If.^,. ^.J 39002002327329 v, ,. J!il«»Xu-^(. '.Si — «! J ^ .^'^ay^jj:' y 7 i . ^ ^ ^ * '-re ^^ss -s^-; ^^^^s^^§ THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY JAMES, DUKE OJ YORK, Second Gov^rnot'. PRINCE RUPERT, First Giirerjwr. LORD CHURCHILL, cifteni'drds DUKE OP MARLBOROUGH, Tliinl Governor. LORD KTRATHCONA AXD MOUlXT ROYAL, Present Uorernor. FOUR GREAT GOVERNORS OF THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY. [Froniispiece. THE EBMAEKA.BLE HISTOEY OF THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY IKCLnDlNG THAT OF The French Traders of North-Western Canada and of the North- West, XV, and Astor Fur Companies GEORGE BRYCE, M.A., LL.D. PEOFEBBOS IN MANITOBA COLLEGE, WIlflflPEG ; DELEGTTE fiEGIONAL DE L* ALLIANCE BOIENTIFIQITE DE PARIS J MEMBEE OF GEHfERAL COMMITTEE OF BRITISH ASSOCIATION ; PELLOW or AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE; AITTHOE OF *' MANITOBA" (1882) ; " BHOET HISTORY OF CANADIAN PEOPLE " (1887) ; "CANADA" IN WINBOE's NAK. AND CHIT. HIBT. OF AMERICA, ETC., ETC. WITH NUMEROUS FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS AND MAPS LONDON SAMPSON LOW, MAESTON k COMPANY "Limited, Fettee Lane, Fleet Stbebt, B.C. 1900 LONDON; PlilN'JED BT GILBERT AND EIVINGTON, LTD., ST. John's house, clerkenwell, e.c. 33 PREFACE The Hudson's Bay Company ! What a record this name represents of British pluck and daring, of patient industry and hardy endurance, of wild adventure among savage Indian tribes, and of exposure to danger by mountain, precipice, and seething torrent and wintry plain ! For two full centuries the Hudson's Bay Company, under its original Charter, undertook financial enterprises of the greatest magnitude, promoted exploration and discovery, governed a vast domain in the northern part of the American Continent, and preserved to the British Empire the wide territory handed over to Canada in 1870. For nearly a generation since that time the veteran Company has carried on successful trade in competition with many rivals, and has shown the vigour of youth. The present History includes not only the record of the remarkable exploits of this well-known Company, but also the accounts of the daring French soldiers and explorers who disputed the claim of the Company in the seventeenth century, and in the eighteenth century actually surpassed the English adventurers in penetrating the vast interior of Eupert's Land. Special attention is given in this work to the picturesque history of what was the greatest rival of the Hudson's Bay Company, viz. the North- West Fur Company of Montreal, as well as to the extraordinary spirit of the X Y Company and the Astor Pur Company of New York. vi PREFACE A leading featm'e of this book is the adequate treatment for the first time of the history of the well-nigh eighty years just closing, from the union of all the fur traders of British North America under the name of the Hudson's Bay Company. This period, beginning with the career of the Emperor-Governor,, Sir George Simpson (1821), and covering the life, adventm-e, conflicts, trade, and development of the vast region stretching from Labrador to Vancouver Island, and north to the Mackenzie Eiver and the Yukon, down to the present year, is the most important part of the Company's history. For the task thus undertaken the author is well fitted. He has had special opportunities for becoming acquainted with the history, position, and inner life of the Hudson's Bay Company. He has lived for nearly thirty years in Winnipeg, for the whole of that time in sight of Fort Garry, the fur traders' capital, or what remains of it ; he has visited many of the Hudson's Bay Company's posts from Fort William to Victoria, in the Lake Superior and the Lake of the Woods region, in Manitoba, Assiniboia, Alberta, and British Columbia ; in those districts he has run the rapids, crossed the portages, surveyed the ruins of old forts, and fixed the localities of long-forgotten posts ; he is acquainted with a large number of the ofBcers of the Company, has enjoyed their hospitality, read their journals, and listened with interest to their tales of adventure in many out-of-the-way posts ; he is a lover of the romance, and story, and tradition of the fur traders' past. The writer has had full means of examining documents, letters, journals, business records, heirlooms, and archives of the fur traders both in Great Britain and Canada. He returns thanks to the custodians of many valuable originals, which he has used, to the Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company in 1881, Eight Hon. G. J. Goschen, who granted him the privilege of consulting all Hudson's Bay Company records up PREFACE vii to the date of 1821, and he desires to still more warmly acknowledge the permission given him by the distinguished patron of literature and education, the present Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company, Lord Stratheona and Mount Eoyal, to read any documents of public importance in the Hudson's Bay House in London. This unusual opportunity granted the author was largely used by him in 1896 and again in 1899. Taking the advice of his publishers, the author, instead of publishing several volumes of annals of the Company, has condensed the important features of the history into one fair- sized volume, but has given in an Appendix references and authorities which may afford the reader, who desires more detailed information on special periods, the sources of know ledge for fuller research. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. the first voyage fok trade. Famous Companies — " The old lady of Fenchurch Street ' — The first voyage — Kadisson and Groseilliers — Spurious claim of the French of having reached the Bay — " Journal published by Prince Society" — The claim invalid — Early voyages of Radisson — The Frenchmen go to Boston — Cross over to England — Help from Royalty — Fiery Rupert — The King a stockholder — Many hitherto unpublished facts — Capt. Zachariah GUlam — Charles Fort built on Rupert River — The founder's fame CHAPTER II. Hudson's bat company founded. Royal charters — Good Queen Bess — " So miserable a wilder ness " — Courtly stockholders — Correct spelling — " The nonsense of the Charters" — Mighty rivers — Lords of the territory — To execute justice — ^War on infidels — Power to seize — " Skin for skin " — Friends of the Red man . . 12 CHAPTER III. METHODS OF TRADE. Rich Mr. Portman — Good ship Prince Rupert — The early adven turers — " Book of Common Prayer " — Five Forts — Voting a funeral — Worth of a beaver — To Hudson Bay and back — Selling the pelts— Bottles of sack — Pat dividends — "Victorious as Csesar"—" Golden Fruit" .... 20 CHAPTER IV. THREE GREAT GOVERNORS. Men of high station — Prince Rupert primus — Prince James, " nemine contradicente " — The hero of the hour — Churchill River named — Plate of solid gold— Off to the tower . . 27 X CONTENTS CHAPTER V. TWO ADROIT ADVENTURERS. PAGE Peter Radisson and "Mr. Gooseberry" again— Radisson v. Gillam— Back to France— A wife's influence— Paltry vessels — Radisson's diplomacy— Deserts to England— Shameful duplicity — " A hogshead of claret " — Adventurers appre ciative — Twenty-five years of Radisson's life hitherto un known — " In a low and mean condition " — The Company in Chancery— Lucky Radisson— A Company pensioner . . 33- CHAPTER VI. FRENCH RIVALRY. The golden lilies in danger — " To arrest Radisson '' — The land called " Unknown " — A chain of claim — Imaginary preten sions — Chevalier de Troyes — The brave Lemoynes — Hudson Bay forts captured — A litigious governor — Laugh at treaties — The glory of France — Enormous claims — Consequential damages 47 CHAPTER VII. RYSWICK AND UTRECHT. The " Grand Monarque " humbled — Caught napping — The Com pany in peril — Glorious Utrecht — Forts restored — Damages to be considered — Commission useless 66 CHAPTER VIII. DREAM OF A NORTH-WEST PASSAGE. Stock rises — Jealousy aroused — Arthur Dobbs, Esq. — An in genious attack — Appeal to the " Old Worthies " — Captain Christopher Middleton — Was the Company in earnest ? — The sloop Furnace — Dobbs' fierce attack — The great sub scription — Independent expedition — " Henry Ellis, gentle man " — " Without success " — Dobbs' real purpose . . 61 CHAPTER IX. THE INTERESTING BLUE-BOOK OF 1749. " Le roi est mort " — Royalty unfavourable — Earl of Halifax — " Company asleep " — Petition to Parliament — Neglected discovery — Timidity or caution — Strong "Prince of Wales" — Increase of stock — A timid witness — Claims of discovery — To make Indians Cloristians — Charge of disloyalty— New Company promises largely— Result nil 70 CONTENTS xi CHAPTER X. FRENCH CANADIANS EXPLORE THE INTERIOR. piSE The " Western Sea " — Ardent Duluth — " Kaministiquia " — Indian boasting — Pere Charlevoix — Father Gonor — The man of the hour : — Verandrye — Indian map-maker — The North Shore — A line of forts — The Assiniboine country — A notable manuscript — A marvellous journey — Glory, but not wealth — Post of the Western Sea 78 CHAPTER XI. THE SCOTTISH MERCHANTS OF MONTREAL. Unyielding old Cadot — Competition — The enterprising Henry —Leads the way — Thomas Curry — The elder Finlay — Plundering Indians — Grand Portage — A famous mart— The plucky Frobishers — The Sleeping Giant aroused — Fort Cumiberland — ChurchiU River — Indian rising — The deadly smallpox — The whites saved 91 CHAPTER XII. DISCOVERY OF THB COPPERMINE. Samuel Hearne — " The Mungo Park of Canada " — Perouse complains — The North- West Passage — Indian guides — Two failures — Third journey successful — Smokes the calumet — Discovers Arctic Ocean — Cruelty to the Eskimos — Error in latitude — Remarkable Indian woman — Capture of Prince of Wales Fort — Criticism by UmfrevUle .... 99 CHAPTER XIII. FORTS ON HUDSON BAY LEFT BEHIND. Andrew Graham's " Memo." — Prince of Wales Fort — The garrison — Trade — ^Tork Factory — Furs — ^Albany — Subordinate forts — Moose — Moses Norton — Cumberland House — Upper Assiniboine — Rainy Lake — Brandon House — Red River — Conflict of the Companies 108 CHAPTER XIV. THE NORTH-WEST COMPANY FORMED. Hudson's Bay Company aggressive — The great McTavish — The Frobishers — Pond and Pangman dissatisfied — Gregory and McLeod — Strength of the North- West Company — Vessels to be built — New route from Lake Superior sought — Good will at times — Bloody Pond — Wider union, 1787 — Fort Alexandria — Mouth of the Souris — Enormous fur trade — Wealthy Nor'- Westers— " The Haunted House " . . . 115 xii CONTENTS CHAPTER XV. VOYAGES OF SIR ALEXANDER MACKENZIE. piOB A young Highlander — To rival Hearne— Fort Chipewyan built — French Canadian voyageurs — Trader Leroux — Perils of the route— Post erected on Arctic Coast — Return journey — Pond's miscalculations — Hudson Bay Turner — Roderick McKenzie's hospitality — Alexander Mackenzie — Astronomy andmathematios— Winters on Peace River— Terrific journey — "The Pacific Slope — Dangerous Indians— Pacific Ocean, 1793— North-West Passage by land— Great achievement — A notable book 123 CHAPTER XVI. THE GREAT EXPLORATION. Grand Portage on Amarican soil — Anxiety about the boundary — David Thompson, astronomer and surveyor — His instruc tions — By swift canoe — The land of beaver — A dash to the Mandans — Stone Indian House — Fixes the boundary at Pembina — Sources of the Mississippi — A marvellous explorer — Pacific Slope explored — Thompson down the Kootenay and Columbia — Fiery Simon Eraser in New Caledonia — Discovers Eraser River — Sturdy John Stuart — Thompson River — Bourgeois Quesnel — Transcontinental expeditions . 132 CHAPTER XVII. THE X Y COMPANY. " Le Marquis " Simon McTavish unpopular — Alexander Mac kenzie, his rival — Enormous activity of the " Potties " — Why called X Y — Five rival posts at Souris — Sir Alexander, the silent partner — Old Lion of Montreal roused — " Posts of the King " — Schooner sent to Hudson Bay — Nor'-Westers erect two posts on Hudson Bay — Supreme folly — Old and new Nor'-Westers unite — List of partners .... 147 CHAPTER XVIII. THE LORDS OF THE LAKES AND FORESTS. — I. New route to Kaministiquia — Vivid sketch of Fort William — " Oantine Salope " — Lively Christmas week — The feasting partners — Ex-Governor Masson's good work — Four great Mackenzies — A literary bourgeois — Three handsome de moiselles — " The man in the moon " — Story of " Bras Croche " — ^Around Cape Horn — Astoria taken over— A hot headed trader — Sad case of "Little Labrie" — Punch on New Year's Day — The heart of a " vacher " . . . . 154 CHAPTER XIX. THE LORDS OF THE LAKES AND FORESTS. — II. Harmon and his book — An honest man — " Straight as an arrow " — New views — An uncouth giant — " Gaelic, Enghsh, French, CONTENTS and Indian oaths" — ^McDonell, "Le Pretre" — St. Andrew's Day — "Fathoms of tobacco "^Down the Assiniboine — An entertaining journal — ^A good editor — A too frank trader — " Gun fired ten yards away " — Herds of buffalo — Packs and pemmican — " The fourth Gospel " — Drowning of Henry — " The weather cleared up " — Lost for forty days — "Cheepe," the corpse — Larocque and the Mandans — McKenzie and his half-breed children 165 CHAPTER XX. THE LORDS OP THB LAKES AND F0REST.S. — III. Dashing French trader — " The country of fashion " — An air of great superiority — The road is that of heaven — Enough to intimidate a Csesar — " The Bear " and the " Little Branch " — Yet more rum — A great Irishman — " In the wigwam of Wabogish dwelt his beautiful daughter " — Wedge of gold — Johnston and Henry Schoolcraft — Duncan Cameron on Lake Superior — His views of trade — Peter Grant, the ready writer — Paddling the canoe — Indian folk-lore — Chippewa burials — Remarkable men and great financiers, marvellous explorers, facile traders 177 CHAPTER XXI. THE IMPULSE OF UNION. North-West and X Y Companies unite — Recalls the Homeric period — Feuds forgotten — Men perform prodigies — The new fort re-christened — Vessel from Michilimackinac — The old canal — Wills builds Fort Gibraltar— A lordly sway — The " Beaver Club " — Sumptuous table — Exclusive society — " Fortitude in Distress " — Political leaders in Lower Canada 188 CHAPTER XXII. THE ASTOR FUR COMPANY. Old John Jacob Astor — American Fur Company — The'Missouri Company — A line of posts — Approaches the Russians — Negotiates with Nor'-Westers — Fails— Four North-West ' " oflicials join Astor — Songs of the voyageurs — True Britishers — Voyage of the Tonqidn — ^ Rollicking Nor'- Westers in Sandwich Islands — Astoria built — David Thomp son appears — Terrible end of the Tonquin — Aster's overland expedition — ^Washington Irving's " Astoria, a romance " — The Beaver rounds the Cape — McDougaU and his smaU-pox phial — The Beaver sails for Canton 192 CHAPTER XXIII. LORD Selkirk's colony. Alexander Mackenzie's book — Lord Selkirk interested — Emigra tion a boon— Writes to Imperial Government — In 1802 CONTENTS looks to Lake Winnipeg — Benevolent project of trade — Compelled to choose Prince Edward Island — Opinions as to Hudson's Bay Company Charter — Nor'-Westers alarmed — Hudson's Bay Company's Stock — Purchases Assiniboia — Advertises the new colony — Religion no disqualification — Sends first colony — Troubles of the project — Arrive at York Factory — The winter — The mutiny — " Essence of Malt " — Journey inland— A second party— Third party under Archibald Macdonald — From Helmsdale^The number of colonists 202 CHAPTER XXIV. trouble between the companies. Nor'-Westers oppose the colony — Reason why — A considerable literature — Contentions of both parties — Both in fault — Miles Macdonell's mistake — Nor'- Wester arrogance — Duncan Cameron's ingenious plan — Stirring up the Chippewas — Nor'-Westers warn colonists to depart— McLeod's hitherto unpublished narrative — Vivid account of a brave defence — Chain shot from the blacksmith's smithy — Fort Douglas begun — Settlers driven out — Governor Semple arrives — Cameron last Governor of Fort Gibraltar — Cameron sent to Britain as a prisoner — Fort Gibraltar captured — Fort Gibraltar decreases. Fort Douglas increases — Free traders take to the plains — Indians favour the colonists . . . 214 CHAPTER XXV. THE skirmish OF SEVEN OAKS. Leader of the Bois Brules — A candid letter — Account of a prisoner — "Yellow Head" — Speech to the Indians — The chief knows nothing — On fleet Indian ponies — An eye witness in Fort Douglas — A rash Governor — The massacre — "¦ For God's sake save my Ufe " — The Governor and twenty others slain — Colonists driven out — Eastern levy meets the settlers — Effects seized — Wild revelry — Chanson of Pierre Falcon 228 CHAPTER XXVI. lord SELKIRK TO THE RESCUE. The Earl in Montreal — Alarming news — Engages a body of Swiss — The De Meurons — Embark for the North-West — Kawtawabetay's story — Hears of Seven Oaks — Lake Superior — Lord Selkirk — A doughty Douglas — Seizes Fort WiUiam — Canoes upset and Nor'-Westers drowned — " A banditti " — The Earl's blunder — A winter march — Fort Douglas recaptured — His Lordship soothes the settlers — An Indian treaty—" The Silver Chief "—The Earl's note-book . . 237 CONTENTS XV CHAPTER XXVIT. THE blue-book OP 1819 AND THE NORTH-WEST TRIALS. pagi: British law disgraced — Governor Sherbrooke's distress — A com mission decided on— Few unbiassed Canadians — Colonel Coltman chosen — Over ice and snow — Alarming rumours — The Prince Regent's order — Coltman at Red River — The Earl submissive — The Commissioner's report admirable — The celebrated Reinhart case — Disturbing lawsuits — Justice perverted — A storehouse of facts — Sympathy of Sir Walter Scott — Lord Selkirk's death — Tomb at Orthes, in France . 251 CHAPTER XXVIII. MEN WHO PLAYED A PART. The crisis reached — Consequences of Seven Oaks — The noble Earl — His generous spirit — His mistakes — Determined courage — Deserves the laurel crown — The first Governor — Macdonell's difficulties — His unwise step — A captain in red — Cameron's adroitness — A wearisome imprisonment— Last governor of Fort Gibraltar — The Metis chief — Half-breed son of old Cuthbert — A daring hunter — Warden of the plains — Lord Selkirk's agent — A Red River patriarch — A faithful witness — The French bard — Western war songs — Pierriche Falcon 2o8 CHAPTER XXIX. governor SIMPSON UNITES ALL INTERESTS. Both Companies in danger — Edward Bllice, a mediator — George Simpson, the man of destiny — Old feuds buried — Gatherings at Norway House — Governor Simpson's skUl — His mar vellous energy — Reform in trade — Morality low — A famous canoe voyage — Salutes fired — Pompous ceremony at Norway House — Strains of the bagpipe — Across the Rocky Moun tains — Fort Vancouver visited — Great executive ability^ — The governor knighted— Sir George goes round the world • — Troubles of a book — Meets the Russians — Estimate of Sir George 268 CHAPTER XXX. THE LIFE OF THB TRADERS. Lonely trading posts — SkUful letter writers— Queer old Peter Fidler — Famous library — A remarkable will— A stubborn Highlander— Life at Red River— Badly-treated Pangman— Founding trading houses — Beating up recruits — Priest Provencher — A fur-trading mimic — Life far north—" Ruled with a rod of iron" — Seeking a fur country — Life in the canoe — A trusted trader — Sheaves of letters — ^A find in Edinburgh — Faithful correspondents— The Bishop's cask of wine — Red River, a " land of Canaan " — Governor Simpson's letters — The gigantic Archdeacon writes—" MacArgrave's " promotion — Kindly Sieveright — Traders and their books . 281 xvi CONTENTS CHAPTER XXXI. THE VOYAGEURS FROM MONTREAL. Lachine, the fur traders' Mecca — The departure — The flowing bowl — The canoe brigade — The voyageurs' song — " En roulant ma boule " — Village of St. Anne's — Legend of the church — The sailors' guardian — Origin of " Canadian Boat Song " — A loud invocation — " A la Claire Fontaine " — " Sing, nightingale '' — At the rapids — The ominous crosses — "Lament of Cadieux" — A lonely maiden sits — The Wendigo — Home of the Ermatingers — A very old canal — The rugged coast — Fort WUliam reached — A famous gathering — The joyous return ...... 302 CHAPTER XXXII. explorers in THE FAR NORTH. The North-West Passage again — Lieutenant John Franklin's land expedition — Two lonely winters — Hearne's mistake corrected — Franklin's second journey — Arctic sea coast explored — Franklin knighted — Captain John Ross by sea — Discovers magnetic pole — Magnetic needle nearly perpen dicular — Back seeks for Ross — Dease and Simpson sent by Hudson's Bay Company to explore — Sir John in Erebus and Terror — The Paleoorystic Sea — Franklin never returns — Lady Franklin's devotion — The historic search — Dr. Rae secures relics — Captain McOlintook finds the cairn and written record — Advantages of the search .... 318 CHAPTER XXXIII. EXPEDITIONS TO THE FRONTIER OP THE FUR COUNTRY. A disputed boundary — Sources of the Mississippi — The fur traders push southward — Expedition up the Missouri — Lewis and Clarke meet Nor'-Westers — Claim of United States made — Sad death of Lewis — Lieutenant Pike's journey — Pike meets fur traders — Cautious Dakotas — Treaty with Chippewas — Violent death — Long and Keating fix 49 deg. N. — Visit Fort Garry — FoUow old fur traders' route — An erratic Italian — Strange adventures — Almost finds source — Beltrami County— Cass and Schoolcraft faU —Schoolcraft afterwards succeeds— Lake Itasca — Curious origin of name — The source determined .... 323 CHAPTER XXXIV. ^FAMOUS JOURNEYS IN EUPERl'S LAND. Fascination of an unknown land — Adventure, science, or gain — Lieutenant Lefroy's magnetic survey — Hudson's Bay Company assists— Winters at Fort Chipewyan — First scientific visit to Peace River— Notes lost — Not " gratuitous canoe conveyance" — Captain PaUiser and Lieutenant CONTENTS xvii Hector— Journey through Rupert's Land — Rocky Mountain passes — On to the coast — A successful expedition — Hind and Dawson — To spy out the land for Canada — The fertile belt — Hind's description good— MUton and Cheadle— Winter on the Saskatchewan — Reach Pacific Ocean in a pitiable condition — Captain Butler — The horse Blackie and dog " Gerf Vola " — Fleming and Grant-" Ocean to ocean " — " Land fitted for a healthy and hardy race " — Waggon road and raUway 334 CHAPTER XXXV. RED RIVER SETTLEMENT. 1817-1846. Chiefly Scottish and French settlers — Many hardships — Grass hoppers — YeUow Head — " Gouverneur Sauterelle " — Swiss settlers — Remarkable parchment — Captain Bulger, a mili tary governor — Indian troubles — Donald McKenzie, a fur trader governor — Many projects fail — The flood — Plenty foUows — Social condition— Lower Fort built — Upper Fort Garry — Council of Assiniboia — The settlement organized — Duncan Finlayson governor — English farmers — Governor Christie — Serious epidemic — A regiment of regulars — The unfortunate major — The people restless . . . 345 CHAPTER XXXVI. THE PRAIRIES : SLEDGE, KEEL, WHEEL, CAYUSE, CHASE. A picturesque life — The prairie hunters and traders — GaUy- caparisoned dog trains — The great winter packets — Joy in the lonely forts — The summer trade — The York boat brigade — Expert voyageurs — The famous Red River cart — Shagganappe ponies — The screeching train — Tripping — The western cayuse — The great buffalo hunt — Warden of the plains — Pemmican and fat — The return in triumph . . 367 CHAPTER XXXVII. LIFE ON THB SHORES OF HUDSON BAY AND LABRADOR. The bleak shores unprogressive — Now as at the beginning — York Factory — Description of Ballantyne — The weather — Summer comes with a rush — Picking up subsistence — The Indian trade — Inhospitable Labrador — Establishment of Uiigava Bay. — McLean at Fort Chimo — Herds of cariboo — Eskimo rafts — " Shadowy Tartarus " — The king's domains — Mingan — Mackenzie— The Gulf settlements — The Mora vians — Their four missions — Rigolette, the chief trading post — A school for developing character — Chief Factor Donald A. Smith — Journeys along the coast — A barren shore 878 xviii CONTENTS CHAPTER XXXVIII. ATHABASCA, MACKENZIE RIVER, AND THE YUKON. page Peter Pond reaches Athabasca River— Fort Chipewyan estab lished—Starting point of Alexander Mackenzie — The Athabasca Library— The Hudson's Bay Company roused — Conflict at Fort Wedderburn— Suffering— The dash up the Peace River — Fort Dunvegan — Northern extension— Fort Resolution— Fort Providence— The great river occupied- Loss of life— Fort Simpson, the centre — Fort Reliance — Herds of cariboo— Fort Norman built— Port Good Hope — The Northern Rookies — The Yukon reached and occupied — The fierce Liard River — Fort Halkett in the Mountains — Robert Campbell comes to the Stikine — Discovers the Upper Yukon — His great fame — The districts — Steamers on the water stretches 383 CHAPTER XXXIX. ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE. Extension of trade in New Caledonia — The Western Depart ment — Fort Vancouver built — Governor's residence and Bachelors' Hall — Fort Colville — James Douglas, a man of note — A dignified official — An Indian rising — A brave woman — The fertile Columbia Valley — Finlayson, a man of action — Russian fur traders — Treaty of Alaska — Lease of Alaska to the Hudson's Bay Company — Fort Langley — The great farm — Black at Kamloops — Fur trader v. botanist — " No soul above a beaver's skin " — A tragic death — Chief Nicola's eloquence — A murderer's fate 396 CHAPTER XL. FROM OREGON TO VANCOUVER ISLAND. Fort Vancouver on American soil — Chief Factor Douglas chooses a new site — Young McLoughlin killed — Liquor selling prohibited — Dealing with the Songhies — A Jesuit father — Fort Victoria — Firdayson's skill — Chinook jargon — The brothers Ermatinger — A fur-trading Junius — "Fifty- four, forty, or fight" — Oregon Treaty — Hudson's Bay Company indemnified — The waggon road — A colony estab lished — First governor — Gold fever — British Columbia — Fort Simpson — Hudson's Bay Company in the interior — The forts — A group of worthies — Service to Britain — The coast becomes Canadian 405 CHAPTER XLI. PRO GLORIA DEI. A vast region — First spiritual adviser — A locum tenens — Two French Canadian priests — St. Boniface founded — Mis sionary zeal in Mackenzie River ciistrict — Red River CONTENTS parishes — The great Archbishop Tach^ — John West — Arch deacon Cochrane, the founder — John McCallum — Bishop Anderson — Enghsh Missionary Societies — Archbishop Machray — Indian Missions — John Black, the Presbyterian apostle — Methodist Missions on Lake Winnipeg — The Cree syUabic — Chaplain Staines — Bishop Cridge — Missionary Duncan — Metlakahtla — Roman Catholic coast missions — Church of England bishop — Diocese of New Westminster — Dr. Evans —Robert Jamieson — Education .... 417 CHAPTER XLII. THE HUDSON'S B.AY COMPANY AND THE INDIANS. Company's Indian pohcy — Character of oflioers — A race of hunters — Plan of advances — Charges against the Company — Liquor restriction — Capital punishment — Starving Indians — Diseased and helpless — Education and religion — The age of missions — Sturdy Saulteaux — The Muskegons — Wood Crees — ^ Wandering Plain Crees — The Chipewyans — Wild Assiniboines — Blackf cot Indians — Polyglot coast tribes — Eskimos — No Indian war — No police — Pliable and docile — Success of the Company 428 CHAPTER XLIII. UNREST IN Rupert's land, 1844-1869. Discontent on Red River — Queries to the Governor — A courageous Recorder — Free trade in furs held illegal — Imprisonment — New land deed — Enormous freights — Petty revenge — Turbulent pensioners — Heart burnings — Heroic Isbister — Half-breed memorial— Mr. Beaver's letter — Hudson's Bay Company notified — Lord Elgm's reply — Voluminous correspondence — Company's full answer — Colonel Crofton's statement — Major Caldwell, a partisan — French petition — ^Nearly a thousand signatures — Love, n, factor — The elder Riel — A court scene — Violence — " Vive la Ubert6 ! " — The Recorder checked — A new judge — Unruly Corbett — The prison broken — Another rescue — A valiant doctor — A Red River Nestor 435 CHAPTER XLIV. CANADA COVETS THE HUDSON'S BAY TERRITORY. Renewal of license — Labouchere's letter — Canada claims to Pacific Ocean — Commissioner Chief-Justice Draper — Rests on Quebec Act, 1774— Quebec overlaps Indian territories- Company loses Vancouver Island — Cauchon's memorandum — Committee of 1857 — Company on trial — A brilliant com mittee—Four hundred folios of evidence — To transfer Red XX CONTENTS River and Saskatchewan — Death of Sir George — Governor DaUas — A cunning scheme — Secret negotiations — The Watkin Company floated — Angry winterers — DaUas's soothing circular — The old order stUl — Ermatinger's letters — MoDougall's resolutions — Cartier and McDougaU as delegates — Company accepts the terms .... 445 CHAPTER XLV. TROUBLES OP THB TRANSFER OF RUPBRl's LAND. Transfer Act passed — A moribund government — The Canadian surveying party — Causes of the rebellion — Turbulent Metis — American interference — Disloyal ecclesiastics — " Governor " McDougaU — Riel and his rebel band — A blameworthy governor — The " blawsted fence " — Seizure of Fort Garry — Riel's ambitions — Loyal rising — Three wise men from the East — The New Nation — A winter meeting — BiU of Rights — A Canadian shot — The Wolseley expedi tion — Three renegades slink away — The end of Company rule — The new Province of Manitoba 466 CHAPTER XLVI. PRESENT STATUS OF THE COMPANY. A great land company — Fort Garry dismantled — The new buildings — New v. old — New life in the Company — Palmy days are recalled — Governors of ability — The present dis tinguished Governor — Vaster operations — Its eye not dimmed 469 CHAPTER XLVII. THE FUTURE OF THE CANADIAN WEST. The Greater Canada — Wide wheat fields — Vast pasture lands — Huronian mines — The Kootenay riches — Yukon Nuggets — Forests— Iron and coal — Fisheries — Two great cities — Towns and vUlages — Anglo-Saxon institutions — The great outlook 474 APPENDIX. A. — ^Authorities and References 481 B. — Summary of Life of Pierre Esprit Radisson . 487 C. — Company Posts in 1856, with Indians . . . 489 D.— Chief Factors (1821-1896) 491 E. — Russian America (Alaska) 493 F. — The Cree Syllabic Character 495 G. — Names of H.B.Co. Officers in Plate opposite PAGE 442 . . ' 49g Index .... 497 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Four great Governors of the Hudson's Bay Company . Frontispiece Map of Hudson Bay and Straits 6 Arms of the Hudson's Bay Company ....... 18 Le Moyne D'lberville 52 Chomedy de Maiaonneuve 82 Junction of the Ottawa and St. Lawrence 94 Map of Eonte of Scottish Merchants up the Ottawa to Lake Athabasca 96 Prince of Wales Fort 108 The Lac des Allumettes 116 Sir Alexander Mackenzie ........ 130 Daniel William Harmon, Esq 130 Johann Jacob Astor .......... 194 Casanov, Trader and Chief ... .... 194 Fort Douglas ... 226 Seven Oaks Monument . . 232 Lord Selkirk 260 Sir George Simpson .... 260 Fort William, Lake Superior 272 Bed Biver Note . . . . 284 I. — Portage 304 II. — Decharge 304 Block House of old H.B. Company Post 310 Map of the Far North . 314 Searchers in the North 320 Fort Edmonton, on the North Saskatchewan 336 Jasper House, Rocky Mountains 836 Map of Labrador and the King's Domains 378 Map of Mackenzie River and the Yukon 388 Sir James Douglas 398 Fort Victoria, B.C 406 Indians of the Plains 432 Gouncil of Hudson's Bay Company Commissioned OflBcers held in Winnipeg, 1887 442 Fort Garry — Winter Scenes 460 Commissioner Chipman (Winnipeg) 470 Hudson's Bay Company's Stores and General OflSoes, Winnipeg . 472 Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C 478 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY CHAPTEE I. THE FIEST VOYAGE FOR TRADE. Famous Companies — " The old lady of Fenchurch Street "—The first voyage — Radisson and GroseiUiers— Spurious claim of the French of having reached the Bay — "Journal published by Prince Society" — The claim invalid — Early voyages of Radisson — The Frenchmen go to Boston — Cross over to England — Help from Royalty — Fiery Rupert — The King a stockholder — Many hitherto unpublished facts— Capt. Zachariah GiUam — Charles Fort built on Rupert River — The founder's fame. Chables Lamb — "delightful author" — opens his unique " Essays of Elia " with a picturesque description of the quaint " South Sea House." Threadneedle Street becomes a mag netic name as we wander along it toward Bishopsgate Street " from the Bank, thinking of the old house with the oaken wainscots hung with pictures of deceased governors and sub- governors of Queen Anne, and the first monarchs of the Bruns wick dynasty — huge charts which subsequent discoveries have made antiquated — dusty maps, dim as dreams, and soundings of the Bay of Panama." But Lamb, after all, was only a short time in the South Sea House, while for more than thirty years he was a clerk in the India House, partaking of the genius of the place. The India House was the abode of a Company far more famous than the South Sea Company, dating back more than a century before the " Bubble " Company, having been brought into existence on the last day of the sixteenth century by good Queen Bess herself. To a visitor, strolling down Leadenhall Street, it recalls the spirit of Lamb to turn into East India B 2 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Avenue, and the mind wanders back to Clive and Burke of Macaulay's brilliant essay, in which he impales, with balanced phrase and perfect impartiality, Philip Francis and Warren Hastings alike. The London merchants were mighty men. Men who could select their agents and send their ships, and risk their money on every sea and on every shore. Nor was this only for gain, but for philanthropy as well. Across yonder is the abode of the New England Company, founded in 1649, and re-estab lished by Charles II. in 1661 — begun and still existing with its fixed income "for the propagation of the Gospel in New England and the adjoining parts of America," having had as its first president the Hon. Eobert Boyle ; and hard by are the offices of the Canada Company, now reaching its three- quarters of a century. Not always, however, as Macaulay points out, did the trading Companies remember that the pressure on their agents abroad for increased returns meant the temptation to take doubtful or illicit methods to gain their ends. They would have recoiled from the charge of Lady Macbeth, — " Wouldst not play false, And yet wouldst wrongly win." Yet on the whole the Merchant Companies of London bear an honourable record, and have had a large share in laying the foundations of England's commercial greatness. Wandering but a step further past East India Avenue, at the comer of Lime and Leadenhall Streets, we come to-day upon another building sitting somewhat sedately in the very heart of stirring and living commerce. This is the Hudson's Bay House, the successor of the old house on Fenchurch Street, the abode of another Company, whose history goes back for more than two centuries and a quarter, and which is to-day the most vigorous and vivacious of all the sisterhood of companies we have enumerated. While begun as a purely trading Company, it has shown in its remarkable history not only the shrewdness and business skill of the ra(?e, called by Napoleon a "nation of shopkeepers," but it has been the governing power over an empire compassing nearly one half THE FIRST VOYAGE FOR TRADE 3 of North America, it has been the patron of science and ex ploration, the defender of the British flag and name, and the fosterer, to a certain extent, of education and religion. Not only on the shores of Hudson Bay, but on the Pacific coast, in the prairies of Bed Eiver, and among the snows of the Arctic slope, on the rocky shores of Labrador and in the mountain fastnesses of the Yukon, in the posts of Fort William and Nepigon, on Lake Superior, and in far distant Athabasca, among the wild Crees, or greasy Eskimos, or treacherous Chinooks, it has floated the red cross standard, •with the well-known letters H. B. C. — an "open sesame" to the resources of a wide extent of territory. The founding of the Company has features of romance. These may well be detailed, and to do so leads us back several years before the incorporation of the Company by Charles II. in 1670. The story of the first voyage and how it came about is full of interest. "^^ Two French Protestant adventurers — Medard Chouart and Pierre Esprit Badisson — the former born near Meaux, in France, and the other a resident of St. Malo, in Brittany — had gone to Canada about the middle of the seventeenth century. Full of energy and daring, they, some years after wards, embarked in the f ur_tea^gi. and had many adventures. Eadisson was first captured by the Iroquois, and adopted \ into one of their tribes. After two years he escaped, and 1 having been taken to Europe, returned to Montreal. Shortly , afterwards he took part in the wars between the Hurons and \ Iroquois. Chouart was for a time assistant in a Jesuit mission, but, like most young men of the time, yielded to the attractions of the fur trade. He had married first the daughter of Abraham Martin, the French settler, after whom the plains of Abraham at Quebec are named. On her death Chouart married the widowed sister of Eadisson, and henceforth the fortunes of the two adventurers were closely bound up to- .gether. The marriage of Chouart brought him a certain amount of property, he purchased land out of the proceeds of his ventures, and assumed the title of Seignior, being known as " Sieur des Groseilliers." jn the year 1658_GrQseiUiers and Eadisson went on the third expedition to the west, and 4 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY returned after an absence of two years, having wintered at Lake Nepigon, which they called " Assiniboines." It is worthy of note that Eadisson frankly states in the account of his third voyage that they had not been in the Bay of the North (Hudson Bay). The,_fourth vqyage of the two partners in 1661 was one of an eventful kind, and led to very important results. They had applied to the Governor for permission to trade in the interior, but this was refused, except on very severe conditions. Having had great success on their previous voyage, and with the spirit of adventure inflamed within them, the partners determined to throw off all authority, and at midnight departed without the Governor's leave for the far west. During an absence of two years the adventurers turned their canoes northward, and explored the north shore of Lake Superior. It is in connection with this fourth voyage (1661) that the question has been raised as to whether Eadisson and his brother-in-law Groseilliers visited Hudson Bay by land. The conflicting claim to the territory about Hudson Bay by France and England gives interest to this question. Two French writers assert that the two explorers had visited Hudson Bay by land. These are, the one, M. Bacqueville de la Potherie, Paris ; and the other, M. Jeremie, Governor of the French ports in Hudson Bay. Though both maintain that Hudson Bay was visited by the two Frenchmen, Eadisson and Grose illiers, yet they differ entirely in details, Jeremie stating that they captured some Englishmen there, a plain impossibility. Oldmixon, an English writer, in 1708, makes the following statement: — "Monsieur Eadisson and Monsieur Gooselier, meeting with some savages in the Lake of the Assinipouals, in Canada, they learnt of them that they might go by land to the bottom of the bay, where the English had not yet been. Upon which they desired them to conduct them thither, and the savages accordingly did it." Oldmixon is, however, inaccurate in some other particulars, and probably had little authority for this statement. THE CRITICAL PASSAGE. The question arises in Eadisson's Journals, which are published in the volume of the Prince Society. * Ml ' THE FIRST VOYAGE FOR TRADE 5 For so great a discovery the passage strikes us as being very short and inadequate, and no other reference of the kind is made in the voyages. It is as follows, being taken from the fourth voyage, page 224 : — " We went away with all hast possible to arrive the sooner at ye great river. We came to the seaside, where we finde an Q old house all demolished and battered with bouUets. We weare told yt those that came there were of two nations, one of the wolf, and the other of the long-horned beast. All those nations are distinguished by the representation of the beasts and animals. They tell us particularities of the Em-opians. We know ourselves, and what Europ is like, therefore in vaine they tell us as for that. We went from isle to isle all that summer. We pluckt abundance of ducks, as of other sort of fowles ; we wanted not fish, nor fresh meat. We weare well beloved, and weare overjoyed that we promised them to come with such shipps as we invented. This place has a great store of cows. The wild men kill not except for necessary use. We went further in the bay to see the place that they weare to pass that . summer. That river comes from the lake, and empties itself in ye river of Sagnes (Saguenay) called Tadou- sack, weh is a hundred leagues in the great river of Canada, as where we are in ye Bay of ye North. We left in this place our marks and rendezvous. The wild men yt brought us defended us above all things, if we would come quietly to them, that we should by no means land, & so goe to the river to the other side, that is to the North, towards the sea, telling us that those people weare very treacherous." THE CLAIM INVALID. We would remark as follows : — 1. The fourth voyage maybe traced as a journey through Lake Superior, past the pictured rocks on its south side, beyond the copper deposits, westward to where there are prairies meadows, where the Indians- grow Indian corn, and where elk and buffalo are found, in fact in the region toward the Mississippi Eiver. 2. The country was toward that of the Nadoneseronons, i.e. the Nadouessi or Sioux ; north-east of them were the Chris- 6 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY tinos or Crees ; so that the region must have been what we know at present as Northern Minnesota. They visited the country of the Sioux, the present States of Dakota, and promised to visit the Christinos on their side of the upper lake, evidently Lake of the Woods or Winnipeg. 3. In the passage before us they were fulfilling then' promise. They came to the " seaside." This has given colour to the idea that Hudson Bay is meant. An examination of Eadisson's writing shows us, however, that he uses the terms lake and sea interchangeably. For example, in page 155, he speaks of the " Christinos from the bay of the North Sea," which could only refer to the Lake of the Woods or Lake Winnipeg. Again, on page 134, Eadisson speaks of the "Lake of the Hurrons which was upon the border of the sea," evidently meaning Lake Superior. On the same page, in the heading of the third voyage, he speaks of the " filthy Lake of the Hurrons, Upper Sea of the East, and Bay of the north," and yet no one has claimed that in this voyage he visited Hudson Bay. Again, elsewhere, Eadisson uses the expression, " salted lake " for the Atlantic, which must be crossed to reach France. 4. Thus in the passage " the ruined house on the seaside " would seem to have been one of the lakes mentioned. The Christinos tell them of Europeans, whom they have met a few years before, perhaps an earlier French party on Lake Superior or at the Sault. The lake or sea abounded in islands. This would agree with the Lake of the Woods, where the Christinos lived, and not Hudson Bay. Whatever place it was it had a great store of cows or buffalo. Lake of the Woods is the eastern limit of the buffalo. They are not found on the shores of Hudson Bay. 5. It will be noticed also that he speaks of a river flowing from the lake, when he had gone further in the bay, evidently the extension of the lake, and this river empties itself into the Saguenay. This is plainly pure nonsense. It would be equally nonsensical to speak of it in connection with the Hudson Bay, as no river empties from it into the Saguenay. Probably looking at the great Eiver Winnipeg as it flows from Lake of the Woods, or Bay of Islands as it was early called, he sees it flowing north-easterly, and with the mistaken (^JUpSONS STREIGHT^ ''"!^^ (uavis Stbeichts ) \.B .\ F r- I N s Bav ) raWu^Ked m l6C2 lui/Ublt ¦hal, &,n,,d Ne-w Not til Wales BuHo Bay '^^.i ^eioltttttn Ne^v South Wales "CSp. inif •B R r T.I . V-. yj.1 Bay ( •ar/ftQn \/ Ip^ MAP OF HUDSON BAY AND STRAITS As known six years before the first Hudson's Bay Company Expedition sailed for Hudson Bay. [Taken from Brage's '* Account of a Voyage.") iPage 6. THE FIRST VOYAGE FOR TRADE ^ views so common among early voyageurs, conjectures it to run toward the great Saguenay and to empty into it, thence into the St. Lawrence. 6. This passage shows the point reached, which some interpret as Hudson Bay or James Bay, could not have been so, for it speaks of a farther point toward the north, toward the sea. 7. Closely interpreted, it is plain that Eadisson ' had not only not visited Hudson or James Bay, but that he had a vrrong conception of it altogether. He is simply giving a vague story of the Christinos.* On the return of Groseilliers and Eadisson to Quebec, the former was made a prisoner by order of the Governor for illicit trading. The two partners were fined 4000Z. for the purpose of erecting a fort at Three Eivers, and 6000Z. to go to the general funds of New France. A G-EBAT BNTEEPEISE. Filled with a sense of injustice at the amount of the fine placed upon them, the unfortunate traders crossed over to France and sought restitution. It was during their heroic efforts to secure a remission of the fine that the two partners urged the importance, both in Quebec and Paris, of an expedi tion being sent out to explore Hudson Bay, of which they had heard from the Indians. Their efforts in Paris were fruitless, and they came back to Quebec, burning for revenge upon the rapacious Governor. Driven to desperation by what they considered a persecu tion, and no doubt influenced by their being Protestant in faith, the adventurers now turned their faces toward the English. In 1664 they went to Port Eoyal, in Acadia, and thence to New England. Boston was then the centre of English enterprise in America, and the French explorers brougnt their case before the merchants of that town. They asserted that having been on Lake Assiniboine, north of Lake Superior, they had there been assured by the Indians that Hudson Bay could be reached. ' See map opposite. ' Mr. MUler Christy of London and others are of opinion that Radisson visited Hudson Bay on this fourth voyage. 8 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY After much effort they succeeded fn engaging a New England ship, which went as far as Lat. 61, to the entrance of Hudson Straits, but on account of the timidity of the master of the ship, the voyage was given up and the expedition was fruitless. The two enterprising men were then promised by the ship owners the use of two vessels to go on their search in 1665, but they were again discouraged by one of the vessels being sent on a trip to Sable Isle and the other to the fisheries in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Groseilliers and Eadisson, bitterly disappointed, sought to maintain their rights against the ship owners in the Courts, and actually won their case, but they were still unable to organize an expedition. At this juncture the almost discouraged Frenchmen met the two Eoyal Commissioners who were in America in behalf of Charles II. to settle a number of disputed questions in New England and New York. By one of these. Sir George Carteret, they were induced to visit England. Sir George was no other than the Vice-Chamberlain to the King and Treasurer of the Navy. He and our adventurers sailed for Europe, were captured by a Dutch ship, and after being landed on the coast of Spain, reached England. Through the influence of Carteret they obtained an audience with King Charles on October 25th, 1666, and he promised that a ship should be supplied to them as soon as possible with which to proceed on their long-planned journey. Even at this stage another influence came into view in the attempt of De Witt, the Dutch ambassador, to induce the Frenchmen to desert England and go out under the auspices of Holland. Fortunately they refused these offers. The war with the Dutch delayed the expedition for one year, and in the second year their vessel received orders too late to be fitted up for the voyage. The assistance of the English ambassador to France, Mr. Montague, was then invoked by Groseilliers and Eadisson, now backed up by a number of merchant friends to prepare for the voyage. Through this influence, an audience was obtained from Prince Eupert, the King's cousin, and his interest was awakened in the enterprise. THE FIRST VOYAGE FOR TRADE 9 It was a remarkable thing that at this time the Eoyal House of England showed great interest in trade. A writer of a century ago has said, " Charles II., though addicted to pleasure, was capable of useful exertions, and he loved com merce. His brother, the Duke of York, though possessed of less ability, was endowed with greater perseverance, and by a peculiar felicity placed his chief amusement in commercial schemes whilst he possessed the whole influence of the State." " The Duke of York spent half his time in the business of commerce in the city, presiding frequently at meetings of courts of directors." It will be seen that the circumstances were very favourable for the French enthusiasts who were to lead the way to Hudson Bay, and the royal personages who were anxious to engage in new and profitable schemes. The first Stock Book (1667) is still in existence in the Hudson's Bay House, in London, and gives an account of the stock taken in the enterprise even before the Company was organized by charter. First on the list is the name of His Eoyal Highness the Duke of York, and, on the credit side of the account, " By a share presented to him in the stock and adventure by the Governor and Company, 300Z." The second stockholder on the list is the notable Prince Eupert, who took 300Z. stock, and paid it up in the next two years, with the exception of IQOl. which he transferred to Sir George Carteret, who evidently was the guiding mind in the beginning of the enterprise. Christopher, Duke of Albemarle, the son of the great General Monk, who had been so influential in the restoration of Charles II. to the throne of England, was a stockholder for 500Z. Then came as stockholders, and this before the Company had been formally organized, William, Earl of Craven, well known as a personal friend of Prince Eupert ; Henry, Earl of ArUng- ton, a member of the ruling cabal ; while Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury, the versatile minister of Charles, is down for 700Z. Sir George Carteret is charged with between six and seven hundred pounds' worth of stock ; Sir John Eobinson, Sir Eobert Vyner, Sir Peter Colleton and others with large sums. As we have seen, in the year 1667 the project took shape, a 10 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY number of those mentioned being responsible for the ship, its cargo, and the expenses of the voyage. Among those who seem to have been most ready with their money were the Duke of Albemarle, Earl of Craven, Sir George Carteret, Sir John Eobinson, and Sir Peter Colleton. An entry of great interest is made in connection with the last-named knight. He is credited with 96Z. cash paid to the French explorers, who were the originators of the enterprise. It is amusing, however, to see Groseilliers spoken of as " Mr. Gooseberry " — a somewhat inaccurate translation of his name. Two ships were secured by the merchant adventurers, the Eaglet, Captain Stannard, and the Nonsuch Ketch, Captain Zachariah Gillam. The former vessel has almost been for gotten, because after venturing on the journey, passing the Orkneys, crossing the Atlantic, and approaching Hudson Straits, the master thought the enterprise an impossible one, and returned to London. Special interest attaches to the Nonsuch Ketch. It was the successful vessel, but another notable thing connected with it was that its New England captain, Zachariah Gillam, had led the expedition of 1664, though now the vessel under his command was one of the King's ships.' It was in June, 1668, that the vessels sailed from Gravesend, on the Thames, and proceeded on their journey, Groseilliers being aboard the Nonsuch, and Eadisson in the Eaglet. The Nonsuch found the Bay, discovered little more than half a century before by Hudson, and explored by Button, Fox, and James, the last-named less than forty years before. Captain Gillam is said to have sailed as far north as 75° N. in Baffin Bay, though this is disputed, and then to have returned into Hudson Bay, where, turning southward, he reached the bottom of the Bay on September 29th. Entering a stream, the Nemisco, on the south-east corner of the Bay — a point probably not less than 150 miles from the nearest French possessions in Canada — the party took possession of it, calling it, after the name of their distinguished patron. Prince Eupert's Eiver. • A copy of the instructions given the captains may be found in State Papers, London, Charles II., 251, No. 180. THE FIRST VOYAGE FOR TRADE ir Here, at their camping-place, they met the natives of the district, probably a branch of the Swampy Crees. With the Indians they held a parley, and came to an agreement | by which they were allowed to occupy a certain portion of territory. With busy hands they went to work and built]||a stone fort, in Lat. 51° 20' N., Long. 78° W., which, in honour of their gracious sovereign, they called " Charles Fort." Not far away from their fort lay Charlton Island, with its shores of white sand, and covered over with a growth of juniper and spruce. To this they crossed on the ice upon the freezing of the river on December Qth. Having made due preparations for the winter, they passed the long and dreary time, finding the cold excessive. As they looked out they^saw " Nature looking like a carcase frozen to death." In April, 1669, however, the cold was almost over, and they were surprised to see the bursting forth of the spring. Satis fied with their journey, they left the Bay in this year and sailed southward to Boston, from which port they crossed the ocean to London, and gave an account of their successful voyage. The fame of the pioneer explorer is ever an enviable one. There can be but one Columbus, and so for all time this voyage of Zachariah Gillam, because it was the expedition which resulted in the founding of the first fort, and in the beginning of the great movement which has lasted for more than two centuries, will be memorable. It was not an event which made much stir in London at the time, but it was none the less the first of a long series of most important and far- reaching activities. CHAPTEE II. Hudson's bay company founded. Royal charters — Good Queeu Bess — '' So miserable a wilderness " — Courtly stockholders— Correct spelling — " The nonsense of the Charters" — Mighty rivers — Lords of the territory — To execute Justice — War on infidels — Power to seize — " Skin for skin " — Friends of the red man. The success of the first voyage made by the London merchants to Hudson Bay was so marked that the way was open for establishing the Company and carrying on a promising trade. The merchants who had given their names or credit for Gillam's expedition lost no time in applying, with their patron. Prince Eupert, at their head, to King Charles II. for a Charter to enable them more safely to carry out their plans. Their appli cation was, after some delay, granted on May 2nd, 1670. The modem method of obtaining privileges such as they sought would have been by an application to Parliament ; but the seventeenth century was the era of Eoyal Charters. Much was said in England eighty years after the giving of this Charter, and again in Canada forty years ago, against the illegality and unwisdom of such Eoyal Charters as the one granted to the Hudson's Bay Company. These criticisms, while perhaps just, scarcely cover the ground in question. As to the abstract point of the granting of Eoyal Charters, there would probably be no two opinions to-day, but it was conceded to be a royal prerogative two centuries ago, although the famous scene cannot be forgotten where Queen Elizabeth, in allowing many monopolies which she had granted to lie repealed, said in answer to the Address from the House of Commons : " Never since I was a queen did I put my pen to any grant but upon pretext and semblance made to me that it HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY FOUNDED ij was both good and beneficial to the subject in general, though private profit to some of my ancient servants who had deserved well. . . . Never thought was cherished in my heart that tended not to my people's good." The words, however, of the Imperial Attorney-General and Solicitor-General, Messrs. Bethel and Keating, of Lincoln's Inn, when appealed to by the British Parliament, are very wise : " The questions of the validity and construction of the Hudson's Bay Company Charter cannot be considered apart from the enjoyment that has been had under it during nearly two centuries, and the recognition made of the rights of the Company in various acts, both of the Government and Legis lature." The bestowal of such great privileges as those given to the Hudson's Bay Company are easily accounted for in the pre vailing idea as to the royal prerogative, the strong influence at Court in favour of the applicants for the Charter, and, it may be said, in such opinions as that expressed forty years after by Oldmixon: "There being no towns or plantations in this. country (Eupert's Land), but two or three forts to defend the factories, we thought we were at liberty to place it in our book where we pleased, and were loth to let our history open with the description of so wretched a Colony. For as rich as the trade to those parts has been or may be, the way of living is such that we cannot reckon any man happy whose lot is cast upon this Bay." The Charter certainly opens with a breath of unrestrained heartiness on the part of the good-natured King Charles.. First on the list of recipients is " our dear entirely beloved Prince Eupert, Count Palatine of the Ehine, Duke of Bavaria and Cumberland, &c.," who seems to have taken the King captive, as if by one of his old charges when he gained the name of the fiery Eupert of Edgehill. Though the stock book of the Company has the entry made in favour of Christopher, Duke of Albemarle, yet the Charter contains that of the famous General Monk, who, as " Old George," stood his ground in London during the year of the plague and kept order in the terror-stricken city. The explanation of the occurrence of the two names is found in the fact that the father died in the year- 14 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY of the granting of the Charter. The reason for the appearance of the name of Sir Philip Carteret in the Charter is not so evident, for not only was Sir George Carteret one of the pro moters of the Company, but his name occurs as one of the Court of Adventurers in the year after the giranting of the Charter. John Portman, citizen and goldsmith of London, is the only member named who is neither nobleman, knight, nor esquire, but he would seem to have been very useful to the Company as a man of means. The Charter states that the eighteen incorporators named deserve the privileges granted because they " have at their own great cost and charges undertaken an expedition for Hudson Bay, in the north-west parts of America, for a discovery of a new passage into the South Sea, and for the finding of some trade for furs, minerals, and other considerable commodities, and by such their undertakings, have already made such dis coveries as to encourage them to proceed farther in pursuance of their said design, by means whereof there may probably arise great advantage to Us and our kingdoms." The full name of the Company given in the Charter is, " The Governor and Company of Adventurers of England, trading into Hudson Bay." They have usually been called " The Hudson's Bay Company," the form of the possessive case being kept in the name, though it is usual to speak of the bay itself as Hudson Bay. The adventurers are given the power of pos session, succession, and the legal rights and responsibilities usually bestowed in incorporation, with the power of adopting a seal or changing the same at their " will and pleasure " ; and this is granted in the elaborate phraseology found in documents of that period. Full provision is made in the Charter for the election of Governor, Deputy-Governor, and the Managing Committee of seven. It is interesting to notice during the long career of the Company how the simple machinery thus pro vided was adapted, without amendment, in carrying out the immense projects of the Company during the two and a quarter centuries of its existence. The grant was certainly sufficiently comprehensive. The opponents of the Company in later days mentioned that King •Charles gave away in his sweeping phrase a vast territory of HUDSON'S BA Y COMPANY FOUNDED 15 which he had no conception, and that it was impossible to transfer property which could not be described. In the case of the English Colonies along the Atlantic coast it was held by the holders of the charters that the frontage of the seaboard carried with it the strip of land all the way across the conti nent. It will be remembered how, in the settlement with the Commissioners after the American Ee volution. Lord Shelburne spoke of this theory as the "nonsense of the charters." The Hudson's Bay Company was always very successful in the maintenance of its claim to the full privileges of the Charter, and until the time of the surrender of its territory to Canada kept firm possession of the country from the shore of Hudson Bay even to the Eocky Mountains. The generous monarch gave the Company " the whole trade of all those seas, streights, and bays, rivers, lakes, creeks, and sounds, in whatsoever latitude they shall be, that lie within the entrance of the streights commonly called Hudson's Streights, together with all the lands, countries, and territories upon the coasts and confines of the seas, streights, bays, lakes, rivers, creeks, and sounds aforesaid, which are not now actually possessed by any of our subjects, or by the subjects of any other Christian prince or State." The wonderful water system by which this great claim was extended over so vast a portion of the American continent has been often described. The streams running from near the shore of Lake Superior find their way by Eainy Lake, Lake of the Woods, and Lake Winnipeg, then by the Eiver Nelson, to Hudson Bay. Into Lake Winnipeg, which acts as a collecting basin for the interior, also run the Eed Eiver and mighty Saskatchewan, the latter in some ways rivalling the Missis sippi, and springing from the very heart of the Eocky Moun tains. The territory thus drained was all legitimately covered by the language of the Charter. The tenacious hold of its vast -domain enabled the Company to secure in later years grants of territory lying beyond it on the Arctic and Pacific slopes. In the grant thus given perhaps the most troublesome feature was the exclusion, even from the territory granted, of the portion "possessed by the subjects of any other Christian prince or >State." We shall see afterwards that -within less than twenty 1 6 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY years claims were made by the French of a portion of the country on the south side of the Bay ; and also a most strenuous contention was put forth at a later date for the French explorers, as having first entered in the territory lying in the basin of the Eed and Saskatchewan Eivers. This claim, indeed, was advanced less than a generation ago by Canada as the possessor of the rights once maintained by French Canada. The grant in general included the trade of the country, but is made more specific in one of the articles of the Charter, in that " the fisheries within Hudson's Streights, the minerals, including gold, silver, gems, and precious stones, shall be possessed by the Company." It is interesting to note that the country thus vaguely described is recognized as one of the English " Plantations or Colonies in America," and is called, in compliment to the popular Prince, "Eupert's Land." Perhaps the most astounding gift bestowed by the Charter is not that of the trade, or what might be called, in the phrase of the old Eoman law, the " usufruct," but the transfer of the vast territory, possibly more than one quarter or a third of the whole of North America, to hold it "in free and common socage," i.e. as absolute proprietors. The value of this con cession was tested in the early years of this century, when the Hudson's Bay Company sold to the Earl of Selkirk a portion of the territory greater in area than the whole of England and Scotland; and in this the Company was supported by the highest legal authorities in England. To the minds- of some, even more remarkable than the transfer of the ownership of so large a territory was the con ferring upon the Company by the Crown of the power to make laws, not only for their own forts and plantations, vnth all their officers and servants, but having force over all persons upon the lands ceded to them so absolutely. The authority to administer justice is also given in no un certain terms. The officers of the Company " may have power to judge all persons belonging to the said Governor and Com pany, or that shall live under them, in all causes, whether civil or criminal, according to the laws of this kingdom, and to execute justice accordingly." To this was also added the HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY FOUNDED 17 power of sending those charged with offences to England to be tried and punished. The authorities, in the course of time, availed themselves of this right. We shall see in the history of the Eed Eiver Settlement, in the very heart of Eupert's Land, the spectacle of a community of several thousands of people within a circle having a radius of fifty miles ruled by Hudson's Bay Company authority, with the customs duties collected, certain municipal institutions established, and justice administered, and the people for two generations not possessed of representative institutions. One of the powers most jealously guarded by all govern ments is the control of military expeditions. There is a settled unwillingness to allow private individuals to direct or influence them. No qualms of this sort seem to have been in the royal mind over this matter in connection with the Hudson's Bay Company. The Company is fully empowered in the Charter to send ships of war, men, or ammunition into their planta tions, allowed to choose and appoint commanders and officers, and even to issue them their commissions. There is a ludicrous ring about the words empowering the Company to make peace or war with any prince or people whatsoever that are not Christians, and to be permitted for this end to build all necessary castles and fortifications. It seems to have the spirit of the old formula leaving Jews, Turks, and Saracens to the uncovenanted mercies rather than to breathe the nobler principles of a Christian land. Surely, seldom before or since has a Company gone forth thus armed cap-d-pie to win glory and profit for their country. An important proviso of the Charter, which was largely a logical sequence of the power given to possess the wide territory, was the grant of the " whole, entire, and only Liberty of Trade and Traffick." The claim of a complete monopoly of trade was held most strenuously by the Company from the very beginning. The early history of the Company abounds with accounts of the steps taken to prevent the incoming of interlopers. These were private traders, some from the English colonies in America, and others from England, who fitted out expeditions to trade upon the Bay. Full power was given by the Charter " to seize upon the persons of all such c 1 8 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY English or any other subjects, which sail into Hudson's Bay or inhabit in any of the countries, islands, or territories granted to the said Governor and Company, without their leave and license in that behalf first had and obtained." The abstract question of whether such monopoly may rightly be granted by a free government is a difficult one, and is variously decided by different authorities. The " free trader " was certainly a person greatly disliked in the early days of the Company. Frequent allusions are made in the minutes of the Company, during the first fifty years of its existence, to the arrest and punishment of servants or employes of the Com pany who secreted valuable furs on their homeward voyage for the purpose of disposing of them. As late as half a century ago, in the more settled parts of Eupert's Land, on the advice of a judge who had a high sense of its prerogative, an attempt was made by the Company to prevent private trading in furs. Very serious local disturbances took place in the Eed Eiver Settlement at that time, but wiser counsels prevailed, and in the later years of the Company's regime the imperative character of the right was largely relaxed. The Charter fittingly closes with a commendation of the Company by the King to the good offices of all admirals justices, mayors, sheriffs, and other officers of the Crown, enjoining them to give aid, favour, help, and assistance. With such extensive powers, the wonder is that the Company bears, on the whole, after its long career over such an extended area of operations, and among savage and border people un accustomed to the restraints of law, so honourable a record. Being governed by men of high standing, many of them closely associated with the operations of government at home, it is very easy to trace how, as " freedom broadened slowly down " from Charles II. to the present time, the method of dealing with subjects and subordinates became more and more gentle and considerate. As one reads the minutes of the Company in the Hudson's Bay House for the first quarter of a century of its history, the tyrannical spirit, even so far as the removal of troublesome or unpopular members of the Committee and the treatment of rivals, is very evident. This intolerance was of the spirit of the age. In the Eestora- ARMS OE THE HUDSON S BAY COMPANY. IFar/e 18. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY FOUNDED 19 tion, the Eevolution, and the trials of prisoners after rebellion, men were accustomed to the exercise of the severest penalties for the crimes committed. As the spirit of more gentle ad ministration of law found its way into more peaceful times, the Company modified its policy. The Hudson's Bay Company was, it is true, a keen trader, as the motto, " Pro Pelle Cutem " — " skin for skin " — clearly implies. With this no fault can be found, the more that its methods were nearly all honom'able British methods. It never forgot the flag that floated over it. One of the greatest testimonies in its favour was that, when two centuries after its organization it gave up, except as a purely trading company, its power to Canada, yet its authority over the wide-spread Indian population of Eupert's Land was so great, that it was asked by the Canadian Government to retain one-twentieth of the land of that wide domain as a guarantee of its assistance in transferring power from the old to the new regime. The Indian had in every part of Eupert's Land absolute trust in the good faith of the Company. To have been the possessor of such absolute powers as those given by the Charter ; to have on the whole " borne their faculties so meek " ; to have been able to carry on government and trade so long and so success fully, is not so much a commendation of the royal donor of the Charter as it is of the clemency and general fairness of the administration, which entitled it not only officially but also really, to the title "The Honourable Hudson's Bay Company." CHAPTEE III. METHODS OF TEADE. Eich Mr. Portman— Good ship Prince Rupert— The early adventurers — " Book of Common Prayer " — Five Forts— Voting a funeral — Worth of a beaver — To Hudson Bay and back — Selling the pelts — Bottles of sack — Fat dividends — " Victorious as Csesar " — " Golden Fruit." The generation that lived between the founding of the Company and the end of the century saw a great development in the trade of the infant enterprise. Meeting sometimes at the place of business of one of the Committee, and afterwards at hired premises, the energetic members of the sub-committee paid close attention to their work. Sir John Eobinson, Sir John Kirke, and Mr. Portman acted as one such executive, and the monthly, and at times weekly meetings of the Court of Adventurers were held when they were needed. It brings the past very close to us as we read the minutes, still preserved in the Hudson's Bay House, Leadenhall Street, London, of a meeting at Whitehall in 1671, with His Highness Prince Eupert in the chair, and find the sub-committee appointed to carry on the business. Captain Gillam for a number of years remained in the service of the Cfimpany as a trusted captain, and com manded the ship Prince Rupert. Another vessel, the Windiiigoo, or Wyvenhoe Pinch, was soon added, also in time the Moosongee Dogger, then the Shaftshury, the Albemarle, and the Craven Bark— the last three named from prominent members of the Company. Not more than three of these ships were in use at the same time. The fitting out of these- ships was a work needing much attention from the sub-committee. Year after year its members went down to Gravesend about the end of May, saw the goods which had been purchased placed aboard the ships. METHODS OF TRADE 21 paid the captain and men their wages, delivered the agents to be sent out their commissions,. and exercised plenary power in regard to emergencies which arose. The articles selected indicate very clearly the kind of trade in which the Company engaged. The inventory of goods in 1672 shows how small an affair the trade at first was. " Two hundred fowling-pieces, and powder and shot ; 200 brass kettles, size from five to sixteen gallons; twelve gross of knives; 900 or 1000 hatchets," is recorded as being the estimate of cargo for that year. A few years, howerver, made a great change. Tobacco, glass beads, 6000 flints, boxes of red lead, looking-glasses, netting for fishing, pewter dishes, and pe-wter plates were added to the consignments. That some attention was had by the Company to the morals of their employes is seen in that one ship's cargo was provided -with " a book of common prayer, and a book of homilies." About June 1st, the ship, or ships, sailed from the Thames, rounded the North of Scotland, and were not heard of till October, when they returned -with thek valuable cargoes. Year after year, as we read the records of the Company's history, -s£l. find the vessels sailing out and returning with the greatest vpgnlfl.ritY^,nd few .losses took pl^,"Q, ^fog^^ j^ °^ weather during tSat time. The "agents of the Company on the Bay seem to have been well selected and generally reliable men. Certain French writers and also the English opponents of the Company have represented them as timid men, afraid to leave the coast and penetrate to the interior, and their conduct has been contrasted with that of the daring, if not reckless, French explorers. Jtis true that forabout one hundred years the Hudson's Bgx. — 'Company'min' did noT leave the jhoresj)j_Hud^on^ay,J)jjt W^FwaslEeneed'soTong as the Indians came to the coast \wth their furs and afforded them profitable trade ! By the orders of the Company they opened up trade at different places on the shores of the Bay, and we learn from Oldmixon that fifteen years after the founding_oyhg„gQmBanX^em:gfi£&fea:iis. e^iiSbli^d at (1) AJ^aiy^,JiixirIi^HayesMand; (3) Euperfs. EiverT (4)TorFNekon ; (5) NewSeyern. According to another auiEority, Moose' Eiverlakes the place of Hayes Island in thi 2 2 THE HUDSON'S BAi COMPANY list. These forts and factories, at first primitive and small, were gradually increased in size and comfort until they became, in some cases, quite extensive. The plan of management was to have a governor appointed over each fort for a term of years, and a certain number of men placed under his direction. In the first year of the Hudson's Bay Company's operations as a corporate body, Governor Charles Bailey was sent out to take charge of Charles Fort at Eupert's Eiver. With him was associated the French adven turer, Eadisson, and his nephew, Jean Baptiste Groseilliers. Bailey seems to have been an efficient officer, though fault was found with him by the Company. Ten years after the founding of the Company he died in London, and was voted a funeral by the Company, which took place by twilight to St. Paul's, Covent Garden. The widow of the Governor maintained a contention against the Company for an allowance of 400Z., which was given after three years' dispute. Another governor was William Lydall, as also John Bridgar, Governor of the West Main ; and again Henry Sargeant, Thomas Phipps, Governor of Fort Nelson, and John Knight, Governor of Albany, took an active part in the disputes of the Company with the French. Thus, with a considerable amount of friction, the affairs of the Company were conducted on the new and inhospitable coast of Hudson Bay. To the forts from the vast interior of North America the various tribes of Indians, especially the Crees, Chipewyans, and Eskimos, brought their furs for barter. No doubt the prices were very much in favour of the traders at first, but during the first generation of traders the competition of French traders from the south for their share of the Indian trade tended to correct injustice and give the Indians better prices for their furs. The following is the standard fixed at this time : — Guns twelve winter beaver skins for largest, ten for me dium, eight for smallest. Powder a beaver for | lb. Shot a beaver for 4 lbs. Hatchets a beaver for a great and little hatchet. METHODS OF TRADE 23 Knives a beaver for eight great knives and eight jack knives. Beads a beaver for i lb. of beads. Laced coats . . . .six beavers for one. Plain coats five beavers for one plain red coat. Coats for women, laced, 2 yds. . six beavers. Coats for women, plain . . five beavers. Tobacco a beaver for 1 lb. Powder-horn .... a beaver for a large pow der-horn and two smaU ones. Kettles abeaver for lib. of kettle. Looking-glass and comb . . two skins. The trade conducted at the posts or factories along the shore •was carried on by the local traders so soon as the rivers from the interior — the Nelson and the Churchill — were open, so that by the time the ship from London arrived, say in the end of July or beginning of August, the Indians were beginning to reach the coast. The month of August was a busy month, and by the close of it, or early in September, the ship was loaded and sent back on her journey. By the end of October the ships arrived from Hudson Bay, and the anxiety of the Company to learn how the season's trade had succeeded was naturally very great. As soon as the vessels had arrived in the Downs or at Portsmouth, word was sent post haste to London, and the results were laid before a Committee of the Company. Much reference is made in the minutes to the difficulty of preventing the men employed in the ships from entering into illicit trade in furs. Strict orders were given to inspect the lockers for furs to prevent private trade. In due time the furs were unladen from the ships and put into the custody of the Company's secretary in the London warehouse. The matter of selling the fm-s was one of very great importance. At times the Company found prices low, and deferred their sales until the outlook was more favourable. The method followed was to have an auction, and every precaution was taken to have the sales fair and above board. Evidences are not wanting that at times it was difficult for the Court of Adventurers to secure this ver desirable result. 24 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY The matter was not, however, one of dry routine, for the London merchants seem to have encouraged business with generous hospitality. On November 9th, 1681, the sale took place, and the following entry is found in the minutes : "A Committee was appointed to provide three dozen bottles of sack and three dozen bottles of claret, to be given to buyers at ye sale. Dinner was also bespoken at ' Ye Stillyard,' of a good dish of fish, a Ioyne of veal, two pullets, and four ducks." As the years went on, the same variations in furs that we see in our day took place. New markets were then looked for and arrangements made for sending agents to Holland and finding the connections in Eussia, that sales might be effected. In order to carry out the trade it was necessary to take large quantities of hemp from Holland in return for the furs sent. The employment of this article for cordage in the Navy led to the influence of important members of the Company being used with the Earl of Marlborough to secure a sale for this com modity. Pending the sales it was necessary for large sums of money to be advanced to carry on the business of the Com pany. This was generally accomplished by the liberality of members of the Company itself supplying the needed amounts. The Company was, however, from time to time gratified by the declaration of handsome dividends. So far as recorded, the first dividend was declared in 1684, and judged by modern standards it was one for which a company might well wait for a number of years. It was for 50 per cent, upon stock. Accordingly, the Earl of Craven received 150L, Sir James Hayes 150Z., and so on in proportion. In 1688 another divi dend of a like amount of 50 per cent, on the stock resulted, and among others, Hon. Eobert Boyle, Earl Churchill, and Sir Christopher Wren had their hearts gladdened. In 1689 profits to the extent of 25 per cent, on the stock were received, and one of the successful captains was, in the exuberance of feeling of the stock-holders, presented with a silver flagon in recognition of his services. In 1690, however, took place by far the most remarkable event of a financial kind in the early history of the Company. The returns of that year from the Bay were so large that the Company dec ded to treble its stock. he reasons given for this were : — '^¦METHODS OF TRADE 25 (1) The Company has in its warehouse about the value o its original stock (10,500Z.). (2) The factories at Fort Nelson and New Severn are increasing in trade, and this year the returns are expected to be 20,000L in beaver. (3) The fac tories are of much value. (4) Damages are expected from the French for a claim of 10O,O00L The Conapany then proceeded to declare a dividend of 25 per cent., which was equivalent to 76 per cent, on their original stock. It was a pleasing incident to the sovereign of the realm that in all these profits he was not forgotten. In the original Charter the only recompense coming to the Crown, for the royal gift, was to be the payment, when the territory was entered upon, of " two elks and two black beavers." This may have been a device for keeping up the royal claim, but at any rate 300/. in the 'original stock-book stood to the credit of the sovereign. It had been the custom to send a deputation to present in person the dividends to His Majesty, and the pounds sterling were always changed to guineas. On this occasion of the great dividend, King William III. had but lately returned from his victories in Ireland. The deputation, headed by Sir Edward Dering, was introduced to the King by the Earl of Portland, and the following address, hitherto, so far as known to the writer, unpublished, was " presented along with the noble gift : — " Your Majestie's most Loyal and Dutiful subjects beg leave to congratulate your Majestie's Happy Eeturn here with Honor and Safety. And we do daily pray to Heaven (that Hath God wonderfully preserved Your Eoyall Person) that in all your undertakings Your Majestic may be as victorious as Caesar, as beloved as Titus, and (after all) have the long and glorious Eeigne and Peacefull end of Augustus. " On this happy occasion we desire also most humbly to present to yom* Majestic a dividend of Two Hundred, and twenty-five guiiieas upon three hundred pounds stock in the Hudson's Bay Company, now EightfuUy delivered to your Majestic. And although we have been the greatest sufferers of any Company from those common enemies of all mankind the French, yet when your Majestie's just Arms shall have given 26 THE HUDSON S BAY COMPANY Eepose to all Christendom, we also shall enjoy our share of these great Benefits and do not doubt but to appeare often ¦with this golden fruit in our hands, under the happy influence of Your Majestie's most gracious protection over us and all our Concerns." It is true that towards the end of the seventeenth century, as we shall afterwards see, the trade of the Company was seriously injured by the attacks of the French on the Bay, but a quarter of a century in which the possibility of obtaining such profits had been shown was sufficient to establish the Company in the public favour and to attract to it much capital. Its careful management from the first led to its gaining a reputation for business ability which it has never lost during two and a quarter centuries of its history. CHAPTEE IV. thbee geeat goveenoes. Men of high station — Prince Rupert primus — Prince James, " nemine contradicente " — The hero of the hour — Churchill River named — Plate of solid gold — Oflf to the tower. The success of the Hudson's Bay Company, and the influence exerted by it during so long a period, has often been attributed to the union of persons of station and high political influence with the practical and far-seeing business men of London, who made up the Company. A perusal of the minutes of the first thirty years of the Company's history impresses on the mind of the reader that, this is true, and that good feeling and patriotism were joined with business tact and enterprise in all the ventures. From the prosperous days of Queen Elizabeth and her sea-going captains and explorers, certainly from the time of Charles II., it was no uncommon thing to see the titled and commercial classes co-operating, in striking contrast to the governing classes of France, in making commerce and trade a prominent feature of the national life. The first Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company, Eupert, Prince of Bavaria, grandson by the mother's side of James I. of England, is a sufficiently well-known character in general history to require no extended notice. His exploits on the Eoyalist side in the Civil War, his fierce charges and his swift ness in executing difficult military movements, led to his name being taken as the very embodiment of energy and prowess. In this sense the expression, "the fiery Eupert of debate" was applied to a prominent parliamentarian of the past generation. After the restoration of Charles II., Prince Eupert took up 28 THE HUDSON'S BA Y COMPANY his abode in England, finding it more like home to him than any continental country. Enjoying the plaudits of the Cava liers, for whom he had so strenuously fought, he was appointed Constable of Windsor, a no very onerous position. From the minutes of the Hudson's Bay Company we find that he had lodgings at Whitehall, and spent much of his time in business and among scientific circles — indeed, the famous toys called " glass tears," or " Eupert's drops," were brought over by him to England from the continent to interest his scientific friends. We have seen already the steps taken by the returned Com missioners from the American Colonies to introduce Eadisson and Groseilliers to Prince Eupert, and through him to the royal notice. The success of the expedition of Gillam and the building of Charles Fort on Hudson Bay led to the Prince consenting to head the new Company. He had just passed the half century of his age when he was appointed Governor of the vast terra incognita lying to the west of the Bay to which, in his honour, was given the name Eupert's Land. The Company lost no time in undertaking a new expedition. Prince Eupert's intimate friend, the Earl of Craven, was one of the incorporators, and it was with this nobleman that Prince Eupert's widowed mother, the Princess Elizabeth, had found a home in the days of adversity. The close connection of the Hudson's Bay Company with the Court gave it, we see very plainly, certain important advan tages. Not only do the generous terms of the Charter indicate this, but the detailing of certain ships of the Eoyal Navy to protect the merchantmen going out to Hudson Bay shows the strong bond of sympathy. Certainly nothing less than the thorough interest of the Court could have led to the firm stand taken by the English Government in the controversies with France as to the possession of Hudson Bay. Several excellent paintings of the Prince are in existence, one by Vandyke in Warwick Castle, showing his handsome form, and another in Knebworth, Hertford. The Prince was unfortunately not free from the immorality that was so flagrant a feature of the Court of Charles IL At that time this THREE GREAT GOVERNORS 29 was but little taken into account, and the fame of his military exploits, together with the fixing of his name upon so wide an extent of the earth's surface, have served to give posterity an interest in him. For twelve successive years Prince Eupert was chosen Governor at the General Court of Adventurers, and used his great influence for the Company. He died on November 29th, 1682, at the comparatively early age of sixty-three. The death of the first Governor was a somewhat severe trial ior the infant Company. The Prince's name had been one to conjure by, and though he had been ably supported by the Deputy-Governor, Sir James Hayes, yet there was some fear of loss of prestige to the Adventurers on his unexpected death. The members of the Company were anxious to keep up, if possible, the royal connection, but they were by no means clear as to the choice of the only available personage who came before their view. James, Duke of York, was a man with a liking for business, but he was not a popular favourite. The famous jeu d'esprit of Charies II. will be remembered. When James informed Charles II. that there was a conspiracy on foot to drive him from the throne, " No, James," said Charles, " they will never kill me to make you king." The minutes of the Company show that much deliberation took place as to the choice of a successor to Prince Eupert, but at length, in January, 1683, at a General Court, the choice was made, and the record reads : — " His Eoyal Highness the Duke of York was chosen Governor of the Company, Nemine contradicente.' " The new Governor soon had reasons to congratulate himself on his election, for on April 21st, 1684, Sir James Hayes and Sir Edward Dering reported to the Adventurers their having paid 150 guineas to His Eoyal High ness as a dividend on the stock held by him. Prince James -was chosen Governor for three successive years, until the year -when, on the death of Charles, he became King. While James was not much in favour as a man, yet he possessed decided administrative ability, and whether this was the cause or not, certainly the period of his governorship was a successful time in the history of the Company. 