Yale UniversitH'bfafy 39002002271873 T^^f YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ABSTRACT O? THE CONSTITUT.ION AND LAWS OF THE IN LONDON. -• ' ' ESTABLISHED DECEiVIBER 10, irSS. LONDON: ,V/ME PRINTED BT B. MCMILLAN, 30-W-STREET, COVENT-GARDENi Q)/ , ¦:';'\ • PRISTEE TO THE P.Or.\L- ACADPXy. 1815. CONTENTS. SECT. ?AG* 1, Members, 1 2. Government of the Society, 3 President, 3 Council, 4 General Assembly, 10 3. Officers, and their Duties, 12 Secretary, 12 Keeper, 13 Treasurer, 14 Auditors, l6 librarian, l6 Professors, 17 Painting, 17 Sculpture, IS Architecture, 18 Anatomy, 19 Lectures, 19 Visitors, 21 4. Household Establbhment, 23 5. Elections, 24 6. Funds, 30 Trustees, 30 Salaries, Remunerations, and Fines, 32 Pensions, 34 7. Privileges aud Restrictions, , 40 8. Exhibition, 42 9. Annual Dimmer, 46 ABST.IIACT, SECT. I. , ¦ MEMI3ERSV ¦' 1. The Society shall consist of Forty Members, who shalL be called _4cac?e»?2aa?z.J of the Royal Academy, (inst; Sect, i.) 2. There shall be another order, or rank, of Members, not exceeding Twenty in num ber, who shall be called Associates of the Royal Academy. (G. A. I. 2S.) S. There shall be another order of Mem bers, not exceeding Six in number, who shall be called Associate JEngravers of the Royal Academy, fe- A. 1. 16.) B MEMBERS. 4. They shall all of them be men of fair moral characters, of high reputation in their several professions; resident in Great Britain; and not members of any other Society of Artists established in London, (inst. Sect, i.) • HonWdfyMFiTibers. 5. There shall be a Chaplain of high rank in the Church. There shall be a Professor of Ancient History, and a Professor of Ancient Literature, men of distinguished reputation. There shall be a Secretary for, Foreign: Cor respondence. (G. A. III. 1290 ^ f , ^ ; .. - SECT. IL GOYERHMENt OF THE SOCIETY. 1. The government ofthe Society is vested in a President and Council, and the General Assembly, (inst. Sect. 4, 21.) Pi^esident. 2. The President shall be annually elected. . (Inst. Sect. 4.) 3. The President shall have power to sum mon the Council and General Assembly of the Academicians, as often as he shall think it necessary, but shall have no vote in either, unless the suffrages are equal, in which case he shall have the casting vote - ' " /tv;o' : :.(G. A.L lO-Hinst. Sect. o.J 4 GOVERNMENT OF THE SOCIETY. 4. The President shall have power to no minate one of the Council to act as President in his absence. (G. A. I. lo.) ,, 5. The President,- or his Deputy, and no other person, shall have power to summon either the Council or General Assembly. ' -,' r *> r, V. -3 - .(G. A. 1. 10.) 6. The President-^hall convene a General Assembly, whenever five or raore Academi cians may apply to him, in writing, for that. purpo'se', (G. A. III. 174.) . CoimciL' , ^ ... ,f , -.,. .. . . ,.-,: f;, - , -. :. ,,'-7 7. .The Council shall consist of eight Aca demicians and the President ; who shall have the entire direction and management of all the business ,,of ,the Society. , • .(Inst, Sect. 4.) : ,::<¦¦ . . ; ¦ 8. The' seats in ^e. Council shall, go by successionrtoall th#Aeaderaieians> except the Secretary, who shall always belong thereto. The fqiVr Senior Members ofthe Council shall go out by rotation every year, and these shall GOVERNMENT OF THE SOCIETY.' 5 not re-occupy their seats in the Council till all the rest of the Academicians have served. (Inst. Sect. 5.) 9. The new-elected Academicians (having. received their diplomas), shah be placed, at the top of the List, and serve in the succeed ing Council. (G. A. II. 100.) 10. Whenever an Academician shall from any cause decUne to be a Member of the Council in regular rotation, or be disqualified by- accepting any, office incompatible with it,, his name shall be passed on, and his claim to a seat in it forfeited, till it shall again ap pear in regular:,rotation. (G. A. H. 360.) , . 11. When the seat of a Member of Council shall have become vacant within the first year of the period of his service, by death, resig nation, or otherwise, the rights and duties attached to it shall immediately devolve on the Treasurer for the residue of the said year, or on the Keeper, should the Treasurer be of the Council by rotation. "' -------- The vacant seat for the second year shall be declared by the President, at the 'Annual 6 GOVERNMENT- OS" THE SOCIETY, General Meeting 'on the 10th of December; and after thfe usual nomination of persons to. serve by rotation in the ensuing Council, a Meraber shall be appointed by lot, from amongst all the Academicians (except those who serve by rotation the succeeding year), to supply the vacancy so declared. ¦ ¦ ''-¦^"' The appointment by lot shall be in the fol lowing manner : The name of each Academician present^ written by himself, and each absent Acade mician, , written by the Secretary, shall be put in a box, and shaken together, the Presi dent shall then draw forth one name, whicli shall decide the appointment. - ^ - ' ¦ *¦ ' ' When the seat of a Member of Council shall have become vacant within the second j^ear of the period of his service, the residue of the -said second year shall be supplied ac- cording'to the regulation before applied to the residue ofthe first year. (G. A. il. 159.)' ^- 12. The List of Rotation shall be printed annually, and the name or names of new Members (if any) shall be placed at the head of the List of the. Junior Members of the GOVERNMENT OF THE SOCIETY. 