YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ^! w<' ^V>MMiiggS^g^SgglIg:ggS^^ ^£, F-^^ti^^^^gj^^i^Kgril -^,^A-" Bi[fr«*fji;'' — A[riS.^ismmS //^.K . Supertzci&s. 6 J^^X, FiffY. .«>>¦¦ F^g^V. Flcme or Section/. mx londcm.Hajshfa'bjaciiies & C" Sep':ii 131'/ HJavm GEOMETRY Vll. DEF I N I T I ONS Tiq.K .Dtiwrud/bv ¦ ¦ S-rir}!. Lonaaii.PnliJ;.s|if-rf bv Janrs fcC^Jnlv,?': \^?.Q. GEOMETRY. 11 There are convex and concave superfices or planes, such are the figures V, being convex, and W; concave surfaces. Parabolic superfice or plane, is a space terminated by a right line and by part of an oval, such is a c, fig. X. Plane or section of a body, is a superfice or flat section, made by a line ; the section d, of the globe E, fig. Y, by which we see the two super fices F, and G, is what is called a plane or section, because those two super fices are made by one and the sarae section, which is without thickness. Surface, or superfice, the air, space, extent, &c. are all synonymous ; names serving to express the space contained within the boundaries of any figure. Ellipsis or oval. An ellipsis or oval, is a plane figure bounded by a curved line, falling into itself, which is not uniform or circular in any part, but varying continually ; being described by two points, called its foci. The further' these points are asunder, on which the ellipsis is described, the more it is drawn out or lengthened. The periphery or circumference, is the curved line that bounds the ellip sis A "B C D, fig. X, Plate 7. The centre of an ellipsis, is the point E, where any two diameters at A C, or B D, intersect or cross each other. Diaraeter of an ellipsis, is any right line, as B D, or G F, passing through the centre, and terminated by the periphery^ Transverse diameter, is the longest line, such is A C. Conjugate diameter, is the shortest line, for example, B D. Ordinates, are right lines drawn parallel to the conjugate of any diame ter, such are H I, and K L. Plan or Draught. A plan or draught, in general signifies a space or superfices, bounded hy one or raore right lines. In drawing and design we distinguish three kinds of plan or draught. 1st. The Ichnographic Plan (geometrical, or simple plan,) is that which represents by lines and angles, the space or figure, that is to contain 12 GEOMETRY. some elevated body to be erected above the ground. Example : the plan Y, is an ichnographic plan, because it represents in plain lines the outline, or ground plot, occupied by the building Z. 2nd. The Orthographic draught or elevation, is the simple representa tion of the height of a body, building or other object, with its component parts, without reference to its substance. The figure Z is the orthographic draught or elevation, from the plan of the church Y, Scenographic draught, is that which represents some object with all its parts entire; that is, the height, length and depth. The figure A is a scenographic representation of the church Z, because it may be con sidered as showing an object complete in all its dimensions. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. Problem 1. From a given point A, (fig. 1, Plate 8,) to let fall or draw a line A D, that shall be perpendicular to a given indefinite line B C. On A, with any opening of the compasses, for example, A E, describe an arc of a circle, cutting the line B C in E and F; on the two points E and F, with the same radius describe two other arcs, intersecting or cutting each other at G ; a line drawn from the point A to G, will be a perpendicular line to the given one B C, making on each side an angle of 90 degrees at H and I. APPLICATION. By the aid of this problem in geometry, the Upholsterer, Paper-Hanger, Decorater, &c. can obtain as many perpendicular lines on the walls of an apart ment, whether for the hanging of paper, silk, or the laying out in decorative pannelling ; in this example we suppose the workman is required to place an ornamental pilaster on the wall of a drawing room at a point a. Beneath the point a, draw a line b c, at any distance on the wall, and parallel with the cornice or floor of the apartment ; with any radius a d ow. a, describe an arc of a circle, cutting the line b c ditd and e ; on rf and e with the radius d h and eg, more than half ^ e, describe two arcs intersecting each other at/, then a •LATE Xirg. Froi.2. Fiq. 2 Froi. 2. Fi0. ? JP ffi A € T I C AJL (GE OMJE T MY, TIIII „ Froh. 3 . Fif. 3 Fitf.l. f;. Jtppiinztio.n fl.' Fi,/. Z ]> r-'\r \ ' \ a! oT Y .l/>/>// Tree/-. uippTiciCiioii , jri. 8 . \ '..ifiduri. I'ubllthiMi b> .'"111 i I Mi'rcK;!9, lil,'?S PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 15 him to lay down his ground plan ; for by taking three rods, viz. one of three feet, another of four feet, and another of five feet, and fastening them together, as in the diagram. Problem 4, fig. 2, a square will be readily constructed, by which any angle, that should he a right or square one may be proved. The paper-hanger, by this problem, is also able to construct an instrument which will enable him readily to rule all his perpendicular lines, without the use of the plumb line, excepting where it may be necessary to ascertain the true level on which the square is placed, in which case a plumb line may be attached to the upright edge of the square, as at P, fig. 2, Problem 4, which will always regulate the true level of the square, the plumb line concealing the edge of the square when perpendicular. Problem 5, Fig. 1. To make an angle equal to any right lined plane angle given; BAC, fig. 1, Plate 9, is the given angle, and D E, fig. 2, the line given; it is re quired to makeat the point B, on the line D E, fig. 2, an angle equal to the angle BAC. Rule : with any radius or opening of the compasses at discretion, on Aj fig. 1, the vertex or point of the given angle BAC, describe the arc of a circle a b, cutting the legs, or two sides of the angle in the points a and b; proceed next to fig. 2, and on the given line D E, at the point D, place one leg of your compasses, having in them the sarae opening as in fig. 1, and describe the arc of a circle rfe; raake rf e equal to a b ; and lastly, draw D F> through the point e. The angle E D F, will then be equal to the angle BAC. APPLICATION. Frora this problera we learn to lay down the angle of any room, &c. on paper, a plan of which may be required, whether the walls be right angled, that is to say square, or otherwise. Again let it be required to measure the internal angle C B D, fig. 3 : coraraence by setting off equal raeasures on the ground frora B to C, and from B to D, say five feet on each side, and draw the chord line ef, which will be found five feet nine inches in length, or otherwise, according to the measure first made use of; then having drawn 16 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. B D, fig. 4, indefinite as to length, or at pleasure ; proceed to make a scale of equal parts, see E, under the diagram, fig. 3, which represents seven feet, from this scale take five divisions, or parts, in the opening of your compasses, and placing one foot of the instrument on the angular point B, fig. 4, describe the arc ef, cutting B D, in / then on / with an opening equal to five feet nine inches, taken from the scale, describe an arc cutting DC, at e , lastly, draw B C, and you will have an angle C B D, equal to the one measured, C B D, fig. 3. Remark : the length of the sides or lines will not make any difference in the angle. Problem 6. To bisect a right lined plane angle B AC, fig. 1. Plate 9. Rule : with any opening of the compasses, on the vertex or angular point A, describe an arc, rf c, at discretion, cutting both legs, A C and A B, of the angle BAC in the points rf and c ; then on rf and c, with the same, or any other radius or opening in your compasses, describe two ares intersecting each other at E ; lastly, from A, draw the line A F through E, which will bisect the angle A B C as required. Or a right angle may readily be divided into two parts after this raan ner : On the vertex B, of the right angle A B C, fig. 2, with any opening of the compasses, describe the arc A C, cutting the line A B in A and B C in C, on A and C ; with the same, or any other radius in the compasses, describe two arcs intersecting at D ; lastly,, draw the line D B, through E, which will divide the angle equally, as required. — By this problem the workman is enabled to find the true mitre for returning his moulding, either as a Cabinet-maker, or Joiner, &c. with truth and expedition, whether the angle be an internal or external one, for the right angle bisected is the true mitre, and by which all the mouldings will exactly meet and fit at the angles. Problem 7. To trisect a right angle, ABC, Plate 9. Rule : with any radius at dis cretion on the vertex B, of the right angle ABC, describe the arc or quadrant. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 17 A D E C. Then with the same radius in the compasses on A and C, describe the arcs B D, B E, cutting the quadrant AC at the points D and-E. Lastly, draw the lines B D and B E, by which means the right angle ABC, will be trisected. APPLICATION. This problem is of great use in perspective, enabling us with ease and facility to lay down the vanishing point for the angle of a sexagon, on the horizontal line ; its use wUl also be shown in laying down the line of chords, as on the sector, in a case of instruraents. Pro^BLem 8. To construct an equilateral triangle ABC, Plate 9, on a given line A B. Rule : On A and B, with an opening of the compasses equal to the iine A B, describe two arcs intersecting each other at C, draw the lines A C and B C, and the equilateral triangle is then constructed. This problem is useful in finding the side of any polygonfeil or mahy-sided figure, and will be exemplified in the construction of a pentagon, hexagon, &c. &c. it is also of use in trisecting a right angle, as A B E in problem 7. Problem 9, Plate x. Ona right line E F, fig. 2, Plate 10, to make a triangle similar to another triangle BAC, fig. 1, by means ofa scale of feet. Let a scale of feet or equal parts be made as rf e, under fig. 1. Now the sides B A and A C, fig. 1 , may represent the walls of a room whose sides are not square, but of which a plan is required. Begin and measure the space from A to B, which will be found to measure 8 feet 6 inches ; next proceed and measure the side A C, which will be found to contain 6 feet ; then a chord line being drawn from B to C, it will contain 6 feet 3 inches, more or less as it may happen ; now to lay down a similar triangle for the purpose of making the plan required, draw the line E F, fig. 2, indefinite ; and from the scale of feet rf e, take six divisions which set off from E to F ; next take 8^ divisions from the scale in the compasses, and, placing one leg H ts PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. m the point E, describe an arc^; lastly, take 6^ divisions from the scale, or 6 feet 3 inches, in the compasses, and placing one limb on F, describe an arc cutting the other arc ^r at D ; draw the lines F D and D E, and the triangle DEF, fig. 2, will be exactly similar to the one measured BAC, fig. 1. For if the triangle DEF, fig. 2, was cut out, and the point E laid on the point A, fig. I, the one triangle would be found exactly covering the other. Problem 10, Fig. 1. To construct a square G H I K, on a given line G H, Plate 10, fig. 1 ; on either extremity of the line G H, as H, raise a perpendicular H I (by problem 3), raake H I, equal G H ; then with a radius equal to G H, in the compasses, on G, describe an arc of circle, at pleasure, and on I, with the same radius, describe another arc intersecting it at K ; lastly, draw G K and K I, which will complete the square. Case 2. Another mode of constructing a square with equal truth may be used; let G H, fig. 2, be the line given on which to construct the square G H I K ; on G and H, with the radius G H in the compasses, describe two arcs inter secting each other at M ; next bisect or equally divide the arc G M (by problem 11), that is by taking any opening in the compasses more than half the space G M, and placing one leg of the instrument in G, and again in M, describe two arcs intersecting each other at n and o; a line drawn through the intersecting points will divide G M into two equal parts at P ; then on M, with a radius in the compasses equal M P, describe two arcs inter secting H I, at I, and G K, at K, draw H I, G K, and K I, and the square will be completed. APPLICATION. The construction of the square is of general use in drawing ; in a per fect square each side becoraes the tangent to a circle inscribed within it. An elegant and ready mode of constructing an octagon, is obtained by first PLATE LI. GEOMETRY J^. Fro. A FioJ. M/.. / , 2734^30783 ^1 1 1 1 — I 1 1 1 1 i—e Fro. JO. Fip. 2. \\ Fr-o.n. s ~~~~~^~'^^-\^ Q Fro.JZ. F>~o.23 ^^ 30 i^ Fiif.?. J JO Ai ^O 3i 30 37 G H 3-o.JJ. 1 ""¦'rm fuMi* -.1 W .li.'.ne »¦ '"""'lovViJH, PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 19 making a square, half of one of the diagonals of which, when laid down on the sides, frora each corner, will cut off the true sides of an octangular figure. Problem 11. To bisect a given right line L M. Rule : with any radius in the compasses, more than half the given line L M, Plate 10, place one leg in the points L and M, and describe two arcs intersecting each other at N and O. Through the two intersections N and O, draw the right line N O, which will divide the given line L M, into two equal parts at the point of intersection Q ; after the same manner, the arc of a circle may be divided as L P M, in the point P. From this problem an elegant and certain mode is obtained for dividing any given line into two equal parts, without guess or reference to repeated trial by the compasses ; we have likewise by the same means, four lines per pendicular to each other, and consequently generating at the point Q, four right angles, containing ninety degrees each, and forraing the centre of a circle to which L M, N O, become the diameters. Problem 12. To trisect a given line Q R, Plate 10. With any radius at discretion in the compasses, on Q and R, describe two arcs intersecting each other at S and T, draw the lines Q T and R T, through the intersection at I, each of which bisect or divide (by problem 11), into two parts, at V and U, draw S V and S U, cutting Q R, in the points e and/; the line Q R will then be truly trisected. APPLICATION. The division of a line after this manner being the most correct, is at the same time elegant. It is useful in the construction of polygons, oi figures of more than four sides. 20 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. Problem 13. To find a right line that shall he equal to the circumference of a circle. A B C D is the given circumference of a circle, for which a line is re^ quired that shall be equal to it. Rule : divide the diameter A C, of the circle A B C D into eight equal parts or divisions, prolong the diameter A C, towards E indefinite, and set six of the same parts from C to F, making in the whole fourteen parts from A to F. Through the point C, and on the line A E, draw the right line G H, perpendicular to the right line A E at pleasure, it will then be parallel to the circle's diameter D B. From the point F, as a centre, with the dis tance F A in the compasses, describe the arc I A K, then the line I K, in respect to its length, will equal the circumference of the circle A B C D. To prove the truth of this problem, divide C D, which is one quarter of the whole circle, into sixteen equal parts, by subdivisions ; that is to say, divide the quarter C D first into two parts, next divide each of the parts so divided into two parts also, you have then the quarter or quadrant divided into four parts ; proceed and divide these four parts into two each, and you have eight parts ; and lastly, divide the eight parts into two each, and sixteen is the produce for the arc C D ; these divisions carried round the circle would divide it into sixty-four equal parts. Take four of these divi sions in the compasses, which place on the line G H from C, aud continue it eight times, until you finish at K, making then thirty-two parts : C K being half the line, I K will give sixty-four parts for the whole, and thus the line I K shall equal the circumference of the circle A B C D. This problem is of use to all mechanics who desire to know the con tents of an exterior or interior spherical surface ; whether the same be a plain curved wall, the inside or outside of a dome. »i.A3Pmji. :i^ li (\ € 'ilMI (C A Jj (GE! (OMIE TIVY Pr-oh.lff. -dpp-Ucecti/in' . jJppHcaiioTii . frob.27. JB A' \f JFi^X 'Z3^ -dppticatio7V. F^.3 VL Ml y -a-oi.j?. J-iff.Z. Application/. d Tiv. A JYoh. 28 , ' 7 ~^^ •A -ivr ~F A.ppUf(it7-on. . -2S" London iMbUslK-vl bv Jones X- t'V.'Npril IP \B,Zl PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 21 t,..;; Problem 14- To find a right line that shall he equal to a determined curved line. D F E, fig. 1, plate 10, is the given curved line. Take any small measure in your compasses, so that the curve contained in the portion thus takeu, shall not visibly vary from a straight line, carry this measure round the arc or curve D F E, from D unto E ; the curve in this diagram will be found to contain this measure thirty-two times, or otherways according to its extent. Proceed and draw the right line G H, fig. 2, indefinite, and from G set off thirty-two such divisions towards H; by which raeans the line will equal the true length of the curve. This problem will be found of as great use as the one preceding it ; from it we can obtain the contents of the surface of a wall, being the seg ment of a circle ; also the raised ceilings of rooms or beds, partaking of the same form. Problem 15. Through a given point C, fig. 3, plate 1 0, to draw a Une that shall be parallel to a given right line A B. A B is the given right line, C the given point. Through the point C draw a right line at pleasure, of any inclination, cutting the given line A B in E ; take any opening in the compasses, and setting them on E, describe an arc ff; which is the opening or measure of the angle C E A, made by the line C E ; with the same opening of the com passes on C, describe an arc at pleasure g hj transfer the measure of the Arc ff, on the arc g h, or make g h equal toff; by which means the two angles will be equal ; a line drawn from C, through the point g h, will be parallel to the given line A B. Problem 16. Plate U. Where the parallel lines are very long, the following raethod is to be preferred., 1 22 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. A B is the given line, and C the given point. Take the distance from the given point C, to the given line A B, in the compasses as C A, and assuming any point E, towards the epd of the line A B ; describe with this radius, an arc as D ; apply a ruler from the point at C, to the top of the arc at D, and draw C D ; then shall that line be parallel to the given line A B. APPLICATION. The use of these problems is general, and will be found essentially so in the practice of perspective; from them we have the construction of the parallel ruler; of great utility in the making of plans, when unprovided with a drawing board or T square, and in every instance wherein parallel lines are required. Suppose two plain rulers, e f 'And gh, (fig. I, plate II,) to be joined together by two upright pieces of metal, so as to forra four right angles, as at A, B, C, D, and consequently the raetal pieces be perpendicular ; then it follows that the four angles being equal, the two rulers must like wise be parallel. Again ; admit these two upright pieces of metal d c,h a, fig. 2, to be so fixed, as to be capable of motion backward and forward by means of pivots, rivetted at the parts o, o, o, o, then it will easily be imagined, that these two rulers may be compressed, or divided the one from the other, continually at equal angles, as may be seen in the figure, wherein the angle a equals the angle c, the angle h equals the angle d, consequently the moveable rulers ef, g h, must be parallel. From the same problem we have the construction of the bevelled square N G, fig. 3, used by architects and others for drawing inclined lines, that are intended to be parallel one with the other ; in perspective also it is of the greatest uSe in laying down angles for points on the horizontal line, and for casting of shadows, whether from geometrical figures, or objects put into perspective, wherein all the shadows flow parallel. To the Joiner and Cabinet-maker its use is familiar for setting the mitres, whether full or acue. Suppose ABC, fig. 3, to be a plain T square, on the centre of which at N, a ruler or another T square E F G, be fixed by a thumb screw, so as to lie PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 23 moveable at pleasure ; and conceive the fixed stock A B of the T square A B C to be placed on one edge of a perfectly square drawing board H, all the angles of which I, K, L, M, are right ones, and consequently the sides per pendicular the one to the other ; then the moveable square, which at first was parallel and exactly covering ABC, may be inclined at any angle that maybe required, as at N. Now imagine the square ABC to be moved along the edge of the board as at I M, it will in its motion downwards, produce a series of lines R O, R P, R Q, parallel the one to the other, every angle at R being equal. Problem 17. Any angle which is conta.ined in a semicircle is a right angle. ABC, fig. 1, plate II, is the semicircle given. From A draw the line A B of any inclination at pleasure, touching the circle's circumference at B ; from B draw the line B C, then the angle ABC, thus formed is a right or square angle. So likewise A b and h C being drawn, produce a right angle A 6 C ; for all angles standing on the diameter of a semicircle, and contained within the circumference, jwill be right angles, APPLICATION. From this problem we have a practical way of raising a perpendicular at the end of a line, (see problem 3,) fpr the line dCa, fig. 2, being drawn from d, through thepentre C, where it cuts the semicircle as at a, will pro duce a point perpendic,ular over b, the comer of the line d b. Mechanics also are furnished by this prpblem with a mode for ascertain ing the truth of their -squares; for having drawn a semicircle ahd, fig 2, with a radius equal to the length of one side. of the square as a h, and drawn the line ad, apply the corner of the square ahd, to any point in the circum ference of the circle as at b, and one side, on one end of the diameter as at a; ifthe square is a true one, the third point will fall on the opposite end of the diameter at d. •24 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. Problem 18. To find the centre ofa circle, of which an arc only, or portion, is given A C B, fig. 1, plate 1 1, is the given arc. Draw the chord lines A C and C D, which may be, as in this case, equal to half the segment A C B ; or one of the right lines might be made longer than the other; take rather more than half one chord line as C A, in your compasses as at/ and on A. and C, describe arcs intersecting each other at g and g ; with the same opening, and the compasses transferred to B, de scribe other arcs intersecting at g and g, draw right lines g g and g g, which continue until they meet or intersect each other at H. The point of inter section will be the centre of a circle, of which the given arc A C B is only a portion. APPLICATION. By this problem a centre is obtained for describing the arc of a circle, of which wehave only three points through which it will pass, as A C B. Let A C B be the bow end of a room, forming the segment of a circle : the real outline of which is required to be drawn. Draw the chord A B on the floor, which may be done by a chalked line, fastened at the extremities A and, B, which being raised in the centre and then let fall, will give a correct right, line ; divide A B into two equal parts, and raise a perpendicular D C, cutting the segment at C, draw the chord lines C B and C A, by means of the chalked line as before, which also equally divide at E and I ; next proceed and measure (by a two or three foot rule), the chord line A C, likewise the chord C B, which note or mark down on paper ; mark also the distance from D to C ; then on the lines C B and C A, at the points E and I, apply your square, and draw lines perpendicular, until they unite in a centre, as at H ; which intersection gives a point that will be the centre of a circle, of which the arc or bow is only a part. In the Upholstery and Cabinet departments, this problem is not without its use, for by the above process, the plan of a room (having its end in the PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 25 form of a bow, either as a semicircle, or part of one), may be taken in a rough draught, and from the measures thus noted down, a similar plan may easily be laid down; for instance, in London, although the measure should be taken in any part of the country distant frora it, and a carpet be required, it may be thus made up to fit exactly. The sweep of the wall is also obtained, by which the window cornices can be manufactured with out fear of want of alteration. It is to be observed that this process will alone answer in cases where the bow or arc forms the segment of a real circle ; in sorae cases the arc or sweep will partake of the section of a cone ; for instance, in that, of the parabola, or flattened oval ; recourse must then be had to means that will be explained hereafter. APPLICATION, The square AB C D, fig. 2, Plate 11, contains a figure representing a block forming part of the support for a pillar and claw table, used either for loo or dining table. The inclined corners A B C D, are parallel to the diagonals of the square, and are always occupied by the feet forming a support for the block on which the pillar is to be placed : to take away from the heavy effect a square block would produce, the sides are usually curved, and in most cases such curve becomes the segment of a circle; to obtain which, the practice before explained must be resorted to. For example : the corners or cants A B C D, being taken off the square, find the centre of each side, and draw a perpendicular line through each as L M and M N, &c. The depth of the sweep being given, place the same from e tof; draw^ / and hf, which bisect at i and i, by problem 11., and through these intersections, draw the lines i, i, until they intersect the line L M, at L, which will then become a centre, from whence the curve line g f h may be described ; the line M N, being made equal to L M ; the point N likewise becomes a centre for striking the sweep on the side D C ; which practice made use of on the two other sides C B, and B A, completes the whole figure of the block. 26 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. Problem 19, Plate 12. * Three lines heing given to find a fourth, that shall hear the same proportion to the third that the second does to the first. M N, O P, and Q R, are the three lines given, and to render the use of this problem clear and positive, the line M N may be considered in length, 5 feet; the line O P, 2 feet; the line Q R, 5 feet 6 inches; now a fourth line is required that shall bear the same ratio or proportion to Q R, that 0 P bears to M N. Rule : Draw the line T V indefinite, and from T draw the inclined line T S of any angle at pleasure. On T V, from T to X, set the measure of the line M N ; and from T on the inclined line T S, set the measure of the line O P to Y ; draw Y X ; then from X towards V, set the raeasure of the third line Q R, and from Z draw a line parallel to X Y, by Problem 15, Plate 10, (or more readily by a parallel ruler as described in Plate 11,) cutting T S in I ; then the space on the line T S, comprehended betwixt Y and I is the measure of the fourth line sought. This problem, part of the sixth book of Euclid, is one araongst the many, forming the foundation of arithmetic ; it is now introduced, as it may be of service to those, with whora arithmetic, or the rule of three, is not familiar, forasmuch as lines will answer the place of numbers : to elucidate which, in our application of its use, it will be stated both ways. For example : The line M N may be considered as the top of a sofa or occasional table, and represent a length of 5 feet; the line O P considered as the width, may represent 2 feet ; now another table is wanted whose length shall be 5 feet 6 inches, the width of which shall bear the same pro portion to such length, as exists in the table of 5 feet by 2 feet. This may be accomplished arithmetically, by the rule of three, thus: PI. Lill GEOMETRY. 12 Ol J2 P _Li UL A±. A IT \^ 1 6Iru?t€S E. _L£_ I^ I BBDB.19. .f z^. *. PROB 24 ^i;*?- 5 p P ¦p Q / ' .-'-- N R 7 M -'•'' \i \X "--. G H K r e 5 4. -.,.'i Z 1 . I a 3 ¦ 4r .5 e FuHistecLij Jones & C° Aa,?'- 1826. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 27 If 60 inches produce 24 inches, what will 66 inches produce. PIKST TERM. SECOND TERM. THIRD TERM. Stated thus, 60 : 24 : : 66 Multiply by 24 the second terra. 264 132 C 5 ) 1584 Divide by 60 or first term. < (12) 316| 26 Inches product. or 2 feet 2 inches and a fraction. Frora hence it appears that a table 5 feet 6 inches long would require to be 26 inches and a fraction in width, to bear the same proportion as the one 5 feet by 2 feet. To the Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer this problera may be of great use; it can be extended in various ways, in enlarging or re ducing designs, frora objects that are considered in good and harmonious proportion. To prove the truth of the above problem, we shall refer to the figure, wherein T X represents the length of the top M N, or 5 feet; T Y represents the width of the top O P, or 2 feet; X Z represents the length of another given top to be 5 feet 6 inches, for which a width is required that shall be in the same proportion to 5 feet 6 inches, as 2 feet is to 5 feet; and this we find to be Y I, and which measured by the scale placed on M N, will be found to be rather more than 2 feet 2 inches, being the same as tbat found by the rule of three. This problem has been selected as of use to our present purpose ; pro portional lines extend not only to the foundation of nurabers, but afford ineans for laying down all the lines on the sector, proportional corapasses, &c. &c. Problem 20. To inscribe a triangle ABC within a circle G C H F,fig. 1. Rule : Draw the Diameter G H of the circle through the centre S ; on S raise S I, perpendicular to G H ; on H, with the radius H G in the com- 28 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. passes describe an arc, and on G, with the same radius describe another arc intersecting it at I ; draw the lines G I and I H, the equilateral tri angle G I H, will then be formed on the circle's diaraeter G H ; divide the semi-diameter S G into three equal parts, each of which will contain 30 de grees. Draw I A through the second division from the centre, and where it intersects the semi-circumference at A, 30 degrees will then be cut off; from A draw A B parallel to G H, until it cuts the semi-circumference at B, then will A B form one side of the equilateral triangle. Draw A C and C B and the equilateral triangle is compleated. We have often occasion to circumscribe the triangle in a circle, and particularly so in proportioning a triangular block, part of the support for a circular loo table, also for the same description of form in the blocks for screen standards, and for supports of work tables, &c. 8tc. POLYGONAL FIGURES. Problem 21. To inscribe a pentagon or figure of five sides within a circle ABC D,fig. 2. Rule : Draw the diameter A C, half of which divide into five equal parts at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. On A and C, with a radius, or opening of compasses equal to A C, describe two arcs intersecting each other at E, draw the lines A E and E C, from E ; then from E, through the second division from the centre S, draw the line E/ and continue it until it cuts the semi-circum ference A D C, in the point G; draw G H parallel to the diameter, cutting the semi-circumference also at H, which line will pass five times round the circle at the points G, K, B, I, and H, It is here necessary to remark, that the intersection through the points /and g, on A C, at G and H, as they cut the circle, must be very carefully taken ; and further, that in passing them round the circle's circumference, the point must invariably fall in the line of circumference, and not the least out of it. This mode of dividing the diameter into as many parts as the figure possesses sides, will answer for every polygonal figure circumscribed by a circle; there are many other modes of dividing the circle's circumference, so PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 29 as to obtain the sides of regular polygonal figures ; but as these figures seldom come under the attention of the Upholsterer or Cabinet-maker, we shall proceed only in giving the readiest rules for the formation of such of them as may be useful in those branches, and in the first instance proceed with the hexagon or figure containing six equal sides. The truth i df this problem may be thus explained ; every circle con taining 360 degrees in its circumference, it follows that one half such circle must contain 180 degrees, and such is A D C in fig. 2. An equilateral triangle, whose base is made by the diameter of a circle, being divided into any number of equal parts, if lines be drawn from the top or apex of the triangle, through the divisions on the base line, it will divide any line placed below it, proportionally, provided that line is under the same angle, and within the limbs of the triangle, if extended ; by the same rule, the semi- circumference of a circle, under the base of a triangle, will be divided into as many equal parts as are contained in the base line of such triangle. The diameter A C, of fig. 2, is divided into 10 parts, each part con taining 18 degrees, and numbered from the centre S; now as 36 degrees are cut off from the centre, by a line passing from E, through the second division at/ and intersecting the circle's semi-circumference at G ; so will a like measure be cut off, on the other side the centre at H, by the line E g, cutting the semi-circumference at H ; making together 72 degrees, which is the measure of a side of a pentagon. Therefore drawing G H parallel to A C gives the side required. Problem 22. The circle L M N 0, fig. 3, Plate 12, is required to be divided into six equal parts, forming an Hexagon. Rule : To preserve a parallel form in the upper and lower parts of this figure, begin by taking L ^ in the compasses, (the circle's radius,) and placing one leg ofthe instrument in the point L, describe the arc qp; next proceed and place the compasses at the point j», and describe the arc L j; again, on s, with the compasses describe the arc t N ; and lastly, with the instrument on the point N, describe the arc t r. You will then have six points, L, q, r, L 30 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. N, s, p, which being joined together by right lines as L q, &c. completes the hexagon. Remark, that great care must be taken to note the intersection of each arc on the circle's circumference, as the least variation may occasion the trouble of going repeatedly over the same ground, to make the sides agree ; for let it be noted, that although the operation in this case is me chanical, the calculation is raathematical, and depends entirely on a point considered in itself indivisible. This figure is of frequent use, and will often come before the Mechanic's observation. The bow end of many apartments in country houses partake of one half of this form, particularly where the gothic style is adopted ; in Hall Lamps, the marble tops of tables, and various other instances it falls into use. The hexagon has this singular property over all other polygonal figures, that it will join and come together without any loss of roora ; the cell ofthe industrious bee is thus constructed. Problem 23. To construct an octagon from a given side. Rule : Let kJ, fig. 4, Plate 12, be the side given ; on k and/ with a radius equal to the given side, describe two arcs intersecting at n ; draw the line A C, through n, perpendicular to kj ; next proceed and divide the arc k n into six equal parts, and on n, with the radius n m, equal to two parts de scribe the arc m o, cutting the perpendicular A C, at o, then will the point o become a centre for describing the circle A B C D, round which kj will pass eight times at the points efg h ij k I. The octagon, is a figure in such general use, that it will be needless to say more respecting it than we have in describing the hexagon. Problem 24. Tn a given square E F G H, fig. 5, Plate 12, tp construct an octagon. Rule : Draw the diagonals G E and H F, whose intersection at I will give the centre of the square ; then on the points E, F, G, H, with the opening PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 31 in the corapasses E I, (equal to one half the diagonal line E G,) describe arcs cutting the side of the square E H in Q and R ; the side E F in P and O ; the side F G in N and M ; and lastly, the side G H in K and L : draw the lines Q P, P 0, &c. &c. and the octagon is compleated. This manner of constructing an octagon is considered by Geometers the most elegant. Problem 25. The diameter of an octagon being given to find the sides. Rule : Let S T, fig. 6, Plate 12, be the diameter given ; bisect it at the point O, and divide each half into six equal parts, numbered from the centre O ; on 0 raise a perpendicular to S T, at pleasure, and set the distance O T, on the perpendicular from O to Z ; then through T, draw the line V V in definite, but parallel to S T : proceed, from the points w and x, (which are betwixt the second and third divisions right and left of the centre O,) and raise the perpendiculars w W and x U, cutting the line V V at W and U. On T and S, with a radius in the compasses equal to two divisions and a half, describe two arcs, cutting the perpendicular S V at X, and T V at the point Y. Join U Y and W X, and the half octagon is completed. This problem will be found very useful in taking the plan of any octan gular bow end of a room, where the figure forms half of a regular octagon ; which may be readily known, first by measuring the width or span of the bow S T ; and next, measuring the depth O Z ; then if O Z measures one half the whole width S T, you may be assured the octangular form is that of a regular one, being included in one half of a square S V, T V. This problem will also be found of use in the practice of perspective, and by wnicn the trouble of making a geometrical plan may be avoided. 32 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. Problem 26. Ellipsis or Oval. TTie transverse or longest diameter A B, fig. 1, Plate 13, being given, to find the centres C and D ; and the centres E and F, on the conjugate or shortest diameter G H ; % which to construct the Ellipsis. Rule : Divide the line A B into three equal parts, and construct on the central division C D, two equilateral triangles C E D and D F C ; the points or apex of the triangles will then become the centres for describing the curved lines g h and i k; continue the sides of the triangles indefinite ; namely, E C to i; E D to A; F C to ^; and lastly, F D to ^. On C, as a centre with the radius C A, describe an arc inter secting the lines F I and E o, at the points g and i; on D, with the same radius or opening in the compasses, describe another arc intersecting the lines F m at ^, and E w at ^. On the focus F, with the radius F g and on E, with the same radius, describe the arcs g h and i h, which will com pleat the ellipsis. Remark, the length and breadtk of this kind of ellipsis, holds the proportion of three to four, or nine to twelve ; that is to say, if the longest diameter contains four parts, then the conjugate or shortest diameter will contain three parts, or if the longest diameter shall contain twelve parts, then the shortest will hold nine parts > Problem 27. To find the foci of an ellipsis A B C D, fig. 2, Plate 13, the longest diameter A C, and the shortest diameter B D being given. Rule : Take half the longest diameter A C in the compasses, and on the point B of the shortest diameter, with such radius describe an arc inter secting A C in the points e and g ; which points will become the foci for generating the ellipsis. By this problera we are enabled, with a string and pencil, to describe a true ellipsis ; for having found the foci on the longest diameter (e and 'I. LIV &EOM ETRY. 13 Fw * ¦i 3 2 2 B 1 2 3 < 2 ^ ^ -V 2 / \ .-) / > 3 \ j, Z \ I 1 ^ ^ ^s ¦ ^-^ ^ ^ Ai 3 z I. D 1 2 -3 #B FseiTiJZS B BRCB.aa Fi^.C/. london .-EublisTiei h^ Jones fc C? hm'^ i82f PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 33 g,) let two pins be fixed, then passing a packthread or line, of equal sub stance, round these two points, connect the two ends together, in such a manner, that they shall form a triangle, whose apex or point shall meet the shortest diameter, as at B; then with a pencil, chalk, or any other marking substance, held steadily in the hand to this point, proceed and move the string towards A; it will then in its progress pass through the point/ on wards to A, round to D and C, and finish at B, from whence it started. Note : the further these foci are asunder from each other, the more oblong will be the ellipsis ; and the nearer they are towards each other, the nearer the ellipsis will approach to a circle, provided the same length of string be made use of; but ifthe foci coincide or meet in a point, then the string will be equally extended, and the curve so described will be a complete circle, whereof that point is the centre. All this is easily apprehended by a view of the figure, and may be tried by a string and two pins, as described above. Problem 28. To describe an ellipsis by means of ordinates, the diameters being given as before. Rule : Let A C, fig. 3, Plate 13, be the longest, and B D the shortest diameters given ; through the points B and D, draw lines parallel to the diameter A C, at pleasure, and through the points A and C, draw two other Hnes parallel to B D, meeting at the points 4,4, 4, 4; divide each half diameter into four equal parts (or more if required), as figured 1, 2, 3, 4; proceed and draw lines or ordinates, from B 1 to A I, and from B 2 to A 2, and from B 3 to A 3, repeating the same in the other three quarters ; a curve so traced, that in its progress touches the lines 3, 3 ; 2, 2; 1, 1 ; be twixt, or in the centre of each intersection, will forra the ellipsis required. For laying down working drawings, this mode of using ordinates is to be preferred. Sections qf the Cone. Every Grecian moulding owing its beautiful outline to some section of the cone, and such outline being regulated by the particular section made ; M 34 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. whether it be perpendicular to the base, parallel to the cone's axis, more or less inclined to it, or lastly, if parallel to the sides ; it has been thought necessary to explain the same by a diagram, shewing the different forms made by such sections, as at fig. 4. First, if a cone be cut directly through its axis A, and perpendicular to its base B C, the section made will be that of an isoceles triangle as AB C, fig. 4. Note : For the sake of elucidation, the base of the cone in this diagram is put into perspective. Secondly, if a cone be cut by a line parallel to its base, such section will be a circle. Thirdly, if a section be made by a line passing through the cone, in tersecting both its sides, and inclined more or less to the base, such as he ; then the section thus made, will form an ellipsis or oval. Fourthly, if the section be made by a line parallel to one of its sides, as at d k, the figure formed by such section will be a parabola, as d ef. Fifthly, ifa cone be cut by a right line as^ I, perpendicular to its base or parallel to its axis, the section made will be an hyperbola, such as g h i. We will now proceed to give the construction of each figure produced by the sections before raentioned, viz. that of the parabola, and hyperbola ; a description of the ellipsis being fully described in problems 26, 27, and 28, any thing further respecting it is here unnecessary, we shall therefore hasten to explain the construction ofthe parabola, by Problem 29. To describe the parabola from the cone. Suppose the section to be made at d k, fig. 4, Plate 13 : on k, with the radius A B, describe the semicircle B m C, which represents one half the base of the cone; proceed and drop a perpendicular from k, until it cuts the semi- circumference at m, which line will then measure half the width of the parabola. Transfer this measure on a line from A ito D, and froin PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 35 D to B (fig. 5), the length of which line A B will be the width of the parabola; draw A E and B F, perpendicular to A B, which make equal to d k in fig. 4; draw EF; on D draw D C perpendicular to A B, and divide each half, from D, into four parts as figured ; and from each division raise a perpendicular : next, divide the lines A E and B F, each into the same number of equal parts, numbering from the top downwards ; draw the lines C 1, C 2, and C 3, cutting the corresponding perpendiculars on the base; namely. No. 1 on A E, to cut No. 1 on A D ; No. 2 on A E, to cut No. 2 on A D, and so on for all the rest ; a line traced through these intersections will be the outline ofthe parabola. Problem 30. To describe the hyperbola from the cone Suppose the section to be made at g I, fig. 4, Plate 1 3 ; continue g I until it cuts the semi-circumference at n, represented by the dotted line I n, which will then measure half the base of the hyperbola, and g I will be its height; transfer this; measure twice on A B, fig. 6, that is, from A to D and from D to B; raise perpendiculars from A, D and B as before; then on D set up the height (^ /fig. 4), from D to C, and through C draw E F parallel to AB ; divide A B, A E and B F as before; next set the whole height of the cone from D to G ; then lines drawn from the divisions on the base A B to this point, and intersecting the lines drawn to C from the corresponding divisions on the heights A E and B F, will give points through which the form of the hyperbola raay be traced. Problem 31. To-describe an eliptical arch by means of two laths of wood. Let efg h, fig. 7, Plate 13, be a board or plane, on which the arch is required to be drawn. Suppose a b the width of the arch, and c d its height at the centre ; at the central point nail down a slip of woody So that Cne edge shall pass through 35 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. it; take another slip, and size it to one half the length ofthe arch, ar.d from one end of this lath, as at i, place the height of the arch as at k ; through this point pierce a thin pivot, until its point come through the opposite side of the lath ; if then the slip i I be raoved along the edge of the board from d towards g, keeping the hand on the pivot at k, it will in its progress de scribe one half of the required arch as c i a; observe, likewise, that the end ofthe lath I, must be kept raoving up the edge ofthe perpendicular lath cm; the other half frora d to b raay be described after the sarae raanner. Problem 32. To find the centre for describing a Saxon arch. Let 0 4, fig. 8, Plate 13, be the width of the arch, which divide into four equal parts as numbered. On No. 1, with an opening in the compasses equal to 1, 3, describe an equilateral triangle, whose apex Q, shall be below the line 0 4; then drop perpendiculars from 1 and 3 indefinite, and continue the sides of the triangle until they intersect them at the points r and s, con tinuing the same upwards at pleasure ; on Nos. 1 and 3, with the radius 1 o, describe the two haunches of the arch, stopping thera on the lines at the points * and v ; then on r and s, with the corapasses extended to /, describe the remaining arcs t p and p v, and the arch required will be completed. Proble.m 33. To find the centres for describing a Gothic arch. Let a 6 be the width given, which divide into eight equal parts, num bering one half, by 1,2,3, and 4, from the centre right and left, to a and h; draw c d perpendicular to ab; then on No. 1, with the compasses extended to b, describe the arc d b, and pursue the same raethod for the other -half a d, which will give the form of the arch. The two preceding problems are applicable to various purposes ; in laying down the lines for bed and window cornices, the diagonal ribs for dome teasters, also the heads for bookcase doors, and Gothic blinds, &c. &c. Ji,,. A -^• ITi^.C Q [] 'E '0 M E TK 1 C .