YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY o 0 THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF DR. WILLIAM LAUD, ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY, AND MARTYR. COLLECTED FEO:^ EIS EEMAINS, Tlttuf*a "AyMc a,\Xau rhv tra/^^affuvii? tjvtox^uu* aXXo? h^dtTKSt roe, •sripi iPi.irifi.otruvvs' c^Kkov h^iiirxEt vtjtrTSUEiv «aJ KtTKiTv' ci>.Xov hduff»S4 xtzTct^^anTv ta-i* tou ccuf^aros ir^a- AuT^ ti dVK ^Wt *Eau'ri>tj, S> Ct/ritl, Hieros, OXFORD, JOHN HENKY PAE.KEB. MDCCCXXXIX. o o ./ ^: -rT. --^ BAXTER, PRINTER, OXFORD. 1 PREFACE. This volume is a compilation from Archbishop Laud's Diary, his History of his Chancellorship of Oxford, and his History of his Troubles and Trial. .Very sparing use has been made of his Oxford Letters, and almost none of the Strafford Papers. These alone, to say nothing of the MS. treasures which exist in all pro bability at Lambeth, and perhaps among the Pococke Papers or elsewhere in the Bodleian, would have swelled the volume to an inconvenient bulk. Although the material.s are so woven together as to make it really an Autobio graphy tiiroughout, yet the selection and o- -O -0 IV PBEFACE. omission of passages leaves a considerable amount of responsibility upon the Editor. He has made his selection mainly with a wish to give the volume an academical interest. But he has also borne in mind throughout the accusation of a leanitig to Romanism, which has been brought against Hooker, Andrewes, Laud, Ham mond, Bull, and Leslie, in company with most other sound Englisli Divines, by those particular schools of theology, which even in our own day represent the conti nental influence, so disastrous to the Church in the reigns of Edward and Elizabeth, It may be as well to warn the reader, that the Archbishop begins his year on the 25th of March, which was the legal computation in England, till 1751, The Gregorian Calendar of 1582 had not then been adopted in this country. With re gard to St. Augustin''s day, mentioned in I page 266, it can only be supposed that o — — • ¦ — — O Q- i\< f-' 6 PEE FACE. i the Archbishop mistook one day, the 26th of February for the 27th, and also used the Calendar of the English Church, as it was prior to the alterations made in it during the primacy of Cranmer. The 27th of February, though not found in all the old English Calendars, is nevertheless in most marked as "The Feast of St, Augus tin, Bishop ;" as in Gough Missal, 145. 149. 152. and 206. The Editor has altered very many of the dates, and has spared no pains to be accurate. But among such a profusion of them, not only of years and months, but even days of the week and Church Festivals, a few no doubt, perhaps more than a few, must have escaped his eye, «. Archbishop Laud has so long suffered, not so much from the abuse of his enemies as from the apologies of his friends, that it seemed very desirable, if possible, that a man, for good or evil so eminent, and the -O o o VUl PREFACE. acy, and the limits by which he would have bounded it in Church matters, was pi-e- cisely accurate, and whether the attitude in which the Church naturally and of right stands to the State was so intelligible to him as subsequent suffering and revolution have disclosed it to us, is not the question". The charge is brought against him, as a moral defect and meanness, not as an error of judgment or opinion. It is but fair therefore to remember, that, whether right or wrong, the theologians of that day were fully persuaded ofthe divine right by which kings reign. How a conscientious belief of this would influence their practice in times when widely different notions were stirring <= Compare the -dews taken by Archbishop Whitgift in his Answer to the Admonition, and Hooker, if the Eighth Book is to carry the weight of his name along with it, and Archbishop Laud in some passages of the Conference, with those of Leslie in the Pontificate and Kegale : or still more curiously with the new and mixed views of Mr. Gladstone. 0- -o o- -o PREFACE. IX among the people, and with such a King, a better than Constantine, .in Charles the Martyr, it is not difficult to conceive. The proud doctrine of " public opinion," by which every man is taught to feel himself a part of an irresponsible tribunal at which the actions of sovereign and subject are unreservedly and almost indiscriminately censured, would have been far more diffi cult of understanding to them, and far less likely to have met with their approval, than the doctrine of divine right among our selves. At all events, therefore, however unlikely it may be that modesty or a fear of being wrong in such a point will make men backward in despising the political views of our older Bishops, it is but right to shift the accusation from their hearts and feelings, and lay it upon their judg ments and opinions. To clear their me mories from calumny or harsh mistake is a humble and a pious work. Their wisdom o- O PREFACE. and teaching are above modern patronage and vmdication. y.Areligiousattentiontodreamsand pos sible mdications of Providence is another point on which much has been said against Archbishop Laud, and for the repetition of which the present volume aff^ords continual opportunity. He said himself on his trial, that dreams are not in the power of him that hath them, but in the unruliness of the fancy, which in broken sleeps wanders which way it pleases, and shapes what it pleaseth-," On this head however, as on the divine right of kings, being matters easy to profane, it is well to say little; and indeed whatever might be said would only lessen the weight of blame by helping to bear it. The older English divines, after they had recovered themselves from the I w-l^'/"^'-'"''"^ ''''" ^^ '«^«" *° Numbers xii. but —6 Q- -O PREFACE. XI noise and hurry ofthe great changes made in our Church, seem by the help of anti quity, and of course in a fainter degree, to have realized the presence of a spiritual world, contained within and disclosing itself through the visible state of things. They saw in many ways, in the rites and types of nature, shadows from the inner Heaven stirring on its earthly counterpart. Gradually, however, this became less " open," and even " precious in those days," until the force of a gross and phy sical system of unbelief caused it to re appear, under a philosophical veil, in the school of Bishop Berkeley, " philosopho rum religiosissimi," Meanwhile we may leave Archbishop Laud, supported by a name " much set by" in the Church, and little lower than his own. " Although I am no doter on dreams," says Bishop Bull", " yet I verily believe, that some dreams " Works, i, 295, Oxford. 6- -6 o- —Q O o xu PREFACE. are monitory, above the power of fancy, and impressed on us by some superior influence. For of such dreams, we have plain and undeniable instances in history, both sacred and profane, and in our own age and observation. Nor shall I so value the laughter of sceptics, and the scoffs of the Epicureans, as to be ashamed to pro fess, that I m^seZ/have had some convincing experiments of such impressions. Now it is no enthusiasm, but the best account that can be given of them, to ascribe thesethings to the ministry of those invisible instru ments of God's providence, that guide and govern our affairs and concerns, namely, the Angels of God." S. Another charge brought against the Archbishop is, that he treated his brethren the Clergy, and even the Bishops, with roughness and severity, because they were moderate men, and would not go his lengths. Without entering minutely into C ,> PREFACE. XIU the exaggeration which is made of this, and the overwhelming weight a few facts are compelled to bear, it raay be admitted that the accusation is true. It is well for the Church of our day, no less than his, that Laud was not a moderate man ; and, that he did not sympathize with such, or think lightly of the mischief they could do, is evident from his letters, " My Lord," he writes to Strafford in Ireland, " to speak freely, you may easily promise more in either kind than I can perform : for, as for the Church, it is so bound up in the forms of the common law, that it is not possible for me, or for any man, to do that good which he would, or is bound to do. For your Lordship sees, no man clearer, that they which have gotten so much power in and over the Church, will not let go their hold ; they have, indeed, fangs with a witness, whatsoever I was once said in a passion to have. And for the State, in- -.J o- -o XIV PREFACE. deed, my Lord, I am for thorough ; but I see that both thick and thin stays some body, where I conceive it should not ; and it is impossible for me to go thorough alone." Again : " As for my marginal note, I see you deciphered it well, and I see you make use of it too — do so still — thorow and thorow. Oh that I were where I raight go so too ! But I am shackled between delays and uncertainties'." Now it is possible the Archbishop might think in some such way as this. Moderate men, in the popular conversational fallacy of his day as well as ours, no doubt meant — men with right premisses, who, not having moral courage to carry them out, were left by their timidity and love of easiness at some point short ofthe conclusion: men, who, not being able to think their way down deep enough, to the root of a truth, did not know how far its fibres might extend, f Life of Straflbrd, p. 314, 315. 6 ^ 6 o o PREFACE. XV or how much would come with it, if it was torn up ; and therefore had no ob jection to buy peace with concession. He had doubtless heard it argued, that people go into an extreme in religion, and put entirely out of sight some portion of truth; then that a reaction comes, and those, who are the instruments of recovering the for gotten truth, fly off into an equal extreme the other way; and lastly, that there is always a party between these two, to which it is safest to belong, and which in the end prevails. But he might think this commentary fitted Church history very awkwardly. He might from the same his tory conclude, that the midway place Avas popular for the time, because it allowed of men's timidity, and was not difficult of access, and constant armed watch was not kept thereon : and that in uneasy times of heat and suffering, these middle men melted away, and subsided into the lower and o- -o Q- -O xvi PREFACE. easier extreme, and therefore did not pre vail. And even though they might prevail, he knew that earthly victory was not the best of arguments for truth. But he might remember, that the moderate party in Arian times was popular, and yet not safe, neither did it prevail. And had he lived forty-four years from his Martyrdom, lie would have seen some of that Church history worked out at home. Moderate men are not tall enough to throw a shadow over posterity, nor of sufficient intensity of heart and purpose to project their in fluence into after-generations. I. It has been argued too, that in the life of Archbishop Laud, there is little or no trace of his being a religious and spiri tually-minded man. Now in the sense in which the objection was probably intended, this may be true. Yet the volume of pri vate devotions which he has left behind, and which was composed for himself from 0 — — — 0 o- -Q PREFACE, XVU time to time, reveals most clearly that grave inward life which he was living, while common history is telling of his troubled outward life. Thus in his corre spondence with Strafford, which is mostly political, there are many quiet disclosures ofa thoughtful religious man. Strafford, writing in low spirits about his peerage, mentions, that he is making moral lessons for himself out of Donne's anagrams and Vandyke's shading ; the Bishop replies, " If you will but read over the short book of Ecclesiastes, while, these thoughts are in you, you will see a better disposition of these things, and the vanity of all their shadows, than is to be found in any ana grams of Dr. Donne's, or any designs of Vandyke. So to the lines there drawn I leave you «." Men are always judging others on this point, of which it is im- E Life of Strafford, p. 350. -o o- -0 XVIU PREFACE. possible they should form any sure judg ment at all. In religion above all other things, that of St, Gregory Nazianzen is true : " What other men say of us, is no more than what other men dream of us\" This is the great source of un- kindness among religious friends. Some persons, without any sin or ostentation, are always exhibiting their inward reli gious feelings by some change or motion of voice, or countenance, or gesture. They feel it necessary. They find that these changes of outward demeanour are, so to speak, conditions of the inward feelings ; a sort of ritual to which they are tied and bound, and which it would be unsafe for them to disuse. As St. Augustine speaks of praying with our hands stretched out, the attitude so commonly seen in churches abroad : et nescio quomodo, cum hi motus h Ap. Bp Taylor, Duct. Dub. xi. 408. o- o 0- o PREFACE. XIX corporis fieri nisi motu animi prtecedente non possint, eisdem rursus exterius visi- biliter factis, ille interior invisibilis qui eos fecit augetur : ac per hoc cordis affectus, qui ut fierent ista praecessit, quia facta sunt crescit '. Others, on the con trary, without any affected attempt at concealment, shrink from all this, train their religious emotions with secret nur ture, and keep them so close, that they can only escape and become manifest in deeds. Orat interior homo, et ante oculos Dei in secretissimo cubili, ubi compun- gitur, sternitur. Any outward disclosure of ascetic ways or holy resolutions, even though it be unconscious atthe time, seems to scatter and disperse such men's inward strength : they are like plants that grow in caves and dark places only, and lose their green, and languish, in the eye of > De Cur. Gerend. pro Mort. 7. Venet. o -o -o XX PREFACE. day. It is with Archbishop Laud In this respect, as with St. Thomas a Becket, or, stiir more, that great man Innocent the Third : though perhaps it may not be thought doing the Archbishop's memory good service to couple it with these dis tasteful names. We read the history of John and his Barons; and, while we think we are carrying away a clear view of the bigoted, haughty, secular Prelate, how unlike the original is the rude image we have hewn from the coarse ma terials of Protestant history. He all the while is at Rome, weighed down with care, weary of his greatness, and full of godly fear lest his height should make him proud ; and so, as a penitential safe guard, composing a book on the Seven Penitential Psalms. Thus does he open his treatise : " Lest amid occupations mani fold and fierce anxieties, which not only from the care of government, but also from 6 -o 0 -o PREFACE. XXI the badness of the times, I do endure be yond my strength, as though the deep had altogether swallowed me up — with eager ness do I steal some little hours for my self, in the which to revoke and bring home my spirit to itself, lest from itself it be sundered and alienated altogether: and I would meditate somewhat in the Law of the Lord, which, by His grace Whose Spirit bloweth where He listeth, may profit me to this very thing, — that I be not always so betrayed to other things as that it shall not be possible to restore rae to myself \" Or he may be making in his h Innocentii Opera, foi. xcvii. et ccviii. Ne inter occupationes multiplices et soUicitndines vehementes, quas non solum ex cura regiminis, verum etiam ex malitia temporis, patior ultra vires, quasi totus absorbear a profundo : libenter aliquas horulas mihi furor, quibus ad revocandum et rcducendum spiritum ad seipsum, ne a seipso dividatur et alienetur omnino, et in lege Domini aliquid meditetur, quod ad hoc Ipso proficiat inspirante, Cujus Spiritus ubi vult spirat, ne semper sic sim traditus aliis, ut nunquam restituar ipse mihi. o- o o o XXII PREFACE, careful solitude his earnest and humble '* Hymn of Christ :" Te nunc precor licet reus, Miserere mei Deus. Miserere Miserator, Quia vere sum peccator ! ?. There is another point which must be shortly noticed here: the Archbishop's claim to the rights and titles of martyr dom. However full of childish boasting we have been in many things, in increas ing the number of our Saints we have been either singularly humble or negli gent. The consciousness seems to have been forced upon us, that our sundry revolutions have not made us much richer in materials for filling out our Calendar. England of the nineteenth century has a long way to travel back before it reaches the England proverbially prolific of Saints. It is a long way to St. David, St. Chad, St. Dunstan, St. Swithun ; to say nothing O- -o -O PREFACE. XXIU of St. Alban, and the companions of our Augustin, But to our royal Saints, Ed mund and Edward and Etheldreda, we have added Charles : and this, being the act of the Church, helps us considerably towards determining the claim of Arch bishop Laud, It is curious to observe, that our great struggle with another branch of the Church, with Rome, has left no vestige of itself upon our Calendar, It made no Martyrs. It did not add to our commemorations of the Saints. There is not the shadoNv of an expression any where upon the Church's countenance to teach us what she feels and thinks, or felt and thought, about the Marian per secution. The whole of that part of our history is as open as any other historical question to the sifting and searching and familiarity of criticism. It is so on both sides. For the Church of Rome herself has hitherto wanted either boldness or 6- -o XXIV PREFACE. generosity to canonize Cardinal Fisher, What was done, and what was ruled, is in a great measure retained. But all names are dropped, and left at the mercy of comraon criticism; which has as yet been kinder to the sixteenth century than it has to other and earlier ages, which may perhaps have deserved as well or better at its hands. But our second great struggle, with heretics for the most part outside the Church, that is to say, the Puritans, has left traces behind. It added to our Calendar the only addition that has been made for some centuries ; for we may except the recovery of St, Alban and the Venerable Bede. The history of our struggle with the Puritans is thus not left quite open to Churchmen's criti cism. This will be acknowledged as a great blessing by those who have fairly studied this portion of history. The vin dication of the Martyr Charles by the 6 o ¦Q PREFACE, xxv Church has closed several painful ques tions. It has not determined them, nor imposed a judgment upon us in the par ticulars. But it has closed them up. Archbishop Laud has not been vindicated a Martyr by the Church. Yet she has come much nearer to it than in any other case since the changes first began among us. Every body, however they view it, and whatever hard names they may give it, will admit that Laud died for the same cause, and in the same attitude, as his royal Master ; and the King having been named a Martyr by authority, we have fair warrant for extending the same vene rable title to the Primate, Now the Church has given no warrant in any other case, nor corae any way near it. She has not given the title of Martyr to any who suffered, however cruelly or unrighte ously, at the hands of another Church : and it is clear that a very great deal I •6 >.•-, 0- -o xxvi PREFACE, would be involved in such an act. All these sort of canonizations have no higher or more dignified origin than in indi vidual whims and likings, or, historically, in Fox's Book of Martyrs : nor do those who make them seera, for the most part, aware of the many grave questions un consciously determined in their decision. However, the Church not having made them nor sanctioned them, they are un important, and, it is to be hoped, without consequences. t). It would not be difficult to shew, that the highest characters are for the most part unpopular. The power of pleasing seems in many cases withdrawn, by way of balance, from those men who are sent to stop and save an age. The degree, to which such men as these are misunder stood, is often the only measure we have of their height above ourselves. So it might be shewn, if this were the place, o- o 0 -o PREFACE, XXVll that Archbishop Laud's character was one of these, cast in a mould of proportions that are much above our own, and of stature akin to the elder days of the Church. The features, hard and stedfast, are full of grace in their boldness, and dignified by a scarce kind of beauty, austere and masculine. These are the men vouchsafed to us in the dangers of the Church. Such were his predecessors in the Chair of Canterbury, Lanfranc and the great Anselm. To look at such an one on the mere surface of history is to view him in one posture only: one too which he has not taken up of himself, but which the troubles of high place and a distempered generation have compelled him to assume. It is not so much there fore that Laud's character, personally, is harsh and unpleasing ; as that we have ceased to sympathize with that class of characters at all, or have reverence for o- 6 o o XXVlll PREFACE. the kind of greatness by which they are distinguished. There are in many senses " divers orders" in the Church of Christ: " for," says St. Cyril, " one fountain watered the whole of the garden, and one and the same rain comes down upon all the world, yet it becomes white in the lily, and red in the rose, and purple in the violets and pansies, and different and varied in each several kind'." It is really quite painful to notice, how persons in these days speak and write of Puritan ism, It would be thought wrong, instead of being a duty, to regard it as a hateful and detestable heresy, or rather fearful combination of heresies, and a deadly enmity to Christ's holy Church, Men forget how it began in a hatred and put ting down of Episcopacy, whereby, so far as regarded themselves, the Church was destroyed among them, and they were ' Oxf, Trans, p. 208. -() -o PREFACE. XXIX left unblessed ; how the most shocking notions of the holy Sacraments, such as would startle even those of our times, almost universally prevailed : and how uniformly its career was marked, whether in its Presbyterian or Independent stages, by sacrilege and blasphemy; and closed with the raurder of the King. No candid and fair distinctions, as men call them, of one school from another, can get rid of these awful truths. The Presbyterian form, according to all historians the least offensive and disgusting, invites frora the most careless reader the application of the Apostle's words : " Such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the Apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is trans formed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righ teousness ; whose end shall be according 6- O o- -o XXX PREFACE. to their works"," Things must indeed have come to a fearful pitch, when men are driven per-force to admire earnest heretics for their earnestness ; when they should have rather seen in it a sis-n of that satanical energy which is the life of heresy, and its raark. Yet have we been living all along on Puritan traditions about Archbishop Laud, without shame and without reflection. He has come dowTi to us, as some would vainly make St, Cyprian come down, a narrow mind eaten up in the contemplation of his office : or, like St, Cyril of Alexandria, to moderns a pattern of nothing but rude zeal and fierce impatience. Were we to throw him further back, to lift hira above the age in which his lot was cast, and give him a niche among the primitive worthies of the Church, and the stern upholders of the Faith against the elder k 2 Cor, xi, 13—16. 6 ¦o o- -L> PREFACE. XXXI heretics, he would beseem it well. Laud was like one of them. Placed on high, apart from all the tenderest relations of society, in a life of austere celibacy and ceaseless labour, between weak friends and strong enemies, in hard and unkind times, and beside all this, with the care of many Churches, a weight of which an Apostle spoke as though it were a great thing even to him, he bore a heavy secret Cross within his Crosier, and went with it stoutly to his Martyrdom. Oxford, mdcccxxxix. o- -6 o- -o o- -o \ o- -O N Thy spirit in thee strove To cleanse and set in beauty free The ancient shrines, mindful of Him whose love Swept with the scourge His Pather's sanctuary. Thy oloke was burning zeal. Untaught the worldling's arts to wield, But innocence thy coat of triple steel, And Loyalty and Truth thy sword and shield. Thus arm'd against the tomb, Thy dauntless course bore on to bind Thy dying brows with deathless martyrdom, Unsought by the true soul, but undeclin'd. The Cathedral, -o o- -O A.D. 1673 . . 1689-16031604- 1606 1607 . . 1608—16101611—1620 1621 . . 1622 , , 1623 , , 1624 , , 1625 . , 1626 , , 1627 , . 1628 , . 1629 , . 1630 , , 1631 , , 1632 , . INDEX or THE YEASB. His birth At Oxford With the Earl of Devon , , , At Stanford in Northamptonshire Chaplain to Bishop Neile , , . President of St John's , . , , Bishop of St, David's , , , , Bishop of Bath and Wells Bishop of London , , Chancellor of Oxford Paee 1 3 3 4 78 13 22 33 66 90 100 111 113 122 129 -o XXXVI INDEX OF THE YEARS, A.D. P-ige 1633 , . , Archbishop'of Canterbury , . . 1 1634 145 1635 152 1636 164 1637 217 1638 230 1039 235 1640 . . , Sent to the Tower 252 1641 268 1642 ' 291 1643 , , . Trial begins 300 1644 , . . Martyrdom 357 o- -o O- INDEX OF THE I.ETTEBS. I. 1626. II. 1626, III. 1630. IV. 1633, V. 1634. VI. 1636. VII. 1635. VIII. 1636. IX. 1636, Page Letter of the Three Bishops to the Duke of Buckingham about Mr. Mountague 62 The King's Letter to Archbishop Abbot about the War .... 74 Bishop Laud to Dr. Frewen his Vice-Chancellor, about observing Formalities 116 To tho Vice-Chancellor touching Formalities 130 To the Univ. of Oxon. about the - Statutes 147 To the Ujiiv. about the Statutes (Latin) 154 To the Bishop of Winton about New College 161 To Sir KenelmDigby, about falling off to Home ^.164 To the V. C. about feasting the King at Oxford 195 O C xxxviii X . 1636. XI 1636. XII. 1637. XIII. 1637. XIV, 1637. XV, 1637. XVI, 1637. XVII. 1637. XVIII. 1637. XIX. 1638. XX. 1638. XXI. 1639. XXIL 1C39. o- INDEX OF THE LETTEES. . To the V. C. about the Latin ^'^^ Communion at St. Mary's , . 212 To Dr. Prideaux, to keep an eye on Chillingworth 217 To the V. C. to call in Bp. Sales' Book of Devotion 219 To the V. C. about Undergra duates learning to ride ... 221 To the V. C. to persecute Jesuits hankering up and down in Oxford 224 To the V. C. about the Popish faction 225 To the V. C. about the Tricks of Jesuits 227 To Dr. Sheldon, to mind the wasp- ishnees of the times 228 To the V. C. to foUow the Canon in the bidding prayer at Univer sity Sermon 230 King Charles to Ch. Ch. to sup- press the Westminster Supper . 232 To the V. C. that the Undergra duates of Brasen-nose should have less Beer in Lent . , . 235 To Dr. Fell about the Hour of "Vespers 239 Dr. Frewen to the Abp. about a suspicious sitter in the Schools . 240 (j 0- -o INDEX OP THE LETTERS. xxxix Page XXIII. 1639. To Dr. Fell; the Abp. suggests it was a Jesuit 241 XXIV. 1639. To the V.C. about Disputations in Lent 243 XXV. 1039. To the Abp. about Tavern Haunting in Oxford . . . 246 . XXVI. 1639. The Abp. to the V. C. concern ing the same 247 XXVII. 1639. To Dr. Bailey concerning the same 249 XXVIII. 1639. The V. C.'a reply .... 250 XXIX. 1640. To the V. C. about Communion in CoUege Chapels on Christ mas Day 269 XXX. 1640. To the V. C. about Mr. Wilkin son's Sermon 260 XXXI. 1640. From the V. C. that Mass is not really said in the University . 261 XXXII. 1641. TotheUniversityfromtheTower to resign his Chancellorship 284 335 The Trial begins The Acta ofhis Martyrdom 403 O -o -I\ THE DIARY OF THE MOST REVEREND FATHE.R IN GOD WILLIAM LAUD, AnCHBISHOP OF CANTF.nBURV. Anno 1573. I was Lorn Oct. 7, 1573, at Reading. In my infancy I was in danger of death by sickness, &c. 1 589. I came to Oxford, July, 1590, I was chosen Scholar of St, John's, June. 1 593. I was admitted Fellow of St. John's, June. 1 594. My father died, April 1 1 , die Mercurii. I proceeded Bachelor of Arts, June. o- -o o — 0 2 THE DIARY OF 1596. I had a great sickness. 1597. And another. 1598. I proceeded Master of Arts, July. I was Grammar Reader that year; and fell into a great sickness at the end of it. 1600. My mother died, Nov. 24. I was made Deacon, Jan. 4. EnglLih compulation. 1601. I was made Priest, April 5, being Palm Sunday : both (Orders ?) by Dr. Young, Bishop of Rochester. 1602. I read a Divinity Lecture in St. John's College: it was then maintained by Mrs. Maze. I was the last that read it. Queen Elizabeth died at Richmond, Mar. 24. English compulation. 1603. I was Proctor of the University, chosen May 4. I was made Chaplain to the Earl of Devonshire, Sept. 3. Hope was given to me of A. H. Jan. 1. Avhich after proved my great happiness. I first began to hope it, Jan. 21. 1604. I was Bachelor in Divinity, July 6. 1605. My cross about the Earl of Devon's marriage, Dec. 26, die Jovis. o o o- -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 3 1606. The quarrel Dr, Ayry picked with me about my sermon at St Mary's, Oct. 21. 1607. 1 was inducted into the Vicarage of Stanford in Northamptonshire, Nov. 1 3. I6O8. The Advowson of North Kilworth in Leicestershire given to me, April. My acquaintance with C. W. began. I proceeded Doctor in Divinity in the Act. I was made Chaplain to Dr. Neile, then Lord Bishop of Rochester, Aug. 5, After my unfortunateness with T. (whose death was in July, l604,) the first offer in this kind that I had after was by M. Short, June, I606; then by P. B. not ac cepted. 1609. My first sermon to King James at Theobald's, Sept. I7. I changed my Advow son of North Kilworth for West-Tilbery in Essex; to which 1 was inducted Oct. 28, to be near ray Lord of Rochester, Dr. Neile. My next unfortunateness was with E. M. Dec. SO, being Saturday. A stay in this. 1610. My Lord of Rochester gave me Cuchstone in Kent, May 2.5. I resigned my Fellowship in St. John's College, Oxford, o- -6 o- ^ THE DIARY OF Oct. 2, and left Oxford the 8th of the same month. I fell sick of a Kentish ague, caught at my benefice, Nov. 5, which held me two months. In the midst of this sickness, the suit about the Presidentship of St. John's began. I left Cuchstone, and was inducted in Norton, Nov. by proxy. The Lord Chan- cellor Elsmere's complaint against me to the King at Christmas. He was incited against me by Dr. Abbot, Lord Archbishop of Can terbury elect l6n. My next unfortunateness was by S.B. Feb. U. It continued long. ^ I was chosen President of St. John's, May 10. The King sat in person three hours to hear my cause about the Presidentship of St John's at Tich- burne, Aug. 29. It was the day ofthe Decol lation of St. John Bapt The Archbishop of Canterbury was the original cause of all my troubles. 1 was sworn the King's Chaplain, Nov 3. 1612. My next unfortun.ateness was by S. S. June 13. It ended quickly. My next with A. D. which effected nothing, and ended •0 O- o- -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 5 presently. Sept My great business wilh E. B. began Jan. 22. It settled, as it could, March 5, E?ig. comput. It hath had many changes ; and what will become of it, God knoweth. 1 614. My great misfortune by M. S, began, April 9. A most fierce salt rheum in my left eye, like to have endangered it Dr. Neile, then Bishop of Lincoln, gave me the Prebend of Bugden, April 1 8. 1615. Dr. Neile, the Bishop of Lincoln, gave me the Archdeaconry of Huntingdon, Dec. 1. 1616. The King gave me the Deanery of Gloucester, Nov. I resigned my Parsonage of West Tilbery. I set forward with the King toward Scotland, March 14, I616, our style: and returned a little before him, 1617, My acquaintance began with W. Sta, March 5. 1617 Cum E. B. July 28, die Luna, primo. St. John's College on fire under the staircase in the Chaplain's Chamber, by the Library, Sept 26, die Veneris. Both these days of observation to me. I was inducted to o- -o o- 6 THE DIARY OF Ibstock in Leicestershire, August 2, in my return out of Scotland ; and left Norton. I6l8, Lu. Bos. B. to E. B. May 2. El quid ad me ? My ill hap with E. beg. June. The great organ in St. John's Chapel set up : it was begun Feb. 5. 1619. I fell suddenly dead for a time at Wycombe, in my return from London, April 2. 1620. I was installed Prebendary of West minster, Jan. 22, having had the Advowson of it ten years the November before. 1621. The King's gracious speech unto me, June 3, concerning my long service. He was pleased to say. He had given me nothing but Gloucester, which he well kneAv was a shell without a kernel. — June 29. His Majesty gave me the grant of the Bishopric of St. David's, being St. Peter's Day. The general expectation in Court was, that I should then have been made Dean of Westminster, and not Bishop of St David's. The King gave me leave to hold the Presidentship of St John's College in Oxon. in my Coramendam with o Q -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 7 the Bishopric of St. David's. [But by reason of the strictness of that statute, which I will not violate, nor my oath to it under any colour, I am resolved before my consecration to leave it".]— Oct 10. I was chosen Bishop of St. David's. I resigned the Presidentship of St. John's in Oxford, Nov. 17.— I preached at Westminster Nov. 5. — I was consecrated Bishop of St. David's, Nov. 18, at London House Chapel, by the Reverend Fathers, the Lords Bishops of London, Worcester, Chi chester, Ely, Llandaff, Oxon. The Arch- bishop being thought irregular for casual homicide.— Jan. 6. The Parliament, then sitting, was dissolved by proclamation, with out any session.— Jan. 14. The King's letters came to the Archbishop, and all the Bishops about London, for a contribution of the Clergy for the recovery of the Palatinate. — Jan. 21. The Archbishop's letters came tome about this business. — Jan. 25. I sent these letters and my own into the Diocese. — Feb. 17. I preached at Westminster. All my former » This clause is maliciously omitted by Prynne. -o o o 8 TFIE DIARY OF sermons are omitted. — March 9. I heard of the death of L. B. He died Jan. 17, between six and seven in the morning. — March 13. Dr. Theodore Price went towards Ireland out of London, about the Commission appointed there. — March 24. I preached at Court: com manded to print. 1622. April 23. The King renewed my Commendam. — April 16. I was with his Majesty and the Prince's Highness, to give notice of letters I received of a treasonable sermon preached in Oxford, on Sunday, April 14, by one Mr, Knight of Broadgates. — April 14. Sunday, I waited at the entertain ment of Count Swartzenburg, the Emperor's Ambassador, in the Parliament House. — April 23. Being the Tuesday in Easter week, the King sent for me, and set me into a course aboutthe Countess of Buckingham, who about that time was wavering in point of religion". — April 24. Dr. Francis White and I met about this. — May 10. I went to the Court to Green- •> All these passages are, for obvious reasons, omitted by Prynne. o o -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 9 wich, and came back in the coach with the Lord Marquess Buckingham. My promise then to give his Lordship the discourse he spake to me for. — May 12, I preached at West minster.— May 19. I delivered my Lord Marquess Buckingham the paper concerning the difference between the Church of England and Rome, in point of salvation, &c.— May23. My first speech with the Countess of Buck- inn-ham. — May 24. The conference between Mr. Fisher a Jesuit, and myself, before the Lord Marquess Buckingham, and the Countess his mother. I had much speech with her after.— June 9- Being Whit-Sunday, my Lord Marquess Buckingham was pleased to enter upon a near respect to me. The par ticulars are not for paper. — June 1 5. I became C. to my Lord of Buckingham. And June 1 6, being Trinity Sunday, he received the Sacra ment at Greenwich. — June 22, &c. 1 saw two books in folio of Sir Robert Cotton's. In the one was all the order of the Reformation in the time of Henry the Eighth. The original letters and dispatches under the King's and c — 0 o- — o 10 THE DIARY OF the Bishops', &c. own hands. In the other, were all the preparatory letters, motives, &c. for the suppression of the .Abbeys : their sup pression and value, in the originals. An extract of both which books I have per capita. — July 5. I first entered into Wales. — July 9. I began ray first visitation at the College in Brecknock, and preached. — July 24. I visited at St. David's, and preached July 25. — August 6,7. I visited at Carmarthen, and preached. The Chancellor and my Com missioners visited at Eralyn, &c. July 16, 17, and at Haverford West, July 19, 20. — August 15. I set forwards towards England frora Carmarthen. — Sept. 1. My answer given to his Majesty about nine articles delivered in a book from Mr. Fisher the Jesuit These articles were delivered me to consider of, August 28. The discourse concerning them the same night at Windsor, in the presence of the King, the Prince, the Lord Marquess Buckingham, his lady, and his mother. — Sept. 18. aut c'lrciler. There was notice given me, that Mr. Fisher had spread certain copies 0 ( o- o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 11 of the conference had between him and me. May 24, into divers recusants' hands — October. I got the sight of a copy, &c. in October; made an answer to it. — Oct 27. I preached at Westminster.- Dec. 12. My ancient friend, Mr. R. Peashall, died, at six in the morning. It was Thursday, and Sol in Capri. Lucia Virgo in some Almanacks a day before, in some a day after it — Dec. I6. My Lord Marquess Buckingham's speech to me about the same key. — Dec. 25. I preached at St. Giles without Cripplegate. I was three times with the King this Christmas ; and read over to him the answer which I had made to Fisher; which he commanded should be printed: and I desired it might pass in a third person, under the name of R. B. 1622. Jan. 11. My Lord of Buckingham and I in the inner chamber at York House. Ciuod est Deus Salvator noster Christus Jesus. — Jan. 17. I received a letter from E. B. to continue my favour, as Mr. R. P. had desired me. — Jan. 19. I preached at Westminster. — Jan. 27. I went out of London about the o o- -o 12 THE DIARY OF Parsonage of Creeke, given me into my Com mendam. — Jan. 29. I was instituted at Peter borough to the Parsonage of Creeke.^ — Jan. 31. I was inducted into Creeke. — Feb. 2. Being Sunday and Candlemas Day, I preached and read the Articles at Creeke. — Feb. 5. Wed nesday, I came to London. I went that night to his Majesty, hearing he had sent for me. He delivered me a book to read and observe. It was a Tract of a Capuchin, that had once been a Protestant. He was now with the French Ambassador. The Tract was to prove, that Christ's Body was in two places at once, in the apparition to St. Paul, Acts ix. — Feb. 9. I gave the King an account of this book. I ordained Edmund Provant, a Scot priest. He was my first-begotten in the Lord. — Feb. 17. Monday, the Prince and the Marquess Buckingham set forward very secretly for Spain. — Feb. 21. I wrote to my Lord of Buckingham into Spain. — Feb. 22. Saturday, I fell very iU ; and was very sud denly plucked down in four days. I was put into the Commission of Grievances. There 6 O- -O ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 13 were in the Commission the Lord Marquess Buckingham, Lord Arundel, Lord Pembroke, Bishop of Winchestei*, and myself. The Pro clamation came out for this,Feb. 24. — March 9. I ordained Thomas Owen, Bachelor of Arts, Deacon. — March 10. I ordained him and John Mitchell, Priests, — March 23. I preached at Whitehall. 1623. March 31. I received letters from my Lord of Buckingham out of Spain. — April 9. I received letters from my Lord of Buck ingham out of Spain. — April 13. Easter Day, I preached at Westminster. — April 16. I or dained John Burraigh, Master of Arts, Deacon and Priest. — May 3 and 16'. My speech with B. E. and the taking off my jealousies about the great business. — June 1. Whit-Sunday, I preached at St. Bride's. — June 13. I received letters from the Duke of Buckingham out of Spain. — June 15. R. B. died at Stony Strat ford ; which, what it will work with B. E. God in Heaven knoweth; and be merciful unto me. — .July 6. I preached at West minster. — July 1 5. St. Swithin : a very fair U~ C' -o 14 THE DIARY OF day till towards 5 at night; then great ex tremity of thunder and lightning. M uch hurt done. The lanthorn at St. James's House blasted : the vane bearing the Prince's arms beaten to pieces. The Prince then in Spain. It was Tuesday, and their St James's day, new style. — Aug. 17. I received letters from the Duke of Buckingham out of Spain. — Aug 31. I preached at Sunninge with my Lord of Bristol. — Sept 8. I was at Bromley ; and heard of the unfortunate passage between my friends there. — Oct. 3. Friday, I was with my Lord Keeper; to whom I found some had done me very ill offices. And he was very jealous of L. B.'s favour. — Oct.^. The Prince and the Duke of Buckingham landed at Portsmouth from Spain. — Oct. 6. Monday, they came to London. The greatest expres sion of joy by all sorts of people that ever I saw. — Oct. 20. I ordained Thomas Blakiston, Bach, of Arts, Deacon.— Oct. 26. The fall of an house, while Drewrye the Jesuit was preaching, in the Black Fryars. About 100 slain. It was in their account November 6. — o- ~u 0- ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 15 Oct 31 I acquainted my Lord Duke of Buckingham with that which passed between the Lord Keeper and me.-Nov. 12. Wednes day mght, a most grievous fire in Bread Street, in London. Alderman Cocking', house, with others, burnt down.-Nov IS Tuesday night, the Duke of Buckingham entertained the two Spanish Ambassadors, Don D.ego de Mendoza the Extraordinary and Don Carolos Columnas the Ordinary, and Mexia (I think his name was). Ambassador from the Archdukes. One of the Extra ' ordmary Ambassadors of Spain, Marquess Jniioca, came not, because Mendoza and he could not agree upon precedency. His Majesty and the Prince were there Tlie Bishop of London and myself waited upon the King—Dec. 14. Sunday night, I did dream that the Lord Keeper was dead: that I passed by one of his men, that was about a monument for him : that I heard him say his lower lip was infinitely swelled and fallen, and he rotten already. This dream did trouble me. -Dec. 15. On Monday Q o o 16 THE DIARY OF morning, 1 went about business to my Lord Duke of Buckingham. We had speech in the Shield Gallery at Whitehall. There I found, that the Lord Keeper had strangely forgotten himself to liim; and I think was dead in his affections.-Dec 21. I preached at Westminster.— Dec. 27. St. John's Day, I was with my Lord Duke of Buckingham. I found, that all went not right with the Lord Keeper, &c. He sent to speak with me, because he was to receive the next day.— Dec. 30. I adventured to tell my Lord Duke of Buckingham, of the opinion gene rally held touching the Coramission of send ing Sir Edward Coke and some others into Ireland, before the intended Parliament— Jan. 3. I received my writ to appear in Pariiament Feb. 12, following.— Jan. 10. 1 received a command under seal from my Lord of London, to warn for the Convocation. I was with my Lord Duke of Buckingham ; and shewed him the state of the book printed about the nntalion of the Church, and what was like to ensue upon it— Jan. 1 1 Q ^ O .ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 17 I was with his Majetty, to shew him the Epistle, that was to be printed before the Con ference between me and Fisher the Jesuit, May 24, 1622, which he was pleased to ap prove. The King brake with me about the Book printed then of the Visitation of the Church. He was hard of belief, that A. B. C. (Abbot) was the author of it. Mj' Lord Keeper met with me in the withdrawing chamber, and quarrelled with me gratis. — Jan. 1 2. I sent the summons down into the country to the Clergy, for their appearance at the Convocation. — Jan. 14. I acquainted my Lord Duke of Buckingham with that which passed on the Sunday before, between the Lord Keeper and me. — Jan. 16. I was all day with Dr. W. (White) about my papers of the Conference ; and making them ready for the press. Here is left a large void space in the original, to insert the occurrences of the eight following days : which space was never filled up. Jan. 25. It was Sunday. I was alone, and languishing with I know not what sadness. o -o o- 0 18 THE DIARY OF I was much concerned at the envy and un deserved hatred borne to me by the Lord Keeper. I took into my hands the Greek Testament, that I might read the portion of the day. I lighted upon the thirteenth chapter to the Hebrews ; wherein that of David, Psalm Ivi. occurred to me, then grieving and fearing : The Lord is my helper : I ivill not fear what man can do unto me. I thought an example was set to me; and who is not safe under that Shield ? Protect me, O Lord my God. Jan. 31. A Commission, passed under the Broad Seal of England, constituted me, among others, a Judge Delegate in a suit of dilapi dation, between the Rev. Father in God, Richard Neile, Lord Bishop of Durham, and Francis James, son and heir of his prede cessor. I attended the execution of this Com mission from two to five o'clock in the aftei'- noon on Saturday, in the great chamber of Doctors' Commons. Feb. 1. Sunday. I stood by the most iUustrious Prince Charles at dinner. He was 0 -o ARCHBISHOP LAUn. 19 then very merry ; and talked occasionally of inany things with his attendants. Among other things, he said, that if he were neces sitated to take any particular profession of life, he could not be a lawyer ; adding his reasons. / cannot (saith he) defend a bad, nor yield in a good cause. May you ever hold this resolu tion, and succeed (most serene Prince) in mat ters of greater moment, for ever prosperous ! Feb. 4. Wednesday, my conference held with Fisher the Jesuit, May 24, 1622, and put in writing at the command of King James, having been before read to the King, was this day put into the press ; being licensed by the Bishop of London. I had not hitherto appeared in print. I am no controvertist May God so love and bless my soul, as I desire and endeavour, that all the never to be enough deplored dis tractions of the Church, may be composed happily, and to the glory of His Name! This day I waited on the Duchess of Buckingham. That excellent lady, who is goodness itself, shewed me a form of devo- 6 I 6 -o 0 -o 20 THE DIARY OF tions, which another woman, unknown to me, had put into her hands. I read it. All was mean in it : nothing extraordinary ; unless that it was more like to poetry. Feb. 6, Friday. My Lord Duke of Buck ingham told me of the reconciliation the day before made with the Lord Keeper. — Feb. 1 0. Shrove Tuesday at the Commons; Sentence in my Lord of Durham's case. — Feb. 12. Thursday the Parliament was to begin ; but was put off to Monday, the l6th of Feb. — Feb. 15, Sunday. I assisted at the consecra tion of Dr. Harmer, Bishop of St. Asaph. — Feb. 16, Monday. The Duke of Richmond, being seized suddenly with the palsy, died. This accident put off the Parliament to the igth of February. — Feb. 18, Wednesday. My Lord Duke of Buckingham told me of the reconciliation and submission of my Lord Keeper ; and that it was confessed unto him, that his favour to me was a chief cause. Invidia quo tendis? &c. At ille de novo fcedus pepigit. — Feb. 19, Thursday. I'he Parlia ment began. — Feb. 20, Friday. The Con- o o o o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 21 vocation began, — Feb. 22. Will. Fulwell, Master of Arts of Queen's Coll. in Cambridge, made Deacon. — Feb. 24, Tuesday. The Duke of Buckingham's relation of the negociation with Spain about the Prince's Marriage, to both Houses of Parliament— Feb. 29, Sunday. In the evening, the Duke of Buckingham's coach overthrown between Exeter House and the .Savoy. The Spanish Ambassador lay there. No omen, I hope, more than that they thought to soil him. Secretary Conway was in the coach with hira. Mr. Bond came in to the help, and told it me.— March 7, Midlent Sunday. I preached at Whitehall.— March 14, Passion Sunday. I preached at Westminster. — March 17. The Lord Keeper his compli menting with me. Will. Fulwell made Priest — March 22, Monday. Dismal day. The accident of my Lord of Rutland giving not content to the form consented to in the Parlia ment house, being the only voice dissenting. — March 23, Tuesday. The censure of Morley, Waterhouse, and the Printer, about the peti tion against my Lord Keeper. That after- o- n- -8 22 THE DIARY OF noon the King declared to the Committee, that he would send a messenger presently into Spain, to signify to that King, that his Parliament advised him to break off the Treaties of the match and the Palatinate, and to give his reasons of it; and so proceed to recover the Palatinate as he might. Bonfires made in the city by the forwardness of the people, for joy that we should break Avith Spain. 0 quoties lemtil me illud. Psalm Ixvii. 30. Diuipa genies quce bella volunt, Sed spero quia coacli. — March 24, Wednesday. Inilium regis Jacobi. The Rai-l of Oxford, practising a tilt, fell and brake his arm. That night, between the hours of six and seven,* a great eclipse ofthe moon.^March 25, Thursday. The recess of the Parliament for a week. 1624. March 26, Good Friday. Viscount Mansfield, running at tilt to practise, with the shock of the meeting, his horse, weaker or resty, tumbled over and over, and brake his own neck in the place ; the Lord had no great harm. Should not this day have other era- o- -6 0 I- ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 23 ploymentP-March 27, Saturday, Easter Even. My speech with my Lord Duke of Buck ingham about a course to ease the Church m times of payment of the subsidy now to be oiven. His promise to prepare both the King and the Prince.-Mai-ch 28, Easter Day. Richard Earl of Dorset died, bemg well and merry in the Parliament House on Wednesday the 24th. anam nihil est Vila hominis? Miserere nostri Deus! His grand- father, Thomas Eari of Dorset, died suddenly at the Council Table. His grandmother rose well, and was dead before dinner. His father Robert lay not above two days. And now this man. Sir Edward Sackville March 29, Easter Monday. 1 ^vent and acquainted my Lord Keeper with what I said to my Lord Duke. He approved it, and said it was the best office that was done for the Church this seven years. And so said my Lord of Durham. They persuaded me to go and acquaint my Lord's Grace (of Canterbury) with what I had done. I went. His Grace was very angry. Asked, what o- i ^^ THE DIARY OF I had to do to make any suit for the Church. I'ke at any tune, nor would any but myself have done it. That r h„r) • , "J^*eii such a w T ^'''^" ^'^^ Church such a wound, in speaking to any Lord of the Laity about it, as I could never make whole again. That, if my Lord Duke Z ^l:-^p-^^^^^^ii..a,one,i..