SJS^gJ "^ - - - .*- 1 na YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY [jJjUAiA- UcmAfiT J]£A^ (Pn. luA Ul£UnA^ hCcUK KOTES FROM A .JOURNAL ITALY AND SICILY, DURING THE TEARS 1844, 1845, AND 1846. BY J. G. FRANCIS, B.A. WITH ILLUSTRATIOJSrS. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS, PATERNOSTER-ROW. 1847. TO H. R. FRANCIS, ESQ. M.A. or HURLEY HOUSE, HURLEY, m THE COUNTY OF BERKS. My DEAR Henry, The greatest pleasure I have in publishing my Journal is the dedicating it to you. You should have been with me, that we might have explored together many a classic spot and scene of natural beauty : but, as that might not be, accept at least these few lines, in memory of happy days of old, when we loitered together by lake and stream, through dingle and bushy dell ; and as a pledge of affection and the heart's best wishes From your loving Brother, J. G. FRANCIS. Clifton, March, 1847. CONTENTS. Turin - .... 1 Genoa - ... 6 Florence - - - - 9. 61 poggierello, near slena . - - 49 Rome - - - - - 67. 245 Naples - - 127 Ischia ..... 170. 18S Capri ... 180 Palermo - ... 194 Catania ..... 202 Syracuse , . . . . 226 Padua - - - 272 Venice ..... 284 Milan ..... 292 Lucerne . . - 296 Notes ----- 301 LIST OF PLATES. I. View of Etna - . ., (Frontispiece.) II. Palace " dei Diavoli " - - To face page 52 III. Stone of Lacco - - - - 174 TV. Temple of Segesta - - 198 V. Catania - - - 214 VI. DiONYSius's Ear - - 234 vn. Tomb op Archimedes - - 2-36 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. ROAD FROM PARIS TO TURIN. TURIN. May 17. 1844. Turin is a bright and cheerful city : it has been called formal ; but no one would think it so while gazing down a long street studded with party- coloured shops and disclosing an Alp in the back ground. Here are two palaces, old and new : the former now holds out the attraction of a picture- gallery, and contains perhaps a score of first-rate paintings. We were best pleased with a " Saul at Tarsus," by Ribera, though by no means the most costly picture here. The modern palace has a spacious front in the JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. piazza ; at one angle of it rises the cathedral, whose dome is partly sacrificed to a group of inferior buildings. We reached the grand stairhead a few minutes before the king and queen passed out on their way to vespers, escorted by a troop of ladies, officers, and pages in waiting. Their majesties ap peared to be good-natured souls, though the quick marching step indicated pretty plainly that nobody had dined. Following the royal cortege, we found the interior of the cathedral brilliantly illuminated. It has no lack of adornments, but, for the mother- church in a capital city, I thought there seemed a lack of room. Next to the Alps, the noblest feature here is " wandering Po," whose acquaintance we have made for the first time. I shall, however, leave him to his mazes now, and retrace our own route from Paris hither. Coming by Fontainebleau, Saulieu, Chalons and the Savoy., it is a week's journey without hurrying. The drive through Burgundy presented a succession of budding vineyards, with here and there an old ruined keep. In Sens we halted half an hour to look at its ancient cathedral: here among other rarities we were shown, as specially interesting to TURIN. 3 English folk, a cope and chasuble worn by that meek churchman Thomas a Becket. Chalons S2ir Sadne is a fine town, with a fine inn. In Lyons we saw a Trades-Union in procession, threading a narrow street and chanting the Marseil laise ; but the demonstration seemed to lack fervour, and was perhaps merely an effort to disperse their ennui. What a dingy broken-backed city is Lyons ! yet here they make the beautiful silks for our dames' braverj^ Every thing bright or precious comes out of some pit of misery, some mine of darkness. A few miles on this side of the frontier we slept at les Echelles ; once a Avretched halting-place, but now the inn is endurable. It was pitch-dark when we got in, but next morning our eyes opened on a pretty panorama, the more striking from being limited in extent. A green glen with gentle emi nences fills the foreground ; farther back are preci pices of the bare rock sprinkled with dark firs : the skyline is formed by ridges of the mountain white with snow. On one steep summit is perched the mother convent of the Chartreuse. A fine gallery cut through the rock leads out of the Echelles valley. On the 1 5th we turned the last vale of the Savoy B 2 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. on this route. From the bed of its torrent rose a massive pinnacled fortress, whose name I forget: it is the key of the whole pass, and is unassailably strong. At present its ramparts and artiUery may serve to overawe the saucy goats. Leaving the hamlet of Lanz le Bourg., the sloping ascent of Mont Cenis lay before lis : I walked up the ten miles to its summit, and our Scotch maid, with the indepen dence natural to her race, did the same for half way. Every turn and wind of the road varied the pros pect below, and I was pleased with watching the gradual changes in the botanical aspect of the hill. We had left violets and a clustering flora in the valley : these soon dwindled to bluebells and cro cuses, and nothing remained at last save a few lichens. The temperature of this Alp was delicious after the scorching heat of the glen. On its sum mit we found a good plain inn, with double windows, large wood fires, and a freezing lake in front. The latter furnished some capital yellow trouts for supper, and we slept soundly amid snow-hiHs and blocks of ice. Next morning, at break of daj^, came the descent, not a very pleasant operation. For eight miles the road twisted and dropped like the coils of a snake TURIN. 5 rampant; snow-drifts choked thc ditches, a thick mist buried us alive. One comfort is, you cannot stop to think about it : one wheel is locked in the " sabot," the postboy's whip plays like a cracker, your horses mean to lunch this time in Italy. So down you plunge, right, left, round that corner ; "mind the granite post;" bless me ! what ajump we got then ! here we are at the bottom ; little Nap's road is a splendid affair after all. Then came Susa, a pretty town of Piedmont : and then a level drive of twenty miles to Turin. Rocks and precipices had melted away as though they had forraed a part of the mist, and our eyes were regaled with a champaign country, planted out in orchards or vineyards, and intersected by long lines of mulberry trees. The road swept be tween hedges of the white acacia now in bloom, and recalled a pretty scene in Surrey on a smaller scale. At Asti we tasted a delicious wine of the country, and apples better than I ever ate any where. . . . " Sunt nobis mitia poma." B 3 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. GENOA. May 20. In a few hours Ave shall leave this city after a too brief staj'. It is provoking, but I have long wished to see what Florence is like in the month of May, and we have no time to lose. The road from Turin hither introduced us to the battle-field of Marengo, and the fortified town of Alessandria. The plain where Dessaix's arrival made Napoleon master of Italy is now given up to the culture of the Mulberry, every leaf of which is precious to the silk-factories in the neighbourhood, for silkworms must eat as well as great people. I saw nothing in the features of the spot which arrests attention like the field of Waterloo. Alessandria is entered by covered bridges, and under the teeth of a heavy portcullis: it has in addition all the amiable devices of flanking towers, loopholed passages, and ramparts bristling with cannon. A strong place, truly. It might however be starved out ; for I saw no provision within the citadel for growing a crop, a resource indispensable to all besieged places. GENOA. 7 A stage or two over Apennine slopes shaggy with the Spanish chestnut brought us down vipon the coast of the Mediterranean. Approaching Genoa the heights were thronged with villas Avhere every terrace displayed a phalanx of roses. The site of this city is superb : Avestward, the eye foUoAvs, for a score or two of miles, the curve of the Bay, distant mountains dipping down upon it: eastward, Genoa, with her bold promontory and quay, dome and sundry towers, stands out like rock-work on the bright Avater. Behind the town are consider able heights, crowned by the fortress Avhich Mas sena held so stoutly, when they ate I believe their last horse. We have visited the doge's palace, the Serra, the duomo, and a beautiful church. In their pub lic buildings black and white occur alternately in horizontal layers : the effect of this on a tower a hundred and fifty feet high is pitiable ; all unity, all impression of the sublime, is done away by these ledger lines. You are left with a feeling of won derment at the immeasurable masses of marble, coupled with a regret that the republic should have had such a gigantic penchant for the pattern of a sailor's shirt. B 4 o JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. The palace halls are enormous, whitewashed, and empty. In the duomo stands John Baptist's shrine, behind which no woman is ever permitted to go : for an obvious reason, certainly ; whether a valid one may be doubted. The church " della Consolazione " has an absolute gallery of paintings on plafond and wainscot : this glare looks ill in a consecrated building. After this it Avas a relief to stroll through the villa of the Marchese di Negri, where a charming view is obtained from one of the slopes. The OAATier has assembled some rare exotics, and a pro fusion of the usual ones. We noted the Cauot- chouc. Pepper-tree, Coffee-bush, and Date; and, araidst a wilderness of flowers, found the Scented Camelia. There Avere some splendid yeUow roses, and orange and citron trees, at once in flower and fruit ; the Magnolia, too, is odoriferous here. The effect under a southern sun was like that of a jar of pot-pourri first opened. No villa bouquet, however, will wean my fancy from an old description in Bacon of the requisites for an English flower-garden and shrubbery; albeit I admit the yellow rose to be peerless. But I hear the music of our courier's boots. FLORENCE. announcing that those jackals " i cavalli," in their old rope harness, are ready for us. So, a truce to horticultural remarks, and adieu to Doria's city. FLORENCE. May 24. We arrived here yester-evening, having come through the finest country we have yet seen. Among many striking spots, no one who has viewed it at morning prime Avill forget Spezia, a little fishing-hamlet crowding round a corner of a bay of the Mediterranean. The road dips, at first, as if it meant to bisect the Adllage, then turns at a sharp angle, and climbs a sandstone cliff, Avhose slope descends on the very eaA^es of the houses. On this spot I was first seized with a sense of Italian scenery. We were skirting banks tufted Avith the wild fig and olive ; here and there hung a spiky aloe on the face of the rock, its huge cup-like recesses filled with liquid crystal; the early dew still lay heaA^ on the uplands, but behind these a forest of mountain tops rose fresh and clear in the 10 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. taAvny air. I never saw such heavenly shades of blue ; on the Apennines it varied from indigo to lilac, glowed like a sapphire in the vault above, and deepened to the tint of lapis lazuli in the silent gulf below. A mile further, and the scene had changed to expanded downs, with a wide sea- vicAV. Somewhere hereabouts, we became aware of the facility Avith which Italians beg under all circum stances. I had just drawn J.'s attention to a happy group assembled round a settle under a spreading plane ; a girl was twirling the distaff, an old woman arranging the repast. " 0 ! fortunati nimium " rose to my lips. As we turned a bow- ering hedge, they were hid for a few seconds ; but they had caught a glimpse of the green carriage. Emerging from our cover, I beheld, with a feeling of real sorrow, the family coming " in formi pau perum ; " the smiling lively girl had made herself an object, another behind Avas dragging forward the mother to bring her up in time. All were im portunate, Avith vehement gestures, in demanding " Carita, per I'amor di Dio ! " The old lady looked absolutely wrathful at our proposing to escape. As we drcAv near the city of the Arno, the FLORENCE. 1 1 approaches bloomed Avith all the luxury of beauty : every feature told that art had guided labour, and that both had profited by a southern clime. The forras of the Apennine noAv became softer, hedgerows and meadows multiplied, an admirable husbandry peeped forth, and Ave had glimpses of things not whoUy unlike an English farm-house. For some stages past I had occasionally noted a splendid insect, but noAV the road was a live mu seum : lizards coated with emerald flirted from under banks and stones, stag-beetles strayed across the pathway, busy sphynxes whizzed by the carriage -blinds. All was in keeping; there were villas glittering on eyery terrace, frescoes in every porch, the majestic Italian pine, and the musical Italian face. The men Avhom Ave met carried the hoe or the pruning-hook ; the " contadine " spun at their cottage-doors, or loitered up and down in the large fiapping straw-hat which is so becoming to plump features. Entering the city by a fine leA^el road, we drove to our hotel facing a pretty bridge ; called for a dish of tea, unpacked a travelling-bag, fell in love with the Arno, and dropped asleep. Here is a bright May-day, and we must be stirring 12 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. to choose an appartamento among the Grand Duke's lieges. The Avaters of the Arno, where not turbid, appear to me seagreen : it is a pretty river, bor dered on either side with glittering houses, and spanned by three stone bridges, tAvo of which are elegant and one picturesque. Month of July. No city I was ever in can compete Avith this " Fio- renza " in beauty : it has the " vultus nimium lu bricus aspici" of Horace's njTnph. Details AA'^hich are so fine that they almost baffle detection, charm you in the ensemble at every step. Where are there spires so delicate as these, or turrets and belfries so picturesque ? In vain should I seek to describe the effect of the chimes : it is evening now and they are ringing for vespers on the other side the river; those bells are close at hand, but there is nothing harsh in their music, for the liquid element as it glides between catches the tones on its bosom, and modulates them to the softness of a lady's lute. Dante had often heard this melody, and we owe to his native recollections of it some of the most exquisite stanzas he ever penned. The PLOllENCE. 13 " Squilla di lontano che paja il giorno pianger che sl muore," Avas born on the banks of Arno. Every public building here is a gem. The Badia steeple is polygonal; that of St. Maria Novella, pointed quadrangular ; both are exquisite. What a fine ochre-tinted mass is the church of Sta. Croce. Then there is the oval duomo with its belfry of white marble, Giotto's Avorld-renowned tower, palaces a I'Etrusque, and the Lung' Arno prome nade. I admire those wide shelving pavements ; they are laid down in huge many-sided blocks like the old Roman roads. The jewellers' bazaars give an almost Oriental cast to the pretty Ponte Vecchio : Gray asks, " What female heart can gold despise ? What cat's averse to fish ?" Both should be bewitched here, what with the arti- zan's tray on one side, and the little hooped net alternately lowered and drawn up again on the other. Paris is a fine city, with much to explore, but its environs are flat. Florence, teeming with marble beauty, lies in the midst of an undulating garden. Here is a sketch taken from the Cascine : — 14 JOURNAL ICEPT IN ITALY. I. " What is yon the stranger sees Peeping through the silken trees. Glittering bands of red and white. Peaks and masses, rainbow dight ? Stranger, 'tis a city rare, Tuscan Florence, passing fair. n. " What is yon with melting hue. Now 'tis lilac, now 'tis blue ; Sharp the crest its outline heaves. Just behind the cottage eaves ? Stranger, 'tis the mountain's line, 'Tis our purple Apennine. III. " What is yon comes dipping, dancing. Sparkling, flashing, sweeping, glancing. Whispering through the osier-bush. Eddying round the tufted rush ? Stranger, 'tis the Tuscan's pride, 'Tis dear Arno's silver tide ! " These " cascine," translate if you like " farm- dairy," are the Champs Ely sees 'of the Florentines; and the Boboli gardens are their Versailles. The cascine has real English-looking meadows, an enclosed parkish lawn, and a grove of luxuriant trees, with shrubbery, and a raised causeway along the Arno, to say nothing of that dear delight, the open gravelled circus for carriages, Avhere the beau FLORENCE. 1 5 monde of Florence assemble at the bidding of the evening star, and halt their horses for a chat during the intervals of the drive. The Boboli has arbours and colonnades of the Ilex, grottoes, fountains, and some groups in statuary. The oxen in these parts are all dove-coloured, which I am told is the case throughout Tuscany : my informant added, that if any other colours are imported the animals speedily lose their " fores- tiere " tint, and acquire this ; an edifying trait, showing the obligation of wearing a uniform Avhen you go to court thus recognised among oxen ! We have climbed the crag to Fiesole, not to vicAv the moon's spotty globe, but to breathe the freshest air under the dog-star, and to look at a bit of the old Etruscan wall. Seen from the convent's parapet edge, Florence resembled a tray of white porcelain and the vrindings of Arno's silver thread could be followed nearly to Pisa. This Fiesole was the an cient capital ; the scene which it surveyed in former days was one widely different from the present coup-d'oeil ; the richly cultivated plain was then a marsh, and tho actual site of Florence a forest full of wild boars ; the spot is still marked in a small piazza, where a former grand duke nearly fell a 16 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. victim to one of these doughty pigs in the chase : here the citizens now draw the finest water in the city from the jaws of a brazen boar. The hill-road between Florence and the crag's top enjoys a sin gular heraldic privilege, that of making peers. When this tidy job was in hand, money was short, and the community of Fiesole moved sundry indi viduals to let imprisoned angels loose, by a patent of family honours awarded in guerdon. I believe the old town still possesses this royal prerogative, but I have heard of no other instance of its being exercised. The road, as thus achieved, is a good ' one, and the title of " Fiesole barons," though meant for a nickname, indicates a true patent, and belongs to some now living. What would the stately Etruscan Lucumo say to this ? the king-descended chieftain, who deemed it condescension, if not degradation, to intermarry Avith the nobility of Greece and Rome ! The Lucumones however are gone : but other folks, " we little men," remain, and the above embodies a hint for workhouse overseers at home. Let them take juster vicAvs of the claims of our felloAV- creatures who in merry England break stones for eight hours per diem on the highway. These hired FLORENCE. 1 7 hands are not likely to be created barons, but at least we should not stint Avages, nor grudge kindly treatment to God's image. Is not the " labouring man" the truest representative of him Avho Avas driven forth from the pure garden to eat bread in the SAveat of his broAV ? Yes, he is ; truer and nearer than the crowned monarch or the pensioned legislator. Look on him where he sits amidst the dust and heat : the hammer is in his hand and the Avire mask on his face, and the substance of the curse is woven in his memory Avith scenes of " Big- Union " and " New Poor-LaAV." God grant our hearts prove not harder than the granite Avhich his Aveary arms have broken ! Statues and pictures are things rather to see tban to write about. Still one likes to note first impres sions. This fair and frail Florence teems with objects of the " belle arti " in piazzas and galleries. Soberly speaking, there is enough here well nigh to bewilder a set of plain English brains. The Grand Duke throws open the Pitti collection as liberally as an Irishman hands you the " 'taties ; " the Uffizj halls are seldom shut but on fast-days, — a tender consideration in this, for Avhat makes one so hungry as looking at pictures? The Academia, c 18 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. too, is as free as a bazaar ; and here you may watch the rising generation at their studies. It is a pretty enough institution ; but I can't say I Avish to see our English hearts set down to a board to copy horses' heads from Venice, friezes from Rome, or the legs of a Syracusan Venus. A AVord or two on the great Piazza. Amm,a- nato's " Neptune and Horses " are a finer group than any sculpture existing in Paris. Giovanni di Bologna's " Rape of a Sabine " is the pet of Florence ; no doubt it has great merits, but mo desty is not one. Michael Angela's colossal " David " had better change his name ; svippose we say " Nadir Shah." Benvenuto Cellini's " Perseus " is the finest bronze I ever dreamt of. One group is here worth Avalking all the Avay from Turin to look at, but it is antique. Homer's report of the battle scarcely surpasses this portraiture of " Ajax, or Menelaus supporting Putroclus's dead Body." The corpse is stripped, but the living warrior wears his helmet, on which you think you see the javelins raining, Avhile he sustains the body of Achilles's friend. The drooping attitude of the one, the watchful guard of the other, are marvellously rendered. It seems to me that no chisels have ever come up to FLORENCE. 19 the Greek in depicting tenderness. Canova is far ther behind them in this than he is in majesty. Michael Angelo is not always natural ; he is, how ever, original, having little that I can see in common with the Greek masters. In what is gloomy and terrible I conceive he has gone beyond them ; his chisel reminds me of the pen of Jllschy- lus, or the brush of Salvator Rosa. Perhaps Do natello was the best Itahan sculptor. The Old Palace of the Uffi,zj contains separate rooms of the different schools of painting AAdiich have risen in Europe. Like all collections Avhich embrace a specimen of every kind, much of this is second-rate and wearisome. Here and there you come upon an old faded picture ill-hung, which no body knows any thing about, but which fixes your attention : the catalogues give a guess at the author. The Gallery of Busts is extensive, but lacks a true nomenclature : those which are well authenticated are deeply interesting, as exhibiting the phrenological development of character: who can doubt what Augustus was in disposition, with that ambitious head and calm impassive cast of features ? the contour, especially the lower part of the face, reminded me of Napoleon. c 2 20 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. The Hall of Niobe is a great treat. This was a fine subject for a sculptor, embodying fervid natu ral affections Avith something of the sublime and mysterious. Colossal proportions always lack finish, but sometimes this is in their favour: certainly whenever one stops to examine details, the general effect is lost. The mother's attitude and gesture, as she endeavours to shelter her youngest, are noble and touching. The figures of the unhappy off spring, represented in flight round the hall, have been censured as being studied and theatrical. I should say tbey are natural enough, but undignified; the idea suggested is that of " sauve qui peut." The truth is, however, a first visit to the Ufizj is made chiefly to see what the " Tribuna " contains. This is a small octagonal room, Avith light admitted only from above : the moment you enter you are consciousthat some ofthe chefs-d'oeuvre ofthe world in painting and sculpture are gathered round you. Of the marbles, I think the '"Spy" is the most poAverful figure : at the first look it ahvays seems to me to be alive. The " Dancing Fawn" has the additional merit of presenting active raotion with exquisite balance. The •' Wrestlers" I expected would edge along the FLORENCE. 21 floor and roU over one. " Apollo" is a pretty, sleepy youth ; faultless and uninteresting. The " Medicis' Venus" occupies a pedestal in the centre of thc apartment. The charm of this figure is her incom parable attitude : Virgil remarks on the stately gait,— " et vera incessu patuit Dea;" — Thompson, better, of his Musidora, — " So stands the statue that enchants the world." Modesty and dignity are combined in the general effect: if details were examined, there would be many faults found noAV, OAving to its numerous re storations. The base of the pedestal bears inscribed " KXeoijuei'jjs 6 Adi)vaioQ :'' a good travelling name, but without a shadoAV of authority. Perhaps the pictures are yet more choice. Guer cino's " Sibyl " has a great deal of inspiration. Andrea del Sarto's " Madonna and Child with tAVO Saints," oneof the most beautiful groups in the Avorld. Daniel da Volterra's " Massacre of the Inno cents," a fine painting ; probably Michael Angelo helped him in the foreshortening. c 3 22 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. The " Fornarina," so called, ascribed to Raffael, because of its exquisite finish; but more likely to have been done by some Venetian painter, such as Giorgione. The Titians here are well known by copies throughout Europe : the originals ought to be veiled, and the copies burnt. I could not praise as they deserve the two youth ful Madonnas Avith Christ and St. John, by Raffael, so will not attempt it. Has he ever equalled these productions in innocence and dignity ? At the Pitti there are not above five hundred paintings in all ; and most of these are of large size ; so that your eye is not wearied by multiplicity and dirainutive figures. The Salvator Rosas, Claudes, and Ruysdaels are Avonderful things. Araong the fcAv small pictures here is the " Seggiola : " this Avas really painted on the bottom of a cask, the only board he had at hand. Who but Raffael Sanzio d' Urbino could have grouped and coloured this ? But the Madon na's cast of countenance is noAvays comparable to that in the Tribuna. Above six thousand copies in oils, mostly bad ones, have already been taken from this picture • FLORENCE. 23 the greater part for England : the trade still goes on at the rate of a hundred a year. Very raany of these are copied frora one another. Tuscan inlaid Avork raay be admired here in some large tables : the materials are costly raarbles, mala chite, lapis-lazuli, and precious stones ; and a mimic creation, animal, mineral, and vegetable, is rendered Avith the fidelity of the brush and pallette. Whoever has seen Warwick Castle will reraember a Tablet there, the work of Italian craftsraen, Avhich may giA'e some idea of productions of which a poet Avould say, — '¦ Materiem superabat opus.'' Here are more halls of Sculpture. The " Venus Anadyomene " I don't like ; though it is a relief to see the marble original after the heavy bronze casts in Paris. Canova's "Venus" is a wonderful per formance for our day: it was this chef-d'oeuvre which, when the Athenian beauty went a captive to the Louvre, filled the vacant pedestal, and re ceived from the Italians the name of " La Consola- trice." Certes this all-gifted people are an instance of the truth of Bacon's remark " that men are only grown-up children." c 4 24 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. The " Cena " in San Salvi, by Andrea del Sarto, disappointed rae. There is a lack of individuality in the Apostles' heads : moreover, they are not suf ficiently dignified. Simple men, it is true, they Avere ; fishermen &c. : but men Avho had left all and followed the Lord. Of course, as the artist raust have living models, he sketched in his friends, but he might have selected them better. Leon ardo da Vinci knew Avhat Avas due to his stupendous theme : he would not take one man in a thousand Avhile delineating the TAVeh^e ; and on the Saviour's head he exhausted all his poAvers of conception, and left to his country the noblest outline that was ever draAvn. Mr. Powers studio here collects a crowd of visitors. We have seen his " Eve," and his " Greek Slave," two original compositions. The first of these professes to represent abstract Woman ; so says Mr. PoAver. She must not be a muse, or a sibyl, or a martyr ; nor a clever Avoraan, nor a dull Avoman, nor a heroine, nor a Avasherwoman ; but an abstract Avoraan, some six feet Avithout her shoes, the fitter to be the mother of us all. The enthusiasm of artists makes one smile : how, in the name of good ness, is she to be abstract ? What one of the sex FLORENCE. 25 Avas ever abstract ? Water that Avould not floAv, fire that Avould not burn, were easier to discover than such an abstraction. Schiller's definition of a HouscAAdfe in the "Lied von der Glocke" might warn him against attempting such a creation. Conse quently this beautiful statue is heavy and sleepy. The " Greek Slave " is in a different style, and Avill be a greater favourite. The story which her pretty but melancholy face tells is that of an Eastern market of the Avorst kind. Mr. PoAver is an agree able man, and Avilling to impart his ideas in speech as well as in Carrara raarble. The rotunda of San Lorenzo contains the raost extraordinary AVork of art in Florence : this is a sitting statue of a certain Duke of Urbino.' The first glance at it made me start ; Michael Angelo has graced the dark astute countenance Avith a plumed helraet, frora under which the grim Duke literally scowls upon you. I thought of the " Uomo di Sasso" in " Don Juan," and of Alfonso's statue in the " CastLe of Otranto," Avhose nose drops blood. " Day " and "Night, " by the sarae chisel, are unfinished colossal figures : rude as they are, one forgets while gazing at them the lavished treasurer of the Medicis in the panels all around. 26 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. The Duomo of Florence, looked at from any spot Avithin half a raile, is heavy : but clirab one of the hills a little farther off, and its elliptical proportions in the cupola are found to be delicate. The con struction of this, the first double dome ever reared in Europe, by Arnolfo di. Lapo and Brunelleschi, has furnished an interesting architectural memoir. The form of an egg is said to have suggested to the forraer its beautiful outline ; the dome is, however, polygonal. Its cross clears 360 feet above the paveraent of the Piazza ; this is some 90 feet under St. Peter's. The Florence Cupola is, they say, by some feAV " braccia " the higher of the two, but the other is raised on prodigiously lofty piers. A few yards from the cathedral stands its Campanile, AveU kuoAvn as Giotto's tower, and probably unmatched in the world, unless it be by some pile at Agra or Delhi. That extraordinary man built it, and must, I think, have had a pictorial vision of it for a tAvelvemonth before. Its height is, perhaps, two thirds of that of the Duomo, and from the square base on Avhich it stands it rises at once into the perpendicular, Avithout step or raound to break the simple right angle : this gives subliraity. The breadth of either side is about one sixth of the altitude, and the FLORENCE. 27 exquisite finish bestowed on so stately an object surprises every one ; though more than 500 years old, it looks as fresh as a Sevres jar just come from glazing. j\larbles of three different colours mingle in its composition ; the balustrade on the top is pierced in open roses, and the lancet-Avindows are as light and spidery as twisted bronze-work can make them. Sorae famous statues by Donaletto are hereabouts : one or two seem inclined to con fabulate, as in M. Angelo's day, Avho complained because that of St. Mark would not speak to hira ; but they want cleaning sadly, — at present, raarble looks like bronze. I don't adraire the Baptistery, because it is shaped like a teetotum : but even if it were faultless, one would forget its architecture at sight of the bronze gates it bears. One of these is a special prodigy, equal to AchiUes's shield. Ghi berti expended thirty years' labour upon it. The Creation and the History of the Patriarchs are the subjects, simply and grandly treated. Despite of almost microscopic details and an " alto rilievo," the outlines are sharp and clear, as if of yesterday, thanks to an Italian cliraate. Santa Croce contains the chief monuments raised by Florence to the memory of her illustrious raen. 28 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. Alfieri's is the best, though hardly AVorthy of Canova. In Dr. Lamia's figure the drapery is very Avell raanaged. Those erected to Galileo and Dante, by Ricci, are enormous failures. Dante's case is worst of all: it Avould seem that Florence is neither to have the body of the " divin poeta," nor a cenotaph worthy of his name. This church has one good painting by CigoH. I am sorry to say the building lacks a fa9ade, though it fronts one of the largest piazzas in the city. Query, how many of the Italian churches are paid for ? very few of them appear to be finished. The Church del Santo Spirito is chaste and simple in its style of architecture. Filippo Lippi's pic tures are here : this man's colouring is like a collar of emeralds on scarlet velvet. The Christ in marble is Michael Angelo's chef-d'oeuvre : it has all his Avonted power, Avith an indefinable sweetness which he has either not sought after, or else has failed of elseAvhere. The little Church of the Carmelites has Masaccio's frescoes in a compartment round the altar. The best painters haA^e pondered these ; Raffael en graved thera on his brain. All honour to the man who depicted so simply and truly ! Thej' say the FLORENCE. 29 spot has Avitnessed some singular scenes : it Avas here that Buonarotti had his nose flattened for ever by a " picturesque" blow from a companion's mallet. John Baptist is the patron-saint of Florence. On the day of St. Giovanni, the sovereign heard mass and took the sacrament in the beautiful church of Santa Maria Novella. The morning opened with an endless procession filing through the principal streets and squares ; this comprised the clergy, all the monks Avithin the city parishes, and a body of troops, horse and foot, Avith the royal household. Pictured banners and crucifixes occurred at every hundred yards, and bands of choristers chanting as they Avent. I thought the visible splendour was unnecessarily adopted to honour a man who Avore a camel's-hair garment and Avhose head Herod cut off in prison. If they would bestir themselves to put down every thing akin to the dancing daughter of Herodias, it were a fitter tribute. Something grotesque comes out on these occasions, as if to make pomp take physic. Did you ever see a Avax flambeau ? they are as plentiful here as blackberries : the sort commonly used consists of a number of candles a yard long, stuck side by side together, and forming a torch as 30 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. thick as a man's arm. All the wicks being lighted at once, and the raotion of the air flaring them, the floAv of melted wax is considerable. Now the choristers marched betAveen a double row of these flambeaux carried by lads dressed as under-deacons ; a little behind thera was coraing the archbishop with the consecrated host in a pix, and after him the sovereign on foot, bareheaded, and holding a taper ; all Florence looked on from tapestried bal cony and window, and the troops were draAvn out rank and file in the Piazza. The coup-d'oeU was solemn and gorgeous ; nevertheless, throughout the Avhole length of the cortege where these fiambeaux advanced, scores of urchins, mostly half-naked, clung by twos and threes round every bearer of a light, and scrambled along Avith him towards the church steps. Sorae held up tin ladles, some broken saucers, some bits of dirty paper, others were con tent with their oaati paws — and what do you sup pose they were all doing intently? — clutching the melted wax as it guttered over, and patting it up into a cake to carry home to their mammies ! As soon as the Grand Duke had communicated, an event notified to those outside the church by a volley from the muskets in the Piazza, the diver- FLORENCE. 31 sions of the day commenced for the middhng and lower classes. The tOAvn Avas as bright as a ncAv dollar, every householder hung out at first, second, and third floors his gaudiest carpets, coverlids, and " fazzoletti;" shops were shut, caf^s and stalls open, barrels of iced lemonade and huge slices of " cocomeri " promenaded the streets. Men, women, and children were dressed in rainboAV patterns, and all was good humour, which is better than barren philosophy. The jockey races were ludi crous, and therefore satisfactory ; nearly every rider was spilt, and the successful charapion Avon chiefly because the others lost. It is bvit fair to note that they ride without saddle or stirrups. The chariot races round the Piazza were heavy imitations of old Roman pastime. After this, five horses ran without riders two miles through the heart of the city, threading the liAdng lane of people, whipped on by pendant goads, amid a con tinuous broadside of shouts and yells, but mad to win. The pace was first-rate. But will any prime minister or master of cereraonies expound wherein this redounds to the honour or blessed ness of the preacher in the desert ? The Sovereign, Avith his Grand Duchess and 32 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. family, witnessed all frora a raised platform, where all the people could look at them. The Grand Duchess is a handsome woman; and her royal spouse, whom you raay raeet of a summer's evening strolling in the Cascine, is the beau-ideal of — may I say it ? — an English gen tleman -farmer. By-the- by, Altezza Avould think it a compliment, for farming is his hobby. He fattens his soldiers on rice, and his cows, I believe, on oil-cake ; and maintains, moreover, a preserve of the only phea sants near Florence, from which the Pope gets a " regalo " at Christraas. The most delightful establishment here is one Avhere the waters from mint,- orange, elder-flowers, &c. are prepared ; it is in the hands of the raonks of St. Maria Novella, and no chemists in the city can compete with them. No one should Adsit Florence without visiting this. We saw stacks of roses and orange-blossoms, with AA^hole regiments of flasks, and the perfume when you enter is de licious. These monks understand every thing; they bake the best bread, press the purest oil, and have cellars of unadulterated wine. After this I think the prettiest sight are the straw bonnets, famous all over Europe. I have FLORENCE. 33 forgot all the London prices, but good Tuscans sell well here; you may choose your straAV according to your purse, from three crowns up to one hundred and twenty. j\Iost of the finer pipes are dried in the neighbourhood; on a sunny morning the banks of the Arno are spread Avith them for a mile or two. The weather is Avarm now, and folks are getting cautious about dogs, on the score of hydrophobia. Italian doctors are generally over-timid, but there are exceptions. Signor Z , one of the leading men in the facult}'^ here, tried the other day an experiment Avhich would startle us in England. A man had been bitten by a rabid dog, and the worst syraptoras soon followed. It Avas suggested, the case being apparently hopeless, to try the effect of infusing a different saliva into the system. Vi- perine venom was fixed upon, as being powerful enough to ensure a counteracting aftection ; and nine live vipers were procured from Prince Napo leon Jerome Buonaparte, who keeps a menagerie of those animals for philosophical purposes. All nine were made to bite the unhappy sufferer. The sequel was shocking; hydrophobic symptoms dis appeared, but the man died of the vipers' bites. D 34 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. Hereupon, as they succeeded in quelling the original evil, the faculty maintain that their remedy was good, only the dose adrainistered was too large a one. (a) Signor Zanetti conducted this operation : he is a quiet, intelligent man, but, as you may beheve, fears nothing. The police, however, hold prevention to be better than cure, and they adopt a sumraary process. All dogs found unmuzzled are iraraediately knocked on the head ; at night also a gratuitous distribution of poisoned sausages takes place in certain streets for the express benefit of hungry tykes. In this way they contriA^e to get rid of a good many. Florence, end of August. We start for Siena to-morroAv raorning, as sundry letters of introduction, unpresented as yet, begin to sit heavy on ray conscience. During this last month we have seen soraething of the Campagna here, in the course of a visit to the three sanc tuaries of Tuscany. In Italy whenever you can exchange the beaten track for cross-roads and bye- paths over the hills, you gain immensely by it. FLORENCE. 35 both in scenery and fresh air. Looking back upon this little jaunt, the varied landscapes into the heart of Avhich it led us, and the agreeable company in which it was made, I do not know that we have enjoyed any thing so much since we have been abroad. A drive of fourteen miles brought us to Pelago ; here a friend met us by appointment, having kindly taken a hohday for that end, and in " trio" guise, with a single servant, and a spare mule to carry the " impedimenta," Ave proceeded on horse back up the hUl-path to VaUombrosa. Let me here, while that verdant scene is fresh in my memory, pay a tribute in the person of one in dividual to the courtesy and bonhomraie of the Itahan character as developed in Tuscany ; Signor V. de Tivoli, though his faraily is, I believe, Roraan by extraction, has long been doraiciled in Florence, and I think in his heart, he loves it as much as if it Avere his native city : his native land it is, but Italians see as wide a difference between Tuscany and the Papal States, or Lombardy and Naples, as we do between broad England and the land north of the Tweed ; indeed they see a wider, for reasons which must be sought in their history. Sismondi's D 2 36 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. '~ book, now in everybody's hands, explains all this very well. Signor de Tivoli's kind heart and obliging deraeanour are known to almost all Enghsh visitors : the end for which, with a constitution naturally delicate, he labours indefatigably is perhaps known to few : I believe he is the chief support of several poorer relatives. We ascended a brae as fertile as the valley we had left beneath us, the prospect improving in beauty as avc raounted. Two hours ride intro duced us to a plot of ground allowed to run wild, but thickset with the arbutus and myrtle ; spruce- firs growing up from the underwood : this was Milton's Eden. At the end of the wilderness an avenue of dark pines led to the court of the convent ; threading it, we turned an outer corner of masonry, and dismounted on a green meadow, girt on two sides by pine trees, fenced Avith.a garden enclosure on a third, and opening in front on a noble vicAv of the Val d'Arno. The monastery of Benedictines, with its court and offices, occupies, perhaps, an acre and a half of ground ; behind this rose a Avooded cliff, and a hill behind that, and raidAvay towered a crag with the hermitage called " Paradisino, " on its summit. FLORENCE. 37 Shelving masses of rock peeped out at intervals from the dark brushwood, and a torrent trickled doAvn a small ravine. An Englishman Avith Milton in his hand, feels almost like a proprietor Avhile thus placed : — " Where delicious Paradise, Now nearer, crowns with her inclosure green, As with a" rural mound, the champaign head Of a steep wilderness, whose hairy sides With thicket overgrown, grotesque and wild, Access denied : and overhead up grew Insuperable height of loftiest shade. Cedar and pine, and fir, and branching palm, A sylvan scene ; and as the ranks ascend, Shade above shade, a woody theatre Of stateliest view. Yet higher than their tops The verdurous wall of Paradise up sprung." The cedar and palm are wanting now, but were likely enough there in Milton's day, as the Ap penine woods have been fast thinning under the axe for many years in Tuscany. Allowing for this change, I do not know a more accurate sketch anywhere, not even in Wordsworth. The sur rounding " Eden" was also no doubt wilder then than in its present aspect. Milton was indebted to a tour in Italy for many D 3 38 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. of his landscapes; but it is remarkable that the tAVO poems which bear an Italian name contain features of scenery strictly Enghsh ; I do not re member a foreign touch in either the " Allegro," or the "Penseroso," while " Paradise Lost," " Co raus," and " Lycidas," teem with illustrations drawn from Italy. When the disguised son of Circe answers the lady's enquiry after her brothers, he speaks of " a green mantling vine," which must have been trained on trellis-work, as the brothers were standing under it " plucking ripe clusters." Tn the same passage occurs the mention of oxen used in ploughing. Both of these are familiar Itahan features, the latter occurs in England also, but it is rare. We found the brooks in Vallorabrosa all unstrcAvn as yet, but there was no lack of foliage overhead, ripening for the blast of autumn ; indeed, the main brook was little better than a- rocky channel, AAdth a feAV pools here and there barely sufficient to shelter the trout. In the " Casino," set apart for visitors, the " forestierajo " let us lack for nothing. After dining we roamed through its grounds, climbed the chff, and got the tiptop view of Val d'Arno from the wall of the Paradisino. One FLORENCE. 