YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY HISTORY -' '*'-^SSr^ft / / TOWN OF NORTON, BRISTOL COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS, From 1669 to 1859. GEORGE FABER CLARK, .D-COLOSV HISTORICAL MH'lSTTi C'lfiR esp O.NP L SV. MEMBER OFTRF X r W-TS ¦¦ LA ND ii.vcii.Dr.iCAL suC[tTY„jND liiMSTm or the co.nokfgj,tionjlJ. parish. '•Your fathers, where are they V — Zhch. i. 5. ¦'Of these things put them in remembrance.'* — 2 Tim., ii. 14. BOSTON: CROSBY, NICHOLS, AND COMPANY, 117, Washington Street; AND THE AUTHOR AT NORTON. 1859. i.y i V / ^ ,>H CT> S in . .' .fi\li-lsvo Entered, according to Aot of Congress, in the year 1869, by GEORGE FABER CLARK, In the Clerk's Office of the Bistrict Court of the District of Massachusetts. 5i0 ! 3 W BOSTON: printed ii v john wilson and son, 22, School Street. K* •n. Hoi c C m h*- §yil lljt Sons anb glaucjljim of florton, NATIVE AND ADOPTED. HITII THE HOPE THEY WILL BE AS INTERESTED IN BEADING ITS PAGES AS HE HAS BEEN IN PREPARING IT FOB THEIR PERUSAL, EJjis 5ttJistovr) IS IIKBI'EC T FULLY DEDICATED BY THE AUTHOR. r K EMC E. On the 12th of November, 18j4, the Sunday following the one bundled and fortieth anniversary of the organization of the Con gregational Church in Norton, the author commenced, and continued on the succeeding Sunday, a series of four sermons upon the History of the town, and especially of the church of which he was the pastor. Dec. 16 of the same year, he received a written request from some of his leading parishioners, who had listened to the discourses, that he should publish them, together with such other historical facts as might be collected, in the form and manner he thought proper. He was also urged to do so by others, not mem bers of liis parish ; and the result, after many delays and discourage ments, is the book now before the reader. At one time, the town voted to subscribe for one hundred copies, but, at an adjourned meeting, reconsidered the vote. In the spring of 1858, a proposi tion was made to the citizens of Mansfield to give a history of that town in connection with Norton, without increasing the subscription price, provided they would take five hundred copies. The proposi tion was rejected by the town. Those who have cheered us on by the material aid promised, coming generations will thank as heartily as do we. For valuable assistance and suggestions, the author is indebted to Rev. J. B. Felt, and S. G. Drake, Esq., of Boston, and, above all, to his esteemed friend John L. Sibley, Librarian of Harvard College. A true history of any town or country should- exhibit " the cloud " as well as the " silver lining ; " but it is better perhaps, to let the mantle of charity and oblivion cover the errors and faults of the weak and misguided. The town-records contain but little material for a good history ; and, for four years after the incorporation of Norton, the records are supposed to be tost. Hence VI PREFACE. we have been obliged to search far and wide for many of the most mteresting facts recorded in these pages. We have trusted but little to what was merely traditionary. What is stated without qualifica tion has been done on what was deemed good authority, and may generally be relied upon. In cases of doubt, a question-mark (P) _ immediately follows the statement. Great pains have been taken to have accuracy in dates, &c. ; yet frequent errors will no doubt be found. As they peruse these pages, and their eye falls upon an error or misstatement, some will perhaps say, '< We could have told the writer better than that." Our only reply is, Then you alone are responsible for the error, by withholding the intelligence you pos sessed : ; for we have, privately and publicly, called upon all to furnish what interesting facts and incidents were in their possession. No doubt, if all had been as ready to communicate as some will be to find fault, a more reliable book would have been made. Before a work of this kind is given to the public, proof-sheets should be placed in every family for them to mark all inaccuracies of state ment, and errors in date: then something like a reliable history could be published. This is not, however, practicable in most cases, on account of expense. It may be thought we have been too minute in many respects, — that we have introduced too many documents entire, instead of giving an epitome of their contents We have introduced these documents because they have been col lectedfrom a wide field, and only a single copy of them exists; which, of course, is liable to be destroyed. We have wished to preserve them for the benefit of the future historian; and, above all we have desired to let them tell their- own story in their own way' All are not interested in the same class of facts : we have, therefore introduced quite a variety of topics; for we think whatever throws light upon the manners and customs of our ancestors is worthy of record. We have written for the future as well as the present. Hence, upon some topics, what may be called prolixity now may be considered paucity hereafter. Except in two or three instances, we have given the dates as we found them on the records. The names in extracts are spelled as there found, because we could not always obtain the correct orthography, and members of the same family fre quently spell their names differently. We have also, in extracts, till within quite a recent date, Mowed the spelling in other particu lars. This will explain to some what will seem typographical errors. PREFACE. Vll That part of a lady's name in parentheses indicates her surname before marriage. When we issued our subscription-paper, May 1, 1855, we supposed the book would go to press in about fifteen months. But, in the attempt to carry out that plan, our eyes (which had been weak for years) became so affected in the autumn of 1856, that all labor upon the book was suspended for several months ; and, since it was resumed, we have been able to work but ii small portion of the time upon it. Our readers will, however, find that " patient waiting is no loss ; " for, since 1856, we have collected many interesting facts which we could not have given had we gone to press as originally intended. The biographical notices have been confined to those who have in some way been prominent before the public, in church, state, or profession. There were others, we presume, whose talents and moral worth furnish as great a claim upon our attention ; but we could not go beyond certain limit* in this department. The same remarks will apply to the portraiu, all but two of which were engraved expressly for us ; and they were furnished, with the exceptions hereafter named, by the individuals they represent, or their friends. Those of George Leonard, and George Leonard, jun. (except ten dollars given by Hon. William Baylies/ of West Bridgewater), were paid for, at our request, by the proceeds of a dramatic exhibition, given by 'the children of our common schools, in the Town Hall, May 13 and 14, 1857. The plate of Dr. Wilmarth, made for his " Memoirs," has been kindly loaned me to take impressions from by his only son Jerome Wilmarth, of Hopedale. That of Edwin Barrows was made for another purpose, and, at our earnest solicitation, was fur nished. For his own engraving, the author i* indebted to the ladies * of his parish, who also paid for the picture of the church. During our labors, we have been repeatedly urged by antiquarian friends to make a register of the families in town. We could not do this without doubling the size of the book, or making two volumes For various reasons, we have not attempted it ; but such a register can be made at any future day, for there is abundant material It would be an invaluable record. Should circumstances be favor- * No other person, of those who i|lherited th ruoiii'criox . . • • . . 1 II. Tup. First Sei-tlemknts ... 6 III. Pueci.nct Controversy, and Incorporation of the Town 16 IV. Topography am) Natural History 37 V. Indians 49 VI. Setclement of a Minister, Organization of the Church, &c 56 VII. Early Settlers . . 74 VIII. The Ministry of Rev. Joseph Avery 93 IX. The Dismission, Death, &c., of Rev. Mr. Avery . Ill X. Attempts to Settle a Minister 132 XI. The Settlement, Ministry, and Death of Rev. Joseph Palmer 142 XII. Admissions to the Church from 1714 to 1791 . . 164 XIII. The Settlement, Ministry, and Death of Rev. Pitt Clarke 172 XIV. Autobiography and Obituary Notices of Rev. Pitt Clarke 185 XV. Recent Ministry of the Congregational Parish . 193 XVI. Deacons of the Congregational Church .... 214 XVII. Meeting-Houses of the Congregational Parish . 220 XVIII. Ministerial Fund, and Incorporation of the Con gregational Parish . 245 X CONTENTS. CHAPTEE. page. XXX.. XX. Municipal and Official History . 279 XXI. Taxes and other Financial History ... 312 XXII. Water-Privileges, Manufactures, and Statis- 325 XXIII. POPULATION AND CENSUS OF 1855 . . 343 XXIV. . 363 XXV. . . 367 XXVI. Burying-Places, &o . . 375 XXVII. The Old French and the French and Indian Was XXVIH. Revolutionary War . . . 390 XXTX. XXX. Federal and State Constitutions . . 422 XXXI. East and North Precincts . 434 XXXH. The Dissenting Church ... 443 XXXIII. XXXIV. Baptist Church at Winneconnet . 462 XXXV. Trinitarian Congregational Church . 465 XXXVI. XXXVII. Collegiate History .... 477 XXXVIII. 501 XXXIX. 508 . 513 XL. Temperance Movement ... XLI. Miscellaneous History .... . . 518 XI LOCATION OF ENGRAVINGS. Col. George Leonard Map op Taunton North Purchase, &c. . Ateut House Leonard Mansion House . . . Rev. Pitt Clarke . . . Rev. G. F. Clark ... ... Deacon Daniel Lane ¦ ... CONOHEOATIONAL MeETINO-HOUSE Hon. John Crane . . . Hon. Cromwell Leonard . Db, R. F. Sweet Hon. George Leonard, Jun. Hon. Laban Wheaton . . . Rev. Gardner B. Perry, D.D. Dr. William Perry . . Rev. Thomas Shepard, D.D. . Hon. L. M. Wheaton Edwin Barrows ... Dr. Butler Wilmarth . . page. Titlepage. 5 . 65 . 86 . 172 . 207 , 218 , 243 . 286 . 304373 478 . 483 492 494 495496 501 505 Xll OLD AND NEW STYLE. It was very common between Jan. 1 and March 25, for many years previous to 1752, to make double dates, as it is called (as, for instance, on p. 3, " March 8, 1681-2 "); and we have followed the records in this respect. Before 1752, when New Style was intro duced, March 25 was considered the commencement of the civil year, and it was called the first month, April the second month, &c. ; and dates were sometimes written in this manner: viz., 15 — 10 — 1668-9 ; which would mean the 15th of 10th month, 1668-9, or Jan. 25, 1669, New Style. In order to change Old into New Style, the first month must be called the third, and so on, and ten days be added to all dates between 1582 and 1699, and eleven days added to all dates between 1699 and 1752. Hence the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth was really on the 21st of December; and not on the 22d, as most of us were taught in our childhood. Page ERRATA. 36, line t) from top, for " Tawnton " read "Taunton." 86, .. 20 .. .,, „ "Exeercise" ,, "Exercise." 60, 1) ^ „ „ , "Barrow's" „ "Barrows's." 70, .. H .. ¦bottom,,, " Greenward " ,, "Greenwood.' 89, , 16 „ top, „ "1760" „ . "1768." 160, „ 22 „ „ „ "Rounds" „ "Round." 205, ,. 14 ,, .,, „ "Messenger" ,, "Messinger." The author would thank any one who may notice any other errors to make thcin known to htm, as he will keep an Interleaved copy of the book In which to note all inaccuracies for the benefit of coming generations. GENERAL INDEX. ¦ We had intended to have given an index to every name on every page in the book; but some names — viz., Leonard, Lincoln, Lane, Briggs, Hodges, Smith, White, Williams, Wetherell, and others — occur so frequently, that it would encumber the Index too much. Some names that have occurred only incidentally, and having no particular connection with the town, we have omitted entirely. Atwood, Lewis P., 476. Austin, 8, 166, 451, 452 463, 415. John, notice of, 76. Solomon, Otis C, and families, 344. Autographs, 11, 72, 76, 77, 81, 83, 87, 93, 116, 144, 176, 215-218. Avery, Joseph, Rev., first preaches at Norton, 60; is called, 61; no tice of, 61 ; taught school at Re- hoboth, preaches at Freetown, project to build a house for, 62; tax to build house for, and names of persons taxed, 63 ; picture of his house, 65 ; answer to call, 66 ; ordination of, 70; marriage of, 74; doctrines of, those of Rome, 108; vote to dismiss, 112; objections against, 112; reply of, to objec tions, and autograph, 115; answer of, read in church-meeting, 117; handsome consideration promised to, and his reply, 118; votes on objections to, 119; council called by, and letter-missive, 122 ; coun cil meet at house of, 124; asks time to consider the result of ex- parte council, 125; date of dis mission of, 126; real objections against, 127 ; protest of, and others, against revival of 1740, 127 ; doubts relating to death of, 129; death of, 130; thought to be undig nified, 158. Sirs. Sarah, will of, 181. Academy, page 640. Adams, pages 166, 357. Joseph S., Warren, and families, 344. Asa M., Dr., notice of, 873; in steeple of meeting-house, 643. Allien, 476, 616. Jason F., William II., and families, 344. Aldrlch, 104, 862. Peter, notice of, 76. Allen, 6, 166, 167, 862, 461, 527, 681. Ephraim, James, and families; Cvrus W., Rev., installation of, 478; notice of, 473. George E., Rev., notice of, 600. Alms-house bought, 361; superin tendents of, 866. Andrews, 1, 3, 165, 352, 625. John, Deacon, notice of, 76. Arjgier. Samuel, notice of, 142. Animals, wild, 44; upon the Com mon, 621. Arnold, 278, 415, 616, 526-529. Lemuel, Asa, John, David, George H., David A., and fami lies, 844. Artillery company, when formed, 416; name of, changed, 416; cap tains of, 416. ' Assessors, 292; list of, 293-296. Attleborough, purchase of, 2. Atherton, 165, 463. XIV GENERAL INDEX. B. Babbit, 3, 169, 451, 515, 526. John, and family, 344. Dr. Nathan, notice of, 871. Hon. Nathan G., notice of, 4*4. Backus, 445. Bailey, Sarah M., and family, 344. Bayley, Samuel, notice of, 76. Balcom, 349, 451, 616, 616 525. Ballou, William, and family, 846. Bank, fifty-thousand-pound, 316 ; sixty-thousand-pound, 318; land, 819. Baptisms of children, number of, 168, 171. Barney, 170. Barrows, 279. Carlos, Harriet, and families, 846. Dr. Ira, notice of, 374. Rev. William, ordination, notice of, &c, 473. Eev. Homer, ¦ 878. Edwin, notice of, 601. Barry, 847.' . Baskets, manufacture of, 339. Bass, Rev. Edward, notice of, 140. , Basset, 167, 171, 625. Mary, and family, 344. Bates, 616, 525. Horatio, and family, 845. Dr. Leavit, notice of, 873. Bear killed in sawmill, 44. Beard, Rev. Spencer F., 472. Beecher, 472. Bellows, 204. Alfred, and family, 846. Berry, 628. Bicknell, 417. Bigelow, Rev. A., 184. Bills of other governments, 821. Birds, 46 ; premiums for heads of, 47 ; hunts, 48. Bishop, 516. Blake, Hannah H., and family, 845. Blanchard, 451. Sylvia, and'family, 345. Blandin, 271, 278, 358, 416 616. Ben jamin, Simeon, Jesse H., Isaac S., Sumner, and families, 345. Bloss, Rev. Abraham, called to settle, 458. Blucklin, 346. Board, sounding, 234. Boland, John, and family, 845. Bolan. Michael, and family, 845. Bolton, 844. Wm. S., and family, 346. Books, hymn, used, 213. Boltwood, 88. Bowen, 625. Mrs. Peddy, present of, to church, 178; letter of thanks to, 179; gives land and timber for meeting-house, 248. Rev. J. G., ordination of, 464. Brady, Patrick, and family, 346. Bragg, Lucinda, and family, 346. Braman, 166-170, 278, 352, 416, 417, 516, 625-528. Thomas, Thomas, jun., and Daniel, notices of, 76. Isaao T., Washburn, Lydia, and families, 345. Rev. Isaac, notice of, 490. Benjamin, notice of, 601. Don E. K, Esq., notice of, 607. Brewster, 4. Bridgewater, purchase of, 2. Bridge, Ann Cobb's, 42. Bridge, 278. Rev. A. M., chosen pas tor, and letter of acceptance, 194; ordination of, 195; pastoral rela tion of, dissolved, notice and mar riage of, 196, Brigham, 36. Briggs, 8, 164-171, 259, 260, 350, 416, 461, 452, 626, et al. Thomas, land of, 4. John, Deacon, notice and autograph of, 77 ; chosen deacon, 214. Joseph and Richard, notices of, 77. Deacon John, jun., and Samuel, notices of, 78. Deacon John, 2d, disguised with strong drink, 106; chosen deacon, 216. John, 2d, letter to church, 163. George, grievances of, 154. Emer son, and family, 346. Benjamin S., Edmund, Charles H., Simeon, and families, 846. Deacon James, notice of, 449. Deacon Phineas, notice of, 450. Deacon Jabez, no tice of, 463. Joel, chosen deacon, 459; notice of, 602. Deacon Ti mothy, notice of, 469. Rev. Eph raim, notice of, 482. Rev. James, notice of, 486. Rev. John, notice of, 489. Timothy, notice of, 491. Brintnell, 414. Thomas, settlement by, 11; notice of, 12. Samuel, and Samuel, jun., notices of, 78. Britton, 861. Zachariah and family, 846. Bronson, Rev. J. J., ordination and notice of, 464. Brook, Mulberry-Meadow, 39; Burt's, 39; Goose, 39; Stony, 39; Log, 40; Swab-tailed, 40; Dora's, 40; Drinkwater, 40 ; Great, 40. Brown, 1, 493. Wesley, and family, 846. Bruce, Alanson, and family, 346. Bryant, 1, 8, 360. Buckingham, 194. Buildings burned, 630, 631. Bundy, John, notice of, 4. Burt, 1, 8, 166, 171, 848, 357, 625, GENERAL INDEX. XV 627. Bartholomew, letter of, 164. Polly, Melzar, and families, 346. Deacon Ebenezer, notice of, 459. Rev. Ebenezer, notice of, 603. Burton, 206. Burying-Place, Common, land laid out for, &c, 376; William Hodges enoroaches upon, 376; used for musters, 379; walled in, 379. Central, 879; land for given, by whom, 380; portion of, sold, 381. Timothy-Plain, 381. Winnecon- net, 382. In District No. 6, 382. Private, 882. Bush, 206. Butler, 364. Caflrev, Daniel, and familv, 316. Caboon, 626. CaUbin, 347, 866, 861. Cmmbtll, 186-168, 461,-462. Sylva- nut, notice of, 79. Deaoon Ger- sbora, notice of, 463. Gapeo, 616. William, jun., and fumilv, 846. Carpenter, 416, 626. Daniel, Tho mas, Caroline, and families, 846. Bar. William, called to settle, and ordination of, 447; rebaptism of, 462; re-ordination of, 458; trou bles with First Parish, 454; death and notice of, 456. Rev. George, notice of, 608. Carnes, 206. Carr, 278. Rev. S. J., ordination of, 464. Carver, 853, 626, 630. Case, 1. Casctv, 862. Casualties, fatal, 526. Caswell, 8, 166, 616. John, John, jun., Benjamin, James, notices of, 79. Alvaris, and family, 346. Dr. Samuel, notice of, 367. Cattle, ear-marks of, 619. Cave. Philip's, 43, 61. Cavolor, 847. Census of 1855, 344. Cents, manufacture of, 336. Chace, Leander, and family, 346. Chaise and chairs, 538. Chapman, 278. Rev. Nathan, 464. Cbartley, name of, variously applied, 41. Cheney, 170. Church, Congregational, gathering of, 67, 70; covenant of, 68; origi nal members of, 69; officers of, 101; read platform, 103; meeting of, call for, to read platform, 106; meeting of, to discharge duty to members, 108 ; suspension of mem bers from, 108, 109 ; request of, for meeting to consider objections against Mr. Avery, 115; meeting, Mr. Avery's answer read in, 117 ; vote to call a council, 120; letter- missive of, 121 ; choose a commit tee to demand covenant, &c, 132, 133; members of, sign covenant, 146 ; petition for meeting of, 152 ; vote of, relative to written expe riences, 176; vote of, to admit Baptists, 176; thanks of, to Mrs. Bowen, 179; address of, to peti tioners for a dismission, 466; final action of, relative to seceders, 469. Church, formed in North Precinct, and members of it, 440. Church, the Dissenting, 443; reasons for forming it, 444; articles of faith of, 444; covenant of, 447; deacons of, 449; members of, 451. Church, Old Baptist, organization of, choose minister, and members of, 452 ; invited to worship at Taun ton, 456; withdraws fellowship from forty-two members, 460; vote of, to dissolve, 461; deacons of, 463, 454, 459. Church, Baptist, organization of, 462 ; meeting-house of, 463; Sunday school of, 464; deacons of, 464. Church, Trinitarian-Congregational, 465; movement to form, 465;. or ganization of, 470; confession of faith of, 470; covenant of, 471; original members of, 472; meet ing-house of, erected, 472 ; Sunday school of, 474 ; deacons of, 474. Church, Wesleyan-Methodist, orga nization and members of, 475; Sunday school of, 476. Clapp, 165-170, 348, 416, 463, 525. Deacon Noah, notice of, 459. Clark, 279, 363, 361. Rev. G. F., chosen teacher and pastor, 206; letter of acceptance, and installa tion of, 207; notice of, 210; mar riage of, 213 ; family of. 346. Clarke, 240, 278, 514. Rev. Pitt, Historical Sermon of, 34 et al. ; chosen pastor, and encourage ment to settle, 173; explanation relative to salary of, 174; letter of acceptance,174 ; autograph of, 175 ; ordination of, 175, 189; event in ministry of, 179; legacy of, to XVI GENERAL INDEX. people, 180; creed of, 181; ex tracts from legacy of, 182; from diary of, 183; death and funeral of, 184; publications of, 185 ; birth and parentage of, 186; why called Pitt, 187; goes to war, 187; pre pares for college, 188; teaches school after graduating, 188; preaches at Norton, 188; marriage of, 189, 190; children of, 190; rea son for writing autobiography, 191, 192. Hon. J. J., notice of, 497. Manlius S., Esq., notice of, 499. Dr. E. H., notice of, 500. Clarkson, John, and family, 346. Clegg, James, and family,'346. Clement, Svlvester, and family, 846. "Cobb, 166-169, 302, 303, 417, 616, 626. John, notice of, 79. William, no tice of, 80. Silas, Esq., notice of, 604. Daniel S. and Guilford M. and families, 347. Cobbler's Corner, 2, 6. Codding, Isaac B., George, William H., and families, 346. Codington, 167, 168, 228. College, graduates of, 477. Collins, Michael, and family, 347. Commons, 625. Comstock, 279. Christopher, and family, 346. Conant, 353. Conaty, James, James, 2d, Charles, and families, 347. Confederation of Congress, 422. Constitution, keel of, 43 ; of United States formed, and ratification of, 423. State, 424; rejected by the people, 426 ; convention to form, 428, 431; votes relative to, 428; amendments to, and votes thereon, 429, 431, 432. Constitutional propositions, and vote thereon, 432. Converse, 165. Cook, 1, 451, 452. Dr. Nathaniel, notice of, 371. Coombs, Rev. Henry C, ordination and notice of, 463. Coove, 167. Copeland, 167, 171, 278, 416, 625. Benjamin, chosen deacon, notice and autograph of, 218. Asa, chosen deacon, and notice of, 218. Benjamin, Esq., notice of, 496. Thomas, Thomas H., Jo seph, and families, 347. Copper-works, 336. Cormody, 358. Coroners, 302. Corwithy, 1. Cosgrove, James, Daniel, Patrick and families, 847. Cotton, whipping of, 338; factories 327-329, 330, 833. Coy, 1. Covle, 344, 347, 349. James and "family, 347, Council to consider John Skinner's case, 96; decision of, 95 ; ex parte, 123; result of, 125. Councillors, 804. Covenant of First Church, 68 ; owned without a vote of church, 104 ; re newed and signed in 1762, 146; number who owned or renewed, 168, 171; changed. 