^.Ta nevei induce me to come near him again. I answered, I thought I had done a fe y good offi f„, ,,^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ve^ betters think, Tf his Grace thoughtotherwSe! I -as sorry I had offended him. And ' ^oped, being done out of a good mind, fo 2 -PPort of many poor Vicars abroad in he country, who mustneeds sink under three subsidies a yeai, my error (if it were on was pardonable. So we parted. I went to -y Lord Duke, and acquainted him S it est I might have ill offices done me for it, L' «.e King and the Prince. So may God bless me as servant, labouring under the pressure of hem, who alway wished ill to me April 16, Friday. My Conference with Ch -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 25 Fisher the Jesuit printed, came forth. — April 18, Sunday. I preached at Paul's Cross. — April 27, Tuesday. My very good friend Dr. Linsell, cut for the stone, about nine o'clock in the forenoon. — May 1, Saturday, E, B, married. The sign in Pisces. — May 5, Wednesday. Ascension Eve. The King's speech in the Banquetting House at White hall, to the Upper House of Parliament, con cerning the hearing of the Lord Treasurer's cause, which was to begin the Friday follow ing. This day my Lord Duke of Bucking ham came to town with his Majesty sick, and continued ill till Saturday, May 22. — May 13, Thursday. Lionel, Earl of Middlesex, Lord Treasurer of England, and Master of the Wards, censured in Parliament for bribery and extortion, and deceiving the King, &c. To lose his offices, to be ever disenabled to bear any, fined to the King in £50,000, im prisoned in the Tower during the King's plea sure, never to sit again as a peer in Parlia ment, not to come within the verge of the Court — May 15, Saturday, Whitsun Eve. o- -o 6- 2fi " THE DIARY OF The Bill passed in Parhament for.the King to We York House in exchange for other lands. This wasfor the Lord Duke of Buckingham.- May .6, Whitsunday night I watched with my Lord Duke of Buckingham. This was the first fit that he could be persuaded to take orderly,_May 18, Tuesday night I watched with my Lord Duke of Buckingham. He took this fit very orderly.-May 19,' Wednesday. The Bishop of Norwich, Samuel Harsnet, was presented by the House of Com mons to the Lords. His cause was referred by the House to my Lord's Grace of Canter- bury and the High Commission.- May 22 1 Saturday My Lord Duke of Buckingham' missed his fit-May 26, Wednesday. He went with his Majesty to Greenwich. May 28^ Friday. E. B. came to London. He had not leisure to speak with me (though I sent and offered to wait all opportunities) till June 16 being Wednesday. -May 29, Satur day. The first Session of Parliament ended • and the prorogation was to the second of No- vember.-June 6. Second Sunday after Trinity. ° -J C- o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 27 I preached at Westminster.— June 8, Tuesday. I went to New Hall to my Lord Duke of Buckingham, and came back to London on Friday, June 11. — June 1 6, Wednesday. I took my lasting leave of E.B. The great dry summer. My dream June 4, Wednesday night, 1623. In this dream was all contained, that followed in the carriage of E. B. towards me ; and that night R. B. sickened to the death. — May 29, Saturday night, 1624. I was marvellously troubled with E. B. before they came to London. That there was much declining to speak with me ; but yet at last, I had confer ence, and took ray lasting leave. And this so fell out. See May 28. July 7, Wednesday night. My Lord of Durham's quarrel about the trifling business of Fr. N. — July 23, Friday.- I went to lie and keep house, and preach at my Livings, held in Commendam, Creeke and Ibstock. That Friday night, at St Alban's, I gave R. R. my servant, his first interest in my businesses of moment — July 27. This I confirmed unto him, the Wednesday morning following, at o- -o o- ¦o -^ THE DIARY OF Stanford.-.Aug. 7, Saturday. While I was at Long Whatton with my brother, my pas sion by blood, and my fear of a stone in my bladder. -Aug 8, Sunday. I went and preached at my parsonage at Ibstock, and set things in order there.-Aug. 26, Thursday. My horse trod on my foot, and lamed me: which stayed me in the country a week longer dian I had intended.—Sept. 7, Tuesday. I came to London.—Sept. 9, Thursday. My Lord of Buckingham consulted with me about a man, that offered him a strange way of cure for himself and his brother. At that time I delivered his Grace the copies of the two little books which he desired me to write out. Sept 16, Thursday. Prince Charies his grievous fall, which he had in hunting.— Sept. 25, Saturday. My Lord Duke's pro posal about an army, and the means, and whether Sutton's Hospital might not, &c.— Oct 2, Saturday. In the evening at Mr. Windebank's,myancient servant Adam Toriess fell into a swoon; and we had much ado to 6 0' -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 29 recover hira; but I thank God we did. — Oct. 10, Sunday. I fell at night in pas- sionera iliacam; which had almost put me into a fever. I continued ill fourteen days. — Oct. 13, Wednesday. I delivered up my answer about Sutton's Hospital. — Nov. 21, Sunday. I preached at Westminster. — Dec. 6, Monday. There was a referment made from his Majesty to my Lord's Grace of Canter bury, my Lords of Durham and Rochester, and myself, to hear and order a matter of difference in the Church of Hereford, concern ing a Residentiaryship, and the Lecturer's place ; wiiich we that day ordered. Dec. 13, Monday. I received letters from Brecknock, that the saltpetre man was dead, and buried the Sunday before the messenger came. This saltpetre man had digged in the College-Church for his work, bearing too bold upon his commission. l"he news of it came to me to London, about Nov. 26. I went to my Lord Keeper, and had a messen ger sent to bring liim up to answer that sacrilegious abuse. He prevented his punish- o- -o o- 30 THE DIARY OF ment by death.— Dec. 21, Tuesday. Fest. Sancti ThomtE. Mr, Crumpton had set out a book, called St. Augustin's Surnme. His Majesty found fault with divers passages in it. He was put to rccal some things in writing. He had dedicated this book to my Lord Duke of Buckingham. My Lord had sent him to me to overlook the articles, in which he had re called and explained himself, that I might see whether it were well done, and fit to shew the King. This day Mr. Crumpton brought his papers to me.— Dec. 23, Thursday. I delivered these papers back to Mr. Crumpton. The same day at York House, I gave my Lord Duke of Buckingham my answer, what I thought of these papers. The same day I delivered ray Lord a httle tract about Doctrinal Purllau- ism, in some ten heads; which his Grace had spoken to me that I would draw for him, that he might be acquainted with them Dec 31, Friday. His Majesty sent for me, and deli vered unto me Mr. Crumpton's papers, the second time, (after I had read them over to himself,) and commanded me to correct them, O— — o oo =9 ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 31 | as tliey might pass in the doctrine of the Church of England.— Jan. 3, Monday. I had made ready these papers, and waited upon my Lord Duke of Buckingham with them; and he brought me to the King. There I was about an hour and a half, reading them, and talking about thera, with his Majesty and my Lord Duke. After this, I went to visit my sister, who lay then sick at London. Jan. 5, Wednesday. My Lord Duke of Buckingham shewed me two letters of, &c. the falsehood of, &c. That day, as I waited to speak with my Lord, Secretary Calvert fell in speech with me about some differences between the Greek and the Roman Church. Then also and there, a young man, that took on hun to be a Frenchman, fell into discourse about the Church of England. He grew at last earnest for the Roman Church; but T'lbi dabo claves, and Pasce cues, was all he said ; save that he would shew this proposition in St Augustin, Romana Ecclesia facta est caput omnium Ecclesiarum ab inslanle morl'is Christi. I believe he was a Priest; but he wore a o- -o J o -o 32 THE DIARY OF lock down to his shoulders. I heard after that he was a French gentleman. Jan. 15, Saturday. The speech which I had with my Lord Duke at Wallingford House Jan. 21, Friday. The business of my Lord Purbeck, made known unto me by my Lord Duke.— Jan. 23, Sunday night. The discom'se which my Lord Duke had with me about witches and astrologers. — Jan. 25, Tuesday night. I acquainted my Lord Duke with my hard hap in my business with L. C. D. for which I had been so often blamed. — Jan. 28, Friday. I took my leave of my Lord Duke. His wish that he had known K. L. sooner, but, &c. Jan. 30, Sunday night. My dream of my Blessed Lord and Saviom* Jesus Christ. One of the most comfortable passages that ever I had in my life. Feb. 12, Saturday. I ordained Mr. Thomas Atkinson, of St. John's, Deacon. — Feb. 13, Sunday. I preached at Westminster. — March 5, Saturday. The High Commission sat first about Sir R. II. &c. — March 6, o ! , o- -0 ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 33 Sunday, the first in Lent, I preached at the Temple, at the Reader's solemnity. The Duke of Buckingham and divers other Lords there. — March 13, Sunday, second in Lent. I ordained Robert Rockell, Priest, Eleazar Dunkon and Edward Quarles, Deacons. They were Masters of Arts of Pembroke Hall in Cambridge. 1625, Mai-ch 27, Midlent Sunday. I preached at Whitehall. I ascended the pulpit much troubled, and in a very me lancholy moment, the report then spread ing, that his Majesty King James, of most sacred memory to me, was dead. Being interrupted with the dolours of the Duke of Buckingham, I broke off my sermon in the middle. The King died at Theobald's, about three quarters of an hour past eleven in the forenoon. He breathed forth his blessed soul most religiously, and with great constancy of faith, and courage. That day, about five o'clock. Prince Charles was so lemnly proclaimed King. God grant to him a prosperous and happy reign ! The King o o- -o o- 5 34 THE DIARY OF fell sick, March 4, on Friday. The disease appeared to be a tertian ague. But I fear it was the gout, which, b}' the wrong ap plication of medicines, was driven from his feet to his inward vital parts. April 1, Friday. I received letters from the Earl of Pembroke, Lord Chamberlain to the King, and therein a command from his Majesty King. Charles, to preach a sermon before himself and the House of Peers in the Session of Parliament, to be held on the 1 7th day of May next following. — April 3, Sunday. I delivered into the Duke of Buckingham's hands my short annotations upon the life and death of the most august King James ; which he had commanded me to put in writing. — April 5, Tuesday. I exhibited a schedule, in which were wrote the names of many Churchmen, marked with the letters O and P. The Duke of Buckingham had com manded to digest their names in that method; that (as himself said) he might deliver them to King Charles. — April Q, Saturday. The Duke of Buckingham, whom upon all ac- o — -o -O-O ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 35 counts I am bound for ever to honour, sig nified to me, that a certain person, moved tiirough I know not what envy, had black ened my name with his Majesty King Charles; laying hold for that purpose of the error, into which, by I know not what fate, 1 had formerly fallen in the business of Charles Eari of Devonshire, l605, Dec. 26. The same day I received in command, to go to the Right Reverend the Bishop of Winchester, and learn from him, what he would have done in the cause of the Church; and bring back his answer, especially in the matter of the Five Articles, &c April 10, Sunday, After sermon was done, I went to the Bishop, who was then in his chamber at Court. I acquainted him with what I had received in command. He gave to me liis answer. From thence we went together to hear prayers in Somerset House. Having heard prayers, we afterwards saw there the body of the late King James ; which rested there till the day of his funeral rites.— April 13, Wednesday. I brought back to o- -o o- -o 36 THE DIARY OF the Duke of Buckingham the answer of the Bishop of Winchester. At the same time, the Duke made known to me, what the King had determined concerning his Clerk of the Closet, the Right Reverend the Bishop of Durham, and about his successor in that ofiice. — April 17, Easter Day. The Bishop of Durham being sick, I was appointed (but at the desire of the said Bishop) by the Right Honourable the Earl of Pembroke, Lord Chamberlain of the Household, to wait upon his Majesty in the quality of Clerk ofthe Closet; Avhich place I executed till the first of May. — April 23, Burton presented his paper to the King. May 1. The marriage was celebrated at Paris, between his Majesty King Charles, and the most illustrious Princess Henrietta Maria of France, daughter of Henry IV. — May 7, Saturday. We celebrated the funeral of King James. — May 11. Early in the morning, the Duke of Buckingham went towards the sea side, to pass over into France to meet the Queen Mary. I wrote letters to the Duke that day, which might follow after him ; for 6 ^ o -o I ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 37 he went in great haste. — May 17. The Par liament was put off till the last day of May.— May 18. I took a short journey with my brother to Hammersmith; that we might there see our coramon friends. It was Wed nesday. — May 19, Thursday. I sent letters the second tirae to the Duke of Buckingham, then staying for a while at Paris. — May 29, Sunday. I gave a tliird letter into the hands of the Bishop of Durham, who was to attend the King ; that he might deliver them to the Duke of Buckingham at his first landing. — May 30, Monday. I went to Chelsea, to wait upon the Duchess of Buckingham. — May 31, Tuesday. The Parliament was a second tirae put off till Monday, the 13th of June. King Charles set forward toward Canterbury to meet the Queen. June 5, Whitsunday. In the morning, just as I was going to prayers, I received letters from France, from the most illustrious Duke of Buckingham. — Jmie 6, I wrote an answer next morning. After I had finished my answer, the venerable Lancelot Bishop of o- -o o- -o 38 THE DIARY OF Winchester and I went together to the country house, which John Bishop of Ro chester hath by Bromley. We dined there, and retumed in the evening. — June 8, Wed nesday. I went to Chelsea, but returned with my labour lost. — June 12, Sunday. It was Trinity Sunday; Queen Mary crossing the seas. Landed upon our shore about seven o'clock in the evening. God grant that she may be an evening and an happy star to our orb. — June IS, Monday. The Parliament waiting for the King's coming, adjourned again till Saturday, the 18th of June.— June l6, Thursday. The King and and Queen came to London. They arrived at Court at five o'clock. It was ill weather, and the day cloudy. When they came by the Tower of London, (for they came by water instead of coach,) the King led out the Queen to the outside of the barge, that she might see the people and the city. But at the same time, a violent shower of rain fallins down, forced them both to return into the inwai-d pai't of the barge. The shower con- o- -o 0- -Q ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 39 tinned, until they had entered Whitehall; and then ceased. June 1 S, Saturday. The first Parliament of King Charles, which had been so often put off, now began. There were present at the opening of it, the Duke of Shiveruz, with other French noblemen ; a Bishop also, who attended the Queen. For feai* of the pestilence, which then began to be very rife, the King omitted the pomp usual upon that day, lest the great conflux of people should be of ill consequence. And the Sermon, which had been imposed upon me to be preached in Westminster Abbey at the beginning of this Session, was put off to the next day, that is, to June 19, First Sunday after Trinity. On which day I preached it in the Chapel at Whitehall. — June 20. The Convocation began. — June 24, was the Feast of St. John Baptist. The King commanded the Archbishop of Canterbury, with six other Bishops, whom he then named, to advise together concerning a public Fast, and a Form of Prayer, to implore the Divine mercy, now that the pestilence began to o- -o o o 40 THE DIARY OF spread, and the extraordinary wet weather threatened a famine; and also to beg the Divine blessing upon the fleet, now ready to put to sea. The Bishops were, London, Durham, Winchester, Norwich, Rochester, St David's. This was done. — June 25, Saturday. All the Bishops, who were then in town, were introduced together, that they might wait upon Queen Mary, and kiss her hand. She received us very graciously. — July 2, Satur day. The Fast was kept by both Houses of Parliament, to set au example therein to the whole kingdom. July 3, Sunday. In my sleep, his Majesty King James appeared to me. I saw him only passing by swiftly. He was of a pleasant and serene countenance. In passing he saw me, beckoned to me, smiled, and was imme diately withdrawn from my sight. July 7, Thursday. Richard Montague was brought into the lower House of Parliament, &c — July 9, Saturday. It pleased his Ma jesty King Charles to intimate to the House of Commons, that what had been there said O 0 ii -o -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 41 and resolved, without consulting him, in Montague's cause, was not pleasing to him. — July 1 1, Monday. The Parliament was pro rogued to Oxford against the first day of August — July 1 3, Wednesday. There having died in the former week at London 1222 persons, I went into the country to the house of my good friend Francis Windebank. In going thither, Richard Montague met me by chance. I was the first who certified hira of the King's favour to him.— July 1 5, Friday. I went to Windsor; and performed some businesses committed to my trust by the Right Reverend Bishop of Durham. I re turned that night. The Court was there at that time.— July 17, Sunday. I went again to Windsor. I stood by the King at dinner time. Some matters of philosophy were the subject of discourse. I dined. Afterwards I sat in the house ofthe Bishop of Gloucester. Bai'on Vaughan was there present with his eldest son. The next day, one ofthe Bishop's servants, who had waited at table, was seized with the plague. God be merciful to me and o ^ — o o -o 42 THE DIARY OF the rest ! That night I returned, being become lame on the sudden, through I know not what humour falling down upon my left leg, or (as R. An. thought) by the biting of bugs. I grew well within two days. July 20, Wednesday. A public Fast was held throughout all England. I preached in the parish of Hurst, where I then abode with Master Windebank. — July 21, Thursday. I visited Sir Richard Hai-rison, and returned. — July 24, Sunday. I preached in the parish of Hurst. — July 29, Friday. I entered into Oxford.-^July 31, Sunday. I fell down, I know not how, in the parlour of the Presi dent's lodging at St John's College, and hurt my left shoulder and hip. — Aug. 1 , Monday. The Parliament began at Oxford. Presently after the beginning of it, a great assault was made against the Duke of Buckingham. — Aug. 12, Friday. The Parliament was dis solved ; the Commons not hearkening, as was expected, to the King's proposals. — Aug. 13. My relapse. I never was weaker, in the judgment of the physician. It was Monday. o— 0 ^ o o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 43 The same day I began my joumey towards Wales.— Aug. 21, Sunday. I preached at Brecknock: where I stayed two days, very busy in performing some business. That night, in my sleep, it seemed to rae, that the Duke of Buckingham came into bed to me; where he behaved himself with great kind ness towards me, after that rest, wherewith wearied persons are wont to solace themselves. Many also seeraed to me to enter the chamber, who saw this. Not long before, I drearaed that I saw the Duchess of Buckingham, that excellent lady, at first very much perplexed about her husband, but afterwards cheerful and rejoicing, that she was freed from the fear of abortion, so that in due time she might be again a mother. August 24, Wednesday. The Festival of St. Bartholomew. I came safely (thanks be to God) to my own house at Aberguille, although my coach had been twice that day overturned between Aber-markes and my house. The first time I was in it ; but the latter time it was empty. — August 20, Sunday. o- o -0 44 THE DIARY OF I consecrated the chapel, or oratory, which I had built at my own charge in my house, commonly called Aberguilly House. I naraed it the chapel of St. John Baptist, in grateful remembrance of St. John Baptist's College in Oxford, of which I had been first Fellow, and afterwards President And this I had determined to do. But another thing inter- vened, (of no ill omen as 1 hope,) of which I had never thought. It was this. On Satur day, the evening immediately preceding the consecration, while I was intent at prayer, I know not how, it came strongly into my mind, that the day of the Beheading of St John Baptist was very near. When prayers were finished, I consulted the Calendar. I found that day to fall upon Monday, to wit, the 29th of August, not upon Sunday. I could have wished it had fallen upon that same day, when I consecrated the chapel. However, I was pleased that I should perform that solemn consecration at least on the eve of that Festival. For upon that day, his Majesty King James heard my cause about -o o- -O ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 45 the election to the Presidentship of St. John's College in Oxford, for three hours together at least; and with great justice delivered me out ofthe hands of my powerful enemies. Sept 4, Sunday. The night following I was very much troubled in my dreams. My imagination ran altogether upon the Duke of Buckingham, his servants, and family. All seemed to be out of order : that the Duchess was ill, called for her maids, and took her bed. God grant better things! — Sept 11, Sunday. I preached at Carraarthen, the Judges being then present. The same night I dreamed, that Dr. Theodore Prince admonished me concerning Ma. 3. and that he was unfaithful to me, and discovered all he knew : and that I should therefore take heed of him, and trust him no more, &c. Afterwards I dreamed of Sackville Crow, that he was dead of the plague, having not long before been with the King. — Sept 24. One only person desired to receive Holy Orders from me ; and he found to be unfit, upon examination. — Sept. 25. I sent him away with an exhortation, not o- -o o -Q 46 THE DIARY OF ordained. It was then Saturday, — Sept. 26, Sunday. That night I dreamed of the mar riage of I know not whom at Oxford. All that were present were clothed with flourisli ing grocii garments. I know none of them but Thomas Flaxnye. Immediately after, without any intermission of sleep, (that I know of,) I thought I saw the Bishop of Worcester, his head and shoulders covered witli linen. He advised and invited me kindly to dwell with them, marking out a place, where the Court of the Marches of Wales was then held. But not staying for my answer, he subjoined, that he knew I could not live so meanly, &c. Oct 8, Saturday. The Earl of Northamp ton, President of Wales, returned out of Wales, taking his journey by sea. — Oct 9, Sunday. I preached at Carmarthen. — Oct 10, Monday. I went on horseback up to the mountains. It was a very bright day for the time of year, and so warm, that, in our return, I and my company dined in the open air, in a place called Pente-Cragg, where my Re- o o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 47 gistrary had his country house Oct SO, Sunday. Sir Thomas Coventry made Lord Keeper.— Nov. 11, Friday. I began my journey to return into England.— Nov, 17, Thursday. Charles, the Duke of Bucking ham's son, was born. — Nov. 20, Sunday. 1 preached at Honye-Lacye in Hereford shire.— Nov. 24, Thursday. I came to the house of my great friend Fr. Windebank, at Hains-Hill. There the wife of ray friend, (for himself was then at Court) imraediately as soon as I came told rae, that tbe Duke of | Buckingham (then negociating for the public in the Low Countries) had a son born ; whom God bless with all the good things of heaven and earth— Dec. 4, Sunday. I preached at Hurst I stayed there in the counti-y until Christmas. — Dec. 14, Wednesday. I went to Windsor; but returned the same day. Dec. 25, Sunday. I preached at Hurst upon Christmas Day.— Dec. 31, Saturday. I went to the Court, which was then at Hampton Court. There, Jan. 1, Sunday, I understood that I was named araong other Bishops, who . 6 i )- -o 48 THE DIARY' OF were to consult together on Wednesday fol lowing at Whitehall, concerning the Cere monies of the Coronation. I was also at the same time informed, that the bigger part of the Bishop of Durham's house was appointed for the residence of the Ambassador Extra ordinary of the King of France. — Jan. 2, Monday. I returned to Hains-Hill. For there, not then knowing any thing of these matters, I had left my necessary papers with my trunk. When 1 had put these in order, I went to Sir Richard Harrison's house, to take leave of ray friends. There (if I raistake not) I first knew what F. H. thought of me. I told my mind plainly, &c. 1 returned. Jan. 3, Tuesday. I came to London, and fixed myself at my own house at Westmuister. For the week before Christmas I had sent ray servant, who had brought all my things out ofthe house of ray good friend the Bishop of Durham (with whom I had abode as a guest for four yfears complete) to my own house, save only my books; the removal of which I unadvisedly put off till my own coming. For 6 ^ ~ 1 o -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 49 the coming of the French Ambassador forced me to make over-much haste; and the multi tude of business then laying upon me, made it requisite that I should have my books at hand. In the evening, I visited the Duke of Buckingham. — Jan. 4, Wednesday. We met at Whitehall to consult of the Ceremonies of the Coronation. I sent my servant to bring my books, who brought them. That night I placed them in order in my study. And it was high time. For while we were in consultation about the Ceremonies, the Right Honourable the Earl of Pembroke, Lord Chamberlain of the Household to his Majesty, came from the King to us, and delivered to me the King's order, to be ready against the sixth day of February, to preach that day at the opening of Parliament. — Jan. 6, Friday, Epiphany Day. We met again to consult concerning the Ceremonies ; and gave up our answer to the King. — Jan. 16. The Archbishop of Canterbury made known to me the King's pleasure, that at the Coronation I should supply the place of the Dean of West- 6- o- -Q 50 THE DIARY OF minster. For that his Majesty would not have the Bishop of Lincoln, then Dean, to be present at the Ceremony. It was then Mon day. The same day, by the King's com mand, a consultation was held, what was to be done in the cause of Richard Montague. There were present, the Bishops of London, Durham, Winchester, Rochester, and St. David's. Jan. 17, Tuesday. We gave in our answer in writing, subscribed this day. This day also, the Bishop of Lincoln deputed me, under his hand and seal, to supply the place for hira, which he, as Dean of Westminster, was to execute in the Coronation of King Charles.- Jan. 18, Wednesday. The Duke of Bucking ham brought me to the King, to whom I shewed my notes, that if he disliked any thmg therein, &c. The same day by the King's command, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and tlie Bishops of London, Durham, Win chester, Rochester, and St. David's, consulted together concerning a Form of Prayer, to give thanks for the decrease of the plague.- 6 ^ o- -o -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 51 Jan. 23. I had a perfect book of the Cere monies of the Coronation made ready, agree ing in all things with the King's Book. It was Monday. Jan. 29, Sunday. I understood what D. B. had collected concerning the cause, book, and opinions of Richard Montague, and what R. C. had determined with himself therein. Me thinks I see a cloud arising, and threatening the Church of England, God of His mercy dissipate it. [As the Archbishop regarded Mr. Montague's ca.se of such great importance, it may be well here to insert a letter which has reference to this matter. Mr. Montague, Bishop of Norwich, was an Etonian, and afterwards FeUow of King's. He first came into notice hy a successful attack upon Selden's History of Tithes ; which gained him the favour of King James. In 1624, he was very much annoyed in his parish of Stamford Kivers in Essex, by some Jesuits making converts there. In the course of controversy with them, he managed to exafsperate the ultra-Protestant party, who accused him of Avminianism before the House of Commons. His chief offence, according to Heylin, was his having o- i o- -o 52 THE DIARY OF presumed to speak disrespectfully of the Synod of Dort. However, the House of Commons, thinking itself as competent to take spiritual as well as temporal matters under its protection, had him arrested, reprimanded by the Speaker, and com mitted to the custody of the Serjeant-at-Armn, till he could find security for his appearance in £2000. His famous hook, " Appello Caesarem," wa,s the more obnoxious to them, because of the favour it had found in the eyes of King Charles, Mon tague, however, was subsequently raised to the see of Chichester, and afterwards translated to Nor wich. Among his other works, he wrote a Com mentary on the Epistles of Photius, and had some share in bringing out Sir Henry Savile's edition of St. Chrysostom in 1613 ; he being at that time a Fellow of Eton. Laud, with the Bishops of Eo- ohester (John Buokeridge, who preceded him as President of St. John's) and Oxford, (John How- son, Canon of Christ Church,) foreseeing the evil which might fall upon the Church from this conduct of the House of Commons, wrote a joint letter to the Duke of Buckingham ; of which a copy is given in Heylin's Cyprianus Anglicus.] May it please your Grace, We are bold to be suitors to you in behalf of the Church of England, and a poor member U -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 53 of it, Mr. Mountague, at this time not a little distressed. We are not strangers to his person, but it is the cause which we are bound to be tender of. The cause we con ceive (under correction of better judgment) concerns the Church of England nearly ; for that Church, when it was reformed from the superstitious opinions broached or maintained by the Church of Rome, refused the ap parent and dangerous errors, and would not be too busy with every particular school- point. The cause why she held this modera tion was, because she could not be able to preserve any unity amongst Christians, if men were forced to subscribe to curious par ticulars disputed in schools. Now may it please your Grace, the opinions which at this time trouble many men in the late book of Mr. Mountague, are some of them such as are expressly the resolved doctrine of the Church of England, and those he is bound to maintain. Some of them are such as are fit only for schools, and to be left at more liberty for learned men " to abound in their o— o o- 54 -o o- THE DIARY OF own sense," so they keep themselves peace able, and distract not the Church. And there fore to make any man subscribe to school opinions, may justly seem hard in the Church of Christ, and was one great fault of the Council of Trent. And to affright them from those opinions in which they have (as they are bound) subscribed to the Church, as it is worse in itself, so may it be the mother of greater danger. May it please your Grace farther to con sider, that when the Clergy submitted them selves in the time of Henry the Eighth, the submission was so made, that if any difference doctrinal or other fell in the Church, the King and the Bishops were to be judges of it in the national Synod or Convocation ; the King first giving leave under his Broad Seal to handle the points in difference. But the Church never submitted to any other judge, neither indeed can she though she would. And we humbly desire your Grace to con sider, and then to move his most gracious Majesty, (if you shall think fit,) what danger- 6 O' -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. OUS consequences may follow upon it. For first, if any other judge be allowed in raatter of doctrine, we shall depart from tlie ordinance of Christ, and the continual cause and practice of the Church. Secondly, If the Church be once brought down beneath herself, we cannot but fear what may be the next stroke at it. Thirdly, It will someway touch the honour of his Majesty's dear father, and our most dread Sovereign of glorious and ever-blessed memory. King James, who saw and ap proved all the opinions of this book. And he in his rare wisdom and judgment would never have allowed thera, if they had crossed with truth and the Church of England. Fourthly, we must be bold to say, that we cannot conceive what use there can be of civil government in the Commonwealth, or of preaching, or external ministry in the Church, if such fatal opinions, as some which are opposite and contrary to these delivered by Mr. Mountague are, shall be publicly taught and maintained. Fifthly, we are certain that all or most of the contrary opi- o- -(J 6 O — . ^^ THE DIARY OF nions were treated of at Lambeth, and ready to be published, but then Queen Elizabeth of famous memory, upon notice given, how little they agreed with the practice of piety, and obedience to all government, caused them to be suppressed. And so they have con tinued ever since, till of late some of them have received countenance at the Synod of Dort. Now this was a Synod of that nation, and can be of no authority in any other national Church, till it be received there by public authority. And our hope is, that the Church of England will be well advised, and more than once over, before she admit a foreign Synod, especially of such a Church as conderaneth her discipline and manner of government, to say no more. And further, we are bold to commend to your Grace's wisdom this one particular. His Majesty (as we have been informed) hath already taken this business into his own care, and most worthily referred it in a right course to Church consideration. And we well hoped, that without ftirther trouble to the State, or ^ ¦o o -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 57 breach of unity in the Church, it might so have been well and orderly composed, as we still pray it may. These things considered, we have little to say for Mr Mountague's person : only thus much we know. He is a very good scholar, and a right honest man : a man every way able to do God, his Majesty, and the Church of England, great service. We fear he may receive discourageraent, and (which is far worse) we have some cause to doubt this may breed a great backwardness in able men to write in the defence of the Church of England, against either home or foreign adversaries, if they shall see hira sink in fortunes, reputation, or health, upon oc casion ofhis book. And this we raost hurably submit to your Grace's judgment, and care of the Church's peace and welfare. So com mending your Grace to the protection of Almighty God, We shall ever rest at your Grace's service, Jo. Roffens. Jo. Oxon. Guil. Mencven. Aug. 2, 1625.'' ¦¦ The day after Parliament met at Oxford. Ed. o- o Q- ^8 THE DIARY OF Jan. 31, Tuesday. The Bishops and other Peers, before nominated by the King to con sult of the Ceremonies of the Coronation, that the ancient manner might be observed, by his Majesty's comraand, went together to hira. The King viewed all the Regalia; put on St. Edward's tunics; commanded me to read the Rubrics of direction. All being read, we carried back the Regalia to Westminster Church, and laid them up in their place. Feb. 2, Thursday and Candlemas Day. His Majesty King Charies was crowned. I then officiated in the place of the Dean of Westminster. The King entered the Abbey Church a little before ten o'clock; and it was past three before he went out of it. It was a very bright sunshining day. The solemnity being ended, in the great Hall at West minster, when the King delivered into my hands the Regalia, which are kept in the Abbey Church of Westminster, he did (which had not before been done) deliver to me the Sword called Curtana, and two others, which had been carried before the King that day, to ¦P u- -6 o -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 59 be kept in the Church, together with the other Regalia. I returned, and offered them solemnly at the Altar in the name of the King, and laid thera up with the rest. In so great a ceremony, and amidst an incredible concourse of people, nothing was lost, or broke, or disordered. The theatre was clear, and free for the King, the Peers, and the business in hand; and I heard some of the nobility saying to the King in their retum, that they never had seen any solemnity, although much less, performed with so little noise, and so great order. [We learn from Heylin, that the King himself had appointed the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin, vulgarly called Candlemas Day. The reason why so much consultation took place about the Ceremonies, was this ; Edward VI. and Elizabeth had been crowned according to the Bites of the Koman Pontifical ; and the arrangements at King James's Coronation had been very hasty and incomplete. Among other alterations were these ; that the unction should be made in the form of a Cross : that the following address should be made to the King after the unction : " Stand, and hold fast o- -o o ^•0 THE DIARY OF from henceforth the place to which you have heen heir by the succession of your forefathfirs, being now delivered to you by the authority of Almighty God, and by the hands of us and all the Bishops, and servants of God : and as you see the Clergy to come nearer to the Altar than others, so remember that in place convenient yoa give them greater honour ; that the Mediator of God and man may establish you in the kingly throne, to be the medi- ator between the Clergy and the Laity, that you may reign for ever with Jesus Christ, the King of kings, and Lord of lords, Who, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reign eth for ever. Amen :" and, lastly, a prayer was revived which had been disused since Henry the Sixth's time, as being conceived by the Church of Home to give too much ecclesiastical jurisdiction to the King : " Let him obtain favour for the people, like Aaron in the tabernacle, Elisha in the waters, Zacharias in the temple : give him Peter's key of discipline, and Paul's doctrine."] Feb. 6, Monday. I preached before King Charles and the House of Peers, at the open ing of the Parliament. £He preached on the 3d, 4th, and 5th verses of Psalm cxxii : and his Sermon contains this solemn and prophetic o 6 -o 0 -0 ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 61 warning. He reminds them of the words of Tacitus ; " That nothing gave the Romans (powerful enemies as they were) more advan tage against the ancient Britons, than this; quod faclionibtis et studiis irahebantur ; that they were broken into factions, and would not so much as take counsel and advice together ; and they smarted for it. But, I pray, what is the difference for men not to meet in council, and to fall to pieces when they meet ? If the first were our forefathers' error, God of His mercy grant this second be not ours. And for the Church, that is, as the city too, just so ; doctrine and discipline are the walls and towers of it. But be the one never so true, and the other never so perfect, they come both short of preservation, if that body be not at unity in itself. The Church, take it Catholic, cannot stand well, if it be not compacted together into an holy unity with faith and charity. And as the whole Church is in regard of the affairs of Christendom, so is each particular Church in the nation and kingdom in which it sojourns. c- -o ;- 62 THE DIARY OF If it be not at unity in itself, it doth but invite malice, which is ready to do hurt with out any invitation : and it ever hes with an open side to the Devil and all his batteries. So both Church and State, then happy, and never till then, when they are at unity within themselves, and one with another. Well, both State and Church owe much to unity ; and therefore very httle to them that break the peace of either. " Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." But, if unity be so necessary, how raay it be pre served in both ? How ? I will tell you. Would you keep the State in unity ? In any case, take heed of breaking the peace of the Church. The peace of the State depends much upon it. For divide Christ in the minds of men, or divide the minds of men about their hopes of salvation in Christ, and tell me what unity there will be.] Feb. 11, Saturday. At the desire of the Earl of Warwick, a conference was held con cerning the cause of Richard Montague, in the Duke of Buckingham's house, [[between o- 6 o- Q ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 6.3 Dr. Morton and Dr. Preston on the one side, and Dr. White on the other.] — Feb. 17, Friday. The foresaid conference was re newed in the same place, many of the no bility being present. — Feb. 21, Shrove Tues day. The Duke of Buckingham sent for me to come to him ; and then gave me in com mand that, &c. — Feb. 23, Thursday. I sought the Duke at Chelsea. There I first saw his son and heir, Charles, lately born. I found not the Duke. Returning, I found his servant, who was seeking me. I went imraediately with him, and found the Duke at Court I related to him what I had done. — Feb. 24, Friday, and St. Matthias's Day. I was with the Duke in his house almost three hours ; where, with his own hand, &c. he coramanded me to add soraewhat. I did so, and brought it to him next day, Feb. 25. — Feb. 26, First Sunday in Lent. In the evening I presented to his Majesty King Charles my Sermon, which I had preached at the opening of the Parliament, being now printed by his Majesty's command. — Feb. 27, Monday. The -o o- -0 64 THE DIARY OF danger which happened to King Charles from his horse; which, having broken the two girths of the saddle, and the saddle together with the rider fallen under his belly, stood trembling, until the King, having received no hurt, &c. March 1, Wednesday, and the Festival of St David. A clamour arose in the House of Commons against the Duke of Bucking ham, more particularly for stopping a ship, called the St. Peter of Newhaven, after sen tence pronounced. From that day there were perpetual heats in the House. — March 6. I resigned the Parsonage of Ibstock, which I held in Commendam. — March 1 1 . Dr. Turner, a physician, offered in the House seven queries against the Duke of Buckingham; yet grounded upon no other foundation, than what he received from public fame : as him self confessed. It was then Saturday.— March l6, Thursday. A certain Dutchman, named John Oventrout, proposed to shew a way how the West Indies raight shake off the yoke of Spain, and put themselves under the o- -o H t^ c- o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 65 subjection of our King Charles. Thematterwas referred to be disclosed to the Earl of Totness, the Lord Conway, Principal Secretary, and, because he said that his stratagem did depend in a great measure upon religion, I was added to them. The old raan proposed somewhat about the taking of Arica: yet shewed not to us any method, how it raight be taken; unless it were, that he would have the minds of the inliabitants to be divided in the cause of religion, by sending in among thera the Catechism of Heidelberg. We dismissed the man, and returned not a whit the wiser. 1626. March 26, Sunday. D. B. (D. of Buck.?) sent me to the King. There I gave to the King an account of those two busi nesses, which, &c. His Majesty thanked me. — March 29. King Charles spoke to both Houses of Parliament, (but directed his speech chiefly to the lower House,) both by himself, and by the Right Honourable the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, in the palace at Whitehall. He also added much concern ing the Duke of Buckingham, &c. In tlie o o o- -o 66 THE DIARY OF Convocation held that day, there was. much debating concerning the Sermon which Gabriel Goodman', Bishop of Gloucester, had preached before the King on the Sunday preceding, being the fifth Sunday of Lent. April 5, Wednesday. The King sent in the morning, commanding the Bishops of Norwich ^Sam. Harsnet], Litchfield [[Thos. Morton], and St. David's to attend him. I and the Bishop of Litchfield waited upon him ; the Bishop of Norwich being gone into the country. We received the King's com mands about, &c. and returned. — April 12, Wednesday. At nine in the forenoon, we met together, viz. the Archbishop of Canter- ' The Archbishop seems to have mistaken Bishop Goodman's Christian name, which was Godfrey, not Gabriel ; as may be seen from his signature to the Bishops' Protestation in Lord Clarendon, sub an. 1641. See also Godwin's Prtesul. The Sermon in question was to assert the high view of the Sacraments j and was supposed to favour the Corporal Presence of Christ's Body in the Sacrament of the Altar. 6- -o 0- -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 67 bury ^G. Abbot], Winchester [Lane. An drewes], Durham [Rich. Neile], and St, David's; being commanded by the King to consult together concerning the Sermon which Dr. Goodman, the Bishop of Gloucester, had preached before his Majesty on the fifth Sunday in Lent last past. We advised to gether, and gave this answer to the King; That some things were therein spoken less cautiously, but nothing falsely ; that nothing was innovated by him in the doctrine of the Church of England: that the best way would be, that the Bishop should preach the Sermon again, at some time to be chosen by himself, and should then shew how and wherein he was misunderstood by his au ditor. That night, after nine o'clock, I gave to the King an account of what I had received in command on the fifth of April, and of other things relating thereto. Among the rest, concerning restoring Impropriations. The King spoke many things very graciously therein; after I had first discoursed of the manner of effecting it. o- -o c -o 68 THE DIARY OF April 14, Friday. The Duke of Bucking ham fell into a fever. — April ig, Wednesday. The petition of John Digby, Earl of Bristol, against the Duke of Buckingham, was read in the House of Lords. It was very sharp, and such as threatens ruin to one of the parties. — April 24, Friday. King Charles referred the cognizance of that whole matter, as also of the petition of the Earl Digby, to the House of Parliament — April 21, Saturday. The Duke of Buckingham sent to me to come to hira. There I first heard what Sir John Cooke the King's Secretary had suggested against me to the Lord Treasurer, and he to the Duke. Lord, be merciful to me Thy ser vant ! — April 22, Sunday. The King sent for all the Bishops to come to him at four o'clock in the afternoon. We waited upon him, four teen in number. Then his Majesty chid us, that in this time of Parliament we were silent in the cause of the Church, and did not raake known to him what might be useful, or was prejudicial to the Church; professing hiraself ready to promote the cause of the Church. o- o o- -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 69 He then commanded us, that in the causes of the Earl of Bristol and Duke of Bucking ham, we should follow the direction of our own consciences, being led by proofs, not by reports. — April 30, Sunday. I preached before the King at Whitehall. May 1, Monday. The Earl of Bristol was accused in Parliament of high ti-eason, by the King's Attorney, Sir Robert Heath; the Earl then and there preferred twelve articles against the Duke of Buckingham, and therein charged him with the same crime ; and other articles also against the Lord Conway, Secre tary of State. The Earl of Bristol was cora raitted to the custody of James Maxwell, the officer in ordinary of the House of Peers. — May 4, Thursday. Arthur Lake, Bishop of Bath and Wells, died at London. — May 8, Monday. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the House of Commons brought up to the House of Peers a charge against the Duke of Buckingham, consisting of thirteen articles. — May 11, Thursday. King Charles came into the Parliament House, and made a short o- -o 0- 0 70 THE DIARY OF speech to the Lords, concerning preserving the honour of the nobility against the vile .'ind malicious calumnies of those in the House of Comraons, who had accused the Duke, &c. They were eight who in this raatter chiefly appeared. The Prologue, Sir Dudley Digges, the Epilogue, John Elliott, were this day by the King's command committed to the Tower. They were both dismissed thence within few days.— May 25, Thursday. The Earl of Arundel not being sent back to the House, nor the cause of his detainment made known, the House of Peers began to be jealous of the breach of their privileges ; and resolved to adjourn the House to the next day. On which day. May 26, they adjourned again to June 2, resolving to do nothing until the Earl should be set free, or at least a cause given, &c. — May 25. On which day these troubles first began, was the Feast of Pope Urban; and at this time Urban VIII. sitteth in the Papal Chair ; to whom and to the Spaniard, if they, who most desire it, would do any acceptable service ; I do not see, what -o O- I -O ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 71 they could better devise in that kind, than to divide thus into pai'ties the great Council of the kingdom. June 1 5, Thursday. After many debates and stragglings, private malice against the Duke of Buckingham prevailed, and stopped all public business. Nothing was done; but Parliament was dissolved. — June 20, Tuesday. His Majesty King Charles named me to be Bishop of Bath and Wells: and at the same time commanded rae to prepare a Sermon for the public Fast ; which he had by proclama tion appointed to be kept on the 5th of July following. — July 5. A solemn Fast appointed, partly upon account of the pestilence yet raging in raany parts of the kingdora, partly on account of the danger of enemies threaten ing us. I preached this day, before the King and nobiHty, at Whitehall. It was Wednes day. — July 8. The King commanded me to print and pubhsh the Sermon. It was Satur day. — July 16. I presented that Sermon, which was now printed, to his Majesty; and returned.