39 of the frati conducted the gentlemen of the party over the convent church. A large suite of offices is attached to it, the society being enormously Avealthy and farming sorae of the best lands in Tuscany, their oAvn property. I thought of the Bolton Abbey days of old England ; and for the tAventieth tirae, argued in my mind the question, " Have Ave gained or lost by the Reformation ?" This question is a very difficult one to solve: we have certainly lost in some things, but we have gained in others. I think as regards the poor, avc have mainly lost ; for the Church was undoubtedly their shelter in a sense in which it is not so now in England. They have now the landlord or noble to look up to ; formerly they had the abbot as well. Great as are in some parts the charities of the parochial clergy, these cannot counterbalance the depressing effect arising frora diminished means : in many places the great tithes are now in the hands of lay-impropriators. Mr. P. Fraser Tytler, in one of his histories, asserts that the church lands Avere better cultivated under the old system than they can be now — if I do not mis quote him. This would prove a great deal; for the fate of the poor hangs by the land. B 4 40 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. I saw nothing within the church so admirable as the choir, carved in black walnut, and some " terra cotta " groups by Luca della Robbia. The paintings, though vaunted, Avere perhaps as well aAvay. I made a sketch of this pretty scene while ray corapanion looked at the library, which is said to be a fine one. Whoever purposes a ride to Camaldoli should dress himself or herself as they would for a day with the Fitzwilliam hounds. Seven hours were consumed on this cross-country road, though not much above twenty miles. It commenced by dykes and old watercourses, Avith an amiable interlude of pits and stumps of trees, and ended Avith a desperate scramble over the bat:k of a schistous mountain. Our cattle behaved as unruly raembers of society do in the treadmill, they went forward because they could not help it ; he who led the van laden with carpet-bags was unreasonably fractious ; but for a boy's arm and cudgel he would have charged through our ranks and gone home half-a-dozen times. It was a glowing sunset when Ave reached the glen where Camaldoli lies ; the hills above Avere gor geously tinted Avith the hues of harvest, while the FLORENCE. 4 1 dell with its masses of Avhite masonry and dark woods lay buried in shade. We Avere past the curfcAv hour and had to knock up the forestierajo to come and get us supper in the village and beds at the Casino. This frate was a jolly fellow and fond of the Inglesi. He not only catered for us and presided at the meal, but on our pressing him partook with us of the convent cheer. He was inquisitive abottt England, and among other questions asked Avhat Ave did for wine. I told him that we bought of our neighbours, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. "What did we pay?" "Oh! a great deal too much ; from 8 pauUs to 30, a bottle," (a pauli is about 5d. of our money.) He held up his hands at this, and he said he would bring us some " Vin dolce bianco," the " dolce " implying an assurance that you shall not swallow vinegar. It really was not so bad : something like cider, at a paul a bottle. After this he told us that his own income did not exceed 100 dollars a year, out of which he found everything, including his dress, which is a loose body-gown and hood of white flannel. This frate, like many others, is of good family. Next day we scaled the cliff by a beautiful path 42 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. through a firAvood to see the " Eremo " or San Romualdo's herraitage, connected with the convent. This is the place where divers of the Caraaldolesi are sent, or come A''oluntarily, "per fare penitenza." It has been here 800 years, since the popedom of Sylvester II. , who set Romualdo over it. The scene is Avild and comfortless, and a very severe rule is foUoAved by those undergoing the disciphne. I went over some of the cells with my guide, who was unusually voluble in his replies to questions asked, of which I learnt the cause afterwards. The cells are wretched ; generally bare earth under foot, a bench for furniture, a corner for a little straw at night, a wooden platter, and the crucifix on the wall. A devotional book is allowed, but speech is prohibited, save Avhen they are chanting in church. The guide was making up for lost time in virtue of his office. I enquired how they fared in Avinter ; " Molto raale," was the reply : and then he told rae that the January snoAvdrifts are tre mendous, sometimes burying their little community of huts for many feet above the surface of the threshold. At these seasons the superior causes a bell to be rung an hour before matins, and the frati in turn relieve each other at the spade and FLORENCE. 43 shovel to clear a path to the church. The cold also is severe, OAAdng to the Apennine Avinds ; and if any frate falls iU his danger and suffering are aggravated by there being no leech at hand. It was some comfort to know that fifteen days is generally the extreme period of their stay aloft. There were about a dozen actuaUy on the Eremo list. Their church I thought beautiful; it has two Moorish- looking towers in front, and within is simply and reverently ordered. Here is a picture representing the " miracolo " of the saint arresting by his prayers the descent of a large tree, which threatens in its fall to crush the infant building. The reigning pope, I believe, is a Camaldolese. VaUombrosa has the advantage of associations and a name, but parts of the Camaldoli scenery are finer. It seems it was originally called " Campo Amabile," in reference, perhaps, to a pretty parkish meadow in which the Casino stands. We left on the third morning ; I noAV regret we did not stay several days. There is nothing remarkable on the road to Laverna, unless it be the toAvn of Bibbiena, perched on a crag in the vaUey, and famous for hogs. We traversed a rugged hne of country, forded a pebbly 44 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. stream, and toiled across a raoor; it was noon when Ave reached the foot of the cliff on whose summit this eagle's nest is lodged. The sun was now scorching up every thing round us : plants crackled, strearas stood still, butterflies grew giddy and dropt asleep, and the stubbles by the roadside teemed Avith diminutive fleas ! If naturalists Avon't credit this, I can't help it ; I appeal to my terrier, Fox, who actually lost his pluck, and looked back ever and anon to see if his tail was coming behind him. The paved way winding up the cliff was a stiff bit for horses who had come such a five hours' stage. Ours, hoAvever, got over it gaily, being doubtless aware of a store of fodder in the Francis cans' stalls above. Dante caUs this mountain " crudo sasso infra Tever 'ed Arno." He is, as usual, very accurate. They say it is the central " punto" of Italy, reckoning from Savoy to the kingdom of Naples lengthwise. The platform on the summit looks down on a glorious prospect. There must be forty miles of Valdarno, as the crow flies, stretched out in a green map beloAv, arms of the Apennine running across it here and there, and towns such as Poppi and Bibbiena shooting up like citadels from the vale. FLORENCE. 45 After the luxury of a profound siesta for an hour, we made a meal on such fare as the friars could bring forth on a Friday. Soup and coffee Avith caviare and bread and butter spread the board. Tea we had brought with us from Florence, and it now proved a welcome treat. This spot, though it can lay no claim to the beauties of VaUombrosa or Camaldoli, is as inte resting as either of them. The rock is precipitous on three sides, Avith a depth varying from 200 to 300 feet ; on the fourth side it runs out into a natural causeway, with buttresses of a columnar form, at sight of which it is said Hannibal turned back Avhen meditating his descent on Valdarno. However this be, the features of the place are those of a fortress where much might be done at little cost to repel an invader. The extent of the monastery is enormous ; besides a very complete system of cells, here is the library, the refectory, and the kitchen and other offices, also a monk's farmacia. The beautiful church stands in a paved court edging on the cliff, a scene well fitted for contemplation. A long gallery is frescoed Avith the principal " events" in their founder's life, a series of daring impostures on the 46 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. part of certain monks improved upon from time to time. We heard as much of the marvellous as we could well digest at once, but a fresh batch of country people arriving, the young frate very soon heightened the picture. " Here," said he, " is the ledge of rock from which the blessed St. Francis was pitched by the devil into that field below." I rejected this, as being dishonouring to the saint's reputation, who was a right holy man, and noways devil-possessed ; but our " cicerone" contended for the privilege of landing with unbroken bones, which certainly under the circumstances Avould be desi rable. It is a pity that they will insist upon " puffing " a man who stands as little in need of it as any who ever wore the hood and amice and went bare foot. The caverns in the face of the cliff are an undeniable Avonder. You descend, perhaps, 100 feet by a winding stair outside, and enter by a natural portal. Here the scene was singular : huge blocks of stone, some of them 20 and 30 feet in length, and of all conceivable shapes, lay piled one upon another, far below the foundation of the monastery, in such utter confusion that they FLORENCE. 47 reminded me of pebbles shot out of a AvheelbarroAv. One mass Avith a keel rides upon the back of another. The place has none of the featvires of a quarry. I asked the frate Avhat he thought of it, geologicaUy : " E miracolo," was the ready reply, Avhich he explained by saying that Avhen the rocks were rent at the crucifixion of our blessed Lord, this rending of the bowels of Laverna's mountain took place simultaneously. This Avas not so bad ; indeed I never heard a Roraan Catholic make a foolish answer Avhen he had been at the trouble of thinking for himself; Avhich latter is a rare thing with them. As no woman may pass a night within these convent walls, I descended the cliff late in the evening with J , to see that she was well cared for: a bed for us both in the little village could not be got, but we applied at the nunnery, where tAVO sisters, advanced in life, agreed to make her comfortable ; a pledge Avhich they fulfiUed weU and kindly. Re-ascending the " poggio faticoso ed alto," I leaned on a stout ash-stick which I had cut in the meadow below. " Un buon cavallo ! " said my guide, and quoted the proverb of " Andare col cavallo di San Francesco." It is certainly the 48 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. best horse hereabouts, for I remounted in half the time our four-footed friends had required in the morning. This frate was very inquisitive on the subject of the English raihvays. An early ride of twenty miles next morning, and a drive of near fifty, brought us back to the banks ofthe Arno at the witching hour of eve, — " Come la mosca cede aUa Zanzara." On our way we passed the Campoldino, AA'here Dante fought; and were shoAvn, in a parish church, the " natural mummy " of his coraraentator, the Landino, dried like a plant in a herbarium! — a singularity upon which I feel no inclination to comment myself. I hear, however, these sort of things are by no means rare in Ireland ; and I know that among the Scotch Highlands the bodies of such as die in Avinter are sometimes " salted up " in a chest until spring comes. SIENA. 49 POGGIERELLO, NEAR SIENA. Poggierello, near Siena, end of September. This villa is a pretty spot in the immediate neighbourhood of the old Etruscan town ; and we have had a month's cooling here after the sultry heats of Florence. Many things remind me of an Enghsh mansion in this place ; we have a tidy lawn and a labyrinth of evergreens, and there is a great round well in the court behind. The main difference lies in the acres round the house being planted out with vines and olives, instead of apple trees and cabbages. Further, we have a hall with frescoes, twice as many rooms as we want, and a cast of ApoUo in the garden. If that don't content us, we must be difficult to please. The Northern Gate of Siena is but a mile -distant, and whenever you lift your eyes to a block over the gatCAvay you are invited to enter the city by an old legend which it bears ; " Cor magis tibi Sena pandit ! " Sena being the Julian name. This proraise of hospitality is well kept. We have long since presented our letters, and have been kindly 50 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. received. The elegant mansion of Conte Fieri has always been throAvn open to foreigners Avith a hberality and kindness of heart to which Siena is indebted for much of her present prosperity. I mention this one name from a sense of grateful obligation, and not as conveying to anybody information which is new to them. But there are several others, old and noble famUies, who are nothing behind the amiable Count and Countess in goodwill and graceful attentions. Perhaps our national character and demeanour would not be the worse of a little more " empressement " in this respect: demonstrations, when sincere, can hardly be overdone. A kind word sometimes goes further than a purse of gold. If the utterance of good wishes and greetings may be held to indicate kindly feehng in the speaker, surely Italy is the home of benevolent courtesy. " May you wake up hke a rose!" is a form of good-night which I have heard addressed toa lady on her retiring. "Felicissima notte!" is a very usual one; in which the superlative never sounds like heartless hyperbole, but rather reminds one of the fervent phraseology of our olden time. SIENA. 51 The Grand Duke has a representative here in the person of a resident Governor who holds once in the week a sort of Court-soiree. The actual "locum tenens " is a Florentine, a matter somcAvhat grievous to the Siennese, who naturally are better pleased when the Sovereign's choice falls on some head among their own ancient houses. The old grudge of the middle ages has also left a feeling of rivalry on certain points between the two cities ; and Florence being the favoured capital while Siena is now only a provincial town, the latter hardly gets fair play at times. The Count Serris tori is, however, reputed an upright and active minister : and where there is esteem, liking will always follow. Society is on an easy, chatty footing in the cir cles of Siena. There is a good deal of dancing, continual whist of the kind caUed " Sturm " im ported from Russia, and a musical assembly once a week at the Contessa Pieri's. The singing, such as we have heard, is mediocre ; but we came late in the season for the nightingales as well as for the festas. From our Avindows here we have two or three sketchable views : in one of these the raoun tain of Santa Fiora, an extinct volcano, comes in ; B 2 52 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. in another a picturesque tower, which the country - people call " Palazzo dei Diavoh," for an absurd reason as far as I can gather. It was tenanted once by a family named " Turco," the members of which came to be pluralised as "Turchi;" the contadini understanding by this nothing better than " Turks and Infidels " nicknamed the place as above. They now aver, however, that they were astrologers, and that an unholy use was made of their beautiful cylindrical tower. The prejudice against anything of the " starry GalUeo " was pro bably rife here as in Pisa ; so I dare say the amount of it was that the Turco family peeped at Venus and Jupiter through some sort of telescope. Siena occupies the crest of a hill, and is built on a singular ground- plan resembling the figure of a star-fish. If you chance to be at the end of one of these rays and wish to make a call in another you must first return to the heart of the city ; for the surface of the ground runs in alternate ridges and ravines, and the houses cover the former. The population has dwindled from 100,000 to 20,000 : indeed none of the Tuscan cities have recovered from the devastations of the plague which ravaged thera in the time of Boccaccio. This city with SIENA. 53 Florence and Pisa lost it seems among them from 200,000 to 300,000 souls! and this in a few months. Poor Siena has now hindrances of her own : not only has her riding-school been knocked on the head, — a measure which I was gravely as sured had endangered the peace of the Tuscan States, — but what is a far more serious raatter, her criminal Court is reraoved to Florence. One awk ward result of this is, that if one man stabs another in a street-brawl, every soul decamps for fear of being sumraoned fifty miles to the capital to give CAddence, a trouble which no Italian would encoun ter on any consideration. This has twice occurred no very long time ago. In one instance the Avound- ed man ran a mile, his blood marking the track, before he could get surgical aid, it being late in the evening. The abolishment in Tuscany of the punishment of death is supposed to have greatly diminished the number of cases of this sort : may it not rather have operated to keep back evidence ? for an informer dreads the vengeance of the sur viving culprit, whereas " dead men do not bite." The favourite resort of the beau-raonde here is a smaU green, or rather broAvn plot called the " Lizza ;" hither come the carriages to drive round E 3 54 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. the diminutive enclosure — hither also come the townspeople with the bonnes and children to tread the turf and loiter under the stunted trees. After the Cascine of Florence it looks like a doll's garden ; stUl the scene is always cheerful, recaUing ideas of home. A few yards further are the Fortezza and battlements, with a purple view at sunset of the country towards the Maremma. We have had a hailstorm here of a kind seldom seen in England. The moment the black cloud appeared in front of our haU, we ran to close the outer shutters, but were too late by a few seconds to save our glass. Pieces of ice of the size of wal nuts dashed through some fifty panes in a tAvinkling: one lurap I picked up was as big as a hen's egg. This frozen artillery kept up a discharge of nearly five minutes' duration. In the evening we found the storm had driven in a multitude of mosquitoes from the vines. These creatures tease us here whenever the gauze-net is out of order : if it has a brack as large as your finger-naU you are sure to be woke in the dead of the night by a noise hke that of fairy kettle-drums and fifes, with a sensation of poisonous heat on your face and hands. The bites are worse on the third day, and sometimes do not SIENA. disappear for a week : there is no remedy but cold water and a httle vinegar, and this acts but feebly. The mosquito is just our Enghsh gnat, only blacker and humped at the shoulder : he is the only insect I care a straw about in Italy. This city has one noble structure, the Duomo, a vast pile in the Italo-gothic style, so that you find round and pointed arches intermixed with many other eccentricities. It is unfinished, and must ever remain so noAV ; had it been completed on the original plan it would have been by much the largest building I ever saw, as there is evidence on the spot that aU which is now extant formed only an aisle in the architect's design. The fa9ade, however, is finished, a rare thing in Italy, and very beautiful it is. Here are grotesque aniraals, sculp tured to represent the different cities of the League ; OrAdeto's goose, Pisa's hare, Perugia's stork, and many others which I don't at this moment remem ber. The she-wolf is for Siena, and an elephant and castle, I think, for Rome. The figures of the two angels bending before the name of Jesus over the portal are very noble : and the idea is one of those ocular preachings which meet you at almost every step in Italy. E 4 56 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. Indeed it is the Church emblems and pictures which raainly educate the people, who for the most part can neither read nor write. The interior of a Roman Catholic Church is an illustrated catechism, sometimes mingled with fable, but never suppress ing fact. It appears to me that a Roman Catholic as he is has one immense advantage over a Protestant as he is; supposing them both to be " good men and true," and determined not to go through the mock ery of what is called in Ireland " a Conversion " either way. It is this : the Catholic's Church is always open, his priest always at hand : go where you wiU, matins and vespers are thronged, in some one or more of the parish-churches. No one can estimate the effect of this till he Adsits a Catholic country and resides awhile. It ensures seasons of rest ; it keeps aliA'e the feeling of mercy ; it yields time for reflection, and oftentimes opens a door to repentance, and crushes the wicked deed in the bud of the Avicked thought. The feverish crowded struggle of a headlong world is abated from hour to hour ; the counter and the bank do not become an imperious Moloch, absorbing the being of man and devouring his energies ; but each and all, as they SIENA. 57 boAv the knee or drop the curtsey, and retire with the siraple sign of the Cross, carry away with them the remerabrance that they have a nobler part, and a higher calling than the thing we term " self " and the " fashion which passeth away." An Englishman may object to so many pictures; he AAdll think many of the rites overdone and bur densome on both ministers and people; he may even misdoubt sorae among the ordained priests ; if he cherishes a kindly heart, he will meet with much to make him sad ; but he can never for a moment doubt that he is walking in a Christian land, among a baptized people, who, however crushed by burdens, or " travestied " in human in ventions, do nevertheless develope all the prominent features of the faith in Christ. I remember in Florence seeing the artisans in the streets lift their caps when the " mezzo-giorno " bell sounds ; this is to thank God for his blessings in creation at the moment when the sun culminates on the meridian. On the Rhine or the Moselle the boatman rests on his oars, and the passengers bow the head and cross themselves as they hear the Ave Maria beU. In Britain, the opposite to all this ob tains. Through a dread of conforming to Rome 58 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. we have discarded some good things which did not flow from Rome : our very proverbs are losing their force, and the old sayings of our more pious fore fathers reproach us with their non-fulfilment. With what face could we now repeat the couplet of the bygone time ? "Be the day never so long. At length cometh even'-song." It once pointed to a living consolation, a daily com munion of worship : now it is become a dead letter. The interior of this cathedral pleases every one ; its vault is azure, Avith silver stars ; so appropriate a panelling ensures a good effect. The pulpit and stair are embossed in white marble like ivory. Here are the bold paintings of Beccafumi, who, like Giotto, was bred a shepherd-boy, and Duccio's paveraent, a work unique in Italy; the figures being portrayed by lines of a dark grey marble let into a white ground, and the effect resembhng that of chalks on a Bristol board. The church contains one warlike trophy, the poles of the carroccio taken from the Florentines at the battle of Monte A perti : of these the Siennese, man, woman, and chUd, are sufficiently vain. SIENA. 59 Many large churches are here, disproportioned to the present population of the city ; the dimensions of San Domenico are enormous ; I fear to state them from memory, but th§ vast arch in the transepts is a noble thing, and would be thought so anywhere. Here is a Madonna painted by Guido da Siena, and bearing the date of 1221, nineteen years before Cimabue was born : if they are correct in this quo tation, the claim of the Siennese to being the earliest school in Italy is established. However this be, Sodoma's paintings here are more to my mind than many of RaffaeUe's: look at his " St. Catherine fainting between two nuns ; " who has produced anything more powerful than this ? In San Quirico we saw two fine pictures by Vanni : one a " Flight into Egypt." The Town-hall has a Babel tower and some more Beccafumis. A pretty gothic font is here, which the people wiU call " Fonte Branda ; " Dante's " fonte Branda " it cert.ainly is not ; for that rises somewhere near Stia, between Florence and Ca maldoh : I made a note of it at the time, but we were too lazy to climb a sandstone cliff under a baking sun to look at it : the site may be known by some old towers, Belcaro in this neighbour- 60 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. hood is a pretty drive : this is at once a viUa and a fortress, and commands from its belvidere the best vicAV of the Maremma country. Its porch and chapel are adorned with sonae fast-fading frescoes by B. Peruzzi ; our guide said " Raffaelle." RaffaeUe must have painted through five long lives, instead of one short one, if he did all that is ascribed to hira. All the slopes hereabouts are finely cultivated : Judea could hardly have had a richer dowry than this favoured land Vines, ohves, fig, mulberry, pomegranates, cover scores of square-miles. The raain profits are drawn frora the olive, whose cul ture is as carefully regulated as that of the vines along the Rhine. A compost of farmyard ingre dients is heaped round the stem of each tree to a height of 2 or 3 feet, to ensure warmth : the crop is in alternate years, between AA^hich the trees lie fallow as to any gathering. The olive hangs till it is the colour of a ripe mulberry. Their red " vin ordinario " hare is excellent : I think equal to " Hermitage," but you must temper it with Water. I only Avish the people would fat their fowls as they do theraselves, but these are wholly cast on Providence. Dogs and cats the same. Even the FLORENCE. Gl horses do not get much corn ; but plenty of lupins and grass, and I dare say green rice, which now and then carries them off by a dysentery. All these matters an Italian takes very coolly. They are most affected by the loss of anything that is beautiful : and all persons and animals are classed as being " pretty " or " ugly," as if these iraplied intrinsic moral character : the white ox in the vineyard is caUed "Bellino;" a parent mentioning the " ragazze " always tells you of this or that, that she is " bella " or " brutta," as the case may be : our cook's little daughter is very poorly and the mother fears she will die: the father says "Mi displace molto per questa piccola: era tanto gra ziosa ! " There is both affection and levity in this. A custom in society here is Avhen you get pretty intimate to address every body, married or single, by their Christian name. If we stay another month among these kind people, your humble servant and his better half will be " Giovanni" and " Giovanna," and never any thing else. Florence again ; November 26th. Six weeks have been spent in saying farewell to this beautiful city, OAving to our having been detained 62 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. by a flood from the Arno. The waters are now at length drying up, and to-morrow we quit it on the road to Rorae. A month since we ran doAATi to Pisa, and saw the Leaning Tower, which, after Giotto's Campanile here, is the choicest thing in Tuscany. Connoisseurs find fault Avith the irre gular style of a building where the columns vary in size and order. It is sometimes a pleasure not to be learned enough to criticise; I confess this struck me as a peculiar charm, contrasting as it does Avith the monotonous, metal-roofed Duomo and Baptistery, where one accurate pattern is repeated throughout each tier, with the minute perfection of an Indian Pagoda. From the summit of the Cam panile, you get a good idea of the country round. Bold cliffs, a marshy plain bisected by the Leghorn Railway, and far away that city clustering like an oyster-bed on the marine bay. The notion that this tower was originally intended to slant is now exploded ; a little examination on the spot would be sufficient to convince any one of the contrary. The upper stories are slightly curved in the oppo site direction, so as to give to the tower the form of the bole of a tree. The idea never occurred to the architect tiU the lower part of the building had FLORENCE. 63 sunk and " settled" through the boggy nature of the ground. These same springs stiU flood its area, and produce that grass of vivid green which clothes the piazza. Moreover, the Duorao and Baptistery both of them lean over; but in their case the slope merely looks awkward, not being suffici ently marked to form a picturesque angle with the horizon. The Duomo is certainly a gorgeous pile, but too tricky and pagoda-hke to hit my taste, as a cathe dral. The paintings here by Andrea del Sarto are exquisite ; tAvo of these are imaginary portraits of saints, and may be found near the high altar ; the other is a St. Agnes, and hangs on a piUar of the nave, protected by a fee-curtain. TiU I saw these I had no idea how well he could paint. The Campo Santo demands more time than all the other sights in Pisa together. Here is the field of " holy earth" from Palestine, some rare objects of antiquity, and Orgagna's frescoes Avith others. His " Triumph of Death" is a fanciful thing, but with a reality in some of the groups which could hardly be surpassed. His " Last Judgment" I did not admire : I think he had better have let the sub ject alone, if only out of reverence. M. Angelo is 64 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. said to have borrowed from it largely ; if so, I shall not like his great picture in the Sistine Chapel. The site of the " Torre della fame " presents nothing of the tower now, save its fearful memory, but that Avill last till the crack of doom. It does not, however, appear to be well ascertained how many of his sons or grandsons were locked up with Ugolino Avhen the keys were thrown into the Arno. " Ahi Pisa ! vituperio delle genti Del bei paese la dove il si suona, Poiche i vicini a te punir son lenti, Muovansi la Capraja e la Gorgona E faccian siepe ad Arno in su la foce Si che egli annieghi in te ogni persona ! " Not a very christian wish, 0 Dante ! But between Florence and Pisa there was no love lost. Can any one explain the iron pin and pendent chain with the legend " AUa giornata" on the waU of the Lanfreducci Palace ? Did it imply a daily victim ? Was the " marble city " after all nothing better than a shambles ? In the town of Leghorn we looked into a Jewish synagogue ; had I not been told, I might have thought it an exchange. Numbers were present, but all in hats or turbans, and talking aloud. FLORENCE. 65 The Florentines say that the late flood here might have been avoided, Avith all its ravages, had Fossombroni's adAdce, reiterated in testamentary papers, been folloAved. He foretold all these conse quences in case they did not take heed to certain precautions in the system of draining, which has long been going on in the Val di Chiana. The plan recommended by the late prime minister was a " colraata," producing an effect sirailar to what they caU " wharping" in Lincolnshire. A bog is first dammed up, and then a torrent from the hills charged with lime and alluvial matter is let into it ; this being allowed to stand for perhaps a couple of months, a sohd deposit graduaUy accumulates on the surface of the bog ; and, by repeating the process, any depth of marsh may be filled up, and a fertile substratum for future crops obtained. Fossombroni in this way redeemed many thousands of acres from sterility and malaria: but patience was needed, and watchfulness against sundry aAvkward possibilities to be counteracted by a con tinual measuring of the channels and also of the river's speed. To say that I thoroughly under stand so difficult a subject were absurd ; indeed I can't find any body Avho does (note [b]) ; but one F 66 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. thing aU are agreed in: as soon as Fossombroni was dead, the Grand Duke pushed forAvard a hobby of his OAvn — a big canal, which was to do the work rauch quicker. And it now seems that the Arno was sluiced too rapidly for safety ; a tremen dous thunderstorm, coming on the back of a week's previous rain, coincided v^dth the removal of certain important dykes, and Florence was Adsited at once by a treble measure of water above her bridges. " Hinc iUse lacryma." The damage to property is now nearly one fourth made good, by great exertions ; but six persons have been drowned. All classes have done their best in aid of the general distress ; the sovereign has worked hardest of all, superintending in person the distribution of bread, wine, coals, &c., among the poorer families. Subscription lists at the bankers are fiUing, charity balls and concerts have been given in every direc tion ; the troops have been picketted in bands to labour at removing the raud, and Florence is beginning to look like itself again. But for the space of a fortnight the aspect of things was dolorous. The pretty suspension bridge went like a snapped thread ; one-fifth of the habitable city ROME. 67 Avas sloughed with mud several feet deep, pave ments Avere lifted, walls laid flat, pipes choked, shops gutted, siUs dashed in, pictures and statues went to Numa and Aucus; the Cascine became another marsh; hares and pheasants caught cold and died ; and, but for Avhat mortals call good luck, the Ponte Vecchio, one of the chiefest ornaments of Florence, and immensely important as a thorough fare, would have been carried away. I saAV the wave Avithin two feet of the crown of the central arch ; had the tide surmounted that brief interval, the entire structure, shops and aU, would have disappeared. ROME. December 4. After a week's wandering through Etruscan cities, and among Apennine water-falls, here are the walls of old Rome, the Tiber and its bridges, the Coliseum and St. Peter's. We have had a first look, and that is all as yet, but though only a look, it has opened another world of ideas which no engraved plate or pictured volume ever woke before. r 2 68 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. There could not be a better introduction to the city of the Caesars, than the road which winds for two hundred miles through ancient Etruria and the darkly Avooded Umbrian plains. I marked nothing of special note before reaching Arezzo, except the vicAv of Florence from the pass of Sail Donato ; but that farewell Adew was wondrous fair. Arezzo is a pretty town enough, richer in records of the middle ages than in any relics of high an tiquity. In the cathedral is the tomb of the fight ing Bishop of Petraraala, worked after designs by Giotto : not to admire some of the groups is impos sible, but there are too many details followed out ; I should like it better if it were simpler. In the Badia Church we saw a " perspective cupola," the first that ever blessed my eyes ; here is ingenuity, and a good deal of effect : but it Avas a silly fancy to practise an ocular deception in the sweUing dome, where all ought to be solemn and majestic. What so unsophisticated as the blue vault of heaven, and Avhy should its architectural emblem be otherAvise? Arezzo contains the house where Petrarch was born — " rara avis in terris ; " also a capital inn, itself as uncomraon as a black sAvan in these parts. ROAD TO ROiAIE. 69 Cortona may very likely be the oldest city in Italy : it is supposed anterior to Troy. I am tempted to quote, but the name of Dardanus's town may be found in the 7th book of the Jllneid. Cory tus, it seeras, Avas a son of Janus, and gave his name to the city. Here scaling the hill in one of the country cars, we found on the surarait a noble range of Etrviscan walls. The blocks are more massive than at Fiesole, and the lines of masonry extend further : a modern superstructure mostly rests upon them, but the old thing, without mortar, without bands of iron, pin, or buttress, will probably outlast all that stands upon it or beside it. These blocks may fairly be terraed eloquent, but in the town are other not less speaking attractions. The museum is rich in bronzes, of course frora the rifled tombs of Etruria. What a stately nation was this ! They had ncAvly got out a massive, circular ornament, as big as an eight-day clock, and at the first glance not unlike one : but the learned curator of the antiquities does not as yet hazard a guess as to what this may have been ; probably some sacred vessel. As to works of art of a later date, the town is peopled with the creations of Beato Angelico d.a 70 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. FiesoU: the sweetness of the countenances por trayed by this frate, who never did anything for money, delights every soul ; it is hke a vision of angels on varnished wood. The rich old fancy of gold leaf ornament harmonises admirably in his paintings. Among those we looked at, an " Annun ciation" is perhaps the best. Cigoli' s picture ofthe " Miracolo," representing a heretic converted by the devotion of St. Antony's mule, is at once a marvellous work of art and an ill-chosen subject. Why not take a true story from Scripture, as Balaam's ass? Luca Signorelli' s painting of the dead Christ I did not like. It is in Sta. Margherita, a convent which crowns the highest point of the rock: this building is beautiful Gothic, Avith a Avheel-Avindow of exquisite workmanship. They showed us in the cathedral a large sarcophagus of white marble, bearing on one side a battle in bold relievo. This, from having been found on the plain of Trasimene beloAV, has been thought to be that of Flaminius : it lacks, however, an inscription. Descending from the height on which Cortona is built, we took at a foot's pace the road which Avinds through the pass once so fatal to Consular Rome. The wild lake lay on our right, with a beautiful ROAD TO EOME. 71 castellated promontory jutting out for half a mile on its bosom. To every reader of Mr. Hobhouse's "Notes" the scene is as familiar as an accurate description can render it. The raarvel is, hoAV Flaminius was beguiled into entering such a trap. He knew that Hannibal lay hereabouts, and if he was acquainted, as he surely raust have been, Avith the nature of ground so near his camp at Arezzo, how could he suppose the wily Carthaginian would omit to line with his troops the jaws of such a pass? Livj ascribes all his wayAvard conduct at this time to rashness of personal character, goaded by ambi tion, and blinded by political intrigues. But Livy is a romancer. The act was one of deliberate madness in any commander. Had the catastrophe .which ensued occurred in the tiraes of feudal chivalry, one would presurae that some fatal pledge had been given, binding him to accept battle at all odds when offered by the Carthaginian. From the moment the Roman legions had entered the pass, Hannibal had the game in his own hands. I made a rapid sketch of the lake and shore with Borghetto, and another more leisurely of " Hanni bal's Tower : " this latter is a massive grey ruin, F 4 72 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. matted with ivy and brambles crawling over a Avindow of red tufo. Our next Etruscan capital was Perugia, second only to Cortona in antiquity. Nothing under a visit of a week could do justice to all which this city contains worthy of note. Its site is almost Alpine : oxen are needed in addition to your own team to climb the hill, towards the summit of which the ranges of masonry rise, tier above tier, a gigantic stair in the rock. The Apennines here are capped AAdth fields of snow, and when a breeze springs up in that direction you feel as if iced water were dashed in your face. We were glad to huddle on all our AArraps, yet a few miles below Ave had left a burning glebe and panting herds men. Here are above a score of gorgeous churches, where the pictures of Pietro vie with the stained glass in the oriel windoAvs. This master's best frescoes cover a vault in the Sala del Cambio. The church of S. Pietro Martini contains his glorious altar-piece, a Madonna and child, with two angels hovering on either side: and he has left along with Sasso Ferrato some exquisite busts of saints in S. P. dei Casinensi. ROAD TO ROiAlE. 73 In the Cathedral we saAv Baroccio's masterpiece, a " Deposition from the Cross." If it be true that the artist was undergoing the agonies of poison Avhen he painted it, then the picture furnishes another proof that our latent powers are more dependent for their development on sorae irapulse of spirit, than on any condition of body. Tre mendous energies are evinced in the work: the face of one of the Marys all droAvned in tears dwelt long on my vision after quitting the spot. The French stole this for the Louvre ; afterAvards the Pope seized it for the Vatican : I don't know how His Holiness was induced to refund. Who ever visits the " Casinensi " should ask the monk to lead him to a balcony behind the tribune; the prospect from it embodies the grander features of Italian landscape : the valley of the Tiber is seen as far as Assisi, and dark lines of mountains fiU up the back ground. San Domenico is a very rich church, but its chief ornament is the monument of Benedict XI. by Giovanni di Pisa ; a chaste and touching per formance, far more pleasing than the warlike relieA'os on Guido Tarlati's tomb at Arezzo. Two 74 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. angels are drawing aside the curtains of the bier, so as to shoAV the recumbent corpse within. We got a sight of Raffaelle's " Staffa Madonna," in the Connestabili's Palace belonging to that family — a picture of some ten inches high : the Virgin is reading, and the child looking over the book. I know of no production of his resembling it ; if Raffaelle really did this thing before he was nineteen, great as were his subsequent achieve ments his early promise was even greater. An English lady is now residing abroad Avho bids fair to effect a new £era in the destinies of subjects by the old masters : her copies ex ecuted in water-colours will perpetuate, in the con dition in which we now see them, many fine paintings which can hardly withstand uninjured another ten years' wear. Miss Chawner is, I be lieve, self-taught, and does not consider herself as possessed of the professional knowledge AA^hich many dilettanti have in the art ; but in what she produces with brush and pallet she surpasses all who have hitherto essayed to repeat the old raas ters. With Raffaelle, with Correggio, with Titian, her success is raarvellous ; the " ritratto " being a fac-simUe as to resemblance, and giving the effect ROAD TO KOME. 75 of the dead look of an old painting, which copies in oils never do until themselves cracked and dusty. Her method excludes aU use of body- colour ; but when the picture is finished, a little varnish is applied for preservation. AVGVSTA PERVSIA is graven on the fine old arch of this city : an Etruscan gatcAvay and a Roman inscription ! not a bad speciraen of the monopolising system of the great plagiarist Augustus. He had the grace, however, to leave untouched the blocks, which indeed were too heavy to be moved without difficulty. Here, as at Cortona, the masonry is simply the travertine masses squared and fitted without band or ceraent. We left Perugia with regret, our only conso lation being that we also left an incurably smoky chimney in our sitting-room at the iun. I had heard of the famous excavations in the neighbour hood, and that the cemetery to which they belong is supposed to have matched in its plan and extent the ancient city itself. A mile or two on this side of the gates we came upon the site. Had I not known that Cohzzi had been here burrowing, I 76 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. might almost have taken our guide for a magi cian, or one of the genii in the old fables, as he led the way over some broken ground not unlike a rabbit-warren. " Di qua Signora ; " Ave turned the edge of a bank, and a flight of steps appeared Avith the red earth trenched and laid open round it. Now we are down in a twinkling : that shady cavern seeras squared hke a chamber in the rock ; one leaf remains of the two which once formed a folding-door at its entrance ; the guide is turning it back on its pivot, let us step in. What a singu lar apartment ! A clean floor, two large stone sarcophagi, a broken urn, pendent lamps, and a mimic genius swinging from the roof by a bronze thread. That stern countenance facing the portal can be no other than Medusa. Our guide says all this is an Etruscan tomb, and he is right : some scores more he in the same state around us, and probably raany hundreds which have not yet been re-opened, Colizzi has reraoved the figured "tazze," the " focolari," bronze ornaments, and jewels in solid gold — but the rest, just as it now appears, was sealed up after dedication some three thousand years ago. Soleran thoughts rush on the mind when con- KOAD TO ROME. 77 templating such a chamber, " empty, SAvept and garnished," but still the consecrated resting-place of the dead ; where piety and affection paid the last and dearest tribute to departed heroism and worth. Truly, the " fungar inani munere " be speaks a long and deeply rooted instinct. Deem not slightingly of a race of Avhom nought save this is left. Egypt has her pyraraids, Etruria her chambers in the rock ; both -were tombs, to shelter the ashes of kindred, and haply one day to tell posterity of their rites and customs. This nation culminated in fame and earthly glory, before imperial Rome, Avith her senate and people, was heard of. If the visitor likes to dip his hand in where that ponderous stone lid has been lifted, he may touch the bones of departed chiefs and rulers. But beware of the mystic genius overhead, all you who harbour thoughts of covetousness or pride : he is the guardian of the tomb. Scholars have perused the following passage in the original of Dionysius of Hallcarnassus. The Italian version seems aptest now. " Gh Etruschi furono arrestati nel corso della loro prosperita dall' ira degli Dei, che li oppresse con una spaventosa sterilita cagionata da una siccita 78 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. senza esempio, che desolo le famiglie, devasto le campagne, distrusse i bestiami, e fece perfino dis- seccare le sorgenti deUe acque. Le genti in quests deplorabili estremita si moriano di terribUi malattie, perche la nazione, colpita da terrore, invio all' oracolo, consultandolo sui mezzi di disarmare lo sdegno degli Dei. E la risposta fu, di dovere a Giove, ad ApoUo, ed ai Cabiri offerire la decima parte di quanto aveano di piu prezioso. " Questo essi si fecero : ma 1' oracolo si dichiaro megho, che esigeva la deciraa parte degli uoraini ! A questo annunzio funesto la costernazione si sparse in tutti. Ognuno temette a se medesimo, e per quanto avea piu a cuore I'esecuzione deU' oracolo. In poco tempo gh amici pivi intimi si allon tan arono dagli amici, i parenti dai parenti ; le case furono abbandonate ; le cittk deserte ; tutti presero la fuga. Si ritirarono in Grecia, e cosi pri^d d'ogni soccorso perdettero i loro possedimenti : e quell' impero, colpito nella sorgente delle sue forze, ciofe privo della sua populazione, miseramente ruino, ne piii potette riaversi." So says the Greek historian. This Etruria had twelve kingdoms, with twelve capital cities and twelve mighty kings. Porsenna, king of Clusium, ROAD TO ROMi:. 