7 Council, according to the order of election of Academicians. (G. A.II. 35S.) 13. The names of Academicians, whose permanent residence is more than six miles from Somerset Place, shall be omitted in the lists delivered out for the succession of Council. (G. A. ii. 6.) 14. The Council shall meet as often as the business of the Society shall require it. (Inst. Sect. 4.) 15. A Meeting of Five Members of the Council, including the President or his De puty, shall be deemed a Quorum. ¦ . , (G.A. I- IQ.) l6. In the absence of the President or his Deputy, it shall be in the, power of five in the Council to nominate a Chairman for that Meeting, and proceed to business. . (G.A. I. 10.) 17- The Council shall frame all new Laws, but they shall have no force till ratified by the consent of the General Assembly,, and the approbation of the King. (fnst. Sect. 22.) 8 . GOVERNMENT OF THE SOCIETY. 18. All Laws, which may. from .time ;,to tirae be raade by the Council,, shall be con firmed at a subsequent meeting of the Council, before they are presented to the General As sembly of the Academicians for their' consent. ¦'.-¦'¦, , :;;:.,- " ' ,(G.A. I. 11.) 19.' All the Officers and Servants of the Academy shall be subservient to the Council. ¦-'¦" " - '"¦ '' (Inst. Sect. 4.) 26. The Council shall have power to reform all a,buses ; to censure those Officers who are deficier^t in their duty ; and, with the consent of the general body^ and the King's permisr sion first. obtained for that purpose, to sus pend, or entirely remove from their employ ments, those who shall be found guilty of any great offences. Cl'«tr Sect. 4.) , . ; , -; . ¦f,ii. .. ¦'.',: .: - -;-„.-. :^^t ..¦^..^>"' : j:!' 21. All business relative to the Royal Aca demy,- which is to be laid before His Ma jesty", after it has been setded by the Coun cil in , the usual form, shall be presented tp the King' by the President, ' attended either by the Secretary or the Treasurer, as the nature of the business shall require,' and they government of the society. . 9 shall make report to the Council, of His Majesty's pleasure thereon. (G.A. I. 358.) 22. A Committee, consisting of two ofthe Senior rNl-embers of the Council, shall annu ally, with the assistance of the Librarian, examine the state of the Books, Prints, &c. in the Library, and report such improvements as may be neces.sary, within one month from the close of the Exhibition. •(G.A. III. 12S.) 23. A Coramittee, consisting of two of the Senior Members of the Council, shall annu ally, with the assistance of the Keeper, exa mine the Models, Casts, &c. belonging to the Royal Academ3'^, and report such improve ments as may be necessary, within one month from the close of the Exhibition. (G.A. III. 128.) 24. Four Members of the Council for each year, the two seniors, by rotation, for the first six months, and the two next for the last six months, shall be Inspectors of Casts, Prints, &c. imported by British Artists, and by Foreign Artists being Members of the Royal Aca- 10 GOVERNMENT OF THE SOCIETY. deray,. for their own use, conformably with the regulations established by the Lords of the Treasury. (G.A. III. 128.) -' General Assemhly . 25. There shall be annually one General Meeting or more, if requisite, of the whole body of Academicians, to elect a President, declare the Council, elect Visitors and Audi tors ; to confirm new^ laws ; to adjudge the Premiums to be given to the Students; to elect those who are to be sent abroad ; to hear complaints and. redress grievances; and do .any other business relative to the Society. (Inst. Sect, 21— G.A. I. 355.) v.rj^. ¦ 26.'^ Ten iil the General Assembly, includ ing the President or his Deputy, shall be deemed a full meeting. (G.A. I. 10.) 27- In' the absence of the' President or his Deputy, it shafl He in the power of ten in the General Asset^bly^ to nominate a , Chairraan for that 'meeting, and tp proceed immediately tb business. (G-A. I. io.) .' GOVERNMENT OF THE SOCIETY. II 28. If at a General Assembly of the Aca demicians, five Members object to any law made in the Council for the government of the Society, they shall dehver their objections in writing, signed with their respective names ; which done, the law objected to shall be re ferred to the Council to be re-considered. (G. A. I. 10.) 