I'llill Yale "' ' ; III ii JriiKersity Library 39002002555382 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY TOWN OF WESTON RECORDS FIRST PRECINCT, 1746-1754 AND OF THE TOWN, 1754-1803 BOSTON A.LPRED MUDGE & SON, PKINTBRS 1893 oL Uf yy PREFACE. By vote of the General Court in 1746, the north part of Weston was united with parts of Lexington and Concord to form what Was called the second precinct. The remaining part of Weston was then called the first precinct, and records of the same were kept from 1746 to 1754, At that time, the second precinct was incorporated as a town under the name of Lincoln, and the records of the first precinct were no longer kept separate from those of the town. Those of the latter, after 1754, were kept in what had been the precinct book. This book, containing precinct records from 1746 to 1754, and town records from 1754 through 1803, is what is now presented in printed form, agreeably to a vote of the town passed March 28, 1892, Great pains have been taken to have an accurate copy Some errors doubtless occur ; for it has not always been easy to decide just what the Clerk intended. Although it has been the intention to re produce the original as closely as possible, a few changes have been intentionaUy made. Catch words, found at the foot of a few pages, have been omitted, as they could not serve the same purpose on the printed page. A short dash after an abbreviation has been printed as a period. Initial J in proper names has never been printed I, although sometimes written with that character. Small m with a circumflex over it, to indicate that the letter is doubled, has been printed mm. Obscure points in the text have been explained and errors pointed out by notes enclosed in brackets and enclosed in the body of the work. A " coot for Benjamin Stimson," page 273, has been explained in the errata. That " coat " was intended is evi dent, as the bill is still extant. On page 500, the title of Eliakim Morse crept in from the Dr, of his bill for lead and gold leaf. Three interesting papers have been added in an appendix. Two of these have reference to the bounds of the Town Land near the Meeting-house, and show that a quit-claim deed of the land was given a hundred years ago. The value of the book has been much increased by adding an Index of names and also one of subjects. By this means the history of the IV PREFACE, town for the period covered, a term of exactly fifty years, is outlined and made easily accessible. In arranging the names, care has been taken to gather together, as far as possible, all allusions to the same person, and to supply the first name when lacking, as in the case of several schoolmasters and others. It is to be hoped that further interest in the records of the town may be awakened, and that we may eventually have in print all that remains to us of the first one hundred and twenty-five years of our history, Mary Frances Peiroe, THE BOOK OF RECORDS OF THE FIRST PRECINCT IN WESTON. DEC, ll'ii. AD. 1746 [1.] Middlesex, ss Weston Nov', 19"", 1746 To Edm°, Trowbridge Esq^ one of his Maj' : Justices of the Peace for The County of Middlesex Whereas by an Order of the Great and Gen', Court of the Province of the Massachusets Bay, passed the 26'", of April Last a Number of the Inhabitants of Weston : With Others., Inhabitants of Concord and Lexington ai-e Set off, to be a Separate precinct and thereby the remaing part of the Said Town of Weston, is an entire parrish These are Iherefore to Request that your Hon'. Wou'*, Issue a Warrant for Calling the first precinct Meeting, in the first precinct in Weston : to Chose Precinct Officers as the Law Directs James Mirick Nath'-, Allen JON*^, BULLARD AbIJAH UpHAM John Walker John Hastings Daniel Livermore Elisha Jones Middlesex ss To John Walker of Weston in Said County yeoman Greeting ¦ Whereas Application has been Made to me the Subscriber, by More then five of the Freeholders, of the first precinct in Weston, in Writing under their hands For Calling a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Said precinct. Never yet Assembled you are hereby in His Majesties Name required to Notifie 3•^ Freeholders & Other Inhabitants of Said precinct, Quallified by Law to Vote in Town Afiairs that they Assemble at y. 2 precinct records, 1746, publick Meeting House in Weston afores''. on thirsday y^ Eleventh day of Decern next at two of y" Clock afternoon : then & there first, to Chose a Moderator of y* Same Meeting, and then to Chose a Cleak to Enter & record all Such Votes & Orders as from Time to Time shall be made & passed in said precinct, and also a Committey for y". Calling Meetings of the said precinct for y", future [2.] Hereof fail Not, given under my hand & Seal at Cambridge this 26"^ : day of Nov', in y"*, 20'", year of his Maj' Reign Annoq", Domini, 1746 Edm Trowbridge Just Pac". MiD^^ ss Weston Dec', 11'". 1746 In Obedience to this Warrant I have Notified the Inhabitants Within Mention'', to Meet, at y^ Within Mention'', time & plaice for y'=. Ends Within Mention". Per John Walker At a Meeting of y". Inhabitants of y^. First precinct in Weston Legally Assembled at y" publick Meeting house in Said Town on y", 11'", of Dec', 1746 — Made Choice of the following persons For parrish Officers Viz. — M', John Walker Moderator of Said Meeting Precinct Clerk Elisha Jones Chosen & Sworn C John Walker Precinct Com*^^ Mess'^ — j Jqhn Lamson ' Elisha Jones At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the First parrish in Weston Legally Assembled at y", Publick Meeting house- in Said Town Dec', 25'". 1746. — Viz. : 1, To Chose parrish Officers as y". Law directs 2'' To grant y\ ReV- M', W", Williams^'. Sallary for the present year. & Also What Addition thereunto. Shall be Judged Necessary, and to Make provision for y". Cutting & Carting his Firewood For y^, year. Also to grant Money to defray precinct Charges. precinct records, 1746-47. 3 [3. J M". John Walker Chosen Moderator of Said Meeting C Nathan Fisk Assessors. Mess" j Elisha Jones ' John Walker Voted by the Inhabitants of Said parrish at Said Meeting that they grant to y° Rev". M', W". Williams Eighty pounds old Ten'. For his Sallary begining Sep'. 10'", 1746, Vot", also that Two Hundred pounds old Ten', be grant", to y^. Rev", M', Williaras in Addition to y''. Eighty pounds Afores", also Eighteen pounds like Ten', for y'=. Cutting & Carting his Firewood and also Ten pounds. To defray y* Neces sary Charges of Said precinct this present year, all Which Sums are to be Made into one rate : and to be paid in to y". Precinct Treasury by y" First day of June Next At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the first precinct of Weston Legally assembled at the publick Meeting house in Said Town on Monday y", 2", day of March AD, 1746 — at Two Of y*. Clock Afternoon to Chose precinct Officers for y". year Ensewing as y^. Law directs Josiah Brewer Esq''- Was Chosen Moderator of s". Meeting Com'^'^ For Cap , James Jones Said precinct - t, . tj ^ M '« 5 ¦'°^^'f ¦ Harrington ' c John Jackson. Clerk & Treasurer of Said precinct — Elisha Jones Sworn March 2". 1746 ( James Mirick Assessors Mess'^ \ Abraham Bigelow ) Sworn March 4'". 1746 ' & John Mirick 5 Sworn March 2". 1746 To Take Care of the Meeting house Ens : Joseph Woolson 1747. [4. J At a Meeting of the Freeholders & Other Inhabitants of the First precinct in Weston Duly Quallified, & Lawfully Warned in publick Meeting Assembled, on Teusday y*. Tenth day of November AD 1747 1 To grant y**. Rev". M'. W". Williams^' Sallary for one 4 PRECINCT RECORDS, 1747-49. year begining Sep'. 10'". 1747 — &.to Make provision for y°. Cutting and Carting his Firewood 2". To grant money to pay precinct Creditors & defray other Necessary precinct Charges, 1, Voted by y*. Inhabitants of Said parrish at Said Meeting that they grant to the Rev", M', Williams Eighty pounds old Ten', and an Addition of Three Hundred & Seventy pounds like Ten', (Including y°. Cutting & Carting his Firewood) for his Sallary for one year begining y^ 10'", of Sep', last — Which Sums are to be paid into the Treasury by y". first day of June Next Then y°, precinct Credit was Read to y". Inhabitants afores", and by them Accepted and Twelve pounds granted to .pay y°. Several Sums hereafter Mention", Viz: To M''. John Walker for Makeing y". Minisf. rate one day & half at 10/ per day 0 : 15 : 0 To M'. Nathi. Walker for Two days & Half Work at the Meeting-house at 20/ per day & Nails and Speaks 5/6 . 2 : 15 : 6 To Const". Sam'. Hunt for Warning one precinct Meet ing 6/ 0:6:0 To Const"^. Isaac Allen for Warning one precinct Meet ing 6/ • . 0:6:0 To M^ Nathan Fisk for Makeing y". Minist'. rate one day & half at 10/ per day 0 : 15 : 0 To Elisha Jones for Makeing y. Minisf, rate y". last year Three days at 10/ & paper to Make them on 4/6 . . 1 : 14 : 6 To M'. Joseph Woolson for Takeing Care to Open & Shut the Doors of y"*. Meetinghouse & Sweeping s'l. house one year begining y. first of last March , . . 4:0:0 l_Pages 5, 6, 7, and 8 are missing.^ IJohn Walker was Town and Precinct Clerk from March, 1748/9, to March, 1749/50.] 1749. [9, J Weston May 19, 1749, This is a Discharge to the Town, or First Precinct in s"- Town of Weston, of the several Summs annually granted by them for my Support in the work of the Gospel-ministry, which I have receiv'd in Full, to the tenth Day of September last past, Anno Dom : (1748,) One thousand seven hundred and forty eight, which is in full of my Demands from y" Town, to s". Time. „ Per W": Williams. precinct RECORDS, 1749, 5 At a Meeting of y* Freeholders & other Inhabetants of y" first Precinct in Weston Qualified by Law to Vote in Town afiairs Lawfully warned in Publick Meeting Assembl", on Wednsday y° Sxth day of Deem', AD 1749 at y" Publick Meeting house in s". Town at three of y° Clock afternoon ; In order (1) (1) To grand y^ Rev", M'. Williams his sallerey for y° Present year (begning Septra', y" 10 : 1749) and also To Con sider what addition may be thought necessary to be raade there unto & to act thereon accordingly (2) To here y" Precinct Creadit & to grand money Pay y° Same & to Defray other Necessasary Charges arissing in s"- Precinct (3) To See if ye° Precinct woold grant y* Pew formerly Clam"- by M'^ Brewer in y" raeeting house in s" Town To M', Theophlus Mansfield, (4) To here y° Precinct Treasurer accounts for several years Past, Cap'', Joseph Harrington Chosen Moderator (1) Vot" by y S". Inhabetants at s". Meeting that thay grant to y" Reve', M', W", Williams y'= Sum of five Hundred Pounds old Ten', as a Salleray for this present year begning Sep', y" 10 : 1749 Including y'' Cutting & Carting his firewood To be pay" in province Bills or Silver money at y'= rate fifty Two Shillings an ounce by y" first of June Next 2'5' Vot" by y s" Inhabetants at s" meeting that they Grant y^ further Sura of Twenty-five Pounds old Ten' To Pay Pre cinct Creaditors & other Necessary Charges arising in S" Pre cinct to be made with y'= Ministers Rete & to be pay" into y" Treasurey at y° Sarae Time 3'y Vot" by y^ s" Inhabetants at S" meeing that M^ The- ophelous Mansfield Shall have y^ Pew (formerly Clam" by M" Brewer in y" meeting house in s" Town) During y^ Precincts Pleasure 4 Vot" that y" hearing y" Precinct Treasurers accounts be Defar" Till next March Meeing Then y® Precinct Creadit wass Read and accepted which is as followeth — 6 PRECINCT RECORDS, 1749. £ S d [10. J To M', John Jones for Twenty Six feet of Slitwork for y« meeting house Stairs at 9" pr foot 19/6 . . . 0 19 6 To Thomas Kand for Mending y" Stairs at y est Door of y"^ Meeting house he finding nails &c 1 15 0 To Sam^^' Baldwin for mending y" west Door Stoops &c , 0 16 0 To M' John Warrin for making y minist"^ Rate 1748 two day at 16'/ pr day , 1 12 0 To M' John Mirick for hooks & Staples for y" meeting house door & windows 12'/ & making B,at 2 days at 16 . . 2 4 To M' Joseph Norcross for Taking Care of y"* meeting house 400 To M' John Walker for making minist' Eate 1748 Two day at 16' p' day 1/12 & paper B^ 1 15 0 Total 13 11 0 At a meeting of y** Freeholders & other Inhabetants of y^ First Precinct in Weston -.Legaly Qualified to Vote in Town affairs Regerlerly assembl" & met together at y^ Publick Meet ing house in s" Town on Monday y" 5'" : day of March AD 1749 at three of y" clock on s" day then & their (1) To Make Choice of y" Precinct officers for y" year Ensuing as y^ Law Directs 21y To here y" Precinct Treasurers acco' for Several years past 3ly To Know y'= minds of y" Precinct Whuther they will abait y'' Rats of Thomas Train and Calib Child in Constable Severans-s List Moderator Chosen Cap'' Joseph Harrington. r Joseph Harrington Com"='= Mess'' : ) Abijah Upham ( Elisha Jones Clerk & Treasurer Elisha Jones Sworn March y" 9 : 1749 r James Mirick ^ Assessors Mess'') Elisha Jones > Sworn March 9 1749 ( John Warrin ) M'. Joseph Norcross to Take Care of y» Meetin house for one year for Seven Pounds old Ten' [11, J 2]y Vot" at s" Meeting that they abait y'= Rats of Thomas Train & Calib Child in Constable Severans :s List &c PRECINCT RECORDS, 1750, 7 3'y Vot" that y" hereing y" Precinct Treasurers Jaccou' be defar" Till y'' Next Precinct meeting 1750 At a Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the First Precinct of Weston Duly Quallified and Lawfully Warned in Publick=Meeting assembled at y" Publick Meeting- House in Said Town on Monday the Fifth day November AD 1750 Then & There I To hear tho Precinct Creditors accompts & act Thereon and To grant raoney To pay the Same and also To grant money to support the Gospell ministry in Said Precinct II To Chose a Committe to provide Preaching in Said Precinct III To know Whether They Will abate Abram Jones^' Rate in Const, Daniel Parkhurst' List Then The Precinct Credit Was read and accepted Which is as followeth 18 Viz: To Joseph Norcros for Sweeping the Meeting House and opening and Shutting y" Doors one year . . ,0: To John Warrin for Making the Ministers rate Two days in y^ year 1749 at 2/3 pr day 0: To Brad. Smith for Making y". ministers rate in y". Same year Two days at 2/3 pr day 0: To Eben'. Hammond for Entertaining the Late Eclesiastical Councell 2: To Elisha Jones for raaking the Ministers rate in y". year 1749 Two days 2/3 pr day and for gitting y". Meeting House Windows Mended 1/6 . . . . . . 0: 6: 0 £100 Grant I Voted by the Inhabitants afores", at Said Meeting that y" Sum of One Hundred pounds Lawfull money be assessed on y^ Inhabitants afores", as y". Law directs. To pay y'^. Several Debts afores". and to Support the Gospell Ministry in Said Precinct and to be paid into y" Treasury by y" First of January Next Voted [12. J II Voted by y^ Inhabitants a^res". That Cap". Joseph Harrington Dec", Abijah Upham and Elisha Jones be a 8 PRECINCT RECORDS, 1750, Committe to .provide Preaching untill y^ Next Precinct meeting in March III •— The Question was put Whether They will Abate Abram Jones'^' rate in Const"= Parkhursts List, & it passed in the negative At a Meeting of the freeholders & Others Inhabitants of the first precinct in Weston Quallified by Law to Vote in Town affairs & Lawfully Warned=in publick-meeting assera bled on Friday the Eightth Day of March 1750 at the publick raeeting house in sd Town at tweleve of the clock on Sd day 1 — to chuse precicnt officers for the year ensuing as the Law Directs 2 — to chose a committee to provid preaching for the futer 3 — to know the minds of Sd precicnt Whether they will abate Josiah parks Rate to the precicnt in Constable Whitneys List 4 — to hear & act upon the precicnt Treasurers account for Several years past Dea" Upham Chosen Moderator r Deacon Upham ¦) precicnt committee for the year \ j^i^^g^jj p^gg. ( Mess") ^ .^ \ ( John Lamson j Clerk & Treasurer Nathan Fisk Sworn raarch, 8 : 1750 Assessors C John Warrin ^ Mess^j Bradyll Smith > Sworn March, 8 1750 ^ John Allen ^ Voted a — Committee for preaching ( Dea" Upham ^ Mess'» j Nathan Fisk ^ ' Abr" Bigelow ^ Voted — to take care of the meeting house Abrahara Whit ney : for Twenty Shillings the year ensuing Voted & Chosen by Sd precicnt att Sd meeting, Theophilus Mansfield Nathan Fisk to audit the Treasuerer account for Several years past & when by them allowed to be Recorded in y"* precicnt Book, &c Voted by Sd pi;ecinct that they abate the Rates of Josiah Parks in Constable William Whitneys List, to the precinct. precinct records, 1751. 9 1751 The Church of Christ in the first Precinct of Weston ; By an appointment of there own Met on Monday March, 25. AD. 1751. att the Publick meeting House in Said town in order to Choose a Suitable Person to Settle in the Gospel ministry in S" Church and Precinct, (out of those Four Gen'" S" Church Was advised to hear upon Trial by Several of the Neighbour ing ministers Namely M', Stevens, M' Bass, M' Dorby, & M' Woodward.) Said Church proceeded Coll, Fdllam Chosen Moderator of S" Church meeting and after Solemn Prayer to God for his Direction and assistance in So weighty an affair Said Proceeded with a Becoming Solem nity in the fear of God 1 — Voted and Chose, by Said Church, at s" meeting M'. Sam'^ Woodward to Settle in the ministry of the Gospel in Said Church and Precinct, by the Number of Sixty Eight Votes and not one Vote for any other person [13, J 2 Voted By Said Church at Said meeting that Mess" Dea". Perkhurst Dea", Allen and Dea", Upham, Be a Committee to Desire M' Williams our former Pastor to Diliver to Said Committee for Said Churches Use the Church Covenant Records, papers & Book; Which Belong to Said Church which are in Said M' Williams Keeping. 3 Voted By Said Church att Said meeting that they Desire the Precinct Committee to Call a meeting of Said Precinct as Soon as raay be, to know Wherther Said Precinct Will Concur With Said Church in Their Choice of M' Sam". Woodward to Settle in the Work of the Gospel rainistry in Said Church and Precinct [14. J At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabi tants of the first precint of Weston Qualified By Law to Vote in town affairs Seasonably Warned Being assembled at the Publick meeting house in Said town on munda}^ April 1. AD, 1751, att two of the Clock in the after-noon l_To know the minds of Said Precint Whither they Will Concurr With the Church in Said Precint in Their Choice of 10 precinct records, 1761, M' Samuel Woodard to Settle in the Gospe ministry in said Precint 2 — To know the minds of Said Precint What Encourag- raent Sd Precint Will Grant & give to Sd M' Woodard to en courage him to settle in the Gospel Ministry in Sd Precint, ' 3 — To know the minds of Said Precint how much money Said Precint Will Grant and Give to Said Mr Woodard for his yearly Sallery Coll. Full am Chosen Moderator 1 — Voted By|_Said Precint att Said meeting in Concurrence With Sd Church in their choice of M', Samuel Woodard to Settle in the Work of the Gospel ministry in Sd Precint By the Number of Eighty Votes for Sd M' Woodard and not one Vote for any other person 2 — Voted By Said Precint att Said meeting to Give to Said M', Samuel Woodard to Encourage him to settle in the Gospel ministry in Said Precint the sum of one Hundred & thirty three Pounds Six Shillings and Eight Pence Lawfull money 3 — Voted By Said Precint att Said meeting that they Grant, & Give to Sd M' Samuel Woodard, for his yearly Sallery : the Sum of Sixty Six pounds thirteen Shillings and four pence Lawfull money During the time Said M' Woodard Shall Con tinue in the Work of the Gospel ministry among us in Weston 4 — Voted By Said P recint att Said meeting that Mess'^. Coll FuUam Deacon Perkhurst Deacon Allin Deacon Upham Cap' Jones Be a Comittee to Waite upon M' Samuel Wood ard to acquaint him With the Votes of Said Precint Concern ing their Choice of & Grant to, him in order to his settleing in the Work of the Gospel ministry in said Precint [15. J Att a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabi tants of the first, precinct in Weston Qualified By Law to Vote in town affairs Seasonably Warned Being assembled att the Publick meeting house in Said town on monday June, ten'" AD 1751 att four of the Clock in the after. noon To hear the answer of M' Sam" Woodward Relating to the ¦Call he had to Settle in the Work of the Gospel ministry in Said precinct, and to act thereon as they Shall think proper, &c precinct records, 1751, 11 Coll, Fullam Chosen, Moderator and after hearing Said answer and Considering thereon Voted By Said precinct at Said meeting that they Grant to Said M' Sam" Woodward Thirty Cords of AVood yearly During the time Said Woodward Continues our iNIinistre in Said Pre cinct. Voted By Said precinct at Said meeting, that Deacon Upham Cap' Jones Be a Committee to treat AVith Said M', Woodward about Said answer Voted By Said precinct att Said raeeting that this meeting be adjurn" to next Monday att three ofthe Clock in the afternoon, and the moderator Declared Said meeting to be adjurned accordingly The Inhabitants of the first precinct in Weston Being as sembled on the 17 Day of June, AD 1751 to Which time their meeting was adjurned Votd By Said precinct att Said meeting that the thirty Cords of Wood Granted to M' Sara" Woodward yearly Shall Be Di- livered to Said M' Woodward att his Dwelling house in Said precinct Votd By Said precinct att Said raeeting By a full and Unan imous Vote that they ate Easio and satisfied With What they have Done, and Granted to M' Sam" Woodward and also With M' Woodwards answer and acceptance thereof. &c : Voted By Said precinct att Said meeting that the ordination of M' Sara" Woodward be Defered till Neare about the raiddle of Septeraber Next, [16, J M^, Sam'-'^ Woodwards answer to the call he had to Settle in the Gospel ministry in WESTON first PRECINCT To the Church and Congregation in Weston Gentlemen, — It is Some Considerable time Since you Were pleased to honour me With an Invitation to Settle With you in the ministry. Which Was Back'd With a Desire that my Reso lution of the matter might be as Speedy as Was Consistant 12 PRECINCT RECORDS, 1751. With Prudence : Wherefore Gen'™ after ray Hearty thanks for the favourable oppinion you have Conceived of my Labours, I Would Inform you, that altho your Circurastances Seemed ta Call for a Sudden answer, yet the Work you Call me to Engage in (as it appears to me) is of Such raoraent; that the raost raature consideration Cant be more than it Deserves : I have therefore Been asking that Wisdom from above that is profit able to Direct : and T have Kept you in Suspence the Longer Because in the multitude of Councelers there is safety : and am Now Ready to Inform you that the Vnanimity of your Call appears raatter of Great Encourageraint to me and affords a happy prospect of the good Success of my ministry : and not withstanding your Circumstances are Soraething peculiar : yet I hope the Consideration of Duty would be more than a Coun- terballence for all the Difficulties which at present appear : But Gen'"' you are all I presume Seinsible of the Great Incon venience and Danger there is in a ministers Being Dependent upon the favour of his people he must needs then have a Greate temptation to unfaithfullness : Least otherwise he hurt- his pri vate Intrest : Wherefore as I propose to Devote my self (by the Grace of Heaven) to the Service of that peoples Souls Whose minister I am : So I Desire that if I Sow unto them Spiritual things : it may not be thought a Great thing (by them) If I So far Reap of Their Carnal things as to Render my Life Comfortable : and Now Gen"" Notwithstanding your proposals as to the Nominal Sums Seems to be Considerable : yet who is there among yourseleves, Were He to Estimate What he Spends in his family, that would not find that ware he to purchase all by the penny, it would Cost him raore than Si-xty Six pounds thirteen Shillings and four pence per annura : Gen'™ upon Consideration that you propose this without any privileges or perquisites Which are common in other towns : I mean with Respect to a personage, or any Donations in Lands or Buildings or with Regard to wood : and upon Consideration ; that yours must Needs be a place of Great Expence Because neare a Great Road : my Best freinds in as well as out of the ministry : assure me frora their own Exspirience that I Can by no means Live with your offers : and now upon the whole. PRECINCT RECORDS, 17.t]. 13 Gen'" I think that nothing Short ofthe addition of thirty Cords of wood : and in Some other way a valuable Consideration more to ray yearly Salary can be Sufficent Encouragement for my acceptance of your Call [17, ] I conclude wishing you may have the Divine presence and Conduct in all your proceedings and Intreating that whether these proposals are agreeable or Disagreeable they may by no means Break our frendship : Let rae have the Improvement of your Intrests at the throne of Grace for me : that in what ever Capacity I need therein I may have Success : Assure your Seleves that howevr I may be wanting in other Regards : yet (with Dependence upon the Grace of heaven) you never Shall have Reason to think : but that your Best Intrest and welfare Lies near my Heart : In token whereof I am now Ready to Subscribe my self your friend and Well wisher Sam"-^ Woodward Newton June. 4. 1751. M^ Sam'-'^ Woodwards Second answer &c To the Church and Congregation in Weston Gent™ Mess" Capt Jones and Dea" Upham Have acordeng to your Desire acquainted me With your proceedings Last meeting, and that you Stumbled at my raeaning With Respect to that perticuliar phrase — and a valeuable Consideration more to my yearly Sallery) Gent™ Its plain I Refered it to your Judgement What was a Valeuable Consideration : But yet I am free to aknowledge my meaning was about Seven pounds : But by no means if it was inconsistant with peace and Love : the only Reason of my men tioning of it: was — Because I fe;ir" upon the account I have had from those that have Experienced that Less Would not Do : But Gen'™ Since the providence of God Seems to Invite me amonge you, I Dare not Deny your Request: Wherefore upon the Whole I have Resolved, that With Dependence upon the Grace of God for my assistance and Direction and Depend ing upon your favour and Good will Which I assure you ; I prefer to Sallery : I Declare a herai'ty acceptance of your Call 14 PRECINCT RECORDS, 1751, provided there apear a General Easiness and Satisfaction With what is already Done : I Whish you may have the Divine pres ence and Conduct in all your proceedings Weston June, 17 : 1751. Your%. Samuel Woodward. [18,] Att a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the first Precinct in Weston Qulified to Vote in town affairs and Warned ; in Publick meeting assembled on Wednesday the twenty Eight"' Day of august AD 1751. att two of the clok in the after noon, 1 — To appoint the Day for the ordination of M' Samuel Woodward 2 — To provid a place or places for the Entertainment of the R"" Elders and Deligate of the Several Churches that Shall be Sent to, to Oordain Said M' Woodward and person or persons prepare for Said entertainment 3 — To grant money to Defrey the charge of Said Enter tainment if Said precinct Shall think NeedfuU 4 — To agree With Said M' Woodward When his yearly Sallery Shall Begin &c Coll Fullam Chosen Moderator 1 — Voted by the Inhabtants of said Precinct at Said meet ing that Wednesday the Twenty fifth Day of Sep' Next Shall be the Day for the Oordination of M' Samuel Woodward 2 — Voted att Said meeting that M' John Lamson be the man to Entertain the Councel and other Gen'™ of Distintion att the ordination and upon M' Lamsons Refusal M' Eb' Hammon Was Chosen Who undertook Said Service 3 — Put to Vote Wherther Said Precinct Would Grant any money to Defrey the Charge of Said ordination and it pass' in the Negetive there Being a Supply in the Treasury 4 — Voted att Said meeting that M' Sam" Woodwards yearly Sallery Shall begin att the Day of his ordination Att a meeting ofthe freeholders and other Inhabitants ofthe first precinct in Weston Qualified to Vote in town affairs and precinct RECORDS, 1751, 15 Seasonably Warned in Publick meeting assembled on Thii-sday the fourteenth Day of Nov', AD, 1751, att Nine of the Clock in the forenoon then & there 1 — To Grant the Reve" M' Sam", Woodwards Sallery for this present year begining Sep*. 25, 1751, 2 — To Know the mind of Said precinct What method they will take to procure Said M' Woodwards fire-wood 3 — To Know the mind of Said precinct When the money Granted for tho. Rev M' Sam" Woodwards Settlement Shall be paid 4 To here the precinct Credittors accounts & act thereon & Grant money to pay the Same & also to Grant money to Defrey all other Necessary Charges arising in Said precinct. &c, [19, J Deac^ Upham Chosen Moderator 1 Voted by Said Inhabitants att Said meeting that they Grant to the Rev". M' Sara" Woodward for his Sallery this pres ent year Begining September 25. 1751. the Sum of Sixty Six pounds thirteen Shillings and four pence Lawfull money 2 Voted by Said Inhabitants (the Rev" M'Sam" Woodward Consenting thereto) the Sum of Six pounds thirteen Shillings and four pence be added to the Rev M' Woodwards Sallery this present j'ear in Leue of his fire wood for this present year 3 Voted by Said precinct that the one Hundred and thirty three pounds Six Shillings and Eight pence Lawfull money Granted to the Rev" M' Sam" Woodward to Encourge his Settleing in the Gospel Ministry in Said precinct Shall be paid by the first of March Next. 4 Then the precinct Creditt Was Read & accepted Which is as followeth s d qr To John Warrin for making the precinct Rate in the year 1750. .3 days att 2". per Day 6 0 0 To Abra™. Whitney for two Staples and one hook for the meeting house Door 0 6 2 To Ebenezor Hammond for Entertaining ministers att the fast 12 0 0 To Jmes mirick for making the precinct Kate in the year 1750. 2 Days att 2=. per day 4 0 0 2:10 6 2 16 precinct records, 1752. Credittors and Contingent Money £ 8, d 2 = 10 = 0 When to be paid Voted by Said precinct att Said meeting that they Grant The Sura of two pounds ten Shillings Lawfull raoney to pay the precinct Credittors and Defrey other Charges arising in in Said precinct &c. The raoney Granted att the above Said raeeting to be paid in to the Treasury by the first of June Next AD. 1752. 1752. [20. J Att. a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the first precinct of Weston Quallified to Vote in town affairs Deuly Warned in Publick meeting assembled on Tuesday the third Day of march AD. 1752 at the Publick meeting house in Sd town att on of the Clock in the afternoon in order 1 — To Chuse a Precinct Committee and other Precinct officers as the Law Directs 2 — To Hear the Precinct Treasurers account and acte thereon 3 — To Know the minds of the Precinct Whether they will abte the Rates of M' Williams and Excuse him from Paying Taxes for the Futer 4 — To Know the mind of the Precinct Whether they will abate the Rates of Elisha Cox in Constable Isaac Hagars List 5 — To Know the mind of the Precinct Whether they will abate the Rates of Isaac Cory in Constable William 'Whitneys List 6 — To Know the mind of the Precinct Whether they will Grant the Sum of one Pound to those that Shall Serve as Collectors as Sallery 7 — To Chuse a Suitable Person to take Care of the meeting house Moderator Chosen Dea". Upham I Dea" Abijah Upham Nathan Fisk John Walker Clerk & Treasurer Nathan Fisk Sworn march 6. 1752 ( John Warren \ Assessors) John Allen > Sworn march 6, 1752 JOHN ALLEN > SWor John Walker ) PRECINCT RECORDS, 1752, 17 2 — Voted by Said Precinct that the accounts ofthe Precinct Treasurer be Examined and adjusted by M' John Walker and M' Elisha Jones and then to be Recorded 3 — Put to Vote by Said moderator Whether Said Pre cinct Will abate the Rates of M' Williams and Excuse him from Paying Taxes for the Futer and it passed in the Nege tive 4 — Voted by Said Precinct that they abate the Rates of Elisha Cox in Constable Isaac Hagers List 5 — Voted by Said Precinct at Said meeting they abate the Rates of Isaac Cory in Constable William Whitneys List 6 — Put to Vote by the moderator whether they Will Grant the Sum of one Pound to those Persons as Shall Serve as Collectors and it Passed in the Negetive. [21. J 7— Voted that Nathanill Williams take Care of the meeting House this Present year for one Pound Eight Shillings Lawfull money and Said Nathanell Williams accepted thereof [22,] Att, a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabi tants of the first Preeeinct in Weston Quallified By Law to Vote in town affairs Legally warned in Publick meeting assembled, att the Publick meeting House in Said town on Monday the Twenty Seventh Day of Nov', att two of the Clock in the After-noon then and there 1. —To Grant the Rev" M' Sam" Woodwards Sallery for this Present, year Begining Sep', 25, 1752, and to Take Care to Procure his fire Wood for this present year 2,— To Hear the Preeeinct Credittors accounts and Grant money to Pay the Same 3, —To know the raind of said Preeeinct, Whether the Rev" M' Woodwards family Shall have the Improveraet of the Pew- Built in Said meeting house for the ministres faraily, or Whether Said Preeeinct Will Procure any other Pew Suitable for Said family 4, — To know the mind of Said Preeeinct Whither they will abate the Rates of Josiah Parks in Constable Isaac Gregorys List to the Preeeinct 18 PRECINCT RECORDS, 1752, Dea", Upham Chosen Moderator 1. — Voted By Said Inhabitants at Said raeeting that Grant to the Rev" M', Sara" Woodward for his Sallary this Present year Begining Sep' 25. 1752 the Sum of Sixty Six Pounds, thirteen Shillings and four Pence Lawfull money Voted By Said Inhabitants att Said meeting (the Rev" M' Woodward Consenting thereto) that they Grant to the Rev" M' Woodward the Sum of Six Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence Lawfull raoney in Leue of his fire Wood this Present year Then the Preeeinct Credittors accounts Were Read Ware as followeth. To John Warren four Days making Precenct Rates in the year 1751. att. two Shillings Per day , , , . 0 8 0 To John Allen for making Preeeinct Rates 4 Day in the year 1751. att two Shillings Per day 0 8 0 To Abraham Whitney for Hooks and Staples for the meeting House 016 To Nath". Williams for taking Care of the meeting House in the year 1752 180 [23.] To Braddyll Smith for four Days making Rates for the Preeeinct in the year 1751 att 2" Per Day . , . 0 8 0 To Edward Gearfleld cons''^ for warning three Preeeinct meet ings 1' 1^ Each 049 To Edward Gearfield for Collecting the Rate for M' Wood wards Settellment 10 0 To Daniel Livermore for Warning three Preeeinct Meetings att 1». 7". Each 049 To Daniel Livermore, Constable for Collecting the Rate for M'. Woodwards Settellement 10 0 5 3 0 2, — Voted by Sd Inhabitants att Said meeting that they ac cept of the above Said account On the article of Providing a Pew for the Rev" M' Wood wards Voted By Sad Preeeinct att Said raeeting that they ac cept of the proposal made By Dea" Benjamin Brown, Viz, that he freely Gives his Pew Which is Joyning to the East Side of PRECINCT RECORDS, 1758. 19 the Pulpit in the meeting house To Said preeeinct, that So they may Give the Same to the Rev" M' Sam" Woodwards and his Heirs as their Property under the Same Circumstances as the Said Brown Injoyed the Same 3, — Voted by the Inhabitants afore Said att Said raeeting that they Give to the Rev" M' Sara" Woodward and to His Heirs the Pew Which was Dea", Benjamin Browns, (and Which Said Brown hath Given to Said Preeeinct,) unto the Rev", M' Sam" Woodward and to his Heirs, to Injoy, as the other Pews are Injoyed by the Inhabitants of Said Preeeinct that Built them Voted By the Inhabitants afore Said att Said meeting that they Return Dea". Benjamin Brown their Hearty Thanks for his Generossity in Giving his Said Pew to Said Pre eeinct, &c 4. — Voted By the Inhabitants of Said Preeeinct att Said meeting that they Abate the Rates of Josiah Parks to the Pre eeinct in Constable Isaac Giegorj's List [24.] 1753, Weston March 2 : 1753 This is a full Discharge to the first Precinct in S" Town for the Sum of One Hundred and Thirty Three Pounds Six Shil lings and Eight Pence Lawfull Money, which Sum S" Precinct granted for my Settlement, Which I have Rec" in full of Nathan Fisk Treasurer for S" Precinct, and of others to my full Satis faction, I say Rec" W Samuel Woodward Weston March 2: 1754 This is a full Discharge to the first Precinct in Weston for the Sum of Seventy three Pounds Six Shillings and Eight Pence Lawfull Money which Sum S" Precinct granted Me for my first years Salary & Fire- Wood which I have Rec" in full of Nathan Fisk Treasurer for S" Precinct & of others to my full Satisfaction I Say Rec" W Samuel Woodward 20 PRECINCT RECORDS, 1763. Weston October 10. 1754 rec", of M'. Nathan Fisk late Treasurer of Said Town Thirty Four pounds Four Shillings & 3". and of Elisha Jones the present Treasurer Thirty Nine pounds Two Shillings and five pence being in full for my years Sallery Ending September 25. 1753. and also for ray Firewood for Said year Samuel Woodward Weston Oct', 10, 1754 Rec". of Capt". Elisha Jones Treasur'- the Sum of four pounds Six Shill^' & 1", being in full of Sum granted by s" Town for raj' Service in the Gospel Ministry for the year ending Sep', 10 1750 I have also rec", before, the Sura granted for the year preceding that W W« Williams Weston March 1 : 1755 This is a full Discharge to the Town of Weston for ray Salary and Fire Wood for the year Ending Sep', 25 : 1754 Which I have Rec" of Capt. Elisha Jones Treasurer, W Samuel Woodward [Note. — The three Town Receipts above were written in a vacant space after the Precinct Records had been discontinued.} [25,] The account of Nathan Fisk Treasurer for the first prececint in Weston from March 4"^, 1750:1, to March, 2", 1752, L. M Rec^ and Paid Out &c £ s. d. Rec" of Daniel Perkhurst Cons, in full of his Prececinct Kate 35 6 9 Reel of ^ym_ "Whitney Cons in Part of his Prececinct , Kate -. . . . 27 3 10 Eec" of Joseph Norcross Cons in Part of his Preeeinct Kate 36 1 7 Eec* of Isaac Gregory Cons in Part of his Preeeinct Kate 38 9 4 Uec" of Elisha Jones Late Treasurer for Sd Preeeinct in full 00 5 6 137 7 0 PRECINCT RECORDS, 1753, 21 Paid by order nnd assignments to Sundry Persons L. m To M"' W"". Williams in Part of his Last years Sallery To M'' Dorby for Preaching in Sd Prececinct . To M' Bass for Preaching in Said Preeeinct . To M"^ Handcok for Preaching in Said Preeeinct . To M"" Minot for Preaching in Said Preeeinct To M' Stevens for Preaching in Said Preeeinct To Daniel Perkhurst By Assignment To John Lamson for Entertaing ministers 'When they Preach* To M' 'Whitney By assignment .... To Elisha Jones for Sundry thngs he Provided for ordi nation To Eb' Hammond for Entertaing the Councel at Ordi nation To Isaac Gregory By Assignment . To the Rev" M"' Woodward Befor his Ordination . To Tho= Welch for mending the meeting House Glass To M'' GofE for his advice about Collectors Remains in Said Treasurers hand in Lawfull money and Cons W™ Whitneys hand Lawfull money and in Constable Gregory hand .... and in Constable Norcross hand .... and in Constable Edward Gearfleld hand and in Daniel Livermore Constable hand £ ,9. d. 58 6 6 6 13 4 8 8 0 8 8 0 1 1 4 6 0 0 00 13 3 0 5 4 1 1 7 6 16 0 2 10 6 26 13 4 00 3 7 00 6 0 136 8 7 3 . 00 18 4 1 7 9 5 . 11 6 0 . 14 3 1 . 96 12 5 . 112 10 11 243 0 2 1 We the Subscribers Being Chosen By Said Preeeinct to Ex- amin the Above Said Treasurers Accounts for the year AD, 1751, and find them Well Vouch" and Right Cast Feb 27 1753 Pr John Walker Elisha Jones [26. blank] [27,] At a meeting of the freeholders and Other Inhabitants ofthe first Preeeinct of Weston Quallified By Law to Vote in town affairs Deuly Warned in Publick meeting Assembled at the Publick meeting House in Said Town on Monday the fifth Day of march at four the clock in the Afternoon 22 PRECINCT RECORDS, 1753. l._To Chuse Preeeinct Officers as the Law Directs 2. — To hear and Act upon the Prececinct Treasurers Account for the Last year 3_To Chuse and Agree With a Suitable Person to take Care of the meeting house To know the mind of Said Preeeinct Whether they Will Abate the Rates of David Hagar to the Prceecinct in Constable Ed'' Gearfields List Said Rates Being £0 — 9s. — 8d, Nathan Fisk Chosen Moderator Voted By Said Preeeinct That the Preeeinct Officers for the present year are as those following Viz r Nathan Fisk Committed } John Walker V- Sam'-'' Seavearns f John Walker ') Assessors < John Warren ( Sworn march 9"^ ' John Allen ^ Clerk & Treas'. Nathan Fisk Sworn march 9'" 2. — Voted By Said Prececinct at Said meeting that the Pre- cecnct Treasurers Accounts for Last year Be Put over to the Next Precenct meeting 3. — Voted that Nath" Williams take Care of the meeting house this Present year for One Pound Eight Shillings and Said Williams Accepte" thereof 4. — Voted By Said Precceinct that they Abate the Rates of David Hagar in Constable Edward Gearfields List Which are Nine Shillings & Eight Pence [28,] At a Meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the first Precinct in Weston, Quallified By Law to Vote in Town affairs Legally Warned in Publick Meeting asserabled att. the Publick meeting House in Said Town : on Thursday the Sixth Day of December at Two of the Clock in the after noon, AD. 1753. Then and there PRECINCT RECORDS, 1753. 23 1. — To Hear the Precinct Treasures accoinp'^ Which was Put over to this meeting 2. —To Grant the Rev" M' Sam". Woodwards Sallary for this year Begining September 25'" 1753. and to take Care to pro cure his fire Wood 3, — To know the minde of Said Precinct Whether they will abate the Rates of Daniel, Perkhurst or any Part of them in Constable Livermores List 4. — To know the mind of Said Precinct. Whether those Pews in Said meeting-house Now in the Possession of those Persons Which have no Right to By any Vote of Said Town or Precinct upon Record Shall Be Desposed of By Said Precinct (first paying the Cost of Building) to such persons and upon Such Conditions as Said Precinct Shall think Proper, M* Elisha Jones, Chosen Moderator Then the Precinct Treasurers accompts was Read which is as followeth Viz, The accompt of Nathan Fisk Treasurer for the first Precinct in Weston from March Second 1752, to march fifth 1753, Lawfull money Rec", and Paid out £ s. d. q The Ballance of Last years account in my Hand . . 00 18 4 1 Reel" of Constable Norcross in Part of his Precinct Rate 10 13 3 1 Reel" of Constable Whitney in Part of his Precinct Rate 03 01 2 Rec" of Constable Ed Gearfield in Part of his Precinct Rate . . , 65 10 1 Reci* of Constable Livermore in Part of his Precinct Rate •. ... 84 03 9 Reel", of Constable Gregory in full of his Precinct Rate 11 6 0 175 12 7 2 Paid to Several persons By orders and assignments &c To the Rev" M' Sam" Woodward in full of his Settle ment ......... 133 6 8 To the Rev" M' Woodward in Part of his Sallarey . 16 14 4 To John Walker for Mending the Meeting house Glass . 00 08 0 To ITathan Fisk for a Lock for the Meeting house Door 00 01 6 24 precinct records, 1753. £ s. d. q. To M-- Williams in Part, of his Last years Sallery , 04 00 8 To the abatement of Josiah Park" Rates in Constable Whitneys List 00 03 8 To the abatement of Josiah Park' Rates in Const Gregory List 00 05 3 To the abatement of Isaac Corys Rates in Constable Whitneys List 00 02 9 2 To M"- Williams in full for Preaching. 5 Sabbath' after Sep'. 10. 1750 06 08 8 To Constable Korcross By assignmen . . . , 01 04 8 [29,] Remains in Said Treasures hand . in Constable W™ Whitneys hand Precinct Rale in Constable Ed^ Gearfield'. hand Precinct Rate . in Constable Norcross hand Precinct Rate . in Constable Livermors hand Precinct Rate . in Constable Hobbs hand Precinct Rate in Constable Nath". Jenison' hand Precinct Rate 162 14 2 2 . 12 18 5 . 04 08 3 . 31 02 4 03 09 9 3 . 28 07 2 . 38 04 5 . 40 05 3 2. — Voted By Said Precinct at Said Meeting that they Grant to the Rev" M' Sara". Woodward for his Sallary this Present, year Begining September 25, 1753, The Sum of Sixty Six Pounds thirteen Shillings and four pence, Lawfull Money, and the Sum of Six Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence Law- full money in Lue of his fire Wood this Present year to Be Paid By the first of June Next 3, — Put to Vote By the Moderator Whether the will abate the Rates of Daniel Perkhurst of any Part of them and it Past in the Negetive 4, —Put to Vote, By the Moderator Whether they Will Take into their Possession the afore Said Pews and it Past in the Negetive At a meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the First Precinct in Weston duly Quallified and Lawfully Warned in Publick meeting Assembled on Monday the fourth day of March AD 1754 at the Publick meeting House in Said Town at Two of the Clock Afternoon Then & There to Chose Precinct Officers for the year Ensewing as the Law directs precinct records, 1764, 25 2. to hear the Precinct Treasurer' accounts for the year past 3 to know the mind of Said Precinct Whether they Will accept of a receipt Short of a Full discharge frora M', Williams for his Service in the Work of the Gospell Ministry, When he recieves the remainder of his last years Sallary Which is the Whole of his grants 4, to know the minds of Said precinct Whether they Will abate the rates of Josiah Upham' head and y" rates of Wil liam Parkliurst in Constable Jenisons List 5 to know the minds of Said Precinct Whether they Will abate the rates of Abijah Upham j', in Constable Livermore' List 6 to Chose a Suitable Person to Take Care of the Meeting House 1754. [30,] The precinct proceeded to bring in Their Votes for a Moderator Which being Examined it appeared that Elisha Jones Was Chosen Then it Was Voted that this meeting be Adjourned to Fryday Next, Two of y* Clock afternoon and the Moderator Declared Said Meeting to be adjourned accordingly At a meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants &c of the First precinct in Weston on Friday the Eighth day of March 1754 at Two of the Clock afternoon, by adjournment from Monday the fourth day of y" Same Month. The following persons Were Chosen precinct Officers for the year Ensewing C Abijah Upham ^ Viz Committe } Elisha Jones ^ ' Samuel Severns ' Clerk Elisha Jones Sworn march 9, 1754 Treasurer Elisha Jones Sworn march 11'", &c C Braddyll Smith i Assessors-? James Mirick > Sworn March 11, 1754 ' John Warren ' To Take Care of the meeting House Benjamin Peirce Was Chosen Who Undertook That Service for one year for 28 Shillings 26 precinct records, 1754, Then the accounts of Nathan Fisk Precinct Treasurer Were read from March 5, 1753. to March 4, 1754. and accepted as followeth The Ballance of Last years account in My hand rec^. of Constable Norcros in part of his precinct rate . rec*. of Constable Wiliiam Whitney in full of his precinct rate rec''. of Constable Gearfleld in full of his precinct rate . rec*. of Const'. Livermore in full of his Precinct rate rec" of Const'. Jenison in part of his Precinct rate . Paid by orders and assignments to Severall persons &c Yiz: To y' Rev". Sarauel Woodward . . . . To y= ReV^. William Williams in part of his last years Sal lary To Constable Hager by the abatement of Elisha Cox=' rates To Const'. Edw". Gearfleld by assgnmt .... To Const'. Nat. Jenison by D". . ... 12 18 5 2 10 8 4 8 3 31 2 4 28 7 2 25 0 0 £104 6 10 90 16 2 7 3 2 2 2 H 1 12 9 remains in Said Treasurers hand D°. in Const'. Norcross". hand I>. in Const'. Jenisons hand D". in Const. Hobbs" hand . D". in Const. Hammond hand D°. in Const'. Bigelow hand D". in Nath^ Jenisons hand by his Note of hand . £9 9 19 15 5 38 4 36 2 38 12 £94 17 Oi y' above account have been Examin* & found to be right Cast & well vouched Per John Walker 12 1 139-5. 4. i [31.] 3", Then the Precinct proceeded to Consider the Matter relating to the rev", M', Williams'^' Sallary. & his giving a full discharge to the precinct as Mentioned in y^ AVarning of This Meeting, & Thereupon Voted, That Mess". John Walker Abijah Upham and Nathan Fisk be a Coramitte to Treat With M', Williaras, and know of hira What he Expects further frora y'' Precinct, to make good the OrigenaU Contract, over and above y'' grants that have been already Made to him &c and to report to y" Precinct at Their Next meetinsf precinct records, 1754, 27 4"". Then it was Voted at Said meeting that y'^ rates of Josiah Upham' head, in Constable Jenison', List, Shall be abated Then the Question was put Whether William Parkhurst', rate Shall be abated in y" Same List, and it passed in the Negative 5 — then it Was Voted at Said meeting that y'' rates of Abijah Upham j'. in Const''. Livermore' List shall be abated THE EECOEDS OF THE TOWN OF WESTON, 1754. [I.] At a meetingof The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston duly Quallified and Lawfully Warned in Publick Town-meeting Assembled on Monday the fourth day of March AD 1754 at Ten of the Clock in the forenoon at the Publick Meeting House in Said Town Then & There 1 To Chose Selectmen and Other Town Officers for the Ensewing year as the Law directs 2". To hear the Town Treasurers accounts for y" year past 3". To know the mind of Said Town Whether Their Swine Shall go at Large This present year 4"". To know the raind of Said Town Whether Their Sheep Shall go at Large frora y" 15. of March to y^ first of May Next 5"^. To know y^ mind of Said Town Whether they will mend Their Highways by a rate this present year and grant money for the Sarae 6'\ To know the mind of Said Town Whether they Will accept of a way as marked over the Lands of M'. W™. Williams and Jeremiah Whittemore 7'". To know the mind of Said Town Whether They Will accept of a way as marked over the Lands of John Bemis and Isaac Whittemore 8 To know y^ mind of Said Town Whether They Will grant money Sufficient for a reading & writing School for Each School House in y° absence of y" Graramar School 9 To know y' mind of Said Town Whether They will give up to Jeremiah Whittemore a piece of a Townway from s", Whitteraores Barn to y^ Town Way at Rocky Hill in John Lamsons Land 10"", To know y« mind of Said Town Whether Nath', Bigelow Shall be rated for his Head 11'". To know y'^ mind of Said Town Whether They Will 30 town records, 1754. abate y^ rates of Josiah Uphams Head, and y^ rates of William Parkhurst in Const' Jenisons List 12, To know y* raind of Said Town Whether they Will abate the rates of Abijah Upham j', in Const*', Livermores List [2.] The Town proceeded to bring in Their Votes for a Moderator and Upon Examining the Same it appeared That Elisha Jones was Chosen Then the following persons were Chosen Town officers for the year Ensewing ' Elisha Jones Dec'', Abijah Upham Selectmen <( Cap''. Samuel Bond M". Sam'-, Severns _ M", Isaac Hager Town Clerk & Treasurer Elisha Jones, Sworn march 11 Constables Chosen Elisha Jones and Henry Spring Who agreed 'With John Hager to Serve in Their Stead, and Was accepted by Said Town & Sworn March 11, 1754 ( MESS''^ Braddyll Smith ) Assessors Surveyors and Collectors &c Tythingmen Fenceviewers Hogreaves Sworn march 11 Sworn march 11 Sworn march 11 Sworn march 11 Sworn march 11 James Mirick John Warren Aaron Jones Nath'-, Jenison <( James Smith j Benj^, Monroe L Joseph Whitney Benjamin Bond John Allen James Mirick Jonas Harrington Jonathan Stratton Benj*^, Bond Sealer of Leather Isaac Hager Sworn march 11 James Livermore Edward Gearfield pound Keeper Abraham Whitney Sworn March II ,.} preserver of Dear < Sworn march 1 1 Sworn march 11 Sworn march 11 town records, 1754, 31 [3,] 2d The Town Treasurers accounts Were read & accepted Which are as follows The accounts of Nathan Fisk Treasurer for Weston from March 5, 1753 to March 4, 1754 rec" & paid as follows rec". of Constable William Whitney in full of his Town rate rec". of Cons'. Isaac Gregory in full of his Town rate rec". of Cons'. Dan', Livermore in part of bis Town rate . rec*. of Cons'. Edw". Gearfleld in part of D" . rec". of Const Nath'. Jenison in part of D° rec*. of William Lawrance by a Note of hand . paid by Orders & Asignments to Several persons Due to the Above Said Treas'. by last years ace' paid Schoolmaster Cotton for his last Quarters Schooling . paid Dec". Upham for a Highway over his land paid Sch'. Master Baldwin for Seven months Schooling . paid Joseph Bigelow for Boarding Schoolmaster Cotton 3 months paid Nathan Eisk for Boarding M^ Baldwin 4 months and for Money Scales & Weights paid William Upham for away over his land Ordered by } ' Court paid Nath'. Williams for Boarding M"'. Cotton 3 months . paid Isaac Hager for getting y' Town Measures Sealed paid John Walker for to answer y' presentment of y' County road 0 12 0 paid James Mirick for Bottoming North School House Chair paid Child y' Glazier for mending School House Windows . paid Mary Gregory for Taking Care of Abr™. Gregory' Family paid by asignmt to Const, Gearfleld paid by abatement of Sam', Jenisons rate in Const. Whit neys List . paid by abatement of Elisha Cox", rate in Const. Hagers - List paid Andrew Stimson for away over his land by order of Court paid Abraham Gale for Boarding M'. Baldwin Ten Weeks . paid Benj», Harrington for a Cord to go with y Burying Cloth paid Sam' Severns for a Link & Staple for South School House Door 3 14 0 16 10 11 9 15 5 15 14 2 15 14 3 19 5 £62 8 2 6 6 11 6 13 4 7 6 8 14 17 9 3 9 4 4 12 6 1 - - _ 6 _ 3 9 4 0 1 6 0 1 2 0 6 10 2 19 6 6 15 11 0 13 1 0 14 10 0 5 2 2 13 4 0 1 1 0 0 8 32 TOWN RECORDS, 1754, paid Margarit Spring for Boarding M^ Baldwin 3 weeks . paid by Assignm'. to Const'. Jenison paid M'. Severns for providing for Dan'. Parkhurst' Family paid Peter Cudge for Service done for Dan'. Parkhurst'. Family Ballance due to y' Above S". Treasurer remains in Cons'. Livermore". hand Town rate remains in Cons'. Gearfleld' hand D° . remains in Cons'. Jenisons hand D" . remains in Cons'. Hobbs". hand D" . remains in Const Hamons hand D° remains in Const Bigelow'. hand D" . remains by a Note from Nath'. Jenison remains due from y' Province Treas'. for a Cat Bill 0 16 1 16 0 2 0 8 £65 8 11 [1] [1] 3 0 9 6 7 0 20 6 10 2 1 10 22 3 11 33 10 3 26 9 9 1 0 10 0 3 2 116 4 The Above acct', were Examined &, found to be right by John Walker Sam . Severns Selectmen [1] [4.] 3", Voted by Said Town at y" AforeS", Meeting that y" Swine Shall go at Large Within y' Town for y"= year Ensewing 4'\ Voted by Said Town That the Sheep Shall not go at Large from the fiftienth of March to first of May &c 5'\ Voted by Said Town that they Will repair & amend their Highways and Townways by a rate this present year, and that y' sum of Fifty pounds be Assessed on y^ Inhabitants of Said Town to be paid in Labour by y» Same rule as it was paid in y" year 1747 —and to be paid.be y" Last day of October Next Then it was Voted by Said Town to adjourn this Meeting to Fryday Next 10. Clock At a meeting of y'= Inhabitants aboves". on Friday y" S"', day March 1754 by adjournment from y' 4'", day of y-^ Same Month 6 Voted by Said Town that They accept of a New Town Way thro, y' Lands of M', Wilham Williams and Jeremiah Whittemore provided the Petitioners for Said way Viz Josiah TOWN RECORDS, 1754. 33 Hobbs, Ebenezer Hobbs, William Whitney, John Whitney, John Warren, Joseph Whitney and Elisha Warren, pay and Satisfy y" Owners of y° Land, for their Damages Occasioned by Said Way Over & above y" Sum of Twelve pounds Which is to be paid by Said Town, The raarks of y" Way as followeth — begining y" Town Way a Little North of John Lamsons House at a White oak Tree mark", in M', Williams" Land, thence to a heap of Stones Near the Brook, thence lo a red oak Tree mark", thence to a great rock With a heap of Stones on y'' Top of it, thence to a heap of Stones on y" Top of y" Hill on y'^ South side of the Orchard, Thence Turning Northeasterly to a heap of Stones by an appletree thence to a heap of Stones by an Appletree, thence to a gray oack Tree marked, thence to a Black oak Tree raark", thenc to a Black oak Tree raarked by y" fence between y" Lands of Said M', Williaras & Whitteraore thence to a heap of Stones in Whitte raores Land by y" Wall thence runing Northerly to a heap of Stones on y" West Side of a Stone wall thence by Said Wall to y'' End Thereof to a heap of Stones, thence to a heap of Stones by y' Barn, thence to a heap of Stones, thence to a Sraall White oak Tree mark". Thence to a heap of Stones, Thence to a heap of Stone near S", Whittemore' Cyder mill Thence to a heap of Stones by y" Tovm Way North of Said Whittemore' Dwelling-house Said way to be Two rods in Width from y'' Southerly & Easterly Sides of y^ Marks in M', Wil liams" Lmd, and from y'^ Westerly Side of y" Marks in M', Whittemore' Land, Said Way to be Opened in one year, 7"' Voted by Said Town that They accept of a way in y^ Lands of John Bemis and Isaa-c Whittemore Marked as fol loweth, begining at a Town way near William Lawrences at y'' Northwest Corner of Said Bemis'^'. Land Thence runing Southerly on y'= East Side of a Wall to a heap of Stones in y^ Middle of a Barr way. Thenc Turning Southwesterly to a heap of Stones on a rock thence to a Stake & Stones in an Old Fence, by y'^ Land of S", Whittemore thence Turning westerly in Said Whittemore' Land To y" South Side of a great rock, thence to y° South Side of an Other great rock thence to a Stump and Stones, Thenc Southerly to a Small White oak 34 TOWN RECORDS, 1754, Tree marked Near Said Whittemore' Celler. Said way to a rod & half Wide from y"* Easterly & Southerly Side of Said marks [5.] 8'\ The Question was put Whether y" Town Will grant money for reading and Writing Schools, and it pased in the Negative 9. Voted by Said Town That Jeremiah Whittemore in One year from this Time Shall have liberty to Shutt up y" Town way from his Barn to lockey Hill, he keeping Convenient Draw Barrs for y" Benefit of any person or person that may Travill in Said Way IO"'. Voted by Said Town That Nathaniel Bigelow Shall be Assessed for his Poll for the Future 11 Voted by Said Town that they Abate y'^ rates of Josiah Upham', Head, in Cons', Jenisons List, and the Question being put Whether y'^ Town Will abate y" rates of Williara Parkhurst. and it passed in y" Negative 12'" Voted by Said Town that they Abate y^ rates of Abijah Uphara j'. in Const^, Livermore'. List At a meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of y* Town of Weston Duely Quallified and Lawfull Warned in pub lick Town meeting Assembled in the Publick meetinsf house in Said Town on thirsday y"* Eleventh of April AD. 1754. To know Whether They will Shew Cause Why y" Prayer of a Petition of y" precinct Sett ofi" from Concord, Lexington and Weston by them preferred to y'= Great & Generall Court to be Sett off as a Township &c Should Not be granted 1 Elisha Jones Was Chosen- Moderator of Said Meetino- Voted by Said Town at Said meeting that it is their Minds That y^ Prayer of Said Petition ought not to be granted 1, because it includes four families that Never have belono-ed to the Said Precinct Viz Theophilous Mansfield, Benj^, Hager John Binny, and Thomas Russell Who were heretofore allowed to remain With y° first Precinct in Weston agreable to y^ report of a Committe of y^ Great & Generall Court, Who Viewed y'' Circumstances of y" Petitioners When they Were Sett off' as a Precinct TOWN RECORDS, 1754. 35 2 bcause it appears to y° Said Tovvn that y° Said Theoph ilous Mansfield Benjamin Hager, John Binnj^ and Thomas Russell are Unwilling to be Sett ofi' With the Petitioners but Chose rather to remain With y" Said Town of Weston Where they are best accommodated to do their Duty and receive Priviledges &c [6,] 2". Voted by Said Town at Said Meeting that They Consent that the Other Inhabitants of Weston Included in Said in Said Petition be Sett of as a Township by the following bounds, begining at the Southwest Corner of Bemis^' Land mentioned in Said Petition thence runing South to y" First Squadron line thence Turning & runing Westerly With y" Said Squadron line to y" Division line Between Theophilous Mansfield and Josiah Parks'^', land. Thence runing Southerly on Said Division line, to y" Next Squadron, thence Westerly to Concord South East Corner Mentioned in Said Petition At a Meeting of the Selectmen of Weston at y" House of M', Sam'. Baldwin in Said Town on y" 8'" of April, 1754 The Said Selectmen with a Constable of Said Town did then Appoint M', Nathaniel Felch to be a Sealer of Weights and Measures in Said Town Untill another is appointed in his Stead Who was Sworn according to Law — by Francis Fullam Esq', Attest Elisha Jones Town Cler, At a meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Duly Quallified and Legally Warned, in publick Town-ineeting assembled, at the Publick meeting House in Said Town on Monday the Thirteenth day of May, AD 1754, at one of y° Clock afternoon Then and There 1 to know whether They will Chose a Selectman in Stead of Cap'. Samuel Bond, Who Now belongs to another Tovvn 2" to know y'' mind of the Town Where the grammar School Shall be keept on the North Side of Said Tovvn 3" to know whether They will abate Daniel Parkhursts rates in Constable Livermore', List 4'", to know Whether They Will Excuse Joseph Lovewell from being Taxed for his Poll in y^ Province Tax for y* future 36 TOWN records, 1754, 5 to know Whether They Will Abate Jonas Cutler', rates in Constable Gearfields List Elisha Jones Was Chosen Moderator, cf Said Meeting 1, The Town made Choice of M', Ebenezer Hobbs as a Selectman in Stead of Cap", Bond [7,] 2" Voted by Said Town That the School Shall not be keept any more in the North School House Where it nowStands Then it was Voted That the School Shall be keept on the North Side Four months. Next Comming, Viz : Two months at m', Josiah Hobbs^', and Two months at M'. Benjamin Bonds 3" Voted by Said Town That Daniel Parkhurst Shall be abated of his rates, the Sum of one pound Twelve Shillings and that Constable Daniel Livermore Shall have Credit for That Sum in the Town Treasury [Note. — On fly-leaf, in handwriting of Elisha Jones is written, " Dan'. Parkhurst left Weston in April, 1754."] 4'" The Question was put Whether Joseph Lovewell Shall be Excused paying for his poll in the Province Tax for y° future, and it passed in y"" Negative 5 The Question was put Whether Jonas Cutler', rates Shall be abated in Constable Gearfields list and it passed in the Negative May Meeting 1754 The Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Quallified to Vote in the Choice of a Representative according to the Royall Charter being legally Warned ; Did Assemble at the publick meeting House in Said Town on Monday the Thirteenth day of May 1754 at Three of the Clock in the Afternoon and the Major part of the Electors Then present Did Then and There in presence of the Selectmen Elect and Depute Elisha Jones — to Serve for and Represent Them in the Great and General Court Next Ensewing At a meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston duly Quallified and Legally Warned in publick Town-meeting assembled at y° publick meeting House in Said Town on monday the fourteenth day of October AD 1754 at Two of the Clock afternoon Then and There TOWN RECORDS, 1754, 37 1, To hear the Town Creditors accounts and act Thereon and grant money to pay the Same and for the Support of Schooling and Other Necessary Charges &c 2, To grant the rev", Mr Woodward his Sallary and make provision for his Firewood 3, To hear and act on a Clause in y° Excise act on Spirit- ous Liquors relating to private Consunition 4 To hear and act on a List of Jurors prepared by the Selectmen for y° Superior and Inferior Courts [8] 5 To know Whether They Will abate Sundry persons rates 6"\ To know how They Will provide a place or places fbr the School to be keept in on the North Side the road 1 The Town Creditors accounts were read and accepted, as are hereafter mentioned, and The Sum of Sixty Eight pounds granted to be raised by Way of a Tax, on y° Polls & Estates of y** Inhabitants of Said Town, as y" Law directs, for y" payment Thereof, and for the Support of Schooling, and for a Town way Thr6, the lands of Mess", Williams & Whitemore and to pay all unforeSeen Necessary charges arising in Said Town, to be paid into y" Treasury by y° first of June Next Viz. To Joseph Bigelow. j'. for Six days Work at Stimsons Bridge a 2/8 and 27 feet of Timber for Said Bridge a 18/8. p hun *^' 11' 3 17 3 To David Stearns for four days Work at Stimsons Bridge a 2/2 8. 8 8 8 To James Slimson for eighteen feet of Timber for y Bridge a 18/8 8. 5 and for four posts and Labour 4/ ... 4 12 5 To Samuel Child for Six days Work at y' Same Bridge a 2/2 13 13 To Nath'. Stimson for 62 feet of Timber for y' Same Bridge a 18/8 18 11 18 11 To Jon". Stimson for one day Work at y' Bridge , 2 To Dec". Abijah Upham 54 feet of Timber fory' Bridge a 18/8, 15 2 and for Timber for railing the Bridge 1/4 . . 14 16 6 38 TOWN RECORDS, 1754, To Samuel Severns for 6. days Work at y Bridge a 2/ 12 To William Upham for 15. feet of Timber standing for y Bridge 4 6 To Tho'. Upham for pieces for railing y' Bridge & 31 feet of plank 6/8 6 8 To Const. John Hager for Warning three Town meetings a 3/2 ....... 9 6 To Const. Eben'. Hobbs for Three Town meetings al7 0. 49. and for Sallary 4/ 0. 4. 0 8 9 To Naih'. Bigelow Const, for Warning March meet ing 17 To Joseph "Whitney for 71. feet of plank for Hobbs". Bridge 7 1 To John Allen for making Town & County rates in Y' year 1753. 4 days a 2/. and precinct rate Same year 2 days a 2/ 0 12 0 and precinct rate in 1752. 2 days a 2/ , . . 0 4 0 16 To John Warren for making precinct rate in 1752. 2 days a 2/ 0 4 0 and for making rates in 1753. 6. days a 2/ . . 0 12 0 and for making Highway rate & preparing list 2 days in 17-54. & paper 1/7 5 7 117 To Cap'. Joseph Harrington & .Jabez Harrington for 250 feet of plank for Small Bridges a 8/ . . 10 0 To John Walker for making y' precinct rate in. 1752. 2 days 040 and 6 days making rate in 1753 a 2/. & drawing a List 2/ 0 14 0 18 To James Mirick for 2 days making Highway rate in 1754 0 4 2 Voted by Said Town that They grant to the Rev"- mr Samuel Woodward for his Sallary begining September 25. 1754, y'' Sura of Sixty Six pounds Thirteen Shillings and four pence ; and also granted to him in Stead of his Firewood y" Sum of Six pounds Thirteen Shillings & four pence all to be paid by the first of June 1755 [9] 3", Voted by Said Town that the present Excise bill Including the Claus relating to private Consumtion, is most agreeable to Their minds, if any Duty at all be Laid on Spirit- ous Liquors TOWN RECORDS, 1755. 39 4 Voted by Said Town That they accept of a List of Jurors for the Superior and Inferior Courts, as y" Selectmen have pre pared Thera 5, Voted by Said Town That they abate Josiah Uphams rates for Two polls in the Town, minister, and County rates, in Const, Nath', Bigelows List Voted also that they abate Daniel Livermore his rate for Two polls in y° Province rate in Said Bigelows list Voted also that They abate William Parkhurst his rate for his poll, in Const, Nath', Jenison', List. 6 The Question was put Whether the Town wou". proceed to place the School on the North Side of the road & it passed in y"* Negative 1755. Att a meeting of the freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Weston Legally Quallified and Lawfully Warned in Publick Town meeting Assembled att the Publick meeting house in Said Town on Monday the Third Day of march AD 1755. att Nine of the Clock in the raorning then and there 1 . — To Chuse Selectmen and Other Town Officers That are by Law t'> be annually Chosen 2. — To know Whether the Town will Repair & amend their High-ways and town ways by a Rate the Ensuing year, and If So to Grant money for the Sarae 3. — To Know Whether The Town will make any Considera tion to m' W™ Williaras for what his annual Grants are Short of his Original Contracts, for his Service in the work in the Gospel rainistry 4. — To know Whether The Tovvn will make any allowance to ra' Jonath BuUard a Late Surveyor, for Labour which he Saith he has Done in the Highways, over and above the amount of his highway Rate 5 — To know what the Town will dr Relating to a Com plaint made to the Grand-Jury against the Country Road at four mille Brook 6. To know Whether the Town will altar any of the places already agreed on by Said Town to keep the School in the 40 TOWN RECORDS, 1755. Several Parts of the Town or Remove any or all of the School- Houses 7. — To here the Petetition of Sundry of the Inhabitants of Said Town praying that the Town would Grant Liberty to any person or persons that will Give Most for the Sarae to Build Pews in the meeting house Where the Two hind Seats now are, or in any Other place, as the Town Shall think fitt, and appropiate the money or any part thereof to Build a porch on the fore-Side of Said House, and Stairs in it to Go into the Gallaries [10,] 8, To know Whether the Town Will acept of a Town way as marked to accomodate the South, and South East erly Part of the Town to Corae to meeting Going over the Lands of Elisha Jones Thom' Rand ra' Wra, Williams Georg Perk hurst Da°, John Perkhurst John Lamson and Samuel Baldwin, 9. To know Wherther the Town Will Pay Nath" Bigelow Late Constable for Serving a Warrant to Warn Elisha Cox and family out of Town p' order of the Selectmen, 10, To here the Town Treasur' Accompt and Act thereon Dea^ Abijah Upham Chosen Moderator Then the following persons were Chosen by Said Town to Serve in the Respetive offices to which they were Chosen for the Ensuing year ' Dea*", Abijah Upham Nathan Fisk, Selectmen „ Tything-men ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ Sworn raarch, 7'^ TJ ( Sam'-'' Baldwin ^ „ Hogreaves ^ ^^^ Manseield ] S-°- march, 7". [11], Fence Viewers P^™"- ^^^^«- J«wornmarch. C Abijah Upham j''^ 5 7'", Sealer of Leather Isaac Hagar Sworn march, 7"\ T, e r, ^ Sam'''' Child. > „ -Preserver of Dear ^ , , . i Sworn raarch. 7"^. C John Mirick jur. J Pound keeper < Nath'''^. Goddard Benjarain Pierce to Take Care of the Meeting House for 28. Shillings 2'5' Voted by Said Town att the above Said raeeting that they will Repair and Amend their High ways and Town ways this present year by a Rate, and that the Sum of Fifty Pounds be Granted and Levey" By way of Tax on Said Inhabitants for that Vse 3.'^ Voted By Said Town att Said Meeting That they Excuse m' W° Williaras from Paying Rates to Be made So Long as he Remains in the Town of Weston Provided He Discharge Said Town in full of all Demands upon Said Town of any Arrears upon the account of the Deficiency' of Their Grants to him, or Getting his fire Wood &c While Said Williams was in the Work of the ministry in Said Town 4'y Voted By Said Town att Said Meeting that they will not allow m' Jonathan Bullard any thing for high-way work Which he Says he hath Done more than his Rates 5''' Voted by Said Town that they Desire m' Ebenezer Hobbs the present Grand Jury to Inform the Grand-Jury That 42 TOWN RECORDS, 1755. it is the Duty of perticular persons to mantain and keep the Dam att four mile Brook in Good Repair and not the Towns 6'y Voted By Said Town at Said Meeting That they will not keep the Gramer School in More than Three Places in Said Town for the futer And also voted that Mess" Josiah Cooledge Abraham Bigelow and Sam" Baldwin. Be a Committee to View the North Side of S" Town and Report to the Town their Oppinion Where the raost Conveninant Place is to Remove the North School House too 7'y. The Question was put Whether the Town will Give Liberty to any persons to build Pews in the meeting House and it Passed in the Negetive 8'y. Voted to accept a Town Way as marked over the Lands of Elisha Jones and Others and also £20 Granted to Be Put into the Hand of Said Elisha Jones, he having agreed to Satisfie the Owners of the Land for that Sura, also Voted that the S" Elisha Jones be Irapowered to appear in [12] Behalf of Said Town, to raake the Owners Satisfaction, &C. The afore Said Town Way as raarked is as followeth Viz— Begining at the Town Way Leading frora Elisha Jones old House (which was Perkhurst'.) to the Country Road, Turning out of Said Way Near the Barrs that goes into his field on the South Side of a fast Rock with Stones on it, in Said Jones Land, thence to a Large Rock with Stones on it, Thence to an other Large Rock with Stones on it, in the Lauds Sett off to George Perkhurst Widow, Thence to the End of m' Williaras Stone Wall, Thence by Said Wall Till it Comes to the Old Rail fence, thence partly on m' Williams Land to a White oak Tree mark" Thence to an old Stump with Stones on it in the Lands Sett off to George Perkhurst' Widow as her Thirds Near m' Williaras fence. Thence by Said fence to a Sraall Oak Staddle within the fence. Thence across a Corner of ra' Wil liams field to a flat Rock with Stones on it. Thence to a maple Tree mark" on the Edge of George Perkhurst meadow. Thence acrosst Said raeadow and a Corner of Dea" John Perkhursts meadow and a Corner of John Lamsons meadow to a Rail that Stands upon End against Said Larason Wall Thence across Said Larason' Land and a Corner of Sara" Baldwins Land to a TOWN RECORDS, 1755. 43 Stake at the Country Road Near the East End of the East Stable : Said way to be Two Rods Wide Except in the meadow- Land, and the Land of Said Lamson and Said Baldwin, and there to be a Rod and half Wide ; Said way to be on the West erly Side of Said mark' Voted that the above Said Way Shall be opened in Eighteen months from this Tirae 9'y Voted by Said Town to pay m' Nath" Bigelow Seven Shillings for Warning Elisha Cox and family out of Town rec" y'' foregoing Sum >^' Nathanal Bigelow 10'^ Voted to accep' the Town Treasur' Accorap'. for Last year : Which is as followeth Viz — The accompt of Elisha Jones Treasurer of Weston from marh 4, 1754. to march 3 1755 £ S P Q Iteci" of Nathan Eisk a Late Treas' of the precinct . 09 09 09 2 Re'' of m' Edward Gearfleld Late Cons in part of his To. Rates 08 18 08 EeC of m' Daniel Livermore Late Cons in part of his To Rates 00 17 10 Rec* of m' Nath" Bigelow in full of his precinct Rate & part of his Town Rate 62 16 02 Rec" of m"- Eb'. Hammond Late Const in full of his ministers Rate and Part of his Town Rate . . 40 17 11 Rec"! of m' Nath". Jenison in full of his Town Rate and in part of his precinct Rate Rec"' of m' Joseph Norcross Late Cons in full of his Prec' Rate Rec'' of m' Ebenezer Hobbs in full of his Precinct Rate and part of his Town Rate .... Paid out to Sundery persons as followeth [13] Paid the Rev" m' Sam". Woodward in full of his Sallary Ending September 25 1753 . Paid the Rev" m' Sam Woodward in full of his Sallary Ending September. 25 1754 73 06 08 08 13 05 2 00 19 01 3 55 07 04 3 £188 00 4 2 £ s D Q 39 02 05 44 TOWN RECORDS, 1755. £ S D Q Paid Nathan Fisk Late Treasurer Being a ballance Deu to him Last year 03 00 09 1 Paid the Clerk of the Session for Entring two Cautions against Simeon Hagar and abijah Gale ... 00 02 00 Paid M' W" Williams in full of his Sallary Ending Set 10 1750 04 06 01 1 Paid m' Sam". Baldwin for Boarding the Schoolmast 4 months 04 12 06 Paid m' Benj™. Harrington and Jonas for Building a pound 05 06 08 Paid m' Joseph Bigelow for Boarding the School mas ter 17 weeks 04 10 08 Paid by assigment to Cons Nath". Bigelow . . . 06 10 08 2 Paid m' Josiah Upham by the abatement of Rates in Con Bigelow List 00 12 08 Paid him by the abatement of his Rates in Cons Jeni sons List 00 10 04 3 Paid to Constable Jenison by the abatement of W™ Perkhursts Rates 00 10 04 3 Paid to Constable Bigelow by the abatement of Da". Livermors Rates 00 04 06 Paid Constable Jenison by the Late Treasurs order to Pay Peter Cridge 00 04 08 Paid to Constable Ebenezer Hammond by assignment . 08 12 06 2 Paid Abijah Gales Wife in full for Taking Care of Ab™. Gregory familly 02 16 00 paid Cons Hammon by order from Late Treas' to pay Nath" Williams 01 08 00 Paid m' Samuel Baldwin School master . . . 23 15 07 Paid to Constable Hobbs by assigment . . , 07 02 04 Paid m' Samuel Hastings for mending Center School H. Glass 00 03 7 1 ' 186 19 02 1 Remans in Said Treasurers Hand 01 01 02 1 Remains in Constable Edw" Gearfield" Hand Town Rate 11 08 02 Remains in Constable Daniel Livermors Hand Town Rate 692 Remains in Constable Nath" Bigelows Hand Town Rate 261 Remains in Constable Eb Hammond Hand Town Rate 28 14 6 Remains in Constable Nath" Jenisons hand Precinct 8 13 7 2 Rate and in his hand by a Note of hand , , 1 12 11 £ S B 5 00 11 68 00 00 73 06 8 00 03 2 TOWN RECORDS, 1755, 45 Q Remains in Constable Eben Hobbs hand Town Rate , Remains in Constable John Hagai-" hand Town Rate , Remains in Said Hagar hand ministers Rate And in the Provinces Treasurers hand for a wild Catt , We the Subscribers having Examined the foregoing accompts and find them well Vouched and Right Cast Isaac Hagar ) ^-, , , -r, TT J" Selectmen Ebenezer Hobbs ) [14] , At a meeting ofthe freeholders nnd Other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Quallified by the Royal Charter to Vote in the Choice of a Representative Being Legally warned Met together at the Publick Meeting House in Weston on monday the : 12"> Day of raay AD, 1755. —at one of the Clock in the after noon, the major Part of Electors then present, Did then and there in presence of the Select-men Elect and Depute M' Abraham Bigelow To Represent thera in a Great and General Court or asserably Next Ensuing. At a meeting of the freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Duely Warned, and Quallified to Vote in Town affairs in Publick Town raeeting assembled att the Pub lick meeting house in s" Town, on Monday the, 12"", Day of may at Three of the clock in the after-noon 1, — To know the mind of Sd Town Whether they will Chuse a Committee to answer a Law Suit at the Next Inferior Court which m' Jonathan Bullard has Comminced against Sd Town 2.— To know the mind of Sd Town Whether they will Sell their Right in the farm Granted to Watertown Weston, and Waltham and Chuse a Committee for that purpose 3. — To know the mind of Sd Town Whether the Proportion of Schooling Belonging to the North School-House Shall be kept in Two places Provided the Inhabitants Belonging to Sd 46 TOWN records, 1755. School house Erect and Build one house at their own Cost and Charge 4. — To know the mind of Sd Town Whether they will Take into their hands the Pews in Sd meeting House Belonging to Sd Town and Despose of them as they Shall Think proper 5 _ To know the mind of Sd Town Whether they will Seat the Inhabitants of Sd Town, in Sd meeting House, and Chuse a Committee and Give them Such Instructions and Rules to Seat by as Said Town Shall think Proper and Suitable 6, — To know the raind of Sd Town Whether they will abate the Rates of Sarauel Cory Ju'. to the Precinct in Constable Haramods List Leu'', Isaac Allen Chosen Moderator [15,] 1, — Voted by Sd Tovvn at Sd meeting that they Chuse a Commitee to answer the Law Suit at the Next Inferior Court, Comminced against Sd Town, by m' Jonathan Bullard, and that m' John walker m' Ebenezer Hobbs be a Committee to Joyn with, and assit Nathan Fisk in Sd affair 2, — Voted by Said at Sd meeting that they vvill not Sell their Part in the farm Belonging to Watertown weston and wal tham near Watchuset Hill 3, — Voted by Sd Town at Sd meeting that the Proportion of Schooling Belonging to the north School in Sd Town Shall Be Keep' in two Places, provided the Inhabitants Belonging tO' Sd School Build and Keep in Repair one School House, at their own Cost and Charge 4 — Voted by Said Tovvn at Sd meeting that they Take into their Hands and Dispose of them as they Shall- think proper the following Pews, viz m' Theo Mansfield' m' Nath" Felches, m' Tho'. Uphams and Le , Isaac Aliens 5 — Voted by Sd Town at Sd Meeting that they will Seat the meeting House in Sd Tovvn Voted that the Desposal of the above Sd Pews, the Chusing a Committee to Seat the meeting House and the Givinof In- structions for Seating the meeting Hou^e, Be Defer" to an. other oppertunity 6. — Voted By Sd Tovvn at Sd meeting that they abate the TOWN RECORDS, 17y5, 47 Rates of Sam" Cory Ju' to the Preeeinct in Constable Ham monds List Adjusm'' of the Bridge at Watertown At a meeting of the Selectmen of Watertown Weston and Waltham At the House of ra' Richard Cutting', in Waltham Sep' Nineteenth, 1755 — To Adjust the Charge of the Great Bridge over Watertown River — And upon Setleing Accomp" there Was Due to Weston the Sum of £3 — 14—7 — 2 And also Due to Watertown of the Last Adjustment Attest Nathan Fisk Town Cleric £1 — 0—1 — 2 [16.] Whereas this Town at their anniversary Meeting March 3". 1755, pass'd a vote. That they Excuse M', William Williams from paying Rates So long as he remains in Weston, provided he discharge Sd Town in full of all Deraands of any Arrears upon the Account of the Deficiency of their Grants to him or getting his Firewood, while Sd Williams was in the Work of the Ministry in Sd Town In Consideration of Sd Vote & understanding it that y" Sd. Town fully excuse & exempt me as to person or Estate from being Rated or paying any Taxes whatsoever, Either to the Province, County, Town or Ministry So long as I Shall con tinue in this Town, and on this Condition I do fully Discharge the Sd Town of all Arrears of my Salary upon y" ace', of the Deficiency of their Grants or for my Firewood or any Demands whatsoever for my past Services in the work of y" Ministry Witness ray hand, October 8'". AD, 1755, W", Williams Weston Feb: 27: 1756 This is a full Discharge to the Town of Weston, from all my Demands either for Salary or Fire-Wood, for the year Ending Sept: 25 : 1755, which I have rec", of M'. Nathan Fisk Treas urer for Weston ^ Samuel Woodward The following Persons have Been Warned by order of the Selectmen to Depart out of the Town of Weston : & Caution' Entred aeainst them at the Court of General Sessions Viz, the Widow Mary Flagg and her Infant Child Come from 48 TOWN records, 1755. Waltham : and Jane Thoraas Corae from Waltham : and Han nah Haffar, alias Chaffen Come from Watertown : Cautions Entred at the Sessions May 1755 Thoraas Partridge and Miriam, his Wife, Come from Reading Warned out, and Caution Entred at the Sessions December 1755 Nathan Fisk Town Cler [17.] At a meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhab itants of the Town of Weston Duely (Quallified and Legally Warned in Publick Tovvn meeting assembled at the Publick meeting on Monday the Eighth Day of Dec' AD, 1755. at Ten of the clock in the forenoon Then and there 1, — To Here the Town Creditors accompts and Grant Money to pay them also to Grant the Rev" m' Sam", Woodwards Sal lary for this present year Begining Sep', 25, 1755, and to take Care to procure his fire-wood Sd year, To Grant money for Schooling and other Necessary Charges that have or may arise in Sd Town this present year 2, — To Consider of and act upon those Articles' which Remained Last meeting to be Considered at another meeting and Whether Sd Town will Take into their Hands the Pew for merly in the possession of m' Joseph Woollson Deceas" and Despose of it as they Shall Think proper 3, — To know the minde of Said Town Whether they will prosecute, their Case against m' Jonathan Bullard, appeal" to the Next Superior Court to be Holden at Charlstown 4, — To know the mind of Said Town Whether they will Sell the School-House on the North Side of Said Town to the Higest Bidder and Improve the money to Rebuild another School House on the North Side of Said Town : or Remove Sd House Where it ought to Stand 5. — To know the mind of Said Town Whether they will Sellor Divide the Farm Belonging to the Towns, of Watertown Weston and Waltham, if So, to Chuse a Committee, to Joyne with the Committees Chose by Said Watertown and Waltham, to manage Sd affair 6. — To, Hear the offer Dea", Parkhurst, Hath to make to Said Town Concerning the Dam over Four mile Brook £ s. d. 0 13 4 0 01 6 0 04 0 0 16 0 0 2 0 TOWN RECORDS, 1755, 49 7, — To know the mind of Said, Tovvn Whether they will, abate, the Rates of Moses Jones Deceas". in Constable : Hobbs List Leu'' Isaac Allen Chosen Moderator Then the Town Creditors accompts were Read, which are as followeth The following accompts Read and accepted, by Sd, Town [18.] To John Allen for making the Steps at the meeting House South Door in Sd Town and for Drawing Lists .... To John Warren for Two Days Taking Invoice and raaking Rates Eight Days and Drawing Lists To Braddyll Smith for making the High-way Rate and Drawing Lists for the General Court in 1754 . . 0 04 0 and Drawing Lists and Taking the Invoice and making the Province Rate in Said year 7 Days and making the County and T'own in Sd year 6. Days To Braddyll Smith for making the Highway and Draw ing List & taking the Invoice in 1755 and making the province Rate 3 Days 1/2 and To Paper To Sam" Baldwin for making the Highway Rate Draw ing List & taking Invoice 3 days in 1765 , . 0 06 0 aud making the province Rate in Sd year 3, Days 1/2 0 07 0 To James Mirick for making Rates 7 Days , . . 0 14 0 To Jonathan Bullard for keeping the Widow Stanup. from June. O"". 1755. to Dec'. 1"'. 1755. 25 weeks at Two Shillings and Eight pence per week, . , 3 06 8 To John Hagar Late Constable, for Warning Last march meeting 0 03 2 To Tho^ Rand for making a Table for the School House 0 04 8 and raaking a frame & Casement puting them up and altering Seats and Nails 0 03 4 To Theophilus Mansfeild for 234. feet of plank at Ten Shilling per Hundred 1 03 6 and making the Highway Rate and Taking the In voice and making the province Rate 6 Days 1/2 , 0 13 0 To Joseph Whitney for Six pieces of Timber for Bridgs at 1^ 4". per piece and for Two other pieces for a bridge at 6"-l«. Each To Theophilus Mansfield for 3 String pieces for Bridg 11 17 0 0 14 0 0 10 0 0 08 0 0 07 0 0 03 6 0 08 0 0 01 0 2 0 03 4 50 TOWN RECORDS, 1755. Voted By Sd Town Sixty Six pounds Thirteen Shillings and four pence for the Rev'' m'. Woodwards Sal lary this present year Begining Sep' 25 1755 . . 66 13 4 Voted by Sd Town — Fourty pounds for Schooling , 40 00 0 Thc. Rev" m' Woodward Having Relinquish" five pounds Six Shillings and Eight pence of his Stand ing Sallary for this present year: one pound Six Shilling and Eight pence Granted for his fire wood for this year 1 06 8 [19,] Voted by Said Town at Said meeting that the Sum of Twenty Pounds be Granted to Purches a Way Laid out and accepted by Sd Town our the £ s d Meadows South of Sd Meeting House, . . , 20 0 0 Voted by Said Town at Sd meeting that the Sura of Eight pounds Two Shillings & Eleven pence be Granted for Contingent Charges , , . . 08 2 11 Which makes in the Whole Granted by Sd Town for the Town Rate this year to be Eighty Pounds , 80 00 0 The ministers Rate granted this year to be Sixty Eight Pounds 68 00 0 2 Put to Vote By the moderator Whether they will act upon those articles which Remained to be Considered at a another Time and it pa.ssed in the Negitive, 3. Put to Vote by the moderator Whether they would Prosecute the appeal at the Next Superiour Court against ra' Jonathan Bullard and it passed in the Negetivee 4, Voted by Said Town at Sd meeting that they will Sell or Remove the School-House on the North Side of Sd Tovvn : and that Mens' Dea", Upham Cap', Elisha Jones, & ra' John Jones be a Coraraittee to Sell or Remove Sd School-House at their Discresion ; if Sold to Improve the money towards Build ing an other House in Such Place as Shall be here.-ifter Directed — also Voted that the Committee appointed to Sell or Remove the North School House be als Irapowered to appoint the places Where Two School Houses Shall Stand on the North Side of Said Town: and the old School-house if not Sold, to be Removed to one of Sd Places : the Other to be Built new by perticular persons and not at the Towns Cost — and Both to be Compleated as Soon as may be TOWN RECORDS, 1756. 51 5. Voted by Sd Town at Said meeting that they vvill Sell or Divide the Farm Belonging to the Towns of Watertown Weston and Waltham and Mess" m' John Jones, ra' Abraham Bigelow and m' Braddyll Sraith be a Committee to Joyne with the Committees of Watertown and Waltham to Manage Sd affair 6. Article in Sd Warning Voted to be Desmised 7, Voted by Sd Town at Said raeeting that they abate the Rates of Moses Jones in Constable Hobbs List, 1756. [20,] At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of y'^ Tovvn of Weston duly Quallified & Lawfully Warned, in publick, Town-raeeting asserabld on Monday the first day of March AD 1756 at y'^ Publick raeeting house in Said, at Ten of y" Clock in the forenoon Then & There 1, to Chose Selectment & other Town Officers As y'= Law Directs 2", to hear the Town Treasurers accounts for Last year 3, to know the raind of the Town Whether Their Swine Shall go at Large this present year 4 to know the mind of the Town Whether They will re pair Their Highways, this present year by a rate & grant money Therefor 5, to agree with a Suitable person to Take Care of y" meeting house 6 To know y" raind of Said Town whether They will give leave to any of the Inhabitants of Said Town to build Pews Where the Two hind seats are below 7 to grant the Pews already Belonging to Said Town to Such persons and upon Such Conditions as They Shall Think proper 8 to Chose a Coraraittee to Seat y* meeting house and give Them Instructions Therefor 9 to know y" mind of Said Town Whether They will abate unto Nath' Bigelow So rauch raoney of his list of rates as fall Short of What he was Oblidged to pay out 52 TOWN RECORDS, 1756. 10'" to hear the petition of Sundry of the Inhabitants of Said Town relatino- to the Schoolhouses on the north side of Said Town 11"> to know y" minds of Said Town Whether They will Take Thirty five pounds Old Ten', for the Schoolhouse on y'' North Side of Said Town Which Josiah Willengton Offers &c. &c &c Selectmen Mess" The following persons were Chosen into Office &c Viz Moderator Chosen was Elisha Jones 1 Elisha Jones 2 Samuel Severns 3. John Hastings 1 4, Abram Bigelow |_ 5 Isaac Allen Town Clerk & Town Treasurer Elisha Jones, Sworn march 8. 1756 Samuel Train William Lawrence Constables Sworn march 8"'.&c Assessors f Braddyll Smith i John Wauren y Sworn march 8"". &e J [21, J Surveyors of High ways and Collec-J Abram. Jones tors &c Tythingmen Hogreaves Fenceviewers Sealer of Leather Preservers of Deer Pound keeper John Allen f Nathaniel Williams Sworn march 8 William Smith J". Sworn March 8. Sworn March 8, Sworn March 12 Sworn March 8 L 11 John Bemis David Flagg Joseph Whitney Josiah Cooledge John Bemis Josiah Parkhurst Isaac Jones John Mirick J" Thomas Russel James Livermore James Smith Nath'', Goddard Sworn march 8 Sworn raarch 12 Sworn march 8 Sworn march 8 Sworn march 8 Sworn raarch 8 Sworn march 8 TOWN RECORDS, 1756, 53 Benjamin Peirce Was Chosen to Take Care of the Meeting House and under-Took to Sweep y" Same, Open & Shutt y« Doors ; as there Shall be occasion one year for Twenty Eight Shillings 2, The Town Treasurers accounts Were read & accepted as followeth Viz The accounts of Nathan Fisk Treasurer for Weston frora March 3" 1755 to March 1. 1756. rec". & paid as Followeth rec''. of Cap'. Elisha Jones the Ballance in his hand .£1121 rec". of Cons'. Edw". Gearfield in full of his Town rate 11 8 2 Rec". of Cons'. Daniel Livermore in full of his Town rate 592 rec". of Const. Eben'. Hammond in part of his Town rate 832 rec*. of Const^. Nath'. Jenison for a Note of hand of his 1 12 11 Tec*, of Said Jenison in part of his Town rate , , 8 3 6 rec*. of Constable Eben'. Hobbs in part of his Town rate 4 10 11 rec*. of Const. John Hager in full of his Minister rate 73 6 8 rec", of Said Hager in part of his Town rate , , 16 18 10 £129 14 6 1 [22,] paid by Orders and Assignments as followeth Viz. To the rev*, m'. Woodward in full for his Sallary & Firewood one year Ending September 25. 1755 £73 6 8 To m'. Sam'. Baldwin in full for his keeping School in Town 11 15 6 3 To m', Sam'. Baldwin in full for boarding y' School master 6 18 8 To Const". Hager by assignment 12 18 7 paid by order of the Selectmen Cost of Two Courts against m'. Bullard 3 0 6 To Josiah Hobbs in full for Boarding y" School master 2 6 5 To m'. James Stimson for plank for Watertown Bridge 2 2 paid by Order ofthe Selectmen Cost of y<= Presentment of y Country road 17 6 2 To Support Moses Jones in Sickness . . . . 17 6 1 To Benj". Peirce for Taking Care of the meeting House & mending y"' Door 19 4 To Schoolmaster Fisk in part for Schooling & his Board 2 2 for Stamp", paper for Two Warrants for May meeting 9 3 for a Warrant to Carry Wid. mary Flagg & Child to Waltham 0 1 54 TOWN RECORDS, 1756, for Entring a Caution at y" Sessions against Elisha Cox and Family & y^ Widow Mary Flagg & Child , To m'. Eben'. Hobbs in part to purchase a way to Meeting for mending y'' Meetinghouse glass by Abatement of Dan'. Parkhursts rates in Cons'^ Liv ermore^ List by y'^ Abatem' of Abijah Upham' rate in Livermore* List by abatem'. of Moses Jones'=^ rate in Consf^. Hobbs^'=^ List Remains in Constable Nath'. Bigelow' hand of y^ Town rate rem', in Const". Eben'. Hammonds hand of y" Town rate rem', in Const. Nath'. Jenison'. hand Town rate . rem', in Const. Eben'. Hobbs"'. hand Town rate . rem', in Const. John Hager'. hand Town rate rem', for a Catt Rill rem', in Constable John Warrens hand Town rate and in his hand for the Ministers rate . Rem', in Const. John Allen', hand of the Town rate and in his hand for the Ministers rate . 6 0 14 1 12 £129 14 8 1 2 6 1 20 11 4 10 1 2 10 52 1 2 3 2 1 37 19 2 2 33 3 0 2 42 0 9 2 34 16 11 2 3" Voted by Said Town at Said Meeting That Their Swine Shall go at Large This year 4"^ Voted by Said Town That Their Highways & Town ways Shall be repaired by a Rale this present year, and That, the S.um of Fifty pounds be raised by a Tax on Said Inhabi tants, to be Worked out in the Same maner and by y= Sarae rule That Was agree", on by Said Town in in y^ year 1747. & to be Worked out by y'= Last of Oct', next [23,] 5'" — — — — — _ _ 6"", Voted by Said Town That They give Liberty to remove Two hind Seats of a Side below in the body of the Meeting house in order to build Pews, and That the Alleys at y*^ End of the Seats, Next the Stairs, may be Sloped, if it Will accomo date Building Three pews of a Side Adjournment Voted by Said Town That This meeting with the reraaining buisiness be adjourned to monday Next One of y'= Clock after noon Which the Moderator Adjourned accordingly TOWN RECORDS, 176C. 55 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Tovvn of Weston Quallified To Vote in Town affairs on monday thc Eighth of march 1756. by adjournment from the first day of Said march VOTE relating y'' Pews & Seating y'' Meeting-House 7'" Voted by Said Town That the Pews belonging to fhe Town Shall be disposed off, as Shall be hereafter Ordered, as Well as Those that are to be New Built, Viz That the Per sons to Whora They Shall be granted. Shall Enjoy Thera dur ing life. Viz during the life of y" raan & of his Wife, and That the' Grantee', Shall be at the Cost of Building Their respective pews, and Those that Shall have Them : that are already built ; Shall pay to the Heirs of the persons That first built Them; the prime Cost of Building and that the highest payers in the Two last lists of Valluation of real Estate Together With Twenty Shillings W year to be allowed for Eage. Shall have the Offer of a Pew, Each of Them Till the Whole are disposed ofi' — and That Mess". John Walker, Elisha Jones and Brad dyll Sraith be a Committee fully irapowered to dispose of the Pews to Such persons as Shall accept y"^ Sarae as aforeSaid and that the Lessor Shall have y" benefit of Estate that is Leased &c 8"> Voted by Said Town That Mess". John Walker, Elisha Jones & Braddyll Smith be a Commt'='= to Seat y** meeting house by y"^ same rule that it was Seated in y" year 1749 and make report to y'= Town as Soon as may be of Their do ings Therein and of Their disposing of y'= Pews &c and Whereas There are Some persons in y" possession of Some of y" Pews, that do not of right belong to Them &c Therefore Voted by Said Town That y'' persons To Whora Said pews Shall be granted (by the aforeS" Comra'*^^ appointed to dispose of them.) Shall be at all Cost & Charge That may arise in gaining the possession of the irrespective Pew So granted &c [24.] 9'". The Question was put. Whether the Town Will abate any Thing to to Nath'. Bigelow. of his rate Bill, and it passed in y° Negative 10 Voted to dismiss y° Petition relating to y^ Schoolhouses on y^ North Side of Said Tovvn 56 TOWN records, 1766, 11 Voted by Said Town That Josiah Willington Shall have the North Schoolhouse to remove to his own land for a Dwel ling House for Four pounds Thirteen Shillings & four pence provided he pays the Town Treasurer That Sum in hand Representative At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of ¦ The Town of Weston duely Quallified according to the Royal Charter to Vote in the Choice of a Representative Legally Warned, in Publick Town meeting assembled at the meeting house in Weston on monday the Tenth day of may AD 1756 at one "Clock afternoon. The Major part of the Electors Then present Did in the Presence of the Selectmen Then and There Elect and Depute Elisha Jones to Serve for and Represent Them in the Great & General Court or Assembly next Ensewing [Note. On page 374, near the end of the Town Book, are thc follow ing records in the handwriting of Elisha Jones: — May 8, 1756 Bathsheba Moulton was Warned out of Town and Cau tioned against Dec 1756 Jn" Knight Chris'. Capen & Mary Priest were Warn*, and Caution*, May 1757, Jonas Bowman. Mary Chubb. Silence Chubb, & Sam'. Good ing & wife were Warn* & Caution*.] At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston duely Quallified and Legally Warned, in Publick Town meeting Assembled at the Meetinghouse in Said Town on monday the Tenth day of May AD 1756 at Three 0,Clock afternoon Then & There 1, To know the Towns mind Whether They will Impower Their Committee (Viz Mess", John Jones Abram Bigelo and Braddyll Smith), appointed on the 8"\ of Dec', last to Joyn With Comm'"' Chosen by the Town', of Watertown and Wal tham to Sell ov Divide Their Farm near Watchuset-Hill to Execute a Lawfull Deed, or Deeds of the Same, and to Take Sufficient Security for What y"= Same may be Sold for 2 To hear the report of the Comm'^^ appointed to dispose ofthe Pews — Also Said Coram"'''' report of Their Seating the Meeting-IIouse town records, 1756, 57 3 To know whether the Town Will Chose a Surveyor of Highways and Collector in y" room of John Berais, Who is gone or going into the Kings Service [25,] 1 Voted, by Said Town at Said raeeting That the Comra''^^ Chosen by Said Town on the Eighth of Dec'. Last to Joyn With the Committee', of Watertown and Waltham to Sell •or Divide the Farm of Two Thousand acres near Watchuset Hill belonging to Said Towns — Viz Mess" John Jones Abram Bigelo and Braddyll Smith, be and hereby Authorized and fully Irapowered in the Said Tovvn of Weston' behalf, to Make and Execute a good and lawfull Deed or Deeds of Conveyance of the Farm afores". To Such person or persons as Will give most for the Sarae and also To Take Sufficient Security for Said Towns part of The money That the Said Farm may be Sold for 2" — Voted that the report of the Corara'^" appointed to dis pose of Sorae Pews in the meetinghouse be accepted. Which is as followeth Viz : The Corara'"" appointed to dispose of The Pews, and Seat the meetinghouse have attended That Service, and have given the Highest payers y" Offer of y" Pews agreable to the Towns vote, and have granted accordingly Ten Pews to Such persons as Would accept of the Sarae, and have disposed of the Pews already Built in Manner following Viz, To Elisha Jones the Second Pew, East, frora the Pulpit To, John Warren the Pew in the Northwest Corner of the meetinghouse To. Theophilous Mansfield the Pew Next the South Door on the East. To Nath', Felch the Pew between the mens Stairs and the West Door The Said Corara'^" have also disposed of Those Pews, or The places Whereon Pews are to be Built Where the hind Seats are Viz, To Braddyll Smith That next the raiddle Alley on the Woraens side To John Walker That next the raiddle Alley on the raens. Side To Nathan Fisk the Middle Pew on the Woraen'. Side 58 TOWN RECORDS, 1756. To Abram Gale the middle Pew on the Men'. Side To James Stimson the Pew next the Women'. Stairs To Joseph Stedman the Pew next the Men', Stairs The Said Comm"''' further report That They have Seated the Other Inhabitants in the Seats in the Meetinghouse Which was read and accepted Elisha Jones Coram""' Signed ^ > „ c C Braddyll Smith 3" Voted that Dea" Nath', Allen Shall be a Surveyor Highways and Collector in the roora of John Bemis Who is gone into the Kings Service [26.] at a meeting of the Selectraen of the Towns of Watertown Weston & Waltham Sep'. 17. 1756, at M', Rich", Citttings of Waltham to adjust the Charge of Watertown Bridge and upon Selling Said account it appeared that there is due from Weston to Watertown y" Sum of 1 17, 6,1/2 Att', Elisha Jones Town Clr At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston duly Quallified and legally Warned in Publick Town meeting Assembled at the meetinghouse in Said Town on Monday the 22", day of Nov'. 1756 at one OClock afternoon Then and There 1. To grant y" rev", m'. Woodwards Salary for one year begining the 25"' of Last Sep" also to provide his Firewood for Said ypar 2'''', To hear the Town Creditors accounts and act Thereon 3"y, To grant money to Support Schooling and defray the usual Charges of the year 4"\ To know Whether The Town will abate the rates of Isaac Gregory Deceas", for his poll in Const^ John Warrens List, 5'",, To know the mind of Said Town Whether the person That first rec", & Entertained Thomas Partridge in the Town without giving notice Thereof to the Selectmen as the Law directs Shall be prosecuted Therefor 6'" To hear the report of the Com""= appointed to Joyn with town records, 1756, 59 Committes of Watertown and Waltham to make Sale of Said Town' Farm near Watchuset Hill and act Thereon Voted by Said Town That Elisha Jones Shall be Moderator of S", Meeting Ministers grant 1 Voted by Said Town That they grant to y" rev", mr Sara'. Woodward for his Salary the present year begining Sep', 25. the Sum of Sixty Six pounds Thirteen Shill'. & 4" and also y" Sum of Six pounds Thirteen Shill', & 4", to Enable him to provide his own Firewood for the Said year. Which Sums are to be Assessed on the Inhabitants of Said Town and paid into the Treasury by the First of June 1757 2"'^ The Town Creditors accounts Were read and Thereupon Voted That There be paid out of the Town Treasury To the Severall persons hereafter mentioned, for their particular Ser vices Expressed, the following Sums [27. ] Viz To mr. Jonathan Bullard for Sup porting the Widow Stanhope 52 weeks from y" 1 day of Dec'. 1755 to y^ 29"'. of Nov. 1756 a 2/8 #> week 6 18 8- To Brad". Smith for making the ministers, Towns, & County rate in the year 1755. & Drawing Lists for the Town . . . 0 12 0 and one day making y" Highway rate y" present year 0 2 0 and one day drawing a List of Valluation 2/. and paper 2 0 4 0 and for Cash Expended at y^ Sale of the Town Farm 0 18 0 and for his Time in viewing & Seling y" Farm 6 1/2 days a 3 0 19 6 and for 1/2 a day perambulating y" Town line With Lincoln 0 10 2 16 6 To John Jones for money Expended in y" Sale of y" Farm 0 15 0 and for 6 1/2. days Time viewing & Selling a 3/ 0 19 6 1 14 6 To Abram Bigelo for Cash Expended at y" Sale of the Farm 0 16 0 and for 6 1/2. days Time Viewing & Sell ing it a 3/ 19 6 and 1/2 day perambulating With Waltham 0 10 1 16 6- €0 TOWN RECORDS, 1756. To Eben'. Hobbs for Time & Expence at 2 Courts in y" Towns Cause With Jon" Bul lard To Jn". Hastings for 1. 1/2 day perambulating with Nedham & Natick , , . . and for mending the South Schoolhouse 0 12 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 12 0 0 2 0 0 1 10 3 0 15 12 10 0 0 4 0 0 10 0 8 0 15 10 2 To Isaac Allen for one day perambulating With Sudbury To Sam'. Severns For keeping Tho'. Partridges Wife & Child 18 weeks a 3/4 . and for 70 feet of Plank for y" New Bridge and one day perambulating WithNeedham and for bottoming a Chair for y" School- house & Laying a berth .... To Sam'. Baldwin for Making y" Ministers, Towns; County rates & Draws Lists in 1755 To Elisha Warren for 67 feet of Oack plank To Jn". Warren for Serving Const 4/ and Warn ing 3 Town meetings 6/ . , , and Warning mary Flagg out of Town 2/8 & Carying her & Child out 3/. . To Jn". Allen for Serving Const. 4/ & Warn ing 3 Town meetings 6/ . . . for Warning Tho'. Partridge out of Town and for Taking Envoice y'' present year 2 days. & one daymake Higy rate , To Theo' Mansfield for making. Minis'. Town. & County rates and drawing Lists for y« Gen'. Court in y^ year 1755 . . , , and 48 feet of plank & one String piece for a Bridge and 1/2 a day perambulating With Lincoln To Sam'. Train for keeping Tho'. Partridges Wife 3 weeks To Jn". Walker for his Time & Expence in y" Town Cause With Bullard . . , , To Jn". Binney for Doctoring Moses Jones in his Last Sickness 3". Voted by Said Town That They grant the Sum of Sev- Town rant ^^^^ pouuds to pay the Town Credit. Support School ing & defray the Usual Charges of y^ year To be Assessed upon the Inhabitants of Said Town as y" Law directs 0 0 18 1 12 0 0 0 5 1 8 0 0 18 1 1 8 4 0 12 0 0 12 0 TOWN RECORDS, 1753. 61 To be paid into the Town Treasury by the first -of June 1757 4'" Voted That the Poll Tax of Isaac Gregory Decased in the Province rate in Constable Jn°. Warren' List Shall be abated [28.] 5"' Voted by Said Town at the afores", meeting That it is Their rainds That the person That first received and Entertained Tho', Partridge in Town Without giving Notice Thereof to the Selectraen as y" Law requires Shall be proceeded With in the Law. in Order to recover the Charge the Town have Incurred Thereby, and That Mess". John Hastings and Jon". Bullard are hereby appointed and Irapowered To prose cute the Sarae in Said Towns behalf. 6"". The Coraraitte appointed to raake Sale of the Towns Intrest in the Farra near Watchuset Hill reported verbally That They had Sold The Said Town Share Thereof for £267 — 6 — 8 and had Taken Bonds for the raoney payable to Elisha Jones Esq'. Treasurer of Said Town in one year from the date With Intrest for the Same Voted That the foregoing report be accepted and That the afores". Bonds Shall be delivered to the Said Elisha Jones Treas', of Said Town and That the Said Treasurer and his Successor & Successors in Said Office be and are hereby di rected to receive the Lawfull Intrest of Said raoney into the Town Treasury for the Towns use annually as it Shall become due and if any of the Debtors Neglect to pay their Intrest, as it becomes due, the afores". Treasurer & his Successor & Suc cessors in Said office are directed to put Such Bond in Suit. the Next Court after one years Intrest Shall become due as afores". Weston March 14 : 1757 This is a full discharge to the Town of Weston frora all ray Deraands, either for Salary or Fire-wood for the Year Ending Sept 25 :1756 which I have rec" of Elisha Jones Esq Treasurer for Weston W Sam''- Woodward Weston March 1. 1759 This is a full Discharge to the Town of Weston from my Deraands either for Salary or Firewood for the Year Ending 62 TOWN records, 1757. September 25 One Thousand Seven hundred & Fifty Seven which I have received of Braddyll Smith Treasurer for S" Town ^ Sam'-' Woodward Weston March 5, 1759 This is a full Discharge to the Town of Weston from my Demands either for Salary or Firewood for tbe Year Ending Sept 25, 1758 vvhich I have received of Braddyll Smith Treas urer for S" Town tf" Sam'''' Woodward This is a full Discharge to the Town of Weston from my Demands either for Salary or Firewood for the year Ending Sept, 25, 1759 which I have received of Braddyll Sraith Treas urer for S" Tovvn W Sam'''' Woodward The Receipt immediately above was written thro mistake & is null [Note. — These Receipts occupied a vacant space in the Town Book. The last was lined out.l 1757 [29. J At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston duly Quallified and Legally Warned in Publick Town meeting Assembled at the Meeting House in Said Town on Monday the Seventh day of March AD 1757 at Ten of the Clock forenoon Then and There 1 To Choose Selectmen and other Town Officers for the year Ensewing as the Law directs 2" to hear the Town Treasurers accounts for the year past 3", to know the mind of the Tovvn Whether the Swine Shall go at Large within the Town the Ensevving year 4'" to know the mind of the Town Whether They", repair Their Highway', by a rate the Ensewing year, and grant money Therefor 5"' To hear and act upon the List prepared for the Jury Box 6'". To know Whether the Town Will abate Eight Shillings & 6", 3/4 rates of Josiah Adams Dceased, in Const. Eben'. Hobbs"'. List TOWN records, 1757. 63 7"\ To know Whether the Town Will give Liberty to m', Josiah Hobbs and others to Build a Horstable on the Town Land near the meeting House 8"' To know Whether the Town will give Isaac Jones Lib erty to Build a Pew over the mens Stairs in the Gallary for Himself and Faraily 9"> To hear the Petition of Theo', Mansfield and act Thereon, he praying to be Enabled to dispute The Title of his Pew granted by the Town at the Towns Cost, or Otherways to be relieved 10'". To know Whether the Town Will order a New peer to be Built for a Watercourse on the West End of the New Bridge Elisha Jones Chosen Moderator ' Elisha Jones Abram Bigelo 1" — Selectraen i( Samuel Severns )¦ \ Isaac Allen I L Eben". Hobbs J Town Clerk & Treasurer Elisha Jones Sworn march 24 They Hired Sara'. Train to Serve for them ^ , , Jonas Harrington j" ¦Constables < „ o Braddyll Smith L Assessors [292.] Brad''. Smith Sam''. Baldwin Elisha Jones both he was accepted I by the Town & Sworn I at y" Same, Money oath J and oath of Office 1 Sworn march 7"" 1757 money ¦ oath and oath of Office 'Sworn march 24 John Lamson David Stearns .Surveyors of High- <( Thomas Rand ways and Collectors j Thomas Rcssell L Eben"*. Phillips Sworn to themoney y Oath & oath of Of fice March 7, 1757 „ ^, . < Aaron Jones Tythingmen < .^ ^.. C Jonas Harrington j'' Sworn money oath & oath office march 7"' 64 town records, 1757, ( Nath''. Williams ) Sworn money oath &. * c Elisha Fullam 5 oath of Office March 7, _, • - 5 David Allen ) Sworn raoney oath & c Abram Whitney > oath of Office raarch 7'" Sealer of Leather Jeremy Whittemore Sworn raoney oath & oath of Office march f Joseph Whitney Took y" money oath &. i oath of Office march Preservers of Dear ^ rp^j^jj^g ^^^^ g^orn ,„oney oath & oath of Office march 7'". &c March 7"\ 1757 the foregoing officers Took the oath relating to the Bills of Credit, of the Neighbouring governments, and also the oath'. to Their respective Offices before me Elisha Jones Ju^ Pa^. Pound keeper Tho'. Hodgkins, To Take Care of the meeting one year Tho®- Hodgkins ; and 24/ allowed him Therefor 2", The Town Treasurers accounts Were Read and accepted as follow'. The accounts of Elisha Jones Treasurer of Weston from raarch 1, 1756, to March 7'", 1757 £. s. d. qr^ Viz. rec". of Nath'. Bigelo Late Constable in part of his Town rate 7 rec". of the Province Treasurer, for a Catt Bill . . 3 2 1 rec". of Josiah Willington; his purchase of y" North SchoolHouse 4 13 4 rec''. of Eben'. Hammond Late Constable, in full of his Town rate 20 11 4 reel, of John Allen Late Constable, in part of his Town rate 38 13 6 2 and in full of his ministers rate 34 10 11 2 rec''. of Const. John Warren in part of his Town rate . 22 4 4 1 and in part of his Ministers rate 22 19 2 rec". of John Hager a Late Consf^. in part of his Town rate 5 16 10 2 reel, of M'. Abram Bigelo as a Gift to the Town for&c 0 13 8 £166 19 town records, 1757, 65 [30,] paid To Sundry persons as followeth Viz To M'. Eben'. Hobbs in full of the purchase of Their Way to meeting 5 5 4 3 To M'. Nathan Fisk Late Schoolmaster . . . 14 8 1 3 To Dca^Uphnm for What he paid M'. Feveryearin full for keeping School and for Boarding him ..45 To Benj". Pierce for Sweeping the meeting House one year Ending march 1: 1756 18 To Sundry persons by Assignm'. to Constable Jn". Warren .........7762 To Jon». Bullard on his Execution against the Town . 15 2 7 To Elisha Jones for a new Townway over the meadow 20 To M'. Checkley Schoolmaster in part .... 10 8 To Nath'. Bigelo for Warning Cox and Family out of Town 7 To Abram Bigelo for a Fee be gave m'. Goffe for his advice Concerning Tho". Partridgei^' being an Inhabitant — &c , , . . . . 18 To Sundry persons by Assignm'. to Constable John Allen 416 To the revi. M'. Sam'. Woodward in part of his Salary for the year Ending Sep'. 26. 1756 . . . . C8 12 To M'. Jn". Hastings for a Lock for y^. South School House 1 £132 6 10 Eemains in Said Treasurers hand 24 12 7 remains in Nath'. Jenisons Hand, a Late Constable of his Town rate 10 1 2 rem', in the hand of Eben'. Hobbs a Late Constable of his Town rate 10 rem", in the hand of John Hager a Late Constable of his Town rate 46 ' 4 3 2 rem', in the hand of John Warren Late Constable of his Town rate 15 14 10 1 and in his hand of the ministers rate . . . 10 3 10 2 rem', in the hand of John Allen a Late Const, of his Town rate 3 7 3 rem', in the hand of Sam'. Train Constable of his Town rate 37 1 2 and in his hand of the Ministers rate . . . 38 18 6 rem', in the hand of William Lawrence Const, his Town rate 32 18 10 and in his hand of the Ministers rate , , . 34 8 2 remains in the Hand of Nath'. Bigelow a Late Con stable Town rate 1 19 1 66 town records, 1767, The foregoing accounts were Exam", march 7, 1757 and found right Cast and Well Vouched John Hastings > o i .. > Selectmen Isaac Allen > 3". Voted by Said Town That the Swine Shall go at Large Within the Town the year Ensewing, being regulated as the Law requires 4"', Voted That the Highways and Townways Shall be repaired by a rate the Ensewing year, and That the Sum of Fifty pounds Shall be assessed upon y'' Inhabitants of Said Town, according to Law. to be paid in Labour according to the Usuall Custom of Said Town, the Labour to be Compleated by the last day of October : Next [31.] 5'"'- Voted That the List prepared by the Selectraen for the Jury Box be acepted. and That the Names of the Several persons on Said List to the Nuraber of 44 be fairly Wrote on Seperate pieces of paper and put into the Box accordingly 6'", Voted That the Sum of Eight Shillings and 6".3/4 rates of Josiah Adams Decased Shall be abated in Constable Eben', Hobbs"', List 7'", Voted That the petition of Josiah Hobbs and Others be Desmised 8'", Voted That Isaac Jones Shall have Liberty to Build a Pew over the mens Stairs in the Gallary of the Meetinghouse for himself and for his Heirs &c 9'", Voted by Said Town That, They Will not allow Theophilous Mansfield Liberty To dispute the Title of his Pew at Their Cost, but That thc Said Mansfield Shall have Liberty, To Sitt in the fore Seat Below if he pleases 10'". Voted That The Selectmen be desired to View the Causway on the West End of the New-Bridge and direct in What manner it Shall be repaired March 24™. 1757 Elisha Jones Esq', personally appeared and Took the the Oath prescribed by Law relaring to paying or receiving the Money belonging to the Governments of Connecticut Road : TOWN RECORDS, 1757, 67 Island and New-Hain|)shire and Likewise Wa.s Sworn Town Clerk, Treasurer, and Assessor for the Town of Weston to Which Offies he Was Chosen the present year Before me John FIunt, Jws' Peace A True Copy of the Justices Certificate, Att. Elisha Jones Toion Cler. At a meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston. Quallified according to the Royall Charter To Vote in the Choice of a Representative, Assembled at The Publick meeting House in Said Tovvn on monday the 23", day of May AD 1757 at Three of the Clock afternoon The Major part of The Electors Then present, did in presence of the Selectraen Elect and Depute Elisha Jones. To Serve for and represent Them in a great and General Court or Assembly appointed to be Convened held and keept for his Majesty'. Service at the Court House in Boston upon Wednes day the 25. day of May Currant At a meeting of the Selectmen of Watertown, Weston and Waltham at Rich". Cuttings Nov'- 14, 1757, To adjust the Charge of repairing Watertown Bridge and upon an adjust ment. There is due from Weston To Watertown (Including £1—17—6 1/2 Which Was due to Them upon the last ad- justm',) the Sum of £4—8—2 Alt', Elisha Jones Town C''. [32,] At a meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabi tants of the Town of Weston duly Quallified and Legally Warned in publick Town meeting assembled at the publick raeet ing House in Said Town on Fryday the 18"" day of Nov'. AD 1757 at one of the Clock afternoon Then and There 1 To grant the rev", m'. Woodwards Sallary begining Sep'. 25, and procure his firewood 2", To hear the Town Creditors accounts and act Thereon 3", To grant raoney for Schooling and To defray The Usual Charges 68 town KECORDS, 17.'.7, 4'", To know Whether the Town will accept the alteration of a Townway in William Upham' Land as marked 5'". To know Whether the Town will grant liberty To Abram Jones To Build him a Pew over the Women'. Stairs in the meeting House 6">. To know Whether The Town will abate Josiah Wil- lingstons rates in Constable John Warren and Cons'. William Lawrence' Lists 7"". To know Whether The Town will grant Samuel Bald win Liberty To Build Himself a Pew. upon the End of the mens Seats, before Joseph Stedraans 8'". To know Whether the Town will grant William Whit ney Liberty to Build him a Pew upon the End of the Women'. Seats before James Stimson', 1 — Voted by Said Town That Ehsha Jones Shall be Moderator 1_ Voted by Said Town That they grant To the rev". Sam'. Woodward, for his Salary the present year begining Sep', 25, 1757, the Sum of Sixty Six pounds Thirteen Shill'. and four pence, and also the Sum of Six pounds Thirteen Shill', & 4" To Enable him To provide his own Fire-wood for Said year. Which in y" Whole is £73 : 6, 8 To be Assessed on the inhabitants of Said Town, and paid into the Treasury by the first of June next 2", Then the Town Creditors accounts were read and accepted as follows To Samuel Severns for keeping y". Wid''. Partridge & Child 27 weeks & 6 days a 2/8. and Cloathing for her 8/ 4 2 4 To Jonas Harrington for keeping y" Wid'^^. Partridge & Child 23 weeks To y" 7'> of This Nov', a 2 pistereens W week, and a pair Shoes 4/8 2 19 10 To Sam'. Train for Warning 3 Town meetings 6/. Sal lary 4/. and for Carrying Tho'. Partridge & Family out of Town 4/ . 14 To John warren for raaking rate nine day in y'= year 1756 18 TOWN RECORDS, 1757. 69 To Ebenezer Phillips for a piece of Timber for the Bridge near his House 2 To Jonathan Bullard for keeping y^' Widow Stanhope from '\ y" 29''. of Nov. last. To y'' 7"' of Feby. When She I 7 2 Died being 9 weeks a 4/8. & 2/ ^ week for 62 weeks j omitted in Last year ace' J To John Allen for making rates Eight days in y" year 1756 a 2/ 16 To John Mirick J', for Hooks and Staples for y" meeting House Windows in y'' year 1755 8 To W™. Lawrance for warning 3 Town meetings 6/. and Sallary 4/ 10 To Braddyll Smith for making rate 11^. days in 1756 a 2/. and paper to make them on 3/ . . . . 16 To Jaraes Mirickfor Bottoming y" Great Chair of y" South School House 14 And Thereupon 3" Voted That the Sum of Thirty five pounds be Assessed upon the Inhabitants of Said Town To pay the above Credit. Support Schooling &c to be paid into the Tovvn Treasury by the first day of June next £35 [33.] Upham^ way Exchanged 4 Voted by Said Town That They accept of the Exchange of the Townway in William Upham'. Land and That Said way leading from Thomas Uphams To the County road near the New Bridge Shall frora henceforward be on the Westerly Side of the following marks Viz a White oak Tjee marked frora Thence to Gray oak marked. Thence To a Black oak marked. Thence To a White oak marked. Thence To a Black oak marked. Thence to a Sraall White oak raarked near the Country road. Thence into Said road &c 5 Voted That Abrara Jones Shall have Liberty to Build a Pew for himself and his Heirs &c over the Woraen', Stairs that goes into the Gallary of the Mefeting house, provided he Builds the Sarae in Six months from This Time, and if not Built in Six months. This grant to be Void 6 Voted by Said Town That They will Abate the Whole of Josiah Willington', rates in Const", John Warren and Cons'". W™, Lawrance'- Lists 70 TOWN RECORDS, 1758. 