79 A\'ho curbed and humbled Rome, Avas one. Each capital had its province of subordinate townships, its senate, and its array. But Avhat nation could endure that worshipped false gods, and consulted the oracles of devils ! True, Rome had done so already for many cen turies. But, may we not say that Rome's case is peculiar ; seeing that her gigantic career had been traced out in the chart of prophecy ages before, and the final overthrow of her colossal strength predicted in the inspired Word ? Shortly after this we quitted Etruria, and en tered Umbria by the bridge of San Giovanni over the Tiber. The stream here was prettily fringed, and its waters were yelloAV already. We stopped at a majestic church, " Sta. Maria degli Angeli." Here is St. Francis's Gothic Chapel, cell of penance, garden of now thornless roses, and many other wondrovis things. The church contains Overbeck's picture of the Saint's Vision. Surely this German is the greatest living painter after the all-talented Vernet. We were eager to get up to Assisi on the hill, and so did not tarry very long below. Arrived, and past the double doorway of the " Sacro Convento," after regarding the noblest 80 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. wheel-window in Italy, Ave found there were three temples, built one over another, the lowest being svibterranean. The upper church is pure Gothic, that is, about as pure as you will find in Italy. It is stiU rich with the frescoes of Cimabue and Giotto, but owing to the bad repair in which the roof is kept they are perishing rapidly. I felt vexed at this neghgence in so wealthy a society. While we were pacing the naA'e, soraething fell frora the roof: on stooping to pick up what I supposed to be a piece of dehcate iron tracery, I found it was a scorpion ; he had been killed by dropping perhaps sixty feet on the pavement, within a few paces of Avhere we stood. Had he lit upon one of us Ave should have been severely stung. The middle church is a glorious structure for those who love the profound shade caused by deep-groined vaults and low arches ; but the style of its embel lishments is rather adapted to an oriental mosque than a Christian church. The quadrilateral vault with the Giotto's is very curious and interesting; I only regretted that the light which illumined it Avas so feeble. Here is the enthusiastic career of St. Francis depicted under divers allegories. Every one has heard or read of these. The group sym- ROAD TO KOME. 81 bolizing his vow of absolute poverty I thought the best done, as it is the most strikingly conceived. "Poverty" is a woman standing among thorns, and Christ gives awa)^ the bride. Here it is well known that Dante helped him, Avhose fertile brain was perhaps never equalled in this line, save by our Bunyan. The lower church is more irapressive by far ; it is hewn out in the native rock, all round the block of travertine, in Avhich the saint's body was found. This was the foundation, and over it all the rest of the convent was raised. Here lie Francis's remains, shielded by a shrine of alabaster and gold ; lamps burn before the altar continually. Of the esteem in which his memory is held the following may give an idea. I observed two arms crossed, worked in gold, on the folding-doors of the shrine ; I asked for whose they were meant, and was told by the frate that one was an arm of St. Francis, the other an arm of Christ. " Do you then put them as equals thus on the door ? " He replied, " E come Cristo, ma non uguale ; " and then added, " II servo fedele e il suo Signore," pointing I think to a scripture Avhere it is said, " Where I am there shaU also my servant be." Assisi was Francis's birthplace; his faraily thought G 82 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. him mad because he stripped himself of every thing, giving away even the garment off his back to the poor; his father made strenuous efforts to have him locked up. All his foUowers take the vows of poA'erty, obedience, and chastity, but they do not always keep the first-mentioned. This " Sacro Convento " is enormously wealthy. After Assisi the country grew softer and richly wooded. From Fohgno to Spoleto is an undulating forest of oak trees ; we saw it in all the golden and purple glory of a prolonged autumn. CUtumnus, limpid as May dew, rerainded me of the Bran some railes above Dunkeld. The black marble temple is exquisite, bvit, the learned say, not of high antiquity. At Ter7ii we halted five hours, and drove through scenery almost SavIss in character, to see the Falls of the Velino. At the upper fall, we were astonished, delighted, and plentifuUy besprinkled. Words cannot describe the grandeur of this scene : the river throws itself three hundred feet at a leap! We have sundry fine waterfaUs in Britain, — Corra Linn is perhaps the finest; — but they are babies compared to this. The loAver faU is more beautiful, pictorially : none of the sketches much resemble either. ROME. 83 After Terni, the road to Rome becomes flatter, and we were soon AvhoUy surrounded by a desolate campagna. One object broke the monotony of the last day's drive : this Avas Soracte, a jagged pyra mid, darting upward from the undulating plain into a soft grey sky. As we drew near the city of the Csesars, I felt glad that the cockney accompani ments of farms and casinos were wanting. We turned a sandstone hillock, and suddenly Rome was before us ! Under a horizontal bar of azure cloud, stretching along the western sky, lay Michael Angelo's dome, and the formal lines of the Vati can. Then came the Tiber, and " Pons Milvius," and then we entered the city by the Flaminian gate. Rome, 21st December. After aU, the finest thing here is the old Forum. There is a pleasure in stepping the ground and pondering the associations which it recaUs, greater, I confess, to me than in Adsiting the Avails of any one particular ruin. A compass of a fcAV acres here between Titus's arch and the capitol, cora prises the most beautiful objects left frora the ravage of Imperial Rome : the grandest mass lies a little farther eastward ; but viewing the entire G 2 84 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. plot, from the Coliseura's ring to the Tower of the Senator, the mind conceives the idea of one vast araphitheatre, bounded by gigantic landmarks, and exhibiting noble forms arranged for scenic effect. Here, the Dacian captives look sadly doAvn from the attic of Constantine's arch : here that of Septimius spans the ancient footway below, while above a street of modern Rome runs nearly on a level with the frieze. Exquisite marble columns, here a single shaft, there a group, shoot up from amidst fallen chapiters and grass-grown blocks : and the Basilica of Constantine, once lined Avith Parian stone, and panelled with cedar and ivory, has thrown open its bosom to the winds, and gathers in the deep coffers of its chambers the driving dust and chaff, while the sparrow and the linnet nestle in the spring of the arches. None of these mouldering masses is older than the Emperors : not a block Avas laid by Etruscan Kings ; not an arch or pillar tells of the stout Republic : but when you turn again by the Appian way and pace the Forura, old Rorae's genius is present : it is no longer a bare plot of ground with a hollow ruin on one side, and a priest-ridden city on the other. It is once more the heart of majestic ROME. 85 Rome, orators are in the rostra, bribeless tribunes are pleading for the people, — surely it was but yesterday that Brutus showed a bloody dagger wrenched from the dead body of Lucretia, and devoted the house of Tarquin to destruction. Strange to say, its modern appellation is the same Avhich Virgil assigns it in Evander's day, (jEneid, viii. 360. ) when the Trojan leader passed up the Tiber — " Campo Vaccino " marking the precise spot : so that the orators have been both preceded and foUowed by the loAving kine. Was Livy playing the wag with natural history when he recorded so sententiously his " Bos locutus ? " Quit the Forum, and old Rome is gone : a mo dern thing has succeeded ; a park of churches, a metropolis of mosque-like doraes and belfries. Where are the Seven Hills, once clustering with the palaces and gardens, the streets and towers of Rome ? Many are stripped and bare, save for shapeless brick and crurabling tufo ; others are travestied. Pass to the Tarpeian and you raay note their outline — the ground plan of the city whose arras encircled and sraote the world. Plant ing your foot on the edge of a quiet gar den, meet scene for musing, the Traitor's Leap is G 3 86 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. on your left, and the seat of the earliest settlement faces you. Aye, yon is the Palatine, now cum bered Avith the bones of the Caesars' palaces : the Aventine a little to the right, crovmed by convents : away on the left is the Coelian; and wheehng round, the Esquiline and Quirinal, with the Viminal crouching between them. The turf which your foot presses is part of the Capitoline. Modern Rome has covered the Vatican, and the fortress of Janiculum. has given place to a palace and gardens. The Pincian is still, as of old, " coUis hortulorum." Yon shadowy line, dotted here and there Avith a buttress, is the Sacred Wall: its massive proportions have fought Avell with time. Not so Rome's Bridges; Pons MilAdus has softened doAvn into " Ponte Molle," a new structure on the old foun dations on the Flaminian way. For Pons iElius you have " Ponte Saint Angelo," this stands alraost as Hadrian left it, and leads to his enormous Mau soleum. Pons Vaticanus is gone. Pons Palatinus is in the case of the famous pocket-knife, — an heir loom for countless generations, but whose blade and handle had both of them been many times renewed; it has been so often " restored" that one may fairly doubt whether it retains a single origi- ROME. 87 nal block. From the site of Pons Janiculensis, now " Ponte Sisto," there is a very pretty view at sun rise of an interesting part of the river including Pons Fabricius lower doAvn. The most famous of all historicaUy, " Pons Sublicius," now lies as Ioav as it did on the day when Codes swam the river. A bit of the old pUe is Adsible at low tides, but soon hides itself again as if ashamed of the present generation. Tiber himself is as yeUow as a loamy clay can make him, and stiU keeps up his reputation for flooding the anti-Etruscan shore. The Coliseum, Adewed as an abstract mass, tells of the masters of the world and lowers the present generation to the grade of pigmies. The stupen dous outUne of its perpendicular, the vast sweep of its horizontal curves, tier above tier a hundred and fifty feet overhead, the bold ring-lines of the eUipse which clip the area within, are majestic and beautiful. Sunlight and moonlight alike suit this extraordinary pile : by day its colours are richer. but the general effect is grander towards midnight. The moon's ray has a harmonising power. Edges of masonry soften, harsh tints are mellowed down, arches transmit a silvery hght, buttresses throw a G 4 88 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. deeper shadow — the thing which at noon had a matter of fact appearance puts on the guise of ro mance, and becomes at once dreara-like and real, a dumb ruin and a speaking portent. What a tale it would tell could the stone now cry out of the wall ! The desperate struggles of the broken hearted Gaulish captive ; the teeth and talons of the starved lion fleshed in Christian gore; Trajan smiling while Ignatius is rent limb from hmb ; a complacent senate, Roman ladies applauding, even vestal virgins looking on unruffled, the while a mad populace beUows forth its joy and demands fresh hecatombs to iramolate to Moloch ! Had it been an hospital, an academy, a gymnasium, it were a duty and privilege to cherish it and rear its attic again. But, an amphitheatre, — the bloodiest shambles in the known world, a horaage from imperial pride to popular fury and licence ! — God's curse has been on it from the first. Penitence may avail, if ought on earth can, towards cancelling past offences : the ground is consecrated now, chapels are ordered, and a preaching-cross reared in the midst. May the penitence be genuine ! Titus's Arch has the advantage of delicate dimen sions, as nearly allied to beauty as the colossal ROME. 89 mould of its neighbour is to the sublime. Its choice treasure is the " relievo " on a wainscot within, representing the procession which bears the spoils of the Temple of Jerusalem, and meant to complete the subject of Titus's Triumph on the opposite panel. This bas-relief is the only au thority extant, besides the description given in Exodus, for the forms of the sacred vessels. The most distinct now are the two silver trumpets and the seven-branched candlestick. Under this arch no Jew will pass. They will not face a record, by the hand of the spoiler, of God's accoraplished wrath against the people of his covenant, and the city and teraple where he had set his name ! The Arch of Drusus in another style pleases me very rauch. It is more ancient than the others, and has a triangular pediraent, which is always grace ful. Cecilia Metella's Tomb must be allowed to be intrinsically ugly ; Avhat connection is there between a huge cylinder enclosing a brick cone, and the rites or memory of the dead ? Sepulchral monuments should surely wear the prestige of hope and reverence, as in the " starry pointing" pyramids of Egypt ; but with the exception of that 90 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. of Caius Cestius, there is not a single pyramid in Rome. Even in the modern Christian churches the total absence of the spire is painfully evident here : clusters of domes there are, and forests of little belfries, but not the soaring spire, type of a blessed resurrection. The outer waU of Metella's Tower presents curved blocks and lozenges of travertine, of Cyclo pean dimensions, dovetailed in with the art of the cabinet-maker. Yet there is a breach in the solid crust, as if ordnance had been battering. The reraains of Trajan's Forum are a heaA^, sunken parallelogram ; admire it who wUl. The piUar indeed is gorgeous ; but the Romans have hoisted St. Peter's statue to the perilous elevation of its capital. Trajan certainly has not benefited much ; he never saw this column reared to him by the S. P. Q. R. ; and now his effigy is displaced from its suramit, while the fisherman is promoted over all his sculptured triumphs. The relievos, en crusting the entire shaft in an endless spiral, must have cost a world of patience to make them out : I tried for ten minutes, and was rewarded with a murderous pain in the back of my neck. Egeria' s Fountain, if hers it be, still flows pure ROME. 91 and sparkling, within a dilapidated grotto, scooped out amid the greenest solitude of the Campagna. I am sorry to say those useful creatures the cows Avill make the place in a sad mess when they come trooping to drink of the spring. I tried a draught however, and found it delicious. Over the jet rechnes a mutilated figure which puzzles the anti quaries. All around, the scenery is wild and fair. Monte Cavi and the Albano hiUs rise behind ; in the foreground stands a grove with " shadows brown" that would have suited Numa, and the vast expanse of the Campagna raidway is varied by broken piers of the Claudian Emissary striding at intervals like a disabled giant. Six miles of this aqueduct now remain in possession of a brown desert : what must the scene have been when its myriads of arches were perfect, and the water was distributed over five hundred square miles of a richly cultivated plain ! Who has not perused descriptions and engravings of Agrippa's Pantheon? yet who ever looked for the first time on the original but was astonished at the meanness of their previous conceptions ! Cin dereUa, retuming to dust and rags after her fairy equipments at the court ball, was not more oddly 92 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. situated than is this matchless building. The dirtiest market of Rome surrounds Avith vegetable filth the greater part of its exterior basement : here on the steps " maccheroni " squabble, and raule- drivers play at " mora," while the old women wash their lettuces, and the young ones " make eyes " at the passers by. The dome is buried amid a chaos of jostling roofs and gables ; you raust go at least as far as the Pincian to get a fair peep at it. But the fajade, though black and griraed, looks boldly forth, like an honest man through the clouds of adversity. Agrippa's inscription, legible on the frieze, has not operated to warn off marauders : popes have been as mischievously busy as school boys who find theraselves in an orchard. The bronze plates from the interior vault are gone, to make the " Baldacchino " in St. Peter's, and I don't know how much beside. The castmakers are not less active in their way : the bases and capitals of these columns are of marble, while their shafts of elephantine strength are granite ; the forraer are marked with the adhesive plaster used by the copyist. Well that those elephant legs stand firm, and can neither be moved nor melted ! I thought the impression of space conveyed as you ROME. 93 stand within'more striking even than in St. Peter's. The rotunda's form is that of a truncated spheroid, the slice taken off above leaving by its section the aperture through which the silent heavens look down on the pavement below. In a little chapel on the left as you enter sleeps " Raffaelle Sanzio d' Urbino." Those who love a contrast may pass from the Pantheon to Vesta's Temple, close on the Tiber ; a pretty toy, which has no fault but its modern conical lid, resembhng the cap of a chimney, the cover of a sugar basin, or the hat of a Chinese mandarin, — whichever you prefer. We have seen one Etruscan labour here — the Mamertine Prisons. In his " Catiline," Sallust describes the subterranean " locus in carcere." He says of the dungeon, " Incultu, tenebris, odore foeda atque terribilis ejus facies est." The " camera in- super" was no doubt the roof Part of this is really as old as the Tarquins. Church tradition says the apostles Peter and Paul were held in durance here, and our guide pointed to where the water rose miraculously that baptism might be administered to a convert gained by preaching in bonds. I thought how surprised the good man would have looked had I told him, on the authority 94 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. ofthe "Friends,"' that there Avas no such need, " water baptism " being a carnal error. The hole in the dungeon's roof, through which prisoners were formerly let down is now fiUed up, and you descend in a less ominous fashion by a side-door from the chapel which is built overhead. The Fountains are Rome's guardian angels : they burst out in every piazza, and weU-nigh at every street head, araid sculptured figures and emblems, and the delicious water falls into capacious basins of granite. The " rinfrescante " agitation of the air produced by these jets, probably saves the city from the encroachment of raalaria. I think that of Trevi, despite all criticisms, in comparably the noblest. The tAvo in the Piazza of St. Peter's are, however, very beautiful and simple. The palaces of English noblemen, in our metro pohs, are mostly ordinary looking buildings as to fashion and dimensions externally, but splendidly furnished on a gigantic scale of comfort within. A Roman " palazzo " is the opposite of all this. Ar chitecturally grand in its exterior, but having no comfort, and little of real splendour, save in one "sala" Avithin. The staircase is wide, but un- ROJIE. 95 adorned : the Hall of Canopy, with probabl}'^ a fine fresco overhead, is empty, unAvashed, and ill-cared for. It is true, a better economy prevails in the mansions tenanted by some of the cardinals, whose admirable manageraent of a very moderate income deserves high praise. Walk down the Corso or across certain piazzas, and you wiU say, " these are indeed stately residences : " enter the arched gate way, ascend the stone flight, and foUow the domes tic who acts as guide through the long suite of apartments, grand but comfortless, and you will wonder Avhether the family ever live here at aU. All seems sacrificed to display, and little or nothing reserved for personal enjoyraent. In England we have perhaps gone into the other extreme: our noble mansions can few of them be said to adorn the metropolis : architectural beauty they have none ; the grandeur of raassive proportions they rarely exhibit. Devonshire House, or Norfolk House, neither of thera counts above a dozen windows in the front : in Italy you raay reckon twenty, even thirty. The Barberini is an enormous pile : the Doria appears immeasurable : the only structure I can remember in London worth naming for ex ternal effect is Northumberland House. Observe 96 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. the palaces of the Colonna, Corsini, Borghese, and others here, and you are fain to confess that the nation of " haughty shopkeepers " have not hither to ventured far in the way of embellishing for the public. I have only spoken here of those of Rome, but the Strozzi and Pitti in Florence are even more majestic: the latter is noAV the sovereign's residence, but was built by Lucas Pitti for hiraself in the middle ages. It is true, however, that this pile ruined him. The display of pictures in the private galleries here is prodigious, but quantity has mostly been preferred to quality: every wainscot is croAvded, sometimes a door is covered. The Sciarra has perhaps the choicest coUection : here is Claude' s^orious sunset ; Leonardo da Vinci's " Vanity and Modesty ; " a " Holy Family " by Fra Bartolomeo ; and one of N. Poussin's best land scapes. In the Casino of the Rospighosi is Guido's beautiful fresco of "Aurora and Sol's Chariot." Looking at this recalls the imagery of Ovid or Virgil : the Hours are charmingly depicted. Below, Earth appears, in a lovely sea-piece, the ROME. 97 deep purple tint of Italy lying on the mountains and the ocean. The Doria has Salvator Rosa's " Belisario " land scape, and two stupendous Claudes; one of them is the well-known scene with figures dancing in the foreground. If this really represents " a mill near Athens," Greece must be a marvellously fine country. The Colonna has a haU paved, pillared and Avainscotted with rich marbles : this is hardly fair by the paintings, some of which are ornament sufficient for any room. Here is Guercino's " Mar tyrdom of St. Catherine." In a dusty roora of the Barberini hangs Beatrice Cenci's portrait. No artist is allowed to sit before it, even with a pencil and board, and aU the hide ous daubs Avhich sell as " copies " throughout England are draAvn and coloured after the impres sions of memory. Now it is true the picture does leave a very strong impression on the mind, but still these " copies " bear no resemblance to the original. Even the tint of her dishevelled hair is never well hit off: but the tremulous anguish of the mouth, the eyelids swoln with weeping, the look she casts back as led to her execution — Avho H 98 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALA'. wiU ever render these again as Guido has portrayed them? No written poetry, not even SheUey's, comes up to the spell of this speaking face, Avhere the blight of early and remediless sorroAV has dimmed a countenance Avhose natural cast was happy and cheerful. If it be true that Guido painted this, Avhy has he left nothing else equal to it ? His Cleopatras, Helens, &c., are poor creatures ; all are clad in blue, all cast up their eyes and ex pose their bosoms ; but this thing in its modest hood and sombre tints, Avas a study from the house of Avoe. In the Spada Palace stands " Pompey's statua ; " colossal, stern, one arm extended, one hand grasp ing a globe. It noAvays resembles in its features the Avell-known busts of Augustus, nor any other bust I ever saw. Here is Dido stretched on the funeral pyre : a sword transfixes the unhappy lady, like a skewer through a pigeon. Any one who is curious about , Guercino and his better half raay find their portraits in the crowd round poor Dido. How little Guido meditated some of his productions ! This thing has no soul in it, though Avell draAvn and gorgeousl}' coloured. KOME. 99 In the Farnesina are Sodoma's frescoes : one is of exceeding beauty, "Alexander's nuptials." Rox ana is the beau ideal of a "blooraing Eastern bride." One of the little cupids is pulling off her slipper. Sodoma was the Goldsmith of painters ; he did every thing happily. The Vatican possesses a Avorld of treasures in its museuras and halls. It is another Rome in itself. In the Sistine Chapel you may see the pope : this " primus inter pares " of Christian bishops is an old man, with silvery hair, and of a stout habit. The SavIss guards in waiting, reraind you that he is a temporal sovereign, as well as a raitred priest. But I thought his A^est and snow-white cap less glaring than the silk apparel, laced cope, and red hat of the cardinals on either side. A morning here recalls a stately page in English history; Wolsey and his retinue, and the beautiful chapel of Hampton Court. The Sistine Chapel appears small, amidst the vast halls and corridors which surround it. It is, indeed, barely large enough to accommodate at one end Michael Angelo's fresco of "the Last Judg ment ; " the dimensions of this awful picture being some sixty feet by thirty. The Avork is a very H 2 100 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. mingled performance. Sorae of the figures exhibit a daring originality, others are directly copied from the AvaU of the " Campo Santo " in Pisa. The at titude of the Christ is precisely the same as in that by Orgagna. The middle of the picture is the best part ; here the artist Avas not cramped, and the effect of his " foreshortenings " is admirable. The representation of the martyrs rising before the bar of Christ with the instruraents of their suffering, is solemnly conceived. S. Bartholemy carries in one hand the scalping-knife, Avith which they flayed him alive, and in the other his skin ; another, the gridiron on which he was broiled: — they appeal against the wicked. The upper part is crowded, and you can hardly distinguish the design. The lower corapartraent is disgusting, and utterly un worthy of a Christian artist. Araong other incon gruous levities, here is Charon, I suppose out of corapliraent to Dante. But, Avere the entire com position one worthy of M. Angelo's talents, Avhich it is not, still the question would remain, " Are these subjects defensible in painting?" I think not; and the pope who wished to erase it all has my hearty approbation so far. The plafond and arched panels of the roof are KOME. 101 frescoed in a very different style by the same hand. To my mind these are some of the noblest designs eA'er executed by him or by any man. The im parting of life to Adam, and the coming forth of Eve into being at the bidding of the Almighty, are inexpressibly majestic and touching. All around, above the cornice and running the entire length of the chapel, prophets and sibyls sit in solemn conclave. Here Raffaelle studied, and to some purpose : but why did he seek to conceal it ? The Stanze and Loggie give a better idea than anything else in Rome of the varied stores of this man's raind; the "Disputa" in the Caraera deUa Segnatura is a chef-d'oeuvre. Yet I think it a pity that, in order to give so young a painter as Raffaelle " carte blanche," the works of such a raaster as Luca Signorelli should have been displaced. A few compartments done by another hand would have imparted both pleasure and instruction ; at present you can only compare Raffaelle with Raffaelle. The arabesqued borders and cornices in the " Loggie" are a wonderful "jeu d'esprit." The "Trans figuration" is more attractive than any of his other paintings. It was his last effort, and he has H 3 102 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. here attempted a higher flight than elsewhere. It is a sublime escape from failure, for Avho could anticipate aught but failure in depicting such a scene? The attitudes of the figures floating in the air are a vast conception, and here he could hardly have a model to guide him : I doubt if Michael Angelo could ha\'e produced these. The loAver part of the picture has perhaps been spoiled by Giulio Roraano. Raffaelle's other Avorks here can hardly be commended, seeing in Avhat com pany they are placed ; some people are in ecstacies Avith the " Foligno " Madonna, but surely this is anything but what one ought to conceive of the Virgin. The Dom.enichino, "Communion of St. Jerome," hangs opposite to the " Transfiguration." This is perhaps a more powerful painting : the draAving is more true, and the " composition" better managed. But he had not such a difficulty to contend Avith in the nature of his subject. I heard a striking critique on their comparative effect from a German, Avho, Avith his companion, had been admiring the Transfiguration, and then crossing the hall, stood rooted for some seconds before the St. Jerome : " Povero Raffiielle ! " KO.AIE. lo;') A painting may be a more attractive thing than a statue, having the beauties of colour, Avhereas the marble embodies abstract form; but the statue is more purely ideal — and hence the first look at a chef-d'aaisa^e in marble is more impressive. The most beautifully finished of all here is the Antinous, but the Belvidere Apollo is incomparably more grand. Majesty is the predominating ex pression. The position of the head, the outstretched arm, the stride just taken forward, are all subser vient to this character. The mould of the features though faultless, has nothing in it soft or winning. It is not untU you leave the " punto " and walk round the pedestal, that you are aAvare how artifi cially the effect has been produced. All is exagge rated in the work. The just laws of anatomy are disregarded, the sculptor's measures falsified, to heighten the irapression conveyed to one who en ters the portal facing it. The head, after every aUowance made for posture, is too much on the right shoulder ; one leg is a finger's length more than the other — if the marble could start to life in emulation of Pygmahon's bride, the archer would be troubled at finding that his spine was aAvry and that his left leg had outgrown his right. n 4 104 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. It is true the Greeks took a similar liberty with the projections of lips and eyebrows in their busts ; but here the effect of muscular development might be pleaded. I was disappointed when I found that the perfection of sculpture is rather to produce a sensation, than to give a faithful model of nature. After all, the secret of balance has hitherto eluded artistical search : it would seem to be locked up in that of life. No statue has ever yet been cut or cast, which in fair proportion of parts and unaided by supports would stand upon its feet. The group of the Laocoon, with less of poAver shown in individualising, is far more touching. It seems all but alive in the anguish of the man and the pressure of the heavy serpent. The children struggle, but more feebly, and look up to their un happy parent to help them. If you gaze long on this scene, you forget it is a raimic thing, the mind becomes oppressed, and your philosophy almost fails you. Here is Canova's baby-faced " Perseus," with a forra Avorthy of the antique ; and his tAvo " boxers," which are perhaps his finest productions. All around lie sarcophagi and slabs with Greek relievos. The Achilles and Penthesilea in the " Battle of the ROME. 105 Amazons," are specimens of the " heroic," if there be such a style recognised in sculpture. Some of the statues in the ( liiaramonte appeared to me every whit as good as these picked beauties in "Apollo's court." The " Minerva Medica," for instance, Avhich is a draped figure, and " a Avounded Amazon ; " it is true they are not of so polished a material. Here are prodigiously fine things scattered about in haUs and museums. " Titus's bath " is a por phyry basin big enough for the elephant at the " Zoological " to give himself a souse. The mosaic floors from Tivoli, Sec. are rude, bold things, and remind one of the faraous pictures in children's spelling-books. Then there are papyri, Etruscan. " tazze," and paintings which were ancient before Cimabue was born. They say the pope is vainer of his Etruscan museum than of everything else in the Vatican. The " Gallery of Inscriptions " deserves a morn ing's perusal. The Christian slabs on one side of the hall face the heathen on the other. In the former are preserved abundance of the old symbols : the fish, the dove, the lamb, the olive-leaf, the mono gram of Christ, &c. — -but you require time to 106 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. decypher them. Once up and down this gallery makes half-a-mile ; and the wainscot is mainly covered from floor to ceiling. Every one visits the Library, though no longer Avhat it once was. Napoleon relieved the " Camera Apostolica " of some 500 of their choicest manu scripts, and I doubt they never recovered a tithe. I Avas most struck with the oddities here ; as " Joshua's History " in Greek, on a parchment thirty-two feet long ; in the plates, Roraan soldiers are executing Roman manoeuvres for early Jewish events; " Henry VIII.'s letters to Anna Bolena;" those in French are full of false concords, the English not much better; — " Cardinal Mai's Palimp sest:" here a " Cicero de Republica" lies snugly concealed under a version of St. Augustine's Com raentary on the Psalras. They say the Vatican comprises eight royal staircases and above 4000 apartments ; courts and bystairs by dozens ! Why should not the whole College of Cardinals hve here, in brotherly amity, alono" with his holiness ? On Monte Cavallo the successor of the fisherman of Galilee has another gorgeous palace for summer residence. After this, to open an old treatise called EOJIE. 107 Yipd^etS Ttov 'Attoo-toT^cov, and read " Silver and gold have I none ! " Castor and Pollux, Avhom somebody saAv riding into Rome after the battle of Lake RegiUus, are now become fixtures, and may be found at the head of the Campidoglio stairs " sub dio." The senator's lordly tower rises behind them : avc toiled up this latter to get the vieAV, Avhich is an instruc tive one. AU the seven hills can be well made out, and modern Rome is laid down as in a chart. What a fine street that " Corso" is ! The rauseum here is delightful, and not such an overgrown monster as the Vatican system. Clirabing the stair, you may ponder " the ground-plan of old Rome," fished out of Remus's Teraple, and of signal serAdce to the antiquaries, by utterly con founding some of their darling theories ; and make up your raind, if you can, Avhether a certain marble Avarrior be meant for Mars or Pyrrhus. I don't think it can be Pyrrhus ; it's too stout for one so restless : Mars is more likely ; a very hog in armour. Some old sarcophagi, presenting Theseus fighting the Amazons, and scenes from the history of AchUles, are more noble than any thing Roman here. 108 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. Run and see the " Dying Gladiator," and don't look at any thing else that day in shape of sculpture, for you wouldn't enjoy it. I prefer this to all the marbles in Rorae. Michael Angelo has " restored" the right arm and hand on which he is leaning : a prodigious performance, but far inferior to the other parts of the figure : the vehement Italian has failed to give the expression of " fainting at the approach of death" which characterises the Greek original. The " Protomoteca" series of busts are Avell AVorth looking at, as illustrations of phrenology. Masaccio's bespeaks exquisite taste : Domenichino's enterprise and judgment, rarely combined. Petrarch seems formed, hke Crichton, to excel in every thing. Vittoria Colonna brought to my mind the " Alma real dignissima d' impero," &c. Elsewhere, CaA^alier d' Arpino and Laureti have repeated Livy in fresco. Here you have the death-struggle between Rome and stately Veii : there Codes mans the bridge and stops the only passage for Porsena to Rome. A little farther on you forget all you have seen before, in peering over, handling, and patting the king of all bronzes, KOME. > 109 the Etruscan group of the she-Avolf and cub-like tAvins. The Villa Borghese is the Hyde Park of Rome. Here are undulating slopes, shaded walks, foun tains, columns, arches, and a princely rauseum. In the latter " (Edipus' Vase" would alone claim a visit ; but over the entrance of the great hall is Curtius, man and horse, taking the god-like plunge to save his country ! To look at this makes one's heart leap. The Pamfili Doria has yet grander scenes of natural beauty. You may Avander here on a bright afternoon through time-honoured groves and alleys of ilex, or amid vast cluraps of the stone-pine, and forget the crowd and glare of the city. We have no tree in Britain like these pines. When a plantation of thera coraes to ma turity, their curling foliage interlacing on the " vive travi " forms another emerald raeadow sloping overhead. Some of them reach to eighty and ninety feet. The Italians say " Roma per Santita ! " and, as far as number of consecrated buildings goes, they have soraething to show for it ; Rome contains aboA'c three hundred. In a city Avhere the "church" 110 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. is also the " state," aU offices in the latter being filled by cardinals and monsignori, and where the claim has for centuries been advanced and main tained of an apostle's seat and authority devol\dng on a bishop, one would not expect the churches to fail in anything which man can supply. They do, hoAvever, fail grievously in the very particulars in which they boast of excellence. Take, for instance, architecture. Let any one consider such piles as Westminster Abbey, Freiburg Minster, or even the Italo-Gothic churches of Tuscany, and corapare AAdth these almost any church or basilica of mo dern Rome. St. Peter's must be excepted, being a structure altogether " sui generis," unparalleled in the world. But take others. The " Lateran " is a prodigious raass, indeed, loaded Avith balconies, crested with statues, and visible frora the carapagna at twenty miles distance ; the pillared porch is fine, and a vault within has sorae rare old mosaics : but hoAV much ponderous confusion cumbers these beauties ! Sta. Maria Maggiore possesses two domes, and has a row of pure Ionic columns in white marble, types of the " Flos Virginum," down either side of the nave ; but Avhat a medley of heavy pomp and ROiAlE. 1 J 1 glittering extravagance counterbalances this ! vVn enormous flat roof Avithin, better suiting a country ball-roora than a solemn " basilica." An urn of porphyry, with porphyry columns as supporters, for the high altar; gorgeous, but out of all keeping. The piazza, it is true, displays the most beautiful pillar in Rome, but its proportions are raarred by a thing like a gigantic tea-tray on the top, adopted to sustain the weighty bronze Madonna. Constan tine stole this frora sorae Greek chef-d'oeuvre for his palace : he little thought that in the sixteenth century a pope Avould carry it off and plant it on the sumrait of the Esquiline. The most satisfactory structures are S. Paolo, now rebuilding, and the little church of San Cle mente. This last has a marble presbytery at least one thousand years old. The two stone pulpits, frora which the Epistle and Gospel Avere read, stand on either side. Behind rise the tribune and altar, and a step higher at the back of all is the bishop's seat. Most of the churches adhere to no one order of architecture ; some which are in a better style are sacrificed to a bad situation, and so produce no 112 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. adequate effect in return for the enormous outlay and the ground Avhich they take vip. In plain truth, modern Rome possesses more temples made with hands than she can make use of ; and it is to be feared that greediness has been the predorainating motiA^e in consecrating a greater number than her entire population could fill.(c) The result is any thing but edifying ; some are virtually closed, service being lacking for them in a ritual Avhose parts are so numerous and com plex ; others, being vaster than was needed and teeming with bedizened chapels, have come to pre sent the appearance of a picture-gallery or rauseum. Italy is the land of music, and Pergolesi composed the almost unequalled " Stabat Mater," but you will look in vain for church-anthems here like those which you meet Avith in England or Germany. Either the Roraans lack in this respect a true, Avorshipful taste and feeling, or the whole affair is jobbed. The best Ave have heard Avas in the " CappeUa del Coro," at St. Peter's. In the Sis tine, strange to say, it is not first-rate, though the pope and cardinal-bishops are generally present. Statuary and painting have flooded the churches of Rorae, and for the raost part Avith very indiff'erent KOMK. 113 specimens in either art. Here and there you find a gera, such as Daniel da Volterra's fresco of the " Deposition," on a wall ofthe " Trinita dei Monti ;" and the " Nativity," by Pinturicchio, in " S. Maria del Popolo ; " but the ol ttoAAoj are a desperate collection, such as might have been gleaned from the studios of bad artists or the luraber-room of good ones. There is one exquisite marble in the Trastevere. To see this you have only to drive to the little church of Santa Cecilia and Avalk up the nave. On a white slab over the tomb and beneath the altar's shade reclines a figure Avhich startles the sceptical, and arrests the attention of the most in different. It presents the body of the saint Avrapped in grave clothes, as it was found on opening her sepulchre. The attitude is touching in the ex treme : you see the head, which had been severed by the executioner, turned halfway back over the shoulder : the hands, which are small and delicate, are clasped. This statue Avas the work of Maderno (17th century). Saint Cecilia Avas a daughter of a noble house, and great efforts Avere made to rescue her from suffering, but in vain. Previous to being beheaded she Avas put to the I 114 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. torture, but they could not shake her constancy. Below in the dungeon is shown an iron grating, and a bath Avhere she was plunged in boiling Avaters. Her story and traditional musical talents have prompted some noble efforts on the canvass. But was she really an accoraplished musician, so young ? or are these chef-d'oeuvres to be regarded as a tribute of Christian sympathy, emblematical of the spiritual harmony to Avhich her soul was attuned ? The convent of Santa Aguese is little inferior in interest: in the grotto beneath is Algardi's famous relievo, intended to perpetuate the miracle vouch safed in aid of poor Agnes. Those Avho feel in clined at once to reject all such stories as fabulous, should consult some notes in Mr. BorthAvick's edition of "Newton on Daniel." There is no lack of precedent, in early Christian records, for such things. In many of these churches are deeply interesting relics, Avhich suggest a Avorld of raedi tation. I love to enter San Gregorio, and view the identical raarble chair, frora which the good Bishop read and -exhorted. Here too is his long table, Avith an inscription recording in words what a fresco portrays on the opposite wall. This is KOME. 115 Gregory, feeding, as hc did daily, tAvelve poor raen at his board. The eye counts thirteen gviests present; the thirteenth is the angel Avho always attended : the long slab of raarble, noAV shielded by a wooden frarae to preserve it, is the identical table of Christian hospitality. The '¦'•Basilicas" are ahvays interesting, frora the Avell-ascertained fact of their occupying the original site. The first thing, it seems, was the heathen court of justice — a "royal" court, hence the name : this was adopted, for a while, as a place of assembly and Avorship : next foUowed the quaint but reverend building, which the early Christians reared : last carae the cathedral-church as now existing. Beneath their pavements lie the bodies of saints and martyrs, in spots which have never been hfted by the mattock. San Paolo is the most "church-like " of them all in its plan, as now resumed. No expence is spared ; and though the costly glories which perished in the fire cannot be replaced, the cathedral promises to be wellnigh faultless in its majesty and simplicity when finished. The altar's canopy is in the beau tiful pointed-gothic style. The entire chancel and transepts are being coated above, beloAV, and I 2 116 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. around, Avith pure grey marble, Avhich bears a pohsh like glass. Hoav unfortunate that this site verges on the deadly " raalaria " region ! Already they question whether in summer the canons may ven ture to perform complin and vespers in so perilous a spot. The aspect of Rorae, political and national, is fraught Avith signs and tokens, some of which bear shrewdly on the other states of Christendom. Among these, the history of Concordats and Protectorships is remarkable. This basilica of San Paolo had the sovereign of England for its Protector, previous to the Reforraation, just as the Kings of France stood for the Lateran, and the Spanish and Austrian rulers for Santa Maria Maggiore and St. Peter's respectively: of these four Austria alone is valid at this day ; but every staunch Roraan Catholic frets at her emperor's interpositions, and the " Veto " which he exercises on the election of a ncAV pope is regarded as a sinful blot on the church's banner. As to the others, Spain cannot hold her own, much less trouble or aid the Consistory^ here. France has an unanointed head, whose very title is altered, for he is not, like his predecessors, " King of France," KOMK. 117 but " King of the French;" and all the marked favour shoAvn in his repeated, almost mira culous preservations do not sanctify him as a sovereign in the eyes of Roman Catholics. The " Eldest Son of the Church," the " Most Christian King," the successor of Pepin, and Charlemagne, and St. Louis, lacks the " anointing " to his office. Then England, dearest and most cherished of aU, has parted company. The people to Avhom Augustine went, and whom he half designated "angels;" the nation whose pilgrims have left the old prophecy on the destinies of Rome and her Coliseum ; the subjects of the " Defender of the Faith "... have sundered, haply for ever! — De spairing of purifying a corrupt system, they have taken the irremediable step of separation ; and the whole " orbis terrarum," must suffer loss in consequence. In England we have the sign, thought by some a triumphant one, of St. Paul's Cathedral, constructed under Elizabeth : in Rome, San Paolo has also given the sign — sraoking ruins, calcined colurans, and a pillared marble nave, once without a rival in the world, reduced to ashes ! Nothing save the western fagade remains of the structure Avhich Constantine founded and I 3 118 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. Theodosius reared, and where Alfred " paced the studious cloister's pale." San Sebastian has catacombs extending twenty railes to Ostia. These have been pierced frora tirae to time, and many of the inscriptions now in the Vatican were thus obtained. The pope, they say, is averse to the further prosecution of these researches; whether from a conscientious feeling of reverence, or from fear of malaria breaking out, I do not know. We descended from the nave into the dark Avinding passages beloAv ; and with the aid of our torches followed for some hundred of yards a main branch. Here and there a small area relieved the stifling sensation caused by the darap red tufo. All around, under loAV-arched vaults, and in long narroAv niches, the bodies of the early Christians Avere laid by their surviving brethren. Traces of 170,000 torabs Avere found. The quarries were originally Etruscan, Avorked afterwards by the Romans, for the sake of the " pozzolana " Avith which they stuffed their heavy arches. Hoav free and bold is man where he has a revelation to guide him, and how tiraid and over-cautious raust he ever be in its absence ! The nations who " sat in darkness," when they KO.MF. 119 lost their kindred, burned the body, gathered up the bones for preservation in an virn, and after depositing this in a sarcophagus of marble or alabaster, enshrined the Avhole in a costly mauso leum ; while the Christians to Avhom the assured faith of a resurrection raade their very bodies a raystery and precious, were content to lie, side by side, thousands upon thousands, in the dark cells of a pozzolana quarry. The Patriarchs in like manner would purchase " a cave in a field : " and still the sweetest burial is to sleep beneath the rugged elms, and in the yew tree's shade, and aAvait the latter day. Brunelleschi achieved the double dorae in Flo rence : as this was the first instance, the highest praise is due to him. Michael Angelo took a two fold model: he knew that the cupola of San Giovanni could not be surpassed in elegance ; but he knew also that the old rotunda of the Pantheon Avas a vaster thing, and, if it could be lifted high enough, would ensure an effect of subliraity not reached by any architect in the world as yet. He said he would raise the Pantheon's dorae aloft in air, and he has done it ! From his 72nd to his 1 4 120 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALA'. 