30 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Failing a prince or duke, the lot could not have fallen uport a more capable man than was chosen as the Duke of York's. successor for the governorship. On April 2nd, 1685, at a General Court of the Adventurers, the choice fell upon one of the most remarkable men of his time, the Eight Hon. John Lord Churchill, afterwards Duke of Marlborough. Lord Churchill had not yet gained any of his great victories. H& was, however, at this time a favourite of the Duke of York^ and no doubt, on the recommendation of James, had been brought before the Court of Adventurers. He was one of the- most adroit men of his time, he was on the highway to the most. distinguished honours, and the Adventurers gladly elected him third governor. On April 2nd, 1685, the new governor threw himself heartily into the work of the Company. No doubt one so closely connected with the public service could be of more practical value than even a royal duke. The great dividend of which we have already spoken followed the years of his appointment. The success attained but stimulated the Company to increase^ their trade and widen the field of their operations. The river running into the west side of the Bay, far to the north, was named in honour of the new governor, Churchill Eiver, and in 1686. expansion of trade was sought by the decision to settle at th& mouth of this river and use it as a new trading centre for the north and west. Without any desire to annoy the French, who- claimed the south end of the Bay, it was determined to send a ship to the southern part of Hudson Bay, and a few months. later the Yonge frigate was dispatched. The fear of attacks from the French, who were known to be in a very restless. condition, led to the request being made to the Government to. station a military force at each fort in Hudson Bay. It was. also the desire of the Company that steps should be taken to- protect them in their Charter rights and to prevent illegal expeditions from going to trade in the Bay. All this shows th& energy and hopefulness of the Company under the leadership- of Lord Churchill. The part taken by Lord Churchill in the opposition to James, and his active agency in inducing William of Orange to come to England, are well known. He was a worshipper of THREE GREAT GOVERNORS 31 the rising sun. On the arrival of William IIL, Lord ChurchiU',, who was soon raised to the peerage as Earl of Marlborough^ was as popular, for the time, with the new king as he had been with his predecessor. His zeal is seen in his sending out in June, 1689, as governor, the instructions that William and Mary should be proclaimed in the posts upon the shores of Hudson Bay. He was able shortly after to report to his. Company that 100 marines had been detailed to protect the Company's ships on their way to Hudson Bay. The enthu siasm of the Company at this mark of consideration obtained through the influence of Lord Churchill, was very great, and we learn from the minutes that profuse thanks were given to- the governor, and a piece of plate of solid gold, of the value of 100 guineas, was presented to him for his distinguished services. Legislation was also introduced at this time into Parliament for the purpose of giving further privileges to the Adventurers. But the rising tide of fortune was suddenly checked. Disaster overtook the Governor. William had found some reason for distrusting this versatile man of affairs, and he suspected him of being in correspondence with the dethroned James. No doubt the suspicion was well founded, but tha King had thought it better, on account of Marlborough's great talents, to overlook his unfaithfulness. Suddenly, in May^ 1692, England was startled by hearing that the Earl of Marlborough had been thrown into the Tower on an accusa tion of high treason. For seven years this determined soldier had led the Company to success, but his imprisonment, rendered a change in the governorship a necessity. Marl borough was only imprisoned for a short time, but he was not re-elected to the position he had so well filled. At the General Court of Adventurers in November of theyear of Marlborough'a fall. Sir Stephen Evance was chosen Governor. This gentle man was re-elected a number of times, and was Governor of the Company at the close of the century. Two decades, and more, of the formative life of the Company were thus lived under the aegis of the Court, the personal management of two courtly personages, and under the guidance of the leading general of his time. As we shall see afterwards, during a part of this period the affairs of tha 32 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Company were carried on in the face of the constant opposi tion of the French. Undoubtedly heavy losses resulted from the French rivalry, but the pluck and wisdom of the Com pany were equally manifested in the confidence with which they risked their means, and the strong steps taken to retain their hold on Hudson Bay. This was the golden age of the Hudson's Bay Company. When money was needed it was often cheerfully advanced by some of the partners ; it was an honour to have stock in a Company which was within the shadow of the throne ; its distinguished governors were re elected so long as they were eligible to serve ; again and again the Committee, provided with a rich purse of golden guineas, waited on His Majesty the King to give return for the favour of the Eoyal Charter ; and never afterward can the historian point in the annals of the Company to so distinguished a period. CHAPTEE V. TWO adeoit adventueees. Peter Radisson and " Mr. Gooseberry " again — Radisson v. Gillam — Back -to France — A wife's influence — Paltry vessels — Radisson's diplomacy — Deserts to England — Shameful duplicity — " A hogs head of claret" — ^Adventurers appreciative — Twenty-five years of Radisson's life hitherto unknown — " In a low and mean condi tion " — The Company in Chancery — Lucky Radisson — A Company pensioner. A MYBTEEious interest gathers around two of the most in dustrious and, it must be added, most diplomatic and adroit of the agents of the Company, the two Frenchmen, Pierre Esprit Eadisson and Medard Chouart, afterwards the Sieur de Gro seilliers. Acquainted -with the far northern fur trade, their assistance was invaluable. We have seen in a former chapter that finding little encouragement either in New France or their mother country, they had transferred their services to England, and were largely instrumental in founding the Hudson's Bay Company. In the first voyage of the adventurers to Hudson's Bay, it came about that while Groseilliers was lucky in being on the Ncmsuch ketch, which made its way into the Bay, on the other hand, Eadisson, to his great chagrin, was on board the com panion ship, the Eaglet, which, after attempting an entrance and failing, returned to England. It has been stated that during the time of his enforced idleness in London, while the party was building Charles Fort on Prince Eupert's Eiver, Eadisson was busy interesting the leading men of the city in the importance of the adventure. Immediately on the return of the company of the Nonsuch, steps were taken for the organization of the Hudson's Bay Company. This, as we have seen, took place in May, 1670, D 34 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY and in the same year Eadisson and Groseilliers went out with Governor Bailey, and assisted in establishing trade on the shores of the Bay. On their return, in the autumn of 1671, to London, the two adventurers spent the winter there, and, as the minutes of the Company show, received certain money payments for their maintenance. In October, 1673, the sloop Prince Rv/pert had arrived at Portsmouth from Hudson Bay, and there are evidences of friction between Eadisson and Captain Gillam. Eadisson is called on to be present at a meeting of the General Court of the Company held in October, and afterwards Gillam is authorized to advance the amounts necessary for his living expenses. In the Company minutes of June 25th, 1674, is found the foUovring entry: — "That there be allowed to Mr. Eadisson 100 pounds per annum from the time of his last arrival in London, in consideration of services done by him, out of which to be deducted what hath been already paid him since that time, and if it shall please God to bless this Company with good success hereafter that they shall come to be in a prosperous condition they will then re-assume the consideration thereof." During the next month a further sum was paid Eadisson. The restless Eadisson could not, however, be satisfied. No doubt he felt his services to be of great value, and he now illustrated what was really the weakness of his whole life, a want of honest reliability. The Company had done as well for him as its infant resources would allow, but along with Gro seilliers he deserted from London, and sought to return to the service of France under the distinguished Prime Minister Colbert. The shrewd Colbert knew well Eadisson's instability. This featm'e of his character had been further emphasized by another event in Eadisson's life. He had married a daughter of Sir John Kirke, one of the Hudson's Bay Company pro moters, and a member of the well-known family which had distinguished itself in the capture of Canada, nearly fifty years before. This English and domestic connection made Colbert suspicious of Eadisson. However, he agreed to pay Eadisson TWO ADROIT ADVENTURERS 35 and Groseilliers the sum of their debts, amounting to 400/., and to give them lucrative employment. The condition of his further employment was that Eadisson should bring his wife to France, but he was unable to get either his wife or her father to consent to this. The Kirke family, it must be remembered, were still owners of a claim amounting to 341,000/. against France, which had been left unsettled during the time of Champlain, when England restored Canada to France. For seven years Eadisson vacillated between the two countries. Under the French he went for one season on a voyage to the West Indies, and was even promised promotion! in the French marine. At one time he applied again to the Hudson's Bay Company for employment, but was refused. The fixed determination of his wife not to leave England on the one hand, and the settled suspicion of the French Govern ment on the other, continually thwarted him. At length, in 1681, Eadisson and Groseilliers were sent by the French to Canada, to undertake a trading expedition to Hudson Bay. The lack of money, and also of full confidence, led to their venture being poorly provided for. In July, 1682, rendezvous was made at He Percee, in the lower St. La-wrence, by Eadisson in a -wretched old vessel of ten tons, and by Groseilliers in a rather better craft of fifteen tons burthen. No better could be done, however, and so, after many mishaps, including serious mutinies, dangers of ice and flood, and hairbreadth escapes, the two vessels reached the mouth of the Hayes Eiver on Hudson Bay. They determined to trade at this point. Groseilliers undertook to build a small fort on this river, and Eadisson went inland on a canoe expedition to meet the natives. In this Eadisson was fairly successful, and gathered a good quantity of furs. The French adventurers were soon surprised to find that an English party had taken possession of the mouth of the Nelson Eiver, and were establishing a fort. Eadisson opened com munication with the English, and found them in charge of Governor Bridgar, but really led by young Gillam, son of the old captain of the Nonsuch. The versatile Frenchman soon met a fine field for his diplomatic arts. He professed great friendship for the new comers, exchanged frequent visits with 36 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY them, and became acquainted with all their affau's. Finding the English short of provisions, he supplied their lack most generously, and offered to render them any service. Governor Bridgar was entirely unable to cope with the wiles of Eadisson. Matters were so arranged that Jean Baptiste Groseilliers, his nephew, was left in charge of the forts, to carry on the trade during the next winter, and with his brother- in-law, Groseilliers, and Governor Bridgar, somewhat of a voluntary prisoner, Eadisson sailed away to Canada in Gillam's ship. On reaching Canada Governor De la Barre restored the ship to the English, and in it Bridgar and Gillam sailed to New England, whence in due time they departed for England. The whole affair has a Quixotic appearance, and it is not sur prising that Eadisson and Groseilliers were summoned to report themselves to Colbert in Prance and to receive his marked displeasure. Their adventure had, however, been so successful, and the prospects were so good, that the French Government determined to send them out again, in two ships, to reap the fruits of the winter's work of the younger Groseilliers. Now occm-red another of Eadisson's escapades. The French expedition was ready to start in April. The day (24th) was fixed. Eadisson asked for delay, pleading important private business in England. On May 10th he arrived in England, and we find him, without any compunction, entering into negotiations with the Hudson's Bay Company, and as a result playing the traitor to his engagements in France, his native country. The entry in the Company's minutes bearing on this affair is as follows : — "May 12th, 1684. " Sir James Hayes and Mr. Young, that Peter Esprit Eadis son has arrived from France ; that he has offered to enter their service ; that they took him to Windsor and presented him to His Eoyal Highness ; that they had agreed to give him 50/. per annum, 200/. worth of stock, and 20/. to set him up to proceed to Port Nelson ; and his brother (in-law) Groseilliers to have 20s. per week, if he come from France over to Britain TWO ADROIT ADVENTURERS 37 and be true. Eadisson took the oath of fidelity to the Company." A few days later Eadisson took the ship Happy Return to Hudson Bay. Sailing immediately to Hayes Eiver, Eadisson found that his nephew, J. Baptiste Groseilliers, had removed his post to an island in the river. On his being reached, Eadisson explained to him the change that had taken place, and that he proposed to transfer everything, establishment and peltry, to the Hudson's Bay Company. Young Groseilliers, being loyal to France, objected to this, but Eadisson stated that there was no option, and he would be compelled to submit. The whole quantity of furs transferred to Eadisson by hia nephew was 20,000 — an enormous capture for the Hudson's Bay Company. In the autumn Eadisson returned in the Hudson's Bay Company's ship, bringing the great store of booty. At a meeting of the Committee of the Company (Octo ber 7th), "a packet was read from Pierre Eadisson showing how he had brought his countrymen to submit to the English. He was thanked, and a gratuity of 100 guineas given him." It is also stated that." a promise having been made of 20s. per week to Groseilliers, and he not having come, the same is transferred to his son in the bay." The minute like-wise tells us that " Sir William Young was given a present of seven musquash skins for being instrumental in inviting Eadisson over from France." From this we infer that Sir William, who, as we shall afterwards see, was a great friend and promoter of Eadisson, had been the active agent in inducing Eadisson to leave the service of France and enter that of the English Company. The Company further showed its appreciation of Eadisson's service by voting him 100/. to be given to four Frenchmen left behind in Hudson Bay. Jean Baptiste GroseiUiers, nephew of Eadisson, was also engaged by the Company for four years in the service at 100/. a year. Eadisson seems to have had some dispute with the Company as to the salary at this time. On May 6th, 1685, his salary when out of England was raised to 100/. a year, and 300/. to his wife in case of his death. Eadis son refused to accept these terms. The Company for a time 38 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY o would not increase its offer, but the time for the ship to sail was drawing nigh, and the Committee gave way and added to the above amount 100/. of stock to be given to his wife. John Bridgar was appointed Governor at Port Nelson for three years, and Eadisson superintendent of the trade there. Eadisson was satisfied with the new terms, and that the Company was greatly impressed with the value of his services is seen in the following entry : "A hogshead of claret being ordered for Mr. Eadisson, ' such as Mr. E. shall Uke.' " In the year 1685-6 all hitherto printed accounts of Eadisson leave our redoubtable explorer. We are, for the history up to this date, much indebted to the Prince Society of Boston for printing an interesting volume containing the journals of Eadisson, which are preserved in the British Museum in London and in the Bodleian Library in Oxford. Dr. N. E. Dionne, the accomplished librarian of the Legisla tive Library, Quebec, has contributed to the proceedings of the Eoyal Society of Canada very appreciative articles entitled, " Chouart and Eadisson." In these he has relied for the detail of facts of discovery almost entirely on the publication of the Prince Society. He has, however, added much genealogical and local Canadian material, which tends to make the history of these early explorers more interesting than it could other-wise be. A resident of Manitoba, who has shown an interest in the legends and early history of Canada, Mr. L. A. Prudhomme, St. Boniface, Judge of the County, has -written a small volume of sixty pages on the life of Eadisson. Like the articles of Dr. Dionne, this volume depends entirely for its information on the publication of the Prince Society. Eeaders of fiction are no doubt famiUar with the appearance of Eadisson in Gilbert Parker's novel, " The Trail of the Sword." It is unnecessary to state that there seems no historic warrant for the statement, " Once he attempted Count Frontenac's life. He sold a band of our traders to the Iro quois." The character, thoroughly repulsive in this work of fiction, does not look to be the real Eadisson ; and certainly as we survey the bloody scene, which must have been intended for a period subsequent to Frontenac's return to Canada in 1689, where Eadisson fell done to death by the dagger and TWO ADROIT ADVENTURERS 39 pistol of the mutineer Bucklaw and was buried in the hungry sea, we see what was purely imaginary. Of course, we do not for a moment criticize the art of the historic novelist, but simply state that the picture is not that of the real Eadisson, and that we shall find Eadisson aUve a dozen or more years after the tragic end given him by the artist. These three works, as well as the novel, agree in seeing in Eadisson a man of remarkable character and great skill and adroitness. FUETHEE HISTOEY. The Prince Society volume states : " We again hear of Eadisson in Hudson Bay in 1685, and this is his last ap pearance in public records as far as is known." The only other reference is made by Dionne and Prudhomme in stating that Charlevoix declares " that Eadisson died in England." Patient search in the archives of the Hudson's Bay Company in London has enabled the -writer to trace the history of Eadisson on for many years after the date given, and to unearth a number of very interesting particulars connected with him ; indeed, to add some twenty-five years hitherto unknown to our century to his life, and to see him pass from view early in 1710. In 1687, Eadisson was still in the employ of the Company, and the Committee decided that he should be made a denizen or subject of England. He arrived from Hudson Bay in October of this year, appeared before the Hudson's Bay Com pany Committee, and was welcomed by its members. It was decided that 60/. be given as a gratuity to the adventurer till he should be again employed. On June 24th, 1688, Eadisson again sailed in the ship for Hudson Bay, and during that year he was paid 100/. as 50 per cent, dividend on his 200/. worth of stock, and in the following year 50/. as 25 per cent, dividend on his stock. As the following year, 1690, was the time of the "great dividend," Eadisson was again rejoiced by the amount of 160/. as his share of the profits. Tbe prosperity of the Company appears to have led to an era of extravagance, and to certain dissensions within the Com pany itself. The amounts paid Eadisson were smaller in 40 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY accordance with the straits in which the Company found itself arising from French rivah-y on the Bay. In 1692 Sir WiUiam Young is seen strongly urging fuller consideration for Eadisson, who was being paid at the reduced rate of 50/. a year. In the Hudson's Bay Company letter-book of this period we find a most interesting memorial of Sir WiUiam Young's in behalf of Eadisson, with answers by the Company, on the whole confirming our narrative, but stating a few divergent points. We give the memorial in full. Dated December 20th, 1692, being plea of WiUiam Young, in behalf of Pierre Esprit Eadisson : — "Eadisson, born a Frenchman, educated from a child in Canada, spent youth hunting and commercing with the Indians adjacent to Hudson Bay, master of the [language, customs, and trade. " Eadisson being at New England about twenty-seven or twenty-eight years past, met there with Colonel Nichols, Governor of New York, and was by him persuaded to go to England and proffer his services to King Charles the Second, in order to make a settlement of an English factory in that bay. "At his arrival, the said King, giving credit to Eadisson for that undertaking, granted to Prince Eupert, the Duke of Albemarle, and others, the same Charter we do still claim by, thereby constituting them the proprietors of the said bay, under which authority he, the said Eadisson, went immediately and made an English settlement there according to his promises. " On his return to England the King presented him with a medal and gold chain. When rejected by the Company, he was compelled to return to Canada, his only place of abode. Joined the French and led an expedition to Hudson Bay. With the aid of Indians destroyed Company's factory and planted a New England factory in Port Nelson Eiver. " During the -winter Eadisson did no violence to the English, but supplied them with victuals, powder, and shot when their ship was cast away. Eefused a present from the Indians to destroy the English, and gave them a ship to convey them away. Afterwards settled the French factory higher up the TWO ADROIT ADVENTURERS 41 same river, where his alUance with the Indians was too strong for New England or Old England, and immediately after he went to France. Mr. Young, member of the Hudson's Bay Company, with leave from Sir James Hayes, deputy governori tried to hire him back to Hudson's Bay Company's service with large promises. During negotiations, Eadisson un expectedly arrived in London. Company's ships were ready to sail. Had just time to kiss the King's hand at Windsor and that of the Duke of York, then governor. They commended him to the care and kindness of Sir James Hayes and the Hudson's Bay Company, and commanded that he should be made an English citizen, which was done in his absence. " Before sending him, the Company gave him two original actions in Hudson's Bay Company stock, and 50/. subsistence money, with large promises of future rewards for expected service. " Arriving at Port Nelson he put Company in entire possession of that river, brought away the French to England, and took all the beavers and furs they had traded and gave them to the Company without asking share of the profits, although they sold for 7000/. "He was kindly welcomed in England and again com manded by the king. Committee presented him with 100 guineas, and entered in the books that he should have 50/. added to the former 50/., until the King should find him a place, when the last 50/. should cease. Had no place given him. Sir Edward Dering, deputy governor, influenced Com mittee to withdraw 50/., so he had only 50/. to maintain self, wife, and four or five children, and servants, 24/. of this going for house-rent. When chief factor at Nelson, was tempted by servants to continue to cheat the Company, was beaten because he refused. " Prays for payment of 100/. and arrears, because : "1. All but Sir Edward Dering think it just and reasonable. " 2. No place was given in lieu of 50/. "3. Of fidelity to the Company in many temptations. "4. He never asked more than the Company chose to give. " 5. Imprisoned in bay in time of trade for not continuing to cheat the Company. 42 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY " 6. The Company received from Port Nelson, after he gave it them, 100,000/. worth of furs, which is now believed would have been lost, with their whole interest in the bay, if he had not joined them when invited. "7. The original actions and the 100/. revert to the Company at his death. "8. Income inadequate to maintain wife and children in London. ^'9. Debts great from necessity. Would be compelled to leave wife and children and shift for himself. " 10. He cannot sell original actions, since they cease with his life. ¦"11. Of King Charles' many recommendations to kindness of Company. ¦"12. French have a price on his head as a traitor, so that he cannot safely go home. "13. Mr. Young further pleads that as Mr. Eadisson was the author of the Company's prosperity, so he (Mr. Young) was the first to persuade him to join their service. That he (Mr. Young) had been offered a reward for his services in persuading him, which he had utterly refused. But now that this reward be given in the form of maintenance for Eadisson in his great necessity, &c." The Committee passes over the sketch of Eadisson's life which they do not gainsay. In the second paragraph, they observe that Mr. Young stated their neglect to maintain Mr. Eadisson without mention ing their reasons for so doing, which might have shown whether it was their unkindness or Eadisson's desert. They go on to take notice of the fact that about 1681 or 1682, Eadisson and GroseiUiers entered into another contract with the Company and received 20/. Soon afterwards they ab sconded, went to France, and thence to Canada. Next year they joined their countrymen in an expedition to Port Nelson, animated by the report of Mr. Abram to the Company that it was the best place for a factory. They took their two barks up as far as they durst for fear of the EngUsh. Then the French in the fall built a small hut, which Mr. Young says was too TWO ADROIT ADVENTURERS 43 strong for either New England or Old England without guns or works — a place merely to sleep in, manned only with seven French. This expedition, Mr Young saith, was at first prejudicial to the Company, but afterward of great advantage, which he cannot apprehend. In another place Mr. Young is pleased to state that the New England settlement was so strong that the Old could not destroy it. Old England settlement was only a house un fortified, which Bridgar built to keep the goods dry, because Gillam's boat arrived late. " 1. Mr. Young says all are in favour of Eadisson but Sir Edward Dering, we have not met with any who are in favour but Mr. Young. Those who give gratuity should know why. "2. That he had no place or honour given him is no reason for giving gratuity, there being no contract in the case. " 3. Never found him accused of cheating and purloining, but breach of contract with Company, after receiving their money, we do find him guilty of. " 4. Says he never did capitulate with the Company. Find lie did (see minutes), May 6th, 1685. " 5. Cannot beUeve Eadisson was beaten by the Company's servants. Greater increase of furs after he left, &c., &c., &c." This memorial and its answer show the rather unreasonable position taken by the Company. In the time of its admiration for Eadisson and of fat dividends, it had provided liberal things ; but when money became scarce, then it was disposed to make matters pleasing to itself, despite the claims of Eadisson. In the year following the presenting of the memorial, it is stated in the minutes that " Eadisson was represented to the Company as in a low and mean condition." At this time it was ordered that 50/. be paid Eadisson and to be repaid out of the next dividend. The unreasonable position assumed by the Company, in with holding a part of the salary which they had promised in good faith, filled Eadisson with a sense of injustice. No doubt guided by his friend. Sir William Young, who, on account of his persistance on behalf of the adventurer, was now dropped from the Committee of the Company, Eadisson filed a bill in 44 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Chancery against the Company, and in July, 1694, notice of this was served upon the Committee. Much consternation appears to have filled their minds, and the Deputy-Governor, Sir Samuel Clark, reported shortly after having used 200/. for secret service, the matter being seem ingly connected with this case. Notwithstanding the great influence of the Company, the justice of Eadisson's claims prevailed, and the Court of Chancery ordered the payment of arrears in fuU. The Com mittee afterwards met Sir William Young and Eichard Cradock, who upheld Eadisson's claim. It is reported that they agreed to settle the matter by paying Eadisson 150/., he giving a release, and that he should be paid, under seal, 100/. per annum for life, except in those years when the Company should make a dividend, and then but 50/. according to the original agreement. Eadisson then received, as the minutes show, his salary regularly from this time. In 1698, the Company asked for the renewal by Parliament of its Charter. Eadisson petitioned Parhament for considera tion, asking that before the request made by the Company for the confirmation of the privileges sought were granted, that a clause should be inserted protecting him in the regular pay ment of the amounts due to him from time to time by the Company. At the time of his petition to Parliament he states that he has four young children, and has only the 100/. a year given by the Company to live on. In the year 1700 he was still struggling with his straitened circumstances, for in that year he applied to the Company to be appointed warehouse-keeper for the London premises, but his appUcation was refused. His children, of whom he is said to have had nine, appear to have passed over to Canada and to have become a part of the Canadian people. His brother-in-law, Groseilliers, had also returned to his adopted Canada, but is stated to have died before 1698. Eegularly during the succeeding years the quarterly amount is voted to Eadisson by the Company, until January 6th, 1710, when the last quota of 12/. 10s. was ordered to be given. About this time, at the ripe age of seventy-fom-, passed away TWO ADROIT ADVENTURERS 45 Pierre Esprit Eadisson, one of the most daring and ingenious men of his time. We know nothing of his death, except from the fact that his pension ceased to be paid. Judge Prudhomme, to whose appreciative sketch of Eadisson in French we have already referred, well summarizes his life. We translate : — " What a strange existence was that of this man ! By turns •discoverer, officer of marine, organizer and founder of the most commercial company which has existed in North America, his life presents an astonishing variety of human experiences. " He may be seen passing alternately from the wigwams of the miserable savages to the court of the great Colbert ; from managing chiefs of the tribes to addressing the most illustrious nobles of Great Britain. " His courage was of a high order. He looked death in the face more than a hundred times without trepidation. He braved the tortures and the stake among the Iroquois, the treacherous stratagems of the savages of the West, the rigorous winters of the Hudson Bay, and the tropical heat of the Antilles. " Of an adventurous nature, dra-wn irresistibly to regions unknown, carried on by the enthusiasm of his voyages, always ready to push out into new dangers, he could have been made by Fennimore Cooper one of the heroes of his most exciting romances. " The picture of his life consequently presents many con trasts. The life of a brigand, which he led with a party of Iroquois, cannot be explained away. " He was blamable in a like manner for having deserted the flag of France, his native country. The first time we might, perhaps, pardon him, for he was the victim of grave injustice ¦on the part of the government of the colony. " No excuse could justify his second desertion. He had none to offer, not one. He avowed very candidly that he sought the service of England because he preferred it to that of -France. " In marrying the daughter of Mr. John Kirke, he seems to have espoused also the nationality of her family. As for iiim, he would have needed to change the proverb, and, in the 46 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY place of ' One who marries a husband takes his country,' tO' say, ' One who marries a wife takes her country.' " The celebrated discover of the North-West, the Ulustrioua Le Verandrye, has as much as Eadisson, and even more than he, of just reason to complain of the ingratitude of France ; yet how different was his conduct ! " Just as his persecutions have placed upon the head of the- first a new halo of glory, so they have cast upon the brow of the second an ineffaceable stain. " Souls truly noble do not seek in treason the recompense for the rights denied them." CHAPTEE VI. PEENCH EIVALEY. The golden lilies in danger — " To arrest Radisson " — The land called " Unknown" — ^A chain of claim — Imaginary pretensions — Chevalier de Troyes — The brave Lemoynes — Hudson Bay forts captured — A litigious governor — Laugh at treaties — The glory of France — Enormous claims — Consequential damages. The two great nations which were seeking supremacy in North America came into collision all too soon on the shores of Hudson Bay. Along the shore of the Atlantic, England claimed New England and much of the coast to the southward. France was equally bent on holding New France and Acadia. Now that England had begun to occupy Hudson Bay, France was alarmed, for the enemy would be on her northern as well as on her southern border. No doubt, too, France feared that her great rival would soon seek to drive her golden lilies back to the Old World, for New France would be a wedge between the northern and southern possessions of England in the New Worid. The movement leading to the first voyage to Hudson Bay by Gillam and his company was carefully watched by the French Government. In February, 1668, at which time Gillam's. expedition had not yet sailed, the Marquis de Denonville, Governor of Canada, appointed an officer to go in search of the most advantageous posts and occupy the shores of the Bale du Nord and the embouchures of the rivers that enter therein. Among other things the governor gave orders " to arrest especially the said Eadisson and his adherents wherever they may be found." Intendant Talon, in 1670, sent home word to M. Colbert that 48 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY ¦ships had been seen near Hudson Bay, and that it was likely that they were English, and were "under the guidance of a man des Grozeliers, formerly an inhabitant of Canada." The alarm caused the French by the movements of the English adventurers was no doubt increased by the belief that Hudson Bay was included in French territory. The question of what constituted ownership or priority of claim was at this time a very difficult one among the nations. Whether mere discovery or temporary occupation could give the right of ownership was much questioned. Colonization would certainly be admitted to do so, provided there had been founded " certain establishments." But the claim of France upon Hudson Bay would appear to have been on the mere ground of the Hudson Bay region being contiguous or neighbouring territory to that held by the French. The first claim made by France was under the commission, as Viceroy to Canada, given in 1540 by the French King to Sieur de Eoberval, which no doubt covered the region about Hudson Bay, though not specifying it. In 1598 Lescarbot states that the commission given to De La Eoche contained the following : " New France has for its boundaries on the west the Pacifie Ocean within the Tropic of Cancer ; on the south the islands of the Atlantic towards Cuba and Hispaniola ; on the east, the Northern Sea which washes its shores, embracing in the north the land called Unknown toward the Frozen Sea, up to the Arctic Pole." The sturdy common sense of Anglo-Saxon England refused to be bound by the contention that a region admittedly ¦" Unknown " could be held on a mere formal claim. The English pointed out that one of their expeditions under Henry Hudson in 1610 had actually discovered the Bay and given it its name ; that Sir Thomas Button immediately there after had visited the west side of the Bay and given it the name of New Wales ; that Captain James had, about a score of years after Hudson, gone to the part of the Bay which continued to bear his name, and that Captain Fox had in the same year reached the west side of the Bay. This chain of discovery was opposed to the fanciful claims made by France. The strength of the EngUsh contention, now enforced by actual occupation FRENCH RIVALRY 4» and the erection of Charles Port, made it necessary to obtaia some new basis of objection to the claim of England. It is hard to resist the conclusion that a deliberate effort was made to invent some ground of prior discovery in order to meet the visible argument of a fort now occupied by the English. M. de la Potherie, historian of New France, made the assertion that Eadisson and Groseilliers had crossed from Lake Superior to the Bale du Nord (Hudson Bay). It is true, as we have seen, that Oldmixon, the British -writer of a generation or two later, states the same thing. This claim is, however, completely met by the statement made by Eadisson of his third voyage, that they heard only from the Indians on Lake Superior of the Northern Bay, but had not crossed to it by land. We have disposed of the matter of his fourth voyage. The same historian also puts forward what seems to be pure myth, that one Jean Bourdon, a Frenchman, entered the Bay in 1656 and engaged in . trade. It was stated also that a priest, William Couture, sent by Governor D'Avaugour of New France, had in 1663, made a missionary establishment on the Bay. These are unconfirmed statements, having no details, and are suspicious in their time of origination. The Hudson's Bay Company's answer states that Bourdon's voyage was to another part of Canada, going only to 63° N., and not to the Bay at all. Though entirely unsupported, these claims were reiterated as late as 1867 by Hon. Joseph Cauchon in his case on behalf of Canada v. Hudson's Bay Company. M. Jeremie, who was Governor of the French forts in Hudson Bay in 1713, makes the statement that Eadisson and GroseiUiers had visited the Bay overland, for which there is no warrant, but the Governor does not speak of Bourdon or Couture. This contradiction of De la Potherie's claim is surely sufficient proof that there is no -ground for credence of the stories, which are purely apocryphal. It is but just to state, however, that the original claim of Eoberval and De la Eoche had some weight in the negotiations which took place between the French and En^ish Governments over this matter. M. Colbert, the energetic Prime Minister of France, at any rate made up his mind that the EngUsh must be excluded from Hudson Bay. Furthermore, the fur trade of Canada was. E so THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY beginning to feel very decidedly the influence of the English traders in turning the trade to their factories on Hudson Bay. The French Prime Minister, in 1678, sent word to Duchesnau, the Intendant of Canada, to dispute the right of the English to erect factories on Hudson Bay. Eadisson and GroseilUers, as we have seen, had before this time deserted the service of England and returned to that of France. With the approval of the French Government, these facile agents sailed to Canada and began the organization, in 1681, of a new associa tion, to be known as " The Northern Company." Fitted out with two small barks, Le St. Pierre and La Ste. Anne, in 1682, the adventurers, with their companions, appeared before Charles Port, which Groseilliers had helped to build, but do not seem to have made any hostile demonstration against it. Passing away to the west side of the Bay, these shrewd explorers entered the Eiver Ste. Therese (the Hayes Eiver of to-day) and there erected an establishment, which they called Fort Bourbon. This was really one of the best trading points on the Bay. Some dispute as to even the occupancy of this point took place, but it would seem as if Eadisson and Groseilliers had the priority of a few months over the English party that came to establish a fort at the mouth of the adjoining Eiver Nelson. The two adventurers, Eadisson and GroseilUers, in the foUow- ing year came, as we have seen, with their ship-load of peltries to Canada, and it is charged that they attempted to unload a part of their cargo of furs before reaching Quebec. This led to a quarrel between them and the Northern Company, and the adroit fur traders again left the service of France to find their way back to England. We have already seen how completely these two Frenchmen, in the year 1684, took advantage of their own country at Fort Bourbon and turned over the furs to the Hudson's Bay Company. The sense of injury produced on the minds of the French by the treachery of these adventurers stirred the authorities up to attack the posts in Hudson Bay. Governor Denonville now came heartily to the aid of the Northern Company, and com missioned Chevalier de Troyes to organize an overland expedi tion from Quebec to Hudson Bay. The love of adventure was FRENCH RIVALRY jr strong in the breasts of the young French noblesse in Canada. Four brothers of the family Le Moyne had become known for their deeds of valour along the EngUsh frontier. Leader among the valorous French Canadians was Le Moyne D'lber ville, who, though but twenty-four years of age, had already performed prodigies of daring. Maricourt, his brother, was another fiery spirit, who was known to the Iroquois by a name signifying " the little bird which is always in motion." Another leader was Ste. Helene. With a party of chosen men these intrepid spirits left the St. La-wrence in March, 1685, and threaded the streams of the Laurentian range to the shore of Hudson Bay. After nearly three months of the most dangerous and exciting adventures, the party reached their destination. The officers and men of the Hudson's Bay Company's service were chiefly civilians unaccustomed to war, and were greatly sur prised by the sudden appearance upon the Bay of their doughty antagonists. At the mouth of the Moose Eiver one of the Hudson's Bay Company forts was situated, and here the first a;ttack was made. It was a fort of considerable importance having four bastions, and was manned by fourteen guns. It however, feU before the fierce assault of the forest rangers. The chief offence in the eyes of the French was Charles Port on the Eupert Eiver, that being the first constructed by the English Company. This was also captured and its fortifica tions thrown down. At the same time that the main body were attacking Charles Fort, the brothers Le Moyne, with a handful of picked men, stealthily approached in two canoes one of the Company's vessels in the Bay and succeeded in taking it. The largest fort on the Bay was that in the marshy region on Albany Eiver. It was substantially built with four bastions and was pro-vided with forty-three guns. The rapidity •of movement and military skill of the French expedition com pletely paralyzed the Hudson's Bay Company officials and men. Governor Sargeant, though having in Albany Fort furs to the value of 60,000 crowns, after a slight resistance surrendered without the honours of war. The Hudson's Bay ^Company employes were given permission to return to England, 52 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY and in the meantime the Governor and his attendants were taken to Charlton Island and the rest of the prisoners to Moose- Fort. D'lberville afterwards took the prisoners to France, whence they came back to England. A short time after this the Company showed its disapproval of Governor Sargeant's course in surrendering Fort Albany so readily. Thinking they could mark their disapprobation more> strongly, they brought an action against Governor Sargeant in the courts to recover 20,000/. After the suit had gone some distance, they agreed to refer the matter to arbitration, and the case was ended by the Company having to pay to the Governor 350/. The affair, being a family quarrel, caused some amuse ment to the public. The only place of importance now remaining to the English on Hudson Bay was Port Nelson, which was near the French Fort Bourbon. D'lberville, utilizing the vessel he had cap tured on the Bay, went back to Quebec in the autumn of 1687 with the rich booty of furs taken at the different points. These events having taken place at a time when the twO' countries, France and England, were nominally at peace, negotiations took place between the two powers. . Late in the year 1686 a treaty of neutrality was signed, and it was hoped that peace would ensue on Hudson Bay. This does not seem to have been the case, however, and both parties blame each other for not observing the terms of the Act of Pacification. D'lberville defended Albany Fort from a British attack in 1689, departed in that year for Quebec with a ship load of furs, and returned to Hudson Bay in the following year. During the war which grew out of the Eevolution,. Albany Fort changed hands again to the English, and was afterwards retaken by the French, after which a strong English force (1692) repossessed themselves of it. For some time English supremacy was maintained on the Bay, but the French merely waited their time to attack Fort Bourbon, which they regarded as in a special sense their own. In 1694 D'IbervUle visited the Bay, besieged and took Fort Bourbon,. and reduced the place with his two frigates. His brother De Chateauguay was killed during the siege. . In 1697 the Bay again fell into English hands, and D'Iber- LE MOY'XE D IBERVILLE. [Page 52. FRENCH RIVALRY 53 -ville was put in command of a squadron sent out for him from Prance, and with this he sailed for Hudson Bay. The expedi tion brought unending glory to Prance and the young com mander. Though one of his warships was crushed in the ice in the Hudson Straits and his remaining vessels could no where be seen when he reached the open waters of the Bay, yet he bravely sailed to Port Nelson, purposing to invest it in his one ship, the Pelican. Arrived at his station he observed that he was shut in on the rear by three English men-of-war. His. condition was desperate ; he had not his full complement of men, and some of those on board were sick. His vessel had but fifty guns ; the English vessels carried among them 124. The EngUsh vessels, the Hampshire, the Dering, and the Hudson's Bay, all opened fire upon him. During a hot engage ment, a well-aimed broadside from the Pelican sank the Hamp shire with all her sails flying, and everything on board was lost ; the Hzidson's Bay surrendered unconditionally, and the Dering succeeded in making her escape. After this naval duel D'Iberville's missing vessels appeared, and the commander, landing a sufficient number of men, invested and took Port Nelson. The whole of the Hudson Bay territory thus came into the possession of the French. The matter has always, however, been looked at in the light of the brilliant achieve ment of this scion of the Le Moynes. Pew careers have had the uninterrupted success of that of Pierre Le Moyne D'lberville, although this fortune reached its climax in the exploit in Hudson Bay. Nine years after wards the brilliant soldier died of yellow fever at Havana, after he had done his best in a colonization enterprise to the mouth of the Mississippi which was none too successful. Though the treaty of Eyswick, negotiated in this year of D'Iberville's triumphs, brought for the time the cessation of hostilities, yet nearly fifteen years of rivalry, and for much of the time active warfare, left their serious traces on Hudson's Bay Company affairs. A perusal of the minutes of the Hudson's Bay Com pany during this period gives occasional glimpses of the state of war prevailing, although it must be admitted not so vivid a picture as might have been expected. As was quite natural, the details of attacks, defences, surrenders, and parleys come 54 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY to us from French sources rather than from the Company's books. That the French accounts are correct is fully sub stantiated by the memorials presented by the Company to the British Government, asking for recompense for losses sus tained. In 1687 a petition was prepared by the Hudson's Bay Com pany, and a copy of it is found in one of the letter-books of the Company. This deals to some extent with the contention of the French king, which had been lodged with the British Government, claiming priority of o-wnership of the regions about Hudson Bay. The arguments advanced are chiefly those to which we have already referred. The claim for com pensation made upon the British Government by the Company is a revelation of how seriously the French rivalry had inter fered with the progress of the fur trade. After still more serious conflict had taken place in the Bay, and the Company had come to be apprehensive for its very existence, another petition was laid before His Majesty William III., in 1694. This petition, which also contained the main facts of the claim of 1687, is so important that we give some of the details of it. It is proper to state, however, that a part of the demand is made up of what has since been known as " consequential damages," and that in consequence the matter lingered on for at least two decades. The damages claimed were : — 1682. Captain Gillam and cargo on Prince Rupert. £ s. d. (Captain and a number of men, cargo, and ship all lost in hostilities.) Governor Bridgar and men seized and carried to Quebec . Moderate damages 25,000 0 0 September, 1684. French with two ships built a small house and interrupted Indian trade Damages 10,000 0 0 1685. French took Perpetuana and cargo to Quebec. Damages 5,000 0 0 For ship, master, and men . . Damages 1,256 16 3 1686. French destroyed three of Company's ships at bottom of Bay, and also three ships' stores, &c., and took 50,000 beaver skins, and turned out to sea a number of His Majesty's subjects . 60,000 0 0 1682-6. Five years' losses about Forts (10,000 beaver skins yearly) 20,000 0 0 1688. Company's ships Churchill and Young seized by French 10,000 0 0 FRENCH RIVALRY 55 1692. Company sent out expedition to retake Forts, £ ». d. which cost them 20,000 0 O 1686-93. French possessed bottom of the Bay for seven years. Loss, 10,000/. a year . . . 70,000 0 0 Damages 20,000 0 0 Total damages claimed , , , £211,255 16 3 CHAPTEE VII. EYSWICK AND UTEECHT. The " Grand Monarque " humbled — Caught napping — ^The Company in perU — Glorious Utrecht — Forts restored — Damages to be con sidered — Commission useless. Louis XIV. of Prance, by his ambition and greed in 1690, united against himself the four nations immediately surrounding him — Germany, Spain, Holland, and England, in what they called "The Grand Alliance." Battles, by land and sea for six years, brought Louis into straits, unrelieved by such brilliant episodes as the naval prodigies -wrought by D'lberville on Hudson Bay. In 1696, " Le Grand Monarque " was suffi ciently humbled to make overtures for peace. The opposing nations accepted these, and on May 9th, 1697, the repre sentatives of the nations met at William III.'s Chateau of Neuberg Hansen, near the village of Eyswick, which is in Belgium, a short distance from the Hague. Louis had encouraged the Jacobite cause, James II. being indeed a resident of the Castle of St. Germain, near Paris. This had greatly irritated William, and one of the first things settled at the Treaty was the recognition of William as rightful King of England. Article VII. of the Treaty compelled the restoration to the King of France and the King of Great Britain respectively of " all countries, islands, forts, and colonies," which either had possessed before the declaration of war in 1690. However satisfactory this may have been in Acadia and Newfoundland, we find that it did not meet the case of the Hudson Bay, inas much as the ownership of this region was, as we have seen, claimed by both parties before the war. In the documents of RYSWICK AND UTRECHT 57 the Company there is evidence of the great anxiety caused to the adventurers when the news reached London, as to what was likely to be the basis of settlement of the Treaty. The adventurers at once set themselves to work to bring influence to bear against the threatened result. The impression seemed to prevail that they had been " caught napping," and possibly they could not accomplish anything. Their most influential deputation came to the Hague, and though late in the day, did avail somewhat. No doubt Article VII. of the Treaty embodies the results of their influence. It is so important for our purpose that we give it in full : — " Commissioners should be appointed on both sides to examine and determine the rights and pretensions which either of the said Kings have to the places situated in Hudson Bay ; but the possession of those places which were taken by the French during the peace that preceded this war, and were retaken by the English during this war, shall be left to the French, by virtue of the foregoing articles. The capitu lation made by the EngUsh on September 5th, 1695, shall be observed according to the form and tenor ; the merchandizes therein mentioned shall be restored ; the Governor at the fort taken there shall be set at liberty, if it be not already done ; the differences which have arisen concerning the execution of the said capitulation and the value of the goods there lost, shall be adjudicated and determined by the said commissioners ; who immediately after the ratification of the present Treaty, shall be invested -with sufficient authority for the setting of the limits and confines of the lands to be restored on either side by virtue of the foregoing article, and likewise for exchanging of lands, as may conduce to the mutual interest and advantage of both Kings." This agreement presents a few salient points : — ¦ 1. The concession to France of rights (undefined, it is true), but of rights not hitherto acknowledged by the EngUsh. 2. The case of the Company, which would have been seriously prejudiced by Article VIL, is kept open, and commissioners are appointed to examine and decide boundaries. 3. The claim for damages so urgently pressed by the Hudson's Bay Company receives some recognition in the S8 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY restoration of merchandize and the investigation into the " value of the goods lost." 4. On the whole, the interests of the Hudson's Bay Company would seem to have been decidedly prejudiced by the Treaty. The affairs of the Company were in a very unfortunate condition for fifteen years after the Treaty of Eyswick. The Treaty took place in the very year of D'Iberville's remarkable victories in the Bay. That each nation should hold that of which it was in actual possession meant that of the seven Hudson's Bay Company forts, only Fort Albany was left to the Company. The Company began to petition at once for the appointment of the Commissioners provided by the Treaty, to settle the matter in dispute. The desperate condition of their affairs accounts for the memorials presented to the British Government by the Company in 1700 and in the succeeding year, by which they expressed themselves as satisfied to give the French the southern portion of the Bay from Eupert's Eiver on the east and Albany Port on the west. About the time of the second of these proposals the Hudson's Bay Com pany sent to the British Government another petition of a very different tone, stating their perilous condition, arising from their not receiving one-fifth of the usual quantity of furs, even from Fort Albany, which made their year's trade an absolute loss ; they propose that an expedition of " three men-of-war, one bomb-vessel, and 250 soldiers" should be sent to dislodge the French and to regain the whole Bay for them, as being the original owners. No steps on the part of the Eys-wick Commissioners seem to have been taken toward settling the question of boundaries in Hudson Bay. The great Marlborough victories, however, crushed the power of France, and when Louis XIV. next negotiated with the aUies at Utrecht—" The Ferry of the Ehine "—in 1713, the English case was in a very different form from what it had been at the Treaty of Eyswick. Two years before the Treaty, when it was evident that the war would be brought to an end, the Hudson's Bay Company plucked up courage and petitioned strongly to be allowed the use of the whole of Hudson Bay, and to have their losses on the Bay repaid by Prance. Several times during the war had France sued for peace at the hands RYSWICK AND UTRECHT 59 of the aUies, but the request had been refused. To humble France seemed to be the fixed poUcy of aU her neighbours. At the end of the war, in which France was simply able to hold what she could defend by her fortresses, the great kingdom of Louis XIV. found itself " miserably exhausted, her revenue greatly fallen off, her currency depreciated thirty per cent., the choicest of her nobles drafted into the army, and her mer chants and industrious artisans weighed down to the ground by heavy imposts." This was England's opportunity, and she profited by it. Besides "the balance of power" in Europe being preserved. Great Britain received Nova Scotia, New foundland, certain West India Islands, and the undisturbed control of the Iroquois. Sections X. and XI. of the Treaty are of special value to us in our recital. By the former of these the entire west coast of Hudson Bay became British ; the French were to evacuate alt posts on the Bay and surrender all war material within six months ; Commissioners were to be appointed to determine within a year the botmdary between Canada and the British possessions on Hudson Bay. Section XI. provided "that the French King should take care that satisfaction be given, according to the rule of justice and equity, to the EngUsh Company trading to the Bay of Hudson, for all, damages and spoil done to their colonies, ships, persons, and goods, by the hostile incursions and depredations of the French in time of peace." This was to be arrived at by Commissioners to be appointed. If the Hudson's Bay Company, to quote their own language in regard to the Treaty of Eyswick, had been left " the only mourners by the peace," they were to be congratulated on the results of the Treaty of Utrecht. As in so many other cases, however, disputed points left to be settled by Commissioners Ungered long before results were reached. Six years after the Treaty of Utrecht, the Memorial of the Hudson's Bay Com pany shows that while they had received back their forts, yet the Une of deUmitation between Canada had not been drawn and their losses had not been paid. In the preceding chapter we have a list of the claims against the French as computed in 1694, amounting to upwards of «o THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY 200,000/., now, however, the amount demanded is not much above 100,000/., though the Memorial explains that in making up the above modest sum, they had not counted up the loss of their forts, nor the damage done to their trade, as had been done in the former case. Immediately after the time of this Memorial of the Company, the Commissioners -were named by Great Britain and France, and several meetings took place. Statements were then given in, chiefly as to the boundaries between the British and French possessions in the neighbour hood of Hudson Bay and Canada. The Commissioners for several years practised all the arts of diplomacy, and were farther and farther apart as the discussions went on. No result seems to have been reached, and the claims of the Hudson's Bay Company, so far as recorded, were never met. Peace, however, prevailed in Hudson Bay for many years ; the Indians from the interior, even to the Eocky Mountains, made their visits to the Bay for the first forty years of the eighteenth century, and the fur trade, undisturbed, became again re munerative. CHAPTEE VIII. DEEAM OP A NOETH-WEST PASSAGE. Stock rises — Jealousy aroused — Arthur Dobbs, Esq. — An ingenious attack — Appeal to the " Old Worthies " — Captain Christopher- Middleton — Was the Company in earnest ? — The sloop Furnace— Dobbs' fierce attack — The great subscription — Independent expedition — " Henry Ellis, gentleman " — " 'Without success " — Dobbs' real purpose. When peace had been restored by the Treaty of Utrecht, the- shores of the Bay, vrhich had been in the hands of the French since the Treaty of Eyswick, were given over to Great Britain, according to the terms of the Treaty; they have remained British ever since. The Company, freed from the fears of overland incursions by the French from Canada, and from the fleets that had worked so much mischief by sea, seems to have changed character in the personnel of the stockholders and to have lost a good deal of the pristine spirit. The charge- is made that the stockholders had become very few, that the stock was controlled by a majority, who, year after year, elected themselves, and that considering the great privileges conferred by the Charter, the Company was failing to develop. the country and was sleeping in inglorious ease on the shores, of Hudson Bay. Certain it is that Sir Bibye Lake was re elected Governor year after year, from 1720 to 1740. It would appear, however, to have been a spirit of jealousy which animated those who made these discoveries as to the Company's inaction. The return of peace had brought pros perity to the traders ; and dividends to the stockholders began to be a feature of company life which they had not known for more than a quarter of a century. As we shall see, the stock of 62 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY the Company was greatly increased in 1720, and preparations were being made by the Committee for a wide extension of their operations. About this time a man of great personal energy appears on the scene of English commercial life, who became a bitter opponent of the Company, and possessed such influence with the English Government that the Company was compelled to make a strenuous defence. This was Arthur Dobbs, Esq., an Irishman of undoubted ability and courage. He conducted his plan of campaign against the Company along a most ingenious and dangerous line of attack. He revived the memory among the British people of the early voyages to discover a way to the riches of the East and appealed to the English imagination by picturing the interior of the North American Continent, with its vast meadows, splendid cascades, rich fur-bearing animals, and numberless races of Indians, picturesquely dressed, as opening up a field, if. they could be reached, of lucrative trade to the London merchants. To further his purpose he pointed out the sluggish character of the Hudson's Bay Company, and clinched his •arguments by quoting the paragraph in the Charter which stated that the great privileges conferred by generous Charles II. were bestowed in consideration of their object having been " The Discovery of a New Passage into the South Sea." Dobbs -appealed to the sacrifices made and the glories achieved in earlier days in the attempt to discover the North-West Passage. In scores of pages, the indefatigable writer gives the accounts of the early voyages. We have but to give a passage or two from another author to show what a powerful weapon Dobbs wielded, and to see how he succeeded in reviving a question which had slumbered well nigh a hundred years, and which again became a living question in the nineteenth century. This writer says : — " It would lead us far beyond our limits were we to chronicle all the reasons urged, and the attempts made to ' finde out that short and easie passage by the North-west, which we have hitherto so long desired.' Under the auspices of the ' Old Worthies ' really — ^though ostensibly countenanced foy kings, queens, and nobles — uprose a race of men, daring and DREAM OF A NORTH-WEST PASSAGE 63 enthusiastic, whose names would add honour to any country, and embalm its history. " Commencing with the reign of Henry VIL, we have first, John Cabot (1497), ever renowned ; for he it was who first saw and claimed for the 'Banner of England,' the American con tinent. Sebastian, his son, follows in the next year — a name honourable and wise. Nor may we omit Master Eobert Thome of Bristol (1527) ; Master Hore (1536) ; and Master Michael Lok (1545), of London — men who knew ' cosmography ' and the * weighty and substantial reasons ' for ' a discovery even to the North Pole.' For a short time Arctic energy changed its direction from the North-west to the North-east (discoveries of the Musco-vy Company), but wanting success in that quarter, again reverted to the North-west. Then we find Martin Frobisher, George Best, Sir Humphrey Gilbert, James Davis, George Waymouth, John Knight, the cruelly treated Henry Hudson, James Hall, Sir Thomas Button, Potherbye, Baffin and Bylot, ' North-west ' Luke Fox, Thomas James, &e. " Thus, in the course of sixty years — now breaking the icy fetters of the North, now chained by them ; now big with high hope ' of the Passage,' then beaten back by the terrific obstacles, as it were, guarding it — noth-withstanding, these men never faltered, never despaired of finally accomplishing it. Their names are worthy to be held in remembrance ; for, with all their faults all their strange fancies and prejudices, still they were a daring and glorious race, calm amid the most appalling dangers ; what they did was done correctly, as far as their limited means went ; each added something that gave us more extended views and a better acquaintance with the globe we inhabit — giving especially large contributions to geography, with a more fixed resolution to discover the ' Passage.' By them the whole of the eastern face of North America was made known, and its disjointed lands in the North, even to 77 deg. or 78 deg. N. Their names will last whUe England is true to herself." Mr. Dobbs awakened much interest among persons of rank in England as to the desirabiUty of finding a North-West Passage. EspeciaUy to the Lords of the Admiralty, on whom he had a strong hold, did he represent the glory and value of fitting out an expedition to Hudson Bay on this quest. 64 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Dobbs mentions in bis book, the unwilling efforts of th& Hudson's Bay Company to meet the demand for a wider examination of the Bay which took place a few years after the Peace of Utrecht. In 1719, Captain James Knight received orders from the Company to fit out an expedition and sail up the west coast of the Bay. This he did in two ships, the Albany frigate. Captain George Barlow, and the Discovery, Captain David Vaughan. Captain John Scroggs, in the ship Whalebone, two years afterward, sailed up the coast in search of the expedition. It is maintained by the opponents of the Company that these attempts were a mere blind to meet the- search for a North-West Passage, and that the Company was- averse to any real investigation being made. It is of course impossible to say whether this charge was- deserved or not. The fact that no practicable North-West Passage has ever been discovered renders the arguments- drawn from the running of the tides, &c., of no value, and certainly justifies the Company to some extent in its inaction. The fact that in 1736 the Hudson's Bay Company yielded ta the clamour raised by Dobbs and his associates, is to be noted in favour of the Company's contention that while not believing in the existence of the North-West Passage, they were willing to satisfy the excited mind of the EngUsh pubUc. Their expedition of the Churchill sloop, Captain Napper, and the Musquash sloop. Captain Crow, accompUshed nothing in solving the question in dispute. Disappointed with the efforts made by the Company at his- request, Dobbs, in 1737, took in hand to organize an expedition under Government direction to go upon the search of the " Passage." At this time he opened communication with Captain Christopher Middleton, one of the best known captains- in the service of the Hudson's Bay Company. Middleton, being satisfied with the Company's service, refused to leave it.. Dobbs then asked him to recommend a suitable man, and also- arranged with Middleton to be allowed to examine the records kept of his voyages, upon the Hudson's Bay Company ships.. This, however, came to nothing. About 1740 Captain Middleton had cause to differ with the Company on business matters, and entertained Dobbs' pro- DREAM OF A NORTH-WEST PASSAGE 65 position, which was that he should be placed in command of a British man-of-war and go in search of the long-sought North- West Passage. Middleton gave the Hudson's Bay Company a year's notice, but found them unwilling to let him retire. He had taken the step of resigning deliberately and adhered to it, though he was disappointed in his command not being so remunerative as he expected. In May, 1741, Captain Middle- ton received his orders from the Lords of the Admiralty to proceed upon his journey and to follow the directions given him as to finding a North-West Passage. These had been prepared under Dobbs' super-vision. Directions are given as to his course of procedure, should he reach California, and also as to what should be done in case of meeting Japanese ships. Middleton was placed in charge of Her Majesty's sloop the Fitmace, and had as a companion and under his orders the Discovery Pink, William Moore, Master. In due time, Hudson Bay was reached, but in August the season seemed rather late to proceed northward from " Gary's Swan's Nest,'' and it was decided to winter in the mouth of Churchill Eiver. On July 1st, 1742, the expedition proceeded northward. Most complete observations were made of weather, land, presence of ice, natives of the coast, depth of bay, rivers entering bay, tides, and any possible outlets as far as 88 deg. or 89 deg. W. longitude. Observations were continued until August 18th, when the expedition sailed home to report what it had found. Captain Middleton read an important paper on "The Ex traordinary Degrees and Surprising Effects of Cold in Hudson Bay," before the Eoyal Society in London. No sooner had Middleton reached the Orkneys on his return voyage than he forwarded to Dobbs, who was in Ireland, a letter and an abstract of his journal. Lest this should have gone astray, he sent another copy on his arrival in the Thames. The report was, on the whole, discouraging as to the existence of a north-west passage. Dobbs, however, was unwilUng to give up his dream, and soon began to discredit Middleton. He dealt privately with the other officers of the ships, Middleton's subordiaates, and ¦with surprising skill turned the case against Captain Middleton. 66 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY The case of Dobbs against Captain Middleton has been well stated by John Barrow. Middleton was charged with neglect in having failed to explore the line of coast which afforded a probability of a passage to the north-west. The principal points at issue appear to have been in respect to the following discoveries of Middleton, viz. the Wager Eiver, Eepulse Bay, and the Frozen Strait. As regards the first, Mr. Dobbs asserted that the tide came through the so-called river from the west ward ; and this question was settled in the following year by Captain Moore, who entirely confirmed Captain Middleton's report. Eepulse Bay, which well deserves the name it bears, was no less accurately laid down by Captain Middleton, and of the Frozen Strait, Sir Edward Parry remarks, " Above all, the accuracy of Captain Middleton is manifest upon the point most strenuously urged against him, for our subsequent experience has not left the smallest doubt of Eepulse Bay and the northern part of Welcome Bay being filled by a rapid tide, flowing into it from the eastward through the Frozen Strait." Dobbs, by a high order of logic chopping, succeeded in turning the case, for the time being, against Captain Middleton. Seldom has greater skill been used to win a cause. He quotes with considerable effect a letter by Sir Bibye Lake, addressed to the Governor of the Prince of Wales' Fort, Churchill Eiver, reading: "Notwithstanding an order to you, if Captain Middleton (who is sent ahead in the Government's service to discover a passage north-west) should by inevitable necessity be brought into real distress and danger of his life and loss of his ship, in such case you are then to give him the best assist ance and relief you can." Dobbs' whole effort seems to be to show that Middleton was hiding the truth, and this, under the influence of his old masters, the Hudson's Bay Company. A copy of Dobbs' Criticisms, laid before the Lords of the Admiralty, was furnished Captain Middleton, and his answer is found in " Vindication of the Conduct," published in 1743. " An Account of the Countries adjoining to Hudson Bay,'' by Arthur Dobbs, Esq., is a book published in the year after, and DREAM OF A NORTH-WEST PASSAGE 67 is really a book of note. A quarto, consisting of upwards of 200 pages, it showed a marvellous knowledge of colonization in America, of the interior of the continent at that time, and incidentally deals vrith Captain Middleton's journal. Its account of the journey of "Joseph La Prance, a French Canadese Indian," from Lake Superior by way of Lake Winnipeg to Hudson Bay, is the first detailed account on record of that voyage being made. Evidently Arthur Dobbs had caught the ear of the English people, and the Company was compelled to put itself in a thorough attitude of defence. Dobbs with amazing energy worked up his cause, and what a -writer of the time caUs, " The long and warm dispute between Arthur Dobbs, Esq., and Captain Middleton," gained much public notice. The glamour of the subject of a north-west passage, going back to the exploits of Frobisher, Baffin, and Button, touched the national fancy, and no doubt the charge of -wUful concealment of the truth made against the Hudson's Bay Company, repeated so strenuously by Dobbs, gained him adherents. Parliament took action in the matter and voted 20,000/. as a reward for the discovery of a north-west passage. This caused another wave of enthusiasm, and immediately a subscription was opened for the purpose of raising 10,000/. to equip an expedition for this popular enterprise. It was pro posed to divide the whole into 100 shares of 100/. each. A vigorous canvass was made to secure the amount, and the subscription list bears the names of several nobles, an arch bishop, a bishop, and many esquires. A perusal of the names suggests that a number of them are Irish, and no doubt were obtained by Mr. Dobbs, who was often at Lisburn in Ireland. The amount raised was 7200/. The expedition, we hear after wards, cost upwards of 10,000/., but the money needed was, we are told, willingly contributed by those who undertook the enterprise. Mr. Dobbs, as was suitable, was a leading spirit on the Committee of Management. Two ships were purchased by the Committee, the Dobbs galley, 180 tons burden. Captain WiUiam Moore, and the California, 140 tons, Captain Francis Smith. On May 24th, 1746, the two vessels, provisioned and well fitted out for the voyage, left the mouth of the Thames, being in company with 68 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY the two ships of the Hudson's Bay Company going to the Bay, the four ships being under the convoy of the ship Loo, of forty guns, as France was at this time at war with England. The voyage was rather prosperous, with the exception of a very exciting incident on board the Dobbs galley. A dangerous fire broke out in the cabin of the vessel, and threatened to reach the powder-room, -v^ich was directly underneath, and con tained "thirty or forty barrels of powder, candles, spirits, matches, and all manner of combustibles." Though, as the -writer says, " during the excitenlent, you might hear all the varieties of sea eloquence, cries, prayers, curses, and scolding, mingled together, yet this did not prevent the proper measures being taken to save the ship and our lives." The story of the voyage is given to us in a very interesting manner by Henry Ellis, gentleman, agent for the proprietors of the expedition. Though nearly one hundred pages are taken up with the inevitable summaries of " The Several Expeditions to discover a North-West Passage," yet the remaining portion of the book is well written. After the usual struggle with the ice in Hudson Strait, as it was impossible to explore southward during the first season, the Dobb^ galley and the California sailed for Port Nelson, intending to winter there. They arrived on August 26th. Ellis states that they were badly received by the Hudson's Bay officers at the first. They, however, laid up their ships in Hayes Eiver, and built an erection of logs on the shore for the staff. The officers' winter quarters were called "Montague House," named after the Duke of Montague, patron of the expedition. After a severe winter, during which the sailors suffered with scurvy, and, according to Ellis, reeeived little sympathy from the occupants of York Port, the expedition left the mouth of the Hayes Eiver on June 24th, to prosecute their discovery. After spending the summer coasting Hudson Bay and taking careful notes, the officers of the vessels gladly left the inhospitable shore to sail homeward, and the two ships arrived in Yarmouth Eoads on October 14th, 1747. " Thus ended," says EUis, " this voyage, without success indeed, but not without effect ; for though we did not discover a north-west passage ... we returned with clearer and fuller DREAM OF A NORTH-WEST PASSAGE 69 proofs . . . that evidently such a passage there may be." It will be observed that Ellis very much confirms Captain Middleton's conclusions, but Mr. Dobbs no doubt made the best of his disappointment, and, as we shall see, soon developed what had been from the first his real object, the plan for founding a rival company. CHAPTEE IX. THE INTEEESTING BLUE-BOOK OP 1749. -" Le roi est mort " — Royalty unfavourable — Earl of Halifax — " Com pany asleep" — Petition to Parliament— Neglected discovery — Timidity or caution— Strong " Prince of Wales " — Increase of stock — A timid -witness — Claims of discovery — To make Indians Christians — Charge of disloyalty— Ne-w Company promises largely — Result nU. Aethue Dobbs, Esq., was evidently worsted in his tilt with the Hudson's Bay Company. His fierce onslaught upon Cap tain Middleton was no doubt the plan of attack to enable him to originate the expedition of the Dobbs galley and California. Even this voyage had brought little better prospect of the discovery of a north-west passage, except the optimistic words of Ellis, the use of which, indeed, seemed very like the delectable exercise of " extracting sunbeams from cucumbers." But the energy of the man was in no way dampened. Indeed, the indications are, as we survey the features of the time, that he had strong backing in the governing circles of the country. Time was when the Hudson's Bay Company basked in the sunshine of the Court. It is, perhaps, the penalty of old insti tutions that as rulers pass away and political parties change, the centre of gravity of influence shifts. Perhaps the Hud son's Bay Company had not been able to use the convenient motto, "Le Eoi est mort: Vive le Eoi ! " At any rate the strong Court influence of the Company had passed away, and tliere is hardly a nobleman to be found on the list of stock holders submitted by the Company to the Committee of the Lords. On the other hand, when Henry EUis, the historian of the THE INTERESTING BLUE-BOOK OF 1749 71 expedition, writes his book in the year after his return, he is permitted to dedicate it to His Eoyal Highness Frederick, Prince of Wales, is privileged to refer in his dedication to a *' gracious audience" allowed him by the Prince after his return, and to speak of "the generous care" expressed by the Prince "for the happy progress of his design." Again, in a similar dedication of a book -written four years afterwards by Joseph Eobson, a former employe of the Hudson's Bay Com pany, but a book full of hostility to the Company, allusion is made to the fact that the Earl of Halifax, Lord Commissioner of Trade and Plantations, gave his most hearty approval to such plans as the expedition sought to carry out. It is said of Lord Halifax, who was called the Father of Colonies : " He knows the true state of the nation — that it depends on trade and manufactures ; that we have more rivals than ever ; that navigation is our bulwark and Colonies our chief support ; and that new channels should be industriously opened.^ Therefore, we survey the whole globe in search of fresh inlets which our ships may enter and traffic." Those familiar with the work of Lord Halifax will remember that the great colonization scheme by which Nova Scotia was firmly grappled to the British Empire and the City of Halifax founded, was his ; and the charge made by Dobbs that for a generation the " Company had slept on the shores of the Bay," would appeal with force to a man of such energetic and progressive nature as the Lord Commissioner. Accordingly, Dobbs now came out boldly ; not putting the discovery of the North-West Passage in the front of his plan, but openly charging the Hudson's Bay Company with indolence and failure, and asking for the granting of a charter to a rival company. As summed up by the sub-committee to which the petition of Dobbs and his associates was submitted, the charges were : — I. The Company had not discovered, nor sufficiently at tempted to discover, the North-West Passage into the southern seas. II. They had not extended their settlements to the limits given them by their Charter. 72 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY III. They had designedly confined their trade witliin very- narrow limits : (a) Had abused the Indians. (&) Had neglected their forts. (c) Ill-treated their own servants. (d) Encouraged the French. The Hudson's Bay Company, now put on their mettle, exhibited a considerable amount of activity, and filed docu ments before the Committee that in some respects met the charges against them. They claimed that they had in the thirty years preceding the investigation done a fair amount of exploratory work and discovery. In 1719, they had sent out the Albany frigate and Discovery to the northern regions, and neither of them returned to tell the tale. In the same year its vessels on the Bay, the Prosperous and the Success, one from York Factory, the other from Prince of Wales Fort, had sailed up the coast on exploratory expeditions. Two years afterward, the Prosperous, under Kelsey, made a voyage, and the Success, under Captain Napper, had sailed from York Port and was lost. In the same year the Whalebone, under Captain John Scroggs, went from England to Prince of Wales Port, and after wintering there, in the following year made a decided effort on behalf of the Passage, but returned unsuccessful. In the year when Dobbs became so persistent (1737) James Napper, who had been saved from the -wreck of the Success sixteen years before, took command of the Churchill from Prince of Wales Fort, but on the exploration died, and the vessel returned. The Musq^iash, under Captain Crow, accompanied the Churchill, but returned with no hope of success. This was the case presented by the Hudson's Bay Company. It was still open to the opponents of the Company to say, as they did, that the Hudson's Bay Company was not in earnest, wanted nothing done to attract rivals, and were adepts in concealing their operations and in hoodwinking the public. A more serious charge was that they had not sought to reach the interior, but had confined their trade to the shores of the Bay. Here it seems that the opponents of the Company made a better case. It is indeed unaccountable to us to-day, as we think that the Companj' had now been eighty years trading THE INTERESTING BLUE-BOOK OF 17^9 73 on the Bay and had practically no knowledge- of the inheritance possessed by them. At this very time the French, by way of Lake Superior, had journeyed inland, met Indian tribes, traded with them, and even with imposing ceremonies buried metal plates claiming the country which the Hudson's Bay Company Chai-ter covered as lying on rivers, lakes, &c., tributary to Hudson Bay. It is true they had submitted instructions to the number of twenty or thirty, in which governors and captains had been urged to explore the interior and extend the trade among the Indian tribes. But little evidence could be offered that these communications had been acted on. The chief dependence of the Company seems to have been on one Henry Kelsey, who went as a boy to Hudson Bay, but rose to be chief officer there. The critics of the Company were not slow to state that Kelsey had been a refugee from their forts and had lived for several seasons among the Indians of the interior. Even if this were so, it is still true that Kelsey came to be one of the most enterprising of the wood-runners of the Company. Dobbs confronted them with the fact that the voyage from Lake Superior to Hudson Bay had been only made once in their history, and that by Joseph La France, the Canadian Indian. Certainly, whether from timidity, caution, inertia, or from some deep-seated system of policy, it was true that the Company had done little to penetrate the interior. The charge that the Company abused the Indians was hardly substantiated. The Company was dependent on the goodwill of the Indians, and had they treated them badly, their active rivals, the French, would simply have reaped the benefit of their folly. That the price charged the Indians for goods was as large as the price paid for furs was small, is quite likely to have been true. Civilized traders all the world over, dealing with ignorant and dependent tribes, follow this policy. No doubt the risks of life and limb and goods in remote regions are great, and great profits must be made to meet them. It is to be remembered, however, that when English and French traders came into competition, as among the Iroquois in New York State, and afterwards in the Lake Superior district, the quality of the English goods was declared by the Indians better 74 THE HUDSON'S BA Y COMPANY and their treatment by the English on the whole more honest and above-board than that by the French. That traders should neglect their own forts seems very un likely. Those going to the Hudson Bay Main expected few luxuries, and certainly did not have an easy life, but there was on the part of the Company a vast difference in treatment as compared with that given to the fur traders in New Prance as they went to the far west. No doubt pressure for dividends prevented expenditure that was unnecessary, but a perusal of -the experience of Champlain with his French fur company leads us to believe that the English were far the more liberal and considerate in the treatment of employes. The fortress of the Eiver Churchill, known as the Prince of Wales Fort, with its great ruins to be seen to-day, belonging to this period, speaks of a large expense and a high ideal of what a fort ought to be. During the examination of witnesses by the Committee, full opportunity was given to show cases of ill-treatment of men and poor administration of their forts. Twenty witnesses were examined, and they included captains, merchants, and employes, many of whom had been in the service of the Company on the Bay, but whether, as Eobson says, ' ' It must be attributed either to their confusion upon appearing before so awful an assembly, or to their having a dependence on the Company and an expectation of being employed again in thek service," little was elicited at all -damaging to the Company. The charge of the fewness of the forts and the smallness of the trade was more serious. That they should have a mono poly of the trade, and should neither develop it themselves, nor allow others to develop it, would have been to pursue a ¦"dog in the manger" policy. They stated that they had on an average three ships employed solely on their business, that their exports for ten years immediately preceding amounted to 40,240/. and their imports 122,836/., which they claimed was a balance of trade satisfactory to England. The objection that the whole capital of the Company at the commencement, 10,600/., was -jrifling, was perhaps true, but they had made great profits, and they used them in the pur chase of ships and the building of forts, and now had a much THE INTERESTING BLUE-BOOK OF 17Jfi 75 more valuable property than at the beginning. That they had been able to increase their stock so largely was a tribute to the profits of their business and to its abUity to earn dividends on a greatly increased capital stock. The increase of stock as shown by the Company was as follows : — Original stock £10,600 Trebled in 1690 31,500 Trebled in 1720 94,500 At this time there was a movement to greatly increase the stock, but the stringency of the money market checked this movement, and subscriptions of ten per cent, were taken, amounting to 3150/. only. This was also trebled and added to the original 94,500/., making a total stock of 103,950/. Some three years after the investigation by the Committee, one. of the witnesses, Joseph Eobson, who gave evidence of the very mildest, most non-committal character, appears to have received new light, for he published a book called, " An Account of Six Years' Eesidence in Hudson's Bay." He says in the preface, speaking of the evidence given by him in the investigation, "For want of confidence and ability to express myself clearly, the account I then gave was far from being so exact and full as that which I intended to have given." What the influence was that so effectually opened Eobson's eyes, we do not know. The second part of this work is a critique of the evidence furnished by the Company, and from the vigour em ployed by this -writer as compared with the apathy shown at the investigation, it is generally believed that in the meantime he had become a dependent of Dobbs. The plea put forward by the petitioners for the granting of a charter to them contained several particulars. They had, at their own cost and charges, fitted out two ships, the Dobbs gaUey and California, in search of the North-West Passage to the West and Southern Ocean. Their object was, they claimed, a patriotic one, and they aimed at extending the trade of Great Britain. They maintained that though the reward offered had been 20,000/., it was not sufficient to accompUsh the end, as they had already spent more than half of that sum. Notwith- 76 THE HUDSON'S BA Y COMPANY standing this, they had discovered a number of bays, inlets, and coasts before unknown, and inasmuch as this was the ground of the Charter issued by Charles II. to the Hudson's Bay Company, they claimed like consideration for performing a similar service. The petitioners made the most ample promise as to their future should the charter be granted. They would persevere in their search for the passage to the Southern Ocean of America, of which, notwithstanding the frequent failures in finding it, they had a strong hope. The forward policy of Lord Halifax of extensive colonization they were heartily in favour of, and they undertook to settle the lands they might discover. The question had been raised during the investiga tion, whether the Company had done anything to civilize the natives. They had certainly done nothing. Probably their answer was that they were a trading company, and never saw the Indians except in the months of the trading season, when in July and August, they presented themselves from the in terior at the several factories. The petitioners promised, in regard to the natives, that they would " lay the foundation for their becoming Christians and industrious subjects of His Majesty." Beyond the sending out of a prayer-book from time to time, which seemed to indicate a desire to maintain service among their servants, the Company had taken no steps in this direction. The closing argument for the bestowal of a charter was that they would prevent French encroachments upon British rights and trade on the continent of America. The petition makes the very strong statement that the Hudson's Bay Company had connived at, or allowed French and English to encroach, settle, and trade within their limits on the south side of the Bay. Whatever may have been in the mind of the petitioners on this subject of conniving with the French, a perusal of the minutes of the Company fails to show any such disposition. The Company in Charles II. 