ir,jiii 1' 1 ''1 lill rsUV Libfa'V 75 4a YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 'NNOO 'N3AVH M3N 'AHvaan AiisyaAiMn biva Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New York. SUPPLEMENTARY REGISTER August, 1898. SUPPLEMENT TO REGISTER 1897 AND 1898. * SEE INDEX OF ANCESTORS FOR SERVICES. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO, 9JO Avery, Samuel Putnam, New York. 2505 3d in descent from Benjamin Park, 1735-1775, Wes- terley, R. I. Served in Expedition to Crown Point, also at the defense of Fort William Henry. 935 Bacon, Leon Brooks, Syracuse. 2526 6th in descent from John Bacon, 1683, Dedham, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War, in garrison at Wrentham, 1676. 916 Bangs, Fletcher Harper, New York. 2475 6th in descent from Jonathan Bangs, 1640-1728, Ply mouth, Mass. Chaplain in militia, Selectman of Eastham, Deputy, 1674-88; Representative General Assembly, 1692. 787 Bell, Jared Weed, New York. 1872 *8th in descent from Andrew Ward. 7th in descent from William Cornwall, 1687, Middletown. Soldier in Pequot War, Representa tive, 1654, 1664-65. 7th in descent from Sergeant Robert Lockwood, 1658, Norwalk, Conn. Sergeant, Fairfield, Conn., militia; Nathaniel Seeley, Captain, Dutch and Indian troubles. 7th in descent from John Holly, 1681, Greenwich, Conn. Governor's Assistant, 1654-55, Colony of New Haven; Representative, 1654-55, 1663, Colony of Connecticut. *7th in descent from William Seward. *7th in descent from John Deming. 5th in descent from Sergeant Benjamin Weed, 1681- 1748, Greenwich, Conn. Served in Stamford, Conn,, militia, 1722-26, Father Ralle's War. SUPPLEMENT TO REGISTER. STATE SOCIETY NO, GENERAL SOCIETY NO, 4th in descent from Ebenezer Cowles, Ensign and Lieutenant, Meriden, Conn., militia, French and Canadian War; afterwards Captain. Served in the Revolution. 900 Betts, Wyllys Rosseter, New Haven, Conn. 24 11 *8th in descent from Govenor John Haynes. 944 Bible, Howard Wiswall, New York. 2535 6th in descent from Captain Noah Wiswall, ist, 1638-1690, Newton, Mass., marched to the relief of Casco, now Portland, Me,, arriving at Portsmouth July 4, 1690, and was killed at Wheelwrights Pond on the 6th. 653 Brookfield, James Hanford, New York. 1363 *8th in descent from Captain George Denison. 942 Brown, Henry Morris, Buffalo. 2533 *9th in descent from Captain Michael Pierce. 938 Childs, Edwards Herrick, New York. 2529 *5th in descent from Lieutenant Nathaniel Burt 735 Coe, Henry Clark, M. D., New York. 1294 *7th in descent from John Alden. I Constant, Samuel Victor, New York. i *8th in descent from Captain Edmund Greenleaf *7th in descent from Major Charles Frost. 884 CoRWiN, Hamilton Stewart, New York. 2269 6th in descent from John Corwin 1663-1729. Lieutenant of Foot Company, 1715, John Cooper, Captain. 4th in descent trom Joshua Corwin. 1733-1812, Southold, L. 1. Served under Captain Thomas Terry, on the frontier, 1758. Revolutionary Patriot, participated in the Battle of Long Island. *8th in descent from Hon. William Welles. SUPPLEMENT TO REGISTER. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 6th in descent from John Vail, ist, 1663- 1737, South- old, L. I. Member of Southold Military Company No. I, Benjamin Youngs, Capt, 17 15. 6th in descent from John Vail (e), 2d, 1768, Southold, L. 1. Member of Southold Military Company No. i, Benjamin Youngs, Capt, 1715. 