 2 Lieuts. 1 Ensign, 2 Sergts., 2 Privs., from Oct. 11 to 25, 1781. A. A. B. 61. Hawley, Abner, Capt.. Col. Van Ness. 1 Capt., 2 Lieuts., 2 Sergts., 2 Corpls., 21 Privs., from Oct. 11 to 25, 1781. A. A. B. 61. Whitney, Joshua, Capt., Col. Van Ness. 1 Capt., 2 Lieuts., 1 Sergt., 15 Privs., from Octbr. 11 to 25 [no year given]. A. A. B, 54, The Tenth Albany Co. Regt., under Lt.-Col. Henry Livingston, was called out Octbr. 14 to Novbr. 14, 1781, and Octbr. 9 to Novbr. 6, 1781. Dr. Thomas Thompson was Surgeon to the Regiment. A. A. A. 159. Hagadorn, Jacob, Lieut., Cap(;. Rockefeller. 2 Lieuts., 2 Sergts., 4 Privs., from Octbr. 24 to Nov. 5, 1781. A. A. B. 50. Van Bergen, Anth'y, Col. Albany Co. Mil. Regt., in service at " sundry times," not given from 1777 to 1780. A. A. A. 198. Van Schaick, Myndert, Capt., Col. Van Berger. ICapt., 1 Lieut., 1 Ensigu, 5 Sergts., 3 Corpls , 18 Privs., from Oct. 15 to Nov. 20, 1779. A. A. A. 258. The Twelfth Albany County Regt., Col. van Schoonhoven commanding, was called out at different times '' to repel the common Enemy." A. A. A. Ill, The following additional officers are given : Captain Joshua Taylor, do Benj. Aylsworth, I Adjutant Joseph Cook, | Surgeon John Curden. A. The Thirteenth Regt. of Albany Co. Militia was in active service, dates not giveD, for 4 months, 14 days. A. A. 172. Rogers, Phil., Lieut. 2 Lieuts , Corpls., 30 Pivates from Oct. A. A. 232. 1 Ensign, 3 Sergts. 2 6 to Oct. 21, 1779- A. McCrea, John, Col. In active service May 22 to June 12, and Octbr. 18 to Novbr. 23, 1780. A. A. B. 16. Woodworth, Ephraim, Capt. 1 Capt., 2 Lieuts., 3 Sergts., 22 Privs., from Sept. 1-15, 1779. 1 Capt., 1 Ensign, 7 Sergts., 1 Corpl., 51 Privs., from Aug. 1-10, 1779. The Fourteenth Albany Co. Regt.,, Col. Peter Yates commanding, was in active service from July 23 to Oct. 13, 1779, May 17 to June 7, and Octbr. 11 to Novbr. 12, 1780, and Octbr. 10 to Novbr. 24, 1781, with the following addi tional officers, A. A. A. 126: Captain Hendrick Mandeville, I Ensign D. van Veghten. do C. van den Burg, It was called out Septbr. 15 to Octbr. 9, 1779 ; May 22 to June 17, and Octbr. 29 to Novbr. 11, 1780 ; Octbr. 10 to 19, and Decbr. 3 to 15, 1781, under the command of Lt.-Col. John van Rensselaer. A. A. A 146. The Fifteenth Albany County Regt. of Militia, Col. Peter Vrooman com'dg, was in pay from July, 1778, to March 12, and from April 2 to 8, 1781. A. A. A. 14 and 15. Jacob Winne served as Adjutant from Octbr. 20 to Decbr. 1, 1779. Officers mentioned in addition are : Peter Snider and Martinus Vrooman, Lieuts. The Sixteenth Regiment of Albany County Militia took the field, Col. Lewis van Woert commanding, from August 13, 1779, to Novbr. 30, 1780. A. A. A. 128. Joseph Younglove acted as Adjutant and Quartermaster. As additional officers are named : Captain (?) John Pattis and Lieut. Samuel Hodges. McKillip, John, Capt. Comp. was called out with 1 Capt., 1 Lieut., 3 Sergts., 2 Corpls,, 1 Fifer, 25 Privates, from Octbr. 9 to 23, 1779. A. A. B. 16. Pilots belonging to a Regiment of Levies commanded by Col. John McCrea. A. A. B. 245 : Isaac Doty, Lieut., Daniel Park, Sergt., Elijah Dunham. Samuel Stewart, Nath'l Fuller, Privates, from August 26 to Nov. 25, 1779. YA. A. B. 51. Van Schaick, Anth'y, Capt. of Exempts, Col. Henry K. van Rensselaer's Distr 1 Capt. 2 Lieuts., 1 Ensign, Sergts., 14 Priv., from Oct. 18 to 30, 1780. A. A. A. 269. Vissher, John, Captain of a Company raised at the re quest of the Committee of Albany, to defend the Northern Dept., June, 1775. A. A. B. 227. Pettit, John, Capt., Co. of Exempts, Cambridge Dist., Albany County, under command of Lieut. Sam'l Hodges : 2 Lieuts., 2 Sergts., 10 Priv., Mar. 26 to April 4, 1780. 1 Lieut., 4 Sergts., 1 Corpl., 6 Priv., May 26 to June 4, 1780. 1 Lieut., 2 Sergts., 11 Priv., Oct. 8 to 18, 1780. Schermerhorn, Jacob, Capt., Albany Co. Exempts. Company was on duty in 1779 and 1780, under com mand, of Col. Wemple. A. A. A. 115. Col. John Williams' Regt. of Charlotte Co. Militia was called out from April 22 to 25, 1778. The Charlotte Co. Militia was in pay during 1781, under Major Armstrong's command. Appendix. 541 Joshua Conkey was Qr. Mr., John Williams, Surgeon, and Isaac Lyttle, Sergt. Major. Capt. McNitt com manded one of the Companies. A. A. A. 69. Rice, Asa> Capt., CoL Wm. Williams. 1 Capt., — Lieut., 2'Sergts., 1 Corpl., 14 Priv., from June 28 to July 5, 1777. 1 Capt., 2 Lieuta., 25 Priv., from Aug. 16 to 21, 1777. A. A. B. 36. Pri- Shephardson, Stephen, Capt., Col. Wm. Williams. 1 Capt., 2 Lieuts., 3 Sergts., 3 Corpls., 1 Fifer, 89 vates, from June 29 to July 5, 1777. A. A. B. 36. Howell, David, Capt., Col. Williams. 1 Capt., 4 Sergts., 21 Priv., from Septbr. 29 to Octbr. 21, 1777. A. A. B. 36. Col. Morris Graham's Regt. of Dutchess County Militia, General George Clinton's Brigade, was in active ser vice from the 2d of April to the 3d of August, 1777. A. A. A. 16 and 17. Tbe rank roll differs materially from that given on page 278, and in the Journal of the Prov. Congress It is as follows: Colonel, Morris Graham. Lieut.-Col., Roswell Hopkins. Adjt.,. Graham. | Qr. Mr., John Else. Capt., Colby Chamberlain do - And. Heermans do John Rouse do Elijah Herrick do Sutherland Lieut. dododododo do Gillet John Heermans Andries Heermans Haight EngallsPhil. Bown Zophas Wickes The "Audited Accounts," B. page 105, give an abstract of Col. Morris Graham's Regiment of New York Militia . t.l»> flio so™™ nf tiio TTrMtori stotoa » fIom Octbr. 10 to Novbr. 23, 1779, with the following officers: " in the the service of the United States ' Colonel : Morris Graham Lieut, Col.: Benj'n Birdsall Major: And'w Hill Adjt.: Theodorus Bailey Qr. Mr.: Eden Hunt Surgeon: Dr. Wm. Adams Sergt. Major: Wm. Covenhoven Drum Major : James Isdawy. Captains. Israel Veal James Wilson Silas Huested Lemuel Conklin John Wilson Wm. Pearce. Col. "Abrm. Brinckerhoff's Regt. of Dutchess Co. Militia was called out " in a general alarm to repel the enemy " from June 1 to 11, 1779, Isaac Sebring, Qr. Mr.; and from June 7 to 12, 1780, Corn's van Wyck, Qr. Mr. A. A. B. 35. Lieut. Abr'm Shults with a detachment of 28 men from Col. Brinckerhoff's, Dutchess Co., Regt. was on duty guarding stores at Fishkill from April 7 to 21, 1779. A. A. A. 123. The Third Regiment of Dutchess Co. was in active service May 31 to June 11, 1779, aud June 26 to June 30, 1780, with the following additional staff officers: (A. A. A. 322.) Crane, Joseph, Jr., Surgeon Crossby, Reuben, Qr. Mr. Crane, Solomon, Adjt. Paddock, Nathan, Qr. Mr. Sergt. Hecock, David, Capt., Col. Fields. 1 Captain, 2 Lieuts., 3 Sergts., 4 Corpls., 1 Fifer, 1 Drummer, 143 Privates. On sundry alarms in 1779, 1780, 1781 and 1782. A. A. B. 37. Dyckman, Joseph, Captain, Col. Fields. Detachment of 1 Capt., 2 Lieuts., 1 Ensign, 4 Sergts., 4 Corpls., 1 Drum mer, 1 Fifer, 56 Privates in service from June 26 to July 1, 1780. A. A. A. 217. Col. Roswell Hopkins' Regt. of Dutchess Co. Militia was in active service from Octbr. 10 to Novbr. 22, 1779. The "Audited Accounts," A. 13, give the following field and staff officers in addition: Jacob Griffin, Lieut. Colonel Ezra Paine, Qr. Mr. Roswell Hopkins, Jr., Surgeon Additional Captains: Brinckerhoff, Bunschoten, Lane and Barnum. Edm. Perlee, Pay Mr. Paul Johnson, Sergt. Major Jacob Bokee, Qr. Mr. Sergt. A Pay Abstract of the Seventh Regt. of Dutchess Co., Col. Ludington, for different periods, date not given between March, 1779, and Novbr. 1780, has as additional Captains: Alexander Kidd and Edmund Baker. A. A.B. 11. 542 Appendix. A List of Officers of the First and Second Volunteer Regiments, who did Duty in New York in the Years 1775 and 1776, a number of which served in the six months' service. (A. P. 16-380.) Lieut. -Conn'l: Andrew Stockholm, Majors: James Abner, 2d Regt., James Abeel, 1st Regt., in the Militia and Six Months. do do Captains: William Leonard Theo. Beekman Jeremiah Wool Edw'd Micks Wm. Wilcocks John Banker David Dickson Viner van Zandt Charles Dickinson Robert Smith John Micks John Laboyteux (Labourtue) Jon'n Blake Abr'm van Dyke Abr'm Brasher In the Militia and Six Months. Doctor: • Adams, 2d Regt. Lieutenants: Geo. Harsin John Anthony Ephr. Brasher John Fish John Thompson, Grand Comp. Thomas Warner Joseph Cheesman Benj'n North Samuel Flemming John Morris Fought John Harbeck Robert Manly John Elliot Walter Moffat Thomas Lawrence Fred'k Stymets John Johnson Oliver Millenburger Robert Troop in the Militia and Six Months . In the Militia and Six Months. Col. A. Hawkes Hays' Regt. of Orange Co. Militia was in the service on different alarms from April 4, 1778, to Aug. 9, 1780, Col. Hay commanding, Lt. Col. Gilbert Cooper and Majors as given on page 290, John Ferrand, Surgeon, Joseph Johnson, Qr. Mr., Joseph Hunt, Qr. Mr. Sergt., James Onderdonck, Sergt. Major. Capt. Joseph Crane is an additional Captain. A. A. A. 85. Col. Johu Hathorn's Regt. of Militia of Orange County "in the service of the United States of America," was called out " on an alarm at Minisink" in July, 1777. Additional names, given in A. A. A. 11, 12, are Lieut. Fenn, Ensign William Miller, Qr. Mr. Sero;t. George Luckey. A detachment ofthe same Regt., tbe Companies of Captains Sayres, Shepard and Minthorn, commanded by Major Poppino, was called out at Minisink in June, 1779. Van Duzer, Christ'r, Capt., Col. Hathorn. Company of 1 Capt., 1 Lieut., 1 Sergt. and 20 Privates, in pay from 14th to 22d of Decbr., 1777. A. A A. 218. Shephard, Colville, Capt., Col. Hathorn. Company of 1 Captain, 1 Sergt. and 7 Privates, called out on an alarm at Minisink from June 12 to 19, 1779. A. A. A. 208. Minthorn, John, Captain. Col. Hathorn. 1 Capt., 1 Lieut., 1 Ensign, 2 Sergts., 38 Privates, four days in May, 1780, under command of Col. Wisner. A. A. A. 310. Hathorn's Regt. Orange Co., Mil., was called out under command of Lt. Col. Henry Wisner on an alarm at Mini- sink in May, 1781. A. A. A. 193. A Detachment of Col. Hathorn's Regt. of Levies was in active service for the defence of the frontiers from Octbr. 20, 1779, to January 20, 1780, Lieut.-Col. Gilbert Cooper in command, with Jacob Wood, Qr. Mr. Sergt., and John Ferrand, Surgeon's Mate. Captains John Gardinear and John Blauvelt are mentioned. A. A. A., p. 84. Detachmeuts from Hathorn's, Ellison's, Woodhull's, McClaughrey's and Johnson's Regiments of Militia were in active service from Aug. 3 to Septbr. 2, 1779, under command of Major Moses Phillips. Peter Crons was Quarter Master; Captains Andrew Miller and Ostrander commanded companies. A. A. A. 60. The First Tryon Co. Regt. of Militia, commanded by Lt.-Col. Samuel Clyde, was in active service at different times from June 15, 1779, to January 1, 1783. A. A. A. 80. Additional officers were : Dr. Adam Frank, Surgeon in 1779 ; Dr. David Younglove, Surgeon in 1780 ; Captains, Adam Lipe and John Roof (Ruff). Lienert Harning is returned as in captivity. Col. Jacob Klock's, or the Second Regt. of Tryon Co. Militia, was in active service from Febr. 18 to Aug 18, 1779, and from March 10 to Sept. 1, 1780. A. A. A., page 43, gives the following additional names of officers : Christian W. Fox, Major. Andrew Irvin, Adjutant. John George Vock, Surgeon. Captain, John Zedy. Captain, John Ruff. Col. Jacob Klock's, the Second Regt. of Tryon Co. Militia, was called into service "on different alarms to oppose the common enemy " between October, 1780, and May, 1783, with the following additional officers (A. A. A. 102) ¦ A Pay-Roll of Col. Fisher's, the 3d Regt. of Tryon Co. Militia (A. A. A. 170) has as Adjutants ; John Lansing, Jr. Volkert Veader; as Quartermaster, Teod. F. Romine; and as Surgeon. Folke. John Geo. Wach, Surgeon, I Samuel Gray, Adjutant. John Schulz, Sergt Major. | Rudolph Kock and Peter Sutz, Captains. The Fourth Tryon Co. Regt. was on duty at different dates from June 12, 1779, to December, 1780 ; in 1781 and in 1782. Additional officers are (A. A. A. 117 and 118) : Peter Bellinger, Jr., Qr. Mr. ; Captain, Fred. Frank, and G. Henry Bell, Guide. Appendix. 543 In the Alphabetical Roster of State Troops some names are given as of Van Schaick's Regiment. They were of the Fourth Tryon Co. Regiment of Militia, and had been ordered out by Col. van Schaick for the defence of the stores at Fort Herkimer from January 1 to April 30, 1780, Lieut. John Smith iu command. A. A. A. 161. Swart, Phil., Capt., Col. Snyder. lBt Ulster. 1 Capt., 2 Lieuts., 3 Sergts., 4 Corpls., 1 Drum., 1 Fifer, 48 Priv., from May 3 to June 3, 1779, on the western frontier under Col. Cantine. A. A. A . 273. A. Detachment, four Companies, of the Second Ulster County Regt. of Militia was called out from June 1 to June 10, 1779, and June 26 to July 1, 1780. Lieut. Col. Jacob Newkirk was in command and had as Qr. Mr. in 1779, Evans Whorry, in 1780 Peter Crance. In 1780 David Crawford is cited as Captain. A. A. A. 65. Cantine, John, Col., Ulster Co. Mil. The Regt. was called at various dates, not given, in 1779, 1780 and 1781. A. A. A. 193. Brinkerhoff, John, Capt., Col. Cantine's. Company called out from Dec. 8 to Dec. 11, 1778. 1 Capt., 1 Lieut., 1 Ensign, 1 Sergt., 1 Corpl., and 9 Priv. A. A. A. 211. Freer, Daniel, Lieut. Col. Cantine's Detachment of 2 Lieuts., 5 Sergts., 2 Corpls. and 60 Privates, called out at Wawarsing, April 13 to May 12, 1780. A. A. A. 212. Van Aken, Abr'm, Capt., Col. Pawling's. Detachment of 1 Capt., 1 Lieut., 2 Sergts., 2 Corpls., and 11 Privates, called out on an expedition to Oghquago from Aug. 10 to Sept. 1, 1779. A. A. A. 218. Detachments of the Fourth Ulster Co. Regt., Lieut.-Col. Jobs. Johnsou commanding, were called out at various dates from 1779 to 1782. A. A. A. 21 and 22. Capt. Peter Roosa, Lieut. Joseph Crawford and Sergt. Hendrick Roosecrans are additional officers Houston, James, Capt., Ulster Co. Ass. Ex'ts. 1 Capt., 2 Lieuts., 1 Ensign, 3 Sergts., 7 Priv. at West Point, June 1-10, 1779. A. A. A. 241. Honeywell, Israel, Captain of Hammond's. 1 Capt., 3 Lieuts., 4 Sergts. and 89 Privs. in active service from Nov. 1, 1780, to July 31, 1781. A. A. A. 198. Five Companies of Col. Hammond's Regt. of Westchester Co. Militia were in active service from May 27, 1779, to May 25, 1780, under command of Major Jonathan H. Paulding. Lieut.-Col. James Hammond was on duty during the same time. A. A. A. 13, 138. A Company of Westchester Co. Militia, commanded, by Captain Jonathan Horton (First Regt.), "raised by the Committee of Westchester County for the defence of the Frontiers," was on duty from Decbr. 11, 1777, to March 31, 1778. A. A. A. 165. Lawrence, Caleb, Capt., Col. Thomas. 1 Lieut., 3 Sergts., 11 Privs., Febr. 16 to April 29, 1777; 1 Capt., 3 Segts., 2 Corpls., 14 Privs., Sept. 10 to Novbr. 12, 1778; 1 Capt., 3 Sergts., 2 Corpls., 14 Privs., Nov. 13, 1778, to May 15, 1779. 1 Capt., 2 Corpls., 14 Pri vates, May 16 to Sept. 17, 1779. A. A. A. 323. Gilbert, Abijah, Capt., Col. Thomas. 1 Capt., 2 Lieuts., 4 Sergts., 2 Corpls., 1 Fifer, 45 Privates from Octbr. 4 to 13, 1777. A. A. B. 14. Trusdell, Jesse, Capt., Col. Thomas. 1 Capt., 2 Lieuts., 1 Ensign, 3 Sergts., 1 Drummer, 32 Privates from August to Decbr., 1777. Thomas, John, Capt., Col. Thomas. ICapt., 2 Lieuts., 1 Sergt., 16 Privs., April 3 to Octbr. 9. 1777; 1 Capt., 2 Sergts., 7 Privs., April 15 to Novbr. 1, 1780. A. A. A. 322. Col. Pierre van Cortlandt's 3d Regiment of Westchester Co. Militia was "drawn out on an Alarm to oppose the Common Enemy at the Time, when Forts Clinton and Montgomery were taken," under command of Lt. Col. Drake, and served from Octbr. 3 to Novbr. 2, 1777, with the following additional Staff Officers. A. A. A. 109. Johu Gregory, Qr. Mr. I Eben'r White, Surgeon. Wm. Gaulerd, Sergt. Major. I Wm. Rogers, Qr. Mr. Sergt. The Third Regiment of Westchester Co. Militia, under Colonel Samuel Drake, was in active service form Aug. 15, 1778, to Novbr. 20, 1781. Adjutant: James Penoyer, Qr. Mr.: Robert Lang, Surgeons: Ebenezer White and Elias Cornelius. A. A. A. 164. Carpenter, Thomas, Lieut., Col. Thomas. 1 Lieut., 3 Sergts., 2 Corpls., 15 Privates from Sept. 12 to Nov. 12, 1778. A. A. A. 282. Lyon, Gilbert, Captain, Col. Thomas. 3 Capt., 1 Lieut., 3 Sergts., 3 Corpls., 13 Privs., June 10 to Octbr. 20, 1780; 1 Capt., 1 Lieut., 3 Sergts, 3 Corpls., 20 Privs., Novbr. 1 to Decbr. 10, 1780. A. A. B. 9. Wright, Wm., Lieut., Col. Thomas. 1 Capt., 3 Sergts., 2 Corpls., 23 Privs. for 26 days. A. A. A. 311. Hobby, David, Capt., Col. Thomas. 1 Capt., 2 Lieuts., 1 Ensign, 4 Sergts., 3 Corpls., 26 Privs., Sept. 10 to Nov. 10, 1777; 1 Capt., 2 Lieuts., 1 Ensign, 4 Sergts., 3 Corpls., 27 Privs., April 15 to July 1, 1777; 1 Capt., 2 Lieuts., 1 Ensign, 4 Sergts., 3 Corpls., 30 Privs., May 21 to July 28, 1779. A. A. B. 6. Vail, Joseph, Lieut., Col. Sam'l Drake's. 1 Lieut., 1 En sign, 4 Sergts., 4 Corpls., 1 Drum., 1 Fifer, 33 Privs., various times in 1779. A. A. B. 4. Buckhout, Abr'm, Capt., Col. Sam'l Drake's. 1 Capt., 1 Lieut., 3 Sergts., 1 Corpl., 23 Privates during May, June and July, 1779. A. A. B. 19. Haight, Samuel, Capt., Col. Sam. Drake's. Company called out Octbr. 3 to 6,- 1778, May 31 to July 15, Aug. 15 to 22, 1779, and Novbr. 13 to 16, 1781. A. A. A. 204. Capt. Sam'l Lewis of Crane's Fourth Westchester County Regt. was in active'service with Ensign Bouton and thirty men from Jan'y 18 to Sept. 8, 1781. A. A. A. 39. The Reo-iment of Ass. Exempts in Westchester Co., under Lt. Col. Benedict, Benjamin Miller acting as Surgeon, was iu service for two months iu 1780 and 1781. A. A. B. 17. Additional officers in the Regt. of Dutchess Co. Associated Exempts are given in Aud. Accts. A., p. 97, as follows:William Smith Adj't I James Odle, Qr. Mr. Sergt. from Oct. 25 to Nov. 5, 1779- Jacobus Sleght', Qr. Mr. I George Smart, Qr.Mr. Sergt., from Nov. 6to Nov. 20, 1779. 544 Appendix. John Broadhead Captains: Roger Kinnie Corn's van Santvoordt The Regiment was on active duty from Oct. 10 to Novbr. 21, 1779. Lewis Sam 1, Capt., Col Th. Crane's Company of 1 Capt., 1 Lieut , 1 Ensign, 4 Sergts., 4 Corpls., 1 Drum., 1 Fifer. 26 Pnv , from Oct. 27 to Novbr. 1, 1780. A. A. B. 19. Lockwood, Ephraim, Capt., Lt. Col. Crane's. Detachment of 1 Capt., 2 Lieuts., 4 Sergts, 2 Corpls. and 66 Privates on active duty from Juue 16 to 24, 1781. A. A. A. 219. The Fourth Regiment of Westchester Co. Militia was called out at different times, dates not given, between March, 1779, and Novbr , 1781, commanded by Major Thadeus Crane, promoted to Lieut.-Colonel Octbr. 21, 1780. The following additional officers are given. A. A. B. 47: Surgeon, Samuel Barnum. Captains Samuel Lawrence, and Ephraim Lockwood, and Lieut. Daniel Bouton. CASUALTIES. PRISONERS. From Regiments of Levies. Hetfield, Moses, Colonel, Orange Co. Mil., . (Goshen) Captain of a Comp of Minute Men, 1775, Major, Col. Sam'l Drake's, 1776. taken prisoner on Monte- zun's Island, Sept 23, 76, exch'd 1778, Commissary Dept till 1781, Colonel Militia. Goshen, Orange Co. Buyker, Silas, Priv. Col. Pawling, from Aug. 7, 1780, to Octbr. 23, 1781. Taylor. Elijah, Pnv., Capt. Rich'd Sackett's Levies, from Aug 15, 1780, to May 21, 1783. Sacket, Rich'd, Captain, Col. Pawling's, from Dec. 26, 1781, to Feb. 26, 1782. Bowen, Timotliv, Priv., Capt. Vrooman, from Oct. 23, 1780 to Oct. 1, 1782. Borst, Jacob J , Priv., from Oct. 3, 1780, to May 21, 1783. Bowen. Timothy, Private, from Oct. 23, 1780, to Decbr. 15. 1782. Brannon. Abr'm, Private, Capt. Jos. Drake, Oct. 23, 1780, to May 21, 1783. Delong, John, Priv., Oct. 23. 1780, to Oct. 26, 1782. Drake, Joshua, Captain, from Octbr. 23, 1780, to May 21, 1783 Eastwood, John, Private, Capt. Jos. Harrison, from Oct. 23, 1780, to Mav 21, 1783. Ecker, Leonard, Priv., from Oct. 23. 1780, to May 21, 1783. Hawkins, Stephen, Priv., from Oct. 23, 1780, to Nov. 25, 1782. Henrv, Hugh. Priv., Capt. Harrison Harper, from Octbr. 23. 1780, to Novbr. 11, 1781. Hogeboom, Peter, Private, from Oct. 23. 1780, to Decbr. 11, 1782. Hogle, Peter, Private, from Septbr 26, 1780, to May 21, 1783 Keeler, Isaiah, Private, Capt. Drake, from Oct. 23, 1780, to Decbr 12, 1782. Lattimore, Francis, Sergt., Capt. Bogart, from Oct. 23, 1780. to Mav 23, 1782. Mouross, Jesse, Priv , from Oct. 23, 1780. to May 21, 1783. Moss. Simeon, Priv., Capt. Drake, from Oct. 23, 1780, to Novbr. 23, 1781. Murray, Peter, Priv., Capt. Vrooman, from Oct. 23, 1780, to Decbr. 7, 1782. Post, Cornelius, Sergt., from Oct. 23, 1780, to July 12, 1781. Rene, Andrew, Sergt., Capt. Vrooman, from Octbr. 23, 1780, to Aug. 23, 1782. Rickerd, Jacob, Priv., Capt. Putnam, from Octbr. 553, 1780, to Septbr. 3, 1781. Sharp, Peter, Priv. , Capt. Vrooman, from Oct. 23, 1780, to May 21, 1783. Staring, George, Priv., Capt. Putman, from Octbr. 21, 1780, to May 21, 1783. Stark, Nathan, Private, Oct. 28, 1780, to Novbr. 26, 1781. Terry, Nath'l, Sergt., Sept. 26 to Oct. 10, 1780. Virgil, Abijah, Private, from Octbr. 23, 1780, to Nov. 17, 1782. Vrooman, Walter, Captain New Levies, Col. John Har per's, taken prisoner at Kanassoraga, in the Indian Country, Oct. 23, 1780 ; released July 29, 1783. Nor- manskill, Albany Co. and Schenectady. Winne, Kilian, Priv., from Oct. 23, 1780, to May 21, 1783. Putnam, David, Corpl., Col. Willet's Levies, from Sept. 7, 1781, to Decbr. 18, 1783. Savage, Joel, Private, Col. Willet's Levies, from Sept. 7, 1781, to Nov. 29, 1782. Schermerhorn. John L., Priv., Col. Willet's Levies, from Sept. 7, 1780, to May 21, 1783. Tanner, Jacob, Sergt., Capt. Putmau, Col. Willet's Levies, from Oct. 24, 1781, to Dec , 18, 1782. Valentine, Stephen, Priv., Willet's Levies, from Sept. 7, 1781, to Novbr. 29, 1782. r Vols, Conrad, Priv., Capt. Elsworth, Col. Willet. from July 6, 1781, to Decbr. 11, 1782. White, Stephen, Captain, Lt.-Col. M. Willet's Levies, comm'd Spring 1781 ; taken prisoner near Johnstown, Oct. 26, 1781 ; exchanged Fall of 1782. Ballston. Appendix. 545 From the Militia. Pay roll of Sundry Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates of the Albany County Regiment of Militia, Commauded by Col. Jacobus Van Schoonhoven, who were Prisoners in Canada. Name and Rank. James Gordon, Lt.-Col. . Tyranis Collins, Capt Caleb Benedict, Ensign. John Sprague, Sergeant. Thos. Barnum, do John Davis, do James Gordon, Private. . Elijah Benedict, do . . Felix Benedict, do . . Elijah Sprague, Captain. David Rumsey, do Epenetus White, Lieut. When taken. When returned Oct. 17, 1780. Nov. 19, 1782 do May 21, 1783 do do do Dec. 6, 1783 do do do Nov. 1, 1782 do Dec. 10, 1782 do Dec. 6, 1783 do do Oct. 17, 1780. Dec. 8, 1782 June 11, 1781. May 21, 1783 do Nov. 9, 1782 Name and Rank. Isaac Palmateer, Priv . Josiah Hollister, do . John Higby, do . Lewis Higby, do . Jabez Patchen, do . Edw. A. Watrous, do . Thos. Kennedy, do . Enoch Wood, do . Sam'l Patchen, Lieut. . Hend. Bonter, do Christ. Bonter, Ensign. When taken. Oct. 17, 1780. do dodo do do do do When returned. Dec. 6, 1782. do Sept. 1, 1781. do do Novbr. 4, 1782. Novbr. 9, 1782. Dec. 8, 1782. May 17, 1781. Dec. 8, 178 June 11, 1781. Nov. 18, 1782. do do Harper, Alex'r, Capt., Col. Peter Ziely (?), from April 7, 1780, to Novbr. 38, 1782. A. A. B. 235. Vrooman, Ephr'm, Lieut -Col. i Vrooman, from Aug. 9, 1780, to Aug. 31, 1781. A. A. A. 291. Detachment of Col. Van Woert's Albany Co. Regt. ordered out to Skeensborough and taken prisoners March 7, 11, 1782. Col. Frear, from Jan'y 8 to Oc- 1780 Loop, Henry, Ensign, released Nov. 24, 1782 Woolswo'rth, Wm., Sergt., released May 18, 1780 Seelye, David, Private, released June 11, 1782 Rodgers, James, do do June 11, 1782 Gray, Wm., do - do Septbr. 3, 1782 Sherwood, Seth, Capt. of Comp. of Ex-] w r> t in emptsinCo). Webster's Charlotte Co., ' 1.1°™ V" \Y,Y cn j xt a * r 1780, to JNov. Sherwood, Necome, Sergeant, Harris, Moses, Private, Furman, Alex'r, Ensign tober 11, 1777. Harper, Godfrey, Priv., Capt. John Drake, Col. Graham, from Aug. 23 to Decbr. 33, 1778. Smith, Richard, Priv., Capt. Adiel Sherwood, Col. Gra ham, at Fort Anne, from July 15, 1780, to May 21, 1783. Williams, Daniel, Captain, Col. M. Graham, from Decbr. 25, 1778, to- March 8, 1780. Runnels, Wm., Priv., Col.Woodhull, from Oct. 6, 1777, to Aug. 6, 1778. Moore, Joseph,, Private, Col. Allison, from Octbr. 4, 1777, to Feb'y 25, 1778. Sheridan, Rich'd, and 1 taken prisoners October 6, Thompson, James, Privs., >• 1777, and released. July and in Col. Allison's, ) Aug., 1778. Wood, John, Captain, Col. Allison, from July 20, 1779, to July 31, 1783. Marvin, Ephraim, Adjt., Col. Josiah Smith, from Decbr. 6, 1717, to May 8, '1778. Bost, Christ., Private, Capt. Dygart, 1st Tryon Co., from April 13, 1780, to May 21, 1783. Cannon, Mathew, Priv., Col, Clyde, from Novbr. 11, 1778, to Novbr. 11, 1780. Dygart, Severinus, Private, Capt. Dygart, from Octbr. 4, 1780, to Aug. 4, 1782. Fosse, Adam, Private, Capt. Dygart, from Sept. 19, 1777, to May 21, 1783. Thomas, Robert, Private, released Novbr. 24, 1782 Bump, Aaron, do do Novbr. 24, 1782 Bessy, Ephr'm, do do March 14, 1782 Norton, David, 'do do March 20, 1782 Blowen, Wm., do' do May 18, 1780 Furro, Rudolph, Private, Capt. Dygart, from May 23, 1780, to May 21, 1783. Hause, Jacob, Priv., from Anril 11, 1779, to January 10, 178-., House, George, Private, from June 9, 1781, to May 21, 1783. House, Nicholas, Private, Capt. Dygart, from Aug. 1, 1781, to May 21, 1783. House, Peter, Priv., from Octbr. 23, 1780, to May 21, 1783. Loucks, Peter, Priv., from April 11, 1779, to Jany. 21, 1782. Myer, Henrv, Ensign, Capt. Dygart, from April 13, 1780, to Oct. 5, 1783. Revershon, John Peter, Priv., Capt. Dygart, from Octbr. 23, 1780. Schefer, Adam, Priv., from to Octbr. 23, 1780. Schuyler, Jacob, Priv., Capt. Dygart, from Octbr. 23,1780, to May 31, 1783. Schuyler, Nicholas, Priv., Capt. Dygart, from Octbr. 23. 1780, to May 21, 1783. Schuyler, David, Jr., Priv., Capt. Dygart, from June 9, 1781, to May 21, 1783. Shairman, George, Corpl., Capt. Dygart, from July 27, 1780, to May 21, 1783. Smith, Jobs., Private, from Oct. 16, 1780, to May 21, 1783. A. A. B. 54. Van Slyck, Garret, Priv., from July 4, 1780, to May 21, 1783. Woolver.John, Priv., Capt. Dygart, Col. Clyde's 1st Tryon, from July 18, 1781, to Dec. 11, 1782. A. A. A. 230. SECOND TRYON REGIMENT. Baxter, Thos., Priv., from May 27, 1780, to April 19, 1783. Boyer, Valentine, Priv., Capt. Keyser, from May 3, 1781, to Decbr. 3, 1782. A. A. A. 225. Casselman, Peter, Priv., from Aug. 2, 1780, to Nov. 2, 1781. Eadle, George, Priv., from April 3 to 25, 1780. Farbush, John, Priv., from April 3, 1780, to May 21, 1783. Feeling, Jacob, Priv., from Aug. 5, 1780, to Sept. 5, 1781. Feeling, John D., Priv., from Aug. 14, 1781, to Sept. 5, 1781. Feeling, John J., Priv., from May 10, 1781, to Nov. 15, 1782. Forbush, Barth'w, Priv., from Sept. 19, 1779, to April 21, 1783. 546 Appendix. Forbush, Nichs., Priv., from April 10, 1780, to May 19, 1783. Gerlach, Adam, Priv., from July 30 to Decbr. 16, 1782. Helmer, John, Priv., Capt. Keyser, from April 3, 1779, to May 21, 1783. Hillegas, Peter, Priv., from Aug. 22, 1780, to May 21, 1783. Keyser, Johs., Captain, March 15, 1780, to Sept. 3, 1781. AAA 291 Klocki Conrad, Priv., from May 27, 1780, to AprU 19, 1783. Klock, Jacob Conrad, Lieut., from March 6, 1780, to May 21, 1783. Kring, John, Lieut., from Sepbr. 5, 1780, to May 21, 1783. Laucks, George, Lieut., from Octbr. 6, 1781, to Decbr. 6, 1782. Lawer, Conrad, Lieut., from Oct. 17, 1780, to Decbr. 6, 1782. Lawer, John, Lieut., from Octbr. 17, 1780, to Decbr. 6, 1782. Lobdell, Isaac, Lieut., from April 1, 1780, to May 21, 1783. Nellis, George, Lieut., from July 15, 1782, to May 21, 1783. Newman, Joseph, Lieut., from March 2, 1780, to May 21, 1783. A. A. B. 56. Peifer, Jobs., Lieut., from April 3, 1779, to May 24, 1783. Pickard, Barth'w, Lieut., from April 3, 1780, to May 1, 1783. Pickard, John, Lieut., from Aug. 26, 1781, to Novbr. 11, 1782. Rumsnider, Henry, Priv., from Sept. 2, 1780, to Sept. 2, 1781. SchUlds, Hendrick, Priv., from July 26 to Dec. 10, 1781. Schulds, Johannes, Priv., from July 26 to Dec. 10, 1781. Schulds, Wm„ Sergt., from July 26, 1781, to Decbr. 8, 1782. Sits, Peter, Ensign, from June 2, 1778, to Nov. 9, '80. A. A. A. 142. Spanknebel, John, Private, from Aug. 5, 1777, to Sept. 3, 1781. A. A. A. 136. Staring, Jacob, Priv., Capt. House, from May 21, 1780, to May 21, 1783. A. A. A. 301. Timmerman, Jacob, Priv., Capt. House, from Aug. 5, 1781, to Decbr. 1, 1782. A. A. A. 291. Van Slyck, Jacobus, Priv., from Sept. 24, 1779, to March 20, 1783. Walrath, Adolph, Priv., from May 26, 1781, to Sept. 3, 1781. Walrath, John A., Priv., from May 26, 1781, to Decbr. 20, 1783. Woleben, Nichs., Priv., Capt. Dygart, from June 3, 1780, to May 16, 1781. A. A. B. 42. Zeely, John, Lieut., from Oct. 25, 1781, to Nov. 24, 1782. A. A. A. 136. THIRD TRYON COUNTY REGIMENT. Fry, John, Brigade Major, from Aug. 6, 1777, to Oct. 28, 1778. Bluen, John, Major, Aug. 2, 1777, to Dec. 1, 1777. Appa rently dead in Decbr. Crowley, Jeremiah, Private, Capt. Jellis Fonda, from Oct. 25, 1781, to Novbr. 