177; for those not admitted to full membership, 178; new, or declaration of faith, adopted, 195; again revised, 201; declaration of principles substi tuted for, 208. Covenant of Dissenting Church, 447 ; of Trinitarian Church, 471. Cranch, 194. Crane, 171, 278, 279, 303, 416, 431, 626. Hon. John, notice of, 304. Rev. John, notice of, 486. Calvin, notice of, 486. John, John H., George B., Daniel, J. Calvin, George C, and families, 347. Crossman, 1, 8, 169, 459, 626. Ze- pheniah S., Harrison, and families, 347. Crowan, 350. Cummings, 476. D. Daily, 30. Dane, Marv, and family, 347. Danforth, 25, 166, 170, 615, 625. Daggett, Naphtali, notice of, 141. Darby, 169. Darey, 350. Dassance, 386. Davis, William H., and family, 848. Deacons, petition to have ordained, 103, 100 ; of Congregational Church, 214-220; seat, 214, 224; choice of, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 449, 453, 454, 469, 476. Dean, 1, 8, 166-170, 345-370, 616, 628. Samuel, chosen deacon, and notice of, 216; autograph of, 217. Deacon Daniel, notice of, 217. Rev. Dr. Samuel, notice of, 480. Bethiah, Bradford, Otis, Simeon A., and families, 848. Deer, preservation of, 46; parks of, 46; thrilling event with, 46. GENERAL INDEX. XV11 Derry, 465, 516. Betsey B., Clarissa, and families, 348. Dcvoll, Pardon B., and family, 348. Dew, 353. Dexter, Christopher, and family, 348. Dixon, 347. Rev. James, 476. Dolan, 357. Donald, 357. Donnelly, Patrick, and familv, 348. Donohue, 362. James, Thomas, Francis, and families, 348. Dorby, Jonathan, notice of, 141. Dorgan, Abbie, and family, 348. Dormau, 106. Seth, notice of, 80. Doty, 1. Dow, I.orenzo, preaches at Norton, trouble with rum-sellers, &c, 644. Drake, 1, 317. Charles A., and fa mily, 348. Draper, JumdI), and family, 348. I)ro»n, Sallv, and family, "848. Dudley, to. ' v Duuluun. 164-171, 868. Joseph, no tice of, SO. Dunn, 1. Dwelling-houses burned, 530. Dyer, Polly, aud family, 348. Ear-marks of cattle, 619. Kason, 451. Ka»lon, town of, incorporated, 436. Eddy, 165-169, 354, 416, 625. Ebe nezer, notice of, 80 ; autograph of, 81, Eleazer, notice of, 81. Mary, Hodges, John, Elijah, aud families, 848. Elders, ruling, 102 ; meeting to choose, 110. Elliot, Joseph, notice of, 81. John S., and family, 348. . Ellis, 160. Elms, Lydia, and family, 849. Emery, 211. Experience, Christian, declaration of,. 71; vote not to require written, 176. Factory, cotton, 327-329, 330, 333; molasses, 339. Faden, Nathaniel, and family, 349. Kane, 352. Fairbanks, 166. Karrar, Rev. George, notice of, 870. Furwell, 1. Fast before choice of elders, 110; be fore choice of minister, 134. Field, 344, 359, 465, 472. David, David, jun., Emma, Earl W., Ra chel, Darius, Denuis, and families, 349. Fillebrown, 167. Finn, Michael, and family, 359. Finney, Finny, 165, 167, 451, 452, 615. Fish, W. H., 200. Fish, various kinds of, 40; a free pas sage for, 41. Fisher, 166-170, 355, 357, 525. Sa muel, notice of, 81. Eleazer, no tice and autograph of, 81. Israel and Nathaniel, notices of, 82. Eleazer, accusation of, against Mrs. Morton, 460. Marcus M., and family, 349. Fitzgerald, David, and family, 349. Fobes, 417, 515. William 'R., and family, 349. Forge, iron, 12, 326, 328, 330. Foster, 640. Perez, Alexander, and families, 349. Francis, 625. Ephraim, and family, 349. Franklin,. 169. Frarey, Owen, and family, 349. Freeman, 353, 359, 415, 416, 625, 528. Sanforth, Abigail, Schuyler, Ma son, Nathaniel, and families, 349. Freemasons, 634. Freetown, inhabitants of, ask aid for Mr. Avery, 62. Fruits, native, 43. Fuller, 347. Fund, ministerial, how created, 249 ; amount of, 255- FurnaGe, 33d. G. Gaffney, Owen, and family, 350. Gale, 279. Rev. Amory, supplies the pulpit, 201; vote of thanks to, notice, and marriage of, 202. Gallegan, 348, 350 358. Philip, and family, 349. Patrick, Edward, Charles, Daniel, and families, 350. ' Garey, Gary, 170, 515, 527. Gay, 167. Gengill, 1. Gibson, 279, 358. Rev. John A., 476. Gilbert, 1, 167, 169, 416, 616, 525, 627. David, notice of, 492. Gilburt, 3. Gillet, 627. xvm GENERAL INDEX. Gillroy, Hugh, and family, 360. Gilmore, Everett G., and'family, 360. Godfrey, 166, 169, 349, 351, 416, 463, 615, 525, 527. David, Jones, and families, 350. Goff, Silas R., and family, 360. Gooch, Thomas, and familv, 860. Goodwin, 472, 628. Rev. D. Le B., notioe of, 496. Rev. H. B., notice of, 497. Rev. J. B., notice of, 498. Rev. T. S., notice of, 600. Rev. F. D., notice of, 507. Polly, and family, 360. Government, form of, vote relative to, 424, 426. Governments, other, bills of, 321. Governor, votes for, 308. Gould, 345. Grady, Dennis, and family, 360. Grain, &c, prices of, 322, 824. Gravestones, manufacture of, 339. Gray, 165, 166. Green, Joseph, jun., notice of, 142. Rev. Rolaud, chosen minister of North Precinct, and death of, 441. Grimshaw, Thomas, and family, 350. Grover, 165, 166. Thomas, Andrew, Deacon Ephraim, notices of, 82. Guild, 527. Nancy E., and family, 850. Guillow, 625. Gyrl, 359. Hacus, 356. Hagerty, Charles, and family, 351. Hailstone, 1. Hall, 1, 8, 166-170, 206, 278, 279, 802, 303, 346, 369, 361, 417, 616, 625. John, notice of, 82 ; autograph of, 83. Ebenezer, notice of, 83. Isaac, Esq., notice of, 484. Benjamin S., Richard H., Eben, and families, 360. Hammond, 367. Harding, Achsah C, and family, 361. Haradon, 169, 170. Hardey, 356. Hardon, Isaac, jun., and family, 351. Harlow, Reuben, and family, 361. Harridon, 166, 625. Harris, John, and family, 361. Hart, 637. Harvey, 1, 3, 166, 616, 625. John, and family, 861. Haskins, 451. Hathway, 8. Hazlehurst, George W., and family, 361. Hazleton, George M., and family, 861. Hearses, 383. Hebbard, 206. Hector, 168. Hewitt, Hewit, 358, 461. Hews, 168. Hicks, Gilbert, and family, 361. High, Timothy, and familv, 361. Hill, 167, 866. Marbee, Nahum W., and families, 851. Hill, Great Rocky, location of, 41. Hinckley, 279. Rev. F., chosen minister, 204; letter of accept ance, installation, and resignation of, 205; marriage of, 206. Hoar, 1, 169. Hobell, 1. Hodges, 166-171, 279, 303, 346, 367, 886, 416, 417, 615, 516, 626, 626, 629, 630, et al. Jonathan, auto graph of, 72. John notice and autograph of, 83. Nathaniel, no tice of, 88. Samuel and William, notices of, 84. Joseph, chosen deacon, notice and autograph of, 215. Benjamin, chosen deacon, and notice of, 216 ; autograph of, 216. Hannah, 351. Leonard, Earl, Royal P., Hiram, and fami lies, 351. Williams, Jarvis, Sam uel, Newton S., Solomon S., and families, 352. Dr. Guilford, no tice of, 373. Capt. Joseph, killed by Indians, 887. Dr. Tisdale, notice of, 493. Rufus, Esq., no tice of, 497. Rev. Joseph, notice of, 498. Dr. Silas, notice of, 502. Dr. Jerry, notice of, 604. Hogs upon the Common, 621, 622; ringed and yoked, 622. Holbrook, Rev. John, 464. Holloway, 1. Holmes,'l66, 279, 368. Rev. Frank lin, ordination and notice of, 474. Asa P., and family, 351. Homes, 170, 302. Hore, 8. Horton, 344, 350, 516, 625. Abigail, 361. Allen M., and family, 351. Howard, 440. Hoy, 858. Hudson, William, residence and land of, 50, 61. Hunt, 169, 170, 416, 460, 465, 616, 626. AdolphusD. , chosen deacon, and notice of, 220. Fanny, Hiram, Calvin M., Adolphus D., John, Peddy, Moses, Borden, Henry, and families, 352. GENERAL INDEX. XIX I. Indians, Wampanoags, Narragansetts, Massachusetts, territory of, 49; culture of the land by, 51; im plements of, and battle with, at Lockety Neck, 62; kill colt, eat turtles, 55. Canonicus, 49. Chick- ataubut, 49, 61; residence of, 60; dispute between, and Philip, how settled, 61. Diek, 66. Jeremy, 60. Josiah, 6, 60. Josias, 60. Massasoit, 49; residence of, 60. Metacomct, 60. Ousamequin, W. Philip, 7, 9, 43, 60; sum mer residence of, 61; kindness of, 64,55. Quock,56. Squamaug, 60, 61. Wamsutta, 50. Warn- pattick, 60. Inhabitants, occupation of, in 1855, 3d:!. liuUillations, 205, 207, 473. Irish, 844. Uherwood, Ralph, and family, 362. bland, beech, 42. J. Jennings, 171. Johnson, Jnmos, Charles H., and families, 362. Johnr.tone, 616. Dr. Adam, notice of, 370. Joues, 200, 451, 452, 475. Thomas, notice of, 141. Elnathan, William I)., William, and families, 352. Judges, 306, 307. Justices of the peace, list of, 302. K. Keefe, 868, 629. Edward, and fami ly, 362. Keith, 403. Ansel, Amos, Williams, and families, 352. . Kelly, 303, 359, 362. Zeno, 352. Kenan, 846. Kent, 206. Kimball, Rispath, and family, 353. King, 166, 171, 346 360, 368, 472, ,(--\ 616, 625. Capt. Dauphin, notice of, 493. Rhoda, and family, 353. Kingsley, 1. Kirkpatrick, 348. Knap, Knapp, 168-173, 206, 416, 625. Rev. William H., notice of, 507. Nancy, Sumner, and families, 363. Know-Nothings, original, of Norton, 100. Knowles, 416, 625. William, and family, 353. L. Lakeman, 193. Land, for public use, set apart, 376- 378. Lane, 165-169, 279, 344, 351, 405, 416, 417, 615, 626, 628. John, notice of, 84. Daniel, chosen deacon, and notice of, 218. Daniel, Cal vin, George, William, Gardner, Allen, Allen D., Samuel H., Au gustus, David C, Don F., Charles D., Oliver H., and families, 353. Mary H., 353. Larcher, 626. Lathrop, 345, 351. Elijah, chosen pastor, and notice of, 139. Lawrence, 167, 515. Laze]], 615. Leach, 257, 270. Leddy, Barney, Peter, and families, 354. Leo, 157, 347, 533. Alvin D., and family, 354. Leedham, John, and iamily, 354. Leland, 38. Leopard killed, 45. Leonard, 3, 124, 164-169, 190, 211, 278, 302, 303, 307, 363, 355, 391, 451, 616, 616 52.6, 530, 532, 636. Thomas and James, deed of land to, 12. Thomas gives land to first minister, 60. Major George, set tlement by, and forge of, 13; no tice of, 85 ; house, picture of, 86 ; autograph of, 87. Mrs. Anna, and son, difficulty between, and asses sors, 93, 94. Hon. Cromwell, no tice of, 304. Col. George, notice of, 304. Col. Ephraim, notice of, 306 ; will of, 481. Rev. Nathaniel, no tice of, 477. Judge George, notice of, 478. Rev. Dr. Abiel, notice of, 478. Hon. Daniel, notice of, 481. Dr. Thomas, notice of, 482. Oli ver, Esq., notice of, 488. Crom well, Luen C, Hathaway, Otis R., and families, 353. Gilford, Gil bert B., Ezekiel, George R., Re becca, George E., James, and families, 864. Leprilete, Dr. Lewis, notice of, 372. Leroy, 353. Lewis, 344. Libraries, 464, 474, 476, 535. Licenses to sell spirituous liquors, 614. Linard, 360. Lincoln, 8, 168, 169, 278, 279, 303 348, 365, 362, 416, 461, 463, 616., XX GENERAL INDEX. 616, 626, 528, 529. Annes A., Seneca, Laban, Calvin, Silas W., and families, 354. Sumner W., Calvin C, Eddy, Aaron, jun., Elijah, Elijah D., Simeon, jun., James, Samuel R., Harrison T., Benjamin, John, Orin F., and families, 355. Lippitt, 206. Little, 439. Longevity, 526. Loring, 365. Lothrop, 472, 526. Solomon, Melvin 0., and families, 354. Luther, 1. Lyle, 350. Lynch, 354. Lyon, 88. M. Macomber, 3, 463, 528. Zaccheus, and family, 366. Macy, 1, 3. Magro, 360. Magrovren, 355. Mahusen, 361. Makepeace, 165-171, 303, 383, 416, 472, 615, 526, 629. Lysander, chosen deacon, 218; communi cation of, 468; notice of, 474. George W., notice of, 499. Ly sander, Lysander O., Don P., Jason T. L., Deborah, Alanson, and families, 356. David W., and family, 366. Maloy, John, and family, 357. Mann, 265. Mansfield, district of, &c, incorpo rated, 442. Map of town, 636. Marley, 348, 630. Martin, 626. Matches, friction, manufacture of, 339. Mathewson, John, and family, 356. McCaffrey, 629. Thomas, and fami ly, 366. McClarence, Archibald, and family, 356. McCormack, 631. McDonald, 355. James and family, 356. McDowney, John, and family, 366. McGinley, John, and family, 866. McGreath, 347. McNamara, Michael, Dennis, and families, 366. McNames, 348. McMaban, Thomas, and family, 866. Mecannah, 353. Meeting-house, Congregational, first, located by committee, 32, 220; tax-bill for erection of, 221 ; when erected, 222; seating of, 223, 224; sweeping and looking of, 226 ; re pairs on, 226; second gallery to, 226; new, project and vote to buildj 227; votes relative to building, 228; receipts to get timber for, 229 ; old, vote to sell, 231; new, pews and seats in, 232; pews reserved for the minister and Mr. Avery, 232, 233; dedi cation of, 233; cost of, 234; ground-plan of, 235; balcony to, 236; pew-ground sold in, 233, 236; vote to build a belfrey to, 238; bell for, purchased, 239; cost of, 240 ; yoke for, 241 ; meet ing-house, warming of, 241, 242; sold for town-house, 243; new, vote to build, 243; land and tim ber given for, and when built, 243 ; dedication of, sale of pews in, and fence around, 244. Meeting-house, spot staked out for, 437. Trinitarian, dedication of, 472. Wesleyan-Methodist, dedi cation of, 476. Meetings, town, where held, 279; first warrant for, 279; annual, when held, 280. Mellen, Rev. John, extract from ser mon of, 148. Merry, 387. Messinger, 302. James 0., Austin, and families, 856. Metcalf, 347. Methodism, first preaching of, in Norton, 644. Methodist, Wesleyan, society, 475; first, camp-meeting, 644. Military, first company, and officers of, 414. Military officers, 416-417, 305, 806, 478, 87 ; parades, 421. Miller, 851, 464. Rev. Henry F. H., 464. Elbtidge G., and family, 356. Mills, grist, 325, 326, 328, 330, 232, 833, 836; saw, 326, 326, 328, 329, 330, 831, 832, 834, 836; nail, 328; shingle, 828, 329, 331, 833; bat ting, 328, 331, 833; slitting, 328, 836, 386; fulling. 331, 333, 336; carding, 831 ; cutting, 334, 336, 336. Minister, Congregational, land given to, 68; names of donors of, 59, 60; choice of. 61, 143, 173, 194, 197, 204, 206. GENERAL INDEX. XXI Ministerial land, 246; divided be tween Norton and Easton, 246; moiety of, divided between the two precincts, 246; for support of Congregational ministers, 247; authority given to sell, 248; sold, 249; fund created from sale of, 249. Mingo, 510. Moderators, list of, 281-286. Moody, 360. Moon-struck, persons, 633. Morau, 354. Morey, 170, 171, 257, 302, 345, 415, 417, 615, 626, 627. Dr. Samuel, notice of, 372, 486. Nathan, no tice of, 483. Rev. George, notice of, 4C6. Morse, Sll. Willard, and family, 356. Morton, Edmund, aud family, 357. Mountegue, 4. Muurue, 616, 626. JoIiik L., and familv, 366. Mun'.t, William H., and family, 867. X order, suspicions of, &o., 637. Mum-, tit. Catherine, and family, 866. N. Xaton, 861. Natural curiosities, 43. Neck, Lockety, 41. Negroes' pew 234, 236, 238. Nelson, Rev. William, called to set tle, and ordination of, 458. Rev. Ebenezer, ordination of, 468. Nowcomb, 166-170, 303, 361, 416, 417, 615, 616, 626, 627, 630. Hon. Daniel, notice of, 482. Sylvester, Asa, Cliarlotte S., Josiah, Natha- uiel, John B., and families, 357. Newland, 166-170, 626. Benjamin, and John, notices of, 87. New lights, 128, 129, 443. Newman, 510. Nichols, 344. Niles, 461, 462. Norton, territory of, 5; first settle ment of, 6; why so named, 34; incorporation of, 35; bounds of, 85-87 ; present bounds, area, lati tude and longitude of, distance from Boston, &c., 37; villages of, 87, 38 ; geological formation of, 42 ; divided into eight school quarters, 263; population of, 344; commit tee of, send letter to Boston, 393; freeholders of, vote to support Congress in a declaration of inde pendence, 398 ; first military com pany in, 414. South Precinct of, movement to divide, 136; em powered to sell ministerial land, 248; sell ministerial land, 249; school quarters, division of, into, 261. Noyes, 147. 0. O'Brien, 355. Andrew, and family, 357. Officers, town, 281-301; military, 415-417. Olney, 344. Ordination of Rev. Mr. Avery, 70. Rev. Mr. Palmer, 147; dinner, cost of, 150. Rev. Pitt Clarke, 175, 189. Rev. A. M. Bridge, 195. Rev. W. P. Tilden, 198. Rev. Wil liam Carpenter, 449, 453. Rev. William Nelson, 458. Rev. Ebene zer Nelson, 468. Rev.H.C. Coombs, 463. Rev. S. J. Carr, 464. Rev. J. G. Bowen, 464. Rev. Wm. Read, 467. Rev. J. J. Bronson, 464. Rev. Wm. Barrows, 473. Rev. Frank lin Holmes, 474. Organ, how bought, 213. Orthodox, meaning of the word, 69. Osgood, 206. Pain, 167. Palmer, 169, 171, 417, 515. Rev. Jo seph, chosen minister, 143; his letter and autograph, 144; note nccepting the call, 145 ; ordina tion of, 147; leaders of factions go to, 151; liberal in his religious views, 151 ; petition to, for church- meeting, 152; character of,. 166; trials of, 156, 157 ; anecdote of, in pulpit, 168 ; dignified demeanor, 168, 169 ; bought land, and notice of, 159 ; marriage, and children of, 160; last illness of, 161; death, and cause of, 162; anecdote of, 163. Mrs. Palmer, last illness of, 163 ; death of, 164. Rev. Stephen. notice of, 489. Clara E., and family, 357. Panny, 167. Parish, Congregational, incorporation of, 260; trustees of, chosen, 261; additional Act of Incorporation, and amendment to, 254; Sunday school of, 642. Parker, 1, 3, 303, 357, 474, 616. Dr. Daniel, notice of, 370. xxu GENERAL INDEX. Patten, 169, 472. John, and family, 357. Paule, 3. Paull, 1. Paupers, first, 363; overseers of, 364; division of, between Norton and Mansfield, 364; vendue of, 365; house for, 365; farm for, bought, 366; well provided for, 367. Pearson, 169, 170. Deacon Benja min, notice of, 217. Peck, 362. Penno, 530. ( Perago, 357. Pero, 168, 510. Perry, 170, 303, 416, 416, 472, 626. Rev. G. B., notice of, 492. Dr. William, notice of, 494. Dr. Na than, notice of, 504. Ichabod, Lemuel, H. C, and families, 357. Phenomena, singular, 633. Phillips, 1, 3, 171, 452. Rev. Samuel, attempt to settle, 57; notice of, 58. Physicians, 367. Pidge, 353. Pike, 451. Pitts, 3, 362. Plain, Timothy, situation of, 41. Pledge, total-abstinence, adopted, 616 ; number of names attached, to, 517. Ploughs, manufacture of, 339. Plunket, Patrick, and family, 357. Poick, 453. Pollard, 167. Pomeroy, 167. Pond, 347, 616. Horace A., and family, 357. Pond, Winneconnet, situation of, and meaning of word, 38. Pool, 1. Population, 344, 362. Post-office and postmasters, 638. Potash, 326, 334. Pound, 622. Powder, stock of, and ammunition, 419, 420 ; house, and where built, 421. Prat, 166. Pratt, 165, 347, 615. Jabez, notice and autograph of, 88. William, notice of, 88. Dr. Jonathan, no tice of, 369. Augustus L., and family, 357. Precinct, Taunton North, petition for, 16, 19 ; remonstrances against, 27, 29, 30; General Court appoints a committee relative to, 28 ; reasons why petitions for, should be granted, 81 ; report of committee relative to, 32 ; action of General Court upon, 33 ; created a town, 34; petition of, 645, 646. Precinct, North, of Norton, division of, into school quarters, 261, 262 ; movements to form, 436-437 ; vote to set off, 437; protests against setting off, 438; prayer for, granted, and bounds of, 438; or ganization of, 439; erect a meet ing-house, 439; call several mini sters, 439, 440; Rev. Ebenezer White, ordained minister of, 440; church formed in, 440 ; choose Rev. Roland Greene minister, and ordination of, 441 ; erected into a district, 442. Precinct, East, of Norton, created, 434; erected into a town, 435. Prentice, 129. Priest, Rev. Zadok, 644. Probate, judges, and register of, 307. Produce, &c, prices of, 322-324. Puffer, 351, 417, 526. Pullen, 358. Quashee, 610. Quinley, 847. Quock, orchard, and death of, 56. Railroad, 639. Rainford, 351. Randall, 1, 351. Dr. George H, no tice of, 375. Raymond, 278, 302, 417, 615, 527. Read, 279. Rev. William, ordination of, 464. Records, loss of, 280. Redding, Lewis, and family, 368. Reed, 270. Stephen D., Irena, Lydia, and families, 367. Rehoboth, purchase of, 2. Representatives to General Court, 281-286; instruction to, 391, 427 in Congress, 307, 308. Rew, 8. Richardson, 168, 193, 361, 416. Richmond, 1, 3, 634. Benjamin Benjamin H., and families, 357 Ward, David H., and families, 858. Riley, 348, 359. Edward, and family 357. Catherine, and family, 368, River, Rumford, 38; Wading and Canoe, 39. Robbins, 451. Roberts, Joseph, chosen pastor, aud note of, 137; notice of, 138. GENERAL INDEX. XX111 Robinson, 3, 200. Rue], Mary A. Edward 0., and families, 358. Ituckwuod, 279, 303. Thomas T. and family, 368. Rogers, Charles, and family, 358. Rogerson, John R., and family, 358. Root, Clarinda, and family, 368. Ro»s, 357. Rossiter, 1. Rouuch, 348. Ruuud, 279. Dr. Benjamin M., no tice of, 374; family of, 358. Rue, 165. Scudding, 1. Schu.il, imulcr, choico of, 255, 250, lis, M'J; mistress, first, 257; quarters, ur districts, division of N'-'th and South 1'rccincU, into, J4I ; division of town into 203, J*4; liu.itt., 204; committee, towns required to choose, 276; cfcoseo, J, 6; first report of, 277; report of, printed, 278; school committee, list of 278; houses, vote to build, and rocousidored, ***! struggles and failures rela tive to, 167 ; when built in differ- eot district*, 268-273: house dedi cated in District No. 4, 270; school-money, division of, 273- T76; Sunday, of Congregational 1 sxtsh, 662. Schools, common, 266-279; where kept, 256, 268, 259; to be moving. Schoolcraft, 88. Selectmen, list of, 287-292. Seminary, Wheaton Female, 640- trustees of, 610, 641; principals' of, 641. Senators, 803, 304. Settlement, first, 6. Settlers, the first, attend meeting at Taunton, 14; meeting of, to esta blish public worship, 16; petition or, for a precinct, 16; committee of, ask for a precinct, 18; petition of, to Governor and General Court 19; committee of, make a state ment to General Court, 22; dis tances they lived from Taunton 22,23; a portion of, remonstrate against a precinct, 27; notices of, Shnckleford, 610. Shakers, 633. Shaw, 171, 616, 626. John, and family, 358. Sharky, 355. Shelley, Libbeus, and family, 358. Shepard, 303, 416, 417, 472, 630. Isaac, notice of, 88. Rev. Mase notice of, 487. Rev. Dr. Thomas' notice of, 495. Jacob, and family 358. Shepardson, 345. Shepherd, 165, 167. Sheridan, John, and family, 358. Sheriffs, deputy, 302. Shoes, manufacture of, 339. Shove, 3. Sibley, 136, 140, 142. Skinner, 166, 167, 255, 352, 515. 