29- If any Member shall become obnoxious to the Society by improper conduct, he may be reprimanded, suspended, or expelled, by the majority of a General Assembly of Aca demicians, -to be decided by ballot, and sub ject tp Hi^swMajest'y's pleasure. ; ¦ . (Inst. Sect, 24.) IS SECT. III. , ¦ , OFFICERS,.";. ^ AND THEIR DUTIES^: '" '¦- - ^''''"' ' Secretarif. '¦^'*^'''- "¦ ' ' :'K 1. There shall be a Secretary of the Royai' Acaderay,' elected by ballot fi-om amongst the Academician.s, and approved 'of by the King; his business shall be to keep the Minutes of the Council, write letters, send summonses ; attend during the arrangement of the Exhibition, make out the Catalogues, &c. He shall also, when the Keeper of the Academy is indisposed, take upon himself the care of the Antique Acaderay, for which he shall b6 properly qualiaed ; he shall jointly with the Keeper have the direction of the Servants of the Academy ; and he shall continue in office during the King's pleasure. (In!5t. Sect. 6 and la—G. A. II. 392; III. 5, 31, 128.) OFFICERS, AND T[IEIK DUTIES. lo 2. The Secretary, shall have no vote either in the Council or General Assembly. ¦ • (Inst. Sect. 5.) Keeper. 3. There shall be a Keeper of the Royal Academy, elected by ballst from amongst the Academicians, He shall be an Artist, properly qualified to instruct the Students : his business shall be to superintend the Aca demy, the Models, Casts', Books, and other moveables belonging thereto ; to attend re gularly the Antique Academy to give advice and instruction to the Students, -and be con stantly at hand to preserve order and decorum. He shall^ with the assistance of the Visitor, provide the living models. He shall have, jointly-^ith the Secretary, the direfction of all the Servants ofthe Academy. He shall have a convenient apartment allotted him in the Royal Academy, where he shall constantly reside; and he shall continue in office during the King's pleasure. :;^?> ,'.. .¦ (Inst.. .Sect.7-^G.A, IJI. 12S.) 14 OFFICERS, AND THEIR D£/f lES. Treasurer. 4, There shall be a Treasurer of the Royal Academy, who shall be appointed by His Majesty from amongst the Academicians, His business shall be to receive the rents and profits of the Academy, to pay its expences, to report to the Council the necessary repairs and alterations, and examine all bills. ' He shall be summoned to all meetings of the" Council by right of his office, and have the liberty of giving his opinion in al! debates; but shall have no vote, except he is of 'the- CouncU for the time being'. He shall once in every quarter lay a fair state of his Accounts before the Auditors and Council ; and when they have passed examination, he shall lay them before the Keeper of His Majesty's Privy Pui-se, to be by him finally audited, and the deficiency (if there should be any)- paid. (Inst, Sect. 8.) 5. All sums of money which shall hereafter be received by tbe Treasurer on account of the Royal Academy, shall be immediately OFFICERS, AND THEIR DUTIES. 15- paid by him into the hands of a Banker ap pointed by the Council. (G.A. I. 334.) 6. In the month of January in every year, the Treasurer shall deliver in an account of the whole receipts and disbursements of- the foregoing year, fairly written, and arranged under distinct heads. A(\hen the quarterly bills, with their ab stract, and the annual account, have passed the Council, and been approved of by His Majesty, the General Book of Accounts, with the original bills, vouchers, and .receipts after, payment, shall be kept in the Academy, in the custody of the Secretary, and shall on no account be removed from the Academy. (G.A. 1.355; III. 127.) 7. The Treasurer shall not be at liberty to dispose of any money remaining in his hands, without the order and direction ofthe Council. ' ': ,, ' (G.A, I. 354.) l6 OFFICERS, AJSfD THEIR DUTIES. Auditors. 8. There shall be two Auditors of the Ac counts of the Royal Academy, who shall be chosen by ballot frorii amongst the Academi cians. (G.A. I. 355.) , , '¦'-/, • .,..,_..; . ',.; ",>;. .'.^s---ff-r : ,: ¦ ¦ "¦.-''- n 9. They shall examine the Treasurer's quar terly and annual accounts ; they shall report upon and certify the same to the Council ; they shall inspect the Banker's book, and specify the balance of cash remaining in the Treasurer's hand at the time of passing his^ Account. ; (G. A. I. 355.) ':.,/'.¦;,; :;;:;,; Librarian. . 10. There shall be a Librarian of the Royal Academy, who shaH be appbifited by His Majesty from iamongst the Academicians^ His business shall be to attend the Library frora ten in the morning till four in the after noon, every Monday when 'the Academy is open, to preserve /order, and to see that no damage be done to the books, &c. OFFICERS, AND THEIR DUTIES. 