7"" The Question was put Whether the Tovvn Wou", give liberty to Sam'. Baldwin To Build himself a Pew on y" End of the Hind Seats, and it passed in the Negative 8 The Question was put Whether the Town will give liberty for W™, Whitney to build himself a Pew on y" End of the Women', Seats, and it passed in the Negative At a meeting of the Selectmen of Watertown Weston and Waltham at Richard Cutting' on Febr^ 22 1759 to adjust the Charge of the Repareing of the great bridge In Watertown : and upon an adjustment there was due from Weston to Water- town (Including 1-0-0-1/4 which was Due to them on the Last adjustment) the Sum of £6-13-4-1/4 attest Braddyll Smith toivn Clerk At a meeting of the Selectmen of Watertown Weston and Waltham at M' Richard Cuttings on Sep', the 21" 1759 to adjust the Charge of the Repare of the great bridge in vvater- town and upon an adjustment there vvas Due to Weston £1— 3-11 attest Braddyll Smith toivn Clerh 1758. [34,] at a raeeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants ofthe town of Weston Duly Quallified and Legally Warned In Publick town raeetins; asserabled at the Publick meeting hous in Said town on Monday the 6 Day of March Ad : 1758 at Eleven of the Clock in the forenoon then and there 1 To Choose Selectmen and other town officers for the year Ensewing that are by Law Required 2" to hear the town tresuarers accounts for the year Past and act tereon 3" to Know the towns Mind Whether their Swine Shall go at Large the year Ensewing 4 to Know the towns raind Whether they will Repair their Highways by a Rate the Ensuing year and to make a grant therefor TOW.N RKCOltDS, 1758. 71 5 to hear and act upon the List Prepared for the M" Abraji Bigelow Chaspn Mndera.tnr Jury Box Constables Abram Bigelow Braddyll Smith j Selectmen -^ Henry Spring )¦ William Whitney j _JoHN Warren J town Clerk and treas' Braddyll Smith Sworn march 6'", 1758 Aaron Jones they Hired Samuel train to Serve for them borth he was accepted by the town and -Sworn at the Same Samuel Baldwin time money oath and oath of office ( Braddyll S.viith Sworn March the 6th, Assessors \ John Allen 1758 Money oath and ' John Warren oath of ofiice f Jabez Herrington ^ Benjamin Jones I Sworn march the 6th, I Jonathan Bullard )>1758 money oath Serveyors of highways and Collectors tythingmen Hogreaves WooDES Lee _ Nathan Hobbs Abu" Upham Ju" John ^Iirick John Bemis Nath"-"- Cooledge [35,] r James Liuermore Fenceviewers j Daniel Liuermore ' J" Sealer of Leather — Isaac Hager oath of office I and oath of office J ) Sworn money oath and roath of office march \he 6th, 1758 ^ Sworn money oath and ^oath of office march ^the 6th, 1758 I Sworn raoney oath ¦and oath of office ^ march the 6th Sworn money oath and Dear Reaves Abram Jone.s MosES Herrington I Sworn raoney oath and oath of office march the 6th, 1758 72 town records, 1758, Josiah Mansfield Pound Keeper and to take Care of the meeting hous one year and twenty four Shillings allow" him therefor 2" the town treasurrers accounts were Read and accepted as followeth the account of Elisha Jones Esq' treas', of Weston frora march 7"^ 1757 to raarch 6 : 1758 Viz Eemains In treashurers Hand upon the Last £ S D q adjustment 24 12 7 0 Rec''. of M'. Abram Bigelow money he ReCi. of the Sale of the town farm 12 4 0 Roc" of Constable Samuel Train of the town Kate . 2 7 10 3 Kec". of Said Constable of the Minister Eate . . 2 8 0 0 Eec''. of the Intrest on the Several Bonds Due to the town 16 19 11 0 Rec''. of the Province treasurer Thomas Partridges wages 8742 Rec''. of Constable Ebenezer Hobbs in full of his town Rate 0 10 0 Rec" of Constable Nath". Bigelow in full of his town Rate 1 19 1 Eec'' of Constable John Warren in Part of his town Rate 9 14 10 1 Rec'' of Said Constable in full of his minister Eate . 10 3 10 2 Rec'' of Constable William Lawrance in Part of his town Rate 12 12 10 EeC of Said Constable In full of his minister Rate . 34 8 2 Reel of Constable John Allen in full of his town Rate 3 7 3 £127 4 2 Paid to Sundry Persons by order the following Sums Paid the Rev". M'. Woodward In full of his Sallary Ending Sep'. 26"' 1756 .980 and in Part of his Sallary Ending Sep', the 25"'. 1767 36 16 2 Paid an Execution against the town for the present" of the south Road 0 10 paid School master Fisk in full for keeping School and board 19 10 0 paid School master Checkley in full for keeping School 18 0 0 paid Samuel Cory towards the Support of Mary and Hannah Flagg 0 12 0 paid the town of Watertown in Part of the Ballance Due to them for the Repairing the great Bridge . 3 7 3 | TOWN RECORDS, 1758, 73 ¦paid M'. Eben'. Hobbs for Bording the Schoolmaster 9 weeks at 5/4 and for abal™. of Josiah adams Eate 8/6 3/4 and a Lock for the Pound g'' paid the Eev''. M'. woodward for boarding the School master 28 wee' at 5 /4 paid Benj". Peirce for his Care of the meeting house a year Ending march 1767 paid by abatment of Josiah Willington in Constable Warrens List paid by abatment of the Poll tax of Isaac Gregory Dec", in S" warrens List paid Sundry persons by assign' to Constable Lawrance paid School master Wheeler 0 9 0 13 6 10 44 9 10 10 £115 [36,] Eemains in Said Treashurers haud . and in Cons' Nath" Janesons hand -and In Cons' John Hager hand and iu Cons' John Warrens hand . and in Cons' Samuel Trains hand town rate ¦ and in his hand of the rains' Rate and in Cons' W™ Lawrance town Rate and in Braddyll Sraith hand part of the farm money and in Cons' Trains hand the whole of the Last town rats and to S" Cons' the whole of the mini^ Rate 12 0 46 6 34 36 20 0 36 73 1 10 4 0 13 10 264 16 10 1 3 0 3 6 0 4 0 0 0 The foregoing accounts vvere Exera". March the fourth 1758 and found Right Cast and vvell Vouched Abraham Bigelow Eben'' Hobbs Selectmen 3" Voted By Said Town that the Swine Shall go at Large Within the town the year Ensewing 4 Voted By Sd town that the High way work Shall be Done by a Rate and Granted the Sum of forty Pounds therefor & to be worke". out by the Last of October Next 5 Voted that the List Prepare" By the Selectmen for the Jury Box be accepted At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitents of the town of Weston Quallefied according to the Royall Charter 74 town records, 1758, to Vote in the Choice of a Representative : asserabled at the Publick Meetinghons in Said town on Monday the fiftenth Day of May Ad 1758 at 3 of the Clock in the after Noon : the Major Part of the Electors then Present Did In the Presence of the Selectmen, Elect and Depute Elisha Jones Esq', to Serve for and Represent thera In a great and General Court or assembly appointed to be convend held and keept for his Majestys Service at the Court Hous in Boston on Wednesday the 31 Daj' of May Currant At a raeeting of the free Holders and other Inhabitance of the town of Weston Duly Quallified and Leglly Warned in Publick tovvn meeting assembled at the Publick meetiiighous In Sd town on Monday the fourth day of Deceraber Ad 1758 r at one of the Clock in the after Noon then and there 1 To Grant the Rev" M', Woodwards Salary begining the 25 of Sep', Last and to make Provesion for his fierwood for Sd year 2 To Hear the town Creditors accounts and act thereon 3 To grant money for Shooling and to Defray the Neses- ury Charges In Sd town 4 To Know Whether the town Will accept of an alteration of a town way as marked In Elisha Warrens Land [37. ] Voted By Sd town at the meeting afore Sd that Mr. Abrahara Bigelow Be raoderator of Sd raeeting 1 Voted that they Grant the Rev", Woodward Samuel the Sum of Sixty Six Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence for his Salerey the Present year begining Sep', the 25'". 1758 and allso the Sum of Six Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence to Enable him to Prouid his fierwood for Sd year which In the whole 73 : 6 : 8 To be as.sessed on the Inhabitence of Sd town 2 The town Creditors accounts Weare Read and Excepted as followeth To Samuel Train constable for Salerey 8/ for warning 3 town raeeting 12/ 10 0 To the Same for warning Josiah Priest and familey out of town 040 To M'. John Allen for Short allowance In the Province ) tax in 1755: 3/ and for Paper to raake the Raits on > 0 6 4 in 1758 ... ... S TOWN RECORDS, ,1758. 75 To Elisha Jones Esq'. 2 Days making Rates in 1757: 4/ and taking inveoys 4/ South Side .... 0-80 To Capten Sarauel Boldwen 10: 2/1 Days making Rates in the year 1767 110 To M'. Theo^ Mansfield for 96 feet of Plank for town bridgeses 11/ 0 11 0 To M'. James Stimson for 100 feet of Plank for town ^ bridgeses 12/ and allso 140 feet of Plank for the great > 2 0 0 bridg at 20/ Pur hundred — 28/ ) To M'. Eben'. Hammond for Constable Salerey 4/ for warning 3 town meetings 6/ 0 10 0 To Braddyll Sraith 10: 2/1 Days making Rates in the year ) 1757: 21/ and for two Days takeing inveoys 4/ and > 1 8 0 for Paper to make the Same on 3/6 . . . . ) To Mr Nathan Hobbs for Plank for the town bridgeses 68 feet — 8/ 080 7 16 10 And 3 thereupon Voted that the Sum of fourty five Pounds Be Assessed on the Inhabitence of Sd town to Pay the above Credit Supoit Schooling and to Defray other Nesesary Charges and to be Paid Into the town Treasurey by the first Day of June Next 4 Voted By Sd town that they Except of the alteration a crost Elisha warrens Land as raarked which is as followeth r viz : begining at a beep of Stons by the Ston wall from thence to a beep of Stones on a Rock from thence to a Stake and beep of Stones from thence to a Stake and heep of Stones by the Corner of his Cow yeard Sd way to be on the Easterly Side of Sd marks and to be the Same wedeth of the old way and the Sd warren is to make the Sd way Pasibel Weston Feb. 26. 1760 This is a full Discharge to the Town of Weston from my Demands either for Salary or Firewood for the Year Ending Sept: 25. 1759 vvhich I have rec" of Braddyll Sraith Treasurer for S" Town #*" Sam'-'' Woodward This is a full Discharge to the Town of Weston from my Salary & Firewood for the Year Ending Sept. 25. 1760 which I have received of Braddyll Smith Treasurer for S" Town Weston March 1. 1762. ^ Sam'-'- Woodward 76 town records, 1758, [38.] At a raeeting of the free holders and other inhabitance of the -town of Weston Quallified by Law to Vote in town affairs Being Legaly Warn", Assembled at the Publick meeting hous in Said town on Monday the 5'" Day of March Ad 1759 : at 10 of the Clock in the forenoon then & there 1 To Choose Selectraen and other town officers for the year Ensuing that are by Law Required 2 to hear the treasurers accounts for the year Past and act thereon 3 to Know the towns raind Whether their Swine Shall go at Larg the year Ensewing 4 to Know the towns raind Whether they will Repair their highways By a Rate the Ensuing year : and grant money there for 5 to hear and act upon a List Prepare", for the Jury Box 6 to Know the raind of the town Whether they will Purtches about 14 acors of Wood Land ofi" Cap" Samuel Bond : which Lyeth South of the Great Road : for the town youse, and if they think fit : then to make all the Preparation Needfull or Nesesary to Purches and to Pay for the Same 7 to Know the Minds of the town Whether they will Provid the wood for the Schools by a Rate for the futer 8 to hear the Petision of The"' Mansfield and others to know the minds of the town Whether they will GiveLiburty to the highest Payers to Cut up the Ends of the Body Sects So as to make two Pues or raore as they Shall think fit : 2 : to know the rainds of the tovvn whether they will take the Reraander of the Pues that belong to the town into their hands and Seet thera according to the Rules that they Seeted the Last Pues 9 to Know the raind of the town Whether they will grant to M' Jones Herrington one Pound twelve Shilling and four Pence it being the Sura which he Paid to Docter Biney for Doctering Thomas Pateriage 1 Voted by Said town at Said meeting that M' Abraham Bigelow be Moderator of Said Meeting f Abr" Bigelow I Braddyll Smith Selectmen <( William Whitney y I John Warren | [John Allen j 1 TOWN RECORDS, UnS. 77 town clerk and treashurer Braddyll Smith Sworn .March the 5">, 1759 [39.J Constables 5 Abraham Whitnf.y ) Sworn March the C Elisha Warran )5"', 1759 ( Braddyll Smith John Warren Thomas Russell Jones Herrington J" Jones Herrington Sworn March the 5" Sworn march the 5 Sworn march the 5 Viz Reel, of M'. John Hager Late Constable in Part . 30 3 6 0 ReC^, of Col°. Jones Late treashurer the full that Reran" in his hands 12 1 10 | Eec" of Constable William Lawrance in Part . , 2 4 00 Eec''. of Constable John Warren the full that Eem'' in his hands 6 00 00 Rec''. of the Intrest Due on the Several Bonds Due to Sdtown 16 19 10 Rec". ol Constable Samuel train 179 10 6 245 19 78 TOWN RECORDS, 1758. [40.] Paid to Sundrey Persons By order the following Sums Viz Paid School master Wheler iu Part for keeping School 22 4 0 Paid Jeremiah Whitemore Ju' in full for bulding the Northe east School hous 17 8 0 Paid Sundrey Persons by assignment to Constable train in the year 1756 16 9 10 Paid an order from Watertown for the Repare of the Great bridge 6 13 4 Paid M'. Jonathan Bullard for bording the Shool master 17 weeks 5/4 p' week 4 10 8 Paid M' Thomas Hodgkins for his Care of the Meeting hous in the year 1757 14 0 Paid M'. Josiah Mansfield for his Care of the Meeting hons one year and hooks for the winds . . . 16 0 Paid the ReVi M'. Samuel Woodward in full for his ) sallerey one year Ending Sep'. 25"'. 1757 : and in full [-73 6 8 for his fierwood the Same year ) Paid Sundry Persons by assignment to Con'. Train in the year 1768 18 12 2 Paid Sam'. Cory lor keeping Mary Flagg^ Child 71 1/2 weeks at 3/ p'. week 10 14 6 Paid M'. Jones Herrington in Part for keeping the widow Pateriage'^ Child 2 00 0 Paid M'. Thomas Rand for his Eeparing the Senter") Schoolhous the Last year and for What was Granted V 1 9 10 him for Labour at the Same hous in 1755 . . . ) Paid as a fee to M'. Goof for carreing on the Suit with Waltham 4 15 4 Paid Dec". Upham for bording the Schoolmaster 17 1/3 weeks 4 12 5 Paid M'. John Hastings by an ord from the former TBEASHUKEK 1 15 7 Paid M'. John Mirick for hooks and hinge for the Sen ter Shool hous 0 2 8 Paid M' Jonathan Stratton for Eepareing the Senter \ Schoolhous and for makeing Sects and tabels in i- 1 6 4 the North East Schoolhous ) Paid for Clothing for Eum Shuger'^'. for the Widow Paterriage 1 18 2 Paid to Serrif and Witneses : and for Expences in Carre ing on the Suit with Waltham . . , , 4 15 9 Paid for Nails and Stuf for tabels and Seets in the Northeast Schoolhous 0 11 3 Paid the Rev'. M'. Samuel Woodward in fnll for his \ salerey one year Ending Sep', the 25"'. 1758 and for t 73 6 8 his fierwood the same year j 269 2 TOWN RECORDS, 175'J. 79 There is Due to Said treashurer on tho Adjustment the sum of £ 23 2 7 Remains In Constable John Hagers hands and In Constable Nath" Janesons hands and In Constable William Law- rances hands town rate . and In Constable Samuel Trains \ hands the hoU of the Minister > and town Rate . , . ) The Foregoing accounts Were examined March the 2". 1759 and found well Vouched and Right Cast By Abraham Bigelow John Warren 10 0 9 f 0 10 1 f 18 2 0 118 6 8 152 19 7 0 > Selectmen 1759 [41.] 3 Voted by Sd town that the Swine Shall go at Large in Sd town if Regulated according to Law : the year Ensuing 4 Voted By Sd town that the Highways and town ways Shall be Repaird By a Rate the Ensuing year and that the sum ¦of Fourty five Pounds be Assessed on the Inhabitence accord ing to Law to be paid in Labour according to the Usual Cus tora of Sd town the Labour to be Compleet". by the Last Day of October Next 5 Voted Exceptance of the List Prepar", by the Selectmen for the Jurej' box 6 It was Put to vote Whether the town Would Purtches about 14 acors of Wood Land of Cap" Samuel Bond and it Past in the Negetve 7 It was Put to vote Whether the town would Provide the wood for School By a Rate aud it Pas^" In the Negitive 8 It was Put to vote to Know Whether the town would give Libuerty to the Highest Payers to Cut up the End of the bodey Seets so as to Make 2 pues or more : and allso to Know Whether the town Would take the Remainder of the Pues Into their hand that Belong to the town : and it Pas' in the Negitve 80 TOWN RECORDS, 1759. 9 It was Put to vote to Know Whether the tovvn vvoulc? grant to M', Jones Herrington one Pound twelve Shillings and four Pence it being what he Paid for Doctering Thomas P;ir- teriage and it Pased In the Negitive At a meeting ofthe freeholders and other inhabitence of the town of Weston Quallifi", according to the Reoyal Charter to Vote fn the Cheoyce of a Representive Asserabl" at the Pub lick Meeting hous in Sd town on Monday the fourtenth Day of May Ad 1759 at three of the Klock in the after Noon the Majer Part of the Electors then Present Did in the Presence of the Selectm.en raake Choice of M', Abraham Bigelow To serue for Represent thera in a great and General Court or Asserabley appointed to be Conven" held and Cept for his Majestys Servi.s^ at the Court hous in Boston on Wensday the 30 Day of May Currant [42.] At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitence of the town of Weston Duly Quallefied and Legaly warned un Publick town meeting assembeled at the Publick Meeting houa in Said.town on monday the third Day of December Ad. 1759^ at one of the Klock in the afternoon then and there 1 To Grant the Rev". M'. Samuel Woodwards Sallary for one year Begining Sep', the 2.5"^. 1759 and alLso to make Pro vesion fo his fierwood for Said year 2 to hear the town Credetors accounts and act thereon 3 To Grant money to Suport Shooling and Defray other Nesesary Charges for the year 4 To Know the rainds of Sd town whether they will Grant Libuerty to Col°. Jones and M'. Abrahara Bigelow to build each of them a Stable on the towns Land Near the meeting hons 5 To Know the towns mind whether they will Grant Lib uerty to M', Josiah Cooledge to build him a Sraall house on, the town Land Near the Meetinghous for the benefit of him and his famely on Saborth Days 6 To Know the minds of the town whether they will Grant the Pitision of Decon Abijah Uphara and others Praying they TOAVN RECORDS, 1759. 81 would Raise the Causee on the New Roode leeding frora M'. Nathan Jones', to the raeeting hous or Whether they will take Sora method to Prevent its being flow", or what Course they will take So that the Inhabitence may Convenently Pass the Same. Voted By Said town at Said meeting that M', Abraham Bigelow be moderator of Said raeeting 1 Voted that they grant the Rev". M'. Samuel Woodward the Sum of Sixty Six Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence for his Salerey the Present year Begining Sep', the 25"'- 1759 and allso the Som of Eight Pounds to Enabel him to Prouid his own fierwood for Sd year which in the whole is 74 : 13 : 4 to be assessed on the Inhabitence of Sd town 2 the town Creditors accounts weare Read and Excepted as followeth £8 1) To Samuel Train Constable for Salerey 20/ warning 3 ) town meeting 12/ and for Carreing David Miller out >- 1 14 0 of town 2/ ) To Lew'. John Warren for 10 1/2 days makeing Rates, in ] the year 1758: 21/ and for one Day Prambelating 2/ j To M'. John alien for 9 1/2 Days makeing Kates in the ) year 1758: 19/ for one Day Prambelateing 3/ . .f To M'. Abraham Bigelow for makeing Step to the meet ing hous Dre 24/ for Plank ¦ for the bridges 140 feet 18/8 To M'. Nathan Hobbs for 66 feet of Plank for the brigeses To M'. William Whitney for Prambelating the town Lines 2 Days 4/ 0 To M'. Phenis Child for a String Peice for M'. Hobbs<^= bridge 1/7 1/4 . . ." . . , . . To Braddyll Smith for makeing Rates In the year 1758: 9 1/2 Days 19/ to 3 Days Prambee. 6/ to 38 feet of Plank 4/9 to 1 1/2 Day makeing the highway Rate 3/ for Paper to make the Eates 3/4 to 2 1/2 Days take ing the Inveoys and Drawing Lists 5/ . To M'. James Stimson for prambelating 3/ . . . To M'. Ebenezer Philips for four String Peices for the briges 6/5 0 3 0 2 0 2 8 0 8 0 4 0 0 1 7 i 2 4 0 3 0 6 5 £9 7 0 i 82 TOWN RECORDS, 1760, [43,] 3 Voted that the Sum of Sixty Pound to be assessed on the Inhabi' of the town to Pay the afore Sd credit Suport Shooling and to Defray other Nesesary Charges arising in Sd town and to be Paid into the town treashurey by the first Day of June Next 4 Voted By Said town that Col. Jones haue Libuerty to Buld Hira a Stable on the Westerly Side ofthe Meeting hous and M'. Abr"". Bigelow to build hira one ond the Easterly Side of the meeting Hous 5 the fifth artickol Was Put to Vote and it Passed in the Negetive 6 Voted By Said town that they will take Som method to Rais the Causey in the New Roode Leeding frora M'. Nathan Joneses to the meeting hous acrost the medow Eighteen Inches higher then it Now is [1760.] At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitence of the town of Weston Dewly Quallefied and Legaly Warned In Publick townmeeting assembled at the Publick Meeting hous in Sd tovvn on Monday the third Day of March Ad : 1760 at ten of the Clock in the four Noon then and there 1 To Chuse Select Men and other tovvn officers for the year Ensuing that are by Law Requiered 2 To hear the town treashurers accounts and act thereon 3 To know the town raind whether their Swine Shall go at Larg the year Esuing 4 To know the town raind Whether they will Repare their highways by a Rate the Ensuing year and to grant money therefor 5 To hear and acct upon a List Prepared for the Jury Box 6 To know the towns mind whether they will abate the Rates of Joseph Bigelow J' In Constable Trains List In the year 1756 which is 0 — 19 — 5 7 To know the towns raind whether they will abate the Rates of Cap Nath" Liverraor in Constable Lawrance'. List In the year 1756 whis is 1 — 4 — (3 — 0 town records, 1760, 83 Selectraen [44.] Voted By Said town at their raeeting afore Sd that M'. Abrahara Bigelow be ^Moderator of Said Meeting Abraham Bigelow Braddyll Smith ¦{ William Whitney y James Stimson John Warren Clerk and treashurer Braddyll Smith — Sworn raarch the 3" " Thomas Upham > Uphara Sworn March Jeremiah Whitemore J" Constables • the 3" Whiteraore Sworn March the 11"\ Assessors Serveoyrs^of highways |and|^ < Collectors tithingraen fence vewers hogrefre PreserverDear John Allen Theo^ Mansfield John Warren Moses Herrington Edward Hastings Samuel Severns William Lawrance ^ Israel Whitemore S Nathan Jones / Isaac Jones ( Benjamin Peirce c Elisha Fullam ( Nathal Janeson J^ c Joseph Whitney C James Livermore t Nathall Cooledge * Sworn March the !3". Sworn raarch the > 3" Serveoyr' and Collectors ^Na tha n Jones ^ Sworn March the 3 3". f Sworn march the <'3", Sworn March the 3", of ^ James Livermore > Sworn March the 3", Sealer of Leather : Thomas Russell : Sworn March the 3". Josiah Mansfield Chosen to take Care of the raeeting hous and Pound and twenty four Shillings allowed him there for Serveoyr of Bords Shingels and Clabords : Samuel Boldwen : Sworn raarch the 3". [45.] The town treashurers accounts were Read and Ex cepted which are as followe'" 1 5 4 16 18 0 15 19 10 6 13 4 96 18 1 £162 16 2 1 £ S D Q 12 5 0 84 town records, 1760, £ S D Q Eec''. of Constable John Hager in full . . , . 16 0 9 | and for Intrest for the Same .... Eec". of Constable William Lawrance In Part Eec". of the Intrest Due on the Several Bonds Due to the town 15 Rec''. of William Norcross Rec" of Constable Train in Part Paid to Sundrey Persons By order the following Sums Viz Paid School master Wheler In full for Keeping School P'' School master Dix in Part for Keeping the town School 4 14 8 P''. Jones Herrington for Keeping the widow Part- eriages Child in Part 4 19 6 P'' Eben'. Hobbs for bording the School master ..28 P'l. The Rever''. M'. Sarauel Woodward for bording School raaster 7 14 Paid Eben'. Hammond in full for Keeping widow Parteriage and Child 9 11 P''. Eben'. Braddish for glazing the South School hous 16 7 P''. for Cost and Expence at March Cort in 1769 . . 19 1 P''. By assignment to Sundrey Persons In the year 1759 7 16 10 P'' as a fee to M'. Goof at March Court 1759 ..14 P"!. for Clorlhing for widow Partriage and Child . .18 7 P''. the Rever''. M'. Samuel Woodward in full for his \ Salerey one year Ending Sep', the 25"'. 1759 and > 73 6 8 for his fierwood the Same year , . . , j P''. to M'. Goof as fee at January Court in 1760 . .300 P'' for a table and bench for the Senter Schoolhous and mending the meetinghou flore . . . 0 10 0 P". M'. Prat at January Court In 1760 . . . . 0 12 0 P*. by the abatement of Josiah Willingtons Rates In Constable Lawr" list 0 15 P'i. Clark Mason for Copeys and Entreys . . . 0 8 4 P'i. William Whitney for timber and Labour at Water- town bridge 3 13 6 P''. to Schoolmaster Whitney in Part for Keeping School lo' 13 6 P'' lor Expences at Charlston Court with Waltham in January 1760 18 0 P'' James Stimson in Part for his Labor and timber for Watertown bridge , 1 12 0 149 10 TOWN RECORDS, 17f'iO, 85 What Remain'', Due to S'' treashurer the Last adjust ment is 23 2 7 There Remains Due to Sd treashurer ou the adjustment f -,-,.-, 7^ ~ ~ ment the Sum of £19:16:6 ji/:i ii. 8 f There Remains In Constable Lawrances hand town £ S B Q Rate 140 and In Constable Nath" Janesons hand . . . 0 10 1 2 and In Constable Samuel trains hand . . . . 23 8 7 and In Constable Whitneys hand the hoU of His town 1 and minister Rate which is . . , and in Constable Warrens hand the holl of his town and minister Rate which is , . , 68 9 3 66 4 1 The foregoing accounts Were Examined february the 28'", 1760 and found Well vouched and Right Cast By William Whitney > o i ^ ¦' > Selectraen John Allen > [46,] 3" Voted By Said town at Sd raeeting that their Swine Shall go at Large the Ensuing year within Sd town if well Regelated 4 Voted by Said town to Do their highway work by a Rate the the Ensuing year and Granted the Sum of fifty Pounds there for and to be worked out by the Last day of October Next and voted that the Collectors raake up accounts with the town treashurer By the Last Day of Noveraber Next 5 Voted that the List of Jurers Stand as the Select raen have Prepared it 6 Voted to abate the Rates of Joseph Bigelow J' In Con- stabel trains List 7 Voted to abate the Rates of Nath" Liverraore In Constable Lawrance' List At a raeeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitence of the town of Weston Quallefied according to the Reoyal Charter to Vote in the Cheoyce of a Representive assembled at the Pub lick meetinghous in Said Town on Wedensday the fourtenth Day of May 1760 at one of the Klock in the after Noon : the Majer Part of the Electors then Present Did in the Presence of 86 TOWN RECORDS, 1760. the Select Men : Make Choice of Elisha Jones Esq', to Serve for and Represent them In a great and geniral Court or assembley appointed to be Convend held and kept for his Majestys Servis at the Court hous in Boston upon Wedensday the twenty eighth Day of May Currant At a meeting of the free holders and other Inhabitence of the town of Weston Dewly Quallifie" and Leegaly Warned in Pub lick town meeting assembeled at the Publick meetinghous In Said town on Wedensday the fourtenth Day of May 1760 at one of the Klock in the after Noon then & there 1 To hear and act upon a List prepared for the Jury Box agreabel to Law 2 To know the minds ofthe town whether they will Choose a Committe to Joyn With a Committe from Watertown and Waltham to Represent to the Great and Geniral Court the great Charge of Suporting the great bridge over Charis River In Watertown : and Petition the Court for Sora Releaf by a Loterey or Such oth'er way as the Court Shall think Proper Voted at the meetind afore Sd that M'. Abr", Bigelow be moderator of Sd metin 1 Voted Exceptence of the List Prepared by the Selectraen for the Jury Box 2 Voted that their Representive Shall be their Committe to Joyn with the Committe frora Watertown and Waltham to Represent to thc great and Geniral Court the great C harg of Sup[)orting the great bridge over Charis River In Watertown and Petition the Court for Som Releaf by a Loterey or Such other way as the Court Shall think Proper [47,] At a meeting of the freeholder and other Inhabitence of the Town of Weston Dewly Quallifyed and Leegly Warned in Publick town meeing assembled at the Public meetinghous in Said town on Monday the 27'" Day of October, Ad 1760 at one of the Clock in the after Noon then & there 1 To Grant the Rev", M', Sanmel Woodward his Salerey for one year begining the 25th, of Sep', Last and make Provision for his fierwood the Same year TOWN RECORDS, 1760, 87 2 to hear the tovvn Creditors accounts and act thereon 3 to grant money for schooling and other Nesesary Charges in Said town 4 to Know the minds of the town Whether they will Chuse a Constable on the North Side of the town 5 to Know the minds of the town Whether they vvill abate the Solgers tax to the Province : that went out In the year 1759 and were Detained more then twelve months or any Part as they Shall think Proper 6 to Know the minds ofthe town Whether they will Repare the meetinghous and if they will. grant money for the Sarae 7 to Know the rainds of the town whether they will Corae to any New agreement with the Rev", M', Woodward about Pro viding his fierwood 8 to Know the minds of the town whether they will Remove the Devision Between the two hind Seets In the froont Galerey In the meeting hous and and make a Pew in the Sarae Place : and Dispose of it as they Shall think Proper : or giue Libuerty to Such Persons as they Shall think Surtibel to Do the Sarae for their own youse Voted by Said town at Said meeting that M', Abraham Bigelow be Moderator of Said meeting 1 Voted the Rev", M'. Samuel Woodward the sum of Sixty Six Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence for his Salerey the Present year begining Sep', the 25'", 1760 and allso the sum of ten Pounds to enable hira to Provide his own fierwood for Said year: which in the holl Maketh 76 13 4 2 Voted the town Credetors accounts as followeth : viz : £ S d To Constable Abr"" Whitney for warning 3 town meeting 6/ Salerey 10/ 0 16 0 To Constable Elisha Warren for warning 3 town meet ings 6/ Salerey 10/ 0 16 0 to M'. William Smith J' for 90 feet of Plank for the bridgeses 11/2 0 11 2 to Lew' John Warren for 11 1/2 Days makinof Eates in Ihe \ year 1759 twenty three Shilhngs and for Paper to V 1 6 0 make them on in the year 1760=3/ . , . .' 88 TOWN RECORDS, 1761. to M'. Thomas Russell for 4 Day.s making Rates in the year 1769 0 8 0 to M'. James Mirick for Botteming one great Chare for the School 014 to Brnddyll Smith for 13 1/2 Days making Rates In the ^ year 1759 27/ and for paper to raake them on in the I same year 3/ and for Drawing Lists and takeing In- ( veoys 5 1/2 Diiys 11/ J to E". Jaraes Stimson for 200 feet of Plank at 20/Shillings 1 pr hundred 40/ nnd Sixty eight feet at 12 Shillings p' [• 2 8 3 Hundred 8/3 ) [48.] 3 Voted the Sum of one Hundred Pounds to Soport Schooling and Defray the Nesesary Charges arising in Said tovvn 4 Voted to Choose a Constable on the North Side of Said. town and Chose M' Benjmin Bond and he highered M'.. John Walker to Serve in his Room and was Excepted by the town and Sworn October the 27'". 1760 money oath and oath of office 5 Voted to abate the tax that the Solgers were taxed to the Prouince In the year 1759 (and that went out that year) and were Detained more than 12 month' 6 Voted to Repare the raeeting : Hous and granted the Sum of fourty Pound therefor ; and Chose a Coramitte to Provide meterels and to Se that the Work is Don Coraitte Braddyll Smith Jonathan Stratton Elisha Jones Esq' 7 It was Put to vote to Know the mind of the tovvn AMietlier they would Cora to any New agreeraent with the Rev". M'. Sarauel Woodward about Providing his fierwood and it Pased In the Negitive 8 Voted to take away the Devision between the two hind Seets in the froont Galerey in the meeting hous and raake a Phew In the Sarae at the towns Cost and Dispose of it as they shall think Proper and the Sarae Committee as men tioned in the 6 artickle for the Repare of the raeeting hous : to buld S" Phew [1761.] At a meeting ofthe freeholders and other Inhabitence of the town of Weston Dewly Quallified and Leegaly Warrned in TOWN RECORDS, 1761. 89 Publick tovvn meeting assemled at the Publick meeting hous in Said town on Monday the Second Day of March Ad 1761 at ten of the clock on the fore Noon then and there 1 to Chuse Selectmen and other town officers for the year Ensuing that our Pry Law Requiered 2 to hear the town treashurers account for the year Past and act thereon 3 to Know the towns raind Whether their Swine Shall go at Large the year Ensuing 4 to Know the towns mind Whether they will Repare their highways by a Rate the Ensuing year : and if so grant money therefor 5 To hear and act upon a List Prepare", for the Jury Eox 6 To Know the tovvn mind Whether they will abate the Rates of John Hager Ju' in Constable £ s d Warrens List which is . . . . . .16 4 7 To know the minds of the town Whether they will abate the Rates of Daniel Garfield in Constable s d Warrens List which is . . . . . .078 8 To Know the mind of the town Whether they will Except of a Way as Marked a Crost the Land of M', Thoraas Uphara So as to Com at the way Layed out By Waltham This is a full Discharge to the Town of Weston from my Sal ary and Fire-wood for the Year Ending Sept : 25 1761 which I have rec" of Braddyll Smith Treasurer for S" Town Weston March 3, 1763, W Same'' Woodward [39^] Voted by the town above Said at their Said Meeting that M' Abraham Bigelow be moderator of Said raeeting Abraham Bigelow Braddyll Smith Selectmen < Elisha Jones Esq" William Whitney John Warren 90 TOWN RECORDS, 1761. Clerk and treashurer Braddyll Smith Constables Assessors Wardens Serveoyrs and Collectors Tythingraen Fence viewers Hogreaves Preservers of Dear field Drivers Joseph Woolson Jonathan Stratton Braddyll Smith John Warren Abr"' Jones Sworn March the 2". money oath and oath of office Joseph woolson highered Samuel train to Serve for him and he was Ex- epted by the town : and he and Stratton was Sworn march the 2" money oath and oath of office I Sworn march the 2". • money oath and oath of office John Mirick Ju". > Sworn march the 2" raoney Thomas Russell ) oath and oath of office 1 i Sworn raoney oath y and oath of office Isaac Jones Thomas Peirce <( Abijah Upham Ju". I Isaac Whitemore j [ John Warren J ^ Abr". Jones, ) Sworn March the 2" money I John Hager Ju", > oath and oath of office ( Samuel Child ) c David Stearns } Jones Herrington Isaac Hobbs Moses Herrington Joseph Lowvel J" Joseph Norcross Abraham Gail Sealer of Leather — Thomas Russell 2". money oath and oath of office I Sworn march the 2". money oath and oath of office I Sworn march the 2". • money oath and oath ' of office — Sworn March the 1:0 WN RECORDS, 1761, 91 Serveoyr of Bords Shingels &c : Samuel Boldwin — Sworn March the 2", raoney oath and oath of office To Takf Care of the raeetinghous Pound: &c Nathan Woolson for one year for 24 [402] 2 The town treashurers accounts Were Red and Ex cepted as followeth 0 10 1 14 0 14 7 4 66 1 3 66 4 1 15 19 10 4 3 9 0 12 8 159 3 1 i £ 8 B Q Viz Rec''. of Constable Nath" Janeson in full Rec". of Constable William Lawrance in full Eec". of Constable Samuel Train in Part . Rec*. of Constable Abr"" Whitney in Part . Rec*. of Constable Elisha Warren in full . Rec". of the Intrest Due on the Several bonds Rec"'. of Constable Thomas IJpham in Part Rec" of Moses Herrington Collector of a highway Rate Paid to Sundrey Persons By order the following Sums P". Schoolmaster Dix in full for Keeping School . 3 2 9 F\ the Rev". M'. Samuel Woodward In Part for his Salerey Ending Sep', the 26: 1760 . . . 63 9 11 P''. By abatment of Cap". Nath". Livermore". Rates in Cons'. Lawrences List 14 0 P*. By assignment to Sundrey Persons in the year 1760 970 P''. M'. Nathan Hobbs in full for bording Shool- master Dix 2 14 0 P''. M'. Ebenr. Hobbs for Shues for Corys and Part- riages .... ... 108 P'l. Mr David Flagg for Keeping widow Partriage and Child 3 18 0 P"*. M'. Josiah Smith for Servis Don for Sd town as a Sheriff ' . 16 4 P'' M'- William Whitney for timber for Watertown bridge 2 12 1 P"!. M' Isaac Whitemore for Clorthing for Widow Partriage 0 17 7 P''. M'. Theo' Mansfield lor Keeping Peter Morsemey in his Sickness 2 0 0 pi, Schoolraaster Stimson in Part for Keeping School 12 18 10 F^. Mrs Margrit Percy in Part for keeping thomas train 10 15 4 0 2 92 TOWN RECORDS, 1761. P"" M'. Josiah Mansfield for his Care of the Meeting hous in 1759 P'' for Stuf and Labour to Repare the Ruff of the meeting hous ........ P''. M'. Goof as a fee at Sundrey times in the Lawsuit with Waltham P'l. M'. Prat as a fee at Sundrey times in the Lawsuit with Waltham P'' M': James Stimson for tiraber and Plank for Water- town bridge ........ V^. M'. Abr"". Bigelow for Labour at Watertown bridge P'' M' John Allen for his tendence at Court P"! Decon Abijah Upham for bording the School master P''. for Copeys and Expences in the Suit with Waltham P"! M'. Jones Herrington for Keeping Widow Part riges Children P'' School Master Whitney in Part for Keeping School P''. for warning and Cautioning against Stephen White and Wife Ephrnm brown and John Briant . P'' by abateraent of the Pools Pay to the Province tax of the Persons here after Named: viz: Lew'. Elish Flagg: David Allen: Joseph Allen: Elijer Spring: Noah Norcross: Joseph Norcross J': Samuel Cory: John Walker J' Solomon Jones: Oliver Eobenson: Assa Smith: James Bigelow and Daniel Cooledge P'' to the Eepareing the Senter and South School housen .... . . . . What Eemained Due tp Said treashurer on the Last Adjustment is There Eemains Due to S" treashurer on this Adjust ment the Sum of 2;j-2-10-3 .... There Eemains In Constable Trains hands and In Constable Uphams hand town Eate and In Constable Walker hand's town Rate and In Constable Whitneys hand town Hate :} 14 0 0*14 7 6 12 0 6 12 0 7 9 9 0 18 0 0 4 0 3 16 4 14 0 7 0 0 7 4 0 0 15 0 12 4 9 14 6 19 16 6 ^6182 6 0 :i 9 1 3 . 110 6 6 3 . 102 4 0 1 . 012 8 0 233 18 10 0 February the 29"'. 1761 We the r 1 Subscribers haueing Exarained the J Abr". Bigelow I Select fore going accompts and find them 1 John Warren | men well vouched and Right Cast By L J TOWN RECORDS, 1761. 93 [41^.] 3 Voted By Said town at their raeeting afore Said that their Swine Shall Go at Large in Said town the year En suing if well Regula" 4 Voted By Said tovvn to Do their Highway work by a Rate the Ensuing year and granted the Sum of fourty Pounds to be worked out By the Last Day of October Next 5 Voted the List of Juerers as Prepared by the Select raen 6 Voted to abate the Rates of John Hager Ju'. In Con stable warrens Warrens List which is . , , 1 — 6 — 4 7 it was Put to Vote to Know the Minds of Said town whether thej' would abate the Rates of Daniel Garfield in Constable warrens List (which is Seven Shillings and Eight Pence) and it Pased in the Negetive 8 voted the way as raarked (Exceping there be No more Cost for the town to Pay then the Makeing of thirty Rods of Stonwall by the Side of Said way) ; Said way is marked out as followeth begining at Waltham Line at the bridge ouer Stoney brook and at the End of a Stonwall Near the bridge and Runs Westerly to a heep of Stones then to a Nother heep of Stones then bares Northerly to a heep of Stones on a Rock by the Side of a town way Said way to be on the South Side of the marks afor Said and to be two Rods wide and at the west End to be So wide as is Nesesary to accoraidate the ways Leedino- from M' Joseph Garfield^ and that from M'. Thomas Upham'* So as to git into the way afore Sd At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitence of the town of Weston Quallified according to the Reoyal Charter to vote in the Cheoyce of a Representetive Assambled at the Publick raeetinghous in Said town on Monday the Eightenth Day of May Ad 1761 at two of the Clock in the after Noon : the mager Part of the Electors then Present Did in the Pres ence of the Selectmen raake Cheoyce of Elisha Jones Esq', to' Serve for and Represent them In a Great and Geniral Court to or assembly Appointed to be Conveaned Cept and held for his Majestys Servis at the court hous in boston on Wedensday the 27"". Day of May Currant 94 TOWN RECORDS, 1761, [42^, ] At a Publick meeting of the free holders and other Inhabitence of the town of Weston Dewly Quallified and Legaly Warned in Publick town meeting assembled at the Publick Meeting hous in Said tovvn on Monday the Sixtenth Day of Nove', Ad 1761 at one ofthe Clock in the after Noon then and there 1 To grant the Rev", M'. Woodwards Salerey for one year begining the 25"". of Sep', Last and make T'rovision for his fier wood the Same year 2 to hear the town Creditors accounts and act thereon 3 To grant money for Schooling and other Necessary Charges in Said town 4 To hear the Pitetion of M', John Hastings and others Praying that the town would Choose a Coraraitte to Servey Said town So far as is Necesary to find the Senter thereof: and if the Senter Shall be found and Considerable Distance frora Where the raeeting hous Now Standeth that it raay be Re moved there to Voted By Sd town at Said meeting that M'. Abraham Bigelow be Moderator of Said raeeting 1 Voted the Rev". M'. Sarauel Woodward the Sum of Sixty Six Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence for his Salerey the Present year begining Sep', the 25"\ 1761 and allso the Sum of teen Pounds to Enabel him to Provide his own fier wood for Said year which in the holl is 76-13-4 2 Voted the town Credetors accounts as followeth viz : To Constable John Walker for Salerey 10/ for warning one town meting 2/ 0 12 0 To M'. Benjamin Bond for 140 feet of White oak Plank 0 19 0 To M'. Theo». Mansfield for Eighty feet of Plank 9/7 \ . to makeing Rates in the year 1760 and takeing the > 1 16 7 Inveoys 13-1/2 Days 27/ ) To M'. John Warren for makeing Rates in the year 1760: and 11 1/2 Days 13 0 To M'. John Allen for makeing ates in the year 1760 and takeing the Inveoys 13-1/2 Days 27/ ,.170 To Jeremiah Whitemore Ju' for Warning one town meeting 2/ ,020 To Braddyll Smith for 130 feet of Plank for the bridges 0 16 7 TOWN RECORDS, 1762, 95 3 Voted the Sum of one Hundred and fifty Pounds to Suport Schooling and Defray other Nesesary Charges in Said town 4 It Was Put to Vote to know the minds of the town whether they would Grant the Prayer of fhe Pitetion of John Hustings and others and it Pased in the Negetive This is a full Discharge to the Town of Weston for my Sal ary and Fire-Wood for the Year Ending Sept : 25 1762 which I have rec", of Braddyll Smith Treasurer for S", Town Weston March 3. 1763 '1^ Sam''\ Woodward 1762. [43-.] At a meeting ofthe freeholders and other Inhabitence ofthe town of Weston Dewly Quallifyed and Legely Warned in Publick tovvn Meeting assembled at the Publick meeting in Said town on Monday the first Day of March Ad 1762 at Eleven of the Klock in the fore Noon then and there 1 To Chuse Selectmen and other town officers for the year Ensuing that are by Law Requiered 2 to hear the town treashurers accounts for the year Past ;and act thereon 3 to Know the towns mind whether their Swine Shall go at Large the year Ensuing 4 to Know the towns mind Whether they will Repair their highways by a Rate the Ensuing year : and if So grant money Ihere for 5 To hear and act upon a List Prepared for the Jurey Box 6 To Know the towns mind Whether they will abate the S, s d P,ates of Sarauel Lawrance assessed at 1 — 1 — 11 and allso Jo seph Stimson^ Rates which is 0—15 — 5 and allso Cap" Nathan- nal Li vermor^ Rates which is 5 — 12—6 — 3/4 and allso Daniel ¦Garfields Rates which is 1 — 0 — 4 and allso Peter trains Rates Which is 0 — ^19 — 5 all in Constable Samuel trains Lists or act thereon as they Shall think Proper 7 to Know the minds of the town Whether they will Except of a Way as is fence", out from M', Benjarain Peirces Barn yeard to the Contrey Road as it is Now fence", out 96 TOWN RECORDS, 1762. 8 To Know the rainds of the town Whether they Will abate the Rates of Abijah Liverraore assessed at 1 — 9 — 4 — 3/4 and allso Joseph Hager Rates Which is 1 — 10 — 3 — 3/4 Borth in Constable John Walker List Voted By Said tovvn at the meeting afore Said that Elisha Jones Esq' Be Moderator of Sd meeting f Elisha Jones Esq''-. I Abraham Bigelow <| Braddyll Smith y John Warren William Whitney Clerk and Treashurer Braddyll Smith money oath and oath of office Sworn 'march 1^'. Constables Samuel Child Josiah Allen they borth highered Samuel train to Serve their Room and in y he Was Excepted by the town and Sworn March the 8"' money oath and oath of office Voted that the Selectmen Shall be Assessors for the year Ensuing r Abra" Bigelow Braddyll Smith John Warren Nathanal Williams Nathan Fisk Assessors Wardens [44^J Sworn Assessors money oath and oath of office March 1"'. Sworn, money oath and oath of office Serveyors Tythingraen Jones Herrington Elisha Fullam Abr". Gale Isaac Hager J" Lew John Warren Jones Peirce David Stearns Sworn money oath : and oath and oath of office Marc 1"' I Sworn money oath •and oath of office > March 1='. TOWN RECORDS, 1762. 97 Fenceviewers Hogreaves Preservers of Deer field Drivers Moses Herrington Nath'-'' Cooledge Josiah Cooledge Josiah Mansfield Samuel Garfield . John Mirick J" ( ; Elisha Fullam ! Cap". Henry Spring ^ Sworn money oath / and oath of office ^ March : 1^' : > .Sworn money oath ) and oath of office i Sworn march the 1 : money oath and oath of office ) Sworn March money oath and oath of office Sealer of Leather Thomas Russell Sworn march f money oath and oath of office Serveoyr of bovd and Shingel and Cap''. Samuel Baldwin Clabord To take Care of the raeetinghous Pound &c Isaac Jones the year Ensuing for four Dolers The foregoing is a List of the officers Chosen at the meeting afi'ore Said Then it it Was Voted By Said town at Said meeting to Adjurn this meetting to monday Next at three of the Clock in the after Noon [452,] At a Meeting of the free holderers and other Inhabi tence of the town of Weston Qualifyed to Vote in town afiairs on monday the 8"". Day of March Ad 1762 By adjurnment from the 1^« of Sd March 2 The tovvn Treashurers accounts Were Red and Excepted as followeth Eec'i. of Abraham Whitney Late Constable in full . 12 8 0 EeC of Constable Thomas Upham in Part . . . 83 10 1 Eec". of Constable John Walker in Part . . . 77 18 3 | Eec". of the Intrest Due on the Several bond Due to the town ^5 19 10 189 16 2 I 98 TOWN RECORDS, 1762. P'l to Sundrey Persons By order the following suras P 6 10 8 TOWN RECORDS, 1762. 99 7 12 0 2 00 0 1 17 5 23 02 10 1 190 8 7 f 9 1 3 26 15 5 24 6 8 1 120 14 10 106 18 6 286 16 8 1 le fore going P* for Bords and AVinder Stuf for the ineetinghous P'l for hous Rent for Elisha Coxes fameley for one year .......... F"^ M' John Mirick for Plank for Watertown Bridge . F^ my Self the Ballonce of my Last years accounts being There Eemains Due to Sd treashurer on } this Adjuistment the Sum of £0:12:5 > [46^-] There Reraains in Constable Samuel trains hand' In Constable Thomas Upham" hands . In Constable John Walkers hands In Samuel trains hand Present Constable and In Jonathan Stratton' hand Present Constable We the Subscribers haveing Examined accounts and find thera Right Cast by Elish Jones and John Warren Selectmen February the 26"^, 1762 3 Voted By Sd town at Sd meeting that their Swine go at Large in Sd town the year Ensuing if Weel Regulated 4 Voted By Sd tovvn to Do then* highway Work By a Rate the Ensuing year and Granted the Sum of fourty Pounds, to be Worked by the Last of October Next in the yourshel manner 5 Voted the List of Jurors as the Selectraen had Prepared it and the first Eighteen to be Put in to the Superer box 6 It was Put to Vote to Know the rainds of the town Whether they would abate the Rates of Samuel Lawrance assesed at 1 — 1 — 11 and it Pased In the Negetive and then Joseph Stimsons which is 0 — 15 — 5 and it Pased In the Negetive Next Nath" Livermors which is 5 — 12 — 6 — 3/4 beinf in two Lists the first Negetived the Last abated. Next Was Daniel Garfields which is 1 — 0 — 4 and it Was Negetive". Next Was Peter trains which is 0 — 19 — 5 and it Was abated : all in Constable Sarauel trains Lists 7 it Was Put to Vote to Know the rainds of the town Whether they Would Except of a Way as is fenced out frora Benjamin Peirceses Barn yeard to the Contrey Roade as is Now fenced out and it Pased in the afferraetive 100 TOWN RECORDS, 1762. 8 it Was Put to Vote to Know the minds of the tovvn Whether they Would abate the Rates of Abijah Livermore assessed at 1—9—4—2/1 and Joseph Hagers 1—10—3—3/4 borth in Constables John Walkers List and it Pased In the alferraetive At a raeeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitence of the town of Weston Qalifyed according to the Reoyal Charter to Vote in the Choyce of a Representiteve assembeled at the Pub lick meeting hous in Said town on fryDay the 14*". Day of May Ad 1762 at one ofthe Clock in the after Noon : the Majer Part of the Electors then Present Did in the Presence of the Select men Make Cheoice Elish Jones Esq' to Serve for and Reprent them In a great and Geniral Court or assembley appointed to be Convened Cept and held for his Majestys Servis at the Court hous In Boston on Wedensday the 26"', Day of May Currant [472,] At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitence of the town of Weston Dewly Quallified and Legaly Warned In Publick town meeting asserabld at the Publick meeting hous in Said town on Monday the 22 Day of November Ad 1762 at one of the Clock in the afternoon then and there 1 To grant the Rev", M''. Samuel Woodward his Sallrey for one year Begining the 25'''. of Sep'. Last and make Provision for his fierwood for Sd year 2 To hear the town Creditors accounts and act thereon 3 To grant money for Schooling and other Nesesary Charges in Sd town 4 To Know the minds of the town Whether they Will abate the Rates of Joseph hager in Constable Strattons List Which is fourteen Shillings and Samuel Corys Rates in the Sarae List Which is one Pound Six Pence 1/4 5 To Know the minds of the town Whether they Will abate the Rates of Cap". Nath" Liverraore In Constable Trains List for the year Ad 1757 and allso the Rates of Joseph Stim son In the Same List and allso the Rates of Sarauel Lawrance in the Sarae List and allso the Rates of Daniel Garfiel in the Sarae List TOWN RECORDS, 1762. 101 Voted By Said tovvn at S" meeting that Braddyll Smith be moderator of Sd meeting 1 Voted The Rev'. M'", Sarauel Woodward the Sura of Sixty Six Pounds Thirteen Shillings and four Pence for his Salerey one year Begining Sep'', the 25'", 1762 and allso the Sura of ten Pounds to Enable hira to Provide his own fierwood the Sarae year Which in the hole is 76 :13 :4 2 Voted the town Creditors accounts as followeth : viz : Prambelating With Waltham and Lincoln 2/ To M'. Williara Whitney for Prambelating With Wal tham and Lincoln ....... To M'. Abr"". Bigelow for Prambelating With Need- ham 2/ To M'. Nath". Janison for Prambelating With Need- ham 2/ To Elisha Jones Esq' for Prambelating With Sudbury and Natick 3/ > To Constable Samuel Train for Salery 10/ for warning "^ three town meetings 6/ for Carring Pacence Clark j and Son to Waltham 4/ to carreing a Woman and Child to Newtown 2/8 to carreing a Woraan to Sud bury 1/4 to Carreing Cox and famely to Waltham 18/8 To Constable Tho'. Upham for Salerey 10/ for Warning 3 town meeting 8/ for Carreing Widow Boleson to Waltham 3/ To M' John Warren for makeing Eates in the year 1761: 6 Days To M'. Abr"". Jones takeing the Inveoys 2 Days and makeing Rates 6 Days in the year 1761 . To Constable Jonathan Stratton for Salerey 10/ for Warning 3 town meetings 6/ for Carreing a Wooman to Waltham 4/ . , , , . To M'. Aaron Jones for Sealing the Weights and meash- uers 5/ To Braddyll Smith for makeing Rates in the year ^ 1761 : 18 Days 36/ and takeing Inveoys 2 Days 4/ [ for Paper to make Rats on 3/4 and for one Day [ 2 2 1100 12 0 0 14 0 1 00 0 0 05 0 2 05 4 0 02 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 3 Voted one Hundred and fifty Pounds to Suport School ing and to Defray other Nesesarey Charges in Said town 4 It Was Put to Vote to Know the rainds of the town 102 TOWN RECORDS, 1763, Whether they would abate the Rates of Joseph Hager In Constable Strattons List which is 14/ and it Pased in the afferraetive then it Was Put to vote to Know their minds Whether they Would ababte the Rates of Samuel Cory in the Same List and it Pased in the Negetive 5 It Was Put to Vote to Know the minds of the town Whether they would abate the Rates of Nath" Livermore in Constable trains List and it Pased In the Negetive then it was Put to vote to know their minds Whether they will abate the Rates of Joseph Stmson In the Sarae List and it Pased In the alFermitive — then Samuel Lawrances Was Put to Vote and it Pased In the affirmetive then Daniel garfields was Put to Vote and it Pased in the affirraitive, [48^] 1763 At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitence of the town of Weston Dewly Quallified andLeegely Warned in Pub lick town meeting on Monday the Seventh Day of March Ad 1763 at ten of the Clock in the fore Noon 1 To Chuse Selectmen and other town officers for the year Ensuing that are by Law Required 2 to hear the town treashurers accounts for the year Past and act there on 3 To Know the towns mind Whether their Swine Shall go at Larg the year Ensuing 4 To Know the towns mind Whether they will Repare their highways by a Rate the Ensuing year and if So grant raoney therefor 5 To hear and act upon a List Prepared for the Jury Box 6 To Know the town mind whether they will give Liburty that the Graraer School May be Kept in two Places on the South Side of the town at their turn of Schooling in Case they Provide hous Room 7 To Know the town mind Whether they will abate the Rates of William Hager Dec", In Constable trains List for the year 1761 8 To Know the minds of the town Whether they will accept of a Bridel Way as it is Now trod from Samuel trains DweUing TOWN RECORDS, 1763, 103 hous by John Joneses and so on by his Barn and Streight frora his barn to the town Way Leeding to the Country Road : Neses ary Gates being hang" and kept in Repare at the Cost and Charge of Sarauel Train and Abi™, Jones 9 To Know the rainds of the town whether they will Pay to Cap" Henry Spring the Money that Was Paid for his Son Elijah Spring^ Rates in Constable Strattons List and the Cost he Paid 10 To Hear the Petision of Williara Whitney Ju'', and others To Know the minds of the town Whether they Will Make Sura addition to the Publick raeetinghous in Weston and Grant money to accomplich the Sarae and In Case they Dont Se Cause to Do it then Know Whether they will Seet the meeting hous in S" town Voted By Said town at Said meeting that Elisha Jones Esq'' be Moderator of Sd meeting Selectmen r Abraham Bigelow Braddyll Smith John Warren Samuel Train Thomas Upham Clerk and Treashurer Braddyll Smith Sworn March the 7'", r Elisha Fullam Sworn March the 7'" Josiah Smith : and Samuel Train was Excepted in his Stead and Sworn March the 7'", Sworn March the yth Sworn March the yth Constables Assessors [49,] Wardens BiiADDYLL Smith John Warren Josiah Smith James Livermore Braddyll Smith ( Daniel Livermore J= j Samuel Train Serveyors of^ j^^^^^^ Garfield Highways j^^^^ p^^^^^^ Nathan Fisk y Sworn March 7'", 104 town records, 1763, Tythingmen Hogreveas Dearreves Feild Drivers Fence vewers C Nath^'' Cooledge c Isaac Hobbs 5 Isaac Gregory I Jonathan Stimson 5 Lemuel Jones c Jonathan Fisk Thomas Peirce Jonathan Underwood 5 Jabez Herrington ^ James Mirick n Sworn March the yth Sworn March the nth - Sworn March the yth Sworn March the 7tli Sworn March the ) Sw( 5 7'". Sworn Sealers of ( Thomas Russell Leather c Nath'-^ Janeson Serveoyr of Boards and Shingels and Clapords Samuel Boldwin Sworn Serveoyr of Wheat Abraham Bigelow Sworn To take Care of the meetinghous Pound and so forth Isaac Jones Then it was Voted By Said town to adjourn Sd raeeting to Monday Next at one of the clock in the after Noon at the Same Place to meet [50,] At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitence of thc town of Weston Quallified by Law to Vote In town afl!"airs on Monday the fiftenth Day of March Ad 1763 By Ad jurnment from the 7 Day of S" March : the town treashurers accounts Were Read and Excepted as followeth 2 Viz Eec"i ©f Con stable John Walker in Part • Eec''. of Constable Jonathan Stratton in Part EeCi. of Constable Samuel Train in Part Rec'^. of Constable Thomas Upham in Part . Eec". for the Bill of Cost Recovered against Waltham EeC^ of Intrest Due on the Several Bonds Due to the town 4 22 2 11 \ 1 99 8 8 1 96 12 1 3 20 15 4 0 12 4 0 0 15 19 10 0 P<*. To Sundrey Persons By order the following Sums: 267 2 11 1 P" To the Eevi. M'. Samuel Woodward in full for his ^ Salerey for one year Ending Sep', the 2.5"'. 1761 and [¦ 39 17 for his fierwood Ihe Sarae year , , . . ) TOWN RECORDS, 1763. 105 T". To the Rev". M'. Samuel Woodward in full for his ") Salerey for one year Ending Sep', the 26"M762 and [¦ 76 13 4 0 for his fier Wood the Sarae year . , . . ) P". School Master Marrit iu full for keeping the town School 20 0 0 P"! M'. Isaac Jones in full for 20 thousand of Shingels for the meetinghous 13 6 8 0 F^ M'. Thatcher Smith for Preching in the time of M'. Woodward Sickness . .... 4 13 P'l to Isaac hobbs for bording Schoolmaster marrit . 2 15 P'* Decon Upham for bording the ScHoolmaster . . 3 13 P" to Tho'. Rand for Eepareing the South School hous 4 2 T" Cap". Henry Spring for his Suporting Joseph Jones in bis Last Sickness , 4 7 P" by the abatement of Joseph Hagers Rates In Con • stable Strattons List 0 14 P"! M'. Nathan Woolson for his Care of the meeting hous one year Ending March 1762 .... 1 4 F^ By assignment to Sundrey Persons .... 6 14 P* M'. Jones Herrington for Suporting Widow Part- riages Beoys 18 2 P'' M'. Jonathan Stratton for his Labor and Stuff for the Eepare of the meeting hous .... 7 2 P Serveoyr of Wheet and Flower &c Abr", Bigelow — Sworn The foregoing officers took the oath Relating to the other •Government money as well as the oath of office To take Care of the meetinghous Pound &c Josiah Smith [55,] 2 The town Treashurers accounts Were Read and Excepted as followeth Viz Rec". of Constable Samuel Train in Part . . 247 6 2 2 Rec". of Constable Thomas Upham in Part . 3 12 5 Reel of Constable Jonathan Stratton in Part . 2 9 9 3 Rec* of the Ballance that Remaind in my hand 12 9 4 3 the Last ajustment ) £255 17 10 0 112 TOWN RECORDS, 1764. P" To Sundrey Persons by order the following Suras: viz: F^ To the Rev". M'. Sarauel Woodward in full for his \ Salerey one year Ending Sep'. 25'". 1763 and for I 76 13 4 his fierwood the Same year ) F^ Henry Cogen for Suporting Partriages Child to the 5*. of March 1763 7 9 8- P'l Isaac Jones for his Care of the meetinghous 2 years Ending raarch 1764 2 8 0' F^ Isaac Hobbs in full for his bording Schoolraaster Gary 3 0 0- P"^ Cap". Sarauel Boldwin in full for his bording School masters . 8 13 4 F^ Dec". Upham in full for his bording Schoolmasters 6 0 0- P'l Thomas Band for his Labour at the Repare of the meetinghous 0 8 0- P'l Thad'^. Spring for takeing Hannah Daughler of widow Mary Hager 6 0 0- F^ Schoolmaster Cary in full for his keeping the town School 28 13 6 P'l Col". Jones for Casd he P" In the Lawsuit Wilh Walthara the Last year 2 10 4 P'i Isaac 'Whitemore for Clorthing for the widow Partriage 1 14 2' P'l for hous Rent for Samuel Cory . . . . 1 12 O' P'i Jones Herrington in full for his Suporting widow Parlriages Beoys 6 16 6- P'l Samuel Train in full for the Suport of Tho'. train to Nov. 2. 1763 16 11 11 P'l Abr"". Bigelow for what he Suported widow Mary hager and Children 6 00 6 P'i Jonathan Stratton for makeing window fraims and Sarshes for the meetinghous 6 00 0 P'l Tho». Upham in full for the Stonewall the town Was to make by the New Road in his Land , , , 4 16 0- P'l Samuel Garfield in Part for Suporting Jones Hager' Wife and other Expences 19 5- F'^. Cap" Henry Spring lor his Prambelating the town Line With Sudbury Last tearm .... 0 2 0- pi To the attorneys in the Suit With Waltham at the Several Courts 10 4 0 P Sworn SwornWhitney Sworn Sworn bastings Sworn Sworn Sworn 1 y Sworn 122 TOWN RECORDS, 1766. Serveoyr of Wheet and flower Abr". Bigelow — Sworn to take Care of the raeeting hous Pound &c Josiah Smith 2 Voted the town treashurers accounts as they Stand 3 Voted that the Swine go at Large being Well Regulated the year Ensuing 4 Voted to Repare the highways and town Roads by a Rate the Insuing year and Granted the Sura of Sixty Pounds fbr that Purpors 5 Voted the List of Jurers as they Stand 6 it Was Put to vote to Know the minds of the town Whether they Would act on the Petision of Sarauel Train and ¦others and it Pased in the Negetive 7 it was Put to vote to Know the minds of the town Whether they will aliate the Rates of M''. Benjamin Stearns and It Pased in the Negetive 8 Voted to abate the Pool taxe of William Hanfield to the Province town and County In Constable Joseph Whitneys List which is £0 — sl6 — d6 9 it was Put to vote to Know the minds of the town Whether they would Chuse a Committe to Joyn with a Com mitte that might be Cosen by Walthara to Straten the Line between the S" towns and it Pased in the Negetive 10 The town voted to Open the gate Way frora M''. Samuel Trains Dwelling hous by Lew', Abr"". Jones^ Dwelling hous to the County road and Granted the Sura of two hundred and five Pounds old ten to Enabel the Parties Conserned to Do it : viz : To M', Samuel train one Hundred and Sixty Pounds old ten to M'', John bastings ten Pounds old ten to Abr"", Jones thirty five Pounds old ten [64,] The town treashurers accounts Which Were excepted as afore Said are as followeth : viz : The account of Braddyll Sraith treashurer for Weston from March the 4'", 1765 to March the 3" 1766 Rec'i. of Constable Samuel Train in Part . . . 25 4 3 f Rec^. of Constable Jonathan Stratton In full . .400 Reu" of Constable Elisha Fullam In Part . . . 69 10 10 | Rec". of Constable Joseph Whitney in Part , . . 88 5 11 TOWN RECORDS, 1766. 123 Rec'i. of Constable David Stearns in Part , . . 57 19 11 i Rec'i. of Constable Thom''. Upham in full . . . 0 16 0 Rec''. of the ballonce that remained in my hands the Last ajustment 3 2 4 J Rec'' of Constable Samuel train by a Note Due to the town 3 10 0 £252 9 6 P" To Sundrey Persons by order the following Sums. viz : P" To the Rev'. M'- Samuel Woodward in full for his y Salerey one year ending Sep', the 25"'. 1764 and for >• 22 3 9 his fierwood Said year ) P" the Hev". M'. Samuel Woodward in full for his \ Salary one year ending Sop', the 25"'. 1765 and for [¦ 76 13 his fierwood Said year ) P'l M'. Nath". Williams in full for bording Schoolmaster Coggen 624 P"! M' Henry Coggen for his suporting William Par- triage to March 1765 7 18 8 P'l for the Repare of the Senter Schoolhouse ..120 P'l By the abateraent of Samuel Corj's Ju'. Rates in Con stable Strattons List 10 6 P'' Josiah Smith for his care of the meetinghous two years ending March 1766: 2 10 0 P'l Schoolmaster Coggen in Part for Keeping the town School 27 3 4 ?<¦ for the Suport of thomas train 16 months to the 2 Day of March 1766 218 0 P" By the assignment in Constable Whitneys List . 6 3 8 P'' to the attorneys In the Lawsuit with Walthara . 7 10 0 P'' for Copyes and to Witneses and for other Expence In the Lawsuight with Walthara . . . . 18 14 4 P'l for the Suport of Jones Hagers wife^ Children to the 3" of March 1760 10 2 3 P" In the Dispute With Newtown . . . 3 4 3 P'' for the Suport of Samuel Cory and Wife to the 3". of March 1766 7 3 8 P'' Josiah Smith for bording Schoolmaster Coggen four months ........ 6 0 0 P'' Lew'. Isaac Allen for bording Schoolmaster Coggen two months 3 0 0 P'' M'. Nathan Fisk for bording Schoolmaster Coggen two months 3 0 0 P" for the Suport of the Widow Partriage to the 3". of March 1766 ...620 P'' to the AVidow Stimson for a Lode of wood for the Widow Parkhust in their sickness ,,,.04 124 TOWN RECORDS, 1766, P'' for Warning four famileys and cautioning at Court 1 P'' By assignment In Constable Uphams List . . 0 P'' M' Jonathan Bullard for bordinging Schoolmaster Coggen 4 months . . . , , . 6 P'' By assignment In Constables Stearns^ List . , 8 P'' Jones Herrington Ju'. for Plank for Watertown Bridge 2 P'l M'. Bigelow for Plank for the town bridges . . 1 P<' M'. Bigelow for What he Provided for the Widow Mary Hager 1 10 0 P'' M'. Bigelow for what he Provided for the Widow Marthey Parkhurst in the tirae of their last Sick ness 2 11 3 0 0 16 0 0 0 12 4 0 7 4 0 There is Due to Said treashurer 6 — 10 — 11 — f £258 0 4 I 6 11 2 1 . 26 8 0 0 . 64 19 5 3 . 226 13 4 4 1 0 f We the Subscribers haveing Ex- f '] amined the fore Going accound J Abr'^'. Bigelow I Select- and find them well vouched and j John Warren i men Right Cast ^ ^ There Remains in the hand of Constable Sara" train and In the hand of Constable Joseph Whitney . and In the hand of Constable David Stearns and In the hand of Constable Tho^ Russell . and In the hand of Constable Elisha Fullara 327 13 0 f [65. J At a Publick town meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitence of tbe town of Weston Quallified according to the Reoyal Charter to vote In the Cheoyce of a Representetive In a Publick town meeting In Sd town on Monday the twelueth Day of May Ad 1766 at two ofthe Clock after Noon the Majer Part of the Electors then Did in the Presence of the Selectmen Did make Cheoyce of M'', Abr"". Bigelow to Serve for and Represente them In a Great and Geniral Court to be Convend Kept and held for his Majestys Servis at the Courthous In Boston on Wedensday the 28*" Day of May Ad 1766 At a meeting of the free holder and other Inhabitence of the town of Weston Dewly Qallifyed and Legaly Warned and In Publick town meeting assembled at the Publick Meetinghous in TOWN RECORDS, 1766. 125 Said town on Monday the 3". Day of Nov'. Ad 1766 at one of the Clock after Noon 1 To Grant raoney for the Rev" M' Woodwards Salery for one year begining the 25'". of Sep''. Last and to raake Provision for his fierwood the Sd year 2 To Grant raoney for Schooling and other Charges in Sd town 3 To hear the town Creditors accounts and act thereon 4 To Know the Minds of the town Whether they will Except of an alteration of a town way Leeding from Concord Road to the Meetinghous viz : To Shift it ofi' from the Lands of Jere miah Whitemore and Samuel Larason frora the South End of Philipeses Land So Called over the Rockey hill So Called towards the meetinghous till it Coraes to the Next tovvn Road : and Except of it a Crost the Lands of Braddyll Sraith and Josiah Sraith till it Comes to the town way Leeding B3' M'. John Walkers to the meetinghous : as marked by the Select men by the Desier of a N". of the Inhabitence Liveing on the North Side Town : and allso open the town way through tbe Lands of M'. John Walker and John Walker Ju' 5 To Consider Whether and What it may be thought Proper to Instruct ouer Representative Reletive to the Rec- omendation of his Majesty to Make Good the Loss his Honor ouer Le'"*. Govenor and Several other gent". In Boston Sus tained by the violance and out Rage of a Lawless Rable. Weston Feb : 23. 1767 Then received of Braddyll Smith Treasurer for S". Weston Seventy Six pounds, thirteen Shillings and four pence, in full for my Salary & Firewood for the Year ending Sep': 25. 1766 'If Sam''. Woodward [66.] Voted by Said town at the raeeting afore Said that M''. Abr"". Bigelow be Moderator of Said raeeting 1 Granted the Sum of Sixty Six Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence for the Rev" M''. Samuel Woodward Salerey for one year begining the 25 of Sep"^. Last and allso the Sura of ten Pounds to Inabel him to Provide his own fierwood Sd year 2 Granted the Sura of one Hundred and Seventy Pounds to 126 TOWN RECORDS, 1766. be assessed on the Inhabitence to Suport Schooling and other Nesesary Charges In Sd town and to be P" In to the treashurey by the first Day of June Next 3 Voted the town Creditors accounts as followeth : viz : To Lew'. John Warren for 8 Days makeing Rates for the y year 1765: 16/ and for Prambelating the town Line - with waltham one Day 2/ ) To Constable David Stearns for Salerey 10/ for warning 3 town meetings 6/ To M'. Samuel Stimson tor Labour and. and Plank and y other metearils for the Repare of the New Bridge So >- Called £6—13—4 . ) To Constable Tho^ Russell for Salerey 20/ for warning ] 3 town raeeting 12/ and for Carreing Mary and Sary i Evens to walthara 4/ and for Carreing Jane Kendick y to Natick 3/ and for one Day Prambelating the town j Line with Sudbory 2/ J To M'. Thos^ LTpham for Prambelating the town Line with Natick and Needham 2/ To Braddyll Smith for Makeing Rates In the year 1765: 17 Days 34/ to takeing Inveoys and Drawing Lists 3 Days 6/ to Riting 8 warrants 5/4 for Paper for the Rates 3/8 for Prambelateing the town Line with Wal tham Lincoln and Sudbury 6/ To M'. Josiah Smith for Prambelating the town Line with Lincoln To M'. Abr"'. Jones for makeing Rates in the year 1765: 7 Days 14/ and takeing the Inveoys 2 Days 4/ To M'. Abr'". Bigelow for Prambelating the town Line with Needham 0 18 0 0 16 0 13 4 2 16 0 0 18 0 £14 4 Voted the Exchange of the town ways from off the Lands of Jeremiah Whitemore and Sarauel Lamson from the South End of Philips'*. Lane So Called over the Rockey hill towards the meetinghous : till it Comes to the New town way Near Sd Lamsons Dwelling hous ond the Said Whitemore Promised to Pay the Sura of four Pounds for his Part of the old Way and Said Lamson the Sum of one Pound Six Shillings and Eight Pence for his Part of the old way to be Given up to thera and that to be Layed out to help Purches the other way whitch is as followeth : and Discribed to the tovvn In Said raeeting viz — TOWN RECORDS, 1766. 127 Begining at Concord Road So Called and Runs Sutherly a Crost the Lands of Braddyll Smith and Josiah Smith begining one Rod west from the Northwest Corner of Braddyll Smith Dwel linghous then to a heep of Stones on a Nole then to a Rock with Stones on it then to a Rock with Stones on it by the Side of the broock then to a Stake and heep of Stones then to a Nother Stake and Stones then to a great Rock with Stones on it then to a Nother Rock with Stones on it then to a Small white oak tree marked then to a Stake arid heep of Stones by the Side of the wall on the Line between the Lands of Braddyll Sraith and Josiah Sraith : then Runs on Josiah Sraith^ Land to a heep of Stones on a Rock then to a heep of Stones by the Side of a town way Leeding by M'', John Walkers to the meet ing hous the marks afore Said are all on the Easterly Side of Said way — Sd way to be two Rods wide Excepting where it first begineth at Concord Road by Braddyll Smith hous ten Rods Sutherly to be one Rod and a half in wedeth and allso voted by Sd town that the tovvn make one Good Stone wall on the Side of Said way through the land of Braddyll Sraith and Josiah Smith till it Comes to the tovvn way afore Sd : 2 : allso voted by S" town to open the Gate way through the Lands of M', John Walker and John walker Ju''. M', John Brown Ju', offered In S" meeting for to make ten Rods of the wall of the towns Part and Nathan Smith Seven Rods 5 Voted to Give Instructions to their Representetive Reletive to makeing good the Sufferes In the town of Boston by the out Rages Comraited there on the 27 of August 1765 and Chose a Coraraitte to Prepare a Draught : viz Samuel, P : S, Saviage Esq'', Elish Jones Esq'', and Cap", John Brown : and they Re ported as followeth (and was voted by Sd town) To M'', Abr"", Bigelow S''. the town Directs you to Give youer vote in the Gen" Assembly to make full Compensation to the Late Sufferers in the town of Boston by the Rollers on the 27 of August 1765 to be P" out of the Publick treashurey: and that you allso Do youer Endever that the Same be Replased In the treashurey again if Posibel from the Perpetrators thereof or frora any town or town that have a bette", the Sarae But if 128 TOWN RECORDS, 1767, upon a full Debate in the hous it appears to you that Some other meashures may be more Salutory we Leave it to you that the Same be Done In that way Elisha Jones } ri , ^ ^ > Uom\ John Brown 3 1767. [67,] At A Meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabtence of the town of Weston Dewly Quallifyed and Legaly Warned in Publick town meeting assembled at the Publick meetinghous in S" town on Monday the Second Day of March 1767 at ten of clock before noOn then and there 1 To chuse Selectmen and other town officers for the year ensuing (hat are by Law Required 2 To hear the town treashurers accounts for the year Past and act thereon 3 To Know the minds of the tovvn whether their Swine shall Go at Large the year ensuing 4 To know the minds of the tovvn whether they vvill Repare their high ways by a Rate the Insuing year : and if So Grant money therefor 5 To hear and act upon a List Prepared for the Jury box 6 To Know the minds ofthe town What consideration they will make M'', John Walker for their opening the Gateway through his Land 7 To Know the minds of the town Whether they will abate the Rates of Daniel Garfield In Constable Elisha Warrens List 8 To Know thc minds of the tovvn whether they will abate the Rates of Cap", Nath", Livermore In Constable Samuel Trains List for the year 1757 Which is 3: 17— 3— X and allso the Rates of William Norcross in S" trains List In the year 1762 Which is 0 : 19—3— 9 To Know the minds of the town Whether they will abate the Rates of Matthew Hobbs for his Poll In Constable Russells, List or any Part thereof 10 To Know the rainds of the town Whether they will abate the Rates of Benjamin Stearns for his Poll', Pay to the Province In Constable Whitneys List TOWN RECORDS, 1767, 129 Selectmen > 1 Voted by S" town at S" meeting that M'', Abr"", Bigelow be moderator of S" raeeting Abraham Bigelow Braddyll Smith Josiah Smith y j John Mirick I Jonathan Stratton Clark and treashurer Braddyll Smith John Lamson James Smith Braddyll Smith ') John Warren ^ Sworn Abr", Jones ^ Elisha Herrington William Whitney ' Lemuel Jones Asii", Jones Tha°, Spring -{ all Sworn Joseph Allen Israel Whitemore Joseph Whitney Samuel Lamson Elisha Herrington Jones Sandersons James Livermore Josiah Cooledge Timothey Bemis Samuel Fisk Constables Assessors Wardens Serveoyrs of highways and <^ Collectors tything raen [68,] Hogreves Preserver of Dearfield Drivers Sworn March 6'", 1767 i Sworn i Whitney Sworn fence vewers Sealers of LeatherServeoyers of bords Clab bords Shingels Hoops &c 5 James Smith I William LawranCe Benjamin Peirce Thomas Russell r J Samuel Boldwin Isaac Jones Sworn > Sanders Sworn i Coolidge Sworn > Fisk Sworn > Sworn Sworn > Boldwin Sworn 4 1 0 1 46 17 5 i 16 5 9 i 128 2 8 0 1¦ 4 1 0 0 130 TOWN records, 1767. To take Care of the Meetinghous and Pound &c Josiah Smith 2 The town treashurers accounts Were Red and Excepted Which are as followeth The account of Braddyll Smith treashurer of Weston from march the 3 : 1766 to march the 2". 1767 Reel, of Constable Elisha EuUam In full Rec". of Constable David Stearns in Part , Rec" of Constable Joseph Whitney In Part , Reel of Constable Thomas Russell In Part , Rec" of Jeremiah Whitemore for the town way given \ up to him the Last town meeting for which he was > ±0 give ) £199 6 11 0 P'l By order the following Sums to Sundrey Persons P'l To the Rev", M', Samuel Woodward In full for his ") Salerey one year Ending Sep', the 25*. 1766 and ^ 76 13 4 for his fierwood S" year ^ P'l To Schoolmaster Coggen In Part for Keeping the to n School 31 17 8 P'l To Henry Coggen for the Suport of William Par- triage one year to the 4 of March 1766 .,.718 P'l To Docter Woolson for Doctoring Samuel Cory and Wife 0 13 4 P'l for the Suport of Jones Hagers wif es Child at Samuel Corys 5 P'l for the Suport of Samuel Cory and wife ... 6 P'l for the Repare of the Senter Schoolhouse , , 1 P'l my Self for bording Schoolmaster Coggen 9 weeks at 6/ p'. week 2 P'l for the Suport of tho». Train In Part . , . 2 P'l for two Bed blankits for Joseph Hagers familey , 0 P'l In the Dispute With Watertown about the Widow Beoynton and familey and a fee to GofE , , 0 16 0 P'l In Seteling the Line With Waltham and for Copeys and a fee to acck moody 6 18 8 pi By abatement of Cap" Hanfields Poll». Pay in Con stable Whitneys List 0 16 6 P'l for the Suport of the Widow Partriage , , , 3 18 P'l to Docter Star for Doctering Samuel Cory and Wife in full to this time 1 10 0 pi to Josiah Smith for his Care of the meetinghous one year to March 1767 14 0 17 8 4 7 8 2 14 0 19 10 18 0 TOWN records, 1767. 131 P'l for Warning and Cautioning against Jahn Hager and Andrew Dewing 0 9 0 P'l for 575 feet of Plank for the town bridges at 12/ p', hundred 360 P'l to Israel Whitemore for Carting Plank for the town bridges 040 P" By assignment in Constable Tho', Russell List for the year 1765 734 P'l To Israel Whitemore for Plank for the Great bridge In Watertown 2 10 10 P" To Jones Herrington for Plank for the Great bridge In Watertown 1 7 11 P'l Docter Woolson In Part for bording Schoolmaster Coggen 292 P" Docter Star for Doctering Jones Hagers Wife and Child 0 15 0 P" Jonathan Bullerd In full for bording Schoolmaster Coggen 4 months 6 0 0 P'l Benjamin Harrington for Plank for the Great bridge In Watertown 2 10 P" Samuel Stimson for Repareing the New bridge So Called over Charis River 6 13 4 pa Abr"", Bigelow for Copeys and for Expence In the Dis pute With Newtown 1 13 4 pi My Self the ballonce Due to Me the Last Adjustment 5 10 11 190 19 4 [69.] There Remains In the hands of Sd treashurer 8: 7: 7 We tbe Subscribers haveing Exarained the fore going ac counts and find them Well vouched and Right Cast 5 John Warren c Josiah Smith There Remains In tbe hands of Constable Samuel Train 6 11 2 J And In the hands of Constable David Stearns . . 18 2 0 f And In the hand of Constable Joseph Whitney . . 9 2 2 | And In the hand of Constable Tho', Russell for the year 1765 98 10 8 And In the hand of Constable W"" Lawrance for y"=, year 1766: 118 4 8 And In the hand of Constable Tho*. Russell for the year 1760 128 8 8 378 19 5 f 132 town records, 1767, 2 Vot" The Exceptance of the treashurers accounts as they Standeth 3 Voted that the Swine go at Large the year Ensuing if Well Regulated 4 Voted to Repare their highways by a Rate the year En suing and srranted the Sum of 60 Pounds therefor : and voted that the Serveoyrs allow 4" p"", bower for Labour 5 Voted the List of Jureoyers as it Standeth the first Quar ter for the Superor Box 6 it Was Put to vote to Know the minds of the tovvn what Consideration they Would Make M"^, John Walker for opening the town Way through his Land and it Pased In the Negetive 7 Voted to abate the Rates of Daniel Garfield in Constable Elisha Warrens List which is £0 — 7s — 8d — 0 8 it was Put to vote to Know the minds of the town whether they would abate the Rates of Cap", Nath". Livermore In Constable Sarauel trains .List for year 1757 Which is 3 : 17 : 3 : 3/4 and it Pased In the Negetive 2 it was Put to vote to Know the rainds of the town Whether they would abate the Rates of Williara Norcross In S" trains List for the year 1762 which is 0 — 19 — 3 and it Pased In the afferraetive 9 it Was Put to vote to Know the minds of the town Whethe they would abate the Rates of Mathew Hobbs for his Poll to the Province or any Part there of and It Pased In the Negetive 10 Voted to abate the Rates of Benj". Stearns for his Polls Pay to the Province In Constable Joseph Whitneys List At a Publick town raeeting of the freeholders and other In habitence of the town of Weston Quallified according to Reoyal Charter to vote In the Cheoyce of a Representetive In Publick town raeeting asserabled at the Publick meetinghous In Wes ton on Monday the 18'" Day of May Ad 1767 at two of the Clock after Noon : The Majer Part of the Electors then Pres ent Did In the Presence of the Selectraen make Cheoyce of M^ Abrahara Bigelow to Serve for and Represent them In a Great and Geniral Court to be convened held and kept at the Court house In boston on Wedensday the 27*" Day of May Ad 1767 TOWN RECORDS, 1767. 133 [70.] At a Publick town raeeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitence of the town of Weston Dewly Quallified and Legaly Warned In Publick town raeeting assembled at the Publick meetinghous in S" town on Monday the 23". Day of Nov'. Ad 1767 at one ofthe Clock after Noon 1 To Grant the Rev". M'. Sarauel Woodwards Salery for one year begining the 25 of Sep'. Last and to raake Provision for his fierwood Said year 2 To hear the town Creditors accounts and act thereon 3 To Grant raoney for Schooling and other Nesesary Charges in Said town 4 To Know the rainds of the town Whether they will Ex cept of a Sraall alteration of a town way in the Land, of Dec". Thoraas Uphara as raarked by the Selectraen 5 To hear the treashurers account for the Repare of the meetinghous and the finishing the Workhous and act thereon 6 To hear the Petision of M'. John Walker Desiering to know the minds of the town Whether the will raake hira any Recorapence for the Daraiage Don to him In opening the town way through his Land and if So what 7 To hear the Petision of M'. Daniel Livermore and others 1 Desiering to know the minds of the town whether they will Seet the meetinghous and Chuse a Committe for that Pur pos 2 to know the minds of the town whether they will build a Nother Seet in the Woomans Side Galerey there being Roome therefor 3 To know the rainds of the town whether they will Provide four Righting Schools or raore two months or raore in the four Quarters of the town in the Winter season the year Ensuing from this tirae 4 to know the rainds of the tovvn whether they Will build one Seet in the meetinghous all Round before the fore Seets in the Galereys if Not to know if they will -Give Liberty to Nath". Cooledge and Daniel Liver more Ju'. to build two Pues one at Each Corner of the frunt Galereys before the fore Seets So at Not to Discommode any Person a bove Nor below Voted By Sd town at Said meeting tat M'. Abr"". Bigelow be moderator of Sd meeting 134 TOWN RECORDS, 1767. 1 Granted the Sum of Sixty Six Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence for the Rev". M''. Sarauel Woodwards Salerey for one year begining the 25'", of Sep'', Last and allso voted the Sura of ten Pounds to Enabel him to Provide his one fierwood S" year 2 Voted to Except of the town Creditors accounts as they Stand which is as followeth viz : To Constable wiliiam Lawrance for warning three town \ meeting 6/ for Salerey 10/ for Carreing Charis Gavet ^12 0 and wife and two Children to Waltham 6/ . . . ) To Constable Tho^ Russell for Carreing the Widow Beoyn- ] ton to waltham 3/ to Carreing the votes for a County ! ^ n „ Regestor to Charlstown 3/8 for Salerey 10/ for warn- j ing 3 town raeetings 6/ J To Lew'. John Warren for makeing Rates In th e year 1766 : 4—1/2 Days 090 To Lew' Abr™. Jones for makeing Rates In the year 1766 I o 14 0 5 Days 10/ 2 Days takeing Inveoys on the South side 4/ ) To Braddyll Smith for makeing Rates In the year 1766 '\ and for takeing the Inveoys on the North Side and I „ -i-i Drawing Lists and warrants 24 Days at 2 Shillings P'. [ Day 48/ for Paper to make Rates on 3/8 . . .J 5 19 4 3 Granted the Sum of one Hundred Pounds to Suport Schoolling and other Nesesary In Sd town : 2 : voted the Sum of twenty Pounds towards Pay for Building the Wall through the Land of Braddyll Sraith and Josiah Smith which the tov^n voted to make the 3". Day of Nov'. Last for the way Lay". through their Lands 4 Voted to Except of the alteration of the town way In the Lands of Dec". Thomas Uphara as raarked by the Selectraen which is as followeth Begining at a great Rock In Joseph Gar field wall on the West Side of the way thence Sutherly to a Read oak tree raarked Standing in the old way. then to a heap of Stones on a Rock Near the Line Between Joseph Garfield and the S" uphara. then to a Gray oak tree raarked In the Land of the S" upham then Into the old way afore S" the mark are all on the Westerly Side of S" way Said way to be 2 Rods In wedeth TOWN RECORDS, 1767, 135 then the raeeting was ajourned by a vote of the tovvn to Monday Next [71.] At a raeeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitence of the town of Weston Quallified By Law to vote In town affairs asserabled at the bublick raeeting house in Sd town on Monday the 30'". Day of Nov' : By Ajournraent frora the 23" Day of S" raonth 5 Voted to Except of the treashurers accounts for the Caust of Repareing the meetinghous : and allso voted to Except of the accounts of the Caust of finishing the workhous which is as followeth and ordered to be Recorded The account of Braddyll Sraith treashurer In Weston for what he has Payed out for the Repare of the raeetinghous By order the following Sums Day Day P" To Lew', Jonathan Stratton for 38 Days work at the y meetinghous at 4/ P', Day for his Son Jonathan 17 >- 10 Days at 3/ p' Day ) P'l M' Timothey Bemis for 35—1/2 Days at 4/ p'. Day 10' at 3/8 p'. Day P'l To M'. Thomas Rand for 27—1/2 Days at 4/ p' P" M'. Daniel Livermore lor 15 — 1/2 Days at 4/ p' P'l Eor glase and Nails P'l Eor Paint and loyl P'l For three thousand of Clabbord P'l The glasher for Seting the Glass P'l Eor bords and Plank and troves and window caps P* Eor Leden Spouts tojCarre ofE the water , P" The Masons for whiteworshing the meetinghous P" For lime for Whitewoshing and for mending the underpining P" Josiah Smith for bording the masons and Glashor P" Solomon Jones for Spikes and hooks and Staples P* for Carting the Stuf and for Stage Poles , P" My Self for Labour at the meetinghous and for Pro- cuering all the Stufe twenty four days at 3/6 p'. Day P'l For more Labour and metearels for the workhous to 5—1/2 Days work 20/ to Paint and loyl 3/6 . P" M', James Stimson for bords for the workhous , Rec". for the old Stuf that was sold at the meetnghous . 11 0 8 18 9 6 10 0 3 2 0 9 18 10 1 10 18 8 12 0 0 2 7 8 6 10 1 0 12 0 0 16 8 0 9 5 1 1 6 1 13 7 1 8 10 4 4 6 £78 19 6 1 1 3 6 1 1 8 £81 4 8 f 1 15 3 136 TOWN RECORDS, 1768. Weston February the 16*". 1767 We the Subscribers haveing examined the accounts of the caust of Building the Workhous : and the Repare of the meet inghous : and the money due to the town on bonds : and We find yet Due to the town on the bonds Prinsipel and Intrest on a Ballonce to the first day of Nov'. Last the sum of Eighty four Pounds and Five Pence In full of all T. ^ Selectmen Abr". Bigelow / John Warren C ,,,,. ^ J Weston 6 It was Put to vote Whether the town Would make any consideration to M''. John Walker for opening the town way through his Land and it Pased in the Negetive [72.] 7 Voted to Seet the raeetinghous and Chose a Coraitte for that Purpose and are as followeth : viz : Braddyll Smith Jonathan Stratton Jones Herrington Ju'. and to Seet by the following rule :• viz : twenty Shillings a year to be allowed for age and the Last years valuation of Real Estates : 2 voted to build a Nother Seet in the woraans Side Galerey in the meet inghous 3". it was Put to vote Whether the town will Pro- vide four Righting schools two raonths or more In the four Quarters of the town the Present year In the winter Reason and it Pased in the Negetive : 4 : it was Put to vote to know the mind of the town Whether they would built a Seet in the meetinghous all Round before the fore Seets in the Galerey and it Pased in the Negetive then it was Put to vote to know whether the town would Give Libuerty to Daniel Livemore and Nath". Cooledge to build each of thera a Pew befor the frunt Galereys at each Corner and it Pased In the Negetive the town then manifested their desier by a vote that the Select men would move the Devision in the frunt Galerey between the men and women as far to the next Post in the woraans Side the fore Going was Recorded by order of the Moderator 1768 At a Publick raeeting of the freeholders and other Inhabi tence of the town of Weston quallified by Law to vote in town TOWN RECORDS, 1768. 137 afl'airs assembled at the Publick meetinghous in S" town on Monday the fourth Day of January Ad 1768 at ten of the clock afterNoon 1 to hear the Petision of Abr'". Gale and others : 1 : to know the minds of the town whether there Shall be three Schools kept in the winter Season at one and the Sarae time within the Center South and North Devisions : for the tearm of four months or as the town Shall Judge Best : the two Last men tioned Divisions to have Leave to Subdevide their tirae if it be Desiered : 2 : To know the minds of the town whether they will Provide a Grararaer Schoolraaster for one year Ensuing to be Setteled and Suported according to Law and allso to Pro vide two other Surtibel Persons Quallified to Instruct the youth in Reeding Righting and Cyphering to teach the tree Said Schools the tearra that ray be agreedon as above S" 3" to know whether the town will Chuse a commtte to assertain the S" Devisions of the Schools and allso Carry into Execution the voted of S" town Reletive to the foregoing artickels or act any other thing that my be judged Nesesary Relating to the Scool 2 To hear the Petision of Daniel Livermore Ju'. and others to know the minds of the town if they will reconsider their vote for building another Seet in the Wemins Side Gallerey In the Publick raeetinghous : Pased at tlieir meeting on Monday the 30 of Nov'. Last by adjournment : and in Sted thereof raake a Pue or Pues as the town Shall See fitt and Degenesic the sarae 3 To hear the Petision of Nathan Fisk and others Desier ing to know the rainds of the town whether the Publick School Shall be Kept in the four quarters of this town and there only : and then Chuse a Coraraitte out of town to fix the Places in each Quarter of the town Where the Schoolhousen Shall Stand according to the Last Rate bill and the N°. of Dwelling houses as Near the Center of each Quarter as the Curcurastances of each Devision will allow of ifl the judgment of the S" cora raittee : or Pass any other vote as S" town Shall think Proper for their own Profit or Benifit 4 To hear the Petision of Joseph Whitney and others to 138 TOWN RECORDS, 1768. know the rainds of the town whether they will take the Pues and Ground into their hands that belong to thera and Dispose of them as they think Proper [73. J Voted by S" town at the meeting afore S" that M'". Abr"". Bigelow be moderator of S" meeting 1 It was Put to vote to Know the minds of the town whether they would keep the School in the three Devisions in S" town as raentioned In the warrant and it Pased in the Negetive : 2 : it was mosioned and Seconted, to know whether the School Should be Cept in Six Places in the Wintor Season and Put to vote and it Pased in the Negitive : 3" : it was Put to vote to know Whether the School Should be Kept in fine Places in S" town : viz : one in the Center two on the South two on the North for the tearra of two raonths for the wintor Season (if the South Side Provided Surtibel housen to keep their S" two Schools in) and it Pased In the afernietive : 4 : Voted to Chuse a Grararaer Schoolmaster for one year Ensuing to be Seteled and Suported according to Law : 5 : Voted to Chuse a Com mitte to Provide Schoolraasters for to teach the Schools as afore S" and to See that the votes of S" town were carried Into Execution in Regard to Scholing : and a Comittee of three — the tovvn then went on and made Cheoyce of M''. Abr"". Bigelow Cap", John Mirick and Braddyll Smith for S" Committe, then the town voted to Chuse two more to be aded to S" Committe : then the town raade Cheoyce of Josiah Sraith and Jonathan Stratton to be aded to the Coraraitte afore S" 2 Voted to Reconsider the vote for Building another Seet in the Woraans Side Galerey in the Publick meetinghous : Pased at a Publick town meeting on the 30*". of Nov'. Last : then the town voted to Build a Pew or Pues all a Long the Length of the Woraens Side Galerey on the back Part as would best Convean and allso voted to Degnesic the same Next to the fore Seet in the Side galerey 3 it was Put to vote to Know Whether the town would act upon the Petision of Nathan Fisk and others and it Pased In the Negetive 4 It was Put to vote to Know Whether the town would act TOWN RECORDS, 1768. 139 upon tbe Petision of Joseph Whitney and others and It Pased In the Negetive Weston Feb : 27. 1768 Then received of Braddyll Smith Treasurer for S". Weston Seventy Six pounds thirteen Shill ings and four pence in full for my Salary and Fire wood for the year Ending Sept : 25. 1767 ^'Sam'- Woodward Weston March 3, 1769 then received of Braddyll Smith Town treasurer Seventy Six pounds, thirteen Shillings and four pence in full for my Salary & Fire wood, for the year Ending Sept : 25. 1768 ^^Sam'- Woodward [74.] At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Quallified and wrned according to Law. in Publick Town meeting assembled on Munday the Seventh Day of March A : D : 1768 at the Publick meetinghouse in Said at ten of the Clock in the forenoon 1 To Chuse Selectmen and other Town officers for the year Ensuing that are by Law Required 2 To hear the town Treasurers accounts for the year Past and act thereon 3 To Know the Minds of 'the Town whether there Swine Shall go at Large the year Ensuing 4 To Know the Minds of the Town whether they vvill Repare their highway by a Rate the Ensuing year, and if so Grant money there for 5 To hear and act upon a List Prepared for the Jury Box 6 To Know the Minds of the Town Whether the will abate the Rates of Samuel Wyman In Constable Joseph Whittneys List being £0 — 16 — 6 7 To Know tbe Minds ofthe Town What Consideration they will make M''. John Walker and John Walker Jun' for their opening the Town Way through their Lands 8 To Know the Minds ofthe Town Whether they will Except of a gate Way from the Dwelling House of Daniel Livermore In Weston. Northerly through the Lands of Said Daniel Liver- 140 TOWN RECORDS, 1768. more and the heir of Nath". Livermore and the Land of Daniel Liverraore jutf to the Greate Contery Road Where it is Now tred one Rod and half in Wedeth 9 To hear the Petetion of Decon Nath" Allen and others to Know the Minds of the Town Whether the Publick School Shall be Keept for the futer in five Places in Said town and In their turns two or. 3 months in a Place as the Town Shall think best. 10 To Know the Minds of the Town Whether they Will Except of a gate way through the Land of John Lamson be ginning at a Whiteoak-tree Marked Near the Corner of his orchard Wall Near his Dwellinghouse and Runs Northwesterly by Sundry marks till it Coraes to a Town Way M'', Abraham Bigelow Chosen Moderator of Said Meeing Selectmen <; Town Cle'', Town Treasurer Constabels \ Assessors < Wardens Surveyei's and Colecters of -^ Highways Abraham Bigelow Braddyll Smith Josiah Smith John Mirick JoN*^, Stratton Josiah Smith Braddyll Smith Moses Harrington Jonathan Underwood Braddyll Smith Abraham Jones James Livermore 1 Aaron Jones Thaddues Spring Sworn March the 11*". Sworn March the 11*". Sworn March the 11*". .Sworn also Sworn to Jeneral Inveoyce March 11*", Jones Sworn March the 28'". Spring Sworn March the 11'", Elisha Jones Esq"*, Edward Hastings Jonathan Spring Jonathan Stratton Jonathan Fisk Hastings Stratton > Spring and Fisk Sworn March : 11'" TOWN RECORDS, 1768. 141 Tythingmen < Isaac Hobbs ) Sworn Mach the Lemuel Jones 3 11'". Sworn March the ) Svvoi 5 llth. Samuel Seavernd jun', ) Sworn March the Abraham Sanderson 3 11'", Preserver of ( Jonas Peirce Dear c Joseph Whittney Increase Leadbetter Samuel Stimson Samuel Seaverns Jun". David Stearns Sealers of ( Deo" Tho^, Russell Leather c Jon*^, Spring, Hog Reaves Field Drivers Fence Vewers < Sworn March the 11*". Sworn March the 11*". Sworn March the 11*". Surveyers of f Solomon Jones jun". Shingles Bords J Elisha Harrington ClabbordsHoops &c Josiah Pound &c Sworn March the 11*". Josiah Smith to Take the Care of the meeting House 2 The Town treasurers accounts Ware Read and Excepted as followeth Viz The account of Braddyll Sraith Treasurer for Weston from March 2". 1767 to March the 7*". 1768 Rec", of Constable Sam". Train in Part . . . . 000 19 3 Reel of Constable David Stearns in Part .... 006 15 7 Rec* of Constable Joseph Whittney in Part . . . 004 11 4 Rec" of Constable Thomas Russell in Part .. . . 137 0 9 Rec". of Constable William Lawrance in Part . . . 063 10 3 Rec" the Intrest of the Money Due to the Town on Bond for one year 005 0 8 Rec". the Ballance that Remained in My haud the Last year Past 008 7 7 226 5 5 P*. To Sundry Persons by orders the following Sums Viz pi. To the Rev". M'. Samuel Woodward in full for his Sal- y orey one year Ending Sept', the 25'". 1767 and for his >¦ 76 13 4 fier Wood Said year ) 142 town records, 1768. P". Schoolemaster Coggens in full for Keepin the Town I 97 o 4. Schoole to the fifteenth Day of February A: D: 1768 > P". M'. Jon". Bullard in full for bording Schoolmaster Cog gen 18 Weeks 5 14 0 P". Doct'. Ephraim Woolson in full for bording Schoole master Coggen 3 10 -10 P'l M'. Henry Coggen in full for Surporting W". Partridge to the 25 of April Last 6 15 7 P'l. M'. Israel Whittemore for Plank for the Town Bridges at 12/ p'. Hundred 2 2 0 and for Timber for the Town Bridges ... 030 P*. M'. Jon". Straton for his Repareing the Senter Schole- house 112 P'l M'. Benjmin Harrington for Plank for Watertown Bridge 1 11 8 pi M'. Jonas Harrington for Plank for Watertown bridge 3 9 0 P'l Josiah Smith for his Care of the Meetinghouse one year Ending March 1768 14 0 P'l. M'. Sam". Train in full for What the Town Granted him for opening the gate Way through his Land . . 21 6 8 P'l. M'. Abr". Jones in full for What the Town Granted him for opening the gate way through his Land , , 4 13 4 pi. M'. John Hastings in full for What the Town Granted him for the Si way accrost his Land , . , , 16 8 pi My Self for bording Schoolemaster Coggen Nine Weeks at 6/ p'. Week 2 14 0 pi. By the assignement In Constable Lawrances List . 5 16 0 pi. M'. Sam". Train iu full for his Suporting Tho«. Train y In his Lifetime and for the Costs of his funeral at his >- 22 13 4 Death ) pi. M'. Joseph Allen for bording Schoolemaster Coggen 9 Weeks in 1766 at/ p'. Week 2 14 0 pi by the abatement of Daniel Garfield Rates In Constable Elisha Warrens List 0 7 8 pi. for Clothing and other Nesesarys for Joseph Hagers Wife 182 pi. M'. Nath". Williams in full for bording Schoolemaster Coggen 14 Weeks at 6/8 p'. Week .... 4 13 4 pi. for the Suport of Joseph Hagers wifes Child at the worke house 685 pi By the abatement of William Norcrosts Rates in Con stable Sam" Trains List 0 19 3 P", by the abatement of M', Benj™, Stearnes Rates in Con stable Joseph Whittneys Lists 0 7 4 pi for the Suport of Sam", Cory and wife the year Past In Part 2 19 6 TOWN records, 1768. 143 pi. M'. Sewall for his advice Consearning Walkers Way and for Copys from Cle'. Masons .... pi. for Plank for the Town Bridges Sum Total on Both Sides Paid oute .... there Remains in the Said Treasurers hands 7 — 11 — 4 0 14 0 7 218—14— 1 March the 4"' 1768 We the Subscribers being appointed by the Selectraen tp Exaraien the foregoing accounts and have Examined the Same and find thera well avoched and Right Cast John Mirick J. Stratton I Selectraen of ' Weston there Remains is the Hands of Sam". Train Late Con stable and In the Hands of David Stearns Late Constable and In tbe hands of Joseph Whittney Late Constable and In the hands of Tho^ BusseU Late Constable and In the hands of William Lawrance Late Constable and In the hands of Constable John Lamson and In the hands of Constable James Smith 5 11 4 89 54 108 088 11 6 10 1714 4 11 5 10 7 54 0 362 15 7i Voted the Town Treasures accorapts as they Stand and that the Treasurer be Discharged for that Sura The account of the Collectors and Surveyors of High Ways for the year 1767 is as followeth Viz there Remains in the hands of M'. Lemuel Jones and in the Hands of M'. Israel Whittemore and in the Hands of M'. Thadues Spring , in the Hands of M'. Joseph Allen in the Hands of M'. Abr™. Jones 9 11 3 2 5 0 3 12 10 3 Voted that the Swine go at Large the year Ensewing if Well Regulated 4 Voted to amend their highway by a Rate the year En sewing and Granted the Sura of Sixty Pounds for that Purpose to be Work*, out as the Last year Then the Town Voted to adjourne the Meeting to the Next 144 TOWN records, 1768. fryday at one of the Clock in the after noon and the Meeting was adjorned to that Time [77.] On fryday the Town Meeting the 11 Day of March by an adjornraent frora the 7'" Day of March Instant Meet 5 Voted the List of Jurys as it Stands the first Qurter for the Supriour Box 6 Voted to abate the Rates of Sarauel Wyman In Constable Joseph Whittneys List then it Was Put to Vote Whether they Would abate the Rates of Christopher Capron and it Past in the Negetive 7 Voted to M'. John Walker and John Walker Jun"". the Sum of Sixteen Pound as a full Recorapence for their opening the gateway through their Lands 8 it Was Put to Vote to Know the minds of the Town Whether they Would Except of a Way from the Dwellinghouse of M'. Daniel Liverraore to the Northward acrost the Lands of S". Daniel Livermore and the heirs of Nath". Liverraore and Daniel Liverraore Jun"^. and it Past in y^. Negetive 9 it Was Put to Vote to Know the Minds of the Town Whether they Will grant the Petition of Decon Nath". Allen and others and it Past in the Negitive 10 Voted to Exept of a Gateway through Part of the Land of John Lamson as markt by the Selectmen. Viz begining at a Whiteoake tree mark'. Near the Corner of his orchard. Nere his Dwellinghouse frora thence Northwesterly to a black-oake tree Marked thence to a Wallnut tree marked thence to the End of a Stone Wall at the South easterly Corner of Nathan Jones Pasture thence by the Side, of S". Wall till it Coraes tu a Town Way S". Way to be one Rod and a half Wide, and the the raarks afore S". are all on the Northwesterly Side of S" Way then the Town Voted to Reconsider their Vote Past Last monday for the Choice of Cap'. Sarauel Baldwin for a Wardain. and they made Choice of Cap* Aaron Jones in his Stead for a Wardain then it Was moshened and Seconded to Reconsider the Vote Conserning the Way frora Daniel Livermores house to the TOWN RECORDS, 1768. 145 Contery Road and it Was Put to Vote and the Town Voted to Reconsider Said Vote then the Town Voted to Excep*. of S", Way as mentioned In, the Warrant upon Conditions that the Town is Cleard from any,. Costs or Charge of Purchasing or fenceing any Part of Said Way Excepting three Pounds Which the Tovvn Voted to Give to Said Daniel Livermore Jun', for Which he Promised tO' Purcbas that Part of Said Way a Crost the Land belonging to the heirs of Nath". Livermore Late of Weston Deceas". [78. J At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Quallified according to the Royall Char ter to Vote in the Choice of a Representative Assembled at the Publick Meetinghouse in Said Town on Munday the 16*", Day of May A : D : 1768 at one of the Clock in the after noon the Major Part of the Electors then Present Did in the Presence of the Selectmen Elect and Depute M'', Abraham Bigelow, To Serve for and Represent them in a grate and General Court or Assembely appointed to be Convend Held and Keept for his Majestys Service at the Court house in Boston on Wedensday the 25*". Day of May Instant At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Duely Quallified, and Lewfully Warned in Publick Town Meeting assembelled on Munday the Sixteenth Day of May Currant at three ofthe Clock iu the afternoon then and there 1 To Hear the Petition of the Town of Concord and Sun dry other Towns To Shew Cause If any the Have Why the Prayer of Said Petition Should not be granted Then the Petition of the Town of Concord and Sundry other Towns Was Read, and the Prayer of S". Petition Was that the Severall Courts of Justice Courts of Probate and Registry of Deeds Might be held in the Town of Concord for the future and after a full Debate upon Said Petition, it was Put to Vote to know the the Minds of the S". Town Whether they had any Resons to ofler Why the Prayer of the Said Petition Should not be Granted and it Pased In the Negetive 146 TOWN RECORDS, 1768. At a raeeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Duly Quallified and Legally Warned In Pub lick Town raeeting asserabled at the raeeting house in Said Town on Munday the Sixth Day of November A : D 1769 1 to Grant Money for the Rev". M'. Woodwards Sallary for one year Begining the 25*". of Sep', and Make provision for his firewood Said year 2 To Grant money for Schooling and other Necessary Charges in Said year 3 To Hear the Town Criditors accounts and act thereon 4 To Know the minds of the Town Whether they will agree on any other method for Keeping School then What they are Now in. and if So What 5 To Know the rainds of the Town whether they will abate the Rates of Solomon Flagg in Constable Russells List for the year 1766 which is 15/5 6 To Know the minds of the Town Whether they will abate the Rates of Christopher Capron in Con,stable Russells List for the year 1765 & 1766 which £1 — 11 — 11 and also the Rates of the Said Capron in Constable Joseph Whittneys List for the year 1764 [Note. This record belongs to a later date, and was commenced on the last half of page 78 of the Town Book, by an oversight of the Town Clerk. When he turned the page, he evidently discovered his error (though he makes no mention of it), for that and several succeeding pages were already covered with the records of 1768. He then turned to page 85 and placed the record where it properly belonged.] [79.] At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Duly Quallified and Legally Warned In Publick Town Meeting Assembled at the Meeting-house in Said Town on Thursday the twenty fourth Day of November A : D : 1768 at one of the Clock in the after-noon then and there 1 To Grant to the Rev". M'. Samuel Woodwards Salery for one year Begining Sep*, the 25'". A : D : 1768 and also make Provision for his fire wood s" year 2 To Grant Money for Schooling and other Necessary Charges arising in s" Town 3 To hear the Town Creditors accounts and act thereon TOWN RECORDS, 1768. 147 4 To Know the Minds of the Town Whether they W\\\ Agree on any other Method for Keeping School then What they are Now and if So What 5 To know the Minds of the Town Whether they Will take the Pews and the Pew Ground Belonging to Said Town In the Publick Meetinghouse or any Part thereof into their Possession and Dispose of thera as they think Proper 6 You are alike Required to notify the Inhabitants that they bring In their Credit if any they have to the Selectmen at the House of Josiah Sraith Innholder In Said Town on Wedens day the 23". Day of Said raonth at four of the Clock in the after-noon, and Make Due Return of this Warrant therein Dated at Weston the Sevententh Day of Nov^ A : D 1768 M". Abraham Bigelow Chosen Moderator of Said Meeting 1 Granted to the Rev". M'. Samuel Woodward the Sura of £66 — 13s — 4 for his Salerey one year begining Sep*, the 25*". 1768. and also ten Pounds to Enable him to Provide his fire wood S" year 2 Granted the Sum of one Hundred Pounds to Suport Schooling and other Necesery Charges arising in Said Town 3 Granted the Town Criditors accounts as followeth Viz to Lieu John Warren for 10 Days & 1/2 Making Rates in the year 1767 at 2/ p'. Day . . • . . . . £110 To Lieu Abr™. Jones for 12 Days making Rates and taking Invoice in 1767 14 0 To Jaraes Smith Cons', for Salery 10/ for Warning 4 Town Meetings 8/ 0 18 0 To John Lamson Cons', for Salery 10/ for Warning 4 Town Meetings 8/ 0 18 0 To M'. James Livermore for Preamblating the Town Line With Sudbury one Day 2/ 0 2 0 To M'. Nathan Hobbs for Preambleating the Town Line With Waltham one Day 2/ 0 2 0 To Cap'. Braddyll Smith for Drawing Lists Wrighting Warrants and making Rates in the year 1767. 21. 1/2 Days 43/ for Paper for the Rates 3/8 and for Pream- J- 2 10 8 bleating the Town Line With Waltham and Lincoln 2 Days 4/ 6 15 8 148 TOWN RECORDS, 1768. 4 The Town Voted to Keep four Schools over and above the Grararaar Schoole for two Months in the Winter Season and to begin aboute the Middle of January next and also Voted to have five Womens Schools Kept three Months the Next Sum mer Season and to Begin aboute the Middle of May Next 5 it Was Put to Vote to Know the Minds of the Town Whether they Would the Pews and the Pew ground in the Publick Meetinghouse that belonged to Said Town into their hands and Dispose of thera and it Pased in afarraetive first it Was Put to Vote to Know the Mind of the Town Whether they Will Take the Pew that Jaraes Stirason Latley Iraprov". and it Passed in the afairmetive Then the Town Voted to Take the Pew that Nath". Williams Lately Iraproved [80. ] Then the Town Voted to Take the Pew that Col Gold- thwaite has Lately Set in Then the Town Voted to Take the Pew that M"". Abrahara Bigelow Has Lately Set in Then it Was raoshened and Seconeded to Reconsider the Two Last Votes that is to Say Bigelows and Goldthwaites Pews and it Pased in the afarraetive Then the Town Voted to Chuse a Coraraity to Dispose of the two Pews first mentioned Viz Stimsons and Williams and to be Disposed of by the Same Rule and in the Same Manner that the Last Pews Ware to be Disposed of in Weston Meeting house Then the Town Made Choyce of M' Jonathan Bullard Cap' John Mirick and Lieu Abr"'. Jones a Comraety to Dispose of thera by the Sarae Rule before Mentioned. At Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Duly Quallified and Legally Warned In Pub lick Town Meeting asserabled at the meeting house in Said Town on Munday the Sixth Day of March A :D. 1769 at ten of the Clock before noon then and there 1 To Chose Selectmen and other Town officers for the Year Ensewing as the Law Diricts 2 To hear the Town Treasuriours accounts for the year Past & act thereon TOWN RECORDS, 1768. 149 3 To Know the Minds of the Town Whether their Swine Shall Go at Large the year Ensewing. 4 To Know the minds of the Tovvn Whether they Will Repare their High Ways by a Rate the year Ensewing and Grant money therefor 5 To Hear and act upon a List Prepared for the Jury Box 6 To Know the Minds of the Tovvn Whether they Will abate the Rates of Elisha Flagg for his Poll in Constable Russells Lists Which is Fifteen Shillings and five pence 7 To Know the Town mind Whether they Will Except of an alteration of Town Way through the Land of M''. John Kira ball frora the Northeast Corner of David Stearns Land North erly to the Town Way and Shift it frora Where it Was forraarly Laid, and Except of it ajjoining to the Land of Jonathan Spring and to be two Rods in Width : Which is Requsted by the Said Kimball and the Said Stearns 8 To Know the minds of the Town Whether they Will abate ten Shillings and nine pence that Remains unpaid In Constable Russells List of Josiah Willingtons Rates 9 To Know the Minds of the Town Whether they will abate Josiah Willingtons Rates In Constable William Lawrance Lists which is £1 — 0 — 1 10 To Hear the Report of the Coraraitie appointed to Dis pose of the Pews and Seeting the Meeting house and act thereon [81. J 11 To Know the Minds of the Town Whether they will Build one Schoole house or mores in Said Town : and also to Know Whether the Town Will take the Northwest Schoole house into their hands and Pay the Proprietrs therefor, or act any other matter or thing Relating to Building or moveing Schoole houses in Said Town and raake all Nessecery Provision therefor. M" Abraham Bigelow Was Chosen Moderator of S'' Meeting r Abraham Bigelow I Braddyll Smith Selectraen -^ Josiah Smith I John Mirick 1^ Abraham Jones 150 town records, 1769. Clerk Treasuror Constabels Josiah Smith Jonas Harrington Sworn March 13*" Sworn March 13'". C Nathaniel Cooledge ^ s^^orn March 13'". Assessors Wardans Benjamin Peirce Abraham Jones Isaac Hobbs Isaac Jones Ebenezer Phillips James Livermore f Isaac Jones Surveyors & Col- j Nathl'-^. Jeneson ectors of High <( James Stimson Ways I John Flagg L John Brown John Mirick Isaac Jones Benjamin Fuller Thaddues Spring William Whitney j" Nathan Smith Samuel Seaverns j"* Mathew Hobbs Samuel Stimson Samuel Train Benjamin Peirce Jonathan Spring Tythingraen Hog Reaves. Preservour of Dear Field Drivers Fence Vewers Sealor of Leathers Sworn March 13'". Sworn March 13'". Jones Stimson Flag and Brown Sworn March the 13'". Sworn March 13*". Sworn March 13'". Sworn March 13*". Sworn March 13*". Sworn March 13*". Sworn March 13*" ¦ Sworn March 13'" Surveoyors of Shin- C o r. -A -, ^^, ^ 1 Samuel Baldwin gels Bords Clab-< -r-.^ -\n •= ,^ / William Munroe , bords Hoops & ''. v J To Take Care cf the Meetinghouse and Pound Keeper Josiah Smith 1769. [82.] Then the Town Treasurers accorapts Ware Read and Excepter Which are as followeth Viz The Accorapt of Braddyll Sraith Treasuror for Weston from March 7*". 1768 to March 5*". 1769 town records, 1769. 151 Rec*. of Constable Joseph Whittney in Part Rec" of Constable Thomas Russell in Part , Rec" of Constable William Lawrance iu Part Rec". of Constable John Lamson in Part . Rec" of Constable James Smith in Part Rec". of the Inf. Due to tbe Town on Bond Rec", the Ballance that Remained in my hand the Last ) Adjustment ) 2 64 34 4724 5 13 2 9 16 10 0 7 11 10 1 11 8 186 3 6 Paid to Sundry Persons by order the following Sums Viz pi. To the Rev", M', SamF, Woodward in full for his ) Sallary one year Endin Sep', 25'". 1768 and for his ^ 76 13 4 firewood Said year ¦' pi. Joseph Russell for Keeping Schoole two months in 1768 4 16 0 pi Josiah Star for Keeping the Schoole two months iu 1768 4 16 0 pi In full for Suporting Jonas Hagers wifes Child to the fifth of Sep'. Last 4 12 8 pi My Self for taking the Jeneral Invoice and Prepare- ing Lists 16.1/2 Days 3 6 0 pi. to Isaac Cory for What he Suported Sarah Jeneson and Doctering 1 13 2 pi Josiah Smith for timber for Watertown bridge the Last Repare 5 6 4 pi By the abatement of Samuel AVymans Rates In Con stable Whittneys Lists 0 16 6 pi Joseph Fuller for His Doctering and Suporting Sarah Jeneson 3 10 0 pi Doct' Josiah Star for Bording and Doctering Sarah Jeneson 15 Weks 1/2 4 18 4 P" Scholemaster Coggen for Keeping Town Schoole , 2 10 0 pi M', Abr™, Bigelow for What he Suported Samuel Cory and Wife in A: D: 1767 .... 2 15 0 pi Josiah Smith for What he Provided for Cory and Wife in the year 1767 1 19 11 P" Cap*. Mirick for What he Provided for Benj''. Stim son in the year 1767 2 0 11 pi. the assignement in Constable Russells Lists . , 1 18 0 pi Cap', Mirick for What he P", to Southgate for Keep ing Schoole in the Senter 16 0 pi Lieu Jon^ Straton In full for his Labiour at Water- town Bridge 1 19 0 pi Jonas Harrington for Plank for Watertown Bridge 2 19 0 pi Nathan Parkhurst for takeing Lucy a Poor Child belonging to Si Town 12 0 0 152 town records, 1769. pi for Necessarys for Simeon Hagers Famally When he Was Confined 0 6 6 pi Jonathan Stratton for two Stringpeces for the Bridge nere John Binney 0 4 0 pi Jonathan Stratton in full for bording Schoolemaster Cogen 0 12 0 pi SI Treasuror for making one Hundred and forty four Rods of Stone Wall on the Side of the New Road in his Land Which the Town Was to make at 3/4 p'. Bod 24 0 0 pi Lieu John Warren for two Days Copeying the Ratebill for the Jenerail Court 0 8 0 pi M'. Joseph Roberts in Part for his Keeping Schoole in the year 1768 1 12 1 pi James Stirason In Part for his Suporting Benjamin Stimson 130 pifor the Suporting of Samuel Cory and Wife the year Past 5 18 6 pi for Shoes and other Nessceryes for Sarah Jeneson . 0 15 4 pi Jonathan Fiske for four Stringpeces for the bridge Nere WTiittemore 0 10 8 pi for Glazing the Senter Schoolhouse .... 036 P" Cap', Baldwin in full for Keeping Schoole , , , 3 11 3 [83,] P"- Josiah Smith for his Care of the Meeting house on year Ending March 1769 , . . . 14 0 pi By the abatement of Joseph Hagers Bates in Constable Russells List 0 16 0 the other Side and this 181 00 0 Theres Remains In Said Treasurers Hand 5 — 3 — 6 — f March the 4'", 1769 We the Subscribers Being Appointed by the Selectmen to Examin the Treasurers accorapts for the Past have Examined the Sarae, and find thera Well Vouched and = ¦ A : Bigelow ) Selectmen Jonathan Stratton > of Weston Theres Remains in the Hands of Samuel Train Late Constable 6 11 11 ¦} and In the Hands of David Stearns Late Constable ,11 6 5 f and In the Hands of Joseph Whittney Late Constable 1 17 10 3 and In the Hands of Thomas Russell Late Constable , 25 14 10 and In the Hands of William Lawrance Late Constable 20 4 6 f and In the Hands of John Lamson Late Constable , 60 9 3 and In the Hands of James Smith Late Constable , 63 18 1 and In the Hands of Moses Harrington Late Constable 89 1 0 and In the Hands of Jonathan Underwood Late Con stable 87 12 4 365 16 4 town records, 1769, 153 By an adjornment of S" raeeting frora March 6'", to March 13'". 1769. then Meet 3" Voted by Said Town at Said Meeting that their Swine Shall go at Large Within Said Town the Year Ensewing 4'y. Voted to Repare and araend their High Ways and Tovvn Ways by a Rate the Year Ensewing and Granted Seventy Pounds to be Work', out by the Sarae Rule the Last years Work Was Done 5 Voted that the List Prepared by the Selectmen for the jury Box, be accepted, and that the first twenty names in Said List be Put Into the Superiour box. the others into the Inferiour Box 6 Voted to abate the Rates of Elisha Flagg for his Pole in Constable Russells Lists Which is 15 Shillings and five pence 7 Voted to accept of an alteration of Way through the Land of John Kimbell as Set forth in the Warrant the Town not to be at any Costs or Charges of Purchasing or fenceing any Part of Said Way [84.] 8 Voted by the Inhabitants afore Said to abate 10/9 of Joseph Willingtons Rates in Constable Russells List 9 Voted by Said Inhabitands to abate £1 — 0 — 4 of Joseph Willingtons Rates in Constable Lawrance List 10 Then the Report of a Coramity appointed by S" town to Dispose of two Pews was Read and it Was Put to Vote of Know the minds of the Town if they would Excep'. of Said Report and it Passed in the Negetive Then it Was Put to Vote to Know the Minds of the Town if they Would Excep'. of the Report of the Comraity appointed by S" Town to Seat the meeting house and that also Passedin the Negetive 11 Then it Was Put to Vote to Know the Minds of the Town if they Would act on the article of Schooling and it Passed in the afiierraitive and the Town Proceeded to Chose, Col : Jones Mess'^^ Abr"". Bigelow Jaraes Liverraore Jon". Strat ton Cap*. Braddyll Sraith John Warren Abr"". Jones Jon''. Bullard Sara". Seaverns A Com*". To hear the Inhabitants in the Severall Parts of the Town Respcting the Schools, and to Consider how many Schools may be most Beneficial to the Town and in What 154 TOWN RECORDS, 1769. Places and the Proportion of Time to each Place and Whether it Will be Necessary for the Town to Build any more School- houses or to Remove any of the old ones or both, and to Report their Opinion to the Town at their next meeting At a Meeting: of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Quallified according to the Royall Charter to Vote in the Choice of a Representitive assembled at the Publick meeting house in Said Town on Munday the twenty ninth Day of May A : D 1769 at one of the Clock in the after noon the Major Part of the Electors then Present Legally Warned Did in the Presence of the Selectmen Elect and Depute M''. Abraham Bigelow to Serve for and Represent them in a Greate and General Court or assembely appointed to be Con vened Held and Keept for his Majestys Service at the Court House in Boston on Wednsday the 25'". Day of May Instant At a raeeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Duly Quallified and Legally Warned In Pub lick Tovvn Meeting asserabled at the Meetinghouse in Said Town on Munday the twenty ninth Day of May AD 1769 at three of the Clock in the after noon 1 To Hear the Report of the Comraity appointed Last March to Consider What Method Will be Most for the Benefit of this Town to Corae into for Schooling and act thereon, or act any other Matter or Thing Relateive to Schooling as they Think Proper 2 To Chose a Surveyor and Colector of High Ways in the Room of Nath" Jeneson M". Abraham Bigelow Was Chosen Moderator of Said Meeting [85.] 