9, 1782. Bellinger, Christian, Priv., Capt. Yates, Col. V. Veeder, from Oct. 26, 1781, to May 21, 1783. Bellinger, Phil., Priv., Capt. Yates, Col. Veeder, from Oct. 24, 1781, to Nov. 15, 1782. Moyen, Jacob, Priv., Capt. Yates, Col. V. Veeder, from Oct. 24, "1781, to Dec. 18, 1782. Rankin, James, Jr., Priv., Capt. Marc Demout's Rangers, from March 15, 1777, to May 21, 1783. Sammons, Fred'k, Sergt., from May 22, 1780, to Sept. 1, 1782. Terwilliger, Hermanus, Sergt., from May 22, 1780, to Aug. 29, 1781. FOURTH TRYON COUNTY REGIMENT. Demouth Marcus, Captain, Col. Lewis Dubois, Levies, Col. Peter Bellinger's Mil. 9 months in Dubois' Regt., 3 months in Harper's, Capt. of Rangers 18 months, shot through left arm and taken prisoner October 29, 1780, at German Flats, near Fort Dayton. Kingsland Distr. Dinus, Jacob, Priv., £apt. Staring, from July 15, 1780, to Decbr. 14, 1782. Docksteder, George, Priv., Novbr. 29, 1780, to Jany. 6, 1783. Eckler, Leonard, Jr., Priv., Oct. 23, 1780, to May 21, 1783. Gitman, Fred., Capt., Oct. 23, 1780, to Nov. 14, 1782. Herter, Lawrence, Priv., from June 21, 1782, to Dec. 14, 1782. Hillor, John, Priv., Capt. Staring, from July 14, 1780, to Aug. 27, 1781. Ittick, Christr., Sergt.. July 14, 1780, to Dec. 14, 1782. Keller, Georg Nichs., Private, June 14, 1780, to Oct. 14, 1781. Petri, Jacob, Ensign, June 14, 1780, to Dec. 14, 1782. Piper, Andrew, Ensign, June 14, 1780, to Dec. 14, 1782. Rigel, Fred'k, Priv., from Oct. 31, 1780, to Novr. 22,1782. Schomaker, John, Jr., Priv., Capt. Frank, from May 12, 1781, to Oct. 1, 1782. Schomaker, Thos., Priv., from May 12, 1781, to Dec. 14, 1782. Staring, Henry, Priv., Capt. Frank, Col. Bellinger, Prisoner from Oct. 16, 1780, to Novbr. 10, 1782. Wederick, Jacob, Priv., from Octbr. 29, 1780, to May 21, 1783,, SECOND ULSTER COUNTY REGIMENT. Dearkis, John, Sergt., from Oct. 6, 1777, to May 27, 1778. Denton, Isaac, Priv., from Oct. 6, 1777, to July 1, 1778. Humphrey, Geo., Priv., from Oct. 6, 1777 to Aug. 10, 1778. Humphrey, James, Priv., from Oct. 6, 1777,to Aug. 8, 1778. Humphrys, Wm., Sergt., from Oct. C, 1777, to Aug. 8, 1778. Slott, Cornelius, Sergt., from Oct. 6, 1777, to July 20, 1778. Stinaon, Wm., Private, from Oct. 6, 1777, to Aug. 10, 1778. Storm, Abrm., Priv., Capt. Onderdonk, Col. Pawling, from March 21, 1777, to Aug. 7, 1778- Van Nosdall, John, Corpl., from Oct. 6, 1777, to July 20, 1778. Wilson, And'w, Priv., from Octbr. 6, 1777, to July 8,1778. Wool, Ellis, Priv., taken Oct. 6, 1777, and died as prisoner Jan'y 14, 1778. Wool, Robert, Priv., from Oct. 6, 1777, to Aug. 8, 1778. Appendix. 547 FIRST WESTCHESTER COUNTY REGIMENT. Acker, Abr'm, Priv., Capt. Dan'l Martin, from May 1, 1780, to Jan'y 1, 1781. Acker, Jacob, Private, Capt. Honeywell, from March 4 to June 6, 1782. Bailey, John, Priv., Capt. Martling, from May 20 to Novbr. 5, 1780. Bennington, isaac, Private, Capt. Sherwood, in Canada from Oct. 10, 1780, to Oct. 23, 1782. Boyce, Thomas, Ensign, Capt. Honeywell, from March 4 to June 6, 1782. Burgess, Archer, Priv., Capt. |Honeywell, from March 4 to June 6, 1783. Covenhoven, Edw., Priv., Capt. Martling, from Sept. 27, 1778, to Feb. 14, 1779. Delamater, Isaac, Priv., from July 2, 1779, to Novbr. 5, 1780. Devoe, David. Priv., Capt. Honeywell, Col. Hammond, from Sept. 1, 1780, to Jany. 1, 1781. Haynes, Jobn, Sergt. , Capt. Jesse Hunt, Col. Jos. Drake, from Jany. 13 to March 19, 1777. Hornbeck, Henry, Private, Capt. Isr. Honeywell, from March 4 to 19, 1783. McChain, Jobn, Priv., Capt. Isr. Honeywell, from Decbr. 17, 1779, to April 30, 1780. Marsh, Samuel, Priv., Capt. Orser, from Dec. 17, 1779, to Decbr. 27, 1780. Purdy, Solomon, Priv., Capt. Honeywell, from March 4 to June 6, 1782. Requa, Isaac, Lieut, and Adjt., from Jan. 31, 1779, to March 10, 1780. Retong, Wm., Priv., from July 2, 1779, to Nov. 5, 1780. Sherwood, Stephen, Ensign, Capt. Honeywell, from March 4 to 19, 1782. Taylor, Eli, Private, from July 2, 1779, to Novbr. 5, 1780. Van Tassel, Abrm., Private, from July 2, 1779, to Novbr. 5, 1780. Van Tassel, David, Private, from July 2, 1779, to Novbr. 5, 1780. Van Tassel, Isaac, Sergt., from July 2, 1779, to Novbr. 5, 1780. Van Tassel, Jacob, Lieut., from Novbr. 17, 1777, to Octbr. 17, 1778, and from July 1, 1779, to Novbr. 27, 1781. Youngs, Joseph, Priv., Capt. Gale Requaw, from Decbr. 25, 1778, to Sept. 25, 1779. SECOND WESTCHESTER COUNTY REGIMENT. Thomas, Thomas, Colonel, from Novbr. 12, 1778, to May 15, 1779. * Aarhart, George, Private, in prison 1 month 15 days. Angevine, Gilbert, from June 11, 1781, to March 1, 1783. Astine, Amos, Private, from March 1 to Sept. 1, 1781. Banks, Jon'n, Private, from Octbr. 3 to Decbr. 20, 1781. Banks, Samuel, Ensign, from Decbr. 2, 1781, to b'ttit. 15, 1783. Black, Isaac, from April 4 to Octbr. 2, 1780. Brown, Joseph, from Febr. 8 to June 1, 1780. Carpenter, Rufus, from Febr. 16 to May 19, 1781. Carpenter, Wright, Lieut., from Febr. 16 to July 4, 1781. Charlick, Henry, from Aug. 31 to Novbr. 9, 1780. Clapp, Benjamin, Private, from March 1 to Septbr. 1, 1781. Clapp, Henry, from Febr. 16 to Septbr. 2, 1781. Craft, William, Private, from June 26 to Septbr. 24,1779. Donaldson, Joseph, from April 29. 1777, to Novbr. 14, 1781. Feeks, Robert, from Decbr. 18, 1781, to Septbr. 17, 1782. Ferris, Daniel, from July 12 to Octbr. 4, 1779. Finch, Elnathan, Private, Capt. Moseman, from June 11 to Sept. 11, 1781. Franklin, James, Private, Capt. Lyon, from July 19 to Decbr. 19, 1781. Gilcrease, Samuel, Private, in prison 1 month 15 days. Gilchrist, Samuel, from Feb. 16 to Septbr. 16, 1781. Green, Benjamin^ Private, from May 11 to Octbr. 11, 1780. Harris, William, Private, from March 3 to Sept. 3, 1781. Haynes, David, Private, from March 1 to Septbr. 1, 1781. Hegens, Ebn'r, from June 11 to Septbr. 5, 1781. Hobby, David, Major, from Septbr. 3 to Octbr. 22, 1781. Hobby, Jon'n, Private, from Febr. 5 to May 18, 1780. Holmer, David, Sergt., from Novbr. 1, 1780, to Jan'y 1, 1781. Holmes, Nath'l, from June 13 to Novbr. 6, 1781. Hunt, Phil., Private, from March 18 to July 25, 1782. Hutchins, Abs., from June 10 to Novbr. 5, 1780, and from Febr'y 16 to March 5, 1781. Hynard, Mich'l, from June 24 to Aug. 15, 1779. Jacobs, Abr'm, from Decbr. 12, 1781, to Febr. 21, 1782 Kerby, Stephen, from Novbr. 1 to Decbr. 10, 1781. Lambert, Jon'n, Private, from March 28 to Octbr. 2, 1781. Lyon, Gilbert, Captain, from Decbr. 11, 1780, to April 11 1781 Lyon, John, Private, in prison 1 month 15 days, and from April 21 to Septr. 6, 1781. Lyon, Samuel, Private, Capt. Hobby, from April 26 to Aug. 15, 1777. Lyon, Samuel, Private, Capt. Lyon, from Decbr. 17, 1780, to Novbr. 4, 1781. Maynard, Eliza B., from Novbr. 12, 1778, to April 1, 1779. Miller, Sam'l, Private, Capt. Josiah Miller, from July 2, 1779, to May 4, 1780. Moseman, Marcus, Captain, from Novbr. 20, 1780, to April 18, 1781. Mosher, John, from April 27 to Decbr. 2, 1780. Nelson, Eli, Priv., from Jan. 8 to Septbr. 17, 1780, and from May 25 to Aug. 1, 1781. Organ, Corn's, from Mav 4 to Sept. 1, 1781. Owen, Joseph, Jr., from Novbr. 20, 1780, to Jan'y 8, 1781, Rundell, Richard, from March 3 to Septbr. 3, 1781. Smith, Isaac, Private, Capt. Lyon, from June 5 to Septbr. 6,1781. Smith, John, Qr. Mr., from Febr. 15 to March 30, 17f 1. Smith, Jobn, Sergt., from June 16, 1779, to Nov. 5, 1780. Sniffen, James, from Novbr. 12, 1777, to March 8, 1779. Sniffen, Reuben, from July 11 to Decbr. 9, 1779. Sticklen, John, from May 9 to Novbr. 5, 1780. Thomas, Edward, Lieut., from March 1 to Novbr. 1,1781. Vincent, Joseph, Priv., from March 1 to Sept. 1, 1781. Vorhas, Samuel, from Octbr. 28, 1781, to March 20, 1782. Wardell, Eliakim, from Decbr. 30, 1779, to Jan'y 2, 1780, and May 12 to Septbr. 2, 1780. Webb, Sylvanus, Priv., from March 1 to Septbr. 1, 1781. Weeks, James, from May 2 to Septbr. 3, 1781. Westcott, Ananias, from March 16 to Novbr. 30, 1777. Worden, George, ) f A n 4 to 0ctbr 3 lm Worden, Valentine, J r Wright, Wm., Lieut., from Febr. 16 to Octbr. 28, 1781. Youngs, Joseph, from Febr. 16 to Oct. 8, 1781. 548 Appendix. THIRD WESTCHESTER COUNTY REGIMENT. Bashford, Wm., Sergeant, Col. Sam. Drake, from June 35 to Aug. 13, 1779. Bouton, Daniel, Priv., Capt. Sam'l Delavan, from March 16, 1777, to Nov. 1 following. Conckling, Francis, Private, Capt. Kronkhite, from July 10, 1799, to Nov. 10, 1780. S"SThos.,PdoV'' f *™ ^ 10. «™. toN- ^ ™ Dusenbury, Henry, Private, Capt. Kronkhite, Col. Sam. Drake, from Octbr. 1, 1779, to Jau'y 1, 1780. Dusenburv, Richard, Private, Col. Sam'l Drake, from Octbr" 1, 1779, to Febr. 28, 1780. Garginear, Hermanus, Ensign, Col. Gilbert Drake, from March 4 to Aug. 9, 1778. Lang, Robert, Qr. Mr. Sergt., Col. Jam'l Drake, from Sept. 15, 1776, to Dec. 30, 1776. Lucas Wm. B., Farrier, Delavan's Lt. Horse, from June 17, 1781, to May 21, 1783. Porter, Jon'n, Lieut., Capt. Buckhout, Col. Gilbert Drake, March 8 to Aug. 10, 1778. Teller, James, Captain, Col. Sam'l Drake, from J une 24, 1779, to Jan'y 1. 1781. FOURTH WESTCHESTER COUNTY REGIMENT. The "Audited Accounts, A., p. 144," have a Pay-roll of Lieut. Isaac Keeler's Company of Lieut.-Col. T. Crane's Regiment, taken prisoners June 24, 1779, while Crane did not become Lieut.-Colonel until October following, and the Minutes of the Council of Appointments (See page 306, ante) place the officers into Drake's or the 3d Regt. of West chester Co. Keeler, Isaac, Lieut., released March 24, 1781. K1 toS^r '¦ } ™™°* °^- * "m. Baxter, John, Priv., released Jany. 9, 1780. Brown, Ananias, Priv. Buckbee, Russell, Priv. Clark, Daniel, Priv. German, David, Priv. Graham, Robert, Priv. Hartford, Eph., Priv. Jump, Wm., Priv., released Jany. 9, 1780. Gray, John, Private, 2d N. Y. , Col. van Schaick, from Sept. 25, 1775, to June 22, 1777. Van Dyck, A. C, Captain, Col. John Lasher, 5 months' service, from Decbr. 1, 1776, to May 8, 1778. Released Aug. 14, 1779. -Released Aug. 14, 1779. Knox, Abr'm, Priv. Mnnro, Jos., Priv. Northrup, Abijah, Priv. Quick, John, Priv. Raymond, Sands, Priv. Reseque, John, Priv. Riggs, Daniel, Priv. Sherman, Peter, Priv., released Jan. 9, 1780. Steward, Stephen, Priv. ) Rplpa„„d An~ u 177q Whitney, Jas., Priv. \ Pleased Aug. 14, 1C/9. Parmerton, Abijah, Priv., Capt. Benj. Stevenson's Levies, from Octbr. 19, 1780, to April 15, 1781. Lewis, John, Sergt., Capt. Robt. Yates, from Oct. 24- 1781, to Decbr. 18, 1782. Wounded or Died in Service. Bliven, John, Major, Col. Fred. Fisher, wounded and cap tured at Oriskanie, Aug. 6, 1777; died in captivity. Blie, John Christian, Priv., 1st N. Y. Died in the ser vice July 23, 1781. Bradt, James, Private, 1st N. Y. Died in service Aug. 1778. Buice, Abr'm, Private, Col. Hammond. Died of his wounds Decbr. 10, 1780. Buyse, Jacob, Priv., Col. Hammond. Wounded July 22, 1780. Christie, John, Corpl., 2d N. Y. Died in service July 28, 1781. Cransbery, Francis, Priv., 3d N. Y. Died in captivity Septbr. 5, 1780. Derusia, Anth'y, Priv., 2d N. Y. Died in service Octbr. 22, 1783. Dietz, Peter, Captain, Col. Abraham Wemple's Albany Co. Mil. since Sept. 9, '77. Wounded by accident Oct. 18, '77, died next day. Bern, Albany Co. Dimond, Moses, Priv., 2d N. Y. Died in the service Decbr. 10, 1781. Falls, Sam'l, Priv., Col. McClaughrey. Died of his wounds Jany. 5, 1778. Fisher, Fred'k, Colonel, wounded and scalped at Caugh- nawaga May 23, 1780. Gildersleeve, Daniel, Sergt., Col. Malcome's Cont's. Died in service March 15, 1778. Godwin, Joseph, Priv., Capt. Bauman, Col. Lamb's Arty. Died in the service Oct. 10, 1778. Horton, Thomas, Captain, Col. Elihu Marvin. Prisoner Oct. 6, 1777; died in captivity Jany. 30, 1778. House, John, Priv., 1st N. Y. Died in the service Janu ary 17, 1783, as per Col. van Schaick's Certificate. Howe, Baxter, Lieut., Col. Lamb's Arty. Died in service Septbr. 22, 1781. Ingraham, Thomas, Priv., 5th N. Y. Died in service Febry. 18, 1777. Jarvis, Nath'l, Corpl, 4th N. Y. Died in service May 12, 1778. Jayne, William, Private, Capt. Jon'n Titus, 4th N. Y. En listed Nov. 25, '76 ; died in service Febr. 24, '77. Brookhaven, L.tf., A. P. 20-442. Ketchum, Isaac, Private, Capt. Titus, 4th N. Y. En listed Nov. 21, '76; died in service at Fishkill, July 21, '77. A. P. 20-274. Knapp, Aaron, Priv.. 5th N. Y. Died in prison Jany,, 1778. Miller, John, Priv., oth N. Y. Died in captivity on or about Jany. 1, 1778. Miller, Justus, Priv., Col. Livingston Cont's. Died in the service March 23, 1777. Mills, Daniel, Captain, 2d N. Y. In the Northern Army as Captain in 1776, commissioned in 2d N. Y. Febr. 9, 1776; died in service April 32, 1776. Norton, Henry, Priv., 1st N. Y. Died Decbr. 1, 1781. Petri, Hanjost, Sergt., Col. Bellinger's. Died of his wounds Aug. 30, 1777. Smith, James, Priv., 2d N. Y. Died in service Sept. 30, 1779. Stine, John, Priv., Col. Thomas. Died of his wounds Aug. 15, 1781. Appendix. 549 Teller, Pierre, Priv., Col. Sam.' Drake. Died of his wounds Febr. 19, 1783. Walker, John, Private, Col. Malcom's Cont's Died in service July 31, 1778. Wilkins, George, Priv., Col. McClaughry. Died of his wounds in Hospital, New Vork, Jany, 31, 1778. Killed in Action. Vergereau, Peter, Lieut., Col. McDougall's. Killed Aug. i Green, Wm. , Lieut., 14th Albany Co. Regt. Killed July 20, 1776. 26, 1777. Hagarty, Morter, Priv., Col. Ludington. Killed Jany. 31, 1777. Williams, Jobn, Priv., Col. Sam. Drake. Killed March 16, 1777. Muncey, John, Lieut., 17th Albany County Regiment. Killed at Moses Creek, August 2, 1777. BaTdt, Christ'n, Sergt. Campbell, Robert, Lieut. Diffendorf, Henry, Captain. Davy, Thos., Private. Gago, George, Private. Garloch, Chas., Sergt. Grinnall, James, Lieut. Hahn, Conrad, Private. Heath, Nath'l, Lieut. House, Conrad, Private. House, Henry, Private. Jackson, Joseph, Private. Keller, Solomon, Private. Klock, Adam, Lieut, of Exempts. Baun, John Geo., Private. Bellinger, Fredk., Private, Bellinger, John, Lieut. Bellington, James, Priv. Comb, Uriel, Sergt. Cox, Ebenezer, Lieut.-Col. Deygart, John, Captain. Dillenbach, Andr. , Captain. Empie, Jacob, Private. Finck, Christian, Corpl. Henner, Peter, Private. Davis, John, Captain. Frank, John, Private. Groet, Petrus, Private. Pettingall, John, Private. At Oriskanie, August 6, 1777. Of the 1st Tryon Co. Regiment : Levy, Michl Private. Marinus, Wm., Corpl. Markell, Wm., Private. Mathias, Hend., Private. Petrie, Nichs., Sergt. Ratenhower, Godfrey, Priv. Riebsom, Maths., Priv. Seeber, Adolph, Ensign. Seeber, Jacob W., Captain. Seeber, Severinus, Lieut. Seeber, William, Lieut.-Col. Vatterly, Henry, Private. Zoller, Jacob, Private. Of the 3d Tryon Co. Regiment : Huffnagel, Christ'n, Private. Lampman, Henry, Private. Lapper, Jacob, Private. Ritter, Jobs., Sergt. Snell, Fredk., Private. Snell, George, Sergt. Snell, Jacob, Private. Snell, Jacob F., Private. Snell, Joseph, Private. Van Slyck, Herm., Major. Of the 3d Tryon County Regiment : Pettingall, Sam'l, Captain. Philips, James, Private. Stouets, Phil., Private. Tuthill, Stephen, Corpl. Of the 4th Tryon Co. Regiment : Bell, Jacob, Private. Bellinger, John Fredk., Private, Clapsaddle, Aug., Major. Cunningham, And., Sergt. Eisenlord, John, Major. Foltz, Peter, Private. Helmer, Fredk., Private. Hiller, Jacob, Ensign. Hunt, Peter, Private. Iser, Fredk., Corpl. Van Veghten, Dirck; Major, 14th Albany Co. Regt. Mayer, Jacob, Private. Petri, Rich'd, Lieut. Renckel, Lawrence, Private. Schuyler, Phil., Private. Sharer, Christ., Private.; Small, Jacob, Captain. Steinway, Arnold, Sergt. Stephens, Fred., Private. Wohleber, Jobs., Private. Woolheber, Dederick, Private. Aug. 8, 1777. At Forts Clinton and Montgomery, October 6, 1777. Crans, Jacob, Private, 1st Ulster Co. Regt. I Van Osdall, James, Priv., 5th N. Y. Howell, Sephanial, Private, Col. Woodhull, Orange Co. Bensin, David, Private. Curwin, Theophilus, Private. Gage, James, Private. Halliday, David, Private. McBride, Francis, Private. Millican, James, Captain. Of the 2d Ulster County Regiment.- Milligan, Nath'l, Lieut. Monnell, Robert, Lieut. Rosa, Jacobus, Captain Stephenson, John, Private. Warren, Wm., Sergt. Wood, Joseph, Private. 550 Appendix. Curvin, Timothy, Sergt., Col. McClaughrey, Octbr. 18, 1777. Apply, Jacob, Private ) Col. Klock's at , April 20, Hart, Henry, Private ) 1778. Archer, Jacob, Private) Col H Decbr 39 im Burges, John, do J ¦" Bell, Frederick, Private, Bellinger, July 13, 1778. Bellinger, Peter, Priv., Col. Bellinger, June 29, 1778. Forster, Martinus, Priv., Col. Peter Vrooman, in action May 30, 1778. Garret, Samuel, Priv.," Col. v. Schaick's Cont's, at Mon mouth, J une 28, 1778. Graham, John, Lieut.-Col., McClaughery, Sept. 6, 1778. Lee, John, Priv., Capt. McKown.Col. S. Warner, July 15, 1779. Martling, Isaac, Sergt., Col. Hammond, May 27, 1779. Miller, James, Private, Col. Thomas, June 10, 1779. Moyer, John, Priv., Col. Bellinger, Sept. 16, 1778. Oxner, Nich's, Priv., Col. Bellinger, June 15, 1778. Quackenbush, Jacobus, Corpl., Col. S. Warner, July 15, 1779. Rion, Thos., Priv., Col. van Schaick's Conts.,May 28,1779. Slawter, Gilbert, Private, Thomas, Novbr. 12, 1778. Smith, Nich's, Priv., Capt. Hertev, Col. Bellinger, May 10, 1779. Van Tassel, John, Priv., Col. Hammond, May 27, 1779. White, John, Private, Col. Thomas, Nov. 21, 1778. White, Stephen, Private, Col. Hammond, Dec. 24, 1778. Wolf, Michael, Private, Col. van Schaick's Conts., June 4, 1779. At Minisink on the Delaware, July 22, 1779. Of Col. Hathorn's (Orange County) Regiment : Finch, Nath'l, Adjt. Jones, Samuel, Captain Knap, James, Private Middagh, Ephraim, Ensign Rider, Joseph, Corpl. Thurston, Benj., Lieut.-Col. Townsend, Roger, Private Vail, Benj'n, Capt. Wisner, Gabriel, Ensign Wood, John, Ensign. Of Col. Allison's (Orange County) Regiment: Barber, Timothy. Private Duncan, John, Captain Hascall, Jon'n, Private Knapp, Samuel, Lieut. Little, John, Captain Owens, Eleazar, Private Shepherd, Abrm., Lieut. Thomas, Moses, Sergt. Tyler, Bezaleal, Priv. Of Captain Wood's Company (Orange Co. Militia) Regiment not stated: Dunning, Benj., Private Vail, Gilbert, Private Masten, Ephraim, Private Of the 2d Ulster Co. Regt.: Terwilliger, Mathew, Private. Gross, John, Private, 1st N. Y., at Fort Schuyler, July 23, 1779 (prisoner according to M. R., ante). Brown, George, Private, 1st N. Y., July 25, 1777. W^ber/S^r8' \ Col-Bellinger, Sept. 3, 1779. Drake, Samuel, Sergt.,, Col. Hammond, Decbr. 17, 1779. Osborn, Danvers, Private, Col. Hammond, Decbr. 17, 1779. Hanson, Henry, Lieut., Col. Klock, May 2, 1780. Stephens, Amasa, Private, Col. Klock, May 22, 1780. Shiffen, George, Private, Col. Bellinger, June 1, 1780. Pelham, Joseph, Private, Col. Thomas, June 10. 1780. Nellis, Jacob, Private, Col. Clyde, June 27, 1780. Bellinger, Johannes F., Ensign, Col. Bellinger, July 24, 1780. Countryman, Fred., Private, Col. Clyde, July 31, 1780. Lintz, John, Private. Col. Bellinger, Octbr. 6", 1780. Pierhouse, Joh's, Private, Col. Clyde, Oct. 11, 1780. Fletcher, John, Corpl., Col. Seth Warner, )/-.„, nl *„a[\ Bost, Joh's, Private, Col. Clyde, \ uct' u' 1 'BUl Casa], David, Private, Col. Veeder, Octbr. 18, 1780. K'LlwrJnctTriv.1.' ]<"¦ =«*. °*ober 19, 1780. Deavy, John, Sergeant, Col. Bellinger, October 29, 1780. Schell, Christian, Priv., Col. Bellinger, July 8, 1781. McKeen, Robt., Captain, Col. Willet's Regt. of Levies, July 10, 1781. Lerhri, Johann Caspar, Priv., Col. Klock, July 10, 1781 Casler, Peter, Private, ) n -i m * t i « iryo, Woolerod, Nich's, Private, \ Coh ^^ Ju,y 18' 1781' Van Slike, John, Lieut., Col. Klock, July 22, 1781. Timmerman, Jacob, Sergt., Col. Klock, Aug. 5, 1781. Kittle, John, Priv., Col. Cantine, Ulster Co., Aug. 12, 1781. Bowman, John, Private, Col. Fisher, Oct. 23, 1881. Frank, Jacob, Private, Col. Fisher, Oct. 34, 1781. Eigbter, John, Corporal, Colonel Fisher, at Johnstown, October 25, 1781. Myers, Jacob, Lieut., Col. Klock, Oct. 25, 1781. Depue, Wm., Priv., Col. Thomas, Oct. 28, 1781. Backer (Baker), Daniel, Priv., Col. Thomas, Novbr. 25, 1781. Skinner, Isaac, Col. Bellinger, April 2, 1782. Hopper, John, Priv., Col. Hammond, June 10, 1782. Stoner, Henry, Priv., Col. Klock, July 1, 1782. Petri, Daniel, Priv., Col. Bellinger, July 14, 1783. Hess, Augustinus, Priv., Col. Bellinger, July 15, 1782. Staring, Valentine, Priv., Col. Bellinger, July 17, 1782. "] Indians slain in the late war, Wounkounguta, John, I clothing and necessaries given Segigoteyouta, , j to their families by Gov. Clin- J ton. Appendix. 551 Invalids who received Pensions from the State of New York. The Legislature of New York passed on the 22d of April, 1786, an Act " making provisions for Officers, Soldiers and Seamen who have been disabled in the service of the U. S." The payment of pensions to the soldiers of New York and other States began, according to " Ledger, Rev. Accounts," March, 1782, Abeel, Garrit Acker, Jacob Adams, James Adams, Mathew Allison, Richard Armstrong, Edw'd Baldwin, Daniel, Captain 1st N. Y. Conts., lost left leg at Germantown, Oct. 4, 1777. Banks, Obadiah Barber, Silas Barnum, Joshua, Capt. Bartlet, John Baxter, John Bell, George H. Bennet, John Bishop, Joshua Blauvelt, Abrm. Bovier, Nichs. Bowen, Timothy Boyce, Thos., Ensign Boyd, Eben'r Boyer, Thomas Bradenbergh, Baltus Bradpick, John, Captain Bradt, Nich's Brewster, Henry Brooks, John Brooks, Michael Brown, David, Fairfield, Conn., Militia, shot through abdomen. Lower Salem, W. Chester Co. Brown, Nich's Browne, John F. Buchanan, John, Captain Burgess, James Butler, John Burpe, Jacob Cady, David Callaghan, Edw., Priv." Cannon, Mathew Carpenter, Thomas, Lieut. Carrington, Gilbert Chace, John, Priv. Charpanal, Simon Commoding,, Nich's Conoly, James, Corpl., Captain Israel Smith, Col. Ph. V. Cortlandt's 2d N. Y. Enlisted June 20, '77, in Capt. Pierce's Co., Col. Hy. B. Livingston's, later Xt.-Col. Weissenfel's 4th N. Y.: transferred to Van Cortlandt's 2d N. Y. in 1780; wounded in left leg and disabled on fatigue duty at West Point, Oct., 1780; discharged by Genl. Wash'n April 10, 1783. Shoemaker, N. Y. C. Connor, Matthew Cook, John Cooper, John, Private, Capt. Robt. Johnston, Col. ' John Nicholson; enlisted in Capt. Johnston's, Jan'y, 1776 ; in Capt. Leon Bleecker's 1st N. Y. in autumn 1776; ruptured and disabled by a log rolling on him. Farmer, Orange Town, Orange Co. Copenal (Coppernol), Adam Corwin, Gershom Covenhoven, Peter Crane, Thaddeus, Major, Col. Ths. Thomas, West chester Militia; Bhot through the body, expedition to Danbury, April 27, 1777. Crawford, Thos., Bombardier Cruduck, William Curm, John Cutler, Joseph Dalton, Thomas Davis, William De Camps, Mathias Delong, Francis Demoth, Hans M. Dickinson (Dixon), Marshall Dole, James Done, Thomas Donually, James Dougherty, John Douglass, William Drew, William Duncan, Thomas Dunham, Corn's Dunkill, George Dunlap, Andrew Dunlap, James Elbertson, Williata Elwood, Isaac Fancher, Squire Fancher, William Faulkner, William Feagan, William Ferris, John Ferris, Silvanus Ficks, Robert Finch, Jon'n Finckley, George Fink, Jon'n Fisher, Fred., Colonel Foltz, John Jost Forbes, Alex'r Foster, John Foster, William Fox, Christopher, Captain Frank, Andrew Franks, John Frazier, Duncan Freeks, Robert Fry, John, Brig. Major Gallasby, James Gallut, James Gardinier, Jacob, Captain, Colonel Fred Fisher, se verely wounded at Oriskanie August 6, 1777. Black smith, Mohawk District, Montgr. Co. Gardnier, Samuel Garrison, Richard, Qr. Mr. Geer, Benijah Gibbs, Samuel Green, Josiah Greene, Zachariah, Private Gregg, James Griffiths, Barney, Conn. Continentals; shot in left shoulder at Cromps, April 28, 1777. Weaver, Fredericksburgh. Hale, Mordecai, Surgeon's Mate Hall, Talmage, Lieut. Hammon, Staats, Sergt. Hanford, Osias Hanvie, John Harpur, Joseph, Lieut. Harris, Joseph Harris, Robert Hartman, Adam Hathers, Thomas 552 Appendix. Hawkey, Richard, P. Helmer, George Henderson, William Hess, John Higgins, Jon'n Hill, Asa Hilton, John Hines, Thomas Higgins, Jon'n Hink, John Hipworth, Daniel Hogan, Patrick Holmes, John Hope, Thomas Hopper, Henry Horsford, John Hunt, Eden, Qr. Mr. Hurlbutt, Stephen Ivery, James Jacobs, Wm. James, William Jansen, Mathew Jones, Samuel Jordan, John Jordan, Nichs. Jump, William Keeler, Isaac Kerney, Thomas, Westchester Ketchum, John King, Reuben King, Walter Kirney (Kenney), Thomas, blind Knap, Joseph Knapp, Abiel Knox, George Kock, John, Sergt. Kolb, John Kough, John Lampman, Peter Lang, Robert Lewis, Wm. Lockary, John Lockwood, Moses Loucks, Wm. Lucas; William Budd Lyon, Michael Lyon, Thomas McCracken, Joseph, Major McDonald, Donald McFall, Paul McGraw, James McKean, Samuel McKinney, Charles McKinstry, John McMasters, Hugh McNish, Alexr. Marshal], Mead Martian (Martine), Philipp Martine, William Mathers, James Mead, Libeus Miles, John Mills, Alexr. Milspaugh, John Mook, Gerardus Moshier, John Mott, Ebenr. Mowris, Daniel Muller, Jeremiah C. Mundin, John Murphy, Henry Myers, Michael Neely, Abrm. Nestel, George Paine, Joseph Parish, Silas Peack, Garret Peterson, Simon Pickard, Adolph Pickerd, John, Qr. Mr. Plumb, Stephen Powell, Thomas Prentup, Joseph Preston, Jon'n Purdy, Jon'n Purdy, Solomon -• Cahill, John Cahill, Rob't 182, Cahoon, Hacan, fifer Cahoon, Joseph Cail, Joseph Cain, Abell Cain, Henry Cain, Jno, Cain, Wm Caine, Thos. , lieut Gainer, Thos Calagan, John. Caldwell, Joseph, lieut. -colonel Calkin, Wm. , lieut v Call, Asa 130, Call, Eben'r, corporal Call , James Call, James, Jr Callaghau, Edw <• Callahan, John 187, Callender, John, lieut. Levies Calver, Josiah Cam be, Jas., corporal Cambe. See Kamby. Camble, Rob't, sergt Cameron, Alex ¦ • • • Cameron, Dan'l 1 '5> Cameron, Hugh Camp, Asa, corporal Camp, Esau Camp, John 196 168194 293274274138129258 348234 233 184 183 187190 20 185185 227 191 290 58 183273284536 130130 130 253243257 219 315 180 242187 170 218 191 248 Campbell, Alex., 201; lieut.-col., Charlotte Co Regt., 275; capt. Charlotte Co. Regt 276 Campbell, And 213 Campbell, Arch 533 Campbell, Burdie, mus'n 7. 185 Campbell, Duncan, 306; lieut. Add'l Cont's, 234; lieut. Levies 260 Campbell, Geo , 227, 251 Campbell, Jno 191 Campbell, Jac 212 Campbell, James, ensign 4th N. Y., 140; lieut 527 Campbell, John, lieut. Rangers, 158; lieut. 2d Art'y.. 246 Campbell, Jobn, Jr., lieut 294 Campbell (Cample), Kenneth 199, 200 Campbell, Patrick, ensign ; 297 Campbell, Rob't, lieut 294, 549 Campbell, Sam'l, lieut. 1st Tryon Co. Regt., 294; col. 1st Tryon Co. Regt., 294; lieut.-col. Tryon Co. Minute Men 297 Campbell, Wm., 238; corporal 189 Canada, 45, 47, 52, 56, 107, 109, 110, 112; retreat from, 208; Regt. for service in, 60, 74, 75, 76, 81, 115 Canden, Phil 213 Canfield, Arnon 214 Canfield, Dennis 201 Canfield, Nathan, lieut ... 805 Canfield, Tim 201 Canker, Henry, sergt 238 Cannady, Jno 214 Cannon, for the Navy. 125 Cannon, Jas., lieut. Levies, 258; adjt., 294; captain Levies 259, 260 Cannon, Math'w 545 Cannon, Sam'l, lieut 529 Cansmond, Jas 201 Canten, Jonas 185 Canterbury, Sam'l 243 Cantine, Jobs., maj. and col. 3d Ulster Co. Regt. 300, 543 Cantine, Moses, lieut., 303; captain Levies, 257, 298, 539 Cantine, Moses M. , lieut 300 Cantine, Rich'd 286 Cantine, Mr 161 Cantolin, major _. . . 68 Cape May 95 566 Index. Page. Carbin, Jas 232 Card, Thos 537 Carden, Jas 280 Carey, Nath'l, ensign 281 Cargill, Isaac 190 Carhart, Thos -. 243 Carle, Gilbert, captain 287 Carley, Joseph 228,231 Carley, Peter, ensign 280 Carll, Tim'v, captain 287 Carm, Math'w 228 Carman, Abrm 205 Carman, Hendr. 182, 183 Carman, Henry, ensign 306 Carman, John, 188; ensign 306 Carman, Joshua 1 78 Carman, Joshua, Jr., adjutant 285 Carman, Peter, ensign 306 Carman, Sam'l 185, 197 Carmer, Jon'n, adjt 281 Carmichael, Peter 168 Carney, Barn 216 Carpenter, Benj., lieut.-col. 1st Cumberland Co. Regt. 277 Carpenter, Geo., adjutant 286 Carpenter, Increase, lieut 287 Carpenter, Jno 1 36 Carpenter, Jacob, ensign 306 Carpenter, John, 289; adjutant 280 Carpenter, Jon'n 536 Carpenter, Joseph, adjutant 282 Carpenter, Mich'l, ensign 291 Carpenter, Moses * 204 Carpenter, Neb., ensign 2d N. Y., 197; ensign 5th N. Y., 233; qr. mr 293 Carpenter, Rufus 547 Carpenter, Sam'l, 166; ensign 57 Carpenter, Thos., lieut ". 305, 543 Carpenter, Wright, 547; 1st lieut 305 Carr, Anth'y 213 Carr, Hugh 244 Carr, Wm 180, 221 Carrier, Greer 212 Carrier, Joseph 236 Qarrigan, Daniel 224 Carrigan, Wm 223 Carrington, Joseph 240 Carry, Robt 205 Carson, James, sergt 189 Carter, Eben'r, lieut 134, 284 Carter, Jno 191 Carter, Samuel 193 Cartiel, John, sergt 202 Cartright (Kortright), Moses, captain 291 Carwin, David, ensign and lieut 299 Cary, John 26 Cary, Nath'l, ensign, 285; lieut. Ass. Ex 286 Cary. See Curry. Casal, David 550 Case, Abel 249 Case, John, lieut 290 Case, Joseph, corpl., 224; lieut 290 Case, Stephen, lieut., 301; capt 302, 539 Case, Wm 210 Casey, Jno 179 Casey, John , 248 Casey, Robt., corporal 180 Cashady, Luke, corporal 202 Cashady, Nichs 201 Cashall, Thos 244 Cashin, Wm 218 Cashier, Jos 198 Casio, John 26 Page. Casler, Peter 550 Casner, Michael 231 Casper, Harm , lieut , 134 Castle, Robert, capt. armed sloop 254 Castles, El 208 Cassaty, Edw, 187 Casseday, Peter 186 Casselman, Christ 177 Casselman, Peter 545 Casselman, Sev., captain 297 Casualties 544 et seq. Caswell, , capt. armed sloop 125 Caswell, Wm., lieut 274 Catch, Jno 181 Catfield, Wm., sergt 197 Catnel, Christ'r 176 Cator, Wm 240 Cattskill 136 Causling, C. Geo 242 Cavalry, troops of horse 43 Kings Co. Comp 286 Kingston Comp 159, 298 Lee's Light Horse 250 2d Light Dragoons, 248; 4th 250 of Orange Co 290 comp. of, in W. Ch. Co 304 strength of Delavan's Co 539 strength of Regts. of 247 Cavanagh, Peter 289 Cavenaugh, John 198 Cavender, Moses 196 Cavin, Thos 203 Cayser. See Kayser, Keyser. Certain, Jas , 198 Ceyzer, Corns 58 Chace, Caleb 190 Chace, John 207 Chace, Nathan, drummer 237 Chaddock, Nath 209 Chaddock, Sil 204 Chaffee, Cleaf., ensign 536 Chaldenburgh, Mich 205 Chamberlain, Amos, lient 129 Chamberlain, Colby, lieut. and capt., 282, 283; capt. Dutchess Co. Mil 541 Chamberlain, Jno., sergt 226 Chamberlain, John, lieut 285 Chamberlain, Wm., lieut 283 Chambers, Francis 201, 236 Chambers, Henry 206 Chambers, Jno., sergt 243 Chambers, Jacob, 241; ensign 300 Chambers, Jacobus 171 Chambers, Jobn 241 Chambers, Leonard 177 Champlain, Jas 188 Champlain, Joshua, capt 281 Champlain, Lake, fleet on, destroyed 136 Chandler, Jon'n 231 Chandler, Joseph, lieut 280 Chapin, Sam'l 536 Chapman, Benj,, capt., 306; qr. mr. 4th N. Y. Line, 1775 529 Chapman, David 293 Chapman, Ezl 293 Chapman, John, ensign 306 Chapman, Jon'n, lieut 267 Chapman, Lemuel 225 Chappel, Benj 210, 211 Chappel, Benj., Jr 211 Charles, Chr • 177 Charlesworth, M. J. , drummer 215 Index. 