17 He shall assist the Inspectors in reviewing the Library. Fle shall continue in office during the King's pleasure. (G.A, 1. 62; ll. 6.) PROFESSORS. Painting. 11. There shall be a Professor of Painting, who shall read annually Six Lectures in the Royal Academy, calculated to instruct the Students in the principles of Composition ; to form their taste of Design and Colouring ;'^ to strengthen their judgment ; to point out to them the beauties and imperfections of cele brated Works of Art, and the particular excel lencies and defects of great Masters; and finally, to lead them into the readiest and most efficacious paths of study. (Ipst, Sect. 12.) c IB OFFICERS, AlfD THEIR DUTIES. Sculpture. 12. There shall be a Professor of Sculpture, who shall annually read Six Lectures, explana tory of the principles of Style and Form in that Art, and its peculiarities of Composition. ' ¦-. ;- .'(G;A, II. .394; III. 129.) Architecture. 13. There shall be a Professor of Architec ture, who shall read annually Six public Lee-: tures in the Royal Academy, calculated to form the taste of the Students; to instruct thera in the laws and .principles of Composi-;- tion ; to point out to thera the beauties or faults of celebrated productions; to fit them. for an unprejudiced study of bpok.s on .. the Art, and for a critical examination of struc-. tures. (Inst. Sect. 11.) Perspective. '" .' 14. There shall be a Professor of Persnec- tive and Geometry, who shall read annually OFFICERS, AND TIIEIR DUTIES. 19 Six public Lectures in the Royal Academy, in which the most useful propositions of Geo metry, together with the principles of lineal and aerial Perspective, shall be fully and clearly illustrated. (Inst. Sect. 13,,) 15. All these Professors shall be elected frpm among the Academicians, and shall con tinue in office during the King's pleasure. (Inst. Sect. 14.) Anatomy. * " 16. There shall be a Professor of Anatomy, who shall be elected from among the most eminent men in that branch of Science. He shall read annually Six public Lectures in the Royal Academy, adapted to the Arts of De sign ; and shall continue in office during the King's pleasure, (Inst. Sect. 14— G.A. IIL 129-) hectures. 17. The Lectures in the Royal Academy shall annually be delivered in the following order, viz. c 2 ^0 OFFICERS, AND THEIR DUTIES. The Lectures on Anatomy, to commence on tbe Second Monday in November, and to be continued on each succeeding Monday till concluded. The Lectures on Perspective, to com mence on the First Monday in January, and to be continued on each succeeding Monday till concluded ; and the Lectures on Architectwe, on the First Thursday in Ja nuary, and to be continued on the five suc ceeding Thursdays. On the conclusion of these, the Lectures on Sculpture to commence on the following Monday, and to be continued on the five succeeding Mondays ; and the Lectures on Fainting, on the following Thursday, and to be continued on the five succeedins: Thurs- days. (G.A. III. 23.) 18. No Comments or Criticisms on the opinions or productions of living ¦ Artists in this Country, shall be introduced into any of the Lectures delivered in the Royal Academy. • (G.A, III. 5.) OFFICERS, AND THEIR DUTIES. 21 Visitors. 19- There shall be elected, annually, from amongst the ^Academicians, Nine Persons, who shall be called Visitors : they shall be Painters of History, able Sculptors, or other persons properly qualified : their business shall be to attend the Life Academy, one month each, by rotation, to set the Figures, to examine and correct the Performances of the Students, and give them their Advice and Instruction, (inst. Sect. 9.) 20. The Visitor for the time being, shall be considered as Master of the Living Aca demy. Neither the Keeper, nor any other Academician, shall enter the Room whilst the Visitor is setting the Model; nor shall they give any Instructions or Orders whatso ever, whilst the Visitor is present ; nor shall the Keeper, nor any other Academician, ex cept tbe President, introduce any Friend, without first asking leave of the Visitor. (G.A. I. 102.) 22 OFFICERS^ AND THEIR DUTIES, , 21, The Visitors shall draw Lots for the days of their attendance ; vvhich Regulation shall be put up in the i\cademy : they shall attend each time at least two hours. (G.A. I. 11.) 22, At every annual election of Visitors, Five one year, and Four another, alternately, of the old Visitors, shall go out by rotation. (Inst, Sect. 9.) 23 SECT. IV. HOUSEHOLD ESTABLISHMENT. The Household Establishment ofthe Royal Academy, consists of a Housekeeper, Two Porters, and an Assistant Porter. (G.jV. II. 282.) 24 . SECT, V. ELECTIONS. '' •ELECTIONS OF MEMBERS, , ; Acadmnicians. 