\iL IFI (& . JPL ATE I M(0)IT]L]1])]I>''(.;;S, Hvnuui Oi'ole Cavetto .Bead, Cyma Recta or Ogee Scotia Cre^Je ScotuL. Fiy. ./.,? ¦li-' > EUpticeH EchinM i-^.H Q/ma JU'fiTsa . \ A --,.Ej ^' '' p 1 F F-iy. I £/ifitic C'uiiiti Jierta imHDii.l'uhlisliC'dW Joiics S: C° ,JuM' ,3, IH:'(; PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 37 GEOMETRICAL FIGURES. Mouldings. Plate 1. Mouldings partake oftwo characters, the dne after the Roman, the other after the Greek; raouldings of the first character, have for their outline, the quadrant or quarter of a circle, whether such outline be concave or con vex. They are either simple in their forra, or corapounded. The outline of the Roman scotia is an exception to this rule, its form being generated by the segments of a circle. Grecian mouldings have for their outline a curve, formed by a section of the cone ; such section being either perpendicular to the cone's base, as is the hyperbola; inclined to it, but parallel to one of the sides, as is the parabola ; or inclined to the base, and cutting both sides of the cone, as is the ellipsis. In Plate 13, of Practical Geometry, fig. 4, this has been fully explained; it is, perhaps, necessary to reraark, that the sweep, generated by a conic section, gives to the Grecian raouldings, not only their graceful outline, but a decided preference as far as regards their use. Sir Williara Chambers, ob serves, " that an assemblage of essential parts and mouldings is termed a profile ; and on the choice disposition and proportion of these, depends its beauty or deformity. The most perfect are such a.' are coraposed of few mouldings, varied both in forra and size, fitly applied with regard to their uses, and so disposed, that the strait and curved ones succeed each other alternately. In every profile, there should be a predominant member, lo which, all the others ought to be subservient, and seem made either to sup port, to fortify, or to shelter it frora the injury of the weather; as in a cornice, when the corona is the principal, the cyma or cavetto serves to cover it, and the modillions, dentals, ovolo, and talon to support it. When ornaments are employed to adorn the mouldings, some of them should be left plain, in order to form a proper repose ; for when all are enriched, the figure of the profile is lost. In cornices the square raerabers should not be ornaraented; neither should the different facies of architraves, or plinths of columns partake of any decoration ; for they are, generally speaking, either principal in the com position or used as boundaries to other parts ; in either of which cases their figure should be distinct, and unembarrassed. N 38 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. These observations, correct, in themselves, are equally to be attended to, as well by the cabinet raaker as the builder, to whora they were originallv addressed. The outline of the Roraan raouldings being forraed by segraents of a circle, the first object is to find the centres for describing their curves, whether simple or corapounded ; we shall, therefore, coraraence with the ovolo, as being the raost siraple. To find the centre by which to describe the ovolo or quarter round, fig. A. Having the projection from the fillet, and the height of the raoulding given ; take the measure of the height in the compasses, and from the extrerae pro jection of the ovolo set back this measure by an arc as at a, which will then become a centre for striking the outline of the moulding. "' To describe the cavetto, fig. B. The projection and height of the raoulding being given, as before ; proceed and frora the upper fillet or projection, drop a perpendicular, and continue the bottora line of the raoulding, until it intersects at b; which point becoraes the centre for striking the cavetto. The astragal or bead C, toay be described by taking half its height ; and this measure set back frora the given projection will give a centre, by which to turn the online of this raoulding. To describe the cyma-recta, or ogee, fig. D. The projection ofthe upper fillet from the lower one, and the height of the moulding being given, join the extremities of both fillets by a right line, which divide into two equal parts, then proceed and subdivide one of these divisions into six equal parts, as nurabered in the figure; take five of these parts or divisions in the compasses, and from the extremity of each fillet, describe two arcs, the one right, and the other left ; and with the same radius on the central point, describe two other arcs intersecting the former at C and G, which points are the centres for striking the convex and concave curves, forming the outline ofthe moulding. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 39 To find tlie centres bywhich to describe the Roman scotia, fig. E. Let A B be the given height of the mbulding between the fillets, and E B its projection at the base; divide the height on a perpendicular line A B (drop ped frora the edge ofthe upper fillet) into seven equal parts frora A toB; on E, the edge ofthe lower fillet, raise a perpendicular indefinite ; and through the third division frora the top, draw a line C i, parallel to E B, intersecting this perpendicular at d : raake c?/equal to £?E, as shown in the figure by the dotted semicircle; from /through the third division draw the line f g at pleasure; the point on the third division will then become the centre for striking that portion of the arc contained betwixt the points A and yi; and / will be the centre for striking the reraaining portion from* h to E, which completes the outline of the scotia. To describe the Greek scotia, fig. F, by means of ordinates. The height ofthe moulding being determined, let t be the projection ofthe upper fillet, y the projection ofthe lower fillet, and s the greatest depth of the hollow ; join t and v by a right line, which first divide into two equal parts, through which division draw a line, parallel to the upper and lower fillets, intersecting another line drawn parallel to f w at s; and let r be equally distant from the line t v as is s; divide each half oi t v into four equal parts, and the depth of the scotia into the same number of parts, top and bottom; from each of which divisions draw lines tending to *; frora r draw lines also through the divisions ontv intersecting the cor responding lines tending to s ; namely, the first division from the top to intersect the first division from t, the second from the top to intersect the second frora t, and so on for all the rest, the same to be observed below from V, through which points the outline of the moulding raay be drawn. To describe the Greek echinus, fig. G, its outline being parabolic. Let F C be the given height, and A F the utraost projection. Draw the lines A B and B C, which raay be considered as two tangents to a parabolic^ 40 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. curve, the one A B perpendicular to the line ofthe moulding; the other B C, inclined to it; which inclination raay be raade frora one half, one third, or one fourth of the whole height, of the raoulding from the base ; next divide A B into five equal parts, and leave one for the quirk of the raoulding at top ; through the reraaining four divisions draw lines tending to C; and frora A, draw a line parallel to B C, intersecting the perpendicular F C at E, which also divide into four equal parts : raake E F equal to E C, frora which point, draw lines through the divisions on A E, figured 1, 2, 3, 4, until they intersect each its corresponding line, drawn frora A B to C, as before described in the preceding figure. To find the two axes or diameters hy which to describe tke echinus moulding, fig. H, taking the form of an ellipsis for its outline; the point C being one of the extremities ofthe sJtortest axis. The height of the raoulding being given, let P be its utraost projection beyond the lower fillet ; frora this, drop a perpendicular at pleasure, and let A be any raeasure set frora the top you please, which is to form the quirk : let the distance B from the bottora be less than one half the whole height. Join A C, which bisect at L, and draw B C ; frora C draw a line perpendi cular to B C at pleasure ; and frora B through L draw another line intersecting this perpendicular at M, which will then becorae the centre ofthe ellipsis tobe described; through the point M draw the line IMP parallel to B C at plea sure, upon which line the longest diaraeter raust be placed. Set the distance C M frora A to Q, through which point frora A draw a line intersecting the perpendicular C M at N, the length of which frora A to N will raeasure one half the longest diameter, which must be set upon the line IMP before drawn from the centre M equally right and left ; and lastly M C, will raeasure half the shortest diaraeter, which raust also be repeated to K. These diaraeter.<8 being found, the foci for striking the ellipsis raay likewise be found bv pro blera 27, Practical Geometry. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 41 To describe the cyma reversa, fig. I, or ogee, by means oj ordinates. The height and projection of the moulding being given as before, com mence by dividing the projection into two equal parts ; through which draw a perpendicular equal to the height, which also divide into two equal parts, as atZ; and through this division draw a line of any inclination at pleasure, intersecting perpendiculars raised from the ends of the raoulding as at m m. The quirks at top and bottora being taken off; from these, draw lines parallel to m m, each terminated by the perpendicular line kk; then proceed and find the ordinates as before described, for the parabolic echinus, marked G To describe the cyma recta, fig. K, hy the same means. Having the height and projection ofthe moulding given, as before, form the same into a parallelogram, the sides of which divide into two equal parts, each way; through which division draw lines, nn,pp, perpendicular to each other, intersecting in the point o; from whence the divisions must commence for finding the ordinates, and proceed as before directed ; q q being dividing points for those divisions placed along the line n n. All these mouldings have been selected as being in general use, and may be used either for the upper mouldings of cornices for windows, book cases, &c. as D and K, where they forra a finish ; in regard to mouldings for supporting table tops of raarble or wood, we may use in either case those marked G H or I ; the sarae raouldings reversed, may be adopted for bases. .,' ' Geometrical Figures, Plate 2. In this Plate are given five various ornamental pieces, intended for friezes, bands or raouldings, and which have been as variously used by the ancients. The Fret or key moulding, has the highest claim to antiquity, existing frora the earliest period araongst the Chinese and Persians, frora whence it was carried into Egypt, and from thence into Greece, em bellishing their buildings, as well as their vases ; it was probably coraposed from the form of writing used araongst the Persians, where a similar orna- 0 42 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY ment denotes a sentence. Frora the nature of its construction as to forra or pattern, an endless variety raay be obtained, and which has been beauti fully practised by the Etruscans on their fictile vases ; in Cabinet-work the patterns, fig. 1 and 2, in the present Plate, executed in raetal of a mixture of ormolu or bronze, are proper for the friezes of cabinets, bookcases, or commodes ; in decoration their use is tastefully eraployed as bands, or in borders ; and in every case they will not fail of producing a chaste and pleasing effect The cabled moulding, fig. 3, as a base raoulding to Cabinet work, either cast in raetal or carved in wood, will always produce a richness of effect, particulariy so if executed in ormolu, and has been thus happily appro priated on many occasions by our French neighbours. Fig. 4 and 5, pre sent two speciraens of the antique guiloche, used by the Roraans at their happiest period ; forming the ornament for the bands in the division of their arched ceilings, and tastefully adopted in the torus raouldings of their co lumns ; these forms have also been greatly used by paper-hanging designers, and profusely so by the carpet manufacturers ; in patterns, therefore, of such general appropriation, rules for their construction cannot but prove acceptable. 4 To f orin the Greek Fret, fig. I . The width of the pattern being determined, as A B, divide such space into thirteen equal parts, and draw lines parallel to A A and B B, from such divisions, the whole length of your intended pattern. Take one division from the width, and repeat it on the lines A A or B B, and draw perpendiculars throughout the whole length ; you will then have divided your pattern wholly into small squares ; by retaining or rejecting more or less of these little squares, the pattern is forraed, and it will thus be dependant for its beauty in forra and use, according to the taste and ability of the designer ; in the present design, the pattern in its length is coraposed of two figures, the one half of the pattern occupying twelve of the squares, the other half pattern eight squares in length : observe, that the band, or what is called the Fret, andthe spaces between, are always equal in size; thus the bands X, X, X, X, occupy the space each, of one of the divisions, and the dividing spaces the sarae measure likewise^ ^A y//i'i/.'.iy .tj./iii/ 1.7 i J \i i I f^ iL L I I , II |i|l s/.iinii-/ "¦tJTIi© :«ia llllil ill llllil IjWIililliifl III ^ '^tl T L PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 43 Fig. 2 is constructed entirely on the sarae principles, and, therefore, needs not a repetition ; a little practice in drawing these figures will render any difficulty sraall, and afford rauch arauseraent. To form the cable moulding, Jig. 3. Divide the width E F into three equal parts, as nurabered 1, 2, 3; then subdivide the second division into two equal parts, for a central point, and describe the sraall circle I; this raay then be called the eye ; on the same centre, with an opening in the corapasses, equal half the width E F, describe two semicircles uniting at m; next proceed and set two of the divisions from o to n, and then n will again become another centre, frora whence to continue your circles; the whole length being gone through after this raanner, the lines or portions of the pattern not wanted to reraain, are to be rubbed out. Figure 4. This pattern is divided exactly into the same proportion ; as is seen by the nurabers 1, 2 and 3, on the width G H; only a band is added, which the figure shows ; the space betwixt the bands, adraits of being filled with various ornaments agreeable to the fancy of the artist. Figure 5. This elegant specimen of ancient design in ornaraental decoration, is constructed on sirailar principles, to the two figures preceding it; only the width ofthe design or pattern I K, must be divided into five equal parts, the central one X, forming the eye, whose centre becomes the point by which to strike the larger and smaller circles; in this design one division is appropriated for the band, which again has two sraall fillets taken out of it ; this pattern, like the other two, is equal throughout, in its divisions, having three parts between centre and centre, as is seen in the figure ; of the highly beautiful raanner in which this pattern has been enriched by our forefathers in decoration, the present design will give sorae idea. 44 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. Geometrical Figures, Plate 2. Let A B, fig. 1, be the given height for a Greek or Etruscan shaped vase, without including the base : in the present exaraple it is intended to shew one half only, as the other half raust be worked by the sarae process ; the line A B is, therefore, considered as a vertical one, and passing through the centre of the vase ; let this line be divided into three equal parts, from A to B, as numbered 1, 2, 3 : next give two of these parts for the height of the belly or body of the vase, set up frora A to C ; and take one and a half of the same parts for one half the width of the vase from C to D, from which drop a perpendicular D E indefinite ; draw a line frora A, perpendicular to A B, until it intersects the line D E, at F. Divide A F into eight equal parts, and number them, beginning with the first from the centre A ; divide F D also into the same number of equal parts, and number this line likewise, beginning at the first division above F. Proceed and draw lines frora No. 1, above F, to No. 1, at A ; from No. 2, on F D, to No. 2, on A F ; frora No. 3, on F D, to No. 3, on F A, and so on for all the rest, for every number from 1 to 8 on the line F D ; which will produce an intersection of lines gene rating points as noted by the raarks 8 x — 7x — 6x — 5x — 4x — 3x — 2x — ; through these points of intersection, which raust be very carefully noted, the parabolic curved line forming one half the body of the vase from D to A, may be faithfully traced. For the remaining height of the vase (or one part), frora C to B, let it be divided into five equal parts as numbered, and let two parts, form the turnover, and mouldings of the upper part, as G H. Again, divide G H into three equal parts, and give one to i k, which will form the lipping. Having given one and half parts, as C D, for the width of one half the body of the vase, give two thirds of the whole height, for the utmost pro jection of the lipping, as B L; the outline of which, as shown at L, forras an ellipsis; the hollow necking under it m n, makes also for its outline, the fourth ofa parabola, as shown by the nurabers ; the base A M, in height, is equal to the upper raouldings (B O), ofthe vase, taken together, which may be divided into five parts, and one part A X, given for the necking betwixt the bottora ofthe vase and the plinth X M, forming the base. The width P1.I,>CA' The iiinniidriad .Ucihdil .u.-ii-il hu ihc E ti-Ksriins )!_- 7/ic'-/,.y. /cr niii'/iiia/i'/ .'//¦(¦,^ Fl, I . I ¦! .3 -f A"!./ ^ . H ¦fl JC Se2>ai-i" Scr-lid'.'. McJ/icd Fl,,.:', I ¦!> t'ui 3 It c \ ? 1 1 1 k m; i-;\\ -a .-"-- Ttf - L. n. /- - *'- \ J, I-i ' .i V. r- :'- J yi(- Vl Landon PuTjEstLedTy Jones &C?j\iag.i?3.1j^o PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 45 of the base at top will be found to be twice X M, and the width at M below, may be raade a sraall portion more. The beautiful outline exhibited in all these fictile vases (valuable remains of antient art), has resulted from their artists' thorough knowledge of the conic sections, and of the rules of propor tion, by which one part is raade to suit with another, in harraonious accor dance ; an excellence only to be obtained by the sarae labour and research as used by these antient artists. Fig. 2 represents a vase, constructed on similar principles, but shewing a different outline, its height a h being given as before. Divide the whole height a h into seven equal parts, as numbered on the line 0 o, and set off four of these parts frora d to b, which must be numbered, beginning from d; make d e equal to three such parts, for one half the width of the body or cup. Divide b r into the sarae number of parts, as is b d, which nuraber likewise progressively frora b : then divide the upper height of the vase frora d to a, into nine equal parts, and raake e d, or the shoulder of the vase, equal to four of the parts ; the reraainder (e a) of the height will then forra the neck : divide this height also into two equal parts at i, and make the width of the neck (i k) equal to the sarae raeasure; draw the line o I perpendicular to i k, and dividing / k into four equal parts, raake k o equal to three of such parts, and divide this also into four parts : draw the line I e ; and raake / m equal to I k ; dividing this raeasure also into four parts : next divide m e into four parts, also e d into the same nuraber. From these five divisional lines o k, k I, I m, m e, and e d, the ordinates as nurabered, are to be drawn as described in fig. 1 ; and through their inter sections the curves forming the neck and shoulder of the vase may be traced. The sarae practice raust be used in regard to the lines d b and b r, which will produce an outline for thc belly or body of the figure. Divide the height ofthe neck/^ into five equal parts, and give one-fifth for the lipping g h, which again divide into four, and give one for the upper fillet ; raake ^ n, which is half the raouth of the vase, in diaraeter equal to one and a half parts out of the seven, on the line o o, into which the whole height is divided. Lastly, divide the whole height into fifteen equal parts, as on the \inep q, and make the height ofthe base r s equal to one of these parts ; divide r* into two parts. 46 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. which will give t s, for the torus or base raoulding, the reraainder for the hollow; the width * w, is equal to one-fifth the whole height, or half s a:. These two exaraples have been selected out of raany of those beautiful speciraens of antient art now in existence ; the sarae principles are applicable to all of thera, and it is evident, that the change of numbers will produce, and does account for the endless variety in shape to be found in these objects. The principles exhibited in these speciraens were very little known, until coraraunicated to the late Sir W. Harailton, by an Italian artist, whose great assiduity and toil enabled him to ascertain the systera on which these valu able reraains of the antients were constructed. Figures 3, 4, and 5, are examples taken from the works of Sebastian Seriio, a celebrated Italian architect that flourished in the sixteenth century ; they are here introduced to show the advantages resulting frora a knowledge of Georaetry, and to prove how highly its rules are to be estimated, as they relate to the doctrine of proportion. In the exaraple, fig. 3, the propor tion (that is to say of width to height), is as 3 to 5 ; in fig. 4, as 2 to 3, and in fig. 5 the proportion is as 1 to 2. We shall now proceed by giving Serlio's rule for outlining these three last figures, and first as to fig. 3, which bears the proportion of 3 to 5. Begin by dividing its giyen height A B into ten equal parts, and draw a line indefinite through the seventh division at right angles to A B ; on which line set six divisions right and left frora the centre, each equal to those on A B, as at C and D : through the division No. 1, draw e g indefinite, and on 2, with a ra dius equal to one division and a half, describe an arc intersecting the line drawn through 1, at e and g, which will terrainate the outline of the vase at bottora. On D and C, with an opening in the compasses equal Yi c or C g, describe the arcs e i and g k : draw a line through 8, at pleasure, and on r and s, with a radius equal to one division (7-8), describe two segments, cutting the line 8 at Z and m, which will form the shoulder of the vase ; divide the space 9-10, into two equal parts, and give one for the upper member, or lipping, and make the whole width of this lipping equal to three divisions, as no; the curved line of the neck may then be drawn by hand ; the base/> q will be found nearly equal to four divisions, and its height equal to three- quarters of one ofthe same. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 47 Figure 4. Let a A be the given height of the vase, which divide into 7 equal parts as nurabered ; through the fourth division draw the line d b indefinite, and at right angles to a k; then with a radius equal a e on e, describe the circle abed, one half of the circumference of which divide into eight equal parts ; draw lines frora thera, through the centre e, cutting the opposite senii-circuraference ; also draw ordinates or lines parallel to the diaraeter frora each of these points, as 2x.3x.5x.6x.7x. Divide the diaraeter d b into six parts, and on e, with a radius equal to two parts, describe a smaller circle, as shown by the figures 6, 5, 2, 1 ; this smaller circle will then be equally divided by the lines passing from the larger one, through the centre e; which lines will generate intersections or points in the sraaller circle at o, o, o, o, o, a. Drop a perpendicular from each of these intersect tions cutting the ordinates 5, 6, 7, at p,p, p, p, p, p; through these points right and left, the curved outline, forming the bodyof the rase, maybe drawn. The lines 2-10, and 14-6, in their progress to the centre, cut the ordinate 3, 13, atfg; which intersection gives the widthof the neck : the hollow curve may then be drawn by hand; the upper raoulding may be raade one-fifth ofthe height frora rto 6; the raoulding h, one-fourth the height from e to i; the base c k, in height is equal to one division, and may be divided into three parts for.its mouldings ; its width being soraething raore than its height Figure 5. This vase although differing in shape, 'its- outline is obtained precisely on the sarae principles as fig. 3, which raakes it here unnecessary to go ovet the explanation again, further than to observe, that the bottora sweep of the vase is obtained by taking a radius of one division and a half in the corapasses, and setting it on the half space betwixt" 2 and 3, as at G, which becomes a centre for striking the arc E I F ; the points C and D will likewise be corae centres for striking the arcs EH and F I ; the neck M N is equal in width to one division, the lipping o^^ to two of the sarae, which also gives the width ofthe base Q R, and its height is equal to half its width. 48 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. Note : The divisions on A B are equal to those in fig. 3, but the vase having less of these parts in width than the other, its height becomes less in proportion, reaching no higher than the eighth division. Geometrical Figures, Plate 3. The globe, jig. 1, Plate 3, being given, to find the shape of the gores, so that when applied on its surface, ihey shall be found to join each other, and cover it exactly. Divide one-fourth of the circle's circumference {k I, fig. 1,) into three equal parts, and from these points, draw ordinates, or lines, parallel to the diameter lm,as2oo, and Ipp; raake q k, right and left of the centre, equal to half of a division, and draw the lines q e, q e : produce the line k n, indefi nite, on which set the measure A 1, A 2, A 3, on the quadrant frora A towards n; and through each ofthese describe arcs, as at A; 1 and 2; proceed and take the raeasure pp frora the triangle within the circle, and transfer it on the sweep line k n, as raarked ^jo; next take the measure o o frora the sarae triangle, and transfer it on the arc at 2, raarked oo; then lines being traced frora the apex 3, through these points on both sides, will give the outline or figure of the gore, raaking a twenty-fourth part of the covering requisite for the whole surface of the globe. Case 2. Another raethod raay be adopted, thus : proceed and draw a right line E F, at pleasure, which may be considered as a parallel section through the globe, and answering to the line ofthe equator; draw another line A C, at right angles to this line, and set the three divisions as nurabered on the quadrant, fig. 1, from E fo A, and frora E to C ; draw A B and C D, at pleasure, each parallel to E F, and raake the length of the line E F double A C, which will then equal the whole circumference of the globe, fig. 1 ; through F draw D B, parallel to A C ; next divide the line E F -into twelve equal parts, and nuraber them as marked; and, lastly, take an opening in the compasses equal to nine of these divisions, and setting one foot in E, Tl.LVn. 't:;i;o vn'iT.uii fAi, i^'igtzke^ . iii 1/ "V\r London. rubhstLcd by Janes & C°Aud"^ 2,\?-Z6. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 49 describe an arc cutting the parallelogram A B C D, at the points G and H; and witb the same opening on No. 1, describe another arc through No. 10; then on No. 2, describe a sirailar arc through No. 11, and on 3 describe the arc passing through No. 12. To produce all the remaining arcs, the line E F will require to be extended both ways, to receive as many of the sarae divisions as will be found necessary to strike the arcs right and left; the outline of all these gores will be found exactly of the same size and shape as that in fig. 1, as is plain by a reference to the letters in each figure. REMARKS. The line E F, fig. 2, is equal to the whole circumference of the globe, fig. 1, raeasured round the line /m, and raay be called the equatorial line, dividing the globe into two equal parts : the curved lines in the parallelogram A B C D, are each, equal in length to one half the globe's surface, frora north to south, or frora east to west, and are called raeridians, or lines of longitude ; the line E F, and all lines drawn on the globe parallel to it are called lines of latitude. These problems are useful to the Cabinet-maker, Upholsterer, and raore so to the decorative artist. In bedsteads having dorae teasters, the Upholsterer, by these, finds the lines for shaping a pattern or gore, enabling hira to cut out his covering, either for the exterior or interior surface, with out loss or waste. The Cabinet-raaker is also enabled to get out his veneers for covering a dome from the base to its surarait. The decorator is readily able, by the sarae raeans to shape the mould on which to draw his design, and which, when applied to the part required, will be found to fit exactly. To find the true curve or outline for the ribs of an elliptical dome. Fig. 3, is the half plan of an elliptical dome for a bedstead ; da exQ- presenting one quarter, and e d, e c, e b, e a, four of the ribs. To find the outline of the rib e a, set its length on a line from Y to X (fig. A), and the given height of the dorae, on another line at right angles to it, as from X to W ; next^ divide each of these line" into four equal parts, as nurabered, and Q 50 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. draw the lines 1 1, 2 2, &c. as ordinates, whose intersections will give points through which to draw the curved line ofthe rib required. Fig. B represents the curve line for the rib e 6 in the plan, and is obtained by the sarae process. The outlines for the two other ribs e c and e d, are got in a sirailar manner. These four moulds will answer for all the rest. In fig. 4, A B C D represents half the teaster of a regular four post bedstead, and D H C half the plan of an elliptical dome ; E H, E G, E F and E C, the plan of the four ribs contained in one quarter; X W, fig. C, is the height of the dorae above the teaster, and becomes the sarae for every rib ; XX is the length of the rib E C ; the length of the rib E G, is shown in fig. D ; the length and height of each are to be divided, as in fig. 3, and the intersecting lines will give points, through which the different curves may be traced as before. In groined teasters, where the ribs pass from corner to corner, the moulds raay be obtained, after the sarae raanner. To find the outline of the face moulding for a raking pediment and its returning mitre. A B, fig. 5, is the profile of the level raoulding, C, the rake of the pe- diraent. Divide the face ofthe raoulding A B into any nuraber of parts; in this case it is divided into four, and those equal ; then frora these points on the outline, draw lines parallel to the fillet A C, such as 3 3, 2 2 and 1 1 ; next draw the line D E on any part of the rake, and perpendicular to the line B F ; then take the measure on the rake marked (4-0), and transfer it frora 4 to 4, beyond the line E D ; transfer the raking lines 3-4, 2-0, 1-0, on A B, to 3 3, 2 2, and 1-1, frora the sarae line ; then through these points of intersection 1, 2, 3, 4, the outline, making the face of the raoulding, raay be traced. For the return, or raitre of this raoulding, if an open pediraent as at C, raise a line on the lower fillet, perpendicular to the level raoulding, as at F G. Frora the points 1, 2, 3, 4, in the level raoulding at A B, draw lines parallel to B H, intersecting the perpendicular line B i, at 4, 3, &c. Next set the raeasures 4 4, 3 3, 2 2, 1 1, from the level moulding, on the raking lines 1, 2, 3, 4, frora F G, as 4 4, 3 3, &c. through which points the outline (C P) may be drawn. PI LM GEOMETRICAL h -. FIGURES PLATE. 4. A ¦/ parts . n •n Fig.:!. B X ; V '- jt- l-l '^.i. \ ,L „ //).«•/¦.¦ r; "h D '" London, riihii'.tiefl by .Jonrs M- {'" Vin.','), li'),;(S' ^ I PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 51 To find the face mould of a circular pediment. Let A B, fig. 6, be the outline of the level raoulding, which divide into four parts, as nurabered ; frora these points describe arcs, parallel to the cir cular fillets B B and A A : then on B, No. 1, raise a perpendicular, cutting the upper fillet in C; and draw C D parallel to the line of thelevel mouldingNo. 1, which make equal to the projection at A ; and from the divisions 1, 2, 3, 4, draw lines parallel to B C, until they intersect the line C D in the points g,f, e: next on any part ofthe pediraent, as at No. 2, draw a line (B C) per pendicular to the curve, cutting the curve lines at o o, o o, frora which draw tangents to each sweep, such as o A, o 3, o 2 and o 1. Make C D, No. 2, equal to C D, No. 1 ; C e. No. 2, equal to C e. No. 1, and so on for the other divisions, pointed out by the letters : frora these points at No. 2, draw lines parallel to B C, and where they intersect the tangents, as at 1, 2, 3, 4, will give the outline for the face raoulding. Geometrical Figures, Plate 4. The diameter of a circular loo table being given to find the proportion of a triangular block, bearing the supports for the top. Let I G, fig. 1, be the diaraeter of the top, and equal to four feet four inches taken frora a scale of feet and inches; proceed and coraplete the square ABC D, within which frora the centre C, describe the circle F G H I, which will then be the plan of the top. In a circular table of this diaraeter, naraely, four feet four inches, the Circle circurascribing a triangle of a fit proportion for the block, would require a radius of twenty-two and a half inches, which raust be taken from the scale, of which only a portion is here shown by the dotted line K N P O. To form a triangle within this circle, divide the half diaraeter N C into three equal parts, as nurabered frora N to C; and forra an equila teral triangle, equal to the whole diaraeter N Q, having its apex, or point, at E; frora E draw the line E P through the first division, cutting the arc K N PO at P; frora P draw a line parallel to the diaraeter, cutting the op posite portion ofthe arc at O; which line will becorae the length of one side b2 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. ofthe triangle, ana by the scale be found to raeasure three feet three inches; next draw the lines K P and K O, which will complete the remaining sides of the triangle required. The width of the canted corners of the block under which the supports are placed being deterrained, such width must be set frora the apex of each angle on the sides, as frora P to k, and P to / &c. Lines drawn frora k tof, h to h, e tog, will give the three canted corners required, and which will be found to be one thirteenth part of thc diaraeter of the top. To produce the curved line frora angle to angle of each cant, bisect the line/e at n, and through this point draw a perpendicular to such line indefinite, passing through the centre C ; then on this line, frora n, set three inches by the scale for the depth of the sweep to p, and draw the line^ e, which bisect also at r ,• and continue the line until it intersects C n at d, which will becorae the centre for striking the curve e pf; the distance of which, frora the centre C, raust be set off upon perpendiculars drawn through the centres of the other two sides. Note, that the depth of the sweep (three inches), is equal to nearly one- seventeenth of the whole diameter of the top ; but it may be raade one- eighteenth or raore, at pleasure. Remark, likewise, that the pillar, or sup port of the top, frora the block, in its lower diaraeter, exclusive of its ornaraental raouldings, raust not exceed an eighth of the whole diaraeter of the top, and will, therefore, in this instance be six and a half inches. This mode of proportion will hold good for all tables, either of a larger )r smaller diameter, and reference may then be made to the rule of three, as raentioned in problera 19, relating to the occasional table. To find the outline for a console or truss bracket, by means of proportional numbers. This elegant support in the Corinthian entablature, having been adopted {n sorae raeasure, as an ornaraental support for pier tables, coramodes, side boards, &c. in household furniture, the raode of finding its outline raay not, '.n this instance be deemed unacceptable. In fig. 2, the console bears a proportion as regards the length to the height, as I to 3 ; that is, if the height be I foot the length would be 3. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 53 Divide A C into eight equal parts, four of which set frora A to E for the centre or eye of the volute ; next bisect the division 4^5, on the height A C, as at F; through which draw a line intersecting another line dropped frora E^ (equal four parts), which will then be the centre for the eye of the volute : this being obtained, raake the circle or eye equal to one division, and construct the lozenge square abed: bisect each side of this square ; then begin with No. 1, and strike the arc ef; frora No. 2, strike the arc fg ; next, from No. 3, describe the arc g h, which gives the greatest width of the volute ; and from No. 4, strike the arc h i, completing the fourth evolution : the remaining evolutions are gained by the inner divisions on the diagonal lines at 1, 2, 3 and 4, which process, may be seen more at large, in architectural works, describing the raethod for working the volute of the Ionic capital. For the sraaller volute, divide the line B D into s.even equal parts, and give four of these parts to the sraall volute for its height ; which again divide into eight other parts as at X X, four of which set back from B ; draw a line parallel to B D, on which line set four and a half parts frora the top, for the centre of the eye, and proceed by the same principles as laid down for the larger volute. The two volutes being thus obtained, draw a right line frora the bottom of the larger one at e, to the extremity of the fourth evolution in the sraaller one at k; bisect this line, as at G, frora which point raise a perpendicular at pleasure : divide the half of this line e G, into nine equal parts, and set back one of thera frora G to H ; this deterraines the centre for the corapound curve, raaking the belly of the console. Draw the lines e H and H k, bi secting each at V and W ; and from these points draw perpendiculars. Maks W Y equal to one-ninth of the line e G, and V Z equal to one-seventh of the line M k; the two curves, e Y H and H Z *, raay then be drawn by hand, which will coraplete the outline of the console. This system of proportion is applicable in making any working drawing frora a design having this figure, where there is an opportunity of allowing a bold projection. Suppose the height allowed for the support of a table, having this contour or outHne, to be thirty-one inches, the projec tion as A C, would then require to be ten inches and one-third ; this would answer in open pier tables, but not so for inclosed coraraodes, for in such case it would be found necessary to make the volute of an eliptical forra, in order to avoid too rauch projection. The elegant outline prevailing 54 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. amongst the best reraains of antiquity, cannot be too attentively studied. It proves that the attainment of thera was raore the effort of study, than the effect of chance. It is to be observed, that the figure, as drawn here, ex hibits the console as it is placed in the eorinthian entablature; but, when re versed, raakes the truss supporting our present raoveables of taste and fashion To find the proportion, the Top, the Mouldings, and Frieze of a Sideboard should bear to the whole height. A B, fig. 3, represents the usual height of a sideboard ; this height divide into six equal parts, and give one for the thickness of the Top, with the raouldings, and the frieze, as C D ; next divide C D into six equal parts, and give one for the square of the Top, one and a half to the raoulding under it, and the reraainder for the frieze. This proportion answers for all sideboards, not having a plinth to support the legs. To find the proportion, the Top, the Mouldings, Frieze, and Plinth with base moulding of a sideboard should bear to the whole height. E F, fig. 4, is the given height of a sideboard having a plinth (F G) with mouldings, on which the supports would rest. Divide E F into nine equal parts, and give one and a half of these parts as E H, to the Top, with the raoulding and frieze. Divide E H into five equal parts, and give one for the square of the top, one for the moulding under it, and the remaining three parts will belong to the frieze. For tbe base, give one division E G, for its whole height, which again divide into four, and let one make the raoulding, the remainder making the plinth. Of Mathematical Instruments. Having now brpught the Geometry to a closCj it remains to give a list of such mathematical instrumerits a? are generally contained in the- larger or smaller cases, confining ourselves, however, to a description of , those oply, wl)o^e utility if le?ist,kno\yn amqpgst Mechanics. PL. LVIil . COI^STRUCTIO:^ OF SCAJLjIES &co a & I Scale, of Fe^^ & Fnch&s. 7/\,f k V \-^ -9-1- ^ .9/ \f 7«/ X? 17/ \l X b I2 K /t 1 2 cL 3 F-y.2. J&Sf 3 7 6^ ^ *: :5 Scole. of Tenths. h rri 0 ? e ZO ^ 9 \ \ 'f \ \ 1 7 \ \ \ 1 1 \ .y 1 \ \ -^ \ \ \ J 1 ' 2 f 1 1 2 t t 2 n. ? /*- J( Jcafe of Chords F^.4. S3 — 1— 73 — t— ^. -^ -^ -4^ _j. -^ -^ i>£? PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 75 is perpendicular, or at right angles to it ; because the picture in this instance wiU be parallel to the retina or baok part of the eye boa. And again if the said axis X cuts the middle of the picture at S, all the extreme parts of the plane A B C D, equidistant frora the central point will be equally inclined to the eye ; that is, the rays E X and F X, pro ceeding from the points E and F, will enter the pupil of the eye at X under the same angle ; and the appearance of these rays will be the nearest in this instance to the centre of the retina at O ; and thus the whole picture will be seen to the most advantage, when the seat of the eye is placed in its centre S : see the diagram Fig. 2. The seat of the eye being deterrained; its distance from the picture or object under view is next to be considered. If we place ourselves too near the object, the whole of it cannot be seen, and if too far removed from it, the raore rainute parts cannot be distinguished. Let S, be the seat of the eye in the picture, ABC D ; if the eye be reraoved frora it equal the distance S E, as at X ; a ray drawn from E, through the centre or pupil at X, will cut the axis or line S o, at an angle of 45 degrees, which woukl be the greatest angle under which the object would be visible. For let the point be raised to H, the line H X, passing through the pupil of the eye would not be conveyed by the crystaline humour (tinctured blue in the Diagram,) on to the retina, it being below it, as at V; as may be seen in the figure. The point E, fig. 1, although visible, cannot be seen distinctly; being too far removed from the centre of the retina ato. The points G and I, whose distance is G S or S I from the seat of the eye at S, is not two-thirds of the distance S X, and will therefore be a rauch better boundary for its limits, as seen at d and c in the eye ; because the rays G X and I X, cut the axis S X, at a less angle, and consequently bring the points d and c, nearer to the centre of the retina at o. Again admit the extreme distance of the picture frora the eye not to exceed the distance K S or S L ; (half the distance S X,) the appearance then of such picture will occupy the space or diameter e f, which space would approach nearer to a plane surface, than the curves a o b, and cod: in this case, the figure on the picture and its iraage on the retina will be nearly similar. 