1 homas, notice of, 88 ; autograph of, 89. John, notice and auto graph of, 89. John, suspended Irom church, 95 ; committee called to consider his case, 95 ; confes sion of, 100. Albert, Josephus, and families, 358. Silley, 167. Sinclair, Amos S., and family, 358. Slade, 354. Slavery, 608; not congenial to Mas sachusetts, and movement against 611; vote of church relative to,' Slaves, number of, in 1735, 509- owners of, and bills of sale of' 509. ' Slocum, 1. Smith, 1, 3, 168-171, 302, 303, 344- 5 «7' 4,51. "5, 616, 526, 527, 630. Nicholas, notice of, 89. John notice of, 90. Deacon Seth, notice ot, 217; autograph of, 218. Still- man, chosen deacon, and notice or, 219. Seth, jun., notice of, 303. Dr. Timothy, notice of, 371. Rev Jonathan, notice of, 602. Dr Ira notice of 504. Timothy, Noah,' Charles H., James, 2d, Matthew and families, 358. Patrick, James James, jun., Seth, Stillman, Still- man L. B., Henry, Peter, George W., Lucinda, Nathan, and fami lies, 359. Snow, 206, 279, 346, 463. Rev. S P 475. Joseph, and family, 359. ' Soap, manufacture of, 339. Society, temperance, formed, 514- presidents of, 518. Soulard, 451, 452. Southworth, 3. Spinning, weaving, &c, 337 P3a6g9Ue' CharleS' JUn'' and famil>'- Squirrels' heads, money raised for, 47. XXIV GENERAL INDEX. Standish, 1. Stanley, 475, 626, 529. Phebe, Ben jamin D., and families, 369. Statistics, table of, 340; of industry, 841-343; of births, marriages, deaths, &c, 537. Stedman, Patrick, and family, 359. Stephens, 165. Thomas, notice and autograph of, 90. Benjamin M., and family, 859. Stevens, 206. Stockbridge, 361. Stocks, 618. Stoddard, 360. Stone, 165, 166, 349, 353, 415, 417, 615, 626. Rev. Nathaniel, notice of, 504. Larnard, and family, 359. Story, 451, 626, 631.. George W., Thomas, and families, 869. Straw, manufacture of, &c., 837. Street, 1. Strong, 1. Sturtevant, 516. Subscribers, list of, 549. Sumner, 259, 526. Seth, and family, 359. Swamp, Cedar, and Invincible, 42. Sweet, 278, 361, 616 526, 628, 629. Dr. R. F., notice of, 378, 497. Rev. J. D., notice of, 497. William, and family, 369. Cyril S., Betsy S., Alanson, Benjamin R., George M., Hezekiah, Eliza, Benjamin, Joseph D., James M., and fami lies, 360. Oliver, 360. Sweeting, 615. Dr. Lewis, notice of, 368. Sweetland, Rufus, Edwin, and fami lies, 359. T. Taber, 348. Tanneries, 338. Taunton, proprietors, and bounds of, 1. North Purchase, proprietors of, 8; bounds of, 3, 6; line of, 5, 6. South Purchase of, ask for a precinct, 21; selectmen of, make answer to General Court, 21; choose a committee to oppose the petitions for precincts, 23; com mittee, remonstrance of, 24. Taxes, 312-316. Taylor, 345. Temperance movement, 513; society, formation of, 614; celebration, 617; Sons of, 518. Tenney, 200. Tenny, 847. Thayer, 348, 463, 475. Thayre, 3. Thrasher, 3. Tiffany, 130, 167. Dr. Gideon, notice of, 869. Dr. Oliver, notice of, 487. Hon. George, notice of, 488. Tilden, 278. Rev. William P., chosen pastor, and letter of acceptance, 197; ordination of, 198; dismission of, 199 ; notice and marriage of, 200; reinvited to settle, but de clines, 204. Timmings, 361. Tinkham, Ebenezer, and family, 360. Tisdale, 3, 355, 416, 515. Tithing-men, 296, 297; list of, 298- 301. Titus, 302, 346, 415, 626. Oliver S., and family, 860. Tiump, 268. Todd, 355: Tories, 401. Town, officers, list of, 281-301 ; clerks, list of, 281-286; treasurers, list of, 281-286 ; warnings out of, 363, 364 ; house, 542. Townsend, 128, 345. Training-field, 879. Trees, names of, 43. Tripp, 616. Thompson, and family, 860. Trow, 169, 170, 515 626. Tucker, 168-170, 278, 279, 346, 415, 461, 472, 476, 516, 616, 626. Ro bert, notice of, 90. Almond, chosen deacon, and notice of, 219. Polly, Allen B., Almond, Albert S., George W., and fami lies, 360. Turner, 3. Twitchel, 210. Uxley, 1. U. V. Vallett, 363. Verry, 170, 302, 626, 630. Vesey, Veazie, 167, 259, 260. Rev. Samuel, notice of, 417. Vigilantibus, the standard, 388. Vining, 170. W. Waite, 206. Wales 166. Walker, 3, 360, 416, 516, 616. Wallace, 844. Walsh, 354. GENERAL INDEX. XXV W ar, old French, 384 ; names of men who served in, 385. French and Indian, 386; names of men who served in, 386-390. Revolution ary, 390; names of men who served in, 396-411; committees of correspondence during, 394 398, 400, 405, 407, 412; demoral izing influence of, 413. Of 1812, 417; names of men who served in, 418. Wardens, 297, 298; list of, in italics, 299, 300. Ware, 100, 107, 516. Dr. William, ^ uoiice ul', 308. Warning, out of town, 303. Wa..hl,urn, low, 615, 620. James S., a:.-l nunllv, 3'JO. ^ »!>¦ n, 3, Ji!, ,',34. W»», CruMinaii'!, 42. Wsiau-.!, li«. Weil, til, Iij, 472. William A., and i family, J60. Hiram, und family, I ¦SI. WMfcmU. 164-170, 278, 802, 844 »«J. 414, 516, 616, 627, 630. Wil liam, flrrt settlement bv, 6; a cabin boy, 7; enrolled for mili tary duty, 8; admitted a freeman, »! notice of, 8-11; autograph of, 111 whoro buried, 882. William notice of, 90; autograph of, 91.' W illlain, jun., notice of, 91. Je remiah and John, notices and au tographs of 91. John, jun., notice < »i. William, William, jun.. Hiram II., Caleb S., Benjamin C. Sullraan a., William D., and fa milies, 361. Wheaton, 169, 278, 302, 307, 616, 526. Dr. George, notice of, 369. Rev George, notice of, 482. Hon. La- ban, notice of, 483. Daniel, Esq. notice of, 490. Hon. L. M., notice of, 496. Female Seminary, 540. „„I-abaii M., and family, 361. "T'u/,417- 626- EIkanah, William li., w heaton, and families, 361. Wheelwrights' shop, 329, 331, 332, White, 8, 166-167, 278, 361, 417 461 •63, 616, 616, 626, 628. Deacon Nicholas, autograph of, 92; notice of, 92, 214. Matthew and Edward notices of 92. Abraham, notice of, 803. Dr. Nicholas, notice of, 3?8»t Ebenezer, ordained minister of North Precinct, 440; death of, 441. Jacob, notice of. 480. E. P Esq., notice of, 496. Howe, Cyrus,' Jason George jun., George A., John H, Earl C., Isaac, ancl fami lies, 361. Whipping-post, 619. Whitman, 193, 206. Wilbor, 3. Wilbur, 344, 354. Oren, Oren, jun., 362 K'' BenJnmin' and families, : Wife, runaway, 531. Wild, 100, 170, 353, 626. Dr. John jun., notice of, 368. Georo-e W and family, 362. Wild-cats, 44, 45. Williams, 1, 3, 165-170, 278, 279, 302, 351, 363, 526. Deacon Benjamin' notice of 92; autograph of, 93. Lyman D., Greenleaf, Betsy, and families, 861. "" Willis, 168, 169. Rev. Eliakim, cho sen pastor, 134; protest against choice of, 135; note of, declinins to settle 135 ; notice of, 136. Cal vin, and family, 361. Iohabod, Loren, and families, 362. Wilmarth, Dr. Butler, notice of 605. ' Wilson, 1. Wiuchel, 168. Winslow, 3. Wiswall, 169, 526. Witchcraft, 632. Whitney, 206. Wolves, 44. Wood, 11, 334, 339. Elkanah, El- kanah, jun., Eli, and families, Woodbury, 347. Woods, Neck, 41; Great, 42. Woodward, 166-171, 461, 516 526 628,530. Isaac, Bradford IN.', Arm M., David, Joseph, Josiah, jun., and families, 362. ' J ' Wrigley, James L., and family, 362. HISTORY OF NORTON, MASS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. " IWn wild in woods the noblo savage ran." — Dryden. About Ihe year 1687, Henry Uxley, Richard Williams, Joseph Wilson, Benjamin Wilson, William Coy, George Hall, David Corwithy, Mr. William Pool, George Macy, William Harvey, Hezekiah Hoar, Walter Dean, John Dean, John Strong, Henry Andrews, Thomas Cooke, John Smith, Mr. Thomas Parwell, Edward Case, John Kingsley, Richard Paull, Richard Smith, Mr. John Gilbert, William Phillips, William Hail stone, William Parker, John Parker, John Richmond, William Holloway, the Widow Randall, Francis Doty, William Dunn, William Scadding, John Bryant, An thony Slocum, John Gengille, Francis Street, Hugh Rossiter, John Gilbert, Thomas Gilbert, Robert Hobell, Richard Burt, John Crossman, John Luther, John Drako, and Mr. John Brown,1 purchased of the Ply mouth Colony a tract of land, at a place called Cohannett, which soon after took the name of Taunton. By order of the court, the bounds around this first purchase (sometimes called the Tetiquet Purchase, to distinguish it from subsequent purchases) were made on the 19th of June, 1640, by Miles Standish 1 Baylies's Memoir of Plymouth Colony, part i. p. 286. 1 & INTRODUCTION. and John Browne. This tract of land was laid out in " a long square," l measuring eight miles on a side. It was doubtless in the form of a diamond, or rhombus, the northerly angle of which extended to within about two miles of the line between the Plymouth and Mas sachusetts Colonies, now the line between Bristol and Plymouth Counties, and is known to this day as " Cobbler's Corner." 2 It included within its limits ' portions of the present towns of Mansfield, Norton, Raynham, Berkley, and Taunton. In 1641, the township of Rehoboth, westerly of Taunton, was purchased by Walter Palmer and others. In 1649, Bridgewater, easterly of Taunton, and ex tending northerly to the line between the two Colonies, was bought by Miles Standish and others. In 1666, the territory north of Rehoboth (now Attle- borough), and extending to the line between the two Colonies, was sold to the town of Rehoboth, and was called Rehoboth North Purchase. There was then between Attleborough and Bridgewater, and between Taunton and the line of the two Colonies, an irregular- shaped tract of land, about twelve miles long on the northerly side, seven and a half miles wide on the west erly end, and a little less than that on the easterly end. Into this the northerly angle of Taunton projected some five miles. This as yet nameless tract of land contained an area of about fifty square miles. After additions had been made to the original pur chases of Rehoboth and Bridgewater, Taunton people, no doubt, thought it proper that their town should be enlarged. Accordingly, a company was formed, and this irregular-shaped piece of land on the north was purchased the sixth day of June,3 1668, of Thomas 1 For hounds, see Plymouth-Colony Records, vol. ii. pp. 99, 100. 2 It is said to have- been so called from the fact, that in making the bounds, when Miles Standish and his men came to this corner, one of them mended or " cobbled" his shoes. 3 See Records of Deeds in Plymouth County, vol. iii. p. 118; also North-Purchase Records, p. 1. INTRODUCTION. 3 Prcncc, Josias Winslow, Thomas Southworth, and Constant Southworth ("the country's agents"), by Richard W illiams, Walter Dean, George Macey, James Walker Joseph Wilbor, William Harvey, Thomas Leonard John Turner, Henry Andrews, John Cob, George Hall, John Hall, Samuell Hall, James Leonard sen., .Nathanicll Williams, Thomas Williams, Nicholas White sen. Nicholas White, jun., Hezekiah Hore, All.cc Dean, Israeli Dean, Robert Crossman, Shadrack \\ ilbor 1 homas Caswell, John Macomber, John Smith, Wward Row, John Parker, Samuell Paule, Thomas l.incoln, m.;,,., Thomas Harvey, sen., Nathaniell Thayre, lhoi,,a> Lncoln, jun., Peter Pits, Jonah Austin, sen, John R.ch.nund, Samuell Williams, Christopher Thrash er, Mr*. Juno G.lburt, George Watson, Samuell Smith, J»nic» Kurt, Richard Burt, John Tisdcll, sen., John TimJcII, juu., James Phillips, Edward Bobbot, John lathway Jonathan Brigs, Increase Robinson, John Hnnnl, 1 homas Harvey, jun. ; and was called « Taun ton North Purchase." " March 8, 1681-2. _ By order of ye Court, Mr. George Shove his name was afixed to the sd. deed as a proprietor." 1 . J!'.° b°Ul!'?)S °f -this Purcliase> ^ given in the deed, aro these: « Begimng on the north-west, att the bounds or the lands formerly sold by us unto the Town of Re hoboth, and to be bounded on the northerly syde by U.e Massachusetts line untill it cometh to beare with U,e Western bounds of the Town of Bridgewater; and soe from the said Massachusetts line by a south line iTli °, n? U;idS °f Taimt0n' and the*ce by a West er!) line untill it meets with the bounds of Rehoboth aforesaid ; and so to follow the said bounds of Rehoboth untill it comes unto the bounds first mentioned upon the Massachusetts line; all the lands within this com* pas, excepting onely a small parcel granted unto John undey, and alsoe a grant made unto Thomas Briggs, the son of Clement Briggs, together with the meddow ' N orth-Purchase Records, p. l. 4 INTRODUCTION. woods, waters, and other benefitts, privileges, emolu ments, proffitts, and emunities thereto appertaining and belonging." ' The price paid for this tract of land was " the full sume of one hundred pounds." The northerly line of this territory, bordering upon the ancient limits of Dorchester, was the scene of many vexatious disputes. Both the Plymouth and Massachusetts Colonies laid claim to a gore of land, extending from Accord Pond (on the borders of Hingham, Abington, and Scituate), some twenty-five miles, to Rhode-Island line, and con taining more than " fourteen thousand acres," as it appears from a plan of this disputed territory which I have found, and which bears evident marks of age. This line was not definitely settled till 1773.2 Dec. 3, 1717, the North-Purchase proprietors raised a com mittee " to see into that matter concerning the runing 1 The land of John Bundy was in what is now Easton, and is supposed to have been granted to him by the government, in consequence of his being one of the first children born in the Colony. It is very probable that he was the first settler within the limits of that town. Of him not much is known. He is supposed to be the same person who, on the 14th of March, 1635, was apprenticed to " Griffin Mountegue, carpenter, in New England," for eight years ; and who, after the lapse of two years, agreed to serve out the residue of his time with Elder William Brewster.* While with Mr. Brewster, he was " found guilty of lude behavior and vnciuill carriage towards Elizabeth Haybell," and was "seuerly whined" for so doing, t In 1638, Bundy was transferred from the service of Elder Brewster to his son Jonathan, for the remaining time of five years. In 1646, he was one of a squad of soldiers sent from Plymouth against the Narragansett Indians, &c.{ His first wife's name was Martha . She died May 1, 1674. By her he had four, and perhaps more, children: viz., James, b. 29th of September, 1664; Sarah, b. 4th March, 1668; Samuel, b. 4th October, 1670; and Patience, who died 27th March, 1665. He m., for second wife, Ruth Gurney ( ? ), of Mendon, Jan. 9, 1676; and by her had John, b. 6th Ootober, 1677; Joseph, b. 1st January, 1679 ; and Edward, b. 13th August, 1681. This is all that is known of him ; except, it is stated in Baylies's Memoir, part ii. p. 274, that he " removed to Point Judith, Narragansett." Of Thomas Briggs, we know but little aside from his parentage. His land, consisting of a hundred and fifty acres, and twenty acres of meadow, was granted to him in 1659, "in the way to Deadum from Taunton, betwixt a pond and the mill-riuver which comes to Taunton betwixt Taunton and Massapauge Pond." § This was probably in the north-easterly part of Mansfield, or the north-westerly part of Easton. 2 For more particulars relative to the line between the Colonies, see Hobart's Sketch of Abington, p. 95, &c. * Plymouth-Colony Records, vol. i. p. 51. X Plymou.th-Colony Records, vol. 11. p. 90. t Ibid. vol. 1. p. 65. S Ibid. vol. iii. p. 164. J?c *r' N . W5- 5*i Sw> \ /\* V ^ Wiuneconne ^v * ¦sis' \ \ \ \ 1 R T 0 N. J \\ -A ^^'L \v ^ )^° i *\ f \ \ •* "A W \ . *S 1 JJ ^r^ \ \ ^""^V**-^ \ —¦"-«^\ * A7£ L ta So*-V_ /o Vs -^— 'S ti ran R OUCH. .^ AP TAUNTON NORTH PURCHASE AND THE TOWNS OF NORTON, EASTON AND MANSFIELD. ¦:< EXPLANATIONS Tt/ii,n/iv of North. Purchase. Tiounds of Towns. I CoJiff.Tai'isTi Church of Norton . JJjBuffords lith Voston. Scale 2 'li miles toani INTRODUCTION. 5 of the line by Dorchester men, and how much there is taken out of any man's particular propriety;" and a' former committee were empowered " to make satisfac tion to those that are damnified by the running of the line by Dorchester men." 1 The Punkapoag Indians, who lived in the neighborhood of Blue Hill, also claimed a portion of the territory ; and hence, Feb. 24, 1686 or 7, the North-Purchase proprietors " voted to levy and raise sixteen pence in money on each share in said Purchase, to pay Josiah, the Indian sachem,2 for a deed they have procured of him." 3 The town of Norton, whose history we are to record in 'the following pages, as originally constituted, com prised the whole of the North Purchase, together with the northerly angle of the original or Tetiquet Pur chase of Taunton. On the opposite page we give a diminutive map of Taunton North Purchase, and the town of Norton as originally constituted, with its subdivisions, Easton and Mansfield. The dark, heavy lines show the boundaries of the North Purchase. It will be seen that Norton, as now bounded, comprises only a portion of the westerly end of the North Purchase, with a little triangular tract of land at the north-easterly corner of the town. Most of Mansfield is included in the North Purchase, and all of Easton. The two bounds of North Purchase that meet at C, near the centre of Mansfield, form Cobbler's Corner, which is west of Rumford River, and a short distance below the road leading from the four corners by M. Allen's, in Mansfield, to Isaac Skinner's. The angle within the lines meeting at C (Cobbler's Corner) is a portion of the old town, or the original purchase of Taunton. The North-Purchase line, running from A C which is a corner of Taunton, Rehoboth, and Norton, 1 North-Purchase Records, p. 48,. ¦ Mhis,^s P™bably Charles Josias. See chapter on Indians. 5 f\orth-Purchase Rocords, p. 10. 1* k. FIRST SETTLEMENTS. FIRST SETTLEMENTS. and known on the old records as Abel's Corner) to Cobbler's Corner, passes along directly in front of Allen D. Lane's house and the school-house in No. 4, across the upper end of Barrowsville Factory Pond, easterly of the common burying-ground, and within a few feet of the westerly end of Austin Messinger's old house. The line from Cobbler's Corner to the south eastern corner of Easton passes between Nathaniel Newcomb's house and factory. It will be seen by the map, that Easton is bounded on three sides by the North-Purchase bounds, Mansfield on two sides, and Norton wholly on only one side by the same. Other portions of the map will be explained m sub sequent chapters. CHAPTER II. THE FIRST SETTLEMENTS. " Across the flood the Pilgrims fled, And Heaven their trusting footsteps led, Till on these savage shores they trod, And won the wilderness for God." H. Waee, Jun. The first settlement within the present limits of Norton is believed to have been made by William Wetherell in 1669, on the easterly side of Winneconnet Pond, about twenty rods northerly from the bridge, over the outlet of this pond, which marks the bounds between the present towns of Taunton and Norton.1 l From his will, made just before his death in 1691, it appears that Mr. Wetherell's dwelling-house then stood " on the south side of the pond ; and it is possible that there was where his first habitation was pitched, though we think the weight of evidence is decidedly in favor of the east side of the pond. In 1690, he deeded to his son William a portion of his land on the easterly side of the pond, including what we supposed to have been the site of the first house; and it is presumed that this deed was given about the time he moved to the spot where he died. Possibly, during By an examination of the Proprietors' Records of the Old Town of Taunton (p. 50), I find that, on the 29th of April, 1669, William Wetherell sold several parcels of land situated on and near Mill River (which is the stream that runs out of Winneconnet Poiul) ; and included in this sale were "five accres, more or less, which was granted to him by the town for a liomc-lottc." And on the same day was laid out to him, in four lots, about sixty acres of land on the easterly and northerly side of the pond; and the bounds of iheM! lot-s can be pretty generally identified at the prvM'iit lime. Hence we think, in the absence of all Icalituony to ihe contrary, that in the spring of 1669, and on ihe east tide of the pond, only a few rods from tho meadow, was erected the first habitation in our town. Tradition-says that this William Wetherell — whose name will over be a household word to the people of Norton — came from England, in the capacity of a cabin-boy, with William Dunn, the master of the vessel, and ono of tlio original proprietors of Taunton, who is Mid to havo soon returned to England, leaving his cabin-boy in charge of his proprietary, with the under standing, that, if he (Dunn) did not return to claim it, tbo right should escheat to young Wetherell ; and such was tho result. Of the exact time Capt. Dunn arrived in America, we have no reliable account : 1 it might S« Philip'* war in 1075 and 6, Mr. Wetherell left his dwelling unoccu- p4«J, on account of its exposed situation, and placed his family in one of jtt) I creeled his house there. It is well known that Mr. Wetherell fimself nt engaged in Philip's war. From his will, it appears that another house Mood near whero he lived. Our oldest men remember that two houses ooce Hood on the south-westerly side of the pond ; and traces of both can be *t*a at the present day. Yet from tho fact, that, in 1685, he was licensed to keep a aort of public-house, we are strongly of the opinion that ho then lived on the east side of the pond, and left in 1690, when he deeded the ttocnettcad to his son William. 