893 Culver, Henry Brundage, New York. 2349 *6th in descent from Captain Andrew Cannon. *7th in descent from Captain Thomas Fitch. 901 Douglas, Charles Henry, Albany. 2410 *9th in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. 7th in descent from Colonel David Goodrich, 1667- '755' Wethersfield, Conn. Lieutenant, 1704; Captain, 17 12; Adjutant and Quartermaster, 1709. Expedition to Wood Creek. Colonel and Member of Council, 1724-29. 7th in descent from Commissary John Root, 1642- 1687, Westfield, Mass., Commissary at Westfield, King Philip's War, 4th in descent from Oliver Root, 1741-1826, Pittsfield, Mass. Private under command of Captain John Fellows, 1760, Major in the Revolution. 5th in descent from Aaron Ashley, 1702-1780, West- field, Mass. Served in Captain John Ashley's Company at Westfield and throughout the Seven Years' War. 4th in descent from Stephen Mead, 1728-1806, Red ding, Conn. Member of Captain Peter Van Denburgh's Company, 1755; also in Captain Michael Hodey's Company ; Representative, 1768-70. 943 Douglas, Duncan, Albany. 2534 *9th in descent from Governor Thomas Wells. 927 Douglas, William Harris, New York. 2486 *6lh in descent from Deacon William Ward. 3 SUPPLEMENT TO REGISTER. STATE SOCIETY NO, GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 934 Dudley, Frank Alonzo, Niagara Falls. 2509 *8th in descent from Governor John Webster. 945 Eager, Joseph Percy, New York. 2536 *6th in descent from William Eager. 5th in descent from Abraham Eager, 1670-1734, Marl boro', Mass. Soldier in Howe's garrison, at Marlboro', 17 11. 4th in descent from Bezaleel Eager, 1713-1787, North- borough, Mass. Captain, Westboro, Mass., Militia and Alarm List, Seven Years' War, Member of Assembly, 1760. *9th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Tracy. *7th in descent from Deacon William Ward. 9 1 5 Ely, William Caryl, Niagara Falls. 2474 *4th in descent from Daniel Gilbert 925 Farnham, Paulding, Great Neck, N. Y. 2484 *9th in descent from John Alden. 819 Fryer, Robert Livingston, Buffalo. 1904 8th in descent from Laurens Vander Spiegel, 1685. Cadet of Burgher Corps, 2d Platoon under Sergeant Isaac Van Vleck; Cornelis Steenwyck, Captain; Schepen, 1673, *8th in descent from Govert Loockermans, 7th in descent from Hans Kierstede, Lieutenant under Jacob Leisler, 1684. *6th in descent from Walter Thong. 6th in descent from Colonel Jacobus Van Cortlandt, Colonel of Militia, Province of New York, 1702. Deputy to Provincial Assembly. Colonel Kings County Militia, 1713. Mayor of New York, 1710- 19. Served in Expedition to Canada, 171 1. *6th in descent from Johannes Van Eps. *5th in descent from Robert Livingston. 4th in descent from Colonel Peter R. Livingston, Colonel of Provincial militia. Member of Assembly SUPPLEMENT TO REGISTER. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 1761-69, Member of Provincial Assembly, 1775-6, President of Congress, 1776-77. 926 Gratwick, Frederick Colman, Buffalo. 2485 *9th in descent from Governor Roger Williams. 902 Griffen, Charles Field, New York. 2428 6th in descent from John Griffen, 1742, Flushing, L. I. Private in Jonathan Wright's Company, 1715. 7th in descent from Daniel Terneur, 1st, 1673, Harlem, N. Y. Corporal of Militia at Midwout, 1654, Magistrate, 1660-63, Member of Assembly, 1664. 904 Holland, Joseph, New York, 2463 *3d in descent from George Holland. 913 Hyde, Clarence Melville, New York. 2472 *5th in descent from Lieut -Colonel Simon Lathrop. 