567 Page. Charley, Eben'r, corporal 530 Charlick, Henry 547 Charlotte Co 85, 98, 101, 120 members for 4 inhabitants of, intend to separate from N. Y 141 rangers iu 117 quota of <>G quota of Militia from 108, 109 Militia 130 Militia not properly armed 146 officers of Militia in 275, 276 Associated Exempts of 276 Charlotte Precinct, Dutchess Co 136 Chase, Benj 100 Chase, Caleb 223 Chase, Chas 7" 200 Chase, Jacob. 183 Chase, John, corporal 207 Chase, Lott 187 Chase, Obadiah, ensign 283 Chasey, Stephen 177 Chaseley, Peter 174 Chatcey, Benj 244 Chatfield, David 184 Chatfield. Jou'n 225 Chatfield, Saml 187 Chatnel, ChriBt'r 176 Chedel, Asa, Jr 130 Chedester, Benj.. , 221 Cheesely, John 226 Cheeseman, Jacob, captain 527 Cheeseman, Joseph, lieut. in Malcom's 240 Cheesman, , captain 1st N. Y., 1775 251 Cheesman, Joseph, lieut 543 Cheevers, E., commissary, 133; continental store keeper 533 Cherry, John, 213; drummer 196 Cherry Valley 181, 20? Cheshire, Neb. or Jere'h 327 Chesley. Peter 337 Chevalier, Joseph 236 Chickens, Thos Child, Chas 249 Child, Increase, 94, 284; ordered to Forts in the H. Lands ... 100 Child, John, lieut 285 Childe, Silas, captain 276 Childs, capt., 97, 145; in Clinton's 98 China, Rich'd 228 China, Ware 227 Chinander, Jno 210 Chipman, John, 2d Lieut , 28; major levies 256 Chipman , Jos 536 Chistley, Jno 212 Chittenden, Benj. , lieut. Ass. Ex 275, 528 Chittenden, Jared 244 Christian, Benj 192 Christian, Jno 192 Christian, Peter 193, 223 Christiana, Peter 237 Christie, Jno., 203; corpl 226, 548 Christie, John 205 Christie, John, sergt 220 Christie, Wm 217 Christman, Nich 206 Christopher, Andres 187 Christy, John, corporal 230 Chubb, Wm 249 Church, Edw., corporal 536 Church, John 241, 243 Church, Jon'n, lieut 277 Page. Church, Reuben, lieut 277 Church, Tim'y, lieut., capt. and lieut.-col 277 Churchill, Elijah, sergt 249 Cilly, John 173 Claghorn, Jas., 2d lieut 28 Cialfe, John 204 Clancy, Daniel, sergt 233, 234 Clap, Gilbert, ensign , 278 Clapp, Benj...., 547 Clapp, Henry 547 Clapsaddle, Aug., major 549 Clappsadle, Thos., lieut 297 Clark, , capt. Minute Men, 79; capt. Rangers, 133 Clark, Abijah ]94 Clark, Benj., 239; fife major 174 Clark, Caleb, 537; lieut 269 Clark, Clement 536 Clark, Corn's, lieut 307 Clark, Dan'l. 548; ensign 301 Clark, David, sergt., 213, 244; ensign 271 Clark, Eben'r, capt., 275; sergt 536 Clark, Eph 214 Clark, Ez'l 23!) Clark, Geo 242 Clark, Jno 210 Clark (Klock), Jacob Ja., ensign 1st N. Y., 1776 176 Clark, James, 56; corp'l, 218; sergt 233, 234 Clark, Jere'h, 170; lieut. 2d N. Y 139 Clark, Johu, 168, 185, 189, 205, 222; sergt 237 Clark, Josiah 131 Clark, Martin 166 Clark, Matthew, lieut. 2d N. Y 139, 186 Clark. Moses 240 Clark, Nathan 27 Clark, Sam'l, corp'l, 241; lieut., 273; capt. 301 ; maj.. 302 Clark, Wm., 227; lieut. 288;. capt. and major 281 Clarke, Isaac, ensign, 200; lieut 805 Clarke, Jere'h lieut. 2d N. Y., 1776 195 Clarke, Math., 1st lieut 77, 527 Clarke, Wm., captain. 285 Ciarkson, David 3, 40 Clarks Town, company of, Militia 62 Clarwater, Daniel 58 Clarwater, Fred'k 58 Clarwater, Isaac -. 58 Clarwater, Jacob. 58 Clarwater, Jere'h 172 Clarwater, Joseph 58 Clarwater, Thomas 58 Clary, Dan'l 205 Clauw. See Klaws. Clawatter, John 231 Claxton, George 188 Clay, Eph., lieut 277 Clay, James, 129; lieut 277 Clay, Thomas 221 Clayton, Jon'n 536 Clay waiter. Mart 225 Clearck, captain 67 Clement, Nich's 184, 201 Clements, Jacob 178 Clensy, Dan'l 167 Cleveland, Ezra, ensign Militia 266 Cleveland, Josiah 194 Cliff, Jos 210 Cline, Jacob 182, 226 Cline, John 226 Clinton, Alex., ensign 1st N. Y., 1776, 185; lieut 2d Art'y 246 Clinton, brig, gen'l to command Levies 121 Clinton, Geo., to be appointed major-general 145 to call out Militia 148 568 Index. Page- Clinton, Geo., letter from 156 mentioned, 141, 143, 146, 153, 297, 539, 541 Clinton, James, Member for Ulster Co 3 colonel 75, 77 col. 2d Ulster Co. Regt 299 col. 3d N. Y 13, 166, 538 general 145 arrives at Albany with part of his Regt 36 companies of his Regt 98 letter from 20 mentioned 14, 15 camp of 133 Clinton.Jno 229 Clinton, Jos 203 Clock (Klock), Jacob, col. of 2d Tryon Co. Regt 295 Clock, Jacob J., lieut 295 Clock, Jacob Ja., major Tryon Co. Minute Men 297 Clock, John Js., lieut 295 Clock, Jon'n 203 Clock, Severinus, lieut. and captain 295 Clopper, Peter 182, 183 Close, Christ'r 219 Close, John, Rev'd, chaplain 537 Close, John 199 Close, Sol., lieut 305, 307 Closser, Chr 213 Clossou, Caleb 182 Closson, Nehemiah , . 160 Clow, Benj 181 Clowes, Peter 4 Cluaugh, Jas 533 Cluet, Gerardus, captain '271 Clyde, James, capt. Rangers 158 Clyde, Sam'l, adjt., capt. and lieut.-col 294, 542 Clyn, Jacob 301 Clyn, Joh's 301 Coad, Wm 207 Coates, John, surgeon 116, 220 Coats, Joseph 218 Cobdon, John. .,. 178 Cochran, Robert, capt. Green Mt. Boys 16 Cochrane, Robert, lieut.-col. 2d N. Y., 1776 136 Cock, Job., 207; captain 303 Cockley, John -. 181 Cockran, Robert, major 3d N. Y 139 Cockshure, Joseph 221 Coddington, Wm., ensign 300 Codgdon, John 203 Codwise, Christ'r, lieut. 2d N. Y., 139, 189; captain Levies, 257; muster master 537 Codwise, Geo 204 Coe, Benj., ensign, 291; lieut., 280; captain 288, 293 Coe, Dan'l, Jr., ensign 293 Coe, Ichabod, fifer 197 Coe, John D 58 Coe, John D., Senr 168 Coe, John I., ensign 291 Coe, Jon'n, cornet 286 Coe, Philipp 227 Coen, Edw 240 Coil, Thos 226 Coke, Joseph, lieut 271 Coke, Wm 226 Colbrath, Wm., lieut. 3d N. Y., 1770 207 Colden, Cadw. C, captain 299 Cole, Aaron 214 Cole, Abrm 219, 251 Cole, Bart , 302 Cole, Corn's , 243 Colo, David 188 Cole, Francis 180,202 Page. Cole, Garit 168 Cole (Cowles), Gideon, ensign Levies 260 Cole, Henry 190 Cole, Jacob, captain 291, 292 Cole, Jacobus, capt. Militia 264, 265 Cole, John 293 Cole,N.S 249 Cole, Oliver 214 Cole.Ph.il 196 Cole, Sam'l, 188; lieut. , 291 ; captain 292 Cole, Tunis 192 Cole, Wm ' 215 Coleman, John 232 Coleman, Sam'l, musician 211 Coleman, Timothy, 173; lieut. Levies 256 Coley, John, adjt. 4th W. Ch. Co. Regt 306 Coley, Joseph, ensign 304 Colford, Mathew, fife major 243 Collard, Abrm., drummer 234 Collard, Edw 180 Colley, Henry 212 Collins, Alben 194 Collins, David, ensign and lieut 285 Collins, Edw 216 Collins, Hez'h, lieut 281 Collins, Jno 193 Collins, Jas 208 Collins, John, sergt., 238; captain 278, 286 Collins, Jos 208 Collins, Robt. , fifer. . , 238 Collins, Tyrannus, captain 271, 545 Collins, Wm 194, 208 Collit, Jacob 87 Colman, Tim'y, ensign 299 Collor, John 249 Colony,John 237 Colors, regimental 141 Colt, Peter, navy agent 533 Colton, Dan'l, corporal 184 Colton, Lemuel 130 Colton, Nath'l .241 Colvin, Jas 211 Colwell, Math 183 Colwell, Phil 183 Colwell, Wm., captain. 284 Colyer, Peter, lieut 286 Comading, Nich 205 Combs, Geo., lieut., 303; capt 304 Combs, Jno 227 Combs, Peter 227 Combs, Sam'l, corporal 226 Combs, Uriel, sergt 549 Commins, Corn's, sergt 179 Commissions, blanks for, requested 23 continental, received 38 form of 11 form of, for militia officers 37 Commissioners, for detecting conspiracies 151 Committee of war 65 instructions for barrack master. . . 81 Committee, marine 83, 90 purchases a vessel 87 ready to send armed vessels to Washington 96 of Continental Congress ... 153, 156 Committee, to co-operate with Gen. Schuyler, 135, et seq. on quota of counties 62 on militia 24 on militia report 25, 30 to revise militia law 42 on a comp. of Matrosses 40 for detecting conspiracies 136 Index. 569 Committee on resolutions of Cont. Congress. .... 89, 60 on arrangement of troops 6, 8, 9 for arrraugement of subalterns . .... 12 for arrangement of captains' rank 14 of rank 22 on troops 22 on quota of counties for Cont'l service ... 63 on arranging 3d establishment 137 letter to, of counties 67 Companies, to be raised for detecting crnspiracies. . . . 135 Comrie, Alex 251 Conard, Silas 226 Conckey, Joshua, capt. Rangers 148 Concklin, Edw. , 217; lieut. 4th N. Y 140, 214 Concklin, Isaac, capt. 4th Dutchess Co. Regt., 280, 287; capt. 6th Dutchess Co. Regt 282 Concklin, Jacob, ensign 287 Concklin, Jno 548 Conklin, John 186, 233 Conklin, Joseph, 189, 341; ensign, 392; lieut. and captain 390 Concklin, Lemuel, lieut., 5th N. Y.,233; capt... 281, 541 Conklin, Math'w, lieut. and cantain 291 Conklin, Nath'l, 1st lieut 116 Goncklin, Ph., lieut 528 Concklin, Sam'l, 168; corporal 223 Concklin, Silvanus, lieut. 4th N. Y 140, 211 Concklin, Stephen, 168 Concklin, Titus, captain armed vessel 254 Concklin, Thos 233, 548 Concklin, Wm., ensign 291 Conckling, Dan'l, 289; ensign 288 Conckling, Eben'r 533 Conckling, Edw., lieut 288 Conckling, Ep's., lieut. and captain 287 Conckling, Francis 548 Conckling, Jacob, capt. 4th Ulster Co. Regt., 302; re cruiting officer 528 Conckling, Phil., lieut 287 Conckling, Piatt, elected colonel 287 Conckling, Sam'l, lieut '. . 288 Concrite, Henry 214 Condo, Wm 175 Condon, David 195 Condum, David 169 Cone, Edw 169 Cone, Elijah 249 Cone, Joseph, lieut. C. C 237 Cone, Samuel 236, 237 Conelic, John 169 Conely, Pat'k, fifer 182 Congar, Sam'l 251 Congress, Continental, resolves of 15, 45, 47, 60 letter to Del. in... 71,73, 75 Conine, Corn's," ensign apd lieut 270 Conine, Jos 205 Conine, Philipp, lieut. 3d N. Y 140, 201 Conkev, Joshua, qr. mr 541 Conn, Wm 211 Connars, Thos 242 Connecticut, 7, 19, 24, 45, 107, 152; lends cannons for the navy, 125; quota of 133 Connecticut Regts., transfer to 335, 250 Connor, Hugh, lieut 285 Conner, Jacob 58 Conner; John 58 Conner, Wm 58 Connery, Nich's, sergt 86 Connery, Sam'l 87 Conne wey, Corn's 58 Connight, Conrad 224 Conniham, Francis 87 72 Connolly, Henry 224 Connolly, John 206 Connolly, Mich'l, lieut. 5th N. Y \ . . 224 Connolly, Pat .- 240 Connor, Dan'l 192, 195 Connor, Edw., qr. mr. Levies, 256; lieut. Levies, 257; adjt. Levies 259 Connor, Henry 235 Connor, Jas 178, 214 Connor, John, 241; corporal 214 Connor, Pat 216 Connor, Rich'd 4 Connor, Timothy 176 Connor, Wm., corporal 190 Connoway, Corn's 172 Connoway, Henry, fifer 240 Connoway, John 172 Conolley, John 176 Conor, John, corporal 180 Constable, Garrett. . , 170, 195, 219 Constantino, Collard 234 Conway, Corn's 301 Conway, John, corporal 195 Conway, Wm 179 Conyn, Casp. , captain 268 Conyne, Laur., ensign Ass. Ex 275 Conyne, Peter, adjt., 3d Tryon Co. Regt 296 Conyne, Philip, capt. Levies 258, 259 Cook, Asaph, lieut. and captain 276 Cook, David ,224 Cook, Ezekiel, ensign C. C 235 Cook, Geo 181,218, 242 Cook, Isaac 234 Cook, James 533 Cook, John 184, 240, 241 Cook, John, Senr., sergt 184 Cook, John, Jr 184 Cook, Joseph, adjt 540 Cook.M.B 212 Cook, Nath 217 Cook, Nich., fifer 235 Cook, Ob 216 Cook, Oliver, lieut 277 Cook, Phil. C, lieut 264 Cook, Robert, lieut 299, 300 Cook, Sam'l 198 Cook, Simeon, major 282, 283 Cook, Thos., 202, 222; mus'n 226 Cook, , sergt 56 Cook, , capt. Lady Washington galley 154 Cook, , col. of Continentals 251 Cooke, Samuel, surgeon 13/220, 538 Cool, Corn's 301 Cool, Jno 206 Coole. See Koole. Cooley, Benj., lieut 292 Cooley, John, adj t 305 Cooley, Sam'l 248 Cooly.Abr'm 289 Coon, Conrad 181 Coon, Jac 217, 222 Coon, Jobn 301 Coon, Peter , <-l 3 Coone, Mark, ensign and lieut 370 Cooper, Abr'm 168, 223, 239 Cooper, Ezl., lieut 285, 528 Cooper, Gilbert, lieut.-col 391, 293, 541, 543 Cooper, Jno. , Senr 307 Cooper, Jno., Junr 207 Cooper, Jas., 536; lieut 285 Cooper, John, 168, 188, 233; sergt., 202; lieut 279 Cooper, John C 168 570 Index. Page. Cooper, Rich'd 223 Cooper, Thos 177 Coopernal, Adam, corporal 177 Copeland, Wm 184 Copeman, Abr'm, capt. and major %.. 294 Copinger, Walter 219 Copp, John, lieut., 77; lieut. 1st N. Y., 1775, 251, 537; capt. 1st N. Y.,1776 184 Coppernol, Nichs., ensign 295 Coppernoll, Rich'd, ensign and lieut 295 (Coppinger, John 26 Copple, Geo 190 Coral, John. See Bun Haugel. Corbey, Rich'd 210 Cordwell, Wm 195 Corkins, Simon 188 Corman, Thos 179 Cornel, Wm. , ensign .' 297 Cornelius, Elias, surgeon 543 Cornelius, Jobn 228 Corneliuson, Hendrik 181 Cornell, Jos 240 Cornell, Martin, lieut 285 Cornell. See Cornwell. Cornwall, Caleb 211 Cornwall, Joseph 229 Cornwell, (Cornell), Aspinwall, ensign 280 Cornwell, Caleb, corporal 199 Cornwell, Josiah 206 Cornwell, Martin, lieut 281 Cornwell, Thos 217 Corragil, Jno 201 Cort, Martin 228 Cortelyou, Aaron, 4 ; colonel 14 Corter, Jno 207 Corter, Phil 189 Corwin, Edw 210 Corwin, Gershom , .' 218 Corwin, John, lieut 288 Corwin, Silas 186 Cory, Ab'm 293 Cozier, Hezekiah ,. 178 Cosman, Dan'l 189 Costerly , James , 193 Costradum, Thos... lieut. 3d N. Y: 139 Cotter, James 175 Cotteral, Rich'd 216 Cotton, George 242 Coudry, Benj 203 Council of appointment 165 Counties, letter to committees of the, 48; rank of mi litia officers according to ; 43 Countryman, Fred 550 Countryman, Geo. ensign and lieut 294 Countryman, Jacob 190 Counts, Adam 178 Courtney, Francis, sergt 193 Couzard, Rich'd 216 Covenhoven, Edward 547 Covenhoven, Nich's, 4; lieut.-col. 286; qr. mr 286 Covenhoven, Wm., sergt. major 541 Covenhoven, Mr 61 Covenhoven, col. Kings Co. Mil 124 Coventry, John 206 Coventry, John H. , surgeon's mate 247 Covil, James 249 Cowan, Thos 195 Cowen, Jas 206 Cowley, St. L., adjutant 297 Cox, Benj., 130; captain..., 536 Cox, Benj,, Jr 536 Cox, Chas 197 Page. Cox, Eben'r, lieut.-col. and col. 1st Tryon Co. Regt. 294; lieut.-col 549 Cox, Jno 210 Cox, John 195 Cox, Robt 195 Cox, Simon 216 Cox, Thos 225 Cox, Wm.... 240 Coxsackey 136 Cozat, Benj 289 Cozzens, Mat 202 Craft, Jacob 227, 230 Craft, Joseph 249 Craft, Nath 210 Craft, Wm 547 Crafts, Jacob 227 Crafts, Jas 196 Crage (Creag), John, captain 299 Craig, , capt. 4th Light Drag 250 Craig, Jno 217 Craig, John , 175 Craig, Wm., corporal 187 Cramberry, Fran 201 Crance, Peter, qr. mr ." 543 Crandel], Thos., ensign militia 266, 267 Crandell, Wilson 189 Crandell, Wrt 191 Crandle, Godfrey 177, 185 Crandle, Luke 206 Crandle, Sam'l, lieut 279 Crane, Dr 128 Crane, Isaac, adjt 102 Crane, John, 189; captain 284 Crane, Joii'n, ensign 285 Crane, Joseph, 73, 251; capt.-lieut. art'y, 85, 92, 93 ; capt. Orange Co. Mil. , 541 ; surgeon 537 Crane, Joseph, Jr., surgeon 541 Crane, Joshua, corporal 233, 234 Crane, Josiah 251 Crane, Solomon, adj utant , 541 Crane, Stephen 241 Crane, Thad., capt. 2d W. Ch. Co. Regt., 304; ma jor, 304; lieut.-col. 4th W. Ch. Co. Regt., 306,543, 548 Crane, Thos 239 Crane, Wm., lieut. . 529 Crannel, John, ensign 266 Crannel, Wm 179 Crans, Jacob 549 Cransberry, Francis 548 Crantz, Fred. , ensign Militia 264 Crantz, Marx 178 Crapo, Peter 253 Crary, Elias , 536 Crary", Johu 130 Craton, Thos 195 Crawford, Alex., ensign 263 Crawford, Dan'l, lieut 299 Crawford, David, captain 543 Crawford, Jno 217 Crawford, John, lieut 3o2 Crawford, Joseph, lieut 543 Crawford, Sand, lieut 307 Crawford, Thos., 224, 253; bombardier 244 Crawford, Wm 242 Cray, Peter 233 Creamer, Jno 206 Creckenbone, Joh 207 Cree, David 51 Cregier, John 182 Cregier, John, surgeon 300 Cregier, Thomas, captain armed sloop 101, 254 Index. 571 Page. Cregoff, John, drummer 234 Creler, Jacob, drummer 241 Creshman, Sam'l, recruiting officer 538 Cretien, Ant 236 Uigier, John 214 Criper, C. Fred 180 Crippen, John, ensign 269 Crispel, Abr'm , 301 dispell, Abr'm 195 Crispell, Anth'y 170 Crispell, Thos 225 Crist, Wm., ensign 299 Croat, Lewis, captain 296 Crofoot, Nich. , sergeant 218 Crofoot, Sam'l, sergeant 178 Crofot, Asa 225 Crommel, Cobus, lieut 295 Cromwell, Phil., surgeon 537 Cronan, Pat., ensign in Malcom's, 240; lieut. Levies, 256 Crouck, John 178 Cronhardt, Geo 178 Cronkite, Patr 182, 183 Crons, Peter, qr. mr 542 Crook, Sam'l 130 Crook, Wm., 189; ensign 277 Crooke, Martin 240 Crookshanks, Wm., sergeant 243 Cropsey, Alex., ensign 302 Crosbey, Sam'l 225 Crosby, Enoch, sergeant 214 Crosby, Isaac, lieut 277 Crosby, Joshua, lieut 280 Crosby, Josiah, lieut 59 Crosby, Reuben, qr. mr 102, 541 Crosby, Tim. 249 Crosman, Simeon 533 Cross, Wm. , captain 302 Crossett, Samuel, ensign and lieut 276 Crosson, Sam'l , 184 Crouch, Jas 216 Crow, Jacob 243 Crowder, Anth'y 177, 183 Crowder, Isaac 177 Crowder, Jas 181 Crowel, John, ensign 302 Crowley, Jere'h 546 Crown Point 14,47, 56 Crowse, Elbert 185 Crowthar, Sam'l. 204 Cruduck, Wm 244 Cruger, Wm 187 Crullin, Jere'h 232 Crum, Herm. 223 Crum, Jacob 223 Crum, John 222, 236 Crum, Wm 195 Crumb, John 191 Crumm, John 192 Crygier, Simon, ensign 4th N. Y 218 Cuddeback, Adam, lieut. 299 ; captain 300 Cufman, .Jno 180 Cull, John 227 Cully, Charles 188 Cully, Thos., ensign 297 Cumberland, Co., quota of militia from 108, 109 Page- Cumberland Co., militia 136 not properly armed 146 rangers in 117 ordered to Kingston 153 officers of militia of 277 et seq. minute men of 278 inhabitants intend to separate from N. Y 141 mentioned 120, 138 Cummings, Benj 195, 206 Cummings, Jas., drum major 186 Cummings, Jon'n 210 Cummins, Eben 228 Cummins, Jno., Jr., drummer 179 Cummins, John, sergt. 537; drum major 238 Cummins, Peter 175 Cunningham, And., sergt 549 Cunningham, Arch., 218; ensign and lieut 290 Cunningham, Henry, 196, 215; lieut. 2d Artillery ... . 246 Cunningham, Jas., 189; ensign 289 Cunningham, Moses 222 Cunningham, Rich'd 238 Cunningham, Shubel 190 Cunningham, Wm 241 Curden, John, surgeon 540 Cure, Walter, lieut 62, 290, 291 Curley, John 215 Currin, David, lieut 303 Currin, Samuel 231 Curry (Cary), Ebenr., adjutant 281 Curry , El 216 Curry, James 194 Curry, Michael 213 Curtenius, Peter T., commissary of N. Y. Congress. . 12 to furnish uniforms 16, 115 to furnish uniforms to Gr. Mt. Boys 28 to furnish arms for 4th Regt ... 36 to supply flints to N. Y. City Regiments 54 to uniform the Artillery 79 mention'd,91, 92, 93, 96, 101,103, 133 Curtice, David, ensign 274 Curtice, Niard 293 Curtis, Abel, recruiting officer 538 Curtis, Benj., surgeon 90, 252 Curtis, Ebenr., 228; lieut 267 Curtis, Eleazer, captain 56 Curtis, Jeremh, qr. mr 292 Curtis, Joel, ensign Militia 264 Curtis, John 203 Curtis, Samuel, lieut 281 Curtis, Solomon 219 Curtis, V 214 CurtiBS, Zebina 130 Curvin, Timothy 550 Curvin, Theoph 549 Cushing. See Busing Cutbeth, Benoni, lieut 277 Cutting, Fredk 223 Cuyler, Abrm., major and colonel 262, 539 Cuyler, Fred, drummer 235 Cuyler, Jacob 31 , 135 Cuyler, Mr 8, 104 Cuyper, John 185 572 Index. D. Page. Dacher, Corns. , lieut 538 Dader, Geo 268 Dailey, Silas 240 Dailly, James, sergeant 230 Dailv, James .' 230 Daily, Jno 237 Daily, Owen 266 Dalliby, George 249 Dalton, Fred 192 Dalton, Thos., corporal 192 Damrel, Peter 533 Dan, David, captain 307 Dan, Thomas 172 Danes, Abm 217 Danford, Prince 227, 230 Danford, Wells 193 Daniel , Henry 180 Daniels, Geo . .*. 189 Daniels, John, sergt 215 Danielson, Isaac 226 Danielson, Thos 192 Dann, Fredk 228 Darby, Asa 166, 194 Darby, John 167 Darby, Joseph 303 Darby, Sam uel, ensign 274 Darby. See Deaby. Darcy, Aug 533 Darling, Ezra 221 Darling, John 222 Darling, John, ensign 279 Darling, Moses 177 Darlington, John 205 Darrow, David, lieut 274 Darrow, George, captain Levies 259 Darrow, Isaac, lieut 283 Darrow, Jed 194 Dartmouth, Jas 335 Daskam, Jno 235 Daugherty, Jno 243 Daugherty, Wm 179 Daughty, Daniel 222 Davenport, Jno 190 Davenport, Jonn., adjt. Levies 256 Davenport, Peter, lieut. 273 Davenport, Thos., sergt 202, 204 Davie, Jon'n 189 Davies, John 26 Davies, Thos 130 David, David, drummer 223 David, Elias 240 David, Isaac 212 Davids, David, captain 303 Davids, Jon'n 192 Davidson, Jas. 188; qr. mr. Addl. Conts 233 Davidson, Wm. , sergt 243 Davis, , captain , 97, 98, 145 Davis, Alpheus, ensign 271 Davis, Andw 58, 195 Davis, Benj., corporal 52 Davis, Chapin 210 Davis, Davis, ensign 287 Davis, Fred 301 Davis, Harm 190 Davis, Henry 26 Davis, Hezh 227 Davis, Hugh 189 Davis, Jno., major 4th N. Y., 1776 209 Davis, Isaac, lieut 287 Davis, Isaac S., captain 298 Davis, Jacob 225 Davis, James, lieut 287 Davis, John, 226, 242, 536; sergt. 195, 545; drum major, 233, 234; lieut., 271, 272, 528; captain, 140, 211, 274, 295, 296, 549 Davis, Jon'n, ensign 272 Davis, Joseph 215, 289, 293 Davis, Joshua, lieut 292 Davis, Nath'l 203 Davis, Pat 214 Davis, Peter 214 Davis, Richard, 213; fifer, 180; corporal, 241; sergeant 215 Davis, Sam'l 173, 221 Davis, Thos 214 Davis, Wm 293 Davison, Jno 214 Davison, Wm 178 Davy, Thos 549 Dawson, Jas 205 Dawson, John 241 Dawson, Rich'd 169 Day, Aaron, fifer 215 Day, Elkanah, capt., 129; major 277 Day, John 244 Day, Jon'n 213 Day, Lewis, fifer 210 Dayton, Bennet 215 Dayton, Eben'r, qr. mr 55, 288 Dayton, Ez'l 192 Dayton, John, captain -. 80, 288 Dayton, Sam'l 210 Dayton, Sam'l, Jr 210 Deaby (Darby), Chas., fifer 193 Dean, Gilbert, lieut., 303; captain 304 Dean, Isaac 192 Dean, Jon'n, qr. mr 268 Dean, Rich'd 166 Dean, Sam'l, 205; ensign Ass. Ex 275 Deane, Elijah, ensign 305 Deane, Josiah, ensign and lieut 274 Dearkis, John, sergt 546 Deaty, Adam, Jr., lieut 264 Deavy, John, sergt 550 De Bevier, Phil., capt. 5th N. Y 224 Debiddy, Brent, sergt 176 Decamp, Maths 177 De Cantelon, Rich'd, major 282 Deck, Thos 216 Decker, Andries 236, 237 Decker.B.Jas 213 Decker, Christ 222 Decker, Geo., 212; lieut 269 Decker, Gerret 302 Decker J sic 21 S Decker, Jobn. .'.'. .'.'.'. .7.7 lTO, 182, 183,' '216;' major. 291 Decker, John L., lieut 269, 270 Decker, Leonard, ensign 270 Decker, Martin 222 Decker, Martinus, lieut 291 Decker, Mich 211 Decker, Peter, ensign, 301 ; lieut 302 Decker, Reuben 539 De Clark, Abr'm, drummer 198 De Clark, Jacobus, adj't 290, 291 Dedrick, Matth., captain 298 Defew, Geo 211 Defoo, Michl 234 Deforrest, David, ensign 265 Index. 573 Page. DeforTest, Henry 202 De Freest, Abr'm, 182; sergt 183 De Freest, Henry 182 De Freest, Isaac, lieut. Albany City Mil., 261; lieut. 1st Albany Co. Regt - . . 262 De Freest, Jacob, capt 266, 267 De Freest, Phil., capt., 265; major 6th Albany Co. Regt 266 Degailiette, Jno.,- lieut. C. C -. 239 De Garmo, Math'w, lieut. and captain 272 De Graff, Em'l, ensign and captain 296 De Graff, Jacobus, lieut 279 De Graff, Mich'l, ensign 271 Degroot, Corn's, lieut. Militia 266 De Grote, Staats, lieut 305 De Haas, , colonel 208 De Hart, Balthazar, lieut 57, 166 Dehart, Barth., lieut , 529 Deknight, Jno 223 De Lamater, Claude, lieut 268 Delamater, Jno 202, 222 Delamater, Isaac 547 Delamater, Jacob, captain 300 Delancey, Dennis 26 De Lancey, John 3 Delaney, Abr'm 280, 231 Delany, Dennis 211 Delany. See Doylany. Delavan, Daniel, lieut. Levies 257 Delavan, Nath'l, capt. Levies, 538, 539; major 4th W. Ch. Co. Regt 306 Delavan, Sam'l, capt., 128, 548; capt. Rangers, 538; strength of his Cav'y Co 530 Delavan, Tim'y, ensign and lieut 283, 284 Delavergne, Benj., capt. 6th Dutchess Co. Regt.. 283; major 4th Dutchess Co. Regt 280 Delaware, quota of 132 Delaway, Jere'h 188 Delivan, Dan'l, lieut 306 Delivan, Nath'l, capt. and major 306 Delivan, Oliver, lieut 306 Delivan, Sam'l, captain 306 Delong, , capt. Rangers 538 De Long, Elias, lieut. Levies 257, 268 De Long, Francis, ensign and lieut 268, 269 De Long, James, ensign 269 Delong, John 544 De Longchamps, general 239 Dels, Abr'm, ensign 278 Demant, Joseph 203 Demarest, John 539 Demesist, Nich's 187 Demler, Henry, lieut. 2d Art'y 246 Demooth, John, adjt., 296; lieut 297 Demorest, Jno 215 Demoth, Geo., adj't 297 Demoth, Hans Mark, captain 537 Demott, Peter 217 Demotte, Marcus, capt. Rangers 148 Demouth, Mark, captain 546 Dempsey, Jno 242 Dempster, John 204 Deneway, Hugh 236 Denigar. See Finegar. .Denker, Henry, captain 539 Denker, See Tinker. Denn, Thos 1°7 Denniger, Geo. , 231 Denning, , capt 46, 83 Denning, Mich'l, captain 272 Dennis, Jno 190 Dennis, Isaac, lieut 287 Page. Dennis, John 193( 199, 200 Dennis, Jon'n, lieut, and major 281 Dennis, Minor \\\ 217 Dennis, Patrick, of the Marine Society of N. Y., 99; 1st lieut. Art'y, 17, 246; captain 19 Dennison, Dan'l 170 Dennison, Jas., sergt., 235; captain 264 Dennison, Thos 216 Dennison, Wm., lieut 134 Denniston, Daniel D., lieut. 4th N. Y 220 Denniston, Geo., adjt., 299; ensign, 3d N. Y., 1776... 199 Denniston, Geo. L., ensign 3d N. Y., 1776 204 Denniston, Wm., lieut., 300; captain 299 Denny, John, lieut. 1st N. Y., 1776 174 Denny, Peter 215 Denny, Sam'l 202 Denton, Amos 227 Denton, Dan'l, capt., 20, 57, 529; muster roll of comp., 106; capt. in Riztema'B, 93, 96; letter from, 83 Denton, Isaac 546 Denton, JameB, lieut., 301; captain 302 Denton, John 60 Denton, Joseph, ensign 292 Denton, Stephan 533 Deo, Hugh 205 Depew, Abr'm, corporal. 192 Depew, Francis 192 Depew, Henry , 193 Depew, Jno 192, 237 Depu, Abr'm 1 98 Depue, Moses, ensign and lieut 300 Depue, Wm 550 Depuy, Eph'm, lieut. Ass. Ex 303 Depuy, Joachim 301 Depuy, John E., ensign 300 Depuy, Sam'l, ensign 300 Deratt, Jno 198 Derby, Chester 536 Derby, Thos 175 ' Derotter, Geo 177 De Roussi, Pierre R., lt.-col. 2d N. Y., 1776 186 De Rouste, Anth'y .". 216 Derusia, Anth'y 548 Deserters shot 185, 189, 192, 200, 206, 234, 239, 242 Desertion 35 De Staatsman, Jean 181 Detard, John Peter, chaplain 4th N. Y.? (See Tetard). 140 Devan, Corn's ". 207 Devanport, Rich'd, lieut 272 Devaults, Stephen. 202 Deverance, Hy. Jno 181 Devoe, David ... 547 De Voe, John, lieut. Militia 264 Devoure, Abr'r 188 Dewey, Elisha 194 Dewey, Jere'h, fifer 536 De Winne, Peter, lieut. Militia 266 Dewit, Aaron 184 Dewit, Benj 196 Dewit, Jacob 173 Dewit, Jobs 195 De Wit, Johs., lieut 278 Dewit, Levi, qr. mr. 2d N. Y., 1776 186 De Witt, colonel 125,157 De Witt, colonel of Min. Men 57 De Witt, Andries, captain 303 De Witt, Andries, Jr. , lieut.-col 303 De Witt, Benj'n 173 De Witt, Chas. , col . Ulster Co. Minute Men 303 De Witt, Jacob 1 301 De Witt, Jacob Rutsen, capt. Rangers, 148; captain. . 299 DeWitt, Johs., lieut 279 574 Index. Dewitt, Johs. C, ensign 300 De Witt, John, lieut 285 De Witt, John O, ensign, 3d Ulster Co. Regt., 300; lieut 301 DeWitt, John I 301 DeWitt, John L., captain, 281; capt. Dutchess Co. Minute Men, 284; capt. 1st Ulster Co. Regt 298 De Witt, Levi, qr. mr. 2d N. Y., 139; lieut. Levies, 256; captain ib. De Witt, Lucas, captain 298 Dewitt, Reuben, lieut 300 De Witt, Thos., lieut., 77; lieut. 3d N. Y., 1775, 170, 528; capt., 116; capt. 3d N. Y., 1776, 139, 199; major Levies 256, 257, 259 Dewlittle, Joseph, lieut 305 Deygart, John, captain 549 Deygart, Nich's, lieut 294 Deyo, Abr'm, Jr., lieut. and captain 300 Deyou, Levi, ensign 300 Dibble, Hez'h 228 Dick, Henry 212 Dickens, Jas 190 Dickens, Peter 191 Dickens, Thos 189 Dickens.Will 176 Dickenson, , lieut 51 Dickenson, Abr'm, sergeant 215 Dickenson, Gideon 228 Dickenson, Rich'd, lieut. Levies 257 Dickerson, Benj 210 Dickerson, David 210 Dickerson, Jno 211 Dickerson, Jed 217 Dickerson, Joseph / 293 Dickerson, John 293 Dickerson, Versal, sergeant 226 Dickinson, Chas., captain 542 Dickinson, Daniel, major 271 Dickinson, Sylvanus, 86; cornet 2d Light Drag 248 Dickson, , lieut 51 Dickson, David, captain 542 Dickson, Lewis, fifer 230, 231 Diefendorph, Henry, lieut. 1st N. Y., 1776, 174; lieut. 3d N. Y., 1776, 197 ; captain 294, 549 Diefendorph, Jacob, lieut. and captain 294 Dietz, Johs. , lieut 273 Dietz, Peter, lieut. Militia, 264; captain 548 Dietz. See Deatz, Teets. Digon, Rich'd 26 Dillenbach, And'w, captain .> 549 Dillenbagh, And's, lieut 295 Dillino (Dillins), surgeon's mate 538 Dimick, Joseph 249 Dimmick, Dan'l, sergt 228 Dimmick, Perius, corpl 187 Dimond, Moses 225, 548 Dimond, Wm., 225; drummer 237 Dingman, Abr'm 181 Dingman. Adam 181 Dingman, Gradus 185 Dingman , John 179 Dinny, John, lieut. 1st N. Y , 138 Dinus, Jacob 546 Disert, Jno 210 Disbno, Joseph 234 Dixon, lieut 65 Dixon, And'w 242 Dixon, Thos 205, 240 Doan, David, ensign 280 Dobb, Jno 208 Dobbin, Henry, lieut 292 Dobbins, Hugh 205 Page. Dobbins, Thos 198 Dobbs Ferry 176 Doblin, Geo 243 Dochsteder, Adam, ensign 296 Dochsteder, Nichs., lieut 296 Docker, Jacob. 240 Docksteder, Geo 546 Dodge, Henry, lieut. 5th N. Y., 119, 220; captain Levies, 259; commissary 537 Dodge, Richard, fifer 221 Dodge, Samuel, ensign 4th N. Y. 212, 215; lieut., 94, 220 Dodge, Wilkie, captain armed sloop Sally 534 Dole, James, lieut. 2d Light Dragoons 248 Dolmage, Adam 52 Dolph, Moses 189 Dolson, Abrm, lieut 293 Dolson, Abrm., Jr., lieut 292 Dolson, James, lieut 292 Dolson, Peter, ensign 2d N. Y. 1776 139, 195 Dolson, Teunis 302 Dominack, John, lieut 273 Don, David, lieut .' 