's time was evidently more anti- French than the government. They disputed the claim of the French to any part of the Bay, and strongly urged their case before the English Commissioners at the Treaty of Eyswick. One of their documents, seemingly showing them to be im- THE INTERESTING BLUE-BOOK OF 17Ifi 77 pressed with the claim of priority of ownership of the French King, did propose a division of the Bay, giving the south part of the Bay to the French and the remainder to themselves. It is easy to understand a trading company wishing peace, so that trade might go on, and kno-wing that Hudson Bay, with its enormous coast Une, afforded wide room for trade, proposing such a settlement. No doubt, however, the reference is to the great competition which was, in a few years, to extend through the interior to the Eocky Mountains. This was to be indeed a battle royal. Arthur Dobbs, judging by his book, which shows how far ahead he was of his opponents in foresight, saw that this must come, and so the new Company promises to penetrate the interior, cut off the supply of furs from the French, and save the trade to Britain. A quarter of a century afterwards, the Hudson's Bay Company, slow to open their eyes, perceived it too, and as we shaU see, rose from their slumbers, and entered the conflict. The Eeport was made to the Privy Council, expressing appreciation of the petition, and of the advanced views enun ciated, but stating that the case against the Hudson's Bay Company had not yet been made out. So no new charter was granted ! CHAPTEE X. FEENCH CANADIANS EXPLOEE THE INTEEIOE. The " Western Sea " — Ardent Duluth — " Kaministiquia " — Indian boasting — Pfere Charlevoix — Father Gonor — The man of the hour : Verandrye — Indian map maker — The North Shore — A line of forts — The Assiniboine country — A notable manuscript — A marvellous journey — Glory but not wealth — Post of the Western Sea. Even the French in Canada were animated in their explora tions by the dream of a North-West Passage. The name Lachine at the rapids above Montreal is the memorial of La Salle's hope that the Western Sea was to be reached along this channel. The Lake Superior region seems to have been neglected for twenty years after Eadisson and Groseilliers had visited Lake Nepigon, or Lake Assiniboines, as they called it. But the intention of going inland from Lake Superior was not lost sight of by the French explorers, for on a map (Pari. Lib. Ottawa) of date 1680, is the inscription in French marking the Kaministiquia or Pigeon Eiver, "By this river they go to the Assinepoulacs, for 150 leagues toward the north-west, where there are plenty of beavers." The stirring events which we have described between 1682 and 1684, when Eadisson deserted from the Hudson's Bay Company and founded for the French King Port Bourbon on the Bay, were accompanied by a new movement toward Lake Superior, having the purpose of turning the stream of trade from Hudson Bay southward to Lake Superior. At this time Governor De La Barre writes from Canada that the English at Hudson Bay had that year attracted to them many of the northern Indians, who were in the habit of coming to Montreal, and that he had despatched thither Sieur Duluth, who had great influence over the western Indians. Greysolon FRENCH CANADIANS EXPLORE INTERIOR 79 Duluth was one of the most daring spirits in the service of Prance in Canada. Duluth writes (1684) to the Governor from Lake Nepigon, where he had erected a fort, seemingly near the spot where Eadisson and Groseilliers had wintered. Duluth says in his ardent manner : "It remains for me, sir, to assure you that all the savages of the north have great con fidence in me, and that enables me to promise you that before the lapse of two years not a single savage will visit the English at Hudson Bay. This they have all promised me, and have bound themselves thereto, by the presents I have given, or caused to be given them. The Klistinos, Assinepoulacs, &c., have pro mised to come to my fort. . . . Finally, sir, I wish to lose my life if I do not absolutely prevent the savages from visiting the English." Duluth seems for several years to have carried on trade with the Indians north and west of Lake Nepigon, and no doubt prevented many of them from going to Hudson Bay. But he was not well supported by the Governor, being poorly supplied ¦with goods, and for a time the prosecution of trade by the French in the Lake Superior region declined. The intense interest created by D'lberville in his victorious raids on Hudson Bay no doubt tended to divert the attention of the French explorers from the trade with the interior. The Treaties of Eyswick and Utrecht changed the whole state of affairs for the French King, and deprived by the latter of these treaties of any hold on the Bay, the French in Canada began to turn their attention to their deserted station on Lake Superior. Now, too, the reviving interest in England of the scheme for the discovery of the North-West Passage infected the French., Six years after the Treaty of Utrecht, we find (MSS. Ottawa) it stated : " Messrs. de Vaudreuil and Begin having ¦written last year that the discovery of the Western Sea would be advantageous to the Colony, it was approved that to reach it M. de Vaudreuil should establish these posts, which he had proposed, and he was instructed at the same time to have the same established without any expense accruing to the King — ^as the person establishing them would be remunerated by trade." In the year 1717 the Governor sent out a French lieutenant. «o THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Sieur De la Noue, who founded a fort at Kaministiquia. In a letter, De la Noue states that the Indians are well satisfied ¦with the fort he has erected, and promise to bring there all those who had been accustomed to trade at Hudson Bay. Circumstances seem to have prevented this explorer from going and establishing a fort at Tekamiouen (Eainy Lake), and a third at the lake still farther to the north-west. It is somewhat notable that during the fifty years succeed ing the early voyages of Eadisson and Groseilliers on Lake Superior, the French were quite familiar with the names of lakes and rivers in the interior which they had never visited. It will be remembered, however, that the same thing is true of the EngUsh on Hudson Bay. They knew the names Assiniboines, Christinos, and the like as familiar terms, although they had not left the Bay. The reason of this is easily seen. The North-West Indian is a great narrator. He tells of large territories, vast seas, is, in fact, in the speech of Hiawatha, " lagoo, the great boaster." He could map out his route upon a piece of birch-bark, and the maps still made by the wild North- Western Indians are quite worthy of note. It -will be observed that the objection brought by the French against the Hudson's Bay Company of clinging to the shores of the Bay, may be equally charged against the French on the shore of Lake Superior, or at least of Lake Nepigon, for the period from its first occupation of at least seventy years. No doubt the same explanation applies in both cases, viz. the bringing of their furs to the forts by the Indians made inland exploration at that time unnecessary. But the time and the man had now come, and the vast prairies of the North-West, hitherto unseen by the white man, were to become the battle-ground for a far greater contest for the possession of the fur trade than had yet taken place either in Hudson Bay or with the Dutch and English in New York State. The promoting cause for this forward movement was again the dream of opening up a North-West Passage. The hold this had upon the French we see was less than that upon Frobisher, James, Middleton, or Dobbs among the English. FRENCH CANADIANS EXPLORE INTERIOR 8i ¦Speaking of the French interest in the scheme, Pierre Margry, keeper of the French Archives in Paris, says : " The prospect of discovering by the interior a passage to the Grand Ocean, and by that to China, which was proposed by om- officers under Henry IV., Louis XIIL, and Louis XIV., had been taken up with renewed ardour during the Eegency. Memorial upon memorial had been presented to the ConseU de Marine respecting the advisability and the advantage of making this discovery. Indeed, the P6re de Charlevoix was sent to America, and made his great journey from the north to the south of New France for the purpose of reliably informing the Council as to the most suitable route to pursue in order to"reach the Western Sea. But the ardour which during the life of Philip of Orleans animated the Government regarding the exploration of the West became feeble, and at length threatened to be totally extinguished, without any benefit being derived from the posts which they had already established in the country of the Sioux and at Kaministiquia." " The Eegent, in choosing between the two plans that Father Charlevoix presented to him at the close of his journey for the attainment of a knowledge of the Western Sea, through an unfortunate prudence, rejected the suggestion, which, it is true, was the most expensive and uncertain, viz. an expedition up the Missouri to its source and beyond, and decided to estabUsh a post among the Sioux. The post of the Sioux was consequently estabUshed in 1727. Father Gonor, a Jesuit missionary who had gone upon the expedition, we are told, was, however, obUged to return without having been able to discover anything that would satisfy the expectations of the Court about the Western Sea." At this time Michilimackinac was the depot of the West. It stood in the entrance of Lake Michigan — the Gitche Gumee of the Indian tribes, near the mouth of the St. Mary Eiver, the outlet of Lake Superior; it was at the head of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay aUke. Many years afterwards it was called the "Key of the North-West" and the " Key of the Upper Lakes." A round island lying a little above the lake, it appealed to the Indian imagination, and, as its name impUes, was likened by them to the turtle. To it from 82 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY every side expeditions gathered, and it became the great rendezvous. At MichiUmackinac, just after the arrival of Father Gonor, there came from the region of Lake Superior a man whose name was to become illustrious as an explorer, Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, Siem* de la Verandrye. We have come to know him simply by the single name of Verandrye. This great explorer was born in Three Eivers, the son of an old officer of the French army. The young cadet found very little to do in the New World, and made his way home to France. He served as a French officer in the War of the Spanish Succession, and was severely wounded in the battle of Malplaquet. On his recovery, he did not receive the recognition that he desired, and so went to the western wilds of Canada and took up the life of a " coureur de bois.'' Verandrye, in pursuing the fur trade, had followed the some what deserted course which Eadisson and Groseilliers had long before taken, and which a decade before this La Noue had, as we have seen, selected. The fort on Lake Nepigon was still the rendezvous of the savages from the interior, who were willing to be turned aside from visiting the English on Hudson Bay. From the Indians who assembled around his fort on Lake Nepigon, in 1728, Verandrye heard of the vast interior, and had some hopes of reaching the goal of those who dreamt of a Western Sea. An experienced Indian leader named Ochagach undertook to map out on birch bark the route by which the lakes of the interior could be reached, and the savage descanted with rapture upon the furs to be obtained if the journey could be made. Verandrye, filled with the thought of western discovery,, went to Quebec and discussed his purpose with the Governor there. He pointed out the route by way of the river of the Assiniboels, and then the rivers by which Lake Ouinipegon might be reached. His estimate was that the Western Sea might be gained by an inland journey from Lake Superior of 600 leagues. Governor Beauharnois considered the map submitted and the opinions of Verandrye with his military engineer, Chaussegros De Lery ; and their conclusions were favourable to Verandrye's CHOMEDEY DE MAISONNEUVE. A daring Pioneer of New France. (From his statiie in Montreal.) [Page 82, FRENCH CANADIANS EXPLORE INTERIOR 83 deductions. Verandrye had the manner and character which inspired belief in his honesty and competence. He was also helped in his dealings with the Governor at Quebec by the representations of Father Gonor, whom we have seen had returned from the fort established among the Sioux, convinced that the other route was impracticable. Father Gonor entirely sympathized with Verandrye in the belief that the only hope lay in passing through the country of the Christinos and Assiniboels of the North. The Governor granted the explorer the privilege of the entire profit of the fur trade, but was unable to give any assistance in money. Verandrye now obtained the aid of a number of merchants in Montreal in providing goods and equipment for the journey, and in high glee journeyed westward, calling at Michilimackinac to take with him the Jesuit Father Messager, to be the com panion of his voyage. Near the end of August, 1731, the expedition was at Pigeon Eiver, long known as Grand Portage, a point more than forty miles southwestward of the mouth of the Kaministiquia. This was a notable event in history when Verandrye and his crew stood ready to face the hardships of a journey to the interior. No doubt the way was hard and long, and the men were sulky and discouraged, but the heroism of their com mander shone forth as he saw into the future and led the way to a vast and important region. Often since that time have important expeditions going to the North-West been seen as they swept by the towering heights of Thunder Cape, and, passing onward, entered the unin-viting mouth of Kaministiquia. Eighty-five years afterward. Lord Selkirk and his band of one hundred De Meuron soldiers appeared here in canoes and penetrated to Eed Eiver to regain the lost Fort Douglas. One hundred and twenty-six years after Verandrye, accord ing to an account given by an eye--witness — an old Hudson's Bay Company officer — a Canadian steamer laden high above the decks appeared at the mouth of the Kaministiquia bearing the Dawson and Hind expedition, to explore the plains of Assiniboia and pave the way for their admission to Canada. One hundred and thirty^nine years after Verandrye, Sir 84 THE HUDSON'' S BAY COMPANY Garnet Wolseley, -with his British regulars and Canadian -volunteers, swept through Thunder Bay on their way to put down the Eed Eiver rebellion. And now one hundred and sixty-nine years after Verandrye, the splendid steamers of the Canadian Pacific Eailway Com pany thrice a week in summer carry their living cargo into the mouth of the Kaministiquia to be transported by rail to the fast filling prairies of the West. Yes ! it was a great event when Verandrye and his little band of unwilling voyageurs started inland from the shore of Lake Superior. Verandrye, his valiant nephew, De La Jemeraye, and his two sons, were the leaders of the expedition. Grand Portage avoids by a nine mile portage the falls and rapids at the mouth of the Pigeon Eiver, and northward from this point the party went, and after many hardships reached Eainy Lake in the first season, 1731. Here, at the head of Eainy Eiver, just where it leaves the Lake, they built their first fort, St. Pierre. The writer has examined the site of this fort, just three miles above the falls of Eainy Eiver and seen the mounds and excavations still remaining. This seems to have been their furthest point reached in the first season, and they returned to winter at Kaministiquia. In the next year the expedition started inland, and in the month of June reached their Fort St. Pierre, descended the Eainy Eiver, and with exultation saw the expanse of the Lake of the Woods. The earliest name we find this lake known by is that given by Verandrye. He says it was called Lake Minitie (Cree, Ministik) or Des Bois. (1) The former of these names, Minitie, seems to be Ojibway, and to mean Lake of the Islands, probably referring to the large number of islands to be found in the northern half of the Lake. The other name (2), Lac des Bois, or Lake of the Woods, would appear to have been a mis translation of the Indian (Ojibway) name by which the Lake was known. The name (3) was " Pikwedina Sagaigan," meaning "the inland lake of the sand hills," referring to the skirting range of sand hills running for some thirteen mUes along the southern shore of the Lake to the east of the mouth of Eainy Eiver, its chief tributary. FRENCH CANADIANS EXPLORE INTERIOR 85 Another name found on a map prepared by the Hudson's Bay Company in 1748 is (4) Lake Nimigon, probably meaning the " expanse," referring to the open sheet of water now often called " La Traverse." Two other names (5) Clearwater Lake and (6) Whitefish Lake, are clearly the extension of Clearwater Bay, a north-western part of the Lake, and Whitefish Bay, still given by the Indians to the channel to the east of Grande Presqu'lle. On the south-west side of the Lake of the Woods Verandrye's party buUt Fort St. Charles, probably hoping then to come in touch with the Sioux who visited that side of the Jake, and with whom they would seek trade. At this point the prospect was very remote of reaching the Western Sea. The expenses were great, and the fur trade did not so far give sufficient return to justify a further march to the interior. Unassisted they had reached in 1733 Lake Ouinipegon (Winnipeg), by descending the rapid river from Lake of the Woods, to which they gave the name of Maurepas. The government in Quebec informed the French Minister, M. de Maurepas, that they had been told by the adventurous Jemeraye that if the French King would bear the expense, they were now certain that the Western Sea could be reached. They had lost in going to Lake Ouinipegon not less than 43,000 livres, and could not proceed further without aid. The reply from the Court of France was unfavourable ; nothing more than the free privilege of the fur trade was granted the explorers. In the foUowing year Verandrye buUt a fort near Lake Ouinipegon, at the mouth of the Maurepas Eiver (which we now know as Winnipeg Eiver), and not far from the present Port Alexander. The fort was called Port Maurepas, although the explorers felt that they had little for which to thank the French Minister. StiU anxious to push on further west, but prevented by want of means, they made a second appeal to the French Government in 1735. But again came the same reply of refusal. The explorers spent theur time trading with the Indians between Lake Winnipeg and Grand Portage, and coming and going, as they had occasion, to Lake Superior, and also to Michilimackinac with their cargoes. 86 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY While at Port St. Charles, on the shores of the Lake of the Woods, in 1736, a great disaster overtook the party. Veran drye's eldest son was very anxious to return to Kaministiquia, as was also the Jesuit priest, Anneau, who was in company with the traders. Verandrye was unwilling, but at last con sented. The party, consisting of the younger Verandrye and twenty men, were ruthlessly massacred by an ambush of the Sioux on a small island some five leagues from Fort St. Charles, still known as Massacre Island. A few days afterwards the crime was discovered, and Verandrye had difficulty in preventing his party from accepting the offer of the Assiniboines and Christinos to follow the Sioux and -wreak their vengeance upon them. During the next year Fort Maurepas was still their farthest outpost. Though no assistance could be obtained from the French Court for western discovery, and although the difficulties seemed almost insurmountable, Verandrye was unwilling to give up the path open to him. He had the true spirit of the explorer, and chafed in his little stockade on the shores of Lake Winnipeg, seeking new worlds to conquer. If it was a great event when Verandrye, in 1731, left the shores of Lake Superior to go inland, it was one of equal moment when, penniless and in debt, he determined at aU hazards to leave the rocks and woods of Lake Winnipeg, and seek the broad prairies of the West. His decision being thus reached, the region which is now the fertile Canadian prairies was entered upon. We are fortunate in having the original journal of this notable expedition of 1738 in the hands of Mr. Douglas Brymner, Archivist at Ottawa. This with two letters of Bien- ¦ville were obtained by Mr. Brymner from a French family in Montreal, and the identity of the documents has been fully established. This journal covers the time from the departure of Verandrye from MichiUmackinac on July 20th, till say 1739, when he -writes from the heart of the prairies. On September 22nd the brave Verandrye left Fort Maurepas for the land unknown. It took him but two days -with his five men to cross in swift canoes the south-east expanse of Lake Winnipeg, enter the FRENCH CANADIANS EXPLORE INTERIOR 87 mouth of Eed Eiver, and reach the forks of the Eed and Assiniboine Eivers, where the city of Winnipeg now stands. It was thus on September 24th of that memorable year that the eyes of the white man first feU on the site of what is destined to be the great central city of Canada. A few Crees who expected him met the French explorer there, and he had a conference with two chiefs, who were in the habit of taking their furs to the English on Hudson Bay. The water of the Assiniboine Eiver ran at this time very low, but Verandrye was anxious to push westward. Delayed by the shallo-wness of the Assiniboine, the explorer's progress was very slow, but in six days he reached the portage, then used to cross to Lake Manitoba on the route to Hudson Bay. On this portage now stands the town of Portage la Prairie. The Assiniboine Indians who met Verandrye here told him it would be useless for him to ascend the Assiniboine Eiver further, as the water was so low. Verandrye was expecting a reinforcement to join his party under his colleague, M. de la Marque. He determined to remain at Portage la Prairie and to build a fort. Verandrye then assembled the Indians, gave them presents of powder, ball, tobacco, axes, knives, &c., and in the name of the French King received them as the children of the great monarch across the sea, and repeated several times to them the orders of the King they were to obey. It is very interesting to notice the skill with which the early PVench explorers dealt with the Indians, and to see the formal way in which they took possession of the lands visited. Verandrye states that the Indians were greatly impressed, ¦" many with tears in their eyes." He adds with some naivete, ¦" They thanked me greatly, promising to do wonders." On October 3rd, Verandrye decided to build a fort. He was joined shortly after by Messrs. de la Marque and Nolant with eight men in two canoes. The fort was soon pushed on, and, with the help of the Indians, was finished by October 15th. This was the beginning of Fort de la Eeine. At this stage in his journal Verandrye makes an important announcement, bearing on a subject which has been somewhat discussed. Verandrye says, " M. de la Marque told me he had brought M. de Louvi^re to the forks with two canoes to build a fort there 88 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY for the accommodation of the people of the Eed Eiver. I approved of it if the Indians were notified." This settles the fact that there was a fort at the forks of the Eed and Assini boine Eivers, and that it was built in 1738. In the absence of this information, we have been in the- habit of fixing the buUding of Port Eouge at this point from 1735 to 1737. There can now be no doubt that October, 1738, is the correct date. Prom French maps, as has been pointed out. Fort Eouge stood at the mouth of the Assiniboine, on the south side of the river, and the portion of the city of Winnipeg called Port Eouge is properly named. It is, of course, evident that the forts erected by these early explorers were simply winter stations, thrown up in great haste. Verandrye and his band of fifty-two persons, Frenchmen and Indians, set out overland by the Mandan road on October 18th, to reach the Mandan settlements of the Missouri. It is not a part of our work to describe that journey. Suffice it to say that on December 3rd he was at the central fort of the Mandans, 250 miles from his fort at Portage la Prairie. Being unable to induce his Assiniboine guides and inter preters to remain for the winter among the Mandans, Verandrye returned somewhat unwillingly to the Assiniboine Eiver. He arrived on February 10th at his Fort de la Eeine, as he says himself, " greatly fatigued and very ill." Verandrye in his journal gives us an excellent opportunity of seeing the thorough devotion of the man to his duty. Prom Fort Michilimackinac to the Missouri, by the route followed by him, is not less than 1200 miles, and this he accompUshed, as we have seen with the necessary delay of building a fort, between July 20th and December 3rd — 136 days — of this wonderful year of 1738. Struggling with difficulties, satisfying creditors, hoping fqr assistance from Prance, but ever patriotic and single-minded, Verandrye became the leading spirit in Western exploration. In the year after his great expedition to the prairies, he was summoned to Montreal to resist a lawsuit brought against him. The prevailing sin of French Canada was jealousy. Though Verandrye had struggled so bravely to explore the country, there were those who whispered in the ear of the Minister of FRENCH CANADIANS EXPLORE INTERIOR 89 the French Court that he was selfish and unworthy. In his heart-broken reply to the charges, he says, "If more than 40,000 Uvres of debt which I have on my shoulders are an advantage, then I can flatter myself that I am very rich." In 1741 a fruitless attempt was made to reach the Mandans, but in the following year Verandrye's eldest surviving son and his brother, known as the ChevaUer, ha-ving with them only two Canadians, left Port de la Eeine, and made in this and the succeeding year one of the most famous of the Verandrye discoveries. This Ues beyond the field of our inquiry, being the journey to the Missouri, and up to an eastern spur of the Eocky Mountains. Parkman, in his " A Half Century of Conflict," has given a detailed account of this remarkable- journey. Going northward over the Portage la Prairie, Verandrye's sons had discovered what is now known as Lake Manitoba, and had reached the Saskatchewan Eiver. On the west side of Lake Manitoba they founded Port Dauphin, while at the west end of the enlargement of the Saskatchewan known as Cedar Lake, they built Port Bourbon and ascended the Saskatchewan to the forks, which were known as the Poskoiac. Tardy recognition of Verandrye's achievements came from the French Court in the explorer being promoted to the position of captain ia the Colonial troops, and a short time after he was given the Cross of the Order of St. Louis. Beauharnois and his successor Galissioniere had both stood by Verandrye and done their best for him. Indeed, the explorer was just about- to proceed on the great expedition which was to fulfil their- hopes of finding the Western Sea, when, on December 6th, he passed away, his dream imrealized. He was an unselfish soul, a man of great executive ability, and one who dearly loved his- King and country. He stands out in striking contrast to the Bigots and Jonquieres, who disgraced the name of France in the New World. Prom the hands of these vampires, who had come to suck out the blood of New Prance, Verandrye's sons received no consideration. Their claims were coolly passed by, their goods shamelessly seized, and their -written and forcible re monstrance made no impression. Legardeur de St. Pierre,, ¦go THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY more to the mind of the selfish Bigot, was given their place and property, and in 1751 a small fort was built on the upper waters of the Saskatchewan, near the Eocky Mountains, near where the town of Calgary now stands. This was called in •honour of the Governor, Fort La Jonquiere. A year afterward, St. Pierre, with his little garrison of five men, disgusted with the country, deserted Fort La Eeine, which, a few weeks after, was burned to the gi-ound by the Assiniboines. The fur trade was continued by the French in much the same bounds, so long as the country remained in the hands of Prance. We are fortunate in having an account of these affairs given in De Bougainville's Memoir, two years before the capture of Canada by Wolfe. The forts built by Verandrye's successors were included under the " Post of the Western Sea " (La Mer de I'Ouest). Bougainville says, "The Post of the Western Sea is the most advanced toward the north; it is situated amidst many Indian tribes, with whom we trade and who have intercourse with the English, toward Hudson Bay. We have there several forts built of stockades, trusted generally to the care of one or two officers, seven or eight soldiers, and eighty engages Canadiens. We can push further the discoveries we have made in that country, and communicate even with -California." This would have realized the dream of Verandrye of reaching the Western Sea. " The Post of La Mer de I'Ouest includes the forts of St. Pierre, St. Charles, Bourbon, De la Eeine, Dauphin, Poskoiac, and Des Prairies (De la Jonquiere), all of which are built with palisades that can give protection only against the Indians." " The Post of La Mer de I'Ouest merits special attention for two reasons : the first, that it is the nearest to the establish ments of the English on Hudson Bay, and from which their movements can be watched ; the second, that from this post, the discovery of the Western Sea may be accomplished ; but to make this discovery it will be necessary that the travellers give up all view of personal interest." Two years later, French power in North America came to an •end, and a generation afterward, the Western Sea was dis covered by British fur traders. CHAPTEE XI. THE SCOTTISH MEECHANTS OP MONTEEAL. Unyielding old Cadot — Competition — The enterprising Henry — Leads the -way — Thomas Curry — The older Finlay — Plundering Indians — "Grand Portage "^ — A famous mart — The plucky Frobishers — The Sleeping Giant aroused — Fort Cumberland — Churchill River — Indian rising — The deadly smallpox — The whites saved. The capture of Canada by General Wolfe in 1759 completely changed the course of affairs in the Western fur country. MichiUmackinac and Sault Ste. Marie had become considerable trading centres under the French regime, but the officers and men had almost entirely been -withdrawn from the outposts in the death struggle for the defence of Quebec and Montreal. The conquest of Canada was announced with sorrow by the chief captain of the West, Charles de Langlade, on his return after the capitulation of Montreal. The French Canadians who had taken Indian wives still clung to the fur country. These PVench half-breed settlements at Michilimackinac and neigh bouring posts were of some size, but beyond Lake Superior, except a straggler here and there, nothing French was left behind. The forts of the western post fell into decay, and were in most cases burnt by the Indians. Not an army officer, not a priest, not a fur trader, remained beyond Kaministiquia. The French of Michilimackinac region were for a time un-wilUng to accept British rule. Old trader, Jean Baptiste Cadot, who had settled with his Indian wife, Anastasie, at Sault Ste. Marie, and become a man of -wide influence, for years refused to yield, and a French Canadian author says : " So the French flag continued to float over the fort of Sault Ste. Marie long after the fleur-de-lis had quitted for ever the ramparts of Quebec. Under the shadow of the old colours, so fruitful of ya THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY tender memories, he was able to believe himself still under the protection of the mother-country." However, Cadot ended by accepting the situation, and an author tells us that like Cadot, " were the La Cornes, the Langlades, the Beaujeus, the Babys, and many others who, after fighting like lions against England, were counted a little later among the number of her most gallant defenders." For several years, however, the fur trade was not carried on. The change of flag in Canada brought a number of enter prising spirits as settlers to Quebec and Montreal. The Highland regiments under Generals Amherst and Wolfe had seen Montreal and Quebec. A number of the military became settlers. The suppression of the Jacobite rebellion in Scotland in 1745 had led to the dispersion of many young men of family beyond the seas. Some of these drifted to Montreal. Many of the Scottish settlements of the United States had remained loyal, so that after the American Eevolution parties of these loyalists came to Montreal. Thus in a way hard to explain satisfactorily, the English-speaking merchants who came to Canada were largely Scottish. In a Government report found in the Haldimand papers in 1784, it is stated that " The greater part of the inhabitants of Montreal (no doubt meaning English- speaking inhabitants) are Presbyterians of the Church of Scotland." It was these Scottish merchants of Montreal who revived the fur trade to the interior. Washington Irving, speaking of these merchants, says, " Most of the clerks were young men of good families from the Highlands of Scotland, characterized by the perseverance, thrift, and fidelity of their country." He refers to their feasts " making the rafters resound with bursts of loyalty and old Scottish songs." The late Archbishop Tache, a French Canadian long known in the North-West, speaking of this period says, " Companies called English, but generally composed of Scotchmen, were found in Canada to continue to make the most of the rich furs of the forests of the North. Necessity obliged them at first to accept the co-operation of the French Canadians, who main tained their influence by the share they took in the working of these companies. . . . This circumstance explains how, after THE SCOTTISH MERCHANTS OF MONTREAL 93 the Scotch, the French Canadian element is the most im portant." The first among these Scottish merchants to hie away from Montreal to the far West was Alexander Henry, whose " Travels and Adventures in Canada and the Indian Territories between the years 1760 and 1766 " have the charm of narrative of an Irving or a Parkman. He knew nothing of the fur trade, but he took with him an experienced French Canadian, named Campion. He appeared at Michilimackinac two years after the conquest by Wolfe, and in the foUowing year visited Sault Ste. Marie, -with its stockaded fort, and formed a friendship with trader Cadot. In the following year, Henry was a witness of the massacre at Michilimackinac, so graphically described by Parkman in his " Conspiracy of Pontiac." Henry's account of his o-wnjcscape is a thrilling tale. In 1765 Henry obtained from the Commandant at Michili mackinac license of the exclusive trade of Lake Superior. He purchased the freight of four canoes, which he took at the price of 10,000 good, merchantable beavers. With his crew of twelve men, and supplies of fifty bushels of prepared Indian com, he reached a band of Indians on the Lake who were in poverty, but who took his supplies on trust, and went off to hunt beaver. In due time the Indians returned, and paid up promptly and fully the loans made to them. By 1768 he had succeeded in opening up the desired route of French traders, going from Michilimackinac to Kaministiquia on Lake Superior and returning. His later journeys we may notice afterwards. Of the other merchants who followed Henry in re-vi-ving the old route, the first to make a notable adventure was the Scotch man Thomas Curry. Procuring the requisite band of voyageurs and interpreters, in 1766 he pushed through with four canoes, along Verandrye's route, even to the site of the old French Port Bourbon, on the west of Cedar Lake, on the lower Saskatchewan Eiver. Curry had in his movement some thing of the spirit of Verandrye, and his season's trip was so successful that, according to Sir Alexander Mackenzie, his fine furs gave so handsome a return that "he was satisfied never .again never to return to the Indian country." Another valorous Scotchman, James Finlay, of Montreal, 94 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY took up the paddle that Curry had laid down, and in 1768, with a force equal to that of Curry, passed into the interior and. ascended the Saskatchewan to Nipawi, the farthest point which Verandrye had reached. He was rewarded with a generous- return for his venture. But while these journeys had been successful, it would seem that the turbulent state of the Indian tribes had made other expeditions disastrous. In a memorial sent by the fur traders- a few years later to the Canadian Government, it is stated that in a venture made from Michilimackinac in 1765 the Indians of Eainy Lake had plundered the traders of their goods, that in the next year a similar revolt followed, that in the following year the traders were compelled to leave a certain portion of their goods at Eainy Lake to be allowed to go on to Lake Ouinipique. It is stated that the brothers, Benjamin and James Frobisher, of Montreal, who became so celebrated as fur traders, began a post ten years after the conquest. These two merchants were Englishmen. They speedily took the lead in pushing forward far into the interior, and were the most practical of the fur traders in making alliances and in dealing- successfully with the Indians. In their first expedition they had the same experience in their goods being seized by the thievish Indians of Eainy Lake ; but before they could send back word the goods for the next venture had reached Grand Portage on Lake Superior, and they were compelled to try the route to the West again. On this occasion they managed to- defy the pillaging bands, and reached Fort Bourbon on the; Saskatchewan. They now discovered' that co-operation and a considerable show of force was the only method of carrying on a safe trade among the various tribes. It was fortunate for the Montreal traders that such courageous leaders as the Frobishers- had undertaken the trade. The trade to the North-West thus received a marvellous. development at the hands of the Montreal merchants. Nepigon and the Kaministiquia, which had been such impor tant points in the French regime, had been quite forgotten, and Grand Portage was now the place of greatest interest, and so continued to the end of the century. It is with peculiar interest a visitor to-day makes his way to> THE SCOTTISH MERCHANTS OF MONTREAL 95 Grand Portage. The writer, after a difficult night voyage over the stormy waters of Lake Superior, rowed by the keeper of a neighbouring lighthouse, made a visit a few years ago to this spot. Grand Portage ends on a bay of Lake Superior. It is. partially sheltered by a rocky island which has the appearance of a robber's keep, but has one inhabitant, the only white man of the region, a French Canadian of very fair means. On the bay is to-day an Indian village, chiefly celebrated for its multitude of dogs. A few traces of the former greatness of the place may be seen in the timbers down in the water of the former wharves, which were extensive. Few traces of forts are now, a century after their desertion by the fur traders, to be seen. The portage, consisting of a road fairly made for the nine or ten miles necessary to avoid the falls on Pigeon Eiver, can still be followed. No horse or ox is now to be found in the whole district, where at one time the traders used this means of lightening the burden of packing over the portage. The soUtary road, as the traveller walks along it, with weeds and grasses. grown up, brings to one a melancholy feeling. The bustle of voyageur and trader and Indian is no more ; and the reflection made by Irving comes back, " The lords of the lakes and forests have passed away." And yet Grand Portage was at the time of which we are ¦writing a place of vast importance. Here there were employed as early as 1783, by the several merchants from Montreal, 500' men. One half of these came from Montreal to Grand Portage in canoes of four tons burden, each managed by from eight to ten men. As these were regarded as having the least romantic portion of the route, meeting with no Indians, and living on cured rations, they were called the "mangeurs de lard," or pork eaters. The other half of the force journeyed inland from Grand Portage in canoes, each carrying about a ton and a half. Living on game and the dried meat of the buffalo,, known as pemmican, these were a more independent and daring body. They were called the " coureurs de bois." For fifteen days after August 15th these wood-runners- portaged over the nine or ten miles their burdens. Men carry ing 150 lbs. each way have been known to make the portage- ^6 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY and return in six hours. When the canoes were loaded at the vfest end of the portage with two-thirds goods and one-third provisions, then the hurry of the season came, and supplies for Lake Winnipeg, the Saskatchewan, and far distant Athabasca were hastened on apace. The difficulties of the route were at many a decharge, where only the goods needed to be removed and the canoes taken over the rapids, or at the portage, where both canoes and load were carried past dangerous falls and fierce rapids. The dash, energy, and skill that characterized these mixed companies of Scottish traders, French voyageurs, half-breed and Indian engages, have been well spoken of by all observers, and appeal strongly to the lovers of the picturesque and heroic. A quarter of a century after the conquest we have a note of alarm at the new competition that the Company from Hudson Bay had at last undertaken. In the Memorial before us it is stated that disturbance of trade is made by " New Adventurers." It is with a smile we read of the daring and strong-handed traders of Montreal saying, " Those adventurers (e-vidently H. B. Co.), consulting their own interests only, without the least regard to the management of the natives or the general welfare of the trade, soon occasioned such disorders, &c. . . . Since that time business is carried on with great disadvantages.'' This reference, so prosaically introduced, is really one of enormous moment in our story. The Frobishers, with their keen business instincts and daring plans, saw that the real stroke which would lead them on to fortune was to divert the stream of trade then going to Hudson Bay southward to Lake Superior. Accordingly, with a further aggressive movement in view, Joseph Frobisher established a post on Sturgeon Lake, -an enlargement of the Saskatchewan, near the point known by the early French as Poskoiac. A glance at the map will show how well chosen Sturgeon Lake Fort was. Northward from it a watercourse could be readily followed, by which the main line of water communica tion from the great northern districts to Hudson Bay could be reached and the Northern Indians be interrupted in their annual pilgrimage to the Bay. But, as we shall afterward see, the sleeping giant of the Bay had been awakened and was THE SCOTTISH MERCHANTS OF MONTREAL 97 about to stretch forth his arms to grasp the trade of the interior with a new vigour. Two years after Frobisher had thrown do-wn the pledge of battle, it was taken up by the arrival of Samuel Hearne, an officer of the Hudson's Bay Company, and by his founding Port Cumberland on Sturgeon Lake, about two miles below Probisher's Fort. Hearne returned to the Bay, lea-ving his new fort garrisoned by a number of Orkney men under an English officer. During the same year an explorer, on behalf of the Hudson's Bay Company, visited Eed Eiver, but no fort was built there for some time afterward. The building of Fort Cumberland led to a consolidation on the part of the Montreal merchants. In the next year after its building, Alexander Henry, the brothers Frobisher, trader Cadot, and a daring trader named Pond, gathered at Sturgeon Lake, and laid their plans for striking a blow in retaliation, as they regarded it, for the disturbance of trade made by the Hudson's Bay Company in penetrating to the interior from the Bay. Cadot, with four canoes, went west to the Saskatchewan ; Pond, ¦with two, to the country on Lake Dauphin ; and Henry and the Frobisher brothers, with their ten canoes and upwards of forty men, hastened northward to carry out the project of turning anew the Northern Indians from their usual visit to the Bay. On the way to the Churchill Eiver they built a fort on Beaver Lake. In the following year, a strong party went north to Churchill or English Eiver, as Joseph Frobisher now called it. When it was reached they turned westward and ascended the Churchill, returning at Serpent's Eapid, but sending Thomas Frobisher with goods on to Lake Athabasca. Prom the energy displayed, and the skUl shown in seizing the main points in the countiry, it wUl be seen that the Montreal merchants were not lacking in ability to plan and decision to execute. The two great forces have now met, and for fifty years a battle royal will be fought for the rivers, rocks, and plains of the North Country. At present it is our duty to follow somewhat further the merchants of Montreal in their agencies in the North-West. There can be no doubt that the competition between the two companies produced disorder and confusion among the Indian 98 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY tribes. The Indian nature is excitable and suspicious. Eival traders for their own ends played upon the fears and cupidity alike of the simple children of the woods and prairies. They represented their opponents in both cases as unreliable and grasping, and party spirit unknown before showed itself in most violent forms. The feeling against the whites of both parties was aroused by injustices, in some cases fancied, in others real. The Assiniboines, really the northern branch of the fierce Sioux of the prairies, were first to seize the toma hawk. They attacked Poplar Port on the Assiniboine. After some loss of life, Bruce and Boyer, who were in charge of the fort, decided to desert it. Numerous other attacks were made on the traders' forts, and it looked as if the prairies would be the scene of a general Indian war. The only thing that seems to have prevented so dire a disaster was the appearance of what is ever a dreadful enemy to the poor Indian, the scourge of smallpox. The Assiniboines had gone on a war expedition against the Mandans of the Missouri Eiver, and had carried back the smallpox infection which prevailed among the Mandan lodges. This disease spread over the whole country, and several bands of Indians were completely blotted out. Of one tribe of four hundred lodges, only ten persons remained; the poor survivors, in seeking succour from other bands, carried the disease with them. At the end of 1782 there were only twelve traders who had persevered in their trade on account of the discourage ments, but the whole trade was for two or three seasons brought to an end by this disease. The decimation of the tribes, the fear of infection by the traders, and the general awe cast over the country turned the thoughts of the natives away from war, and as Masson says, " the whites had thus escaped the danger which threatened them." Two or three years after the scourge, the merchants of Montreal revived the trade, and, as we shall see, made a com bination which, in the thoroughness of its discipline, the energy of its operations, the courage of its promoters,' and the scope of its trade, has perhaps never been equalled in the history of trading companies. CHAPTEE XII. DISCOVBEY OP THE COPPEEMINE. Samuel Hearne — " The Mungo Park of Canada " — Perouse complains — The North-West Passage — Indian guides — Two failures — Third journey successful — Smokes the calumet — Discovers Arctic Ocean — Cruelty to the Eskimos — Error in latitude — Remarkable Indian woman — Capture of Prince of Wales Fort — Criticism by Umfreville. Such an agitation as that so skilfully planned and shrewdly carried on by Arthur Dobbs, Esq., could not but affect the action of the Hudson's Bay Company. The most serious charge brought against the Company was that, while having a monopoly of the trade on Hudson Bay, it had taken no steps to penetrate the country and develop its resources. It is of course evident that the Company itself could have no reason for refusing to open up trade with the interior, for by this means it would be expanding its operations and increasing its profits. The real reason for its not doing so seems to have been the inertia, not to say fear, of Hudson's Bay Company agents on the Bay who failed to mingle with the bands of Indians in the interior. Now the man was found who was to be equal to the occa sion. This was Samuel Hearne. Except occasional reference to him ia the minutes of the Company and works of the period, we know Uttle of Samuel Hearne. He was one of the class of men to which belonged Norton, Kelsey, and others — ^men who had gro-wn up in the service of the Company on the Bay and had become, in the course of years, accustomed to the climate, condition of Ufe, and haunts of the Indians, thus being fitted for active work for the Company. Samuel Hearne became so celebrated in his inland expe- TOO THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY ditions, that the credit of the Hudson's Bay Company leaving the coast and venturing into the interior has always been attached to his name. So greatly, especially in the English mind, have his explorations bulked, that the author of a book of travels in Canada about the beginning of this century called him the "Mungo Park of Canada." In his "Journey," we have an account of his earlier voyages to the interior in search of the Coppermine Eiver. This book has a somewhat notable history. In the four-volume work of La Perouse, the French navi gator, it is stated that when he took Prince of Wales Port on the Churchill Eiver in 1782, Hearne, as governor of the fort, surrendered it to him, and that the manuscript of his "Journey" was seized by the French commander. It was returned to Hearne on condition that it should be published, but the publication did not take place until thirteen years after wards. It is somewhat amusing to read in Perouse's preface (1791) the complaint that Hearne had not kept faith with him in regard to publishing the journal, and the hope is expressed that this public statement in reminding him of his promise would have the desu'ed effect of the journal being published. Pour years afterwards Hearne's "Journey" appeared. A reference to this fine quarto work, which is well illustrated, brings us back in the introduction to all the controversies embodied in the work of Dobbs, EUis, Eobson, and the " American Traveller." Hearne's orders were received from the Hudson's Bay Company, in 1769, to go on a land expedition to the interior of the continent, from the mouth of the Churchill as far as 70 deg. N. lat., to smoke the calumet of peace with the Indians, to - take accurate astronomical observations, to go with guides to the Athabasca country, and thence northward to a river abounding with copper ore and " animals of the fur kind," &Ci It is very noticeable, also, that his instructions distinctly tell him "to clear up the point, if possible, in order to prevent further doubt from arising hereafter respecting a passage out of Hudson Bay into the Western Ocean, as hath lately been represented by the ' American Traveller.' " The instructions made it plain that it was the agitation still continuing from the DISCOVERY OF THE COPPERMINE lot days of Dobbs which led to the sending of Hearne to the north country. Hearne's first expedition was made during the last months of the year 1769. It is peculiarly instructive in the fact that it failed to accompUsh anything, as it gives us a glimpse of the difficulties which no doubt so long prevented the movement to the interior. In the first place, the bitterly severe months of November and December were badly chosen for the time of the expedition. On the sixth day of the former of these months Hearne left Prince of Wales Fort, taking leave of the Governor, and being sent off with a salute of seven guns. His guide was an Indian chief, Chawchinahaw. Hearne ascer tained very soon, what others have found among the Indians, that his guide was not to be trusted; he "often painted the difficulties in the worst colours" and took every method to dishearten the explorer. Three weeks after starting, a number of the Indians deserted Hearne. Shortly after this mishap, Chawchinahaw and his company ruthlessly deserted the expedition, and two hundred miles from the fort set out on another route, "making the woods ring with their laughter." Meeting other Indians, Hearne pur chased venison, but was cheated, while his Indian guide was feasted. The explorer remarks : — " A sufficient proof of the singular advantage which a native of this country has over an Englishman, when at such a distance from the Company's factories, as to depend entirely on them for subsistence." Hearne arrived at the fort after an absence of thirty-seven days, as he says, " to my own mortification and the no small surprise of the Governor." Hearne was simply illustrating what has been shown a hundred times since, in all foreign regions, viz., native peoples are quick to see the inexperience of men raw to the country, and will heartlessly maltreat and deceive them. However, British officers and men in aU parts of the world become at length accustomed to deaUng with savage peoples, and after some experience, none have ever equaUed British agents and explorers in the management and direction of such peoples. Early in the follovying year Hearne plucked up courage for another expedition. On this occasion he determined to take 102 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY no Europeans, but to trust to Indians alone. On February 23rd, accompanied by five Indians, Hearne started on his second journey. Following the advice of the Governor, the party took no Indian women with them, though Hearne states that this was a mistake, as they were "needed" for hauling the baggage as well as for dressing skins for clothing, pitching our tent, getting firing, &c." During the first part of the journey deer were plentiful, and the fish obtained by cutting holes in the ice of the lakes were excellent. Hearne spent the time of the necessary delays caused by the obtaining of fish and game in taking observations, keeping his journal and chart, and doing his share of trapping. Meeting, as soon as the spring opened, bands of Indians going on various errands, the explorer started overland. He carried sixty pounds of burden, consisting of quadrant, books and papers, compass, wearing apparel, weapons and presents for the natives. The traveller often made twenty miles a day over the rugged country. Meeting a chief of the Northern Indians going in July to Prince of Wales Fort, Hearne sent by him for ammunition and supplies. A canoe being now necessary, Hearne purchased this of the Indians. It was obtained by the exchange of a single knife, the full value of which did not exceed a penny. In the middle of this month the party saw bands of musk oxen. A number of these were killed and their flesh made into pemmican for futm-e use. Finding it impossible to reach the Coppermine during the season, Hearne determined to live ¦with the Indians for the winter. The explorer was a good deal disturbed by having to give presents to Indians who met him. Some of them wanted guns, all wanted ammunition, iron-work, and tobacco ; many were solicitous for medicine ; and others pressed for different articles of clothing. He thought the Indians very inconsiderate in their demands. On August 11th the explorer had the misfortune to lose his quadrant by its being blown open and broken by the wind. Shortly after this disaster, Hearne was plundered by a number of Indians who joined him. He determined to return to the fort. Suffering from the DISCOVERY OF THE COPPERMINE 103 want of food and clothing, Hearne was overtaken by a famous chief, Matonabbee, who was going eastward to Prince of Wales Port. The chief had lived several years at the fort, and was one who knew the Coppermine. Matonabbee discussed the reasons of Hearne's failure in his two expeditions. The forest philosopher gave as the reason of these failures the misconduct of the guides and the failure to take any women on the journey. After maintaining that women were made for labour, and speak ing of their assistance, said Matonabbee, " women, though they do everything, are maintained at a trifling expense, for as they always stand cook, the very licking of their fingers in scarce times is sufficient for their subsistence." Plainly, the northern chief had need of the ameliorating influence of modern reformers. In company -with the chief, Hearne returned to the fort, reaching it after an absence of eight months and twenty- two days, having, as he says, had " a fruitless or at least an ¦unsuccessful journey." Hearne, though beaten twice, was determined to try a thkd time and -win. He recommended the employment of Matonabbee as a guide of intelligence and experience. Governor Norton -wished to send some of the coast Indians with Hearne, but the latter refused them, and incurred the ill-will of the Governor. Hearne's instructions on this third journey were " in quest of a North-West Passage, copper-mines, or any other thing that may be serviceable to the British nation in general, or the Hudson's Bay Company in particular." The explorer was now furnished with an Elton's quadrant. This third journey was begun on December 7th, 1770. TravelUng sometimes for three or four days without food, they were annoyed, when suppUes were secured, by the chief Matonabbee taking so ill from over-eating that he had to be dra-wn upon a sledge. Without more than the usual incidents of Indian travelling, the party pushed on tiU a point some 19 deg. west of Churchill was reached, according to the calcu lations of the explorer. It is to be noted, however, that Hearne's observations, measurements, and maps, do not seem to be at all accurate. Turning northward, as far as can be now made out, about the spot where the North-West traders first appeared on their way 104 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY to the Churchill Eiver, Hearne went north to his destination. His Indian guides now formed a large war party from the resident Indians, to meet the Eskimos of the river to which they were going and to conquer them. The explorer announces that having left behind " all the women, children, dogs, heavy baggage, and other encum brances," on June 1st, 1771, they pursued their journey north ward -with great speed. On June 21st the sun did not set at all, which Hearne took to be proof that they had reached the Arctic Circle. Next day they met the Copper Indians, who welcomed them on hearing the object of their visit. Hearne, according to orders, smoked the calumet of peace with the Copper Indians. These Indians had never before seen a white man. Hearne was considered a great curiosity. Pushing on upon their long journey, the explorers reached the Coppermine Eiver on July 13th. Hearne was the witness of a cruel massacre of the Eskimos by his Indian alUes, and the seizure of their copper utensils and other provisions, and expresses disgust at the enormity of the affair. The mouth of the river, which fiows into the Arctic Ocean, was soon reached on July 18th, and the tide found to rise about fom-teen feet. Hearne seems in the narrative rather uncertain about the latitude of the mouth of the Coppermine Eiver, but states that after some consultation with the Indians, he erected a mark, and took possession of the coast on behalf of the Hudson's Bay Company. In Hearne's map, dated July, 1771, and purporting to be a plan of the Coppermine, the mouth of the river is about 71 deg. 54' N. This was a great mistake, as the mouth of the river is somewhere near 68 deg. N. So great a mistake was certainly unpardonable. Hearne's apology was that after the breaking of his quadrant on the second expedition, the instru ment which he used was an old Elton's quadrant, which had been knocking about the Prince of Wales Fort for nearly thirty years. Having examined the resources of the river and heard of the mines from which the Copper Indians obtained all the metal for the manufacture of hatchets, chisels, knives, &c., Hearne started southward on his return jom*ney on July 18th. Instead DISCOVERY OF THE COPPERMINE 105 of coming by the direct route, he went with the Indians of his party to the north side of Lake Athabasca on December 24th. Having crossed the lake, as illustrating the loneliness of the region, the party found a woman who had escaped from an Indian band which had taken her prisoner, and who had not seen a human face for seven months, aiid had Uved by snaring partridges, rabbits, and squirrels. Her skill in maintaining herself in lonely wilds was truly wonderful. She became the wife of one of the Indians of Hearne's party. In the middle of March, 1772, Hearne was delivered a letter, brought to him from Prince of Wales Fort and dated in the preceding June. Push ing eastward, after a number of adventures, Hearne reached Prince of Wales Fort on June 30th, 1772, having been absent on his third voyage eighteen months and twenty-three days. Hearne rejoices that he had at length put an end to the disputes concerning a North-West Passage through Hudson Bay. The fact, however, that during the nineteenth century this became again a Uving question shows that in this he was mistaken. The perseverance and pluck of Hearne have impressed all those who have read his narrative. He was plainly one of the men possessing the subtle power of impressing the Indian mind. His disasters would have deterred many men from foUowing up so difficult and extensive a route. To him the Hudson's Bay Company owes a debt of gratitude. That debt consists not in the discovery of the Coppermine, but in the attitude presented to the Northern Indians from the Bay all the way to Lake Athabasca. Hearne does not mention the Montreal fur traders, who, in the very year of his return, reached the Saskatchewan and were stationed at the Churchill Eiver down which he passed. First of white men to reach Lake Athabasca and the region north of it to the Arctic Sea, Samuel Hearne claimed for his Company priority of trade, and answered the calumnies that his Company was lacking in energy and enterprise. He took what may be called " seizen " of the soil for the English traders. We shaU speak again of his part in leading the move ment ialand to oppose the Nor'-Westers in the interior. His services to the Hudson's Bay Company received recognition in his promotion, three years after his return home from his third io6 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY voyage, to the governorship of the Prince of Wales Port. To Hearne has been largely given the credit of the new and adventurous policy of the Hudson's Bay Company. Hearne does not, however, disappear from public notice on his promotion to the command of Prince of Wales Port. When war broke out a few years later between England and France, the latter country, remembering her old successes under D'lberville on Hudson Bay, sent a naval expedition to attack the forts on the Bay. Umfreville gives an account of the attack on Prince of Wales Fort on August 8th and 9th, 1772. Admiral de la Perouse was in command of these war vessels, his flagship being Le Sceptre, of seventy-four guns. The garrison was thought to be well provided for a siege, and La Perouse evidently expected to have a severe contest. However, as he approached the fort, there seemed to be no preparations made for defence, and, on the summons to surrender, the gates were immediately thrown open. Umfreville, who was in the garrison and was taken prisoner on this occasion, speaks of the conduct of the Governor as being very reprehensible, but severely criticizes the Company for its neglect. He says : — " The strength of the fort itself was such as would have resisted the attack of a more consider able force ; it was built of the strongest materials, the walls were of great thickness and very durable (it was planned by the ingenious Mr. Eobson, who went out in 1742 for that pur pose) , it having been forty years in building and attended with great expense to the Company. In short, it was the opinion of every intelligent person that it might have made an obstinate resistance when attacked, had it been as well provided in other respects ; but through the impolitic conduct of the Company, every courageous exertion of their servants must have been considered as imprudent temerity ; for this place, which would have required four hundred men for its defence, the Company, in its consummate wisdom, had garrisoned with only thirty- nine." In this matter, Umfreville very plainly shows his animus to the Company, but incidentally he exonerates Hearne from the charge of cowardice, inasmuch as it would have been madness to make defence against so large a body of men. As has been DISCOVERY OF THE COPPERMINE 107 before pointed out, we can hardly charge with cowardice the man who had shown his courage and determination in the three toilsome and dangerous journeys spoken of ; rather would we «ee in this a proof of his wisdom under unfortunate circum stances. The surrender of York Factory to La Perouse twelve days afterwards, without resistance, was an event of an equally discouraging kind. The Company suffered great loss by the surrender of these forts, which had been un molested since the Treaty of Utrecht. CHAPTEE XIII. FOETS ON HUDSON BAY LEFT BEHIND. Andrew Graham's " Memo." — Prince of Wales Fort — The garrison — Trade — York Factory — Furs — Albany — Subordinate forts — Moose — Moses Norton — Cumberland House — Upper Assiniboine — Rainy Lake — Brandon House — Red River — Conflict of the Companies. The new policy of the Company that for a hundred years had carried on its operations in Hudson Bay was now to be adopted. As soon as the plan could be developed, a long line of posts in the interior would serve to carry on the chief trade, and the forts and factories on Hudson Bay would become depots for storage and ports of departure for the Old World. It is interesting at this point to have a view of the last days of the old system which had grown up during the operations of a century. We are fortunate in having an account of these forts in 1771 given by Andrew Graham, for many years a factor of the Hudson's Bay Company. This document is to be found in the Hudson's Bay Company house in London, and has been hitherto unpublished. The simplicity of description and curtness of detail gives the account its chief charm. Peince op Wales Poet. — On a peninsula at the entrance of the Churchill Eiver. Most northern settlement of the Company. A stone fort, mounting forty-two cannon, from six to twenty-four pounders. Opposite, on the south side of the river. Cape Merry Battery, mounting six twenty-four pounders with lodge-house and powder magazine. The river 1006 yards wide. A ship can anchor six miles above the fort. Tides carry salt water twelve miles up the river. No springs near ; drink snow water nine months of the year. In summer keep three draught horses to haul water and draw stones to finish building of forts. FORTS ON HUDSON BA Y LEFT BEHIND 109 Staff: — A chief factor and officers, with sixty servants and tradesmen. The council, with discretionary power, consists of chief factor, second factor, surgeon, sloop and brig masters, and captain of Company's ship when in port. These answer and sign the general letter, sent yearly to directors. The others are accountant, trader, steward, armourer, ship-vwight, car penter, cooper, blacksmith, mason, tailor, and labourers. These must not trade with natives, under penalties for so doing. Council mess together, also servants. Called by bell to duty, work from six to six in summer ; eight to four in winter. Two watch in winter, three in summer. In emergencies, tradesmen must work at anything. Killing of partridges the most pleasant duty. Company signs contract with servants for three or five years, ¦with the remarkable clause : " Company may recall them home at any time without satisfaction for the remaining time. Contract may be renewed, if servants or labourers wish, at expiry of term. Salary advanced forty shillings, if men have behaved well in first term. The land and sea officers' and tradesmen's salaries do not vary, but seamen's are raised in time of war." A ship of 200 tons burden, bearing provisions, arrives yearly in August or early September. Sails again in ten days, wind permitting, with cargo and those returning. Sailors alone get pay when at home. The annual trade sent home from this fort is from ten to four thousand made beaver, in furs, felts, oastorum, goose feathers, and quills, and a small quantity of train oil and whale bone, part of which they receive from the Eskimos, and the rest from the white whale fishery. A black whale fishery is in hand, but it shows no progress. Yoek Factoey. — On the north bank of Hayes Eiver, three miles from the entrance. Famous Eiver Nelson, three miles north, makes the land between an island. Well-built fort of wood, log on log. Pour bastions with sheds between, and a breastwork ¦with twelve small carriage guns. Good class of quarters, with double row of strong paUsades. On the bank's edge, before the fort, is a half -moon battery^ of turf and earth, ¦with fifteen cannon, nine-pounders. Two miles below the fort, no THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY same side, is a battery of ten twelve-pounders, with lodge- house and powder magazine. These two batteries command the river, but the shoals and sand-banks across the mouth defend us more. No ship comes higher than five miles below the fort. Governed like Prince of Wales Fort. Complement of men ; forty-two. The natives come down Nelson Eiver to trade. If weather calm, they paddle round the point. If not, they carry their furs across. This fort sends home from 7000 to 33,000 made bea^ver in furs, &c., and a small quantity of white whale oil. Seveen Poet. — On north bank of the Severn Eiver. Well- built square house, with four bastions. Men : eighteen. Commanded by a factor and sloop master. Eight small cannon and other warlike stores. Sloop carries fm-s in the fall to York Factory and delivers them to the ship, with the books and papers, receiving supply of trading goods, provisions, and stores. Severn full of shoals and sand banks. Sloop has difficulty in getting in and out. Has to wait spring tides inside the point. Trade sent home, 5000 to 6600 made beaver in furs, &c. Albany Poet. — On south bank of Albany Eiver, four miles from the entrance. Large well-built wood fort. Four bastions with shed between. Cannon and warlike stores. Men : thirty ; factor and officers. Eiver difficult. Ship rides five leagues out and is loaded and unloaded by large sloop. Trade, including two sub-houses of East Main and Henley, from 10,000 to 12,000 made beaver, &c. (This fort was the first Europeans had in Hudson Bay, and is where Hudson traded with natives.) Henley House. — One hundred miles up the river from Albany. Eleven men, governed by master. First founded to prevent encroachments of the French, when masters of Canada, and present to check the English. Bast Main House. — Entrance of Slude Eiver. Small square house. Sloop master and eleven men. Trade : 1000 to 2000 made beaver in furs, &c. Depth of water just admits sloop. Moose Factoey.— South bank of Moose Eiver, near entrance. Well-built wood fort — caimon and warlike stores. Twenty-five FORTS ON HUDSON BA Y LEFT BEHIND 1 1 1 men. Factor and officers. Eiver admits ship to good harbour, below fort. Trade, 3000 to 4000 made beavers in furs, &c. One ship suppUes this fort, along with Albany and sub-forts. These are the present Hudson's Bay Company's settlements in the Bay. " All under one discipline, and excepting the sub-houses, each factor receives a commission to act for benefit of Company, without being answerable to any person or persons in the Bay, more than to consult for good of Company in emergencies and to supply one another with trading goods, &c., if capable, the receiver giving credit for the same." The movement to the interior was begun from the Prince of Wales Fort up the Churchill Eiver. Next year, after his return from the discovery of the Coppermine, Samuel Hearne under took the aggressive work of going to meet the Indians, now threatened from the Saskatchewan by the seductive influences of the Messrs. Frobisher, of the Montreal fur traders. The Governor at Prince of Wales Fort, for a good many years, had been Moses Norton. He was really an Indian born at the fort, who had received some education during a nine years' residence in England. Of uncultivated manners, and leading far from a pure life, he was yet a man of considerable force, with a power to command and the ability to ingratiate himself with the Indians. He was possessed of undoubted energy, and no doubt to his advice is very much due the movement to leave the forts in the Bay and penetrate to the interior of the country. In December of the very year (1773) in which Hearne went on his trading expedition inland, Norton died. In the foUowing year, as we have seen, Hearne erected Cumberland House, only five hundred yards from Probisher's new post on Sturgeon Lake. It was the intention of the Hud son's Bay Company also to make an effort to control the trade to the south of Lake Winnipeg. Hastily called away after buUding Cumberland House, Hearne was compelled to leave a colleague, Mr. Cookings, in charge of the newly-erected fort, and returned to the bay to take charge of Prince of Wales Port, the post left vacant by the death of Governor Norton. The Hudson's Bay Company, now regularly embarked in the inland trade, undertook to push their posts to different parts of the country, especially to the portion of the fur country 112 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY in the direction from which the Montreal traders approached it. The EngUsh traders, as we learn from Umfreville, who was certainly not prejudiced in their favour, had the advantage of a higher reputation in character and trade among the Indians than had their Canadian opponents. Prom their greater near ness to northern waters, the older Company could reach a point in the Saskatchewan with their goods nearly a month earlier in the spring than their Montreal rivals were able to do. We find that in 1790 the Hudson's Bay Company crossed south from the northern waters and erected a trading post at the mouth of the Swan Eiver, near Lake Winnipegoosis. This they soon deserted and built a fort on the upper waters of the Assiniboine Eiver, a few miles above the present Hudson's Bay Company post of Fort Pelly. A period of surprising energy was now seen in the English Company's affairs. " Carrying the war into Africa," they in the same year met their antagonists in the heart of their o^wn territory, by building a trading post on Eainy Lake and another in the neighbouring Eed Lake district, now included in North-Eastern Minnesota. Having seized the chief points southward, the aroused Company, in the next year (1791), pushed north-westward from Cumberland House and built an establishment at He a la Crosse, well up toward Lake Athabasca. Crossing from Lake Winnipeg in early spring to the head waters of the Assiniboine Eiver, the spring brigade of the Hudson's Bay Company quite outdid their rivals, and in 1794 built the historic Brandon House, at a very important point on the Assiniboine Eiver. This post was for upwards of twenty years a chief Hudson's Bay Company centre until it was burnt. On the grassy bank of the Assiniboine, the ¦writer some years ago found the remains of the old fort, and from the well-preserved character of the sod, was able to make out the line of the palisades, the exact size of all the buildings, and thus to obtain the ground plan. Brandon House was on the south side of the Assiniboine, about seventeen miles below the present city of Brandon. Its remains are situated on the homestead of Mr. George Mair, a Canadian settler from Beauharnois, Quebec, who settled here FORTS ON HUDSON BAY LEFT BEHIND 113 on July 20th, 1879. The site was weU chosen at a bend of the river, having the Assiniboine in front of it on the east and partially so also on the north. The front of the palisade faced to the east, and midway in the wall was a gate ten feet wide, with inside of it a look-out tower (guerite) seven feet square. On the south side was the long store-house. In the centre had stood a building said by some to have been the blacksmith's shop. Along the north wall were the buildings for residences and other purposes. The remains of other forts, belonging to rival companies, are not far away, but of these we shall speak again. The same activity continued to exist in the following year, for in points so far apart as the Upper Saskatchewan and Lake Winnipeg new forts were built. The former of these was Edmonton House, built on the north branch of the Saskatchewan. The fort erected on Lake Winnipeg was pro bably that at the mouth of the Winnipeg Eiver, near where Fort Alexander now stands. In 1796, another post was begun on the Assiniboine Eiver, not unlikely near the old site of Port de la Eeine, while in the following year, as a half-way house to Edmonton on the Saskatchewan, Carlton House was erected. The Eed Eiver proper was taken possession of by the Company in 1799. Alexander Henry, junr., teUs us that very near the boundary line (49 degrees N.) on the east side of the Eed Eiver, there were in 1800 the remains of a fort. Such was the condition of things, so far as the Hudson's Bay Company was concerned, at the end of the century. In twenty-five years they had extended their trade from Edmonton House, near the Eockies, as far as Eainy Lake; they had made Cumberland House the centre of their operations in the interior, and had taken a strong hold of the fertile region on the Eed and Assiniboine Eivers, of which to-day the city of Winnipeg is the centre. Undoubtedly the severe competition between the Montreal merchants and the Hudson's Bay Company greatly dimiaished the profits of both. According to Umfre-yille, the Hudson's Bay Company business was conducted much more economi cally than that of the merchants of Montreal. The Company 114 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY upon the Bay chiefly employed men obtained in the Orkney Islands, who were a steady, plodding, and reliable class. The employes of the Montreal merchants were a ¦wild, free, reckless people, much addicted to drink, and consequently less to be depended upon. The same writer states that the competition between the two rival bodies of traders resulted badly for the Indians. He says : " So that the Canadians from Canada and the Europeans from Hudson Bay met together, not at all to the ulterior advantage of the natives, who by this means became de generated and debauched, through the excessive use of spirituous liquors imported by these rivals in commerce." One thing at any rate had been clearly demonstrated, that the inglorious sleeping by the side of the Bay, charged by Dobbs and others against the old Company, had been overcome ; and that the first quarter of the second century of the history of the Hudson's Bay Company showed that the Company's motto, " Pro Pelle Cutem," " Skin for Skin," had not been inappropriately chosen. CHAPTEE XIV. the NOETH-WEST COMPANY FOEMED. Hudson's Bay Company aggressive — The great McTavish — The Fro bishers — Pond and Pangman dissatisfied — Gregory and McLeod — Strength of the North-West Company — Vessels to be built — New route from Lake Superior sought — Good-will at times — Bloody Pond — ^Wider union, 1787^ — Fort Alexandria — Mouth of the Souris — Enormous fur trade — Wealthy Nor'-Westers — " The Haunted House." The terrible scourge of smallpox cut off one half, some say one-third of the Indian population of the fur country. This was a severe blow to the prosperity of the fur trade, as the traders largely depended on the Indians as trappers. The de termination shown by the Hudson's Bay Company, and the zeal with which they took advantage of an early access to the Northern Indians, were a surprise to the Montreal traders, and we find in the -writings of the time, frequent expressions as to the loss of profits produced by the competition in the fur trade. The leading fur merchants of Montreal determined on a com bination of their forces. Chief among the stronger houses were the Frobishers. Joseph Frobisher had returned from his two years' expedition in 1776, " having secured what was in those days counted a competent fortune," and was one of the " characters " of the commercial capital of Canada. The strongest factor in the combination was probably Simon McTavish, of whom a -writer has said " that he may be re garded as the founder of the famous North-West Company." McTavish, bom in 1750, was a Highlander of enormous energy and decision of character. While by his force of will rousing opposition, yet he had exceUent business capacity, and it was he who suggested the cessation of rivalries and strife among them selves and the union of their forces by the Canadian traders. Accordingly the North-West Company was formed 1783-4, 1x6 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY its stock being apportioned into sixteen parts, each stockholder supplying in lieu of money a certain proportion of the commo dities necessary for trade, and the Committee dividing their profits when the returns were made from the sale of furs. The united firms of Benjamin and Joseph Frobisher and Simon McTavish administered the whole affair for the traders and received a commission as agents. The brightest prospect lay before the new formed Company, and they had their first gathering at Grand Portage in the spring of 1784. But union did not satisfy all. A viciously- disposed and self-confident trader, Peter Pond, had not been consulted. Pond was an American, who, as we have seen in 1775, accompanied Henry, Cadot, and Frobisher to the far North-West. Two years later he had gone to Lake Athabasca, and forty miles from the lake on Deer Eiver, had built in 1778 the first fort in the far-distant region, which became known as the Fur Emporium of the North-West. Pond had with much skill prepared a great map of the country for presentation to the Empress Catherine of Eussia, and at a later stage gave much information to the American commissioners who settled the boundary line under the Treaty of Paris. Pond was dissatisfied and refused to enter the new Company. Another trader, Peter Pangman, an American also, had been overlooked in the new Company, and he and Pond now Came to Montreal, determined to form a strong opposition to the McTavish and Frobisher combination. In this they were successful. One of the rising merchants of Montreal at this time was John Gregory, a young Englishman. He was united in partnership with Alexander Norman McLeod, an ardent High lander, who afterwards rose to great distinction as a magnate of the fur trade. Pangman and Pond appealed to the self- interest of Gregory, McLeod & Company, and so, very shortly after his projected union of all the Canadian interests, McTavish saw arise a rival, not so large as his own Company, but in no way to be despised. To this rival Company also belonged an energetic, strong- willed Scotchman, who afterwards became the celebrated Sir Alexander Mackenzie, his cousin Eoderick McKenzie — a THE NORTH-WEST COMPANY FORMED 117 notable character, a trader named Eoss, and also young Finlay, a son of the pioneer so well kno-wn twenty years before in the fm- trading and civil history of Canada. Pond signalized him self by soon after deserting to the older Company. The younger Company acted with great vigour. Lea-ving McLeod behind to manage the business in Montreal, the other members found themselves in the summer at Grand Portage, where they established a post. They then divided up the country and gave it to the partners and traders. Athabasca was given to Eoss ; Churchill Eiver to Alexander Mackenzie ; the Saskatchewan to Pangman ; and the Eed Eiver country to the veteran trader Pollock. The North-West Company entered with great energy upon its occupation of the North-West country. We are able to refer to an unpublished memorial presented by them, in 1784, to Governor Haldimand, which shows very well their hopes and expectations. They claim to have explored and improved the route from Grand Portage to Lake Ouinipique, and they ask the governor to grant them the exclusive privilege of using this route for ten years. They recite the expeditions made by the Montreal traders from their posts in 1766 up to the time of their memorial. They urge the granting of favours to them on the double ground of their having to oppose the " new adventurers," as they call the Hudson's Bay Company, in the north, and they claim to desire to oppose the encroachments of the United States in the south. They state the value of the property of the Company in the North-West, exclusive of houses and stores, to be 26,303/. 