76 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. The shortest distance that can be allowed, is that, which the farthest point of the picture is frora its centre. Let A B C D, fig. 2, represent a picture and S its centre; tbe distance S A, set on to X, is the shortest to be taken. Instead therefore of raaking this the distance of the picture, it will be raore advisable to raake it twice this distance, namely the distance of S I • as such would be a distance any person would naturally choose in order, to see the whole without losing sight of the minuter parts ; and which is here laid down on the horizontal line from S to K. If the seat ofthe eye be directly inthe middle of the picture AB C D, as at s, the dis tance s i, equal s A, will be shorter than the distance S X; and which would in consequence make the distance s k, shorter than the distance S I ; it will therefore be raore advisable to place the eye at S, rather than at *. It raust here be reraarked that he who works with a short distance, will produce a picture greatly distorted; but if he use a long distance, or one not less than twice the distance, the farthest extreraity of the picture is from the seat of the eye, no deformity will arise : therefore a long distance is the most advisable to be used. EXAMPLES. Plate I. To delineate or find the representation of a square on the ground plane, the length of one side a h, being known, and placed parallel to the picture. Let G G, Fig. *1, represent the line of the directing plane, (the plane supposed to pass through the spectator's eye, perpendicular to the horizon as before described ; and comraonly called the Ground line.) Let H H, represent the horizontal line ; (its height frora the ground line in this diagram being assuraed;) S, the centre or point of sight; and D D, the points of distance, taken at pleasure and set equally right and left frora S. Thus far being arranged, suppose a h, to raeasure the side of a cubical or square figure : set the length of this on the base line, and from its extremities, a and b, draw lines or visuals tending to S ; a line frora a or b, drawn to the point of distance D, will intersect the visuals, a S, and b S, in the points d and c ; Pl;xxx. LONDON Pubhshed Ijy JONES SsC April e 1826. PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 77 through these intersections draw a line d c, parallel to the base line. This will coraplete the perspective representation of the figure ab cd. The lines 6 D, or a D, are coraraonly called diagonal lines ; because they pass through the opposite corners of the perspective square abed. Figure 2, To represent a pavement of squares in perspective, two of their sides ocmg parallel to the picture. I et G G, represent the ground Hne as before ; H H, the horizontal line ; S the point of sight ; and D, D, the points of distance. Take the raeasure of one side of a square, and repeat it any nuraber of times on the ground Hne from a ; in this diagrara seven are shewn : frora each of these divisions, draw visuals, tending to the point of sight, S ; a diagonal line drawn from a or b, to the distance D, will intersect these visuals in seven different points ; through these points draw lines parallel to the base line G G, and the paveraent will be corapleted; as shewn by the black and white chequers. FlGUllE 3. To represent a pavement of squares, hamng lozenges or rhombs, with a border between each square. First proceed and set off the width of the border on the ground line, frora a, (in this diagrara left. white :) next set off the side of a square, (here shadowed black ;) and again repeat the border, and so on for as raany squares and borders, as you raay require. In the present exaraple there are three squares, and four white spaces, raaking the borders; to obtain the perspective representation of these, and their distance frora each other, as j:hey recede frora the eye ; proceed as directed in fig. 2. For the lozenges z 78 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. or rhombs, find the centre of each square on the ground line ; and from these points draw lines tending to S, which will intersect the parallel sides of all the distant squares and give their centres : lines drawn from these to the points of distance D and D, right and left, will give the sides of the lozenges. ^ It will be seen by the annexed Fig. A, that the sides, making the lozenge B, are parallel to the diagonal lines a a and 6 b, of the square A ; which Diagonals would tend to the point of distance ; for which reason the sides ofthe lozenge would Hkewise tend to the sarae points : for all Hnes parallel the one to the other and araongst theraselves would vanish into one and the sarae point. ^ /^ >8^ /* X Figure 4. To find the representation of squares placed at different distances from each other, their sides being paraUel to the picture. The horizontal line H H, and ground line G G, &c. being assuraed as before, let K G, be one side ofthe square to be represented, the depth of which, K M, raay be obtained by the same process as that used in fig. 1. Suppose another square, as O P Q R, be required, situate at a distance equal to tbe width of one side of the square, G K L M : proceed and draw a diagonal line from M, to the distance D, cutting the visual line G S, in O ; a line P O, drawn through this intersection, parallel to M L, will represent its front or nearest line ; its depth P R, raay be obtained as before directed. Another raethod raay be adopted for obtaining the side of a square, or the depth of any parallelograra. Set the raeasure ofthe front side A B, upon the ground line G G : if the figure is to represent a square, then the raeasure of one side must be set from the nearest corner B, to C, upon the ground line ; a line drawn from this point to the distance D, will give its depth on the visual B S, at the point d; through which a parallel line d e, raust be drawn. If the depth ofthe figure be equal to twice its length ; the raeasure B C, raust be repeated frora C to F, and cut off on the visual B S, at F ; the depth in this cafee will be represented by the length B F : If three times its length. FL: LXX XIX. PERSPECTIVE, i" PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 79 the sarae measure may be repeated frora F to H, on the ground line, and cut off on the visual B S, at the point H, as before directed. This raethod raay likevv^ise be adopted for representing the distance of one figure from another, as shewn by the tinted squares AB d e, and F G H I ; likewise any given depth raay be obtained by this process. ° ' Plate 2. Figure 1. The Diameter ofa circle being given or known, to find or draw the perspective representation of the same ; being situate on the Ground plane, and placed parallel to the Picture. Suppose E G, Fig, 3, to be the given Diameter ; proceed and describe the circle E F G H ; next circumscribe this circle by the square A B C D ; frora the corners of which draw the diagonals AC, and B D, intersecting the circle's circuraference in the point abed; these with the four central points E F G H, (produced by the two diaraeter lines E G and F H,) will make eight divisions on the circle's circuraference, and becorae so raany points through which it would pass. It is necessary in order to obtain the perspective representation of the circle, to find the perspective situation ofthese points on the ground plane; for through such points the outline of the circle (forraing an elipsis) must be traced. The Ground and Horizontal lines; the points of sight, and distance being deterrained; transfer the circle's diameter E G, Fig. 3, on to the ground line G G, Fig. 1 ; as denoted by the letters A and B ; and find the perspective representation of the square A B C D, (bounding the circle's circumference) bythe diagram,, Fig. 1, Plate 1. Through the axis c, draw the lines ef, andg h; intersecting the sides of the square at the points e,f, g, and/i: these will becorae the four tangent points. The four other points on the diagonals A C and B D, may be obtained by transferring the points a and b. Fig. 3, upon the line A B, Fig. 1 ; as denoted by the letters a and b; frora these points draw lines tending to S, which will intersect the diagonals 80 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE A C and B D, in i, k, I and m. Through these eight points on the/ground plane, the outline ofthe circle raust be traced. / This raethod of obtaining the representation of a circle by eight points win answer for any circular figure of a raoderate size ; butfor circles of larger proportion, sixteen and soraetiraes twenty or raore points are raade use of, Figure 2., This Diagram shews the same Circle in perspective, with the addition of a Triangle in the centre ; which may represent the plan ofa block for a TLoo Table ; the Circle representing the top. In raaking the plan, first find the proportion the equilateral triangle e fg, (Fig. 3), should bear to the circle, by Fig. 1, Plate 4, Georaetrical Figures; and the mode of constructing it by prob. 8, Practical *Georaetry. This being done, proceed and draw the circle in perspective, by the raethod adopted in the preceding diagrara. For the triangle, transfer the distances F e and F /, in the plan, upon the line A B, at m and n, as shewn by the dotted curved lines ; and square these raeasures perpendicularly on to the line a b. Fig. 2, at e and /. From these points draw lines tending to the point of distance D, until they intersect the central rajfg, at i and m. Through the point m, draw a line parallel to A B, at pleasure. Next transfer the points f and g, (Fig. 3,) perpendicularly on the Hne a b, (Fig. 2,) at n and n ; fi-om which points draw visuals tending to the point of sight S, until they intersect the line drawn through m, at o and p; which will give the length of the parallel side : join i o and i p ; this will give the two other sides, and complete the triangle. The vanishing points of these two sides are found by continuing i o and ip, to the horizontal line intersecting it at V and V- The canted corners are found by transferring the distance F A in the plan, (Fig. 3,) on to the Hne A B, from F to o; which raust be squared up perpendicular to a b, (Fig. 2 ;) as at h. From this point draw a line tending to D, until it intersects the visual/^ at * ; a line drawn through this point and terminated by the sides, i o and i p, will give the represen- Itation of the canted corner h, in the plan ; for the corners » and k, draw PL.L.XXVI FERSPECTIVE. TLATE 3. PIG. 2 London. Published bjr Jones ScC!" Novf?. 1826 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. Cl lines frora q and r, tending to V and V, until they intersect the side o p, in s and t; lines thrown back from these, by the Vanishing points V and V, will give the other two canted corners, and complete the perspective repre sentation of the triangular block, as shown by the tinted figure. Plate 3. To find the Perspective representation ofa regular Hexagon or six-sided figure ; one side being parallel to the picture It is necessary to observe that the inclined sides of a regular hexagon are parallel to those of an equilateral triangle ; for as there are six equilateral triangles coraprised in every hexagon, whose sides are equal ; each angle contained therein will raeasure sixty degrees ; it follows therefore that each of the inclined sides of such triangle would be coincident to the inclined sides of an hexagon. Knowing thus rauch, the Vanishing points in the horizon for the inclined sides of this figure, are easily laid down. OPERATION. The Horizontal Line, the Station Point, and Distance of the Picture being deterrained, the following process for finding the Vanishing points may be adopted. Frora the Station point S, (Fig. 1,) on the Horizontal line H H, raise a perpendicular S I, which make equal to the distance of the picture. Through I draw the line G K at pleasure ; and on I as a centre, with any radius at discretion, describe the semicircle XXX, which divide into 3 equal arcs as numbered : each arc will then raeasure an angle of 60 degrees, and consequently raeasure the side of an equilateral triangle. Through the divisions I and 2, draw lines from I, until they intersect the Horizontal line in the points V, V. These points are the Vanishing points for the inclined sides of the Hexagon. Having constructed the plan of the Hexagon abc def, hy problem 22, Practical Georaetry, coraraence by drawing the ground line G G, upon Virhich transfer the parallel side e jrf, as at E D ; from E and D, draw 2 A go PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. visuals tending to S ; draw also the lines E B and D A, tending to V, V> and intersecting each other at L. Through L, draw a line parallel to E D at plea- sure. Next from E and D, draw lines tending to V, V, until they intersect the parallel line through L at F and C ; F E D C will then represent one-half of the figure. The other half is obtained by drawing lines from F and C, to the respective vanishing points, until they intersect the visuals E S and D S, at A and B. Draw the line A B, which .will coraplete the perspective repre sentation of the original figure, as shown by the tint. Fig. 2, is a Diagrara which shows how the preceding example may be applied in various ways. It represents the interior of an apartraent, the floor of which is shown as covered with a carpet, having the pattern made out wholly of Hexagons ; at the end is represented an Hexagonal bow, making half the plan of the Hexagon, fig. 1. Frora the centre of the ceiling is sus pended a lantern of the sarae figure ; the Vanishing points V, V, of this Diagrara are laid down frora the centre S, at double the distance of those in fig. 1 ; the points of distance after the sarae ratio. The spaces e d, edjcd, refer to the original raeasure of the side e d, fig. 1, being taken at one-fourth the size. The raode of representing this floor of Hexagons will be shown more at large in the following Diagrara. To represent a floor qf Hexagons in parallel perspective. Suppose G G, (Fig. 1, Plate 4,) to be the gronnd line ; H H, the Hori zontal line (the height of which, in this exaraple, is taken at pleasure); C the centre of the picture (or point of sight) ; and D, its distance. Proceed and lay down the Vanishing points for the inclined sides, as directed in the pre ceding exaraple. Divide the Diaraeter, df, ofthe Hexagon into two equal parts, one of which will be the measure of one side. Take this raeasure in the compasses, and repeat it along the line G G, right and left ofthe centre e, as often as the width or length ofthe floor will allow. Frora these divi sions so placed, draw visuals tending to the point of sight C, as a C, b C, c C, &c. Next, from a, b c, &c. draw lines tending to each Vanishing point: the intersection ofthese lines with each other as at k, k, k, &c. will give the centre or axis of each Hexagon, throughout the whole surface of the floor. EL.LXXVH. PERSPECTEVE. FLATE /, London Published by Jones 8: C° HovfT , 1826 . PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 83 Through these intersections, draw the lines I m, no, &c. parallel to the Ground line : these will receive and limit the inclined sides of each Hex agon, as atak,ck,kn,U p, &c. by this raeans the whole will be completed. The figure of each Hexagon raust afterwards be denoted by stronger lines. To represent an octagon, Fig. 2, in Perspective, two of its opposite sides being parallel to the picture. As every octagon has four of its sides coincident to those of a square, andthe reraaining four parallel to the diagonals of such square; it follows, that if two of its sides are parallel to the picture, two would be at right angles with it, and the four other sides inclined to it at an angle of 45 degrees : consequently the Vanishing points of an octagon would be the centre and distance of the picture. The distance of the picture being deterrained, this raust be set on the Horizontal line, right and left ofthe centre C, as at J) D. These then become the Vanishing points for the inclined sides. Having proceeded thus far and constructed the figure of the octagon ah cd, fg h, by problera 24, Practical Geometry, transfer the- diameter of the square containing it, on to the Ground line G G, as at A B ; and find the perspective representation of this square as directed in the diagrara, fig. 1, plate 1. Frora a and b, draw visuals tending to the centre C, and cutting the line D C, iny and e ; this will represent the side opposite to a b, in the plan. A line drawn frora the point a to the point of distance D, will, where it inter sects the Visual A C, give the representation of the inclined side a h, in the plan. A line drawn frora b to the opposite point of distance D, where it cuts the Visual B C, will give the other inclined side b c. Aline thrown back frora the pointy bythe point of distance D, will give the representation ofthe opposite side to b c; also aline thrown back frora e, bythe opposite point of distance, will give the representation of the opposite side to « A ; and thus the perspective figure of the octagon will be completed. If an octagon be required to be represented in Perspective, where no plan is given, the method used to obtain the raeasure of one side as directed in problem 25, Practical Georaetry, must be adopted; as shewn in the plan by the divided line x x. 84 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. Fig. 3, shews the raethod of representing one octagon within another by raeans of Mitre lines. Having obtained the Perspective representation of the larger octagon as above directed, find the axis by drawing the Diagonal lines A C and B D, which will intersect each other at e; to this point the raitre lines frora each corner of the octagon raust be drawn. To obtain the smaller octagon, square up its diaraeter from the plan upon the line G G, as at r s. From these points draw visuals to C, which wiU intersect the mitres from d, c, g, and h; at I:, m, p, and q; this will give the representation ofthe two sides, I m and qp, in the plan. The other sides are obtained by throwing lines from the points /, m, p, and q, by the points of distance terminating thera on the different mitre lines, as will be seen by inspection of the figure. To ¦jrepresent a square of octagons. Fig. 4, in parallel Perspective. Having drawn the Horizontal line H H, and laid down the points of distance as before directed, take the measure of the diaraeter of an Octagon in the corapasses, as a 6 ; and repeat it along the Ground line G G, as often as occasion may require, Frora these divisions a, b, c, d, e,f, so placed, draw visuals tending to the centre C. A line drawn frora « or y to the point of distance D, will intersect these visuals in the points xxx, &c ; through these points draw lines parallel to the Ground line G G, and the whole square will be perspectively divided into sraaller squares. Next find the centre of each square on the Ground line, frora which set one-half the measure of the side of an octagon to be represented, as o o, o o, &c. which draw to the point of sight C. These will intersect the parallel lines g h, i k, &c. at the points PP>PP>9 9i 99} Sec* which wiUgive the measure ofthe sides, oo, o o, &c. on all the distant squares. Lines drawn frora these points to the points of distance, where they intersect the visuals a C, b C, and c C, &c. will give the repre sentation of the inclined sides of each .octagon throughout the whole surface ofthe square. 'I. i,y.\T:jj London. Pubfahed by Jonesife C°Dec.^3,18aS. PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 85 Plate 5. The plan and Elevation of a Cube heing given, to represmt the same in parallel Perspective. A B C D, No. 1, Fig. 1, is the given plan of the cube : G G, the Hne of the directing plane or Ground line, H H, the Horizontal line ; S the centre or point of sight ; and D, D, the points of distance. Square up the side A B of the cube, on to the Ground line at a and b : from these points draw visuals (a S and b S) tending to the centre S : likewise transfer the space B b, (the distance between the side A B, and the directing Hne) frora 6 to c. A line drawn frora c to the point of distance D, will intersect the visuals a S and 6 S, at «? and e ; through these points draw the lines e g, and fd, which will give the perspective plan of the cube ; and likewise its distance frora the directing plane. Frora the corners f, d, and g, raise perpendiculars at pleasure ; also from b, raise the perpendicular b h : this line being in the Directing Plane, is denominated an Original or Georaetrical line, and on which line all original heights raust be placed. On this line frora b, set up the height b i, of the Cube (equal to its width,) and draw the Visual i S ; its intersection with the perpendiculars d and g, will give the Perspective height of the Cube, at k and /. Frora k draw the parallel k w, intersecting the perpendicular raised frora f, at w. Frora w, draw the Visual w n ; and frora I draw the parallel I m, terminated by the forraer at m : this will coraplete the representation ofthe Cube. The Parallellopiped or Prisra opqv t s, being under the sarae Visuals with the Cubeyrf^ Imw, but of greater height, its seat is obtained by set ting off its Distance frora the directing Plane, upon the Ground line frora b to W: a line drawn frora this Point will give the seat of the Prisra at o p, and its depth by the intersection at r. Parallels drawn from p and r, and terminated by the Visuals, will complete the plan. Frora o, p, and q, erect Perpendiculars at pleasure. On the Original line b h, place the intended height of the Prism as at X ; from which, draw the Visual X S : its inter- 2 b 86 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. section with the Perpendiculars at t and v, will deterraine the height of the figure, which is completed by drawing a parallel from /, to the perpen dicular line 0 *. To find the Perspective representation of a Cylindrical Solid. Let A B C D, No. 2, Fig 2, be a square inscribing the circle E F G H, as making the plan of the Cylinder. Transfer the Diameter A B of the square to the ground Hne, as directed in the preceding figure ; and obtain the Perspective plan of the square and Cylinder, by the Diagrara, Plate 2. Erect Perpendiculars frora the points a and h, in the perspective square a bed ; and draw the Original or Directing line IK; on which set up the height of the solid as at L. A line drawn from L tothe Point of Distance D, will intersect the Perpendicular raised from a, at i : this will determine the height of the upper square, in which to draw the Perspective Circle, nopq, equalto that on^the Ground Plane. Frora % draw the parallel i k. Prora i, and k, draw the Visuals i m and k I, intersec ting the Diagonal lines, i I, and k m, at I, and m ; through which, draw the parallel m I, which will coraplete the upper square. The Diagonal Points raay be obtained by squaring up the same points frora the lower square, on to the diagonals, in the upper one ; as shown by the dotted lines, 1, 1 ; 2, 2 ; 3, 3 ; and 4, 4. Frora the extreraities n and p, of the Ellipsis, drop the perpendiculars n e, and p g ; this will complete the Perspective represen tation of the CyHndrical Solid. Such figure is called the Frustrum of a Cylinder and sometimes a truncated coluran. The perspective representation of the column Z, is obtained thus : — Find the seat of the square Y, on the ground plane, and the perspective circle contained in it, as before directed. From each corner of the square so obtained, raise perpendiculars : on the original line I K, set up its height from the ground, which draw to the dis tance D, and where it intersects the perpendicular r a.t s ; this will deterraine the height of the coluran. Through *, draw a parallel, * v, terminated at v by the perpendicular frora t; and coraplete the square with the perspective circle contained in it as before described ; this being done, join the extre raities of the two Ellipses, as in the cylindrical solid nlaced below it, which may be seen by inspection of the figure. PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 87 This diagram is given, to show the perspective appearance of the circle when placed beneath or above the horizon. In chairs and tables, whose legs are below the horizon, the raouldings will have for their outline the curve ofthe elHpsis Y, as seen in front. For bed pillars, cheval glass frames, standards, &c., where the upper mouldings are above the horizon ; these will take for their outline the curve of the elipsis at W- Remark that the per spective representation of the circle, as it approaches nearer to the Horizon tal Hne, whether above or below it, will become raore and raore flattened, until it faUs into the horizon itself; in which case it wiH become a straight line ; as raay be seen in figure 4, wherein C d, the upperraost plane, is seen raore fully than the plane C e; and again C e, raore plainly than.Cy which is so much nearer the horizontal line H. To find the Perspective representation of an Octangular solid. Let A B C D, No. 3, Fig. 3, be a Geometrical Square, inscribing the octagon EFGHIKLM. Transfer the side A B ofthe square on to the ground line G, G, as at Y Y ; also the side E F of the octagon, as at X X : from these draw Visuals tending to S, as Y S, X S, &c. Next transfer the distance (A Y) ofthe Octagon frora the plane of the picture, frora Y top; this drawn to the distance D will intersect the Visual Y S, at « ; draw the parallel a b, and coraplete the square ab c d, as before directed : next find the perspective plan of the Octagon, by the Diagrara, fig. 2, plate 4: frora each angle of the Octagon so obtained, raise perpendiculars; also the Georaetrical line Y P, frora Y, and the perpendicular line b n. Upon the line Y P, set up the height of the figure as at N. This draw to the centre S : its intersection with the line bn at o, will give the perspective height of the figure. A parallel drawn frora o and intersected by the perpendiculars eandy at q and jt), will give the paraUel face of the upper Octagon. The remaining faces are obtained by drawing their sides to the respective Vanishing points, D D, terminated by the perpendiculars as before explained. The Octagonal Prisra V, being under the sarae Visuals, naraely Y S, &c. is obtained by the sarae process. Its seat on the ground plane is 88 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. governed by that of the cylinder (before explained). Its height is deter rained by placing it on the original line Y P, as at r, in the sarae manner as that of the preceding example. Reraark, that this figure is likewise given to show the difference in the outline of the Octagon, either above or below the horizon. If you wish to represent the interior of a bow window, peculiar to many of our old English raansions ; all the lines that are below the Horizon will answer to the concave part ofthe ground plan at R, and all those above the horizon will answer to the concave part of the upper Octagonal plane at T. In what relates to the circle, the sarae applies to the octagon ; for being circumscribed by a square, it is subject to the sarae diminution the nearer it approaches the Horizon; and will, as the painters express it, become more and more foreshortened, until, like the circle, it would fall into a straight line. No. 1, Fig. 5, represents a cubical object having a top, (5,6.7,8,) projecting equally over the four sides. Let A B be the raeasure of one side of the cube to be represented ; and B C its distance frora the directing plane. Proceed and coraplete the Perspective plan a 6 c rf, as in fig. 1, from which raise perpendiculars, as before. From A and B, set off the projection of the top as A D and B D, which draw to the point of sight S, intersecting the Diagonals a c and h d, at the points 1, 2, 3, 4. On C erect a perpendicular C G; this will becorae the Georaetrical line : on this line set up the height of the cube, also the thickness E F, of the projecting top, which draw to the point of distance D ; and where they intersect the perpendicular raised from 2, you will obtain the projection ofthe top at the point 6; (the nearest to the spec tator.) Frora 6 draw Visuals tending to the point of sight S, and where they intersect the perpendicular raised frora 3, you have the projection on the returning side, as at 7. Frora 6 and 7 draw parallels, and where they inter sect the perpendiculars raised on 1 and 2, as at 5 and 8, you will have the farthest projection: draw the Visual 5, 8, tending to the point of sight S, and the figure will then be completed. This Diagrara is applicable to all objects of furniture that are under the Horizon ; whether tables, commodes, &c, that have an equal projection of top, or mouldings round their sides. PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 89 The upper figure represents the sarae cube, having the same projection over the top, but seen above the Horizon; the Geometrical line being differently placed ; namely on the nearest angle of the cube. To obtain (he projection in this Exaraple, draw the Diagonals Y V and X Z, which Diagonals prolong at pleasure : on the Diagonal at Y, place the projection 0, which will be that nearest to the spectator ; and draw the Visual o r, tending to the point of sight S, which will intersect the Diagonal X Z at r, and give the furthest projection jo r. Frora o draw the parallel o g', which by its intersection with the Diagonal X Z at q, will give the opposite projection to o. Next let the perpendicular line from Q be continued at plea sure towards W; on which line set up the intended height ofthe pyramidal roof, frora Y to V; which draw to the point of distance D, and where it intersects a perpendicular raised frora the centre or axis C, of the square X Y Z V, will deterraine the perspective height at T. Lastly draw the Hnes Tp, T p, and T p, which wiU coraplete the figure. The cornices of rooras, and the projecting raerabers of all objects seen above the Horizon raay be obtained frora this diagrara. The square figure U, raay be supposed to represent the body of a book-case, wardrobe or any other object ; and q o r, the projecting cornice. Fig. 6, No. 1 and 2. These cylindrical figures are the sarae, and ob tained by the same raeans as that of No. 1, fig. 2 ; with the addition of a projecting meraber to each, as seen above and below the horizon. Having constructed the cylinder W, by the process used in No. 1, fig. 2, prolong the diagonals, corresponding to those marked m k and i I, in the sarae figure ; also prolong the line i k, upon which, from i and k set off the given projection, as at e ; this convey on the diagonals by the point of sight S, at the intersections a b and c d, forming the larger square, as is shewn by the fiffure. Next, take little more than l-7th of the line a b ; that is, run the compasses along the Hne until the l-7th division extends a little beyond the end of it at the point b ; this being the proportion that the space A I, No.2, fig. 2, bears to the whole line A B. Set this measure frora a and b to x and x; which convey by the point of sight S, on to the diagonals a c and 6 d, as nurabered 1, 2, 3, and 4. Next draw the diaraeters, 5: 6, and 7 8 : through these eight points the circle forraing the projection may be traced. The under curve is obtained first, by dropping perpen 2 c 90 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. diculars from a and h, equal to the giten thickness ; through which draw the parallel line o o, which line will receive the diagonal points x, x, at 10 and 1 1 ; also the central point 7, at 9 : these draw to the point of sight S, and wliere they intersect perpendiculars dropt frora I, 2, 5, and 6, will give so raany points through which to trace the under curve. The pro jection over the cylinder No. 2, is obtained by the sarae process, as may be seen by inspection of the figure. The tinted Planes in these figures, as also those in No. 1, fig. 2, show the squaring of the seventh points upon the diagonals of such squares as are of equal dimensions, placed one above another. Fig.' 7 is an octagonal prism, standing on an octagonal base, and supporting an octagonal top. First set off the width of the square, representing the top, upon the ground line G G, from i to k; also the width of the square making the block, frora I to m. Frora I and m draw Visuals to the point of sight S, and frora t draw a line to the point of distance D : its intersection with the Visual drawn frora I, will give the seat of the front line of the block at o ; frora which draw a parallel line, intersecting the visual frora m, at p; this will give the Perspective width of the square of the block. Frora o and p, raise perpendiculars ; next set up the thickness of the block on the Georaetrical line iX from itoq; this likewise draw to the point of distance D; and where it intersects the perpendicular raised from o, at a, will deterraine the thickness of the block. Next draw the square abed, as in fig. 1 ; and the octagon contained in it, as in fig. 3, which will compleat the block. For the Prisra, draw raitre lines frora each angle, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,) of the octagon, to the centre or axis C. Next set the given diameter on the Hne a J, at 1 and 2 (in this exaraple equal to one side of the octagonal block:) this draw to the centre S, until it intersects the raitres 7, 8, 3 and 4, at 1 1, 12, 15, and 16, which wiU give the two sides parallel to those raarked 7 8, and 3 4, on the block : the reraaining sides are got by throwing lines back bythe points of distance D, D, frora 11, 12, 15, and 16, intersecting tbe corresponding mitres at 9, 10, 13, and 14; from which intersections, the two sides paraUel to 1-2, and 5-6, may be drawn, corapleting the perspective plan of the prism. Frora each exterior angle visible to the eye, raise per pendiculars, as in the prisra V, fig. 3. Next set up the height and thickness PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 91 of the top upon the Geometrical Hne i X, as at e ; frora which draw parallels at pleasure. Likewise square up the given width frora k (on the Ground Hne), intersecting the paraUel drawn from e aty,- and complete the square e fg h, as before directed. Lastly, set off the given measure of the canted side> from e to r* and frorayto * ,- which convey on the line above by perpen diculars. Visuals drawn frora these to the centre S, wiU give the raeasure of each cant on the back line hg, (ofthe square,) at t and v. Lines thrown back by the points of Distance firom these intersections {t and v,) will give the four canted sides ofthe figure, as raay be seen by inspection. By 'this exaraple we are taught the raanner of obtaining the Perspective repre sentation of loo Tables with their pillars and bases, when of an Octagonal forra; it is likewise applicable in gothic designs, whether for Tables, Candelabri, or any other object having, octagonal supports. We shall now coraraence with the application of these exaraples, by delineating the various articles of Doraestic Furniture in general use ; giving the perspective lines with each example. Plate 6. To represent a Library or rvriting Table from a given plan and Profile. No. 1, Fig. 1, is the scale to plan and profile, drawn f of an inch to a foot. No. 2, shews one half of the plan of the writing Table to be projected ; a b cd, raaking the top; ffo o, the frarae; and e, e, two ofthe legs. No. 3, shews the profile of part of one of the ends with its moul dings, &c. Having drawn the Ground Hne G G, take 4 feet from the scale, which measure set up from G G, for the Horizontal line. Next place the point of sight on this line at pleasure ; observing to place it neither too near, nor too far removed from the angle or nearest corner B. The point of distance raay be placed from the point of sight at pleasure, but not less than twice the length of the object to be represented ; as before remarked in page 75 : in this instance it is raade longer, viz. 13 feet 4 inches ; the length ofthe table 92 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. being 5 feet. Proceed and square up frora the plan on to the Ground line the length a b, ofthe top, at E E; also the length yy ofthe frame at F F ; and the legs e, e, at M M : these draw to the point of Sight S. Next'set-off the width of the table from back to front, (equal 3 feet 6 inches,) from E to I ; which draw to the point of distance, as shewn by the dotted line raarked Diag, the point being off the plate : its intersection with the visuals drawn frora E, F and M, will determine the perspective width of the top and frame ofthe table atK, and give the squares for the back legs at M; from which draw parallels, intersecting the corresponding visuals at the other end at K and M. For the front legs, draw a line frora the nearest corner E to the point of distance ; its intersection with the visual drawn frora M, will give the square ofthe leg at the corner nearest to the spectator ; which may be squared to the- opposite visuals drawn frora F and M : this wiU compleat the perspective plan. Frora E, raise a perpendicular E 0 at pleasure; on which line square all the original heights frora the profile, as denoted by the dotted lines. The height of the table being squared on to the original line E O, as at B, raust be drawn to the point of distance ; its intersection with a perpendicular raised frora the square of the frarae at F, will deter raine the parallel front of the top at X , which raust be continued to y, on the perpendicular raised frora the opposite corner F: visuals must then be drawn from X and y, to S, intersecting perpendiculars raised from K and K (the furthest squares,) at C and D ; draw the parallel D G, which will complete the top. Next from Z on E O draw a diagonal as before, tending to the point of distance, and where it intersects the perpendicular raised frora F as before ; this will be the perspective depth of the frarae ; which raust be squared to the corresponding perpendicular frora F at the furthest end, intersecting it an N; this will deterraine the length of the frame in front. Frora Z draw a visual to S, which by its in tersection with the perpendicular raised from the square at K, wiU give the returning side at R. . The top moulding being transferred to B ; as shewn by the dotted line, its projection is determined by the original line E O ; (it being in the Directing plane ;) which raust be continued to the perpendi cular raised frora E, intersecting it at A : a visual drawn frora B and inter sected by the perpendicular from K, will give the return. The small raoulding at fhe bottom is found by carrying its thickness to Z, and from FEiMsi-'iirT:iTE ,i|^:i.,A'r:K;,orii , Foinl or Fl.iliiiiii- l:i.. i hi i the Sml,. /iiiiii S. jsr.'i ¦:',. '^mi- "'-l Fiq 4. 5li-a Ini- Jone, g- ("•'Sc'A^S ia/?6 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 93 thence conveying it by a diagonal, to the corner line of the frarae ; this being on so sraaU a scale, may in most instances be drawn by eye ; the bottom Hne of the moulding being first obtained. Having thus completed the frame, draw the legs at N, N, N, which is done by squaring them up frora the tinted squares in the perspective plan. The dirainishing of the leg being deterrained in the profile, lines raay be drawn frora the under part of the frarae, at t t, through the dirainished part at bottom at V V ; vvhich two Hnes will unite and meet in a point on a Hne drawn through the centre or axis, at P. Next convey the point P, by a parallel, on to the original line h 0, at the point p. Proceed and drop per pendiculars from the axes of the four squares, (M, M, M, M,) at pleasure. From p, draw a diagonal line, intersecting the axis of the nearest square (M E,) at the point O ; this will be the perspective seat of the point P, in the profile. From' O, draw a parallel, intersecting the axis of the farthest square F M, at n, which gives the opposite diminishing point to O. Visuals drawn from O and n, until they intersect the axis lines of the back squares, wiU give the diminishing points for the back legs, at s and r. These foui points n, O, r, s, being obtained, proceed and raise perpendiculars from the perspective squares, F M, M E, &c. (in the plan), up to the bottom line of the frarae, as at W, Z, R and D ; vvhich wiU give the squares of the legs at top : frora these, draw lines to the apex points, n, O, r and s, and you have the dirainishing lines for the legs. Frora the points, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8cc. as conveyed frora the profile on to the original line, draw diagonals to the point of distance ;. their intersection with the diminishing line drawn from Z, wiU give the heights of the respective raouldings and ornaraental parts of the leg Z ; which raay be squared on to the leg W. Those required on the leg R, may be obtained by Visuals drawn from the corresponding heights on the leg Z, to the point of sight; which again must be squared over to the leg D : all that remains is then to be done by hand ; reducing your draught as near as possible to the finished design, as shewn below at fig. 4. Reraark that where the term diagonal is meutioned, it refers to those lines that are drawn to the point of distance. 2d 94 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. Plate 7. To represent a Secretaire Desk and Bookcase in Perspective^ from a given plan and profile. -, The figure marked B, represents the plan of the bookcase; where W W, W W, denotes the length and depth of the lower carcase, corresponding with the depth marked W W, in the profile C : Y W, denotes the depth of the upper carcase, answering to Y W, in the profile. The dotted line X X, shews the projection of the cornice round the top, being marked with the same letter in the profile. Z, Z, Z, Z, shews the pro jection of the base raoulding round the lower carcase, as shewn in the profile by the sarae letters. H H, is the Horizontal line, G G, the Ground line, and D the point of distance for the bookcase. Fig. 1. The station or point of sight in this exaraple is placed 17 feet and half an inch (by the scale) frora the distance D. The first thing to be considered, is the position of the figure about to be represented, in regard to the station or point of sight ; or in other words, the distance the nearest corner of it is from the point of view. In the present Example the poii\t F on the ground line G G, has been chosen as the nearest corner of the object. The next thing to be perforraed is that of making the perspective plan (raarked E) beneath the ground line ; with all its parts and projections, the sarae as in the Georaetrical plan raarked B. This raay be placed at any distance below the ground line, but in all cases the lower *uch plan is placed below the horizon, the raore distinct wiU be the different intersections. Proceed and draw the line a a, under fig. 1, ^at pleasure ; upon which set the length W W, of the bookcase (in the iplan B,) from the nearest corner F ; as frora V to b, which wUl make the 'front line of the lower carcase. Frora b and V, draw visuals to the point of sight : next set off the depth (W W,) of the lower carcase, frora 5 to c ; this draw to the point of distance D : its intersection with the visual from b at e, will deterraine the perspective depth of the lower carcase. A line squared from e toy parallel to 6 v, will complete the plan of the lower part. Next set off the measure W Y, (in the 'J- id PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. S5 plan B) from o to g, which draw to the distance as before ; its intersection with the visual b e at i, will determine the seat of the upper carcase : a parallel drawn from t to i, wiU represent the front Hne. It then remains to find the perspective projection of the mouldings, in the lower and upper car cases ; which may be obtained as foUows : set off the projection of the plinth, (raarked W O, in the plan B,) from b to o, and v to y ; which draw to the point of sight : a line thrown back frora h, by the point of distance, wiU by its intersection with the visual drawn through o, give the projection of the plinth at I; and a line squared frora I, intersecting the visual drawn through y, at m, will give the projection of the plinth at the furthest point frora the spectator. The sarae process must be followed for finding the pro jection of the cornice in tho upper part ; observing to throw the raitre back from t; and thus the plan of the lower and upper carcases, with their pro jections and mouldings is found perspectively. Next square up the corner h, perpendicularly at pleasure, as at I ; which line consider as the Geometrical line, upon which all the original heights of the figure raust be placed : in this Exaraple the heights are squared from the profile C, as numbered, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Frora all these heights on the original line, draw visuals to the point of sight ; not the whole length, but only as far as raay be necessary to receive the intersections of the perpendiculars raised frora the perspective plan. Having proceeded thus far, commence by raising a perpendicular frora t, in the plan ; this will intersect the visuals drawn frora 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, at the points o, o, o, o, o, and thereby, deterraine the heights of the cornice and frieze in the upper carcase. These heights squared to the perpendicular raised frora the point i, in the plan, wUl coraplete the frieze; and also the bottora line of the cornice in front; giving likewise the base line of the upper carcase at K. The heights of the raembers on the lower carcase are determined on the original line itself at 1, 2, 3, and 4 ; frora which visuals alone are required to be drawn ; and these, as weU as the visuals drawn from 5, 6, 7, and 8, in the upper carcase, are terminated by a perpendicular raised from e, in the plan : thus far the body of the bookcase is corapleted. The projecting raembers are found in the plan at the points / and m, for the plinth in the lower part ; and n and r, for the cornice in the upper part. It only remains to throw raitre lines by the point of distance, frora o, i, and F, which by their intersection with perpendiculars 93 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. raised frora n and I, in the plan, will give the required height and projection of the cornice and plinth, as shewn by the letters s, s, s. Parallels drawn from these intersections and terrainated by perpendiculars raised from m and r, wiU complete the figure. The profiling of the raouldings must be regulated by the Georaetrical elevation, and drawn by hand, as shewn in the finished Exaraple, fig. 2. The remainder of the finishings, viz. the pilasters, pannelling, fraraing the upper doors for glass, &c. wiU depend entirely on the taste of the designer. Fig. 2, shews the sarae bookcase as finished in all its parts, with the addition of a Secretaire drawer thrown open for writing; which it was thought proper to shew in this figure, instead of fig. I, for the purpose of keeping the latter diagrara distinct and free from too great a raixture of lines. In all these articles of furniture, the lower or hinged part of the fall down front is placed about 2 feet 6 inches frora the ground, and is generally about 9 or 10 inches in depth. To shew this drawn open and let down for the purpose of writing, commence and draw visuals by the point of sight, from C and D. Next set off the height of the fall down front, with the depth of the drawer when out, from D toe; this measure throw from the point of distance ; its intersection with the visual D g, at g, will give the front of the writing flap. This squared to the visual from C, intersecting it at y wUl deterraine the length of the flap. To obtain the place of the cheeks or sides, (X, X) of the drawer; set the raeasure of one of them (generally about 9 inches), frora D to i; this raeasure thrown back by the point of distance D, upon the visual D g, at h, wiU give the seat of the nearest side X ; which being squared on to the opposite visual from C, will give the seat of the furthest one at m. Perpendiculars raised from h and m, and cut by visuals frora A and B, will deterraine their height. The seat and height of the quadrants for supporting the fall down front, are found after the sarae manner, as raay be seen by inspection of the figure. Reraark, that the point of sight in fig. 2, is shewn at S ; and the distance being the same frora it as that in fig. 1, namely 17 feet and i an inch by the scale, could not be shewn in the picture ; but its tendency is shewn by the dotted line marked F. In like raanner the tendency of the point of sight in fig. 1, is shewn by the converging lines, making the top and bottom ofthe bookcase. PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 97 Plate 8. To represent a Chiffonier commode (Fig. \,) in Parallel Perspective, shewing the manner of representing a door open. Let the Profile marked A be first made, agreeable to the size and pro portion proper for such an article of furniture. From this construct the perspective plan marked B, after the sarae manner, and by the sarae process as that adopted for the bookcase in plate 7 ; the horizontal line H H ; station point S ; ground line G G, and distance D, regulated as before. The tinted circles raarked a a, in the plan, denote the place of the columns supporting the frieze and marble top; the squares figured 1, 1, denote the capitals : E F, shews the front Hne making the body of the comraode with the doors : A B C D, is the plan of the raarble top. The dotted lines bb, c c and d d, shew the front lines of the shelves in the upper part (raaking the chiffonier ;) which are got by setting off the breadth of each shelf in the profile, from h, (the back ofthe comraode,) and conveying them on the visual B C, by the point of distance ; as shewn by the lines e b, f c, and g d. The perspective plan being completed, proceed and draw the perpendicular line G H, from the corner B, in the plan ; which consider as the Georaetrical line, upon which to receive all the original heights frora the profile. Cora raence by squaring, first, the height and thickness of the top i i, which being in the plane of the picture, raust be continued direct to the perpendicular raised frora A in the plan : this will determine its length in front. Next square along the height (top and bottom) of the frieze k k ; which convey by the point of distance to the perpendicular raised from the corner m in the plan B, intersecting it at o, o. ParaUels drawn from o, o, and continued to the perpendicular raised from /, wiU coraplete the frieze. The colurans, shelves, &c. raay be aU obtained after the sarae raanner; as may be seen by reference to the plate, it being needless to repeat over the sarae process a second tirae, as such would occasion a raultitude of references which would only tend to perplex the figure. It is thought proper in this example tp shew one door of the commode open, and at the same tirae to de 2 E 98 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. raonstrate and lay down the principles by which it is performeo. It is evident that every door turning on its hinges, would by its revolution, generate a seraicircle equal in diaraeter to double the width of the opening. This seraicircle being found perspectively, the door raay be shewn open on any part of its seraicircuraference. Suppose the djor to be hinged at P, and P n to be the width of the opening ; continue the line P n, out at pleasure, upon which set off the width of the opening P n, from ^ to q; and throw visuals by the point of sight frora n, P, and q : a line thrown frora P by the point of distance, will by its intersection with the visual thrown frora n, give the breadth of the half square, containing the seraicircle, at r ; a parallel drawn frora r to t will coraplete the half square. Draw the seraidiagonal P t. Next take little raore than one seventh of the line q n, which convey upon the semidiagonals P r, and P t, by the point of sight, at w and v. The seraicircle raust then coraraence from the point q, and be traced through the points w, s, v, terminating at n. The semicircle being thus obtained, take any point on its circumference as X, for the extent you raean the door to be thrown open ; a line drawn frora this point to P, will raake the bottora line of the door, which being continued to the horizontal line will there give the vanishing point for the door, as thrown open at this angle. A line thrown from Q, by the vanishing point, and cut by a perpendicular raised frora X at Y, will give the upper line of the door. The point Q is found by squaring a line frora x until it cuts the perpendicular drawn frora P. The vanishing point for a door thrown open at any point upon the serai circuraference of the circle raay be found after the sarae inanner ; naraely, by joining such point with the centre where the door hinges by a line, and con tinuing it to the horizon. Reraark, the distance of the vanishing point in this example is two feet two inches from the station point on the right hand, by the scale. To represent a fiight of Bedsteps, Fig. 2, in Perspective. In this example the profile of the steps is shown parallel to the picture, and consequently would be Geometrical ; save and except the projections of pHnth and nosings. First set off the measure of each tread of the steps PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 99 (being 9j inches) on the line a a, at A, B, C, and D ; which draw to the point of sight. Next set off the width or front of the step (being 21 1 inches) firora D to E ; this conveyed by the point of distance on tLe visual drawn frora D, will give the perspective length of the front at F : a line squared frora F to G, wiU coraplete the plan of the steps The lines B H, C I, and D F, wiU in this case be the seat of each tread. The projection ofthe plinth and nosings being the sarae, both are found as follows : set off the raeasure of the projection from A to a, and from D to d, from which draw visuals to S : Lines thrown from G and D, by the point of distance, where they in tersect these visuals at g and d, will give the projection at the corners G and D. Lines squared frora G and D, and cut by the visuals before drawn, will give the projection of the two opposite corners at a andy ; this corapletes the plan. In raising the elevation, coraraence by drawing the perpendicular h i, frora A in the plan ; on which set up the height of each step frora the ground Hue G G, as at k, I and o : these square to the perpendiculars raised frora B, C, and D, intersecting thera at x, n, t, m and u, which will coraplete the profile ofthe steps. Visuals drawn frora o, x, n, t, m, and u, and cut by perpen diculars raised from H, I, and F, will represent the treads of the steps ; the perpendiculars cut by them at z p, v q, andw s, forraing the furthest extre mities of the risers. The thickness of the nosings are set below the top of each step, and their projections squared up from the plan : the plinth likewise after the same manner, as is shewn by the dotted lines. In this example, the top of the upper step is represented as thrown up ; the principle of per forraing which is applicable to all table tops or desks that have a sloping elevation. On o, as a centre, with a radius equal the width o x, describe the quadrant xb ; likewise on y, with the radius y z, describe the quadrant z c ; and draw the visual b c. If the Hd or top be thrown up perpendicularly on its centre, its representation wUl be the dotted plane bcoy. Butin this instance it has been thought