529 Donaldson, Daniel, lieut 277 Donaldson, Isaac 231 Donaldson, Fred, captain armed vessel, 254; gunner, 533 Donaldson, Joseph 547 Donaldson, Peter 193 Donaldson, Sub 533 Donaldson, Thos., corporal 242 Donaldson, Wm., lieut 300 Done, Thomas 244 Donelson, John 86 Donnels, John, sergeant 220 Donolly, James 184 Doodes, Joseph 242 Doran, Abrm 293 Dorlon, John, captain 285 Dorn, John 177 Dornberry, Adams 201 Dorriss, James 242 Dorset, Vermont 27 Dorsey, Thos., captain 208 Dorson, Daniel, fifer 198 Dotty, Peter 222 Dotty, Wm 236 Doty, , lieut 59 Doty, Asa, ensign 274 Doty, Corns., captain 273 Doty, David, ensign Ass. Ex., 285; lieut 282 Doty, Dirck, captain 283 Doty, Isaac, lieut., 272; lieut. Pilots 540 Doty, John 217 Doty, Reuben, ensign 283 Dougherty, Elizbh 82 Dougherty, Jobn 181 Dougherty, Mark , 216 Dougherty, Thos 205 Dougherty, Wm., 227; fife major 174 Doughty, Bernard, captain 283 Doughty, Chas., sergeant 235 Doughty, El 212 Doughty, Geo 211 Doughty, Isaac 205 Doughty, James 225 Doughty, John, captain 2d Artillery 244 Douglas, Asa, captain and major 273, 274 Douglas, Jon'n, forage master 537 Douglas, Rice 242 Douglas, Wm 223, 245 Douglass, Geo., sergeant 191 Douglass, James 175 Douglass, Jon'n, lieut. Ass, Ex 274 Index. 575 Page. Douglass, Wm 199 Douw, John P., ensign Militia , . .... 265 Douw, Volkert A., adjt. Militia 262 Douw, Volkert P-, Vice President 3 Dow, Alex., lieut. in Malcom's 248 Dow, James, 2d lieut 77 Dow.Volker 227 Dowdin, John 172 Dowler, Geo., sergt 204 Downing, Richard 176 Downs, James, corporal 240 Downs, Pat 205 Dox, Peter, ensign Militia 264 Doxey, Stephen 212 Doyl, James 238 Doyl, Pat 242 Doylany (Delany), John, drummer 236, 237 Doyle, Thos 245 Drake. , lieut. Addl. Continentals 152 Drake, , colonel 76, 84 Drake, Benoni 214 Drake, Francis 223 Drake, Gilbert, Chairman Westchester Co. Com 22 colonel 62 lieut.-col. 3d W. Ch. Co. Regt... 305, 306 col. 3d W. Ch. Co. Regt 548 Drake, John, lieut. 284; captain 306, 545 Drake, Joseph, captain 1st W. Ch. Co. Regt 303 colonel, drafts from his Regt 84 col. 1st W. Ch. Co. Regt 303 col. W. Ch. Co. Min. Men 307 Drake, Joshua, ensign, 140, 306; lieut. iu Malcom's, 243, 306; capt. Levies 257, 538, 539, 544 Drake, Major, ensign and lieut 306 Drake, Moses, major 303 Drake, Reuben, lieut 284 Drake, Samuel, sergt. 550; colonel 75 reinforcements for his Regt 84 col. 3d W. Ch. Co. Regt. . . .306, 543, 548 Drake, Uriah, lieut. 4th Ulster Co. Regt., 301; captain Ulster Co. Minute Men, 302; captain Ass. Ex 303 Drew, Geo 194 Dreyer, Fred 208 Drinks, Andr , 180 Drinnin, Ham 192 Driskell, Corns 201 Druscomb, Edw., drum major 174 Duane, James, 135; letter from 74 Duane, Mr 128, 145 Du Bois, Barent, ensign Levies 259 Du Bois, Benj., captain Levies 257, 258 Dubois, Benj. C., captain 270 Dubois, Benj. J., lieut 270 DuBois, Corns., adjt. Levies, 256; lieut., 301; lieut.- col. 11th Albany Co. Regt 270 Dubois, Corns. I., lieut. Levies 257, 259, 281 Dubois, Corns. J., lieut., 284; qr. mr. Light Horse... 298 Du Bois, Christr., Jr., ensign and lieut 279 Dubois, David, lieut., 528; capt 116 Dubois, Henry, adjt., 116, 220; capt. 2d N. Y 197 Du Bois, Jacob '. 301 Dubois, Jacobus 172 Dubois, James, lieut. 3d N. Y 140 Dubois, Joh's 172 Dubois, John, ensign 270 DuBois, John I., lieut. Levies 257, 259 Dubois, John J 170 Dubois, Jon'n 539 Dubois, Lewis 175 capt., 29; capt. 3d Regt 17, 21, 528 capt. 4th Ulster Co., Regt 301 major . 77 Dubois, Lewis, major in Canada Bervice 115 major 4th Ulster Co. Regt 301 colonel 137, 138, 147, 149 Regt. of, at Fort Constitution 145 col. 5th N. Y 220, 537 col. Levies 257 Dubois, Lewis J. , captain 300 Dubois, Mathw., ensign 300 Du Bois, Math'w, captain, 303 Dubois, Nathl., 230, 231 ; ensign 802 Dubois, Tobias, lieut 803 Du Bois, Zach., major 289 Dubuy, Jean Baptist 237 Ducher, Barnet 196 Duel, Eml., lieut. Levies 257 Duel, Joseph, lieut 283 Duer, Wm 136 appd. Brigade Major or Dep. Adjt. -Gen. . 21 declines to serve as Dep. Adjt.-Gen 35 Duer, Mr 125, 127, 128 Duff, David 180 Duff, Peter 217 Duffin, John 205 Duffy, Wm 199 Duguid, Jno., qr. mr. sergt 209 Dullaway, And 211 Dumond, Johs. Ph. , ensign 298 Dumondt, Corn's 301 Dumondt. John, Jr 301 Dumondt, John P 301 Dumondt, Peter, sergeant 301 Dumont, Egbert 3, 37; lieut.-col., 76; capt 529 Dun, Thomas, ensign 303 Dunbar, Wm 211 Duncan, James 183 Duncan, John, sergt., 181, 183; captain 550 Duncan, Thos 194 Dunford, Wells 228 Dungan, Pat'k 234 Dunham, , lieut. Levies 356 Dunham, And'w 175 Dunham, Corn's 251 Dunham, Edw 234 Dunham, Elijah 540 Dunham, Hezekiah, lieut 271 Dunham, Holtham, captain levies, 258; lieut. and captain, 271, 272; capt. Ass. Ex 275 Dunham, Israel 175 Dunham, Jon'n, lieut 271 Dunlap, Andr., corpl 192 Dunlap, Berius 249 Dunlap, James, 245; corporal 180 Dunlap, John, 241; sergt., 180; lieut 294 Dunlap, Thos 240 Dunlop, Wm 58 Dunmore, Cfflsar 214 Dunn, Alex., qr. mr. sergt 186 Dunn, Jno 238 Dunn, Jer'h, corporal 221 Dunn, Jurry P., ensign .'. 269 Dunn, Stephen 161 Dunning, Abr'm 537 Dunning, Benj 550 Dunning, Jacob 60 Dunning, John, lieut 299 Dunning, Mich'l, Jr. , lieut. in Warner's 248 Dunnivan, Anth'y 204 Dunnivan, John 216 Dunnivan, Peter 213 Dunscomb, Edward, 51; lieut. 4th N. Y 217 Dunscomb, Hez'h, captain 272 Dunvan, John 179 576 Index. Page. Duplessis, Le Get, sergeant 235 Dupuy, John, lieiit. and captain 300 Durand, Fran 198 Durand, James 87 Durfee, Jed., sergeant 536 Durham, Stephen 179 Durkee, Herm, corporal 536 Durkee, Tim 536 Durlin, Jobn, captain 114, 286 Durling, John, lieut., 59; captain 67 Durm, Thos., lieut. Ass. Ex 303 Durmond, W. V. O., lieut 270 Durmot, Rich'd 194 Dury, Luther 536 Durye, Charles 87 Durje, Garret, 289; ensign 290 Durye, Geo 289 Dusenberry, lieut 96 Dusenberry, Gilbert, ensign, 304; lieut 305 Dusenbury, Henry, 548; captain 304 Dusenbury, John, lieut. 3d N. Y 209 Dusenbury, Moses, lieut., 284; colonel 102 Dusenbury, Rich'd 548 Dutcher, Adam 215 Dutcher, Wm. , captain 304 Dutchess Co., members for 3 male population of 127 disaffected persons in 113 quota of 66 lead for 133 quota of Militia in 108 date of march for Militia 110 Militia ordered out 116 to be in readiness 127 tories in 131 part of, refuse to march 142 part of, to be called out 147 Dutchess Co., Militia to be called out 148 ordered to Peekskill 156 officers of 278, et seq. Minute men of 72 officers of 284, et seq. officers of Associated Exempts in 285 troop of horse in 121 Rangers of 133 levies ordered in 141 regiments in, to go into immediate service 285 special comp. in. 113, 135, 286 letter from committee of 59, 102 committee of, to procure arms for Clinton's Regt 99 Duyckink, lieut 51 Dwight, Joseph, capt., letter of marque 254 D wyer, Thos '. 194 Dwyre, Simon 212 Dyal, Thos 199 Dycke, Nathan 536 Dycke, Sam'l 536 Dyckman, Joseph, ensign, 284; captain 280, 541 Dye, Wm 18 Dyer, Barrett, captain 274 Dygart, , captain 545 Dygart, Sev 545 Dygart. See Deygart, Tygert. Dygert, Jost, lieut. and captain. 294 Dyke, Adin 130 Dyke, Calvin 536 Dyke (Dykeman), John 175 Dyke (Dykeman), Joseph 175 Dykeman, Benj., lieut.. 306 Dykeman, Mich'l, lieut. Levies 256, 257 Dykeman. See Dyke. Dyre, Wm., captain 536 E- Eacles, Jacob, mus'n 226 Eadle, Geo 545 Eagans, Josh 207 Eagins, Moses 237 Eagles, Thos., lieut 292 Eaker, John, lieut., Militia 264 Earl, Morris 86 Earle, Timothy, capt. and muster master 18 Early, Sam'l 166 Earnest, Christ'r, lieut 296 Easmey, Thos., lieut. Militia. 266 Easton, Henry 203 Eastward, Benj 216 Eastwood, Amos 245 Eastwood, John 544 Eaton, Ephr.. 2a8 Eaton, Solomon, corporal 249 Eckerson, Garrit, lieut., 290; captain 291 Ecker, Leonard 544 Ecker, Sol 301 Eckerson, Corn's, lieut. Levies 257 Eckerson, Garret, lieut 63 Eckerson, Jacob 177 Eckerson, Thomas, major 273 Eckler, Henry, captain 297 Eckler, Leon., Jr 546 Edes, Jos 208 Edgar, David, capt. 2d Light Dragoons 249 Edgarton, Eben'r 249 Edgerly, Jno. , corporal 206 Edgett, Stephen, lieut 134, 278 Edie, James 26 Edmonston, Wm., ensign 303 Edsall, Benj., capt. Ass. Ex 293 Edward, Gilbert 222 Edwards, David 211, 222 Edwards, Edw 186 Edmonds, Sam'l, captain 303 Edwards, Wm 187 Edy, Josiah 536 Egbert, Benj., captain 86 Egbert, Dan'l 188, 223 Egbertse, Anth'y, ensign Militia 262 Egertson, Jacob 238 Eggers, Elijah 190 Egg Harbour 82 Eggs, Sam'l 199, 200 Egleston, Eli 191 Egleston, Jno 196 Egleston, James, ensign. 284 Eighter, John, corporal 550 Eights, Abr'm, lieut. Militia 262 Eisenlord, John, capt. and major, 296; major 549 Ekert (Eaker), Jacob, lieut. and qr. mr 295 Elbertson (Elwiston), Wm 180 Elder, Joseph 189 Eldridge, Josea 179 Elerton, Joseph 242 Elibeck, Em 198 Eliker, Em 215 Elkenbrach, Peter , 237 Ellet, Archibald 167 Index. 577 Ellicer, John 224 Elliot, Henry, corporal 195 Elliot, Jno., surgeon's mate 3d N. Y., 1776 197 Elliot, Arch 218 Elliot, Benj . , lieut. and captain 280 Elliot, Benj., Jr., ensign 280 Elliot, Fran 201 Elliot, John, lieut 542 Elliot, Joseph, captain 269, 270, 277 Elliott, Benj., lieut 539 Elliott, John 193 Ellis, Benj 176 Ellis, Dan'l 175 Ellis, Jacob 226 Ellis, John, 214; corporal 536 Ellis, Joseph 226 Ellis, Moses, corporal 536 Ellison, Benj 240 Ellison, Jas 215, 240 Ellison, John 168, 169, 223 Ellison, Joseph 240 Ellison, Peter 168 Ellison, Rob't 190 Ellison, Thos.. 169 Elmendorf, Benj. , sergeant 301 Elmendorf, Jon'n, major, 297; lieut.-col 298 Elmendorf, Petrus J., adjutant 297 Elmendorph, Abr'm 301 Elmendorph, Benj., lieut 298 Elmendorph, Coenr. W 301 Elmendorph, Corns., ensign and lieut 278 Elmendorph, Corns. C, 301; comm'y 537 Elmendorph, Corns. J., qr. mr 303 Elmendorph, Peter, ensign in Malcom's 244 Elmendorph, Petrus 170 Elmendorph, Petrus, Jr 170 Elmendorph, capt., 157; lieut.-col 157 Elmer, Nath'l, captain 292 Elmore, , colonel 248 Else, John, qr. mr 541 Elsmore, Moses 250 Elson, Aaron 183 Elsworth, Jno., adjt. Levies 256 Elsworth, John, 190, 213; lieut. Levies 259 Elsworth, Peter, 172; lieut. 4th N. Y., 214; captain Levies 258 Elsworth, Theoph., ensign 298 Elsworth, Thos., lieut 286 Elsworth, Wm., ensign 300 Eltinge, James, lieut 268 Eltinge, Thos 170 Elwiston, Edw 180 Elwiston. See Elbertson. Elwood, Rich'd, ensign 295 Embrie, Effingham 86 Emica, G . Jno 204 Page. Emmons, Abr'm, adj utant 303 Emmons, Sol 129 Empie, Jacob 549 Empie, Wm., ensign 296 Empson, Jas 20o Emrich, Hend 182 Enders, Jacob W., ensign .' 273 Enders, John, ensign 273 Enderly, Peter 301 Engalls, , lieut 541 English, John, 210; sergeant 236, 237 English, Joseph, fifer 236 English, Josh. , sergeant 202 English, Samuel, ensign 3d N. Y., 140; lieut. 5th N. Y 231 Ennis, Henry 208 Ennis, John 58 Enniss, Peter 216 Ephraim, Eben'r 212 Epton, Benj 216 Erskine, Wm., lieut. Levies, 256; captain. 280 Erskine. See Askine. Ervine, Henry, lieut. and captain 269, 270 Erwin, Dan'l, sergeant 239 Erwin, Jno 217 Erwin, Jas 201 Erwin, John, drum major 186 Erwin, Wm. , lieut. in Malcom's 243, 302 Erwin. See Irwin. Eecott, Anth'y, sergeant 243 Eskler, Jno 177 Esmond, Josiah 213 Esselstyne, Richard, major 267, 268 Estler, Jacob, drummer 240 Evans, Ashur, ensign 277 Evans, Benj., lieut 77, 261, 528 Evans, Henry, major 277 Evans, Israel, chaplain 1st N. Y. Line, 1775, 527; chaplain 2d N. Y., 1776 186 Evans, John 187, 193, 195 Evans, Jos 200 Evans, Moses, lieut 536 Evans, Pat'k 177 Evans, Wm 130, 219 Everett, Dan'l, captain 60 Everett, Thos., lieut 286 Everbite, P. Jno 198 Everitt, John, ensign 301 Everson, Thos 289 Everstine, Fran 204 Everts, Dan'l, ensign 97 Every, Rynier V., ensign 267 Ewing, Alex 249 Eyganaer, Petrus, lieut 298 Eyres, Wm., sergeant 174 F. Factor, John, drummer 222 Fagan, Wm, 239 Failer, John 206 Fairchild, Jesse 179 Fairen, Jno 233 Fairley, James, lieut. 2d N. Y 139, 188 Fairley, Wm 215 Falconer, John, ensign 304 Falkner, Wm 338 .Fall, Robt 193 Falls, Edw., lieut ._. . 299 73 Falls, Sam'l 548 Fancher, David, lieut 305 Fanning, David, lieut 287 Fanning, Phineas, col., muster master Suffolk Co. ... 18 Fansher, Abr'm, lient 307 Fansher, Wm., lieut., 304; captain 305 Farbush, John 545 Fardimon, Sam'l, sergeant 215 Fargo, Wm 199 Farguson, Wm., sergeant 180 Farrel], John 51 578 Index. Page. Fashee, David, corporal 192 Fasset, John, 27; lieut 28 Faugh, Geo. , surgeon's mate 539 Faulkner, Jae., lieut 299 Faulkner, John, ensign 299, 305 Faulkner, Wm., captain 256, 299, 538 Fay, David 536 Fay, George, ensign 295 Fay, Jonas, surgeon Green Mt. Boys 16 Featherly, John 193 Feeck, Corn's, lieut 273 Feeks, Rob't 547 Feeling, Jacob 545 Feeling, John D 545 Feeling, John J. ,- 545 Feely, Wm 242 Felix, Phil 226 Fell, Peter, major 279 Fellip, George, lieut , , 268 Felter (Felton), Math's, captain 299 Feltman, Henry 241 Felty, Aug 178 Fenn, , lieut 542 Fenner, Foster 238 Fenton, Elijah, ensign 292 Fenton, Jotham 245 Fergerson, Jac'h, ensign 292 Ferguson, Arie, lieut 279 Ferguson, Peter, lieut 271 Ferguson, Robt 167 Ferguson, Stephen, ensign and lieut 281 Fergyson, Thos 168 Ferman, Gale 536 Fero, Andries 173 Ferran, Cornelly 166 Ferrand, John, surgeon, 541; surgeon's mate 542 Ferren, John 293 Ferrigh (Freg), Jno 204 Ferrel, Simeon, ensign 277 Ferris, Daniel 547 Ferris, David, lieut 306 Ferris, Ludw 213 Ferris, Reuben, major, 102; lieut.-col., 284; lieut.-col. Dutchess Co. I. S. Regt 285 Field, John, colonel, 102, 135, 188, 541; colonel 3d Dutchess Co. Regt 143, 280 Field, Joseph, Heut 135, 280, 286 Field, Phil 188 Field, Reuben, captain 277 Fiely, Jno 301 Fiere, Andries 58 Fiero, Steph., ensign 298 Filer, Thos 211 Filmore, Silas 229 Fimma, Anth'y 208 Finch, Chas 167 Finch, Daniel, ensign and adjutant 292 Finch, Eln 216, 547 Finch, Jacobus 166 Finch, John, lieut. Levies 259, 267 Finch, Nath'l, lieut., 284; adjutant 292, 550 Finck, Christ., corporal , 549 Finck, Solomon, lieut 292 Fincomb, Amos 220 Finnegar, George 221 Fink, Andrew, lieut., 78, 538; captain, 176; major Levies 258, 260 Fink, And'w, Jr., brig, major 537 Finke, Jacob, lieut 290 Finkner, John 200 Finn, Andr 179 Finn, Anth'y, ensign Ass. Ex 293 Page. Finn, Jno 226 Finn, John 236 Finn, Thos./. 222 Finn.Wm 217 Fish, Abner 214 Fish, Caleb 191 Fish, Eph'm, lieut. Levies 258 Fish, John, lieut 542 Fish, Moses 191 Fish, Nich's, lieut., 51, 65; brigade major, 114; major 2d N. Y., 1776 186 Fish, Zebra 227 Fisher, Fred., col. 3d Tryon Co. Regt., 295, 296, 542; scalped 548 Fisher, James 26 Fisher, John, 87; captain, 295, 528; major, 75; A. qr. mr. genl , 247 Fisher, Leonard 52 Fisher, Wm., lieut 304 Fishkill, 144, 151, 153, 160; Prov. Congress meets at, 141; barracks at or near 136 Fisk, Isaac, sergt. , 345; lieut. 3d Art'y 246 Fisser, Jno., sergeant 237 Fitch, Caleb 185 Fitch, Jas 214 Fitch, Joseph, lieut 77, 265, 528 Fitch, Neh'h, captain 274 Fitch, Palatiah, lieut 277 Fitch, Will'in, captain 28 Fitchea, Dennis 166 Fitcher, Geo 180 Fithian, David, captain 80 Fithen, David, captain 288 Fitzsammons, Barnet 173 Fitzgerald, Chris .- 218 Fitzgerald, Jno \ 179 Fitzgerald, Thos., sergeant 223 Fitzgerald, Wm., lieut 292 Fitzgibbons, Jas 223 Fitzpatrick, Wm 243 Fitzsimmon3, Barn'd 226 Flagg, Eben'r 194 Flannigan, Dan'l 226 Flansborough, Wm., lieut 2*66 Flatbush, L. 1 103 Flatlands, L. 1 108 Fleet, Gilbert, lieut 287 Fleming, George, 1st lieut. Art'y, 85; capt. 2d Art'y. . 244 Fleming, John, sergeant 252 Flemming, Edward, lieut.-col. 3d- Regt., 13, 528, 538; declines to serve as lieut.-col. 3d Regt., 15; ap pointed deputy adjt. general 36. 38 Flemming, Mich'l, sergt. major 174 Flemming, Sam'l, lieut 542 Flensburg (Flansborough), Math'w, lieut 266 Fletcher, Jas 199, 200 Fletcher, John, corporal 248, 550 Fletcher, Lawr., drum major 209 Fletcher, Sam'l, qr. mr. , 277; lieut 528 Flick, Martin 177 Flin, Jno 26, 184 Flinn, Henry 206 Flinn, Jno., 203 ; ensign in Malcom's 241 Flint, Adam, ensign 244 Flood, Cylas 26 Flood, Francis 187 Flowers, Elisha 129 Flowers, Zephon 249 Floyd, Wm. , col. 1st Suffolk Co. Regt 287 Floyer, Thomas 188 Fluno, Jno 229 Flyhearty, Stephen 180 Index. 579 Foard, Hezekiah 130 Foard, Noali 130 Foard, Paul 130 Foard, Seth 130 Foght, John Morris, lieut 537 Fokes, Robt 203 Folke, , surgeon 542 Foliar, John 234 Foltz, Peter 549 Fonda, Abr'm, captain 268 Fonda, Abr'm D., capt 263 Fouda, Adam, lieut.-col. 3d Tryon Co. Regt 295 Fonda, Douw J., ensign 3d N. Y., 1776 209 Fonda, Eldert, lieut 272 Fonda, Isaac, ensign 272 Fonda, Isaac A., lieut 262 Fonda, Isaac I. , ensign 262 Fonda, Jellis, lieut. Levies 260 Fonda, Jellis, Jr., lieut. Levies 256 Fonda, Jellis, A., lieut. Levies, 258; ensign 2d Alb. Co. Regt., 263; lieut. and' adjt., 538, 539; capt. Levies 260 Fonda, Jillis J., captain 263 - Fonda, John, ensign 1st N. Y., 1776, 184; lieut. 6th Albany Co. Regt., 267 ; lieut. aud qr. mr. Levies, 538; major Tryon Co. Minute Men 297 Fonda, John, Jr. , lieut. Levies ¦ 258 Fonda, John A., captain 269 Fonda, John I., ensign Militia. 262 Fonda, Jobn J., captain, 266; major 6th Albany Co. Regt 266 Fonda, John P., lieut. Militia 266 Fonda, Lawrence, qr. mr 267 Fonda, Peter A., [recommended for adjt., 85; lieut. Ass. Ex 275 Fonday, Jno. , ensign 3d N. Y., 1776 201 Fondey, John, ensign 589 Fonsey, Jos 216 Foor, Casp., Joh 204 Foran, James 173 Forbes, Alex 205, 208 Forbes, Wm. , captain 1st N. Y., 1776 353 Forbis, William 51 Forbush, Barth'w 177, 545 Forbush, Nich's 546 Force, David 302 Force, Timothy, sergeant 248 Ford, Benj., ensign 374 Ford, Chilion, lieut 2d Art'y 246 Ford, Geo 188 Ford, Jacob, capt., major and lieut.-col. 9th Albany Co. Regt 368 Ford, James, captain of Artificers 250 Ford, John. 178 Ford, Jon'n, lieut 274 Ford, Nath'l, lieut. Levies 258, 272 Ford, Simon, qr. mr 271 Ford, Timothy 194 Ford, Wm 211 Fordham, Daniel ensign 288 Fordit, Jno 237 Foreman, Chr'n 181 Forgenor, Joseph 236 Forguson, Sam., or James _ 227 Forman, Joseph, ensign and lieut ' 281 Forrest, Isaac, captain 539 Forrest, Robert 221 Forster, Mart 550 Fort, Abr'm, lieut., 280; captain 381 Fort, Jacob, lieut. Ass. Ex 274 Fort Clinton, casualties at 245 Fort Constitution, return of garrison at 144, 145 Page. Fort George 56, 81, 82, 181 casualties at 248 Fortifications in the Highlands, 91; garrisoning of. . . 147 Fortifications, near Anthony's Nose 121 Fortifications 5 on Hudson river 39, 53 garrisons sent to 40 officers to command... 41 B'ortifications near King's Bridge 121 on Puplope's Point 53 Fort Mifflin, Pa., casualties at 253 Fort Montgomery, garrison of 128, 145 regiments ordered to. ... 156 casualties at, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226 228, 2*0, 233, 244 Fort Schuyler, casualties at, 175, 176, 177, 178, 180, 182 184, 189, 199, 201, 203, 205, 207, 229 Fort Stanwix 174, 175, 177, 179, 181, 185, 203 Fortin, J., lieut 51 Fortunne, Joseph, sergt. major 53 Fosburgh, Peter 216 Fosdick, Samuel 218 Fosse, Adam 545 Foster, Benoni 193 Foster, Gilbert 227 Foster, Jere'h 221 Foster, John, 4, 181, 193; musician, 241; lieut 301 Foster, John, Jr., lieut 288 Foster, Nath'l 191, 536 Foster, Thos 204 Foster, Wm 213, 227 Fothegill, Hugh 199 Fothergill, Hugh 203 Fought, John Morris, lieut. Levies, 257; lieut. N. Y. Militia 542 Fowler, Isaac, lieut , 301 Fowler, Jabez 169 Fowler, Jas 203 Fowler, Jere'h, ensign 293 Fowler, Mich'l 1 227 Fowler, Phil 216 Fowler, Theo., lieut. 4th N. Y., 215; capt. 2d N. Y., men iu the Co. of 197 Fowler, Wm., captain 279 Fowlestroth, Henry 178 Fox, Aaron 349 Fox, Benj 205 Fox, Christ t. 236, 237 Fox, Christ'r P., captain 295 Fox, Christ'r W., captain and major 295, 542 Fox, Fred, lieut 297 Fox, Phil 178 Fox, Wm., Jr., captain 295 Foy, Edw. , sergeant 175 Frazier, Dan'l 241 Framer, Mich'l 234 France, Conr 203 France, Jno 213 France, Solomon, Jr 172 Francis, Jno 192 Francis, John 312 Franciska, John 58 Frank, Dr. Adam, surgeon 543 Frank (Fraun), Fred., ensign and lieut., 297; captain, 542 Frank, Jacob 550 Frank, John. 549 Frank, Mich 216 Frank, Tim'y, lieut 397 Franklin, James 547 Franks, John, capt.-lieut., 55, 289; pay master 4th N. Y., 1776, 209; commissary 537 Franks, Peter 213 580 Index. Page. Franks. See French. Fraser, Simon , 248 Frayer, Rob't 169 Frayer, Thos 202 Frazier, Duncan 184 Frazier, Jno., sergeant 235 Frazier, Jere'h 176 Frazier, Lewis 223 Fredenburgh, Isaac 174 Fredenburgh, Matthew 174 Fredenburgh, Peter 174 Frederick, J 206 Frederick, Joh 196 Fredericksburgh Precinct, Dutchess Co., 102, 135; company from 67 Free, John 243 Freeland, John 186, 199, 200 Freeman, Jon'n, sergeant 187 Freeman, Rich'd 248 Freeman, Rob't, appointed major, 68; captain and major 282, 288 Freeman, Thomas 130 Freeman, Wm 130 Freer, Dan'l, lieut 543 Freer, Elias, lieut 281 Freer, Jacobus, lieut 280 Freer, , col. Dutchess Co. Mil 156, 545 Freer, John, 301; lieut.-col. and col. 4th Dutchess Co. Regt 280, 281 Freer, Peter, 301 ; corporal, 195 Freer, Simon I., ensign 281 Freeze, Joel 200 Freg. See Ferrigh. Freligh, Salomon, chaplain 1st N. Y., 1776 174 French, Abner, capt. 2d N. Y., 1776, 196; captain Levies, 259, 539; capt. 3d Tryon Co. Regt 296 French (Franks), Jacob 176 French, John, qr. mr 297 French, Jon'n, lieut 273 French. See Franks. Frere, Anth'y, lieut 298 Frere, Dan'l, lieut 300 Frey (Fry), John, brigade major 294, 546 Frey, Lawrence, mus'n 242 Frey, Mich'l 242 Freyer, Simon 212 Friebush, Math 191 Page. Frilick, Jos., lieut. 4th N. Y 213 Frilick, Joseph, lieut. 5th N. Y 233 Frimier, Jno., drummer 231 Frinck, Andrew, captain 1st N. Y 138 Frink, Elisha 174 Frisbie, Phil., captain and major 274 Frisby, Guxon, capt. Ass. Ex 275 Frost, Jed., ensign 284 Frost, Wm 221 Frunsiner, Geo 178 Fry, John, brig, major. See Frey 528 Fryday, Conr. 206 Frye, Peter 176 Fudler, Jacob 232 Fuller, Aaron, qr. mr 276 Fuller, Dan'l 193 Fuller, Elijah, lieut 284 Fuller, Eph'm, lieut 276 Fuller, Hezekiah 130 Fuller.Jed'h 289, 293 Fuller, Jonas 191 Fuller, Micajah, lieut 307 Fuller, Mich'l 179 Fuller, Nath'l 540 Fuller, Sam'l; qr. mr 275 Fuller, Sol 536 Fuller, Stephen, fifer 536 Fullerton, John 182, 183 Fulmer, Geo 182, 183 Fulton, Alex., sergeant 188 Fulton Co 294 Fulton, Fran 205 Fulton, Jno 225 Fung, Thos 187 Furdon, Abr'm, sergt. major 220 Furdon, Jno., sergt. major, 220; sergeant 226 Furguson, Hez'h 237 Furguson, Israel 182 Furguson, Jas 181, 191 Furguson, Sam'l 219 Furlough, Corn's 225 Furman, Alex., ensign 545 Furman, Gab 201 Furman, John, lieut. 5th N. Y 222 Furman, Rob't, lieut 286 Furman, Wm,, ensign 283 Furro, Rud 545 a. Gaashebus(?), captain 144 Gaford, Joseph, ensign 272 Gage, Anth'y, ensign 280 Gage, Jabez, lieut 271 Gage, James 549 Gage, J ohn, sergeant 209 Gagues, Jno i. : 236 Gago, George 549 Gailer, Wm., lieut 537 Gain, Francis, sergeant 222 Gaines, Christ 198 Gaites, Mich'l 174 Gaites, Sheperd, ensign 277 Gake, Sam'l 204 Galasby, George 171 Gale, Abel, qr. mr 292 Gale, John 173 Gale, Josiah, lieut 282 Gale, Noah, ensign 283 Gale, Peter, 60, 291; captain 292 Gall (Gaul), John 199, 200 Gall, Wm 245 Gallady, Bart 198 Gallagar, Chas 232 Gallaspie, Wm. , corporal 204 Galloway, Alex., lieut 289 Galloway, Geo,, lieut 289 Galloway, James, lieut 289 Galusha, David, lieut 28 Games (Gardner), Sam'l, ensign and lieut 280 Gammet, Paul ... 537 Ganion, Mich'l 236 Ganno, Daniel, captain Levies 257 Gano, Dan'l, lieut., 77, 116, 527; paymaster 538 Gano, John, chaplain 5th N. Y 220 Ganseles, Sam'l 539 Gansevoort, Mr 65 Gansevoort, , major, 46, 47, 56; colonel... 147, 149 Gansevoort, Conrad, lieut. Militia 262 Gansevoort, Peter, colonel 3d N. Y 139, 197 Index. 581 Page. Gansevoort, Peter, regt. at Fort Constitution 145 major N. Y. Line, 1775 527 brig, gen'l Militia 262, 539 Gansevoort, Peter, Jr., lieut. Albany City Mil., 261; major, 77; lieut.-colonel 75 Garaet, Jno. , , , 208 Garaway, Wm 241 Gardener, John, lieut., 62, 290; captain 291 Gardinear, Harm's, ensign 305 Gardinear, John, captain 542 Gardiner, Jacob, captain 395 Gardinier, Andw 336 Gardinier, Dirck, captain, Militia 367 Gardinier, Gilbert 174 ¦Gardinier, Peter 183 Gardner, And., fife major 198 Gardner, Geo., sergeant , 239 Gardner, James 227 Gardner, Saml 209, 222 Gardoneer, Henry H. , captain , 266 Gareheart (Gerhardt), Math 191 Garginear, Herm, ensign 548 Garloch, Chas., sergeant 549 Garnin, James 187 Garnet, , 166 Garnsey, Peter, adjt 273 Garret, James - 179 Garret, Samuel 183, 550 Garrison, Abrm 170, 191, 208, 228 Garrison, Jno - 190, 200 Garrison, Isaac, lieut 289 Garrison, Joseph, lieut 284 Garrison, Peter 335 Garrison, Richd., qr. mr 304 Garrison, Sam'l 223 Garritson, Sam'l 168 Gary, John 289 Gaseley," John, Jr., lieut. 282 Gasper, Peter, corporal 182, 183 Gatis, David 208 Gates, John , 239 Gates, John, ensign C. C , 235 Gaulerd, Wm., sergt.-major 543 Gaured (Garret), Saml 177 Gawey, David 235 Gay, Edw 190 .Gay, Wm., captain 282 Gazely , James, ensign 281 Gee, David 218 Gee, Ezekiel 218 Gee, Moses 228 Gee, Wm., major 284 Geers, Benj 207, 214 Gelderman, Henry 221 Gelson, Zach., lieut. Levies 257 Gelston, Jobn, adjt 80, 287 Genious, Peter 206 George, Josh 191 George, Robert 185 Georgia, quota of 132 Gerhardt. See Gareheart Gerlach, Adam 646 German, David 648 German, Silas, lieut 282 Germantown, casualties at 245, 247 Germond, Silas, lieut 283 Gerwyck, Zach., qr. mr 268 Getman, Christn., captain Rangers 538 Gettman, Fred., captain. See Gitman 297 Gibson, And 208 Gibbons, Jno 216,222 Gibson, John 215 Page. Gibson, Mich'l, captain 277 Gibson, Robert 214 Gibson, Sam'l 58 Gidney, Eleazer, ensign 302 Gifford, Ichabod, drummer 235 Gifford, Jon'n 237 Gifford, Rowland, ensign 283 Gifford, Wm., 200; lieut 281 Gilaspy, James 1G7 Gilbert, , lieut 51 Gilbert, Abijah, captain 304, 543 Gilbert, Benj., ensign 1st N. Y., 1776, 184; lieut.... 175 Gilbert, Elijah, captain 274 Gilbert, John 188 Gilbert, Jacob, qr. mr 306 Gilbert, John 235 Gilbert, John Casper 183 Gilbert, Samuel 203 Gilbert, Seth .' 228 Gilbert, William 190,242 Gilbrand, Rane 234 Gilchrist, John '. 217 Gilchrist, Peter, lieut 276 Gilchrist, Saml -. 547 Gilchrist, Wm., drummer......:.'..: 212 Gilcrease, Sam'l '......'..'.' 547 Gilder, Eben'r .............. ..?. 190 Gildersleeve, Daniel, corporal, 241; sergeant 548 Gildersleeve, Finch, ensign in Malcom's 239 Gildersleeve, Richard '. , , . . 533 Gilderslieve, Finch, lieut. Levies ' . ." 259 Giles, Benj., lieut :...-. 371 Giles, Gilbert . . . . .Yr. V: ..'....'. .' . 86 Giles, Gilbert, jr. .... .'Y. .'? . . .... .. . '.'. 86 Giles, Richard .'..".. .*r: . . . . . . .'. 195 Gill (Guile), John, lieut. . . . . ...... . . . . ... .7. ...... . 274 Gill, Joseph Louis, major. 250 Gillaspy, John, captain and major 302 Gillaspy, Sam'l, ensign and lieut 302 Gillchrist, John, Jr 220 Gilleland, Mr. , recomended for promotion "... 124 Gilleland, James, 2d lieut. Artillery 84 Gilleland, Wm., lieut 527 Gillen, Thos 250 Gillespie, Jas 216, 224 Gillespie, Robt 228 Gillespie, Wm., Jr 172 Gillet, , lieut 541 Gillet; Jos 215 Gillett, Abner, ensign, 383 ; lieut. and qr. mr 283 Gillett, John, lieut 274 Gilleylen, Wm., 1st lieut 77 Gillman, Jeremiah 160 Gillman, Joseph, sergeant 249 Gillson, Mich'l, lieut 277 Gilmore, Dan'l 332, 234 Gilmore, Robt 208 Gilmore, Wm. or Abr 185 Gitman, Fred. , captain. See Getman 546 Given, Mich'l 232 Givens, Sam'l 225 Glason, Joseph, drummer 230 Glaze, Adam 243 Glean, Caleb 332 Gleason, Bezaleel, corporal 139 Glen, 18 Glen, Robt,, corporal 206 Glenn, Henry 3 Glenny, Wm., ensign 2d New York, 139; lieut 191 Glinblet, Peter 190 Gloseman, Fred 198 Gloucester Co 130 582 Index. Page- Gloucester Co., inhabitants of, intend to separate from New York 141 quota of militia from 108, 109 militia 136 not properly armed 146 rangers in 117 ordered to Kingston 153 Glover, Sam'l, sergeant 248 Glover, Thos., 205; sergeant 218 Goddartt,JHr 92 Gordineer, Harm's, lieut 306 Godspeed, Hosea 319 Godwin, Abr'm, fife major 320 Godwin, David, drummer 336, 230 Godwin, Henry, captain 5th New York, 230; captain Levies, 259 ; quartermaster 285 Goes, Isaac, major 7th Albany Co. Regt 267 Goes, John D., -qr. mr. militia 267 Goes, John J., lieut. militia 267 Goes, Lawrence, major 7th Albany Co. Regt 267 Goetschius, J. M., lieut 168 Goetschius, John, lieut 291 Goetschius, Marinus, lieut 529 Goff, Joseph 238 Goforth, Wm., captain 1st New York, 23, 77, 351, 252, 527; major ¦. 115 Golden, Lewis 230, 231 Golden, Thos 192 Golding, Daniel, lieut 283 Golding, Wm 223 Golear, Wm., lieut 306 Goldsmith, Ezra, corporal 210 Gomer, Richard 26 Gonsales, Manuel, lieut 299 Goodale, Benj 182 Goodcourage, John 203 Goodell, Titus, corporal. 160 Goodf ellow, Sam'l, ensign 274 Goodrich, Josiah 536 Goodspeed,. Gideon 235* Goodspeed, Nath'l, lieut 301 Goodwin, George 217 Goodwin, William 180 Goose, Henry, lieut .... 267 Goose, John, eaptain 267 Gorham, Jabez 190 Gorden (Gordon), James, lieut. col 271 Gordinier, Andr 293 Gordon, Chas 241 Gordon, James, 545; lieut. col. 12th Albany Co. Regt. . 545 Gordon, Kenneth, ensign 271 Gordon, Wm 210 Gorman, Rich'd 176 Goshen 166 Gosley, Henry, corporal 249 Goslin, Sam'l 232 Gossper, Peter 26 Goudee, John 240 Goudy, James 242 Goudy, Jno 242 Gould, Jno 189 » Gould, John 536 Gould, Joseph 241 Gould, Seth 536 Gould, Thos., lieut. Ass. Ex 276 Gouvion, , lieut. col. Sappers and Miners 250 Grace, Jas 204 Grace (Gray), John. 207 Gragg, Isaac 130 Gragg, Thos 130 Graham, , 22; adjutant, 541; captain, 59; col. Dutchess Co. Militia 142, 100 Page. Graham, Andr 170, 190 Graham, Aug., lieut 279 Graham, Charles, lieut., 56, 78; lieut. 