3s. 6c/. ; the other outfits also sent to the country will not fall far short of this sum. The Company wUl have at Grand Portage in the foUowing July 60,000/. (original cost) in fur. They further ask the pri-vilege of constructing a small vessel to be built at Detroit and to be taken up Sault Ste. Marie to ply on Lake Superior, and also that in trans porting their suppUes on the King's ships from Niagara and Detroit to Michilimackinac, they may have the precedence on account of the shortness of their season and great distance to the interior to be reached. They state that they have arranged to have a spot selected a ii8 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Sault Ste. Marie, whither they may have the fort transferred from Michilimackinac, which place had been awarded by the Treaty of Paris to the Americans. They desire another vessel placed on the lakes to carry their furs to Detroit. This indicates a great revival of the fur trade and vigorous plans for its prosecution. A most interesting statement is also made in the memorial : that on account of Grand Portage itself having been by the Treaty of Paris left on the American side of the boundary on Lake Superior, they had taken steps to find a Canadian route by which the trade could be carried on from Lake Superior to the interior. They state that they had sent off on an expedition a canoe, with provisions only, navigated by six Canadians, under the direction of Mr. Edward Umfreville, who had been eleven years in the service of the Hudson's Bay Company, and who along with his colleague, Mr. Verrance, knew the language of the Indians. We learn from Umfreville's book that " he succeeded in his expedition much to the satisfaction of the merchants," along the route from Lake Nepigon to Winnipeg Eiver. The route discovered proved almost impracticable for trade, but as it was many years before the terms of the treaty were carried into effect. Grand Portage remained for the time the favourite pathway to the interior. The conflict of the two Montreal Companies almost obscured that with the English traders from Hudson Bay. True, in some districts the competition was peaceful and honourable. The nephew of Simon McTavish, William McGilli-vray, who after wards rose to great prominence as a trader, was stationed -with one of the rival company, Eoderick McKenzie, of whom we have spoken, on the English Eiver. In 1786 they had both suc ceeded so well in trade that, forming their men into two brigades, they returned together, making the woods resound with the lively French songs of the voyageurs. The attitude of the traders largely depended, however, on the character of the men. To the Athabasca district the impetuous and intractable Pond was sent by the older Company, on his desertion to it. Here there was the powerful influence of the Hudson's Bay Company to contend against, and the old Com- THE NORTH-WEST COMPANY FORMED 119 pany from the Bay long maintained its hold on the Northern Indians. To make a flank movement upon the Hudson's Bay Company he sent Cuthbert Grant and a French trader to Slave Lake, on which they estabUshed Fort Eesolution, whUe, pushing on stUl farther, they reached a point afterwards kno-wn as Port Providence. The third body to be represented in Athabasca Lake was the smaU North-West Company by their bourgeois, John Eoss. Eoss was a peaceable and fair man, but Pond so stirred up strife that the employes of the two Companies were in a perpetual quarrel. In one of these conflicts Eoss was unfor tunately MUed. This added to the evil reputation of Pond, who in 1781 had been charged with the murder of a peaceful trader named Wadin, in the same Athabasca region. When Eoderick McKenzie heard at He k la Crosse of the murder, he hastened to the meeting of the traders at Grand Portage. This alarming event so affected the traders that the two Companies agreed to unite. The union was effected in 1787, and the business at headquarters in Montreal was now managed by the three houses of McTavish, Frobisher, and Gregory. Alexander Mackenzie was despatched to Athabasca to take the place of the unfortunate trader Eoss, and so became acquainted with the region which was to be the scene of his triumphs in discovery. The union of the North-West fur companies led to exten sion in some directions. The Assiniboine Valley, in one of the most fertUe parts of the country, was more fully occupied. As in the case of the Hudson's Bay Company, the occupation of this vaUey took place by first coming to Lake Winnipeg and ascending the Swan Eiver (always a fur trader's paradise), until, by a short portage, the Upper Assiniboine was reached. The oldest fort in this valley belonging to the Nor'-Westers seems to have been built by a trader, Eobert Grant, a year or two after 1780. It is declared by trader John McDonnell to have been two short days' march from the junction of the Qu'Appelle and Assiniboine. Well up the Assiniboine, and not far from the source of the Swan Eiver, stood Fort Alexandria, "surrounded by groves of birch, poplar, and aspen," and said to have been named after 120 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Sir Alexander Mackenzie. It was 266 feet in length by 196 feet in breadth ; the " houses, stores, &c., being well built, plas tered on the inside and outside, and washed over -with a white earth, which answers nearly as well as Ume for whitewashing." Connected -with this region was the name of a famous trader, Cuthbert Grant, the father of the leader of the half-breeds and Nor'-Westers, of whom we shall speak afterwards. At the mouth of Shell Eiver on the Assiniboine stood a small fort built by Peter Grant in 1794. When the Nor'-Westers became acquainted -with the route down the Assiniboine, they followed it to its mouth, and from that point, where it joined the Eed Eiver, descended to Lake Winnipeg and crossed to the Winnipeg Eiver. In order to do this they established in 1785, as a halting place. Pine Fort, about eighteen miles below the junction of the Souris and Assiniboine Eivers. At the mouth of the Souris Eiver, and near the site of the Brandon House, already de scribed as built by the Hudson's Bay Company, the North- West Company built in 1796 Assiniboine House. This fort became of great importance as the depot for expeditions to the Mandans of the Missouri Eiver. The union of the Montreal Companies resulted, as had been expected, in a great expansion of the trade. In 1788 the gross amount of the trade did not exceed 40,000/., but by the energy of the partners it reached before the end of the century more than three times that amount — a remarkable showing. The route now being fully established, the trade settled down into regular channels. The agents of the Company in Mon treal, Messrs. McTavish & Co., found it necessary to order the goods needed from England eighteen months before they could leave Montreal for the West. Arriving in Canada in the summer, they were then made up in packages for the Indian trade. These weighed about ninety pounds each, and were ready to be borne inland in the following spring. Then being sent to the West, they were taken to the far points in the ensuing winter, where they were exchanged for furs. The furs reached Montreal in the next autumn, when they were stored to harden, and were not to be sold or paid for before the THE NORTH-WEST COMPANY FORMED 121 following season. This was forty-two months after the goods were ordered in Canada. This trade was a very heavy one to conduct, inasmuch as allowing a merchant one year's credit, he had stiU two years to carry the burden after the value of the goods had been considered as cash. Toward the end of the century a single year's produce was enormous. One such year was represented by 106,000 beavers, 32,000 marten, 11,800 mink, 17,000 musquash, and, counting all together, not less than 184,000 skins. The agents necessary to carry on this enormous volume of trade were numerous. Sir Alexander Mackenzie informs us that there were employed in the concern, not including officers or partners, 50 clerks, 71 interpreters and clerks, 1120 canoe- men, and 35 guides. The magnitude of the operations of this Company may be seen from the foregoing statements. The capital required by the agents of the concern in Montreal, the number of men employed, the vast quantities of goods sent out in bales made up for the western trade, and the enormous store of furs received in exchange, all combined to make the business of the North-West Company an important factor in Canadian life. Canada was then in her infancy. Upper Canada was not constituted a province until the date of the formation of the North-West Company. Montreal and Quebec, the only places of any importance, were small towns. The absence of manu factures, agriculture, and means of inter-communication or transport, led to the North-West Company being the chief source of money-making in Canada. As the fur merchants became rich from their profits, they bought seigniories, built mansions, and even in some cases purchased estates in the old land. Simon McTavish may be looked upon as a type. After a most active life, and when he had accumulated a handsome competence, Simon McTavish owned the Seigniory of Terre bonne, receiving in 1802 a grant of 11,600 acres in the town ship of Chester. He was engaged at the time of his death, which took place in 1804, in erecting a princely mansion at the foot of the Mountain in Montreal. For half a century the ruins of this building were the dread of chUdren, and 122 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY were known as McTavish's " Haunted House." The fur- trader's tomb may still be recognized by an obelisk enclosed within stone walls, near " Eavenscrag," the residence of the late Sir Hugh Allan, which occupies the site of the old ruin. Sturdy the glory of the lords of the lakes and the forest has passed aioay. CHAPTEE XV. VOYAGES OP SIE ALEXANDEE MACKENZIE. A young Highlander — To rival Hearne — ^Fort Chipe-wyan built — French Canadian voyageurs — Trader Leroux — Perils of the route — Post erected on Arctic Coast — Return journey — Pond's miscal culations — Hudson Bay Turner — Roderick McKenzie's hospitality — ^Alexander Mackenzie — Astronomy and mathematics^ Winters on Peace River— Terrific journey — The Pacific slope — Dangerous Indians — Pacific Ocean, 1793 — North-West passage by land — Great achievement — A notable book. One of the chiefs of the fur-traders seems to have had a higher ambition than simply to carry back to Grand Portage canoes overflowing vrith furs. Alexander Mackenzie had the restless spirit that made him a very uncertain partner in the great schemes of McTavish, Frobisher & Co., and led him to seek for glory in the task of exploration. Coming as a young High lander to Montreal, he had early been so appreciated for his abUity as to be sent by Gregory, McLeod & Co. to conduct their enterprise in Detroit. Then we have seen that, refusing to enter the McTavish Company, he had gone to Churchill Eiver for the Gregory Company. The sudden union of all the Montreal Companies (1787) caused, as already noted, by Pond's murder of Eoss, led to Alexander Mackenzie being placed in charge in that year of the department of Athabasca. The longed-for opportunity had now come to Mackenzie. He heard from the Indians and others of how Samuel Hearne, less than twenty years before, on behalf of their great rivals, the Hudson's Bay Company, had returned by way of Lake Athabasca from his discovery of the Coppermine Eiver. He longed to reach the Arctic Sea by another river of which he had heard, and eclipse the discovery of his rival. He even had it in view to seek the Pacific Ocean, of which he was constantly 124 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY hearing from the Indians, where white men wearing armour were to be met — no doubt meaning the Spaniards. Mackenzie proceeded in a very deliberate way to prepare for his long journey. Having this expedition in view, he secured he appointment of his cousin, Eoderick McKenzie, to his own department. Eeaching Lake Athabasca, Eoderick McKenzie selected a promontory running out some three miles into the lake, and here built (1788) Port Chipewyan, it being called from the Indians who chiefly frequented the district. It became the most important fort of the north country, being at the converging point of trade on the great watercourses of the north-west. On June 3rd, 1789, Alexander Mackenzie started on his first exploration. In his o-wn birch-bark canoe was a crew of seven. His crew is worthy of being particularized. It consisted of four French Canadians, with the wives of two of them. These voyageurs were Fran9ois Barrieau, Charles Ducette, or Cadien, Joseph Landry, or Cadien, Pierre de Lorme. To complete the number was John Steinbruck, a German. The second canoe contained the guide of the expedition, an Indian, called the " English chief," who was a great trader, and had frequented year by year the route to the English, on Hudson Bay. In his canoe were his two wives, and two young Indians. In a third canoe was trader Leroux, who was to accompany the explorer as far north as Slave Lake, and dispose of the goods- be took for furs. Leroux was under orders from his chief to build a fort on Slave Lake. Starting on June 3rd, the party left the lake, finding their way down Slave Eiver, which they already knew. Day after day they journeyed, suffered from myriads of mosquitoes, passed the steep mountain portage, and, undergoing many hardships, reached Slave Lake in nine days. Skirting the lake, they soon departed north by an unknown river. This was the object of Mackenzie's search. Floating down the stream, the Horn Mountains were seen, portage after portage was crossed, the mouth of the foaming Great Slave Lake Eiver was passed, the snowy mountains came in view in the distance, and the party, undeterred, pressed forward on their voyage of discovery. VOYAGES OF SIR ALEXANDER MACKENZIE 125 The usual incidents of early travel were experienced. The accidents, though not serious, were numerous ; the scenes met with were all new ; the natives were surprised at the bearded stranger ; the usual deception and fickleness were displayed by the Indians, only to be overcome by the firmness and tact of Mackenzie ; and forty days after starting, the expedition looked out upon the floating ice of the Arctic Ocean. Mackenzie, on the morning of July 14th, erected a post on the shore, on which he engraved the latitude of the place (69 deg. 14' N.), his own name, the number of persons in the party, and the time they remained there. His object having been thus accomplished, the important matter was to reach Lake Athabasca in the remaining days of the open season. The return journey had the usual experiences, and on August 24th they came upon Leroux on Slave Lake, where that trader had erected Fort Providence. On September 12th the expedition arrived safely at Fort Chipewyan, the time of absence having been 102 days. The story of this journey is given in a graphic and unaffected manner by Mackenzie in his work of 1801, but no mention is made of his own name being attached to the river which he had discovered. We have stated that Peter Pond had prepared a map of the north country, with the pm-pose of presenting it to the Empress of Eussia. Being a man of great energy, he was not deterred from this undertaking by the fact that he had no knowledge of astronomical instruments and Uttle of the art of map-making. His statements were made on the basis of reports from the Indians, whose custom was always to make the leagues short, that they might boast of the length of their journeys. Com puting in this way, he made Lake Athabasca so far from Hudson Bay and the Grand Portage that, taking Captain Cook's observations on the Pacific Coast four years before this, the lake was only, according to his calculations, a hundred or a hundred and fifty miles from the Pacific Ocean. The effect of .Pond's calculations, which became kno'wninthe ' Treaty of Paris, was to stimulate the Hudson's Bay Company to follow up Hearne's discoveries and to explore the country west of Lake Athabasca. They attempted this in 1785, but they sent out a boy of fifteen, named &eorge Charles, who had 126 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY been one year at a mathematical school, and had never made there more than simple observations. As was to have been expected, the boy proved incompetent. Urged on by the Colonial Office, they again in 1791 organized an expedition to send Astronomer Philip Turner to make the western journey. Unaccustomed to the Par West, and poorly provided for this journey. Turner found himself at Fort Chipe-wyan entirely dependent for help and shelter on the Nor'-Westers. He was, however, qualified for his work, and made correct observations, which settled the question of the distance of the Pacific Ocean. Mr. Eoderick McKenzie showed him every hospitality. This expedition served at least to show that the Pacific was certainly five times the distance from Lake Athabasca that Pond had estimated. After coming back from the Arctic Sea, Alexander Mac kenzie spent his time in urging forward the business of the fur trade, especially north of Lake Athabasca; but there was burning in his breast the desire to be the discoverer of the Western Sea. The voyage of Turner made him still more desirous of going to the West. Like Hearne, Alexander Mackenzie had found the want of astronomical knowledge and the lack of suitable instruments a great drawback in determining his whereabouts from day to day. With remarkable energy, he, in the year 1791, journeyed eastward to Canada, crossed the Atlantic Ocean to London, and spent the winter in acquiring the requisite mathematical knowledge and a sufficient acquaintance with instruments to enable him to take observations. He was now prepared to make his journey to the Pacific Ocean. He states that the courage of his party had been kept up on their reaching the Arctic Sea, by the thought that they were approaching the Mer de I'Ouest, which, it -wUl be remembered, Verandrye had sought with such passionate desire. In the very year in which Mackenzie returned from Great Britain, his great purpose to reach the Pacific Coast led him to make his preparations in the autumn, and on October 10th, 1792, to leave Port Chipewyan and proceed as far up Peace Eiver as the farthest settlement, and there winter, to be ready VOYAGES OF SIR ALEXANDER MACKENZIE 127 for an early start in the following spring. On his way he overtook Mr. Finlay, the younger, and called upon him in his camp near the fort, where he was to trade for the winter. Leaving Mr. Finlay "under several voUeys of musketry," Mackenzie pushed on and reached the spot where the men had been despatched in the preceding spring to square timber for a house and cut palisades to fortify it. Here, where the Boncave joins the main branch of the Peace Eiver, the fort was erected. His o-wn house was not ready for occupation before December 23rd, and the body of the men went on after that date to erect five houses for which the material had been prepared. Troubles were plentiful ; such as the quarrelsomeness of the natives, the kUUng of an Indian, and in the latter part of the winter severe cold. In May, Mackenzie despatched six canoes laden with furs for Fort Chipewyan. The somewhat cool reception that Mackenzie had received from the other partners at Grand Portage, when on a former occasion he had given an account of his voyage to the Arctic Sea, led him to be doubtful whether his confreres would fully approve the great expedition on which he was determined to go. He was comparatively a young man, and he knew that there were many ofthe traders jealous of him. Still, his deter mined character led him to hold to his plan, and his great energy urged him to make a name for himself. Mackenzie had found much difficulty in securing guides and voyageurs. The trip proposed was so difficult that the bravest shrank from it. The explorer had, however, great confidence in his colleague, Alexander Mackay, who had arrived at the Porks a few weeks before the departure. Mackay was a most experienced and shrewd man. After faithfully serving his Company, he entered, as we shall see, the Astor Fur Company in 1811, and was killed among the first in the fierce attack on the ship Tonquin, which was captured by the natives. Mackenzie's crew was the best he could obtain, and their names have become historic. There were besides Mackay, Joseph Landry and Charles Ducette, two voyageurs of the former expedition, Baptiste Bisson, Prangois Courtois, Jacques Beauchamp, and Prangois Beaulieu, the last of whom died so late as 1872, aged nearly one hundred years, probably the oldest 128 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY man in the North-West at the time. Archbishop Tache gives an interesting account of Beaulieu' s baptism at the age of seventy. Two Indians completed the party, one of whom had been so idle a lad, that he bore till his dying day the un enviable name of " Cancre " — the crab. Having taken, on the day of his departure, the latitude and longitude of his winter post, Mackenzie started on May 9th, 1793, for his notable voyage. Seeing on the banks of the river elk, buffalo, and bear, the expedition pushed ahead, meet ing the difficulties of navigation -with patience and skill. The murmurs of his men and the desire to turn back made no impression on Mackenzie, who, now that his Highland blood was up, determined to see the journey through. The difficulties of navigation became extreme, and at times the canoes had to be dra-wn up stream by the branches of trees. At length in longitude 121° W. Mackenzie reached a lake, which he considered the head of the Ayugal or Peace Eiver. Here the party landed, unloaded the canoes, and by a portage of half-a-mile on a well-beaten path, came upon another small lake. Prom this lake the explorers followed a small river, and here the guide deserted the party. On June 17th the members of the expedition enjoyed, after all their toil and anxiety, the " inexpressible satisfaction of finding themselves on the bank of a navigable river on the west side of the first great range of mountains." Eunning rapids, breaking canoes, re-ascending streams, quiet ing discontent, building new canoes, disturbing tribes of sur prised Indians, and urging on his discouraged band, Mackenzie persistently kept on his way. He was descending on Tacoutche Tesse, afterwards known as the Praser Eiver. Finding that the distance by this river was too great, he turned back. At the point where he took this step (June 23rd) was afterwards built Alexandria Fort, named after the explorer. Leaving the great river, the party crossed the country to what Mackenzie called the West Eoad Eiver. For this land journey, begun on July 4th, the explorers were provided with food. After sixteen days of a most toilsome journey, they at length came upon an arm of the sea. The Indians near the coast seemed very troublesome, but the courage of Mackenzie never failed him. VOYAGES OF SIR ALEXANDER MACKENZIE 129 It was represented to him that the natives "were as numerous ^s mosquitoes and of a very malignant character." His destination having been reached, the commander mixed up some vermiUon in melted grease and inscribed in large •characters on the south-east face of the rock, on which they passed the night, "Alexander Mackenzie, from Canada, by land the twenty-second of July, one thousand seven hundred .and ninety-three." After a short rest the well-repaid explorers began their home- Tvard journey. To ascend the Pacific slope was a toUsome and •discouraging undertaking, but the energy which had enabled them to come through an unknown road easily led them back by a way that had now lost its uncertainty. Mackenzie says that when " we reached the downward current of the Peace Eiver and came in view of Fort McLeod, we threw out our flag and accompanied it with a general discharge of firearms, Vfhile the men were in such spirits and made such an active use of their paddles, that we arrived before the two men whom we left in the spring could recover their senses to answer us. Thus we landed at four in the afternoon at the place which we left in the month of May. In another month (August 24th) Port Chipewyan was reached, where the foUo^wing winter was spent in trade." It is hard to estimate all the obstacles overcome and the great -.service rendered in the two voyages of Alexander Mackenzie. ^Eeaders of the " North-West Passage by Land " will re member the pitiable plight in which Lord Milton and Dr. ¦Cheadle, nearly seventy years afterwards, reached the coast. Mackenzie's journey was more difficult, but the advantage lay ¦with the fur-traders in that they were experts in the matters of North-West travel. Time and again, Mackenzie's party became discouraged. When the Pacific slope was reached, and the voyageurs saw the waters begin to run away from the country •with which they were acquainted, their fears were aroused, and it was natural that they should be unwilling to proceed further. Mackenzie had, however, aU the instincts of a brave and tactful leader. On one occasion he was compelled to take a stand and declare that if his party deserted him, he would go .on alone. This at once aroused their admiration and sympathy, K 130 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY and they offered to follow him. At the point on the great river where he turned back, the Indians were exceedingly- hostile. His firmness and perfect self-control showed the same spirit that is found in all great leaders in dealing with savage or semi-civilized races. Men like Frontenac, Mackenzie, and General Gordon seemed to have a charmed life which enabled them to exercise a species of mesmeric influence over half- trained or entirely uncultivated minds. From the wider standpoint, knowledge was supplied as to the country lying between the two great oceans, and while it did not, as we know from the voyages seeking a North-West Passage in this century, lay the grim spectre of an Arctic- channel, yet it was a fulfilment of Verandrye's dream, and to Alexander Mackenzie, a Canadian bourgeois, a self-made- man, aided by his Scotch and French associates, had com& the happy opportunity of discovering " La Grande Mer de I'Ouest." Alexander Mackenzie, filled with the sense of the importance of his discovery, determined to give it to the world, and spent the winter at Fort Chipewyan in preparing the material. In this he was much assisted by his cousin, Eoderick McKenzie, to whom he sent the journal for revision and improvement. Early in the year 1794, the distinguished explorer left Lak& Athabasca, journeyed over to Grand Portage, and a year afterward revisited his native land. He never returned to the " Upper Country," as the Athabasca region was called,- but became one of the agents of the fur-traders in Montreal, never coming farther toward the North-West than to b& present at the annual gatherings of the traders at Grand Portage. The veteran explorer continued in this position till: the time when he crossed the Atlantic and published his weU- kno-wn " Voyages from Montreal," dedicated to " His Most Sacred Majesty George the Third." The book, while making- no pretensions to literary attainment, is yet a clear, succinct, and valuable account of the fur trade and his own expedi tions. It was the work which excited the interest of Lord Selkirk in Eupert's Land and which has become a recognized authority. In 1801 this work of Alexander Mackenzie was published,. SIK ALEXANDEE MA-CKEKZIE. DANIEL WILLIAM HARMON, Esq. [Page 130. VOYAGES OF SIR ALEXANDER MACKENZIE 131 and the order of knighthood was conferred upon the successful explorer. On his return to Canada, Sir Alexander engaged in strong opposition to the North-West Company and became a member of the Legislative Assembly for Huntingdon County, in Lower Canada. He lived in Scotland during the last years of his Ufe, and died in the same year as the Earl of Selkirk, 1820. Thus passed away a man of independent mind and of the highest distinction. His name is fixed upon a region that is now coming into greater notice than ever before. CHAPTEE XVI. THE GEEAT BXPLOEATION. Grand Portage on American soil — Anxiety about the boundary — David Thompson, astronomer and surveyor — His instructions —By swift canoe — The land of beaver — A dash to the Mandans — Stone Indian House — Fixes the boundary at Pembina — Sources of the Mississippi — A marvellous explorer — Pacific Slope explored • — Thompson down the Kootenay and Columbia — Fiery Simon Eraser in New Caledonia — Discovers Fraser River — Sturdy John Stuart — Thompson River — Bourgeois Quesnel — Transcontinental expeditions. A NUMBEE of events conspired to make it necessary for the North-West Company to be well acquainted with the location of its forts -within the limits of the territory of the United States, in some parts of which it carried on operations of trade, and to understand its relation to the Hudson's Bay Company's terri tory. The treaty of amity and commerce, which is usually connected with the name of John Jay, 1794, seemed to say that all British forts in United States territory were to be evacuated in two years. This threw the partners at Grand Portage into a state of excitement, inasmuch as they knew that the very place of their gathering was on the American side of the boundary Une. DAVID THOMPSON, ASTEONOMEE AND SUEVEYOE. At this juncture the fitting instrument appeared at Grand Portage. This was David Thompson. This gentleman was a Londoner, educated at the Blue Coat School, in London. Trained thoroughly in mathematics and the use of astronomical instruments, he had obtained a position in the Hudson's Bay Company. In the summer of 1795, -with three companions, two of them Indians, he had found his way from Hudson Bay to Lake Athabasca, and thus showed his capability as an THE GREAT EXPLORATION 133 explorer. Eetuming from his Western expedition, he reported to Mr. Joseph Colon, the officer in charge at York Fort, by whose orders he had gone to Athabasca, and expressed himself as -wilUng to undertake further explorations for the Company. The answer was curt — to the effect that no more surveys could then be undertaken by the Company, however desirable. Thompson immediately decided to seek employment elsewhere in the work for which he was so weU qualified. Leaving the Bay and the Company behind, attended only by two Indians, he journeyed inland and presented himself at the summer meeting of the North-West fur-traders at Grand Portage. Without hesitation they appointed him astronomer and surveyor of the North-West Company. Astronomer Thompson's work was well mapped out for him. (1) He was instructed to survey the forty-ninth paraUel of latitude. This involved a question which had greatly per plexed the diplomatists, viz. the position of the source of the Mississippi. Many years after this date it was a question to decide which tributary is the source of the Mississippi, and to this day there is a difference of opinion on the subject, i.e. which of the lakes from which different branches spring is the true source of the river. The fact that the sources were a factor in the settUng of the boundary line of this time made it necessary to have expert testimony on the question such as could be furnished by a survey by Thompson. (2) The surveyor was to go to the Missouri and visit the ancient ¦vUlages of the natives who dwelt there and who practised agriculture. (3) In the interests of science and history, to inquire for the fossUs of large animals, and to search for any monuments that might throw a light on the ancient state of the regions traversed. (4) It was his special duty to determine the exact position of the posts of the North-West Company visited by him, and aU agents and employes were instructed to render him every assistance in his work. Astronomer Thompson only waited the departm-e of one of the Great Northern brigades to enter upon the duties of his new office. These departures were the events of the year, having 134 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY in the eyes of the fur-traders something of the nature of a caravan for Mecca about them. Often a brigade consisted of eight canoes laden with goods and well-manned. The brigade which Thompson accompanied was made up of four canoes under trader McGillis, and was ready to start on August 9th, 1796. He had taken the observation for Grand Portage and found it to be 48 deg. (nearly) N. latitude and 89 deg. 3' 4" (nearly) W. longitude. He was now ready with his instruments — a sextant of ten inches radius, with quicksilver and parallel glasses, an excellent achromatic telescope, one of the smaller kind, drawing instru ments, and a thermometer, and all these of the best make. The portage was wearily trudged and in a few days, after a dozen shorter portages, the height of land was reached in 48 deg. N. latitude, and here begins the flow of water to Hudson Bay. It was accordingly the claim of the Hudson's Bay Company that their territory extended from this point to the Bay. At the outlet of Eainy Lake still stood a trading post, where Verandrye had founded his fort and the position of this was determined, 48 deg. 1' 2" N. latitude. In this locality was also a post of the Hudson's Bay Company. No post seems at this time to have been in use on Eainy Eiver or Lake of the Woods by any of the trading companies, though it will be seen that the X Y Company was at this date beginning its operations. At the mouth of the Winnipeg Eiver, however, there were two establishments, the one known as Lake Winnipeg House, or Bas de la Eiviere, an important distributing point, now found to be in 50 deg. 1' 2" N. latitude. There was also near by it the Hudson's Bay Company post, founded in the previous year. Thompson, being in company with his brigade, which was going to the west of Lake Manitoba, coasted along Lake Winnipeg, finding it dangerous to cross directly, and after taking this roundabout, in place of the 127 miles in a straight line, reached what is now known as the Little Saskatchewan Eiver on the west side of Lake Winnipeg. Going by the little Saskatchewan Eiver through its ¦windings and across the meadow portage, he came to Lake Winni pegoosis and, northward along its western coast, reached Swan THE GREAT EXPLORATION 135 IBiver, the trappers' paradise. Swan Eiver post was twelve miles up the river from its mouth, and was found to be in 52 deg. 24' N. latitude. Crossing over to the Assiniboine .(Stone Indian) Eiver, he visited several posts, the most con siderable being Port Tremblant (Poplar Port), which some •think had its name changed to Port Alexandria in honour of ,Sir Alexander Mackenzie. John McDonnell, North-West trader of this period, says : — " Fort Tremblant and the temporary posts established above it furnished most of the beaver and otter in the Eed Eiver returns, but the trade has been almost ruined since the Hudson's Bay Company entered the Assiniboine Eiver by the way of Swan Eiver, carrying their merchandise from one river to the other on horseback — three days' journey — who by that means, and the short distance between Swan Eiver and their factory at York Fort, from whence they are equipped, can .arrive at the coude de I'homme (a river bend or angle) in the Assiniboine Eiver, a month sooner than we can return from <3-rand Portage, secure the fall trade, give credits to the Indians, and send them to hunt before our arrival ; so that we ,«ee but few in that quarter upon our arrival." The chief trader of this locality was Cuthbert Grant, who, .as before mentioned, was a man of great influence in the fur ¦trade. The astronomer next went to the Port between the Swan and Assiniboine Eivers, near the spot where the famous Port Pelly of the present day is situated. Taking horses, a rapid land journey was made to Belleau's Fort, lying in 53 deg. N. latitude (nearly). The whole district is a succession of beaver meadows, and had at this time several Hudson's Bay Company posts, as already mentioned. Thompson decided to winter in this beaver country, and when the following summer had fairly set in ¦with good roads and blossoming prairies, he came, after journeying more than 200 miles southward, to the Qu'Appelle Eiver post, which was at that time under a trader named Thorburn. Thompson was now fairly on the Assiniboine Eiver, -and saw it everywhere run through an agreeable country with s, good soil and adapted to agriculture. 130 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Arrived at Assiniboine House, he found it in charge of John; McDonnell, brother of the well-kno-wn Miles McDonnell, who, a few years later, became Lord Selkirk's first governor on Eed Eiver. Ensconcing himself in the comfortable quarters at Assiniboine House, Thompson wrote up in ink his journals, maps, astronomical observations, and sketches which he had taken in crayon, thus giving them more permanent form. H& had now been in the employ of the North-West Company a full year, and in that time had been fully gratified by the work he had done and by the cordial reception given him in all th& forts to which he had gone. Assiniboine House, or, as he called it. Stone Indian House, was found to be a congenial spot. It was on the north side of the Assiniboine Eiver, not far from where the Souris Eiver empties its waters into the larger stream, though the site has been disputed. One of the astronomer's clearly defined directions was to visit the Mandan ¦villages on the Missouri Eiver. He was now at the point when this could be accomplished, although the time chosen by him, just as winter was coming on, was most unsuitable. His journey reminds us of that made by Verandrye to the Mandans in 1738. The journey was carefully prepared for. With the charac teristic shrewdness of the North-West Company, it was so planned as to require little expenditm-e. Thompson was to be accompanied chiefly by free-traders, i.e. by men to whom certain quantities of goods would be advanced by the Company. By the profits of this trade expenses would be met. The guide and interpreter was Eene Jussaume (a man of very doubtful character), who had fallen into the ways of the Western Indians. He had lived for years among the Mandans, and spoke their language. Another free-trader, Hugh McCracken, an Irish man, also knew the Mandan country, while several French Canadians, with Brossman, the astronomer's servant man, made up the company. Each of the traders took a credit from Mr. McDonnell of from forty to fifty skins in goods. Ammunition, tobacco, and trinkets, to pay expenses, were provided, and Thompson was supplied with two horses, and his chief trader, Jussaume, with one. The men had their own dogs to the- THE GREAT EXPLORATION 137 number of thirty, and these drew goods on small sleds. Cross ing the Assiniboine, the party started south-westward, and continued their journey for thirty-three days, with the thermometer almost always below zero and reaching at times 36 deg. below. The journey was a most dangerous and trying: one and covered 280 miles. Thompson found that some Hudson's Bay traders had already made flying visits to the Mandans. On his return, Thompson's itinerary was, from the Missouri till he reached the angle of the Souris Eiver, seventy miles, where he found abundant wood and shelter, and then to the south end of Turtle Mountain, fourteen miles. Leaving Turtle Mountain, his next station was twenty-four miles distant- at a point on the Souris where an outpost of Assiniboine House, known as Ash House, had been established. Another journey of forty -five miles brought the expedition back to the hospitable shelter of Mr; McDonnell at Stone Indian House. Thompson now calculated the position of this comfortable fort and found it to be 49 deg. 41' (nearly) N. latitude and 101 deg. 1' 4" (nearly) W. longitude. The astronomer, after spending a few weeks in making up his notes and surveys, determined to go eastward and under take the survey of the Eed Eiver. On February 26th, 1798, he started ¦with three French Canadians and an Indian guide. Six dogs drew three sleds laden with baggage and provisions^ The company soon reached the sand hills, then called the Manitou HiUs, from some supposed supernatural agency in their neighbourhood. Sometimes on the ice, and at other times on the north shore of the Assiniboine to avoid the bends of the river, the party went, experiencing much difficulty from the depth of the snow. At length, after journeying ten days over the distance of 169 miles, the junction of the Assiniboine and Eed Eiver, at the point where now stands the city of Winnipeg, was reached. There was no trading post here at the time. It seems somewhat surprising that what became the chief trading centre of the company. Fort Garry, during the first half of this century should, up to the end of the former century, not have been taken possession of by any of the three competing fur companies. Losing no time, Thompson began, on March 7th, the survey,. 138 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY and going southward over an unbroken trail, with the snow three feet deep, reached in seven days Pembina Post, then under the charge of a leading French trader of the company, named Charles Chaboillez. Wearied with a journey of some sixty-four miles, which had, from the bad road, taken seven days, Thompson enjoyed the kind shelter of Pembina House for six days. This house was near the forty-ninth parallel and was one of the especial points he had been appointed to deter mine. He found Pembina House to be in latitude 48 deg. 68' 24" N., so that it was by a very short distance on the iSOuth side of the boundary line. Thompson marked the boundary, so that the trading post might be removed, when necessary, to the north side of the line. A few years later, the -observation taken by Thompson was confirmed by Major Long on his expedition of 1823, but the final settlement of where the line falls was not made till the time of the boundary com mission of 1872. Pushing southward in March, the astronomer ascended Eed Eiver to the trading post known as Upper Eed Eiver, near where the town of Grand Forks, North Dakota, stands to-day. Here he found J. Baptiste Cadot, probably the son of the veteran master of Sault Ste. Marie, who so long clung to the flag of the Golden Lilies. Thompson now determined to survey what had been an object of much interest, the lake which was the source of the great Eiver Mississippi. To do this had been laid upon him in his instructions from the North-West Company. Making a detour from Grand Forks, in order to avoid the ice on the Eed Lake Eiver, he struck the upper waters of that river, and followed the banks until he reached Eed Lake in what is now North-Eastern Minnesota. Leaving this lake, he made a portage of six miles to Turtle Lake, and four days later reached the point considered by him to be the source of the Mississippi. Turtle Lake, at the time of the treaty of 1783, was supposed to be further north than the north-west angle of -the Lake of the Woods. This arose, Thompson tells us, from the voyageurs counting a pipe to a league, at the end of which time it was the fur-traders' custom to take a rest. Each pipe, ihat is, the length of time taken to smoke a pipe, however, was THE GREAT EXPLORATION 139 nearer two miles than three, so that the head waters of the Mississippi had been counted 128 miles further north than Thompson found them to be. It is to be noted, however, that the Astronomer Thompson was wrong in making Turtle Lake the source of the Mississippi. The accredited source of the Mississippi was discovered, as we shall afterwards see, in July, 1832, to be Lake Itasca, which lies about half a degree south west of Turtle Lake. Thompson next visited Eed Cedar Lake, in the direction of -Lake Superior. Here he found a North-West trading house. Upper Eed Cedar House, under the command of a partner, -John Sayer, whose half-blood son afterward figured in Eed Eiver history. He found that Sayer and his men passed the •winter on wUd rice and maple sugar as their only food. Crossing over to Sand Lake Eiver, Mr. Thompson found a small post of the North-West Company, and, descending this stream, came to Sand Lake. By portage, reaching a small stream, a tributary of St. Louis Eiver, he soon arrived at that river itself, -with its rapids and dalles, and at length reached the North-West trading post near the mouth of the river, where it joined the Fond du Lac. Having come to Lake Superior, the party could only obtain a dilapidated northern canoe, but with care it brought them, after making an enormous circuit and accomplishing feats involving great daring and supreme hardship, along the north shore of the lake to Grand Portage. On hearing his report of two years' work, the partners, at the annual meeting at ¦Grand Portage, found they had made no mistake in their .appointment, and gave him the highest praise. The time had now come, after the union of the North-West Oompany and the X Y Company, for pushing ahead the great work in their hands and examining the vast country across the Eocky Mountains. The United Company in 1805 naturaUy took up what had been planned several years before, and sent David Thompson up the Saskatchewan to explore the Columbia Eiver and examine the vast " sea of mountains " bordering on the Pacifie Ocean. The other partner chosen was Simon Praser, and his orders were to go up the Peace Eiver, cross the Eockies, and explore the region from its northern side. I40 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY We shaU see how well Fraser did his part, and meanwhile we may follow Thompson in his journey. In 1806, we find that he crossed the Eockies and built in the following year a trading-house for the North-West Company on the Lower Columbia. Thompson called his trading post Kootenay House, and indeed his persistent use of the term " Kootenay " rather than " Columbia," which he well knew was the name of the river, is somewhat remarkable. Coming over the pass during the summer, he returned to Kootenay House and wintered there in 1807-1808. During the summer of 1808, he visited possibly Grand Portage, certainly Port Vermilion. Fort Vermilion, a short distance above the present Fort Pitt, was well down the north branch of the Saskatche wan Eiver, and on his way to it, Thompson would pass Fort Augustus, a short distance below where Edmonton now stands, as well as Port George. He left Fort Vermilion in September, and by October 21st,. the Saskatchewan being frozen over, he laid up canoes for the winter, and taking horses, crossed the Eocky Mountains, took 1 3 canoes on the Columbia Eiver again, and on November 10th arrived at his fort of Kootenay House, where he wintered. On this journey, Thompson discovered Howse's Pass, which i3 about 52 deg. N. latitude. In 1809, Thompson determined on extending his explorations southward on the Columbia Eiver. A short distance south of the international boundary line, he built a post in September of that year. He seems to have spent the winter of this year in trying new routes, some of which he found impracticable, and can hardly be said to have wintered at any particular spot. In his pilgrimage, he went up the Kootenay Eiver, which he called McGillivray's Eiver, in honour of the famous partner, but the name has not been retained. Hastening to his post of Kootenay House, he rested a daj"-, and travelling by means of canoes and horses, in great speed came eastward and reached Port Augustus, eight days out from Kootenay, June 22nd, 1810. From this point he went eastward, at least as far as Eainy Lake, leaving his " little family " with his sister-in-law, a Cree woman, at Winnipeg Eiver House. Eeturning, he started on October 10th, 1810, for Athabasca. THE GREAT EXPLORATION 141 He discovered the Athabasca Pass on the " divide," and on July 3rd, 1811, started to descend the Columbia, and did so, the first white man, as far as Lewis Eiver, from which point Lewis and Clark in 1805, having come over the Eocky Mountains, had preceded him to the sea. Near the junction of the Spokane Eiver with the Columbia, he erected a pole and tied to it a half-sheet of paper, claiming the country north of the forks as British territory. This notice was seen by a number of the Astor employes, for Eoss states that he observed it in August, with a British flag flying upon it. Thompson's name among the Indians of the coast was " Koo-Koo-Suit." Eoss Cox states that " in the month of July, 1811, Mr. David Thompson, Astronomer to the North-West Company, of which he was also a proprietor, arrived with nine men in a canoe at Astoria from the interior. This gentleman came on a voyage of discovery to the Columbia, preparatory to the North-West Company forming a settlement at the mouth of the river. He remained at Astoria until the latter end of July, when he took his departure for the interior." Thompson was thus disappointed on finding the American company installed at the mouth of the Columbia before him, but he re-ascended the river and founded two forts on its banks at advantageous points. Thompson left the western country with his Indian wife and children soon after this, and in Eastern Canada in 1812-13, prepared a grand map of the country, which adorned for a number of years the banqueting-room of the bourgeois at Fort WiUiam and is now in the Government buildings at Toronto. In 1814 he definitely left the upper country, and was employed by the Imperial Government in surveying a part of the boundary Une of the United States and Canada. He also surveyed the watercourses between the Ottawa Eiver and Georgian Bay. He Uved for years at the Eiver Eaisin, near WilUamstown, in Upper Canada, and was very poor. At the great age of eighty-seven, he died at Longueil. He was not appreciated as he deserved. His energy, scientific know ledge, experience, and successful work for the Company for 142 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY sixteen years make him one of the most notable men of the period. SIMON FEASEE, FUE-TEADEE AND EXPLOEEE. As we have seen, the entrance by the northern access to the- Pacific slope was confided to Simon Fraser, and we may well, after considering the exploits of David Thompson, refer to those of his colleague in the service. Simon Praser, one of the most daring of the fur-traders, was the son of a Scottish U.E. Loyalist,' who was captured by the Americans at Burgoyne's surrender and who died in prison. The widowed mother took her infant boy to Canada, and Uved near Cornwall. After going to school, the boy, who was of the Eoman Catholic faith, entered the North-West Company at the age of sixteen as a clerk, and early became a bourgeois of the Company. His administrative ability led to his being appointed agent at Grand Portage in 1797. A few years afterwards, Praser was sent to the Athabasca region, which was at that time the point aimed at by the ambitious and determined young Nor'-Westers. By way of Peace Eiver, he undertook to make his journey to the west side of the Eocky Mountains. Leaving the bulk of his command at the Eocky Mountain portage, he pushed on with six men, and reaching the height of land, crossed to the lake, which he called McLeod's, in honour of his prominent partner, Archibald Norman McLeod. Stationing three men at this point, Fraser returned to his command and wintered there. In the spring of 1806 he passed through the mountains, and came upon a river, which he called Stuart Eiver. John Stuart, who was at that time a clerk, was for thirty years afterwards identified with the fur trade. Stuart Lake, in British Columbia, was also called after him. On the Stuart Eiver, Fraser built a post, which, in honour of his fatherland, he called New Caledonia, and this probably led to this great region on the west of the mountains being called New Caledonia. Stuart was left in charge of this post, and Praser went west to a lake, which since that time has been called Fraser Lake. He returned to winter at the new fort. 1 The United Empire Loyalists were those British patriots who- left the United States after the Revolution. THE GREAT EXPLORATION 143 Fraser' s disposition to explore and his success thus far_led the Company to urge their confrere to push on and descend the great Eiver Tacouche Tesse, do^wn which Alexander Mackenzie had gone for some distance, and which was supposed to be the Columbia. It was this expedition which created Eraser's fame. The orders to advance had been brought to him in two canoes by two traders, Jules Maurice- Quesnel and (Hugh) Paries. Lea-ving behind Paries with two men in the new fort, Praser, at the mouth of the Nechaco or Stuart Eiver, where afterward stood Port George, gathered his expedition, and was ready to- depart on his great, we may well call it terrific, voyage, down the river which since that time has borne his name. His company consisted of Stuart, Quesnel, nineteen voyageurs, and two Indians, in four canoes. It is worthy of note that John- Stuart, who was Praser's lieutenant, was in many ways the real leader of the expedition. Having been educated in engineering, Stuart, by his scientific knowledge, was indispen sable to the exploring party. On May 22nd a start was made from the forks. We have in Masson's first volume preserved to us Simon Praser s journal of this remarkable voyage, starting from the Eockies down the river. The keynote to the whole expedition is given us in the seventh line of the journal. "Having proceeded about eighteen miles, we came to a strong rapid which we ran down, nearly -wrecking one of our canoes against a precipice which forms the right bank of the river." A succession of rapids, overhung by enormous heights of perpendicular rocks, made it almost as difficult to portage as it would have been ta risk the passage of the canoes and their loads down the boiling cauldron of the river. Nothing can equal the interest of hearing in the explorer's own words an incident or two of the journey. On the first Wednesday of June he vTrites : "Leaving Mr. Stuart and two men at the lower end of the rapid in order to watch the motions of the natives, I returned with the other four men to the camp. Immediately on my arrival I ordered the five men out of the crews into a canoe lightly loaded, and the canoe was in a moment under way. After passing the first cascade she ^44 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY lost her course and was drawn into the eddy, whirled about for a considerable time, seemingly in suspense whether to sink or swim, the men having no power over her. However, she took a favourable turn, and by degrees was led from this dangerous vortex again into the stream. In this manner she continued, flying from one danger to another, until the last cascade but one, where in spite of every effort, the whirlpools forced her against a low projecting rock. Upon this the men debarked, saved their o-wn lives, and continued to save the property, but the greatest difficulty was still ahead, and to continue by water would be the way to certain destruction. " During this distressing scene, we were on the shore looking -on and anxiously concerned; seeing our poor fellows once more safe afforded us as much satisfaction as to themselves, and we hastened to their assistance ; but their situation Tendered our approach perilous and difficult. The bank was exceedingly high and steep, and we had to plunge our daggers at intervals into the ground to check our speed, as otherwise we were exposed to slide into the river. We cut steps in the -declivity, fastened a line to the front of the canoe, with which some of the men ascended in order to haul it up, while the others supported it upon their arms. In this manner our situation was most precarious ; our lives hung, as it were, upon a thread, as the failure of the line, or a false step of one of the men, might have hurled the whole of us into eternity. How ever, we fortunately cleared the bank before dark." Every day brought its dangers, and the progress was very slow. Finding the navigation impossible, on the 26th Fraser says: "As for the road by land, we could scarcely make our way with even only our guns. I have been for a long period :among the Eocky Mountains, but have never seen anything like this country. It is so wild that I cannot find words to describe our situation at times. We had to pass where no human being should venture ; yet in those places there is a Tegular footpath impressed, or rather indented upon the very rocks by frequent travelling. Besides this, steps which are formed like a ladder by poles hanging to one another, crossed at certain distances with twigs, the whole suspended from the top, furnish a safe and convenient passage to the natives down THE GREAT EXPLORATION 145 these precipices ; but we, who had not had the advantage of their education and experience, were often in imminent danger, when obliged to follow their example." On the right, as the party proceeded along the river, a considerable stream emptied in, to which they gave the name Shaw's Eiver, from one of the principal wintering partners. Some distance down, a great river poured in from the left, making notable forks. Thinking that likely the other expedi tion by way of the Saskatchewan might be on the upper waters of that river at the very time, they caUed it Thompson Eiver, after the worthy astronomer, and it has retained the name ever since. But it would be a mistake to think that the difficulties were passed when the forks of the Thompson Eiver were left behind. TraveUers on the Canadian Pacific Eailway of to-day will remember the great gorge of the Fraser, and how the railway going at dizzy heights, and on strong overhanging ledges of rock, stUl fills the heart with fear. On July 2nd the party reached an arm of the sea and saw the tide ebbing and flo-wing, showing them they were near the ocean. They, however, found the Indians at this part very troublesome. Praser was compelled to follow the native custom, " and pretended to be in a violent passion, spoke loud, with vehement gestures, exactly in their own way, and thus peace and tranquilUty were instantly restored." The explorer was, however, greatly disappointed that he had been prevented by the turbulence of the natives from going do-wn the arm of the sea and looking out upon the Pacific Ocean. He wished to take observations on the sea- coast. However, he got the latitude, and knowing that the Columbia is 46 deg. 20' N., he was able to declare that the river he had followed was not the Columbia. How difficult it is to distinguish small from great actions ! Here was a man making fame for all time, and the idea of the greatness of his work had not da^wned upon him. A short delay, and the party turned northward on July 4th, and with many hardships made their way up the river. On their ascent few things of note happened, the only notable event being the recognition of the fame of the second bourgeois, 146 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Jules Quesnel, by giving his name to a river flowing into the Praser Eiver from the east. The name is still retained, and is. also given to the lake which marks the enlargement of the river. On August 6th, the party rejoined Paries and his men in the fort on Stuart Lake. The descent occupied forty-two- days, and, as explorers have often found in such rivers as the Praser, the ascent took less time than the descent. In this case, their upward journey was but of thirty-three days. Fraser returned to the east in the next year and is found in 1811 in charge of the Eed Eiver district, two years afterward in command on the Mackenzie Eiver, and at Fort William on Lake Superior in 1816, when the Port was taken by Lord Selkirk. After retiring, he lived at St. Andrew's on the Ottawa, and died at the advanced age of eighty-six, having been known as one of the most noted and energetic fur-traders in the history of the companies. Thus we have seen the way in which these two kings of adventure — Praser and Thompson — a few years after Sir Alexander Mackenzie, succeeded amid extraordinary hardships in crossing to the Western Sea. The record of the five trans continental expeditions of these early times is as follows : — (1) Alexander Mackenzie, by the Tacouche Tesse and Bellacoola Eiver, 1793. (2) Lewis and Clark, the American explorers, by the Columbia Eiver, 1805. (3) Simon Fraser by the river that bears his name, formerly the Tacouche Tesse, 1808. (4) David Thompson, by the Columbia Eiver, 1811. (6) The overland party of Astorians, by the Columbia, 1811. These expeditions shed a flood of glory on the Anglo-Saxon name and fame. CHAPTEE XVII. THE X Y COMPANY. " Le Marquis " Suuon McTavish unpopular — Alexander Mackenzie, his rival — Enormous activity of the " Potties " — Why called X Y — Five rival posts at Souris — Sir Alexander, the silent partner — Old Lion of Montreal roused — " Posts of the King " — Schooner sent to Hudson Bay — Nor'-Westers erect two posts on Hudson Bay — Supreme foUy — Old and new Nor'-Westers unite — List of partners. Foe some years the Montreal fur companies, in their com binations and readjustments, had all the variety of the kaleido scope. Agreements were made for a term of years, and when these had expired new leagues were formed, and in every case dissatisfied members went into opposition and kept up the heat and competition without which it is probable the fur trade would have lost, to those engaged in it, many of its charms. In 1795 several partners had retired from the North-West Company and thrown in their lot with the famous firm that we have seen was always inclined to follow its own course — Messrs. Forsyth, Eichardson and Co. For a number of years this independent Montreal firm had maintained a trade in the districts about Lake Superior. The cause of this disruption in the Company was the unpopularity, among the wintering partners especially, of the strong-willed and domineering chief in Montreal — Simon McTa^yish. One set of bourgeois spoke of him derisively as " Le Premier," while others ¦with mock defer ence caUed him " Le Marquis." Sir Alexander Mackenzie had been himself a partner, had resided in the Par West, and he was regarded by aU the traders in the " upper country " as their friend and advocate. Although the discontent was very great when the secession took place, yet the mere bond of self-interest kept many within the old Company. Alexander 148 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Mackenzie most unwillingly consented to remain in the old Company, but only for three years, reserving to himself the right to retire at the end of that time. Notwithstanding their disappointment, and possibly buoyed up with the hope of having the assistance of their former friend at a later period, the members of the X Y Company girt themselves about for the new enterprise in the next year, so that the usual date of this Company is from the year 1795. Whether it was the circumstance of its origination in dislike of " Le Premier," or whether the partners felt the need of greater activity on account of their being weaker, it must be confessed that a new era now came to the fur trade, and the opposition was carried on with a warmth much greater than had ever been known among the old companies. A casual observer can hardly help feeling that while not a member of the new Company at this date, Alexander Mackenzie was probably its active promoter behind the scenes. The new opposition developed without delay. Striking at all the salient points, the new Company in 1797 erected its trading house at Grand Portage, somewhat more than half a mile from the North-West trading house and on the other side of the small stream that there falls into the Bay. A few years after, when the North-West Company moved to Kaministiquia, the X Y also erected a building within a mile of the new fort. The new Company was at some time in its history known as the New North-West Company, but was more commonly called the X Y Company. The origin of this name is accounted for as follows. On the bales which were made up for transport, it was the custom to mark the North-West Company's initials N.W. When the new Company, which was an offshoot of the old, wished to mark their bales, they simply employed the next letters of the alphabet, X Y. They are accordingly not contractions, and should not be ¦written as such. It was the habit of members of the older Company to express their contempt for the secessionists by caUing them the " Little Company " or " the Little Society." In the Athabasca country the rebellious traders were called by their opponents " Potties," probably a corruption of " Les Petits," meaning members of " La Petite Compagnie." When these names were used THE X Y COMPANY 149 by the French Canadian voyageurs, the X Y Company was referred to. However disrespectfully they may have been addressed, the traders of the new Company caused great anxiety both to the North-West Company and to the Hudson's Bay Company, though they regarded themselves chiefly as rivals of the former. Pushing out into the country nearest their base of supplies on Lake Superior, they took hold of the Eed Eiver and Assiniboine region, as well as of the Eed Lake country immediately south of and connected with it. The point where the Souris empties into the Assiniboine was occupied in the same year (1798) by the X Y Company. It had been a favourite resort for all classes of fur- traders, there having been no less than five opposing trading houses at this point four years before. No doubt the presence of the free-trading element such as McCracken and Jussaume, whom we find in the Souris region thus early, made it easier for smaller con cerns to carry on a kind of business in which the great North-West Company would not care to be engaged. Meanwhile dissension prevailed in the North-West Company. The smouldering feeling of dislike between " Le Marquis " and Alexander Mackenzie and the other fur-trading magnates broke out into a flame. As ex-Governor Masson says : " These three years were an uninterrupted succession of troubles, differences, and misunderstandings between these two opposing leaders." At the great gathering at the Grand Portage in 1799, Alex ander Mackenize warned the partners that he was about to quit the Company, and though the winterers begged him not to carry out his threat, yet he remained inexorable. The dis cussion reported to Mr. McTavish was very displeasing to him, and in the following year his usual letter to the gathering written from Montreal was curt and showed much feeling, he saying, " I feel hurt at the distrust and want of confidence that appeared throughout all your deliberations last season." Alexander Mackenzie, immediately after the scene at Grand Portage, crossed over to England, pubUshed his "Voyages," and received his title. He then returned in 1801 to Canada. Flushed with the thought of his successes, he threw himself with great energy into the affairs of the opposing Company, the 15© THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY X Y,or, as it was also now called, that of " Sir Alexander Mac kenzie and Company." If the competition had been warm before, it now rose to fever heat. The brigandage had scarcely any limit ; combats of clerk with clerk, trapper with trapper, voyageur with voyageur, were common. Strong drink became, as never before or since, a chief instrument of the rival com panies in dealing with the Indians. A North-West Company trader, writing from Pembina, says : " Indians daily coming in by small parties ; nearly 100 men here. I gave them fifteen kegs of mixed liquor, and the X Y gave in proportion ; all drinking ; I quarrelled with Little Shell, and dragged him out of the fort by the hair. Indians very troublesome, threatening to level my fort to the ground, and their chief making mischief. I had two narrow escapes from being stabbed by him ; once in the hall and soon after wards in the shop. ' Such were the troubles of competition between the Com panies. The new Company made a determined effort to compete also in the far-distant Peace Eiver district. In October of this year two prominent partners of the new Com pany arrived with their following at the Peace Eiver. One of these, Pierre de Eocheblave, was of a distinguished family, being the nephew of a French officer who had fought on the Monongahela against Braddock. The other was James Leith, who also became a prominent fur-trader in later days. Illustrating the keenness of the trade conflict, John McDonald, of Garth, also says in 1798, writing from the Upper Saskatchewan, "We had here (Fort Augustus), besides the Hudson's Bay Company, whose fort was within a musket shot of ours, the opposition on the other side of the new concern I have aheady mentioned, which had assumed a powerful shape under the name of the X Y Company, at the head of which was the late John Ogilvy in Montreal, and at this establishment Mr. King, an old south trader in his prime and pride as the first among bullies." Sir Alexander Mackenzie did wonders in the management of his Company, but the old lion at Montreal, from his mountain chebteau, showed a remarkable determination, and provided as he was with great wealth, he resolved to overcome at any price THE X Y COMPANY 151 the opposition which he also contemptuously called the " Little Company." In 1802 he, with the skill of a great general, re constructed his Company. He formed a combination which was to continue for twenty years. Into this he succeeded in introducing a certain amount of new blood ; those clerks who had shown ability were promoted to the position of bom-geois or partners. By this progressive and statesmanlike policy, notwithstanding the energy of the X Y Company, the old Company showed all the vigour and enthusiasm of youth. An employe of the North-West Company, Livingston, had a few years before established a post on Slave Lake. Animated with the new spirit of his superiors, he went further north still and made a discovery of silver, but on undertaking to open trade communications with the Eskimos, the trader unfortu nately lost his life. Other expeditions were sent to the Missouri and to the sources of the South Saskatchewan ; it is even said that in this direction a post was established among the fierce tribes of the Bow Eiver, west of the present town of Calgary. Looking out for other avenues for the wonderful store of energy in the North-West Company, the partners took into consideration the development of the vast fisheries of the St. La-wrence and the interior. Simon McTavish rented the old posts of the King- — meaning by these Tadoussac, Chicoutimi, Assuapmousoin, and Mistassini, reached by way of the Saguenay ; and He Jeremie, Godbout, Mingan, Masquaro, and several others along the north shore of the Lower St. La-wrence or the Gulf. The annual rent paid for the King's posts was 1000/. But the greatest flight of the old fur king's ambition was to carry his operations into the forbidden country of the Hudson Bay itself. In furtherance of this policy, in 1803 the North- West Company sent a schooner of 150 tons to the shores of Hudson Bay to trade, and along -with this an expedition was sent by land by way of St. John and Mistassini to co-operate in establishing stations on the Bay. By this movement two posts were founded, one at Charlton Island and the other at the mouth of the Moose Eiver. Many of the partners were 152 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY not in favour of these expeditions planned by the strong-headed old dictator, and the venture proved a financial loss. Simon McTavish, though comparatively a young man, now thought of retiring, and purchased the seigniory of Terrebonne, pro posing there to lead a life of luxury and ease, but a stronger enemy than either the X Y or Hudson's Bay Company came to break up his plans. Death summoned him away in July, 1804. The death of Simon McTavish removed all obstacles to union between the old and new North-West Companies, and propositions were soon made to Sir Alexander Mackenzie and his friends, which resulted in a union of the two Companies. We are fortunate in having preserved to us the agreement by which the two Companies — old and new North-West Com panies — were united. The partners of the old Company were given three-quarters of the stock and those of the new one- quarter. The provisions of the agreement are numerous, but chiefly deal with necessary administration. One important clause is to the effect that no business other than the fur trade, or what is necessarily depending thereon, shall be followed by the Company. No partner of the new concern is to be allowed to have any private interests at the posts outside those of the Company. By one clause the new North-West Company is protected from any expense that might arise from Simon McTavish's immense venture on the Hudson Bay. It may be interesting to give the names of the partners of the two Companies, those who were not present, from being mostly in the interior and whose names were signed by those having powers of attorney from them, being marked Att. NEW NOETH-WEST OE X Y COMPANY. Alex. Mackenzie. Thomas Forsyth, Att. Thomas Forsyth, Att. Late Leith, Jameson & Co. John Richardson. (by Trustees). John Inglis, Att. John Ogilvie. James Fors3rth, Att. P. de Rocheblane, Att. John Mure, Att. Alex. McKenzie, Att. (2). John Forsyth. John Macdonald, Att. Alex. EUice, Att. James Leith, At-t. John HaJdane, Att. John Wills, Att. THE X Y COMPANY 153 OLD NOETH-WEST COMPANY. John Finlay, Att. Wm. Hallowell. Duncan Cameron, Att. Rod. McKenzie. James Hughes, Att. Angus Shaw, Att. Alex. McKay, Att. DI. McKenzie, Att. Hugh McGillis, Att. Wm. McKay, Att. Alex. Henry, Jr., Att. John McDonald, Att. John McGillivray, Att. Donald McTavish, Att. James McKenzie, Att. John McDonnell, Att. Simon Eraser, Att. Arch. N. McLeod, Att. John D. Campbell, Att. Alex. McDougaU, Att. D. Thompson, Att. Chas. Chaboillez, Att. John Thompson, Att. John Sayer, Att. John Gr^ory. Peter Grant, Att. Wm. McGillivray. Alex. Fraser, Att. Duncan McGillivray, Att. .ffineas Cameron, Att. Anyone acquainted in the slightest degree with the early history of Canada will see in these lists the names of legislative councillors, members of Assembly, leaders in society, as well as of those who, in the twenty years following the signing of this agreement, by deeds of daring, exploration, and discovery, made the name of the North-West Company illustrious. These names represent likewise those who carried on that wearisome and disastrous conflict with the Hudson's Bay Company which in time would have ruined both Companies but for the happy union which took place, when the resources of each were well- nigh exhausted. CHAPTEE XVIII. THE LOEDS OF THE LAKES AND POEESTS. — I. New route to Kaminis-tiquia — Vivid sketch of Fort William — " Can- tine Salope " — Lively Christmas week — The feasting partners — Ex-Governor Masson's good work — Four great Mackenzies — A literary bourgeois — Three handsome demoiselles — " The man in the moon" — Story of " Bras Croche" — Around Cape Horn — Astoria taken over — A hot-headed trader — Sad case of " Little Labrie " — Punch on New Year's Day — The heart of a " Vacher." The union of the opposing companies from Montreal led to a great development of trade, and, as we have already seen, to important schemes of exploration. Eoderick McKenzie, the cousin of Sir Alexander, in coming down from Eainy Lake to Grand Portage, heard of a new route to Kaministiquia. We have already seen that Umfreville had found out a circuitous passage from Nepigon to Winnipeg Eiver, but this had been considered impracticable by the fur- traders. Accordingly, when the treaty of amity and commerce made it certain that Grand Portage had to be given up, it was regarded as a great matter when the route to Kaministi quia became known. This was discovered by Mr. Eoderick McKenzie quite by accident. When coming, in 1797, to Canada on leave of absence, this trader was told by an Indian family near Eainy Lake that a little farther north there was a good route for large canoes, which was formerly used by the whites in their trading expeditions. Taking an Indian with him, McKenzie followed this course, which brought him out at the mouth of the Kaministiquia. This proved to be the old French route, for all along it traces were found of their former estab lishments. Strange that a route at one time so well known should be completely forgotten in forty years. THE LORDS OF THE LAKES AND FORESTS 155 In the year 1800 the North-West Company built a fort, called the New Fort, at the mouth of the Kaministiquia, and, abandon ing Grand Portage, moved their headquarters to this point in 1803. In the year after the union of the North-West and X Y Companies the name Port William was given to this estab lishment, in honour of the Hon. William McGilli-vray, who had become the person of greatest distinction in the united North- West Company. As giving us a glimpse of the life of " the lords of the lakes and forests," which was led at Port William, we have a good sketch written by a trader, Gabriel Pranchere, who was a French Canadian of respectable family and began life in a business place in Montreal. At this stage, says a local writer, "the fur trade was at its apogee," and Pranchere was engaged by the Astor Company and went to Astoria. Eeturning over the mountains, he passed Fort WUliam. His book, -written in French, has been translated into English, and is creditable to the -writer, who died as late as 1856 in St. Paul, Minnesota. Pranchere says of Port William, rather inaccurately, that it was built in 1805. This lively writer was much impressed by the trade carried on at this point, and gives the following vivid description : — " Port William has really the appearance of a fort from the palisade fifteen feet high, and also that of a pretty village from the number of buildings it encloses. In the middle of a spacious square stands a large building, elegantly built, though of wood, the middle door of which is raised five feet above the ground plot, and in the front of which runs a long gallery. In the centre of this building is a room about sixty feet long and thirty wide, decorated with several paintings, and some portraits in crayon of a number of the partners of the Company. It is in this room that the agents, the clerks, and the inter preters take their meals at different tables. At each extremity of the room are two small apartments for the partners." " The back part of the house is occupied by the kitchen and sleeping apartments of the domestics. On each side of this building there is another of the same size, but lower ; these are divided lengthwise by a corridor, and contain each twelve 156 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY pretty sleeping rooms. One of these houses is intended for the partners, the other for the clerks. " On the east side of the Fort there is another house intended for the same purpose, and a large building in which furs are examined and where they are put up in tight bales by means of a press. Behind, and still on the same side, are found the lodges of the guides, another building for furs, and a powder magazine. This last building is of grey stone, and roofed in with tin. In the corner stands a kind of bastion or point of observation. " On the west side is seen a range of buildings, some of which serve for stores and others for shops. There is one for dressing out the employes ; one for fitting out canoes ; one in which merchandise is retailed ; another where strong drink, bread, lard, butter, and cheese are sold, and where refreshments are given out to arriving voyageurs. This refreshment consists of a white loaf, a half pound of butter, and a quart of rum. The voyageurs give to this liquor store the name ' Cantine Salope.' " Behind is found still another row of buildings, one of which is used as an office or counting-house, a pretty square building well lighted ; another serves as a store ; and a third as a prison. The voyageurs give to the last the name, ' Pot au beurre.' At the south-east corner is a stone shed roofed with tin. Farther back are the workshops of the carpenters, tinsmiths, black smiths, and their spacious courts or sheds for sheltering the canoes, repairing them, and constructing new ones. " Near the gate of the Fort, which is to the south, are the dwelling-houses of the surgeon and resident clerk. Over the entrance gate a kind of guard-house has been built. As the river is deep enough at its entrance, the Company has had quays built along the Fort as a landing place for the schooners kept on Lake Superior for transporting peltries, merchandise, and provisions from Fort William to Sault Ste. Marie, and vice versa. " There are also on the other side of the river a number of houses, all inhabited by old French-Canadian voyageurs, worn out in the service of the North-West Company, without having become richer by it. Fort WiUiam is the principal factory of the North-West Company in the interior and a general rendezvous of the partners. The agents of Montreal and the THE LORDS OF THE LAKES AND FORESTS 157 proprietors wintering in the north nearly all assemble here every summer and receive the returns, form expeditions, and discuss the interests, of their commerce. "The employes wintering in the north spend also a portion of the summer at Fort William. They form a great encampment to the west, outside the palisades. Those who are only engaged at Montreal to go to Port William or to Eainy Lake, and who do not -winter in the North, occupy another space on the east side. The former give to the latter the name ' mangeurs de lard.' A remarkable difference is observed between the two camps, which are composed of three or four hundred men each. That of the ' mangeurs de lard ' is always very dirty and that of the winterers neat and clean." But the fur-traders were by no means merely business men. Perhaps never were there assemblages of men who feasted more heartily when the work was done. The Christmas week was a holiday, and sometimes the jollity went to a considerable excess, which was entirely to be expected when the hard life of the voyage was taken into consideration. Whether at Fort William, or in the North-West Company's house in St. Gabriel Street, Montreal, or in later day at Lachine, the festive gatherings of the Nor'-Westers were characterized by extravagance and often by hilarious mirth. The luxuries of the Bast and West were gathered for these occasions, and offerings to Bacchus were neither of poor quality nor limited in extent. With Scotch story and Jacobite song, intermingled with " La Claire Fon taine " or " Malbrouck s'en va," those Uvely songs of French Canada, the hours of evening and night passed merrily away. At times when they had been feasting long into the morning, the traders and clerks would sit down upon the feast-room floor, when one would take the tongs, another the shovel, another the poker, and so on. They would arrange themselves in regular order, as in a boat, and, vigorously rowing, sing a song of the voyage ; and loud and long till the early streaks of the East were seen would the rout continue. When the merriment reached such a height as this, ceremony was relaxed, and voyageurs, servants, and attendants were admitted to -witness the wild carouse of the wine-heated partners. We are fortunate in having the daily life of the fur-traders 158 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY from the Lower St. La-wrence to the very shores of the Pacifie Ocean pictured for us by the partners in the " Journals " they have left behind them. Just as the daily records of the monks and others, dreary and uninteresting as many of them at times are, commemorated the events of their time in the " Saxon Chronicle " and gave the material for history, so the journals of the bourgeois, often left unpublished for a generation or two, and the works of some of those who had influence and literary ability enough to issue their stories in the form of books, supply us with the material for reproducing their times. From such sources we intend to give a few sketches of the life of that time. We desire to express the greatest appreciation of the work of ex-Governor Masson, who is related to the McKenzie and Chaboillez families of that period, and who has published no less than fourteen journals, sketches of the time ; of the painstaking writing of an American officer. Dr. Coues, who has with great care and success edited the journals of Alexander Henry, Jr., and such remains as he could obtain of David Thompson, thus supplementing the publication by Charles Lindsey, of Toronto, of an account of Thompson. We acknowledge also the patient collection of material by Tass^ in his " Canadiens de L'Ouest," as well as the interesting journals of Harmon and others, which have done us good service. VALUABLE EEMINISCENCBS. The name of McKenzie (Hon. Eoderick McKenzie) was one to conjure by among the fur-traders. From the fact that there were so many well-known partners and clerks of this name arose the custom, very common in the Highland communities, of giving nicknames to distinguish them. Pour of the McKenzies were " Le Eouge," " Le Blanc," " Le Borgne '' (one-eyed), and " Le Picote " (pock-marked). Sir Alexander was the most notable, and after him his cousin, the Hon. Eoderick, of whom we write. This distinguished man came out as a Highland laddie from Scotland in 1784. He at once entered the ser-vice of the fur company, and made his first journey to the North-West in the next year. His voyage from Ste. Anne, on Montreal Island, THE LORDS OF THE LAKES AND FORESTS 159 up the fur-traders' route, was taken in Gregory McLeod & Co.'s service. At Grand Portage McKenzie was initiated into the mysteries of the partners. Pushed into the North-West, he soon became prominent, and built the most notable post of the upper country. Port Chipewyan. On his marriage he became alUed to a number of the magnates of the fur company. His wife belonged to the popular family of ChaboUlez, two other daughters of which were married, one to the well-known Surveyor-General of Lower Canada, Joseph Bouchette, and another to Simon McTavish, "Le Marquis." Eoderick McKenzie was a man of some literary ability and taste. He purposed at one time writing a history of the Indians of the North-West and also of the North-West Com pany. In order to do this, he sent circulars to leading traders, and thus recei-?ing a number of journals, laid the foundation of the Uterary store from which ex-Governor Masson prepared his book on the bourgeois. Between him and his cousin. Sir Alexander Mackenzie, an extensive correspondence was kept up. Extracts from the letters of the distinguished partner form the burden of the " Eeminiscences " published by Masson. Many of the facts have been referred to in our sketch of Sir Alexander Mackenzie's voyages. For eight long years Eoderick McKenzie remained in the Indian country and came to Canada in 1797. Some two years afterward Sir Alexander Mackenzie left the old Company and headed the X Y Company. At that time Eoderick McKenzie was chosen in the place of his cousin in the North-West Com pany, and this for several years caused a coolness between them. His " Eeminiscences " extend to 1829, at which time he was living in Terrebonne, in Lower Canada. He became a member of the Legislative Council in Lower Canada, and he has a number of distinguished descendants. Eoderick McKenzie closes his interesting " Eeminiscences " with an elaborate and valuable list of the proprietors, clerks, interpreters, &c., of the North-West Company in 1799, gi'ving their distribution in the departments, and the salary paid each. It gives us a picture of the magni tude of the operations of the North-West Company. i6o THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY TALES OP THB NOETH-WEST. Few of the Nor'-Westers aimed at collecting and preserving the folk-lore of the natives. At the request of Eoderick McKenzie, George Keith, a bourgeois who spent a great part of his life very far North, viz. in the regions of Athabasca, Mackenzie Eiver, and Great Bear Lake, sent a series of letters extending from 1807 onward for ten years embodying tales, descriptions, and the history of the Indian tribes of his district. His first description is that of the Beaver Indians, of whom he gives a vocabulary. He writes for us a number of tales of the Beaver Indians, viz. " The Indian Hercules," " Two Lost Women," " The Flood, a Tale of the Mackenzie Eiver," and " The Man in the Moon." One letter gives a good account of the social manners and customs of the Beaver Indians, and another a somewhat complete description of the Eocky Moun tains and Mackenzie Eiver country. Descriptions of the Filthy Lake and Grand Eiver Indians and the Long Arrowed Indians, with a few more letters with reference to the fur trade, make up the interesting collection. George Keith may be said to have wielded the " pen of a ready writer." We give his story of THE MAN IN THE MOON. A Tale, or Tradition, of the Beaver Indians. " In the primitive ages of the world, there was a man and his wife who had no children. The former was very singular in his manner of living. Being an excellent hunter, he lived entirely upon the blood of the animals he killed. This circum stance displeased his wife, who secretly determined to play him a trick. Accordingly, one day the husband went out hunting, and left orders with his wife to boil some blood in a kettle, so as to be ready for supper on his return. When the time of his expected return was drawing nigh, his ¦wife pierced a vein with an awl in her left arm and drew a copious quantity of blood, which she mixed with a greater quantity of the blood of a moose deer, that he should not discover it, and prepared the whole for her husband's supper. " Upon his return the blood was served up to him on a bark dish ; but, upon putting a spoonful to his mouth, he detected THE LORDS OF THE LAKES AND FORESTS i6i the maUce of his wife, and only saying that the blood did not smell good, threw the kettle with the contents about her ears. " Night coming on, the man went to bed and told his wife to observe the moon about midnight. After the first nap, the woman, awaking, was surprised to find that her husband was absent. She arose and made a fire, and, lifting up her eyes to the moon, was astonished to see her husband, with his dog and kettle, in the body of the moon, from which he has never descended. She bitterly lamented her misfortunes during the rest of her days, always attributing them to her maUcious invention of preparing her own blood for her husband's supper." INTEEESTINO AUTOBIOGEAPHY. Among all the Nor'-Westers there was no one who had more of the Scottish pride of family than John McDonald, of Garth, claiming as he did to be descended from the lord of the isles. His father obtained him a commission in the British army, but he could not pass the examination on account of a blemish caused by an accident to his arm. The sobriquet, "Bras Croch " clung to him all his life as a fur trader. Commended to Simon McTa^vish, the young man became his favourite, and in 1791 started for the fur country. He was placed under the experienced trader, Angus Shaw, and passed his first winter in the far-off Beaver Eiver, north of the Saskatchewan, Next ¦winter he visited the Grand Portage, and he tells us that for a couple of weeks he was feasting on the best of everything and the best of fish. Eeturning to the Saskatchewan, he took part in the buUding of Fort George on that river, whence, after wintering, the usual summer journey was made to Grand Portage. Here, he tells us, they " met the gentlemen from Montreal in goodfeUowship." This life continued till 1795. He shows us the state of feeling between the Companies. " It may not be out of the way to mention that on New Year's Day, during the customary firing of musketry, one of our opponent's bullies purposely fired his powder through my window. I, of course, got enraged, and chaUenged him to single combat with our guns ; this was a check upon him ever after." M 1 62 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Eemaining in the same district, by the year 1800 he had, backed as he was by po^werful influence, his sister being married to Hon. William McGillivray, become a partner in the Company. Two years afterward he speaks of old Cuthbert Grant coming to the district, but in the spring, this officer being sick, McDonald fitted up a comfortable boat with an awning in which Grant went to the Kaministiquia, where he died. In 1802, McDonald returned from Fort William and deter mined to build another fort farther up the river to meet a new tribe, the Kootenays. This was " Eocky Mountain House." Visiting Scotland in the year after, he returned to be dispatched in 1804 to EngUsh Eiver, where he was in competition with a Hudson's Bay Company trader. In the next year he went back to the Saskatchewan, saying that, although a very dangerous department, he preferred it. Going up the south branch of the Saskatchewan, he erected the " New Chesterfield House " at the mouth of the Eed Deer Eiver, and there met again a detach ment of Hudson's Bay Company people. In 1806 he, being unweU, spent the year chiefly in Montreal, after which he was appointed to the less exacting field of Eed Eiver. One interesting note is given us as to the Eed Eiver forts. He says, " I established a fort at the junction of the Eed and Assiniboine Eivers and called it ' Gibraltar,' though there was not a rock or a stone within three miles." As we shall see afterwards, the buUding of this fort, which was on the site of the city of Winnipeg, had taken place in the year preceding. With his customary energy in erecting forts, he built one a distance up the Qu'Appelle Eiver, probably Fort Esperance. While do^wn at Port William in the spring, the news came to him that David Thompson was surrounded in the Eocky Mountains by Blackfoot war parties. McDonald volunteered to go to the rescue, and -with thirty chosen men, after many dangers and hardships, reached Thompson in the land of the Kootenays. McDonald was one of the traders selected to go to Britain and thence by the ship Isaac Todd to the mouth of the Columbia to meet the Astor Fur Company. He started in company with THE LORDS OF THE LAKES AND FORESTS 163 Hon. Edward ElUce. At Eio Janeiro McDonald shipped from the Isaac Todd on board the frigate Phoebe. On the west coast of South America they called at "Juan Fernandez, Eobinson Crusoe's Island." They reached the Columbia on November 30th, 1813, and in company with trader McDougaU took over Astoria in King George's name, McDonald becoming senior partner at Astoria. In April, 1814, McDonald left for home across the moun tains, by way of the Saskatchewan, and in due time arrived at Fort WUliam. He came to Sault Ste. Marie to find the fort buUt by the Americans, and reached Montreal amid some dangers. The last adventure mentioned in his journal was that of meeting in Terrebonne Lord Selkirk's party who were going to the North-West to oppose the Nor'-Westers. The veteran spent his last days in the County of Glengarry, Ontario, and died in 1860, between eighty-nine and ninety years of age. His career had been a most romantic one, and he was noted for his high spirit and courage, as well as for his ^ceaseless energy as a trader. TWO JOUENALS AND A DESCEIPTION. James McKenzie, brother of Hon. Eoderick McKenzie, was •a graphic, though somewhat irritable writer with a good style. He has left us "A Journal from the Athabasca Country," a description of the King's posts on the Lower St. La-wrence, -with a journal of a jaunt through the King's posts. This fur trader joined the North-West Company. In 1799 he was at Fort Chipewyan. His descriptions are minute accounts of his doings at his fort. He seems to have taken much interest in his men, and he gives a pathetic account of one of these trappers called " Little Labrie." Labrie had been for six days without food, and was almost frozen to death. He says : " Little Labrie's feet are still soaking in cold water, but retain their hardness. We watched him all last night ; he fainted often in the course of the night, but we always brought him to Ufe again by the help of muUed -wine. Once in parti cular, when he found himself very weak and sick, and thought he was dying he said, ' Adieu ; je m'en vais ; tout mon bien k 'Ceux qui ont soin de moi.' 10th, about twelve o'clock, Labrie 1 64 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY was freed from all his agonies in this world." McKenzie evidently had a kind heart. The candid -writer gives us a picture of New Year's Day, January 1st, 1800. " This morning before daybreak, the men, according to custom, fired two broadsides in honour of the New Year, and then came in to be rewarded with rum, as usual. Some of them could hardly stand alone before they went away ; such was the effect of the juice of the grape on their brains. After dinner, at which everyone helped themselves so plenti fully that nothing remained to the dogs, they had a bowl of punch. The expenses of this day, with fourteen men and women, are : 61^ fathoms Spencer twist (tobacco) 7 flagons rum, 1 ditto wine, 1 ham, a skin's worth of dried meat, about 40 white fish, flour, sugar, &c." McKenzie had many altercations in his trade, and seems to have been of a violent temper. He found fault -with one of the X Y people named Perroue, saying it was a shame for him to call those who came from Scotland " vachers " (cow-boys). He said he did not call all, but a few of them" vachers." I desked him to name one in the North, and told him that the one who served him as a clerk was a 'vacher,' and had the heart of a ' vacher ' since he remained with him." McKenzie has frequent accounts of drunken brawls, from which it is easy to be seen that this period of the opposition of the two Montreal Companies was one of the most dissolute in the history of the fur traders. The fur trader's -violent temper often broke out against employes and Indians aUke. He had an ungovernable dislike to the Indians, regarding them simply as the off-scourings of all things, and for the voyageurs and workmen of his own Company the denunciations are so strong that his violent language was regarded as " sound and fury, signifying nothing." CHAPTEE XIX. THE LOEDS OF THE LAKES AND FOEESTS. — II. Harmon and his book — An honest man — " Straight as an arrow '' — New views — An uncouth giant — " Gaelic, English, French, and Indian oaths "—McDonnell, " Le Pretre " — St. Andrew's Day — "Fathoms of tobacco" — Down the Assiniboine — An entertaining journal— A good editor — A too frank trader — "Gun fired ten yards away'' — Herds of bufl'alo — Packs and pemmican — "The fourth Gospel " — Drowning of Henry — " The weather cleared up " — Lost for forty days — " Cheepe," the corpse — Larocque and the Mandans — McKenzie and his half-breed children. A GOOD TEADEE AND A GOOD BOOK. To those interested in the period we are describing there is not a more attractive character than Daniel Williams Harmon, a native of Vermont, who entered the North-West Company's sdT-vice in the year 1800, at the age of 22. After a number of years spent in the far West, he brought with him on a -visit to New England the journal of his adventures, and this was edited and published by a Puritan minister, Daniel Haskel, of Andover, Massachusetts. Harmon and the book are both somewhat striking, though possibly neither would draw forth universal admiration. The youngest of his daughters is well known to-d^y as a prominent citizen of Ottawa, and has a marked reverence for the memory of her father. Leaving Lachine in the service of McTavish, Frobisher & Co., the young fur trader followed the usual route up th'e Ottawa and reached in due course Grand Portage, which he called "the general rendezvous for the fur traders." He thus describes the fort : " It is twenty-four rods by thirty, is buUt On the margin of the Bay, at the foot of a hiU or mountain of considerable height. Within the fort there is a considerable number of dwelling-houses, shops, and stores : the houses are 1 66 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY surrounded by palisades, which are about eighteen inches in diameter. The other fort, which stands about 200 rods from this, belongs to the X Y Company. It is only three years since they made an estabUshment here, and as yet they have had but little success." Harmon was appointed to follow John McDonald, of Garth, to the Upper Saskatchewan. On the way out, however, Harmon was ordered to the Swan Eiver district. Here he remained for four years, taking a lively interest in all the parts of a trader's life. He was much on the Assiniboine, and passed the sites of Brandon, Portage la Prairie, and Winnipeg of to-day. In October, 1805, Harmon, ha-dng gone to the Saskat chewan, took as what was 'called his " country wife " a French Canadian half-breed girl, aged fourteen. He states that it was the custom of the country for the trader to take a ¦wife from the natives, live with her in the country, and then, on leaving the country, place her and her children ¦(inder the care of an honest man and give a certain amount for her support. As a matter of fact, Harmon, years aiter, on leaving the country, took his native spouse with him, and on Lake Champlain some of his younger children were born. There were fourteen ohildren born to him, and his North-West wife was to her last days a handsome woman, " as straight as an arrow." During Harmon's time Athabasca had not only the X Y Com pany, but also a number of forts of the Hudson's Bay Com pany. Cumberland House was the next place of residence of the fur trader, and at this point the Hudson's Bay Company house was in charge of Peter Fidler. Harmon's journal con tinues with most interesting details of the fur trade, which have the charm of liveUness and novelty. Allusions are constantly made to the leading traders, McDonald, Fraser, Thompson, Quesnel, Stuart., and others known to us in our researches. In the course of time (1810) Harmon found his way over the Eocky Mountain portage and pursued the fur trade in McLeod Lake Fort and Stuart's Lake in New Caledonia, and here we find a fort called, after him, Harmon's Port. His description of the Indians is always graphic, giving many striking customs of the aborigines. About the end of 1813 Harmon's journal is taken up ¦with seriou's religious reflections. He had been troubled with doubts as to tha THE LORDS OF THE LAKES AND FORESTS 167 reality of Christianity. But after reading the Scriptures and such books as he could obtain, he tells us that a new view of things was his, and that his future Ufe became more consistent and useful. He records us a series of the resolutions which he adopted, and they certainly indicate a high ideal on his part. In 1816 he had really become habituated to the upper country. He gives us a glimpse of his family : — " I now pass a short time every day, very pleasantly, in teaching my little daughter Polly to read and spell words in the EngUsh language, in which she makes good progress, though she knows not the meaning of one of them. In conversing ¦with my children I use entirely the Cree Indian language ; with their mother I more frequently employ the French. Her native tongue, however, is more familiar to her, which is the reason why our children have been taught to speak that in preference to the French language." In his journal, which at times fully shows his introspections, he gives an account of the struggle in his own mind about leaving his wife in the country, as was the custom of too many of the clerks and partners. He had instructed her in the principles of Christianity, and by these principles he was bound to her for life. After eight and a half years spent on the west side of the Eocky Mountains, Harmon arrived at Fort William, 1819, having made a journey of three thousand miles from his far-away post in New Caledonia. Montreal was soon after reached, and the journal comes to a close. A BUSY BOUEGEOIS. We have seen the energy and abiUty displayed by John McDonald, of Garth, known as "Le Bras Croch." Another trader, John McDonald, is described by Eoss Cox, who spent his Ufe largely in the Eocky Mountain region. He was kno^wn as McDonald Grand. " He was 6 ft. 4 in. in height, with broad shoulders, large bushy whiskers, and red hair, which he aUowed to grow for years ¦without the use of scissors, and which sometimes, falUng over his face and should^s, gave to his countenance a wild and uncouth appearance." He had a most uncontrollable temper, and in his rage would indulge in a ¦wild medley of GaeUc, English, French, and Indian oaths. 