— July 26, Wednesday. The King o- o O- Q 72 THE DIARY OF signed the conge d'6lire, empowering the Dean and Chapter to elect me Bishop of Bath and Wells.— July 24, Thursday. In the morn mg. Dr. Field, Bishop of Llandaff, brought to me certain letters frora the most illustrious Duke of Buckingham. The letters were open, and wrote partly in characters. The Duke sent them to me, that 1 should consult one named Swadlinge, mentioned in those let ters, as one who could read the characters. I was also named in them, as to whom that Swadlinge was known, having been educated in St. John's College in Oxford, at what time I was President of that College. Aug. I. Thomas Swadlinge came to me, whom, from his leaving College to that day, for almost eight years, 1 had not once seen. He bestowing some pains, at length read the cha racters, and Aug. 4, Friday, I and he went to the Duke. He read them: they were cer tain malicious things. The Duke, as was fit, despised them. We returned. — Aug. l6. I was elected Bishop of Bath and Wells, being Wednesday, the letter D. — Aug. 25, Friday. O- o -O ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 73 Two robin-redbreasts flew together through the door into my study, as if one pursued the other. That sudden motion almost startled me. I was then preparing a Sermon on Eplies. iv. 30. and studying. Sept. 14, Thursday evening. The Duke of Buckingham willed me to form certain in structions, partly pohtical, partly ecclesiasti cal, in the cause of the King of Denmark, a little before brought into great straits by General Tilly, to be sent through all parishes. He would have them made ready by Saturday following.— Septl6. I made them ready, and brought them at the appointed hour. I read thera to the Duke. He brought me to the King. I, being so comraanded, read them again. Each of them approved thera. — Sept. 17, Sunday. They were read (having been left with the Duke) before the Lords of the Privy Council; and were (thanks be to God) approved by them all. [It may not be amiss to subjoin these instructions from Heylin, sub an. 1626.] 6 "o o- -o 74 THE DIARY OF Most Reverend Father in God, right trusty and right well-beloved Counsellor, we greet you well. We have observed that the Church and the State are so nearly united and knit together, that though they may seem two bodies, yet indeed in some relation they may be ac counted but as one, inasmuch as they both are made up of the same men, which are differenced only in relation to spiritual or civil ends. This nearness makes the Church call in the help ofthe State, to succour and sup port her, whensoever she is pressed beyond her strength. And the same nearness makes the State caU. in for the service of the Church, both to teach that duty which her raerabers know not, and to exhort them to, and en courage thera in, that duty which they know. It is not long since we ordered the State to serve the Church, and by a tiraely proclama tion settled the peace of it. And now the State looks for the like assistance from the Church, that she and all her ministers may serve God o- o o -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD, 75 and US, by preaching peace and unity at horae, that it may be the better able to resist foreign force uniting and multiplying against it. And to the end that they to whom we have com mitted the government of the Church under us, may be the better able to dispose of the present occasions, we have, with the advice of our Council, thought fit to send unto you these instructions following, to be sent by you to the Bishops of your province, and such others whom it may concern, and by them and all their officers directed to all the ministers throughout the several dioceses, that ac cording to these punctually they may instruct and exhort the people to serve God and us, and labour by their prayers to divert the dangers which hang over us. The danger in which we are at this time is great. It is increased by the late blow given our good uncle the King of Denmark, who is the chief person in those parts that opposed the spread ing forces of Spain. If he cannot subsist, there is httle or nothing left to hinder the House of Austria frora being lord and master 6 — -o o- o 76 THE DIARY OF of Germany : and that is a large and mighty territory, and such as, should it be gotten, would make an open way for Spain to do what they pleased in all the west part of Christendom. For besides the great strength which Gei-many once possessed would bring to them, which are too strong already, you are to consider, first, how it enables them by land, in that it will join all or the most part of the Spaniard's now distracted ten-itories, and be a means for him safely and speedily to draw down forces against any other king dom that shall stand in his way. Nor can it be thought that the Low Countries can hold out longer against him if he once becorae lord of the upper parts. And secondly, you are to weigh how it will advantage hira by sea, and make him strong against us in our particular, which is of easy apprehension to aU men. And besides, if he once get Ger many, he will be able, though he had no gold frora India, to supply the necessity of those wars, and to hinder all trade and traffic ofthe greatest staple commodities of this kingdom. i -o o o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 77 cloth and wool, and so make them of little or no value. You are to know therefore, that to prevent this, is the present care of the King and State, and there is no probable way left but by sending forces and other supplies to the said King of Denmark, our dear uncle, to enable him to keep the field, that our enemies be not masters of all on the sudden. You are further to take notice, how both we and the whole State stand bound in honour and conscience to supply the present necessity of the King of Denmark. For this quarrel is more nearly ours, the recovery of the ancient inheritance of our dear sister and her children. The King of Denmark stands not so near in blood unto her, as we do. Yet for her and our sakes, that brave and vaUant King hath ad ventured into the field, and in that engage ment hath not only hazarded his person, but, as things go now, it may turn to some danger to his own kingdom and posterity, should he not receive aid and succour from us without delay: which should it happen, (as God for- -o o -0 78 THE DIARY OF bid,) will be one of the greatest dishonours that ever this kingdom was stained withal. Nor is danger and dishonour all the mischief that is like to follow this disaster. For if it be not presently relieved, the cause of religion is not only likely to suffer by it in some one part, (as it hath already in a fearful manner in the Palatinate,) but in all places where it hath gotten any footing. So that if we supply not presently our allies and confederates in tliis case, it is like to prove the extirpation of true religion, and the replanting of Romish superstition in all the neighbouring parts of Christendom. And the coldness of this State shall suffer in all places as the betrayer of that religion elsewhere, which it professeth and honoureth at home, which will be an imputation never to be washed off. And God forbid this State should suffer under it. Neither may you forget rightly to inform the people committed to your charge, that this war, which now gi'ows full of danger, was not entered upon rashly and without advice, but you are to acquaint them, that all former o- -o o- -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 79 treaties by a peaceable way were in the latter end of our dear father of ever-blessed memory dissolved as fruitless, and unfit to be longer held on foot ; and this by the counsel of both Houses of Parliament then sitting : so those two great and honourable bodies of Peers and People represented in Parliament led on this counsel and course to a war with Spain. To effect this, they desire our aid and assistance, and used us to work our said dear father to entertain this course. This upon their persuasions, and promises of all assist ance and supply, we readily undertook and effected, and cannot now be left in that busi ness, but with the sin and shame of all raen. Sin, because aid and supply for the defence of the kingdom, and the like affairs of State, especially such as are advised and assumed by Parliamentary counsel, are due to the King from his people, by all law both of God and men: and shame, if they forsake the King, while he pm'sues their own counsel, just and honourable, and which could not under God but have been as successful, if it c- -o o -o o- o 80 THE DIARY OF had been followed and supplied in time, as we desired and laboured for. One thing there is which proves a great hindrance of this State, and not continued among the people, without great offence against God, detriment both to Church and State, and our great disservice in this and all other business. It is breach of unity, which is grown too great and common amongst all sorts of men. The danger of this goes far; for in all states it hath made way for enemies to enter. We have by all means endeavoured union, and require of you to preach it, and charity, the mother of it, frequently in the ears of the people. We know their loyal hearts, and therefore wonder the more what should cause distracted affections. If you call upon them, (which is your duty,) we doubt not but that God will bless them with that love to Hira self, to His Church, and to their own preserv ation, which alone will be able to bind up the scatterings of divided affections into strength. To this end you are to lay before them what miseries home-divisions have o- o f ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 81 brought upon this and many other kingdoms, and to exhort all men to embrace it in time. The danger itself, besides all other Christian and prudent motives, is of force enough (where it is duly considered) to make me join in all amity against a common enemy; and to do it in time, before any secret and cunning working of his may use one part in a division to weaken the other. And in the last place, (but first and last and all times to be insisted on,) you are to call upon God yourselves, and to incite the people to join with you in humble and hearty prayers unto God, that Pie would be pleased now, after long affliction of His dear people and children, to look in mercy upon them and us, and in particular for the safety of the King of Denmark, and that army which is left him, that God would bless and prosper hira against his and our enemies. Thus you are to strengthen the hearts and hopes of our loyal subjects and people, in and upon God. ."^nd whereas the greatest confidence men have in God, ariseth not only from His promises, but from their -o o- o 82 THE DIARY OF experience likewise of His goodness, you must not fail often to recal to the memory ot the people, with thankfulness, the late great expe rience we have had of His goodness towards us. For the three great and usual judgments, which He darts down upon disobedient and unthankful people, are pestilence, famine, and the sword. The pestilence did never rage more in this kingdom than of late ; and God was graciously pleased in raercy to hear the prayers which were raade unto' Him, and ' the ceasing of the judgraent was little less than a miracle. The famine threatened us this present year ; and it must have followed, had God rained down His anger a little longer upon the fruits of the earth. But upon our prayers He stayed that judgment, and sent us a blessed season, and a most plentiful harvest. The sword is the thing which Ave are now to look to ; and you must call the people to their prayers again against that enemy, that God will be pleased to send the like deliverance frora this judgraent also; that in the same mercy He will vouch- o- o -c ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 83 safe to strengthen the hands of His people ; that He will sharpen their sword, but dull and turn the edge of that which is in our enemies' hand's ; that so, while some fight, others may pray for the blessing. And you are to be careful, that you fail not to direct and hearten our loving people in this and all other necessary services, both of God, His Church, and us ; that we may have the com fort of our people's service; the State, safety; the Church, religion; and the people, the enjoying of all such blessings as follow these. And we end with doubling this care upon you, and all under you in their several places. Given at our Palace at Westminster, in the second year of our Reign, September 21, 1626. Sept. 18, Monday. My election to the Bishopric of Bath and Wells was confirmed. — Sept. 19, Tuesday. At Theobald's 1 swore homage to his Majesty; who there presently restored me to the temporalities, from the o- -o o- 84 THE DIARY OF death of my predecessor. What passed between me and the Lord Conway, Principal Secretary to the King, in our return. — Sept. 25, Monday. About four o'clock in the morning died Lancelot Andrewes, the most worthy Bishop of Winchester, the great light of the Christian world. — Sept. 30, Saturday. The Duke of Buckingham signified to me the King's resolution, that I should succeed the Bishop of Winchester in the office of Dean of the Chapel Royal. — Oct. 2, Monday. The Duke related to me, what the King had farther resolved concerning me in case the Arch bishop of Canterbury should die, &c. — Oct. 3, Tuesday. I went to Court, which was then at Hampton Court. There I returned thanks to the King for the Deanery of the Chapel, then granted to me. I returned to London. — Oct. 6. I took the oath belonging to the Dean of the Chapel, in the vestry, before the Right Honourable Philip Earl of Montgomery, Lord Chamberlain; Stephen Boughton the Sub- Dean administering it. It was Friday. — Nov. 14, or thereabout, taking occasion from -o 6- -o o- -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 85 the abrupt both beginning and ending of public prayer on the fifth of November, I desired his Majesty King Charles, that he would please to be present at prayers as well as Sermon every Sunday ; and that at what soever part of the prayers he came, the Priest then officiating might proceed to the end of the prayers. The most religious King not only assented to this request; but also gave me thanks. This had not before been done from the beginning of King James's reign to this day. Now, thanks be to God, it ob- taineth. Dec. 21. I dreamed of the burial of I know not whom, and that I stood by the grave. I awaked sad. — Dec. 25, Christmas Day, Monday. 1 preached my first Sermon as Dean ofthe Chapel Royal, at Whitehall, upon St John i. 14,. pt. 1. - Jan. 5, Epiphany eve, and Friday. In the night I dreamed, that my mother, long since dead, stood by my bed, and drawing aside the clothes a little, looked pleasantly upon me; and that I was glad to see her with so merry an aspect o- -o o -o 86 THE DIARY OF She then shewed to me a certain old man, long since deceased ; whom, while alive, I both knew and loved. He seemed to lie upon the ground ; merry enough, but with a wrinkled countenance. His narae was Grove. While I prepared to salute him, 1 awoke. Jan. 8, Monday. I went to visit the Duke of Buckingham. He was glad to see me, and put into my hands a paper concerning the Invocation of Saints, which his mother had given to him ; a certain Priest, to me un known, had given it to her. — Jan. 1 3, Satur day. The Bishop of Lincoln desired re conciliation with the Duke of Buckingham, &c. — Jan. 14, Sunday. Towards morning I dreamed that the Bishop of Lincoln came, I know not whither, with iron chains. But returning loosed from them, leaped on horse back, went away ; neither could I overtake him. — Jan. X6, Tuesday. I dreamed that the King went out to hunt; and that when he was hungry, I brought him on the sudden into the house of my friend, Francis Winde bank. While he prepareth to eat, I, in the 6- -o o -O ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 87 absence of others, presented the cup to him after the usual manner. I carried drink to him ; but it pleased him not I carried it again, but in a silver cup. Thereupon his Majesty said. You know that I always drink out of glass. I go away again ; and awoke. — Jan. 17, Wednesday. I shew ray reasons to the King, why the papers of the late Bishop of Winchester, concerning Bishops, that they are jure Divino, should be printed; contrary to what the Bishop of Lincoln had pitifully, and to the great detriment of the Church of England, signified to the King ; as the King himself had before related to me. Feb. 7, Ash Wednesday. I preached at Court at Whitehall.— Feb. 9, Friday. The following night I dreamed, that I was troubled with the scurvy ; and that on the sudden all my teeth became loose ; that one of them especiallj' in the lower jaw, I could scarce hold in with ray finger, till I called out for help, &c. — Feb. 20, Tuesday. John Fenton began the cure of a certain itch, &c. — Feb. 22, Thursday. I began my journey o- o o — o 88 THE DIARY OF towards Newmarket, where the King then was. March 3, Saturday. I went to Cambridge with the Duke of Buckingham, Chancellor of that famous University, and other Earls and Lords. I was there incorporated; and so I was the first who was presented to the most illustrious, then sitting in the Congrega tion House. The Duke was treated by the University in an academical manner, yet splendidly. We returned.— March 6, Tues day. The King retumed from Newmarket, and I with him, toward London. — March 8, Thursday. I came to London. The night following I dreamed that I was reconciled to the Church of Rome. This troubled me much ; and I wondered exceedingly, how it should happen. Nor was I aggrieved with myself only by reason of the errors of that Church, but also' upon account of the scandal, f These words in Italics were left out by Prynne, when he had the Diary printed and distributed at the Archbishop's trial. Nor is this by any means a solitary illustration of the conduct of the Puritans, to whom the o- o J: -O ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 89 which frora that ray fall would be cast upon many eminent and learned raen in the Church of England. So being troubled at my dream, I said with myself that I would go imme diately, and, confessing my fault, would beg pardon of the Church of England. Going with this reaolution, a certain priest met me, and would have stopped me. But moved with indignation, I went on my way. And while I wearied myself with these trouble some thoughts, I awoke. Herein I felt such strong impressions, that I could scarce believe it to be a dream — March 12, Monday. I went with the King to Theobald's. I re turned next day, March 1 3 March 1 7, Saturdiiy. Tlie eve of Palm Sunday, about midnight, I buried Charles Viscount Buck ingham, the eldest and then only son of George Duke of Buckingham. He was then about a year and four months old. epithet conscientious has been so strangely awarded. Even the partial and party compilations of Rushworth are full of sirailar instances. -o o -o 0- 90 O THE DIARY OF 1627. March 25, Easter Day. I preached at Court, &c.— March 27, Tuesday. That night I had the following dream. Sorae legacies had been given to the Lady Dorothy Wright, the widow of Sir George Wriglu, ray ac quaintance. The legacies amounted to above £430, being bequeathed by a certain kinsman named Farnham, to the widow and her chil- dren. When the executor denied or deferred to pay the legacy, I had, at the desire of the widow, obtained letters in her behalf from the Duke of Buckingham, (for the Duke was Master of the Horse, and the said Sir G. was employed under him in the King's service.) When I had now those letters in ray hands, and was about to deliver them to the widow, that she might send them into Ireland, where the executor dwelt; this night. Sir George Wright appeared to me in ray sleep, having been dead two years before at least. He seeraed to me in very good plight and merry enough. I told him what I had done for his widow and children. He, after a little thought answered, that the executor had satisfied him 6- _i o- -Q ARCHBISHOP LAUD, 91 for those legacies, while he was yet alive. And presently looking upon sorae papers in his study adjoining, he added, that it was so. He, moreover, whispering in ray ear, told rae. that I was the cause why the Bishop of Lincoln was not againadrai ited into favour, and to Court. April 4, Wednesday. When his Majesty King Charles forgave to Dr. Donne certain slips in a Sermon preached on Sunday, April 1 , what he then most graciously said unto me, I have wrote in my heart with indeUble chai-acters, and great thankfulness to God and the King. — April 7, Satm-day. Going to Court to wait upon the King at supper, in going out of the coach, my foot stumbling, I fell headlong. I never had a more danger ous fall; but, by God's mercy, I escaped with a light bruise of my hip only. — April 24, Tuesday. There were then first sent to me the exceptions which the Archbishop of Can terbury had exhibited against Dr. Sibthorp's Sermonf, and what followed. — April 29, Sun- K The importance and repeated publication of single Sermons, has been with us an invariable symptom of o- -o o 92 THE DIARY OF day. I was made Privy Chancellor to his Majesty King Charles. God grant it may conduce to His honour, and to the good of the kingdom and the Church ! May 13, Whit-Sunday. I preached before the King, &c. June 7 and 8. I attended King Charles from London to South wick by Portsmouth.— June 11. His Majesty dined aboard the Triumph; where I attended hira June 17. The Bishopric of London was granted me at South wick.— June 22. We came to London. — June 24. I was commanded to go all the uneasy times in the Church. The beginnings of the Reformation, the times of the Puritans, the Non- Jurors and the latter days of Queen Anne's reign, may be adduced in proof of this. The pressure of circumstances in all these periods, was such as to set aside for a while the ordinary laws of literary production. The character of the English Church has for long been so eminently controversial, that our divinity is scarcely to be under stood or appreciated fairly, without a considerable knowledge of history, and the connection of the various theological schools with their times. o- -o o -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 93 Progress. — June 27. The Duke of Bucking ham set forwards towards the Isle of Rhe. — June SO. The Progress began to Oatlands. July 4. The King lost a jewel in hunting of a 4^1000 value. That day the message was sent by the King for the sequestering of A. B. C. (Archbishop of Canterbui-y, Dr. Abbot.) [Heylin's Ci/p. Angl. p. 169, The Church besides was at that time in an heavy condition, and oppor tunities must be watched for keeping her from fall ing from bad to worse. No better her condition now in the realm of England, than anciently in the Eastern Churches, when Nectarius sate as supreme Pastor in the Chair of Constantinople ; of which thus Nazianzen writes unto him: The Arians (saith he) were grown so insolent, that they make open profession of their heresy, as if they had been authorized and licensed to it ; the Macedonians so presumptuous, that they were formed into a sect, and had a titular Bishop of their own ; the Apollinarians held their conventicles with as much safety and esteem as the orthodox Christians. And for Euno- mius, the bosom-mischief of those times, he thought so poorly of a general connivance, that at last nothing would content him but a toleration. The cause of which disorders he ascribeth to Nectarius o- o- -Q 94 THE DIARY OF only. A man, as the historian (Socrates) saith of him, of an exceeding fair and plausible demeanour, and very gracious with the people : one that chose rather fas it seems) to give free way to all men's fancies, and suffer every man's proceedings, than draw upon himself the envy of a stubborn Clergy, and a factious multitude. Never was Church more like to Church, Bishop to Bishop, time to time, (the names of the sects and heresies being only changed,) than those of Constantinople then, and of England now. A pregnant evidence, that pos.si- bly there could not be a greater mischief in the Church of God than a popular Prelate. This, though his Majesty might not know, yet the Bishops which were about him did j who, there fore, had but ill discharged their duty both to God and man, if they had not made his Majesty ac quainted with it. He could not choose but see, by the practices and proceedings of the former Parlia ments, to what a prevalency the Puritans were grown in all parts of the kingdom, and how incom patible that humour was with the regal interest. There was no need to tell him from what fountain the mischief came ; how much the popularity and remiss government of Abbot did contribute towards it. Him, therefore, he sequestereth from his Metro- political jurisdiction, confines him to his house at Ford in Kent; and by his Commission, bearing O" o 0- o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 95 date the 9th day of October, 1627, transfers the exercise of that jurisdiction to Mountaine Bishop of London, Neile Bishop of Durham, Buckeridge Bishop of Eochester, Houson Bishop of Oxon, and Laud Bishop of Bath and Wells. And this his Majesty did to this end and purpose, that the Archiepiscopal jurisdiction, being committed to such hands as were no favourers of that faction, there might some stop be given to that violent cur rent, which then began to bear all before it. Nor did his Majesty fail of the end desired. For though Abbot, on good reasons of State, Wcis restored unto his jurisdiction toward the latter end of the year next following ; yet by this breathing time, as short as it was, the Church recovered strength again. And the disgrace put upon the man, did so disauimate and deject the opposite party, that the balance began visibly to turn on the Church's side.] July 7, Saturday night. I dreamed that I had lost two teeth. The Duke of Buckingham took the Isle of Rh6.— July 26. I attended the King and Queen at Wellingborough. — July 29. The first news carae from ray Lord Duke of his success, Sunday. Aug. 12. The second news came from ray Lord Duke to Windsor. o -o o 96 THE DIARY OF Aug. 26. The third news came from my Lord Duke to Aldershot Sunday. September. News carae from my Lord Duke to Theobald's. The first fear of ill success. News from my Lord Duke to Hamp ton Court. I went to my Lord of Rochester to consider about A. B. C. and returned to Hampton Court. The King's speech to me in the withdrawing chamber. That if any did, &c. I, &c. before any thing should sink, &c. The business of Dr. Bargi-ave, Dean of Canterbury, began about the Vicarage of Lidd. October. The Commission to the Bishops of London, Durham, Rochester, Oxford, and myself, then Bath and Wells, to execute Archiepiscopal jurisdiction during the se questration of my Lord's Grace of Canterbury. The Dean of Canterbury's speech, that the business could not go well in the Isle of Rhe. There must be a Parhament; some must be sacrificed ; that I was as like as any. Spoken to Dr. W. The same speech after spoken to the same man, by Sir Dudley Diggs. I told it -o o- -o o- -o ? I? ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 97 when I heard it doubled. " Let me desire you not to trouble yourself with any reports, till you see me forsake my other friends, &c." Ita Ch. R. The retreat out of the Isle of Rhe. November. My Lord Duke's retum to Court. The Countess of Purbeck censured in the High Commission for adultery. December 25. I preached to the King at Whitehall. Jan. 29, Tuesday. A resolution at the Council Table for a Pariiament, to begin March I7. If the Shires go on with levying money for the navy, &c.— Jan. 30, Wednesday. My Lord Duke of Buckingham's son was born, the Lord George : New Moon die 26. Feb. 5, Tuesday. The straining of the back sinew of my right leg, as I went with his Majesty to Hampton Court I kept in till I preached at the opening of the Parlia ment, March 17, but I continued lame long after, saving that on Feb. 14, Thursday, St. Valentine's day, I made a shift to go and chrisiten my Lord Duke's son, the Lord George, at Wallingford House. o- o \^ -o 98 THE DIARY Ol' c- March 1 7. I preached at the opening of the Parharaent; but had much ado to stand. It was Monday. Qt was during the confinement from this accident that Dr. Heyhn's acquaintance with the Archbishop grew to the close intimacy which afterwards existed between them. This is noticed by Heyhn with no little pride and pleasure. " These matters being in agitation, and the Parliament drawing on apace, on Tuesdaj', the fifth of February, he strained the back sinew of his right leg, as he went with his Majesty to Flarapton Court, which kept hira to his chamber till the fourteenth of the same ; during which time of his keeping in, I had both the happiness of being taken into his special knowledge of me, and the opportunity of a longer conference with him than I could otherwise have expected. I went to have presented my service to him as he was preparing for this journey, and was appointed to attend him on the same day sevennight, when I might presume on his return. Coming precisely at the time, I heard o -6 ii -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 99 of his mischance, and that he kept himself to his chamber. But order had been left amongst the servants, that if I came he should be made acquainted with it; which being done accordingly, I was brought into his chamber, where I found hira sitting in a chair, with his lame leg resting on a pillow. Commanding that nobody should come to interrupt him till he called for them, he caused me to sit down by him, inquired first into the course of my studies, which he well approved of, exhorting me to hold myself in that moderate course in which he found me. He fell afterwards to discourse of some pas sages in Oxon. in which I was specially con cerned, and told me thereupon the story of such oppositions as had been made against him in that University, by Archbishop Abbot and some others; encouraged me not to shrink, if I had already, or should hereafter, find the like. I was with him thus, remotis arbitris, almost two hours, It grew towards twelve ofthe clock, and then he knocked for his servants to come unto him. He dined -o o- -Q 100 THE DIARY OF that day in his ordinary dining-room, which was the first time he had so done since his mishap. He caused me to tarry dinner with him, and used rae with no sraall respect, which was much noted by some gentlemen, (Elphin- ston, one of his Majesty's cup-bearers, being one of the company,) who dined that day with him." Cypr. Angl. 175.] 1628. June 1, Whitsunday. I preached at Whitehall. - June 11 . My Lord Duke of Buck ingham voted in the House of Comraons to be the cause or causes of all grievances in the kingdora. — June 12, Thursday. I was complained of by the House of Commons for warranting Dr. Manwaring's Sermons to the press. — June 13. Dr. Man waring answered for himself before the Lords ; and the next day, June 1 4, being Saturday, was censured. After his censure, ray cause was called to the report ; and, by God's goodness towards me, I was fully cleared in the House. The same day the House of Comraons were making their Remonstrance to the King. One head Therein they was " innovation of religion.' o- o- Q -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 101 named my Lord the Bishop of Winchester (Neile) and myself. One in the Plouse stood up and said, " Now we have named these persons, let us think of some causes why we did it." Sir Edw, Coke answered, " Have we not named my Lord of Buckingham with out shewing a cause, and may we not be as bold with them?" — June 17. This Remon strance was deUvered to the King on Tuesday. — June 26, Thursday. The Session of Parlia ment ended, and was prorogued to Octo ber 20. July 11, Tuesday. My cong6 d'dUre was signed by the King for the Bishopric of London. — July 1 5, St. Swithin, and fair with us. I was translated to the Bishopric of London. The same day the Lord Weston was made Lord Treasurer. Aug 9, Saturday. A terrible salt rheum in my left eye had almost put me into a fever. — Aug. 12, Tuesday. My Lord Duke of Buck ingham went towards Portsmouth to go for Rochelle, — Aug. 23, Saturday. St Bartholo mew's eve — the Duke of Buckingham slain A o- o- i02 THE DIARY OF at Portsmouth by one Lieutenant Felton, about nine in the morning.— Aug. 24. The news ofhis death came to Croydon ; where it found myself and the Bishops of Winchester, Ely, and Carhsle, at the consecration of Bishop Montague for Chichester, witli my Lord's Grace.— Aug. 27, Wednesday. Mr. Elpliinston brought me a very gracious message from his Majesty upon my Lord Duke's death.— Aug. 30. As I was going out to meet the corpse of the Duke, which that night was brought to London, Sir W. Fleetwood brought me very gracious letters from the King's Majesty, written with his own hand. Sept 9, Tuesday. The first time that I went to Court after the death of the Duke of Buckingham, my dear Lord. The gracious speech, which that night the King was pleased to use to me.— Sept. 27, Saturday. I fell sick, and came sick from Hampton Court.— Tues day, Sept. ult I was sore plucked with this sickness, &c. [As the Duke of Buckingham was Laud's great patron, and the language the Arch- -o 6 -o Q ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 103 bishop uses respecting him in various parts of his Diary has been objected to him, it may not be amiss to insert in this place Clarendon's character of the Duke ; more especially, as he has been always a murk for party virulence, and is treated by Bishop Warburton with his usual coarseness, and indeed has been seldom judged of with any thing hke historical fairness. " This great man was a person of a noble nature, and generous disposition, and of such other endowments, as made hira very capable of being a great favomite to a great King. He understood the arts of a Court, and all the learning that is professed there, exactly well. By long practice in business, under a master (King James) that discoursed excellently, and surely knew all things won derfully, and took much delight in indoctrin ating his young inexperienced favourite, who, he knew, would be always looked upon as the workmanship of his own hands, he had obtained a quick conception, and apprehen sion of business, .and had the habit of speaking very gracefully and pertinently. He was of o- -o o -o 104 THE DIARY OF a most flowing courtesy and affability to all men who made any address to him ; and so desirous to oblige them, that he did not enough consider the value of the obligation, or the merit ofthe person he chose to oblige; from which much of his misfortune resulted. He was of a courage not to be daunted, which was manifested in all his actions, and in his contests with particular persons of the great est reputation; and especially in his whole demeanour at the isle of Rhd, both at the landing and upon the retreat; in both which no man was more fearless, or more ready to expose himself to the highest dangers. His kindness and afiection to his friends was so veheraent, that they were as so raany mar riages for better and worse, and so many leagues offensive and defensive; as if he thought himself obhged to love all his friends, and to raake war upon all they were angry with, let the cause be what it would. And it cannot be denied, that he was an enemy in the same excess, and prosecuted those he looked upon as his enemies with the utmost 6 O- -6 -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 105 rigour and animosity, and was not easily induced to reconcihation. And yet there were some examples of his receding in that particular. And when he was in the highest passion, he was so far from stooping to any dissimulation, whereby his displeasure might be concealed and covered till he had attained his revenge, (the low method of Courts,) that he never endeavoured to do any raan an ill office, before he first told him what he was to expect frora him, and reproached him with the injuries he had done, with so much gene rosity, that the person found it in his power to receive further satisfaction, in the way he would choose for hiraself. " His single misfortune was, (which indeed was productive of many greater,) that he never made a noble and a worthy friendship with a man so near his equal, that he would frankly advise him for his honour and true interest, against the current, or rather the torrent, of his impetuous passion ; which was partly the vice of the time, when the Court was not replenished with great choice of o- o o- -o o- -o- THE DIARY OF ; and partly the vice of the 100 excellent raen persons, who were raost worthy to be applied to, and looked upon his youth, and his ob scurity before his rise, as obligations upon hira to gain their friendships by extraor- dinaiy apphcation. Then his ascent was so quick, that it seeraed rather a flight than a growth ; and he was such a darling of fortune, that he was at the top before he was well seen at the bottom; and, as if he had been born a favourite, he was supreme the first month he came to Court; and it was want of confidence, not of credit, that he had not all at first which he obtained afterwards ; never meeting with the least obstruction from his setting out, till he was as great as he could be; so that he wanted dependents before he thought he could want coadjutors. Nor was he very fortunate in the election of those dependents, very few of his servants having been ever qualified enough to assist or advise him ; and they were intent only upon growing rich under him, not upon their master's growing good as well as great: insomuch, as o- L ¦V o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 107 he was throughout his fortune a much wiser man than any servant or friend he had. " Let the fault or misfortune be what or whence it will, it may reasonably be believed, that, if he had been blessed with one faithful friend, who had been qualified with wisdom and integrity, that great person would have committed as few faults, and done as tran scendent worthy actions, as any man who shined in such a sphere in that age in Europe. For he was of an excellent disposition, and of a mind very capable of advice and counsel. He was in his nature just and candid, liberal, generous, and bountiful; nor was it ever known, that the temptation of money swayed him to do an unjust or unkind thing. If he had an immoderate ambition, with which he was charged, and is a weed (if it be a weed) apt to grow in the best soils; it does not appear that it was in his nature, or that he brought it with him to the Court, but rather found it there, and was a garment necessary for that air ; nor was it more in his power to be without promotion, and titles, and wealth. o- o o- 108 THE DIARY OF than for a healthy man to sit in the sun in the brightest dog-days, and remain without any warmth. He needed no ambition, who was so seated in the hearts of two such masters." Clar. i. p. 55, et sqq."^ October 20, Monday. I was forced to put on a truss for a rupture, I know not how occasioned, unless it were with swinging of a book for my exercise in private. Nov. 29. Felton was executed at Tyburn for killing the Duke; and afterwards his body was sent to be hanged in chains at Portsmouth. It was Saturday, and St. Andrew's even ; and he killed the Duke upon Saturday, St. Bartholomew's even — Dec. 25. I preached at Whitehall.— Dec. 30, Wednesday. The Statutes, which I had drawn for the reducing of the factious and tumultuary election of Proctors in Oxford to several Colleges by course, and so to continue, were passed in Convocation at Oxford, no voice dissenting. [These new Statutes, however, seem to have been the cause of no little disturb ance afterwards. The election for the fresh o o- o — -6 4 -Q ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 109 Proctors on the new Statutes was fixed for April 23. The Candidates were Williamson of Magdalen Coll. and More of New Coll. on the one side, and Bruch of Brasen-nose and Lloyd of Jesus on the other : Hyde of Exeter and Taylour of C. C. C. being the scrutators. Neither of the scrutators would take the oath prescribed by the new Statute. A tumult ensued; notwithstanding which, the Vice- Chancellor continued the assembly, " but was so thrust and thronged in the House, that no bedell could come to him. At length he got away, without any proceeding to election of Proctors." Of these tumults, the Chancellor was of course informed; and a letter from the King followed. "¦ These letters, I say, (such is the narrative of Antony Wood,) being received by the Vice-Chan cellor, a Convocation was celebrated May 21, at nine in the morning, wherein they being read by Mr. Hyde, the senior Procurator natus, the House proceed to an election, and went forward till about three of the clock in the afternoon with the scrutiny ; but Lloyd 1^" o 9- o 110 THE DIARY OF and Bruch, not liking their proceedings, told the scrutators with a loud voice, ' That they would appeal to his Majesty;' for the truth is, there was foul play in the business. Here upon Taylom-, the junior Procurator natus, one of the scrutators, went away with the scrutiny, and would proceed no further, not withstanding he was sent for by Mr. Vice- Chancellor. At last about five of the clock he came, and with a great number of Masters with him, went into the Convocation, but Mr. Hyde, the senior scrutator, being crowded araong thera, gave a gi-eat screak as he was sitting down in his chair, and fell down dead, to the astonishraent of all there present, and so continuing half an hour in that condition, the Masters got life into him again, and he recovered well the same night." After a second interference on the part of the King, the matter ended in the election of Williamson and Lloyd.] Jan. 26, Monday. The 240 Greek MSS. were sent to London House. These 1 got ray Lord of Pembroke to buy, and give to Oxford. c- o- -6 ARCHBISHOP LAUD. Ill (They were bought out of the library of Franciscus Baroccius at Venice. Ed.) — Jan. 31, Saturday night. I lay in Court. I dreamed that 1 put off my rochet, all save one sleeve ; and when 1 would have put it on again, I could not find it. Feb. 6, Friday. Sir Thomas Roe sent to London House 28 MSS, in Greek, to have a catalogue drawn, and the books to be for Oxford. — March 2, Monday. The Parliament to be dissolved declared by proclamation, upon some disobedient passages to liis Majesty that day in the House of Commons. — March 10^ Tuesday. The Parliament dissolved, the King present. The Parliament, which was broken up this March 10, laboured my ruin; but, God be ever blessed for it, found nothing against rae. 1629. March 29, Sunday. Two papers were found in the Dean of Paul's his yard before his house. The one was to this effect con cerning rayself; " Laud ! look to thyself. Be assured thy life is sought. As thou art the fovmtain of all wickedness, repent thee of U- o -o 112 THE DIARY OF thy monstrous sins, before thou be taken out of the world, &c,* And assure thyself, neither God nor the world can endure such a vile counsellor to live, or such a whisperer ;" — or to this effect. The other was as bad as this against the Lord Treasurer (Weston, who we read in Clarendon succeeded to Buckingham's unpopularity.) Mr. Dean delivered both papers to the King that night. Lord ! I am a griev ous sinner ; but I beseech Thee, deliver my soul from them that hate me without a cause I April 2, Thursday, Maundy Thursday, as it came this year. About three of the clock in the morning, the Lady Duchess of Bucking ham was delivered of her son the Lord Francis ViUiers, whom I christened, Tuesday, April 21. — April 5. I preached at Whitehall. May 13, Wednesday. This morning, about three of the clock, the Queen was delivered before her time of a son. He was christened and died within short space, his name Charles. This was Ascension eve. The next day, being May 14, Ascension Day. Paulo ante mediam o- o- ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 113 noctera I buried hira at Westminster. If God repair not this loss, I much fear it was Descension day to this State. Aug. 14. Dies erat Veneris; I fell sick upon the way towards the Court at Wood stock. I took up my lodging at my ancient friend's house, Mr. Francis Windebank. There I lay in a most grievous burning fever, till Monday, Sept. 7, on which day I had my last fit. Oct 20. I was brought so low, that I was not able to return towards my own house at London till Tuesday, Oct. 29.— Oct. 26, Mon day. I went first to present my humble duty and service to his Majesty at Denmark House. After this I had divers plunges, and was not able to put myself into the service of my place, till Palm Sunday, which was March 21. 1 630. April 10. The Earl of Pembroke, Lord Steward, being Chancellor of the University of Oxford, died of an apoplexy. — April 12. The University of Oxford chose me Chancel lor ; and word was brought rae of it the next morning, Monday. 6 -o c- -o 114 THE DIARY OF [" On Saturday, being the 10th of April, William Lord Herbert, Earl of Pembroke and Chancellor of the University of Oxford, died suddenly at his house called Baynard's Castle, in London, according to the calculations of his nativity that Mr. Thomas Allen, of Glou cester Hall, had made several years before. For which place. Dr. Laud, Bishop of London, and Philip, Earl of Montgomery, younger brother to the Earl deceased, were candi dates. But the news of his death being brought to Oxford the next day betimes. Dr. Laud's friends of divers Colleges, especially of St John's, bestirred themselves in his be half. Those also that were not well-wishers to the Bishop, Avhich were chiefly the Cal- vinian party, were active for the Earl, and so also were those of the Welsh nation, and of the four Colleges belonging to the visitation of the Bishop of Lincoln, that is to say, Balliol, Oriel, Lincoln, and Brasen-nose; to the Scholars of which, Dr WiUiams, (Laud's great enemy,) the Bishop of that place, had sent letters and agents in the Earl's behalf o ¦o o- -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 115 " The business being thus eagerly followed one day and night, a Convocation was called on the morrow, by order from the Vice- Chancellor, Dr. Frewen, (who upon news of the Chancellor's death, being then at Aiidover, in Hampshire, on Magdalen Coll. Progress, carae presently home,) fearing lest the other party should be too strong for them. In the scrutiny for voices it is commonly reported that it passed clear for Laud ; yet one ( Prynne) is pleased to say, that ' by indirect means he procured himself to be elected Chancellor, and that the noble brother to the Earl of Pembroke was then really elected by most voices, though miscalculated by practice in the scrutiny by this Prelate's creatures,' &c. How true this is, I leave it to others to judge. However, this I shall say, that that party for the Earl was held to be more nuraerous than that for the Bishop, as divers judicious and impartial men that gave votes, lately and yet living, have attested it in my hearing. The scrutiny being finished, he was pronounced elected by the senior Proctor, and, whether O o -o 116 THE DIARY OF lawfully or not, it is not for me to dispute it Certain it is, it fell out very happy, not only for the encouragement of learning, but the great good of the University, as the following times made it manifest Had he continued in his prosperity seven years longer, and not been molested by the restless faction of the Presbyterians, he would without doubt have made this University more famous for build ings, books, rarities, discipline, privileges, &c. than raany, put together, in the learned world." Ant. Wood.'