1 On the gravestone of James Wetherell, who died in 1837, it is stated lhal he was the " great-grandson of Mr. William Wetherell, the first of the name that came to America." This, we think, is an error. Rev. William 8 FIRST SETTLEMENTS. have been just before the settlement of Taunton, and he might have brought over in his vessel many of the first settlers of the town ; and, as most of these were from the vicinity of Taunton in England, it is possible that the birthplace of Wetherell was in that neighbor hood. All this is, however, mere conjecture. The first reliable evidence we have of William Wetherell being in Taunton is in 1643, when his name appears on a list of males, between the ages of sixteen and sixty, subject to military duty.1 He was one of the inhabitants of Taunton, who, on the 28th of December, 1659, had a division of land made in the proportion of two acres on each shilling of the rate paid by the indi vidual, two acres on each head in the family, and two acres to the lot. Mr. Wetherell' s rate was seven shil lings and tenpence ; and there were five heads in his family (supposed to be himself, wife, and three chil dren) ; and twenty-eight acres of land were assigned him. His wife's name was Dorothy . When they were married is uncertain : but it is supposed to have been about 1650 ; for, in 1672, William Wetherell, and William Wetherell, jun. (supposed to be his son), were among the proprietors of the South Purchase of Taunton, including what is now Dighton and a por tion of Berkley. He was admitted a freeman at the Plymouth Court in June, 1658.2 June 6, 1664, William Wetherell and three others, of Taunton, were fined " twenty shil- Wetherell, of Duxbury, and afterwards the minister of Scituate, arrived in America in 1634.* There was also a John Wetherell at Cambridge in 1635, who was afterwards a proprietor of Watertownif he was, probably, the brother of Rev. William Wetherell. What connection, if any, our William Wetherell was to Rev. William, of Scituate, we know not: he might have been a nephew. The orthography of the name is various : the first settler here wrote it Wetherel, his son William wrote it Wetherell, and his son Jeremiah had it Wetherel. On old records it is spelled Witherel, Witherell, Wetherel, Wetherell, Wethrell, Witherly, Wetherly, &c. The name is now generally spelled Wetherell ; and we shall so write it. 1 Baylies's Memoir, part ii. p. 267. 2 Plymouth-Colony Records, vol. iii. p. 137. * Winsor's History of Duxbury. See also Dean's History of Scituate. t See Farmer's Register of First Settlers in New England. FIRST SETTLEMENTS. 9 lings for an abuse done to a sawmill att Taunton, belonging to James Walker and others, by coming in the night and breaking downe some parte of the said mill, and for takeing away sevuerall thinges from the same." x It is presumed that this difficulty grew out of the fact, that the dam to this mill was so built as to prevent " the alewiues from goeing vp" the river, and hence was not legally built ; for, on the same day that Wetherell and others were fined, the owners of the mill were required, before " the next season of the fishes goeing vp," to make " a free, full, and sufficient pas sage for the said lish."2 Ju.-l before the commencement of Philip's war in 167.'), u list of the proprietors of Taunton was made; and on this list is tho name of William Wetherell, who owned " on his own rights and that which was Mr. Diiiiirg."* His namo appears several times on the Grand Inquest between 1650 and 1690. He was a con- Mablo in Taunton for the years 1662 and 1676. In 1671 and 1685, lie was a " deputy," or representative, from Taunton to the Plymouth-Colony Court. He was also a deputy at a special court held on the last day of October and first of November, 1676. In 1685, he was ono of tho selectmen. In 1671, he was one of a commit tee " appointed in each town to see to the gathering-in .of tho Minister's Maintainance," &c.4 In 1679-80 he was one of the court's committee " to bound the med- dowes on Assonett Necke." 5 June 2, 1685, he was licensed " to retaile cider, beeir, and strong liquors " 6 It is presumed, as he lived at this time on the road leading from Taunton to Boston, and known then and now as the " Bay Road," that he kept a sort of " ordi nary, or victualling-house, for travellers ; and hence he no doubt kept the first public-house within the limits ¦J Plymouth-Colony Records, vol. iv. p. 66 2 Ibid. vol. iv. p. 66. 8 Baylies's Memoir, part ii. p. 278. * Plymouth-Colonv Records, vol. v. p. 68 6 Ibid. vol. vi. p. 31. 6 Ibid. vol. vi. p. 170. 10 FIRST SETTLEMENTS. of Norton. May 25, 1680, he was appointed one of a committee of the town " to revise the town-orders, records of land," &C.1 Thus it will be seen that he was a man of some con sequence, and possessed a good reputation among the early settlers of Taunton. From an old deed now in possession of our townsman (descendant of the first settler), William D. Wetherell, given by John Wetherell, son of William, to his son Jonathan, it appears that William Wetherell was an " Eldest Ser geant in Capt. Gorrom's (Gorham's) Company in the great Narragansett-Swamp fitt," which took place Dec. 19 (?), 1675, in the present town of South Kingston, R.I. ; and that a grant of land was made by the court to the soldiers who were wounded in that ever-memo rable battle. From the Plymouth-Colony Records, vol. vi. p. 119, it appears that " Sergt. Witherly " and " other Taunton men " came wounded to the house of Peleg Sanford, Dec. 24, 1675 ; and that he remained till Oct. 17, 1676. His wound must, therefore, have been of a pretty severe character, to have confined him almost a year before he was able to return home. It was in consequence of his wounds received in the bat tle of Narragansett Swamp, we presume, that the court granted Mr. Wetherell ten pounds in 1685, and five pounds in 1686.2 From all the facts that we can gather relating to Mr. Wetherell, he seems to have been a man blessed with a good share of worldly goods ; holding two rights in the original purchase of Taunton (his own and Mr. Dunn's), one right in the South Purchase of Taunton, and, at the time of his death, half a right in the North Purchase. In the year 1690, he deeded most of his property to his children and grandchildren ; and in his will, dated Aug. 15, 1691, and probated Nov. 18 of same year, he makes some little legacies to his children, and confirms the deeds he had previously i Baylies's Memoir, part iv. p. 76. 2 Plymouth- Colony Records, vol. vi. pp. 189 and 201. FIRST SETTLEMENTS. 11 given of his lands. He mentions in his will his sons William, John, and Ephraim (who was dead at the date of the will), and his daughter Dorothy Wood, who was the wife of William Wood (her second hus band), to whom she was married April 1, 1686. Her first husband was Elias Irish ; and they were married Aug. 26, 1674. He lived'only about three years ; for, in October, 1677, William Wetherell was appointed administrator of his estate.1 Of the sons William and John we shall say something in connection with the early settlers. These few meagre items are all we have been aide to gather relative to the first settler; but they are full uf interest, and furnish abundant food for the imaginative mind. Wo hero give the only autograph known to be in existence of tho first settler, written in 1690, the year before ho died. Iii the course of a few years, a number of other rulers had made their " pitch " in the immediate neighborhood of the pond ; doubtless from the fact iJial ihe land was of easy cultivation, and particularly adapted to the growth of Indian corn and other grains. About the year 1685, Thomas Brintnell, with his family, made a settlement in the north-west part of what is now Mansfield, a few rods easterly of Wading Hirer, and but a short distance from the line between tho two Colonies, near to what is now Foxborouo-h al the place where Obadiah Brintnell lived a few years since. Mr. Brintnell built him a house, or rather a sort of fort, |>artly of stone and part of wood, and fortified, to some extent, against the attacks of the Indians ; keeping two loaded muskets constantly by his bedside' in case of an alarm during the night. The old house' stood for about a hundred years. 2 Plymouth-Colony Records, vol. v. pp. 247 and 262. 12 FIRST SETTLEMENTS. Mr. Brintnell was at Boston previous to his removal to the North Purchase.1 His wife's name was Esther, married previous to 1665 (?). His sons were Samuel 2 (who came with his father to the North Purchase), Thomas, Nathaniel, John, Joseph, and a daughter Mehitable. An inventory of his property was taken Oct. 14, 1692 ; and he probably died not long previous to that date.3 His wife is supposed to have married a Smith after his death ; for, in 1701, she is called " Mrs. Esther Smith." 4 Other settlers soon found their way into the westerly part of the North Purchase, which, for many years, was a part of Norton. On the 6th of December, 1695, Thomas Leonard, sen., and James Leonard, sen., received a deed,6 from the proprietors of the North Purchase, of two hundred acres of land at Stony Brook, " on the westward side of Coweesset River," as an " Incouragement " " to set up and build a forge to make iron at said place ; " and it was " to be built, and in some considerable forward ness," before Dec. 1, 1696, or the grant of land was to be null and void. I have in my possession the affida vits of two persons, taken in 1717, who declare that i Barry's History of Framingham, pp. 194 and 195. 2 See Early Settlers. 8 Probate Records, vol. i. pp. 67 and 225. i Since writing the foregoing account, I have seen Mrs. Brintnell, an old ladv of ninety years, the widow of Obadiah Brintnell, who died in 1814. She is very positive that the settlement by Thomas Brintnell was made previous to his marriage, which must have been as early as 1664. She says, " He first built his house ahout forty rods north of where he afterwards lived which would be within the present limits of Foxborough, in what was then called Boston County, and there resided till after the Indian war; he supposing himself all the time within the limits of Taunton North Purchase." But, when the line was run through, it left him in what was then Dorchester; and therefore he moved (about 1685) his habitation into the North Purchase, to the spot where she (Mrs. Brintnell) now resides, whose husband was the fifth, and the daughters (who now occupy the house with their mother) the sixth, generation of Brintnells who have lived upon the same spot. Mrs. Brintnell says that " Thomas Brintnell had eight sons and two daughters." It is possible, that, living for a time within bufiollc County, the births of his children were recorded at Boston ; and hence the historian of Framingham supposed he lived there. 6 This deed, with the autographs attached, of thirty of the proprietors ot the North Purchase, — where the land was situated, — is now in my pos session; and a copy of it is to be seen ou the North-Purchase Records, iirst Book of Lands, p. 30. FIRST SETTLEMENTS. 13 the iron-works, or forge, near the dwelling-house of Major George Leonard, deceased, was begun in 1695, and in some considerable forwardness in 1696. To these Leonards was also given the liberty to take their next division of one share in the North-Purchase lands "in the best of iron-oaro that they can find." They were also allowed the privilege of digging ore on any other man's land, for the use and benefit of said works, by " paying the owner of such land one shilling a tun for every tun of iron-oare they shall dig." George Leonard, the son of Thomas and the nephew of James Leonard, to whom this grant was made (proba bly as their agent), set up a forge, or " bloomery," as it' was called, at the place designated, which was nearly in front of the spot where the old Leonard mansion-house now stands ; and the establishment of this iron-forge, together with the energy and business tact of young George Leonard, soon gave new life and vitality to this neighborhood. The lands in the vicinity were speedily taken up ; the population rapidly in creased ; and every thing seemed to prosper beyond the most ardent expectations of the proprietors of this movement.1 Tho Pilgrim Fathers, and most of those who peopled this region, had fled, or were the descendants of those who had fled, from the Old World, in order that they might worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences, without any one to molest or make tlicin afraid. Hence they were generally men of prin ciple, and of sincere and devoted piety. It was a pleasure to them to go to the house of God, and mingle their songs of praise and their prayers in uni son to the great Creator and sovereign Ruler of heaven and earth. Yes, they were church-going and church-loving men, who willingly sacrificed their all l If the reader will turn to the map of Taunton North Purchase, &c, in Ihe introductory chapter, he will find the site of the first settlement hy Wetherell marked with a square dot, with the letter W near it, close by the outlet of the pond ; that of Brintnell marked in the same manner, with lb* letter 11 near it; and that of Leonard also indicated with a similar dot, with the letter L near it. 2 14 FIRST SETTLEMENTS. upon the altar of " freedom to worship God : " there fore it does not surprise us that the house of God was peculiarly dear to them, and that they were willing to endure great fatigue and inconvenience in order to attend public worship on each returning Lord's day. Having " a will," they of course found " a way," to go up weekly to the temple of the Most High. So devoted, indeed, were the early settlers of this town to their spiritual welfare, that, for several years, many of them — in their poverty, possessing no other means of locomotion — were accustomed to go on foot to Taunton, six, eight, ten, and twelve miles, to attend upon the ministrations of the gospel, returning the same day. This would certainly have been a great effort for them, if they had been as fearful of using their limbs as their descendants have become at the present day. But they possessed strong constitutions ; their very habits of life made them so ; and hence a walk of fif teen or twenty miles per day through the woods, guided only by marked trees, and over not a very well- beaten path, — frequently crossing the rivers on the trunk of a single tree fallen across the stream, — was not so terrible a thing as it seems to some now, who can hardly walk a mile over a well-beaten road. There was, however, one' inconvenience connected with living thus remotely from meeting, which was a severe trial to our worthy ancestors, and which they determined to remedy at the earliest possible moment. It was this, — they could not take their children with them to the sanctuary ; at least, their smaller children could not go. This difficulty they determined to remedy ; for they knew the importance of early reli gious instruction. They knew that the spring-time of life was the time to cast the good seed of Christia nity into the minds of the young. They knew, that, unless the heavenly principles of the gospel of Jesus were instilled into the youthful hearts of those who were " bone of their bone and flesh of their flesh," the pure fruits of righteousness would not come to FIRST SETTLEMENTS. 15 maturity. Next to their own, the salvation of their children from sin was deemed of the highest impor tance. Accordingly, some of the leading men of the settlement (urged on, no doubt, by some of the leading women ; for they are always foremost in any good cause) met together to take counsel as to what should be done under the circumstances. It is a little uncer tain whether they met in a lower or an " upper room ; " but it is beyond controversy, that Eldad Earnest was called to the chair, and Hosea Hope was appointed secretary. Samuel Slow came into the meeting a little after the organization was effected, and gave it as his opinion, it was not best to be in a hurry. Isaac Indif ference did not believe it was of much use to preach to, or to catechize, children. Charles Content thought it was best to let well enough alone. David Delay sug gested it might, perhaps, be better to wait till there was a fuller meeting, before they took any decided measures. Daniel Decision then took the floor, and made an earnest speech, portraying in glowing colors the vast importance of early religious training to the pliant and susceptible heart of childhood, and urged immediate action ; and closed by saying, " Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation." He was followed by Peter Perseverance, who most clearly showed that all obstacles could be surmounted, and the great object they had in view could, at no distant day, be attained. " I have," says he, " but one little child ; and yet, rather than that child should grow up an inlidel, 1 will sacrifice every dollar I possess, and every foot of land I own. God helps those who try to help themselves. We must sow the seed, if we would reap the fruit. Mr. Chairman, I move the previous question." All felt that the crisis had come. The chairman, with characteristic promptness, with his firm and deep-toned voice, stated the question to be, " Shall immediate measures be taken to establish the gos|>el ministry in our midst, so that our children can enjoy the means of grace ? " The decision was over whelmingly in favor of action. Men, who, as we shall 16 PRECINCT CONTROVERSY, AND soon see, " knew no such word as fail,'' were enlisted in this cause ; men who never put their hand to the plough, and looked back, had taken hold of the enter prise ; and hence success, though it might be rather tardy, was sure. Immediately the initiatory steps were taken to have their portion of the town erected into a precinct, which would enable them to establish a religious society of their own. What they did we shall record in the next chapter. CHAPTER III. PRECINCT CONTROVERSY, AND INCORPORATION OF THE TOWN. " At least I'll try. There never yet Was any thing lost by trying." Miss C A. Bbigos. The following document, a copy of the original, drawn up and signed by forty-three of the male inhabitants, is the first direct movement towards the formation of a precinct, of which we have any authentic account. I found it, with many other documents relating to the civil and ecclesiastical history of Norton, among some old papers at the " old Judge Leonard House." The ori ginal draught, with the rude autographs and " marks " of the petitioners, may be seen in the archives of the State, at the State House, Boston.1 It reads as fol lows : — "We whose names are underwritten, being part of the Inhabitants of Taunton old Town, and part of Taunton north purchase, being all very sensible of the great difficulty that we are under in liveing so remote from the publick worship of God, and great need of haveing it settled amongst us, that so our children and those under our care & charge, as well as l State Papers, vol. cxiii. p. 612. INCORPORATION OF THE TOWN. 17 ourselves, may injoy the meens of grace, and in order theirto, wc have this 27th day of novem., 1707, met together, and made choice of George Leonard and Nicholas White, whome wc cliuse as our agents to act in our behalf in makeing Re quest to the town to bound us out a presink for the, main- tainnencc of a minister ; and that, when we have procured a minister to dispence the word of God amongst [us,] we might be freed from paying to the minister & Schoolmaster at town. and we do also give our sd. agents full power to do any fur ther act or acts, thing or things, that they shall see needfull lo be dun for ye bounding of sd. precink, and procureing an able orthodox minister to be orderly Settled amongnst us, whether it be by petitioning to the General court to Settle ihe bounds of sd. precink, or by any other way or meens whatsoever ; as witness our hands, the day and year above writen. we further pomise, that in case a minister be pro- curde as abovesd., that we will each of us pay our proportion by way of rate for his maintainance. witness our hands, George Leonard, Nicholas White, John Lane, Thomas Bra- man, sen., Thomas Stevens, Selvanis Camble, John Briggs, John Hodges, Nattraniell Hodges, Samuell Hodges, Jabez l'rnit, Thomas Braman, jun., William Hodges, Robert Tucker, Kphmim Grover, Mathew White, Seth Dorman, Ebenezer Hall, John Caswell, jun., Benjamin Caswell, John Wetherell, Kbcnezer Edy, Samuell Brintnell, John Caswell, sen., Eliezer Fi»her, Richard Briggs, William Wetherell, sen., Eliezer Edy, John Cob, Andrew Grover, Peter Aldrich, Israel Fisher, Thomas Grover, Nathaniel Fisher, Joseph Briggs, Benjamin Williams. Nathaniell Harvey, John Briggs, jun., Nicholas Smith, John Newland, William Cob, Benjamin Newland, John Skinner." On the original document, I find written the follow ing memoranda : — " March 22, 1708. — At a meeting of a part of the sub scribers, they made choice of John wetherel, whom they aded lo the committee abovesd." "June 18, 1708. — At a meeting of some of the subscribers, llicy gave thare agents Liberty to pertition to the Genl. court for a township." This last vote was passed, as we shall soon see, in order to conciliate some who were opposed to the set- 18 PRECINCT CONTROVERSY, AND ting-off of a precinct The next day after John Weth erell was added to the committee, the following peti- signed:*6 TaUnt°U W&S PrePared and ^y Ta,irina.rCh 7X 23d> Z1708- "Whereas divers Inhabitants of tern nf T° ( PUr^ase> t0Sether with divers of the Inhabi- Zt imTU °]d, townshiP' bordering on the north pur chase, made choice of we, the subscribers, whome they chose %£ * fST t0 'make feqUeSt t0 the town t0 bound "s out a precinct for he maintanance of a minister; we, whose names are underwritten do therefore, in the behalf of our friend and neighbours humbly & earnestly desire the town seriously consider of the vary difficult circumstances that we are undei in Iivemg so remote from the pubhque worship of God, ha great part of the year we cannot come to meeting; and that we can at no time of the year, without very grea difi- culty, bring al most any of our children to meeting: so that tTtZl A °ng aft6r thIS manner' the sowls °f our children; npll r i 'i T, ^ and charSe' wiU be in ^nger of di tit I, lack«f knowledge, for it is Evident from seriptre that faith comes by heer.ng, and heering by the word preacht St wTsIliTb lnHenCable °f r P°v<4, and great oifi ulty on IZl v e7hj Tet With in carr^ing on such desire, yeL on the other hand, we have caus to be thankfull that our neigh bours are .generally very forward to promote so good a work • and our povertye can be no Argument to have our prec nk lesened, but rather Enlarged, wharefore we Earnestly desire and hope that the town will forward and incorage so^ood a of thenS rv l^4 t^ .milltary llne ma7 be the bounds sd tit ? lu" ifVS bUrt S br°°k' and fl°™ th* mouth of sd brook to the bridge neer william wetherell, and from sd bridge north-Estardly to the north-purchase line ; th s" we 2Xtk7e™ for the military, and another for the minister, and m hopes you will grant us this our request, we subscribe ourselves your humble petioners, " George Leonard. John Wetherell. Nicholas White." ] 1 State Papers, vol. cxiii. p. 513. INCORPORATION OP THE TOWN. 19 The town of Taunton, it seems, did not accede to tho request of these petitioners. They therefore turned their steps towards the Great and General Court at Boston ; and, on arriving, presented themselves in this form : — "To his Excellency Joseph Dudley, Esquire, Capt.