1 68 THE HUDSON'S BAl COMPANY But a third John McDonnell was found among the fur traders. He was a brother of Miles McDonnell, Lord Selkirk's first governor of the Eed Eiver Settlement. John McDonnell was a rigid Eoman CathoUc, and was known as " Le Pr6tre " (" The Priest ") from the fact that on the voyage through the fur country he always insisted on observing the Church fasts along with hig French Canadian employes. McDonneU, on leaving the service of the North-West Company, retired to Point Fortune, on the Otta^wU, and there engaged in trade. We have his journal for the years 1793-6, and it is an ex cellent example of what a typical fur trader's journal would be. It is minute, accurate, and very interesting. During this period he spent his time chiefly in trading up and down the Assini boine and Eed Eivers. A few extracts will show the interesting nature of his journal entries : — Fort Esperance, Oct. 18th, 1793.— NeU McKay set out to build and winter at the Forks of the river (junction of the Qu'Appelle and Assiniboine), alongside of Mr. Peter Grant, who has made his pitch about seven leagues from here. Mr. N. McKay's effects were carried in two boats, managed by five men each. Mr. C. Grant set out for his quarters of Eiver Tremblant, about thirty leagues from here. The dogs made a woeful howling at all the departures. Oct. 19th. — Seventeen warriors came from the banks of the Missouri for tobacco. They slept ten nights on their way, and are emissaries from a party of Assiniboines who went to war upon the Sioux. Oct. 20th. — The warriors traded a few skins brought upon their backs and went off ill pleased with their reception. After dark, the dogs kept up a constant barking, which induced a belief that some of the warriors were lurking about the fort for an opportunity to steal. I took a sword and pistol and went to sleep in the store. Nothing took place. Oct. 31st. — Two of Mr. N. McKay's men came from the forts, supposing this to be All Saints' Day. Eaised a flag-staff, poplar, fifty feet above the ground. Nov. 23rd. — The men were in chase of a white buffalo all day, but could not get within shot of him. Paignant killed two buffalo cows. A mild day. Nov. 30th. — St. Andrew's Day. Hoisted the flag in honour THE LORDS OF THE LAKES AND FORESTS 169 of the titulary saint of Scotland. A beautiful day. Expected Messrs. Peter Grant and Neil McKay to dinner. They sent excuse by Bonneau. Dec. 2nd. — Sent Mr. Peter Grant a To-wn and Country magazine of 1790. Poitras' -wife made me nine pairs of shoes (moccasins). Jan. 1st, 1794. — Mr. Grant gave the men two gallons of rum and three fathoms of tobacco, by the way of New Year's gift. (It is interesting to follow McDonnell on one of his journeys down the Assiniboine.) May 1st. — Sent off the canoes early in the morning. Mr. Grant and I set out about seven. Slept at the Forks of Eiver Qu'AppeUe. May ith. — Killed four buffalo cows and two calves and camped below the Fort of Mountain k La Bosse (near Virden), about two leagues. May 5th. — Arrived at Ange's Eiver La Souris Port (below Brandon). May nth. — Passed Port Des Trembles and Portage La Prairie. May 20th. — Arrived at the Forks Eed Eiver (present city of Winnipeg) about noon. May 2ith. — Arrived at the Lake (Winnipeg) at 10 a.m. May 27th. — Arrived at the Sieur's Port (Port Alexander at the mouth of Winnipeg Eiver). McDonnell also gives in his journal a number of particulars about the Cree and Assiniboine Indians, describing their religion, marriages, dress, dances, and mourning. The reader is struck with the difference in the recital by different traders of the lives lived by them. ' The literary faculty is much more developed in some cases than in others, and John McDonnell was e-vidently an observing and quick-witted man. He belonged to a U. E. Loyalist Scottish famUy that took a good position in the affairs of early Canada. A FULL AND INTEEESTING AUTOBTOGEAPHY. That the first trader of the North-West whom we have described, Alexander Henry, should have been followed in the North-West fur trade by his nephew, Alexander Henry, Jr., is in itself a thing of interest ; but that the younger Henry I70 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY should have left us a most voluminous and entertaining journal is a much greater matter. The copy of this journal is in the Parliamentary Library at Ottawa, and forms two large bound folio volumes of 1642 pages. It is not the original, but is a well-approved copy made in 1824 by George Coventry of Montreal. For many years this manu script has been in the ParliamentaryLibrary, and extracts have been made and printed. Eecently an American -wtiter. Dr. Coues, who has done good service in editing the notable work of Lewis and Clark, and also that of Zebulon S. Pike, has published a digest of Henry's journal and added to it very extensive notes of great value. The greatest praise is due to this author for the skill with which he has edited the journal, and all students of the period are indebted to one so well fitted to accomplish the task. The journal opens, in 1799, with Henry on the waters of a tributary of Lake Manitoba, he having arrived from Grand Portage by the usual fur traders' route. In this place he built a trading house and spent his first winter. In the following year the trader is found on the Eed Eiver very near the forty- ninth parallel of north latitude, and is engaged in estabUshing a post at the mouth of the Pembina Eiver, a tributary of Eed Eiver. At this post Henry remains until 1808, going hither and thither in trading expeditions, establishing new outposts, counter- working the rival traders of the X Y Company, and paying his -visits from time to time to Grand Portage. Henry's entries are made -with singular clearness and realistic force. He recites with the utmost frankness the details of drunken debauchery among the Indians, the plots of one company to outdo the other in trading with the Indians, and the tricks of trade so common at this period in the fur trade. A few examples of his graphic descriptions may be given. " At ten o'clock I came to the point of wood in which the fort was built, and just as I entered the gate at a gallop, to take the road that led to the gate, a gun was fired about ten yards from me, apparently by a person who lay in the long grass. My horse was startled and jumped on one side, snorting and prancing ; but I kept my seat, calling out, ' Who is there ? ' THE LORDS OF THE LAKES AND\ FORESTS 171 No answer was returned. I instantly took my gun from my belt, and cocked her to fire, forgetting she was not loaded and I had no ammunition. I could still see the person running in the grass, and was disappointed in not having a shot at him. I again called out, 'Who is there?' 'C'est moi, bourgeois.' It proved to be one of my men, Charbonneau. I was vexed with him for causing me such consternation." EED EIVEB. '' February 28th, 1801. — Wolves and crows are very numerous, feeding on the buffalo carcasses that lie in every direction. I shot two buffalo cows, a calf, and two bulls, and got home after dark. I was choking] with thirst, having chased the buffalo on snow-shoes in the heat of the day, when the snow so adheres that one is scarcely able to raise the feet. A draught of water was the sweetest beverage I ever tasted. An Indian brought in a calf of this year, which he found dead. It was well grown, and must have perished last night in the snow. This was thought extraordinary ; they say it denotes an early spring. " March 5th. — The buffalo have for some time been wander ing in every direction. My |^ men have raised and put their traps in order for the spring hunt, as the raccoons begin to come out of their winter quarters in the daytime, though they retire to the hollow trees at night. On the 8th it rained for four hours ; fresh meat thawed. On the Oth we saw the first spring bird. Bald eagles we have seen the whole winter, but now they are numerous, feeding on the buffalo carcasses." During the Eed Eiver period Henry made a notable journey in 1806 across the plains to the Mandans on the Missouri. Two years afterward he bids farewell to Eed Eiver and the Assiniboine, and goes to carry on trade in the Saskatchewan. While on the Saskatchewan, which was for three years, he was in charge of important forts, viz. Port VermiUon, Terre Blanche, and the Eocky Mountain House. His energy and acquaintance with the prairie were well sho^wn in his explora tion of this great region, and the long journeys ¦willingly 172 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY undertaken by him. His account of the western prairies, especially of the Assiniboines, is complete and trustworthy. In fact, he rejoices in supplying us with the details of their lives and manners which we might well be spared. A gap of two years from 1811 is found in Henry's journal, but it is resumed in 1813, the year in which he crosses the . Eocky Mountains and is found in the party sent by the North- West Company to check the encroachments on the Columbia of the Astor Fur Company. His account of the voyage on the Pacific is regarded as valuable, and Dr. Coues says some what quaintly : " His work is so important a concordance that if Pranchere, Cox, and Eoss be regarded as the synoptical ¦writers of Astoria, then Henry furnishes the fourth Gospel." After the surrender of Astoria to the North-West Company and its occupation by the British, some of the Nor'-Westers returned. John McDonald of Garth, as we have seen, crossed the mountains. In his journal occurs a significant entry: " Mr. la Eogue brings the melancholy intelligence that Messrs. D. McTavish, Alexander Henry, and five sailors were drowned on May 22nd last, in going out in a boat from Fort George to the vessel called the Isaac Todd." Eoss Cox gives a circumstantial account of this sad accident, though, strange to say, he does not mention the name of Henry, while giving that of D. McTavish. It is somewhat startling to us to find that Henry continued his journal up to the very day before his death, his last sentence being, " The weather cleared up." A TEADEE LOST FOE FOETY DAYS. Lying before the ¦writer is the copy of a letter of John Pritchard of the X Y Company, written in 1805, giving an account of a forty days' adventure of a most thriUing kind. Pritchard was in charge of the X Y Fort at the mouth of the Souris Eiver on the Assiniboine. He had on June 10th gone with one of the clerks up the Eiver Assiniboine, intending to reach Qu'Appelle Port, a distance of 120 miles. All went well till Montague a la Bosse was reached, where there was a THE LORDS OF THE LAKES AND FORESTS 17 j trading house. Going westward, the two traders were separated in looking for the horses. Pritchard lit fires for two days, but could attract no attention. Then he realized that he was lost. Misled by the belts of timber along the different streams, he went along the Pipestone, thinking he was going towards the Assiniboine. In this he was mistaken. Painfully he crept along the river, his strength having nearly gone. Living on frogs, two hawks, and a few other birds, he says at the end of ten days, " I perceived my body completely wasted. Nothing was left me but my bones, covered with a skin thinner than paper. I was perfectly naked, my clothes ha^ving been worn in making shoes, with which I protected my bruised and bleeding feet." Some days after, Pritchard found a nest of small eggs and Uved on them. He says, " How mortifying to me to see the buffalo quenching their thirst in every lake near to which I slept, and geese and swans in abundance, whilst I was dying of hunger in this land of plenty, for want of wherewith to kill.'' After trying to make a hook and Une to fish, and failing ; after being tempted to lie do^wn and give up life, he caught a hen- grouse, which greatly strengthened him, as he cooked and ate it. He had now crossed the Souris Eiver, thinking it to be the Assiniboine, and came upon a great plain where the prairie turnip (Psoralea esculenta) grew plentifully. Pushing south ward, being sustained by the bulbs of this " pomme blanche," as- it is called by the French voyageurs, Pritchard came at length to Whitewater Lake, near Turtle Mountain, and here found two vacant wintering houses of the fur traders. He now was able to identify his locality and to estimate that he was sixty miles directly south of his trading post. His feet, pierced by the spear grass (Stipa spartea), were now in a dreadful condition. He found a pair of old shoes in the vacant fort and several pairs- of socks. He determined to move northward to his fort. Soon he was- met by a band of Indians, who were alarmed at his worn appearance. The natives took good care of him and carried him, at times unconscious, to his fort, which he reached after an absence of forty days. He says, " Picture to yourself a man whose bones are scraped, not an atom of flesh remaining, then. 174 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY over these bones a loose skin, fine as the bladder of an animal ; a beard of forty days' growth, his hair full of filth and scabs. You will then have some idea of what I was." The Hudson's Bay Company officer, McKay, from the neighbouring fort, was exceedingly kind and suppUed his every want. The Cree Indians after this adventure called Pritchard the Manitou or Great Spirit. The Assiniboines called him Cheepe — or the corpse, referring to his wan appearance. For weeks after his return, the miserable trader was unable to move about, but in time recovered, and lived to a good old age on the banks of the Eed Eiver. To the last day of his life he referred to his great deliverance, and was thoroughly of the opinion that his preservation was ;miraculous. ASSINIBOINE TO MISSOUEI. We are fortunate in having two very good journals of journeys made in the early years of the century from the forts at the junction of the Souris and Assiniboine Eiver to the Missouri Eiver. As was described in the case of David Thompson, this was a long and tedious journey, and yet it was at one time within the plans of the North-West Company to xiarry their trade thither. Pew of the French Canadian gentle men entered into the North-West Company. One of these vvho became noted as an Indian trader, was Fran9ois Antoine Larocque, brother-in-law of Quesnel, the companion of Simon Fraser. Of the same rank as himself, and associated with him, was a trader, Charles McKenzie, who entered the North-West Company as a clerk in 1803. The expedition to the Mandans under these gentlemen, left Port Assiniboine on November 11th, 1804, a party in all of seven, and provided -with horses, five of which carried merchan dise for trade. After the usual incidents of this trying journal, the Missouri was reached. The notable event of this journey was the meeting with the American expedition of Lewis and Clark, then on its way to cross overland to the Pacific Ocean. Larocque in his journey gives information about this expedition. Lea-ving Philadelphia THE LORDS OF THE LAKES AND FORESTS 175 in 1803, the expedition, consisting of upward of forty men, had taken till October to reach the Mandans on the Missouri. The purposes of the expedition of Lewis and Clark were : — (1) To explore the territory towards the Pacific and settle the boundary line between the British and American territories. (2) To quiet the Indians of the Missouri by conference and the bestowment of gifts. Larocque was somewhat annoyed by the message given him by Lewis and Clark, that no flags or medals could be given by the North-West Company to the Indians in the Missouri, inasmuch as they were American Indians. Larocque had some amusement at the continual announcement by these leaders that the Indians would be protected so long as they should behave as dutiful children to the great father, the president of the United States. In the spring the party returned, after vnntering on the Missouri. In 1805, during the summer, another expedition went to the Missouri ; in 1806, Charles McKenzie went in February to the Mandans, and, returning, made a second journey in the same year to the Missouri. The account given by McKenzie of the journeys of 1804-6 is an exceedingly well -written one, for this leader was fond of study, and, we are told, delighted especially in the history of his native land, the highlands of Scotland. Charles McKenzie had married an Indian woman, and became thoroughly identified -with the North-West. He was fond of his native children, and stood up for their recognition on the same plane as the white children. After the union of the North-West Company and the Hudson's Bay Company, the EngUsh influence largely prevailed. Thinking that his son, who was well educated at the Eed Eiver Seminary, was not sufficiently recognized by the Company, McKenzie wrote bitterly, "It appears the present concern has stamped the Cain mark upon aU born in this country. Neither education nor abilities serve them. The Honourable Company are unwilling to take natives, even as apprenticed clerks, and the favoured few they do take can never aspire to a higher status, be their education and capacity what they may." McKenzie continued the fur trade until 1846, when he retired and settled on the Eed Eiver. His son. Hector McKenzie, now 176 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY dead, was well kno-wn on the Eed Eiver, and accompanied one of the explorations to thq far north. Larocque did not continue long in the fur trade, but went to Montreal and embarked in business in which he was very unsuccessful. He spent the last years of his life in retirement and close study, and died in the Grey nunnery in a Lower Canadian parish. CHAPTEE XX. THE LOEDS OF THE LAKES AND FOEESTS. — III. Dashing French trader — " The country of fashion " — An air of great superiority — The road is that of heaven — Enough lo in timidate a Csssar — " The Bear " and the " Little Branch " — Yet more rum — A great Irishman — "In the wigwam of Wabogish dwelt his beautiful daughter" — Wedge of gold — Johnston and Henry Schoolcraft— Duncan Cameron on Lake Superior — His views of trade — Peter Grant, the ready writer — Paddling the canoe — Indian folk-lore — Chippewa burials — Remarkable men and great financiers, marvellous explorers, facile traders. A DASHING FEENCH TEADEE — FEANgOIS VICTOE MALHIOT. A GAY and inteUigent French lad, taken with the desire of leading the Ufe of the traders in the " upper country" {pays d'en haut), at the age of fifteen deserted school and entered the North-West Company. In 1796, at the age of twenty, he was promoted to a clerkship and sent to a post in the upper part of the Eed Eiver country. On account of his inferior education he was never advanced to the charge of a post in the Com pany's service, but he was always noted for his courage and the great energy displayed by him in action. In 1804 Malhiot was sent to Wisconsin, where he carried on trade. For the North-West Company there he built a fort and waged a -vigorous warfare with the other traders, strong drink being one of the most ready weapons in the contest. In 1801 the trader married after the " country fashion " (d la faqon du pays), i.e. as we have explained, he had taken an Indian woman to be his wife, -with the understanding that when he retired from the fur trade, she should be left pro^vided for as to her li-ving, but be free to marry another. Malhiot tired of the fur trade in 1807 and returned to Lower Canada, where he lived till his death. Malhiot's Indian wife N 178 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY was afterwards twice married, and one of her sons by the third marriage became a member of the Legislature in Lower Canada. A brother of Malhiot's became a colonel in the British army in India, and another brother was an influential man in his native province. Few traders had more adventures than this French Canadian. Stationed west of Lake Superior, at Lac du Flambeau, Malhiot found himself surrounded by men of the X Y Company, and he assumed an air of great superiority in his dealings with the Indians. Two of his companions introduced him to the savages as the brother of WiUiam McGUlivray, the head of the North-West Company. He says, " This thing has produced a very good effect up to the present, for they never name me otherwise than as their 'father.' I am glad to believe that they -will respect me more than they otherwise would have done, and will do themselves the honour of trading with me this winter." Speaking of the rough country through which he was passing, Malhiot says, " Of all the passages and places that Ihave been able to see during the thirteen years in which I travelled, this is the most frightful and unattractive. The road of the portage is truly that of heaven, for it is straight, full of obstacles, slippery places, thorns, and bogs. The men who pass it loaded, and who are obliged to carry over it bales, certainly deserve the name of 'men.' " This villainous portage is only inhabited by owls, because no other animal could find its living there, and the cries of these solitary birds are enough to frighten an angel and to intimidafe a Csesar." Malhiot maintained his dignified attitude to the Indians and held great conferences with the chiefs, always with an eye to the improvement of trade. To one he says: — "My Fathee, — It is with great joy that I smoke in thy pipe of peace and that I receive thy word. Our chief trader at Kaministiquia will accept it, I trust, this spring, with satisfac tion, and he will send thee a mark of his friendship, if thou dost continue to do well. So I take courage ! Only be as one and look at the fort of the X Y from a distance if thou dost wish to attain to what thou desirest." THE LORDS OF THE LAKES AND FORESTS ijg In April, 1805, the trader says, " My people have finished fcuilding my fort, and it is the prettiest of any in the Indian •country. Long live the North-West Company! Honour to Malhiot!" Malhiot gives a very sad picture of the degeneracy of the trade at this time, produced by the use of strong drink in gaining the friendship of the Indians. A single example may suffice to show the state of affairs. April 2Qth. — "The son of 'Whetstone,' brother-in-law of •Chorette, came here this evening and made me a present of one otter, 16 rats, and 12 lbs. of sugar, for which I gave him 4 pots of rum. He made them drunk at Chorette's with the 'Indians,' the 'Bear,' and 'the Little Branch.' When they were weU intoxicated, they cleared the house, very nearly killed Chorette, shot La Lancette, and broke open the store-house. They carried away two otters, for which I gave them more Tum this morning, but without knowing they had been stolen. All this destruction occurred because Chorette had promised them more rum, and that he had not any more." Malhiot's journal closes with the statement that after a long journey from the interior he and his party had camped in view of the island at Grand Portage. AN lEISHMAN OP DISTINCTION. In the conflict of the North-West, X Y, and Hudson's Bay ¦Companies, it is interesting to come upon the life and writing of .an Irishman, a man of means, who, out of love for the wilds of Lake Superior, settled down upon its shores and became a " free trader," as he was called. This was John Johnston, who came to Montreal, enjoyed the friendship of Sir Guy Carleton, the Governor of Canada, and hearing of the romantic life of the fur traders, plunged into the interior, in 1792 settled at La Pointe, on the south side of Lake Superior, and established himself as -an independent trader. A gentleman of birth and education, Johnston seems to have possessed a refined and even religious •spirit. Filled with high thoughts inspired by a rocky and romantic island along the shore, he named it " Contemplation Island." Determined to pass his life on the rocky but pictur- •esque shores of Lake Superior, Johnston became friendly with i8o THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY the Indian people. The old story of love and marriage comes in here also. The chief of the region was Wabogish, the " White Fisher," whose power extended as far west as the Mississippi. In the wigwam of Wabogish dwelt his beautiful daughter. Her hand had been sought by many young braves, but she had refused them all. The handsome, sprightly Irish man had, however, gained her affections, and proposed to her father for her. Writing long afterward he describes her as she was when he first saw her, a year after his arrival on the shores of Lake Superior. "Wabogish or the 'White Fisher,' the chief of La Pointe, made his sugar on the skirts of a high mountain, four days' march from the entrance of the river to the south-east. His eldest daughter, a girl of fourteen, exceed ingly handsome, with a cousin of hers who was two or three years older, rambling one day up the eastern side of the moun tain, came to a perpendicular cliff exactly fronting the rising sun. Near the base of the cliff they found a piece of yellow metal, as they called it, about eighteen inches long, a foot broad, four inches thick and perfectly smooth. It was so heavy that they could raise it only with great difficulty. After examining it for some time, it occurred to the eldest girl that it belonged to the ' Gitche Manitou,' ' The Great Spirit,' upon which they abandoned the place with precipitation. " As the Chippewas are not idolaters, it occurs to me that some of the southern tribes must have emigrated thus far to the North, and that the piece either of copper or of gold is part of an altar dedicated to the sun. If my conjectm-e is right, the slab is more probably gold, as the Mexicans have more of that metal than they have of copper." The advances of Johnston toward chief Wabogish for marriage to his daughter were for a time resisted by the forest magnate. Afraid of the marriages made after the country fashion, he advised Johnston to return to his native country for a time. If, after a sufficient absence, his affection for his daughter should still remain strong, he would consent to their marriage. Johnston returned to Ireland, disposed of his property, and came back to Lake Superior to claim his bride. Johnston Settled at Sault Ste. Marie, where he had a " very considerable establishment -with extensive plantations of corn THE LORDS OF THE LAKES AND FORESTS i8i and vegetables, a beautiful garden, a comfortable house, a good Ubrary, and carried on an important trade." Durmg the war of 1814 he co-operated vrith the British commandant, Colonel McDonald, in taking the island of Michilimackinac from the Americans. WhUe absent, the American expedition landed at Sault Ste. Marie, and set fire to Johnston's house, stables, and other buUdings, and these were burnt to the ground, his wife and chUdren vie-wing the destruc tion of their home from the neighbouring woods. Masson says : " A few years afterwards, Mr. Johnston once more visited his native land, accompanied by his -wife and his eldest daughter, a youn'g lady of surpassing beauty. Every inducement was offered to them to remain in the old country, the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland having even offered to adopt their daughter. They preferred, however, returning to the shores of Lake Superior, where Miss Johnston was married to Mr. Henry Schoolcraft, the United States Indian agent at Sault Ste. Marie, and the distinguished author of the ' History of the Indian Tribes of the United States.' " Mr. Johnston wrote " An Account of Lake Superior " at the request of Eoderick McKenzie. This we have, but it is chiefly a geographical description of the greatest of American lakes. Johnston died at Sault Ste. Marie in 1828." A DETEEMINED TEADEE OF LAKE SUPBEIOE. A most daring and impulsive Celt was Duncan Cameron. He and his family were Scottish U. E. LoyaUsts from the Mohawk Eiver in New York State. As a young man he entered the fur trade, and was despatched to the region on Lake Superior to serve under Mr. Shaw, the father of Angus Shaw, of whom we have already spoken. In 1786 Cameron became a clerk and was placed in charge of the Nepigon district, an important field for his energies. Though this region was a difficult one, yet by hard work he made it remunerative to his Company. Speaking of his Ulness, caused by exposure, he says, in ¦writing a letter to his friend, " I can assure you it is with great difficulty I can hold my pen, but I must teU you that the X Y sends into the Nepigon this i82 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY year ; therefore, should I leave my bones there, I shall go to- winter." In response to the application of Eoderick McKenzie, Duncan Cameron sent a description of the Nepigon districti and a journal of one of his journeys to the interior. Prom these we may give a few extracts. Passing over his rather full and detailed account of Saulteaux Indians of this region, we find that he speaks in a journal which is in a very damaged condition, of his visit to Osnaburgh Fort, a Hudson's Bay Company fort built in 1786, and of his decision to send a party to trade in the interior. There is abundant evidence of the great part played by strong drink at this time in the fur country. " Cotton Shirt, a haughty Indian chief, has always been very faithful to me these several years past. He is, without ex ception, the best hunter in the whole department, and passes as having in consequence great influence over me. One of his elder brothers spoke next and said that he was now gro^wn up to a man ; that ' his fort,' as he calls Osnaburgh, was too far off for the winter trade ; that if I left anyone here, he would come to them with winter skins ; he could not live without getting drunk three or four times at least, but that I must leave a clerk to deal with him, as he was above trading with any young under-strappers. I told him that if I consented to leave a person here, I would leave one that had both sense and knowledge enough to know how to use him well, as also any other great man. ^ This Indian had been spoiled by the H. B. people at Osnaburgh Fort, where he may consider him master. He had been invited to dine there last spring." " This great English partisan, a few weeks ago, had his nose bit off by his son-in-law at the door of what he caUs ' his fort.' He is not yet cured, and says that a great man like him must not get angry or take any revenge, especially when he stands in awe of the one who ill-used him, for there is nothing an Indian wUl not do rather than admit himself to be a coward." " My canoe was very much hampered ; I put a man and his wife in the small canoe and embarked in the other smaU canoe vrith my guides, after gi-ring some Uquor to the old man audi THE LORDS OF THE LAKES AND FORESTS 183 his sons, who must remain here to-day to try and pack all their three canoes. We went on as weU as we could against a cold head wind till the big canoe got on a stone which nearly upset her and tore a piece two feet square out of her bottom. She filled immediately, and the men and goods were all in danger of going to the bottom before they reached the shore ; notwith standing their efforts, she sank in three feet of water. We hastened to get everything out of her, but my sugar and their molasses were damaged, but worse than all, my powder, which I immediately examined, was considerably damaged." "Having decided to establish a fort, we all set to work; four men to build, one to square boards for the doors, timber for the floors, and shelves for the shops, the two others to attend the rest. . . . There are now eight Indians here, all drunk and very troublesome to my neighbour, who, I believe, is as drunk as themselves ; they are all very civil to me, and so they may, for I am gi-ring them plenty to drink, without getting anything from them as yet." " This man (an Indian from Eed Lake) tells me that the EngUsh (H. B. Co.), the X Y, and Mr. Adhemar (a free trader) were striving who would squander the most and thereby please the Indians best, but the consequence will be that the Indians will get all they want for half the value and laugh at them all, in the end. He told me that an Indian, who I know very well to have no influence on anyone but himself, got five kegs of mist high wines to himself alone between the three houses and took 200 skins credit ; that all the Indians were fifteen days without getting sober. I leave it to any rational being to judge what that Indian's skins -will cost." "Another circumstance which will tend to injure the trade very much, so long as we have the Hudson's Bay Company against us, is the premium they allow every factor or master on whatever number of skins they obtain. Those people do not care at what price they buy or whether their employes gain by them, so long as they have their premium, which sets them in opposition to one another almost as much as they are to us. The honourable Hudson's Bay Company proprietors very Uttle knew their own interest when they first aUowed this interest to their ' officers,' as they call them, as it certainly had 1 84 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY not the desired effect, for, if it added some to their exertions, it led in a great degree to the squandering of their goods, as they are in general both needy and selfish." PETEE GEANT, THE HISTOEIOGEAPHEE. WhUe many journals and sketches were forwarded to Mr. Eoderick McKenzie, none of them were of so high a character in completeness and style as that of Mr. Peter Grant on the Saulteaux Indians. Peter Grant, as quite a young man at the age of twenty, joined the North-West Company in 1784. Seven years afterward he had become a partner, had charge of Eainy Lake district, and afterward that of the Eed Eiver department. His sketch of the Indians marks him as a keen observer and a facile writer. Some of his descriptions are excellent : — " The fruits found in this country are the wild plum, a small sort of wild cherry, wild currants of different kinds, gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries, brambleberries, blackberries, choke cherries, wild grapes, sand cherries, a delicious fruit which grows on a small shrub near sandy shores, and another blue berry, a fine fruit not larger than a currant, tasting much like a pear and growing on a small tree about the size of a wiUow. (No doubt the Saskatoon berry. — Ed.) In the swamps you find two kinds of cranberries. Hazel nuts, but of very in ferior quaUty, grow near the banks of the rivers and lakes. A kind of wild rice grows spontaneously in the small muddy creeks and bays." " The North-West Company's canoes, manned with five men, carry about 3000 lbs. ; they seldom draw more than eighteen inches of water and go generally at the rate of six miles an hour in calm weather. When arrived at a portage, the bow man instantly jumps in the water to prevent the canoe from touching the bottom, while the others tie their slings to the packages in the canoe and s-wing them on their backs to carry over the portage. The bow-man and the steersman carry their canoe, a duty from which the middle men are exempt. The whole is conducted with astonishing expedition, a necessary consequence of the enthusiasm which always attends their long and perilous voyages. It is pleasing to see them, when the weather is calm and serene, paddling in their canoes, singing THE LORDS OF THE LAKES AND FORESTS 185 in chorus their simple, melodious strains, and keeping exact time with their paddles, which effectually beguUes their labours. When they arrive at a rapid, the guide or foreman's business is to explore the waters previous to their running down with their canoes, and, according to the height of the water, they either lighten the canoe by taking out part of the cargo and carry it overland, or run down the whole load." Speaking of the Saulteaux, Grant says, "The Saulteaux are, in general, of the common stature, well proportioned, though inclining to a slender make, which would indicate more agUity than strength. Their complexion is a whitish cast of the copper colour, their hair black, long, straight, and of a very strong texture, the point of the nose rather flat, and a certain fulness in the Ups, but not sufficient to spoil the appearance of the mouth. The teeth, of a beautiful ivory white, are regular, weU set, and seldom fail them even in the most ad vanced period of life ; their cheeks are high and rather promi nent, their eyes black and lively, their countenance is generally pleasant, and the symmetry of their features is such as to constitute what can be called handsome faces. " Their passions, whether of a benevolent or mischievous tendency, are always more -riolent than ours. I believe this has been found to be the case with all barbarous nations who never cultivate the mind; hence the cruelties imputed to savages, in general, towards their enemies. Though these people cannot be acquitted from some degree of that ferocious barbarity which characterizes the savages, they are, however, fre'e from that deliberate cruelty which has been so often im puted to other barbarous natives. They are content to kill and scalp their enemy, and never reserve a prisoner for the refined tortures of a Ungering and cruel death." " The Saulteaux have, properly speaking, no regular system of government and but a very imperfect idea of the different ranks of society so absolutely necessary in all civUized countries. Their leading men or chief magistrates are petty chiefs, whose dignity is hereditary, but whose authority is con fined within the narrow circle of their own particular tribe or relatives. There are no established laws to enforce obedience ; all is voluntary, and yet, such is their confidence and respect 1 86 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY for their chiefs, that instances of mutiny or disobedience to orders are very rare among them. "As to religion, Gitche Manitou, or the 'Master of Life,' claims the first rank in their devotion. To him they attri bute the creation of the heavens, of the waters, and of that portion of the earth beyond the sea from which white people come. He is also the author of Ufe and death, taking pleasure in promoting the happiness of the virtuous, and having, Uke- wise, the power of punishing the wicked. Wiskendjac is next in power. He is said to be the creator of aU the Indian tribes, the country they inhabit and all it contains. The last of their deities is called Matchi-Manitou, or the 'Bad Spirit.' He is the author of evil, but subject to the control of the Gitche Manitou. Though he is justly held in great detestation, it is thought good poUcy to smooth his anger by singing and beating the drum. " When Ufe is gone, the body of the dead is addressed by some friend of the deceased in a long speech, in which he begs of him to take courage, and pursue his journey to the Great Meadow, observing that all his departed friends and relations are anxiously waiting to receive him, and that his surviving friends wUl soon follow. " The body is then decently dressed and -wrapped in a new blanket, -with new shoes, garnished and painted with vermUion, on the feet. It is kept one night in the lodge, and is next day buried in the earth. After burial they either raise a pole of wood over the grave, or enclose it -with a fence. At the head of the grave a small post is erected, on which they carve the particular mark of the tribe to whom the deceased belonged. The bodies of some of their most celebrated chiefs are raised Upon a high scaffold, with flags flying, and the scalps of their enemies. It is customary with their warriors, at the funeral of their great men, to strike the post and relate all their martial achievements, as they do in the war dance, and their funeral ceremonies generally conclude by a feast round the grave." Grant, in 1794, built the post on the Assiniboine at the mouth of SheU Eiver, and five years afterward was in charge of the fort on the Eainy Lake. About the same time he erected a post, probably the first on the Eed Eiver, in the neighbourhood THE LORDS OF THE LAKES AND FORESTS 187 of the present vUlage of St. Vincent, near 49° N. Lat., opposite Pembina. He seems to have been in the Indian country in 1804, and, settUng in Lower Canada, died at Lachine in 1848, at the grand old age of eighty-four. Thus have we sought to sketch, from their own -writings, pictures of the lords of the fur trade. They were a remarkable body of men. Great as financiers, marvellous as explorers, facile as traders, brave in their spirits, firm and yet tactful in their management of the Indians, and, except during the short period from 1800-1804, anxious for the welfare of the Eed men. Looking back, we wonder at their daring and loyalty, and can weU say with Washington Irving, " The feudal state of Fort WilUam is at an end ; its council chamber is silent and desolate ; its banquet-hall no longer echoes to the auld world ditty ; the lords of the lakes and forests have passed away." CHAPTEE XXI. THE IMPULSE OF UNION. North-West and X Y Companies unite — Kecalls the Homeric period — Feuds forgotten — Men perform prodigies — The new fort re- christened — Vessel from Michilimackinac — The old canal — WUls builds Fort Gibraltar — A lordly sway — The "Beaver Club" — Sumptuous table — Exclusive society — " Fortitude in Distress " — Political leaders in Lower Canada. To the termination of the great conflict between the North- West and the X Y Companies we have already referred. The death of Simon McTavish removed a difficulty and served to unite the traders. The experience and standing of the old Company and the zeal and vigour of the new combined to inspire new hope. Great plans were matured for meeting the opposition of the Hudson's Bay Company and extending the trade of the Company. The explorations of Da-rid Thompson and Simon Fraser, which, as we have seen, produced such great results in New Caledonia, while planned before, were now carried forward -with renewed vigour, the enterprise of the Nor'-Westers being the direct result of the union. The heroic deeds of these ex plorers recall to us the adventurous times of the Homeric period, when men performed prodigies and risked their lives for glory. The explanation of this hearty co-operation was that the old and new Companies were very closely alUed. Brothers and cousins had been in opposite camps, not because they disliked each other, but because their leaders could not agree. Now the feuds were forgotten, and, -with the enthusiasm of their Celtic natures, they would attempt great things. The " New Fort," as it had been called, at the mouth of the Kaministiquia, was now re-christened, and the honoured name THE IMPULSE OF UNION 189 of the chieftain McGilU-vray was given to this great depot — Port WiUiam. It became a great trading centre, and the additions required to accommodate the increased volume of business and the greater number of employes, were cheerfully made by the united Company. Standing within the great solitudes of Thunder Bay, Fort WiUiam became as celebrated in the annals of the North-West Company, as York or Albany had been in the history of the Hudson's Bay Company. A vessel came up from Lake Erie, bringing supplies, and, calling at MichiUmackinac, reached the Sault Ste. Marie. Boats which had come down the canal, built to avoid the St. Mary Eapids, here met this vessel. From the St. Mary Eiver up to Port William a schooner carried cargoes, and increased the profits of the trade, while it protected many from the dangers of the route. The whole trade was systematized, and the trading houses, duplicated as they had been at many points, were combined, and the expenses thus greatly reduced. As soon as the Company could fully lay its plans, it deter mined to take hold in earnest of the Eed Eiver district. Accordingly we see that, under instructions from John McDonald, of Garth, a bourgeois named John Wills, who, we find, had been one of the partners of the X Y Company, erected at the junction of the Eed and Assiniboine Eivers, on the point of land, a fort caUed Fort Gibraltar. WiUs was a year in building it, having under him twenty men. The stockade of this fort was made of " oak trees split in two." The wooden picketing was from twelve to fifteen feet high. The foUowing is a list of buildings enclosed in it, with some of their dimensions. There were eight houses in all; the residence of the bourgeois, sixty-four feet in length ; two houses for the servants, respectively thirty-six and twenty-eight feet long ; one store thirty-two feet long ; a blacksmith's shop, stable, kitchen, and an ice-house. On the top of the ice-house a watch-tower (guerite) was built. John WiUs continued to live in this fort up tt) the time of his death a few years later. Such was the first buUding, so far as we know, erected on the site of the City of the Plains, and which was foUowed first by Fort Douglas I90 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY and then by Port Garry, the chief fort in the interior of Eupert's Land. It was to this period in the history of the United Company that Washington Irving referred when he said : " The partners held a lordly sway over the wintry lakes and boundless forests of the Canadas almost equal to that of the East India Company over the voluptuous climes and magnificent realms of the Orient." Some years before this, a very select organization had been formed among the fur traders in Montreal. It was known as the " Beaver Club." The conditions of the membership were very strict. They were that the candidate should have spent a period of service in the " upper country," and have obtained the unanimous vote of the members. The gatherings of the Club were very notable. At their meetings they assembled to recall the prowess of the old days, the dangers of the rapids, the miraculous deliverances accomplished by their canoe men, the disastrous accidents they had witnessed. Their days of feasting were long remembered by the in habitants of Montreal after the club had passed away. The sumptuous table of the Club was always open to those of rank or distinction who might visit Montreal, and the approval of the Club gave the entry to the most exclusive society of Montreal. Still may be met with in Montreal pieces of silverware and glassware which were formerly the property of the " Beaver Club," and even large gold medals bearing the motto, "Forti tude in Distress," used by the members of the Club on their days of celebration. It was at this period that the power of the fur trading magnates seemed to culminate, and their natural leadership of the French Canadians being recognized in the fur trade, many of the partners became political leaders in the affairs of Lower Canada. The very success of the new Company, however, stirred up, as we shall see, opposition movements of a much more serious kind than they had ever had to meet before. Sir Alexander Mackenzie's book in 1801 had awakened much interest in Britain and now stimulated the movement by Lord Selkirk which led to the absorption of the North-West THE IMPULSE OF UNION 191 Company. The social and commercial standing of the partners started a movement in the United States which aimed at wresting from British hands the territory of New Caledonia, vyhich the energy of the North-West Company of explorers had taken possession of for the British cro-wn. It will, however, be to the glory of the North-West Company that these powerful opposition movements were mostly rendered efficient by the employment of men whom the Nor'-Westers had trained ; and the methods of trade, borrowed from them by these opponents, were those continued in the after conduct of the fur trade that grew up in Eupert's Land and the Indian territories beyond. CHAPTEE XXII. THE ASTOE FUE COMPANY. Old John Jacob Astor— American Fur Company— The Missouri Company— A line of posts— Approaches the Russians— Nego- ciates with Nor'-Westers— Fails— Pour North-West officials join Astor— Songs of the voyageurs— True Britishers— Voyage of the Tonguin—RoUidkmg Nor'-Westers in Sandwich Islands- Astoria built— David Thompson appears— Terrible end of the Tovguin — Aster's overland expedition — Washington Irving's " Astoria, a romance "—The Beaver rounds the Cape— McDougaU and his small-pox phial— The Beaver sails for Canton. Among those who came to Montreal to trade ¦with the Nor'- Westers and to receive their hospitality was a German merchant of New York, named John Jacob Astor. This man, who is the ancestor of the distinguished famUy of Astors at the present time in New York, came over from London to the New World and immediately began to trade in furs. For several years Astor traded in Montreal, and shipped the furs purchased to London, as there was a law against exporting from British possessions. After Jay's treaty of amity and commerce (1794) this restriction was removed, and Astor took Canadian furs to the United States, and even exported them to China, where high prices ruled. While Aster's ambition led him to aim at controUing the fur trade in the United States, the fact that the western posts, such as Detroit and MichiUmackinac, had not been surrendered to the United States till after Jay's treaty, had allowed the British traders of these and other posts of the West to strengthen themselves. Such daring traders as Murdoch Cameron, Dickson, Fraser, and Eolette could not be easUy beaten on the ground where they were so familiar, and where they had gained such an ascendancy over the Indians. The THE ASTOR FUR COMPANY 193 Mackinaw traders were too strong for Astor, and the hope of overcoming them through the agency of the " American Fur Company," which he had founded va. 1809, had to be given up by him. What could not be accomplished by force could, however, be gained by negotiation, and so two years afterward, with the help of certain partners from among the Nor'-Westers in Montreal, Astor bought out the Mackinaw traders (1811), and established what was called the " South-West Company." During these same years, the St. Louis merchants organized a company to trade upon the Missouri and Nebraska Eivers. This was known as the Missouri Company, and with its 260 men it pushed its trade, until in 1808, one of its chief traders crossed the Eocky Mountains, and built a fort on the western slope. This was, however, two years afterward given up on account of the hostiUty of the natives. A short time after this, the Company passed out of existence, leaving the field to the enterprising merchant of New York, who, in 1810, organized his well-known " Pacific Pur Company." During these eventful years, the resourceful Astor was, with the full knowledge of the American Government, steadily advancing toward gaining a monopoly of the fur trade of the United States. Jonathan Carver, a British officer, had, more than thirty years before this, in company with a British Member of Parliament named Whitworth, planned a route across the continent. Had not the American Eevolution commenced they would have buUt a fort at Lake Pepin in Minnesota, gone up a tributary of the Mississippi to the West, tiU they could cross, as they thought would be possible, to the Missouri, and ascending it have reached the Eocky Mountain summit. At this point they expected to come upon a river, which they called the Oregon, that would take them to the Pacific Ocean. The plan projected by Carver was actually carried out by the well-kno^wn explorers Lewis and Clark in 1804-6. Astor's penetrating mind now saw the situation clearly. He would erect a Une of trading posts up the Missouri Eiver and across the Eockies to the Columbia Eiver on the Pacific Coast, and while those on the east of the Eockies would be supplied from St. Louis, he would send ships to the mouth of the Columbia, 194 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY and provide for the posts on the Pacific slope from the West. With great skill Astor made approaches to the Eussian Fur Company on the Pacific Coast, offering his ships to supply their forts with all needed articles, and he thus estabUshed a good feeling between himself and the Eussians. The only other element of danger to the mind of Astor was the opposition of the North-West Company on the Pacific Coast. He knew that for years the Montreal merchants had had their eye on the region that their partner. Sir Alexander Mackenzie, had discovered. Moreover, their agents, Thompson, Fraser, Stuart, and Finlay the younger, were trading beyond the summit of the Eockies in New Caledonia, but the fact that they were farther. North held out some hope to Astor that an arrangement might be made with them. He accordingly broached the subject to the North-West Company and proposed a combination with them similar to that in force in the co operation in the South-West Company, viz. that they should take a one-third interest in the Pacific Pur Company. After certain correspondence, the North-West Company decUned the offer, no doubt hoping to forestall Astor in his occupation of the Columbia. They then gave orders to David Thompson to descend the Columbia, whose upper waters he had already occupied, and he would have done this had not a mutiny taken place among his men, which made his arrival at the mouth of the Columbia a few months too late. Astor's thorough acquaintance with the North-West Com pany and its numerous employes stood him in good stead in his project of forming a company. After full negotiations he secured the adhesion to his scheme of a number of well-known Nor'-Westers. Prominent among these was Alexander McKay, who was Sir Alexander Mackenzie's most trusted associate in the great journey of 1793 to the Pacific Ocean. McKay had become a partner of the North-West Company, and left it to join the Pacific Fur Company. Most celebrated as being in charge of the Astor enterprise on the coast was Duncan McDougaU, who also left the North-West Company to embark in Astor's undertaking. Two others, David Stuart and his nephew Eobert Stuart, made the four partners of the new Com pany who were to embark from New York with the purpose of doubling the Cape and reaching the mouth of the Columbia. 'A Wjn^ ^ i ¦*«ie„^ ""^^llj^^, m^.. _ - '"^ "¦-*«'. ~ THE ASTOR FUR COMPANY 195 A company of clerks and engages had been obtained in Montreal, and the party leaving Canada went in their great canoe up Lake Champlain, took it over the portage to the Hudson, and descended that river to New York. They trans ferred the picturesque scene so often witnessed on the Ottawa to the sleepy banks of the Hudson Eiver, and with emblems flying, and singing songs of the voyageurs, surprised the spectators along the banks. Arrived at New York the men with bravado expressed themselves as ready to endure hardships. As Irving puts it, they declared "they could live hard, Ue hard, sleep hard, eat dogs — in short, endure -anything." But these partners and men had much love for their own country and Uttle regard for the new service into which desire for gain had led them to embark. It was found out afterwards that two of the partners had called upon the British Ambassador in New York, had revealed to him the whole scheme of Mr. Astor, and enquired whether, as British subjects, they might embark in the enterprise. The reply of the diplomat assured them of their full liberty in the matter. Astor also required of the employes that they should become naturalized citizens of the United States. They professed to have gone through the ceremony required, but it is contended that they never really did so. The ship in which the party was to sail was the Tonquin, commanded by a Captain Thorn, a somewhat stern officer, with whom the fur traders had many conflicts on their outbound journey. The report having gone abroad that a British cruiser from HaUfax would come down upon the Tonquifi and arrest the Canadians on board her, led to the application being made to the United States frigate Constitution to give the vessel protection. On September 10th, 1810, the Tonquin ¦with her convoy put out and sailed for the Southern Main. Notwithstanding the constant irritation between the captain ^nd his fur trading passengers, the vessel went bravely on her way. After doubling Cape Horn on Christmas Da,y, they reached the Sandwich Islands in February, and after paying visits of ceremony to the king, obtained the necessary suppUes .of hogs, fruits, vegetables, and water from the inhabitants, and 196 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY also engaged some twenty-four of the islanders, or Kanakas, as they are called, to go as employes to the Columbia. Lie a number of rollicking lads, the Nor'-Westers made very free with the natives, to the disgust of Captain Thorn. He writes: — "They sometimes dress in red coats and otherwise very fantastically, and collecting a number of ignorant natives around them, tell them they are the great chiefs of the North- West . . . then dressing in Highland plaids and kilts, and making bargains with the natives, with presents of rum, wine, or anything that is at hand." On February 28th the Tonqidn set sail from the Sandwich Islands. The discontent broke out again, and the fur traders engaged in a mock mutiny, which greatly alarmed the suspicious captain. They spoke to each other in Gaelic, had long conver sations, and the captain kept an ever- watchful eye upon them ; but on March 22nd they arrived at the mouth of the Columbia Eiver. McKay and McDougaU, as senior partners, disembarked, visited the village of the Chinooks, and were warmly welcomed by Comcomly, the chief of that tribe. The chief treated them hospitably and encouraged their settUng in his neighbourhood. Soon they had chosen a site for their fort, and with busy hands they cut down trees, cleared away thickets, and erected a residence, stone-house, and powder magazine, which was not, however, at first surrounded with palisades. In honour of the promoter of thek enterprise, they very naturally called the new settlement Astoria. As soon as the new fort had assumed something like order, the Tonquin, according to the original design, was despatched up the coast to trade ¦with the Indians for furs. Alexander McKay took charge of the trade, and sought to make the most of the honest but crusty captain. The vessel sailed on July 5th, 1811, on what proved to be a disastrous journey. As soon as she was gone reports began to reach the traders. at Astoria that a body of white men were building a fort far up the Columbia. This was serious news, for if true it meant that the supply of furs looked for at Astoria would be cut off. An effort was made to find out the truth of the rumour, without success, but immediately after came definite information that THE ASTOR FUR COMPANY 197 the North-West Company agents were erecting a post at Spokane. We have already seen that this was none other than David Thompson, the emissary of the North-West Com pany, sent to forestall the building of Astor's fort. Though too late to fulfil his mission, on July 15th the doughty astronomer and surveyor, in his canoe manned by eight men and having the British ensign flying, stopped in front of the new fort. Thompson was cordially received by McDougaU, to the no small disgust of the other employes of the Astor Company. After waiting for eight days, Thompson, having received supplies and goods from McDougaU, started on his return journey. With him journeyed up the river David Stuart, who, with eight men, was proceeding on a fur-trading expedition. Among his clerks was Alexander Eoss, who has left a veracious history of the " First Settlers on the Oregon." Stuart had little confidence in Thompson, and by a device succeeded in getting him to proceed on his journey and leave him to choose his own site for a fort. Going up to within 140 miles of the Spokane Eiver, and at the junction of the Okanagan and Columbia, Stuart erected a temporary fort to carry on his first season's trade. In the meantine the Tonquin had gone on her way up the coast. The Indians were numerous, but were difficult to deal with, being impudent and greedy. A number of them had come upon the deck of the Tonquin, and Captain Thorn, being wearied with their slowness in bargaining and fulness of wiles, had grown impatient with the chief and had violently thrown •him over the side of the ship. The Indians no doubt intended ito avenge this insult. Next morning early, a multitude of •canoes came about the Tonquin and many savages clambered upon the deck. Suddenly an attack was made upon the fur traders. Alexander McKay was one of the first to fall, being knocked down by a war club. Captain Thorn fought desper- .ately, killing the young chief of the band, and many others, untU at last he was overcome by numbers. The remnant of the crew succeeded in getting control of the ship and, by discharging some of the deck guns, drove off the savages. Next morning the ship was all quiet as the Indians came about her. The ship's clerk, Mr. Lewis, who had been severely wounded. igS THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY appeared on deck and invited them on board. Soon the whole deck was crowded by the Indians, who thought they would secure a prize. Suddenly a dreadful explosion took place. The gunpowder magazine had blown up, and Lewis and upward of one himdred savages were hurled into eternity. It was a fierce revenge ! Four white men of the crew who had escaped in a boat were captured and terribly tortured by the maddened Indian survivors. An Indian interpreter alone was spared to return to Astoria to relate the tale of treachery and blood. Astor's plan involved, however, the sending of another expe dition overland to explore the country and lay out his projected chain of forts. In charge of this party was WiUiam P. Hunt, of Trenton, New Jersey, who had been selected by Astor, as being a native born American, to be next to himself in authority in the Company. Hunt had no experience as a fur trader, but was a man of decision and perseverance. With him was closely associated Donald McKenzie, who had been in the service of the North-West Company, but had been induced to join in the partnership with Astor. Hunt and McKenzie arrived in Montreal on June 10th, 1811, and engaged a number of voyageurs to accompany them. With these in a great canoe the party left the church of La Bonne Ste. Anne, on Montreal Island, and ascended the Ottawa. By the usual route Michilimackinac was reached, and here again other members of the party were enlisted. The party was also reinforced by the addition of a young Scotchman of energy and ability, Eamsay Crooks, and with him an experi enced and daring Missouri trader named Eobert McLellan At Mackinaw as well as at Montreal the influence of the North- West Company was so strong that men engaged for the journey were as a rule those of the poorest quality. Thus were the difficulties of the overland party increased by the Falstaffian rabble that attended the well-chosen leaders. The party left Mackinaw, crossed to the Mississippi, and reached St. Louis in September. At St. Louis the explorers came into touch with the Missouri Company, of which we have spoken. The same hidden opposi tion that had met them in Montreal and Mackinaw was here encountered. Nothing was said, but it was difficult to get THE ASTOR FUR COMPANY 199 information, hard to induce voyageurs to join them, and delay after delay occurred. Near the end of October St. Louis was left behind and the Missouri ascended for 460 miles to a fort Nodowa, when the party determined to winter. During the winter Hunt returned to St. Louis and endeavoured to enlist additional men for his expedition. In this he stUl had the opposition of a Spaniard, Manuel de Lisa, who was the leading spirit in the Missouri Company. After some difficulty Hunt engaged an interpreter, Pierre Dorion, a drunken French half- breed, who was, however, expert and even accomplished in his work. A start was at last made in January, and Irving tells us of the expedition meeting Daniel Boone, the famous old hunter of Kentucky, one who gloried in keeping abreast of the farthest line of the frontier, a trapper and hunter. The party went on its way ascending the river, and was accompanied by the some what disagreeable companion Lisa. At length they reached the country of the Anckaras, who, like the Parthians of old, seemed to live on horseback. After a council meeting the distrust of Lisa disappeared, and a bargain was struck between the Spaniard and the explorer by which he would supply them with 130 horses and take their boats in exchange. Leaving in August the party went westward, keeping south at first to avoid the Blackfeet, and then, turning northward till they reached an old trading post just beyond the summit. The descent was now to be made to the coast, but none of them had the slightest conception of the difficulties before them. They divided themselves into four parties, under the four leaders, McKenzie, McLellan, Hunt, and Crooks. The two former took the right bank, the two latter the left bank of the river. For three weeks they followed the rugged banks of this stream, which, from its fierceness, they spoke of as the " Mad Eiver." Their provisions soon became exhausted and they were reduced to the dire necessity of eating the leather of their shoes. After a separation of some days the plan was struck upon by Mr. Hunt of gaining communication across the river by a boat covered with horse skin. This failed, and the unfor tunate voyageur attempting to cross in it was drowned. After a time the Lewis Eiver was reached. Trading off their horses 200 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY McKenzie's party, which was on the right bank, obtained canoes from the natives, and at length on January 18th, 1812, this party reached Astoria. Eoss Cox says : " Then: concave cheeks, protuberant bones, and tattered garments strongly indicated the dreadful extent of their privations; but their health appeared uninjured and their gastronomic powers un impaired." After the disaster of the horse-skin boat the two parties lost sight of one another. Mr. Hunt had the easier bank of the river, and, falling in with friendly Indians, he delayed for ten days and rested his wearied party. Though afterward delayed. Hunt, with his following of thirty men, one woman, and two children, arrived at Astoria, to the great deUght of his com panions, on February 15th, 1812. Various accounts have been given of the journey. Those of Eoss Cox and Alexander Eoss are the work of actual members of the Astor Company, though not of the party which really crossed. Washington Irving's "Astoria" is regarded as a pleasing fiction, and he is very truly spoken of by Dr. Coues, the editor of Henry and Thompson's journals, in the following fashion : — " No story of travel is more familiar to the public than the tale told by Irving of this adventure, because none is more readable as a romance founded upon fact. . . . Irving plies his golden pen elasticaUy, and from it flow wit and humour, stirring scene, and startling in cident, character to the life. But he never tells us where those people went, perhaps for the simple reason that he never knew. He wafts us westward on his strong plume, and we look down on those hapless Astorians ; but we might as well be ballooning for aught of exactitude we can make of this celebrated itinerary." In October, 1811, the second party by sea left New York on the ship Beaver, to join the traders at the mouth of the Columbia. Eoss Cox, who was one of the clerks, gives a most interesting account of the voyage and of the affairs of the Company. With him were six other cabin passengers. The ship was commanded by Captain Sowles. The voyage was on the whole a prosperous one, and Cape Horn was doubled on New Year's Day, 1812. More than a month after, the THE ASTOR FUR COMPANY 201 ship called at Juan Fernandez, and two months after crossed the Equator. Three weeks afterward she reached the Sand-wich Islands, and on April 9th, after a further voyage, arrived at the mouth of the Columbia. On arriving at Astoria the new-comers had many things to see and learn, but they were soon under way, preparing for their future work. There were many risks in thus venturing away from their fort. Chief Trader McDougaU had indeed found the fort itself threatened after the disaster of the Tonquin. He had, however, boldly grappled with the case. Having few of his company to support him, he summoned the Indians to meet him. In their presence he informed them that he understood they were plotting against him, but, drawing a corked bottle from his pocket, he said: "This bottle contains small-pox. I have but to draw out the cork and at once you will be seized by the plague." They implored him to spare them and showed no more hostility. Such recitals as this, and the sad story of the Tonquin related to Eoss Cox and his companions, naturally increased their nervousness as to penetrating the interior. The Beaver had sailed for Canton with furs, and the party of the interior was organized with three proprietors, Eamsay Crooks, Eobert McLellan, and Eobert Stuart, who, with eight men, were to cross the mountains to St. Louis. At the fort there remained Mr. Hunt, Duncan McDougaU, B. Clapp, J. C. Halsey, and Gabriel Pranchere, the last of whom -wrote an excellent account in French of the Astor Company affairs. CHAPTEE XXIII. LOED SELKIEK'S COLONY. Alexander Mackenzie's book — Lord Selkirk interested — Emigration a boon — ^Writes to Imperial Government — In 1802 looks to Lake Winnipeg — Benevolent project of trade — Compelled to choose Prince Edward Island — Opinions as to Hudson's Bay Company's Charter — Nor'-Westers alarmed — Hudson's Bay Company's Stock — Purchases Assiniboia — ^Advertises the new colony — Religion no disqualification — Sends first colony — Troubles of the project — Arrive at York Factory — The winter — The mutiny — " Essence of Malt " — Journey inland — A second party — Third party under Archibald Macdonald — From Helmsdale — The number of colonists. The pubhcation of his -work by Alexander Mackenzie, entitled, "Voyages from Montreal through the Continent of North America, &c.," awakened great interest in the British Isles. Among those who were much influenced by it was Thomas, Earl of Selkirk, a young Scottish nobleman of distinguished descent and disposition. The young Earl at once thought of the wide country described as a fitting home for the poor and unsuccessful British peasantry, who, as we learn from Words worth, were at this time in a most distressful state. During his college days the Earl of Selkirk had often -risited the Highland glens and crofts, and though himself a Southron, he was so interested in his picturesque countrymen that he learned the Gaelic language. Not only the sad condition of Scotland, but likewise the unsettled state of Ireland, appealed to his heart and his patriotic sympathies. He came to the conclusion that emigration was the remedy for the iUs of Scotland and Ireland alike. Accordingly we find the energetic Earl writing to Lord Pelham to mterest the British Government in the matter. We have before us a letter with two memorials attached. This is dated April h, 1802, and was kindly suppUed the writer by LORD SELKIRK'S COLONY 203 he Colonial Office. The proposals, after showing the de sirability of relieving the congested and dissatisfied population already described, go on to speak of a suitable field for the settlement of the emigrants. And this we see is the region described by Alexander Mackenzie. Lord Selkirk says : " No large tract remains unoccupied on the sea-coast of British America except barren and frozen deserts. To find a sufficient extent of good soil in a temperate climate we must go far inland. This inconvenience is not, however, an insurmountable obstacle to the prosperity of a colony, and appears to be amply compensated by other advantages that are to be found in some remote parts of the British territory. At the western extremity of Canada, upon the waters which fall into Lake Winnipeg and which in the great river of Port Nelson discharge them selves into Hudson Bay, is a country which the Indian traders represent as fertile, and of a climate far more temperate than the shores of the Atlantic under the same parallel, and not more severe than that of Germany or Poland. Here, therefore, the colonists may, with a moderate exertion of industry, be certain of a comfortable subsistence, and they may also raise some valuable objects of exportation. ... To a colony in these territories the channel of trade must be the river of Port Nelson." It is exceedingly interesting, in view of the part afterwards played by Lord Selkh-k, to read the following statement : " The greatest impediment to a colony in this quaarter seems to be the Hudson's Bay Company monopoly, which the possessors cannot be expected easily to relinquish. They may, however, be amply indemnified for its abolition without any burden, perhaps even with advantage to the revenue." The letter then goes on to state the successful trade carried on by the Canadian traders, and gives a scheme by which both the Hudson's Bay Company and the North-West Company may receive profits greater than those then enjoyed, by a plan of issuing Ucenses, and Umiting traders to particular districts. Further, the proposal declares : "If these indefatigable Canadians were allowed the free navigation of the Hudson Bay they might, ¦without going so far from Port Nelson as they now go from Montreal, extend their traffic from 204 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY «ea to sea, through the whole northern part of America, and send home more than double the value than is now derived from that region." The matter brought up in these proposals was referred to Lord Buckinghamshire, Colonial Secretary, but failed for the time being, not because of any unsuitableness of the country, but "because the prejudices of the British people were so strong against emigration." During the next year Lord Selkirk succeeded in organizing a Highland emigration of not less than 800 souls. Not long before the starting of the ships the British Government seems to have interfered to prevent this large number being led to the region of Lake Winnipeg, and com pelled Lord Selkirk to choose the more accessible shore of Prince Edward Island. After settling his colonists on the island. Lord Selkirk visited Montreal, where he was well received by the magnates of the North-West Company, and where his interest in the far West was increased by witnessing, as Astor also did about the same time, the large returns obtained by the " lords of the lakes and forests." Years went past, and Lord Selkirk, unable to obtain the assent of the British Government to his great scheme of colonizing the interior of North America, at length determined to obtain possession of the territory wanted for his plans through the agency of the Hudson's Bay Company. About the year 1810 he began to turn his attention in earnest to the matter. With characteristic Scottish caution he submitted the charter of the Hudson's Bay Company to the highest legal authorities in London, including the names EomUly, Holroyd, Cruise, Scarlett, and John Bell. Their clear opinion was that the Hudson's Bay Company was legally able to seU its territory and to transfer the numerous rights bestowed by the charter. They say, "We are of opinion that the grant of the soil con tained in the charter is good, and that it -wiU include aU the country, the waters of which run into Hudson Bay, as ascertained by geographical observation." Lord Selkirk, now fully satisfied that the Hudson's Bay Company was a satisfactory instrument, proceeded to obtain control of the stock of the Company. The partners of the North-West Company learned of the steps LORD SELKIRK'S COLONY 205 being taken by Lord Selkirk and became greatly alarmed. They were of the opinion that the object of Lord Selkirk was to make use of his great emigration scheme to give supremacy to the Hudson's Bay Company over its rivals, and to injure the Nor'-Westers' fur trade. So far as can be seen. Lord Selkirk had no interest in the rivalry that had been going on between the Companies for more than a generation. His first aim was emigration, and this for the purpose of relieving the distress of many in the British Isles. As sho-wing the mind of Lord Selkirk in the matter we have before us a copy of his lordship's work on emigration published in 1805. This copy is a gift to the -writer from Lady Isabella Hope, the late daughter of Lord Selkirk. In this octavo volume, upwards of 280 pages, the whole question of the state of the Highlands is ably described. Tracing the con dition of the Highlanders from the Eebellion of 1745, and the necessity of emigration, Lord Selkirk refers to the demand for keeping up the Highland regiments as being less than formerly, and that the Highland proprietors had been opposed to emigration. His patriotism was also stirred in favour of preventing the flow of British subjects to the United States, and in his desire to see the British possessions, especially in America, filled up with loyal British subjects. He states that in his Prince Edward Island Company in 1803 he had succeeded in secur ing a number from the Isle of Skye, whose friends had largely gone to North Carolina, and that others of them were from Eoss, Argyle, and Inverness, and that the friends of these had chiefly gone to the United States. After going into some detail as to the management of his. Prince Edward Island Highlanders, he speaks of the success of his experiment, and gives us proof of his consuming interest in the progress and happiness of his poor fellow-countrymen. It is consequently almost beyond doubt the fact that it was ¦his desire for carrying out his emigration scheme that led him to obtain control of the Hudson's Bay Company and not the desire to introduce a colony to injure the North-West trade, as charged. There can be no doubt of Lord Selkirk's thoroughly 2oe THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY patriotic and lofty aims. In 1808 he published a brochure of some eighty pages on " A System of National Defence." In this he shows the value of a local militia and proposes a plan for the maintenance of a sufficient force to protect Great Britain from its active enemy. Napoleon. He maintains that a Volunteer force would not be permanent ; and that under any semblance of peace that establishment must immediately fall to pieces. His only dependence for the safety of the country is in a local militia. With his plan somewhat matured, he began in 1810 to obtain possession of stock of the Company, and succeeded in having much of it in the hands of his friends. By May, 1811, he had with his friends acquired, it is said, not less than 35,000/. of the total stock, 105,000/. sterling. A general court of the proprietors was called for May 30th, and the proposition was made by Lord Selkirk to purchase a tract of land lying in the wide expanse of Eupert's Land and on the Eed Eiver of the North, to settle, within a limited time, a large colony on their lands and to assume the expense of transport, of outlay for the settlers, of government, of protection, and of quieting the Indian title to the lands. At the meeting there was represented about 45,000/. worth of stock, and the vote on being taken showed the representatives of nearly 30,000/. of the stock to be in favour of accepting Lord Selkirk's proposal. Among those who voted with the enterprising Earl were his kinsmen, Andrew Wedderburn, Esq. (haring nearly 4500/. stock), William Mainwaring, the Governor Joseph Berens, Deputy-Governor John Henry Pelly, and many other well- known proprietors. The opposition was, however, by no means insignificant, WilUam Th^vs'aytes, representing nearly 10,000/., voted against the proposal, as did also Eobert Whitehead, who held 3000/. stock. The most violent opponents, however, were the Nor'- Westers who were in England at the time. Two of them had only purchased stock within forty-eight hours of the meeting. These were Alexander Mackenzie, John IngUs, and Edward ElUce, the three together representing less than 2500/. The projector of the colony having now beaten down all opposition, forthwith proceeded to carry out his great plan of LORD SELKIRK'S COLONY 207 colonization. His project has, of course, been greatly criticized. He has been called " a kind-hearted but visionary Scottish nobleman," and his relative, Sir James Wedderburn, spoke of him fifty years afterwards as " a remarkable man, who had the misfortune to live before his time." Certainly Lord Selkirk met vrith gigantic difficulties, but these were rather from the North-West Company than from any untimeliness in his emigration scheme. Lord Selkirk soon issued the advertisement and prospectus of the new colony. He held forth the advantage to be derived from joining the colony. His policy was very comprehensive. He said : " The settlement is to be formed in a territory where religion is not the ground of any disqualification, an un reserved participation in every privilege ¦will therefore be enjoyed by Protestant and Catholic without distinction." The area of the new settlement was said to consist of 110,000 square miles on the Eed and Assiniboine Eivers, and one of the most fertUe districts of North America. The name Assiniboia was given it from the Assiniboine, and steps were taken immediately to organize a government for the embryo colony. Active measures were then taken by the Earl of Selkirk to advance his scheme, and it was determined to send out the first colony immediately. Some years before, Lord Selkirk had carried on a correspondence with an U. B. Loyalist colonist. Miles Macdonell, formerly an officer of the King's Eoyal Eegiment of New York, who had been given the rank of captain in the Canadian Militia. Macdonell's assistance was obtained in the new enterprise, and he was appointed by his lordship to superintend his colony at Eed Eiver. Many incorrect statements have been made about the different bands of colonists which found their way to Eed Eiver. No less than four parties arrived at Eed Eiver by way of York or ChurchUl Factories between the years 1811 and 1816. Facts connected -with one of them have been naturally confused in the memories of the old settlers on Eed Eiver with what hap pened to other bands. In this way the author has found that representations made to him and embodied in his work on "Manitoba," pubUshed in 1882, were in several particulars 2o8 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY incorrect. Fortunately in late years the letter-book of Captai MUes Macdonell, the leader of the colony, has been acquired from the Misses Macdonell of Brockville by the indefatigable archivist, Douglas Brymner of Ottawa. These letters enable us to give a clear and accurate account of the first band of colonists that found its way to the heart of the Continent and began the Eed Eiver settlement. In the end of June, 1811, Captain MUes Macdonell found himself at Yarmouth, on the east coast of England, with a fleet of three vessels sent out by the Hudson's Bay Company for their regular trade and also to carry the first colonists. These vessels were the Prince of Wales, the Eddystone, and an old craft, the Edward and Anne, with " old saU ropes, &c., and very badly manned.' This extra vessel was evidently intended for the accommodation of the colonists. By the middle of July the little fleet had reached the Pentland Firth and were compelled to put into Stromness, when the Prince of Wales embarked a number of Orkneymen intended for the Company's service. The men of the Hudson's Bay Company at this time were largely drawn from the Orkney Islands. Proceeding on their way the fleet made rendezvous at Stornoway, the chief town of Lewis, one of the Hebrides. Here had arrived a number of colonists or employes, some from Sligo, others from Glasgow, and others from different parts of the Highlands. Many influences were operating against the success of the colonizing expedition. It had the strenuous opposition of Sir Alexander Mackenzie, then in Britain, and the newspapers contained articles intended to discourage and dis suade people from embarking in the enterprise. Mr. Eeid, collector of Customs at Stornoway, whose wife was an aunt of Sir Alexander Mackenzie, threw every impediment in the way of the project, and some of those engaged by Lord Selkirk were actually lured away by enlisting agents. A so-called " Captain " Mackenzie, denominated a "meanfeUow," came alongside the Ediuard and Anne, which had some seventy-six men aboard — Glasgow men, Irish, "and a few from Orkney" — and claimed some of them as " deserters from Her Majesty's service." The demand was, however, resisted. It is no wonder that in his letter to Lord Selkirk, Captain Macdonell writes, " AU LORD SELKIRK'S COLONY 209 the men that we shall have are now embarked, but it has been an herculean task." A prominent employ^ of the expedition, Mr. Moncrieff Blair, posing as a gentleman, deserted on July 25th, the day before the sailing of the vessels. A number of the deserters at Stornoway had left their effects on board, and these were disposed of by sale among the passengers. Among the officers was a Mr. Edwards, who acted as medical man of the expedi tion. He had his hands completely full during the voyage and returned to England with the ships. Another notable person on board was a Eoman Catholic priest, known as Father Bourke. Captain Macdonell was himself a Eoman Catholic, but he seems from the first to have had no confidence in the priest, who, he stated, had "come away without the leave of his bishop, who was at the time at Dublin." Father Bourke, we shall see, though carried safely to the shores of Hudson Bay, never reached the interior, but returned to Britain in the following year. After the usual incidents of "an uncommon share of boisterous, stormy, and cold weather " on the ocean, the ships entered Hudson Bay. Experiencing " a course of fine mild weather and moderate fair winds," on September 24th the fleet reached the harbour of York Factory, after a voyage of sixty- one days out from Stornoway, the Eddystone, which was intended to go to ChurchUl, not having been able to reach that Factory, coming with the other vessels to York Factory. The late arrival of the colony on the shores of Hudson Bay made it impossible to ascend the Nelson Eiver and reach the interior during the season of 1811. Accordingly Captain Macdonell made preparations for wintering on the Bay. York Factory would not probably have afforded sufficient accommo dation for the colonists, but in addition Captain Macdonell states in a letter to Lord Selkirk that " the factory is very ill con structed and not at all adapted for a cold country." In conse quence of these considerations. Captain Macdonell at once undertook, during the fair weather of the season yet remaining, to build winter quarters on the north side of the river, at a distance of some miles from the Factory. No doubt matters of discipline entered into the plans of the leader of the colonists. In a short time very comfortable dwellings were erected, built p 210 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY of round logs, the front side high -with a shade roof sloping to the rear a foot thick — and the group of huts was known as " Nelson encampment ! " The chief work during the earlier winter, which the captain laid on his two score men was providing themselves with fuel, of which there was plenty, and obtaining food from the Factory, for which sledges drawn over the snow were utiUzed by the detachments sent on this service. The most serious difficulty was, however, a meeting, in which a dozen or more of the men became completely insubordinate, and refused to yield obedience either to Captain Macdonell or to Mr. W. H. Cook, the Governor of the Factory. Every effort was made to maintain discipUne, but the men steadily held to their own way, lived apart from Macdonell, and drew their own pro visions from the fort to their huts. This tended to make the ¦winter somewhat long and disagreeable. Captain Macdonell, being a Canadian, knew well the dangers of the dread disease of the scurvy attacking his in experienced colonists. The men at the fort prophesied evil things in this respect for the " encampment." The captain took early steps to meet the disease, and his letters to Governor Cook always contain demands for " essence of malt," " crystal lized salts of lemon," and other anti-scorbutics. Though some of his men were attacked, yet the sovereign remedy so often employed in the " lumber camps " of America, the juice of the white spruce, was applied with almost magical effect. As the -winter went on, plenty of venison was received, and the health of his -wintering party was in the spring much better than could have been anticipated. After the New Year had come, all thoughts were directed to preparations for the journey of 700 miles or thereabouts to the interior. A number of boats were required for transporta tion of the colonists and their effects. Captain MacdoneU in sisted on his boats being made after a different style from the boats commonly used at that time by the Company. His model was the fiat boat, which he had seen used in the Mohawk Eiver in the State of New York. The workmanship displayed in the making of these boats very much dissatisfied Captain Macdonell, and he constantly complained of the indolence of LORD SELKIRK'S COLONY 211 the workmen. In consequence of this inefficiency the cost of the boats to Lord Selkirk was very great, and drew forth the objections of the leader of the colony. Captain Macdonell had the active assistance of Mr. Cook, the officer in charge of York, and of Mr. Auld, the Commander of Churchill, the latter ha-ring come down to York to make arrangements for the inland journey of the colonists. By July 1st, 1812, the ice had moved from the river, and the ex pedition started soon after on the journey to Eed Eiver. The new settlers found the route a hard and trying one with its rapids and portages. The boats, too, were heavy, and the colonists inexperienced in managing them. It was well on toward autumn when the company, numbering about seventy, reached the Eed Eiver. No special preparation had been made for the colonists, and the winter would soon be upon them. Some of the parties were given shelter in the Company fort and buildings, others in the huts of the freed men, who were married to the Indian women, and settled in the neighbourhood of the Forks, while others still found refuge in the tents of the Indian encampment in the vicinity. The condition of the colonists was pitiable in the extreme. During the first winter on Eed Eiver, and in the spring following. Governor Macdonell bought from the North-West Company, for the use of the settlers, considerable quantities of potatoes, barley, oats, and garden seeds, -with four cows, a bull, pigs, poultry, &e., articles which had been brought from Canada at a large expense. Governor Macdonell expressed gratitude to the North-West Company for thus affording assistance in giving his colonists a start in the new land. While Governor Macdonell was thus early engaged in making a beginning in the new colony. Lord Selkirk was seeking out more colonists, and sent out a small number to the New World by the Hudson's Bay Company ships. Before sailing from Stornoway the second party met with serious interruption from the collector of Customs, who, we have seen, was related to Sir Alexander Mackenzie. The number on board the ships was greater, it was claimed, than the " Dundas Act " permitted. Through the influence of Lord Selkirk the ships were allowed to proceed on their voyage. Prison fever, it is said, broke out 212 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY on the voyage, so that a number died at sea, and others on the shore of Hudson Bay. A small number, not more than fifteen or twenty, reached Eed Eiver in the autumn of 1813. During the previous winter Governor MacdoneU had taken a number of the colonists to Pembina, a point sixty mUes south of the Forks, where buffalo could be had. In the second winter (1813-14) he retired to the same spot, and at this point a fort, calUed Fort Daer, from one of Lord Selkirk's titles, was erected. On returning, after the second winter, to the settle ment, the colonists sowed a small quantity of wheat, though, not haring horses or oxen, they were compelled to prepare the ground with the hoe. Lord Selkirk had not been anxious in 1812 to send a large addition to his colony. In 1813 he made greater efforts, and in June sent out in the Prince of Wales, sailing from Orkney, a party under Mr. Archibald Macdonald, numbering some ninety-three persons. Mr. Macdonald has -written an account of his voyage, and has given us a remarkably concise and clear pamphlet. Having spent the winter at ChurchiU, Macdonald started on April 14th with a considerable number of his party, and, coming by way of York Factory, reached Eed Eiver on June 22nd, when they were able to plant some thirty or forty bushels of potatoes. The settlers were in good spirits, having received plots of land to build houses for them selves. Governor Macdonell went northward to meet the remainder of Archibald Macdonald's party, and arrived with them late in the season. On account of various misunderstandings between the Colony and the North-West Company, which we shall relate more particularly in another chapter, 150 of the colonists were in duced by a North-West officer, Duncan Cameron, to leave the country and go by a long canoe journey to Canada. The re mainder, numbering about sixty persons, making up about thirteen families, were driven from the settlement, and found refuge at Norway House (Jack Eiver) at the foot of Lake Winnipeg. An officer from Lord Selkirk, Colin Eobertson, arrived in the colony to assist these settlers, but found them driven out. He followed them to Norway House, and with LORD SELKIRK'S COLONY 213 his twenty clerks and servants, conducted them back to Eed Biver to their deserted homes. While these disastrous proceedings were taking place on Eed Eiver, including the summons to Governor Macdonell to appear before the Courts of Lower Canada to answer certain charges made against him. Lord Selkirk was especially active in Great Britain, and gathered together the best band of settlers yet sent out. These were largely from the parish of Kildonan, in Sutherlandshire, Scotland. Governor MacdoneU ha-ring gone east to Canada, the colony was to be placed under a new Governor, a military officer of some distinction, Eobert Semple, who had travelled in different parts of the world. Governor Semple was in charge of this fourth party of colonists, who numbered about 100. With this party, hasten ing through his journey. Governor Semple reached his destination on Eed Eiver in the month of October, in the same year in which they had left the motherland. Thus we have seen the arrival of those who were kno-wn as the Selkirk colonists. We recapitulate their numbers : — In 1811, reaching Ked River in 1812 70 In 1812, reaching Red River in 1813 15 or 20 In 1813, reaching Red River in two parties in 1814 . . 