} April 28, Wednesday. The University came up to the ceremony, and gave me my oath. May 28. To Dr. Frewen, Vice-Chancellor, about observing Formahties. S. in Christo. After my hearty commendations &c. your Deputy, Dr. Tolfen, hath done very well in some business in your absence, which I hope you will perfect. Now 1 have a little more business for you, in which I must desire you to have a special care. o- -o o- -0 ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 117 I am given to understand, that Formahties (which are in a sort the outward and visible face of the University) are in a manner utterly decayed, not only abroad in the streets, but also in the very Schools, Convocation, and Congregation- Houses, and at Latin Sermons : insomuch that strangers, which come thither, have scarce any external mark, by which they may know they ai'e in a University. If this go on, the University will lose ground every day both at home and abroad; and especially with his Majesty, who is a great lover of order and decency in all seminaries of good learning. And he hath already given me strict charge to look both to this and other particulars in their several times. I pray, therefore, call the Heads of Colleges and Halls together with the Proctors, and read these letters to them ; and with ray love reraembered to them all, let them know I am welcomed into my Chancellorship with many complaints from very great men, I hope, all are not true : and I hope, such as are, you and they wiU all in your several Houses join o- O' -o 118 THE DIARY OF pains and hearty endeavours to see them rectified, as I shall in due tirae severally pro pose them. At this time, I think it necessary, the Heads should fairly bespeak their several Companies to fit themselves with formalities fitting their Degrees, that when the Act comes, (God bless you with health, that it may hold with honour and safety,) the University may have credit by looking hke itself: and then I doubt not but it will be itself too. For it will not endm-e but to be, as it seeras. And I desire you would bespeak your Companies fairly. Both, because I presume, most men there in their generous and liberal education will be such lovers of order, that they will run to the practice : and because I heartily desire, that as I am chosen Chancellor with a great deal of unexpected love, so I may be enabled ever to govern with a Uke measure of it My heart ever was, and I hope ever shall be, set to do that place all the good I can. And I shall take it for one of God's greatest tem poral blessings upon me, if I may have your 6- o o -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 119 joint concurrence to perfect the good I wish. And I will not doubt, but that you do so love and honour that our venerable raother, that you will cheerfully afford me this as sistance. When you have raade this entrance for Formalities at the Act, (for which I now give time and warning,) then the better to settle them, and all other points of government, I pray take care to go on with the Delegacy for the Statutes, that there may be a set tled and a known body of them. My ever- honoured predecessor began that work with care. I know, you will give me leave to pursue it to your good and his honour. In the next long vacation it were happy, if that body of Statutes might be finished. But whether it can or not, I heartily pray you against Michaelmas Term look the Re gister, and provide such Tables, as were wont to be published upon St. Mary's doors, for observance of the known Statutes, and that then you proceed to the execution of them accordingly. o- -6 o -o 120 THE DIARY OF I know, you and the governors there will pardon me this care, when you shall know what lies upon me here, and what begins already to be expected from me by a most gracious Prince, who is very zealous of the honour of that place. And this yet I shall promise and perform. I will not be sudden upon you, nor hasty with you in any your businesses. Neither will I proceed in any thing but that which shall proraote the honour and good of yourselves and that faraous University. And in this way he that gives rae best assistance shall be most welcome to me. So for this time I take my leave: commending you all to God's gra cious protection ; and shall rest. Your very loving friend, GuiL. London. Mat/ 28, 1630. May 29, Saturday. Prince Charles was bom at St. James's, paulo ante horam priraam post meridiem. I was in the house three hours before, and had the honour and the happiness -o o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 121 -o I to see the Prince before he was full one hour old. June 27, Sunday. I had the honour, as Dean of the Chapel, my Lord's Grace of Canterbury being infirm, to christen Prince Charles at St. James's, hora fere quinta pomeri- diana. Aug. 22, Sunday. I preached at Fulhara. — Aug. 24, Tuesday, St Bartholomew. Extreme thunder, lightning, and rain: the pestilence this summer; the greatest week in London was 73, a 7 Octob. ad 14: spread in many places, miserably in Cambridge. The winter before was extreme wet ; and scarce one week of frost This harvest scarce. A great dearth in France, England, the Low Coun tries, &c. Oct. 6, Wednesday. I was taken with an ex treme cold and lameness, as I was waiting upon St. George's Feast at Windsor; and forced to return to Fulham, where I continued ill above a week. — Oct 29, Friday, I reraoved my family from Fulham to London House. Nov. 4, Thursday. Leighton was degraded o- -o o- -o 0- 122 THE DIARY OF at the High Commission. — Nov. 9, Tuesday. Leighton broke out of the Fleet The War den says he got or was helped over the wall; the Warden professes he knew not this till Wednesday noon. He told it not rae till Thursday night. He was taken again in Bedfordshire, and brought back to the Fleet within a fortnight — Nov. 26, Friday. Part of his sentence was executed upon him at West minster. Dec. 7, Tuesday, The King sware the Peace with Spain: Don Carlo Colonna was Ambassador, — Dec. 25. I preached to the King, Christmas Day. 1631. Jan. l6, Sunday. I consecrated St. Catherine Creed Church in London. — Jan. 21. The Lord WentAvorth, Lord President of the North, and I, &c. In my little chamber at London House, Friday. [" Being so gained to the King, he (Went- Avorth) became the most devout friend of the Church, the greatest zealot for advancing the Monarchical interest, and the ablest Minister of State, both for peace and war, that any of o- -o I ^ ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 123 our former histories have afforded to us. He had not long frequented the Council Table, when Laud and he, coming to a right under standing of one another, entered into a league of such inviolable friendship, that nothing but the ineAdtable stroke of death could part them; and joining hearts and hands together, cooperated from thenceforth for advancing the honour of the Church and his Majesty's service." Cypr. Angl. 194.] Jan. 23. 1 consecrated the Church of St Giles in the Fields, Sunday. Feb. 20. This Sunday morning, Westmin ster Hall Avas found on fire, by the burning of the little shops or stalls kept there. It is thought, by some pan of coals left there over night. It was taken in time. — Feb. 23, Ash Wednesday. 1 preached in Com-t at White hall. March 20, Sunday. His Majesty put his great conscience to me, about, &c. Which I after answered. God bless hira in it! The famine great this time: but in part by prac tice. 6 -o o- -o o- 124 THE DIARY OF March 27, Coronation-day and Sunday. I preached at St, Paul's Cross. April 10, Easter Monday. I fell ill with great pain in my throat, for a week. It was with cold taken after heat in my service, and then into an ague. A fourth part almost of my family sick this spring. June 7, Tuesday. I consecrated the Chapel at Hammersmith. — June 21, Tuesday, and June 25, Saturday. My nearer acquaintance began to settle with Dr. S. I pray God bless us in it. — June 26. My business with L. T. (Lord Treasurer?), &c. about the trees which the King had given me in Shotover, towards ray building in St. John's at Oxford. Which work I resolved on in November last. And pubhshed it to the College about the end of March. This day discovered unto me what I was sorry to find in L. T. (Lord Trea surer?) and F. C. [This is the first of a number of references to L. T. and the following passage in Claren don leads me to suppose it relates to Weston's, afterwards Lord Portland's, jealousy of the o- o -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 125 Archbishop. Clarendon says of Lord Port land, that he Avas " a man so jealous of the Archbishop's credit with the King, that he always endeavoured to lessen it by all the arts and ways he could; Avhich he was so far from effecting, that as it usually faDs out when passion and mahce raake accusation, by suggesting many particulars Avhich the King kncAV to be unti'ue, or beheved to be no faults, he rather confiiined his Majesty's judgment of Mm, and prejudiced his own reputation." i. p. 173.] July 26. The first stone was laid of my building at St. John's. Aug. 23. In this June and July were the great disorders in Oxford, by appeahng from Dr, Smith, then Vice-Chancellor. The chief ringleaders were Mr. Foord of Magdalen Hall, and Mr. Thorne of Balliol College. The Proctors, Mr. Atherton Bruch and Mr. John Doughty, received their appeals, as if it had not been perturbatio pacis, &c. The Vice-Chancellor Avas forced in a statutable way to appeal to the King. The King, with i o- -O 126 TFIE DIARY OF all the Lords of his Council then present, heard tlie cause at Woodstock, Aug. 23, l631, being Tuesday in the afternoon. The sen tence upon the hearing was: That Foord, Thorne, and Hodges of Exeter College, should be banished the University: and both the Proctors Avere coramanded to come into the Convocation House, and there resign their office; that two others might be named out of the sarae Colleges. Dr. Prideaux Rector of Exeter College, and Dr. Wilkinson Princi pal of Magdalen Hall, received a sharp admo nition for their misbehaviour in this business. —Aug. 29, Monday. I went to Brentwood, and the next day began my visitation there, and so went on, and finished it. Nov. 4, Friday. The Lady Mary, Princess, born at St. James's, inter horas quintam et sextam matutinas. It was thought she was born three weeks before her time.— Dec. 25. I preached at Court. 1632. Jan. 1. The extremest wet and Avarm January that ever Avas known in memory.— Feb. 15. I preached at Court: Ash-Wednes- c- -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 127 day. — Feb. I9. D. S. came to my cham ber, troubled about going quite from Court at spring: First Sunday in Lent after Ser mon.— April 1 . I preached at Court. Easter Day.— May 26, Saturday. Trinity Sunday Eve. I consecrated the Lord Treasurer's Chapel at Roeharapton. — May 29, Tuesday. My meeting and settling upon express teniis with K. B. in the Gallery at Greenwich. In Avhich business God bless me. June 15. Mr. Francis Windebank, ray old friend, was sworn Secretary of State; Avhich place I obtained for him of my gracious master King Charles. — June 18, Monday. I married my Lord Treasurer Weston's eldest son to the Lady Frances, daughter to the Duke of Lennox, at Roeharapton. — June 25, Monday. D. S. with me at Fulham, cura Ma. &c. — Junius. This Avas the coldest June clean through, that Avas ever felt in ray memory. July 10, Tuesday. Dr. Juxon, then Dean of Worcester, at my suit SAvorn Clerk of his Majesty's Closet. That I might have one tliat I might trust near his Majesty, if I groAv o- -o o- -o 128 THE DIARY OF weak or infirm; as I must have a time. — July 17, Tuesday. I consecrated the Church at Stanmore Magna in Middlesex, built by Sir John Wolstenham. The cold sumraer; harvest not in Avithin forty miles of London after Michaelmas, &c. Dec. 2, Sunday. The small pox appeared upon his Majesty ; but God be thanked, he had a very gentle disease of it. — Dec. 27, Thursday. The Earl of Arundel set forward towards the Low Countries, to fetch the Queen of Bohemia and her children.— Dec. 25. I preached to the King. Christmas Day. 1633. Jan. 1. My being with K. B. this day in the afternoon .... troubled me much; God send me a good issue out of it The Avarm open Christmas.— Jan. 15, Tuesday. K. B. and 1 unexpectedly came to sorae clearer declaration of ourselves, which God bless. Feb. 11, Monday night till Tuesday morn ing, the great fire upon London Bridge houses burnt down.— Feb. 13, Wednesday. The Feoffees, that pretended to buy in Impro priations, were dissolved in the Chequer- 0— o o- -0 ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 129 Chamber. They Avere the main instruments of the Puritan faction to undo the Church." The crirainal part reserved. — Feb. 28, Thursday. Mr. Chancellor of London, Dr. Duck, brought me Avord hoAv miserably I was slandered by some Separatists. I pray God give me patience, and forgive them. March 6, Ash- Wednesday. I preached at Whitehall. 1633. April 13. The great business at the Council Table, &c. when the Earl of Holland raade his submission to the King. ["We shall say no more of the Earl of Holland noAV, than that he neither loved the Marquis of Hamilton nor WentAvorth . . . . ; nor the Arch bishop of Canterbury ; nor almost any thing that was then done in Church or State He was a very Avell bred raan, and a fine gentleraan in good times ; but too much desired to enjoy ease and plenty, Avhen the King could have neither ; and did think poverty the most insupportable evil that could befal any man in this Avorld." Clarend. i. o- o 0 -o 130 THE DIARY OF 216. vi. 262.] This April Avas most extrerae wet, and cold, and windy. May 10, A passage of my letters to the Vice-Chancellor touching Formalities, "This ensuing passage of my letters I desire may be read to the Heads at the next meeting, the rather because I know, and am sorry for it, that divers things concerning Form, espe cially in the younger sort, are not in so good order, as some men would make me believe they are ; and though you coraplain not much yourself, yet I can hear by strangers, how the raarket goes. For I am told by divers, that though the Masters come very duly in caps, which I am right glad to hear of; yet the younger sort, Avhich should be most in awe, are least in order, and came not (divers of them) to St. Mary's in that form, Avhich they ought to do. Which disorder of theirs can not possibly be remedied by the cai-e of the Vice-Chancellor only, be it never so great But it must be done by the Heads in their several Colleges, who must either punish such as they find faulty, or put up their names to o- o- -c ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 131 the Vice-Chancellor, that he may. I thought fit therefore, now before my entrance upon this my long and tedious journey, to desire you for the public, and every Head of College and Hall in their several Houses respectively, to see that the youth conform themselves to the public discipline of the University, that his Majesty, who is gi-aciously sensible of all the defects of that place, may at his return hear a good and true report of things amended there ; which, as it will much advantage the place itself, so Avill it also much advance the reputation of the several Go vernors in his Majesty's good opinion. And particularly I pray see, that none, you.th or other, be suffered to go in boots and spurs, or to wear their hair indecently long, or Avith a lock in the present fashion, or Avitli slashed doublets, or in any light or garish colours. And if Noblemen Avill have their sons court it too soon, and be more in, that is, out of fasliion, than the rest, the fault shall be their own, not mine ; but under that degree, I Avill have no dispensation for any thing in this o- -0 o <: 132 THE DIARY OF kind. And it were very well, if they to whose ti:ust they are coraraitted, would fairly and seasonably take sorae occasion (especially hereafter at their first coming) to acquaint the Lords, their fathers, with the course of discipline in the University, that their sons may conform in every thing, as others do, during the tirae of their abode there, which will teach thera to know differences of places and orders betimes ; and Avhen they grow up to be men, it will make thera look back upon that place with honour to it, and reputation to you. And of this, and all other par ticulars of like nature, I shall look for an account frora you, if God bless me with a safe return. In the mean tirae I comraend my love heartily both to yourself, and to all the Heads, and desire mutual return of your prayers, as you have mine daily. GuiL. LoNnoN. Mat/ 10, 1G33. o- -0 May 13, Monday. I set out of London to attend King Charles into Scotland. — May 24. o- o ^ I i ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 133 The King Avas to enter into York in state. The day was extreme windy and rainy, that he could not all day long, I called it York Friday. June 6. I came to Berwick. That night I dreamed that K. B. sent to rae in West minster church, that he was now as desirous to see me, as I hira, and that he was then entering into the church. I went with joy; but met another in the middle of the church, who seemed to knoAv the business, and laughed. But K. B. Avas not there. — June 8, Saturday, Whitsun eve. I received letters from K. B. unalterable, &c. By this, if I return, I shall see how true or false my dream is, &c. — June 15, Saturday. I Avas sworn Counsellor of Scotland. — June 1 8, Tuesday after Trinity Sunday. King Charles crowned at Holyrood- Church in Edinburgh. I never saw raore expressions of joy than were after it, &c. — June 19, Wednesday. I received second letters frora K. B. no changeling, &c. Within three hours after, other letters from K. B. Beheve all that I say, &c. — June 29, Friday. 6- -o o- -o 134 THE DIARY OF Letters from K. B. no D. true, if not to my contentment, &c. — June 30. I preached t(v his Majesty in the Chapel in Holyrood- House in Edinburgh, July 1, Monday. I went over Forth, to Brunt Island. — July 2, Tuesday. To St AndrcAvs. — July 3, Wednesday. Over Taye, to Dundee. — July 4, Thursday. To Faukland. At the Vespers upon the 6th of July, Dr. Heylin, one of the Proceders, had these questions following out of the 20th Article of the Church of England. " Ecclesia authoritatem habet in fidei con- " troversiis deterrainandis. " Ecclesia authoritatem habet interpre- " tandi Sacras Scripturas. ¦ " Ecclesia potestatem habet decernendi " Ritus et Ceremonias," Upon these questions Dr. Prideaux, then Professor, had these passages following, and were then offered to be avowed against him upon oath, if need were; and it happened that the Queen's Almoner was present. The passages were these : o- o o •o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 135 " Ecclesia est mera chimaera, " Ecclesia nihil docet nee determinat " Controversise omnes melius ad Academiam " referri possunt, quam ad Ecclesiam. " Docti homines in Academiis possunt de- " terminare omnes controversias etiam seposi- " tis Episcopis." Upon an occasion of mentioning the abso lute decree, he brake into a great and long discourse, that his mouth Avas shut by autho rity, else he would maintain that truth contra omnes qui sunt in vivis, which fetched a great hum from the country Ministers, that were there, &c. These particulars by the command of his Majesty I sent to Dr. Prideaux, and received from hira this answer following, and his Protestation under his hand. " Fcclesia authoritatem habet in fidei con- ". troversiis deterrainandis. " Ecclesia authoritatem habet interpretandi " Sacras Scripturas. " Ecclesia jiotestatem habet decernendi " Ritus et Ceremonias." o- o o- o 136 THE DIARY OF These questions 1 approved, Avhen they were brought unto me, and wished the bedell, that brought them, to convey them to the Congregation to be allowed according to custora; conceiving them to be especially bent (according to the meaning of the Article cited) against Papal usurpations and Puri tanical innovations, which I detest as much as any raan ; whereby it appears, what I posi tively hold concerning the authority of the Church in all the proposed particulars, naraely, that which that 20th Article prescribeth, and not otherwise. Certain passages that came from Dr. Pri deaux in tlie discussing the questions at Oxford. " Ecclesia est mera chimaera. " Ecclesia nihil docet nee determinat. " Controversise omnes melius ad Acade- " miam referri possunt, quam ad Ecclesiam. " Docti homines in Academiis possunt de- " terminare omnes controversias, etiam sepo- " sitis Episcopis." The passages, therefore, imperfectly catched o o o- -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 137 at by the informer, were no positions of raine. For I detest them, as they are laid, for impious and ridiculous. But oppositions according to my place, proposed for the further clear ing of the truth, to Avhich the Respondent was to give satisfaction; and the General Protestation I hope takes off all that can be laid against me in the particulars. Notwithstanding, to touch on each of thera, as they are laid. To the first, I never said the Church was " Mera chimEera," as it is, or hath a being, and ought to be believed ; but as the Respon dent by his answer raade it. In which I conceived him to swerve from the Article, Avhence his questions were taken. To the second, my argument Avas to this purpose; " Omnis actio est suppositorum vel singularium; ergo Ecclesia in abstracto nil docet aut determinat, sed per hos aut illos Episcopos, Pastores, Doctores:" as, " Homo non disputat, sed Petrus et Johannes/' &c. The thhd and fourth raay be Avell put together. My prosecution was. That the 6- -o O- -o Q- 13S THE DIARY OF Universities are eminent parts and seminaries of the Church, and had fitter opportunity to discuss controversies, than divers other assem blies. Not by any means to determine them, but to prepare them for the determination of ecclesiastical assemblies, of Synods, Councils, Bishops, that have superior authority, wherein they might do service to the Church and those superiors; not prescribing any thing unto them. As the debating of a thing by a learned counsellor raakes the easier passage for the Bench's sentence. And this Avas urged only " commodum," not as " necessa rium." The Queen's Almoner present I am told no. For he departed, as they say that were in the seat with him, being tired as it should seem by the tedious preface of the Respondent, before the disputations began: but be it so or otherwise, to what purpose this is interposed, I knoAV not. Upon an occasion of raentioning the abso lute decree, he brake into a great and long o- ^o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 139 discourse, that his mouth Avas shut by autho rity, else he would maintain the truth " contra oranes, qui sunt in vivis ;" Avhich fetched a great hum frora the country Ministers that Avere there, &c. This argument was unexpectedly cast in by Mr. Smith of St. John's, but bent, as I took it, against soraeAvhat I have written in that behalf; which the Respondent not endea vouring to clear, I Avas put upon it to shew, in what sense I took " absolutum decretum ;" which indeed I said I was ready to maintain against any, as my predecessors in that place had done. This was not in a long discourse, as it is suggested ; but in as short a solution, as is usually brought in schools to a doubt on the bye. And from this I took off the oppo nent's farther proceeding in obedience to authority. Whereupon, if a hum succeeded, it was more than I used to take notice of. It might be as well of dislike as approbation, and of other auditors, as soon as country Ministers. A hiss I am sure was given before, when the Respondent excluded the King and Q Q o- o 140 THE DIARY OF Parliament from being parts of the Church. But I remember whose practice it is to be xaT«'vog«s rat «5l^lps)». I had rather bear and forbear, and end with this. PROTESTATION. That as 1 beheve the Catholic Church in my Creed, so 1 reverence this Church of England, wherein I have had my baptism and Avhole breeding, as a raost erainent mem ber of it To the doctrine and discipline of this Church have I hitherto often subscribed, and by God's grace constantly adhered ; and resolve by the same assistance, according to my ability, (under his Majesty's protection,) faithfully to maintain against Papists, Puritans, or any other that shall oppose it. The Pre lacy of our Reverend Bishops in it I have ever defended in my place to be "jure Divino," which I dare say has been more often, and with greater pains-taking, than most of those have done, who have received greater en couragement from their Lordships. 1 desire nothing but the continuance of my vocation O c- -t o -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 141 in a peaceable course, that after all my pains in the place ofhis Majesty's Professor almost for these eighteen years together, my sons especially be not countenanced in ray declin ing age to vilify and vex ine. So shall I spend the remainder of ray tirae in hearty prayer for his Majesty, my only master and patron, for the Reverend Bishops, the State, and all his Majesty's subjects and affairs, and continue my utraost endeavours to do all faithful service to the Church, Avherein I live. To whose authority I ever have, and do hereby submit myself and studies to be ac cording to God's Avord directed or corrected. J. PUIDEAUX. July 7, Sunday. To St. Johnston. — July S, Monday. To Dunblaine, and Sterling. My dangerous and cruel journey, crossing part of the Highlands by coach, Avhich Avas a Avonder there. — July 9, Tuesday. To Lith- goAv, and so to Edinburgh. — July 10, Wednesday. His Majesty's dangerous pas sage from Brunt Island to Edinburgh. — July c- -o c- -o 142 THE DIARY OF 11, Thursday. I began my journey from Edinburgh towards London. —July 12, Friday. That night at AnderAveek, I dreamed that L. L. came and offered to sit above me at the Co. Ta. and that L. H. came in, and placed him there.^July 20, Saturday. The King came from Scotland to GreeuAvich ; having come post from Ber wick in four days July 26, Friday. I came to my house at Fulham frora Scotland. —July 28, Sunday. K. B. and I raet. All the strange discourses mistaken. And that which was a very high tide at —^ , was then the lowest ebb at GreenAvich that ever I saw. I went away much troubled. But all settled again well, August 3, Satur day following, August 4, Sunday, News came to Court of the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury's death, and the King resolved presently to give it me. Which he did, August 6. — August 4. That very morning, at Greenwich, there came one to me, seriously, and that avowed abiUty to perform it, and offered rae to be a o- o- o '';. j- ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 143 Cardinal. I went presently to the King, and acquainted him both Avith the thing and the person. — August 7, Wednesday. An absolute settlement between me and K. B. after I had made knoAvn my cause at large. God bless me in it. — August 14, Wednesday. A report brought to me, that I was poisoned. — August 17, Saturday. I had a serious offer made to me again to be a Cardinal : I Avas then from Court, but so soon as I came thi ther, (which was Wednesday, August 21,) I acquainted his Majesty with it. But my answer again was, that someAvhat dwelt within me, which avou Id not suffer that, till Rome were other than it is. — August 25, Sunday. My election to the Archbishopric was returned to the King, then being at Woodstock. Sept. 19, Thursday. I Avas translated to the Archbishopric of Canterbury. The Lord made me able, &c. The day before, viz. Sept 18, Avhen I first went to Lam beth, my coach, horses, and men sunk to the bottom ofthe Thames in the ferry-boat which o- I V C' Q O -O 144 THE DIARY OF was overladen; but I praise God for it I lost neither man nor horse. A wet sum mer, and by it a casual harvest. The rainy Aveather continuing till Nov. 1 4, Avhich made a marvellous ill seed-time. There was barley about this year, Avithin thirty railes of London, at the end of October. Nov. 13, Wednesday. Richard Boyer, Avho had forraerly named himself Lodowick, was brought into the Star-Chamber, for most grossly misusing me, and accusing me of no less than treason, &c. He had broke prison for felony, when he did this. His censure is upon record; and God forgive him. About the beginning of this month, the Lady Davis prophesied against me, that I should very few days outUve the fifth of November. And a little after that, one Green came into the Court at St. James's, with a great sword by his side, SAvearing, the King should do him justice against me, or he Avould take another course with me. All the Avrong I ever did this raan was, that being a poor printer, I procured him of the Company of o- -o f! ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 145 the Stationers, £5 a year during his life. God preserve me, and forgive him. He was com mitted to NcAvgate. — Nov. 24, Sunday in the afternoon I christened King Charles's second son, James Duke of York, at St. James's. Dec. 10 and 29. Twice or thrice in the interim, I advertised his Majesty ofthe false hood and practice that was against me, by L. T. &c. This brake out then. 1634. Jan. 1. The Avay to do the toAvn of Reading good for their poor ; which may be compassed by God's blessing upon rae, though ray wealth be small. And I hope God will bless me in it, because it was His own motion in me. For this way never came into ray thoughts (though I had much beaten them about it) till this night, as I was at my prayers. Amen, Lord. March 30, Palm Sunday. I preached to the King at Whitehall. May 13. I received the seals of my being chose Chancellor ofthe University of Dublin j in Ireland. To Avhicli office I Avas chosen ! Sept. 14, 1633. There Avere now, and some- j o o o 146 THE DIARY OF what before, great factions in Court; and I doubt many private ends followed lo the prejudice of public service. Good Lord, preserve me ! June 11. Mr, Prynne sent me a very libellous letter, about his censure in the Star- Chamber for his Histriomastix, and Avhat I said at that censure ; in which he hath many ways raistaken me, and spoken untruth of me. — June 16. I shcAved this letter to the King; and by his command sent it to Mr. Attorney Noye. — June I7. Mr. Attorney sent for Mr. Prynne to his chamber ; shewed him the letter, asked him whether it Avere his hand. Mr. Prynne said, he could not tell, unless he might read it. The letter being given into his hand, he tore it into small pieces, threw it out at the windoAV, and said, that should never rise in judgment against him: fearing, it seems an ore tenus for this. — June 18. Mr. Attorney brought him, for this, into the Star-Chamber ; where all this appeared Avith shame enough to Mr. Prynne. I there forgave him, &c. o- ~o o- «* T -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 147 To my very loving friends, the Vice-Chancellor, the Doctors, the Proctors, and ihe rest ofthe Convocation qf the University qf Oxford. After my hearty commendations, &c. The Statutes of the University, so often and by so many undertaken and left again, are now by God's blessing, and the great pains of them, to whora that care was com mitted, brought to perfection. This Avork, I hope, God Avill so bless, as that it may much improve the honour and good government of that place ; a thing very necessary in this age both for Church and Commonwealth, since so many young gentlemen, and others of all ranks and conditions, have their first breeding for the public in that seminary. To save the purse of the University, and to gain time, it was thought fit rather to print, than to transcribe so many copies as might serve for the present necessary use of the University and the se veral Colleges and Halls respectively. And, for my part, I thought it expedient, that in every House they might have the rule ofthe .¦¦\ o- -o G- -O 148 THE DIARY OF public government by thera, and so see the way to their duty : which being as much for tlieir particular good, as the advance of the public service, every man, I hope, will be most willing and ready to conform hiraself to that, which is requu'ed of him. There is to be a great ledger book written out fair, Avhich is to be the authentic copy under seal, and to rest in Archivis, to be the future judge of all Statutes, which may hereafter be cor ruptly either printed or transcribed. But before this be Avritten, I hold it very expe dient to put these Statutes (as they are now corrected and set in order) into practice and execution for the space of one whole year, to the end it may better appear, if any necessary thinghave slipped the care of myself, and those Avhom the University trusted with rae. For then if any such thing was discovered, it may easily be amended in the margin, or otherAvise, of these printed books. And after this expe rience made, the authentic copy may be Avritten fair, Avithout any interlining or other blemish, and so be a rule to posterity of o- o- \fe -Q -O ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 149 greater credit These are therefore accord ing to the power given unto me by an Act, with full consent in Convocation, bearing date in August, 1633, to declare and publish to the University, and every Member thereof, that the Statutes now printed are and shall be the Statutes, by which that University shall be governed for this year ensuing, that is, until the Feast of St Michael the Arch angel, which shall be in the year of our Lord God 1635, reserving to myself power, accord ing to the decree before mentioned, to add or alter that, which shall be fit, and take aAvay from these Statutes, or any of thera, that, which shall be found by this intervening practice to be either unnecessary or incora- raodious for that governraent. And then, (God willing,) at or before that tirae I Avill discharge the trust, Avhich the University hath commended to me, and absolutely make a settlement of the Statutes for future tiraes, even as long as it shall please God to bless thera with use and continuance. And I account it not the least of God's blessinsrs o- -o c ¦0 150 THE DIARY OF upon myself, that He hath given me strength and ability to do this service for my ancient mother, the University, Avhom I have ever so much honoured, and am still ready to serve. And thus much comfort I can already give you, that his Majesty being made acquainted by me, that the work was finished, expressed extraordinary contentment in it, and com manded me to let you knoAV so much, and withal that he doubts not of your ready obe dience to them: than which nothing can from thence be more acceptable to him. Thus assuring myself, that you will all strive to yield full obedience to these your Statutes, Avhich will be your own honour as well as the University's, I leave you to God's blessed protection and rest. Your very loving friend and Chancellor, W. Cant. July 18, 1634. July 26. I received word from Oxford, that the Statutes were accepted, and published, according to my letters, in the Convocation House that week. o- -o o- -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 151 Aug. 9, Saturday. Mr. Wilham Noye, his Miijesty's Attorney-General, died at Brentford, circa horam noctis decimam. And Sunday morning, Aug. 19, his servant brought me word of it to Croydon, before I Avas out of my bed. I have lost a dear friend of him, and the Church the greatest she had of his condition, since she needed any such. — Aug. 11. One Rob. Seal of St. Alban's came to me to Croydon; told me someAvhat wildly about a vision he had at Shrovetide last, about not preaching the word sincerely to the people. And a hand appeared unto hira, and death ; and a voice bid hira go tell it the Metropolitan of Lambeth, and made him swear he Avould do so; and I believe tlie poor man Avas overgroAvn with phantasy. , > So I troubled not rayself further Avith him or it. — Aug. 30, Saturday. At Oatlands the Queen sent for rae, and gave rae thanks for a business, with which she trusted me ; her promise then, that she Avould be my friend, and that I should have inunediate addi-ess to her, when I had occasion. o- -u o- o 152 THE DIARY OF Sept, 30. I had almost fallen into a fever with a cold I took; and it held me above three Aveeks. Oct. 20. The extreme hot and faint Octo ber and November, save three days frost, the dryest and fairest time. The leaves not all off the trees at the beginning of Deceraber. The waters so low, that the barges could not pass. God bless us in the Spring, after this green Winter. December 1, Monday. My ancient friend, E. R. came to me, and performed great kind ness, which I may not forget. — Dec. 4. I visited the Arches, it was Thursday. — Dec. 10, Wednesday. That night the frost began, the Thames almost frozen ; and it continued until the Sunday sevennight after. — Dec. 15, X. E. R. J 635. January 8, Thursday. I mamedthe Lord Charles Herbert and the Lady Mary, daughter to the Duke of Buckinghara, in the Closet at Whitehall. — Jan. 5, Monday night, being TAvelfth Eve, the frost began again; the Thames was frozen over, and 6- -i o- Q ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 153 continued so till Feb. 3. A mighty flood at the thaw. Feb. 5, Thursday. I was put into the great Committee of Trade and the King's Revenue, &c. March 1, Sunday. The great business, which the King comraanded me to think on, and gave him account, and L. T. — March 14, Saturday. I was named one of the Com raissioners for the Exchequer, upon the death of Richard Lord Weston, Lord High Trea surer of England. That evening K. B. sent to speak with me at Whitehall ; a great deal of free and clear expressions, if it Avill con tinue. — March l6, Monday. I Avas called against the next day into the foreign Com mittee, by the King. — March 22, Palra Sunday. I preached to the King at White hall. April 9> Wednesday, and from thence- forAvard, all in firm kindness betAveen K. B. and rae. May 18, Whitsun Monday. At Green wich, my account to the Queen put off till o- O 154 THE DIARY OF Trinity Sunday, May 24, then given her by myself. And assurance of all that was de sired by me, &c. - May, June, and July. In these montlis, the troubles at the Commission for the Treasury, and the diff-erence, which happened between the Lord Cottington and myself, &c. Vestris mihi aniicissimis DrL Pinck, Vice-Can- cellario, aliisque Doclorihus, Procuratoribus, necnon singulis in Dmno Convocatioms intra Almam Universilalem Oxon. congregalis. S. in Christo. Salus vestra mihi in primis votis, et (ut ita dicam) suprema semper lex fuit; post salu- tem honos. Hinc a Cancellariatu meo dicam, an vestro (nam non petenti, imo contra ni- tenti, summa et singulari vestril benevolentia collatus est) omnem navavi operam, ut vestra sive Statuta, sive Privilegia, sive alia cujus- cunque generis negotia, quae, meam manum exposcerent ad optatum finem facile et plenis veils perducerentur. Siqu^ restant adhuc non indulta, aut non satis confirmata, potestis o -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 155 (nil dubito) a Rege Serenissimo, Ecclesice et Academiis addictissimo, non frustra expectare. Vos saltem prudenter circumspicite, quid ulte- rius in vestram gratiam possim, antequam fato fungi et ad Deum meum redire detur. Et quia annis jam ingravescentibus, melius videtur sarcinam deponere, quam mole ejus opprimi, exuvias quasdam meas vobis pras- raisi ; ipse, quum Deus vocaverit, sequuturus. Exuere autem primo placuit libros manu- scriptos. Quid enim mihi cum illis, cui nee otium datur vel inspicere ? Et si daretur, nee oculi ad perlegendum satis firmi, nee memoria ad retinendum satis fida reperitur. Nostris enim inter exteriores sensus oculos, et inter interiores facultates meraoriam primo senec tutera et prodere et fallere. Libros igitur hosce malui vivus dare vobis clarissimis filiis, quam testaniento legare mortuus, tum ob alias causas, tum etiam ob hanc, ne manus aliqua media fm'tiva forte selectiores prae- riperet. Mitto autem iiec tot, nee tales, ut vestris studiis dignos existimera, sed quales amor 6- -u o- -C) 156 THE DIARY OF mens, et erga communem mati-em pietas pararepotuerunt; raitto tamen (ut per cata- logum, quera una misi, constabit) Hebraica voluraina manuscripta quatuordecim, Arabica quinquaginta quinque, Persica septemdecim. Turcica quatuor, Russica sex, Annenica duo, Chinensia duodecim, Graeca quadraginta qua tuor, Italica tria, Gallica totidem, Anghcana quadraginta sex, Latina supra bis centum, praster alia quadraginta sex, sed recentiora, et e CoUegio Herbipolensi in Germania tempore belli suecici desumpta. Hos libros, araoris raei testes, vestra fidei coramitto, in Bibliotheca reponendos, hac conditione, ut nunquara inde extrahantur, vel rautuo cuipiam dentur sub quocunque prae- textu, 7nsi solum, ut typis mandeniur, et sic publici et juris, et utilitatis fiaiit, nee tamen ilium in finem, nisi data prius cautioiie a Vice-Cancellario, et Procuratoribus appro- banda, et ut statim a prselo locis suis in Bibliotheca praedicta restituantur, ut cautio istwc libros hosce a furibus, et conditio ista eosdem a Blattis Tineisque tutos conservare C> -o 0 — o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 157 possit ; quibus aliter praeda futuri sunt dura suo pulvere situque sepulti jaceant Siqui alii libri similes, aut meliores ad meas forte manus pervenerint eos etiam ad vos mitten- dos curabo, sub eadem conditione, et eodem loco figendos. Nolo alia negotia libris iramiscere ; sed omnia nobis prospera corde, quo decet pio exoptans, Academiara illara et vo.sraetipsos omnes et singulos, speciali Dei gratia cora- mendo. Cancel larius vester et amicus, W. Cant. Datum ex cedibus meis Latniet/ianis, Maii 22, lG3o. July 11, Saturday, and July 22, Wednes day. Two sad meetings Avith K. B. and how occasioned. — July 12, Sunday. At Theobalds, the soap business Avas ended, and settled again upon the iieAv Corporation, against my offer for the old soap boilers ; yet my offer made the King's profit double; and to that after two years, the new Cor poration Avas raised; hoAv it is performed, c- -C; O Q 158 THE DIARY OF let them look to it whom liis Majesty shall be pleased to trust with his Treasurer's staff. In this business and some other of great con sequence, during the Coramission for the Treasury, my old friend Sir F. W. forsook me, and joined with the Lord Cottington; which put me to the exercise of a great deal of patience, &c. Aug. 16, Sunday night. Most extreme thunder and lightning. The hghtning so thick, bright, and frequent I do not remem ber that I ever saw. Sept. 2, Wednesday. 1 Avas in attendance upon the King at Woodstock, and went thence to Cuddesden, to see the house which Dr. John Bancroft, then Lord Bishop of Oxford, had there built, to be a house for the Bishops of that See for ever. He having built that house at my persuasion. — Sept. 3, Thursday. I went privately from the Bishop of Oxford's house at Cuddesden, to St. John's in Oxford, to see my building there, and give some directions for the last finishing of it; and returned the same night staying there not -6 O- -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 159 two hours. — Sept. 23, Wednesday, I went to St, Paul's to vieAv the building, and re turned that night to Croydon Sept 24. Scalding Thursday — Sept 29. The Earl of Arundel brought an old man out of Shrop shire. He Avas this present Michaelmas-day shewed to the King and the Lords, for a man of 1 52 or 1 53 years of age. Oct. 26, Monday. This morning, between four and five of the clock, lying at Hampton Court, I dreamed, that I was going out in haste, and that when I came into my outer chamber, there was my servant Will, Pennell, in the same riding-suit which he had on that day sevennight at Hampton-Court with me. Methought I Avondered to see hira, (for I left hira sick at home,) and asked him hoAv he did, and Avhat he made there. And that he answered me, he came to receive ray blessing; and Avith that fell on his knees. That here upon I laid my hand on his head, and prayed over him, and thereAvith awaked. When 1 was up, I told this to them of my chamber ; and added, that I .should find Pennell dead or o -o o- -o o- 160 THE DIARY OF dying. My coach came; and when I came home, I found him past sense, and giving up the ghost. So my prayers (as they have fre quently before) commended him to God. Nov. 1 5, Sunday, at afternoon, the greatest tide that had been seen. It came within my gates, walks, cloisters, and stables, at Lam beth. — Nov. 21, Saturday. Charles Count Elector Palatine came to Whitehall to the King. This month the plague, which was hot in some parts of France and in the Loav Countries, and Flanders, began at Green wich. God be merciful unto us ! — Nov. 30, Saint AndrcAv's day, Monday. Charles Prince Elector Palatine, the King's nepheAv, Avas with me at Lambeth, and at solemn evening prayer. Dec. 1. Many elm-leaves yet upon the trees; Avhich fcAV men have seen. — Dec. 14, Monday. Charles Prince Elector came sud denly upon me, and dined Avith me at Lambeth.— Dec. 25, Christmas-Day. Charles Prince Elector received the Communion Avitli the King at Whitehall. He kneeled a httle o- 6 ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 161 beside on his left hand. He sate before the Communion upon a stool by the Avail, before the traverse ; and had another stool and a cushion before him to kneel at. — Dec. 28, Monday, Innocents'-day, about ten at night, the Queen Avas delivered at St. James's of a daughter. Princess Elizabeth. I christened her on Saturday following, Jan. 2. Feb. 2, Tuesday, Candlemas-day. My nearer care of J. S. was professed, and his promise to be guided by me, and absolutely settled on Friday after, Feb. 5. To My Lord of Winchester, concerning New College, Oxford. " Another business there is, Avhich I think may be very Avell Avorthy your consideration ; and if you do not give it remedy, (as I think it abundantly deserves,) I do not kiioAV who either can or Avill. I have often Avondered, Avhy so many good scholars came from Win chester to NeAV College, and yet so fcAV of them afterAvards prove eminent men : and Avhile 1 lived in Oxford, I thought upon o- •o o- ¦o 162 THE DIARY OF divers things, that raight be causes of it, and I believe true ones ; but I have lately heard of another, Avhich I think hath done and doth the College a great deal of harm, in the breeding of their young men. When they come from Winchester they are to be Probationers tAvo years, and then Fellows. A man Avould think those two years, and some years after, should be alloAved to Logic, Philosophy, Mathematics, and the like grounds of learning, the better to enable them to study Divinity with judgment. But I ara of late accidentally come to knoAV, that when the Probationers stand for their Fel lowships, and are to be examined how they have profited ; one chief thing in which they are examined is, liOAV diligently they have read Calvin's Institutions ; and are raore strictly held to it, how they have profited in that, than alraost in any kind of learning besides. I do not deny but that Calvin's Institutions may profitably be read, and as one of their first books for Divinity, Avhen they are well grounded in other learning; o- -'J o- -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 163 but to begin Avith it so soon, I am afraid doth not only hinder them from all grounds of judicious learning, but also too much possess their judgraents before they are able to judge, and makes many of them humorous in, if not against, the Church. For so many of them have proved in this latter age, since ray OAvn memory in that University. Your Lordship is Visitor there, and I think you cannot do a better deed, than to advise on a way, hoAV to break this business with the Warden, who is a learned and discreet man, and then think upon some remedy for it For I am verily persuaded, it doth that College a great deal of harm. I do not hold it fit that your Lord ship should fall upon this business too sud denly. When the Warden comes next to the election, raay be a fit time; nor would I have you let it be known, that you have received this infoi-mation from me ; but sure I am 'tis true, and needs a remedy. W, Cant." Feb. 2, 1635. Feb. 14, Sunday night. My honest old O -o o- -o 164 THE DIARY OF servant Richard Robinson, died of an apo plexy. — Feb. 28. 1 consecrated Dr. Roger Manwaring, Bishop of St. David's. March 6, Sunday. William Juxon, Lord Bishop of London, raade Lord High Trea surer of England. No Churchman had it since Henry VII.'s tirae. I pray God bless him to carry it so, that the Church raay have honour, and the King and the State service and contentment by it. And now if the Church Avill not hold up themselves under God ; I can do no more. Archbishop Laud's Letter to Sir Kenelm Digby. Salutem in Christo. Worthy Sir, I am sorry for all the contents of your Letter, save that which expresses your love to me. And I was not a little troubled at the very first words of it For you begin, that my Lord Ambassador told you, I was not pleased to hear you had raade a defection from the Church of England. It is most true, I Avas informed so ; and thereupon I o- c o- -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 165 Avrit to my Lord Ambassador, to knoAv Avhat he heard of it there. But it is true likewise, that I writ to yourself; and Mr. Secretary Cooke sent my Letters very carefully. Now seeing your Letters mentioned my Lord Ambassador's speech with you, Avithout any notice taken of my writing; I could not but fear these Letters of mine came not to your hands. Out of this fear, your second Letters took me; for they acknowledged the receipt of mine, and your kind acceptance of them. Had they miscarried, I should have held it a great misfortune. For you must needs have conderaned me deeply in your OAvn thoughts, if in such a near and tender business, I .should have solicited my Lord Ambassador, and not Avritten to yourself. In the next place I thank you, and take it for a great testimony of your loA'e to ine, that you have been pleased to give me so open and clear account of your proceedings Avith yourself in this matter of religion. In Avhich as I cannot hut commend the strict reckoning, to which you have called yourself; 6- o -o 166 THE DIARY OF so I could have wished, before you had abso lutely settled the foot of that account you Avould have called in some friend, and made use of his eye as a bye-stander, who often times sees more than he that plays the game. You write, I confess, that after you had fallen upon these troublesome thoughts, you were nigh tAVO years in the diligent discussion of this matter; and that you omitted no in dustry, either of conversing with learned raen, or of reading the best authors, to beget in you a right intelligence of this subject. I believe all this, and you did wisely to do it. But I have some questions, out of the freedom of a friend, to ask about it. Were not all the learned men, you conversed with for this par ticular, of the Roman party ? Were not the best authors, you mention, of the same side ? If both men and authors Avere the same way; can they beget any righter intelligence in you, than is in themselves ? If they were men and authors on both sides, with whom you conversed; why was I (whom you are pleased to style one of your best friends) o- "6 o- -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 167 omitted? True, it may be, you could not reckon me among those learned men and able for direction, Avith whom you conversed: suppose that; yet yourself accounts me among your friends. And is it not many times as useful, Avhen thoughts are distracted, to make use of the freedom and openness of a friend not altogether ignorant, as of those which are thought more learned ; but not so free, nor perhaps so indifferent? But the result, you say, that first began to settle you, was, that you discerned by this your diligent conversation, and studious read ing, that there Avere great mistakings on both sides, and that passion and affection to a party, transported too many of those that entered into the lists in this quarrel. Sup pose this also to be true, I am heartily sorry, and have been ever since I was of any understanding in matters of religion, to hear of sides in the Church. And I make no doubt, but it will one day fall heavy upon all, that wilfully make, or purposely continue, sidings in that body. But when sides are o -o o o 168 THE DIARY OF made and continued, remember you confess there are great mistakings on both sides. And hoAv then can you go from one side to the other, but you must go from one great mistaking to another? And if so, then by changing the side, you do but change the mistaking, not quit yourself from mistakes. And if you do qtut yourself frora them, by God's goodness, and your own strength; yet Avhy raight not that have been done without changing the side; since mistakes are on both sides ? As for the passion and transport ation of many that enter the lists of this quarrel; 1 am sure you raean not to make their passion your guide; for that would make you mistake indeed. And Avhy then should their passion work upon your judg ment ? especially, since the passion as well as the mistakes are confessed to be on both sides. After this folloAvs the raain part of your Letters, and that Avhich principally resolved you to enter again the coramunion of the Church of Rome, in Avhich you had been born and bred, against that semblance of Q- -o O- -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 169 good reason, Avhich formerly had made you adhere to the Church of England. And first you say, you noAV perceive that you may preserve yourself in that Church, without having your belief bound up in several particulars, the dislike Avhereof had been a motive to you to free yourself frora the jurisdiction which you conceived did impose them. It is true all Churches have some particulars free. But doth that Church leave you free to believe, or not believe, any thing deterrained in it? And did not your forraer dislike arise from some things determined in and by that Church ? And if so, Avhat freedora see you now, that you saw not then ? • And you cannot Avell say, that your dislike arose from any thing not deter mined; for in those, the jurisdiction of that Church iraposes not. You add, that your greatest difficulties were solved, when you could distinguish betAveen the opinions of sorae new raen raised upon wrested inferences, and the plain and solid articles of faith delivered at the first. 