-Generall and Governor-in-chief in and over her majestie's province of the Massachusetts bay in New England ; And to the Honored eouncill and Representatives now convened in Geni-rull court this 20 day of October, 1708. -The humble petition of Diverse of the Inhabitants of Taunlon North purchase, and Diverse of the Inhabitants ? ^"V"" . lowl"llil) bordering on said north purchase, kMtMy d>c«iclli, dial sd. Inhabitants being vary sensible of U* grmi dificuhy liiey ore now under in liveing so remote trim it* nuUick worship of God, and the great need of have- toff M f*«loJ amongst them, that so their children, and those •*!«¦ Ihcir care and charge, as well as themselves, may Injoy *• necot of Grace, They made choice of us, the subscribers, to be their agents, to make known their desire to the town of Taonion to have a precint bounded out to them for their maintenance of a minister to dispence the word of God amone Jhem; and also to petition the Generall Court to settle the bound* of sd. precint j and also to procure an able orthodox minuter to be orderly settled among them, as may appear by a wnie.ng under their hands, dated November the 27th 1707 ami aUo on the 23d of march, 1708 ; by which writing they' alio promise to pay their proportion by way of rate for the man.lanaiice of sd. minister provided as abovesd. In per meance of sd. power and trust commited to us, we have com- mumoucd tins matter to the town of Taunton, at a town meenng; and although we have Great Incorragement that the most considerable Leading men will be and are for it, yet tben.. „ ^a few that do hesitate a'bout the bounds That we tlltY nVTmt'' S° that hethert° n0thinS of that ^ture U flashed and seeing our young ones increase and grow up •pace, and that the Lord hath in marcy (as we hope itlsln marcy so Inclined the hearts of our neighbours soLrne tW to desire and seek after this thing, we therefore, the sub^ fibers, as agents for and in the behalf of sd. Inhabitants do humbly pray this Generell Court to grant this our humbte pcuuon. and the bounds of sd. precint which we desires 20 PRECINCT CONTROVERSY, AND the line or bounds of the military company called the North- purchase company may be the bounds of the said precinct which is a brook called hurt's brook, and from the mouth of sd. brook to wennaconnit bridge, and from sd. bridge north- easterd to the North-purchase line, but leaveing out of sd precinct all the inhabitants in the North purchase that com monly go to Bridgewater meeting, who live on the Estardl7 side of the rhode that Leeadeth from winnacunnit to the bay — tor theym time hope to be a precinct with part of Bridge- water, which we shall not oppose, — but takeing into sd. pre cunei all belonging to Taunton old Township within the bounds above mentioned, but, if all the North purchase ware Jinexed to Taunton for the present, we think it woald be best tor the manageing of public concerns; only that the lands within the bounds settled and agreed on between the propria- tors of Taunton North purchase and thair neighbours, on all parts, be confirmed to said proprietors, and the abovesaid pre cinct settled for the maintenance of the ministry in said precinct._ and we farther pray that this honored court woald also apoint a committee to order where the meeting-house shoald be sett, all which, if this honoured court please to grant, your humble petitioners shall, as in duty they are bound ever pray. • J ' " gE0EGE Leonard, j Agents for and in the beha]f .Nicholas White, j of said Inhabitants." i The following action was taken by the General Court upon this petition : — "22 Octo., 1708. — Read in Council; and Ordered, that the Selectmen of Taunton be served with a copy of this Peton., and heard thereupon before this Court upon the Second Tuesday of the next Session of ye sd. Court, if any thing they have to say why the prayer of the within Petition should not be granted. .. 0 . , , * " !sa. Addington, Secry. Sent down for concurrence." "In the House of Representatives, Oct. 25, 1708. Read and Passed a concurrence, And that the Hearing be upon the Second Tuesday of the next Session of this Court. " ^Sreed : , Thomas Oliver, Speaker. Consented to : J. Dudley." 2 1 State Papers, vol. ex'iii. p. 610. 2 General-Court Records, vol. viii. p. 391. INCORPORATION OP THE TOWN. 21 It appears that what was called Taunton South Pur chase made a move simultaneously with the North Purchase to be set off as a precinct. How the order of the General Court on tliese petitions was received at Taunton will be manifest by the following papers : — "Taunton, Feb. ye first day, 1708-9. — Whereas ye selectmen of our town was served with a coppy of ye North purches and South purches petitions, and they caused ye town to meet together this day, and Read thayr petitions in ye town-meating, where matters were fairly debated; and there being many men of many minds, so that nothing was concluded on, only some persons would have ye selectmen to take thayr time, and write ye Court an answer. " So the assembly ware dismised. "John Wilbore, Town Clerk."1 Three weeks go by, and another town-meeting is held in reference to the matter. Here is the evi dence : — " At a Legall Town-meeting, warned and held at Taunton publick meeting-house, the 22 day of February, 1708-9, It was voted that the town do Impower the present selectmen to make return to the Generall Court in answer. " A true coppy ; transcribed by me, " John Wilbore, Town Clerk." ' In obedience to this vote, the selectmen, the next Hay, at the opening of the General Court, make an answer as follows : — " To his Excellency Joseph Dudley, Esquire, Captain-Gene- rall, Governor-in-chief in and over her majestie's Provence of the^ Massachusetts bay, and the rest of the honerable Councill and Representatives Convened in Generall Court, May the 25, 1709, humbly Sheweth : — '' That whereas the Honoured Court sent to the Selectmen of Taunton to show their reasons (if any they have) why Taunton North purchase and South Purchase should not have their prayer granted, — 1 State Papers, vol. xi. pp. 297 and 29 22 PRECINCT CONTROVERSY, AND " In answer whereunto, we say, that although it hath pleased God to Increase our numbers, — which, we hope, is in mercy, — yet must say, that, through the providence of God, a great many are so extream poor, and rates and taxes so high, that we find it hard and difioult to rub along ; and the Generality of the North purchase are so poor, that we ffear they will not be able to build a meeting-house and to maintain a minister." . ¦ . Here follows what the selectmen have to say about the South Purchase, which we omit. The document concludes thus : — " But as for the North purchase, we think it better ffor them to be a Township than a precinct. " This is our . last and finall answer, uppon mature con- cideration. " Israel Thrasher,") John Spur, > Selectmen. Ezra Dean, ) " We whose names are underwritten are of the same mind with those above, — " Thomas Leonard, Henry Hodges, Samuel Deane, Seth Williams, Joseph Williams." 1 On the same date as the above, the Precinct Com mittee present the following statement to the General Court : — " To his Excellency Joseph Dudley, Esquire, &c, 25 day of May, 1709.2 " Whereas we, the subscribers, ageints for and in the behalflf of divers of the Inhabitants of Taunton north purchase, and divers of the inhabitants of Taunton old Township, belonging to the north purchase millatary company, have petitioned this Honoured Court to bound said Inhabitants a precinct for the maintainance of a minister; and, in said petition, we have not informed the Honoured Court how far said inhabitants dwell from Taunton meeting-house ; these are, tharefore, to Inform this Honoured Court, that Benjamin Newland, Elezer Edy, and Ebenezer Edy, who dwell the 1 State Papers, vol. oxiii. p. 614. 2 We omit a portion of the formula in this and following documents. INCORPORATION OF THE TOWN. 23 nearest to Taunton meeting-house of any of sd. Inhabitants, dwell at least five miles and a half from Taunton meeting house, as neer as can be computed; and william wetherell, Sen., John wetherell, Elezer Fisher, Israel ifisher, Nathaniel fisher, dwell about six miles from sd. meeting-house; and John Austin, John Briggs, junior, william Cob, Nicholas Smith, John Newland, Thomas Stevens, John Hodges, and Richard Briggs, dwell about seven miles from sd. meeting house ; as also Thomas Braman, Robert Tucker, and Na thaniel Hodges, and Samuel Hodges. Selvanis Cambell, William hodges, George Leonard, John Briggs, and Joseph Briggs, Dwell about eight miles from sd. meeting-house ; and John Lane and John Cob dwell near 9 mile from sd. meeting house; and petter Aldrich, nicholas white, mathew white, Seth Dorman, John Hall, John Caswell, Benjamin Caswell, and Joseph Elliot, dwell about ten miles from sd. meeting house. Benjamin williams dwelleth about Eleven mile and a half from sd. meeting-house, all these abovenamed go to Taunton meeting : but Isaac Shepherd, Thomas Grover, An drew Grover, Ephcaim Grover, Ephraim Sheldon, John Skinner, Samuel Brintnell, dwell farther from Taunton meet ing than these abovenamed, [so] that they commonly go to wrentham meeting; and they dwell six, seven, and eight miles from wrentham meeting. This account is as neer as can be computed without mesuring; as witness our hands, " George Leonard. Nicholas White." * _ Taunton people now bestir themselves again in oppo sition to the petitioners, and take more decisive steps than heretofore. We have this document for proof: "June the first, 1709. — At a Legall Town meeting warned and held at Taunton publick meeting-house, ..." " 2. It was put to vote, whether the town would chuse a committee of five men to give Reasons, in behalf of the Town, lo the General Court, why the petitions of the North and South purchases should not be granted. " 3. It was voted, that the town shall chuse five men to make Return to the Generall Court, and give their reasons why the prayers of the North and South purchasers should 1 State Papers, vol. cxiii. p. 615. 24 PRECINCT CONTROVERSY, AND not be granted ; and the persons then chosen for the commit tee were Lieut. James Leonard, Thomas Harvey, Ensighn Phillip King, Ensign Thomas Gilbert, and Jonathan Padle- ford. " Taunton, June the 6th, 1709. " A true copy ; transcribed by me, " John Wilbore, Town Clerk." 1 Four days after the town-meeting, when tbe above- named committee were chosen, they knock at the doors of the General Court in behalf of the town, and present the following remonstrance against the prayer of the petitioners : — " To his Excly. Joseph Dudley, Esquire, &c. . . . " Whereas George Leonard and Nicholas White, as they calUhemselves, agents for and in behalf of divers of the In habitants of Taunton North purchase, and divers of the Inhabitants of Taunton old Township, prefered a petition to this honred. Court on ye 20th day of October, 1708, for the settling a precinct according to certain bounds sett forth in sd. petition ; and in Reading sd. petition, in Octo. 22, 1708, this great and Generall Court ordered That the selectmen of Taunton be served with a coppy of sd. petition, and to be heard thereuppon, &c, upon ye second Tuesday of the next Session of this Court, If any thing they have to say why the prayer of the petitioners should not be granted ; and, that the matter may stand In a true Light, we the subscribers, a committe chosen in Taunton, would humbly offer to this honrd. Court, that, when the tract of land was bought (called the North purchase) by the Inhabitants of Taunton, It was designed for a Township by it Self,2 and not any ways to 1 State Papers, vol. xi. p. 299. 2 There is some evidence to show that this statement is correct as will be seen from the following extract from the North-Purchase Records p. 12: — ' "May the 13th, 1695.— At a meeting of the proprietors of the north purchase, being legally warned, the said proprietors voted and agreed that the Representatives now chosen by Taunton to Represent them in the treat and General Court, are, by said proprietors, desired and Impowered to Inform the General Court of their circumstances, and to Indeavour that no part of said North Purchase be put under Attleborough ; hoping that said North 1 urchase may be capable to be a Township itselfin some short time. and whereas diverse of Bridgewater men have bought Land in said North Purchase, the Representative for Bridgewater is desired also to be helpfull in the premises." r INCORPORATION OP THE TOWN. 25 Damnific the old township by taking any of the Inhabitants thereof then settled, or to be settled, to make the purchase a Township or precinct : for, If that may be, our forefathers and some of us layed out our own money miserably to our own wrong, and to the wronging of our poor old town, and Ihe petitioners well knew all these sircumstances before they settled, and their imprudent settling sd. north purchase pro cures these difficulties; for, had they settled in or about the middle of sd. purchase, the people that are now there would have been capable of being a Township, and so to maintain A minister without breaking or harming the old town, and whereas it is Insinuated in sd. petition, that, when they had communicated to the town, They had Incoridgement that the most considerable Leading men would be for it, and as If there were but some few that did hessitate about the bounds; which must needs be some great mistake, or something else : for the town being warned together by the selectmen" upon their being served with a coppy of their petition, to consider (hat matter (and the south-purchase petition), there was such A contention and_ tumult betwixt the town, — that is, the whole body almost'of the town and leading men and petition ers, — that the meeting was dismised, and nothing done but confusion, and now we come to some' few objections against granting the payer of sd. petition (we humbly hope and fear will doo), upon a due consideration. First, as has been hinted it is very grievous to and contrary to the minds of the body of the people of the old township, — Excepting some few that arc Kelated and some ways Interrested, as things plainly ap pear to us, — and, If granted, we very much fear will unsettell us m our present settled state. 21y, we know no part of the od-townslup Inhabitants but are Equally concerned and obliged to pay to the Reverend Mr. Saml. Danforth, our settled minister. Though some may pretend that it is butt an Inconsiderable thing that is Desired, we must say it is a great thing ; for our charges are almost Intolerable alreadv and growing Every day. and the line the petitioners speak ot would Incompass almost all our meadows, for they Ive cheifly in that part of the town; and will seperate some new bouses from their lands, which must needs be a great confu sion 3dly, Sundry of our neighbours of the old Township, which will be Incomposed within sd. line, If Granted — considerable men, — have been with our selectmen, and mani fested ther great unwillingness^to be joyned with the north 3 26 PRECINCT CONTROVERSY, AND purchase as a precinct, and offered to us sundry papers sig- nifiing that they had been persuaded and imposed upon by some of ye north purchase to joyn with them to petition for a precinct, but they wholly Refused ; but, upon some other considerations, did sighn some of their papers, and so when they had got their hands and by these tricks the poor sub scribers are quite contrary to their minds and Intents. Improve them, as it were deceiptfully, to make them part of the Intended precinct; which actions cannot be consistent with the truth and their good promises, but must needs be Displeasing to almighty God. the selectmen not agreeing to make answer to this honord. Court, the selectmen warn a Town-meeting, June 1st, 1709 ; and the Town and petitioners mett together ; and the town chose a commite, which are the subscribers, to act and make answers to this honord. Court, now, for which reasons we have layed down, and what may be farther offered, we do Desire and humbly hope that this honard. Court will so far in their wisdom consider the mater as not to grant the precinct Desired, Least it should be the begining of trouble with us. we would farther offer this honrd. Court, as the mind of the whole town, that they are very willing and Desirous that the north purchase should have all previlidges proper and needfull for them, both civil and Ecliasticall ; and, therefore, have not the least to say against their being a township of themselves, according as was Intended from ye foundation of it (as above was hinted), and not any way to Joyn to, or Entermeddle with, the old town ship, or that with sd. purchase. craving pardon for our boldness, and a charatable construction of what we have writ, we pray the allmighty God to Direct you in all the affairs before you, and subscribe your honar's most humble ser vants. " Dated Taunton, June 4th, 1709. " Jams. Leonard, Phillp King, Thomas Gilbert, > Commity." l Thomas Harvey, Jonathan Padleford, By this time, the opposers of setting off a precinct had succeeded in creating a division among the peti tioners. Hence some of them, with others who lived l State Papers, vol. cxiii. p. 609. INCORPORATION OP THE TOWN. 27 in the neighborhood of Winneconnet Pond, send to the General Court a remonstrance against being set off as a precinct. There is no date upon it ; but I think it must be the next document in course. " To his Excellency Joseph Dudley, Esqr., &c. . . . "We whose names are underwritten, being inhabitants of ye town of Taunton, humbly sheweth, That wee being very sensible of ye great daingur we are in of being Impoverished and brought to great distress for yt, to witt, Som of our neigh bours, Inhabitance of sd. Taunton, and som of ye west part of Taunton North purchase, being ofton very importanat with us to agine with them to pertition ye General Court to grant them a precints ; but we, knowing ye inability of ourselves and our neighbors, cold not comply with them ; but they, after pleading there want of a precints to be granted to them, and their inability to maintain ye sam without our help, we, will ing to doe them a cindness, did, som of us, signified to ym, yt if they wold pertition ye General Court to grant a township to the whole north purchase, and so much of Taunton as was ngined to them in ye military, that we would agine with them. 6om of us whose names are underwritten, and ye rest of us, did whully refuse to sett our hands to any writting Either for a township or precincts neither: But they, having pertitioned ye honored Court for to grant them a precints, contrary to our minds and intent, and hath sett forth ye limets of sd. precints to make us a part thereof, which will be no benifit to us, but so great a charg yt will soon bring us to poverty ; for we are not able to pay our parts to a precints charg, and to pay ratts to ye town also. And, as ye pertitioners do preten to ye want of a minister to dispencc ye word of God to them, we say we are in no such want ; for we have ye benifitt of hearing ye word preach t by ye Reverant Mr. Danforth, under whose ministry we desire to continue. Therefore we pray ye honored Cort to consider our condition, yt we may not be consarned with any precints, but yt we may injoy our privilidges as for- merlly. And whereas som of us (namely, John wetherel, John Nulan, Benjamin Nulan, Nicholas Smith, John Briggs, junior) did sett our hands to som of there papers, but we understood ourselves only conserned with them for a township ; but we understand they have made a wrong improvement of our names : we did not think they wold have taken such advan tage as to improve our names as pertitioners with them for a 28 PRECINCT CONTROVERSY, AND precints. But our comfort is, yt ye honored Cort will not suffur us to wrong one another, we subscribe ourselves your most humble petitioners, " William Wetherell, sen. John Briggs, junr- John Austin. John Nulan. Edward Whit. Ben. Nulan. Jeremiah Wetherell. Nicholas Smith. Jeremiah Newland. William Cob."1 John Wethell. All parties, as it seems, having now said what they desired in reference to the matter, the General Court take the following action relating thereto : — "June 8, 1709. In Council. — Upon the hearing of the several petitions of the inhabitants of the No. and So. Pur chases, in Taunton, to be made seperate Precints for the settling and support of the ministry in the respective places, — " Resolved, that Nathaniel Thomas, Nathaniel Byfield, and James Warren, Esqrs., be a committee to repair to Taunton, and view the said several Purchases, and, upon consideration of all circumstances, to set off proper Precints to encourage the good Ends desired by the Petitioners, and to advise and Direct to the most suitable places for the rais ing of their meeting-houses, and to make their report to the next Session of this Court for conformation, — Nathaniel Thomas, Esqr., to appoint the Time. The charges of the said Committee to be borne by the said Precints. " Wch Resolve, being sent down to the Representves, was concur'd in by that House. " And is consented to. " J. Dudley." a The committee attend to their duty, and prepare their report at Taunton. It is probably known in the vicinity, that the committee are favorable to the pre cinct petitioners : hence the opposition make another demonstration to influence the General Court in their favor. The following remonstrances against a precinct, and in favor of a township, — the first from that part of the North Purchase which is now Easton, and the 1 State Papers, vol. cxiii. p. 611. 