proper to show the top only partially open ; for which purpose any point in the quadrant b x, raay be chosen, as at c ; which being drawn to the centre o, will represent the nearest edge of the lid : this being continued until it intersects a perpendicular raised from the point of sight S, will give the vanishing point for the inclined position of the lid ; to which the opposite edge y e is drawn. A visual drawn from e, in the quadrant b x, to e, in the opposite quadrant c z, will represent IvK) PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. the front edge ; the nosing drawn round may be measured by those of the other steps. It is necessary to observe, that the more or less the lid or top is elevated, so the seat of its vanishing point, in the perpendicular vanishing line, will raore or less vary. Plate 9. To represent a chair in Perspective, its side being seen in front, and its front being at right angles with the picture. The back of all chairs being less than the front, it follows that the two side rails will form inclined planes ; the one opposite in its direction to the other> which if continued would intersect each other soraewhere below the horizon, and terminate in the horizontal line; the one to the right hand of the station or point of sight ; the other to the left ; biit each equaUy distant frora it ; this is to be understood of a chair seen front ways, that is, whose front is placed parallel to the plane of the picture. Chairs as they are placed in apartments, generally have their bevelled sides opposite to the plane of the picture ; the vanishing points for such inclined sides would therefore be greatly beyond it, which sides if pro- ! duced, would intersect the horizon at so great a distance, as to render the ase in practice inconvenient ; which can be avoided by adopting a different practice. It is obvious then that there are two methods requisite for putting a chair into perspective ; the one as relates to the view when taken in front, or wnen the front of the chair is parallel with the plane of the picture ; the other when the chair is placed with its back and front at right angles with 3t ; or in other words, when the bevelled side of the chair is immediately oefore us. We shall give an example both ways, and coraraence with the side view in preference ; giving a plan and elevation, with a scale, by which the whole is proportioned. b X < -i iv k i^ ^ t -zn PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 101 In the present exaraple the plan of the chair seat is represented at fig. 1 : the letters AAAA, denoting the square in which the seat, with its bevelled sides A B and A B, is contained ; thus, A A denotes the front rail of the chair and B B, the back rad ; A B, and A B, are therefore the inclined sides of the seat rail coramon to all chairs : the spray of the front legs are denoted by the letters bb ; those of the back by c c. The plan, fig. 1 , being corapleted, and the profile C, fig. 2, constructed, proceed and transfer the depth (A A,) of the bevelled side of the chair in the plan, frora A to B, on the ground line, fig. 3. Next set off the raeasure or spray of the back foot (B c,) frora A to R : from R, A and B raise three perpendiculars ; B I, to receive the heights for the front rail ofthe chair, and A I for those of the back rail ; also R G to receive the height of the top yoak, the spray, or any other division of the back. Transfer, or square from the elevation C, the different heights (D D D,) of the raU and stulfing, at D D D, on the line R G ; at 6, 6, b, on the line A I ; and at c, c, c, on the line B I ; and transfer the spray b b, of the front seat in the plan, frora B to g. From R, A and B, draw visuals to the point of sight : next set off the width of the chair, (A A in the plan) from B to E ; this convey to the visual B S, by the point of distance D, intersecting it aty Frora f draw a line parallel to the ground line, intersecting the visual A S atg; this will cora plete the square containing the seat of the chair. For the bevel of the sides, set off the raeasure B A, in the plan, frora B to g, and frora E to g, on the ground line ; which measures convey on the visual B S, by the point of distance D, intersecting it at N and N. From N and N, square lines across to O and O, as shewn in fig. 4. Join B o, and fo, which wUl give the two bevelled sides, and complete the perspective plan of the seat. These lines continued wiU receive the spray of the back legs. Next from b, b, b, on A I, draw visuals at pleasure tending to S ; and frora o and 0, in the perspective plan raise perpendiculars until they intersect the visuals drawn frora b, h, h, at o, o, o, and o, o, o ; likewise frora c, c, c, on B I, draw visuals to S, which terrainate by a perpendicular frora yat c, c, c ; draw the lines co, co, co, and c o, c o, c o ; which wUl raake the Hnes of the side raUs and stuffing. To obtain the height of the back, first raise perpendiculars frora x and y, on the visual R S ; as a; A, and y M. From K in the profile C, square the 2f 102 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. height of the back to the perpendicular R G, at L ; this draw to the point of sight S : its intersection with the perpendiculars x k and y M, att and M, wUl give the height of the back. The sweep of the back may be found by dividing the height T K (in the profile, fig. 2,) into any nuraber of parts ; as at L, L, L, L : frora these divisions draw lines until they intersect the out line of the mould at M, M, M, M. From M, M, M, M, drop perpendiculars, intersecting the ground line T V, at a, a, a, a. Next square the divisions L, L, L, L, to the perpendicular line R G, as at L, L, L, L; and draw visuals tending to S, untU they intersect the lines x k and y M at P, P, P, P, and P, P, P, P. Transfer the measures a, a, a, a, (in the profile,) to the ground line fig. 3, from R to a, a, a, a, as lettered ; these convey on the bevelled lines B x and N y by the point of sight S ; frora these intersections, perpendiculars raust be raised until they raeet, each its corresponding line, squared frora P, P, P, P ; by this means points will be produced, through which to draw the outline ma king the sweep of the back : these lines form, the one an outside sweep, and the other an inward. For the inside of the back foot, set the measure T T, (in the profile fig. 2,) from R to R, fig. 3; this draw to the station S, intersecting B ar at 1, and N y at 3 : perpendiculars raised from these points will give the springing for the inside of the back leg, on the rail at 2, and on the opposite rail at 4 ; the two sweeps raay then be drawn by hand ; the thickness ofthese legs may be drawn near enough by the eye in small examples. For the front legs, the sweeps are contained within the space Z Z, in tbe profile : this raea sure is then tansferred frora B to x, and conveyed by the point of sight on the opposite side at x. Perpendiculars raised frora these points and intersected by a line squared frora Z Z, (in the profile) at Z Z; and by visuals drawn frora Z Z at zz, will give points through which the sweeps may be drawn. To give every point and line necessary to the perspective construction of such an ex ample, would only perplex the student; raore lines are now given than has hitherto been atterapted in other works of this kind , but we have chosen to be thus particular in this and the following exaraple, convinced that those who wish to learn and know the reason for that which is laid before them, wdl not be discouraged to go through the references, although apparently numerous. Fig. 4, is introduced for the purpose of shewing the manner of finding the perspective representation of the seat on a larger scale. PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 103 Plate 10. To represent an dhow chair in perspective, the front being placed parallel to th picture.. \ Having constructed the plan and profile by scale as before, and deter mined on the points of sight and distance ; coraraence by setting the raeasure of the front rail of the chair (from the plan A,) on the ground line G G, as A B ; from which draw visuals to S. Next set off the depth of the side raU from A to g ; this conveyed on the visual A S, by the point of distance, will give the perspective depth of the rail at C ; from which draw a parallel line, terminating it on the opposite visual at D. Next proceed and take half the raeasure ofthe back rail, and set it right and left frora the centre X of the front line A B ; this convey on the back line C D, by the point of sight, intersecting it at c andd; the line erf wiU then represent the width ofthe back rail. Set the width of the square A (in the plan) frora A to a, and from B to 6 ,* these draw to the point of sight S ; a line drawn from A to the point of distance, where it intersects the visual from a, will give the depth of the square ; this transferred to the visuals frora A, b, and B, will coraplete the two' squares containing the front legs : join b c and q d, which lines wUl raake the two bevelled sides, and these continued to the horizontal line H H, wiU there give the vanishing points for the bevelled sides at V 1, and V 2. From A, a, B, b, I and m, raise perpendiculars ; and consider the perpendicular A H as a Geometrical line, upon which to receive the heights from the profile B. First square or transfer the heights (x, x, x,) of the rail and stuffing to the Georaetrical line A H, at 1, 2, and 3, which continued across to the perpendiculars raised frora a, h, and B, wUl give the front Y ofthe stuffing, with the two knees X, X, of the front legs. Lines drawn frora 1, 2, 3, to the point of sight S, and received by the perpendicular frora I, at X, X, X, will make the return of the knee X, and give the plane for the scroll of the arra at the nearest corner : lines drawn frora x, x, x, to the vanishing point V 1, and received bythe perpendicular raised from c, wUl give the re presentation ofthe bevelled side of the raU and stuffing : likewise a line drawn 104 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE frora y, to tbe vanishing point V 2, and terminated by a parallel squared frora w, will coraplete the seat of the chair. To obtain the place of the elbows, setoff the distance they recede from the front line y x, (ofthe profile,) frora A to e ; this convey on the visual A S, by the point of distance : its intersection at r, wiU deterraine thc place of the elbows, which raust be squared across to the lines Ic, ot, pv, and q d, intersecting thera at o o, and oo ; o o and o o will then becorae the front lines for the upper scrolls. The depth w w, in the profile raust next be set frora e tof; conveyed on the visual A S, and be squared across as before raentioned; being denoted by the tinted planes. Frora 0, o, o, and o, o, o, raise perpendiculars; next square the height y of the elbow, and thickness z of the scroll, to the Georaetrical line A H, at 4 and 5 : lines drawn from 4 and 5, to the point of sight, received by the perpen dicular 1 1, and frora thence conveyed by the vanishing point V, to the per pendicular 0 X, will give the perspective height of the elbow, and thickness of the scroll at n and m ; and its return at g, g. Lines squared across from n and m, and received by perpendiculars from o, o, and o, o, at n, m ; n, m, and n, m, will give the planes for turning in the scrolls. Having thus obtained the planes for the top and bottom scrolls ofthe two elbows, the sweeps C, C, may then be drawn by hand. It were possible to give lines and points, whereby the sweeps C, C, raight have been found; but this would have occasioned rauch coraplexity of lines, and taken up rauch ofthe student's time to very little purpose. The elbows being drawn in, proceed next with the back ofthe chair ; first by finding its seat Z Z, in the perspective plan below, as before directed ; the distance of which from the frontline ofthe chair is denoted in the plan A, by A Z, and set on the ground line from A to k. The height and thickness of the scroll of the back, raust next be squared frora the profile B to the Georaetrical line A H, at 6 and 7 ; this convey first on the perpendicular 1 1, by the point of sight at K, K, and thence by the vanishing point V 1, on the perpendicular Z Y at Y; this wdl deterraine its perspective height; which must be squared across to X : the outline sweep of the back raay then be drawn by hand. The directions given in the pre ceding plate for finding points to obtain the outHne of the back, will also apply to this exaraple ; as likewise for the sweep of the elbows. The front legs are denoted on the perspective plan by the tinted circles contained in the squares / A a, and m 6 B ; the diameters of which will regulate the I^IKKLSIM'^-I- J^'l'.; _Xl!a Dfsttunr U J-'t. 'ff In ,iroffi Pfiiil or Shfht %.l>t/ t/it Scti/e . Lnnrlnn, l-1.ibUTl-n-K IR SFJt;C TIVE XUI. Disttmce 17 F-l. J lu, th-im Sta77ffih %, bi/t/u- SiSAlE. Feet. J I ¦ ' ' ' ' I ¦-^-' london .Pn'-'i' lied !; Jone: i- l" .i,v^i'7. 1S57. PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 109 tion of the process, as the student will in this example find all the necessary lines laid down, which by a little attention he will find to correspond with those at the opposite end, either by figures or letters. The projections being thus correctly obtained, the pattern ofthe standard, as shewn in the profile, is to be drawn by hand, as recoraraended in the preceding lessons. The sha dowed example below exhibits the same table divested of the perspective lines, to give the learner a more distinct idea ofthe pattern. Plate 13. The plan and profile ofa circular loo table being given, to represent the same in parallel perspective ; having a turned column on a triangular block for its support. It will be necessary first to make a correct plan of the table ; viz. its circular top, which must be coraprised within a square equal to its dia meter, for the purpose of obtaining the Diagonal points on the circle ; as mar ked X, X. Within this circle is placed the block, whether triangular or of a square figure. If triangular as in the present instance, the raethod for obtaining such will be found amply detailed in plate 4 Georaetrical figures, page 51, to which the reader is referred. The seraicircle F X G X H, denotes one half the plan of the table top ; the sine circle within this, denotes the situation of the rail under the top ; the dotted seraicircle K L M, bounds the triangle, in which is forraed the block. : the seraicircle N U 0 W P, inscribes the ornaraental raoulding H, in the profile, and the semicircle E, denotes the diameter of the pillar at G, in the same profile. Having inscribed the circle in a square, draw the diagonals B E and D E, intersecting the circle at X and X : you have then four points out of eight for obtaining the perspective circle : that is, supposing the whole of the plan was shewn coraplete, of which arc half is only given in the plate before us, for want of roora. As all the other references relate to the operative part of the circle, to say any thing farther as regards thera in the plan would be needless : we shall therefore proceed to the operation. Having as before, 2h no PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. determined the Ground Hne and the height of the Horizontal line, with .th«^ station or point of sight S ; as also the point of distance, (in this example out of the picture,) you must first make a perspective plan at any distance below the ground line : For the lower it is placed below the horizon, as has been before observed, the more distinct will be the intersections of the lines. In this species of table, the block of which is triangular, it may be necessary to say soraething as to the choice of the point of view. It will in all cases be raost advisable when the block is triangular, to regulate your view so as to have the apex of the triangle to appear in front, or directly in the centre ; by which raeans its figure will be better raade out, and convey a more distinct idea of its form. Let the line O O, be placed any distance below the ground line at pleasure ; on which line lay down the width or diaraeter of the top of the table (as taken from the plan) from A to B ; taking care that the centre F of this line be placed perpendicularly under the station S. From A and B draw visuals to S, and coraplete the perspective square A B C D, as shewn in the diagrara, plate 2, page 79. Draw the opposite diagonal A D ; also the lines F H and I G; you have then four points for turning in the elHpsis or perspective plan of the table top. Take the distance D x, frora the plan in the corapasses, and set it on the line A B, from A to x, and from B to ary visuals drawn frora x and x, intersecting the diagonals A D and B C, at X, X, X, and X, wUl produce four other points through' which the ellipsis may be described. The measure G i, in the plan; is next set off on the line A B from A to i, and from B to i, in the perspective plan. Visuals drawn frora i and t, to S, wUl intersect the diagonals A D and B C at ir, r, r, and r, and thereby produce a square circurascribing the ellipsis, making the frame under the top of the table. The raeasure D y in the plan, is next set off on the line A B, from A to y and from B to y; visuals drawn fromy and y, intersecting the diagonals A B and C D, at y, y, y, and y, will give the four diagonal points, through which to trace the inner circle :~the four central noints are seen by the intersection of the lines I G and F H, at w w, &c. To find the situation or place for the block gRhh P, (in the plan,) transfer the measure I h, right and left of the centre F, on the line A B at the points 1 and 1 : from these draw visuals to S. Likewise PL.CXII -^ HOR- POI NT of DISTAN C E is ll(' 1 1 '" from ih e § _P O ] NT of SIGHT by the SCALE^ HOR. PERSPECTIV E.XIII. PROFI LE. - o 's. ZG A ' ^'1/ 3 if-i.r I, B <¦ Feet. V d f London Published bv Jones t C? Feb? 1827 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. Ill transfer the measure f g, from F to 5 and F to 6. Next take the raeasures Fy, B h, and h o, and set thera frora B to c, frora B to d, and frora d tof; these convey on the visual B D by the point of distance, intersecting it at m, I and b. Lines squared frora m and / and intersected by the visuals drawn frora 1, 2, and 3, 4, wiU give the two canted sides h h and hh; also a line squared frora b, intersecting the visuals drawn frora 5 and 6, will produce the canted corner e g. The points e h and g h, being joined, and continued to the Horizontal line, will there produce the vanishing points for the inclined sides of the triangle, of which one is shewn in the plate at V, to which the canted side h h would tend ; the tendency of other vanishing points being shewn by the dotted lines V and V. The square Q R S T, and the one within raarked E are found by setting the corresponding raeasures E O. &c. in the plan, frora F to 9, frora F to 8, and from F to 7, which measures are conveyed on the diagonals A D and B C by visuals as before. The intersection of the visuals 8 and 9, with the diagonals, will give the points R and Q; likewise the intersection ofthe visual from F, with the line squared from I, will produce the point P, answering to P in the plan : through these points, R, Q and P, the sweep sines ofthe block may be traced. For the pillar, the circle contained in the square Q R S T answers to the circle N O W P, &c. in the plan, and denotes the situation of the raoulding H in the profile, making the base of the pillar: the inside circle E, also answers to that marked E in the plan, and determines the greatest diameter of the pillar in the profile at G. We have thus been particular in describing the process for obtaining the per spective plan for a table of this kind, which being well understood, will render other objects less difficult of comprehension. The next step is that of putting the profile or elevation into perspective; in doing of which, the perspective plan wUl be found of considerable service. First raise a perpendicular from the point B in the perspective plan : this becomes a geometrical line upon which to receive all the original heights frora the profile, and is here raarked G G. Commence and transfer the heights 6, 7 and 8 from the profile, to 6, 7 and 8, on the georaetrical line G G. Frora 8 on the georaetrical line, square the line 8-8, which make equal to A B in the plan below : frora 8 and 8 draw visuals tending to S ; lines drawn frora 8 and 8 to the points of distance, will intersect these visuals at 9 and 9, and 112 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. complete the perspective square ofthe top. The eight points through whi to draw the ellipsis, are squared up from the corresponding points in the p« spective plan. For obtaining the thickness ofthe top, a line must be squar from 7 to 7; and for the depth of the rail, a line must be drawn frora 6 the point of distance, intersecting a perpendicular squared frora r in t plan; frora thence squared across, and terrainated by a perpendicular squar up from r on the opposite corner, intersecting it at a. The planes produei the points, through which to describe the two ellipses making the thickne of the top and depth of the rail, are squared up from the points X, X and y in the plan ; for further instruction, the student is referred to plate 5, fig. No. 1 and 2, page 89. To obtain the representation of the block, proce and raise a perpendicular frora b, in the plan up to the ground line at upon which to receive all the perspective heights forming the thickness the block, and place for the front foot. Square from the profile to t line G G, the heights 1 and 2; these convey on the perpendicular fn X by the point of sight S, at h, b and h ; lines squared from these poii determine the perspective height of the front foot, likewise the thickness of 1 block at the canted corner eg. Lines squared up frora e g, in the ph will intersect these lines so squared, at o o, o o, and produce the cant corner as seen in front, and give the situation of the front foot at e g. Fn eg, 0 0, and o o, draw lines tending to the vanishing points V and V; a square up the points h h and h h frora the plan, until they intersect th( vanishing lines at the points p p,p p; this wUl deterraine the extremities the block at the furthest corners ; lines drawn from o and o, to the t vanishing points, and intersecting lines drawn frora p and p, to the sa points, will give the two canted corners of the block at q and q. It n reraains to find the seat of the square Q R S T (in the plan below,) on the 1 of the block above ; to obtain which, draw a line frora 2 to the point distance, which line intersected by a perpendicular squared up from R the ground plan, will give the front of the square at r. A line squared fr r and intersected by a perpendicular squared up from Q, will give the pc q above, and deterraine one side ofthe square; visuals drawn frora q and r i terrainated by the diagonals at t and s, will give the two returning sides the same square ; which is completed by drawing a parallel from t t Within this square, the circle regulating the base moulding of the pi PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE 113 must be drawn, answering to H in the profile. Lastly, square the heights marked 3, 4 and 5 in the profile, to the Geometrical line at 3, 4 and 5. Lines drawn frora 3 and 4 to the point of distance, and intersected by perpendiculars squared from u and a in the plan, will determine the perspective height of the mouldings at u and a, answering to those marked 3 and 4 in the |.rofile. The diminution of the pillar at 5 is found after the same manner. The sweeps on each side of the block are drawn by hand from q, through p to q; from p, through g to oy and from p, through r to o, on the opposite side. The sweeps making the thickness of the block are drawn after the same manner; the centres of which are found by dropping perpendiculars from q and r ; intersecting r, by a line drawn frora 1 to the point of distance at w, which raust be squared across to the perpendicular from q, at x. The paw feet are likewise to be drawn by hand, which must depend entirely on the taste of the draughftsman ; the guiding lines at p and p pointing out their situation : the same may be said as to the outline of the pillar. AU circular objects, and particularly tables, are best represented perspec tively with the eye placed in the centre, or equaUy betwixt its two extremes ; answering to what is terraed a central view : this has been adopted in the present exaraple. In all cases where a circular object, as the one before us, comes urider practice, the central point of view is recoraraended in preference to that of a side one ; for unless the spectator places himself or takes his station at a very considerable distance on one side of the circle, and also takes a long point of distance, the circle wiU become very much elongated at the furthest extreraity from him ; and vice versa, tbe nearest end will becorae very rauch foreshortened : thus, although the block be placed exactly in the centre, the top of the table will appear to hang over raore on one side than the other, producing thereby a distorted appearance. These obser vations have been deeraed necessary in order that the learner may avoid adopting that point of view ever found to produce a bad effect. 2 1 114 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. Plate 14. The perspective representation ofa cheval dressing glass, the front heing placed parallel to the picture ; shewing the mode and manner of finding per spective by the inclination of the swing frame, thrown hack in any im lined position. Fig. A, shews one half the elevation of the cheval frarae and glass, as seen in front. Fig. B, shews the profile of one of the standards, with the inclined position of the swing frarae, as raarked by the letters X X. The ground line is denoted by the letters G G ; the horizontal Hne by the letters H H, and in this example is placed 4 feet 9 inches frora the ground. The points of sight and distance are both placed out of the picture; the point of sight being 7 feet 21 inches by the scale frora D on the right hand ; the point of distance being the sarae raeasure frora D on the left hand : this is done for the sake of shewing the object to the best advantage ; for in all cases the further the point of view is placed frora the nearest side of the object, and the further the point of distance is reraoved back frora the front of it, the greater similarity wiU its appearance bear to the original. It will be necessary first to make a perspective plan as before directed in the preceding examples : for which purpose, the measure C a, in the front elevation, is first set off on the ground line G G from C to a, right and left ; likewise the measure C b, in the sarae elevation, is set frora C to h, right and left, on the sarae line. These measures, a a and b b, are then conveyed to the point of sight by visuals. The measure o o, in the profile B, must next be taken and set off from a to o ; this measure being conveyed to the point of distance, wUl intersect the visual a datd; a line squared frora d, and intersecting the visuals drawn frora b, b, and a, at e, e, and d, will determine by those intersections the utmost stretch of the claws of both standards perspectively ; as also their thickness in front. The tinted planes raarked ////and gggg, denote the front and depth of the two blocks which receive the claws, and answer to the measure marked pp in the profile : this raeasure is set right and left of the centre X at the points p and p, and conveyed by the point of distance on the visual a d as before, intersecting it at g and g. 4{\ — T ^1 I |2 ^^^^-^-^ V "tr~- -(== Trr «iU> S'- - Vf.^ f V*- I I ' i '^ V-k _^ ^ M ^ 0 =>¦ Sh if g. V co_ fe •! S: yi\ ^ k> ^ t; Ju _,1 Yi ^- ^ w ©3 0 ^ 1=1 ¦i\ u- 2 // @; 4<^ ,/ PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 115 The tinted plane raarked k k shews the situation and perspective width of the glass frarae : this is found by taking frora the front elevation the mea sure C c, and setting it right and left of the centre C, as at c c, frora which visuals raust be drawn as before, intersecting a line squared frora q, at k and k. For the reraainder, the student is referred to the exaraple itself, where he will find in the perspective plan, all the Hnes laid down, necessary for work ing his draught. So rauch having already been detailed in the preceding lessons as to raising the elevation from the perspective plan, as also for obtaining the perspective heights of all objects, we have only to state that the heights in this exaraple are all transferred as usual frora the profile and front elevation upon the two original lines raarked F and G ; as denoted by the figures 1, 2, 3, &c. and 1, 2, 3, &c. and carried frora thence by visuals to the point of sight, intersecting perpendiculars raised from the corres ponding places in the perspective plan, as wiU be seen by inspection; G being the geometrical line for the standard at the nearest end, and F, that of the standard at the farthest end. It now remains to lay down the process for obtedning, perspectively, the incHned position of the glass frarae, its swing being thrown back at any supposed inclination. Let X X, in the profile B, be the supposed inclination of the swing frarae : frora X and X drop perpendiculars, intersecting the ground line at X and x. Take half the raeasure x x, and set it .right and left of the centre X, as at x and x ; these points convey by the point of distance onthe visual a d at m and m; lines squared frora m and m, intersecting the visuals drawn frora c and c wUl give the seat of the top line y X, of the glass frame at / and I ; the seat of the bottora line y x,atn and n. From c and c on the ground line raise the perpendiculars E and E, upon which lines transfer frora the profile, the height of the central point or pivot upon which the glass revolves, at Z and Z ; these heights being con veyed to the point of sight, will intersect the perpendiculars raised from k and k, at z and z, and deterraine the height of each centre or pivot per spectively. Next transfer from the profile B, the upper and lower heights, X and X upon the perpendiculars E and E at W and W, Y and Y : these heights convey by the point of sight on the perpendiculars raised from I and I; n and n, intersecting them at y and j;, y and x: lines drawn from x through z to x, and frora y through z to y, will represent the inclined position 118 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. of the glass frarae, which is completed by squaring lines from x ana x, top and bottom. The banding forraing the face of the frarae, is placed on the perpendicular E, as at V, and conveyed frora thence bythe point of sight on the inclined line x x ; the sarae raeasure wiU answer for the three other sides. The divisions comprising the ornaraental parts of the stretcher, are taken frora the front elevation, and placed on the ground Hne, right and left of the centre C, at r r and s s; frora thence conveyed on the Hue k k, by visuals drawn to the point of sight, and then carried by perpendiculars upon the line of the stretcher, as raay be seen by inspection. The vanishing point of all inclined planes, supposing such planes to be placed in front of the spectator, as in the present example, is seated in a perpendicular raised upon the horizontal line from the station point ; and is found by a line drawn frora the point of distance parallel to the inclined position of the glass frarae, and continued until it intersects such perpen dicular : in this instance the vanishing point for the incHned plane of the glass would be at a considerable distance above the horizontal line, being 30 feet by the scale ; and therefore the present process is adopted as saving rauch trouble and inconvenience to the learner. The incHned Hne frora D, is drawn parallel to the inclined position of the glass frame X X, and would, if continued, intersect a perpendicular raised on the station point, at a distance of 15 feet above the horizontal line, which would be one half the required distance of the vanishing point ; the point D being only half the real distance frora the point of sight, as before observed. Every object moveable on a centre, will by its evolution round its own axis, describe a circle: it follows therefore that the inclined position of aU doors and box-lids thrown open ; dressing-glass fraraes, wheel-spokes, &c. may be found perspectively on the circumference of an ellipsis, such being the perspective representation of a circle ; but this would be attended with more trouble and time than the process adopted in the present instance. To elucidate the foregoing observations, two diagrams are added, the one geometrical and the other perspective ; shewing the method of finding the position of an inclined surface perspectively, as observed above. PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. ll Fig 1 1^ .TF Fig. 2 The learner raay suppose A B, Fig. 1, to represent the edge of a glass frame, or any other object, as raoveable on its pivot or axis C, round which it revolves. It is therefore evident, that if the frarae be turned on its centre, it win by its evolution describe the dotted circle A E B F. If the same frame be removed from its perpendicular position A, to the points, its position will then be inclined, as shewn at h g ; for being revolved on its centre or pivot C, the bottom edge of the frarae would rest atg, and make the angle g- C B, equal the angle A C /«; therefore let the frame be moved into any position; whether perpendicular, inclined, or horizontal, it would still describe a circle : consequently its top and bottora edges would be liraited by the periphery of a circle. Fig. 2. Shews the circle A E B F, fig. 1, as represented perspec tively, the sarae forraing the ellipsisaftcrf: parallel with it, is shewn another elHpsis efg h, as produced frora the sarae circle. In both these eUipses the lines k k and 1 1 represent the two upright edges of the glass frame, as placed in the inclined position h g, fig. I . It will be seen in this diagram that the sides of the glass frarae converge frora the bottom to the top edge, which being continued, would fall into a point situated in a plane perpendicular to the horizon ; which perpendicular, as we have before observed, would be raised on the point of sight. The student has now before him three different modes of effecting the same end, viz. the mode laid down in the Example, plate 14; secondly, the method of finding a vanishing point into which the sides of the glass would 2 K ug PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. converge, by a line drawn from the point of distance, parallel to the inclined position of the frame, whatever such may be, until it intersects the per pendicular raised from the point of sight ; and, lastly, the mode as here shewn in fig. 2. We shall conclude the present treatise with some PreHminary Observa tions on Angular Perspective, as applicable to objects of furniture ; and explain its principles by an example, shewing a four post bedstead as placed in an inclined position with respect to the plane of the picture; giving at the same tirae instructions for laying down the Hnes, vanishing points, &c. for the same. ANGULAR PERSPECTIVE. Preliminary Observations. Hitherto the practical part of Perspective in this treatise has been confined to a parallel view of the f bject with re pect to the plane of the picture ; this being considered the most eligible position as regards house hold furniture in general ; first, as conveying a more lively and correct representation of the object to the individual to whom the design is offered ; and secondly, by the addition of a plan and profile, accorapanied with a scale of feet and inches, enabling the workman to ascertain correctly, every geometrical raeasure, as regards height, depth, and projection of breaks and mouldings. There is no method in practice, that can be applied with more success than parallel perspective for the delineation of furniture designs ; which therefore in this instance is strongly recommended. Inclined per- PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 119 spective, which is raore generally practised amongst architects, is chiefly applicable in delineating views of detached buildings with their surrounding scenery; colonnades, porticoes, &c. and all subjects wherein picturesque effect is required ; and which parallel perspective would fail to produce. We have nevertheless, in order to render the present treatise complete and generaUy useful, given one exaraple in this branch of the art; with instructions, showing how far angular perspective may in some cases be successfully applied in delineating objects of household furniture. The difference between parallel and inclined perspective, consists in the position of the object under view, with respect to the plane of the picture ; as is exemplified and iUustrated in the annexed diagrara. Let the line P P, re present the plane of the pic ture ; S, the station point, or spot where the spectator is supposed to stand to view the objects A and B. The object A is said to be placed parallel to the picture and to the spectator; as having its front face a b parallel to the plane PP, and its side face be at right angles to it ; the va nishing point of such side would in this instance be in the centre of the picture, or that point immediately opposite the eye ofthe spectator ; as shewn at C. The figure B is said to be inclined to the picture ; its sides d a and d c being neither parallel to the plane P P, nor at right angles to it: the vanishing points for the sides d a and d c, as produced by the lines S V and S V, would cut the picture at angles equal to the angles which the sides d a and dc would make with the plane PP; as shewn bythe arcs eyand^A; ef being equal to a b, and g h equal to c C. The figures D and E, are perspective representations of the objects A and B, as both would appear to the eye of a spectator stationed at S 120 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. shewing the difference in appearance betwixt a parallel and inclined position of the object : s becomes the vanishing point for the return side t, of fig D, as squared up from the centre C : v and v are the vanishing points for the sides o and x, fig. E, as squared up from the points V and V. When one face of the object, as a h, is coincident with the plane of the picture ; that is, directly in the line of it, such face would be drawn geometrically, and conse quently may be raeasured by scale. This branch of perspective may be generally appHed to all objects, approaching in their dimension and form to that ofa square ; that is, iu any figure wherein one side does not raaterially exceed the other ; as in chairs, bedsteads, pedestals for sideboards, &c.: it raay also be successfully applied to all articles of furniture, taking either a triangular, octagonal, or circular form ; such as tripod stands, candelabra, loo-tables, &c. When the object is required to be shown in angular perspective, it is always advisable to place the station point at a much greater distance than perhaps would be requisite in parallel perspective; for by placing the station point too near the object, the vanishing points for its sides will be brought proportionally near also, and cause them to converge too suddenly ; giving the object a distorted appearance, and consequently conveying an incorrect idea of it to the spectator. In the example now given, a very distant station is made choice of; which producing vanishing points proportionally distant, tend to give the object a more natural and agreeable appearance to the eye, but which would be found nevertheless very inconvenient in raost instances for drawing articles of furniture ; such vanishing points being so far removed out of the picture or off the paper, as to require boards of larger diraen sions to be made use of, in order to receive them. Having said thus much, we shall now proceed to explain the principles of this branch of perspective, and iUustrate the foregoing observations by the foUowing example; (representing a four-post bedstead, as such would appear to the eye when inclined to the picture). ? /pop jvMQ.lHiMishcd \-iif ioTKi V C°»Iiiv5,ia?7 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 121 Plate 15. To represent a four post bedstead and furniture in inclined perspective, the sarr.e being placed in any angular position. In the delineation of an object in Angular Perspective, it is requisite in the first instance to find the vanishing points in the horizon to which the sides of the object would converge ; also to lay down the points of distance, the same serving to cut off all original measures on the vanishing lines, as respects length or breadth ; it will therefore be necessary before we commence with our instructions in the present example, to lay before the student the method and process of finding these different points, frora any angular position of the object; which being well understood in the first instance, will render this branch of perspective less difficult of attainment. As the vanishing points, and points of distance, made use of in this exaraple of the bedstead, could not be shewn in the plate for want of roora, the method for laying thera down is shewn in the diagram, fig. 1 ; where H H, denotes the horizontal line ; C S the distance of the picture, as set up per pendicularly from C to S ; the sarae being one sixth ofthe original distance of the station point for the bedstead, as set up frora C on the horizontal line below. Let abed, be the plan of an original figure, as inclined to the parallel line G G; its inclination being shewn by the angles ech and fc d. Frora the station point S, lay down the angle g S h, equal to the angle eeb in the original figure A ; also from S, lay down the angle i S h, equal to the angle fed, in the same figure. From S, through h and k, draw the lines S V and S V : V and V, wiU then become the vanishing points for the sides a b, d c, and a d,b c. Bisect the angle k^ hatl ; a line drawn from S through I, will produce the diagonal point at m. The distance 1 — S, laid down on the horizontal line frora V, will produce the right hand point of distance at E; the distance 2 S, laid down from V, will produce the point of distance 2. on the left hand. The picture is then prepared for practice ; having the two vanishing points, \ and - for the sides of the object, with the two points of distance " and .f, for the purpose of cutting off on the vanishing lines 2 L 132 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. e— I and c~2, any original raeasure of length or breadth. The diagonal point m, serves as a vanishing point for any diagonal or raitre line in the plan A, and by raeans of which, all mitres are projected. Transfer frora c on the Hne G G, the side c b of the fig. A, at e; likewise the side cdatf, on the same line; these measures conveyed on the vanishing lines c — I and c — 2 by the points of distance, will give the perspective length and breadth of the figure, at o and p : lines drawn frora o and p to the points Vand V, intersecting each other at r, will produce the plane c o r p, which plane will be the perspective representation of the plan A. From c, o, p and r, raise perpendiculars at pleasure: on the perpendicular raised from e, set up the intended height of the object, as at g ; which draw to the yanishing points as , before, intersecting the perpendiculars from o and p^ at s and t : the figure is then completed. We shall now coraraence with the application of this diagram in the example of the bedstead. Having laid down the vanishing points, &c. agreeable to the inclined position of the bedstead, proceed and raise a perpendicular O G, frora the point O, which consider as a geometrical line. On this line set up all the original heights ; viz. the height of the rail at 1 and 2 ; the height of the foot board and bedding, at 3; the height of the bolster, at 4; the height of the bedpillars and teaster frarae, at 5 and 6 ; aqd that of the risers on the laths at 7. Frora O, 5 and 6, draw lines to the respective vanishing points : next take six feet frora the scale, which set off from O to 6, on the right hand of the georaetrical line ; and set off 7 feet frora O to 7, on the left hand of the sarae line : these raeasures being conveyed on to the vanishing lines O V and O V by the points of distance, will deterraine the length and width ofthe bedstead at a and b. From a and b, draw lines to the vanishing points, intersecting each other ate; and from a and i, raise up perpendiculars until they meet the vanishing lines 6 V and 6 V at e and f; a e and bf wiU then represent the two extreme corners of the bedstead. The situation of each post on the ground is thus found : take 4j inches from the scale for the diameter, which set off on the ground Hne from O to/>,right and left from 6 to p, and frora 7 to p : these raeasures convey on the vanishing lines O V and O V by the points of distance, at y, y, y, and-y. Lines drawn frora y, y, &c. to the vanishing points, intersecting each other at z, s, &c. will produce the perspective squares ayz, yO y z. zyb, and dzyc. Thus much PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. ' 123 being done, proceed next with the teaster.; first by drawing the line TT through the point 6, upon which line, set off the breadth of the teaster lath, viz. 3^ inches, from 6 to r, right and left ; from T to r and from T to r ; these measures convey on to the vanishing lines 6 e and 6 f by the points of distance at s, s, s, and s; and square them down on the lines 5 v and 5 v at u, u, &c. Liues drawn from u, u, &c. as also frome, *; s, s ; and s,f, to the respective vanishing points, intersecting each other at t and w, will complete the teaster frarae of the bedstead ; and perpendiculars squared up frora the planes a y z, y o y z, Slc. terrainating with the plane of the teaster, wiU give the representation of each post, considered as a square body. For the side and foot rails of the bedstead, the ornaraental parts of the pillars, &c. the learner is referred to the plate. The bolster is found by setting off the measure of its diameter (9 inches) from p to m, which must be conveyed on the vanishing line atg, as before, by the point of distance, and from thence drawn to the right hand vanishing point, intersecting the line c b at h: lines squared up from g and h, and cut by the lines drawn from 3 and 4, will give the planes A and B, in which to draw the two ellipsis forming the ends of the bolster ; which raust be joined by lines drawn to the right hand vanishing point. The bedstead being thus completed, the furniture may be designed and drawn in according to fancy ; which in this example is shewn on one side only ; the other side, shewing the frame of the bedstead, with the pattern of the bed pillars. The inside vallance is shewn on one side at f—t. Fig. 2, shews the plan of the bedstead, drawn to a scale reduced, J 'the size ofthe perspective example. The distance of each vanishing point, and point of distance in this example, as set off on tbe horizontal line from the centre C, is as follows. Ft. In. Station point 20 2 upwards frora C Right hand vanishing point . 19 8"\ heft hand Ditto ... 20 7 f the horizontal line Right hand point of distance . 8 4 T from the centre C Left hand Ditto ... 