1 it Was Put to Vote to Know the Minds of the Town if they would give Liberty to the South to Have Two Schoolehouses at their owne Cost and Charge on the Sarae Conditions that the North Division have Builded theirs, and it Pass*, in the affarraetive and the Town Proceeded to Chose a Comraity to Prefix Places Places for Said Scholehouse &c Viz Cap*. John Mirick Lieu Jon". Stratton and Lieu John Warren TOAVN RECORDS, 1769. 155 2 Benjamin Jones Suvayor and Colecf in the Roora of Nath Jeneson At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Duly Quallified and Legally Warned In Pub lick Town Meeting assembled at the Meetinghouse in Said Tovvn on Munday the Sixt Day of Nov''. AD : 1769, 1 First To Grant Money for the Rev", M', Woodwards Sal lary for one year begining the 25'". of Sep'. Last and Make Pro vision for his fire wood Said year 2 To Grant Money for Schooling and Necessary Charges arising in S". Tovvn. 3 To Hear the Town Criditors accorapts. and act thereon 4 To Know the rainds of the Town Whether they Will agree on any other Method for Keeping Schools then What they are now in. and if So What 5 To Know the Minds of the Town Whether they AVill abate the Rates of Solomon Flagg in Constable Russells List for the year 1766 Which is 15/5 6 To Know the Minds of the Town Whether they Will abate the Rates of Christopher Capron in Constable Russells Lists for the years 1765 & 1766 Which is £1—11—7 and also the Rates of Said Capron in Constable Joseph Whittneys List for the year 1764 M" Abraham Bigelow Was Chosen Moderator of Said Electing 1 Granted to the Rev", M', Woodward £66—13—4 for one years Sallary Begining Sep*. 25*". 1769 2 Granted to the Rev". M^ Woodward £12—0—0 for his firewood one year Begining 25*". Sep*. 1769 3 Granted one Hundred Pounds for Schooling and other Necessary Charge in Said Town for one year 4 Voted by the Inhabitants afore Said to make addition to the Grararaar Schoole 5 Voted to Keep four Wrighting Schools on the Sarae Con ditions they Was Keept the Last year the South Side to find Houses to Keep their Schools in 6 The Town Criditors accounts Ware Read and Excepted as followeth 2 12 0 2 12 0 0 18 0 1 10 0 0 3 4 00 2 2 00 156 TOWN RECORDS', 1769. To M', .Tames Livermore for makeing Rates in y'', year 1768 five Days & 1/2 at 2/ p'. Day . , . . 110 To Constable .Ton". Underwood for Warning four Town Meetings 8/ for Sallary 10 / for Carring the Votes to f 13 0 Charelstown for a County Treas - - r 5/ . . , ) To Constable Moses Harrington for Warning 4 Town Meetings 8/ for Sallary 10/ 0 18 0 [86.] Brought up To M'. Abraham Jones for making Rates in the year 1768 ) and Taking the Invice 9 Days > To Cap'. Braddyll Sraith for raakeing Rates in the year 1768 and Wrighting Warrants & Drawing Lists 15 > Day i for Paper to Make the Rates on 3/4 .... To Jaraes Mirick for arraing and Botteming a Greate Chare To John Mirick for Prambleating the Town Line Sum Total 7 Voted to abate the Rates of Soloraon Flagg in Constable Russells List for the year 1766 Which is 15/5 8 Voted to abate the Rates of Christopher Capron in Consta ble Russells Lists for the year 1765 & 1766 Which is £1—11—7 and also the Rates of Said Capron in Constable Joseph Whitt neys List for the year 1764 Weston March 2 1770 Then received of Jonas Harrington Town Treasurer Seventy Six pounds, thirteen Shillings and four pence, in full for ray Salary and fire wood for the year ending September 25. 1769 tf* Sam*- Woodward At a raeeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Tovvn of Weston (Legally Warned) on the 14'", Decera ber A : D 1769 to Consider and act on the petition of John Allen and others to Know the Minds of the Town Whether they Will abate the Rates of Henery Gale in tbe Late Consta ble Tho^ Russells Lists for the year 1765 and 1766 forthe Sura of Six Pounds fifteen Shillings Lawful Money for Which he is town records, 1770, 157 now Confined in his Majestys Goal in Cambridge at Which Meeting M' Abrahara Bigelow was Chosen Moderator Voted that the Prayer of Said Petition be granted and the Said Rates be abated 1770. [87,] At a raeeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabi tants of the Town of Weston duly Quallified and Lawfuly warned in publick Town raeeting assembled on Mondythe fifth of March 1770 at Nine of the Clock in the fore noon at the publick meet ing house in Said Town then and their 1 To Chuse Selectraen and other Town officers for the year Ensewing that are by Law Required 2 To Hear the town Treasurers account for the year past and act their on 3 To Know the mind of the Town Whether their Swine Shall go at Large y" year Ensewing 4 To Know the mind of the Town whether they will Repair their high ways by a Rate the Year Ensewing and grant money therefor 5 To Hear and act upon a List Prepared for the Jury Box 6 To Know the mind of the Town Whether they Will abate the Rates of Theo^ Mansfield in Constable Lawrances List which is £1 — 7 — 11 7 To Know the mind of the Town Whether they Will abate 6/9" of Joseph Stedraans Rate which he was over Rated in Constable Harringtons List 8 To Know the raind of the town Whether they will abate the Eates of Peter Ayers in Constable Russels List in the year 1765 which is 16/2 9 To Hear the Pitition of Abr'", Gale and others to Know the raind of the Town if they Will abate to Sam" Train a Late Constable for Weston what he is in the arreas of his Callections or any part thereof which is £5 — 11 — 11 — 1 10 To Know the mind of the Town if they will have five Womens Schools keept in the Summer Season on the Same terms they ware Keept the Last year 11 To Hear the Pitition of James Mirick and others Relat ing to Singing To Know the minds of the Town if they will 158 TOWN RECORDS, 1770. assigne or allow any Seat or Seats in the raeeting house and Whare for a few Singers to Seet together 12 To Hear the Pitition of John Walker and others to know the raind of thfe Town Whether they will grant to Benj*". Peirce and Sam" Larason the Pew that Nathaniel Williams Latley Set in upon the Sarae Conditions the Last New Pews Ware Disposed of with their Paying to the Tovvn the first Cost of Bulding 13 To Hear the request of Deacon Abijah Uphara and others To Know the minde of the Town if they will Grant to the Said Dec" upham or any other Person Either of the two Pews which the town have Lately taken into their hands Viz the Pew that James Stimson Lately Set in or the Pew Nath" Williaras Lately Set in or Act any other thing or raatter the town Shall Se fit Relating to the above Said Pews 14 To Hear the Petition of Jonathan Stratton and others To know the rainde of the Town Whether they Will take the Pews or any Part thereof that Belongs to the town into their Hands and Dispose of them as they think Proper also to Know the minde of the Town whether they will Build or give Liberty for Building Pews in the two hind Seats of the Mens and Womens Seats or at the East End of the Womens and West End of the Mens Seats and Dispose of thera as they think proper [88.] M" Abraham Bigelow loas Chosen Moderator for Said Meeting Abraham Bigelow John IMirick Braddyll Smith y Abraham Jones Jonas Harrington 2° Sam'-'' Baldwin Sworn March 5 Jonas Harrington 2° Sworn March 5 "I and Sam^^ Train I was accepted for Selectraen Town Clerk Town Treasurer Constables Abraham Jones \I James Livekmore L Sworn March 5 Abr". Jones and Sworn March 5 town records, 1770. 159 Assessors ^Vardans John Lamson Sam'-^ Baldwin Braddyll Smith Benj". Peirce Sam'-'- Seaa^erns j^" Sworn March 5 Sworn March 5 ' Isaac Mirick Abijah Feltch Surveyors and j Collectors of <( Phinihas Upham High Ways Josiah Bigelow Tything men Hoegreaves John Warren 5 Nathaniel Feltch I Sam'-'- Train Nathaniel Cooledge Nathan Smith for the center Destricct Sworn March 5 for the South West Des- trect Sworn March 5 ^for the South East Des- trecct Sworn March 5 for the North West Des- trect Sworn March 5 for the North East Destrect ) Sworn March 12 S Sworn March 5 Sworn March 5 TJ rT-v C Daniel Livermore JU" / o tv/t i c Preservers ot Dear s ^ „ J- Sworn March 5 C James Stimson Field Drivers Fence Vewers C Lemuel Jones c Jonathan Underwood Uriah Grigory Jonas Peirce > Sworn March 5 > Sworn March 5 o 1 i? T il, ^ Tho' Russell Sealers ot Leather < .^ .„ C Benj". Peirce C Sam'-'' Baldwin Sworn March 5 (Sworn March 5 > Sworn March 15. Survayers of Shingles Bords s Clabords Hops &c^ Benj". Pollord To take Care of the meeting house & Pound Keeper &c Josiah Smith Grave Diger Jonas Harrington 2" [89.] 2" Then the Treasurers accounts Ware Read and accepted which are as Follows 160 TOWN RECOKDS, 1770. the accounts of Jonas Harrington Treasurer for Weston fi'orai March 1769 to March 1770 Rec" of Constable Tho^ Russell In Part Rec" of Constable W'". Lawrance In Part . Bee" of Constable John Lamson in part Rec" of Constable James Smith in part Rec" of Constable Moses Harrington In Part Rec" of Constable Jonathan Underwood In Part ReC^ of the hand of Braddyll Smith the Ballance Due to Weston from Watertown on the adjustment of the Caust of the Repair of the great Bridge in Watertown ReC^ for Intrest of money Due to the town on Bond . Rec" of Braddyll Smith Late treasurer the Ballance that Remind in his Hands ..... . 21 3 6 2 . 18 4 4 — , 39 9 3 — , 20 14 10 — . 48 19 6 1 . 46 10 11 3 9 3 — 5 — 10 — 5 .3 6 2 213 16 0 0 Paid To Sundry Persons by orders the following Sums Viz Paid the Rev mr Sam" Woodward in full for his Sallary for one year Ending Sept th 25: 1769 and for his fire wood Said year Paid M' Joseph Roberts for Keeping School to april 1769 Paid Mr Sam^i Woodward ol Newton for Keeping School Two months Paid Joel Smith for Keeping School two raonths in the year 1769 Paid Henry Coggen for Keeping W™. Partridge one year Ending 5 of April Last Paid Moses Brown Late Schoolmaster in full for Keep ing the Town School Paid W™. Lawrance in full for Keeping and Cloathing > the Widow Partridge to the first of oct' 1769 . . ) Paid John Rrown Survayer of high ways for timber for the Bridge by mr Hobbs Paid W™. Whitney for Bording School Master Brown Nine Weaks Paid Josiah Smith for 58 Rods of Wall by the New Way through his Land Paid Cap' John Mirick for timber for Watertown Bridge ] 33/6 and for Repairing the South School house 3/8| and for Kepairs for the center School house 3/4 and for Providing and Bording a School Dame three months the Last Summer 72/ Paid Sam" Child for Providing and Bording a School Dame three months Last Summer . , , . 76 13 4 7 19 11 4 16 — — 4 lb — 4 — — 18 9 0 — 7 4 12 — 2 14 — 6 6 — ¦ 5 12 6 3 12 — TOWN RECORDS, 1770, 161 Paid Abr™. Jones for Providing and Bording a School Dame three months Last Summer .... Paid Daniel Livermore ju' for what the town granted him for the Gate Way through his Land and the Land Belonging to the Heirs of Nathl' Livermore Paid John Walker and John Walker ju' what the town granted them for the N ew Road through their Land Paid By Assignments in Constable Moses Harringtons List Paid By Assignment in Constable Jonathan under woods List Paid By the abatement of Henry Gales Rates in Con stable Russells List Paid By abatement of Elisha Plaggs Rates in Consta ble Russell List Paid By abatement of Josiah Willington Rates in Con stable Russell List Paid By abatement of Solomon Flaggs Rates in Con stable Russell List Paid By abatement of Christiphor Caprons Bates in Constable Russell List Paid James Livermore for taking the general Invoice . Paid Joseph Allen in full for Bording School master Coggen Paid Abr'". Jones for taking the general Invoice & mak ing Rates in the year 1766 Paid My Self for Watertown Bridge for Plank . Paid James Stimson in part for the Suport of Benj" Stimson Paid for the Surport of SamF Cory & Wife the year past in part Paid Cap' Braddyll Smith for Planks and timber for the town Bridge Paid the Rev^ Sam" Woodward for Bording School master Brown ......,, [90.] There Remains in the Hands of SamP Train Late Constable In the Hands of David Stearns Late Constable . and in the hands of Joseph Whitney Late Constable & in the hands of tho^ Russel Late Constable and in the hands of John Lamson Late Constable and in the hands of W" Lawrance Late Constable and in the hands of James Smith Late Constable and in the bands of Moses Harrington Late Constable 3 12 — 3 16 2 2 — 4 13 15 — 0 15 5 0 10 9 0 15 11 12 4 4 — 10 15 1 15 6 0 0 14 — 212 3 1 3 5 11 11 1 11 6 5 2 1 17 10 3 4 11 4 2 21 0 0 — 2 0 2 2 43 3 3 — 40 1 6 3 162 TOWN RECORDS, 1770. and in the Hands of Jonath" Underwood Late Constable 41 1 4 1 and in the hands of Nath" Cooledge Present Constable 94 12 8 2 and in the hands of Benj™. Peirce Present Constable 84 0 7 2 349 7 4 2 There Remains in Said Treasurers hand on the adjustment iGl ^ 12: 10 = 3 Jonas Harrington Town Treasurer March 3 : 1770 we the Subscribers being appointed bythe Selectmen to Examin the the treasurers accounts for the Year Past and have Exmined the Same and find them well Vouched and Eight Cast : per Braddyll Smith & John Mirick Selectraen 3" Voted their Swine go at Large the year Ensewing 4 Voted to amend their Highways the year Ensewing by a Rate and Granted Eighty Pounds to be Worked out by the Comraon Rule as Last year 5 voted to Except of the list of Juriors as it Stands 6 Put to vote to know the mind of the town whether they will abate the Rates of The" Mansfield in Constable Lawrance List and it Passed in the Negetive 7 to know the mind of the town if they will abate to Joseph Stedman 6/9 in Constable Harrington List and it passed in the Negetive , 8 to Know the mind of the tovvn whether they will abate the Rates of Peter Ayers in Constables Russels List and it Passed in the Negetive 9 Put to vote to know the minds of the town whether they would abate to Sara" Train What he is in arrears in his Collec tions and it Passed in the Negetive 10 to know the mind of the town whether they will have five weraen Schools in the Summer and it Passed in the Negetive 11 Put to vote to know the minds of the town whether they grant the Petition of Jaraes Mirick and others and it Passed in the Negetive 12 Put to vote to know the minde of the town whether they would grant the Petition of John Walker and others and if Passed in the Negetive 13 Put to vote to know the Minde of the town whether TOWN RECORDS, 1770. 163 they would grant the Requist of Dea" Upham and others and it passed in the Negetive 14 Put to vote to know the mind of the town Whether they would grant the Petition of Jonath" Stratton and others & it passed in the Negetive At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Duly Quallified according to the Royal Charter to Vote in the Choice of a Representative Legalley Warned in Publick town meeting asserabled at the raeeting house in Wes ton on Monday the Twenty first Day of may AD 1770 at one oClock after noon The Major Part of the Electors then Present Did in the Presence of the Selectmen then and their Elecct and Depute M' Abraham Bigelow to Serve for and Represent them in the Great and General Court or Asserably Next Ensewing appointed to be Con vened held and Keept for his Majestys Service at Harvard. Colledge in Carabridge upon Wednesday the Thirtieth Day of May Currant [91. J At auieeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the tovvn of Weston Duly Qualified and Legally Warned in Publick Town raeeting assembled at the Meetinghouse in Said town on Monday the Twenty first Day of May AD 1770 at three oClock afternoon then and their To hear the Petition of m' Jereraiah Whitteraore and others to know the rainde of the town if they will Sell two Pews in Weston raeeting house to Such of the Inhabitants as Shall appear to Give raost forthe Sarae. viz : that which M' Williaras Formerly Set in and that which m"^ Jaraes Stirason Formerly Set inn and if So to Make all Necessary Provision to accomplish the Same M'' Abraham Bigelow was Chosen Moderator for Said Meeting 1 Voted to Grant the Prayer of the Petition 2'5' Voted to Chuse a Vandve Master to Sell the afore Said two Pews 164 TOWN RECORDS, 1770. 3'y Voted that M' Josiah Smith be their Vandve Master to Sell Said Pews to Such of the Inhabitants as Shall Give the Most for them 4'y Voted to Sell Said Pews in this Present meeting with the Ground they Stand on and the Vandve Master to Give Deeds in Behalf of the town to the Purchers his or their Heirs and assigns So long as the House Stands and that he take good Security of Purchersers for the towns Use given to the Tovvn Treasurer and His Successor in Said office to be Paid in one year vvith Interest for the Same for the Surae they Shall be Sold- for 5'y Voted that the Purchessor of the Pew that was Stimsons Shall Pay Two Pounds Down and the Vandue Master Shall Pay out of that Surae the first Cost of Building that Pew to the Administrator of Said Stimson Decesed and what is Left of the two Pounds (if any be) to be paid to the Treasurer of Said tovvn — for the towns Use and not Less than Ten Shillings Rising to be a Bid 1 Pew the first Pew Set up Was that M'' Williams formerly Set in a the East End of the Meeting house Next the Door and it Was Struck of to Samuel Train jun'' he being the Highest Bidev fin- the Sume of £22—0—0—0 By the Vandve master 2 Pew the Seccond Pew Set up Wa,-=i that M' Stimson Lately Set in at the East End of the Weraens Sets and the Highest Bidor Was M' John Flagg and it was Struck of to hira for the Surae of 13 : 0 : 0 : 0 By the Vandve Master At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Weston Duly Quallified by Law to Vote in town affairs assembled at the Publick meeting House in Said town on mon day th third Day of December A D 1770 at one oClock afternoon 1 To Grant Ihe Rev" mr Samuel Woodwards Sallary for one year Begining Sep' 25 AD 1770 and also to raake Provi sion for his Fire wood for Said year 2 to hear the town Creditors ace' and act thereon 3 to Grant money to Support Schooling and Defray the Usual Charges of the town TOAVN RECORDS, 1770. 165 4 to know the rainde of the tovvn if they will make any further Provision for Schooling then the Grararaer School and if So how rauch and what Meathod & raanner for the year Insewing 5 to know the rainde of the town if they Will abate Nathan Jones what Reraains unpaid of Jaraes Roberts Rates in Consta ble Russells Lists which is about Sixteen Shillings & 5" [92.] 6 To Know the rainde of the town if they will abate the Rats of Volintine SuUevan which is £0 : 13 : 8 : 0 in Constable Larasons List and also the Rats of Abijah Stirason in the Same List which is £0 : 13 : 8 : 0 7 To know the minde of the town if they Will abate the Rats of Ezeakil Cox in Constable Peirce List which is £0 : 12 : 2:0 8 To know the rainde of the tovvn if they Will abate the Rats of Semeon Hager in Constable Lawrance List Which is £0:15:5:0 M" Abraham Bigelow was Chosen Moderator for the Meeting 1 Voted to the Rev" ra' Sam" Woodward Sixty Six Pounds thirteen Shillings & four pence for his Sallary one year Begin ing Sep' 25 AD 1770 and also granted att the Sarae tirae Twelve Pounds to Enable him to Provide his fire wood for one year 2 Voted to accept of the town Creditors acounts which is a Followeth Viz to ra' Abr"'. Jones to taking Invoice and making Raits in the year 1769 12 Days a 2V pr Day ,.,140 to Isaac Hobbs to taking Invioce & making Rats in the year 1769 12 days a 2=/ pr day , , . , 14 — to Isaac Jones to making Rats the Same year 7 Days 2V pr Day 14V & for Paper for Rats 3/ , . . 17 — to Cap' John Mirick for Hooks & Eys and 2 Staples and one hasp for the Pound 2 4 3 for fixing Drills for Center Destrict 8"/ and South East Destrict & my Drills also ly 18 to Benj"", Peirce to warning 4 town meetings a 2"/ Each 8/ 8 — to Warning one town meeting Both Sides of the town 4Y 4 — to Sallary for'Serveing ConstaWeilOV , . , . 10 — 166 TOWN RECORDS, 1771. to Carying the Votes for a County Treasurer to Charles- town last march 5V 5 to Nathaniel Cooledge to Warning 4 town meetings 8"/ 8 to Sallary for Serveing Constable lOV .... 10 5 14 0 3 Granted Fifty Pounds to Support Schooling and Necesery Charges arising in Said town 4 the town Voted to make Provision for Schooling and Voted to have 5 Reeding and Wrighting Schools Besides the Grararaer two months Each and to Begin the Beginning of Jan- ury next 5 Voted by Said Town that they abate Nath" Jones £0 : 16:5:0 for what is unpaid of Jaraes Roberts Rats in Constable Russell List and it Passed in the affairraetive and accordingly they are abated 6 Voted to abate VoUintine Sullivan Rats which is £0 13 : 8 : in Constable Larason List and also abated Abijah Stirason Rats which is £0 : 13 : 8 in the Same List 7 Voted to abate the Rats of Ezeakel Cox in Constable Peirce List which is £0 : 12 : 2 : 0 8 Voted to abate the Rats of Semeon Hager in Constable Lawrance List which is fifteen Shillinges and five pence X771. Weston March 1. 1771 Then rec" of inr Jonas Harrington Town-Treasurer Seventy Eight Pounds, Thirteen Shillings and four Pence in full for ray Salary and fire-wood for the year ending September, 25. 1770 W Sam"- Woodward Weston Feb : 27. 1772 Then received of Braddyll Smith Tovvn Treasurer Seventy Eight pounds, thirteen Shillings and four pence in full for my Salary and five wood for the year ending Septeraber 25. 1771. W Samuel Woodward [Note, On page 374 of the Town Book, in the hand writing of Sarauel Baldwin, is the following entry: — "Jan' 1771 Whareas the Severeal Persons Hereafter Named Came town records, 1771. 167 into the Town of Weston and have taken up their Residence here Dureing the Continuance of a Late Temporay act made & Passed in the Seventh year of his present Majestys in addition to Several Laws ali-eady made Relaiting to the Removell of Poor Persons out of the Towns whereof they are not Inhabitants which Persons Have not made their application to the Selectmen nor Have had the approbation of the Town at a Generall Town meeting for their Dwelling Here and were Warned and Cautioned against Jan' 1771 Viz. Nathaniel Parkhurst & Eunce his wife & Martha there Daug' from Walthara Jacob Bull & Rebecca his Wife & children Viz Reuben Thomas John Mary Jacob & Elizabeth from Cambridge Susanna Gage wid" & Susannah Gage her Daug' from Lincoln William Graves & Mary his wife & there children viz Sarah William and Mary from Need ham Jonathan Peirce from Lexington Lucy Jones from Worcester Penieul Clerk from Newton: Jedediah White and Betty his Wife and there Children viz Deadamia Jedediah Reuben Grace Andrew & Betty Willington her Daug' from Watertown Reuben Shed from Billerica Lois Parkhurst from Waltham Sam" Nutting from Walthara Lydia Nutting from Marlbrough Jeremiah Goodhew & Elizabeth Goodhew his wife and there Children viz Abigail Elizabeth Lucy Jeremiah from John Gould Tho= Williams from Abigail Hinds, from New ton Martha Willard from Newton] [93.] At ameeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Duly Quallified and Lawfuly warned in Publick Town meeting assembled on Monday the fourth Day of March AD 1771 at Eleaven oClock in the fore noon at the Publick meeting House in Said Town Then and their 1 To Chuse Selectmen and other town officers for the year Ensewing that are by Law Required 2 To Heare the Town Treasurers accounts for the j'earPast and act thereon 3 To Know the Minde of the town Whether their Swine Shall go at Large the year Ensewing 4 To Know the Minde of the town whether they will Repair their High Ways by a Rate the year Ensewing and if So Grant raoney therefor 5 To Hear and act upon a List Prepaired for the Jurey Box 6 To Know the Minde of the Town Whether they will abate the Rats of Theo^ Mansfield ju' in Constable Jaraes Smith List which is £1=2=3=0 and also the Rats of Josiah Wil lington in the Sarae List which is £0 : 17 : 9 : 3 168 town records, 1771. Then the Town Procceeded to Bring in their Vote for a moderator and upon Examining the Same it appeared that M" Abraham Bigelow Was Chosen Moderator of Said meeting Selectmen Town Clerk Town Treasurer Chose Constables Assessors Wardens Surveyers and Collecters of Highways Tything men Hogreaves Preservers of Deer Abraham Bigelow Braddyll Smith Josiah Smith John Lamson Joseph Whitney Samuel Baldwin 1 Sworn march 7 Jonas Harrington was Chosen and he Re- fuseed to Serve and then the town ) Braddyll Smith and he accepted and was [ Sworn march 7 Isaac Jones was Chosen and he Refuseed Thomas Ran d & Benj". Peirce was accepted in Said Rands Place & Sworn raarch 7 S Lemuel Jones was Chosen & Refuseed to Serve and Paid Five Pounds Fine Braddyll Smith Sam'''- Baldwin John Lamson Samuel Fisk Isaac Hobbs Josiah Smith Samuel Train ju^ Abijah Stedman Jonathan Stratton ju" W". Whitney Hezekiah Wyman Israel Whittemore Oliver Barbek Josiah Seaverons Mathew Hobbs Nathan Hobbs • March 7 Sworn Sworn raarch 7 Sworn raarch 7 h worn March 7 Sworn march 7 Sworn March 7 town records, 1771. [94.] C Jonathan Stratton ju" Field Drivers ( Sam^"- Train ju" Fence Vewers Sealers of Leathe: Benj^. Peirce Nathan Parkhurst Thos Russell j^. Peirce C Tho t Ben Survayers of Bords Shingles & Clabords &c Samuel Baldwin Benj". Pollard To take Care of the meeting House and Pound Keeper Josiah S.mith 2 Then the Town Treasurers accounts was Read and accepted as it was Read of Viz the account of Jonas Har rington Treasurer for Weston frora raarch 5 1770 to raarch 4 1771 and is as Followeth viz Recid the Ballance in ray Hand Last Adjustraent 1 12 10 3 Rec^ of Constable Thomas Russell in Part . . . 3 15 2 2 Rec* of Constable W"", Lawrance in full . . . 2 0 2 2 Rec" of Constable John Lamson in Part . , , 10 0 0 0 Rec" of Constable James Sraith in Part , , . 18 0 0 0 ReC^ of Constable Moses Harrington in Part . , 23 5 10 0 ReC^ of Constable Jonathan Underwood in Part , , 11 8 10 0 Rec" of Constable Nathaniel Cooledge in Part , , 45 2 10 1 Rec^ of Constable Benj", Peirce in Part , , . 46 4 9 0 Rec* of W'". Lawrance for one of the old windows of the meeting house 0 6 0 Rec* of Jonathan Stratton for old StufE of the meeting House 300 Rec" the Interest of the Bonds Due to the town . . 5 0 10 Rec" of Ebenezer Roby Esq' one Eine for the Town . 0 5 0 Rec* of John mirick for one old window of the meet ing House 2 5 169 4 10 0 Paid out By orders the Following Sumes Viz Paid the Rev* m' Sam" Woodward in full for his Sallary y one year Ending Sept 25 1770 and for his fire wood ^ 78 13 4 Said year twelve Pounds Ending 25 Sep' 1770 . ) Paid m' Elisha Whitney for Keeping a Beading & wrighting School 2 months in North East School 4-16 0 170 TOWN RECORDS, 1771. Paid Joseph Russell for Keeping a Reading & wright ing School 2 month in 1769 4 16 0 Paid John Flagg for Providing & Bording a School Dame 12 Weaks in North West School , , . 3 12 0 Paid Josiah Bigelow for Bording m' Savage 9 weaks Last winter 3 0 0 Paid Jonathan Bullard for Bording master Brown 17 Weaks in 1769 5 8 0 Paid Dec" Tho* Upham for Bording & Nursing Sarah Jenison 2 17 0 Paid Isaac Flagg for Keeping a Reading & Wrighting School Last Winter 4 16 — Paid Henry Coggin for Keeping W™ Partridge one year Ending 25 Jul 4 14 — Paid By aSigenement in Constable Peirce List . . 3 11 4 Paid James Stimson for Bording & Cloathing Benj™. I 4 12 0 Stimson one year Ending the first of March 1770 ) Paid Incress Ledbetter for Keeping the widow Par- ) tridge & Nursing & Clothing one year Ending r 3 13 4 Dec 26 1770 ' Paid By abatement of what was unpaid of what Nathan y Jones was Rateed for James Roberts in Constable ^ 0 16 5 Russells List ) Paid By abatement of Vollinetine Sullevan Bats in Constable Lamsons List 0 13 8 Paid By abatement of Abijah Stimsons Rats in Con stable Lamsons List 0 13 8 Paid By a Si.snement in Constable James Smith List , 5 5 4 Paid By abateraent of Ezeakel Cox Rats in Constable Peirces List 12 2 Paid Thomas Rand for Repairing the Pound , , 12 — Paid Cap' Braddyll Smith for a Chest for the Towns Use 13 4 Paid Cap' John Mirick for a Sett of Drills for the Towns Use 5 4 Paid for Copys of the ajustment of the Cost of the Great Briilge at Watertown Paid my Self for Clothing Benj™. Stimson . Paid mr Wizell for mending the Glass of meeting House & Senter & North East Schools . , , , Paid Josiah Smith for Sweeping the meeting House , Carred over 137 8 9 [95.] Brought over 137 8 9 Paid Josiah Smith for Repairing the Senter School Houseinl769 6 1 1 3 64 19 1 4 0 0 TOWN RECORDS, 1771. 171 Paid to Sundries Persons for Provision & Clothing and ) Fire wood for Sam" Cory Part of it in the year r 13 4 4 1769 and Part of it in 1770 ' Paid Towards the Repair of Watertown Bridge . 15 0 2 Paid By abateraent of Josiah Willingtons Rats in Con stable W™. Lawrance List 10 4 Paid By abatement of Semeon Hagers Rats in Consta ble W™. Lawrance List 0 15 5 6 5 2 17 10 3 16 2 — 0 0 0 3 3 — 15 8 3 49 9 10 1 38 15 10 2 , 67 6 7 2 . 61 6 8 3 £167 15 .'i There Remains in the Hands of Sam" Train of the I k ii ii i Town Rate of his Former Collections . . . > Remains in the Hands ol David Starns Late Constable 11 Rem^ in the Hands of Joseph Whitney Late Constable 1 Remains in the Hand ol Tho» Russell Late Constable Rem^ in the Hands of John Lamson Late Constable . 11 Rein' in the Hands of James Smith Late Constable . 25 Rem' in the Hands of Moses Harrington Late Constable 16 Rem' in the Hands of Jonathan Underwood Late Con stable 29 12 6 Rem' in the Hands of Nathaniel Cooledge Late Con stable Rem' in the Hands of Benj"", Peirce Late Constable , and in the Hands of Sam" Train Present Constable and in the Hands of James Livermore Present Con stable £319 3 0 2 There Remains in Said Treasurers Hands £1:9:7:0 We the Subscribers By order of the Selectraen Have Ex arained the Foregoing accounts and Find thera well Vouched and Wright Cast Braddyll Smith Sam'-^ Baldwin Weston March 1 : 1771 Jonas Harrington Town Treasurer The Town Granted at there Town raeeting on the 5 of march 1770 the Sume of Eighty Pounds to amend & Repair theiv High Ways with for the year Ensewing which Sume the Inhab itants were assessed and Lists and warrants of the whole Com mitted to the Survayers & Collecters as followeth viz 172 TOWN RECORDS, 1771. To Isaac Mirick Phinahes Upham Abijah Felch , John Warren . Josiah Bigelow 16:11: 0 18:13 0 which they have Collected and Layed out the Same in Amendiua; and Re- 15 12:10 f- 80 pairing the Roads in Said Town 16 17 6 12 5 8 Jonas Harrington Town Treasurer 3 Voted By the Inhabitants of Said Town that there Swine Go at Large the year Ensewing 4 Voted By the Inhabitants of Said Town that they Repaire their High Ways by a Rate the year Ensewing and Voted by S" Town the Surae of one Hundred Pounds theirefor Then the Inhabitants of Said town Voted to adjorn the meeting untill Thursday th 7 Day of this Instant a three oClock in the after noon then to raeet at the meeting House which the moderator adjourned accordingly At ameeting ofthe Inhabitants of the town of Weston Qual lified to Vote in Town affairs on Thursday th 7 Day of March 1771 By adjournment from th 4 Day of March Proceeded to the Remaining Buisness of Said meeting first it was at the Desire of Lemuel Jones Put to Vote to See if the tov\"n Reconsider their their not Excepting of Sam'' Train to Serve as Constable in his Room and it Passed in the Negetive — [96.] and upon Lemuel Jones Refuising to Serve as Con stable the Town Chose Nathan Hobbs Constable Sworn raarch 7 5 Voted by the Inhabitants of Said Town that they accept of the List for the jurey Box 6 the Question Was Put Whether the Rats of Theo" raans- field ju" in Constable Jaraes Smith List which is £1=2:3:0 Shall be abated and it Passed in the affairraetive and also the Rats of Josiah Willington in the Sarae List which is £0=17 : 9 : 3 and that Passed also in the affairraetive At ameeting of the Selectmen of Weston on th 7 Day of March 177] the Said Selectmen with a Constable of Said Town Did then appoint ra'" Sam" Lamson to be a Sealer of Weights and Measures in Said town untill another is appointed in his Stead who was Sworn according to Law By Elisha Jones Esq"" Attest Sam'-'' Baldwin Town Clerk - TOWN RECORDS, 1771, ] 73 At a raeeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Weston Duely Quallified according to the Royal Charter to Vote in the Choice of a Representive Legally Warned in Puolick Town meeting assembl led at thc- meeting house in Weston on Monday the Twentieth Day of may AD 1771 at one oClock afternoon the Major Part of the Electors then Present Did in the Presence of the Selectmen then and there Elect and Depute Abraham Bigelow to Serve for and Represent them in the Great and General Court or asserably next Ensewing to be convened held and Keept at Cambridge upon Wednesday the 29 of raay Currant Memorandhara of an agreement Made this Day Between Jeremiah Whittemore and Israel Whittemore Both of Weston in the County of Middlesix Yeomans on the one part and Samuel Lamson of Weston afore Said Yeoman on the other part Wittnesseth that the Parties above Have Mutualy a greed for themselves and Heirs to Settle & Establish a Line Between them viz Begining at the Northeast Corner of the Said Lamsons Wall then Runing Southerly as the Wall Stands to a heap of Stones on a Flat Rock then — turning & Runing Easterly about three Rods to a Heap of Stones by a Large Rock in a wall then turning and Runing Southerly as the wall Stands to the Land of Isaac Hobbs the Said Jeremiah and Israel Quits to the S" Sarauel all our Right and title in all the Lands West of the above Line and in Consideration thereof the Said Samuel Quits to the Said Jereraiah and Israel all their Right and title in the Lands East of Said Line and we the Subscribers Mutualy agree that the above Shall be a Setled Line Between Our Selves our Heirs and assigns forever hereafter In Witness whereof the Parties above have hereunto Set our Hands ancl Seals this First Day of Februarj' Anno Domino one thousand Seven Hundred and Seaventy one Signed Sealed an Delivered in presence of us Jeremiah Whittemore Seal Josiah Bigelow Israel Whittemore Seal Josiah Smith Samuel Lamson Seal 174 TOWN RECORDS, 1771, [97, j At ameeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the tovvn of Weston Duly Quallified and Lawfully Warned in town meeting Publickly assembled on monday the twenty fifth Day of November AD 1771 at one oClock in the afternoon at the Publick raeeting House in Said tovvn then and there 1 To Grand the Rev" m'' Sam" Woodwards Sallary for one year Begining Sep'^ 25 AD 1771 and also to make Provison for his firee wood for Said year 2 To here the Tovvn Creditots accounts and act thereon 3 To Grant money to Support Schooling and Defray the Usual Charges of the Town 4 To Know the minde of thc town if they will make any further Provision for Schooling then the Grararaer School and if So How rauch and what method and manner for the year Insewing 5 To Know the minde of the town if they will abate the Rates of Ephraim Pratt Deces" in Constables David Steirns s List which is £0:16: 6:0 6 To Know the minde of the town if they will abate the Rates of Elisha Flagg Decs" in Constables John Lamson List which is £0:13:8:0 and also Part of the Rates of James Stirason Decs" which is £0 : 14 : 9 : 0 in the Said Lamsons List 7 To Know the minde of the town if they will abate the Rates of Tho" Flagg Decs" in Constable moses Harringtons List which is £0 : 6 : 9 : 0 and also the Rates of Elisha Flagg Decs" in the Same List which is £0 : 6 : 9 : 0 and also to know the minde of the town if they will abate the Rates of Tho" Peirce in Said Harringtons List which is £1:2:6:0 and also the Rates of James Roberts in the Same List which is £0 : 7 : 9 : 0 8 To Know the rainde of the tovvn if they vvill abate the Rates of Peter ayers in Constable Tho" Russells List which is £0:16:0 9 To Hear the accounts of the Several Surveoyrs for the Labour in Repairing the Bridges and Publick Roads in there Respective Districts over and ab'jve their Rates the Present year and act thereon 10 To Know the rainde of the tovvn wheather they will accept of the Proseedings of the Selectraen in joyning with a TOWN RECORDS, 1771. 175 Committe from Lincoln in Carrying out the Line Between Weston and Lincoln to the Westward to Sudbury Line to a Stake and Heape of Stones in a Swonip 11 To Know the rainde of the town if thej' will abate to Josiah Allen the Rates of Nathaniel Allen ju'' for his Poll Tax in Constable Jaraes Livermore List which is £0 : 9 : 2 : 0 12 To Hear the Petition of John Allen and others to Know the minde of the town wheather they will Seat the meeting House in Said tovvn by the Sarae Rule that it has been Seated forraerly and if So Chuse a Committe for that Purpose 13 You are a Like Required to Notifie the Inhabitants that they are a Like Required to Bring in there Credit if any they Have to the Selectmen at the House of Sam" Baldwin Inn holder in Weston on Fryday the 22 of this Instant Nov' a 3 oClock in the afternoon aud Make Due Return of this Warrant with your Doings theron Dated at Weston the 14 Day of Nov' AD 1771 Voted By Said town that Cap''^ Braddyll Smith Shall Be Moderator of Said meeting 1 Granted the Rev" M'' Sarauel Woodward £66=13=4 as his Sallary for one year Begining the 25 of Sep" Last and also Granted £12^0^0 to Enable him to Provide his firewood one year from the 25 of Sep"^ Last Past [98,] 2 Voted By the Inhabitants of Said town that they accept of the town Credit as read off viz £ S B Q to Constable Sam" Train for Slllary for Serving Con- y stable 10'/ & to Warning three town meetings in |- 0 16 0 0 the year 1770 6/ ) to Constable James Livermore for Sallary for Serving y Constable 10'/ and to Warning four town meetings )- 0 18 0 0 in the year 1770 8/ ) to John Lamson for Eight Days making Rats @ 2'/ per Day iu 1770: 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 to Cap' Sam" Baldwin for 14 Days making Raits and y Drawing Lists and taking Invoice @ 2'/ per Day S- 1 8 0 0 28'/ in 1770 ) to Cap' Braddyll Smith for 15 Days making Rates & \ Drawing Lists and taking Invoice @ 2'/ per Day >• 1 13 0 0 30'/ and Paper for the Same 3'/ in 1770 , , , ) 6 11 0 0 176 TOWN RECORDS, 1771. 3'y Voted By the Inhabitants of Said town the Sura of Sixty Pounds to Support Schooling and Defray the Usual Charges of the tovvn the Present year 4'y Voted By the Inhabitants of Said town that they make further Provision then the Grararaer School for two months viz Voted to Have 5 Reading and wrighting Schools in the winter Season aGreable to the Last years Vote to that Purpose 5'y Put to Vote to See if the town will abate the Rates of Ephraim Pratt in Constable David Stairns s List vvhich is £0:16:6:0 and it Pased in the Negetive 6'y Put to Vote in Said meeting to Know the minde of the town if they vvill abate the Rates of Elisha Flagg Decs" in Con stable John Lamsons List which is £0 — 13 : 8 : 0 and it Pased in the affirmetive and also Put to Vote to know the minde of the town if they will abate Part of the Rates of James Stimson Decs" which is 0 : 14 : 9 : 0 in Said Lamsons List and it Pased in the Negetive 7'^ Put to Vote in Said meeting to Know the minde of the town if they will abate the Rates of Elisha Flagg Decs" in Con stable Moses Harringtons List, which is £0 : 6 : 9 : 0 and it Pased in the affairraetive and also Voted in Said raeeting to abate the Rates of Tho" Flagg Decs" in Said Harringtons List which is £0 : 6 : 9 : 0 Put to Vote to See if the tovvn will abate the Rates of Tho" Peirce in Said Harringtons List which is 1:2:6:0 and it pased in the Negetive and also Put to Vote to know if the town will abate the Rates of James Roberts in Said Harringtons List which is £0 : 7 : 9 : 0 & it pased in the Negetive 8''' Pu to Vote in Said meeting to Know the minde of the town if they will abate the Rates of Peter Ayers in Con stable Russells List vvhich is £0 : 1 6 : 2 : 0 and it pased in the Negetive 9'y Voted by the Inhabitants in Said meeting that they Do Not allow M'' William Whitneys account of what he Charged for Work in Repairing the Roads and Bridges in his District Put to vote to Know the rainde of the tovvn if they will allow Jonathan Stratton j'' Survayor what he Charged as over TOWN RECORDS, 1771. 177 worked in his District more then his Rates and it passed in the Negetive Voted to pay Jonath" Stratton ju'' for Eight String peaces at the Said meeting 0:11:7:0 for the Bridges at Dea" Russels and Benj'" Fullers Put to vote to know the minde of the town if they Pay John Warren £0:12:0 for what he worked at m"^ Hobbs Bridge in march Last and it passed in the affairraetive it was Put vote to know the rainde of the town if they Pay Isaac rairicks account for what he worked at ra'' Bigelows which is £0 — 16 : 0 : 0 and it passed in the affairraetive Put to vote at Said raeeting to know the rainde of the town if they allow Sara" Train ju'" Survayor £3 — 11 — 0 0 which was the account that he gave in to the town and it passed in the Negetive But voted to pay Said Sara" Train ju'' Survayor £0:15:9:0 for Plank and String peaces Voted at Said raeeting by the Inhabitants that the Survayrs and the Hands they Iraplyed Shall be allowed what they have worked over their Rates the Present year in the Next years High way Rate in Each District [99.] lO'y Put to Vote To Know tho rainde of the town wheather they will accept of the Procedings of the Selectraen in Joyning with a Coraraitte from Lincoln in Carrying out the Line Between Weston and Lincoln to the Westward to Sudbury Line to a Stake and heap of Stones in a Swamp and it Passed in the affairraetive 11 Put to Vote to Know the minde ofthe town if they will abate to Josiah Allen the Rates of Nathaniel Allen ju"" for his Poll Tax in Constable James Liverraore" List which is £0 : 9 : 2 : 0 and it passed in the affairraetive 12 Put to vote to know the rainde of the town if they will Grant the Petition of John Allen and others in Seeting the meeting House and it passed in the affairraetive Voted that there be three raen Chosen as a Coramitte to Seat Said meetinghouse by the Sarae Rule that it was Last tirae C Cap'' Braddyll Smith ^ Viz s Elisha Jones Esq" ^ Committe ' Lieut Jonathan Stratton ^ 178 town records, 1772, 1772. At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Tovvn of Weston Duly Qualified and Legally warned in Pub lick town meeting asserabled on raonday the Second Day of march AD 1772 at ten oClock in the fore noon at the Publick raeeting house in Said town then there 1 To Chuse Selectraen and other Town officers for the year Ensewing that are by Law Required 2 To Hear the Town Treasurers accounts for the year Past and act thereon 3 To Know the rainde of the Town Wheather their Swine Shall go at Large the year Ensewing 4 To Know the rainde of the Town Whether they will Repair their High ways by a Rate the year Ensewing and if So Grant Money theirfor 5 To Hear and act upon a list Prepaired ibr the Jeury Box 6 To Know the minde of the Town wheather they will give Liberty to the Rev" M'' Woodward to Build on the Towns Land Westerly of the meeting House a Shay House 7 To Know the minde of the town if they will abate the Rates of Tho" Flagg Decs" in Constable Cooledge List which is £0:12:2:0 and also the Rates of Elisha Flagg Decs" in the Same List which is £0 : 12 : 2 : 0 and also the Rates of Jacob Bull in the Same List which is £0 : 5 : 7 : 0 and also the Rates of Samuel Spring in the Sarae List which is £0 : 18 : 6 : 2 8 To Know the minde of the Town if they will abate the Rates of Semeon Hager in in Constable Benj"". Peirces List [100.] The Town Preceded to Bring in there votes for a Moderator and upon Exaraining the Same it appeared that M" JosiAH_ Smith was Chosen Moderator of Said raeeting Then the Following Persons were Chosen Town officers for the year Ensewing viz Selectraen f Josiah Smith j John Mirick Isaac Jones Jonathan Stratton Joseph Whitney town records, 1772. 179 Town Clerk Town Treasurer Constables Assessors Wordens Survayers of High ways and Collectors of the j Sarae 1 Tything raen < Hoggreaves Preservers of Deer Field Drivers Fence Viewers Sealers of Leather ¦ [101.] Surveyors of Bords Samuel Baldwin Sworn march 2 Braddyll Smith Sworn march 2 Isaac Jones and Benj". Peirce was ac cepted in Isaac Jones Place as Consta ble and Sworn March 2 Israel Whittemore was Chosen and Re fused to Serve Isaac Hobbs and Benj". Peirce was ac cepted in Isaac Hobbs Place as Constable and Sworn march 2 Abraham Jones ") Braddyll Smith Nathan Hobbs Isaac Mirick Samuel Seaverns Jonathan Fisk John Mirick Josiah Seaverns Samuel Train John Flagg Samuel Lamson Samuel Livermore Joseph Peirce Semeon Smith Phinihas Upham James Livermore Thaddeus Spring Josiah Stedman Josiah Bigelow James Stimson Abijah Stedman Thomas Russell Jonathan Underwood Samuel Baldwin Benjamin Pollard Sworn March 2 Sworn March 2 y Sworn March 2 Sworn march 2 Sworn march 2 Sworn march 2 Sworn raarch 2 Sworn march 2 Sworn raarch 2 Sworn march 2 180 TOWN RECORDS, 1772. voted that Josiah Smith take Care of the meeting House for 24"/ Then the Town Treasurers accounts was Read of and accepted which are as followeth 2 The accounts of Braddyll Smith Treasurer for Weston from March the 4 1771 To March 2 1772 Rec" and Paid as fol loweth viz £ S B Q Rec" of Constable Sam" Train of his former Collections in full Reel of Constable Joseph Whitney in full . Rec" of Thomas Russell Late Constable in full Rec" of John Lamson Late Constable in Part Rec" of James Smith Late Constable in Part Rec* of Moses Harrington Late Constable in full Rec* of Jonathan Underwood Late Constable in full Rec" of Nathaniel Cooledge Late Constable in Part Rec" of Constable Benj™. Peirce of his former CoUec tions in Part Rec" of James Livermore Late Constable in Part Rec" of Jonas Harrington Late Treasurer the Ballance that Remained in his hand Rec" of the Interest money Due to the town on Seav- eral Bonds Rec" of Lemuel Jones as a fine for his Refusing to Serve as a Constable 5 0 0 — Rec" of David Stairns Late Constable in Part . ' , 5 0 — — 5 11 11 1 1 17 10 3 16 2 — 10 5 0 14 1 10 2 16 15 8 3 29 12 6 1 12 00 0 0 37 12 8 _ 45 9 4 3 192 : 13 1 Paid To Sundrys Persons By orders the following Sumes viz Paid the Rev" M' Sam" Woodward in full for his Sal-^ lary one year Ending Sept the 25: 1771 and for his [¦ 78 13 4 fire Wood Said year ) Paid School master Savage in full for Keeping the town School 14 0 0 Paid Schoolmaster Wettmore in full for Keeping a wrighting School 2 months 2 10 0' Paid Schoolmaster Fisk in full for a winter School 2 months 28 Paid William Lawrance ju' in full for Bording School master fisk 2 months 2 8 — Paid By aBatement of Christopher Caprons Rates in Constable Joseph Whitney List , , . 16 & TOWN RECORDS, 1772. 181 Paid Joel Smith for Keeping a winter School 3 months and Bording him Self 7 4 — Paid Nathan Hobbs in Part for Providing and Paying one School Dame 3 0 0 Paid By the abatement of Elisha Flaggs Rates in Con stable moses Harrington List 6 9 Paid By the abatement of Thomas Flaggs Rates in Said Harringtons List 6 9 Paid Joel Smith for Keeping a wrighting School 2 months the winter before Last . , , , 4 16 — Paid Cap' Baldwin for Bording School Master Savage 4 months 5 13 — Paid By the abatement of The" mansfields ju'' Rates in Constable James Smiths List 12 3 Paid By the abatement of Josiah Willingtons Rates in Said Smiths List 17 9 3 Paid Israel Whittemore for 340 feet of Plank for Wat- tertown Bridge 3 8 — Paid Israel Whittemore for Plank and timber for the town Bridges 7 8 6 Paid School Master Bigelow in Part for Keeping the town School 10 0 — Paid my Self for taking the General Invoyce and "Val luation 38 — Paid my Self for Plank and timber for the town Bridges 1 13 — Paid my Self for Preambelating the town Lines with Sudbury Waltham & Lincoln .-,,,, 8 — Paid to the Survayrs and other Expence in making out the Line with Lincoln 13 — Paid in Part for the Repair of the North East School house 3 6 Paid for Warning & Caushing against John Hager > Andrew Dewing James Armstrong aud Elizabeth ^ 1 0 0 Tower •' Paid for the Suport of Samuel Cory & Wife in part for the Present year & Part for Last . . , , 11 0 2 1 Paid Do" Pond for Doctring Sarah Jenison in full , 4 0 Paid Josiah Smith for taking Care of the meeting house and Pound one year 14 0 JPaid for Suporting Joseph Cory in his Last Sickness and Cost of Burial 3 13 7 2 Paid Cap' Mirick for Plank for Wattertown Bridge , 2 19 11 Paid By abatement of What John Flagg was over Rated through mistak in 1770 , , . . 14 7 Carred up to the Next Leaf 172 0 8 182 TOWN RECORDS, 1772. [102.] Brought up the Footing of "What is Paid out on the Last Leaf 172 0 8 2 Paid By aSignment in Constable Jaraes Livermors List 2 15 0 3 Paid James Stimson for Suporting Benj™, Stimson to the first of March 1771 6 0 0 — Paid Josiah Smith for Cloathing for Benj", Stimson . 19 8 — Paid Josiah Smith lor Preamblating the town Line with Natick him Self and Sam" Trin j' , , , 4 — — Paid Josiah Smith fo two String peaces for the Bridge by m' Bigelows 18 — — Paid By the abatement of Josiah Aliens Sons Poll Tax in Constable Livermore List 9 2 — Paid School Master Bigelow for Keeping the town School one Qurter & Bording Himself Said time in full 10 0 — — Paid By the abatement of Elisha Flaggs Rales in Con stables Lamsons List 13 8 — 194 10 3 1 There Remains in the Hands of David Stairns Late Constable 6652 and in the Hands of John Lamson Late Constable , 15 0 — and in the Hands of James Smith Late Constable , 11 1 4 2 and in the Hands of Nath" Cooledge Late Constable . 37 9 10 1 and in the Hands of Benj">. Peirce of his former Col lections 13 2 2 and in the Hands of Sam" Train Late Constable . . 67 6 7 2 and in the Hands of James Livermore Late Constable 15 17 4 — and in the Hands of Benj". Peirce Present Constable . 71 7 10 — and in the Hands of Nathan Hobbs Present Constable 67 5 6 — 278 : 13 : 2 1 We the Subscribers By order ofthe Selectraen Have Examined the Foregoing Accounts and Finde them well Vouched and wright Cast and Remains Due to Said Treasurer £1:17:2:0 Weston Feb-- 28 1772 o t. Samuel Baldwin John Lamson 3 Voted By the Inhabitants that there Swine go at Large the year Ensewing 4 Voted By the Inhabitants to Repair there High ways By a rate the year Ensewing and Granted the Sum of one Hundred and Eighty Pounds there for TOWN RECORDS, 1772. 183 5 Voted By the Inhabitants at Said meeting to accept of the List of Jeurovs Prepaired by the Selectmen as Read of and that the First 20 be in the first Box 6 Put to vote to know the minde of the Town if they will Give Liberty to the Rev" M'' Sam" Woodward to Build on the Towns Land Westerly of the Meeting House a Shay House and it Passed in the affairraetive 7 Put to vote to Know the minde of the Town if they will abate the Rates Tho" Flagg Decs" in Constable Nath" Cooledge List which is £0 : 12 : 2 : 0 and it Passed in the affairraetive and also the Rates of Elisha Flagg in the Same List which is £0:.12:2:0 it Passed in the affairraetive also: and also the Rates of Jacob Bull in the Same List which is £0 : 5 : 7 : 0 and that Passed in the affairraetive and also Put to vote to know the minde of the town if they will abate the Rates of Sara" Spring in Said Cooldges List which is £0 : 18 : 6 : 2 and it Passed in the affairraetive also 8 Put to vote to Know the minde of the town if they will abate the Rates of Semeon Hager in Benj"". Peirces List which is £0 : 12 : 2 : 0 and it Passed in the affairraetive [103.] At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabi tants of the town of Weston Duly QuaHfied and Legally Warned in Publick town meeting assembled at the Publick meeting House O O in Said town on monday the Eighteenth Day of may AD 1772 at one oClock in the after Noon then and there 1 To Know the minde of the town if they will alough wiliiam Whitney Late Surveayor what he worked over his Rates or any Part or what he worked at the bridges which is Eight Pounds two Shillings or any Part thereof or act any other thing or matter as the town Shall think proper 2 To Know the minde of the town if they will accept of the Report of the Committe in Seating the raeeting House Last march 3 To Hear the Petition of Phinihas Uphara and others to know the minde of the town if they will give Liberty to a number of Singers to Set together in the Second & third and fourth Seats in the mens front Gallery and act thereon 184 TOWN RECORDS, 1772. Voted By Said Inhabitants that M' Josiah Smith be Moderator voted by Said Town that this meeting be adjourned till 4 oClock and the Moderator Declared Said meeting adjourned accordingly At a raeeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Weston Qualified to vote in town affairs on monday the Eighteenth Day of may AD 1772 by adjournment from one oClock to 4 oClock of Said Day and then Proced to the Buisness 1 Put to vote to know the minds of the town if they will alough wiliiam Whitney the whole of his accorapt and it Passed in the Negetive Voted in Said meeting to Pay williara Whitney Eight Pounds for his Labour in Repairing the Bridges in his District 2 Put to vote to Know the minde of the town if they will accept of the Report of the Coraraitte in Seating the raeeting House Last raarch and it Passed in the affairraetive 3 Voted to Grant the Petition of Phinihas Uphara and others At a raeeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Weston Quali fied according to the Royall Charter To vote in the Choice of a Representive Being assembled at the Publick meeting House in Said town on monday the Eighteenth Day of may AD 1772 at two oClock in the afternoon The Major Part of the Electers then Present Did in the Presence of the Selectraen Elect and Depute m"" Abraham Bigelow to Serve for and Represent them in a Greate and General Court or assembley appointed to be Convened held and Kept for his majestys Service at Harvard Colledge in Cambridge upon Wednesday the Twenty Seventh Day of may Currant [104.] At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhab itants of the town of Weston Duly quallified and Lawfully warned in Publick town meeting asserabled on Mondaj'^ fhe fifth Day of October AD 1772 at one oClock in the afternoon at the Publick Meeting House in Said Tovvn then and there 1 To Gant the Rev" M"^ Saral" Woodwards Sallary for one town records, 1772. 185 Year Beginning Sep* 25 AD 1772 and also to raake Provison for his fire wood for Said year 2 To Hear the Town Creditors accounts and act thereon 3 To Grant raoney to Support Schooling and Defray the usual Charges of the Town 4 To Know the rainde ofthe town if they will raake any further Provison for Schooling then the Grararaer School and if So how rauch and what meathed and raanner for the year Ensewing 5 To Know the rainde of the town if they will abate the Rates of Jacob Bull in Constable James Livermores List which is £0=9=2 : 0 6 To Know the rainde of the town if they will abate the Rates of Jaraes Martain in Constable Nath" Coolledges List which is £0=11=10:0 7 To Know the minde of the town if they will abate the Eates of Josiah Willington ju"^ in Constable Jraaes Sraiths List which is £0=13=8 : 0 8 To Know the rainde of the town if they will Pay Jonathan Stratton ju'' what he worked over his Rates last year 9 To Know the minde of the town if they will alough Josiah Smith & Isaac Jones and Cap' John Mirick what they Provided for Cathrine Cory in her Sickness & the old man 10 You are alike Requred to Notifie the Inhabitants that they bring in there Credit if any they have to the Selectmen at the House of Cap' Sam" Baldwin Innholder in Weston on Fryday the Second Day of October next at 4 oClock in the afternoon and make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings thereon to the Selectraen Dated at Weston this twenty fifth Day of Sep' AD 1772 Then the town Preceded to Bring in there Votes for a raoder ator and upon Exaraining the Same it appeard that m'^ Josiah Smith was Chosen Moderator of Sed meeting 1 Voted by Said town that they Grant To the Rev" m'^ Sam" Woodward for his Salery the Present year Begining Sep' 25 1772 the Sum of Sixty Six Pounds thirteen Shillings and 4" and also Twelve Pounds to Enable him to Provide his fire wood for Said year which is in the whole added together £78 : 13 : 4 186 town records, 1772. 2 Then the Town Creditors accounts were Read and accep ted as followeth £ S B Q viz to Constable Benj'". Peirce for Salary for Serving ] Constable 10'/ to warning three town meetings [ on 6'/ to Carring the Votes to Charlestown for a t County Treasurer 6'/ . . . . ; .J To Constable Nathan Hobbs for Sallary for Serving \ Constable 10'/ to warning three town meetings 6'/ ) To Cap' Braddyll Smith to making Rates in 1771 13 ? j^ g ^ q Days a 2'/ per Day 26' to Paper for the Rates 3/4 . i To Cap' Sam" Baldwin to making Rates in 1771 13 Days y a 2'/ per Day 26 to Paper for the General Invoice >¦ 1 7 6 0 l'/6i ) To John Lamson to making Raites in 1771 8 Dayes a 2'/ per Day 16'/ 0 16 0 0 £5 9 10 0 0 16 0 0 3 Voted by the Inhabitants of Said town the Sura of Ninety Pounds as a town Rate to Support Schooling and Defray the usual Charges of the town 4 Voted by the Inhabitants of Said town to make further Provison then the Grararaer School Voted to Have five Read ing and wrighting Schools in the Winter Season two raonths in o o o Each School house agreable to the votes the two Last years for that purpose [105.] 5 It was Put to vote to know the rainde of the town if they will abate the Rates of Jacob Bull in Constable James Livermores List which is £0:9:2:0 it Pased in the affairraetive 6 it was Put to vote to know the rainde of the town if they will abate the Rates of James Martain in Constable Nathaniel Cooledge" List which is £0 : 11 : 10 : 0 and it Passed in the Negetive 7 it was Put to vote to know the rainde of the town if they will abate the Rates of Josiah Willington ju'' in Constable Jaraes Smiths List which is £0 : 13 : 8 : 0 and it Passed in the affirme tive 8 it was Put to Vote to know the minde of the town if they will Pay Jonathan Stratton ju'' what he worked over his Rates town records, 1778. 187 at the Bridges Last year which is £1 — 4 — 0 : 0 and it Pased in the affairraetive 9 it was Put to vote to know the rainde of the town if they will alough Josiah Smith account for what he Provided for Cathrina Cory in her Sickness and for Sara Cory which is £10 — 2 : 8 — 0 and it Passed in the affairraetive and also Isaac Joness account which is £1 : 17 : 0 : 0 and it Passed in the affair raetive and also John rairicks account which is £0 : 13 : 4 : 0 and it Passed in the affairraetive Weston Feb: 24. 1773 Then received of Braddyll Smith Town Treasurer Seventy Eight pounds. Thirteen Shillings and four pence in full for ray Salary and fire-wood for the Year ending Sept : 25. 1772. W Sam^. Woodward 1773. At a raeeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Weston Duly Quallified and Lawfully warned in Pub lick Town Meeting asserabled on Monday the first Day of March AD 1773 at ten oClock in the fore noon at the Publick Meeting house in Said town then and there 1 To Chuse Selectraen and other town officers for the year Ensewing that are by law Required 2 To Hear the town Treasurers accounts for the year Past and act thereon 3 To know the rainde of the town Wheather there Swine Shall go at Large the the year Ensewing 4 To know the minde of the town wheather they will Repair their highways by a Rate the year Ensewing and if So Grant money therefor 5 To Hear and act upon a list prepaired for the Jury Box 6 To hear the Petition of Thaddeus Spring and others to know the minde of the town wheather they will take the School house in the Northwesterly part of the town and that in the Southeasterly part of the town into the towns hands and pay the Subscribers for building Said houses or act any other Matter or thing with Regard to Said houses 188 TOWN RECORDS, 1773, 7 To know the minde of the town if they will accept of an alterration of a town way as marked out by the Selectmen through the land of James Stirason and Discontinue the old way in the Roora of the New one Provided it is not any Charge to the town [106. J 8 To Know the minde of the town if they will give Liberty Jonathan Stratton Sam" Baldwin & Isaac Jones to Build on the towns land Northwesterly of the meeting house Each of thera a Shay House Then the town Proceeded to Bring in there Votes for a Moderator and upon Exarainning the Same it appeareed that M"^ Josiah Smith was Chosen Moderator of Said meeting and the following Persons were Chosen unto office in Said town for the year Ensewing viz Josiah Smith Thomas Russell Selectmen <^ Thomas Rand Joseph Whitney . Benj". Peirce Town Clerk Town Treasurer Over Sears of the Poor Constables Sam"-^ Baldwin Sworn March 1 Cap'' Braddyll Smith Sworn March 1 Coll Elisha Jones John Allen Sam^^ Baldwin Joseph Lovewell and he Hired Thadd' Spring whom the town accepted as Con stable and was Sworn March 4 John Flagg and he Refused to Serve Assessors Wardens Abraham Jones Nathan Hobbs Sam^'' Baldwin Hezekiah Wyman Ingress Ledbetter Mathew Hobbs Sworn march 1 Sworn march 1 town records, 1773. 189^ Surveyers and Collectors of highways Tything men Hoggreffs Presevers of Dear Field Drivers Fence vewers Sealers of Leather Abraham Bigelow Joseph Gairfield Jonas Sanderson Uriah Grigory Israel Whittemore Sam'''- Lamson Jonas Peirce Isaac Flagg Jonathan Fisk Sam^^ Child James Livermore Sam^"- Trakj ju* Joel Smith Inecress Ledbetter Isaiah Bullard Thomas Russell Benj'*. Peirce > Sworn March 1 Sworn March 1 Sworn raarch 1 Sworn March 1 Sworn March 1 Sworn March 1 Sworn March 1 Sam^^ Baldwin Joseph Russell Sworn March 1 Surveyers of Boards Shingles hoops &c Josiah Cary Saxton and for the Care of the raeeting house &c 24V. [107.] 2'y Then the accounts of the town treasurer was Read of and accepted which is as followeth The account of Braddyll Sraith Treasurer for Weston from March the 2 1772 to March the 1 : 1773 Rec* of Constable James Livermore in full . Rec* of Constable James Smith in Part Rec" of Constable Benj"". Peirce of his former Collec tion in full Rec" of Constable John Lamson in full Rec" of Constable Nathaniel Cooledge in full Bee" of Constable Sam" Train in Part .... Rec" of Constable Benj". Peirce of his Last years Col lection in full 71 7 10 15 17 4 7 15 — 1 3 2 2 0 15 0 37 9 10 1 57 4 9 1 190 town records, 1773. Rec" of Constable Nathan Hobbs in Part . . . 53 9 9 Rec" of the Interest money Due to the town on Sev eral Bonds 704 Rec" of Josiah Smith for Elisha Coxes use of a Room in th work house 0 12 0 Rec" of Sam" Lamson fore the old way given up to him 16 8 £254 1 9 Paid To Sundrey Persons by order the following Sums viz To the Rev" M' Sam" Woodward in full for his Sallary ^ one year Ending the Sep' 25 1772 and for his fire ^ 78 13 4 wood Said year ) P* School Master Bigelow in Part for Keeping the town School 10 00 0 Paid By a Signment in Constable Sam" Trains List . 2 19 — Paid Abr" Bigelow for what he Provided for Sam" Cory in 1771 2 15 3 Paid Alexander Shepard ju'^ for keeping a School two months and bording him Self 4 16 0 Paid James Stimson for Boarding Benj". Stimson 26 weaks 3 18 0 Paid Incress Ledbetter for keeping and Nursing the widow Partridge 6 17 Paid Isaac Flagg for keeping School two months and Boarding himSelf in 1771 4 16 — Paid Abijah Stedman for 515 feet of plank for the town Bridges 318 Paid John Lamson for taking the general Invoice and Prarablating the town line 1 12 0 Paid Sam". Train ju'' for Plank and timber for the town Bridges 0 15 9 Paid for warning and Cautioning against Jacob Bull \ w". Graves Jedediah white Reuben Shed Martha >¦ 1 5 0 willard ......,,,) Paid James Stimson for Supporting Benj". Stimson to the first of March 1772 . . , ' . . . 12 0 0 Paid Isaac Flagg for keeping School two months and Boarding him Self in 1772 4 16 0 Paid Joel Smith for Keeping School five months and Boarding him Self in 1772 12 0 0 Paid by a Signment in Constable Nathanel Cooledge List 1 16 0 Paid M'' Joseph Roberts for Keeping School two months and Boarding him Self 4 16 0 town records, 1773. 191 Paid by the abatement of wiliiam Adames Rates in Con stable Nathaniel Cooledge List . . . . 0 13 10 Paid Henry Coggin for Keeping W". Partridge to the 25 of April 1772 8 0 0 Paid Nathan Hobbs for Bording School Master Wet- more two months 2 16 — Paid Cap' Baldwin for taking the general Invoice 1771 and Returning the Lists 3 6 — Paid Josiah Smith for his Care of the meeting house & Pound one year 14 0 Paid My Self the Ballance Due to me the Last adjust ment 1 17 2 Paid M"' Isaac Begelow for keeping School three months in Senter School house 10 0 0 Paid Benj"" Peirce for Shoes for Sam" Cory & wife . 0 14 5 Paid M'' Joseph Roberts for keeping School in 1771 two months and Boarding him Sell . . . . 4 16 0 Paid Doc Josiah Star for Doctring Joseph Hager wife Sam" Cory Joseph Cory 4 16 0 Paid Thomas Rand for wood for Corys 6—12 — 8 and 6'/ for a CofEen for widow Cory . . . . 6 18 8 Paid Sam" Fisk for Plank for M' Bigelows Bridge . 0 8 0 Paid M' Abr" for provision for Sam" Cory & for Joseph Cory & a String peace for the Bridge . . . 2 5 3 Paid by aSignment in Constable Benj". Peirce List . 1 12 0 Paid my Self for Plank and timber for the town Bridges 0 10 2 Paid Lent Joseph Whitney for Preambelating the town ' Lines with Waltham Lincoln and Sudbury 8'/ and for Repairs for the Senter and North East School ' " ^-^ ^ houses _ Paid M' W". Fisk for keeping School one month ..280 Paid Nathan Hobbs in Part for paying a School Dame in 1771 0 12 0 Paid Cap' John mirick for a Civerled for Joseph Corys widow 13/4 for a warden StafE 1/6 . . , , 0 14 10 Paid John Warren for what the town granted him for the Labour at the Bridges 0 12 — Paid Jonathan Stratton for Plank for the town Bridges North Side 0 19 7 Paid Cap' Baldwin for meal for the Corys 9'/ and for mending the meeting house & School windows , 0 12 6 Paid Leiut Jon" Stratton for Westons Part of the Re paire of the great Bridge 3 16 7 Paid by aSignment in Constable Nathan Hobs List , 3 19 0 Carred to the Next page £220 12 11 192 TOWN records, 1773. [108.] Brough forward from the Last Page . 220 12 11 2: Paid Jonath'' Stratton ju' for String peaces for the towns Bridges 0 11 7 Paid m"^ William Whitney what the town granted him for Labour on y" Roads SOO Paid m'' Jonath" Stratton ju' for what the town granted him for what he worked over Rates , , , 14 0 Paid m' Isaac Mirick what the town granted him at Nov-^ meeting 1771 0 16 0 Paid by the abatement of Josiah Willingtons ju"^ Rates in Constable James Smiths List , . , , 0 13 8 Paid the Rev" m' Sam" Woodward in Part for his Sal lary one year begining 25 of Sep' 1772 . . . 7 16 6 Paid m' Josiah Smith for what he Provided for Joseph Corys widow and funaral Charges . . . , 9 11 11 Paid Lieut. Abr'". Jones for Boarding School master Prentic two months 2 18 4 £252 4 11 2 There Remains in the Hands of David Stairns former Constable 6652 There Remains in the Hands of James Smith forraer Constable 3 6 4 2 There Remains in the Hands of Sam" Train former Constable 10 1 10 1 There Remains in the Hands of Nathan Hobbs Late Constable 13 15 8 1 There Remains in the Hands ol Benj". Peirce Present Constable 168 13 4 — £202 3 8 2 We the Subscribers being apointed by the Selectraen have Exarained the fore going accounts and find thera will vouched and wright Cast and there Reraains in the Treasurers Hands £1 : 16 : 10 ; 1 Weston Feb'' 26 1773 Sam'-^ Baldwin Isaac Jones Joseph Whitney 3''' Voted that there Swine Shall go at Large within the town the year Ensewing being Regulated 4^y Voted by the Inhabitants that there Highways and town ways be Repaired by a rate and that the Sume of one Hundred town records, 1778. 193 and Sixty Pounds be Raised on the Said Inhabitants therefor and Laid out on Said Roads to be worked by the Same Rule as Last year 5'y voted by the Inhabitants that they accept of the List pre paired by the Selectraen for the Jury Box and that the 23 first be put into the first Box 6'y voted at Said raeeting to act on the Petition of Thad deus Spring and others and voted to Chuse a Coraraitte to Inquire into the Reasonableness of Said Petition and Chose three men as a Coramitte viz rar Abraham Bigelow Coll Elisha Jones and Cap' Braddyll Sraith and to raake Return to the Next town raeeting 7'=' voted to accept of the ateration of the Road in Jaraes Stimsons Land as raarked out by the Selectraen and to give up the old Road Provided it is no Cost to the town for the New way nor for fences the raarks are as followeth viz Begining at the foot of the hill west of Said Stimsons house in the old Road at a Stake and heape of Stones by Dea" Abijah Upharas wall and turning north west into Said Stirasons Land to a Stake & Stones and on the Sarae Course to another Stake and Stones and then turning a little raore West to to a Stake and Stones and then West to another Stake & Stones by the End of the wall then West to a Stake and Stones at or Near the Road Leading to Sara" Childs Said raarks are all on the South Side of the Said Road and the Road to be two Rods wide North and North west of the above Said raarks 8'^ voted at Said meeting to Grant the Request of Mers" Jona'". Stratton Sam" Baldwin Isaac Jones to Build thera a Shay House on the towns Land westerly of the meeting House and Chose a Coraraitte to perfix the Place viz Capt John mirick Elisha Harrington and John alien Voted to adjourn this meeting with the Remaining Buisness thereof till thursday next at 3 oClock in the afternoon and the Moderator Declared it adjourned accordingly The Inhabitants of Weston Being assembled on Thursday the 4 Day of March 1773 at 3 oClock in the afternoon to which time Said meeting was Adjourned to frora the first Day of S" month 194 to'wn records, 1773. Voted at Said meeting that they accept of Thaddeus Spring as Constable in the Room of Joseph Lovewell and was Sworn march 4 Sam" Lamson was Choosen Constable and Mathew Hobbs was accepted as Constable in the Room of Sam" Lamson and was sworn march 4 [109,] At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabi tants of the town of Weston Quallified according to the Royall •Charter to vote in the Choice of a Representive Being assera bled at the Publick meeting House in Said town on Monday the tenth Day of May AD 1773 atone oClock in the after noon The Major Part of the Electors then Present Did in the Pres ence of the Selectmen Elect and Depute Elisha Jones Esq'^ to Serve for and Represent them in a Great and General Court or assembly appointed to be Convened held and Keept for his Majestys Service at the Court House in Boston upon Wed nesday the Twenty Sixth Day of May Currant Pursuant to the order of the House of Representives Directed to the Selectmen of Weston Directing thera to assemble the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Weston that are Quallified by Law to Vote in the Choice of a Representive to Meet att Such time and Place as they Shall appoint to Chuse a Person Being a freeholder and Residant in your town to Serve for and Represent thera at the Great and General Court at there Present Session now Convened held & Kept for his Majestys Service at the Court House in Boston & So for the Buisness the Remain ing Part of the year in the Room of Elisha Jones Esq'' whome the House of Representives have Declared not Duly Elected At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Quallified according to the Royall Charter to vote in the (Choice of a Representive Being asserabled at the Publick raeeting House in Said town on Monday the Twenty first Day of June AD 1773 at two oClock in the afternoon The Major Part of the Electors then Present Did in the Presence of the Selectraen Elect aud Depute Elisha Jones Esq' to Serve for town records, 1778. 195 and Represente them in the Greate and General Now Setting at the Court House in Boston At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Duly Quallified and Lawfully warned in Pub lick town meeting asserabled on Monday the Twenteth Day of Sep' AD 1773 at one oClock in the afternoon at the Publick meeting House in Said town then & there 1 To Grant the Rev" ra'', Sara" Woodwards Sallary for one year Beginning Sep" 25 1773 and also to raake Provision for his fire wood Said year 2 To Hear the Town Creditors accounts and act thereon 3 To Grant raoney to Support Schooling and Defray the usual Charges of the town 4 To know the Minde of the town if they will make any further Provision for Schooling then the Grararaer School and if So How rauch and what Meathod for the year Ensewing 5 To Hear the Petition of Capt John Mirick & others to Know the minde of the town wheather they will make any addition to tbe Rev" m'^ Woodwards yearly Sallary or Provide for hira other wise as the town Shall think Propper [110,] 6 To Know the minde of the town if they will accept of the alteration of the town way Leading frora Sara" Childs to the meeting House as raarked by the Selectmen the town to be at no Cost or Charge for Said way the way to be on the North Easterly Side of Said Marks two Rods wide 7 To know the Minde of y'' Town if they will Grant the Request of Tho^ Peirce to abate his Rates in Constable Benj'". Peirce List for 1771 which is £0:9: 11 and for 1772 which is £0:11:4 which added together Makes £1 : 1 : 3 : 0 or any Part of them 8 To Know the Minde of the town if they will Joyn with Watertown and Waltham to raake the Great Bridge in Water- town any wider 9 To Hear the Report of the Committe Chosen Last march meeting to Inquire into the Reasonableness of the Petition of Thaddeus Spring and others Relaiting to the School Houses 10 You are aLike Required to Notifie the Inhabitants that 196 TOWN RECORDS, 1778. they Bring in there Credit if any they Have to Selectraen at the House of Cap' Sam" Baldwin Innholder in Weston on Fryday the 17 Day of this Instant Sep' at 5 oCloek in the after noone Then the Inhabitants Proceeded to Bring in there votes for a moderator and upon Examining the Same it appeared that M'^ Josiah Smith was Chosen Moderator of said meeting 1 Voted by Said town that they Grant to the Rev" M"' Sara" Woodward Sixty Six Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence for his Sallary for one year Begining Sep' 25. AD 1773 and also Granted Twelve Pounds to Enable hira to provide his fire wood for Said year 2 Then the Town Creditors accounts were Read off and accepted which is as followeth S, 8 B q'- viz to Lieut Abraham Jones ten Days making Rates and ) i o 0 n- taking Invoice in the year 1772 a 2'/ per Day . . ) To Benj". Peirce to Warning four town raeetings of the y whole town a 4'/ Each 16/ To Sallary for Serving [¦ 1 16 0 0 Constable for the whole Town 20'/ . . . ) To Cap' Braddyll Smith 19 1/2 Days to taking Invoice ] on North Side and making Rates and Drawing • Lists a 2'/ per Day 39'/ in 1772 to Paper to make ( ^ ^ ^ "" the Rates on 3»/4 j To Lieut Nathan Hobbs to Eight Days a making Rates ? r, io r, in 1772 a 2'/ per Day 16/ | U lb U — To Elisha Jones Esq' one of the overseers of the Poor ) for what he Provided for the Poor as per his ac- >¦ 3 8 6 1 count on file ........) To m'^ John Allen one of the overseers of the Poor for ) what he Provided for the Poor as per his account > 5 0 10 2 on file ) To Cap' .Sam" Baldwin one ol the overseers of the Poor ) for what he Provided for the Poor as per his ac- [¦ 3 5 10 2 count on file ) £17 9 7 1 3 Voted by the Inhabitants at Said meeting one Hundred and fifty Pounds to be assessed on the Inhabitants to Defray the usual Charges of the town [111.] 4 Voted bythe Inhabitants . that they will have a town records, 1773. 197 Reading and wrighting School two months in the winter Season in Each School House all to Begin Near or at the Same tirae :agreable to the Votes in years Past 5 it was Put to voto to Know the rainde of the Town if they will raake any addition to the Rev" ra"" Woodwards yearly Sallary & it Passed in the Negetive it was also Put to vote to Know the minde of the town if they will make any addition to m" Woodwards Sallary for one year Begining 25 Sep' Ad 1773 and it Passed in the affairraetive and voted the Surae of thirteen Pounds Six Shillings & Eight pence for one year 6 voted to accept of the alteration of the town way by Sam" Childs Leading to the raeeting House as raarked Beginning at a Whiteoake Tree marked by the Side of a Town way Leading from Sam" Childs to the meeting House then Runing South easterly to a Heape of Stones on a Rock then Southeasterly to a Heap of Stones on a Rock thence Southeasterly to a Heap of Stones by the Side of the Town way first mentioned Near the House of the above Said Child 7 Voted by the Inhabitants that they abate the Rates of Thomas Peirce in Constable Benj" Peirce List for 1771 which is £0=9^11^0 and also His Rates in Said Peirce List for 1772 which is £0=11=4=0 which two Sums added together makes £1:1:3:0 and they are abated accordingly 8 it was Put to vote to Know the rainde ofthe town if they will Joyn with Watertown and Walthara in Making the Great Bridge over Charles River Wider and it Passed in the Negetive O o 9 it was Put to vole to Know the rainde of the town if they will Hear the Report of the Coramitte Relaiting to the School Houses and it Passed in the Negetive At a meeting of the Selectraen of Watertown Weston and Walthara on the 14 Day of Sep"^ AD 1772 at the House of Samuel Livermore Esq' Innholder in Walthara To Adjust the 'Charges which has arisen for the Repairing the Great Bridge in Watertown Since the Last adjustment which was on the 17 Day of Sep' 1770 and Westons Part was 3 16 7 1 which was Paid By Jonathan Stratton as may appear by Said account attest Saml^ Baldwin Town Clerh 198 town records, 1774. At a raeeting of the Selectmen of Watertown Weston & Walthara on the thirteenth Day of Aug' AD 1773 at the House of ra'' Bez" Learned Innholder in Watertown to adjust the Charges of the Repair of the Great Bridge in Watertown the accounts were adjustid and Signed of by the Selectmen of Each Town as appears by Said account on Fille attest Saml^ Baldwin Town Clerh 1774. [112.] At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabi tants of the Town of Weston Duly Quallified and Legally warned in Publick Town meeting asserabled at the Publick meeting house in Said town on Thursday the 13 Day of January AD 1774 at one oClock in the afternoon then and there 1 To Hear the Petition of Cap' Braddyll Smith and others viz To Chuse a Committe to take into Consideration the Cir cumstances of our Publick affairs and to Correspond with the neighbouring Towns and to Consider what is Best to be Done that our Injured Rights and Priviledges may be Restored and Secured and act thereon or any other matter or thing the town Shall think Proper Relative there unto The Inhabitants of Said town being generaly assembled on Said Day Preceeded and made Choice of Cni.r." .Tones to be Moderator of Said meeting 1 The warrant for Calling the Meeting and the Petition being Read and after a full Debate thereon it was Moved and Seconded and accordingly Put to vote to Know the minde of the town wheather they will take So rauch Notice of the Said warning and Petition as to Pass any votes Reletive thereto and it Passed in the Negetive by a very great raajority Weston March 2. 1775 Then received ofthe Town Treasurer Seventy Eight pounds,. thirteen Shillings and four pence Lawfull Money for my Salary and firewood for the year Ending Sept : 25. 1773 (i e) in full Sam^ Woodward TOWN records, 1774. 199 Weston Feb : 29, 1776 Then received of Samuel Lamson Town Treasurer Ninety two pounds it being in full for my Salary and Fire wood (and 13 — 6 — 8 which the People gave me) for the year ending Sept, 25, 1774 W Sam'' Woodward Weston March 18, 1776, Then received of Samuel Lara son Town Treasurer Ninety two pounds in full for ray Salary and Fire-wood (and for the 13 — 6 — 8 which the People gave rae) for the year End ing Sept. 25. 1775 W Sam"- Woodward Weston March 1 : 1777 Then received of Sarauel Larason Town Treasurer Ninety Two pounds in full for my Salary and Fire wood (and for the £13 — 6 — 8 which the Town gave me) for the year Ending Sept : 25. 1776 W Sam^ Woodward Weston Feb. 26. 1778 Then received "of Samuel Larason Town Treasurer, Sixty Six pounds, thirteen Shillings and four pence, in full as original Salary for the year Ending Sept 25. 1777 : as also Twelve pounds for ray Fire wood for S" year : Together with Thirteen pounds. Six Shillings and Eight pence granted by the Town for S" year ending as above tf" Sam"" Woodward [113.] At a Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabi tants of the town of Weston Duly Quallified and Lawfully warned in Publick town Meeting asserabled on Monday the Seaventh Day of March AD 1774 at Ten oClock Before noon at the Publick raeeting House in Said town then and there 1 To Chuse Selectmen and other town officers for the year Ensewing that are by Law Required 2 To Hear the town Treasurers accounts for the year Past & act thereon S To Know the minde wheather there Swine Shall go at Large the year Ensewing 4 To Know tbe minde of the town wheather they will Re pair their High ways by a Rate the year Ensewing and if So Grant raoney therefor 200 TOWN RECORDS, 1774. 5 To Hear and act upon a list Prepaired for the Jury Box 6 To Know the minde of the town if they will Joyn with Watertown and Waltham in Petitioning the Great and General Court for Some Release as to the Suport of the Great Bridge over Charles River in Watertown and Chuse a Committe to Joyn with Such as Watertown and Waltham Shall appoint for that Purpose or act any other raatter or thing Relaiting thereto 7 To Hear the over Seers accounts and act thereon 8 To Know the rainde of the town if they aLough the ac count of Israel Whitemore Late Survayor for Blovying^Rocks and Repairing Drills and for Ponder and act thereon 9 To Hear the Petition of Doc Josiah Starr and others Relaiting to the School houses and act thereon Selectmen Town Clerk Overseers of Poor Then the Town preceded to Bring in there Votes for a Moderator and upon Exaraining the Sarae it Apeared that m'^ Josiah Smith was Chosen Moderator of Said meeting and the following Persons were Chosen into office for the year Ensewing viz ' , , , , JosiAH Smith I'V John Mirick' Tho^ Upham! Benj". Peirce i 1 Tho" Rand 1 1 Sam^'" Baldm^in Town Treasurer Sam'-'' Lamson voted to Have three overseers of the Poor John Allen Jonas Harrington ju'' Jonathan Stratton Sworn 14 March Sworn March 14 Constables -^ Thaddeus Spring Israel Whitemore Sworn March 14 and Tho= Russell was accepted in SaidWhitermore Roora & Sworn March 14 TOWN RECORDS, 1774. 201 [114.] Assessors Wardens Samll Baldwin Josiah 'Steadman Braddyll Smith Sam'''' Livermore James Stimson Joseph Russell Survayers and Hezekiah Wyman Josiah Steadman Collectors of -^ Jonathan Fisk Highways | Nathan Hager L Nathaniel Cooledge Tythingmen < Isaac Hobbs Sam'-'' Fisk TT < Isaac Mirick Hoggreaves < , ( John Walker ju" Preservers of 5 John Mirick Deer c Sam'''' Livermore Field Drivers < Phenihas Upham Nathaniel Wheaton Sworn March 14 Sworn March 14 Sworn March 18 Sworn March 14 Sworn March 14 Sworn March 14 Sworn March 14 Sworn March 14 Sworn March 14 -r, > Jonathan Stratton ju" > r, ut i. 1 a ± ence vewers { .^^ ^ > Sworn March 14 Uriah Gregory > Sealers of Leather Jonas Sanderson Tho" Russell Survayers of C o li. d / \ Sam'''' Baldwin Boards s r t „, . , „ / Isaac Jones Shingles &c "^ Sworn March 14 Sworn March 14 Saxton & Grave Diger Josiah Cary for the Care of the Meeting House 24V 2 Then the Town Treasurers account was Read off and accepted as Read The account of Cap' Braddyll Sraith Treasurer for Weston from March 1 1773 to March 5 1774 202 TOWN RECORDS, 1774, Rec" of Constable James Smith in full , , , ,£3642 Rec" of Constable Sam" Train in Part , ¦> . . 5 0 0 0' Rec" of Constable Nathan Hobbs in Part , , , 8 14 0 0' Rec" of Constable Benj"", Peirce in Part , , . 98 4 4 2 Rec" the Interest money Dew to the town on the Seav- erel Bonds 7 0 4 0 Rec^ the Ballance that Remained in my Hand the Last Ajustment 1 16 10 1 Rec* of Sam" Baldwin for one 1/4 Rent of Elisha Cox use of the work House 0 9 0 0 £124 10 11 1 [115.] Paid To Sundry Persons by orders the fol lowing Sums viz Paid To the Rev* m"^ Sam" Woodward in Part for his ) Sallary one year Ending 26 Sep' 1773 and for his ^ 55 18 8 fire wood Said year ¦' Paid James Stimson for Keeping Benj™. Stirason . 4 4 5 0 Paid School master manning for Keeping the Grararaer School two months 4 0 0 0 Paid Israel Mirick for a Great Chair for the South west School House 0500 Paid Incress Leadbetter for Keeping and Cloathing the widow Partridge 4 16 6 0 Paid Sam" Baldwin for Keeping a Reading & Wright ing School two months 4 16 0 0 Paid Jonas Harrington ju' for Plank for Watertown Bridge 1 14 4 3 Paid Isaac Jones for Provision for Sam Cory . , 1 13 7 — Paid Isaac Jones what the town granted him at ocf meeting 1772 which is 1 17 0 — and also Nine Shillings and Eight pence for meat for Sam Cory 098 — Paid Nathaniel Peirce for Keeping a Reading & Wright ing School two months the Last winter , , , 2 8 0 0 Paid .John Flagg for Boarding Nathan" Peirce two months 280 — Paid Benj™. Peirce for window Curtains and Repairing the funarel Cloth 2 3 10 1 Paid Josiah Seaverns for 50 feet of Plank for the New Bridge 1 10 Q — Paid Doc Starr for Doctring widow Partridge . , 2 7 0 — and also twenty Eight Shillings for Doc widow Cathrine Cory 180 — Paid Josiah Starr for Doc widow Partridge , , , 1 14 4 — and also for Doc Benj", Stimson , , , , 0 9 8 — TOWN RECORDS, 1774. 203 Paid Joel Smith for Keeping School two months & Boarding hira Self 4 16 0 — Paid Sam" Eisk for meal for Sam Cory .,,,038 Paid Sam" Child for his Daug' Esthers Keeping School 16 weaks at South East School . , , . 3 16 9 2 Paid Benj™. Peirce for a table for South West School * Repairing Center School & 2 Locks . . . 0 10 3 — Paid Uriah Grigory for 112 feet of Plank & for 73 feet of String Peaces lor town Bridge , . . , 14 8 2 Paid James Stimson for Boarding Master Prentice 9 weak a 6/8 per weak 3 0 0 — Paid Sam" Baldwin for what the town granted for Sup porting the Poor 3 5 10 .3 Paid School master Prentice for Keeping the Grammer School from 26 Janu' to the 9 of march . Paid Isaac Hobbs for meat for Sam" Cory . Paid my Self for 144 feet of Plank for the town Bridges Paid By aSignment in Constable Peirce List Paid By abatement of Tho' Peirces Rates in Constable Peirce List We the Subscribers Being apointed by the Selectmen have Examined the fore Going accounts and find thera well vouched and wright Cast and there Reraains in the Treasurers Hand £3_19_4_2 Sam'''' Baldwin Weston March 5 : 1774 Tho^ Russell There Remains in the Hands of David Stairns former Constable £6 6 5 2' There Remains in the Hands of Sam" Train Late Con stable 5 1 10 1 There Reamins in the Hands of Nathan Hobbs Late Constable 5181 There Remains in the Hands of Benj™. Peirce Late Constable 70 8 11 2 There Remains in the Hands of Thaddeus Spring Pres ent Constable 122 14 0 0 There Reraains in the Hands of Mathew Hobbs Pres ent Constable 119 6 0 — 2 10 0 — 0 11 11 — 0 17 2 — 5 9 10 — 1 1 3 — S120 11 6 3 328 18 11 2. 204 town records, 1774. 3 Voted there Swine go at Large Being well Regulated 4 Voted to Repair their High ways by a Rate and voted the Sum of one Hundred and Sixty Pounds to be assesed on the Inhabitants & worked out by the Same Rule as Last year 5 Voted to accept of the List of Juriors as Read of & 23 fiirst be in the first Box 6 Voted to Chuse a Coramitte of three persons viz Coll" Elisha Jones ra'' Abraham Bigelow & Cap' Braddyll Sraith to be ~a Coraraitte to Joyn with Such as Watertown & Walthara Shall Chuse or Such as Walthara only Shall Chuse to Petition the great & Generall Court for Some Relief and asistance in Re pairing & maintaining the Great Bridge over Charles River in Watertown Respecting the three towns Extraordnary Charge or Respecting Weston & Waltham only. [116.] 7 Voted to accept of the Overseers accounts as Read off for what the Poor have had as by there accounts on file 8 it was Put to vote to know the Minde of the town if they Pay Israel Whitemors account and it Passed in the Negetive Then it was Put to vote to know the minde of the town if they aLough Israel Whitemores account in the Next high way Rate and it Passed in the affairraetive 9 Voted to act on the Petition of Josiah Starr and others Voted to take the School Houses mentioned in Said Petition into the towns Hands and Repair thera for the futer it was Put to vote to know the rainde of the town if they will Chnse a Coramitte upon this Petition and it Passed in the Negetive it was Put to vote to know the mind of the town if they will Pay the Subscribers that Bult the two School Houses what the other two School Houses Cost and it Passed in the Negetive At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants ofthe town of Weston Quallified according to the Royall Charter to vote in the Choice of a Representive Being assembled at the Publick meeting House in Said town on Monday the Sixteenth Day of May AD 1774 at one oClock in the afternoon the Major Part of the Electors then Present Did in the Presence of the Selectmen Elect and Depute Elisha Jones Esq"^ to Serve for & town records, 1774. 205' Represent them in a great and General Court or asserably ap pointed to be Convened held & Keept for his Majestys Service at the Court House in Boston upon Wednesday the Twenty fifth Day of raay Currant At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants ofthe Town Weston Duly QuaUified and Lawfully Warned in pub lick Town meeting asserabled on Monday the Twenty Second Day of August AD 1774 at one oClock in the after noon at tbe Publick meeting House in Said Town then and there 1 To Grant money to Pay the Rev" m"^ Sara" Woodwards Sallary for one year Begining Sep"^ 25 : AD 1774 and also to raake Provision for his fire Wood for Said year 2 To Hear the Town Creditors accounts and act thereon 3 To Grant raoney to Support Schooling and Defray the usual Charges of the Town 4 To Know the Minde of the Town if they will raake any further Provision for Schooling then the Grararaer School and. if So how Much and what Meothad for the year Ensewing 5 To Know the rainde of the Town if they will raake the Sarae Grant to ra' Woodward as Last year over and above his yearly Sallary [117.] 6 To Know the rainde of the Town if they will Give Liberty to Elisha Harrington and John Flagg to Build them Stables on the Towns land in Sorae Convenant Place neer the meeting House 7 To Know the raind of the Town if they will alough Israel Whittemore £1 ; 6 ; 10 for Drills Ponder & La'bour that he Layed out on the Highways over his Rates in Blowing Rocks that were in the Roads in his Districts 8 To Know the rainde of the Town if they will abate the Rates of Joseph Cory which is £0 — 9 — 2 — 0 and also the Rates of Epharim Peirce which is £0 — 9 — 2 all in the List of Consta ble Sam' Trains 9 To Hear the accounts of the Overseers of the Poor that were omited Last year and act thereon 10 To Hear the Petition of Sam" Train and others Relaiting to the School Houses and act thereon 206 TOWN RECORDS, 1774. Then the voters Proceeded to Bring in their votes for a Moderator and upon Examining the Same it appars that M' Josiah Smith Was Chosen Moderator 1 Voted by Said Town that they Grant the Rev" M"^ Samuel Woodward Sixty Six Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence for his Sallary for one year Begining the 25 of Sep"' AD 1774 and also twelve Pounds to Enable him to Provide his fire wood Said year 2 Then the Town Creditors accounts were Read off and accepted as followeth viz £ S B Q To Cap' Sam" Baldwin to 17 1/2 Days taking Invoice \ & Making Bates at 27 per Day 35" to Paper to >¦ 1 18 4 make the Rates on 374 in 1773 , , , , ) to Thaddeus Spring for Warning 5 Town meetings a ) j^ q q 27 Each 10» to Sallary for Serving Constable 107 • ¦> To Lieu' Abraham Jones to 9 1/2 Days taking Invoice I 0 19 0 and making Rates a 27 per Day 197 ^^ 1773 . . ) To Lieu' Nathan Hobbs to 6 Days making Rates a 27 per Day 127 0 12 0 £4 9 4 3 Voted By the Inhabitants at Said raeeting one Hundred and Sixty Pounds to be assessed to Defray the usual Charges of Said Town 4 Voted to have a Reading & Wrighting School Two months in Each School House in the Winter Season all to Begin at one and the Same tirae as Near as raay be 5 Voted by the Inhabitants of Said Town to Give ra'' Wood ward £13 : 6 : 8 over his yearly Sallary for one year from Sep' 25 1774 6 Voted By the Inhabitants of Said Town that they Give Liberty to Elisha Harrington John Flagg Estus How & Joseph Whitney to Build Stables for their use at the East End of the New Stables that were Built Mes'' Stratton Baldwin & Jones 7 It was Put to vote to know the rainde of the Town if they aLough Israel Whittemore £1 : 16 — 10 for Labour in Blowing Rocks and for Pouder in his District and it Passed in the Nege tive — and it was voted that they will aLough him Said Whitte- TOWN RECORDS, 1774. 207 more one Pound Sixteen Shillings in the High way Rate Part in the Present year and the Remaining Part in the Next years High way Rates [118,] 8 Voted by Said Town to abate the Rates of Joseph Cory which is 97 2" and also the Rates of Epharim Peirce which is 97 2" in Constable Sam" Trains List 9 Voted by Said Town to Pay the overseers account that was Omitted Last March which is £4 — 14 — 8 — 2 10 Voted By Said Town that they Grant the Petition of Sam" Train and others Relaiting to the School Houses and voted to Chuse a Coraraitte to Estamate the Cost and aJust the accounts of Said Houses voted that there be three on Said Cora raitte viz Cap' Braddyll Sraith Cap' John Mirick Doc'' Josiah Starr and to Report at Next raarch meeting At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Quallified according to the Royall Charter To vote in the Choice of a Representive Being assembled at the Publick Meeting House in Said Town on Thursday the Twenty ninth Day of Sepf AD 1774 at one oClock in the afternoon The major Part of the Electers then Present Did in the Presence of the Select men Elect and Depute Cap' Braddyll Smith to Serve for and Represent them in a great and General Court or asserably ap pointed to be Convened Held and Keept for His raajestys Ser vice at the Court House in Salera upon Wednesday the fifth Day of October Next At a raeeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Duly Quallified and Lawfully Warned in Publick Town meeting assembled at the Public meeting House in Said Town on Thursday the Twenty ninth Day of Sepf AD 1774 at Two oClock in the afternoon then and there 1 To Know the minde of the town if they will Chuse a mem ber or raerabers to meet and act with Such other members as Shall be Chosen by other Towns to meet in a Provincel Con- eress to be Holden at Concord or Eles Whare on the Second Teusday of October next 2 To Know the rainde of the Town if they will Chuse a 208 TOWN RECORDS, 1775. Committe of Corrospondance and to Give them Instructions if the Town Shall think Proper The voters Proveeded to bring in there votes for a moderator and m'' Josiah Smith was Chosen 1 it was Put to vote by yeas and nays to know the rainde of the town Wheather they Send a Coraraitte to the Provincial Congress to be holden at Concord on the Second Teusday of October next and it Passed in the afferraetive it was Put to vote to Know the mind of the Town How many they will have on Said Coraraitte and Passed to Have two viz M'' Josiah Sraith and Sam" Ph Savage were Chosen 2 it was Put to vote to Know the minde of the Town if they will Chuse a Committe of Corrospondance and it Passed in the affairraetive voted to have three in Said Coraraitte and Mes'^ Benj"^, Peirce Deacon Thoraas Upham and Sara" Baldwin were Chosen for Said Coraraitte voted not to Give Instructions Voted that Cap' Braddyll Sraith the Representive by Joyned to the Delegates to act at the Provencial Congress to be holden at Concord on the Second Tuesday of October Next 1775 [119.] At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabi tants of the Town of Weston Duly Quallified and Lawfully Warned in Publick Town raeeting asserabled on monday the Second Day of January AD 1775 at Ten oClock Before noon at the Publick meeting House in Said Town then & there 1 To Know the rainde of the Town if they will make a Grant of the Same Sume which Weston was Taxed to the Pro- vience the Present year and to be made in the Same Rate with the other Town Grants and order the Same to be Paid into the Town Treasurers hand and that the Treasurer be ordered to Pay the Sarae Surae to Henry Gardner Esq'^ Provience Treas urer and Said Town Treasurer be ordered to take a Recet from. Said Henry Gardner Esq"^ in full for Westons Proportion to the Provience Tax TOWN RECOUDS, 1775. 209 2 To Know the minde of the Town if they will order the Constables or Collectors that have any Provience money in there hands to Pay the Sarae to Henry Gardner Esq' Provience Treasurer and take his Recet for the Same and they Shall be Defended by Said Town in So doing 3 To Know the minde of the Town if they will Chuse a Coraraitte of Inspection to See that the advice of the Conti- nantal and Provincicel Congress Reletive to Nonimportation a Greeraent be Strictly adheard too Then the Town Proceeded to Bring in there vots for a mode rator and upon Examing the Sarae it appeared that m'' Josiah Smith was Chosen Moderator for Said meeting 1 It was Put to vote to Know the rainde of the Town if they will raake a Grant of Forty five pounds Six Shillings & Six Pence it being the Sarae Surae which is Westons Proportion to the Provience Tax for AD 1774 and to be raade in the Same Rate with the other Town Grants and order the Same to be Payed into the Town Treasurers Hand and ordered the town Treasurer to Pay the Same Sume to Henry Gardner Esq' Prov ience Treasurer or his Successor in Said office and Said Town Treasurer to take a Recet of Said Provience Treasurer in full of Westons Proportion to the Provience Tax for Said year and it Passed in the affairraetive 2 It was Put to vote to Know the rainde of the Town if they will order the Constables or Collectors that have any Provience money iu there Hands to Pay the Sarae to Henry Gardner Esq' Provience Treasurer or his Successor in Said office and take his Recet for the Sarae and they Shall be Defended by Said Town in So doing after they have So Done and it Passed in the afi'airmetive 3 It was Put to vote to Know the rainde of the Town if they will Chuse a Coraraitte of Inspection and it Passed in the affair raetive and voted to have three and raes' John Allen Israel Whittemore & William Whitney were Chosen said Committe [120.] At a raeeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabi tants ofthe Town of Weston Quallified according to the Royall 210 TOWN RECORDS, 1775. Charter to vote in the Choice of a Representtive Being Legaly asserabled at the Publick meeting house in Said Town on Mon day the Second Day of January AD 1775 at one oClock in the afternoon the Major Part of the Electors then Present Did in the Presence of the Selectmen Elect and Depute Co" Braddyll Smith to Serve for and Represent them at a Provincial Congress to be Holden at Cambridge the first Day of Feb' next By a unanaraiss vote and So to Continue by adjoyrnment if need be untill Teusday next Preceding the Last Wensday in May next At a meeting of the Freeholder and othere Inhabitants ofthe Town of Weston Duly Quallified and Lawfuly warned in Pub lick Town meeting assembled on Monday the Sixth Day of March AD 1775 at ten oClock before noon at the Publick Meet ing House in Said town then and there 1 To Chuse Selectmen and other Town officers for the year Ensewing that are by Law Required 2 To Hear the Town Treasurers accounts for the year past and act thereon 3 To Know the rainde of the town wheather there Swine Shall go at Large the year Ensewing 4 To Know the rainde of the town wheather they will Re pair there High ways by a Rate the year Ensewing and if So Grant money therefor 5 To Hear and act upon a List Prepaired for the Jury Box 6 To Hear the accounts of the overseers of the Poor and act thereon 7 To Know the minde of the Town if they will abate the Rates of Thomas Flagg in Constable Benj'". Peirce List which is £0:9:11:0 8 To Hear the Report of the Coraraitte Relaiting the School Houses and act thereon The Town Preceded to Bring in there Votes for a Modera tor and upon Exaraining the Sarae it Appearded that M' Josiah Smith was Chosen Moderator of Said meeting & the following Persons were Chosen Town officers for the year Ensewing viz TOWN RECORDS, 1775. 211 Selectmen Town Clerk Tow^n Treasurer Constables < Assessors Wardens Josiah Smith Thomas Upham Benj''. Peirce Thomas Rand Sam'-'- Baldwin Sam'-'' Baldavin Sam'-'' Lamson Samuel Livermore Jonathan Fisk Braddyll Smith Samuel Baldwin Josiah Stedman Lemuel Jones Isaiah Bullard John Wright o e f Sam'-'' Baldwin Servayors ot TT- u P Phinehas Upham High ways & Collector of the Sarae [121.] Tythingmen Hoggreaves Preservers of Deer Field Drivers Fence viewers Mathew Hobbs John Whitehead James Hastings Joseph Peirce Nathan Hobbs John Warren ju" Joseph Lovewell Isaiah Bullard Daniel Stratton James Smith ju" Isaac Stratton Semeon Smith Jonathan Warren Benj". Peirce Thomas Russell Daniel Stratton Joel Smith Sworn March 6 Sworn March 6 Sworn March 17 Sworn March 6 Sworn March 14 Sworn March 13 Sworn March 6 Sworn March 20 Sworn March 6 Sworn March 13 Sworn March 14 Sworn March 6 Sworn March 6 Sworn March 6 SwornSwornSworn Sworn SwornSworn Sworn March 14 March 20 March 6 March 14 March 14 March 6 March 6 Sealers of Leather Servayors of Bords & Lura- ber &c voted that Josiah Cary take Care ofthe Meeting house for 247 Sworn March 20 Sworn March 6 212 TOWN RECORDS, 1775. 2 Then the Town Treasurers account was Read off and accepted as Read off The account of Cap' Sara" Lamson Treasurer for Weston from the 7 of March 1774 to the 6 of March 1775 Rec" of Constable Nathan Hobbs in full Rec" of Constable Benj™. Peirce in Part Rec" of Constablii Thaddeus Spring in Part . Rec^ of Constable Mathew Hobbs in Part . Reel of Constable David Stairns in Part ReC of Constable Sam" Train in full . Rec¦ 0 18 4 0 Epharim Peaces Rats in S" List , , , . ) 6 10 3 4 9 0 0 0 0 5 4 0 214 TOWN RECORDS, 1775. Paid Sam" Train for Warming w™. Graves & others out of Town 0280 Paid School master Allen for Keeping School three months 6000 Paid Aaron Jones for Measurers for the towns use . 0 4 8 0 Paid School master Allen for Keeping School Six months 6000 Paid School master Allen in Part of an order that Re mains in his hand ....... 1 4 0 0 i236 3 8 0 We the Subscribers Being appointed by the Selectmen have Examined the foregoing accounts and find the will vouched and wright Cast and there Remains Due to the Treasurer to Ballance £2-9:6:2 -r a Josiah Smith Weston March 3 1775 Benj". Peirce Sam'''' Baldwin There Reraains in the Hands of David Stairns Late Constable 2112 There Remains in the Hand of Benj™. Peirce Late Constable 16 0 5 0 There Remains in the hand of Thaddeus Spring Late Constable 45 14 0 0 There Reraains in the Hand of Mathew Hobbs Late Constable 36 1 4 0 There Rearains in the Hand of Thaddeus Spring Pres ent Constable 156 16 1 0 There Remains in the Hand of Thomas Russell Pres ent Constable 140 10 5 There Remain.s in the Hand of Co" Brad" Smith Late Treasurer 3 19 4 2 £401 2 9 — 3 voted to Have there Swine ffo at Large Being well Regulated 4 voted to Repair there High ways by a Rate the year En sewing and Granted one Hundred Pounds therefor to be worked out at the Sarae Rate as Last year 5 voted to accept of the List of Juriors as Read off 6 voted to accept the accounts of the overseers of the Poor as Read off as on file and Doc Starrs account for the Poor as on file TOWN RECORDS, 1775. 215 7 voted to abate the Rates of Tho' Flagg in Constable Benj"". Peirce List which is £0— 9»— 11"— 0 8 voted to accept the Report of the Coramitte Relaiting the School houses and Cost of Building as Read off as per the accounts on file [123. J At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabi tants of the Town of Weston Quallified according to the Royall Charter to vote in the Choice of a Representive Being Legaly assembled at the Publick raeeting House in Said Town on Thursday the Twenty fifth of May Instant AD 1775 at Two oClock in the afternoon the Major Part of the Electors then Present Did in the Presence of the Selectraen Elect and Depute Co" Braddyll Sraith to Serve for and Represent thera at a Pro- vinciel Congress to be Holden at Watertown on 31 first of may Instant and So to Continue by a Joyrnraent if need be Six months frora their being first Convened on the Thirty first of this Instant raay and no Longer to Consult Deliberate and Resolve upon Such further Measurs as under god Shall be Effectual to Save this People from Ruin At a raeeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston agreable to fhe advice of the Continentell and Provinciel Congresses and in observience of a Precept from the Provinciel Congress Directed to the Selectmen Being Legealy asserabled at the Publick meeting House in Said town for the Choice of a Representive, on Monday the tenth Day of July AD 1775 at four oClock in the afternoon the Major Part of the Electors then Present Being Quallified according to Law to vote in the Choice of a Representive Did in the Presence of the Selectraen Elect and Depute Co" Braddyll Sraith to Serve for and Represent them in a great & general Court or assembly to be Convened held and Keept for the Service of the Said Coloney at Watertown upon Wednesday the 19 Day of July next and So on untill the End ofthe Day Next Pieceeding the Last Wed nesday in raay Next if necessary and no Longer. At a raeeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Quallified by Law to vote In town affairs 216 TOWN RECORDS, 1775. Reguarley asserabled at the Publick raeeting House in Said Town on Monday the 23 Day of oct' AD 1775 1 To Grant Money to Pay the Rev" M' Sam" Woodwards Sallary for one year Beginning the 25 of Sep* AD 1775 and also to Make Provision for his firewood for Said year 2 To Hear the Town Credditors accounts and acct thereon 3 To Grant Money to Support Schooling and Defray the usual Charges of the Town 4 To Know the Minde of the Town if they will Make any further Provison for Schooling then the Grammer School & if So how much and what raeathod for the year Ensewing 5 To Know the minde of the Town if they will raake the Sarae Grant to ra' Woodward as Last year over and above his yearly Sallary 6 To Hear the acccount of Co" Braddyll Sraith for his Ser vice at the Provinceill Congresses and act thereon Then the votes for a Moderator was Called for and m' Josiah Smith was chosen 1 Voted by Said Town that they Grant the Rev" m' Sam" Woodward Sixty Six Pounds thirteen Shillings & 4"/ as Sallary for one year Beginning the 25 of Sep' AD 1775 and also voted Twelve Pounds for his fire wood Said year [124.] 2 Voted to accept of the Town Creditors accounts as Read off which is as Followeth viz £ 8 B To Mathew Hobbs Lat Constabl to Warning 4 Town Meet- ) ings a 2V Each 8V to Sallary for Serveing Constable >¦ 0 18 — lOV ) To Co" Braddyll Smith Thirteen Days raaking Raits & tak ing Invoice 160 To Cap' Sam" Baldwin to Fourteen Days & half making) Raits & taking Invoice a 2'/ per Day 29'/ & Paper to [• 1 12 4 make the Rates on 3V 4'^ ) To Josiah Stedman to Six Days making Raits a 2'/ per Day 12 12 — To Thaddeus Spring to warning 5 Town meetings in 1774 > -. a 2V Each IO7 to Sallar for Serving as Constable 10/ ) 3 Voted the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds for Schoohng and to Defray the usual Charges of Said Town Said year TOWN RECORDS, 1776. 217 4 Voted to Have a Reading and Wrighting School as Last year 5 Voted ra' Woodward £13 : 6 : 8 over and above his yearly Sallary for this year 6 Voted to Put this artickle off to Sorae futter Meeting 1776. [125.] At a raeeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabi tants of the Town of Weston Duly Qualified and Lawfully waned In publick Town raeeting assembled on Munday the 4 Day of March AD 1776 at Ten oClock before Noon at the Pub lick Meeting House in Said Town then and there 1 To Chuse Selectmen and also a Committe of Corrospond Inspection & Safety and other Town offices for the year En suing that are by Law Required 2 To hear the Town Treasurers accounts for the Year Past and act thereon 3 To know the rainds of the Town whether their Swine shall go large the year Ensewing 4 To know the minds of the Town Wheather they will Re pair their High way by a Rate the year Ensewing and if so grant Money therefor 5 To hear and act upon a List Prepaired for the Jury Box 6 To hear the account of Co", Braddyll Sraith for his atten- dence at the Congresses and act thereon The Town preceded to bring in their Votes for a Moderator and upon Examing the sarae it appeared that M' Josiah S.mith was Chosen Moderator it was put to vote to know the mind of the Town if they will ajourn this Meeting to the 18 Day of March Instant at Ten oClock before Noon and the Moderator Declared s". Meeting ajourned accordingly ( Tho^, Upham I Benj''. Peirce Selectraen ¦( THO^ Rand Israel Whittemore Jon*, Underwood 218 town records, 1776. Corainittee of Corrospond&c Voted to have -{ 5 for s" Cora mitte Town Clerk Town Treasurer f Constables < Assessors Wardens Surveyors & Collectors of High ways Tythingmen [126.] Hogreaves P/eservers of Deer Field Drivers Fence Viewers Sealers of LeatherSurveyors of Boards Shin gles &c C — Sam'-'' Baldwin D — Tho"" Russell M Sam'-''. Lamson D". Josiah Starr I Matthew Hobbs Joel Smith Sworn March 21''. Sam'-'' Lamson Sworn March 21". Daniel Livermore Sworn March 21''. John Flagg was Chosen & Excused & Votes was Called for another and Jonas Peirce was Chosen Sworn March 21''. Abr". Jones Sworn March 21''. Joseph Russell Sworn March 21''. Matthew Hobbs Sworn March 21'*. Voted not to Chuse any & Reconsidered Joel Smith Incuese Leadbetter Sworn March 21". Simeon Smith Voted not to Chuse any Surveyors. Isaac Mirick Jonathan Stratton ju". Isaac Jones ju". Benj''. Fuller Sam""". Livermore Isaac Stratton Simeon Smith Nathan Hager Uriah Gregory James Smith Thadd'. Spring Joseph Russell Daniel Stratton Joel Smith Sworn March 21". Sworn March 21". Sworn March 21". Sworn March 21". Sworn March 21" Sworn March 21''. TOWN RECORDS, 1776. 219 To Take Care of the Meeting House Josiah Cary /S B Q 2 2 3 15 7 1 — 3 1 7 7 — 12 8 . — 13 2 — 2 Voted to accept of the Town Treasurers accounts as Read off 3 Voted their Swine go at Large being Regulered accord ing to Law 4 Voted not to act thereon 5 Voted to accept of a list of Juriours as Read off 6 Voted that Col". Braddyll Smith by Loughed 4'/ per Day for his Service at the Congress being 137 Days The account of Major Sam". Lamson Treasurer for Weston frora March 3". 1775 to March 2". 1776 as followeth viz £ Rec*. of Constable Benj". Peirce in Part ... 11 Rec". of Constable Mathew Hobbs in Part ... 31 Rec*. of Constable Thaddeus Spring in Part . . 108 Rec*. of Constable Thos Russel in Part ... 78 Rec*. of Sam'=i. Train ju'. the Interest due on his Note 2 Rec" of Cap'. John Flagg the Interest due on his Note Rec*. of M'. Josiah Smith for the wood that lay by the meeting House 2 8 — Rec*. of M"-. Benj". Peirce for Pork & Cheese that was left with him at the alaram 14 6 — Rec*. of Cap'. Sam"'. Baldwin for the use of Two Guns Belonging to the Town 12 — — Rec*. ol the Selectraen of s*. Town for Powder & Ball & Flints 23 10 2 3 Rec*. of M'. Josiah Smith one Bond Principal and In terest 23 8 8 — 280 19 7 0 P*. to the following Persons as followeth viz P*. Cap'. Sam'='. Baldwin for bording School Master Hobert 434 P*. Benj". Dudley for Bording Widow Cory Last year 4 — — P*. Benj". Dudley for Bording Widow Cory in Part . 12 — P". Josiah Cary for the Care of the Meeting House , 14 — P". Joel Smith for keeping a Reading & Writing School ) 2 Months & Bording him Self in the Senter School >¦ 4 16 — House 1774 . , , ) P*. M"-, Thomas Rand for Provision for Coolidge & a CoflBn for Benj™. Stimson 2 13 2 P*. M"S W™. Hobert for keeping a Gramer School in 1774 four Months 8 17 11 P". Benj". Jones for Clothing for the Poor . . . 1 1 10 27 8 3 220 TOWN records, 1776, £ S B Q [127,] Brought over 27 8 3 P*. Doct'. Josiah Starr for Doctering the Poor to March 1775 5 9 4 P*. Christopher Capron for keeping Merriam Partrige i from march 1775 to the 5 of Nov. following & Nurs- V 2 15 — ing & for Clothing ) P*. Elisabeth Stimson for keeping Benj". Stirason weeks y 30 & Nursing him in Sickness and for things to lay > 9 18 — him out &c ) P*. John Allen one of the overseers of the Poor . . 18 — P*. Jonas Harrington ju'. for 513 feet of Plank for Watertown Bridge 5 2 7 1 P*. Christopher Capron for Bording Widow Partridge one year & Nursing her . . . . . , 3 14 8 P*. W™. HobertforkeepingtbeGrainerSchool4Months 8 17 9 3 P*. Benj". Dudley for Bording Widow Cory In full to March 6 1775 3 12 1 P*. Joseph Russel for Repairing the North East School House 4 10 P*. Joseph Russel for keeping a Reading & Writing y School & boarding hiraself and Repairing the ^ 4 19 10 North East & North West School Houses . • ) P*. Cap'. John Mirick for fetching School Master Hobert 1 & for Preambelating the Town Line hiraself & [ Jon". Underwood & for Timber for Slepers Expence T at Watertown J P*. Isaac Flagg for keeping a Reading School & Bord ing hiraself 6 Weeks 3 12 0 P*. Th»». Uphara for himself & Abijah Stedraan Pream blating to the Town with Needham ... 400 P*. Tho''. Upham for Timber & Plank for the New Bridge & for Pork for josiah Cooledge . . . 4 110 P*. Jon". Eames for keeping School in Part . . . 5 6 8 0 P*. Matthew Hobbs for Sallery for Serving as Consta ble & Warning 2 Town Meetings . . . . 0 18 0 0 P*. Seth Pound for Doc Benj". Stimson . . . 1 — — P*. Thadd'. Spring for Serving Constable & warning 5 Town Meetings 1 — — P*. by a Signment what was aLoughed to Several Per sons on South Sid for School House . . . 24 4 10 P*. Benj". Peirce for what he provided for the Poor the Year Past 6 12 2 1 P*. M'. Isaac Hurd for keeping School one Month & 3 Days & Bording himself 3 13 1 P*. Sara'-'. Woodward ju'. for keepend School in the South East School House & Bording himself . 3 4 — 2 16 — 2 10 5 2 13 4 8 4 18 10 4 16 11 3 TOWN RECORDS, 177C, 221 P*. Thomas Rand for Triming Bollets & Sorting them & Boxes to put them in 16 8 P*. M'. Ebenezer Allen for keeping School two months in Part P*. William Hobert for Keeping School one month P*. Joel Smith for one Fire Lock for the Use of the Town . . P*. M'. Josiah Sraith for Prarablating & Plank . M'. Josiah Smith for meet for Coolledge P*. Joel Smith for keeping School two Months & Bord ing hiraself ........ P*. Jon". Stratton for 48 feet of White Cake Plank . P*. Cap'. Sam"'. Baldwin for making Rates & takeing Invoice 1 12 4 P*. Nath"'. Allen for Keeping School Two Months & Bording himself 4 16 — P*. Jon". Stratton for what he provided for the Poor . 3 4 — P*. Cap'. Samuel Baldwin for expences at the Settle ment of Great Bridge 5 3 P*. Daniel Coledge for Bording his Father from 18"". ) Sep'. 1775 to the 18"-. of March 1776 it being 26 [¦ 5 17 — Weaks at 4/6 p'. Weak ) P*. Rev*. M' Sam"'. Woodward y". remainder of his Sallary End Sep'. 1774 21 11 1 P*. Rev*. M'. Sara"'. Woodward in full for his Sallery y & fire wood and a Grant of 13—6—8 for 1775 End s- 92 — — 25"'. of Sept. 1775 ) P*. my Self the Ballance Due Last year ..,296 P*. Elisabeth for Keeping Benj". Stimson 4 Weeks . 14 — 277 10 4 1 [128,] We the Subscribers being appointed by the Select men have Examined the foregoing accounts and find them well vouched and Wright Cast & there Remains in the Treasurers Hands £3—7—2—3 Weston March 18'\ 1776 Josiah Smith Benj*, Peirce Samuel Baldwin S, S B Q Remains in Constable Stearns Hands , , 2 112 Remains in Constable Benj", Peirce's Hands 4 18 2 1 There Remains in Constable Mathew Hobbs's Hands 4 5 8 3 Remains in Constable Thadd^ Spring's Hands 94 9 9 3 222 town records, 1776. Remains in Constable Tho^ Russells Hands . 62 2 10 0 Remains in the Hands of Col". Braddyll Smith late Treasurer 3 19 4 2 There Remains in Constable Sam"'. Livermores Hands 150 7 8 0 Remains in Constable Jon". Fisks Hands . 141 12 4 0 463 17 0 3 At a Meeting ofthe Freeholders and other Inhabitants ofthe Town of Weston Sutably Qualified to Vote for a Representa tive being Legally warned Assembled at the Publick Meeting House on Munday y^ 20'". Day of May at 3 oClock in the After noon AD 1776 the major part of thera present did in the Presents of the Selectmen Make Choice of Col" Braddyll Smith To serve for and Represent thera in the Great and General Court to be convend held and kept at Watertown At the sarae Meeting Viz on y^- 20'"- Day of May AD 1776 — Voted that Col'=. Smith should Use his Influence to Raise more men to Defend our lines against our Enemies At a Meeting ofthe Freeholders and other Inhabitants ofthe Town of Weston that are Suitably Qualified to Vote for a Re presentative being Legally Warned Assembled at the Meeting House on Tuesday y^ 18'". of June 1776 to know the minds of the Town whether they will give their Representative Instruc tions to Use his Infiuance for Independance on Great Brittan if the honorable Congress think it best for the Interest of the Colonies The Town voted in the Afferraative And also at the same raeeting Voted that the Representative should not be paid out of the Publick Chest Thomas Rand one of the Selectraen of the Town of Weston was appointed by the Rest of the Selectraen of s". Town to Assertain the Nuraber of Persons in s". Town Desired by Con gress and was Sworn June 10'". 1776 [129.] At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabi tants of the Town of Weston that are suitably Qualified to Vote TOWN RECORDS, 1776. 223 in Town affairs being Legally warned assembled at the Meet- •< ing House in S" Town on Munday the first Day of July AD 1776 to know the rainds of the Town what further incourage- raent they will give those raen that are to go to Canada The Town brought in their Votes for a Moderator & it ap peared that De" : Thomas Upham was Chosen for s" : Meeting 1 Voted to give further Incourageraent than what the General Court has granted to those raen that are to go to Canada £ S D 2 Voted to give 6 — 6 — 8 to each raan as an addition to the bounty which the General Court grajited to those that are to go to Canada this present tirae 3 Voted to Chuse a Coraraittee to hire the Money which fhe Town Granted r Maj" : Samel Lamson The Coraraittee ? In^ : Isaac Hobbs ( Cap'' : John Warren 4 Voted that the meeting be adjourned till Wednesday the 3" : July 1776 at the Meeting House at 5 oClock. p. m. Upon the adjournment of the above the Town meet at the Meeting House at 5 oClock p m then Voted that the raeeting be adjourned till Thursday 4'". July 1776 at the Meeting House at 5 oClock p. m. Upon the adjournraent of the above the Town raeet at the Meeting at 5 oClock p m Voted that the Town Treasurer be Ordered and Directed to give his Securaty in behalf of the Town for a sura of Money for one Year at Six p''. Cent p' : Annum which the Town granted to those men that are to go to Canada this Time At a Meting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston that one Suitably Qualified to vote in Town affairs (by a Number of the Inhabitants Desire) being Legally worned asserabled at the Publick Meeting House on Munday 29'". July 1776 to know the rainds of the Town wheather they 224 TOWN RECORDS, 1776. will take any other method to Raise those men that are to In- gage in the Continential Array than what is Prescribed by Con gress De" : Thomas Upham Chosen Moderator 1 Voted to give those five men that are to go to Canada some incouriageraent USD 2 Voted to give 6 . . 6 . . 8 to those that are to go lo Canada at this time [130,] r Major Sam"'', Lamson ^ be a Coraraittee to 3 Voted that ^ Cap'', John Warren >hire the raoney for C Ens', Isaac Hobbs j the above persons 4 Voted to adjourn till Six in the afternoon The Inhabitants then meet and Dissolved the Meeting In Congress July 4'" 1776 A Declaration by the Repre sentatives of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA In General Congress Assembled When in Course of human Events, it becoraes necessary for one People to dissolve the political Bonds which have connected thera with another and to assurae araong the Powers of the Earth, the seperate & equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle them a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the Course which impel them to the Seperation, We hold these truths to be Self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with cer tain unalieable Rights, that araong these are Life Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness : — That to secure these Rights, Gov ernraents are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Govern ment, laying its foundation ou such Principles and organizing town RECOEOS, 1776. 