89th year, when most men yield to the " labour and sorrow" of age, he toiled on amid partisan envy and hindrance, and before he died, saAV the double dome, the largest in the world, resting on its piers in the city Avhere the foreraost Apostles founded the Church of Christ. " Palmam qui meruit ferat." The Florence cupola is actuaUy a few feet taller, but its supports are a hundred feet loAver than those of St. Peter's : and this prodigious elevation, joined to the bulging, cup-like swell of its meri dians, renders the latter incomparably grander. Had the energetic Florentine lived ten years longer, he Avould have carried out his entire plan ; a Greek cross, Corinthian fagade, and the " pvinto " for the coup d'oeil to be the centre of the piazza. The thing would then haA'e been faultless. But raodern Rome was not worthy of such majestic beauty : Maderno and others Avere allowed to change the glorious design ; a line of heavy balco nies alraost bisects the dome horizontally, and you must stand far off to have an idea of the entire structure. At the sarae tirae, it will probably be conceded by those Avho have traveUed over the ROME. 1"21 Avorld that they have never seen in any dime an edifice so stupendously grand. The sweeping colonnades of Bernini, the obelisk in the centre Avith the two delicious fountains on. either side, the immeasurable flight of steps, a vestibule near five hundred feet in length crossing their summit behind those enormous pillars, — lastl}^, the matchless dome Avith its belfry and " candle sticks," its ball and cross, clearing a hundred and fifty yards aboA'e the flagstones of the nave, and carrying the eye Avith it over the earthly porap of travertine and raarble, raetal and glass, into the depths of the blue sky of Italy ! When has earth yielded so noble a. pile, or the all- visiting heaven enfolded an outline so glorious ? I honour Wren exceedingly, and look forward to the day when I may again stand with my back to Mr. Dollond's shop, and gaze upward at our OAvn metropolitan Ball and Cross, nearer the heavens, and more Avorthy of them than any other pile in London, — but comparison between the two churches there can be none. Situation, stature, material, are all so different! I have often admired the effect of the travertine in large masses; a marble struc ture would have looked pale and sickly ; but the 122 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. rich ochre flush accords weU, and is in due keeping Avith such vast proportions as these. Perhaps the best view of the cathedral is from the Pincian towards sunset, when the dome stands out in relief against a bright sky behind it. The tomb of St. Peter and the reraains of early Christian martyrs, immediately under the Baldac chino, may be regarded as the corner-stone of the foundation. Its progress as a building from this siraple and awful coraraenceraent has been strangely at variance with church notions. Sorae forty popes have devoted their own energies and the raoney of their neighbours to urge the work forward from generation to generation,- during more than three centuries, during A\'hich interval the entire plan was changed several times from a Greek cross to a Latin, and vice versA.. Leo's sale of " indul gences " without measure or modesty, to meet the expences, Avhich latterly rose mountain-high, were a main incidental cause of the Protestant secession : on Avhich occasion our Eighth Henry, hailed as " Defender of the Faith," earned from the Roman Catholics the less gracious appellation of "Posti lion of the Reforraation." The entire cost of the structure has been estimated at six millions of our RO.AIE. 1:2.S money, but I do not see how this can be accurately knoAvn, for many sumptuous ofterings and gratui tous labours of artists were not taken into account. One source of enormous outlay latterly has been the copies in mosaic from the old masters. To execute a picture of ten feet by^ six, if a RaffaeUe or Guido, requires frora three to five years, and costs ten thousand " scvidi." The material is not now marble, as of old, but a hard porcelain. The morning we visited the Fabbrica, our guide pointed to shelves containing sixteen thousand dif ferent shades in the usual colours. The front gates of the " svibterranean grotto " are not opened ; but a side-door admits you into the circular passage beneath, on which abut the shrines and chapels. St. Peter's remains and a part of St. Paul's are collected, as Roman Catholics aA'er, in an inner cassa, shielded by a tabernacle Avith folding-doors ; the tAA"o leaves bearing their effigies in equal honour. The wainscots arovind bear paintings in rude fresco and various raosaics, the work of the primitive Christians. Elsewhere lie huge mausoleums in rough granite : one of these holds the body of Adrian IV. (Nicolas Break- spear), the onl}' English pope. 124 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. The most solemn sight revealed by the torches is some uneven, raixed paveraent, in a plot of other- A\dse bare ground, under which sleep the raartyrs ! This has never been disturbed. An oratory, a basilica, and the present cathedral have successively risen over it. The church raonuments, with the exception of M. Angelo's " Pieta " and Canova's Lions and " Genius of Death " at Rezzonico's tomb, I believe disappoint everybody : gigantic groups, colossal figures, vehement action — but nothing AVorthy of the place or the architecture. A government order having been obtained, we started, a few mornings since, to ascend to the ball. This document is from the state office, signed by the rainister of the interior, who in the formula washes his hands of all blood-guiltiness if you should fall from any of the altitudes and dash out your brains, a comfortable prestige for those who are given to be nervous. The first stair, Avhich mounts some 200 feet perpendicular to the attic, is a spiral slope Avhich laden mules can traA^erse. All here is clean and Avhite as dimity. Arrived on the roof of the attic, you find a colony of workmen and their houses, the statues of the Saviour and TAvelve Apostles, and around you a superb prospect. RO.ME. 125 These colossal figures viewed close are rude enough : St. Matthew's thumb is an awlnvard bit of stone, a foot long ; this gives the just effect frora below : the second stair, somcAvhat narroAver, lands yovi above the capitals of the pillars from which the dome springs. Here we Avalked round the circular, balustraded gallery, and again corrected the ira pressions of distance. Cherubs' dove-like eyes were found to be rough uneven bricks ; and mo saics, which seem exquisite from the pavement, Avere like a road coraraencing macadamization. The paveraent ofthe church itself had dwindled to the reserablance of a chess-board, and the Baldac chino (90 feet high) seeraed a child's cradle. Yet another stair, and a long one, Avinding between the two shells of the cupola : it is narrow of course, but as Avide as some garret-stairs. When we emerged from this, we Avere 400 feet above the pavement, and the great fresco at the crown of the vault lay a little under our feet. Frora one of the " candlestick " portals we gazed on a scene dif ficult to describe. Rorae was reduced to compressed domes, and jagged lines formed by the palace-roofs : here and there an overgrown gable or crested ruin towered above the horizontal masses, like the 126 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. hull of the Dreadnought among our Thames lighters. Some of the shadoAvs projected were very fine. The Tiber apparently motionless lay curled on the umber-tinted Carapagna, the Latian and Sabine hills SAvept the sky in undulating lines of blue, Soracte heaved a dark serrated ridge, and, seaAvard, Ostia raight be discerned crouching on the water's edge. Some fifty steps lead from hence to the metal ladder Avhich admits you at a round orifice into the ball. Within this singular retreat you may amuse yourself with tapping the hollow shell, and listening to the music of the spheres. The diaraeter is some 8 or 9 feet, and you can perch very corafortably on the cross bars. People raay think the above dimensions scanty for a drawing-room ; I can only say the ball is as roomy as sorae of the cabins in our " raagnificent accoramodation " steamers. After this we descended from our altitudes as safely as the benevolent minister of the Holy See could wish. NAPLES. 127 NAPLES. January 7, 1845. Yesterday avc turned our backs on dirty Capua, and got the first sniff of the sea-breeze, and the first hearty stare at Vesuvius, from this beautiful city. On our road nothing struck rae more than the Pontine Marshes at sunset, all glowing with umber and orange tints. We halted for an hour at Cicero's Formian Villa to see the " lions," which are very poor. The raarble Avhich once lined these tufo galleries is gone, and in trying to make out the plan of the " atria " you get your feet wet Avith the oozy spring, and your coat sanded by the Avail. But the sapphire heaven is bright as ever, and in an orchard which skirts the bay Ave ate some blood-red oranges off the tree ripe and delicious. This, in January ! The first news here is, that Ave've got a Scotch landlady, a good old soul Avho rents a "palazzo" in the Chiaja, but talks about " the bush aboon Traquair." " Napoli per bellezza ! " says the country proverb, and stupendously beautiful it is. A city 128 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. bright as a pearly shell just throAvn up by the Avave ; clifis and terraces hung with gardens and bdvideres, and pierced by a gigantic grotto ; while directly in front Capri's dark mass is moored upon the water-line, and landward across the curve of the bay, Vesuvius, like a brown sentinel, overlooks a busy metropolis, a dimpling sea, and a landscape sprinkled Avith a hundred villages. Before the great eruption which blew off the top of the cone, this mountain must have been a glorious object : still the present broken forra is raore picturesque, and that vast, black orifice is a safety-valve for Naples. I know nothing finer than the long sloping out line which descends betAveen Portici and Sorrento meeting the coast at an evanescent angle ; its deli cacy contrasts Avell with the bold jagged summit. January 13. A fcAV hours since Ave returned from the ascent of Vesuvius. The difficulty, strictly speaking, is next to nothing ; and though the fatigue is monstrous one forgets it frora the moment of reaching the crater's edge. Our way was this : a drive from Naples to Resina ; thence some fiA'e miles in the saddle over abominable roads, to the foot of the NAPLES. 129 main ascent. Here we halted tAventy minutes at Friar Tuck's hermitage (^d), and obtained some good macaroni and bad Avine to supply the sincAvs of Avar for struggling over the lava-rocks. From this point the distance to the summit may be a couple of miles, but an hour and a half is needed to reach it if you would avoid vertigo and a stitch in the side. We had aA'erage weather and the occasional retrospective glimpses were magnificent. Our path lay through indurated fields of lava, the results of divers eruptions, piled one over another. There is a part of the mountain, about midway from its base, Avhere on a mixture of friable ashes and vegetable mould, they grow the vines of the " Lacryma Christi." Here green slopes and terraces touch on the edge of the lava. From this line for a mile upwards, the scene is Avild and haggard, huge masses forming themselves into picturesque barriers or curved and jutting edges. I felt all the time very much as if I was walking in the moon. It was certainly unlike anything we had seen before, save that I recognized in the dark strata under our feet the material which cut into cubical blocks paves Naples. What is this material ? Is it melted granite cooled doAvn again ? Whatever it be, K 130 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. it is an enemy to shodeather and shin-bones. Ad vancing, we found the sides of the cone very steep, but the difficulty which presented itself some years since, when all was loose cinder, no longer exists here, and your footing is firm. Ladies however do not walk up, if they are wise ; a " portantina," borne by a squadron of men and boys on long poles, carries the gentler sex, while we lords of the creation stride over the chaotic waste and burn the soles of our boots. The cone surmounted, we stood on the edge of a dark crater some two miles in circuit and of no great depth. We ex perienced ncAV sensations in traA^ersing the fis sured crust which covers it. Half-cold cinders Avere crackling around us ; at every other step we saw through partial rents the red-hot lava fiowing in the direction of the sea, and momentary explo sions broke on our ears as the subterranean gas escaped. The general aspect was that of the bed of sorae vast furnace, where sulphur has streaked the cooling raasses with orange and verditer, and impregnated the jets of smoke Avhich burst through apertures in its sides and bottom. I climbed the chimney, a black hillock heaped Avith ashes about forty feet in height, and walking round its edge NAPLES. 131 looked into the mouth of the funnel. It Avas a lake of fire : volleys of smoke Avhirled up frora it ; occasionally carae a gush of fiarae with furaes of brimstone, and every hoav and then a shower of something like lighted rags, only heavier. At ten feet distance the heat, even to windward, was suf focating, and my feet were half grilled. The flame which is intermittent probably resembles that which plays on the surface of ignited alcohol. I thrust a stout stick into a crevice in the chimney's side : it took fire instantly ; this argues a great degree of heat. No written description conveys an adequate idea of such a scene. I think, however, that a glacier is a more supernatviral kind of thing : the sensations produced by fire and smoke are famUiar to those who have witnessed a confiagration, or Adsited a coal and iron district : but the death-like stillness, the benumbing chUl which possess you on a glacier are something unwonted and mysterious. The streaked veins too in the ice and the deep pre cipitous clefts are perhaps as horribly beautiful as the sulphureous lavas. Returning, we descended by a rapid slope, aU strewn with powdered ashes: you may get down K 2 132 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY, in eight minutes. When we reached the foot of the green ascent, I found our precious guides, who on various pretences had excused themselves, one with tears in his eyes, from accompanying us on the " salita," eating, drinking, smoking, and singing " canzonetti." Had we been murdered or carried off by the banditti who still infest the hill these tAVO youths and the vahant soldier with his musket Avould have coined a legend on the spot, including a desperate corabat waged by themselves with brigands " in Kendal green." A pretty sight awaited us coming horae : night had fallen, and the whole bay was ht up, producing the effect of a necklace of diamonds on dark blue ground. The expedition occupied about nine hours, Naples, Month of May. It is better to see the Royal Museum here before visiting Pompeii, as in that Avay you get some idea of what the contents and furnishing of that city were, when first discovered beneath its sepulchral mound of ashes. Everything that was not too hot or too heavy has been transferred hither from the above site and from Herculaneum ; and royal halls NAPLES. 133 are fitted up like the arcades in a bazaar,. but Avith wares 2000 years old. You turn from noble specimens of the antique in " fine arts " to the simple objects of domestic householdry and por traitures of domestic life. No galleries can equal these in interest. I shall say little of the marbles, though the " Farnese Hercules," in every sense a prodigious performance, is here. The animals and busts in bronze mock the pulses of life : " Plato's head" and " a group of horses" would have thrown Benvenuto Cellini into raptures. Then the bronzes — what a show! In lamps, bells, tables, ovens — they beat us of the nine teenth century hoUow: our portable kitchens and coffee-biggins, " Etnas " and egg-boilers are not so original as we fancy : many of our new patents were, it seems, taken out by the Pompeians long ago. But the kitchen departraent, bake-house, larder, and confectionary, surviving on the frescoed panels, will serve you for a dinner if you have any soul at all. Under that glass case is a coUection of the veritable articles taken frora board and shelf in the excavated houses — eggs calcined by the heat, oil in an enaradled bottle, spice, K 3 134 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. conserves, and a loaf of bread, black but unbroken, staraped with the baker's name in one corner. Around are wainscots from the halls and bed rooms of Pompen, the frescoes having been carefully lifted and transported hither. You may learn the arrangements of a buttery or larder in the " old style," or, if satirically given, may see what " Cari catures " were like sorae 2000 years since. The " heroic " is not lacking either. Here is Achilles educated by Chiron, and appearing at Admetus's court. The Trojan shepherd too, on Mount Ida, is here with the three rival claimants, awarding the coveted apple, and receiving in guerdon the ruin of his country. All these figures wear the " pallium," attesting the Greek origin of Porapeii. I did not see the " toga " once. Of the Etruscan A'ases I am asharaed to speak : nothing less than a volume could do them justice. In the frescoes, the huraan form is nobly depicted ; but the land scapes are confused and faulty in perspective. Our visit to Pompeii was made on a festa-day, Avhen free admission is granted to the lower classes : there was no lack of hurable pic-nics on the broken banks, and gay holiday dresses enlivened the streets of the overAvhelmed city. I thought the Forum NAPLES. 135 the most interesting spot in the kingdom of Naples. So many classical objects grouped on a command ing platform Avould ahvays be admirable ; but here are features of sterner interest, reminding one of some forest-glade Avhere they have been busy Avith the axe. ]\Iany columns are fallen, many stand : dismantled temples and voiceless theatres are gathered round, their forms antique, but much of their colouring and cornice fresh as if of yesterday. After pondering the ravage awhile, you lift up your eyes and Vesuvius confronts you, looking down on the scene of his havoc like a silent bat tery over a battlefield. He appears harmless now ; brUliant colours are on his vast flanks, and the light fleecy clouds are coquetting with his broken summit, but yet he cannot be trusted ; that thin blue film which floats away from his crater tells of a loaded raagazine within, and none can say when it may explode. Pompeii is, perhaps, a mile and a half long : the amphitheatre, an enormous excavation, lies away from the rest of the town : Murat cleared all this part. In the streets the very stones are a speaking record; you tread the identical pavement whose K 4 13'6 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. surface is unchanged in 1700 years; the carriage- Avheel ruts are in the granite, and the mark made by the iron tire is visible within the rut. Shop- fronts are open, but the inmates apparently not yet stirring. Here you enter a palace and admire the frescoes and arabesques on its walls, its courts, fountain, and baths ; but Avhere is the host ? This next is evidently a hospitable mansion, and your Saxon sympathies are enlisted by the old speUing of the auspicious word " Have," mosaicked on its threshold; but pass the portal and you will in herit no vocal welcome : aU is real, but all is dumb, and your OAvn footstep, echoed back from the angle of the waU, reminds you that you are a stranger and a " barbarian," pacing the hearth stone of a departed lord. In the house of Diomedes most is shoAvn ; a rich cit, who could afford to give his daughter a hand some suite of apartments. We went into the cellarage ; a long passage at the bottom of a stair, where some old discoloured " amphorae " still remain, like ghostly sentinels of buried mirth. Here was probably made the last rush by the unhappy inmates to escape from the devouring element. On a wall near its extremity the outlines of human figures NAPLES, 137 are Adsible, an indelible stain made by fire and blood ! We were three hours and a half in Pompeii ; it was hke a waking dream. The fees are not heavy, but are always levied on strangers, I do not knoAv a more striking contrast than to pass from this still beautiful city to the buried Herculaneum ; while the former suns its relics on a raised mound amid the scenery of meadows and corn-fields, the latter lies deep, deep under the cheerful surface, clasped and knotted by Vesuvius in embraces of stone — for here poured the lava- flood, but Pompeii AA^as smothered under a shower of hot ashes. We plunged by torchlight into the excavated theatre whose dimensions exceeded those of San Carlo — I forget by how raany feet, but Ave stepped the hne of the orchestra. Here are places where the tools of the excavators have cut sheer through sixty feet perpendicular of a rock now solid ancl motionless, but which then came rolling in with fiery billows of asphalte from the jaws of the burning mountain ! In the long, dark corridor you stumble upon costly labours of sculptors and house-decorators, some of them per haps still in progress when the dreadful lava burst 138 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. in and stopped it all. A carved cornice, a bit of a marble capital, a patch of brilliant red peep out where the wall has been reached ; and if you put your finger into that auger-hole you may draw out pieces of the cedar-beam burnt to a fine char coal. Little more can now be done in the way of excavating, for overhead is the toAvn of Portici Avith some thousands of souls, as you may know by the rumbling of the carriage-wheels. Naples is a difficult city to describe. The Italians call it " bella." A sunset Adew of the Bay, with those pearly hiUs beyond, yields a coup d'oeU perhaps without a parallel in Europe. Within the gates of this " beUa Napoli," nearly half a million of people eat their macaroni ; yet scarce one of these can be persuaded by law or gospel to do anything for the benefit of the city which he loves to distraction. The tradesmen are greedy jobbers, the artisans are snails : the nobles, such as have not yet taken to street-begging, care for little under the sun save curricles, ices and San Carlo. All classes and both sexes live and breathe for the lotteries. Yonder is one of the frankest members of society, a native specimen. His jacket unbuttoned, NAPLES. 139 his shirt open, his feet bare, his brow and temples exposed Avithout flinching to the sun's ray, he is toasting himself on the lava pavement. He is a lazzarone. Without a care for to-day, a thought for to-morroAv, or a recollection of the forty years of life called " yesterday," his "abandon" is perfect: yet it is a fine animal ; he has wit that is proverbial, a temper that never ruffles, the tact of a diplomatist, and the limbs of an Apollo. All this is indigenous Avith him : if he ever stoops to the servitude of what Mr. Coleridge called " originating an idea, " it is in the way of pondering a lucky number for the lottery. Without the regularity of AA'hat we call a market in London, certain districts here have a traffic peculiar to themselves. If you wish to see five millions of oranges, step on the quays of Santa Lucia Avhen the boats from Sorrento are unloading. .Silks and wines from Sicily come in by the port, where a stiff Dogana awaits thera. Pass down the Toledo, the finest two-mile street on the Continent, and you Avill get an idea of the amount of mercantile business in sundry departments. Gloves are a prodigious staple : at every third or fourth door dangles a mimic hand, and there is no fit like that of the Naples kid at a shilling the pair : it is neces- 140 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. sary however to choose them. Next to these the " belle arti " shops astonish one by their multitude : who upon earth buys all these imitative wares, to say nothing of " antiques," real or supposed ? — Casts and models from the Museum, lamps, tazze, patere, terra-cotta heads, lava and coral omaments, with drawers of sparkling fossils from Vesuvius, perhaps the prettiest item of the lot. In this rain bow-tinted dimate every one sketches and paints, but they don't all paint Avell. Besides the countless daubs in oils and splashes in Avater colours, raostly copied one frora another, here is that monstrous invention the " Aguache " caricaturing the inimi table face of nature in a style only fit to paper a bedroom. The Chiaja gardens are delightful : open walks and umbrageous alleys, and the fresh breeze from the wave which breaks scarce twenty yards from the terrace. Centering in the main promenade is the enormous granite bowl from Paestum, supported on modern lions : a very noble basin. Half a mile beyond this the tide of life ebbs away at the Mer gellina, where, saving the gulls, there is little but fishermen's boats and the half-clad urchins groping among the rocks for " sea-horses." Some of these NAPLES. 141 youths are as diverting as seals or dolphins : they live in the buoyant element, and if you throw in a " carline " in deep waters will dive and bring it up before it has time to reach the bottom. Now if any one wishes to know the leading characteristic of this beautiful "Parthenope," I can glA^e it them on authority of four months' standing. AU the way by shore or street, in market or piazza, balcony or belvidere, frora the bare Mergellina to the utmost verge of the busy city towards Capodimonte and Resina, one thing never fails under any circumstances, and that is what the Italians call " Chiasso," best rendered by the French word " Charivari." Santa Chiara is a pretty church ; though most of the consecrated buildings here look tawdry after those of Florence and Rome. San Gennaro has a wearisome collection of busts in solid silver, some of them colossal, of bishops and martyrs; these are ordinarily locked up in the cupboards of the sacristy ; could a more unedifying way be hit upon of sinking offerings ? San Gennaro's image has a coUar of jcAvels of inestimable value if real ; but as the French were here long enough to look about them, the finer stones must ere this have 142 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. transmigrated into coloured glass. The relievo on the fagade of the High Altar, representing the entry of the saint's relics into the city, and the discomfiting of Famine, War, Pestilence, and Heresy before them, is well done. In San Severo we saw some extraordinary pieces of sculpture. The figure of " Modesty" is the best done. This adhering of the veil to the face is arrived at by using a model enveloped in wet cambric ; the effect is marvellous, but after all these very out-of- the-way things rather astonish than please ; and a siraple natural subject affords more scope to true genius. The other day we were present in the Royal Chapel on the occasion of the annual " dead mass " for the late queen. She was greatly beloved by all classes, and to this day no Neapolitan speaks of her but Avith reverence and affection. To conquer so universal an homage, rare qualities raet in her ; piety and charity shone conspicuous, and when she died of a child-bed fever, this giddy city was stunned by the blow. Sovereigns usually marry again, and the King of Naples has now a second consort, a Bavarian princess ; they have an in creasing family, but the little boy Avhom his first NAPLES. 143 wife brought him is the heir-apparent. Before he is of age to raix in the gaieties of a brilliant court, some one should read him a memoir of his mother's life. " The Queen that bore thee Oftener upon her knees than on her feet Died every day she lived." Her mausoleum occupies the centre of the little chapel. The king and the royal faraily were in a gallery above, and all the officers of his house hold filled another. The archbishop, with his clergy, conducted the service, and a noble or chestra was in attendance. I thought the cere mony solemn and beautiful ; if for nothing else, at least as testifying to piety and affection in the hving by recording departed worth. A tomb stone legend does this, but not so heartily as a service in the church. At a certain part of the office the sentinels posted at the four corners of the mausoleura aU turn to it, and shoulder and ground arms. This simple military movement, the only one permitted during the ceremony, had something in it reverend and touching. I thought of our own laraented Princess Charlotte. The sovereign is a handsome man, in the prime 144 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY, of life ; he is said to care for nothing but soldiers, an expensive hobby. I believe he has some eight or nine cavalry regiments, and tAvice as many of infantry. He devotes to their maintenance the iraraense revenue which he draws from the lotteries, which here, as elsewhere in Italy, are in the hands of government. If one may judge by what one hears, or even by what one sees, the troops Avill never do their training much credit. The new recruits are marched into the city, tied hand by hand, like a gang of thieves. I suppose the fear is that they may decamp : but what a commencement of education for men Avho are to serve their country in an honourable profession ! There is certainly little chance of their " seeking the bubble reputation ev'n in the cannon's mouth." Of artillery " Sua Maesta" has no lack; and he has fortresses which assign him a place among earth's mighty ones, according to that distich " Principini, palazzi e giardini : .Principoni, fortezze e cannone." The Ovo commands the harbour, and can sweep the Bay. That of Sant Elmo, crowning the cliff, is the key of the city. An enemy in possession of NAPLES. 145 this could lay Naples in ashes in a fcAV hours. This Sant' Elmo affords a noble panoramic vieAV ; and Avhoever Avishes to get a true idea of Vesuvius' position relative to the raountain ranges of Puglia (Apulia) and the Abruzzi (Bruttii) should clirab up to it. Palaces, it must be alloAved, are chiefly inte resting to their possessors ; but the royal residences here are worth visiting, even after Windsor and St. Cloud. The Palazzo Reale, in the city, is perhaps the best furnished in Europe ; certainly in the best taste of those I have seen. Its baU-room is truly royal : here are a dozen of the largest mirrors in the Avorld, simply impanelled in a delicate border : a miUionaire cit would have buried them in heavy gilt frames. On the groundfloor there is a suite wholly wainscoted Avith real frescoes and arabesques from Pompeii. Capodimonte has the most beautiful site, though somewhat a singular one. It is reared on the undermined crust of a tufo-quarry, and yields first rate views from its balconies of the city, the bay, and the Vesuvian country. Carlo built here, and also at Portici, for the sake of the quail-chase ! which if any one think unlikely in a king, they 146 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. may read CoUetta's account of a royal personage of the same house, Avhose most engrossing occupa tion, when victoriously established in Naples, was shooting pigeons from his palace windows ; the said pigeons belonging, in all probability, to his subjects. At Portici the royal demesne is a sweet villa, Avith gardens a la Zoological, where sundry kan garoos jump for your amusement, and a stately ostrich is ready to bolt and make off to Psestum at twenty miles an hour, whenever they open the doors of his hut, I never saw so fine a creature as this bird : his eye, which could not rest a moment, was like a prodigious opal. By the bye Capodi monte has an avenue of ilexes, I believe a raile and a half in length, araong other horticultural wonders. Its farm is excellent ; and the produce, after sup- pljdng the royal table, goes to market. Pictures, in the sense of the fine old masters, are rare in Naples, The Studj, however, has Correggio's " Sposalizio," and one or tAvo others. The artists here are inveterate copyists, Avorse even than in Rome. I opine that for one original sketch made in the landscape line, there are to be found a hundred copies, each Avorse than its predecessor. Hence, the merest daub, if original, will fetch a NAPLES. 147 guinea, Avhich here is equal to three in England, They have, however, one excuse ; whoever essays to colour a picture out of doors in this climate, between May and, perhaps, Septeraber, raay count upon being hiraself done like a broiled kidney ; unless he sit under an umbrella, in which case the gadflies avIU eat him up. The most amusing pictures at Capodimonte are those recording events and scenes in the national history : as, for instance, " the brave girl of Gaeta," who, after despatching a French sentry a la Jael, spikes the guns of the battery with a store of ready nails from her apron, and then delivers over the fortress to her townsmen. But of all palaces Caserta is the grandest — a stupendous pile uniting four cubes on a square base, any one of which might serve for a handsome royal dweUing, The grounds are stately, and include points of romantic beauty : one of these is the old town, " Casa erta," a picturesque ruin on a green hill, whose isolated gables and gaunt arches adrait the blue sky through the rents of ruin. Here is an artificial waterfall descending from a lofty ridge over accommodating rocks, and a pretty basin where huge centenarian carp rise to the sur face to eat boUed peas. The queen is very partial L 2 148 JOURNjVL KEPT IN ITALA', to Caserta, ahvays retreating there when a certain interesting event is at hand. It is twenty railes off, but that is only forty rainutes by railw^ay reckoning. Perhaps no city, save Rome, has environs so well Avorth exploring as those of Naples. WestAvard lie Posilipo, Pozzuoli, Baiae, Cuma, and the volcanic lakes : eastward, beyond Porapeii, is the roraantic Adllage of La Cava, from Avhence you may Adsit Amalfi and Salerno, and farther south, Paestura. Castellaraare is noAV almost a suburb of the metro polis, and Sorrento is at the distance of a pretty drive from it. Once through the grotto of Posilipo, the road to Pozzuoli is full of beauty for those who can enjoy a marine bay and curling breakers, Paul halted for a week in " Puteoli" on his way to Rome, I fear the folks here think but little of the faithful servant who " fought the good fight," in compari son with San Gennaro. The Itahans are possessed Avith a notion that they are neglected by inankind ; their leading idea of a saint is a local benefactor ; and in every city their oavu particular patron is of paramount iraportance, Puteoli is noAV a sunny sink of triumphant filth NAPLES, 119 and disease. Men, Avomen, and children are searching each other's heads in tlie open street — I need not say for what ; fiea-bitten dogs, mangy and fretful, plunge and grovel in the dust; and the cab-horses, half eaten up alive, can barely muster strength to dislodge the flies with a shake of their rusty collar. Beware of crossing a threshold ; you would emerge a richer raan than you entered by some thousands, I don't mean dollars. Art cannot make our populations happy, not even "antiques:" here are two marble statues in the street as old as the Csesars ; and within a stone's throw lie a noble amphitheatre, all but perfect, and the beautiful temple of Jupiter Serapis : the people who inherit it all look as if they were bought and sold. The pleasantest sight here are the stacks of fresh lupins kept for fodder. I drove in one morning from Naples, wishing to sketch " Venus's Temple " on the shore : looking about for what I could get the poor animal Avho brought me to eat, one of these bundles half as big as hiraself was pitched in for a " carline." In articles of vertu, roguery here has done with blushing: the boys offer as genuine " antico" lamps in bronze and terra cotta, L 3 150 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. Avhich CA^en our unpractised eyes detect at once as imitation-ware : Avhen you rebuke them they mimic you and grin. The prices are still raore edifying ; say a dollar is first asked, frora this they will descend to one-half, fourth, tenth of the sura. The " Serapis" has broken columns of Egyptian granite and " cipoUina" standing amidst the Avreck of others : the base and pillar-sockets of the central altar are still visible. The whole thing now rises out of a store-pond for grey mullets, who are fat tened by the raingling of salt water Avith the volcanic springs. Further along the shore, and approaching Baia3, is the Lucrine Lake, a wild spot : the fishing here is superb, as of yore ; its Avaters are croAvded vath a curled univalve shell, which I find stains every thing red. Is not this the " raurex" ? BaicB is full of the wonders of other days, Avhere luckily the frivolous has perished, but the raassive and instructive reraain in great part uninjured. The palaces of Csesar and Lentulus have crurabled Avith all their raarbles into dust ; but the " Piscina," which Lucullus built to water the Roman fleet as it lay at Misenum, remains : the " Stufi" cut by NAPLK.S. 151 Nero in the clift' remain ; the Odeon remains ; above all, the fine harbour and proraontory of Misenum remain, nor is there much chance of their running aAvay. Here Virgil droAvns ^neas's trurapeter by the instrumentality of a Triton : I have heard of a German AA'ho said that if he ever took the suicidal plunge it should be in lovely Lake Leman : if beauty of scenery Avas his object, I could recommend this singular coast as having equal claims on his choice. Both have one advan tage ; the Avater is so translucent that the body might be fished vip in time for a " Humane So ciety" operation. The red hexagonal ruin on the shore is highly ornamental ; perhaps was once viseful, for Avho can show that such nonsense as a " Temple to Venus" was contemplated here ? The '•'¦Piscina Mirabile" is a gigantic artificial cistern covered by the superincumbent cliff, and supported within on some forty pilasters of traver tine ; paved, walled, and roofed with stone. Here fresh water was collected, allowed to settle, and then conveyed by an aqueduct to the fleet. The man who planned this knew what it was to be thirsty : I thought it admirable, and felt raore 152 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. and more convinced that the intrinsic eleraent in all beauty is the useful. Behind Pozzuoli Ues the region of the Solfaterra, a Avord Avhich explains itself The volcano is extinct as to any eruptions from its crater, but internal action develops itself throughout the entire district. If you break the earth, you see the colour of sulphur ; you sniff sulphur in the air from a hundred gaseous jets, and the very soil ofthe glen, apparently an aluminous clay, owes its powdery whiteness to the presence of sulphur. No doubt it Avas all lava once, for here is the self-evident bed of the old crater — a level area now grown over with myrtles and arbutus, and the white-belled heather. Alto gether it is a pretty spot, and has a retort-house at one end Avhere the finest crystals of the raineral are obtained for commerce. They showed us a vent on the hill Avhich emits smoke whenever Vesuvius is clear, but Avhen he puffs away is quiet : so there must be sorae communication, probably submarine. The intervening distance may be twenty railes. A little farther on is the Lago d'Agnano, a tidy piece of water, Avhere AvildfoAvl are preserved for the practice of the royal fowling- piece. I Avas desirous to embark on its surface, NAPLES- and look for the vestio;es of a Roman villa said to ¦¦& be still visible vmder the wave ; but the game keeper negatived this proposal, alleging that we should scare his feathered charge. On the banks of this little lake the Solfaterra plays some singular freaks. We Avent into the " Grotta del Cane" with the man who keeps these vmfortunate aniraals for experiraents ; he had tAvo with him, one a veteran who had seen five years of the service, the other a raAv recruit ; this latter he seized by the legs and laid on its back on the bare earth ; after a few struggles the creature went into a dead swoon, but on beiug brought again into the outer air revived rapidly : he had had about a minute of it. A lighted torch carried in Avas instantly extinguished, and on the sraoke precipi tating, our eyes were raade aware of the nature of the agent at work. The white vapour lay like a napkin extended in the air at about two feet from the ground, supported by a layer of carbonic acid gas underneath. This gas rises from the floor in sraaU bubbles, which then burst : the layer is piled at the inner extremity of the little cavern, and slopes downward towards the door; Avhen this is left open, the gas being heavy floAvs out like a 154 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. river, and may be traced by a chemical test for some distance. A human subject standing erect within the cave is safe frora its noxious effects, as it does not rise above the knee ; but poor doggie coraes in for the full benefit. The creature who endures it longest is a snake, and after hira a frog. A dog Avill not live over four minutes. Nothing would induce ray terrier " Fox " even to put his nose in at the threshold; the other two howled piteously. If you stoop and dash up a handful of the gas in your face, the sensation resembles that of brisk soda water; it causes sharp appetite, and the dogs need to be fed di rectly after recoA'^ering from their partial asphyxia. " Fiat experimentum in corpore viii " is the bene volent rule here. Another cavern is irapregnated with ammonia, and animals iraraersed in this will not live so long. I carried in a locust, an insect which abounds in the grass and bushes hereabouts : he died to all appearance in a few seconds ; but, on my bringing him into fresh air, thought better of it, and presently fiew away. The Lago d'Averno has the Sibyl's bath, and some remains of her palace in a deep woody re cess. After passing the outer grotto, or " Nym- NAPLES. 155 phaeura," you enter on a dark passage Avinding under Ioav arches. Here the tourist mounts pick-a back, and is carried in by a man stripped to the knee through Avater a foot and a half deep into Sibyl's charaber, Avhere sure enough is an ancient bath hewn in the stone. The smoke of the torches, which are absolutely necessary to produce a glimmer in this pitchy grotto, made the trajet to and fro Sibylla's bathing-quarters anything but agreeable. It raust not, however, be supposed that she dwelt in the darkness of "Stygian care forlorn:" a door now closed up by raasonry no doubt once led to better apartments. Malaria, so destructlAe here in Vir gil's day, is prodigiously active still. From hence we Avandered on Avith donkeys as far as Cuma. Here was her " domus," and many of the " centum ostia " remain in the shape of apertures in the cliff terminating in a kind of gallery. 