4th N. Y. Line, 1775, 529; capt. 2d N. Y 139, 188 Graham, Chauncey, surgeon 637 Graham, Dan'l, lieut 298 Graham, Jacob 240 Graham, Jas 236 Graham, John 190, 235 lieut 550 captain 77 capt. 1st N. Y 138, 175 capt. 3dN. Y. Line, 1775 538 capt. 4th Ulster Co. Regt 303 Graham, John G., major 1st W. Ch. Co. Regt 303 Graham, Lewis, 4; colonel, 76; lieut.-col 307 Graham, Morris, colonel 63, 134, 161, 541, 545 lieut.-col. and col. 1st Dutchess Co. Regt 278 colonel Dutchess Co. I. M. Regt. . . 285 colonel Levies 539 Graham, Moses 190 Graham, Robt 4, 548 Graham, Wm., lieut., 290; captain 291 Grains, Lewis 188 Grammin, Nath'l, ensign 272 Granger, Jno 218 Granger, Silas, ensign and lieut 276 Grant, Eleazer, qr. mr., 274; lieut 528 Grant, Hannah 82 Grant, John, capt., 28, ;534, 535; capt.-lieut. Green Mt. Boys 16 Grass, Michel, captain 294 Graves, Chauncey 536 Graves, John, captain 268, 269 Graves, Josiah 216 Graves, Nath'l 537 Graves, Seldon 216 Graves, Stephen, lieut 269 Gravesend, L. 1 103 Graw, Mich'l 242 Gray, Asahel, lieut 274 Gray, Benj 216 Gray, Hez'h, captain 307 Grav, Jas 211 Gray, John 198, 205, 242, 548 Gray, Peter 234 Gray, Phil., corp'l 176 Gray, Robt., 216; ensign, Add'l Cont's 233, 234 Gray, Sam'l, 221, 238; ensign and lieut., 295; adjt. Tryon Co. Minute Men, 297; adjutant 642 Gray, Silas, lieut. 3d N. Y., 1776, 209; lieut. 4th N. Y., 215; capt. Levies 258, 259 Gray, Thos., corporal 187 Gray, Wm 545 Gray. See Grace. Gready, Thos 227 Greatman, Jno 210 Green, Aug., lieut 267 Green, Benj 547 Green, Beriah, lieut 536 Green, Boswart 209 Green, Charles 174 Green, Daniel, captain 291 Green, Isaac 242 Green, J. M 301 Green, John, 536; lieut 276 Green, Joseph, captain 304 Green, Lert 242 Green, Nathan, Jr., ensign and lieut 280 Green, P. M., corporal 301 Green, Robt 586 Index. 583 Page. Green, S. M 301 Green, Silas 176 Green, Sutten 230, 231 Green, Tim 200 Green, Wm., lieut., 548; ensign 272 Greenel, Thomas 41 Green Mountains 128 Green Mountain Boys 19 to be embodied in N. Y. troops 14, 15 refuse to serve under officers not elected by them 14, 15 Greenwood, John 190 Greer, Benaja 251 Greer, David 216 Gregg, David 226, 232 Gregg, Hezekiah 232 Gregg, James, 2d lieut., 77; 1st lieut., 116; lieut. 3d N. Y. Line, 1775, 528; capt. 3d N. Y 140, 204 Gregg, Thos 204 Gregg, Jere'h , 191 Gregory, John, qr. mr 543 Gregory, Joseph, ensign 284 Grey, Hez'h, lieut 304 Grennell, John, capt. 3d Regt 40, 71, 528 recommended for capt. of Co. of Matrosses' 41 appointed capt. of Art'y 46 captain, resigns 92 Grennell, Tho's, Jr., 2d lieut. Art'y 85 Griffin, capt., in Clinton's 97, 98 Griffin, Barney 213 Griffin, Benj 192, 224 Griffin, Dan'l, capt. 3d Regt 70, 71 capt. armed vessel 254 captain 528 major 76 Griffin, Jacob, capt. and lieut.-col 279, 541 Griffin, John 187 Griffin, Joshua 228 Griffing Stephen, ensign 4th N. Y 210 Griffings, captain 145 Griffis, James. 173 Griffith, Abr., corporal 187 Griffith, Anth'y, 89; lieut. Art'y 17, 246 Page- Griffith, Barney ig5 Griffith, Benj'n '.'.'.'... 52 Griffith, Jere'h .'.'.77' 238. 293 Griffith, Jas 192 Griffith, Samuel, corporal 193 Grill, Thos 194 Grimsley , Wm 203 Grindel, Moich 206 Grinnall, James, lieut 549 Grinnell, James, sergt 297 Grinnell, John, capt. of Art. (See Grennel.) 85 Grissell, Jabez 188 Griswold, Jon'n, sergeant 537 Grite, Wm 209 Groat (Groot), John, capt. Militia 264 Groesbeck, Anth'y, ensign Militia 262 Groesbeck, David, lieut. Ass. Ex 275 Groesbeck, Gerrit, captain Militia 262 Groesbeck, John W. , major 272 Groesbeck, Walter N., captain 272 Groesbeck, Wm., lieut. Militia 263 Groet, Petrus 549 Groetemburgh 136 Grogan, Jno 188 Grommon, Joseph 166 Groot, John, lieut. Militia 264 Gros, Joh. Dan'l, Rev. , chaplain Levies, 256, 258, 259, 539 Gross, , lieut. Tryon Co. Rangers 297 Gross, John, 550; corporal 184 Gross, Lawrence, captain Levies 258 Gross, Peter , 245 Grote (Groot), Wm 199, 200 Groundheart, Geo 178 Grout, Hilkiah, major 278 Grover, Isaac 537 Grover, Isaiah 536 Guinall, James, lieut 294 Guion, David, lieut. 4th Ulster Co. Regt., 302; lieut, 1st W. Ch. Co. Regt 303 Guion, Isaac, capt.-lieut. 2d Artillery 244, 246 Guion, Jon'n, ensign 304 Gullion, John 191 Guth, John 185 Guthrie, Adam 251 Guthrie (Guttrick), Christian 184 H. Haasbrouck, Elias, ensign Haasbrouck, Jacobus, lieut Haasbrouck, John, captain Haasbrouck, Joseph, lieut., 300; adjt. Levies. Haasbrouck, Josiah, lieut Haasbrouck, Joshua, ensign Haburn, Wm., sergeant ... 303 ... 300 ,.. 300 ... 539 ... 300 ... 300 ... 206 Hach, George 225 Hackney, Joseph 245 Hackney, Wm 245 Hadden, Moses, lieut 307 Hadley, Bishop ... 209 Hadley, Joseph, sergeant 189 Hadlock, James, captain 272 Hadlock, Robert 243 Hagaman, Joseph, lieut. and captain 282, 283 Hagarly, Morter 549 Hagedern, Christ'r, ensign 269 Hagedorn, Jacob, lieut 269, 540 Hageman, Adrian, ensign 271 Hager (Heeger), Jacob, captain 273 Hager, Peter, lieut 273 Hagerman, John, lieut 283 Hagerman, Nich's. 181 Hagity, Enos 289 Hagley , John , 245 Habn, Conr 549 Haight, , lieut 541 Haight, Benj., lieut. and captain 283 Haight, Jobn, captain 284 Haight, Sam'l, lieut. 4th N,-Y. Line, 1775, 529 ; lieut. and captain 306, 543 Haight, Stephen, ensign 284 Haight, Thos., qr. mr. sergeant, 186; sergeant, 188 ; ensign 537 Haight. See Hyat. Hail, Patr 176 Haild, Appollos 536 Haines, Asa, lieut 280 Haines, Caleb, lieut 280 Haines, Jno 224 Haines, Jacob, ensign, 394 ; lieut 295 Haines, Jos 216 Haines, Thos 180 Hains, Dan'l, lieut 305 Hait, Jacob, lieut 304 Hale, Aaron, captain 269 Hale, Israel 194 584 Index. Page. Hale, Mordecai, surgeon 2d Artillery 244 Halenbeek, John, lieut 296 Halfpenny, Robt. , corporal 235 Half moon ...'... 35 Halkerson, Wm 225 Hall, Aaron, captain Levies 258 Hall, Chas 180 Hall, Christ'r 130 Hall, David 235,250 Hall, Gideon, lieut 281 Hall, Isaac 211 Hall.Jno 187,208 Hall, Jacob 129 Hall, James.. .-. 177, 214 Hall, John 227 Hall, Joshua, captain Militia 267 Hall, Lemuel . 250 Hall, Lynes 194 Hall, Wm., lieut 295 Halleck, Jon'n, ensign 292 Hallegat, Baltis 205 Hallenbeck, Abr'm 212 Hallenbeck, Jno 189 Hallenbeck, Jacob, ensign and lieut 272 Hallenbeck, John, captain .- 268 Hallenbeck, Wm. lieut, 273, 274 Hallett, Mr 8, 83 Hallett, Jonah, ensign, 286; lieut. iu Malcom's, 243 ; lieut. 4th Lt. Drag., 250; lieut. Levies 256 Hallet, Jon'n, capt. 2d N. Y. 1776 189, 193 Hallett, Joseph 3 Hallett, Josiah, captain Levies 256 Hallet, Rich'd 194 Hallett, Wm 225, 226 Hailey, Ez'l, lieut 304, 305 Hallick, Jon'n 224 Halliday, David 649 Hallock, Joseph 245 Halloway, Sarah 82 Hallstead, Jacob 169 Halnass, Phil 229 Halsey, Abr'm 211 Halsey, Henry, lieut 288 Halsey, Isaac, ensign 288 Halsey, Jesse, lieut 288 Halsey, Stephen, ensign 57 Halsey, Thos 211 Halstead, Benj., lieut 291 Halstead, Ez'l, lieut 272, 304 Hatt, Fred 212 Haman, John F 201 Hambleton, Joseph, ensign 282 Hamilicair (Hemlin), Adam 194 Hamill, David, lieut 283 Hamilton, Alex., recommended for captain of art'y. . 72 examined and commissioned capt. of artillery 84 the company of, to guard the rec ords 92 pay of his company of artillery. . . 103 his company part of the N. Y. quota 113 part of Scott's Brigade 122 allowed to go into Cont'l service. . . 147 captain 2d artillery 244 letter from 123 Hamilton Co 294 Hamilton, Hosea, adjutant 284 Hamilton, James, 181 ; qr. mr 528 Hamilton, John, lieut. and captain 276 Hamilton, Nath'l 536 Hamilton, Pat 196 Hamilton, Wm 171 Hamlin, David, lieut 279 Hamman, ¦, lt.-col. W. Ch. Co. Militia 121 Hammer, Will 188 Hammon, John 186 Hammon, Jon'n 129 Hammond, , colonel 543, 548 Hammond, Aaron, ensign Militia 264 Hammond, Ch 216 Hammond, Dan 179 Hammond, Elijah 160 Hammond, Isaac 213 Hammond, James, lieut.-col. 1st W. Ch. Co. Regt. 303, 304 Hammond, Mat., corporal 129 Hamstraet, Dirk, ensign, Militia 264 Hamstranck, F. Jno., captain 5th N. Y 228 Hancock, John, president of Cont'l Cong., letters from, 4, 14, 15, 20, 38, 46, 47, 115, 131, 154; letter to . . 41 Hand, Nathl., lieut 288 Hand, Oliver 130 Handell, John 178 Handen, John 167 Handford, Jere'h 194 Handford, Obediah 178 Handly, James 216 Hanford, Abr'm, lieut 293 Hankey, John, corporal 179 Hanley, Jno 241 Hanmer, Francis, ensign 5th N. Y., 228; lieut. Levies 259 Hanmore, Jabez 216 Hanna, James, sergeant 224 Hanning, Ded. , ensign and lieut 294 Hannis, Wm 240 Hanniwill, Jno 197 Hanowel, Jno 182 Hansen, Dirick, 1st lieut., 77; captain, C. C 235 Hanson, Dirck, lieut. 2d N. Y. Line, 1775 528 Hanson, Henry, lieut. 550 Hanson, Nichs., 200; ensign 296 Hany, Abm 235 Hanyon, Garret ,. .. 189 Happle, Adam 204 Haraden, John 536 Harbeck, John, lieut 542 Hard, Philo, lieut 28 Hardenbergh, Abrm., lieut. 1st N. Y.. 1776 139, 179 Hardenbergh, Corns, captain in Ritzema's, 94, 96; lieut., 300; capt. 3d N. Y 252, 537 Hardenbergh, Ger., captain, 298; lieut. Ass. Ex 303 Hardenbergh, Isaac, ensign and lieut 302 Hardenbergh, Jacob 301 Hardenbergh, John 3 Hardenbergh, Johs., col. 1st Ulster Co. Regt 297 Hardenbergh, Johs, Jr., lt.-col. and col. 4th Ulster Co. Regt 301, 302 Hardenbergh, Johs. L., lieut., 257; captain 259 Hardenbergh, John, lieut. 2 N. Y., 1776 193 qr. mr. Levies ; . . . . 256 Hardenbergh, John A. , lieut. and captain 300 Hardenbergh, John L., lieut 134 Hardenbergh, Jon'n, qr. mr 302 Hardenbergh, Leonard, 170; lieut 300 Hardenbergh, Nichs. , lieut 302 Hardenbrook, Gerardus, lieut 28& Harding, Abrm., lieut., 291; captain 292 Harding, Henry 194 Hardy, David, 214; lieut 282 Hardy, Wm 58 Haring, Johs. T., pnsign .7 .7 .' 293 Haring, John, brif'.-major '.'.'.'. 537 Harker, Nath'l, ensign , .7 .... ..." 302 Index. 585 Harlem, Congress meets at 127 Harlow, Benjamin 289 Harlow, Isaac, lieut 276 Harlow, Stephen, lieut 299 Harman, Edw 190 Harman, Jac 206 Harmance, Jno., corporal 219 Harning, , lieut 542 Harper, Mr 124 Harper, Alex., lieut. special Comp. ; captain 5th Tryon, 297; captain 545 Harper, Godf r 545 Harper, Harrison, captain 544 Harper, James 236, 237 Harper, John, captain special company 297 lieut.-col. Levies 256, 538 colonel 5th Tryon Co. Regt 297 colonel Levies 538 Harper, Joseph, lieut. Levies, 256; major 297 Harper, Josh. , ensign 2d N. Y. 1776 193 Harper, William 135, 211 Harpur, Alexander, lieut. Rangers 158 Harpur, John, captain Rangers, 158; colonel. . . . 158, 159 Harreck (Herrick), Elijah, lieut 282 Harrington, Benj. . ., 194 Harrington, Jno 240 Harrington, Isaac 194 Harrington, James 195 Harrington, Thomas 206 Harriott, Thos 202 Harrious (Harris), Hend 178 Harris, Caleb, lieut 280 Harris, Cato 197 Harris, David, sergeant 188 Harris, Edw., ensign 277 Harris, Eleazer 536 Harris, Evans 217 Harris, Geo 184, 190, 195, 240 Harris, Joseph, ensign, 282; lieut 281 Harris, Mich'l 176 Harris, Moses, 545; sergeant 192 Harris, Peter, ensign 281 Harris, Robert, lieut., Cont'l sloop Of war 254 Harris, Sam'l, ensign 275 Harris, Selas 201 Harris, Wm 179, 547 Harris, Zach's 218 Harrison, Dan'l, lieut 290 Harrison, Herm 185 Harrison, Jacob 240 Harrison, Joseph, capt. Levies 256, et seq. Harrison, Phil 184 Harrison, Reuben, capt. Levies 258 Harsen, George, sergt., 51; adjt. Levies, 257; lieut. Levies 259 Harsin, Geo., lieut 542 Hart, Gilbert 203 Hart, Jno., corporal 204 Hart, John, ensign 288 Hart, Micah 533 Hart, Mich'l, lieut 287 Hart, Thos 170 Hartell, Fred'k 52 Harter, Adam 204 Harter, Henry, lieut., 296; captain 297 Hartford, Eph 548 Hartness, And., qr. mr. sergt 209 Hartwell, Abr'm, lieut. and captain 278, 279 Hartwell, Peter, ensign 272 Hartwell, Thos 225 Harvey, David 211 Harvey, Elisha, lieut. 2d Art'y, 244; capt. -lieut 246 74 Harvey, John, ensign 272 Harvey, Sam'l 536 Harwood, Jno 222 Harwood, James, sergeant 130 Hasbrook, George 224 Hasbrouck, ¦ , capt., 30, 77; colonel 156 Hasbrouck, Abr., col., complaints of, 84; lieut.-col. 1st Ulster Co. Regt., 397 ; colonel 298 Hasbrouck, Abr'm A., qr. mr., 297; adjutant 298 Hasbrouck, Elias, captain, 56; capt. 3d Regt., 71, 529; muster roll, 172; capt. Rangers 148 Hasbrouck, Jno., Jr 301 Hasbrouck, Isaac, Jr., lieut 303 Hasbrouck, Jacob, Jr., capt. and major. .' 300 Hasbrouck, John 57, 58 Hasbrouck, John, Jr 173 Hasbrouck, Jon'n, col. 4th Ulster Co. Regt 301 Hasbrouck, Joseph, lieut. Levies, 257; major and lieut.-colonel 300 Hasbrouck, Petrus, lieut 300 Hasbrouck, Severyne 58 Hasbrouck, Sol., ensign .- 298 Hasbrouck. Zach'h, lieut. 4th N. Y 230 Hasbrouck. See Haasbrouck. Hascall, Jon'n. , 550 Haskell, Thos. , corporal 536 Hatch, John, ensign 280 Hatch, Joseph, captain 129 Hatch, Thos, lieut '. 269 Hatch, Timothy 170 Hatchet. See Adset. Hatfield, Ab'm, cornet 304 Hatfield, Joshua, captain 304 Hatfield, Moses, major, 291; lieut.-colonel.. 292 Hatfield, Peter B., lieut 280 Hathaway, Erastus > 536 Hathaway, Seth 250 Hathaway, Wilber 250 Hathorn, John, lieut.-colonel, 76; col. Orange Co. Militia.... 292, 542 Hathorn, Wm 240, 243 Hattes, Thos 177, 183 Hause, Jacob 545 Havelish. See Havilash. Haven, Abe] , 536 Haven, Isaac 208 Havens, Wm., lieut. 4th N. Y., 140, 528; captain... 253 Havens. See Heaven. Haviland, Ebenezer, surgeon, 13; surgeon of Wyn- koop's, 98; surgeon 2d N. Y., 1776, 186; surgeon 4th N. Y. Line, 1775 529 Haviland, Sam'l 86 Havilash, Mich 194 Havins, Joseph 130 Hawley, William 203 Hawkey, Henry 232 Hawkey, Rich'd, qr. mr. sergeant 220 Hawkins, David, sergeant 218 Hawkins, Isaac 179 Hawkins, Noah 214 Hawkins, Stephen 544 Hawkins, William, sergeant 235 Hawkins, Zach'h "218 Hawkins, Zophar 210 Hawley, Abner, lieut. and captain 268, 540 Hawley, Elisha, lie- t. , 129 ; qr. mr 278 Hawley, Ezekiel . . j 139 Hawley, Gideon, lieut. 3d Lt. Drag 349 Hawley, Nathan, major 275 Hawley, Zad 196 Hathorne, Colonel 136 note. Hay, Ann. H., colonel 62, 66 586 . Index. Page. Hay, James 189 Haycock, John , 169, 175 Haynes, David 547 Haynes, John, sergeant 547 Haynes, Joseph 129 Haynes, Samuel 537 H>ynes, Sanders, sergeant 26 Hays, Colonel, drafts from his Regt 84 Hays, Ann H., colonel Orange Co. Mil 290, 291, 541 Hays, Josiah, lieut 305, 306 Hays, Rutherford, ensign 277 Hays, Thos 181 Hazard, James 193 Hazard, Raymond 185 Hazard, Rich'd Tole 52 Hazeltine, John, of Cumberland Co 9 Hazen, Caleb, ensign 284 Hazen, Moses, colonel , 239 Heacock, David, captain 3d Dutchess Co. Regt., 280 ; captain 7th Dutchess Co. Regt 284 Head, George, lieut. and captain 279 Healy, Dan'l, 242 Heamstraet (Hamstraat), Phil., lieut. Militia 264 Heard, Phin. , ensign 289 Heard, William, lieut , 290 Hearmance, Andries, captain 134 Heaster, Christ 231 Heath, Major-General 97, 142 Heath, Bartholomew, adjutant 268 Heath, John 129 Heath, Joseph, lieut. and captain 269 Heath, Nath'l, lieut 549 Heathorn, colonel 156 Heaton, David, sergeant 536 Heavens, Joseph 175 Heavens, Peter 228 Heavens (Havens), Wm., lieut. 4th N. Y 211 Hebard, Robt., ensign 283 Hecock, David, captain. . . 541 Heddon, Jon'n 242 Heddy, Abr'm S., captain 306 Hedges, Jon'n, lieut.-colonel 80, 287 Heeling, John 536 Heemstrate, Dirck, lieut. Ass. Ex 275 Heerman, John, lieut 541 Heermans, Andries, lieut 541 Heermans, And'w, captain 541 Heermanse, Abr'm 301 Heermanse, And'w, ensign, 279; lieut., 278; captain. 279 Heermanse,. Edw. , corporal 301 Heermanse, Jacob 301 Heermanse, Jobn J., ensign and lieut 278, 279 Heermanse, Phil. , ensign , 278 Heermanse, Ryer, lieut 279 Hegeman, Ad'n, lieut 286 Hegeman, Isaac, captain 279 Hegens, Eben'r 547 Heges, Dan'l, lieut 288 Heges, Wm., ensign r 288 Hellems, Vincent, lieut 293 Helme, , declines to serve as military officer . . 12 Helmer, Anyost 177 Helmer, Fred 549 Helmer, Geo., ensign, 296 ; lieut 297 Helmer, Jno. , corporal 176 Helmer, John 177, 178, 546 Helmer, Phil 177 Helmore, John 203 Helms, Brewster, corporal 293 Helms, Obed. 298 Hemlin. See Hamilicair. Hempson, Caleb 241 Page. Hencler, Fred 204 Hencock, Thos., boatswain 533 Hender, Fred ., 199 Henderson, El 178, 204 Henderson, Jas 236 Henderson, Jas., corporal 241 Henderson, Wm 174, 181- Hendricks B., ensign and lieut 270 Hendricks, John, lieut 268 Hendricks, Wansex 229 Hendricksen, Corn's, musician 177 Hendrickson, Jas 224 Hendrickson, Stephen, lieut. and captain 280, 281 Hendrix, Henry, Jr., lieut 291 Henekey, Man'1 228 Henesy, Jno 213 Henley, David 179 Henner, Peter 549 Hennesse, John 166 Hennessey, John, lieut. Penn'a Navy 91 Hennet, Henry ... 201 Henry, Benj., lieut .- 277 Henry, Hugh 544 Henry, John, comm'y 537 Henry, John, lieut 297 Henry, Mich 204 Henry, Nath'l, lieut., 175, 252; captain 259, 539 Henry, Thos., lieut., 297; major 297 Hep worth, Daniel, bombardier 246 Herald, Henry, qr. mr. sergt., 233 ; sergt. major 233 Herbeck, , lieut , 51 Herd, Phinias, cornet , 290 Herder, Joh's, ensign 270 Hereman, Phil., lieut 284 Heremans, Abr'm P., lieut. Levies 257 Heremans, Jacob I., lieut. Levies 257 Heremanse, John, capt. Levies , 257 Hering, Benj., ensign 537 Herkeimer, Nich's, col. 1st Tryon Co. Regt., brig.- general 294 Herkheimer, Geo., capt. 4th Tryon Co. Regt., 297; col. Tryon Co. Minute Men 297 Herkheimer, Hanyoost, capt. 4th Tryon Co. Regt., 297; col. 4th Tryon Co. Regt 296 Herkimer Co 294 Hermanse, , capt. Levies , 539 Hermanse, And'w, lieut. Minute Men 284 Herrick, Cyprian, sergeant 537 Herrick, Daniel, lieut. and captain 274 Herrick, Elijah, lieut. and captain, 280, 281; captain, 541 Herrick, Geo., major 80, 287 Herrick, Nath., ensign and lieut ........ 274 Herrick, Rufus, captain, 29; capt. 4th N. Y., 17, 252, 253, 529; capt. and lieut.-col. Ass. Ex. . 285 Herrick, Rufus, Jr., ensign and lieut 283 Herrick, Sam'l, qr. mr. and adjutant 283 Herrick, William 217 Herriman, Rich'd 293 Herring/Mr 24, 62 Herring, Benj., ensign 3d N.Y., 1776 209 Herring, J 133 Herring, Jac 217 Herring. Joseph, ensign 2d N. Y 139 Herrington, Alex 240 Herrington, Rich'd 537 Herrington, William 198, 537 Herwood, Benjamin 537 Hess, Aug 550 Hess (Hesse), John, lieut. and captain 295 Hesse, Sarah 82 Heth, Barth'w, lieut 268 Hetfield, Moses, captain, 60; colonel Orange Co. Mil. . 544 Index. 587 Hewes, James 181 Hewett, Benjamin 193 Hewit, Daniel 167 Hewitt (Hughett), Walter, lieut. Minute Men 275 Hewlett, James, captain armed vessel 254 Hewnard (Huffnor), 204 Heyde, Jedediah, captain Levies 259 Heyer, Colonel, of N. Y. Militia 79 Hibbard, Abel, sergeant 220 Hibbard, James, sergeant 188 Hickey.John 167 Hicks, Benjamin, captain 1st N.Y., 1776, 139, 178; cap tain Militia , . . , ... 261 Hicks, Jeffry, lieut 287 Hicks, Joseph, drummer 240 Hicks, Thomas, ensign 1st N. Y. 1776, 175; lieut. and captain, 271; lieut. of Minute Men 272 Hide, Dana , 536 Hide. Lemuel, lieut 276 Hide, Thomas 205 Higby.El'n 231 Higby, John 545 Higby, Lewis 545 Higby, Sam'l, corporal 217 Higgins, Benjamin, captain , 280 Higgins, Gabriel, ensign, 304 ; lieut 305 Higgins, Samuel 228 Higgins, Thomas „ 191 Higley (Hogly), Samuel, lieut 274 Highlands, the 5, 148 Hildreth, Elijah 178 Hildreth, John, ensign 288 Hilks, Jac, sergeant 211 Hill, Andrew, captain and major 279, 541 Hill, Asa 196, 220 Hill, David, 173; ensign 284 Hill, Ebenezer 56 Hill, Henry, drummer 207 Hill, John 205 Hill, Joshua 231 Hill, Mathew, corporal 341 Hill, Nich's, drummer 202 Hilly Peter, captain of Minute Men 239 Hill, Robert, lieut .285 Hill, Solomon 191 Hill, Thomas 218 Hill, Uriah, quartermaster 280 Hill, William 195, 216 Hillegas, Peter 546 Hiller, Jacob, ensign 549 Hillor, John 546 Hilton, Jon'n, ensign Levies 260 Hilton, Rich'd, ensign, 262 ; lieut 262, 273 Hiltz, Fred 181 Hines, Jos 211 Hines, Hend 209 Hines, John 225 Hinkley, Thomas 226 Hinton, William, drummer 183 Hissam, John, 317; corporal 234 Hitchcock, Lyman, major Levies, 258; muster-master, 537 Hitchcock, John 193 Hitchcock, John 190 Hitchcock, Samuel 192 Hite, Stephen 180 Hoagland, Jere'h, captain 2d Light Drag 248 Hobart, John Sloss. ... 4, 6, 24, 25, 37, 65, 66, 80, 81, 85 Hobby, , captain in Ritzema's 94, 96 Hobby, Caleb, lieut 306 Hobby, David, lieut., 304; captain and major, 305; captain, 543 ; prisoner 547 Hobby, Jon'n 547 Hodge, James , 133 Hodge, Samuel, lieut. Ass. Ex .....7777 275 Hodge, William ' ' ] Reseque, John Resner, Geo., lieut Resner, Jacobus, lieut Retan, Peter Retgers, Jobn 87 Retong, Wm • '¦¦ 64 7 Reversbow, John Peter 545 Reves, Nath'l, lieut ^99 Rexford, Sam'l, lieut <"4 548294 294 168 Page. Reynolds, Arnold, lieut 281 Reynolds, Austin, ensign 306 Reynolds, Coon 537 Reynolds, David, lieut , 293 Reynolds, Eben'r, corp 218 Reynolds, Gilbert, ensign, 304; lieut 307 Reynolds, Jas 189, 219 Reynolds, John 208 Reynolds, Joseph, capt 281 Reynolds, Mich 208 Reynolds, Nath'l, ensign, 306; Heut 548 Reynolds, Tim '. 210 Reynolds, Titus, Heut 307 Reypenberg, Adam 173 Reyving, Jacob 182, 183 Rhea, Mr 62 Rhea Benj'n 224 Rhinebeck 26 precinct, militia of, refuse to march 142 Rhode Island 19, 39 quota of 132 Rhodes, Corn's 223 Rhodes, Jac 210 Rhodes, John (Joseph) 222 Rice, Asa, capt 277, 541 Rice, Chas., corpl 536 Rice, Elias 536 Rice, John 238 Rice, Jonas, lieut. Levies 257 Rice, Micah, ensign 277 Rice, Phenius, ensign 284 Rice, Saml 203 Rich, Amos 249 Rich, David, capt 277 Rich, Henry, corp'l 189 Rich, Jno 340 Richards, Geo 243 Richards, Jas 245 Richards, John, fife major 233, 234 Riehards, Phil 223 Richards, Simon, 175; sergt 179 Richardson, Alex 167, 235 Richardson, Asa, capt 275 Richardson, Gilbert ._ 227 Richardson, Josiah, Heut. Levies . . . .' 266 Richardson, Robert, sergt 245 Richardson, Thos 130 Richardson, Tim 536 Richardson, Wm 242 Richey, Alex ,. 216 Richey, Jno 225 Richey, James 227 Richmond, Benj 193 Richmond, Josiah 228 Richmond Co 106 members for 4 letter for chairman of committee 83 quota of. 66, 108, 109 militia of, not properly formed 83 militia of ¦. 294 Richter, Nich's, captain 295 Ricker, Abr'm, captain 2d N. Y., 1766 186 Rickerd, Jacob 544 Rickhorn, Abr'm, gunner^' 245 Riebsom, Math's 549 Rieley, James 179 Riemer, John George s. . . . . 178 Riemer, Peter 243 Rider, George 199, 203 Rider, John 190 Rider, Joseph, corporal 550 Rigel, Fred 546 614 Index. Page. Riggs.Dan .... ...211, 548 Righley, Joseph 188 Rightmeyer, Peter, lieut 273 Riker, Abr'm, lieut. 4th Regt 71, 529 captain in Ritzema's 93, 96 Riker, Jere'h 224 Riker, Samuel, lieut 286 Riley, John 202 Riley, Patt 203 Ring, Conr 268 Ringley, John, qr. mr 280 Rion, Thomas 550 Ripley.Job 237 Ripley, John 228, 536 Rippery, Elijah 242 Risdall, Wm 198 Riseberger, Phil 231 Ritche, Chas 176 Ritchey, Isaac 219 Ritchie, Phil., corporal 243 Ritchie, Wm., lieut of artillery 17, 246 Ritter, Anthony 242 Ritter Henry 206 Ritter, Jacob 227 Ritter, Johs., sergeant 549 Ritterman, Jno 228 Ritzema, , lieut.-col. 1st N, Y.. ..13, 35, 38, 74, 537 embarks with four companies for Albany 24 colonel 76, 93, 98, 101, 103 colonel, calls for arms for his Regt. 95 Rivers, Joseph 184 Roach, William 187 Robarsh, Peter, corporal 234 Robbins, Jehiel, lieut 129 Robbins, Joseph 249 Roberds, Elias ., 533 Robert, -, lieut. Addl. Conts 152 Roberts, Billy » 233, 234 Roberts, Caleb 187 Roberts, Christ'r 18 Roberts, Ezekiel, lieut. Levies 257, 539 Roberts, Jacob 178 Roberts, John, 18, 216; lieut. in Malcom's 239 Roberts, Jon'n 186 Roberts, Lem., lieut 531 Roberts, Fetter 18 Roberts, Warren 206 Roberts, Wm 537 Robertson, Arch'd, ensign 273 Robertson, Daniel 242 Robertson, Henry 243 Robertson, James 216, 242 Robertson, Mat 194 Robertson, Robert 233 Robeson, Jere'h 293 Robicheaux, James, captain C. C 235 Robins, Daniel 193 Robins, Evans 214 Robins, Jno 175 Robinson, Alex 230, 231 Robinson, Amos, qr. mr 278 Robinson, And 202, 212 Robinson, Art 536 Robinson, Benj 232 Robinson, Daniel 232 Robinson, Eben'r, captain, 283; major 284 Robinson, Edmond ... 238 Robinson, George 208, 221 Robinson, James, 205, 216, 226, 301 ; sergeant, 222 ; ensign, 270; lieut 269 Robinson, Jon's, ensign 302 Page. Robinson, John, 176; lieut 284 Robinson, Jno 188, 197, 235 Robinson, Joseph 4 Robinson, Mat 211 Robinson, Peter 230, 281 Robinson, Richard 185, 203 Robinson, Robert 185, 224 Robinson, Samuel 245 Robinson, Siah, lieut., 301; captain 302 Robinson, Stephen, drummer 197 Robinson, Wm 190 Robison, James 212 Robison, Jos. , drummer ' 242 Roblev, Michael 189 Rochester, John 207 Rockefeller, Phil., adjutant 269 Rockefeller, Tiel, captain 269 Rockefeller, Wm.,' lieut... 269 Rodey, Pat 243 Rodgers, David, ensign and Heut . . . ; 292 Rodgers, James 240, 545 Rodgers, Joshua, captain armed vessel 254 Rodgers, Phil., ensign 273 Rodgers, Wm., captain armed sloop 254 Rodman, Thomas, lieut 152, 344 Roe, , captain, 97; captain in Clinton's 98 Roe, James, qr. mr., 287; lieut 298 Roe, John, 212; qr. mr 287 Roe, Philipp, adjutant 287 Roe, Wm., lieut 289, 290 Roft, Aaron 217 Rogers, , captain 90 Rogers, David, ensign 289 Rogers, James 86, 205 Rogers Jere'h, lieut. 55, 289 Rogers, John 26, 289, 293 Rogers, John, Jr 26 Rogers, Joshua, Heut. and captain 287 Rogers, Lewis 87 Rogers, Nath'l, ensign 288 Rogers. Phil., lieut 540 Rogers, Samuel 240 Rogers, Uriah, major 80, 287 Rogers, William 212 sergeant : 240 qr. mr. sergeant 239, 543 ensign 306 captain 80, 288 captain Art'y 55, 289 captain Navy 530-533 captain Sloop Montgomerie 94, 530 instruction for 95 Rogers, Zeph., ensign Suffolk Co. Militia 288 captain Suffolk Co. Minute Men 288 Roggan, Peter, Heut. 3d N. Y., 1775 172 Roggen, Petrus, Heut 529 Romaine, Abrm., Heut. Levies 258 Romaine, Teod. F. , qr. mr 542 Ronols, Jobn 190 Roobach, Jere'h 206 Rood, Ashad 293 Roof (Ruff), John, captain 542 Roome, Benj., corpl 215 Roomen, Peter 215 Roonien, Wm 198 Roorey, Wm 297 Roosa, Aldert, Heut. Levies 257 Roosa, Dirck, Jr., ensign 302 Roosa, Isaac, ensign, 299; Heut 303 Roosa, Jacob 301 Roosa, Joh's, ensign 300 Roosa, Peter, captain 543 Index. 615 Roosa, Petrus, lieut 301, Roose, Jacob, sergt - Rooseboom, Jacob, Heut captain Roosebom, John, lieut. Militia Rooseboom, Myndert, col. 2d Regt Roosecrans, Hendr., sergt Roosen, Aary, corpi rf Roosevelt, Mr 12, 65, Roosevelt, Isaac Roosevelt, Jno., capt Root, Aaron, lieut. Levies Root, David Root, Elisha, lieut Root, Ephraim Root, Geo Root, Rufus, corpl Root, Sam'l, corpl, 130; ensign Root, Simon Root, Timothy, Heut Roppool, Geo Rosa, Aaron Rosa, Aldert ' Rosa, Aldert D. , Heut. Levies Rosa, Alex'r Rosa, Gisbert Rosa Jacob Rosa, Jacobus, 58; captain Rosa, Peter, lieut. Levies ' Rosa, Tunis Rosaa, Abrm Rosaa, Jac , Rose, , captain Rose, Abrm., lieut Rose, Albert Rose, And Rose, Benj. Heut 289, Rose,' Herr ., lieut Rose, Isaac A., ensign 4th N. Y Rose, Jacob Rose, Jacobus, captain Rose, Jas 194, Rose, John Rose, Jon'n Rose, Nathan, captain Rose, Peter Rose, Sam'l Rose, Sol Rose, Wm., lieut Roseboom, Barent, lieut. and qr. mr. Levies Roseboom, Jacob, captain Roseboom, M., colonel 2d N. Y. Line, 1775 Rosekrans, , capt., 59; capt. in McDougall's, 96; capt. in Clinton's Rosekrans, Benj., ensign Heut Rosekrans, Caesar Rosekrans, Dan'l, captain Rosekrans, Depui, fifer Rosekrans, Jacob, ensign lieut captain 71,92,96, Rosekrans, Jas captain 5th N. Y., 1776 major 3d N. Y., 1776 Rosekrans, Zach., ensign Rosekrans, see Boucrans. Roseman, John, ensign Rositer, Tim'y •••• Rosman, Adam *1*' Rosman, Henry Ross, Charles 303 230263363263 13 543 195 78 3 65 259293 277 131 203 536277 536377177170170 356 58 58 173549 256 58 195 196145 288 201216 303270311394 303 222 184227 287 189 185 205 299256539527 284 279232291331 303 300 539 337 330 197300270250 213 26 227 Page. Ross, John 199, 203, 209 drummer 228 Ross, Joseph 193 Ross, Robert 302 Ross, Wm 217 Rossiter, Chas 183 Rossman, Conrad 182 Rossman, Fite, lieut 269, 270 Rossman, Phil 26, 176 Rotan, Peter, Heut. C. C 239 Rotcherry, Jas 180 Roundy, Elm 536 Rouse, John, captain 541 Row, John, Heut. and captain 278, 279 Row, Joseph, ensign and Heut 271, 272 Row, Mich'], ensign 278 Row, Nath'l, ensign 292 Rowland, Jon'n, ensign 272 Rowland, Oliver, lieut 272 Rowland, Robt.. lieut 271 Rowland, Sam'l, Heut , . 267 Rowland, Thos 215 Rowley, Heyman, lieut 292 Rowley, Nath'l, lieut 274, 528 Rowlev, Reuben, lieut 265 Rowley, Seth 206, 207 Rowley, Thos 198 Rows, Joh's, Heut 270 Royal, Peter , 187 Roys, Chas 537 Roys, Stephen 537 Ruben, Moses 193 Rudd. Bezaliel, qr. mr. and Heut 283 Rudd, Gideon, corporal 160 Rudd, Wm 200 Rude, Wm 185 Rudolph, Chr 183 Ruff, Adam 190 Ruff, Conrad 216 Ruff (Roof), John, captain 542 Rugar, John 196 Rugg, Ab'm 536 Ru ker, Joseph 185 Ruland, Jehiel 210 Ruland, Thos 533 Rumbout Precinct, comp'y from 66 Rump, Henery 172 Rumsey, Asa 289 Rumsey, David, captain 545 Rumsey, Jas., Heut 62, 290 Rumsey, Jonas 253 Rumsey, Nathan 289 Rumsey, Phenihas, captain 289 Rumsnider, Henry 546 Rundell, Richard 547 Rundle, Abel 226 Runnells, Ab 215 Runnells, Eli 217 Runnells, Jos 215 Runnells, Titus, Heut 306 Runnells, Wm 545 Runnier, Benj . 181 Runo, Simon. .' 187 Ruskill, Martin 173 Russel, James, sergeant 181 Russel, John.. 52 Russel, Oliver 206 Russel, Thos., Heut ¦ •• 286 Russel, Wm 222 Russell, James 80, 227 Russell, Jon'n 211 Russell, Joseph 201 616 Index. Russell, Thos., 224, 226; mus'n : . 228 Russell, Wm 225 Rust, Oliver 130 Rust, Phinehas 130 Rutgers, , - 83 Rutgers, Anth'y, 11, 19, 40; capt. Art'y, 17, 87, 246; no commissions for his comp. of Art'y 37 Rutland, Wheler, capt. Levies 259 Rutlin, Holdin, lieut. Levies 259 Rutty, Ezra, ensign 280 Ryan, Dennis 179 Ryan, Jere'h, bombardier. 245 Ryan, John 242 Ryan, Mich'l, lieut 272 Ryan, Pat 198 Ryan, Robert 208 Ryan, Thos 176 Ryckman, Wilh., ensign 1st N. Y 139 Ryder, Valentine, capt. armed vessel 254 Ryder, Wm., adjutant . 