907 Jenks, Almet Francis, Brooklyn. 2466 *4th in descent from Captain Samuel Jenks. 922 Junkin, Francis Thomas Anderson, New York. 2481 *8th in descent from Colonel John West 917 KoBBE, Philip Ferdinand, New York. 2476 *5th in descent from Richard Lord. 736 Lawton, George Perkins, Saratoga Springs. 1587 *9th in descent from John Alden. *8th in descent from William Pabodie. ,fe8th in descent from Samuel Eddy. *8th in descent from Robert Paddock. *7th in descent from Edward Richmond. *7th in descent from John Rogers. 723 Logan, Walter Seth, New York. 1574 *9th in descent from Reverend Thomas Hooker. 9J2 Merrill, Frederick James Hamilton, Albany. 2507 *8th in descent from William Phelps. 874 Morgan, George Dayton, Buffalo, 2259 *9th in descent from Captain John Bissell. 5 SUPPLEMENT TO REGISTER. STATE SOCIETY NO, GENERAL SOCIETY NO. *9th in descent from William Phelps. *8th in descent from Lieutenant Timothy Phelps. 6th in descent from Ichabod Phelps, Sr., 1708- 1772, Hebron, Conn. In service at Crown Point, 1756. 6th in descent from Captain Joseph Phelps, 1693-1761, Hebron, Conn. Scout under Lieutenant William Crocker, above Deerfield, 1712, Commissary-Gen eral, Connecticut forces. Sth in descent from Captain Morris Tillotson, 1683- 1755, Hebron, Conn. Ensign, Father Ralle's War, Lieutenant, 1729. 7th in descent from Captain William Peters, 1698, Andover, Mass. Served in King William's War. Killed by Indians at Andover, Mass, 1698. 5th in descent from Colonel John Peters. 1717-181 1, Chatham, Conn. ;Ensign 1755, Lieutenant 1758, Captain 1762, 12th Conn. Regt Old French War. 906 Morgan, Louis Segur, Syracuse. 2465 *6th in descent from Miles Morgan. S16 Mott, John Thomas, Oswego. 1901 *9th in descent from Hugh Calkin. *9th in descent from Thomas Minor. Sth in descent from Ephraim Minor, Stonington, Conn, Soldier in Queen Anne's War, 1701. 7th in descent from William Douglas, 2d, 1645-1724, New London, Conn. Soldier in Narragansett War, 1675-6, 872 Mott, Luther Wright, Oswego. 22 57 *ioth in descent from Thomas Minor. 9th in descent from Ephraim Minor, Stonington, Conn. Soldier in Queen Anne's War, 1701. Sth in descent from William Douglas, 2d, 1645-1724, New London, Conn, Soldier in Narragansett War, 1675-6. *7th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Burnham, Jr. 6 SUPPLEMENT TO REGISTER. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETV NO, 789 Nye, Charles Freeman, Chaplain. 1874 *7th in descent from Captain Jonathan Prescott. *7th in descent from Colonel Samuel Partridge. *7th in descent from Robert Bartlett. *7th in descent from Reverend Gershom Bulkley. 937 .Packer, Flavius, Kings Park, N. Y. 2528 *9th in descent from John Bronson. 936 Patterson, Andrew Stuart, Plainfield, N. J. 2527 6th in descent from Captain Ailing Ball, 1710, Connecticut, Sergeant, New Haven militia, in service in 1643. 666 Plympton, Gilbert Motier, New York. 1376 3d in descent from Colonel Peter R. Livingston, 1737- 1794, Livingston Manor, N. Y. Colonel of Militia, Province of New York, 1761; Member of Assembly, 1761 et seq; President of Congress, 1776-77; Colonel in the Revolution. 908 Provoost, John Moffat, Buffalo. 2467 *5th in descent from David Provoost. 931 Richards, Charles Spielman, New York. 2506 *9th in descent from James Kidder. 