6- -O O- -o 170 THE DIARY OF Why, but I cannot but be confident you could distinguish these long since, and long before you joined yourself to the Church of England. And that therefore your greatest difficulties (if these were they) were as fully and fairly solved then, as now they are, or can be. Besides, if by these plain and solid Articles you mean none but the Creed, (and certainly no other were delivered at the first) you seem to intimate by comparing this and the former passage, that so you believe these plain and first Articles, you raay preserve yourself in that Church, frora having your belief bound up to other particulars; which I think few Avill believe, besides yourself, if you can believe it. And the opinions of new raen, and the wrested inferences upon these, are some of those great mistakes which you say are on both sides, and therefore needed not to have caused your change. To these first Articles you say. The Church in no succeeding age hath power to add (as such) the least tittle of new doctrine. Be it so; and I believe it heartily, (not as such,) o ¦¦ o o ¦o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 171 especially if you mean the Articles of the Creed. But yet if that Church do maintain, that all her decisions in a General Council, ave Articles Fidei Catholicae, and that all Chris tians are bomid to believe all and every one of them, eadem Fide, qua. Fidei Articulos ; and that he is an heretic Avhich believes thera not all ; where is then your freedom, or your not being bound up in several particulars ? And if you reply, you dislike no determination Avhich that Church hath made ; then Avhy did you forraerly leave it, to free yourself from that jurisdiction that you conceived imposed them ? For if the things which troubled you were particulars not deterrained, they Avere not imposed upon your belief And if they were determined, and so imposed ; how are you now set free more than then? You say again, You see now, that to be a Cathohc, doth not deprive them of the fore- named liberty, Avho have abilities to examine the things you formerly stuck at, and drive them up to their first principles. But first then; what shall become of their liberty. O- -o o- o 172 THE DIARY OF Avho are not able to examine? shall they enthral their consciences ? Next ; what shall secure them, who think themselves, and are perhaps thought by others, able to examine, yet indeed are not ? Thirdly ; what assur ance is there in cases not demonstrable, (as few things in religion are,) that they which are able to examine, have either no affection to blind their judgment, or may not raistake theraselves and their way in driving a doubt ful point to its first principles ? Lastly; how much doth this differ from leaning upon a private spirit, so much cried out against by that side, when men, under pretence of their ability, shall examine the tenets of the Church, and assume a liberty to themselves under colour of not being bound ? But, you say, this is not the breaking of any obligation that the Church lays upon you ; but only an exact understanding of the just and utmost obligations that side ties raen to. I must here question again. For, first, what shall become of their freedom, that cannot reach to this exact understanding? o- o -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 173 o And next, do not you make yourself, as a private man, judge of the Church's obliga tions upon you ? And is it not as great an usurpation upon the Church's poAver and right, to be judge of her obligations, as of her tenets ? For if the points be left free, there is no obligation ; nor can you, or need any other, have any scruple. But if the points be binding by the predetermination of the Church, can you any way be judge of her obligation, but you must be judge also of the point to Avhich she obliges ? Now, I think, that the Church Avill hardly give liberty to any private man to be so far her judge, since she scarce allows so rauch to any, as judiciura discretionis, in things determined by her. These utraost obligations, to Avhich that side ties men, you believe many men (and not of the meanest note) pass over in gross, Avithout ever throughly entering into the due consideration thereof. And truly I believe so too, that among too many men ou both sides, neither the points nor the obligations to them are Aveighed as they ought. But that ,''* 6- ^o a -o 174 THE DIARY OF is ho warrant (pardon my freedom) that your self hath considered them in all circumstances, or that you have considered them better noAV than you did before, when the dislike of that imposing jurisdiction was your first raotive to free yourself from it, by joining to the Church of England. And whereas you say, that you have re turned into that Communion, Avho frora your birth had right of possession in you, and therefore ought to continue it, unless clear and evident proof (Avhich you say' surely cannot be found) should have evicted you from it : truly. Sir, I think this had been , spoken Avith more advantage to you and your cause, before your adhering to the Church of England, than noAv; for then right of pos session could not have been thought little. But iioAv, since you deserted that Commu nion, either you did it upon clear and evident proof, or upon apparent only. If you did it then upon clear and evident proof, Avliy say you noAV no such can be found ? If you did it but upon apparent and seeming proof, (a Q- -O Q- o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 175 semblance of very good reason as yourself calls it,) Avhy did you then come off" from that Communion, till your proof were clear and evident ? And why may not that, which now seems clear and evident, be but apparent, as well as that, which then seemed clear unto you, be but semblance noAV? Nor Avould I have you say, that clear and evident proof cannot be found for a man, in this case of religion, to forego the Comraunion which had right of possession in hira from his birth; for the proposition is an universal negative, and of hard proof. And therefore, though I think I knoAV you and your judgment so Avell, that I may not without manifest wrong charge you, that you did in this great action, and so nearly concerning you, ad pauca respicere, Avhich our great master tells us breeds facile and easy, rather than safe and warrantable determinations, yet it will be upon you not only in honour without, but also in conscience within, to be able to assure yourself that you did ad plurima, if not ad omnia respicere. The thing being so Aveighty in itself, and o- c- -o 176 THE DIARY OF the miserable division of Christendom (never sufficiently to be lamented) making the doubt so great, that you who have been on both sides, must needs be under the dispute of both sides, Avhether this last act of yours, be not ill you rather a relapse into a former sickness, than a recovery from a former fall. But against this, the temper of your mind (you say) arms you against all censures, no slight air of reputation being able to move you. In this, I must needs say, you are happy : for he that can be moved from him self by the changeable breath of men, lives more out of than in hiraself; and (Avhich is a raisery beyond all expression) raust in all doubts go to other raen for resolution; not to himself; as if he had no soul within him. But yet post conscientiara fama. And though I would not desire to live by repu tation ; yet would I leave no good raeans untried, rather than live without it. And hoAv far you have brought yourself in ques tion, Avliich of these two, conscience or repu tation, you have shaken by this double fii' f O- o- -u -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 177 change, I leave yourself to judge ; because you say your first was with a semblance of very good reason. .And though you say again, that it now appears you Avere then misled ; yet you will have much ado to make the world think so. I'he way you took in conceaUng this your resolution of returning into that Communion, and the reasons which you give why you so privately carried it here, I cannot but ap prove. They are full of all ingenuity, tender and civil respects, fitted to avoid discontent in your friends, and scandal that might be taken by others, or contumely that might be returned upon yourself. And as are these reasons, so is the whole frame of your Letter (setting aside that I cannot concur in judg ment) full of discretion and temper, and so like yourself, that 1 cannot but love even that which I dislike in it. And though I shall never be other than I have been to the worth of Sir Kenelm Digby; yet most heartily sorry I am, that a man whose dis course did so rauch content me, should tlius o- -o -1^ 178 THE DIARY OF slide away from me, before I had so much as suspicion to awaken me, and suggest that he Avas going. Had you put me into a dis» pensation, and communicated your thoughts to me before they had grown up into resolu tions, I am a priest, and would have put on what secresy you should have coramanded. A little knoAvledge I have, (God knows a little,) I would have ventured it with you in that serious debate you have had Avith yoiirself. I have ever honoured you, since I knew your Avorth, and 1 Avould have done all offices of a friend to keep you nearer than now you are. But since you are gone, and settled another way, before you would let rae know it, I know not now what to say to a man of judgment ; and so resolved : for to Avliat end should I treat, when a resolution is set already? So set, as that you say no clear and evident proof can be found against it : nor can I tell hoAv to press such a man as you to ring the changes in religion. In your poAver it Avas not to change; in mine it is not to make you change again. There- 6- -o s :8 ARCHBISHOP LAUD, 179 fore to the moderation of your own heart, under the grace of God, I must and do now leave you for matter of religion; but re taining still with me, and entirely, all the love and friendliness Avhich your worth won from me ; well knoAving, that all differences in opinion shake not the foundations of re ligion. NoAV to your Postscript, and then I have done. That I ara the first, and the only person to whora you have written thus freely : I thank you heartily for it. For I cannot conceive any thing thereby, but your great respect to me, Avhicli hath abundantly spread itself all over your Letter, And had you written this to me, with a restraint of making it further known, I should have performed that trust : but since you have submitted it to me, Avhat further knowledge of it I shall think fit to give to any other person; I have, as I took myself bound, ac quainted his Majesty Avith it, Avho gave a great deal of very good expression con cerning you, and is not a little sorry to lose o- -o o -o 180 THE DIARY OF the service of so able a subject. 1 have like- Avise made it known in private to Mr. Secre tary Cook, who was as confident of you as myself. I could hardly believe your oavu Letters, and he as hardly my relation. To my Secretary I must needs trust it, having not time to write it again out of my scribbled copy ; but I dare trust the secresy in which I have bound him. To others I am silent, and shall so continue, till the thing open itself; and I shall do it out of reasons, very like to those which you give, why yourself would not divulge it here. In the last place, you promise yourself, that the condition you are in will not hinder rae frora continuing to be the best friend you have. To this I can say no more, than that I could never arrogate to myself to be your best friend; but a poor, yet respective friend of yours 1 have been, ever since 1 kncAV you : and it is not your change, that can change me, who never yet left, but where 1 was first forsaken ; and. not alAvays there. So praying for God's blessing upon you, and in that way o- -c o- -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 181 Avliich He knows most necessary for you, I rest. Your very loving friend. To serve you in Domino. Lambeth, March 27, 1636, I have writ this Letter freely ; I shall look upon all the trust that ever you raean to carry with me, that you shew it not, nor deliver any copy to any raan. Nor Avill I look for any answer to the Queries I have herein made. If they do you any good, I am glad ; if not, yet I have satisfied myself. But leisure I have none, to write such Letters; nor Avill I entertain a quarrel in this wran gling age ; and now my strength is past. For all things of moment in this Letter, I haA^e pregnant places in the Council of Trent Thomas, Bellannin, Stapleton, Valentia, &c. But t did not mean to make a volume of a Letter. Endorsed this with the Archbishop's own hand. March 27, l636. 0 ' ¦¦ o O' -o 182 THE DIARY OF April 7, Thursday. The Bill came in this day, that two died of the plague in White- chapel. God bless us through the year ! An extreme dry and hot April and May, till the middle of June. May 16, Monday. The settlement between L. M. St. and me. God bless rae, &c. — May 1 7, Tuesday. I visited the Dean and Chapter of St, Paul's, London, &c. — May 1 9, Thursday. The agreeraent between me and L. K. Ch. which began very strangely, and ended just as I thought it would. June 21, Tuesday. My hearing before the King about my right to visit both the Uni versities Jure Metropolitico. It was ordered with me : the hearing Avas at Hampton-Court. — June 22, Wednesday. The Statutes of Ox ford finished, and published in Convocation. These Letters were read in Convocation upon the 22d of June, 1636, wherein Mr. Secretary Cook made a weighty speech fit ting the occasion, and so likeAvise did the Vice-Chancellor. Mr. Secretary's speech fol- loAvs in haec verba. o- -o c -0 ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 183 Reverend Vice-Chancellor, Doctors, and Masters, You have heard with due respect and atten tion the Letters brought by us from his sacred Majesty ; you have also heard in conformity thereunto other Letters, sent from your most Reverend Chancellor, signifying his Majesty's grace and goodness in recommending unto you this volume of Statutes, Avhich we now deliver, and you are to receive, as the rules, by which you must be governed hereafter. You have also seen and heard the confirma tion and establishment of these Statutes. First by his Majesty's royal signature, and under the great seal of his kingdom : and respectively under the hand and seal of the Lord Archbishop, both as Primate and Me tropolitan of England, and as most Avorthy Chancellor of this University, Avhereby it is manifest, that these laAvs and ordinances are so established and ratified both by sovereign and subalternal authority, temporal and spu-i- tual, that nothing further can be required. G- -G o- -o 184 THE DIARY OF but your ready acceptance and obedience, whereof I make no doubt. For (to do you right) you have already shewed so effectual conformity ; and at this present express such alacrity and forwardness, that I rather see cause to commend and encourage you, than to exhort and stir you up, or any Avay to im portune you by any further speech ; yet because there is generally in man's nature a secret curiosity and prejudice against all things, that appear extraordinary and ncAV, especially when they impose any duty, and require obedience at their hands; I must crave leave in discharge of my own duty to satisfy those, which hereafter raay be in quisitive into these proceedings, to insist a little upon those principal respects which demonstrate the full authorization and abso lute necessity of subraission to these laws. That Avhich coraraands in chief, and which no reason can withstand, is his Majesty's soA'ereign poAver, by Avhich these Statutes (as you see) are both enacted and confirmed. Him Ave all acknowledge to be our supreme 6 -6 o- -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 185 governor both of Church and Commonwealth, over all causes and persons; and to his suprem acy and allegiance, we are all obliged by oath. This then Ave must build upon, as an axiom and fundaraental rule of government, that all our Laws and I^tatutes are the King's Laws, and that none can be enacted, changed, or abrogated Avithout him ; so all Courts of LaAv or Equity are properly the King's Courts ; all justice therein administered, be it civil or martial, is the King's justice; and no pardon or grace proceeds from any, but from the King. And as of justice, so is he the source of honour ; all dignities, all degrees, all titles, arms, and orders come originally from the King, as branches from the root And not only particular raen and families, but all corporations, societies, nay counties, pro vinces, and depending kingdoms, have all their jurisdictions and governments established by him ; and by hira (for public good) to be changed or dissolved. So his power reacheth to foreign plantations, Avhere he may erect principalities, and make Uavs for their good o O 9 o 186 THE DIARY OF government, which no man may disobey. And as in the temporal, so in the State ecclesiastical, his regal poAver by ancient right extended! to the erection of Bishoprics, Deaneries, and Cathedral Churches, and to settle orders for government in all Churches, by the advice of his own Clergy, without any concurrence of foreign usurping poAver. But for Universities and Colleges, they ai-e the rights of Kings in a most peculiar manner. For all their estabhshments, endow ments, privileges, and orders by which they subsist and are maintained, are derived from regal power. And as it is your greatest honour, so it is your greatest safety, that now this body of your laws, as Avell as your privileges and imraunities, are established, ratified, and confirraed by the King. And raore 1 shall not need to say in this point • In the next place you may consider for your encouragement to receive this great favour and benefit from his Majesty Avith ready and thankful minds, that your Chan cellor's Avorthy care had a chief operation in 0 — • Q -O ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 187 advancing this great Avork; whose nearness to his Majesty in a place of that eminency and sincere conformity to his orders and commands, and most watchful care over that part of the government which is committed to his trust, enableth him to support, and may give you confidence to obey that which his Majesty recommendeth by so good a hand, specially in matters concerning the good government of the Church or of the Schools. In the Church, (whereof he is Primate and Metropolitan,) his power is very large, and his extraordinary endeavours in it deserve at least to be well understood. In former times, Avhen Churchmen bore rule, the greatest Pre lates gave the first way to alienate Church Livings : Avhereas this worthy Prelate maketh it his chief Avork to recover to the Church for the furtherance of God's service Avhat may be now restored. And what therein he hath effected under his Majesty's gracious and poAverful order, not England alone, but Scot land and Ireland can abundantly witness. o- -o o- -o Q 188 THE DIARY OF Again, what help and relief he procureth daily for Ministers oppressed by rich en croaching neighbours or patrons ; Avhat col lections and contributions he obtaineth to re-edify, to repair and adorn churches ; and what great structures are now in hand, and much advanced by his judgment, care and zeal in our most famous monuments dedicated to God's service, we may behold with joy, and future ages Avill commeraorate to his Majesty's eternal glory, by whose poAver and order all is performed, and to the honour of our country, and for encouragement and ex ample of those that shall succeed ; who Avill acknoAvledge Avith us, that this man is indeed, as he is by his just style, a most reverend and beneficial Father of the Church : and for this University what better evidence can be desired ofhis singular love and beneficence, than first that stately building, whereby he hath made himself another founder of that College, Avhich bred him to this height of worth? And secondly, those many rare and exquisite Manuscripts and Authors, whereAvith G- -o -D ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 189 he hath replenished your renowned public Library? And if you add hereunto his con stant care to maintain you in all your rights and privileges, and to assist you in your pre ferments ; and finally in coUecting this great volume of ordinances for the present and future government of this faraous University. You have raonuraents sufficient to eternize among you and all raen his memory and desert. And this work is that, which now remaineth in the third place to be further stood upon. For it is not (as some may think) either a rhapsody of overworn and unuseful ordinances, nor yet an imposition of novel constitutions to serve the present times; but our royal Justinian by the labour and direction of tliis prudent person hath collected into a Pandect or Corpus Juris Academici all the ancient approved Statutes, which in for- mer times Avere scattered and so neglected. And though many great Prelates have hereto fore undertaken this work, yet it ever miscar ried, till the piercing judgment and indefati gable industry of this man took it in hand, and o- -o -o 190 THE DIARY OF happily, as noAV you see, hath put you into possession of it, Avhereof the use can hardly be valued. For by these rules, you, that are governors, may know what to Cbramand, and those, that are under you may know how to obey, and all may understand Iioav to order their behaviour, and their studies, whereby they raay becorae most profitable members in the Church and Coraraonwealth, Avhich is the main cause, why his Majesty requireth them so strictly to be obeyed. For let me speak freely out of that true affection which I bear to you all: deceive not yourselves with a vain opinion, that Kings and Princes give great donations, privileges, and honours, to their Schools and Universities for a popular applause, or out of mere bounty, or for honour, or for opinion of merit, by which the art of Clergymen transported them heretofore : but the very truth is, that all Avise Princes respect the welfare of their estates, and con sider, that Schools and Universities are (as n the body) the noble and vital parts, Avhich being vigorous and sound, send good blood c- o- -6 -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 191 and active spirits into the veins and arteries, which cause health and strength : or if feeble or ill affected, corrupt all the vital poAvers ; Avhereupon grow diseases, and in the end death itself. What inconveniences have grown in all ages by the ill government and disorders of schools, your books can inform you. And to come home to yourselves, have not our late Parliaments complained? Nay hath not the land exclaimed, that our great schools of virtue were become schools of vice? This I mention unwillingly, but withal do most willingly tell you to your eternal praise, that since it pleased his Majesty to take to heart a reformation, and by advice of your never too often named Chancellor, sent you doAvn some temporary orders, Avhereby to reduce you to some reasonable moderation, thereupon by the Avisdom and resolution of you the wor thy governors, and by the inclinable confoi-m- ity of all the students in general, it is now corae to pass, that scholars are no more found in taverns or houses of disorder, nor seen loiterin "¦ in the streets, or other places of idlcnes.s or o- ¦o Q O 192 THE DIARY OF ill example, but all contain themselves within the walls of their Colleges, and in the Schools or public Libraries : wherein, 1 must con fess, you have at length gotten the stai't, and by your virtue and merit have made this University, which before had no paragon in any foreign country, now to go beyond itself, and give a glorious exaraple to others not to stay belund. And if those teraporary and iraperfect orders produced so good effect, what may noAV be expected from tins body of Laws and Sta tutes, so complete and so digested, that no forraer age did ever enjoy the like ? Thus you have understood how the good ness of our great King, how the care and respect of your Chancellor, and how the Avorth and substance of the Avork itself, raay forcibly induce you to congratulate your own happiness. And therefore I might here for bear to trouble you any longer with a harsh interrupted speech; but that I cannot omit to put you in raind of one thing, which I know you will hear with willingness and o- -Q — G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 193 attention, because it tendeth chiefly to the honour of our God, and then by His power to the honour of our King; and thence to the comfort of every true-hearted subject, who will readily acknoAvledge, with reverence and thankfulness, the great blessings Ave now enjoy above all other nations. I will tell you but what I knoAV, (for I speak within my element ;) I have seen our neighbouring countries in great prosperity and renown, their cities stately built and strongly forti fied, with Avails raised up to heaven, full of people, full of trade, so full of peace and plenty, that they surfeited in all excess ; but from hence they are since fallen, partly by the boundless ambition of great Princes, partly by the factions and divisions in rehgion; and generally by their disorders, into such condi tion, that men- of great honour sent in remote employment, found Avhole provinces so sacked and depopulated, that in divers journeys they encountered scarce a man, and of those they found dead, some had grass in their mouths and stomachs, and some were torn in pieces G- -6 o -o 194 THE DIARY OF by beasts and ravenous foAvls ; and those that were alive, had no other care or study than how to save themselves from fire and sword. In general there is such desolation, that, with out a kind of horror, the horror thereof cannot be expressed. NoAv Ave, by God's blessing, are in a better case ; we sit here in God's house, thankful in true devotion for this wonderful favour to wards us. We enjoy peace and plenty; we are like to those who, resting in a calm haven, behold the shipwreck of others, Avherein we have no part, save only in compassion to help thera Avith our prayers ; which Ave all ought to do, as interested in their sufferings, lest the like may fall on us. What then remaineth, but seriously to consider, how all these great blessings are conferred upon us, not for our merits, or for our raore virtuous and holy lives, but only by God's favour to his true religion, and under hira by the happy govern raent of our gracious King; Avhich should confirra us all to a constancy in our obedience, and to a ready subjection to all those rules G — '¦ 6 o- 1 I L -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 195 and orders, which his Majesty shall prescribe for the public good. Wherein this general admonition may fruitfully be applied to the business noAV in hand, Avhereof 1 make no doubt So I crave your pardon and your good acceptance of that, which I have rudely spoken, but Avith a true affection to this whole body, whereof, (though I had my education from another nurse,) yet I had the honour to be an adopted son, and (as I suppose) one ofthe ancientest that lives amongst you at this day. It remaineth, that Mr. Vice-Chancellor per form his part; and proceed to the subscrip tions and depositions of you the Heads. John Cook. Letter lo the Vice-Chancellor, concerning ihe entertainment of the King at Oxford. S. in Clu'isto. Sir, Since I Avrit last to you, the Dean of Christ Church came to me, and acquainted rae Avith two things, Avhich are very necessary you. should both know and remedy. o 0- -G 196 THE DIARY OF The one is, that the University seems to be umvilling to contribute to the charge of the Plays, which are to be at Christ Church. Now this charge, as by reason of their build ing, they are not able to bear alone; so I must needs acknowledge, there ia no reason that they should, whatever their ability be : for the King is to be entertained by Oxford, not by Christ Church. And that he lies there, is but for the conveniency of the place, where there are so many fair lodgings for the great men to be about him. Indeed, if Christ Church men will say, they will have no actors but of their OAvn House, let them bear the charge of their own Plays, in God's name : but if they will take any good actors from any other College or Hall, upon trial of their sufficiency to be as good, or better than their own; then I see no reason in the world, but that the whole University should contribute to the charge. And I pray see it ordered, and let your successor follow you accordingly. The other is, that since the University must o- -o o- -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 197 contribute to this charge, (for so it was done when King James came, and at the last coming of Queen Elizabeth, both within my oAvn memory,) I hold it very fit, that all the mate rials of that stage, which are now to be made new, and the proscenium, and such apparel, whatever it be, as is wholly made ncAv, shall be laid up in some place fit for it ; to which the Vice-Chancellor for the time being shall have one key, and the Dean of Christ Church the other, that it may not be lost, as things of like nature and use have formerly been. And if any CoUege or Hall shall at any time, for any play or show that they are wiUing to set forth, need the use of any or all of these things, it shaU be as lawful and free for them to have and to use them, as for Christ Church; provided that after the use, they do carefully restore thera to the place whence they Avere taken. And to the end these things may be kept with the more safety and indifferency to the University, I think it very fit that an inventory be made of them, and that one copy thereof remain with them at Christ -o o- o 198 THE DIARY OF Church, and the other in such fit and con venient place, as the Vice-Chancellor and the Heads shall agree on. For my part, I think it fittest, that an inventory should be kept in the University registry, that so you may not only have access to it, so often as you shall have cause, but also leave it ready for direction in future times in like cases of expense. And I think it not amiss, that these my Letters which concern the ordering of these businesses, should be registered also. And further, that the University may see how the raoney, which they allow towards these charges, is expended, I think it very requisite, that yourself and the Heads should name three or four men of good experience in those things, that raay see at what rates all things are bought or paid for; and an ac count delivered in to the Vice-Chancellor and the Heads, at such time as the Vice- Chancellor shall call for them. And also, that their hands be set to both copies of the above-named inventories. I have thought upon Dr. Fell, Dr. Sanders, and the Warden O' ' 0 c -O ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 199 of Wadham, as very fit men for this purpose; tod if you and the Heads shall think it requi site to join any raore to thera, you may name whora you please. For the Play, which I intend shall be at St. John's, I will neither put the University nor the College to any charge, but take it wholly upon myself. And in regard of the great trouble and inconvenience I shall thereby put upon that House, as also in regard it shall set out one of the Plays by itself, I think there is great reason in it and do therefore expect it, that no contribution should be required from St. John's towards the Plays at Christ Church. And 1 pray let me have an account from you of the settle ment of these things. So I leave you to the grace of God, and rest, Your loving friend, W. Cant. Croydon, July 15, 1630. Aug. 3. Wednesday night Towards the morning, I dreamed that L. M. St. came to o- -G o- ¦o 200 THE DIARY OF me the next day, Aug. 4, and sheAved me all the kindness I could ask. Andthat Thursday he did come, and was very kind towards me. Soraniis taraen haud multum fido.— Aug. 19, Friday. I was in great danger of breaking my right leg. But God be blessed ! for His providence only delivered rae. — Aug. 29, Monday. King Charles and Queen Mary entered Oxford, being to be there entertained by me as Chancellor ofthe University. . Concerning the King's entertainment al Oxford. This year his Majesty and the Queen invited themselves to me to Oxford, and brought with them Charles, Prince Elector Palatine, and his brother Prince Rupert, being both then in England. They carae into Oxford at the end of this summer's pro gress, on Monday, August 29. The Vice- Chancellor made a very good speech unto thera, where rayself and the University raet thera, which was a mile, before they entered the town. That speech ended, they passed along by St John's, where Mr. Tho. Atkinson o G I -v 1 -o -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 201 made another speech unto them very brief, and very much approved of by his Majesty afterwards to rae. Within Christ Church gate, Mr. William Strode, the University Orator, entertained them with another speech, which was well approved. Thence the King accompanied his Queen to her lodging, and instantly returned, and went with all the Lords to the Cathedral, There after his private devotions ended, at the Avest door, Dr, Morris, one of the Prebendaries, enter tained him with another short speech, Avhich was well liked. And thence his Majesty proceeded into the quire, and heard service. After supper, they were entertained with a Play at Christ Church, Avhich Avas very Avell penned, but yet did not take the Court so Avell. The next day being Tuesday, the King came to service soon after eight in tlie morning. It was at Christ Church, and Mr. Thomas BroAvn, being then Proctor, made an excellent Sermon, Avhich gave great con tent The Sermon ended, the Prince Elector, and his brother Prince Rupert attended by Cv . . o o- -G 202 THE DIARY OF many of the Lords, came to the Convocation- House, Avherethe place was full of University men, all in their forms and habits very or derly. And the tAvo Princes, with divers Lords, Avere pleased to be made Masters of Arts ; and the two Princes' names were, by his Majesty's leave, entered in St John's Col lege, to do "tliat house that honour for my sake. In Convocation, the Vice-ChanceUor having first placed the Princes, and briefly expressed the cause of that Convocation, I made a short speech, which here foUoAvs in haec verba. Florentes Academici, et hoc tempore flo- rentissimi quibus Caroli Regis et pientissimi et prudentissimi : simulque Marias illustrissimaj heroinae, consortis suee charissimae, praesentia frui datur nee ea solum, sed et praesenti^ exi- miffi spei Principum, nepotum M. Jacobi sacratissimae memoriaE! Monarchae, et de Aca demia literatisque omnibus optirae raeriti ; Principes hi sunt, et hoc titulo, et suo, omni honoris genere dignissimi. Vos eos orani, quo potestis, prosequimini. o- 6 i h K Q ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 203 Quid expectatis ultra, Academici ? An ut ego oratorio in hoc senatu fungar munere ? At illud et memoria, curis simul et annis fracta, et lingua per se incidta, et desuetudine loquendi haesitans; et praesens negotiura, quod ad alia festinat, omnino prohibent. Nee Prin cipes hi proceresve illud a me expectant, cui aliud satis jam incumbit negotium : et qui iUis brevitatem in oranibus sum poUicitus. Breviter itaque quod ad vos attinet, Prin cipes, non ortu magis quam virtutibus illus- tres. Non expectat a vobis Academia, ut possitis totam entis profunditatem exhaurire, ut sic sitis Artium Magistri, sed liceat dicere : freta aatatis vestrse nondum transiistis. .ffistus jam urgent juveniles. Hos discite superare fluctus, procellas has in auras redigere, et omnium insimul Artium Magistri eritis, et quid ni fortunae? Atque utinam nostrae potestatis esset, cfficae ilh Dceb oculos dare, quibus virtutes vestras cerneret, et agnosceret jura. Et vos etiam proceres, Principum horum cultores, convocata hac Academia exultat vi- o- ¦u o- -o 204 THE DIARY OF dere, et non solum conferre gradus suos in vos 'gestit, quos omni honoris cultu veneratur: sed potius eos conferendo, honorem summum gradibus suis quaerit; quod placeat Princi- pibus hisce vobisque pannis suis (nam et pannus in purpura est) inaugurari. Floreat sic saepius Academia, et nativis simul et adop- tivis filiis gaudeat Egregie Vice-Cancellarie, ad creationem et admissionem simul pro officio tuo descende. After this the Vice-Chancellor proceeded, made another short speech, and after creation and admission ofthe Princes and other honour able persons, ended the Convocation. That finished, they all returned to Christ Church to attend upon the King, (the Princes having formerly in the morning seen some of the fair Colleges.) Then the Queen being not ready, the King, Avith the Princes and the Nobles, myself also waiting upon him, Avent to the Library, where the King viewed the new buildings and the books, and Avas enter tained with a very neat speech by the son of G 6 .>^ -6 -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 205 the Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, then Lord Chamberlain. Then word was brought up, that the Queen was come. So the King Avent into the coach to her, and they went away to St. John's to dinner, the Princes and Nobles attending them. When they were come to St. John's, they first viewed the new building; ahd that done, I attended them up the Library stairs ; Avhere, so soon as they hegan to ascend, the music began, and they had a fine short song fitted for tliem, as they ascended the stairs. In the Library they were welcomed to the College Avith a short speech raade by , one of the Fellows. And dinner being ready, they passed from the old into the new Library, built by myself, Avhere the King, the Queen, and the Prince Elector dined at one table, which stood cross at the upper end. And Prince Rupert, with all the Lords and Ladies present, which were very many, dined at a long table in the same room. All other several tables, to the num- G- -o 9- I 206 THE DIARY OF ber of thirteen besides these two, Avere dis posed in several chambers of the College, and had several men appointed to attend thera ; and I thank God I had that happiness, that all things were in very good order, and that no man went out at the gates, courtier or other, but content; Avhich Avas a hap piness quite beyond expectation. When dinner Avas ended, I attended the King and the Queen together with the Nobles into several Avithdrawing chambers, where they entertained themselves for the space of an hour. And in the mean tirae I caused the windows of the Hall to be shut the candles lighted, and all things made ready for the Play to begin. When these things were fitted, I gave notice to the King and the Queen, and attended them into the Hall, whither I had the happiness to bring them by a way prepared from the President's lodg- ing to the Hall, without any the least dis turbance ; and had the HaU kept as fresh and cool, that there was not any one person when the King and Queen came into it. " 6 -G G- •;r* i ¦Q ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 207 The Princes, Nobles, and Ladies entered the same Avay with the King, and then presently anotiier door Avas opened below to fill the Hall with the better sort of company; Avhicli being done, the Play Avas begun and acted. The plot was very good, and the action. It Avas meny, and without offence, and so gave a great deal of content. In the raiddle of the Play, I ordered a short banquet for the King, the Queen, and the Lords. And the College was at that time so Avell furnished, as that they did not boiTOAv any one actor from any College in town. The Play ended, the King and the Queen went to Christ Church, retired and supped priA'ately, and about eight o'clock, went into the Hall to see another Play, Avliich Avas upon a piece of a Persian story. It was very Avell penned and acted, and the strangeness of the Persian habits gave great content; so that all men came forth frora it very well satisfied. And the Queen liked it so Avell, that she afterwards sent to me to have the apparel sent to Hamp ton Court, that she might see her OAvn players G -G Q -O 208 THE DIARY OF act ft over again, and see Avhether they could do it as well, as it Avas done in the University. I caused the University to send both the clothes, and the perspectives of the stage; and the Play was acted at Hampton Court in November following. And by all men's con fession, the players came short of the Uni versity actors. Then I humbly desired of the King and the Queen, that neither the Play, nor clothes, nor stage, might come into the hands and use of the common players abroad, Avhich Avas graciously granted. But to return to Oxford. This Play being ended, all men hetook themselves to their rest: and upon Wednesday morning, August 31, about eight ofthe clock, myself with the Vice-Chancellor and the Doctors attended the coming forth of the King and Queen; and when they came, did our duties to thera. They were graciously pleased to give the Uni versity a great deal of thanks ; and 1 for myself, and in the name of the University, gave their Majesties all possible thanks for their great and gracious patience and acceptance of our 6 6 c- --G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 209 poor and mean entertainment. So the King and Queen went aAvay very well pleased together. That Wednesday night, I entertained at St. John's, in the same room where the King dined the day before, at the long table, Avhich was for the Lords, all the Heads of Colleges and Halls in the toAvn ; and aU the other Doctors, both the Proctors, and sorae few friends more, which I had employed in this tirae of service ; which gave the University a great deal of content, being that Avhich had never been done by any Chancellor before. I sat Avith thera at table, we Avere raerry, and very glad that all things had so passed to the great satisfaction of the King, and the honour of that place. Upon Thursday, September 1 , I dined pri vately with some fcAV of my friends: and after dinner Avent to Cuddesden to my ancient friend, my Lord the Bishop of Oxford's house; there I left my steward, and some few of my servants with him at Oxford, to look to my plate, linen, and other things, and to pay o- o o- -o 210 THE DIARY OF all reckonings, that no man might, ask a penny after we had left the town; Avldch was carefully done accordingly. Upon Fri day, September 2, I lay at a house of Mr. Justice Jones's, of Henley-upon-Thames, upon his earnest invitation. And upon Saturday, September 3, (God be thanked,) I returned safe home to my house at Croydon. The Aveek after, my steward and other seiwants, which stayed with him, carae from Oxford to me; where the care of my servants, with God's blessing upon it Avas such, as that having borrowed all the King's plate, which was in the progress, and all my Lord Cham berlain's, and made use of all mine own, and hired sorae of my goldsmith, I lost none, but only two spoons Avhich were of mine own plate, and but little of my linen. My retinue (being all of ray own, Avhen I went to this entertainment) Avere between forty and fifty horse; though I came pri vately into Oxford, in regard of the nearness of the King and Queen, then at Woodstock. There was great store of provision in all Q- -O O- ¦G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 211 kinds sent me in towards this entertainment ; and yet (for I bare all the charge of that Play, which was at St John's, and suffered not that poor College to be at a penny loss or charge in any thing) besides all these sendings in, the entertainment cost me Aug. 30. On Tuesday, I entertained them at St. John's College. It was St. Felix's day; and all passed happily. Charles Prince Elector Palatine, and his brother Prince Rupert were there. These two Avere present in Con vocation ; and, Avith other Nobles, were made Masters of Arts. — Aug. 31, Wednesday. They left Oxford, and I returned homcAvards the day after, having first entertained all the Heads of Houses together. Oct. 14, Friday night I dreamed marvel lously, that the King Avas offended Avith me, and would cast me off, and tell rae no cause Avhy. Avertat Deus ! for cause I have given none. November 4, Friday night. The most ex- ti-erae Avind that ever I heard; and much hurt done by sea and by land. Twice or O G 0- -G - ',, 212 THE DIARY OF thrice since, thunder, and lightning, and hail. — Nov. 20, Sunday night My fearful dream. Mr. Cobb brought me word, &c. Letter to the Vice-Chancellor, concerning the Service at St. Mary's. Salutem in Christo. Sir, The sickness of these times, and my many other occasions, raade me forget to write to you before the beginning of Michaelmas Term last, concerning the Sermon and Prayers usually had at St. Mary's at the beginning of Terms, which were wont to be not so or derly as they should, nor with so good example to other places at large in the king dora, as such a University should give. For, first, the Coramunion was celebrated in the body of the church, and not in the chancel ; which, though it be permitted in the Church of England in some cases of neces sity, where there is a multitude of people; yet very indecent it is, and unfitting in that place, where so fcAV (the more the pity) use G -o -o -0 ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 213 to communicate at these solemn tiraes. But this abuse f caused to be rectified in Dr. Duppa's time, and I hope neither you nor your successors will suffer it to return again into the former indecency. Secondly, though none do come to those solemn Prayers and Sermons but scholars, and those too of the best rank, yet to no small dishonour of that place, the Sermon is in Latin, and the Prayers in English; as if Latin prayers were more unfit for a learned congregation than a Latin Sermon. And the truth is, the thing is very absurd in itself, and contrary to the directions given at the beginning of the reformation of this Church ; for in the Latin Service Books, which Avere first printed in the beginning of Queen Eliza beth, there is an express both direction and charge, that notAvithstanding the altering of the ordinary Forra of Prayers throughout the Avhole body of the kingdom frora Latin into Enghsh; yet in the Universities such Prayers, unto which none but they Avhich Avere learned did resort, should be in Latin. And o- G i A O -O 214 THE DIARY OF for my part, I do rauch Avonder, considering how public that direction was, that the Uni versity at the beginning of Terms should fall frora this ordinance, and so divide the Service and Sermon between Latin and English. Upon consideration of this I acquainted his Majesty both Avith that printed direction of Queen Elizabeth, and with the breach of it by the University at the beginning of Terms; whereupon his Majesty was pleased to give me in charge to see this ordered, and to take a course for a remedy in the future, and that hereafter Service, Sermon, and Com munion, should be at all beginnings of Terms uniformly in Latin, since none resort to either, but such as well understand it. These are therefore to pray and require you, at sorae convenient Meeting of the Heads, to acquaint them Avith this direction of his Majesty, and to take care, that both at the beginning of the next Term, and of all Terms following, the Service and Coramunion be in Latin, as Avell as the Sermon. And that such, as are not furnished, may the ' better G- G -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 215 provide themselves of Service Books in Latin, so soon as conveniently they can, you shaU do Avell to make it so much the sooner known to the Heads. And this I must not forget to tell you, that when I took this first into con sideration, it Avas thought fitting to put it into the University Statutes. But afterwards I considered, that since the Statutes Avere to remain to posterity, it would lay no small scandal upon these times, Avhen they should see by the very Statute itself, what a stranger the University was to the prayers of the Church in a learned language. And hereupon having first acquainted his Majesty with this also, I thought it better to leave it out of the Statutes, and to reduce it to this privater way, which opinion of mine his Majesty was pleased graciously to approve. Tavo things there are, which you and the Heads must take present care for : the one is, that the Vice-Chancellor, and he that helps him to execute, (Avhosoever he be,) be in surplices; but Avhether the Vice-Chancellor Avill put on his surplice, when he goes to the o- -G G O 216 THE DIARY OF Communion, or put it on at the first and so read Service, and sit at the Sermon in it, I leave to his own judgment; but I like the latter better, and the surplice must be under both the habit and the hood. The second is, that there must be care taken with the Singing Men, that they may answer the Litany, and all other places of the Service, where they interpose, in Latin, which they may easily practise, and be ready to perform at the beginning of the next Term ; but if they cannot, the Litany must be sung, or ansAvered by the Masters without the organ, till they can : for the main business to have all things in Latin must go on. So Avishing you all health and happiness, and the University that honour, that belongs unto her entire, I leave to the grace of God, and rest Your very loving friend, W. Cant. Croydon, Nov. 26, 1636. December 24, Saturday, Christmas-eve. That night I dreamed I went to seek Mr. St G- O G- -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 217 and found him with his mother sitting in the room. It was a fair chamber. He went aAvay, and I went after, but missed him, and after tired myself extremely ; but neither could I find him, nor so much as the house again. 