1. All Vacancies of* Academicians shall be filled up by Election from amongst the As sociates. (G.A, I, 28.) 2, All Vacancies of Academicians happen ing on or before the 10th of Novembei', shall be filled up on the lOth of February following ; unless the Vacancy happen by a Member dying abroad, in which case, a notification of it shall be made by the President to the Ge- 'neral Assembly, -on or before the 10th 'of November, otherwise the Election shall be postponed for one year. The Secretary shall give one month's notice of the Election to each of the x'Academicians, in writing, inclosr" ELECTIONS, 25 ing a hst of the Associates ; but the oraission of this by neglect or otherwise, shall not im pede the Election. (G. A. III. 20.) 3. On the day of Election, each Academi cian shall deliver or send his marked List to the President; which List shall be scruti nized, and the two Associates who are found to have the greatest number of suffrages, shall be balloted for by the Members pre sent; and he who has the majority, shall be deemed duly elected. (G.A, 1. 41.) 4, No Academician Elect shall receive his Diploma until he hath deposited in the Royal Academy (to remain there) a Picture, -Bas- relief, or other specimen of his abilities, ap proved of by the then sitting Council of the Academy; which Picture, Bas-rehef, or other specimen of his abihties, shall be presented for the consideration of the Council, on or before the 1st of October next ensuing his Election; in failure of which, his Election shall become void, unless such an apology be made by him for the omission, as shall or raay be deemed sufficient by the Council. (InsU Sect. 3— G, A. I, 29, 41 ; IL 5.) 26 ELECTIONS. Associates. 5. The Associates shall be fleeted from araong the Exhibitors in the Annual Exhibi tion ; they shall be Artists by profession, that is to say. Painters, Sculptors, or Architects; at least twenty-four years of age, and not Apprentices. (G. A, I, 28 ; IL 6.) ' 6. Candidates for the Degree of Associate, shall sign their Names on a Paper left for that purpose in the Academy during the month of May; which List shall be immedi ately printed, and sent to each of the Aca demician.?. ' (G.A. IIL 105.) *' '- '- '¦ 7- A Gerieral Asseriibly shall be held be fore the Works exhibited are removed frora the Academy, for the purpose of examining the perforraances of Candidates for f.he degree of Associate, and of recommending what num ber of the Vacancies shall be filled at the next Election. (G. A. lIL 132.) '*• \ : n^.: ELECTION'S, 27 Associate JS}igravers. 8, The Associate Engravers shall be elected from the List of Candidates, sending speci mens of their abilities to the Council. (G. A. 1. 33.) 9. Each Candidate must send a Print of his own engraving to the Council, which, if ap proved of, shall be hung up in the Acaderay for one month previous to the Election. (G.A. L 33.) 10. Associate Engravers are required to deposit in the Academy a specimen of their abilities, approved of by the Council, previ ous to receiving their Diplomas. (G. A. IIL 134.) 11. The vacancies of .^ssoda^es, and those of Associate Engravers, occurring before the 1st of August, shall be filled up on the First Monday in November, and their Elections conducted in the same manner as those of Academicians. (G.A. L 62; in.i65.j 1.H', .-'i- 28 ELECTIONS, 12. If at any Election of an Academi cian or Associate, there shall appear Three or more Candidates who have an equal num ber of suffrages, a Ballot shall be taken of the Members present to reduce them to Two, previous to the second Ballot. (G.A. I. 62.) 13. No Election of an iVssociate or Asso ciate Engraver, shall be deemed valid until, in the presence of the Council, he has signed the Instrument of- Institution, and has re ceived his Diploma, signed by the President and Secretary.' (G.A. I. 34.) ,1 ¦.,•..., 14. Whoever shall be elected an Associate, or Associate Engraver, and shall not take up his Diploma within one year frora his Elec tion, will be considered as declining to become a Member of the Academy, unless such an apology be made for the omission as shall be deemed sufficient by the Council. , , ¦ . (G.A. L 155.) 15. The Election of Officers shall annually take place on the 10th of December, being the Anniversary of the Institution of the ELtCTIONS. 29 Royal Academy; but the Members elected shall not enter into their several Offices till the 1st day of January following, (G.A. I. 15.) 15'. All Elections of Merabers, or others, shall be by Ballot of the Members present, and shall be decided by the majority. (G.A„L 16.) 17. All Elections of Academicians and Officers must have the sanction of His Ma jesty's approval, (G. A. I. 41— Inst. Sect. 6, 7, 8, 9. '0. ' 1-) ¦::--.::}„¦¦-¦- - 30 SECT. VI. FUNDS. 