911 Richards, Jeremiah, New York. 2470 6th in descent from Nathaniel Richards, 1648-1726, Dedham, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War, 1675-6. *9th in descent from Captain Richard Brackett *8th in descent from Simon Crosby, 2d. *8th in descent from Ensign James Kidder. 5th in descent from Lieutenant Ephraim Kidder, 1710-1756, Billerica, Mass. Lieutenant in Massa chusetts Troops, at Crown Point. *8th in descent from Lieutenant Wilham French, 1st *7th in descent from Corporal John French. 7 SUPPLEMENT TO REGISTER. STATE SOCIETY NO, GENERAL SOCIETY NO. 6th in descent from Lieutenant William French, 2d, 1687-1745, Billerica, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War, Sergeant, 1722, Sth in descent from Sergeant Thomas Foster, 1684, Billerica, Mass,, Sergeant, 1675, and in Gro ton garrison, 1676. *8th in descent from John Bent, Sr. 5th in descent from John Bent 1703, Sudbury, Mass , Trooper under command of Captain Josiah Brown, 1739. 7th in descent from Edward Farmer, 1640-1737, Bill erica, Mass. Served against the Weymesit Indians, His house at Billerica used as a garrison, 1675-76. 7th in descent from Thomas Patten, 1636-1689, Bill erica, Mass. Served against the Weymesit Indians, His house at Billerica used as a garrison, 1675-76. *7th in descent from Lieutenant John Wilson. 7th in descent from James Frost, 1640-1711, Billerica, Mass., Soldier in garrison at Billerica, 1675. 7th in descent from Joseph Pratt 1637- 1720, Wey mouth, Mass., soldier in King Philip's War, 1676, also in 1679. 4th in descent from Aaron Pratt, 1732-1 8 17, Reho- both, Mass., Soldier in Expedition to Crown Point 6th in descent from Lieutenant John Heald, 1666- 1721, Concord, Mass. Went with his company from Concord to Boston in the revolt against Sir Edmund Andros. 6th in descent from Thomas Pollard, 1724, Bil lerica, Mass. Soldier in Captain Lane's Company, relief of Dunstable and Dracut 5th in descent from John Pollard, 1699-1772, Billerica, Mass. Soldier in Expedition under Captain John Lovewell in 1724-25, Father Ralle's War. 6th in descent from John Barrett, 1706, Chelms ford, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War, 1676, Captain Thomas Prentice Company. SUPPLEMENT TO REGISTER. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO, 6th in descentfrom Captain Noah Wiswall, ist, 1638- 1690, Newton, Mass. Marched to the relief of Cas co, now Portland, Me,, arriving at Portsmouth July 4th, 1690, and was killed at Wheelwright's Pond on the 6th. 4th in descent from Noah Wiswall, 1 699- 17S6, New ton, Mass. Soldier in Expedition to Cuba, 1740. 4th in descentfrom Amariah Crane, 1731-1823, Mil ton, Mass. Served in Expedition to Crown Point 905 Robbins, Rowland Ames, New York. 2464 *8th in descent from Henry Wolcott, ist *7th in descent from Henry Wolcott, 2d. *7th in descent from Major William Whiting. *7th in descent from Colonel Samuel Appleton. *7th ih descent from Thomas Hurlburt 5th in descent from Ebenezer Goodspeed, 1655 Barnstable, Mass. Soldier in Narragansett War, under Captain Thomas Howe. "Goodspeed Landing," Conn., derives its name from this family. 909 Roberts, Joseph Banks, Buffalo. 2468 *8th in descent from Thomas Roberts. 939 Smith, Clarence Ednor, New York. 2530 *8th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Leffingwell. 903 Smith, Henry Erskine, New York. 2430 *8th in descent from Major-General Humphreys Atherton. *7th in descent from Antoine L'Espenard. *6th in descent from Captain Anthony Lispenard. *5th in descent from Colonel Leonard Lispenard. *6th in descent from Anthony Rutgers. 