1637- To Dr. Prideaux, concerning his review qf Mr. Chillingworth's answer, ^-c. Sir, I had almost forgotten a business to you of greater consequence than this, and I cannot well teU whether Mr. Vice-Chancellor hath acquainted you Avith it or no ; for I Avrit not unto him very expressly in the business, but now recalling it, I thought fit to write thus rauch to yourself. You know, that Mr. Chil- lingAvorth is answering of a book, that much concerns the Church of England ; and I am very sorry, that the young man hath given cause, why a more . watchful eye should be held over him and his Avritings. But since it is so, I would Avillingly desire this favour from you in the Church's name, that you o- -G o- — o 218 THE DIARY OF would be at the pains to read over this Tract, and see that it be put home in all points against the Church of Rome, as the cause requires. And I am confident Mr. Chil lingworth will not be against your altering of any thing that shall be found reason able. And to the end that all things raay go on to the honour of the Church of Eng land, I have desired Dr. Potter, (Avho is par ticularly concerned in this business,) so soon as ever he is returned from London, to speak Avith you about it. And when all these trials are over, I would be content, that both this book, and all others that shall be hereafter licensed in the University, have such an Im primatur of the licenser before it, as we use here above, which I shall leave to the wisdom ofthe Vice-Chancellor and the Heads. W. Cant. Lavibeth, March 3, 163f March 30, Thursday. I christened the Lady Princess Ann, King Charles's third daughter. She was born on Friday, March 17. o- -G O G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 219 Concerning ihe calling in of B'lshop Sale's Booh of Devotion. Mr. Vice-ChanceUor, There Avas an English translation of a Book of Devotion, written by Sales Bishop of Ge neva, and entitled, " Praxis Spiritualis sive Introductio ad Vitam Devotam," licensed by Dr. Haywood, then my Chaplain, about the latter end of Noveraber last; but before it passed his hands, he first struck out divers things, wherein it varied from the doctrine of our Church, and so passed it. But by the practice of one Burrowes, (Avho is now found to be a Roraan Catholic,) those passages struck out by Dr. Haywood Avere interlined aftei'Avards, (as appears upon examination before Mr. Attorney-General, and by the Manuscript copy,) and were printed accord ing to BurroAves's falsifications. The book being thus printed, gave great and just of fence, especially to myself, Avho, upon the first hearing of it gave present orders to seize upon all the copies, and to burn them G __ o 220 the diary OF publicly in Smithfield. Eleven or twelve hundred copies were seized and burnt ac cordingly ; but it seems two or three hundred of the impression were dispersed before the seizure. Noav ray desire is, that if any copies of this translation be, or shall be sent to Oxford, you would call them in, and take such order for the suppressing of them there, as is here already taken. And so I comraend you to God's grace, and rest Your loving friend, W. Cant. Lambeth, May 4, 1637. June 10. My book of the Records in the Tower, which concerned the Clergy, and which I caused to be coUected, and written in vellura, was brought me finished. It is ab Ann. 20 Edw. I. ad Ann. 14 Edw, IV.— June 14. This day, Jo. Bastwick, Doctor of Physic, Henry Burton, Bachelor of Divinity, and Wilham Prynne, Barrister at Law, were censured for their libels against the hierarchy of the Church, &c. G- 4 -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 221 Extract from a Letter lo the Vice-Chancellor, concerning Mr. Crofts. Sir, For Mr. Crofts and his great horses, he may carry them back if he please, as he brought them. For certainly it cannot be fit for the University, though the exercise in itself be exceeding commendable: for the gentleraen there are most part too young, and not strong enough ; besides, you cannot put that charge upon their parents, without their particular leave and directions; but this especially is considerable, that Avhere- ever this place of riding shall be, Avhere one scholar learns, you shall have twenty or forty to look on, and there lose their time, so that upon the Avhole raatter, that place shall be fuller of scholars, than either Schools or Li brary. Therefore I pray give Mr. Crofts thanks fairly for his good intentions ; but as thus advised, I cannot give Avay to his stay ing there to the purpose he intends ; nor is it altogether inconsiderable, that you shall o- •G G -6 G -O 222 THE DIARY OF suffer scholars to fall into the old humour of going up and down in boots and spurs, and then have their excuse ready, that they are going to the riding-house; and I doubt not, but other inconveniences may be thought on, therefore I pray no admittance of him. W. Cant. Lambeth, June 23, 1637, In this year the Porch of St. Mary's was finished at the cost of my Chaplain, Dr. Morgan Owen, which was £230. June l6. The speech I then spake in the Star-Chamber, Avas commanded by the King to be printed. And it came out June the 25th. — June 26. This day, Monday, the Prince Elector and his brother Prince Rupert began their journey toAvard the sea side, to return for Holland. — June 30, Friday, the above- named three libellers left their ears. July 7, Friday. A note was brought to me, of a short libel pasted on the cross in Cheapside : that the Arch- Wolf of Cant, had his hand in persecuting the saints, and shed- G- ^ o- O ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 223 ding the blood of the Martyrs. Memento, for the last of June. July 11, Tuesday. Dr. Williams Lord Bishop of Lincoln was censured in the Star- Chamber for tampering, and corrupting of — Wit, in the King's cause. — July 24, being Monday, he was suspended by the High Coraraission, &c. Aug. 3, Thursday. I married James Duke of Lennox, to the Lady Mary ViUiers, sole daughter of the Lord Duke of Buckingham : the marriage was in my Chapel at Lambeth ; the day very rainy; the King present — Aug. 23, Wednesday. My Lord Mayor sent me a libel found by the watch at tlie south gate of St Paul's. That the devil had left that house to rae, &c. — Aug. 25, Friday. Another libel brought rae by an officer of the High Coraraission, fastened to the north gate of St. Paul's. That the government of the Church of England is a candle in the snuff^ going out in a stench. — Aug.- 25. The sarae day at night, my Lord Mayor sent me another libel, hanged upon the standard in Cheap- 6- -O G- -O 224 THE DIARY OF side. My speech in the Star-Chamber, set in a kind of pillory, &c. — Aug. 29, Tuesday. Another short libel against me, in verse. Letter to the Vice-Chancellor. Salutem in Christo. Sir, I have yet received no Letter frora you this Aveek ; if I do, you shall have an answer on Friday, if I have so rauch leisure. In the raean tirae I send you this inclosed, which came to my hands this present afternoon. I pray examine the business Avitli all the care and industry you possibly can, as well for the discharge of your own duty and credit, as mine, in the government of that place. And if there be such a man as Pully here men tioned, be sure to make him fast, and examine hira throughly touching all particulars, that you shall think raaterial for the discovery of these unworthy practices for the seducing of youths iu that University, or elseAvhere, espe cially concerning the author of this Letter, and what youths have been dealt Avithal after G- ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 225 this sort, either in that House or any other of the town. And whether any Jesuits, or others, have lain hankering up and doAvn thereabouts, or be there at this present to that purpose, or any other as bad. In aU which, I desire you to use the utmost diligence and discretion that you can, and let me have an account Avith aU convenient speed. So I leave you to God's grace, and rest Your very loving friend, W. Cant. Croydon, August 29, 1637. P.S. This faUs out very unhappily, not only for the thing itself, which ought by all means to be prevented ; but also for the clamours, Avhich the late libeUers have made, that there are great endeavours for reintroducing of Popery. Extract from a Letter to the Vice-Chancellor. Sir, I am glad you found all in health, and all things else so well at your return ; and yet I cannot but see, that both factions would be 6- 6 -G O- G 226 THE DIARY OF busy there. Concerning the Popish fac tion, I writ hastily to you to prevent a danger, Avhich I thought was iraminent and God grant you may secure it! but in any case name not Fish, if you can possibly avoid it ; but carry it as if the letter were inter cepted, and be as careful as possibly you can. And concerning the Puritan, I see plainly, that Brazen-nose hath sorae as bad, or worse than Cook was about four years since. And that Greenwood, who preached on Sunday last, is Uke to prove a peevish man, which I am the more sorry for ; because you write he is a good master of his pen, aud therefore hke to do the more harm. But since he hath so cunningly carried it (for the fashion is noAv to turn the libellous part into a prayer,) I think the best way is to take no notice of it at all: but the more carefully to observe, Avhat the man doth in the University : for 1 would have no raan pubUcly caUed in ques tion, Avhere a fair answer may be given and taken, that the peace both of the Church and of that place may be preserved, as much t ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 227 as raay be. And yet to confess ray thoughts to you, I think Mr. GreeiiAVood had in this business a very factious and a rancorous meaning. W. Cant. Septemlcr 1, 1637. Letter to ihe Vice-Chancellor, Sir, You cannot carry too careful an eye, either over Pullin or the rest; for certainly some are about that place to seduce as many as they can. And particularly Dr. Potter writes me Avord, that Knott is noAV in Oxford, (I would you could lay hold of him,) and hath the sheets from the press as they are done ; and that he pays five shiUings for every sheet, and that you are acquainted with this rumour. I pi'ay be very careful in this also, for I know the Jesuits are very cunning at these tricks; but if you have no more hold of your printers, than that the press must lie thus open to their corruption, I shall take a sourer course, than perhaps is expected. For though perhaps they go so cunningly to -G -Q G -G 228 THE DIARY OF work, as that I shall not be able to make a legal proof of this foul misderaeanour : yet I find that Knott raakes a raore speedy answer, than is otherwise possible, without such seeing of the sheets; I shaU take that for proof enough, and proceed to discoramission your printer, and suppress his press. And I pray fail not to let him know so much from me. W. Cant. Croydon, Sept. 15, 1637. Oct. 22, Sunday. A great noise about the perverting of the Lady NeAvport : speech of it at the Council: ray free speech there to the King, concerning the increasing of the Roman party, the freedora at Denmark-house, the carriage of Mr. Wal. Montague and Sir Toby Matthews. The Queen acquainted with all I said that very night, and highly displeased with rae ; and so continues. Sir, Letter to Dr. Sheldon. Dr. FeU is now with me, and returns to Ox ford in the beginning ofthe next week. At his 6 -o -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 229 return, I Avould have you or Mr. Vice-Chan cellor speak with him about his resignation, which he hath promised me to make, both of his Lecture and Prebend of Worcester; and that so soon as their Worcester audit is over, (which I take is this November,) he having this year an office in that church to be ac countable for. And when you have once spoken Avith him about it, you may then go on, and make the business as sure as you can. When all is done, you must deal Avith Dr. Lawrence to be very mindful of the waspishness of these times, and to be sure to read upon no argument, that may make any the least trouble in Church or University, which I shall in part lay upon your care to look to for so much as concerns Dr. LaAV- rence ; so wishing you all health, &c. Your very loving friend, W, Cant. Lambeth, Nov. 3, 1637. o- -G 230 THE DIARY OF Letter to ihe Vice-Chancellor, concerning Prayers before Sermon. Sir, 1 sent to the Vice-Chancellor to speak to the Heads at the Monday meeting, that they folloAV the Canon in their prayers before Sermons, both in the University and out, and to require them to give notice of it to their several Companies. W. Cant. Nov. 22, Wednesday. The extreme and unnatural hot winter weather began, and continued till Dec. 8. Dec. 12, Tuesday. I had speech with the Queen a good space, and all about the busi ness of Mr. Montague, but Ave parted fair. 1638. AprU29. The tumults in Scotland, about the Service Book offered to be brought in, began July 23, 1637, and continued in creasing by fits, and have noAV brought that kingdom in danger. No question, but there is a great concurrence between them, and the o- O- o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 231 Puritan party in England. A great aim there to destroy rae in the King's opinion, &c. May 26, Saturday. Jaraes Lord Marquess Hamilton set forth, as the King's Commis sioner, to appease the tumults in Scotland. God prosper him, for God and the King. It Avas a very rainy day. June. My Visitation then began of Merton CoUege in Oxford by my Visitors ; was adjourned to ray own hearing, against and upon Oct, 2. Oct 2, 3, 4. I sate upon this business these three days, and adjourned it to July 1, inter horas priraara et tertiara, Lambeth. The Warden appeared very foul. -r- Oct. 19, Friday. News Avas brought to us, as we sate in the Star-Chamber, that the Queen Mother of France Avas landed at HarAvich : many and great apprehensions upon this business ; extreme windy and wet weather a week before, and after; the watermen called it. Queen Mother Aveather Oct. 26, Friday. A most extreme tempest upon the Thames. I was in it, going from the Star- -G 232 THE DIARY OF Chaniher home, between six and seven at night. I was never upon the Avater in the like storm : and was in great danger at my landing at Lambeth bridge. — Oct. SI, Wed nesday. The Queen Mother came to'London, and so td St James's. Nov. 13, Tuesday. The agreement be tween me and Ab. S. &c. — Nov. 21, Wed nesday. The General Assembly in Scotland began to sit— Nov. 29, Thursday. The Proclamation issued out, for dissolAang the General Assembly in Scotland, under pain of treason. Dec. 20. They sate notwithstanding ; and made very strange acts, till Dec. 20, which was Thursday, and then they rose. But have indicted another Assembly against July next. The King's Letter to Christ Church, Oxford, for suppressing their Westminster Supper. Trusty and Avell-beloved, &c. We are informed that you have for some years suffered a very ill custora to continue in G- G O G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 233 that our Collegiate Church; for whereas there are divers Scholars chosen to be Students of that House, and divers others that live there as Coraraoners, but the greatest part of the Scholar^ are chosen from our School at West minster; there is a supper maintained yearly, coraraonly called a Westminster supper, at Avhich all and only Westminster scholars do raeet This supper Ave hold to be a very iU custom, and no Avay fit to be continued. For first, it is a thing not allowable in govern ment, that any party of men should have a several meeting, Avhicli is a direct way to faction and combination, and it teacheth the rest of the Students in such a Society to bandy themselves together against the other, that they may not be thought to be neglected. Secondly, such a meeting must needs cause more expenses than many Students are able to bear, especially in such chargeable times as these are. Thirdly, it gives an occasion of much drinking and riot, and consequently of all the bad eft'ects Avliich foUoAV such ex cesses; besides no small disorder in leaA'ing ) o >— _ ^o 234 THE DIARY OF or keeping open the gates of the College for ingress and egress, for resort to that dis orderly meeting, at later hours than are fit. And most usuaUy to add to all this disorder, this supper must be kept upon a Friday night against both the Canons of the Church and laws of the Realm, and to the gi-eat scandal of all sober men that hear of it These are therefore to will and require you, the Dean and Chapter, to suppress that supper or meeting, by what narae soever it be called ; and to call the Students together, and to command them in our narae, that they presume not at any tirae hereafter to resort together to any such meeting, either in the College or out of it; and to register these our Letters among the Orders and Decrees for the government of that Church, as you and every of you will answer it at your utraost perils ; and these our Letters we Avill shall be binding, not only upon yourselves, but upon your successors, that this ill and dangerous custom may never rise up into practice again. Given, &c. G— G G- -O L ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 235 1639. Jan. 14, Monday. About five at night, a most grievous tempest of wind, thundei", lightning, and rain. Feb. 10. My Book against Fisher the Jesuit was printed ; and this day, being Sunday, 1 delivered a copy to his Majesty. — Feb. 12, Tuesday night. I dreamed that K. C. Avas to be married to a Minister's widow, and that I was called upon to do it. No Service Book could be found; and in my own Book, Avhich I had, I could not find the Order for Marriage. Letter to the Vice-Chancellor, Sir, . I pray take care of Lent, and the disputa tions in their beginnings, and speak to the Heads of Houses at your next meeting, that they warn their several Companies, that they keep disputations at the Schools diligently, but very orderly and peaceably. And since I have now by many years' experience ob served, that coursing between one College G- ¦O G 9 236 THE DIARY OF and another is the great raother of all dis order, and that it ia alraost impossible to have decent and orderly disputations, if that be permitted ; these ai-e to require you, that you suffer no such coursing at all under any pretence. And farther, I would have you speak with the Principal of Brazen-nose, that he would comraand their cellar to be better looked to, that no strong and unruly argu ment be drawn from that topic-place. And I pray desire the Heads to be very careful, that the disputations may be school-like and peaceable. W. Cant. Lambetli, Feb. tilt. 163f . March 27, ¦ Wednesday, Coronation day. King Charles took his journey northward, against the Scottish covenanting rebels. God of His infinite mercy bless him with health and success! — March 29, Friday. An ex trerae fire in St Olave's parish, Southwark : forty houses burnt doAvn, G- o- -O ARCHBISHOP LAUD, 237 April 3, Wednesday, Before the King's going, I settled with hira a great business for the Queen; which I understood she Avould never move for herself. The Queen gave me great thanks. And this day I waited purposely on her, to give her thanks for her gracious acceptance. She Avas pleased to be very free with me, and to promise me freedom, April 29, Monday, This day the King went from York towards Newcastle; but stayed at Durham for a week at least. May 28. His Majesty encamped tAvo miles west from Berwick by TAveed. June 4, Whitsun Tuesday. As I was going to do my duty to the Queen, an officer of the Lord Mayor met me, and deUvered to me two very seditious papers, the one to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, the other to excite the apprentices, &c. Both subscribed by John Lilburn, a prisoner in the Fleet, sentenced in the Star-Chamber, &c. June 5, Wednesday. I delivered both these to the Lords of the Council. — June 15 and 17, -G G- i G -G 238 THE DIARY OF Saturday and Monday. The peace concluded between the King and the Scottish rebels. God make it safe and honourable to the' King and kingdom.— June 28, Friday. I sent the remainder of my raanuscripts to Oxford, being in number 576 ; and about an hundred of them were Hebrew, Arabic, and Persian. I had formerly sent them above 700 vo luraes. Aug. 1, Thursday. His Majesty came back from his northern journey to Theobalds, and to WhitehaU on Saturday, Aug. 3. Many varieties since the Assembly held and ended in Scotland. The Bishops thrust out The Parhament there yet sitting. Oct. 11 and 12, Friday and Saturday. The Spanish navy Avas set upon by the Hol landers in the Downs. The fight began to be hot when they were past Dover. They Avere in aU near 60 sail. The Spaniards suffered much in that fight not without our dishonour, that they should dare to begin the fight there. But this is one of the effects of the Scottish daring. -o G -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 239 Extract ofa Letter to Dr, Fell, Dean of Ch. Ch. Concerning the hour of your Vespers, I would have you to weigh well one main thing; which is, that as the Morning Service is every where to end by twelve at farthest, so the Vespers never begin before three, and end by five. And this I take it is universal. And the reason of it (as I conceive) is, that the prayers of the Church, howsoever dif ferent in place, might be jointly put up to God in all places at the same time. Hoav fit it Avill be upon particular respects to vary such an universal tradition, would be Avell thought on. As for the hour Avhich they say they shall gain to their studies by this change, that works little upon me. For if raen be so studiously minded, that hour may be taken, as well after prayers as before. And prayers coming between, will rather be a relaxation to them than a hindrance. Besides, I cannot foresee what exaraple this may produce in other Cathe drals. And 1 Avould be very loth they G- -o G- -G 240 THE DIARY OF should learn an iU example from the Univer sity. Therefore I pray think weU of these and other circumstances, before you make any change. ^^^^_^ Lambeth, Oct. 18, 1639. Extract from Dr. Frewen' s Letters to tlie Archbishop. Whilst I was at the examinations on Satur day, Nov. 16, there came into the School a stranger, who seemed to be of very good quality; for he had three or four servants attending him. There he sat a diligent auditor for the space of an hour. Then went forth, and taking horse at the gate, vanished, Avithout leaving any possibility of a discovery what he was ; for there was not any scholar seen in his company ; nor can I find that he did so much as stop at any inn. Whatever the ends of his coming were, he cannot but speak well of the exercise ; for it was at that very time singulariy well performed. A. FUEAVEN. November 18, 1639. o— -~ G ¦i f ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 241 My judgment upon this was as follows : Sir, 'Tis a pretty accident of the gentleman's coming to hear the examinations upon Satur day last : and I am heartily glad the exer cise was so good, and worthy his audience. But as his coming was unexpected, and his departure sudden, so we must be contented to leave his person unknown, unless some accident discover it But what say you to this ? May it be some Jesuit attended Avith three or four novices, that came to see Avhat this new -business is in the University ? For why any gentleman in the kingdora should corae and go in that fashion, Avithout so much as saluting the Vice-Chancellor, being pre sent upon the place, I for my part cannot tell, nor do I believe any would so do. W, Cant. Lambeth, Dec. 20, 1639. Dec. 2, Monday. A. Sh. ray chirurgeon in trust, gave me great and unexpected ea.sc in my great infirmity. But after, the Aveak- c>- -G 242 THE DIARY OF ness continued Dec. 6, Thursday. The King declared his resolution for a Parliament, in case pf the Scottish rebeUion. The first movers to it Avere my Lord Deputy of Ireland, ray Lord Marquess Hamilton, and rayself. And a resolution voted at the Board, to assist the King in extraordinary Avays ; if the Par- liaraent should prove peevish, and refuse, &c. — Dec. 27, Friday. Being St. John's day, at night, between 12 and 2 of the clock next morning, the greatest Avind that ever I heard bloAv. Many of the poor Avatermen at Lam beth had their boats tumbled up and doAvn, as they lay on the land, and broken to pieces. One of my servants went into London, and durst not come home, the evening was so foul. And it Avas God's great blessing both on hira and rae. For that night the shafts of two chimneys were blown down upon the roof of his charaber, and beat doAvn both the lead and the rafters upon his bed ; where had he been that night, he raust have pe rished. At Croydon, one ofthe pinnacles fell from the steeple; and beat doAvn the lead c- -G G- -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 243 and the roof of the church, near 200 feet square. Jan. 24, Friday. At night I dreamed that my father (Avho dted 46 years since) came to rae ; and, to ray thinking, he Avas as well and as cheerful as ever I saw liira. He asked rae, what I did here ? And after some speech, I asked him, hoAv long he would stay Avith me? He answered, he would stay, till he had me away with him. I am not raoved with drearas, yet I thought fit to remember this. — Jan. 25, Saturday. St. Paul's, a very blustering and a tempestuous day. - Jan. 26, Sunday. I received the Queen's gracious assurance of her favour in the business, which his Majesty had committed to me with others, &c. To the Vice-Chancellor, concerning Disputations in Leni, Sfc. At this tirae I writ to the Vice-Chancellor to speak to the Heads before Lent begin, and to desire thera, that they Avould be very care ful of their several Companies, that the public ^G o -o 244 THE DIARY OF disputations then may be quick and scholar like, and yet without tumult. And this I left principally upon his care to look to, calling the Proctors to his assistance. I received a letter this last week from a Reverend Bishop in this kingdom, in Avhich he complains that Aniesius and Festus Hora- raius (though I think before your tirae) have been reprinted in the University. They are professed friends to the Presbyterial go vemraent. And though they raay speak and print what they please at Leyden or Amster dam, yet methinks it is a great oversight to make thera speak by ourselves and our presses, especially in the Universities. For too many raen, in these broken tiraes, Avill be apt enough to say, that Ave allow and approve of that doctrine, AVhich Ave print by licence. I pray speak Avith the printers; and let thera knoAv from me, that I will not allow them to print any book, though it hath been printed before, without new leave from the Vice-Chan cellor for the time being. And that if they do print any thing without such leave, I will o- G ? -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 245 utterly suppress them. And I pray send me word in what year of our Lord these tAvo books were printed there. W, Cant. Lambeth, Feb. 7, 1G|J. Feb. 9. Sunday. [|A large passage inserted, and afterwards blotted out,] Letter from Oxford fo the Archbishop, concern ing Tavern-haunting, SfC. Right Honourable and my singular good Lord, It was objected unto me at my late being in London, by persons of good quality, that our Universities of England Avere groAvn to that corruption, especially of excessive drink ing, that many did miscarry by the liberty and ill exaraple which was given thera there. Insomuch, that many, to avoid the danger, did send their sons beyond seas for their education. Whereunto I made ansAver, that the humours of men are such in this age, that innocence and perfection itself, being in au thority, could hardly avoid calumny. That G- -o G -O 246 THE diary OF the times are much better than heretofore they Avere; and that the fault (if there were any) did much proceed from the parents themselves, Avho think it a great disparage ment to their sons, that they should be kept within the limits of discipline. Notwithstanding all which, and what else raay justly be replied, the serious considera tion of what Avas objected, hath caused me so much to forget mine OAvn unworthiness, as by my own pen to intimate unto your Grace, (what I have long wished that some other would have done,) that the liberty of resort ing to taverns, and other drinking-houses, and the excess coraraitted there, is such, as raay give some occasion of scandal, being dangerous to youth, and shameful in others, Avho ought to be examples of sobriety and virtue. Having upon this occasion enquired into times past, since the happy reformation of this University, I understand by credible information, that Dr. Pinck, by his personal visiting of suspected places, left the Univer sity, in this respect, in better state than it is -G G- -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 247 at this present. For me to write lioAV danger ous the relapse into so loathsome and general a disease may prove, were to forget myself, and ray principal intention, which was only to raake known unto you this defect, and thereby to do service to this place, and in part to express ray thankfulness to yourself for the much favour vouchsafed unto me. Oxford, Feb. 24, 16|§. This information I had frora a Master of Arts in Oxford, whom I dare trust, but will not name. Whereupon, I wrote to the Vice- Chancellor as follows : I received a Letter this Aveek from Oxford, from an ordinary plain man, but a good scholar, and very honest. And it troubles me raore than any Letter I have received raany a day. It is true, I have heard of late from some men of quality here above, that the University Avas relapsing into a drinking humour, to its great dishonour. But, I con- fess, I believed it not, because I had no inti mation of it frora you. But this Letter comes 6- -G G -o G- 248 THE DIARY OF from a man that can have no ends but honesty, and the good of that place, ,And because you shall see what he writes, I send you here a copy of his Letter, and do ear nestly beg of you, that you Avill forthwith set yourself to punish all haunting of taverns and ale-houses Avith all the strictness that may be, that the University, now advancing in learning, may not sink in manners, .which will shame and destroy all. I am informed too from a very good, but another, hand, that there is extreme liberty given and taken by young noblemen and gentlemen of the better sort in the Univer sity: that Tutors in most Colleges do only bestow a little pains in reading to them, if they will corae at thera, but use no poAver of government over them, or any restraint; as if they had nothing to do but only to read to thera. Besides, almost all, of them are suf fered to keep horses. And by that means, when they are restrained from taverns, and ill company within the University, they ride forth to the neighbouring places, both to o- -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 249 drink and perhaps to do Avorse. I know you cannot be blamed for the neglect of Tutors in private Colleges : but, I pray, at your next meeting with the Heads, let them know Avhat I have here written, and desire their care for amendment, if this report be true. But true or false, I took it my duty to let you know what is come to my ears from some, who are perhaps too nearly interested in it W. Cant. Lambeth, Feb. 28, ie|| From the Archbishop lo Dr. Bailey, concerning the above Letter. In the business of the Examinations, you write thus: " The Vice-Chancellor's successors cannot be so Avanting to themselves, and the coraraon good, as not to pursue so fair an exaraple." It is true, it is a very fair exaraple : but can it not therefore choose but be pursued by the successors ? I pray tell me ! Was not Dr. Pinck's care for suppressing the Scholars haunting of taverns and ale-houses a very fair exaraple ? Were not you and Dr. Frewen G- o -o 250 the diary of his successors? And have you tAvo pursued his fair example? I have this reason to believe you have not. I have at this present received a Letter from Oxford, from a very private, but a very honest hand; and Avith an expression full of grief, that the Univer sity is fallen again into that drunken relapse, in which it SAvara before Dr. Pinck's Vice- Chancellorship. And I assure you, it trou bles me very much, because this very week I have heard also, that some persons of honour and credit have lately spoken very much concerning this relapse : which yet 1 confess I did not beheve till I received this Letter, which I cannot distrust knoAving the man which writ to be without spleen or ends. And I pray God send you governors there to take better care, or else all ray care will be lost. W. Cant. Lambeth, Feb, 28, IG^J. Reply ofthe Vice-Chancellor. The information given up to your Grace against me, hath been long expected; yet 6 -6 G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 251 never less than at this time. For strange it is to rae, that an increase of drunkards should foUow upon a decrease of ale-houses. Had the informer (who ever he be) been with me in my dirty night walks this Avinter, and sped as ill as I have done, his eyes Avould not serve him so Avell to espy faults where none are boldly ; I dare say it, there seldom passes one night in a Avhole Aveek, in which one of the Proctors, or myself, do not walk the round. y\nd divers times 1 have gone (as my servants can Avitness) frora one end of the town to the other, after Christ Church bell hath tolled, and not found one Scholar, either in the streets, or in any of the four taverns. Fcav hours before the receipt of your Grace's Letters, I committed one of Trinity CoUege to prison for disorder in the night; but beside him, I have not, I pro test, of late met Avithany. — Yet, not to justify ourselves too far, there is, I confess, too much good fellowship amongst us ; but the in former mislays it : it is driven out of town (as others besides myself observe) into our G- -G G- -G 252 the diary of private Colleges and Halls. There they can and do debauch themselves more securely, being out of the reach of the pubhc Magis trate ; yea, and of their own governors too in some houses, the more the pity. There have indeed (for Avhich I am heartUy sorry) one or two disasters lately happened here, (for seldom they come single ;) but that the actors were in their drink I cannot say, much less that they fetched it out of the tOAvn ; for as yet I cannot ti'ace them in any ale-house. Hull is in the castle ; for (as I told the Dean) I know him to be a very disorderly raan. Others suspected to have had a hand in that bai'barous assault are upon bail, and so shall continue a while ; though a messenger frora my Lord of Oxon yesterday brought me word, that the party hurt is in the judgraent of his chirurgeons now past danger. A. Frewen. Oxford, March 2, 1C|J April 13, Monday. The Parliament sat down, called about the rebellion of Scotland. c- —{J O -G archbishop laud. 253 —AprU 14, Tuesday. The Convocation began at St Paul's.— AprU 24, Friday. The hot contestation in the Lords' House, Avhich should have precedence, the King's supply, or the subjects' grievance. Voted in the Upper House for the King. May 5, Tuesday. The Parliament ended, and nothing done. The Convocation con tinued.— May 9, Saturday. A paper posted upon the Old Exchange, animating prentices to sack my house upon the Monday fol lowing. May 11, early. {JA. W. From this place, four pages to gether in the original are in part burned, in the form of a crescent. This damage was done to the book, while it was in Mr. Prynne's hands, before it was produced as evidence against the Archbishop at his trial. For in the following history, at March 13, l643, the Archbishop saith, 1 knoAV into whose hands ray book is faUen ; but Avhat hath been done with it I knoAv not. This is to be seen ; sorae passages in that book are half burnt out ; Avhether purposely, or by chance, G ( G- O 254 the diary of God knoweth. And the hke words of the Archbishop occur afterwards, at July 29, 1 6''-4. That passage (of Feb. 11, 1640, urged against the Archbishop out of his Diary) is more than half burnt out ; as is to be seen ; Avhe ther of purpose by Mr. Prynne, or casually, I cannot tell ; yet the passage as confidently made up, and read to your Lordships, as if nothing were wanting. It is indeed un deniably evident to any one, who compareth the original with Prynne's printed copy, that this accident had befallen the book, before Prynne had caused it to be tran scribed for the press. Yet he taketh no notice of it; but fUleth up the places with such words, as himself pleaseth ; and published the whole without any distinction of his OAvn additions. I have partly from Prynne, partly from ray own conjecture, supplied the mutilated places, as Avell as I could ; but have included all such suppletory AVords in crotchets ; that so the reader may easily dis tinguish those words, Avliich are yet to be read in the original, from those Avhich are G- -o G- -O archbishop laud. 255 not; and may judge, Avhether the several places be aptly filled up.] May II, Monday night At midnight my house at Lambeth was beset with 500 of these rascel routers. I had notice, and strength ened the house as well as 1 could; and, God be thanked, I had no harm : they continued there full tAVO hours. Since, I have fortified my house as Avell as I can ; and hope all may be safe. But yet libels are continually set up in all places of note in the city. My deliverance was great, God make me thankful for it— May 21, Thursday. One of the chief being taken, Avas condemned at SoutliAvark, and hanged and quartered on Saturday morning following. May 23. But before this. May 1 5, sorae of these rautinous people came in the day tirae, and brake the White-Lion prison ; and let loose their felloAvs, both out of that prison, and the King's Bench, and the other prisoners also out of the White-Lion. — May 29, Friday. The Convocation sate after the ending of the Parliament till May 29, and then ended; having made i,. that time 17 G- '\-j o G 266 the diary of Canons ; which, 1 hope, Avill be useful to the Church. — May 29. The Bishop of Glouces ter, Godfrey Goodman, suspended for noto rious scandal to the Church, in refusing first to subscribe the Canons, and after to profess a reservation. He had long before been suspected as inclining to popery. The Canons were all voted nemirie dissentiente, save this Bishop, who had in general con sented before. July 10, Friday. I took my oath to the new Canons at the Council table ; and so did my Lord Bishop of London ; and after him the Bishop of Gloucester subrait hiraself, and took the oath; and Avas released out of prison by the King's coramand July 22, Tuesday. I christened the King's young son Henry, at Oatlands. The Queen Avas there happily delivered of him, July 8, on Wednesday, being the day of the Solemn Fast, about six of the clock in the evening. — Aug. 20, Thursday. His Majesty took his journey towards the north in haste, upon information that the Scots were entered the G- o h -O i' "V archbishop laud. 257 Monday before into England, and raeant to be at Newcastle by Saturday. The Scots entered Aug. 20. Aug. 22, Saturday. A vile libel brought me, found in Covent Garden ; animating the apprentices and soldiers to fall upon rae in the King's absence. Sept. 21. I received a letter frora John Rockel, a man both by narae and person un known to rae. He Avas araong the Scots, as he traveUed through the Bishopric of Durhara; he heard thera inveigh and rail at rae exceedingly, and that they hoped shortly to see me, as the Duke Avas, slain by one least suspected. His letter Avas to advise me to look to myself. Sept. 24, Thursday. A great Council of the Lords Avas called by the King to York, to consider Avhat Avay was best to be taken to get out the Scots ; and this day the meeting began at York, and continued till Oct. 28. Oct. 22, Thursday. The High Commission sitting at St. Paul's, because ofthe troubles of the times. Very near 2000 Brownists made o- -o G -G 258 the diary of a tumult at the end of the Court, tore down all the benches in the Consistory, and cried out. They would have no Bishop, nor no High Coraraission. — Oct. 27, Tuesday, Simon and Jude's eve. I went into my upper study to see some Manuscripts, Avhicli 1 was sending to Oxford. In that study hung my picture taken by the life ; and coraing in, I found it fallen down upon the face, and lying on the floor, the string being broken by which it was hanged against the Avail. I ara alraost every day threatened Avith ray ruin in Parlia ment. God grant this be no omen ! Nov. 3, Tuesday. The Parliament began : the King did not ride, but went by water to King's Stairs, and through Westminster Hall to the Church, and so to the House. — Nov. 4, Wednes'day. The Convocation began at St. Paul's. — Nov. 1 1, Wednesdaj'. Thomas Vis count Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, accused to the Lords by the House of Commons for high treason, and restrained to the Usher of the House. — Nov. 25, Wednesday. He was sent to the Tower. 6- -G G- -G archbishop laud. 259 Dec. 2, Wednesday. A gi-eat debate in the House, that no Bishop should be so much as of the Committee for preparatory examina tions in this cause, as accounted causa san guinis ; put off till the next day. — Dec. 3, Thursday. Ths debate declined. — Dec. 4, Friday. The King gave way, that his Council should be examined upon oath in the Earl of Strafford's case. I was examined this day. Letter to the Vice-Chancellor. I thank you for your pains in your search for arms among recusants, and am glad you find all so safe, and them so unfurnished. As for Mr. Hunt, if he be a stranger, the sooner the town is rid of hira, the better. For the confirraation of your endowments upon your Professors and Orators, you shall do well Avhen the great businesses are more over, (for till then it Avill not be intended,) to move for confirmation in Parliament. And in the mean time it raay be very fit for you to prepare a Bill by sorae good Counsel, Avhich may contain them aU in one, if it raay be. G- G G- ¦G 260 THE DIARY OF It is true, you write that raost Colleges have upon Christmas-day a Sermon and a Communion in their private Chapels, and by that means cannot corae to the public Sermon of the University at Christ Church. And Avhereas you write farther, that sorae have Avished, that in regard of this, the morning Sermon for the University raight be put off to the afternoon, (as it is upon Easter-day for the like occasion;) I for ray part think the motion very good, it being a day of solemn observation. Yet I Avould have it proposed to the Heads, and then that which you shall do by public consent shall very well satisfy me. W. Cant. Lambeth, Dec. 4, 1640. Letter from the Archbishop concerning Mr. Wilkinson's Sermon. Mr. Wilkinson complained in Parliament against the Vice-ChanceUor, for censuring of his Sermon. The Vice-Chancellor, according to the command of the Committee for Reli gion in the House of Comraons, sent up the copy of Wilkinson's Sermon, and his excep- G -^ G -o archbishop laud. 261 tions against it, upon Tuesday, December 8th, the time appointed for the Coraraittee. But the carrier's late coming in hindered the delivery for that time ; but it was delivered the next raorning by Dr. Baylie. W. Cant. Lelter from the Vice-Chancellor and Heads qf Houses. Whereas upon enquiry made by Dr. Frewen, late Vice-Chancellor of Oxford, in tAVO several asserablies ofthe Heads of Houses there, none of them could inform him of any University-man, whom he knew or probably suspected to be a Papist, or popishly af fected: notwithstanding Avhich care of the governors, and clearness of the University, it could not be avoided but some persons' sug gestions should be put up to the High Court of Parharaent, as if Mass were ordinarily said in the University, and frequented by Univer sity-men, Avithout any control of the go vernors there. We therefore the present Vice-Chancellor and tlie Heads of Houses, for the better G- G o — G 262 THE DIARY OF clearing of our University from such foul imputations, have thought fit under our hands to testify, that we are so far from con niving at the celebration of Mass here, or knoAving of any such matter, that we neither know, nor can probably suspect, any Member of our University to be a Papist, or popishly addicted. Dec. 4, 1640. In witness Avhereof we have subscribed, Christo. Potter, Vioe-Chano. Oxon. Nat. Brent, Prsefeet. CoE. Mert. Ro. Kettle, President of Trin. CoU. Jo. Prideaux, Rector Coll. Exon. and S. T. P. Reg. Jo. Wilkinson, Aul. Magd. Princ. Samuel Radclif, Coll. Mxi. Nas. Prino. Jo. Tolson, Coll. Oriel. Prsepos. Paul Hood, Rector CoU. Lincoln. A. Frewen, Pres. Coll. Magd. Rich. Baylie, Prtesid. S. John. Tho. Clayton, Coll. Pemh. Mag. Med. Prof. Reg. Tho. Lawrence, Magis. Coll. Bal. Fran. Mansel, Coll. Jesu Prino. Tho. Walker, Universit. Mr. Gilbert Sheldon, Ward, of AU Souls Coll. Daniel Esoott, Ward, of Wadh. CoU. Gail. Strode, Eccl. Christ. Subdeo. Adam Airay, Princip. of Edmund. HaU. G- G- -6 ( II -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 263 Ro. Newlin, Pra:s. CoU. Corp. Christ. Rich. Zouch, Aul. All. Princip. PhUip Parsons, Aul. Cervin. Princip. John Saunders, Aul. Mar. Princ. Degory Wheare, Princ. Glou. HaU. P. AUibond, Proc. Sen. N. Greaves, Proc. Jun. The other Heads of Houses were not in town when this was subscribed. Dec. l6, Wednesday. The Canons con demned in the House of Commons, as being against the King's prerogative, the funda mental laws of the Realm, the hberty and propriety of the subject, and containing divers other things tending to sedition, and of dangerous consequence. Upon this I Avas made the author of thera, and a Coraraittee put upon rae to enquire into all my actions, and to prepare a charge. The same raorning, in the Upper House, I was naraed as an in cendiary by the Scottish Comraissioners, and a complaint proraised to be drawn up to morrow. — Dec. 1 8, Friday. I was accused by the House of Commons for high treason, Avithout any particular charge laid against G •G G -O 264 THE DIARY OF rae ; which, they said, should be prepared in convenient time. Mr. Denzill Hollis was the raan that brought up the message to the Lords. Soon after, the charge was brought into the Upper House by the Scottish Com missioners, tending to prove me an incen diary. I was presently coraraitted to the Gentleraan Usher ; but was permitted to go in his company to my house at Lambeth, for a book or two to read in, and such papers as pertained to my defence ' against the Scots. I stayed at Lambeth till the evening to avoid the gazing of the people. I went to evening prayer in my chapel. The Psalms ofthe day, Ps. xciii. and xciv. and chap. I. of Isaiah, gave me great comfort. God raake rae Avorthy of it, and fit to receive it! As I went to ray barge, hundreds of ray poor neighbours stood there, and prayed for my safety, and return to my house. For which I bless God and thera. — Dec. 21, Monday. I Avas fined £500 in the Parliament House, and Sir John Larabe and Sir Henry Martin £250 a-piece, for keeping Sir Robert Howard close prisoner in the case G- G- -O -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 265 of the escape of the Lady Viscountess Pur- becke out of the Gate- House ; which lady he kept avoAvedly, and had children by her. In such a case, say the iraprisonment Avere more than the law allow ; Avhat raay be done for honour and religion sake ? This Avas not a a fine to the King, but daraage to the party. — Dec. 23, Wednesday. The Lords ordered me to pay the money presently ; which Avas done. Jan. 21, Thursday. A Parliament-man of good note, and interested Avith divers Lords, Sent rae word, that by reason of my patient and moderate carriage since my comraitment, four Earls of great poAver in the Upper House of the Lords Avere not noAv so sharp against me as at first. And that now they were resolved only to sequester me from the King's Council, and to put me frora my Archbishopric. So I see, what justice I raay expect; since here is a resolution taken, not only before my answer, but before my charge Avas brought up against G- O o- -Q Q- -G 266 THE DIARY OF Feb. 14, Sunday. A. R. And this, if I hve, and continue Archbishop of Canterbury tiU after Michaelmas-day come twelve-month, anno 1642, God bless me in this! — Feb. 26, Friday. This day I had been full ten weeks in restraint at Mr. Maxwell's house. And this day, being St. Augustin's day'', my charge was brought up from the House of Commons to the Lords, by Sir Henry Vane the younger. It consisted of fourteen articles. These gene rals they craved time to prove in particular. The copy of this general charge is among my papers. I spake something to it And the copy of that also is among ray papers. I had favour from the Lords not to go to the Tower till the Monday following. March 1, Monday. I went in Mr. Maxwell's coach to the Tower. No noise, till I came into Cheapside. But from thence to the ' In the English Calendar, as weU as the Roman, the memory of St. Augustine of Canterbury is celebrated May 26 ; and of St. Augustin of Hippo, August 28. In the Paris Brefiary, the Feast of S. Aug. Cantuar. is put back one day. Ed. G- -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 267 Tower, I was followed and railed at by the apprentices and rabble, in great nurabers, to the very ToAver gates, where I left them ; and I thank God, He made me patient. — March 9, Shrove-Tuesday. Avas with me in the ToAver ; and gave great engagements of his faith to me. — March 13, Saturday. Divers Lords dined with the Lord Herbert at his' new house by Fox- HaU in Lambeth, Three of these Lords in the boat together, Avhen one of them saying he was sorry for my comrait ment, because the building of St. Paul's went slow on there- Avhile ; the Lord Brooke re pUed, I hope some of us shall hve to see no one stone left upon another of that building. — March 15, Monday. A Committee for Reli gion settled in the Upper House of Parlia ment. Ten Earls, ten Bishops, ten Barons. So the Lay-votes shall be double to the Clergy. This Comraittee AviU raeddle with Doctrine as Avell as Ceremonies ; and Avill call some Divines to thera to consider of the busi ness. As appears by a Letter hereto annexed, sent by the Lord Bishop of Lincoln, to some 6- .'A. -G G -G 268 THE DIARY OF Divines to attend this service. Upon the Avhole matter, I believe this Committee will prove the national Synod of England, to the great dishonour of this Church. And what else raay follow upon it, God knoweth, — March 22, Monday. The Earl of Strafford's trial began in Westminster Hall ; and it con tinued till the end of April, taking in the varia tion ofthe House of Comraons, who after a long hearing drew a Bill of Attainder against him. 