87) In concluding this portion of the drawing book, it may be proper to furnish such hints and observations as wiU assist the learner, uot only in his studies, but atthe sarae time point out to hira the course he may persue with 124 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. the greatest advantage to himself My chief aim in compiling this treatise has been, to render the practice of perspective familiar and comprehensive to those for whose use this work is designed ; to comprise theresult of many years study and practice in as small a compass as the subject would possibly admit of; lo illustrate its principles by the most easy and simple examples ; and to convey the instructions given with each example in the plainest language. This I have endeavoured to do to the best of my abilities ; how far I have succeeded in the undertaking, raust be left to the 'udg ment of the reader. The science of Geometry is made the corner stone Ol my structure : the principles of this science the student is strongly advised to make hiraself acquainted with ; and first with the definitions ; not contenting himself with a mere reading, but to use every endeavour and all possible raeans to imprint thera on his meraory; so as to have them present at all times, as occasion may call thera into use. Although this raay appear dry, and be attended with sorae difficulty in the first instance, yet once obtained, will render the practical part of Geometry not only more pleasant, but much more easy in the attainment. Throughout the whole of this treatise, every endeavour on the Author's part has been used to render the science easy of coraprehension, and at the sarae time amusing, as far as the nature of the subject would allow. Much original matter has been given in this treatise, especially in the practical part; and every information afforded which the Author's many years expe rience and reading have enabled him to offer, He who would cultivate his vineyard, must labour I He wno would reap the fruits of an harvest, raust sow ! and he who would seek to gain diamonds, must be content to search and dig for thera ! The sarae reasoning appHes to all those who wish to acquire knowledge ; they raust not only read, but digest what they peruse, and enure themselves to private study if they wish to learn and excel in any science ; unattainable without such resolutions. A slight reading will answer well in the first outset : a closer reading is recomiriended for the second, and a still closer reading for the third. If the student can be prevailed upon to make use of this exertion, the reward he will ultimately receive, will be more than commensurate to the anxiety, pain, and trouble experienced in the trial. The pupil in this case is recommended to copy each diagram on a larger scale, and if he can be PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 125 reconciled to encounter the trouble of writing out the instructions on paper, he will find an advantage more than equal to the time bestowed on the labour; as this will tend to imprint them more firmly on his meraory: in addition to w^hich, the written instructions being thus before the student, will render a reference to the work less irksorae, and where the references are raany, less perplexing. This practice is recoraraended by the Author, frora the advantages it has afforded to his pupils in their tuition ; and inasmuch as it has been observed and followed, so have his scholars improved and benefited by it. In the study of Perspective, the same course raust be pursued as is here recommended with regard to the Geometry ; the pupd commencing first with the definitions, which should be well imprinted on his memory; proceeding next with the practical diagrams, which will then be the easier understood; and having made himself thorough master of these, together with their use, he will be enabled the better to apply them in working the practical examples which follow. He whose disposition would lead him not only to learn, but to excel or attain preeminence in any art or science, must first raake himself master of the principles on which that art or science is founded ; without which, either his failure in the knowledge of it must follow, or his progress in the study of it be greatly retarded. Perspective as an art, is the offspring of geometry; its principles depending on, and entirely to be drawn from it. To expatiate and enlarge on the utility of these two sciences, with the connection and relation they bear to each other, would occupy and require more room than can be allowed in this place : it only remains to observe, that the doctrine of angles, as laid down in the first part of the geometrical treatise, (see pages 5 and 6) if weU digested and understood in the first instance, will be found of essential service in facilitating the knowledge of this most useful department of mechanical drawing perspective. By the doctrine of angles we are enabled to find the trae place of any vanishing point to which the side of an object would tend ; either in the horizontal, or on a perpendicular plane. In the Geometrical definitions, the learner will find that frequent refer ence is made to their use in perspective: (see pages 1, 2, 4, &c.) All lines tending to the point of distance, either in parallel or incHned perspective, answer to the diagonal Hnes of a square in Geometry : This is quite 2 M 126 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. sufficient to shew the accordance and relation, existing between the two sciences. In fraraing the perspective exaraples, as applicable to objects of furniture, attention has been paid to give such only as would be really useful, and at the sarae time pleasing and interesting ; being fuUy aware, that in most in stances, it is necessary to lead the mind, and encourage it in the pursuit of science, by a judicious selection of objects. We shall conclude this treatise with offering to the student the following directions, as regards the utensils necessary for his practice. In commencing with the study of Geometry or Perspective, it is neces sary that the learner provide himself with a case of raathematical instruments, a drawing board, a T square and a parallel ruler. The case of instruments should consist of a pair of dividing compasses ; a pair of corapasses with shifting limbs, the one for a pencil, the other for ink; a drawing pen with steel point, and a pair of bow corapasses for the purpose of striking sraaller circles ; and these also adapted to receive a shifting limb for pencil or ink, as occasion raay require : ' In addition to these, raay be added a plain scale, as described in Geometry, page 55. These instruraents are all that are necessary for the student in this departraent of drawing ; the sector, pro portional compasses, &c. being more in use ainongst those who practice in the higher branches of mathematics. The drawing board should be made with a shifting pannel, to receive on it the drawing paper, whicn is first damped over with a wet sponge. It is necessary to be observed, that one side of the drawing paper is to be pre ferred to the other, as being less defective. In the manufacture of all drawing paper, that side destined by the maker, for receiving the artist's performance, has on it a covering of size, which the other side does not possess ; and which therefore may be found defective : this is known by holding the paper before the Hght, in which case, the water-mark with the maker's name, raust invari ably read backward ; this is the side to be wetted and placed next to the shifting pannel ; after which the paper should be notched at the four corners, and, with the pannel, placed in the frarae ; the whole being secured by two shifting battens : the fair side of the paper will then offer itself, and when dry, be ready for use. The structure of the drawing board for this purpose PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 127 Fig.f. A wiUbeeasie* understood, by reference to the annexed wood-cut, (fig.l,) which represents it with its front face upwards ; shewing a fraraing all round, equal to two inches. Figure 2, shows a section of the sarae board ; the upper face A, Fig. 1, being denoted at B ; by which may be seen, the manner in which the loose pannel is made to fit into the frame. The size ofthe board for general use, should mea sure 18 inches by 2 feet, in cluding the outside frame. The T square having a stock, into which is affixed the blade or staff, fitted exactly at right angles to it, should be raade of a length proportionable to that of the board in use. fn many of these squares, the stock is raade to consist of two parls ; the one attached to the blade as a fixture, the other moveable on a centre or pivot ; and both secured by a thumb screw in such manner, that when the raoveable part of the stock is placed at the edge of the drawing board, the other half with the blade attached to it, becoraes moveable ; and may be adapted to any inclination, or set to any angle at the discretion of the stu dent. (See its use further explained in pages 22 and 23.) The parallel ruler is also of indispensable utUity in the practice of geometrical and perspective drawing : its length should not be less than 15 inches for general use. Its construction aid use has been already described and demonstrated : (seepage 22, Practical jeoraetry.) Il2. Jr Iti. Ji ¦¦¦ill Fig. 2. B. 128 ORNAMENTAL DRAWING. ELEMENTS OF ORNAMENT, DRAWING IN GENERAL. Preliminary Observations. Ornamental drawingeonstitutes a very essential part in the qualification of those artisans for whose use this work has been composed ; viz. that of the Upholsterer and Cabinet-raaker : and as no design can be considered complete in which this elegant and useful branch of drawing is wanting, so the present work could not be considered as complete in' itself, or as a whole, without a treatise on the subject ; combining every information which such a branch of Art would require. It has therefore been thought neces sary by the Author to lay down such rules and precepts, as are really necessary and useful for this purpose, offering the result of raany years prac tice and experience. This part of our work opens a wide field for great and continued grati fication ; for without ornamental embellishraent, the two sister arts (Geometry and Perspective) appear undressed ; but with the assistance of ornamental drawing, what is taught in the two former branches, is heightened, realized and brought to perfection by the latter. It is quite possible to delineate a design correctly in perspective ; but how often, for want of practice in the ornamental branch, are such designs deficient in good drawing : it is on this ground, that he who would perfect himself and become a correct draughtsman, should make himself proficient in this fascinating, elegant, and useful depart raent of drawing. It remains now to point out the direct road in which the student raay travel ; not only with advantage to himself, but with a promise of reward at the end of his journey. ORNAMENTAL DRAWING. 129 It is a usual practice with many parents to send their sons to be taught Perspective Drawing only, whilst they are totally ignorant and unacquainted with that which should precede such instruction : nothing in this instance can be more erroneous in principle, and nothing worse in practice : it would be quite as consistent to put a youth to the learning of Matheraatics without a previous instruction in Geometry ; and to teach him the science of Algebra, without a previous knowledge of the four fundamental rules in Arithmetic. The Author from many years practice in teaching, has invariably found it of the greatest advantage to the pupil, to perfect him previously in Ornamental Drawing. The first object of the pupd is to gain a freedora of hand for sketching, and to attain a thorough acquaintance with every line in all its circuravo- lutions and bearings; and this can only be achieved by continual practice. This mode has all along been considered as the raost conducive in the end towards producing perfection of outline in drawing ; added to which, a double advantage is obtained ; naraely, that of designing ornaraent tastefully, and drawing that ornament more correctly when subject to the laws of per spective. Taking this view of the subject, a treatise on Ornamental Drawing wUl not be considered as an unnecessary appendage to this work. What we have to detail on the subject will be laid down in a plain and farailiar raanner, such as will meet the comprehension of the learner. It would be a loss of time to give a youth an ornamental lesson to copy, without first instructing him in the leading principles by which it is produced . for without proper attention be paid in this instance, he will produce a faulty drawing, and in raost cases a very imperfect copy ofthe original. As Ornaraental Drawing therefore forras an essential qualification both to the upholsterer and the cabinet-raaker, it should be practised and be well understood previous to the study of Perspective. Perspective as applicable to furniture drawing, differs in sorae raeasure frora the practice of it in Architecture ; the one being alraost wholly confined to straight lines ; whereas the other is in a great raeasure coupled with lines that are curved, or on the sweep. By the rules of perspective, the planes which inscribe all eUiptical curve lines are produced; and by the sarae rules, certain points are found in those planes, through which the outline of such curves may be traced ; but without a previous practice in 2 N 130 ORNAMENTAL DRAWING. ornamental drawing, these lines will ever be at variance with truth. To obviate this difficulty, the system of drawing various curved lines is here recomraended; and which may be practised jointly with the study of geometry : our system therefore coraraences with a series of siraple and corapound outlines, as coraprised in plates CX. and CXI. the same having been carefully studied and wholly adapted to ornaraental composition ; and to which reference will occasionally be made in the subsequent examples. It is here necessary to advise the practitioner to make use of a soft lead pencil, with which the outlines now given should be lightly sketched in. As a great degree of fluency in this department, depends on the wrist, the Author would recommend the following system. Let a common slate be made, use of as a drawing board, on which with a piece of prepared pipe clay inserted in a port crayon (sold at aU colour shops), let the pupil practice the examples given ; supporting his wrist on a bridge, (constructed as shewn in the wood cut,) so that the point ofhis crayon will only touch the slate. This may feel some what irksome at the first, but the practitioner will soon be reconciled to it; and the advantage obtained by it, will be experienced, when using the pencil or pen without aid of the bridge : the freedom also with which the crayon of pipe clay will pass over the slate, will intui tively and imperceptibly give a freedora to his hand ; and of this he can only be convinced bythe trial. We shaU now commence with the series of exam ples given in this treatise. , EILEMEWTS OF f/tt7uo-s. \ i '\ '< ''\ '-. H I Fic/J. i i /> \ ,,. ¦'"'"" ""^"^ V \7 ^^--.__ \ .y F '¦"n| I \ I i ..-¦^ ^i y .1^'' \ ¦- \)) '-i»„,-i.»'*' London, fuitalied bv Jones i- C° March 31. .18^7. ORNAMENTAL DRAWING. 131 Plate CX. The outlines in this plate, as well as in those which follow in plates CXI, XX, CXXI, and XXI, are properly termed elementary; consisting of outlines simple, and compound; in theraselves, the foundation of every speciesof orna mental composition. These outlines, varied in their form, must be practised by the learner, until he finds his hand capable of drawing thera fluently and with freedom. This will be greatly facilitated by copying thera on an enlarged scale, whether on the slate with the pipe clay crayon as before noticed, or otherwise with a piece of common chalk on a flat board, as the learner may find the most agreeable to hiraself The outUnes contained in the present plate, have been selected as the most essential for the learner's practice in the ornamental department, but may nevertheless become useful in other branches of drawing. Fig. 1 and 2, partake of the outline, coraraon to the head and foot scrolls of every Grecian couch. Fig. 3 and 4, exhibit the same species of outline reversed ; and here introduced for the purpose of educating the hand to the practice of drawing the same outline both ways. Fig. 5 and 6, may also be considered as elementary, being the first sweep Hnes of all continued scroUs; and therefore drawn right and left also. Fig. 7, is the first elementary outline in a foliage leaf; being that part where the leaf makes a folding over at its extremity : the learner should also exercise his hand in drawing this outline both ways, viz. right and left. Fig. 8, exhibits the outline for one half ofthe tulip flower; and Fig. 9, is the two halves put together. This species of ornament is much used for the ends of cornice poles. I Fig. 10, shows the outline for a scroll which is commonly adapted to thfe same use. Fig. 11, exhibits the outHne of the Archer's bow ; is often used as an ornamental finish in its simple forra, but more frequently adorned with foliage. 132 ORNAMENTAL DRAWING. This outline has been rauch used forthe cornices of windows, as also in those of bedsteads : it has likewise been much used as an ornamental back for side- boards, &c. Fig. 12, is the outline of Fig. 10, reversed. Fig. 13, is what is comraonly called in architecture the Vitruvian scroll: this ornaraent is chiefly applicable to the decoration of friezes or borders, and is sometimes used as an ornamental gallery for cabinet work. Fig. 14, exhibits the outHne of a portion of the circle, when drawn per spectively. The exterrial face of all circular objects, such as colurans. Sec. when seen below the eye, partake of this outline. Fig. 15, shows the outHne of a portion of the perspective circle, when viewed sideways, or removed to the right or left hand ofthe spectator. Fig. 16, pourtrays that portion of the perspective circle, as being the most distant from the spectator. Fig. 17, exhibits the outUne of the upper part ofthe perspective circle, when drawn in a perpendicular position. Fig 18, is the outline of the perspective circle when coraplete : the flat surfaces of all circular objects partake of this outline when seen below the eye. These various outlines of the circle are here given, as being considered raost essential for the pupil's practice ; so that in exercising his hand, he may draw such outHnes with more truth and facility, as they occur in the practice of perspective drawing. These five simple forras being well studied and practised by the hand, wUl save the student rauch trouble, and enable him to draw many of his sweep lines in perspective, without the aid and necessity of finding the points for the same in a perspective plane, whether above or below the horizon. Plate CXI. The outlines in this plate are compounded more or less from those given in the preceding plate : for instance, Fig. 18, will be seen to partake of the outlines raarked 8 and 9 in the preceding plate. It is chiefly used in ornamental work to fill up the vacant space betwixt two scrolls as rising one out ofthe other: thus, as in the wood cut. PL .CXI ELiEMETTTS OF (D)MM^A:i^1"E.'>'TAL, BKATFli^t^ o .V" ? .X •'M I I / \' hi ~'^... , ?7 / I I / / . i 7 I // /-•^ 41/ f 1/ \X\ \\ui// Z' 'X--^i ^ f ¦'.. "-...,.. .....^ 1 ^'" / ¦¦;¦ .........I /¦¦' -' / „¦¦' "x I ,,,¦¦'"' ) 1 1 '/ -\, '-'-" "'%. -••-... "— -- y''' '¦¦'¦¦-„ '¦...,... ,„„,..-- ^_ .• — " ^V \ - I " J -\ \-,.,^^ _ \ / I V ) / ? -J K ,* \ .-¦^'¦—-.s. ^ \. ^^' ly " ,/¦-!¦¦¦¦' LojiLlon.Piibllsllpdliv- Joaes ^ C M.-i rrli 3 1 la^7 ORNAMENTAL DRAWING. 133 Fig. 19 : — the sarae ornament reversed. Fig. 20 : is compounded of the oUtHnes numbered 1, 5, and 6 in pl-ito CX. This combination of leaves is greatly used in the composition of foliage. Fig. 21, exhibits a portion of what is commonly called in ornamental decoration a foliage leaf; and where five of these are combined together, it is called a palm ofthe leaf, as bearing a similitude to the palm ofthe hand, which has five fingers. This species of leaf is tastefully adopted in the decoration of the Corinthian capital. Fig. 22, is the same outline drawn the reverse way. Fig. 23, may be considered as denoting the three principal fibres con tained in the palm of a leaf : and partakes nearly of the outlines, 1 and 6. Fig. 24 : — This spiral outline is chiefly used as a model for the truss bracket : it admits of being ornamented in various ways. Fig. 25, is a palm of leaves corapounded of Figs. 21 and 22. The projecting part, separating each leaf is termed a pipe, and its upper part (or hollow) is termed its eye. This leaf is greatly used amongst carvers in the composition of foliage. Fig. 26, is a combination of Fig. 24 and a portion of Fig. 4. This composition oi outHne when cloathed with foHage, is applicable to the pur poses of decoration in various ways ; it is sometimes made use of as the outiine ofa supporting bracket for the upper shelves of a chiffonier. Fig. 27, is denominated the honeysuckle fan ornament ; and is com pounded of a portion of Figs. 2 and 4. Fig. 28, forms the outline of all truss supports, whether for sideboards, commodes, Ste.; admitting of great enrichment. The straight lines drawn through figures 1, 2, 3, and 4, plate CX ; as also through Figures 18, 19, &c. CXI, are intended to guide the student in drawing the respective outlines ; the inclination ofj«which must be regulated accordingly. In copying these figures, the pupil should commence from the top, as in Fig. 1, and complete the upperraost sweep, in which he will be guided by the space it occupies upon the straight line : he will then proceed to draw the bottom sweep in continuation, from the point where the upper one terminates, until it crosses the straight line at bottom, which must be his guide also in this instance : his eye enabling him to judge of the proportion. 2 o 134 ORNAMENTAL DRAWING the two curves bear to the staight line, which a Httle practice will make him master of What has thus been said of Fig. 1, will also apply to the rest of the outlines on these two plates. It is here necessary to remark, that as all varied outline owes its birth and perfection to simple outline, so the first cannot be too much considered. By a correct knowledge of outline, we are enabled to give elegance to those forms to which they are intended to be applied ; whether as objects of furniture or ornamental decoration. In plate CXI, almost every variation which outline is capable of receiving, is given ; at least as much as is neces sary to the present purpose. Plate XX. Consists of a collection of leaves in outline, ranged into four divisions : in the first or uppermost range, the leaf is drawn as a simple outHne only, in regard to its width and height. The leaf adjoining, being produced from the preceding outline, is divided into nineteen parts, forming so raany smaUer divisions of the leaf; and these are pointed at their extremities. The third leaf partakes of the sarae form, but divided only into thirteen parts, being rounded instead of pointed at their extremities. The fourth leaf in this range is of the same species as the preceding, but divided into seventeen parts, and rounded at each extremity, vrith the addition of an inner band partaking of the same form. The second range contains, first, a leaf in simple outline ; the adjoining leaf has the same outline, but is varied by an inner line being drawn, which forms a band. The two remaining leaves in this row are ofthe same contour, or outline as the preceding, having nine divisions within each ; the fourth being varied by a hollow separation between each division. , The third row in this plate consists of outlines for such leaves as are principally adapted for the enrichment of mouldings ; having the Ovolo, Grecian Echinus, Cima Recta, Cima or Reversa, for their contour or outline. The fourth and last series in this plate consists, first, of a leaf, having twenty-one divisions for its detail ; tbe leaf adjoining has the same number '^^ P1:XX. L :ii: .A V £ c? Elaih-nt.s of Ornament, exanplMcd itv the forms and method of drairiiu> divers Jcinds of leaves, e/nploi/ed ill tliat braneh of Art. Lfl)ndon, Publiflied \>-.- Jones S- Q? \\.vi\ ^3 1826 ORNAMENTAL DRAWING. 135 of parts, but is varied by having a division or space between each part, with the addition of a fold over at the end of every division ; forming what is termed amongst carvers, a lipping. The third leaf in this range is the same in contour as the preceding, being divided into nine parts, with a division between each part. The nine principal parts represent the honej'suckle when in bud; the space betwixt each part denotes the flower when in blossom. The reraaining leaf offers the sarae outline, but is varied in its detail ; having eleven divisions, inwardly scrolling at their several terrainations. This species of leaf is universally termed, the Greek honeysuckle. Plate CXXI. In this plate are given examples of three different species of leaf; consisting, first, ofthe simple outHne of each leaf; and secondly, the same outline filled up with the detail; forming altogether what is termed a foliage leaf. It will readily be seen that these leaves are compounded from similar forms given in plates CX and CXI. These different species of leaf enter more or less into aU ornamental composition, and are here purposely intro duced, as being es.sential to the student's practice. The ornaraental speciraens given in this plate are variously used in de corating tbe Corinthian and Composite Capitals in Architecture ; and are frequently adopted for decorating the friezes of rooms, &c. : and they often form the principal embellishment of enriched mouldings, pateras, &c. It must be observed that these leaves, and all ofa similar kind, are subject to a par ticular system, as regards the arrangement of their parts ; each leaf, consisting of seven divisions; three forming the leafage on each side, right and left, the seventh or uppermost raaking the turn over. In the two first examples, each division of the leaf consists of five smaller divisions, and beingdivided after this raanner itis then calledahand or palra of the leaf. The third exaraple in this plate consists also of seven principal divi sions, each of which are again subdivided variously ; the two lowerraost hands consisting of seven parts, the next of nine parts, and the two above these of six parts; four of which only are seen distinct. The turnovers in the three 1.% ORNAMENTAL DRAWING. examples are divided, each alike into nine parts. It now reraains to furnish the practitioner with sorae instruction as to the raanner in which he must proceed, in copying the examples given in the two foregoing plates, with correctness and ease to hiraself Coraraencing with the first figure in plate XX, let him proceed and draw a line across his board as a base line ; on which line a perpendicular raust be raised, and which may answer for the centre or stem of the leaf Let hira next proceed and lay down half the width of the leaf, right and left ; after which let the height of the leaf be set up on the perpendicular line, before drawn : the sweeped outline denoting the form of the leaf, may then be carefully drawn by the hand ; the eye correcting any irregularity that may Occur in the drawing. The outside form being correctly drawn in, will serve as a guide for drawing the inside band. The perpendicular dotted line wiU then serve as a guide for drawing in the stem. The learner will next proceed to copy the same outline as regards the second figure, observing to draw the inner sweep line but faintly with the pencil ; in the leaf before us, it is dotted. Upon this dotted line, right and left, must be noted as raany smaller divisions, whether equal or unequal, as it is proposed the whole leaf shall consist of; marking each division by a dot on the faint line : curved lines must then be drawn from these respective points in gradation towards the base and stem of the leaf; and again joined by a reversed sweep from the point of each curve. The third leaf exhibits the same outline in its contour, but varied in its divisions. In this species of leaf each division is rounded • and it is thus called a reeded leaf. The instructions given for copying the preceding leaf, will apply to this also. The fourth leaf in this series, takes a similar outline, and is divided nearly after the same raanner ; the variation consists in the terminations being raore rounded, with the addition of a hoUow or flute within each division : it is drawn after the sarae manner as those precedng it. In the second range of leaves, the second example is produced from the first ; the third is produced from the second, and the fourth frora the third. These leaves are all subject to one and the sarae outline as to their outside forra ; being varied in their detail at the pleasure of the artist. PL. CXXI. OMIOJMnBn TAJL IDJR.A^WjLK'G 1.E Al^TE S ^ II , L'ablulicd Vy Jones ;¦ C?/\pr-i: 21. 16?e ORNAMENTAL DRAWING. 13> The third range in this plate shows the inanner of drawing the outline lor the strap leaf The dotted lines point out how the leaf is divided, when a repetition is required : these divisions form the centre and extremity of each leaf^ and are repeated on the base Hne for as many leaves as are required. In the fourth range, the two first leaves are both under one outline, the secondbeing a slight deviation from the first; the same is to be observed ofthe two last. What has been said before, as to the drawing of them, renders any further directions unnecessary. The student by repeated practice in copying, wdl soon findhimself in a capacity to overcome every difficulty, as to producing a correct imitation of any example which may be placed before him. It may however be necessary to advise the practitioner to commence filling in the detail of each example from the lowermost point, and to proceed upwards; carefully copying one side of the leaf first. The different heights may then be transferred to the opposite side by the aid of a T square,, admitting that the paper be laid down on a drawings board. Whatever can be achieved by the eye without having resource to the aid of compasses and square- is- rather to be recommended) as accustoming the pupil to copy more readily from the- original : nevertheless the usage of these helps is not altogether to be denied ; particularly when more than ordinary ac curacy is required. It may also be necessary to remark, that a soft le&,d pencil should always be used, and that with great lightness when sketching in the rough outline, so that any raistake may the more easily be rubbed out, and a cleaner and better surface be retained on the paper. If we have been somewhat particular in this first part of our treatise, it is with a view of rendering directions less necessary in what is to follow. In Fig. 1, Plate CXXI, which represents in simple outline, fig. 2; the base line should first be drawn ;. afterwards the centre or perpendicular line : thC' base, line will i^eceive all the widths, the perpendicular the heights, The outside sweep line, with the turn over ofthe leaf must then be drawn i afterwards, the distance of each' pipe frora the centre line in Fig. 2, must be set off right. and left from the centre ia fig. 1; as also the termination o a of the first palm at bottom,, together with the width of the stem. Next proceed and set up the height of the first palm of leaves on the perpendicular line ; then the second, and lastly the third. The height and width of each palra or hand of leaves being thus denoted, the outline com- 2 p 138 ORNAMENTAL DRAWING. prising them maybe drawn after the manner shown in the example : this completes the orthographic elevation of the leaf in simple outline. The mode of procedure now laid down, should be pursued by the practitioner in copy ing from any original object which may be placed before hira ; inscribing such object, first in siraple outline ; dividing such outHne afterwards into parts or sections, and such sections to contain the detail of the smaller parts. Plate XXI. In this plate are given five different examples, intended as designs for Pateras ; shewing the manner of dividing them into simple outline, and the mode by which they may be varied. The pupU in reference to the first figure, must commence and draw a line across his board cr paper, which may be considered as the central line of the Patera. Upon any part of this line as a centre, he wiU then with hi.^ compasses describe the circular outline which is to form the utmost boundary of his figure, as shown by a dotted semicircle in the example. This semicir cular iine may then be divided into eight equal parts: lines drawn from these points to the apex, wiU determine the centre or stera of each leaf Another seraicircle raust then be described within the first, which will regulate the extent of the intermediate leaves, generally called the tongue leaf. Within this is inscribed a third circular line, comprising the outline of what is termed the rose of the Patera; and wilhin this again is described a fourth circle, regulating the turning, or eye of each leaf in this portion of the figure A smaller circle is then described, comprising that part ofthe ornament called the eye of the Patera. It will bo seen that one half the range of leaves in this Patera are drawn quite plain, forming a mere outHne. Tbe variation of the above outline is exhibited in the lower half, each exterior leaf having a band or list around it, with the central line formed into a stem. For drawing in the foliage, the pupil must be guided by his eye and hand. With respect to the second figure, it is subject to the same law as regards the drawing of the first ; its extreme outline being first defined, and then that of the smaUer circles within it; hut instead of eight parts, this EiLi IE i\iE?^"'_rs OF (.)iii^^A,;^JE^TT« ¦ •»*•«*'.?£ K. '01-301 iij::>di2zji:s>^ 'lUul.s- of leavis in torimiu/ Rosa-, futirtis , ki ive ORNAMENTAL DRAWING. 139 Patera has its half or semicircle divided into four only. Having been fully explicit and particular in describing the first figure, it becomes unnecessary to go over the same ground again ; we shall therefore leave the student to his own exertions, with the copy to guide him in the progress of his work. The third or centre Patera, in this series, from its pattern, is termed spirally involved ; inasmuch as the stems of the leaves composing its foliage, have a tendency, one tp follow the curve of the other, from the centre or apex. The whole circmnference of this Patera is divided into eight parts, four of which regulate the eyes dividing each leaf, and the remaining four their stems. This species of Patera is freqaently termed a bosse, and is greatly used in our cathedrals, as forming a finish for supporting the extremities of several arches when joined together ; or rather the crowning to a centre in which they would terminate. They are as varied as they are richly deco rated. In this example four circles only are necessary, for limiting the outHne of the foliage and its component parts. The outermost circle serves for the outline of the patera and the extreme limits of each leaf; the second, for the eyes and the turn overs of fhe leafage ; the third, for the eyes in the lower range of palms, and the fourth for the rosette or centre. After what has been before said, the student is supposed to be capable of following the example placed before hira, raaking use of his own judgraent, taste, and perseverance in drawing the details. — The two remaining Pateras are alike subject to the same rule for drawing them ; the principal lines defining their parts, being laid down in the examples, will afford sufficient assistance to the pupil in copying them with correctness. Plate CXXII. In this plate are given four different designs for Ornamental Com position, combining every description of sweep and variation of outline that can be introduced into ornamental decoration. The two first examples are compositions, displaying the manner in which leaves are capable of being decorated, and that in various ways. The third example exhibits an assem blage of ornament adapted as a centre ; frora whence a continuation is 140 ORNAMENTAL DRAWING. supposed to be madie, both from the right and the left hand. The fourti exaniple is a compiotdition from various oi^tiamental fragments discovered at Porapeii ; intended likewise as the central part of a frieze ornament. All theste eiibiples are here given solefy" for the purpose of practice in copying, and shoiild be drawn on an enlarged scale ; observing the sarae rules as to dividing them into p'arlls for theif simple outHne, as is detailed in th6 p^e'c^ding plates. With these examples we shall conclude aU we have to offer on the sddre ef outline ih Oi'namental Draw'ing, convinced that enough has already been given for the practice of the learner ; at least as much as is sufficient fof the present purpose. If the student can so far perfect himself in drawing, as to copy corfectiy all the eiampfes here given in this treatise, there is every promise of his sacceeding, w'hen th'ose of a more difficult nature are pkced before him. -1.) j; '^.A ;vi K A",i ';\ ;i , ;!¦' ,i-; A ('.:\.i k:a' t s . -^->- \ "' ' / / \\ ^-\ih \-\\{\ 7 )'¦ n\ \-j -y^ L' -\\ \ 6^ 5 3^ ^3^-"-' (-/^~"C-><--- --py:^ •®s '=V. ' ->\ '! sx, o. 'vl.k ¦'y? '•/^f Q y^:^:^^ ^lAk.1 ^ . ^' -AS>C5^A ' ' J- m a; F^Ji. SHADOWING. 141 SHADOWING. Previous to entering upon the practical part of this section of the work. it wiU becorae necessary to say something as to those laws which regulate the various gradations of light and shade. Without perplexing the mind of the reader with the theory, or the various opinions of writers on this subject, it wiU be quite sufficient to our present purpose, simply to consider light as being subject to, and capable of being reflected from other bodies, or refracted by the interposition of other mediuras ; the raateriality or immateriality of its nature appertaining more to the inquiring mind of the Philosopher, than to the tasteful genius of the Artist. To explain the progress nf Hght, and the effect of it as pro ducing shade frora solid bodies, is aU that is needful or can be any way useful in this work. The rays oi light as proceeding frora the Sun, the great luminary of our system, are universally in their passage through space projected in straight lines ; but these straight lines in their passage are subject to interruption, and are broken or divided frora their regular course, by the rarity and density of the different mediums, or atmospheres through which they have to pass : this in raatheraatics is what is termed refraction of light ; the theory and demonstration of which belongs exclusively to optics. • It raay however be necessary to state, that this refraction of rays pro duces what is comraonly termed daylight ; that is, the light we experience wheu the Sun is concealed frora our view by the density of the atraosphere. In this case the shadows from solid objects, are mellowed and rauch penum- brated ; being scarce definable at their extremities, and in opposition to those as cast from objects opposed to the direct rays of the luminary ; the shadows of which are determined and opaque. We shall here consider the rays of light as proceeding direct from the luminary, uninterrupted by any interme diate mediura ; and thus faUing with their full brilliancy on such objects as are intended for shade, or from which shadows are to be cast. 2 Q 142 SHADOWING. It raust Hkewise be observed, that as the diaraeter of the Sun's body greatly exceeds that of the earth, and his distance frora us bemg so imraense ; the shadows of all solid bodies wiU be found to flow in a parallel direction : this raay be seen by any observer under a clear sunshine, when the shadows, as cast frora the iron railings before a dwelling house, wiU be projected from each bar, the one perfectly paraUel to the other. The rays of Hght faUing on solid objects, such as are opaque, or whose surfaces are not penetrable by light ; such rays are diverted frora their direct course, and fly off in other directions ; in which case they are termed reflected rays ; and this reflection of rays, as they illuminate objects already m shadow, come more especially under our notice. This win be understood more fully by reference to the annexed diagram, where we may suppose A to represent the luminary ; B, a ray of light issuing frora it ; C, the point on the solid body, (D) where this ray would fall ; which ray would in this case be interrupted in its progress and fly off in the direction, E. Now we say, the angle of reflection (E C G,) is equal to the angle of incidence (B C F) ; that is, the angle made by the falling ray B, with a perpendicular dropt from the luminary at A, will equal the angle the reflected ray would make with a perpendicular raised from the point C : this serves to explain the reason why objects in shadow are illuminated by means of light reflected fi-ora other bodies opposed to them. Suppose I to represent the ceiling of a room : B, the direction of the light issuing through a window ; impinging on the floor at C, and from thence reflected in the direction E : It is eviden" that this reflected ray, or coUection of rays, would illuminate the ceiling at H ; it would again be reflected from H at an equal angle (as shewn by the Hne H «) untU interrupted again by the floor or sorae other adjacent object ; and this reflection would be carried on incessantly, until darkness succeeded to light. From this cause is to be attributed, the floating light existing in all apartments ; and from being weU conceived and understood, has been sometimes ably and beautifully managed by painters both in oil and water SHADOWING. 143 colors. From the same cause, that side of a solid object, the most in shade, would be illumi nated and rendered less dense, by the light reflected from the illurainated side of sorae other object opposed to it. The an nexed diagram will serve to explain what we have now said, Suppose S to represent the lu minary; A, a solid body, having its side G, in shade, frora whence the shadow H, on the ground is projected. Suppose B to represent another solid body, having its front or illuminated side opposed to the shadowed side G, of the solid A ; now the ray of light frora S would irapinge, or strike on the block B at the point C, frora thence be reflected downward by an equal angle to the ground at D, and again be reflected from D by an equal angle, until it impinges or strikes upon the side (G) at E ; which portion ofthe face would instantly become illuminated, losing part of its shade, and leave the shadow cast from it on the ground„the darkest. The shadow on the ground in its turn, would be again iUuminated at its extreraities by raeans of the reflected light from C ; leaving that part of the shadow which is nearest the solid, the darkest. We have thus been minute and particular in explaining this interesting branch of painting, being a subject little treated of, in works of this kind ; the theory of which may be found in the 13th, 14th, and 15th Propositions of the 1st book of Euclid. The Author would recommend those who wish for further information on this head, to a Work recently pubHshed, entitled " Sciography, or Examples fot Shadows, with Rules for their Projection, by Joseph Gwilt;" and also to the Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Fuseli, and others. 144 PROJECTION OF SHADOWS. PROJECTION OF SHADOWS. Plate CXXIH. Shadows, as they are projected by the Sun, vary in their length according as the luminary changes its situation in the heavens at the different hours of the day. Those Shadows which are projected the soonest after sun rising, or just before the time of his setting, will become the most lengthened ; and be gra dually foreshortened, each in proportion as the Sun appears to approach or recede frora the meridian; or in proportion as. the surface of our planet would be opposed to him in her diurnal revolution round her own axis. Shadows as projected from the Sun, will vary also in their length according to the particular raonth of the year in which the earth's surface may be opposed to the luminary in her annual revolution. For the Sun as seen from ouf earth will appear to rise and set in different points of the horizon at different periods ofthe year ; hence it is that his height at noon, is so much higher in summer than in winter This also accounts for the difference we find in the length of the day at the different periods of the year. The first Exaraple in Plate CXXIII. wiU serve to elucidate what we have to say by way of explanation on this subject. In the exaraple now before us, we have here supposed the tirae of the Sun's rising to take place at a little before five o'clock in the raorning ; that is, at the time when his light would become perceptible to us above the eastern point of the horizon. The figure of a man is here represented as placed under the centre of a semicircle, or immediately under the angle of a quadrant ; which is elevated above him at pleasure, and is divided into six equal parts, answering to so many hours of the natural day. Now supposing this half, or quarter circle to denote the Sun's daily path in the heavens, the figure as opposed to it will then appear to receive the effect of light from the luminary, casting his own shadow on the ground ; which, supposing tbe figure tobe stationary ^VTE cxxin. SHAJDOWS FjXUTjp. J '^ J\i?l ' ih«t. L.oQdoii. rubljshfid hy Jones t- C? SepT.''7,18i'7. PROJECTION OF SHADOWS. 146 will vary in length as the sun appears to travel onward towards its meridian at the point 12 in the semicircle. At five o'clock in the morning the sun will have arrived at the point V ; in this case, a line drawn from 5, being prolonged and passed over the head of the figure, will extend to the point V on the ground : the line A V will then denote the length of the shadow, as cast from the figure at that period of the day. A line drawn from the point 6 on the quadrant, and continued over the head of the figure, until it intersects with a line drawn from his foot, at the point 6, will give the length (A 6) of the figure's shadow at six o'clock in the morning ; and so on for all the rest, until the sun attains its meridian or greatest height at twelve o'clock, when it would be situated directly over his head, and in that case cast no shadow. The quadrant on the other side, if divided after the same manner, will enable us to obtain the length ofthe shadows, as they would be projected by the sun in the opposite direction, at the corresponding hours after raid-day. It will be necessary to observe that the lines from the foot ofthe figure, as denoting the length of his shadow at the different hours ofthe day, and numbered 1, 2, &c. are here drawn in different directions, for the purpose of shewing the length of each shadow distinct ; which if represented by perfect horizontal lines, would be confounded and run one into the other, and present one uniform line in length. It now remains to lay down such rules as are necessary for the casting of shadows, previous '>^ which it may be useful to say something as to the material to be made v-^i of in tinting, generally termed China or Indian ink, which is of various q*%lities. The best is that which is found to rub smoothly W'ithout grittiness, and is strongly scented with musk, the same giving a brown and mellow colour to the ink. The pupil must here observe that a tint produced from Indian ink alone, will always appear lighter when dry than when wet, and therefore deceive the student as to the effect he wishes to pro duce in his drawing ; in this case it will require to be often repeated, until the proper depth of tint is obtained. This inconvenience may in some measure be obviated by making use ofa raixture of sepia, (an article to be procured at any of the wtour shops) which partakes of a rich brown tint, and wiU give a decided tone, retaining the same force when dry as when wet ; this will tend to reraove the defect experienced in the use of Indian ink alone, and give at the sarae time a soft and mellow effect to the drawing. 2 E 146 PROJECTION OF SHADOWS. The brushes necessary for use are of two kinds, the one commonly termed the camel's hair pencil, the hairs of which are of a soft nature, and generaUy of ablack colour; the other is termed the sable pencil, as being manufactured frora the hair of the sable, the hairs being of a firmer texture, and generally of a red colour. The camel's hair pencil is sold from one penny and upwards, according to the size and quality; the sable hair pencil sells from eight pence and upwards : of the two, the sable is to be preferred, being ofa more durable nature than that of the camel's hair. In choosing the one or the other, the brush should be first dipped into water, then drawn through the mouth without much pressure, no more than wiU just conduce to bring the hairs all to one point ; if when thus drawn to a point, the brush be applied to paper and gently moved backward and forward, the hairs not dividing but adhering closely to each other, the brush may then be considered as one of a good quality. Hair pencils are manufactured of various sizes, beginning with one small enough for the finest, enamel painting, and finishing with a size sufficient for the largest pictures. As far as concerns our present purpose, brushes, such as are confined within the duck or goose quill, will be found to be quite as large as wiU ever be required; especially for single objects of furniture. In shadowing the interior of rooms, wherein a large body of tint is required, a brush confined within a swan quill may be of use. The rubstone is an article also necessary in drawing, as used for the mixing of Indian ink tint ; it has three hollow reet ^tacles for tint, besides a shelving groove, in which the ink is generally rubbv 1. The three hollow receptacles serve for mixing up three different degrees of tint from the same co(our, before the process of tinting is comraenced upon. To elucidate what we now recoraraend, the student is referred to the Exaraple marked A, in Plate CXXIII. No. 1, Exhibits a tint coraposed of Indian ink and a sraall portion of sepia, which being raixed very light, is termed a first tint. No. 2, Exhibits the first tint as strengthened or made deeper, by the addition of a little more ink and sepia; it is then denorainatei the second tint. No. 3, Exhibits the second tint as strengthened still further by a larger addition of the two colours before raentioned, and is then terraed the third PROJECTION OF SHADOWS. 