2 Records of General Court, vol. viii. pp. 441-2. INCORPORATION OF THE TOWN. 29 other from individuals in the vicinity of Winneconnet Pond, — were probably presented after the committee made their report, possibly before : — " September 9, 1709. "To his Excellency Joseph Dudley, Esqr., &c. . . . " Wee ye subscribers, Inhabitance and propriators of Taunton North purcheis (so called), humbly sheweth, that whereas we understand that som of our neighbours, with som of ye inhabitants of Taunton, have obtained incoragement from this General Cort to be a Precints ; but, forasmuch as our neighbours have not acquainted us therewith as they ought to do, we, being major part of sd. purceis inhabitance, and ye first Setters, do, in all humble submition, ofer to your honors ye unhapy effects yt may happen, not only to our selves, but to ye whole tract of Land which was, from ye foundation, intended for a township, which now it is capable of; theire being many inhabitance already settled, and many more going to settel, on said tract of Land. But if there be so great a part of sd. Land taken of as we under stand is set forth for a precints by those honorable gentell- men ye committy, who have doon according to their plesure ; nnd if ye meeting-hous be bult whare sd. committy hath appynted, — which is neare ye west End of sd. purchies, which will be servicable but to very few; wh. will be a means to spyle ye sd. tract of Land, and caus it to be wholly unfitt for a township, and frusterate ye intention of us, ye proprietors thereof, and will discorage many from setling on their Lands in sd. purcheis. And whareas they have left about one-third part of'sd. purchies of ye East part, supposing Bridgewater will udd part of their town to it, to make ye part a precints, it is a great mistake, ye inhabitance of Bridgewater give us no such incoragement. Therefore we pray this honered Cort, ihnt there may be no pertition-lines between ye one end of our sd. purcheis and ye other; but yt, if ye Honered Court ihinks it convenient, wee pray yt ye Honered Cort would grant us a township, with all the privilidges belonging to a town, to ye whole north purcheis, and so much of Taunton old township as belongs to our military Companj', which ia from ye mouth of a Broock called Burt's Brook, and from thence to wenaconett bridge, and from thence north-East to ye sd. north purchies line ; and yt ye meeting-hous may be set in ye most conveniant place in ye senter, between the East md ye west End, which we concive will be most convenient 3* 30 PRECINCT CONTROVERSY, AND d0a;L%Wn1d0formili;pb°tl; *?¦ J' ^^ °f God on Sabb^ inJs 1 ^or mil'tery t>.ain]ngS) and aR o(her yfwe atln r,ITld hUmbly *?' * Wee are ™7 se«^le tn h» . 11 i g nesess.ty of an able orthedox minister us wmCi w?°ngSt "S' t0 diSpenC° *e word oF God **»S us, which, when we are a town, we hope we shall be able to Eor fo, &Zt tT^ " ! Which Wee h°°P we .hSJoon lndevor foi, that tharein we may be happy. And whareas some have objected, and said yt /e north ^chefs is long to com to one m.tteng, we think it a great mistack : for we can come to ye senter; and why cannot those who do obiec" against it com as well as we? And, furder, we pray h 3 not 'li Tto name,Unt° °°r t0Wn ' but' if this Cort thinks not pioper to grant us our petition, we pray the orecints ;j z h° c°nfi7ed to th™ ; who have WiJSdT 7e nformea w7do aua^df. ^^ ^ Cort can be b^» ntormed. We do appynt and impower to be our adiants to prefare this our pertition to ye Honered Cort. we Sub scribe ourselves your most humble pertitioners, _ Wi ham Manley, Sener, Thomas Drake, John Phillips Benjamin Drake, William Manley, jun, John Daily cfe mant Briggs Ephraim Howell, Isaac ! Le'onard, John Drake Eph f im How r, HWVu-d' Na,thanid Ames> Sarauel L ! T ?h QHowa^> William Ames, James Keith, Samuel Lathrop Sener, Samuel Lathrop, Juner, Nathaniel Packard Joseph Hayward,Jame. (?) Haris."i Packard, "To ye Honered Generall Cort held at Boston. We ye subscribers, Inhabitance of Taunton, liveinc within ye precints Line of ye North purcheis, on ye Easteri? part thereof, in all humble submition doe offer to this Co rt vt whereas our naighbors have obtained a precints to be set forth by a Committy appynted for ye same, and they have taken us into said precints, which was contrary to our minds wSin/tV^'cut o7f ^^ t0 Sd< C°mmit^ £ We Wa" S t0 be cut of from our minister and mitting-hous in Taunton ; and sd Committy, as wee are informed, ha h appynted ye P ace for ye bulding sd. mitting-hous so near ye west End of sd. North purcheis yt we shall have no benifitt thereby, so yt we are like to be in wors condition tha we ware in before; it being so remote from us, and a mart uneasy way to travdl on: Tharfore, if it be ^e pleasurTof 1 State Papers, vol. xi. p. 802. INCORPORATION OP THE TOWN. 31 this Cort yt wee must be drawn of from our minister and mit- mg-hous, unto which we have heatherto belonged, and have ayed out part of yt littel Estate yt we have towards ye su- po ting of and help with others to buld another mitting-hous and settell another minister, we pray yt ye whole north pur chies, and ye part of Taunton which belongs to ye m efarv Company may be made a township, and ye°mitting-hous may be sett whare it may be servisable for the whole town whTclf we conseive, will be a great benefitt to all ye inhabitance within ye tract of Land : for it is a great pity but so loaTl work should be prophitable to all yf inbatXce abound whereas if ye mitting-house be bult in ye place whare it is appynted, it will be prophitable to but aveiv few We ub scribe ourselves your most humble pertitioners, " °a'ed in Taunton, " John Briggs, Junior. September 12, Ana Domini 1709. John Austin. Jeremiah Wetherel. „w , , ,, „ William Cob. We desire yt Mr. Robert Edward Whit Crosman may deliver these John Wetherell lines into ye Cort. Ep»,n,™ w J .benjamin Newland. Nicholas Smith. Walter Mery. John Newland. Jeremiah Newland."1 In accordance, it is presumed, with the desire of these .parties a "bill'; for a township » was intro duced, but did not meet with the approbation of the The friends of a precinct, probably through fear that they migh lose the boon desired, send the folLw paper to the court, giving « Some Eeasons for if ErdypeSrf"^nt°n ^ ^ S^ I^hSs m 1 1St' ^eC?USe m? is the time that the sP>nt of God seems "2dlv Ber* f>°KSe Pe°ple S° ™% to desire i" ^dly, Because, if ,t be now granted, it is to be honed that some most considerable persons will be ' Incoura Jed 7 cm set^dtw"' When ^ kD0W ^ a" o^hodox^ministeH: 1 State Papers, vol. xi. p. 302. 2 Ibid. vol. ex iii. p. 516. 32 PRECINCT CONTROVERSY, AND INCORPORATION OF THE TOWN. 33 3dly, Because it is to be feared, if there be no settlement of the ministry among them till some of those leadino- men among them are taken away, and others grown up in their room that will be brot up in an ungospellised way, many of them will be so far from desiring a minister, that, if some among them should Invite a minister among them, some others would warn him away. " 41y, Because, if the court do not grant what is desired to settle a minister in these places, when the report thereof is spread abroad that these people desired sueh a Grant, but the Court would not grant it, It is to be feared that it will be an Incouragement to some Envious persons to come and set tle there, to the undoing of the places, and creating trouble to the Government; whereas it is to be hoped that a timely settlement of the ministry there will be a means to make those places useful in the Government, and happy to the Inhabitants. " These petitioners do not act through any dislike to their present pastor, nor to the church in Taunton, but have as great a love for, and esteem of, said pastor and church, as to render them well satisfied and contented, if their habitations were near enough to the meeting. " And the pastor hath as great a love and respect for them, both in the north and south purchase. "Therefore it is not any discontent or Animosity that causeth the petitioners to stir as they do, but only that they and their children may Injoy the means of grace nearer to them." l In due time, the committee sent to Taunton to view the territory, &c, report as follows (what relates to the South Precinct is omitted) : — " Taunton, Augt. 31, 1709. " Pursuant to an order of the Great and General Court dated June ye 8th, 1709, to us Directed to Repaire to Taun ton, and view the several tracts of land which the Inhabitants of the North and South purchases in Taunton have Peti tioned to be made separate precints, for the settling and support of the ministry in said Respective places ; " And we, the subscribers, having viewed the said several Tracts, and heard the allegations of the opposite Parties i There is no name attached to the foregoing " reasons." —See Statn Papers, vol. cxiii. p. 617. " thereto, upon consideration of all circumstances, have sett the Bounds of the several Precints as follows : That is to say, That the Bounds of the North Precint (according to their petition) shall begin at the Line between the two late Colo nies of the Massachusetts and Plymouth, in the line of the bounds between Taunton North Purchase and Attleboro', and from thence southward to Rehoboth North-East corner ; and from thence Eastward, on the said North-Purchase Line, to Taunton Bounds ; and from thence Eastward to the mouth of the Brook called Burt's Brook, Leaving out Capt. Hodge's Land at Burt's Brook, and extending from the mouth of Burt's Brook to the Bridge made over the mill River, near William Wetherell's ; and from thence North-Eastward to the North-Purchase line ; and, from the North-Purchase line, the road that leads from said Bridge towards Boston to be the bounds till it come to the Line between the said late Colo nies ; wch Line to be the Bounds to Attleborough Bounds aforesaid. . . "And that the meeting-house for the said North Precint be sett on the Northward side of the way that leads over Rumford river at Crossman's way, at the place where the way crosseth it that leads from John Hodge's to the Beech Island. "In testimony whereof, we have hereunto set our hands, " Nathaniel Thomas. Nathaniel Byfield. James Warren."1 " 16th Sept., 1709. " In Council. — Read and accepted. " Isa. Addington, Sectry. " Sent down for concurrence. "In the House of Representatives, Septr. 19, 1709. Read and concur'd, with the proviso annexed. " John Clark, Speaker. "Provided that the East End of the North Purchase shall have half the sa'd Purchase as their Precint when they are able to maintain a minister, and this Court shall judo-e I hem so. " Agreed to the Proviso in Council. " Isa. Addington, Secty. " Consented to. « J. Dudley." 2 1 State Papers, vol. xi. p. 296. 2 Court Records, vol. viii. p. 470. 34 PRECINCT CONTROVERSY, AND And thus this long and exciting controversy is brought to a close by the action of the General Court granting the prayer of the petitioners for a precinct. George Leonard and Nicholas White, after more than two years of struggle, have most signally triumphed over their opposers. But they do not stop here. They are men of energy and influence ; and they do not, in the joy of success, forget the purpose for which they have labored so faithfully. Hence, almost with the zeal of the prophets of old, they move onward, as we shall hereafter see, towards the goal of their efforts, — the establishing of the gospel ministry in the newly cre ated precinct, which at this time,- as it appears from the township-bill already alluded to, contained more than forty families. We may as well record here as anywhere the fact, that, before a minister was settled to dispense the gos pel truths to the friends of the precinct and their children, the territory erected into a precinct, as above recorded, was incorporated into a town. "March 17th, 1710-11. — The following Order passed by the Council and Assembly respectively, upon the Petition of the North Precinct in Taunton, Praying to be made a Town, having the consent of Taunton therefor; viz.: — " Ordered, That the North Precinct in Taunton be, and hereby is, granted to be a Town, distinct from the Town of Taunton, by the name of Norton, and have and enjoy the Powers, Immunities, and Privileges by law granted to Town ships; and that a bill be projected, and brought in at the next Session of this Court, fully to perfect the sd. Grant. Pro vided that the East End of the North Purchase shall have half the said Purchase as their Precinct when they are able to maintain a minister, and this Court judge them so. " Consented to. -' J. Dudley." l Rev. Pitt Clarke, in his " Historical Discourse," preached July 3, 1825, says it was " named Norton in conformity to a corporate town of this name in Oxford shire, seventy-four miles north-west of London ; " and 1 General-Court Records, vol. ix. p. 100. INCORPORATION OF THE TOWN. 35 his statement is undoubtedly correct. Many of the first settlers in America gave the name of their birth place or some neighboring locality to the towns where they settled in New England. Most of the settlers of Taunton were from Taunton and its vicinity in Eng land, and hence gave their settlement a name that would call up old associations of the home they had left. The town of Norton in England lies northerly, and borders upon Taunton ; and therefore, very natu rally, when our town received its " baptismal name," it was called Norton, because it and Taunton were situated relatively as Norton and Taunton in Old England were. Rev. Charles H. Brigbam, of Taun ton, in a letter he wrote while on a visit to Taunton, England, and published in the " Taunton Whig " of Aug. 4, 1853, speaking of the points of resemblance between the two towns of Taunton, says, " Bridge- water lies on the north-east of both, and Norton on the north-west." He says, also, " There is a queer distich which runs, — 1 Taunton was a furzy down When Norton was a market-town.' " We here present to our readers the Act of Incorpo ration, and with it close this' chapter : — " An Act for raising a new Town by the name of Norton, within the County of Bristol. " Whereas the tract of Land commonly called and known by the name of the North Purchase, Lying situate within the Township of Taunton, in the county of Bristol, circumscribed within the Lines and Bounderies prescribed by a committee some time since appointed by the General Assembly, as fol lows ; viz. : Beginning at the Line between the two late Colonies of the Massachusetts and Plymouth, in the line of the said North purchase and Attleborough ; from thence Run ning Southward to Rehoboth North-East Corner ; and from thence Eastward, on the North-purchase Line, to Taunton bounds ; thence eastward to the Mouth of the Brook calld Burt's Brook, and extending from the mouth of Burt's Brook to the Bridge over the Mill River, near Wm. Wither- cl's ; and from thence North-eastward to the North-Purchase 36 PRECINCT CONTROVERSY. Line ; and, from the North-purchase Line, the Road that leads from the said Bridge towards Boston to be the Bounds till it come to the Line betwixt the two Late Colonies aforesaid ; which Line to be the bounds to Attleborough aforesaid was set off from Taunton by and with the consent of that Town, and by an order of the General Assembly, passed at their Session in March, 1710, made a distinct and separate Town from Tawnton, containing a sufficient quantity of Lands and a competent number of Inhabitants for that purpose, and named Norton ; the full perfecting of the said Grant being adjourned and refered to the present Courts. "In pursuance, therefore, of the afore-recited Order and Grant, and for the completing and perfecting of the same, Be it enacted by his Excellency the Governor, Council, and Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That the aforesaid Tract of Land com monly called the North Purchase, circumscribed and bounded as above expressed, Be and is Granted to be a Township Distinct and separate from Taunton ; the Town to be named Norton, and the Inhabitants thereof to have, Use, Excercise, and enjoy all such Immunities, Powers, and Privileges as' other Towns within this Province have and do by Law excer cise and enjoy, so that the said Inhabitants settle an able, Learned, Orthodox Minister in the said Town, and from time to time allow him a Comfortable support. " Provided Nevertheless, That the Inhabitants in the east end of the said North Purchase shall have one-half of the said Purchase as their Precinct, when they are able to main tain a minister, and this Court judge them so. "June 12th, 1711. " This Bill, having been read three several times in the House of Representatives, passed to be enacted. "John Burrill, Speaker. " Read three several times in Council, Concured, and passed to be enacted. " Isaac Addington, Sectry. " By his Excellency. " I consent to the enacting of this Bill. " J. Dudley." TOPOGRAPHY AND NATURAL HISTORY. 37 CHAPTER IV. TOPOGRAPHY AND NATURAL HISTORY. " Nature is but a name for an effect, Whose cause is God." — Cowpna. The town of Norton, as originally constituted, was bounded northerly by Dorchester (now Foxborough, Sharon, and Stoughton), easterly by Bridgewater^ southerly by Taunton and Rehoboth, and westerly by Attleborough. It is now bounded northerly by Mansfield, easterly by Easton, and southerly and west erly as when first incorporated. Its length, on the north, is about five and a half miles ; on the south, about seven miles. Its breadth is about five miles at the westerly'end, and a little more than three and a half at the easterly end : and it embraces an area of eighteen thousand two hundred and sixty-four acres ; of which the roads occupy about two hundred and eighty-four acres, and about two hundred and sixty-six acres are covered with water. It is situated in the northerly part of Bristol County • and the old meeting-house which stood on the Com mon, nearly in front of the present Congregatioual church, was in latitude 41° 58' 01".90 north and in longitude 71° 11' 35".73 west, from Greenwich.' Norton is about twenty-eight miles south of Boston • nearly the same distance northerly from New Bedford • and eighteen miles north-easterly from Providence' R.I. It lias four villages. The Centre is the largest • consisting of about sixty houses, two churches, one public-house, two stores, and the Wheaton Female beminary. 1 American Statistical Collections, vol. i. p. 107. 4 38 TOPOGRAPHY AND NATURAL HISTORY. Barrowsville is two miles to the south-west and consists of about twenty-five houses, a s or! a Wes leyan-M ethodist chapel, and a large cotton factory half of the population at least being foreigners. 7 ' erlv and^n1^0^8 J1"8*6 is about two **» south erly, and consists of about twenty-five houses the copper establishments of Crocker Brothers and Com panj^and a store. A large portion of the population Winneconnet Village is three miles east from the centre, near where the first settlement was made and i7oTrcm^rn^r^ a cai™^PtiSt ^5 a store &c. Its inhabitants are principally native-born and industrious farmers. V y "' The only natural pond is the Winneconnet * in the south-eastern part of the town, on the shores of which was erected the first civilized habitation within ou limits. It is a beautiful sheet of water, embrac . ai area of about a hundred and twenty-five acres and abounding m fine pickerel and other fish ' " T^S^iS' °CCasionalVn the old ^^ords called ien-mile R^er, rises in the westerly part of Sha ron runs through a corner of Foxborough, and cen trally through the entire breadth of Mansfield; thence to — r^ and terms, derives the word " Se-cor f-llt" Inn ^t ?' Up°n JndT names and hmk, a goose; and explained that the terminal 'IV™™* t\ Waok' locality, and that the word sonified " the nla^f h „ £ ",e,"t ,Place> m %2klX& lorle^^^S^^^— -» haps the syllable "con " mav If ,lJi™* t SohooIcraft thinks per- "rf t" l/this is so°we tZl tkl wKofc^tM TS * nuts," or " a beautiful nut place " WhotW ;„ ¦ . f- p ace ot fine were plentv around the pondwe do nor knnw t" f aifent'imes. the nuts by, th^ walnut now grSI^T.ttnteSy^'^BS'lif ^V9" think the first definition is the more accurate wWn'.nSS \ f a"' W8 again if we get any new light. u""""ounuo- we will allude to the matter TOPOGRAPHY AND NATURAL HISTORY. 