1 followed one of these for fifty yards till fallen blocks im peded farther ingress ; but I saw traces of a communication with another similar grotto. No doubt the cunning prophetess had a complete laby rinth, of which none knew the secret but herself. Part of a flight of steps is visible, perhaps the grand staircase leading to the lady's first-floor. 156 .JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. The cliff outside bears a massive ruin, comprising a tOAver. Here araid violets and the bramble-rose, poppies and scabii, I found the bee-orchis in great beauty : I ara sorry to say both the specimens I gathered here perished ; I put them in an empty cigar-case, and afterwards inadvertently sat upon it. Before leaving, I bought of an excavator a pair of beautiful vases just out of the earth. Frora the cliff we had a view of the tomb of Scipio Africanus at Liternum along the shore. Here he lived and died an exile in his villa: a slate found Avith part of the well-known inscription, " Ingrata Patria, ne ossa quidem mea habebis," identified the locality. The lake Avhich Virgil chose for his Acheron modern Italians call Fusaro : it is a fine sheet of water. Styx is a muddy ditch. All possibility of con sidering yourself similarly situated with the Trojan hero is cut off by the presence of a pretty Casino on the lake ; to which you are ferried over indeed, but not by Charon : this " Vecchio bianco per antico pelo " is superseded by hungry Neapolitans, who give you a cast for two grani, and then, oh ! horror of horrors ! you actually fall to and devour NAPLES. 157 eels and oysters Avith glasses of real Falernian, a Avine which, Avhen genuine, is delicious. The fish are fattened in the lake, and you choose them Avhile SAvimming about in their baskets. Thus all tourists play the knave in matter of romance : after a couple of hours on donkey-back over Phlegra3an fields poor hviraanity prevails, and you prefer a snack with your roguish guide and half-clad boatmen, to feasting on high remembrances of Csesar and the Scipios, iEneas and the Sibyl. The modern Italian is not, however, so deter rained an epicure as he of old Rorae. A "festa" always implies society, araong the loAver classes generally a Avedding. Lucullus no longer dines Avith Lucullus; and for ordinary days the popu lation are abstemious. A single cup of " cafffe nero" in the morning, a plain dinner, and light supper suffice the better sort : the poorer are content with macaroni, poral d'oro, and cold Avater. The royal table, I ara told, is one of the simplest in Naples. A trip made to Pcestum a few weeks since repaid us with more interest than any three days' excursion I can remeraber since the Highlands of Inverary. Saving Pompeii there is perhaps 158 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. nothing in this country so well worth visiting. Putting up at Salerno as our head-quarters, we took the opportunity of seeing the Monastery of La Cava, as also the " grotto of the Capucines " at Amalfi. The former of these is very beautifully situated in Salvator Rosa's country, and possesses one of the finest organs in Italy, from which we Avere treated to an anthem: this instruraent they say contains 6000 pipes, a number which sounds scarcely credible. The ascent to the church is by a winding path through some copsewood, and up a steep sandstone cliff. A stream brawls beloAV, and the Frati have Avidened it into a small lake under the convent Avindows, which serves for a store-pond. A considerable mass of the tufo-rock projects into a chapel within the transept line ; here in a deep recess lies the body of Alpherius their first Abbot, whom the inscription on his tomb declares to have reached the age of 120. They have a noble choir, as usual in black walnut. A storm of wind and rain set in whUe we were there, and on coming out of the church porch Ave had the satisfaction of Avitnessing an ample distribution to some fifty poor people. Two huge metal panniers were emptied among them, one yielding pea-soup, the other NAPLES. 159 hunches of bread. The establishment is one of Benedictines. There is one feature in Salerno Avhich must I think strike every one Avho passes a day there : I do not mean its glorious bay, but the suffering poor who throng its streets and churches. I never met anywhere so many and sad specimens of burdened, poverty-stricken, diseased humanity in a population of the same size. In the cathedral they fiUed the lower end of the nave, clustered in groups round the pillars, and with iraportunate cries and gestures indicating faraine, alraost threw themselves upon us Avhen we gave them such carlines as we had. I neA'er felt so forcibly the utter inadequacy of a passing aid : alas ! the corapany we saw, to say nothing of scores in the town alleys, would need 100 dollars per month to give them bread. They do not, I fear, get as many carlines : Avhat is everybody's business is nobody's business ; and the very flagrancy of the case, the undisguised fact that one-third of the population are starving mendicants, renders habitual lookers-on indifferent. The Syndicate leave it to the Church ; the Church casts the burden on the Public; the Public is an " abstraction" and does 160 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. not recognise the evil though it is gnaAving at the roots of society. The mischief is aggravated and made hopeless by the natural turn which all Italians have for begging ; a trade Avhich they ply apart frora any necessity and without compunction. In a certain sense all classes, save the affluent, beg ; your servant receiving regular wages expects a " regalo " every now and then, and if you do not give it him will openly shoAV his discontent ; the shopboy Avho carries a light parcel a hundred yards Avill not leave your door without " una bottiglia," an absurd phrase as they are not giA^en to drinking : Avoraen sitting spinning at their threshold beg abjectly as you pass ; every child will try the effect of iraportunity with the everlasting demand for " qualche cosa : " Avhat they get they run with to the lotteries, Avhich are open in every street in the kingdom. What is wanted is a firm magis tracy animated by church principles : but where can this be found ? Iri England Ave have it not, at least not practi cally developed. True, there is with us the vigorous tone of public feeling, and the pleadings of natural affection find utterance through an unshackled press: but still we lack the prorapt NAPLES. 161 operation of a system of ordinances — a body of men, ministers of mercy, at once free and re sponsible: and of this no A'oluntary society, no band of Commissioners, can supply the place. Moreover, such organised body AviU need to be permanent, for " the poor shaU never depart out of thy land." Voluntary societies, or charitable individuals, cannot be treated as responsible : com missioners appointed by the state are not free, for they are bounded by the letter of their instructions. The idea in my mind is a ministry ; in one word, the Poor of Christ have a claim on us for a DEACONSHIP. God grant Ave may set our shoulder in earnest to this ! In France the law and police are all-poAverful, but cruel. I saw fewer beggars in Germany than anywhere. As for Southern Italy, it would be matter for marvel if you were to stroll a hundred yards or meet a group of half a dozen persons without being re minded of your purse and teased to open it. The Avarm climate, the cheapness of food, perhaps more than all the influx of tourists, encourage this ruinous propensity, whose fruit is emaciated faces and M 162 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. squalid rags, I grieve to say the King farms the lotteries : yet they say he has a kind heart and wiU hardly bring himself to sign a sentence of death. But the people are his property, ergo their money is his, and he drains it into his lotteries, and there with pays troops to keep them in order ; if order that can be called which is dishonest greediness in the trading middle classes, and careless, cureless, hope less misery among the lower, Pcestum is along forty miles distant from Salerno, We started at daybreak and found a tolerable road as far as the little river Sele, where there is a ferry to be crossed before doing the last four railes to Psestura, Here a disagreeable scene occurred: a deep stream, burning sun, cold wind, rickety boat, jibbing horses, capricious driver, cheating boatraen, and a bank at once precipitous and rauddy. Two precious hours were lost before we got fairly, or foully, over with our vehicle and horses, there being none on the other side. I must not omit to mention one charm of the stream, a movable column of biting flies. A suspension-bridge is in progress of erection, which may one day raake the fortune of an ad venturous innkeeper. The country after this is flat NAPLES, 163 marsh sprinkled Avith Ioav bushes ; on the right is the bay, on the left a line of forked hiUs, The "rosaria Passti " are gone, but the rushy SAvamp bore in place of them a profusion of jonquils. Here Avas also that pretty aquatic plant, the bog-bean. Stopping our vehicle at the country inn, we took a " cicerone " with us half a mile farther to view the Temples. If I were asked to define first-rate and second-rate "lions," I should say the former always surpass your previous expectations while the latter faU far below them. Here is Phistu, Poseidonia, Pcestum — according as your thoughts run more on the Etruscan, Greek, or Roman era : and glorious must the city have been if it corresponded in its general aspect with the majestic features which are still extant and legible at fifty raUes' distance. ' Of the three structures so much admired by architects and connoisseurs, the one nearest to the Sele is called " Ceres' Temple," and that farthest off is supposed to have been a " Basilica ; " but of all this nothing is known. The very name of the city, however, leaves no room to doubt that the middle Temple, by far the noblest of the three, was dedicated to Neptune. It was this which engrossed our attention, as I suppose it does that of every M 2 164 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. one, ahnost exclusively. It is certainly the most beautiful building we have seen. The pediment is uninjured, and the outer colurans are coraplete, Avith nearly the whole of the architrave and frieze. As far as I could tell by stepping the ground, the length of the teraple is about 150 feet within, and its breadth sixty: height of* the pedi ment perhaps five-and-forty. This for a Grecian teraple, which did not intend an asserably of Avorshippers within its Avails, was large. The order is Doric, the colurans being short and thick set, and consequently of iramense strength. The frieze and architrave together are fully half the altitude of a column, which gives the temple rather a heavy look, specially when seen from above. It reminded me in its form of a vessel on the stocks. It is hardly fair to compare anything Avith the fagade of the Pantheon ; but the Paastum structure, though certainly inferior in sublimity, is far beyond it in beauty. Neither is the sublime lacking in that long roAV of columns. Of beauty it has every attribute : exquisite proportions of outline, a variety of shifting tints, and a natural colour in the stone of a deep orange harmonising admirably Avith the purple and green meadoAvs. NAPLES. 165 This stone is from the bed of Salzo or Sele, an origin demonstrable by the petrified vegetable substances Avith Avhich it abounds : it is very hard in texture, the edges of the fluting in the colurans being but little injured. Within the main circuit we found great part of a court on a raised terrace, and smaller columns and an architrave supporting a few of a second story. Part of the building was overgrown Avith bramble and wild olive, and around lie the marshy pools where the buffaloes repair to drink and wallow in the mud. Beyond the line of the fen the horizon is formed by the SAveUing Mediterranean. In certain lights the orange hue of the temple is melted down to lilac. We dared not stay till svmset, but took our leave at 4 p. M. In sumraer the "Malaria" frora the marsh, Avhich is of the most deadly description, drives nearly every soul away till October. They have not, however, far to go, retiring merely to the shelter of some cottages, which skirt the side of an adjacent mountain. An oak forest fringes the base of this line of hills, well-stocked with wild boars and forming a royal chase. The French man employed on engineering at the suspension- bridge told me that all the smaller garae is free, M 3 166 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. and that he shoots as many snipe, woodcock, and quaU as he can eat — which must be a good many, for Frenchmen have capacious stomachs for " volaille." This village has a movirnful celebrity of its own in modern times. It Avas here that poor young Hunt and his wife were murdered by some brigands whom he was so unwise as to provoke. You should never say "perche ?" to an armed Italian. It seems they struck his servant, and H. lost his temper, and forgot the vehemence of their national character. The popular version of their having meddled with jewels on his wife's person is incorrect. The event at the time fiUed Naples with consternation. At present you meet with no bri gands, but you must equaUy make up your mind to empty your purse of its contents. Every man, woman, and child here is a practised and deter mined beggar. The very dogs will have food or a battle. Your guide, whose ignorance is translucent, is worst of all ; and mine host of the inn makes double charges, and then, on your refusing to pay thera, professes the innocence and inexperience of a babe. On our return from Psestum we visited NAPLES. 167 Amalfi ; it Avas one of those delicious days Avhen sky and Avater combine to produce an eftect which can hardly be rendered in a painting. The trans parency of the wave, the pearly radiance of the shore, the opal tints on the hills, with a heaven whose blue seemed melted down in a way unlmoAvn in our latitudes — it was Italy all over, glowing Italy ! in her raost attractive summer garb. We had a boat manned with six oars to row the fourteen mUes which intervene. I found the charge for this to Amalfi and back was a guinea ; but then we had seven men, counting the steers man, and a handsome awning, and they performed the distance either way in a couple of hours. The folk here row Avith the backwater stroke, standing up with their faces toward the prow ; one foot is advanced and an impulse is given by rising on the instep ; perfect time is kept by those who row, and when they slack their efforts the steersman animates them with the cry of " maccheroni," which they aU take up. I envied them their light and picturesque dress ; the white shirt and trowsers form one piece fastened at the waist by a coloured sash. Shoes and stockings they don't trouble theraselves about, M 4 168 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. but all wear a pendent cap to protect their head from the vertical ray. The rocks and caves of Amalfi are worthy of SAvitzerland ; one of the latter, called the " Capu cines' Grotto" because connected Avith their con vent, is a stupendous vaulted chamber in the mountain's side: from its mouth you get one of the finest seaward prospects in the whole country. In this town we Avent to see the Fabbrica of the best maccaroni in Italy. The process is a simple one : an enormous pressure is employed to drive the paste through the ring Avhose centre is solid ; about a hundred pipes are driven at once by using a form thick-set with such rings. 'There are many varieties, both as to calibre and quahty. After this we ate of a new dress ing of this national dish at the H6tel de la Lune, (mem. a roguish inn, but comfortable,) to wit, tossed in a bowl with fresh butter and eggs. This is the third way Ave have tried it. The Nea politans prefer it with " Sugo " and Pomi d'oro. Perhaps the most delicate is the simple fashion of plain boiled, with fresh butter and pounded parme- san in separate dishes. The English method of a hot brown fry, redolent of strong cheese, is intoler- NAPLES. 169 able. I should add there is yet another, favoured by the common people. This is, almost raw, with a httle oil, and large draughts of cold Avater. Amalfi itself is, I am sorry to say, dirty, very dirty, unconscionably dirty, in fact, an Augean stables. It reminded me of an unwashed hand bedizened with jeAvels ; for all around is fresh, pure, and sparkling. The Italians one and all hate washing, until the time coraes for governraent to bid the Stuffi and Bagni open, when I hear they are araphi bious. We rowed into a sea-cave on our return : sorae hundred feet long, and I suppose 90 feet over head. Here were dropping stalactites, green and azure Avater, A'erraUion funguses, coral, &c. Not far off is the " Buco," where the Avave dashing in through an orifice in the rock gives a report as loud as a gun. As we neared Salerno, Ave called on the boatraen for a song. They gave us two or three : "II carn- panello," " Ti voglio ben," &c. ; one voice, that of a youth, Avas clear and sweet, which the delighted father, who steered, never failed to point out by rapturous exclaraations of " Lo figlio ! e lui stesso! " The chorus was noisy, but fair enough in an open boat and after five-and-twenty railes' rowing. 170 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. Amidst this fairy-like scenery the compass was invented. This reminds me avc must leave Naples in a few days, as the lava-pavement in the Chiaja is of a white heat, and the sea is approaching that happy condition when it is said to take fire. ISCHIA. July. Here is a spot within a few miles of the mainland, but with a perfectly different style of features in its scenery. It is not Italian, it is not Swiss ; I am told it resembles Greece, and the raoonlight view of Casamicciola frora a cliff above has sometimes re minded me of sketches which I have seen of that country. The people of the island moreover are Greek by extraction, and though the original stock has since been grafted Avith so many strange slips, stUl the intervention of a considerable arm of the sea, and certain primitive habits surviving among the peo ple, keep them a distinct race in many respects. ISCHIA. 1 7 1 The Ischiote is less sophisticated than the Nea politan : he is everj^ inch as greedy and as much bent on roguish tricks, but he is not so " rus6 ; " his mind has not worked so hard in the winding Avays of deceit. Naples is now a furnace, and this island is at once cheap and interesting. The living is in some departments better than in the metropolis. If you want veal, fine butter, or good beer, you must order them from Naples ; but if you are con tent Avith bread and eggs, poultry and small birds, abundance of fish, and a profusion of fruit and vegetables, you may get fat here, yet be as free of the big city as Robinson Crusoe on his lone island. Grocery, it is true, you must have ; but the Aviser plan is to bring a two months' stock with you when you first come ; and then, if any is left, you can bless some simple household -with it on de parting. As for fish, LucuUus or Apicius should have passed a season here. We have whiting, mackerel, red mullet, sardines, anchovies, lampreys, Peter-fish, crabs, needle-nose, and perhaps half-a- dozen more sorts of which I do not even know the names. Then the tunny-nets are out all day, and yield the base of a delicious pickle. All these 172 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. might be had in Naples, if the fishermen had courage to venture out farther into the bay ; but, though the best swimmers in the world, they fear the storms on the Mediterranean, and not A\dthout reason. For fruit Ave have cherries, strawberries, apricots, and plums, and figs better than I ever ate anyAvhere. Grapes to eat are not yet well in, but some capital wine is made here from the true Falernian, white and red. The way of life among the poorer classes, and they immensely outnumber the others, is simple and uniforra. After the brilliant bustle of Naples, it is pleasing to Avatch the homely labours of a population of not more than 8000 or 9000 adults ; yielding, indeed, only a sraall item in the cargoes that throng the port of Naples, but sufficing to sustain the islanders, and presenting here and there the cheerful and healthy images of patriarchal life. During working hours almost every raan in Casa- raicciola is driving an ass or making bricks : and CAcry woraan or child that you raeet carries on their head the immemorial pitcher [note 'e)], which obtained for this island the name of Pithecusa in days of old. ElseAvhere, the husbandry of crops and vines is going on ; and perhaps a tenth of the ISCHIA. 173 entire male population are einployed in fishing off the coast. The donkeys during the day are all on one errand ; that of bringing up barrels of the mineral waters, hot and cold, to give you a bath " chez vous." But AA^hen pearly CA^ening sets in, this drudgery ceases, and both " cucci " and " cucciaji " find another and a pleasanter occupation in convoying groups of tourists over the most picturesque spots of the isle. It nowhere looks like a solitude. Beside scores of scattered hamlets there are a few sizeable towns, Ischia, the capital, has a castellated fortress, rock-built amid the Avaves ; Foria is cradled among fine bays ; Lacco lies under the shelter of a promontory; Casa micciola, the main bathing-resort, covers sorae undulating ground, and partly fills a ravine. All parts are perforated with " stufi," and teera with mineral baths. Here are " fumaroles," " venta- roles," hot fountains, cold fountains, lava-rocks, clay-pits, and plenty of lodging-houses. Tradition avers that Ischia rose from the bottom of the sea, and the constant occurrence of marine sheUs in all the clay-pits favours the theory, I should refer their presence to volcanic action, which we knoAv draAVS largely on the sea and its contents. 174 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. In fact the entire island, not much above five miles long, is an extinct volcanic pile, having the apex of the Epomeo, some 2500 feet high, in its centre, and its slopes diversified with mounds of lava and beds of scoria more or less ancient. Between these lie endless ridges and ravines, which, during a repose of raore than two thousand years from eruptions, have grown bushy with the Spanish chestnut and myrtle, the aloe and the cactus. The higher moors are covered with arbutus and broom, and every nook and crevice of the rocks teem with a scented fiora. The acanthus is now in bloom, and it is a gorgeous plant. Goats' milk here is abun dant and delicious, owing to the profuse supply of mint, thyme, and other aromatic herbs. Perhaps the leading features of beauty in the scenery of Ischia are its jutting capes and little marine bays and inlets. The bay of Santa Restituta equals in wild loveliness any spot I know. The rocks which occur near Foria, as you descend from the Epomeo, are worthy of Savoy. Lacco has its singular stone in the sea, resembling the doddered trunk of sorae primeval tree ; and you can scarce look aloft Avithout encountering the soaring peaks of the Epomeo, Avhite as Dover cliff. £=¦ ISCHIA. 175 Perhaps, as every place has a drawback, it may be as well to mention that of Pithecusa, or it might be deemed the terrestrial paradise. Venomovis insects and reptiles are as plenty as blackberries. Scorpions are a populous nation; hornets, a count less tribe ; of vipers there is a decent sprinkhng : raosquitoes, of course. Despite the heat of the weather I laughed the other day till I almost dropped off my chair at the nocturnal adventures of a gentleman and lady who passed a night on the island in lodgings, as they thought very nice ones. Scorpions love lamplight, or the smell of oil, I don't know which, perhaps both : on retiring to rest, the above-named couple became aware of sundry black things about an inch and a half long with pincers in front and a long tail behind skirmishing about the floor and walls of their dormitory. It was no use thinking to sleep amidst such visitors ; and as to killing those that were visible and then putting out the light, that would little avail, for others might come when it was dark and bite them. They wisely determined to pass the night like wakeful naturalists; so the lady made herself as comfortable as she could under the circumstances. 176 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. and the gentleman provided himself with a glass decanter from the toilet-table and coraraenced a Scorpion-chasse. He nabbed so many before- morning that when day broke the landlady, who had A'owed her apartraents to be a faultless paragon of comfort, was presented by her sleepless lodger with a pint-bottle nearly full of live Scorpions. The only reraedy for the sting of these creatures is araraonia applied externally on the instant. Frora all I can learn the poison of the old ones is very virulent : with a child it might probably be fatal by inducing fever. The truth is, however, they rarely harm any one, owing to their not being molested. The people of the island Avill sometimes pronounce all the tribes harm less: but this is a specimen of" favete Unguis " in the Irish style. I observe they take special care not to meddle with them, save as we say " with a pair of tongs. ' ' Frora a viper they will run away. Scor pion s if found Avithin doors die the death ; hornets they hold it " unlucky " to touch. We have had one very large viper killed in the courtyard, and I have despatched half a dozen scorpions, one a Nestor, in our rooras. The hornets are enorraous : I have counted on the vine in the balcony above a ISCHIA. 177 score of these Avithin a quarter of an hour, but they never come in at the Avindows, though always set open. Your scorpion is an ugly beast : he has eight legs, shoAving his close affinity Avith the spider, and runs very fast, backwards and sidcAvays as well as forwards. Their greatest pleasure is to get be tween your sheets, or lie curled on a pillow. The people of this house vow they have wings, but that is a mistake. The sandfly by the bye is something AVorse than a mosquitoe, as he burrows under the skin. The origin ofthe people in this isle is no doubfc Greek : and modern traveUers aver that the Greeks are rogues. It may be so, but I vow they do not stand first on the list. Clearly the Neapohtans lead, and nine-tenths of the roguery here is impor ted from Parthenope, The Ischiote, however, is a lover of fun, and dehghts to join in a practical joke at the expense of Neapohtan greediness and extor tion, A friend has furnished me with the foUoAV- ing anecdote for the truth of which he vouches. It may serve to help gentlemen who are embar rassed in a similar way ; so I quote it out of pure benevolence, A visitor here from the mainland N 178 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY, put up at the house of a Neapolitan, who engaged to find him in board and lodging for a certain sum : he was so unguarded as to pledge himself to a stay of two months. No sooner was the agree ment signed than he found he had fallen into bad hands. Without infringing the letter of their compact, his landlord managed to break it in spirit every day. The guest was an invalid, and whole sorae diet Avas indispensable : but he could obtain no butter but what Avas rancid, no meat but what smelt above ground. Complaints were idle, for the only reply was, " If you object to your fare pay me my two months' rent and go," In this dilemma between regard for his health and a due care for his purse, he apphed to a friend for counsel; and returned to his " appartamento,' resolved to all appearance to fight it out. Next day, he had a large table laid out in the best roora, and plentifully spread Avith "macaroni" and pitchers of Avine. " I am of a hospitable turn," said he to the host ; " a party of my friends will arriA^e to-day, and we shall commence a series of entertainments which I propose to prolong whUe under your roof," At the appointed hour came a troop of donkey-men and brick-makers, with a ISCHIA. 179 pair of fiddlers : a tremendous onslaught on the Adands was followed up Avith stoups of liquor ; and then the music opened, and dancing commenced, the landlord looking on Avithout a remedy. After witnessing the overthrow of table and chairs amid a performance worthy of Comus's rabble rout, and remembering his tenant's parting speech in the morning, the Neapolitan gave in ; and the invaUd received " carte blanche" to cancel his agreement and retreat to other quarters. Knowing of what the Ischiotes are capable, I would have given a good deal to see the party when the fun was at its height. I can just fancy the nods and becks which they would throw at the sulky Neapohtan. Donkey-riding here is dehghtful. You start about ^ past 5 in the evening, and may be out tUl near 8, when the dew becomes heavy. The number of paths up the mountain is considerable, and some of these yield very pretty excursions. If you take the coast-road you get the sea-breeze and meet the people in groups, dressed in their bright costume whenever it is a festa. The prospect is from many points magnificent: one of the sweetest views' is from a knoU behind N 2 180 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. the Lago d'Ischia ; but from Vico, from Mount Tabor, from the Rotaro, above all from the Epomeo's summit, the tourist wiU be delighted and the artist astonished, whether he looks landsward toward Vesuvius, or seaward beyond Ventotene. We had heard of sunsets in the sea, but I had no idea what they were like till Ave saw some here : a segment of 50 degrees over the horizon lit up with orange and gold, while the huge disk gloAving like a carbuncle plunges into the wave ! CAPRI. End of July. We shall leave this island to-day; after having fought three nights with the mosquitoes, who are many and determined, without the protection of a gauze-net, the people here not having one. These insects have a singular sort of discernment : they always attack a stranger or new-comer, while the Aborigines are rarely troubled by them. We have seen no scenery equal to this in Italy, CAPRI. 181 or rather, nothing reserabling it in character. It bears no geological affinity to that of Ischia : the rocks which form the island run in a continuous lofty ridge, from East to West, meeting the sea Avith precipices at either extremity. Southward, looking towards Sicily, the cliffs are stiU bold and pre cipitous. On the Naples side there is a break in the barrier, and the gigantic wall has given place to long lines of slope, interspersed with the raost beautiful rockwork, and covered with briUiant ver dure. The caves and grottoes have delighted every soul from Augustus to Shelley. Owing to the sin gular angles and curved recesses here formed by the rock, the colours on the water are marveUous ; they are finest at mid-day, and have sometimes re minded me of what one has heard of a dying dolphin. Our first visit was to the " Grotta az- zurra." Two little cobles, each carrying a boatraan and a tourist, took us in under an archway of about 3 feet high by as many Avide. This is the only entrance or exit, and with the least roughness of the sea you can neither go in nor, if in, corae out. We glided in on a surface as sraooth as glass, and then saw the singular effect which has given the cavern its name. Owing to the smallness of the N 3 182 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. aperture, nearly aU the light which enters is re flected from the bottom of the sea upwards, passing through 20 or 30 feet deep of pellucid water, and strikes on the vaulted roof of Umestone, from which it is again refiected doAvnwards. This results in the most vivid blue conceivable in the basin round you. Probably the sky-tints in this latitude are partly referrible to the same cause, a great deal of light being transmitted from the bottom of the shores and bays round Naples: but no sky ever ex hibited a blue of this peculiar character. I have seen an enamel something hke it, and the scale of a fish when wet approaches it, but neither of these can impress you with the sense of being enveloped in a totaUy new atmosphere. I think if a broad plate of mother-of-pearl were passed through the blue of the " spectrum " and waved up and doAvn in it, it would be much Uke the water in the grotto. When stirred by an oar or other object, the flash and bubbles resembled the coruscations of the Bude light. Outside of this cavern the scene was scarce inferior in beauty : scarlet funguses were clinging on the water-line : diminutive flying-fish threw themselves by twos CAPRI. 183 and threes out of the sea, describing a small arc ere they fell, and as our boat drove a ripple into the bay or threw the wave like a living emerald on the rock, the whispering sound among pebbles and tiny shells was as music in some home of the fairies. The spot called the "Arco Naturale," from a curious portal pierced in the limestone, was our next expedition. No one Avho does not visit it can conceive the beauty of this. With exemplary zeal I effected a water-colour sketch here under a vertical sun which very nearly changed me into an African. Close by in the " Grotta del Matrimonio " is the mouth of a fosse where Tiberius consigned to a cruel death some scores of his temporary spouses. Bluebeard was nothing to this monster, and even to this day Capri is at a disadvantage from his prolonged sojourn in it, for many wiU not tread where such a wild beast has once set his foot : nor indeed would I, but that I hold the surface of the ground to be altered. One of his grandest palaces stood on the summit of the eastern rock, which looks forth like a watch-tower toward the rising of the sun. This spot now possesses a consecrated N 4 184 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. building, and at 2 a, m, this morning we were off on donkey-back to clamber up to it and see the " Spuntar del Sole." After a ride of an hour and a half through the heavy dews, we reached the cliff-head one hour too soon. The hermit padre Paolo, who dwells here always, gave us a shelter in the Chapel, and entertained us kindly till the mighty lurainary announced his approach by a bright suffusion of yellow over the eastern horizon. The tableau was glorious as he cleared the hills of Amalfi and Sorrento and spread, to our eyes, a mist over the loAv-lying valleys. Soon the sea flushed and warmed, the hills and shore caught form and colour, and the vast reach of the Medi terranean changed from a dull leaden surface to heaAdng azure billows. Before descending Ave went over part of the ruined Palace. There are several courts on a large scale, and two wheel-ruts are visible on a mosaic road, which actually plunged from the edge of the cliff, and wound down to the shore a thousand feet below. On the floor of a court we saw four natives dance the " Tarantella," A woman beat the time to a rude measure on the tambourine ; the steps are free and graceful ; the shy looks of ISCHIA. the woman and the vehement attitudes of the raan are intended to represent a courtship. They dance it on the sea-shore at Ischia, but I think hardly so Avell as here. ISCHIA. October. How hard it is to say farewell for ever to a dear friend ! and such has this pretty island now be come to us. A sumraer season has flown by since we first set foot on the Epomeo ; the myrtles were then in bloom, and the arbutus was putting forth its tender shoots to solace the goats : now the purple berry hangs on the myrtle, and the arbutus bears clusters of ripe fruit like the largest coral bead. The becafique has given place to the quail, and the quail to the woodcock, and already the water-rail and speckled thrush, sure precursors of winter, are found in the neighbourhood. The glorious sunsets in the sea have been succeeded by the flushes and lurid gleams which attend a storm on the Mediterranean ; and the chestnut 186 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. woods skirting the Eporaeo are no longer dark green, but an umber red. The shifting of the season is visible in tokens yet more familiar ; the pretty moth so abundant here, which the house holders call " angiolo," and regard as a lucky fairy, is less lively ; he no longer hums round our curtains, or creeps in and out of the key-hole, but has taken to dozing on the window-pane : the lizard from a restless flirt has become a shy, retiring scout, and my special pets, the two gigantic sphyn- ges, whom I have so often caught and released again, have paid their last visit to the bush of crirason marguerites in the garden. We have seen nature come and go in some of her most winning aspects, and would not like to wait her utter decrepitude in the fall of the year. Winter here is a terrible time: Ave are assured that every road is broken up, and the mountain- paths become utterly impassable from the fury of the torrents which then pour down the sides of the Epomeo : we have indeed witnessed one speci men lately of what they caU their " cattivo tempo : " the storm burst forth about 9 p. m. and lasted till 1 in the morning. The rain fell in absolute spouts of water, and the glare of the lightnings with the ISCHIA. 187 prolonged bellowing of the thunder among tho crags was awful. The Epomeo seemed like a treraendous battery on a battle day. What is worse, hoAvever, than all this is the condition of the poor. We have a pretty large acquaintance among them, and many of the old and infirm speak of their probably dying from cold and starvation. Distress they could scarcely escape, but their improvident habits aggravate it a hundred-fold. Take a populous instance, the donkey-men : these avUI earn, one day with another, during four months, from June to September in clusive, a dollar a-day each of them : of this their donkey Avill require less than a tenth, and their family, with management, not quite half. They might therefore lay by in these four months sixty dollars — above ten guineas of our money, but which goes as far as five-and-twenty here, I am sorry to say they never lay by a farthing, serious as they know the " rainy day " will prove. Misery foUows ; of course they must hve all the Avinter on tick, and the roguish tradesmen, who are generally Neapolitan speculators, take advan tage to charge them interest, cheat them in the price, and put them off with a bad article into the 188 .TOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY, bargain. In an argument with a father of a famUy on this subject the other day, when I spoke of the coming distress, he said, " Dio me ne guardi ! " when I asked him what he would do, it was " Iddio sa." But when I exhorted him to lay by out of his actual summer receipts, he replied, with a shrug of the shoulders, " Non si puo," Next day was his " Giorno di nome " (day of the saint whose name he bears), and I saw him ludi crously tipsy, dressed like a merry Andrew, and singing aloud between the mouthfuls of macaroni which he kept swallowing. I doubt not he spent on that day all the ready cash he had, and perhaps borrowed more ; for which latter he Avill have to pay interest. One trait of the Ischiote woraen I raust record, though I do not know that it bears on this matter of the islanders' improvident character, unless it be favourably. This is their passion for articles of jewellery ; especially earrings of the largest size, wrought in solid gold and after fantastic patterns. Having been obliged to discharge the servant Avhom we brought with us from Naples, on account of her flagrant dishonesty, my Avife engaged a married woman of the island to Avait on her. This Teresa ISCHIA. 189 has been a great corafort, being a steady, honest, hard-AA'orking woraan, A remark raade one day on a pair of these enormous pendants drew forth an animated account from this young Ischiote of a similar pair, an heirloom in her mother's family, which were made over to herself upon the occasion of her marriage. It seeras they had soraehow found their way to the pawnbrokers', and a con siderable tirae elapsed before they could be re deemed. During this trying season Teresa took to her bed and movirned like a Avidowed dove over the absent treasure. She summed up her story with the words, " Questo mi ha fatto molto male ! " During the past week we have had the vintage in Casamicciola, and a pretty sight it has been. As I never witnessed one before, I took care to be present at all the stages of the operation: from gathering to carting, from carting to vatting, from vatting to pressing, and finally the barrelling off of this precious nectar. The scene in the wine press is well worth witnessing once. The bunches being thrown in, men and boys follow, after stripping to the knee and being carefully washed in fair water — a fact this which I vouch for : hear 190 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. it, ye bakers and brewers of " Auld Reekie," and reform your ways ! Some of these turn the stuff with pitchforks, whUe the others dance up and down and press out the juice. The vat of our h'ost is about twelve feet square, and stands under a covered shed, Avith a simple arrangement for letting out the liquor afterwards into a lower reser voir, and a cross-beam and millstone for bringing a heavy pressure to bear upon the grape-skins. During the process of treading, the door of the shed was kept wide open ; yet the fumes which rose were so strong that all the treaders soon became inebriated, or, as they term it, " allegri." From a modest silence they passed to singing, and from singing to vociferous shouting. The scene brought forcibly to my mind divers passages in Holy Writ. After some hours ofthis, the juice Avas withdrawn, and strained through a Avicker basket as it fell into the reservoir below. Then all was brought up again by buckets and thrown on the skins which lay in the bottom of the vat. Here it was left for six days, the doors of the shed being closed and locked upon it. At the end of this period the shed was re-opened, a heavy pressure by a fiat surface applied to the heap, and the liquor flowed ISCHIA. 191 forth as clear as cider. This Avas stowed aAvay in huge barrels, Avhich Avere finally bunged up, after a smaU quantity of strong acrid matter squeezed from the refuse grape-skins had been in troduced : Avithout this last the wine AviU not fer ment. It is to be drinkable in two months, and will cost about one-fourth of what " small beer" would in merry England: it is not, however, nearly so good. Having said thus much of the regular Avine of Ischia, I shaU add that a French merchant who is settled here, and has built the largest house in the island, and on one of the most beautiful spots, grows the Falernian grape, both white and red, and makes a delicious wine from it, quite equal to Burgundy, and at one-sixth of the cost. He has also taught the white to effervesce like Champagne, a result achieved by a twofold process in addition to the usual steps. The bunches, after being plucked from the tree, must lie a whole night on a bank exposed to the heavy dews, to charge them with carbonic acid gas ; and the bottles Avhen fiUed must be plunged, previous to corking, neck doAvnwards, into a pail of fresh spring water. 192 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. At fifteen pence a bottle this beverage is deh cious ; and, what is more, " sincero." Whoever passes a month in Ischia should scale the Eporaeo. I have been up it tAvice ; once alone, when I was favoured with paradise weather and saw the Avonderful prospect from San Nicolo's Convent; and again in company, some seven of us besides a cook, servants, donkey-men and dogs. On this last occasion, as will sometimes happen, we were unlucky in our day — a fog escorted by a sweeping blast overtook us at Pansa, and by the tirae we reached the surarait we were children of the mist. There was nothing for it but to dry our dresses, dine, and then descend, how we might, over ankle-breaking crags and banks of slippery clay, to a cup of tea and a nightcap. The " giro " of the whole island in an open boat is both agreeable and instructive. For the twen tieth time in my life I was within an ace of becom ing a zealous geologist, but escaped it. We had many adventures in the course of the day; one was disturbing a wasp's nest, when our boat man was stung by one of these insects on the cheek; this man, a brave and hardy sailor, and ISCHIA. 193 built like a wrestler, cried like a child, and we all had to set to and comfort him ! On the long sandy reach facing Capri we made acquaintance with a natural cuisine well known to the contadini and fishermen, and large enough to dress the victuals of a regiment. Here you need neither fuel nor fire, pots nor pans : you have only to scoop a hoUoAV in the boiling sand, Avrap your Adands in clean paper, and bury them; twenty minutes will cook a fowl, four or five an egg ; "pomi-d'oro" and such like are done to a turn before you can say Jack Robinson. The row in an open boat was delightful ; and, rounding the last headland, we came on the ruins of the old palace of the Bolgars, very interesting to those Avho have heard the story of the fair Restituta, a daughter of that house. 194 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. PALERMO. November. Nature and art combined ncA'^er produced a raore beautiful result than this city ; masses of traver tine masonry mingled Avith groves of orange and citron, cover the A^ast " pianura ; " behind the hills SAveep in a seraicircle ; in front the ocean runs up Avith a delicate loop of blue on bright sands ; and far away, a hundred miles as the crow files, the Avhite cone of Etna reflects the ray of the setting sun. It would be difficult to describe Belmonte, the villa where we are lodged, a mile distant frora the city. The peerless prospect in front of us, the garden laid out round the mansion, the crested rockwork and red cliff rising one above the other at the back of the pleasure-ground, lower down in the vale hundreds of acres bushy with the cactus, and as the eye wanders further, to every palace an old buttressed wall, and clustering on every wall the dark fohag"e and golden fruit of the orange tree, a fairy-tinted sky above, and an air like balm, though November's breeze is sighing through the olives. It is a spot too beautiful to stay long PALERMO. 