225 its Powers in such Form, as to thera shall seem raost likely to effect their Safety & Hapines. Prudence, indeed will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed foi- light & transient Causes ; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right theraselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses & Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce thera under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Governraent, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferants of these Colonies ; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their forraer Systeras of Governent. The History of the present King of Great Britain is a Hisory of repeated Injuries & Usurpations, all having in direct Object an Establishraent of ah absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this let facts be subraitted to a candid World. He has refused his assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the publick Good He has forbidden his Governers to pass Laws of immediate and pressing Iraportants, unless suspended in their Operation until his Assent should be obtained ; and when so suspended he has utterly neglected to attend to thera. He has refused to pass other Laws for the Accommodation of Large Districts of People, unless those People would relin quish the Right of Representation in the Legislature a Right inestimable to them & formidable to tyrants only. He has called together Legislative Bodies at Places unsual, uncomfortable and distant from the Depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing thera into Corapliance with his Measures. [131.] He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with Manly Firmness his Invasions on the Rights of the People. He has refused for a long Tirae, after such Dissolutions, to cause others to be elected ; whereby the Legislative Powers incapable of Annihilation have returned to the people at large 226 TOWN records, 1776. for their Exercise ; the State reraaining in the mean Time ex posed to all the Dangers of Invasion frora without and Convul sions within. He has endeavoured to prevent the Population of these States ; for that Purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturaliza tion of Foreigners ; refusing to pass others to encourage their Migrations hither, and raising the Conditions of new Appropri ations of Lands. He has obstructed the Adrainistration of Justice by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers. He has raadejudges dependent on his Will alone, forthe Tenure of their Offices and the Araount and Payment of their Salaries. He has erected a multitude of New Officers, & Sent hither Swarms of Officers to harrass our People and eat out their Sub stance. He has kept among us, in times of Peace, Standing Arraies, without the Consent of our Legislatures. He has affected to render the Military independent of & Superior to the Civil Power. He has combined with others to Subject as to a Jurisdiction foreign to our Consitution, & Unacknowledged by our Laws ; giving his Assent to their acts of pretended Legislation For quartering large Bodies of armed Troops among us. For protecting them by a Mock Trial, frora Punishraent for any Murders which they should corarait on the Inhabitants of these States : For cuting off our Trade with all parts of the World : For irapossing Taxes on us without our consent : For depriving us, in many Cases, ofthe benefit Trial by Jury : For transporting us beyound Seas to be tried for pretended Offences : For abolishing the Free Systera of English Laws in neigh bouring Province, establishing therein an arbitrary Govern ment, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an Example and fit Instruraent for introducing the Same abso lute Rule into these Colonies. For taking away our Charters abolishing our most valuable Laws and altering fundamentally the Forras of our Govern ments : TOWN RECORDS, 1776. 227 For suspending our own Legislatures, and declareing them selves invested with Power to legislate for us in all Cases what soever. He has abdicated Governraent here, by declareing us out of his Protection and waging War against us. He has plundered our Seas, ravaged our Coasts burnt our Towns and destroyed the Lives of our People. He is at this tirae transporting larg Arraies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of Death, Desolation and Tyranny already [132.] begun with Circurastances of Cruelty & Perfidy scarsely paralleled in the raost barbarous Ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized Nation. He has constrained our Fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas, to bear Armes against their Country ; to becorae the Executioners of their Friends and Brethren or to fall thera selves by their Hands. He has excited Doraestic Insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the Inhabitants of our Frountiers the Merciless Indian Savages, whose known Rule of Warfare, is an undistinguished Destruction of all Ages Sexes and Conditions. In every Stage of these Oppressions we have Petitioned for Redress, in the raost humble Terms : Our repeted Petitions have been answered only by repeted Injury ! — A Prince whose Character is thus marked by every act which raay define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the Ruler of a Free People ! Nor have we been wanting in Attention to our British Brothers. We have warned thera frora Time to Tirae of At terapts by their Legislature to extend on unwarrantable Juris diction over us. We have reminded thera of the Circurastances of our Eraigration and Settlement here. We have appealed to their native Justice and Magnanimity and we have conjured them by the Ties of our coramon Kindred to disavow those Usurpations which would inevitable interrupt our Connexions and Correspondence. They, too have been deaf to the Voice of Justice and of Consanguinity. We raust, therefore asquiesce in the Necessity which denounces our Separation, and hold them as we hold the rest of Mankind Enemies in War; in Peace, Friends. We therefore, the Representatives of the United 228 town records, 1776. States of America in General Congress asserabled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the Rectitide of our Intentions do, in the Narae and by the Authority of the good People of these Colonies solemnly Pubhsh and Declare, That these United Colonies are and of Right ought to be Free and Independants States ; that they are absolved from all Alle giance to the British Crown ; and that all political Connexion between thera and these States of Great Britain, is, and ought to be totally dissolved ; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conlude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Coraraerce, and to do all other Acts and things which Independent States may of Right do. And for the Support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor. Signed by Order and in Behalf of the Congress John Hancock, President [133,] In Council, July 17th, 1776, Ordered, That the Declaration of Independence be printed; and a Copy sent to the Ministers of each Parish, of every Denomination within this State ; and that they severally be re quired to read the sarae to their Respective Congregation, as soon as divine Service is ended, in the Afternoon, on the first Lords Day after they shall have received it : — And after such Publication thereof; to deliver the said Declaration to the Clerks of their several Towns or Districts ; who are hereby required to record the same in their respective Town or Did- trict Books there to reraain as a perpetual Memorial thereof. In the Narae, and by Order ofthe Council R. Derby, Jun President A true Copy Attest, John Avert, Dep. Sedy Read in publick Sept : 8, 1776 p^ Rev" : Sam'^''. Woodward Weston A true Coppy frora the Declaratision Attest Joel Smith Town Clerh for the Town of Weston town records, 1776. 229 At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston being Qualified and Warned according to Law to Vote in Town affairs asserabled at the Publick Meeting-House in s". Town on Munday the Twenty first Day of Oct". AD 1776 at one oClock in the afternoon — 1 To Grant Money to Pay the Rev". M' : Sam"'. Woodward Sallary for one year begining Sep' : 25'". 1776 and also to make Provision for his fire wood for said year — 2 To hear the Town Creditors accounts and act thereon — 3 To Grant Money to Support Schooling & Defray the usual charges of y^ Town 4 To know the raind of the Town if they will raake any fur ther Provision for Schooling than the Graraer School and if so how much and what raeathod for the Year Insewing — [134.] 5 To know the rainds of the Town if they will grant the Rev". M"'. Sara'''. Woodward £13 . . 6 . . 8 ou raore over and above his usual Sallary for the present Year — ,6 To know the rainds of the Town if they will abate the Rates of Elish Cox in Constable Sara^'. Liverraores List — 7 You are a like Requred to Notify the Inhabitants that they bring in their Credit if any they have to the Selectraen at the House of M''. Benj^. Peirce Inholder in Weston Thirsday Oct". 17'". 1776 at 6 oClock in the afternoon And raake Return hereof at or before the tirae appointed for s". Meeting with your doing to the Selectraen of s". town — Weston Oct". 14'". 1776 The Town Creditors Account in 1774 & 5 1774 to Dec". Thoraas Russel his Sallery as Constable . £0 10 0 to warning Seven Town Meetings . . . . 0 14 0 1775 to M^ Sam"'. Livemore his Salery , , . . 0 10 0 to warning four Meetings 0 8 0 1776 to Cap'. Jonathan Fisk his Sallery . , , , 0 10 0 to warning four Meetings 0 8 0 1776 to Cap', Sam"'. Baldwin for 5 Days makeing Highway I n jq q Rates a 2/0 p'. Day & writing 5 Warrants , , . ) To 17 1/2 Days taking Invoice & making Rates & writing Warrants 1 16 0 To Paper to make the Rates on 0 3 4 1775 To Col". Braddyll Smith for making Rates 7 Day , 0 14 0 £6 2 4 230 town records, 1777. The Town brought in their Votes for a Moderator for s". Meeting Decn. Thomas Upham Chosen £ S S 1 Voted to Give the Rev". M''. Sam«". Woodward 66 . . 13 . . 4 as Sallary for one year begining 25 Sep'. AD 1776 and also Twelve Pounds for his fire wood for said year — 2 Voted to Except the Town Creditors account as now read off 3 Voted Three Hundred Pounds to Support Schooling and defray the Usual Charges of the Town — 4 Voted that the School goes on as it hath for several Years back 5 Voted to give the Rev". M'. Sam"'. Woodward £13 . . 6 . . 8 over and above his Usual Salery — [135.] 6 Voted to abate the Rates of Elisha Cox in Con stable Sara'*', Livemores List — At another meeting ofthe freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston that are free and Twenty one Years old and warned according to Law assembled at the Publick meet ing house on Mundav Oct". 21*', AD 1776 at three oClock in the afternoon they then brought in their votes for a raoderator and it appeared that Dec'' Thomas Upham was Chosen Voted not to act upon the hand Bill which was sent to the Town frora the Hbuse of Representatives to know their rainds if they consent that the House of Representatives with the Counse Shall Constatute a form of government 1777. At a Meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston that are Qualified by Law to Vote in Town affairs being Legally Warned Asserabled at the Publick Meeting House on Munday y'^, 27'", Day of Jan", 1777 at one of the Clock, p, M, to hear the Petition of Josiah Sraith Esq', and others — The Town then brought in their Votes for a Moderator "o^ Dec". THO^ Upham Chosen town records, 1777. 231 The Petition To the Selectmen of the Town of Weston — Gentlemen — Be so good as to call a Town raeeting as soon as raay be to here the Petition of us the Subscribers and act thereon "Whereas it is Difficult in Coraing at Justice in Drafting men to go into the Service of the United States by a Coraraon Draft we think it a more Just and Equitable way to come at Justice for the town to Chuse a Coraraitte to hire Men whenever there shall be a Call for Men & to have thera Paid by an Assesment on y°. Inhabitants & Estates by the sarae Rule that coraraon Town Rates are raade and Collected in the sarae way & y". Money when Collected to be Delivered to s". Coraraittee in order to Pay y". Men that they shall hire — And also to raake an Estiraation of what Every Person has done in the Service ofthe War Since y". 19'". of April AD. 1775 and Make an Assessment by the Rule above s". to be made by the Present Valuation as soon as may be — And s". Coraraittee to Estiraate the whole Sum of what every Person has Done & deliver the Sura total to the Assessors and a Rate to be made & y". money Collected by the Rule above s", & the raoney Delivered to s"- Coraraittee & s", Corainittee to Pay to Every Person what is his Just due s" Coraraittee to be accountable to s". Town when ever Cal". by s". Town to Render an account & s". Coraittee when Chosen to stand during the Towns Pleasure Josiah Smith &c &c &c " [136.] 1 Voted to act on the Petition — 2 Voted to Chuse a Committee to Estimate what every person has dun Since the 19'". of April 1775 — 3 Voted to Chuse five a a Coraraittee — f John Warren j Tho'. Rand Chose <( Abr". Jones I Isaac Hobbs [ Sam^''. Livermore for s", Coraraittee 232 TOWN records, 1777. 4 Voted s". Coraraittee to Report on the 10'". of Feb'. AD 1777 at which tirae said Meeting is aJorned to — Feb'. 10'", Voted to a Journ s". Meeting to 13'". at nine oClock in y". Mourning — The Town raet and Voted to Recommit the Report of the Committee & raake an addition of fur to s". Coraraittee — r CoR°. Smith 1 Chose J ^^^^ ^^'°^ y for s". Recomraitte Dec". Russell L Dec". Upham J Voted to a Journ till four oClock of s". Day y". Inhabitants then raet and Voted to aJourn till the 17'", Day at one oClock in the after noon — Upon the ajournraent of the Meeting afore raentioned the Town Asserabled the 17'", of FeV. 1777 & Voted as follow eth— Viz— 1 Voted not to begin at the first Article and so go through — 2 Voted not to Except of the Report of y'*. Committee as it now stands 3 Voted that Each man be allowed the Sum that he hath paid out either by paying a fine or by Hireing — And that Each man that was hired went for his hire — 4 Voted to allough Three Pounds to each man that were in the Service at Carabridge 8 Months — 5 Voted that Ten Pounds be alowed to each man that was in the Service Twelve Months and Marched to New York — 6 Voted that Eighteen Pounds be alowed to each raan that was in y'. Service Twelve Months and Marched to Canada — 7 Voted that Twelve Shillings be alowed to each raan that was in y". Service two Months at Carabridge Feb'". & March 1776 — Turn over [137.] brought over 8 Voted that five Pounds be alowed to each man that was in the Service five Months at Ticondaroga — And also that those TOWN RECORDS, 1777. 233 men that have not Rec". the Towns bounty be alowed to Re ceive it — 9 Voted that two Pounds 10^ be alowed to each raan that was in the Service four Months at Boston — 10 Voted that five Pounds be alowed to each raan that was in the Service two raonths at Horse Neck — 11 Voted that Seven Pounds 10' be alowed to each man that is now gon in the Service to the Jersies — 12 Voted that one Pound Ten Shillings be alowed to each man that is now in the Service att Boston for five Months — 13 Voted that Eighteen Shillings be allowed to each raan that is now in the Service att Boston for Three Months — 14 Voted to Chues a Coraraittee agreable to the Petition — 15 Voted to Chues five for s". Committee by Written Votes Elisha Warren Isaac Hobbs Chose -^ Sam^''. Lamson I Sam^\ Fisk j l_ Jonas Sanderson J for s". Committee Voted that the Meeting be a jouned to the 18'", Instant at one oClock. p. m. — Upon the a jounment of the Meeting last raentioned the In habitants Asserabled and Voted as followeth Viz — 1 Voted to give the Committee Sum Instructions — 2 Voted that the Coraraittee appointed by the Town (to procure raen for the present War) be irapowered to hire Money in behalf of s"- Town and prudantly lay it out in hireing raen (if needed more than what the Continant & this State has all- ready granted) to hire those men that are now Called for or that shall be called for during the standing of s". Committee and s". Committee be accountable to s". Town when called unto — 3 Voted to grant Two Thousand Pounds to defray the Charges of the war and ly in bank — And that Sura be Assess! & raade by it self & as other Rates are — And that the Usual Constables Collect the sarae sura the Town Voted — 234 TOWN RE(;ORDS, 1777. [138.] 4 Voted that y''. Constables deliver the Money to the (^Ibareman of the Coraraittee And that this Coraraittee exarain & pay out to those that have done Services and give a list of what Each person has done — 5 Voted that those Persons that have done services shall not receive what y''. Town Granted but by Assignraent — 6 Voted that y''. Committee appointed be irapowered to give out a Warrant to the Assessors to Assess the Sura granted by y*". Town according to the Usual way of Making Rates — At a Meeting ofthe Freeholders and other Inhabitants ofthe Town of Weston Duly Qualified and Lawfully Warned in Pub lick Town Meeting Assembled on Munday y^- 3" of March AD 1777 at Ten oClock in y". forenoon at the Publick Meeting- House in s". Town then and there 1 To Chuse Selectraen a Coraraittee of Correspond and other Town officers that are by Law required — 2 To hear the Town Treasurers accounts for y** : year past & act thereon 3 To know the minds of the Town Whether their Swine shall go at large the Year ensuing — 4 To know the minds of the Town whether they will repair their high-ways by a rate the Year Ensuing and if so grant Money therefor — 5 To hear and Act upon a list prepaired for the Jury Box 6 To know the minds of the Town if they will abate y^. Rates of Timothey Bemis in Benj"*. Peirce's list which is £0 18 4/i^ — 7 To know the rainds of the Town if they will alough the account of Josiah Sraith Esq', for what he attended at the Con gres — 8 To hear the petition of Sam'" : Train and others to know if the Town will provid Wood for the Schools by a Rate and if so grant Money there for — The Town Proceeded to bring in their Votes for a Moderator and upon examing the sarae it appeared that Josiah Smith Esq" was Chosen Moderator for s". Meeting — And the fol- TOWN RECORDS, 1777. 235 Selectmen [139.] Coraraittee of Corospond lowing Persons were chosen into Office for the Year Ensew ing — Viz 'Josiah Smith Tho^ Rand < IsRAiEL Whittemore I JoN* : Underwood [Isaac Hobbs rSAM"'': Fisk I Sam^'' : Livermore 1 Mathew Hobbs I Voted to Chues but three Town Clerk Joel Smith Town Treasurer Sam^''. Lamson Sworn March 10'". Sworn March 10'". TNathaniel Felch and he paid his fine Constables -{ I Rev". Asa Dunbar and the Town excused him [Sam"''. Seaverns ju". and he paid his fine Assessors Wardius Surveyors & Collectors of High-Ways Tythinraen Hoggreaves Preserver of Deer Field Drivers r Abr"". Jones < Mathew Hobbs ( Joseph Russel r Sam"''. Baldwin < JoN^. Warren ( Eph". Train f Eijis", Harrington I Joshua Peirce ¦{ Elis=- Warren Jon*, Stratton ju", Jonas Sanderson Sam"'', Lamson Phinehas Upham Sam"''. Baldwin John Mirick John Warren ju". Uriah Gregory Nathan Hager Josiah Biglow Sworn March 10'". Sworn March 10'". Sworn March 10'". Sworn March 10'". Sworn March 10'". Sworn March 10'" Sworn March 10'". Sworn March 3". Sworn March 10'". Sworn March 10'". Sworn March — 10'". Sworn March 10'". Sworn iN'larch — 10'". Sworn March — 10'". Sworn March — 10'". Sworn March — 10'". 236 town records, 1777. Fence- Vewers Sealers of Leather [140.] Surveyors of Bords Shingles &c Joseph Russell Uriah Gregory 5 Jonas Sanderson ( Jonas Peirce Sworn March — 10'". Sworn March 10'"- Sworn March 10'". Daniel Stratton Thomas Rand Sworn March 10'" Saxton and Grave Digger Sam"'' : Fisk at 6 Dollars pr. Annum 1 Voted to except the Town Treasurers account as now read off The account of Sara*' : Lamson Treasrer for Weston from March 2". 1776 to March y^ 1"'. 1777 is as followeth Viz — Rec". the balance that remained in my Hands last Year Rec". of Col"". Smith what remained in his Hands when Treasurer Rec". of W"". Whitney the Interest due on his Bond 6. .13. .3 & part of y". Principle 11. .17. .2 . Rec" of Samuel Train the Interest due on his Bond Rec" of Benj^. Peirce Late Constable in part Reel, of Dec". Russel late Constable in part . Rec^, of Thaddeus Spring late Constable in part , Rec". of Cap'. Eisk late Constable in part Rec"'. of Sam"i. Livemore late Constable in part . Money hired into the Treasurey by order of the Town P", the Rev". M"' Sam"i. Woodward his Salery in full for one Year ending Sep'. 25'". 1776 also for his fire wood & what y" Town granted to him over and above his Salery P*. to the Province Treasurey in part of y". Province Tax P". to the Province Treasurey in full .... P", to ThoMJpham P", to Christ", Capron for bording W°: Partridge 42 Weeks 2 Days P". Joseph Harrington ju'. as his account being one of the Overseers P". Tho». Upham £ S 3 7 3 19 18 1 2 39 478087 110 10 •a 19 1 7 12 B 2 Q 3 1 1 13 4 — 394 17 2 2025 1 0 6 16 — 4 9 6 6 10 — TOWN RECORDS, 1777. 237 P<', Isaac Jones for Blankerting 11 — P*, Joseph Stedraan for Repairing the New Bridge . 12 — P"i, Benj", Hurd for one Gun 18 — ?<•, Sam"'. Fisk for Carting a Load of Hay to the Armey 10 — P*. Josiah Star for Doctering Sam"'. Corys Wife and Lucy 1 18 1 P*. Jonas Harrington ju'. for Plank for the Great Bridge 4 8 6 P*. John Lamson for one Gun and Boyonet , , , 2 8 — P"" Tho^ Rand for Supporting the Poor & Numbering y". People 1 15 2 P" Uriah Gregory for Planck for the Great Bridge . 2 6 8 P4 Benj". Dudley for Bording Widow Corey from March 6"^. 1775 to March 6'" 1776 6 18 8 P". Roger Bigelow for one Gun 14 — P*. Jon". Underwood for Clothing for the W-d-o Par trige 3 — 9 P*. Israiel Whittemore for Clothing for the W-d-o Par tridge 176 P*. Jonas Peirce for Bording Master Hill ... 3 P*. Joseph Whitney for Bording Master Eames . . 2 14 — P^. Master Jon^, Eames for^keeping School , , , 8 — — F'^. David Stedman for keeping a Reading & Writing School 1/2 a Month 1 4 _ Turn over 188 1 2 3 £ 8 B Q [141,] Brought over 188 1 2 3 P*, Thadd^ Spring for an Order from Josiah Cary for taking Care of y". Meeting House in 1775 , , 14 — P* Isaac Elagg for keeping School 2 Months & bording himself 4 16 — P". Christ", Capron for keeping Wid°, Partrige from JSToV". 5'". 1776 to March y". 5'", 1776 , , , 1 14 — P4, Josiah Stedman for Plank for Bridges . , , 5 — P*, Josiah Stedman for making Rates , , . , 12 — P* Elisebeth Stimson for bording aud Nursing Benj" Stimson 62 Weeks 12 12 — P", Col", Braddyll Smith for his Service at Congress , 27 8 — P" Ephram Train fro bording Master Eames , , 3 — — P* Sam"', Train ju'. for keeping W". Partridge 2 Weeks 0 10 — P" Cap', John Flagg for Bording Master Hobert , , 3 — — P'*. Henry Coggins for keeping and Clothing W™, Par- y tridge 37 Weeks from 6'", March 1776 to y", 30*", [• 6 15 2 Nov-", 1775 ) P* Henry Coggins for bording W". Partridge 62 Weeks 8 4 8 238 TOWN RECORDS, 1777. P". David Stedman for keeping School 4 Months & bord ing himself 9 12 — F'^. Benj". Jones for bording Master Eames . , , 2 17 10 P'l. Benj". Peirce for Clothing for the Poor & the Use y of 2 Guns and mending of one & for Numbering V 2 7 2 the People ) P'l. each of tlie following Persons whatthe Town Granted to them for their going to Canada 5 Months , Yiz Convas Biglow John Warren ju' Sam"i. Train Mathew Hobbs John Hager Lemuel Stimson Jaraes Cogswell Benj". Rand Sam"'. Danf orth W", Helms Pall Coledge John Baldwin Benj". Bancroft David Sanderson Reubin Hobbs Elias Biglow Tho^ Russel ju' John Stimson 385 19 2 3 [142.] We the Subscribers being appointed by the Select men have Exarained the foregoing accounts & find them well vouched and Wright cast and there reraains in the Treasurers Hands — Weston March 1^'. 1777 Remains in late Constable David Stearns Hands . Remains in late Constable Benj". Peirces Hands . Remains in late Constable Mathew Hobbs Hands Remains in late Constable Dec". Tho», Russells Hands Remains in late Constable Thadd^ Springs Hands Remains in late Constable Jonathan Fisks Hands Remains in late Constable Sara"', Livermores Hands 202 17 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 .8 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 £ S D 8 17 11 Q 1 Benj". Peirce THO^ Rand Joel Smith 2 11 1 18 10 4 5 8 ds 23 1 8 . 47 2 9 , CO 19 10 , 63 7 0 21 3 3 3 3 3 TOWN RECORDS, 1777, 239 2 Voted that their Swine go at large 3 Voted to Repair their High Ways by a Rate 4 Voted Fourty Pounds to repair their Roads 5 Voted to except the list of Juriors 6 Voted to abate the Rates of Tiraotha Berais £0 , , 18 , , 4>^ 7 Voted to allow Josiah Sraith Esq', 4V p''. Day for his Service at Congress being 27 Days 8 Voted to Supply their Schools with wood by a Rate 9 Voted to grant £20 to Support their Schools with wood 10 Voted to ajourn this Meeting till the 10'". Instant Upon the ajournraent above the Inhabitants meet and Chose Samuel Fisk Constable Sworn March 10'". Att a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants Suitably Qualified to Vote in Town affairs being Legallj' Warned Asserabled at the Publick Meeting House in Weston on Munday y", 26'", Day of May 1777 at one oClock, p, m, did then Elect & depute M', Isaac Hobbs to Serve for & Represent thera in the Great and General Court or Assembly appoin-ted to be convened Held & Kept for the Service of the People at the Court House in Boston on Wednesday y". 28'", Instant Voted to send but one Voted to act on the recommendation of the Great & General Court Voted that their Representative should Acquiesce with the General Court in their Recommendation to the Several Towns in Instructing their Representative Relative to a New forra of Governraent [143,] At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabi tants of y^ Town of Weston being Legally warned Assembled at the PubLick Meeting-House in s". Town on Fryday y". 15'", Day of August 1777 at three oClock, p, m, to know what further instructions they will give to their Committee Chosen to hire raen or act any other raatter or thing relative to the war affair — Voted to give Twenty Pounds as a bounty to those raen that shall ingage to go at this tirae — 240 TOWN RECORDS, 1777. At a Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston being Legally warned Assembled at the Publick Meeting House in s". Town on Munday y^. 13'". Day of October 1777 at one oClock in the afternoon then and there — 1 To grant money to Pay the Rev". M'', Sara''. Woodwards Sallery for one year begiuiug y"*. 25'". of Sep'. 1777 and also- make provision for his fire wood for s"- year And also to know the minds of s". Town what further grant they will raake to the Rev". M'. Woodward the Present year or provide for hira any other way as the Town shall think Proper — 2 To here the Town Creditors accounts & act there on — 3 To grant money to Support Schooling & defray the Usuaf Charges of said Town — 4 to know the Minds of the Town if they will raake any~ further Provision for Schooling then the Grammer School and if so how rauch & what raethod for the year insewing 5 to know y" : rainds of y*" : Town if they will abate the Rates of y''. following Persons or any part of them in Consta ble Thad^ : Springs list Viz Soloraon Stimson 13/3 Elisha Cox £1 . . 8/2 Henry Gale 1—3—7 Tho= : Peirce 6/3>^ Jesse Garfield £1 . . 3 . . 7 Necholas Hobert 10/6 John Gray 10/6 Elisha Stimson £1 . . 3 . . 7 John Hager Ju'. 10/6 Jon\ Cox 10/6— Also to know the minds of the Town if they will abate the Rates of Thomas Peirce in Constable Sam'^'. Liverraores list 6 to know the rainds of the Town if they will Chuse a Sur veyor & Collector of High ways in y' : room of John Whitehead. who is absent or act anything relating there unto [144.] 7 You are hereby Required to Notify the Inhabi tants to bring in their Credit if any they have to the Selectmen on Fryday y^ 10'". Day of Oct", at the House of Cap'. Sara''. Bauldwin in s". Town at three OClock in y". afternoon — Then the Town proceeded to bring in their Votes and It ap peared upon Examining the same that Josiah Smith Esq^. was Chosen moderator — 1 Voted that y'. Rev". M'. Sam". Woodward be allowed his. Salery as usual for the present year — TOM'N RECORDS, 1777, 241 2 Voted to grant y" : Rev" : M"', Sara"'. Woodward 40£ to enable hira to provide his fire wood the present year — 3 Voted to grant y°. Rev". M' : Sara" : AVoodward £26 . . 13 . . 4 as gratuity for the present year 4 Voted to all allow the Town Creditors account as fol loweth Viz — to M'. Jonas Peirce for warning Seven Town meetings In 1776 £1 . . 13—0 for Sallary as Constable one year £1—0-0 to M' Daniel Livermore for warning "three Town Meet ings 9/0 for Sallary as Constable one year £1 . . 0 . . 0 To Lieu'. Abraham Jones for 2 1/2 Days Service in draw ing the Lists & taking y". Invoice of y". Inhabitants of y". South side of said Town in 1777 To 4 1/2 Days Service at making y" State & Town Rates ) to 2 Days making the High way Bates & War Rates ) To Joseph Russell for 21 1/2 Days Service in making the y Several Rates & taking the invoice of North side In- V habitants in 1777 ) To Lieu'. Mathew Hobbs for 8 1/2 Day Service in making ) & examining the several Rates in s"!. Town in 1777 . > To M'. Joseph Russell for Paper for the Several Rates & ) s;reat Sheats and warrants > £2 13 0 9 0 1 16 0 6 0 1 14 0 5 Voted to make some further Provision for Schooling 6 Voted to grant Eight Pound to division beside the Grara raer School and that all the Schools go at onece as nigh as possilile £8 7 Voted that 450£ be granted to Support Schoolind and Defray the usual Charges of the Town , . . £450 [145,] 8 Voted to abate the Rates of y' following Persons in Constable Thadd^ Springs list Viz — Solomon Stimson's Rates Elisha Cox's Rates Henry Gale's Rates Thomas Peirce's Rates Nicholas Hobert's Rates John Grays Rates £0 13 3 1 8 2 1 3 7 0 6 3* 0 10 6 0 10 6 Voted not to abate y'. Rates of Jesse Garfield 242 TOWN RECORDS, 1777. Voted' not to abate y'. Rates of Tho\ Peirce in Constable Sam'', Liverraores list — the abateraent of the Rates of Elisha Stimson John Hager ju', and Jon^, Cox as mentioned in y', warrant were not put to Vote 9 Voted that Lieu', Jon", Stratton Serve as Surveyor & Collector of High ways in the Room of John Whitehead absent At a Meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of y'. Town of Weston that are by Law Qualified to Vote in Town affairs being Legally Warned, assembled at the Publick Meeting House in s". Town on Thursday y'. 11'". Day of Dec"°. 1777 at one oClock in the afternoon 1^' to here the Petition of M'", John Allen and others Rela tive to the General Courts calling in the Bill of Publick Credit of this State and Remonstrate as they shall think proper whether to the General Assembly as such or give their Repre sentative instructions thereon or act any other matter or thing relative to the petition — 2" To know minds of the Town if they will examin the ac counts of the Committee chosen by the Town to precure men when called to go into the- Service of the United States of Amarica or act any other matter or thing relative to s". Com mittee — 3" To know the minds of the Town if they will Act any matter or thing relative to the Support of the Families of those that have gone as privates in the Service of the United States of Amarica — 4'" To know the minds of the Town if they will set up a Tan Yeard upon the Towns Cost at Sura convenient place in said Town or act anything relative to the sarae — [146,] Voted by said Town that Josiah Smith Esq", be Moderator for said Meeting — 1^'. Voted to act upon the petition of M'. John Allen & others 2", Voted to Reraonstrat to the General Court as such Rela tive to their Calling in the Bill of Credit of this State & puting them oil Interest — TOWN RECORDS, 1778. 243 3" Voted to Chues five as a Committee to Draw a Report for the Purpose above said and made Choice of — Mssers John Allen Capt''. John Flagg Sam'"'. Livermore Lieu''. Abra". Jones Benj". Peirce 4'". Voted to examin the accounts ofthe Coraraittee as men tioned in the Warrant — 5'". Voted to chewes a Coraraitte of three / Lieu''. Jon" : Stratton Choose < Cap''. Sam'"' : Baldwin C LiEU'^. Ab". Jones for s". Coraraittee for s". purpose 6'"- Voted that the Selectraen be a Coraraittee to supply the Familes of those that are gone as privates in the Service of the United States of Amarica — 7'". Voted not to act upon the 4'". Article — 8'". Voted to ajourn the Meeting till Tuesday y' : 16'". Instant at two oClock. p. M. and also to here the Report of the Com mittes to Examin accounts & Relative to the Petition of M'. John Allen & others Agreably to the ajournraent y'- Inhabitants Assembled and Voted to except the Report of the Coram'". Relative* to the Petition of M'. John Allen and others 1778 [147.] At a meeting of the Free holders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston being legally warned Asserabled at the Publick Meeting House in s". Town on Munday y'. 12'" Day of Jan" : 1778 at one oClock p. m. 1''. To here & consider of articles of Confideration & Perpe tual union, between y\ United States of Amarica formd & Proposed to y". Legislative Body of this State by y' Honorable Congress & to Instruct your Representative to act & do as you shall judge most for the advantag of this & y' • other United 244 TOWN records, 1778. States Relative to that matter agreable to a Recommendation of y^. House of Representatives 2" To here an address of y'. House of Representatives to the Inhabitants of this State setting forth y' : Reason which Induced the House to pass an Act for calling in the Bills of Credit Emitted by ys : Goverraent & Obviating the Objection that have been raade to it — They then Chose Josiah Smith Esq" : Moderator 1 Voted to accept of the Confideration & Perpetual Union as adopted by the Congress and that the Representative be In structed to act accordingly — 2 Voted not to here the Second Article in the Warrant at this Meeting At a Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of y'. Town of Weston that are by Law Qualified to Vote in Town Affairs being Legally warned Asserabled at y'. Publick Meeting House in s". Town on Munday y'. 9'". of Feb'. 1778 at one of the oClock p. m. they then and there Chose Josiah Smith Es(S''. Moderator for s". Meeting Voted not to act upon the Warrant — At a Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of y". Town of Weston that are by Law Qualified to Vote iri Town Afiairs being Legally warned Asserabled at the Publick Meet ing House in s". Town on Munday y'. 2". of March AD 1778 at 10 oClock in the fore noon 1 To Chuse -Selectmen & other Town OflScers for the year Ensewing that are by Law Required 2 To here the Town Treasurers accounts for y'. Year Ensew ing & act thereon 3 To know the minds of the Town wheather their Swine shall go at large the year ensuing 4 To know the minds of the Town whether they will Repair their high ways by a Rate the year Ensewing & if so grant money Theirfor 5 To hear & act upon a list prepared for the Jury Box TOWN RECORDS, 1778, 245 [148.] 6 To know the minds of the Town if they will allow £ S D Q to M' : Josiah Biglow 1 . . 8 . . 6 . . 3 which was allowed to Cap'. Spring for his part in building the North West School House 7 To know the minds of y' : Town if they will abate the Sum £ s o of 1 . . 5 . . 7 to M"". Jonas Harrington which he was over Rated & set in Constable Daniel Liverraores List ; and likewise the £ s D Sura of 3 . . 7 . . 5 set in Constable Sara". Fisks list of War Rates 8 T[o] know the rainds of the Town if they will abate the Rates of John Stedraan £0 . , 10 , , 6 . , 0 S D Q Also the Rates of John Ball £0 . . 10 . . 6 . . 0 set in Consta ble Russells List 9 To know the minds of the Town if they will abate the Rates of Tim" : Berais £1 . . 7 . , 10 . , 0 Also the Rates of Phinehas Jones £0 . . 13 . . 9 . . 3 Set in Constable Hobbs list 10 To know the minds of the Town if they will abate the Rates of John Walker ju'. £1 . . 13 . . 5 . . 2 Also the Rates of Ephraim Fenno £0 . . 5 . , 5 . , 0 Set in Constable Fisk's list 11 To know y": minds of the Town if they will abate the Rates of the following Persons in Constable Jona Peirces list Viz John Walker Jun'. £2 . . 17 . , 4 Sara" Danforth £1 . . 3 . . 9 . . 3 Joseph Henderson £1 . . 2 . . 2. .3 12 To know the minds of the Town if they will hear y' : Report of the Coraraittee chosen by s" Town to exarain y". ac counts of y'. Coraraittee chosen to hire raen for y' : war & act thereon 13 To know the minds of y*. Town whether they will con tinue y'. Committee chosen by s". Town to hire raen for y'. War & if so grant raoney therefor or act any other raatter or thing relative to said Coraraittee or the War affair — They then chose Josiah Smith Esq". Moderator And the following Persons were chose into Office for y'. Year Ensewing Viz 246 TOWN RECORDS, 1778. 'Josiah Smith Isaac Jones ? Selectraen { Israiel Whittemore Samuel Fisk Joseph Roberts Coraraittee of Corrospond Inspection & Safety [149.] Town Clerk Joel Smith Town Treasurer Samuel Fisk Abijah Stedman I Samuel Livermore I ¦( Nathan Hobbs Josiah Biglow Constables Sworn March 9'". Sworn March 9'" Sworn March 9'" Josiah Biglow & he paid his fine 5£ Benj". Dudley and was excused for the present year Cap''. John Flagg and was Excused Elisha Harrington Assessors Wardins Surveyors & Abr^. Jones Nathan Hobbs Joseph Roberts Daniel Livermore Jon". Fisk Nathaniel Felch Josiah Smith Ephraim Train Collectors of <( Simeon Smith High ways Tythingmen Hoggreaves Preserver of Dear Field Drivers Nathan Hager [John Allen 5 Jonas Sanderson c Benj". Fuller 5 Joseph Seaverns c Jon". Warren 5 Simeon S.mith c Daniel Stratton 3 Nathan Hager C Daniel Stratton Sworn march 9'" Sworn raarch 9'" Sworn raarch 9'" Sworn raarch 9'" Sworn march 9'" Sworn raarch 9'" Sworn march 9"' Sworn May 6'". Sworn march 9'" Sworn raarch 9'" Sworn march 9'" Sworn raarch 16'" Sworn raarch 9'" Sworn raarch 16'". TOAVN RECORDS, 1778, 247 Fence Vewers Sealers of Leather Surveyors of Bords & Shin gles 5 Joseph Russell c Benjamin Fuller 5 Jon". Underwood c Jonas Sanderson ) Thomas Rand ) Daniel Stratton Sworn march 9'" Sworn march 9'" Sworn march 9'" Sworn March 9'" Sworn raarch 16'" [150,] Voted to ajourn to Munday y' 9'" Instant March at one oClock p. m. Upon the ajournraent above the Inhabitants then Meet at the Time appointed 1 Voted to excuse M'. Elisha Harrington Serving as Con stable And Chose Abr"". Sanderson Constable 2 Voted that Ezra Fisk take care of the Meeting House & Sara", Fisk the Care of y'. Pound 3 Voted to raise the price to one Shill", p'. Hour for work ing out their Raits y". present year 4 Voted to except the Town Treasurers account as now read off The account of Maj', Sara'', Lamson Treasurer for March the 2" 1777 to the 2" March 1778 as followeth Viz £ 8 B Q Rec*. the balance that Remained in my Hands last March Rec*. of Thadd=. Spring late Constable in full of 2 Lists Rec". of Jonas Peirce late Constable in Part Rec*. of Cap'. Fisk Late Constable in . Rec". of Dec". Russell late Constable . Rec*. of Sam"'. Liverraore late Constable Rec". of Daniel Liverraore late Constable . Rec". of Josiah Smith Esq', Ten Pounds which s*. Smith y Rec*. of Nath"', Felch & Samuel Seavernsjun'.which y they Paid as fines for not serving as Constable . ) Rec*. of Sam"'. Train j'. his Bond Principal 22 £. & the Interest Due on s*. Bond £1 . . 15 . 0 . Rec*. of Col°. Smith money due on his Note of hand Principal 50 £. & y". Inter", due on s* note £4—19 Rec*. of Cap'. Flagg his Note Principal 11 £ & Interest on s*. Note £.1 . , 18 . , 10 Rec*, t)f M', Benj", Peirce late Constable in full . 8 17 11 1 3 47 2 9 3 , 113 17 11 — , 43 16 2 1 . 20 16 — 1 , 53 6 — — . 77 6 6 — 10 — — — 23 15 — — 64 19 — — 12 18 10 — 1 18 10 1 468 14 0 248 town records, 1778, P*. Henry Coggen for Bording & Clothing William Partridge 67 & 1/2 weeks 21 — — — P*. Christopher Capron for bording Widow Partrige & her Son W"" 13 Weeks 5 17 8 — P*. Sholmaster Hill for keepingy". Grammar School Six Months 16 10 — — P*. Chris'". Capron for Bording & Clothing y". Wid". Partridge & her Son W™. 18 Weeks . . . 10 16 — — P*. Chrs'°. Capron for bording Meram [Miriam] from y". 5'". of March 1776 to y". 10'" of May . . 18 10 — P*. Lieu'. Jones for taking Invoice & making Rates in 1772 1___ P*. Lieut Jones for taking Invoice & making Rates in 1773 ," , , — 19 — — P*. Joshua Jeaneson for taking care of y". Meeting house in 1776 14 — — P*. Joshua Jeaneson for Cleaning y". Meting house ImnediatL'ly after the Prisoners taken at Ben- ingtou . . . . . . . . . 1 16 — — P*. Daniel Cooledge for Josiah Cooledge 62 Weeks . 15 12 — — P*. Coin Smith the Bounty the Town allowed those that went to ticontiroga in 1776 6 6 8 — P*. Phinehas Right in full for his keeping Shool 2 Months from 13* oct». 1777 6 13 4 — P*. Benj". Bancroft the town Bounty . . , , 6 14 — — P*, Ezra Fisk the Principal of his Note 80£. & the In terest £7 . . 10 87 10 — — P*. Benj". Dudley for bording & Nursing Wid°. Cory in full 13 13 10 — P*. Joseph Russell for keeping School four months , 9 12 0 0 turn over 205 3 4 0 £ 8 B Q [151,] Brought over 205 3 4 0 P*. Lie'. Jon". Stratton for for Plank for Bridges . 1 8 10 — P*. Josiah Bigelow for wood for the School . , , 18 9 — P*, Isaac Hobbs for Plank 1 14 — — P*, Cap'. Israiel Whittemore for Pork & Grain for John Walker ju'. & Plank for bridges . . . , 9 9 10 — P*, Thadd" Spring a late Constable y". the abatement of Sundery Rates 4 12 3 2 P*. by Assignment in Constable Jonas Peirce's list , 8 16 7 — P* by Assignment in Constable Jon". Fisks list . . 5 14 — P* to Benj". Dudley for bording Wid". Corey 52 Weeks 8 13 4 — P* by assignment in Constable Sam"'. Livermore List , 0 18 — — P* by assignment in late Constable Russells list . . 15 6 — 1 TOWN RECORDS, 1778. 249 P", to Capt Israiel Whittemore for Cash P*, for Servises done for the Town 13 11 7 P* M'. Jon". Underwood for Shoes & a Number of other Articles 6 16 4 P* to Josiah Smith Esq', to Entertainment to the Glazier y & a Number of other articles as appears by his ac- C 4 11 — count •) P*, Josiah Smith Esq', for bording School Master Hill 19 Weeks 726 P*. Josiah Smith Esq', by Assignment for his attendance at Congress 5 8 — P*. M' Benj" Peirce for bording men & making Cattriges 14 — P*. Timotha Pike for attendance & diging a Grave for M'. Cooledge 3 3 P*: the Rev*. M'. Sam"'. Woodward in full for his Sal lary one Year Ending Sept 25"i. 1777 . & his fire wood s*. Year 12 — — Also £13 . . 6 . . 8 granted by s*. town s*. year . 13 6 8 P*. the Rev*. M', Woodward 40£. in Part the Present Year ' . . , , 40 — — ¦ I 66 13 4 436 18 8 We the Subscribers being appointed by the Selectmen to Exarain the Treasurers acounts & we find them well vouched and Wright Cast And there Remans in y". Treasurers Hands 31 15 4 Josiah Smith Thomas Rand Jon". Underwood Remains in late Constable David Stearns Hands . Remains in late Constable Mathew Hobbs Hands Remains in late Constable Dec". Th°=. Russells Hands Remains in late Constable Cap'. Jon". Fisks Hands Remains in late Constable Sam"', Livermores Hands , Remains in late Constable Daniel Livermores Hands , Remains in late Constable Jonas Peirces Hands , [152,] 5 Voted that their Swine go at lareg being regulated according to Law 6 Voted to repair their Highways by a Rate 7 Voted to grant £100, to repair their Highways 8 Voted to except of the list of Juriors as Now read off 2 1 1 2 4 5 8- 3 2 6 8 2 17 13 10 3 10 1 — 3 123 9 6 — 77 7 1 — 250 town records, 177P. 9 Voted not to allow to Josiah Biglow as mentioned in the- Warrant 10 Voted to abate the Sum of £1 . . 5 . . 7 to M'. Jonas Har- rinston which he is over Rated & set in Constable Daniel Liver- raores List And likewise the Sum of £3 . . 7 . . 5 setin Constable Sam". Fisk List of war Rates — . . £4 . . 13 . . 0—0 11 Voted to abate the Rates of John Stedraan in Constable Russels List— £0..10— 6- Also the Rates of John Ball in s". list — . 0 . . 10 . . 6 12 Voted not to abate the Rates of Tiraotha Berais & Phinehas Jones in Constable Hobbs list 13 Voted to abate y". Rates of John Walker j'. in Constable Fisks hst £1..13,,5.,2 Also the Rates of Ephrain Fenno in s". Fisks list 0 — 5 . . 5 — 0 14 Voted to abate y^. Rates of John Walker j'- in Consta ble Pierces list— 2.. 17.. 4— a 15 Voted not to abate y" Rates of Sara"'. Danforth in s". Peirces list 16 Voted to abate y". Rates of Joseph Hendeson in s". Peirces list — 1 . . 2 . , 2 , . 3 17 Voted to except the Repoit of the Coraraitee (which is raentioned in the Warrant) as now read The Town of Weston to Elisha Warren (Treasurer for Pro curing raen for the Services of Said Town D' frora Feb'. 7 1777 To 1778 Viz £. 8 B Q P*. W™. Pawnal [Pownal] Nath"', Thomas John Bow- ? gg _ _ 'ers Joshua Bramhall and Joshua Gray 10£ each . > P*. John Tippetts & Peter Cotton. 48 each John Davis £10 & John Tenly [Fenly] £6 , , . , 112 — — — P" Adam Gothree £, 10 to Martin Roucke £10 Thrs" Ferrall £10/12 Zac"= Banks £10 . . . . 40 12 — — P", W", Gotten £10. to W Gardner £12 & John-Towns- hend Presson 31 6 — — P", Barnabas Evens £10 , . 10 & Sam"'. Voce £15 Prince William £10 & John Walker £15 . . 50 10 — — P". John Cockrin & Elexander Johnston. £18 each & John Norcross £22 & Daniel Twichel £16 . . 73 — — — P". Josiah Allen £16 John Barbrick £15 To James Taylor £15 & John Moory £15 , , , . 60 — — — TOWN RECORDS, 1778. 251 F", John & Amasa Stedman £22 each & Isaac Green £40 84 — — P*, fifteen men to go to Bennington £20 each , , 300 — — P*, Eight men to go to Providence £6 each . , ,48 — — Benanuel Prat as part of his wages in y". Service at Cambridge 21 — — P* Joshua Geneson £20—2/3 John Hager £12 Nathan Warren £10/4 Joseph Stone £9 , , 61 6 3 P* James Cogswell £6 Jon". Stratton j'. £15 Seth Prat 21 42 — — Turnover 963 14 3 0 [153,] The Acount brought over . . . . 963 14 3 P*, M"", Jacob Biglow for Interest 9/9 Sara"'. Fisk for do £3/6 Sam"', Lamson for d", 7s/0 , . . 4 2 9 P* Isaac Hobbs for d°, £1 — 16 Amos Harrington for d°, 7s, Nath"', Coburn for d°, £2— 4s. , , , 4 7 — FK Sam"' Fisk for Expences going to York & Exeter to procure men 3 — — P*, Sam"', Lamson for Expences att Boston & Cam bridge to Procure men 2 2 6 P* Isaac Hobbs for d», at d», 18s P" my Self for d°. att d", £6 — 9s Jonas Sanderson for do at do 12s— 0 7 19 — P". James Cogswell in part for guarding at Cambridge £9 Henry Bond in part for d". 10£ . , , 19 — — P". Joshua Jeneson in part for d". £3. John Willis for the Contenantal Service £20 23 — — 1027 5 6 [Note. — The names given in brackets were not correctly copied by the Town Clerk from the War Treasurer'' s account. — M. F. P.] We the Subscribers being Chosen a Coramitte by the Inhabi tants of Weston at a Town meeting Held in s". Town the 11'". Dec"". 1777 to exaraine the accounts of M', Elisha Warren Treasurer of the Committee to hire raen to go into the Service and having attended that Service find them well Vouched & wright Cast & there Remains in the Treasurers Hands £ 39 4 5 in Constable Fisks hands 302 17 9 in Constable Gregory Hands 243 13 7 Weston Feb', 23 : 1778 Jonathan Stratton \ Sam^''. Baldwin > Committe Abr". Jones ) 252 TOWN records, 1778. The Town of Weston to Elisha Warren as Treasurer C. To money borrowed of Sundry Persons in behalf of s". Town Yiz by Cash Borrowed of M'. Jon". Fisk Feb'. 26 1777 . 80 — — 1777 March 3* by Cash Borrowed of M'. Jon". Fisk . . 45 — — y". 6'". by Cash borrowed of M'. W™. Fisk . , 53 6 8 Ap'. 1"'. by Cash borrowed of M'. Abijah Warren 14 — — March 10th by Cash borrowed of M', Jon". Bullard . 68 14 — Ap", 26'". by Cash borrowed of M'. Bezaleel Flagg . 15 8 8 Ap'. 12"'. by Cash borrowed of M'. Joseph Russel! . 40 — — May 1='. by Cash borrowed of my Self £ 14 Jan", le'i^ by Cash of my Self £60 . . . 74 — - by Cash Rec*. of Constable Sam"'. Fisk , 350 4 3 by Cash Rec*, of Constable Uriah Gregory 279 6 4 by Cash Rec*. of Constable Uriah Gregory 10 10 — by Cash Rec*. of Majo'. Sam"'. Lamson being money that he Red for fines , 36 — — 1066 9 11 [154,] 18'". Voted to Continue the Coraraittee as afore mentioned 19 Voted to grant £1000 for the Support of the War 20 Voted to ajourn y"*. raeeting till Munday Next y^. 16 Day of March at 4 oClock pm Upon the ajournraent above the Inhabitants Asserabled & Vote as followeth Viz 1 Voted not to excuse M'. Sanderson Servin Constable & he paid his fine Chose Joseph Russell Constable Sworn March 16'". Chose Daniel Stratton Tythingraan 2 Voted that the Occupier of Estates the present Year shall pay the war Rates which Sura was granted this Meeting — 3 Voted that it be collected as usually — , At a Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Qualified by Law to Vote in y". choice of a Representative Asserabled at the Publick Meeting house in s". Town on Munday y^ 18'". of May AD 1778 at two oClock in y^ afternoon y=. Major part of the Electors then Present did in y". Presents of y^ Selectraen Elect & Depute M", Joseph Roberts TOWN RECORDS, 1778. 253 to serve for & Represent thera in a great & general Court or Assembly appointed to be convened held & kept for the Gover raent Service at the State House in Boston in y^. County of Suffolk upon Wednesday y'=, 27 Day of May Instant At a Meeting of y°. Freeholders & other inhabitants of the Town of Weston duly Qualified & Lawfully warned in Publick Town Meeting Asserabled at the Publick Meeting House in s". Town on Munday y". 18'". of May 1778 at four oClock p. m. then & there 1 To here the Forra of Goverraent as adopted by the Con vention of the State of y". Masschusetts Bay & act thereon — 2 To know the minds of the Town if they will act any raatter or thing Relative to the War Committee — 3 Also to know their rainds if they will raake an additional grant to Support the war — 4 To know the minds of the Town if they will allow to each man Drafte for three Months last August for y°. Northan Cara- pain what they Paid Respectively for hireing of Men — They then chose M" Joseph Roberts Moderator for s^. Meeting 1 Voted to act upon the Constatution and forra of Gover raent Sent to the for Consideration [155. J 2 Voted to Chuse a Coraraittee of Nine Men & a Noraination being called for the following Gentleraen 1 were chosen Viz Col''. Braddwell Smith M", Joseph Roberts Josiah Smith Esq". M". Isaac Hobbs Cap''. Isaac Jones >- Committee M". Sam"''. Fisk M=. John Allen M". Benj". Peirce M". Thomas Rand 3 Voted that the above Committee take under Considera tion the plan of Goverraent & make a Report to the Town at the tirae of their Ajournraent 254 TOWN RECORDS, 1778. 4 Voted that M'. Elisha Warren be disraissed as Treasurer 5 Voted that M', Isaac Hobbs be the Treasurer — 6 Voted that there be a Coraraittee appointed to examin the Accounts of M' Elisha Warren late Treasurer & report to the Town — CoL^, Bra"", Smith \ M", Isaac Hobbs > Committee M\ Sam'^''. Fisk 3 7 Voted to make an additional grant of fifteen Hundred Pounds to support the War & that the above Sum with the other Thousand Pound which was granted last March be Assessed & Collected as Usual cS; delivered into the hands of M'. Isaac Hobbs Treasurer Voted to ajourn this Meeting to the 8'", Day of June at 3 oClock p. M, Agreable the the Ajournraent the Inhabitants meet & Voted as followeth Viz for the Approbation of y^, Constatution of Goverraent 6 Against it or disapprobation ..... 57 1 Voted to axcept of the report of the Coraraittee chosen to exarain the accounts of M', Elish Warren as now read off — Viz The Town of Weston to Elisha Warren as Treasurer Paid to the following Persons the Suras Sett against each mans Name for Guarding the Brittish Troops at Carabridge [156. J £ 8 B Q Feb'. 26 P". Philimon Warren in part . , , 9 — — 1778 P*, Joseph Stone— d°: , , , 9 — — March 9'" P*. John Hager — d": , , . 9 — — ye. 22* P*. Jeorge Farrer 6 — — y". 24'" P*. Joseph Stone 3 _ _ April 6'". P". Jedidiah Warren 9 _ _ 6th. pd. ivf athan Warren 10 10 — 6'". P". William Hobbs 6 8 — 6"'. P*. Joseph Stone 3 _ _ P*. Pananuel Pratt 7 _ _ _ Feb'. 26'". P*. Jon". Fisk's Interest on £175 one Year 7 10 — P*. Jaraes Cogswell in full . , , , . 15 — — P*. Seth Pratt in full 9 _ _ Total £102 8 0 town records, 1778. 255 To those that are now doing duty March 27'", P*, Arlemas Cox in part . . . . 6 — — 28'". P". Joseph Mastick in part , , . , 9 — — 31 P", John Bemis in part . . . . 3 — — 31 P*. Simeon Pike d": , , , . 7 4 — 31 P". Peter Cary d°: . . . . 4 10 — A.p'. 1^'. P*. Cain Robbison d" 4 10 — 2*: P*, CainRobbison d": . , . . 10 — — 2*: P*. Daniel Bemis d": , . , . 4 10 — 2*. P*. Joseph Mastick d°: . . . . 3 — — 2*. P*. Peter Cary d": . . . . 3 — — 2*, P*. Isaac Gregory d°: . . . . 4 10 — 2*. P*. Jonas Pierce d": . . . . 3 — — 20'". P*. Simeon Pike d": . . . . 3 8 — 21 P*. Cain Robbison d" 3 — — 22 P*. Peter Cary do: . . . . 4 10 — 21 P*. Artemas Cox d" 3 _ _ May 5'". P*. Isaac Gregory d° 3 — — P*. Jonas Peirce ju'. d° 3 — — 11"-. P*. John Bemis d° 6 — — £190 10 0 By what Remained in my hands y". last Adjustment . 39 Rec*. of Constable Sam"'. Fisk 100 Eec*. of Constable Uriah Gregory .... 62 £191 The Coraraittee appointed to examin y", accounts of M', Elisha Warren late Treasurer of the Coraraittee of war have attended that service & find the sarae well vouched & Right cast & ¦there reraains in S", Treasurers hands , . £ 14 6 And in Constable Fisks hands . . . 202 17 9 And in Constabl Gregorys hands . . . 191 13 7 405 5 10 33raddtll Smith ^ JsAAC Hobbs > Coraraittee .Sam'^'' Fisk J [157. J 2 Voted to Allow to each man as mentioned in -the Warrant 256 TOWN records, 1778, 3 Voted that the war Coraraittee examin the Recpts of the aforementioned Persons — At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants ofthe Town of Weston that are by Law Qualified to Vote in Town affars being Legally Warned in Puplick Town Meeting Assem bled on Thersday the 15'". Day of Oct". AD 1778 at one oClock in the after Noon then & there 1 To grant money to Pay the Rev", M' : Sain<" : Wood ward's Sallary for one Year begining the 25'" : of Sep' : AD 1778- & also to raake Provision for his fire wood the Present Year And also to know the minds of the Town what further Grant they will make the Rev" : M' : Woodward this Present Year — 2 To hear the Town'Creditors accounts & act there on — 3 To Grant money to Support Schooling & Defray the Usuall Charges of the Town the present year — 4 To know the minds of the Town if they will make any further Provision for Schooling than the Grararaer School & if so how rauch and what raethod for the Year Insewing — 5 To know the rainds of the Town if they will abate the Rates of the Followins; Persons in Constable Sara^' : Fisks list of War Rates Viz Gowen Brown his Pole £2.. 12, ,3 John Stedman 2. .12. .3 John Wright 3. . 0 1 Elijah Kingsbury 2. .12. .3 6 To know the rainds of the Town if they will abate the Rates of the Following Persons in Constable Sam^', Livermore.? list in the year 1775 John Stedman £0..15..2 Jon": Cox 0..15— 2 Jesse Garfield 0..16— 2 Tho=. Peirce 0— 9—3 7 Also the Rates of the Following Persons in Constable Uriah Gregorys List of War Rates — Viz TOWN RECORDS, 1778, 257 Tho^ Rand Ju': for his Pole Nathaniel Parminter John Frost Ephraim Adams £2.. 12.. ,3 2.. 12.. 3 4.. 15-4 2.. 12— 3 [158,] 8 stable Daniel Liverraores List Also the Rates of the following Persons in Con- Viz— Henry Gail , Elisha Cox . Elijah Kingsbury John Stedraan . John Wright W™. Helms £1..0..10..2 1.0. .10. ,2 1..0..10..21,,0..10..2 1..3.. 6. .2 1..0..10..2 9 To know the minds of the Town if they will make any allowance to Constable Sara'=', Fisk & Uriah Gregory for Col lecting the War Rates — 10 To know the rainds of the Town if they will Allow to those men that went in their own Person to Beninton in August 1777 equal to those that hired — 11 To know the minds of the Town if they will instruct their Representative Relative to their Absentees — They then brought in their Votes for a Moderator for s". raeeting And Josiah Smith Esq" : Chosen £ S D 1 Voted to grant 66 . , 13 , , 4 to the Rev" M' : Sara"' : Wood ward for his Salery the present Year 2 Voted to Chuse a Coraraittee of three to Treat with y* : Rev" : M' : Sam^' : Woodward with regard to his fire wood & provide the same — r Col'': Braddyll Smith Um- s" : Coraraittee Chosen ) M" : John Allen V C Lie' : Jon"" : Stratton } 3 Voted to grant 433 , . 6 , . 8 as a gratuity to the Rev" : M' Sam'" : Woodward the present year. 258 TOWN RECORDS, 1778, 4 Voted to axcept y^ : Town Creditors account as now read off Viz To i\I': Sam"': Fisk late Constable for warning 7 Town 7 „,, Meetings in 1777 at 6/ Each meeting for Salery .80/ . i To M'. Uriah Gregory Late Constable for warning 7 Town \ oin meetings in 1777 at 6/ each meeting for Salery 30/ . i To Lie*: Nathan Hobbs to taking the Valuation & raaking ) Rates — 13 Days at 10/ p': Day in 1778. , . J" o 10 0 To Lie'. Abr™: Jones to taking the Valuation & Making ? a n a Bates — 16 Days at 10/ p': Day in 1778 . . . i" " Carried over [159.1 Brought over To Lieu'. Abr™. Jones for 1 Days taking Invoice between Seji'. 1777 and March 1778 0 9 0 To 8 1/2 Days taking the Second Invoice & making Rates alOp'. D— To Cap': Matthew Hobbs to 1 Day^ taking 1"': Invoice To 12 1/2 Days taking the Second Invoice & raaking Rates a 10/ p'. Day To Joseph Russell for 1 1/2 Days Service in drawing the [ Lists & taking the l'^': Invoice \ To 17 Days drawing y": Lists & taking the 2*. Invoice & making Rates a 10/ p'. Day 8 10 — To 1/2 Day Drawing a List of Voters & Writing y". Town Warrants to give out for y": Rates .... 0 6 0 To Paper for making the Rates &c 0 6 0 5 Voted to grant £700 to support Schooling & defray the Usual Charges ofthe Town the present Year 6 Voted to keep five other Schools beside the Grammer School the present Year and at the Usual Time & Places 7 Voted to allow £200 to be equally divided between the five divisions in ,s". Town for Schooling 8 Voted to abate the Rates of the following Persons in Constable Fisks list of War Rates Viz 4 0 5 - 9 0 0 6 5 — 0 13 6 ¦'a John Stedninn £2.. 12.. 3 John Wright 3. . 0. .1 9 Voted to abate the Rates of the following Persons in Constable Sani^', Livermores list Viz John Stedman . Jon", Cox Tho^ Peirce , Jesse Garfield , TOWN RECORDS, 1778. 259 £0..16..2 0..16..2 0.. 9. .3 0..15..2 10 Voted to abate y^ Rates of y^ : following Persons in Constable Uriah Gregory s list of war Rates Viz Tho=: Rand jun': for his Pole £2.. 12.. 3 Ephraim Adams 2.. 12.. 3 11 Voted to ajourn this Meeting to y° : 22" : of this Instant Oct" : at 2 oClock in the aftre Noon & it was ajourned accord ingly Agreable to the ajournraent of the raeeting above the Inhabi tants meet & Voted as followeth Viz 1 Voted to abate the Rates of the following Persons in Constabe Daniel Liverraore list Viz Henry Gail . . £1..0..10..2 Elisha Cox . . £1..0..10..2 John Stedman . 1..0..10..2 John Wright. . 1..3.,6..2 W™. Helms . , 1..0..10..2 [160,] 2 Voted to allow M' : Sara^' : Fisk & M' : Uriah Gregory £6/ each for collecting y" : War Rates 3 Voted to pay those raen that went to Beninton in their own Person upon an everage equal to those raen that hired the same cam pain — 4 Voted to give their Representative sorae instructions with regard to the absentees Voted the following Viz M'" : Joseph Roberts Si' : as you are Chosen by the Inhabitants of this Town to Represent thera in the Great and General Couit : Your Constituants think that they have a right to Instruct their Representative frora tirae to time as they shall think needful = Therefore the Inhabitants of this Town think it Proper at this Time to give you the following — 1 That you use your best endeavours in the Great & General Court to have such Laws raade as may Prevent y'' : Return of any of those Persons into this Town or State who have Sought & received Protection frora the British Array — 260 TOWN RECORDS, 1779, 2 That you also Endeavour in s" : Court that the Judges of Probate be Lawfully Authorized to appoint agents over y^ : • Estates of all such Persons as have Died in the Town of Boston or Elsewhere while under the Protection of y" : British Army 1779 At a Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Duly Qualified & Lawfully Warned in Publick Town Meeting Assembled on Munday y"= : 1*', Day of March AD 1779 at Ten oClock beforenoon at the Publick Meeting House in s". Town then & there — 1 To Chuse Selectraen & other Town Officers for the year Ensewing that are by Law Required — 2 To Hear the Town Treasurers account for the year Past. & act thereon 3 To know the minde of the Town wheather their Swine shall go at large the Year Ensewing — 4 To know the minde of the Town wheather they will repair their high ways by a Rate the Year Ensewing & if so grant money therefor — 5 To hear & act upon a list prepaired for the Jury Box — 6 To know the minde of the Town if they will Continue the War Coraraittee or act any other raatter or thing relative to the War affair — 7 To hear the Petition of M' : Sara'='. Liverraore & others & act thereon 8 To know the minde of the Town if they will allow to Abijah Stedman Constable the following account — Viz — £ 8 Dec™. 1778 To keeping Molley Tucker & her three Childreen one Night & part of a Day 1..10 to Carting the above Persons to Natick it being about Eight Miles 1..10 9 To know y" : rainde of the Town if they will abate the Rates of Lie"' : Sara**' : Danforth in Constable Jonas Peirce's list which is £1 . . 3 . .9 . . 3 And also to know the minde of the Town if they will make M' : Jonas Peirce an allowance of 48/ it TOWN RECORDS, 1779. 261 being for his taking the sarae for Rates which proved to be a Counterfite Eight Dollar Bill [161.] Brought over 10 To know the rainde of the Town if they will abate the Rates of the following Persons in Constable Mathew Hobbs List Viz Phinehas Jones Timotha Bemis £0.,14,,9..3 2.. 0. .2.,0 11 To know the rainde of the Town if they will abate the rates of y° : following Persons in Constable Sam"'. Fisks List — Viz Gowen Brown's Pole Tax of War Rates , , . , £2, ,12, . 3. ,0 Also his Pole Tax in the State & Town Rate , , , 1,,11,,10.,0 And also the Rates of Benj": Upham's war Tax , , 2, .12. . 3. .0 12 To know the rainde of the Town if they will allow to those raen that went in their own Person to Horse Neck so called in 1776 equal to what those had that paid their fines — Josiah Smith Esq" : Chosen Moderator for s'K meeting Josiah Smith Isaac Jones Israiel Whittemore Sam'"'. Fisk Joseph Roberts Joel Smith Sworn March y" : 8'", Sam^''. Fisk Sworn March y^ 8'". Sam^''. Livermore & he refused to Serve Nathan Hobbs Josiah Biglow Oliver Barber Sam'"'. Seaverns ju^ : & the Town excepted of Cap''. Estes How in his room Cap'' : John Flagg & he paid his fine Josiah Biglow & the Town excused hira y" ; present year Cap", Estes How Sworn march 12'", Selectmen < Town Clerk Town Treasurer Coraraittee of Corrispond Inspection & Safety Constables 262 TOWN RECORDS, 1779. Assessors Nathan Hobbs Isaac Hobbs Josiah Stedman Sworn raaroh 8'" Sworn raarch 8'". April 30'", 1779 Voted to ajorn this raeeting io munday the 8'", Instant a one oClock P M Agreable to the above ajournraent the Inhabitants raeet Wardens Surveyors & Collectors of < High Ways [162.] Tythingraen Abr". Hews Mathew Hobbs Benj*^. Jones Joel Smith Isaiah Bullard James Smith ju", JoN*^. Warren Ebeneser Stedman John Cobukn Nathan Hager Hezekiah Wyman IT i Be Hogreaves < c En Benj'', Dudley och Bartlett Preservers of J)eer Field Drivers Fence Viewers Sealears of Leather Surveyors of Bords Shingles &c. Hezekiah Wyman Amos Jones James Stimson ju". Abr"". Jones Oliver Conant Jon"". Warren ( Joj t Jo> Jonas Sanderson Jonas Peirce Daniel Stratton Tho\ Rand Sworn raarch 8'", & the Town excused Sworn raarch 12'". Sworn raarch 8'" Sworn march 12'". Sworn March 8'". Sworn March 8'". Sworn March 12'" Swor.n March 8'". Sworn raarch 8'" Sworn march 8'". Sworn march 8'". Sworn march 8'". Sworn march 8'". Sworn march 12'". TOWN RECORDS, 1779. 263 Ezra Fisk to take Care of the Meeting House & Pound a £6 for y" : Present Year and also to take Care of Burling Yard the Present Year — 1 Voted to accept the Treasurers Account as now read off Viz — The Account of M', Sam'''- Fisk Treasurer from March y. 2", AD 1778 to raarch y" : 1=', AD 1779 as followeth £ 8 B Q Rec": of Major Sam'=': Lamson late Treasurer what re mained in his hand y": last Adjustment . , 31 15 4 — Rec", of Josiah Smith Esq'': whicli s''. Smith Rec*. of) Josiah Riglow & Abr™. Sanderson which they paid >- 10 as fines lor not serving as as Constable . Rec"*. of Constable Daniel Livermore in part Rec*. of Uriah Gregory late Constable in part Rec*. of Sam**. Livermore late Constable in full . Rpc'*. of Jonas Peirce late Constable in part Rec*. of Jon", Fisk late Constable in part , Rec*, for the Rent of two Rooms in the work-house Rec^. of Sam"*. Fisk late Constable in full . P"* pa P". pd 101 17 5 1 85 — — — 10 1 . — 3 46 7 6 3 15 13 10 2 13 4 — — 322 5 10 — the Rev". M.': Sam=*. Woodward in full for his Salery & fire wood 1 Year ending Sep': 25'". 1778 Wid". Sarah Capron in full for bording & Clothing Wid": Partridge & her Son to April O"-. 1778 . P*. Jonas Harrington 3"*. in full for bording y'': Wid": Partridge & her Son 9 Months .... P"*, Jonas Harrington 3". in full for Quilting A Coat & making 3 Shirts for Wid° Partridge & her Son P'l. Daniel Cooledge in full Bording his Father . Pd. Doct"^. .Tos*. Starr for Doctering Jos'. Cooledge £2 & alsoy": Wid": Cory £7. .Is also Benj". Stimson decased 6/4 Isaac Jones ju''. in lull lor keeping a Reading & Writing School 11 week in 1777 .... Abel Flint in full for keeping a Reading & Writing School 2 Months in 1778 P<*. Tho»: Russell ju', his Note of hand £6. .6. .8 & In terest 18/ P"*. John Barbarick a Continantal Soldier that went for Weston P". Joseph Seaverns Plank Timber & work at the New Bridge Carried over 636 03 6 19 49 10 2 16 10 — 9 12 — 7 14 12 9 — 234 16 264 TOWN RECORDS, 1779, P"*, P-*pi P"*, pd [163.] Brought over P". Cap': Israiel Whittemore for bording School Master Wright 9 weeks pi. Jonas Peirce for bording School Master Wright 8 weeks pi. Joel Smith for keeping a Reading & Wrighting School 6 weeks & 2 Days & bording himself in 1778 pi. Cap'. Israiel Whittemore in full for hording Loice Peirce 6 week pi. M' Benj". Peirce for Plank for the Town Bridge pi. Master Phinehas Wright in full for keeping the Gram-". School Eight Months ending Feb'. 7'". 1779 pi. Elisha Cox for bording Loice Peirce 12 Weeks pi. Jonas Sanderson for 2 Pair of Shoes for Wid°. Par tridge & her Son Benj". Dudley for 12 feet of wood for the School Sam«*. Train ju'. for 14 feet of wood for the Schoo' M'. Tho^: Rand for Pramlating y". line between the Towns & wood for School & for a Coflin for Josiah Cooledge & a number other articles as appears by bis account M', Elisha Warren for a Cow for the Wid°. Willing ton for y". Use of the Town M"^. Joseph Roberts for keeping a Reading & Writ ing School in 1778 pi. Col". Braddyll Smith for plank for Town Bridges . pi. M': Joseph Roberts for 3 Yards of Wooling Cloth for Wid°. Partridge pi. James Stimson for 2 1/2 Cord of wood for the School pi. Majo'. Sam"*. Lamson 1 Cord of wood for the School pi. Josiah Allen for 1/2 Cord of wood for the School . pi. Nathan Hager for 1/2 Cord of wood for the School pi, Liu': Abr"". Jones for taking y": Valuation & Invoice & making Rates 25 1/2 Days in 1777 & 1778 , pi. the Revi : M': Sam«*. Woodward in part for his Salery the Present Year pi. the Selectmen of Newton for Doctering Nursing and other Necessaries paid byy": Selectmen of Newton for Silas Stearns & Family while under y": operation of y": Small Pox y": Natural way , , , , pi. Benj": Jones for bording Master Wright 8 Weeks & 5 Days pi. Jon": Underwood for 1/2 Cord of wood for the School pi. Cap'. Jon". Fisk for 9 feet of wood for the School in 1779 £ S B 234 16 8 9 18 9 2 12 16 4 10 2 5 73 10 9 12 6 2 2 5 2 12 6 }- 5 6 J 7 6 8 — 1 4 2 11 4 10 1 10 15 15 12 14 65 [?21 12 16 15 TOWN RECORDS, 1779, 265 (¦ T", Sam"*. Liverraore for 1 Cord of wood in 1778 £1 . . 10s & making Cartridges 6/0 1 16 P"*. Joseph Russell for keeping a Reading & writing School & bording himself 36 Days in 1778 . , 4 16 "P". Lydia Goddard for bording Loice Peirce from y": 3": of Oct": 13 weeks 11 14 Also for Sunderies & Trouble for taking Care of Loice Peirce when burnt 5 17 P*. Dot': W"". Ward for Doctering wid": Partridge & her Son in 1777 & 1.779 . 12 6 4 Also Doctering Wid". Gale 44/ & 14 Visits & medi- cinsforLoicePeirce£9,.13..6 . . . . 11 17 6 T". 3 of the Selectmen forgoing to y": Counses to get 4 Men Relaesed that were drafted by order of Col": Brooks 67 — -Pi. 2 of the Selectmen for going to Col". Brooks's 24/ ] & to 3 of the Selectmen going to y": Counsel in order to get y": guard dismised y': was set to guard y": Baken erected in si. Town of Weston £6 — 0 — 0 pi. Cap'. Israiel Whittemore for hiring money for y": Use of the Town JP". Sam"*. Fisk for taking Care of the meeting House & Pound in 1777 36/ & for 7 Yd=: Cloth for y". Wd". Partridge & her Son £7. .10 . . . . 9 6 — jpi. Constable Daniel Livermore by an abatement £5. . 78.. IB pi. Constable Sam"*. Livermore by an abatement 2, ,14,9 8 1 10 .pi. Cap'. Israiel Whittemore for 1 1/2 Yi: of Baze for loice Peirce 3 12 — I P*. for Repairing Watertown Bridge & Expences of the Selectmen 38/ foradvertisingy": Burying Cloth 36/ 3 14 — pi. Constable Sam"', for warning 7 Town Meeting & his Salery 72/ & for Collecting the war Rate £6.0.0. 9 2 — pi. Constable Uriah Gregory for warning 7 Town Meet ings & his Salery 72/ & for Collecting y": war Rate £6.0.0 9 12 — Carried up 7 4 — 3 15 - ,^164,] Brought up P". Lie': Abr"": Jones by an assignment 36/ Pi; Lie' Daniel Livermore by an assignment 29/ pi. Constable Jon": Fisk by an abatement 38/' 10/2 Pi, Constable Jonas Peirce by an abatement £3, .19 6, ,3 Pi,- Timotha Pike for making a Bier 619 7 1 £ 8 B 619 7 1 3 05 — 18 4 18 — 266 TOWN RECORDS, 1779. pi. Cap': Isaac Jones for 19 lights of Glass & 3/4 lb Putty for the School House 6 18 — pi. Elisha Cox for 2 Days work mending y": School House Chimney & finding himself . . . . 2 — — ; pi. Oliver Barber for Clay for the School House Chim ney pi. for one Hundred & half of Board Nails for the School House 12 1 pi. M': Tho=: Rand for Seting Glass & his Sons work in mending the School House . . . , 14 — P". Cap'. Israiel Whittemore for 2 1/2 Days work at the School House & finding himself . . , 2 10 — pi. for 2 Locks & Keys for the School Housen . , 14 — pi. Sam"*. Fisk for 3 1/2 Days work a the School House & finding himself 3 10 — pi. for one Yard of Cloth for an Apron & making y": Same 20/ for Knitting a pair of Stocking 10/ & making a Gound & Peticoat for Loice Peirce 7/ . 1 17 — pi. Jonas Harrington yi. 3 for 2 Yards of Read Baze for Wid". I'artridge & her Son . . . . 4 16 — 656 13 7i We y". Subscribers being appointed b}' the Selectmen to- Exarain the Treasurers accounts & we find them well vouched & wright Cast & there is due to y". Treasurer 20 8 4 Josiah Smith Isaac Jones Joel Smith Remains in late Constable David Stearns's Hands , Remains in late Constable Mathew Hobbs's Hands , Remains in late Constable Tho=: Russells Hands Remains in late Constable Jon": Fisk's Hands Remains in late Constable Daniel Livermore's Hands Remains in late Constable Jonas Peirce's Hands Remains in late Constable Uriah Gregory's Hands , Remains in present Constable Abijah Stedm-.m's Hands Remains in present Constable Joseph Russell's Hands 2 Voted that their Swine go at learge the present year being regulated according to Law 3 Voted to repair their high ways by a rate & to grant Money therefor & to allow 3/ per Hour for working out y^ Same 2 1 1^ 4 5 8| 2 5 8^ 2 0 Oi . 21 12 0| . 30 19 6i . 196 — 10 . 627 18 H . 572 1 8| TOWN RECORDS, 1770. 267 4 Voted to grant Three Hundred Pounds to repair their high way the present Year 5 Voted to accept of the List prepaired for the Jury Box 6 Voted to Continue the War Committee 7 Voted to Chuse a Coraraittee to exarain the War Com mittee's accounts Misi'^ Elisha Harrington ¦j^ ^ ^ , T -D /Chosen a Committee for s", Joseph Russell > THo^ Rand ) ^"''P^'^ 8 Voted to grant Three Thousand Pounds to Support the AVar. [165.] 9 Voted to Chuse a Coraraittee of 5 agreable to the petition of M' Sara®' : Livermore & others Capt John Flagg M" : Sam'''. Livermore Lieu'' : Abr" ; Jones y Committee M' : Daniel Stratton j Liu^. Joseph Whitney J 10 Voted that they make a report at the next May Meeting^ 11 Voted to Allow Abijah Stedman three Pounds for Sup porting & raooving Mary Tucker and her Faraily — 12 Voted to abate the Rates of Lieu'. Sara'^' Danforth in Constable Jonas Peirce's list . . . . £1 . . 3 . . 9 . . 3 13 Voted to allow Jones Peirce 48/ as set forth in the War rant 2 . . 8—0—0- 14 Voted to abate the Rates of the following Persons in Constable Mathew Hobbs List Viz Phinehis Jones £0..14..9,.S Timotha Bemis 2.. 0..2..0 15 Voted to abate the Rates of the following Persons in Constable Sam®' : Fisk's list Viz Gowin Brown's Pole of War State & Town Rates , . £4, . 4. .1 Benj": Upham War Tax 2. ,12,. 3: ^68 TOWN RECORDS, 1779. 16 Voted not to act upon the Twelth Article mentioned in the Warrant 17 Voted to ajourn this meeting to Fryday next at Four oClock, P, M. Agreable to the above ajournraent y®. Inhabitant Asserabled And Voted to accept of Capt Eastes How as Constable in the roora of Sam®'- Seaverns j"". Gentlemen Whereas it has the Practice of the Inhabitants of this Town of Weston, to take those Pews in the publick Meeting-House into their care, when Persons have deseased to whom they were granted during life ; .and have sold the same at publick Sale ; and appropriated the Money arising frora the Sale thereof to the Use of s". Town : And whereas we judge there are sundry Pews in s" : House of y®. same Denoraination of those sold as afore s" : We the Subscribers therefore request you gentlemen, that you insert an article in your Warrant for the annual Town Meeting to be assembled on the first Munday of March next ; To know the minds of the Inhabitants of s". Town whether they will not Choose a Coraraittee to exaraine into s". afl'air ; and likewise to require thera to make report at the next following Town Meet ing that raay be held in s". Town of the Nuraber which in their Judgeraent corae under the Denoraination afore s", and also by whom occupied ; as preparatory to their being disposed of So pray your petitioners Weston Feb^ 5*", 1779 To the Gentleraen Selectraen of Weston The above is a true Coppy of the Petition of M'' : Sam®', Liverraore & others [166.] At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabi tants of the Town of Weston being duly Qualified to Votete for a Representative and Lawfully warned in Publick Town Meet ing Asserabled on Munday y : 24*. of May AD 1779 at two oClock in the After noon the Inhabitants then brought in their town records, 1779. 269 Votes and Josiah Smith Esq" : was chosen to Represent them in the Great & General Court to bo convened held & keept for the Goverment's Service at the State House in Boston in the County of Suffolk upon Wednesday the Twenty Sixth Day of May Instant At a Meeting of tbe Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Tovvn of Weston being duly QuaHfied to Vote in Town affairs & Lawfully warned in Publick Town Meeting Assembled on Munday y® : 24"\ Day of May AD 1779 at three oClock P, M : 1 To hear the report of the Committee relative to Certing Pews and PewGroun in the Publick Meeting-House in Weston & act thereon or act any Matter or Thing relative to the Pews or Pew ground in s". House that the Town shall think proper 2 To hear the war Treasurers account & act thereon 3 To know the mind of the Town if they will raake Sara®' : Seaverns ju"^ any allowance for his being Chosen Constable in 1777 & paying his fine or act any other raatter or thing relative there thereto 4 To know the mind of the Town if they will order the agent on the Estate of Elisha Jones Esq'', to move the Horse Steable that stands on the Towns Land or act any other matter or thing relative thereto Josiah Smith Es". Chosen Moderator Voted 1 To pass over the first article in the Warrant Voted 2 To accept of the War treasurers account as now read off The Town of Weston to Isaac Hobbs as Treasurer Dr. 1778 Paid the following Persons for Guarding the British Troops at Carabridge 5 Months £ 8 B Viz Pd. Philemon Warren in full 21 0 0 pi. Joseph Stone in full 6 — pi John Hager in full 21 — pi George Farrer in full 9 6 pi Jedidiah Warren iu full 21 — P". Nathan Warren in full 24 12 pi. Penanuel Pratt in full ^ 2 — 270 town records, 1779. pi. Nathan Fisk in full 30 — pi. Henry Bond in fuU 20 — pi. Joshua Jenison in full 7 — pi. Nathan Hager in full 30 — 200 18 for 3 Months guarding at Carabridge £ S pi. Edward Cabott in full 33 — pi. Joseph Coburn in full 33 — pi. Isaac Gregory in full 25 10 pi. Isaac Peirce in full 33 — pi. Jonas Peirce iu full 27 — pi. Artemas Cox in full 24 — pi. John Bemis in part 13 19 pi. Joseph Mastick in full 21 — pi. Peter Cory in full 21 — pi Simeon Pike in full 22 8 pi Keen Robinson in full 15 10 pi. Daniel Bemis in full 28 10 pi. Daniel Rand in full 13 14 pi. Tho^ Harrington in full 33 — [167.] for Six months guarding at Cambridge pi. Nath**. Wyman in full pi. John Bemis in Part pi. Isaac Gregory in full For the Nine Months men as followeth Viz. pi. Keen Robinson in full pi. Jeduthin Bemis in full pi. Joseph Mastick in full pi. James Bemis in full pi. Sain"*. Baley in full pi. Daniel Davis in full pi. Peter Cary in full . For Six Months at Rhode Island pi. Abel Peirce . pi. Phinehas Stimson . pi. Jonas Parmenter in full pi. David Livermore in full pi. John Roberts iu full . pi. Solomon Parminter in full D 346 11 3 £ S B 36 10 3 — 44 — £83 10 — 140 _ 140 — 140 — 140 — 130 — 70 — 140 — £900 — — 55 14 64 2 0 54 2 54 2 52 — 54 2 £324 town records, 1779. 271 For Six Weeks at Rhode Island P". W™. Richardson in full Including his Wages P". Sam"*. Bond in full pi. Alpheus Biglow in full pi. Buckley Adams in full pi. Pananuel Pratt in full pi. Abner Mathies in Part 41 40 39 39 39 39 pi Amos Peirce in Part ^^. Phinehas Hager in lull , pi. Silas Liv^ermore in full . pi. Jonas Underwood in full F^. James Peocock in full . pi. James Cogswell in full , 9 39 39 39 40 39 For Eight Months at North River P". Oliver Curtis in full 125 pi, Eben': Phillips in full 125 pi Joseph Stone in full 120 pi. John Hager 104 .pi. John Richardson 110 For 3 Months & 10 Days at Boston pi. Nath"*. Bemis in full . pi. James Wale in full ... pi. Artemas Cox in full pi. Major Lamson for his Son in part For guarding the Bacon [Beacon] pi. IM': Jonas Sanderson in ful . F'^. M': Nath"*. Felch in ful for his Son pi. Joel Harrington in full P". Nath"*. Parmenter in full F<^ Thad^ Peirce in full pi. Daniel Rand in full 18 18 18 7 pi. Nathan Fisk in part 30 — 18 18 18 4 18 £478 17 10 10 18 £685 18 0 60 60 — 60 — 13 — £li)c, — — 28 12 22 8 22 8 22 8 4 12 27 — £127 8 0 For those that are now gone to Rhode Island for Six weeks pi. Joseph Stone in part 36 — pi. John l^emisinpart 20 — pi. Daiel Bemis in part 20 — £76 0 0 272 town records, 1779. Paid to the following Persons for Money Borrowed &c Viz. M'; M': M':M': M'; M'= M':M'; M': Sam"*. Fisk . Jon". Fisk Jacob Bigelow John Sanderson W™. Hosmer ; Anna Biglow Elisha Warren Joseph Russell Abijah Warren Fisk's list of Rates by abatement in Constable Sam"*, by abatement in Constable Uriah Gregory's list M': Sam"*. Fisks Expences in going to Boston 2 Journeys to procure men for the Town Sarah Co,x .... Joseph Russell The above Total M= M' 1st 21 31. 4th_6*. 7'*".8*. 911, 10*. Foiling brought toward do do do do do dodo do do dodo do do do dodododo Amount of the whole 145 113 61 61 154 31 15 2 1510 12 3 16 4 10 4 7 6^ 14 16 10 4 6 2 14 27 2 £649 5 2 2C0 18 — 340 11 3 83 10 — 900 — — 324 2 — ¦478 17 & 68.') 18 — 193 — — 127 8 — 70 — — £3965 9 11 [168. J The Town of Weston to Isaac Hobbs Treasurer C"^ : by Money Borrowed and Rece". of Sundery Persons for the Use of the Tovvn of Weston from raay 1778 to May 1779 are as followeth Viz £ S of M' ; iBraiel Whittemore 90 ofM". Anna Biglow . . 30 of M' : Jon» : Fisk of Wal tham 60 of M'. John Sanderson 60 of M' : Ehen' : rhilips . 60 of M'. Sam«'. Eisk Fisk 140 of M'. Benj". Steams . . 100 of Mr. Stephen White . . 220 of Capt. Jon". Fisk ... 100 of Major Samel Lamson . 30 of M^ Joseph Cobnrn . . 33 Eeci of Sam«'. Fisk late Constable 127 7 Recd. of Ahijah Stedman late Constable . . . . 860 10 £ s of M': Enoch GreenJief 352 4 Carried out 422 4 0- of M" : Sarah Cox . . 26 66 OfM' .-Tho': Fisk . . 60 110 of M' • Eph* ¦ Hammond 300 360 of M' : Jacob Biglow . 60 • 110 of M'. W". Hosmer . . 160 290 of Capt. Jon. : Fisk. 120 220 of M'a Anna Biglow . . 60 270 100 of M'. John Sanderson . 100 130 of M'. John Richardson 100 133 of Uriah Gregory late Constabl 142 3/ T 269 11 11 of Joseph Russell late Constable 930 1790 10 Total of Credit . . . . . . £4281 6 ~0 Total amount of Debt . . . 3965 9 11 Kemains . . . . . £316 15 ~i town records, 1779. 273 We the Subscribers being chosen by the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston to exaraine the accounts of M*'. Isaac Hobbs Treasurer of the War Coraraittee (so called) And have care fully attended the sarae find thera well Vouched and right Cast ; And there reraains in said Treasurers Hands £315—15— 1 In M'. Uriah Gregory's late Constables Hand . . . 17—10 In M'. Abijah Steadmans late Constables Hands . . 438 — 13 — 5 In M'. Joseph Russells late Constables Hands . . . 290—13— 6 Weston May 22'^ 1779 Elisha Harrington ^ Thomas Rand > Coraraittee Joseph Russell ) [169.] Brought over 3* Voted to allow to Sara'^^ Seaverns ju' : the fine which he has paid as a fine for not serving as Constable in 1777 4'^ Voted not to act on the forth Article 5*'\ Voted not act on tho Report of the Committee at this time as mentioned in the Warrant but that it be ajourned to the 2*^. Munday in Sep*, next at one oClock At a Meeting of the Inhabitants on Munday y". 2'' : of August AD. 1779 at one oClock P. M. being legally warned & for the purpose mentioned in y^ Warrant Assembled passed the fol lowing Votes Viz — 1 Voted to send two members to the Convention for the. Sole purpose of forraing a New Constitution or Forra of Goverraent Messir^. Joseph Roberts > Chosen for the above John Allen > purpose 2 Voted that the delegates transmit a Printed Coppey of the Form of Goverraent they shall agree upon unto the Select raen in order that the sarae raay be laid before the Town afore s''. for their approbation or disapprobation At a Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitant of the Town of Weston that are Qualified to Vote in Town aifairs being Legally warned in Publick Town Meeting Assserabled on Mun day y^ 2^ Day of August AD 1779 at three oClock P. M. 274 town records, 1779. 1^'. To know the minde of the Town if they will hear the proceeding ofthe Convention held at Concord on y". 14*"^. Instant and act thereon — ~ • 2*. & Also to Chuse one or raore delegates to meet at Con cord as recommended by the Convention — 3'^. To know the mind of the Town if they will Chuse a Com mittee to regulate Sundery articles as recommended by the Convention 4"' To know the mind of the Town if they will Chuse a Col lector to Collect y" : present Tax y'. is now cuming out or make an allowance to Cap'. Estus Howe for collecting y^. same or act any other raatter or thing Relative thereunto 5***. To know the raind of the Town if they will allow M'' : Phinehas Upham something more for the last Ten cord of wood which he carried to the Rev*". M"" : Woodward that he has not received his money agreed for — [170.] Josiah Smith Esq''. Chosen Moderator for s'K Meeting 1^'. Voted to hear the proseedings of the Convention held at Concord ou the 14*'\ of July Last And after the sarae was read — 2 Voted Unaniraously that we approve of & will abide by the proceedings of the s*. Convention 3 Voted to Chuse two Deligates to attend on the Convention to be held at Concord on the first Wednesday of October next Mesire^. C Sam*^. Fisk ) Chosen for the above c Tho'^ : Rand 3 Purpose 4 Voted to Chuse Nine Men as a Committee to regulate the price of Sundery articles as Recommended by the above s''. Convention Cap'*'. Estus Howe M'': Sam'^^. Fisk Cap''. Mathew Hobbs M" : Jonas Sanderson Cap'' : Isaac Jones y Committee M" : Enoch Greenlief M": Tho^ Rand Cap''. Israiel Whittemore M" : Phinehas Upham town records, 1780. 275 5 Voted to allow Cap'. Howe one Hundred Pounds to Col lect the present Great Contanantal Tax — 6 Voted not to allow M' : Phinahas Uphara request as raen tioned in the warrant At a Meeting of y'= Inhabitants of y". Town of Weston on y"= : 19'^ of August 1779 at three oClock P. M. then & there assembled & passed y'' : following Votes — Viz 1 Chosen Josiah Smith Esq", moderator for .s". meeting Voted to here the Report of the Coraraittee Chosen to regu late Sundery article Voted to accept of the Report of y". Coraraittee of which Cap'. Estus Howe is Chareraan Voted y' : there be a Coppy of y° : above s" : Report posted up at every Publick House in s**. Town by the Clark of the Town at the Town's Cost Voted to Chuse a Coraraittee of five to see that every one in this Town abide by the articles afore sd Cap''. Estus PIowe M" : Benj*. Peirce M" : Israiel Whittemore y Coraraittee M'': Thos Rand Cap''. Mathew Hobbs Voted that y'^ : Corainittee shall Publish the Naraes of all those that shall transgress and that the Town will support thera in all their Lawful proceedings — Voted y' : y^- Coraraittee shall make return to the Town of their doings when y" : Town sees fitt [Mote. For Town Meeting, JSfov. 15, 1779, seepage 282.] [171.] 1780 At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston that are by Law Qualified to Vote in Town affairs in Publisk Town raeeting asserabled on Munday the Sixth Day of March AD 1780 — 1 To Chuse Selectraen & other Town officers for the Year Ensewing that are by Law required 276 town records, 1780. 2 To hear the Town Treasurers account for the Year past and act thereon 3 To know the minde of y''. Town wheather their Swine shall go at large y'. Year ensewing 4 To know the minde of the Town Wheather they will Re pair their high ways by a Rate the Year ensewing antl if so grant money therefor — 5 To hear and act upon a list prepaired for the Jury Box — 6 To know the rainde of the Town what further grant they will raake to the Rev'^. M' : Sam*'^ Woodward for the present Year — 7 To know the minde of the Town whether they will raake a further grant to defray the Town charges the present Year 8 To hear the accounts of the Delegates chosen by the Town to attend on the Convention to form a new Constatution of Goverraent & act thereon — 9 To hear the accounts of the Forraer & Present Assessors that have not rec''. their money for services done the Town and act thereon — 10 To know the minde of the Town if they will for the future have y". annual March meeting warned by being posted up at the Publick meeting House in this Town two Publick Day before s'^. meeting — 11 To know the rainde of the Town if they will Continue the War Coraraittee or act anything relating to the War afiair 12 To know the raide of the Town if they will chuse a Com mittee to assurtain the Pounds [Bounds] of the Meeting House Lot & tbe Road ajoin thereto and make report to the Town the next Town meeting — The following Persons were chose into office Viz Josiah Smith Esq". Moderator for s''. Meeting Ab^ : Jones Israiel Whittemore Selectmen Coraraittee CoL". Braddyll Smith ) 5 Voted to accept the Town Creditors account as now read ofi- Viz £ 8 B May 1779 to Isaac Hobbs to taking Invoice & making the State Rate 7 1/2 Days a 60/ 22 10 — to making tbe war rate 6 Days a 6/0 [60] . . . . 18 — — to taking Invoice & making out a Valuation & making the } oo g Contanantal and County Rate 12 Days at 54/ p'. Day . > to Cash paid for Paper 3 10 — 76 8 1779 To Nathan Hobbs to taking Invoice & making Rates from May to July 12 1/2 Days a 60/ . . . . 37 10 — To making Contanantal & County Rate taking Invoice &c 9 1/2 Days a 54— 24 6 — 61 16 — 1779 To Josiah Stedman to taking Invoice & making Rates 11 1/2 Days 33 6 6 two Day Deducted 14 — Due 32 12 6 6 Voted to grant 2000£ to Support Schooling and Defray the Usual Charges of the Town — 7 Voted that the School be cept in the Usual Manner as they have been for Several years Past — town records, 1779. 285 8 Voted that they will allow as much more for Schooling to each division as the present Grant is more than last Year's 9 Voted to grant Three Thousand Pounds to Support the War 10 Voted to ajourn this meeting to this Day week at one oClock p. M. Agreable to the above ajournraent the Inhabitants meet and passed the following Votes Viz — 1 Voted to pass over the Seventh & Eighth Article in the Warrant for the Present 2 Voted to pass over the Ninth article for the present 3 Voted to allow the Coraraittee of War fifty Pounds each for their Past Servises — 4 Voted to allow the Commission Offices (for the Parsent) for their Past Servises 5 Voted to allow Lieu'. Daniel Livermore equal to the Privates in the last Carapain that he was out — 6 Voted in the Negative in Allowing the Coraraission Offi cers any further than at the Present — [178.] Brought up 7 Voted to ajourn this meeting for one hour — Agreable to the ajournraent the Inhabitants raeet & Voted to ajourn this Meeting to the first Munday of Jan", at 2 oClock p. m. Agreable to the ajournraent the Inhabitants raeet & Voted to ajourn this Meeting to the first Munday of March Next at 5 oCh)ck p. M. Agreable to the last ajournment the Inhabitants raeet And Voted to ajourn this raeeting to the next Munday at 3 oClock p. M. Agreable to the last ajournraent the Inhabitants raeet & Passed the following Votes Viz 1 Voted to abate the Rates of the following Persons in Abijah Stedraan's list as raentioned in the Warrant Viz State Sc Wae tax. Town Tax. :Sam'i. Harrington . . £2. .0. .0 1 ¦ Sol". Parminter. . . £1. .11. .4 Sol". Parminter ... 5 2 0 James Peacock . 1. .11. .4 John Paker .... 5 2 0 Jon". Bullard . . . 1. .17. .8 ¦Cai)'. .Joseph Jewet . 5 2 OJ . 286 • TOWN records, 1780. 2 Voted to abate the Rates of the following Person in Joseph Russell's list — Cap'. Ed^. Harrington £4. .7.. 2 Fenno 5—2—0 Joshua Jeneson 5 — 2 — 0 3 Voted to Allow to Constable Abi'\ Stedraan & Joseph Russell each 20 Pound for Collecting the war Tax & £4 . . 10 each for Salery Also 9£ each for warning 3 Meeting each — 4 Voted to Chuse a Coraraittee to exarain the War Treasurer's Account Meser^ Tho'. Rand ^ Major Lamson > Coraraittee for the above purpose Tha". Spring .) 1780 [Note. For March Meeting, 1780, seepage 275.] At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of tho Town of Weston that are by Law Qualified to Vote for a Repre sentative did on Munday the fiftenth Day of May AD 1780 Elect and depute M" : Joseph Roberts (being a Freeholder in s*- Town) to serve for & Represent thera in a Great and General Court or Asserably appointed to be Convend held and kept for the Goverraent Service at the State House in Boston in the County of Suffolk upon Wednesday the Thirty first Day of May Instant [179.] At a Meeting of the mail Inhabitants of Weston that are free & Twenty one Years of age in Publick Town Meeting asserabled at the Publick Meeting in s*- Town on Munday the 15"\ of May AD 1780 at two oClock p. M. they then and there — 1 To here and act upon a Constatution or Forra of Gover raent agreed upon by the Delegates of the People of the State of Massachusetts Bay And yoa are also required to notify & warn all the Freehold ers & other Inhabitants that are by Law qualified to Vote in TOWN RECORDS, 1780. 28T & there 2 To raake a further grant to the Rev*. M'. Sara*'. Wood ward for his Salerj' for Six Months begining the 25'". of March. Al) 1780 — 3 To grant raoney to defray the Town Charges — 4 To hear the Town Creditors accounts and act thereon — 5 To hear the War Treasurers account, & act thereon or act any other raatter or thing relating to the war afiair — 6 To know the raind of the Town whether they will join with Watertown and Walthara in Widning the great Bridge in Watertown — 7 To hear the Accounts of the Delegates Chosen by this Town to Join in Convention for forraing a new Constatution or Frarae of Goverraent & act thereon 8 To hear the report of the Coraraittee Chosen to assurtain. the Bounds of the raeeting house lot & the Road ajoining there to & act thereon LiEU^. Abr". Jones Chosen Moderator 1 Voted to ajourn this meeting to the 29'". Instant at 12^ oClock p. M. Greable to the above ajournment the Inhabitants meet and passed the following Votes Viz 1 Voted not to Chuse a Coraraittee to act upon the Consta tution 2 Voted by s*- Town that they will accept the Constatution or Forra of Goverraent as it now stand but it is our oppinion that it should be revised within Ten Years and made Certain Yeas 54 Nay 20 3 Voted to ajourn this meeting for 15 Minutes Agreable to the ajournraent The Inhabitants raeet and 1 Voted to grant to the Rev*. M'' : Sam*'. Woodward 400a Pound for his Salery for Six raonths — 2 Voted to grant 4000 Pounds to defray the Town Charge* the reraainder this present Year 3 Voted to ajourn this raeeting to the 5"^. of June at one oClock PM 288 TOWN RECORDS, 1780. Agreable to the ajournment Inhabitants meet — and — [180. J 1 Voted not to act upon the 6 article as mentioned in the Warrent 2 Voted to allow M"^ : Joseph Roberts & Lieu' : Ab"^. Jones their account as Assessors in 1778 3 To M'' : Joseph Roberts for 32 Day Service in taking and prepairing the Valuation list and for making Sundery Rates and for Paper for to make the same on — Total — £2 . . 13 . . 0 4 To Lieu' : Ab"^. Jones for 10 Days Service in raaking Sundery Rale [Rate] £60—0—0 5 Voted to allow Messe''. Joseph Roberts & John Allen Mr: Roberts 13 Day Mr. Allen 32 Day 12 Pound p'. Day they baring their own expences for Services as Delegates in Forming a New Constatution or Fraira of Goverraent 6 Voted to accept of the Report of the Coraraittee reletive to the Town land and the Rodes ajourning there to 7 Voted to Chuse a Committee to Serch for M'' : Goddards Deed of Gift to the Town of Weston of a Piece of land near the meeting House and to report to the Town the next anual Fall Meeting r Cap''. John Flagg ^ Chosen } Cap''". Israiel Whittemore > Committe I M" : Thad^ Spring J 8 Voted that the Delegates shall act discresionary when the Form of Goverraent shall take place — [181. ] At a Meeting ofthe Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston that are Qualified to Vote in Town Affairs being Legally Warned in Publick Town Meeting Asserabled on Tuesday the 13'". of June AD 1780 at Four oClock p : m then & there to know the mind of the Town what further grant they will raake to Support the War or act any other matter or thing relative to the War Affair — 1 Chose Liu''' : Abr''. Jones Moderator for s"^ meeting 2 Voted that the War Corainittee shall not have liberty to' go out of this Town to hire raoney for the Use ofthe Town — town records, 1780. 289 3 Voted that the Selectraen shall not have liberty to go out of Town to hire raoney for the Use ofthe Town — 4 Voted to grant 5000 Pound to Support the War 5 Voted to ajourn this raeeting to next Munday 19'" Instant at 4 o'clock PM Agreable to the above ajournment the Inhabitants raeet ancJ. 1 Voted to make a further Grant of £10000 towards the Support of the War 2 Voted to dismiss M'" : Elisha Warren frora the War Com mittee & 3 Voted to Chuse Cap' : Nathan Sraith in his room — 4 Voted that Cap' : Hobbs shall be Indemnefied frora paying a fine for not returning as ordered — 5 Vote'd to ajourn this raeeting to the 3*. of July Next at 4 oClock p M Agreable to the above ajournraent the Inhabitants raeet and 1 Voted to ajourn this meeting to the 10'". Instant July a 4 oClock PM Agreable to the last ajournraent the Inhabitants raeet — and 1 Voted to Petition to the Hon" : Counsell for Liberty to hire raen out of those Towns that have hired their Quota of Men — 2 Voted to Chuse a Committee of 2 Persons for the above Purpose 3 Voted that Messers ( Joseph Roberts "i be a Committee to ( & Sam""-. Fisk Petition the Hon". Counsell (in behalf of the Town) for liberty to hire men out of those Towns that have got their Quota 4 Voted to make an adition of two Person to the War Cora raittee Meser^ : Israiel Whittemore , & Increas Leadbetter 5 Voted to ajourn this raeeting to the 17'". Instant July at 4 oClock p. M. Agreable to the last ajournraent the Inhabitants raeet and > Chosen for s*. Purpose 290 town records, 1780. 1 Voted to grant 30000 Pound in adition to what has been granted for the War 2 Voted to ajourn this raeeting to the 24'". Instant July at 5 oClock p. M. Agreable to the last ajournraent the Inhabitants meet and Voted to ajourn this meeting to the 2*. of August next at 5 oClock p M. Agreable to the last ajournment the Inhabitants raeet and Dissolved the raeeting [182.] At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Duly Qualified and Legally Warned in Publick Town Meeting asserabled at the Publick meeting House ins*. Town on Munday the 4'". Sep' : AD 1780 at two oClock in the afternoon then and there 1 To Chuse a Governor 2 To Chuse a Liu' : Governor 3 To Chuse Counsellors & Senators for this District that was agreed upon by the Convention of this State or act any other matter or thing that may be required by the articles of the Convention — 1 Voted for a Governor The Hon" : John Handkock Esq"^. had 38 The Hon" : James Bordwain Esq'', had 9 2 Voted for a Liu' : Gov-n'' : The Hon" : Hen« : Gardner Esq', had 30 The Hon" : James Bordwain Esq''- had 22 Nathe'' : GoRHAM Esq^ had 32 The Hon" : Josiah Stone Esq', had 33 Jonas Dix Esq''. had 23 John Ting Esq'. had 29 The Hon" : Ele" : Brooks Esq'', had 20 Loamia Baldwin Esq''. had 14 The Hon": Abr"*. Fuller Esq^ had 12 James Preslcot Esq'. had 4 Josiah Johnson Esq'. had 1 M'. John Allen Votes Votes For Counsel lors & Senetors Votes TOWN RECORDS, 1780. 291 At a meetins: ofthe Freeholders and other Inhabitants ofthe Town of Weston that are Qualified (bythe New Constatution of Goverraent) to Vote for a Representative being Leally Warned in Publick Town Meeting Assembled at the Publick Meeting House in S*. Town on Thirsday the 12'". Day of Oct": AD 1780 at Two oClock in the afternoon they then and there did Elect and Depute Josiah Smith Esq", to Serve for and rep resent thera in the Great and General Court — [183.] At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabi tants of Weston that are by Law Qualified to Vote in Town affairs being Legally warned in Publick Town Meeting Assera bled on Munday the 9'" of Oct" : AD 1780 at two oClock in the afternoon — 1 To Grant Money to Pay the Rev*M'' : Sara*'. Woodward' Salery for one Year beginning 25 of Sep': AD 1780 and also to make Provision for his firewood for said Year — 2 To know the minde of the Town what further grant they will make to the Rev* : M' : Sara*'. Woodward in adition to his Salery for the Present Year 3 To know the minde of the Town what raethod they will take to Procure 7.930 lb. of beef which is required for Weston by the General Court to Procure 4 To hear the Town Creditors accounts and act thereon — 5 To Grant money to Support Schooling & defray y*. Usual Charges of the Town 6 To know the minde of the Town if they will make any further Provision for Schooling than the Grararaer School and if so how rauch and what method the Year Ensewina; — 7 To know the minde of the Town if they will Seat the In habitants in the Publick meeting house in S*. Tovvn — Liu''. Abr". Jones Chosen Moderator for S'K Meeting 1 Voted thatthe Rev*. M' : Sam*'. Woodward's Salery and his addition be for half a Year 2 Voted to grant the Rev*. M' : Sara*'. Woodward,£33. .6s. .8(Z for Salery for Six raonths and £3366.. 13s.. id in Adition to his Salery for 6 Months Chosen ¦( 292 TOWN RECORDS, 1780. 3 Voted to Chuse a Coraraittee to provide the Rev*. M'. Sara*'. Woodwards Fire wood for the present Year — M" : Jonas Harrington & he declined Cap''. Isaac Jones ^ M" : Isaac Hobbs > for s*. Coraraittee Majo". Sam""- Lamson ) 4 Voted to grant 15000 Pounds to Purchase Beef for the Use of the Army 5 Voted to Chuse a Committee of 3 Persons for the above purpose r Cap^. Isaac Jones Chosen^ M". Isaac Hobbs C Cap''. Jon\ Fisk 6 Voted to Except the Town Creditors account as now read off Viz To M--: Isaac Hobbs in making Rates in Feb''. 22'i. 1780 a 12 £168. . 0. . 0 To Paper Expended in making Eates &c . . . . 9 — 0 — 0 £177.. 0.. 0 Carried up [184. 1 Brought up Dr To M'. John Allen for 7 Day Attendance at the Con. ) nqa r. r. ventioQ iu June Last . . . . . . . J Dr To M': Jonas Peirce to Carrying W™. Haven from Weston to Waltham 9— 0— 0 To Collecting the War Tax which was £23556 a S^. p'. Pound 293—16- 6 £302.. 16— 6 Dr To Benj". Dudley to Collecting the "War Tax which } nao q q was £21423 a 3*. p^ Pound which is . . . .i Dr. To M': Nathan Hobbs to the first of Sep', to twenty Nine Day in making Rates & Taking & returning y". General Invoice at 15 Pounds p^ Day .... £435 — 0 — 0 to one quire of Paper 6 — 0 — 0 to making Eates in the year 1779 + 12 Days at £12. p''. Day 144— 0— 0 585— 0— 0 Dr. To Elisha Harrington to the first of Sep': to Twenty three & 1/2 Days in making Eates & Taking & return ing the general invoice a 15 Pounds p'. Day . . £352. .10— 0 to one quire & a half of paper for the Towns Use . 13. .10— 0 £366— 0— 0 TOWN RECORDS, 1780. 293 Dr. To Abijah Stedman to the first of Sep' to 19 1/2 Days in making Rates and taking a general invoice at 15 Pound p^ Day £292. .10— 0 7 Voted that Schooling shall go on as Usual for the present year — 8 Voted to grant for Schooling & defray other necessary Charges of the Town .... £25000-0 . . 0 9 Voted not to Seat the raeeting house — At a raeeting of Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Weston that are by Law Qualified to Vote in Town affairs being Legally Warned in Publick Town meeting assembled on Wednesday the 27'". Day of Dec-"- AD 1780 at one oClock in the afternoon then and there 1 To know the rainde of the Town what raethod they will take to procure 15227 lb of Beef that is required of Weston to procure by orders ofthe General Court — 2 To know the rainde of the Town what raethod they will take to Raise 13 men for the Contenantal Arraey — 3 To hear the War Coramittee's account or act any other matter or thing relating to s*. Committee — 4 To know the raind of the To^im if they will give their present Representative any Instructions 5 To know the minde of the Town whether they will Build a New School house in the Center of the Town or act any matter or thing relative there to — Carried over [185. j 6 To know the rainde of the Town if they will hear the Report of the Coraraittee Chosen to Serch for M'. Goddards Deed of Gift or to act any raatter or thing reative to the Town and raeeting house Lots — 7 To know the minde of the Town if they will accept of an alteration of a Town way Leading from Jon". Warrens to Nathaniel Beraise's as marked out by the Selectmen 8 To here the Request of Cap'. Estus Howe Relative to abatement of Sundery Rates in his List — Viz John Lawrance for the Contenentas in 1779 . . . . £2.. 0..0 Tharld. Gaffleld two — D»— in D" . . . . 12.. 4. .2 County D" . . . . 5 4 2 0 2 0 2 0 .1 4 294 TOWN RECORDS, 1780. Samu''. Willington State "War Town & Minister Tax D" • . 16 5 6 For Warning 3 Town meetings for the whole Town . . 45 Also for Salery 37 10 — 9 To know the rainde of the Town if they will abate the Rates of the following Persons in the late Constable Joseph Russell's list of Rates — Viz John Viles two State & 1 War Tax amounting to . . £5 Lewis two State & one "War 5 Jon". Underwood ju''. two State & one 'War .... 5 James 'Walls two State 2 County 1 Town & 1 Minister Tax . 3 10 To know the minde of the Town if they will allow to Cap'. John Whitehead what he has paid for his Pole when ab.sent & in the Publick Service or act any matter or 'thing relating there to 11 To know the minde of the Town whether their anual March meeting shall be warned by Notifications or act any thing relatice thereto The Town then brought in their Votes for a Moderator and Liu'' : Abr". Jones was declared Chosen — 1 Voted to grant money to Purchace Beef that we are now called upon to raise — 2 Voted to grant twenty Thousand Pounds for the above purpose 3 Voted to Chuse a Committee to procure the Beef r Cap'' : Isaac Jones ~\ Chosen < Dec^. Isaac Hobbs >for s*. Committee ( Cap''. Jon\ Fisk ) [186.] 4 Voted that sad Coraraittee be fully irapowered to draw money Sufficient out of the Treasury to procure the'Beef that we are now Called upon for & to give their Reef. & be accountable to the Town therefor when called upon 5 [Article 2] Voted to go on in the usual way to pro cure those men that we are Now called upon for — and to grant raoney for s*. Purpose — Voted that the Commanding Officer of the Melicia be desired to Call the Corapany together — TOWN RECORDS, 1781. 295 Voted to reconsider the last Vote Voted to ajourn this meeting to the 8'". Day of Jan". 1781 at one oclock in the after noon 1781 Agreable to the above ajournraent the Inhabitants meet and Proceeded to the 7"-. article Voted to axcept of an Alteration of the Town way leading from Jon". Warrens to Nathaniel Bemises as marked out by the Selectraen Exclusive of any Expence to the Town and that said Warren shall have the old way upon his raaking the New way Passable — Voted to abate the rates of Jon". Lawrance in Capt Howes list [Article 8] being — £2 . . 0 . . 0 Voted to abate the rates of Thadd^ Garfield in Cap'. Howes list being— £12.. 4.. 2 Voted to abate the rates of Sam*'. Willington in Cap'. Howes list being — . . . . . . . £16.. 5.. 6 Voted to allow Cap'. Howe for warning three Town meeting for the whole Town — . . . ". . £45—0—0 Also to allow s*. Howe for Salery — . . 37 — 0 — 0 on the 2* article Voted to grant fifty Thousand Pounds for the Purpose of Raising Men on the 3* article Voted to allow the Comraittees account as Exhibited No of Days Isaac Hobbs 24 . Sain^i. Lamson 12 . Sam^i. pisk 12 . Jonas Sanderson .... 6 . Israiel Whittemore ... 10 . Nathan Smith 6 . Increas Ledbetter .... 6 . Price pr. Day £15 . 15 . 15 . 15 . 15 . 15 . 15 . £ 360 180 180 90 150 9090 5 D [187.] upon the 4'" article Voted not to act upon said article Voted to ajourn this meeting to the 22* : Day of Jan" 1 oClock PM 1781 at 296 TOWN RECORDS, 1781. Agreable to the last ajournraent the Inhabitants meet and passed the following Votes It was put to Vote to know the minde of the Town whether they will act upon the 5'", Article and it passed in the Negative Voted to Chuse a Committee to Treat with Josiah Sraith Esq', and his Son Joel [Article 6. J Voted to Chuse 5 in said Coraraittee Liu' : Jon". Stratton Cap'. John Flagg M'. John Allen Cap' : Isaac Jones & M'. Thad Spring — Voted said Coraraittee be irapowered to Treat with Josiah Sraith Esq', and his Son Joel in Setling the Bounderies of the Towns land near the raeeting house and raake a Report at our Next anual March raeeting for the Towns acceptance — Voted on the 9'". article to abate the Rates of the following Persons in Constable Russells List — Viz John Viles £5 2 0 Lewis 520 Jon". Underwood 520 James "Walls . . . , 3 11 4 10 Article Passed in the Negative 11 Article Passed in the Negative Voted to Dissolve this meeting [188. J At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabi tants of the Town of Weston duly Quallified and Legaly warned in Publick Town-meeting Asserabled on raonday the fifth Day of March 1781 at 10 oClockAM: at the Publick Meeting House in Said Town then and there — 1 To Choose Selectmen & other Town Officers for the En sewing year as the Law Directs — 2* To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts and act thereon 3* To know the rainds of the Town whether their Swine shall go at large the Present year — 4'" : To know the rainds of the Town whether they will re pair thier Highway by a Rate the Ensewing Year & grant Money therefor 5'" : To hear and act upon a list Prpared for the Jury Box — TOAVN RECORDS, 1781. 297 6'". To know the minds of the Town if they will build one •or more School-Houses in the Center District — 7'". To hear the war Treasurers Account and act thereon or ¦act any raatter or thing relative to the war Committee or the war Affairs — 8'" : To here the report of the Coraraittee Chosen to Treat with Josiah Sraith Esq', and his Son Joel relative to the Town's Land near the Meeting-House or act any Other Matter or thing "relative to the S*. Land — 9'". To Know the Minds of The Town whether they will Seat the Inhabitants in the Meeting-House and act thereunto — 10'". To hear the Town Creditors Accounts and act thereon 11'". To know the raind of the Town what they will allow to the present Constables (Mess" : Jonas Pierce and Benj". Dudley) for Collecting the two Beef Taxes and the last war Tax 12'". To hear the request of the Rev*. M'. Woodward rela tive to his Title to his Pew or act any Thing relative thereto — 13'". To hear the Petition of John Allen & others relative to thier remonstrating against Sorae Perticular Proceedings ofthe General Court and whether the Town will Instruct their repre sentative in regard to any greviances Said Allen & other Apprehends that they and the Publick Labour under or act any thing relative thereunto — [189.] The Town Proceeded to bring in thier Votes for a Moderator : and Deacon Samuel Fisk was Chosen Then the Following Persons were Chosen Town officers for the Year Ensewing — Samuel Fisk "| Isaac Hobbs .Selectraen -^ Samuel Lamson I Thad^ : Spring [_ Uriah Gregory Town Clerk Isaac Hobbs Town Treasurer Samuel Fisk c Josiah Seaverns Constables ^ j^^^^^ g^^^^^ and Coraraittee of Correspondance Sworn March 12'". Sworn March 12'". Sworn march — 12'" Sworn march— 12'". 298 TOWN RECORDS, 1781. Assessors Surveyors and Collectors c&c Joseph Russell ' Abijah Steadman Uriah Gregory ' Cap''. Isaac Jones Joseph Seavekns <( Simeon Smith Joseph Russell Sam'-\ Train Joseph Russell Isaac Flagg Cap''. Matthew Hobbs Simeon Smith Micah Warren Jon*. Warren Isaac Flagg Phinehas Upham Phinehas Upham James Hastings Jonas Sanderson Tho' : Russell ju" Daniel Stratton Tho' : Rand ¦Sworn March 12'". Sworn March — 12'" Sworn March— 12"', [190.J TythingmenHogreaves Preserver of Deer Field Drivers Fence Viewers Sealers of Leather Surveyors of Boards & Shin gles &C V. Voted to return the Rev* M'. Woodward Thanks for Relin quishing fifteen Coard of his Firewood — The Town Treasurers Account was then Read and Accepted The Account of Samuel Fisk Treasurer for Weston from March 3*. AD. 1780 to March 2* : 1781 Eec*. of Constable Abijah Steadman in full Eec"i of Const. Joseph Russell in full .... Reel of Const. Estes How in full Rec* of Const. Jonas Peirce in part .... Eec"! of Const. Benj". Dudley in part .... Eec* for the rent of the Pew & Stable formerly Col" Joness Eec* for the rent of the work House .... Borrowed and Rece*. three Hundred Pounds i Sworn March 12'". i Sworn March — 12'"' I Sworn March 12'" Sworn March 12'"- Sworn March 12'" ¦Sworn March— 12" £ S J> 39 7 3i 37 10 4f 2137 8 6 15161 0 0 21439 10 9 89 10 0 135 0 0 300 0 0 £39339 7 6 TOWN RECORDS, 1781. 299 [191.] Paid the following Persons by Order of the Selectmen Viz paid the Ballence Due to me tbe last Adjournment paid the Eev*: M' Sam" Woodward in full for his Sal- ? lery for one year ending Sep^ 26"». 1780 . . ) Paid the Eev* M' Sam'i. Woodward in part for y"^ pres ent year paid Jn": Gardner Agent for the first requisition of Beef Paid the Hiers of Col". Smith a Note of £18: given in 1776: and the Interest and Depretiation amouni- ing to Paid the Hiers of Col°. Smith two Orders and Dcpreti- tion Paid Isaac Plagg in full for a Horse for the Publick Ser vice Paid Cap': Jn". Plagg for a Horse for Ditto . Paid Jn": Allen in full for attending at the Convention Paid Dea°. Isaac Hobbs for his Service in Making Eates in 1779 Paid the Eev* M"^ Woodward in full for foui- Coard of wood ........ Paid Nath". Allen in full for keeping Schools weeks in the NE: School- House in 1780 Paid Cap'. Jn". Flagg to Procure the Advice of an Attorney Concerning the Pews .... Paid for repairing the Great Bridge at Water Town . Paid the County rate to Eben' Bridge Esq^ County Treasurer Paid Joseph Russell by Abatements of Eates & by Assignment Paid Jonas Peirce in full for Boarding Master Elint 8 weeks Paid Nathan .Tennison for a Horse for the Publick Service Paid Thad= Spring for Preambelating and repairing the South-East: School House and for repairing the New Bridge So Called and for his Time & Expence in Procuring a Horse for the Army . Paid Joseph Seaverns for Plank for "Watertown Bridge &c Paid Oliver Hastings for Boarding Master Mudge 9 weeks in 1780 Paid L'. Abr™. Jones for Boarding Master Mudge 3 week & 2 days in 1779 Paid L'. Abr™. Jones for Preabelating and for Timber ) and Labour at the New Bridge . . . . ) :} £ 8 B 788 13 6f 4700 0 0 837 0 0 9516 0 0 914 0 0 130 0 0 1200 0 0 1210 16 0 482 0 0 253 8 0 80 0 0 119 0 0 138 0 0 2467 4 10 798 10 9i. 48 14 6 276 0 0 750 0 0 152 2 0 713 14 0- 297 0 0 29 0 0' 178 0 0' 300 TOWN RECORDS, 1781. Paid Master Joseph Mudge for Keeping School four^ Months in 1779 and 1780 and for two months in i- 580 0 0 1780 & 1781 } Paid Cap'. Jn": Elagg for Ten Coard of wood for the \ q^q q q Eev* M' Sam" Woodward ' Paid John Plagg ju': in full for Bording Lois Pierce) 84 0 0 Seven weeks from the first of Aug'. 1780 . . i Carried up 27343 3 2i [192.] The foot of the Account brought up . £27343 3 2i Paid Master Flint for keeping y<= gramer School four > 185 0 0 months in 1779 and iu 1780 > Paid Masher Flint for keeping the Gramer School in } ^^^ q q the Year 1780 and in the Year 1781 . . . i Paid Master Abr". Biglow for Keeping a Beading and y writing School Nine weeks and Boarding himself > 159 0 0 in 1779 ) Paid M". Anna Biglow for 17 feet of wood for the School 42 Paid L': Jon". Stratton for one Coard of wood for the Eev*. M' Woodward 20 Paid Deacon Isaac Hobbs for 2 Coard of wood for NE School 40 Paid Docf Josiah Starr for Boarding Master Flint) -.nn Eight weeks in 1779 and in 1780 . . . .> Paid Docf Josiah Starr for two Coard of wood for SE. School 40 Paid Nath". Allen for Keeping a Beading and Writing ) School Seven weeks from y" 13"'. of Dece'. 1779 and ^ 119 Boarding himself . . . . . . . ' Paid Oliver Hastings for Boarding Master Mudge > 13 0 0 Seven weeks in the year 1779 . . . . ) Paid Nathan Hobbs for Preambelating and for Pro curing a Horse for the Army ..... 90 Paid L'. John Warren for Boarding Master Flint Nine ) nnA Weeks J Paid Nath" Allen for keeping School in the Center y School-House 1 1/2 months and boarding himself > 538 in 1780 & 1781 ) Paid Josiah Steadman by an Assignment ... 32 Paid James Stimson for 13 feet of wood for SE: School in 1779 and 1780 32 Paid L'. Jon" Stratton in full for 189 feet of Plank for the Town Bridge 113 Paid L'. Nathan Hobbs by an Assignment . . . 646 Paid Abijah Steadman by an Assignment and Abate ment of Rates 49 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 12 6 10 0 8 0 16 0 TOWN RECORDS, 1781. 301 Paid C.ip'. Isreal Whittemore for Boarding Cap'. John Brown and Lois Peirce and Cloathing . Paid Cap' Isreal Whittemore for 2 Days Work at the New Bridge and to 1 1/2 Days Work at the School House and for Boarding Lois Peirce 34 Weeks from the 5"'. of July 1779 Paid James Smith for 2 Coard of Standing for NW School Paid Maj'. Sam". Lamson for two Coard of wood Deliv ered To the Rev" M' Sam" Woodward . Paid Amos Jones for two Coard of wood for the Cen ter School Carried over [193.] The foot of the Account brought over - Paid James Smith for 1 1/2 Coard of wood for NW: School Paid m'. Elisha Harrington by an Assignment Paid Jonas Peirce by Ditto Paid Benj". Dudley by Ditto Paid Abijah Steadman for Making Rates to 1 Sep' 1780 Paid L'. Abr"". .Jones for Procuring a Horse for the Army Paid Cap'. How by an Abatement of Rates & an Assign ment Paid L' Abr™ Jones by an Assignment Paid the Expence of. the Selectmen going to Waltham Paid the Wid". Wellington in full for Boarding Meriam Partridge and her Son William Ending March 3*. 1781 Paid for Cloathing for Meriam Partridge & her Son the Tear Past Paid my Self for Preambelating the line between Sud bury and Weston and for Time and Expences in Carring the Beef money to Boston for repairing Several School Houses .... Paid my Self for Time and Expenc in Procuring Horses for y"= Army Paid Ezra Fisk for Taking care of the Meeting-House two Years Ending march 5'!". 1781 .... 1457 14 0 y 226 16 0 48 120 240 0 0 £33081 9 8^ £33081 9 81 90 366 302 263292 0 0 16 16 10 00 63 0 30 0 0 113 60 12 600 10 0 - 2420 17 0 254 4 0 55 0 0 340 0 0 43 10 0 ¦ 36 0 0 £37761 10 4^ We the Subscribers appointed by the Selectmen of Weston to Examin the Town Treasurers Accounts have Attended that Service and find thera well vouched and Right Cast — and there 302 TOWN RECORDS, 1781. Remains in Said Treasurers Hands .... 1577 17 ]| Eemains in Constable Jonas Peirces hands . . . 22426 4 2 Remains in Constable Benj" Dudleys hands . . . 12973 5 1 £36977 6 4J Abr". Jones Nathan Hobbs Joel Smith [194.] The Town then Voted to proceed to 7'" Article in y*" Warrent The War Treasurers Account was then Read and Accepted The Account of Isaac Hobbs Treasurer frora 22* May 1779 to 2* March 1781 is as followeth — Viz Paid the folowing Persons for Mne Months in the Con tinantal Array £ 8 B Paid Thad^ Bemis in full 462 0 0 Jacob Bemis in full 462 0 0 Simeon Pike in full 392 12 0 Ep™. Capron in full 392 0 0 Abel Peirce in part 249 3 0 John Roberts in Part 258 12 0 2216 7 0 For four months att Rhod Island Paid Isaac Walker in part 130 19 6 John Bemis in full 159 Q 0 Paid John Bemis in full for all Past Services . . 71 19 1 For 2 Months Rhod Island Paid Joseph Stone in full 60 0 0 Jonas Pierce in full 48 0 0 Nath". Billings in full 39 0 0 W™. Gill in full 39 0 0 John Johnson in full 30 0 0 For Six weeks Castle Paid Edw*. Flint in full 25 10 0 Joel Flint in full 25 10 0 £2845 5 7 town records, 1781. 303 For three months Hudson's River Paid Benaneul Pratt in full . Daniel Bemis in full Phinehas Stimson do . Benj". Doalbeer in full Jonas Park in full Nehemiah Farrer in full W™. Cary in full - . The foot of Acct br'. up ... . Paid m' John Hager in full for his Son at N River Paid Abner Mathies in full Pd : M'. Sam". Livermore in ful for his Son guarding the Beacon Tho^ Graves in full Ditto .... Paid Jon" Fisk Interest on a Note do Joseph Coburn in full of a Note of Hand . do John Richardson in full of a Note of Hand do Isreal Whittemore in full of Two Notes of hand do Tho= Band in full of Ditto .... do Sam". Fisk in full of Two Notes of haud do Jacob Bemis in full of Two Notes of haud . Abr™. Sanderson in full of a Note of hand . Paid the following Persons for thier Service as raerabers of the Coraraittee of war — Viz Paid M' Elisha Warren do Maj' Sam" Lamson do M' Sam". Fisk do M' Jonas Sanderson do my Self Paid m' Daniel Livermore what the Town granted ) him for his Servic at Rhod Island . . . . ) Carried over [195.] The foot of the Account Brought over . Paid by an Assignment in Cons. How s list of Rates . Paid John Roberts in full for Six months at Rhod 246 0 0 246 0 0 246 0 0 246 0 0 130 0 0 120 2 0 250 0 0 £4329 7 7 £ 8 B 4329 7 7 16 16 0 0 10 6 4 12 0 4 12 0 7 10 0 34 16 0 108 18 0 147 16 0 30 4 0 81 16 0 151 17 6 91 0 0 £5009 15 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 39 0 0 £5298 15 7 £ S B 5298 15 7 33 5 6 Island 304 TOWN RECORDS, 1781. do Daniel Bemis in full for Six weeks at Ehoad > Island I do Nathan Fisk in full for all Past Services do Tho». Band in for his Sons guarding y^ Beacon . do Benj". Peirce in full for his Sons service at Ehoad » Island I Paid John Eoberts in full Paid by assignment in Joseph Eussells list of Eates . For Six Months in the Continantal Service Paid Moses Cummings in full John Newman in part Sam". Avery in full David Parker in part Sam". Piatt in full Sam". Dale in part Tho^ Davis in full John Frasher in part Michal Lyons in part W™. Neal in part . W™. CoUingwood in part John Kennedey in full John Mlea Eichard Condon Christopher Clark . Carried up . Brought up 19 0 0 9 18 0 24 0 a 33 1 8- 133 10 0 126 7 4. £5680 0 0. 