39 through the central part of Norton, in a southerly di rection, till it unites with the Coweset or Wading River and forms the Three-mile River, which passes on' through the westerly part of Taunton, and falls into launtoii River, on the borders of Dightou. Coweset (Indian name) or Wading River, so called because a man could wade it its entire length, rises ni Shepard's Pond, on the borders of Wrentham and foxborough, flows southerly and easterly through the westerly part of Mansfield and Norton, and unites with the Rumford, about half a mile below the Copper- works The name "Chartley" is also applied to some parts of this stream. Canoe River (anciently called Gooseberry-Meadow Brook) rises in the southerly part of Sharon, flows southerly through the easterly part of Mansfield and r> i orton, and empties into the north-westerly side of Winneconnet Pond. Mulberry-Meadow Brook, called on the map « Leach's fetream," rises in the south-easterly part of Sharon, flows southerly through tbe westerly part of Easton and the easterly part of Norton, and empties into Win neconnet Pond, a few rods easterly of where Canoe Itiver empties m. The only outlet of this pond is Mill River close by the line of Taunton, into which town it immediately passes. _ Burt's Brook, designated on the map by BB, rises m two localities in Cedar Swamp, near the south westerly corner of the town, runs easterly between Lemuel and Asa Arnold's, and empties into Three-mile Kiver, a short distance below Lincoln's Furnace Goose Brook rises also in the westerly part 'of the aRW°ffS northerly, passing between the tt' £ fvS. -H°T and N°- 4 Sch°°lhouse, and emp ties into Wading River, a short distance above where Allen and Augustus Lane live Stony Brook, marked SB on the map, - sometimes also, on old records, called « Chartley," _ rises in Attle- r?f\ZS V/ri neTarlj east in Norton' Passing in front of the old Judge Leonard Mansion House, and empties 40 TOPOGRAPHY AND NATURAL HISTORY. Le^nSStf "' & Httl6 bd0W the M^> — *e Log Brook, marked LB on the map, rises easterlv of the house of Jason F. Alden, and, runn n?sonth between the house of Austin Mes'singe and hf Com mon, empties into the Barrowsville-Factory Pond T sZolhnr°°k fl(n0t °Q the maP^ rises weste^ °f No. 7 Schoolhouse, flows westerly on the southerly side mSfes ^^"7 K™^ ^> ^ S0°" a^ "Rtimford InTwat? Sr ^ if ^ from Dora (Theodora i/looS (X^toTl witch) who lived in a hut on its banks bwab-tailed Brook (not on the map) rises easterlv of fte railroad, and, flowing north-easterly between Amos Keith's house and the Asahel Tucker House 'empties into Canoe River, about half a mile below Eddy L n coin's grist and saw mill. 7 m~ Drink-water Brook, marked DB on the map rises in the south part of Mansfield, and, flowing souther y empties into Rumford River, a short distance to the south-west of Norton Alms-house (,a?/eut ?°Seph Aver^' after the Rate of Twenty Pounds per annum for each Sabbath he hath or shall pTeach £?££S:£?£?» he was last ^ to *• « "Consented to: « J. Dudley.'" We presume this movement at Freetown was made because Mr. Avery had left them to preach as a cSt dae here, and they were anxious to retain his service It is supposed however, that he did not return to Free town to preach for any length of time, but continued to minister to the people here ; for " at a meeting of the town of Norton Sept. 19th, 1711, voted to Iff. Avery his salary £40. 0s. Od." This was for his first yearis service. A year went by after he was called to settle and no response is received from Mr. Avery; yet the general understanding in the town is, thlt he will finally accept the call, if sufficient encouragement given. At any rate, his hearers mean, if it is in their power, to win him from any other love he may have started ^m^?,Pr°Jectof building him a hou'se was he 3, «w ' ,says °ne (and we have no doubt who he was) « let us build a parsonage. Let us give him a place to live in, and he will be the more likely to remain. Ihat man was George Leonard. "I second i Bliss's History of Rehoboth, p. 133. -j State Papers, vol. xi. p. 369. General-Court Records, vol. ix. p. 100 AND ORGANIZATION OP THE CHURCH. 63 the motion," says another. " It is a capital idea : for, as things now are, the foxes have holes, and the birds have nests ; but our minister has not where to lay his head." That man was Nicholas White. And, when George Leonard and Nicholas White combine to do any thing, it must be done. Certainly, as we shall see, they were more successful than the parish have been in later times about building a parsonage. A tax was levied upon the town to assist the mini ster in providing a habitation. We here present the tax-list to our readers : — BATE-BILL FOR MR. AVERT'S HOUSE. NAMES. George Leonard . Lt. Samuel Brintnell Samuel Hodges John Cob. . . Selvanis Cambell Nathaniel fisher Andrew Grovier Ephreim Grovier Thomas Grovier John Hodges . Nathaniell hodges Thomas Stevens Eliezer Edye . Benjamin Newland Robert Tucker . Nicolas White . John Skiner . . John hall . . . Petter Aldrich . Joseph Briggs . Richard Briggs . Eliezer fisher . Israeli fisher Benjamin Williams John Wetherell, Sen. William Wetharell, Sen Heads. s. d. 13 04 20 00 13 04 06 08 06 08 06 08 06 08 06 08 06 08 06 08 06 08 06 08 06 08 06 08 06 08 06 08 06 08 06 08 06 08 06 08 06 08 06 08 06 08 06 08 13 04 13 04 Real Estate. £ s. d. 00 15 06 00 04 04 00 02 09 00 00 03 00 01 08 00 00 03 00 01 04 00 01 04 00 01 07 00 03 03 00 02 01 00 03 03 00 02 02 00 01 04 00 01 05 00 02 05 00 02 07 00 01 04 00 00 09 00 01 04 00 01 05 00 01 04 00 00 00 00 01 05 00 03 04 00 01 09 Personal Estate. £ s. d. 00 14 01 00 05 05 00 05 02 00 01 09 00 01 10 00 02 09 00 02 01 00 04 00 00 03 10 00 06 00 00 03 10 00 04 00 00 03 03 00 00 09 00 01 10 00 06 05 00 03 10 00 04 07 00 03 04 00 00 07 00 01 04 00 02 08 00 01 04 00 04 08 00 07 02 00 05 00 1 64 SETTLEMENT OP A MINISTER. Rate-Bill, continued. NAMES. HeadB. Real Estate. Personal Estate. S. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 06 08 ¦oo 01 07 00 02 04 06 08 00 03 04 00 06 08 06 08 00 01 09 00 02 08 John Caswell, Sen . 06 08 00 01 04 00 07 10 Benjamin Caswell . 06 08 00 01 04 00 02 05 06 08 00 03 04 00 05 00 06 08 00 00 03 00 00 00 06 08 00 00 00 00 01 04 William Hodges . 06 08 00 01 05 00 03 06 06 08 00 01 04 00 02 11 06 08 00 00 00 00 01 4 06 08 00 00 00 00 03 4 06 08 00 02 05 00 03 10 13 04 00 00 00 00 00 0 06 08 00 01 04 00 01 10 Daniell Braman 06 08 00 02 09 00 02 05 William Wetharell, Jun. 06 08 00 00 00 00 01 06 William Cobb . . . 06 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 Nathaniell Hervey 06 08 00 00 00 00 01 10 John Wetharell, Jun. 06 08 00 00 00 00 01 4 Samuell Brintnell, Jun. 6 08 00 00 00 00 00 9 Samuell Bayley . . 06 08 00 00 06 00 01 4 06 08 00 01 10 00 02 05 06 08 00 00 00 00 00 9 06 08 00 00 00 00 00 0 Samuell Blake, Sen. 00 00 00 02 06 00 00 0 Widow Smith . . 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 1 Benjamin Willis . 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 0 Samuell Alline . . 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 Robert Woodward 00 00 00 01 08 00 00 0 Thomas Hervey, Sen 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 0 William Hervey, Jun 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 0 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 0 Jonathan Lincoln . , 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 0 Jeremiah Newland 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 0 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 0 06 08 00 00 00 00 00 0 Jonathan Williams 00 00 00 01 01 00 00 0 James Leonard, Jun. . 00 00 00 02 03 00 00 0 George Hodges . . 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 0 AND ORGANIZATION OP THE CHURCH. 65 "This rate, being to pay Mr. Avery 32 pounds towards building his house, was made by us, the subscribers, this first day of January, 1711-12. it contains 32 8. 0, Besides 0. 16. 6. put in for the constable, the eight shillings is for makein the rate. .. " George Leonard, ) John Wetherel, VAssesors." Thomas Stephens,) Those whose heads are not rated were, no doubt, non residents. The house was, we presume, erected soon after the rate was made, though not entire y finished for some years. This house, thus early built for Mr. Avery, stood on the land already given to and laid out for the first minister ; and a portion of it is still (1»5») standing. It is owned by Mr. Caswell, and occupied by the present pastor of the Congregational parish. We here give a picture of it as it now appears. r,r- S HQkH $ Mr. Avery's House, built in 1711-12. It now fronts to the east. The end we see in the picture is to the south, and was originally a portion of the front-side of the house. A large room, nearly twenty feet square, was, some years since, taken on from the west end ; and an addition from what is now 66 SETTLEMENT OP A MINISTER, the front-door, towards the north, was put on, many years ago, as an L. The roof was originally four- sided, the south and north sides being longer than the east and west; the house being about forty-six feet long and twenty wide. There were two large rooms on the ground-floor, and two large chambers above. The space between the two rooms — about twelve feet wide —was occupied by a huge stone chimney, topped out with brick, which was taken down some twenty years ago, when a portion of the house was torn down, and the rest repaired, and the roof put on, as it now appears, by Capt. D. King. While preparations for building him a house are going on, no response to the call came from the minister, who is still preaching to the people. The town, " Sept. 17th, 1712, voted to Mr. Avery, for his salary, 45 — 0 — 0." This was five pounds more than the year previous ; a further evidence that the town are anxious to hear a favorable answer to their invita tion. Another year passes away, and still Mr. Avery gives no answer. He certainly was a very deliberate man. The town, however, " let patience have its per fect work ; " and, "Oct. 6th, 1713, voted to Mr. Avery, for his salary for this year, 45 — 0 — 0." Almost another entire year passed away before we find the following record : — "On the 13th of September, 1714, Mr. Avery Gave his answer, which was Excepted by ye town ; and, on that day, thay voted to Mr. Joseph Avery his salary, 50 — 0 — 0." 1 Whether Mr. Avery's " answer " was written or verbal, we are not informed ; nor are we told whether it was an acceptance or declination of the call extended to him " to settle with them in the work of the mini stree," nearly four years before. Yet we have abun- i From his settlement to 1720, his salary was £60; from 1721 to 1734, it was £60; in 1735 and 1736, it was £80 ; in 1737, £100: in 1738, £160. From 1739 to 1742, he had £120; then, for three years, he had £130. From 1746 to his dismission, his salary was £140. AND ORGANIZATION OF THE CHURCH. 67 dant evidence that it was favorable to the wishes of the people. And now, again, the town is all life and animation . A great and all-important event is soon to take place ; or rather, we may say, two events, — the gathering of a church, and the ordination of the candidate who has consented to become their teacher and spiritual adviser. The laying of the foundation of a new church of Christ in the wilderness was attended with many difficulties and inconveniences. Yet the men who peopled the wilderness, and were making it blossom like the rose, were not discouraged at trifles. The hand of God was leading them ; and hence they were sure to come out right in the end. The day of ordination is fixed upon. The pastor and messengers of some of the neighboring churches are invited to form a council, and assist in the work of conseoration. In the mean time, measures were in progress for the gathering of a church ; a sort of nucleus, around which, it - was hoped, a whole galaxy of saints would soon cluster. A covenant — which, in those days, was never very strictly construed, but was considered more as a bond of union among the members than as a creed — was prepared. It is brought forward for the acceptance of those who had signified to the pastor elect their desire to become members of the proposed church. The little band met ; not in an " upper room," for the houses in those days were principally of one story. Perhaps it was in the house of God, already erected, and so far completed as to be occupied. The pastor elect, in solemn tones and measured voice, read it over, sentence by sentence, for their acceptance. With a few additions and expurgations, it is made satisfactory to all. The vote of acceptance being taken, the pastor elect affixes his signature ; and, after him, walk up to the table, one by one, and pen their rude autograph or make their still ruder " mark," those whose names the reader will find attached to the document which we now present to the reader : — 68 SETTLEMENT OP A MINISTER, COVENANT.' " We, who are, by the holy and Gracious Providance of our most Gracious and mercifull God, Brought unto this Blessed oppertunetey, unto this Extraordinary duty, of Joyning ourselves togeather according to the Instituted Church vis£ ble, Being deeply sencible of our own utter Insufficiancy (of ourselves) unto so high and holy a worke, as also a Privi- lidge; and having desired and Laboured solemnly and sinsarely to sarch our own hearts and ways, and to humble our souls deeply and Thoroughly before God, and to obtaine Pardon from Him, and Peace with him, through the Blood of Jesus Christ ; and being also awfully apprehensive of the dreadfull Presance of God, — before whome we stand, — and of the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Exercise of [his] Kingly and Prophetical office in his church, — we do (in dependauce upon his Grace, and the Conduct and assist ance of his holy sperit, and in hope of his Gracious accept ance), in his holy Presance, name, and fear, Solamnly, sincearly, visibly, and Profesedly, by our owne free act, Joyntly Give up ourselves and our seed to almighty God, as our only God, acording to the termes of his own everlasting Covenant ; arid unto our Lord Jesus Christ, as our only and absolute Saviour; engaging ourselves with all our Hearts and with all our soules unto him, in a way of obedience unto his Great Gospell ordinance of Church fellowship, to Live and walk together in a way of free and full subjection unto the only Power and authorety of him, our dear and Blesed Lord Jesus, the Great and only Shepard and Bishop of our souls, as his Power is visably and ministerially Exercised in the Reguler and orderly administration of all Gospel ordi nances, Both of doctrine, discipline, and worship, in his Church, by such officers whome he has Gifted and Given unto his Church unto that end ; and also as his Power is exer cised in and over our souls by his holy Sperit, unto whome also we Give up ourselves to be an holy tempel in the Lord. And we do further Covenant with our Lord Jesus Christ, 1 The original draught of the covenant, with the autographs of the first members, is not to be found. It was undoubtedly the composition of Mr. Avery. The oldest copy we have found, the one before the reader, is mostly in the handwriting of Col. George Leonard ; a few blank spaces being filled in the handwriting of Mr. Avery. The reader will perceive that there is very little theological doctrine in it. It was probably intended to be truly a covenant, and not a creed; for Mr. Avery was not a man who wished to en slave the human mind. AND ORGANIZATION OP THE CHURCH. 69 through the Graces of his holy Sperit, to Keep ourselves clear and free from all Profaine Communion with the Profaine world, and from all prophane communion with aney societies of men not walking acording to the Rules and command of Jesus Christ ; and to Keep unto him, according to this our Holy covenant, with this Perticuler Instituted Church visbell. and further, we do, in the presence of God, and in his holy name and fear, Give up ourselves, one unto another, by the will of God, Covenanting to walk & Live togeather as mem bers of a Church of Christ, Profesing and Practising that one only true Religion which is Revealed to us in the word of God, by the doctrine both of faith and obedience, according to that Knowledge which God has Given us of it ; and also in the exercise of Brotherly Love and Christian Charety, in the Constant Performance of all duties of Church Commu nion, under the Regular administration of word, prayers, seals, and censures, even all Church administration, and that as God shall help us, inoffensively and unblamebly, in order unto our mutuall edefycation and consolation. Finally, we do Covenant (by God's Grace) to Keep our Communion Pure and Intire within ourselves, and to maintaine orderly Com munion with all other orthodox1 and Rightly Constituted Churches of Christ; endevering to Presarve the unity of the sperit in the Bond of Peace. "This Holy Covenant we Humbly undertake in the name and fear of God, with Humble Confidence in and dependance upon him for the assistance of his Grace unto the faithfull Performance of all these our holy Covenant duties unto him- selfe, and one unto another, with Patience and Perseverance to the end with all; Humbelly and most hartely Praying that God would Pardon all our sins, both Past and Present, & accept of us as his Covenant People, and become our God. to him be Glory in the Church by Jesus Christ throughout all ages, world with [out] end. Amen. " Dated ye 4th Oct., 1714. " George Leonard, John Briggs, John Wetherell, Thomas Skinner, Peter Aldrich, Ephraim Grover, Joseph Donham, John Skinner, Israel Fisher, Thomas Grover, Nicholas White, Seth Dorman, John Hall." 1 The term " orthodox," as used among the early Puritans, we think, meant simply what we mean by the word " congregational" at the present time. It was used to designate those who held to a particular tonn of church government and ordinances from those who differed from them in 70 SETTLEMENT OP A MINISTER, The signing of the document is to be regarded only as a preliminary step to the full and complete organi zation of the church about three weeks later. The day of ordination, and of regularly constituting the- church, at length arrived. On the morning of a day late in autumn were seen emerging from the woods, and coming through the by-paths, in every direction, men, women, and children, all seemingly centring to one point. Some, the more wealthy and aristocratic of the town, are on horseback, with their wives, and perhaps one or two children, on the pillion behind them. Others are on foot, carrying in one arm an infant, and leading with the other hand its older bro ther or sister. The whole town is astir, and strangers from the neighboring settlements are also moving towards the same central point. That point is the new meeting-house, not yet completely finished. The occa sion of this unusually large gathering, and the precise date of it, we find by turning to the church-records. The first entry made therein, in the handwriting of the first minister, explains the whole matter. It is in these words, viz. : " A church was gathered in Nor ton on the 28th of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fourteen."1 The names of " those who covenanted as members " are there given. They are the same as those who signed the covenant, Oct. 4; "and," says the record, "on the same day, Oct. 28, 1714, was ordained Mr. Joseph Avery as pastor of the church of Christ in Norton. He was the first minister in Norton. At his ordination, Rev. Samuel Danforth, of Taunton, gave the charge ; and the Rev. Thomas Greenwaxd. of Rehoboth, gave the \DoocX this respect. It was used by the Puritans to distinguish themselves from the Baptist, Presbyterian, and Quaker sects, &c. There certainly, in times past, was as much difference of theological opinion between those styling themselves " Orthodox," as we now find among those denominated " Con- gregationalists." In the former term were included Calvinists and Ar- minians; as, in the latter, are included Trinitarians and Unitarians. If the word " orthodox" was used in its legitimate sense, — meaning "sound in doctrine," — one sect had as much right to claim it as another; for all Beets honestly believe that their doctrines are sound. .,. i This was in Old Style. In New Style, the date would be Nov. 8, 1714. AND ORGANIZATION OP THE CHURCH. 