147 gradation of tint. These three gradations of tint are almost aU that are necessary for general effect of shade : but where a strong and decided effect is required, a fourth tint may be used by deepening No. 3, with a stronger proportion of Indian ink and sepia ; this we shaU have occasion to notice in the fourth Exaraple. Having thus given araple instruction as to the raixing of tint in all its variety of tones, we now proceed to practice j referring our student to the second Example, which represents a cubical block a b c d e f g. In this Example the lurainary is supposed to be inclined to the front face (a d ef) of the figure ; in which case the shadow cast from it on the ground, would fly off at some angle, more or less as the sun is inclined in regard to the object which it illuminates ; this inclination or seat of the luminary is denoted by the angle k fi, as raeasured by the arc p q. The next point to be attended to, is the sun's declination ; or rather its precise situation in the heavens in its daily course from east to west, as explained in the first Example ; which in the present example is denoted by the angle c g I, measured by the arc m n. The student must first deterraine the sun's inclination as fk, which being done, lines raay be drawn parallel to this from g and h, at pleasure; The sun's declination being next determined by the angle m c n, lines parallel to such raust be drawn from the points d arid c, where the rays of the luminary would strike the object; their intersection with the incHned lines y A and g I, at the points k and Z,will determine the utmost projection ofthe shadow at kl. A line drawn from I paraUel to e f, until it cuts the inclined line from h, at 0, will give the shadow of the side opposite to a de f All the inclined Hnes, denoting the sun's inclination and declination, may be drawn as to their parallelism by raeans of the T square with its moveable haunch or shoulder. The outline ofthe shadow being denoted by faint pencil lines, the pupil will commence his tinting by washing over the whole figure and cast shadow with the tint No. 1, Exaraple A. Next, with the tint No. 2, he will proceed and wash over the return side def g, and also the cast shadow; leaving the front face ade fand the upper surface abed in the first tint. Thirdly, with the tint No. 3, he must observe to wash over the cast shadow only. He may next with the same tint wash over a portion ofthe shadowed side of his object, commencing upwards from d c, and soften it into the original tint by passing his brush sHghtly into pure water, and then as quickly 148 PROJECTION OF SHADOWS. as possible, proceed and draw the tint downwards. He must again dilute his tint in water and draw the last degree of shade downwards, until it gradually mellows into the tint originally laid on : this is what is called in painting, softening off, or rather penurabration of shadow; that is, allowing sorae reflection of light, either directly or indirectly, to fall on your object in shade, by which the uniforraity and flatness is counteracted. It will be sufficient to say that the shadow on the ground is to be managed after the same raanner, observing to keep the darkest part of the shadow close to the bottom edge of the object ; by which raeans a brilliancy and force will be given to the object which it wou.ld not attain without. Example 3. This object has a capping or projection ACD; the sarae casting a shadow B E on the cubical block underneath it. The depth of this shadow is regulated by the sun's elevation, and would be deeper raore or less, according to the tirae of day in which it is projected. The sun's elevation (or declination) is denoted by the dotted Hne A B, and determines the depth of the shadow as projected frora the capping A C, atB ; which must then be squared across to E. The whole of the figure raay then be washed over with the first tint No. 1, as before directed; after which with No. 2, pass over the cast shadow B E, with the soffit or under part ofthe projecting cap ACD; and also the return side F. Then proceed with the third tint, and pass over the cast shadow B E with the soffit of the projection A C, leaving that of the projection G D. Again with the sarae tint, pass it under the projection on the solid at g h, and soften off as shewn in the Example. Lastly, with the third tint, made a small degree darker, pass over the shadow B E, and again over the return side at g h: the figure will then have attained its proper effect. These two Examples although slight in themselves, will be sufficient to give the student an insight into the raanner in which shadowing is raanaged and effected; and enable hira to comprehend more clearly what will be offered to hira in the next plate. A coraplete and coraprehensive dissertation on the laws of shadow raight have been here given, with the whole process laid down for projecting them ; but as this is a matter of more concern to the architect, we have only retained and explained so much as could be of real use to those, interested in perusing or studying the present work. Example 4. Exhibits four truncated columns, and shews the process PROJECTION OF SHADOWS. 149 of shadowing all objects that are round or cylindrical. In this Example are displayed the different gradations of tint, necessary for giving to a cylindrical body the full effect of rotundity. All turned legs of tables, supporting piUars, bedposts, pedestals, &c. as partaking more or less ofa cylindrical forra, will require to be shadowed after the raanner here laid down. Having prepared a tint equal to the tone of No. 1, (Exaraple A,) cora raence with the column No 1, and with this tint in your brush pass it down the shaft, in width equal to a? a? j turning it suddenly off at a until it reaches the base at b : the tint so passed down must then be immediately softened off at both edges, right and left. The same tint must then be passed over the base raoulding and the return side of the plinth, as likewise over the shadow cast on the ground. You will next proceed and strengthen your tint to the tone of No. 2, and with a sufficient quantity in your brush, pass it down .the shaft of the column over the preceding tint, as before, and likewise over the base raoulding ; only not so broad as a: ^r : this must again be softened off at both edges ; observing not to cover the tint first laid on entirely, but to leave a portion reraaining : your coluran will then be brought to the effect of No 2. You will then with a tint equal to No. 3, pass over the shaft and base of the coluran direct frora the right hand edge, keeping it to the breadth of c d; which must be softened off towards the left hand, leaving a portion of the second tint uncovered : your coluran will then be brought up to the effect of No. 3. This will be found sufficient for most subjects of a cylindrical forra ; but where a greater strength of effect is required, the tint No. 3, a little strengthened, raay again be passed down from the right hand edge of the shaft to the breadth ofcf, and softened off as before ; which wiU bring it to the effect of No. 4. The»student will remark, that a weak tint is passed down from the left hand edge of the column, and softened off; leaving a small portion of light on that part ofthe column where the sun's rays are supposed to strike direct : by this raeans a greater effect of rotundity will be produced. 2 s 150 PROJECTION OF SHADOWS. Plate CXXIV. In this plate are given four different objects of furniture; shewing the raode and raanner of projecting the cast shadows from the same on a horizontal plane, and also on one perpendicular. Example 5. Let A represent the general plan ofa pedestal sideboard, the same shewing the situation of the four console supports of the pedestals at a b, c, and d. Fig. B "represents the sideboard as shewn perspectively, and Fig. C the georaetrical profile of its depth. It is required to give to this object its proper proportion of light and shade, and to project the shadows as cast frbm it on the wall and ground ; and Hkewise to project the shadows from the console supports on the front faces of the pedestals, so as to give to the whole an embodied effect, and convey to the eye a lively representation of what the original piece of furniture would be when executed. To cast the shadows by exact rule from every part of this figure, would require the aid of a great nuraoer of lines, and tend to render the process perplexing ; to avoid which, we have chose to confine ourselves to a few only of the principal lines, as being sufficient for the purpose required, and all that are necessary for general use. The student, by the aid of these lixamples, will be enabled to project the cast shadows for alraost any piece of furniture ; the same being applicable to every case that may occur, either to the Upholsterer or Cabinet-maker, as a draughtsman. The first thing to determine on, is the sun's inclination, or seat on the ground with regard to the object as opposed to it : this raust be laid down in the plan, as shewn by the parallel line k%n, i I and eg. Frora the intersection of these lines at m, I and g, on the waU line W W, perpen diculars are raised to the base or ground Hne G G, on which the sideboard or original object is placed; as ats, v, and u. From these points, radial lines are drawn to the station or point of sight S ; which give the sarae points perspectively on the waU line at w, and w. The next thing to be considered is the sun's declination ; or otherwise its particular ascension or descension at some precise period of the day: In design this is entirely arbitrary, depending on the judgment ofthe artist. It would argue want of taste to fl,. CXXIV. SMAIS OWS , 1 F.vttmp. J . -T TT '' ." a i Fjcamp . tf. [C i e '"Tf" J^xcanp. 8. _Lon3on. F\i>bshe4 "by Jones &: C''A-QdI1.16l'7. PROJECTION OF SHADOWS. 1,51 represent the shadows of too great a length, as supposing the sun to be elevated very little above the horizon ; as well as to raake thera too narrow, by considering the sun as near its meridian, or point directly over our head. In these Examples, the middle course is adopted; the sun's declination being deterrained by the Hne x y in the profile C. The point where the ray would strike the wall at y, would be the geometrical depth of the shadow as cast from the overhanging ofthe sideboard top and rail : this must be squared across to the georaetrical line X at o. Frora this point a radial raust be drawn to S, intersecting the back line of the sideboard atp, and from thence squared across until intersected by a perpendicular raised from w at Z. A radial must then be drawn from a on the frieze line, towards the point of sight, intersecting the back line of the pedestal at b. A line drawn frora h to z, will give the sun's declination perspectively ; to which all the lines projecting the shadows from the pedestals on the wall raust be drawn parallel; viz. those drawn frora the several projections of the top and rail ; these are intersected by a perpendicular raised frora w, as will be seen by inspection of the figure. The points 1 and w, 2 and w, being each joined by lines, will give the sun's inclination, or seat on the ground, perspectively ; which being continued to the horizontal line, will there raeet in the point V, v/hich then becoraes the vanishing point for all shadows cast on the ground by such inclination. The intersection of the line x y in the profile with the back line of the truss, at v, will give the shadows frora the over-hanging of the rail, upon the front faces of the pedestals. This being squared across to the geo metrical line X as before, and from thence conveyed by the point of sight on the back line ofthe truss at n, wdl give the depth of the shadow perspectively; which must again be squared across on the pedestals, until intersected by per pendiculars raised frora o and q in the plan. The outline ofthe shadows as pro duced by the truss supports, may then be drawn by band from the points already obtained. Soraetimes in large subjects it is necessary to find a number of points for obtaining such outline ; but in the present instance this would be attended with a great loss of time, and is not requisite in designs on a small scale. Example 6, Exhibits a pier table in perspective, the plan of profile of which are here given as in the last Example; — denoted by A and C. The inclination of the rays of light from the luminary are here denoted by the pa rallel lines a, b, c, d and e; which are marked by single letters only, to avoid 152 PROJECTION OF SHADOWS. repetition where so rauch has already been said in the previous Example. The declination of the rays of light is denoted in the profile C, by the line X y. Having projected your shadows geometrically frora the plan and profile, proceed and transfer thera on to the perspective figure, as directed in the preceding Example. As it is not necessary to repeat the process in this Figure,. the learner is referred to the Hnes as laid down in the same, which, with the instruction already given in the previous Exaraple, will be quite sufficient for hira as a guide. Example 7, Is the perspective representation of a lady's escrutoire. The plan below shews part of the depth, of the carcase. a a shews the thickness ofthe two ends. b b denotes the depth of the secretaire drawer when fully drawn out. d denotes the fall down front of the drawer when in a horizontal position for writing. The shadows in this as iu the preceding Examples are projected on the plan by the sun's supposed inclination, and those on the profile by the sun's declination. The sun's rays, passing frora the upper shelf would strike on the back surface of the object at 1, which would be the depth of the cast shadow. The same ray passing from the second shelf, will give the depth of its shadow on the back surface at 2. The shadow from the side of the secre taire drawer is shewn at 3. The shadow on the doors of the bookcase from the overhanging of the desk is shewn at 4. Coraraence by squaring these dif ferent points (1, 2, 3, 4,) across to the georaetrical line G. The shadow cast on the bookcase frora the overhanging of the desk in the perspective figure, would be equal to its georaetrical depth, inasrauch as it falls on the front face of the bookcase, which in itself is georaetrical. This shadow is intersected at d by a Hne squared from the correspondent point c, in the plan. A line drawn frem e to d, will represent the declination of the sun perspectively. The shadows cast frora the shelves, would be conveyed per spectively frora the georaetrical line, to the back line of the figure by the point of sight, and from thence squared across, until intersected by Hnes drawn paraUel to e d, frora / and g. A line squared across from 3, until intersected by the inclined Hne drawn frora h, will give the shadow as cast from the side of the secretaire drawer oii the frame containiug the pidgeon holes and small drawers. PROJECTION OF SHADOWS. 153 For the rest the student is referred to the Example. Example 8. Shews an upright ended chaise longue as drawn in per spective, of which the shadow from the cheek on the back is required. In the plan A, the places occupied by the pillow and bolster are denoted at b and c, from which are drawn lines parallel to the sun's supposed inclination or seat on the ground, untU they impinge on the back ; as will be seen by inspection of the figure. What has been already discussed in the previous Examples, wiU render it unnecessary to say more as regards this ; we shall therefore refer the student to the figure, no way doubting but by this time he will be enabled to shadow such simple subjects without further aid or instruction. It wiU be sufficient in Examples either of chairs or tables, to represent the shadow as cast frora the legs, by a mere touch of the brush as shewn in this Example. Plate CXXV- It wiU now be requisite to draw the pupU's attention to the nature of drapery in its outline, which consists of a composition of folds, either broken or forraing a continuity one over the other ; and this will arise more or less according to the material used. It is almost impossible to make the folds hang in a graceful form where callicoes are used, stiffened as they generally are by high glazing. This is in some measure remedied by the use of woollen of a slight texture, and next to this material, that of undressed moreen ; but the most perfect material that can be raade use of for producing gracefulness of folding drapery, and which is raostly used in France, is that of silk ; which, governed only by its own weight, will fall into those natural diversified folds, known amongst painters, as broken. We have in this plate brought the effect of drapery as near as possible, to the latter remark ; and such as wetted Hnen when suspended would produce. This is done to give the student a freedom of hand in the shadowing of drapery. Having premised thus much, we shall now proceed with the subjects given in this Plate; referring to fig. A, as an outline, first to be drawn. Fig. B, exhibits thesame outline as under the first degree of shadow or tint ; 2 T 154 PROJECTION OF SHADOWS. which tint, if in Indian ink, must be mixed up with the addition of a little Sepia, as before mentioned. Fig. C represents the same drapery as under the second degree of tint, leaving a portion of the first tint uncovered ; and fig. 4 is the same object under a slill stronger degree of tint, leaving a portion uncovered of both first and second tints : but should the pupil wish to give a more deterrained or higher effect to his drawing, he is at full liberty to darken this, his last tint ; taking care to place his darker touches only where the folds of his drapery are the closest collected together ; what has been thus far said as to tinting the drapery, will regulate also the tinting of the fringe. Plate CXXVI. Fig. 1, in this plate displays the outline of a foliage leaf, taken from an Example ofthe Corinthian capital, as existing in the remains of the arch of Titus, at Rome. The outline of the leaf must first be correctly drawn with a black lead pencil, agreeably to the directions given in page 135 ; the same outline may afterwards be drawn in ink with a quill pen, omitting those lines which denote the principal fibres as issuing frora the stem. Fig. 2, which represents the same leaf under its first tint, wUl give the pupil an idea of the manner in which he must work in his shades. Fig. 3, shews the leaf in its second stage of tinting. Fig. 4, offers the same Exaraple under its last gradation of tint, shewing out the leaf with its full effect. Having prepared the three tints necessary for use as before directed, let the tint for figure 2, be laid on with a fuU brush, washing in the broad shade frora the turnover, together with the shadow cast frora the outside of the leaf The shades appertaining to the leaves, must then be laid on each sepa rately, as shewn in the Example. Proceeding next to figure 3, with your second degree of tint, pass over the broad shade at top, observing to omit tinting aU the projecting parts, such as the stems and fibres of the leaves under this shadow ; this may be ob served in the parts marked 1, 2, 3, 4, Sic, throughout the Example. By this PLATE CXXn. SmAlJ)fj)W';lN(&„ 7-^'^Tint ^r, . hil^h.-Aed "bv Jonej I'v C? 5ep7r2-il8r ^ PROJECTION OF SHADOWS. nS process we are taugnt to detach or raake such parts appear to project, as we know such to stand the one before the other. In passing over the other parts of the leaf, the pupil will place his second shade over the first equal only to one-third of its breadth, when he may proceed and soften or penurabrate it towards the edge of the first shade. The same is to be observed as regards the shadow cast frora the outside of the leaf, which raust be so shadowed as to leave a portion of the first tint remaining. With a moderate share of attention and perseverance the student will soon be convinced of the reason by which our practice is enforced. Fig. 5, represents the leaf under its full effect of light and shade, as produced by the power of tint. It will be necessary to inform the pupil, that the third or last degree of tint raust be laid over that of the second, precisely after the same manner as directed above ; taking care throughout to leave a portion of the first and second tints visible. A spirit and brUliancy may be given to the drawing by a judicious use of dark and spirited touches, placed in such situation where we know thatlight would be totally obscured by projec tion ; or where one part (as is the case with ornament in general) would be deeply undercut, and so produce a powerful effect by the opposition of shade to light. We shall now leave the student to make use of his own abilities, merely stating, that without an active exertion he can expect to reap but little advantage. Plate C. In this Exaraple the pupil will observe that the general outline comprising the whole of the foliage is first drawn ; which outline is again divided into distinct parts, (here shewn by the dotted lines,) each comprising the detail of the foliage : and the whole to be raeasured from the perpendicular dotted line. What has already been said in the previous Exaraple as regards light and shade in the shadowing of foHage, will likewise apply to this ; naraely that of. laying on the shades with the first tint generaUy, as shewn in the second Exaraple in this plate, observing that the pen lines in the outline Exaraple be left out in all parts excepting in the outline forra of the leaves^ and the larger turn overs. 156 PROJECTION OF SHADOWS. Plate CVI. • The first subject in this plate exhibits the sarae ornament under its second gradation of tint, to effect which, the pupd is referred to the directions given with Plate CXXVI. With respect to the finished Example in this plate, the pupil is required to raake use of his own abilities, as he raust by this tirae have acquired sufficient knowledge to follow his copy without the necessity of any further direction. These Examples are given, as tending to shew the power of light and shade, with respect to all subjects delineated on a plane surface, giving them the appearance of a positive projection. In leaving a portion of the three tints uncovered one under the other, consists the art of giving a softness of effect to the drawing, and of gaining a transparency, as has been before observed. Plate XIV. The two subjects given in this plate shew in some raeasure, how far, by a judicious corabination of forms, a tasteful design in ornament raay be produced; this is what is terraed in art, composition ; that is, an assemblage of parts so arranged and put together, as to form a pleasing and agreeable whole. Either of the two designs in this plate are well calculated for the decoration of friezes ; whether in those belonging to appartments, or in those of cabinet furniture. Sufficient effect of light and shade is exhibited in these two subjects to enable the learner to shadow such, or similar designs, if what we have before enforced be well studied. We shall here close all we have to say, as relates to drawing, together with the effect produced by mechanism in the management of light and shade, and conclude our instructions with giving necessary direc tions for the choosing of colours, and for compounding the various tints produced from mixing one body with the other ; this branch of the art is comraonly termed Colouring. .SlHUlii il) VVMA' I i'irii-t Tin/ JEILEMJilN-TS OF 0:R_r>'Ai4MWTs.l. Ka..JEM]E,I^TS OF OMKAMEWT. S7uuioH-ini). Second- lint.. J^uii^7iedL fjamtplc' . ELEMENTS OF FOLIAGE COMPOSITION . Desi^nM hi ¦ & Smith, i-OJJDOJM. Pab^ b,- JOSES .tCMayfc -Unaraved b^ Neele^-352 Strand. COLOURING. 157 COLOURING. There are, properly speaking, but three priraitive colours ; viz. blue, yellow, and red. These colours by a mixture one with tlie other, will pro duce three other distinct colours ; viz. green, by the mixture of blue and yellow ; purple, by the mixture of red with blue ; and orange, by a mixture of red and yellow. These various hues will be seen by reference to fig. 1, in the diagram. Plate CXXVII. Red, blue and yellow, blended together, will produce more or less as the blue predominates, a dense black, but when mixed in a lighter degree, the tint so produced is called neutral : thatis, partaking of raany shades of colour, but exhibiting no one in particular. This tint is used for putting the general effect of light and shade into drawings intended for colour : it becomes a proper tint for shadowing all objects that are intended in themselves to appear white; viz. drapery or curtains of muslin, white silk or dimity, in furniture drawing; and lillies, white roses, &c. in flower painting. Besides the three primitive colours, and those resulting from the mixture of them one with the other, there are other colours of a vegetable, mineral, or earthy origin, all useful of their kind ; such are the umbers and siennas (burnt and raw), the yeUow and Roman ochres ; vei^iUion, Venetian red, and carmine ; madder brown, indigo, &c. It is usual with many persons when purchasing colours to choose a box containing perhaps from twenty-four to. thirty cakes, each of a different tint; a practice not to be recomraended. Those already enumerated are all that are likely to be brought into use in colouring either drapery, .or cabinet furniture , or any other subject confined to the two branches of Upholsterer and 2 u 158 COLOURING. Cabinet-maker. It remains therefore to give some instructions fo our pupil as to the art or raanner of mixing the different colours one with the other, so as to enable him to produce the different tints in all their variety of tone, such as may be requisite for his use. Plate CXXVII. No. 1, Is gamboge mixed up as a light wash, and is the first tint to be laid on in any subject intended to be coloured yellow ; whether drapery, or ornamental work when represented as gilt. No. 2, Is the same colour (gamboge) worked deeper. No. 3, The same colour worked still deeper. No. 4, Is gamboge in its full colour. No. 5, Is Prussian blue, washed in light, and answers for the first or ground tint, in any subject intended to be coloured blue. No. 6, The same colour made a slight degree darker. No. 7, Ditto made still darker No. 8, Ditto in full colour. No. 9, Carmine worked Hsrht. No. 10 and II, Are tints from the same colour, but strengthened in mixing. No. 12, Is carmine in its full colour. These being all primitive colours it remains next to proceed with the different tints produced by the mixing of one with the other. No. 13, Is gamboge with a smaU portion of carmine, and in this state becomes a shadowing tint for curtains or drapery, when tinted yellow ; as also the first shadowing tint for any thing intended to represent gold. No. 14, Is gamboge with more carmine added. No. 15, Ditto with a larger addition of carmine. No. 16, Ditto with a still larger proportion of red. The three last tints are made use of, in working up the shadows of any subject that is coloured yellow. No. 17, Is gamboge mixed up with a little Prussian blue. No. 18, Is gamboge with more blue added. < \ COLOURING. 159 No. 19, Is produced by the addition of more blue. No. 20, Is the sarae, mixed up with a greater proportion of the blue ; and then becoraes a full grass green The manageraent of these tints in colouring raust be after the same man ner as those preceding. No. 21, Is Prussian blue, with a small portion of carmine, and makes when thus raixed, the first tint of purple, commonly called lilac. No. 22, Is Prussian blue with a further addition of the red. No. 23, Is the same blue with a still further addition of the red. No. 24, Is blue and carmine, each in its full mixture, producing the purple in its full colour. It now remains to point out such other mixture of tints as are necessary ; together with the different substances of which they are composed. No. 25, This tint is produced by washing over the part to be coloured, first with a tint of gamboge ; which, when dry, is glazed over with a tint of vermilion : the colour so produced is called scarlet. No. 26, Is produced by a deeper wash of the gamboge first laid on, and glazed over with a deeper tint of vermUlion. No. 27, Is produced by a faint wash of crome in the first instance, and afterwards, when dry, glazed over with a faint wash of carmine. No, 28, Is produced by a wash of the crome in its full colour; the same when dry being glazed over with carmine in its deepest tint. No. 29, Is coraposed of a light mixture of burnt umber, and burnt terra de sienna, producing a warra drab colour. No. 30, Is produced by a stronger mixture of the same colours ; raaking a rich and warm brown. This colour may be used in different degrees of strength for shadowing such objects as are tinted with No. 29. No. 31, Is produced by a light mixture of yellow oker, with a little burnt terra de sienna added. No. 32, Is yellow oker deepened in tone, with burnt sienna and umber. These two tints may be used in colouring any article of cabinet furniture intended to represent oak. No. 33, Is Indian ink, mixed up with a portion of carmine, producing a purplish tint, and will be found serviceable as a first wash for all cabinet work, intended to be coloured as in rosewood. l&O COLOURING. No. 34, Is carmine mixed up with raw sienna, burnt sienna, and a small portion of blue ; this mixture produces a mellow warra tint, .approaching to a marone, and is used in the shadowing of objects coloured as rosewood. No. 35, Is a mixture of carmine, gamboge, raw sienna, and burnt umber, and may be used for strengthening the shadows of aU objects worked up, with the tints 15 and 16. No. 36, Is the same mixture with a larger portion of the< burnt umber, and is used in painting the shadows cast on any object coloured as gold ; and alsc for representing the deeper folds and recesses in yeUow drapery. No. 37, Is produced by a slight wash of Hght red : in this state it becomes the first or ground colour to be washed over any part of a design, intended to shew as mahogany. No. 38, Is the same tint deepened with burnt umber, and in this degree of force is used as a shadowing tint for all objects coloured with No. 37, aud for giving the imitation ofthe curls and veining of the wood. No. 39, Is used for heightening the deeper shadows ; and is composed of the preceding tint No. 38, with the addition of more umber and burnt sienna ; or the shadows may be strengthened by using the tint No. 36. No. 40, Is produced by a mixture of carmine with burnt umber, and may be used as a ground tint for colouring rosewood objects, which may again be heightened by using the tint No. 34. No. 41, Is Venetian red with blue, and becomes, when the red prevails, a warm drab. This colour is useful as a ground for curtains, &c. whose trimmings are intended to be either blue or gold. No. 42, Is Venetian red with Prussian blue, producing a grey tint; curtains, &c. when- coloured -with this tint, should have their trimmings of scarlet. No. 43, Is a mixture of Venetian red and blue; both colours being used strong in tint, but the red the most prevalent. This colour when used for curtains, may have its trimmings of gcld or blue. No. 44, Is compounded of Venetian red aud blue, the latter, being predominant; producing, by the mixture of the two colours, a deep grey. The mixture so produced may be used as a shadowing tint' for curtains or draperies whose ground tint is No. 42. COLOURING. 161 No. 45, Is a mixture of Indigo, raw terra de sienna and carmine or lake, producing what is terraed a neutral tint. The neutral tint is rauch used amongst artists, in painting landscape scenery or subjects of architecture. In the former, this tint is varied in its raixture or tone according to that portion of the landscape over which any positive colour is to be placed. Thus, this tint should partake raore of the blue or grey tone, for sorae portions of the clouds and distant objects in the landscape ; it should be raixed up with raore of the red where rocks and warra fore ground occupy a place in the picture, and again this tint should partake raore of the yellow when used as a shadowing tint for the green of trees. No. 46, Exhibits this tint, the red being the prevailing colour. No. 47, The same mixture used light, the yellow being predominant. No. 48, The sarae tint lightly raixed, the blue holding the pre ference. No. 49, Is a mixture of Venetian red, crome and flake white. No. 50, Is what raay be terraed a lavender tint, and is corapounded of flake white, carmine and Indian ink. There are raany other tints to be produced in water colour painting by the raixture of one transparent colour with another ; and again there are others that can only be obtained by a mixture of body colour ; such are the peach blossom and salraon colours, as No. 49 ; the lavender tint. No. 50, and raany varieties of the drab, but as these will fall more to the lot of the decorator, than to the artist or draughtsman, they are not insisted on in this work: to mix these colours in body, would require personal instruction and rauch experience ; they are subject to many difficulties in the mixing, as being affected either by the too great heat or coldness of the atmosphere. After having given such araple directions for the raixing of transparent colours, and producing all their variety of tint, it only reraains to offer instructions as to the raanner of disposing them in any drawing that is intended for colour. It raust be observed in the laying on of colour, or in colouring any par ticular subject, as drapery or curtains, that the brightest tint of each colour should be first laid on, and that very weak, scarcely exceeding the whiteness of the paper on which it is laid ; and let it be further observed that the tint so laid on is to answer for all the high lights of the projecting parts ; for exaraple, 2 X 162 COLOURING. in the component parts of drapery ana curtains, or the folds of such. As cer tain portions of such folds have their upper parts wholly exposed to the rays of light, and are generally ofa round figure, in such case, that part the most opposed to the light would offer a tint highly under illumination, and of course be fainter and brighter in its appearance than those parts receding from it; the full colour being alone exhibited by those parts the most under the influ ence of shade : upon this principle consists the necessity of gradation of tint in colouring; on the successful application of which, depends raore or less the realization of those appearances we see in nature. Let it here be impressed upon the student's attention, that in laying on his tint, he be careful not to cover either the first, the second, the third or the fourth tint entirely, but to leave a portion of each visible, reserving hi.*- darkest tints for those parts the most removed from the effect of light ; which in the end will give life and spirit to his drawing. With this we shall conclude the instructive portion of our work, convinced of the aid it will afford in rendering the assistance of a raaster raore effective, which at all times cannot but be of service, inasmuch as explanation by word of raouth is often better understood than much reasoning on paper. With an earnest desire that his Hmited knowledge raay prove of service to his friends and students, the author here consigns thera to their own studies, trusting the helps he has afforded thera throughout the whole of the work may be found real and beneficial. He has not withheld any thing however trivial, that could be of real service ; and he has studiously endeavoured in plain and distinct terms to elicit what he wished others to comprehend as well as himself Having said thus much, the remaining portion wUl henceforth consist in explanatory descriptions of the different designs of furniture introduced throughout the work, together with their uses, mode of raanufacture, &c. We shall first commence with those of decoration, as they are exhibited in the plate"., offering such remarks as the change of fashion and times have occasioned. INTERIOR DECORATION. INTERIOR DECORATION. In the earliest period of the anna-s of mankind we find sufficient proofs of the existence of a taste for architectural and ornamental erabelHshment. Not to go further back than the period in which architectui-e flourished araongst the Egyptians, we find in the ruins of their teraples, their catacombs and obelisks now existing, many exa,raples of ornaraental deco ration, evidently the work of hands, superior in talent to the coramon idea hitherto entertained of their knowledge in works of art. The variety and beauty displayed in the capital of the columns in the remains of the great temple now existing at Apollonopolis Magna (or Edfou) in upper Egypt, exhibit as much taste in their design, as excellence in their workmanship. Whether the Hindoos derived their taste for architecture and orna mental embellishment frora the Egyptians, or the Egyptians from the Hindoos, can be but of little raoraent at this period : it is sufficient that we observe in tlie works of both nations an accordance and sirailarity as to the disposal of their parts into iraposing and gigantic masses. Amongst the ancient Greeks we find decorative painting and sculpture carried to a great degree of elegance in almost every instance ; as may be seen in the ornaments belonging to their teraples, their vases and other works of art. To these succeeded the decoration of the Etruscans, a Grecian colony, visible in the reraains of their public and private buildings, baths, &c. lately discovered at Porapeu and Herculaneum. Frora the era of this people, we pass on to the time in which the arts of design flourished amongst the Roraans, when decora tion raay be said to have reached its zenith ; and here we have abundant exam ples in their altars, vases and candelabri ; in the baths, of Titus, Nero, and Dioclesian; and likewise on the walls of the catacombs at Naples and its 164 INTERIOR DECORATION. neighbourhood. Passing from thence to modern times, we have to notice the style of decoration practised in the 15th and 16th centuries, in the times of Leo X. and Julius II. when Michael Angiolo, Raffaelle, and other eminent raen of genius flourished, whose works may be seen in the Vatican and palaces of modern Rome ; and likewise in raany of those in the neigh bouring states of Italy, as also in various parts of France. However rauch we raay adraire and becorae prejudiced in favour ofthe light and airy style reigning throughout, and alraost peculiar to the whole of the Grecian orna ment, we cannot but feel a sensation of pleasure and gratification in con templating the breadth, freedom and raanly boldness of effect displayed in the ornamental productions of this age. The works of Jean le Pautre, who flourished in the age of Louis XIV. of France, (although this period was productive of a bad style) are distinguished by their variety and peculiar happiness of invention. It raay not be paying an exaggerated encoraiura to our neighbours the Franks, when we assert the superiority of their inventive faculty in the ornamental parts of design. We have however in the present day many decorative artists, (natives of our own soil) of great merit, some of whora possess uncommon versatility of talent ; performing equally well both in oil and distemper colour, the three branches of deco rative art; viz. figure, landscape, and ornamental painting in all its variety; as the numerous works of Mr. R. Jones (who stands at the head of his profession) sufficiently testify. Amongst the raany proficients in this departraent of art we must not omit to raention Mr. R. Nelson, whose abilities entitle him to great praise, and to whom the Author feels hiraself indebted for raany valuable practical hints. Several others raight be here enuraerated, but we shall close this article by raerely intiraating that the present work will contain speciraens of all the different styles of decoration, such as may be found useful to the decorative artist of the present day ; the same being selected from remains handed down to us, of the Greek, Etruscan, Roraan and Saracenic or Gothic styles. Speciraens wiU likewise be given of that of the Franks in the age of Louis XIV, together with the present prevaUing taste now in vogue in our own island Great Britain ; all of which wUl be noticed in the descriptive account accompanying each design. INTERIOR DECORATION. 165 Plate XXVIII. In this plate are given four different designs for corner ornaraents in the Grecian style, intended each as a finishing for the four angles of the com partments in a room where the walls are divided into panels. These ornaraents are worked in various ways ; soraetiraes carved and finished in gold ; on other occasions painted in oil or disteraper, as representing the effect of basso relievo ; and frequently executed by the French in a style which they terra Rehauss^e D'or : which is done by a species of hatching in gold on a dark ground, where the gold itself forms the high light; or where such species of hatching in gold is relieved by dark shadows on a light ground. There is extant a print after one of the old masters, heightened in gold after this raanner on a brown ground, and which is comraonly called the golden print; it is now extreraely scarce. A very chaste style of decoration consists in making the ground or panels of the room of an even light colour ; for instance, a very pale drab, a peach blossora, a stone colour, &c. ; the storie colour decreasing in force to almost a white, and approaching nearly to a cream colour. In all these cases the style of the panel raay be of a sirailar colour as the ground, but worked darker for the purpose of giving the appearance of projection to the panel itself A gold raoulding placed round the walls under the cornice above, over the dado or plinth below, as well as up the angles, internal and external of the apartraent, will in this case make the finish. Where the corner ornaraents are carved and gilt, the straight raouldings betwixt them forming the panels raust be of gold also. In cases where the ornaraents are painted, the raouldings apparently parting frora them should be painted also ; which may then be relieved from the ground by a dark line underneath, and a light one above : the sarae is to be observed in relieving the ornament. It is necessary to state, that this species of orna mental decoration is alone to be adopted in drawing rooras and boudoirs. The ornaraent in the middle of the plate wiU answer as a central ornament in decoration ; whether upright or horizontal, in carving or painting in relief 2 Y 166 INTERIOR DECORATION. Plate CXXXIIL The four designs given in this plate, and nurabered 1, 2, 3 and 4, are intended as corner pieces for the decorative panels of drawing rooms. The observations given in the description of plate XXVIII. will render further explanation on the subject before us unnecessary : they are intro duced for the sake of variety, and to assist the decorator in selecting or choosing from the whole. It is not intended that the designs throughout this work should be copied or adopted precisely as they are here given ; if they afford hints and materials for composition to the artist, it is all the author has aimed at. Nos. 5 aud 6, are intended as designs for the decorating of friezes, either in painting, carving, or casting in metal. Plate LXXXV. In this plate are given three designs for ornaraental PUasters, intended to be painted in disteraper or oil, and subject as to colour, to the same rules as laid down in plate XXVIII. It may be observed that the ornaments on these Pilasters are often painted in a variety of colours, and thus called Arabesque ; such are the Pilasters in the Vatican at Rome. The situation which these Pilasters generally occupy in apartments is the space between the ornamented panels. Rooms when decorated with such an arrangeraent of ornament, will always present a pleasing and imposing effect; particularly when executed with taste by the artist, as regards light and shade. Plate LXXXVL In this plate is exhibited a portion of that side of an apartment appro priated to the chimney ; the same shewing the chimney-piece, with its glass and ornaraented frarae above, which should be finished entirely in Or, Matt and burnished gold. On the external Angles, marked A A of the chimney I'l .XWIIl ll _A 'jL* E M I O ii D E € ((AiK'i AT I O A; S , Crinci OriHivniits lor Panncl/inn liooms. K-c. fl,. C.VXXIII. ]lNTElliIOK, DJKCOKATIOWo ' - . A,i - Cv-*A- --^ ^1^' '-^ ~ '^ " 5^'^ ¦" '^¦)'^i -> -^ ;; ^ <. ^A^'Vvy.^.'.A. :^^''^, '~~AA^' A ^^ v^/Ot-;»^ , ) J r^ A^-v^" ' ¦ . 7 ^'--^-. J A ^ ,/ A -V-- \ :\ ^l-,^ r'^] A - A ''-Vv,^ V--'- ; A ,-¦ ¦'— , %^ ,7^ ^A '^^:^>^cy ^^<^ \ DE -V .r)K.\T]'\"E P1L.A S TE 'R -^ : ^m:m:'M&^:K^7^^:^-i:f.r > -:<^^ iblisTiel "bj-Jones & C'^ Ort.lfi^e^ PL LXXXVl. PuWisiei W .Tunes t C? Oct 1B2S , . xx I \ EjN Iiif Jl.liJi; M((i)r'LjLJ)IiVG:3. ;.iii.::\.v:, a,- oo-- INTFRIOR DECORATION. 167 breast, are to be fixed gUt mouldings. In handsome apartments, the base, and surbase raouldings of the dado, raarked A A, are frequently finished in gold. A gold moulding to suit, should be carried round the roora under the lower raeraber of the cornice at top ; and over the upper raember of the dado at bottom. The internal angles should have a double moulding, the reverse of those that are on the external angles ofthe chimney breast. A portion for the decoration of the panels, right and left of the chimney breast, with their ornamental corners is likewise shewn in this plate, together with the profile for the glass frarae. Plate XXXIX. Four designs for raouldings fully enriched are given in this plate, which raay be used for various purposes : viz. for the cornices of windows, in which case they are intended to forra the upper raouldings, and should be carved and finished in gold ; or, where the expence becoraes an object, the ornaments may be procured in composition. These mouldings on a sraaller scale raay be accoraraodated for cabinet furniture, and raay be either cast in raetal or carved in wood. The Greek frett, and Italian gmlloche, of which we have given exaraples in plate XL. may be as variously applied in Decoration : for example, the frett may be adopted to ornaraent the frieze of an entablature ; or it may form the border round the soffit or ceiling of an apartment, either in stucco or in painting. In many cases it forms a beautiful border surrounding panels. The guUloche is peculiarly adapted for soffit decoration, and raay when cast in metal be used with great advantage in Cabinet work ; it may likewise be used with good effect in the ornamenting of glass frames. lb» INTERIOR DECORATION. Plate CXLVII. EGYPTIAN DECORATION. This plate and the three that follow it, offer in theraselves specimens ofthe different styles of decoration in use araongst the antients, but adapted to our raoderii English apartraents. We shall coraraence with the style of the earliest known period in which painting was practised, viz. that of the Egyptian ; and although there exists not at the present tirae a vestige of any of their private buildings or Palaces, yet we have sufficient speciraens stUl existing in their teraples, grottos, &c. frora whence a style after their raan- nier may be drawn: this has been successfully attempted by the elder Piranese in his design for a coffee-room at Rorae, as shewn in his works ; but it is too close a copy of a style and manner which in all its parts is raassive and colossal. We have in this plate endeavoured to preserve the character of the Egyptian style without following its heaviness ; adopting the design for a library, of which the draught before us forras the entrance side. The casing for the doors is copied frora the doorway or entrance as seen in most ofthe Egyptian temples, than which, no form can excel it for beauty. Vitruvius has followed the same outline in most of his doors and windows, and we find the same form still existing in the remains of many of the Grecian temples at Athens. The colour for the walls of such a room may be that of a warm stone, or what is otherwise termed a drab colour ; round which may run a style or margin of a deep blue, the ornaraental decoration on which should be of raised gold : the frieze also should be worked after the sarae raanner. The four angles of the roora raay receive a raoulding in the form ofa palm tree stalk, and crowned with a palm foliage, spreading itself on each side the angle. Over each door-way in this design are paintings, the subjects representing two out of the ten plagues of Egypt ; the other two pictures raay represent the portraits of Cleopatra and Antony. The bookcase will be seen to partake of the general forra and character of the Egyptian temple, before the pUasters of which are placed bronzed figures INTERIOR DECORATION. !69 of Osiris and Isis and other Egyptian Deities : all the other embellishments in this apartment should partake of a simUar character. The doors being deeply thrown back, may have their jambs fitted up for the reception of books ; and it would likewise be advisable to cover the doors themselves with sham books. Under the hand of an intelligent and clever Artist, a room might be fitted up after this manner, possessing a light, yet imposing effect ; although we are fully aware that this taste has been anathematized as barbarous, arising chiefly frora the very injudicious manner in which it has been adopted. Plate CXLVIII. GREEK DECORATION. Notwithstanding the ruin and desolation which the Grecian states have undergone during the lapse of . ages, and by the hands of bar barians, who have from time to tirae raade theraselves raasters of that part of the world; we have still sufficient proof left of their refined taste in what relates to Architecture and Ornamental Sculpture, as seen in those chaste and raagnificent structures, their teraples. Amongst the Greek Artists, we find their taste for design exhibited not only in their larger works, but extended even to the smallest vessels in domestic use ; and although we have no existing remains of any portion of what constituted their private buildings, yet it may be presumed that their Princes and Nobles resided in palaces and mansions suitable to their rank and taste. The nuraerous remains of sculpture in columns, pilasters, mouldings, panels and other portions of decoration, many of which have been brought over to this country, are the only grounds on which we can hazard a conjec ture as to what raay have formed the feature of the interior decoration of their houses. In the absence therefore of other information, we have ventured to give in this plate a design of what raay be terraed an apartment decorated after the Grecian taste ; compiled from the raaterials already 2 z 170 INTERIOR DECORATION alluded to, and suited to the general proportion of our modern houses. This apartment may be considered as a withdrawing Room, being connected with that considered as the principal or state drawing room. As very few even of our best modern houses can boast of much profusion of architectural embellishment, we shall presurae that the whole of the decoration in the piate before us to be entirely the effect of painting either in oil or distemper; the sofa and tripods forming an exception : the first an article of indulgence, the two other meubles forming receptacles for flowers or perfumes; being appropriated to thesame use as the larger Chinese vases, and which when filled with the leaves of dried flowers and other aromatics, is termed by the French, une Pot Pourri. It is needless to enlarge further on this plate, as we shaU have occasion to make sorae observations on the design in the next, which raay be applied to this likewise. Plate CXLIX. ETRUSCAN DECORATION. The design in this plate is after the taste which prevaUed araongst the Etruscans at Porapeii, a part of Magna Grasca, where raany of the Roman nobility erected their villas. The subject of the present plate forms a design for decorating the walls of a morning room ; and is com posed from the paintings in Fresco recently found on the walls of an apart ment in the Villa of Marcus Arius Diomede at Pompeii. The execution is evidently by the hands of Greek Artists ; as are also those paintings found in the villas of — Acteon, and C. Vibius Pansa* in the same town. There is a great degree of taste preserved in the arrangement of the colouring ; for we find the panel forming the body of the wall, kept of a light colour, and producing the effect of projection when opposed to the * Pansa was one of the tvvo last Consuls who enjoyed the dignity of chief Magistrate before the decline of the lloman Empire ; he pursued the assassinators of Julias Csesar, and was killed in a battle near Malina ; some suppose he was put to death by Octavius by the means of poison. INTERIOR DECORATION. 