93 In 1816, reaching Red River in the same year . . . 100 Making deduction of the Irish settlers there were of the Highland colonists about 270 Less those led by the North-West Company in 1814 to Canada 140 Permanent Highland settlers 130 Of these but two remained on the banks of the Eed Eiver in 1897, George Bannerman and John Matheson, and they have both died since that time. We shall foUow the history of these colonists further ; suffice it now to say that their settlement has proved the country to be one of great fertility and promise ; and their early establish ment no doubt prevented international complications with the United States that might have rendered the possession of Hupert's Land a matter of uncertainty to Great Britain. CHAPTEE XXIV. TEOUBLB BETWEEN THE COMPANIES. Nor'-Westers . oppose the colony — Reason why — A considerable literature — Contentions of both parties — Both in faul-t — MUes Macdonell's mistake — Nor'-Wester arrogance — Duncan Came ron's ingenious plan — Stirring up the Chippewas — Nor'-Westers warn colonists to depart — McLeod's hitherto unpublished narra tive — Vi-rid account of a brave defence — Chain shot from the blacksmith's smithy — Fort Douglas begun — Settlers driven out — Governor Semple arrives — Cameron last Governor of Fort Gibraltar — Cameron sent to Britain as a prisoner — Fort Gibraltar captured — Fort Gibraltar decreases. Fort Douglas increases — Free traders take to the plains — Indians favour the colonists. To the most casual observer it must have been evident that the colony to be established by Lord Selkirk would be regarded with disfavour by the North-West Company officers. The strenuous opposition shown to it in Great Britain by Sir Alexander Mackenzie, and by all who were connected with him, showed quite clearly that it would receive little favour on the Eed Eiver. First, it was a Hudson's Bay scheme, and would greatly advance the interests of the English trading Company. That Company would have at the very threshold of the fur country a depot, surrounded by traders and workmen, which would give them a great advantage over their rivals. Secondly, civilieation and its handmaid agriculture are incompatible with the fur trade. As the settler enters, the fur-bearing animals are exterminated. A sparsely settled, almost unoccupied country, is the only hope of preserving this trade. Thirdly, the claim of the Hudson's Bay Company under its charter was that they had the sole right to pursue the fur trade in Eupert's Land. Their traditional policy on Hudson TROUBLE BETWEEN THE COMPANIES 215 Bay had been to drive out private trade, and to preserve their monopoly. Fourthly, the Nor'-Westers claimed to be the lineal suc cessors of the French traders, who, under Verandrye, had opened up the region west of Lake Superior. They long after maintained that priority of discovery and earlier possession gave them the right to claim the region in dispute as belonging to the province of Quebec, and so as being a part of Canada. The first and second parties of settlers were so small, and seemed so little able to cope with the difficulties of their situation, that no great amount of opposition was shown. They were made, it is true, the laughing-stock of the half-breeds and Indians, for these free children of the prairies regarded the use of the hoe or other agricultural implement as beneath them. The term "Pork-eaters,"' appUed, as we have seen, to the voyageurs east of Fort William, was freely applied to these settlers. A considerable literature is in existence dealing with the events of this period. It is somewhat difficult, in the conflict of opinion, to reach a basis of certainty as to the facts of this contest. The Indian country is proverbial for the prevalence of rumour and misrepresentation. Moreover, prejudice and self-interest were mingled with deep passion, so that the facts are very hard to obtain. The upholders of the colony claim that no sooner had the settlers arrived than efforts were made to stir up the Indians against them; that besides, the agents of the North-West Company had induced the Metis, or half-breeds, to disguise themselves as Indians, and that on their way to Pembina one man was robbed by these desperadoes of the gun which his father had carried at Culloden, a woman of her marriage ring, and others of various ornaments and valuable articles. There were, however, it is admitted, no specially hostile acts noticeable during the years 1812 and 1813. The advocates of the North-West Company, on tbe other hand, blame the first aggression on MUes Macdonell. During the winter of 1813 and 1814 Governor Macdonell and his colonists were occupying Port Daer at Pembina. The supply of subsistence from the buffalo was short, food was 2i6 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY difficult to obtain, the war with the United States was in progress and might out off communication with Montreal, and, moreover, a body of colonists was expected to arrive during the year from Great Britain. Accordingly, the Governor, on January 8th, 1814, issued a proclamation. He claimed the territory as ceded to Lord Selkirk, and gave the description of the tract thus transferred. The proclama tion then goes on to say : " And whereas the welfare of the families at present forming the settlements on the Eed Eiver, within the said territory, with those on their way to it, passing the winter at York or Churchill Ports on Hudson Bay, as also those who are expected to arrive next autumn, renders it a necessary and indispensable part of my duty to provide for their support. The uncultivated state of the country, the ordinary resources derived from the buffalo, and other wild animals hunted within the territory, are not deemed more than adequate for the requisite supply ; wherefore, it is hereby ordered that no persons trading in furs or prorisions within the territory, for the Honourable the Hudson's Bay Company, the North-West Company, or any individual or unconnected traders whatever, shall take out any provisions, either of flesh, grain, or vegetables, procured or raised within the territory, by water or land-carriage for one twelvemonth from the date hereof ; save and except what may be judged necessary for the trading parties at the present time within the territory, to carry them to their respective destinations, and who may, on due appUcation to me, obtain licence for the same. The provisions procured and raised as above, shall be taken for the use of the colony, and that no losses may accrue to the parties concerned, they will be paid for by British bills at the customary rates, &c." The Nor'-Westers then recalled the ceremonies with which Governor Macdonell had signaUzed his entrance to the country : " When he arrived he gathered his company about him, made before it some impressive ceremonies, drawn from the conjuring book of his lordship, and read to it his commis sion of governor or representative of Lord Selkirk ; afterwards a salute was fired from the Hudson's Bay Company fort, which proclaimed his taking possession of the neighbourhood." TROUBLE BETWEEN THE COMPANIES 217 The Governor, however, soon gave another example of his determination to assert his authority. It had been represented to him that the North-West Company officers had no intention of obeying the proclamation, and indeed were engaged in buying up all the available supplies to prevent his getting enough for his colonists. Convinced that his opponents were engaged in thwarting his designs, the Governor sent John Spencer to seize some of the stores which had been gathered in the North-West post at the mouth of the Souris Eiver. Spencer was un-wiUing to go, unless very specific instructions were given him. The Governor had, by Lord Selkirk's influence in Canada, been appointed a magistrate, and he now issued a warrant authorizing Spencer to seize the pro-risions in this fort. Spencer, pro-rided with a double escort, proceeded to the fort at the Souris, and the Nor'-Westers made no other resistance than to retire within the stockade and shut the gate of the fort. Spencer ordered his men to force an entrance with their hatchets. Afterwards, opening the store-houses, they seized six hundred skins of dried meat (pemmican) and of grease, each weighing eighty-five pounds. This booty was removed into the Hudson's Bay Company fort (Brandon House) at that place. We have now before us the first decided action that led to the serious disturbances that followed. The question arises. Was the Governor justified in the steps taken by him ? No doubt, -with the legal opinion which Lord Selkirk had obtained, he considered himself thoroughly justified. The necessities of his starving people and the plea of humanity were certainly strong motives urging him to action. No doubt these con siderations seemed strong, but, on the other hand, he should have remembered that the idea of law in the fur traders' country was a new thing, that the Nor'-Westers, moreover, were not prepared to credit him with purity of motive, and that they had at their disposal a force of wild Bois Briiles ready to follow the unbridled customs of the plains. Further, even in civilized communities laws of non-intercourse, embargo, and the like, are looked upon as arbitrary and of doubtful vaUdity. All these things should have led the 2i8 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Governor, ill provided as he was with the force necessary for his defence, to hesitate before taking a course likely to be disagreeable to the Nor'-Westers, who would regard it as an assertion of the claim of superiority of the Hudson's Bay Com pany and of the consequent degradation of their Company, of which they were so proud. In their writings the North-West Company take some credit for not precipitating a conflict, but state that they endured the indignity until their councU at Fort WUUam should take action in the following summer. At this councU, which was interest ing and full of strong feeUng against their fur-trading rivals, the Nor'-Westers, under the presidency of the Hon. William McGilli^vray, took decided action. In the trials that afterwards arose out of this unfortunate quarrel, John Pritchard, whose forty days' wanderings we have recorded, testified that one of the North-West agents, Mac- Kenzie, had given him the information that "the intention of the North-West Company was to seduce and inveigle away as many of the colonists and settlers at Eed Eiver as they could induce to join them ; and after they should thus have diminished their means of defence, to raise the Indians of Lac Eouge, Pond du Lac, and other places, to act and destroy the settlement ; and that it was also their intention to bring the Governor, Miles Macdonell, do^wn to Montreal as a prisoner, by way of degrading the authority under which the colony was estabUshed in the eyes of the natives of that country.'' Simon McGillivray, a North-West Company partner, had two years before this ¦written from London that " Lord Selkirk must be driven to abandon his project, for his success would strike at the very existence of our trade." Two of the most daring partners of the North-West Company were put in charge of the plan of campaign agreed on at Fort WilUam. These were Duncan Cameron and Alexander MacdoneU. The latter wrote to a friend, from one of his resting-places on his journey, " Much is expected of us ... so here is at them with all my heart and energy." The two partners arrived at Port Gibraltar, situated at the forks of the Eed and Assiniboine Eivers, toward the end of August. The senior partner, Macdonell, leaving Cameron TROUBLE BETWEEN THE COMPANIES 219 at Fort Gibraltar, went westward to the Qu'Appelle Eiver, to return in the spring and carry out the plan agreed on. Cameron had been busy during the winter in dealing with the settlers, and let no opportunity sUp of impressing them. Knowing the fondness of Highlanders for miUtary display, he dressed himself in a bright red coat, wore a sword, and in ¦writing to the settlers, which he often did, signed himself, " D. Cameron, Captain, Voyageur Corps, Commanding Officer, Eed Eiver." He also posted an order at the gate of his fort purporting to be his captain's commission. Some dispute has arisen as to the validity of this authority. There seems to have been some colour for the use of this title, under authority given for enUsting an irregular corps in the upper lakes dmring the American War of 1812, but the legal opinion is that this had no vaUdity in the Eed Eiver settlement. Cameron, aiming at the destruction of the colony, began by ingratiating himself with a number of the leading settlers. Knowing the love of the Highlanders for their own language, Cameron spoke to them Gaelic in his most pleasing manner, entertained the leading colonists at his own table, and paid many attentions to their families. Promises were then made to a number of leaders to provide the people ¦with homes in Upper Canada, to pay up wages due by the Hudson's Bay Company or Lord Selkirk, and to give a year's pro-risions free, provided the colony would leave the Eed Eiver and accept the advantages offered in Canada. This plan succeeded remark ably well, and it is in sworn evidence that on three-quarters of the colony reaching Fort William, a settler, Campbell, received 100/., several others 20/., and so on. Some of the best of the settlers, amounting to about one- quarter of the whole, refused all the advances of the subtle captain. Another method was taken with this class. The plan of frightening them away by the co-operation of the Cree Indians had faUed, but the Bois Brtiles, or half-breeds, were a more pliant agency. These were to be employed. Cameron now (April, 1816) made a demand on Archibald Macdonald, Acting Governor, to hand over to the settlers the field pieces belonging to Lord Selkirk, on the ground that these had been used already to disturb the peace. This startling order was 220 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY presented to the Governor by settler CampbeU on the day on which the fortnightly issue of rations took place at the colony buildings. The settlers in favour of Cameron then broke open the store-house, and took nine pieces of ordnance and removed them to Fort Gibraltar. The Governor having arrested one of the settlers who had broken open the store-house, a number of the North-West Company clerks and servants, under orders from Cameron, broke into the Governor's house and rescued the prisoner. About this time Miles Macdonell, the Governor, returned to the settlement. A warrant had been issued for his arrest by the Nor'-Westers, but he refused for the time to acknowledge the jurisdiction of the magistrates. Cameron now spread abroad the statement that if the settlers did not deliver up the Governor, they in turn would be attacked and driven from their homes. Certain colonists were now fired at by unseen assailants. About the middle of May, the senior partner, Alexander Macdonell, arrived from Qu'Appelle, accompanied by a band of Cree Indians. The partners hoped through these to frighten the settlers who remained obdurate, but the Indians were too astute to be led into the quarrel, and assured Governor Miles Macdonell that they were resolved not to molest the new comers. An effort was also made to stir up the Chippewa Indians of Sand Lake, near the west of Lake Superior. The chief of the band declared to the Indian Department of Canada that he was offered a large reward if he would declare war against the Selkirk colonists. This the Chippewas refused to do. Early in June the lawless spirit followed by the Nor'- Westers again showed itself. A party from Port Gibraltar went down with loaded muskets, and from a wood near the Governor's residence fired upon some of the colony employes. Mr. White, the surgeon, was nearly hit, and a ball passed close by Mr. Burke, the storekeeper. General firing then began from the wood and was returned from the house, but four of the colony servants were wounded. This expedition was under Cameron, who congratulated his followers on the result. The demand for the surrender of the Governor, in answer to TROUBLE BETWEEN THE COMPANIES 221 the warrant issued, was then made, and at the persuasion of the other officers of the settlement, and to avoid the loss of life and the dangers threatened against the colonists. Governor Miles Macdonell surrendered himself and was taken to Montreal for trial, though no trial ever took place. The double plan of coaxing away all the settlers who were open to such inducement, and of then forcibly driving away the residue from the settlement, seemed likely to succeed. One hundred and thirty-four of the coloiusts, induced by promises of free transport, two hundred acres of land in Upper Canada, as well as in some cases by substantial gifts, deserted the colony in June (1815), along with Cameron, and arrived at Fort William on their way down the lakes at the end of July. These settlers made their way in canoes along the desolate shores of Lake Superior and Georgian Bay, and arrived at Holland Landing, in Upper Canada, on September 5th. Many of them were given land in the to-wnship of West Guillimbury, near New market, and many of their descendants are there to this day. The Nor'-Westers now continued their persecution of the remnant of the settlers. They burnt some of their houses and used threats of the most extreme kind. On June 26th, 1816, the foUo-wing document was served upon the disheartened colonists : — " All settlers to retire immediately from the Eed Eiver, and no trace of a settlement to remain. " CUTHBEET GeANT. " BosTONNAis Pangman. " William Shaw. "bonhomme montoue." The conflict resulting at this time may be said to be the first battle of the war. A fiery Highland trader, John McLeod, was in charge of the Hudson's Bay Company house at this point, and we have his account of the attack and defence, somewhat bombastic it may be, but which, so far as known to the author, has never been published before. COPY OF DIAEY in PEOVINCIAL LIBEAEY, WINNIPEG. " In 1814-15 being in charge of the whole Eed Eiver district, I spent the -winter at the Forks, at the settlement there. On 22 2 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY. June 25th, 1815, whUe I was in charge, a sudden attack was made by an armed band of the N.-W. party under the leader ship of Alexander MacdoneU (YeUow Head) and Cuthbert Grant, on the settlement and Hudson's Bay Company fort at the Forks. They numbered about seventy or eighty, well armed and on horseback. Having had some warning of it, I assumed command of both the colony and H. B. 0. parties. Mustering with inferior numbers, and with only a few guns, we took a stand against them. Taking my place amongst the colonists, I fought with them. All fought bravely and kept up the fight as long as possible. Many all about me falling wounded; one mortally. Only thirteen out of our band escaped unscathed. " The brunt of the struggle was near the H. B. C. post, close to which was oin: blacksmith's smithy — a log buUding about ten feet by ten. Being hard pressed, I thought of trying the Uttle cannon (a three or four pounder) lying idle in the post where it could not well be used. "One of the settlers (Hugh McLean) went with two of my men, with his cart to fetch it, with all the cart chains he could get and some powder. Finally, we got the whole to the blacksmith's smithy, where, chopping up the chain into lengths for shot, we opened a fire of chain shot on the enemy which drove back the main body and scattered them, and saved the post from utter destruction and piUage. All the colonists' houses were, however, destroyed by fire. Houseless, wounded, and in extreme distress, they took to the boats, and, saring what they could, started for Norway House (Jack's Eiver), declaring they would never return. " The enemy still prowled about, determined apparently to expel, dead or alive, all of our party. All of the H. B. Company's officers and men refused to remain, except the two brave fellows in the service, viz. Archibald Currie and James Mcintosh, who, with noble Hugh McLean, joined in holding the fort in the smithy. Governor Macdonell was a prisoner. " In their first approach the enemy appeared determined more to frighten than to kill. Their demonstration in line of battle, mounted, and in full ' war paint ' and equipment was formidable, but their fire, especially at first, was desultory. TROUBLE BETWEEN THE COMPANIES 223 Our party, numbering only about half theirs, while preserving a general line of defence, exposed itself as little as possible, but returned the enemy's fire, sharply checking the attack, and our line was never broken by them. On the contrary, when the chain-firing began, the enemy retired out of range of our artillery, but at a flank movement reached the colony houses, where they quickly and resistlessly plied the work of destruction. To their credit be it said, they took no life or property. " Of killed, on our side, there was only poor John Warren of H. B. C. service, a worthy brave gentleman, who, taking a leading part in the battle, too fearlessly exposed himself. Of the enemy, probably, the casualties were greater, for they presented a better target, and we certainly fired to kill. Prom the smithy we could and did protect the trade post, but could not the buUdings of the colonists, which were along the bank of the Eed Eiver, while the post faced the Assiniboine more than the Eed Eiver. Fortunately for us in the ' fort ' (the smithy) the short nights were never too dark for our watch and ward. " The colonists were allowed to take what they could of what belonged to them, and that was but little, for as yet they had neither cow nor plough, only a horse or two. There were boats and other craft enough to take them all — colonists and H. B. 0. people — away, and all, save my three compaiuons already named and myself, took ship and fled. For many days after we were under siege, li-ring under constant peril ; but unconquerable in our bullet-proof log walls, and with our terrible cannon and chain shot. " At length the enemy retired. The post was safe, -with from 800/. to 1000/. sterling worth of attractive trade goods belonging to the Hudson's Bay Company untouched. I was glad of this, for it enabled me to secure the services of free men about the place — French Canadians and haU-breeds not in the service of the N.-W. Company — to restore matters and prepare for the futm-e. " I felt that we had too much at stake in the country to give it up, and had every confidence in the resources of the H. B. Company and the Earl of Selkirk to hold their own and effectually repel any future attack from our opponents. 2 24 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY " I found the free men about the place wilUng to work for me ; and at once hired a force of them for buUding and other works in reparation of damages and in new works. So soon as I got my post in good order, I turned to save the little but precious and promising crops of the colonists, whose return I anticipated, made fences where required, and in due time cut and stacked their hay, &c. " That done I took upon me, without order or suggestion from any quarter, to build a house for the Governor and his staff of the Hudson's Bay Company at Eed Eiver. There was no such officer at that time, nor had there ever been, but I was aware that such an appointment was contemplated. " I selected for this purpose what I considered a suitable site at a point or sharp bend in the Eed Eiver about two miles below the Assiniboine, on a slight rise on the south side of the point — since known as Point Douglas, the family name of the Earl of Selkirk. Possibly I so christened it — I forget. " It was of two stories ; with main timbers of oak ; a good substantial house; with windows of parchment in default of glass." Here ends McLeod's diary. The Indians of the vicinity showed the colonists much sympathy, but on June 27th, after the hostile encounter, some thirteen famiUes, comprising from forty to sixty persons, pursued their sad journey, pUoted by friendly Indians, to the north end of Lake Winnipeg, where the Hudson's Bay Company post of Jack Eiver afforded some shelter. McLeod, and, as he teUs us, three men only were left. These endeavoured to protect the settlers' growing crops, which this year showed great promise. The expulsion may now be said to have been complete. The day after the departure of the expeUed settlers, the colony dwelUngs, with the possible exception of the Governor's house, were aU burnt to the ground. In July the desolate band reached Jack Eiver House, their future being dark indeed. Deliverance was, however, coming from two directions. Colin Eobertson, a Hudson's Bay Company officer, arrived from the Bast with twenty Canadians. On reaching the Eed Eiver settlement, he found the settlers all gone, but he foUowed them speedUy to their rendezvous on Lake Winnipeg TROUBLE BETWEEN THE COMPANIES 225 and returned with the refugees to their deserted homes on Eed Eiver. They were joined also by about ninety settlers from the Highlands of Scotland, who had come through to Eed Eiver in one season. The colony was now rising into promise again. A number of the demolished buildings were soon erected; the colony took heart, and under the new Governor, Eobert Semple, a British officer who had come with the last party of settlers, the prospects seemed to have improved. The Governor's dwelling was strengthened, other dwellings were erected beside it, and more necessity being now seen for defence, the whole assumed a more military aspect, and took the name, after Lord Selkirk's family name. Port Douglas. Though a fair crop had been reaped by the retm-ned settlers from their fields, yet the large addition to their numbers made it necessary to remove to Fort Daer, where the buffalo were plentiful. This party was under the leadership of Sheriff Alexander Macdonell, though Governor Semple was also there. The autumn saw trouble at the Forks. The report of disturb ances having taken place between the Nor'-Westers and Hudson's Bay Company employes at Qu'Appelle was heard, as well as renewed threats of disturbance in the colony. Colin Eobertson in October, 1815, captured Port Gibraltar, seized Duncan Cameron, and recovered the field-pieces and other property taken by the Nor'-Westers in the preceding months. Though the capture of Cameron and his fort thus took place, and the event was speedily followed by the rein statement of the trader on his promise to keep the peace, yet the report of -the seizure led to the greatest irritation in all parts of the coimtry where the two Companies had posts. AU through the winter, threatenings of violence filled the air. The Bois Briiles were arrogant, and, led by their faithful leader Cuthbert Grant, looked upon themselves as the " New Nation." Eeturning, after the New Year of 1816, from Fort Daer, Governor Semple saw the necessity for aggressive action. Port Gibraltar was to become the rendezvous for a Bois Brtiles force of extermination from Qu'Appelle, Fort des Prairies (Portage la Prairie), and even from the Saskatchewan^ To Q 2 26 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY prevent this, Colin Eobertson, under the Governor's direction, recaptured Fort Gibraltar and held Cameron as a prisoner. This event took place in March or April of 1816. The legality of this seizure was of course much discussed between the hostile parties. It was deemed wise, however, to make a safe disposal of the prisoner Cameron. He was accordingly dispatched under the care of Colin Eobertson, by way of Jack Eiver, to York Factory, to stand his trial in England. Thus were reprisals made for the capture and removal of Miles Macdonell in the preceding year, both actions being of doubtful legality. On account of the failure of the Hudson's Bay Company ship to leave York Factory in that year, Cameron did not reach England for seventeen months, where he was immediately released. The fall of Fort Gibraltar was soon to follow the deportation of its commandant. The matter of the dismantling of Fort Gibraltar was much discussed between Governor Semple and his lieutenant, Colin Eobertson. The latter was opposed to the proposed destruction of the Nor'-Wester fort, knowing the excitement such a course would cause. However, after the departure of Eobertson to Iludson Bay in charge of Cameron, the Governor carried out his purpose, and in the end of May, 1816, the buildings were pulled down. A force of some thirty men were employed, and, expecting as they did, a possible interruption from the West, the work was done in a week or a little more. The materials were taken apart ; the stockade was made into a raft, the remainder was piled upon it, and all was floated do-wn Eed Eiver to the site of Fort Douglas. The material was then used for strengthening the fort and building new houses in it. Thus ended Fort Gibraltar. A considerable establishment it was in its time ; its name was undoubtedly a misnomer so far as strength was concerned ; yet it points to its origination in troublous times. The vigorous policy carried out in regard to Fort Gibraltar was likewise shown in the district south of the Porks. As we have seen, to the south. Fort Daer had been erected, and thither, winter by winter, the settlers had gone for subsistence. Here, TROUBLE BETV/EEN THE COMPANIES 227 too, was the Nor'-Wester fort of Pembina House. During the time when Governor Semple and Colin Eobertson were maturing their plans, it was determined to seize Pembina. No sooner had the news of Cameron's seizure reached Port Daer, than Sheriff Macdonell, who was in charge, organized an expedition, took Pembina House, and its officers and inhabi tants. The prisoners were sent to Fort Douglas, and were liberated on pledges of good behaviour, and the military stores were also taken to Port Douglas. The reasons given by the colony people for this course are " self-defence and the security of the lives of the settlers." About the end of April, the settlers returned from Port Daer, and were placed on their respective lots along the Eed Eiver. All events now plainly pointed to armed disturbances and bloodshed. The policy of Governor Semple was too vigorous when the inflammable elements in the country were borne in mind. There was in the country a class called " Free Canadians," i.e. those French Canadian trappers and traders not connected with either Company, who obtained a precarious li-ring for themselves, their Indian wives, and half-breed children. These, fearing trouble, betook themselves to the plains. The Indians of the vicinity seemed to have gained a liking for the colonists and their leaders. When they heard the threatenings from the West, two of the chiefs came to Governor Semple and offered the assistance of their bands. This the Governor could not accept, whereat the chiefs gave voice to their sorrow and disappointment. Governor Semple seems to have disregarded all these omens of coming trouble, and to have acted almost without common prudence. No doubt, having but lately come to the country, he failed to ^lnderstand the daring character of his opponents. CHAPTEE XXV. THE SKIEMISH OF SEVEN OAKS. Leader of the Bois BruMs — A candid letter — Account of a prisoner — " Yellow Head " — Speech to the Indians — The chief knows nothing — On fleet Indian ponies — An eye witness in Fort Douglas — A rash Governor — The massacre — " For God's sake save my life " — The Governor and twenty others slain— Colonists driven out — Eastern levy meets the settlers — Effects seized — Wild revelry — Chanson of Pierre Falcon. The troubles between the Hudson's Bay and North-West Companies were evidently coming to a crisis. The Nor'- Westers laid their plans with skill, and determined to send one expedition from Fort WiUiam westward and another from Qu'Appelle eastward, and so crush out the opposition at Eed Eiver. From the west the expedition was under Cuthbert Grant, and he, appealing to his fellow Metis, raised the standard of the Bois Brlil6s and called his followers the " New Nation." Early in March the Bois Brules' leader wrote to Trader J. D. Cameron, detailing his plans and expectations. We quote from his letter: " I am now safe and sound, thank God, for I believe that it is more than Colin Eobertson, or any of his suite, dare offer the least insult to any of the Bois Briil6s, although Eobertson made use of some expressions which I hope he will swallow in the spring. He shall see that it is neither fifteen, thirty, nor fifty of his best horsemen that can make the Bois Brules bow to him. Our people at Port Des Prairies and English Eiver are all to be here in the spring. It is hoped that we shall come off with flying colours, and never to see any of them again in the colonizing way in Bed Biver. . . . We are to remain at the Porks to pass the summer, for fear they should play us the same trick as last THE SKIRMISH OF SEVEN OAKS 229 summer of coming back ; but they shall receive a warm reception." The details of this western expedition are well given by Lieutenant Pierre Chrysologue Pambrun, an officer of the Canadian Voltigeurs, a regiment which had distinguished itself in the late war against the United States. Pambrun had entered the service of the Hudson's Bay Company as a trader, and been sent to the Qu'Appelle district. Having gone west to Qu'Appelle, he left that western post with five boat loads of pem mican and furs to descend the Assiniboine Eiver to the Porks. Early in May, near the Grand Eapids, Pambrun and his party touched the shore of the river, when they were immediately surrounded by a party of Bois Briiles and their boats and cargoes were all seized by their assailants. The pemmican was landed and the boats taken across the river. The unfortunate Pambrun was for five days kept in durance vile by Cuthbert Grant and Peter Pangman, who headed the attacking party, and the prisoner was carried back to Qu'Appelle. While Pambrun was here as prisoner, he was frequently told by Cuthbert Grant that the half-breeds were intending in the summer to destroy the Eed Eiver settlements ; their leader often reminded the Bois Brules of this, and they frequently sang their war songs to waken ardour for the expeditions. Captors and prisoner shortly afterward left the western fort and went down the river to Grand Eapids. Here the captured pemmican was re-embarked and the journey was resumed. Near the forks of the Qu'Appelle Eiver a band of Indians was encamped. The Indians were summoned to meet Commander Macdonell, who spoke to them in French, though Pangman interpreted. " My Friends and Eelations,— I address you bashfully, for I have not a pipe of tobacco to give you. All our goods have been taken by the English, but we are now upon a party to drive them away. Those people have been spoiling the fair lands which belonged to you and the Bois Brdles, and to which they have no right. They have been driving away the buffalo. You wUl soon be poor and miserable if the EngUsh stay. But we wiU drive them away if the Indians do not, for the North- West Company and the Bois Briiles are one. If you (speaking 230 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY to the chief) and some of your young men will join I shall be glad." The'chief responded coldly and gave no assistance. Next morning the Indians departed, and the party proceeded on their journey. Pambrun was at first left behind, but in the evening was given a spare horse and overtook Grant's cavalcade at the North-West Fort near Brandon House. At the North-West Fort Pambrun saw tobacco, carpenter's tools, a quantity of furs, and other things which had been seized in the Hudson's Bay Fort, Brandon House, and been brought over as booty to the Nor'-Westers. Eesuming their journey the traders kept to their boats down the Assiniboine, while the Bois Brdles went chiefly on horse back until they reached Portage La Prairie. Sixty miles had yet to be traversed before the Porks were reached. The Bois Brdles now prepared their mounted force. Cuthbert Grant was Commander. Dressed in the picturesque garb of the country, the Metis now arrived -with guns, pistols, lances, bows, and arrows. Pambrun remained behind with Alexander Macdonell, but was clearly led to believe that the mounted force would enter Fort Douglas and destroy the settlement. On their fleet Indian ponies these children of the prairie soon made their journey from Portage La Prairie to the Selkirk settlement. We are indebted to the facile narrator, John Pritchard, for an account of their arrival and their attack. He states that in June, 1816, he was living at Eed Eiver, and quite looked for an attack from the western levy just described. Watch was con stantly kept from the guerite of Fort Douglas for the approaching foe. The half-breeds turned aside from the Assiniboine some four miles up the Eiver to a point a couple of miles below Port Douglas. Governor Semple and his attendants followed them with the glass in their route across the plain. The Governor and about twenty others sallied out to meet the western party. On his way out he sent back for a piece of cannon, which was in the fort, to be brought. Soon after this the half-breeds ap proached Governor Semple's party in the form of a half moon. The Highland settlers had betaken themselves for protection to Fort Douglas, and in their Gaelic tongue made sad complaint. A daring fellow named Boucher then came out of the ranks THE SKIRMISH OF SEVEN OAKS .231 of his party, and, on horseback, approached Semple and his body-guard. He gesticulated wUdly, and called out in broken English, "What do you want? What do you want?" Governor Semple answered, " What do you want ? " To this Boucher replied, "We want our fort." The Governor said, " WeU, go to your fort." Nothing more was said, but Governor Semple was seen to put his hand on Boucher's gun. At this juncture a shot was fired from some part of the line, and the firing became general. Many of the witnesses who saw the affair affirmed that the shot first fired was from the Bois Brdles' line. The attacking party were most deadly in their fire. Semple and his staff, as well as others of his party, fell to the number of twenty-two. The affair was most disastrous. Pritchard says : — " I did not see the Governor fall, though I saw his corpse the next day at the fort. When I saw Captain Eogers fall I expected to share his fate. As there was a French Canadian among those who surrounded me, and who had just made as end of my friend, I said, ' Lavigne, you are a Frenchman, you are a man, you are a Christian. For God's sake save my life ; for God's sake try and save it. I give myself up ; I am your prisoner.' " To the appeals of Pritchard Lavigne responded, and, placing himself before his friend, defended him from the infuriated half-breeds, who would have taken his life. One Primeau wished to shoot Pritchard, saying that the Englishman had formerly killed his brother. At length they decided to spare Pritchard's life, though they called him a petit chien, told him he had not long to live, and would be overtaken on their return. It transpired that Governor Semple was not killed by the first shot that disabled him, but had his thigh bone broken. A kind French Canadian undertook to care for the Governor, but in the fury of the fight an Indian, who was the greatest rascal in the company, shot the wounded man in the breast, and thus killed him instantly. The Bois Brdles, indeed, many of them, were disguised as Indians, and, painted as for the war dance, gave the war whoop, and made a hideous noise and shouting. When their 232 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY victory was won they declared that their purpose was to weaken the colony and put an end to the Hudson's Bay Company opposition. Cuthbert Grant then proceeded to complete his work. He declared to Pritchard that " if Port Douglas were not immediately given up with all the public property, instantly and without resistance, man, woman, and child would be put to death. He stated that the attack would be made upon it the same night, and if a single shot were fired, that would be the signal for the indiscriminate destruction of every soul." This declaration of CromwelUan policy was very alarming. Pritchard believed it meant the kilUng of all the women and children. He remonstrated with the prairie leader, reminding him that the colonists were his father's relatives. Somewhat softened by this appeal. Grant consented to spare the lives of the settlers if all the arms and public property were given up and the colony deserted. An inventory of property was accordingly taken, and in the evening of the third day after the battle, the mournful company, for a second time, like Acadian refugees, left behind them homes and firesides and went into exile. The joyful news was sent west by the victorious Metis. Pambrun at Portage La Prairie received news from a messenger who had hastened away to report to Macdonell the result of the attack. Hearing the account given by the courier, the trader was full of glee. He announced in French to the people who were anxiously awaiting the news, " Sacre nom de Dieu, bonnes nouvelles, -ringt-deux Anglais de tues." Those present, especially Lamarre, Macdonell, and Sieveright, gave vent to their feelings boisterously. Many of the party mounted their Indian ponies and hastened to the place of conflict; others went by water down the Assiniboine. The commander sent word ahead that the colonists were to be detained till his arrival. Pambrun, being taken part of the way by water, was delayed, and so was too late in arriving to see the colonists. Cuthbert Grant and nearly fifty of the assailing party were in the fort. Pambrun, having obtained permission to visit Seven Oaks, the scene of the conflict, was greatly distressed by the sight. The uncovered limbs of many of the dead were above ground, H«NIT03« HftlOK .,»„.,, , THujimiie sinEK^trrofWEj «,.. CMIHTfSi <• SELKIRK ^ n rm siTe oFssviMoimsj '», ,'"'''/ *¦>'«- (ta ^^J-'J 0) ^v. THE LIFE OF THE TRADERS 285 property after the youngest child has attained twenty-one years of age, to be placed in the pubUc funds, and the interest annually due to be added to the capital and continue so until August 16th, 1969 (I being born on that day two hundred years before), when the whole amount of the principal and interest so accumulated I will' and desire to be then placed at the disposal of the next male child heir in direct descent from my son Peter Fidler" or to the next-of-kin. He leaves his " Copyhold land and new house situated in tbe town of Bolsover, in the county of Derby," after the death of Mary Fidter, the mother of the testator, to be given to his youngest son, Peter Fidler. This will was dated on August 16th, 1821, and Fidler died in the foUo-wing year. The executors nominated were the Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company, the Governor of the Selkirk settlement, and the secretary of the Hudson's Bay Company. Some time after the death of this peculiar man, John Henry Pelly, Governor-in-Chief of the Hudson's Bay Company, Donald McKenzie, Governor of the Selkirk settlement, and WilUami Smith, Secretary of the Hudson's Bay Company, renounced the probate and execution of the will, and in October, 1827, " Thomas Fidler," his natural and lawful son, was appointed by the court to administer the will. A considerable amount of interest in this will has been sho-wn by the descendants of Peter Fidler, a number of whom stUl live in the province of Manitoba, on the banks of the Eed and Assiniboine Eivers. Lawyers have from time to time been appointed to seek out the residue, which, under tbe will, ought to be in process of accumulation till 1969, but no trace of it can be found in Hudson's Bay Company or Bank of England accounts, though diligent search has been made. STUBBOEN JOHN MCLEOD. John McLeod has already figured in our story. Coming out with Lord Selkirk's first party from the Island of Lewis, as one of the " twelve or thirteen young gentleman clerks," he, as we have seen, gave a good account of himself in the *' imminent and deadly breach," when he defended the 286 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Hudson's Bay Company encampment at the Forks against the fierce Nor'-Westers. His journal account of that struggle we found to be well told, even exciting. It further gives a picture of the fur trader's life, as seen with British eyes, and by one of Hudson's Bay Company sympathies. He met at the Forks, immediately on his arrival, three chiefs of the Nor'-Westers. One of these was John WiUs, who, as an old X Y trader, had joined the Nor'-Westers and shortly after built Port Gibraltar. A second of the trio was Benjamin Frobisher, of the celebrated Montreal firm of that name, who perished miserably, and the last was Alexander Macdonell, who was commonly kno-wn as " Yellow Head," and afterward became the " Grasshopper Governor." McLeod vividly describes the scene on his arrival, when the Hudson's Bay Company, as represented by trader William Hillier, formally transferred to Miles Macdonell, Lord Selkirk's agent, the grant of land and the privileges pertaining thereto. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the settlers and other spectators. McLeod quaintly relates that tbe three bourgeois mentioned were present on his invitation, but Wills would not allow his men to witness the transaction, which consisted of reading over the concession and handing it to Macdonell. Hugh Henney, the local officer in charge of the Hudson's Bay Company affairs, then read over the concession in French for the benefit of the voyageurs and free traders. McLeod relates a misadventure of irascible Peter Fidler in deaUng with a trader, Pangman, who afterward figured in Eed Eiver affairs. After Henney had taken part in the formal cession, he departed, leaving McLeod and Pangman in charge of the Hudson's Bay Company interests at the Forks. McLeod states that prior to this time (1813), the Hudson's Bay Company " had no house at this place," thus disposing of a local tradition that there was a Hudson Bay trading post at the Porks before Lord Selkirk's time. McLeod, however, proceeded immediately to build "a good snug house." This was ready before the return of the fall craft (trade), and it was this house that McLeod so valiantly defended in the following year. THE LIFE OF THE TRADERS 287 During the summer McLeod found Pangman very useful in meeting the opposition of the North-West Company traders. Peter Pangman was a German who had come from the United States, and was hence called " Bostonnais Pangman," the title Bostonnais being used in the fur-trading country for an American. Fidler, who had charge of the district for the Hudson's Bay Company, refused to give the equipment promised by Henney to Pangman. McLeod speaks of the supreme blunder of thus losing, for the sake of a few pounds, the service of so capable a man as Pangman. Pangman left the Hudson's Bay Company service, joined the Nor'-Westers, and was ever after one of the most bitter opponents of the older Company. After many a hostile blow dealt to his opponents, Pangman retired to Canada, where he bought the Seigniory of Lachenaie, and his son was an influential public man in Lower Canada, Hon. John Pangman. Events of interest rapidly followed one another at the time of the troubles. After the fierce onset at the Porks had been met by McLeod, he was honoured by being sent 500 miles south-westward by his senior officer, Colin Eobertson, with horses, carts, and goods, to trade with the Indians on the plains. This daring journey he accompUshed with only three men — " an Orkneyman and two Irishmen." In early winter he had returned to Pembina, where he was to meet the newly- appointed Governor, Eobert Semple. McLeod states that Semple was appointed under the resolution of the Board of Directors in London on May 19th, 1811, first Governor of Assiniboia. From this w^e are led to think that Miles Macdonell was Lord Selkirk's agent only, and was Governor by courtesy. The unsettled state of the country along the boundary line is sho-wn in a frightful massacre spoken of by McLeod. On a journey down the Eed Eiver, McLeod had spent a night near Christmas time in a camp of the Saulteaux Indians. He had taken part in their festivities and passed the night in their tents. He was horrified to hear a few days after at Pembina that a band of Sioux had, on the night of the feast, fallen upon the camp of Saulteaux, which was composed of thirty-six warriors, and that all but three of those making up the camp 288 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY had been brutally killed in a night attack. On his return to his post McLeod passed the scene of the terrible massacre, and he says he saw "the thirty-three slain bodies scalped, the knives and arrows and all that had touched their flesh being left there." McLeod was noted for his energy in building posts. He erected an establishment on Turtle Eiver ; and in the year after built a trading house beyond Lake Winnipeg, at the place where Oxford House afterward stood. McLeod, being possessed of courage and energy, was sent west to Saskatchewan, where, having wintered in the district with traders Bird and Pruden, and faced many dangers and hardships, he returned to Eed Eiver and was among those arrested by the Nor'-Westers. He was sent to Montreal, where, after some delay, the charge against him was summarily dismissed. He was, while there, summoned as a witness in the case against Eeinhart in Quebec. In Montreal McLeod was rejoiced to meet Lady Selkirk, the wife of his patron, from whom he received tokens of confidence and respect. The trader bad a hand in the important movement by which Lord Selkirk provided for his French and German dependents on the Eed Eiver, who belonged to tbe Eoman Catholic faith, the ordinances of religion. As we shall see. Lord Selkirk secured, according to his promise, the two priests Provencher and Dumoulin, and with them sent out a considerable number of French Canadians to Eed Eiver. McLeod's account of his part in the matter is as follows : — ' ' On my way between Montreal and Quebec, I took occasion, with the help of the good Eoman Catholic priests Dumoulin of Three Eivers, and Provencher of Montreal, to beat up recruits for the Hudson's Bay Company service and the colony among the French Canadians. On the opening of navigation about May 1st, I started, in charge with a brigade of seven large canoes, and with about forty Canadians, some with their families headed by my two good friends the priests — the first mission aries in the north since the time of the French before the conquest. Without any loss or difficiUty, I conducted the whole through to Norway House, whence in due course they THE LIFE OF THE TRADERS 289 were taken in boats and schooner to Eed Eiver. At this place we had a navy on the lake, but lately under the command of Lieutenant Holt, one of the victims of 1816. Holt had been of the S-«'edish navy." At Norway House McLeod's well-known ability and trust worthiness led to his appointment to the far West, " and from this time forth his field was northward to the Arctic." He had the distinguished honour of establishing a permanent highway, by a Une of suitable forts and trade establishments to the Peace Eiver region. While in charge of his post he had the pleasure of entertaining Franklin (the noble Sir John) on his first Arctic land expedition, and afterwards at Norway House saw the same distinguished traveller on his second journey to the interior of the North land. After the union of the Companies, McLeod, now raised to the position of Chief Trader, was the first officer of the old Hudson's Bay Company to be sent across the Eocky Mountains to take charge of the district in New Caledonia. Among the restless and vindictive natives of that region he continued for many years with a good measure of success, and ended up a career of thirty-seven years as a successful trader and thorough defender of the name and fame of the Hudson's Bay Company, by retiring to spend the remainder of his days, as so many of the traders did, upon the Ottawa Eiver. WILLAED FEEDINAND WENTZEL'S DISLIKES AND THE NEW E]fiGIME. Wentzel was a Norwegian who had entered the North-West Company in 1799, and spent most of his time in the Athabasca and Mackenzie Eiver districts, where he passed the hard life of a "-winterer" in the northern department. He was intelligent, but a mimic — and this troublesome cleverness prevented his promotion in the Company. He co-operated with Franklin the explorer in his journey to the Arctic Ocean. Wentzel was a musician — according to Franklin "an excellent musician." This talent of his brightened the long and dreary hom-s of life and contributed to keep all cheerful around him. A collection of the voyageur songs made by him is in existence, but they are somewhat gross. Wentzel married a Montagnais Indian u 2 90 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY woman, by whom he had two children. One of them lived on the Eed Eiver and built the St. Norbert Eoman Catholic Church in 1855. From Wentzel's letters we quote extracts showing the state of feeling at the time of the union of the fur companies in 1821 and for a few years afterwards. March 26th, 1821. — " In Athabasca, affairs seem to revive ; the natives are beginning to be subjected by the rivalship in trade that has been carried on so long, and are heartily desirous of seeing themselves once more in peaceable times, which makes tbe proverb true that says, ' Too much of a good thing is good for nothing.' Besides, the Hudson's Bay Company have apparently realized the extravagance of their measures ; last autumn they came into the department with fifteen canoes only, containing each about fifteen pieces. Mr. Simpson (afterward Sir George), a gentleman from England last spring, superintends their business. His being a stranger, and reputedly a gentlemanly man, will not create much alarm, nor do I presume him formidable as an Indian trader. Indeed, Mr. Leith, who manages the concerns of the North-West Company in Athabasca, has been so liberally supplied with men and goods that it will be almost wonderful if the opposi tion can make good a subsistence during the winter. Fort Chipewyan alone has an equipment of no less than seventy men, enough to crush their rivals." (Editor's note. — Another year saw Simpson Governor of the United Company.) Ap-il 10th, 1823. — " Necessity rather than persuasion, how ever, influenced me to remain ; my means for future support are too slender for me to give up my employment, but the late revolution in the affairs of the country (the coalition of the Hudson's Bay Company with the North-West Company in 1821) now obliges me to leave it the ensuing year, as the advantages and prospects are too discouraging to hold forth a probability of clearing one penny for future support. Salaries do not exceed one hundred pounds sterling, out of which clerks must purchase every necessity, even tobacco, and the prices of goods at the Bay are at the rate of one hundred and fifty or three hundred per cent, on prime cost, therefore I shall take this opportunity of humbly requesting your adrice how to settle my little earnings, which do not much exceed five hundred pounds, to the best advantage." THE LIFE OF THE TRADERS 2QI March 1st, 1824. — " Eespecting the concerns of the North- West (country), little occurs that can be interesting to Canada. Furs have lost a great deal of their former value in Europe, and many of the chief factors and traders would -wilUngly compound for their shares -with the Company for one thousand five hundred pounds, in order to retire from a country which has become disgusting and irksome to all classes. Still, the returns -are not altogether unprofitable ; but debts, disappointments, and age seem to oppress everyone alike. Engages' prices are now reduced to twenty-five pounds annually to a boute (fore man), and twenty pounds to middlemen, without equipment or any perquisites whatever. In fact, no class enjoys the gratuity •of an equipment. Besides, the committee at home insist upon being paid for families residing in posts and belonging to partners, clerks, or men, at the rate of two shillings for every woman and child over fourteen years of age, one shilling for every chUd under that age. This is complained of as a -grievance by all parties, and must eventually become very hard on some who have large families to support. In short, the North-West is now beginning to be ruled -with a rod of iron." (Evidently Wentzel is not an admirer of the new Tegime.) finlay' S SBAECH FOE FUE. The name of Finlay was a famous one among the traders. As we have seen, James Finlay was one of the first to leave Montreal, and penetrate among the tribes of Indians, in search of fur, to the far distant Saskatchewan. His son James was a trader, and served in the firm of Gregory, McLeod & Co. As was not uncommon, ¦ these traders had children by the Indian women, ha-ring a " country marriage," as it was caUed. As the result of these there was connected with the Finlay family a half-breed named Jaceo, or Jacko Finlay, who took his part in exploration in the Eocky Mountains in company with David Thompson. Besides these, there was a well-known trader, John Finlay, who is often difficult to separate from the other traders of the name. The writer has lying before him a manuscript, never hitherto published, entitled " A Voyage of Discovery from the Eocky 293 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Mountain Portage in Peace Eiver, to the Sources of Pinlay's Branch, and North-Westward: Summer, 1824." This is certified by Chief Factor McDougaU, to-day of Prince Albert, to be the journal of John Finlay. As it illustrates the methods by which the fur country was opened, we give a few extracts. May 13th. — " Eainy weather. In the evening, left Eocky Mountain Portage establishment. Crossed over to the portage and encamped for the night. . . . The expedition people are as follows : six effective canoe men, Joseph Le Guard, Antoine Perreault (bowman), Joseph Cunnayer, J. B. Tourangeau, J. M. Bouche, and Louis Olsen (middleman), M. McDonald, Manson, and myself, besides Le Prise and wife, in all ten persons. Le Prise is in the double capacity of hunter and interpreter." Finlay speaks of ' ' The existing troubles in this quarter caused by the murderers of our people at St. John's, roving about free and, it is said, menacing all; but as this is an exploratory voyage, and the principal motive to ascertain the existence of beaver in the country we are bound for, we shall do our best to accomplish the intentions of the voyage." 11th. — " Encamped at the hill at the little lake on the top of the hills at the west side of the Portage. Mr. M. shot a large fowl of the grouse kind, larger than the black heath cock in Scotland. Found some dried salmon in exchange with Mr. Stunt for pemmican — a meal for his men, and this year he seems independent of the Peace Eiver, at least as far as Dunvegan : they have nothing in prorisions at the Portage." Finlay is very much in the habit of describing the rock formations seen on his voyage. His descriptions are not very valuable, for he says, " I am not qualified to give a scientific description of the different species and genera of the different substances composing the strata of the Eocky Mountains." 22nd May. — "In this valley, about four mUes before us right south, Pinlay's branch comes in on the right : a mile and a half below Pinlay's branch made a portage of five hundred paces. At a rapid here we found the Canny cache (a hiding place for valuables) ; said to be some beaver in it of last year's hunt." '2,3rd. — "Met a band of Indians, who told us they were THE LIFE OF THE TRADERS 293 going up the small river — (evidently this had been named after the elder Finlay, as this instances its famUiarity) — on the left, to pass the summer, and a little before another river on the right ; that there were some beavers in it, but not so many as the one they were to pass the summer in." 24i/i. — "To-day some tracks of the reindeer, mountain sheep, and goats, but the old slave (hunter) has kUled nothing but a fowl or beaver now and then." 25th. — " I have never seen in any part of the country such luxuriance of wood as hereabout, the valley to near the tops of the mountains on both sides covered with thick, strong, dark- green branching pines. We see a good many beaver and some fowl, game (bustards), and duck, but kill few." Finlay declares to the slave, the hunter of his party, his 'intention to go up the large branch of the Finlay. " This is a disappointment to him as well as to the people, who have indulged their imaginations on this route falling on the Liard Eiver, teeming in beaver and large animals." Ith June. — " This afternoon we have seen a great deal of beaver work, and killed some bustards and Canadian grey geese ; we have seen no swans, and the ducks, with few exceptions, are shabby." Finlay gives a statement of his journey made so far, thus : — Rocky Mountain Portage to entrance of Pinlay's Branch 6 days. To Deserter's Portage 4 »> To Large Branch 5 „ To Point Du Mouton 4 „ To end of Portage 4 „ To Fishing Lakes 3 „ 26 days. FINLAY GIVES HIS VIEWS AS TO A " BEAVBE OOUNTEY." " In some of the large rivers coming into Pinlay's branch, where soft ground with wood, eligible for beaver, had been accumulated, beaver were to be found. Otherwise, except such places as here and there, the whole country is one con tinued mountain valley of rock and stone, and can by no means come under the denomination of a beaver country, in 294 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY the common acceptation of the word, on the waters of the- Hudson's Bay and Mackenzie Eiver." June 15th. — "Very fine warm weather ; huge masses of snow falling down from the mountains with a noise resembling- thunder. Those snow d&boules seem irresistible, shivering the- trees to atoms, carrying all clean before them, forming ruins as if the Tower of Babel or the Pyramids of Egypt had been thrown down from their foundations." Jwie 29th. — " Made a good fishery to-day : 7 trout, 12 carp, 1 small white fish, like those at McLeod's lake in Western Caledonia." Pinlay closes his journal of seventy-five closely-written quarto pages at the lake high in the mountains, where he saw a river rising. This lake we see from the map to be the source of the Liard Eiver. A TEUSTED TEADEE AND HIS FEIENDS. Not very long ago it was the good fortune of the -writer to be in Edinburgh. He was talking to his friend, a well-known Writer to the Signet. The conversation turned on the old fur- trading days, and in a short time author and la-wyer found themselves four stories high, in a garret, examining boxes, packages, and effects of James Hargrave and his son Joseph, who as fur traders, father and son, had occupied posts in the Hudson's Bay Company service extending from 1820 to 1892. Several cases were filled with copies of a book entitled "Eed Eiver," published by the younger Hargrave in 1871. Other boxes enclosed tbe library of father and son. Two canvass bags contained many pounds of new farthings, which, by some strange mischance, had found their way to the Hudson Bay and had been returned as useless. Miscellaneous articles of no value to the searchers lay about, but in one large valise were many bundles of letters. These were done up in the most careful manner. The packages were carefully tied with red tape, and each, securely sealed with three black ominous seals, emphasized the effect of the directions written on them, in some cases " to be opened only by my son," in others, " to be opened only by my children." After some delay the per- THE LIFE OF THE TRADERS 295 mission of the heirs was obtained, and the packages were opened and examined. They were all letters written between 1821 and 1869 by fur-trading friends to James Hargrave, who had carefully preserved them, folded, docketed, and arranged them, and who had, in the last years of his life at " Burnside House," his residence at Brockville, Canada, kept the large correspondence as the "apple of his eye." The vast majority of the letters, numbering many hundreds in all, had been addressed to York Factory. For most of his life Hargrave had been in charge of York Factory, on Hudson Bay. York Factory was during the greater part of this fur trader's life, as it had been for more than a century before his time, the port of entry to which goods brought by ship from Britain had been borne to the interior of Eupert's Land, and also the port from which the ships had carried their precious cargoes of furs to the mother country. James Hargrave had thus become the trusted correspondent of governor and merchant, of bishop and clergy man, of medical man and educationist. He was emphatically a middleman, a sort of Janus, looking with one face to the London merchants and with the other to the dwellers in Eupert's Land. But Hargrave was also a letter-writer, and a receiver of many news letters and friendly letters, a man who enjoyed conversation, and when this could not be had with his friends tete-a-tete, his social chats were carried on by means of letters, many months and even years apart. By degrees he rose in the service. From the first a friend of the emperor-governor, he has the good wishes of his friends expressed for his first rise to the post of chief trader, which he gained in 1833, and by-and-bye came his next well-deserved promotion to be chief factor in 1844. Along with all these letters was a book handsomely bound for keeping accounts and private memoranda. This book shows James Hargrave to have been a most methodical and painstaking man. In it is contained a list of all the promotions to official positions of commissioned officers for nearly forty years, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Here also is an account of his investments, and the satisfactory 296 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY statement that, during his nearly forty years of service, his shares of the profits, investments, and re-investments of what he did not use, allowed him to retire from active service with, as tbe result of his labour, about 8700Z. The writer has sought to glean from the hundreds of letters in the Edinburgh garret what is interesting in the life of Eupert's Land, so far as is shown in the writing and acting of this old fur trader and his friends. Many of the letters are from Governor Simpson. These letters of the Governor are chiefly written from Eed Eiver or Norway House — the former the " Fur Traders' Paradise," the latter the meeting-place of the Council, held once a year to decide all matters of business. Occasionally a letter of the Governor's is from Bas de la Eiviere (i.e. the mouth of the Winnipeg Eiver), written by that energetic officer, as might be said, " on the wing," and in a few cases from London, England, whither frequently Governor Simpson crossed on the business of the Company. Governor Simpson's remarks as to society in Eed Eiver, 1831, are keen and -amusing : — " As yet we have had one fete, which was honoured by the presence of all the elegance and dignity of the place from his Eeverence of Juliopolis (Bishop Provencher) down to friend Cook, who (the latter) was as grave and sober as a bishop. . . . By-the-bye, we have got a very ' rum ' fellow of a doctor here now : the strangest com pound of skill, simplicity, selfishness, extravagance, musical taste, and want of courtesy, I ever fell in with. The people are living on the fat of the earth, in short, Eed Eiver is a perfect land of Canaan as far as good cheer goes. ... Do me me the favour to pick out a couple pounds of choice snuff for me and send them by Mr. Miles." A short time after this, Governor Simpson, -writing, says, speaking of the completion of St. John's Church, afterward the Cathedral Church, and referring to the discontent of the Selkirk settlers, with which he had small sympathy, " We have got into the new church, which is really a splendid edifice for Eed Eiver, and the people are less clamorous about a Gaelic minister than they were." The good Governor had his pleasant fling at the claim made by the Highlanders to have their THE LIFE OF THE TRADERS 297 private stills when he says, " And about whiskey they say not one word, now that rum is so cheap, and good strong ' heavy wet ' in general use." Speaking of one of the chief officers who was off duty, the Governor says, " Chief Factor Charles is like a fish out of water, having no musquash to count, nor Chipewyans to trade with ; he is as brisk and active as a boy, and instead of sho-wing any disposition to retire, wishes to volunteer to put a finishing hand to the as yet fruitless attempt at discovering the North-West passage." Governor Simpson knows well the art of flattery, and his skill in managing his large force of Company officers and men is well seen. He states to Hargrave that he once predicted at the board that the traders of York Factory would yet have a seat at the Board. This, he stated, gave mortal offence to some members, but he was to bear the prediction in mind. He compliments him on sending the best-written letter that he has received for a long time, and we find that in the following year Hargrave was made Chief Trader. This was the occasion for numerous congratulations from his friends Archdeacon Cochrane of Eed Eiver, Trader Sieveright, and others. The news of the time was common subject of discussion between the traders in their letters. Governor Simpson gave an account of the outbreak of cholera in the eastern states and pro-rinces, and traces in a very graphic way its dangerous approach towards Eupert's Land. Up to August, 1832, fifteen hundred people had died in Montreal. The pestilence had reached Mackinaw, and two hundred of the steam-boat passengers were carried off, and some near Sault Ste. Marie. "God grant," says the Governor, "it may not penetrate further into our wilds, but the chances are decidedly against us." That the Hudson's Bay Company officers were not traders only is made abundantly e-rident. In one of his letters, Governor Simpson states that their countryman. Sir Walter Scott, has just passed away, he thanks Hargrave for sending him copies of Blackwood's Magazine, and orders are often given for fresh and timely books. A little earlier we find the minute interest which the fur traders took in public events in a letter from Chief Factor John Stuart, after whom Stuart's 298 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Lake, in New Caledonia, was named. He speaks to Hargrave of the continuation of Southey's " History of tbe War of the Peninsula " not being published, and we know from other sources that this History fell still-born, but Stuart goes on to say that he had sent for Col. Napier's History of the Penin sular War." " Napier's politics," says Stuart, " are different, and we shall see whether it is the radical or a laurel (Southey was poet laureate) that deserves the palm." These examples but illustrate what all close observers notice, that the officers of the Hudson's Bay Company not only read to purpose, but maintained a keen outlook for the best and most finished contemporary Uterature. Much additional evidence might be supplied on this point. All through Governor Simpson's letters there is a strain of sympathy for the people of the Company that is very beautiful. These show that instead of being a hard and tyrannical man, the Governor had a tender heart. In one of his letters he expresses sympathy for Trader Heron, who had met misfortune. He speaks of his great anxiety for a serious trouble that had arisen in Eev. Mr. Jones's school at Eed Eiver, and hopes that it may not injure education ; he laments at considerable length over Mr. J. S. McTavish's unfortunate accident. Having heard of Hargrave's long illness he sends a letter of warm sympathy, and this in the midst of a flying visit, and in London in tbe following year pays every attention by giving kind, hospitable invitations to Hargrave to enjoy the society of himself and Lady Simpson. The racy letters of Governor Simpson are by no means more interesting than those of many others of Hargrave's friends. Ordinary business letters sometimes seem to have a humorous turn about them even fifty years after they were written. The Eoman Catholic Bishop Provencher (Bishop of Juliopolis in partibus infidelium) affords an example of this. He writes in great distress to Hargrave as to the loss of a cask of white wine {une barrique de vin blanc). He had expected it by the York boats sent do-wn by the great Eed Eiver merchant, Andrew McDermott. . . . The cask had not arrived. The good Bishop cannot understand it, but presumes, as it is December when he writes, that it wUl come in tbe spring. The Bishop's last THE LIFE OF THE TRADERS 299 remark is open to a double meaning, when he says, " Leave it as it is, for he will take it without putting it in barrels." The Bishop in a more important matter addresses Governor Simpson, and the Governor forwards his letter to York Factory. In this Bishop Provencher thanks him for giving a voyage in the canoes, from Eed Eiver to Montreal, to Priest Harper, and for bringing up Sub-Deacon Poir^, a " young man of talent." He also gives hearty thanks for a passage, granted by the Governor on the fur traders' route from the St. Lawrence, to two stone masons. " I commence," he said, " to dig the foundation of my church to-morrow." He asks for a passage down and up for members of his ecclesiastical staff. He wants from York Factory forty or fifty hoes for Mr. Belcour to use in teaching the Indians to cultivate potatoes and Indian corn, and he naively remarks, " while thus engaged, he will at the same time cultivate their spirits and their hearts by the preaching of the Word of God." The eye for business is seen in the Bishop's final remark that he thinks " that the hoes from the Bay will cost much less than those made by the smiths at Eed Eiver." Archdeacon Cochrane, a man of gigantic form and of amazing bonhomie, who has been called the ' ' founder of the Church of England on Eed Eiver," writes several interesting letters. Beginning with business he drifts into a friendly talk. One of his letters deals with the supplies for the school he had opened (1831) at St. Andrew's, Eed Eiver, another sings the praises of his new church at the rapids : " It is an elegant little church, pewed for three hundred and forty people, and finished in the neatest manner it could be for Eed Eiver. The ceiUng is an arc of an ellipse, painted light blue. The moulding and pulpit bro-wn ; the jambs and sashes of the windows white." A little of the inner working of the fur-trading system in the predominance of Scottish influence is exhibited by Archdeacon Cochrane in one letter to Hargrave. Eecurring to Hargrave's promotion to the chief tradership, not yet bestowed, the old clergyman quaintly says, "Are you likely to get another feather in your cap ? I begin to think that your name will have to be changed into MacArgrave. A 'mac ' before your name would produce a greater effect than all the rest of your merits put 300 THE HUDSON'S BA Y COMPANY together. Can't you demonstrate that you are one of the descendants of one of the great clans ? " Among the correspondence is a neat little note to Hargrave (1826) from Eev. David Jones, the Archdeacon's predecessor, written at Eed Eiver, asking his company to a family dinner on the next Monday, at 2 p.m. ; and a delicate missive from Acting-Governor Bulger of Eed Eiver, asking Hargrave to accept a small quantity of snuff. Among Hargrave's correspondents are such notable fur traders as Cuthbert Grant, the leader of the Bois Brdles, who had settled down on White Horse Plains, on the Assiniboine Eiver, and was the famous captain of the buffalo hunters ; and WilUam ConoUy, the daring Chief Factor of New Caledonia. Events, in Port ChurchiU, are well described in the extensive correspondence of J. G. McTavish, long stationed there ; and good Governors Finlayson and McMillan of Eed Eiver are well represented ; as well as Alexander Eoss, the historian of the Eed Eiver affairs. A full account of the wanderings from York Factory to the far distant Pacific slope of Mr. George Barnston, who afterwards was well known in business circles as a resident of Montreal, could be gathered, did time permit, from a most regular correspondence with Hargrave. Probably the man most after the York Chief Factor's own heart was a good letter writer, John Sieveright, who early became Chief Trader and afterwards Chief Factor in 1846. Sieveright had become acquainted with Hargrave at Sault Ste. Marie. Afterwards he was removed to Fort Coulonge on the Upper Ottawa, but he still kept up his interest in Hargrave and the affairs of Eupert's Land. Sieveright has a play of humour and pleasant banter that was very agreeable to Hargrave. He rallies him about an old acquaintance, the handsome daughter of Fur Trader Johnston, of Sault Ste. Marie, who, it will be remembered, married an Indian princess. He has a great faculty of using what other correspondents write to him, in making up very readable and well written letters to his friends. For many years Sieveright was at Port Coulonge, and thus was in touch with the Hudson's Bay Company house at Lachine, the centre of the fur trade on this continent. Every THE LIFE OP THE TRADERS 301 year he paid a visit to headquarters, and had an advantage over the distant traders on the Saskatchewan, Mackenzie, and Nelson Eivers. He, however, seemed always to envy them their lot. Writing of Port Coulonge, he gives us a picture of the fur trader's life : " This place has the advantage of being so near the civilized world as to allow us to hear now and then what is going on in it ; but no society or amusement to help pass the time away. In consequence I cannot help reading a great deal too much — injurious at any time of life — particularly so when on the wrong side of fifty. I have been lately reading John Gait's ' Southernan,' not much to be admired. His characters are mostly all caricatures. If place -will be aUowed in paper trunk, I shall put that work and ' Laurie Todd ' in for your acceptance." CHAPTEE XXXI. THE VOYAGEUES FEOM MONTEEAL. Lachine, the fur traders' Mecca — The departure — The flowing bowl — The canoe brigade — The voyageurs' song^" En roulant ma boule " — VUlage of St. Anne's — Legend of the Church — The sailor's guardian — Origin of " Canadian Boat Song " — A loud invocation — " A la Claire Fontaine " — " Sing, nightingale " — ^At the rapids — The ominous crosses — " Lament of Cadieux " — A lonely maiden sits — The Wendigo — Home of the Ermatingers— A very old canal — The rugged coast — Fort William reached — A famous gathering — The joyous return. MoNTEEAL, to-day the chief city of Canada, was, after the union of the Companies, the centre of the fur trade in the New World. The old Nor'-Wester influence centered on the St. Lawrence, and while the final court of appeal met in London, the forces that gave energy and effect to the decrees of the London Board acted from Montreal. At Lachine, above the rapids, nine miles from the city, lived Governor Simpson, and many retu-ed traders looked upon Lachine as the Mecca of the fur trade. Even before tbe days of the Lachine Canal, which was built to avoid tbe rapids, it is said the pushing traders had taken advantage of the little Eiver St. Pierre, which falls into the St. Lawrence, and had made a deep cutting from it up which they dragged their boats to Lachine. To the hardy French voyageurs, accustomed to " portage " their cargoes up steep cliffs, it was no hardship to use the improvised canal and reach Lachine at the head of the rapids. Accordingly, Lachine became the port of departure for the voyagem-s on then- long journeys up the Ottawa, and on to the distant fur country. Hea-?y canoes carrying four tons of merchandise were buUt for the freight, and light canoes, some- THE VOYAGEURS FROM MONTREAL 303 times manned with ten or twelve men, took the officers at great speed along the route. The canoes were marvels of durabiUty. Made of thin but tough sheets of birch bark, securely gummed along the seams with pitch, they were so strong, and yet so light, that the Indians thought them an object of wonder, and said they were the gift of the Manitou. The voyageurs were a hardy class of men, trained from boyhood to the use of the paddle. Many of them were Iroquois Indians — pure or with an admixture of white blood. But the French Canadians, too, became noted for their expert management of the canoe, and were favourites of Sir George Simpson. Like all sailors, the voyageurs felt the day of their departure a day of fate. Very often they sought to drown their sorrows in the flowing bowl, and it was the trick of the commander to prevent this by keeping the exact time of the departure a secret, filUng up the time of the voyagem's with plenty to do and lea-ring on very short notice. However, as the cargo was well-nigh shipped, wives, daughters, children, and sweethearts too, of the departing canoe men began to linger about the docks, and so were ready to bid their sad farewells. In the governor's or chief factor's brigade each voyageur wore a feather in his cap, and if the wind permitted it a British ensign was hoisted on each light canoe. Farewells were soon over. Cheers filled the air from those left behind, and out from Lachine up Lake St. Louis, an enlargement of the St. Lawrence, the brigade of canoes were soon to shoot on their long voyage. No sooner had " le maitre " found his cargo afloat, his officers and visitors safely seated, than he gave the cheery word to start, when the men broke out with a " chanson de voyage." Perhaps it was the story of the " Three Fairy Ducks," with its chorus so lively in French, but so prosaic, even in the hands of the poetic McLennan, when translated into English as the " EolUng Ball " : — " Derrifere chez nous, il y a un Stang (Behind the manor lies the mere), En roulant ma boule. (Chorus.) Trois beaux canards s'en vont baignant. (Three ducks bathe in its water clear.) 