2430 0 0 1010 16 a 960 0 0. 1350 0 0. 2000 0 0 1100 0 0 2000 0 0 1100 0 0 1100 0 0 1100 0 0 1100 0 0 2000 0 0 900 0 0 900 0 0 900 0 0 £25630 16 0 £ s B 25630 16 0 For three raonths at Rhoad Island Paid Joseph Stone in full Salem Middlesix in full Isachar Philemon . Thad'. Child in part Ep™. Capron in full Nath". Ayers in full Seth Pratt in full . Paul Pratt in full . W™ Hobbs in full . Nathan Fisk in full 1350 0 0. 1320 0 0 0675 0 0. 712 0 0 1500 0 0. 1500 0 0. 1500 0 0- 0600 0 0. 1440 0 0. 1440 0 0. £37667 16 0. TOWN RECORDS, 1781. 305 Paid Artemas Cox in full .... Nath". Bemis in part .... Nathan Warren in part .... John Whittemore in part Joseph Livermore in full Paid Milage for 2 Campaigns do Jn". Pownal in full for all Past Services Isaac Walker do do . Simeon Pike do do . Sam". Bentley in full for Procuring men W™. Whitney Bording 3 Soldiers . Benj". Peirce in ful for Do Paid my Self in full of Town Grant do Jonas Sanderson for do . do Increase Leadbetter for do . Increase Leadbetter in full for Conducting 8 to Springfield do do Carried up [19 6. J The foot of the Account brought up Paid M'. Sam". Fisk in full of the Town Grant for his Service Paid John Walker in part for three Years Service Paid Morris Dingen in part for Ditto .... Paid John Connelley in part for Ditto .... Paid Maj' Sam". Lamson in full of the Town Grant for his Service . Paid W™. CoUingwood in full Paid Thad^ Child in full Paid Nath". Ayers in full Paid N"athan Warren in full Paid Paul Pratt in full for Three months Paid John Walker in Part for Three Years . Paid John Connelley in part for three years Paid by an Assignment in Const'. Sam". Fisk list of } Eates ) Paid by an Assignment in Cons'. Uriah Gregory list^of Rates Paid by an Assignment in Const'. Abijah Steadmans List Lent M' Sam'''. Lauchlin by order of Committee . 1260 0 0 270 0 0 1283 18 3 756 0 0 1440 0 0 708 12 0 70 0 0 28 0 6 60 0 0 180 0 0 81 12 0 85 4 0 360 0 0 90 0 0 90 0 0 321 6 0 44691 12 9 44691 12 1 180 0 0 120 0 0 531 10 0 2263 10 0 180 0 0 900 0 0 60 0 0 900 0 0 216 0 0 900 0 0 66 0 0 150 0 0 434 9 4 487 9 1 156 3 1 300 0 0 £52535 4 3 306 TOWN RECORDS, 1781. The Account of Money Borrowed and Rece* &c Rece* of Constable Estes How in full . Kece* of Constable Joseph Russell in full Rece* of Constable Abijah Steadman . Eec* of Constable ITriah Gregoiy . Borrowed and Eece* of M' Benj". Pierce Borrowed and Rece* of M' Sam". Fisk . Borrowed and Eece* of M' Abr™. Sanderson Borrowed and Eece*. of M' Phinehas Hager Borrowed and Eece* of M' Uriah Gregory . Borrowed and Eece" of M' Jacob Bemis Borrowed and Eece* of M' Isreal Whittemore Borrowed and Eece* of M' Tho^ Rand Borrowed and Rece* of M' Sam". Harrington Borrowed and Eece* of M"'. Anna Biglow . Carried over [197. ] The foot of tbe Account brought Over Hece* of Jeduthun Bemis by his Brother Daniel &c Eece* of Cap'. Brown by Benanel Pratt Tjy Ballence Due to the Town the last Adjustment Borrowed and Eece* of M' Joseph Eussell . Eece* by assignment in Cons'. Sam" Fisk list Rece* by Assignment in Cons'. Uriah Gregory list Eece* by Assignment in Cons'. Abijah Steadmans do Eece* by an Assignment in Cons'. Joseph Eussell List Borrowed and Eece* of John Parmenter Eece*: of the Present Constable Jonas Peirce Eece* of M'. Benj". Dudley Present Constable £ « B 6000 0 0 164 6 3 272 6 4 17 10 0 135 0 0 81 0 0 90 0 0 15 0 0 30 0 0 150 0 0 146 10 0 30 0 0 180 0 0 50 0 0 £7361 12 7 7361 12 7 246 0 0 10 9 0 315 0 0 78 0 0 434' 9 4 487 9 1 155 3 1 126 7 4 800 0 0 21044 16 5 21414 13 7 £52474 0 5 The Committee Appointed to Examine the foregoing Ac counts have Diligently Attended that Service and find thom well Vouched and right cast And there Eemains Due to Said Treasurer and thre Remains in the Hands of M'. Jonas Peirce ) Present Constable I and There Eemains in the hands of M' Benj". Dudley ) Present Constable > £ 61 D 4 28612 6 0 23928 18 6 THo^ Rand ^ Sam^''. Lamson > Coraraittee Thad^ Spring ) TOWN RECORDS, 1781. 307 [198.] 2*. Voted that M'. Elisha Harrington Cap'. Nathan Sraith and M'. Isaac Hobbs be a Coraraitee in behalf of the Town of Weston to Defend by Counsel or otherwise an Action Comraenced or that raay be Coraraenced against the Said Isaac Hobbs as Treasurer of this Town by Tho^ Weehng ton on a Note of band Endorsed by one Moses Curaraings and that they be Irapowered to Act Any Thing relative to the above case as it respects the Said Weelington or Cummings and that they draw Money out of the War Treas- urery for that Purpose and be Accountable to the Town therefor — The Town then Adjourned to Monday y" 12'". of March In stant at one o, Clock p.m : The Inhabitants being Asserabled at the Publick Meeting- House on Monday the 12'". of March agreeable to the above Ajournraent Proceeded to the Buissiness of y" Meeting 1*'. Voted that thier Swine being well regulated Shall go at large the ensuing Year 2*. Voted to Repair thier High-ways : by a Rate — 3*. Voted to Grant Two Thousand Pounds old Curriancy for the above Purpose and that each raan and Teara be Allowed Twenty Shillings P'. Hour — 4'". Voted to Accept of List Prepared for the Jury Boxes — 5'" Voted to Build a School House in the Center District 6'". Voted to Accept of the Proposal of Josiah Sraith Esq"^. Relative to the Town,' : Land Near the Meeting House Adjoining to Said Sraith Land Viz That the Said Joseph Sraith Esq', give a Quit Claim Deed to the Bounds a forraer Coraraittee raade Cap'. Estes How being Chairraan of Said Coraraittee [199.] 7'"- Voted to accept of the Proposals of Joel Smith relative to the Bounds of the Towns Land South of the Meet ing-House ; Viz Begining at a Stake and Stones by the Wall East of the Garden and runing Straight to the North East Corner of Said Joel Sraith,* D wei ling-House and let that be the Bounds of the Towns Land — 8'". Voted to Seat the Inhabitants in the Meeting-House 308 TOWN RECORDS, 1781. 9'". Voted that this raeeting be Adjourned to Monday 26'" Day of March Instant at one o, Clock pm : — Asserabled according to Adjournraent — 10'". The Question being put to know the minds of the Town whether they will Choose a Committee to Seat the Meeting- House & it pased in the Negative — 11'". Voted that the Town Creditors Accounts be Allowed as Exhibited Viz : £ S B To m'. Nathan Hobbs for Making Six Taxes from Sep' 1780 ToFeb'y:178120Daysatl5£P'. Day . . . . 300 0 0 To Paper 5 8 0 £305 8 To m'. Ehsha Harrington for making Six Taxes from Aug'. 1780 to Feb'y. 1781 fifteen Days 226 0 0 To half a Quire of Paper 5 8 0 £230 8 To M'. Abijah Steadman for making Six Taxes From Sep'. 1780 to Feb'y. 1781 Eighteen Days . . . . 270 0 0 To M'. Jonas Peirce for warning 7 Town Meetings . . 52 10 0 for Salery £37:10/ for Carring one Catherine and her Child ) cn -ia r. from Weston to Waltham £15 ) £105 0 0 52 10 0 37 10 0 To m'. Benj". Dudley fbr warning Seven Town Meetings for Sallery as Constable £90 0 0 [200.] The Town then took under Consideration the Eleventh Article in the Warrent and the Question being put to know the minds of the Town whether they will Act upon Said Article — 11'". and it Passed in the Negative — They then Proceeded to the Twelveth Article which was to hear the Rev*. M'. Woodwards request relative to the Title of his Pew — 12'". which in like raanner Passed in the Negative — The Town then took under Consideration the 13'". and last Article which was to hear the Petition of M' John Allen & others — and after Some Debate upon the raatter the Town — TOWN RECORDS, 1781. 309 13 Voted that the Petitioners have leave to withdraw thier Petition The Town then Passed a Vote founded upon the 7'" Article in the Warrent Viz — 14 Voted that the war Treasurer be and he is hereby Ira powered to give Security in behalf of the Town to each man that Shall be Engaged for the Town of Weston for the Terra of Three Years by the respective Classes for the Sura that shall be agreed upon to be Payed at a Future Day — The Business of the raeeting being Dispached the Town Voted that the Meeting be Disolved and Accordingly The Moderator Pronounced the' Meeting Disolved [201.] At a Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabi tants of the Town of Weston duly Qualified and Lawfully Warned in Publick Town-raeeting Asserabled at the Public Meeting-House in Said Town on Monday the Second Day of April AD : 1781 at two o, Clock p : m : then & there — 1*'. To bring in thier Votes for a Governor of this Coraraon- wealth 2* To bring in thier Votes for a Lieu' Governor — 3* To bring in thier Votes for five Senators and Coun sellors Agi'eeable to the Constitution of the Comonwealth of Massechusetts C His Exe<=y: John Hancock had 32 i James Bordwain Esq'*, had 28 Oliver Prescott Esq*. Tho'. Cushing Esq*- Oltver Prescott Esq"- AzoR Orne Esq". Nath''. Gorham Esq*. James Prescott Esq*. Josiah Stone. Esq*. Abr"". Fuller Esq* Eleazer Brooks Esq* Jonas Dix — Esq* John Cummings Esq*. Joseph Curtis For Governor For Lieu'. Governor ¦ For Senators and Counsellors had 1 had 231614 Had 74 31 35 3030344439 Votes Votes y Votes 310 TOWN RECORDS, 1781. [202.] For Senators And Counsellors Eben* : Bridge Esq* had 42 M* THO^ Parker 7 Joseph Hosmer Esq* 2 ^ ^°*®® Oliver Prescott Esq* 1 The Business of the Meeting being over it was acordingly Disolved — At a Meeting of the Freeholders and Others ; Inhabitants of the Town of Weston duly Quallified and Lawfully Warned in Publick Town Meeting Asserabled on Monday the Second Day of April AD : 1781 at the Publick Meeting-House in Said Town Then & There — 1=' : To Know the Minds of the Town what Provision they will raake for Building a School-House in the Center District or Act any Other Matter or Thing Relative there to — 2* : To Grant the Reve* : M' : Sara". Woodward his Sallery for Six Months begining 25'". of March — 1781 — 3*. To make the Reve* M' Sara". Woodward Such Further Grants as the Town Shall Think Proper — 1^'. On the first Article in the warrent, after Some Debate upo.n the Matter, the Question being Put to know the minds of the Town whether they would Act upon Said Article — it Passed in the Negative — 2*. Voted to grant the Rev*. M'. Sam". Woodward Thirty three Pounds Six Shillings & Eight Pence for his Sallery for Six months Next Ensuing the 25'". of raarch 1781 in Silver Money at the Rate of Six Shilling and Eight Pence P'- Ounce or the Exchange in Paper Currency at Seventy-five of the latter for one ofthe forraer — [203.] 3*. On the Third Article ofthe Meeting which was to know the Minds of the Town what further Grant they would make the Reve* M' Sam". Woodward to his Usal Sallery The Question was Put To know the Minds of the Town whether they will make any Further grant to the Rev*. M' Sam". Woodward and it Passed in the Negative — Then the Moderator by Consent of the Inhabitants Disolved the Meeting — TOWN RECORDS, 1781. 311 At a Meeting of the Freeholders and Others Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Duely Quallified and Lawfully Warned and Asserabled at the Publick Meeting House in Said Town on Monday the 2*. Day of July AD : 1781 Then & There 1^' : To know the minds of the Town what Meathod they will Take to Procure the Beef that is Levied upon this Town by the General Court and to grant raoney therefor or act any other matter or thing relative thereto — 2*. To know the minds of the Town whether they will grant a sara of money for the suport of the war or act any thing relative to the war Afiair — 3*. To know the minds of the Town whether they will raake the Rev* : M' : Woodward any Additionl grant to his Sallery for Six raonths from the 25'". of Sep'. 1780. to 25'". of March 1781 or act any other matter or thing relative thereto — 4 To know the minds of the Town whether they will In struct their Treasurer. s Concerning receving and Paying the money that is already Assessed or act any thing that relates thereto Deacon Samuel Fisk was Chosen Moderator 1''. Voted to grant one Hundred and fifty Pounds in Bills of the New Emmission for the Purpose of Procuring the Beef re quired by the General Court for two Months — [204.] 2* Voted to grant one Hundred and fifty Pounds in Silver raoney for the Support of the war — 3*. Voted to grant Two Hundred Pounds in Bills of the New Emmission for the Support of the war — 4'" Voted that this raeeting be adjourned to the first Day of August Next at 3-o, Clock in the after noon — Wednesday 1*'. august 1781 3 o, Clock in the afternoon raeet according to adjournment — Voted that this raeeting be adjourned to the 20'". Day of this Instant Aug', at the Publick Meeting House in this Town — Meet according to Adjournment 312 TOWN REtlORDS, 1781. On the first Article of the Meeting — 5'". Voted that the first article in the meeting be reconsidered and raade Void — 6'". Voted thatthe Constables be Directed that those Persons that have Paid thier Tax which they were Assessed in bills of of the New Eraraission be Allowed in the hard raoney Tax to be raade for Purchasing the Beef Levied upon this Town by the General Court at the rate of one Dollar in Silver for four in Bills of the new Eraraission — 7'" Voted that one Hundred and fifty Pounds in Silver raoney be granted to Purchase Beef for Six raonths required by the General Court — 8'" Voted that the Paper money grant for the Support of the War be reconsidered and made void — 9'" Voted to grant two Hundred Pounds in Specie for the Support of the war — 10'". Voted that those Persons that have Paid their Tax Levied in the New Eraraission for the Support of the war be allowed at the rate of one Dollar in Specie for four So Paid in Bills of the new Eraraission — 11'" the third and fourth Articles of the meeting were Passed over and the meeting was then Desolved — [205.] Att a meeting ofthe freeholders and Others Inhabi tants Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Duely Quallified and Lawfully warned and Asserabled att the Publick Meeting-House in Said Town on Tuesday the 25'"- Day Sep'. 1781 at 2 o,Clock p. M. Then & There — 1". To know the Minds of Town whether they will make the Rev* M'. Woodward any Additional grant to his Sallery for the Year Past or act any Other Matter or thing relative thereto — 2* To grant the Rev*. M'. Woodward his Sallery for the year Ensewing — 3* To know the minds of the Town whether they will make the Rev* M' Woodward any Additional grant to his Sallery for the Year Ensewing — 4'" To raake Provision for the Rev*, ra' Woodwards Fire wood the year Ensewing — TOWN RECORDS, 1781. 313 5'". To grant money to Procure Schooling and Defray other Town Charges — 6'" To hear the Town Creditors Accounts and Act thereon 7'". To know the minds ofthe Town whether they will Pro vide Two raonths Schooling in the Different Parts of the Town as Usal or act any Thing relative thereto — 8'" To know the rainds of the Town whether they will Re pair such parts of the Publick Meeting-House as shall appear to be Necessary — 9'" To know the minds of the Town whether they will repay M'. Josiah Biglow the Sura of Five Pounds two Shillings it being the sura the Said Biglow Paid as a fine for not Serving Constable in the year 1778 — 10'". To know the minds of the Town whether they will Abate Sundry Persons rates in Constables Dudleys & Peirces Lists if they Should then Exhibet any that Should Appear Reasonable to be abated — [206.] Voted that Deacon Sam'' Fisk Shall be Moderator of S* Meeting 1"'. Voted that the grant raade the Rev* M' Woodward att a former Meeting for Six months from march 1781 to Sep'. 1781 be Assessed in Specie — 2* Voted to grant the Rev* m' Woodward Eighteen Pounds in Addition to his Sallery for the year Past — 3*. Voted to grant the Rev* Sara". Woodward Sixty-Six Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence for his Sallery the Year Ensewing — 4'" Voted tp grant the Rev* m' Woodward thirteen Pounds Six Shillings and Eight Pence in Addition to his Sallery for the year Ensewing — 5'" Voted to grant the Sura of Twenty Pounds to Purchase firewood for the Rev* ra'. Woodward — 6'". Voted that M' Joseph Whitney Cap'. Jon\ Fisk and M' Abrahara Jones be a Coraraittee for that Purpose — 7'" Voted that there be Two raonths School Provided in the Deflferent Parts of the Town as Usal — • 8'" Voted that there Shall be Such repairs raade to the Publick Meeting-House as Shall appear to be Necessary — 314 town records, 1782. 9'" Voted that the Selectmen be a Coraraittee for the above ¦Purpose 10'" Voted to grant Two Hundred and fifty Pounds to Pro cure Schooling and to Defray Other Town Charges — 11'". Voted to grant M'^^ Jonas Pierce & Benj". Dudley one Penney & a half upon the Pound for Collecting Two Beef Taxes ra' Pierces amounting to £18,419 and ra'. Dudleys to £16,580 in Continantal Currancy the grant to be Considered in the Sarae Currancy or Equivelent in Specie — 12'" Voted that ni' Josiah Biglow be allowed a Sum of Money Equal in Value to what he the said Biglow Paid as a fine for not Serving in the year 1778 — [207.] 13'"- Voted that the Assessors Accounts be Allowed as Exhibited Viz £ 8 B To m' Joseph Eussell for two Days Classing the Inhabitants loon of the Town of Weston a 4/ p' Day . . . . i To two Days making the High way Taxes (in June) a 6/ . 0 12 0 To 9 1/2 Days taking Invoice making Sundry Taxes Writ- I o 17 n ing Warrents &c at 6/ P'. Day > To Paper for Said rates 0 2 0 Total £3 19 0 To m' Abijah Steadman for two Days Classing . . . 0 8 0 To Ten Days taking Invoice and making Sundry Taxes at f g r. « 6/P'.Day >_____ Total 380 To m' Uriah Gregory for two Days Classing 4/ . . . 0 8 0 To 11 1/2 Days Taking Invoice and making Sundrie Taxes (. q o n at 6/ P'. Day >_____ Total 3 17 0 The Meeting was then Disolved — 1782. At a Meeting ofthe Inhabitants of Weston Legally Assembled at the Publick Meeting-House in Said Town on Monday the 4'". Day of March 1782-— 1". To Choose Selectraen and Other Town Oflicers for the ensewing Year as the Law Directs — town records, 1782. 315 2*. To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts and act thereon 3*. To know the minds of the Town whether their Swine shall go at large the Year ensewing — 4'". To know the minds of the Town whether they will re pair their high ways by a rate the Year ensewing and if so to grant money therefor — [208.] 5'". To hear and act upon a list Prepared for the Jury Box 6'"- To grant such a Sum of raoney as shall then appear to be Nessessary to pay the Interest Due on the Town Securities for the Support of the war, and to take up those Securiteis for which the money is now Demanded, and act any other Matter or thing, relative to the war Committee, or the war Afiairs 7'" To hear the Petition of M'=. Anna Biglow and Others relative to Building a Schoolhouse in the Center District and act thereon — 8'". To hear the Town Creditors Accounts and act thereon 9'". To know the minds of the Town whether they do con sider the Creek in Watertown near the great Bridge as a Part of Charles River, that the Selectraen may Govern theraselves Accordingly in adjusting the Accounts of Said Bridge 10'" To know the rainds of the Town whether they will abate the Rates of all Such Persons in Constable Thaddeus Springs and Constable Benj*. Dudleys Lists of Rates Comraited to them to Collect as they shall then raake Appear to be reason able — 11'". To hear the request of Deacon Sarauel Fisk and Dea°. Isaac Hobbs relative to the Pew that has been lately Occupied by their farailies — Moderator Chosen Dea". Samuel Fisk — Town Clerk Dea''. Isaac Hobbs Sworn March 18'". Town Treasurer Dea''. Samuel Fisk Sworn March 18'". [209.] r Samuel Fisk • Isaac Hobbs Selectmen ^ Sam". Lamson y Thad^ Spring JoN'^ Fisk 316 town records, 1782. Constables Surveyors of Highways Assessors Tithingraen Hogreaves Jonas Sanderson Josiah Biglow Abr". Harrington James Stimson ju*. <( John Flagg ju*. I Isaac Stratton IL Joseph Roberts r Abijah Steadman } Joseph Roberts ( Nathan Hobbs C Daniel Stratton ( Joel Smith 5 Jo.'¦ Smith ) Paid m'. John Bemis for Cutting & Carting wood for School &c Paid Doct'. Sam^i. Woodward for keeping School two months and Bording him Self .... Paid the Eev*: M'. Woodward in part for his Sallery for I six months begining Sep'. 25"". 1780 . . . i Paid Maj' Lamson for feeing an Attorney & Expen ces at Concord in the case with Josiah Biglow rela- J- 224 0 0 tive to his Serving Constable .... [211.] The Account Bro'. over P*. Benj". Dudley for warning Seven Town-Meeting ) and Sallery granted by the Town 5^K March 1781 . ) Paid m' Elisha Harrington for making Taxes &c. in } the year 1780 and Paper for the Same . . . ) Paid Amos Jones for wood for the School . Paid M'. Isreal Whittemore for Procuring the Horses for the Use of the Army and for Preambelating . Paid m' Abijah Steadman for making Taxes granted ) him by the Town in March — 1781 . . . .J Paid m' Jonas Pierce for Warning Seven Town-Meet- -\ ings and Sallery granted him by the Town March [¦ 105 0 0 1781 ) Paid m' Jonas Pierce for Collecting two Beef Taxes } granted to him by the Town Sep'. 1781 . . . > Paid the widow Lois Pierce for Boarding her Daughter and Doctring Said Lois 330 0 0 Paid for Cloathing Provided for Cap'. Brown . . 57 0 0 305 8 0 540 0 0 467 2 0 498 0 0 90 0 0 680 10 0 1019 1 4 £27836 9 4 £27836 1 4 - 90 0 0 • 230 8 0 90 0 0 150 0 0 270 0 0 115 318 TOWN RECORDS, 1782. Paid for Cloathing for the widow. s Pierce & Patridge . To one Day going to Boston to Purchase Buring Cloth Paid for two Coard of wood for the widow Willington To Counterfiet Money upon my hands .... To Old Continantal Curriancy which I now have upon ? hand > To Loss Sustained by receving Bills ofthe New Emmis- ) sion and Paying them out at four for one . . i To Ballence Due to the Town in Old Continantal Cur- ) riancy which I have given Credit for in Silver . ) Eece* in Specie of the Collectors as followeth viz. Eece* of m' Josiah Biglow Present Constable Eece* of m' Josiah Seaverns Present Constable . [212.] The Ace'. Brought up Eec* for the Eent of the work-House for Six months by what was Due to the Town to Baltence the Paper } money Ace'. ....... 108 0 0 24 0 0 150 0 0 102 0 0 3060 0 0 847 10 0 1445 £35010 5 11 £ 8 B 140 0 0 88 15 2 £228 15 2 £228 15 2 1 10 0 I 19 6 8 £249 11 10 !1 Paid to Sundrie Persons by Order of Selectmen as fol loweth Viz. To the Eev* m' Woodward in part of his Sallery for } Six months begining march 25"^. 1781 . . . ) To M'. Jon". Fisk for Boarding Master Allen Eight weeks and Six Coard of wood a 16/ To M' Elias Biglow for 1375 lb. of Beef To M' Joel Smith in part for Beef for the Town To M' Simeon Smitli in part for Ditto . To M' Thad'' Spring for Supporting tbe Poor of y' Town Paid M' Isreal Whitemore for Boarding Cap'. Brown from the o^K March to the 22* Oct'. To m' Jon" Stratton for Plank for Bridges . Paid M' Josepli Hawes for Boarding Nat'^. Dewing Paid m' Isaac Hobbs for Boards & Sliingles to^ repair the Publick Meeting-House Paid Master Mudge for Keeping '^cliool two Moiitlis . Paid m'. Nath". Bemis lor Boarding Lois Pierce from } the 25">. of April to ll'i-. of Dec. 1781 . . . I To Maj'. Lamson for Boarding Master Flint Eighteen ) Weeks at 9/ P'. Week j To M' James Smith for Nine Coard of tire wood . £ 8 B 47 17 6 8 0 0 33 18 0 21 4 Oi 14 8 5 4 19 6 14 1 3 17 10 9 00 8 12 5 18 6 08 7 17 10 8 2 0 7 4 0 TOWN RECORDS, 1782. 319 To Master Allen for Keeping School 8 Weeks NE School To Master Flint for Keeping School Two Months To M' Benj". Jones for Boarding Master Flint Eight } weeks and five Days a 8/ P'. week . . . ) [213.] The Ace'. bro«. over .... To M' Abr"". Jones two Coard & 5 feet of wood . To Col". Marshal for three Coard of Wood . To M'. Abijah Steadman by Assignment Paid M' Uriah Gregory his Ace', in full for Supporting } the widdow Partridge from Mar S"". Dec' 1781 Paid M'. Daniel Stratton for 160 lb. of Beef for M Wellington ....... Paid Maj'. Lamson for 440 lb. of Beef for y= Army Paid M'. W". Biglow in full of a Note of hand . Paid to Hiers of Jon" Bullard in full of Note of hand Paid M' Jonas Harrington Interest ou a Note To Driving Cattle to Sudbury two Day & expences Paid for Cloathing & Supporting Cap' Jn". Brown To Provisions Supplied the widow Willington To Cloathing for Lois Pierce .... Paid for Hay and Eails for the widow Willington To 4 1/2 Bunches of Shingles to repair the Meeting House . To three Coard of wood for the School . To one Day to Cambridge to Pay the Beef money Paid the Expenc ofthe Selectmen at Waltham Paid by an Abatement in Constable Eussell list . Paid the widow Pierce in full for Boarding her Daughter Paid to Ezra Fisk for Taking care of the meeting-House the year Past 6 10 0 6 0 0 . 3 9 2 206 11 9 £206 11 9i 2 2 0 2 8 0 3 8 0 \ >= 4 7f \ ' 13 4 6 8 0 6 12 0 2:i 13 0 0 12 0 0 15 0 4 8 1 0 10 0 1 3 0 2 8 6 3 12 0 2 8 0 0 6 0 0 3 6 0 3 7 2 17 0 f 1 4 0 Eece* of Sundry Persons Kemains Due to Said Treasurer £288 249 11 4f 11 10 £38 19 6f [214. J The Subscribers having Exarained the foregoing Accounts find thera well Vouched and right cast and there is Due to Deacon Samuel Fisk Town Treasurer in Specie thirty Eight Pounds Nineteen Shillings and Six pence — and there reraains in the hands of m'. Jonas Peirce late Con stable £2240—4—2 Old Currancy eaqual to £29—18—5 320 TOWN RECORDS, 1782. and there reraains hands of M'. Josiah Seaverns late Consta ble one Hundred and Ninty four Pounds Seventeen Shillings & Eleven Pence £194 17 11 and there remains in the hands of M' Josiah Biglow Present Constable one Hundred and twenty Seven Pounds thirteen • Shillings and Seven Pence .... £127 13 7 Isaac Hobbs "j Sam". Lamson ! Thad^ Spring > Selectmen Uriah Gregory 2 Voted to repair the Highways by a rate and granted the Sum of Sixty-five Poimds therefor to worked out. a Six Pence P'. Hour for man or Teara — 3*. Voted to Accept of the list prpared for the Jury Box — 4'" Voted that Cap'. Estes How — M'. Sara". Livermore — and M'. Elisha Harrington be a Coraraittee to Exarain the War Treasurers Accounts — 5'". Voted that the war Treasurer be Directed to Call upon the Head of each class for a Settlement — 6 Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to Monday the 18'". Day of this Instant March a one o, Clock p. m. Monday y" 18'". March 1782 Meet according to Adjournment [215.] 7'". Voted to Accept ofthe war Treasurers Accounts as Exhibited which are as followeth Viz — The Account of Isaac Hobbs war Treasurer frora March 2* 1781 to March 16'". 1782 Eece* of M' Jonas Pierce late Constable Eece*. of M' Benj". Dudley late Constable . Eec* of Sam". Lauchlin in full for Money Lent . £39671 14 0 Thus far in Continantal Curriancy which Sum reduced to Silver at Seventy five of the former Currancy for one of the Latter is . Eece* of M'. Josiah Seaverns present Constable Eec* of M'. Josiah Biglow present Constable Borrowed and Eec* of M' Uriah Gregory Eece* by Certificats for Milage Sum Total Eece* — in Specie £ 8 B 19961 1 5 19410 12 7 300 0 0 £529 12 6 129 13 1 129 6 4 7 18 2 9 12 0 £806 2 1 TOWN RECORDS, 1782. 321 To money Paid for the Support of the war 'Viz Paid Sam". Dale in full for Six months Service in 1780 Paid W». Neal in full for Ditto .... Paid John Fraisher in full for Ditto Paid Nath"^!. Bemis in ful for three months . Paid W™. Broadrib for three years Paid John Colleney for Ditto .... Paid Morris Dingin for Ditto .... Paid John Walker [Jur.] in part for Ditto . Paid M'. Elisha Harrington money to Defend against Cummings Paid Isaac Gage for Boarding John Colleney Paid Cap'. Smith in full of the Town grant Dec. 1780 ) for Services as one of the war Committee . . ( [216.] The Account Bro'. up . . . . . Paid Cap' Nathan Smith for 18/ advanced the Soldiers Paid Sam". Bentley in full for Services Done for y" Town Paid My Self the Ballence Due to me the Last adjust ment Paid William Thompson in part for three years Paud Paul Pratt for Ditto Paid George Brown for Ditto Paid Alexander Smith for Ditto Paid Sam". Hinds for Ditto . Paid Noah Parkhurst for Ditto Paid John Hinds for Ditto Paid Stephen Hager for Ditto Paid Cash in the cause with Cummings by Cash on hand of the old Curriancy . £ 900 900 900 1200 1125 718 10 279 0 1394 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 00 0 660 0 0 120 0 0 90 0 0 £8286 18 6 £ 8 D 8286 18 6 67 10 0 90 0 0 61 4 4 3801 18 6 2400 0 0 3417 0 0 3375 0 0 4500 0 0 2650 4 4 2441 4 2 4377 4 0 298 10 0 636 0 0 £36402 13 10 Thus far in Continantal Curriancy which at the ex change of Seventy-five for one is . Paid Abel Pierce in full for Nine Months Service 1779 Paid m' Elisha Harrington in part for Isachar Phile- \ mon Service for the Town ) Paid m' Stephen White for Interest Due Paid John Sanderson for Ditto ... Paid William Fisk for Ditto Paid Eben'. Phillips for Ditto Paid Cap' Fisk for Ditto . ... £485 9 5 2 3 2 3 7 13 1 16 4 5 0 0 7 0 0 0. 322 TOWN RECORDS, 1782. Paid m'. Isreal Whittemore in full for his Time & Ex- > pences going to Providence to Detect Deserters . ) P*. John Pierce in full for Ditto Paid m' Isreal Whitemore in ful of the Town grant ) for his Service as one of the Committee of war . ) Paid M'. Elisha Harrington to Defend in the Cause ) with Cummings > Paid M' John Walker in part for three Tears 1 12 2131 16 16 0 13 1 £572 19 [217.] The Account Bro'. over . Paid M' John Bemis for five months in part Paid Benj". Stimson in full for Ditto . For three months at west Point > Paid John Biglow in part ) Paid Sam". Lamson in part for Ditto . Paid Thad". Peirce in part for Ditto Paid Daniel Ward in part for Ditto Paid Peter Cary in part for Ditto .... Paid James Crawford in full for Ditto . Paid Joseph Stone in full for Ditto Paid Jeduthun Bemis in part for Ditto . Paid Daniel Biles in part for Ditto Paid Morris Dingin in part for three year Paid W" Broadrib for Ditto Paid John Colleney for Ditto .... Paid John Clark in full for three years . by 40 Dollars in Bills of the New Emmission Eec* at four for one Paid Elisha Harrington to Defend in the case with [ Cummings ....... Paid Deacon Fisk in part for Procuring one Andrew Burn to Serve three years .... Eec*. of the Several Collectors &c . . . Due to the Treasurer r £ 8 B 572 19 6 14 6 7f 4 13 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 14 14 0 9 0 0 12 0 0 25 10 0 25 10 0 23 10 1 12 19 0 28 0 0 10 16 0 5 5 0 66 0 0 3 0 0 5 2 0 16 0 0 £867 £806 2f £61 II The Coraraittee appointed to Exarain the foregoing accounts have Diligently Attended that Service and find them well Vouched and right cast — [218.] and there remains Due to Said Treasurer Sixty one Pounds three Shillings and one Peney three farthings TOWN RECORDS, 1782. 323 and there reraains in the hands of M'. Jonas Pierce late Con stable Eight Thousand Six Hundred and fifty-one Pounds four Shillings and Seven Pence old Curriancy — at the Exchange of Seventy-five for one is £115.. 7.. 0 and there reraains in the hands of M'. Benj*. Dudley late Constable four Thousand five Hundred and Eighteen Pounds five Shillings and Eleven Pence old Curriancy — at the Ex change of Seventy five for one is . . . £60. . 4. . 10| and there remains in the hands of M' Josiah Seaverns Present Constable fifty-four Pounds Eight Shillings & one Peney £54. . 8 . . — 1 and there remains in the hands of m' Josiah Biglow Present Constable thirty-Six Pounds Seven Shillings & Six Pence £36.. 7.. 6 Estes How ? ^ •.. ' _, .^ > Comralttee Sam". Livermore > 8'". Voted to grant four Hundred Pounds for the Purpose of Paying Interest on the Town Securities and take up those Securities for which the raoney in now Deraanded 9'". Voted to grant three Hu,ndred Pounds for the Purpose of hireing tive men to Serve three years in the Array. On the Petition of M'\ Anna Biglow and Others for Building a School-House in the Center District [219. J 10 Voted to grant one Hundred Pounds for the Purpose of Building a School-House in the Center District — 11'". Voted that Cap'. Isaac Jones M'. Tho^ Rand and De". Isaac Hobbs be a Coraraittee, to consider of, and Propose a place on which Said School-House being placed would best Accoraodate the Inhabitants of Said District — and also to pro pose the Diraentions of S*. School-House and report to the Town — 12'". Voted that the Ninth Article in the warrent which hath respect to the great Bridge in Watertown be Disraised — 13 Voted to abate the rates of Sundrj' Persons in Thad^ Springs (late Constable, s) rate Bill as followeth viz — 324 TOWN RECORDS, 1782. John Hager ju' Ten Shillings and Six pene Jesse Garfield fifteen Shillings and three pence Jon". Cox Ten Shillings and Six Pene . Abr"". Whitney Ten Shillings & Six pence . Total £0 10 6 0 15 3 0 10 6 0 10 6 £2 6 9 14 Voted to abate the rates of Sundry Persons in Benj^. Dudley late Constable, s Rate Bill as followeth Viz. Abr™. Whitney £146 old Curriancy 5/6 in Specie — Araos Ardeway £62 — 6 — 0 old Currancy — W". Bond Sett to M'^ Baldwin five Shillings Silver tf (17'". record Should have been here) 15 Voted that this Meeting be Adjourned to Tursday 21" : Day of March at 4 o, Clock p. m. Thursday 21 Day of March Meet According to Adjournment 16'" Voted that Nathan Hager be Constable for the North Side and M'. Josiah Biglow was Accepted in his room and Sworn the Same Day — [220.] jif On the request of Deacon Fisk and Deacon Hobbs 17'" Voted that they Shall have the Sole Benefitt of the Pew lately Occupied by thier families they or either of them paying into the Town Treasurery the Sum of thirty-Six Shillings An nually for the Use of the Sarae untill the further Order of the Inhabitants of this Town — 18'". Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to IMonday the 25'". Day March at 5 o, Clock p : m : Monday 25'". March 5 o, clock p m : Meet According to Ad journraent 19'". Voted that this raeeting be Adjourned to the first Day of April Next at 4 o, Clock p : m : April 1''. 4 o, Clock p m : Meet According to Adjournment 20 Voted that M' Joseph Roberts M' John Warren M'. Nathan Hobbs and M'. Thad\ Spring be Annexed to the Com mittee relative to Placeing a School-House in the Center Dis trict and to report at the Annual Town raeeting in raa^'^Next — 21 Voted that the Accounts of the war Corainittee be AUowed as Exhibited Viz — 12 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 TOWN RECORDS, 1782. 325 £ S B To Dea''. Isaac Hobbs for his Service as Committee and Treasurer To Deacon Fisk for his Service in Committee To Maj'. Sam". Lamson for Ditto To M' Isreal Whittemore for Ditto 22*. Voted that this meeting be Adjourned untill the Next Annual Town Meeting to be held in may for the Choice of a Representative at four o, Clock p. m : Monday 13'" of May raeet According to Adjournraent 23 Voted to Accept ofthe report of the Coraraittee appointed to Propose a place for Building a School-House in the Center District vvhich is as followeth — Viz — [221.] Viz The Coraraittee appointed to Propose a Place for Building a School-House in the Center District having Duely Considered the Matter — Report — that the South-East Corner ofM'. [Daniel & Ebenezer] Eatons Land on the North Side of the County Road is the Spot that would best Accoraidate the Inhabitants of Said District 9'". May 1782 Isaac Jones John Warren Joseph Roberts Nathan Hobbs Isaac Hobbs Thad* Spring 24'". Voted that Cap'. Isaac Jones Cap'. Jon^ Fisk and Maj'. Sara". Larason be a Committee to Purchase the Land reported by the above Committe to Build a School-House on and to Proceed to Providing materials for and Building the Same — If The Assessors Acct* were also allowed, and Recorded Page 223*. The Meeting was then Desolved — At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of Weston at the Pub- lick Meeting House in Said Town on Monday the first Day of April 1782 a 2 0,Clockp: m: 326 TOWN RECORDS, 1782. 1*'. To bring in thier Votes for a Governor of this Comraon wealth — 2*. To bring in thier votes for a Lieu'. Governour 3". To bring in thier Votes for five Senators Agreable to the Constitution of this Commonwealth — [222.] for Governor His Exelency John Hancock Esq" had 49 > -y- , James Bordwain Esq" had 21 for Lieu*. Governor The Hon"'" : THO^ Cushing Esq", had Sixty one votes forSenators Abr». Fuller Esq" had Eben" Bridge Esq" James Prescott Esq" Eleazer Brooks Esq" Jonas Dix Esq". Joseph Curtis Esq". Josiah Stone Esq". Nath". Gorham Esq". . Joseph Hosmer Esq". 53 1 53 49 22 313121 4 1 > Votes At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston being Duely Quallified and Legally warned, and Assembled at the Publick Meeting House in Said Town on Monday the thirteenth Day of May 1782 a 2 O, Clock p m : — Did then and there elect and Depute Deacon Samuel Fisk to Represent them in the General Court the Year Ensewins: — At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of Weston at the Pub lick Meeting-House in Said Town on Monday the thirteenth Day of May 1782 at 5 0,clock. p m : 1"'- to Hear the Petition of Cap'. Estes How and Others Relative to having two School-Houses in the Center District and act thereon — 2* To hear the report of the Coraraittee that were appointed to take Quit Claim Deeds of Josiah Sraith Esq' and his Son Joel Sraith relative to Lands near the Publick Meeting-House and Act thereon — • town records, 1782. 327 [223.] Deacon Sam". Fisk Chosen Moderator On the Petition of Cap'. Estes How and Others 1*'. The vote being put to know the rainds of the Town whether they will Build two School-Houses in the Center Dis trict — and it passed in the Negative 2* Voted to accept of the report of the Committee relative to the Towns Land near the Meeting-House and Rece* Quit Claim Deeds from Josiah Smith Esq' and frora Joel Sraith his son — The Meeting was then Desolved #1781 from Oct'. 1*'. to March 1*'. 1782 The Assessors Ace'*. Allowed on the Adjournraent of March Meeting [see page 325] are as followeth — Viz — To Joseph Eussell for Days taking Invice and Making Sun dry Taxes at 4/ P'. Day and Paper therefor . . £2 17 6 To Abijah Steadman for thirteen Days Taking Invoice and making Sundrie Taxes 2 12 0 To Uriah Gregory to 13 Days Taking Invoice and making > 2 19 0 Sundrie Taxes ) Weston March 4 1782 Joseph Russell Abijah Steadman Uriah Gregory [224.] At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabi tants of the Town of Weston Duly Quallified and Legally warned in Publick Town Meeting Assembled at the Meetins:' house in Said Town on Monday y'= 14'". Day of Oct'. 1782 at 2 O, Clock p m : then and there — 1*'. To grant the Rev* M'. Woodward his Sallery for one Year next ensewing y\ 25 March 1782 — 2* to know the rainds of the Town whether they will make the the Reev*. M' Woodward any Additional grant to his Sallery for the year ensewing — 3*. To mak Provision for the Rev''. M'. Woodwards firewood theiYear ensewing — 328 town records, 1782. 4'". To grant raoney to Procure Schooling — for the Support of the Poor, and to Defray Other Town Charges — 5'" To know the rainds of the Town whether they will Pro vide Two Months Schooling in the Difi'erent parts of the Town as usal or act any thing relative thereto — 6'". To hear the Town Creditors Accounts and Act thereon 7'" To hear the Proposals of the Proprietors of a Bell Which was purchased with a view to the Benefit of the Town — and act thereon — 8'" To know the minds of the what Measures they will Pursue Efiectually to call in thier out Standing Taxes that thier Treasurers may be enabled to Discharge the Debts of the Town without Sustaining further Loss 9 To know the rainds ofthe Town whether they will abate the Rates of Sundry Persons in ra' Uriah Gregory late [225.] Constable list or act any thing relative thereto as shall then Appear to be reasonable — Deacon Sam". Fisk was Chosen 3Ioderator of S'K Meeting 1*'. Voted to pass over the first. Second, and third Articles of Said Meeting — 2*. Voted to grant Three Hundred Pounds for the usal Charges of The Town — 3* Voted to grant two months Schooling in the Different Parts of the Town as usal — 4'". To Accept of the offer of the Proprietors of a Bell with the Conditions thereunto Annexed, which are as followeth. viz. The Proprietors make a Present of the Bell to the Town Pro vided they will Hang it Decently for the use of the Town — 5'" Voted to allow the Town Creditors Accounts as Ex hibited which are as followeth viz. — To M'. Joseph Eoberts for four Days Spent in the Service of the Town in Classing the Town aud making the Class Assesments a 4/ p'. Day To 2 1/2 Days Taking the Invoice ... . . To making the State Town & highway Tax To one Day to Boston 8/ Paper 'S/o . ... £4 5 5 £0 16 0 0 10 0 2 8 0 0 11 5 3 12 0 2 16 9 £1 1 0 town records, 1782. 329 To m'. Nathan Ilobbs for Simelar Services Done in tbe Capasily of an Assesor To M'. Abijah Steadman for Ditto .... To M' Joseph Eussell for 150 Bricks and Cloth . [226.] 6'" Voted that the respective Treasurers of the Town are hereby Directed to Issue Warrents against such of the late Constables as shall be Delinquent at the Expira tion of one month frora the Date of this Meetins — The Meeting was then Desolved — At a Meeting of the freeholder and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston duly Quallified to A'ote in Town affairs being Legally Warned and Asserabled at the Publick Meeting-house in Said Town on Monday the fourteenth Day of October 1782 at three O, clock p. Jiv^then and there — To mak such Provision for the relief of the Distressed Familey of our late Reverend Faithfull and Beloved Pastor as the Town shall then think Proper —^ or* act any thing relative to the Matter — 1*' Voted to grant Sixty-Six Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence for the relief of the Distresed family of our Deceased Pastor (exclusive of the funeral Charges) 2* Voted that the above sum be Imraediately Assessed and Payed as Soon as may be — The Meeting was then Desolved — Att a Legal Meeting of The Inhabitants ofthe Town of Wes- ton at the Publick meeting-house in Said Town on Monday the Eighteenth Day of Nov': 17^2 a one o, Clock p. M: then & there — 1*': To Know the rainds of the Town what Provision they will make for the Support of Gospel Ministry and to grant money therefor, or act any thing relative thereto — [227. J 2*. To grant money to Defray the Funeral Charges of our late Rev*. Faithfull and Beloved Pastor or act any thing relative to the raatter — 1*' : Voted To grant the Sura of Sixty Pounds for the Sup port of the Gospel Minestry — 330 town records, 1783. 2*. Voted to grant the Sum of Fifteen Pounds to Defray the Charges ofthe Funeral of our late Rev*, faithfull and Beloved Pastor, to be Assessed with the above Sura of Sixty Pounds — 3*. Voted that the Deacons of the Church of Christ in this Town be a Coraraittee to Provide Preaching untill Other Pro vision Shall be made — 4'". Voted that whoever shall advance money to the above Committee for the Purpose above mentioned shall be Respec tively Credited therefor in the Rate Bill for that Purpose — The Meeting was then Adjourned unto Monday the Second Day of Dece'. next — being meet According to Adjournraent 1*'. Voted that two Persons be Annexed to the Coraraittee of the Church to Procure Preaching 2* Voted that Col". Marshal be one of Said Coraraitte and he Excused hira Self — The meeting was then Adjourned unto monday the Sixth Day of Jan'y : being meet Accordingly, the Meeting was then Adjourned unto raonday the 27'". Day of Jan'^. Instant at which Tirae being Asserabled the Question was Put whether they would act any thing further upon the warrent and it Passed in the Negative The Meeting was then Desolved 1783. [228.] Att a raeeting of the freeholders and Other Inhabi tants of the Town of Weston duly Quallified and Legaly warned in Publick Town raeeting assembled at the Publick Meeting- House in Said Town on Monday the 24'". Day of Feb"'. 1783 at two o, Clock p. M : Then & there — 1*'. To know the rainds of the Tovpn whether they are ready to raake choice of a Person to Settle in this Town in the Ministry of the Gospel — (and if so) 2*. To proceed to the choice of sorae sutiable Person for the purpose above raentioned — 3*. To know the rainds of the Town what encourageraent they will give the Person whora they shall Choose to Settle in the Gospel Minestry — 4'". To raake such grants as are Adequate to the Services of TOAVN RECORDS, 1788. 331 a Gospel Minester and Nessessary to accoplish the Settlement thereof — or act any other mather or thing that in any wise re lates to the resettlement of the Gospel Minestry in this Town — Deacon Sam". Fisk chosen Moderator 1*' The Question being put to know the rainds of the Town wether they were ready to corae to the choice of a Person to Settle in the Gospel Minestry — and it passed in the Affirmative as 43 to 19 — 2* The vote being call,*, for M'. Sam". Kendal had forty- two Votes 3^. Voted to grant Two Hundred Pounds Settlement as an Encouragement to M'. Kendal to Settle with us in the work of the Minestry — [229.] 5'". Voted to grant Eighty Pounds Sallery to be Paid Annualy and fifteen Coards of firewood Annualy 6'" Voted that the Deacons of the Church be a Coraraittee to Inform M'. Kendal of the Proceedings of the Town the meeting was then Desolved — Att a Meeting of the freeholders and Others Inhabitants of the Town Weston being duly Quallified and Legally warned in Publick Town Meeting Assembled at the Meeting-House in Said Town on Monday the third Day of March 1783 at Eleven O, Clock A M : then & there — P' : To Choose Selectmen and Other Town Officers (as the Law Directs) for the year ensewing — 2"^. To hear the Petition of Sarauel Train & others Relative to Choosing Collectors of Taxes or act any thing relative to the raatter — 3*. To hear the Accounts of thier Respective Treasurers and Act thereon — 4'" To know the rainds of the Town whether thier Swine Shall go at Large the year ensewing — 5'". To know the minds of Town whether they will repair thier High-ways by a Rate the year ensewing and if so to grant money therefor — 6'". To hear and Act upon a list prepared for the Jury Box 332 TOWN RECORDS, 1783. [230.] 7'". To grant such a sura of raoney as the Town shall think Expedient towards Defraying the expences of the present war and Paying Interest Due on Town Securities given for that Purpose and act any other raatter or thing relative to the war Coraraittee or the war Affairs — 8 To hear the Town Creditors Accounts and act thereon 9th To know the rainds of the Town whether they will Abate, the rates of Sundry Persons in Mr**. Jonas Peirces & Benj". Dudleys Rate Bills — such as shall then be requested, and raade appear reasonable that such rates should be abated Selectraen Town Clerk CollectorsAssessors [231.] Wardens Surveyors of Highways & Collectors Tythingraen Deacon Samuel Fisk Chosen Moderator of S' " Samuel Fisk Isaac Hobbs <^ Samuel Lamson j Thad^ Spring [_ Jon''. Fisk Isaac Hobbs Town Treasurer Isaac Hobbs Constables & C Josiah Steadman c Uriah Gregort / Abi-iah Steadman < Joseph Roberts ( Nathan Hobbs r Elisha Harrington < Jonathan Fisk ' Increase Leadbeter f Amos Jones I THAD^ Spring <^ Matthew Hobbs j Nath"' Allen L Sam". Train < Josiah Steadman c Phinehas Upham Meeting Sworn March 17'". Sworn march 17'". Sworn raarch 17'". Sworn March 17'" Sworn raarch 17'". Sworn March 17 Hogreaves I: Joseph Roberts pIonas Peirce Sworn March 17 town records, 1783. 333 Preserver of Deer Field Drivers Fence viewers Sealers of Leather Surveyors of Boards &c 5 Matthew Hobbs c Jon*. Warken 5 Hezekiah Wyman ( Joseph Pierce 5 Nathan Hager ( Daniel Stratton 3 Jonas Sanderson I Nathan Hager 5 Daniel Stratton c Joseph Russell Sworn March 17 Sworn March 17'" March 17 Sworn Sworn March 17 Ezra Fisk to take care of the Meeting House &c as usall for the year ensewing and to be Allowed Thirty Shillings for the Same — • [232.] On the Petition of Sarauel Train & others relative to Choosing Collectors — the Question being put to know the minds of the Town whether they will Choose Collectors of Taxes and it passed in the Affirmative as forty one to fourteen 2* Voted to allow 4". p'. Pound for Collecting all Taxes — 3*. Voted that Mess'*. Elisha Harrington Uriah Gregory and Joseph Russell be a Coraraittee to exarain the Accounts of the war Treasurer — The Meeting was then Adjourned unto Monday the Seven teenth Day of March In.stant at one O, Clock pm : — Monday 17'". March Meet According to Adjournment 1*' Voted to Accept of the Accounts of thier Respective Treasurers as they were exhibited which were as followeth Viz The Account of Samuel Fisk Town Treasurer from the first Day of March 1782 to the 28'" : of Feb'^ ; 1783 Eece Total £463 2 0 004 10 0 1 3 6 1 16 0 4 10 0 1 1 0 0 16 3 £476 18 9 £ 8 B Paid Sundry Persons by Order of the Selectmen &c > Viz. Paid my self the Ballence Due the last adjustment | 38 19 6f Paid in full the Sallery of the late Eev* M' Sam" Wood- 1 §3 9 2 ward from March 25'". 1781 to Ap'. 1". 1782 . .J Paid the Committee towards Building the School-House l kq n 0 in the Center District J Paid Jon". Dix or Mary his wife her Ace', in full for) 4 12 0 Boarding the widdow Smith &c &c . . . . ) Paid John Hastings his Ace', in full for Boarding the widow Smith from the 17'". Day Dec'. 1781 to Ap'. 1782 Paid Joseph Hawes for Boarding Nath". Dewing from tbe first Day of march 1782 Six months & a waist Coat . '. Paid Abigail Starr in part for Boarding Master Flint Paid Abigail Starr in full for Ditto in 1782 Paid Abigail Starr for Boarding Judith Piper . Paid Betsey Adams in full for keeping School Paid John Hastings in full for Boarding the widow Smith i three months . ' [234. J The Account Bro' up Paid Jon" Cook in full for Boarding Cap*. Brown . Paid Weston Proportion for repairing the great Bridge . Paid M' Joseph Whitney in full for Boarding Cap' Brown 6 15 0 Paid Jon" Stratton in full for Plank & Timber for Bridges 1 19 0 Paid Isreal Whittemore for Boarding Cap'. Brown Seven ) s tq fi weeks about June 1782 & for Plank & wood . . ) Paid Joseph Hawes in full for Boarding Nath". Dewing \ « 7 s from the 11'". Dece'. 1781 to the 1". Ap'. 1782 . . I 3 15 0 7 15 0 2 4 2 1 16 10 1 9 0 0 16 0 3 3 0 £197 19 8| £197 19 8f 6 12 0 13 1 3f town records, 1783. 335 r Paid Benj". Dudley for Plank & wood in 1781 . Paid Abijah Steadman for Making Sundry Assessments &c as Allowed by the Town .... Paid Oliver Hastings for Boarding Master Mudge and I the widdow Smith Preceding Mar: 1»'. 1782 Paid Benj". Dudley w'. the Town allowed him for Col lecting Taxes at thier meeting Sep' 5"'. 1782 . Paid M'. Thad'. Spring in full for Boarding Master Mudge and repairing the NE School Paid Isaac Hobbs for Plank & Salt Pork . Paid Ditto, for repairing the Meeting-House . Paid Ditto for Boarding Master Flint & a Pare Shoes Paid Ditto, for 32 lb of Beef. lO/S for a Blanket 6/ Paid John Flagg ju' for Boarding Lois Peirce in full Paid Uriah Gregory for Sundries Supplied the Widow Willington Paid Cap'. Fisk for Ditto Suplied Ditto — and repairing ) the meeting-House Paid Sam". P. Savage for a Pigg for M". Weelington Paid Simeon Smith for Plank and Timber for Bridges Paid Master Mudge for Keeping School four months Paid Jon". Warren for Timber for the Town Bridges Paid Benj" Eand for Labour at the Meeting House [235.] The Account Brought over Paid Master Biglow in part for keeping School Paid Joel Smith for keeping School 27 Days Boarding himself and twelve feet of wood Paid the Uriah Gregory for Sundries Supplied Wid", Wellington Paid Tho'. Eand in full for Sundries Supplied for the use of the Town Paid Nathan Hager for Beef & for Wid". Wellington Pai^ Madam Woodwood her account in full for Boarding ) the Preachers unto the 26 Feb'^. ... Paid m' Jonas Harrington for Plank for Bridges Paid Tho'. Rand ju'. for four Hundred of Clapboards and Labour at the meeting House Paid Maj' Sam" Lamson for Sundries Supplied the widow Wellington Paid M' Josiah Biglow for two Cord of wood . Paid master Flint for keeping School 6 months Paid Cap'. Jones for Shingles £4 and for Sundries Pro vided for the funeral of m' Woodward £4:2/9 1 15 6 5 8 9 4 19 8 t ' 10 0 \ ^ 14 0 4 8 0 3 0 0 4 3 0 0 16 8 4 16 0 1 5 18 5 ¦ 13 6 10 0 8 3 1 8 0 9 12 0 0 12 0 2 14 6 £306 5 H £306 5 9^ 2 14 0 i 5 4 0 2 14 0 6 3 0 4 12 11 3 14 0 1 1 6 3 0 0 5 17 7 1 12 0 0 8 0 :f 336 town records. 1783. Paid Moses Sanderson for Boarding Cap'. Brown . Paid by abatement of Rates in Constable Spring list Paid Jonas Peirce Interest on a Note of hand Paid Joseph Eussell for Sundries for the use of the ) Town ) Paid Joseph Eoberts w'. the Town Allowed him for Ser- } vice as an Assessor, and for Sitting in Convention . > Paid Simeon Smith in full for Beef for the Army . Paid Joel Smith in full for Beef for the Army Paid Nathan Hobbs for Services done for the Town '^ in ,78 Paid Uriah Gregory w' the Town Allowed him for Ser vices done in Capacity of an Assessor in 1781 . Paid Josiah Biglow w'. the Town allowed him for paying ) his fine for not Serving Constable . . . . ) 9 21 12 6 4 0 9 0 1 1 0 10 3 5f 22 10 4 0 06 1 10 0 ;} 2 12 0 £432 9 8A [236.] The Ace'. Brought up Paid Ezra Fisk for Takeing care of the meeting house . Paid myself for Clothing and Supporting the Poor for glass & Nails for the meeting House and Sundrie other Articles being my Ace', in full as allowed by the Selectmen £432 1 10 Si 0 ;¦ 36 19 9 £470 19 5i We the Subscribers having exarained the foregoing accounts find thera well Vouched and right cast and there reraains in the hands of Deacon Sara". Fisk Town Treasurer Six Pounds and four Pence £6 0 4 And there reraains in the hands of Jonas Sanderson Present Constable Two Hundred and fifty one Pounds Eleven Pence £251 0 11 And there reraains in the hands of Josiah Biglow Present Constable one Hundred and Ninty four Pounds five Shillings and three Pence ...... £194 5 3 Isaac Hobbs Sam" Lamson THAD^ Spring JoN"". Fisk > Selectmen TOWN RECORDS, 1783. 337 The Ace', of Isaac Hobbs War Treasurer foi Money paid for the Support of the war from March 16'". 1782 to March 15'". 1783 — "Viz paid M'. Daniel Livermore for Procuring John John son to Serve three years in the Army paid in the Cause with Cummings at the Supream Juditial Court at Concord -.1 48 0 10 12 [237. J The Account brought over .... Paid Amos Warren in full for a Note for David Parkers ) Service Six months ) Paid David Parker in full for a Note for Six Months Ser- > , , vice with cost ) Paid Elisha Harrington to Defend in the cause with Cum- ) » mings ) Paid Cap' Smith for Ditto 2 Paid Eben' Philips in full of a Note .... 13 Paid D". Fisk for procuring one Andrew Burn to serve ) ,q three Years in the Army ) Paid Cap'. Fisk in full for Procuring one William Thomp- ) .. . son to Serve three Tears in the Army . . . > Paid Sheriff Baldwin Costs on Mr". Pierces and Dudleys } . Executions > Paid M". Anna Biglow in full of a Note ... 2 Paid M". Anna Biglow Interest on an other Note . . 0 Paid M' Joseph Russell Interest on a Note ... 2 Paid Eleazer Eider in part of a Note of hand ... 40 Paid Cap'. John Flagg in full of a Note .... 6 Paid Bezaleel Flagg Interest on a Note of hand . . 4 Paid the Widow Walker in part of a Note ... 2 Paid M'. Hunt in Hammonds Cause .... 0 Paid W". Fisk Esq', for his Trouble in the Same Cause . 0 Paid John Hinds in part of a Note 1 Paid the following Persons what the Town granted them in march 1782 for the Services as Committee of war &c — Viz Paid Deacon Fisk 3 Paid Maj'. Lamson £3 —Paid M'. J. Whittemore 4 . 7 Paid my Self £6 paid my Self as Treasurer £6 . . 12 £60 4 2 £60 4 2 10 5 6 [238.] The Acct. brot. up £257 Paid in the Cause with Cummings at the Supream Judi- ) ^g tial Court a Cambridge ) 0 4 0 0 14 0 7 0 10 10 5 6 10 3 18 0 14 7 4 0 13 0 18 0 9 8 12 0 6 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 £257 10 4 10 10 338 TOWN RECORDS, 1783. west Paid M' Phinehas Hager in ful of a Note Paid m' Uriah Gregory in ful of a Note . Paid John Biglow in full for three months Service Point paid Peter Cary in full for Ditto paid Sam". Lamson ju' in full for Ditto Paid Jed". Bemis in full for Ditto . Paid Daniel Ward in part for Ditto . Paid Daniel Biles in part for Ditto . Paid Thad'. Pierce in part for Ditto Paid my Self the Ballence Due last Adjustment Paid my Self the Interest Due on the Same . Paid m' Bezaleel Flagg for Attendance as Evidence in the Cause with Cummings :} Rece*. of the Several Collectors &c as followeth : viz — Rec*. of M'. Jonas Pierce late Constable in part Rece* of M'. Josiah Biglow late Constable in full for the ) year 1781 I Rece* of M'. Josiah Seaverns late Constable in full Rece* of M' Benj". Dudley late Constable in part . Rece* of M'. Jonas Sanderson Present Constable in ) part ) Rec* of M'. Josiah Biglow present Constable in part Rece* by new Emmession money on hand the last Ad- > justment 40 Dollars equal to ) Rece* for m'. Leadbetters Conducting Eight men to ) Springfield > [239.] The Account bro'. over Rece* by Cummings Bill of Cost 1 4 0 2 9 2 16 10 0 13 16 1 16 10 0 1 6 0 14 0 3* 10 14 0 6 6 0 61 3 If 3 13 4 1 4 0 £419 16 U £ 8 D 58 17 11 36 7 6 54 8 1 41 3 10 61 1 7 69 15 2 3 0 0 3 0 0 £327 14 1 £ 8 B 327 14 1 11 6 8 £339 0 9 The Coraraittee Appointed to exarain the foregoing accounts having Diligently attended that Service, find thera well vouched and right cast — And there is Due to Isaac Hobbs war Treasurer and there remains in the hands of M'. Jonas Pierce late > Constable ) and there remains in the Hands of M' Benj". Dudley \ late Constable > 80 17 4 56 9 1 19 1 0 TOWN RECORDS, 178:1. 339 and in the Hands of m'. Jonas Sanderson Present Con stable and in the hands of m' Josiah Biglow present Con stable Elisha Harrington Uriah Gregory I 150 13 7 I 118 9 8 £344 13 4^ i Coraraittee Voted that thier Swine Should go at Large the [240.] 2. Year ensewing 3*. Voted to grant one Hundred Pounds to worked out at four Pence P' Hour for the Purpose of repairing the highways 4'". Voted to accept of a list Prepared for the Juror Box — 5'". Voted to grant Five Hundred Pounds to Pay the Charges that have arisen for the Support of the war — 6'" Voted that all moneys heretofore granted for the Sup port of the war be Paid in to the Town Treasury 7 Voted to allow the Town Creditors accounts as exhibeted which are as follow viz — To Deacon Sam". Fisk for his Services as Treasurer . To Deacon Isaac Hobbs for Ditto .... To M'. Elisha Harrington for Time expended in Defend ing the Cause with Cummings .... To Deacon Isaac Hobbs for Ditto .... To Capt'. John Flagg for his Service as a Committee Rela tive to the Pews Paid m' Bridge 6/ . . . Voted to allow the following Collectors three Pence p'. pound for Collecting Certain Taxes Viz To m' Jonas Peirce for Collecting a State Tax old Currancy Silver Ditto & return of the Class To M' Josiah Severns for Collecting four Taxes warning ) Six Town meetings & Constables Sallery . . . i To M' Josiah Biglow for Collecting four Taxes 174/ Coun- y terfeet Certificate 36/ Warning 6 Meetings 18/ Tras- >• porting a Negro : 24/ Serving Constable — 12/ . . ) [241.] Voted to Allow m' Benj". Dudley three Pence upon the Pound for Collecting Several Taxes the Equivelent to those that m' Peirce Charged for — amounting in the whole to To m'. Joseph Roberts for making Sundrie Taxes &c To m'. Abijah Steadman for Ditto To m'.-Nathan Hobbs for Ditto 4 11 0 002 18 00000 13 4 0 £ 8 B 3 18 0 4 2 6 4 10 0 4 1 4 340 town records, 1783. ra' Josiah Steadraan and M' Uriah Gregory were Chosen Collectors of Taxes to have four pence p' Pound for Collecting and to give Bonds for the faithful Perforraance of their Trust Sam" Fisk Moderator At a Legall Meeting of the Inhabitants of Weston on Monday the Seventh Day of April 1783 at the Publick Meeting House in Said Town a 2 o, clock p. m. 1 To bring in thier Votes for a Governor of this Common wealth — 2* To bring in their votes for a Lieu'. Governor — 3* To bring in thier Votes for five Senators agreeable to the Constitution of this Coraraonwealth — r his Exelency John Hancock Esq". for Governor } had 48 C James Bordwain Esq''. Had 7 Lieu'. Governor. Tho^ Cushing Esq", had 50 Votes [242.] for Senators and Counselors Votes CoL°. Bridge had 59 Josiah Stone Esqr 45 James Prescott Esq" 45 Eleazer Brooks Esq" 45 Abr". Fuller Esq". 44 Joseph Curtis Esq" 16 Doctor Kneeland 14 M" W». Willard Wheeler 15 M" Joseph Robberts 15 Jon* Dix Esq". 1 Votes The Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Quallified to to Vote in the Choice of a Representative According to the Constitution of this Coraraon-wealth, being Legally warned and Assembled at the Publick raeeting House on Monday at two o, Clock pm: being the Twelveth Day May 1783 — Did then and There elect and Depute Deacon Sam" Fisk to Represent the Town in the general Court of this Coraraonwealth next ensewing — TOWN RECORDS, 1783. 341 At a Meeting of the freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Duly Quallified and Legally Warned in Pub lick Town raeeting Asserabled on Monday the 7'" Day of July 1783 at three of the Clock in the afternoon at the Publick raeet ing House in Said Town Then & there 1 To Know the rainds of the Town whether they will renew thier call to ra' Samuel Kendal to Settle in this Town in the Ministrey of the Gospel, or act any thing Relative to the Matter — 2 To make such Further grants as Shall appear to be reason able and Nessessary to Accoraplish the Settleraent of the Gos pel Ministery in this place, or act any thing that in any wise relates thereunto — [243.] The Inhabitants being Assembled, and after some Conversation had. Relating to that for which they carae togeather, it was Proposed to Adjourn the Meeting — and the Meeting was Accordingly Adjourned unto the 28'". Day of July Instant at four of the Clock p.m : — 28'". July 1783 meet According to Adjournment VK Voted to renew the call to ra'. Sara". Kendall to Settle with us in the Ministrey of the Gospel 2 Voted that the Matter Should be Deterrained by Yeas and Nays, and there was fifty-five Yeas and fourteen Nays 3 Voted to grant Fifty Pounds in addition to what hath been heretofore granted as a Settlement for M'. Sam". Kendal amounting in the whole to Two Hundred and fifty Pounds — 4 Voted that with re.spect to Sallery & firewood they be the Sarae as heretofore granted. Viz : Eighty Pounds and fifteen Coards of firewood annually — 5 Voted that the Coraraittee of the Church be Requested to Inform M' Sam". Kendall of the Proceedings of the Town — The Meeting was then Adjourned to the eleventh Day of Aug'. next at 4 o, Clock p. m : — 11'" Day of aug'. 1783 Meet According to Adjournraent 1^'. Voted that Deacon Tho\ Russell, Sara". P. Savage Esq', M' Jon". Stratton Deacon Isaac Hobbs and Deacon Sara" Fisk be a Coraraittee to wait upon M'. Sara" Kendall and Inform him that the Town are now ready to recive his Answer — 342 TOWN RECORDS, 1783. [244.] The Meeting was Then Adjourned for fifteen min- euts — Meet according to Adjournraent — and ra'. Kendal carae in to meeting and exhibitid his Answere which is as followeth viz — My Christian Friends You having given me a call to Settle with You in the Gospel Ministry, may justly expect that I should consider it in a religious view, and give such an answere as may Appear to me to be Consistant with my Duty — my Answer is Iraportant to both you and rayself, and to Heaven have I looked for Direc tion, and have earnestly desired to know wherein ray Duty consisted, with a Disposition to conduct accordingly : [ have likewise used the Ordinary raeans for Obtaining Direction, by Consulting raany Friends, whose Advice ought, in such cases, to be taken and well considered, — The first thing to be Attended in the call is the Uninimity of the People, this is not so great as I could wish. Several whose Friendship would afford me pecu liar Satisfaction, are opposed to my Settleraent, But, having conversed with the Majority of thera, I find that thier objections are raostly founded upon Missinforraations and wrong Appre- hentions, with respect to those things to which they Object. and considering tis not probable the Town will be better united in the choice of another, I can by no raeans Suppose it to be ray Duty to give a Negative Answer, because sorae worthy men have not given thier votes in favour of me. But I am Sorry to Say, that the raeasures Taken by sorae Araong the Nays, do, in some Degree lay me under a Nessessety to Accept your call, — and were there nothing farther to be considered my answer would be Affirmative, But it is no less a ministers Duty to Exercise Prudence about those things that lend to his Corafort and Support, while he is engaged in his ministry, than it is for any Denomination of men to Provide for the Corafort of theraselves and Families — [245.] and as the Sallery Proposed is thought by all ray Advisers, and by myself. Insufficient for the Support of a Minister, and as the wood offered will not, in my Opinion, and the Opinion of those who judge frora Experience be Suffi cient to raaintain the fires that are. Nessessary in a Family I TOWN RECORDS, 1783. 343 must Decline Accepting your Invitation upon the Terms offered, your Offers to being less than, for years past you found Nesses sary to the Support of your late worthy Pastor, you can hardly Suppose, that I should be willing to accept the call under the present Circurastances, I do not wish to Burden the People more than to enable rae to do ray Duty among them. Nor would I Dispute the generosity of this People raore than that of any others but those that better know than I do what is Nesses sary to Support a Family, do say that what you Offer is not Sufficient, and therefore you will receive this as a Negative Answer, unless such Alterations with respect to my Support, be made as may render it expedient for rae to accept your In- viation, this Answer wou*. have been given sorae raonths ago, had it not been for the Encourageraent given rae, that the Offer would be made better at the renewall of my call, so that you will not blame rae for keeping you so long in Suspence — I ara with Love and Respect your Sincere Friend and well wisher — Sam'''' Kendall To the Church and Congregation of Weston The Town then having M'. Kendalls Answer before thera and duly Considering the Same [246.] Voted to grant the Sum of Ten Pounds in Addition to the Eighty Pounds heretofore granted and also five coards of fire wood in Addition to the fifteen Coards granted before, which raakes in the whole Ninty Pounds raoney — and Twenty Coards of firewood, to be payed and Delivered to M'. Samuel Kendall Annually so long as he shall reraain our Gospel Minister — Whereupon M'. Kendall gave his answer in the affirraative, and relinquished the Ten Pounds and the five Coards of fire wood for three years next Succeeding his Ordination — upon which the Town Voted him thier Sincere thanks — M' Kendalls final Answer is as followeth Viz : My Christian Fathers, Brothers and Friends as you have been so generous as to raake an Addition of Ten Pounds and five Coards of wood annually to what you Proposed 344 TOWN RECORDS, 1783. when you gave rae a call to Settle with you, I do Cordially Accept your Invitation : and as the Times are Peculiarly Diffi cult by reason of very heavy Taxes, I do freely give up what you have now Added for three years, so that untill after the three years are expired, I shall expect to recive no raore than Eighty Pounds and fifteen Cords of wood Annually — I Sub scribe ray self your Sincere Friend and well wisher Weston Aug'. 11 1783 Sam'': Kendall ¦ To the Church and Congregation of Weston [247. J The Meeting was Then Adjourned to the eighth Day of Sep', next at 2 o, Clock p m : — 8'" Day of Sep'. 1783 raeet According to Adjournment 1*' The Question being put to know the rainds of the Town whether will Appoint a Day for the Ordaination of ra'. Sara'. Kendall — and Passed in the Affirraative 2*. Voted that Wednesday the fifth Day of November Next be the Day for the Ordination of M' Sam'. Kendall — 3 Voted that the Meathod of Procuring Money for to Defray the expencs of the Ordaination be by way of Collection, and that those that Shall Advance money for Said Purpose Shall be Allowed the sarae in the next Assesraent that shall be raade 4'" Voted that Major Sara". Larason Enoch Greenleaf Esq' and Deacon Sara'. Fisk be a- Coraraittee to Provide for the Venerable Councel — 5 Voted that the Coraraittee be Directed to apply to Madam Woodward to entertain the Councel &c 6 Voted that the Coraraittee be Directed to Provide Some Sutiable Persons to keep the Body Seats eraty for the Councel & Church — 7 Voted that Deacon Tho'. Russell be Desired to give Pub lick Invitation to the Clergy to accept of Entertainment with the Venerable Councel — The raeeting was then Dissolved Sam''. Fisk Moderator TOWN RECORDS, 1783. 345 [248.] Weston Aug'. 11'". 1783 we the Subscribers Con- cieving that the Proceeding of this Town of Weston in this Present Meeting has Been Illegal and Unconstitutinal in Calling granting Settlement money & Sallery to M' Sam". Kendall in Setleing among us in this Place in the Gospel Ministrey we hereby do Declare our Protest against the Said Proceedings and we Desire that this our Protest might be of Publick Record in this Town — and we Plead the Advantage of the Bill of Rights in that Case Provided — Joseph Roberts Joseph Harrington Isaac Jones Hezekiah Wyman Samuel Train Sam". Seaverns jur Jonas Harrington Moses Harrington Elisha Harrington John Flagg William Cutler Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton at the Publick meeting-House in Said Town on Monday the 13'" Day of Oct' : 1783 at one o, Clock p m : then & there — 1'' To know the minds of the Town whether they will grant the Sum of Eighty Pounds to be Paid to ra' Sam" Kendall as his Sallery for one Year Next Succeeding his Ordination in Case he Should be Ordained amongst us, or otherwise to be applied for the Support of the Gospel Ministrey in this Place — 2* To raake provision for the fire-wood granted to ra'. Sara". Kendall in the case above mentioned — 3'^ To know the minds of the Town whether they will Pro vide two months Schooling in Different parts of the Town as Usal, or act any thing relative to the Matter — [249.] 4'" To grant Money to Support the Poor Provide Schooling and all other Nessessary Charges — 5'" To hear the Town Creditors Accounts and Act thereon 6'" To know the minds of the Town what Measures they vvill Pursue effectually to call in the out Standing Taxes that thier Treasurer may be enabled to Discharge the Debts of the Town without further loss — 346 TOWN RECORDS, 1783. 7'" To know the minds of the Town whether They will dis pose ofthe Pews that now belong to the Town, and in what manner, or act any thing relative thereto 8'". To know the minds of the Town whether they will build four Pews in the back part of the body-Seats and Dispose of them as they Shall think Proper or act any Thing relative to the Matter — 9'" To know the minds of the Town whether they will be at the expence of the Executions already Issued against M' Josiah Biglow and ra' Jonas Sanderson late Constables frora the State Treasurers — 10'". To hear the Petition of Cap'. Isaac Jones and Others relative to Hanging the Bell or act any thing that relates thereto Deacon Sam" Fisk was Chosen Moderator of S''. Meeting I'' Voted to pass over the first and Second Articles in the Warrent for the present — 2 Voted to Provide Two raonths Schooling in the Different, parts of the Town as Usal — 3** Voted to grant the Sura of Two Hundred Pounds to De fray the Coraraon Charges ofthe Town [250.] 4'" Voted to alow the Assessors Accounts as Ex- hbited which are as followeth viz. To M' Joseph Roberts for his Service in Taking Invoice and making Sundry Taxes Twelve Days a 4/ . . . .£280 To M' Abijah Steadman for like Services . . . . 2 8 0 To m' Nathan Hobbs for Ditto 2 8 0 5'" Voted that the Treasurer be Directed to Issue Execu tion against those Collectors that were Chosen in the Year 1781 that are Deliquint, and all Other Proceeding Collectors that have not Settled with the Treasurer — 6'". Voted that execution Shall Issue against the Collectors that were chosen in the year 1782 if they do not Settle with the Treasurer by the first Day of Feb'^. Next — 7'". Voted to Take Possession of the Pewes that are Occupied by Deacons Fisk and Hobbs, Cap'. Fisk. M". Rebecca Baldwin in' John Coburn and Cap'. Nathan Smith — 8 Voted to Build four Pews in back part of the body Seats town records, 1784, 347 9'". Voted on the request of Severall of the Collectors that the Town will be at the Legal expence of the Execution, already Issued against any or either of thera — 10'" Voted that this raeeting be Adjourned to Monday the Seventeenth Day of November Next a 2 o, Clock p m : Meet According to Adjournraent — 1 Voted to Proceed to act upon the first Article in the Warrent — 2*. Voted to grant the Sura of Eighty Pounds to be Payed to the Rev* M' Sara". Kendall as his Sallery for one year Next Succeeding his Ordaination — [251.] 3'^ Voted that Maj' Larason M' Tho= Rand and M'. Jon". Stratton be a Coraraittee to Provide the Rev'' M' Sara*'. Kendall his fire- wood the year ensewing 4'" Voted that the Pew that the Rev* M'. Sara". Kendall shall choose out of the Pews that now belong to the Town or that are Ordered soon to be built Shall be Appropriated for a Ministeral Pew — and that the remaining Pews be Sold to the highest bidder 5'" Voted that the monies arising by the Sale of Said Pews Shall be appropriated towards paying the Settlement money granted the Rev* M' Sam" Kendall — 6'". Voted that the Selectraeli be a Coraraittee for Building the Pews and give Orders for the Payraent thereof — 7'" On the Pitition of Cap'. Jones and Others relative to hanging the Bell — Voted that Said Petition be Committed to M'^' Thad' Spring Jonas Harrington Isaac Hobbs Tho\ Rand and John Warren, and that they be Directed to report thereon at the next Annual March Meeting — The Meeting was then Disolved — 1784. Att a Meeting ofthe Inhabitants ofthe Town of Weston that were Duly Quallified and Legally warned and at the Publick meeting-House Assembled on Monday the first Day of March 1784 at Eleven o, Clock a. m : then and there — 1^'. To choose Selectmen, Collectors and Such Other Town Officers for the year Insewing as the Law Directs — 348 town records, 1784. [252.] 2* To know the rainds of the Town what they will give thier Collectors P'. lb. for Collecting Taxes — 3" To hear the Town Treasurers Acct'. and act thereon — 4 To know the rainds of the Town whether thier Swine shall go at Large the year ensewing — 5'" To know the minds of the Town whether they will repair thier high-ways by a rate the year ensewing, and if so to grant money therefor — and act any other matter or thing relative thereto — 6'". To hear and act upon a list Prepared for the Jury Box — 7*" To hear the Town Creditors Accounts and Act thereon 8'". To grant raoney to Pay the Rev* M' Sarauel Kendall his Settleraent and firewood and to pay the expence of Provid ing for the venerable Council — 9 To hear the request of ra' Oliver Hastings and Others relative to the Pews in the Meeting-House and other Matters respecting the Baptist Denoraination and act thereon — 10'". To hear the request of Severall of the Collectors and Others relative to the Abatement of Sundry Taxes and act thereon — or Act any thing relative to the Matter 11'". To hear the request of m'. John Warren and Others relative to Sundry Persons being left out of the late Tax for the Support of the Gospel and act thereon — 12'" To hear the request of Cap'. Isaac Jones and Others relative to Providing a Book for thier Treasurer — and also for the Selectraen, and hkewise respecting thier Treasurer his making up his Accounts twice in a year and act thereon — [253.] Cap^ Isaac Jones chosen moderator Town Clerk Isaac Hobbs Town Treasurer Maj". Sam'-'' Lamson Sworn Selectmen Cap'' Isaac Jones Dea" Sam'-'' Fisk Maj" Sam'''- Lamson Cap'' Jon* : Fisk M" Sam" Livermore town records, 1784. 349 Constables & CollectorsAssessors Wardens Surveyors of High ways & Collectors Tythingraen Hogreaves Preserver of Deer [254.] Field Drivers Fence Viewers Sealers of Leather Surveyors of LuraberClerks of the Market to take care of the raeet- ing-House M" Isaac Flagg M". Sam" Livermore M" Nathan Hobbs Cap'' Isaac Jones M" John Coburn M" Joel Smith Cap'' Matthew Hobbs M" Jon*. Spring ]y[HSs AbjjM. Hewes Sam". Pratt Isreal Whittemore I Elisha Stratton [_ Increase Leadbetter ^ M" Elisha Stratton ^ M" Abr" Harrington J M" Joseph Robberts ^ M" HizEKiAH Wyman J M" Amos Biglow ^ M" Isaac Stratton \ M". Isaac Stratton ^ M" Amos Biglow ^ M" Isaac Flagg f M" Phhstehas Upham ^ M" Jonas Sanderson ^ M" Nathan Hager M" Elisha Harrington I M" Joseph Russell . M" Josiah Steadman ' Cap^. Isaac Jones '. M" Joseph Russell ' M" Sam" Seaverns Sworn Sworn Sworn > Sworn (excep' I (M' Whitteraore J SwornSwornSworn Sworn Sworn Sworn SwornSworn M" Ezra Fisk at thirty Shillings P'. Annum 350 TOWN RECORDS, 1784. The Meeting was then Adjourned to Monday the 8'"- Day of this Instant March at one o, Clock p :-M : Monday one o, clock p : M : meet according to Adjournment 2* Voted to give thier Collectors viz M'. Isaac Flagg & M' Sara". Livermore five pence half-Peney P'. Pound for Collecting all Taxes that they Shall Collect — 3"^. Voted to Accept the Town Treasurers Accounts as Ex hibeted — which are as followeth Viz : — The Town of Weston to Isaac Hobbs as Town Treasurer D'. frora the 15'". of March 1783 to 26'" Feb'^ 1784 Inclusive — Viz — £ S B [255.] Paid m' Eleazer Rider in full of a Note of hand 42 16 0 Paid Ruth Parmenter in full of a Note of hand . . 12 0 0 Paid M' Elisha Warren in part of Ditto .... 186 Paid M' Stephen White in part of Ditto .... 498 Paid Enoch Greenleaf Esq', two year Interest . . 12 19 6 Paid M'. Eph". Hammond in part of Ditto . . . 24 0 0 Paid Cap'. Jon". Fisk in part of Ditto .... 864 Paid M'. Ruth Wallier in part of Ditto .... 996 Paid m' Jon" Fisk of Waltham in part of Ditto . . 2 0 0 Paid the Estate of the late Rev*. M' Sam" Woodward I io 8 0 for 15 1/2 Cords of wood > Paid the Committee for Building the School-House in the center District Paid m' Joseph Hawes for Boarding Nath". Dewing 7 s in 0 untill the first of Aprill 1783 > Paid M'. Jonas Harrington for 467 feet of Plank for the } o q in 'I 50 0 0 j great-bridge ....... Paid M' Isreal Whittemore in full for Ditto ... 1 18 0 Paid M' Nathan Hobbs in full for Ditto .... 1 12 0 Paid M' Isreal Whittemore an Account for Boarding ) 4 in 0 Cap'. John Brown > Paid Peter Ball in full of an execution Tho". Willington } 49 io n against the Town ) Paid the Expence of refrence at Brewers . . . 2 16 9 Paid m' Elisha Harrington to Defend in the cause with i Cummings & Willington Paid Thadd'. Goodwin in full for Attendance and evi dence in Said Cause Paid W™. Fisk Attorney to Eph™ Hammond to be Dis- {. 4 a 0 counted upon an Execution ) Paid Peter Ball his fees on S*. Execution . . . 1 16 0 [ 4 13 0 I 0 12 0 TOW^N RECORDS, 1784. 351 Paid W™. Hunt Esq' Cost fees and Charges on an Action Stephen white against the Town [120 [256'.] Paid m' Morton in the cause with Cummings, 2 8 0 Paid the Refferees in Said cause 12 6 Paid the expence of the Referees & Committee . . 2 17 1 Paid m' Joseph Lovwell in part for Boarding the widow Deborah Smith Paid m' Abijah Steadman what the Town Allowed him } \ 6 12 0 41 11 0 16 4 1 1 18 0 for Making Sundry Taxes ' Paid m' W"". Cutler for his wifes keeping School from } 4 -1 n r, the first of July 1783 Two months . . . .5 Paid Master Fisk for keeping School two months and 7 410 Boarding him Self (NE School House) . . . J Paid m'. Isreal Whittemore for his Sons Service at Rhode ) Island ) Paid Maj' Hale in full for Daniel Wards Service in the Army 2 9 8J Paid Thad Pierce in full for three Months at West point . 4 10 0 Paid m' Elnathan Jones agent to the Estate of Charles ) Russell late of Lincoln the Ballence Due from S* >• 0 8 6 Estate ) Paid m' Daniel Sanderson in full of a N"ote . Paid Joshua Pierce for one Cord of wood Paid Abigail Starr for Boarding master Wright nine \ weeks in 1777 & 1778 I Paid m' Oliver Hastings for Boarding master Mudge ] four weeks Paid m'. John Hastings for Boarding the widow Deborah ) Smith thirty nine weeks & a Pair of hose . . ) Paid Master Nath". Allen for Keeping School eight weeks ) & Boarding him Self > Paid Cap'. John Flagg for Boarding Lois Pierce Seven- ) teen weeks & three Days 65/ ) Paid Amos Jones for Boarding Lois Pierce twenty one 7 weeks — and one Pair of hose ) Paid Jonas Pierce for wod for the School Paid Maj'. Sam'i Lamson for Service for the Town for ? Procuring Beef for the Army in 1782 . . .3 [257^] Paid Master Thad=. Fisk for keeping School > one month and Boarding him Self . . . .J Paid m' Elisha Harrington for Plank for the great ? Bridge > Paid Deacon Sam^ Fisk for Boarding Tho". Peirce Six 7 7 16 0 months from Feb'J'. 1783 ) Paid M' Thad'. Spring for Plank and Timber for the ( 3 17 6 Town Bridges > j 1 16 0 8 16 0 4 10 0 0 6 0 0 15 0 2 9 0 } 1 12 0 352 TOWN RECORDS, 1784. Paid m'. Joseph Mudge for keeping-School two Months 7 a i « in South-west District > Paid m' Sam". Train for Two Cords of wood for the South-west-School Paid Doct' W™. Ward for Visits and medicines Admin- y istred to the Poor of the Town from the 29'i' Feb'y. [¦ 10 3 6 1780 to 18'^ Sep'. 1783 J Paid m' Abr"". Biglow in full for keeping School and f lo iii a Boarding him Self ) I'aid M' Thad'. Spring for Boarding Master Taft Nine ! g 4 n weeks and three Cords of wood . . . . ) Paid M' Tho'. Rand for wood for the School & for a Bier 3 2 0 Paid M'. Uriah Gregory for Boarding Master Rimington y four weeks march 1783 and Sundries Suplied the y 6 3 5 widow Wellington ) Paid M'. Phinehas Hager for his Sister keeping-School) 4 in n Ten weeks in NW School i Paid Cap' Jon" Fisk for Boarding Master Thad' Fisk ) q 12 0 eight weeks a 9/ ) Paid M' Nathan Hager for Hay & Potatoes for M". 7 400 Wellington > Paid M' Isaac Warren for keeping School two months in ) <; R n the South-east School house ) [258^] Paid m". Abigail Starr for Boarding Master ) 4 i n Isaac Warren two months ) Paid m". Rebecca Baldwin for Boarding Master Rem ington Nine weeks in 1783 Paid M' Joseph Hawes for Boarding Nath". Dewing Six 7 months in 1783 ) } Paid Master Eleazer Taft in part for keeping the Gram- i 1 o 0 mer School in the South East District . . . i Paid Master John Remington for keeping School three 7 q is 0 months ) Paid M' Joseph Roberts his Ace', in full for making sun- 7 r 10 6 dry Taxes to Oct'. 13'". 1783 i Paid M' Nathan Hobbs for Ditto untill Ditto . . . 10 1 4 Paid M' Abijah Steadraan for Making Sundry Taxes in | 2 R 0 the year 1783 i Paid M'. John Flagg w'. the Town granted him for Ser- ) n 18 0 vices as a Committee march 1783 . . . .7 Paid M'. Benj". Dudley for Collecting sundry Taxes ) s 18 0 agreeable to a grant of the Town . . . . ) Paid M' Joseph Russell agreeable to a vote of the Town ( 2 17 6 March 1782 in the Capacity of an Assessor . . > Paid M' Elisha Harrington for his Services in the cause with Cummings as Allowed by the Town :} 9 0 0 TOWN RECORDS, 1784. 353 y Paid M' Jonas Pierce for Collecting Sundry Taxes') agreeable to a vote of the Town March 15 1783 . i Paid M' Josiah Seaverns (agreeable to a vote of thel Town) for Loss sustained in Receving new emmis- ion mone Value and Passing the sarae at another Value Paid M' Uriali Gregory for making Taxes in 1781 — agreeable to a Vote of the Town .... Paid M' Jonas Pierce in full of a Note of hand [259'.] Paid the Hiers of M' Jon" Bullard in full of a Note Paid Deacon Fisk Interest up a Note of hand Paid Deacon Fisk Interest upon a Note of hand made to ) Noah Parkhurst ) Paid Seven of the Six months men for the year 1780 7 thier State wages ) Paid Madam Woodward in part of the Town grant to ? her family ) Paid the Rev*. M'. Samuel Kendal for Supplying the } Desk I Paid M' Nathan Davis in full for Preaching nine Sab- ) baths > Paid M' Joseph Willard in part for Preaching Paid m' Bentley for Supplying the Desk 4 Sabbaths Paid m' Piper in part for Preaching .... Paid ray Self my Ace', in full for Sundry Articles Sup- y plyed the Poor for Boards Shingle & nails and and >- Sundrie other articles as Allowed by y'' Selectmen . ) Paid my Self what the Town granted me march 1783 for ) my Services as Treasurer ) Paid my Self w'. the Town granted me as a Committee 7 in the cause with Cummings ) Paid my Self the Ballence Due the Last adjustment Paid my Self the Interest Due on the Same . Paid by an Assignment in Constable Sanderson lists Paid m' Joseph Hawes his Ace' in full for Boarding^ Nathii. Dewing and for the funeral charges of S* >- Dewing ) Paid M' Elisha Harrington in full for money he had^ expended in the cause with Cummings more than > he had Taken out of the Treasury . . . . ) Paid m' Benj". Peirce in full of a Note .... Paid at the two first Collections for y= Support of Preaching Paid M'. Jonas Viles on a N ote of hand Total 6 18 0 3 17 0 4 10 0 90 6 8 10 16 0 3 12 0 72 1 4 46 17 10 18 3 0 13 6 0 3 0 0 7 4 0 10 0 15 4 2 6 0 0 80 17 4 4 17 0 11 16 0 4 0 0 3 18 0 12 17 10 0 18 0 1 4 0 £957 9 4 £ S B 31 9 8 6 5 5 130 11 6 237 19 1 120 16 9 101 4 4 4 10 0 1 16 0 3 18 0 40 16 4 354 TOWN RECORDS, 1784. [256^. J The Town of Weston to Isaac Hobbs as Town Treasurer C' Rece* of M' Jonas Pierce late Constable in part Rece* of M' Benj". Dudley late Constable in part . Rece* of M' Josiah Biglow late Constable in part . Rec* of M' Jonas Sanderson late Constable in part Rece* of M' Josiah Steadman Present Constable in part Rec* of m' Uriah Gregory present Constable in part Rece* of the State Treasurer by the hands of Deacon 7 ^^no „ . Fisk to pay tbe Six months men for the year 1780 . ) Rece* of Deacon Fisk (guardian to the hiers of Jon", y Bullard Dec*.) for the use of the Town and made a >- 54 14 5 Note to Said Fisk for the same ) Rece* for the rent of work House Rec* for the rent of the Pew Occupied by Deacon Fisk ) and Hobbs > Rec" of the Agent to waiter Pierce Deceased . Rece* by four Collections made for the Support of 7 Preaching ) 857 9 6 we the Subscribers haveing examined the foregoing Accounts find thera well Vouched & right cast and there is Due to Isaac Hobbs Town Treasurer the Sura of Ninty-Nine Pounds nine teen Shillings & Ten Pence £ 8 B 99 19 10 and there remains in the hands of M' Jonas Pierce late ) 24 1Q '^ Constable y and there remains in the hands of m'. Benj". Dudley late 7 Constable ) and in the hands of Jonas Sanderson late Constable . 163 15 5 and in the Hands of m' Josiah Biglow late Constable . 182 3 5 and in the hands of m' Josiah Steadman present Con stable 295 1 8 and in the Hands of m' Uriah Gregory present Con stable 262 17 3 Total £941 12 9J Sam''''. Fisk Sam'-'' Lamson Thad^ Spring Jon''. Fisk [ 57^.] 4'". Voted that thier swine shall go at large the Year ensuing — 12 15 7 Selectraen TOWN RECORDS, 1784. 355 5'" Voted to grant One Hundred and fifty Pounds to be worked out upon the roads and Town-ways at Six pence p'. hour for man or Teara — 6'" Voted to Accept of the list prepared for the Jury box 7'" Voted to allow the Town Creditors Accounts as fol loweth Viz. To M' Elisha Harrington his ace', in full for Tirae ex pend in the cause with Willington Since March 1783 Two Pounds Seventeen Shillings . . . . £2 17 0 and likewise to allow Dea". Isaac Hobbs for his Service as Treasurer the year Past the Sura of Six pounds . £6 0 0 and also to allow m' Jonas Sanderson the Sum of four pence p' pound for Collecting all Taxes Committeed to hira to Col lect — deducting five pounds out of the whole — 8'". Voted that the granted Sura of two Hundred and fifty pounds be Iramediatly Assessed to pay the Rev* M' Sara"' Kendall his Settleraent — and likewise the sura of Twenty six Pounds six Shillings and five pence being the expence of Pro viding for the Venerable Couucil and also the Sura of Twelve pounds it being the expence of providing the Rev* M' Ken dalls fire wood for the first year — 9'". Voted to abate all the Taxes in Constable Dudleys lists that were Left to W™. Broadrid who is Absconded — [2582. ] 10'". On the Petition of M' Oliver Hastings and Others Voted that the expence of Building the four Pewes that are Ordered to be built — and likewise the expenc of all others that corae in to the Towns hands Shall be defrayed by Sale or rent of Said Pewes — and also on S*. petition Voted that Col°. Marshall Cap'. Jones and M'. Jon". Stratton be a Coraraittee to exarain into the grievances that the Baptist Denoraination have therein Sett forth and to endeavor a redress of the Same 11'"- On the petition of M' John Warren and Others rela tive to Sundry persons being left out of a late Tax Voted that Said petition be refered to the above Committee with the Addi tion of M'. Sam". Livermore and M' Joseph Russell who are diligently to enquire into the same and inform themselves of the Legallity or Illegallity of thier being so left out of Said Tax and report to the Town at the Annuall Meeting in April next — 356 TOWN RECORDS, 1784. 12'". On the petition of Cap'. Jones and Others voted that thier be Books Provided for the Treasurer and that for the futer The Treasurers Accounts shall be kept Seperate frora Other records of the Town — and also that the Selectraen provide a Book and Keep an Account of thier Contracts Order &c &c — and that the Treasurer be and he hereby is directed to Prepare his Accounts to be exhibited at the annual fall Meeting and like wise at the Annual Meeting in March and So frora Year to Year The Meeting was then disolved [2592. ] At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston on Monday the fifth Day of Apr'. 1784 at 2 O'Clock . p. M : 1 first to bring in thier Votes for a Governor of this Com mon-wealth — 2*. To bring in thier votes for Lieu' Governor — 3*. To bring in thier votes five Senators Agreeably to the Constitution — r His Exelency John Hancock 39 j Governor ) James Bordwain Esq". 4 > Votes C General Lincoln 8 J r THO^ Cushing Esq". 34 ^ L'. Governor } Cap'' Isaac Jones 2 > Voles C CoL° AzoR Orne 1 ) CoL°. Bridge had 57 Eleazor Brooks Esq". 38 Josiah Stone Esq". 3^ James Prescott Esq". 51 Sam'''-, p. Savage Esq". 34 Joseph Curtis Esq". 2£ M". THo^ Parker 17 M". Joseph Roberts 16 Eph"^- Wood Esq". 4 John Cummings Esq". 4 Senators [260.] At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston on Monday the fifth Day of April 1784 at four O, Clock p. m: — TOWN RECORDS, 1784. 357 1 To hear the report of the Coraraittee Appointed to ex arain in to the grievances of the Baptist Denoraination as Sett forth in the Petition of Oliver Hastings & others and Act thereon — 2 To here the report of the Coraraittee to whow the Petition of M' John Warren and Others were Comraitted relative to Sundrie Persons being left out of a late Tax and act thereon Cap'' Isaac Jones chosen Moderator 1 Voted to Accept the report of the Coraraittee with respect to the Petition of Oliver Hastings and Others which is as fol loweth — Viz — We agree that the persons who were exempted from paying the Ministers Tax for the Year 1780 be Allowed what they paid Said year Toward the Mini,sters fire-wood whose Naraes are as followeth viz Oliver Hastings, Enoch Bartlett, Jonathan Spring, Jaraes Hastings. Thaddeus Spring, Josiah Seaverns, Sarauel Pratt, Jaraes Stirason ju'., Mary Bullard, Sam". Train ju'. Joseph Seaverns and John Hastings jur — and we advise that the present Assessors be Directed to Assertain thier respective Sums THO^ Marshall Isaac Jones JoN^ Stratton y Committee Sam'''' Livermore j Joseph Russell J [261.] 2* On the petition of M'. John Warren & Others Voted to accept the report of the Coraraittee to whora s*. petition was refered — which is as followeth Viz that the Tax Refered to in S'^ petition is unconstitutionally and Illegally Assessed — 3*. Voted that Col". Marshall Enoch Greenleaf Esq', and M' Joseph Russell, be a Coraraittee with Directions to take Advice and pursue the Properest Measurers with respect to Assessraent refered to above — The Meeting was then Adjourned to Monday y" Ninteenth day of this Instant April a 4 o, Clock p : m : 358 town records, 1784. — Meet according to Adjournment — 1^'. Voted to accept the report of the Coraraittee which is as followeth viz — That the Legal way of redress is to Direct the present Asses sors to Assess those Persons who were left out of Said Tax, thier proportion, in the Tax that is Ordered by the Inhabitants of this Town to be Assessed for the payraent of the Rev^ M' Sam". Kendals Settleraent with the Addition of the Sums which were left out of the Tax afore Said — 2*. Voted that the Selectraen be Desired to enter a Com plaint in behalf of the Town, to the Present Assessors, that M"^ Jo.-^eph Roberts [262. J Elisha Harrington, John Flagg, Sara". Seaverns j"'., Increas Leadbetter, Benj''. Steadraan, and Joseph Harrington, were Illegally left out of the Minister Tax lately Assessed, to the Injury and loss of the Other Inhabitants of Said Town, and Request a redress in the next Tax that Shall be Assessed for that purpose — The Meeting was then Disolved — The Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Legally QuaUified to vote in the choice of a Representative being Duly warned and Assembled at the Publick Meeting House in Said Town on Monday the Tenth day of May 1784 Did then and there elect and depute Cap''. Isaac Jones to Represent Said Town in the General Court of this Common wealth next ensewing — At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston on Monday the Tenth Day of May 1784 1". To know the minds of the Town whether they will grant a Sura of Money to defray the Just Debts of the Town and if so to grant Such a Sura as they Shall think expedierit for that Purpose — 2*. To Know the minds of the Town whether they will Joyn with Watertown & Waltham in Petitioning the General Court for Sorae Assistance in widning the great Bridge in Watertown or act anything relative to the Matter — TOWN RECORDS, 1784. 359 3 To know the minds of the Town whether they [263.] will grant the Sum of Forty Pounds to Defray the expenc of Sup plying the Desk in this Town previous to the Ordination of the Eev* M'. Sarauel Kendall — 4 To know the rainds of the Town whether they will dispose of the Pews now in the Towns Hands and in what Manner or act any thing Relative thereto — Cap'' Isaac Jones chosen Moderator 1" Voted that Cap' Estes How Sam" P. Savage Esq' and M' Jon" Stratton be a Coraraittee to look in to the State of the Treasury and lay before the Town at the Adjournraent of this Meeting a list of the Debts of the Town — and what provision there is already raade to Discharge the Sarae — 2* Voted that Cap'. Isaac Jones be a Coraraittee to join with Watertown & Waltham in Petitioning the General {3ourt for Sorae Assistance in widening the Great Bridge in Watertown 3* voted to grant the Sura of Forty pounds to defray the expenc of providing Preaching previous to the Ordination of the Rev" M' Sam" Kendall 4'". Voted that this raeeting be adjourned to Monday the 7'"* ¦day of June next at three O, Clock p : m : June 7'" 1784 three O, clock p : M : Meet According to Adjournraent [264.] P' After hearing the report of the Committee ap pointed to look in to the state ofthe Treasury — Voted not to accept of the report of Said Committee 2 Voted to grant the Sum of four Hundred pounds to De fray the just Debts of the Town — 3 Voted that the Pew now Occupied by Deacon Fisks & Deacon Hobbs, s Family, s be Apropriated for a Ministeral Pew that Pew being the Choice of the Rev* M' Sam". Kendall — 4 Voted to meet at Cap' Isaac Jones, s next Monday a 6 o, clock p. m : In Order to let the Pews now in the Town hands The Meeting was then Adjourned to the Time & place above mentioned — 360 town records, 1784. — Meet According to Adjournment — 1 Voted that Cap'. Fisk and M'^ Rebecca Baldwin Shall Continue to enjoy the Pews they now Occupy the four next Suceeding months they paying Ten Shillings each for the use of the Sarae — 4 Voted that the Letting the Pews Occupied by Cap' Smith and M' John Coburn be posponed untill a Future Oppertunity — The Meeting was then Disolved — 'b [265.] Att a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Duly Quallified to vote in Town Affairs being Lawfully warned and Assembled at the Publick Meeting House in Said Town on Monday the 12'". day of July 1784 at 6 0,Clock p : m : I'''. To hear the report of the Committee appointed to apply to the General Court for some Assistance in widning and repair ing the great Bridge in Watertown and' to Act any thing that shall be thought expedient relative to the Measure Proposed by the General Court for that Purpose — 2*. To hear the Account of Cap'. Nathan Sraith for Sundry Services done for the Town and act thereon 1^' The Committee havicg reported that the General Court have granted leave for to raise the Sum of one Thousand Pounds by a Lottery for the purpose of widning the great Bridge in Watertown — and having exhibited an Act of the General Court for that Purpose — 2*. Voted that the Town Approve of the Measure Proposed by the Court and Direct thier Manigers to proceed Accordingly [266. J At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston (duly Quallified to vote in Town Affairs) at the Pubhck meeting-House in Said Town on Monday the 4'". Day of Oct'. 1784 at one 0,clock p : m : then & there — 1"'. To grant the sum of Eighty Pounds to pay the Rev'^- M' Sara". Kendall his Sallery for one Year Iraraediately Succeeding the fifth day of Nov'. Next 2" To Provide fifteen cords of wood for the Rev" M' Ken dall Agreeable to our contract with hira — TOWN RECORDS, 1784. 361 3* To grant such a sum of money as shall appear to be Adequate for the Support of schooling and to defray the Usal & Nessasary charges of Said Town 4'". To know the rainds of the Town whether they will Pro vide two Months Schooling in Difierent parts of the Town as usal or act any thing relative to the Matter — 5'" To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts and act thereon 6 To hear the Town Creditors Acc'^ and act thereon 7 To know the rainds ofthe Town whether they will Direct thier Treasurer to give the Rev* M' Sarauel Kendall an Obli gation Payable in One Year on Interest for the Sum of TwO' Hundred and fifty Pounds. Said [267.] Sum being due to him by a grant of the Town for his Settleraent — And that the sum already assessed for that purpose be Appropriated for the Payment of the just debts of the Town 8'" To hear the Proposals and request of the Managers of the Lottery for widening the great Bridge in Watertown and act thereon — 9'" To hear the request of Sundry Collectors & Others rela tive to the Abatement of Sundrie Taxes & act thereon — 10 To hear a circular Letter Directed to the Selectmen relative to the regulation of Boston Market and act thereon — 11'". To know the Minds of the Town whether they will allow M'. Josiah Biglow the Sarae Sura P'. pound for Collect ing Taxes as they allowed M'. Sanderson — and like wise tO' know the rainds of the Town, whether they vvill pay M'. Biglow the Sum for whicb he hath Coraraenced- an Action against the Town or act any thing relative to the Matter — 12'". To know the minds of the Town whether they will Dispose of the Ground on which four Pews have been Ordered to Built — and likewise the Pews that are Now in the Towns- Hands or act any thing relative to the Matter — [268.] Cap'' Isaac Jones chosen Moderator 1^'. Voted to grant the Sura of Eighty Pounds to pay the Rev" M'. Sara". Kendall his Sallery for one year next Suc ceeding the fifth day of Noveraber 1784 — 2" Voted that M"'. John Coburn Nathan Hager and Sam". 362 TOWN RECORDS, 1784. Liverraore be a Coraraittee to Provide fifteen Cords of wood for the Rev" M' Sara". Kendall for the year ensewing — 3" Voted to grant the sum of Two Hundred Pounds to To Defray the usal charges of the Town — 4'" Voted to grant Two months Schooling in Different parts of the Town as usal — 5'" Voted to Allow M' Jon" Dix his Account as exhibeted — viz allow hira forty-two Shillings and Seven Pence for 95 feet of white Oak Plank — 6'" Voted that the Town Treasurer be and he is hereby is Directed to give the Rev". M' Sarauel Kendall an Obligation payable in one year on Interest, on behalf of the Town for the Sum of Two Hundred and fifty Pounds Said Sum being due frora the Town by a grant for the Settleraent of Said Kendall 7'" Voted that the Sum Already granted for that Purpose be Appropriated for the Payment of the Just debts of the Town — 8'" Voted by the Town that they will indemnify and save harmless thier Manegers of the Great Bridge Lottery for wid ening and repairing Said Bridge over Charles [269.] River in Watertown — and that they will take on thier own Risque thier Proportion of the great Bridge Lottery Ticketts that shall be remaining — on hand at the expiration of the Time liraited or that raay be further granted by the Generall Court and that thier Managers shall be Accountable To the Town for thier Contracts & expenditures of the Monies that raay be Raised therefore — 9'". Voted that M' Jonas Sanderson shall draw out of the Treasury the Sura of Twelve pounds fifteen Shillings and four pence on Ace', of Oliver Barbers Taxes, to be repaid as soon a they can be Collected — 10'". Voted that M' Josiah Biglow be Allowed to draw out of the Treasury the Sum of four Pounds Twelve Shillings on Ace', of Cap'. Gages Taxes ; yet to be Accountable for the Same as soon as they raay be Collected — 11'" Voted that M'^^ Joseph Nichols & Joseph Russell be a Coraraittee to join with the Committee of other Towns rela tive to the Regulation of Boston Markett — TOWN RECORDS, 1784. 363 12*". Voted that this Meeting be Adjourned to Monday the 18'". day of this Instant October — 1784 Oct'. 18'". Mett According to Adjournraent [270.] 1 Voted to abate the following Taxes viz — In M' .losiah Seaverns lists John Bartlett . Jn M' Uriah Gregory lists \ ^^^^^"^ ^"^'^^ • " ¦' I W". Li ttie- John . ( Josiah Underwood In M' Jonas Sandersons list-j^ Lyons ^ Billings In M' Josiah Steadmans list — Silas Chubb . In M' Benj". Dudleys lists \ ^'"- ^^^^^ ¦ i George Gyer . £ s B 1 0 0 1 13 8 0 16 1 0 10 4 0 10 4 0 12 6 0 13 0 1 10 9 0 14 10 £8 ^" Voted that if M' Jaraes Jones will and doth give the Town Treasurer a Note payable upon Deraand with Interest for the same sum that he is assessed in M'. Uriah Gregorys lists ; the Treasurer is hereby Directed to Discount with M'. Gregory the same sura in his Next Settleraent with hira as Collector — 3". Voted that M''^ Joseph Whitney & Joseph Russell be a Committee Vested with full power to Liberate Cap' Nathan Smith from Goal (where he is now confined for his Taxes) upon the best terms that may had for the benifitt of the Town 4'" Voted that M' Josiah Biglow be Allowed 4". P' £ for "Collecting all Taxes Coramitted to hira to Collect for the year 1782 Deducting five Pounds out of the whole — 5'" Voted that upon the Agreeraent of M'. Joel Smith to Pay one third Part of Jaraes Jones, s Taxes in M'. Biglows lists and upon ra'. Jones-s giving his Note for the reraainder that M' Josiah Biglow [271.] Shall receive out of the Treasury the Sum of Twenty five Pounds fourteen Shillings and One Penney — 6'" Voted that the Selectmen be a Committee to Settle with M'. Josiah Biglow relative to the Action that he hath Com raenced against the Town 364 TOWN RECORDS, 1785. 7'" Voted to Accept the Town Treasurers Accounts as exhibeted — — The Meeting was then Disolved — Att a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabi tants Duly Quallified to Vote for a representative on Monday the thirteenth Day of Deceraber 1784 — In Order to bring in thier votes for a Register of Deeds for the County of Middl- six Agreeable to a Warrent rece* from the Hon"''^. Coraraittee of the Court of Sessions for that Purpose — The Voters Present were Unanomouse in ther Choice, and M' W"- Winthrop had forty Votes — [272.] 1785 At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of Town of Weston on Monday the Seventh Day of March 1785 then & there — 1'*'. To choose Selectraen Collectors and such Other Town officers for the Year ensewing as the Law Directs — 2* To stipulate with thier collectors how rauch they shall) p'. Pound for collecting Taxes — 3". To hear the Town Treasurers Acct'. and act thereon 4 To know the rainds of the Town whether thier Swine shall go at large the year ensewing 5'". To know the rainds of the Town whether they will repair thier highways by a rate the year ensewing and if so to grant raoney therefor and act any thing relative to the Matter 6 To hear & act upon a list prepared for the Jury Box 7'". To hear the Town Creditors accounts and act thereon 8'". To know the minds of the Town whether and in what Manner they will Dispose of the Pewes that now belong to the Town, or act any thing that relates thereunto — 9 To hear the Requests and Proposals of M' Joseph Eus sell Relative to monies due to him from the Town & act thereon 10 To hear the request of Several of the Collectors and Others relative to the Abateraent of Sundrie Taxes and act thereon — 11 To hear the Request of Sundrie Persons relative to Seat ing the Publick Meeting House in Said Town and act thereon TOWN RECORDS, 1786. 365 [273.] 12 To hear the Petition of W". Cooledge and others relative to the Alteration of a Town way near the widdow Martha Upharas aud in case the Selectraen should see cause to raark out such Alteration, the Town to Ratify and confirm the same — Cap''. Isaac Jones chosen Moderator of Said Meeting Cap'' Isaac Jones Dea^ Sam'''' Fisk CoL° Sam'''' Lamson j Cap'' Jon'^ Fisk (^ M" Sam'-'-. Livermore Isaac Hobbs Town Treasurer CoL°. Sam""- Lamson Isaac Flagg Constable & Collector Daniel Stratton Constable Samuel Livermore Collector Cap'' Isaac Jones \ M" Nathan Hobbs > M" John Coburn ) Mess"^ Abr'^. Harrington ^ Sam"''. Seaverns ju" > Isaac Hobbs ) Cap''- Daniel Livermore JoN"^. Bullard Sam'-'' Train ju" Phinehas Hager Abijah Whitney Cap'' Matthew Hobbs ) M" Jonas Sanderson ) Elisha Stratton > Jon'" Warren ) Cap'' Daniel Livermore M" Isreal Whittemore Mess"^ Isreal Whittemore Jon*. Warren Daniel Stratton Sam'-'' Train jur Selectmen -^ Town Clerk Constables & Collectors Assessors Wardens Surveyors of Highways and < Collectors [274.] Tythingmen. Hogreaves Preserver of DearField Drivers Fence Viewers 366 TOWN RECORDS, 1785. Sealers of ( Jonas Sanderson Leather c Ab"". Harrington Surveyors ( M" THO^ Rand > of Lumber i Cap'' Daniel Livermore > To take care of the Meeting House M" Ezra Fisk at thirty Shillings p'. Annura — 2*. Voted to Accept the Town Treasurers Account as Ex hibited — 3 Voted that the Swine being Properly regulated go at Large the year ensewing — 4'" Voted to grant the sum of one Hundred & fifty Pounds to repair the Highways to be worked out at Six pene p' Hour for man or Team — 5 Voted To accept the list as Prpared for the Jury Box 6'" Voted to Accept of Sundrie Accounts as exhibeted viz To Cap'. Isaac Jones for his Service as an assessor the year past 15 Days at 4/ & Paper £3 2 0 [275.] To M' Nathan Hobbs for his Past Services as ) ^„ „ ^ an Assessor ) To M' John Coburn for Ditto 4 16 0 To M'. Jonas Sanderson for Serving Constable and warn- ]. o a n ing 8 Town Meetings in 1782 > To M'. Abijah Steadman for his past Services as an > .. ,« r Assessor j To M' Uriah Gregory for Serving Constable and warning ? i -i o n flve Town Meetings in 1783 > To M'. Josiah Steadman for Serving Constable and warn- ) i io o ing 5 Town Meetings in 1783 ) 7 Voted to grant Col". Sara" Larason the Sura of Six Pounds for his Service as Treasurer . . . 6 0 0 8 Voted to abate the following Taxes, viz M' Jonas Sanderson list M' Josiah Biglow list M'. Josiah Steadman list Total . 5 Nath". Willis . 1 Timothy Perry 5 Joseph Breed . t Nathan Billings Nath". Willis . (Ni iTi Timothy Perry 1 1 2 2 14 4 3 11 0 1 16 Of 0 13 0 1 17 1 £11 12 7| town records, 1785. 367 9'". Voted that Cap'. Isaac Jones Enoch Greenleaf Esq'. and M'. Isreal Whitteraore be a Committee Vested with full Power to Dispose of the Pews now in the Towns Hands and to Deposit the money and Securities that shall be Procured thereby in the hands of the Town Treasurer and that the Per sons. that shall be Purchars of Said Pews Shall hold the same to themselves thier hiers & assigns forever — [276.] 10'" On the Petition of M' Joseph Russell & others relative to Seating the Inhabitants in the Publick Meeting House — Voted that Mess'^ Isaac Jones, Nathan Hobbs, John Coburn Sam". Larason & Joel Sraith be a Coraraittee for that Purpose .with Directions to Seat thc Inhabitants, on real and Personal Estate with a Proportionable regard to Age as has been usaly Practised in this Town, and other ways Agreeable to Said Peti tion and raake return of thier doings at the Annual Meeting in April Next — The Meeting was then Adjourned to the last monday of this Instant March a 3 o, clock p. M : — Meet according to Adjournment 1 Voted to Adjourn this meeting to the 4'". Day of April next at 4 o, clock p. m : Meet According to Adjournment 1^' Voted to Accept the Report of the Coraraittee for the Sale of Pews which is as followeth viz — Weston March 1785 Your Coraraittee Appointed by the Town to Sell Eight Pews beg leave to report, that we have Sold Seven of those Pews to the following Persons and on the followings terms viz one New Pew to the 2*. up the Isle on the Right hand to Deac" Isaac Hobbs for thirty Pounds — one new Pew up the Isle on the left hand and one Pew lately Occupied by Cap'. Jon" Fisk to M' Joseph Russell for foity Eight Pounds Ten Shillings — one new Pew Opposite the East Door to Cap'. Jon" Fisk for twenty Seven pounds One new Pew Oppisite the west Door to Amos Harrington for Twenty four Pounds One Pew lately 368 TOWN records, 1785. Occupied by Col". Braddyll Smith to M' Tho' Eand for Twenty Six pounds Ten Shillings one Ditto lately Occupied by M". Rebecca Baldwin to Col" Tho'. Marshall for Twenty Pounds Ten Shillings [277. J The Pew now in the Occupation of M' John Coburn we Declined Selling as he Disputes the Towns Eight to take it is also Said that some Other Pews are in the Same Predeca- ment we would not give Occation for Law suits but wish the Town now to Settle the raatter Isaac Jones Enoch Greenleae Isreal Whittemore 2" Voted that those Persons that purchesed the above Described Pews shall Severally Posses & enjoy thera, they, thier hiers, & assigns both the fences & floors whereon they are Built so long as the Present Meeting House Shall Stand — 3" Voted that M'. Josiah Seaverns shall Draw out of the Treasury the sura that reraains uncollected in his lists that is Sett to Oliver Barber yet be held lo replace it again as Soon as they can be Collected — 4'". Voted that the Treasurer shall Discount with M' Josiah Steadraan the Sura of Six Pounds on Acct. of Oliver Barbers Taxes yet Said Steadman be Accountable for the sarae as Soon as they may be Collected 5 Voted To Allow ra' Joseph Eussell the Sura of three Pouuds fifteen Shillings & Six pence for Sundrie Services done and Cash expended for the Town — The raeeting was then Adjourned to the 9'" day of may next at 4 o, clock PM — May 9'". 1785 Meet according to Adjournment — And after some conversation relative to the Alteration of a Town way refered to in the Petition of W°. Cooledge & others, — the Selectmen Signified to the Town that they had attended to the Matter, and found that Said Alteration must be very expencive and Eecomended to make the old way good — when a Considerable Nuraber of Persons Subscribed toward the accora plishraent of y". Same town records, 1785. 369 •[278.] The meeting was then Disolved — Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on Monday the fourth Day of April 1785 at the Publick Meeting-House in Said Town then and there — 1"' To bring in votes for a Governor of this Coramon- 2" To bring in thier votes for L'. Governor — 3". To bring in thier votes for five Senators Agreable to the Constitution of this Comraonwealth — for Governor for L'. Governor for Senators and Counselors r Hon"''". James Bowdoin Esq", J General Lincoln i Oliver Prescott Esq". [ Hon"''". THO^ Cushing Esq". C Hon'"'". Tho^ Cushing Esq". c Oliver Prescott Esq". f Nath"''. Gorham Esq". Abr''. Fullar Esq". Eben". Bridge Esq" Josiah Stone Esq" James Prescott Esq" . Eleazer Brooks Esq". Joseph Hosmer Esq" Joseph Curtis Esq". _ Isaac Jones Esq". 27]18 ! 9 I IJ 40 2 3852 53212115 30 27 y Votes Votes > Votes [279.] The Inhabitants of the Town Weston that were Legally Quallified to Vote in the Choice of a Eepresentative being duly warned & asserabled in the Publick Meeting House in Said Town on Monday the Ninth Day of may 1785 a one o,Clock PM : — Did then and there elect and Depute Cap'' Isaac Jones to represent this Town of Weston in the General Asserably of this Common-wealth next ensewing — At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on the Ninteenth Day of Sep'. 1785 — at one of the clock in the After noon then & there 370 town records, 1785. 1''. To grant the Sum of Eighty Pounds to pay the Eev" M' Sam" Kendal his Sallery for one year next Succeeding the fifth Day of Nov'. Next — 2" To Provide fifteen Cords for the Eev" M'. Sam". Kendal agreeably to the Contract with him — 3* To grant such a Sum of raoney as shall enable the Treasurer to pay the Eev* M'. Sara" Kendal the Sura of Two Hundred and fifty Pounds (with the Interest.) — Said sum being Loned to the Treasurer by the Direction of the Town — 4'" To know the minds of the Town whether they will Pro vide two months Schooling in Different parts of the Town as usal or act any thing relative to the Matter — 5'" To hear the Town Treasurers Account and act thereon 6'" To hear the Town Creditors Accounts and act thereon — [280.] 7 To hear the request of Several of the Collectors & others relative to the Abateraent of Sundry Taxes and act thereon or act any thing relative to the raatter — 8 To grant such a Sum of money as shall appear to be Nessessary for the Support of Schooling, and to Defray the usal & Incedental charges of Said Town — 9 To grant Such a further Sum as Shall appear to be Nes sessary and Expedient for Discharging the just Dibts of the Town — 10'". To hear the Circumsyances of the widdow Damavus Gearfield with her helpless Child Eepresented — and make such Provision for thier futer Support as shall appear to be Nesses sary & expedient — 11 To know the rainds of the Town whether they will Allow the Center District one third of part of the Eeading & Writing School or act any thing relative to the raatter Cap''. Isaac Jones chosen Moderator for S"-. Meeting 1''. Voted to grant the Sura of Eighty Pounds to pay the Eev". M' Sara". Kendal his Sallery for one year 2" Voted that Mes". Tho'. Eand Sam". Livermore and Matthew Hobbs be a Coraraittee to Provide fifteen Cords of fire wood for the Eev" m' Sam". Kendal for the year Ensewing 3" Voted to pass over the third Article for the Present TOWN RECORDS, 1785. 371 4 Voted to provid two Months Schooling in Different Parts of the Town as usal — 5 Voted to accept the Town Treasurers Accounts as Ex hibeted — 6 Voted to abate M". Abigail Woodward the Sum She is Assessed in M'. Sam" Livermores lists which is Eight Pounds five Shillings & eight Pence three farthings — [281.] 7'". Inm'JosiahC^^^'^S^^'^^^^^ £2 19 2 2 Biglow lists 1 J"^'^'^ J°^"^°" 1 7 0 - o Billings 0 16 8'" In M' Uriah Gregory list Joseph Breed 0 13 0 — 9. Voted to grant the Sura of One Hundred & Eighty Pounds to Defray the usal & Incidental Charges of Said Town — 10 Voted to grant the Sum of two Hundred and Eighty Pounds to enable the Treasurer to Pay the Eev" M'. Sam" Kendal the Sum of two Hundred anf fifty Pounds with the Interest — (Said Sum being Loaned to the Town by the Eev" M' Sam". Kendall) — 11'" Voted that M' Isreal Whittemore Cap' Estes How and Cap' Isaac Jones be a Committee to Procure a piece of ground to Build a Small House upon, near the Improveraents of the Widdow Daraarus Gearfield to Appropriated to her use (with her helpless Child) and to endeavour to raise as rauch raoney Metereals and Labour by Subscription as may be toward the Accoraplishment of the Sarae — 12 The last Article in the warrent which was to know the rainds ofthe Town whether they will Allow the Center District one third part of the Eeading and Writing School Passed in the Negative — the Meeting was then Adjourned to the third Day of Oct' Next Meet according to Adjournment 1"- Voted to accept of the Report of the Coraraittee relative to Procuring a piece of Ground to build a House for the widdow Daraarus Gearfield — which is as followeth viz — 2". Voted that the Dementions of the House that raay be 372 TOAVN RECORDS, 1786. built Shall be as followeth viz ; Seventeen feet in length — fourteen feet wide and 7 1/2 feet between floars — 3". Voted that Master Joseph Nichols ra' Josiah Steadman and Cap' Isaac Jones be a Coraraittee to let out the building of Said House to such Persons or Persons a will build the same for the Smallest Sura of money with Dispach & fidelety 4'" Voted to abate the whole of M' Abrara Jones, s Taxes that remain unCollected in Miss" Seaverns, Sanderson & Steadman, s lists upon Condition of giving and executing a Deed of a Certain Piece of Land to the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston — which Taxes are as followeth — viz — £ 8 B In M'. Josiah Seaverns lists the Sum of . . . . 5 10 8 In M' Jonas Sandersons lists the Sum of . . . . 16 15 6 In M' Josiah Stedamans lists the Sum of . . . . 7 16 0 Total ^630 2 2 5'". Voted that the following Taxes be abated viz — In m' Josiah Biglow,s lists Cap' John Whitehead,s Taxes — the Sum of £13 10 7f 6'" Voted that Cap' Jones Mes". Joseph Russell and Isaac Hobbs be a Cora'''^". to receive a Deed of M' Abr" Jones of a certain piece of Land for the Benefit of the Inhabitants of y" Town of Weston The Meeting was then Disolved — [283.] 1786. at a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of The Town of Wes ton being duely Quallified to vote in Town affairs and Assem bled at the Publick Meeting-House in Said Town on Fryday the 6'" Day of Jan'^. 1786 — 1". To know the rainds of the Town what Measures they will Pursue to Satisfy all the Pressing Deraands upon the Treasurer for Money — or act any thing that in wise relates to procuring raonies or Negotiating or Settleing the Just Debts of the Town — 2". to here the requests of Sundry Persons relative to the Abatement of Taxes and act thereon — TOWN RECORDS, 1786. 373 Cap'. Isaac Jones chosen Moderator 1''. Voted that the money that is Due to the Rev" M'. Sara". Kendal from the Town for the Monies Said Kendal Loaned to the Town and which is now Assessed be Iraraediately Collected — and that no Orders be Rece" for Said Assessraent but the Rev". M' Sam" Kendals — 2". Voted that Mess". Joseph Russell Uriah Gregory and and Tho'. Rand be a Coraraittee to enquire whether they can Bor row any money for the use of the Town and at what rate — or whether they can Negotiate or Settle any of the Deraands against the Town and to report at the adjournraent of this Meeting 3* voted that this meeting be Adjourned to the Sixteenth Day of Jan'^. next at one Clock p. m : Meet according to adjournment P' Voted that Execution Shall Iraraediately Issue against all the Collectors in this Town that Shall be Delinquent on the thirteenth Day of Feb'-^ next for all the Monies that is Due frora Each Respective Collector — (the last Assessraent only Excepted) [284.] 