195 in; so it is fortunate that Ave are birds of passage. In the city all is noA'd and picturesque. Walk vip the Via del Toledo and you Avill get an idea of Moorish architecture ; here balconies hang in clus ters like birds' -nests, and every cornice and sup port is carved with grotesque faces in the stone. The sides of the trottoir are dappled with shop- fronts proclaiming bright colours to be the rage ; widespread stalls fill every possible and impossible place, proffering hot chestnuts to warm you, and icy-cold cactus-figs to cool you, with some twenty species of pulse, and fish and tobacco ; sunburnt men in red and yellow caps lie sprawled in the streets; at every window protrudes a woman's bust ; around are buUdings reared by forgotten princes, and inhabited by beggars ; the duorao with Saracenic towers without, and the appoint ments of a whitCAvashed barn Avithin ; churches gleaming with shrines of agate and gold, a pretty botanical garden, a raised terrace by the seaside, dirty lodgings, bad hotels; — it is Naples again, but Naples in an Arab dress, bedizened with jewels, but without bread to eat. The population appears even a grade loAver than the half-clothed, quarter-fed adventurers who lounge in the Chiaja. o 2 196 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. The abbey of Monreale demanded our first visit : but I shall not describe it, save to say that the panellings of the nave are coated with mosaics in a finer style even than those we saw in Rome. The greatest, because worthiest, name heard here is that of Archbishop Testa, who during his occupation of the See was the friend and father ofthe poor. He fed them, clothed them, educated them, and plea ded their cause with the mighty. " Ma," added our guide, "e morto quell' uomo venerabile, e adesso sono ritornati nella miseria." Certes the patriarchal dispensation was raeant to abide, in substance, under all outAvard changes : avc err in thinking to confine its exhibition to the limits of the fiimily, or rather sovereigns should remember that for them the nation is the family, and that to deem otherwise will narroAv their minds and cheat thera of their true dignity. Testa lived hke a patriarch : his heart expanded as his family increased, and the revenues of his See, the inflvience of his name, the fruit of his studies, the hours of his time, the watchful travail of his spirit, were given to the flock of Christ. After Monreale, Ave started on a visit to the Temple of Segesta, fifty mUes distant. The drlA^e PALERMO. 1 97 down upon Borghetto and across the CasteUamare tract, and the pass of the ]\lonreale, is very fine : the latter often reminding me of the pass of Leny in Perthshire. The greater part of the landscape exhibits open plains interspersed Avith boulders of rock, some of them rising to several hundred feet in height, and beautifully coloured. Arrived at Calatafimi we halted for the night, not without a presentiment of Avhat awaited us. The inn, so caUed, is a disorderly cow-house, into which both pigs and mules intrude : an abominable loft over head receives you hungry and tired, and here you must keep the windoAvs open or else choke. We had taken the precaution of bringing our own sheets, one of Shamoy leather included, and a fcAV ounces of tea : these with patience and hope of the raorning kept up our courage during a night of fierce contention with a marching host. When day broke I haUed our landlady with the an nouncement " Padrona, quanti pulci ! " " Sicuro " ("to be sure") was her response. And yet you are expected to write " contentissimi " opposite your names in the traveUers' book. But all sub lunary troubles have a lirait : as the day broke we broke our fast, and were off with raules and a o 3 198 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. donkey on a four-mile ride through the early dews to the heights above, where once stood Segesta, to forget our sleepless sorrows in contemplating a Greek Temple and the remains of a theatre. How strong has ever been in a Roman mind the leaning to omens, specially in the matter of a name ! The masters of the world, when they took into amity and aUiance this city, claiming a com mon origin with themselves in Trojan ancestors, shrank from the poverty-stricken sound of "Egesta" and rebaptized it " Segesta." Pyrrhus with his elephants, or Hannibal with his heavy armed infantry, were scarcely so for raidable in the eyes of the S. P. Q. R,, as an un lucky crow, or sacred chickens A\'ho refused to eat. After clirabing a pretty stiff brae we came upon the classic ground ; a situation as fine as that of Paestum, and one calling up grander ideas. The Temple is larger in its dimensions than that of Neptune, and pure Doric, The columns are formed of cylindrical blocks like miUstones, of very unequal thickness; towards the centre of each column there is a considerable bulge: these are not channelled, as those at Paestum, but they are loftier, and the proportions of the entire struc- "3, S-^onIiflK^-tiraifiQufieii. T IEMIP[ [C(&E$T^ . PALEKJIO. 199 ture struck me as being more elegant. The quarry from Avhich they Avere hcAvn lies all around : bend ing strata of calcareous travertine cropping out from the mountain's side. The effect of the morning light was grand and imposing : the Temple looks nearly due North, and the sun's ra}s gilding the colonnade on one side projected on the other a beautiful shadow of the entire building, piUar, nave and pediment, on the grassy slope. This effect is best seen as you de scend the opposite hiU, on Avhich the amphitheatre stands : the Temple then faces you, and the sha dow is laid down on the right, if the hour be about 8 A, M, The whole thing is as ghostly as Melrose Abbey : nothing is here to break the charm of solitude Avhich approaches almost to the sublime ; the mules making up for lost time among the bent and tre foil are hidden by the edge of the hill ; the shrewd guide is Avith them, occupied probably in comput ing how much he AviU charge you. Meantime you may forget your foolish purse, and think of the days that are gone. How many thousands once were busy here ! and Avhat is become of their dwel lings ? Here is indeed the Temple, standing un- o 4 200 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY, hurt as if by magic : but for the rest, nought save waste blocks strewing the vast area. Where are the happy homes, the busy mart, the sociable streets ? All is gone, but how did it disappear ? Did an earthquake level the " pauperum tabernas regumque turres " yet spare the temple ? I should rather incline to believe that some ruthless con queror, such as Agathocles, in the hour of ven geance, ploughed up the city but feared to touch what was consecrated. The Araphitheatre, Roman of course, must have been an elegant one, judging by what remains. It was of unusuaUy small dimensions. The courses here are laid in a blue stone selected from the curling edge of the quarry. Report says that the imperial Nicolas meditates a trip from the palaces of Palermo to this mountain scene : I advise him to carry his bed Avith hira to Calatafimi. What a man is this ! surely the eagle of his tribe. Even Madame Catalani's glowing description of his ap pearance scarce prepared me to see such an ener getic Colossus. L'Imperatrice seems to be mending in health here : but oh ! grief to the Palermites, they must not fire the guns, as she cannot bear the concussion. But to return to our villa. What PALERMO. 201 singular associations cross one's path in life ! All my schoolboy days rushed back on me just noAv as dear as if present. AVe were taking a turn on the gravelled walk that runs round the shrubbery : a little yellow owl was tied by the leg to a hutch : sundry suspicious-looking twigs lay here and there athwart the hedge-row, and half a dozen linnets and sparrows stood chirping at him. Returning chez nous, a glance at our landlord explained the Avhole affair: he held in either hand a prisoner fluttering on a lime-twig; "due bocconi," said he, AAdth a grim smile : the " ci vetta" hadbeen playing the part of decoy-duck, and these were the first-fruits. In another minute, before we could grant them grace, he twisted both their necks, and declared Ave should see them at dinner. 202 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. CATANIA. December. After a peep at Messina, here we are at the foot of Etna, in a town historically old, but actually ncAV, looking up at a cone ten thousand feet above us white Avith snow. Nothing can AveU be more striking than the coast of Sicily, whether you sweep by it in a steamer, or take a " vettura " oc casionally and post across such levels as have roads made on them. From Palermo to Messina we had the boat, and from its deck made acquain tance with the Lipari Isles, Scilla and Charybdis, and Stromboli. The appearance of this latter gives a more simple impression of the poAver of volcanic agency than even the lofty furnace of Vesuvius : here is a rocky chimney rising like a lighthouse amid the waves, and in a state of constant ignition day and night for some thousand years. Charybdis has golden sands and a picturesque tower : there is still a considerable whirlpool off shore which the steamers avoid. SciUa's rocks Avould Avreck any craft mad enough to brush against them ; but Avith ordinary care there can be CATANIA. 203 little danger of coraing into such contact, for the tide Avhich carries you into the bay of Messina through the strait floAvs like a raillstream. The road from Messina hither presented nothing- worthy of remark, save the dry beds of water courses, which in six Aveeks are to become torrents. Of these, albeit noways picturesque, one is con strained to take note every half-hour, as the large pebbles almost unwheel you. The Avay the vehicle is packed, though sensible enough on other grounds, renders these bumps inevitable whenever the road is uneven : aU the luggage is slung in a rope-net below the belly of the carriage, and of course clashes with every obstruction that occurs. And thus, three horses abreast, yovi get along, some five railes an hour. The sixty odd miles between Messina and this took a couple of days, as the same cattle must do all the Avork. We have been here a week, and I have ascended Etna ; a matter very easy in sumraer, but sorae what difficult in the snow. Real danger I should say there is none for any healthy person, if he or she wUl observe certain precautions. Professor GeraeUaro, Avho lives at Nicolosi on the mountain, was good enough to put rae on my guard just in 204 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. time. We reached this spot, sorne 14 miles from hence and lying at the edge of the first lava- field, in the evening, and I at once made my arrange ments for starting towards midnight with a guide to reach the summit. Calling on GemeUaro, he gave me two wrinkles: "Borrow a Sicilian Ca- potte ; and before you set out lie down and sleep, if it be only for a couple of hours, — as the tem perature betAveen this spot and the Casa degli Inglesi varies above forty degrees of Fahrenheit." Forewarned, forearmed: so to bed I went and dozed two hours, then dressed, pocketed a pair of long stockings to don over my boots and pantaloons, with an extra pair of gloves and a comforter, and finally got into a great rough Capotte which I deemed as impenetrable as if it Avere the shelter of a stout rooftree and warm fireside. I little thought that Avithin six hours the air of upper Etna would pierce through it like the blade of a SAvord, be nurabing my joints, chilling my marrow, and freezing my breatli in icicles on Avhiskers and eye brows. I started about eleven p. m. Two men accompanied me, one to scale the summit, the other to look after the horses, which must be left at the Casa degli Inglesi. We had moonhght for 2 or 3 CATANIA. 205 hours, after Avhich Diana veiled herself, I rather think behind the mountain, but Avon't be positive. After passing 4 miles of lava, Ave entered the Bosco and Avandered for about 5 miles more through Avinding paths and among broken banks Avhere doddered oaks rising out of the fern recalled the scenery of AAindsor Forest. In this " bosco " is a hut, Avhere Ave halted a quarter of an hour to feed the cattle, and don our extra Avraps. Shortly after this we eraerged frora everything hospitable and habitable upon a vast country of lava : now it A\'ould be a claraber for half an hour along the edge of a precipice, now a plain two miles across, Avhitened by lakes and grips of frozen snow; then another precipice, — and so on for nine miles. There Avas not rauch wind, but when a breath did come it was hke a rebuke void of love, chill and disheartening. The Capotte has a band by which it buckles at the waist: I shall always like the sight of a buckle and band : I believe it saved me once or twice from dropping out of the saddle. There are fcAV things more exhausting to the spirits than a long endurance of severe cold by night : the muscles and nerves become over wrought, and their usually cheerful play turns to 206 JOURNAL KEPT IN I'TALY. a dead pull : perhaps the brain is slightly affected, the heart certainly is, as your pulse plainly indi cates. Then, the horses will stumble, and when they stumble often they get frightened and refuse to go on, and then you must dismount and lead your beast, though your fingers are frozen and your head giddy. Amidst this diversion I had two severe falls ; one of them, Avhich was into a deep grip, the horse shared with me. I know when Ave reached the Casa degli Inglesi at past five in the morning, I thanked God heartily and audibly. Here we halted, unlocked the doors, lit a fire in the outer roora, and gave the beasts a bag of fodder. The guides fell to eating : I was too sick to accorapany them, but they did ample jus tice to my cold foAvl and bottle of Avine as well as to their o-wa. viands. I never looked on such a scene as that Avhich was presented frora the thresh old of this Casa. A vast " pianura " of black lava ribbed and spotted Avith snow, here a hillock per haps 200 feet high, of the sarae stern raaterial, there the dira crest and plurabline of a precipice; on the other side, looming through the sombre air like a barrier-limit of the Avorld, the huge cone of Etna. Beyond this, absolute void. There Avas CATANIA. 207 comfort in feeling that amid the wilderness I stood on the threshold of an English home ; for this rude tenement Avas reared by a party of English, and God laiows how many lives it has saved. Still I longed for day to break and reveal something akin to the habitable earth if it were but a grey stone or a lichen. An hour and a quarter of severe struggle, with the aid of a stout staff each, brought myself and guide within a hundred yards of the topmost ridge. The loose ashes made this part of the business very wearisome. I observed that in ten steps avc did not advance aboA^e half as raany feet. All at once, in our last halt for breath, Ave saAv the horizon flush from a dull pink to bright orange, ancl up came the sun. With it came rays of golden light bringing warmth to our bodies, and form and colour to every object around us. We scrambled over the remaining bit, and gained the sumrait of the cone. Here ocular proof is obtained of the prodigious elevation of Etna, of which one has no adequate idea from below. Some six or seven thousand feet beneath us lay a fleecy field of clouds resting like pillows on the region of the Bosco, and spreading from thence in a vast semicircular area to 208 JOURNAL KEPT IN IPALY. the visible horizon, Avith perhaps a hundred and fifty miles of radius. When I first looked on this I sup posed it to be the sea, and raarvdhng at its un wonted appearance requested the guide to show rae Catania : " Queste sono nuvole, e Catania non si puo veder " was the answer. Indeed it lay fully three thousand feet lower, and was at this time buried under the mist. As the sun ad\^anced the enormous white mass parted in divers directions, and the sea shoAved itself, a gulph of indigo, with huge things careering on its surface like icebergs after a thaw : these were the clouds rent and piled up. "Adesso si vede il mare" said ray friend: I srailed, for I saw he had discerned my previous un belief of his assertion. In the course of twenty minutes the lava-fields on this side of the Bosco Avere visible. We now walked on the edge of the great crater Avith our backs to the sun. My attention was drawn from one phenomenon to another: I was marvelling how crystals of ice could be formed araidst hot scorise and smoking sulphur, Avhen the guide called me to look at a " bella cosa;" I raised ray eyes and beheld the shadow of the cone pro jected in air on the morning moisture in the di- CATANIA. 209 rection of Lipari. It seemed exactly another cone, heaviest towards the head, which was of a violet colour, and shivered into shadowy streaks on the flanks. Behind it was a sky brightening every moment with the sun's ray, and across this a fcAV dark horizontal hnes broke from the penumbra. This thing is spectral in its appearance, and more than any other object aloft, impresses one with a sense of the singular and isolated position of Etna's summit. The main crater is about five hundred feet deep at this time ; so say the guides, but I think this must be measured doAvn the slope of the funnel. I could not, however, see to the bottom, owing to volleys of sulphureous smoke whirhng up ever and anon, accompanied by a rumbling noise and occa sionaUy by a shght vibration in the ground under foot. Here I found amidst warm ashes, on the slope of the crater within, heavy crystals of ice set all at one angle and curved like sharks' teeth. I picked up one bit as big as a walnut and asked the guide if he could account for its presence. Far be it from him to give a " rationale " of any thing of the sort : it would derogate from the dignity of 210 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. Etna, It reminded me of a chemical experiment played off by a French savant at one of the late " Scienziati " meetings. He made water freeze in a red-hot cup. The silver or platina being brought to a red heat, a few drops of water are throAvn in,. which do not eA'^aporate but jump about. Sul- phviric acid is now poured in, which in the act of boiling produces so intense a cold by the disengage ment of its latent heat, that the drop of water at once turns to ice. I opine the chemical process here to be the same, only on nature's grand scale. The raorning mists supply the moisture, and Avithin the crater there is no lack of sulphureous mixture boUing as in a retort : hence, as hot fumes ascend, the crystals of ice are precipitated. If any one re ject this solution of mine let them find a better, remerabering that they are to account for pieces of ice forraing on a bed of warm ashes. This prin ciple of " disengagement of latent heat " raay also help to account for the severity of the cold felt on Etna, which is far greater than is due to its eleva tion. I believe the summit of an Alp at the same level is not so cold though in a more northerly latitude. A Russian, Avho ascended the mountain a fortnight before I did, Avas perfectly amazed: CATANIA. 211 he said he never felt, even in Petersburgh, such peculiar sensations of cold. There lay another smaller crater not far off Avith a caldron of flames at its bottom, but the sides of this cannot be descended with safety ; we paced a few yards down the interior of the big one, but I was never fond of breathing sulphur matches, so did not go far. On our return over the lavas I stopped to ex amine " Empedocles' ToAver," as the country people caU it, but now held to have been one of the early altars to Ceres : this latter guess is ingenious, but may give place to a better. The remarkable fact about it is, that it presents a fine specimen of brick work not found elsewhere assignable to such a date in the Etnean country. As to Empedocles or any one else, permanently inhabiting this elevated region, I hold it to be a fable ; if he really did so for a week in December, it would fully account for his jumping into the crater to warm himself. SicUians quote the view of the Val di Bue from the edge of Etna's north-eastern cliff, as the finest they have ; it is certainly the wildest. Your eye travels down to a vast plain lying far below ; from p 2 212 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. its level rises an extinct volcano, whose fields of lava, richly tinted, are spread round its base ; mountains forra a ring fence, themselves of con siderable stature, but shrinking into mediocrity by the side of Etna. On reaching Catania, I sketched this scene and the spectre of the mountain from memory. The descent was as rapid as the ascent had been long and toilsome. I thought the Bosco beautiful ; the trees are of the species of oak called " dee," growing in a ferruginous soil which abounds with some curious speciraens of semi-petrified earth, pro bably due to the action of saline springs. Emerging from this, I encountered my dear partner on horse back ; she had braved the morning dews, and was bringing a basket with provisions for breakfast, and a ready ear for my raountain tale. Fox fol lowed among the attendants, and seemed vastly surprised that he had nothing but lava and ashes to run upon. I retain two meraentos of this ex pedition, a beautiful piece of coloured scoria from the crater's edge, and the oak stick cut from one of the " del," with which I clirabed up the cone. This Catania, or xar Eri/a, lying at the foot of CATANIA. 213 the mountain, derives its chief interest at this day from its position ; the era of its glory, and it is to be hoped also that of its calamity, has gone by, and it is now a second-rate town, inferior to Pa lermo in beauty and to Messina in wealth, but still attracting many visiters to its singular neighbour hood. Every thing teUs of Etna, breathes of Etna ; the exquisite honey at your breakfast-table is from the slopes of Etna ; Etna's suoav ices the fruits and confectionery; Etna's lavas, cut into polished tablets and boxes, adorn the shop-windows ; if you ask about the weather, Etna's cone is the only au thority, and according to its actual appearance, hot or cold, wind or calm, fair or foul is predicted. Above aU, if you have legs and your health, you make a push to chmb to the loftiest crater in Europe. The Saracens caUed him " Mongibello," which means "mountain of mountains," Etna resting on a vast region of hiUs as his base. Catania is ahnost entirely new, having been rebuilt on the old foundations after the earthquake of 1693, which slew sixteen thousand persons here, and in all Sicily, I believe, a hundred thousand. The shock overthrew the old town, leaving only up p 3 214 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. to the first floor in the Benedettini monastery, and a few other buildings. Indeed from the first it has knoAvn its full share of troubles. In a. d. 535, Belisarius took it ; in 550, Totila; in 1542, earth quakes shook it dreadfully ; from 1575 to 1578, it was ravaged by pestUence ; from 1581 to 1591 a famine raged. In 1624 the pestUence came again ; in 1647, again ; in 1669, Etna buried every thing westward, and great part of the tOAvn itself, the wave of lava, thirty feet high, halting suddenly within ten yards ofthe Benedettini. In 1693 was the aAvful earthquake. There is great lack of a good history of the city, which is the more surprising as many authenticated traditions, knoAvn to man, woman, and child, exist. The Duca di Carcace, the first noble here, has draAvn up an elegant httle volume, but it scarce amounts to more than a guide to museums and villas. Some one should commence a work on all the ancient capitals of SicUy ; no country ever had so many or so mighty, save perhaps Etruria ; and among these Catania would furnish an interesting volume ; it is more ancient than either Palermo or Messina, a colony from Chalcis having founded it CATANIA. 215 in 758 B.C., Nasso and Leontium being prior only by a few years. It was christianised as early as A. D. 44 ; and its inhabitants have from the first borne such a warlike character that they never erected fortifications to defend themselves, until an attempt of the Turks to sack the town had nearly succeeded, in the middle of the sixteenth century. If such a work as the above were undertaken, it would derive much interest from questions of chro nology and language to which it would give rise. The latter has always been shifting and changing ; at this day it is a medley. The former is involved in admitted confusion, from Avhich it can only be extricated by bringing to bear on the disputed points the coUateral light of general history. Another very interesting branch would be the geography of the island, or, rather, the decision of the different districts in which distinct colonies settled down, and a note of their emigrations from time to time. If I were living here for five years I would undertake it, and get Professor Agatino Longo, of this toAvn, to help me ; who is a very well-informed and agreeable man, though devoured with philosophical hobbies. p 4 216 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. Synopsis. PEOPLE, EBA. LANGUAGE. Ciclopi. Lestrigoni. Sicani. Siculi ¦ 80 ante Trojam captam "I Sicilian. _f Phoenician. Trojani, Chalcidenses - 765 B.c, Corinthians - - Grecian mixed. Megarenses. Eomans - . Latin mixed. Saracens . - Arabic, Normans ¦ Beginning of 12th century - • Norman. Castilians, &c. " 14th century. This is a rough sketch of what would be needed as a running comment to accompany the body of the work. There is one antique here, the elephant of basalt, in the Piazza ; this is probably due to the city's amity Avith Pyrrhus, 300 b, c, ; it was then they lost their solar quadrant, which emigrated to Rome, as part of the spoil seized by Messala, Catania stands, despite its wars and its earthquakes ; but where are Leontium, Agri gentum, Tauromenium, Syracuse, and others ? all once mighty cities, and how little do we know of their fall ! CATANIA, 217 There are several modern " lions" here. The Biscari museum is as well arranged as any I have seen, though necessarUy limited, being a collection made by one famUy, almost by one individual, the late prince; here are some of the most beautiful petrifactions in the world. The Duomo is a hand some building, and contains St, Agata's head in a sUver case, but it cannot be shown till her " festa" in February arrives. She is the patron-saint, and in the " Maria" nunnery is a painting representing the torture infiicted on the youthful martyr ; it is a fact that the executioners cut off her breasts ! Coeur de Lion called at this port on his way to Palestine, and presented a croAvn of gold at her shrine : this and a collar Avith inestimable jewels are kept locked and guarded under seven fire proof doors. The noblest church, however, here, or in all SicUy, is the Monastery of the Benedettini, which is on a free foundation, even the sovereign having no power to dUapidate its revenues. This princely society keeps the poor of Catania from perishing by famine : a sum of several dollars is disbursed every morning in necessaries to reheve the most pressing cases. Sovereigns have been guests here, and the 218 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY, buUding comprises a palace, a museum, and a " hanging garden," constructed on the terrace afforded by the last wave of lava which took this direction in 1669, Here, from a window looking out into the court, we gazed on the scene and fact of the " miracolo," A space of some ten yards broad, by perhaps thirty in length, is flanked on the left by the con vent- wall, on the right by the paraUel line of lava-rock, now solid, and supporting shrubs and trees, but then liquid enough to flow. It here stopped short of the church, which its further progress for a few seconds must have thrown down. The great earthquake, twenty-four years later, shook down aU the upper stories, but left the basement level up to the first floor standing and facing the lava as before. Thus it has escaped tAvice, from eruption and from earthquake-shock. The Catanians love to dwell on this miraculous interposition in favour of their church, and who can blame them ? The choir has one of the finest organs in the world; we heard a voluntary on it. This town was Bellini's birthplace ; the people are passion ately fond of music. There is one good picture here, author unknown, — the " Spasimo." CATANIA, 219 The Catanians have many troubles, but they have also many advantages natural or acquired, I think on the whole they are happy people. Their corn, which erst fed Rome, is almost indigenous, for the date of its introduction into the island cannot be traced. Their vines, growing low as on the Rhine, yield a far more generous grape than that which ripens on the straggling festoons of Italy : their fish are abundant and dehcious ; no seas in the world can show the hke. Cefalo, spina, merluzzo, nasella, alice, are superior to any sorts I ever ate any where. Then, if they Avish to build, they need not bake bricks or quarry stone ; here is the ready lava, durable, and of all colours ; and marbles, agates, and alabasters, to face it with, for those who can afford expense. To this day they dig up rare coins and odd antiques, and their river roUs do'wn amber of three different hues, a per quisite for the peasant and fisherman. They are lively and faithful craftsmen, as the terra-cotta groups witness. Their sUk fabbrica weU nigh mates that of France, and the material is a si bon marche, that every Catanian woman goes to mass in a long mantiUa of good black silk, enveloping her from the head to the ancles. Finally, Mongi- 220 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. hello, their only terror, is at the same tune their pride and dehght : when he is quiet, they rejoice in his beauty ; when an eruption threatens, they humble themselves before the Almighty, and con fess their sins as a people. London, Paris, Rome, seats of pride and luxury, have ye any thing better? or is the unseen mine beneath your palaces and markets, ready to be sprung when least ex pected, less dangerous than the artiUery and lava- floods of Etna ? One effect of visiting a country like this is to force one's attention to the subject of volcanic lavas. The amount of those in existence in the Two Sici lies, if computed geometrically, is truly prodigious, and then arises the puzzling problem of " what is the source, the actual generation of the lava ? " As to its amount, the measure of the Etnean fields has never been taken; it probably comprises one third of this island. But Vesuvius, a mere baby in comparison, has vomited enormous masses whose dimensions have in part been tested. WhUe we Avere in Naples they were boring an Artesian well in the vicinity of the palace. The shaft had been sunk 450 feet, and they were not yet through the volcanic strata. CATANIA. 221 Again, Ischia is simply a volcano : the entire re gion of the Solfaterra, Phlegrfean fields, &c., is an old volcanic district. Some persons deem that the Avhole kingdom of Naples has come out of the bowels of volcanoes ; it is very possible : if the eye may decide, then I should say every thing betAveen Vesuvius and Cuma, including the Bay of Naples, was once one great crater ; it certainly retains that form, only, as the old lavas return to a consistence of clay, one walks over them without knowing it. The nature of the lava-rock prior to its volcani- sation is not known : it would seera, however, to be homogeneous, liquefying in all parts of the world at much the same teraperature, and everywhere re taining its heat for a length of tirae which is diffi cult to account for. The scorise, ashes, and vitrified matter shot forth in gaseous explosions have a to taUy distinct character and are never liquefied. Probably the lava has a base of clay with lime and alum combined. Iron from time to time mingles with this, and hence on the crater's edge you will always find it in some form or another. Round that of Etna small shining prisms like " tourmalines " are picked vip : they go by the name of " ferro specolare " from their reflecting the 222 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. light, and they are not fusible in fire, GemeUaro gave me a paper of them when I was with him. The eruptions are unquestionably due to a super abundance of moisture : when the water is decom posed explosive gases result. Hence, earthquake- shocks generally coincide with the throes of the mountain, A very wet season is always foUowed by one dangerous to those who dweU near a volcano : it has been noted also that in the first stages of an eruption streams of salt water are sometimes vomited. Volcanoes, moreover, throughout the known world, stand in the vicinity of seas, as Coto paxi, Hecla, Etna, Vesuvius, &c. Stromboli is in the sea. Some one has observed that where a sea has retired, or the inland lake dried up, the volcano has become extinct. Now aU this dangerous activity of the water would alone lead one to think of clay as the base ; for that substance is imper vious to water, and when the charabers within the mountain's jaws are heated they act as boilers and generate steam. There is another and distinct reason for assuming a base of clay, and that is the apparent fact that old lavas return to the state of clay, as is seen in the Solfaterra. Having said this it is fair to mention one objection to clay being CATANIA, 223 supposed the prevailing ingredient, which is this : clay is very cold, but the lava torrents retain their heat sensibly for a number of years. The current of 1669, I am assured, was warm in parts for ten years afterwards : and that of 1843 is hot now, at the end of tAvo winters, on the Bronte side of the mountain. This difficulty is very great : but may be met by the fact that metal, which radiates very slowly, is present in the formation, I think, how ever, there is another consideration which may solve the problem. The lava-rock would appear to possess the pro perty of internal combustion, as a piece of phos phorus does. Whoever has read that very interest ing book the " Etudes sur la Nature," wUl remember a chapter there on origins and species, by B. St. Pierre, in which he remarks, contra the geologists,, that Etna's forges must have been formed before an eruption could take place. I quote from me mory and have no copy of the Avork within reach : but his argument is unanswerable, and will bear as a corollary [note (/)] that there raust have been fuel in the forge from the first. In brief, the fusion results from fire kindling within the rock itself, when the viscous nature of the substance and its- 224 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. aversion to assuming a gaseous form, cause the fluid stream of stony matter. A chemist would say there is a reaction of the component elements ofthe rock, as in the case of fermentation. Switzerland has glaciers, but no volcanoes ; why ? because it is inland. Its fresh- water lakes would not feed a volcano. The " faU of the Rossberg," however, was accompanied by an explosion of gas, a shower of heavy missiles, and an exuding of vast masses of clay ; which had every volcanic character save the phosphoric and metaUic one of melted matter flowing as from a forge. While speaking on the subject of the lava, I may note here what has been found to be the chief danger attendant on approaching a stream of it in motion. This danger hes in any covered tank or reservoir of water happening to be near. In one of the latest eruptions of Mount Etna a number of persons had foUowed the course of the lava for some miles, occasionally stirring it Avith sticks, and even run ning across the heated current. At a certain point, the stream carae in contact with a smaU reservoir ; an explosion of steam followed instan taneously, and about a score of persons who were standing near lost their lives ; others Avere scalded. CATANIA. 225 The same thing occurred not very long ago on Vesuvius. Among the specimens of lava which I collected while in Catania, I have one exhibiting a trans parent agate-like substance, striped as are the Scotch pebbles : this Avas Avithout doubt formed by the heated lava thus coming in contact with water. While on this subject, I mention a fact unAvelcome to divers modern geologists. The origin of basalt is probably aqueous ; a variety Avhich is evidentl}' stalagmitic may now be seen in a chff near Aci-Trezza on this coast. The Cyclopean Isles hard by are of this material. We have raade our trip there, but a rough sea forbad our landing on the sheer rock. In the attempt we were nearer being drowned than I ever saAV a boat's crew in my life, " Non nobis, Domine ! " said I, and say still. The "temporale" came like lightning, the Avaves rose hke a castle wall, our boatmen were panic- struck, and our fat host, Abbate, very near upset us all. My servant, a Florentine, turned as pale as if he had seen the Angel of Death. 226 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY, SYRACUSE, Syracuse, January, 1846, We paid a visit to Messina a week ago, where we had the pleasure of being wind-bound on Christ mas day. As the breeze still continued adverse for Naples, and a steamer here on such occasions is only another word for your coffin, we have run down the coast thus far to get a peep at scenes renowned in the annals of Athens and consular Rome, Messina has not many lions, but it seemed a comfortable sort of place to live in. From the brow of a mountain behind the to'wn there is a noble view of the two seas, Tyrrhene and Ionian. On the quay stands one fine piece of sculpture, a fountain with sirens. There are three or four splendid convents : in that of " Monte Alto " I found an entire waU covered over with votive offerings in descriptive pictures, which is the old Roman cus tom of Horace's day surviving to our century : — " Me tabula sacer "Votiva paries indicat uvida Suspendisse potenti ; Vestimenta maris Deo." SYRACUSE. 227 Substitute " Marise " for the two last Avords, and nothing else is different. In merry England on Christmas day people eat roast beef and plum pudding, turkeys and mince pies : you may eat most of these here also ; but the special dish in honour of the " Nativita " is " capitoni," enormous eels stewed in a rich sauce. Every soul ate capitoni in Messina. Indeed there was an unusual supply ; for a shipload of them intended for the Naples market could not leave port in time o-wing to the gale : and thus the spe culator, a sea-captain, was fain to get rid of them in Messina at half price. Now I can only say they are very good ; but we took the precaution of ha'vdng another string to our bow in shape of a re spectable roast joint of beef and a real good English- looking plum pudding. After that, it is very hard if we are left for the year of grace " eighteen forty- six " Avithout Victoria's bonny face in our purse. January, 1846. Syracuse of all the spots I have ever seen affects me most strongly with the idea of desolation. Here are some fifty square miles, once peopled by a million and a half of souls, as bare and lone Q 2 228 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. as the top of Ben Cruachan. Of the five divisions Avhich made up the ancient city one only, Ortigia, lying at the extreme edge on the sea-coast, survives. But Epipolis, which had the citadel, and overlooked aU the rest, is now a vast plain strewed with ruins level with the knee : its towers, which erst kissed the blue sky, noAV kiss the sod. Tica (Tu-xri), where Fortune's temple stood, has shared the fortunes of Nineveh, and is in ruins: Acradina, ruins ; Neapolis, ruins : and such ruins ! myriads of blocks, but each one laid low : columns, but all broken : .banks and terraces of masonry presenting the appearance of a landslip: baths faUen in, arches crushed, the main hnes of roads scarcely to be traced — nought remains but the ex cavations of two theatres, the " Latomie" or quar ries, subterranean grottoes, a catacomb, and two headless columns of the teraple of Olympian Jove. SYRACUSE. 229 Thc natural features of the country round are too strongly pronounced for the flight of time to affect them materially. Towards Etna, which is a majestic object from hence, the ground sweUs into long sweeping ridges. Epipohs crowns a sort of cliff, from which you look down on the penin sula of Thapsos on the left, and on the right have a bird's-eye view of Plemrairium and of the port, which is double. Here we threaded a range of subterranean galleries from which of old issued, as if by magic, the Syracusan horse and foot on the flank of the Athenians. These ambushes lie under neath the city's foundations, and I have met with no remains which give a bolder idea of the conceptions and labours of the men of other days. Labdald% position is marked by one of the few large masses extant : here Nicias' camp was pitched, and here he had fuU leisure to reflect on the foUy of the whole expedition. The Port has a circumference of seven miles ; 500 saU of the line might lie as snug within its arms as a coble in a boathouse : Nelson harboured here for a week with fourteen seventy- fours, having 10,000 men on board, a matter which the SicUians have not forgotten. Bronte, on the side of Etna, is not better known by the tremendous Q 3 230 JOURNAL ICEPT IN ITALY. lava-torrents which it has vomited than by the lion-hearted commander to whom it ga\''e a duke's title. The entrance to this port was defended anciently by a bridge of boats connected Avith strong chainwork ; an impassable barrier when such was needed. At present Ortigia is entered on the land side by five gates and four drawbridges. " In hoc portu Atheniensium nobUitatis, imperii, glori£E naufragium factum existimatur," — so says Tully : but what chance could Athens, whUe at variance with Sparta, have had against such a city as Syracuse ? SaUust observes, shrewdly enough, " Atheniensium res gestae, sicuti ego existimo, satis amplse magnificseque fuere ; veriim ahquanto mi nores tamen quam fama feruntur:" and then he gives the reason. At the foot of Epipolis are some fields of scorise and old lavas from Etna, but the folks here do not care much about Mongibello. An old fisherman was asked by a professor what account he could give of that " rara avis in terris," the basaltic cluster of isles caUed " Ciclopi." He of the skiff and nets cut this Gordian knot readily enough. " Furono fatti da Domin' Iddio "... a wiselike answer, not unworthy of certain folks' consideration now-a-days. SYRACUSE. 231 Arethusa's Fountain is now a scanty rill drizzling alongside of a stone waU. When we looked on it I reaUy forgot the " Sicehdes Musae," and thought of the banks o' Clyde ; for two or three brawny wenches, stripped to the knee, were sous ing, rinsing, and straughting the linen in the waters of the coy nymph. The Anapo and Ciana, two streams which uniting a little above the har bour mingle their fresh waves with its salt, are better worth a visit. The Ciana is beautiful: fringed with colossal waterflags, and its bosom reflecting the floating thickets of the " papyrus." This latter is identical Avith the plant of the NUe, When growing it has a graceful ap pearance, the triangular green rush and golden mop-hke head swaying and nodding in every gust. Here are several small islands of it anchored in the stream : it sometinies stands twenty feet high. The process of making the paper is a simple one, but can only take place on the spot, as the stalk must be slit and pressed the same day it is rooted up or it will lose its adhesive property; these strips laid one over another, gridiron fashion, are pressed in a napkin — et voild tout. A lad here makes it very tidily. We rowed Q 4 232 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY, six miles up the Ciana to its source, a limpid pool some forty feet deep with the springs welling up in its bottom. The New River head, near Ware in Hertfordshire, is not unlike it ; only here the water is so translucent that you may see shoals of the " cefalo " swimming about full fathom five, I regretted on this jaunt that I had not a fowling- piece with me ; summer-snipe, whole snipe, moor hen, dabchick, and yellow wagtail flirted around the boat : I even put up some Avild-duck ; and an enormous buzzard rose leisurely from the flag- stubble, where he had no doubt been doing his best to flout the game-laws. The " Latomie," in the Tica district, were ori ginally the Syracusan quarries, from which they cut many thousand cubic feet of stone, to rear their city walls and temples. After the defeat of the Athenian army, these were used as prisons to confine the unhappy cap- .tives, and proved the condemned ceUs of such as could not recite Euripides, Some of them are now converted into rope-walks, others, appertaining to the convents, are dressed as gardens, and present a singular scene of verdure. The " Silva," of the Capuccini is the most beautiful ; here the tops of SYRACUSE. 233 the pines and orange trees barely reach half Avay up the cliff Avhich their convent crowns. The crypt here has relics of undoubted authenticity, the natural mummies of some twenty of the holy fathers of other days ; each of these lifeless forms is fastened to the waU by a belt round the waist ; some have coUapsed and faUen, presenting the appearance of a martyr at the stake, I was vexed to find such lack of reverence and true discernment. What parent or brother could endure to meet the form and features he had knoAvn and loved thus exposed as curiosities in a musty vault ? If I Avere Sua Maesta, I would insist with the superior on their interment. Our guide here was a Capu cin of four-and-twenty, who, for zeal and kindness with simplicity of manners, might have sat for the portrait of Cristoforo in the " Promessi Sposi," San Giovanni had the honour of having S. Marziale for its bishop, the first Christian prelate who filled a chair in Sicily, In the primitive church below we saw the identical cross of masonry set by this bishop, when he consecrated the building ; and a rare old eagle in stone, meant for that of St, John, with the first three verses of his gospel below. The mixed architecture here resembles the cross- 234 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY, ings and overlappings of some of the geological strata. You can see huge Grecian columns peeping out from under a mask of Roman cement and brickwork. The catacombs are hcAvn in the tufo, and reach, it is said, to Catania, St. Lucia's church is full of interest. Here is the picture by Caravaggio, of her interment, with the aged mother kneeling beside the corpse : his strong lights and shadows suit the subject weU, This Lucia was a poor girl, but of great personal attractions : there is a story extant of her refusing to hearken to the suit of one Avho was attached to her, lest she should miss the cross of Christ. Her day is now the great " festa " of this city, whose principal quarter bears her name as patroness ; including the fortress where the king's cannon thunder from the ramparts. It is impossible not to honour Roman CathoUc Christians for the honour which they invariably pay to the memories of those whom they hold to have been foremost in the good fight, Dionysius' s Ear is the finest of aU the caverns ; whose " ear," however, it never was, but probably an echo- vault for a theatre, or odeon above. It is true, that in form it resembles an ear, more. Wallcmlith. ''"'H'l" - 'wwsr*» Xan^CfrLXoiLp-rnaniLCPcitemosteT E.o^^ Da.ytSanlitli'totliel'tePr ©iB.