62 Rykman, Wm., Heut. 1st N. Y. , 1776. 178 Ryley, Sylv..,. ......... 229 Rylie, Jno 242 Rynard, John... .. 206 Rynax, Wm,, sergeant 184 Rynder, Chr 206 Rynders, James.. ....... ........ 185 Ryne, John, lieut.. 272 s- Sabbath Day Point, casualties'at 176, 177, 252 Sabine, Stephen 206 Sacket, , 126 Sacket, Nath'l ...3, 133 Sackett, Daniel, lieut. Levies 357 Sackett, Peter, adjt. 4th N. Y., 1776 140, 309 Sackett, Rich'd, Heut. 805; capt., 305, 544; captain Levies, 256, 257, 259; capt. Minute Men 538 Sacket, Sam'l, lieut., 77, 529; captain. 140, 210 Sacket, Wm., Heut 286 Sadler, Johan 286, 237 Safford, Jesse, captain 536 Safford, Jonas 536 Safford, Samuel, major Green Mt. Boys, 27, 36; lieut.- colonel 535 Safford, Solomon, ensign 536 Sage, Moses, ensign 284 Sagor, John 182, 183 St. John, , 238 St. John, Ezra, ensign Ass. Ex., 275; Heut 134, 282 Saint John, James, Heut. Levies 259 St. John, Moses, lieut. and captain 305 St. John, Sam'l, captain ., 538 St. John, Walter, corporal 238 St. John, casualties at 244 St. Lawrence, John: 216 Salisbury, Barent Staats, ensign, 270; lieut 98, 139 Salisbury, Francis, Heut 270 Salisbury, Jacob 536 Salisbury, John, captain 274 Salisbury, Silvester, Heut., 298; captain 130, 159, 298 Salisbury, Wessel, lieut 270 Salkild, Isaac, lieut. Levies 258 Sally, armed sloop 534 Salsbury, Barent Staats. Heut. 1st N. Y., 1776 184 Salsbury, Gasper 183 Salsbury, Jno 185 Salsbury, Josh , 176 Saltsman, Peter 177 Sammons, Fred., sergeant 546 Sammons, Jacob, lieut. C. C .». 239 Sammons, Piatt : 205 Samon, Mathew, Jr 173 Samons, Jacob, Heut. Levies 258 Sampson, Isaac 234 Sampson, Ez'l, lieut. Artificers 350 Sampson, Geo 187. 196 Sanbourn, John 131 Sanders, John 194 Sanderson, James 130 Sandford, Daniel 311 Sandford, John, 318; captain 341, 388 Sands, Mr 82, 103, 107 Sands, Amasa William 251 Sands, Comfort, paymaster Militia 149 Sands, Edw., surgeon's mate 539 Sands, John, captain, 286; lieut.-col. 251 Sandy Hook 82, 91, 95 Sanfaron, Jacques 236 Sanfaron, Joseph 236 Sanford, Benjamin 211 Sanford, John, captain 80 Sanford, William 221 Sangh, Peter , 178 Santford, , captain Add'l Continentals, 152 Sappers and Miners, Corps of, 250; transfers tos, 191, 195 215, 227 Saratoga, casualties at, 219, 234 ; troops ordered to. . 28 Sargeant, William 241 Sargeson, William, drummer 190 Sarles (Searles), Thomas 206 Sartain (Setorn), James 193 Bartel, Daniel 536 Satterlee, William, captain 2d Canadian 248 Satterly, Daniel, ensign 287 Satterly, Henry 218,232 Satterly, John 232 Satterly, Nath'l, quartermaster 289 Satterly, Richard.. 218 , SaunderB, Phineas, corporal 129 Saunders, Robert 176 Savage, Anthony $233, 234 Savage, Edw., lieut 275 Savage.James 238, 234 Savage, Joel 544 Savage, John (Joseph), captain 2d Artillery 244 Savage, Robert 233, 234 Sawens, Joreham 536 Sawyer, Abel 18 Sawyer, Enos 130 Sawyer, James, 60 ; quartermaster. 291 Sawyer, Jesse, lieut 16, 28 Sawyer, John 130 Sawyer, John, Jr 130 Sax, Jacob, sergeant 200 Saxburry, William 181 Saxon, Gilbert, Bergeant ; 538 Sayer, Math'w, lieut : 288 Say lor, Jac 206 Sayre, David, lieut 288 Sayre, James, lieut 290 Sayre, John, lieut. and captain 292 Sayre, Nathan, Heut 293 Sayre, Thomas, Jr., Heut 292 Sayres, , captain 542 Scales. See Skaats. Scantin, Jeremiah 218 Seepmoes, William 301 Index. 617 Page. Schans, Hendrick, lieut. Militia 264 Scharse, Daniel 7 236 Schauber, William 777777 248 Schaver, Jacob F., captain 7 7. 7 7 ....!!". ! 269 Schefer, Adam 777'' ' ' ' 545 Scheffer, Joh's H., ensign 77777' 273 Schell, Christ'n 7777" " 550 Schenck, Mr., 128; captain! 77777 7 68 Schenck, Abr'm, lieut., 279; captain and major" Ass. Ex 285 Schenck, Gysbert 3 Schenck, Henry, major Dutchess Co. Minute Men. ! ! ! 285 Schenck, John, captain 005 Schenck, Martin, ensign 77 7 286 Schenectady 77 " 115 Schenneman, John, ensign 270 Schepmas, John, corporal _ 30^ Schermerhorn, Freeman, ensign 77 7 263 Schermerhorn, Daniel, lieut. and captain !!!!!!!! 265 Schermerhorn, Jacob, lieut.-colonel, 263, 265 ; captain Exempts 54O Schermerhorn, Jacob C, lieut. 5th Albany Co." Regt.', 265 ; major 264 Schermerhorn, John, captain Militia 7! 265 Schermerhorn, John L \ \ , 544 Schermerhorn, Luke, captain Militia 264 Scherpe, Gilbert L., captain Militia 7 267 Schoets, James 217 Scholl, Jost, lieut 295 Schomaker, John, Jr 546 Schomaker, Thomas 546 Schoolcraft, Lawrence, adjutant 273 Schoolcraft, Lourens 206 Schoonmaker, Abr'm, adjutant 301 Schoonmaker, Benjamin 301 Schoonmaker, Cuff. . . 226 Schoonmaker, Edw., lieut 298 Schoonmaker, Edw., Jr., lieut 298 Schoonmaker, Fred., captain 153, 159, 160, 162 ordered to raise another company, 157 Schoonmaker, Fred., Jr., captain 300, 301 Schoonmaker, Hend., captain 298 Schoonmaker, Henry, 237; sergeant 230 Schoonmaker, Hez'h, ensign Militia 265, 266 Schoonmaker, Jochem, Jr., captain 300 Schoonmaker, Martinus, drummer 301 Schoonmaker, Peter, captain Ass. Ex 303 Schoonmaker, Petrus, captain 300 Schoonmaker, Samuel, lieut 298 Schouten, John, Heut 372 Schrader, J. J 199, 200 Schrembling, Henry, ensign, 294; Heut 295 Schriber, Jacob 26 Schriner, Christ 200 Schriver, Christian 20 Schriver, Henry 26 Schriver, Jacob, sergeant, 210 ; Heut 280 Schroeter, Adam, adjutant 528 Schroeter, George L., adjutant 628 Schulcraft, John 200 Schulds.Hend 546 Schulds, Jab's 546 Schulds, Wm. , sergt 546 Schuley, Christ'n 236 Schults, Casper, Heut 269 Schultz, Henry, ensign 268 Schulz, John, sergt.-major 542 Schurtz, John, lieut. , militia 266 Schuyler, Abr'm, Heut., militia 362 Schuyler, David 545 Schuyler, Dirck, ensign 2d N.Y 197 Schuyler, Jacob 545 73 Page. Schuyler, Nich's 545 surgeon, 2d Canadian 348 Schuyler, Peter, desires a commission 69 capt. 3d Albany Co. Regt 263 _ , , „ major, Levies 258, 538 Schuyler, Peter J., ensign 1st N. Y 139 ensign 2d N. Y 197 Schuyler, Peter p., lieut.-col ' 76 major Sth Albany Co. Regt 265 Schuyler, Peter S., ensign and Heut. militia . . . 263, 264 Schuyler, Phil 19, 23, 47, 60. 549 col., recommended for major-gen'l. . . . 8 appointed 4th major-gen'l 15 gen'l 13, 71, 94, 135 a French interpreter appointed for. ... 17 house of, attacked 181 guards of 180, 181, 182, 183, 205 commissions for his officers received . . 38 ordered, to N. Y 81 letters from 22, 27, 35, 56, 69, 76, 81 letters to 24, 29, 52, 72, 78 Schuyler, Phil. P., col. 3d Albany Co. Regt 264. 539 Schuyler, Stephen, capt. 3d N. Y. Line, 1775 538 col. 5th Albany Co. Regt 265, 266 Schuyler, Stephen I., col. Albany Cq. Regt 539 Schuyler, Stephen J., col. 6th Albany Co. Regt. 266, 267 Schuyler, armed vessel 96, 533 Scofield, Eben'r, capt. 2d Westch. Co. Regt 305 capt. 4th Westch. Co. Regt 307 lieut. Westch. Co. Minute Men 307 Scotch Highlanders, Comp. of 119 Scott, Mr 15,42,62, 65 brig.-gen'l 114 Scott, Alex 215 Scott, Andr 201 Scott, Elijah, Heut 306 Scott, Ezekiel, major, Levies 259 Scott, Henry 215 Scott, Jas 212 fifer 195 Scott, John 209, 212, 240 ensign and lieut. militia 261 capt. militia 262 Scott, John Morin, 104, 106; member for N. Y 3 appointed brig.-gen'l militia 112 Hamilton's Co. in his brig 122 Scott, Thos 293 Scott, Timothy 192, 198 Scott, Wm .* 190, 243 Scouten, Henry 232 Scriber, Peter 206 Scribner, Nath'l, Heut 283 capt 125, 284 capt. Conspiracy Co 286 Scribner, Thos., sergt.-major 539 Scrivener, Zadock 176 Scriver, Christ'n 200 Scudder, Israel, capt 288 Scudder, Jacob, sergt 86 Scudder, Joel, Heut. and capt 287 Scudder, John 231 Scudder, Wm., lieut. 1st N.Y., 1776 180 Scudder, W. Smith, capt armed vessel 254 Scuder, Wm., lieut. ist N. Y 139 Sculthorp, Jno 190 Scutt, Wm 219- Sealy , , capt 535 Seaman, Dan 203 Seaman, Israel, lieut 305 Seaman, Micha 166 Seamans, Eph 300 Seamans, Isaac 200 618 Index. Sears, -, Dep. adj. -gen'l. Sears, Enoch, sergt . Sears, Francis Sears, Joshua, ensign Sear, Thos., Heut Sears, Wm 204 223 299 ^280 206 Seaton, John, Heut 134, 278, 279 " Seaton, Rufus, sergt 252 Seaton, Willard 189 Sebeer, Wm. , major 294 Sebring Isaac, qr. mr 279, 286, 541 Sebring, Jacob, Jr. , ensign 286 Secaur, Isaac , 169 Secaur, James 168 Secor, John 333 Sedore, Jno 192 See, James, ensign 304 Seeber, Adolph, ensign 549 Seeber, Jacob W., capt 294, 549 Seeber, Sev., lieut 549 Seeber, Wm., Heut.-col , 549 Seeds, Geo 316 Seeley, Abner, capt 139 Seeley, Eli, capt 304 Seeley, Josiah, Heut 389, 290 Seeley, Mich'l 236 Seeley, Gideon, capt 307 Seeley, Neh'h, lieut 275 capt 276 Seely, Sam'l, cornet and lieut, 290 Seely, Sylv., sergt 202 Seelye, David 545 Seemor, Abr'm 230 Seever, Comfort, recruiting officer 538 Seever, Jon'n, ensign and Heut. militia 266, 267 Segendorph, Adam, lieut 269 Seger, Staats 177 Selah, Gideon, capt 306 Seley, Conradt 171 Selkirk, James, sergeant 235 Sellers. Michael 193 Sellman, John 301 Semall, Anthony 202 Semore, Henry , 177 Sergeant, John, captain and lt.-col 277 Serine, Jacob 227 Serring, Daniel, lieut. ¦ 303 Service, Phil 185 Service, Robert 242 Servos, Daniel 175 Sessions, Mr., of Cumberland Co 118 Sessions, Benj., corporal 536 Seton (Seeton), Wm., ensign and lieut. Militia 265 Sevey, James 203 Seward, John 240 Seymore, Jesse, ensign 307 Seymour, Abr'm 227 Seymour, Horace, Heut. 2d Light Drag] 248 Seymour, Thomas, 194; capt. 2d Light Drag 248 Shades, Adam 208 Shaffer, George 225 Shairman, George, corporal 545 Shall, George 206 Shall, John 204 Shance, Christ 236, 237 Shannon, Robert 219 Shannon, Thomas 178 Sharener, Lud 204 Sharen, Christ 549 Sharidan, Thomas 242 Sharp, Coenradt, ensign Militia 264 Sharp, Corns 177 Page. Sharp, George, lieut. Minute Men 284 Sharp, Henry , 186 Sharp, Lewis 175 Sharp, Martinus, lieut. Militia 266, 267 Sharp, Peter, 544; lieut 263 Sharp, Thomas 174 Sharpe, George, ensign, 266; lieut., 134; capt. 6th Albany Co. Regt 267 Shattuck, Wm., major , 277 Shaver, Chas , Heut 270 Shaver, James, gunner 245 Shaver, John, ensign, 260, 269, 303; captain 270 Shaver, John C. , ensign Levies . . y. 260 Shaver, Josh, ensign and lieut. Militia 264 Shaw, Andw., ensign 284 Shaw, Comfort, lieut , — 285 Shaw, Daniel, lieut. Contl. Frigate ." 354 Shaw, David 196 Shaw, Duncan, lieut 376 Shaw, Ichabod 188 Shaw, James 328 Shaw, Jno 202 Snaw, John 86 lieut. 2d Art'y 246 lieut. Levies 258 Shaw, Mich 212 Shaw, Moses 221 Shaw,Pelis , 220 Shaw, Reuben 231 Shaw, Richard, corporal , , 191 Shaw, Samuel, lieut., 266, 267; captain 539 Shaw, Solomon 221 Shaw, Wm., 196; sergeant 242 Shay, Marhom 225 Shear, Abr'm 227 Shearman, Jesse 188 Sheaver, Henry, ensign Militia 266 Sheehan, Thos 345 Sheely, John 178 Sheene, Jere'h 183 Sheet, Hugo, ensign 303 Sheets, Nich's 337 Shehan, Morris 194 Sheldon, Benajah, ensign 371 Sheldon, Isahel, ensign Militia 265 Sheldon, Joseph 241 Sheldon, Sam'l 537 lieut 271 Shell, Christ 199, 208 Shell , Geo 206 Shellenburgh, Geo 178 Shepard, , captain , 542 Shepardson, Stephen, captain 277, 541 Shephard, Colviile, captain 542 Shephard, Dan'l, qr. mr., adjt. and captain 282, 283 Shephard, Rufus, corpl 536 Shepherd, Abrm., lieut 550 Shepherd, Calvin, captain 292 Shepherd, Daniel, captain Levies 259 Shepherd (Shaver), Hend 183 Shepherd, John, lieut. Artificers 250 Shepherd, True 175 Sherburne, Henry, adjt 277 Sheridan, Rich'd 201, 545 Sheridan, see Sherwood. Sherlock, John 203 Sherman, Jesse 180 Sherman , Nathan 536 Sherman, Peter 548 Sherrow, Jas 201 Sherve, Andries , 232 Sherwood, , captain 547 Index. 619 Page. Sherwood, Abrm 195 Sherwood, Adiel, Heut. 1st N. Y., 1776 139, 181, 183 lieut. Charlotte Co. Regt 275 captain 257, 539, 545 Sherwood, Andw., sergt 245 Sherwood, Elijah 166 Sherwood, Gershom, lieut 304 Sherwood, Isaac, Heut. 2d N. Y., 1776 139, 186 lieut.-col 62, 290 Sherwood, Jas., corpl 187 Bherwood, John, orderly sergt 199 Sherwood, Mic 215 Sherwood, Nath'l 187 Sherwood, Neh'h 227 Sherwood, Newcome, sergt 545 Sherwood, Seth, qr. mr. Charlotte Co. Regt 275 Heut. Levies 256 captain Ass. Ex 545 Sherwood, Seymour 202 Sherwood, Stephen, lieut. 12th Albany Co. Regt 271 ensign 304, 547 Bhevalier, Jos 219 Shields, Dan'l 202 Shields, Jas 208 mus'n 241 Shiffen, Geo 550 Shift, Geo 203 Shill, James 26 Shine, John 533 Shippen, Asktnah, lieut. Levies 259 Shippen Wm 193 Shipman, Sam'l, ensign 272 Shippey, David 191 Shippey, Zeb 300 Ships, see Navy. Shires, Jacob 203 Shirts, Hend 182, 183 Shirts, Peter 209 Shirts, Sam'l 206 Shirtz, Joh's, ensign 268 Shoecraft, Joh's 170 Shoemaker, Dan'l 190 Shoemaker, Fred., lieut 297 Shoemaker, Hanyoost, major 296 Shoemaker, Peter 242 Shoemaker, Rud., captain 297 Shokey, Christ 243 Sholl (Scholl), John, ensign and lieut 295 Shonnerd, Fred 87 Shorky, Thos 172 Short, Jacob 204 Short, Zach., ensign 29y Shourd, Joseph 533 Shove, Fred 188 Shucraft, Jno., corpl 189 Shufelt, Geo 182 Shulls, Jno. , sergt 178 Shulter, Lawrence, lieut 296 Shultes, Mathias, lieut 264 Shults, Abrm., Heut 279, 541 Shults, Joh's, captain 279 Shults, John, Heut 270 Shults, Peter, lieut 283 Shultz, Abrm., ensign 285 Shultz, Jacob, ensign 279 Shultz, John 205 Shurley, Thos 234 Shurtur, Casparis 68 Shutler, Jno 194 Shuts, Peter 179 Shutts, Fred 191 Sibbio, Thoo., sergt ^15 Sibby, David 205 Sicher, Wm 58 Sickles, Abrm 198 Sickles, Garret, sergt 341 Sickles, Jacobus, ensign 291 Sickles, Wm., Heut., 290; captain 291 Sickles, Zach 189 Sieber, Jacob, adjt 294 Siely (Zieler), John, lieut 295 Siles, Christ'r 175 Sileso, Thos., surg. mate 4th N. Y., 1776 209 Sill, Uriah, lieut , 284 Sillsbury, David '. 189 Sillsbury, see Spellsbury. Silvester, Peter 3 Silvia, James 245 Simkins, Gid 202 Simkins, Isaac 197 Simkins, Jere'h 227, 230 Simmons, Caleb 217 Simmons, Ezl 232 Simmons, Jno 211 Simmons, Isaac 221 Simmons, Josh 216 Simmons, Salm 533 Simmons, Smith, lieut 279 Simon, Jacob, Heut , 295 Simonds, Joshua, lieut Levies 258 Simons, Mich'l 188 Simons, Corn's 187 Simons, Robert 245 Simpson, Jas 227 Simpson, Robt 130, 245 Simrall, Wm., captain 303 Simson, Alex., lieut. Ass. Ex 276 Sinborne, Josiah, sergeant 238 Sinnott, Pat., sergeant-major 209 Siscoe, Dick 215 Sitchen, John, lieut 290 Sits, Peter, ensign and lieut 295, 546 Sitzer, Andw., ensign 270 Sitzer, Barent 216 Size, Abr'm 229 Skaats, Jas 214 Skeels, Elijah 293 Skeets, Abr'm 232 Skiffington, John, sergeant 199 Skillman, John, ensign 286 Skinner, Abr'm, comm'r 537 Skinner, Elijah, ensign Ass. Ex 274 Skinner, Isaac 188, 550 Skinner, Jon'n 228 Skinner, Josiah, Heut. Levies 258 Skinner, Thomas, lieut. Levies 260 captain 258 surgeon 5th Conn't 250 Slasson, Henry, captain 307 Slasson, Eben'r, captain Ass. Ex 307 captain aud major W.Ch. Co. Minute Men 307 Slaven, James 228, 250 Slawter, Gilbert 550 Slead, Jos 204 Sleet, Lewis, ensign 303 Sleght, Henry I., lieut 803 Sleght, Jacobus, qr. mr 543 Slick, Stephen 233 Slingerlandt, Abr'm, ensign, 363; captain 265 Slingerlandt, Teunis A., ensign and captain Militia 265, 266 Slingerlandt, Teunis W., lieut. and captain Militia 265, 266 620 Index. Slingerlant, Peter 180 Sloan, Hugh 175 Sloan, Stephen: 193 Sloaper, Solom 18 Slocum, Benj., ensign 280 Slocum, Jon'n 221 Slone, Thomas 203 Sloper, Samuel, captain Levies 259 Slote, Stephen, captain 289 Slott, Corn's, sergeant 546 Sloughter, Isaac 171 Sloughter, Jonas 180 Sloughter, Nichs 181 Slouter, John 225 Slump, Martin 181 Slutt, Abr'm, 232; musician 231 Slutt, Marvel....... 232 Slutt, Peter 193 Slutt, Wm 232 Sluyter, Abr'm 301 Sluyter, Corn's 199 Sluyter, Dirick 58 Sluyter, Hans 58 Sluyter, Jac 2.01 Sly.Samuel 240 Sly, Wm 212 Small, George 174 Small, Jacob, captain 297, 549 Smalley, Thomas, sergeant 223 Smalley, Tim 216 Small pox 184 Smart, Geo., qr. mr. sergeant 543 Smawley, Elisha, corporal 130 Smawley, James 130 Smead, Alva 129 Smedes (Sniden), Abr'm, lieut 301 , 302 Smedes, John, surgeon Levies 256 Smeedes, Jno 231 Smiley, Thomas 188 Smith, , 78, 80; captain in Seth Warner's, 535; colonel 126, 128 Smith, Abner 222 Smith, Abr'm, Heut 305, 306 Smith, Albert, ensign 62, 290 Smith, Alex ! 208 Smith, Arthur, captain 301 Smith, Arch 203,238 Smith, Arie, captain 62, 290 Smith, Benj. , 213; lieut 301 Smith, Caleb 186, 217 Smith, Cennan, Heut 302 Smith, Charles 343 Smith, Chr'n 196 Smith, Conrad 183 Smith, Cornelius, Jr 169 Smith, Daniel, 536; sergeant, 393; qr. mr 380 Smith, David, 175, 225, 230, 231 ; enBign, 305; lieut. 284, 306 Smith, David, Sr 225 Smith, Davis 211 Smith, Duncan, fifer 202 Smith, Eben'r 533 Smith, Edm., Jr., lieut., 287; major 287 Smith, Elex 289 Smith, Elijah, 187; Heut., 282; captain 283 Smith, Epenetus, lieut .... 288 Smith, Ezekiel 188 Smith, Francis, captain 289 Smith, George, 208; lieut., 140, 210, 295; captain Levies 257 Smith, Gershom 218 Smith, Gideon 217 Page. Smith, Henry, 222; gunner, 249; ensign, 299; lieut.. 299 Smith, Hugh, 208; lieut 287 Smith, Isaac 219, 547 adjutant 305 lieut. 3d Art'y 246 captain 278 captain Orange Co. Mil 390, 291 surgeon's mate, 2d N. Y., 1776 186 surgeon 537 Smith, Israel, captain 4th N. Y 140, 217 Smith, Jacobus, ensign Minute Men 90 Smith, Jno., 175, 180, 184, 196, 205; fifer, 206; ser geant 188, 205 Smith, Jag 242, 548 sergt 210 lieut 290, 293 capt. on Lake Champlain 19, 254 capt. armed schooner 254, 282 capt. of the Schuyler 90, 96 Smith, Jeffry, major 287 Smith, Jere'h 201 Smith, Jesse 87, 225, 229 Smith, Joel 167 Smith, Joh's 58, 545 Smith, John 191, 204, 206, 213, 232, 237, 243 fifer 211 sergt. 2d N. Y . Line 199, 547 sergt. 2dN. Y. Line, 1775 528 qr. mr 547 ensign in Malcolm's 244 ensign Suffolk Co. Militia 287 ensign 2d Tryon Co. Regt 295 ensign 4th Tryon Co. Regt 296, 543 lieut 374, 279 Heut. 2d Artillery 240 lieut. Levies 256 lieut. 5th Dutchess Co. Regt 281 major 62 major Orange Co. militia 390 Smith, John L., major 62 Smith, Jonas 58 Smith, Joseph, 184, 186; ensign 291 Smith, Josiah 126, 198 sergt 218 colonel 55, 545 colonel Suffolk Co. Minute Men 288 Smith, Lambert, ensign ~ 291 Smith, Lemuel M 234 Smith, Leon, Jr., enBign 303 Smith, Math'w 536 Smith, Melancton 3 . capt 114, 133, 135 capt. Dutchess Co. Minute Men. . . . 284 capt. special Comp 286 Smith, Moses 217 Smith, Nath 213 sergt 18 ensign Ass. Ex 275 lieut 28 Smith, Nath'l, 533; lieut 381 Smith, Nehe'h 333 Smith, Nich's 536, 550 ensign 267 Smith, Obediah, 219; lieut 289 Smith, Othniel, ensign 287 Smith, Patrick, lieut.-col 275 Smith, Peter 189, 191, 204, 205 Smith, Petrus 58 Smith, Petrus, Jr., 58, 170; ensign 800 Smith, Philetus, capt 287 Smith, Philipp, capt 264 Smith, Pol., lieut 273, 279 Index. 621 Page. Smith, Reuben 221, 536 Smith, Rich'd, 193, 545 ; ensign 287 Smith, Robert, sergt., 176; capt 542 Smith, Sam'l, 205, 226; lieut., 528; capt 280 Smith, Seth, lieut.-col 278 Smith, Sol 194, 205 Smith, Stephen 52, 227 Smith, Sylv 536 Smith, Thos., 3, 13, 40, 69, 72, 73, 75, 221, 232; lieut. 289 Smith, Timothy, ensign 2d N. Y 139 Smith, Uriah, lieut 387 Smith, Wait 167 Smith, Wilh., lieut 278 Smith, Wm 126, 175, 205, 206, 214, 241 letter from 54 chairman of Suffolk Co 54 corp'l 19 adj't Ass. Ex 543 capt 74 Sneider, Peter, lieut. Ass. Ex 274 Snell, Fred 549 Snell, Geo. , sergt 549 Snell, Jacob 549 Snell, Jacob F 549 Snell, Joseph 549 Snell, Zeley 177 Snider, Peter, lieut 540 Snider, Stephen, capt 303 Sniffen, Jas 547 Sniffen, Reuben 547 Sniffin, John 205 Sniffin, Neh'h 231 Sniffin. See Kniffin. Snoeck, Wm., lieut. and capt 296 Snow, Ephraim, ensign, 98; lieut. 1st N. Y., 1776. 139, 184 Snow, John 195 Snowden, Jno 213 Snuden, John 216 Snyder, , col. 1st Ulster Co. Regt 543 Snyder, Anth'y, lieut 270 Snyder, Christ'n, lieut 278 Snvder, Henry, Heut. Ass. Ex 274 Snyder, Jacob, 183, 183; ensign and lieut., 373; lieut. 394 Snyder, Jere'h, Heut. and capt. lBt Ulster Co. Regt. . 298 Snyder, Joh's 84 lieut 269 colonel 130 major 1st Ulster Co. Regt., 397; lt.-col. and col 398 Snyder, John, 191 ; Heut 372 Snyder, Lodw., lieut. militia 366, 367 Snyder, Peter 232 Snyder, Wm., lieut. and captain 270 Sohake, Jon'n 194 Sole, Wm., 228; qr. mr. sergt 539 Solivan, Jacob, ensign militia 263 Solyer, Zacheus 178 Sout, Isaac, ensign 274 South Carolina, quota of 132 South-East Precinct, Dutchess Co. 102, 135 Southard, John • ¦ • 231 Southard, Zebulon, captain 279, 285 Southerland, David, colonel 6th Dutchess Co. Regt., 282 Southerland, Smith, Heut. 6th Dutchess Co. Regt., 282; captain Dutchess Co. Minute Men 284 See Sutherland. Southworth, Art 537 Southworth, Gishor 537 Sower, Henry, sergeant 192 Spalding, Reuben, sergeant 53b Spanknebel, John 546 Sparling, John • • X7U Page. Spaulding, ., captain 534 Spear, Hy. Fred 189 Spear, Jona 170 Spear, Jos 194 Spears, prize of, for the army 137 Speed, George 218 Speed, Henry 218 Speenback, Jos 207 Speenberg, Joseph 231 Speer, John 205 Speigier, Hend 208 Spellsbury (Sillsbury), Jacob 192 t Spence, Daniel 182 Spencer, Gideon, lieut 536 Spencer, Ishamar, captain 268 Spencer, Israel, lieut., 528; major Levies 259 Spencer, Jobn, 240; Heut. Levies 258 Spencer, Joseph 166 Spencer, Neh'h, Heut. Ass. Ex 275 Spencer, Reuben, ensign and captain 280, 281 Spencer, Taylor, ensign 277 Spencer, Tim'y, adjt 278 Spice, John 196 Spicer, Jacob 219 Spoor, John, ensign 3d N. Y., 1776 207 Spragg, Alex'r 219 Sprague, Elijah, captain 545 Sprague, Elk 536 Sprague, Ign 130 Sprague, John, sergeant 545 Sprague, Seth 226, 232 Sprig, David, ensign Militia 265 Spriggs, Lazarus 190 Spring, Henry 237 Spring, Nathaniel , 219 Springfield, Cumberland county 120 Springfield, N. J., casualties at 245 Springsted, Abr'm 189 Springsteel, John 169 Springsteed, George 234 Springsteed, Herm 197 Springsteen, Herm 231 Springsteen, Isaac 331 Springsteen, John 237 Springsteen, William 237 Springsteet, Christ. 341 Squin, Asa 349 Squire, Eben'r 536 Squire, Gideon, Heut 148, 376 Squirrel, John 317 Staats, , Heut. 3d N.Y., 1776 301 Staats, Barent, captain 3d Albany Co. Regt., 263; ma jor, 263; lieut.-colonel 264 Staats, Gerritt, Heut. 3d N. Y., 1776, 140, 202; lieut. Ass. Ex 275 Staats, Henry, Heut. Albany City Militia, 261 ; lieut. Albany Co. Regt 262 Staats, Jacob, quartermaster Militia 265 Staats, John, ensign Militia 265 Staats, Nich's, lieut. , 265; captain 265 Staats, Phil., ensign 5th Albany Co. Regiment, 265; lieut 265 Staats, Syl 203 Staatsman. See De Staatsman. Stader.Chr 183 Stafford, Samuel, ensign 277 Stag, John 289 Stagg, Adam 216 Stagg, Corn's 245 Stagg, John, 180, 194, 208, 213; lieut 244 Stale, Dedr., lieut 297 Staley, Rud. D., quartermaster 296 622 Index. Page. Stalkers (Stocker), Seth, sergeant 222 Stall, Joh's, Heut 270 Stall, John Ch 178 Stam, Lawr 550 Stanbury, Elijah 221 Standley, Daniel 180 Standley, John 224 Standsbury, William, corporal 178 Stanford, John 216 Stanley, Dan 214 Stanton, Benjamin 193, 196 Stanton, Joshua, lieut 28 Staring. Adam A., ensign 297 Staring, George 544 Staring, Henry, 546 ; captain 297 Staring, Jacob 546 Staring, Nich's, lieut 297 Staring, Val 550 Stark, Nathan 544 Starkweather, Thomas 536 Starling, Levi 203 Starr, George 179 Starr, Josiah, colonel 1st Conn't 250 Steal, Rud. , quartermaster. 297 Stearns, Daniel, fifer 536 Stearns, Eben'r P 536 Steel, Daniel 222 Steel, James 230, 232 Steel, John, 191, 232; captain 243 Steenbergh, Mat 301 Steenburg, David 197 Steenburg, Peter 190, 212 Steenrod, , captain 307 Steeples, Nath 216 Steinbergh, John, lieut 284 Steinrod, Corn's, captain 97, 102 Steinway, Arnold, sergeant 549 Stephens, Amasa 550 Stephens, Eliphalet 171 Stephens, Fred 549 Stephens, Henry 196 Stephens, John 221 Stephens, Just 214 Stephens, Nathaniel 192 Stephens, Richard 230 Stephens, Rutles 168 Stephens, William, corpora], 204; ensign 388 Stephenson, John, 549; surgeon's mate 528 Stephenson, Samuel 202 Sterling, , general 349 Steuben.Baron 188 Stevens, Mr., of Cumberland Co . 118 Stevens, Aron 250 Stevens, Abrm 167, 179 Stevens, And 536 Stevens, Elijah 241 Stevens, Jno 189 Stevens, Peter 242 Stevens, Rich'd 227 Stevens, Sam'l 208 Stevens, Simon, 133; Heut., 129; brig, major 120 Stevens, Wm., captain 2d Art'y 244 Stevenson, Benj., captain Levies 257, 548 Stevenson, Hendrick, ensign 267 Stevenson, Jno., sergt 187 Stevenson, Jas 238 Steward, Jas 206, 241 Steward, Stephen 548 Stewart, Alex. , qr. mr. Levies 539 Stewart, Chas., lieut. Levies 259 Stewart, Jno 188, 211, 219 Page. Stewart, Jas., ensign, 276; lieut., app'd capt. Scotch Highlanders, 119; captain 5th N. Y 223 Stewart, John, corp'l 248 Stewart, Joseph, Jr., ensign 277 Stewart, Robt., lieut 276 Stewart, Sam'l 540 Stewart, Wm., adjt., 278; Heut., 291; capt 134 Stickler, John 547 Stickney, Jas., ensign 299 Stiles, Martin 249 Still, Benj. Haviland , 166 Still, Dan'l 206 Still , Jas 203 Still, Joseph, lieut 296 Stiller, Jno 185 Stillenwert, Ja'b, ensign 286 Stillwater, killed or wounded at 193, 195, 218 Stillwell, Jas., sergt 195 Stillwell, Thos 192 Stillwell, James 170 Stilwell, John 539 Stimwell, Anth'y 198 Stine, Conr., ensign 296 Stine, John 548 Stinson, Wm 546 Stirling, Lord, letter from 88 Stitt, John, corpl 217 Stivers, Caleb 190 Stivers, Phil 190 Stock, Chas 181 Stockbridge, John 130 Stocker, Wm 222 Stocker, see Stalker. Stockholm, major, votes ag't going into Cont'l service, 51 Stockholm, Andrew, declines to Berve as military of ficer 12 lieut. col 542 Stockwell, Levi, Heut. 3d N. Y., 1770, 140, 200; lieut. and captain Charlotte Co. Mil., 276; captain Levies 256, 538 Stoddard, Ich'd 206, 235 Stoddard, J 200 Stogdill, Robt 233, 234 Stokes, Alex 198 Stoll, see Stool. Stomas, Henry 243 Stone, Jno * 177 Stone, Sam'l 129 Stoner, Henry 236, 550 Stoner, Nich. , fifer 237 Stool, Andries, Heut. Militia 266 Storey, Fran 536 Storer, Jno., drummer 234 Storm, Abrm., 546; captain. 303 Storm, James, Heut , 271 Storm, John 221 Storm, Thos., adjt. and captain 279 Storms. Abrm 248 Storning, Adam 176 Stothoff, Albt., lieut.*. 286 Stouets, Phil 549 Stout (Stoutenger), Geo 180 Stout, John, lieut 86 Stoutenbergh, Tobias, colonel 4th Dutchess Co. Regt. 280 Stoutenburgh, Mr., 99; major 89 Stoutenburgh, Luke, captain 280 Stoutenburgh, Peter, captain 134, 282 Stouter, Evert 225 Stow, Seth 536 Stowel, David, Heut 277 Stowell, Isaac 536 Index. 623 Page. Strachan, Wm., lieut. 2d Art'y 246 Strang, Gilbert, Heut .'...' 21b! 285 Strang, Henry, captain 306 Strang, Joseph, major .'.'.77' 305', 306 Stratten, Thos 241 Stratten, Wm., corp'l 777 191 Stratton, David .' 77 219 Stratton, John, lieut \ 303 Strawbridge, Abrm 191 Street, Sam'l 192 Streight, Henry 232 Streight, Wm 232 Strickland, Eben'r 302 Strickland, Jacob 303 Stringbam, Peter. 248 Stritt, Fred., captain ". 283 Strohn, Jas 240 Strong, Barn., sergt 536 Strong, Benijah, captain 287 Strong, John, 215, 536; capt., 129; muster-roll of comp. 130 Strong, Nathan, ens'n, 293; l't, 57; capt. 4th N. Y. 140, 214 Strong, Nath'l, major 289 Strong, Sam'l, lieut 289 Strong, Selah, 4; captain 288 Strong, Wm 211, 536 Stryker, Corn's. 301 Stryt, Fred., captain 281 Stubragh, Christ'n, lieut. and captain 373 Stuert, John 169 Stump, Chas 198 Stump, Jno 334 Sturdifent, Jon'n 219 Sturdivant, Sam'l 205 Sturge, Nethan 241 Sturges, Isaac, corporal. 198 Sturtevant, capt. in McDougall's 96 Styles, Moses 181 Stymes, Frederick, sergeant 52 Stymets, Fred., 53; lient 543 Succanox, Dan'l 189 Sudam, Oake, adjt. and lieut 303 Sudden (Sutton), Benj 183 Sudlow.Sam'l 182, 183 Suffolk Co. 88, 98 members for 4 troops from 54 troops on duty in 97 supply of troops in 101 lead for 133 Minute Men of 54 comp. of Artillery in, 45, 54, 289 quota of 66, 108 2d Regiment of, Militia 80 committee of, to procure arms for 2d Regt 99 date of march for Militia 110 Militia of western 126 Militia officers of 287, 288 muster masters for troops in 18 troops from, to go to Saratoga 28 Suffridge, Wm., qr. mr. sergt 174 Suffring, George ¦•• 26 Sullivan, Corn's 185 Sullivan, Dennis 203 Sullivan, Jas 26, 205 Sullivan, John 198, 241 Sullivan, Roger 205 Sullivan, Peter 241 Sullivan's expedition 210 Summer, Peter, Heut 294 Summers, Hugh 207 Summers, Josh 190 Summers, Terril, corporal 245 Page. Sureel, Nogion 241 Surgeons, examination of 90 Susap, Peal 130 Susquehanna 125 Sutherland, , captain, 541 ; colonel 142 Sutherland, Dan 208 Sutherland, David 199 Sutherland, Jas., 205; sergeant ! 314 Sutherland, Roger, captain "382 See Southerland. Sutherling, Peleg, capt. Green Mt. Boys 16 Sutliff, John 238 Sutter, Sam'l 203 Sutton, Jas 184 Sutton, John, lieut. . .'. 293 Sutton, Zach 241 Sutz, Peter, captain 542 Suydam, Barn. , captain 286 Suydam, Ferd's, captain 285 Suydam, Lambert, captain 286 Swailes, John 185 Swan, Peter 208, 240 Swart, Dirck 3 Swart, E. W., Heut. and captain, 279; capt. Dutchess Co. Minute Men 285 Swart, Josiah, Heut 296 Swart, Peter, ensign 273 Swart, Phil., lieut. and captain 298, 543 Swart, Teunis, lieut. Militia 263 Swart, Tobias 301 Swarts, Jere'h, lieut 296 Swartwout, capt. in Clinton's, 98; colonel, 69, 79; letter from, 67; Regt. of, at Fort Constitution. . . 145 Swartwout, Abr'm, captain 59, 140, 201, 285 Swartwout, Barn., ensign 2d N. Y. . . 197 Swartwout, Bern., captain 280 Swartwout, Corn's, 205; capt. 2d Art'y 244 Swartwout, Henry, ensign 5th N. Y 220 Swartwout, Jacobus 29, 143 ensign 2d Dutchess Co. Regt. . . . 279 ensign 4th Dutchess Co. Regt. . . 281 captain 21 muster master 17 col. Charlotte Co. Mil 276 col. 2d Dutchess Minute Men . . . 285 col. Dutchess Co. I. S. Regt 285 col., to call out Dutchess Co. Mil. 147 letter from 66 brig. genl. Dutchess Co. Mil. . . . 