1. The Funds of the Royal Academy arise from the profits of an Annual Exhibition of Works of Art, and from Money vested in the Public Funds, :'¦" 2. The Council shall direct all purchases of Stock Funds. (G.A, L 356.) Trustees/ 3. All Monies which have been, or may hereafter be, laid out in the purchase of Stock in the Public Funds, shall be vested in the names of Four Trustees, who shall be the President, the Secretary, and Treasurer, for the tirae being, and one other Member ofthe Royal Acaderay, to be chosen by the Coun cil ; and the Council shall direct the Treasu rer, or any other Trustee, tb receive the Di vidends as they become due. The Four FUNDS. 31 Trustees shall accept all Stock purchased hy order of Council. (G.A. L 361.) 4. The Four Trustees above-raentioned shall .execute a Declaration of Trust, to be depo sited in the Ptoyal Academy, setting forth, that the several sums standing in their joint names in the" books at the Bank of England, are not their own property, but the property ofthe Members ofthe Royal Academy,, and that their names are made use of as Trustees, only. (G.A. I. 301.) 5, Whenever a Succes.sor shall be appointed to fill up any Vacancy occasioned by the death of one of the Trustees above mentioned, they shall immediately after such appoint ment, apply to the -Executors of the de ceased Trustee, for a copy of the Probate of his Will, or any other authentic instrument, necessary tq prove his death at the Bank of Enp-land, that the name of the Deceased mav be removed from the books, and the name of the new Trustee inserted in its place : a new Declaration of Trust, as before described, must then be executed by all t^e parties, if necessary- (G-A. L 361.) - • ^-¦'^ ~ 32 FUxVDS, Salaries, Remuneratioiis, and Fines. 6, The Secretary's Salary shall be 140/, and an allowance of 150Z, per ann, in lieu of the advantages of residing in the Academy, till other accommodations can be provided for him, (G. A,' IL 393 ; IIL 33.) r 7- The Keeper's Salary shall be J 60/. with the apartment and advantages allowed to that office. (G. a, il 393,) 8. The Treasurer's Salary shall be 100/. (G.A. IL 393.) 9. The Librarian's Salary shall be 60/. subject to a fine of One Guinea for not at tending on any of the days prescribed, and neglecting to appoint an Academician to offi ciate for hira. (G. A. IL 393; III, 127.) , , 10. The Professors of Painting, Sculpture, ' - Architecture, Per.spective, and Anatomy, r shall each receive, for Six Lectures, 60/. - (G,A, II. 394,) ' 11. The Council, at each rneeting, shall receive Four Pounds Ten Shillings, to be FUNDS. 33 equally divided among the Members attend ing ; in which division the Secretary shall not be included. Every Member shall be punc tual to the hour of appointment, under the pe nally of a fine, at the option of the Council. (Inst. Sect, 4— G,A. III. 68,)' 12, General Assembly. — Every Academi cian who attends at a General Asseriibly, shall receive Ten Shillings. (G. A, III. 68.) 13, Arranging Committee. — Each Mem ber of the Comm.ittee for arranging the Works of Art intended for the Exhibition, shall be paid Two Guineas for each day of his attendance. (G,a. ii, 394.; 14. Visitors. — ^The Visitor shall receive One Guinea for each time of attending, and shall be subject to a fine of One Guinea when ever he neglects to attend, unless he appoint a Proxy from among the Visitors for the time being; in which case the said Proxy shall be entitled to the reward. ''- (Inst, Sect, 9- G, A. L 61 ; IL 394; IIL 127-) D 34 FUNDS. Servants. .15. -The Housekeeper's Salary, for herself and Assistants, shall be 70/. .per ann. ¦;' . . (G.A, IL 393.) 16. The two Porters shall each receive Fifty Guineas per ann. (G.A. IL 282.) 17. The Assistant Porter shall receive 40/, per ann. {G.A. il 2S2.), , . ,,, :- „,. - .¦;¦ --;\ -^Pensions. .:'i%f^.] f 18, The receipts -of the Academy, after payment of the annual and contingent ex- pences, shall be applied- towards the increase of the Stock in the Three per Cent. Consoli dated Annuitiesj which shall be called the Pension Fund; and when the said Stock shall amount to 10,000/.;» the Council shall have power to give the following PensionSi viz. 19. To an Academician, a Pension not ex- FUNDS. 35 does not make his annual income exceed 100/. 20. To an Associate, a Pension not ex ceeding 30/. per ann,, provided the sura given does not make his annual income, exceed 80/. 21. To a Widow of an Academician, a Pension not exceeding 30/. per ann., provided the sum given does not make her annual- in come exceed 80/. 22, To a Widow of an Associate, a Pension not exceeding 20/. per ann., provided the sum given does not make her annual income exceed 50/. 23. "When the Fund shall be increased to lOjOOO/., the Council shall have power to give the following Pensions, viz. 24. To an Academician, a Pension not exceeding 60/. per ann. provided the sum given does^ not make his annual income ex ceed 100/. . 