2* Voted that this Meeting be Adjourned to the thirteenth Day of Feb''^ next att one o, Clock pm : Met According to Adjournraent 1''. Voted to abate the following Taxes in Constable Gregory lists, viz — £ 8 B To m' James Bucknam 1 13 5 To m'. John Whitehead 0 10 5 To: Salem Midlesix 0 16 1 3". Voted M' Jonas Sanderson raay Draw out of the Treas — the Sura of three Pounds Eighteen Shillings & three pence Said Sura being due from Jon" : Shepard. and that Said Sanderson shall Defer to call upon S". Shepard for the Space of five raonths, after which Tirae Said Sanderson Shall be held to replace Said Sum of Money in the Treasury if it may be Collected — 374 TOWN RECORDS, 1786. also voted that ra'. Josiah Steadraan raay indulge m'. Jon". Sheapard for Six raonths relative to his Taxes — 4'" Voted that M'. Josiah Seaverns be Perraitted to draw out of the Treasurey the sura of one Pound Seven Shillings & Nine Pence — and be held to replace the sarae in the Treasury as soon as it may be Collected frora Nahum Jones he being Taxed s". sum in his lists and (as he Saith) Still remaining un collected — 5'". Voted that M'. Uriah Gregory be Permitted to Indulge ra' Solomon Jones and Benj". Peirce for the Space of three months on account of the Taxes due from each of thera Respec tively but yet held to Place the Same in the Treasury as soon as Said Taxes can be Collected after the Expiration of Said Terra of three raonths — 6'" Voted that Issuing execution against Mess". Steadraan and Gregory be Postponed to the annual Town Meeting in March — and that with respect to M'. Isaac Flagg Collector that the Selectmen may act Discretionally in the Matter — The Meeting was then Disolved [285.] At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants ofthe Town of Weston on Monday the Sixth Day of March one Thousand Seven Hundred & Eighty-Six at 11 o, Clock a : M : at the pub lick Meeting House in Said Town — then & there — 1''. To Choose Selectmen Collectors & Such other Town Officers for the Year ensuing as the Law Directs — 2*. To Stipulate the price of Collecting Taxes and agree with the Collectors — 3" To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts & act thereon 4'" To know the rainds of the Town whether thier Swine shall go at Large the Year ensewing — 5 To know the rainds of the Town whether they will repair thier high ways by a rate the year ensewing and if so grant Money therefor or act any thing relative to the Matter — 6 To hear & act upon a list prepared for the Jury Box 7'". To grant such a Sum of Money as Shall be thought Sufficient to Discharge all the Just Debts of the Town, or a part town records, 1786. 375 only if that should be thought most Expedient — or act any thing that in any wise relates thereunto — 8*" To hear all the requests that may be made relative to the abatement of Taxes and act thereon or act any thing that relates to the Matter — 9'". To hear the Town Criditors Accounts & act thereon 10'". To know the rainds of the Town whether they would have those persons held to pay the Taxes set to them respec tively in the Collectors lists for the Support of the Rev". M'. Sam". Kendall that were not held to pay Taxes to the Rev". M'. Sam" Woodward or act any thing that relates to Taxing the Baptist Denomination — [286.] 11 To know the minds of the Town whether or not the Center District shall have one third part of the Reading & writing School for the futer — Cap''. Isaac Jones Chosen Moderator of Said Meeting Cap''. Isaac- Jones M" Thad'. Spring Selectraen < M" Jonas Sanderson M". Nathan Hager Capt. Matthew Hobbs Dea"'. Isaac Hobbs Col°. Samuel Lamson Town Clerk Town Treasurer Constables and Collectors Assessors Wardens Surveyors of High ways & Collectors TythingmenHogreaves M"'^ Sam'-S Train jur & Nathan Fisk at Six pence p'. Pound for Collecting MEs"^ Joseph Nichols, Nathan Hobbs & Jn". Coburn Mess"'. Amos Biglow, Jon". Bullard & Eli Jones Cap'' Isaac Jones, Deac". Samuel Fisk Col°. Tho'. Marshal MES"^ Eli Jones & Nathan Hobbs MES"^ Uriah Gregory & Jon"" Warren Mes"'. Timothy Pike & Abr''. Harrington 376 TOWN RECORDS, 1786. Preserver of Deer Mes"'. Hez° Wyman & Nathan W'^arren Field Drivers Cap''. Joseph Savage & m". Jon'^. Warren Fence viewers MES"^ Joseph Eussell & Amos Biglow Sealers of ' Mes"*. Abr". Harrington & Jonas Sandee- Leather son Surveyors of ) jyfj,gK8 Daniel Stratton & Abr". Biglow Lumber ) to take care of ^ the Meeting V M". Ezra Fisk at thirty Shillings p'. Annum House ) 1 Voted to accept the Town Treasures Accounts as ex hibeted 2 Voted that the Swine go at Large untill the first Day of Sept', next being Duly Eegulated — [287.] 3". Voted to grant two Hundred Pounds to be worked out on the high ways at four Pence p' Hour for man or Team — 4 Voted to accept the list Prepared for the Jury Box — 5 Voted to grant the sum of four Hundred Pounds to be appropriated for the Discharge of the just Debts of the Town — 6'". Voted To Abate Madara Woodward, Taxes being about fifteen Shillings in M'. Josiah Biglow,s list — 7 Voted to abate Nero Wyart,s Taxes in M' Samuel Liver mores list, being two Pounds fifteen Shillings & three pence two farthings £2 15 3 2/4 8'" Voted that M'. Josiah Biglow draw the Sum of two Pounds fifteen Shillings & eight pence out of the Treasury and replace the Sarae as Soon as that Sura can be Collected from Jed". Berais £2 15 8 9'" Voted that M'. Josiah Biglow Draw out ofthe Treasury on account of Joseph Harringtons Taxes the Sum of Two Pounds fourteen Shillings to be replaced again as Soon as they Can be recovered . . . . . . . £2 14 0 10'" Voted that thier be abated in M'. Jonas Pierces lists the Sum of fifteen Shillings & Eleven Pence Set to one Plomas 15/7 town records, 1786. 377 11'". Voted to allow to the Severall Persons hereafter naraed the Sum affixed to thier Names Respectively — Viz To m' Samuel Liverraore for Warning Eight Town Meetings thirty-two Shillings for Sallery for Serving Constable twelve Shillings, for Conveying the widdow Gibbs To Walthara Six Shillings Total £2 10 0 12 also to M' Daniel Stratton for Warning four Town Meetings Sixteen Shillings — for Serving Constable twelve Shillings Total £18 0 [288.] 13 To C<.1°. Samuel [Larason] for his Service as Treasurer the past Year the Sum of Six Pounds £6 0 0 14 To M'. John Coburn for Eleven Days Service in taking Invoice and m.aking five Taxes the Sum of two Pounds four Shillings £2 4 0 15 To M' Nathan Hobbs for Eleven Days Service in Tak ing Invoice and making five Taxes . . . £2 4 0 16 To Cap' Isaac Jones for Takeing Invoice and making Taxes Eight Days in the Year past . . . £1 12 0 17 To M' Isaac Flagg the Sura of three Pounds fourteen Shillings & Six pence 18 Voted that Mes". Isaac Hobbs Joseph Russell and Samuel Fisk be a Committee to make enquirey into and here the Reasons th"at may be offered for each Person being excused that may claira a right therefor and report to the Town at thier Annual Meeting in Ap' Next 19 on the Eleventh Article in the warrent which was to know the minds of the Town whether or not the Center District .shall have one third part ofthe reading & writing School, being put to Vote it passed in the Negative — 20 the Meeting was then Adjourned to the Annual Meeting in April Immediately after the Business of Said Meeting is ended — Meet according to Adjournraent — When the Committee appointed to hear the reasons that might be offered frora the Baptist Society relative to thier paying Taxes Reported as followeth 378 TOWN RECORDS, 1786. [289.] To THE Inhabitants of the Town of Weston — Gentlemen — Your Coraraittee Chosen the Sixth of March last to wait upon those who call them Selves of the Baptist Society to hear the reason they have to off"er why they Should be released frora paying taxes To the Rev" M' Sam". Kendall for his Service in the Gospel Ministry, have Attended that Service and beg leave to report as followeth viz : that it is our Unaniraous Opinion that those whose names were Sent in to the Selectraen and Assessors of Weston afore Said upon a Schedule Date Feb'^. 13'" 1786 Signed by Oliver Hastings Sarauel Train. ju' and Thad' Spring Coraraittee for Said Society Should be- released frora paying Taxes as afore Said for the reasons they gave us — except Mess". Joseph Roberts, Sarauel Seaverns ju' and Increase Leadbetter — whose Reasons in our Humble Opin ion are not Sufficient to exempt them frora Paying thier Propor tion of the Reverend M'. Sarauel Kendalls Settleraent and first years Sallery at least — Yours &c Isaac Hobbs ~\ Sam"'' Fisk > Committee- Weston April 3" 1786 Joseph Russell ) The above report was approved and accepted by the Town whereupon the Meeting was Disolved — at a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston at the Publick Meeting House in Said Town on Monday the 3" day April 1786 at 2 of the Clock p : m : then and there — 1 To bring in thier votes for a Governor of this Common wealth — 2 To bring in thier Votes for a Lieu'. Governor — 3 To bring in thier votes for five Senators according to the Constitution of this Coraraonwealth — r Oliver Prescott Esq" . had thirty three ^ „ < James Bowdoin Esq". Twenty > Votes Ciovernor / -r, ,, -ur -r, m, \ (. Dea". William Brown Three >. town records, 1786. 379 For Lieu'. Governor [290.] Senators and Coun sellors Gen'' : Benj''. Lincoln had THO^ Cushing Esq" Dea" W". Brown Oliver Prescott twenty-fourfifteen Eight Votes five Eben". Bridge Esq", had fifty three Joseph Hosmer Esq", had thirty Nine Eleazer Brooks Esq". thirty-three Abr". Fuller Esq". thirty-two James Prescott Esq". thirty-three Joseph B Vernum Esr". Twenty-six Joseph Curtis Esq". Eighteen John Brooks Esq". Fourteen Dea^ William Brown five Isaac Jones Esq". five Samuel P Savage Esq". one . Willis Hall Esq". one Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston on Monday the Eighth Day of May 1786 at Two 0, Clock p. m. Dea". Sara". Fisk was elected & Deputed to represent this Town of Weston in the General Court of the Commonwealth next ensewing at a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on Wednesday the Twenty first Day of June 1786 at two o, Clock p M To know the minds of the Town what Measures the will take to raise Money to pay the present Demands upon the Town or act any thing relative to the Matter — Cap''. Isaac Jones Morderator of Said Meeting There being but a very thin Meeting Matters were Talked over relative fo the Bussiness of the Meeting but no votes Passed At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on Monday the eighth day of raay 1786 at the Publick Meeting-House in Said Town at 4 O, clock p : m : then & there 380 TOAVN RECORDS, 1786. 1 Cap''. Isaac Jones chosen Moderator of Said Meeting 1'' To know the minds of the Town whether they will appoint a Committee to draw up Instructions for thier Eep resentative [291.] 2 To know the minds of the Town whether they will Join with other Town in this County by a Committee for the Purpose of Consulting with the Comraittees of such Towns as raay be Convened for the Purpose of Building or Providing a work-house or act any thing that relates thereunto — 3 To know the rainds of the Town whether they will Choose a Coraraittee to assist the Managers of WaterTown Bridge Lot tery in the Sale of thier Ticketts yet remaining unsold or act any thing relative to the Matter — 4'" To hear the request of Sundrie Persons relative to the abatement of Sundrie Taxes and act thereon — Cap''. Isaac Jones Chosen Moderator of Said Meeting 1". Voted that Col". Marshall Cap'. Jones Mess". Sarauel Liverraore Joseph Russell & Joseph Roberts be a Committee to Draw up Instructions for the Representative of this Town the ensewing Year and exhibet the sarae to the Town at the Adjournment of this Meeting for Acceptance on non Acceptance 2 Voted that Cap'. Jones be a Coraraittee, to Join with the Coraraittees of such Towns as raay be Conveened for the Pur pose of Consulting upon the Propriety of Building or Provid ing a work-House within this County — 3". Voted that Mess". Thad'. Spring Joseph Russell Samuel Liverraore Cap'. Estes How & Cap'. Jon". Fisk be a Committee to join with the Managers of Watertown relative to the Lottery for widening the great Bridge and to raake every Nessessary enquiery relative to Said Lottery and report thier Oppinion what is best to be done by the Town at the Adjournment of this Meeting 4'". Voted that M' Nathan Hobbs be a Committee to enquier whether or not M' Enos Wheelar is an Inhabitant of this Town & Inform the Town at thc Adjournraent of this Meeting — 5 Voted that the Collecting m". Bonds Taxes be Postponed for the Present TOWN RECORDS, 1786. 381 6 voted to abate Daniel Twitchel,s Taxes in Constable Flaggs lists the Sura of Eight Shillings & Ten Pence — 7'" Voted Eelative to M" Mary Pierces Taxes — that if She pay Six Pounds in money and will give Security for the re mainder of her Taxes in m' Biglows lists at the Adjournraent of this Meeting the Town will Indulge her Six Months longer to pay the Eeraainder of her Taxes — [292. J Voted that so long as Mess". Simeon Smith and Benj". Pierce pay M'. Gregory Twenty Shillings p'. month m'. Gregory is Directed not to Destirain upon either of thera — The Meeting was then Adjourned to raonday the 29'" Day of this Instant raay at 4 o, Clock p m : — Meet according to Ad journraent The Coraraittee to Prpare Instructions for the Eepresentaive of this Town Then exhibeted a Draught ofthe sarae. which being read and taken up Article by article and Sorae Araendraents Directed to be raade in the first and eighth Article it was Ac cepted and Coraraitted to Mess". Isaac Hobbs & Joseph Eussell to make such Ammendments and Present said Instructions to Deacon Sarauel Fisk the Eepresentative of this Town — The Coraraittee relative to Water Town Bridge Lottery In formed the Town that they were not ready to report thier Oppion relative to the Matter — M'. Nathan Hobbs Inforraed the Town that he had raade proper enquiery and could not find that m'. Enos Wheelar was an Inhabitant of this Town The Meeting was then Disolved at a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston at the Publick Meeting-House in Said Town on Monday the 21". of Aug'. 1786 at 2 0,Clock p. m then & there — 1 : ". to grant the Sum of Ninty Pounds to pay the Eev" M' Sam". Kendall his Sallery for one year Imeadiately Succeeding the 5'" Day of Nov'- next 2". To Provide Twenty Coards of fire wood for the Eev" : M' Sam" Kendall for the year ensewing Agreeably to what was Stipulated with him — 382 TOWN RECORDS, 1786. 3". To know the rainds of the Town whether they will Pro vide two raonths Schooling in the Different parts of Town Usal or act any thing relative to the raatter — 4 To grant Such a Sura of Money as Shall Appear to be Nessessary for the Support of Schooling and Defray the usal and Incedental charges of the Town — 5 To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts and act thereon 6 To hear the Town Creditors Accounts and act thereon 7 To hear the requests of all Persons that have reasons to Offer why thier Taxes should be abated and act thereon — 8 To hear a Letter frora the Several Towns hereafter Named viz Groten Pepperell Shirley Townsend and Ashby relative to Publick Grievances and Irabarrasraents and act thereon — 9 To hear the report of thier Committee relative to Water- town [293.] Bridge Lottery and act thereon or act any thing Eelative to Said Lottery — Cap''. Isaac Jones Moderator 1". Voted to grant the Sum of Ninty Pounds to pay the Eev" M' : Samuel Kendall his Sallery for one Year begining Nov'. 5'". 1786 — 2". Voted Twenty Cords of fire-wood for the Eev". m' Samuel Kendall for the sarae Year — 3". Voted that Mess". Samuel Fisk Nathan Hager & Cap'. Jon". Fisk be a Committee to Provide the Sarae — 4'". that shall be two raonths Schooling in Different parts of the Town as usal — 5 Voted to grant the Sum of One Hundred and fifty Pounds to Defray the usal and incidental charges of Said Town — 6'" Voted to allow the Town Treasurers accounts as Ex hibited — 7". Voted to allow the Town Creditors accounts as followeth Viz To m'. Joseph Eoberts for his Service as an Assessor in the Year 1784 the Sum of one pound Ten Shillings To Deacon Samuel Fisk for Seven Days Attendence att a Convention held at Concord in the Year 1779 at Six Shilhngs P'. day the sum of Two Pounds Two Shillings .£220 To M'. Tho'. Eand for his service in attending the same Con- TOWN RECORDS, 1786. 383 vention Seven Days at Six Shillings P'. Day Two Pounds two Shillings 8'". Voted to abate the Taxes of Nath". Parkhurst in ra'. Josiah Steadman, s list the Sum of Eight Shillings — 9 Voted that ra'. Josiah Steadman draw out of the Trea,s- urey the Sum of Seven Shillings on account of Ceasar Biglow, s Taxes to be replaced as soon as it can be Collected — 10'". Voted that Cap'. Jones M'. Thad'. Spring & M' Tho'. Eand be a Committee to Treat with the Coraraittee of Water- town or any Person or Persons that Shall raake Proposals rela tive to watertown Bridge Lottery and report to the Town at the Adjournraent of this Meeting — The Meeting was then Adjourned to the 2". Day of Oct'. next at 3 0,Clock p M: [294.] 1786 Meet according to Ad journment — 1'. Voted that M'. Josiah Seaverns draw out of the Treas urey the sura of on Account of Ceasar Biglow, s Taxes to be replaced as soon as they can be Collected — 2 Voted that if m' Benj". Pierce shall, & doth give his Security for the Sura of Sett to the widow Mary Pierce in ra' Uriah Gregory lists the Treasurer is here by Directed to Discharge the Said Uriah the Sarae Sum and the Said Uriah to Discharge the Said Maiy Pierce — 3 Voted that Managers of Watertown-Bridge Lottery be and they hereby are Directed Iraraediately to Inquire into the State of Said Lottery and be able at the Adjournment of this Meeting to exhibet to the Town a Perticular account Relative thereto — 4 Voted that the Coraraittee Chosen the 21''. of aug'. Rela tive to Said Lottery be Continued and that they exhibet to Said Town at the Adjournraent of this Meeting every thing that they shall be able to Inform themselves of relative thereto Previous to Said raeeting — 5. Voted that the Coraraittee chosen the 21" of aug'. to join the Convention at Concord the 23" of aug'. be Disraissed and they are Dismissed Accordingly 6. Voted that this meeting be Adjourned to the Last raonday in Oct' Instant at three o, clock p m — 384 TOWN RECORDS, 1787. Meet according to Adjournraent 1 Relative to the Coraraittee of Water town Bridge Lottery, they being not Prepared to give a Perticular Account of the State of Said Lottery as was Directed — Voted that they ex hibet Such an Account at the Adjournment of this meeting — 2". Voted that the Town Treasurer be Directed to Eecept m'. Sarauel Liverraore the Sum of all the Taxes Sett to Simeon Smith that remain uncollected in Said Livermore lists — and he the Said Liverraore to be Accountable for the Sarae as Soon as they raay be Collected — 3" Voted that Simeon Sraith be Liberated frora Goal he giving his Note of hand to Col°. Sara". Larason Town Treasurer for the Sura of the Taxes for which he Stands Committed Said Smith Paying all Charges of Comraittraent — 4 Voted that M'. Nathan Hagar be a Coraraittee to Liberate m' Simeon Sraith frora Goal upon the above Conditions — 5 Voted that this Meeting be Adjourned to the last raonday in Nov' next — Meet according to adjournraent and adjourned the raeeting to the annual Town Meeting in March next a 4 o, Clock p M [295. J 1787 at a Legal Town raeeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Jan'y : 3" 1787 at the Publick meeting House in Said Town at 8 o, Clock p. m then and there — To hear the Eeport of thier Committee Eelative to Water- town Bridge Lottery and act thereon or act any thing that any wise relates to Said Lottery — 1" Voted to Accept the report of thier Committee relative to Watertown Bridge Lottery which is as followeth — Viz 2" Voted that Mess". Isaac Hobbs Sam". Liverraore John Coburn Isreal Whiteraore & Sarauel Train ju' be added to the above Committee 3" Voted that the above Committee have full Power in Con- TOWN RECORDS, 1787. 385 cert with the Comraittees of Watertown & Waltham or either of them togeather with the Managers of Said Lottery to Derter- min whether or not it is advisable to go forward with Said Lottery or to call in the Ticketts that are already sold, and finally give up the Proposed Benefitt of Said Lottery — 5 Voted that the meeting be adjourned to next raonday corae Seven Night at 2 o, Clock p m — N B. the Inhabitants Did not meet — At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town Wes ton on the 17'". of Jan'^'. 1787 at the Publick meeting-House in Said Town on at one of the Clock in the after-noon then & there To know the minds of the Town what incourageraent they will give that part of the Militia that are Ordered to March to Worcester in Defence of our Invaluable Eight and Priveledges and for the Protection of the Court of Coramon Pleas there Soon to be holden or act any thing that relates thereto — Cap'^. Isaac Jones chosen Moderator 1". It was put to vote to know the rainds of the Town whether they would Direct that that Two Dollars be paid out of the Treasury as a Bounty to each man that should Volantarily Inlist in the Service Directed by Government — and it passed in the Negative — [296.] 2 it was Put to know the minds of the Town whether they would allow two Dollars advance pay to each man that should Inlist and it Passed in the Negative — 3 It was put to Vote to know the minds of the Town whether they would make any Provision for the encouragement of the Voluntary Inlistraent of the raen Ordered out for the Support of Governraent and it Passed in the Negative — The Meeting was then Disolved Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on the fifth Day of raarch 1787 at the Publick raeeting House in Said Town then and there — 1' To Choose Selectraen, Collectors and such other Town officers as the Law Directs — 386 TOWN RECORDS, 1787. 2". To Stipulate and agree with the Collectors the Price of Collecting Taxes 3 To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts and act thereon — 4 To know the rainds of the Town whether thier Swin Shall go at Large the Year ensewing — 5 To know the rainds ofthe Town whether they will repair thier high ways by a rate the Year ensewing and if so to grant money therefor or act any thing relative to the matter — 6 To hear and act upon a list prepared for the Jury Box — 7 To grant such a Sum of money as shall be Thought Nes sessary and expedient to be appropriated for the Just Debts of the Town or act any thing that relates thereto — 8 To hear all the requests that may be raade relative to the abateraent of Taxes and act thereon or act any thing that relates thereto — 9 To hear the request of Edw". Brindley and others relative to Vote passed by this Town for the Inderanification of the raanegers of this Town for Carring on the Lottery for widening Watertown Bridge and act thereon or act any thing relative to the Matter — 10 To hear the request of Sarauel Liverraore relative to making him an Allowance for raonies Advanced for the use of the Town and act thereon — [297.] Cap''. Isaac Jones Choosen Moderator for said Meeting 1". f Cap'. Isaac Jones MES8''"^ THAD^ Spring Selectraen <^ Jonas Sanderson I Nathan Hagar L Matthew Hobbs Town Clerk Isaac Hobbs — Sworn Town Treasurer Col". Samuel Lamson sworn m". John Coburn Chosen and m" Sam'''' Train ju". accepted in bis Constables & Collect ors < roora m". Hezekiah Wyman and m". Nathan Fisk accepted in his room TOWN RECORDS, 1787. 387 Assessors ¦VVardens Surveyors of High ways & Collectors Tythingmen Hogreaves Preserver of Deer Field Diivers Fence Viewers Leather Sealers Surveyors of Lumber Surveyor of Hemp To take Care of the raeeting House MES"^ Nathan Hobbs, John Coburn & Thad' Spring Mes"^. Increas Leadbetter, Abr". Hews & William Hobbs Mes''^ Amos Harrington, John Big- low, Jonas Sanderson Alpheus Biglow and Cap''. Jon"". Fisk Mes"^. Isaac Stratton, Samuel Train and Jonas Sanderson Mes*^. Hez". Wyman and Ebenezer Brackett Nathan Warren and Joseph Eussell Mes"^. Nathan Fisk and Eben". Hobbs Mes"^. Phinehas Upham and Fortu- NATUS Nichols Mes"^. Nathan Hager and Jonas Sanderson Mes''^ Benj". Eand and Daniel Stratton Cap''. Isaac Jones M". Ezra Fisk a thirty Shillings p'. annum 2 Voted to accept the Town Treasures Account as ex hibeted — 3" Voted that the Swine may go at Large being well regu lated until the first Day of September Next — 4 Voted to grant the Sum of one Hundred Pounds to repair the Highways and that the Said Sum be worked out at 4". p'. Hour for man or Team — [298. J 5 Voted to accept the List Prepared for the Jury Box — 6 Voted to abate M'. Bogles Taxes for y^ year 1784 in m' Isaac Flaggs lists Provided that his Son Pay the Taxes for the year 1785 — 388 TOWN RECORDS, 1787. 7 Voted that this meeting be Adjourned to the Second Day of Apr'. Next a 4 0,Clock Meet according to Adjournment 1". M' Sam". Train and M'. Nathan Fisk Appearing to take the Collection of Taxes for the ensewing year at 4". P'. Pound were Accepted by the Town they to give Bonds for the faithfull Discharge of the trust reposed in thera — 2". On the Petition of M". Abigail Woodward Setting forth her Inability to pay the Taxes that have been laid upon her Since Sep' 1785 and Praying for an abateraent of the whole of them and requesting that the Assessors may be Directed to excuse her from any in futer until the Circumstances of her Family are such as will enable her to Discharge thera — The Petition having had Several readings it was Put to vote to know the minds ofthe Town whether they would grant the Prayer of the Petition as it had been read and it Passed in the Affir mative — 3 Voted to Abate the Taxes of Jesse Sawin in M' Isaac Flaggs list the Sum of one Pound Eleven Shillings and four Pence ... ... . . £1 11 4 The 7'". 9'". & 10'". Articles were not acted upon — The Meeting was then Disolved at a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton in the Publick Meeting House in Said Town on Monday the Second Day of April 1787 then & there — 1 To bring in their Votes for Governor of this Common wealth — 2" To bring in thier Votes for Lieu' Governor — 3" To bring in thier votes for five Counselors and Senators Governor i «^' Exelency James Bowdoin 43 ) ^^^^^ C THE Hon"''" : John Hancock 74 5 [299. J r Lieu'. Governor < Hon"''". Tho'. Cushing Esq" 55 Benj\ Lincoln Esq". 51 Hon"'-". Sam""-. Adams Esq". 1 [ Doct". Marshal Spring 1 j Votes town records, 1787. 389 Counselors and Senators Eben". Bridge Esq". 46 Joseph B. Varnum Esq". 104 Eleazer Brooks Esq". 35 Abraham Fullar Esq". 31 Joseph Hosmer Esq". 21 James Prescot Esq". 30 Isaac Starns Esq". 60 Ezra Sergant Esq". 51 Walter MoFarling Esq". 60 Doct" Marshal Spking 73 Joseph Curtis Esq". 10 Gen''. John Brooks 2 M" Tho^ Fairweather 6 M" Abner Sanderson 1 M" Joseph Egberts 3 > Votes The Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Legally QuaUified to Vote in the Choice of a representative being Duly warned and Asserabled at the Publick Meeting House in Said Town on Monday the 7'" Day of raay 1787 Did then & there Elect & Depute Cap'' Isaac Jones to represent them in the General Court of this Comraonwealth the year ensewing — Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes- ton on the fifteenth Day of Oct'. 1787 at the Publick Meeting House in Said Town then and there — 1". To grant the Sura of Ninty Pounds to Pay the Eev". M' Sam". Kendal his Sallery for one year Iramediatly Suc ceeding the 5'". Day of Nov' next — 2 To Provide 20 Cords of wood for the Eev" M'. Sam". Kendal for the ensewing year agreeable to w'. was Stipulated with him — [300.] 3 To know the rainds of the Town whether they will Provide two months Schooling in the Different Parts of Town as Usal or act any thing relative to the raatter — 4 to know the rainds of the Town whether they will Pro vide a woraans School two raonths in each of Different School Houses in the Town if they Should think it Expedient — 390 TOWN RECORDS, 1787. 5 To grant Such a Sura of raoney as Shall appear to be Nessessary for the Support of Schooling and to Defray the Usal and Incindental Charges of Said Town — 6 To Hear the Town Treasurers Accounts and act thereon 7'" To hear the Town Creditors Accounts and act thereon 8'" To hear the request of all Persons that have reasons to Offer why thier Taxes should be abated and act thereon, or act any thing that relates to the abateraent of Taxes — Cap''. Isaac Jones Chosen Moderator of Said Meeting 1 Voted to grant the Sura of Ninty Pounds to pay the Eev" ra'. Sara'. Kendals Sallery for the year ensewing — 2 Voted to grant the Eev". M' Sam". Kendal Twenty Cords of wood for the ensewing Year and that Deacon Samuel Fisk M' Joel Smith and m'. Jonas Sanderson be a Committee to Provide the Same — 3 Voted that Two months Schooling be Provided in Differ ent parts of the Town as Usal — 4'". Voted to Provide a woraans School two raonths in each of the Different School-Houses in the Town — 5 Voted to grant the Sura of Two Hundred Pounds to Defray the Expence of Schooling and other usal and Incedental Charges of Said Town — 6'". Voted to accept the Town Treasurers Accounts as Ex hibeted 7. Voted to allow the following Accounts — £ 8 B viz To M'. Nathan Fisk for warning Eight Town Meetings in 1786 at 4/ each and Sallery for Serving Constable 12/ Total /.240 To M' Sam" Train for the Same Services the sum of . . 2 4 0 [301 . ] 8'". Voted to Allow M'. Joseph Nichols for his attend ing a Convention at Eoxbury 12/ for his Services as an Asses sor the Sura of Two Pounds fourteen Shillings — Total £3 8 0 To M' John Coburn for his Services as an Assessor . . 2 13 0 To M'. Jonas Sanderson Cost of an Execution ... 2 6 0 To M'. Thad». Spring as a Committe relative to the Lottery 0 18 0 TOWN RECORDS, 1788. 391 The Meeting was then Adjourned to the 28'" Day of this Instant Oct', a 2 O'Clock in the afternoon — Meet according to Adjournment 1". Voted to abate John Aliens Taxes in in'. Steadraan lists 2 Voted to abate the Taxes of Tho'. Pierce in m'. Stead mans List 3 Voted to abate the Taxes of the Widow Bond in M'. Livermore and m'. Fisks LLsts — 4 Voted to allow ra'. Daniel Stratton for Conveying Eebecca Baker from weston to Brookline the Sura of twelve Shillino-s 5 Voted to allow m' John Coburn as a Coraraittee relativ to the Lottery the Sura of Twelve Shillings — 6 Voted to allow Dea". Isaac Hobbs the Sura of fifteen Shillings for the Same Service — The Meeting was then Disolved Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on monday the Tenth Day of Dece'. 1787 Cap''. Abr". Biglow was Elected to Eepresent the Inhabitants of this Town in a Convention to be held at the State House in Boston on the Second Wednesday of Jan''', next to Take under thier Consider ation for thier assent and Eatification the Constitution or frame of Government for the United States of America as Eeported by the Convention of Delegates held at Philedelphia on the first raonday of raay 1787 [302.] 1787. [1788.] Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes- ton on the third day of March 1788 at the Publick raeeting House in Said Town then & there 1" : To Choose Selectraen Collectors & such other Town Officers as the Law Directs — 2". To Stipulate & agree with the Collectors the price of Collecting Taxes 3". To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts and act thereon 4'". To hear the Town Creditors Accounts and act thereon 392 TOWN RECORDS, 1788. 5 To know the minds of the Town whether thier Swine shall go at Large the year ensewing — 6'". To know the minds of the Town whether they will repair thier highway by a rate the Year ensewing and if so to grant money therefor or act any thing relative thereto — 7'". To hear and act upon a List Prepared for the Jury Box 8'". To grant Such a Sura of money as Shall be thought Nessessary and expedient to be Appropriated for the Sole Pur pose of Discharging the Just Debts of the Town — and also to Adopt Such Measures as shall appear to be most likely that the money so appropriated shall actualy be Collected and applied to the Purpose above mentioned and no Other or Act any thing relative to the Matter — 9 To hear all the requests that raay be made relative to the Abateraent of Taxes and act thereon or Act any thing relative thereto — 10 To know the rainds of the Town whether or not they will Discontinue the Town way leading frora the great Country road Northerly through Lands forraerly owned by M' Benj". Pierce late of Weston Deceased it being the request of the Rev". M'. Sam". Kendall and m'. Abr". Harrington — Cap''. Isaac Jones Choosen Moderator [303. J f Cap''. Isaac Jones Mess"', f Thad'. Spring Selectraen i ! Jonas Sanderson y j Nathan Hager j L Matthew Hobbs j Town Clerk Isaac Hobbs Town Treasurer M". Joseph Eussell Constables C Samuel Pratt and Collectors c Nathan Fisk (in Lieu of John Warren) Said Collectors to have four Pence p'. pound for Collecting Wardens Mes"'. Jer". Goodhew, Eben" Brackett and Eben" Hobbs Surveyors of .- Hio-hwav & < Mes"'. Amos Biglow Joseph Gowen Daniel Collectors ? Bemis, Nathan Warren & Sam''''. Pratt. town records, 1788. 393 Tythingmen — MES"^ Nathan Hagar & Hezekiah Wyman — Hogreaves — Jonas Pierce ju" & Elisha Statton — Preserver of Dear. Uriah Gregory and Nathan Hager — Field Drivers — Daniel Stratton & Abner Eussell — Fence Viewers — Daniel Stratton & Nath'-'-. Allen — Leather Sealers. Nathan Hager & Abr". Harrington — Surveyors of Luraber. Tho'. Eand. & Amos Biglow — Surveyors of Herap — Cap''. Matthew Hobbs — < Ezra Fisk at thirty Shillings p' Annura the meeting House C 1". Voted to accept the Town Treasurers Account as Ex hibeted — 2 Voted to Allow the following Accounts viz — £ 8 B To m' Tho'= Kand as a Comittee relative to the Lottery . 110- To m' Samuel Train ju'. for warning five Town meetings y 20/ for Sallery for one year 12/ as Commtee relative to >- 1 18 0 Lottery. 6/ ) To Col". Lamson as Treasurer for two Years . . . 6 0 0 [304.] To iSTathan Fisk for warning flve Town Meet- ? i io O' ings 20/ as Sallery for Serving Constable 12/ . . ) To M' Nathan Hobbs his Ace', in full for making Taxes) 4 fi n- in the year 1786 — and 1787 i To m' Josiah Biglow the cost of an Execution . . . 2 8 0 To M' John Coburn as an Assessor for the year 1787 . . 1 10 0 To M'. Isreal Whittemore as a Committee relative to the Lottery 0 15 0- 3". Voted that the Swine may go at large being well regu lated untill the first Day of Sep'. Next — 4 Voted to grant the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds which Sura is hereby appropriated to the sole Purpose of Paying two Debts the Town Owes in Boston — and that Cap*. Estes How be a Collector to Collect the above Sura in Specie — and that no Orders be Eece" — Said Collector to be Accountable To the Town Treasurer — and to have Six Pence P'. lb for his Service — and to give Bonds for the faithfull Discharge of the Trust reposed in hira — 394 town records, 1788. 5'" Voted to grant the Sura of One Hundred Pounds to repair the highways the ensewing Year and that the Same be worked out at 4". P'. hour for man or Teara — 6'" Voted to abate the Taxes of Thad'. Child in ra'. Sam". Livermores lists for 1784 & 1785 — the Sura of £1—16— 4 1/2 and also Said Childs Taxes in M' Nathan Fisks lists the Sum of 1—16—3 — 7 Voted to Discontinue the Town Eoad Leading frora the great Country road Northerly through Lands forraerly Owned by ra' Benj". Pierce late of Weston Deceased — it being the re quest of the Eev" m' Sara". Kendall and ra' Abr'". Harrington - The Meeting was then Disolved Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of W"es- ton on Monday the Seventh Day of April 1788 at the Publick Meeting-House in Said Town — to bring in thier Votes for Governor Lieu'. Governour and five Senators Agreeably to the Constitution of this Coraraon-wealth — the Votes were as follow eth Viz — For Lieu' Governour [305. J For Governour had Eighty Votes HoN^'-". Samuel Adams Gen"-. Benj*. Lincoln Hon"''". Elbridge Geary CoL°. B. Varnum Esq". Gen''. Eben" Bridge Hon"''" : Joseph Hosmer Hon Isaac Starns Colo W". Thompson CoL° Walter M^FarCing M" Sam'-'' Eeed Joseph Curtis Esq". Eleazer Brooks Esq". Doct". Marshall Spring James Winthrop Esq''. Hon""-" : Elbridge Geary His Exelency John Hancock Esq". Senators and Counsellors had Sixty-three fifty-six fifty three fifty Eight thirty three thirty five Twenty-eight twenty four fifty four thirty-five five five TOWN RECORDS, 1788. 395 The Inhabitants of the Tovvn of Weston Quallified Agreea bly to the Constitution of this Coraraon-wealth being Legally Assembled att the Publick Meeting-House in Said Town on thursday the 15'" Day of may 1788 did then & there elect and Depute Cap''. Isaac Jones to Represent thera in the general Court the ensewing Year — The Inhabitants of the Town of Weston duly Quallified to Vote in Town affairs being Legally Assembled at the Publick Meeting house in S". Town on thursday the 15'". Day of May 1788 a four o,Clock p : m : Then & there — 1" To Choose a Moderator of Said Meeting — 2". To hear all the requests that may be made relative to the abatement of Taxes — and act thereon — or act any thing rela tive to the Matter — 3". To know the minds of the Town whether they will Choose a Committee to Join with a Coraraittee of the Town of Waltham to Petition the General Court to be Exerapted frora any further [306.] Charge towards Supporting or repairing the great Bridge in Watertown for Such reasons as they Shall be Able to exhibit — or act any thing that in any wise relates to the raatter — 4 To know the rainds of the Town whether they will Choose a Coraraittee to agree with Isreal Jones Esq'. Administrator to the Estate of Elisha Jones Esq', late of Weston Deceased, relative to a Demand made by the Said Isreal Jones — for the rent of Pew now Occupied by the Rev". M'. Sara" Kendall or act any thing relative to the Matter — 5 To know the rainds of the Town whether they will Choose a Coraraittee to Purchase a Piece of Land for a Buring Yard and take a Deed of the Sarae in behalf of the Town or act any thing relative thereto — 1 Voted that Cap''. Isaac Jones be Moderator of Said Meeting — 2 Voted to abate the Pole Tax of m' Abr". Jones that was Sett to him for his f)wn Pole in the lists Committed to m'. Isaac Flagg to Collect — 3 Voted that m' Isaac Flagg be Directed not to Destrain upon ra' Jon"- Sheapard at Present for the Taxes he hath against hira --- 396 TOWN RECORDS, 1788. 4 Voted to abate the Taxes of Nathan Starns in ^ „ „ ra' Josiah Seaverns list the Sum of . . . ) 5 Voted to abate the Taxes of Talmon How in > , - „ m' Josiah Seaverns list the sum of . . . ) 6 Voted that M' Isaac Flagg be Directed not to Destrain upon m'. James Stimson so long as he pays Six Shillings P'. month — 7'". Voted that M' Sara" Liverraore Collector be Directed to Indulge M' Benj". Pierce relative to his Taxes untill next fall as he the S". Benj". Promises to Pay a Considerable part of Said Taxes at that Tirae 8'" Voted that ra' Thad' Spring m' Joseph Russell and Deacon Samuel Fisk be a Committee to Confer with a Com mittee of the Town of Walthara relative to the Support of the great Bridge in Watertown and to Join with thera in Petition ing the General Court to be exerapted frora any further Charge towards Supporting or repairing Said Bridge — if the Com mittees when joined Shall think it expedient — 9 Voted that the Selectmen be a Committee to Conduct the matter relative to the Pew Claimed by Isreal Jones Esq'. 10 Voted that Deacon Isaac Hobbs m' Sara" Livermore ra'. Joseph Nichols M' Isreal Whittemore and Deacon Sam" Fisk be a Committee to look out one or more Places Proper for Buring Ground in this Town and See how they be Purchased and report the next Town Meeting — [307.] The Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Duly Qualli fied to Vote in Town Affairs being Legally Asserabled at the Publick Meeting-House in Said Town on Monday the eighth day of Sep'. 1788 at one o, clock p. m : then and there — 1'. To Choose a Moderator of Said meeting — 2" To grant the Sura of Ninty Pounds to Pay the Rev". M' Sarauel Kendall his Sallery for one Year next Suceeding the fifth day of Noveraber 1788 — 3". To Provide 20 Cords of fire wood for the Rev" M' Sam". Kendal for the Year ensewing agreeably to what was Stipulated with hira — 4 To know the minds of the Town whether they provide TOWN RECORDS, 1788. 397 two months Schooling in the Different Parts of the Town as Usal or act any thing relative to the Matter — 5 To know the minds of the Town whether they will pro vide a Woraans School two or more Months in each of the Different School-Houses in Town or act any thing that relates thereto — 6'". To grant such a sum of money as Shall appear to be Nessessary and Expedient for the Support of Schooling and other LTisal and Incedental Charges of the Town — 7 To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts and act thereon 8 To hear the Town Creditors Accounts and act thereon 9 To hear all reasonable requests for the Abatement of Taxes and act thereon — or act any thing relative thereto 1" Cap''. Isaac Jones Chosen Moderator of Said Meeting 2 Voted lo grant the sura of Ninty Pounds to pay the Rev" M'. Samuel Kendal his Sallery for the ensewing Year 3" Voted that Mes" : Jon" Fisk Matthew Hobbs and Jonas Harrington be a Coraraittee to provide twenty Cords of wood for the Rev" M' Sara". Kendal 4'". Voted to Provide two months Schooling in the Different parts of the Town as Usal — 5 Voted that Nathan Fisk Collector draw out ofthe Treasury the Sum of one Pound Six Shillings and nine Pence on Ace', of the Delinquency of Cap'. Nathan Smiths in paying his Taxes — Said Nathan Fisk to be accountable therefor when ever it shall be in his Power to Collect the sarae [308.] 6 Voted that m' Sarauel Livermore Draw out of the Treasury the Sum that is due upon his lists against the Said nathan Smith and be Accountable for the Sarae when ever it may be Collected — 7 Voted that ra'. Phinehas Uphara be allowed the Sura of four Pounds, on account of his Supporting the Widow Breed and her Daughter it being over and above what he was allowed by a Committee of this Commonwealth — the last Adjustraent 8 Voted that m'. Joseph Eussell Town Treasurer be, and he hereby is Directed to Settle with the Treasurer of this Cora- mon-wealth on Account of the Delinquincy of Cap'. Daniel 398 TOWN records, 1788. Livermore late Collector Deceased and Pay the Ballence due to S". Treasurer and bring Vouchers therefor to be allowed the Sarae in his next Settleraent with the Town — The Meeting was then Adjourned to the Sixth Day of Oct' next at two of the Clock in the after noon — Meet According to Adjournraent 1 Voted To Accept the Town Treasurers Accounts as Ex hibeted 2" Voted to grant the Sura of one Hundred and fifty Pounds to Defray the Usal and Incidental Charges of the Town the ensewing Year 3" Voted to allow the following Accounts viz — To m'. Thad". Spring for his Service as an Assessor from June 5'" 1787 To June 19'". 1788 the Sura of three Pounds Seven Shillings & Six pence To m'. Nathan Hobbs for his Services as an Assessor from 24'". of March 1788 to the 19'" of June next following the Sum of thirty-Six Shillings 4 Voted that m' Jonas Pierce be allowed to draw out of the Treasurer the Value of what Nahum Jones was assessed in his lists the Said Jonas to be accountable for the Sarae when ever the Said Tax raay be Collected frora the Said Nahum Jones — 5 Voted that if Mess". Jonas Pierce and Benj". Dudley late Collectors Neglect to Settle with ra' Joseph Eussell Town Treasurer and pay thier respective Ballences due to the Town untill after the first Day of Oct' next, then, and in that case the Said Treasurer is hereby Directed to Issue Execution against the Said Delinquent Collectors [309.] 6'" Voted that if Mers". Isaac Flagg and Sam". Liverraore late Collectors Shall Neglect to Settle with m' Joseph Eussell Town Treasurer & pay one half thier respec tive Ballences by the first Day of of Nov', next, then and in that case Execution to Issue against the Said Collectors — 7 Voted that Mers". Sarauel Train and Nathan Fisk Col lectors be Called upon to pay into the Treasury in Specie the following Sums by the first day of Nov', next viz m' Sam" TOWN RECORDS, 1788. 399 Train Thirty pounds and m' Nathan Fisk fifteen Pounds — and upon fiiilure thereof Execution to Issue against Said Col lectors — 8'". Voted that Execution Shall not Issue against m' Uriah Gregory late Collector for the Sura of the following Taxes untill the further Orders of the Town viz M' Edw"*. Garfield Taxes £3 4 11 Joseph Harrington do 2 7 10 John Pierce do 1 11 5 Total £7 4 2 9'". Voted that Cap' Isaac Jones and Dec". Sara". Fisk managers of of Watertown Bridge Lottery be Perraitted and they are hereby Jointly Perraitted to draw out of the Treasury the Sura of eight Pounds two Shillings to Defray the expence of Printing the tickets of Said Lottery — 10'"- Voted that the Town Treasurer be Derected to dis count with m'. Uriah Gregory late Collector, a sum equal to Value of Taxes Sett to To Sarauel Nutting in his lists at the Time he the Said Collector Settled with the Town — 11 Voted to abate the Taxes of Caleb Peirce in ra'. Sara" Livermores list the Sum of Seven Shillings and Ten Pence — 12 Voted that hearing the report of the Coraraittee relative to the Buring ground be postponed untill the- Annual Town Meeting in March next — The Meeting was then Disolved [310.] Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston on the Eighteenth Day of Deceraber 1788 at the Publick Meeting House in Said Town at one of the Clock in the afternoon then and there — 1". To give in thier Votes for a Person within this District of this County of Middlesx to represent the People of this Common-wealth in the Congress of the united States — 2". To give in thier Votes for two Persons within the Said District as Candidates for an Elector of the President and Vice President of the United States — 400 TOWN records, 1789. r John Brooks Esq", had twenty Six Votes Eepresentative j Hon"''". Elbridge Geary Esq", had Twenty ' votes ( Hon"''". Francis Dana had fifty-eight votes Electors — j Hon"''". Nath'-''. Gorham had forty-one votes ' Hon"''". James Eussell had Seventeen votes 1789 Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on the 29'". day of Jan'^. 1789 at the Publick meeting- House in Said Town at one o, Clock p.m — then and there — To bring in thier Votes for a Eepresentative to represent the District of Middlesix in the Congress of the United States -r, i. i- C Hon"'-". Elbridge Geary had forty-one Votes Eepresentative \ ., ^ ^ ^^ , ., rf , . ,T < Hon"'-". Joseph B Varnum had Twelve votes m Congress / ,^ ^_^^ „ .^ , , ^. , '^ Gen''. William Hull. Esq", had — Eight votes [311. J Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston at the Publick meeting-House in Said Town on Mon day the second day of March 1789 then & there — 1" To choose Selectraen Collectors and such Other Town Officers as the Law requires — 2". To Stipulate and agree with the Collectors upon the Price of Collecting Taxes — 3" To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts and act thereon 4'". To hear the Town Creditors Accounts and act thereon 5'". To know the rainds ofthe Town whether thier Swine shall go at large the Year ensewing — 6'" To know the minds of the Town whether they will repair thier High-ways by a rate the Year ensewing and if so to grant money therefor 7 To hear and act upon a list Prepared for the Jury Box 8 To grant Such a Sum of money as Shall appear to be Nessessary and expedient to be appropriated for Discharging the Debts of the Town and act any matter or thing relative thereto — 9'" To hear the report of the Coraraittee relative to Looking TOAVN RECORDS, 1789. 401 out one or raore Places for Buring Ground and inake all Nes sessary Provision for Purchasing the same — 10'" To hear all the requests that raay be raade relative to the Abateraent of Taxes and act thereon or act any thing rela tive to the matter — 11 To know the rainds of the Inhabitants of the Town wether they will erapower and Direct thier Treasurer to borrow the Sum of fifty Pounds for thier use and give his Obligation in behalf of the Town therefor — 12 To know the rainds of the Town whether they will Pro vide a Woraans School two raonths in the Different parts of the Town or act any thing relative to the matter — 13 To know the rainds of the Town whether they will take under their Consideration the School-Housen upon the [312.] North side of the Town and appoint a Coraraittee to Examin thera and report thier Opinion whether it is best to repair thera or build thera a New or act any thing relative to the Matter — Cap''. Isaac Jones Chosen Moderator of Said Meeting — C Cap'' Isaac Jones j Mess"' : Thad'. Spring Selectmen <^ Matthew Hobbs I Joseph Eussell [ John Coburn Town Clerk Isaac Hobbs sworn Town Treasurer Joseph Eussell Sworn Constable and Collectors — Assessors - Wardens - Amos Biglow — "] Nathan Fisk Sole Abraham Harrington j Constable and Col- y lector— at four Pence p' Pound for Collect ing — (Sworn) Mess"'. Nathan Hobbs, Thad'. Spring, and John Coburn, Sworn mess"'. Abijah Jones Thad Pierce and Nathan Fisk 402 town records, 1789. Surveyors of r Cap'. Estes How, Sam'-'' Green, william highways & } Bogle, John Stratton and william Collectors { Hobbs — all Sworn — Tythingmen Mess"^. Micah Warren and Daniel Stratton Hogreaves Mess"'. Samuel Fisk and James Cogswell — Sworn Preserver of Deer Mess"'. Eben" : Brackett & Hez". Wyman Field Drivers Mess"*. Stephen Harrington & Sam'-'' Lamson JU": Fence Vewirs Mess"*. Nathan Fisk & Matthew Hobbs Sworn Sealers of Leather Mess"'. Abr" : Harrington and Tho'. War ren Sworn Surveyors of Luraber Mess"'. Daniel Stratton and Tho'. Eand Surveyor of Herap Cap''. Isaac Jones Sworn To take care ofthe ) t^ -^ ^ ii- i. ou-n- ,• » , , . ^^ y Ezra Fisk at thirty Shilhngs p' Annum Meetmg House ) ./ = r 1 Voted to Accept the Town Treasurers Account as ex hibeted — 2" Voted that Mess". Joseph Eussell Enoch Greenleaf & Sam". Fisk be a Coraittee to examin the accounts respecting a claim for a Ballence Due to M". Woodward on account of Wood and report at the Adjournment of this Meeting — [313.] 3"- Voted to allow the following accounts — viz To ra'. John Coburn his Ace', in full for making Taxes from Ap'. 1788 to March 1789 Two Pounds Eleven Shillings & Six Pence — To m' Thad'. Spring his a6c'. in full for making the Town & County Tax Jan'^. 1789 Eighteen Shillings — To M'. Nathan Fisk for Warning seven Town Meetings at 4/ and Salery for Serving Constable twelve Shillings which is Two Pounds — 4'". Voted that the Swine well regulated may go at large untill the first Day of Sept', next — 5'". Vote'd to grant the Sura of one Hundred Pounds to be TOWN RECORDS, 1789. 403 Worked out on the highways at four Pence P'. for man or Teara — 6'". Voted that the Treasurer be Directed to call upon all the Delinquint Surveyors of High- ways & Collectors for the Year Past to make up thier Ace". With hira by the first day of July next, and if any or either of them Should fail so doing to Pursue Such measures as is by Law in that case made and Provided — 7 Voted to accept of the List as Prepared for the Jury Box 8'". Voted that this meeting be Adjourned to Monday the Ninth Day of March Currant a 2 o, Clock p. m : Meet According to Adjournraent 1". Voted that the Committee relative to Looking out one or raore places for Buring ground be Continued and report at the Annual Fall Meeting — 2" Voted to abate the Taxes of David Brackett in M' Nathan Fisks lists the Sura of five Shillings & five Pence — 3". Voted that ra' Sara". Livermore be Perraitted to draw out of the Treasurey the Value of the Ballence of the Taxes of Enos Wheelar remaing in his hand — to be replaced as Soon as they may be Collected [314.] 4'" Voted that m' Sam"- Livermore Collector retain in his hands the Value of Benj". Pierces Taxes that are due on his Lists untill the further Order of the Selectraen — 5*" Voted that m' Sara" Liverraore Collector draw out of the Treasurey the Sum of twenty Seven Shillings and four Pence on ace', of John Pierces Taxes to be replaced as Soon as they raay be Collected — 6'" Voted that m' Josiah Steadraan Collector draw out of the Treasury Sixteen Shillings .& eleven Pence on ace' : of Elijah Aliens Taxes to bc replaced as Soon as they raay be Collected — 7'" Voted that ra' Isaac Flagg Collector di;aw out of the Treasurey the Ballence due upon his lists against James Stim son to replace the Same as Soon as they may be Collected — 8'". Voted that the Value of the Taxes hereafter naraed be 404 TOWN RECORDS, 1789. retained in the hands of ra' Isaac Flagg Collector untill the farther order of the Selectraen / viz. Josiah Harringtons Taxes three Pounds eleven Shillings & five Pence / Elisha Gibbs, s Taxes one Poima Nine Shillings & nine pence Jaraes Farrer, s Taxes two Shillings & Seven Pence — Nath". Parmenters Taxes eight Shillings and two pence three farthings 9'" Voted that Mess". Isaac Hobbs Estes How & John Coburn be a Coraraittee to exarain the Ace'', and papers rela tive to Cap'. Jones as the head of Class and m'. Jonas Pierce as a Collector and exhibet thier opinion of the matter to the Town Treasurer — 10'" Voted that ra'. Joseph Eussell Town Treasurer be and he is hereby erapowered and Directed to Borrow the Sum of Fifty Pounds of the Treasurer of Harvard Colledge for the use of the Town of Weston and give his Obligation in behalf of the Town therefor 11'" the twelveth Article in the warrent Past in the Nega tive — 12'" Voted that Mess". Thad'. Spring Tho'. Eand and Dea con Samuell Fisk be a Coraraittee to examin the School Housen upon the North Side of the Town and Consider whether it is best to repair Said School houses or Build thera anew and report thier opinion relative thereto to the Town at thier next meeting to transact Town affairs the raeeting was then Disolved [315.] Att a Legal raeeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston on monday the Sixth day of April 1789 at the Pub lick Meeting-House in Said Town to bring in thier Votes for Governour Lieu*. Governour and five Senators Agreeably to the Consitution of this Common-wealth — the Votes were as followeth. viz f ExEL°^. John Hancock had fifty-nine votes For Governor ? Hon""-". James Bowdoin had Twenty-eight ( Hon"'-". Benj''. Lincoln had one TOWN RECORDS, 1789. 405 For C Hon"'-" . Samuel Adams had forty Votes L'. Governor c Hon"'-". Benj'- Lincoln had forty-Six Eben" Bridge Esq", had Seventy-eight votes Joseph B. Varnum Esq", had Seventy Seven Nath'-'- Gorham Esq", had forty Six Joseph Curtis Esq", had forty three Senators and . Walter M'^.Farlin Esq", thirty-eight Councilors I Joseph Hosmer Esq", had thirty-Seven Eleazer Brooks Esq", had thirty Six Isaac Starns Esq", had thirty four John Brooks Esq", had three Abr". Fuller Esq", had two The Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Quallified Agreeably to the Constitution of this Common-wealth being Legally As serabled at the Publick meeting house in S". Town on raonday the eleventh day of raay 1789 did then and there elect and Depute Cap''. Isaac Jones to represent the Inhabitants of Said Town in the General Court of this Coraraon-wealth the ensew ing year — [316.] Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston on the eleventh day of raay 1789 then and there — 1 To Choose a moderator of Said raeeting 2" To know the minds of whether they will Direct thier Treasurer to borrow the Sum of Sixty Pounds of Hon"'^ Francis Dana Esq', for the use of the Town of Weston — and give his Obligation in behalf of Said Town therefor or act any thing that relates to the matter — 3" To grant Such a sum of money as shall be Judged Nes sessary & Expedient to pay the Just Debts of the Town or act any thing relative to the matter 4 To know the minds of the Town whether they will Provide a womans School two months in the Different parts of the Town as usal or act anything relative to the raatter — 1 Cap''. Isaac Jones Choosen moderator of Said meeting 2 Voted that m' Joseph Eussell Treasurer of the Town of 406 TOWN RECORDS, 1789. Weston be and he is hereby erapowered and Diricted to Borrow the Sum of Sixty Pounds of the Hon"'^ Francis Dana Esq' for the use of the Town of Weston afore Said, and give his Obliga tion in behalf of Said Town therefor — 3 Voted that the third Article be Passed over — 4'". The fourth Article Passed in the Negative — The Meeting was then Disolved Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on the third day of Sep'. 1789 at the Publick meeting-House in Said Town at two of the Clock in the Afternoon then & there 1". to Choose a Moderator of Said meeting — 2". to grant the Sum of Ninty Pounds to pay the Eev" m' Sam" Kendall his Sallery. for one Year next Succeeding the fifth day of November 1789 — 3 To Provide Twenty Cords of Wood for the Eev" m' Sam". Kendall for the ensewing year agreeably to what was Stipulated with him — [317.] 4'" To know the minds of the Town whether they will Provide two raonths School in the Different parts of the Town as Usal or act any thing relative to the raatter — 5'" To the minds of the Town whether they will Provide a woraans School two two or raore months in each of the Different School Houses in Town or act any thing relative to the matter 6'" To grant such a Sum of money as Shall appear to be Nessessary and expedient for the Support of Schoohng and other usal & incidental Charges of the Town — 7'" To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts and act thereon 8 To hear the Town Creditors Accounts and act thereon 9'". To hear all reasonable requests relative to the abatement of Taxes and act thereon or act anything relative to the Matter 10'". To hear the report of thier Committee relative to look ing out one or raore Places for buring ground and make all Nessessary Provision for Purchasing the Same or act any thing relative thereto 11'"- To hear the report of thier Committee relative to In specting the School Houses on the North side of the Town and act thereon or act any thing relative to the raatter — ..TOWN RECORDS, 1789. 407 12'". To grant Such a Sura of raoney as Shall appear to be Nessessary and expedient for Paying the Just Debts of the Town or act any thing that relates thereto — 13'". To know the minds of the Town whether they will appoint and erapower a Coraraittee to answer and Defend a meraorial filed against the Town of Weston by Nath". Nutting of Concord for the Support of Ruth the wife of Phinehas Child and also to Prosecute an Action brought by the Said Phinehas against the Said Nath" Nutting or act any raatter or thing that relates to a Settleraent with the Said Nath" Nutting in behalf of Said Phinehas Child — [318.] 14'" To know the minds ofthe Town whether they will grant the Center District two raonths reading & Writing School in Addition to what has been usal for the ensewing Year — 15'" To hear the request of ra' Isreal Whitteraore relative to raoney Loaned to the Town Belonging to Rebecca Whitte raore whereby the Said Rebecca Sustained great loss which he will be able to Demonstrate, — and as he was Guardian for the Said Rebecca Prays an Allowance therefor in behalf of the Said Rebecca — 1"- Cap''. Isaac Jones Choosen Moderator of Said Meeting 2". Voted to grant the Sum of Ninty Pounds to Pay the Eev" m' Sara". Kendall his Sallery for one Year frora & after the fifth day of Nov'. 1789 — 3" Voted that Cap'. Jon". Fisk m' John Coburn and Cap'. Matthew Hobbs be a Committee to Provide Twenty Cords of Wood for the Rev" ra'. Sara" Kendall for the ensewing Year 4 Voted to grant two raonths Schooling in the Different parts of the Town as Usal — 5 Voted to grant the Sura of one Hundred & fifty Pounds ,and Resolved that the same be Appropriated to the Payment ofthe Just Debts of the Town, to be Imraediately Assessed, and Collected in Specie by the first Day of Dece' next — 6'". Voted that Cap'. Isaac Jones M' Thad'. Spring and m'. Joseph Russell be a Coraraittee to answer & Defend a Meraorial 408 TOWN RECORDS, 1789, filed against the Town of Weston by Nath". Nutting of Con cord for the Support of Ruth the wife of Phinehas Child — and also to Prosecute an Action brought by the Said Phinehas against the Said Nath". Nutting or act any matter or thing that relates to a Settlement with the Said Nutting in behalf of the Said Phinehas Child — [319.] 7'". Voted that the Center Shall have a Reading & Writing School two months for the year ensewing in Addition to what hath been usal — 8 Voted that Mess". Thad'. Spring Joseph Russell & Gap'. Matthew Hobbs be a Committee to take up the raatter relative to the request of m' Isreal Whittemore as Sett forth in the last Article of the Warrent — and report at the Adjournment of this Meeting — 9'". Voted that this Meeting be Adjourned to the last mon day of this Instant Sep' at Two 0,Clock in the afternoon — Meet according to Adjournment 1". Voted that the Town Treasurer, s Accounts be Allowed as Exhibeted — 2". Voted to allow ra' Sara". Pratt Collector for his Service in Warning Town Meetings and Sallery as a Constable two. Pounds 3". Voted to allow ra' Nathan Hobbs his Ace', for making Taxes Twelve Days & an half — Two Pounds Ten ShiUings — 4 Voted to allow m' Thad'. Spring the Sum of one Pound twelve Shillings for his Services as an Assessor — 5 Voted to allow ra'. Araos Fisk his Ace', as exhibeted for Boarding and nursing ra' Tho' Pierce in his last Sickness — De ducting one Dollar to Satisfie m' Abijah Jones in Attempting to reraove Said Pierce to his House Agreeable to Contract — 6'". Voted to allow ra'. Isreal Whittemore for his Trouble relative To M". Pepper and family (who carae frora Canada in 1777) the Sura of thirty Shillings — 7'". Voted to allow Enoch Greenleaf Esq', for Articles Sup plied at the .Ordination of M' Kendall and Omitted in a former Settlement — the Sum of Twenty Shillings — TOWN RECORDS, 1789. 409 8 Voted the Sum of one Hundred & fifty Pounds be granted to Defray the Usall & Incedental Charges of the Town — [320.] 9'" Voted that the Treasurer be, and he is here by Directed to take a Note of M'. Benj". Pierce (in behalf of the Town ) for the Sum of the Taxes now due to tho Town in the lists Comraitted to m' Sara". Liverraore to Collect, and to Dis charge the Said Sarauel frora Collecting the Same — 10 Voted to abate all the Taxes now Due from ra'. Henry Bond in ra'. Samuel Liverraore, s lists — 11 Voted to abate the following Taxes in m' Sara". Trains lists — viz Benj". Cleaveland eleven Shillings & eight Pence — Jaraes Jones Eight Shillings & eight Pence — John Sraith Eight Shillings & eight Pence — Sara" Sheapard two Shillings & eleven pence Nathan Rice fourteen Shillings — 12'" : Voted to accept the report of the Coraraittee relative to looking out one or raore Places for Buring ground — the Purport of which was that the South east Corner of Cap'. Jones, s field east from his house would be the most Convienint Place Obtainable — to have a lane frora the great Road three rods wide runing about Twelve Roads upon the east end of Said field then to corae on to the Buring ground, which to-geather with the lane abovementioned is to Contain one Acre and half and to be in Such forra as Shall be Most Convienent for a Buring Ground and least to the Disadvantage of Cap'. Jones the Preraises being Valued at Twenty Pounds — which was Consented to by Cap'. Jones he likewise agreeing to raake one half the fence — And to Accomadate the South Part of the Town ra' Increase Leadbetter being in Town-meeting Did agree to Sell half an Acre of his field adjoining the road the Town to make one Division wall Said to be about Ten rods, and Pay him five Dollars as a Consideration for the Sarae — which was likewise Agreed to by the Town 13 Voted that the Selectraen be a Coraraittee to take Deeds of the above Described Premises and see to fenceing and Pre paring the Same for use — 410 TOWN RECORDS, 1790. 14 Voted that the Committee relative to ra' Isreal Whitte raores affair be Continued and report at the next anual Town raeeting — the meeting vvas then Disolved [321.] 1790 Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton at the Publick Meeting-house in Said Town on monday 1". day of march 1790 then & there — 1". to Choose a moderator of Said Meeting — 2" to Chose Selectraen Collectors and Such other Town Officers as the Law Directs 3" to Stipulate and agree with the Collectors upon the price of Collecting Taxes — 4 To hear the Town Treasures Ace", and act thereon — 5 To hear the Town Creditors accounts & act thereon — 6 To know the minds of the Town whether thier Swine .shall go at Large tbe year ensewing — 7 To know the minds of the Town whether they will repair thier high ways by a Rate the Year ensewing and if so to grant money therefor or act any thing relative to the matter — 8 To hear and act upon a list prepared for the Jury Box 9'" To know the minds of the Town whether they will Provide a womens School two raonths in each of the School Housen in Town or act any thing relative to the Matter — 10 To grant Such a Sura of raoney as Shall be Nessessary and Expedient to be appropriated for Discharging the Debts of the Town — 11 To hear all the request that may be made relative to the abatement of Taxes, and act thereon or act any thing relative to the matter — 12 To hear the report of the Coraraittee relative to the re quest of m' Isreal whittemore as Sett forth in the last article of the Warrent for a Town meeting in Sep', y^ 3" 1789 and act theron 13'" : To hear the request of Cap'. Isaac Jones and m' Jona than Underwood relative to a Bond now in the Hands of m'. TOWN RECORDS, 1790. 411 Joseph Russell Town Treasurer and act thereon or act any Thing relative to the raatter — [322.] M" Selectraen < Thad' Spring cJiosen moderator of Said Meeting ' Thad'. Spring Matthew Hobbs Joseph Eussell John Coburn Amos Biglow Isaac Hobbs Joseph Eussell Nathan Fiske Joseph Nichols ju and agreed to Collect g the Taxes at one pen- ^ ney three farthings p'. Town Clerk Town Treasurer Constables and Collectors cn Pound NB : m". Joel Smith and m" Micah warren were Chosen Constables and the above naraed Persons accepted in thier roora Assessors Mess"'. John Coburn, Thad' Spring and Nath'-''. Allen Wardens Mess"'. W*. Ward, Alex" : Smith & Eben." Hobbs Mess-"' Joel Smith, Josiah Starr, Joseph Nichols ju". Jonas Pierce ju". & Eben", Hobbs Tythingraen Mess"*. Alpheus Biglow, Joseph Seaverns & Sam''''. Fiske Hogreaves Mess"'. Caleb Haywood & Abr" Harrington Preserver of Deer Mes"'. David Starns & Sam''''. Fiske Field Drivers •Dea''. Sam''''. Fiske & W". Bogle Fence Viewers Mes"'. Elisha Stratton & Eli Jones Sealers of Leather Mes"'. Jacob Sanderson Abr*". Harring ton & JoN^. Spring Surveyors of Luraber Mes"*. Bbnj^. Eand & Daniel Stratton Surveyor of Hemp M". Abr". Hewes To take care ofthe ) M". Ezra Fiske at twenty-Seven Shillings Meeting house > p'. Annum Surveyors of high ways & Collectors , 412 TOWN RECORDS, 1790. 1 Voted that thier Swine raay go at large being well regu lated untill the first day of Sep'. Next — 2 Voted to grant the Sura of one Hundred Pounds to be worked out at four pence p'. Hour for raan or Teara to repair the High ways the year ensewing — [323.] 3 Voted that the List of Jurors as exhibeted and read in the raeeting be accepted — 4 Voted that a Woraans School be Provided two raonths in the each of the Different School-Houses in Town — The Meeting was then Adjourned untill the fifth Day of April next at three o, Clock p.-m. Meet According to Adjournment 1^'. The Town Treasurers Accounts read and Accepted 2" The following Accounts were allowed — viz To ra'. Eben'. Brackett his Ace', in full for Providing and affixing a Window in the Publick Meeting House three Pounds To ra' Nathan Hobbs for making Taxes one Pound — To ra' John Coburn for raaking Taxes &c two pounds Sixteen Shillings — To ra' Thad', Spring for raaking Taxes one Pound four Shil lings - To m' Nathan Fisk for Serving Constable and Warning Seven Town Meetings the Sura of four Pounds — 3 The following Taxes Abated Viz In Cap'. Hows list -j In Nathan Fisk list In Sam^ Trains list Total Jon". Bullard 7/4 Nath" Jackson 6/6 Sam". Moore 6/6 Henry Bond 16/3 Widow Bond 7/2j Increas Leadbetter 33/2J Joshua Peirce 30/4^ Jer'': Goodhew 33/5^ Joab Leadbetter 2/10 £ 0 8 13 D 10 J 9 111 0 4f £7 4 2 NB. the Persons Naraed in Mr Trains list was abated on Account of thier being Taxed to the minister — TOWN RECORDS, 1790. 413 [324.J 4'" Voted that Cap'. Estes How Artemas Ward Esq'. Dea". Isaac Hobbs be a Corainittee to hear & exarain into all the Accounts & recepts that raay be Produced towards canceling a Bond that ra' Joseph Russell Town Treasurer holds in behalf of the Town of Weston against ra' Jonathan Under wood & Cap'. Isaac Jones, and to adjust the Same equatibly and report to the Town the first Town Meeting Proper for that Purpose The Meeting was then Disolved At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on Monday the fifth Day of April 1790. at the Publick Meeting House in Said Town — to bring in thier Votes for , Governour -Lieu'. Governour and live Councilours and Sena tors agreeably to the Constitution of this Coraraon-wealth the Votes were as followeth. viz — for Governor for L'. Governor Councilors and Senators Hon"''". John Hancock Esq" had fifty Votes HoN^''^. James Bowdoin Esq", had Sixteen Votes Hon"'-". Samuel Adams Esq" had forty Votes Hon"'-". Tho*. Russell Esq", had Ninteen Votes Eben". Bridge Esq", had fifty three Votes Joseph B. Varnum Esq", had fifty-two Votes Nath'''' Gorham Esq", had fifty Votes Joseph Curtis Esq^. had forty-two Votes Joseph Hosmer Esq", had forty Votes Eleazer Brooks Esq", had twelve Votes Samuel Dexter Esq", had Six Votes Isaac Starns Esq", had three Votes Abr". Fuller Esq", had one Vote M". Edward Brindley had one Vote at a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston duly Quallified to Vote in Town Affairs, on raonday the fifth day of Ap'. 1790 at four o, Clock in the after noon — then & there — 1" To Choose a Moderator of Said raeeting — [325.] 2" To hear the petition of Arteraas Ward Esq'. and Others relative to building a Nuraber of Pews in the Meet- 414 TOWN RECORDS, 1790. ing-House wher Sorae of hindmost Seats Now Stand, and to apply the Proceeds of the Sale thereof to pay the Debts of the Town and act thereon or act any thing relative to the raatter — 1". M" Thad* Spring Choosen Moderator of Said Meeting 2" Voted that the Meeting be Adjourned to the tenth day of may at three o, Clock in the after noon — Meet According to Adjournraent 3" On the Petition of Artemas Ward Esq', and Others the Question being Put to know the minds of the Town whether they will so far Comply with the Prayer of S". Petition as to remove the two Hindmost Seats on each Side the broad Alley and build Pews in the place thereof and apply the proceeds of the Sale or Loan of the Sarae to Discharge the Debts of the Town — which pass", in the Affirraative 4'" Voted that Deacon Sara". Fisk Deacon Isaac Hobbs and ra' Joel Sraith be a Coraraittee to build the Pews above Mentioned — The Meeting was then Desolved The Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Quallified Agreea bly to the Constitution of this Coraraon-wealth being Legally Asserabled at the Publick Meeting-House in Said Town on raonday the tenth Day of raay 1790 did then & there elect and Depute Cap''. Isaac Jones to represent the Inhabitants afore Said in the General Court of this Coraraon-wealth the Year ensewing — [326.] The Inhabitants of the Town of Weston being Duly Quallified and Legally Asserabled at the Publick-meeting House in Said Town on monday the forih day of October 1790 for the purpose of bringing in thier Votes for a representative in Con gress for the District of the County of Middlesix. the Votes were as followeth — viz. for Representatives ^ in Congress Hon"''" : P^lb ridge Geary Esq"- had fifty Seven Votes Hon"''". Nath'-'-. Gorham Esq", had Seven Votes TOWN RECORDS, 1790. 415 Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on Tuesday the 21". day of Sep'. 1790 at one o,Clock in the after-noon then & there — 1"- To choose a raoderator of Said meeting — 2 To grant the Sura of Ninty Pounds to pay the Rev" M' Sarauel Kendall his Sallery for one year next Succeeding the fifth day of Noveraber 1790 — 3 To Provide twenty Cords of wood for the Rev" M' Sam". Kendall for the ensewing year agreeably to what was Stipulated with hira — 4 To Know the rainds of the Town whether they will Pro vide two Months reading & writing School in the Different parts of the Town as Usall or act anything relative to the Matter — 5 To know the rainds of the Town weather they will provide a woraans School two raonths in each of the Different School- Housen in Town or act any thing relative to the Matter — 6'". To grant Such a Sum of money as Shall appear to be Nessessary & Expedient for the Support of Schooling & Other usal and Incidental Charges of the Town — 7'" To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts and act thereon 8 To grant Such a Sum of raoney as Shall appear to be Nessessary & Expedient for paying the Just Debts of the Town — or act any thing that relates thereto — [327.] 9'". To hear the Petition of Tho' Rand and Others — the Prayer of Which is that the Town would reconsider a Vote passed at a forraer raeeting for removing the two hindmost Seats on each Side the broad Alley, and building Pews in the place thereof — 10'". To hear the Town Creditors Accounts and Act thereon 11 To hear all the resonable requests for the Abateraent of Taxes and act Thereon, or act any thing relative to the Matter 12'". To hear the report of the Coraraittee appointed to hear & Examin into all the Accounts & reciepts that may be Pro duced toward Canciling a Bond ra' Joseph Russell Town Treasurer holds in behalf of the Town of Weston against m' Jon" Underwood and Cap'. Isaac Jones — 416 TOWN RECORDS, 1790. 13 To know the rainds of The Town whether they will Ap point an Agent or agents to Defend an Action Commenced against the Town in behalf of one John Norcross — or act any thing relative thereto — 14 To know the minds of the Town whether they will appoint Arteraas Ward Esq' and ra'. Joseph Russell Agents to Prosecute a raeraorial filed against the Town of Natick by Order of the Selectmen — 1". M" : Thaddeus Spring Chosen Moderator of Said meeting 2" Voted to grant the Sum of Ninty Pounds to Pay the Rev" m' Sam". Kendall his Sallery for one year next Suceed ing the fifth Day of November one Thousand Seven Hundred & Ninty — 3. Voted that M' Sara-ael Liverraore Deacon Sarauel Fisk & M' Uriah Gregory be a Coraraittee to provide twenty Cords of Wood for the Rev" M' Sarauel Kendall for the year ensewing — [328.] 4'" Voted to grant' two months reading & writing School in the Different parts of the Town as usall — 5 Voted to grant the Sum of One Hundred & Eighty Pounds to Defray the expenc of Schooling & other usall & Indental Charges — 6 the Petition of M'. Tho' Rand and Others relative to reconsidering a Vote passed at a former meeting for building four Pewes — passed in the Negative — 7 Voted to grant the Sura of one Hundred Pounds to be appropriated for the payment of W". Fisk Esq'. — the Colledge Treasurer and the Interest on the Debts of the Town — 8'" Voted that the meeting be Adjourned to the first mon day of October Next at four o, Clock in the afternoon — Meet according to Adjournment 1 Voted to accept the Town Treasurers Accounts as Ex hibeted 2 Voted to abate all the Taxes that ra'. Samuel Seaverns hath been Assessed to the Minister Since the year one Thousand Seven Hundred & Eighty Six — TOWN RECORDS, 1791. 417 3" Voted that Artemas Ward Escf be and he is hereby Appointed & Constitued an Agent in behalf of the Inhabitants of The Town of Weston with full Power in behalf of Said in habitants to Defend an Action Comraenced against Said Inhabi tants in behalf of one John Norcross 4*" Voted that Artemas Ward Esq', and ra' Joseph Russell be and they are hereby Appointed agents with full Ppwer in behalf of Said Town, to Prosecute a Meraorial filed against the Town of Natick — 5"'- Voted that the Coraraittee relative to m' Underwood, s & Cap' Jones affair be Continued — and they are hereby re quested to report at the next Town Meeting — 6 Voted to Allow M'- Joseph Russell three pounds & Ten Shillings it being his Ace', in full for receving the Sura of Six Hundred & forty Pounds Seven pence one farthing in his Capacity of Treasurer of the Town of Weston frora March 1789 to March 1790 — [329.] 7 On the Abateraent of Taxes — Voted to abate as followeth £ 8 d q Inm'Sam"PrattsList.|^^*^^°»'«^- • • • 0 11 6 3 I John Whittemore . . . 0 6 10 0 In m'. Sam". Trains list. David Bent . . . . 1 14 3 2 Total £2 12 8 1 8'". On the request of M'. Daniel Eaton Voted that the respective Collectors are hereby Directed not to Arrest the Body of Said Daniel Ecaton for Taxes untill the fifteenth Day of Feliuary next — The raeeting was then Disolved 1791 at a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes- ton on the Sixth day of Jan'^'. 1791 then and there 1". To Choose a Moderator of Said Meeting — 2 To know the rainds of the Town in what raaner they will Despose of the four Pews lately built and make Provision therefor — or act any thing relative thereto — 418 TOWN RECORDS, 1791. 3" To hear the Town Creditors Accounts and act thereon 4 To know the rainds of the Town whether they will Dis pose of the old Continantal money now in the Treasury and (if so) to make Such Provision therefor as they Shall Think Proper — or act any thing relative to the Matter 1" M". Thad*. Spring Chosen Moderator of Said meeting 2" Voted that Mess". Thad'\ Spring, Joel Sraith, Sam" Lam son Amos Biglow and Daniel Stratton be a Coraraittee Vested with full Power to Dispose of the four Pews lately built, in the way and manner they shall Judge to be for the best Interest of the Town — and to deposet in the hands of the Town Treas urer the Proceeds of the the Sale or loan of Said Pews — and lay thier proceedings before the Town at thier Annual Meeting in March Next — [330. J 3 Voted to allow the following Accounts viz To m' Thad'^ Spring for his Services as an Assessor the Sum two Pound four Shillings £2 4 0 To m' Nath" Allen for his Services as an Assessor the Sum of Two Pounds four Shillings .... 240 To Dea'^ Isaac Hobbs for Procuring Materials and build ing four Pews in tho Publick Meeting-House agreea ble to a Vote of the Town Ap' 5"'. 1790 the Sum of Eleven Pounds Eight ShiUings & 4'i . . . . 11 8 4 To Deacon Sam". Fisk his ace', in full for his Services aud expencs as a Manager of Watertown-Bridge Lottery the Sum of Seven Pounds Sixteen Shillings . . 7 16 0 Total £23 12 4 4 Voted that Mess". Nathan Hobbs, Thad'. Spring & Joel Smith be a Committee to Seat the Inhabitants in the Publick Meeting House agreeably to the Rules Practiced upon of later Years and exhibet a list of thier Proceedings to the Town at thier next Annual Meeting 5 Voted that the Selectraen be a Committee to Dispose of the Old Contanantal raoney now in the Treasury if they Shall thuik it expedient and for the Interest of the Town and De- pos^it the Proceeds of the Same in the Treasurey The Meeting was then Disolved TOWN RECORDS, 1791. 419 Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on monday the first day of raarch 1791 — then & there 1'. To Choose Selectraen Collectors and such Other Town Officers as the Law Directs — 2 To Stipulate & agree with the Collectors upon the price of Collecting Taxes — 3" To hear the Town Treasurers Ace", and act thereon 4'". To hear the Town Creditors Accounts and act thereon 5 To the minds of the Town whether thier Swine shall go at large the year ensewing — [330.] 6 To know the rainds of the Town whether they will repair thier High ways by a rate the year ensewing & if so to grant raoney therefor — 7'". To hear and Act upon a list prepared for the Jury Box 8'". To know the minds of the Town whether they will Pro vid a worains School, two raonths in each ofthe School Housen in Town or act any thing relative to the matter — 9'". To grant such a sum of raoney as shall appear to be Nessessary and expedient, to be Appropriated for Discharging the Debts of the Tdwn — or act any thing relative to the matter 10'". To hear all the requests that may be raade rerative to the Abateraent of Taxes, and act thereon or act any thing rela tive to the piatter — 11'". To hear the report of the Coraraittee relative to the re quest of M' Isreal Whitteraore as Sett forth in the last Article of a Warrent for a Town-raeeting on the 3". day of Sep'. 1789 12'". To hear the request of Cap'. Isaac Jones & M' Jon" : Underwood relative to a Bond now in the Hands of m' : Joseph Russell Town Treasurer & act thereon or act any thing relative thereto M". Thaddeus Spring Chosen Moderator Thad*. Spring Matthew IIobbs Selectraen ¦{ Joseph Russell j Amos Biglow |_ Joel Smith Town Clerk Isaac Hobbs Town Treasurer Isaac Hobbs 420 town records, 1791. [331.] Constables ( Cap''. Joseph Nichols & m". Nathan and Collectors 1 Fiske Assessors Mess"*. Thad*. Spring, Nathan Hobbs & Nath''''. Allen Surveyors of C Col". Sam'^'' Lamson Mess"*. Sam"'. Cobb, High ways c NathanHagar,NathanFisk& Abijah Jones „ ^, . < Mess"'. Elisha Stratton, Abijah Whitney Tythingmen ^ „ .^ o C & Jonathan Spring Hogreaves Mess"*. Daniel Stratton & Nathan Hagar Preserver of Deer Mess"^. Joseph Stone & John Lamson Field Drivers Mess". Nath'-''. Allen Fence Veiwers Mess"^. Abr"". Harrington & Isaac Flagg Sealers of Leather Mess"^. Tho'. Warren & Jon*. Spring Surveyors of Luraber Mess"^. Sam'''". Livermore & Daniel Stratton Surveyor of Herap M". Eph". Livermore To take care of the Meeting House Ezra Fisk a 27/ P'. Annum 1". The Town Treasures Accounts were read & Accepted 2". Voted to allow Cap'. Joseph Nichols for Serving Con stable for the Town 12/ — for warning five Town meetings a 4/. 20/ £1—12—0 oa 5 Voted To allow ra' Nathan Fisk for Serving Constable c 12/ — for warning five Town raeetings 20/ 1 — 12 — 0 4 Voted to accept the list Prepared for the Jury Box -tu Voted to allow ra' Joseph Russell for his Services as Treasurer frora March 1790 to March 1791 eth 5 V^ted to allow ra' John Coburn for his Services as an C Assessor for the year past — The meeting was then Adjourned to raonday the 14 Instant at two o, Clock in the after-noon — [332. J Meet according to Adjournment that the Additional Ace*, of the Town Treasurer as i^xhibeted and read be Accepted — ^ ^Ex •¦[ £ s d 0 15 3 0 10 6* 0 6 9 TOWN RECORDS, 1791. 421 that the Swine being well regulated raay go at large untill the first Day of Sep', next — r Voted to grant the Sum of One Hundred Pounds to be 3". j worked — out on the High-ways at 4". p'. Hour for raan ' or Team — 4'". the Article relative to womans passed in the Negative 5'". the article relative to granting money passed over — 6'" Voted to abate the following Taxes — Viz in m'. Nathan Fisk,8 list Phinehas Brown . in m'. Sam". Pratts list — AV'". Bogle . in m' Sam". Train,s list ( in m'. Isaac Flaggs list what remains unpaid Said to t be about 18/ or 20/ 7'" The Report of the Committee relative to the Sale of four Pews read and Accepted which is as followeth viz The Coraraittee appointed by the Town to Dispose of four Pews lately built beg leave to report — That we have Sold them to the Persons hereafter Naraed that is to say. The Pew up the Alley on the left hand Adjoining to m' Joseph Russells Pew to Arteraas Ward Esq'- for the Sum of Twenty-Nine Pounds fourteen Shillings The Pew up. the Alley on the Right hand to m'. Eli Jones for the Sum of Twenty-Seven Pounds Eighteen Shillings The Pew Adjoining to Cap'. Fisk and ra'. Eli Jones, s Pews To Mess". Nathan and Micah Warren for the Sum of Twenty two pounds ten Shillings The Pew Adjoining to the Pew of Arteraas ward Esq'- & M'. Araos Harington to m' Nathan Hagar for the Sura of Twenty- Pounds — [333.] and have Rece". full payment of each of the respec tive Persons above Described — The Total araount of which is One Hundred Pounds and two Shillings and have Deposeted the Proceeds thereof in the hands of ra'. Joseph Russell Town Treasurer — Weston march 7'". 1791 Thad'. Spring Joel Smith Sam'''- Lamson y Committee Amos Biglow I Daniel Stratton. J 422 town RECORDS, 1791. 8'". Relative to the report of M'. Underwoods Petition the Question being put to know the minds of the Town whether they will Cancell the Bond referr". to therein, and it Passed in the Negative, and Ordered that M'. Underwood be Notified to attend at the Adjournment of this Meeting that may have Oppertunity to Speak upon the Subject 9'". Voted that the late Collectors viz Cap'. Joseph Nichols & M'. Nathan Fisk Shall recive two Pence One farthing on the Pound for Collecting the Special Tax in Addition to one penny farthing heretofore granted 10'": Voted that Deacon Sara": Fisk ra' Tho'. Rand & Deacon Isaac Hobbs be a Coraraittee to view and Consider what repairs are Nessessary & expedient to be raade to the Publick Meeting-House and to report — 11'". Voted that this raeeting be adjourned to monday the 4'" Day of April next at four O, Clock in the afternoon — Meet According to Adjournment 1''. on the Report of the Coraraittee relative to M' Under woods Petition. Voted that m' Underwood Shall have his Bond referr". to therein given up — he giving a recipt in full of all Demands against the Town — 2 On the report of the Committee relative to the repairs of the [334. J Publick Meeting-House — Voted to Accept there- port of Said Coraraittee also Voted that the Selectraen be and they are hereby appointed a Coraraittee to See that the repairs of the Publick raeeting be raade and corapleated as Soon as raay be Agreeably to the report of Said Coraraittee which is as followeth — viz To the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston in Toicn meeting Assembled Your Coraraittee appointed to exarain & Consider what re pairs are Nessessary and expedient to be made to the Publick meeting-house report that it is the Opinion of your Coraraittee that the back side of Said House be new Clapboarded that the Old glass be re raoved, and that there be new window fraraes and glass in the town records, 1791. 423 roora thereof and new window heads were needed, that the Clapboards be fastned & the whole House be put in good repair for Painting and that the sarae be well Painted, and that the underpining of and Steps into Said House be put in good repair — Weston Ap'. 4'". 1791 Sam'''- Fisk Tho' Rand Isaac Hobbs •Coraraittee The Meeting was then Disolved Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants ofthe Tovvn of Wes ton on monday the 4'" day of April 1791 at the Publick Meeting- House in Said Town — To bring in thier Votes for Governour L'. Governour, and five Senators Agreeably to the Constitution of this Commonwealth — the votes were as followeth For Governour [335.] For L'. Governour Senators and Councelours John Hancock Esq" John Lowell Esq" Tho^ Russell Esq". The Hon"'''' : Sam'-'' : Adams Esq", had thirty- five Votes The Hon"''^. Tho*. Russell Esq", had one Eben" Bridge Esq", had fifty-four Votes Joseph B. Varnum Joseph Hosmer Eleazer Brooks Isaac Starns Sam''''. Dexter Marshall Spring Joseph Curtis JoN-^. Hale Joseph Bridge fifty three fifty-four thirty-two four twenty-eight twenty twenty-twoOne One At a Legal Meeting of the InHabitants of the Town of Wes ton Quallified agreably to the Constitution of this Common wealth did — on monday the Ninth day of may 1791 then & there Elect & Depute M". Amos Biglow to represent the Inhabitants 424 TOWN records, 1791. aforesaid in the General Court of this Coraraon-wealth the Year ensewing — Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on the Ninth day of raay 1791 then & there — 1'' To Choose a Moderator of Said meeting — 2". To know the rainds ofthe Town whether they will Direct and erapower thier Treasurer to renew all Such Obligations as the Creditors of the Town raay frora Tirae to Time request and Sign Such Obligations in the narae & behalf of Said Town or act any raatter or thing that relates thereunto — 3". To know the minds of the Town whether they will Pro vide a Woraen School two months in each of the Different School-Housen in Town — or act any thing relative to the raatter — 1". M". Thad' Spring Chosen Moderator of Said Meeting [336.] 2". Voted that Isaac Hobbs Treasurer of the Town of Weston be, and he is hereby Directed and erapowered to renew all the Obligations against the Town of Weston that the Creditors of Said Town may from Time to Tirae request — and sign the Sarae in the name & behalf of Said Town in his Capacity of Treasurer of Said Town — 3". Voted that the Town will Provide a womens School three Months in the Center School-house, & two months in each of the Other School-Housen in Town — within the Course of the ensewing Summer — The Meeting was then Disolved Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on monday the 12'". day of Sep'. 1791 then & there 1". To Choose a Moderator of Said Meeting — 2" : To grant the Sura of Ninty Pounds to pay the Rev" M'. Samuel Kendall his Sallery for one year next Succeeding the 5'" day of Nov'. 1791 — 3". To Provide twenty Cords of wood for the Rev" M' Sarauel Kendall for the year ensewing agreeably to what was Stipulated with him — TOWN RECORDS, 1791. 425 4'". To know the rainds of the Town whether will Provide a reading & writing School two raonths in the Different parts of the Town as usal — 5 To grant Such a sura of raoney as Shall Appear to be Nessessary & Expedient for the Support of Schooling & Other Nessessary, usal, and incidental Charges of the Town 6 To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts & act thereon [337.] 7'" To grant such a sum of raoney as shall appear to be Nessessary and expedient for paying the Just Debts of the Town — or act any thing that relates thereto — 8'". To hear the Town Creditors Accounts and act thereon 9'" To hear all the requests for the Abateraent of Taxes and act thereon or act any thing that relates thereto — 10'". To hear the request of ra'- Daniel Berais relative to an Alteration of the Town way near the Dwelling House of Said Daniel as hath been marked by the Selectraen or act any thing that relates thereto — 11'". To know the rainds of the Town whether they will appoint an agent or agents to Defend in Action or Actions that are or raay be pending against the Town of Weston and raake all Nessessary Preparation for the Defence of Said Actions or Act any thing relative to the raatter" — 12'". To hear the request of M' Nathan Hagar & Others relative to thier building a House on the Town,s Land near the Meeting-house for thier Benefit & Conveniance on the Lords day or act any thing relative to the raatter — 1'' : M". Thad*. Spring Chosen Moderator 2" Voted to grant the Sum of Ninty Pounds to pay the Rev" M'. Sara". Kendall his Sallery for one Year Iraediatly Suceeding the fifth Day of Nov', next — 3": Voted that Col". Sara" Lamson ra' Sara" Livermore and Cap'. Isaac Jones be a Committee to Provide Twenty Cords of wood for the Rev" M' Sara" Kendall the ensewing year — 4'". Voted to Provid two raonths reading & writing School in each of the Different Parts of the Town a usal — 5 Voted to grant the Sura of Two Hundred Pounds to 426 TOWN RECORDS, 1791. ? Defray the Usal and Incidental charges of the Town the year ensewing — [338.] 6'". Voted To grant the Sum of one Hundred Pounds, to be Assessed & Collected and payed in to the Town Treasurer by the first day of Dece' next, and is hereby appro priated to pay the Colledge Treasurer Mes". Gotten Tufts, Stephen Hagar and Joseph Russell the Ballence due to him as Treasurer and the remainder to pay the Interest that may be due on the Obligations against the Town — 7'". Voted to grant the request of Cap'. Estes How, which is that the Sura of thirty three Shillings which he was Assessed in the Ministers Tax be Discounted in full Discharge of his Account for Sundry Services done for the Town — 8'" Voted To indemnify and save harraless Deacon Samuel Fisk and M'. Joseph Russell from all Costs & Damage that raay happen to them or either of thera by reason of an Action brought against the Town by John Norcross of Petersham — 9'". Voted that Cap'. Hobbs Dea". Fisk & ra' Jon" Warren be a Commttee to examin and report relative to the request of M' Nathan Hager & others as in the 12'". article in the warrent 10'". Voted that this Meeting be Adjourned to Monday the 17'" day of Oct', next a 2.0,clock p : m : Monday 17'". Oct'. 1791 meet according to Adjournment 1'' Voted to Accept the Town Treasurers Accounts as Exhibeted 2" Voted to abate the following Taxes vix In Samll. pj-atts lists M'. Lemuel Brackett . . . . 0 13 11 In m'. Nathan Fisks M'. Joseph Child .... 0 8 8 r On the Petition of ra' Nathan Hagar & others the Com- 3". ¦? mitee reported that there was no Place Convienent for ( that Purpose Voted to accept the report of the Committee — [339.] 4 Voted that there be an Alteration of the Town way near the House of M' Daniel Bemis, as marked by the Selectmen Provided Said Berais raake the wall on each side of s". way — and that the Old way be Continued untill the new TOWN RECORDS, 1792. 427 way is raad Passable —and that Said Bemis have the Old way in Lieu of the new upon the above Conditions — The Meeting was then Disolved at a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston on Monday y<= 17'". day of Oct'. 1791 then and there — 1''. To Choose a Moderator of Said meeting — 2". To hear the request of Deacon Sarauel Fisk and Others and to consider and Deterraine whether they will Convert the three Hindraost Seats in the front Gallery in the Publick raeet- ing-house into two large Pews for the Accoraraodation and Convienance of the Singers or act any thing relative to the matter — 1". M". Thad*. Spring Chosen moderator of Said meeting 2" : Voted that this meeting be Adjourned unto the next annual Town meeting in the raonth of March at 4 o, clock in the Afternoon — meet according to Adjournment And adjourned to the next Annual Fall Meetng — [340.] 1792 At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on monday the 5'". day of march 1792 at 12 o, clock at noon then and there 1"- To Choose a Moderator of Said meeting — 2". To Choose Selectraen Collectors and all Other Town Officers that the Law requires — 3" To Stipulate and agree with Collectors upon the price of Collecting Taxes — 4'" To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts and act thereon 5'". To hear the Town Creditors Accounts and act thereon 6'" To know the minds of the Town whether they will repair thier High ways by a Rate the year ensewing and (if so) to grant money therefor or act any thing Relative to the raatter 7'" To know the rainds of the Town whether thier Swine shall go at Large the Year ensewing — 428 TOWN RECORDS, 1792. 8'" To hear & act upon a list Prepared for the Jury Box 9'" To know the minds of the Town whether they will Provide a woraans School two raonths in each of the Different School houses in Town or act any thing relative to the raatter 10'" To hear all Reasonable requests that may be made rel ative to fhe Abatement of Taxes and act thereon or act any thing relative to the raatter — 11'". To know the rainds of the Town whether they will Choose an Overseer or over Overseers of the poor or come into any other Measure for thier Support than what hath been Usaly Practised or act any thing relative to the raatter — M". Thad* Spring Chosen Moderator f Mr Thad' Spring j Cap''. Matthew Hobbs <( M" Amos Biglow Artemas Ward Esq". _ m". Daniel Stratton [341. J Town Clerk Isaac Hobbs Town Treasurer Artemas Ward Esq". Constables & Col- ( Cap'' Joseph Nichols m" Nathan Fisk Selectmen lectors Assessors Surveyors of High ways , TythingmenHogreavesField Drivers Sworn raarch 5'" Sworn raarch 5 To have 4J" p'. £ for Collect ing — and two Dollars each as Sallery — Sworn March 5'". Nathan Hobbs. Mess"^. Daniel Mess"^ Thad*. Spring. & Nath'-''. Allen Artemas Ward Esq". Boyles Joseph Russell Isaac Hobbs JU". Samuel Train ju". Mess"^ John Lamson David Brackett & Samuel Train ju" Mess"^. Jacob Sanderson & Aaron Whittemore Sworn m". Jon*. Warren — TOWN RECORDS, 1792. 429 Fence Viewers Mess"*. W". Hobbs & Amos Biglow Sealers of Leath Mess"'. Tho* Warren & Josiah Has tings Surveyors of Lum ber Mess"*. Isaac Gould & Jon*. Warren Surveyor of Hemp M". Samuel Livermore , .^^ , < Mess"*. Nathan Hobbs & Daniel Boyles and Pork ( to take care of the ( atk x- tt' ^ an / t,^ a ,, . „ < M". Ezra Fisk at 27/ P'. Annum Meetmg House ( 3". Voted to allow the Town Treasurers Accounts as Ex hibeted 4'" Voted to allow the Town Creditors Accounts as fol loweth viz To m' Thad^ Spring for his Services as an Assessor . .£304 To m' Nathan Hobbs for his Services as an Assessor . 2 13 0 To D". Isaac Hobbs for his Services as Treasurer . . 3 12 0 To m' Nathan Fiske for Serving Constable and warning ) 1 16 0 Six Town Meetings i To m' Joseph Kussell Interest upon a Ballence Due to f q -, - g him at his final Settlement as Treasurer . . > To Cap' Joseph Nichols for Serving Constable and warn- > 1 16 0 ing Six Town Meetings > Total £13 12 10 [342.] 5'". Voted that Mess'\ Joseph Eussell. Sara". Fisk & Araos Biglow be a Committee to hear Cap'. Isaac Jones rela tive to his Account for his Services &c as one of the Managers of Watertown Bridge Lottery to Consider thereof & report to the Town — The Meeting was then Adjourned to the 2" day of April at three o, Clock pm : Monday Ap'. 2". raeet According to Adjournraent 1"- The Committee, relative to Cap'. Jones'. Account, re ported that he be alowed, for his Services, the Sura of Twelve pounds —and that if he would give the Town a full Discharge, relative to Said Lottery, that he Should be allowed Twenty 430 TOWN RECORDS, 1792. Pounds — but as Cap'. Jones, Inclined to Deferr the raatter, no vote was taken 2 Voted to grant the Sura of One Hundred Pounds to repair the High- ways the ensewing Year — to be worked out at 4". p'. Hour for raan or Team — 3". the Seventh Article in the warrent relative to Liberating the Swine passed in the Negative — 4'" Voted to accept of the list Prepared for the Jury box 5'". Voted to Provide a womans School in each of the Dif ferent School Housen in Town the ensewing Suraraer 6'". Tbe following Taxes were Abated &c viz in m'. Pratts list m'. Joseph Eoberts minister Tax In m'. Nathan C ra'. Joseph Eoberts minister Tax Fiske list ^ m'. Eben'. Eaton Taxes . £1 11 5 2 In ra'. Uriah Gregory lists : ni'. Edw. Gar field Taxes ;S 4 11 — also Voted that the Treasurer be Perraitted to Discount with m'. Uriah Gregory the Sura of two Pounds Seven Shillings & ten Pence on ace' : of Joseph Harringtons Taxes and likewise the Sum of One Pound Eleven Shillings & 5 Pence on Account of John Peirces Taxes and that the said Gregory be held to replace the Sarae in the Treasury if they raay be Collected — [343.] also in ra' Sarauel Liv- ( Eben'. Eaton £2 15 2 erraores lists C Asa Stowers 0 14 6 7'" On the 11'". & last article in the Warrent relative to Choosing Overseers of the Poor the raatter Subsided & no vote T.'iken thereon The Meeting was then Disolved At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston on raonday the 2" Day of April 1792 at the Publick Meeting house in Said Town — to bring in thier Votes for Governour and Lieu'. Governour & five Senators Agreeably to the Con stitution of this Coraraon-wealth — the Votes were as followeth ,. ( Hon"''". Elbridge Gerry Esq", had 40 y tor \ f ^ < his Exelency John Hancock Esq", had 6 > Votes Governour) ,^ ^ \. ( Hon"'-^. Tho' Eussell Esq." had 3 ) TOWN RECORDS, 1792. 431 for L'. 5 Hon"'-". Sam''''. Adams Esq", had 28 Governour t Hon"'-'^. Tho'. Eussell Esq", had 21 '' ^"^*^^ for Counselors 'Eleazer Brooks Esq" had 43 Eben". Bridge Esq", had 43 •{ Joseph B Varnum Esq", had 43 V Votes I _ 1 i Joseph Hosmer Esq", had I Josi Senators q 42 '-'-. Dexter ju" Esq", had 42 At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on the 7'". day of may 1792 at the Publick meeting house in Said Town being Quallified agreeably to the Constitution of this Coraraon-wealth did then & there elect & Depute M'. Amos Biglow to Eepresent them in the general Court of this Common-wealth the ensewing Year — ¦'& [344.] At a Legal raeeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston raay 7'". 1792 at the Publick meeting house in S". Town then & there — 1" To Choose a Moderator of Said meeting — 2 To hear the raeraorial of the Eepresentativcs of Several Towns Towns in the County of Middlesex to the Legislative body of this Coraraon-wealth Praying that the Town of Concord may be established as the Shire Town of S". County and also an order of Court thereon Directing that the Several Towns in Said County be Notified thereof — that they raay at the first Session ofthe Next General Court appear & Shew cause if any they have why the Prayer of Said Meraorilists should not be answered and act thereon as they Shall think Expedient 3 To hear the Petition of Joseph Eussell and Others relative to thier being Seperated from the Town of Weston and Annexed to the Town of Lincoln and act thereon — I'' M". Thad*. Spring Chosen Moderator 2. on the meraorial of the Eepresentativcs raentioned in the above Warrent — 1" Voted that this Town is Opposed to Con cord', being made the Shire Town — and that the Selectmen be a Coraraittee to Point out the reason therefor 3". On the Meraorial of ni'. Joseph Eussell & Others rela- 432 TOWN RECORDS, 1792. tive thier being Separated from the Town of Weston and Annexed to the Town of Lincoln, in Consideration ofthe Decease of his father which rendered it inconveniant for him to be Pres ent to Speak upon the Subject — Voted that this meeting be Adjourned unill the Annuall fall Meeting — and that this Mat ter be Taken up Immediately after the business of Said meeting is finished — and the raeeting was Adjourned Accordingly [345.] At a Legal Meeting ofthe Inhabitants of the Town of Weston on monday the 17'". Day of Sep'. 1792 at the Puli- lick meeting-house in Said Town then & there — 1"- To Choose a Moderator of Said Meeting — 2" To grant the Sura of Ninty Pounds to pay the Eev" m' Sara". Kendall his Sallery for one year next Suceeding the 5". day of Nov' 1792 3 To Provide twenty Cords of wood for the Eev" M' Sam"- Kendall for the ensewing year agreeably to what was Stipulated with him 4 To know the rainds of the Tov.n whether they will Pro vide a reading and writing School two months in each of the Different School Houses in Town as usal or act any thing relative to the Matter — 5 To grant Such a Sum of raoney as Shall appear to be Nessessary & expedient for the Support of Schooling and other usal & incidental charges of the Town — 6 To grant such a sura of raoney as shall be Nessessary to pay any part of the Just Debts of the Town or act any thing that relates thereto — 7 To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts & act thereon 8 To hear the Town Criditors Accounts & act thereon 9 To hear all the Eeasonable requests for the Abatement of Taxes and act thereon or act any thing relative to the mater 10'". To consult upon the expediency of having one or more Hospitals to be Oepned for the Inoculation with the Small Pox under such regulations & restrictions as the Town shall think proper to adapt — and act thereon or act any thing relative to the Matter — 11 To know the minds of the Town whether they adopt TOWN RECORDS, 1792. 433 any measures to Assertain the Bounds of the Town Eoad be tween the Lands of Arteraas ward Esq'. & m' Eben' Brackett and leading to East Sudbury line & Concord road or act any thing relative to the matter — [346.] 12 To know the minds of the Town whether they will raake any Provision for making passable the Alteration of the Countv road on the South side of the Town Leadino- from East Sudbury line to the new Bridge (so Call") or act any thing relative to the raater 1". M". Thad*. Spring Chosen Moderator of Said Meeting 2". Voted to Proceed to the tenth Article in the warrent relative to the Sraall Pox — 3" voted that the Town will Perraitt one or raore Buildings to be Occupied for Inoculating with the Small Pox within this Town under Proper Eegulations & restrictions 4'" Voted that m' Joseph Eussell Cap' Hobbs & Cap' Nichols be a Committee to draw up sorae regulations relative thereto and report — 5 Voted that the following Housen viz Cap'. Fisks House m' Joel Smith (Parkhurst) House Dea°. Fisks House m' Eph"". Liverraores House Widow Upharas House m'. Josiah Starrs House ra' Josiah Seaverns House and m'. Araos Lara- sons House be and they are hereby permitted to be Occupied for Inoculating with the Small Pox under the following regula tions & restrictions — as reported by the Committee for that purpose — which are as followeth viz 1''. that no Person be Inoculated with small Pox after the 8'" day of October next — 2 that the Phiscians who Inoculate & attend the Hospitals give Bonds to the Selectraen that they will not Inoculate any Person with the Small Pox after the Said 8'"- day of October and that they will not Introduce any Person to Visit the Hos pitals but whom they will See well Smoaked when they with draw therefrom and that they will uniforraly Sraoke themselves 3". that there be a Smoke-House Erected at the Several Hospitals at the expence of those who Provide Said Hospitals 4'" that a Coraraittee be Chosen by the Town to Sett Bounds 434 TOWN RECORDS, 1792. near the Several Hospitals to which those that have the Dis temper may Come and no farther — ^^and that they Inspect s". Hospitals and see that each Person who hath the Distemper be well Cleansed before [347.] they leave the Hospital — and that Said Committee be Directed to remove those Persons, who are now under the Opperation of the Small Pox in this Town to the Several Hospitals Provided in Said Town — 5 Voted that Cap'. Fisk Cap'. Jones Cap'. Nichols and Merss'. Jonas Sanderson Samuel Green, Josiah Starr & Cap'. Pierce be a Coraraittee for the above Purpose, and to see that all the above Eegulations & restrictions be duly Observed 6. Voted to adjourn Said meeting to the first raonday of Dec', next at one o, Clock pm : — 1792 Dec'. 3". raeet Accord ing to Adjournment — 1''. Voted to grant the Sum of Ninty Pounds to pay the Eev" m' Sarauell Kendall his Sallery the ensewing Year — 2" Voted that Deacon Isaac Hobbs, Mess". Araos Biglow Daniel Stratton and Josiah Starr be a Coraraittee to Provide twenty Cords of wood for the Eev" m' Samuel Kendall for the ensewing Year and also to Provide wood for the Several School Houses in Town — 3" : Voted to Provide a reading & writing School four raonths in the Center School House & three raonths in each of the Other School Houses in Town — 4'" : Voted to grant the Sum of Two Hundred & fifty Pounds for the Support of Schooling & other usal & incidental Charges of Said Town — 5 Voted to grant the Sum of one Hundred Pounds to be Appropriated foi the payment of the Interest & a part of the Principal of the Just Debts of the Town & ordered that the Same be Assessed & Collected & payed to the Town Treasurer on or before the first Day of March next — 6 Voted to Accept the Town Treasurers Accounts as Ex hibited 7 Voted to Allow the following Accounts viz — To m'. Thad^ Spring for fifteen Days making Sundry Taxes I 3 n 6 Taking the General Valuation &c &c . . . . > To m' Nath". Allen for fifteen Days in making Sundry I 3 q 0 Taxes Taken a General Invoice &c . . . . ) 2 8 5 0 9 4 0 7 7 0 17 6 TOWN RECORDS, 1792. 43d 8'" Voted to abate the following Taxes viz r Abijah Steadman Cap'. Joseph Nichols lists } Aaron Livermore ( Jacob Peirce .... m' Nathan Fisks lists — Joseph Beacon 4 2 10 [348.] 9'". Voted that Deacon Sam" Fisk & Mess". Daniel Stratton & Uriah Gregory be a Coraraittee to endeavor to Asser tain the bounds ofthe Town Eoad between the Lands of Arteraas Ward Esq'- and ra' Eben' Brackett and to report to the Town at thier next annual Meeting in March — 10 ¦ Agreeable to an Adjournraent of a Legal Town raay 7'". 1792 to the Present Tirae to take up the raemorial of m' Joseph Russell & others, relative to thier being Seperated frora the Town of Weston and Annexed to the Town of Lincoln after hearing all that was Said upon the Subject the Vote being put it Passed in the Negative unannemously — The meeting was then Disolved At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton Duly Quallified and Assembled at the Publick Meeting house in Said Town on friday the 2" day of Nov' 1792 at 2 o, Clock in the After-noon then & there Agreeably to a Resolve of the General Court — 1". To give in thier Votes unto the Selectraen for four Representatives for the first District in this Coraraon-wealth to represent the Inhabitants thereof in the Congress of United States — one of whom at least must be a Resident in one of the Counties that Corapose Said District — 2 To bring in thier Votes for one Representative for the above Purpose who may reside in either the first Second or third Districts — which Contain the Counties of Suffolk. Essex Middlesix Hamshire. Worcester, Berkshire Plymoth Bristol Branstable Dukes-County and Nantuckett — 3" To bring in thier Votes for five Persons as Electors of President & Vice President of the United States of of Araerica and act any thing that is required by Said resolves — Weston Oct'. 18'" 1792 Thad* Spring \ Matthew Hobbs > Selectraen Daniel Stratton ' 436 TOWN RECORDS, 1793. [349.] for Representatives for Electors of President and vice President, 'Fisher Ames County of Suffolk had 22 Votes Benj'" Goodhu County of Essex had 23Vote8 Sam"'' Dexter ju" County ot Middlesix had 22 Votes James Bowdoin for the District had 22 Votes David Cobb for the three Districts had 22 Votes Joseph B Varnum County of Middlesix 1 Vote Benj'^. Austin County of Suffolk 1 Vote [W" Heath for the District— 1] James Warren for y^ three Districts 1 Vote 'Hon"''". Francis Dana had twenty three 23 votes Hon"''". Increase; Sumner had twenty three 23 votes Honb''" : AzoR Orne had twenty three 23 Votes Theophilus Parsons Esq" had ninteen 19 Votes Hon"''". Eleazor Brooks had twenty three 23 votes Hon"''"- Joseph B Varnum had two 2 votes 1793. at a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on monday the 4'" day raarch 1793 at 12 O, Clock at noon then & there — 1''. To Choose a Moderator of Said raeeting 2" To Choose Selectmen Collectors and Other Town Officers that the Law Directs — 3 To Stipulate and agree with Collectors upon the price of Collecting Taxes — 4'" To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts & act thereon 5 To hear the Town Creditors Accounts & act thereon 6 To know the minds of the Town whether they will repair thier highways by a rate the ensewing year and if so to grant money therefor or Act any matter or thing that relates thereto town records, 1793. 437 7'" To know the minds of the Town whether thier Swine Shall go a Large the year ensewing — [350.] 8 To hear and act upon a list Prepared for the Jury box 9*" To know the minds of the Town whether they will pro vide a woraans School two months in each of School-houses in Town or act any thing relative to the matter 10'". To hear all the reasonable requests that raay be raade relative to the Abatement of Taxes and act thereon and act any thing relative to the matter — 11 To know the minds of the Town whether they will Des pose of the Building Call", the work-House or make Provision for the repairs thereof or act any thing that relates to the Matter — 12 To hear the report of the Coraraittee Respecting the Town Road between the Lands of Arteraas Ward Esq' and m' Eben' Brackett — 1" Cap''. Isaac Jones Chosen moderator of Said meeting C Cap'' Isaac Jones M" John Coburn M" Elisha Stratton M" Nathan Hagar . Cap'' Joseph Nichols Town Clerk Isaac Hobbs Town Treasurer Eben". Hobbs Assessors Mess"*. John Coburn Joseph Russell AND Cap'' Joseph Nichols r Mess"*. Abr". Harrington, Thad*. Surveyors of \ gpjjjjf,. js^^c Stratton, Nathan War- Highways ^ ^^^ ^ j_ ^^^^^^ Tyhingraen Mess"'. Daniel Stratton & Isaac Gould Hogreaves Mess"^ Sam^''. Fisk & David Brackett [351.] Field Drivers Mess"^ Daniel Rand & Nathan Fisk Fence Viewers Mess"^ William Bogle & Enoch Train Sealers of Leather Mess"*. Tho*. Warren & Josiah Hastdtgs Selectmen < 438 TOWN records, 1793. Surveyor of Hemp M". Samuel Livermore Surveyor & Paker C ^^p,_ Matthew Hobbs & Daniel Boyles of Beef & Pork ( Surveyor of Bread Mess"^ Joel Smith & Caleb Haywood To take care ofthe < ^,_ j,^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ 27/ p,_ j^^^^^_ Meeting House C The Meeting was then Adjourned to Monday the first day of April next at three O, Clock p. m : Meet according to Adjournment Constables & Collectors M" Thad*. Spring to have Six pence & two farthings p' £ for Collecting M" Daniel Stratton to have five pence one farthing p' Pound for Collecting Taxes 2 'V'oted to accept the Town Treasurers Accounts as Ex hibeted 3" Voted that the thanks of the Town be returned to Arte mas Ward Esq' — for his Services as Treasurer the year past 4 Voted to accept the Town Creditors Accounts as follow eth Viz £ 8 B To Cap'. Isaac Jones the sum of Twenty-four Pounds in full of his Account against the Town for his Ser vices — s "Expenditures and losses Sustained as one of the managers ol 'Watertown Bridge Lottery J To Cap' Joseph Nichols for Serving Constable 12/ |^ < and for warning Town meetings 36/ i 5 To M' Nathan Fiske for Serving Constable 12/ ) I and for warning Town meetings 32/ > To m' Nathan Hobbs for his Services as an Assessor To m' Thad^ Spring for his Services as an Assessor To m' Nath". Allen for his Services as an Assessor [352.] 5'" Voted to grant the sura of one Hundred & ten Pounds to repair the high ways the ensewing Year to be worked out at four pence P'. Hour for man or Team — 6'"- Voted that the Swine being well regulated raay go at large untill the first day of Sep' : next — 24 0 0 2 8 0 2 4 0 3 12 0 1 6 0 1 6 0 town records, 1793. 439 7'". Voted that a womans School be Provided in each of the School-Housen in Town the ensewing Sumraer — 8'". Voted, to accejit of a list Prepared for the Jury Box 9'". Voted to abate the Taxes of Nath". Berais ju' : in Con stable Fisk,s lists the Sum of Nine Shillings & three pence 10'". Voted that the Selectraen be a Coraraittee to raake such repairs to the work House as they Shall find Nessessary and Expedient — 11'". The Committee Apointed to Assertain the bounds of the Town road between the Lands of Artemas Ward Esq', and ra' Eben' Brackett reported they found by the records that Said road was laid out two rods wide and that they had laid out & bounded the Sarae Accordingly and the Inhabitants of the Town Legally Assembled Voted to accept the report of Said Coraraittee — The Meeting was then Disolved at a Legal raeeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on raonday the first Day of April 1793 to bring in thier votes for a Governour & Leiu*. Governour of this Comraon wealth agreeably to the Constitution thereof — the votes were as followeth Viz — For Governour ^ '^^^ Hon"''". Elbridge Gerry [Esq", had 24] C HIS EXCELENCY J OHN Hancock [Esq". had 14] For L'. Governour — [353.] At a Legal raeeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston on monday the first day of April 1793 to bring in thier Votes for Counsellors and Senators agreeably to the Constitu tion of this Common-wealth — the votes were as followeth viz Eleazer Brooks Esq", had forty — 40 Counsellors and Senators Joseph B Varnum Esq", forty — 40 Eben". Bridge Esq", forty — 40 Daniel Whitney Esq", thirty one 31 Elbridge Gerry Esq", twenty six 26 Isaac Starns Esq", fourteen 14 Joseph Hosmer Esq". Seven 7 Artemas ward Esq". One 1 Maj". Jon^. Hale One 1 Votes 440 TOWN records, 1793. The Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Legally Quallified and duly warned and Asserabled at the Publick raeeting house in Said Town May 1793 did then & there elect & depute M". Amos Biglow to represent thera in the General Court of this Coraraon-wealth the Year ensewiug — At a Legal raeeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on raonday the 2" day of Sep'. 1793 at three o, Clock in the after noon then & there — 1'' To Choose a moderator of Said meeting — 2" To grant the Sura of Ninty Pounds to pay the Rev" m'. Sarauel Kendal his Sallery for one Year next Suceeding the fifth Day of Nov'- 1793 — 3" To Provide twenty Cords of wood for the Rev" m' Sam". Kendal for the ensewing Year Agreeably to Contract — 4 To know the rainds of the Town whether they will provide [354.] a reading & writing School in the Differ ent parts of the Town as usal or act any thing relative to the raatter — 5 To grant such a sura of raoney as shall appear to be Nes sessary & expedient for the Support of Schooling & other usal & incidental Charges of Said Town — 6'". To grant Such a Sum of money as shall appear to be Nessessary & expedient for the payment of any part of the Just Debts ofthe Town or act any thing that relates thereto — 7'" To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts & act thereon 8'" To hear the Town Creditors Accounts & Act thereon 9 To hear all the Reasonable requests that raay be made for the abatement of Taxes and act thereon — 10'". To appoint a Coraraittee or Committees, Agent or agents for any Purposes that they shall Judge to be Nesses sary or expedient — 11'". To know the rainds of the Town whether they will Build a School-House in the North-east District and raake such repairs to the Other School Housen in Town as shall appear to be Nessessary or Act any thing that relates to the raatter — 12 To know the rainds of the Town whether they will Per mit the Center District to Subdivide and be forraed into two town records, 179.*!. 441 Districts exclusive of any expenc to the Town or act any raat ter or thing that relates to thier Subdivision [355.] 1". Cap''. Isaac Jones chosen moderator of Said Meetirig — 2" Voted to grant the Sum of Ninty Pounds to pay the Rev" m' Samuel Kendal his Sallery for one Year from & after the fifth Day of Nov', one Thousand Seven Hundred & Ninty three — 3". Voted to grant twenty Cords of wood for the Rev" m' Samuel Kendal for the ensewing Year — and that Cap'. Isaac Jones Cap'. Joseph Nichols, M' Daniel Stratton, ra' Uriah Gregory, and Dea" Isaac Hobbs be a Committee to Provide the sarae — and also to Provide wood for the Several School Housen in Town — 4'" On the abateraent of Taxes — Voted that the Treasurer be Directed to Discount m' Daniel Eatons Taxes in the lists of M' Nathan Fisk Collector the Sura five Pounds Six Shillings & eight pence to be replaced when ever it may be Collected — 5 On the tenth Article — Voted that Arteraas Ward Esq'. m' Joseph Russell and m' Thad'. Spring, be and they hereby are appointed Agents in behalf of the Town of Weston — Vested with full Power to defend or Settle a raeraorial brought against the Town by John Richardson of Concord, and to act and perforra any raatter or thing that relates to a Just & final Settleraent with the Said John Richardson — and also to attend to the raatter or case in Dispute between Walthara and Weston relative to a Child belonging to Hannah Garfield and endeavor to defend the Town of Weston frora any expence that raay otherwise arise thereby — and likewise to Search into the mat ter relative to any Estate that may be found belonging to Ruth the wife of Phinehas Child & in the name and behalf of the Town of Weston endeavour to Secure the sarae for the Benefit of Said Town — in all which they are to act Discretionally — [356.] 6'" Voted that this raeeting be Adjourned unto the first Monday in October next, at 2 o, Clock p : m : Meet According to Adjournraent 1''. Voted to accept the Town Treasurer, s Ace", as Exhibeted 442 TOWN records, 1793. 2 Voted that the Center District be Divided into two Dis tricts and that the Town will build one School-House and reraove the School-House now built to accoraodate the Said Districts 3"- Voted that Mess". Isaac Hobbs, Matthew Hobbs, Joseph Nichols ju'. Sam" Train & Jon". Fisk be a Coraraittee to affix the ground for the Said School-Houses to Stand upon and report to the Town — 4'". Voted that the Town will build a School-House on the Northeast District — 5'". Voted to grant the Sura of three Hundred Pounds to defray the the expence of Schooling & other usal & Incidental Charges of the Town the ensewing year — 6'". Voted that the Respective Collectors pay all the Taxes Coramitted to them to Collect on or before the first Day of Dece'. next or Execution to Issue — 7'". Voted that this raeeting be adjourned to the third mon day of this Instant October at four O'Clock p. m : 1". The Committee relative to affixing the ground for the School-Housen to Stand upon in the Center Districts Reported, That the western District (Said to be all the Inhabitants above Col°. Larasons) were agreed that the raost Conveniant Place to erect a School-House in that District is up the Town Road to wards Doct'. Gowens from [357.] the great Road about twelve rods and is marked out on Lands of Cap'. Isaac Jones which Lands Said Jones agrees to give to the Town Provided that he the Said Jones raay have the ground the Center School-house now Stands upon for the Sum of Twelve Pounds — And the Eastern District are agreed that a School-House be erected near the Town Road Leading frora the Rev" ra' Sam" : Kendals to Dea con Sam" Fisks about twenty two Rods frora the great road on Lands of the Rev" ra' Samuel Kendal which Lands the Rev" m' Sarauel Kendal Proposes to give to the Tovvn — and the Coraraittee arc unaraously agreed that the Lands above De scribed are the most equitable and Conveniant places for the Said School-Houses to be Erected — 2". Voted to accept the above report and appointed Artemas Ward Esq' M' Joseph Russell and ra' Thad'. Spring Agents in town records, 1794. 