171 style or border surrounding it, such style being painted in a deeper tone of the same colour. It is evident that these Artists were not unacquainted with the science of perspective, whiih the effect produced in the original painting from whence this design has been composed fully proves, added to which, in the original, there reigns throughout the whole, a Hghtness and a fantasy of design, highly pleasing to the eye. Plate CL. OMAN DECORATION. As with the Grecian states, so it fared with the Roman Capitol ; no mark or vestige being left remaining of any of the splendid palaces and mansions which existed during the Augustan age, or that embellished Rome under the reigns of her Emperors. It is from the many fine sculptured candelabra, raarble vases, statues, consoles, pUasters and panels found araongst their ruins that we are alone enabled to form any idea of the magnificent arrangement and decoration oi their apartments. The present design pourtrays one side of a large dining room, with its decoration ; the same consisting of Corinthian pilasters, the spaces between which are raade out with ornamented panels. The centre of the side is occupied by a niche intended to receive either a single or a group of figures ; or otherwise a glass, having a side table under it; the whole of which arrangement of decoration with the candelabra placed between the pilasters, we mav venture to term after the manner ot the Roman costume. Plate CLI. GOTHIC DECORATION. With the destruction of the great Western Empire by the northern hordes, vanished all the remains of private grandeur, as raised bv the 172 INTERIOR DECORATION. luxury and great wealth of the Greek and Roman princes and nobles. And here a long blank ! a dreary wilderness of space intervenes, under which every thing relating to art, learning and literature becarae dormant. What formed the style or character of the habitations, the palaces or resi dences of these barbarians we are unacquainted with. Suffice it to say that from this general ruin, arose a species of architecture drawn from the intersection of the Roraan arch, the one crossing the other at an angle of 45 degrees ; this intersection when made by semicircles, was found to produce the pointed or lancet shaped arch. On the other hand, when the height of the arch became less than its span, then such diagonal arch becarae eliptical and rauch flattened ; this species of arch was the earHest in general use in England, and both the one and the other, viz. the lancet and eHptic forms were caUed Gothic, however improperly; which have nevertheless been brought to very great per fection, the proof of which maybe seen in many of our antient cathedrals. In this plate is offered a design after the Gothic style ; a style well suited for country residences. It has been a great mistake with most persons who have supposed, that because the buUding partook of this peculiar style, that the furniture was designed after the same fashion ; the contrary of which is proved to be the case ; for in those days the furniture for domestic use was raassive and heavy, consisting chiefly of bold and highly relieved mouldings, with other members partaking ofthe round and cable form. Many of the ornaments used about their meubles may be called Arabesque, and in some cases they partook very much of the grotesque. INTERIOR DECORATION. 173 Plate CLII. DECORATION OF THE AGE OF LOUIS XIV. The subject of this Plate exhibits a speciraen of the taste that prevaUed in the age of Louis XIV. and displays the style of decoration used during that period, in the best houses -of the nobUity and gentry in France. We generally find the walls of most of their apartraents divided into corapartraents and ornaraented with pilasters, painted frequently in iraita- tion ofthe finest raarble; and sometiraes panelled out, and decorated with richly carved ornament. The mouldings around the panelling on the walls were usually of a very bold projecture, and wholly enriched. Most of this species of decoration was executed in Norraan oak, and would frequently be partially gilt ; and the interior panelling, if not left in the plain oak, w^as generally filled up with the finest Coblentz tapestry. If we refer to the Meubles or Garniture of these apartraents, we shall find thera to partake of the sarae boldness of forra and enrichraent of detaU, as displayed in the architectural erabellishraent of the rooras. In most of their tables, the tops were of the finest and variegated raarbles, around the edges of which would be fixed a bold projecting raoulding of brass, chased and gilt; and the frieze or rail under the raoulding was fre quently enriched with finely executed ornaraents in Or Molu. The pillars or supports to these tables were soraetiraes of a turned forra, and richly decorated ; at other times the supports would be composed of grotesque chimera figures and foliage ornaraent associated together : a plinth, either of fine raarble, or of wood, wholly carved and gilt, would form the base for this enriched table ; the back ground of which was universally fitted up with silvered glass. The chairs, sofas, candelabra, tripods, glass-fraraes, &c. each, and all partook of the same splendid style of enrichment ; and although there raight and did exist, a bad taste in fhe design and arrangeraent of raany of the parts coraposing the whole of this style of decoration, yet it has never been surpassed by any other taste for richness and splendour of effect. It is alike suitable to the kingly palace, as it is to the raansion of the nobleraan ; but is no ways answerable to the dwellings of persons of sraall fortune. This 3 A 174 INTERIOR DECORATION. style of decoration has lately been introduced by Messrs. PhUip and Benjamin Wyatt, in the building newly erected for Mr. Crockford in St. James's Street ; in direct opposition to the chaste Grecian taste of the late Mr. Jaraes Wyatt, his late Majesty's surveyor-general. As this raansion is solely appropriated to nightly purposes of pleasure, perhaps such a taste may be in unison wilh the wasteful transfer made of property in such esta- blishraents. From the extravagant expence attending it, such a style of decoration cannot be recomraended, except in instances wherein property would justify its adoption. Plate CLIII. The style of decoration exhibited in this plate raay properly be termed French, inasrauch as it was first introduced into this country by certain French artists, brought over frora France by Messrs. G. and F. Echardts ; who not only engaged in their service the raost erainent decorative painters, but also those excelling in the flower and landscape departments. These efforts, although aided at the tirae by English property, yet the expence in execution was found too great for general use; nevertheless the taste was not altogether lost on our native artists, who, iraproving upon the lessons of their' neighbours, have succeeded in producing a sirailar effect at a rauch less expence ; for what before was only effected by the hand, has now been accoraplished by the art of printing. A different style of decoration has lately been introduced from France by the raanufacture of a coraposition of paper into every species of ornaraent whether for the waUs of an apartraent or interior decoration in general. This species of raanufacture has been called Papier Mach6, which in fact is nothing raore than paper reduced to paste, and then forced into raoulds of the forra re quired. In this instance we now excel our inventive neighbours in the execu tion ofthe sarae article; the English raanufacture being raore durable as well as raore iraitative of real carved work, frora its sharpness of edge and depth in cast. But with respect to the elegance and phantasy of design in paper decoration, the French offer patterns very far superior to all others ; this may be accounted for frora the great inventive faculties of sorae of their first rate artists, being men who have acquired and possess a taste for the beautiful, and 33- A 'A > ^ 3 t-l li I ll|pn Ij 5^ "to -1n ^^N o ¦5, ^ 4 s^ 5^ L_J H >- ¦ ¦ 'o ^1 O 1 : f^ V" H I — J fn '^ HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 175 have been foremost in furnishing raaterials for all the inventive and orna mental decorations necessary to the erabelHshment of the houses of their principal nobility and gentry. These observations wUl render it unnecessary to go into a lengthened explanation of the plate before us ; it wUl be sufficient to observe that the whole of the decoration in this plate is supposed to be the effect produced by the hand of the artist, and executed either in oil or disteraper color, aided only by mouldings in gold where the pannel would require it. It will be easily seen by coraparison, how far the one style excels the other. The age of Louis XIV. offers heaviness with grandeur ; but the present style, drawn from the Greeks, although it offers only to our view a few but well chosen ornaraents (putting expence out of the question), wUl always afford to the eye of taste a continued gratification. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. WINDOW CURTAINS. Plate II. No. 1. This plate contains two designs for window curtains for drawing-rooras : in both designs, the cornices supporting the drapery are intended to be carved and finished in gold. The curtains with their draperies are supposed to be made up, either in plain coloured sattin or daraask, of which there are two kinds ; the one being composed of silk altogether, the other being a mixture of silk and worsted; which last, although it raay happen to be cheaper than the other, it will when cleaned or dyed, shrink considerably more. In addition to these there is another material greatly in use, called Merino damask, much of which is manufactured at Norwich, and raakes up very beautifully, not requiring a lining.' Drapery will ever give consequenee to an apartment, and although it raay for a time be in disuse from the caprice of fashion, it will always be adopted wherever a good 176 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. , taste prevaUs ; economy may render the plain vaUance necessary, but it never can be introduced with a view of producing abetter effect; and withal when the brass rods and large rings, &c. are added, the saving becomes very doubt ful. In alraost every design as appHcable to doraestic furniture, there arises a necessity for using a variety of colours, inasrauch as a gay and more lively effect is produced by the contrast ; but if we refer to a raore chaste style of colouring, and particulariy so as regards curtains, it will be found in the use of one colour alone, such tint predorainating throughout the whole : two other tints raay be used, but the three raust be of one stock, each varying from the other only by a darker or lighter gradation of the sarae tint. Where drabs are entirely used, a modest or quaker-like appearance wiU ensue, but nevertheless the general effect will be pleasing and in true taste. Plate XXXIIL No. 4. The observations raade on the designs in the preceding plate 2, wUl apply'likewise to the two designs exhibited in this ; which being likewise intended for drawing room decoration, what becoraes necessary in the one wiU be found equaUy so in the other. Plate XXXVII. No. 6.^ We have in this plate given a design for the decoration of a single win dow, wherein drapery hasbeen dispensed with; the sarae being intended for a drawing roora : as such, the raaterials should be of the sarae quality as before recomraended for such rooras. The cornice is carved and gilt, and in design after the style and raanner used in France during the lifetirae of Louis XIV- The vallance or raantle is gathered into flutes, frora each of which raay be suspended a tassel. This style of curtain has soraething handsorae and rich in its appearance ; it is soraetimes termed petticoat, and at other times Jiammercloth drapery, to the latter of which it carries a strong resemblance. [ A vallance of this kind suits better, when] used for the parlour, library, or bedchamber. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 177 Plate CXLIV- This design is intended for the windows of a dining roora, in which case we would recoraraend the raaterial to be either of fine cloth. Merino daraask, or of raoreen. It is obvious that with a slight addition of drapery for the pier, the present design may be well adapted for two windows, and would then forra a handsorae arrangeraent. Plate XCV. The style of window decoration exhibited in this plate is siraUar in taste to that which prevaUed in England about the period when Queen Elizabeth was on the throne ; the sarae continuing in use afterwards until superseded by a taste for drapery, first introduced into this country frora France. It is a style certainly well adapted for rooras that have but little blank space or dead light above the windows, and raay in such case be indiscrimi nately used for any apartment, changing the costly material for that which is less expensive. The valance in this design is supposed to be of buckram covered with velvet, and ornamented with a material of the sarae kind, but darker colour; cut into ornamental devices at pleasure, which are afterwards to be sewed or otherwise fixed on : tassels are suspended at equal distances throughout the whole extent of the valance; behind' which, a deep and rich buUion fringe is suspended from the lath. Plate XCVI. A design, shewing the style and manner of fitting up the curtains and drapery to a circular headed window : its enrichments wUl entirely depend on the apartraent it is appropriated to, for this window is equally to be 3 B 178 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. found in the parlour as well as library. The valance behind the drapery is supposed to be gathered all over into puckers, such as we see used in the linings of jewel boxes, drawers, &c.; and when made with silk, pro duces not only a rich, but beautiful back ground for that purpose. When eantonier taUs can be admitted, as in this design, a finish is theh made to the window, which raakes any other addition unnecessary. The taste or system of using bronzed raetal or its iraitation on a gold ground, is but a bad taste at best, and much on a par with the contrast of black against white. Plate CXXIX. The cornice in this design should be wholly in gold (that is to say, gilt,) and where carving cannot be afforded, coraposition raay be used. To this cornice is attached what is properly terraed a stone drapery, from its existing in raost of the antique feraale statues at Rorae, and forming that portion of the vestment attached to each shoulder by a button, and which falls down on the breast into folds sirailar to those in the present design. This design is intended for a drawing roora, frora the enrichraent of the cornice and great depth of the drapery : but with a plain japanned or painted cornice, and less depth of drapery, the sarae design may be adapted for any other apartment, and its materials varied also. Plate XII. No. 3. A design for the curtains and drapery of a Venetian window. These windows are well adapted for the general |distribution of light into all apartments. A pole cornice is introduced in this design, which may be manufactured in metal, the ends and centre ornament being carved and gilt. The observations on the articles in Plates II. and XXXIII. in regard to the materials to be used, wUl apply equally to this, and render further ob servation needless. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 179 Plate XIX. No. 5. In this design the two windows are furnished with a drapery in conti nuation over the pier ; the central arrangement of the drapery being con siderably raised above that of the two ends. The cornice may be of metal ; the ends and centre ornaments being carved and finished in gold. This arrangement of drapery and curtains being intended for a drawing room, the observations on Plates II. , XXIII. &c., wUl equally answer for this. Plate CXI. This design exhibits a drapery adapted for two windows and a pier, to suit with that shewn in Plate XXXVIII, ; the cornice in this design may be of oak, and richly carved ; or it may be finished in gold. The curtains, &(*., may be of rich damask, with gold trimmings, and in this case, the design would be suitable for many parts of such a palace as Windsor Castle. Plate XI. No. 2. Displays an arrangement for curtains and drapery for three windows, the drapery being continued over the piers. The cornices are intended to be carved and gilt, that in the centre being the highest elevated. This design being intended for a drawing room, the drapery and curtains should be made of the material before noticed in Plate II. Printed callicoes may answer extremely well for secondary apartments, or for those in houses of persons of small fortune; but they are not at all suitable for those of persons of rank and splendid income. Muslin curtains are introduced in the present design, as well as many of those preceding ; they serve to break the strength of the light, without entirely secluding the cheering effect produced from the solar rays. 180 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Plate CXLI. This plate presents a design for a suit of curtains and drapery adapted for three windows. The drapery is arranged in continuation over the windows and two piers, the sarae being suspended frora a pole cornice with ornaraental ends richly carved and gilt, and having ornaraents in the piers to suit. The drapery in this design is of an opposite colour to that of the curtains^ which is frequently done for the purpose of giving a better effect in the drawing. In execution there can be but one choice, viz. that the cur tains and draperies be of one colour, whatever the raaterial raay be of which they are raade; nevertheless, where the quantity of silk or other raaterial raay fall short of what is requisite for the whole suit, we are not so restricted by rule as to be precluded the advantage of using two colours, whenever the sarae raay be done with taste and judgment. This arrangeraent of curtains and drapery has already been executed in a light blue tabaret, with gold coloured trimmings, and a cornice simUar to that of thcpresent design; pro ducing, in the whole, an effect that gave universal satisfaction. Plate LXXIII. As there have been many houses of Gothic structure erected, particu larly in different parts of the country, it has been thought necessary in the present work to introduce a few specimens in that style. The design in this plate is adapted for an apartment of three windows, such being placed in a circular waU. The cornice is supposed to be of oak, in which case it will require to be whoUy carved ; but where expence is an objection, it may be manufactured of deal, and the ornamental parts made of composi tion; the whole of which may afterwards be japanned closely in imitation of oak by a skUlful painter or japanner. The valance is well suited for such a style of design, where festoon drapery would become improper; and the arrangement would answer equally well for the drawing room, dining room, or library. z oo r ft - 'i z I o o I'J X\\\IT . ¦ I ¦ ¦ I ¦ ,1 S&ita^b&Mil. i'l '1.1-1 Lmaon. PijHisl3ei"bv Jo-ies. & r-.'r.,hi 29. 1S2S ITATKCXJ^IV; IDII^ING MOOM Wn^mO^V CTDRTAJIW. > ¦< > >orn O O o V^.XC\1. .BEAFK!1'^V ..ANW CI-''KTA1:N' FOR CIRCULAJR HEADED -WmDOW; e> '7/iet. . Fublislied Tw Jones 8: CMj)nl28.1627. PL.CXXJX. ]D)K.AWI.T^(& IliOOM CURTAIN. borl-nH -^T-hgJ^ ^ 3 -Ha' TuUlsled 151-501155 t C? July 2 8 1827. Pi:> P1:XII. VENETIAN WINDOW AND CURTAIN. I '- I -* 1^1 i-ii/n^. tiy 7^ Suath hed by Jones IC" April 29. 1826. PIJXLX. DRAWING, ROOM WINDOW CURT A INS. 5 I I I ' ^ ? 5 fi 6 7 8, Di^^mcd I, clS--h, London. Pubhshed "by Jones Sn L'-"' May 6 1826 «s^^ e=5 DRAWING-ROOM. WINDOW. CURTAINS. 2 =J recT tt fi o ^ HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 181 BEDS. Under this article it may be requisite to make a few observations as regards the three kinds of bedsteads in general use : — 1st, That of the four post bedstead, comraonly so called. 2dly, The smaller four post or field bedstead ; and, 3dly, That of the canopy or French bedstead. With respect to the sofa bedsteads, &c. as they are no ways introduced or noticed in the present work, a description would only tend to lengthen this article, without adding any thing interesting to the work. In a cliraate so variable as that of Britain, where the transitions are so sudden from cold to heat, and from wet to dry, &c. one uniform system, both as regards dress as well as the fitting up of our apartments, has been found the most beneficial and conducive to health ; and in point of comfort the old English four post bedstead with its curtains and drapery, will always be found to claim a preference before any other, although it does not follow from hence, that it is necessary to close the curtains so effectually as to exclude the free ingress and egress of fresh air ; — and no form of bed stead can offer so much comfort as to warmth. In very small rooms, such bedsteads may be found objectionable, but in apartments that are not less than fifteen feet square, they are in this climate to be preferred. The ad vantage this kind of bedstead possesses over all others, consists in its con struction, by which the curtains surrounding the whole may with facility be drawn back close to the head, leaving the front and sides open at pleasure. For general domestic use, this bedstead for the reasons above stated, stands the foremost. '2nd. The next species of bedstead which comes under the description of English furniture, is what is termed the field or tent bedstead ; the teasters of which partake of various forms, and in raany cases adraitting of much taste and elegance in design, accompanied with lightness of effect. Formerly the curtains adapted to this kind of bedstead became in themselves too close a covering, excluding very much the free course of air; but they are now so adapted> that the curtains on each side can be 3 c 182 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. partially drawn aside to the head and foot : — in general they are never used except in small apartments. Theprincipal bedrooms in cottages, small villas, &c. raay be appropriately furnished with such beds. 3rd. A frequent intercourse of late years with our neighbours the French, has brought into general use the couch or rather canopy bedstead, over which is suspended a curtain, supported either by a single pole from the wall, or by a small teaster, otherwise termed a canopy — the same being variously ornamented. The furniture for this species of bedstead is in general thrown loosely over each end of the couch. A great degree of elegance may be pourtrayed in this kind of bedstead, inasmuch as the couch itself admits of a great display of decoration, together with the use of the finest woods in its manufacture. In state apartments as well as in large recesses in first rate rooms, this style of furniture may be used to great advantage ; and in dressing rooms, nurseries, as well as in apartments where one or more beds are required, this species of bedstead and hangings in its simplest form, is in general to be recommended. Plate V. A design for a four post bedstead and furniture, suitable for a spacious sleeping apartment; its dimensions in width being six feet, its length seven feet, and its altitude adapted to a room of ten feet six inches in height. Although the furniture is represented by a plain tint of colour in the present design, yet the material of which it is made, may be supposed to be of a chintz pattern, lined with a plain blue, this material being most congenial to English costume. The cornices supporting the valances may be of mahogany and enriched with carved ornaments. The footboard, headboard and foot pillars together with the rails, are intended to be manufactured of the same material ; the turned pillars and crowning of tbe foot and head boards may likewise be decorated with ornaments carved out of the solid wood. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 183 Plate LXX. This Plate offers a design for a four post bedstead, &c, of similar dimen sions to the one before described, having its teaster covered inwardly, and surmounted by an oval dome ; and the cove surmounted by a moulding, and decorated with ornaments in gold. The pillars, whicb may be of mahogany, are surmounted on the front and sides by three enriched carved cornices, which support a drapery consisting of nine festoons, behind which a range of drapery in plain flutes serves as a back ground, as well as for an inside valance. The drapery and curtains may be raanufactured either of silk, of chintz, or Merino daraask, and the whole will then form a bedstead and hangings suitable for a state apartment. Plate CXVII. A design is here given for a four post bedstead with head and footboard ; from the teaster of which rises three semicircular cornices, all of which may he manufactured of mahogany, together with the ornaments attached to them. This bedstead has likewise an additional teaster rising from each angle, the same terminating in a small circular block in the centre; and thus forming by the intersection of its ribs, what in architecture would be termed a groined arch. The whole effect of this design in execution would no doubt look light and airy ; it is a design, suitable for the principal sleeping apartments in the mansions of our opulent gentry. The furniture, as in the article last described, may be either of silk. Merino damask, or of printed calico, and may be triramed with fringe, tassels and rope. The circular pedestal in this design may be of mahogany : its use is for receiving une pot de chambre. On the other side ofthe bedstead a similar pedestal is placed, intended for une table de nuit ; and both pieces of furniture may have marble slabs for their tops. 184 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURK Plate CXXX. In this design, the expence of cornice with its ornaments, &c. has been dispensed with; the whole embellishraent consisting in the wreaths and shells necessary for supporting the festoons. These ornaraents may either be carved, or be substituted by those cast in metal. — The furniture may be of chintz or calico, and the bedstead of mahogany. The base valance in this design may be of buckram covered with plain calico or velvet, and decorated with velvet ornaments. The inside teaster valances, are also intended to be plain and of buckram, covered with calico after the same manner and to suit in shape the base valance, but ornamented with tassels 8tc. as fancy may dictate. Plate XLIII. This Plate contains five various designs for the foot pillars of bedsteads ; in height they are rather more than 9 feet. Three of the patterns would require a scantling of mahogany, 6 J inches square, the other two requiring a scantling of only 5 I inches ; all these pillars are alone fitted for first rate bedsteads, and should be supported on French casters. It will be necessary that the wood should be carefully selected both as to quality and soundness, and the carving put into competent hands — the plain surfaces on the pedestals of the three first designs may be overlaid with veneers of a choice figure. Plate XCVII. The field, or as they are sometimes terraed tent bedsteads, are so much in common use as to render a description of them alraost unnecessary; we shall therefore confine what we have to say in a small compass*, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, 185 The design offered in the present Plate, and which is intended for an apartment of a superior kind where a display of show and dress becomes necessary, is more peculiarly calculated for the smaller apartment on the principal floor of a mansion. The ornamental cornices supporting the drapery, maybe executed in composition and japanned in colours to suit the pattern of the furniture, where expence is considered an object. In regard to the furniture, what has already been observed on the designs in the previous plates, will likewise answer for the one before us. This description of bedstead is generally intended for the use of single persons, but will very well supply the place of a four post bedstead in the principal sleeping apartment of the small villa or cottage orn6. Plate CXIII. A design is here given for a field bedstead and furniture, of a more simple construction than that last described; expence being altogether avoided in this coraposition, so far as relates to a bed somewhat above that in coramon use : — in an object so familiar, it would be needless to enter further on its description. — The more ornamental style of French bed will therefore close what we have to say on this article of doraestic comfort, and first with that numbered Plate XIII. This description of bedstead and furniture, with its decorations, &c. is of foreign invention, and goes back to a period of very early date ; — it is nothing more than a refinement on the hurable bed of our ancestors, and its use is more prevalent in France and over the continent, than in this country. The frame of the bedstead in the present design is supposed to be manu factured of the finest mahogany and highly polished, and finished with Or molu ornaments, when required. The curtain covering the whole at night, is suspended by a pole from the wall above, and again by poles placed over 3 D 186 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. each end ofthe couch, so as to keep the curtains a sufficient distancefrom the party when sleeping ; as shewn in the plan below. The details given in the plate, render further description unnecessary, we shall therefore pass on to Plate LX. Which exhibits a design for the same species of bedstead and hangings, in its more expensive style. The dome or canopy, as an appendage to this bedstead, forms a principal feature ; and the whole thus arranged, is suit able for the principal or state apartment in the mansion of the nobleman or gentleman of fortune. The richest materials will of course be requisite to be used for such an article of elegance ; such as silk for the furniture, and the finest woods for the bedstead. CHA IRS, SOFAS, &c There is scarcely any article in the whole range of the Upholstery branch, that admits of more variety in taste and design, than that of chairs and sofas. From the earliest periods of human civilization, and amongst various nations, they have been in use as an article of furniture. In the hiero glyphic paintings which have been discovered in the torabs of the kings, at Thebes in Egypt, representations may be seen of different superb ornamented elbow chairs, and the same of couches ; and designs drawn from these remains, and given by the Author in a former work, have been successfully manufac tured at various periods. But for simplicity of form, beauty of outline, and delicacy as to substance, no chairs can be said to surpass those of the antient Greeks, and which they could only have effected by the use of metal. The best speciraen of chair after this taste was one, designed some years back for furnishing of the drawing rooms of Henry Baring, Esq., and manufactured for hira hy the Author. A similar style of chair may likewise FOUR-POST. BEDSTEAD. & FURNITURE. I. 12 9 6 3 O Pub^ by JONGS i. CO April 15.1826. FOTCK-o iP© ST . B ® ME . B E] I ' 'i ill I [i I I dee.et Lcnicni, Pu&lisTieJ iiy Jones & C9 S^*-2 1826 GROIjf© TEAS THR. BEB S TKATTD » I ' I •'FaTr. ^i lyr Jones fc C?ApTil21, 1627. F © Ull'l JP O S T %EU§ r K AB „ ^,.-|-T-rl-r^-| , , I London, Pubhshed bv Jones 5; C° Julv,?!, 1827 n .xLiii "ubiistrd liv Jones » CMiilv T^.isns. pt.xcvn. fUEL.© BBB< ,. . irifi7h7s /f]i.'lit-a ^^rJ0acs &- C° Aii^l9 \8P.6 HOUSEHOLD FURNITrjRE. 187 be seen in the drawing rooms at the house of Alexander Copeland, Esq., in Great George Street, Westminster; manufactured some years since by Messrs. Oakley and Evans. With respect to the style and fashion displayed in this article of furniture in England, and especially that of the present day, much cannot be said by way of praise or encomium ; the patterns which have lately been produced, offering in themselves rather a melange or mixture of all the different styles associated together : — for instance, it is not uncommon to find a parlour chair made with turned front feet, the back feet of which will be strictly Grecian, and the yoke for the back partaking of the same style, but supported by Roman columns. The necessity for economy urged by many at the present day, is in itself sufficient to check and weaken the spirit for design, and thus we see nothing but a monotony of character in this article of furniture. In some few instances we witness a lavish of expence displayed in the production ofthe furniture, designed in the style and after the manner of that which prevailed in the age of Louis XIV. of France ; an example of which is given in Plate CXLVI. (see the design marked French) : here we have magnificence, but not taste ; an elaborate display of ornament, but no beauty in general outline — those who possess a strength of fancy for this species or style of furnishing, may have his, or their taste amply gratified by a visit to Crock- ford's Gambling-house in St. James's Street, which is wholly furnished after this manner. We now proceed with our descriptive catalogue ofthe chairs, contained in the present collection of designs, beginning with Plate IIT. The two designs contained in this Plate are wholly fanciful ; the one oii the left hand being after that of the French school, and the other parjily Grecian. They are both intended for furnishing the drawing room, the frames being manufactured in rosewood, vi'ith the ornamental parts finished in gold. The backs in both the designs are fitted with loose frames, which may be stuffed and covered with the same material as the seat ; a stuffed back will at all times give a consequence to the appearance of the chair, and at the same time adds to its comfort. 188 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Plate CXLVI. Contains two designs for antique chairs ; the first being a French pattern, and after the taste of the age of Louis XIV. Of this design we have already spoken and made reference, which will render any additional observations unnecessary ; further than it is intended for the same apartment as those described in the preceding Plate, and should be wholly of rose wood, or altogether gilt. The other design is copied from an original chair brought over from India and executed in ivory, being now in the possession of Sir George Talbot. — The whole of the ornament is exquisitely carved, and beautifully finished. This design is given to show the variation of style as regards the taste of different countries : — It is a chair not altogether adapted for ease on account of its form, nevertheless there is a considerable display of merit in the original composition. Plate CXLIII. In this plate are two designs for chairs, after the style of the florid Gothic ; they are intended to be executed in oak, which at all times is the most suitable material for this style of work. Gothic furniture should never be introduced but where the architectural style of the building is after the same taste :¦— In all other instances its adoption becomes an anomaly. Plate LXVIII. * Two designs are here given for fauteuil or lounging chairs, intended eitheif for the drawing room, the dining parlor, or library ; their covering varying according to the apartment they are destined for. This description of chair has its frame of mahogany or rosewood ; — of mahogany when it is destined for the parlour or library, and of rosewood when appropriated for the drawing room. These chairs are calculated for indulgence, being adapted chiefly for the luxury of the wealthy, and comfort of the infirm. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, 189 Plate XXXII. Contains two designs for hall chairs ; the one on the left hand of the Plate, to be executed in oak, and that on the right hand in mahogany. Further observation on articles of such common usage would be needless in this place, the parts being plain by inspection. Plate CXIX. The two first designs, intended as patterns for the backs of chairs, and appropriated for the dining room, have the Grecian outline for their back, finishing with a broad and hollow yoke. Roth the backs are intended for stuffing, and covering with leather. The two designs underneath are intended as patterns for the backs of drawing room chairs, to be executed wholly in rosewood as before stated. The first design partakes of the Grecian style, the central part being stuffed, the frarae enriched with carving, and the yoke orna mented to suit. The last design may properly be styled English, and is wholly fanciful as to the arrangement of its parts. Plate XXXVIII. This design for a sofa is intended for the library; the frarae tobe manu factured wholly of mahogany, and the ornamental parts carved out of the solid wood : — the back cushions, together with the two bolsters, pillows, and seat cushion, to be covered with green morocco leather. The ends of this sofa partake of the Dolphin form for their outline, the whole of which figure is made out into carved foliage ornament. The graceful outline which this figure offers, has occasioned its introduction for this article of domestic use. 3 E ]90 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Plate CXXXVII. A design for a sofa, intended for the drawing room ; the frame to be executed in rosewood, and all the enrichments carved out of the solid. The covering for the seat, the back cushions, bolsters, &c. may be raade up out of printed colico, Merino damask, or silk, as occasion may require. Plate LXXXI. Two different designs for tete a tete seats. In France this description of seat is very common as an article of indulgence ; it takes its name from its being intended for the accommodation of two persons. This article of furniture is very useful in small apartments, where the recesses on each side of the chimney breast are generally too contracted in width, to admit either sofa or chaise longue. As to their material, their decoration, and covering, it will be the same as that of the sofas in the room for which they are intended to be placed. Plate XCIV. The first design in this plate represents a seat commonly termed a Chancelier, from the resemblance it bears to the seat or cushion on which the Chancellor of England is seated in the House of Lords, which in its original form is made to imitate a wool sack. The present design in some measure differs from it, inasmuch as a bolster is made to run down the whole length of the middle, having cushions or pillows resting on each side. This description of seat is appropriated for occupying the central situation of spacious apartments, and should be covered en suite with tbe curtains, sofas, and chairs in the room. The second design represents an ottoman, which is a species of seat generally without ends or back ; but in this figure a deviation is made. The ottoman here given, is intended for occupying the left hand side of a chimney breast, having a framed HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 191 upright back to receive the cushions which are placed against it. Being placed in a recess, the cushion at one end is supported by the wall, and the cushion at the other end, by the projecting breast of the chimney. The covering &c. should be regulated as described in the preceding articles : — for the rest, reference may be made to the plan underneath. Plate X. Exhibits two designs for chaise longnes, both of which are adapted either for the drawing room, dining parlour, or the library at pleasure ; the covering being suited to the apartment for which they are designed. If intended for the dining room or library, the covering may be of morocco leather, and the frames mahogany ; if used for the drawing room, the frames should then be manufactured of rosewood, and the materials intended for the covering, to accord with and be the same as that of the window curtains. Plate CXXXVI. This elegant chaise longue as to its design, may be considered as wholly Grecian, and is best adapted for the drawing room, or boudoir ; in which case, the frame may be wholly of rosewood, and the seat and ends covered either with silk. Merino damask, or linen. If appropriated for the state apartment, the frame might then be finished entirely in gold. Plate IX. Six designs are given in this plate for patterns for chair legs, shewing a part of the seat rail to each. These legs being much enriched with carved work, are best suited for drawing room chairs ; and in that case, they should be virrought entirely in rosewood, or have some of their 192 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. parts in gold. This plate also contains four various patterns for the sup porting feet of sofas and chaise longues, shewing part of the foot rail, and scroll end of each. What has been said in respect to the chair feet, will also apply to these as regards their designation. Plate CIV. This Plate contains four different ideas for the scroll ends of sofas, shewing the profile of one end, part of the rail, and one leg, in each design. Agreeable to the fashion of the present day, the frames would require to be made of rosewood, and the carved ornaments to be worked out of the solid ; but we are not prevented from making use ofa mixture of gilding whenever the other finishings of an apartment may require it. Plate LXXIV. Three designs are here given for music stools ; one shewing its frame as worked in mahogany, and the other two as executed in rosewood, with their ornamental parts in gold, the covering of each seat being of morocco leather : — underneath each design is given a plan of its pillar and block, with a scale. Plate CXXXI. This Plate contains six different designs for foot stools in profile, intended as appendages to the furniture of the drawing room. They are variously got up and ornamented ; some being manufactured of rosewood, some altogether finished in gold, and others partly in rosewood with gold ornaments. The covering for this article raust be regulated by the rest of the furniture in the apartment. i f u ^^^|glWh 1 1 m IR /IF % m 1 M^ ^ ^ ^^ f D > z O 3:O O nX > 00 >!^^ g (=1 w 3 M (?2 b %A Dir^lE^G liOOM (CMAIIi BACKS o Ii)KA>V!lIN(& liOOM C 11,^:11 :( .l;,.\€KS London, I'libiishcd by Joae^S.- C Apnl U, 182/, :*i /, ..\ v\ iir DRA WING, ROOM SOFA Flan or.Siifii IMi Size. Ll r hrT+i-i± :i/";vv 'D Poi)]is],'--,J "ay J,.Tl,.'s P-i.:\,u]- ,'"9 .5.?6. 5& © a, 1^ PIATE I.3XXT. T JE T E a T ETE .'5 Ji.\T I London, Publi s"h cd "bv Jones S,- C? Oct^.l 1326; PI. XCIV CHANCELIER OTTOMAN FOR. A. RECESS. A, CHYMNEY, B, PILASTER OrCHYMNEY PIECE, C, BREA5T or D" D,D,D, RECESS EE, FRAME, or OTTOMAN. SCALE. roR. I'LAN. ift :i* shcd})y Jone^b" "Nov^ Lonaoii Fufclishcdiy JonS^C" "N^v^ 1326, CHAISE LONGUES ORNAMENT. AT. FOOT. ENLARGED -N 1^% j'-f^^:W'^:^S'-.. 1\ "(T- ^TT "zznr ^j:u-iJu//u/in/u^ullUJ±lli\S^^ ^^^^^^^^' 1[»— *— *^^" LEG . ENLARCE'D £, ^_ ^ I Ddsi^ned by G- Smuk SCALE b LEG . EN LARGED ' FOR. CHAISE . LONGUES. ^^FOR ENLARGED PARTS. LONDON. Pub^ by^ joneHpc April 22.1826. M '7^ ^-rk. CHAIM 'LEa.S .1' RA1,LS, 'mrjs^x ^^^S. C— -P CD Z=L SOR\ VEET X- :RAT,L.'^. l.oiiaon PcWishcd ty -loncs St r"',,',m-l .':: K2C. iPL.civ. ;S.('IKOI,jL, K.I^ID y /?,/• ."^OFAS f^'-J -J ]]]j'j.]'jiT]:p22^.Lj pj London, Published bir Jones & C M,irch 10,1827 PLATE LXXIV ^^ mi: sir s T o Ol. s o III'' Scale, ior Flans . Tonion Pii"bb^lic-a "b/- Tone's ScCfSel3''25. 1826. FOOTS TO OL,S ICN ririOJFIl,]E. -1_L_ _J , - T I London, FuHirticd byJoncfifc C°jDly21,ia27. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 193 CABINET FURNITURE. there a^-e no people of any country whatever tnat excel the English iti the manufacture, the construction, or taste in design as regai'ds the article of cabinet furniture in general ; all of which is distinguished by a lightness, and a fitness for the purpose intended ; accompanied by a delicacy and neatness of finish, peculiar to the British artizan, that no where has its equal. We do not by this encomium on our own countrymen, tnean to debar our neighbours or competitors of their share of merit. The artizans of France are ingenious in their invention., but are rarely to be distinguished for their care in construction : — no people are raore ready at contrivance^ but withal they have not patience to avoid clumsiness in their finishing. In almost all tlieir designs for furniture there reigns throughout a heaviness, arising in a great measure from their aiming too much at architectural character ; than which, as it is applied to furniture, nothing can be in worse taste or keeping : — It gives to their wardrobes, escrutoires, bookcases, &c. more the appearance of ponderous masses of wood ; and in many instances renders them unsightly as articles of taste. If however, they are deficient in point of taste in design as regards their larger articles of domestic furniture, they amply excel in those of the smaller kind ; for in whatever relates to articles for feminine use, such as their work-tables, writing-tables, chiffoniers, dejun§-tables, trick-track tables, dressing-tables, and many other meubles of the same kind, — all these possess an elegance and taste in their design, as well as a great degree of beauty in the ornamental decoration of their parts, to which they as pieces of furniture are chiefly indebted for that pleasing effect prevailing in them ; such ornaments being the production and design of perhaps a first rate artist : and the execution as to the modelling, casting and finishing in metal, being equally excellent. In* this place we must not omit to raention another race of artizans ; viz. the Gerraans, as being ingenious in almost every branch of raecha nical art placed under their hands : — they possess the grand essential 3 F 194 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. towards producing good work, viz. that of patience, if they are not alto gether so quick and fanciful as the French on that which relates to design. Some years back many of these artizans worked in several of our cabinet manufactories, but have since emigrated almost all of thera into the musical establishments of Messrs. Broadwoods, Muzio Clementi, Stodart and others. If we refer to the artists who have excelled in their designs for furniture we shall find but few to notice amongst our own countrymen. Mr. Thomas Hope stands the foremost on the list, as being best acquainted from his travels, with the costume of foreign countries, and as possessing a very refined and classic taste. Mr. Thomas Chippendale (lately deceased), and knoAvn only amongst a few, possessed a very great degree of taste, with great ability as a draughtsman and designer. Except a few secondary assis tants in this branch of design, we have now none of any consequence ; unless we take into the account some few of our best architects, whose efforts at best can be but limited, arising chiefly from a want of knowledge as to the proportion and distribution of the component parts of cabinet furniture ; and which alone can only rest in the individual who is well acquainted with the practical part of the whole. If we refer on the other hand to foreigners resident in this country, we may reckon at the head of this department Mons. Doileau, who was formerly eraployed in the decoration of Carlton Palace. This gentleman, in addition to his unrivalled taste in decorative painting, possesses a light, an airy, and classic style of design for household articles of comfort; and be has never been surpassed by any raodern artist in his designs for ornamental plate or articles for casting in Or molu. The late Mr. Bogaert, in addition to his merits as a carver, was also equally happy in his designs for furniture and other branches of interior decoration. There are other artists, as well foreigners as English, of -considerable merit, who practice in the decorative branches of design ; but as they are no way connected with the manufac turing department, nor with that of making designs for furniture, we shall avoid enlarging any further on the subject, and pass on to the descriptive portion relating to cabinet furniture, — the last series in this cur work. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 19S TABLES. Plates XXIV. and CXVIII. These two plates exhibit three different designs for occasional or sofa tables, intended as meubles for the drawing room ; in which case they may be executed wholly in fine rosewood, or they may have a portion of their ornamental work in gilding or Or molu. If intended for the library or dining room they should be manufactured of mahogany, and the* orna mental parts carved in the solid wood. In plate XXIV, each design is accompanied with a profile of its standard, the parts of which may be measured by the scale given j and in plate CXVIII. is given one half the plan of the table. Plate XLII. In this Plate are given two designs for loo tables, intended for drawing rooms, as being much enriched with carved work ; and which may be manu factured either of solid rosewood, king wood, or of other fancy woods of equal beauty. If intended for the dining room or library, this species of table should be manufactured wholly of mahogany with a lesser portion of carved work. A plan of each block on a reduced scale, is given at the bottom of the plate. Plates XXVII. and LXIV- The designs given in these two Plates are intended as tables for occupying the piers between the windows of the drawing room, and in these cases should haye mirrors placed over them. The lower design in Plate XXVII. is represented as having its sides inclosed, the panels of which on 1% HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. the outside are intended to be filled up with quilled silk ; and those on the inside as well as the back, with silvered glass. The intent of this arrangement is to produce a reflecting effect from the china objects of ornament which are usually placed in such situations. In Plate LXIV. is given a design for a console table, with a portion of the glass frame shewn over it, after the style of Louis XIV., accompanied with a geometrical profile and a scale. Plate LXXXIII. . The first subject in this plate is intended for the use of female artists, as well as to answer the purpose of a pier table. When used in drawing rooms, this table may be so adapted, as with a rising frame at the back to admit the influence of heat from the fire place, and at the same time afford a riser for the female artist to place her copy on : — the small drawers on the right and left hand of the table, are intended to contain all the apparatus and materials necessary for drawing, and that in the centre for the reception of drawing paper. The second subject in this plate exhibits a design for a writing table with a sliding screen at the back, which may be raised up or lowered at pleasure, and should be filled with plate glass. Plate VIII. Contains two designs for ladies' work tables, which may be either ol rosewood, fine mahogany, or of any other fancy woods. The table in the second design is furnished with a backgamraon board, and a sliding cover, divided either for draughts or chess. A profile and plan is given with each table. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE 197 Plate XXVI. In this Plate are given two designs for articles of Cabinet furniture, both of them adapted for occupying the boudoir : — they may be considered of French origin. The first design contains a secretaire drawer, adapted to the height for writing, together with a sliding frame intended as a desk, under which is an open space for paper, &c. The upper desk is so propor tioned in its height, as to be equal to the position requisite for a person to write or read when standing ; it has sliders right and left of it, for holding candles or other articles. The second design forms an ornaraental table, either for the boudoir or drawing room : — the tops of such tables are generally of the finest Parian marble ; sometimes they are composed of a mixture of scarce and valuable stones inlaid and cemented together, and in this case are termed tesselated. Where such table tops are known to be genuine, they are alraost invaluable; but the craft and artifice of dealers in this article too frequently impose on our faith, by substitution. Plate XXXVI. The first design in this Plate is that of a dressing table, having the central portion of the top occupied by the wash-hand bason; on each side of which and under hinged covers are contained the water caraffs, the tumblers, tooth brush trays. Sec, as shewn in the plan : — one ofthese sides is fitted up with two trays, the one over the other, which are intended to contain combs and other small articles, necessary in dressing. The dressing glass is intended as a fixture at the back, after the manner of those in the French toilette tables : — these tables may be manufactured either in maho gany or rosewood. The second design exhibits a toilette table, wholly intended for dressing ; it contains three drawers which are fitted up with various divisions for combs, brushes, and various other articles necessaiy for the toilette : this table, like the one preceding, has its dressing glass fixed to the back, and may be manufactured of woods ofthe same description. 3 G 198 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Plate LIX. This design is intended as a double wash-hand table, and is vvholly after the French taste. The top containing the basons, &c. is intended to be of marble, and the frame under it to be made ofthe finest figUred mahogany, which in the inside is lined throughout v, ith lead. This table is supported by four truss shaped legs, resting on a plinth; the ornamental parts of which may be of raetal, either lacquered or gilt : a plan and scale is added, by which the parts may be measured. ' ^ Plate CXXVI. The design in this Plate is intended as a dressing table for the principal bedchamber, and should be manufactured of the finest wood : — the drawer under the top is wholly fitted up to contain the necessary dressing apparatus, with watches, trinkets, and other bijoux appertaining to female use. The drawers above are intended for the reception of papers and other articles, over which is fixed the dressing glass. This plate likewise contains a design for a circular wash-hand stand, accorapanied with a plan. Plate CXXXII. Contains two highly ornamental stands for the reception of hand- basons and ewers, and other articles necessary for daily lavations. This article of furniture may either be made of mahogany or rost^wood ; if of the latter, the whole of the orriaraentaf parts may be executed of metal, such as the masks and tails Of the Dolphins with the shell ornaments sup porting the base ; as well as the gallery round the centre sbelf^ and the rings attached to the swans heads. The sarae may be said as to the ornamental parts in the design for the larger stand, snch as the ornaments round the frieze, the foliage on the truss supports, the paw feet. Sec. I'l .\',\n' O iC € A .^ ,L -L) 1^: AIL T A. ;15 h 'f. ',% . Ji-otile (^ Scale 'P 1 for iHUh, Tahiti nviik' _o c w^ ;^.,.~_i s ,- S-, London. PuTjlishol by .(ones & CMuue 3,182G n rjiW :L'(HD i'AKLJil;^, Bn.v Ihiildiiui.r n Pillar tnliiniil . :i a . Pail oi Ilu- Pillnr t'niaifid. b . Plnli the Plan of PUlar. li,.i,,.,u. ,„ ...Tfiii-I, , i,.i,.l,.i ;\:il;f',M! :,. Joni-s -t-r" Julv ."::,:¦'-!, 'i; Pl XXMl . ¦pr,v.', K 'irABLE.'^. /V»7//l' I L,i,,l- ^ for both Tables. . < hvliL' >A.'C.if. .¦ JhJt I Piiblislial 1;\' Jojji .- ;¦' f June 10, 'b'L'i. r A v. S -a'TfeiAfi fjiaixiiAi :\ia:a?iA'S garnv'T st'i m:\n\l ^T.viiAvVMffl s:a;i.f-iY'T IIIXXXT Id Pi:8. LADIES . WORK . TA BLE . ¦ u WORM BAG. BACKGAMMON WORK TABLE. BACKGAMMON. BOARD. INSIDE. OF TABLE. iSii -^-.j^^-i .i^..'.%if^^*flL.- 0} •'I I I I I I I I I I I I If,w Bubjned iy GJmall ndon. Published by Jones &. C April 22.1826 oX o > 2 > PL.W.VVl, DRESSING TABLE ^#:t A,,\ ll'iilcr liii-ati:':. B li 'I tuHhkrs. C.C 'ioolli Brush Troiu-.-. D , liason, B lioz iiiidi-i- the lILii.-i.-'- LADI ES TOILETTE TABLE ggngnea bi( G.Smith l..rH„N Publir'io.! Ir,' Jc."<-: .'I- C^;¦l-.e L'-H Pl.LIX. IVA .S H UA 'S 3 TA F, I, E y 4f^ D D A A . Ila.i-on.s BB. TlVtfi-i- JJ,>/f/<-.i- . C C . TumO^rs . X) .D . .Spii/.i til /I.i E Jhot/i 7Srn.i7t yiiii/ . FF. 'iiiotii yiiii-t7rr 7//I.I-I-. I . ¦ I ¦ ¦ I . . I ,-f .IOTU',5 & C Aug' Z,liiZ6. 'liA h rW.S ¦J)|.rK;S;SilA':(' :r.\,l>IMM,. 7/(V/? Band S (ond . • 1 I -^ 1 j- rji > Al-.,: to o rj2 ¦4 t4 1 , • — - ,, \ \ W'^ f) , A o> D > 00 V Cf) HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 199 ^ Plate CXXXIX. Two designs for tripod stands for fl9wer baskets. These stands being intended for the drawing room, should be of the finest mahogany or rose wood, with their ornaraental parts in metal gilt, or in wood carved and gilt. In economical cases they may be manufactured in common wood, and japanned. A plan is given with each scale, by which the parts may be measured. Plate XXXV. Two designs for card tables with pillar and claw supports ; which when much enriched as in those before us, should be raade of rosewood, having some parts finished in gilding : — the tops are best when lined with velvet instead of cloth. The advantage in the construction ofthese tables consists chiefly in the top turning round upon the frame, in which case it then answers as a kind of loo table. ... ,.:,;,. . Plate CIX. A design for a hall table. This description of table in general is very plain in its design, when adapted for the common hall or entrance to most houses ; but we here give a design for a table, answerable for the hall of tbe nobleman's mansion : it will be sufficient to say that the material used in its construction should be mahogany, and whatever constitutes ornament about it, should be carved out of the same wood. In some cases a drawer may be added for containing cards of address, the Court Guide and other books, which the hall porter may have occasion for. 200 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Plate XCIX. A design for a sideboard table : thts description of sideboard is adapte; i'-; Sfp^iv,' : -:v-i[ 'SI'[3k\ BOAE.Ii LE'H.S A?^'U UACI.J^. ^^^^/>JkJ>JxJXJyJX/ olJjl'l iiHARlj J,K'0,y ;>:¦ TRA.MuS,, WJTfl :<- '.y iT \-\t)\' [\' [¦.!., I ,'•' '' II FM (J>NT i(-:L.,^X/ ,|MC 0 V I ,!,,£ i- ¦'# ^oiidcn Publ i',hniV Jones ,t C" Mav 13 182G H.XXIX. ;il ¦ r^'INM ,^' G SID ilil 'B OA '.R'D S . TiolUT^. Profile . ^^^fii^ LDUdnn . Published by Jones .l- C".I,ine 10 182G. Pl:LW. WINE .COOLE RS. AFTE R THE. ANTIQUE. rf7TT7777:v7//7// / \ \\^^^^\^^^^^^^^^^ Tig.l. \^^ D / / ___^__,^---^ __^ --^ A. Habfl'laxi. B. Pljjuv of Belli/, C . i'tert, oi:Xeck D Tian. of Bottom . JiT-Ei. Bottles . T-Lq.Z I I I I J 'i I I I I I i=t= JPeet ionaon.Poblisliclljv Jones & C°Aiig*i, 18:16 I! .- -i ' ^1 . v_ '\ ' ', A \j •i.'i.c' \ ! i?3^ o NPP o o o l,L 1 / f, ' ^"" o o HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE 203 some cases it may be placed between two doors. The inclosed ends are generally appropriated for the reception of music books, &c.:' — sometimes the tops are made of valuable marbles, or otherwise of their imitation called scagliola. Plate CIL This Plate shews two designs for drawing room commodes, intended for filling up the piers between the windows of a drawing room ; the doors of each commode have an ornamental brass guard fixed before the silk. A profile is given with each design as a guide to the workman in measuring the parts. Plate LXIX. Contains a design for a commode in the Gothic style, to be manufac tured of rosewood when intended for the drawing room ; in which case the open space in the centre raay be appropriated for the reception of ornamental China jars, and be filled up with plate glass at the back. When appro priated for the library, this piece of furniture may be made of mahogany, and the centre space in that case, be destined for receiving the terrestial and celestial globes. Plate LXXII. In this plate are given eight various patterns for the supporting feet of cabinets or commodes; — the design marked A, A, being shewn in profile as well as in front. The last three designs are intended as supports for foot-stools. Plate LXI Exhibits two designs for dressing room commodes after the French taste. The drawer over the truss supports in the first design is sometimes 204 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. fitted up for writing ; and at other times fitted up to contain the whole of the apparatus necessary for dressing : — the other drawers are intended for linen. The second design being considerably higher, is intended both for clothes and linen. The frieze is made to draw out, and forms a depository for jewellery, papers, &c. Plate XC. In houses of first rate dimensions, the best apartments of which are generally very spacious, and thereby capable of .admitting furniture on an enlarged scale, an opportunity is afforded for giving a design out of the common routine. The present plate exhibits a design for a wardrobe adapted for an apartment of such ample dimensions ; affording much con venience as regards accommodation for an extensive assortment of clothing, as well as producing considerable efiect from the distribution and proportion of its parts, which in such pieces of bedchamber furniture is generally very heavy. The central division of the present design is wholly intended for sliding tray shelves; — the parts connecting the centre with the ends, are fitted up with drawers, and the two butside wings are intended for the pur pose of hanging up dresses that would otherwise be injured if folded together. The heights in this design may be taken geometrically from the front ele vation; the perspective making little variation, and certainly none but what the intelligent workman can make allowance for : — the plan and scale will guide him as to the proportions. Plate XXXI. With respect to the design in this Plate we have only to observe that the ends are intended for the same purpose as those in the one preceding, for receiving the habilliments de nuit. The proportions may be obtained from the elevation and scale as before mentioned PLAl-t JJSS TLA» IIE S SE nR,E TAIiaiB . 1^=^ M, LoncloTi. PublitiJicd "byJoces £r C^ Oct.'fl IcS PI ¦DRAWING- ROOM COMMODE. SCAI.E TO PLAN 1 I I -r-r-i I i i i i i I m :_ SCALE i , ' I I 1 ¦ f i TO enlaNg'd parts IXesigtted/ by G.SiTiiih/. ENLARGD-PROFiLt: -Of UPPER PART, ^m BASE. EnLARC ?. j^K 'nmi>r ^ =^r--_ 3) LONDON Published by JONES 8c C9 Apm Pt,. cn IDffiAWIWG MOOM COMMOMEo Front . I'ro/ilt . ^ V ai '' nil il' i 1 v/l. 1 1 1 1 ji I 1 qfWTTTrTT 0 w^ ((((l\\) ---^ ! Fat. 3 f . I London. Pu'bKsTied. hj Jonps Sc C? J^n. Z7, Irtl'/ q-^ t 0 tf5 ©M r\ n n [.[.ATjE ixxu >srppo>?vTi^L^^t- iFm-ri' ipo^ 'rA:i?>:iiNET.s^ c'i»:i:>'(ij):i!),i':',a x- "'l'''^JUT^S'J'(^JO]I^§ oiL(Jall.Pul)lisTied.l>7 Jones- i: C" Sl'^AISS'^' I 'I IXII ti lOmiE S SII^^K 'ilOOm 99.MMOnD]E§a d^ -' ' ' ¦• --.Lclo-a , PtAIi -a ei ly Jone s & C 9 S e-p*182 6 I ^mmmifm^'' •arciroMMoa moom: ^mimymot lltAXX.-) T, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 205 Plate CVIII. This design for a lady's dwarf wardrobe is of similar dimensions to that in the preceding Plate, but rs different as to the arrangement of the parts. The central part being screened by folding doors, is intended to be fitted up inside with sliding shelves up to one half its height, and the other half to be occupied by drawers. The two wings are intended for hanging up dresses, as before stated Plate CL The two designs in this plate are for box dressing glasses, so termed as having a case placed beneath the glass, which is generally occupied by three drawers. They are for the most part manufactured of mahogany; and are intended for first-rate apartments, when executed of rosewood: — the profiles in this plate will be sufficient to give the geometrical heights and projectians. Plate XV. The placing a glass over the chimney piece will always hold the prefer ence to the fixing of this mirror in any other situation in the room. The walls of our apartments on the chimney side cannot be said to be properly furnished without the addition of a glass ; for pictures make but an indifferent sub stitute. There reigns throughout a cheerfulness, a gaiety, and what the French would term a Jt ne scais quoi, in regard to the effect of a glass^ as to induce us to consider the apartment as lifeless that does not contain it. We have in this plate given two designs for this elegant and pleasing article of domestic embellishment with a section of each frame, and the mouldings, on an enlarged scale. With respect to the style and manner of their 3 I 206 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. execution we shall forbear saying any thing, further than when executed wholly in gold, the general effect will not only be the most chaste, but also the most imposing in its appearance. Plate LXI. Drawing room fire screens. Two designs are here given for this useful and elegant appendage to the furniture of the drawing-room. In the first design, as much variety has been displayed in the form of the mount as such would consistently admit of. In the second, the idea of the banner has been adopted, with the addition of a Grecian ornament as a finish for the upper part, from which is suspended silk tassels and line. The standards in both designs may be executed either of mahogany, rosewood, king-wood, or of zebra-wood ; and the ornamental parts finished in gilding : — or they may be carved out of the solid wood. Plate CXXXVIIL Screen libraire. In the nobleman or gentleman's library, the bookcase screen will not only be found a useful appendage, but at the same time will form a portable and ornamental library of itself. The idea as given in this design was suggested from the use that a portable bookcase would be in the library or drawing room, the want of which hitherto has been supplied by tbe open chiffonier. Here we have an article of furniture serving the purpose of a screen in cold weather, the front of which when elevated or sliden up, discloses a small but select library. The panel of the rising front may be filled either with silk, as shown in the plate, or it may be fitted with transparent plate glass, shewing the books when down ; and although we have in this instance an elevated screen securing us from the heat when raised up ; yet we are not altogether shutout from a view ofthe cheering fire. This elegant piece of furniture may be constructed of any of our fancy woods, according to the apartment it may be destined for. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 207 Plate XXIII. This plate offers a design for a library bookcase, a, piece of furniture familiar to almost every one. In the present design, columns are introduced in the lower part after the French taste ; and the panelling of the under doors is varied from the usual manner : — ^various patterns for dividing the glazed doors in the upper part are also given. The ornamental parts, such as the caps of the columns, the corners of the door panels. Sec, are given on an enlarged scale ; a correct plan, with a scale for the same, and likewise a scale for the enlarged parts, being added : — the mechanic will therefore find no difficulty in the construction of this very useful article of furniture. ,, „ Plate XLL, This design is intended to occupy a principal situation in the spacious library or study. In the composition of this ornamental piece of furniture, the Grecian style has been adopted ; and at the same time, every attention been bestowed in its construction, to render it as a whole, and in all its parts, useful as well as elegant. The whole af the ornamental embel lishments are given on an enlarged scale in so ample a manner, together with a plan of the bookcase; and a scale as well for the elevation as forthe enlarged parts, as to render further observation unnecessary, the whole being plain by inspection. Plate XCVIII. A design is here offered for a dwarf bookcase, divided into four equal parts, each being inclosed by a single door ; having the panels filled with trellis wire work, which may be either backed with silk or not at pleasure. The ornamental parts, such as the busts, and the foliage cups forming the supports for the pilasters, may be of bronzed metal. This description of 208 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. bookcase has now been brought into general use ; — it affords an opportunity for placing antique vases, or pieces of curious ornamental china on its top, leaving an ample space on the wall above for the placing of pictures. All the dimensions in regard to height may be obtained from the elevation, the front being nearly geometrical ; and the plan will give all the required projections. Plate CXLII. A design for a dwarf bookcase, intended to occupy the entire blank space which the walls of a library may offer ; whether between two doors or any other side of the apartment. The style of this bookcase may pro perly be termed Roman j and those who are best acquainted with the anti quities of Italy, will at once see from whence the composition has been drawn. The central part with the wings, is represented as having the doors filled with silk, the intention of which is to afford more variety, and in some, measure give repose to the eye, which is oftentimes little studied in the arrangement of extensive libraries ; for nothing can distress the eye more thanthe sight of a countless number of voluraes occupying one entire space. What we have before observed in the preceding article as to tbe placing of vases, &c. on its top, will also apply to this, and render it unne cessary to add any thing further. Plate XCIII. This Plate contains six various designs for fitting up the panels of bookcase doors. The three designs in the upper portion of the plate represent .only one half the height of each door : — the parts may be raea sured by the scale given. PLATE XC '^\' 1 ;;\ G E "l"i) "'> \'.A :ii 'ID li 'IJ)T\ "IS . .,>rr? L onaop- VvjlilisKfd ^.v Tz)--- " ¦ ¦=¦ IM.>vl-lri^"l;7.K»WEH fr C' M,lT 6. lazG. n.ixi. IDILVmHG liiiiiyi ;f''!Ti>; .St'KEErifS <- I I I - London I'ulliilii3 tjjonra S: C?A^lo]916^S, JLATE_ CXXX\'UI CHE^Al, SCKEEl-'sr JL,Illi.KA!IliK, J!>-07l7e .W.:i a ^'i[^> vg$>_ L^ f ¦ d n_ I- , , I . , I loniloii,?!]!)!!;,!!^ liy Jones St C°Aug,U,l827 PI.WIM LIBRARY. BOOKCASE. & SECRETAIRE CAPITAL. OF PILASTER ORNAMENT. ON DOOR. CAPITAL. OF. COLUMNS . ORNAMENT. ON. CORNER OF DOORS. MOLDING OF CORNICE AT A&E u o i o SCALE 1 L 1 I . I l-l FOR ENLARC'D. PARTS. A.B. CD. Sbe. X03TUON'Pu."bft\'- J02TES&C?Jj1ct 2?,I826 . Ifeek^i'iiMZ.fo-<2iid. . fcl 0 PROFILE or THE TRUSS AND CORNICE CD OO n>1/1 cO-< FRO NT. VIEW. OF. THE. TRUSS. DWA R F DOORS > m r. b=3 M m li M 5; M \ \ t \ JS M ^ TT "XU^- 21' 13 ) ^'^ — 2^-" HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 209 Plate XVHI. Ttie candelabra in this Plate are intended for drawing rooms of first rate dimensions, and may be executed after two manners : — the one wholly in carving ; the other by the use of composition. They may be finished either wholly in gilding, or otherwise with a mixture of bronze. Plate CXV. Contains two additional designs for candelabra, on a scale of greater magnificence than the preceding, and adapted only for state apartments. In other respects, the manufacture ofthese ornamental articles of furniture, as regards their finishing, will be the same as those last described. Plate CXXXIV. In this Plate are given four different designs for candelabra of smaller dimensions, intended to be placed on dwarf bookcases, commodes, or pier tables ; and sometimes on encoignures or angular commodes, meubles which are very much used by the French in the angular corners of their apartment.^. They may be finished after the same manner as the preceding. Plate XXII. In the larger dwellings of our nobility and gentry, and likewise in the apartments of individuals of smaller fortune, the Jardiniere has always been considered an essential article of furniture, as containing, whether in summer or winter, all the varieties and endless beauties of Flora. In France, this species of interior furnishing is carried to a very extravagant extent as far as materials and decoration will allow. We have contented ourselves 3 K 210 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. with supposing the body, the supporting colurans and plinths in tbe present design, to be executed wholly of mahogany, with no other embellishment than merely the fineness of the wood and the beauty of its polish, the caps and bases of the columns being cast in metal and gilt. The upper basket may be of wire work painted. The body of the Jardiniere is lined inside with lead, having a socket and plug to let off the water which may accumulate from refreshing the plants. The aviary may have its ornaraental supports and its cornice of bronzed metal, the spaces between which and the dome above being filled with wire work, the whole standing upon a marble plinth, on which is placed a marble vase containing water for thc warbling inha bitants in their wiery castle. Plate; LXVII. On the left of the plate are three designs for cornice centres, from which the drapery would be suspended and pass off right and left, and again be suspended by ornamental ends, such as those shewn on the right hand of the plate. These ornamental embellishments to the window curtains are mostly car.ved and finished in gilding; sometimes brass or composition is substituted, for the sake of economy. Plate XCII. The first design in this plate exhibits a cornice, adapted for the window of a house furnished after the Gothic style, the manner in which it is cabled, fluted and ornamented with beads, being of Saxon invention j this cornice with its ends, &c. will appear best when executed in oak. The two last designs should be wholly carved and gilt, to produce a good effect, although in some cases composition may be resorted to, where the expence of carving would otherwise prevent the adoption of the design. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE 211 Plate CXXXV. Three designs, with their profiles are here given for ornamental brackets, intended as supports from the wall for glass lustres or girandoles ; they are likewise used for carrying ornamental china, antique vases, for metal or plaister figures holdinglights, and lastly for suppprting ornamental French clocks. Their material and manufacture will be varied according to their use ; some being executed in mahogany or rosewood, some carved and gilt, and some executed in plaister and finished as bronze. Plate CXLV- The annexed plate represents the interior of a boudoir fitted up after the manner of a tent, In the dwellings of persons of rank and fortune, where there is a range of several rooms on a floor, one of these rooms is generally fitted up as a boudoir; an apartment specially belonging to the lady of the raansion, and fitted up accordingly. It answers as a morning room for the receiving of visitors, and in the evening makes a portion of the whole suite of apartments, when thrown open for the reception of a nume rous assembly. There have been many modes adopted with regard to the ^fitting up and decorating the boudoir: — in the present design the repre- r sentation offers, the interior of a state tent, whose plan is octangular. The \ face of each side is covered with calico gathered into plaits, which may ^ be either of one plain colour, or these plaits may vary alternately in colour; viz. green and white, white and pink, lilac and yellow, or otherwise, as choice and taste may dictate. The perpendicular height for the line of plaits may be nine feet six inches or ten feet, if the height of the principal story will adinit ; from whence the calico or furniture, covering each face of the wall will be gathered up into one common centre in the ceiling, after the manner of a tent. Along the top of the plinth or skirting of the room, a finish is made with a gold coloured rope, either of silk or worsted, and the same finishing is continued along the top of the walls frora whence the tent- 212 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE like covering would spring :— it would also be continued up each angle of the sides as well as in the division of every gore formed in the tent roofing. In many cases the upright angles are finished at the top with a bow and two tassels, as in the present design. From a rich rosette in the centre of the roof, will be suspended two handsome large tassels, and frequently an ornamented valance or drapery would be continued round the walls, sus pended from the upper part of the sides frora whence the tent roofing would spring ; the same being decorated with fringe or tassels as taste or fashion may dictate. Every appearance of architectural decoration is avoided in fitting up such an apartment, the architraves round the doors and windows being either removed or wholly covered with the furniture chosen ; and this will extend to the glasses over the chimney piece and elsewhere, if more than one be introduced. The furniture to be introduced into a room of this kind, should in itself be of a light cast : — the chairs raay be of rosewood with cane seats and cushions ; or the light stained chairs with coloured straw seats, as imported from France are very appropriate. Ottoman seats with cushions at the back may range round the walls of the apartment. A rosewood loo table should occupy the centre space of the floor, which in the present design partakes of the octangular forra : — dejune tables, amd light chiffoniers are adraissible; and, where a recess is formed, it may be occupied by an escritoire with an orna raental French clock placed on the top: — We are not so restricted by taste or fashion, as not to admit into such an apartment, such articles as will be essential to our comfort as well as pleasing to the eye ; taking care, agreeably to the Latin motto, to associate in our choice the Utile cum Dulce. ^ PI XVIII K' /fwrm CANDELABRI «•* ») -^¦^-vx <£%i^^v= fe& ...=^^^ tpfT V,l i m. 'MlAiy )^,73.^i-^7^ JA^RDIJTIEKE A^:I]) AY I AMY. A PI-,AN OF MARBLE VASli. FOK Bl UDS u n TM,AN OF AVIARY (_ nALK THE I'L7\,\ (»)¦ JARDINTEKE, =t=y=t±=ttt=i= on. ftiWislirH by Jones K- C° May 20.182S Fl. l.X\ IV LoTidon 1 Vl-^icKed lyr Jones & C^ Sep".?. 13J?f? ib H.ATK XCU W.'J];'*? Ij) OW € O lISKlie iti s . ULLLi-i inlon, l-,jHi,'li,-t'. hy-Jaacs ,i C "M," '.l,]8/'l3 . l.KrAME_WT'AlI,i IIVM A(i'M!l';'JJ'S FOJIi YA3^P, S ¦, € \[,TD € K 3 &:-r <;Zs.^ \ # fro rile.. :i\^\-: " ' 'k5iV\ ¦ ' ' - 'V:i/S iJii iflL'fe 'fr H,f, ^ V^'2'^x^ < ^,V^v, %i£AtniAj INDEX TO THE PRINCIPAL MATTERS. N.B. The figures refer to the number of the page. Angle of a polygon, explained, 5. Right angle in a semicircle, its application for trying the truth of a square, 23. Angles, definitions of the various kinds, 5, 6. To make one angle equal to another, and its application, 15. To bisect an angle, 16. To trisect a right angle, and its application, 16, 17. To lay down an angle bythe orotractor, 7. To lay down an angle by the scale of chords, 57. Angular perspective, ^rdvaaiii2i.rj remarks, 118. Difference between parallel and inclined, illus trated, 119. In what respect applicable, 120. Method of laying down the vanishing points, and points of distance, 121. Arc of a circle, definition of, 10. Summit of an arc, defined, 10. To find a centre for describing the arc of a circle, 24. Its application for laying down the plan of a bow, 24, 25. Arch eliptical, rule for describing it by means of two laths of wood, 35. To find the centres for describing the Saxon arch, 36. To find the centres for describing the Gothic arch, 36. Axis, or diameter of an ellipsis, defined, 11. Bed-steps, to represent a flight of, in perspective, 38. Bedstead, to represent a four post, in angular perspective, 121. Bedsteads, various kinds described, 181, 182. Block, triangular ; rule for finding the proportion of such for a loo table of any given diaraeter, and for laying down the plan of the same, 51. Method of representing the sarae perspec tively, 80. Block, quadrangular ; manner of laying down the plan geometrically, 25. Bookcase, to draw the same in perspective from a given plan, 94. Bookcases of various kinds, described, 207, 208. Cable molding, rules for forming it in all its varieties, 43. Cavetto, rule for describing it, 38. Centre of an ellipsis, defined and explainedjv^ 11. Centre of the picture in perspective, explained, 64. Centre of a circle, method of finding such whereby to describe any given arc, 24. 3 L 214 N D E X. Chair, to draw the same perspectively, with its side parallel to the picture, 113. To represent the same in perspective, with its front to the picture, and the method for finding the vanishing points for the bevelled sides, 101. Chairs of various kinds described, 186 — 188. Chaise longue, to represent the same in paraUel perspective, 105. Cheval glass, process for obtaining its perspective representation, 114. Mode for finding the inclination of the swing frame perspectively, 115. Diagrams for elucidating the same, after three different methods 116 — 117. Chords, scale of, explained, 57. Its construction laid down, 57. Its application and use, 58. Chords, line of on the sector, its use explained, 57. Chiffonier commode, to draw the same in paraUel perspective, with the method for representing a door open, 97. Circle, division of, 6. Process laid down for dividing the circumference, 7. Its use for laying down angles, explained, 7. To find the centre of a circle from an arc g^ven, 24. To describe the arc of a circle which shall pass through three given points, 24. To divide the circle into three psirts for the triangle, 27. Into five parts for the pentagon, 28. Into six parts for the hexagon, 29. To draw the perspective representation of the circle, 79, 80. Circumference of a circle, to find a right line, whose length shall equal it, 20. The application and use of the problem explained, 20. Circamference ofthe ellipsis, defined, 11. lours, tints in all their varieties produced by the mixture of the primitives, one with the other, 157. A list of the different tints, with the process laid down for producing them, 158 — 160. Process for laying them on, detailed, 161. ' Columns, process for shadowing of, detailed, 149. Compasses, for dividing, described, 55. Compasses with shifting legs and points, 55. Compasses, proportional, their use explained, 59, 60. Cone, definitions of its various sections, 33, 34. Problem for describing the parabola, 34, 35. Problem for describing the hyperbola, 35. Cone of rays, defined, 73. Console or truss bracket, to find the outline of the same by means of proportional numbers, 52, 53. Corner ornaments for interior decoration, described, 165, Cube, to represent the same in parallel perspective, 85. To represent tbe same with a projecting top, 86. Cylindrical solid, to represent the same perspectively, 86. The application of the diagram, 87. How to throw out a projecting member from a round object, 89. Cyma recta, to find the centre for describing it, 38. To describe the same by means of ordinates, 41. Gyma reversa, rule for describing it by means of ordinates, 41. Decoration, interior, observations on its origin, rise and progress amongst the ancients, and its Tadual improvement to the present time, 164. Observations on decorative painting, 165. The difi'erent styles described, viz. — Egyptian, 168. Greek, 169, Etruscan, 170. Roman, 171. Gothic, 171, 172. French, 173. English 174. Definitions, geometrical — of points, 1, 2. Of lines, 2 — 4. Of angles, 5 — 8 Of triangles, 8, 9. INDEX. 215 Of rectangles, 9. Of polygons, 10. Of arcs, 10. Of planes and superfices, 10, 11. Of the ellipsis, 11. Definitions, perspective — of points, 64, 65. Of lines, 66 — 69. Of planes, 70, 71. . Diagonal line in geometry, defined, 4. Diagonal line in perspective, defined, 78. Diagonal point in perspective, defined, 65. Its use explained, 66. Diagrams, for elucidating and explaining the diagonal line in perspective, 78. For elucidating the doctrine of inclined planes, 117. For elucidating the principles of angular and parallel perspective, pointing out the distinction between the two branches, 119. For elucidating and explaining the laws of reflected light, and the means by which it is conveyed to adjacent objects, 142. Diameter, of an ellipsis, transverse and conjugate, defined, 11. Directing point in perspective, defined, 65. plane in perspective, defined, 70. Distance, point of , in perspective, defined, 65. , points of, in angular perspective, process for laying them down, detailed, 121. , of the picture, explained and illustrated, 73 — 76. Dividing point in perspective, defined, 65. Division of the circle, process laid down, 6. Dome, elliptical, to find the outline or curve for the ribs of, 49. Drapery, principles laid down for shadowing the folds of, 153. Draught, ichnographic, or plan, defined, 11. Orthographic draught or elevation, 12. Sceno graphic draught or perspective representation, 12. Drawing board, its construction described and explained, 127. Directions for laying down the paper, 126. Drawing, ornamental, preliminary observations on, 128. The principles laid down and illustrated by various examples, 131 — 140. Echinus molding paraboUc, method for describing it, 39. Method for describing it of the elliptic form, 40. Egyptian decoration, observations on, and the style described, 168. Elbow cliair, to represent the same perspectively, 103 — 105. Ellipsis, definitions of, 11. Problems for describing it, 32. Problem for finding the foci, 32. English decoration, observations on the present style, 174. Equilateral triangle, definition of, 8. Problem for constructing it, 17. Etruscan decoration, observations on the specimens lately discovered inthe excavations at Pompeii, 170. Extent, point of, defined, 2. External angle, in geometry, defined, 5. Face molding, ofa raking pediment, rule laid down for finding the mitre, 50. Rule for finding the mitre forthe face mold of a circular pediment, 51. Feet, scale of, described, 55. Its construction laid down, 56. Figures, definitions of the various kinds in geometry, 9, 10. 216 INDEX. Figures, polygonal, problems for contracting the various kinds, 28 — 31. , geometrical, rules laid down for forming the outlines of moldings ; vases of various shapes ; fretts, guiUoche borders, &c. 37 — 54. Flight of bed-steps, to represent the same in paraUel perspective, 103 — 106. Foci of an ellipsis, rule for finding them, 32. Foliage mnament, instructions for drawing of, 131 — 140. Rules laid down for the shadowing of, 154—156. Four post bedstead, to represent the same in incUned perspective, 121. Frett-, Greek, manner of forming it, 42. Furniture, observations on its origin, progress, &c. i. — viii. Rules laid down for the casting of shadows, with examples, 150 — 153. , upholstery, observations on, with descriptions of the various designs introduced, 175 — 190. Observations on the cabinet branch, &c. 190. Geometry, definitions in, 1 — 12. Problems illustrating the practical part, 12—36. Its use in facilitating the knowledge of perspective pointed out, 125. Geometrical figures, rules laid down for the formation of various kinds, 37 — 54. Globe, manner of forming the shape of the gores for its covering, 48. Gothic arch, rule for finding the centres for describing it, 36. decoration, preliminary remarks on the style, 171. Greek decoration, the style described, 169. Ground or base line in perspective, defined, 66. plane in perspective, defined, 70. GuiUoche, Italian, different modes laid down for forming it, 43. Hexagon, to inscribe the same in a circle, 29. To represent the same in paraUel perspective, 81. Method of finding the vanishing points for the inclined sides, 81. Hexagons in perspective, to represent a floor of, 82. Horizon ; the rational, sensible and visible, defined, explained and illustrated, 67 — 68. Horizontal points, defined and their use explained, 2, line in geometry explained, 4. line in perspective defined, and its use explained, 69. line, observations for determining the height of, 74. plane, defined, 70. Hyperbola, manner of describing it from the cone, 35. Hypothenuse, of a right-angled triangle defined, 8. Ichnography, of an object defined, 11. Incidence, point of, defined, 2. Inclined line in geometry defined, 3. Inclined planes, definitions of, 71. Further explained and iUustrated, 116 — 118. Inclined perspective, prelirainary observations on, 118 — 120. Its principles laid down and demonstrated, 121—123. Interior decoration, preliminary observations on, 165. The various styles described, 168 -174. Internal angle, defined, 6. INDEX. 217 Intersection, point of, defined, 2. Introduction and prefatory address to the work, I — VIII. to perspective, 61 — 64. Isoceles triangle, defined, 9. Leaves, instructions for drawing the outline of various kinds, 134 — 137. Instructions for sha dowing the same, 154 — 155. Level line, in geometry, defined, 4. Library or writing table, to represent the same in perspective, 91 — 93. Library chairs, described, 188. Light and shade, laws of, considered, 141. Light, refiected on other bodies, accounted for and explained, 142 — 143. Lines in geometry, definitions of, 2 — 4. Line of lines, and line of polygons, on the sector, their use explained, 58, 59. Lines, proportional, nature and theory of, 26. Tfaeir use explained and illustrated, 27. Line, given, problem for bisecting it, 19. Problem for trisecting a given line, 19. The applica tion and use of these problems explained, 19. Loo table, to find the proportion of a triangular block for the same, 51. To renresent a circular loo table with its piUar and triangular block, in perspective, 109 — 113. Mathematical point and line, defined, I — 2. instruments for drawing, described, 54. Mixed triangle, defined, 8. Mixtilineal angle, defined, 5. Mouldings, rules for describing various kinds, 38 — 43. Ob f -use angle, defined, 8. Occasional table, to represent the same in perspective, 107. Octagon, problems for constructing it, 30. To represent an octagon perspectively, 83. To represent an octangular solid in perspective, 87 — 90. Ordinate lines, defined, 4 — 11. To describe the elUpsis by means of ordinates, 31. To describe the cima recta, and cima reversa by the same means, 41. Ornamental drawing, preUminary observations on, 128. Instructions for drawing various kinds of simple outlines, 131. For drawing various compound forras, 132 — 134. Principles of ornamental composition, 139. Orthographic projection, defined, 12. Ovolo molding, to find a centre for describing it, 38. Parallel lines, defined, 4. To draw one line paraUel to another. 21. The appUcation and use of the problem, 22. Parallel ruler, description and use of, 22. Parallelogram, defined, 9. Parobola, to describe the same from the cone, 34. Pateras, ornamental, instructions for drawing various kinds of, 1 38. Pavement o^ squares in perspective, mode of representing the same, 77, 3 M 218 INDEX. Pediment, to find the outUne of the face mold for the raking and circular, 50, 51. Pentagmi, to inscribe the same in a circle, 28. Periphery of an ellipsis, defined, 11. Perpendicular line, defined, 3. To let faU a Une from a given point that shall be perpendicular -to anpther }ine, 12. The application and use of the problem explained, 12. To erect a perpendicular on a giveu line, 13. To raise a perpendicular at the end of a line, 13. To raise a perpendicular by means of a scale, 14. Perspective, general introduction, 6 1 — 64 Applied to furniture drawing, 73. The difference between parallel and incUned perspective explained, 1 19. Picture, observations on the position and distance of, 73. Physical line, defined, 3. Pilasters, their appUcation in interior decoration, 166, Plan, in dravring or design explained, 11. Planes and superfices in geometry, defined, 10, 11. Planes in perspective, definitions of, 70. Points in geometry, definitions of the various, 1, 2. Definitions of the various points made use of in perspective, 64 — 66. Polygons, line of, on the sector, its use explained, 59. Polygonal figures, defined, 10. Prism, octagonal, to represent the same perspectively, 90. Projection of shadows applied to furniture, observations on, and rules laid down, 144 — 153 Proportional compasses, description and use of, 59. Protractor, description and use of, 55. Pyramid of rays, defined, 72. Rational horizon, defined, 67. Rays visual in perspective, defined, 72. Rectangle in geometry, defined, 9, Refiection and refraction of light, explained aud iUustrated, 141 — 143. Rhombus and rhomboid, defined, 9 Right angle, defined, 5 — 7. Right angled triangle, defined, 8. Ribs of an elliptical dome, to find the curve or outUne, 49. Roman decoration, the style described, 171. Scale of feet and inches described, 65. Its construction and use, 56. The construction and use of the scale of tenths, 56. i'he construction and use of the scale of chords on the sector, 57. Scalene triangle, defined, 8. Scenographic draught, defined, 12. Scotia Greek, rule for describing it, 39. Rule for describing the Roman, 39. Secretaire desk and bookcase, to represent the same in perspective, 94. Sensible and rational horizons, coincidence between the two, shown and iUustrated, 67. INDEX. 219 SJiadows, rules for projecting them, 145. Instructions for shadowing of drapery, 153. Shadowing of leaves, 154. Shadowing of foUage ornament, 155. Sideboard, rules for proportioning, the top, the moulding, and under raU, 54. Sight, point of, in perspective,- defined, 64. Sofa, to represent the same perspectively, 105. Solids, cylindrical, and octagonal, to represent the same perspectively, 86 — 89. Square in geometry, defined, 9. Square in geometry, problems for constructing it, 18. Their appUcation, 18, 19. Square, bevelled, its construction and use, 22, 127. Square of octagons, to represent the same in perspective, 84. To find the perspective repre sentation of squares, placed at different distances from each other, 78. To represent a geometrical square perspecti veiy, 76. Station point, defined, 2. Station line in perspective, defined, 69, Table top, to find the proportion of the width, the length being given, 27. Table, for a library, to represent the same perspectively, 91 — 93. To represent an occasional table in perspective, 107 — 109. To represent a circular loo table in perspective, 109 — 113. Tenths, scale of, its construction, and use, 56. Transverse diameter of an eUipsis, defined, 11. Trapezium, defined, 10. Triangle, equilateral, problem for constructing it, 17. To make one triangle equal to another, 17. To inscribe a triangle in a circle, 27. To represent a triangle perspectively, 72. Triangular block for a loo table, to find the proportion of the same, 51. Triangles, definitions of, 8. Truss support, mode of finding the outline by numbers, 52 — 54. Vanishing points in perspective, defined, 65. Vanishing lines, defined, 69. Vanishing point for an inclined plane, rule for finding the same, 117. To find the vanishing points for an object inclined to the picture, 121. Vase, geometrical rules for finding the outline of the Greek or the Etruscan, 44—46. Rule for finding the outline of the Roman vase according to Seriio, 46. Vertical line, defined, 69. Vertical plane, nature of, defined, 71. Visible horizon, explained, 67. Visual rays in perspective, defined and their nature explained, 72. View, central, of an object, best adapted for some cases, 113. DIRECTIONS TO THE BINDER FOR PLACING THE PLATES. GEOMETBY. Plate 1, CO face page 2 2, VII 4 3, XLIV 5 4, XLV 6 5, XLVI 8 6, XLVII 10 7, XLVIII 11 8, 49 13 9, 50 15 10, 51 18 11, 52 22 12, 53 26 13, 54 32 GEOMETRICAL FIGURES. Plate 1, XXV 37 2, XL 42 2, LXV 44 3, LVII 48 4, LVL 51 LVIII 55 PERSPECTIVE. Plate A, LXXXVIl 65 B, LXXXVIII 66 C, LXXVIII 71 D, LXXIX 75 Plate 1, XXX 76 2, LXXXIX 79 3, LXXVI 81 4, LXXVII 83 5, LXXXII 85 6, LXXI 92 7, LXXXIV 94 8, XCI 97 , 9, XVI 100 10, CXX 103 11, CXIV 105 12, cm 108 13, CXlI 110 14, CV.: 114 15, CXVI 121 ORNAMENTAL DRAWING. Plate CX 131 CXI 133 XX 134 CXXI < 136 XX' 138 CXaII 140 SHADOWING. Plate CXXTII 144 CXXIV 150 CXXV 153 CXXVI 154 C .. 156 CVI 166 XIV 156 COLOURING. Plate CXXVII 158 INTERIOR DECORATION. Plates XXVIII. CXXXIII. LXXXV. , to follow LXXXVI. XXXIX J p. 166. Plates CXLVII. CXLVIII. CXLIX. jto follow CL. CLI. CLII. CLIII $ p. 174. WINDOW CURTAINS. Plates H. XXXIII. XXXVII. CXLIV. ^ , <¦ „ XCV. XCVI. CXXIX. xn. S*"*"!^?,"^ XIX. CXI. XL CXLI. LXXIII. > P '**" BEDS. Plates V. LXX. CXVII. CXXX. to foUow 186. to follow p. 192. to follow p. 198. XLIII. XCVIL CXIII. XIII LX. CHAIRS AND SOFAS. Plates III. CXLVI. CXLIII. LXVIII.> XXXII. CIX. XXXVIII, j CXXXVII. LXXXI. XCIV. X. CXXVI. IX. CIV. LXXIV. I CXXXI. TABLES. Plates XX J V. CXVIII. XLII. XXVII- LXIV. LXXXIIL VIII. XXVI. XXXVI. LIX. CXXVI.; CXXXIL CXXXIX. XXXV.I CIX. SIDEBOARDS. Plates XCIX. IV. LXXV. LXVI. JtofoUow LXIII. XVII. XXIX. LV. CVII. S p. 202. COMMODES. CIL LXIX. 3 to follow i 5 p. 204. WARDROBES. Plates XC. CIV. CVIII. XXI. DRESSING GLASSES. Plate CI. CHIMNEY GLASSES. Plate XV.FIRE SCREENS. Plate LXI. SCREEN LIBRAIRE. Plate CXXXVIII. BOOKCASES. Plates XXIII. XLI. XCVIII. CXLII- XCIII. / CANDELABRA, Sfc. Plates XVIII. CXV. CXXIV- XXII. 1 to follow LXVII. XCII. CXXXV. ] p. 212. Plate CXLV. To be placed opposite the Engra ved Title, at thc beginning of the book. Plates LXXX. VI. LXXII. LXIi \ to foUow / p. 208. YALE UNIVERSITY