25, To an Associate^, a Pension ^not ex ceeding 36/. per ann,, provided the sum given does not make his annual income exceed 80/. d2 36 FUNDS. 26. To a Widow of an Academician, a Pension not exceeding 36/. per ann. pro vided the sum given does not make her an nual income exceed 80/. 27, To a Widow of an Associate, a Pension not exceeding 25/. per ann,, provided the sum given does not make her annual income exceed 50/. . . , 28. When the Fund shall be increased to 20,000/., , the Council shall have power to give the following Pensions, viz. 29. To an Academician, a Pension not ex ceeding 70/. per ann,, provided the sum given does not make his annual income exceed 100/. SO. To an Associate, a Pension not ex ceeding 50/, per ann,, provided the sum given does not make his annual-income exceed 80/ 31. To a Widow of an Academician, a Pension not exceeding 50/. per ann,, pro vided tbe sum given does not make her an nual income exceed 80/. FUNDS. 37 32. To a Widow of an Associate, a Pen- sion not exceeding 30/. per ann,, provided the sum given does not make her annual income exceed 50/. • . ^ 33. Every A cademician. Associate, Widow of an Academician, and Widow of an Asso ciate, who is a Claimant for a Pension from the Royal Academy, shall produce such proofs as the President and Couhcil may re quire, of their situation and circumstances; and in this examination^ the President , and Council shall consider themselves as scrupu lously bound to investigate each claim, and to make proper discriminations between im prudent conduct, and the unavoidable failure of professional employment, in the' Members of the Society; and also to satisfy themselves in respect to the moral conduct of their Widows. 34. Any Academician, or Associate, who shall omit exhibiting in the Royal Academy for two successive years, shall have no claim on the Pension Fund, under any of the regu lations above mentioned, unless he can give satisfactory proof to the President and Coun- 38 FUNDS. cii, that such omission was occasioned by ill- pess, age, or any other cause which they shall think a reasonable excuse. Thb limi-; tation not to extend to Sculptors, who are to be allowed three years, nor to Academi cians or Associates who have attained the age of sixty. -¦-¦ , ^'-'^-r-.- ¦' -^' 35. These Pensions shall not preclude ariy Academician, Associate, or their -Widows, in cases of particular distress, arising frOm Young Children, or other causes, from re^ ceiving such temporary relief^ as may appear to the Council to be necessary ior proper to be granted. But it. is to be strictly under stood, that THIS Pension Fpnd; shall, on no account,, be considered as liable to claims to relieve such difliculties. AU sums paid, on account of claims; of such a nature, shall be carried to the current expences of. tbe year. (G.A. L 370.) - - .,. .,.',, .-¦-¦- •-' - , ¦¦' ¦ .''"i ¦, .^¦•. ' •¦•¦ 36, After the Pension Fund is made up 20,000i. Three per Cents., all siipplus sums shall be applied to, the general purposes of the Acaderay. (G. A- I. 370..)- ? .,; ..;s.i.; i.-^- ?¦ FUNDS. 39 37. No sum exceeding Fifty Pounds ster ling, shall be granted by the Council within the term of one year, in aid to any Royal Academician, Associate, or other person whatever, without the ratification of the Ge neral Assembly, convened expressly for that purpose, and the sanction of the King. (G.A. 11. 158.) -f.-. 40 SECT. VII. PRIVILEGES AND RESTRICTIONS, 3. Every Academician and Associate. shall -have free ingress at all seasonable times of the day, upon application made to the Librarian or Keeper, to consult the Books, and to make Sketches from thera; but no Book. shall be suffered to be taken out of the Li brary, under any pretence, by any Officer, Member, or other person whatever, without a particular permission frora the Council, (Inst. Sect, iO-^G.A, L 62; 111. 127.) 2. Every Academician shall have. the privi lege of recommending proper objects (being Artists, their Widows, or Children) for the Annual Charitable Donations, which shall be done by Letter addressed to the President and Council, accompanied by a Certificate of the Qualifications and Morals of the person recommended. (G.A. I. ii.) privileges and restrictions. 41 3. Each Associate Engraver shall have the liberty of exhibiting Two Prints, either Com positions of his own, or Engravings from other Masters, which have not been pub hshed ; and these shall be the only Prints adraitted in the Royal Exhibition. (G.A, L 16.) 4, All Academicians of Foreign Academies of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, shall, be allowed free admittance to the Schools, the Library, and the Lectures; and the President is erapowered to grant a Ticket of general admittance for that purpose. ". •¦-'^y ''•''' ¦ (G.A.1IL129.) 