304 THE HUDSON'S BA\ COMPANY En roulant ma boule. Rouli, roulant, ma boule roulant. En roulant, ma boule roulant, En roulant ma boule." And now the paddles strike with accustomed dash. The voyageurs are excited with the prospect of the voyage, all scenes of home swim before their eyes, and the chorister leads off with his story of the prince (fils du roi) drawing near the lake, and with his magic gun cruelly sighting the black duck, but killing the white one. With falling voices the swinging men of the canoe relate how from the snow-white drake his " Life blood falls in rubies bright, His diamond eyes have lost their light. His plumes go floating east and west. And form at last a soldier's bed. En roulant ma boule (Sweet refuge for the wanderer's head), En roulant ma boule, Rouli, roulant, ma boule roulant, En roulant ma boule roulant, En roulant ma boule." As the brigade hies on its way, to the right is the purplish brown water of the Ottawa, and on the left the green tinge of the St. Lawrence, till suddenly turning around the western extremity of the Island of Montreal, the boiling waters of the mouth of the Ottawa are before the voyageurs. Since 1816 there has been a canal by which the canoes avoid these rapids, but before that time all men and officers disembarked and the goods were taken by portage around the foaming waters. And now the village of Ste. Anne's is reached, a sacred place to the departing voyageurs, and here at the old warehouse the canoes are moored. Among the group of pretty Canadian houses stands out the Gothic church with its spire so dear an object to the canoe men. The superstitious voyageurs relate that old Breboeuf, who had gone as priest with the early French explorers, had been badly injured on the portage by the fall of earth and stones upon him. The attendance possible for him was small, and he had laid himself down to die on the spot where stands the church. He prayed to Ste. Anne, the sailors' guardian, and on her appearing to him he promised to build a church if he survived. Of course, say the voyageurs. I. — PORTAGE. II. — -DEOHARSE. [Pa^e 301. THE VOYAGEURS FROM MONTREAL 305 with a merry twinkle of the eye, he recovered and kept his word. At the shrine of "la bonne Ste. Anne" the voyageur made his vow of devotion, asked for protection on his voyage, and left such gift as he could to the patron saint. Coming up and down the river at this point the voyageurs often sang the song : — " Dans mon chemin j'ai rencontr^ Deux cavaliers tres bien montfe ;" with the refrain to every verse : — " A I'ombre d'un bois je m'en vais jouer, A I'ombre d'un bois je m'en vais jouer." (" Under the shady tree I go to play.") It is said that it was when struck with the movement and rhythm of this French chanson that Thomas Moore, the Irish poet, on his visit to Canada, while on its inland waters, wrote the " Canadian Boat Song," and made celebrated the good Ste. Arme of the voyageurs. Whether in the first lines he succeeded in imitating the original or not, his musical notes are agreeable : — • " Faintly as tolls the evening chime, Our voices keep tune and our oars keep time." Certainly the refrain has more of the spirit of the boatman's song : — " Row, brothers, row ; the stream runs fast. The rapids are near and the daylight's past." The true colouring of the scene is reflected in " We'U sing at Ste. Anne ;" and- " Uttawa's tide, this trembling moon. Shall see us float over thy surges soon." Ste. Ann p. really had a high distinction among all the resting- places on the fur trader's route. It was the last point in the departure from Montreal Island. Eeligion and sentiment fot a hundred years had consecrated it, and a short distance above it on an eminence overlooking the narrows — the real mouth of the Ottawa — was a venerable ruin, now overgrown with ivy 3o6 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY and young trees, " CbfLteau brillant," a castle speaking of border foray and Indian warfare generations ago. If the party was a distinguished one there was often a priest included, and he, as soon as the brigade was fairly off and the party had settled down to the motion, reverently removing his hat, sounded forth a loud invocation to the Deity and to a long train of male and female saints, in a loud and full voice, while all the men at the end of each versicle made response, " Qu'il me benisse." This done, he called for a song. None of the many songs of France would be more likely at this stage than the favourite and most beloved of all French Canadian songs, " A la Claire Fontaine." The leader in solo would ring out the verse — " A la claire f ontaine, M'en allant promener, J'ai trouve I'eau si belle, Que je m'y suis baignS." (" Unto the crystal fountain, For pleasure did I stray ; So fair I found the waters. My limbs in them I lay.") Then in full chorus all would unite, followed verse by verse. Most touching of all would be the address to the nightingale — " Chantez, rossignol, chantez, Toi qui as le coeur gai ; Tu as le coeur a rire, Moi, je I'ai k pleurer." (" Sing, nightingale, keep singing. Thou hast a heart so gay ; Thou hast a heart so merry, While mine is sorrow's prey.") The most beautiful of all, the chorus, is again repeated, and is as translated by Lighthall : — " Long is it I have loved thee, Thee shall I love alway, My dearest ; Long is it I have loved thee. Thee shall I love alway." The brigade swept on up the Lake of Two Mountains, and though the work was hard, yet the spirit and exhilaration of the way kept up the hearts of the voyageurs and officers, and THE VOYAGEURS FROM MONTREAL 307 as one song was ended, another was begun and carried through. Now it was the rollicking chanson, " C'est la Belle Fran9oise," then the tender " La Violette Dandine," and when inspiration was needed, that song of perennial interest, " Malbrouck s'en va-t-en guerre." A distance up the Ottawa, however, the scenery changes, and the river is interrupted by three embarrassing rapids. At Carillon, opposite to which was Port Fortune, a great resort for retired fur traders, the labours began, and so these rapids, Carillon, Long Sault, and Chute au Blondeau, now avoided by canals, were in the old days passed by portage with infinite toil. Up the river to the great Chaudiere, where the City of Ottawa now stands, they cheerfully rowed, and after another great portage the Upper Ottawa was faced. The most dangerous and exacting part of the great river was the well-kno-wn section where two long islands, the lower the Calumet, and the Allumette block the stream, and fierce rapids are to be encountered. This was the piece de resistance of the canoe-men's experience. Around it their superstitions clustered. On the shores were many crosses erected to mark the death, in the boiling surges beside the portage, of many comrades who had perished here. Between the two islands on the north side of the river, the Hudson's Bay Company had founded Port Coulonge, used as a depot or refuge in case of accident. No wonder the region, with " Deep Eiver " above, leading on to the sombre narrows of " Hell Gate " further up the stream, appealed to the fear and imagination of the voyageurs. Ballad and story had gro-wn round the boiling flood of the Calumet. As early as the time of Champlain, the story goes that an educated and daring Frenchman named Cadieux had settled here, and taken as his wife one of the dusky Ottawas. The prowling Iroquois attacked his dwelling. Cadieux and one Indian held the enemy at bay, and firing from different points led them to beUeve that the stronghold was well manned. In the meantime, the spouse of Cadieux and a few Indians launched their canoes into the boiling waters and escaped. Prom pool to pool the canoe was whirled, but in|its course the Indians saw before them a female figure, in misty 3o8 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY robes, leading them as protectress. The Christian spouse said it was the " bonne Ste. Anne," who led them out of danger and saved them. The Iroquois gave up the siege. Cadieux's companion had been killed, and the surviving settler himself perished from exhaustion in the forest. Beside him, tradition says, was found his death song, and this "Lament de Cadieux," with its touching and attractive strain, tbe voyageurs sang when they faced the dangers of the foaming currents of the Upper Ottawa. The whole route with its rapids, whirlpools, and deceptive currents, came to be surrounded, especially in superstitious minds, with an air of dangerous mystery. A traveller tells us that a prominent fur trader pointed out to him the very spot where his father had been swept under the eddy and drowned. The camp-fire stories were largely the accounts of disasters and accidents on the long and dangerous way. As such a story was told on the edge of a shadowy forest the voyageurs were filled with dread. The story of the Wendigo was an alarming one. No crew would push on after the sun was set, lest they should see this apparition. Some said he was a spirit condemned to wander to and fro in the earth on account of crimes committed, others believed the Wendigo was a desperate outcast, who had tasted human flesh, and prowled about at night, seeking in camping-places of the traders a victim. Tales were told of unlucky trappers who had disappeared in the woods and had never been heard of again. The story of the Wendigo made the camping-place to be surrounded with a sombre interest to the traders. UnbeUevers in this mysterious ogre freely declared that it was but a partner's story told to prevent the voyageurs delaying on their journey, and tq hinder them from wandering to lonely spots by the rapids to fish or hunt. One of the old writers spoke of the enemy of the voyageurs — " II se nourrit des corps des pauvres voyageurs, Des malheureux passants et des navigateurs." (" He feeds on the bodies of unfortunate men of the river, of unlucky travellers, and of the mariners.") Impressed by the sombre memories of this fur traders' route, a traveller in the light canoes in fur-trading days. Dr. THE VOYAGEURS FROM MONTREAL 309 Bigsby, relates that he had a great surprise when, picking his way along a rocky portage, he " suddenly stumbled upon a young lady sitting alone under a bush in a green riding habit and white beaver bonnet." The impressionable doctor looked upon this forest sylph and doubted whether she was " One of those fairy shepherds and shepherdesses Who hereabouts live on simplicity and watercresses." After confused explanations on the part of both, the lady was found to be an- Ermatinger, daughter of the well-known trader of Sault Ste. Marie, who with his party was then at the other end of the portage. We may now, with the privilege accorded the writer, omit the hardships of hundreds of miles of painful journeying, and waft the party of the voyageurs, whose fortunes we have been foUowing, up to the head of the west branch of the Ottawa, across the Vaz portages, and down a little stream into Lake Nipissing, where there was an old-time fort of the Nor'- Westers, named La Eonde. Across Lake Nipissing, down the French Eiver, and over the Georgian Bay with its beautiful scenery, the voyageurs' brigade at length reached the Eiver St. Mary, soon to rest at the famous old fort of Sault Ste. Marie. Sault Ste. Marie was the home of the Ermatingers, to which the fairy shepherdess belonged. The Ermatinger family, whose name so continually associates itself -with Sault Ste. Marie, affords a fine example of energy and influence. Shortly after the conquest of Canada by Wolfe, a S-wiss merchant came from the United States and made Canada his home. One of his sons, George Ermatinger, jour neyed westward to the territory now making up Michigan, and, finding his way to Sault Ste. Marie, married, engaged in the fm* trade, and died there. Still more noted than his brother, Charles Oaks Ermatinger, going westward from Montreal, also made Sault Ste. Marie his home. A man of great courage and local influence in the war of 1812, the younger brother commanded a company of volun teers in the expedition from Fort St. Joseph, which succeeded that summer in capturing Michilimackinac. His fur-trading 3IO THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY establishment at Sault Ste. Marie was situated on the south side of the river, opposite the rapids. When this territory was taken possession of by the troops of the United States in 1822, the fur trader's premises at Sault Ste. Marie were seized and became the American fort. For some years after this seizure trader Ermatinger had a serious dispute with the United States Government about his property, but finally received compensa tion. True to tbe Ermatinger disposition, the trader then with- drew'to the Canadian side, retained his British connection, and carried on trade at Sault Ste. Marie, Drummond Island, and elsewhere. A resident of Sault Ste. Marie informs the -writer that the family of Ermatinger about that place is now a very numerous one, " related to almost all the families both white and red. ' ' Very early in tbe century (1814), a passing trader named Pranchere arrived from tbe west country at the time that the American troops devastated Sault Ste. Marie. Charles Ermatinger then had his buildings on the Canadian side of the river, not far from the houses and stores of the North-West Company, which had been burnt down by the American troops. Ermatinger at the time was living on the south side of tbe river temporarily in a house of old trader Nolin, whose family, the traveller tells us, consisted of " three half-breed boys and as many girls, one of whom was passably pretty." Ermatinger had just erected a grist mill, and was then building a stone house "very elegant." To this home the young lady overtaken by Dr. Bigsby on the canoe route belonged. Of the two nephews of the doughty old trader of Sault Ste. Marie, Charles and Francis Ermatinger, who were prominent in the fur trade, more anon. The dashing rapids of the St. Mary Eiver are tbe natural feature which has made the place celebrated. The exciting feat of " running the rapids " is accomplished by all distinguished visitors to the place. John Busheau, or some other dusky canoe-man, with unerring paddle, conducts the shrinking tourist to within a yard of the boiling cauldron, and sweeps down through the spray and splash, as his passenger heaves a sigh of relief. Tbe obstruction made by the rapids to the navigation of the '^ at THE VO YA GE URS FROM MONTREAL 3 1 1 river, which is the artery connecting the trade of Lakes Huron and Superior, early occupied the thought of the fur traders. A century ago, during the conflict of the North-West Company and the X Y, the portage past the rapids was a subject of grave dispute. Ardent appeals were made to the government to settle the matter. The X Y Company forced a road through the disputed river frontage, while the North-West Company used a canal half a mile long, on which was built a lock ; and at the foot of the canal a good wharf and storehouse had been constructed. This waterway, built at the beginning of the century and capable of carrying loaded canoes and considerable boats, was a remarkable proof of the energy and skill of the fur traders. The river and rapids of St. Mary past, the joyful voyageurs hastened to skirt the great lake of Superior, on whose shores their destination lay. Deep and cold, Lake Superior, when stirred by angry winds, became the grave of many a voyageur. Few that feU into its icy embrace escaped. Its rocky shores were the death of many a swift canoe, and its weird legends were those of the Inini-Wudjoo, the great giant, or of the hungry heron that devoured the unwary. Cautiously along its shores Jean Baptiste crept to Michipicoten, then to the Pic, and on to Nepigon, places where trading posts marked the nerve centres of the fur trade. At length, rounding Thunder Cape, Fort WilUam was reached, the goal of the " mangeur de lard " or Montreal voyageur. Around the walls of the fort the great encampment was made. The Eiver Kaministiquia was gay with canoes ; the East and West met in rivalry — the wild couriers of the West and the patient boatmen of the East. In sight of the fort stood, up the river, McKay Mountain, around which tradition had woven fancies and tales. Its terraced heights suggest man's work, but it is to this day in a state of nature. Here in the days of conflict, when the opposing trappers and hunters went on their expeditions, old Trader McKay ascended, foUowed them with his keen eye in their meanderings, and circumvented them in their plans. The days of waituag, unloading, loading, feasting, and con tending being over, the Montreal voyageurs turned their faces 313 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY homeward, and with flags afloat, paddled away, now cheerfully singing sweet " Alouette." " Ma mignonette, embrassez-moi Nenni, Monsieur, je n'oserais Car si mon papa le savait." (My darling smUe on me, No ! No ! good sir, I do not dare My dear papa would know ! would know I ) " But who would teU papa ? " " The birds on the forest tree." " Hs parlent franp ais, latin aussi H^las ! que le monde est malin D'apprendre aux oiseaux le latin.'' (" They speak French and Latin too, Alas ! the world is very bad To tell its tales to the naughty birds.") Bon voyage ! Bon voyage, mes voyageurs ! CHAPTEE XXXII. EXPLOEEES IN THE FAE NOETH. The North-West Passage again^Lieut. John Franklin's land expedition — Two lonely winters — Hearne's mistake corrected — Franklin's second journey — Arctic sea coast explored — Franklin knighted — Captain John Ross by sea — Discovers magnetic pole — Magnetic needle nearly perpendicular — Back seeks for Ross — Dease and Simpson sent by Hudson's Bay Company to explore — Sir John in Erebus and Terror — The Paleocrystic Sea — Franklin never returns — Lady Franklin's devotion — The historic search — Dr. Rae secures relics — Captain McOlintock finds the cairn and written record — Advantages of the search. The British people were ever on the alert to have their famous sea captains explore new seas, especially in the line of the discovery of the North-West Passage. From the time of Dobbs, the discomfiture of that bitter enemy of the Hudson's Bay Company had checked the advance in foUowing up the explorations of Davis and Baffin, whose names had become fixed on the icy sea channels of the North. Captain Phipps, afterwards Lord Mulgrave, had been the last of the great captains who had taken part in the spasm of north-west interest set agoing by Dobbs. Two generations of men had passed when, in 1817, the quest for the North-West Passage was taken up by Captain WUliam Scoresby. Scoresby advanced a fresh argument in favour of a new effort to attain this long-harboured dream of the English captains. He main tained that a change had taken place in the seasons, and the position of the ice was such as probably to allow a successful voyage to be made from Baffin's Bay to Behring Strait. Sir John Barrow with great energy advocated the project of a new expedition, and Captain John Eoss and Edward Parry were despatched to the northern seas. Parry's second expedition enabled him to discover Fury and Hecla Strait, 314 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY to pass through Lancaster Strait, and to name the continuation of it Barrow Strait, after the great patron of northern explora tion. feanklin's land expedition. Meanwhile John Franklin was despatched to cross the plains of Eupert's Land to forward Arctic enterprise. This notable man has left us an heritage of undying interest in connection with this movement. A native of Lincolnshire, a capable and trusted naval officer, who had fought with Nelson at Copenhagen, who had gone on an Arctic voyage to Spitzbergen, and had seen much service elsewhere, he was appointed to command the overland expedition through Eupert's Land to the Arctic Sea, while Lieutenant Parry sought, as we have seen, tbe passage with two vessels by way of Lancaster Sound. Accompanied by a surgeon — Dr. Eichardson — two midship men. Back and Hood, and a few Orkneymen, Lieutenant Frank lin embarked from England for Hudson Bay in June, 1819. Wintering for the first season on the Saskatchewan, the party were indebted to the Hudson's Bay Company for supplies, and reached Fort Chipewyan in about a year from the time of their departure from England. The second winter was spent by the expedition on the famous barren grounds of the Arctic slope. Their fort was called Fort Enterprise, and the party obtained a living chiefly from the game and fish of the region. In the following summer the Franklin party descended the Copper mine Eiver to the Arctic Sea. Here Hearne's mistake of four degrees in the latitude was corrected and the latitude of the mouth of the Coppermine Eiver fixed at 67° 48' N. Having explored the coast of the Arctic Sea eastward for six degrees to Cape Tumagain and suffered great hardships, the survivors of the party made their return journey, and reached Britain after three years' absence. Franklin was given the rank of captain and covered with social and literary honours. Three years after his return to England, Captain Franklin and his old companions went upon their second journey through Eupert's Land. Having reached Fort Chipewyan, they continued the journey northward, and the winter was spent at their erection known as Fort Franklin, on Great Bear Lake. \^%^ ¦^sP^ * \ r^^ hf/^ 5a ^^^-^''Cti-^ \ r '''?ii- Wr^^ ""^ \J" "^"K"'''^ -t^ \ ^^j^-iStsy.? 2\\ ^--'^^^ \ * ^5--^r^ ^vf« ^^[# Silw^ ''?; £ J A^^Y^'^xl Jo'^C? ?^ j*r^ } ^ \ ,--—-¦''^^7^ * 1 } ^^^ -'¦"^7^'''^^ ^^ ' ^1^ ""^ SSli 1 / ^r^ftT"*^ i^^2 Ma7 — ^"^ 3 1 /4>.^!fe:^f°i. j3 =5 CO— *^^^ CJlpvJ ^ >^/ t5 -#P-^ ^S^4aJ_^ Ac ^ frJti^ 5 3 L.^ Z"^ ~~?77-J«,X;- '^ ^7^1 / ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ / -^ ^^^^^^^rj Cj^^^V^^^***** *" -'*^^^-^^ / " ¦(' ^ -w 3Sjrr~- \. ^v^^j^' ^'^^^"^Fml^^vJ '^ i^^k ^>--^ \^ ^v c/^^i^r^Cr ^i^ jp ^Ir'vSJ ^^^^"^^ ^^^ !V T / ¦S' ff 1 \. \, V / 1 J\,^ 1 ^ — J ^ M^ K"^ "^ ' ^""""~>^ 1 / '- ^ I \ /^V ^^^^^^ w\c^ ^ \ / ^'^^^^iVJ ~r^( ^/ ^~^ - T^^^ EXPLORERS IN THE FAR NORTH 15 Here the party divided, one portion under Franklin going down the Mackenzie to the sea, and coasting westward to Eeturn Eeef, hoping to reach Captain Cook's icy cape of 1778. In this they failed. Dr. Eichardson led the other party down the Mackenzie Eiver to its mouth, and then, going eastward, reached the mouth of the Coppermine, which he ascended. By September both parties had gained their rendezvous. Fort Franklin, and it was found that unitedly they had traced the coast Une of the Arctic Sea through thirty-seven degrees of longitude. On the return of the successful adventurer, after an absence of two years, to England, he was knighted and received the highest scientific honours. captain JOHN BOSS BY SEA. When the British people become roused upon a subject, failure seems but to whet the public mind for new enterprise and greater effort. The North-West Passage was now regarded as a possibility. After the coast of the Arctic Ocean had been traced by the Franklin-Eichardson expedition, to reach this shore bya passage from Parry's Fury and Hecla Strait seemed feasible. Two years after the return of Franklin from his second overland journey, an expedition was fitted out by a wealthy distiller. Sheriff Felix Booth, and the ship the Victory, provided by him, was placed under the command of Captain John Eoss, who had already gained reputation in exploring Baffin's Bay. Captain Eoss was ably seconded in his expedition by his nephew. Captain James Eoss. Going by Baffin's Bay and through Lancaster Sound, Prince Eegent's Inlet led Eoss southward between Cockburn Island and Somerset North, into an open sea called after his patron. Gulf of Boothia, on the west side of which he named the newly- discovered land Boothia PeUx. He even discovered the land to the west of Boothia, calling it King William Land. His ship became embedded in the ice. After four winters in the Arctic regions he was rescued by a whaler in Barrow Strait. One of the most notable events in this voyage of Boss's was his discovery of the North Magnetic Pole on the west side of Boothia Felix. Difring his second winter (1831) Captain Eoss determined to gratify his ambition to be the discoverer of the 3i6 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY point where tbe magnetic needle stands vertically, as show ing the centre of terrestrial magnetism for the northern hemi sphere. After four or five days' overland journey, with a trying head wind from the North-West, he reached the sought-for point on June 1st. We deem it only just to state the discovery in the words of the veteran explorer himself : — " The land at this place is very low near the coast, but it rises into ridges of fifty or sixty feet high about a mile inland. We could have wished that a place so important had possessed more of mark or note. It was scarcely censurable to regiet that there was not a mountain to indicate a spot to which so much interest must ever be attached ; and I could even have pardoned any one among us who had been so romantic or absurd as to expect that the magnetic pole was an object as conspicuous and mysterious as the fabled mountain of Sinbad, that it was even a mountain of iron, or a magnet as large as Mont Blanc. But Nature had here erected no monument to denote the spot whicb she had chosen as the centre of one of her great and dark powers ; and where we could do little our selves towards this end, it was our business to submit, and to be content in noting in mathematical numbers and signs, as with things of far more importance in the terrestrial system,. what we could ill distinguish in any other manner. ' ' The necessary observations were immediately commenced, and they were continued throughout this and the greater part of the following day. . . . The amount of the dip, as indicated by my dipping-needle, was 89° 59', being thus within one minute of the vertical; while the proximity at least of this pole, if not its actual existence where we stood, was further confirmed by the action, or rather by the total inaction, of several horizontal needles then in my possession. . . . There was not one which showed the slightest effort to move from the position in which it was placed. As soon as I had satisfied my own mind on this subject, I made known to the party this gratifying result of all our joint labours ; and it was then that, amidst mutual congratulations, we fixed the British flag on the spot, and took possession of the North Magnetic Pole and its adjoining territory, in the EXPLORERS IN THE FAR NORTH 317 name of Great Britain and King William the Fourth. We had abundance of material for building in the fragments of limestone that covered the beach ; and we therefore erected a cairn of some magnitude, under which we buried a canister containing a record of the interesting fact, only regretting that we had not the means of constructing a pyramid of more importance and of strength sufficient to withstand the assaults of time and of the Esquimaux. Had it been a pyramid as large as that of Cheops I am not quite sure that it would have done more than satisfy our ambition under the feelings of that exciting day. The latitude of this spot is 70° 5' 17" and its longitude 96° 46' 45"." Thus much for the magnetic pole. This pole is almost directly north of the city of Winnipeg, and within less than twenty degrees of it. One of Lady Franklin's captains — Captain Kennedy, who resided at Eed Eiver — elaborated a great scheme for tapping the central supply of electricity of the magnetic pole, and developing it from Winnipeg as a source of power. SIE GEOEGE back, the EXPLOEEE. In the third year of Captain Boss's expedition his protracted absence became a matter of public discussion in Britain. Dr. Eichardson, who had been one of Franklin's followers, offered to take charge of an overland expedition in search of Eoss, but his proposition was not accepted. Mr. Eoss, a brother of Sir John and father of Captain James Eoss, was anxious to find an officer who would take charge of a relief expedition, and the British Government favoured the enterprise. Captain George Back, one of the midshipmen who had accompanied Franklin, was favourably regarded for the important position. The Hudson's Bay Company was in sympathy with the exploration of its Arctic possessions and gave every assistance to the project. Nicholas Garry, tbe Deputy-Governor of the Company, ably supported it ; and the British Government at last gave its consent to grant two thousand pounds, provided the Hudson's Bay Company would furnish, according to its promise, the supplies and canoes free of charge, and that Captain Boss's friends would contribute three thousand pounds. 3i8 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Captain Back cordially accepted the offer to command the expedition, and his orders from the Government were to find Captain Eoss, or any survivors or survivor of his party ; and, " subordinate to this, to direct his attention to mapping what remains unknown of the coasts which he was to visit, and make such other scientific observations as his leisure would admit." In 1833 Captain Back crossed the Atlantic, accompanied by a surgeon. Dr. Eichard King, and at Montreal obtained a party of four regulars of the Eoyal Artillery. Pushing on by the usual route, he reached Lake Winnipeg, and thence by light canoe arrived at Fort Eesolution on Great Slave Lake in August. He wintered at Fort Eeliance, near the east end of Great Slave Lake, which was established by Eoderick McLeod, a Hudson's Bay Company officer, who had received orders to assist the expedition. Before leaving this point a message arrived from England that Captain Eoss was safe. Notwith standing this news, in June of the following year Back and his party crossed the country to Artillery Lake, and drew their boats and baggage in a most toilsome manner over the ice of this and three other lakes, till the Great Fish Eiver was reached and its difficult descent begun. On July 30th the party encamped at Cape Beaufort, a pro minent point of the inlet of the Arctic Ocean into which the Great Pish Eiver empties. The expedition again ascended the river and returned to England, where it was well received, and Captain Back was knighted for his pluck and perseverance. An expedition under Back in the next year, to go by ship to Wager Bay and then to cross by portage the narrow strip of land to the Gulf of Boothia, was a failure, and the party vrith difficulty reached Britain again. A Hudson's bay company expedition — dease and simpson. Dr. Eichard King, who had been Back's assistant and surgeon, now endeavoured to organize an expedition to the Arctic Ocean by way of Lake Athabasca and through a chain of lakes leading to the Great Fish Eiver. This project received no backing from the British Government or from the Hudson's Bay Company. The Company now undertook to carry out an EXPLORERS IN THE FAR NORTH 319 expedition of its own. The reasons of this are stated to have been (1) The interest of the British public in the effort to connect the discoveries of Captains Back and Eoss ; (2) They are said to have desired a renewal of their expiring lease for twenty-one years of the trade of the Indian territories ; (3) The fact was being pointed out, as in former years, that their charter required the Company to carry on exploration. In 1836 the Hudson's Bay Company in London decided on carrying out the expedition, and gave instructions to Governor Simpson to organize and despatch it. At Norway House, at the meeting of the Governor and officers of that year, steps were taken to explore the Arctic Coast. An experienced Hudson's Bay Company officer, Peter Warren Dease, and with him an ardent young man, Thomas Simpson, a relation of the Governor, was placed in charge. The party, after various preparations, including a course of mathematics and astronomy received by Thomas Simpson at Eed Eiver, made its departure, and Fort Chipe-wyan was reached in February, where the remainder of the winter was spent. As soon as navigation opened, the descent of the Mackenzie Eiver was made to the mouth. The party then coasting westward on the Arctic Ocean, passed Franklin's " Eeturn Eeef," reached Boat Extreme, and Simpson made a foot journey thence to Cape Barrow. Having returned to the mouth of the Mackenzie Eiver, the Great Bear Lake, where Fort Confidence had been erected by the advance guard of the party, was reached, The winter was passed at this point, and in the following spring the expedition descended the Coppermine Eiver, and coasting eastward along the Polar Sea reached Cape Tumagain in August. Eetuming and ascending the Coppermine for a distance, the party halted, and Simpson made a land journey eastward to new territory which he called Victoria Land, and erected a pillar of stones, taking possession of the country, " in the name of the Honourable Company, and for the Queen of Great Britain." Their painful course was then retraced to Port Confidence, where the second winter was spent. On the opening of spring, the Company descended to the coast to carry on their work. Going eastward, they, after much 320 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY difficulty, reached new ground, passed Dease's Strait, and discovered Cape Britannia. Taking two years to return, Simpson arrived at Port Garry, and disappointed at not receiring further instructions, he joined a freight party about to cross the plains to St. Paul, Minnesota. While on the way he was killed, either by his half-breed companions or by his own hand. His body was brought back to Fort Garry, and is buried at St. John's cemetery. The Hudson's Bay Company thus made an earnest effort to explore the coast, and through its agents, Dease and Simpson, may be said to have been reasonably successful. THE SBAECH FOE FEANKLIN, After the return of Sir John Franklin from his second over land expedition in Eupert's Land, Sir John was given the honourable position of Lieutenant-Governor of Tasmania, and on his coming again to England, was asked by the Admiralty to undertake a sea voyage for the purpose of finding bis way from Lancaster Sound to Behring's Strait. Sir John accepted the trust, and his popularity led to the offer of numerous volunteers, who were willing to undertake tbe hazards of the journey. Two excellent vessels, the Erebus and Terror, well fitted out for the journey, were provided, and his expedition started with the most glowing hopes of success, on May 19th, 1845. Many people in Britain were quite convinced that the expectation of a north-west passage was now to be realized. We know now only too well the barrier which lay in Franklin's way. Almost directly north-east of the mouth of Fish Eiver, which Back and Simpson had both found, there lies a vast mass of ice, which can neither move toward Behring's Strait on account of the shallow opening there, or to Baffin's Bay on account of the narrow and tortuous winding of the channels. This, called by Sir George Nares the Paleocrystic Sea, we are now aware bars the progress of any ship. Franklin had gone down on the west side of North Somerset and Boothia, and coming against the vast barrier of the Paleocrystic Sea, had been able to go no further. Two years after the departure of the expedition from which SIE -rni-lX FEANKLIN. lADY FEANKLIN. SIE GEOEGE BACK. SIE .JOHN EICHARDSON. SEARCHERS IN THE NORTH. [Page 320. EXPLORERS IN THE FAR NORTH 321 so much was expected, there were still no tidings. Prepara tions were made for an expedition to rescue the adventurers, and in 1848 the first party of relief saUed. For the next eleven years the energy and spirit and liberality of the British public were something unexampled in the annals of public sympathy. Eegardless of cost or hazard, not less than fifteen expeditions were sent out by England and the United States on their sad quest. Lady Franklin, with a heroism and skill past all praise, kept the eye of the nation steadily on her loss, and sacrificed her private fortune in the work of rescue. We are not called upon to give the details of these expeditions, but may refer to a few notable points. The Hudson's Bay Company at once undertook a journey by land in quest of the unfortunate navigator. Dr. Eichardson, who had gone on Franklin's first expedition along -with a well- known Hudson's Bay Company officer. Dr. Eae, scoured the coast of the Arctic Sea, from the mouth of the Mackenzie to that of the Coppermine Eiver. For two years more, Dr. Eae continued the search, and in the fourth year (1851) this facile traveller, by a long sledge journey in spring and boat voyage in summer, examined the shores of WoUaston and Victoria Land. A notable expedition took place in the sending out by Lady Pranklui herself of the Prince Albert schooner, under Captain Kennedy, who afterwards made his home in the Eed Eiver settlement. His second in command was Lieutenant Bellot, of the French Na-vy, who was a plucky and shrewd explorer, and who, on a long sledge journey, discovered the Strait which bears his name between North Somerset and Boothia. The names of McClure, Austin, CoUinson, Sir Edmund Belcher, and Kellett stand out in bold reUef in the efforts — fruitless in this case — made to recover traces of the unfortunate expedition. The first to come upon remains of the Franklin expedi tion was Dr. John Eae, who, we have seen, had thoroughly examined the coast along the Arctic Ocean. The -writer well remembers meeting Dr. Eae many years after in the city of Winnipeg and hearing his story. Eae was a lithe, active, enterprising man. In 1858, he Y 32 2 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY announced that the drawback in former expeditions had been the custom of carrying a great stock of provisions and useless impedimenta, and so under Hudson's Bay Company auspices he undertook to go with gun and fishing tackle up the west coast of Hudson Bay. This he did, ascended Chesterfield Inlet, and wintered with eight men at Eepulse Bay. In the next season he made a remarkable journey of fifty-six days, and succeeded in connecting the discoveries of Captain James Eoss with those of Dease and Simpson, proring King William Land to be an island. Eae discovered on this journey plate and silver decorations among the Eskimos, which they admitted had belonged to the Franklin party. Dr. Eae was awarded a part of the twenty thousand pounds reward offered by the Imperial Government. The British people could not, however, be satisfied until something more was done, and Lady Franklin, with marvellous self-devotion, gave the last of her available means to add to the public subscription for the purchase and fitting out of the Uttle yacht Fox, which, under Captain Leopold McClintock, sailed from Aberdeen in 1857. Having in less than two years reached Bellot Strait, McClintock's party was divided into three sledging expeditions. One of them, under Captain McClintock, was very successful, obtaining relics of the lost Franklin and his party and finding a cairn which contained an authoritative record of the fortunes of the company for three years. Sir John had died a year before this record was -written. Captain McClintock was knighted for his successful effort, and the worst was now at last known. The attempt of Sir John and tbe efforts to find him reflect the highest honour on the British people. And not only senti ment, but reason was satisfied. As had been said, "the catastrophe of Sir John Franklin's expedition led to seven thousand miles of coast line being discovered, and to a vast extent of unknown country being explored, securing very con siderable additions to geographical knowledge. Much attention was also given to the collection of information, and the scientific results of the various search expeditions were con siderable." CHAPTEE XXXIII. EXPEDITIONS TO THE FEONTIEE OP THE FUE COUNTEY. A disputed boundary — Sources of the Mississippi — The fur traders push southward— Expedition up the Missouri— Lewis and Clarks meet Nor'-Westers — Claim of United States made — Sad death of Lewis — Lieutenant Pike's journey — Pike meets fur traders — Cautions Dakotas — Treaty with Chippewas — Violent death — Long and Keating fix 49 deg. N. — Visit Fort Garry — Follow old fur traders' route — An erratic Italian — Strange adventures — Almost finds source — Beltrami County— Cass and Schoolcraft fail — Schoolcraft afterwards succeeds — Lake Itasca — Curious origin of name — The source determined. The Treaty of Paris was an example of magnanimity on tbe part of Great Britain to the United States, her wayward Trans atlantic chUd, who refused to recognize her authority. It is now clearly shown that Lord Shelbourne, the English Premier, desired to promote good feeling between mother and daughter as nations. Accordingly the boundary line west of Lake Superior gave over a wide region where British traders had numerous establishments, and where their occupation should have counted for possession. In the treaty of amity and commerce, eleven years afterward, it was agreed that a line drawn from Lake of the Woods overland to the source of the Mississippi should be the boundary. But, alas ! the sources of the Mississippi for fifty years afterward proved as difficult a problem as the source of the Nile. In the first decade of this century it was impossible to draw the southern line of Eupert's Land. The United States during this period evinced some anxiety in regard to this boundary, and, as we shall see, a number of expeditions were despatched to explore the country. The sources of the Mississippi naturally afforded much interest to the Government 324 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY at Washington, even though the convention of London of 181S had settled the 49 deg. N. as the boundary. The region west of the Mississippi, which was known as- Louisiana, extended northward to the British possessions, having been transferred by Spain to the United States in 1808. A number of expeditions to the marches or boundary land claim a short notice from us, as being bound up with the history and interests of the Hudson's Bay Company. LEWIS AND CLAEKE's EXPEDITION. Of these, a notable and interesting voyage was that of Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clarke of the United States army. This expedition consisted of nearly fifty men — soldiers, volunteers, adventurers, and servants. Being a Government expedition, it was well provided with stores, Indian presents, weapons, and other necessary articles of travel. Leaving Wood Eiver, near St. Louis, the party started up the Missouri in three boats, and were accompanied by two horses along the bank of the Eiver to bring them game or to hunt in case of scarcity. After many adventures the expedition,. which began its journey on May 14th, 1804, reached the headquarters of the Mandan Indians on the Missouri on October 26th. The Mandans, or, as they have been called, the White Bearded Sioux, were at this time a large and most interesting people. Less copper-coloured than the other Indians, agricultural in habit, pottery makers, and dwelling in houses partly sunk in the earth, their trade was sought from different directions. We have seen already that Verandrye first reached them ; that David Thompson, the astronomer of the North-West Company, visited them ; that Harmon and others, North-West traders, met them ;, that fur traders from the Assiniboine came to them ; that even the Hudson's Bay Company had penetrated to their borders. Tbe Mandans themselves jom-neyed north to the Assiniboine and carried Indian corn, which they grew, to Eupert's Land to exchange for merchandise. Tbe Mandan trail can still be pointed out in Manitoba. A fur trader, Hugh McCracken, met Lewis and Clarke at this point, and we read, " That he set out on November 1st on EXPEDITIONS TO THE FUR COUNTRY 325 Tiis return to the British fort and factory on the Assiniboine Eiver, about one hundred and fifty miles from this place. He took a letter from Captain Lewis to the North-West Company, enclosing a copy of the passport granted by the British Minister in the United States." This shows the uncertainty as to the boundary line, the leaders of the expedition having provided themselves with this permission in case of need. In dealing with the Mandans, Captain Lewis gave them presents, and "told them that they had heard of the British trader, Mr. Laroche, having attempted to distribute medals and flags among them ; but that these emblems could not be received from any other than the American nation, without incurring the displeasure of their Great Father, 'the President.' On December 1st the party was visited by a trader, Henderson, who came from the Hudson's Bay Company. He had been about eight days on his route in a direction nearly south, and brought with him tobacco, beads, and other merchandise to trade for furs, and a few guns which were to be exchanged for horses. On December 17th Hugh Harvey and two com panions arrived at the camp, having come in six days from the British establishment on the Assiniboine, with a letter from Mr. Charles Chaboillez, one of the North-West Company, who, with much politeness, offered to render us any service in his power." With the expedition of Lewis and Clarke we have little more to do. It successfully crossed from the sources of the Missouri, over the Eocky Mountains to the Columbia, descended it to the mouth, and returned by nearly the same route, reaching the mouth of the Missouri in 1806. The expedition of Lewis and Clarke has become the most celebrated of the American transcontinental ventures. Its early presence at the mouth of the Columbia Eiver gave strength to the claim of the United States for that region ; it was virtually a taking possession of the whole country from the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean ; it had a picturesqueness and an interest that appealed to the national mind, and the melancholy death of Captain Lewis, who, in 1809, when the American Government refused to fulfil its engagements with 326 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY him, blew out his brains, lends an impressiveness to what was really a great and successful undertaking. pike's EXPEDITION. The source or sources of the Mississippi was, as we have seen, an important matter in settling the boundary line between the possessions of Great Britain and the United States. The matter having occupied the authorities at Washington, Zebulon M. Pike, a lieutenant of the United States army, was sent to examine the country upon the Upper Mississippi and to maintain the interests of the Government in that quarter. Leaving St. Louis on August 9th, 1805, he ascended the " Father of Waters," and reached Prairie du Chien in Sep tember. Here he was met by the well-known free-traders who carried on the fur trade in this region. Their names were Fisher, Prazer, and Woods. These men were in tbe habit of working largely in harmony with tbe North-West Company traders, and, on account of their British origin, were objects of suspicion to the United States authorities. Pushing on among the Indians, by tbe help of French Canadian inter preters, he came to Lake Pepin. On the shores of this lake Pike met Murdoch Cameron, the principal British free-trader on the upper Minnesota Eiver. Cameron was a shrewd and daring Scotchman, noted for his generosity and faithfulness. He was received with distinction by Pike, and the trader, as shown by his grave, pointed out many years afterward on the banks of the Minnesota, was in every way worthy of the attention. Shortly after this. Pike passed near where the city of St. Paul, Minn., stands to-day, the encampment of J. B. Faribault, a French Canadian free-trader of note, whose name is now borne by an important town south of St. Paul. Pike held a council with the Dakota Indians, and purchased from them a considerable amount of land for military purposes, for which the Senate paid them the sum of two thousand dollars. Pike seems to have cautioned the Dakotas or Sioux to beware of the influence of the English, saying, "I think the traders who come from Canada are bad birds among the Chippeways, and instigate them to make war upon their red brothers, the Sioux." EXPEDITIONS TO THE FUR COUNTRY 327 About the end of October, unable to proceed further up the Mississippi on account of ice. Pike built a blockhouse, which he enclosed with pickets, and there spent the most severe part of the winter. At his post early in December he was visited by Eobert Dickson, a British fur trader, described by Neill as "a red- haired Scotchman, of strong intellect, good family, and ardent attachment to the crown of England, who was at the head of the Indian trade in Minnesota." Pike himself speaks of Dickson as a " gentleman of general commercial knowledge and of open, frank manners." Explanations took place between the Government agent and the trader as to the excessive use of spirits by the Indians. On December 10th Pike started on a journey northward in sleds, taking a canoe with him for use so soon as the river should open. When Pike arrived near Eed Cedar Lake, he was met by four Chippewa Indians, a Frenchman, and one of the North-West traders, named Grant. Going with Grant to his establishment on the shores of the lake, Pike tells us, " When we came in sight of the house I observed the flag cf Great Britain flying. I felt indignant, and cannot say what my feelings would have excited me to had Grant not told me that it belonged to the Indians." On February 1st Pike reached Leech Lake, which he con sidered to be the main source of the Mississippi. He crossed the lake twelve miles to the establishment of the North-West Company, which was in charge of a well-known North-West trader, Hugh McGUlies. While he was treated with civUity, it is plain from his cautions to McGUlies and his bearing to him, that he was jealous of the influence which British traders were then exercising in Minnesota. Ha-ring made a treaty -with the Chippewa Indians of Eed Lake, Pike's work was largely accomplished, and in AprU he departed from this region, where he had shown great energy and tact, to give in his report after a voyage of some nine months. A most melancholy interest attaches to this gentlemanly and much respected officer of the United States. In the war of 1812-15, Pike, then made a general, was killed at the taking 328 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY of York (Toronto), in Upper Canada, by the explosion of the magazine of the fort evacuated by General Sheaffe. Pike, as leader on this Mississippi expedition, as commanding an expedition on the Eio Grande, where he was captured by tbe Spaniards, and as a brave soldier, has handed down an honourable name and fame. LONG AND KEATING. The successful journey of Lewis and Clarke, as well as the somewhat useful expedition of Lieutenant Pike, led the United States Government to send in 1823 an expedition to the northern boundary line 49 deg. N., which had been settled a few years before. In charge of this was Major Stephen H. Long. He was accompanied by a scientific corps consisting of Thomas Say, zoologist and antiquary; Samuel Seymour, landscape painter and designer ; and William H. Keating, mineralogist and geologist, who also acted as historian of the expedition. Leaving Philadelphia in April, the company passed overland to Prairie du Chien on the Mississippi, ascended this river, and going up its branch, the Minnesota, reached tbe town of Mendota in the month of July. A well-known French half- breed, Joseph Eenville, acted as guide, and several others joined the party at this point. After journeying up the Minne sota Eiver, partly by canoe, and partly by the use of horses, they reached in thirteen days Big Stone Lake, which is considered to be the somxe of the river. Following up the bed of a dried-up stream for three miles, they found Lake Traverse, the source of the Eed Eiver, and reached Pembina Village, a collection of fifty or sixty log huts inhabited by half- breeds, numbering about three hundred and fifty. We have already seen how the North-West and Hudson's Bay Companies had posts at this place, and that it had been visited regularly by the Selkirk settlers as being in proximity to the open plains where buffalo could be obtained. On the day after Long's arrival he saw the return of the buffalo hunters from the chase. The procession consisted of one hundred and fifteen carts, each loaded with about eight hundred pounds of the pressed buffalo meat. There were three hundred persons, including the women. EXPEDITIONS TO THE FUR COUNTRY 329 The number of horses was about two hundred. Twenty hunters, mounted on their best steeds, rode abreast, giving a salute as they passed the encampment of the expedition. One of Major Long's objects in making his journey was to ascertain the point where the parallel of 49 deg. N. crossed the Eed Eiver. For four days observations were taken and a flag staff planted a short distance south of the 49th parallel. The space to the boundary line was measured off, and an oak post fixed on it, having on the north side the letters G. B., and on the south side U. S. This post was kept up and was seen by the writer in 1871. In 1872, a joint expedition of British and American engineers took observations and found Long's point vurtually correct. They surveyed the line of 49 deg. eastward to Lake of the Woods and westward to the Eocky Mountains. Posts were erected at short distances along the boundary line, many of them of iron, with the words on them, "Convention of London, 1818." His work at Pembina having been accomplished. Major Long gave up, on account of the low country to be passed, the thought of following the boundary line eastward to the Lake of the Woods. He sold his horses and took canoes down the river to the Hudson's Bay Company at Fort Garry, where he was much interested in the northern civilization as well as in the settlers who had Fort Douglas as their centre. It was August 17th when Long's expedition left Port Douglas and went down the Eed Eiver. It took but two days to reach the mouth of the river and cross Lake Winnipeg to Fort Alexander at the mouth of the Winnipeg Eiver. Six days more brought the swift canoe-men up the river to Lake of the Woods. At the falls of Eainy Eiver was the Hudson's Bay Company establishment, then under the charge of fur trader McGiUi-vray. On the opposite side of the river was the fort of the American Pur Company. Following the old route, they reached Grand Portage, September 12th, and thence the expedition returned to the East. Major Long's expedition was a well-conducted and successful enterprise. Its members were of the highest respectability, and the two volumes written by Secretary Keating have the charm of real adventure about them. 33° THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY BELTEAMl's DASH. When Major Long was leaving Fort Snelling, on the- Mississippi, to go upon the expedition we have just described^ an erratic but energetic and clever Italian, named J. C. Beltrami, asked to be allowed to accompany him. This aspir ing but wayward man has left us a book, consisting of letters addressed to Madame la Comtesse Compagoni, a lady of rank in Florence, which is very interesting. On starting he -wrote r " My first intention, that of going in search of the real source- of the Mississippi, was always before my eyes." Beltrami, while clever, seems to have been a man of insufferable conceit. On the journey to Big Stone Lake and thence along the river, in the buffalo hunts, in conferences with the Sioux, the Italian adventurer awakened the resentment of the commander of the expedition, who refused to allow him to accompany his party further. This proved rather favourable to the purpose of Beltrami, who, with a half-breed guide and Chippewa Indians, started to go eastward, having a mule and a dog train as means of transport. After a few days' journey the guide left him, returning with the mule and dog train to Pembina. Next his Indian guide deserted him, fearing the Sioux, and Beltrami was left to make his way in a canoe up the river to Eed Lake. Inexperienced in the management of a bu'ch bark canoe, Beltrami was upset, but he at length pro ceeded along the bank and shallows of the river, dragging the canoe with a tow line after him, and arrived in miserable plight at Eed Lake. Here he engaged a guide and interpreter, and -writes that he went "where no white man had previously travelled." He was now on the highway to renown. He was taken from point to point on the many lakes of Northern Minnesota, and affixed names to them. On August 20th, 1823, he went over several portages led by his guide to Turtle Lake, which was to him a source of wonder, as he saw from it the flow of waters south to the Gulf of Mexico, north to the Frozen Sea, east to the Atlantic, and west toward tbe Pacific Ocean. His own words are : "A vast platform crosses this distin guished supreme elevation, and, what is more astonishing, in EXPEDITIONS TO THE FUR COUNTRY 331 the midst of it rises a lake. How is this lake formed? Whence do its waters proceed ? This lake has no issue ! And my eyes, which are not deficient in sharpness, cannot discover in the whole extent of the clearest and widest horizon any land which rises above it. All places around it are, on the contrary, considerably lower." Beltrami then went to examine the surrounding country, and found the lake, to which he gave the name of Lake Julia, to be bottomless. This lake he pronounces to be the source of the Mississippi Eiver. This opinion was published abroad and accepted by some, but later explorations proved him to be wrong. A small lake to the south-west, afterwards found to be the true source, was described to him by his guide as Lac La Biche, and he placed this on his chart as " Doe Lake," the west source of the Mississippi. It is a curious fact that Lake Julia was the same lake surveyed twenty-five years before by astronomer Thompson. After further explorations, Beltrami returned to Fort Snelling, near St. Paul, Minn., being clothed in Indian garments, with a piece of bark for a hat. The intrepid explorer found his way to New Orleans, where he published " La Decouverte des Sources du Mississippi." Though the work was criticized with some severity, yet Beltrami, on his arrival at London in 1827, published " A Pilgrimage in Europe and America " in two volumes, which are the source of our information. The county in Minnesota, which includes both Julia and Doe Lakes, is appropriately called Beltrami County. CASS AND SCHOOLCEAFT. Lewis Cass, of New Hampshire, was appointed Governor of Michigan in 1818. Six years after this he addressed the Secretary of War in Washington, proposing an expedition to and through Lake Superior, and to the sources of the Missis sippi. It was planned for an examination of the principal features of the North-West, tributary to Lake Superior and the Mississippi Eiver. This was sanctioned in 1820, and the expedition embarked in May of that year at Detroit, Michigan, 332 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Henry Schoolcraft being mineralogist and Captain D. B. Douglas topographer and astronomer. The expedition, after much contrary weather, reached Sault Ste. Marie, and the Governor, after much difficulty, here negotiated a treaty with the Indians. Going by way of the Fond du Lac, the party entered the St. Louis Eiver, and made a tiresome portage to Sandy Lake station. This fur-trading post the party left in July, and ascended the Upper Mississippi to the Upper Cedar Lake, the name of which was changed to Lake Cassina, and afterwards Cass Lake. From the Indians Governor Cass learned that Lac La Biche — some fifty miles further on — was the true source of the river, but he was deterred by their accounts of the lowness of the water and the fierceness of the current from attempting the journey any further. The expedition ingloriously retired from the project, going down to St. Anthony Falls, ascending tbe Wisconsin Eiver, and thence down Fox Eiver. The Governor himself in September arrived in Detroit, having crossed the Southern Peninsula of Michigan on horseback. Hon. J. W. Brown says : " When Governor Cass abandoned his purpose to ascend the Mississippi to its source, he was within an easy distance, comparatively speaking, of the goal sought for. Less timidity had often been displayed in canoe voyages, even in the face of low water, and an O-z-a-win-dib or a Keg-wed-zis-sag, Indian guides, would have easily won the battle of the day for Governor Cass." SCHOOLCEAFT AT LENGTH SUCCEEDS. Henry Eowe Schoolcraft, of good family, was born in New York State, and was educated in that State and in Vermont. His first expedition was in company with De Witt Clinton in a journey to Missouri and Arkansas. On his return he published two treatises which gave him some reputation as an explorer and scientist. We have already spoken of the part taken by him in the expedition of Governor Cass. He received after this the appointment of " Superintendent of Indian Affairs " at Sault Ste. Marie, and to this we are indebted for the treasury of Indian lore published in four large quarto volumes, from which Longfellow obtained his tale of " Hiawatha." EXPEDITIONS TO THE FUR COUNTRY 333 In 1830 Schoolcraft received orders from Washington, ostensibly for conference with the Indians, but in reality to determine the source of the Mississippi. The Eev. W. T. Boutwell, representing a Board of Missions, accompanied the expedition. Lac La Biche was already known to exist, and to this Schoolcraft pointed his e^^pedition. On their journey outward Schoolcraft suddenly one day asked Boutwell the Greek and Latin names for the headwaters or true source of a river. Mr. Boutwell could not recall the Greek, but gave the two Latin words — Veritas (truth) and caput (head). These were written on a sUp of paper, and Mr. Schoolcraft struck out the first and last three letters, and announced to Boutwell that "Itasca shall be the name." It is true that Schoolcraft wrote a stanza in which he says, " By fair Itasca shed," seemingly referring to an Indian maiden. Boutwell, however, always maintained his story of the name, and this is supported by the fact that the word was never heard in the Ojibeway mythology. The party followed the same route as that taken by Governor Cass on his journey, reaching Cass Lake on July lOtb, 1832. Taking the advice of Ozawinder, a Chippewa Indian, they followed up their journey in birch bark canoes, went up the smaller fork of the Mississippi, and then by portage reached the eastern extremity of La Biche or Itasca Lake. The party landed on the island in the lake which has since been known as Schoolcraft Island, and here raised their flag. After exploring the shores of the lake, he returned to Cass Lake, and, full of pride of his discovery, journeyed home to Sault Ste. Marie. On the map drawn to illustrate School craft's inland journey occurs, beside the lake of his discovery, the legend, " Itasca Lake, the source of the Mississippi Eiver; length from Gulf of Mexico, 3160 miles; elevation, 1500 ft. Beached July 13th, 1832." CHAPTEE XXXIV. FAMOUS JOUENEYS IN EUPEET'S LAND. Fascination of an unknown land — Adventure, science, or gain — Lieutenant Lefroy's magnetic survey — Hudson's Bay Company assists — Winters at Fort Chipewyan — First scientific -visit to Peace River — Notes lost — Not "gratuitous canoe conveyance" — Captain Palliser and Lieutenant Hector — Journey through Rupert's Land — Rocky Mountain passes— On to the coast— A successful expedition — Hind and Dawson — To spy out the land for Canada — The fertile belt — Hind's description good — Milton and Cheadle — Winter on the Saskatchewan — Reach Pacific Ocean in a pitiable condition — Captain Butler — The horse Blackie and dog " Cerf Vola " — Fleming and Grant — " Ocean to ocean " — " Land fitted for a healthy and hardy race " — Wagon road and railway. The vast area of Eupert's Land and the adjoining Indian terri tories have always had a fascination for the British imagina tion ; and not alone its wide extent, but its being a fur traders' Paradise, and in consequence largely a "terra incognita," has led adventurous spirits to desire to explore it. Just as Sir John Mandeville's expedition to the unknown regions of Asia in the fourteenth century has appealed to the hardy and brave sons of Britain from that early day ; and in later times the famous ride of Colonel Burnaby to Khiva in our own generation has led Central Asia to be viewed as a land of mystery ; so the plains of Eupert's Land, with the reputed Chinese wall thrown round them by the Hudson's Bay Com pany's monopoly, have been a favourite resort for the traveUer, the mighty hunter, and the scientist. It is true no succeeding records of adventure can have the interest for us that gathers around those of the intrepid Veran drye, the mysterious Hearne, or the heroic Alexander Mackenzie, whose journeys we have already described, yet many daring FAMOUS JOURNEYS IN RUPERT'S LAND 335 a,dventurers who have gone on scientific or exploratory expedi tions, or who have travelled the wide expanse for sport or for mere curiosity, may claim our attention. lepeoy's magnetic suevey. The discovery of the magnetic pole by Sir John Eoss, and the continued interest in the problems connected with the Arctic Sea, the romance of the North land, and the dream of a North- West Passage, led to the desire to have a scientific survey of the wide expanse of Eupert's Land. The matter was brought to the notice of the Eoyal Society by Major, afterwards General Sir Edward Sabine, a noted student of magnetism. Sir John Herschell, the leading light on the subject of physics, succeeded in inducing the Society to pronounce a favour able opinion on the project, and the strong influence of the Eoyal Society, under the presidency of the Marquis of Northampton, induced the Lords of the Treasury to meet the estimated expenses, nine hundred and ten pounds, with the nnderstanding that, as stated by the President, gratuitous canoe conveyance would be provided by the Hudson's Bay Company in the territories belonging to them. Lieutenant, afterwards General Sir Henry Lefroy, a young artillery officer, was selected to go upon the journey. A circular letter was sent to the Hudson's Bay Company posts by Governor Simpson, directing that every assistance should be given to the survey. Lefroy, having wintered in Montreal, was given a passage on May 1st, 1842, on the canoes for the North- West. Passing up the Ottawa and along the fur traders' route, he soon reached Sault Ste. Marie and Fort William ; magnetic observations, accurate observations of latitude and longitude being made at the Hudson's Bay Company posts along tbe route. Kakabeka Falls and the various points along the Kaministiquia route were examined, and exchanging the " canot de maitre " for the " canot de Nord," by way of Lake of the Woods and Lake Winnipeg, the observer arrived at Fort Garry on June 29th, having found Sir George Simpson at Lower Port Garry. After a close examination of the Eed Eiver Valley and some geological observations on the west side of Lake Winnipeg, 336 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Lefroy made his way to Norway House, and then by the water courses, four hundred miles, to York Factory. Having done good work on the Bay, he made the return journey to Norway House, and on August 22nd, Cumberland House on the Saskat chewan was gained. Here he adopted the latitude and longi tude taken by FrankUn's two land expeditions, and here took seven independent observations of variation and dip of the magnetic needle. Now striking energetically northward, and stopping long enough at the posts to take the necessary observations, the explorer arrived at Port Chipewyan on September 23rd. It was twelve years since the dwellers on Lake Athabasca had been visited by any traveller from the south, and Lefroy's voyageurs, as they completed their three thousand miles of journey, decked out in their best apparel, made the echoes of the lake resound with their gay chansons. Lefroy wintered in the fort, where the winter months were enjoyed in the well- selected library of the Company and the new experiences of tbe fur trader's life, while his voyageurs went away to support themselves at a fishing station on the lake. The summer of 1843 was spent in a round of thirteen hundred and forty miles, going from Lake Athabasca, up the Peace Eiver to Fort Dunvegan, then by way of Lower Slave Lake to Edmonton, and down the Saskatchewan to Cumber land. Lefroy claims that no scientific traveller had visited tbe Peace Eiver since the time of Alexander Mackenzie, fifty-five years before. Unfortunately, Lefroy's notes of this journey and some of his best observations were lost in his return through the United States, and could not be replaced. In March, 1844, Lieutenant Lefroy left Lake Athabasca, and traveUed on snow shoes to Fort Eesolution on Great Slave Lake, and thence to Fort Simpson, four hundred and fifty miles, having his instruments for observation borne on dog sleds. This journey was made in nineteen days. Waiting at the Port till May, he accomplished the descent of the Mackenzie Eiver after the breaking up of the ice, and reached Port Good Hope. The return journey to Fort Eesolution was made at a very rapid rate, and the route thence to Lake Athabasca was followed. The diary ends June 30th, 1844. FOKT EDMOKTON, ON THE NOETH SASKATCHEWAN. f .I>J COUNCIL OP Hudson's bay company commissioned opficebs hbid in Winnipeg, 1887, (See Appendix G. for names.) [Page 4i2. UNREST IN RUPERT'S LAND 443 found a case that tried his judicial ability and skill. A clergy man named Corbett, who had been bitterly hostile to the Company, testified to certain extreme statements against the Company in the great investigation of 1857. He then returned to his parish of Headingly in the settlement. A criminal charge was brought against him, for which he was found guilty in the courts and sentenced to six months' imprisonment. The opponents of the Company seemingly, without ground, but none the less fiercely, declared that the trial was a persecution by the Company and that Corbett was innocent. Strong in this belief, the mob surrounded the prison at Fort Garry, overawed the old French jailor, and, rescuing Corbett, took him home to his parish. Among those who had been prominent in the rescue was James Stewart, long afterward a druggist and meteorological observer in Winnipeg. Stewart and some of his companions were arrested for jail-breaking and cast into prison. Some forty or fifty friends of Stewart threatened violence should he be kept a prisoner. The governor, bishop, and three magistrates met to overawe the insurgents, but the determined rescuers tore up the pickets enclosing the prison yard, broke open the jail, and made the prisoner a free man. Such insubordination and tumult marked the decline of the Company's power as a governing body. This lawlessness was no doubt stimulated by the establishment of a newspaper in 1859 — The Nor'-Wester — which from the first was hostile to the Company. The system of government by the Council of Assiniboia had always been a vulnerable point in the manage ment by the Company, and the newspaper constantly fanned the spirit of discontent. In the year 1868, when the Hudson Bay Company regime was approaching its end, another violent and disturbing affair took place. This was the arrest of Dr. Sehultz, a Canadian leader of great bodily strength and determination, who had thrown in his lot with the Eed Eiver people. As a result of a business dispute, Sehultz was proceeded against in the Court, and an order issued for seizure of his goods. On his resisting the sheriff in the execution of his duty, he was, after a severe struggle, overpowered, taken captive, and confined in Port Garry jail. 444 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY On the following day the wife of Dr. Sehultz and some fifteen men forcibly entered the prison, overpowered the guards, and, breaking open his cell, rescued the redoubtable doctor. Hargrave says, " This done, the party adjourned along with him to his house, where report says, ' They made a night of it.' " These events represented the decadence of the Company's rule ; they indicated the rise of new forces that were to compel a change ; and however harmful to those immediately involved, they declared unmistakably that the old order changeth, giving place to new. Typical of his times, there sat through the court scenes of these troublous days the old " clerk of court and council," William Eobert Smith. With long grey beard he held his post, and was the genius of the place. He was the Nestor of Eed Eiver. A Bluecoat boy from London, he had come from school far back in 1813, to enter on the fur trade in Eupert's Land. At Oxford house. He & la Crosse, Little Slave Lake, and Norway House, he served eleven faithful years as a clerk, when be retired and became a settler of Eed Eiver. He was the first to settle near Lower Port Garry, and named the spot " Little Britain," from one of his old London localities. Farming, teaching, catechizing for the church, acting precentor, a local encyclopaedia, and collector of Customs, he passed his versatile life, till, the year before the Sayer emeute, he became Clerk of Court, which place, with slight interruption, he held for twenty years. How remarkable to think of the man of all work, the Company's factotum, reaching in his experience from the beginning to well-nigh the ending of the Selkirk settlement ! One who knew him says, " From his long residence in the settlement he has seen governors, judges, bishops, and clergymen, not to mention such birds of passage as the Company's local officers, who come and go, himself remaining to record their doings to their successors.'' CHAPTEE XLIV. CANADA COVETS THE HUDSON'S BAY TEEEITOEY. Renewal of Ucense — Labouchere's letter — Canada claims to Pacific Ocean — Commissioner Chief-Justice Draper — Rests on Quebec Act, 1774 — Quebec overlaps Indian territories — Company loses Vancouver Island — Cauchon's memorandum — Committee of 1857 — Company on trial — A brilliant committee — Four hundred folios of evidence — To transfer Red River and Saskatchewan — ¦ Death of Sir George — Governor Dallas — A cunning scheme- Secret negotiations — The Watkin Company floated — Angry winterers — Dallas's soothing circular — The old order still — Ermatinger's letters — McDougaU's resolutions — Cartier and McDougaU as delegates — Company accepts the terms. As is well kno-wn to those who have followed the history of the Hudson's Bay Company, while the possession of Eupert's Land was secured by charter, the territory outside Eupert's Land was secured to the Company by license. This license ended every twenty-one years. The license in force at the time of the troubles, which have been described, was to terminate in 1859. Accordingly, three or four years before this date, as their Athabasca, New Caledonia, and British Columbia possessions had become of great value to them, the Company with due fore sight approached the British Government with a request for the renewal of their tenure. Men of understanding on both sides of the Atlantic saw the possible danger of a refusal to their request, on account of the popular ferment which had taken place both in Eed Eiver and British Columbia. Others thought the time had come for ending the power of the Company. Sir Henry Labouchere, Secretary of State for the Colonies, entered into correspondence with Sir Edmund Head, Governor- General of Canada, on the subject. Anxious about the state of things in every part of the Empire as the Colonial Office 446 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY always is, the turbulence and defiance of law in Eed Eiver settlement called for special attention. Accordingly the Governor-General was informed that it was the intention of the Home Government to have, not only the question of the license discussed, but also the " general position and prospects " of the Company considered, by a Committee of the House of Commons. The Canadian Government was therefore cordially invited to have its views, as well as those of the Canadian community, represented before the Committee. This invitation was the thing for which Canada had been waiting. A dispatch was sent by the Canadian Government, in less than seven weeks from the time when the invitation left Downing Street, accepting the proposal of the Mother Country. The Canadian Ministry was pleased that British-American affairs were receiving such prominent notice in England. It suggested the importance of determining the limits of Canada on the side towards Eupert's Land, and went on to state that the general opinion strongly held in the New World was " that the western boundary of Canada extends to the Pacific Ocean." Eeference is made to the danger of complications arising with the United States, and the statement advanced that the " question ofthe jurisdiction and title claimed by the Hudson's Bay Company is to Canada of paramount importance." In 1857 Chief Justice Draper crossed to Great Britain as Canadian representative with a very wide commission to advance Canadian interests. He was called before the Com mittee appointed by the House of Commons, and answered nearly two hundred questions relating to Canada and to the Hudson's Bay Company interests in Eupert's Land and beyond. The capable and active-minded Chief Justice kept before the Committee these points : — (1) What he conceived to be the true western boundary of Canada, and in so doing gave his opinion, based on the Quebec Act of 1774, that Canada should be allowed to extend to the Eocky Mountains and should have the pri-vilege of exploring and building roads in that region. (2) The earnest desire of the Canadian people that Eupert's Land and the Indian territories should be maintained as British territory. CANADA CO VE TS HUDSON'S BA Y TERRITOR Y 447 (3) That Canada should be allowed to extend her settlements into these territories. Chief Justice Draper argued his case with great clearness and cogency, and made an excellent impression upon the Committee. The matter of the Company's hold on Vancouver Island seems to have been settled without any great difficulty. Mr. Eichard Blanshard, the former Governor, who received so cool a reception in Vancouver Island, gave a plain and unvarnished tale. The Company had evidently made up its mind to surrender all its claim to Vancouver Island. And the island, as we have seen, became independent. Canada entered with great spirit into the case presented before the Committee. The question of the license was quite overshadowed by the wider discussion covering the validity of the Hudson's Bay Company charter, the original boundary line of the province of Canada, and the manner in which the Com pany had carried out its responsibilities. An industrious minister of the Canadian Government, Hon. Joseph Cauchon, with true Gallic fire and French Canadian spirit, prepared a memorandum of a most elaborate kind on the Hudson's Bay Company's claim and status. In this, Mr. Cauchon goes back to the earliest times, shows the limits of occupation by the French explorers, follows do-wn the line of connection established by the North-West traders, deals with the troubles of Lord Selkirk, and concludes that the Eed Eiver and the Saskatchewan are not -within the limits of the Company's charter. This vigorous writer then deals with the Treaty of Paris, the Quebec Act, and the discoveries of Canadian subjects as giving Canada a juris diction even to the Eocky Mountains. As might have been expected, the Committee of 1857 became a famous one. The whole economy of the Company was discussed. The ground gone over by Isbister and others during the preceding decade supplied the members with material, and the proceedings, of the Committee became notable for their interest. The Committee held eighteen meetings, examined twenty-nine witnesses, and thoroughly sifted the evidence. The personnel of the Committee was brilliant. The Secre- 448 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY tary of State was Chairman. Mr. Eoebuck and Mr. Gladstone represented the inquiring and aggressive element. Lord Stanley and Lord John Eussell added their experience, Edward Ellice — "the Old Bear " — watched the case for the Company, and Mr. Lowe and Sir John Pakington took a lively interest in the proceedings and often interposed. Altogether the Com mittee was constituted for active ser-vice, and every nook and cranny of Eupert's Land and the adjoining territories was thoroughly investigated. Among the witnesses was the distinguished Governor Simpson. He was at his best. Mr. Eoebuck and he had many a skirmish, and although Sir George was often driven into a corner, yet with surprising agility he recovered him self. Old explorers such as John Eoss, Dr. Eae, Col. Lefroy, Sir John Eichardson, Col. Crofton, Bishop Anderson, Col. Caldwell, and Dr. King, gave information as having visited Eupert's Land at different periods. Their evidence was fair, with, as could be expected in most cases, a "good word " for the Company. Eev. Mr. Corbett gave testimony against the Company, Governor Blanshard in the same strain, A. K. Isbister, considerably moderated in his opposition, gave e-vidence as a native who had travelled in the country, while John McLoughlin, a rash and heady agitator, told of the excite ment in Eed Eiver settlement. Edward Ellice became a witness as well as a member of the Committee, and with adroitness covered the retreat of any of his -witnesses when necessity arose. Prom time to time, from February to the end of July the Com mittee met, and gathered a vast amount of evidence, making four hundred pages of printed matter. It is a thesaurus of Hudson's Bay Company material. It revealed not only the localities of this unknown land to England and the world, but made everyone familiar with the secret methods, devices, and working of the fur trade over a space of well-nigh half a con tinent. The Committee decided to recommend to Parliament that it is " important to meet the just and reasonable -wishes of Canada to assume such territory as may be useful for settle ment ; that the districts of the Eed Eiver and the Saskatchewan seem the most available ; and that for the order and good CANADA COVETS HUDSON'S BAY TERRITORY 449 government of the country," arrangements should be made for their cession to Canada. It was also agreed that those regions where settlement is impossible be left to the exclusive control of the Hudson's Bay Company for the fur trade. The Committee not only recommended that Vancouver Island should be made independent, but that the territory of the mainland in British Columbia should be united with it. Pour years after the sitting of this Committee, which gave such anxiety to the Hudson's Bay Company, Sir George Simpson, after a very short illness, passed away, having served as Governor for forty years. In an earlier chapter his place and influence have been estimated and his merits and defects shown. Sir George in his high office as Governor of Eupert's Land was succeeded by A. J. Dallas, a Scottish merchant, who had been in business in China, had retired, and afterwards acted as Chief Factor of the Hudson's Bay Company at Port Victoria, in Vancouver Island, and had then married the daughter of Governor James Douglas. Dallas had shown great nerve and judgment in British Columbia, in a serious brush with the United States authorities in 1859. Three years after this event he was called to succeed the great Governor of Eupert's Land. On his appointment to this high position, he took up his residence at Fort Garry, and had, in conjunction with the local Governor, WUliam McTavish, to face the rising tide of dissatisfaction which showed itself in the Corbett and Stewart rescues. Writers of the period state that Dallas lacked the dignity and tact of old Sir George. In his letters, however. Governor DaUas shows that he thoroughly appreciated the serious state of matters. He says: "I have had great difficulty in persuading the magistrates to continue to act. Mr. WiUiam McTavish, Governor of Assiniboia, has resigned his post." Governor Dallas says he " finds himself with all the responsibiUty and semblance of authority over a vast territory, but tmsupported, if not ignored, by the cro-wn." He states that people do not object to the personnel of the Hudson's Bay Company government, but to the " system of government." He fears the formation of a provisional government, and a movement for annexation to the United States, which had G g 450 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY been threatened. He is of opinion that the " territorial right should revert to the crown." These are strong, honest words for an official of the Company whose rule had prevailed for some two centuries. And now Governor Dallas appears co-operating in an ingenious and adroit financial scheme with Mr. E. W. Watkin, a member of the British House of Commons, by which the Hudson's Bay Company property changed hands. Edward Watkin was a financial agent, who had much to do with the Grand Trunk Eailway of Canada, and had an intimate knowledge of Canadian affairs. He had succeeded in interesting the Colonial Secretary of State, the Duke of Newcastle, in a railway, road, and telegraphic scheme for connecting the British possessions in North America. Difficulties having arisen in inducing staid old Governor Berens, the London head of the Company, to accept modern ideas, a plan was broached of buying out the whole Hudson's Bay Company possessions and rights. Difficulty after difficulty was met and surmounted, and though many a time the scheme seemed hopeless, yet, in the end it succeeded, though not -without much friction and heartburning. Watkin describes graphically the first interview between three members of the Hudson's Bay Company, Berens, Eden Colville, and Lyall, of the first part, and Glyn, Newmarch, himself, and three other capitalists of the second part. The meeting took place in the Hudson's Bay Company House, Fenchurch Street, February 1st, 1862. " The room was the ' Court ' room, dark and dirty, faded green cloth, old chairs almost black, and a fine picture of Prince Eupert. Governor Berens, an old man and obstinate, was somewhat insulting in his manner. We took it patiently." It was a day of fate for the old Company. Many interviews afterwards took place between Watkin and the accountant and solicitors of the Company. The Company would hear of no deaUngs, except on the basis of a cash payment. The men of capital accordingly succeeded in interesting the " International Financial Association," a new corporation looking for some great scheme to lay before the public. At length the whole shares, property, and rights of the CANADA CO VETS HUDSON'S BAY TERRITOR Y 45 1 Hudson's Bay Company were taken over, the final arrange ments being made by Mr. Eichard Potter on June 1st, 1863. Thus the Company begun in so small a way by Prince Eupert and his associates nearly two centuries before sold out, and the purchase money of one and a half millions of pounds was paid over the counter to the old Company by the new Association. A new company was now to be organized whose stock would be open for purchase, and the International Association would, on such organization being formed, hand over the Company's assets to the new stockholders. In a short time the Company was reconstituted. Sir Edmund Head being the new Governor, with, as prominent members of the Board of Directors, Eichard Potter, Eden ColvUle, E. B. Watkin, and an American fur trader of experience, Sir Curtis Lampson. Secretly as the negotiations for the formation of a new company had been conducted, the news of the affair reached Canada and Eupert's Land, and led to anxious inquiries being made and to a memorial from the Company's officers being presented to the Board of Directors asking for information. So thoroughly secret had the inter-views between the London parties been carried on that the officials of the London office knew nothing of them, and stated in their reply to the memorialists that the rumours were incorrect. In July, when the transfer had been consummated and the news of it appeared in the public press, it created surprise and indigna tion among the chief factors and chief traders, who, under the deed poll or Company arrangement which had been adopted in 1821, though somewhat modified thirteen years later, had been regarded as having certain partnership rights in the Company. Mr. Edward Watkin informs us, in his interesting " Eemi niscences," that he had intended that the "wintering partners," as the officers in Eupert's Land were called, should have been indi-vidually communicated with, but that on account of his hasty departure to Canada the matter had been overlooked. It certainly was irritating to the officers of the fur trade to learn for the first time from the public press of an arrangement being perfected invol-ving their whole private interests. 