443 behalf of the Town of Weston to give & recive Deeds of the Lands above Described — The Meeting was then Disolved 1794 At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton raarch 3". 1794 at 12 O, Clock a noon then & there 1" To Choose a raoderator of Said raeeting — 2" To Choose Selectraen Collectors and all Other Town Officers that the Law requires — 3*. To Stipulate and agree with Collectors upon the price of Collecting Taxes — 4'". To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts and act thereon 5'" To hear the Town Treasurers [Creditors] Accounts and act thereon 6'" To know the rainds of the Town whether thier Swine Shall go at Large the year ensewing or act any thing that re lates therto — [358.] 7'" To know the minds of the whether they will repair thier High ways by a rate the ensewing year — and if So to grant money therefor or act any thing that relates to the matter 8'" To hear & act upon a list prepared for the Jury Box 9'". To know the minds of the Town whether they will Pro vide a womans School two months in each of the School Housen in Town or act any thing relative to the matter — 10'" To hear all the reasonable requests relative to the abatement of Taxes and act thereon or act any thing relative to the raatter — 11 To hear the request of Daniel Stratton & Others rela tive to haveing three School-Houses in the two Northen Districts and act thereon or act any thing relative to the Matter 12 To hear the request of M' Thaddeus Spring relative to Allowing him to draw out of the Treasurey all the money that has by him been returned in to the Assessors and hath been Assessed upon those Persons that were Delinquent in working 444 TOWN RECORDS, 1794. out thier high way Taxes he having worked out the same — or act any thing relative to the raatter — 1"- Voted that Meeting Selectraen Town Clerk Town Treasurer Constable Constable and CollectorAssessors [359.] Surveyors of HighwaysTythingmenHogreaves Field Drivers Fence Viewers Sealers of Leather Surveyor of Herap Surveyor of Bread To take care of the Meeting-House m" Thad*. Spring be moderator of this f M". Thad* Spring I m" Nathan Hagar -< Cap'''. Joseph Nichols m" Elisha Stratton m" Abr". Harrington Isaac Hobbs Eben" Hobbs M". Daniel Stratton m" Stephen Harrington at 5|" P'- Pound Mes"* John Coburn Joseph Russell and Joseph Nichols ju". Mess"*. Amos Harrington, Josiah Starr, Uriah Gregory Isaac Hobbs and FoRTUNATUS Nichols Mes"'. Elisha Stratton & Ephraim Livermore Mess"'. Eben". Brackett & Hezekiah Wyman Mess"*. Joseph Livermore & Abner Russell CoL°. Sam'-. Lamson & m" Nathan Warren mess"'. Tho* Warren and Josiah Has tings M". Samuel Livermore Mess"*. Joel Smith and Caleb Hay wood M" Ezra Fisk at 27/ P'. Annum town records, 1794. 445 2". Voted to accept the Town Treasurers Accounts as Ex hibeted 3" Voted to allow the Town Creditors accounts as followeth To ra' Eben'. Hobbs Town Treasurer the Sura of three Pounds To m' John Coburn for his Services as an Assessor thirty- six Shillings To Cap'. Joseph Nichols for his Services as an Assessor thirty four Shillings To m'. Joseph Russell for his Services as an Assessor thirty nine Shillings & two pence 4'". To grant the Sum of One Hundred and ten Pounds to repair the High ways the ensewing Year to be worked out thereon at four Pene P'. Hour for man or Team — 5 Voted that the Selectraen be a Coraraittee to exarain the the Accounts and Papers that may be laid before thera by Cap' Jones relative to building a School House in the Year 1782 and report at the adjournraent of this meeting a Stateraent of the matter with thier Opinion thereon — 6 Voted that the thanks of the Town be returned to the Reev"- M' Samuel Kendall for his Liberality in giving the Town a Plat of ground to erect a School House upon — [360.] 7'". Voted to Provide a womans School two months in each of the Different parts of the Town as Usal — 8 Voted that m'. Nathan Fiske be Perraitted to draw out of the Treasurey the Sura of tvvo Pounds five Shillings on account of Levy Thayers Taxes but held to replace the same whenever they may be Collected — 9'". On the request of Daniel Stratton & others relative to having three School Houses upon the North part of the Town — Voted that Mess". Thad'. Spring, Amos Biglow, Cap'. Joseph Nichols, Josiah Starr and Sara". Train Ju'. be a Com mittee to Examin into the Matter and to report relative thereto at the Adjournment of this meeting — 10'" Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the first mon day in April next — and it was accordingly adjourned on the first monday in April raet according to Adjournraent 446 TOWN RECORDS, 1794. 1''. Voted to allow ra'. Thad'. Spring to draw out of the Treasury the Sura of five Pounds one Shillings & 5 J", on account of what he returned to the Assessor of those that were Delinquent in working out thier High-way Taxes, he having worked out the same — 2". the Article for which Committees were Chosen as above being taken up in a Warrent of this date and refered to an After hearing Voted that the raeeting be Disolved and the Meeting was Accordingly Disolved — [361.] At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston on monday the Seventh day of April 1794 at the Publick Meeting House in Said Town, to bring in thier Votes for a Governour Lieu'. Governour and four Senators Agreea ble to the Constitution of this Coraraon-wealth the Votes were as followeth Viz for Governour for L'. Governour Counsellorsand Senators William Cushing Esq", had ten votes Elbridge Geary Esq", had thirty-eight votes jjqjjble . Sam''''. Adams Esq" had twenty-seven votes jjqj^ble James Sullevan Esq", had two Votes f Moses Gill Esq" had forty three Votes I Sam'''' Adams Es had three Votes <; Elbridge Geary Esq", had three Votes W". Heath Esq", had Seven Votes Nath'''' Gorham Esq" had five Votes Eleazer Brooks Esq", had fifty-two votes John B Varnum Esq", had fifty four votes Isaac Starns Esq", had Eight votes Eben". Bridge Esq", had thirty five votes Eph". Wood Esq", had five Votes Daniel Whitney Esq", had thirtyfour votes JoN'^. Hale Esq", had Eight votes W. Rice Esq", had Eleven votes Loamia Baldwin Esq", had Eight votes Willis Hall Esq", had One vote TOWN RECORDS, 1794. 447 [362.] Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston on raonday the Seventh day of April 1794 at four 0, Clock p m : then & there — 1''- To Choose a Moderator of Said Meeting — 2" To Adopt such measures as Shall be Nessesseray and Expedient to pursue, to build one School-House in the east Centerly District — and to build one School-House in the North-east District agreably to a vote of the Town Passed at thier meeting by an Adjournment on the third monday of October last past — and act any matter or thing that relates to building & Completing the same or fixing the ground for the N: E: School-House to Stand upon — or whatever may be agreed upon relative to building, moving or repairing any School-Houses in Town or Opening any road or roads for the better accoraadation of Schooling — and act anv raatter or thinff that in any wise appertains thereto — or to repairing any of the Buildings belonging to the Town — 3" To grant such a Sum, or Suras, of raoney, as Shall appear to be Nessessary, and expedient, for the above or any other Purposes 1"- Voted that m" Thad* Spring be Moderator ofs". Meeting See the raidle of the next Page ft 2" Voted to grant the Sura of Ninty Pounds to pay the Rev" ra' Sara" Kendall his Sallery for one year next Suc ceeding the fifth day of Noveraber 1794 — ^ 3" Voted that Cap'. Fisk, Cap' Hobbs, Cap'. Nichols, ra'. 2 Nathan Hagar, and m' Sara". Liverraore be, and they are _ hereby appointed a Coraraittee to Provide twenty Cords of h Wood for the Rev" ra' Sam" Kendall for the ensewing Year 53 . . ... (!) 4'". Voted that they will Provide a Reading & writing ^ Master three Months in each of the School-Housen in Town I [363.] 5'" Voted to allow m'. Thad'. Spring the Sum § of 12/ for Serving Constable and 12/ for warning three Town M meetings . . . . . . .£140 r also voted to allow m'. Daniel Stratton \ < the Sura of 12/ for Serving Constable and > 1 4 0 ( 12/ for warning three Town meetings . J 448 TOWN RECORDS, 1794. Also voted to abate in Daniel Strattons lists ) „ .. _ •I Abr"" Hews,s High-way Taxes ... 3 ^ .| also ra'. John Flagg,' High way Taxes 23/8 13 8 ^ Also abated in Cap*. Joseph Nichols,' lists the following a> Taxes uOJ ¦^ Yiz Daniel Twitchels Poll Tax for the year 1792 9/3 ¦p Mary Steadmans Taxes for the year g Longly Bartlett,'' Taxes (^ Zach'y. "Weston,' Taxes Joseph Lee 1792 9/3 . 0 9 3 1792 5/6 . 0 5 6 1792 15/1 . 0 15 1 6/ . 0 6 0 . 0 0 H 2" Voted that Mess". Thad'. Spring, Araos Biglow Joseph Nichols ju' Josiah Starr, & Sam". Train ju'. be and they hereby are Appointed a Committee to affix the ground for a School House to be built upon, in the North east District, and what ever they Shall think Expedient for Building or repairing any other School Housen in Town, or Opening any road or roads for the better accomodation thereof — and report to the Town at the Adjournment of this raeeting 3" Voted that Mess". Joseph Russell, Isaac Hobbs & Samuel Liverraore be a Coraraittee to Propose the Dimentions and finishing of the School-Housen Voted to be built in Town and to recive proposales for building the sarae frora Carpenters & Others and Lay the sarae before the Town, at the Adjournment of this raeeting — 4'". Voted that this raeeting be adjourned to the Annual Town meeting in may next at four O, Clock p : — m : — [364.] Meet According to Adjournment 1''. Voted to accept the report of the Committee for affixing the ground for the North-east School-House to Stand upon as marked out by thera on Land of Deacon Sam" Barrett of Boston — 2". Voted that the Committee for Proposing the Dimentions of the School-Housen and finishing of the sarae be Continued and that Deacon Sarauel Fisk, and Cap'. Joseph Nichols be Added to Said Coraraittee — and they are hereby Instructed and TOWN RECORDS, 1794. 449 empowered in behalf of the Town to Contract for the Building & Compleating the two School-Housen upon the most advan tages terms they can agreeably to a plan by them Proposed — and to see that the same be done accordingly — and also to Sell the Old School-House for the most it will fetch — when they shall think Proper 3". Voted the sura of one Hundred and twenty Pounds to- be appropriated for the Sole Purpose of Building the above School-Housen and that the sarae be Assessed, Collected — and ~ paid into the Treasury by the first Day of Sep'. Next and that no Orders be Rece". on this Tax except for Articles Supplied for Building the Sarae — 4'". Voted that this raeeting be Disolved — The Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Legally Quallified and duly warned being Assembled at the Publick meeting-House in Said Town on monday the twelveth day of raay one Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninty-four did then & there elect and Depute m". Amos Biglow to represent said Inhabitants in the General Court of this Common-wealth the ensewing Year — [365.] At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston on the 13'". day of Oct'. 1794 at the Publick meet ing-House in said Town then and there — 1''. To Choose a Moderator of said raeeting — 2" To grant the Sum of Ninty Pounds to pay the Rev" ra' Sara" Kendal his Sallery for one Year next Suceeding the fifth day of Nov'. 1794 3". To Provide twenty Cords of wood for the Rev" m' Sam". Kendal for the ensewing year Agreeably to Contract — 4'" To know the minds of the Town whether they will Pro vide a reading and writing School in the Different parts of the Town as Usal or act any thing relative to the matter — 5'". To grant such a sum of money as Shall appear to be Nessessary & Expedient for the Support of Schooling and other usal and incidetal charges of the Town — 6 To grant such a Sum of money as shall appear to be Nessessary and expedient for the Payment of the whole or a 450 TOWN RECORDS, 1794. part of Debts of the Town that are on Interest or act any thing relative to Discharging the same — 7'" To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts and act thereon S'" To hear the Town Creditors accounts and act thereon '9'" To hear all the Reasonable requests for the abatement of Taxes and act thereon or act any raatter or thing that relates to the Discharging of Taxes — 10'". To pursue such raeasures a shall appear to be Nesses sary and Expedient for taking a Survey of this Town of Wes ton in Complyance with and 'Agreeably to a late resolve of General Court — 11 To know the rainds of the Town whether not they think it expedient to raake Sale of the Building Coraraonly Call", the work-House and Land adjoining and act accordingly, or act any thing relative to Selling or repairing the Sarae — [366.] 1". Voted that m" Thad* : Spring be Moderator of Said Meeting 2" Voted to grant the Sum of Ninty Pounds to pay the Rev". M'. Sam". Kendal his Sallery for one Year next Succeed ing the fifth day of Noveraber in the year of our Lord 1794 3". Voted that Cap'. Fisk, Cap' Hobbs Cap'. Nichols M' Nathan Hagar and M' Sara" Livermore be and they hereby are appointed a Coraraittee to Provide twenty Cords of wood for the Rev" ra' Sam" : Kendal the ensewing Year — 4'" Voted that they will Provide a reading & writing Master Three months in each of the School-Housen in Town — 5'" : Voted to allow ra' Thad'. Spring the Sura of twelve Shillings for Serving Constable and twelve Shillings for warn ing three Town Meetings . . . .£140 6'": Voted to allow m' Daniel Stratton the Sum of 12/ for Serving Constable, and 12/ for warning 3 Town meet ings £14 0 7'". Voted to abate in m' Daniel Strattons lists ra' Abr". Hewes,' Highway Tax 16/7| & John Flaggs High-way Tax 23/8 8 Voted to abate in Cap'. Joseph Nichols lists the following Taxes £ 8 B 0 9 3 0 6 6 0 15 1 0 6 0 0 0 5| TOWN RECORDS, 1794. 451 viz Daniel Twitchels Poll Tax for the year 1792 Mary Steadmans Taxes for the year 1792 Longley Bartlett do 1792 • Zach'y. "Weston do Joseph Lee do £1 16 3f 9*". Voted to abate the Sura of two Pounds thirteen Shil lings & 2^" in m' Sam" Pratts lists which was Considered to be in full of the Taxes Committed to hira to Collect 10 Voted that this meeting be Adjourned to raonday the 3" day of Nov'- next at 2 O, Clock p m : [367.] The Inhabitants of the Town ot Weston being Asserabled this third day of Noveraber 1794 agreeably to thier adjournment at thier meeting on the 13'" day of Oct'. 1794 pass", the following votes viz — 1''. Voted to accept the Town Treasurers accounts as ex hibited 2". Voted to grant the sura of three Hundred & Fifty Pounds to defray the Usal & incidental charges of the Town — 3" Voted to grant the Sura of two Hundred Pounds to be appropriated to pay the debts of the Town that are on Interest and to be paid in to the Treasury by the first day of raarch next — 4 Voted that ra' Thad' : Spring Collector draw out of the Treasury on account of the nonpayraent of Sundry Persons to the Ministers Sallery. they being of a Different denomination the Sum of Seven Pounds Six Shillings & Six pence three farthings — NB : the naraes of the respective persons alluded to above are on file — The Meeting was then Disolved ¦'o At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton Quallified as the Law Directs to bring in thier votes for a Representative to represent the first middle District in the Congress of the United States of America — (Said District being Composed ofthe Towns of Boston, Roxbury, Dorchester, 452 town records, 1795. Brookline, Sharon, Dedham, Needham, Medway, Newton, Wes ton, East Sudbury, Natick, Sherburn, Hopkington & Hollis ton,) being assembled at the Publick meeting-House in S". Town on tho third day of Nov', in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred & ninty-four did then &' there bring in thier votes unto the Selectmen of which the following is a true Coppy viz Hon"''". Fisher Ames had Sixty-eight votes Doct" Charles Jarvis had Six — votes a true Coppy frora the Minutes ) Attest Isaac Hobbs, of Said meeting > Town Clerk [368.] 1795. At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on monday the 2" day of march 1795 Asserabled for the following Purposes viz — 1". To Choose a Moderator of Said Meeting — 2" : To Choose Selectraen Collectors and all Other Town Officers that the Law requiers — 3". To Stipulate & agree with Collectors upon the price of Collecting Taxes — 4'". To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts and act thereon 5'". To hear the Town Creditors accounts & act thereon 6 To know the rainds of the Town whether thier swine shall go at large the year ensewing or act any thing that relates thereto — 7'". To know the minds of the Town whether they will re pair thier high ways by a rate the year ensewing, and if so to grant money therefor or act any matter or thing that relates thereto — 8 to hear & act upon a list prepared for the Jury Box 9'". To know the minds of the Town whether they will pro vide a womans School two inonths in each of the School-Housen in Town, or act any thing that relates to the matter — 10'". To hear all the reasonable requests for the abatement of Taxes and act thereon or act any thing relative to the matter 11 To know the minds of the Town relative to the Pew TOWN RECORDS, 1795. 453 lately Occupied by the widow mary Steadraan Deceased (which Pew now belongs to the Town) whether they will sell or loan S". Pew and tnake Such Provision therefor as Shall appear to be Nessessary or act any thing relative to the raatter [369.] 12 To know the rainds of the Town whether they will appoint an agent or Agents for the Purpose of Supporting and Prosecuting to final Judgement an Action that is already Commenced by the Town of Weston against Jon". Starns ju' of Waltham or for any Other Purposes that they shall deem Nessessary, or act any thing that relates thereto — 13 To the minds of the Town whether they will make such Alteration in the front Gallery as Shall better accomadate the Singers, and make such Provision therefor as Shall appear to be Nessessary and Expedient or act any thing relative to the Matter — 14 To know the minds of the Town whether or not they think it expedient to Sell the Building commonly call", the work House with the Lands Adjoining and make Such Provis ion therefor or for repairing the Same as they shall think Nessessary or act any thing relative thereto — 15 To know the minds of the Town whether or not they will take any Other Measurs for the Support of the poor than what hath been usal or act any thing relative to the matter 1st. M". Thad*. Spring Chosen moderator of Said meeting C M". Thad*. Spring M" Nathan Hagar Cap''. Joseph Nichols M". Elisha Stratton ^ M". Abr". Harrington Town Clerk Isaac Hobbs Town Treasurer Eben". Hobbs Constables Mess"^ Thad^ Spring & Nathan Fiskb Collector M". Nathan Fiske who Stipulated with the Town to Collect the Taxes at Six pence p'. £ [370.] Assessors Mess"^ : John Coburn Joseph Russell & Joseph Nichols Selectmen < 454 town records, 1795. „ , ^ ^Mess"^. Joel Smith, John Slack, „. , { Sam'''' : Smith Jonathan Fisk & Enoch High ways \ ^ "= -^ •' Train Tythingmen MESS"^ Daniel Boyles, & Nathan Fiske Hogreaves Mes"'. Eben" Brackett & Eben" Ballard Field Drivers Mes"'. Thad* : Pierce & Ephraim Livermore Fence Viewers Mess"'. Nath'''' : Allen & Joseph Livermore Sealers of Leather Mes"*. Cornelius Bassett & Josiah Hastings Surveyor of Hemp M" Ephraim Livermore Surveyor of Lumber Mess*. Daniel Stratton & Isaac Lam son Surveyor of Bread mess"*. Joel Smith & Joseph Russell Surveyor & paker ) mes"*. Matthew Hobbs & Daniel of Beef & Pork 3 Boyles To take care of the raeeting House I M". Ezra Fiske at 27/ p' Annura The raeeting was then Adjourned to raonday the 8'". day of this Instant march — March 8'". 1795 The Inhabitants meet according to adjourn ment 1". Voted to accept the Town Treasurers accounts as Ex hibited 2" Voted to allow the Town the Creditors accounts as Ex hibited which were as followeth viz — To m'. John Coburn for his Service as an Assessor . To m'. Joseph Kussell for }iis Service as an Assessor and > Sundry other Services as p'. his account . . . > To Cap*. Joseph Nichols for his Service as an Assessor To m'. Eben'. Hobbs for his Service as Treasurer To m', Thad'. Spring for Services done for the Town [371.] To m' Daniel Stratton for serving Constable 12/ ) 2 4 0 and warning eight Town meetings 32/ . . . , ) £ 8 d 2 16 0 4 10 1 2 16 0 3 0 0 0 6 0 town records, 1795. 455 3". Voted to grant the sura of one Hundred and fifty Pounds to be worked out upon the high ways at five pence p'. Hour for man or Team — 4'" Voted to accept the list of Jurors as Exhibited 5'". Voted to Provide a womans School two months, in each ofthe School Housen in Town the ensewing Sumraer 6'". Voted to Abate the Taxes of Joseph Livermore ju' in ra'. Thad' Springs Hsts the Sura of — eight Shillings & one penney also in ra' Daniel Strat- C Edw* Brindley . .0114 ton,s list C Edw" Brindley ju'. .0 14 7'" Voted that the Selectraen be a Committee to raake Sale ofthe Pew lately Occupied by tho widow mary Steadman — 8'" Voted that Arteraas Ward Esq', be, and he is hearby appointed an agent in behalf of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston to Prosecute to final judgraent & execution an Action or cause Depending between Said Inhabitants and Jonathan Starns, 2". of Waltham — 9'" Voted that Arteraas ward Esq'- and ra'. Thad'. Spring be, and they hereby are Appointed Agents in behalf of the Town of Weston to oppose ancl endeavor to prevent a Proposed alteration of great Country road between ni'. Abr"" Harring tons and Walthara line — 10'". Voted that Isaac Hobbs, Joseph Russell, Thad' : Spring, Daniel Stratton & Cap'. Joseph Nichols be a Coraraittee rela tive to an Alteration being raade in the front Gallery of the meeting House for the better accoraodation of the Singers, that they View the Preraises Consider the expedience. Propose a plan of alteration and report to the Town at the adjournraent of this raeeting — [372.] 11'" Voted that the Selectraen be a Coraraittee to recive proposals for the sale of the building call", the work- House and to report at the adjournraent of this meeting — 12 The meeting was then adjourned to the first monday in April at four O, Clock in the after noon April 6'". 1795 meet according to adjournment 1". Voted that the Selectmen raay sell the work-House for the Sura of one Hundred pounds at thier discretion — 456 TOWN records, 1796. 2". Voted to accept the report of the Coraraittee relative to making an alteration in the front gallery for the better accora adation of the Singers — which report is as followeth — viz To the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston in Town meeting assembled — Gentlemen, Your Coraraittee relative to an alteration proposed to be made in the front gallery of the meeting House for the bet ter Accoraadation of the Singers — beg leave to report that they have attended to the Service assigned thera, have Viewed the Premises, and are unanaraously of the Opinion that it is expedient that three seats nearest the wall in the front gallery be removed, and that the space they now Occupy be converted in to two Pews to be finished decently and in such a manner as Shall best accomadate the performers of that part of Divine Service — and that Said Pews be appropriated (during the pleasure of the Inhabitants of S" Town) to the use of all the singing men & Singing women that all ready have or may here after acquire such Skill in that Sublime art as shall quallify thera to carry on that part of the Publick worship of God in a decent and becoraing maner — all which is Humbly Submitted by Isaac Hobbs Joseph Russell Thad'. Spring y your Coraraittee Daniel Stratton Joseph Nichols ju". [373.] 3". Voted that the sarae Coraraittee be Continued and they are hereby directed and erapowered to cause Such alteration to be raade as they have set forth in the above report — The meeting was then Disolved at a Legal raeeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on raonday the Sixth day of April 1795 to bring in thier votes for Governour, L'. Governour, and four Counsellors & Senators of this Coramon wealth agreeably the Constitution thereof — Votes as followeth town records, 1795. 457 for L'. Governour for Counsellors & Senators ^ His Exelency Sam'''-. Adams Esq", had forty I two votes for Governour <| His Honoar Moses Gill Esq", had Nine votes THE Hon"''". Elbridge Geary Esq", had three L votes His Hon" : Moses Gill Esq", had : Sixty four votes Eleazer Brooks Esq" had forty eight votes Isaac Starns Esq", had forty one votes Jon-". Hale Esq", had thirty three votes Sam''''. Dexter ju". Esq" had thirty-one votes LoAMi Baldwin Esq", had twelve votes Daniel Whitney Esq", had ten votes Joseph B. Varnum Esq", had Seven votes Benj"*^. Brown Esq", had five votes W". Rice Esq", had one vote Timothy Biglow Esq" had one vote Willis Hall Esq", had one vote [Note. — The Town Clerk omitted to copy from Ms "Minutes for Sen ators : Ehen Bridge — 2.] At a Legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Weston on monday the Sixth day of april 1795 at the Publick meeting- House in S". Town then and there — 1'' To bring in thier votes for a Moderator of S". raeeting (See the lower part of the next page) [Note. — This record was interrupted by the following entries, which had been placed on a leaf near the end of the Town Book. The first, hy Elisha Jones, has been printed on page 56 ; the second, hy Samuel Bald win, on page 166. The interrupted record is afterwards continued.} [374.] May 8. 1766 Bathsheba Moulton was warned out of Town and Cautioned against Dec'. 1756 Jn". Knight Chris'. Capen & Mary Priest were "Warn"!, and Caution*. May 1757. Jonas Bowman. Mary Chubb. Silence Chubb. & Sam'. Good ing & wife were Warn*. & Caution*. Jan'. 1771 "Whareas the Severeal Persons Hereafter Named Came into the Town of "Weston and have taken up their Eesidence here Dureing the Continuance of a Late Temporay act made & Passed in the Seventh 458 TO"WN records, 1795. year of his present Majestys in addition to Several Laws already made Relaiting to the Removell of Poor Persons out of the Towns whereof they are not Inhabitants which Persons Have not made their application to the Selectmen nor Have had the approbation of the Town at a Gen erall Town meeting for their Dwelling Here are were "Warned and Cau tioned against Jan'. 1771 viz Nathaniel Parkhurst & Eunce his wife & Martha there Daug' from "Waltham Jacob Bull & Rebecca his "Wife & Children viz Reuben Thomas John Mary Jacob & Elizabeth from Cambridge Susan nah Gage wid" & Susannah Gage her Daug' from Lincoln "William Graves & Mary his wife & there Children viz Sarah WUliam and Mary from Needham Jonathan Peirce from Lexington Lucy Jones from "Worcester Penieul Clerk from Newton: Jedediah white and Betty his wife and there Children viz Deadamia Jedediah Reuben Grace Andrew & Betty Willington her Daug' from Watertown Reuben Shed from Bellerica Lois Parkhurst from Waltham Sam". Nutting from Waltham Lydia Nutting from Marlbrough Jeremiah Goodhew & Elizabeth Goodhew his wife and there children viz Abigail Elizabeth Lucy Jeremiah from John Gould Tho'. Williams from Abigail Hinds from Newton Martha WiUard from Newton 2". To know the rainds of the Town relative to rebuilding repairing or in an wise rendering the School Housen in Town more Comfortable & Conveniant and to pursue such Measures as Shall to them appear to be Nessessary & Expedient to accom plish the Sarae or act any thing relative to the raatter — 3". To the rainds of the Town whether or not they think it expedient to grant such a Sura of raoney as shall be adequate to Discbarge all the Debts of the Town that are now upon Interest or act any thing relative to the raatter The Inhabitants being assembled for the purpose above raentioned 1" M". Thad'. Spring was Chosen moderator of S", meeting [375.] 2" Voted that the Selectmen, together with Deacon Isaac Hobbs and Cap'. Jon". Fisk be a Comittee to examin the School Housen in Town and to report at the adjournment of this meeting thier Opinion relative to the Nessessity or expedience of rebuilding repairing or in any wise rendring the School- Housen in Town more Comfortable & conveniant — 3". To grant the sura of two Hundred and thirty Pounds to be assessed and Collected the one half of the Sura to be paid TOWN RECORDS, 1795. 459 into the Treasury by the first day of Dece'. next the reraainder by the first day of March next and the sarae is hereby appro priated to pay the Debts ofthe Town that are on Interest — The raeeting was then adjourned to the next anual raay raeet ing at 4 o, clock p : M : Meet according to adjournraent The Coraraittee appointed relative to repairing the School Housen reported as followeth viz — To the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Gentleraen your Committee appointed to exarain the School Housen in Town to see what repairs are Nessessary and expedient to make thera Corafortable and Con- veinant — have attended that service — and beg leave to report that it is the Opinion of y'= Coraraittee that the School-Housen in the South-east & South west Districts be repaired in the fol lowing raanner, viz by Building Porches, by Clap boarding, by removing the Chiraneys & Providing Stoves, Building new Seats & Benches and such Other repairs as Shall be found to be Nessessary that the School-House in the North-west District is so Small & so much out of repair as to render it very uncora fortable & inconveinant to keep School in as it now is — and it is the Opinion of your Coraraittee that it is not worth repair ing — the Expedience of building a new one the present year we would refer to Consideration of the Inhabitants of the Town all which is Hurably Submitted by your Committee [376.] 2". Voted to accept the report ofthe Coraraittee — 3" Voted that the Selectmen be a Committee to see the re pairs Corapleated accordingly — The raeeting was then Disolved ¦'a At a Legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on the Sixth day of raay 1795 — To elect & depute some Suitable Person to represent thera in the General Court of this Comraonwealth the ensewing year the Question being put to the minds of the Town whether they would act upon the war ren — and it past in the Negative — At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes- 460 TOWN RECORDS, 1795. ton Oct'. 5'"- 1795 Asserabled at the Publick meeting House in S". Town for the following Purposes, viz — 1'' To Choose a Moderator of S". meeting — 2" To grant a Sum of raoney Sufficient to pay the Rev" m'. Sara". Kendal his Sallery for one Year next Succeeding the the 5"'. day of Nov'- 1795 — 3". To Provide twenty Cords of wood for the Rev" m' Kendal 4'". To know the rainds of the Town whether they will Pro vide a reading & writing School in the Different parts of the Town as usal or act any thing relative to the matter — 5 To grant Such a Sura of raoney as Shall appear to be Nessessary & expedient for the Support of Schooling & Other usal & incidental charges of the Town — 6 To hear the Town Treasurers accounts & act thereon 7'" To hear the Town Creditors accts and act thereon 8 To hear all reasonable requests for the abateraent of Taxes and act thereon — 9. To know the rainds ofthe Town whether they will build Porches to the Meeting House or to hear such Proposals as may be made relative thereto and to Such other alterations as may be proposed and act thereon or act any thing relative thereto. [377.] 10 To know the minds ofthe Town relative to pro curing a plan of the Town to hear what may be offered upon the Subject and act thereon — 11 To see if the Town will permitt Arteraas ward and Such Others as raay Subscribe for a private School to iraprove the School house in the western raiddle District when the same Shall not be Occupied by the Town — 1 M". Thad*. Spring was Chosen moderator of S", meeting 2 Voted to grant the Sura of Ninty Pounds to pay the Rev" ra' Sam" Kendal his Sallery for one year next Succeed ing the 5'" day of Nov' 1795 — 3" Voted that Cap'. Jones Mess". Thad'. Spring Sam". Train . Elisha Stratton & Abr"". Harrington be a Coraraittee to provide twenty cords of wood for the Rev". M'. Kendal — and also wood for the use Several Schools 4'" Voted to grant the Sura of one Hundred and eight TOWN RECORDS, 1796. 461 Pounds to provide Pasters for the School Housen in Town each District to share an equal Proportion thereof — 5'". Voted that Artemas ward Esq'. Mess"- Joseph Russell Tho'. Rand Isaac Hobbs & Thad'. Spring be and they hereby are appointed a Committee to draw a plan of Porches Proposed to built to the Meeting House and to hear Proposals relative thereto and report to the Town at the adjournraent of this meeting — 6 Voted that there be a plan of the Town Provided with the length and direction of all the roads therein, noticing all Publick Buildings &c 7 voted that this meeting be adjourned to the first monday in Nov' at 2 o, Clock p : m : — Meet according to adjournment 1. voted to accept the Town Treasurers ace", as Exhibeted 2 Voted to grant the Sum of three Hundred & fifty Pounds to defrey the expence of Schooling & other usal & incidental Charges of the Town — 3 voted to grant the Sura of twenty Pounds to be paid to the Rev" m' Kendall for the present year in addition to his usal & Stipulated Sallery — 4 voted that Arteraas ward and Others may occupy the School House in the western middle District in keeping a pri- vat School when the same is unoccupied by the Town — 5'" Voted that the Consideration of the article relative to Building Porches be postponed untill the Annual March Meet ing — the Meeting was then Disolved [Note. — This was the last record of the Town Book as originally made. Sometime after 1803, the book was rebound, and the following records, covering about one hundred and fifty pages, were bound with it."] [378.] 1796 At a meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Weston on monday the Seventh day of March 1796 being Legally Assem bled at the Publick meeting house in S". Town for the follow ing Purposes Viz 1''. To Choose a moderator of Said raeeting — 2". To choose Select-raen Collectors and all other Town officers that the Law requires — 462 TOWN RECORDS, 1796. 3 To Stipulate and agree with Collectors upon the price of Collecting Taxes — 4'". To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts and act thereon 5'". To hear the Town Creditors accounts and act thereon 6'" To know the minds of the Town whether thier Swine Shall go at large the year ensewing or act any thing that relates there to — 7'". To know the minds of the Town whether they will re pair thier high-ways by a rate the Year ensewing, and if so grant money therefor — 8'". To hear and act upon a list prepared for the Jury Box 9'". To know the minds of the Town whether they will pro vide a womens School two months in each of School-housen in Town, or act any thing relative to the matter — 10'". To hear all the reasonable requests for the abatement of Taxes and act thereon or act any thing relative to the raatter 1 1'". To hear the request of ra'. Nathan Hager and Others relative to building a School-house in the North-west District and to make such Provision therefor as shall appear to be Nessessary or act any thing relative to the raatter [379.] 12'" : To hear the report of the Coraraittee that was raised in October last, to draw a Plan of Porches proposed to be built to the meeting-House, and to hear Proposals from any Persons relative thereto and to act any matter or thing relative to the same — and also to give thier other Committee instructions wether they shall or shall not proceed to make such alterations in the front gallery (agreeably to thier forraer Directions) for the better accoraadation of the Singers as hath been proposed — or any other alteration that the Town Shall think expedient or act any thing relative thereto — 13 To hear the request of ra' Increase Leadbetter relative to Discontinuing a Town way near his House and act thereon 1''. Artemas Ward Esq". Chosen moderator of Said meeting Artemas Ward Esq" Nathan Hagar Selectraen <^ Abr^. Harrington Elisha Stratton Sam''''. Train ju" town records, 1796. 463 Town Clerk Isaac Hobbs Town Treasurer Eben" : Hobbs Assessors Mess"*. Thad' : Spring, Joseph Russell & Enoch Train Constable & Cm". Nathan Fisk to Collect the Taxes a Collector \ 5". p'. £ Surveyors of \ Mess"'. Joseph Livermore, Nathan High-ways ) Hobbs, Jacob Sanderson — Abijah ° ' C Fisk and John Lamson Tythingmen: mess"*. Joseph Livermore & Isaac Gould Hogreaves Eben". Fisk and William Lawrence Field Drivers Sam'-''. Cobb & Nathan Warren Fence Viewers Sam''''. Train & Micah Warren Sealars of Leath Tho* Warren & Josiah Hastings Surveyor of Hemp Joseph Livermore Surveyor of Luraber Isaac Gould and Tho' Biglow [380.] Surveyor of Bread, Joseph Livermore Surveyor & Paker ) Cap''. Matthew Hobbs & Daniel of Beef & Pork 5 Boyles To take care ofthe ) Ezra Fiske at four Dollars and 50 cents meeting-House ) p'. annura 3" Voted to allow the following Accounts viz To m' Joseph Russell for his Services as an assessor and ? Sundry Other Services I To Cap' Joseph Nichols for his Services as an Assessor . To m' Nathan Fiske for warning Six Town meetings 48/ ) Serving Constable 24/ . . ¦ ) To Eben' Hobbs for his Service as Treasurer . 4'". voted not to act upon that Article in the warrent relative to Liberating the Swine 5 Voted to grant the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds to be worked out Six Pence p' Hour for man or Team — the raeeting Adjourned to the first raonday in April next at two o, Clock p M — £ 8 d 3 15 9 3 4 0 3 12 0 3 12 0 464 town records, 1796. Monday April 4'". raeet According to Adjournraent 1*'. Voted that the Town Treasurers Accounts be allowed as exhibeted — 2". Voted to accept of the list Prepared for the Jury Box 3" : Voted that each of the School Districts in Town may draw out of the Treasurey the sura of twenty Dollars for the Purpose of Providing a Womans School the ensewing Sumer — [Note. — In copying from his Minutes, now on file, the Town Clerk omitted one vote, an important one. In the Minutes, it follows subdivision 4 of the abatement taxes, hut is numbered 3*: It is as follows : — 3*: Voted that there shall be a School-House built in the North-west Bistrict of the Same Bementions of that in the North east District and that the Selectmen be a Committee to build and Compleat the Same.] 4'"- Voted the following abatement of Taxes Viz 1". The arrears of Jonas Peirce former Collector [381.] 2" in the list of Cap'. Joseph Nichols £ S d Enoch Harringtons Taxes the Sum of . . 0 9 3 and Joseph Jones,s Taxes the Sum of . . 0 9 3 3" in Collector Harringtons lists Cornelius Bassetts Taxes the Sum that he Paid at Concord being 0 12 5 also mary Steadmans Taxes the Sum . . 0 4 4 also Charles Stimson 0 10 4 4'". Voted that Daniel Stratton a late Collector be permitted to draw out of the Treasurey the Sum of eight Shillings and one Peney on account of Nathan Thayers Taxes borne upon his hsts but that the Said Stratton be held to replace the Sarae Sum in the Treas urey whenever it raay be Collected — iv'"- [5'".] on the 12'".* Article in the Warrent relative to Accoraadating the Singers.. 1" voted that the 2", third, & fourth Seats in the front gallery be reraoved and that the Space they now Occupy be Converted into two Pews, to be finished Decently now and in Such a manner as shall best accomadate the per formers of of that part of Divine Service — and that S". Pews town records, 1796. 465 be appropriated (During the Pleasure of the Inhabitants of s". Town) to the use of the Singers, raale & feraale that already have, or do hereafter acquire Such Skill in that Sublime art as Shall Quallify them to carry on that Part of the Publick wor ship of God in a Decent and becoming raanner — 2" Voted that the forraer Coraraittee relative to Buildino- Pews for the Singers be Disraissed, and that Arteraas Ward Esq'. Deacon Isaac Hobbs Mess". Joseph Russell & Eben' Brackett be a Committee to cause such Alteration as is above described — the 13'" and last article in the warrent was not acted upon — the inhabitants of s". Town Quallified for that purpose gave in thier votes for County Register, agreeably to law on the examination of which there appeared to be Ninteen for ra'. Sarauel Bartlett and none for any other person — The Meeting then Disolved [382.] Att a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston on raonday the fourth day of April 1796 for Gov ernor Lieu'. Governor and four Counsilors & Senators of this Common-wealth Agreeably to the Constitution thereof votes as followeth viz — for Govenour < His Exelency Sam'-'-. Adams Esq", had ten votes Hon"''". Increase Sumner had : fifty-Seven votes Govenor <^ r His Hon". Moses Gill Esq votes had fifty-one Hon"''" : Increase Sumner had one vote i Hon"''". Edw". H. Bobbins had one vote Eleazer Brooks Esq", had 46 votes Counsillors and Senators Eben". Bridge Loamia Baldwin <( Sam''''. Dexter ju" Isaac Starns Daniel Whitney . Artemas Ward had 44 votes had 24 votes had 15 votes had 13 votes had 19 votes had 11 votes 466 town records, 1796. The Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Constitutionally Quallified and warned being Asserabled at the Publick meeting- House in Said Town on the ninth day of may 1796 — did then and there Elect & Depute Artemas Ward Esq", to represent S". Inhabitants in the General Court of this Coraraon-wealth the ensewing year — Att a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton may 9'". 1796 at the Publick meeting-House in Said Town for the following Purposes viz — 1'' To choose a moderator of Said raeeting 2". To grant money (if they See cause) to build a School- House in the North-westerly District, of the description men tioned in a vote passed at the last march raeeting — [383. J 3" To grant money (if they See cause) to defray all the Nessary Town Charges for the Year ensewing — 4 to See if the Town will erect Scales for the Purpose of weighing Hay and let the same or do any thing that relates thereto — 5 to See what disposition they will make of the Pew in the meeting-house lately Occupied by the widow Hepzibah Sraith which has now reverted to the Town — 6'" To hear the request of the Singers for sorae further ac- coraraodations in point of Seats in the raeeting-House than was made for thera the last raarch meeting and See if the Town will make any further Provision for them in that behalf — 1". Artemas War" Esq". Chosen moderator of s'', meeting 2" : Voted to grant the Sum of Two Hundred Dollars to be Assessed and Collected by the first day of Aug', next — 3". Voted to grant the sura of one Thousand Dollars to defray the usal and Incidental charges of the Town, to be assesed in Sep', next — 4 Voted that the Selectmen be a Coraraittee to • raake Sale of the Pew latwly Occupied by Hephzibah Sraith late of Wes ton Deceased at Publick Auction this Evening — 5 Voted that the Second, third and fourth Seats in the front town records, 1796. 467 Gallery be Converted into two Pews for the use of the Singers during the Pleasure of the Town — The meeting then Disolved The Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Quallified as the Law directs being duly warned, Assembled at the Publick Meeting- House in Said Town on the 24'" : day of October 1796 for the following Purposes viz — 1 To Choose a Moderator of Said meeting — * See Page 385 [Note. — The remainder of the Warrant and the First Article of the Transactions, the Choice of Moderator, may he found as indicated by the Clerk, who blundered in copying.] [384.] 2" Voted that Artemas Ward Esq'- & M'. Joseph Russell be, and they hereby are Appointed a Coraraittee in the behalf of the Town of Weston to Petition the General Court relative to the maintaince of Watertown Bridge 3 Voted that Artemas Ward Esq'- & M' Joseph Russell be and they hereby are Appointed Agents to answer to & de fend the Indictments that are against the Town relative to thier Publick Roads — 4'" Voted that Mess". Joseph Sanderson, Eben'. Hobbs and Samuel Livermore be a Coraraittee to Provide twenty Cords of fire wood for the Rev", ra' Sara" Kendal — 5'" : Voted to grant the Sura of Ninty Pounds to pay the Rev" M' Sam". Kendal his Sallery for one year next Suceed ing the fifth day of Nov'. 1796 — 6'" Voted that the Sura of Eight Hundred Dollars be granted in addition to one Thousand Dollars granted in raay last to defray the usal and incidental Charges of the Town 7'" voted that Ninty Dollars be appropriated to each Dis trict lo Procure reading & writing raasters the ensewing Winter 8'". Voted that the following Persons be Coraraittee, s tO' Provide Schoolraasters in the Districts to which they respec tively belong — viz Mess". Abijah Fisk, Sara". Train, & Enoch Train Mess". Josiah Hastings, John Slack & Josiah Starr 468 TOWN records, 1796. Rev". M'. Sam" Kendal Mes". Joel Smith & Abr" Har rington Cap'. Isaac Jones, Enoch Greenleaf & Arteraas Ward Es:i'.s Mess". Nathan Hagar Elisha Stratton & Alpheus Biglow Mess"- Joseph Russell Eben' Hobbs & Nathan Fiske '[385.] 9'". the article in the warrent relative to the Poor past over — 10 the article in the warrent relative to Seating the meeting House not acted upon — 11'" Voted that the following Taxes in Constable Fisks lists be abated — B C m Tho^ Williams |2 43 0 Nathan Smith 2 43 0 Moses Harrington 1 16 0 John Hewing 2 20 0 N B John Hewings to be drawn out of the Treasury but to be replaced when ever it may be Collected — 12'" Voted that the Singers Male & feraale raay Occupy the three first Seats in the front Gallery during the Pleasure of the Town — 13 Voted that this meeting be Adjourned to raonday the 7'" day of Nov', a 3 o, Clock p. m : Meet according to adjournment 1" Voted to accept the Town Treasurers Account as ex hibeted the meeting then Disolved * Continued from Page 383 2" To appoint agents to perfer a petition to the general Court to relivee them from the Burden of Contributing to the maintainance of Watertown-bridee or Permit thera to Share the advantages of the fishery — 3. to appoint agents to answer in thier behalf to the Indict ments thera for not repairing the bridge over Stoney Brook — and the road which leads frora Waltham to Concord — TO-WN RECORDS, 1796. 469 4 to appoint a Committee to Provide wood for the Rev". m'. Sam". Kendal with which they are obliged by Contract to furnish him — or do any other matter or thing which may be adjudged nessessary touching the same 5'" To grant money to pay the Sallery of the Rev", ra' Sam" Kendal 6 To grant money to Defray the expenc of Schools and all other nessessary Town Charges — [386.] 7'". to appoint a Coraraittee in each District to hire & pay a School-master therein — and recive from the Treasury such Sum as may be granted for that Purpose — 8'". To exarain a calender of the Poor of the Town, hear an estiraate of the annual expence of providing for thera in the present Mode and see if the Town will adopt any new raeasure in that be half in futer — 9'". to appoint a Coraraittee to assign seats to the inhabitants in the Publick meeting-house — 10 to hear the Petition of divers Persons in behalf of the Singers respecting a Seat for them in the meeting-house — 11'". to hear any applications for the abatement of Taxes that may be made & act thereon — 12*" To hear tiie Town Treasurer, s Accounts and act thereon 1". Artemas Ward Esq". Chosen Moderator See Page 384 The Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Quallified to vote for an Elector, of President and Vice President, of the united States Legally Assembled at the Publick raeeting-House in Said Town on raonday the 7'" day of Nov'. 1796 for that Pur pose and gave in thier votes which are as followeth. viz — C The Hon"''". Tho'. Dawes had Sixty-four votes c HIS ExEO"^ : Sam'''' Adams had one vote The Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Legally Quallified to give in thier votes for a Person to represent thera in the 470 TOWN RECORDS, 1797. Congress of the united States Assembled for that Purpose on the 7'" day of Nov'. 1796 and gave in thier votes as followeth Viz — Harrison Grey Otis had Sixty-Six Votes [387.] 1797 At a raeeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Quallified to vote in Town afiairs. Legally Asserabled at the Publick meeting house in Said Town on monday the Sixth day of March 1797 to act on the following Articles viz — 1". To Choose a Moderator of Said meeting — 2" To choose Selectmen and all other usal Town officers — 3" To hear & Consider the request of m'. Increase Lead- better for Sorae further Allowance, for daraages Sustained by the County road passing through his land, the Coraraittee of the Court of Sessions not having allowed hira a reasonable sum 4 to hear and Consider the application of the Surveyors in behalf of the Several districts ; for permition to draw out of the Treasury the raoney which was Assessed for the Purpose of repairing the high ways for the last year and not worked out ; to the end that the sarae may be expended upon the roads in the Several Districts as was originally intended — 5'" To hear the request of Artemas Ward Esq'. Nathan Hagar & Amos Harrington for leave to erect Stables on the Towns Land Contigious to the one owned by Cap'. Jones & others — 6'". to Consider and determin whether they will make sale of the work-House and the Lands adjoining, or repair the Same & lease it as has heretofore been done — 7'". to hear & examin the Accounts of the Treasurer of the Town 8'". To consider of the expediency of granting money to re pair the High-ways the Present Year — 9 To grant raoney (if they See cause) for the Purpose of providing a School in the Several Districts the ensewing Sura mer — 10'". To determin whither thier Swine Shall go at large the ensewing year — TOWN RECORDS, 1797. 471 11 To hear the accounts of tho Creditors of the Town who raay perfer them for allowance — 12 To hear the request of any Person or Persons who raay wish for an abatement of thier Taxes — [388.] Meeting Artemas Ward Esq" chosen Moderator of S". ' Artemas Ward Esq" Nathan Hagar \ Elisha Stratton Abr^. Harrington' Sam'''' Train ju". Isaac Hobbs Eben". Hobbs SelectmenTown Clerk Town Treasurer AssessorsConstables and CollectorsSurveyors of highwaysTythingmen Hogreaves Field Drivers Fence Viewers Sealers of Leath. Surveyors of Herap Surveyor of Luraber Isaac Gould & Daniel Allen Surveyor of Bread Caleb Hayward Surveyor & Paker ^ ^^^^^^ g^^^^^ ^ j^^^^^ p^^^^^ of Beef & Pork To take care ofthe meeting-house Mess"'. Joseph Russell Nath'''- Allen, & Enoch Train C Nathan Fiske to have 5|-". p'. £ for C Collecting r mess"*. Caleb Hayward, Jonathan \ Warren, Abner Russell Tho*. L Brown & Josiah Hastings Sam''''. Livermore & Jacob Fisk Jesse Cheney, & David Brackett Eben". Hobbs & Sam'-'-. Cobb Eph''. Livermore & Isaac Peirce Josiah Hastings & Amos Hobbs ( Eph". Livermore — — — \ i Ezra Fisk at 5 Dollars p'. annum 472 TOWN RECORDS, 1797. 3". the vote relative to m' Leadbetters request for further allowance for the County road passing through his Land passed in the Negative — 4'" Voted that the Several districts that did not work out all thier Highway Taxes the last Year, but shall work them out the present year to the Satisfaction of the Selectmen Shall by thier Order draw out of the Treasury the Sum they have respectively been reassessed in Consiquence of Thier Delin quincy [389.] 5'" Voted to accept the Town Treasurers Accounts as exhibited 6'" Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the first monday in April next at three o, Clock in the after noon — raeet according to Adjournraent 1". Voted that the Selectraen together with Mess". Tho'. Rand & Isaac Gould be a Committee relative to the work-House — to act discretionally either to sell. Lease or repair the same 2". voted to grant the Sum of three Hundred Pounds to be worked out on the high-ways at Nine Pence P'. Hour for man or Team 3. Voted to grant the Sum of one Hundred and fifty Dollars and to be appropriated for the use of Schoohng and equally Divided between the Several Districts — 4'". Voted to allow the following Accounts viz To Nathan Fiske for Serving Constable and Warning Seven 1 Town meetings To Eben' Hobbs for his Service as Treasurer ( Thad" Spring To the Assessors for thier Services i Joseph Russell ( Enoch Train To m'. Abner Russell for damages Sustained by an alteration ) in the Road near his House as marked by the Courts >¦ 16 66 6 Committee ) 5 voted to abate Nathan Smiths Taxes for the > „ , „ o Year 1794 in Stephen Harringtons lists 3 6 Voted not to act upon the Article relative to Liberating the Swine — B C M 13 33 1 12 0 0 11 20- 0 11 20 0 11 20 0 town records, 1797. 473 [390.] 7'". Voted that the request of Artemas Ward Esq'. and others be Committed to Mess". Joseph Russell, Amos Har ington & Eben' Hobbs — 8'". Voted to abate Increase Leadbetters minister Tax for the year 1796 — 9'" Voted to abate Abel Peirces rainister Tax for the year 1796 — the meeting then Disolved At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on monday the third day of April 1797 for the Choice of Governour L'. Governour and four Counsilors and Senators of this Comraon-Wealth agreeably to the Constitution thereof the votes as followeth — viz — for Governor for L'. Govenor Counsilors and Senators Hon"''" : Increase Sumner had Sixty votes HIS Hon". Moses Gill had Sixteen votes Hon"''". James Sullivan had Six votes HIS HON". Moses Gill had Sixty votes Hon"''". Increase Sumner had Six votes Hon"''". James Sullivan had three votes Eleazer Brooks Eben" Bridge Daniel Whitney Artemas Ward ju". Isaac Starns Timothy Biglow James Winthrop had Seventy Six votes had Seventy Six votes had Seventy Six votes had Seventy five votes had two votes had two votes had one vote [391.] The Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Quallified agreeably to the to the Consitution of this coraraon-wealth Legally Assembled at the Publick meeting-house in Said Town on raonday the Eighth day of raay 1797 and did then & there elect & depute Artemas Ward Esq" to represent thera in the General Court the ensewing year — The inhabitants of the Town of Weston Quallified as the Law 474 TOWN records, 1797. Directs, being duly warned Asserabled at the Publick meeting house in Said Town, for the following Purposes on monday the Second day of October 1797 — viz 1". To Choose a moderator of Said meeting — 2" To grant money to pay the Rev" M' Samuel Kendal his Sallery for the year ensewing — 3". To appoint a Coraraittee to Provide the wood for the Rev" M' Sam". Kendal for the year ensewing which the Town are holden to furnish him with by Contract or adopt such other measures in the premises as they may think Proper — 4 To Make a grant to the Rev" ra' Sara" Kendal in addition to his Stated Sallery, in Consideration of the fall of money and the rise of the Nessessaries of Life — 5 To grant money to defray the expenc of Schools and all other Nessessary Town Charges — 6 To appoint Committees, in the several Districts to Pro vide School-masters, or adopt any other measure in that behalf which they shall think proper 7 To examin the accounts of the Town Treasurer 8'" : To hear and pass upon the accounts of the Creditors of the Town — [392.] 9'" To hear the requests of all Persons who raay prefer applications for the abateraent of Taxes — 10'" : To grant raoney to expend on the County road in the Southerly Part of this Town — 11 To hear the request of any Person or Persons who may apply for the erection of Guide Posts at Places in which the Town in the Judgement of the Selectmen are not Obliged to erect them — 12'". To hear the request of any Person or Persons who raay apply for Permission to erect Stables on the Towns land, near the Publick meeting-house — 1". Artemas Ward Esq", chosen moderator of Said meeting 2". Voted to grant the Sura of three Hundred Dollars to pay the Rev" ra' Sam"- Kendal his Sallery for the ensewing Year — 3 Voted that mess". Joseph Russell, Caleb Hayward & TOWN RECORDS, 1797. 475 Eben'. Hobbs be a Coraraittee to Provide twenty cords of Wood for the rev". M' Sara". Kendal for the year ensewing 4'" : voted to grant the Sura of one Hundred Dollars to paid to the Rev" m' Sara" Kendal the ensewing Year in addition to his Stated Sallery — 5 Voted to grant the Sum Eighteen Hundred Dollars to defray the expence of Schools & other Nessessary Town Charges — 6 Voted that one Hundred Dollars of the above sum be allow", to each School District, and appropriated to Provide reading & writing Masters the ensewing Winter — [393.] 7'". Voted that the following persons be Commit tees to Provide Masters for the Several districts viz — 1". Stephen Harrington, Increase Leadbetter, & Abijah Fiske — 2". Abr". Harrington, Isaac Lamson, & Samuel Fiske — 3" Joseph Seaverns, Benj" Rand — and Josiah Hastings 4 Arteraas ward Caleb Hayward and Araos Harrington 5 Nathan Hagar, Elisha Stratton, and Alpheus Biglow 6'" Joseph Russell Abijah Whitney and Nathan Warren 8'". Voted to accept the Town Treasurer, s Account as ex hibeted 2) CM 9'" voted to abate Daniel Strattons minister Tax 3 16 0 10'" voted to abate moses Aldens Taxes amount ing to 2 16 0 11"" voted to abatQ one half of John Strattons Minister Tax 12'" : voted to grant the Sum of one Hundred Dollars to repair the County road upon the South side of the Town, and that the charge thereof be Comraitted to raess". Joseph Russell Thad'. Spring and Enoch Train — the two last articles in the warrent after sorae debates there on Subsided without any vote being taken — the raeeting then Disolved Weston raarch 7'". 1796 Rece" of Joseph Nichols ju' Eigh teen Pounds in full for a Few in the Publick meeting-House in Weston adjoining to Col". Marshalls Pew and ra'. Araos Har ringtons Sold by by the Coraraittee the 6'". day of april 1795 476 TOWN RECORDS, 1798. agreable to a vote of Said Weston which Pew being Struck off to Said Nichols at Publick Vendue is Considered as his Property & his Hiers and assigns forever Thad Spring Nathan Hagar Coraraittee Elisha Stratton ( of Sale. Weston Ap'. 5'" 1796 Ab". Harrington J I here by quit all ray Title to the Pew above raentioned To M'. Jonathan Child Witness Jos : Nichols ju" • [394.] X798 (seal) Commonwealth of Massechusetts To Nathan Fishe Constable of Town of Weston in the County of Middlesix Greeting You are hereby required in the name of the Common weath of Massechusetts to notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants, of Said Town qualified by law to vote in Town meetings viz such as pay to a Single tax beside the poll or polls, a sura equal to two thirds of a Single poll tax, to assemble at the Publick meeting-house in Said Town on monday the fifth day of March next at one of the Clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles, viz — 1". To choose a Moderator of Said raeeting. 2". To choose Selectraen and all other town officers required by Law — 3". To grant raoney to be expended in repairing the roads, or adopt any mode in repairing them which they raay think expedient — 4'". To hear any applications that may be raade for the abateraent of Taxes and act thereon — 5'" To hear and pass upon the accounts of any of the Credi tors of the Town, who raay prefer thera for allowance — 6'". To exarain and pass upon the accounts of the Treasurer ofthe Town, which raay be exhibited for allowance & Settlement town records, 1798. 477 7'". To grant money (or appropriate raoney already granted) for the purpose of providing a woraans School in the Several districts the ensewing Suraraer — 8'". To deterrain whether Swine shall go at large the ensew ing Season being yoaked & ringed according to Law 9'" To exarain the list prepared for the jury box and act thereon — [395. J 10'". To hear the request of any person or persons, who raay make Application for permission to erect Stables on the land of the Town the back Side of the raeeting — 11'". To consider of the expediency of changing the raode of warning Town meetings iu futer — 12 to contract with any person to collect Taxes or do any thing that relates to the same — Given under our hands and seal this ninteenth day of February in the Year of our Lord seventeen Hundred and Ninty Eight Artemas Ward "j Nathan Hagar j Elisha Stratton y Selectmen Abr". Harkington Sam'-'' Train Middlesex ss Weston Feb'^' 26 1798 In Obidienc to the above warrent I have notified and Warned all the freeholders and other of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston according to the directions thereof — Nathan Fiske Constable for Weston The Inhabitants of Weston, being asserabled in consequence of and agreeable to the above warrent, the sarae being read to thera, they proceeded to act upon the Several Articles thereof as followeth viz — 1" Artemas Ward Esq", chosen moderator of Said meeting Joseph Russell Nathan Hagar Selectraen ^ Elisha Stratton Alpheus Biglow Sam" : Train 478 town records, 1798. Town Clerk Town Treasurer ' [396.] , Assessors Surveyors of High ' ways & Collectors ' Tythingraen HogreavesField Drivers Fence Viewers Sealers of Leath Surveyor of Herap Surveyors of Luraber Surveyor of Bread Surveyor & Paker of pork & Beef Saxton Isaac Hobbs Joseph Russell Thad'. Spring Nathan Fisk, Sam'''- Fiske Elisha Stratton, & Enoch Train Isaac Jones Alpheus Biglow Nathan Fisk Amasa Spring & Stephen Harrington Eben". Fisk and Sam''''. Livermore Eben". Brackett and Jesse Cheney Ephr". Flagg & Tho* Brown Amos Sanderson and Enoch Train Nathan Hagar and Jacob Sanderson Jonathan Warren Jacob Gould and matthew Hobbs Caleb Hayward Matthew Hobbs and Daniel Boyles Ezra Fisk at five Dollars p'. annum 3". Voted to grant the sum of one Thousand Dollars to repair the highways to be worked out thereon at nine pence p' Hour for raan or Teara — $1000 4'". Voted that the Treasurers Accounts be allowed as ex hibeted 5'". the raeeting then adjourned to the first raonday in April next at one of Clock in the afternoon raet according to adjournraent 1". Voted that the Surveyors of Highways be Collectors of the suras Coraraitted to them to collect — 2". viz — Voted to abate the following Taxes in Nathan Fisks lists TOWN RECORDS, 1798. 479 Noah Stearns Taxes Elisha Parker Taxes Obed Starns Taxes as far as it respects his Property (or all but his Poll Tax) S2 18 2 18 [397.] 3". voted to allow the following Accounts — viz ¦ To Nathan Fiske for Serving Constable and warning Town ) meetings To Nath". Allen for his Service as an Assessor To Enoch Train for his Service as an assessor .1 B C M 12 10 0 10 0 0 9 0 0 4'"- Voted that twenty-five Dollars of the money already granted & assessed be appropriated to each School district for the Purpose of Providing Schooling for Children the ensewing Sumraer — 5 Voted to accept the list Prepared for the Jury Box the eighth tenth & eleventh Articles in the warrent were not Acted upon — The meeting then Disolved At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on raonday the 2". day of April 1798 for the Choice of Governor, Lieu'. Governor and four Counsellors and Senators of this Comraon Wealth agreeably to the Constitution thereof the votes were as followeth viz — For Governor For Leu'. Governor For Senators and Counsillors His Exel°'^. Increase Sumner Esq" had Seventy-one votes His Hon". Moses Gill Esq", had Six votes His Hon". Moses Gill Esq" had Sixty nine votes His Ex°"^. Increase Sumner Esq", had three votes Eleazer Brooks Esq", had Seventy-two votes Eben". Bridge Esq", had Seventy two votes Timothy Biglow Esq", had Seventy two votes Artemas Ward Esq" had Sixty-Six votes Daniel Whitney Esq" had One vote Josiah Bartlet Esq", had five votes 480 TOWN records, 1798. [398.] The Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Quallified agreeably to the Constitution of this Coramon.-wealth being Legally Asserabled at the Publick raeeting-house in Said Town on monday the [fourteenth] day of may in the year of our Lord 1798 did then & there elect and depute Artemas Ward Esq". to represent them in the general Court the ensewing year — At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town Weston at the Publick raeeting-House in Said Town on the seventeenth day of Sepreraber 1798 at one of the clock in the afternoon then & there — 1''. To choose a raoderator of Said meeting — 2". To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts and act thereon 3". To grant money to pay the Rev", in' Sara". Kendal his Sallery the ensewing year — 4'". To Choose a Coraraittee to provide fire wood for do the year ensewing agreeably to the Original contract with hira or adopt any other plan, relative thereto which they raay think proper — 5 To grant such Suras of money to Defray the expenc of Schools and all other Nessessary Town charges as as they shall Judge Expedient — 6'". To choose Coraraittees to Provid School-masters in the Several Districts or take any other measures relative thereto which they may Judge proper — 7'". To hear the Town Creditors Accounts and act thereon 8 To hear the requests of all Persons who may Apply to have thier Taxes abated — 9'". To know the minds of the Town whether all the rate able Inhabitants Shall be Assessed to the ministers Tax — being Assembled as above described they first [399.] 1" Voted that m" Joseph Russell be moderator of Said meeting 2" Voted to grant the Sum of three Hundred Dollars to pay the Rev" ra'. Sam". Kendal his Sallery the ensewing year — 3" Voted that ra'. Tho' : Rand Cap'. Jon" : Fisk and Cap' town records, 1799. 481 Alpheus Biglow be a Committee to Provid twenty Cords of fire wood for the Rev" m' Sam". Kendal for the year ensewing — 4'" Voted to accept the Town Treasurers Accounts as Ex hibeted 5'" Voted that Eighty Dollars be Appropriated to each School District — 6 Voted to grant the Sum of twelve Hundred and eighty Dollars, for the Support of Schooling and Other usal and In cidental charges of the Town — 7'". voted to allow m' Thad' Spring Ten Dollars it being his ace', in full for his Attendance at the general Court con cerning the Support of Watertown Bridge — 8 voted to allow Caleb Haywood for repairing the Roads one Dollar and Sixty-Six Cents — 9'" Voted that the following persons be Coraraittees to Pro vide raasters & fire-wood for the several School Districts to which they raay repsectively belong — viz Arteraas ward Esq' Mess". Caleb Haywood & Araos Harrington 2 Dea". Sara". Fisk Mess". Joel Smith & Abr". Harrington 3 Mess". Josiah Hastings, Josiah Starr & Sam" Green 4 Mess". Sam". Cobb Tho'. Brown and williara Bogle 5 Mess". Eben' Hobbs Jonathan Warren & Nathan Fiske •6 M'. Elisha Stratton. Cap' Alpheus Biglow & Nathan Hagar — the ninth Article was not Acted upon The meeting then Dissolved [400.] 1799 At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on monday the fourth day of raarch 1799 — at the Publick meeting-house in Said Town Then & there — 1^' To choose a raoderator of S". meeting — 2" To choose Selectmen & other Town Officers required by Law for the present year — 3". To grant money to be expended in repairing the publick roads in S". Weston — 482 town records, 1799. 4'". To hear any requests that raay be raade for the abate ment of Taxes and act thereon — 5 To hear and act upon the Accounts of the Creditors of the Town who may present them for Allowance — 6'". To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts and act thereon 7 To grant money to provide a womans School in the Several Districts the ensewing Summer — 8'". To Deterraine whether the Swine shall go at large under proper regulations — 9'" To agree with any person or persons to Collect Taxes or act any thing relative thereto — 10'": To Choose Agents to take care of the Right in the Watertown Fishery or act any thing that raay be Judged Ex pedient upon the subject — 11 To know the rainds of the Town whether they will repair the Work-house or do any thing else relative thereto — [401.] 1". M"- Joseph Russell Chosen Moderator of Said meeting 2". Voted that The following Persons be Selectraen and other Town officers Joseph Russell Nathan Hagar viz Selectmen ' <^ Elisha Stratton Alpheus Biglow Sam'''-. Train Town Clerk Isaac Hobbs Town Treasurer Joseph Russell r Enoch Train Assessors ¦? Nathan Fiske ( Elisha Stratton Surveyors of High- ^ ^^^^^ Lamson, Jesse Cheney, John ^ Warren Benaiah Morse & Naiium ' Train Tythingraen Jonathan Warren & Abraham Hewes JU". TOWN RECORDS, 1799. 483 Hogreaves Daniel Bemis & Lot Bemis Field Drivers Amos Hobbs & Amos Sanderson Fence Viewers Nathan Warren & Nathan Hobbs Sealers of Leath James Warren & Josiah Hastings Surveyor of Herap Ephraim Livermore Surveyor of Luraber Phinehas Billings & John Dudley Surveyor of Bread Joel Smith uiveyor P^^ ^"^ ( Matthew Hobbs & Isaac Hobbs ju". of Beef & Pork > Constable & Col- ) Enoch Train to have 5^". p'. £ for Col lector ) lecting -., . , ? Ezra Fisk at five Dollars p'. Annura Meeting house > 3". voted to grant the Sura of one Thousand Dollars to be worked out upon the High-ways at nine pence p'. Hour for man or Team — [402.] 4'" that Nathan Fiske late Collector be permitted to draw out of the Treasury the Sura of fourteen Dollars and Sixty-five Cents on ace', of the Taxes hereafter Naraed to be replaced when- ever they raay be Collected — B C m Yiz — Doct'. Joseph Gowen 19 74 0 Cap'. Ingles 2 93 0 John Hunt 1 98 0 Total $14 65 0 5'". Voted to allow the following ace". B C m Yiz — To M'. Thaddeus Spring for his Service as an> 7 oO 0 Assessor > To m' Nathan risk for Ditto 10 42 0 To m' Elisha Stratton for Ditto 9 00 0 Tom' Enoch Train. for Ditto 9 00 0 To Deacon Sam". Fisk for Ditto 9 00 0 To m'. Joseph Russell for Sundry Services relative to f DC -o [• 32 75 0 watertown Bridge $20-75 for Serving Treasurer 12) - 484 TOWN RECORDS, 1799. 6'". Voted to accept the Town Treasurers ace', as Exhibited 7'". Voted to grant the Sura of one Hundred & fifty Dollars to be Equally Divided & appropriated for the Purpose of Pro curing a Woraans School in each District the ensewing Suraraer 8'". Voted that Arteraas Ward Esq' & M'. Caleb Hayward be and they hereby are appointed Agents for and in behalf of the Town of Weston to take care of thier Right in the Water- town fishery that the Proceeds thereof may revert to the Town [403. J 9'" Voted that the Selectmen be a Committee to act Discretionally relative to repairing the work-House — The raeeting was then Disolved at a Legal raeeting of the inhabitants of Weston april 1''. 1799 for the choice of Governor Lieu'. Governour Councillors & Senators of this Coraraon weath Agreably to the Constitution thereof the votes were brought in as followeth viz — for Govenour for L'. Gouenour Councillors & Senators Increase Sumner Esq", had 105 Gene UAL Heath had 34 Moses Gill had 37 E. H. Robbins had 53 Eleazer Brooks Esq". had 107 Eben" Bridge Esq". 107 Daniel Whitney Esq". 107 Timothy Biglow Esq". 107 W". Winthrop Esq". 24 Jon* Maynard Esq". 24 Gen''. Henry Wood 24 COL°. W". HiLDRETH 24 votes votes The inhabitants of the Town of Weston Quallified agreeably to the Ccmstitution of this Coraraon-wealth being Legaly assera bled at the Publick meeting-house in Said Town on the Six teenth day of may in the Year of our Lord one Thousand seven Hundred & Ninty-nine did then and there elect & depute Artemas Ward Esq", to represent thera in the General Court the ensewing year — TOWN RECORDS, 1799. 485 [404.J At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of Weston Oct'. 7'". 1799 being Assembled at the publick meeting house in Said Town for the purpose hereafter mentioned viz 1". to choose a moderator of Said raeeting — 2 To grant the Rev" m' Sam" Kendals Sallery for the year ensewing— also to raake provision for Supplying him with his fire wood according to Original Stipulation with him 3" To hear thier Treasurer, s Accounts & act thereon 4'". To grant Such a sura of raoney as shall be judged Expe dient for the Nessessary charge of Supporting the poor of the Town &c 5 To know the minds of the Town what Provision they will make for Schools the year ensewing — 6'" To hear the Petition of Tho'. Rand and Others relative to having leave to build Stables upon the Vacant Land that belongs to the Town between Cap'. Isaac Jones, s Stable and the Stable of Enoch Greenleaf Esq', and act thereon — 7'". To hear the Petition of John Warren & others and act thereon relative to granting a Sum of money for the encour aging iraproveraent in Singing &c — 8'" To know the minds of the Inhabitants of Said Town what shall be done with money that was Assessed upon the Dogs in said Town the year last passed — 9'" To know minds of the Town wether they will provide a Carriage & Harniss to carry the remains of Deceased persons to the grave or act any thing relative thereto — 10 to know the minds of Said Inhabitants whether they will adopt any measures for Making Alterations in the publick meeting-House and puting the same into a State of decent repair ; or act any thing that they shall judge expedient [405.] 11 To hear the Town Creditors accounts & act thereon 12 To hear the requests (if any are presented) for the Abateraent of Taxes and act thereon — The doings of said Inhabitants upon the abov Warrent are as follows viz — 1". M" Joseph Russell Chosen Moderator of Said meeting 486 TOWN RECORDS, 1799. 2" Voted to grant the sura of three Hundred Dollars to pay the Rev", ra' Sara". Kendal his Sallery for the ensewing year 3 Voted that Mess". Caleb Hayward, Elisha Stratton and Nathan Warren be a Committee to Provide twenty Cords fire wood for the Rev", ra' Kendal for the ensewing year — [4'".] 6'" Voted to grant Six Hundred Dollars for the Sup port of Schooling — [5'".] Jth Arteraas Ward, Caleb Hayward, & Araos Har rington ° "o oo m Abijah Whitney, Nathan Warren & John Warren Jacob Fisk John Lamson & Sara". Fisk Nathan Hagar Elisha Stratton & Daniel Stratton Abijah Fisk Sara" Train & Nath". Davis _ Benj". Rand Josiah Hastings & Jonas Billing [6'". J 8'" on the Petition of Tho' Rand and Others praying for leave to erect Stables on Lands which belong to the Town Described in thier Petition — it is Voted that the Petitioners with such Others as. Shall Assosiate with thera, have leave to erect Stables on the Spot Described in thier Said petition they raaking an Accoraodation with those who are the Proprietors of the Old Stables now Standing thereon & extinguishing thier clairas thereto if any such they have Saving & reserving how ever, for the use of the Town within the Limits afore-said an extent Sufficient to cover a Hearse which raay be built for the use of the Town — [7'". ] 9'". on the Petition of John Warren & others rela tive to the Encouraging the Art of Singing Voted to grant Fifty Dollars for that Purpose — [406.] 8'" Voted that the Money Assessed upon Dogs be paid into the Treasury — 9'". Voted that the Selectraen be a Coraraittee to provide a Hearse to Carry the reraains of Deceased Persons to the place of Interment — 10'". Voted that Arteraas Ward Esq'. Cap'. Isaac Jones M' Joseph Russell Cap'. Jonathan Fisk M' Tho'. Rand Deacon Isaac Hobbs M'. John Slack M'. Eben' Hobbs & ra' Caleb Hayward be a Coraraittee to Consider & report what Altera- TOWN RECORDS, 1799. 487 tions and repairs are expedient to be made to the Publick raeeting-House — 11. Voted to allow the following Accounts viz To in' Enoch Train for warning five Town raeeting ) ^„ at eight Shillings each . . . . . .3 12'" vote to Abate ihe Taxes of Alexander Sraith for the year 1797 The meeting was then Adjourned to the 2" raonday in Nov'. next at 2 o, Clock in the Afternoon — raet according to adjournment 1"- Voted to accept the report of the Coraraittee that was raised to Consider & report what Alterations and repairs are expedient to be raade to the Publick raeeting-house 2". Voted that Arteraas ward Esq', ra' John Stimson Cap' John Flagg Mes". Caleb Hayward Eben' Hobbs, Joel Smith and Isaac Lamson be a Coraraittee to Carry the report of the above Committee into Effect — The meeting was then Disolved [Note. — The record of the above meeting and adjournment varies from the "Minutes " now on file. See Art. [6*.J, [7">.J, and 9*. — M. F. P.] [407.] at a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston on Nov'. 11'". 1799 at the Publick meeting House in said Weston for the purpose Described in a Warrent for Said meeting which are as followeth viz — 1''. To Choose a moderator of Said meeting — 2". To know the minds of Said Inhabitants if they will agree upon any mode of Notifying and warning the inhabitants of Said Weston, when Jurors are Called for by any Lawfull Authority Different from the raode in which we now Assemble our Cora mon Town raeetings, according to the Liberty given by .a Law of this Common-Wealth Passed FelV. 1794 — 3" The inhabitants being Asserabled agreeably to a Warrent for Said meeting ; (which Warrent likewise Contained the fol lowing article viz to know the minds of Said inhabitants whether they will adopt a less expensive mode of warning any publick Town meetings for the futer or act any thing relative to the Preraises) Voted as followeth viz — 488 TOWN RECORDS, 1800. 1". voted that M" Joseph Russell be moderator of Said meeting 2" voted that in futer that when a Venarie is receved by a Constable in Weston that if there be Town-meeting five days before the Setting of the Court to whom the Venarie is return able that he notify on the publick Town raeeting that he has such a Venarie and that he appoints meeting at such Time & place as he thinks fit, and it Shall be Authentic : but if there is no Town meeting at which Said notification can be Season ably made then the Said Constable notify & warn Said inhdbi- tants by Posting up at the Door of the Publick raeeting-house (at least Eight days before the Setting of the Court to which Said Venarie is returnable) ofthe tirae & place of drawing said Juryraen, Particularly Notifying the Selectraen and Town Clerk — 3". this Article relative to a new raode of warning Town raeetings Passed in the Negative — The raeeting was then Disolved [408.] 1800 at a Legal raeeting of the inhabitants of Weston March 3". 1800 at the Publick raeeting House in Said town for the Pur poses hereafter writen viz — 1". To Choose a Moderator of Said raeeting — 2" To Choose Officers to conduct the coraraon affairs of the Town for the year ensewing — 3" To raake Provision for the repairing the High-ways the ensewing year — 4'" To know the rainds of the Inhabitants of the Town whether they will have Woraen Schools as usal & grant raoney for thier Support, or act any thing relative thereto — 5 to the rainds of the Town whether they will act any thing relative to thier Swine — 6 to hear the Town Treasurers Accounts & act thereon — 7 To hear the Creditors Accounts & act thereon — 8 To hear the reasonable requests that may be presented for the abateraent of Taxes and act thereon — TOWN RECORDS, 1800. 489 9'". To know the minds of Said inhabitants whether they will permit those Persons who are terraed Baptists and those termed Methodists, to draw the suras they were Severaly Assessed in the rainisters Tax for the year 1798 out of the Treasury or act any thing relative to the Premises — 10 To hear the request of M' Samuel Liverraore &c to know the minds of the Inhabitants of the Town whether those who have not paid thier taxes before the annual fall raeeting the Collectors Shall exhibet thier Lists before the Town and have the Delinquents Naraes read off — [409.] 11'" To hear the request of ra'. John Slack relative to having the Old Road which leads from tbe new County road near the School-house in the South-east District to the road near the house which used to be Occupied by Josiah Uphara, Discontinued and in Stead of Said road to have one laid out frora the Dwelling house of m' Torrey, by the House of now Occupied by Abiathar Johnson to the raiddle of the River or act anything relative thereto The doings of Said inhabitants upon the above warrent are as followeth — Viz — 1'. Artemas Ward Esq" Chosen Moderator of Said meeting f Artemas Ward Esq". 2 j Eben" Hobbs Selectraen -^ Isaac Lamson I John Slack IL Nathan Fisk Town Clerk Isaac Hobbs Town Treasurer Artemas Ward Esq" r Matthew Hobbs Assessors < Nath'-. Allen C Enoch Train Surveyors of ( Eph". Livermore, Jacob Fisk, Amos high ways 1 Lamson, Eben" Hobbs, & Nathan Hagar Tythingmen Eben" Fisk & Josiah Hastings Hogreaves Eben" Brackett & Eph^. Flagg Field Drivers Abijah Park, Nath''''. Davis 490 town records, isoo. Fence Viewers Matthew Hobbs & Jon*:. Warren Sealers of Leath James Warren & Eben" Brackett Surveyor of Herap S.^m'''. Livermore Surveyor of Luraber Isaac Lamson & Caleb Hayward Surveyor of Bread Caleb Hayward Surveyor & Paker C ^j^^^j^^,^ Hobbs & Daniel Boyles of Beef & Pork I Ezra Fisk to take Care ofthe raeeting house [410.] Constables ( Nathan Fisk To have five & a half pence & Collector C p'. £ for Collecting — 3". Voted to grant the Sum of one Thousand Dollars to be Worked out upon the High-ways at nine pence p'. hour for raan or Teara — 4'". Voted to grant the Sum of one Hundred [and fifty] Dollars to provide a woraans School in the Several districts to be equally divided and appropriated to each District — 5 00 the article for abateraent of Taxes — none abated 6'". Voted to allow the Creditors of the Town as followeth viz To m' .Joseph Russell for Serving as Treasurer the Sum of twelve Dollars $12 0 0 To m' Elisha Stratton for bis Service as an Assessor . . 10 50 0 To m' Nathan Eisk for Ditto 11 63 0 To Enoch Train for Ditto 10 50 0 To Enoch Train for warning 8 Town meetings . . . 8 0 0 To the Same Person for a Bounty for Serving Constable . 4 0 0 7 Voted to accept the Treasurers Accounts as exhibited 8 on the Article relative to the Swine, s going at large the vote passed in the Negative — 9 voted to accept of list as prepared for the Juror Box 10'" the 10'". Article in the warrent Passed in the Affirma tive 11'" Voted that the Selectmen be a Committee to act Dis cretionally relative to alterations in the road in the South easterly district The raeeting was then Disolved town records, 1800. 491 [411.] at a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston on the 7'". day of April in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred, for the Purpose of giving in thier votes for Governor, Lieu' Govenour, Counsellors, and Senators, agreea bly to the Constitution of this Coraraon-wealth, tbe votes were brougt in as followeth viz fir Governour for L'. Governor Senators and Councilors HoN"'''^. Caleb Strong Esq". Elbridge Gerry Esq". His Hon". Moses Gill Esq". Moses Gill Esq". Caleb Strong Esq". Elbridge Gerry Esq". Fisher Ames Esq". Edw" Robbins Esq" W". Heath Esq" Hon"'-". Eleazer Brooks Esq" Ebenezer Bridge Esq". Timothy Biglow Esq". Jos f AH Bartlett Esq". General W". Hull Esq". William Hildreth Esq" Jonathan Maynard Esq" Aaron Hill Esq" had 115 votes had 21 votes had 5 votes had 77 votes had 2 votes had 4 votes had 23 votes had 4 votes had 3 votes had 120 votes had 120 votes had 120 votes had 120 votes had 21 votes had 21 votes had 21 votes had 21 votes The Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Quallified agreeably to the Constitution of this Common — wealth being Legally As sembled at the Publick raeeting — house in said Town on the 12'". day of raay in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred did then & there elect & depute Artemas Ward Esq", to rep resent thera in the General Court the ensewing year — [412.] at a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston raay 12'". 1800 for the Purpose hereafter Naraed viz — 1". To Choose a Moderator of Said raeeting — 2 To dertermin whether they will instruct thier Committee for making repairs and Alterations in the Publick meeting 492 town records, isoo. House to erect a Steple on the Tower instead of turning a Cupola, as was Conteraplated, in a forraer vote of the town pro vided the difference in the expenc Shall be raised & paid by Subscription — 3 To deterrain whether they will permit ra' Joel Smith to place his fence, in front of the Publick raeeting house Six feet further North than it now stands ; provided he adds about three Rods of Land, to the Coraraon Land at the North-easterly corner ofthe raeeting-House by fencing out that quanty ofthe Southeasterly Corner of his Lot there Situate 1''. Artemas ward Esq" Chosen Moderator 2 The Article in the Warrent relative to erecting a Steple on the Tower of the Meeting-house, instead of turning a Cupola, passed in the affirraative — 3". The article in the Warrent relative to Exchanging Lands with m' Joel Sraith was refered to the Selectraen The Meeting was then Disolved [413.] To Nathan Fiske constable of the Town of Weston Greeting In the narae ofthe coraraon- wealth of Massechusetts, you are hereby required to Notify and warn the free holders & Other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston quallified by law to vote in town — raeetings, viz such as pay to a Single tax beside the Poll or Polls a Sum equal to two thirds of single Poll Tax, to meet & assemble at the Publick meeting-house in Weston on Monday the twenty-fifth day of August at two of the clock in the After-noon to act on the following Articles viz — 1''. to choose a moderator of Said meeting — 2" to grant a sura of raoney to, or make Some Provision for the Militia Officers & Soldiers, in consideration of the extraor dinary expenc to which they are likely to be subjected by raeans of the review which is take place on the 27'". & 28 instant 3" to grant raoney to pay the Sallery of the Rev" m' TOWN RECORDS, 1800. 493 Sam"' Kendall for the year of his Settleraent ending in Nov'. 1801 4 To make the Nessessary provision for furnishing hira vvith the quanty of wood, with wich the Town are holden to furnish for the year aforesaid — 5'". to raise Committees in the School districts, or adopt any other measure touching the preraises, which they the Said inhabitants shall think proper — 6'" to hear frora the Collector of Taxes for the last year, a report ofthe progress which he has raade in the Collection of Taxes Coraraitted to hira to Collect and act thereon — 7'" to hear the Town Treasurers Accounts, examine, con sider & act thereon — 8 to hear applications for the abatement of Taxes and act thereon 9'" to recive the accounts of tho Creditors of the Town and act thereon — [414.] 10'". to grant money for the Support of the Poor, for the Support of Schools, and for defraying all other Nesses sary town charges — 11'". to hear the request of the Coraraittee, raised sorae tirae since, for the purpose of making repairs and alterations in the Publick raeeting-house, consider of the expences which have been incured in prosecuting the business aforesaid and act thereon — 12'". To See if they will instruct the Said committee to make any further repair & alterations than those that were con templated in the report of the coraraittee at the last fall raeet ing— 13'". to appoint an Agent (if they they see cause) to join with such Agents as raay be appointed by Watertown & Wal tham in a petition to the General Court for a repeal of the law granting the right of taking the fish called Shad & Alewives within the limits of Watertown, Waltham and Weston to the inhabitants of said towns and for the passing of an act Dis charging the inhabitants of Weston & Walthara from Contrib- uting any further towards the maintainance of the Bridge in Watertown over Charles River — 494 TOWN RECORDS, 1800. Given under our hands & Seal this fourteenth day of August in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred — Artemas Ward Eben" Hobbs Isaac Lamson John Slack Selectraen of Westown Middlesix ss : Weston August 25 1800 in obedience to the above I have Notified & warned the freeholders & others of the inhabitants of the town of Weston according to the directions of the above Warrent Nathan Fisk Constable for Weston [415.] The doings of the Inhabitants on the Preceeding warrent are as followeth — viz — 1''. Artemas Ward Esq". Chosen moderator of Said meeting 2" Voted that the Captains of each respective Company Shall Draw out of the Treasurey each thier proportionable part of fifty Dollars & fifty Pound of Powder, to be equally dis tributed a mongest the Soldiers that belong to Town and Per- form thier duty at concord at the review to take place there on the 27'" & a 28'" Instant — 3" on the eleventh Article in the warrent voted that Mess" Joseph Russell, Moses Fuller, & John Slack be a Committee To examin the accounts of the Coraraittee for repairing the Publick raeeting-House — 4 Voted that Artemas ward Esq', be and he hereby is appointed an Agent in behalf of the Town for the Purposes Sett forth in the 13'". Article of the warrent for this meeting Adjourned to the first Monday in in October next at 2 ofthe Clock p. M — mett according to Adjournraent 1". Voted to grant the Rev" ra' Sara". Kendall three Hun dred Dollars as Sallery for the ensewing year — 2" Voted that Mess". Jonathan Warren, Caleb Hayward & Joel Sraith be a Committee to provide twenty Cords of Wood for the Rev" m' Sam" Kendall for the ensewing year — TOWN RECORDS, 1800. 495 3". School Committee, 8 — viz — Mess". Jesse Cheney, Uriah Gregory, & Alpheus Biglow Mess". Eben' Hobbs, Nathan Fisk & Nathan Warren Mess". Sam". Fisk, John Lamson & Amos Lamson [416.J Mes". Artemas Ward, Caleb Hayward & Amos Har rington Mess". Abijah Fisk Sara". Train & Tho'. Brown Cap'. Morse, Mess". Moses Fuller & Charles Starns 4'". Voted that the Collector pay the ballence remaining in his hands, into the Treasurey on or before the first monday in Nov', next — 5 Voted to accept the Town Treasurers Accounts as ex hibited 6 on the abatement of Taxes none abated — 7 Voted that M'. Joseph Russell, (for Ser- ) ^ vices done for the Town) be Allowed the Sura of 3 M' Joel Smith for a Pew built by his Father . 8 0 0 M'. John Slack for a Pew built by . . 8 0 0 8'". voted that Six hundred Dollars shall be appropriated for the use of Schooling — 9'". Voted that the meeting be Adjourned to 3" Monday of Oct'. Instant Mett According to Adjournraent 1" voted to grant the Sura of Three Thousand Dollars for the Support of Schooling ; for the raaintainance of the Poor, to Discharge the debts of the town and for all usal and incidental Charges — 2" The inhabitants of the Town (agreably to the 11'". Arti cle in the Warrent) attended to the report of thier Coraraittee raised for the Purpose of raaking repairs & Alterations in the publick raeeting-house which is as followeth viz — To the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston in Town meeting Assembled OctT. 20'". 1800 — The Committee raised for the purpose of making repairs and alterations in the publick meeting house have attended that Ser vice and ask leave, to make [417.] the following report, it is 496 TOWN RECORDS, 1800. with regret that they find the expences, of (he repairs & altera tions greatly exceed what was Contemplated ; before they entered upon the business ; but they flatter them Selves that the inhab itants of the Town when they are fully informed of the State, in which the meeting house was found to be, on exaraination, and how rauch raore extensively it Proved to be Nessessary to proceed in the repairs than was iraagined in the out Sett in order to have the full benefitt of what was then Proposed to be done, when they corapare its present appearance & State with that which it forraerly bore, will be Satisfied & full of Convic tion that thier money has that thier money has been Juditiously laid out & applied with all Possiable prudence & Occonemy — sure your Coraraittee are that they have expended no Sum ¦of raoney nor adopted any measure in the course of this busi ness, which they should not have done and embraced had been thier private concern — that the inhabitants may have the means of forming a Correct Judgment on this subject, your Coraraittee have, in this report given a detail of the expences & the Several Sources from which they arose they are as followeth viz M' Sam" Torreys Ace', for Nails, screws, hinges glass &c ) g.n(\ pc n as appear by his bill > jyiajor David Goodwins Bill for work done on the Tower) & Spire removing the Stairs into the gallery & Pre- [• 186 34 0 paring the ground for pews j Major David Goodwins Bill for Shingling the roof, lower--) ing the windows & puting up Cornish & finishing the >• 60 0 0 Coving ) M' Call, Bill for Lumber 21 75 0 Major whites Bill for Nails 3 58 0 M' Lot Merriam,s Bill for Collecting riging &c and assist- f q o n ing in raising the Tower returning the riging &c . ) M' Lot Merriams bill for 720 feet of Timber x 50 Clap- } oo ]^g n bords . . i ' M'. Isaac Goulds, John Dudley & Joseph Russell ju' bill) for a Jobb of work to wit for finishing the Tower & [¦ 350 0 0 Porches ) JMess'^ Goulds Dudleys & Russells bill for work by the day i after deducting the bords & nails taken by them to (- 91 58 0 make three Coffins ...... TOWN RECORDS, 1800. 497 [418.] the amount bro'. over M' Isaac Goulds Major Goodwins John Dudleys & Joseph ) Russell ju' Bill for a Jobb. Building Pews &c . .5 Mess'^ Goodwins Goulds Dudleys & Russells bill for work ) by the day J M' John Rands bill for for reparing seats altering Pews ) &c ; Aaron Whittemores bill for Carting one m of boards from ) Watertown. To Carting the riging from Boston & y bringing one Hh*. of lime from Boston . . . ) m' Nath" Bemises bill to 2^ days work himself & Team I underpining the meeting-house . m' Lot Bemises bill for 2^ days work of himself under pining the meeting-house M' David Brackett, bill for iron work &c . M' Nathan ChUds & others bill for raising the Tower Mess'^ Butterfield & Hows bill for 1250 feet of board m' Tucks bill for Spirrils of Turpine . m' Osburns for ^ lb Prusian blue for Vitoral for Oakums M' Bates bill for one Barrell of fish Oil m'. Tho^ Rands bill for the frame of the Tower m' Isaac Goulds bill for the frame of the two Porches m'. Tho« Rands bill for 220 feet of Oak Joist & 30 Ditto Pine Timber m'. Abra™ Haven,s bill for painting & for Canisters &c m'. John Stimsons bill for Doors window frames & Sashes ) a Journey to Boston. & Some materials found & work >- done in the meeting-house . . . . . . ) m'. Salisbury bill for brads m'. Bradleys bill for 885 feet of plank at 3$ p'. Thousand m'. Curtis & Sons bill for | m Clapords $20 p'. m m' EUises bill for 1^ m of Clapboards a 114 p'. m m' Elisses bill for 6 m mer boards .... 846 5 0 106 0 0 12 0 0 19 50 0 5 25 0 6 25 0 3 12 0 72 20 0 10 0 0 19 35 0 2 33 0 2 42 0 0 67 0 13 0 0 140 50 0 87 92 0 7 82 0 44 9 0 148 38 0 I [2 ) 29 17 0] 13 0 15 0 0 17 50 0 75 0 0 $1684 65 0 [419. ] Amount bro'. from the Opposite Page M' Smiths bill for 375 feet clear boards & 280 feet of joist M' Goulds bill for 61 feet of gutter Stuff a 5^ p'. foot m' Daniel Boyles,s bill for Carting Boards & lime Cap'. JoneSjS bill for Carting Lumber &c . M' Jonas Sandersons bill for carting three loads Boston a 24/ M' Edward Johnsons bill for Paints . pine from 65 0 21 70 0 3 89 0 16 08 0 30 66 0 12 0 0 10 58 0 498 TOWN RECORDS, 1800. M' Isaac Hobbs ju'. bill for hair .... M' Robert Cottings bill for Painting and for Oil found Mess". How & Butterfields bill for 2 m of Boards M' Eliakim Morses bill sheet lead &c . . . M' Josiah Howards bill for Carting .... Cap' Joseph Smith Bill for Stone & Laboure M' W™. Lawrence bill for Stage Poles geting sand & 2 Dayi work M' Joseph Cox bill for painting the outside &c . M' Abel Harringtons bill for painting 21^ days . M' Abr"". Hews, 3 bill for 4 Stage Poles M' Thad'. Pierces bill for Plank M' Pratts bill for panting & guilding the Vane . M' Epraim Livermores bill for mason work Mess" Vose & make peace,s bill for the electrick rod M' Caleb Haywards bill for oil Shingles, nails Clapboards M' Joel Smith, s bill for 31 weeks board provided for Capen- ters & Painters at p' week .... M'. Joel Smiths bill for Sundry Services done by himself & procured to be done by others .... M' Lemons bill for Spindle, Yane, & scroll &c . M' Isaac Lamsons bill lor boards shingles nails lime and liquors found for the workmen and Sundry small bills Paid for labour carting & Artemas Wards bill for three Gallons of Oil Mess". Pipers & wares bill for riging to raise the Tower M' Jon'. Balch,s bill for 1 m of merchantable Plank M' Charles Guilds bill for 1 m boards M' Nath". Wales, bill for 538 feet of Plank 1 56 13 168 59 133 4 45 27 1 23 42 10 97 5175 3 16 13 12 13 33 0 67 0 331183 2383 10 0 83 0 0 0 80 0 33 0 29 0 0 0 23 0 50 0 79 0 74 60 0 186 53 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 98 0 $2892 77 0 [420. J The Ace', bro'. over $2892 Mess". Devins & Holme8,s bill for 1600 leet of boards . 19 Mess". Piper & Wares bill for use of the riging to raise " the Spire M'. Eben' Hobbs,s bill lampblack latches &c . . . 6 M' John Dudley ,8 bill for picking up Stuff .... 1 Mess". A & I Danas Rill for 904 feet clear Boards . . 19 Mess". How & Butterfields bill for 1589 feet of Boards . 21 Mess'". A & I Dana,8 bill for joist 6 Mess". How & butterfield bill for 806 feet of plank and) 2056 feet of boards J Mess". How & Butterfield bill for 1557 feet of Boards . Mess" Green & Coverleys Bill for tacks . . . amounting in the whole to the sum of 7760 8 50 0 50 8966 12 53 59 - 28 23 — 2 50 — $3059 91 0 TOWN RECORDS, 1800. 499 your Committee further report that the Proceeds ol the sale of the Pewes amounted to the Sum of gl066 00 0 that the proceeds of the sale of the refuse Stuff amounted ) to the sum of I ^^ ^0 the the debt recovered in the name of Ruth Child against > Joshua Jones with the Interest amounts to the sum of) that the expence of Painting the Pews which will be reim- ) buned by the holders amounts to . . . j' 00 oO that the Difference between the Spire & a Cupola is esti- } mated at | 165 0 amounting in the whole to the sum of . . . $1639 15 which sum being deducted from the sum aforesaid leaves ( .,„f. a ballence against the Town of the sum of . . . ) $3069 91 [421. J Your Committee further report that a considerable part of the bills afore Said have been paid in full or in part by one or another of the members of your Committee and that Sums now due from the. Town, on Account of the repairs & alterations aforeSaid are due to the Persons after named, viz — To m' Sam" Torrey of Boston the sum of . . . . $90 65 To Major David Goodwin of Charlestown the Ballence) due to him for work done on the Tower & Spire and [¦ 128 67 preparing the ground for building the Pewes . . ) To Mess". Isaac Gould John Dudley & Joseph Russell ju'. ) osn n for work done by the Jobb on the Tower & 2 Porches f To Mess". Isaac Gould, John Dudley, and Joseph Russell ' Jun'. for extra work. & work done by them by the day $91.54, first deducting therefrom fifteen Dollars paid to said Gould by Artemas Ward, and fourteen Dollars V 62 21 and thirty three Cents paid to the Said Gould by Caleb Hayward, and included in the Ballence said to be due to the said Ward & Hayward To Mess". David Goodwin, Isaac Gould, John Dudley & ? -.qc q Joseph Russell ju' for building the Pewes . . . > To Mess'" David Goodwin Isaac Gould. John Dudley & 1 10 0 Joseph Russell ju' for Extra work in building Pewes ) To John Rand To Aaron Whittemore To Nath". Bemis To Lot Bemis To Tho". Rand 19 50 5 25 6 26 3 12 24 56 500 TOWN RECORDS, 1800. To Abr". Hewes ju' To John Stimson To Cap' Isaac Jones To Daniel Boiles To Isaac Hobbs ju' To Mess". How & Butterfield of Boston . To Robert Cotting of east Sudbury .... [422.] Amount bro' over $1119 To Dr. Eliakim Morse of Boston .... To Josiah Hayward To Cap' Joseph Smith ju' of Lexington To W"". Lawrenc Ju' To Abel Harrington .... . . To Abr™. Hewes To Thaddeus Pierce To Simeon Pratt of East Sudbury .... To Ephr"". Livermore To Caleb Hayward 519 To Joel Smith 126 To E. Lemon of Boston To Isaac Lamson To Artemas Ward To Mess'". Piper & Ware of Boston To Eben'. Hobbs To John Dudley To Edward Johnson of Boston To several Persons in raising the Tower .... $3059 91 all which is hurably Submitted by 24 9 148 38 31 16 16 68 1 33 34 99 55 67 $1119 41 168 11 59 83 92 89 6 33 27 80 1 33 2 79 3 00 40 73 619 49 126 73 75 83 346 24 363 67 16 00 76 32 1 00 10 00 3 93 Artemas Ward John Stimson Caleb Hayward Joel Smith Eben" Hobbs Isaac Lamson Comittee for Altering and Repairing the Meeting house [423.] Voted to pass & allow the account of the Committee appointed to raake repairs & Alterations in the Publick meet ing-House as now exhibited and the Treasurer is Directed to collect the raonies raentioned as credit in the above Account and pay the Sums that are now due to the persons to whom TOWN RECORDS, 1801. 501 they are Said to be due Saving this that if ra'. Lemon Shall recover against m'. Caleb Hayward in the suit which he has Coraraenced against him, the Treasurer is prohibeted frora pay ing hira the sura said to be his due — Your Coraraittee raised for the Purpose of examining the accounts of the Committee Chosen to make Alterations and repairs in the Publick meeting-house, have Carefully & irapar tially attended to that Business having seen the Bills and Accounts find the forgoing account founded thereon, well Vouched and rightly cast ; in addition to which we find there is due to ra'. Caleb Hayward for interest for raonies by hira ad- D c vanced the sum of 7 — 25 and to Arteraas Ward for Ditto $6 — 73 Weston Oct'. 20'". 1800 Joseph Russell \ MosBS Fullar > Coraraittee John Slack ) The Meeting was then Disolved [424.] 1801 At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of Weston on the Ninth day of raarch 1801 by a Warrent frora the Selectraen the Con tents of which are as followeth viz To Nathan Fiske Constable of the Town of Weston — Greeting You are hereby required in the narae of the Coraraon-wealth of Massechusetts to notify & Warn the freeholders & other inhabitants of S". Town Qualified by law to vote in Town meetings, that is such as pay to one Single tax beside the pole or poles a Sum equal to two thrds of a Single pole tax, to Asserable at the publick raeeting-house in Said Town on mon day the ninth day of march next at one of the clock in the After-noon to act on the following Articles viz — 1^'. To choose a moderator of Said meeting — 2". To Choose Select-men & all other usual Town officers 3" To hear & examin the Accounts of the Treasurer of y' Town 502 town records, i801. 4'". To Consider of the expedience of granting raoney to repair the highways the present year — 5'" To grant or appropriate money already granted (if they See cause) for the purpose of providing a School in the several districts the ensewing year — 6'^ To deterraine whether swine shall go at large the ensew ing year — 7 to hear the Accounts of any Creditor or Creditors of the Town who may prefer thera for Allowance — 8'" To hear the request of any Person or Persons who may wish for an abatement of thier taxes — 9'". To appoint an agent or Agents (if they see Cause) to make Sale of the land lying in the Southerly part of the town which was purchased of the late Abr"'. Jones [425.] 10 To appropriate such a sum of the raoney now Assessed a may be found nessessary to raake up the deficiency of the Sura raised by Subscription to purchase a bell for the Publick meeting-house 11'". To appropriate such further sura of money (if they see Cause) as shall be found sufficint to enable each Surveyor of highways to Purchase a Plough for thier respective Districts 12 To hear a list prepared for the Juror box & act thereon 13'". To Choose a Count}' registor Agreeably to an act of the General Court — Given under our hand & seals this second day of Feb''' : in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred & one — Eben" Hobbs ¦j Selectmen Isaac Lamson > of John Slack. ) Weston Middlesex ss : Wbston raarch 2". 1801 I have executed the above Warrent according to the tenor thereof Nathan Fiske Constable for Weston being assembled agreeably to the above Warrent — 1'. Ebenezer Hobbs chosen moderator of Said meeting town records, 1801. 503 Eben" Hobbs Isaac Lamson Selectmen < John Slack Nathan Fisbje Enoch Train [426.] Town Clerk Isaac Hobbs — sworn Town Treasurer Isaac Lamson — sworn Nathan Fiske — sworn Isaac Train — to have 4^" p'. £ for Col lecting Sworn Nathan Fiske j Abr". Hewes > sworn Enoch Train ) Jedidiah Warren Jon*. Child Paul Pratt y all Sworn j Silas Gregory I (_ Nathan Hobbs jd". J Isaac Gould Abijah Sanderson James Warren & Daniel Bemis Joseph Livermore & Ephr". Livermore Abrm Hewes & Isaac Stratton Isaac Gould & Abr". Hewes ju". Jonathan Warren Constable Constable & Colector Assessors Surveyors of Highways Tythingmen Hogreaves Field drivers Fence Viewers Surveyors of Lumber Sur" of Hemp 3". Voted to grant the sum of one Thousand Dollars to be Worked out upon the Highways at nine pence p'. Hour for man or Team — 4 voted to appropriate twenty-five Dollars to each School District — 5 voted to accept of a list prepared for the Juror box — 6'". voted that this meeting be Adjourned to the first raon day in April at 4 o, clock in the afternoon — 504 town records, isoi. meet according to adjournment 1*'. Voted to accept the Treasurer, s Ace', as exhibeted [427. J 2". Voted to allow the following Accounts — viz — To Cap'. Nathan Eisk — Constable for warning Six Town] ->„ „„ „ ,. (¦ ?pb UO u meetings . . . . . . . . . > To Cap*. Matthew Hobbs for his Service as an Assessor . 10 00 0 To M'. Nath". Allin for Ditto 10 00 0 To M' Enoch Train for Ditto & paper 10 83 0 To Deacon Sam". Eisk for Extra Service in taking care of > q nn n the meeting-house ...... . . > Total $41 83 0 3 Voted to accept of list as Prepared for the Juror box — the Sixth, ninth, tenth & eleventh articles after Sorae Debate thereon wer passed over — 4'" Voted that this meeting be Disolved — and it was accordingly Declared to be Disolved — At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of Weston on raon day the Sixth day of April 1801 for the Choice of Governour, Lieu'. Governour, Councilors & Senators of this Coraraon-wealth Agreeably to the Constitution thereof, the votes were given in as followeth viz r Caleb Strong Esq", had 109 Votes for Govenour •< Elbridge Gerry 32 ( W. Heath 1 L'. Governour Senators & Councilors Samuel Phillips 1 10 Edw° H. Bobbins 1 W. Heath 29 Elbridge Gerry 1 Caleb Strong 1 Eben". Bridge Timothy Biglow Josiah Bartlett Daniel Whitney W". Hildreth xIaron Hill TOWN RKCORDS, 1801. . 505 [428.] At a Legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Weston that are Quallified to vote in the Choice of a Repre sentative at the Publick meeting-House in S". Town on monday the 11'"- day of may 1801 they did then & there elect & depute M' John Slack to represent them in the General Court next To Nathan Fiske Constable of the Town of Weston — Greeting In the narae of the Coraraon wealth of Massechusetts, you are hereby required to notify & warn the freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Quallifield by law to vote in Town afiairs viz such as pay to a single Tax beside the pole or poles a sum equal to two thirds of a Single pole tax — to Asserable at the Publick raeeting-house in said Town on Mon day the 11'" day of may next at four of the Clock in the after noon to act on the following Articles viz — 1 To choose a raoderator of Said raeeting 2" To Choose Agents to act with Agents of the Town of Watertown relative to the great Bridge in Said Watertown over Charles River and to irapower & instruct said Agents to raake a final Settleraent with Said Town of Watertown respecting Said Bridge & fisher}' — given under our hands & seal this 20'". day of April A : D : 1801 — Eben" Hobbs Isaac Lamson John Slack Enoch Train > Selectmen Middlesix ss : Weston may 1" 1801 I have executed the above Warrent according to the Tenor thereof Nathan Fiske Constable [429.] The doings of the inhabitants Assembled in Conse quence of the Preceeding Warrent were as followeth viz — 1". Voted that Eenezer Hobbs be moderator of Said meeting 3" Voted that Eben': Hobbs, Isaac Lamson, & John Slack 506 town records, 1801. be, and they hereby are appointed Agents Vested with Power & instructed, to endevour to make a final Settlement with the Agents of the Town of Watertown respecting said Bridge — and Fishery — The meeting was then Disolved The following are the doings of the Agents appointed as above relative to a settleraent with the Agents of Watertown concerning said Bridge & fishery viz — This Indenture Tripartite made this first day of June in the year of our Lord one Thousand eight Hundred and one, be tween the Inhabitants of the Town of Watertown of the first part the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston of the Second part, and the Inhabitants of the Town of Waltham of the third part, Witnesseth, that whereas the Inhabitants of the Towns aforesaid stand chargeable for the support & maintainance of the Great Bridge in Watertown over Charles River, in pro portion as they severally Stand in the State Valuation ; and whereas the General Court of the Coraraon-wealth of Masse chusetts by an Act and Law which passed the Second day of March in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninty-eight granted the Towns aforesaid the right to sell & regulate the times & places & raanner of taking the fish called shad & Alewives, within the limits of said Towns, the Poroceds to be divided between said Towns in Proportion as they [450.] — [a mistake for 430.] pay towards said Bridge ; and wheras the Town of Watertown : for and in consideration, that the Inhabitants of the Towns of Weston and Walthara have agreed to grant sell & convey to the Inhabitants of the Town of Watertown the Sole Right to sell & regulate the times places & manner of taking said fish within the limits of the Town of Watertown and the Poroceeds to convert to thier own use, have agreed that the Inhabitants of the Towns of Weston, & Waltham, shall severally, be discharged from Contributing any further to the Support maintainance building or widening the sarae Bridge forever — Now therefore Know-ye that the said Inhabitants of the Town of Watertown in Consideration of said agreeraent & of the Releases & Covenants herein After TOWN RECORDS, 1801. 507 mentioned made and to be kept and performed by the said Inhabitants of Weston & Walthara, do hereby release and discharge the said Inhabitants of the said Towns of Weston & Walthara Jointly & severally frora all Draands actions & Causes of Actions which they the Said Inhabitants of Water- town have either jointly or severally against them the said Inhabitants of Weston & Waltham ; and the Said Inhabitants of Watertown for the Consideration afore said do hereby release and discharge the said Inhabitants of Weston & Walthara Jointly & Severally frora Contributing any further forever hereafter towards the maintainance of the Bridge in Watertown over Charles River ; and the said Inhabitants of Watertown do further release and quit claim unto thera the said Inhabitants of Weston & Waltham Jointly & Severally al the right title & fnterest which they have in the Shad and Alewive fishery within the limits of the Said Towns of Weston & Walthara in Virtue of an Act Passed on the second day of March in the year of our Lord one Thousand, Seven Hundred & Ninty-eight Entitled An [451.] act autherising the Inhabitants ofthe Town of Watertown Weston & Waltham in the County of Middlesix to regulate the taking offish within the liraits of said Towns. And the said Inhabitants of Weston in Consideration of the release and discharge afore said, of the Inhabitants of Water- town do hereby release & discharge the Said Inhabitants of the Town of Watertown, from all Demands Actions and Causes of Action which they the said Inhabitants of Weston have against them the said Inhabitants of the Town of Watertown either Severally or Jointly with the Inhabitants of the Town Wal tham ; and the said Inhabitants of the Town of Weston for the Consideration afore said do hereby release & quit claim unto them the said Inhabitants of Watertown all the right title & Interest which they have either severally or jointly with the Inhabitants of Waltham aforesaid, in and to the shad & Alewive fishery within the liraits ofthe said Town of Watertown, in Vir tue of the Act afore said ; and the said Inhabitants of Weston for the Consideration aforesaid, do Covenant with the said Inhabi tants of Watertown, that they raay receive & Convert to thier own use thier, s the said Inhabitants of Weston, s Proportion of 508 TOWN RE(!ORD8, 1801. the Proceeds of the Sale of said fishery, in the year Seventeen Hundred & ninty-nine ; and the said Inhabitants of the Town of Weston do further Covenant with the said Inhabitants of Watertown that they will forthwith pay them the sura of Seven Dollars & fifty Cents ; And the said Inhabitants of Weston further Covenant with the said Inhabitants of Watertown that they will Annually hereafter appoint an Agent to Join with Such Agents as may be appointed by the said Inhabitants of Watertown to regulate and sell the fishery aforesaid within the limits of said Town of Watertown : Provided the Appointraent of such agent shall be adjudged Nessessary & they the Inhabitants of Weston shall be duly Notified thereof — And the said Inhab itants of "VA'althara in Consideration of the release [452.] and discharge aforesaid of the said Inhabitants of Watertown do hereby release & Discharge the said Inhabitants of the Town of Watertown , frora all Deraands Actions & Causes of Action which they the Said Inhabitants of Walthara have against them the said Inhabitants of Watertown either Severally of Jointly with the said Inhabitants of Weston — And the Said Inhabitants of Wal thara for the Consideration aforesaid do hereby release and quit claira unto them the Said Inhabitants of Watertown all the right title & Interest either Severally or jointly with the Town of Weston aforesaid in and to the Shad and Alewives fishery within the limits of the Town of Watertown in Virtue of the Act aforesaid ; and the Said Inhabitants of Waltham for the Consideration aforesaid do Covenant with the said Inhabitants of Watertown that they raay receive & Convert to thier own use thier the Said Inhabitants of Walthara, s Proportion of the Proceeds of the sale of the said fishery in the year Seventeen Hundred & Ninty-nine : and the Said Inhabitants of Waltham, do further Covenant with the Said Inhabitants of Watertown that they will forthwith pay thera the Sura of S«ven Dollars & fifty cents — And the Said Inhabitants of Walthara do further Covenant with the Said Inhabitants of VVatertown that they will Annually hereafter Appoint an Agent to join with Such Agents as raay be Appointed bythe Said Inhabitants of Water- town to regulate & sell the fishery aforesaid. Within the lira- its of Said Town of Watertown Provided the Appointment TOWN RECORDS, 1801. 509 of such Agent shall be Adjudged Nessessary to secure to the Said Town of Watertown the benefit of said fishery, and they, the said Inhabitants of Walthara shall be Duly Notified thereof In witness of all vvhich the Inhabitants of the said Towns of Watertown, Weston & Walthara by the under writen Sub scribers thier Agents, have hereunto [453.] Interchangably set thier hands and Seals the day and year first before writen — Signed sealed & delivered in presence of us Abijah White THO^ H. Brag William Hunt & Seal Amos Bond & seal Thomas Clark & seal Nath'''-. R. Whitney & seal Francis Faulkner & Seal Eben". Hobbs & Seal Isaac Lamson & Seal John Slack & Seal W". Fisk & Seal Abner Sanderson & Seal W". Willington & Seal Jon*. Cooledge & Seal Agents y of Watertown Agents of Weston 1 Agents y of Walthara The above was taken frora the Original Indenture a true Coppy — Attest — Isaac Hobbs Town Clerh At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on the first day of Oct'. 1801 for the following purposes viz — 1''. to Choose a moderator of said meeting — 2". grant raoney to pay the Sallery of the Rev" ra' Kendall, for the year of his Settleraent ending Nov'- AD 1802 — 3". to raake the Nessessary provision for furnishing hira with the quantity of wood, with which the Town are holden to fur nish for the year aforesaid — 4'". To raise a Coraraittee in the School Districts, whose 510 TOWN RECORDS, 1801. duty it shall be to provide Masters for the several Districts, or adopt any other measure Touching the premises which they the Said Inhabitants shall think proper — 5 To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts and act thereon [454.] 6'" To hear applications for the Abateraent of taxes and act thereon 7'" To receive the Acct^ of the Creditors of the Town and act thereon 8'" To grant raoney for the Support of the Poor, for the Support of Schools and for defraying all Other Nessessary Town Charges & act thereon 9'" To know the minds of the Town whether they will in struct the Selectraen to make Sail of the Pew in the Publick meeting-house lately Occupied by the widow ThankfuU Walker Deceased, and act thereon 10'". To hear the request of Arthur Train ; relative to laying out a road from his dwelling-house to the County road leading from Newton to Frarainghara ; and Discontinue the Old road and Act thereon 11'". Whereas horned Cattle are turned in Annually, to graze the old burying ground, which has been in Possession of the inhabitants of the Town for a Century past, to the great deter ment to the raonuraents erected Sacred to the meraory of the Dead, and to the injury of the feelings of raany good & Serious people of the Town & whereas Coraplaints have been frequently Presented to the Select-raen in concequance of which they incert the following Article viz — To know the minds of the Town whether they will take any measures to prevent injury being done to the aforesaid ground in futer or act any other matter or thing as touching the afore said preraises — P'. Ebenezer Hobbs Esq". Chosen Moderator — 2" voted to grant the sura of Three Hundred Dollars to pay the Rev", m'. Sam". Kendal his Sallery for one year ending Nov' 5'". 1802 3". Voted that m' Nathan Hagar, M' Uriah Gregory & Cap'. Nathan Fisk be a Coraraittee to provide twenty Cords of wood for the Reve" ra' Kendal for the year ensewing — TOWN RECORDS, 1801. 511 4'". School Committee as followeth viz Deacon Fisk, Isaac Fisk & Isaac Lamson Doct'. Bancroit Mess''. Abr". Hews ju'. & John Clark Mess". Jona. Child, Enoch Train, & Abijah Fiske Mess". John Slack, Moses Fuller & Josiah Seaverns Mess". Nathan Hagar Elisha Stratton & Nath". Allen 5 Voted to accept the Town Treasurers Acc'»- as exhibeted [455.] 6'" Voted to grant the sum of Six Hundred Dollars for Schoohng 7'" voted to grant One Thousand Dollars for the Support of the poor & other Usal & incidental charges — 8'" Voted that the Select-men be a Committee to inspect the Alteration of tho road Contemplated near the Dwelling- house of m' Arthur Train empowered with instructions to make such Alterations in the Premises as they shall judge to be expedient ; Provided that no expence may be brought upon the Town in Conquence of such Alteration — 9'" Voted that Deacon Hobbs, Deacon Fisk & Cap' Isaac Jones be a Coraraittee to make some enquirey relative to the title the Town hath to the old burying ground and to report to the Town — The report follows To the Inhabitants of the Town of Weston — Gentlemen Your Coraraittee for the Purpose above discribed ; beg leave to report, that they have raade diligent Search in the Town records and have found nothing recorded relative to the Prem ises — we have also conversed with ra'. Jonas Harrington (the Present Claimant of the Soil) upon the Subject & he is not knowing that the Town hath any title to the Premses : but only leave to bury thier dead — and that any other iraproveraent of y" Preraises hath always been reserved , ^ > Committee March 1". 1802 Isaac Hobbs 5 [Note. — The Clerk ought not to have recorded the above report in this place. See Art. 8 of the next Warrant.— M. F. P.] 512 town records, I802. 