®ir'irA ©ILL' oisiesKii]®. SYRACUSE. 235 however, the asinine than the human, as some one pithily observed. The ground plan within has the figure of an S. Its dimensions are vast, some 200 feet long, by fully 100 in height; yet the old floor lies lower stUl, but is paved over, on account of the springs of water which flood the level. They have a museum in the tOAvn : a mixed, though smaU coUection. It has one gem, the Venus ; a lady who unluckily lacks the head and half an arm, but they have acted wisely in not attempting restorations. This is one of the best statues that have yet been dug up anjrwhere ; the drapery, which is beautifuUy arranged, is a very great advantage. In some respects I prefer this to the Florence beauty. The Esculapius in the same room is a poor thing and heavy. Less ancient probably than the Ve nus, but as much mutilated, is Archimedes' tomb, towards Acradina — if indeed his it be. The Grecian cut front in the face of the rock has a striking appearance ; but this pretty pediment and a bit of a pUlar or two raise your expectations only to disappoint them. Within aU is empty, nor has any one niche or chest furnished an inscription to 236 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY, Avarrant the assertion of SicUian antiquaries. Still, like the Spada Pompey, if it can't be proved neither can it be disproved ; and one naturally wishes to believe it. I have amused myself -with sketching an outline of what may have been his last resting- place in the city which gave him birth, and which his genius aU but saved. One thing is in favour of the sentence which assigns it as his. It is the only sepulchre visible in these parts : and to bury within the city walls was contrary to all law and custom, a rule only departed from in the case of iUustrious citizens and patriots. The Syracusan features are handsome and " sta tuesque : " all they lack here is, first, the old city ; secondly, a carpet on their floor in December and January. In the best inn of the toAvn we shiver with cold : Oh ! for Kidderminster ! I am vexed that we cannot make out a trip to Girgenti, once mighty Agrigentum; but the coast road is just now sloppy and the weather tempes tuous. Lentini, old Leontiwn, is now a wilderness, the resort of huge tribes of water-fowl of every wing, Avho resort to the marshy lake. I have no speci- eg iii SYRACUSE. 237 men of its birds, but a very fine one of its ribbed lavas. The site of Taormina, ancient " Tauromenium," is indescribably noble ; and its theatre must have been the greatest thing in the island. You are at a loss whether to admire most the vast masses of brickwork, the specimens of alabaster and agate facings, or the evident remains of exquisite co lumns in Parian marble at its entrance. We walked round the enormous Attic, and I wavered for a moment in my vowed preference of the Coli seum above all other structures in hoc genere. The prospect is beautiful beyond description : thirty miles of coast run along like the curling edge of a shell in bays and inlets ; rich slopes descend from MongibeUo's base to the shore ; and ten thousand feet aboA^e all, that proud cone rises hke a gigantic wave from amid a sea of purple clouds. We had a chmb of two hours from Giardini, and reached the Theatre's Cliff in time for a glowing sunset. At Giardini there is a tidy inn, and a shrewd, busthng, inquisitive, benevolent old body of a landlady. We did not quit Syracuse without experiencing 238 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. one sore disappointment. Those who know by experience the pleasure of meeting with a country man or countrywoman while roaming in distant lands, with the delight of comparing notes and of exchanging a greeting in one's mother-tongue, Avill feel for us when they peruse the foUowing. In the hotel Avhere we were lodged, the floor above was tenanted by a married couple, who had resided there for several weeks. Our own stay proved a brief one, and during the course of it we never met with these dear people : they had pro bably long since explored all the spots in the neigh bourhood which kept us so busy sight-seeing. However this be, somehow we never met without- doors, and generally, on coming home at the close of the day, we were too glad to swaUow a dish of tea and go to an early bed. Only, we heard that the lady had long been and was still sedulously en gaged in gathering all the specimens she could find of a small blue shell, which strews the sands of the Anapo and harbour: also we were aware, as was my terrier " Fox," of the presence of two little dogs in the apartment above, one of which was said to be a perfect beauty. The day daAvned at length whose afternoon was to see us re-embark SYRACUSE. 239 on board a steamer for Messina. What Avas our joy to learn that the family overhead were depart ing by the same boat ! Now should I be able to indulge the feast of reason and flow of soul. What questions I would ask my new-found ac quaintance, how we Avould box the compass of geological and antiquarian science — specially on the subject of the lavas ! — there I thought I should shine. Then, the lady — a thousand pardons for not naming her first — how delightful, how cheer ing, how chatty it would be on board that horrid boat ! The dogs too ! Fox, I am certain, knew what was in question; for he knows everything, and understands moreover at this time three lan guages beside his own GaeUc. The hour drew on ; we had despatched a hasty dinner — our bags were packed, our biUs settled, the porter was sum moned ; we had heard too from time to tirne en couraging sounds above of packing, pushing, thumping refractory luggage. Their very door on the stair was ajar, and I could note the pat tering of lap-dogs' feet. The lagging moments passed at length, the moment of departure came. We crossed our threshold. Fox whined, and I instinctively raised my head and gave a glance up 240 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. stairs : my eyes met the landlord's face ; it AVore a dispiriting, negative smile — " Questa famiglia non parte ancora," said he : " la signora non ha abbastanza di quelle piccolo conchiglie; bisogna n' avere piu ! " Next to the lava-labours of Etna, nothing has struck me more in this beautiful island than the poetical turn of the people. Theocritus was the father of Idylls ; and Virgil is always appealing to the " Sicehdes Musse.'" I suspect the experience detailed in his Georgics, his most perfect work, was mainly drawn from hence. The words " Ca labri rapuere " in the epitaph attributed to him for his own tomb, whether they were really his or no, prove, by inference, that he was close opposite this coast at the most observant period of life ; and no doubt he crossed over. Dante aUows that the first Italian effusions in playful satire were termed " Siciliani." Even Petrarch savours of Trinacria. The speech of the inhabitants is to this day rather poetical than prosaic, abounding in lively images and picturesque modes of expression. The stu died cringing so common in Naples is rare here : during a stay of six weeks in the island, I have only tAvicp heard the title " CeUenza," which is SYRACUSE. 241 everlastingly ringing in your ears in the metropolis. Their similitudes are endless, and sometimes very striking. In Florence you will hear " BeUo come il campanile : " but here, if a lady is fair, she is " una candela di cera ; " if too languid, " ha un viso come un pesce boUito:" gentlemen who sit sluggishly on their mules instead of springing off to aid the weaker sex up the hiU are designated as " pezzi di lava." If a httle girl has anything re markable about her, " E molto simpatica, una cosa particolare." " Buscar qualche cosa," I am sorry to say, has here, as in Ischia, the double meaning, either to earn a carline or steal it, as the case may be. Their humour is never richer than when shown in describing their own peculiarities of character. Two current SicUian anecdotes may give some idea of the national obstinacy, a trait in which they certainly are not surpassed by any people — not even by the immovable Swiss. One of these relates that a SicUian on his way from Catania to Messina, is met by a friend, who asks him where he is going ; the reply is, " Ho da essere a Messina ;" — " I must be at Messina." The other observes, " You should say, ' Se Dio vuole :'" but B 242 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. this only draws forth the vehement assertion, " Se Dio vuole, o non vuole, ho da essere a Messina." Hereupon, to punish his impiety, he is changed into a frog. On recovering, after a year's penance, his pristine form, he meets a man on the same spot, who puts the same question, and gets the same answer, with the old offence repeated. Again he becomes a frog ; but though he has tAvice done penance as a croaking reptUe, he hardUy sins again, word for word the same, and now, being incurable, is turned into a marsh by the roadside, where so many are croaking that the sin is evidently national. Another story introduces a Sicilian married woman, whose husband coming home from his work, finds the house turned topsy-turvy, and half the furniture destroyed; windows broken, curtains torn, tables upset, the very bars of the door tAvisted by main force. On requesting an explanation, he is told by his wife — " Maritu miu, forfici foru ! " which means, " Husband mine, 'twas the scissors did it ! " and she holds up her working scissors. Finding he can get no better answer, I am sorry to say he so far forgets himself as to carry his better half into the garden, and SYRACUSE. 243 there attaching the bucket-rope to her neck he lets her doAvn into the well. After a souse up to the chin, he repeats his enqviiry as to how the mischief Avas done, but ahvays gets the same answer — " For fici foru!" He noAv gradually lowers her deeper and deeper, putting the interrogatory from time to time, but with no better success. At length she is fairly plunged over head and ears ; but Avhile thus immersed, and speech impossible, the unyielding lady stretches out one arm, and holding the hand above water, moves the middle and forefinger so as to represent the action of scissors opening and shutting. At sight of this the husband gives in, draws up his wife, and takes her tenderly horae, voAving that he will seek no better answer than the only one he seems likely to get, — " Maritu miu, forfici foru ! " These stories are genuine sketches of Sicilian pertinacity. The " forfici foru" is now a pro verbial phrase, equivalent as a reply to ours, of " Find out, and then you'U know." Looking at the faded capitals of SicUy, one feels a deepening conviction that the sway of ancient Rom€. blighted every thing that sat under its shadow. These cities began with Phoenician en- R 2 244 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. terprise, and were perfected by the arts and fostering amity of Greece ; but from the day when Rome gained the ascendant, they never knew real prosperity. In her palmy state they did not share her glory, but when she fell her ponderous ruin overwhelmed them. Since that, Goth and Saracen, Norman, Spaniard, and Bourbon, have lorded it over the lovely island, trampled the pasture, and oppressed the sheep. Nor are things really better now. No complaints can reach the ears of the kind-hearted sovereign who fills the throne, nor any representations obtain redress from the venal officials of the Neapolitan court. The Catanese are ridden with taxes, and overburdened with poor. They are just now building a new quay at their own expense, of which the royal treasury Avill reap the benefit in enormous harbour-dues. The cement found on Etna, being of old eruptions, is not strong enough to bind the stones. A supply was requested from Naples, where a fine rich " pozzolana" abounds. For every sack ofthis the Catanians are made to pay the fuU market value, and I saAV on the quay that they are obliged to fee an officer day and night to watch over it ! This is surely someA\'hat illiberal. KOME. 245 ROME. April. There is something about this " Roma " unlike all other capitals. If you see it for the first tirne, though every block and flagstone are new to you, you feel as if it were an old friend, at least a scene Avhich you have dreamed of all your life. Leave it for a season, Adsit other cities and return: Rome seems changed, a new creation. Surely Trajan's pillar is taUer, and the Coliseum vaster than you supposed; St. Peter's dome has a grander swell, and the fountains are more life-like and magical. Perhaps you quitted it in winter and have come back in spring : take a turn on the Pincian and mark how the spikes of the cypresses and the um- breUa-hke tops of the stone-pines are varied by masses of bright foliage and white blossoms on the acacia and chestnut. The very streets are more cheerful : the shop-fronts are glittering Avith new models, the picture-dealers have exposed a fresher lot, other cardinals roU by in other carriages — a foriner generation has passed away, and you are E 3 246 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY, pacing the Corso among new faces. Go to the Campagna, to renew an old acquaintance Avith Egeria's grotto: it is old no longer; the grot is cooler and its fountain fresher; and the unseen nymph as she flings a straggling creeper in your face laughs at the dreamer who thought, because his temples were groAvn grey or his step less elastic, that boon nature has no, resource in the spring time and the zephyr. True, the works of man are mouldering : Avhile the grove has put forth greener shoots, and a heavier crop is waAdng on the slopes. Time's scythe has been mainly busy ; and the " im ber edax " has eaten into brick and marble, tufo and travertine, though you cannot find the crumbs from such gigantic repast. The most changeless features are the face of the Tarpeian and the out hne of the Seven Hills : but where are the royal adornments, the " fitting and furnishing " that once beautified imperial sites? How heavy is the hand of Time ! Do you hear the vaunt of the placid Augustus ? "I found Rome all of brick, I shall leave it of marble." How sternly the grey beard smiles as he listens to it ! Hark ! he is Avhetting his scythe — " What a foolish way they have of tricking out the crust of this rickety ROME. 247 planet ! I have seen Babylon and Nineveh in their day; they Avere a breakfast for me. Here is Rome, — her heart sweUed with pride, her face plastered over with the spoil of the nations, — a choice morsel for old Time. I am hungry -with ranging over the plains of Greece and the steppes of the Caucasus. Rome is ripe. By my beard ! I wiU not leave to this overgrown city a temple or a palace, a clean arch or a white block — ho ! there — the Goth and the Vandal ! " And what is he mumbhng now, as he sits over against the faUen palace of the Csesars? " I found Rome all marble and bronze, squared stones and costly arches : / have left it dust and ruin, — a sunken pit and a broken column ! " During the past month we have been on divers excursions into the Campagna. Frascati is a bower of verdure, ht up with the blossoms of the almond and the globe-rose. On the heights of Tusculum we have breathed the purest air of the hUls and inspected a beautiful bit of old Roman pavement. At Grotta Ferrata we found Domeni chino's boldest frescoes; and made acquaintance .with the original of a Poussin in the graceful monastery of Palazzolo built on a cliff which over- B 4 248 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. hangs Albano's lake. From the summit of Monte Cavi and standing on the site of the temple of Jupiter Latialis, amid gleams of sunshine and driving mists, we have looked down on the two lakes of Albano and Nemi, and counted in fancy the thirty cities of Latium. What a scene is here ! and what a path leads up the hiU and descends again to the level of Albano I You ride through a forest of ancient chestnuts, whose domain must at one time have been invaded by a whirlwind, for all these trees are tAvisted in the rind hke a cables after this, a winding lane, its banks tufted Avith thyme and orchis shooting up under the thick hazels, and some hundred yards of the most per fect Roman road existing. Then there was Castel Gandolfo., with its galleries of Uex, and its Barbe rini Villa, and its emissary on the lake below : and Aricia's de'wy woods : and Nemi, rock built, Avith its dark volcanic pool sleeping in that mysterious hoUow. Nearer to Albano are the Tomb of Aruns, Porsenna's younger son ; and the Fortress of the Savelli, an ivy-clad ruin of the middle ages. Here you may forswear butter, that yeUow deceit, and eat the delicious " ricotta," a something between curds and clouted cream. No neighbourhood can ROME, 249 be finer : fcAv capitals can boast one half so fine, Tivoli., in another direction, merits a three-days' visit even better, not so much on account of its waterfalls and Vesta's temple (called '•'• Sibyll' s") as for its Campagna and the noble remains of its viaducts. In the course of a ride of twenty-eight miles we visited five of these latter, and some of them are the grandest we have seen. They shoot in bridges over deep ra^vines, tiers of arches clustering with forest-trees and brushwood to a height of sixty and seventy feet, and patched here and there with broad flakes of light on the red stone. In Tivoli, you may visit Maecenas' villa, a stupendous toy; or Hadrian's, far vaster ; or marvel at the petri factions wrought by "praeceps Anio." Hadrian, by the by, did not lack taste, despite his hideous mausoleum in Rome; he has planted this whole district -with " melagina," an odoriferous shrub bearing a white flower like that of the syringa ; the first shp of which he was at the trouble of bringing over from Egypt. A pretty ride of fourteen miles leads from hence to the scene of Horace's Sabine Farm at the foot of the Mons LucretUis. I found the site a bear- 250 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. garden ; of all his darlings nothing is left but the stump of a column. I did not get up the hill to Blandusia's fount ; so can't say whether it is still " splendidior vitro ; " but, coming back, we had a taste of something better designated by the trans atlantic term of " clear as mud : " a thunderstorm drenched us for two hours, and the river ran away Avith its OAvn banks ; passable roads all at once became a sonorous bog under our horses' hoofs : — but, Ave made the cattle go ; strong round-built creatures, who mind nothing but a spur, but when that argument is adduced, they cut away like ostriches. To my surprise, Avhen we reached Tivoli they had not turned a hair. We have lately been with a party to see the illumination of the statues in the Vatican. A striking result is here obtained by means the most simple. AU that is wanted for the treat is the custode's fee for the flambeaux, which is a heavy one, so it is better to make one of a large party if you have an opportunity. The wax-lights are enclosed in a semicircular shield of tin, acting at once as a screen and a reflector ! this throws the hall around into deep shadow, while a powerful focus of light is brought to bear on the bust or ROME. 251 statue Avhich is being exhibited. The thing Avhich by day looked " so coldly SAveet, so deadly fair," seems now to start into life ; every vein and muscle protrudes, the eye acquires depth, and the mouth expression. I don't know Avhether the effect is most admirable in the sterner forms or in those of softer beauty. Perhaps the " Minerva Medica " was now the finest of aU the marbles. But the " Hercules and infant Bacchus," the " Menander," " Antinous," " Demosthenes," were all wonderful in their vivid semblance of life. Canova's forms, exquisite as they^ are, lost a little, and betrayed their inferiority to the antique, under this search ing test. I am afraid I shall never much care to see the statues again by day. After aU, is Rome anything beyond a treasure-house of other nations' labours and inventions ? Her " fine arts " were all Greek ; her " antiquities " at this day are Egyp tian or Etruscan. Her very " toga," it seems, was borrowed from Etruria ; and it is whispered that " Purgatory," a graver matter, was first broached in Egypt. The Carnival has come and gone ; and Ave have seen for several days the gravest people in the world give themselves up to sports and disguises 252 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. compared to which a Christmas pantomime is sober seriousness. The Corso was a brilliant scene towards the hour when the steeds with none to ride rush down its glittering vista : here in open carriages and cars, on seat and box, or clustering in windows and balconies, the Roman dames as sert their claim to being the comeliest in Italy. The mad diversion of " Senza Moccolo " on the last night was the chief novelty. AU the world who are abroad carry torches and flambeaux which the passers-by exert themselves to extin guish, growling these two words in derision when they succeed. The scene is absurd. Strange that here, in majestic Rome, the thing goes off admira bly ; while at Naples, where every soul is a na tural mimic or buffoon, the carnival is duU and heavy. It is a marvel how the same people can keep up the carnival, and then celebrate the holy week year after year: Nothing can exceed in solemnity the offices to which this latter is devoted. Despite the crowds of sight-seers, who Avill treat everything here as a theatrical exhibition, the aspect of the city has for several days been grave and impres sive. The comparative stillness of the vast multi- ROME. 253 tudes assembling in churches and piazzas ; the diurnal preachings ; the penitent repose of the convents, where many noble ladies retire about this time for a season of mortification — all this is solenm, even outwardly, but much more so when you reflect upon it. I went early on the morning of Good Friday to St. Peter's to hear Padre Ventura preach : I was half an hour before the time ; and as I paced the aisles and along the glorious transept I thought I had never before seen the cathedral to such advan tage. It was a clear morning, and the sun's level ray darted through an arched oriel Avindow above, and came full on the great mosaic of St. John. All down the nave the light softened into a faint mist, till it was lost among the piUars and recesses of that enormous arcade. The massive golden coffers above seemed less heavy, and the marbles, too briUiant at noonday for a church, were mel lowed doAvn in the haze of dimness. AU the crucifixes were veiled, as if to point the people's regards on this day from a shadow to the substance, and the ever-burning lamps were extin guished around the Apostles' shrine. I enquired of a canonico who passed 'when the Padre was ex- 254 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. pected : " Adesso comincia," was the reply ; and Ave entered the Cappella del Coro. Padre Vantura, the Dominican, is a stout man, something past middle age, with a full clear voice, distinct dehvery, and a good deal of action. In a discourse of an hour's length I do not know that I lost a word. He took as his subject the brazen serpent, from the text of St. John's Gospel ; and in handling it ranged over many points of connection, and brought many striking similitudes to bear in illustration. I was edified by his fervid honesty. He charged his hearers with corruptness of motive, deadness of heart, and lack of divine charity : avoAving that there is no true freedom but perfect freedom, and that if we had the mind of Christ we should take his yoke upon us and seek the sal vation of our brethren more earnestly than we at present seek our own. The amount of extempore eloquence was very great : and it never swelled into bombast or strayed into vagueness. Many as were the points he touched upon, he was always clear and ahvays hit the nail on the head : and reproofs and consolations were alike welcomed by his hearers. I did not think the grand festa, on Easter day, so impressive, but was glad to be present when the ROME. 255 aged pope, to Avhom Ave had been presented a short time before, delivered the prayer " pro urbe et orbe," and gave AAith uplifted hands the patriar chal blessing. A hundred and fifty thousand heads Avere uncovered in the piazza and its outlets, reverent knees bended, and the vast multitude, this gracious act completed, returned peaceably to their homes. St. Peter's and its colonnades were lit up in the evening with a delicate array of lamps formed with oiled paper ; this Avas the " silver : " but when darkness fell, the second illumination, called "the golden," burst out in burning cressets all over the mass of building. The effect was very good, as aU the lights in this quarter of the city are quenched, and the enormous cupola and fa§ade thus stand out in fiery relief against a compara tively dark ground. The meridians of the dome resembled the jeweUed arches in a royal crown, and the single cross, glittering on high above every other -yisible object, looked cheering and elevating. The foUoAving night, St. Angelo's castle was the theatre of some briUiant fireworks. The " giran dola " or bouquet just at the end is well done : but I thought one or tAVo devices exhibited on the 256 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. platform superior to it. Orvieto's matchless ca thedral was sketched in fire. Then there was a waterfall, or rather fire-fall. Perhaps the best of all was the simplest and most obvious. St. An gelo's presented a beleaguered fortress with its huge turrets and battlements. Cannon flashed from the ramparts, signal rockets blazed on high, amid a running fusillade of smaU arms. Sud denly all was hushed, darkness fell, and then by the agency of a Bengal light the fortress appeared on fire, when all ended in the tremendous explo sion, bright as noonday, of the arsenal. And thus we are leaAdng Rome ; filled with ad miration of her beauty, awestruck by the remains of her ancient grandeur, but astonished at her Aveakness moral and physical. She is still majestic " Roma," and yet she is changed — changed in the very conditions of her being. Occupying much of the ground covered by the ancient city, and more of modem acquisition, she has lost the prestige of victory, the inviolable walls within whose circuit no conqueror's army might presume to enter, no citizen might be interred. Her bishop is a recog nised sovereign, though he cannot be "heredi- ROME. 257 tary," Avith claims Avhich are heard and fdt throughout thc " orbis terrarum," attached, hke priceless jcAvels, to the hmited circlets of thc triple crown. Her cardinals are princes, with all the talent and more than the taste and erudi tion of thc Scipios of old ; but the " amor patrias" has dwindled down to time-serving devices, fitted perhaps to uphold an artificial system, but inade quate to meet the human A\'ants, the growing de mands of a populous city, and Avidespread though feeble states. Among the middling and loAver classes, character shifts between two extremes, but misses the healthy level which was the strength of the republic: an Itahan will be a cipher, or he will be first rate ; he Avill Avaste his time and energies in cafes and conversazioni, or he avUI redeem literature with Cardinal Mai, and emulate the Greek models with Canova. " Mediocrity " is the one thing they dread ; but there is a truth in mediocrity which they have overlooked : a humble lot encourages content of mind and proffers domestic duties. Yet, to avoid sympathising with such a people, you must first forget what they once were; it is the history of their origin, the long hne of their s 258 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. early records, which explain their national bearing, and paUiate if they do not not excuse, much of their pride or indolence as a people, and much of the arabition of their rulers. The therae of the old Roraans Avas conquest, and their motto was " Nil admirari." The wealth of the East and the polite arts of Greece lay around them, and they had pondered well that passage in Cyrus's histor}^, Avhere Solon remarks to the King of Lydia — " a little iron Avill one day take all this gold." Their early rayths and legends, whether we regard them as handed doAvn by tradition, or as coined by Livy to please the people, equally prove the popular character and bent. They rise, according to this glowing annalist, under the auspices of Mars, fearless of the sentence of Homer who depicted him as a buUy. Their founder is suckled by a she-wolf, and grasps the sceptre of rule Avith the unhappy prestige of a fratricide, which, nevertheless, forms no obstacle to his deification in due time. As they gain strength and succeed in fortifying their position on the hills, they wax bolder and more warlike. The Sabines must part vdth their wives and daughters, and the Latian cities Avith their territory. ROME. 259 Soon they take a higher and a sterner tone : warrior-kings are good to head a moA'^ement, but the pomp and luxury of a covirt cramp the energies of the rising commonwealth. A flagrant instance of royal debauchery occurs amid the leisure intervals of a carap hfe : the honour of a private family is stained, and a high-minded but innocent Avoman, unable to brook her wrong, stabs herself to the heart in the presence of her husband and relatives ; the capital is convulsed, the army excited ; Brutus, a character long forming for the occasion, steps forth to harangue the citizens, and the Etrurian dynasty in Rome is at an end. Porsenna, King of Clusium, the hero of his nation and his day, interposes to restore the Tarquins: but the valour of Codes, the stern fortitude of Scaevola, the romantic devotion of Clelia, backed by a single-minded people and politic senate, deter and balk his measures, and the seven-hilled city is free, though shorn of half her strength. The amity and countenance of many an Etruscan ally is gone : but bold hearts aim at high destinies, and love to play out the game of conquest single- handed. After this, Rome advances on the platform of s 2 260 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. the nations as the lion pierces the thickets of the forest : before that footstep every other beast retires, at that roar every other voice is quelled. The choice is small : those who act on the defensive are broken and humbled to the condition of tributaries; those who, like Hannibal, lead the attack, may succeed for a while, but provoke from some Cato ^the sentence of " Ddenda est " on their home and city, sure to be fulfilled at last. The career of Rome under her consuls and her emperors was one continued unrolling of the scroll of Daniel's prophecy, filling up the text with a hving comment, and showing how the beast, " dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly," could " devour and break in pieces," and " stamp the residue with its feet." Before the tread of her legions and the stroke of her battering-ram all went doAvn. The powers arrayed against her served but to swell her triumphs. Pyrrhus' chivalrous onset and disciplined phalanxes, Hanni bal's generalship and avenging soul, Mithridates' perseverance and resources, Jugurtha's craft, Syra cusan science, Jewish fanaticism and despair — all quailed before the genius and destinies of a people Avhose name was unheard of 800 years before ROME, 261 Christ, and Avho had been glad to claim for their infancy the fostering rule of a Lucumo from the city of Tarquinia, It is a mistake to suppose that ancient Rome Avas ever a lover of the " fine arts " for themselves : she had neither the taste nor the " penchant " of Greece in this respect ; she could not have them, for their true foundations in her people's charac ter and history Avere wanting. The fine arts, indigenous in Greece and Etruria, found not in Rome the cherishing instinct of a foster-mother: they became her property and her slaves : she hurled them into her treasury ; she bound them in triumph to her chariot- wheels, but she never drank into their spirit, nor bowed before their humanising influence, until her greatness was on the wane, and the reins of empire slipping from her hand. Then, at length, amidst humihation and wrong, under insult and oppression, Rome learned to feel for the human race; and while the Hun made a breach in her walls, and the Goth stripped her palaces, the mistress of the world, cowering over a blackened hearthstone, with the ashes on her head, Avoke to kindlier feelings than those engendered by dominion and luxury, and cherishing domestic ties s .3 262 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY, and affections, prized the raimic portraiture of these, and began ere long to emulate the labours of the pensive Greek. The theme of Greece had never been conquest, but something far holier and sweeter — liberty. It was this mainspring of action Avhich enlarged her conceptions and developed in her cities the most perfect Avorks of art, whether we regard the design or the execution, that the Avorld ever saw : for Art is Nature's daughter, and Nature loves the expansive glow of liberty, and its elastic impulses. Greece in her mountain-glens and islands did not lust after empire. When the banded princes sailed to besiege Ilium, it was to avenge a solemn cause, to keep a sacred vow : Liberty was her motto : she reaped more of real glory at Marathon and Platsea than afterwards at Issus and Arbela, and she knew it. The fruit from such a tree Avas kindly and generous, "Aufond des choses," Greece Avas kind, — Rome was cruel : Greece embodied more of human- heartedness in its patriotism, and found room for the little detaUs of domestic affection, which a stern son of Rome would slight as beneath his notice. Their statues prove this ; each group or figure illustrates some predominant human attribute or ROME. 263 affection, and shoAVS that the artist Avrought " con amore," The Apollo is a deliverer ; the Laocoon depicts parental love and filial dependence enduring amid the destroying Avrath of some offended power ; the Venus is the personification of raodesty, — Avornan's shield and prime ornament ; the group of Menelaus and Patroclus shows fidelity and courage standing in the breach ; the Djdng Gladiator reveals and aAvakens manly tenderness : " Moriens dulces reminiscitur Argos," is Virgil's tribute to this affectionate people. The Romans, on the other hand, had their gaUeries of busts as raoderns have a family-tree for the pedigree, and a coat-of-arms in proof of the nobility of the bearer. Farther than this they Avent not: full-length figures undraped were forbidden, for their minds were too coarse to conceive any but a gross idea. As strong an argument may be derived from architecture, as exhibiting the character of the two nations : here the Greek types delineate the lead ing varieties in the two sexes, and prominent points in the history of the species ; at least I never look at them without thinking so. The Doric seems an emblem of gigantic strength, fit to bear up the architrave of such temples as those of Ptestum, s 4 264 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. like fortitude and experience sustaining the cares of government in a polity. The Ionic, with its simple braid and fiUet, expresses woman's elegance and lovehness. The Corinthian shows the ornate garb of dignity in the state, and Avas probably coeval with the custom of croAvning a victorious soldier or deserving citizen with a green chaplet. On the circle the Greeks took no thought in architecture : they needed no arches for triumphs, had no " orbis terrarum " for their empire : the raysterious unity of the triangle pleased thera better, and its form served to record histories and dedi cations in a raised pediment. Here architecture expanded, after swaddhng in Egypt ! and here it grew to mature proportions of adult beauty ! The Romans carae, to conquer the Uon's share ; they reared the arch, they spoiled the column ; they built irregular masses, always keeping in view the " utile :" yet these vast masses are uoav mouldering into dust, while the delicate Greek outline survives. Their satirist said " Graeculus esuriens in coelum, jusseris, ibit;" but the line is double-edged, and cuts themselves as weU as the object of their satire. True, they starved their captive, and then bid the pliant slave fetch models from Olympus ; and he did it in ROME, 265 every department; — but he did it in vain for Rome, Avhile thc city Avas supreme, and the earth but a highroad for her legions. But Avhen she declined and fdl, Avhen the road to further violence and conquest Avas barred for ever, Avhen the invader became the invaded, and the universal offender was compelled to act on the defensive, — then, energies which had always struggled for supremacy, sought it in another direction : Rome, no longer aUowed to conquer and appropriate abroad, endeavoured to excel and cherish at home : aspirations after the beautiful, which had been awed and kept down by iron statesmen and greedy warriors, kindled and gained ground. Frora age to age they have graduaUy advanced : from rude mosaics and frescoes by the early converts to the stiff but correct outlines of the middle ages, from the harsh and meagre forms of Cimabue to the full and beautiful ones of Giotto ; from Giotto to Perugino and Francia ; from these to Raffaelle and Domeni chino : throughout, the struggle for exceUence has been evinced ; and if Italians are proud and happy now, it is not because they can ever hope to rule the Avorld by arms or policy, under pope or em peror, again, but because they are the acknowledged 266 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. undisputed captains of the fine arts. They have Michael Angelo's and Brunelleschi' s domes, Rafaelle's cartoons and oils, Donatello's and Canova's statues, and they despise from the bottom of their hearts the " barbarians," who can achieve nothing more exquisite, attempt nothing more sublime, than a railroad, a double-barrelled detonator, or a Stilton cheese. At " dominion " they now smile, and will tdl you that popes and princes have caressed Raffaelle, and ennobled Canova ; that Francis L addressed a begging autograph letter to Michael Angelo, and Charles V. stooped to pick up Titian's brush. As for the nation of " haughty shopkeepers," they may well laugh at us, according to the old proverb, while our money is spent among them alike by duke and don, peer and prelate; and whUe our " scienziati " for the first season or two in Rome regularly " go to school " to learn what statuary and painting mean, and how columns can be reared and fountains made to flow. It is true that the present generation of Italians has fallen behind in many respects ; but it is also true that many an Italian appears listless and in dolent nowadays for want of a Avorthy object being ROME, 267 propounded to him ; he may have larger ideas than others around him, and for that very reason be unwilling to toil for trifles. Just noAV they are heavily burdened here in Rome : government is poor in exchequer, and weak in political resources ; many of the state-prisons are fuU: signs of discontent are thickening in the pro vinces, and Austria's arm alone upholds visibly the mitred ruler. The Church, moreover, externally is too much of a metier ; this kills life and joy, and must operate to quench inspiration ; they may possi bly know more, but they believe less than of old, and the exchange is a bad one. StiU, Italian merit in all departments is very great. There are very few paths in which they have not led the way, and ge neraUy reached the climax of excellence, Avhich other people of Europe have afterwards used as a model. In works on theology, in scientific re searches and their practical apphcation, in history, in poetry, and the beUes lettres, in all which per- tams to the fine arts or tends to develop them, they have been the teachers of Western Europe ; and in individual instances they still are. We prize Hooker, and justly, in England : but every reader of Thomas Aquinas knows how largely the author 268 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY, of " Ecclesiastical Pohty " was indebted to him. The idea, if not the composition, of some of the Eng lishman's noblest passages may be found in the terse " Quaestiones " of the meditative Italian, How well Boccaccio wrote history ! In poetry, what names of super-exceUence ! Dante had no original, and has found no followers, save that Milton, unapproach able alike, has nevertheless now and then taken a feather from his wing, Petrarch's chaplet is bu ried Avith him, Tasso is VirgU's true successor, and his " Aminta " is more elegant than the Eclogues, Perhaps Ariosto is the most genuine son of the Muses among them all. Then, in fugitive pieces, what exquisite gems lie scattered over the pathway of their literature! Dante's Sonnet addressed to Beatrice when he was but thirteen ; Filicaja's Lament, ahnost unmatched as yet in his own or any language ; Manzoni's " II cinque maggio," far superior in real merit to Byron's " Ode on Napoleon," I have read but one Italian novel carefully through, — " I promessi Sposi," — it is the "Vicar of Wakefield" of Italy, and whoever would become acquainted Avith the people, must study it, Noav this work is in some respects beyond praise ; yet ROME, 269 his countrymen scarcely think it Avorthy of Man zoni's powcrs ; an Italian gentleman observed to rae, — " Itis good, but he covild haA'e done better," I scarce ever heard such a compliment to a writer's genius. In the drama, Italians have one great name, Alfieri, immensely inferior to Shakespeare, as who is not ? but is he inferior to Schiller f — Are there not in his " Oreste" and his " Saul" touches of nature, which come home to the heart with more power than the magnificent, but stilted paragraphs of the German? How exquisite is the pathos of the following scene, especially its con'cluding stanza ! Orestes, in disguise, questions his mother : — Clitennestra. Oreste, amato Oreste, Tutto saper di te vogl' io ; ne cosa Niuna udir piu, fuor che di te. Oreste. Lo amavi Tu dunque molto ancora ? Clitennestra. O giovinetto, Non hai tu madre ? For the same reason, because nature is beyond art, I think Silvio Pellico's " Prigioni" preferable tothe compositions of the Frenchman's pet, — Law rence Sterne, Lookino- to more substantive raatters, we should 270 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. thank Florence for our knowledge of architecture and hydrostatics; Pisa and Genoa, for the con fidence of marine enterprise; Bologna, for juris prudence ; Padua, for medical and botanical researches. AU Europe owes Italy a debt, though all have not profited equally. In the department of rausic, England has reaped the richest harvest from this exuberant soil ; partly owing to our wealth, but more, I think, to our social habits of domestic life ; for it should never be forgotten that it is the fireside circle, and not clubs and cafes, which is truly social. Hence the French, who exist for " soirees" and " reunions," are less musical as a people. Even in Italy you will seldom hear the best music at " conversazioni ; " certainly not the most pleasing, scarcely ever what may be called a national air: these latter greet you on the quays and piazzas, in the fishermen's boats, or from some cottage on the Campagna. A few among the Neapolitan " canzonetti" of this description are pretty and plaintive ; but they do not seem to me to touch so deep a chord as the simple airs of Scotland, or the Swiss " Ranz des V^ches." The landscape scenery is perhaps the greatest KOME. 271 charm of Italj^, and you do not surfeit of this as you easily may of objects of art. England is unquestionably a finer country on the whole, owing to its high cultivation ; but Italy has far more of pictorial beauty ; melting tints, receding distances, foregrounds of chiar'oscuro, such as Poussin loved. Romantic it is not, because beavity of the highest order is here, as it were, at home, and home has content, but not romance. Strange to say, there is more of roraance in a German *' wald," a Scotch glen, or an English heath, than in an Apennine or Umbrian landscape. After Sicily, the scenes which have struck rae most are the environs of Naples, and certain spots on the Campagna of Rome. In excursions, the great thing is to avoid making too long ones at a time. It is dangerous in this country to get tired out. An old peasant at Tivoli told rae that in raost cases it is " stanchezza" (weariness) which brings on the worst attacks of malaria, for your muscles are then unbraced, and you cannot resist a noxious infiuenee [Note (A.)], I have observed the Romans are on their guard in this respect; they will not journey far at one time, nor work long without taking rest. Under the burning 272 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY, noonday sun, ,you will see the driver fast asleep on his ox-cart, while the team pursue their Avay over the broken roads of the Campagna, The wisest, however, disraount, unyoke the cattle, and lie doAvn to sleep in the shadoAv of the cart. PADUA. End of May. Here is the city of clocks and botanical gardens, Avith the wondrous church of St. Antonio, which boasts a dozen domes and half a dozen turretted spires. Seventeen thousand rare plants are now in the garden ! In the chapel of Sta. Maria Annu7i- ziata we have just seen Giotto's frescoes covering two entire wainscots ; these are in some respects superior to those in the vaulted roof at Assisi. One which represents the Resurrection is especially beautiful, and a Madonna suckling the child in a panel near the altar. We took a new line of country from Rome hither, passing through Orvieto and Bologna, and then diverging from the usual track for the sake PADUA. 