42 SECT, VIII. EXHIBITION. 1. There shall be an Annual Exhibition of Paintings, Sculptures, and Designs, in which all Artists of distinguished raerit shall be permitteil to exhibit their works ; it shall continue open to the public six weeks, or , longer, at the discretion of the Council, and be under the regulations expressed in the by-law-s of the Society. {inst.|ect, 17.) , 2. No Copy, with the exception of Paint- inss in Enamel, and the Prints of the Asso- ciate Engravers, shall be adraitted into the Exhibition. (G. a. iil i64.) 3. No Needle-work, Artificial Flowers, Cut Paper, Shell-work, Models in coloured Wax, or any such performances, nor any Work of Art which has been publicly exhibited elsewhere for emolumeant, shall be admitted into the Exhibition of the Royal Academy. (G.A. L 62; IIL t65.) exhibition. 43 4. No Picture shall be received without a Gilt Frame. (G.A. 1.17.; 5, No Work intended for Exhibition shall be received after the time limited for the. re ception is expired, {G. A. L 17.) 6. As soon as the time limited for sending to the Royal Academy the Works of Art offered for Exhibition, is expired, the Council shall attend immediately to receive or reject the same, which they have full power and authority to do. (G. a, 1. 17.) „ 7. The arrangement or disposition of the Paintings, Sculptures, Models, Designs in Architecture, &c. for public view, shall be entirely left to the Council, or to a Committee appointed by them. (G. a.li7.)^ ^ ' 8. Three days or more, according to the conveniency of the arrangement, and the dis cretion of the Council, sh-all be allowed to all the JNIembers ofthe Royal Academy, for the purpose of varnishing,, or painting on their Pictures -, in the places which-; have-been allotted to them,, previous to the daj^ ap- 44 exhibition. pointed for the Annual Dinner- in the Exhi bition Room. (G. A. IL 3S6.) 9. No Member of the Council, ¦ nor any other Meraber ofthe Royal Academy, shall, on any pretext whatever, be permitted to paint upon, or varnish his pictures, from the period appointed for receiving the Pictures of the Ex hibitors to the day of opening the Exhibition to the Public, except upon the three days or more, according to the discretion of the Coun cil, which have been appointed for that pur pose by the preceding Law, (accidents to Works of Art, arising within the walls of the Royal Acaderay, excepted. ;¦-"-"¦' ;, -r-vh, .1 %.r.:C (G.A.IL3S6; IIL 135.). : ,-»¦¦< f. . . . -I .- . ... ~ -,-,¦-¦ , ¦ ¦ ^ 10, No, person can be admitted into the Rooms before the Exhibition opens, the Council and necessary Servants excepted, (G, A.L 17.) " 11. Whoever exhibits with any other So ciety at the time that his Works are exhi bited in the Exhibition of the Royal Aca demy, 'shall neither be admitted as a Candi date for an Associate, nor his Perforraances be received the following year. EXHIBITION, 45 N, B, This Prohibition extends to one year only, (G. A. I. 63.) 12. All Exhibitors shall have free Admit tance during the whole time of the Exhibi tion, though they are not Members of the Royal Academy. (G.A. 1.17.) -46 SECT. IX. annual' DINNEK. 1. There shall be an Annual Dinner in the Great Room of the Academy previous to the opening of the Exhibition ; the Invitations to ¦which shall be issued by the President and Council. (G, A, IIL 133.) ¦¦ ft r ;'¦ -; ; .2. The Guests shall consist exclusively of persons in elevated situations, of high rank, distinguished talents, or known Patrons of the Arts. (G.A. IIL 133.) :. 3. The President and Council shall not issue more than One Hundred and Forty Cards of Invitation to the Annual Dinner in the Exhibition Room, exclusive of those sent to the Merabers of the Academy and the Musicians. (G.A. II. 394.) 4. No subsequent Invitations, to supply the Vacancies occasioned by those who send Excuses, shall on any pretext be allowed. . -, . (G.A. IL 39L) ANNUAL DINNER. 4? 5. No Guest shall be invited to the An nual Dinner, unless he be proposed by a Meraber of the Council for the time being. (G.A. IL 391,) 6, The Member of the Council who pro poses any person for an Invitation to the Annual Dinner, must give in the Name in vvriting, signed by his own Name; which proposition shall be inserted in the Book of the CouncU, for the examination of the Mem bers. (G.A. II, 391.) :.;r. : ¦ 7. No proposition for an Invitation sball pass in the Council unless by Ballot of the Members present. Two black balls to ex clude. (G, A. IL 392.) 8. A copy of the above Resolutions and Regulations shall be laid upon the Table of the Council by the Secretary,, at the time of determining . the Invitations for. the -Annual Dinner. (G.A, IL 392.) THE END,, londoDi Printed By B.M'Milian, ? S^^ 3 tree It Coycnt Carden, s YALE UNIVERSITY