1802. To Isaac Train Constable of the Town of Weston — Grketing You are hereby required in the Narae of the Common-wealth of Massechusetts To Suraraon & notify the freeholders & other inhabitants of Said Town qualified by Law to Vote in Town- meetings — Viz : such as pay to one Single tax beside the Poll or Polls a sura equal to two thirds of a single poll tax to Assem ble at the Publick meeting-house in said Town on monday the first day of March next at one of the clock in the after-noon to act on the following Articles viz — 1*'- To choose a moderator of Said meeting 2" To Choose Selectmen and all other usal Town officers 3" To hear & examine the Accounts of the Treasurer of the Town and act thereon — 4 To Consider the expediency of granting money to repair the high-ways the Present year — [456.] 5'". To grant or Appropriate money already granted if they see cause for the Purpose of Providing a School in the several districts the ensewing Suramer — 6'" To hear the Accounts of any Creditor or Creditors of the Town who raay perfer thera for Allowance — 7'" To hear the request of any person or persons who may wish for the abatement of thier Taxes 8'". To hear the report of a Committee chosen at a legal meeting in oct' last past to consult with ra' Jonas Harrington concerning the old burying ground and to enquire into the state thereof or act any other raatter or thing relative thereto — 9'" To know the minds ofthe Town whether they will discon tinue the road from the old County road begining South of the South-easterly School-house in said Town untill it meets Need ham line — also to Discontinue the road frora the new County road begining South-east of Sara". Torry,s untill it raeets the before mentioned road or act any thing relative thereto Given under our hands & Seals this first day of Feb'^. A D. 1802 Eben". Hobbs Isaac Lamson John Slack Nathan Fisk Enoch Train! Select-raen of Weston town records, 1802. 513 Pursuant to the within warrant I have Notified the Inhabitants of said Town qualified as therein expressed to meet at the time & place and for the purposes within raentioned Weston Feb'^. 17'" AD 1802 Isaac Train Constable. The Inhabitants of the Town of Weston being Asserabled in consequence of the above Warrent & notification proceeded as followeth viz VK Ebenezer Hobbs Esq", was chosen Moderator of said meeting Select-men < Town Clerk Eben". Hobbs Isaac Lamson John Slack Nathan Fisk Enoch Train Isaac Hobbs Isaac Train Constable & Col lector to receive 5 pence pr £ for Collecting Nathan Fiske Constable Nathan Fiske Assessors }. Enoch Train Town Treasurer Isaac Lamson ( Abr". Hewes ju" [457.] Surveyors ) Eben". Fisk, Edw". Child, Thad^ Pierce of Highways > Arthur Train & Abiather Johnson Tything-men Abraham Sanderson & Isaac Gould Hogreaves Ephraim Flagg & Daniel Bemis Field Drivers Joseph Livermore & Isaac Gould Fence Viewers Eph". Livermore & Daniel Boyles Surv-eyors of Lum- J j^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^, ber } Sealers of Leath. Abr"". Harrington & John Cotting Surveyor of Hemp Eph". Livermore Pound Keeper Joel Smith 3" : Voted to accept the Town Treasurers acc'°. as exhibeted 4 Voted to grant one Thousand Dollars to repair the High ways to be worked out at nine pence p'. Hour for raan or Team 5 Voted appropriate twenty-five Dollars to each School District 514 TOWN RECORDS, 1802. 6 Voted to allow the following accounts viz o $5 33 0 1 00 0 9 00 0 10 00 0 1 62 0 $26 95 0 $19 00 20 00 0 To Cap'. Nathan Fisk for warning four Town meetings a 8/ each in the year 1801 To one Day making high way Tax To Nine days taking invoice & making Taxes To Ten days taking & making out a general Invoice . To Cash paid for paper Total To m' Abr"". Hewes ju' for his Services ) as an Assessor ) ' To m'. Enoch Train for his Services as } an Assessor ) 7 Voted that Nathan Fisk Collector may draw out of the Treasurey on account of Abigail Bond,s Taxes of Nine Dollars and 72 Cents but shll held to replace the Same Sura whenever it may be Collected — 8 voted that Enoch Train may draw out of the Treasurey thirteen Dollars & 34 cents on ace', of the widow Bonds Taxes yet held to replace the same Sum in the Treasurey whenever it may be Collected — [Note. — The article marked 8 above is apart of 7. Here belongs the true article 8 of the warrant, the report concerning the title to the Old Burying Ground, which the clerk recorded out of place. It has been printed on page 511. — M. F. P.] / 9'" on the ninth Article in the warrent Voted that the.Roads therein Described be Discontinued — The Meeting then Disolved [458.] At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of Weston on the fifth day of April 1802 for the Choice of Governour L'. Govenor Senators & Councilors of this Comraom-wealth Agreably to the to the Constitution thereof; the votes were as followeth, viz — [Note. — The clerk left space for the votes, but did not record them. Tliey are not on file. — M. F. P.] TOWN RECORDS, 1802. 515 At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants ofthe Town of Weston quallified According to the Constitution of this Coraraon-wealth being Assembled at the Publick Meeting-House in said Town on Monday the tenth day of may 1782 [1802] did then & there Elect & depute M'. John Slack to Represent them in General Court the ensewing year At a Legal raeeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wes ton on' the first day of Nov'. 1782 [1802] quallified according to the Constitution of this Coraraon-wealth for the purpose of giving in thier Votes for a Representive to Represent thera in the Congress of United States Appointed to be Convened at the City of Washington on the fourth day of March next The Votes were as followeth for the Rev° M" Sam''"'. Kendal thirty two for the Hon"''". Timothy Biglow twenty-seven for the Hon"''". Joseph B. Varnum twenty-one [Note. — Various blunders were made bythe town clerk in making the records for 1801, 1802, and 1803. A paper on file, " Minutes of Town Meeting March 9"'. 1801," is marked on the back, " Minutes of March Meeting 1781." The dates of the two meetings given above are instances of errors, as can be easily shown. There is on file a warrant for a meeting for choice of Representative for Monday the 10th of May, 1802. The State Representative for 1782 was Dea. Samuel Fisk, and the 10th of May of that year was not Monday, but Friday. There is also on file a warrant for a meeting Nov. 1, 1802, for choice of Repre.sentative in Congress. The first time that Congress met in the city of Washington was Decem ber, 1800. — M. F. P.] At a Legal raeeting of the Inhabitants of Weston Oct'. 4'". 1802 being Asserabled at the Publick Meeting-House for the following Purposes viz — 1'. To choose a raoderator of Said raeeting 2" To grant raoney to pay the Rev" ra' Sara". Kendal for the year of his Settlement ending in Nov'. 1803 — [459.] 3" To make provision for furnishing hira with the 516 town records, I802. quantity of wood which the Town ar holden to furnish hira for the year afore-said — 4'". To raise Comraittees in the several School Districts and to provide instruction for the same — 5 To hear the Town Treasurers Accounts and act thereon 6'" To hear Applications for the abatement of Taxes and act theron 7'" To recive the acct*. of creditors of the Town & act thereon — 8'". To grant raoney for the Support of the Poor for the Support of Schooles and for defraying all other Nessessary Town Charges — 9'". To know the minds of the Town wheather they will Provide an Armory for the Deposit of Arras Amunition and other military stores belonging to the Town or act any thing touching the premises — 10'". To know the minds of the Town relative to the erection of a New Pound or reparation of the old one or act any thing relative to the sarae 11'". To know the rainds of the whether they will Suspend Scales for the purpose of weighing hay or act any thing rela tive to the same — [Note. — In copying from the warrant the town clerk omitted two articles which were written on the back. They are as follows: — " 12"'. To know the minds of the town, wheather they will prohibit the going at large neat cattle horses and horse kind, or either of them — " 13"'. To know the minds of the town, wheather they will grant a sum of money that may be thought necessary for the purpus of en courage! ng those that are disposed to assist the singing in the publick meeting house or act any thing to the purpus." — M. F. P.] The inhabitants being Assembled proceeded as followeth viz 1"'. Eben". Hobbs Esq"*, was chosen moderator of Said meeting — 2" voted to grant the sura of three Hundred Dollars to pay the Rev" ra' Kendal his Sallery for one year next Succeeding the 5'". day of Nov'. 1802 — 3" Voted that Deacon Fisk & raess'* Isaac Larason & Uriah TOWN RECORDS, 1802. 517 Gregory be a Committee to provide twenty Cords of Wood for the Rev" m' Kendall for the year ensewing 4'" School Committee as followeth viz Isaac Lamson, Deacon Fiske & Isaac Fiske John Slack, Josiah Hastings Benj". Rand Cap'. Carver, Enoch Train, Abijah Fisk Nath". Allen, Alpheus Biglow Elisha Stratton Ebenezer Hobbs, Nathan Fiske, Nathan Warren Doct' Bancroft, Amos Harrington ; Joseph Sraith 5'". Voted to allow the Town Treasurers Accounts as ex hibeted 6 Voted to grant one Hundred Dollars to each School dis trict Total $600 7'". Voted to grant the sura of eight Hundred dollars for the Support of the Poor & other usal & incidental charges — 8'". Voted that the Selectmen be a Coraraittee relative to Building an Arraory to consider of the Premises & report thier Opinion [Note. — In copying from his minutes the town clerk omitted, — . " 9"" Voted that M'. Joseph Russell Deacon Isaac Hobbs & Deacon Sam". Fisk be a Comittee relative to the Pound &c " — M. F. P.] [460.] 10'" Voted that will prohibit Neats Cattle, Horses & Horse kind from going at large 11'". Voted that Sixty Dollars are here by granted for the encouragement of Singing & that Mess'\ Nathan Upham, Josiah Hastings Joseph Russell Alpheus Biglow & Nathan Warren to Conduct the expenditure thereof The meeting then adjourned to the first day of Nov' next at three o, clock in the after-noon — Met according to Adjournraent 1='. Voted that will build an Arraory for the Deposit of Arras Amunition &c and that the selectraen be a Coraraittee to con duct and corapleat the building thereof— 2 voted to repair the old Pound & that the owner of the Stables have leave to raove thier Stables back as far as the wall of the Pound near the South western Corner thereof thence to 518 TOWN RECORDS, 1803. an ash tree in the Pound ; thence on a right line untill it meets the easterly wall thereof all which is to be under the Direction of the Selectraen — the raeeting then Disolved — Know all Men by these presents That the Inhabitants of tho Town of Weston in the County of Middlesix in Consideration of one Hundred & one Dollars to thera paid by Oliver Conant, of the sarae Weston, yeoman, the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge, have reraised released and forever quit-clairaed, and do for theraselves and thier Successors by these presents reraise, release, and forever quit claim unto the said Oliver Conant, his hiers & assigns, all thier estate, right, title & interest in & to a certain Pew, in the Publick meeting-house in Said Weston, Situate on the west side of the broad He, the same being the corner Pew & marked number twenty-seven — To have and to hold the afore Mentioned Premises with all the Privilege Appurtinances thereunto belonging to him the Said Oliver Conant, his hiers & assigns forever ; so that they the Said Inhabitants, nor any other Person or Persons claiming from or under thera or in the narae, right, or Stead of thera, shall or will by any way or raeans have, claira or deraand any right or title to the afore-said preraises or thier appurtinances or to any part or parcel thierof forever. — in witness whereof the said Inhabitants by the Selectraen, thier Agents have here unto Set thier hands & Seals this twenty-fifth day of January in the Year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and two — Signed, sealed & delivered in presence of us David Brackett Josiah Smith Eben". Hobbs and Seal Isaac Lamson & Seal Nathan Fisk & Seal Enoch Train & Seal [461.] 1803 To Isaac Train one of the Constables of the Town of Weston Greeting — You are hereby required in narae of the Coraraon-wealth of Massechusetts to Summon & notify the freeholders & other TOWN RECORDS, 1803, 519 inhabitants of Said Town qualified by law to vote in Town raeetings viz such as pay to one Single Tax beside the Poll or Polls a sura equal to two thirds of a Single Poll Tax. to Assemble at the Publick raeeting-House on raonday the seventh day of March Next at one o'Clock in the after-noon to act on the following articles — viz — 1"'. To choose a raoderator of Said meetinsf — 2". To choose Selectraen, Town Clerk, Treasurer, Constables & all other Town Officers usaly chosen in the raonth of raarch 3 To hear & examin the Town Treasurers Accounts and act thereon — 4'" To grant such a Sum of money as they Shall Deem Nes sessary to repair the high ways or act any thing relative thereto 5'". To see if the Town will grant raoney or appropriate money that is all ready granted for the Purpose of providing woraen Schools in the Several districts the ensewins; Suraraer 6 To hear the accounts of any Creditor or Creditors of the Town who may perfer them for Allowance & act thereon — 7'". To hear the request of any person or persons who may wish for an abateraent of thier Taxes and act thereon — 8 To hear the report of a Coraraittee raised sorae tirae since for the purpose of obtaining Proposals of ra'. Joel Smith rela tive to the exchange of Lands near the Publick meeting-house and act thereon — [462.] 9'". To see if the Town will in futer hold thiei raeetings for the Purpose of granting money to defray the Sallery of the Rev". Samuel Kendall, and all thier usal & inci dental Annual Town Charges at any Other Season of the year, than has heretofore been Practised by the inhabitants of said Town ; or act any raatter or thing relative thereto — 10'". To hear lists prepared for the Jury boxes & act thereon Given under our hand seal this seventh day of Febuary A D 1803 Ebenezer Hobbs '] Isaac Lamson | Selectraen John Slack y of Nathan Fiske Enoch Train Weston 520 town records, 1803. 'Weston raarch 3". 1803 Pursuant to the within warrent I have Notified & warned the inhabitants of said town quallified as therein expressed, to raeet at the time, place, & for the Pur poses therein raentioned — Isaac Train Constable for Weston The inhabitants being Assembled in Consequence of the fore going Warrent & notification Proceeded as followeth viz — 1^'. Eben". Hobbs Chosen Modei-ator ofthe meeting. ¦ Eben" Hobbs John Slack -^ Nathan Fiske I Enoch Train [^ Amos Harrington Isaac Hobbs Isaac Lamson r Nathan Fiske ^ Enoch Train ' Nathan Hobbs SelectmenTown Clerk Town Treasurer Assessors [463.] ( Constables " Surveyors of < High-ways Nathan Fiske Isaac Train — & Collector to have 4|". p'. £ for Collecting. ' Eben^ Hobbs Tho^. Biglow Abr**. Sanderson Ruben Carver John Stimson Tythingmen Ephraim Livermore & Abner Russell Hogreaves Amos Wyman & Elisha Stratton Field drivers Amos Sanderson, John Warren Fence Viewers Samuel Smith & Daniel Bemis Surveyor of Luraber Isaac Gould & THO^ Biglow Surveyor Herap Joseph Livermore 3" Voted to accept the Town Treasurers Accounts as ex hibited TOWN RECORDS, 1808. 521 4 Voted to grant the sum of one Thousand Dollars to be worked out to repair the high ways at nine Pence p'. hour for man or Team — 5 Voted that twenty five Dollars are hereby Appropriated to each School District to provide woraen Schools therein 6'" Voted to allow the following Accounts viz To Nathan Fisk for his Service as an Assessor . . . $11 42 To Enoch Train as an Assessor $10 oO To Abr™. Hewes as an Assessor $ 9 00 7'". Voted that Enoch Train Collector have Leave to draw . out of the Treasury the araount of Isaac Pierces taxes in his lists for the year 1799 it being the sura of seven Dollars and thirty three cents . $7 33 8'". Voted that they accepted the report of thier Coraraittee raised to treat with ra'. Joel Sraith relative to the exchange of Lands near the Publick meeting-houses which is as followeth viz [464.] [Note. — Space was left for the report but it was not recorded, and it is not on file. In the minutes on file is the additional item under 8th : — " Voted that D" Isaac Hobbs be and he hereby is appointed & im- powered in behalf of the Town to give & recive Deeds relative to the premesis." This deed is on file, and was recorded at the Middlesex Reg. of Deeds, Oct. 11, 1892. By this deed the town quitclaimed certain land in front' of the meeting-house and received in return " the first tract begin ning at the westerly corner of Deacon Isaac Hobbs shed at a stake and stones, thence running south easterly by said shed to the end thereof at a heap of stones by the newly erected shed, thence running southeasterly by the last, mentioned shed to a heap of stones at the South-east corner of said shed thence running easterly down into the hollow to a stake and stones. — and upon all other sides it is bounded upon the town's land : — the other tract begins at a pair of bars at the foot of the hill south of the public meeting house by the road leading to the south part of Weston, thence running north-westerly to a stake and stones, thence running northwesterly to a heap of stones, and is bounded upon the east by the said town road and upon the north by the * Town's land with all the ap purtenances thereof." ?Great country road lined out. M'. F. P.l 10'" Voted that in futer there Shall be a meeting of the inhabitants call,", some time in the month of may Annually for 522 TOWN RECORDS, 1803. the Purpose of granting money to pay the Rev" M'. Sam". Kendal his Sallery — to pay for Schooling — for the Support of the poor — and for all other Usal & incidental Charges 11'" Voted that they accept of a list prepared for the Jury Box as read off" by the Clerk — The meeting was then Disolved [465. J at a Legal raeeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Weston on raonday the fourth day of april 1803 for the Pur pose of giving in thier votes for Governor L'. Governor, Coun- sillois & Senators Agreably to the Constitution of the Common wealth of Massechusetts — the votes were as followeth viz — For Governor Caleb Strong had Eighty-three votes For L'. Governor Edw". H. Bobbins had Eighty three votes Timothy Biglow had Eighty-two votes Josiah Bartlett had Eighty two votes James Bancroft had Eighty tvvo votes Timothy Jackson had Eighty two votes Senators and Counsillors Aaron Hill had two votes John Maynard had one vote Jonathan maynard had one vote William Hull had two votes William Hildrith had two votes The inhabitants of the Town of Weston Quallified to vote for a representative to the General Court being Legally Assem bled at the Publick meeting-house in S". Town on monday the Ninth day of raay 1803 — did then & there elect & depute M'. John Slack to represent thera the Said inhabitants in the Gen eral Court the ensewing year — To Isaac Train one of the Constables of the Town of Weston Greeting You are hereby required in the name of the Common-weath of Massechusetts to notify and warn the freeholders & other town UECOIIDS, 1803. 523 inhabitants of Said Town quallified by law to Vote in Town raeetings viz such as pay to one single tax beside the Poll or Polls a Sura equal to two thirds of a single Poll tax to Assem ble at the Publick meeting-house in S". Town on monday the Ninth day of ma^' next at four o'Clock in the afternoon to act on the following Articles viz — [466.] 1^' To choose a moderator of Said raeeting 2 To grant raoney to Defray that part of the Sallery of the Rev" m' Kendal which by Contract they are obliged to pay him in Cash for a year next Succeeding the fifth day of Novera ber next being the twenty-first year of his ministry 3" To grant an additional Sura in lieu of the twenty Cords of wood Stipulated by the Town at the tirae of his Settleraent Provided an agreement can be made Satisfactory to both parties, or act any matter or thing relative thereto — 4'" : To grant money to defray the expence of Schools and all other Nessessary Town Charges — 5'". To appoint a Committee in each district, to hire and pay a School-master therein and to recive frora the Treasurer Such sum as raay be granted for that Purpose — 6 To regulate the Jury Boxes Agreeably to an Act of the general Court Pass" : at their last Session — 7'" To see if the Town will take measures to Prevent thier School-Houses from decay. Build Nessessary Houses at each of them, or act any raatter or thing relative thereto — Given under our hands & Seal this thirteenth day of April AD — 1803 — Ebenezer Hobbs ] -r o ! Selectraen John Slack i Nathan Fiske j ,„ i We'^ton Weston April 1803 Enoch Train J Pursuant to the above warrant I have notified and warned the inhabitants of said town quallified as there expressed, to raeet at the tirae, place & for the Purposes there mentioned Isaac Train Constable of Weston [467.] The inhabitants of Weston being Asserabled Agree- 524 TOWN RECORDS, 1803. ably to & in Consequenc of the foregoing Warrent & Notifica tion proceeded to act upon Said warrent as followeth viz — 1^'. Eben"- Hobbs Esq". Chosen moderator of said meeting^ 2" Voted to grant the sura of three Hundred Dollars to pay the Rev", m' Sara". Kendal his Sallery for one year irarae diately Succeeding the fifth day of Noveraber next — 3" Voted to grant the sura of one hundred & thirty Dollars in lieu of twenty Cords of wood Stipulated by the Town to pay him at the time of his Settleraent, the Rev" in'. Kendall Signifying that to be Satisfactory, the Town Voted that the Sura of one hundred & thirty Dollars should be the annual sum paid hira in lieu of the wood for the three next Succeeding^ years — 4'". Voted to grant the sura of Six Hundred Dollars for the Support of Schools and the Sura of Eight Hundred Dollars to defray other Nessessary and incidental Town Chargs — 5 Voted that the persons Naraed hereafter be a Coraraittee in each of thier respective districts for the Purposes mentioned in the Warrent viz Rev" ra' Sarauel Kendall, in'. Ab'. Harrington & Deacon Sam". Fisk Doct'. Amos Bancroft Mess Thad= Pierce & Joseph Liverraore Cap'. Ruben Carver Mess Abijah Fisk & Isaac Train Capt'. Josiah Hastings Mess'^. John Slack & Nathan Upham Mess'^ Elisha Stratton Alpheus Biglow & Jesse Cheney Mess'^ Eben'. Hobbs Nathan Warren & Abijah Whitney . 6'" voted to accept the List prepared for the Jury Boxes — the first Collura to Coraprize a List for the first Box and the reraainder to Coraprize a list for the Second Box 7'" Voted to appropriate to each School District the sura of forty Dollars for the Purpose of painting the School Housen & building Nessessary ones repairing &c, and an Additional Sura of ten Dollars to the west Center district & ten dollars to the South east District — the raeeting was then Disolved [468.] To Isaac Jones one of the Constables of the Town of Weston — Greeting You are hereby required in the Narae TOWN RECORDS, 1803. 525 of the Coraraon-weallh of Massechusetts to suraraon & notify the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Weston Quallified b}' Law to vote in town meetings viz Such as pay to one Single tax beside the Poll or Polls a sum equal to two thirds of a Single Poll tax, to Assemble at the Publick Meeting House on monday the twenty-Second day of August instant at three o, Clock in the after-noon to act on the following Articles viz — l^K To Choose a Moderator of Said Meeting , 2" To See if the Town will grant a Sum of money to be expended in repairing the high-waj' frora East-Sudbury To Walthara or act any thing relative to the sarae 3" To Choose an Agent or Agents, to Superintend the ex pending such sum as raay be granted for said Purpose 4'". To Choose an Agent or Agents to Answer at the next Supreara Juditial Court to a Suraiuons lately served upon the Inhabitants of said town relating to the high-way frora East- Sudbury to Waltham — Given under our hands & Seals this eighth day of Aug'. A D 1803 Eben" Hobbs John Slack Nathan Fisk Amos Harrington Weston Aug'. 18'" 1803 Selectmen of Weston Pursuant to the within Warrent I have notified and warn". the inhabitants of Said Town Quallified as there discribed to meet at the time. Place, & forthe Purpose within mentioned Isaac Train Constable for Weston [469.] The Inhabitants of the Town of Weston being Asserabled in Consequence of & Agrably to the foregoing war- rent & notification Proceeded to act upon Said Warrent as is under Written Viz — 1". Ebenezer Hobbs Esq" chosen Moderator of Said meet ing 2" Voted to grant the sura of tive Hundred Dollars for 526 TOWN RECORDS, 1803. thef Purpose of reparing the high-way from East-Sudbury To Waltham 3" voted that Mess'^ Araos Harrington, Nathan Fiske & Abijah Fisk be and they hereby are appointed a Committee to Superintend the expenditure of said Sura of five Hundred Dol lars for the purpose above mentioned — [Note. — There is on file a paper signed by the town clerk which pur ports to be " a true coppy as of record appears." It is dated Aug"' 29"', 1803, and is a copy of articles 2'^ and 3'^ above. The meeting is said to have been held "the eighth day of Aug". 1755." There is here the same mistake of year that has been previously noticed, and a second mistake of the day, confusing the date of the warrant with that of the meeting, which was Aug. 22, 1803. A second paper containing the minutes ofthe same town meeting has the date altered from Aug. 18"'., the day when the warrant was returned, to Aug. 22, the day of the meet ing. —M. F. P.] 4'". Voted that M'. Isaac Fiske be and he hereby is appointed an Agent to at the Suprem Juditial Court to a suramons lately served upon the inhabitants of said town of Weston relating to the high-way frora East-Sudbury to Walthara 5'" Voted the sura above mentioned bo Assessed and paid into the Treasury on or before the first day of Oct', next The meeting was then Disolved [470. ] Know all Men by these Presents ; That we Christopher Marshall of Boston in the County of Suffolk, Nathaniel C Allen of New Gloucester in the County of Cumberland Esq", and Arteraas Ward of Charleston in the County of Middlesix Esq'. Executors of the last will and testaraent of Tho^ Marshall late of Weston, Deceased, by Virtue of the Powers vested in us by said will and in Consideration of one Hundred & eight Dollars to us Paid by John Clark of Weston in s". County of Middlesix Gentleraan — the receipt whereof we do hereby Acknowledge have remised, released, and for ever quit clairaed and do for our selves by these Presents, reraise, release and forever quit claira unto the said John and his Hiers and Assigns All the Estate, right, title, and interest, in & to a certain Pew, in the meeting-House in weston aforesaid, of which the said Thomas TOWN RECORDS, 1803. 527 Marshall Died Possessed, the sarae being Number twelve, the Second Pew on the left hand of the front Door To Have and to hold the afore-mentioned Premises, with all the Privileges & Appurtances thereunto belonging, to him the S". John and hiers & assigns forever ; so that we the said Christopher Nathaniel and Artemas, nor the heirs of the said Thoraas, or any other Person or Persons Claming for or under us, or thera, or in the narae or Stead of us or them shall or will by any or means have Claim, or Demand any Right or title to the afore Said Premises, or thier Appurtenances, or to any Part or parcel thereof. In Witness whereof we the said Christopher, Nathaniel and Artemas — Have hereunto set our hands & Seals this fourteenth day of Febuary in the year of our Lord one Thousand eight Hundred and three Signed, seal". & Delivered Christopher Marshall in presence of us Nathaniel C. Allen Nancy H Marshall Artemas Ward Margarett Odell [471.] Suffolk ss Feb'^ 15'". 1803 — Then the above named Christopher Marshall Nathaniel C Allen and arteraas Ward, Acknowledged the above Instruraent to be thier free act & Deed — before rae William Stephenson i peace APPENDIX J^. (Bkb Pases 25S and 254.) A REPORT OF A COMMITTEE CONCERNING Y". CONSTATUTION & Form of Goverment. 1778. May 24"> 1778. We the Committee of Weston chosen & appointed on' the 18'" of this Instant to take into our deliberate Consideration & report to said Town at the term of the ajouinment of a meeting held at Wes ton afors*. have agreeable to the purpose of our Election assembled in this Town; & deliberately read over; and considered the Convention Plan of Goverment, proposed to be adopted by this State of the Massa chusetts Bay. and then ajourned to the 30"> of May. when we again Meet at M"'. Benj: Peirce's in this Place & further consider'd the same & upon our further deliberation; voted our disapprobation of the s''. Con vention Plan of Goverment. 21y Voted to report this our disapprobation to this Town of Weston; & the Reasons which Governed us the Committee, in this onr disapproba tion of tbe said Convention Plan of Goverment : Which are as followeth the first Reason of our disapprobation is founded in the S"" Article Wherein is manifested an exception against Negroes, Indians & Molat- toes voting for a Representitive or Representitives. which we Esteem to- be an Infringment upon the Right of such Subjects; as we Judge it ought to be the priviledge of every such free man & who is of property ,, to -^ ote for a Representitive. 21y the Second Reason we your Committee conceive is founded in tbe- Impropriety of Settleling & fixing on a Constitution of Goverment in,- this State afors"!. in the Present Situation of our Public affairs; being Still Involved in the Convultions of War, & as so many worthy members belonging to this State are necessarily out of the State, who ought to- - have a voice in this affair. 31y another Reason of your Committee's disapprobation of said Con stitution of Goverment, is because the said Constitution is not connected with a declaratory Bill of Rights, which we esteem to be the priviledge of a free people, & which ought to have been the ground and foundation ; upon which a Constitution of Goverment should be formed & built; & whereby the Rights, & Priviledges, of this people of the Massachusetts State might be known; & established, to the view both of the Present &. future generation, of the good people of this State forever. Braddyll Smith Joseph Roberts Josiah Smith Isaac Hobbs Isaac Jones y Committee^ Sam"- Fisk John Allen Benj' Peirce Thomas Rand (529) (See Paqes 281, 287, and 288.) The Commitee Reporte of the Meting house Lot 1780. Your Commitee for assurtaning the Meting house lot have Mett by Difrent Times and by Diligent Sarch of Records and deed^ haue found the Boundrey of the first lot Giuen by Coolidge to the Town Contaning by Bounds '%_ of aker of land with [the Grate Cuntrey Rode Runing threw the Same which leues 5^' aker of land To the Town as Expresed in Said deed and your Commitee Begg leue to Reporte as folows the first bounds of Coolidge* . . lot begins at the N E Corner of Said lot at a Grate Rock and hepe ol Stons and Runs West 10 Rods threw mager Lamsons wall to a Stake and hepe of Stons and thence Runing South 12 rods threw the Grate Cuntrey Rod . . down in to the Gardin ockepide by Joel Smith parte of Said Gardin Soposed to be the Towns and parte the Grate Rode to a Stake and hepe of Stons as your Committee arected as a bound', of the Meeting house lot and thence Runing East 10 Rod^ threw Said Gardain to a other Stake and hepe of Stons as your Commitee arected for a other bounds on land marke in Said Joel Smith Garden of Said lot Given by Said Coolidge to the Town as apears to us by the deed and thence Runing 12 Rod". North to the Grate Rock and hepe of Stons first Set of from at the N E Corner of Said lot as apears by the deed and a Cording to Said deed the Grate Rode runs threw the Same leving one Rod for the Town to the Sothard of the grate Rode which fols in to Said gardin of Said Joel Smith so caled be sides parte ol the grate Rod is like wise in said garden the grate Rod is left in Said Coolidge deed 4 Rod" wide like wise your Commitee find". Recorded in Said Town". Record", in the year 1722 Giuen by Benj. Goodard to a Comidate the New meting house lot a gift of land To Said Town Boundrey". as apears to your Commitee to begiun at the Grate Rock the N E Corner of Said Coolidge lot and Runing Noth'''y. to a Sharpe Rock at the Corner of the horse Stable in magor lamsons wall and Runing Westei-iy. to a Grate white oake Tree in Said wall which Tree is marked as a boundrey of Said lot betwene mag'"'. Lamsons lot and the Towns land and thence Runing to the N W Corner of the pownd Runing as the wall now Stand" and then Runing Soth^'y. as the wall of the pound Stand", to a stake and hepe of Stons in Said mago'. Lamsons land as your Oommitee Set up for the Secont bounds of Coolidge lot and we further finde that thair is a Rod 2 Rod", wide leding from John Walkers in to the grate Cuntrey Rod^ as itt was then Trod as apears by the Records of the Town and your Commitee find", by Deed". Exibeted to them that thair is one other pece of land bounding from the Corner of Said hepe of Stons in the Corner of the horse Stble that is down Joning to the land of Josiah Smith Esq'^ and Runing Sothly down in to the halow Nigh to m' Josiah Smith wall be low the Stables which Land apears to your Commitee to be the Towns property which Reporte is the full Consent of your Com mitee and Sined by order of the holl Commitee Estes Howe Chair man Weston May y" 15 1780 (580) APPENDIX O. (See Pages 296, 307, 326, 327.) Report of Committee for Settling the boundaries of the Town land near the Meeting-House. Whair'eas at an Ajurnement of a Legal meeting of the Inhabetence of Weston from the 27"^ of December 1780 to Jan' 8'>> AD 1781 & then to the 22* of the Same month it was then Voted to Chuse a Committy Con sisting of five Persons Viz"^ Leiu' Jonathan Straiten Cap' John Flagg M'^ John Allen Cap' Isaac Jones & M"'. Thad". Spring to Treat with Josiah Smith Esq' and his Son Joel in Settling the Boundres of the Towns Land Near the meeting House and to make Report to the Town att the Next Anual march meeting for the Towns Exeptence, Said Comitty having attended on that Service Beg Leave to Report as followeth Viz' 1 that Josiah Smith Esq' offers to Give the Town a Quit Claim Deed to the Bounds a former Comitty made North & East of the meeting House Cap' Estes How Being Chairman of Said Committy 2 M' Joel Smith offers to Straiten the wall South of the Road Before the meeting House and Begining at a Stake & Stones by wall East of the Garden & Runing Straight to the North Est Corner of his Dwelhng house and Lett that be the Boundres of the Towns Land: or Otherwise — 3 M' Joel Smith offers Give to the Town Three Rods of Land for one that the Town Claims South of the Road Before the meeting House Said Land so given to be on the Southwesterly Sid of the Road Over the medow towards the workhouse Weston March 5 1781 Signed by Order of the Comitty Jonathan Stratton Chairman (See also pages 492, 519, and 521; also Middlesex Reg. of Deeds, L. 2150, F. 41 & L. 1164, F. 174.) (531) ERRATA, 2. Line 4, fpr Cleak read Clerk. 56. " 20, for Dec read Dec. 56. " 37, for ofthe read of the. 66. " 35, for relaing read relating. 76. Head-line 1758 read 1759. 77. Head-line 1758 read 1759. 77. Line 13, g read J" . 77. Various J" read g" . 78. Head-line 1758 read 1759. 78. Line 3, Ju' read Ju'. 79. " 17, transfer 1759 to page 76. 81. " 23, for Step read Steps. 86. " 27, for Petition read Petision. 89. " 5, for our Pry read are By. 94. " 35, for ates read Rates. 103. " 11, for accomplich read accomplish. 103. " 11, for Se read se. 103. " 15, for S" read s^ 105. " 31, for Cory perhaps read Cary. 106. " 32, for Xccepted read Excepted. 112. " 21, for Casd read Cash. 117. " 4, for Pat read Part. 118. " 25, for Lewt*°. read Lew'". 119. " 16, for Joshia read Josiah. 125. " 13, for Land read Lane. 126. " 34, for 'Sew read Next. 130. " 19, for to » read town. 136. " 26, for Livemore read Livermore. 138. " 10 and 14 for Wintor read Winter. 140. " 31, for prefix read [75]. 141. " 3, for Seavernd read Seaverns. 142. " 1, for Coggens read Coggen, 142. " 23, for prefix read [76]. jl49. " 14, for ajjoining read adjoining. 157. " 32, for Arreas read Arrears. 160. " 31, for Prown read Brown. 161. " 5, for Nathl" read Nath" . 161. " 30, for Sam' read Sam" . 163. " 15, for Cou vened read Convened. 168. After Town Treasurer remove brace. 168. After Names of Surveyors place brace. 174. Line 9, for Creditots read Creditors. 185. " 16, for Jmaes read James. 191. " 13, for Begelow read Bigelow. 191. " 23, after Abr" insert Bigelow. (583) 534 ERRATA. Page 201. Line 1, for Samll read Sam" . 205. " 17, for Provisions read Provision. 213. " 20, coot means coat. 217. " 31, for ajourned read ajoured. 221. " 9, for Meet read Meat. 221. " 29, after Elisabeth insert Stimson. 223. " 32, for one read are. 224. " 20, for Bonds read Bands. 224. " 23, for Natures read Nattures. 224. " 25, for Course read Causes. 224. " 33, after or insert to. 224. " 35, for foundation read Foundation. 236. " 39, Joseph for Jonas. 237. " 37, for fro read for. 245. " 3, for School read Shool. 245. " 25, for Jona read Jona, 259. " 10, for aftre read after. 259. " 15, for Coustabe read Constable. 265. " 32, after Sam", insert Fisk. 270. " 16, for Cory read Cary. 272. Lower half read Sam»i, Cap', Jon', M". 278. Line 38, for & read &c. 279. " 38, for Spring read String. 307. " 28, for Joseph read Josiah. 354. " 41, for [57^] read [257']. 870. " 24, for Circumsyances read circumstances. 371. " 34, before which insert [282.] 372. " 15, for Stedamans read Steadmans. 446. " 27, for John read Joseph. 461. " 1, for Pasters read Masters. 466. WAR" read WARD. 493. Line 21, for request read report. 496. " 33, for X read &. 497. " 18, for Spirrits read Spirits. 499. " 9, for reimbuued read reimbursed. 505. " 10, for Quallifield read Quallified. After page 348 for Hager read Hagar. INDEX OF I^AMES. [No attempt has been made to indicate all the variationa of spelling; but all known references to thc same individual under whatever uame or title have been put together. Some of the persons naraed are not townspeople. — M. K. P.] Adams, Betsey, 334. Buckley, 271. Ephraim, 257, 259. Josiah, 62, 66, 72. Hon. Samuel, 388, 394, 405, 413, 423, 431, 446, 457, 465, 469. "William, 191. Alden, Moses, 479. Allen, Daniel, 471. David, 64, 93. Kbenezer, 212, 214, 221. Elijah, 403. Isaac, 4, 40, 46, 49, 62, 60, 63, 66, 123. John, 8, 16, 18, 22, 30, 38, 40, 40, 52, 64, 60, 64, 65, 69, 71, 72, 74, 76, 81, 83, 85, 92, 94. 98, 156, 176, 177, 188, 193, 196, 200, 209, 212, 213, 220, 242, 243, 246, 263, 267, 273, 281, 288, 290, 292, 296, 297, 308, 391, Appendix A. Ap. C. Joseph, 92, 129, 142, 143, 161. Josiah, 96, 175, 177, 182, 250, 264. Josiah, Jr., 280. Nathaniel, Dea. 1. 9, 10, 68, 140, 144. Nathaniel, Jr., 175, 177, 182, 221, 279, 299, 300,318,319, 332, 351, 393, 411, 418, 420, 428, 434, 438, 464, 471, 479, 489, 504, 611, 617. Allen, Nathaniel C, 626, 527. Allin, ^ee Allen. Ames, Fisher, 436, 452, 491. Ardeway, Amos, 324. Armstrong, James, 181. Austin, Ben]"., 436. Ayers, Nath", 304, 306. Peter, 157, 162, 174, 176. Avery, Sam", 304. Baker, Rebecca, 391. Baloh [Jonathan Jr.], 498. Baldwin, John, 238. Loamia [Loammi], 290, 446,457, 465. Mrs. Eebecca, 278, 324, 346, 362, 360, 368. Samuel, Schoolmaster, Capt., 6, 31, 32, 35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 49, 63, 60, 63, 68, 70, 71, 75, 83, 91, 97, 104,112,129, 144, 150, 152, 168, 169, 166, 168, 169, 171, 172,175, 179, 181,182,185,186, 188, 189, 191, 192, 193, 196, 197, 198, 200, 201, 202, 203, 2 6, 208, 211, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219,221,229,236,240, 243,251, 457. Sheriff, 337. Baley. Samuel, 270. Ball, John, 245, 250. Peter, 350. Ballard, Ebenezer, 454. Bancroft, Amos, 611, 617, 624. Benjamin, 238, 248. James, 522. Banks, Zaci», 260. Barber, Oliver, 168, 261, 266, 362, 368. Barbarick, John, 260, 263, 230. Barbrick, ) Barrett, Dea. Samuel, 448. Bartlett, Enoch, 262, 367. John, 363. Josiah, 479, 491, 504, 622. ¦ Longley, 448, 451. Samuel, 465. Bass, Mr. [Rev.], 9, 21. Bassett, Coruelius, 454, 463. Bates, [Daniel], 497. Beacon, Joseph, 435. Bemis, Daniel, 266, 270, 271, 303, 304, 306, 392,. 425, 426, 427, 483, 503, 613, 520. Jacob, 302, 303, 306. James, 270. Jeduthun, 270, 306. -322, 338, 376. John, 29, 33, 36, 62, 67, 68, 71, 118, 255, 270, 271, 302, 317, 322. Lot, 483, 497,499. Nalhauiel, 293, 295, 318, 497, 499. Nathaniel, 271, 306, 321. Nathaniel, Jr., 439. Thaddeus, 302. Timothy, 119, 121, 136, 234, 239, 246, 250, 261, 267. Bent, David, 417. Bentley, Samuel, 306, 321. Mr. 363. Beoynton, widow [Jacob], 130. Bigelow, Abraham, 3, 8, 40, 42, 46, 51, 52, 66, 67, 69, 63, 64, 66, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 86, 87, 89, 92, 94, 96, 101, 103, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, HI, 112, 113, 114, 116, 116, 117, 119, 1?0, 122, 124, 126, 126, 127, 129, 131, 132, 133,, 136, 138, 140, 146, 147, 148, 149, 152, 153, 164, 155, 167,158,163,166,168, 173, 177, 182, 189, 190, 191, 193, 204. Abraham, [Jr.], Schoolmaster, Capt., 300, 335. 362, 376, 391. Alpheus, Capi ., 271, 387, 411, 468, 475, 477, 478, 481, 482, 495, 517, 524. Amos, 349, 375, 376, 392, 393,401,411, 418, 419, 421, 423 428, 429, 431, 434, 440, 445, 448, 449. Mrs. Anna, widow, 272, 279, 300, 306, 315, 323, 337. Cffisar [Negro], 383. Convas [Converse], 238. Elias, 238, 318. Isaac, Sch. m., 181, 182, 190, 191. Jacob, 261, 272. James, 92, 106. John, 322, 338, 387. Joseph, 31, 44, 82. Joseph, Jr., 37, 85, 105. Josiah, Const, 159, 170, 172, 173, 179, 235, 246, 246, 248, 250, 261, 263, 277, 281, 297, 313, 314, 316, 317, 318, 320, 323, 324 333, 335, 336, 338, 339, 346, 354, 361, 362, 363, 366, 371, 372, 376, 381, 393. Nathaniel, Const, 26, 29, 32, 34, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 51, 54, 64, 65, 72, 77. Roger, 237. Thomas, 463, 620. (535) 536 INDEX OP NAMES. Bigelow, Timothv, 467, 473, 479, 484, 491, 504, 615, 622. "William, 319. Biles, 8ee Boyles. Billing, Jonas, 486. Billings, Nathan. 366. [Nathan, Jr.?], 363, 371. Nath", 302. Phinehas, 483. Binnev and Biney, Dr. John, 76, 60. [Jr.?], John, 34, 35, 152. Bogle, Mr. and Son [John & "William], 387. William, 402, 411, 421, 437, 481. Boiles, see Boyles. Boleson, widow [Susanna], 101. Bond, Mrs. Abigail, widow, 380, 391, 412, 513. Amos, 509. Benjamin, 30, 36, 88, 94. Henry, 251, 270, 409,412. Samuel, Capt., 30, 36, 36, 76, 79. Samel , 271. William, 98, 118, 277, 324. Boos[?]. James, 108. Bowd'^fn?' i ^"^"^^ Son., 290, 309, 326, 340, '366, 369, 378, 388, 404, 413, 436. Bowen, John, 250. Bowman, Jonas, 56, 457. Boyles, Daniel, 322, 338, 428, 429, 438, 464, 663, 471, 478, 490, 497, 600, 513. Boynton [see Beoynton] . Brackett, David, 403, 428, 437, 471, 478, 490,497, 500, 613. Ebenezer, 387, 392, 402, 412, 433, 435, 437, 439, 444, 464, 465, 478, 489, 490. Lemuel, 426. . Bradish, Ebenezer, 84. Bradley, [Nath.], 497. Brag, Thos. H., 509. Bramhall, Joshua, 250. Breed, Joseph, 366, 371. , Widow and Son, 397. Brewer, Josiah, 3. Mrs., 5. Brewers, , 350. Briant, John, 92. Bridge, Ebenezer, Gen., 299, 310, 326, 340, 356, 369, 379, 389, 394, 406, 413, 423, 431, 439, 446, 467, 466, 473, 479, 484, 491, 604. Mr., 339. Joseph, 423. Brindley, Edward, 386, 413, 455. Edward, Jr., 455. ?roadr1d:|^""'«".321,322,355.Brooks, Col., 266. Eleazer, Hon., 290, 309, 326, 340, 369, 379, 389, 394, 405, 413. 423, 431, 436, 439, 446, 457, 465, 473, 479, 484, 491. John, Esq., 379, 400, 405. John, Gen., 389. Brown, Benjamin, Dea., 18, 19. Benjamin, Esq., 457. Ephraim, 92. George, 321. Gowen, Gowin [Gawain], 256, 261, 267. John, Capt., 118, 127, 128, 150, 301, 306, 317, 319, 334, 336, 350. John, Jr., 127, 160. Mary, 115. Moses, Schoolmaster, 160, 161, 170. Phinehas, 421. Thomas, 471, 478, 481, 496. William, Dea., 379. Bucknum, James, 373. Budge, see Mudge, 279. Bull, Elizabeth, 167, 458. Jacob, 187, 178, 183, 185, 186, 190, 458. Jacob, [Jr.,] 167, 488. Bull, John, 167, 458. Mary, 167, 468. Eebecca, 187,458. Eenben, 167, 468. Thomas, 167, 458. Bullard, Isaiah, 189, 211, 213, 262. Jonathan, 1, 39, 41, 45, 46, 48, 49, 60, 63, 69, 60, 61, 65. 69, 71, 79, 110,114, 116, 131, 142, 148, 163, 170, 252, 283, 285, 319. 353, 354, 366, 375, 412. Mary, 367. Burn, Andrew, 322, 337. Butterfield, , 497, 498, 500. Cabott. Edward, 270. Call, 496. Capen, ? Christopher, 66, 457. Capron, j 144, 146, 155, 156, 161, 180, 220, 236, 237, 248. Ephraim, 302, 304. Sarah, widow [Chris.], 263. Cary, Josiah, 189, 201, 211, 218, 219, 237. Peter, 266, 270, 322, 338. Schoolmaster, 105, 112. William, 303. Catherine and her child, 308. Carver, Reuben, Capt., 517, 524. Chaffen, Hannah Hagar, 48. Checkley, Sch. M. 66, 72. Cheney, Je.=ee, 471, 478, 482, 624. Child, Caleb, 6. Edward. 513. Esther, 203. Joseph, 426. Jonathan, 476, 603, 611. Nathan, 497. Phinehas, 77, 81, 407, 408, 441. Ruth, 407. 408, 441, 499. Samuel, 37, 41, 90, 160, 189, 193, 196, 197, 202. Thaddeus, 304, 305, 394. T« Glazier, 31. Chubb, Mary, 56, 467. Silas, 363. Silence. 56, 467. Clark, Christopher, 304. John, 322, 626. Jonathan, 611. Pacence [Patience] & son, 101. Penieul, 167, 458. Thomas, 609. Cleaveland, Benjamin, 409. Cobb, David, 436. Samuel, 420, 463, 471, 481. Coburn, John, 262, 277, 346, 349, 360, 361, 365, 366, 367, 368, 375, 377, 384, 386, 387, 390, 391, 393, 401, 402, 404, 407, 411, 412, 420, 437, 444, 445, 453, 454. Joseph, 270. 272, 303. Nathaniel, 261. Cockin, John, 250, Cogen, ) Henry, 112, 123, 124, 130, 142, 160, 170. Coggen, ( 213, 237, 248. Schoolmaster, 113,123, 130, 131,142, 151, 152, 161, 191. Cogswell, James, 238, 261, 254, 271, 402. Colleney, John, 321, 322, see Connelley. CoUingwood, William, 304, 305. Conant, Oliver, 262, 518. Condon, Eichard, 304. Connelley, John, 305, see Colleney. Cook, Jonathan, 334. Cooledge, Daniel, 92, 221, 248, 263. Cooledge, Jonathan, Appendix B. Jonathan, 609. Josiah, 42, 62, 80, 97, 129, 219, 220, 221, 248, 249, 263, 264. Nathaniel, 7J, 83, 97, 104, 133, 136, 150, 159, 162, 166, 169, 171, 178, 180, 182, 183, 185, 186, 189, 190, 191, 201. INDEX OF NAMES. 537 Oooledse, Paul. 238. William, 665, 368. Cory [Bethshua], Goody, widow Sam.,123, 130, 142, 191, 213, 219, 220, 237, 248, 263. Catherine, widow Joseph, 186, 187, 191, 192,202. Isaac, 16, 17, 24, 161. Joseph, 77, 181, 191, 192, 206, 207, 213. Lucy, 237. Samuel, 72, 78, 91, 112, 12S, 180, 142, 151, 162, 161, 171, 181, 185, 187, 190, 191, 202, 203, 212. Samuel, Jr., 46, 47 |^2, 100, 102,], 116, 123. Schoolmaster, see Cary. Cotton, Peler, 250. Schoolmaster, 31. William, 260. Cotting, John, 613. Kohert, 498, 500. Coverly, , 498. Cox, Artemas, 255, 270, 271, 306. Elisha, 16, 17, 26, 31, 40, 43, 54, 65, 99, 190, 202, 229, 230, 240, 241, 257, 259, 266. Ezekiel, 165, 166, 170. Jonathan, 242, 266, 269, 324. Joseph, 498. Mrs. Sarah [widow Elisha, Jr.], 272. Crawford, James, 322. Cudfe,' } ^^^-^^ [neg™]' 32. «• Cummings, John, Esq., 309, 357. Moses, 304, "307, 321, 322, 337, 338, 339, 360,351,362,363. Curtis, Joseph, 309, 326, 340, 356, 369, 379, 389, 394, 405, 413, 423. Oliver, 271. [Nath.] & Son, 497. Cushing, Thomas, Esq., 309, 326, 339, 358, 369, 379, 388. William, Esq., 446. Cutler, Jonas, 38. William, 345, 351. William, wife, 351. Cutting, Richard, 47, 67, 70. see Cotting. Dale, Samuel, 304, 321. Damon, Jude, 279. Dana, A., 493. Francis, 400, 405, 406, 436. I[8aac], 498. Danforth, Samuel, 238, 245, 250, 260, 267. Davis, Daniel, 270. John, 250. Nathan [Eev.], 353. Davis, Nathaniel, 486, 489. Thomas, 3'j4, 469. Dawes, Thomas, 469. Derby, K., 228. (.see Dorby.) Devins, , 498. Dewing, Andrew, 131, 181. Nathaniel, 318, 334, 350, 352, 353. Dexter, Samuel, 413, 423, 426, 465. Samuel, Jr., 431, 457. Dingen, Morris, 305, 321, 322. Dix, Jonas, 290, 309, 326. Jonathan, 340, 334, 362. Mary, 334. Schoolmaster, 84, 91. Doalbear, Benjamin, 303. Dorby [Rev.], 9, 21. Dodge, Mary, 116. Dunbar, Asa, Eev., 235. Dudley, Benjamin, 213, 219, 220, 2.37, 246, 248, 262, 264, 282, 292, 297, 298, 301, 306, 308, 313, 314, 316, 316, 317,320,323, 324, .326, 332, 335, 337, 338, 339, 352, 364, 363, 398. John, 483,496, 497, 498, 499, 600. Eames, Jonathan, 220, 217, 238. Eaton, Daniel, 326, 417, 441. Ebenezer, 325, 430. Ellis, Jabez, 497. Evens, Barnabas,'"260. Mary, 126. Sarah, 126. Fairweather, Thomas, 389. Farrar, George, 254, 289. James, 404. Nehemiah, 303. Faulkner, Francis, 509. Felch, Abijah, 169, 172. Nathaniel, 36,41,46,67. Nathaniel [Jr.?], 169, 235, 246, 247, 271, Son, [Jonathan,?] 271. Penly, John, see Tenly, 250. Fenno, Ephraim, 246, 260, 288, 286. Ferrall, Thr>., 260. Feveryear, Schoolmaster, 65. Fisk, Abijah, 463, 467,475, 488, 495, 611, 617, 624, 628. Amos, 408. Ebenezer, 463,478,489, 513. Ezra, 247, 248, 263, 278, 301, 318, 319, 333, 336, 349, 366, 376, 387, .393, 402, 411, 420, 429, 438, 444, 454, 463, 471, 478, 483, 490. Ezra, Jun., 613. Isaac, 511, 617,626. Jacob. 471, 486,489. Jonathan, 272, 360. Jonathan, 104, 140, 179, 189, 201, 211, 222, 229, 236, 238, 246, 247, 248, 249, 262, 264, 263, 264, 265, 266, 272, 278, 289, 294, 296, 303, 313, 316, 316, 318, 321, 325, 332, 335, 336, 337,346,348,350, 362, 364, 360, 365, 367,, 380, 882, 387, 397,407,421, 433, 434, 442,447,450, 464, 468, 480. Nathan, 3, 4, 8, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 26, 31, 40, 43, 44, 48, 47, 63, 67, 103, 123, 137, 138. Nathan, Schoolmaster, 53, 65, 72. Nathan, 270, 271, 304, 375, 386, 387, 388, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 397, 398, 399, 401, 402, 403, 411, 412, 420, 421, 422, 426, 428, 429, 480, 435, 437, 438, 439, 441, 446, 453, 454, 463, 468, 471, 472, 476,477, 478,479, 492, 494, 496,601, 602, 503, 504, 505, 510, 612, 613, 614, 517, 618, 619, 620, 521, 523, .526, 526.. 'Samuel, Dea., 129, 168, 191, 201, 203, 233, 235, 236, 237, 239, 246, 246, 247, 250, 251, 252, 253, 264, 265, 268, 2.57, 268, 269, 261, 263, 265, 266, 267, 272, 274,276,277,278, 289,295, 297, 298, 303 306, 306, 311, 313, 315, 316, 319, 322, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 331, 332, 333, 336, 337, 339, 340, 341, 344, 346, 348, 361, 363, 364, 359, 365, 375, 377, 378,379,381, 382, 390, 396, 399,402, 411, 414, 416, 418, 422, 423, 426, 427, 429,433,436, 437, 442,448, 475, 478, 481, 483, 486, 496, 604, 511, 615, 516, 617, 524, Appendix A. Schoolmaster, 63, 72. Thaddeus, Schoolmaster, 351, 352. Thomas, 272. William, Schoolmaster, Esq., 180, 191, 337, 360. William, Treasurer, 252, 321, 416. William, 609. Flagg, Bezaleel, 262, 337, 338. David, 62, 91. Elisha, 92, 149, 153, 161, 174, 176, 178, 181, 182, 183. Ephraim, 478, 513. Isaac, 170, 189, 190, 220,237,298, 299, 349, 538 INDEX OF NAMES. Flagf, Isaac {continued), 360, 365, 374, 377, 381, 387, 388, 396, 396, 398.403, 404,420,421. John, Capt.,' 1.50, 163, 170,179,181,188, 202, 205, 206, 212, 218, 219, 237, 243, 246, 247, 261, 267, 278, 280, 281, 282, 284,288, 299, 300, 337, 339,346,361, 362, 487, Appendix C. John, Jr., 300, 316, 336 (448, 460).? Hannah, 72, see Mary. Marv, widow [Adonijah], 47, 53, 64, 60, 72,78 Thomas, 174, 176, 178, 181, 183, 210, 215. Solomon, 146, 155, 166, 181. Flint, Abel, Schoolmaster, 263, 279, 280, 299, 300, 317, 318, 319, 334, 335. Edward, 302. Joel, 302. Frasher, John, 304, 321. Fraisher, Frost, John, 257. Fullam, Elisha, 41, 64, 83, 97, 103 113, 122, 124, 130. Francis, Col., 9, 10, 11, 14, 35. Puller, Abraham, 290, 309, 326, 340, 369, 379, 389, 405, 413. Joseph, 151. Moses, 494, 495, 601, 511. Benjamin, 160, 177, 218, 246, 247. Gage, Su8.^nna, widow, 167, 458. Susanna, 167, 458. Isaac, 321. , Capt., 362. Gale, Abijah [from Oxford], 44. wife of , 44. Abigail, widow, 265, 279. Abraham, 31, 68, 90, 96, 111, 137. 167. Henry [.and family, 113], 156, 161, 240, 241, 2.i7, 259. Gail, nee Gale. Gaffield and Gairfield, see Garfield. Garfield, Daniel, 89, 93, 95, 99, 100, 102, 106, 128, 132, 142. Edward, 399, 430. Hannah, 411. Jesse, 240. 241, 256, 259, 324. Joseph, 93, 103, 121, 134. Samuel, 97, 112. Thaddeus, 293, 295. Gearfield, Damaris [widow and child], 370, 371. Edward, 18. 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 30, 31, 32, 36, 43, 44, 63. Gardner, Henry, 208, 209, 290. John, 299, 317. W -, 260. Gavet, Charles [wife and children], 134. Geary, see Gerry. Geneson, see Jenison. Gerry, Elbridge, 394, 400, 414, 430, 439, 446, 467, 491, 604. Gibbs, Elisha, 404. Widow, 377. Gill, Moses, 446, 457, 465, 473, 479, 484, 491. William, 302. Goddard Benjamin, 288, 293, Ap. B. Nathaniel, 41, 62. Lydia, wid. [Nath.], 265, 279. Goodard, Nee Goddard. Gooding, Samuel and wife, 58, 457. Goodwin, David, Major, 496, 497, 499. Thaddeus, 350. Goodhew, Abigail, 187, 458. Benjamin, 436. Elizabeth, 167, 468. Ehzabeth, 167, 458. Jeremiah, 167, 458. Jeremiah, 167 (392, 412,), 468. Lucy, 167, 468. Goff, I 21, 66. Goof, i 78. 84, 92, 98, 130. Gorham, Nath., 290, 309, 326, 369, 400, 406, 413, 414, 446. Gowen, Joseph, 392, 442, 483, 485. Gould, Isaac, 429, 437, 463, 471, 472, 495, 497, 499, 503, 613, 620. Jacob. 478. John, 167, 468. Graves, Mary, 167, 468. Mary, 167, 468. Sarah, 187, 458. Thomas, 303. William, 167, 190, 214, 458. William, 167, 458. Green, Isaac, 261. Green, Samuel, 402, 434, 481. , 498. Greenleaf, Enoch, 272, 274, 282, 344, 350,357, 367, 368, 402, 408, 468, 485. Gregory, Abraham, ol, 41. Mary, 31. Isaac, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 31, 41, 60, 61, 73. 104, 121, 256, 270. Silas, 5U3. Uriah, 159, 189 201, 203, 212, 218, 235, 236, 237, 251, 252, 255, ¦.i56, 267, 258, 269, 263, 265, 266, 272, 273, 277, 305, 306, 314, 319,320, 327, 328,332, 333, 335, 336, 338, 339, 340, 352, 353, 354, 363, 366, 371, 373, 374, 375, 381, 383, 392, 399, 418, 430, 435, 441, 444, 495, 610, 617. Goldthwaite, Col. [Joseph], 148. Gothree, Adam, 250. Gray, John, 240, 241. Joshua, 250. Gyer, George, 383. Guild, Charies, 498. Hadley, Joseph, 121. Hagar, David, 22. Benjamin, 34, 35. Hannah, see Chaffen. Hannah 112. Isaac, 16, 17, 26, 30, 31, 41, 46, 71, 98. Isaac, Jr., 96. John, 30, 88, 45, 49, 63, 64, 64, 65, 73, 77, 79, 84. John, 118, 303? John, 131, 181. John, 238, 261, 264, 259, 303? John, Jr., 77, 89,90, 93,98. John, Jr., 240, 242, 324. Joseph. 96, 100, 102, 105, 130, 142, 152, 191. Jonas, 112, 123, 130,131, 151. Nathan, 201, 218, 235, 246, 262, 264, 270, 277, 279, 324, 333, 335, 349, 362, 361, 375, 382, 384, 386, 387, 392, 393, 421, 425, 426, 437, 444, 447, 460, 463, 462, 468, 470, 471, 476, 476, 477, 478,481, 482, 486, 489, 610, 611. Mary, widow, 106, 112, 113, 124. Phinehas, 271, 306, 338, 352, 366. Phinehas' sister, 352. Sarah, 113. Stephen, 321, 426. Simeon, 44, 98, 152, 166. 166,171,178,183. William, 102, 107, 110, 114. Hager, see H agar. Hale, Jonathan, Major, 361, 423, 439, 446, 457. Hall, Willis, 379, 446, 467. Hammond, Ebenezer, 7,14, 15, 21, 26, 32, 43, 44, 46,47, 63, 64, 6i, 65, 68, 72, 73, 84. Ephraim, 273, 337, 350. Hancock, John, 228, 290, 309, 326, 339,366, 388, 404, 413, 423, 430, 439. Handcock, [Rev.J, 21. Hanfield, William, 120, 122, 130. INDEX OF NAMES. 539 Harrington, Abel, 498. 500. Abraham, 316, 349, 365, 368, 375, 376, 392, 393, 394, 401, 402, 411, 42u, 437, 444, 453, 455, 460, 402, 468, 471, 475, 476, 477, 481, 513. ,524. -¦Vmos, 261. 367, 387, 421, J44, 470, 473, 475, 481, 486, 496, 517, 520, 525, 626. Benjarain, 3, 31, 44, 131, 142. Edward, 283, 286. Elisha, 121 , 129, 141. 193. 205, 208, 286, 246, 247, 267, 273. 277. 292, 301, 307, 308, 317, 320, 322, ?32, 333, 337, 339, 346, 349, 350, 361, 362, 353,356,368. Enoch, 463. Jabez, 38, 71,104. Joel, 271 Jones, see Jonas. Jonas, 44, 68, 76, 77, 78, 80, 84, 90, 92, 98, 98, 106, 110, 111, 112. 116, 131, 142, 150, 161, 156, 245, 260. [Jonas, Jr., 30, 63, 77, 98, 106, 124, 136, 200, 202, 212, 220, 237, 280, 317. Jonas, 2d, 158, 169. .; Jonas, Treasurer, 160, 162, 166, 168, 169, 171, 172, ISO. I Jonas, 281, 292, 319, 336, 345, 347, 360, [ 397, 611, 612. Jonas, 3rd, 263, 288. Joseph, 5, 6, 7, 38. Joseph, 345, 358, 376, 399, 430. Joseph, Jr., mistake for Jonas, Jr., 236. Josiah, 404. Moses. 71, 83, 90. 91, 97, 111, 140, 162, 156, 157, 160, 161, 162, 169, 171, 172, 176, 180, 181, 279, 345, 468. Samuel, 283, 286, 306. Stephen, 402, 444, 464, 472, 475, 478. Thomas, 270. Hastings, Edward, 83, 121, 140. James, 211, 298, 357. John, 62, 60," 63, 65, 66, 78, 94, 96, 121, 122, 142. 334, 361. John, Jr., 357. Josiah, 299, 300, 336, 347, 351, 355, 357, 378, 429, 437, 444, 464, 463, 467, 471, 475, 481 , 483, 486, 489, 617, 624. Samuel, 44. Haven, Abraham, 497. William, 292. Hawes, Joseph, 318, 334, 350, 362, 353. Hayward, Caleb, 411, 438, 444, 471, 474, 476, 478, 481, 484. 486, 487, 490, 494, 496, 498, 499, 500, 601. Josiah, 498, 600. Heath, William, 436, 446, 484, 491, 604. Helm, William, 238, 267, 269. Henderson, Joseph, 245, 250. Hewing, John, 468. Hews, Abraham, 262, 349, 387, 411, 448, 450, 498, 600, 603, 611, 521. Abraham, Jr., 482, 500, 503, 513. Hildreth, William, 484, 504, 622. Hill, Aaron, 491. 504, 622. [Aaron.] Schoolmaster, 237, 248, 249. Hinds, Abigail, 167, 468. Samuel, 321. John, 321, 337. Hodgkins, Thomas, 64, 78. Hobert, William, Schoolmaster, 21S, 213, 219, 220, 221, 237. Nicholas, 240, 241. Hobbs, Amos, 471, 483. Ebenezer, 24, 26, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 40, 41 43, 44 45, 46, 49, 51, 63, 54, 80, 62, 63, 65, 66, 72, 73, 84, 91. Ebenezer, 387, 392, 411, 437, 444, 445, 453, 454, 463, 467, 468, 471, 472, 473, 475, 481, 488, 487, 489, 494, 495, 498, 600, 502, 603, 605, 609, 510, 512, 613, 516, 617, 518, 619, 620, 623, 624, 525. Hobbs, Isaac, 90, 104, 105, 112, 121, 141, 160, 165 168, 172, 179, 201, 203, 223, 224, 231 233, 236, 239, 248, 261, 263, 264, 266, 262, 269, 272, 273, 2'i4, 292, 294, 295, 297, 298, 300, 305, .307, 315, 318, 320: 323, 324, 326, 332, 336, 338, 338, 339, 341, 346, 348, 360, 354, 355, 369, 365! 367, 372, 375, 377,378, 381, 384, 386, 391, 392, 401, 404, 411, 413, 414,418, 419, 422, 423, 424, 428, 429, 434, 437, 441, 442, 444, 448, 152, 463, 455, 456 468,461, 463, 466,471, 478, 482, 486, 489, 498, 511, 613, 517, 520, 621, Ap- pendix A. Isaac, Jr., 428, 483, 600, 639, Josiah, 33, 36, 63, 63, 66. Matthew, 128. 132, 160, 168, 188, 194, 203, 211, 212, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 220, 236, 238, 241, 245. 249, 258, 261, 262, 266, 267, 274, 276, 278, 280, 289, 298, 382, 333, 336, 349, 365, 370, 375, 386, 392, 393, 397, 401, 402, 407, 408, 411, 419, 426, 428, 433, 435, 438, 442, 447, 460, 454, 463, 478, 483, 489, 490, 604. Nathan, 71, 75. 81. 91, 121, 147, 168, 172, 179, 181, 182, 186, 188, 190, 191, 192, 196,202, 203,206, 211, 212, 246, 258, 261,262, 276, 277,284, 292, 300, 308, 316, 317, 324, 325, 329, 332, 346, 350, 352, 366, 366, 367, 375, 377, 380, 381, 3S7, 39.1, 398, 408, 412, 418, 420, 428, 420, 438, 463, 483, 620. Nathan, Jr., 603. Reuben, 238. William, 2.i4, 304. 387, 402. , Mr. 81, 160, 177. Holmes, , 49S. Hosmer, Joseph, 310, 326, 369, 379, 389, 394, 405, 413, 423, 431, 439. [Stephen], Surveyor, 112. William, 272. How, Estes, 206, 261, 268, 274, 275, 278, 280, 281, 293, 295, 298, 301, 303, 306, 307, 320, 323, 826, 327, 359, 371, 380, 393, 402, 404, 412, 413, 426, 497, 498, 800. Ap. B. Ap. C. How, Talmon, 396. Howard, see Hayward. Howe, see How. Hull, William, 400, 491, 622. Hunt, John, 483. Samuel, 4. John, 67. William, 337? 351. William of Watertown, 609. Hurd, Benjamin, 237. Isaac, 220. -, Capt. 483. Inglis, Jackson, John, 3. Nathaniel, 412. Timothy, 622. Jarvis, Charles, 452. Jenison, Nathaniel, 24, 26, 26, 27,30, 31, 32,34, 39, 43, 44, 63, 64, 65, 73, 79, 83, 85,91, 101, 104, 111, 160, 164, 155. Joshua, 248, 251, 270, 283, 286. Samuel, 31. Sarah, 151, 162, 181. Jennison, Nathan, 299. Jewet, Joseph, 283, 285. Johnson, Abiathar, 489, 613. Edward, 497, 600. John, 302, 337. Josiah, 290, 371. Johnston, Alexander, 230. Jones, Aaron, 30, 63, 71, 101, 111, 121, 140, 144, 214. Abijah, 401, 408, 420. 540 INDEX OF NAMES. Jones, Abraham, 7, 8, 41, 52, 68, 69, 71, 90, 101, 103, 107, 116, 120, 121, 122, 126, 129, 134, H0,'142, 143, 147, 148,149,160, 153, 166, 168, 161, 185, 179, 188, 192, 196, 204, 218, 231, 235, 241, 243, 248, 248, 251, 268, 262, 264, 265, 267, 276, 287, 288, 291, 297, 299, 301, 313, 319, 372 396 602. Amos, 262, 301, 317, 332, 361. Benjamin, 71, 118, 121, 156, 212, 219, 238, 262, 264, 280, 319. Eli, 376, 411, 421. Elisha, Col., 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 7, 17, 20, 21, 23, 26, 30, 34, 35, 36, 40, 42, 43, 60, 62, 53, 55, 66. 67, 68, 69, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 72, 74, 76, 77, 80, 82, 86, 88, 89, 93, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 118, 127, 140, 163, 172, 177, 188, 193. 194, 196. JflS. -ffll, 212,(269,, C2f§i^85|i§^^!V?95i' 4a. ^ Elnatliau^""351^ — Isaac, 52, 63, 66, 83, 90, 97, 104, 106, 112, 121, 129, 150, 166, 168, 178,179,185, 187, 188, 192, 193, 201, 202, 206, 237, 246, 263, 261, 266, 274, 292, 294, 296, 298, 317, 323, 326, 335, 346, 348, 347, 348, 349, 365, 356, 357, 358, 369, 361, 386, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 376, 377, 379, 380, 382, 383, 385, 388, 387, 389, 390, 392, 396, 397, 399, 401, 402, 404, 405, 407, 409, 410, 413, 414, 416, 417, 419, 425, 429, 430, 434, 437, 438, 441, 442, 445, 460, 468, 470, 478, 485, 486, 497, 600, 611, 621, Ap. A., Ap. C. Isaac, Jr., 218, 263. Israel, 395, 396. Jaraes, Capt., 3 [10, 11, 13].? James, 363, 409. John, 6, 50, 61, 66, 67, 69, 103, 107. j John, Esq., 113. I John, Surveyor [Dedham], 112. Joseph, 464. Joshua, 499. Lemuel, 104, 111, 129, 141, 143, 159, 168, 172, 180. 211. Lucy, 167, 468. Moses, 49, 51, 63, 64, 60. Nahum, 374, 398. Nathan, 81, 82, 83, 144, 165, 170. Phinehas, 245, 250, 261, 267. Solomon, 92, 135. Soloraon, Jr., 141. Stephen, 111. Kendal,— Kendall,— Si, muel, 331, 341, 342, 344' 346, 347, 348, 363, 3.55, 368, 369, 380' 361, 362, 370, 371, .373, 376, 378, 381. 382, 389, 390, 392, 394, 395, 396, 397. 406, 407, 408, 415, 418, 424, 425, 432. 434, 440, 441, 442, 445, 447, 449, 450. 480, 461, 467, 468, 469, 474, 475, 480. 481, 486, 488, 493, 494, 509, 510, 615. 616, 617, 619, 622, 523, 624. Kendick, Jane, 126. Kennedy, John, 304. Kiraball, John, 149, 153. Kingsbury, Elijah, 258, 267. Kneeland, Doctor, 340. Knight, John [Ebenezer, in files,], 56, 467. Lakin, Moses, 116. Lamson, Araos, 433, 489, 496. Isaac, 464, 476, 482, 487, 489, 490, 494, 498, 600, 602, 60J, 606, 509, 611, 612, 613, 516, 517, 519, 520. John, 2, 8, 14, 21, 29, 33, 40, 42, 43, 63, 111,129,140, 143, 144, 147, 161, 162, 159, 160, 161, 165, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 174, 176, 176, 180, 182, 186, 189, 190, 232, 237, 420, 428, 463. Lamson, Samuel, 125, 126. 129, 158, 172, 173, 179, 189, 190, 194, 199, 200, 211, 212, 218, 219, 221, 223, 224, 233, 236, 236, 247, 261, 262, 263, 264, 271, 272, 286, 292, 296, 297, 301, 303, 306, 306, 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 335, 336, 339, 344, 347, 348, 361, 354, 366, 366, 387, 375, 377, 384, 386, 393, 418, 420, 421, 426, 442, 444, Appendix B. Samuel, Jr., 271, 322, 325, 332, 338, 402. Lauchlin, Samuel, 305, 320. John, 293, 296. Samuel, 96. 99, 100, 102, 106, 197, 201. WiUiam, 31, 33, 62, 86, 68, 89, 72, 73, 77, 79, 82, 83, 84, 85, 91, 121, 129, 131, 134, 141, 142, 143, 149, 151, 162, 153, 167, 180, 101, 162, 166, 166, 189, 171. Williara, Jr., 180, 483, 498. William, Jr., 500. Leadbetter, Increase, 116, 141, 169, 188, 189, 190, 202, 218, 277, 289, 295, 305, 332, 338, 349. 358, 378, 387, 409, 411, 462, 470, 472, 473, 475. Joab, 412. Learned, Bezaleel, 198. Lee, Joseph, 448, 451. Lee. Woodes, 71. Lemon.E., 498, 500, 601. Lewis [John,], 283, 294, 296. Lincoln, Benjamin, 366, 369, 379, 388, 394, 404, 406. Little John, William. 383. Livermore, Aaron, 435. Abijah, 96, 98, 100, 106. Daniel. 1, 18, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 39, 43, 44, 53, 54, 133, 136,136,139, 144. Daniel, Jr., 71, 103, 133, 137, 140, 144, 146. 169, 161, 218, 241, 245, 246, 247, 249, 260, 267, 283, 265, 286, 278, 286, 337, 366, 366, 398. David, 270. Ephraim, 420, 433, 444, 464, 483, 489, 498, 600, 503, 513, 520. James, 30, 41, 62, 71, 83, 103, 129, 140, 147, 149, 153, 1,56, 168, 161, 171, 174, 176, 177, 179, 180, 182, 186, 186, 189. Joseph, 98, 305, 444, 454, 455, 463, 503, 613, 520, 524. Nathaniel, 82, 86, 91, 95, 98, 99, 100, 102, 106, 128, 132, 140, 144, 161. Samuel, 179, 211, 218, 222, 229, 230, 231, 235, 236, 238, 240, 242, 243, 246, 247, 248, 249, 266, 268, 260, 261, 263, 265, 267,268,277, 303, 320, 823, 348, 349, 350, 356, 367, 362, 365, 370, 371, 376, 377, 380, 384, 386, 391, 394, 396, 397, 398, 399, 403, 409, 416, 420, 425, 429, 430, 438, 444, 447, 448, 460, 467, 471, 478, 489, 490. Silas, 271. , son of Samuel, 303. Joseph, 35, 36, 194, 211, 351. Joseph, Jr., 90, 111, 188. Lowell, Johu, 423. Lyons, Micha [e] 1, 304, 383. ? Lucy, , [see Jonas Hager], 151. Makepeace, , 498. Mansfield, Josiah, 72, 77, 78, 83, 92, 97, 98, 111, 113. Theophilus, 6, 8, 34, 35, 40, 41, 46, 49, 67, 60, 63, 66, 76, 76, 83, 91, 94, 98, 157, 162. Theophilus, Jr., 167, 172, 181. Manning [Ebenezer], 202. Marritt, , Schoolmaster, 105. Martain, James, 186, 186. Mason, , Clerk, 84, 183. Mastick, Joseph, 256, 270, 283. INDEX OF NAMES. 541 Mathies, Abner, 271, 803. Marshall, Christopher, 526, 627. Naucy H.,527. Thomas, 319, 330, 366, 367, 368, 375, 476, 626, 627. Maynard, John, 622. Jonathan, 484, 491, 522. MoFarlin, Walter, 389, 394, 405. Merriam, Lot, 496. Middlesex, Salem [Negro], 304, 373. Miller, David, 81. Minot, [Rev.], 21. Mirick, Isaac, 169, 172, 177, 179, 192, 201, 202, 218. James, 1, 3, 6, 15, 26, 30, 31, 38, 49, 69, 88, 104, 156, 157, 162. John, 3,6, 71,78. John, Jr., Capt., 41, 62, 69, 90, 97, 99, 121, 129, 138, 140, 143, 148, 149, 160, 151, 154, 166, 158, 160, 162, 186, 169. 170, 178, 179, 181, 185, 187, 191, 193, 195, 200, 201, 207, 212, 213, 220, 235. Mlea, John, 304. Moody, , 130. Moore, Samuel, 412. Moory, John, 250. Morse, Benaiah, 482. 495.? Eliakim, 497, 600. William, 363. Morsemy, Peter, 91. Morton, 361. Moulton, Bathsheba, 56, 467. Mudge, Joseph, Schoolmaster. 279, 299, 300, 317, 318, 335, 361, 362. Munroe, Benjamin, 30. William, 160. Murray, see Moory. Neal, William, 304, 320. Newman, John, 304. Nichols, Fortunatus, 387, 444. Joseph, 362, 372, 376, 390, 396, 420, 422, 428, 429, 433, 434, 435, 437, 438, 441, 442, 444, 445, 447, 448, 450, 463, 454, 465, 456, 463, 464. Joseph, Jr., 411, 444, 448, 475, 476. Norcross, John, 260. John, 416, 417, 428. Joseph, 6, 7, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 43, 90. Joseph, Jr., 92, 98. William, 84, 128, 132, 142. Noah, 92. Nutting, Lydia, 187, 458. Nathaniel, 407, 408. Samuel, 187, 399, 468. Odell, Margaret, 52T. Orne, Azar, 309, 356. 438. Osburn, , 497. Otis, Harrison G., 470. Paker, see Parker. Park, Abijah, 489. Jonas, 303. Parker, David, 304, 337. Elisha, 479. John, 283, 285, Thoraas, 366. Parkhurst, Abraham, and family, 116. Daniel, 7, 8, 20, 21, 24, 32, 35, 36, 54. Eunice, 167, 468. George, 40, 42. George's widow [Tabitha] , 42. House, 42, 433. John, Dea., 9, 10, 23, 40, 42, 48. Josiah, 52. Lois, 187, 458. Martha, 167,458. Martha, wid. Ss ch., 115, 123, 124. Nathan, 161, 169. Parkhurst, Nathaniel, 167, 383, 458, Noah, 321, 353, Williara, 25, 27, 30, 34, 39, 44. Parks, Josiah, 8, 17, 19, 24, 36, Parraenter, Johu, 306. Jonas, , 270. Kuth, 360. Nathaniel, 267, 271,404. Solomon. 270, 283, 286. Parsons, Theophilus, 436. Partridge, Merriara, / , . . ,„, Mirlara, ( widow of Thomas, 48, 60, 68, 78, 84, 91, 92, 98, 106, 112, 123, 130, 160, 170, 190, 202, 220, 237, 248 263, 264, 266, 266, 279, 280, 301, 318 310. Thomas, 48, 68, 60, 81, 65, 88, 72, 76, 80. Widow, ste Miriam. William, 123. 130, 142, 160, 170, 191, 213 237, 248, 3'Jl. See also Miriam. Peacock, Jaraes, 271, 283, 285. Peirce, Abel, 270, 302, 321, 473. Abraham, 283. Amos, 271, 304. Benjamin, 26, 41, 53, 65, 73, 77, 83, 95, ' 99, 111, 129, 150, 158, 159, 162, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171. 178, 179, 180, 182, 183. 188, 188, 189, 191, 102,195,196, 197, 20U, 202, 203, 208, 210, 211, 212 213, 214, 215, 217, 219, 220, 221, 229 234, 236, 238, 243, 247, 249, 253, 276, 304, 306, 306, 392, 394. Ap. A. Benjarain [Jr.] 353, 874, 381, 383, 396, 403, 409. Caleb, 399. Capt [see Jonas], 434. Ephraim, 205, 207, 213. Isaac, 270, 471,621. Jacob, 435. John, 322, 399, 403, 430. Jonas, , 96, 103, 111, 141, 159, 189, 218, 236, 237, 241, 247, 249, 250, 265, 260, 262, 263, 265, 268, 267, 277, 278, 280, 281, 292, 297, 29S, 299, 301. 302, 306, 308, 313, 314, 316, 317, 319, 320, 323, 332, 333, 338, 337, 338, 339, 351, 353, 364, 398, 404, 484. Jonas, Jr., Capt., 256, 270,? 393, 411, 434. Jonathan, 167, 246, 248, 468. Jones, see Jonas. Joseph, 33, 179, 211. Joshua, 236, 361, 412, 471. I Lois, 284, 266, 266, 279, 300. / Lois. wid. [Ephraim], 317, 318, 319. Lois, 317, 318. 319, 336, 351. Mary, wid. [Benjamin], 381, 383. Nathaniel, 202. Thaddeus, 271, 322, 338, 361, 401, 454, 498, 600, 613, 524. Thomas, 90, 104, 121, 174, 176, 195, 197, 203, 240, 241, 242, 256, 259,351,391, 408. Walter, 354. Pepper, Mrs. and family, 408. Percy, Margaret, 91. Perkhurst, see Parkhurst. Perry, Timothy, 366. Philemon, Issachar [negro] , 304, 321. Phillips, Ebenezer, 63, 69, 81, 160, 271, 272, 321, 337. 126, 126. Samuel, 604. Pierce, see Peirce. Pike, Simeon, 266, 270, 302, 305. Timothy, 249, 266, 375. Piper, Judith. 334. [Moses], 498, 500. , Rev., 363. Piatt, Samuel (see Pratt), 304. Plomas, , 378. 542 INDEX OF NAMES. Pollard, Benjamin, 169, 169, 179. Pond, Seth. Dr., 181, 220. Pope, Jonathan, 115, 169, 169, 179. Pound, see Pond. Pownal, I Jonathan , 306. ? \ William, 260. -a „ I Benanuel, ( 261, 264, 261 , 269, 271, 303, rrau, j Penanuel, i 306. Ephraim, 174, 178. Paul, 304, 306,321, 603. Samuel, 304,? 349, 367, 392, 408, 417, 421, 426. 430, 461. Seth, 261, 254, .304. Siraeon, 3m5, 498, 500. , Mr., 84, 92. Prentice [Samuel], 192, 203, 213. Prescott, James, 290, 309, 328, 340, 356, 369, 379, 389. Oliver, 309, 310,369,370. Presson, John-Townshend, 250. Priest, Mary, 66, 467. Josiah, 74. Prince William [negro?], 250. Rand, Benjarain, 238, 279, 336, 387, 411, 475, 486, 517. Daniel, 270, 271, 437. John, 497, 499. Sarah, 212. 'Ihoraas, 6, 40, 49, 63, 64, 78, 105,111, 112, 119,135, 168,170, 188, 191, 200, 211, 212, 213, 214, 217, 219, 221, 222, 231, 235, 236, 237, 238, 247, 249, 263, 262, 264, 266, 267, 273, 274, 275, 277, 279, 286, 298, 303, 304, 306, 316, 324, 336, 347, 362, 366, 368, 370, 373, 382, 383, 393, 402, 404, 415, 416, 422, 423, 461, 472, 480, 485, 486, 497, 499, Appen dix A. Thomas. Jr., 267,269, 304,? 335. Reed, Benjamin, 113. Samuel, 394. Remington, John, 362. Eice, Nathan, 409, 417. William, 446, 457. Richardson, John, 271, 272, 303, 441. Williara, 271. Eider, Eleazer, 337, 350. Eight, see \S^right. Robbins, Edward H., 465, 484, 491, 604, 622. Roberts, James, 165, 166, 170, 174, 176. John, 246, 270, 302, 303, 304. Joseph, 162, 160, 190, 191, 262, 253, 259, 261,264, 273, 279, 280, 281, 284, 286, 288, 289, 316, 324, 325, 328, 332, 336, 3.39, 340, 345, 349, 352, 358, 36S, 378, 380, 382, 389, 430, Appendix A. ¦D„i,-„.™ ) Cain, 255, Eobmson, j j^.^^^^ 270. Oliver, 92. Roby, Eleazer, 169. Roucke, Martin, 250. Eussell, Abner, 393, 444, 471, 472, 620. Charies, 3.51. Jaraes, 400; Joseph, 161, 170, 189, 201, 213, 218, 220, 235, 236, 241, 247, 248, 252, 258, 266, 266, 267, 272, 273, 278, 281, 283, 286, 294,298, 299, 304, 306, 314, 316, 319, 327, 329, 333, 336, 337, 349, 352, 356, 367, 362, 363, 384, 867, 383, 372, 373, 376, 377, 378, 380, 381, 387, 392, 396, 397, 398, 401, 402, 404, 407, 408, 411, 413, 415, 416, 417, 419, 420, 421, 426, 428, 429, 431, 433, 436, 437, 441, 442, 444, 445, 448, 453, 454, 455, 466, 481, 463,465, 467, 488, 471, 472, 473, 474, 476, 477, 478, 480, 482, 483, 485, 486, 488, 490, 494, 496, 617. Joseph, Jr., 496, 497, 499, 601. Eussell, Thomas, Const., Dea., 34, 36, 41 , 62, 63 77, 83, 88, 90, 97, 104, 118, 118, 121, 124, 126, 128, 129, 130, 131, 134, 141, 143, 146, 149, 161, 152, 153, 166, 166 167, 169, 160, 181, 162, 185, 169, 170 171, 174, 176, 177, 179, 180, ls8, 189 20", 201, 203, 218, 219, 222, 229, 232, 236, 238, 245, 247, 248, 249, 250, 266 278, 280, 341, .144. Thomas, Hon., 413, 423, 430, 431. Thomas, Jr., 238, 263, 298. Salem Middlesex [negro] 373. Sanderson, Abijah, 603. Abner, 389, 509. Abraham, 116, 141, 247, 262, 263,279, 303, 306, 613, 620. Araos, 478, 483, 520. Daniel, 351. David, 238. Jacob, 411, 428, 463, 478. John, 272, 321. Jonas, 129, 189, 201, 233, 235, 236, 246, 247, 262, 264, 271, 274, 277, 296, 298, 303, 305, 316, 333, 336, 338, 339, 346, 349. 353, 354, 355, 361, 382, 363, 365, 368, 372, 373, 376, 376, 386, 387, 390, 392, 434, 497. Joseph, 467. Moses, 336. Salisbury, S. S., 497. Savage, Joseph, 378. Sarauel P., 127, 208, 335, 346, 366, 369, 379. Schoolraaster, 170, 180, 181. Sawin, Jtsse, 388. iera"r"'}^"-°°.l»8,113.Seaverns, Joseph, 246, 263, 279, 298, 299, 357, 411, 433, 475. Josiah, 168, 179, 202, 297, 313, 320, 323, 333, 338, 339, 363, 363, 388, 372, 374, 383,396, 511. Samuel, 8, 22, 25, 30, 31, 32, 38, 52, 60, 63, 68, 83, 118, 163, 179, 213, 349, 416. Samuel, Jr., Ill, 121, 141, 1.50, 169, 235, 247, 261, 268, 289, 273, 346, 368, 365, 378. Sergant, Ezra, 389. iireran's,!-^ Seaverns. Sewall, Mr., 143. Shed, Reuben, 167, 190, 468. Shepard, Alexander, Jr., 190. Jonathan, 373, 374, 395. Samuel, 409. Slack, John, 454, 467, 486, 489, 494, 495, 601, 502, 503, 505, 609, 611, 612, 613, 515, 517, 519, 520, 622, 623, 624, 625. Smith, Alexander, 321, 411, 487. Assa [AKaJ, 92. Braddyll, 7, S, 18, 25, 30, 40, 49, 51, 62, 56, 66, 67, 58, 59, 62, 63, 69, 70, 71, 73, , 75, 76, 77, 81, 83, 88, 89, 90, 94, 95, 101,103, 108, 109, 110, 116, 116, 118, 120, 121, 122, 126, 126, 127, 129, 130, 134, 135, 136, i:8, 139, 140, 141, 147, 149, 160, 153, 156, 168, 159, 160, 161, 162, 186, 168, 170, 171, 176, 177, 179, 180, 186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 193, 196, 198, 201, 204, 206, 207. 208. 210, 211, 214, 216, 216, 217, 219, 222, 229, 232, ? 236, 237, 247, 248, 253, 254, 256, 267. 264, -.474, 284, 299, 368. Ap. A. Deborah, widow [Daniel,] 317, 334, 336, 351. Hephzibah, widow [Josiah], 466. James, 30, 52, 129, 143, 147, 161, 162, 160, 161, 167, 169,170, 171, 172, 181, 182, 186, 186, 189, 192, 202, 218, 279, 318. INDEX OP NAMES. 543 Smith, James, Jr,, 211,262, 279, Joel, 160, 181, 189, 190, 202, 203, 211, 212, 218,219, '221, 22S,235, 238, 246, 261, 262, 264, 266, 276, 280, 281, 296, 297, 301, 307, 316, 318, 328, 327, 335, 336, 849, 363, 367, 390, 411, 414, 418, 419, 421, 433, 4,S8, 445, 454, 468, 483, 487, 492, 494, 405, 497, 40S, 600, 613, 619, 521, Ap,B, Ap.C. John, 409. Joseph, mistake for Josiah, 307. Joseph, Jr., Capt , 497, 498, 600. Joseph, 517. Josiah, 91, 103, 108, 109, 110, 111, 114, 115, 116, 119, 120, 122, 123, 126, 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, 134, 135, 138, 140, 141, 142, 147, 149, 160, 151, 162, 159, 160,164, 168, 169, 170, 172, 178, ISO, 182, 184, 185, 187, 188, 190, 191, 192, 196, 200, 206, 208, 209, 210. 211, 212, 213,214, 216, 217, 219, 221, 230, 231, 234, 285, 289, 240, 242, 244, 246, 246, 247, 249, 253, 257, 261, 263, 268, 269, 274, 276, 276, 278, 284, 291, 296. 297, 307,326, 327, 495?, Ap, A, Ap. B, Ap. C. Nathan. 127, 160, 159, 296, 289, 307, 316, 321, 337, 346, 360, 363, 397, 468, 472. Samuel, 454, 620. Simeon, 179, 211, 218, 246, 298, 318, 336, 336, 381,381. Thatcher, 106. Williara, Jr , 52, 77, 87, 116, 117, 118. Southgate, Schoolmaster, 151. Spring, Abigail, widow [Henry], 279. Anna, 478. Elijah, 92, 103, 107, 113. Henry, Capt., 30 71, 97, 103, 105, 107, 112, 113 279. Jonathan, 140, 141, 149, 160, 367, 349, 411, 420. Margaret [widow Thomas], 32. Marshall, Dr., 388, 389, 394, 423. Samuel, 178, 183. Thaddeus, 112, 129, 140, 143, 150, 179, 187, 188, 193, 194, 195, 200, 203, 206, 212, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 220, 221, 238, 237, 238,240, 241, 245, 247, 248, 278, 286, 288, 296, 297, 29P, 308, 315, 317, 318, 320, 323, 324, 325. 332, 335, 338, 347, 351, 352, 354, 357, 375, 378, 380, 383, 386, 387, 390, 392, 396, 398, 401, 402, 407, 408, 411, 412, 414, 418, 418, 419, 420, 421, 424, 427, 428, 429, 431, 433, 434, 435, 437, 438, 441, 442, 443, 444, 446, 448, 447, 448, 460, 451, 453, 454, 465, 456, 468, 460, 461, 463, 472, 476, 476, 478, 481, 483, Ap. C. Itanup^^' ( ¦«'i''ow [Hannah], 49, 69, 69. Starr, Abigail, 334, 361, 352. Josiah, Dr., 115, 130, 131, 151, 191, 200, 202, 204, 207, 212, 214, 218, 220, 237, 263, 300, 411, 433, 434, 444, 445, 448, 467, 481. Stearns, Benjamin, 120, 122, 128, 132, 142, 272. Charles, 495. David, 37, 63, 90, 110, 123, 124, 12B, 130, 131, 141, 143, 149, 152, 161, 171, 174, 176, 180, 182, 192, 203, 212, 214, 221, 238, 249, 268, 411. Isaac, S89, 394, 413, 439, 446, 457, 466, 473. Jonathan, Jr., 453, 455. Nathan, 396. Noah, 479. Obed, 479. Silas, 264. Stedman"' i ^'^V^^' ^^S, 179, 190, 220, 246, 260, ^ ™™' 268, 267, 272, 273, 277, 278, 281, 283, Steadman, Abijah (continued). 285, 286, 293, 298, 300, 301, 305, 806 308, 314, 316. 817, 318, 327, 320, 332 336, 339, 346, 361, 362, 866, 436. Amasa, 261. Benjarain, 358. Ebenezer, 262: David, 212, 237. 238. Mary, widow [Joseph], 448, 461,463, 466, 464. John, 245, 260, 261, 256, 267, 268, 259. Joseph, 68, 68, 167, 162. Joseph, 237. Josiah, 179, 201, 211, 218, 237, 262, 284 300, 332, 340, 349, 364, 363, 366, 368, 372, 374, 383, 391, 408. Stephenson, \\illiara, 527. Stevens, Mr. [Rev.], 9, 21. Stimson, Abi,|ah, 186, 166, 170. Andrew, 31, 77. Benjamin, 151, 162,161.160,170,182,190, 202, 212, 213, 219, 220, 221, 237, 263 322. Charle.i, 464. Daniel, Schoolmaster, 91, 98. Elisha, 240, 242. Elizabeth, 220, 221, 237. Stimson, Jaraes (Ens.), 37, 52, 68, 65,76,81, 83, 88, 92, 135, 148, 158, 163, 164, 174, 176. James, 160, 162, 169, 161, 170, 179, 182, 1^8, 190, 193, 201, 202, 203, 212, 264, 280, 300, 396, 403. James, Jr., 262, 277, 316, 357. John, 238, 48 1", 497, 600, 520. Jonathan, 37, 104. Joseph, 96, 99, 100, 102, 106. Lemuel, 238. Nathaniel, 37. Phinehas, 270, 303. Samuel, 121, 126, 131, 141, 160. Solomon, 240, 241. Widow [Nath.], 123. Stone, Joseph, 261, 264, 269, 271, 302, 304, 322, 420. Josiah, 290, 309, 326, 340, 356, 369. Stowers, Asa, 430. Stratton, Daniel, 211, 218, 236, 246, 247, 252, 262, 267, 274, 279, 280, 298, 318, 318, 333, 366, 376, 377, 387, 391, 393, 402, 411, 418, 420, 421, 428, 434, 435, 437, 438, 4il, 413, 444, 445, 447, 448, 454, 45j, 456, 464, 475, 486, 604. Elisha, 316, 349, 365, 393, 411, 420, 437, 444, 453, 460, 462, 468, 475, 476, 477, 478, 481, 482, 483, 486, 490, 611, 517, 620, 524. Isaac, 211, 218, 316, 349, 387, 437, 503. John, 402, 493 Jonathan, 30, 78, 88, 90, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 111, 112, 113, 116, 119, 122, 123, 129, 136, 136, 138, 140, 142, 143, 161, 1.52, 153, 154, 168, 163, 189, 177, 178, 188, 191, 193, 197, 200, 201, 206, 221, 261, 298, 300, 318, 334,341,347,355,367,069. Ap.C. Jonathan. Jr., 135, 168, 189, 178, 177, 186, 188, 192, 218, 235, 242, 243, 248,261, 257 281. Strong, Caleb, 604, 622, 491. Sullivan, James, 448, 473. VoUintine, 166, 166, 170. Sumner, Increase, 436, 466, 473, 479, 484. Taft, Eleazer, 362. Taytor, .Tames, 260. Tenly, see Fenly, Thayer, Levy, 445. Nathan, 464. Thoraas, Jane, 48. Nathaniel, 260, 280. 544 INDEX OF NAMES. Thompson, Williara, 321, 337. '¦ William, (Jol., 394. Tidd, Joseph, 110, 114. Ting, John, 290. Tippetts, John, 260. Torrey, Samuel of Boston, 496, 499. Samuel, 489, 512. Tower, Elizabeth, 181. Train, Arthur, 510, 611, 613. Enoch, 437, 464, 463, 467, 471, 472, 476, 478, 479, 482, 483, 487, 489, 490, 503, 604, 605, 511, 512, 513, 614, 517, 618, 519, 620. 521. 623. Ephraim, 235, 237, 246. Isaac, 503, 512, 513, 618, 620, 522, 623, 524, 525. Nahum, 482. Peter, 99, 106. Samuel, (62, 60, 63,) 85, 68, 71, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 84, 85, 90, 91, 92, 95, 98, 99, 100, lol, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107,108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 120, 122, 123, 124, 128, 131, 132, 141, 142, 143, 150, 152, 157, 158, 169, 181, 162, 164, 169,172, 175,177, 179, 180, 182, 189, 190, 192, 202, 203, 205, 207, 212, 213, 214, 234, 236, 238, 247, 279, 298, 317, 331, 332, 333, 345 (352), 387, 388, 390, 398, 399, 409, 412, 417, 421, 428, 442, 445, 460, 462, 463, 467, 477, 482, 486, 495. Samuel, Jr., 219, 237, 264, 277, 279, 357, 365, 375, 378, 384, 386, 393, 448, 471. Thomas. 6, 91, 98, 106, 112, 123, 130, 142. Trowbridge, Edmund, 1, 2. Tuck [eamuel, J.],497. Tucker i ^"'V' ^^T- iucKcr, Jjjjjijgy 260. Tufts, Cotton, 428. Twitchel, Daniel, 250, 381, 448, 451. Underwood, Jonas, 271. Jonathan, 104, 121, 140, 152, 156, 169, 160, 181, 162, 169, 171, 179, 217, 220, 235, 237, 247, 249, 264, 316, 410, 413, 416, 417, 419, 422.Jonathan, Jr., 294, 296. " Josiah, 363. Upham, Abijah, Dea., 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 16. 18, 25, 26, 30, 31, 37, 40, 50, 54, 65, 78, 80, 92, 98, 105, 112, 158, 163, 193. Abijah, Jr., 25, 27, 30, 34, 41, 71, 77, 90. Benjamin, 261, 267. Josiah, 26, 27, 30, 34, 39, 44, 489. Martha, widow [Dea. Thomas] , 365, Nathan, 617, 624. Phinehas, 169, 172, 179, 183, 184, 201, 211, 235, 274, 276, 278, 283, 298, 332, 349, 387, 397. Thomas, Dea., 38, 46, 60, 83, 89, 91,92, 93, 97, 99, 101, 103, 104, 106, 106, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 120, 123, 124, 128, 133, 134, 170, 200, 208, 211, 217, 220, 223, 224, 230, 232, 236. Widow [Lydia, Phinehas] , 433. WiUiam, 31, 38, 68, 69. Varnum, John, mistake for Joseph, 446, see Errata. Joseph B , 379, 389, 394, 400, 406, 413, 423, 431, 436, 439, 457, 616. Viles, John, 283, 294, 296. Jonas, 363. Voce, Sarauel. 250. Vose, , 498. Wale, Jaraes, 271, see Walls. Wales, Nathaniel, 498. Walker, Isaac, 302, 306. John, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 26, 31, 32, 38, 46, 66, 57, 60, 88, 92, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 104, 105, 106, 112, 113, 115, 116, 120, 121, 124, 126, 127, 128, 133, 136, 139, 144, 166, 161, 162. Ap.B. John, Jr., 92, 108, 109, 125, 127, 144, 139, 161, 201, 246, 248, 250, 278, 279, 280. John [Jr.], 245, 250, 305, 321, 322. Nathaniel, 4. Ruth, widow [John, Jr.,] 337, 350. Thankful, widow [JohnJ, 610. Wallis, Hannah, 116. Walls, James, 294, 296, see Wale. Ward, Artemas, 413, 414, 416, 417, 421, 428, 433, 435, 437, 438, 439, 441,442,455, 480, 461, 462, 466, 466, 468, 469, 470, 471, (Jur. 473,) 474, 476, 477, 479, 480, 481, 484, 486, 487, 489, 491, 492, 494, 496, 498, 499, 600, 601, 628, 627. Daniel, 322, 338, 361. William, Dr , 266, 279, 352, 411. Ware [John]. 498, 600. Warren, Abijah, 262, 272. Amos, 337. Ehsha, 33, 60, 74, 75, 77, 86, 87, 89, 91, 93, 98, 111, 128, 132, 142, 233, 236, 260, 261, 262, 264, 265, 264, 272, 289, 303, 350. Isaac, 352. James, 436, 483, 490, 503. Jedediah, 264, 269, 603. John, Capt., 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 18, 22, 26, 30, 83, 38, 40, 49, 52, 64, 57, 58, 60, 61, 64, 65,68, 69, 71, 72, 73,76,77, 79,81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 99, 101, 103, 106, 107, 108, 110, 113, 116, 118, 128, 129, 131, 134, 138, 147,162, 223, 224, 231, 300, 324, 325, 347, 348, 365, 357 John, Jr., 211, 235, 238, 277,392, 485,486, 620. Jonathan, 211, 236, 246, 262, 293,296,298, 316, 333, 336, 366, 375, 378, 428, 428, 429, 471, 478, 481, 482, 490, 494, 503. Micah, 274, 298, 402, 411, 421, 483. Nathan, 251, 254, 269, 305, 376, 387, 392, 421, 437, 444, 483, 476, 433, 486, 495, 517, 624. Philemon, 254,269. Thomas, 402, 420, 428, 437, 444, 463. Welsh, Thomas, 21. Wellington, Betty (White), 167, 458. Joseph, 163. Josiah, 5-.J, 64, 68, 69, 73, Si, 149, 161, 167, 171, 172, 181. Josiah, Jr , 185, 186, 192. Samuel, 294, 296. Thomas, 307, 366. Widow [Josiah], 284, 279, 280, 301, 318, 319, 335, 350, 362. William, 509. Wetmore, Schoolmaster, 180, 191. Weston, Zach , 448, 461. Wheaton. Nath. 201. Wheeler, Enos, 380, 381, 403. Wheeler, Schoolmaster, 73, 78, 84. William Willard, 340. White, Abijah, 609 ,624. Andrew, 167, 468. Betty, 167, 468. Deodamia, 167, 468. Grace, 187, 468. Jedediah, 167, 190, 468. Jedediah [Jr.], 167, 458. Major, 496. Peregrine, 371. Reuben, 167, 458. Stephen and wife, 92. Stephen, 272, 321, 350, 351. INDEX OF NAMES. 545 'Whitehead, John, 211, 240, 242, 294, 318, 872, 373 'Whitneyi Abijah, S16, 365, 420, 476, 486. Abraham, 8, 15, 18, 30, 64, 77, 86, 87, 91, 92, 97. Abraham, 324. Daniel, 439, 446, 457, 465, 473, 479, 484, 604. Elisha, 169. John, SS. Joseph, SO, SS, 38, 49, 52, 64, 83, 110, 115, 118, 120, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 136, 139, 141, 142, 143, 144, 146, 161, 162, 166, 166, 161, 168, 171, 178, 180, 188, 191, 192, 206, 237, 267, S13, 334, S6S. Nathaniel E., 609. Phinehas, 84, 92, 98. William 8, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, SI, 33, 68, 70, 71, 76, 81, 83, 84, 85, 89,91, 96, 98, 101, 121, 129, 160, 188, 176, 183, 184, 192, 209, 212, 213, 236, 305. William, Jr., 103, 150. Whittemore, Aaron, 428, 497, 499. Isaac, 29, 33, 90, 91, 98, 105, 112. Israel, 83, 98, 121, 129, 131, 142, 143, 168, 173, 179, 181, 189, 200, 204, 205, 208, 209, 217, 235, 2S7, 246, 248, 249, 261, 264, 265, 286, 272, 274, 276, 278, 278, 281, 288, 289, 296, 303, 306, 317, 318, 322, 325, 334, 349, 360, 351, 366, 367, 368, 371, 384, 393,396, 407,408, 409, 410. J. [Israel], 337. Jeremiah, 29, 32, 33, 34, 37, 64, 77, 121, 126, 126, 130, 163, 173. Jeremiah, .Ir., 41, 78, 83, 94. John, 306, 417. Rebecca, 407. Willard, Joseph, 353. Martha, 167, 190, 468. Williams, Nathaniel, 17, 18, 22, 31, 62, 64, 96, 106, 123, 142, 148, 168, 183, 164. Williams, William, Rev., 2, 8, 4, 6, 9, 16, 17, 20, 21, 24, 28, 29, 32, S3, 37, S9, 40, 41, 42, 44, 47. Thomas, 161, 283, 458, 468. Willington, see Wellington. Willis, John, 251. Nathaniel, 366. Winthrop, James, 394, 473. William, 484. Wood, Ephraim. 366, 446. Wood, Henry, Gen. 484. Woodward, Madam [Abigail], 335, 344, 353, 371, 376, 386, 402. Rev. Samuel, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 28, 37, 38, 43, 48, 60, 53, 68, 61, 62, 36, 67, 88, 72, 73, 74, 76, 78, 80, 81, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 94, 95, 98, 100, 101, 104, 105, 107, 108, 110, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 123, 126, 130, 133, 134, 139, 141, 146, 147, 161, 165, 166, 160, 161, 164, 166, 166, 169, 174, 175, 178, 180, 183, 184, 185, 187, 190, 192, 196, 196, 197, 198, 199, 203, 205, 206, 212, 213, 216, 217, 221, 228, 229, 230, 236, 240, 241, 249, 256, 257, 283, 264, 274, 276, 278, 279, 280, 282, 284, 287, 291, 292, 297, 298, 299, .300, 308, 311, 312, 313, 317, 318, 327, 329, 330, 334, 335, 360, 376. Samuel, Jr., Dr., 160, 212, 220, 317. Woolson, Ephraim, Dr., 130, 131, 142. Joseph, 3, 4, 48, 90. Nathan, 91, 106. Wright, John, 211, 256, 257, 258, 259. Phinehas, 248, 264, 278, 279. Sarauel. Wyart, Nero [negro], 376. Wyman, Araos, 520. Hezekiah, 188, 201, 262, 277, 333, 345, 349, 376, 386, 387, 393, 402, 404. Nathaniel, 270. Sarauel, 139, 144, 161. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Abatement of Taxes, 30, 31, 34, 36, 39, 44, 46, 47, 64, 61, 68, 69, 73, 86, 91, 92, 93, 99, 100,102, 103, 105, 106, 107, 114, 116, 122, 123, 130, 132, 142, 144, 161, 162, 163, 166, 167, 161, 162, 186, 170, 172, 176, 177, 180, 181, 182, 186, 191, 192, 197, 207, 214, 230, 239, 241, 242, 248, 250, 268, 268, 269, 266, 267, 272, 280, 281, 285, 286, 295, 298, 299, 300, 3,01, 319, 323, 324, 336, 356, 362, 363, 366, 387, 391,394,396,396. Abatement and Postponement of Taxes, 368, 371, 372, 373, 374, 376, 377, 380, 381, 383,384, 387, 388, 391, 394, 396, 397, 398, 399, 403, 404, 409, 412, 416, 417, 421, 426, 430, 435, 439, 441, 446, 448, 460, 461, 455, 464, 468, 469, 472, 476, 479, 483, 490, 496, 614, 621. Absentees, instruction to Rep. Concerning, 257, 269. Action, see Cause. Administrator, see Agent. Agent on estate of Elisha Jones, 269, 396, 396. on estate of Walter Peirce, 354. on estate of Charles Russell, 361. Agents in cause against th.' town, 441. to give and receive . , Money, Connecticut, Ehode Island, etc., 64, 68 hired or borrowed, 236, 265, 272, 278, 306 loaned, 873, 407. new emission, 337. oath, 6S, 64, 66, 71, 88, 90, 91, 96, 97, 111. oath before a justice, 64, 66. scales and weights, 31. to be hired in town, 288, 289 value, 363. Names of transgressors of order, 276. Nantucket, 435. Natick, 60, 101, 126, 182, 260, 462. Necessary houses, 623, 624. Needham, 60, 101, 128, 167, 220, 462,468, 512. Negro, 339. New, mistake for next, 126. constitution, 291. emission, 312, 838, 363. Hampshire, money, 67. Newton, 13, 101, 167, 264, 462, 468, 570. Newtown, 101, 108, 123, 131. New York, 232. Non-irnportation agreement, 209. North River, 271, 303. Notes by proof reader, 4, 20, 36, 56, 62, 116 146, 180, 166, 251, 282, 288, 467, 461 487, 487, 611, 514, 615, 616, 617, 621 626. I > . , , Notification for warning town meeting, 294. Northern campaign, 263, 256?. Numbering the inhabitants, by desire of Con gress, 222, 237, 238. Obligation ou behalf of the town. 362, 424, 426. Old burying ground, 510, 611, 612, 514. currency, 307, 319, 321, 323, 324, 339. tenor, 3, 4, 6, 62, 122. Ordination of Kendal, 344, 359. of Woodward, 11, 14, 21. Out of town, see Carried out. Outrages of Boston rabble. 125, 127. Overseers of the Poor, see Poor. Paper currency, rate of exchange, 310. raoney grant, 312. Parish, 1, 2, 3, 4. officers chosen, 2. Pastor's family, 329. funeral, 329, 330. Pepperell, 382. Perambulation, 69, 80, 81, 101, 112, 126, 147, 158, 181, 182, 100, 191, 213, 220, 221, 264, 299, 300, 301, 317. Petition of John Allen and others to abate rates of Henry Gale, 156, 157. relative to action of General Court, 242, 243, 297, 308. to seat tbe raeeting.house, 175, 177. Deacon Nath. Allen and others to see whether the schools shall be kept in five places, 140, 144. Mrs. Anna Biglow and others relative to building a school house in the Centre District, 315, 323. Jonathan Bullard and others, whether the Graramar School shall be kept in the four quarters of the town only, 110, 114. 552 INDEX OF SUBJECTS, Petition of Daniel Bemis concerning a town way near his dwelling house, 425. Concord and other towns concerning the change of Probate Court and Regis try of Deeds, 145. William Cooledge and others concerning town way near widow Martha Up ham's, 365, 368. Daniel Eaton, concerning his taxes, 417. Nathan Fisk and others, whether school shall be kept in the four quarters of the town only, etc., 137, 138. Fisk and Hobbs relative to a pew, 315, 324. Dea. Sfimuel Fisk and others, concern ing singers, 427. Abraham Gale and others to abate rates to constable for arrears, 157, 162. to know whether there shall be three schools in the winter season, etc., 137, 138. Nathan Hagar and others concerning a school-houHe in the northwesi dis trict, 462, 464. John Hastings and others to find centre of town with respect to the meeting house, 94, 95. Oliver Hastings and others concerning pews, and the Baptist denomination, 348, 355, 357. Josiah Hobbs and others to build horse stables on the town land, 63, 66. Capt. Estes How, concerning his minis ter's tax, 426. and others, relative to having two school houses in the centre district, 326, 327. Capt. Isaac Jones and others relative to hanging the bell, 328, 346, 347. to providing books for the selectmen and treasurer, and respecting the treasurer's making up his accounts twice a year, 348, 356. Jones and Underwood with reference to a bond, 410, 413, 415, 417, 419, 422. Increase Leadbetter, relative to discon tinuing a town way near his house, 462. for damages sustained by the county road passing through his land, 470, 471. Daniel Livermore and others to build pews; to seat the meeting house; to provide four writing schools in the winter season, 133, 136. Daniel Livermore, Jr., and others con cerning the building of pews, 133, 137. Samuel Livermore and others concern ing pews, 260, 267, 268, 269. delinquent tax payers, 489, 490. Theophilus Mansfield to dispute title to pew, 63, 66. Theophilus Mansfield and others to build pews, 76, 79. James Mirick and others relating to sing ing, 157, 162. Capt. John Mirick and others concern ing the minister's salary, 195, 197. TJiomas Kand and others concerning pews, 415, 416. to erect stables on the town land, 485. Joseph Russell and others concei-ning annexation to Lincoln, 431, 432, 435. Joseph Russell E^nd others relative to seating the meeting house, 367. ' John Slack concerning the alteration of the road in the southeast district, 489. 490. Petition of Capt. Braddyll Smith and others concerning public affairs and corres pondence with neighboring towns, 198, 208. Josiah Smith and others concerning drafting men, 231. Thaddeus Spring and others concerning the northwest and southeast school houses, 187, 193. Josiah Starr and others concerning high way taxes, 443, 446. concerning school houses, 200, 204. Daniel Stratton and others relative to three school houses ou the north side, 443, 445. Jonathan Stratton and others concern ing pews, 158, 163. sundry inhabitants relating to schools upon the north side, 52, 55. Arthur Train relative to laying out a road, 510, 511. Samuel Train and others to provide wood for schools by a rate, 234, 239. Samuel Train and others relative to choosing collector of taxes, 331, 333. whether the grammar school shall be kept in the four quarters of the town only, 120, 122. whether the town will pay those who built the southeast school house the same sums which the town paid for the southwest school house, and those who built the northwest the same sum which the town paid for the northeast school house. (Peti tion on file), 205, 207, 210, 216. Dea. Abijah Upham and others, to raise the causeway on the road over the meadow to the meeting house, 80, 81, 82. concerning pews, 158, 162. Phinehas Upham and others relating to seating the meeting house, 283. singing, 183, 184. John Walker and others concerning pews, 158,162. damages for a town way, 133, 136. Artemas Ward and others concerning pewe, 413, 414. Ward, Hagar & Harrington, to erect sta bles on town land, 470, 473. John Warren, concerning sundry per sons left out of a late tax, 355, 357, 358. Joseph Whitney and others concerning pews, 137, 138. William Whitney, Jr., and others con cerning the meeting house, addition to and seating, 103, 107. Israel Whittemore, concerning money loaned, 407, 408, 410, 419. Jeremiah Whittemore and others con cerning pews, 163, 164. Mrs. Abigail Woodward, concerning her taxes, 388. to G-reat and General Court, concerning a lottery, 86. to Great and General Court by new pre cincts, to be made a township, 34, 35, to Great and General Court for relief in repairing, etc., the Great Bridge, 204,359, 396. to the Honorable Council for liberty to hire men out of towns that have fur nished their quota, 289. Pewa, advice of attorney respecting, 299. deeds of. to be given, 164. deed to Oliver Conant, 518. deed from administrator of Thomas Marshall to John Clark, 626. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 553 Pews, deed from Joseph Nichols, Jr., to Jona than Child, 476. deed for minister, Kendal, 847, 369, 396. deed for minister. Woodward, 17, 18, 19. expense of building, 865. first choice of, 65. for singers, petition concerning, 466, 469. granted during lifetime, 55. granted while the house stands, 164, 367, 368. granted on certain terms to Oliver Conant, 618. Nathaniel Felch, 57. Capt. Jonathan Fisk, 867. Nathan Fisk, 57. Abraham Gale, 58. Nathan Hagar, 421. Amos Harrington, 367. Dea. Isaac Hobbs, 367. Abram Jones, 68, 69. Eli Jones, 421. (Col.) Elisha Jones, 65. Isaac Jones, 66. - Theophilus Mansfield, 5, 57, 63, 66. Thomas Marshall, 368. Joseph Nichols, Jr., 476. Thomas Rand, 868. Capt. Braddyll Smith, 67, 868. Josiah Smith, 108, 109. Joseph Stedman, 68. James Stimson, 68. Artemas Ward. 421. John Walker, 67. John Warren. 67. Nathan and'Micah Warren, 421. location of, 66, 68, 69, 164, 867, 421, 618, 527. petition of Samuel Baldwin to build, 68, 70. Samuel Livermore and others con cerning reversion 267, 268. Thomas Band, to reconsider vote, 416, 416. Jonathan Stratton and others to take or build, 168, 183. sundry Inhabitants to build, etc., 40, 42, 51, 54. Dea. A. Upham and others, concern ing certain pews, 158, 163. John Walker and others, the same, 168, 182. Artemas Ward and others, to build four pews, 414, William Whitney, to build, 68, 70. Whitteraore and others, the same, 163. Report of committee to take into pos session, 23, 24, 147, 148, 149, 153, 346. request of Rev. Mr. Woodward concern ing title to, 297, 308. sale of, 847, 367. sold with ground, 164. taken hy gift, 18, 19. taken by reversion, occupied by. Lieut. Isaac Allen, 46. Mrs. E. Baldwin (Samuel), 346, 360, 888. Abraham Bigelow, 148. Mrs. [JosiahJ Brewer, 5. John Coburn, 346, 360, 388. Nathaniel Felch, 46. Deacons Fisk and Hobbs, 316, 324, 846, 864, 369. Capt. Jonathan Fisk, 346, 360, 867. Col. Goldthwaite 148. Col. Blisha Jones, 278, 298, 316, 334, see administrators, of 896, 396, and Dea. Fisk Sc Hobbs. Theophilus Mansfield, 48. John Slack, 496. Pew, occupied by Widow Hephzibah Smith (Josiah), 466, 495?. Capt. Nathan Smith, 346, 360, 368?. Widow Mary Steadman (Joseph), 463, 466. James Stimson, 148, 168, 158,163, 164. Thomas Upham, 46. Widow Thankful Walker (.Tohn), 610. Nathaniel Williams, 148, 183, 184. Joseph Woolson, 48. to build, all round before the fore seate in the front gallery, 133, 136. another iu woman's side gallery, 133, 136, 137, 138. to build at back part of woman's gallery, 137, 138. to build at each corner of front gallery, 133, 136, 137, 138. at east end of women's seats, 158. at end of men's seats, 68, 70. at end of women's seats, 68, 70. at west end of raen's seats, 168. for singers, 347, 414, 421, 484, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469. four In the back part of the body seats, 346, 347, 365, 361, in rear of front gallery, 87, 88. in the two hind seats of the men's and woraen's seats, 158. over the men's stairs, 66. over the women's stairs, 68, 69. receipt for sale of, 475. to dispose of, grant, or sell, 61, 148, 163, 166, 156, 157, 346, 359, 381, 364, 367, 417, 418, 421. voted to move division in front gallery between men and women, 87, 88, 136. Philadelphia, 391. Phillips' Lane [not land], 125, 126. Plan of the town, 460, 461. Plymouth, 436. Poor of the Commonwealth, 397. law respecting removal of the, 166. Overseers of, 188, 196, 200, 204, 207, 213, 214, 236, 428, 430. provision for, 31, 32, 44, 49, 63, 59, 60, 68, 69, 70, 78, 77, 78, 80, 84, 91, 92, 98, 99, 105, 108, 112, 113, 116, 128, 124, 130, 131, 142, 161, 162, 160, 161, 179, 181, 182, 190, 191, 192, 196, 202, 203, 212, 213, 214, 219, 220, 221, 236, 237, 238, 248, 263, 284, 265, 278, 279, 280, 300, 301, 317, 318, 319, 334, 336, 336, 350, 361, 362, 353, 408, 453. passed over, 468, 469. Pound, building of a, 44, 616, 517. lockfor (gate),73. keeper, see Town Officers. repairs, 66, 70. Porches to meeting house, 40, 496, 497. Pork and cheese left at the alarra, 219. for the poor, 220. for the town, 278, 281. Powder, balls, and flints, 219. Preacher Bass, 9. Bentley, 853. Davis, 363. Dorby, 9. Kendal, 368. Piper, 353. Sraith, 105. Stevens, 9. Willard, 353, Woodward, 9. board for, 385. Preaching, 7, 8, 106, 830, 363, 354, 359. Precinct, asked to concur with church in choice of minister, 9, 10. book, 8. creditors, 4, 6, 6, 7, 16, 18. 554 INDEX OF StJBJECTS. Precinct meetings, 2, 3, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 24, 25. meeting, request for warrant for first, 1. meeting, return of warrant for first, 2. meeting, warrant for calling first, 1. officers, 2, 3, 6, 8, 16, 22, 25. rates, 38, 48, 46, 47. rates, abatements of, 6, 8, 17, 19, 22, 24, 26, 27, 46, 47. records, 1 to 27. the Jirst in Weston, 34. the second to be set off, 1. the second to be made a township, 34, 86. treasurer, 43. treasurer's accounts audited, 8, 17,21,26. treasurer's account rendered, 6, 20, 23, 26. President of [Continental] Congress, 228. Presidential electors chosen, 436, 436, 469. Presentment of i-ountry road, 53. county roiid, 31. Preserver of Det-r, see Town Officers. Price of certain a'ticles, 274. Prisoners taken at Bennington, 248. Probate Court, 145. Probate Judges, 260. Protest by Baptist-, 845. Providence, R. I., 251. Province bills, 6. money, order to constables concerning, 209. of the Massachusetts Bay, 1. rates, making, 49. rates to abate, 36, 36, 39, 92, 98, 120, 122, 128, 132. soldiers' tax to the, 87, 88, 92, 98. tax, 208, 209, 236. tax, constable's allowance for, 74. treasurer, 32, 46, 72, 208, 209, 210, 236. treasury, 236. Provincial Congress, 207, 208, 209, 210, 216, 216, 217, 219, 222, 224, 237, 239. Public chest, 222. grievances, 297, 382. roads, indictment for, 467, 468. service, 288, 294, 299. Pulpit supplied, 21,279. Quitclaim deed, 307, 326, 827, 521. Reading, town of, 48. Receipts, see Discharge. for pew, 475. Referees, 361. Refusing to serve as constable, 168, 172, 179. Register of Deeds, 364. Registry of Deeds, 145. Regulate price of sundry articles, 274, 276. Remonstrate to General Court, 242. Report of Committee on Accommodations for Singers, 456. on Meeting House Repairs, 422, 496. on Reasons from the Baptists against paying Minister's tax, 378. on Title to old burying ground, 611. on Town Land, 327. Representatives chosen to Great and General Court, 36, 46, 68, 87, 74, 80, 86, 98, 100, 107, 114, 117, 124, 132, 146, 154, 163, 173, 184, 194, 204, 207, 210, 215, 222, 239, 262, 269, 286, 291. to General Court of the Commonwealth, 828, 340, 368, 369, 869, 879, 389, 391, 394, 406, 414, 423, 431, 466, 478, 480, 484, 491, 505, 616, 622. not elected, 459. to Congress, 399, 400, 414, 436, 436, 449, 461, 469. of U. 8. A., 224, 227. Representatives, House of, 194, 280, 244. to Instruct, 117, 119, 126, 127, 380, 381. Request, see Petition. Resolve of General Court concerning a survey of the town, 460. Rhode. Island money, 86. service at, 270, 271, 302, 308, 304, 851. River, see Charles River. Roads, see Ways. Rocky Hill, 29, 34, 126, 126. Roxbury, 390, 451. Royal Oharter, qualified by, to vote, 86, 45, 56, 67, 73, 80, 85, 93, 100, 114, 117, 124, 182, 145, 154, 163, 173, 184, 194, 204, 207, 209, 216. Sacrament vessels, 109. Salary relinquished by Woodward, 60. Salem, 207. Saxton, 189, 201, 288, 478. Scales, 466, 516. Schooling, 106, 110, 140, 148, 149, 163, 154, 285, 313. 314, 328, 345, 846, 861, 362, 370, 371, 382, 390, 897, 407. School Committee, 469, 475, 480, 481, 486, 495, 611, 517, 524. grant, see 'Town Grant; also 50, 60, 69, 76, 82, 88, 95, 101, 109, 116, 118, 126, 134, 147, 166, 156, 166, 186, 206, 216, 280, 239, 241, 258, 258, 284, 286, 293, 814, 323, 390, 416, 434, 442, 449, 480, 461, 487, 469, 472, 475, 495. for each district, 603, 615, 617, 521, 524. School houses, committee ou cost of building, 207, 210, 216. committee to fix number of (report on file), 158, 154. committee to fix places for, 164. committee to fix a place for the Centre, 323, 324, 326, 442. committee to exaraine conditions of, 404, 406, 458. School house, great chair, 88, 166. great chair, North, 81. great chair, South, 69. great chair. Southwest, 202. necessary houses for, 523. paying subscribers for building, 149, 204. petition of Mrs. Anna Bigelow and others concerning building in the Centre, 316, 323. Nathan Hazard concerning building In the Northwest District, 462, 464. Estes How concerning two in Centre, 326, 327. Thaddeus Spring concerning the North west and the Southeast Districts (on file),187, 193, 196. Dr, Starr to pay subscribers for building the Northwest and Southeast (on file), 200,204. Sarauel "Train , con cerning Northwest and Southeast (on file), 206, 207. private school in West Centre, 460, 481. repairs of, 49, 80, 286, 801, 459, 628, 524. sale of North, 60, 66, 64. sale of Northeast, 449. sale of old timber, etc.. Centre, 334. table, 49. table. Southwest, 208. to alter places of, 39. to build, 164, 169. to build the Centre, 293, 296, 296, 297, 307, 810, 323, 325, 334, 350, 442. to build the Northeast, 60, 440, 442, 447, 448. to build the Northwest, 46, 60, 464. to divide the Centre, 440, 442. School wood, rate for, 76, 79, 234, 239. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 555 Schools, Centre, 44, 78, 84. 92, 98, 113, 1'28, 180, 137, 138,. 142, 161, 162, 160, 170, 191, 203, 219, 298, 296, 296, 297, SOO, 801, 807, SIO, 315, 323, 824, 326, 326, 327. 334, 850, 870, 871, 875, 877, 407, 408, 424, 434, 440, 442. Centre, East, 440, 447. Centre, West, 442, 624. North Side, 31, 86, 36, 37. 39, 42, 46, 46, 48, 60, 62, 65, 66, 64, 137, 138,401,404, 406, 447, 460, 461. North Side to be divided, 36, 45, 46. Northeast, 36, 89, 46, 46, 78, 98, 105, 164, 169, 170, 181, 191, 212, 220, 299, 800, 319, 885, 351, 440, 442, 447, 464. Northwest, 36, 46, 46, 60, 149, 164, 170, 187, 197, 218, 220, 245, 280, 801, 362, 459, 462, 464. Sonth Side, 81, 60. 66, 84, 92, 102, 105, 106, 118, 187, 138, 154, 155, 160, 220. Sontheast, 187, 208,212, 220, 299, 300, 852, 469, 512, 624. Southwest, 202, 213, 280, 301, 362, 459. Grammar, 29, 85, 42, 102, 110, 148, 166, 165, 166, 174, 176, 185, 186, 195, 202, 208, 206, 216, 219, 220, 229, 240, 241, 248, 256, 268, 279, 280, 282, 291, 800, 852. Grammar, master to settle according to law, 137, 138. public, 140. reading, 220. reading and writing, 29, 34, 138, 138, 155, 166, 169, 170, 176, 188, 197, 202, 206, 212, 217, 219, 220, 287, 263, 264, 800, 416, 425, 432, 434, 440, 447, 449, 450, 460, 467. 475. reading, writing, and ciphering, 137. summer 470, 479, 482. town, 84', 106, 112, 113, 123, 130, 151, 160, 180, 181, 190. winter, ISci, 181. woman's, 148, 167, 180, 162, 181, 390, 401, 404, 405, 406, 410, 412, 416, 419, 421, 424, 428, 430, 487, 439, 443, 446, 462, 455, 462, 464, 482, 484, 488, 490, 519, 521. writing, 180, 181, 279. location and number, 39. voted on three places for, 42. voted on four, 148, 156. voted on five, 138, 140, 148, 166, 178, 186, 197, 206, 258. voted on six, 138. School dame, unnamed, 160, 161, 170, 181, 191. Schoolmasters named. Adams, Betsey, 334. Allen, Ebenezer, 212, 214, 221. Allen, Nathaniel, 221, 279, 299, 300, 318, 319, 361. Baldwin, Samuel, 31, 32, 44, 63, 152, 202. Biglow, Isaac, 181, 182, 190, 191. Brown, Moses, 160, 161, 170. Budge, see Mudge. Cary or Cory, 106, 112. Checkley [William?] 65, 72. Child, Esther, 203. Cogen or Coggen, 113, 128, 124, 130, 131, 142, 151, 152, 161. Cotton, 81. Cutler, Mrs. William, 361. Dix, 84, 91. Eames, Jonathan, 220, 237, 238. Feveryear, 66. Fisk (Nathan?) 53, 65, 72. Fisk, Thaddeus, 361, 352. Fisk, Wilham, 180, 191. Flagg, Isaac, 170, 190, 220, 237. Flint, Abel, 263, 279, 280, 299, 300, 317, 318. 319, 334, 335. Schoolmasters named. Hager, alster of Phinehas, 862. Hill (Aaron), 237,248, 249. Hobert, William, 212, 213, 219, 220, 221, 237. Hurd, Isaac, 220. Jones, Isaac, Jr., 263. Manning, Ebenezer, 202. Marritt, 106. Mudge, .Joseph, 279, 299, 300, 317, 318, 335, 351, 352. Peirce, Nathaniel, 202. Prentice (Samuel) 192, 203, 213. Rand, Sarah, 212. Remington, 362. Right, see Wright. Roberts, Joseph, 162, 180, 190, 191, 264. Russell, Joseph, 161, 170, 213, 220, 248, 265 281 Savage '(Samuel), 170, 180, 181. Shepard, Alexander, Jr., 190. Smith, Joel, 160,181, 190, 203, 212, 219, 221, 264, 335. Southgate, 161. Star, Josiah, 161. Stedman, David, 212, 237, 238. Stimson, Daniel. 91, 98. Taft, Eleazer, 362. Warren, Isaac, 362. Wettmore, 180, 191. Wheeler, 73, 78, 84. Whitney, Elisha, 169. Whitney, Phinehas, 84, 92, 98. Woodward (Dr. Samuel, Jr.) , 160, 212, 220 317. Wright, Phinehas, 248, 284, 278. 279, 351. Schoolmasters unnamed, 44, 63, 66, 73, 78, 84, 92, 98, 106, 112, 213, 278. boarding, 31, 32, 44, 63, 66, 72, 73, 78, 84, 91, 92, 98, 105, 112, 123, 124, 130, 131, 142, 152, 180, 161, 170, 180, 181, 182, 190, 191, 192, 202, 208, 212, 213, 219, 220, 221, 237, 238, 249, 264, 265, 278, 279, 280, 299, 300, 317, 318, 319, 334, 336, 361, 352. Sealer of Leather, see Town Officers. of Weights and Measures, 35, 101, 172. Sealing hammer, 98. Seat the meeting house, see Meeting house. Selectmen, a committee for building pews, 347. a committee relative to exchange of land near tbe meeting house, 492. a committee relative to road in the South east District, 490. a committee to dispose of old Continen tal money, 418. a committee with others to examine the condition of school houses, 458. a committee to receive proposals for sale of workhouse, 436, 472. a committee to repair schoolhouses, 359. a committee to repair workhouse, 484. a committee to settle with Josiah Biglow in action against the town, 363. a committtee to take deeds of burying ground, 409. appoint a person to number the inhabi tants by desire of [Provincial] Con gress, 222. appoint a Sealer of Weights and Meas ures, 35, 172. are desired to enter complaint aealnst persons [Baptists] illegally left out of minister's tax, 358. are desired to view causeway, 66. are directed not to hire money out of town, 289. are to raove division between the men's and women's seats in the front gal lery, 136. 556 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Selet^tmen are to settle the line between Wes ton and Waltham, 119. book for, 348, 366. choice of, see Town Officers ; also 85, 36. mark out a gateway, 144. mark out alteration of road, 193, 196, 293, 296, 365, 388, 428. meeting of, to receive town credit, 147, 175, 185, 196. meeting with Watertown and Waltham to adjust charge of Great Bridge, 87, 70, 197, 198. petition addressed to, 231. 268. precept directed to, by Provincial Con gress for choice of Representative, 216. present list of jurors, 37, 73, 85, 86, 99, 163, 183, 193. proceedings of, in carryine out the line between Weston and Waltham, 174, 177. representatives chosen in presence of, see Representatives. receive votes for representatives to Con gress, 436. warrant to be returned to, 185. Senators, see Governor. Service ofthe war, 231, 232. directed by governraent [Shays* Rebel lion], 385. of the people, 239. Sexton, see Saxton. Shay house, see Stables, also, 178, 183, 188,193. Sheep, 29, 32. ShertfE, 78, 91, 337. Shirley, 382. Sharon, 452. Sherburn, 452. Sickness of Rev. Mr. Woodward, 105. Silver money, 5, 310, .311, 812, 318, 320, 324, 389. Singers and singing, 57, 162, 183, 374, 414, 421, 4^3, 455, 462, 464, 466, 466, 467, 468, 469, 617. report concerning, 466. Six months men, 353, 364. Slitwork, 8. Small house, 80, 82. pox, 264, 432, 433, 434. pay 231, 232, 233. Sraoke house for smallpox, 433. Soldiers, lists of, 260, 251, 254, 255, 256, 267. tax to Province, 87, 88, 92, 98. Special tax, 422. Specie, 312, 313, 314, 318, 319, 324, 398. Springfield, 306, 338. Spirituous liquors, 37, 38. Squadron line, 36. Stables on town land, 43, 63, 80, 82, 206, 206, 289, 298, 470, 473, 485, 486, 517, see Shay house. Staddle, 42. Stairs, men's and women's, 40, 57, 58, 66. Stamp act, directions concerning, 117, 119. Stamped paper, 53. State of the Massachusetts Bay,' 243, 244, 263. house, 263, 289, 286, 391. officers chosen, 290. tax, 339. treasurer, 333, 364. wages of six months men, 263, 264. Steeple vs. Cupola, 492, 499. Stony Brook, 93. Stowers Brook, 120. Subscription clothing, 279. for new road, 368. Sudbury, 60, 101, 112, 126, 147, 176, 177, 181, 191, 301, 319. See East Sudbury. Suit, see Cause. Suit, Lemon vs. Hayward, 501. Supplies, 237. Supplying the desk, 363, 359. Support of families of soldiers, 242, 243, 278, 279 Suffolk, ss., «6, 527. Suramons, relating to highway, 625, 626. Supreme Judicial Court, 526, 626. Survey of the town, 94, 460. Surveyors of beef, 4'29, 438, 464, 463, 471, 478, 483, 490. of bread, 438, 444, 454, 468, 471, 478, 48S, 490. Of hemp, 387, 398, 402, 411, 420, 429, 438, 444, 464, 463, 471, 478, 483, 490, 503, 613, 620. of boards, shingles, clapboards, lumber, see Town Officers. of wheat and flour, 104, 111, 122. of hoops. 111, }21, 129, 141, 150, 159, 189. of pork, see Surveyor of Beef. of Highways, see Town Officers, also 58, 154, 166, 180, 218, 242. of bills and accounts of, 143, 174, 176, 177, 183, 184, 200. to be collectors, 478. Surveyor in suit with Waltham, 112. Swine to go at large, 32, 54, 66, 73, 79, 85, 93, 99, 106, 118, 116, 122, 132, 148, 153, 162, 172, 182, 192, 199, 204, 214, 219, 239, 249, 286, 281, 307, 339, 354, 386, 876, 887, 393, 402, 412, 421, 438. not to go at large, 430, 463, 472, 479, 490, 604. Tan yard, 242, 243. Taxes abated, see Abatements. allowance for collection, 333, 350, 375, 388, 392, 401, 411, 422, 428, 438, 444, 453, 463, 471, 483, 490, 603, 513, 520. collectors chosen on petition of S. Train, 331 333. Tax, Great c'oolinental, 276, 280. persons omitted from ministers' tax, 366, 357, 368, 412, 416. Thanks to Kendal for relinquishing part of salary, 343. for land for school house, 445. A. Ward as treasurer, 438. Woodward for rehnquishing firewood, 298. Three years' men, 809. Ticonderoga, 232, 248. Tories, 260, see Absentees. Tower of meeting house, 496, 497. Townsend, 382. Town Clerk, choice of, see Town Officers. Town Creditors, 87, 49, 69, 68, 74, 81, 87, 94, 101, 108, 116, 118, 126, 133, 147,'l65, 166, 166, 176, 180, 196, 208, 216, 229, 240, 268, 284, 292, 808, 362, 368, 368, 382, 390, 393, 398, 402, 408, 409, 412, 420, 429, 434, 438, 446, 446, 447, 460, 454, 463, 472, 479, 481, 483, 487, 490, 604, 614, 521. grant, 37, 60, 69, 75, 82, 88, 95, 101, 109, 116, 118, 126, 134, 147, 155, 166, 176, 186, 198, 206, 216, 230, 314, 328, 341, 346, 868, 862, 871, 382, 384, 387, 390, 393, 398, 407, 416, 426, 434, 442, 461, 468, 461, 466, 467, 481, 496, 611, 617, 524. grant to Madam Woodward, 253. grant for meeting house 88. grant road over the meadow, 42. grant, see Highway, Minister, and School Grants. land, 205, 281, 296, 307, 327. measures sealed, 31. Meetings and adjournments, almost every page. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 557 Town Meeting, mode of warning, 477, 479, 487, 488. officers, 80, 40, 62, 63. 71, 76, 83, 89, 96, 103,110, 116, I'iO, 129, 140, 149, 168, 168, 178, 188, 200, 211, 217, 236, 246, 261, 278, 297, 816, 832, SJ8, 366, 376, 886, 392, 401, 411, 419, 428, 487, 444, 463, 462, 471, 477, 482, 489, 608, 618, 520. security or securities, 22S, 309, 315, 323, 332. treasurer, choice of, see Town Oflicers. treasurer's account rendered in full, 31, 48, 68, 64, 72, 77, 83, 84, 91, 97, 104, 111, 122, 130, 141, 160, 169, 180, 169, 180, 189, 201, 212, 219, 238, 247, 268, 278, 298, 316, 333, 360. treasurer's accounts examined and vouched, 32, 45, 60, 73, 79, 85, 92, 99, 108, 118, 124, 131, 143, 162, 182, 171, 182, 192, 203, 214, 221, 238, 240, 266, 281, 301, 319, 336, 364. treasurer's accounts accepted as exhib ited, 864, 371, 376, 382, 387, 390, 893, 398, 402, 408, 412, 418, 426, 429, 434, 438, 441, 446, 461, 464, 461, 464, 468, 472, 475, 478, 481, 484, 496, 604, 611, 613, 517, 620. treasurer's accounts to be rendered twice a year, 348, 366. book for accounts, 348, 856. treasurer's hand, 208, 209. Treasurer's pay, 366, 417. to issue warrants against constables, 329. Township, S3, 34. Tythingmen, see Town Officers. Town way, see Way. United States of America, 224, 227, 391, 399, 436, 461, 616. United States of America, service of, 242, 243. Venarie [venire], 488. Vendue, master, 163, 164. Voluntary enlistment, 385. Volunteers, encouragement to, 223, 224. Votes for Governor, etc., see Governor. Vouchers for Town Treasurer, see Treasurer. for War Treasurer, see War Treasurer. Wachusett, farm at, 46, 46, 48, 51, 58, 67, 69, 61, 72, 73. Hill, 46, 66, 57, 59, 61. Waltham, 46, 46, 47, 48, 61, 68, 66, 57, 58, 69, 67, 70, 78, 84, 86, 89, 92, 93, 101, 112, 115, 126, 134, 147, 167, 181, 191, 195, 197, 198, 200, 204, 287, 292, 301, 308, 319, 358, 359, 377, 385, 396, 396, 468, 468, 493, 606, 507, 608, 609, 626, 626. line, 106, 117, 119, 120, 122, 180. a way beginning at, 93. a way laid out by, 89. suit witb, see Cause. Wands (for Wardens) 98. War, collectors allowance, 286, 292, 314, 839. committee, 231, 232, 233, 284, 246, 262, 253, 256, 267, 283, 289, 295, 305. coraraittee's pay for service, 285, 296, 303, 324. grant, 233, 234, 262, 254, 267, 286, 289, 290, 294, 295, 311. 312, 323, 339. rate or tax, 266, 257, 268, 269, 261, 267, 283, 286, 286, 294. rate to be levied on estates, 252. treasurer's accounts, 260, 252, 264, 269, 302, 320, 387. treasurer's acrounts vouched, 261, 255, 278, 306, 32S, 339. Warden staff, see Wands, and 191. Wardens, 90, 96, 98, 103, 110, 121, 129, 140, 144, 160,169, 168, 179, 189, 201, 218, 236, 246, 282, 277, 349, 366, 376, 387, 392, 401, 411. Warned and cautioned, 40, 43,44,47,48,64, 56, 60. 66, 74. 92, 108, 113, 124,131, 167, 181, 190, 214, 260, 267, 289,303,467. Warrants, articles from, see Town Meetings. for town meeting, copy of, 476, 492, 501, 602, 506, 612, 518, 522, 524. substance of, see Articles from. return of sarae, 477, 494, 502, 605, 613, 620, 523, 526. to be returned to selectmen, 185. Washington, city of, 615. Watertown, 45, 48, 47, 48, 51, 68, 67, 58, 69, 67, 70, 72, 78, 86, 96, 97, 98, 167, 200, 204, 215, 220, 222, 287, 316, 333, 368, 369, 883, 458, 493, 606, 606, 507, 508, 509, Bridge, 63, 67, 70, 72, 76, 78, 84, 86, 91. 92, 98, 99, 106, 113, 124, 131, 142, 161, 160,161,170, 171, 181, 191, 195, 197, 198, 200, 202, 204, 212, 213, 215, 220, 221,237,266, 279, 287, 299, 315, 323, 334, 360, 351, 368, 369, 360, 361, 362, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 386, 896, 396, 899,419,429, 438, 481, 483, 498, 606, 606,607. Bridge adjustment, 47, 68, 67, 70, 197, 198, 221, 333, 384. Bridge lottery, 86,204, 369, 380, 429, 487, 481, 606. fishery, 482, 484, 488, 490. River, 47, 68. Way, alteration of, near house of Daniel Berais, old road to be given to Bemis, 425, 426. accepted over land of John Bemis and Isaac Whittemore, 29, 83. from Samuel Childs' to the meeting house, way described, 196, 197. to meeting purchased of Ebenezer Hobbs, 64, 66. to meeting over tbe meadow of Elisha Jones and others (described 421, 40, 42, 50, 85; called also new road to meeting house from Nathan Jones', 81, 82. alteration of, through land of John Kim ball, 149, 163. accepted (a gateway) through land of John Lamson 140, 144. given up to Samuel Lamson, 190. request for discontinuing, near house of Increase Leadbetter, 462, 466. damages for, asked by Increase Lead- better, 470, 472. accepted (gateway! through land of JDaniel Livermore to Great Country Road, 139, 144, 146, 161. accepted near Samuel "Torrey, 612, 614. accepted from Benjamin Peirce's barn to the Country Road, 95, 99. the same discontinued by request of Kendal aud Harrington, 392, 394. by order of court over land of Andrew Stimson and William Uphara, 81. alteration of, in land of James Stimson, 188, 193. alteration of, near Arthur Train, 510, 611. to accept of a bridle way from Samuel Train's by John Jones' to the town way leading to the country road, 102, 107. to open the same, 120, 122, 142. paid for over land of Dea. [Abijah Upham], 3). alteration of. near Widow Martha Up hams' 366, 388. 558 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Way accepted across land of Thomas Upham to Waltham line, 89, 93, 112. alteration of, in land of Dea. Thomas Uphara, 133, 134. alteration of, in land of William Upham, leading from Thomas Upham's to the country road, near the new bridge, 68, 69. to open from John Walker, Jr., to the meeting house, 108, 109 (125, 127), 128, 132, 133, 136, 139 (advice 143), 144, 161. to ascertain the bounds of, between Ward and Brackett, 433, 435, 437, 439. alteration of, in land of Ehsha Warren, 74, 76. alteration of, in land leading from Jona than Warren's to Nathan Berais, 293, 296. to accept of, over land of Jeremiah Whittemore and Rev. Wra. Wil liaras, 29, 32. 37. to give up from Whittemore's barn to a town way at Rocky Hill in John Larason's land, 29, 34. Ways, exchange of from off lands of Whitte more and Samuel Lamson from the south end of Phillips' Lane (not land) until it comes to the next, (not new) town way, etc., 126, 126, 130, 134, 162, 160. Great Country Road at Four-Mile Brook, presentment of, 31, 39, 63. Ways, (Great) Country Road, 96, 99, 140, 145. country road at south side, leading from East Sudbury to the new bridge, 438. south road, presentment of, 72. Weights and measures, 36, 101. Weston- (everywhere.) West Point, 822, 338, 361. Wild cat bill, 32, 45, 64, 64. Williams, Kev. William, excused frora rates, 41,47. Window curtains, 202. Witnesses, 91, 113, 123 Women's gallery, 133, 136, 137, 138. seats, 164, 168, 168, 170. slde'gallery, 133, 136, 137, 138. stairs, 68, 68, 69, 108, 109. school, see Schools. Woodland to purchase, 76, 79. Worcester, 167, 386, 438. County of, 435. Workhouse, for the county, 380. town, to build, 108, 109, 263, 318, 318', 334. cost of, 117, 118, 133, 136, 190, 202. deed of land, 109, 114. land for, 109, 110, 114, 119. rent of, 278, 818, 318, 334, 364. roomlet,190, 202, 263. to repair, 482, 484. to sell, 437, 439, 450, 463, 455, 470, 472. fork [Maine], 251. a39002 002555382b Il;;|i?ii|:iin:':; "¦M'- k'C-'''-!