278 Swartwout, Wm., lieut 279 Swayers, Lambert, sergeant 235 Sweasy, Dan'l, captain 291 Sweed, Wm 215 Sweeney, Dan'l 175, 236 Sweeney, Rogers 201 Sweers, Dan'l , 536 Sweet, Caleb, surgeon 1st N. Y., 1776 174 Sweet, David 212 Sweet, Roger 227 Sweet, Theoph., Heut 281 Swezy, David, major 292 Swift, Ambrose 211 Swift, John 191, 233, 234 Swiss, Jacob 228 Swits, Abr'm, Heut., 263; major 263 Swits, Walter, Heut. in Warner's 248 Sydam, Ferd, capt. in 103 Sydnam's Bridge 156 Symon, Eph'm 193 Sy mon, Martin 194 Symons, Willet 194 Syrine, Jas 193 Sythes (Sytez), Geo., adjt. 3d N. Y 139, 197, 199 624 Index. T. Page, Tablee, Jacob .177 Tabor, Thos 196 Taft, Amaziah 536 Talbert, Wm., corp'l 174 Talbot, Silas, major 253 Talkentan, Jos 533 Tallady, John 193, 231 Tallady, Solomon 225, 232 Tallady, Stephen 232 Tallendon, Jepthar 26 Taller, James, corp'l, 226; lieut 305 Tallmadge, Sam'l, ensign 4th N. Y 210 Tallman, Isaac, major 102 Talmadge, Jos., corp'l 215 Talmadge, Samuel, lieut. 2d N. Y., 1776 191 Talmage, James, Heut. and capt 282, 283 Talman, Harm., ensign and qr. mr 291 Talman, Isaac, capt. and major 280 Talman, Teunis, Jr., ensign, 290; lieut 291 Tanner, Jacob, sergt 544 Tanner, Job, Heut 282 Tanner, Joseph, Heut 269 Tapp, Wm., qr. mr. 1st N. Y. Line, 1775, 17, 251, 527; Heut. 2d N. Y., 139; lieut. 3d N. Y., 1776 199 Tappan, Dr., recommended as surgeon to Swartwout's Regt 67 Tappen, 9 Tappen, ChriBt'n, 3; major 303 Tappen, John, ensign 285 Tappen, Peter, Dr., lieut., 285 ; in hosp. dept 537 Tappin, Peter, lieut. 2d Art'y 246 Tapping, Edw., ensign Suffolk Co. Minute Men, 288; lieut. Suffolk Co. Militia 388 Tappley, Jno 341 Tarpenning, Bord., capt 301 Tarpenning (Teerpenning), Hendr., ensign and lieut. 398 Tarrent, Thos 216 Tarwilger, Benj 172 Tatton (Tallon), Joseph 233, 234 Taulman, Peter, 52; ensign in Malcoms, 244; captain sappers and miners 250 Tayler, Cuth 82 Taylor, Abr'm 536 Taylor, David 240 Taylor, Eli 547 Taylor, Elijah 225, 544 Taylor, Ezekiel, major 271 Taylor, James, capt 306 Taylor, Jasper 220 Taylor, John 135 Taylor, Joshua, lieut., 271; capt 540 Taylor, Math's 293 Taylor, Noah, sergt 233, 234 Taylor, Obed'h 249 Taylor, Oliver, fifer 220 Taylor, Sam'l 293 Taylor, Thos 202, 243 Taylor, Wm 180, 533 Tearse, Peter B., adjt 1st N.Y., 1776 138, 174 Tearse. See Tierce. Teater, John 26 Teats, Mich'l 240 Teats, Wm 240 Teatsworth, John 188 Teataworth, Thos 195 Tebout, Heury, 1st lieut 57 Teets (Dietz), Wm. Heut. and capt., Militia 264 Telford, Wm., capt 299 Tellant, Edw 224 Page. Teller, James, capt 134, 548 Teller, Mathias, ensign and lieut 267 Teller, Pierre 549 Templer, Thos 192 Ten Broeck, , col., 6, 24; gen'l, 63, 65, 71, 131, 141 Ten Broeck, A., ensign 1st N.Y., 1776 185 Ten Broeck, Abr'm, member for Albany Co., 3; col. " 3d Albany Co. Regt., 263; brig.-gen'l, Militia. 135, 262 Ten Broeck, Adam, ensign 268 Ten Broeck, Anth'y, ensign 268 Ten Broeck, Dirck, lieut.-col. Militia 262 Ten Broeck, Jno. C, Heut. 1st N. Y., 1776 180 Ten Broeck, John, 135; adjt 270 Ten Broeck, John C, 1st Heut 97 Ten Broeck, Leonard, lieut. and capt 269 Ten Broeck, Peter, lieut., Levies, 257; capt 185 Ten Broeck, Peter, col 62, 65, 81 Ten Broeck, Petrus, col. 1st Dutchess Co. Regt., 378; brig.-gen'l Dutchess Co 278 Ten Broeck, Sam'l, lieut. 12th Albany Co. Regt., 271; capt. and major 269 Ten Broeck, Samuel J. , ensign 269 Ten Broeck, Sam'l T., Heut 135 Teh Broeck, William 52 Ten Broeck, John E., lieut. 1st N. Y 139 Ten Eyck, Abr'm, paymaster 1st N. Y 139, 174 lieut. Albany City Mil 261 lieut. 1st Albany City Regt 262 lieut. Levies 260 lieut. Militia 266 lieut. and paymaster 539 Ten Eyck, Andries, ensign Militia 264 Ten Eyck, Barent J., adjt. 3d Regt., 13; capt., 77; capt. 2d N. Y. Line, 1775 528 Ten Eyck, Barnet, capt. 2d N. Y., 1776 191 Ten Eyck, Coenr., capt 264, 265 Ten Eyck, Coenr. F., lieut 270 Ten Eyck, Coenr. T., ens'n 5th Albany Co. Regt , 266} Heut., 266; major Sth Albauy Co. Regt 266 Ten Eyck, Jacob, Heut 62, 291 Ten Eyck, John, ensign 1st N. Y 138 Ten Eyck, J. D. P., paymaster Add'l Cont's, 233; capt. C. C 237 Ten Eyck, Joseph ." 223 Ten Eyck, Peter, ensign Militia 265 Ten Eyck, Rich'd, storekeeper 537 Ten Eyck. See Deknight. Ten Eycke, John 188 Terbos, Dan'l, major 279 Ter Bosh, Isaac 533 Terboss, Simon, sergeant 210 Ternuer, James 169 Terpenny, Bowd.\ .v 539 Terry, Jere'h, lieut 287 Terry, Nath'l, sergeant 174, 544 Terry, Sam'l ' 210 Terwilliger, Abr'm s 509 Terwilliger, Benj 539 Terwilliger, Ez'l 302 Terwilliger, Herm., sergeant 546 Terwilliger, Jacob, lieut 302 Terwilliger, James (Jacob). 230, 231 Terwilliger, James P 172 Terwilliger, Jon'n, Heut .' . 300 Terwilliger, Matt'w , ! 550 Terwilliger, Moses 77 58 Terwilliger, Peter, Jr 77! 539 Terwilliger, Wilh !!!!!!! 227 Terwilliger, Wm 77" 23 1 Index. 625 Page. Tetard, John Peter, Rev'd, French interpreter to Gen. Schuyler and chaplain of the troops 17; chaplain 4th N. Y., 1776 209 Tharp, Benj 7 7 7 241 Tharp, Thomas 166 Thayer, Jno ! ! ! 221 Thew, Teunis 7 633 Thomas, Edw., adjt., 305; lieut ! 547 Thomas, Ezekiel, corporal, 184; surgeon 539 Thomas, George 227 Thomas, Henry, 191 ; fifer 192 Thomas, Jno., 231; corporal, 241; sergeant 241 Thomas, Jacob, lieut 26, 529 Thomas, Jas 191, 232 Thomas, John, 26, 173, 180, 213, 252; captain 543 Thomas, John, Jr., qr. mr., 304; captain 305 Thomas, Moses, sergt., 550 ; lieut 299 Thomas, Rich'd 220 Thomas, Robt 545 Thomas, Thomas, col. , drafts from his Regt., 84; col. 2d W. Ch. Co. Regt., 121, 304, 543; prisoner 547 Thomas, Tunis, ensign 62 Thomas, Wm 189 Thompson, And'w, lieut., 273; capt. Levies 259 Thompson, Benj 215 Thompson, Chas., secretary Cont. Congr 154 Thompson, Dan'l 189 Thompson, Elias 227, 230 Thompson, Ezra 143 Thompson, George, captain 60, 291 Thompson, Gideon, lieut 280 Thompson, Hugh, ensign 273 Thompson, Isaac, lieut 287 Thompson, Isaiah, captain-lieut. 2d Artillery 246 Thompson, Israel, 143; captain, 278; major 285 Thompson, James 181, 545 Thompson, Jesse, lieut 252, 529 Thompson, John, 166, 171, 193 ; 200, 245 ; drummer, 238 ; corporal, 188 ; sergeant, 212 ; lieut., 542 ; captain 271 Thompson, John, 1st 174 Thompson, John, 2d 174 Thompson, Jon'n 167 Thompson, Josh 171, 191 Thompson, Lathrop 636 Thompson, Michael 235 Thompson, Robert, Hent 303 Thompson, Samuel, lieut., 274 ; captain 287 Thompson, Standley 187 Thompson, Thaddeus, sergeant 245 Thompson, Thomas, sergeant Hamilton Artillery, 124; promoted lieut. of Artillery 124 Thompson, William, 60, 175, 185, 190, 214,301 ; gun ner 245 Thomson, Arch'd 224 Thomson, Robert, ensign 291 Thorn, Benjamin 224 Thorn, Obadiah 238 Thorn, Samuel, lieut. 1st N. Y.f 1776 178 Thorn, Stephen, ensign 272 Thome, Edw., lieut ¦•¦¦ ™ Thorne, Samuel, lieut 135, 139 Thome, William, lieut. of Minute Men iii Thornton, , ensign 96 Thornton, James • ¦ • • *"1 Thornton, John, Heut. Levies, 358, 360; Heut. 2d Albany Co. Regt 263 Thorp, Peter fl» Thorp, Thomas "*j Throop, Amos °db Throop , Benjamin, captain 2d Artillery ^44 Throop, John R., lieut. 2d Artillery -344 79 Page. Throop, John W 526 Throop. Josiah, major Levies 258, 538 Thum,, Adam, captain Rangers 538 Thurston (Tusten), Dr. Benjamin, Heut.-col., 291 ; killed 550 Tice, Jas 215 Ticonderoga, 7, 14, 18, 24, 85, 36, 56, 82, 146; Lamb's Artillery ordered to 23 Tiebout, Henry, captain 3d N. Y. 1776 140, 205 Tiece, Chr 206 Tierce, Peter B., brigade major, 537; captain Levies 259, 360 Tiffany, Benjamin, lieut 273 Tigner, William, lieut 268 Tildan, Charles, sergeant 160 Tillotson, Daniel, lieut 287 Tillman, Christ'n, Heut. and captain 266. 267 Tillman, John, lieut., 261; adjutant 527 Tillman, William, ensign 264 Tilman, Christ'n, captain 539 Tilton, Peter 225 Timmerman, Jacob, 546; sergeant 550 Tin, Thomas 175 Tincker (Dencker), ensign and lieut. Militia 266, 267 Tinkle, Henry 210 Tioga county 294 Tipperwine, Chr 178 Titus, Isaac, ensign 307 Titus, James 223 Titus, Joh's, major 286 Titus, John, 176, 536 ; captain 103, 286 Titus, Jon'n, 218; lieut. and captain, 287 ; captain 4th N.Y 140,218,548 Titus, Joseph, ensign 287 Titus, Silas, Heut 269 Tizer, John, corporal 238 Tobias, Isaac, ensign 289 Tobias, Jacob, 230, 331 ; captain 283 Tobias, John 195 Tobin, Edw 184 Tochman, John 307 Todd, Abr'm, ensign 306 Todd, John 334 Todd, Jon'n 166 Todd, Joseph, ensign 307 Todd, Robert, ensign and lieut 279 Todd,Thad 192 Toise, John 236 Tolant, Zach., lieut 269 Toles, Elijah, Heut 274 Toll, Charles H., adjutant 272 Toll, Daniel, ensign Militia 263 Toll, Jesse, lieut 272 Tom, a Negro in the Militia 86 Tomiinson, Benjamin 224 Tomm, Nathaniel, captain in Malcom's, 240; captain Queens Co. Militia, 287; captain Add'l Cont's 152 Tompkins, Abr'm 201 Tompkins, Edm 221 Tompkins, Edw 217 Tompkins, Elijah 221 Tompkins, John G., adjutant 304 Tompkins, Nath 216 Tone, And 208 Tonegar. See Finegar. Tongue, George 237 Tooker, Chs 289 Tooker, Isaac 289 Tooker, Selah 289 Tool.John 216 Toorell, Roger 178 Tophet, Peter 229 626 Index. Page, Tophop, Peter 231 Topliff, Luther, drummer. . 536 Topping, Daniel, sergeant 215 Torry, William, lieut. 2d Canadian 248 Toshman, J 200 Totben, Thomas 86 Totten, Gilbert, Heut 281 Totten, Jonas 302 Totten, Samuel 302 Toucray, Daniel, qr. mr. Militia 266 Tousea, Elisha, lieut 276 Town, Timothy 169 Townsend, Absalom 226 Townsend, Daniel 250 Townsend, Elijah, Heut., adjt. and captain, 284; cap tain 279 Townsend, Henry, captain 292 Townsend, Isaac, lieut 283, 284 Townsend, James 206 Townsend, Lawrence, captain Militia 265 Townsend, Micah, captain 114, 128, 133 Townsend, Richard 201 Townsend, Robert, commissary 126 Townsend, Roger 550 Townsend, Samuel 4, 104, 225 member for Queens Co 126 paymaster 5th N. Y 220 Tozer, Elijah, captain 258, 276 Tozer, Jared 249 Tracy, Samuel 248 Tracy, Solomon, lieut 292 Train, Moses 289 Trail, Abell 171 Traver, Francis 26 Travers, Nich's 213 Traverse, Abr'm 225 Traverse, Gab'l 539 Traverse, Scott -. 222 Traverse. See Travis. j Travis, Amos 293 Travis, Jacob, 192; lieut 305 Travis (Traverse), Uriah, corporal 192 Traw, Aken 238 Tread well, 42 Treadwell, Edw., lieut 281 Tread well, Samuel, captain 304 Treadwell, Thomas . • 4 Tredle, Samuel, lieut 281 Tred way, Samuel 536 Tredwell, , 216; member for Suffolk Co 101 Tredwell, Thomas 4, 92 Tremper, Jacob, lieut 278 Tremper, Joh's 302 Tremper, Lawrence, ensign Levies 260 Tremper, Wm., lieut 134 Tretten, Jno 194 Trewiliger, Jacobus 190 Triglith, Eliz'th 82 Trim, Azariah 220 Trimmons, Abner 191 Trimmons, Jon'n 190 Triscott, Exp., corporal '. . 536 Triscott, Jeremiah 160 Troop, George, sergeant 235 Troop, Robert, lieut 542 Troops of Horse ordered out 121 See Militia Trotter, Math'w, lieut. Levies, 258, 260 ; Heut. and qr. mr. Levies 539 Trout, Adam, sergeant 191 Trout, Michael 191, 196 Truax, Andw., ensign, Militia ', 264 Truax, John 248 Truesdale, Jesse, lieut., 304; captain and major, 305; major 4th Westch. Co. Regt 307 Truesdall, Wm., ensign 267 Truesdell, Wm., ensign 1st N. Y., 1776 179 Truex, Abrm., ensign Militia 263 Trull, John 208 Trumble, Alex., qr. mr 299 Trumbull, Jesse, captain 305 Trumbull, Jon'n, dep. paymaster gen'l 36 Trump, Simon 169 Trusdale, David, ensign 283 Trusdel, Gershom, captain 267 Trusdell, Aaron 536 Trusdell, Jesse, captain 643 Truva, Joseph 334 Trylock, Joseph, ensign 4th N. Y 140 Tryon, Elix., Heut 391 Tryon, Jno., sergt 223 Tryon, Jochim, ensign and lieut 270 Tryon, Simon, lieut. 4th N. Y 140 lieut. 7th Dutchess Co. Regt 284 Tryon Co 85, 98 quota of 66, 108, 109 Militia of 89, 136 lead for 133 Militia of, not properly armed 146 rangers raised in 117, 157 officers of Militia in 294 et seq. officers of rangers in 297 officers of Minute Men in 297 Militia, casualties in 549 Tubbs, Lemuel, lieut 274 Tubbs, Stephen 220 Tuby, John 218 Tuck, Jno 189 Tucker, Joshua 234 Tucker, Nath'l, ensign and It., 305; lt. Levies... 256. 257 Tucker, Reuben, ensign 302 Tudor, Sam'l, capt., 6, 11, 19; asks for rank, 40; cap tain Ind't Art'y Co 246 Tugh, Jon'n, adjt. corps of Invalids 250 Tuller, Jacob, corp'l 249 Tully, Sam'l 175 Tumalek, Benj 130 Tumand, David., 219 Tumand, Peter 218 Tumand, Peter, Jr 218 Tume, Zebud 293 Tumey , Jas 205 Tupper, Nathan, corp 220 Turbush, Corn's, sergt 231 Turcol, Fran 236 Turnbull, Wm 176 Turner, Alex., Heut 276 Turner, Frans., corp'l 223 Turner, Ichabod, captain Militia 264 Turner, Jas 206 Turner, Joseph, captain 540 Turner, Peter, fifer 235 Turner, Phil. , surgeon-general 247 Turner, Rich'd 172 Turner, Ruben, adjt 276 Turner, Sam'l 183 Turner, Wilh. , enBign 270 Turner, Wm 196 Turnure, Hendr., captain 62, 290 Tusten, Benj'n 9; 14 Tuttle, Eben'r 537 Tuttle, Joel !.!!!!! 186 Tuttle, Joseph 238 Tuttle, Solomon 190 Index. 627 Tuthill, Az., serg't-maj'r, 209; lieut. Levies 259 Tuthill, Barn., major, 13, 98, 529; lt.-colonel 76 Tuthill, Francis 373 Tuthill, Jas 212 Tuthill, Jere'h 289 Tuthill, Jobn, Heut.-fireworker Suffolk Co. Art'y, 55, 289; lieut. Suffolk Co. Minute Men 288 Tuthill, John Wood 289 Tuthill, John Woodhull, lieut 290 Tuthill, Jon'n, captain 289 Tuthill, Joseph 233 Tuthill, Stephen, 167; corp'l 549 Tuthill, Wm 196, 289 T willee, John 173 Tygart, Hanjoost, ensign 297 Tygert, Peter S., captain and major 294 Tygert, Wni. , captain 297 Tyler, Baz., captain 299 Tyler, Bezaleal 550 Tyler, Eben'r, ensign 269 Tyler, Eli, ensign 305 Tyler, Jas., captain, 536; major 278 IJ. Ubchand, Jno., mus'n 241 Uens, Wm 180 Uhl, Danl, lieut 281 Ulster Co 153 members of 3 committee of, to procure arms for Clinton's Regt 99 male population of 127 lead for 133 drafts ordered in 141 quota of 66, 108, 109 Militia of 84 ordered out 116, 148 to be in readiness 127, 136 2 Regts. discharged from duty 143 200 men of/to discipline Dutchess Co. Mili tia 143 all to be dismissed 143 quota as ordered raised 146 date of march for Militia 110 rangers in i 117, 157 troop of horse in 130, 131 officers of Militia 297 et seq. officers of Minute Men in 302, 303 Ulster Co., Associated Exempts of 303 Umphrey, James, captain 399 Umpstead, Eben'r 129 Underdonk, Titus 233 Underhill, israel, ensign 306 Underhill, Nath'l, ensign 303 Uniforms 91, 93, 115 color of 13 of Green Mountain Boys 38 for Wynkoop's 101 Upham, John, lieut 268 Upright, George 201, 539 Upright, Nath., drummer 300 Upton, Benj 313 Upton. See Epton. Ute (Utt), Francis, lieut 294 Uthest, Jno 198 Utler, Gilbert 222 Utley, Samuel, Heut. Levies 257 Utter, Isaac 321, 231 Utter, Isaac, Jr 331 Utter, JoBeph 219 Utter. See Otter. M. Vacher (Vascbe), J. F., surgeon 4th N. Y., 1776 Vail, Benj. , captain Vail, Gilbert..... Vail, Isaac, captain Vail, Israel, captain Vail, John, 289; Heut Vail, Joseph, lieut Vail, Joseph, Jr., lieut Vail, Micah, captain Vail. See Neal, Veal. Valentine, Gab Valentine, Joseph, sergeant Valentine, Ob'h Valentine, Peter Valentine, Stephen. Valentine, William Valentine. See Ballentine. Vallairey, Jno Vallens. See Nallins. „.„„,„ Valley Forge, died at 188, 212, 213, 214, 218, 243, Van Aaken, Levy, lieut Van Aelen, Barent, Heut. 1st Albany Co. Regt Van Aelen, Wm.,' ensign. Van Aernam, Jacob, captain Van Aernam, John, ensign Van Aken, Abr'jn, captain Van Aken, Elijah, lieut Van Aken (Van Acken), Abr'm, lieut : 209 550550 281 381 381 543 306 38 211 201194207 544 176228 245 264262 266 264264 543293 298 Van Alen, Abr'm, adjt Van Alen, Jacobus, captain Van Alen, John, lieut.-col. 3d Albany Co. Regt. Van Alen, Peter, lieut Van Allen, Barent, lieut. Albany City Militia, . Van Alstyn, Jacob, qr. mr Van Alstyn, M., qr. mr. 6th Albany Co. Regt . . Van Alstyn, Rynier, Heut. Van Alstyne, — 267, 268 ... 267 . .. 267 .. 267 ... 261 ... 266 ... 539 ... 265 lt.-colonel, 7th Albany Co. Regt 539 540 Van Alstyne, Abr'm, 182, 183; colonel 7th Albany Co. Regt 267 Van Alstyne, Abr'm I., captain. 267 Van AlBtyne, Jacob, adjt. 6th Albany Co. Regt 266 Van Alstyne, Joh's J., lieut 267 Van Alstyne, John, ensign 265 Van Alstyne, M., captain armed sloop Polly 534 Van Alstyne, Martin C, lieut 294, 295 Van Alstyne, Philipp, capt. and lieut.-col 267 Van Amy, Abney, lieut 272 Vananden, Paul, ensign, 282; lieut 134 Van Antwerp, Paul G., Heut. and capt. Sth Alb. Co. Regt 265,266 Van Antwerp, Joh's, ensign 272 Van Antwerp, Nicholas 52 Van Antwerpen, Arent I. , ensign 263 Van Antwerpen, Peter, ensign 273 Van Arden, Walter, lieut 62 628 Index. Van Arnnm, Wm., lieut. Levies 258 Van Asdall, Corn's 166 Vanasdal, Teunis, ensign 299 Van Atten, Peter, corporal 212 Van Atter, Jas 213 Vanausdale, Abr'm, lieut 287 Van Benschoten, , major Levies 538 Van Benschoten, Elias, capt., 116; major Levies.... 539 Van Benschoten, Elias, Jr., lieut. 3d N. Y. Line, 1775 528 Van Benschooten, Peter, lieut., 4th N. Y 140 Van Benthuysen, Mart 184 Van Bergen, Anth'y, col. 11th Albany Co. Regt. 270, 540 Van Bergen, Henry, lieut., 270; captain 270 Van Bergen, Peter, ensign, 270; Heut. Levies 260 Van Bergen, Peter A., lieut. Levies 258 Van Bergen, Petrus, lieut 262 Van Beuren, Corn's, captain, 265; major 364 Van Beuren, Geo. . . : 183, 183 Van Beuren, Gerrit, ensign 371 Van Beuren, John, Heut 369 Van Beuren, Martin, ensign Militia 265 Van Blaricum, Jas 206 Van Brakelen, Garrit G., ensign, 295; lieut 296 Van Brakkelen, Garret 8., ensign and lieut 296 Van Brunt, Aaron, capt. in New Utrecht 103 Vau Brunt, Abr'm, capt. , . . . 286 Van Brunt, Adrian, captain 286 Van Brunt, Nich's, 1st Lieut 124 Van Brunt, Rich'd, col. Kings Co. Mil 286 Van Bueren, Barent C. , Heut 265 Van Bunschoten, Elias, 219; lieut., 77; capt. 3d N. Y., 1776, 197; capt. Ass. Ex., 285; major Levies, 256, 257 259, 260 Van Bunschoten, John, captain 279 Van Bunschoten, Math'w, Heut. and captain. 279, 280 Van Bunschoten, Peter, ensign, 279; lieut. 4th N. Y.. 212 Van Buren, Ab'm, captain 267, Van Buren, Goose, lieut 267 Van Buren, Harm., major 7th Alb. Co. Regt 539 Van Buren, John, ensign 267 Van Buren, Phil 301 Van Buren, Tobias, adjt,, 267; captain 298 Vance, Geo., lieut 393 Vance, John, lieut. Ass. Ex , 393 Van Clack, B. P., lieut 279 VanCleck.L 208 Van Cleck, Peter, sergeant 188 Van Cleef, Isaac, lieut 280 Van Cleef, Mich'l, 2d lieut 124 Van Cortlandt, lieut.-colonel 98 Van Cortlandt, Gilbert, captain 305 Van Cortlandt, James, colonel 4, 24 Van Cortlandt, John 3, 17 Van Cortlandt, Phil 8, 14 member for W. Ch. Co 4 lieut.-col. 4th Regt 13, 529 colonel 76, 147, 149 arrives at Albany, with part of 4th Regt. : , 36 col. 2d N. Y., 1776 139, 186 Van Cortlandt, Pierre, major, 8; col. 3d W. Ch. Co. Regt., 305, 543; Lieut. Governor 306 Van Curer. See Van Keuren. Van De Bergh, Math. . . 189 Van Deboe, Jacob 179 Van de Bogart, Jac, ensign 280 Van de Bogart, Minant, 191, 192; Heut 270 Van de Bogart, Peter, Jr., Heut 269 Van De Bogrant, Wynant 187 Van de Burgh, Barth'w, ensign 5th N. Y 233 Page. Van Deburgh, James, lieut.-col. and col. 5th Dutchess Co. Regt ^ \. 281 Vandemark, Gilbert 226 Van de Mark, Jno 196 Van de Mark, Wm., lieut 302 Vandemark, Zach 195 Vandenbergh, Barent C. , ensign 265 Vandenbergh, Garret, col. 5th Albany Co. Regt.. . . 266 Van den Bergh, Gerrit G., lieut. and capt., 263, 264; lieut.-col. 5th Albany Co. Regt ... 265 Van den Bergh, Gerret T., lieut 265 Vandenbergh, Henry J., lieut. Levies 256 Vandenbergh, Joh's, captain 271 Vandenbergh, John, ensign 265 Vandenbergh, Martin C, ensign 265 Vandenbergh, Nich's, Heut 271 Van den Bergh, Rich'd, Heut 270 Vandenbergh, Tunis, lieut 266 Van den Bergh, Wynant, lieut 272 Vanden Burg, C., capt 540 Vanden Burgh, — -^ — , lieut. 5th N. Y 220 Vandenburgh, Corn's W., capt. Ass. Ex 274 Van Denburgh, Dan'l 180 Vandenburgh, Henry, lieut 116, 226 Vandenburgh, John, ensign 265 Vanden Heyden, H., lieut. 3d N. Y 140 Vanden Merck, Corn's 58 Vanden Merck, John 58 Vanden Merck, Solomon 68 Vander Bark, Corn's 228 Van Derbelt, Dirck, lieut 291 Vanderbilt, Mr 62 Vanderbilt, Jere'h, capt 103, 286 Vanderbilt, Joh's, capt 286 Van Der Bilt, John, of Kings Co., 14; major 286 Vander Bilt, Peter, ensign 286 Vander Bogart, John 212 Van Der Bogart, Nich's 184 Vandercook, Simon, ensign 272 Vander Donck, D., ensign 290 Vander Feeld, Anna 82 Vander Heyden, Adam 202 Vander Heyden, Gersham 202 Vander Heyden, Jacob, lieut 266 Vander Heyden, M., lieut., Leviesl. 256, 258 Vanderhoof, Hendrick, capt 273 Vanderhuyden, Manning, lieut. 3d N. Y., 1776 205 Van Derkar, Nich's, lieut 271 Vander Lenden, Peter, enBign 296 Vanderlin, Peter, surgeon, Levies 256, 257, 259 Vandermark, Corn's, corp'l 231 Vander Merck, Corn's 58 Vander Merck, Silvester 58 Vander Ppel, Andries, ensign 267 Vander Pool, Barent, lieut.-col. 7th Albany Co. Regt. 267 Vander Pool, Isaac, adjt. Militia 267 Vander Pool, Jacobus, ensign, 5th Albany Co. Regt. 265; adjt 264 Vander Veer, Corn's, capt 103, 286 Vander Voort, Jas 198 Vander Voort, John 210 Vander Voort, Paul, lieut 291 Vander Voort, Paulus M., lieut 293 Vander Voort, Peter, ensign 286 Vander Werker, Albert, lieut 271 Vander Werker, John, ensign, 271; capt 271 Vander Woort, Peter, Jr., Heut. Levies 258 Vander Worker, Mart 208 Vander Zee, Albert, capt 266 Vanderzee, Albert' H., lieut 264 Vanderzee, Corn's, ensign 264 Index. 629 Page. Van Deusen, Jacob, ensign 262 Van Deusen, John J., lieut. Levies 257 Van Deusen, Jobn, paymaster 538 Van De Voort, Jac. , corp'l 207 Van Driesen, John, adj't 263 Van Duersen, Corn's, ensign 268 Van Duersen, Joh's, capt 131 Van Duersen, John, Jr., qr. mr. and adjt 298 Van Dunk, Jno 200 Van Dusen, Isaac, ensign 290 Van Dusey, John, capt 280 Van Duyn, John, lieut 286 Van Duzan, Christ'n, capt 289 Van Duzen, Abr'm 206 Van Duzer, Christ'n, capt ; 542 Vanduzer, Peter 26 Van Duzer, Thos 249 Van Dyck. capt. , 57; col 129 Van Dyck, A. C, capt 548 Van Dyck, Corn's, capt. 2d N. Y. Line, 1775, 584 ; lieut.-col. 1st N. Y., 138, 174; major 76 Van Dyck, John 52 Van Dyck, Math., lieut 287 Van Dyck, Nich's, ensign. 287 Vau Dyk, Abr'm, capt 50, 51 Van Dyke, Abr'm, capt 542 Van Dyke, Peter 174 Van Enburgh, Abr'm 202 Van Ence, Wm, , drummer 241 Van Engen, Joseph, ensign, Levies 258 Van Eps, Abr'm, capt. Militia 263 Van Ess, Adam, lieut 267 Vanetta, A. T 196 Van Etten, Jac 195 Van Etten, Levi, ensign 292 Van Etten (Elton), Sam'l, ensign and lieut 295 Van Etting, Joh's, lieut 298 Van Everen, Rein, capt 294 Van Every, Benj 206 Van Every, David 206 Van Every, Martin 242 Van Gaasbeck, Abr'm 301 Van Gaasbeck, Abr'm, Jr., cornet and lieut 298 Van Gaasbeck, Jacobus, lieut 298 Van Gaasbeck, Peter, ensign, 303; Heut., 269; capt. . 136 Van Gaasbeck, Petrus, capt 135 Van Gasbeck, Thos., 172 ; ensign in Malcoms 244 Van Gelder, Isaac 320 Van Gelder, Mat 222 Van Gilder, Jacob 230, 231 Vanhagel (Vinhagen), John 365 Van Hoesen, Justus, ensign and Heut 268 Van Hook, Arendt 54 Van Hoozer, Ga'l 226 Van Horn, Abr'm, qr. mr 295 Van Horne, Thos., ensign and Heut 296 Vanhousen, Jacob, ensign, Militia 367 Van Houten, Res., Heut 390 Van Houten, Res. T., ensign 390 Van Houtin, Res., lieut 63 Van Houtin, Res. J., ensign 63 Van Hovenbergh, Hendrick, qr. mr 378 Van Hovenbergh, Henry, Heut. Levies 257 Van Hoven, R., corp'l • _¦ • • 210 Van Howenburgh, Rud., lieut. 4th N. Y 313 Van Huy ning, And'w 221 Van Ingen, Joseph, lieut. Levies 358 Van Kempen, Abr'm ¦ • • • ¦ 168 Van Keuren, Abr'm, 301 ; ensign and heut 380, 381 Van Keuren, Henry, lieut. and capt 399 Van Keuren, Mathew, ensign 385 Van Keuren, Tjerck 301 Page. Van Kleck, Henry 191 Van Kleck, James 201 Van Kleeck, Hugh, captain 280 Van Kleeck, John, captain 280 Van Kleef, Law 199 Van Leuven, And's, ensign 298 Van Leuven, Daniel 58 Van Leuven, Peter 58 Van Loan, Nich's 130 Van Loon, Albert, Heut. and adj utant 270 Van Loon, Hubartus, quartermaster 270 Van Loon, Petrus, Jr 173 Van Matter (Van Artten), John 203 Van Ness, .colonel 540 Van Ness, Corn's ._ 187 Van Ness, David, lieut. Militia, 267 ; captain and ma jor, 278 ; captain 1st N. Y. 1776 139, 179 Van Ness, Garrett, lieut 273 Van Ness, Jacob, lieut 272 Van Ness, Jacobus, ensign 267 Van Ness, John, ensign and lieut., 267 ; colonel 1st Dutchess Co. Minute Men 284 Van Ness, Peter, colonel 9th Albany Co. Regt. . . 268, 269 Van Ness, William, Heut 368 Van Netten, Joseph 180 Van Norden, Albert 177 Van Nort, Joseph 328 Van North, John, drummer 214 Van Nosdall, John, corporal 546 Van Ole, Joseph 228 Van Olinda, Peter, lieut 296 Van Orden, Benjamin, quartermaster 270 Van Orden, Chs., drummer 207 Van Orden, Ignatius, major. 270 Van Orden, Walter, Heut 290 Van Osdall, Jno 222 Van Osdall, James 549 Van Orsdol, James 228 VanOrsdol, John 245 Van Ostrander, Henry, lieut. Militia 266 Van Patten, Arent N., adjutant Militia 263 Van Patten, John, captain Militia 363 Van Patten, Simon F. , lieut. Militia 363 Van Petten, And'w, lieut. Militi.a 363 Van Ranst, Abr'm, lieut 386 Van Ranst, Corn's 86 Van Rensselaer, , captain, 373; col., 8, 14, 42, 136 Van Rensselaer, Elias, captain 3d N. Y 139 Yan Rensselaer, Henry J., major and lieut.-colonel 8th Albany Co. Regt. 267, 268 Van Rensselaer, Henry K., lieut.-colonel 6th Albany Co. Regt., 266; lieut.-colonel Levies, 256, 539; colonel 538 Van Rensselaer, Jeremiah, ensign and paymaster 3d N. Y., 197 ; Heut. 1st N. Y. 1776 175 Van Rensselaer, John, major and Heut .-colonel 14th Albany Co. Regt., 272; lieut.-colonel 540 Van Rensselaer, Kilian, quartermaster, 268; colonel 4th Albanv Co. Regt 264 Van Rensselaer, Nich's, lieut 77, 188, 175, 528 Van Rensselaer, Peter, captain C. C, 236, 237; captain Levies 258, 259 Van Rensselaer, Phil., commissary 537 Van Rensselaer, Robert, member for Albany, 3 ; col. 8th Albany Co. Regt., 267, 268; brigadier-general Militia ." 262 Van Salsbury, Corn's 180 Van Sant, John 193 Van Santfort, Corn's, ensign Militia, 263 ; captain Levies 257 Van Santvoord. Corn's, captain Ass. Ex., 275 ; cap tain 97, 544 630 Index. Page. Van Schaick, Anthony, 173 ; captain 540 Van Schaick, Cornelius, major Militia 267 Van Schaick, Garret W., Heut. Militia 262 Van Schaick, Goose, lieut.-colonel 13 colonel 38,46, 47, 69 et seq., 72, 76, 138 141, 147, 149, 174, 527, 543 stationed at Albany 36 letter from 36 Van Schaick, Jacob, ensign, 265 ; major 13th Albany Co. Regt 271 Van Schaick, John, ensign 270 Van Schaick, Myndert, lieut., 270 ; captain 640 Van Schaick, Stephen, lieut. Albany City Militia. . . . 261 Van Schoonhoven, Jacobus, colonel 12th Albany Co. Regt 270, 540 Vansice, Joseph 232 Vansites, John. ... 203 Vansites, Jos 203 Van Size, Gilbert 213 Van Slike, John, lieut 550 Van Slyck, Corn's, Heut 528 Van Slyck, Garret 545 Van Slyck, Herm., major 295,549 Van Slyck, Jac 546 Van Slyck, Jesse, captain Militia 263 Van Slyck, John, ensign and lieut 295 Van Slyck, Martin, 177; lieut 273 Van Slyck, Nich's, ensign 295 Van Snell, J. Fred 178 Van Steenbergh, Abr 170 Van Steenbergh, Benjamin, ensign and lieut 278 Van Steenbergh, Dirck 301 Van Steenbergh, Jeremiah 173 Van Steenbergh, John, captain 134 Van Steenbergh, Tobias, ensign 298 Van Steenburgh, Abr'm 301 Van Steenburgh, Elias, ensign and captain 271 Van Steenburgh, Tobias 301 Vara Tassel, Abr'm 547 Van Tassel, Corn's, 193 ; lieut 304 Van Tassel, David 547 Van Tassel, Isaac, sergeant 547 Van Tassel, Jacob, Heut 304, 547 Van Tassel, John 550 Van Tassell, John 214 Vantine, Francis, corporal 231 Van Tine, John 231 Van Tine, Isaac 232 Van Tine, John 175 Vantine, Robert 232 VanTuy], John, lieut 292 Van Tuyle, Utter, ensign 292 Van Valkenburgh, Heut. 1st N. Y., 1776 184 Van Valkenburgh, Abrm. I., lieut. 5th Albany Co. Regt 265 Van Valkenburgh, Abrm . J. , captain 265 Van Valkenburgh, B., lieut. 1st N. Y 138 Van Valkenburgh, B. J., lieut. 1st N. Y., 1776 176 Van Valkenburgh, Christ'n, qr.-mr 270 Van Valkenburgh, Francis 213, 337 Van Valkenburgh, Isaac, ensign Levies, 360; lieut. Levies 258 Van Valkenburgh, Isaac P., lieut. and captain 267 Van Valkenburgh, Jacob, adjt 272 Van Valkenburgh, Jacob J., lieut 265 Van Valkenburgh, Joh's J., ensign 268 Van Valkenburgh, John J., Heut 265 Van Valkenburgh, Peter I., ensign 268 Van Valkenburgh, Peter J., lieut 267 Van Vechten, Anth'y, adjt 295 Van Veghten, Mr 56 Van Veghten, Anth'y, lieut 528 Page. Van Veghten, Corn's, lt.-col. 13th Albany Co. Regt. . 271 Van Veghten, Dirck, ensign, 296, 540; major 14th Albany Co. Regt 272, 549 Van Veghten, Eph'm, qr. mr. Militia 263 Van Veghten, Hendrick, adjt 262 Van Veghten, Henry, lieut 538 Van Veghten, Jacob, Heut 270 Van Veghten, Lucas, major 527 Van Veghten, Rich'd, ensign Ass. Ex 274 Van Veghten, Saml, lieut., 529; captain 97, 139, 180 270 Van Veghten, Teunis T., ensign Albany City Mil., 261 ; ensign 1st Albany Co. Regt 262 Van Veghten, Tobias, Heut 138, 176, 528 Van Veghten, Volkert, captain 265 Van Velen, Gideon, lieut 279 Van Vleet, Abrm .. 243 Van Vliet, Abrm 167 Van Vliet, John 58 Van Vorst, Christ'n .179 Van Vorst, John 185 Van Vorst, Phil., Jr., lieut. Militia 263 Van Vranken, John, Heut 271 Van Vranken, Maas, adjt., 265, 266; ensign 271 Van Wagener, A. J. , ensign 298 Van Wagener, Corn's, lieut 300 Van Wagener, Evert 248 Van Wagener, Garret, lieut 77, 116, 527 Van Wagener, Jacob 301 Van Wagener, John 58 Van Wagener, Tunis (Gerrit), ensign 2d N. Y., 1776, 192; captain Levies 259 Van Wart, John, Heut 304 Van Weert, Isaac, lieut. 2d N. Y 77, 139 529 Van Wert, Abrm., lieut. Levies 257 Van Wert, John, lieut 306 Van Wicke, Abraham, capt 57 Van Wie, Andries, qr. mr 266 Van Wie, John, Heut 263 captain 539 Van Wie, John A., Heut. and captain 265, 266 Van Wie, Peter, lieut 263 Van Woerdt, Henry, qr. mr 138, 174, 537 Van Woert, Henry, lieut 1st N. Y., 1776 .' 181 Van Woert, Isaac, lieut. 