452 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Watkin expresses his great apprehension lest the news in a distorted form should reach the distant regions of the fur country, where the Company had one hundred and forty-four posts, covering the continent from Labrador to Sitka^ Vancouver Island, and San Francisco. He feared also that there would be a new company formed to occupy the ground ¦with the old. On reaching Canada, Mr. Watkin was agreeably surprised at the arrival of Governor Dallas from Eed Eiver in Montreal. After consultation it was decided on that the Governor should send a conciUatory circular to the commissioned officers of the Company, explaUiing the objects of the new Company, and stating that all the interests of the wintering partners would be conserved. It is evident that the attitude of the officers had alarmed even such stout-hearted men as Watkin and Dallas. There lies before the writer also a personal letter, dated London, July 23rd, 1863, signed by Edmund Head, Governor, to a chief trader of the Company, stating that it was the intention of the Committee " to carry on the fur trade as it has been hitherto carried on, under the provisions of the deed poll." None of the collateral objects of the Company " should interfere with the fur trade." He begs the officers to " have. vrith him free and unreserved communication through the usual channel." Evidently the echo of the angry voices in Athabasca had been heard in London. The old deed poll, which they had intended to suspend, as sho-wn by Watkin, was thus preserved. This document secured them as foUows : According to both deed polls of 1821 and 1834, forty per cent, of the net profits of the trade, divided into eighty-five shares of equal amount, were distributed annually among the wintering partners of the Company. A chief trader received an eighty-fifth share of the profits, and a chief factor two eighty-fifth shares. Both had certain rights after retiring. The proposed aboUtion of these terms of the deed poll and the substitution therefor of certain salaries with the avowed purpose of reducing the expenses, of course meant loss to every wintering partner. The interests thus involved justified the most strenuous opposition on the part of the partners, and,. CANADA CO VETS HUDSON'S BA Y TERRITOR K 453 unless the proposal were modified, would almost certainly have led to a disruption of the Company. In harmony with Governor Head's circular letter no action in the du-ection contemplated was taken until 1871, when, on the receipt of the three hundred thousand pounds voted by Canada to the Company, the sum of one hundred and seven thousand and fifty-five pounds was appUed to buying out the vested rights of the wintering partners, and the agitation was quieted. The effect of the arrangement made for the payment of officers of the Company since 1871, as compared with their previous remuneration, has been a subject of discussion. There lies before the -writer an elaborate calculation by an old Hudson's Bay Company officer to the effect that under the old deed poll a chief factor would receive two eighty-fifth shares, his total average being seven hundred and twenty pounds per annum ; and under the new (taking the average of twenty-five years) two and one half-hundredths shares, amounting to five hundred and thirty-two pounds annually, or a loss nearly of one hundred and eighty-eight pounds ; similarly that a chief trader would receive three hundred and nineteen pounds, as against three hundred and sixty formerly, or a loss per annum of forty-one pounds. Besides this, the number of higher commissioned officers was reduced when the old deed poll was cancelled, so that the stockholders received the advantage from there being fewer officials, also the chances of promotion to higher offices were diminished. During the progress of these internal dissensions of the Hudson's Bay Company pubUc opinion had been gradually maturing in Canada in favour of acquiring at least a portion of Eupert's Land. At the time of the Special Committee of 1857, it -will be remembered the Hind-Gladman expedition had gone to spy out the land. A company, called the North-West Trans portation Company, was about the same time organized in Toronto to carry goods and open communication from Port William by way of the old fur traders' route to Port Garry. The merits and demerits of the north-western prairies were discussed in the public press of Canada. Edward Ermatinger, 454 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY whose name has been already mentioned, was a steady sup porter of the claim of the Hudson's Bay Company in a series of well--written letters in the Hamilton Spectator, a journal of Upper Canada. Taking the usual line of argument followed by the Company, he showed the small value of the country, its inhospitable climate, its inaccessibility, and magnified the legal claim of the Hudson's Bay Company against the Canadian contention. It is amusing to read in after years, when his opinion of Sir George Simpson was changed, his declaration of regret at having been led to so strenuously present his views in the Spectator. Ten years had passed after the sitting of the great Committee of 1857, and nothing practical as to the transfer of the country to Canada had been accomplished. The confederation move ment had now widened the horizon of Canadian public men. In the very year of the confederation of the Canadian provinces (1867), Hon. William McDougaU, who had been a persistent advocate of the Canadian claim to the North-West, moved in the Dominion Parliament a series of resolutions, which were carried. These resolutions showed the advantage, both to Canada and the Empire, of the Dominion being extended to the Pacific Ocean ; that settlement, commerce, and development of the resources of the country are dependent on a stable Govern ment being established ; that the welfare of the Eed Eiver settlers would be enhanced by this means ; that provision was contained in the British North-American Act for the admission of Eupert's Land and the North-West territory to the Dominion ; that this wide country should be united to Canada ; that in case of union the legal rights of any corporation, as the Hudson's Bay Company, association, or individual should be respected ; that this should be settled judicially or by agreement ; that tbe Indian title should be legally extinguished ; and that an address be made to Her Majesty to this effect. The resolutions were carried by a large majority of the House. This was a bold and well-conceived step, and the era of dis cussion and hesitancy seemed to have passed away in favour of a policy of action. The Hudson's Bay Company, however, insisted on an under standing being come to as to terms before giving consent to the CANADA CO VETS HUDSON'S BA Y TERRITOR Y 45 S proposed action, and a despatch to the Dominion Government from Her Majesty's Government called attention to this fact. As soon as convenient, a delegation, consisting of Hon. George E. Cartier and Hon. WiUiam McDougaU, proceeded to England to negotiate with the Company as to terms. The path of the delegates on reaching England proved a thorny one. The attitude of the Imperial Government was plainly in favour of recognizing some legal value in the chartered rights of the Company, a thing denied by some, specially Mr. McDougaU. No progress was being made. At this juncture D'Israeli's government was defeated, and a delay resulted in waiting for a new government. Earl Granville was the new Secretary of State for the Colonies. While negotiations were going on, the Hudson's Bay Company sent in to the Secretary of State a rather hot complaint that Canadian surveyors and road builders had entered upon their territory to the west of the Lake of the Woods. This was quite true, but the action had been taken by the Canadian Government under the impression that all parties would willingly agree to it. Not being at this juncture able to settle anything, the commissioners returned to Canada. The Imperial Government was, however, in earnest in the matter, and pressed the Hudson's Bay Company to consent to reasonable terms, the more that the government by the Com pany in Eed Eiver was not satisfactory — an indisputable fact. At length the Company felt bound to accept the proposed terms. The main provisions of bargain were that the Company should surrender all rights in Eupert's Land ; that Canada pay the Company the sum of three hundred thousand pounds ; that the Company be allowed certain blocks of land around their posts ; that they be given one-twentieth of the arable land of the country ; and that the Company should be allowed every privilege in carrying on trade as a regular trading company. Thus was the concession of generous Charles the Second surrendered after two centuries of honourable occupation. CHAPTEE XLV. TBOUBLES OP THE TEANSFBE OP EUPEET'S LAND. Transfer Act passed — A moribund government — The Canadian sur veying party — Causes of the rebellion — Turbulent Metis — ^Ameri can interference — Disloyal ecclesiastics — Governor McDougaU — Riel and his rebel band — A blameworthy governor — The "blawsted fence" — Seizure of Fort Garry — Riel's ambitions — Loyal rising — Three wise men from the Bast — The New Nation — A winter meeting — Bill of Rights — Canadian shot — The Wolseley expedition — Three renegades sUnk away — The end of company rule — The new Province of Manitoba. The old company had agreed to the bargain, and the Imperial Act was passed authorizing the transfer of the vast territory east of the Eocky Mountains to Canada. Canada, with the strengthening national spirit rising from the young confedera tion, with pleasure saw the Dominion Government place in the estimates the three hundred thousand pounds for the payment of the Hudson's Bay Company, and an Act was passed by the Dominion Parliament providing for a government of the north-west territories, which would secure the administration of justice, and the peace, order, and good government of Her Majesty's subjects and others. It was enacted, however, that all laws of the territory at the time of the passing of the Act should remain in force until amended or repealed, and all officers except the chief to continue in office until others were appointed. And now began the most miserable and disreputable exhi bition of decrepitude, imbecility, Jesuitry, foreign interference, blundering, and rash patriotism ever witnessed in the fur traders' country. This was known as the Eed Eiver rebellion. The writer arrived in Fort Garry the year following this wretched affair, made the acquaintance of many of the actors in the TROUBLES OF TRANSFER OF RUPERT'S LAND 457 rebellion, and heard their stories. The real deep significance of this rebellion has never been fully made known. Whether the -writer will succeed in teUing the whole tale remains to be seen. The Hudson's Bay Company officials at Eed Eiver were still the government. This fact must be distinctly borne in mmd. It has been stated, however, that this government had become hopelessly weak and inefficient. Governor DaUas, in the words quoted, admitted this and lamented over it. Were there any doubt in regard to this statement, it was shown by the utter defiance of the law in the breaking of jail in the three cases of Corbett, Stewart, and Dr. Sehultz. No government could retain respect when the solemn behests of its courts were laughed at and despised. This is the real reason lying at the root of the apathy of the English-speaking people of Eed Eiver in dealing with the rebellion. They were not cowards ; they sprang from ancestors who had fought Britain's battles ; they were intelligent and moral ; they loved their homes and were prepared to defend them ; but they had no guarantee of leadership ; they had no assurance that their efforts would be given even the colour of legality ; the broken- down jail outside Port Garry, its uprooted stockades and help less old jailor were the symbol of governmental decrepitude and were the sport of any determined law-breaker. It has been the habit of their opponents to refer to the annoyance of the Hudson's Bay Company Committee in London with Canada for 1869 sending surveyors to examine the country before the transfer was made. Eeference has also been made to the dissatisfaction of the local officers at the action taken by the Company in dealing with the deed poll in 1863 ; some have said that the Hudson's Bay Company officials at Fort Garry did not admire the Canadian leaders as they saw them ; and others have maintained that these officers cared nothing for the country, provided they received large enough dividends as wintering partners. Now, there may be something in these contentions, but they do not touch the core of the matter. The Hudson's Bay Com pany, both in London and Fort Garry, were thoroughly loyal to British institutions; the officers were educated, responsible 458 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY and high-minded men ; they had acted up to their light in a thoroughly honourable manner, and no mere prejudice, or fancied grievance, or personal dislike would have made them untrue to their trusts. But the government had become decrepit ; vacillation and uncertainty characterized every act ; had the people been behind them, had they not felt that the people distrusted them, they would have taken action, as it was their duty to do. The chronic condition of helplessness and governmental decay was emphasized and increased by a sad circumstance. Governor WiUiam McTavish, an honom-able and well-meaning man, was sick. In the midst of the troubles of 1863 he would willingly have resigned, as Governor Dallas assures us ; now he was physically incapable of the energy and decision requisite under the circumstances. Moreover, as we shall see, there was a most insidious and dangerous influence dogging his every step. His subordinates would not act without him, he could not act without them, and thus an absolute deadlock ensued. Moreover, the Council of Assiniboia, an appointed body, had felt itself for years out of touch with the sentiment of the colony, and its efforts at legislation resulted in no improve ment of the condition of things. Woe to a country ruled by an oligarchy, however well-meaning or reputable such a body may be ! Turn now from this picture of pitiful weakness to the un accountable and culpable blundering of the Canadian Govern ment. Cartier and McDougaU found out in England that sending in a party of surveyors before the country was trans ferred was offensive to the Hudson's Bay Company. More offensive still was the method of conducting the expedition. It was a mark of sublime stupidity to profess, as the Canadian Government did, to look upon the money spent on this survey as a benevolent device for relieving the people suffering from the grasshopper visitation. The genius who originated the plan of combining charity with gain should have been canonized. Moreover, the plan of contractor Snow of paying poor wages, delaying payment, and giving harsh treatment to such a people as the half-breeds are known to be was most ill advised. The evidently selfish and grasping spirit shown in this TROUBLES OF TRANSFER OF RUPERT S LAND 459 expedition sent to survey and build the Dawson Eoad, yet turning aside to claim unoccupied lands, to sow the seeds of doubt and suspicion in the minds of a people hitherto secluded from the world, was most unpatriotic and dangerous. It cannot be denied, hi addition, that whUe many of the small band of Canadians were reputable and hard-working men, the course of a few prominent leaders, who had made an illegiti mate use of the Nor'-Wester newspaper, had tended to keep the community in a state of alienation and turmoil. What, then, were the conditions? A helpless, moribund government, without decision, without actual authority on the one hand, and on the other an irritating, selfish, and aggres sive expedition, taking possession of the land before it waa transferred to Canada, and assuming the air of conquerors. Look now at the combustible elements awaiting this com bination. The French half-breeds, descendants of the turbulent Bois Briiles of Lord Selkirk's times ; the old men, companions of Sayer and the elder Eiel, who defied the authority of the court, and left it shouting, "Vive la liberty!" now irritated by the Dawson Eoad being built in the way just described ; the road running through the seigniory given by Lord Selkirk to the Eoman Catholic bishop, the road in rear of their largest settlements, and passing through another French settlement at Pointe des Chenes ! Further, the lands adjacent to these settlements, and naturally connected with them, being seized by the intruders! Furthermore, the natives antagonized by the action of certain Canadians who had for years maintained the country in a state of turmoil ! Were there not all the elements of an explosion of a serious and dangerous kind ? Two other most important forces in this complicated state of things cannot be left out. The first of these is a matter which requires careful statement, but yet it is a most potential factor in the rebellion. This is the attitude of certain persons in the United States. For twenty years and more the trade of the Eed Eiver settlement had been largely carried on by way of St. Paul, in the State of Minnesota. The Hudson Bay route and York boat brigade were unable to compete with the facilities offered by the approach of the railway to the Mississippi Eiver. Accordingly long lines of Eed Eiver carts took loads of furs to 46o THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY St. Paul and brought back freight for the Company. The Eed Eiver trade was a recognized source of profit in St. Paul. Familiarity in trade led to an interest on the part of the Americans in the public affairs of Eed Eiver. Hot-headed and sordid people in Eed Eiver settlement had actually spoken of the settlement being connected with the United States. Now that irritation was manifested at Eed Eiver, steps were taken by private parties from the United States to fan the flame. At Pembina, on the border between Eupert's Land and the United States, lived a nest of desperadoes willing to take any steps to accomplish their purposes. They had access to all the mails which came from England to Canada marked "Via Pembina." Pembina was an outpost refuge for law breakers and outcasts from the United States. Its people used all their power to disturb the peace of Eed Eiver settle ment. In addition, a considerable number of Americans had come to the little village of Winnipeg, now being begun near the walls of Fort Garry. These men held their private meetings, all looking to the creation of trouble and the provocation of feeling that might lead to change of allegiance. Furthermore, the writer is able to state, on the information of a man high in the service of Canada, and a man not unknown in Manitoba, that there was a large sum of money, of which an amount was named as high as one million dollars, which was available in St. Paul for the purpose of securing a hold by the Americans on the fertile plains of Eupert's Land. Here, then, was an agency of most dangerous proportions, an element in the vUlage of Winnipeg able to control the election of the first delegate to the convention, a desperate body of men on the border, who with Machiavelian persistence fanned the flame of discontent, and a reserve of power in St. Paul ready to take advantage of any emergency. A stUl more insidious and threatening influence was at work. Here again the -writer is aware of the gravity of the statement he is making, but he has evidence of the clearest kind for his position. A dangerous religious element in the country — ecclesiastics from old France — who had no love for Britain, no love for Canada, no love for any country, no love for society, no love for peace ! These plotters were in close association with SOUTH AND EAST FACES, 1840. Prom sketch by wife of Grovernor Finlayson. /',>.-,' T; BAST FACE IN YEAK 1882, WHEN FOET WAS DISMANTLED. X Spot where Scott was executed. FORT QARRY— WINTER SCENES. [Page 460. TROUBLES OF TRANSFER OF RUPERT'S LAND 461 the half-breeds, dictated their policy, and freely mingled with the rebels. One of them was an intimate friend of the leader of the rebellion, consulted with him in his plans, and exercised a marked influence on his movements. This same foreign priest, with Jesuitical cunning, gave close attendance on the sick Governor, and through his family exercised a con stant and detrimental power upon the only source of authority then in the land. Furthermore, an Irish student and teacher, with a Fenian hatred of all things British, was a " famUiar " of the leader of the rebellion, and with true Milesian zeal advanced the cause of the revolt. Can a more terrible combination be imagined than this ? A decrepit government with the executive officer sick ; a rebellious and chronically dissatisfied Metis element; a government at Ottawa far removed by distance, committing with unvarying regularity blunder after blunder ; a greedy and foreign cabal planning to seize the country, and a secret Jesuitical plot to keep the governor from action and to incite the fiery Metis to revolt ! The drama opens with the appointment, in September, 1869, by the Dominion Government, of the Hon. William McDougaU as Lieutenant-Governor of the north-west territories, his depar ture from Toronto, and his arrival at Pembina, in the Dakota territory, in the end of October. He was accompanied by his family, a small staff, and three hundred stand of arms with ammunition. He had been preceded by the Hon. Joseph Howe, of the Dominion Government, who visited the Eed Eiver settlement ostensibly to feel the pulse of public opinion, but as Commissioner gaining little information. Mr. McDougaU's commission as governor was to take effect after the formal transfer of the territory. He reached Pembina, where he was served with a notice not to enter the territory, yet he crossed the boundary line at Pembina, and took possession of the Hudson's Bay Fort of West Lynn, two mUes north of the boundary. Meanwhile a storm was brewing along Eed Eiver. A young French half-breed, Louis Eiel, son of the excitable miller of the Seine of whom mention was made — a young man, educated by the Eoman CathoUc Bishop Tache, of St. Boniface, for a 462 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY time, and afterwards in Montreal, was regarded as the hope of the Metis. He was a young man of fair abiUty, but proud, vain, and assertive, and had the ambition to be a Csesar or Napoleon. He with his followers had stopped the surveyors in their work, and threatened to throw off the approaching tyranny. Professing to be loyal to Britain but hostile to Canada, he succeeded, in October, in getting a small body of French half- breeds to seize the main highway at St. Norbert, some nine mUes south of Fort Garry. The message to Mr. McDougaU not to enter the territory was forwarded by this body, that already considered itself the de facto government. A Canadian settler at once swore an affidavit before the officer in charge of Port Garry that an armed party of French half-breeds had assembled to oppose the entrance of the Governor. Here, then, was the hour of destiny. An outbreak had taken place, it was illegal to oppose any man entering the country, not to say a Governor, the fact of revolt was immediately brought to Fort Garry, and no amount of casuistry or apology can ever justify Governor McTavish, sick though he was, from immediately not taking action, and compelling his council to take action by summoning the law-abiding people to surround him and repress the revolt. But the government that would allow the defiance of the law by permitting men to live at liberty who had broken jail could not be expected to take action. To have done so would have been to work a miracle. The rebellion went on apace, two of tbe so-called governor's staff pushed on to the barricade erected at St. Norbert. Captain Cameron, one of them, with eye-glass in poise, and with affected authority, gave command, "Eemove that blawsted fence," but the half-breeds were unyielding. The two messengers returned to Pembina, where they found Mr. McDougaU likewise driven back and across the boundary. Did ever British prestige suffer a more humiliating blow ? The act of rebellion, usually dangerous, proved in this ease a tri-nal one, and Eiel's little band of forty or fifty badly-armed Metis began to grow. The mails were seized, freight coming into the country became booty, and the experiment of a rising TROUBLES OF TRANSFER OF RUPERT'S LAND 463 was successful. In the meantime the authorities of Port Garry were inactive. The rumour came that Eiel thought of seizing the fort. An affidavit of the chief of police under the Govern ment shows that he urged the master of Port Garry to meet the danger, and asked authority to call upon a portion of the special police force sworn in, shortly before, to preserve the peace. No governor spoke ; no one even closed the fort as a precaution ; its gates stood wide open to friend or foe. This exhibition of helplessness encouraged the conspirators, and Eiel and one hundred of his followers (November 2nd) unopposed took possession of the fort and quartered themselves upon the Company. In the front part of the fort lived the Governor ; he was now flanked by a body-guard of rebels ; the master of the fort, a burly son of Britain, though very gruff and out of sorts, could do nothing, and the young Napoleon of the Metis fattened on the best of the land. Eiel now issued a proclamation, calling on the English- speaking parishes of the settlement to elect twelve repre sentatives to meet the President and representatives of the French-speaking population, appointing a meeting for twelve days afterwards. Mr. McDougaU, on hearing of the seizure of the fort, wrote to Governor McTavish stating that as the Hudson Bay Company was still the government, action should be taken to disperse the rebels. A number of loyal inhabitants also petitioned Governor McTavish to issue his proclamation call ing on the rebels to disperse. The sick and helpless Governor, fourteen days after the seizure of the fort and twenty- three days after the affidavit of the rising, issued a tardy pro clamation condemning the rebels and calling upon them to disperse. The Convention met November 16th, the EngUsh parishes having been cajoled into electing delegates, thinking thus to soothe the troubled land. After meeting and discussing in hot and useless words the state of affairs, the Convention adjourned till December 1st, it being evident, however, that Eiel desired to form a provisional government of which he should be the joy and pride. The day for the reassembling of the Convention arrived. Eiel and his party insisted on ruling the meeting, and passed a 464 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY " Bill of Eights " consisting of fifteen provisions. The English people refused to accept these propositions, and, after vainly endeavouring to take steps to meet Mr. McDougaU, withdrew to their homes, ashamed and confounded. Meanwhile Mr. McDougaU was chafing at the strange and humiliating situation in which he found himself. With his family and staff poorly housed at Pembina and the severe winter coming on, he could scarcely be blamed for irritation and discontent. December 1st was the day on which he expected his commission as governor to come into effect, and wonder of wonders, he, a lawyer, a privy councillor, and an experienced statesman, went so far on this mere supposition as to issue a proclamation announcing his appointment as governor. As a matter of fact, far away from communication with Ottawa, he was mistaken as to the transfer. On account of the rise of the rebellion this had not been made, and Mr. McDougaU, in issuing a spurious proclamation, became a thing of contempt to the insurgents, an object of pity to the loyalists, and the laughing-stock of the whole world. His proclamation at the same time authorizing Colonel Dennis, the Canadian surveyor in Eed Eiver settlement, to raise a force to put do-wn the rebellion, was simply a brutum fulmen, and was the cause to innocent, well-meaning men of trouble and loss. Colonel Dennis succeeded in raising a force of some four hundred men, and would not probably have failed had it not transpired that the two proclamations were illegal and that the levies were consequently unauthorized. Such a thing to be carried out by William McDougaU and Colonel Dennis, men of experience and abUity ! Surely there could be no greater fiasco ! The Canadian people were now in a state of the greatest excitement, and the Canadian Government, aware of its blundering and stupidity, hastened to rectify its mistakes. Commissioners were sent to negotiate with the various parties in Eed Eiver settlement. These were Vicar-General Thibault, who had spent long years in the Eoman CathoUc Missions of the North-West, Colonel de Salaberry, a French Canadian, and Mr. Donald A. Smith, the chief officer of the Hudson's Bay Company, then at Montreal. On the last of these Com- TROUBLES OF TRANSFER OF RUPERT S LAND 465 missioners, who had been clothed with very wide powers, lay the chief responsibUity, as will be readily seen. A number of Canadians — nearly fifty — ^had been assembled in the store of Dr. Sehultz, at the village of Winnipeg, and, on the faUure of Mr. McDougaU's proclamation, were left in a very awkward condition. With arms in their hands, they were looked upon by Eiel as dangerous, and with promises of freedom and of the intention of Eiel to meet McDougaU and settle the whole matter, they (December 7th) surrendered. Safely in the fort and in the prison outside the wall, the prisoners were kept by the truce-breaker, and the Metis con tingent celebrated the victory by numerous potations of rum taken from the Hudson's Bay Company stores. Eiel now took a step forward in issuing a proclamation, "which has generaUy been attributed to the crippled postmaster at Pembina, one of the dangerous foreign clique longing to seize the settlement. He also hoisted a new flag, with the .fleur-de-lis worked upon it, thus giving evidence of his disloyalty and impudence. Other acts of injustice, such as seizing Company funds and interfering with personal liberty, were committed by him. On December 27th — a memorable day — Mr. Donald A. Smith arrived. His commission and papers were left at Pembina, and he went directly to Fort Garry, where Eiel reeeived him. The interview, given in Mr. Smith's o-wn words, was a remarkable one. Eiel vainly sought to induce the Commissioner to recognize his government, and yet was afraid to show disrespect to so high and honoured an ¦officer. For about two months Commissioner Smith lived .at Fort Garry, in a part of the same building as Governor McTavish. Mr. Smith says of this period, " The state of matters at this time was most unsatisfactory and truly humUiating. Upwards of fifty British subjects were held in close confinement as political prisoners ; security for persons or property there was none. . . . The leaders of the French half-breeds had declared their determination to use every effort for the purpose of annexing the territory to the United States." Mr. Smith acted -with great wisdom and decision. His plan H h 466 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY evidently was to have no formal breach with Eiel, but graduaUy to undermine him, and secure a combination by which he could be overthro-wn. Many of the influential men of the settlement called upon Mr. Smith, and the affairs of the country were discussed. Eiel was restless and at times im pertinent, but the Commissioner exercised his Scottish caution,. and bided his time. At this time a newspaper, called The New Nation, appeared. as the organ of the Provisional Government. This paper openly advocated annexation to the United States, thus showing; the really dangerous nature of the movement embodied in the rebellion. During all these months of the rebellion. Bishop Tache, the influential head of the Eoman Catholic Church, had been absent in Eome at the great CouncU of that year. One of hi» most active priests left behiad was Father Lestanc, the prince- of plotters, who has generally been credited with belonging to the Jesuit Order. Lestanc had sedulously haunted the presence of the Governor ; he was a daring and extreme man, and to him and his fellow-Frenchman, the cur^ of St. Norbert, much of Eiel's obstinacy has been attributed. Commissioner Smith now used his opportunity to weaken Eiel. He offered to send for his Commission to Pembina, if he were allowed to meet the people. Eiel consented to this. The Commission was sent for, and Eiel tried to intercept the messenger, but failed to do so. The meeting took place on January 19th. It was a date of note for Eed Eiver settlement. One thousand people assembled, and as there was no building capable of holding the people, the meeting took place in the open air, the temperature being twenty below zero. The outcome of this meeting was the election and sub sequent assembling of forty representatives — one half French, the other half English — to consider the matter of Commissioner Smith's message. Six days after the open-air meeting the Convention met. A second "Bill of Eights" was adopted, and it was agreed to send delegates to Ottawa to meet the Dominion Government. A provisional government was formed, at the request, it is said, of Governor McTa-vish, and Eiel gained the height of his ambition in being made President, TROUBLES OF TRANSFER OF RUPERT'S LAND 467 whUe the fledgling Fenian priest, O'Donoghue, became " Secretary of the Treasury." The retention of the prisoners in captivity aroused a deep feeUng in the country, and a movement originated in Portage La Prairie to rescue the unfortunates. This force was joined by recruits at Kildonan, making up six hundred in all. Awed by this gathering, Eiel released the prisoners, though he was guilty of an act of deepest treachery in arresting nearly fifty of the Assiniboine le-vy as they were returning to their homes. Among them was Major Boulton, who afterward narrowly escaped execution, and who has -written an interesting account of the rebellion. The failure of the two parties of loyalists, and their easy capture by Eiel, raises the question of the wisdom of these efforts. No doubt the inspiriag motive of these levies was in many cases true patriotism, and it reflects credit on them as men of British blood and British pluck, but the management of both was so unfortunate and so lacking in skill, that one is disposed, though lamenting their failures, to put these expeditions do-wn as dictated by the greatest rashness. The elevation of Eiel served to awaken higher ambitions. The late Archbishop Tache, in a later rebellion, characterized Eiel as a remarkable example of inflated ambition, and called his state of mind that of "megalomania." Eiel now became more irritable and domineering. He seemed also bitter against the EngUsh for the signs of insubordination appearing in all the parishes. The influence of the violent and dastardly Lestanc was strong upon him. The anxious President now determined to awe the English, and condemned for execution a young Irish Canadian prisoner named Thomas Scott. Com missioner Smith and a number of influential inhabitants did everything possible to dissuade Eiel, but he persisted, and Scott was publicly executed near Port Garry on March 4th, 1870. " Whom the gods destroy, they first make mad." The execution of Scott was the death kneU of Eiel's hopes. Canada was roused to its centre. Determined to have no further communication with Eiel, Commissioner Smith as soon as possible left Port Garry and returned to Canada. 468 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY The arrival of Bishop Tache, who had returned at the request of the Canadian Government, took place in due time. Probably the real attitude of Bishop Tach6 will never be known, though his strong French Canadian associations and love of British connection make it seem hardly possible that he could have been implicated in the rebellion. Bishop Tache endeavoured to overcome the terrible mistake of Eiel. Com missioners were despatched to Ottawa, the most important of them Father Eitchot, of St. Norbert, whose hand had been in the plot from the beginning. Carrying down a "Bill of Eights" from the provisional government, which, however, there is clear evidence Eitchot and others took the liberty of altering, they were instrumental in ha-ving a bill passed through the Dominion Parliament, establishing Manitoba as a province. For the establishment of peace, an expedition was organized by Canada, consisting of British regulars and Canadian volun teers, under Colonel Wolseley. Coming from Canada up the fur-traders' route, through Lake of the Woods, down Winnipeg Eiver, across Lake Winnipeg, and up the Eed Eiver, the expedition arrived, to the great joy of the suffering people of the settlement, on August 24th, 1870. After eleven months of the most torturing anxiety had been endured, the sight of the rescuing soldiery sent the blood pulsing again through their veins. As the troops approached Port Garry, three slinking figures were seen to leave the fort and escape across the Assiniboine. These were the " President Eiel," "Adjutant-General" Lepine, and the scoundrel O'Donoghue. " They folded their tents like the Arabs, and as sUently stole away." Colonel Wolseley says, " The troops then formed line outside the fort, the Union Jack was hoisted, a royal salute fired, and three cheers were given for the Queen, which were caught up and heartily re-echoed by many of the civilians and settlers who had followed the troops from the -village." The transfer of Eupert's Land had been completed, and the governing power of the famous old Company was a thing of the past. CHAPTEE XLVI; PBESENT STATUS OP THE COMPANY. A great land Company — Port Garry dismantled — The new buUdings — ^NewD. Old — ^NewUfe in the Company — Palmy days are recalled ^Governors of ability — The present distinguished Governor — Vaster operations — Its eye not dimmed. Believed of the burden of government, the Hudson's Bay Company threw itself heartily into the work of developing its resources. Mr. Donald A. Smith, who had done so much to undermine the power of Eiel, returned to Manitoba as Chief Commissioner of the Company, and proceeded to manage its affairs in the altered conditions of the country. Eepresenting enormous interests in the North-West, Mr. Smith entered the first local legislature at Winnipeg, and soon after became for a time a member of the Canadian House of Commons. One of the most important matters needing attention was the land interests of the Company. The Company claimed five hundred acres around Port Garry. This great tract of land, covering now one of the most important parts of the City of Winnipeg, was used as a camping-ground, where the traders from the far west posts, even as far as Edmonton, made their " corrals " and camped during their stay at the capital. Some opposition was developed to this claim, but the block of land was at length handed over to the Company, fifty acres being reserved for public purposes. The allotment of wild land to the Company of one-twentieth went on in each township as it was surveyed, and though all this land is taxable, yet it has become a great source of revenue to the Company. Important sites and parcels of land all over the country have helped to swell its resources. The great matter of adapting its agencies to meet the changed 470 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY conditions of trade was a difficult thing. The methods of two centuries could not be changed in a day. The greatest difficulty lay in the officers and men remote from the important centres. It was reported that in many of the posts no thorough method of book-keeping prevailed. The dissatisfaction arishig from the sale made by the Company in 1863, and the uncertainty as to the deed poll, no doubt introduced an element of fault-finding and discontent into the Company's business. Some of the most trusted officers retired from the service. The resources of the Company were, however, enormous, its credit being practicaUy unlimited, and this gave it a great advantage in competing with the Canadian merchants coming to the country, the majority of whom had Uttle capital. Ten years after the transfer Fort Garry was sold, and though it came back on the hands of the Company, yet miser abile dictu, the fort had been dismantled, thrown down, and even the stone removed, with the excep tion of the front gate, which still remains. This gate, with a portion of ground about it, has been given by the Hudson's Bay Company to the City of Winnipeg as a small historic park. Since the time of sale, large warehouses have been erected, not filled, as were the old shops, with bright coloured cloths, moccasins, and beads, fitted for the Indian and native trade, but aiming at full departments after the model of Maple and Shoolbred of the mother city of London. These shops are represented in the plate accompanying this description. The trade thus modified has been under the direction of men of ability, who succeeded Mr. Donald A. Smith, such as Messrs. Wrigley, Brydges, and a number of able sub ordinates. The extension of trade has gone on in many of the rising towns of the Canadian West, where the Hudson's Bay Company was not before represented, such as Portage La Prairie, Calgary, Lethbridge, Prince Albert, Vancouver, &c. In all these points the Company's influence has been a very real and important one. The methods of trade, now employed, require a skill and knowledge never needed in the old fur -trading days. The present successful Commissioner, C. C. Chipman, Esq., resident in Winnipeg, controls and directs interests far greater than Sir George Simpson was called upon to deal with. COMMISSIONER CHIPMAN (WINNIPEG-). Executive Officer of H.B. Co. in Canada. PRESENT STATUS OF THE COMPANY 471 Present and Past presents a contrast between ceaseless competition and a sleepy monopoly. The portions of the country not reached, or likely to be reached by settlement, have remained in possession of the Hudson's Bay Company almost solely. The Canadian Govern ment has negotiated treaties with the Indians as far north as Lake Athabasca, leaving many of the Chipewyans and Eskimos still to the entire management of the Company. The impression among the officers of the Company is that under the deed poll of 1871 they are not so well remunerated as under the former regime. It is difficult to estimate the exact relation of the present to the past, inasmuch as the opening up of the country, the improvement of transportation facilities, and the cheapening of all agricultural supplies has changed the relative value of money in the country. Under this arrangement, which has been in force for twenty-four years, the profits of the ¦wintering partners are divided on the basis of one-hundredth of a share. Of this an inspecting chief factor receives three shares ; a chief factor two and a half ; a factor two ; and a chief trader one and a half shares. The average for the twenty-five years of the one-hundredth share has been 213Z. 12s. 2\d. Since 1890 a more liberal provision has been made for officers retiring, and since that time an officer on withdrawing in good standing receives two years' full pay and six years' half pay. A -visit to the Hudson's Bay House on the comer of Leadenhall and Lime Streets, London, still gives one a sense of the presence of the old Company. While in the New World great changes have taken place, and the visitor is struck -with the complete departure from the low-ceiling store, with goods in disorder and confusion, with natives smoking " kinni-kinnik " till the atmosphere is opaque — all this to the palatial buildings with the most perfect arrangements and greatest taste; yet in London " the old order changeth " but slowly. It is true the old building on Fenchurch Street, London, where " the old Hady" was said by the Nor'-Westers to sit, was sold in 1859, and the proceeds divided among the shareholders and officers for four years thereafter. But the portraits of Prince Eupert; Sir George Simpson, and the copy of the Company Charter 472 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY were transferred bodily to the directors' room in the building- on Lime Street. The strong room contains the same rows of minutes, the same dusty piles of documents, and the journals- of bygone years, but the business of a vast region is still managed there, and the old gentlemen who control the Hudson's Bay Company affairs pass their dividends as com fortably as in years gone by, with, in an occasional year, some restless spirit stirring up the echoes, to be promptly repressed and the current of events to go on as before. Since 1871, however, it is easy to see that men of greater- financial ability have been at the head of the councils of the Hudson's Bay Company, recalling the palmy days of the first operations of the Company. After five years' service. Sir Edmund Head, the first governor under the new deed poll, gave way, to be followed for a year by the distinguished politician and statesman, the Earl of Kimberley. For five years- thereafter. Sir Stafford Northcote, who held high government office in the service of the Empire, occupied this position. He was followed for six years by one who has since gained a very high reputation for financial ability, the Et. Hon. G. J. Goschen. Eden Colville, who seems to carry us back to- the former generation — a man of brisk and alert mind, and singularly free from the prejudices and immobility of Governor Berens, the last of the barons of the old regime — held office for three years after Mr. Goschen. For the last ten years the veteran of kindly manner, warm heart, and genial disposition. Lord Stratheona and Mount Eoyal, has occupied this high place. The clerk, junior officer, and chief factor of thirty hard years on the inhospitable shores of Hudson Bay and Labrador, the commissioner who, as Donald A. Smith, soothed the Eiel rebellion, and for years directed the reorganization of the Company's affairs at Fort Garry and the whole North-West, the daring speculator who took hold, with his friends, of the Minnesota and Manitoba Eailway, and with Midas touch turned the enterprise to gold, a projector and a builder of the Canadian Pacific Eailway, the patron of art and education, has worthily filled the office of Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company, and -with much success reorganized its administration and directed its affairs. PRESENT STATUS OF THE COMPANY 473 The Company's operations are vaster than ever before. The greatest mercantile enterprise of the Greater Canada west of Lake Superior ; a strong land Company, still keeping up its traditions and conducting a large trade in furs ; owning vessels and transportation facilities ; able to take large contracts ; exercising a fatherly care over the Indian tribes ; the helper and assistant of the vast missionary organizations scattered over Northern Canada, the Company since the transfer of Eupert's Land to Canada has taken a new lease of life ; its eye is not diin, nor its natural force abated. CHAPTEE XLVII. THE PUTUEE OF THE CANADIAN WEST. The Greater Canada — Wide -wheat fields — Vast pasture lands — Huronian mines — The Kootenay riches — Yukon nuggets — Forests — Iron and coal — Fisheries — Two great cities — To-wns and -viUages — Anglo-Saxon institutions — The great outlook. In the year after Eupert's Land and the Indian territories were transferred to Canada, it was the fortune of the writer to take up his abode in Winnipeg, as the -village in the neighbourhood of Port Garry was already called. The railway was in that year still four hundred miles from Winnipeg. From the terminus in Minnesota the stage coach drawn by four horses, with relays every twenty miles, sped rapidly over prairies smooth as a la-wn to the site of the future City of the Plains. The fort was in its glory. Its stone walls, round bastions, threatening pieces of artUlery and rows of port-holes, spoke of a place of some strength, though even then a portion of stone wall had been taken down to give easier access to the " Hudson's Bay Store." It was still the seat of government, for the Canadian Governor lived within its walls as the last Company Governor, McTavish, had done. It was still the scene of gaiety, as the better class of the old settlers united with the leaders of the new Canadian society in social joys, under the hospitable roof of Governor Archibald. Since that time a generation has well nigh passed. The stage coach, the Eed Eiver cart, and the shagganappe pony are things of the past, and two railways with richly furnished trains connect St. Paul and Minnesota with the City of Winnipeg. More important still, the skill of the engineer has blasted a way through the Archsean rocks to Fort WilUam, Lake Superior, more direct than the old fur-traders' route ; the THE FUTURE OF THE CANADIAN WEST 475 tremendous cliffs of the north shore of Lake Superior have been levelled and the chasm bridged. To the west the prairies Tiave been gridironed -with numerous lines of railway, the enormous ascents of the four Eocky Mountain ranges rising a mile above the sea level have been crossed, and the giddy heights of the Fraser Eiver canon traversed. The iron band of the Canadian Pacific Eailway, one of whose chief promoters was Lord Stratheona and Mount Eoyal, the present Governor of the Company, has joined ocean to ocean, and the City of Winnipeg sees every day the Atlantic and Pacific expresses hastening on their journeyings, connecting with lines of swift ocean steamers, and carrying to and fro the commerce of the Orient and Occident. It is said that Liverpool and Yokohama are the termini of the Canadian Pacific Eailway. A wonderful. transformation has taken place in the land since the days of Sir George Simpson and his band of active chief factors and traders. It is true, portions of the wide territory reaching from Labrador to the Pacific Ocean will always be the domain of the fur-trader. Hudson Bay and Labrador will always remain inhospitable, though there are those who maintain that the fisheries, mines, and even land of Hudson Bay -will yet be developed and a new route from the prairies to Great Britain opened up by a railway from York Factory or Churchill to the interior, through what is now known as the rocky region of Keewatin. The barren land running inland from the Arctic Sea -will in certain districts remain for ever useless. Mackenzie Eiver district is still the famous scene of the fur trade, and may long continue so, though there is always the possibility of any portion of the vast waste of the Far North developing, as the Yukon territory has done, mineral wealth rivalUng the famous sands of Pactolus or the riches of King Solomon's Mines. Under Canadian sway, law and order are preserved through out this -wide domain, although the Hudson's Bay Company officers stUl administer law and in many cases are magistrates or officers for the government, recei-ving their commissions from Ottawa. Peace and order prevail, the arm of the law has been felt in Keewatin, the Mackenzie Eiver, and distant Yukon. But it is to the fertile prairies of the West and valleys and 476 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY slopes of the Pacific Coast we look for the extension of the Greater Canada. While the Hon. William McDougaU was arguing the value of the prairie land of the West, his Canadian and other opponents maintained ' ' that in the North-West the soil never thawed out in summer, and that the potato or cabbage would not mature." With this opinion many of the Hudson's Bay Company officers agreed, though it is puzzling to the resident of the prairie to-day to see how such honourable and observing men could have made such statements. The fertile plains have been divided into four sections, the Province of Manitoba and the three wide territories of Assiniboia, Alberta, and Sas katchewan, these being kno-wn as the North-West Territories. Manitoba, which at the time of the closing of the Hudson's Bay Company regime, numbered its twenty-five thousand people, more than one half Indians and the remainder whites and half- breeds, has multiplied ten times up to its present population, estimated at a quarter of a million. The North-West Territories are said to have ninety-five thousand inhabitants, and British Columbia, including Indians, upwards of one hundred thousand \ making in all west of Lake Superior well nigh one half of a million of people dwelling in the old land of the fur-traders. The City of Winnipeg, which, when the -writer first saw the hamlet bearing that name, had less than three hundred souls, is estimated now at the end of the century to have a population of from forty-five to fifty thousand. The Hudson's Bay Com pany store was a low buUding, a wooden erection made of lumber sa-wn by whip-saw or by some rude contriyance, having what was known in the old Eed Eiver days as a "pa-viUon roof." Its highly-coloured fabrics suited to the trade of the country did not relieve its dingy interior. To-day the great departmental stores and offices, built of dark red St. Louis brick, speak of the enormous progress made in the de velopment of the country. Every town upon the prairies bears testimony, by its towering elevators, to the over flowing abundance of what the old fur-traders contended could not be produced, viz. agricultural products of every kind characteristic of the north temperate zone. The returns made by the Government show that Manitoba, -with a population not exceeding a quarter of a million, and of these THE FUTURE OF THE CANADIAN WEST 477 not more than twenty-five thousand being farmers, pro duced in the last year of record sixty millions of bushels of cereals, valued at, say, twenty-five millions of dollars. Not less remarkable is the development of the North- West territories. Assiniboia shows a remarkable production of grains, and the Far West abounds in great herds of cattle, exceeding in its ranching capabilities even many parts of Marutoba. British Columbia, including the New Caledonia, Kootenay Country, and Vancouver Island of the fur-traders, is a land of great resources. Its population has increased three times over. Its great salmon fisheries, trade in timber, coal mines, agricultural productiveness, and genial oUmate have long made it a favourite dwelling-place for English-speaking colonists. In late years much prominence has been given to this pro-vdnce by the discovery of its mineral products. Gold, silver, and lead mines in the Kootenay region, which was discovered by old David Thompson, and in the Cariboo district, have lately attracted many immigrants to British Columbia; the adjoining territory of the Yukon, brought to the knowledge of the world by Chief Factor Eobert Campbell, has surpassed aU other parts of the fur-traders' land in rich productiveness, although the region lying between the Lake of the Woods and Lake Superior along the very route of the fur-traders, is becoming famous by its production of gold, silver, and other valuable metals. Throughout the -wide West great deposits of coal and iron are found, the basis of future manufactures, and in many districts great forests to supply to the world material for increasing development. What, then, is to be the future of this Canadian West ? The possibilities are ilUmitable. The Anglo-Saxon race, with its energy and pluck, has laid hold of the land so long shut in by the wall built round it by the fur-traders. This race, -with its dominating forcefulness, will absorb and harmonize elements coming from all parts of the world to enjoy the fertile fields and mineral treasures of a land whose laws are just, whose educational policy is thorough and progressive, whose moral 478 THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY and religious aspirations are high and noble, and which gives a hearty welcome to the industrious and deserving from aU lands. Winnipeg, it is said, now ranks third in its commercial standing, as represented by banking statistics, among the cities of Canada, and will be one of her three great cities. Those who are hopeful of its future, and who forecast its position as the financial, commercial, educational, and religious centre of the great prairie land, speak of it as the Chicago of Western Canada. On the shores of Burrard Inlet on the Pacific Ocean another place of great importance is rising — ^Vancouver City, the terminus of the Canadian Pacific Eailway. Victoria, begun, as we have seen, by Chief Factor Douglas as the chief fort along the Pacific Coast, long held its own as the commercial as well as the political capital of British Columbia, but in the meantime Vancouver has surpassed it in population, if not in influence. All goes to show that the Hudson's Bay Company was preserving for the generations to come a most valuable heritage. The leaders of opinion in Canada have frequently, withui the last five years of the century, expressed their opinion that the second generation of the twentieth century may see a larger Canadian population to the West of Lake Superior than will be found in the provinces of the East. William CuUen Bryant's lines, spoken of other prairies, wUl surely come true of the wide Canadian plains : — " I listen long .... and think I hear The sound of that advancing multitude Which soon shaU fill these deserts. From the ground Comes up the laugh of chUdren, the soft voice Of maidens, and the s-weet and solemn hymn Of Sabbath -worshippers. The low of herds Blends with the rustling of the heavy grain Over the dark brown furrows." The French explorers are a reminiscence of a century and a half ago ; the lords of the lakes and forests, with aU their -wild energy, are gone for ever ; the Astorians are no more ; no longer do the French Canadian voyageurs make the rivers *#*;--;- ^ PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, VICTORIA, B.C. With Statue of Capt. George Vancouver above ; figures of Sir James Douglas and Chief Justice Begbie in niches • and the obeUslj of Sir James Douglas, erected by the people of British Columbia. [Page 478. THE FUTURE OF THE CANADIAN WEST 479 TOcal with their chansons ; the pomp and circumstance of the emperor of the fur-traders has been resolved into the ordinary forms of commercial life ; and the rude barter of the early trader has passed into the fulfilment of the poet's dream, of the " argosies of magic saUs," and the " costly bales " of an increasing commerce. The Hudson's Bay Company stUl lives and takes its new place as one of the potent forces. of the Canadian West. APPENDIX A. AUTHOEITIES AND EBFEEENCES. (Chapters I.— VI.) Voyages among the North American Indians, 1652-84 (Prince Society). Histoire de I'Amerique Septentrionale, 1772, by M. Bacque ville de la Potherie. M. Jeremie. The British Empire in America, 2 vols. London, 1708. Anon. (John Oldmixon.) Minutes and Stock Book of Hudson's Bay Company, Hudson's Bay Company House, Lime Street, London. Imperial (Hudson's Bay Company) Blue Book, 1749. Memo, of Chief Justice Draper. Imperial Blue Book, 1857. Imperial Hudson's Bay Company Blue Book, 1857. Appen dix 9. Stock Book of Hudson's Bay Company Offices, Lime Street, London. Documents, &c., on Boundaries. (Ottawa, 1871.) Hudson's Bay Company Statement of Eights, 1850. Documents, &c., on Boundaries. (Ottawa, 1871.) Documents of Early French Settlements. The materials for Chapters III. and IV. are almost exclusively obtained from the unpubUshed minutes of the Company, 1671-1690, at Hudson's Bay Company House, Lime Street, London. The material of Chapter V. is largely from the minutes and letter-books of the Company at the Hudson's Bay Company's House, Lime Street, London. The complete story of Eadisson's life is now for the first time given to the world by the Author. Instructions to Sieur de Troyes. Documents, &c. Ottawa, 1871. N.Y. Hist. Collection. Vol. IX., p. 67. Massachusetts Archives, Boston. French Documents. Hist, de la NouveUe Prance, par Marc L'Escarbot (1618). Minutes of Hudson's Bay Company, Lime Street, London. I i 482 APPENDIX A. Bacqueville de la Potherie. Histoire de I'Amerique Septen trionale. Histoire du Canada, par P. X. Garneau. Letter-books of Hudson's Bay Company, Lime Street, London. (Chapters VIL— X.) Extracts from Treaty of Eyswick in Documents on Boundary. Ottawa, 1873. Minutes and Letter-book of Hudson's Bay Company. (London.) Extracts from Treaty of Utrecht, in Documents, &c., on Boundary. (Ottawa), 1873. Letter-books of Hudson's Bay Company. (London.) Account of the countries adjoining Hudson Bay, by Arthur Dobbs, Esq. London, 1744. Discovery of the N.-W. Passage. (Several authors. Ottawa Parliamentary Library.) Middleton. Eeply to Arthur Dobbs, 1744. John Barrow — Voyages. A voyage to Hudson Bay by the Dobbs galley and California, by Henry EUis, Gentleman. London, 1748. Six Years' Eesidence in Hudson Bay, by Joseph Eobson, late Surveyor, &c. London, 1769. Imperial Blue Book of Imperial Parliament relating to Hudson's Bay Company. 1749. N. Y. Hist. CoU., Vol. IX. pp. 205, 209. Archives de Paris, 2nd series, vol. IV. p. 263. Canadian Archives. Ottawa. Manuscripts Canadian Pari. Lib. (Ottawa. Third series, vol. 6). Pierre Margry in Paris, Moniteur of 1852. Journal of Verandrye, (original) 1738, Canadian Archives. (Ottawa.) De Bougainville's Memoir, given in Pierre Margry's Eelations, &c. (Paris), 1867. "Memoirs and Documents, &c." from Library, Paris. Five Volumes by Pierre Margry. (Chapters XL— XIII.) Canadiens de I'Ouest. Joseph Tasse, 2 vols. (Montreal), 1878. Papers of Governor Haldimand. Canadian Archives. (Ottawa.) Astoria. Washington Irving. Sketches of N. W. of America. Bishop Tach6. (Montreal.) 1870. APPENDIX A. 483 Travels and Adventures, &c., between 1760-1766. Alex. Henry, Senr., 1809. Alexander Mackenzie's Voyages. London, 1801. Memorial of North-West Traders. Canadian Archives. (Ottawa.) (Original.) Les Bourgeois du Nord-Ouest, par L. E. Masson. 2 vols., Quebec, 1889-90. A Journey from Prince of Wales Fort, in Hudson Bay, to the Northern Ocean, by Samuel Hearne. 4to. London : Strahan and Cadell, 1795. Voyage de la Perouse autour du Monde. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1798. The Present State of Hudson Bay, by Edward Umfreville. Charles Stalker. London, 1796. Observations on Hudson Bay, by Andrew Graham, Factor. Presented to James Fitzgerald, (Manuscript, 1771.) Hudson's Bay Company House, London. (Chapters XIV.— XXII.) Voyages of Alexander Mackenzie. (History of Fur Trade.) London, 1801. 8vo. Haldimand Papers Archives Dept. Ottawa. (Unpublished.) Umfreville. (Supra.) Masson's Bourgeois du Nord-Ouest. (Supra.) Journal of Alexander Henry. Manuscript. (Ottawa Library.) Journals- of Alexander Henry and of David Thompson, by EUiott Coues. 3 vols. P. P. Harper. New York, 1897. The Columbia Eiver, by Eoss Cox. 2 vols. London. H. Colbren and N. Bentley, 1832. Simon Praser's Journal, 1808. Masson. (Supra.) Voyage, 1811-14, by Gabriel Pranchere. (Translation, New York, 1854.) Eoderick McKenzie's Eeminiscences. Masson. (Supra.) James McKenzie. George Keith. John McDonald of Garth. Masson. (Supra.) Journal, 1820, by Daniel Harmon. Andover. Letters of John Pritchard. Edited by Writer, published in Winnipeg. Charles McKenzie's Journeys. Masson. (Supra.) Malhiot's Journeys. Masson. (Supra.) Trader John Johnston, of Sault Ste. Marie. Masson. (Supra.) Duncan Cameron and Peter Grant. (Masson.) Astoria, by Washington Irving. Eoss Cox. (Supra.) The Columbia Eiver, by Alex. Eoss, 1849. Journal of Gabriel Pranchfere. (Supra.) 484 APPENDIX A. (Chapters XXIIL— XXVIII.) {Selkirk Literature.) Highland Emigration, by Lord Selkirk (1805). Highland Clearances. Pamphlets, Advocates' Library, Edin burgh. Eed Eiver Settlement, by Alex. Eoss. London : Smith, Elder, & Co. Narrative of Destruction, &c. Archibald Macdonald, London, 1816. Narrative of Occurrences in N.A. Anon., London, 1817. Lord Selkirk's Settlement in N.A. Anon., London, 1817. Blue-book on Eed Eiver Settlement of Imperial House of Commons, 1819. Eeport of Canadian Trials, &c. A. Amos, London, 1820. Do. Do. Anon., Montreal. Memorial to Duke of Eichmond. Earl of Selkirk, Montreal. Canadiens de I'Ouest, by Joseph Tasse. Diary of John McLeod, in Prov. Library, Winnipeg. (Un published.) Manitoba, by the Writer. London, 1882. (Chapters XXIX.— XXXI.) Minutes of Council Meetings in Norway House, in Hudson's Bay House, London, and in Toronto. (UnpubUshed.) Journey Bound the World, by Governor Simpson, 1847. " Peace Eiver," by Archibald Macdonald. Annotated by Malcolm McLeod, Ottawa. Peter Pidler's Will. Copy in possession of Writer. Hudson's Bay Company Land Tenures, by Mr. Justice Martin, Victoria, B.C. Journal of John McLeod. Pari. Library, Winnipeg. (Supra.) Wentzel's Journal. F. Masson. (Supra.) Journal of John Finlay. Manuscript, unpublished, property of Chief Factor MacDougall, Prince Albert, N.-W.T. Collection of 100 letters from many fur traders to Chief Factor James Hargrave. Curwen, Edinburgh. (UnpubUshed.) The Shoe and Canoe. London, 1850. Dr. J. Bigsby. Gabriel Pranchfere. (Supra.) Picturesque Canada. Toronto. Collection of letters in possession of Judge Ermatinger, St. Thomas, Ont. Letter of Judge Steere. Sault Ste. Marie. Songs of Dominion, by W. D. Lighthall. London, 1889. APPENDIX A. 485 (Chapters XXXII.— XXXVI.) Journey to Polar Sea, 1819-22, by John Franklin.. London, 1823. Second Journey, 1825-7. London, 1823. Arctic Expedition, 1829, by John and James Eoss. Arctic Land Expedition, by George Back, 1836. Arctic Searching Expedition. 2 vols., 1851. Expedition to Shores of Arctic Sea, by John Eae, 1850. Arctic Voyages (several authors, Pari. Library, Ottawa). Travels, by Lewis and Clark, 3 vols. London, 1815. Travels on the Western Territories, 1805-7, by Zebulon M. Pike. Keating (and Long)'s Expedition, 2 vols., 1825. J. C. Beltrami. Pilgrimage of discovery of Sources of Missis sippi. London, 1828. Brewer (Cass and Schoolcraft), Sources of the Mississippi, published by Minn. Historical Society. J. H. Lefroy. Magnetic Survey. Journal of Explorations, by Palliser (and Hector). London, 1863. Narrative of the Canadian Exploring Expedition, by Hind (and Dawson), 2 vols., 1860. The North-West Passage by Land, by Milton and Cheadle. London, 1865. Ocean to Ocean, by G. M. Grant, 1873. Eed Eiver, by Alex. Eoss. London, 1856. Captain Bulger's letters, published for private circulation, 1823. Notes of the Flood of Eed Eiver of 1852, by Bishop Anderson. Eed Eiver. J. J. Hargrave, Montreal, 1871. Parchment Eoll, property of late George McTavish, Winnipeg. Journal of the Eed Eiver Country, by the Eev. John West. London, 1824. (Chapters XXXVII., XXXVIII.) Hudson Bay, by E. M. Ballantyne. London, 1848. Dr. Eae. (Supra.) Notes of 25 Years of Service, by John McLean, 2 vols. London, 1849. Ungava Bay, by E. M. BaUantyne. London, 1871. Explorations in Labrador, by H. Y. Hind, 1863. Mora-vian Missions. The important Chapter XXXVIII. was largely prepared by a Chief Factor of the Hudson's Bay Company, who had long served on the Mackenzie Eiver. 486 APPENDIX A. Chief Factor Campbell's discoveries were chiefly obtained from a Journal of that officer now in the hands of his son at Norway House. (Chapters XXXIX.— XLVII.) Bancroft's North-West Coast, 2 vols. San Francisco, 1884. ,, History of British Columbia, 1890. Begg's History of British Columbia. Journal of Trader Ermatinger, property of Judge Ermatinger, St. Thomas, Ont. Chinook Jargon, by Horatio Hall. London, 1890. Todd, collection of letters belonging to Judge Ermatinger. (Supra.) Coues, Alex. Henry. (Supra.) Miles Macdonell's letters. Archives vol. Ottawa. Vingt Annees de Missions, &c., by Bishop Tache, 1888. Eainbow of the North, by A.L.O.E. (Miss Tucker). Notes by Eev. John West. (Supra.) Eed Eiver, by Hargrave. (Supra.) Journey of Bishop of Montreal, 1844. Pub. 1849. Eed Eiver Settlement, by Alex. Eoss. (Supra.) John Black, Apostle of Eed Eiver, by the Writer, 1898. Hudson Bay, by Eev. John Eyerson. Toronto, 1855. James Evans. Wm. Briggs, Toronto. Cree Syllabic. History of British Columbia. (Supra.) Hudson's Bay Territories, &c., by E. M. Fitzgerald and Martin. London, 1849. Indian Tribes. " Canada." — An Encyclopedia. Article by Writer. Bancroft's Tribes of the Pacific Coast. Imperial Government Blue-books, 1849-51. History of Manitoba, by Donald Gunn. Ottawa, 1880. Imperial Blue-book of 1857. Canada and the States, by Sir E. W. Watkin, London. Blue-books of Canada. Ermatinger letters. (Supra.) Begg's Creation of Manitoba. Toronto, 1871. Eeport of Donald A. Smith. Canadian Blue-book of 1871. Boulton's Eeminiscences of the North-West Eebellion, by Major Boulton, 1886. Eed Eiver Troubles. Eeport of Canadian House of Commons. Facts and figures, from Hudson's Bay Company Offices. APPENDIX B. SUMMAEY OF LIFE OP PIEEEE ESPEIT EADISSON. A. Eabliee Life and Voyages (1636 — ^1663). I. Birth and Immigration. Pierre Esprit Eadisson, born in Paris (afterwards lived at St. Malo) 1636 (Though some claim that he was born in 1620, this is incorrect, for in his petition read in the House of Commons, London, March 11th, 1698, he states that he is sixty-two years of age.) Arrived with his father's family in Canada, May . 1651 (Settled at Three Eivers.) II. Western Voyages. First voyage to the Iroquois country .... 1652 (Captured by the Iroquois.) Escaped and fled to Holland . . . 1653 Eeturned to Canada .... . . 1654 Second voyage to Onondaga 1667 Third voyage, visited Sioux and Assiniboines through the Mississippi country 1668-60 Eeturned to Montreal with 500 Indians . . 1660 Fourth voyage, to region north of Lake Superior . 1661 Held great council with the Indians .... 1662 Leaves the country of the Crees and returns to Montreal 1663 III. In English Service. Quarrels with French Governor. Goes to Boston from Quebec 1664 Crosses to England .... . . 1665 Vessel engaged to go to Hudson Bay delayed . . 1666 Disturbed condition of England causes further delay . 1667 Eaglet, on which Eadisson embarked, did not reach Hudson Bay; Nonsuch, -with GroseiUiers on board, did 1668 488 APPENDIX B. Nonsuch returns to England ..... 1669 Hudson's Bay Company chartered through assistance of Groseilliers and Eadisson .... 1670 Eadisson first -visits Hudson Bay .... 1670 Eadisson returns and winters in London . . . 1671 Eadisson, with Captain GiUam, goes to Hudson Bay . 1672 Eeturns to London and winters there . . . 1673 IV. Enters French Service, Eadisson and GroseilUers desert England for Prance, October 1674 Eadisson goes on expedition to the Antilles Crosses under French auspices to Canada . . . 1681 Goes to Hudson Bay on Erench ship .... 1682 Winters in Hudson Bay, captures Gillam's ship, and returns to Canada ...... 1683 Crosses to France, and undertakes new expedition to Hudson Bay . 1684 V. Deserts France and returns to England. Eadisson joins English, and goes immediately to Hudson Bay, May 12th 1684 Seizes 20,000 furs from French and comes to London 1684 Sails again to Hudson Bay ..... 1685 VI. Further History. Made a denizen of England 1687 SaUs for Hudson Bay 1688 Eeeeives share of the great di-vidend . . . 1690 Sir John Young applies for increase of Eadisson's allowance 1692 Eadisson files a biU in Chancery against Company . 1694 ,, petitions Parliament for consideration . . 1698 ,, applies to Company for position . . . 1700 ,, receives last allowance from Company (pro bably his death) 1710 APPENDIX C. List of Hudson's Bay Company Posts in 1856, with the seveeal Distbicts and the Numbeb op Indians in each. Athaiasca District (1550)— Fort Chipewyan. Dunvegan.Termilion. Fond du Lao. Mackenzie Biver District (10,430) — Fort Simpson. Fort au Liard. Fort Halkett. Yukon. Peel's Eiver. Lapierre's House. Fort Good Hope. Fort Eae. Fort Resolution. Big Island. Fort Norman. English Biver District (1370)— He k la Crosse. Eapid Eiver. Grreen Lake. Deer's Lake. Portage la Loche. Saskatchewa/n District (28,050)— Edmonton. Carlton. Fort Pitt. Eocky Mount House. Lao la Biche. Lesser Slave Lake. Fort Assiniboine. Jasper's House. Fort h, la Corne. Ouniberland District (750)- Cumberland House. Moose Lake. The Pas. Swan Biver District (2200)— Fort Pelly. Fort EUioe. Qu'Appelle Lakes. Shoal Eiver. Touch-vTood Hills. Egg Lake. Bed River District (8250, including half- breeds and -whites) — Fort Garry. Lo-vrer Fort Garry. White House Plain. Pembina.Manitoba. Reed Lake. Lac to Fluie District (2850)— Fort Frances. Fort Alexander. Eat Portage. White Dog. Lao du Bonnet. Lao de Boisblanc. Shoal Lake. Norway Souse District (1080)— Nor-way House. Berens Eiver. Nelson Eiver. Torh District (1500)— York Factory. Churchill.Severn. Trout Lake. Oxford House. Albany District (1100)— Albany Factory. Marten's Falls. Osnaburg. Lac Seul. Kinogumissee District (400)— Meta-wagamingue . Kuckatoosh. Lake Superior District (1330)— Michipicoten.Batohewana.Mamainse.Pic.Long Lake. Lake Nipigon. Fort William. Pigeon Eiver. Lao d'Orignal. Lake Huron Dist/rict (1100)— Lacloche.Little Current. Green Lake. Whitefish Lake. Sault Ste. Ma/rie District (150)- Sa-ult Ste. Marie. Moose District (730) — Moose Factory. Hannah Bay. Abitibi. New Brunswick. East Main District (700)— Great Whale Eiver. Little Whale Eiver. Fort George. Bupert's Biver District (985)— Eupert's House. Mistasiui. Teniskamay. Wos-wonaby. Mechiskan. Pike Lake. Nitohequou. Kauiapisoo-w. Temiscam,ingue District (1030)— Temisoamingne House. 49° APPENDIX C. Grand Lao. gmo. Lake Nipissing. Hunter's Lodge. Temagamingue. Fort Coulonge District (375)- Lac des Allumettes. Joachin.Mata-wa. Lac des Sables Dist/rict (150)- Buckingham. Eivifere Desert. Lachine District — Lachine House. St. Maurice District (280)— Three Rivers. Weymontaohingue. Kikandatch. King's Posts District (1100)— Tadousac. Chicoutime.Lake St. John's. He Jeremie. Godbout. Seven Islands. Mingan District (700) — Mingan.Musquarro.Natosquan. Esquimaux Bay District (500)— North-West Eiver. Fort Nascopie. Eigolette. Kikokok. Columbia District (2200)— Fort Vancouver. Umpqua. Cape Disappoint ment. Chinook Point. Carveemau.Champoeg. Nisqually. Co-welitz. Colville District (2500)— Fort Colville. Pend Oreilles Eiver. Flat Heads. Kootenay.Okanagan. Snahe Country District (700)- Walla Walla. Fort Hall. Fort Boise. Vancouver Island District (12,000)— Fort Victoria. Fort Rupert. Nanaimo. Fraser Biver District (4000)— Fort Langley. N.W. Coast District (45,000)— Fort Simpson. Thomson Biver District (2000)— Kamloops.Fort Hope. New Caledonia District (12,000)— Stuart Lake. McLeod's Lake. Fraser's Lake. Alexandria. Fort George. Babines. ConoUy's Lake. Honolulu (Sandwich Isles). Total 34 Districts : — Indians . 149,060 Not enumer ated . . 6,000 Eskimos 4,000 Total . 159,060 Less whites andhalf- breeds . 10,000 149,060 In all under Hud son's Bay Com pany rule, about 150,000. APPENDIX D. List of Chief Factoes in the Hudson's Bay Company Seevice feom the Coalition op 1821 to the Yeae 1896. Note.— Under the Deed PoUs of 1821, 1834, and 1871, there were 263 commissioned officers, and it is estimated that their nationalities were as follows : — French Canadian .... Irish . . . . English . ... Scotch . . . . Total . 1821. Thomas Vincent. John MacDonald. John Thompson. James Bird. James Leith. John Haldane. Colin Eobertson. Alexander Stewart. James Sutherland. John George McTavish. John Clarke. George Keith. John Dugald Cameron. John Charles. John Stuart. Alexander Kennedy. Edward Smith. John M'Loughlin. John Davis. James Keith. Joseph Beioly. Angus Bethune. Donald McKenzie. Alexander Christie. John MoBean. 1823. William Mcintosh. 1825. WiUiam Connolly. John Eowand. 1827. James McMillan. 1828. Allan McDonnell. John Lee Lewis. Peter Warren Dease, 1830. Eoderick McKenzie, Senr. 1832. Duncan Finlayson. 1834. Peter S. Ogden. 1836. John P. Pruden. Alex. McLeod. 1838. John Faries. Angus Cameron. Samuel Black. 1840. James Douglas. Donald Eoss. 1842. Archibald McDonald. 1844. Eobert S. Miles. James Hargrave. 1845. Niool Finlayson. 1846. John E. Harriott. John Work. John Sieveright. 1847. Murdo McPherson. George Barnston. 1848. John Ballenden. 1850. John Rae. William Sinclair. 1851, Hector McKenzie. William McTavish. Dugald McTavish. 492 APPENDIX D. 1854. Edward H. Hopkins. John Swanston. John McKenzie. 1855. James Anderson. (A). 1856. William McNeill. William F. Tolmie. 1859. James Anderson. (B). Eoderick Finlayson. 1860. William J. Christie. Charles Dodd. 1861. John M. Simpson. James A. Grahame. 1862. James R. Clare. Wemyss M. Simpson. Donald A. Smith. 1864. James S. Clouston. Joseph Gladman. 1866. William MoMnrray. 1867. Robert Campbell. Robert Hamilton. 1868. William L. Hardisty. Joseph W. Wilson. 1869. James G. Stewart. 1872. James Bissett. George S. McTavish. Eichard Hardisty. 1873. Eobert Cra-wford (Fac tor). WiUiam H. Watt (Fac tor). John Maclntyre (Fac tor). 1874. William Charles. John H. McTavish. Alexander Munro. 1875. La-wrence Clarke. R. MaoFarlane. Eoderick Eoss (Factor). 1879. Peter Warren Bell. Joseph Fortescue. 1879. Colin Eankin. Archibald McDonald. Samuel K. Parson. James H. Lawson (Fac tor). Ewen Macdonald (Fac tor). Joseph J. Hargrave (Chief Trader).1883. James L. Cotter. 1884. Julian S. Camsell. 1885. Horace Belanger. 1886. William H. Adams (Factor). 1887. James McDougaU. 1888. Peter McKenzie. E. K. Beeston (Chief Trader). 1892. William Clark. W. S. Becher (Chief Trader). 1893. William K. Broughton. 1896. Alexander Matheson (Factor). APPENDIX E. EUSSIAN AMEEICA (ALASKA). In 1825 Great Britain made a treaty -with Eussia as to the north-west coast of America. The boundary line that has since been a subject of much dispute with the United States, which bought out the rights of Eussia, was thus laid down in the Treaty : — III. " The line of demarcation between the possessions of the high contracting parties, upon the coast of the Continent and the islands of America to the north-west, shall be drawn in the manner foUowing : — Commencing from the southern most point of the island called Prince of Wales's Island, which point Ues in the parallel of 54 degrees 40 minutes, north latitude, and between the 131st and 133rd degree of west longitude (meridian of Green-wich) ; the said line shall ascend to the north along the channel called Portland Channel, as far as the point of the Continent where it strikes the 56th degree of north latitude ; from this last-mentioned point the line of demarcation shall foUow the summits of the mountains situated parallel to the coast, as far as the point of intersection of the 141st degree of west longitude (of the same meridian) ; and finally, from the said point of intersection, the said meridian line of the 141st degree in its prolongation as far as the Frozen Ocean, shall form the limit between the Eussian and British possessions on the Continent of America to the north-west. IV. " With reference to the line of demarcation laid down in the preceding article, it is understood : — 1st. " That the island called Prince of Wales's Island shall belong wholly to Eussia. 2nd. " That wherever the summit of the mountains which extend in a direction parallel to the coast, from the 56th degree of north latitude to the point of intersection of the 141st degree of west longitude, shall prove to be at the distance of more than ten marine leagues from the ocean, the Umit between the British possessions and the line of coast which is to belong to Eussia, as above mentioned, shaU be formed by a Une paraUel to the windings of the coast, and 494 APPENDIX E. which shall never exceed the distance of ten marine leagues therefrom." The Hudson's Bay Company, in the year following the Treaty, pushed their posts to the interior, and obtained a hold on the Indians from the coast inward. Making use of their privilege of ascending the river from the coast, they under took to erect a post upon one of these rivers. This led the Eussian American Pur Company to make a vigorous protest, and a long correspondence ensued on the matter. At length, in 1839, the Hudson's Bay Company, chiefly in order to gain access to their Indians of the interior, leased the strip of coast territory from Fort Simpson to Cross Sound for a period of ten years. The following is an extract from the agreement made February 6th, 1839, between the Hudson's Bay and Eussian American Fur Companies : — " The Eussian Fur Company cede to the Hudson's Bay Company for a period of ten years, commencing June 1st, 1840, the coast (exclusive of the islands) and the interior country situated between Cape Spencer and latitude 54° 40' or thereabouts for an annual rental of two thousand seasoned otters. " The Hudson's Bay Company agree to sell to the Eussian Fur Company 2000 otters taken on the west side of the mountains at the price of 23s. sterling per skin, and 3000 seasoned otters taken on the east side of the Eocky Mountains at 32s. sterling per skin. The Hudson's Bay Company agree to sell to the Eussian Fur Company 2000 Ferragoes (120 lbs. each) of wheat annually for a term of ten years, at the price of 10s. 9d. sterling per ferrago, also flour, peas, barley, salted beef, butter, and pork hams at fixed prices, under certain pro visions. " The Hudson's Bay Company relinquish the claim preferred by them for damages sustained by them, arising from the obstruction presented by the Eussian authorities to an exhibi tion fitted out by the Hudson's Bay Company for entering the Stikine Eiver." The agreement was continued after the expiration of ten years, but the rental fine changed from a supply of otters to a money payment of 1500Z. a year. The Hudson's Bay Com pany, as we have seen, pushed their posts down the Yukon Eiver, and only withdrew them after Alaska, in 1867, passed into the possession of the United States. An officer of the Hudson's Bay Company, James McDougaU, at present a chief factor of the Company, was the last in command of the Com pany posts in Alaska, and performed the duty of withdrawing them. APPENDIX F. THE CEEE SYLLABIC CHAEACTEES. I. INITIALS OE PEIMALS. V A [> <] a e 6 a II. SYLLABIC S. V A > < pa pe po pa U n ) C ta te to ta n r J L cha che cho cha q P 6 b ka ke ko ka ~1 r J L ma me mo ma -D a- .£> Q. na ne no na ^ t' A ^ sa se so sa ^ i^ -c" b- ya ye ya ya III. FINALS OE TEEMINALS. c = m \ = k . = w 3 = n 1 = P I = r r\ s / = t S = l ~ = h II = aspirate = Christ o = OW EXAMPLES OF WOED POEMATION. Lo-c = ma-ne-to := spirit. o-A = ne-pe = water. >rr = o-me-me = the pigeon. r"cn' = me-s-ta-te-m = horse (big dog). (tA» = ne-pa-n = summer. r-dV* = ka-na-pa-k ^ a snake. APPENDIX G. Key to Plate, facing page 442. 6th how (standing) B. K. Beeston, Jr. Chief Trader. W. H. Adama, Factor, Murdoch Matheson, Jr. Chief Trader. Ith row W. J. McLean, Chief Trader. Dr. W. M. McKay, Chief Trader. Holiert CampbeU, Wm. Clark, Ex-Chief Factor. Factor (now Chief Factor). •las. MoDougall, Factor (now Chief Factor). Arch. McDonald, Chief Factor. Alex. E. Lillie, Fx-Chief Trader. 3ed EOW (atandinff) Cuthbert Sinclair, Jr. Chief Trader. Jaa. Anderson, Jr. Cliief Trader. Colin Rankin, Chief Factor. Saml. K. Paraon, Chief Factor. Peter Bell, Chief Factor. Rodk. Macfarlane, Chief Factor. Jas. L. La-WKon, Factor. W. F. Galrd . Jr. Chief Tram 2nd row (sitting) Alex. Matheson, Chief Trader (now Factor). Alex. Munro. Thos. Smith, Richard Hardisty, Laurence Clarke, Chief Factor. Asmt.-Commissioner. Chief Factor. Chief Factor. Commissioner Horace Belanger, Joseph Wrigley. Chief Factor. 1st EOW (Bittinff) David Armit, Jr. Chief Trader. S. S. Camsell, Chief Factor. Joseph Fortescue, Chief Factor. James L. Cotter, Chief Factor. James Alexander, Chief Factor. Commissioned Officers of H.B. Co. at Winnipeg Council, 1887. INDEX " A. LA claire fontaine," 306. Albemarle, Duke of, 9. •' Alouette," 312. Alliance, The Grand, 56. Allumette, 307. American Fur Company, 329. Anderson, A. C, 414. Arlington, Earl of, 9. Astor, John Jacob, 192. Astoria founded, 196. Assiniboia, Council of, 354. Assiniboine Indians, 87, 482. ,, Wool Company, 351. Athabasca, First Traders of, 97. ,, Lake and River, 883. Back, Sir George, 317. Beaver Club, 190. Beaver, Ship, 200. Beaulieu, Fran9ois, 127. Beltrami, J. C. (Explorer), 380. ,, Work of, 331. Black, Eev. John, Pioneer, 423. ,, Judge, 442. ,, Samuel, Trader, 402. Blackfeet Indians, 432. Blanshard, Governor, 414. Bois-brAles turbulence, 219. Boothia, Felix, Discovery of, 315. Boulton, Major, 467. Bourbon, Fort, 50, 52. Bourdon, Jean, 49. Bourke, Father, 417. Brandon House, 112. Brymner, Douglas, Archivist, 86. BufEalo Wool Company, 350. ,, hunting, 365. Bulger, Governor, 348. Butler, Capt. W. F., 343. Button, Sir Thomas, 48. Cadieux's lament, 308. Cadot, J. Baptiste, 91. Caldvyell, Major, 440. California, Ship, 67. Calumet, 307. Campbellj Eobert, 393 et seq. Cameron, Duncan, 181-184, 219, 263. ,, Murdoch, Fur Trader, 323. Canada Company, 2. Canadian Boat Song, 305. Canoe voyage by Gov. Simpson, 273- 275. Cart and Cayuse, 361. Cart trails, 362. Carver, Jonathan, 193. Cass, Lewis, Explorer, 331. Cauchon, Joseph, Memo, of, 447. Cavalcade, The hunting, 366. Charter, H. B. C, 18 et seq. Charters, Royal, 12. Charles, Fort, 11. Chilkats, The, 394. Chimo, Fort, 877. Chinook jargon, 409. Chipewyan, Fort, 124, 126, 384. ,, Tribe, 482. Chipman, C. C, 470. Christie, Governor, 354. Christinos (Kris), 5, 6. Christy, Miller, 7. Churchill, Lord, Governor, 30. ,, )i in Tower, 31. Church Societies on Eed River, 422. Cochrane, Archdeacon, 299, 420. Colbert, M., 49. CoUeton, Sir Peter, 9. Coltman, W. B., Commissioner, 252-4. Columbia, British, of to-day, 477. Colville, Gov. Eden, 423. Committee of 1857, 446. Company, The Northern, 50. Connolly, Trader, 400. Coppermine Eiver discovered, 104. Councils of Traders, 271. Couture, William, 49. Cox, Ross, 200. K k 498 INDEX Craven, Earl of, 9. Cree syllabic, 424. Cridge, Bishop, 426. Crofton, Col., 439. Crosby and Evans, Eevs., 426. Cumberland, first house built, 97. Curry, Thomas, 93. Daeb, Fort, 212, 225. Dallas, Gov. A. J., 449. Da-wson, S. J., surveyor, 340. ,, Eoad, 841. Dease Lake, 893. , , and Simpson, Arctic Explorers, 318. Deed Polls, Old and new, 452. D'lberville, 52, 53. ,, Victory of, 53. Demers, Bishop, 426. De Meurons, 239. Denonville, Marquis de, 47. De Witt, Dutch Ambassador, 8. Dickson, Eobert, Free Trader, 327. Dionne, Dr. N. B., 88. Dividends, Company, 24. Dobbs, Arthur, 62. Dohhs, Galley, 67. Douglas, Fort, 224, 226. „ Sir James, 897. „ David, botanist, 403. Draper, Chief Justice, 446. Duluth, Greysolon, 79. Duncan of Meltakahtla, 426. Eaglet, Ship, 10. Elgin, Lord, 439. EUioe, Hon. Edward, 268. ElUs, Henry, 68. Enterprise, Port, 388. Ermatinger, Miss, 309. ,, Family, 309, 310. „ Traders, 410. ,, Francis, 411. ,, Edward, 410, 454. Eskimos, 433. Evans, Eev. James, 424. Falcon, Pierre, 235. ,, (Song of Triumph), 235. „ Translation, 286. Sketch of, 266. Faribault, J. B., 326. Fidler, Peter, Sketch of, 282. „ Will of, 284. Finlay John, Journal of, 291-294. Finlay, James, 93. Finlayson, Gov. D., 355. „ Eoderick, 408. Fleming and Grant, Expedition of, 344. Flax and Hemp Co., 351. Flood, Red River, 351. Fort William built, 155. ,, ,, description of, 155 et seq., 189. Franohere, Gabriel, 155, 201. Franklin, Sir John, 314. , , , , Search for, 320. i> 1) 1, ,, by Dr. Rae, 321. Franklin, Sir John, Search for, by Capt. McClintock, 322. Fraser, Simon, 142 et seq. French half-breeds' petition, 440. ,, ,, turbulent, 1869, 458. French priests interfere, 460. Gabby, Fort, 355. ,, ,, camping-ground, 366. ,, ,, Lower, 853. Gibraltar, Fort, 189. ,, ,, destroyed, 226. Gillam, Capt. Zachariah, 10. Gold discovery in B. C, 415. Gonor, Father, 83. Good Hope, Fort, 390. Governors, Recent, 472. Graham, Andrew, Journal of, 108. Grand Portage, 95. Grant, Cuthbert, Senr., 120. ,, ,, Junr., 263. ,, P. (Historiographer), 184-7. Gravesend, 20. Gregory, McLeod and Co., 116. Groseilliers (Medard Chouart), 3, 33. Groseilliers, J. Baptiste, 37. Halj-bbeeds dissatisfied, 436. Halifax, LoiSd, 71. Hargrave, Jas., Letters of Traders, 294. Hargrave, Joseph, Work of, 294. Harmon, Daniel, 165-7. Hayes, Sir James, 36. Head, Gov. Edmund, 452. Hearne, Samuel, 99 et seq., 383. Hector, Dr. James, 337. Henry, Alex., Senr., 93. „ Jr., 169-173. HiUs, Bishop, 426. Hind, H. T., explorer, 340. Hudson, Henry, 48. Hudson Bay, Early Governors on, 22. INDEX 499 Hudson Bay, Early Forts, 108. ,, ,, Bleak shore of, 373. . ,, ,, House, 20. ,, „ Co. Ships, 20. ,, ,, ,, Claims of, 54. ,, ,, ,, stores, 470. H-Qnt, WiUiam, Astorian, 198. Hunting regulations, 368. Indian chiefs on Red River, 248. Indians and H. B. C, 429. „ iu debt, 429. ,, ofB. C, 433. ,, loyal to Co., 434. Isbister, A. K., 487 et seq. James, Capt., 48. Jamieson, Rev. Robert, 427. Johnson, Judge, 442. Johnston, John, Trader (Sault Ste. Marie), 179-181, 800. Johnston, Miss, 181. Jones, Rev. David, 300, 420. Kaministiquia, 94, 311. Kamloops rising, 403. Keating, W. H., Expedition of, 328. Keel and canoe, 359. Keith, George, Tales of, 160. Kelsey, Henry, 73. Kennedy and Bellot, Expedition of, 321. Keveny, Owen (Murdered), 254. King, Dr. Richard, 318. " King's Domains," 379. ,, Posts," 379. Kirke, Sir John, 20. Labeadob, McLean on, 376. Lachine, 302. La France, Joseph, 67. Lefroy, Lieut. (Sir Henry), 335. ,, (Expedition), 385. Leith's bequest, 421. Le Moyne, The brothers, 51. Lescarbot, 48. Lestane, 'The dastard, 466. Lewis and Clark, Expedition of, 324. Liard, River, 392. Lincolnshire farmers, 355. Locust visitation, 346. Long, Stephen H., Expedition of, 328. MoCallum, Rev. John, 420.- Maodonell, MUes, 207. ,, Estimate of, 260. MacdoneU, Alexander (Grasshopper Governor), 84?. McDonald of Garth (autobiography), 161. ,, on the Pacific, 163. „ Grand, 167. McDonnell, John, Diary, 169. MoDougall, Duncan, Astorian, 194. ,, Hon. WiUiam, 455, 461. MoGilUes, Hugh, Free Trader, 337. Machray, Archbishop, 421. Mackay, Alexander, 127, 196. MoKay, Trader, 311. Mackenzie, Alexander, 116, 123 et seq. Mackenzie, Alexander, 1st Voyage, 124. Mackenzie, Alexander, 2nd Voyage, 127 et seq. Mackenzie, Alexander, Book of, 130. Mackenzie, River, 388. McKenzie, Roderick, 158. McKenzie, James, Journals, 163, 379. McKenzie, Charles (Journey to Mandans), 174. McKenzie, Governor, Donald, 350. McLeod, Alex. Norman, 116. ,, John, Diary of, 221, 285. McLean, John, On Labrador, 377. McLoughlin, Chief Factor, 400. ,, Young (murdered), 406. McTavish, Simon, 115, 121. McTavish, Governor WiUiam, 449. , , , , , , (siok and weak) , 458. Magnetic Pole, Discovery of, 815. ,, ,, and Capt. Kennedy, 317. Magnetic Survey by Lefroy, 335. Malhiot, Francois V., 177-179. Mandans, 98, 325. Manitoba College, 424. Margry, Pierre, 81. Maurepas, River, 85. Metis, 442. Michilimackinac, 81. Middleton, Capt. C, 61 et seq. Milton and Cheadle, Explorations by, 342. Mingan, 379. Missouri Company, 193. Model Farms, 351. Montague^ 8. Moravians in Labrador, 380. Mulgrave, Lord, 813. Muskegons (Crees), 431. Nelson, Port, 52. Nemisco, River, 10. 500 INDEX Nepigon, 79. New England Company, 2. Nicola's Eloquence, 403. Nisbet, Eev. James, 424. Nonsuch Ketch, 10. North-West Company formed, 115. „ ,, ofiicers, 152. Nor'-Westers unite, 188-191. North-West Passage sought (early), 63. North-West Passage by Land, 343. Norman, Fort, 390. Norton, Moses, 111. Noue, De la, 80. OOHAGAOH, 82. Oldmixon, 4. Oppression of Judge Thom, 436. Orkneymen, Early, 97. ,, vs. French Canadians, 271. Ottawa, 302. Ouinipegon, Lake, 88. Pal;eocbystic sea, 320. Pacific Fur Company, 193. Palliser, Capt. J., 337. Pambrun's story, 229-30. Pangman, Peter, 116, 286, 287. Parker, Gilbert, NoveUst, 38. Peace Eiver, 386. Peel's River Post, 391. PeUy, Governor, 350. ,, Gov. J. H., 438. Perouse on Hudson Bay, 106. Pigeon River, 95. Pike, Zebulon M., Explorer, 826. Plain hunters, 364. Pond, Peter, 97, 116, 119, 125. / / I Portaging, 307. -p rf.-, Portman, Mr., 20. 3 i^J Posts ou Pacific, 416. Potherie, De la, 4. Prince Society, 39. Prince of Wales Fort taken, 106. Pritchard, John (lost), 172-174. Story of, 230. ,, Estimate of, 265. " Pro pelle cutem," 19. Provencher, Bishop, 288, 296, 299, 418. Providence, Fort, 388. Prudhomme, Judge, 38. Quesnel, Jules Maubice, 143. Radisson, Pibbbe Espeit, 8, 83 et Eae, Dr. John, Explorer, 321. Eed Eiver Plague, 356. ,, RebeUion, 460. Reine, de la. Fort, 88. Reinhart, Charles, prisoner, 254. ReUance, Fort, 389. RenvUle, Joseph, guide, 328. Resolution, Fort, 888. Riel, Elder, 441. ,, Younger, rebellion, 461. Rigolette, 381. Robertson, Colin, 226, 228. Roberval, Sieur de, 48. Robinson, Sir John, 9. Robson, Joseph, 75. Roches Percees, 338. Rooky Mt. passes, 339. EoUing BaU, The, 808. Eoss, Capt. John, 315. ,, Alexander, 358. Eouge, Fort, 88. Eupert, Prince, 8. ,, ,, Sketch of, 27 ei stg. ,, ,, Eiver, 10. Eyswick, 56 et seq. ,, Treaty, Terms of, 57. Ste. Anne's, 304. St. Charles, Fort, Massacre, 86. St. James, Fort, outbreak, 398. St. John's College, 421. St. Pierre, Legardeur de, 89. Sargeant, Governor, 52. Saskatchewan River discovered, 89. Saulteaux Indians, 431. Sault Ste. Marie, 310. Sayer " rising," 441. Schoolcraft, H. R., Explorer, 832. ,, ,, discovers Lake Itasca, 383. Sehultz, Dr., rescued, 444. Scoresby, Capt. W., 313. Scott, Thomas, executed, 467. Selkirk, Earl of, 202. ,, ,, purchases H.B.C. stock, 206. Selkirk, Earl of, on Emigration, 205. ,, ,, Colony to Prince Edward Island, 205. Selkirk, Earl of, colony to Red Eiver, 208-213. Selkirk, Earl of, opposition to, 214. ,, „ Rescue by, 237-242. ,, ,, Estimate of, 259. Semple, Governor, 225 et seq. Shagganappe, 362. Shelburne, Lord, 15, 323. Sherbrooke, Gov. Gen., 242, 251. INDEX S°i Sieveright, Trader, 300. Simpson, Gov. G., 269, 297, 385, 410, 412. Simpson, Gov. G. , knighted, 276. ,, ,, Voyage round the world, 277. Simpson, Lady, 280. „ Port, 389. ,, ,, on Pacific, 408. ,, Thos., death of, 320. Sinclair, a leader, 436. Slave Lake, 387. Sledge and packet, 357. Smith, Donald A., 381, 464. ,, William Eobert, clerk, 444. South-West Pur Company, 193. Staines, Eev. Eobert, 425. Stannard, Captain, 10. Status, present, of Co., 473. Stewart, Jas., rescued, 443. Stikine River, 893., Stratheona and Mt. Royal, Lord, 381, 475. Stuart, John, 142. Sturgeon Lake, Fort, built, 96. Sutherland, James, catechist, 418. Swiss settlers, 347. ,, depart, 348. Taoh£, Archbishop, 419, 468. TaUow Company, 351. Terms of Company's Transfer, 455. Thom, Recorder Adam, 355. Thompson, David, Astronomer, 132 et seq. Thom, Captain, 195. Tod, John, Trader, 411. Tonquin, Ship, 195. Trade standards. Early, 22. Transcontinental journeys (earlv), 146. Trials, North-West, 255, 256. Troyes, Chevalier de, 50. Turner, Astronomer, 126. Umfebville, Edw., 106, 113. Ungava, 377. Utrecht, Treaty of, 58. Vancouver, Fort, 397. , , Given up, 413. ,, Island, Lease of, 414. ,, Colonization, 415. „ . City, 478. Verandrye, 82 et seq. Victoria, Fort, founded, 406. Vyner, Sir Robert, 9. Wabk, Chief Trader, 413. Watkin, E. W., Scheme of, 451. Wedderburn, Fort, 384. Wendigo, The, 308. Wentzel, W. F., Story of, 289. ,, Opinions of, 291. West, Rev. John, 420. Western Sea, 79. yVilliam and Ann, Wreck of, 402. William III., Address to, 25. ,, Great dividend paid, 25. Winnipeg, City of, 476. Wolseley, Col., 468. Woods, Lake of, 84. X Y Company, 147 et seq. Officers, 152. York, Duke of, 9. ,, ,, Made Governor, 29. ,, Factory, Description of, 374. Young, Sir William, 36. Yukon, Fort, 391. , , Upper, Discovery of, 393. Zinzendorf, Count, 380. LONDON PRINTED BT GILBERT AND RITINGTON, LTD., ST. John's house, clerkenwell, e.g. ^ALE UNIVERSITY rX-iC— -'KK*- "•^ '-* -p i^j}^'-::^-}' (nki , J— .t^^-^ ¦jsr — . 1*1; ^" 4 9 (ij*fv«v -¦ 4j :3 i-sri ¦ I- i"!