273 of a peep at the old town of Ravenna. The whole of this route is deeply interesting. At Viterbo there is a peerless fountain, which you should step out and see by moonlight. The road from hence to Orvieto is magnificent ; the soil prodigiously rich, and yielding lavish crops despite of its poor cultivation : were this district in Tuscany instead of being in the Papal States, it would be brought to produce double what it does at present. I noted two sorts of gumcistus, purple and white, growing wUd ; and a rare geranium. Orvieto is as weU worth a visit as our city of York, and I can't say more. The Gothic cathedral is exquisite: Mr. GaUy Knight should pass a month here ; the drawings would fill a handsome folio, and I think here are points of architecture which can be matched nowhere else. Outside the church, the pUasters are carved in bas-reliefs by the two Pisani, Giovanni and Nicolo, Within, you are lost in admiration, and it requires an effort to methodise your impressions and mark somewhat in detaU the glorious objects around you. The windows are all delicate-cut "lancet;" stained glass filhng the upper portion, and the lower compartment consisting of a plate of oriental ala- T 274 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. baster which transmits golden light : I never saw any thing resembling this elsewhere. Works of art abound : near the altar is Scalza's faraous " Pieta," and the Annunciation by Mochi, in Avhich Mary is as rugged and stern as Boadicea, a singular fancy of the sculptor's. A chapel contains, in frescoes of the largest size, Luca Signorelli' s " History of Anti christ ;" also his painting of the Last Resurrection. The first of these forms a stupendous series, where one's admiration is dlAdded between the artist's diligent study of Scripture, and his bold genius shown in its illustration. Antichrist seems to embody all that is crafty, mighty, and godless. The scene in Avliich he is preaching to the multitudes, the evil spirit prompting him in the ear, is a masterly sketch. In the painting of the Resurrection, sublirae and beautiful groups are as frequent as horrible and despairing ones : a matter in which he has shoAvn more edifying tact than Michael Angelo; for, Avhy multiply the representation of evil and horror? One group Avith one figure especially is here, more noble and pleasing than any thing I can reraeraber of RaffaeUe's. I went doAvn the Pozzo di San Patrizio : 500 steps up and down this well, dug to ensure supplies of PADUA. 275 water to the garrison ; for Orvieto, long a strong hold of the popes, is buUt on a singular basaltic rock, Avhose situation and height preclude the pos sibUity of a spring on its OAvn level. The guide could not teU why they dedicated it to the patron saint of Erin. An Irish business, truly. In Chiusi we visited four museums ; they are rich in antiques, but not equal to Cav. Campagna's coUection at Rome. I was most struck with sorae bronze " specchj," for which, by the bye, they ask enormous prices even on the spot. At Signor Casuccini's there were some noble terra cottas ; one of them portrays a touching scene, the death of a beloved wife : the attitude of the spouses, her hand laid on his shoulder, and the angel of death separating them, is rendered with an effect of pathos which I am not quite sure that I have seen equalled in a painting. In the " Vigna grande " sepulchre are sorae very curious frescoes, illustrat ing divers Etruscan customs. Coining through Florence, I was fortunate enough to obtain from one of the bookseUers on the Lung' Arno, who lost, by the bye, 50,000 francs by the late flood, a copy of Fossombroni's tract on the subject of the Chiana and this river : this copy had T 2 276 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. been several days under water, of which it bears cAddent marks, forming a singular record of the truth of its contents. After this, we slept a night at Covigliajo, among the Apennine summits : here Ave found the full advantage of following in the wake of an empress ; Nicholas's better half had passed through a little before. Some years since this was a wretched place Avith the worst accom modation ; but the Czarina brought every thing Avith her, even to tables, a tea-service, and carpets. AU this " supeUex" she bequeathed to the host after her night's rest ; so we were lodged in clover. Of all the towns in Italy, Bologna is one of the nicest and cleanest, and the rich plain in which it stands reminds one of Kent. It teems with objects of art, and Avith the remains of former wealth and grandeur ; but like aU cities whose day is gone by, there is a tinge of sadness mingling with its most glowing scenes, and, above aU, your footstep sounds lonely and strange in the halls and saloons of the old palaces. Next to the Asinelli tower, above 300 feet high, and the leaning Garisenda, the most prominent object is San Luca's Church, to Avhich y^ou mount by a covered gallery above a mile in length. PADUA. 277 climbing the cliff, and arriving at a stupendous Apennine view from its summit. In the " Belle Arti" are some of the best pic tures of Italy : here you may study the three Caracci in all their styles. Ludovico Caracci's " Madonna and ChUd," knoAvn by the half-moon and the veil thrown over the Virgin's head, I thought an exquisite painting. Domenichino's picture of the " Persecutions of the Church" has a group of two sisters embracing, which to my mind surpasses any thing else he has done. The famous " Santa Cecilia," by Raffaelle, a httle disappointed us, perhaps from having heard so much about it : St. Paul is a noble figure, but the general outhne and colouring of the group seemed hard. In the Piazza where San Petronio's Church stands, the Bolognese have a fountain of Avhich they are justly proud ; the work of their famed citizen Giovanni. The dcAdce is a Neptune with nyraphs and tritons ; nothuig can be bolder or more original than these sculptures. I have seen nothing equal to them. The " Sirens," at Messina, come nearest. San Petronio itself is a prodigious edifice, and the windows of its nave display stained glass T 3 278 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. equal to that in Perugia. This building is un finished, as the fagade shows, by its indented surface still waiting for a marble coating — an omament it may now probably never get, though a box Avithin Avith the inscription " Offerta per la facciata di questa insigne basUica," occasionally receives a few " bajocchi." I saw a working-man planted opposite to this box for sorae seconds in mute astonishment; he was doubtless marveUing at the sanguine expectations announced on its hd. The Bolognese, indeed, are not much given to parting with their ready cash. "Quattro scudi! chi da?" saluted my ears as I crossed the piazza ; " un belhssimo quadro per quattro scudi — solamente quattro scudi ! " So said the auctioneer, exposing at the same time a hideous daub of some eight feet by six, repre senting the " miracolo" of the saint bringing back the horse's hoof from the forge newly shod, and fitting it on to the bleeding leg, from which he had cut it off for the sake of expe dition. A crowd of some twenty persons stood round, patiently regarding the picture, but no one opened their lips : some were smoking, some winking at each other. One Avag at length suggested that PADUA. 279 the price Avas marvellous low, but " still he had better knock it down for that, and proceed to other treasures." The auctioneer hereupon took to quizzing a long- backed dog the speaker had with him, and so Avittily, that the other was glad to sheer off. The " bellissimo quadro " was then de serted awhUe, and its guardian began refreshing himself with oranges from a stall. I dare say this specimen of the saint's farriery may have a run of a raonth, though I suppose not a very profitable one. From Bologna Ave diverged forty miles out of the main road to visit Ravenna. Here we spent two days among churches and basilicas, affording the earliest instances existing of the Byzantine- Gothic : I felt in looking at them the want of some thing Avith which to compare them ; they are very different from those in Rome and elsewhere. The richest of all is San Vitale : its form within is oc tagonal, Avith clusters of pillars at the angles ; and the general idea was taken, it is said, from St. So phia's Church at Constantinople, which must, how ever, be a far larger building. The mosaics which vault the choir are very ancient and exceedingly beautiful, Moses is here, tending the sheep on Mount Horeb ; and Abraham, entertaining the T 4 280 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY, heavenly visitants, while Sarah laughs behind the door. There is something in the simple por traying of Scripture narrative by the early Chris tian artists very impressive : it has none of the dash and mannerism of modern times, but it is far more real in the effect produced, San Apollinare Nuovo has twenty-four columns of Greek marble brought from Constantinople, This church Theodoric built for his Arian bishops. Mosaics run all along the frieze of the nave : towards the porch you may see Classis with the sea and ships, a curious record; and Theodoric's palace, as it then was : nothing is left of this latter now but a bit of dead wall. San Apollinare in Classe lies Avithout the gates, towards the Pineta, Classis was of old the station of the Roman fleet ; but now the alluvial matter has encroached for some miles upon the bay, and many an acre of dark peat and marshy ground coated Avith bulrush, dams up the harbour where once the galleys rode. This church dates from 534 of our era, and their bishops from a, d, 74 : the present archbishop. Cardinal Falconieri, is their 126th prelate ; a line approaching in number that of the popes of Rome, Here is Otho's stone, with PADUA, 281 an inscription recording the penance he did after murdering Crescentius, The tribune is coated with mosaics of the sixth century, beautifully fresh at this day, Moses and Elijah are here, and three sheep, meant for Peter, James, and John. Also, S. Apollinaris in his episcopal robes, preaching to a flock of snoAvy sheep in a green meadow : all in the mosaic. Over the cross are the " Salus Mun di," the A and Q, and the symbolical <;^9of. How these old emblems lay hold on a man's spirit ! Is not this quaint, Byzantine style of architec ture, after aU, as church-like as the gorgeous mediaeval forms of the Gothic ? Are not these old churches of Ravenna more solemn and suitable than many magnificent structures of later date in Italy? Dante's Tomb is a poor thing in itself and iU- placed. But here rest the ashes of "II gran' padre Alighier'." And here they ought ever to rest rather than in Florence, for here the broken hearted man found kindness and hospitality. We drove to the " immemorial " pine-grove, which stretches for twenty-five miles along the shores of the Adriatic. The beauty of this forest is due to two features seldom found united ; a 282 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. bright green copsewood of oak and other shrubs covering the soil, and far overhead the towering pines spreading a continuous roof of verdure, through whose gaps and crevices the sunlight glances doAvn and strikes on red stems and branches. Here we found the pine-kernel esta bhshment of the Papal States, no despicable source of emoluraent. The scene is a singular one with out doors and within : vast meadows are strewn Avith the newly gathered fruit, spread out to dry ; this is the first process; elsewhere the kernels, sheUed out by thousands of bushels, are piled in heaps : the nut is almost as delicious as an almond. Some scores of both sexes are domiciled in the factory, where they have separate estabhshments ; fine, AvUd, healthy-looking creatures, delighted Avith their occupation in the best cliraate of Italy. The forest is traversed by green rides hke those in an English nobleman's preserve. I heard there is fine shooting here of duck and wild boar. Galla Placidia' s Mausoleum is magnificent, but heavy. TJieodoric's, without the gates, is a solid rotunda, whose elhptical roof, thirty feet in dia- rneter, and some tAvo hundred tons in Aveight, is of one block of marble. Where they cut it, or PADUA. 283 how they raised it, is matter of marvel. The inner floor cannot be exarained, as it is flooded several inches deep. Ferrara followed on Ravenna, and we stopped to see Tasso's Dungeon, Avhere he was confined for seven long years. A more horrible record is in the gloomy castle, where a former duke put his Avife and son to death. These cells are fearful things : the light did not reach Hugo's, till it had filtered through thirteen gratings of iron bars. Without lies the dark moat. What a father of his people was this duke ! His OAvn flesh and blood, if indeed guilty, he might have iraprisoned for life, but where Avas the authority for putting them to death ? Even on constructive " treason," why secretly ? Why was Parisina executed in the dungeon ? Did this man ever read the eighth chapter of St. John's Gospel ? At the end of the dungeon-passage protrudes the edge of a huge tower, reaching from the bat tlements to the depths of a fosse below the moat. This is now waUed up. When first opened, hu raan bones were found in heaps, confirming a fear ful tale Avhich had been whispered before. Through its upper orifice this same duke was wont to hurl 284 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. headlong, in the course of a confidential walk on his battlements, those whom he had reasons for disliking. What an upright judge ! Thank God ! those days at least are over. VENICE. " There is a glorious city in the sea. The sea is in the broad, the narrow streets. Ebbing and flowing ; and the salt sea-weed Clings to the marble of her palaces." End of May. Every one quotes Rogers on Venice, and every one must, till descriptive lines as good shaU be penned on the " city in the sea." He does not notice the crab and the rat, probably as not deeming them poetical : the former is on aU the piles, and the latter running across the watery threshold of the stately palaces. The city is now entered by a railway line crossing the lagoons : this so far mars the romance of the thing ; but, once in, all is novel, wondrous, witch-like. The effect of the grand canal is unique: a noble city flooded would pre- ATENICE. 285 sent an aspect of ruin ; here it is a scene of calm repose. The width of the canal doubles, trebles that of alraost any street in Christendora : exquisite palace-fronts line its sides, each with its seraicir cular flight of stone steps plunging down into the wave, and its ring of striped posts to protect the gondolas of the household. Gothic windows rise tier above tier, with tracery -work in stone, too rich for aught but the pencil to describe; shadowy bhnds and curtains of gauze, through which the light plays upon gilded furniture within : here, a conservatory, Avith its bright geraniums and bal sams ; there, a breakfast table set out under the "Venetian" on the cool balcony. Anon, a half ruined and quite deserted mansion, rich with the tints laid on by that shrewd colourist Tirae, but erapty of its pristine mirth and splendour. As you advance, the fair cupola of Sa. Maria della Salute swells upon the sight, and then the glittering Palace of the Doges, with the spires and domes of St. Mark, is at your prow, and the enorraous Campanile, where the golden angel on the sumrait flaps his wings, as if just alighting to greet the stately city. Meanwhile, no streets are visible ; or rather, the canal is the street : instead of the jarring 286 jpURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. sound of wheels on a dusty pavement, noiseless gondolas skim around you in their black paint and black cloth canopy, the latter, the fruit of a govern ment order long ago, when it was found that the Venetian nobles were ruining themselves in trap pings of velvet and cloth of gold. The gondola has a Avdl-stuffed cushion for two, one oar at least behind the canopy, and one before, a peaked stem, a beak of steel at the prow, the proportions of a canoe, and the speed of a dolphin. During day, few are abroad, save such as carry visitors pressed for time to vIcav the Titians : but as evening draws on, the surface of the water becomes an agitated sea ; hundreds of gondolas are flying in every direction, and the boats of the Podesta, six- oared and eight-oared, cleave their way through the lighter craft, as the arraed pike dashes araong the rainnows. Row out past the gardens, cross that sandy neck of " dunes " beyond the lagoon, and you reach the Lido, Avhere is a delicious ramble along the edge of the breaking wave for several miles. In your Avay, you avUI note features recaU ing Naples, though there all is stir and noise, while here is the region of calm repose : yonder is a raan quietly seated on one of the sea-piles ; his VENICE, 287 legs are knee-deep in the Avater, and he is inhaling the fragrant Aveed, musing, perhaps, all the time, on the Foscari and the Contarini of other days. The Piazza of San Marc is alike majestic and beautiful at noon or at nightfall : perhaps for certain chiaroscuro effects, as that of the huge ochre- coloured Campanile relieved by a dark sky in which the suramer lightning is brewing, a late hour at eve is preferable. But, either way, when you contem plate the Basilica and the Palace of the Doges, you will make up your mind not to atterapt the descrip tion of a scene so little conceivable. They talk of " spealdng portraits," but Avhat canvass ever told a tale so profoundly eloquent, so historically grand, as the fortunes of Venice recorded in her glorious Liazza ? Rorae affects you like a by-gone vision ; but when you stand in the Piazza of St, Mark, the vision is present. The stately trophies, the gorgeous build ings, the brilliant bazaars, the singular costumes, — all bespeak the middle age, and the crowning city, whose merchants, like those of Tyre, were princes. Those three masts in front of the Basilica are trophies from Crete and Cyprus and the Morea. Yonder, over the azure clock, thetwo bronze giants are about to strike the hour on the great bell, — 1, 288 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY, 2, 3, 4 : out come the Moorish figures at the gilt door on the left, wheel round the Madonna, and enter at the little door on the right, which closes after them. They no longer strike to chronicle the epochs of Venetian glory ;, but images do not grieve, else these ancient servitors would be too heavy at heart to lift their hammers. One of those pillars bears the Winged Lion of St. Mark, on the other stands St. Theodor, the former patron, Avith his crocodile. OA^er St. Marc's portal are the four bronze horses of Lysippus, once coated Avith gold ; you see they have come back from the Louvre, and are as proud as ever, tossing their beautiful heads and lifting each a hoof, as who should say — " No thing was ever cast so faultless as we." Crowds of pigeons are wheeling round the Piazza, enjoying the freedom ensured them by some noble lady, who left by Avill a dower for that end. But the swallows are less fortunate. What is that whirling down frora the Campanile's balustrade ? it is a SAvallow in a poke : some wags above have been launching in inid-air pieces of card with a hole punched in the centre. The birds dash at them, gain a white collar, and are presently captured by the boys below. VENICE. 289 In Venice the best way is to engage your gon dola by the week, and a guide by the day ; no city, with the exception of Rorae, contains raore that is worthy to be visited. We have wandered over the Doge's Palace, and loitered up the Giants' Staircase, often turning round to gaze on Sansovino's beautiful Eve, Avhich faces it ; and have been " ciceroned " through the State Dungeons, and over the Bridge of Sighs, and haA'e strayed along the Rialto, and handled the stump of the Bucentaur's mast in the recesses of the arsenal. For one who has never seen them before, the paintings here possess an absorbing interest. In the " Belle Arti " you avUI find Titian's " Assump tion," and his " Presentation of the Virgin." Among many wonderful productions, these two are perhaps his best ; the apparent motion upwards communicated to the figure of the Madonna in the former is a triumph of the art. The " Presentation " is, however, a more pleasing picture, as I think everybody wUl agree. This subject is surely more simple, more gracious, more reaUy instructive than the endless tribe of " Assumptions of the Virgin," with which Roman u 290 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. Catholic painters beguile the eyes and hearts of the members of that church. Here a real incident is portrayed, in the heaven-taught era of chUdhood, in the life of one whose riper age was fraught vsdth the unspeakable blessing. The " Miracle of the Slave," by Tintoretto ; the " Supper," by Paul Veronese (Calieri), and the " Virgine col Putto " (with the date of 1487), by Giovanni Bellino, are very extraordinary works. Tintoretto has given me new ideas of what may be done in colouring ; his " Bacchus and Ariadne," in the Doge's Palace, is one of the cleverest pic tures I ever saw ; and the " Repose in Egypt," at the Scuola di S. Rocco, introduces as sweet a land scape as ever was designed. In the Palazzo Manfrini are Titian's portrait of Ariosto ; and his " Golden Age : " these are remark able even here. The Ariosto is as well painted and as effective as the Cenci at Rome. It has the same peculiar power of rivetting the attention, and setting the fancy to work; a power which is, I think, confined to veritable portraits, and is rarely met Avith even in these. Doge Foscari's raonument stands in the Church of the Frari. I thought this beautiful and appropriate : the females of his family VENICE. 291 are sculptured round the bier. In this church Canova is buried. We have passed a delightful afternoon at the Armenian College, where many strangers resort, and Avhere aU should go who love to hear concern ing a patriarchal faith and the simple custoras of a blameless life from the lips of some who at once teach and practise. I do not know Avhy I should here deny myself the pleasure of mentioning by name one of the ordained professors in the society, — P. Gregorio Dr. Alepson. A conversation of two hours' dura tion, renewed on a subsequent day, left me with a very pleasing impression of this gentleman's manner of hfe and of his hopes and objects. Though content and happy to live thus at San Lazzaro, I found him passionately attached to his OAvn country ; a country which he assured me far surpasses Italy in natural beauty. On the whole, the impression left by this superb city is one of sadness. Her days are done, but it cannot be added that her fame is begun: that chapter is closed. Lombardy is now an Austrian province ; and the rule, though doubtless wise under the circumstances of Italy, is simply that of u 2 292 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. mechanism, which of course never feels. I just now saw some of their recruiting officers, with Venetian soldiers newly pressed, weeping in the gondola. I thought of those beautiful lines in the " Madre Itahana : " — " Lo settimo — e il suo figlio ! — diman' vergognato, Al cenno insolente d' estrano soldato Coir aquila in fronte vedrallo partir ! " The last of the Foscari, after long begging his bread on the quays and canals, is noAV applying for the place of porter at a private palace ! Alas ! what a wreck is this i MILAN. June. Here is Lorabardy's capital ; with the matchless Gothic cathedral, S. Ambrosio's basUica, the Cena colo, the Brera gallery, and the Biblloteca, — besides five hundred other "lions," which we shall not tarry for. Milan is, indeed, a noble city, Avorthy to queen it even over such fair toAvns as Verona, Vicenza, and Brescia, Avhich all lay on the road from Padua MILAN. 293 hither. In Verona are the tombs of the Scaligeri, "grande decus," and the Capulets' house. From the latter juts forth the identical balcony out of which Juhet communed with her Romeo : — " But soft, what light through yonder window breaks ! It is the east, and Juliet is the sun !" VTiat a wizard was WiU Shakspeare ! We were as eager to see this rude balcony of stone as if it had been a shrine, and we, saints on a pilgrimage. Yesterday, we scaled the roof of the Duorao, and walked round the gallery which circles under its loftiest tower. This roof, when you are on it, is a sloping park of marble, white as porcelain, and studded with pinnacles and turrets, whose Gothic niches contain every oner an exquisite statue. Others of colossal size are ranged along the battle ments ; there are already above eight thousand in all, but fuUy three thousand more additional pin nacles are needed before the entire structure can be pronounced complete. This, the Italians say, will demand three centuries ; I suppose, to furnish the needful funds. In reply, I asked our informant how long he counted upon the world's lasting. The cathedral is pure and church-like within, its vast Gothic arches and vaults being more reverend, TI 3 294 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. though less gorgeous than the nave of St. Peter's. The richest object is the tomb of San Carlo Borro meo. Here the jewelled " pala " surpasses even that of San Marc in Venice, though the latter exhibits aU that Byzantium could furnish. Trans parent plates of rock crystal of the largest size and rarest beauty enclose the bier on which the saint's mortal body lies; through these it is plainly visible, as also the costly offerings suspended over it : one of which is a cross of the finest emeralds in the known world, presented by Maria Theresa. S. Ambrosio's Church is every bit as rich : the high altar is faced with plates of solid gold, and the sides and back with silver. The relievos on the latter portray the main events in the life of this remarkable man. At San Carlo there is a similar series. Leonardo da Vinci's " Cena," is in the refectory of Sta. Maria delle Grazie. Little can now be made out of this once raatchless production : the head of the Saviour is the most distinct, but that has apparently been retouched. If great authorities are right on the point, the entire work would have endured to this day had the artist wrought in fresco instead of in oils. Yet Leonardo's idea was MILAN, 295 doubtless to provide for durability, as well as for richness of effect : he probably took into account the refuge afforded by a sanctuary, little dreaming of the panel-door made by the monks afterwards. The only consolation noAV is to turn from a peeled and faded original to the noble engraving executed by Morghen, The Brera gallery is good, though of course vastly inferior to some in Venice. Guercino's " Dismissal of Hagar," — " Paul rebuking Peter," by Gnido, and a "jNativity," by CamiUo Procaccino, pleased us the most, Hagar's countenance, with the tear in her eye and the grieved look of half-incredulous reproach which she casts at the patriarch, is admirably conceived : it is become the fashion to undervalue this, but I know not why. The Biblioteca Ambrosiana is cautiously ex hibited. The rarest manuscripts are not shown at aU: and the others appear through a veil of plate-glass. This city is a very fine one, [Note (A), J 0 4 296 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. LUCERNE, Lucerne, June 12. Last night we arrived here, having crossed the sumrait of Mount St. Gothard the day before. The pass was stormy, and the cold severe ; walls of snow being piled on both sides. Descending, we came through the Urnerloch, and looked on the rainbow of the Reuss, where the torrent dashes under the devil' s-bridge. The rock scenery here was stupendous. This Lake of Lucerne is " allerschonste " at the Uri end ; but Ave have not forgotten Como, equal in beauty to any lake I ever saw. We have another reminiscence of it besides its loveliness. Returning from BeUaggio we got into a scrape, and were very near becoming food for fishes. We had a little narrow " contrabanda," chosen for the sake of its speed, and when we arrived at the commencement of the three mile reach of precipitous rocks, where it is impossible to land, seventeen miles lay betw^een us and Como. It was eight p. M. The storm awoke suddenly, as is the way in these parts. The lightning LUCERNE. 297 flashed almost Avithout intervals. Rain descended in spouts, and the thunder beUoAved among the hills. Our boatmen dreaded a " temporale," which they declared must capsize us, if it came, by turning the vessel keel uppermost, for it coraes Avith a Avhirhvind gust, and ploughs up the water where it strikes. For fuUy twenty minutes we crept thus along the lake's edge like frightened wildfowl, the storm raging Avithout intermission. During the mur kiest part of it a trout of twelve lbs. thrcAV hiraself corapletely out of the water close to our boat ; this is the worst sign possible. Nevertheless, by dint of hard puUing we passed the reach, made a sandy cove, aud found shelter for two hours in the house of a hospitable silk-Avorker, Here occurred one of the few opportunities we enjoyed in Italy of observing, Avithout guise or previous preparation, the people's domestic life. For the Italians are shy of us as a nation, on ac count of our supposed wealth ; and often incur the reputation of being inhospitable, while they are, in fact, not acting from niggardly motives at all, but from the Avish to hide from " grandeur's disdainful smile" their simple household arrangements and « u 5 298 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY, " curta supeUex," On this occasion, though abso lute strangers, we were kindly, even tenderly wel comed, in the bosom of as AveU-ordered and gra ciously mannered a family as I have seen any where. It consisted of a father and mother, with one married daughter and her children, and three other unmarried girls verging on adult woman hood. After doing their best to establish us in comfortable seats, they pressed upon us such re freshments as they had ready, and even iuAdted us to join the household meal in another room. Conversation turned on divers topics, and we were struck with the good breeding and tact evinced by both parents and daughters. Re-embarking, we did not reach Como until two in the raorning. People may say what they like, but these lakes are highly dangerous. After this we had a taste of wilder and more romantic scenery on Lugano. But this is already matter of retrospect. And now here is the Switzer's noblest water, the glassy lake of the four cantons : far away in the back ground towers St. Gothard — " wo die ew'gen Seen sind : " nearer are sunny hamlets, and green slopes belted with copsewood, and the quaint spires of LUCERNE. 299 Lucerne mirrored in tho Avave — but Italy, fair Italy, can never be forgotten — " Her face it is the fairest that e'er the sun shone on ! " Its memory lingers even now like the fascina tion of a dream, and clairas the last farcAvell. Farewell ! thou beautiful Italy ! favoured land, highly-gifted people — " Longum, longumque vale ! " NOTES. Note (a). It has been pointed out to me that the "Wourali poison, brought over by Mr. "Waterton, has now for many years been waiting to be tried in a similar case. I Avas not aware of this, or else had forgotten it ; but I earnestly trust such experiment will never be made in England. Some other remedy for this tremendous evil may yet be brought to light by the mercy of God. The foUowing was transcribed in the summer of 1840, by a physician resident in London, from a document in the hands of the Austrian embassy. It appeared at that time in some of our English journals, but I do not know what degree of notice it excited : — " A schoolmaster, named Lalie, residing on that boundary of Hungary towards Turkey Avhere the military colonies are located, having the established reputation of possessing a cure for hydrophobia, the Minister of "War, to whose department the government of this territory belongs, instituted an inquiry. Two hydrophobic patients were placed under the care of the military medical officers until they despaired of them; they were then intrusted to the care of the schoolmaster, and were cured. " A liberal gratification being given to this person, he is to receive adequate rewards if, after two years' exercise of his 302 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. remedy under medical surveillance, his discovery is proved to be of sterling value. " The root of which M. Lalie has recognised the efficacy is the gentiana cruciata. It is an abundant natural product. " Treatment in the eaeliest Stage of the Disease. — "When the first symptoms arise the mouth must be examined, and beneath the tongue the venae raninas or sublingual veins will be found turgescent. This turgescence is at first confined to the neighbourhood of the fraenum, and it appears under the form of black spots, resembling the heads of flies ; but later, the disease having developed itself, the swelling affects the whole veins. At this period the following is the treatment to be adopted : — The tongue to be grasped with a wooden fork and inverted, and the sublingual veins to' be opened with a lancet. The tongue being then liberated, the bleeding must be allowed to continue until it ceases of itself. Then is to be given the first dose of the remedy : — " Three quarters of an ounce (1-| loth) ofthe gentiana cruciata are to be given as a maximum dose ; the root being first pounded, and then macerated in water, so as to form a thin paste ; this must be repeated every morning for nine days. At the same time the wound is to be treated in the following way : — "When fresh it is to be washed with spirit of rosemary, and then a poultice is to be applied, composed of two portions of rye flour and one of juniper berries, mixed with the strongest spirit of wine, to form into a paste. If the wound is closed, it must be opened and scarified. " Treatment in advanced Stages of the Disease "When the disease has already reached its most violent paroxysms, the patient being properly secured, one ounce of the root is to be administered, and to do this, a strait jacket being put on the patient, two strong men must be employed to overcome his re sistance ; his mouth must be opened with two wooden wedges, the nasal air passage being hermetically closed until he has swallowed. NOTES. 303 " If after three hours the patient's paroxysms continue to recur, an entire root must be introduced into the mouth, and there secured until bitten away and dissolved. The sublingual veins are to be opened at the first lucid interval, and after the bleeding a little broth may be administered. After this, the patients in general take Avater without opposition, and fall into a gentle slumber for eight or ten hours, and are cured. During sleep mucus is secreted in the mouth of the consistency of the white of an egg, of a slightly yelloAV colour ; it is very adhesive, and is only ejected with difficulty. * * * It is important the patients should be made to throw up this phlegm. This secretion characterises the first three days of the malady, and great care must be taken to remove it, principally before the remedy is ad ministered. * * * " "When the bleeding has not been sufficient, it may be re sorted to again after five days, in violent attacks, and the decoc tion given when slight relapse has shown itself after nine days ; and an aperient after three days' interval is to be resorted to.'' * * * The above is a greatly abridged transcript of a very cir cumstantial document. I must repeat, however incompetent the remedial resources may appear, they may prove effective. The most powerful remedies have not been discovered by savans, and the most valuable of our specifics is due to an Indian, who in a paroxysm of ague chanced to slake his thirst in a stagnant pool, in which lay the branches of the cinchona tree, another bitter, though differing so much frora the gentians. I remain, Sir, your obedient servant, HENRY BELINAYE. 41. King Street, Argyll Place, June, 1840. Note {b). Since perusing Fossombroni's tract on the subject of the " Draining of the Chiana Valley," in connection with his appli cation of the " colmata " system to the same tract of country, 304 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY, I have felt so much interested in the local experiments and philosophical proofs there brought forward, that I cannot think the reader will object to rather a long note on the subject ; I extract it almost entirely from the heads of paragraphs in the said tract. There is good reason to believe that the river Arno an ciently ran into the Tiber by a branch called the Clanis, traversing what is noAV the "Val di Chiana : when this commu nication with the Tiber was lost, the district deprived of it came into a miserable condition. It would seem that from the thirteenth to the nineteenth century the above order has been reversed : the Clanis has changed the direction of its course, and has furnished a tributary to the Arno, In the lapse of ages this change has produced serious results. In the year 1789, Count Fossombroni laid before the Grand Duke a digested plan for operating on an entire province by the " colmata " system. He chose the Clanis for his instrument, a stream which had for a long while been doing much injury to the Arno, by introducing into that river heavy pebbles, and a mass of alluvial matter, thus choking its channel, and raising the level of its bed ; these evils had existed for nearly four centuries, and it appears that during that interval as many as thirty-one destructive floods had prevailed at diffe rent times. Fossombroni's " colmata '' at once realised two great benefits ; it filled up the marsh with aUuvial soil as the waters of the torrent subsided, and it afterwards carried on a filtered stream into the Arno. This, however, being an effect artificially produced, it was soon found that it needed to be regulated with the utmost caution. The influx into the Arno amounted to perhaps five times the volume of water which ran in before ; yet no floods ensued. So great an additional velocity had been communicated to the river, that its surface was not swollen by the additional body of water. This was in accord ance with principles which Torricelli had before established by actual experiment ; that great man found that you may even NOTES. 305 lower the level while introducing more water, if only the com mon velocity be sufficiently increased ; and, vice versa, that while drawing off some portion of a river's contents, if the velocity be thereby greatly diminished, the river's surface may sweU and flood its banks. Torricelli had also proved that, in order to drain the incumbent streams and pools from off a champaign country, it is not sufficient to give a slope to the channel of the canal, but that the " Campagna " itself must be made to assume the form of an inclined plane : thus, the region in question now slopes sensibly from south to north. Fossombroni, therefore, was obliged to regulate the speed of the tributary according to an exact gradation ; and this, while car rying on his " colmata " operations on a grand scale. Constant supervision was needed. He found that if the speed commu nicated to the Arno were allowed to pass a certain point, large pebbles and boulders would be lifted from the bed of the river and carried too far down the stream. This has actually occurred in that part of the channel which faces Florence, and the bottom is there too much raised. The engineer was fain to put bar riers and dykes a little higher up than the point of influx of the torrents, in order to limit the speed of the Arno. After arranging the whole system, Fossombroni said, and rightly, " you must now keep up this which I have set going : do not abandon the ' colmata,' do not remove the dykes, or mischief wiU follow : remember, this condition of things is not natural, but artificial." The event, as I have observed in the text, has proved how well he judged. It is evident that the " colmata," if it had been applied ages ago, would have preserved some noble bays which are now lost to Italy ; for what has been called " the retiring of the sea," is, in fact, a formation of stony banks and shallows, due to con tinual deposits from the different torrents flowing towards the 306 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY, Note (c). I crave not to be misunderstood in what I have said here touching the number of consecrated buildings to be found in Rome ; nor, again, where I have used the expression " a priest-. ridden city." This last has reference, not to the nature of the particular measures adopted by the Pope's government, but to the impolicy, the absurdity, of vesting all the offices of state in the hands of prelates and cardinals. As to the vast number of churches in Rome, I certainly hold it to be an unhealthy symptom. True, Italy was from the first full of bishops, because full of cities ; for wherever the emperor recognised a city, there the servants of Christ estabUshed God's altar, that prayers might be offered up. But this, a giving of meat in due season, was surely very different from mustering a crowd of gorgeous tabernacles at the palace gates of the Pope. Note {d). " Friar Tuck's hermitage." I beg mine host's pardon, but really his roseate hue and plump dimensions contrasted so with our jaded appearance, that, hearing no one address him by any name, I suppUed the hiatus in my journal with the appeUative which seemed most appro priate. Moreover, that he had so fattened on the fare which he set before us, I no more believe, than some one else did the story of the parched peas. Note (e), A friend suggests that it were better to derive "pithecusa" from indrjKOQ than from ttiQoq. I can only say, that nobody in NOTES, 307 Ischia, gentle or simple, believes the story that " apes " were ever in the island, — excepting certain specimens of the chattering tribe, who still come in troops from Naples, For adhering to iriOoe meantime there is abundant reason : Ischia has always been famous for its clay-pits, and the manu facture of the pitcher seems immemorial. Indeed a form of it commonly in use is as old as Egypt. Ovid is the authority for 7ri0>jKos {Metam. lib. xiv.) ; but was he not quizzing the Ischiote features ? Note (/), 1 quote an extract from the " Etudes," but it is by me mory, " Newton avers that the earth was thrown forth complete at one cast. Moses has recorded that the first man was formed in complete manhood. So, the earth brought forth the creatures in fuU stature, and the waters 'great whales,' &c. Yet our geologists are for ever dreaming of age and youth, of epochs, germs, and births. They assign 10,000 years to the ' form ation ' of a chalk cUff, &c. " But Etna must have had forges formed of lavas which had not flowed as yet, before it could vomit fire," &c. I cannot vouch for this being accurately quoted ; whether they be St, Pierre's exact words, I know not ; I know they ex press my opinions. On the subject of " a chalk cliff," for instance, it appears to me that our geologists beg the question. Note (g). If it should be found that " malaria " stiU continues gaining ground in the neighbourhood of Rome, as there is reason to fear will be the case, why not try a simple remedy on a large scale ? "With the help of the Albano Lake, the river Anio, and X 2 308 JOURNAL KEPT IN ITALY. Father Tiber, the Campagna might be conveniently laid under water, say twenty square miles at a time, and the same result obtained as in the valley of the Chiana. If any feel inclined to smile at this, let them remember that far more difficult and expensive measures have been proposed before now. It has even been gravely debated whether it would not be well to pave the entire Campagna ! It need hardly be observed that Fos sombroni's method, if adopted, would repay all expenses a hundredfold, by converting an unfruitful waste into rich alluvial soil (see Note b), besides fully obviating the present daily increasing evil of a pestilential " malaria." Note (Ji). The states of Italy desire freedom ; but are they fit for it ? Have they, indeed, profited by the history of past events ? Are their people in this sense arrived at years of discretion ? Could they safely choose for themselves, or any one of them devise a form of government comparable to that under which they are living ? Take, for instance, Tuscany, now a grand-dukedom. Here consolidation is strength, and dismemberment would en tail weakness and dissolution. Yet Siena would fain be inde pendent ; even Florence sighs after the days of the republic. Perhaps something might be done (hitherto unattempted) to better the condition of such towns as Pisa and Siena ; but assuredly not by separation. The prosperity of Leghorn is due to its being a sea-port, and to the English residents within its walls. In Lombardy there is no lack of fair and thriving cities : Vicenza, Verona, Brescia, Padua — to say nothing of its capital, Milan : there is, indeed, a certain sluggishness in them all, and the energies of the people might be far more widely developed than they are ; but this is a mercantile, rather than a political question ; and probably more would be gained for any one of them by discovering a new process of winding silk or of NOTES. 309 pressing oil, than by obtaining, as of old, each a petty ruler of its own. The chief resources of Venice at this day are its manufactories of glass and its fabric of delicate gold chains. If any part of Italy is to gain by a change in outward government, it must be the Papal States ; and yet, assuredly, whenever the experiment of bettering things is tried here, it will be attended with extreme peril. It is true that the people in these states are governed according to ideas incompatible with human progress or the business of daily life, and that their polity is maintained in existence by other surrounding powers : but this has long been so ; and Rome has probably varied less, taking it aU in all, than any other capital in Europe during some centuries past. But the day of its attempted im provement may be the day of its utter dissolution ; for questions grave and practical, which have long lain dormant, will then be mooted, and of this none can foresee the issue. THE END. London ; SroiTiswooDE and Shaw, New-Street-Square. YALE UNIVERSITY a39002 002i402163b