3d N. Y., 1776 193 Van Woert, John, ensign and lieut Militia 363, 364 Van Woert, Lewis, captain, 272; colonel . . . 273, 540, 545 Van Woert, Peter, captain 271 Van Wormer, Jacob, ensign and lieut 272 Van Wormer, John, ensign 272 Van Wyan, Henry, qr. mr 302 Van Wyck, , qr. mr. 4th N. Y., 140; captain IstN. Y., 1776 252 Van Wyck, Abrm., Heut, 279; captain .' . 527 Van Wyck, Corn's, qr. mr., 541 ; captain 281 Van Wyck, Isaac, ensign and captain, 279; lieut 285 Van Wyck, Rich'd, major 279 Van Wyck, Theod., lieut. Levies 259 Van Yeveren, Corn's, ensign 295 Van Yeveren, John, lieut 294, 295 Van Yeveren, see Van Everen. Van Zail, Egbert D 169 Van Zandt, Mr., 40, 83; lieut 51 Van Zandt, Jacobus 3 Van Zandt, Viner, captain "... 542 Van Zile, Egbert 248 Varian, John 189 Varick, Rich'd, captain 1st N. Y., 1775, 251, 527; cap tain 1st N. Y., 1776, 252; captain and A. D. C 538 Varicker, Jas 206 Varnell, John 192 Varner, Henry 203 Index. 631 Page. Varrian, James, colonel 63 Vase, Amoriah 245 Vashero, see Nashro. Vatterly, Henry 549 Vaughan, Edw., ensign 269 Vaughan, Obadiah, Heut 97 264 Vaughan, Wm 190 Vaults, Conr 212 Vaults, Peter 203 Veader, Volkert, adjt. 3d Tryon Co. Regt 542 Veal (Weal), Benj., lieut. and captain 299 Veal, Daniel, ensign 293 Veal, Isaac, lieut 278 Veal, Isaiah, captain 299, 300 Veal, Israel, captain 541 Veal, Michael, capt. Gr. Mt. boys 16 Veal, Nich's : . 238 Veal, Wm., lieut 304 Vedder. Aaron 184 Vedder (Veeder), Abrm., lieut., 295; captain 296 Vedder, Garrit I., captain 1st N. Y 139 Vedder, Jobn, ensign Militia 263 Vedder, Volkert 135 Veder, Arent S., Heut. Militia 263 Veder, Philipp., lieut. Militia 263 Veeder, Abrm., lieut. 4th Albany Co. Regt., 264; cap tain, 264 ; captain 5th Albany Co. Regt 266 Veeder, Francis, lieut. Militia 363 Veeder, Garrit N., captain Militia 263 Veeder, Gerrit, captain 1st N. Y., 1776 184 Veeder, Gerrit S., captain 98 Veeder, Jacob, ensign Militia 266 Veeder, Nich's, major Militia 263 Veeder, Samuel 204 Veeder, Simon, qr. mr 296 Veeder, Volkert, captain 4th Albany Co. Regt 264 major 5th Albany Co. Regt 265, 266 lieut.-col. 5th Albany Co. Regt 266 lieut.-col. 3d Tryon Co. Regt 296 Veeling, Corn's, lieut 271 Veile, Andr. G., corporal 178 Velch, Nich's 176 Venice, John 193 Venier, Peter 214 Venny, Vincent 221 Verbryck, H. V. D. L., ensign Orange Co. Mil., 290; major Orange Co. Min. Men 293 Vergereau, Peter, ensign, 527; lieut 353, 549 Veriken, Joh's 304 Vermiliar, Peter 222 Vermilie, Jacob, cornet 306 Vermilier, Isaac, Jr., ensign 306 Vermillie, Jacob, Heut. Levies 357 Vermilya, Benj., Heut., 303; captain 304 Vermilya, Isaac, captain 303 Vermont, militia of 536 Vernor, John, qr. mr 371 Ver Planck, John, ensign Militia 365 Verplanck, Samuel 3 Verrian, James, lieut 304 Verrity, Gilbert 232 Verry, James, captain 307 Very, George 205 Vessells, Nich's . 179 Viele, Abr'm, qr. mr 273 Viele, Stephen, ensign 273 Vielle, St., qr. mr 273 Viesel, Nich's " ' ' HI Vincent, James, captain armed vessel 354 Vincent, Jere'h, captain 271 Vlnceut, Joseph 232 547 Vinhagen, John, Jr. , ensign Militia '.'.'.....' 264 Vinte, John 253 Virgil, Abijah "..!!!!!!!".!!!!!!! 7 !!!!!'.'. 544 Virginia, Jere'h 535 Virginia, quota of \ !'.!!!'.!.".! 132 Vischer, Bastian, captain Ass. Ex !...!!.!!!!! 275 Vischer, John, captain Militia. 261 Visscher, Mat., of Albany 85 lieut. Albany city Militia 261 Heut. 1st Albany Co. Regt 262 Vischer, Teunis T., captain of Batteauxmen 250 Visscher, Bastian T., lieut 539 Visscher, John, captain, 77, 538, 540; lt.-col in Nich olson's 253 Visscher, John F., Heut. Militia 262 Visscher, Nanning N., captain 271 Vock, John Geo., surgeon 542 Vock. See Wach. Voit. See White. Volkenburgh, Christ'n, lieut 270 Vols, Con'r 544 Volts, Jacob, Heut 297 Volts, Peter, lieut , \ . 296 Volunteers 121 Vonck, Henry 211 Vonck, Peter, qr. mr. 4th N. Y., 1776 209 Vonck, Wm., sergeant 207 Vooise, Joost D. B., lieut 286 Voorhuyse, John, lieut ... 264 Vorhas, Samuel 547 Vosburgh, Abr'm, lieut. Ass. Ex 275 Vosburgh, Herm., captain 539 Vosburgh, Isaac P., lieut. and captain 268 Vosburgh, Jacob. 225 Vosburgh, Lawr 225 Vosburgh, Peter, Jr., qr. mr. Addl. Conts 233 Vosburgh, Peter I., Heut. C. C 236 Vosburgh, Peter J., lieut. 1st N. Y., 1776 185 Vosburgh, Samuel 225 Vosburgh, Wm. , lieut. Militia 267 Vossburgh, Abr'm, lieut 268 Vossburgh, Evert, lieut. and captain Militia 267 Vossburgh, Harmon, captain 98 Vossburgh, Isaac, Heut 268 Vossburgh, Jacob, ensign, 269; lieut. and captain. . . 274 Vossburgh, Peter, lieut. Militia 266 Vradenburgh, Wm .' 236, 237 Vranken, Nich's, lieut 271 Vredenbergh, James 214 Vredenbergh, John, sergeant 51 Vredenburgh, Wm 207 Vroman, Henry, lieut 296 Vroman. Martinus, lieut. Ass. Ex 274 Vroman, Teunis, captain Ass. Ex 274 Vrooman, Anthony, Heut. Militia 266 Vrooman, Eph. , Heut 273, 545 Vrooman, Henry B. , Heut 296 Vrooman, Henry H., Heut 296 Vrooman, John B., ensign, 263 ; lieut 263 Vrooman, Lawrence, ensign 263 Vrooman, Martinus, lieut 540 Vrooman, Simon, Heut. Levies 258 Vrooman, Walter, captain Levies 256, 544 Vrooman, W. J., lieut. Levies 256 Vrooman, Walter Jacob, Heut 263 Vrooman, Peter, 235; ensign, 296; colonel 15th Al bany Co. Regt 273,540,545, 550 Vulva, Thomas 186 632 Index. W. Page. Wach, John Geo., surgeon (see Vock) 542 Waddle, Wm 198 Wade, Barn 303 Wadkins, John 130 Waer, Joseph 533 Wagener, Geo., lieut 264 Wager. See Weeger. Waggerman, Dm 204 Waggerman, Geo 208 Waggoner, And 206 Waggoner, Geo., ensign 295 Waggoner, John H 238 Waggoner, Peter, lieut.-col 295 Waggoner (Wagner), Peter, Jr., Heut 295 Waight, Oliver, ensign 271 Wailen, Walter, 184 Wains, Wm 204 Wair, Jas., sergt 241 Wait, , capt. Rangers 159 Wait, Benj., capt 129 Waiter, Thos., corp'l 303 Walbridge, Henry 537 Walbridge, Silas 536 Walcott, George 243 Waldo, Dan'l, recruiting officer 538 Waldo, Dan'l, ensign 272 Waldron, Adolph., capt 286 Waldron, Jas., capt 270 Waldron, John, corp'l, 53; lieut., 291; capt. lieut. 2d Art'y 246 Waldron, Wm., ensign 271 Walker, Mr 74 Walker, Benj., capt. 4th N. Y 140, 215 Walker, Edw 214 Walker, George 242 Walker, Henry, ensign 274 Walker, Israel 195 Walker, James, corp'l 249 Walker, John, 190, 196, 241, 549; sergt 243 Walker, Mat 213 Walker, Robt., capt. 2d Art'y. 244, 246 Walker, Thos 226 Wall, Jas. 228 Wall, Pat'k 175 Wallace, Abijah, ensign 305 Wallace, Benj 26 Wallace, Christian 177 Wallace, Daniel 185 Wallace, Jas 203 Wallace, John 201, 208 Wallace, Uriah, ensign, 305 ; Heut 306 Wallace, Wm., corp'l 178, 185 Wallace, Wm., lieut. C. C 235 Walton, Wm 87 Walner, Hend 237 Walradt, Adolph lieut 294 Walradt, Hendr., ensign 294 Walrath, Ad 546 Walrath, John A 546 Walsworth, Jas. , lieut 277 Walter, Conr 198 Walter, Jacob 174 Walter, Martin 177 Walton, 12 Walton, Abr'm 3 Walton, Jno 174, 177 Walton, Silas 250 Wandal, Adam, gunner 245 Wandell, David 247 Page. Wandell, Herm., major .n 539 Wandell, Jacob H., IstN. Y., 1776 179 Wanderwaker, Jas 181 Wandle, John, corp'l 228 Wans, John, ensign Militia 266 Ward, Ab 215 Ward, Dan'l 168 Ward, Ichabod, Heut. and capt 380 Ward, Jno 177 Ward, Jesse -.178 Ward, John, capt. in Nichol's 251 Ward, Josiah 232 Ward, Munson, ensign 302 Ward; Phin's 536 Ward, Robt drum-major 209 Ward, Stephen 4 Ward, Thos., 191, 197, 235; sergt 235, 241 Ward, Zadock 215 Wardell, Elia 547 Warden, Darius 217 Warden, Jon'n or Nathan 203 Warden (Warder), Thos 180 Warn, Rich'd, lieut 268 Warner, Edmund 233 Warner, Jesse, ensign 286 Warner, John, lieut 264, 303 Warner, Jon'n, adjt 274 Warner, Josiah, lieut 274 Warner, Kil 213 Warner, Martin 167, 214 Warner, Nich's, ensign 273 Warner, Seth 15 field officer Gr. M. Boys 16 elected lieut.-col. Green Mt. Boys 27 appointed lieut.-col. Gr. Mt. Boys 86 controversy between, and E. Allen 35 colonel 76, 550 s return of Regiment 535 Warner, Thos., lieut 200, 542 Warner, Thomas, Jr, 52 Warner, Wm., Jr., lieut 273 Warren, Edw 169, 179 Warren, Francis 186 Warren, Gideon, lieut 28 Warren, Jas 238 Warren, John 188 Warren, Sam'l, sergeant 243 Warren, Wm 242 Warren, Wm., sergt 549 Warring, Benj., corporal 202 Warring, Henry, capt. lieut. 2d Art'y 244, 246 Wart, John ... 199 Washburn, Eben'r, ensign 284 Washington, George, general, 97, 101, 106, 116, 123, 126 133, 151, 533 letter to 23, 141 letter from 29 guard of, transfer to 210, 250 Wasson, James 229 WaBSon, Thomas, capt. Militia 263 Waterbury, Dan'l, lieut 307 Waterbury, David, captain 283, 284 Waterbury, Eli 213 Waterman, Asa, lieut.-col 273 Waterman, Elisha 130 Waterman, Henry, sergeant 192 Waterman, James 130 Waterman, John, qr. mr 274 Waterman, Sam'l 191 Index. 633 Watermen, company of ', 174 Waters, Sam'l, lieut., 124, 282; captain. .!!!'!!'.!!!! 283 Watkeys, Henry, 8; offers to make muskets 9 Watkins, , 84 Watkins, Benj 77 7 174 Watkins, EHjah 167 Watkins, John, captain ... 152, 243 Watkins, Nathan .' 245 Watkins, Samuel, captain 299, 300 Watkins, Wm 214 Watrous, Edw. A , 545 Watson, Major 175 Watson, Dan'l, lieut , . 297 Watson, Jacob 87 Watson, John. 249; ensign Levies 260 Watson, Jos., drummer 201 Watson, Levy, sergeant 226 Watson, Rich'd 202 Watson, Robt 242 Watson, Thos., 183; sergeant 242 Watson, Wm., 26, 207; lieut. 299, 300 Wattles, Wm 212 Waver, Joh's.... 172 Way (Wag), Francis, lieut. . . : 279 Waysall (Wessels), Nich's 179 Weaber, Jacob 550 Weassels, Jos 198 Weaver, Adam 182 Weaver, Chr 208 Weaver, David 232 Weaver, Edw., ensign Sth N. Y 223 Weaver, Geo., 205; lieut 297 Weaver, Hannekel 207 Weaver, Hen 200, 201, 202 Weaver, Jacob, 297; lieut 264, 278, 279 Weaver, Joh. , 205; corporal 214 Weaver, Nich's 175 Weaver, Peter Jas., ensign, 296; lieut 297 Weaver, Wm 221 Webb, ,lieut. 2d Light Drag 248 Webb, Dan'l 170 Webb, John 190 Webb, Jon'n, Heut 283 Webb, Nath'l, orderly sergeant. 195 Webb, Sam'l, Heut 291, 292 Webb, Sylv 547 Webber, Adam 176 Webber, Geo 185 Webbers, John 87 Webster, Alex., capt. Charlotte Co. Regt., 276; maj., lieut.-col., and colonel. 275, 276 Webster, Thos, , sergeant 235 Webster, Zeph., sergeant 249 Wederick, Jacob. 546 Wedge, Benj 190 Weed, Abijah, mus'n 178, 185 Weed, David 202 Weed, Ezra, sergeant ... 178 Weed, Jobn 293 Weed, Nath'l, lieut 271 Weed, Sam'l 232 Weeger (Wager), Jacob, ensign and Heut. Mil. . . 266, 267 Weeken, Conr 206 Weeks, captain 68 Weeks, Abr'm 196 Weeks, David 131 Weeks, Gilbert, ensign, 289 ; lieut 290 Weeks, Jac. 198 Weeks, Jas., 212, 547; captain. 285 Weeks, John 210, 536 Weeks, Jonah, lieut 259, 280 Weeks, Lambert, capt. Cont'l sloop of war 254 80 Page. Weeks, Mel 224 Weemire, Fred 230 Weesmiller, Hend 187, 196 Wegman, Jno 183 Wekes, Epenetus 533 Weissenfels, , capt. 1st N. Y., 1775 251 Weissenfels, C. F., lieut. 2d N. Y., 1776 195 Weissenfels, Charles, Heut. 2d N. Y 139 Wessenfels, Fred, von, captain 77 captain 1st N. Y. Line 1775. . 527 major 75 lieut.-colonel 2d N. Y 139 lieut. -colonel 4th N. Y. 1776, 209 lieut.-colonel Levies 259 Weissenfels, George P., Heut. Levies 259 Weisenfelts, John, fifer 192 Weissenfelts, George 195 Welch, Abr'm, ensign 278 Welch, Ephraim, 26 ; sergeant 210 Welch, John, sergeant 184 Welch, Isaac, corporal 213 Welch, John, 198, 349 ; lieut 97 Welch, Jos 316 Welch, Richard 206 Welch, Samuel 537 Welch, Thomas 182, 183 Welch, William 238 Weld, Eph'm 249 Weld, Isaac, Heut 277 Welder, John, lieut. 3d N. Y 140 Welder, Nich's , 243 Weldin, James 232 Welding, Jeremiah 202 Welding, Robert, sergeant major 197 Weller, Amos 189 Weller, Jon'n, captain 283 Welling, Rich'd, lieut. 292 Wells, Elijah 218 Wells, James, ensign 288 Wells, John 204, 242 Wells, Joseph, captain, 273; major ... 273 Wells, Peter 224 Wells, Petrus 173 Wells. Richard 238 Wells, Robert, major 294 Wells, William 214 Welmoth, John.. 235 Welp, Anthony, Heut.. 56 ; captain C. C 239 Welsh, Corn's, Heut 278 Welsh, Edw., 225 ; sergeant 86 Welsh, J 206, 207 Welsh, John, 212, 230, 231; lieut. 3d N. Y. 1776. ... 203 Welsh, Peter, lieut. and adjutant Levies 259, 538 Wemiah, Fred'k 227 Wemple, Abr'm, captain, 263 ; colonel 2d Albany Co. Regt ... 263 Wemple, And'w, captain 296 Wemple, John, lieut. 295 ; captain 296 Wemple, Myndert A., lieut 263 Wemple, Myndert M., major 263 Wemple, W. V., surgeon general 247 v Wendal, John W., quartermaster 2d Regt 13 Wendell, Corn's, ensign Albany City Militia, 261; en sign and lieut. lBt Albany Co. Regt 262' Wendel], Harm., captain Albany City Militia, 261 ; captain 1st Albany Co. Regt., 262 ; lieut.-colonel, 262 Wendell, Henry, major Militia 262 Wendell, Herm., lieut.-colonel 539 Wendell, Jacob 245 Wendell, Jacob H., ensign 1st N. Y 139 Wendell, J. H. , adjutant 1st N. Y. 1776 174 Wendell, John... 179 634 Index. Page. Wendell, John A.,|lieut. Militia 262 Wendell, John H., captain 97, 139, 181, 183 Went, Barent 184 Wents, George, lieut 297 Wentworth, John 191 Wentworth, Samuel 219 Werner, John, ensign 1st N. Y 138 Weser, Nich's, captain < 294 Wessels. See Viesel ; Waysall. West, Daniel 243 West, Francis, ensign and captain 281 West, Jacob 227 West, James 241,293 West, John, corporal 223 West, Petrus, ensign 298 West. WiUiston 176 Westbrook, Dirck, ensign and Heut., 300 ; lieut. Le vies 256 Westbrook, Fred., ensign 300 Westchester Co 97 members for 4 letter from committee of 21, 63 male population of 127 quota of 66, 108, 109 Militia, drafts from, ordered to N. Y. city 84, 141 men raised for the defense of . . . 152, 161 Militia ordered out 116, 148 Militia of, to be in readiness 127 not properly arranged. . . . 128 Militia, Thomas Regt. of 121 date of march for Militia 110 arms to be procured from disaffected persons in 103 disaffected persons in 113 lead for 133 officers of Militia in 303 et seq. Minute Men of 72, 75 officers of Minute Men in 307 Rangers 133 Rangers to be disbanded 162 troop of horse in 121 special company in 113, 128 Westcott, Ananias 547 Westcott, Jabez, mate 533 Westerfelt, Corn. O, ensign 281 Westerfelts, David 187 Westfall, , captain Levies 538 WestfaU, Abr'm, lieut. Levies, 256; captain Levies, 256, 257,258,259; major 282 Westfall, Levi * 212 Westfall, Peter, lieut. and captain 278 Westfall, Simon, captain and major 278 Westfall, Wilh's, captain 292 Weston, Jno 231 West Point 207 Wetherlow, Sam'l, ensign 299 Wetherstine (Whetherstine), John 199, 200 Wetsell, Michael, Heut. 2d Art'y 246 Wey, John 204 Weyhereer, Jac 204 Whaland,Math 185 Whalen, Abel, Heut 540 Whalen, Richard 183 Whaley, Benj 221 Whaley, Tim 212 Whealer. Edw., lieut 274 Wheeler, Henry 181 Wheeler, Isaac, musician, 184; ensign 536 Wheeler, John ; 216 Wheeler, Joshua, Heut 272 Wheeler, Levi 537 Page. Wheeler, Noah, ensign and captain, 283, 283; lieut.. 283 Wheeler, Richard 196 Wheeler, Robert 177 Wheeler, Salmon 537 Wheeler, Samuel, 181, 227; sergeant, 238; lieut 274 Wheeler, Solomon, lieut 283 Wheeler, Stephen 221 Wheeler, Tim 223 Wheeler, Valentine, lieut. 3d Dutchess Co, Regt., 280; captain 5th Dutchess Co. Regt 281 Wheeler, Wm 187, 195, 224 Wheelock, , lieut 160 Wheelock, Eleazar, lieut. in Major Wheel ock's 153 Wheelock, Eleazar, Jr., 150; recruiting officer 638 Weelock, John, major 150, 153, 156, 538 unable to raise his command., 156 his men at Fishkill 157 command of 158 command to be disbanded. . . . 161 Wheland, Abel, lieut. 269 Whelen, Edw,, sergeant 250 Whelp, ,Heut , 77 Whelp, Anth'y, lieut. 4th N. Y. Line, 1775 539; captain Levies.. 258, 259 Wherry, Evans, lieut 116 Wherry, Robert, surgeon's mate 239 WhUe, Anth'y 195 Whipple, Jon'n 637 Whipple, Mark 129 Whipple, Nathan 189 Wbissick, George 181 Whist, Joseph 245 Whitaker, John, ensign, 291 ; captain 292 Whitaker, Edw 219 Whitcomb, Lot 130 White, Andrew, ensign 2d N. Y.,139; lieut., 189; cap tain Levies 259 White, Anth'y 196 White, David 130 White, Eben'r, surgeon. 543 White, Epenetus, lieut 271, 545 White, Eph 211 White, George, corporal, 212; captain 261, 528 White, Henry, 537; surgeon 537 White, Heze'h, lieut 299 White, James, 182; corporal 183 White, John 191, 249, 550 White, John, Jr., Heut. 288 White (Voit), Joseph 180, 185, 203 White, Peter _ 225, 235 White, Phil 196 White Plains, casualties at 209, 226, 241, 252 White, Samuel Corwin 218 White, Stephen, 211, 550; captain 258, 271, 544 White, Wm., 194; lieut.: 277 White, Wright 87 Whiteaker, Thos., captain 294 Whitehead, John 232 Whitehead, Wm., 219; drum-major 220 Whiteley, John 175 Whiteside, Wm., Heut 273 Whitesides, John, captain 273 Whiting, Sam'l, lieut. 2d Art'y 246. Whiting, W. B„ colonel 17th Albany Co. Regt 273 Whitman, Jno 213 Whitmen, Peter, ensign Militia 264 Whitney, Benj, ensign ,. 277 Whitney, Jacob 194, gig Whitney, Jas 548 Whitney, Jon'n , 77 536 Whitney, Joshua, Heut., 269; captain of Levies 256 ^ — — ~ 269,540 Index. 635 Whitney, Nath. (Benj.), lieut ! ^g Whittaker, Edw., lieut " 298 Whittaker, Jno .7.7! " " 301 Whittemore, Benj. , sergt 77777777! ' 192 Whorfield, Sam'l, ensign 77 094 Whorry, Evans, qr. mr 7.77777."." 543 Wick, Lemuel, Heut ! ! ! ! ! " 288 Wickes, John, captain 777 ' 287 Wickes, Zophas, lieut 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 541 Wickham, Mr !!!!!!!!!!!! ' 63 Wickham, Israel, lieut 77777777 299 Wickham, Stephen 777 ! ! 219 Wickham, Thos 7777.7 4 Wickland ( Whaland), Mat 7777777! 178 Wicks, Thos., captain !!'.!!! 288 Widrig (Witherick), Geo ! ! .7 ! ! ! .77 .7 185 Wier, Jere'h 777 7 210 Wiesner, Peter, lieut 777777 268 Wigram, John, ensign !!!!!!!! 270 Wilber, Esau 233 Wilber, Ichabod ! 227 Wilber, Jacob 227 Wilborn, Esau 201 Wilcocks, Wm., captain 542 Wilcox, , captain in Lasher's 262 Wilcox, Aaron 187 Wilcox, John, 536; sergt 7.7 137 Wilcox, Roswell, lieut 529 Wilcox, Wm 65 Wilde, Hugh, lieut 282 Wiley, Edw 192 Wiley, John, 243; lieut., 51; comm'r 537 Wilkelo, John 196 Wilkerson, Jos 193 Wilkin, Jas., captain 303 Wilkin, Jason, lieut. and captain 302 Wilkin, John, lieut 299 Wilkins, Geo 549 Wilkinson, Robt., sergt „v92 Wilkinson, Thos 215, 226 Will, Henry, ensign, 269; lieut 270 Willagan, David 134 Willard, Urias, surgeon 258 WiUard, Moses, surgeon's mate and Burgeon Levies, 259 260, 539 Willard, Wild.... 130 Willcoke, William, 3d Heut 51 Willebar, Jos 537 Willet, Fran 204 Willet, Gilbert, Heut. and captain 285 Willet, John 184 Willett, , capt 100 Willett, John 533 Willett, M., captain 1st N. Y., 1775 251, 537 captainlstN. Y.. 1776 252 recommended for major in McDougall's, 98 major 76 lt-col. 3dN. Y 139 lt.-col. com. Sth N. Y. 230 lt.-col. Levies 257, 258, 259, 260 col. Levies 538 col. Tryon Co. Mil 294 Willey, , captain 1st N. Y., 1776 252 Willey, John 202 WiUey, Simeon 190 Williams, 24 captain Levies 539 major 14 doctor 63 Williams, Aaron 214 Williams, Abrm 204, 208, 211 WilHams, Adam 219 Page. Williams, Arth 201 Williams, Bedford, surgeon's mate 527 Williams, Bennet 536 Williams, Chas., 179; corpl 214 Williams, Daniel, guide 537 Heut 304 captain Levies 256, 257, 259, 545 Williams, David, sergt 536 WiUiams, Eben'r 203 WilHams, Fran 194 Williams, Henry 4 Williams, Henry A., Heut. 2d Art'y 244, 246 Williams, Jno 205 WilHams, Isaac 232 Williams, James 193, 238 WilHams, Jed 537 WUHams, John 6, 173, 175, 212, 213, 536, 549 member of Charlotte Co 4 Heut 282 lieut. in Warren's 348 lieut. 2d Tryon Co. Regt 295 captain Albany City Mil 261 coptain 1st Albany Co. Regt 262 Dr., colonel Charlotte Co. Regt . . 275, 277 colonel 540 surgeon 13, 537, 541 WiUiams, Josiah 536 Williams, Mark, Heut 285 Williams, Nehemiah, lieut. in Warner's 348 WilHams, Oliver 130 Williams, Race, sergt 340 Williams, Rich'd 331 WUHams, Robt. , sergt 302 Williams, Sol 199, 200 Williams, Thos., 190; qr. mr. 3d N. Y 139, 197 Williams, Thomas T., recommended for qr. mr 85 Williams, Wm., col. 1st Cumberland Co. Regt 277 WUHams, Winard 232 Williamson, Garret, lieut 386 Williamson, Jno 177 Williamson, Jas., 210 ; lieut 272 Williamson, Rem., capt 286 Willin, Chas 307 Willing, Rich'd, lieut. Ass. Ex 293 Willis, James, lieut 303 Willis, John 208 Willis, Thos., 224; fifer 202 Willis, Wm., sergt 223, 226 Wills, John 224 Wills, Wm., lieut.-col 297 Wilisell, Abel 235 Willsey, David, Heut 284 Willsey, Henry, ensign 284 Willson, Jacob 186 Willson, John, 190, 219 ; corp'l 223 Willson, Mich 213 Willson, Robt., fifer 204 Willson, Sam'l 216 Willson, Walter 217 Willson, Wm., 187; lieut. Levies 258 WUlsey, Corn's, capt 272 Wilsey, Isaac 196 Wilsey, Jacob, lieut. Militia 265 Wilsey, Wm 202 Wilson, Abr'm 224 WUson, Andries, ensign ., 267 Wilson, And'w 546 Wilson, Arch 195 Wilson, Daniel, lieut 284 Wilson, Jno., sergt 180 Wilson, James, 175 ; Heut., 276, 278; capt S78, 541 Wilson, John, 248; lieut., 278; capt 541 636 Index. Page. Wilson, John G 176 Wilson, Justus, ensign and lieut 283 Wilson, Lucas, capt 277 Wilson, Mich'l 182, 183 Wilson, Randolph S., lieut. Levies 258 Wilson, Robert, 241; ensign 1st N. Y., 1776 175 Wilson, Sam'l 183 Wilson, Thos., 207; sergt 250 Wiltsey, Joh's, lieut 279 Winchell, John 190 Winchester, Danford 223 Windecker, John, ensign and lieut 294 Windsor, Jno 183 Winford, Henry, fifer 182 Wingfield, Neptune 237 Winins, Silas 245 Winn, John, 340, 248; capt 148, 297 Winn.Peter 176, 248 Winne, Jacob, adjt 540 Winne, Kilian 544 Winne, Levinus, Heut. Militia 263, 264 Winne, Peter, Heut. and capt. 13th Albany Co. Regt. 271272 Winne, Wm. P., capt. Militia 264 Winney, Jacob, qr. mr 538 Wise, Cutlip 204 Wise, Dan 213 Wise, Samuel, ensign: 269 Wise, Wm 245 Wisner, Mr 134, 138, 134 Wisner, Asa, enBign 393 Wisner, David, ensign 292 Wisner, Gabriel, ensign 550 Wisner, Henry, 125; letter from, 142; lieut.-col 542 Wisner, Henry, Jr., 133 ; capt 292 Wisner, Henry, 3d, major and lieut.-col 292 Wisner, John, capt 135, 293 Wisner, John, Jr., capt 293 Wisner, Thos., Jr., lieut 292 Wiston, Wm 231 Witbeck, Abr'm, Heut. Militia 263 Witbeck, Andries, col. 7th Albany Co. Regt 267 Witbeck, Harpert, lieu't. Militia 264, 265 Witbeck. Peter, lieut. Militia 264 Witbeeck, John A., capt 270 Witbeeck, John L., ensign Militia , 264 Witbeeck, Leonard, ensign Militia 265 Witbeeck, Peter, Heut. and capt. 5th Albany Co.Regt. 265266 Witham, Joseph 194 Witham, Wm 203 Withercock, Mich'l 176 Witherwax (Wederwex), Wm 183 Witmozer, Henry 206 Witt, Christ'r 172 Witter, Ezra 166 Wobby, Roger 203 Wohleber, Joh's 549 Wolcott, , captain 535 Woleben, Nich's 546 Wolf, Mich'l 178, 550 Wolfrom, Phil., ensign and lieut 267 Wolfrom, William, lieut. 7th Albany Co. Regt 539 Wome (Warne), William 236, 237 Wood, , lieut. Add'l Cont's, 152; captain Levies, 538 Wood, Benjamin, lieut 271 Wood, Daniel, surgeon Add'l Cont's, 239 ; lieut. in Malcom's 243 Wood, Eben'r Prime, ensign 287 Wood, Eliph 533 Wood, Enoch 545 Wood, Jacob, 187; quartermaster, 542; captain, 301, 302 Page. Wood, James 226, 232 Wood, John, 60, 216 ; adjutant, 291; ensign, 292, 550; Heut., 293 ; captain 256, 545 Wood, Jonah, lieut 287 Wood, Jonas, lieut 293 Wood, Jon'n „ 167 Wood, Joseph, 60, 169, 191,549 ; quartermaster 278 Wood, Nathaniel, corporal 537 Wood, Peter 180 Wood, Richard, ensign 299, 300 Wood, Robert, 58 ; ensign 2d N.Y, 1776, 188 ; Heut., 179, 193, 279 ; captain Levies 256 Wood, Samuel 184, 211 Wood, Silas, 166 ; lieut 299, 800 Wood, Timothy 228 Wood, William, surgeon's mate 4th N.Y., 1776 209 Woodcock, Peter 181 Woodemore, Corn's, drummer 192 Woodford, , captain 67 WoodhuU, , 14; colonel, 6, 156,549; brigadier- general, 80, 126 ; dies a prisoner 126 Woodhull, Abr'm, Heut 287 Woodhull, Benjamin, ensign 287 Woodhull, Caleb, captain 287 Woodhull, Eben'r, adjutant Orange Co. Minute Men, 293 ; captain Light Horse 291 Woodhull, Jesse, Pres't Prov. Cong., 73; colonel Orange Co. Militia, 289 ; trouble in the Regt. of, 85 Woodhull, Nathaniel, 4 ; major 287 Woodle, Robert 221 Woodruff, Eph., sergeant, 215 ; lieut. 2d N. Y 197 Woodruff, Hunlock, surgeon's mate, 527 ; surgeon 3d N. Y., 139 ; surgeon 3d N.Y., 1776 197 Woods, John, sergeant 536 Woodward (Woodworth), Eph'm, captain 13th Albany Co.Regt 271 Woodward, John 239 Woodward, Nath'l, captain 71, 253, 529 Woodward, Peter, lieut. 2d Artillery 244, 246 Woodward, Phenix, captain 285 Woodward, Phineas, captain 286 Woodward, Samuel 536 Woodward, Solomon, lieut. Levies 258 Woodworth, Eph., captain 540 Woodworth, Gashun, lieut 273 Woodworth, Josh .' 202 Woodworth (Woodward), Robert, captain Militia 265 Woodworth, Solomon, lieut. Levies 256, 296 Woodworth, William, lieut 282', 283 Wool, , captain 87,' 98 Wool, Ellis T.. 546 Wool, Isaac, captain 116 Wool, Isaiah, lt. -fireworker Lamb's Artillery, 22*; captain 2d Artillery 244 Wool, Jeremiah, captain 543 Wool, Robert 77! 546 Woolcot, Luke, lieut. 3d Dutchess Co. Regt ! ! ! ! ! 280 Woolcut, Joseph, fifer. 235 Woolcut; William, corporal .7 .7 .7" 220 Woolcut (Woolcot), Luke, Heut. 5th Dutchess Co. Regt. 281 Woolerod, Nich's 550 Woolf, Hend 7777 186 Woolheber, Ded 7777 549 Woolsey, Henry 77 225 Woolsey, Mel. Lloyd, ensign 4th N. Y., 140 ,' major w ^evie«r-,i- • 257,539 Woolsey, William, ensign , 283 Woolsworth, Wm., sergeant 7 545 Woolver, John 7777777! 545 Wooster, Asa 7777777! 536 Wooster, Gen'l 7 .!'!!!!!! 7 !! ' 74 Word, Abijah 7 ... 7 7 ! 7 ... 212 Index. 637 Worden, George 547 Worden, Gilbert, ensign, 282; Heut 283 Worden, Nath 199 Worden, Paul 245 Worden, Val 547 Wormley, Jacob 181 Wormwood (Wormoet), Chr 178 Wormwood, Math'w, ensign and lieut., 295 ; lieut. . . 528 Wormwood (Wormeet), Maths 177 Worren, Gideon, capt. Green Mt. Boys 16 Worry, John 190 Worthington, Mat 205 Wright, Abr'm, 206, 225; ensign 273 Wright, Azariah, lieut 277 Wright, Barrick, drummer 192 Wright, Benj 184 Wright, Edw 208 Wright, Jno 185 Wright, Jacob, capt. 2d N. Y., 1776 192 Wright, James, lieut 293 Wright Job, capt. Levies 258, 259, 260 Wright, John 199, 203, 220 Wright, John G., surgeon's mate 247 Wright, Moses, captain 277 Wright, Robt., 207; capt. C. C 238 Wright, Sam'l 304 Wright, Sarah 83 Wright, Weight, corporal 536 Wright, Wm., Heut 305, 543, 547 Page. Wrike, Henry' 207 Wruns, Wm 205 Wudge, Jarvis, Heut. in Allen's 350 Wyat, Nath'l, lieut 303 Wyatt, John 182, 183 Wyburt (Wuybert), Fred 199, 200 Wyckoff, Henry, lieut 285 Wyckoff, Peter, qr. mr. Kings Co. Horse 286 Wyer, John 533 Wygant, Martin, ensign, 301 ; Heut 302 Wygant, Mather, enBign 801 Wygant, Tobias 191 Wylley, John... 52 Wyllis, Jas 179 Wyngard, Jacob.'ensign 267 Wynkoop, , capt., 57, 78; colonel 98 Wynkoop, Adr., major 298 Wynkoop, Corns. C, captain 300 Wynkoop, Cornelius D., major 3d Regt., 13; lieut.- col. 3d N. Y. Line, 1775, 528; colonel 76 Wynkoop, Corn'B E., major 303 Wynkoop, Evert, Jr., Heut 298 Wynkoop, Jacobus, Heut 300 captain 28, 71, 529, 537 ready to proceed to the lakes ... 95 captain on the lake 94 commodore on Lake Champlain. 254 Wynkoop, Petrus, qr. mr., 269; enBign 398 Wysenberg, Henry 208 Yarinton, Wm 213 Yaten, Sam'l 338 Yates, , 65 Yates, , lieut.-col. under Van Schaick 46, 47 Yates, , colonel 56 Yates, Abr'm, of Albany Co., 3, 118; lieut. Albany City Mil 361 Yates, Abr'm I., ensign Albany City Mil., 361; lieut. 1st Albany Co. Regt., 363; captain 262 Yates, Christ'r. 14, 135; lieut.-colonel 263 Yates, Christ'r A., lieut. Ass. Ex 275 Yates, Christ'r P., of Tr-yon Co. 9; major 1st N. Y., 1776, 138, 174; captain 2d N. Y. Line, 1775 528 Yates, Jacob, ensign, lieut. and captain 272 Yates, Jas 203 Yates, Jellis, lieut. MiHtia 263 Yates, John 186 Yates, Nich's, ensign, 263; lieut "... 263 Yates, Peter, colonel. 76 lieut.-col. at Albany 77 lieut.-col. 2d N. Y. Line, 1775 527 colonel 14th Albany 540 Yates, Peter, Abr., Heut 295 Yates, Robert 3, 135, 138 of Poughkeepsie 125 captain 548 adjutant 3d Tryon Co. Regt 295 Yates, Robert Abr'm, captain 3d Tryon Co. Regt .... 295 Yawnes, John 193 Years, Eph'm 221 Yearns, Ephraim 222 Yeomans, , lieut., 51 ; lieut. Levies 538 Yeomans, Benj 223 Yeomans Daniel 233, 234 Yeomans, El 217 Yeomans, Isaac 208, 223 Yeomans, Jere'h 193 Yeomans, John 223 Yeomans, Jonas 219 Yeomans, Joseph, Heut. and captain 296 Yeomans, Moses, 173; lieut. 3d N. Y., 1776, 197; Heut. Rangers 539 Yeomans, Stephen, corporal 221 Yeomans, Thomas 198 Yeomans, Wm 168 Yetts, John 241 Yingle, Joh. F 204 Yonkins, George 174 Yorktown, Va., wounded or kiUed at 177, 197, 215 Young, Caleb 130 Young, Christ 184 Young, Eben'r, captain Artificers 250 Young, Guy, lieut 78 Heut. IstN. Y., 1776 174 lieut. 2d N. Y., 1775 628 captain 1st N. Y., 1776 184 captain Levies 259, 539 Young, I. , captain in Wheelock's 538 Young, Jere'h, ensign 295 Young, Jesse 131 Young, John 194,208, 224 Young, John, Jr., surgeon's mate 259 Young, Joshua, ensign 4th N. Y 140 Young, Nath'l, lieut. 1st N. Y. , 1776 175 Young, Peter, Heut 296 Young, Richard 130 Younglove, Dr. David, surgeon 542 Younglove, John, major 273 Younglove, Joseph, qr. mr., 273; adjt. and qr. mr.. . 540 Youngs, Birdseye, lieut 289 Youngs, David or Dan 240 Youngs, Henry 232 Youngs, Joseph 547 Youngs, Joshua, Heut 288 Youngs, Samuel, Heut. Levies 259 Yule, James, lieut 538 638 Index. Z. Page. Zannow, Fred 209 Zeager, Thomas 180 Zeaster, Mich 203 Zedwitz, Herm, lieut.-col. , 75; major 77, 527 Zedy, John, captain 542 Zeely, John, Heut 546 Zegart, Ch'r 204 Zener, Fred 198 Zeranius, Chr. 181 Page. Ziele, Martin W., lieut 273 Ziele, Peter W., lt.-col. 15th Albany Co. Regt 273 Ziely, Peter, colonel 545 Zimmerman, Coenr., ensign 295 Zimmerman, Henry, Heut. 1st Tryon Co. Regt., 294 ; ensign and lieut. 2d Tryon Co. Regt 295 Zimmerman, John, Heut 295 Zint, Simon 239 Zoller, Jacob 549 YALE UNIVERSITY a39002 002201292b niMiii.iiimii .. . itrirmftmtmrtri'miTmftmmiiM;