1641. March 25,Thursday. A. Sh. performed his promise to the uttermost. May 1, Saturday. The King came into the Upper House ; and there declared before both Houses, how diligently he had hearkened to all the proceedings with the Earl of Straf ford ; and found that his fault, whatever it was, could not amount to high treason : that if it went by Bill it must pass by hira ; and that he could not with his conscience find him guilty, nor Avould Avrong his con science so far. But advised them to pro ceed by way of misdemeanour; and he would concur with them. The same day, after the o G- 4 -O -n ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 269 King Avas gone, a Letter was read in the Upper House from the Scots; in Avhich they did earnestly desire to be gone. It was moved for a present conference Avith the House of Comraons about it. The debate about it was very short ; yet the Commons were risen beforehand. May 9. That night late. Sir Dudly Carlton, one of the Clerks of the Council, was sent to the Tower, to give the Earl warning that he must prepare to die the Wednesday morning foUoAving. The Earl of Strafford received the raessage of death with great courage, yet sweetness ; (as Sir Dudly himself after told rae.) On Monday morning the Earl sent for the Lord Primate of Armagh to come to him. He carae ; and the sarae day visited me, and gave rae very high testiraony of the Earl's sufficiency and resolution: and araong the rest this; that he never kncAv any layman in all his life that so well and fully under stood raatters of divinity, as the Earl did; and that his resolutions were as firm and as In the mean time an offer was made good. G- -G o- -o 270 THE DlARr OF to hira. It was this ; that, if he Avould eraploy his power and credit Avith the King for the taking of Episcopacy out of the Church, he should yet have his life. His Christian answer was very heroical; that he Avould not buy his life at so dear a rate. The man that sent him this message was his brother in law, Mr. Denzill Hollis, one of the great leading men in the House of Commons ; and my Lord Primate of Armagh avowed this from the Earl of Strafford's own raouth. And, as he was of too generous a spirit to lie basely, so, being in preparing of himself to leave the world, it cannot be thought he would with a dying raouth belie his brother. Frora the " Troubles, &c." p. 177. May 12, Wednesday. The Earl of Straf ford beheaded upon Tower Hill. The Earl prepared hiraself: and upon Wednesday morning, about ten of the clock, being May the 12th, he was beheaded on the Tower Hill, many thousands beholding him. The speech Avhich he raade at his end was a great testimony of his religion and piety, and 6 o G- -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 271 was then printed. And in their judgraent Avho Avere men of Avorth, and sorae upon, some near the scaffold, and saw him die, he raade a patient and pious and courageous end. Inasmuch that some doubted whether his death had more of the Roman or the Chris tian in it, it was so full of both. And, not withstanding tills hard fate Avhich fell upon him, he is dead with more honour, than any of them will gain who hunted after his life. Thus ended the Avisest, the stoutest, and every way the ablest subject, that this nation hath bred these many years. The only imperfections Avhich he had, that Avere knoAvn to rae, Avere his want of bodily health, and a carelessness or rather roughness not to oblige any. And his mishaps in this last action were, that he groaned under the public envy of the nobles; served a mild and a gracious Prince, who knew not how lo be, or be made great*'; and trusted false, perfi- •> These grave and sad, yet surely gentle words, furnish the only instance I know of, in which the loyal Primate has ventured to reflect upon his ICing ; and it G- o- ~o 272 THE DIARY OF dious, and coAvardly men in the northern employment; though he had many doubts would be a wrong to his high name and memory, even more than to the memory of Charles, to let them stand now, except in company with the bitter and earnest words of penitence, which ' the King has written up against himself for his great sin in Strafford's death. " I am so far from excusing or denying that compliance on my part (for plenary consent it was not) to his destruction, whom in my judgment I thought not, by any clear law, guilty of death, that I never bare^any touch of conscience with greater regret j which, as a 'sign of my repentance, I have often with sorrow con fessed both to God aud men, as an act of so sinful frailty, tliat it discovered more a fear of man than of God, Wliose Name and Place on earth no man is worthy to bear, who wiU avoid inconveniences of State by acts of so high injustice, aa no public convenience can expiate or compensate, I see it a bad exchange to wound a man's own conscience, thereby to salve State sores ; to calm the storms of popular discontents, by stirring up a tempest in a man's own bosom. But Thou, 0 God of iniinite mercies, forgive me that act of tiinful compliance, which hath greater aggravations upon me than any man, O Lord, 1 acknowledge my transgression, and my sin is ever before me." King Charles's Works, folio, 649. G- -G G- -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 27-3 put to him about it. This day was after caUed by divers, Homicidium Comitis Straf- forditE, The day of the raurder of Strafford : because, when raahce itself could find no law to put hira to death, they made a laAv of purpose for it God forgive all, and be merciful ! The Earl being thus laid low, and his great services done in Ireland made part ofhis accusation, I cannot but observe two things. The one, that upon Sunday morning before, Francis Earl of Bedford (having about a month before lost his second son, in Avhom he most joyed) died, the small pox striking up. into his brain. This Lord Avas one ofthe main plotters of Strafford's death: and I know where he, Avith other Lords, before the Parliament sat down, resolved to have his blood. But God Avould not let hira live to take joy therein, but cut hira off in the morn ing, whereas the Bill for the Earl of Straf ford's death Avas not signed till night. The other is, that at this time the Pariiament tendered tAvo, and but two. Bills to the Kino- -G G -G 274 THE DIARY OF to sign. This to cut off Strafford's head was one; and the other was, that this Parliament should neither be dissolved, nor adjourned, but by the consent of both Houses : in which, Avhat he cut off from hiraself ^ time will better shew than I can. God bless the King and his royal issue ! Among divers others they spread one (untruth), in Avhicli the)"^ delivered to the Avorld, that the Earl of Strafford draAving near to his end, when he saw no remedy but he must die, fell into great and passionate expressions against me : that I and my coun sels had been the ruin of him and his house ; and that he cursed me bitterly. Now as this is most false in itself, so am I raost able to make it appear so. For his Lord.ship, being to suffer on the Wednesday morning, did upon Tuesday in the after noon desire the Lord Primate of Armagh, then with him, to come to rae, and desire rae that I would not fail to be in my charaber window at the open casement the next ' Moribund! solent vaticinari. o- -G G -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 275 morning, Avhen he Avas to pass by it as he went to execution; that though he might not speak Avith me, yet he might see me, and take his last leave of me. I sent him Avord I would, and did so. And the next morning as he passed by, he turned toAvards rae, and took the solcmnest leave, that I think was ever by any at distance taken one of another; and this in the sight of the Earl of Newport then Lord Constable of the ToAver, the Lord Primate of Armagh, the Earl of Cleveland, the Lieutenant of the Tower, and divers other knights and gentle men of Avorth, Troubles, p. 1 78. [Heylin {Cypr. Angl. p. 480.) thus relates it :— The Lord Strafford, the night before the execution, sent for the Lieutenant of the Tower, and asked him Avhether it were pos sible he might speak Avith the Archbishop. The Lieutenant told him he might not do it without order from the Parliament. AVhere- upon the Earl replied, " You shall hear Avhat passeth between us ; for it is not a time now either for hira to plot heresy, or me to plot G- -c^ G- :3 276 THE DIARY OF treason." The Lieutenant answered, that he was limited; and therefore desired his Lordship Avould petition the Parliament for that favour. " No," said he, " 1 have gotten my dispatch frora thera, and will trouble them no more. 1 am now petitioning an higher Court, where neither partiality can be expected, nor error feared. But, my Lord," said he, turning to the Primate of Ireland, whose company he had procured of the Houses in that fatal exigent, " I wiU tell you Avhat I would have spoken to my Lord's Grace of Canterbury. You shaU desire the Archbishop to lend me his prayers this night, and to give me his blessing when I do go abroad to-morrow ; and to be in his window, that by ray last farewell I raay give him thanks for this, and all other his former favours." The Primate, having delivered the message Avithout delay, the Archbishop re plied, that in conscience he was bound to the first, and in duty and obligation to the second: but he feared his Aveakness and passion Avould not lend him eyes to behold o- 6 ft -G-U ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 277 his last departure. The next raorning at his coraing forth he drcAv near to the Arch bishop's lodging, and said to the Lieutenant " Though I do not see the Archbishop, yet give rae leave, I pray you, to do my kst observance towards his rooms." In the mean time the Archbishop, advertised of his ap proach, came out to the windoAv. Then the Earl boAving himself to the ground, " My Lord," said he, " your prayers and your blessing," The Archbishop lift up his hands, and bestowed both: but overcome Avith grief, fell to the ground in animi deliquio. The Earl, bowing the second time, said, " Farewell, my Lord ; God protect your innocency." And because he (the Arch bishop) feared that it raight perhaps be thought an efferainacy or unbecoming Aveak ness in hira to sink down in the manner, he added, that he hoped by God's assistance, and his own innocency, that Avhen he came to his own execution, Avhich he daily longed for, the world should perceive he had been more sensible of the Lord Strafford's loss than «ii b- -G O- -G 278 THE DIARY OF of his OAvn ; " and good reason it should be so," said he, " for the gentleman Avas more serviceable to the Church (he would not mention the State) than either himself, or any of all the Churchmen had ever been." A gallant farewell to so eminent and beloved a friend.] June 23, Wednesday. I acquainted the King by my Lord of London, that I Avould resign my Chancellorship of Oxford, and Avhy. And the truth is, 1 suffered much by the Earl of Pembroke, who thought it long till he had that place, Avhich he had long gaped for; and after the cloud was once spread over me, spared me in no company: though I had in all the tirae of my prosperity ob served him in Court more than ever he had deserved of me. And I had reason, notwith standing all this causeless heat, to keep the place, till I had justified myself against the toAvnsmen's petition (about the raarkets. Ed.). So this great, and most malicious complaint of the City of Oxford vanished, when they. G -O O — o 279 ARCHBISHOP LAUD. and somebody else for them, had shewed their teeth, but could not bite. Troubles. June 25, Friday. I sent down my resig nation of the Chancellorship of Oxford, to be published in Convocation. God bless the University thercAvhile, and grant they may never have need of me, noAV unable to help thera! Troubles. [In this year, l647, they (the rebels) had begun a visitation of the University of Oxford, which they finished not tiU the next year ; in Avhich the Earl of Pembroke had been contented to be employed as Chancellor of the University : who had taken an oath to defend the rights and privileges of the University. Notwith standing which, out of the extreme Aveakness of his understanding and the miserable com pUance of his nature, he suffered himself to be made a property in joining Avith Brent Prynne, and some Comraittee-men, and Pres byterian Ministers, as Commissioners for the Parliament to reform the discipUne and er roneous doctrine of that famous University, by the rule of the Covenant ; Avhich Avas the G- -G O — 280 Q THE DIARY OF Standard of all men's learning, and ability to govern ; all persons of Avhat quality soever being required to subscribe that test; Avhich the whole body of the University Avas so far from submitting to, that they raet in their Con vocation, and, to their eternal renoAvn, (being at the same time under a strict and strong garrison, put over them by the Parliament ; the King in prison; and all their hopes des perate,) passed a public Act (mainly frora the peu of Bishop Sanderson. Ed.), and declara tion against the Covenant, with such invincible arguraents of the iUegality, Avickedness, and perjury contained in it, that no raan of the contrary opinion, nor the Asserably of Divines, (which then sat at Westminster, forraing a new Catechisra, and scheme of religiim,) ever ventured to make any answer to it; nor is it indeed to be answered, but must remain to the world's end, as a monument of the learning, courage, and loyalty of that excellent place, against the highest malice and tyranny that Avas ever exercised in or over any nation ; and which those faraous Commissioners only G- -O G- ARCHBISHOP LAUD. G 281 answered by expelling all those who refused to submit to their jurisdiction, or to take the Covenant; which was, upon the raatter, the Avhole University; scarce one Governor and Master of College or Hall, and an incredible small number of the FelloAvs, or Scholars, submitting to either : whereupon that desola tion being made, they placed in their rooms the most notorious factious Presbyterians, in the government of the several Colleges or Halls ; and such other of the same leaven in the Fellowships, and Scholars' places, of those whom they had expelled, Avithout any regard to the Statutes of the several Found ers, and the incapacities of the persons that were put in. The omnipotence of an or dinance of Parliament confirmed all that was this Avay done; and there was no farther contending against it. It raight reasonably be concluded, that this Avild and barbarous depopulation Avould even extirpate all that learning, religion, and loy alty, which had so eminently flourished there; and thatthe succeeding ill-husbandr}', and un- c- -G c- -G 282 THE DIARY OF skilful cultivation, would have made it fruitful only in ignorance, profanation, atheism, and rebellion. But, by God's wonderful blessing, the goodness and richness of that soil could not be made barren by all that stupidity and negligence. It choked the Aveed.s, and Avould not suffer the poisonous seeds, which were sown with industry enough, to spring up. But after several tyrannical governments, mutually succeeding each other, and Avith the sarae malice and perverseness endeavouring to extinguish all good literature and alle giance, it yielded a harvest of extraordinary good and sound knowledge in all parts of learning. And many, who were Avickedly introduced, applied theraselves to the study of good learning, and the practice of virtue, and had inclination to that duty and obe dience they had never been taught. So that, Avhen it pleased God to bring King Charles the Second back to his throne, he found that University (not to undervalue the other ¦¦, "= There is a passage in the Strafford Papers, quoted by Mr. Forster, {Life of Straff, p. 230.) which exhibits o G- O G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 28.3 Avhich had nobly likewise rejected the ill in fusions Avhich had been industriously poured into it) abounding in excellent learning, and devoted to duty and obedience, little inferior to what it was before its desolation ; which was a lively instance of God's mercy and purpose, for ever so to provide for His very amusingly the college feeling of Laud and Strafford, both Johnians, though of different Universities. " I am sorry to speak it, but tnith will out," writes Strafford to Laud concerning an Episcopal delinquent, " this Bishop Is a St. John's man — of Oxford, I mean, not Cam bridge ; our Cambridge panniers never brought such a fairing to the market." Laud makes merry upon this, and retorts ; " Yes, my good Lord, hut it hath ; for what say you of Dean Palmer p who, besides his other virtues, sold all the lead from off the church at Peter borough ; yet he wa.s brought in your Cambridge pan niers : and so was Bishop Howland too, who used that Bishopric as well as he did the Deanery. I pray exa mine your Cambridge panniers again, for some say such may be found there. But I, for my part, will not believe it unless your Lordship make me." Wentworth appears to have contested this point in Laud's own humour. The Bishop retorts, by asking him what his " Jonnism" means. G -G G- G 284 THE DIAKY OF Church, that the gates of hell shall never prevail against it; Avhich were never opened wider, nor with more malice, than in that time. Clarendon, v. 481.] Resignation of the Chancellorship, in a Lelter lo the University. My present condition is not unknown to the whole world, yet by few pitied or de plored; the righteous God best knoAvs the justice of my sufferings, on whom both in life and death 1 will ever depend : the last of Avhicli shall be unto me raost welcome, in that my life is noAv burdensome unto me, ray raind attended with variety of sad and gricA'- ous thoughts, my soul continually vexed Avith anxieties and troubles, groaning under the burden of a displeased Parliament, my name aspersed and grossly abused by the raultiplicity of libellous pamphlets, and rayself debarred frora Avonted access to the best of Princes, and it is vox populi that I ara Popishly affected. Hoav earnest I have been G- 'i 0 ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 285 G I -G in my disputations, exhortations, and other- ; wise, to quench such sparks, lest they should i becorae coals, I hope after my death you Avill ] all acknowledge ; yet in the raidst of all ray ; afflictions, there is nothing raore hath so ! nearly touched me, as the reraerabrance of; your free and joyful acceptance of me to be I your Chancellor, and that I am now shut up , from being able to do you that service which ' you might justly expect from me. When I | first received this honour, I intended to have i carried itAvith me to the grave; neither Avere ! my hopes any less, since the Parliament (called by his Majesty's royal comraand) committed me to this royal prison. But since (by reason of matters of greater consequence yet in hand) the Parhament is pleased to procrastinate my trial, I do hereby as thank fully resign my office of being Chancellor, as ever I received that dignity, entreating you to elect some honourable person, Avho upon all occasions may be ready to serve you ; and I beseech God send you such an one as may do aU things for His glory, and the further- 6- -o o -G 286 THE DIARY OF ance of your most faraous University. This is the continual prayer of. Your dejected Friend and Chancellor, Being the last time I shaU write so, W. Cant. Tower, June 23, 1641. July 1, Thursday. This Avas done; and the Earl of Pembroke -chosen ChanceUor by joint consent, Aug. Io, Tuesday. The King went post into Scotland, the Parliament sitting, and the armies not yet dissolved. Sept 23, Thursday. Mr. Adara Tories, my ancient, loving, and faithful servant, then my stCAvai-d, after he had served me full forty-two years, died, to my great loss and grief, Oct. 23. The Lords in Parliament se questered my jurisdiction to my inferior offi cers ; and ordered, that I should give no benefice, Avithout acquainting them first to Avhom I Avould give it; that so they raight ap])rovc. This order Avas sent me on I'ues- day, Nov. 2, in the afternoon. G G G- -G "F ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 287 Nov. 1 , News carae to the Parliament of the troubles in Ireland, the King being then in Scotland, where there were troubles enough also — Nov. 25, Thursday. The King, at his return from Scotland, Avas sump tuously entertained in London; and gi-eat joy on all hands. God prosper it ! On Thursday, Nov. 25, the King return ing from Scotland, entered into London, Avas received with great state and joy, and sump tuously entertained. This made divers men think there Avould have been a turn in the present business. And what it might have proved, if the King Avould have presently and vigorously set himself lo vindicate his own just power, and leave them their ancient and just privileges, is not, 1 think, hard to judge. But he let it cool; and gave that which is truly the malignant faction (but call others so) tirae to underwork him, and bring the City round, and all ran then stronger in the same current than ever it did. So God of His mercy bless all ! Troubles. Dec. 30, Thursday. The Archbishop of 6- G- -G G- 288 THE DIARY OF York, and eleven Bishops more, sent to the ToAver for High Treason, for delivering a petition and a protestation into the House, that this was not a free Parliament, since they could not come to vote there, as they are bound, without danger of their lives. Jan. 4, Tuesday. His Majesty Avent into the House of Commons, and demanded the persons of Mr. Denzill HoUis, Sir Arthur Haslering, Mr. John Pym, Mr. John Hamp den, and Mr. WiUiara Stroude; whora his Attorney had the day before, together with the Lord Kirabolton, accused of High Trea son, upon seven articles. They had inform ation, and were not then in the House: they came in after, and great stir was made about this breach of the privileges of Par liament. Feb. 6, Saturday. Voted in the Lords' House, that the Bishops shall have no votes there in Parliament. The Commons had passed that BiU before. Great ringing for joy, and bonfires in some parishes. — Feb. 11, Friday. The Queen went from Greenwich G O 4 -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 289 toward Dover, to go into Holland Avith her daughter the Princess Mary, who was lately raarried to the Prince of Orange's son. But the true cause was, the present dis contents here. The King accompanied her to the sea, — Feb. 14. His Majesty's message to both Houses printed, by which he puts all into their hands ; so God bless us ! — Feb. 1 4. An order carae, that the tAvelve Bishops might put in bail, if they Avould ; and that they should have their hearing upon Friday, Feb. 25. They Avent out of the ToAver on Wednesday, Feb. l6, and were sent in again Feb. 17, the House of Commons, on Wednes day night, protesting against their coming forth, because they Avere not in a Parlia mentary Avay raade acquainted Avith it. — Feb. 20, Sunday. There came a tall man to rae, under the narae of Mr. Hunt. He professed, he Avas unknown to me ; but came, he said, to do me service in a great particular ; and prefaced it, that he was not set on by any Statesraan, or any of the Parliament. So he drew a paper out of his pocket, and shcAved G' G '-90 THE DIARY OF me four Articles drawn against me to the Parhament, aU touching ray near conversa tion with Priests, and my endeavours by them to subvert Religion in England. He told me, the Articles were not yet put into the House: they Avere subscribed by one WiUoughby, Avho, he said, Avas a Priest but now come from thera. I asked him, what service it Avas he could do me. He said, he looked for no advantage to himself I con ceived hereupon, this was a piece of viliany; and bad him teU WiUoughby, he was a vil lain ; and bid him put his Articles into the Parliament when he will. So I went pre sently into my inner chamber, and told Mr. Edward Hyde, and Mr. Richard Cobb, what had befallen me. But after I was sorry at my heart that my indignation at this base viUany made me so hasty, to send Hunt away; and that I had not desired Mr. Lieu tenant to seize on him, till he brought forth this WiUoughby.— Feb. 25, Friday. The Queen went to sea for Holland, and her eldest daughter the Princess Mary Avith her. -G Q— -o G -O ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 291 March 6, Sunday. After Sermon, as I Avas Avalking up and doAvn my chamber before dinner, Avithout any slip or treading awry, the sinew of ray right leg gave a great crack, and broke asunder in the same place where I had broken it before, Feb. 5, l62|. Orders about Stisted. It Avas two months before I could go out of ray charaber. On Sunday, (May 15,) I made shift between my man and my staff to go to church. There one Mr. Joslin preached, Avith veheraency becoming Bedlam, with treason sufficient to hang hira in any other State, and Avith such particular abuse to rae, that woraen and boys stood up in the church, to see hoAV I could bear it. I hum bly thank God for my patience. AU along things grcAv higher between the King and the Parliament. God send a good issue ! May 29. Four ships came into the river, with part of the ammunition frora Hull. Aug. 22, Monday, the King set up his standard at Nottingham. — Aug. 24. The Parliament having coraraitted three officers o -G 292 THE DIARY OF of the ordinance, and sent tAvo new ones in the room ; this day they brake open ail the doors, and possessed themselves of the stores. — Aug. 27, Saturday. Earl of Southampton and Sir John Culpepper sent from the King to have a treaty for peace, refused; unless the King Avould take doAvn his standard, and recal his Proclamation, which made them traitors. Sept. 1, Thursday. Bishops voted down, and Deans and Chapters, in the Lower House. That night bonfires and ringing aU over the city : ordered cunningly by Pennington, the ncAV Lord Mayor. About this time (ante ult. Aug.) the Cathedral of Canterbury grossly profaned.— Sept. 9, Friday. An order from the House, about the giving of AUhallows, Bread Street. The Earl of Essex set forAvard toAvards the King. — Sept 10. Voted down in the Upper House (dubitatur.) Oct. 15, Saturday. Resolved upon the question, that the fines, rents, and profits of Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, and Chapters, and of such notorious delinquents Avho have -G G- -6 G- -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 293 taken up arms against the Parliament, or have been active in the commission of array, shall be sequestered for the use and service of the Coraraonwealth. — Oct. 23, Sunday. Kein- ton field. — Oct. 24, Monday. An order from the House to keep but two servants, speak with no prisoner or other person, but in the presence of my Warder; (this common to other prisoners.) — Oct, 26, Wednesday, Mr. Cook's relation to me of some resolutions taken in the city, &c. — Oct 27. The order of Oct. 24, not sheAvn rae till Oct. 26, and I sent a petition to the House, for a cook and a butcher, Thursday. — Oct 28. This order revoked, Friday : and this granted me. Nov. 2, Wednesday night, I dreamed the Parliament Avas removed to Oxford ; the Church undone : sorae old courtiers came in to see me, and jeered : I Avent to St. John's, and there I found the roof off frora sorae parts of the College, and the walls cleft, and ready to fall down. God be merciful ! — Nov. 8. Seventy-eight pounds of ray rents taken frora my comptroller, by Mr. Holland and Mr. G- -6 G- -G 294 . THE DIARY OF Ashliurst; Avhicli they said Avas for mainte nance of the King's children. — Nov. 9> Vv^ed- nesday morning, five of the clock. Captain Brown and his company entered my house at Lambeth, to keep it for public service ; and they made of it. The Lords, upon my petition to them, denied they knew of any such order; and so did the Comraittee; yet such an order there was, and divers Lords' hands to it; but upon my petition, they made an order, that ray books should be secured, and my goods. — Nov. 10. Sorae Lords went to the King about an accommo dation. — Nov. 12, Saturday. A fight about Brentford: many slain of the Parliament forces, and some taken prisoners; such as would not serve the Khig, were sent back with an oath given them. The fight is sai,d to begin casually about billetting. Since this, voted in the House for no accoramodation, but to go on, and take all advantages. — Nov. l6, Wednesday. An order to barr all prisoners' men from speaking one Avith another, or any other, but in presence of the Warder; nor o- -G o- -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 295 go out without the Lieutenant's leave; and to barr thera the liberty ofthe Tower Nov. 22, Tuesday. Ordered, that any one of thera may go out to buy provision. — Nov. 24, Thursday. The soldiers at Lambeth House brake open the Chapel door; and offered violence to the organ ; but before rauch hurt was done, the Captains heard of it, and stayed them. Dec. 2, Friday. Some of the King's forces taken at Farnham; about an hundred of thera brought in carts to London; ten carts full, their legs bound. They were sufficiently railed upon in the streets. — Dec. 19, Monday. My petition for Mr. Coniers to have the Vicarage of Horsham. Before it carae to be delivered, the House had made an order against him, upon complaint from Horsham of his disorderly life. So, Dec. 21, St. Thomas's day, I petitioned for ray Chaplain, Mr, William Brackstone. Refused, yet no exception taken. That day, in the raorning, my young dun horses Avere taken aAvay, by Avarrant under the hands of Sir John Evelyn, G- -G o- G 296 THE DIARY OF Mr Pirn, and Mr. Martin.— Dec. 23, Thurs day. Dr. Layton carae with a warrant frora the House of Commons, for the keys of my house to be deUvered to him, and more prisoners to be brought thither, &c. — Jan. 5. A final order from both Houses, for selling of Lambeth prison, &c. Thursday. All my wood and coals spent, or to be spent there, not reserving in the order, that 1 shall have any for my own use ; nor would that motion be hearkened to. Jan. 6, Friday, Epiphany. Earl of Man chester's letter from the House, to give AU- Hallows, Bread Street to Mr. Seaman. — Jan. 26, Thursday. The BiU passed the Lords* House for abolishing Episcopacy, &c. Feb. 3, Friday. Dr. Heath came to per suade me to give Chartham to Mr. Corbet, &c. — Feb. 1 4, Tuesday. I received a letter frora his Majesty, dated January 17, to give Char tham to Mr. Reddinge, or lapse it to him. That afternoon, the Earl of Warwick came to me, and brought me an order of the House, to give it to one Mr. Culmer. This order -6 G- ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 297 bare date, Feb. 4.— Feb. 25, Saturday. Mr. Culmer came to me about it. I told him, 1 had given my Lord an answer. — March 2, Thursday, St. Chad's day. The Lord Brooke shot in the left eye, and killed in the place, at Litchfield, going to give the onset upon the Close of the Church; he having ever been fierce against Bishops and Cathedrals: his beaver up, and armed to the knees ; so that a musquet at that distance could have done hira but little harm. Thus was his eye put out, Avho about two years since said, he hoped to hve to see at St. Paul's not one stone left upon another. [^The Lord Brook Avas noAV in action. A bitter eneray he was to the Church, and her government by Bishops. On March 2, he was going to give onset upon the Close of the Cathedral at Litchfield : and, he was taking view of the place from a window in a house opposite to the Close, and his beaver up, so that a musket at such a distance could have done him but httle harm ; yet was he shot in the left eye, and kiUed dead in the place without speaking one Avord. Whence I shall -G G- -o o- 298 THE DIARY OF observe three things. First, that this great and known eneray to Cathedral Churches died thus fearfully in the assault of a Cathe- dral. A fearful raanner of death in such a quarrel ! Secondly, that this happened upon St. Chad's day, of which Saint the Cathedi-al bears the narae. Thirdly, that this Lord coming from dinner about two years since, from the Lord Herbert's house in Lambeth, upon some discourse of St. Paul's Church, then in their eye upon the water, said to some young Lords that were with him, that he hoped to live to see that one stone of that building should not be left upon another. But that Church stands yet and that eye is put out that hoped to see the ruins of it. Many heavy accidents have already fallen out in these unnatural wars; and God. alone knows how many more shall, before they end. But I intend no history but of my own sad mis fortunes ; nor would I have raentioned this, but that it relates to the Church, which, for my caUing sake, I take as a part and a near one, of myself Troubles.^ — : (^ o o- ¦o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 299 March 10, Friday. This night preceding, I dreamed a warrant Avas come to free me ; and that I spake Avith the Lieutenant, that my Warder might keep the keys of my lodging, till I had got some place for myself and my stuff, since I could not go to Lambeth. I waked, and slept again; and had the very sarae dream a second time. — March 20, Mon day. The Lord of Northuraberland, Mr. Pierrepoint, Sir John Holland, Sir William Ermin, and Mr. Whitlock, went frora both Houses to treat of peace Avith his Majesty. God of His raercy bless it and us! — March 24, Fri day. One Mr. Foord told rae, (he is a Suffolk man,) that there was a plot to send me and Bishop Wrenn'', as delinquents, to New Eng land, within fourteen days. And that Wells, a Minister that came thence, offered Avagers of it. The meeting was at Mr. Burks, a merchant's house in Friday Street, being this Foord's son in laAV. I never saw Mr. Foord before. d " A man ofa severe, sour nature, but very learned, and particularly versed in the old Liturgies of the Greek and Latin Churches." Clarend. i. 184. o- -o G -O 300 THE DIARY OF 1643. March 28, Tuesday. Another order from the Lords, to give Chartham to one Mr. Edward Hudson. My answer as before. April 11, Tuesday. Another order for the same, and very pereraptory. This came to me April 12, Avhereupon I petitioned the House, Thursday, April 18. My forraer answer being wilfully mistaken by Hudson. That present day another order, very quick ; which was brought to rae Friday, April 14. 1 petitioned the House again the same day with great subraission ; but could not disobey the King. — .^pril 21. Another peremptory order, to collate Chartham on Mr. Edw. Corbet brought to me Saturday, April 22. — April 24, Monday. I gave my ansAver as before, but in as soft terras as I could. — April 25, Tuesday. It was raoved in the House of Coraraons to send rae to New Eng land. But it Avas rejected. The plot was laid by Peters, Wells, and others. May 1, Monday. My Chapel windows at Lambeth defaced, and the steps torn up May 2, Tuesday. The Cross in Cheapside G- G — -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 301 taken down. — May 9, Tuesday. All my goods seized upon, books and all. — The seizers were Captain Guest, Layton, and Dickins. The same day an order for further restraint of rae, not to go out of it without my keeper. This order was brought to me May 10. — May 16, Tuesday. An order of both Houses for the disposing of my bene fices, &c. void, or to be void. This order was brought to me Wednesday. — May 17, at night. Methinks, I see a cloud rising over rae, about Charthara business: there having been a ruraour twice, that I shall be reraoved to a prison lodging. — May 23. Tuesday. I sent ray petition for raain- tenance. This day the Queen was voted a traitor in the Coraraons' House. — May 20, Saturday. Another order to collate EdAvard Corbet to Charthara. It was brought to rae Friday, May 26. I answered it Saturday, May 27, as before. [H. W. Thus far the Archbishop had proceeded in his Diary; when it was violently seized, and taken out of his pockets by Wil- -G o- -o o- -G 302 THE TROUBLES OF Ham Prynne, on the last day of May, 1 643. The seizure of it is related by Prynne him self, (Breviat ofthe Archbishop's Life, p. 28.) and gloried in, as a most worthy action. But the barbarous raanner of it is raore largely described by the Archbishop hiraself in the folloAving history. After the book carae into his enemies' hands, it Avas frequently urged against hira as evidence at his trial ; and when the trial was near finished, Prynne caused it to be printed, and pubhshed it in the beginning of September, 1644, but cor rupted, and in part only. The Archbishop had almost filled up his paper book (wherein he wrote his Diary) when it Avas taken from him. But in the last leaf of it, are found certain projects wrote with his own hand, (at Avhat time or in Avhat year is uncertain,) which I have subjoined.] See Appendix. ^The remainder of the autobiography is made up from the Archbishop's history of his " Troubles and Trial."] May 20. And soon after came another Ordinance, requiring me, by virtue of the cr -o o- ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 303 said Ordinance, to give Chartham to Mr. Corbet. This order was not brought me till Friday, May 26. Then it Avas brought unto me by Mr. Corbet himself, and Sir John Corbet, a Parliament man, came with him. Now upon the Tuesday before I had sent an humble petition to the Lords for main tenance. The prayer of which petition Avas as follows : " Humbly prayeth that your Lordships will take his sad condition into your honourable consideration, that some what raay be allowed hira out of his estate to supply the necessities of life; assuring hiraself that in honour and justice you Avill not suffer him either to beg or starve. And your petitioner shall ever pray, &c." The answer which this petition had in the Lords' House was. Let him give Chartham as is ordered, and then we will consider of main tenance. So my petition was sent doAvii to the House of Commons. To the last fore- named order, I gave ray forraer ansAver, and hurably petitioned the Lords accordingly. May 27 foUoAving. So they departed, and G- * -G G G 304 THE TROUBLES OF as they went down the hill together. Sir John was overheard to say to Mr. Corbet thus ; " The Archbishop hath petitioned the Lords for maintenance, and they have sent his petition to the Commons ; and since he wiU not give you the benefice, I'M warrant you he shall have no maintenance." And so accordingly my petition was rejected in the House of Commons. [Mr. Corbet of Merton CoU. was one who had opposed the Archbishop at Oxford ; and Mr. Culmer, the other man for whora Par hament at the instigation of Lord Warwick demanded Chartham, was known to the Archbishop to be " ignorant and with his j i G G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 353 " 16, 17. Mr. Digby was a Priest and Mr. James Gentleman, a schoolmaster in a recu sant's house. This latter was brought to me by a Minister, (as far as I remember,) in Buckinghamshire. I converted both of them, and they remain settled. " 18. Dr. Hart, a Civilian, son to a neigh bour of mine at Fulham. He Avas so far gone, that he had written part of his motives Avhich wrought (as he said) that change in tianity of Chillingworth is certainly not altogether in dogma, and not at all in spirit, the same with that of (Bp.) Hpr,sley ; but perfectly coincident, both in doc trine and spirit, with the Christianity of Locke and Clarke, of Watson and Paley.'' Gibbon's words (omit ting some blasphemous language about Chillingworth's disbelief ofthe Catholic doctrine of the Holy Trinitj-) are as follows : " His frequent changes proceeded from too nice an inquisition into truth. His doubts grew out of himself; he assisted them with all the strength of his reason: he was then too hard for himself ; but finding as little quiet and repose in those victories, he quickly recovered by a new appeal to his own judgment : so that in all his saUies and retreats, he was in fact his own convert." G- -G G- — G 354 THE TROUBLES OF him. I got sight of them; shcAved him wherein he was deceived; had God's blessing to settle his conscience ; and then caused an able Divine to answer his motives, and give hira the copy. " 19, 20. There Avere beside these, Mr. Christopher Seburne, a gentleman of an ancient family, in Herefordshire; and Sir VVilliara Spencer, of Yarnton in Oxfordshire. The sons and heirs of Mr. Wintchome, and Mr. Williscot whora I sent with their friends' good liking to Wadham College in Oxford ; and I received a certificate. Anno 1638, of their continuing in conformity to the Church of England : nor did ever any of these relapse again to Rome, but only the old Countess of Buckingham, and Sir William Spencer, that ever I heard of. And if any of your Lord ships doubt of the truth of any of these particulars, I am able and ready to bring full proof of them all. And by this time I hope it appears, that one of the swaying Prelates of the tirae is able to say, he hath converted one Papist to the Protestant religion. And -G G -o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 355 let any Clergyraan of England come forth, and give a better account of his zeal to this present Church. " And now, my Lords, with my most humble thanks for your Lordships' favour and patience in hearing me, I shall cease to be farther troublesome for the present; not doubting but I shall be able to answer what ever shall be particularly objected against rae." After I had ended this speech, I was comraanded to withdraAV. As I went frora the bar, there was Alderraan Hoyle of York, and some other, Avhich I knew not very angry, and saying, it was a very strange conversion that 1 Avas like to make of them ; with other terms of scorn. I Avent patiently into the little Committee-chamber at the entering into the House. Thither Mr. Peters foUowed rae in great haste, and began to give rae ill language, and told me that he, and other Ministers, Avere able to name thou sands, that they had converted. 1 kncAv hira not, as having never seen him (to my remem brance) in my life, though I had heard G G w- y 356 THE TROUBLES OF enough of hira. And as I was going to answer him, one of my counsel, Mr. Hcarn, seeing how violently he began, stepped be tween us, and told hira of his uncivil carriage tOAvards me in my affliction: and indeed he came as if he Avould have struck me. By this time, some occasion brought the Earl of Essex into that room, and Mr. Hearn com plained to him of Mr. Peters's usage of rae; Avho very honourably checked him for it, and sent him forth. Not long after, Mr. Hearn was set upon by Alderman Ployle, and used as coarsely as Peters had used me, and (as far as I remember) only for being of counsel Avith such a one as I ; though he Avas assigned to that oflSce by the Lords. What put them into this choler, I know not; unless they Avere angry to hear rae say so much in my own defence; especially for the conversion of so many, Avliich I think they little ex pected. For the next day a great Lord met a friend of mine, and grew very angry Avith him about me ; not forbearing to ask Avhat I meant, to name the particulars, Avhich I had G- -6 G- -u ARCHBISHOP LAUD. .357 mentioned in the end of my speech, saying many godly Ministers had done more. And not long after this, (the day I now remember not,) Mr. Peters came and preached at Lam beth, and there told them in the pulpit, that a great Prelate, their neighbour, (or in Avords to that effect,) had bragged in the Parliament House, that he had converted two and twenty; but that he had Avisdom enough, not to tell IioAV many thousands he had perverted; Avith much more abuse. God of his mercy relieve me from these reproaches, and lay not these men's causeless malice to their charge ! After a little stay, I received my dismis sion for that time, and a comraand to appear again the next day at nine in the morning : Avhich Avas ray usual hour to attend, though I Avas seldora called into the House in tAvo hours after. A.D. 1644. [|Tlie irapossibility of finding Archbishop Laud guilty of treason by any even obsolete law, or even, as Guizot expresses it, (ii. SI: Engl. Trans.) by " the tyrannical traditions of G- G o- -G 358 THE TROUBLES OF Parliament," made his trial a weary and com- plicated process, which Avould soon have weighed down -a "weak old man" with a less stout heart than Laud. There Avere tAvo sets of Articles put in against hira, styled. Original and Additional Articles; and on March 28, 1644, they had only reached the 5th and 6th Original and the Qth Additional Article. Although the meekness and won derful wisdom of the Archbishop are shewn more especially in his defence, yet this volume raust confine itself, maiiily at least to the few hints of his state of raind and circumstances which are given from time to tirae in his History ofhis Troubles and Trial. Ed.] On Thursday, April 4, I was again brought to the House, made a sufficient scorn and gazing-stock to the people; and after I had waited some hours, was sent back, by reason of other business, unheard: but or dered to appear again Monday, April 8. Then I appeared again, and Avas used by the basest of the people as before. I did not o ¦ 6 G- ¦¦.; ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 359 appear any day, but it cost rae six or seven pounds. I grew into want. This made my counsel and other friends to persuade rae, the next time I had admittance to speak, to move the Lords again for some necessary allowance; notAvithstanding my former petition had been rejected. This advice I meant to have fol- loAved that day. But after some hours at tendance, I was sent back again unheard, and ordered to come again on Thursday, April 1 1 . This day I did not come to the House ; a Avarrant being sent to the ToAver, which stayed me till Tuesday, April 1 6.. This day thus ended, I Avas ordered to appear again on Monday, April 22. I carae, and ray forraer answer having taken off the edge of raany raen, (for so I was told by good hands,) the scorns put upon me at my landing and else where were someAvhat abated, though when it Avas at best I suffered enough. After I had attended the pleasure of the House some hours, 1 was remitted without hearing, and coramanded to attend again upon Thursday, April 25. But sent back again then also. G- -6 G- -G 360 THE TROUBLES OF and ordered to appear on Tuesday, April 30. And Avhen 1 came, I Avas sent away once more unheard: no consideration had of ray self, or the great charge Avliich this frequent coming put me to, I Avas then ordered to appear again on Saturday, May 4. Then I Avas heard again; and the day proceeded. I^His eighth day of hearing.] At my parting from the House, I was ordered to appear again on Thursday, May 9. But then fairly put off by an order (sent to the Lieutenant of the Tower) to Monday, May 13. So the scorn and charge of that day Avas scaped. But then I appeared ac cording to this order, and had scorn plenty, for Avhat I escaped the day before. And, after long attendance, Avas dismissed again unheard, and had Thursday, May I6, as signed unto me. That day held; and pro ceeded, ^His ninth day of hearing.] The 16th of May I had an order from the Lords, for free access of four of ray servants to rae. On Friday, May 17, I received a note frora the Committee, that they intended G- -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 361 to proceed upon part of the sixth Original Article remaining, and upon the seventh. This day. May 20, piis tenth day of hear ing,] Mr. Serjeant Wilde undertook the busi ness against me. And at his entrance he made a speech, being noAV to charge rae Avith matter of religion. In his speech he spake of a tide Avhicli came not in all at once. And so he said it Avas in the intended alteration of religion. First a connivance, then a tolera tion, then a subversion. Nor this, nor that. But a tide it seems he Avill have of religion. And I pray God His truth (the true Pro testant religion here established) sink not to so Ioav an ebb, that men may Avith ease Avade over to that side, which this gentleman seems most to hate. He fears both ceremonies and doctrine. But in both he fears Avhere no fear is ; Avhicli I hope shall appear. June 11. [^His thirteenth day of hearing.] The first charge of this day, Avas the opinion Avhich Avas held of me beyond the seas. The first witness Avas Sir Plenry Mildmaye, avIio (as is before related) told me Avithout asking. G -G G- -6 G- -G O- 362 THE TROUBLES OF that I was the most hateful man at Rorae, that ever sate in ray See since the Reforra ation. Now he denied not this; but being helped on by good preparation, a flexible conscience, and a fair leading interrogatory, by Mr. Nicholas, (Mr. Serjeant Wilde was sick, and came no more till the last day, when I made my recapitulation,) he minced it. And now he says, that there were tAvo fac tions at Rorae, and that one of them did in deed speak very ill of me, because they thought I airaed at too great a power here in England ; but the other faction spake as Avell of me, because they thought I endeavoured to bring us in England nearer to the Church of Rome. But first, my Lords, this gentle man's words to me were round and general. That I was hated at Rorae ; not of a party or faction there. And my servants heard him at the same time, and are here ready to witness it, that he then said the Pope Avas a goodly gentleman, and did use to ride tAvo or three great horses in a morning ; and, but that he Avas somewhat taller, he was as Uke Auditor G 6 G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 363 Philips (who Avas then at dinner with me) as could be. But 1 pray mark what Avise men he makes them at Rome. One faction hates me, because I aim at too much power ; and the other loves me, because I would draAv England nearer Rome : why, if I went about to draAV England nearer Rome, can any araong thera be such fools as to think my power too great ? For if I used ray poAver for them, why should any there condemn rae ? and if I used it against thera, why should any here accuse rae ? Non sunt Iiebc bene divisa temporibus. These things suit not with the times, or the dispositions of Rome ; but the plain truth is, I do not think that ever he was at Rome. I after heard a Avhis- per, that he only stepped into France for another cure, not to Rome for cm-iosity, which was the only cause he gave the Lords of his going thither. 