5th in descent from Joseph Mather. 920 Smith, Howard Caswell, New York. 2479 *7th in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Smith. SUPPLEMENT TO REGISTER. STATE SOCIETY NO, GENERAL SOCIETY NO, 940 Smith, John Sabine, New York. 2531 *6th in descent from Captain James Parker. 933 Storm, Clarence, New York. 2508 *9th in descent from Oloff Stevensen Van Cortlandt *Sth in descent from Jan Strycker. *8th in descent from Jeremias Van Rensselaer. *Sth in descent from Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh. 7th in descent from Jonas Douw, Captain, Albany militia, 17 14. *5th in descent from Reverend John Graham. 4th in descent from Reverend Chauncey Graham, 1727-1784, Fishkill, N. Y. Chaplain, Provincial forces of New York, Expedition to Canada, 1760, 174 Suydam, Walter Lispenard, New York. 174 5th in descent from Lieutenant Rick Van Suydam, 1675-1741, Flatbush, L, I, In service against all enemies, pirates or rebels, on land or sea, 1715. 928 Swift, Eugene L'Hommedieu, New York. 1857 *7th in descent from Richard Bourne, 941 Thomas, Howard Van Syckel, Buffalo. 2532 *8th in descent from William Phillips. 912 Thompson, Arthur Graham, New York. 2471 *4th in descent from Reverend John Graham. 918 Thompson, Joseph Todhunter, New York. 2477 *7th in descent from Roger Ludlow. 914 Treat, Erastus Buck, New York. 2473 6th in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Treat, 1668- 1712, Glastonbury, Conn, Deputy, 1706; served in the Wood Creek Expedition. 929 Truax, Charles Henry, Justice Supreme Court, 2504 New York, 4th in descent from Isaac Jacobs Truax. 1726-1S08, Schenectady, N. Y. Served under Lieutenant 10 SUPPLEMENT TO REGISTER. STATE SOCIETY NO. GENERAL SOCIETY NO. John Darling, "Poependael Massacre," 1748, taken prisoner and released 1750. 919 Warren, Charles Elliot, New York. 2478 *8th in descent from Richard Warren. *6th in descent from Daniel Warren. *9th in descent from Captain Nathaniel Turner. *8th in descent from Captain John Sherman. *6th in descentfrom Colonel James Minott. 924 Warren, Walter Phelps, Troy. 2483 *9th in descent from Governor William Bradford. *8th in descent from Major William Bradford, *8th in descentfrom Major John Mason. *8th in descent from John Steele. Sth in descent from Andrew Warner. Member of Troop of Horse, under Captain John Mason. *7th in descent from Reverend James Fitch. *7th in descent from Captain John Miles, 2d. *7th in descent from William Phelps. *6th in descent from Captain Timothy Phelps. *4th in descent from Captain Caleb Phelps. 374 Watson, William Henry, M.D. Regent of the 374 University of the State of New York, Utica. *7th in descent from William Wodell, 921 Whitney, Charles Wadsworth, New York, 2480 *7th in descent from Captain Joseph Wadsworth. 910 WiLLETs, Howard, New York. 2469 *8th in descent from Captain John Underbill. 923 Woodworth, Chauncey Clark, Rochester. 2482 *7th in descent from Lieutenant William Clark. 1 1 YALE UNIVERSITY 39002 002_388l72b wr '^^ €*'*^> ^^'-^^v \^A f . ^' ^ *f M> #¦>.->•> V'%'''^'i '''V^vi \;'". AY! i |i ' ^ V '*ii. t' ^''l'^^^^^^' J ^«, l„ *" ' - '^ ' ,.*.' . \; ' * i' /'r;\ ^ /I*' V '¦\ »t * I ^ \?/' L.' 4*^^ 11 .•*/ i.'<. ^vSr ¦' 1 is .!»,. ' '» I!, ' /W» • >:V!/.4 '¦;*»^'?' . » ' '1. 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