2. The second Avitness was Mr. Challoner. He says not much of his OAvn knoAvledge, but of farae, that tattling gossip ; yet he told the Lords, I was a very obscure man, till Avithin i- 6- -G Ch -o o- -o 364 THE TROUBLES OF these fifteen years. Be it so, if he please. Yet I have been a Bishop above three and twenty years. And it is eighteen years since I Avas first Dean of his Majesty's Chapel Royal. He says, that after this tirae there Avas a strong opinion of reconciliation to Rome. A strong opinion, but a Aveak proof. For it was an opinion of eneraies, and such as could easily believe Avhat they overran ch desired. He farther said, that sorae of them were of opinion, that I Avas a good Roraan Catholic, and that I wrought cunningly to introduce that religion by inches. And that they prayed for rae. First my Lords, the opinion of eneraies is no proof at all, that I ara such as they think me. And, secondly, this is a notable and no unusual piece of cunning, for an eneray to destroy by cora- mending. For this was the ready way, and, I doubt not, but it hath been practised to raise a jealousy against me at home, thereby either to work the ruin of my person, or utterly to Aveaken and disable me from doing harm to them, or good for the Church of c- « -o 4 ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 365 England. Besides, if the coramendation of enemies may in this kind go for proof, it shall be in the poAver of two or three practising Jesuits, to destroy any Bishop or other Church man of England when they please. At last, he told a story of one Father John, a Benedic tine; that he asked him how Church Livings Avere disposed in England, and whether 1 had not the disposing of those Avhich were in the King's gift ; and concluded, that he was not out of hope to see England reduced to Rome. Why, my Lords, this is not Father John's hope alone ; for there is no Roman Catholic, but hath some hope alive in him to see this day. And Avere it not for that hope, there Avould not have been so many, some despe rate, all dangerous, practices upon this king dom to effect it, both in Queen Elizabeth's time and since. But if this I-knoAv-not- wliat Father John hope so, what is that to me.'' 3. The third Avitness was Mr. Anthony Mildmaye. A man not thought on for a Avit ness, till I called for his brother Sir Henry. G O , o 366 THE TROUBLES OF But now he coraes laden with his brother's language. He says just as Sir Henry did before, that there were two factions in Rome, the Jesuits, and they abhorred me ; but the other, the Secular Priests, they Avished me Avell, as he Avas informed. First, this is so one and the sarae testimony, that any man that will may see, that either he informed his brother, or his brother hira. Secondly, here is nothing affirmed ; for it is but as he was inforraed. And he doth not tell you by Avhora. It may be, my Lords, it was by his brother. Then he says. This Avas to make myself great, and tells a tale of Father Fiston, as much to the purpose as that which Mr. ChaUoner told of Father John. But whatso ever either of these fathers said, it was but their own opinion of me, or hearsay ; neither of which can prove me guilty of any thing. Thus much Mr. Anthony raade a shift to say by five of the clock at afternoon, when I came to raake my answer. And this (as I have sufficient cause to think) only to help to shore up his brother's testimony. But in the 6- -G G- G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 367 morning, when he should have come, as his brother did, he was by nine in the morning so drunk, that he was not able to come to the bar, nor to speak common sense, had he been brought thither. June 20. ^Fifteenth day of hearing.] This day I came again to the House. A day or two before, as now also, the landing-place at Westminster Avas not so full of people ; and they which were there rauch raore civil to wards me than formerly. My friends were willing to persuade rae, that my answer had much abated the edge of the people, saving from the Adolent and factious leaders of the multitude, whom, it seeras, nothing Avould sati.sfy but my life, (for so I was after told in plain terms, by a raan deeply interested in thera;) when I presently saw Quarterman coraing towards me, who, so soon as he carae, fell to his wonted railing, and asked aloud, " What the Lords meant, to be troubled so long and so often Avith such a base fellow as I was .'' they should do well to hang me out of the Avay." I heard the words with grief G- -G G- ~G 368 THE TROUBLES OF enough, and so left them and him in the hands of God. My servants Avere earnest to have me coraplain to the Lords. I remem bered my late complaint about the pamphlets had no redress; and so forbare it. They, notwithstanding, out of their zeal, complained to Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower ; who pre sently went forth, and said he would school him. But I hearkened no more after it. When I came to the bar, Mr. Nicholas began with great violence, and told the Lords, " the business grew hi^cher and higher against rae." What the business did Avill after appear. But 1 ara sure he grew higher and higher, and from this time forward, besides the violence of expression, gave me such language as no Christian Avould give a JcAV. But God, I hurably thank Him, blessed me with patience ; and so I made my ears obe dient. That Avhich made him say the business grew higher and higher, was this. Upon ray often caUing to have the oaths at the coronations of King James and King Charles compared, some of them repaired again to my G- -G G- -G 11 ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 369 study at Lambeth, to search for all such copies of coronation books as could there be found. In this diligent and curious search (for Mr, Prynne's malice made it) they found some papers concerning Parliaments, no other (I praise God for it) than such, as Avith indif ferent construction might I hope, well pass, especially considering Avhat occasion led me, and what command was upon rae. And, as I have been told by able and experienced men, they would have been nothing, had they been found in any but this troublesome and distracted time about the rights of Par liaments, (as it is said.) HoAvsoever I Avas most unfortunate they should be noAv found, and I had not left them a being, but that I verily thought I had destroyed them long since. But they Avere unhappily found among the heaps of ray papers. July 17. [Eighteenth day of Iiearing,] The first charge Avas, that I deny theni (the French and Dutch Reformed Congregations) to be a Church: for they say that I say plainly in my book against Fisher, that ub -0 G- -G 370 THE TROUBLES OF No Bishop, no Church. Noav it is Avell knoAvn they have no Bishops, and therefore no Church. The passage in my book is an inference of St. Jerom's opinion, no declara tion of my oAvn. And, if they or any other be aggrieved at St. Jerora for Avriting so, they raay ansAver him. But they have noAV left me never a book in my study ; so I cannot make them any fuller ansAver, Avithout vieAv- ing the place, than themselves help me to by their own confession. Which is, that he adds this exception, " that none but a Bishop can ordain, but in casu necessitatis," which is the opinion of many learned and moderate Divines. Yet this is very considerable in the business, Avhether an inevitable necessity be cast upon thera, or they pluck a kind of necessity upon themselves. [Secondly,] they say, " I disliked the giving of this title Antichrist to the Pope." No, I did not simply dislike it, but I advised Bishop Hall, if he thought it good, not to affirm it so positively. Here Mr, Nicholas fell extreme foul upon me, in so much that I c- -G o o ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 371 could not hut Avonder at their patience Avhich heard hira. Among other titles bestowed upon rae, many and gross, he called rae over and over again. Pander lo the Whore of Baby lon. 1 was much raoved; and hurably de sired the Lords, that if my crimes were such, as that I raight not be used like an Arch bishop, yet I might be used like a Christian : and that Avere it not for the duty which I owe to God and ray oAvn innocency, I would desert ray defence, before I Avould endure such language in such an honourable presence. The third charge was out of a paper, which Bishop Hall, about the time Avhen he Avrote his book in defence of Episcopacy, sent unto me, containing divers propositions concerning Episcopal government. In Avhich, either he or I or both say, (for that circum stance I remember not,) " That Church go- j vernment by Bishops is not alterable by j human law." To this I answered, that Bishops I might be regulated and limited by human : laAVs, in those things which are but incidents I to their calling. But their calling, so far as G- -G 0 -G 372 THE TROUBLES OF it is Jure Divino, by divine right, cannot be taken away. They charge farther, that I say this is the doctrine ofthe Church of England. And so I think it is. For Bishop Bilson set out a book in the Queen's time, intituled, the Perpetual Government. And, if the govern ment by Bishops be perpetual, as he there very learnedly proves through the Avhole book, it will be hard for any Christian nation to out it. Nor is this his judgment alone, but of the whole Church of England. For in the Preface to the Book of Ordination are these Avords. " From the Apostles' tirae, there have been three Orders of Ministers in the Church of Christ, Bishops, Priests, and Deacons." Where it is evident, that in the judgment of the Church of England, Epis copacy is a different, not Degree only, but Order, from Priesthood, and so hath been reputed from the Apostles' tiraes. And this was then read to the Lords, And the laAv of England is as full for it, as the Church. For the Statute in the eighth of the Queen, abso lutely confirras all and every part of this G- -G G- -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 373 Book of Ordination. Where also the law- calls it the high estate of Prelacy. And Calvin, (if my old memory do not fail me,) upon those Avords of St. John, As My Father sent Me, so send I you, &Cj says thus upon that place, Eandem illis imponit Personam ac idem Juris assignat. And, if our Saviour Christ put the same person u})oii the ,'\postles, and assigned to them the same right, Avhich His Father gave Him, it Avill prove a sour Avork to throAv their successors the Bishops out of the Church after sixteen hundred years' continuance : and in the mean time cry out against innovation. For either Christ gave this power to His Apostles only; and that will make the Gospel a thing temporary, and confined to the Apostles'' times ; or else He gave the same power, though not Avith such eminent gifts, to their successors also, to propagate the same Gospel to the end of the world, as St. Paul tells us He did, Eplies. iv. 11. Noav all the primitive Church all along gives Bishops to be the Apostles* suc cessors, and then it would be Avell thought o- -G 0- ~G 374 THE TROUBLES OF on, Avhat right any Christian State hath (be their absolute poAver Avliat it will) to turn Bishops out of that right in the Church, which Christ hath given thera', ' In opposition to this statement, it is not a little curious to contrast the opinions of a Tudor Courtier as to the source of Episcopal power with those of one of the celebrated Parliamentary leaders in the great rebellion. They illustrate the conveniently moveable character of Erastian views. Sir Francis KnoUys said to Archbishop Whitgift, on occasion of Dr. Bancroft's famous Sermon at St. Paul's Cross, Jan. 12, 1588, " I do not deny that Bishops may have lordly authority and dignity, provided they claim it not from a higher authority than her Majesty's Grant. If Bi.shops are not undergovernors to her Majesty of the Clergy, but superior governors over their brethren by God's ordi nance, it will then follow that her Majesty is not supreme governor over her Clergy." Neal, Hist, Pur.i. 322. Forty-one years later, the notable John Pym, iu a speech of very considerable power, in Charles's third Parliament, thus states his view of the question. " Howsoever it is aUeged that the Pauliament are not judges in matters of faith, yet ought they to know the established and fundamental truths, and the con trary to them ; for Parliaments have confirmed acts of G- -G G- -O ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 375 Then followed the charge of Sancta Clara's Book, alias Monsieur St Giles: so they expressed it; and I raust folloAV the way they lead rae. First then, they charge that I had often conference Avith him, while he was writing his book intituled Deus, Natura, Gratia. No, he never came to me, till he Avas ready to print that book. Then some friends of his brought him to me. His suit then was, that he might print that book here. Upon speech with hira, I found the scope of his book to be such, as that the Church of England would have little cause to thank him for it: and so absolutely denied it. Nor did he ever corae more at me after this, but twice General Councils, which have not been received until they have been so authorized. The Convocation cannot meet these mischiefs, (i. e, countenancing of heretics,) becau.se it is but a provincinl Synod, only of the juris diction of Canterbury, and the power thereof is not adequate to the whole kingdom ; while the Convocation of York may, perhaps, not agree with that of Canter bury. It is in short reserved for the judgment of the Par/itiiiiciif, tliat bcini,' tliu judgment of (lie King ;iiij of the three estates of the kingdom." G- G G 376 THE TROUBLES OF or thrice at most, when he made great friends to me, that he might print another book, to prove that Bishops are by divine right. My ansAver then was, that 1 did not like the way Avhich the Church of Rome Avent, in the case of Episcopacy. And however, that I would never give way, that any such book should be printed here from the pen of a Romanist; and that the Bishops of England Avere able to defend their own cause and caUing, with out calling in aid from Rome ; and would in due time. Maintenance he never had any from me, nor did I then know him to be a Priest, Nor Avas there any proof so much as offered in contrary to any of this. At last came in the last charge of this day. That a Cardinal's hat was offered unto me. My Diary quoted for this, at Aug. 4, and 21, 1633. I could hinder no offer, unless I could prophesy Avliat each man carae about, and so shun them. But why is not my answer, there set down, expressed too? My ansAver was, that someAvhat dwelt in me, Avhich would not suffer me to accept that, till Rome G- -G G- -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 377 were other than now it is. Besides, I Avent presently to his Majesty, and acquainted him with it : which is all that the law requires at my hands. And his Majesty very pru dently and religiously (yet in a calm way, the persons offering it, having relation to some Embassador) freed me speedily of that both trouble and danger. They urged further out of the papers of Andreas ab Habernfield, (Avhich Mr. Prynne took from me in his search,) that Signior Con had power to offer me a Cardinal's hat. The words Avhich they cite are, (for 1 could never get sight of those papers since,) Mandatum habuit offerre, sed non obtulit. What poAver he had to make me such an offer, I knoAV ¦^vcit ; but themselves confess he did not offer it. Nor had 1 ever any speech Avitli him, during all the time he stayed here. I was solicited as much by honourable friends to give him admittance to me at Lambeth, with assurance he should speak nothing about religion, as ever I had about any thing in my life. I still refused, and could not persuade G- -6 H .Q 378 THE TROUBLES OF myself to do other, and yet could not but iuAvai-dly (In verbo Sacerdotis, this is true) condemn myself of gross incivility for re fusing. For which yet now I see I am much bound to God for that unmannerliness. Had 1 held a correspondence Avith him, though never so innocent where had I noAv been.? Besides, I would not have it forgotten, that if to offer a Cardinal's hat or any hke thing, shall be a sufficient cause to make a raan guilty of treason, it shall be in the power of any Roraanist to make any EngUsh Bishop a traitor Avhen he pleases : a mischief not to be endured. And thus this long and tedious day ended; and I had order to attend again on July 24, which I did ac cordingly, July 29. This last day of my trial. Aug. 23. I received an order frora the Lords, that if I had a mind to make a recapi tulation of my long and various charge, I should provide myself for it Then came Monday, Sept 2; and, accord ing to the order from the Lords, I made the C; O G- -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 379 recapitulation of my whole cause. But so soon as I came to the bar, I saw every Lord present Avith a new thin book in folio in a blue coat, I heard that morning that Mr. Prynne had printed my Diary, and published it to the Avorld to disgrace me. Some notes of his own are made upon it. The first and last are tAvo desperate untruths '', beside some others. This was the book then in the Lords' hands, and I assure myself that time picked for it, that the sight of it might damp rae, ^ Some ofthe initials and secret entries in the Diary Prynne had chosen to explain, on the supposition they implied the secret sins of the writer. That they did denote sins is in many oases clear, as they were days of humiliation throughout his life. But Fuller well says, (ap. Lawson,) " An exact diary is a window into his heart who maketh it, and therefore pity it is that any should look therein, but either the friends of the party, or such ingenuous foes as will not (especially in things doubtful) make conjectural comments to his dis grace. But, be E. B. male or femtile, and the sin committed of what kind soever, his fault whispers not so much to his shame, as his solemn humiliation sounds to his commendation." G- -G G- -G 380 THE TROUBLIi-S OF and disenable rae to speak. I confess I was a little troubled at it. But after 1 had ga thered up rayself, and looked up to God, I Avent on to the business of the day. And thus I spake. [Here follows the Archbishop's recapitu lation.] Here ended ray recapitulation, and with it the work of that day. I was ordered to appear again the Saturday foUoAving to hear Mr. Brown sura up the Avhole charge against rae. But upon Tuesday, Sept. 3, this was put off, to give Mr. Brown more time, to Wednesday, Sept. 1 1 . On Wednesday, Sept, 4, as I was Avashing my face, ray nose bled, and soraething plen tifully, Avhich it had not done, to ray remem brance, in forty years before, save only once, and that was just the same day and hour, when my most honourable friend the Duke of Buckinghara Avas kUled at Portsraouth, myself being then at Westrainster. And upon Friday, as I Avas washing after dinner, my nose bled again. I thank God I make no 6 o G- -G ARCHBISHOP LAUD. 381 superstitious observation of this or any thing else ; yet I have ever used to mark Avliat and how any thing of note falls to me. And here I after came to know, that upon both these days in which 1 bled, there Avas great agita tion in the House of Commons to have me sentenced by Ordinance ; but both times put off, in regard very fcAV of that House had heard either my charge or defence. On Wednesday, Sept. 11, Mr. BroAvn made in the Lords' House, a sum or brief of the charge which was brought against me, and touched by the Avay at some things in my recapitula tion. But in regard I might not answer him, I took no perfect notes, but stood still, and possessed my soul in patience ; yet Avonder- ing at the bold, free, frequent, and most false swearing, that had been against rae. When Mr. Brown had ended, I hurably desired again, that my counsel raight be heard in point of laAV. And they were hereupon or dered to deliver in Avriting under their hands, what points of laAV they would insist upon, and that by Saturday, Sept. 1 4. -G -G 382 THE TROUBLES OF My coimsels* queries having been formally sent down to the House of Commons, they Avere there referred to a Committee of Law yers to consider of; and on Friday, Sep tember 27, they Avere earnestly called upon to hasten their report And on Friday, Oct 4, Mr. Nicholas made a great noise about me in the House, and would have had me presently censured in the House ; and no less would serve his turn, but that I must be haiiffed, and was at Sus. per Coll. till upon the rea sons before given, that if they went on this way, they must condemn me unheard, this violent clamour ceased for that time. And a message was sent up to the Lords for my counsel to be heard, as touching the first question concerning treason; but not con cerning any exception that they shall take against the Articles in point of certainty. This message the Lords took into present consideration, e joj tl»t v," «« befo>. „a i. «t do™ at the riEbt tod »t the tlirone of God." i,„,„ 1 I have been long in my race; and how I ha e looked unto Jesus, the Author and l^^Iher of my faith, He best knows. am inowcometotheendofrayi^ccaiidhr I 1 find the Cross, a death of shame. But h I ,hame must be despised, or no coming to the | G -G HIS MARTYRDOM. 417 right hand of God. .lesus despised the. shame for me, and God forbid that I should not despise the sharae for Him. I am going apace, as you see, toAvards the Red sea, and my feet are upon the very brink of it : an argument, I hope, that God is bring ing me into the Land of Promise; for that was the Avay through which He led His people. But before they came to it. He instituted a passover for them. A lamb it Avas, but it must be eaten with sour herbs'". I shall obey, and labour to digest the sour herbs, as Avell as the lamb. And I shall remeraber it is the Lord's passover. I shall not think of tlie herbs, nor be angry Avith the hands that gathered them ; but look up only to Him Avho instituted that, and governs these: for men can have no more poAver over me than Avhat is given thera from above\ I am not in love with this passage through the Red sea, for I have the Aveakness and in firmity of flesh and blood plentifully in me. 0 Exodus xii. 18. "= St. John xix. 11. G- O n o- 418 THE ACTS OF And I have prayed with my Saviour, Ut transiret calix isle, that this cup of red wine might pass from me". But if not God's will, not mine, be done. And I shall most will ingly drink of this cup as deep as He pleases, and enter into this sea, yea, and pass through it in the way that He shall lead me. But I would have it remembered, good people, that when God's servants were in this boisterous sea, and Aaron among them, the Egyptians which persecuted thera, and did in a manner drive them into that sea, were drowned in the same waters, whUe they were in pursuit of them. I know my God, Whom I serve, is as able to deliver me from this sea of blood, as He was to deliver the Three Children frora the furnace'. And (I most humbly thank my Saviour for it) my resolution is, as theirs was : they would not worship the image which the king had set up, nor wiU I the imaginations which the people are setting up. Nor wiU I forsake the temple and the truth of God, to „ St. Luke xxii. 42. = Daniel iii. 6- G G- — G HIS MARTYRDOM. 419 follow the bleating of Jeroboam's calves in Dan and in Bethel. And as for this people, they are at this day miserably misled: God of His mercy open their eyes, that they may see the right way. For at this day the blind lead the blind ; and if they go on, both will certainly fall into the ditch'. For myself, 1 am (and I acknoAvledge it in all humility) a most grievous sinner many Avays, by thought word, and deed: and yet I cannot doubt but that God hath mercy in store for me, a poor penitent, as well as for other sinners. I have now upon this sad occasion ransacked every corner of my heart; and yet I thank God I have not found among the many, any one sin Avhich deserves death by any known law of this kingdom. And yet hereby I charge nothing upon my judges : for if they proceed upon proof by valuable witnesses, 1 or any other innocent may be justly conderaned. And I thank God, though the Aveight of the sentence lie heavy f St. Luke vi. 39. G- -G G- 420 THE ACTS OF upon me, I am as quiet within as ever I was in my Ufe. And though I am not only the first Arch bishop, but the first man, that ever died by an Ordinance in Parliament, yet some of my pre decessors have gone this Avay, though not by this means : for Elphegus was hurried aAvay and lost his head by the Danes ; Simon Sud bury in the fury of Wat Tyler and his fellows. Before these, St. John Baptist had his head danced off by a lewd woman ; and St. Cyprian, Archbishop of Carthage, submitted his head to a persecuting sword. Many examples great and good ; and they teach me patience. For I hope my cause in heaven will look of another dye, than the colour that is put upon it here. And some comfort it is to me, not only that I go the way of these great men in their several generations ; but also that my ch.arge, as foul as it is made, looks like that ofthe Jews against St. Paul; (Acts xxv. 8.) for he was accused for the laAV and the temple, i. e. religion; and like that of St. Stephen, (Acts -G G ... HIS MARTYRDOM. 421 vi. 14.) for breaking the ordinances which Moses gave, i. e. law and religion, the holy place and the laAV. (verse 13.) But you will say. Do I then compare my self with the integrity of St Paul and St Stephen? No: far be that from me. I only raise a comfort to myself, that these great saints and servants of God Avere laid at in their times, as I am now. And it is memo- rable that St. Paul, Avho helped on this accu sation against St. Stephen, did after faU under the very same himself Yea, but here is a great clamour that I would have brought in Popery. I shall answer that more fully by and by. In the mean time, you know what the Pharisees laid against Christ Himself, "If we let him alone, aU men will believe on Him, et venient Ro mani, and the Romans will come, and take away both our place and nations. Ilere was a causeless cry against Christ that the Romans would come : and see how just the judgment of God was. They crucified Christ S St. Luke xi. 48. ' — * Y G- -6 G- -G 422 THE ACTS OF for fear lest the Romans should come; and His death was it Avhich brought in the Romans upon them, God punishing them with that which they most feared. And I pray God this clamour of venient Romani, (of which I have given no cause,)help not to bring them in. For the Pope never had such an harvest in England since the Reformation, as he hath now upon the sects and divisions that are amongst us. In the mean time, " by honour and dishonour, by good report and evil report, as a deceiver and yet true^" am I passing through this world. Some particulars also I think it not amiss to speak of. 1. And first this I shall be bold to speak of the King, our gi-acious Sovereign. He hath been much traduced also for bringing in of Popery: but on my conscience (of Avhich I shall give God a present account) I know him to be as free from this charge as any man Uving. And I hold hira to be as sound a Protestant according to the religion by law I" 2 Corinthians vi. 8. G- -6 G- -G HIS MARTYRDOM. 423 established, as any man in his kingdom ; and that he will venture his life as far and as freely for it And I think I do or should know both his affection to religion, and his grounds for it, as fully as any man in Eng land. 2. The second particular is concerning this great and populous city, (Avliich God bless.) Here hath been of late a fashion taken up to gather hands, and then go to the great court of the kingdom, the Parliament, and clamour for justice ; as if that gi-eat and wise court, before whora the causes come Avhich are un known to the many, could not or would not do justice but at their appointment ; a way which may endanger many an innocent man, and pluck his blood upon their own heads, and perhaps upon the city's also. And this hath been lately practised against myself; the magistrates standing still, and suffering them openly to proceed frora parish to parish Avithout check. God forgive the setters of this ; with all my heart I beg it : but many well-meaning people are caught by it. o- 6 o- -G 424 THE ACTS OF In St. Stephen's case, when nothing else would serve, they stirred up the people against hira. (Acts vi. 12.) And Herod went the same Avay : Avhen he had killed St. James, yet he would not venture upon St. Peter, till he found how the other pleased the people. (Acts xii. 3.) But take heed of having your hands full of blood; (Isaiah i. 15.) for there is a time best knoAvn to Himself, Avhen God above other sins makes inquisition for blood. And when that inquisition is on foot, the Psalmist tells us, that God remembers ; but that is not all; He remembers, and forgets not the complaint of the poor', i. e. whose blood is shed by oppression''. Take heed of this : " it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God ' ;" but then especially when He is making inquisition for blood. And with my prayers to avert it, I do heartily desire this city to remember the prophecy that is expressed in Jer. xxvi. 1 5. 3. The third particular is, the poor Church » Psalm ix. 12. k Ver. 9. 1 Hehrews x. 31. o- -o G- G HIS MARTYRDOM. 425 of England. It hath flourished, and been a shelter to other neighbouring Churches, Avhen storms have driven upon them. But alas! noAV it is in a storm itself, and God only knows whether or how it shall get out. And which is worse than a storm from Avithout, it is become like an oak cleft to shivers Avith wedges made out of its oAvn body ; and at every cleft, pro- faneness and irreligion is entering in. While (as Prosper says'") men that introduce pro- faneness are cloked over Avith the name religionis imag'marim, of imaginary religion : for Ave have lost the substance, and dwell too rauch in opinion. And that Church, Avhich all the Jesuits' machinations could not ruin, is faUen into danger by her own. 4. The last particular (for I am not willing to be too long) is, rayself. I Avas born and baptized in the bosom of the Church of England, established by laAV : in that pro fession I have ever since lived, and in that I corae now to die. What clamours and slanders I have en- '" Lib. ii. de Vitce Contempt, c. 4. 6 -o G -0 426 THE ACTS OF dured for. labouring to keep an uniformity in the external service of God, according to the doctrine and discipUne of this Church, all men know, and I have abundantly felt Now at last I am accused of high treason in Par liament, a crime which ray soul ever abhorred. • This treason Avas charged to consist of tAvo parts, an endeavour to subvert the laAvs of the land ; and a like endeavour to overthrow the i true Protestant reUgion, established by law. Besides ray answers to the several charges, I protested raine innocency in both Houses. It was said. Prisoners' protestations at the bar must not be taken. I must, therefore, corae iioAV to it upon my death, being instantly to give God an account for the truth of it. I do therefore here, in the presence of God ' and His holy Angels, take it upon my death, that I never endeavoured the subversion either of law or religion. And I desire you all to re member this protest of mine for ray innocency in this, and from all treasons whatsoever. I have been accused likewise as an enemy to Parliaments. No : I understand thera, and G- G- -G -O HIS MARTYRDOM. 427 the benefit that coraes by them, too well to be so. But I did dislike the misgovernments of sorae ParUaraents raany ways, and I had good reason for it; for corruptio optimi est pessima. And that being the highest court, over Avhich no other hath jurisdiction, when it is misinformed or misgoverned, the subject is left without all remedy. But I have done. I forgive aU the world, all and every of those bitter enemies which have persecuted me; and humbly desire to be forgiven of God first and then of every man. And so I heartily desire you to join in prayer with me. O eternal God and merciful Father, look down upon me in mercy, in the riches and fulness of all thy mercies. Look upon me, but not till Thou hast nailed my sins to the Cross of Christnot till Thou hast bathed me in the blood of Christ not till I have hid myself in the Avounds of Christ; that so the punish ment due unto my sins may pass over me. And since Thou art pleased to try me to the 6 -G G 428 THE ACTS OF uttermost, I most humbly beseech Thee, give me now in this great instant, full patience, proportionable comfort, and a heart ready to die for Thine honour, the King's happiness, and this Church's preservation. And my zeal to these (far from arrogancy be it spoken) is all the sin (human frailty excepted, and all incidents thereto) which is yet known to me in this particular, for which I corae now to suffer; I say, in this particular of treason. But otherwise, ray sins are many and great ; Lord, pardon thera all, and those especially (whatever they are) which have drawn down this present judgraent upon me. And Avhen Thou hast given me strength to bear it, do with me as seems best in Thine own eyes. Amen. And that there may be a stop of this issue of blood in this more than miserable kingdom, O Lord, I beseech Thee give grace of repent ance to all blood-thirsty people. But if they Avill not repent, O Lord, confound all their devices, defeat and frustrate all their designs and endeavours upon them, which are or shall 6- -G G -G HIS MARTYRDOM. 429 be contrary to the glory of Thy great Name, the truth and sincerity of religion, the esta blishment of the King, and his posterity after him, in their just rights and privUeges ; the honour and conservation of Parliaraents in their just poAver; the preservation of this poor Church in her truth, peace, and patri mony ; and the settlement of this distracted and distressed people, under their ancient laAvs, and in their native liberties. And when Thou hast done all this in mere mercy for them, O Lord, fill their hearts with thankful ness, and Avith religious dutiful obedience to Thee and Thy commandments aU their days. So, Araen, Lord Jesu, Araen. And receive my soul into thy bosom. Araen. Our Father, Avhicli art in heaven. Hallowed be thy Narae. Thy kingdora come. Thy will be done in earth. As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses. As Ave forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from evil: G- -G o 430 G- THE ACTS OF G For thine is the kingdom. The power, and the glory. For ever and ever. Amen. After these devotions, the Martji- rose, and gave his papers to Dr. Stern, his chaplain, who went with him to his Martyrdom, saying, " Doctor, I give you this, that you may shew It to your fellow-chaplains, that they may see how I went out of the worid; and God's blessing and mercy be upon you and them." Then turning to a person named Hinde, whom he perceived busy writing the words of his address, he said, « Friend, I beseech you, hear rae. 1 cannot say I have spoken every word as it is in ray paper, but I have gone very near it to help my memory as well as I could, but I beseech you, let me have no wrong done rae:" intiraating that he ought not to publish an imperfect copy. " Sir," rephed Hinde, " you shall not If I do so, let it faU upon my own head. I pray God have mercy upon your soul." " I thank you " answered the holy Martyr; " I did not speak with any jealousy as if you Avould do so, but G -G HIS MARTYRDOM. 431 only, as a poor man going out of the world, it is not possible for me to keep to the words of my paper, and a phrase might do me wrong." This said, he next applied himself to the fatal block, as to the haven of his rest. But finding the way fuU of people, who had placed themselves upon the theatre to behold the tragedy, he said, " I thought there would have been an empty scaffold, that I might have had room to die. I beseech you, let rae have an end of this raisery, for 1 have endured it long." Hereupon roora was made for hira to die. While he was preparing himself for the axe, he said, " I wiU put off my doublet, and God's will be done. I am willing to go out of the world ; no raan can be more Avilling to send me out, than I ara Avilling to be gone." But there were broad chinks between the boards of the scaffold : and he saAv that some people were got under the very place Avhere the block was seated. So he desired either that the people might be removed, or dust brought to fill up the crevices, lest, said he. c- G o- G V'-? G- 432 THE ACTS OF " my innocent blood should fall upon the heads of the people." The holy Martyr Avas noAV ready for death, and very calmly Avaiting for hi.s crown. It was like a scene out of priraitive times. His face was fresh and ruddy, and of a cheerful countenance. But there stood, to look on and rail, one Sir John Clotworthy, an Irish man, and foUoAver of the Earl of Warwick. He was a violent and wrong-headed man, an enthusiast and very furious as a demagogue. Being irritated that the revilings of the people moved not the strong quiet of the holy Martyr, or sharpened him into any show of passion, " he Avould needs put in and try what he could do Avith his sponge and vinegar," So he propounded questions to him, not as if to learn, but rudely and out of ill nature, and to expose him to his associates. " What," asked he, " is the comfortablest lay ing, Avhicli a dying raan Avould have in his mouth?" To which the holy Martyr with very much meekness answered, " Cupio dis- solvi et esse cum Christo." " That is a good o -o HIS MARTYRDOM. 433 desire," said the other, " but there must be a foundation for that divine assurance," " No man can express it" replied the Martyr, " it is to be found within." The busy man still pursued him, and said, " It is founded upon a word, nevertheless, and that word should be known." « That word," said the Martyr, " is the knowledge of Jesus Christ and that alone." But he saAV that this Avas but an indecent interruption, and that there would be no end to the trouble, and so he turned away from hira to the executioner, as the gentler and discreeter person : and, putting some money into his hand, without the least distemper or change of countenance, he said, " Here, honest friend, God forgive thee, and do thine office upon rae in mercy." Then did he go upon his knees ; and the executioner said that he should give a sign for the blow to corae; to which he ansAvered, " I avUI, but first let me fit myself" After that he prayed. G- Ff — o G- -G -1 434 THE ACTS OF K^ THE ABCHBiaHOP'B PEiTEB,. AS HB KNEEtED BT THE BLOOK. Lord, I am coming as fast as I can. I know I raust pass through the shadoAV of death, before I can come to see Thee. But it is but umbra mortis, a mere shadow of death, a little darkness upon nature : but Thou by Thy raerits and passion hast broke through the jaws of death. So, Lord, receive my soul, and have mercy upon me ; and bless this kingdom with peace and plenty, and with brotherly love and charity, that there raay. not be this effusion of Christian blood amongst them,for Jesus Christ His sake, if it be Thy will. Then he bowed his head upon the block " down, as upon a bed," and prayed silently aAvhile. No raan heard what it was he prayed in that last prayer. After that he said out loud, " Lord, receive ray soul;' which was the sign to the executioner; and at one bloAv he was beheaded. -G G- -O 6 HIS MARTYRDOM. 435 There was no malice which was too great for his miserable eneraies. They said he had purposely painted his face, to fortify his cheeks against discovery of fear in the pale ness of his complexion. But, as if for the confutation of this poor malice, his face, ruddy in the last moraent instantly after the blow turned Avhite as ashes. Multitude.s of people went with Iiis body to the grave, which Avas borne in a leaden cofiin to the church of AU Hallows, Barking, a church of his own patronage and jurisdiction. It was noted of many as extraordinary, that although the Liturgy had been by human law abolished, he the great champion of the Church and her Ceremonies was buried by his brave friends according to the old ritual, which it Avas high treason to use. So that it Avent to its grave with hira. Both only for a while. " For my faith," saith the holy Martyr, in in his last WiU and Testament", " I die as I » VHiere also he says, " I take the boldness to give to my dread and dear Sovereign King Charles, (whom -G o- ¦o 436 THE ACTS OF have lived, in the true orthodox profession of the CathoUc Faith of Christ, foreshcAved by the Prophets, and preached to the world by Christ Himself, His blessed Apostles, and their successors; and a true member of His Catho lic Church, within the Communion of a living part thereof, the present Church of England, as it stands established by law. " I leave my body to the earth, whence it was taken, in full assurance of the resurrec tion of it from the grave at the last day. This resurrection I constantly believe my dear Saviour Jesus Christ will make happy unto me His poor and weary servant. And for my burial, though I stand not much upon the place, yet if it conveniently may be, I desire to be buried in the Chapel of St. John God bless,) £1000, and I do forgive him the debt which he owes me, being £2000, and require that the tallies for it he delivered up." Then, with many worldly gifts, he prays, that on his College there may rest God's ever lasting blessing ; and he gives a paten of gold for the young Duke of Buckingham, to use in his Chapel for a memorial of him. -G G- -6 ii HIS MARTYRDOM. 437 Baptist's College in Oxford, underneath the Altar or Communion Table there. And should I be so unhappy as to die a prisoner; yet my earnest desire is, I may not be buried in the Tower. But wheresoever ray burial shall be, I will have it private, that it may not waste any of the poor means Avhich I leave behind me to better uses," So on the 24th of July, being St. James's Eve, 1 663, the remains of the holy Martyr were translated to Oxford, and laid in one of the four brick vaults beneath the Altar of St. John's. And he has no monument, except his OAvn city of Oxford, and the present Enghsh Church. So ii)t DcaU b){;itl!) f)t iUto at i)la Ucatl^ mete more ll;an Ujey iuI;UI; };e sltia in I)i» Ihe. o- G o- -G 438 THE ACTS OF HIS MARTYRDOM. COMIVIUNE UNIUS MAETYBIS. EXTRA TEMPUS PASCHALE. ©eus, Tuorum militum Sors, et corona, prajmium : Xaudes oanentes Martyris ¦^Ibsolve nexu criminis. Ujio nempe mundi gaudia, ^Ht blanda fraudum pahula, Imbuta felle deputans pervenit ad cselestia. ^oenas cucurrit fortiter, TEit sustulit viriliter, ^undensque pro Te sanguinem, ^eterna dona possidet. ©b hoc precatu supplici %e poscimus piissime ; En hoc triumpho Martyris ©imitte noxam servulis. lEaus et perennis gloria ^jjatri sit atque Filio, Sancto simul Paraclito, En sempiterna stecula. G- APPENDIX. Things which I have projected to do, if God ' bless me in them. [The poor not always is forgot, Nor yet the meek man's longing thought For ever gone and past. PsALM IX. Oxford.] 1. Blotted out. 2. To build at St. John's in Oxford, Avhere I was bred up, for the good and safety of that CoUege. Done. 3. To overthroAV the Feoffhient, dangerous both to the Church and State, going under the specious pretence of buying in Impro priations. Done. -G G- -u G- -G G- -O 440 APPENDIX. 4. To procure King Charles to give all the Impropriations, yet remaining in the Crown, within the Piealm of Ireland, to that poor Church. Done, and settled there. 5. To set upon the repair of St. Paul's Church in London. Done. 6. To collect and perfect the broken, crossing, and imperfect Statutes of the University of Oxford; which had lain in a confused heap some hundred of years. Done. 7. Blotted out. 8. To settle the Statutes of aU the Cathe dral Churches of the new foundations ; whose Statutes are imperfect, and not confirmed. Done for Canterbury. g. To annex for ever sorae settled Cora- raendams, and those, if it may be, sine cura, to all the small Bishoprics. Done for Bristol, Peterborough, St. Asaph, Chester, Oxford. 10. To find a Avay to increase the stipends of poor Vicars. 11. To see the tithes of London settled, between the Clergy and the City. G- -G APPENDIX. 441 12. To set up a Greek press in London and Oxford, for printing of the Library Manuscrijits ; and to get both letters and matrices. Done for London. 13. To settle £80 a year for ever, out of Dr. Fryar's lands, (after the death of Dr. John Fryar the son,) upon the fabric of St. Paul's, to the repair till that be finished, and to keep it in good state after. 14. To procure a large Charter for Ox ford, to confirm their ancient privileges, and obtain new for thera, as large as those of Canterbury, Avhich they had gotten since Henry VIIL which Oxford had not Done. 15. To open the great square at Oxford between St. Mary's and the Schools, Brasen- nose and All Souls. l6. To settle an Hospital of Land in Rea ding, of 100 pounds a year, in a new Avay. I have acquainted Mr. Barnard, the Vicar of Croydon, with my project. He is to caU upon ray executors to do it; if the surplusage of my goods (after debts and legacies paid) O ¦G o^ -G 442 APPENDIX. come to three thousand pounds. Done to the value of 200 pounds per annum. 17. To erect an Arabic Lecture in Oxford, at least for my lifetime, my estate not being able for more. That this may lead the way, &c. Done. I have noAv settled it for ever. The Lecture began to be read Aug. JO, 1636'. 18. The Impropriation of the Vicarage of Cuddesden to the Bishop of Oxford, finally sentenced Wednesday, April 19, 1637. And so the house buUt by the noAv Bishop of Oxford, Dr. John Bancroft, settled for ever to that Bishopric. Done. 19. A book in vellum fair written, con taining the records which are in the ToAver, and concern the Clergy. This book I got done at ray own charge, and have left it in ray study at Lambeth for posterity, July 10, 1637. Ab anno 20 Ed. I. ad annum 24 Ed, IV. Done. 20. A new Charter for the College near Dublin to be procured ofhis Majesty ; and a body of ncAv Statutes made, to rectify that government Done. ^- 6= :G -G APPENDIX, 443 21. A Charter for the town of Reading, and a Mortmain of, &c. Done. 22. If I live to see the repair of St. Paul's near an end, to move his Majesty for the hke grant from the High Commission, for the buying in of Impropriations, as I have now for St. Paul's. And then I hope to buy in two a year at least. 23. I have procured for St. John Baptist's College in Oxford the perpetual inheritance and patronage of, &c. B. The Testimony of the Reverend Mr. Jonathan Whiston, concerning the opinion had qf the Archbishop at Rome ; and wilh what Joy the news qf his death and suffering was there received. I do reraeraber, that being Chaplain to the Honourable Sir Lionel Tolmach, Baronet, about the year I666, I heard him relate to sorae person of quaUty, how that in his younger days he was at Rome, and well acquainted Avith a certain Abbot; AvIiich 6 •o o- -G G- G 444 APPENDIX. Abbot asked him. Whether he had heard any news from England ? He answered. No. I'he Abbot rephed, 1 Avill tell you then some; Archbishop Laud is beheaded. Sir Lionel answered. You are sorry for that, I presume. The Abbot replied again, that they had more cause to rejoice, that the greatest enemy of the Church of Rome in England was cut off, and the greatest Champion of the Church of England silenced: or in words to that pur pose. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, tliis 28th day of September, 1694. JoNA. Whiston, Vicar of Bethersden in Kent. The Testimony ofthe learned and worthy John Evelyn, Esq. Fellow of the Royal Society, concerning ihe same matter. 1 was at Rorae in the company of divers of the Enghsh Fathers, when the news of the Archbishop's suffering, and a copy of his Sermon made upon the scaffold, came thither. They read the Sermon, and commented upon o- 61 p APPENDIX. 445 it Avith no small satisfaction and contempt; and looked upon him as one that was a great enemy to them, and stood in their Avay; whilst one of the blackest crimes imputed to him was his being Popishly affected. John Evelyn. C. Some of the illustrious men brought for ward or patronized by Archbishop Laud. Archbishop Usher. Bishop Morton. Bishop Montague. Archbishop Juxon. Dr. Pococke. Somner the Antiquary. John Hales. Archbishop Sheldon. Bishop Hall. Bishop Taylor. Bishop Sanderson. Lord Clarendon. Sir Henry Spehnan. Selden. Chillingworth, cum multis aliis. D. An attempt to shew the shares of the Uni versities in the popular movement of the Great Rebellion. -G G- -6 o -G I O- 446 APPENDIX. Oliver Cromwell . . Sydney . . . . Fairfax St. John's . . 3. 4. 5. 6. 7,8, 9, 10. II. 12. 13. U. lo. 16. 17. 18.19.20. 21.22, 23 24, G- Sir Edw. Coke . . Trinity Sir Bobert Cotton . . Trinity Hugh Peters . . . . Trinity Sir John Eliot . . Exeter Pym Pembroke Hampden .. .. IVIagdalen Vane the Younger Magdalen Marten the Kegicide Univ. Coll. Prynne Oriel . . , Harrington . . . . Trinity , Fiennes, (W. Lord. ^^ p^j,_ Say and Sele) ) Fiennes, Nathaniel New Coll. . . Essex, (Lord) . . Merton .... Selden Hart Hall .. AS'hitelock . - . . St. John's . . Lenthall St. Alban's . . Ludlow Trinity .... Sir W.Waller .. Magdalen .. Ireton Trinity .... Sir B. Rudyard . - St. John's . . Strode St. Mary Hall Dr. Twisse, Prolocutor -\ of the Westminster C- New Coll. . . Assembly • . ¦ -^ Cambridge CambridgeCambridge Cambridge CambridgeOxford OxfordOxford Oxford Oxford Oxford Oxford Oxford OxfordOxfordOxford OxfordOxford Oxford . Oxford Oxford Oxford Oxford Oxford — o -o APPENDIX. E. 447 Extract from Ihe Archbishop's Pelilion lo the House qf Lords, thanking them for the com mutation of his manner qf death, and re questing money to defray the expenses qf his burial, Jan. 10. " That he Avas not unmindful, nor unthank ful for the late honourable favour, both Houses extended to him, which he expressed and did then conceive would be his last request to their Lordships. Yet noAv, in all things summing up hiraself, as Avell concerning the outward as the inward man, finding his necessities in regard to the great charges of his imprisonment, had obliged hira to con tract sorae small debts bej'ond that alloAvance their honourable favours had extended to him, out of his sequestered estate, and that he had no means left to bring his body decently to the ground, but to leave it as a charge to his poor servants, who had now in a manner suffered four years' imprisonment Avitli him, ura'ewarded: — his humble suit to their Lord o- o ¦ . 0 448 APPENDIX. ships, (which he knoAvs not Avhether it would come to their hands, before he be no raore of this world,) was to pray it raight be commu nicated to the Honourable House of Commons, that as in his allowance Avhile he lived, so somewhat might be allowed to answer these humble desires, out of his sequestered estate, by the Honourable Committee of Sequestra tion, and that timely, in regard ofthe disposal ofhis corpse. W. Cantoaii." " The Lords ordered that this Petition should be sent to the Commons, with a desire that they would join with them, in referring it to the Committee of Sequestration, to give such an allowance for that business as they should think needful. But we do not find that this request of the Lords Avas complied with." Pari. Hist. 20 Charles I. 1644. FINIS. BAXTER, PRINTER, OXFOKD. o — — ^ ^ o ^ALE UNIVERSITY 16b'