71 right hand of fellowship." No mention is made. of any other ministers; yet probably some others were present. The above is every scrap of authentic history that has come down to us of the proceedings relative to the organization of the church and the settlement of a mini ster. Other persons, several of them the wives of the original members of the church, soon united with it ; a deacon was chosen, &c. ; of which we shall say more hereafter. At quite an early period of our colonial existence, at the gathering of a church, those who proposed to join in covenant were required to make a declaration of their Christian experience. So also, for many years, for admission to a church already organized, a similar prerequisite was expected of candidates. The subse quent as well as the original members were required to express-their assent to the covenant, and to give satis faction concerning their faith. We give below one of these confessions, or " experiences " as they were some times called. The date of it is probably about 1743. " I desire to bless God for that he hath cast my lot in a Gospel Land, whare I have the Glad tidings of a Saviour proclaimed in mine ears; and for that I haue the holy Scrip tures to Read, & to direct me in the ways of God's comands. And I allso desiar to bless God for his Goodness to me, that I desended of such parents, who taught and instructed me, and gaue me up to God in mine infency in baptisem ; which is an ordinance apinted by Christ to beleiuers and their infant seed. &, notwithstanding God's goodness to me, I haue sined against him. I therefore acknowledge, I deserues no thing from the hand of God but his wrath and indgnattion to . be poured out upon me. But I would bless his most holy name that he hath put it into my heart to be making my peace with him. I have had a desire for som time to come to the Lord's table ; but, being in som measure sensable of my own unworthness, I daust not, least, by coming unworthily, I eat and drink iudgment to myself. But I haue taken incourige- ment from the word of God to come up to this holy ordi nance ; as in marthew xi. 28, ' Come uuto me, all ye that Labour and are heavy-Laden, & I will giue you rest ;' John vi. 72 SETTLEMENT OP A MINISTER, 37, ' And he that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.' I desire to come hungering and thirsting after Christ, & to be putting my trust in him. I allso desire to forsake all sin, as it is a braaking of God's holy & ius law. I also desire the prayers of this Church to God for me, that so I may become a worthy communicant at the Lord's table." We have now told our readers all the facts we have gathered relative to the establishment of the gospel ministry in our town, with the exception of the erec tion of a house of worship, which we shall record in its proper place. We have seen that a farm had been given the mini ster ; that he had been assisted in the building of a dwelling-house, &c. : but we have said nothing relative to the occupation of his house by the pastor. Perhaps he kept a " bachelor's hall " for a time. Possibly he hired a housekeeper for a few years, till he could clear up his land, and lay by a little patrimony towards the support of a helpmeet and companion. There is no record or tradition that he had more than one wife ; and hence we conclude that he waited till he was almost entitled to the first twenty acres willed him by Thomas Leonard, before he entered into the family relation. The minister's house, as we have said, was not finished for some years. But suddenly the people wake up to the importance of completing it. A town- meeting was held Aug. 4, 1719 ; and from the records of it we take the following extracts : — " 31y, According to the warant for sd. meating for to Rayse monis for to finish the ministr's hous, acordingly Proseded to give twenty pounds by way of rate, & Sum by way of free will ofring or Gift at sd. meeting. " 41y, Voted to give ye minister twenty pounds for the finish ing of his hous, to be raised on ye inhabitanc by way of rate. nicolas Smith, and Benjamin Williams, and Ebenezer Eddy, having given already, are to be Excepted in sd. act ; and John AND ORGANIZATION OF THE CHURCH. 73 Briggs, gran. Sen., on his promis to Give Bricks, is Excepted also. , .,. -j " Nicolas Smith promised to Give Mr. Avery ten shibnds in two months, in money or grain, at money-price. " Ebenezer Eddy has given 0—5—0 already. " Benjamin Williams has given 0—10—0 already. « John briggs, Grand Sen., promis to give five shibnds' worth of good wether brick at the kill at John Gilbard's at taunton. " Nathaniel fisher promis to give ten shilinds in two months in worck. , ,.,.-, -. • " John Newland, Sen., promis to give ten shibnds, — live in money, & five in worck. « John Austen promis to give ten shilinds, — five in money, & five in worck. " Thomas Skinner and his suns gives twenty shibnds, — ten in money, & ten in worck. " Uriah Leonard gives five shilinds by promis. " John briggs, Sen., promis to give twenty shilinds in worck in two months. Jeremiah Newland promis to give three shi linds in two months. John Harvey promis . to give twenty shilinds (ten in money, & ten in worck) in two months. Jo seph Hodges gave five shilinds money, & two pare of Hocks & hinges,°at six shilinds' price, in two months. John New- land, sen., or benianin Newland, promis to give five shilinds in worck in two months. Jonathan Linkoln promis to lath the west Chamber. John Andrus promis to lath the East Chamber. John Hodges, sen., gives twenty shilinds in money Mr. avery oes said Hodges. Left. Nicolas White promis to give twenty shilinds money in two months." But what roused the people to take hold of this mat ter so earnestly ? No doubt they have heard of the minister's frequent visits to Rehoboth, and they suspect it is not all out of pure friendship for Rev. Mr. Green wood. Perhaps he had let drop a few words, that " it was not good for man to be alone ; " or some " busy body " from Rehoboth, if they had such folks in those days, might have reported that there was a little matri monial speculation going on between the Norton mini ster and the great-grand-daughter of the first minister of Rehoboth. These are simply surmises on our part, and the reader must take them for what they are worth. On the town-books of Rehoboth is the follow- 7 74 EARLY SETTLERS. ing entry, which certainly gives some foundation for the surmises just entertained : — " Mr. Joseph Avery, of Norton, and Miss Sarah Newman, of Rehoboth, Published the 13th of August, 1720." It is evident now why the minister's house should be finished. The date of the marriage of Mr. Avery and Miss Newman I have not found. It probably took place, according to the usual course of things, about the 1st of September of the same year ; but whether at Rehoboth or elsewhere, is unknown. Mrs. Avery was the daughter of Deacon Samuel and Hannah Newman ; grand-daughter of Samuel and Ba- sheba (Chickering) Newman ; and, without doubt, the "greatrgrand-daughter of Rev. Samuel Newman, one of the first settlers and the first minister of Rehoboth. She Was born the 20th of November, 1700; and was consequently about thirteen years younger than her husband, and might have been one of his pupils when he kept school at Rehoboth. CHAPTER VII. EARLY SETTLERS. " All, all are gone, the old familiar faces." — 0. Lamb. In this chapter we shall give some account of the first settlers ; all of whom, with but one exception, are known to have been here previous to or in 1711, — the year the town was incorporated. It is very difficult to ascertain where some of them lived ; for the town was not laid out in regular lots ; but the first proprietors took up land where it suited them - best, — a piece of upland here, and a plat of meadow there : and, in sub sequent divisions, their lots were not always bordering upon, those previously occupied ; so - that, when we EARLY SETTLERS. 75 ascertain where any particular man s lot lay it is not certain that his house was on that lot. So far as we have been able to ascertain the location of the hist houses, they were invariably built near to a stream or spring of water. Probably the old homesteads of some of the pioneer settlers are now covered with a growth of wood' The names of the settlers given in this chapter we find on the petition for a precinct; or the tax-bill .* build Mr. Avery's house, already given ; or on a tar- Em to build the first meeting-house, which we shall I Ive in a subsequent chapter relating to meeting- louses. We can find but few gravestones tc » designa to the snot where these men are buried, or to tell tne exactPdatIs of their death. This fact serves to cor-^ roborate the saying of Pope, — " Who builds a church to God, and not to fame, Will never mark the marble with his name. But few of the deaths of the early settlers are even recorded on our town-books. From the prob a e-books however, at Taunton, we can approximate to the time of their departure. In most cases the will was proved °o an administrator appointed, within a few weeks succeeding the demise of the individual. For tbe sake of convenient reference, we have arranged in alphabetical order, the names of the settlers relative to whom we shall now give what few facts we have ^Peter Aldrich settled at the place where Isaac T. Braman now lives. He was one of the original mem bers of the church. His wife was Experience , married before 1702; and they had three children. Of his ancestry we know nothing. He was dead pre vious to March 16, 1724-5 ; for his wife was appointed administratrix of his estate on that day. Deacon John Andrews might have been the son_ ot Henry and Mary (Deane) Andrews who were married Feb 17 1685-6 ; and was born about lb8b. He is supposed to have been a grandson of Henry Andrews one of the first settlers of Taunton. He lived a short distance easterly of No. 3 Schoolhouse, where Mrs. 76 EARLY SETTLERS. David Woodward now lives (?) ; and was, for several years, a deacon of the Congregational church of this town. He married Hannah , and had five chil dren. He died Jan. 28, 1763, in his seventy-seventh year. We here give his autograph, written in 1752. John Austin was the son of Jonah Austin, jun., of Taunton ; and was born 1st July, 1671. He lived at the east part of the town, near the sawmill above Capt. T. Copeland's. His wife's name was Sarah , and they had three or more children. When he died * is unknown. Samuel Bayley lived at the east part of Mansfield. He married, Aug. 28, 1711, Elizabeth Caswell, and had eight or nine children. He died previous to March 5, 1754. Thomas Braman, Sen., might have been the son of Thomas, who, with his wife, were at Taunton, June, 1653.1 But of his ancestry we are uncertain. He is supposed to have lived at the place now occupied by Allen D. Lane ; but at what time he settled there is unknown. He married Hannah Fisher, Jan. 20, 1685-6; and had nine, perhaps ten, children." He died June 7, 1709. His widow died Sept. 18, 1714. Thomas Braman, Jun., is supposed 'to have been the son of Thomas, sen., just mentioned, and to have been born about 1686 ; but his name is not recorded with the other children of Thomas, sen. He was dead previous to May 1, 1725. We do not know in what part of the town he lived. Daniel Braman was the son of Thomas, sen., and Hannah (Fisher) Braman; and was born Oct. 11, 1688. He lived at the place where his father settled. He married, Nov. 25, 1714, Rachel Cambell (probably the first couple married in town by Rev. Mr. Avery), l See Plymouth-Colony Records, toI. iii. pp. 87 and 38. EARLY SETTLERS. 77 and had six (?) children. He died between May 22 and 28, 1753. His wife is supposed to have died in 1756, as her will was probated Nov. 29 of that year. Deacon John Briggs was the son of Richard and Rebecca (Haskins) Briggs, of Taunton, and was born Feb. 26, 1669 (70 ?). He is presumed to have lived near the Centre, as he used to sweep the meeting-house, and was several times chosen " Clark of ye Market." He is supposed to have been the man who was the first town-clerk of Norton. On the records he is sometimes called John Briggs the eldest, and sometimes grand senior. He married (probably second wife) Mary Burt, May 29, 1727. He was one of the original members of the church, and, for several years, deacon of the same ; and died June 29, 1750, in his eighty- first year. We here give his autograph ; at any rate, that of the first town-clerk.. .. $rM Joseph Briggs (brother of Deacon John, last named) was born 15th June, 1674. He settled, near where Laban Lincoln now lives. He married (perhaps bis second wife), Oct. 20, 1718, Mehitable Hall ; and had three children. He died previous to Dec. 18, 1751. Richard Briggs was the brother of Deacon John and Joseph, just mentioned, and was born 12th January, 1679. He settled at the place recently owned by Dr. Leavet Bates, deceased ; and his house is supposed to have stood where the Dr. Bates House now stands, directly in front of the Trinitarian meeting-house. His wife was Mercy, married about 1706 or 8 ; and they had four sons. He died about the 1st of January, 1733 ; as his will was proved Jan. 10, 1732-3.1 l In the Centre Burying-ground we find the gravestones of Richard Briggs, and Mercy his wife, which say that he died October, 1741, in h.s fifty-fourth year; and that she died September, 174S 1 in her fifty-sixth year. We think the dates on these stones are erroneous. We can find traces of only one Richard Briggs, of Norton, so early, except the son of the one whoso will was proved 7* 78 EARLY SETTLERS. th< P son of S RIGGS^ JcUn"1is S"PP°sed t0 havebeen the son of Wdliam and Sarah (Macomber) Briggs, of Taunton ; and was born 19th March, 1680. He wa doubtless the same person who was^ sometimes calTed John Briggs second and senior. He probably lived lo 7l3eTnl7 Ti °l*e t0Jn> and --ried! devious to 1713, Hannah Rocket. He may have been the man who , marned (for second wife ?) Hannah WetherelTin 1U1. His will was probated Aug. 26, 1756; and, lasLTrt08 Glght ChiIdren- We Pres«me he church. ggS' SeC°Ud' Wh° Was deacon of the RitMU-EL 0BMGf S 2AVed at the PIace now owned by Benjamin Sweet. Of his ancestry we know nothin/ Seed%e^mtdCaaS.17°5 (?)' "* * ^ Capt. Samuel Brintnell was the son of Thomas and Esther Brintnell (the first settlers of what is now Mans beld), and was born Dec. 2 (?), 1665. He lived at the homestead of his father, anYwas a very influential S nnbhV ff^ hlSt I1"7 °f th8 t0Wn' ~ much emP!oyed GpW r - f ar selectinan' and representative to the now nfi?°Urt' ^T ,t0ld hj Mrs- Lucilda Brintnell, now ninety years old that his first wife was Margare Carpenter When she died we know not. He had mT T1' oV^ ,WIfe' Esther- She died Deo 20,' 1730. May 23, 1734 he married Mrs. Elizabeth Blake ot Wrentham He died between Nov. 19, 1735 (date tafS ^'/^ JaV2' 1735"6' When his ^ ™r. Dated. In his will, he names six children. Samuel Brintnell, Jun, was the son of Samuel, just mentioned, and was probably born about 1690 and lived near the old homestead. His first wife was in 1732-3 ; and he had no wife Mercy, and is known to have been alive manv years subsequent to 1741 It will be noticed, that, on the grave lon^sof rC£-arud a5,d iierCiy' the day°f the month thev died is not given. The date of Richard's dead,, as given on the gravestone, corresponds exactly with that of R.chard whose w,ll was proved 1732-3. No doubt Richard a Id I 0 had been dead so long before the stones were put up, that the dates of tho r deaths- were forgotten, and thus the mistake was made. EARLY SETTLERS. 79 Hannah . She died March 20, 1712-13. Dec. 22, 1726, he married Lydia Briggs, and had three children. His wife Lydia was appointed administratrix of his estate, Dec. 16, 1740. Sylvanus Cambell settled at the place now owned by Sanford Freeman, probably before 1700. His house is supposed to have stood between Mr. Freeman's and Benjamin C. Wetherell's. Of his ancestry we have learned nothing. His wife's name was Mary , and he had fourteen children. His will was probated Sept. 1, 1718. John Caswell, Sen, was the son of Thomas Caswell, of Taunton, and was born July 1, 1656. He settled at the east part of what is now Mansfield. He is sup posed to have been the John Caswell who married Elizabeth Hall, Nov. 26, 1689. He had six children. His estate was appraised March 20, 1713-14. John Caswell, Jun, was the son of John, just named, and was born July 19, 1690. He settled at the easterly part of Mansfield. He was a lieutenant in the expedition to Cape Breton in 1744-5; and was, no doubt, the Ensign Caswell mentioned in Major Joseph Hodges' company ; and was soon promoted to the office of lieutenant. In the " Genealogical Regis ter," vol. iv. p. 27, may be seen a letter from his wife to him while absent " in the king's service." Her name was Hannah, married before 1713 ; and they had ten children. He died 18th December, 1773. She died 6th July, 1769, in her eighty-first year. Benjamin Caswell was probably the son of Thomas, and the grandson of Thomas, sen, of Taunton, and was born Nov. 16, 1675. He probably lived some where in the east part of Mansfield. He married, March 17, 1706-7, Mary, widow of Samuel Briggs, and had five children by her.' The date of his death is unknown. James Caswell is supposed to have been the brother of Benjamin, and was born May 17, 1681. We know nothing more of him. John Cobb might have been the son of John and 80 EARLY SETTLERS. EARLY SETTLERS. 81 Jane (Woodward) Cobb, of Taunton, and was born March 31, 1678. He is supposed to have lived near where Albert Skinner now lives. His wife's name was Susannah. The leaf on which the births of his chil dren were recorded in the town-records is lost. His son John was appointed administrator of his estate. Sept. 15, 1724. ' William Cobb was, perhaps, a brother of John. He lived in the easterly part of the town. His wife was Mary Newland, married Feb. 11, 1694-5, and is sup posed to have been a daughter of Jeremiah and Kathe rine Newland, of Taunton; for, Jan. 10, 1700-1, John Wetherell, William Wetherell, Jeremiah Newland, Wil liam Cobb, John Newland, Benjamin Newland, Anthony Newland, and Nicholas Smith, enter into an agreement relative to the property of said Jeremiah and Kathe rine, whom they call their father and mother,1 I can find no account of children. Seth Dorman settled in the east part of what is now Mansfield. Of his birth and parentage we can learn nothing. He was probably from some town in Essex County, as there were Dormans in that vicinity. He was one of the original members of the church. He married Sarah Thayer, of Braintree, Aug. 13, 1715 ; and had six children. He died Dec. 21, 1741. '. Joseph Dunham lived on Lockety Neck, easterly of the road leading from Elbridge G. Hunt's to the Cop per-works. It is uncertain whether he was here as early as 1711 or not ; but, as he was one of the origi nal members of the church, we have honored him with a place in this chapter. He married Bethiah Chase, June; 19, 1706; but no record of children has been found. Ebenezer Eddy was the son of John and Deliverance (Owin) Eddy, of Taunton, grandson; of Samuel and Elizabeth Eddy, of Plymouth, great-grandson of Rev. William Eddy, a nonconformist minister of Cranbrook, Kent! County, England, and : was born, :16th. May, lv 1 Probate Records, vol. ii. p. 67, &c. 1676 (?). He settled near Crane's Depot ; perhaps where John or Elijah Eddy live. He married proba bly, 1702, Mary Fisher (?) ; and had eight children. An administrator of his estate was appointed Dec. 4, 1756. His autograph was written in 1723. Eleazer Eddy was a brother of Ebenezer, and was born 16th October, 1681. He lived on the place now owned by George B. Crane ; and his house stood west erly of Mr. Crane's, near the road that leads to Daniel Gallegau's. He married, Feb. 6, 1722-3, Elizabeth Cobb, of Taunton; and had ten children. He was a carpenter. He died Dec. 8, 1739. There was an Eleazer Eddy who married Elizabeth Randall, March 27, 1701. It is possible that he was the man, and that Miss Cobb was his second wife. Joseph Elliot lived at the east part of Mansfield. Of his ancestry we are ignorant. His wife was Han nah , married before 1711; and they had seven children. He died in March or April, 1752. Samuel Fisher was the son of Daniel and Hannah Fisher, of Taunton, and was born 3d December, 1669. He is' supposed to have lived in the neighborhood of where Albert S. Tucker now (1858) lives. His wife Lydia was appointed administratrix of his estate, Oct. 20, 1724. Eleazer Fisher was the brother of Samuel ; and was born 12th May, 1673. He lived near where Deacon Al mond Tucker lived in 1855. He married Hannah Eddy, 24th December, 1696 ; and had ten children. He died between Nov. 16 and Dec. 3, 1750, when his will was probated. His autograph was written in 1727. f 82 EARLY SETTLERS. EARLY SETTLERS. 83 Israel Fisher was born 27th March, 1680 ; and is supposed to have settled near his brothers, Samuel and Eleazer. He was one of the original members of the church.. His wife's name was Susannah mar ried before 1710 ; and they had five children. Nathaniel Fisher was a brother of those just men tioned, and was born 9th February, 1681. He proba bly lived near Barrowsville. He married Deborah about 1705; and had eight children. His will was dated March 27, and probated April 11, 1761. Thomas Grover was the son of Thomas and Sarah (Chadwick) Grover, of Maiden, and was born, ac cording to records, March, 1668 (1669 ?). He settled near what is now West Mansfield. He and his bro thers, Andrew and Ephraim, bought land in company, Nov. 14, 1702; and built their houses some forty or . fifty rods apart, forming a sort of equilateral triangle. Ihomas s house was where John T. Tobit now lives on the road leading to the Christian Chapel. Andrew's house was where Rev. N. S. Chadwick now lives on the road leading to Mansfield Centre ; and Ephraim's house was on the road now leading to the Depot, at West Mansfield. Thomas married, July 29, 1697 Mary Cox; and had three children born at Maiden' and three others at Norton. Andrew Grover, the brother of Thomas, was born October, 1673. His wife's name was Mary , married about 1697 ; and they had three children born at Mai den, before removing to Norton, and seven afterwards. He is supposed to have died about 1751. _ Deacon Ephraim Grover, a brother of those pre viously mentioned, was born about 1675. He married in 1700, at Maiden, Mary Pratt ; and they had four (?) Children. He was for some years deacon of the church in the North Precinct of Norton (Mansfield). He died Feb. 25, 1766. J John Hall is supposed to have been the son of Sa muel Hall, of Taunton, and born 19th October, 1666. He lived in the Mansfield part of Norton, near to Cob bler s Corner, probably on the east side of Rumford River ; and was, at one time, one of the owners of a gristmill near Cobbler's Corner. He married Elizabeth King, Dec. 17, 1696. He is supposed to have been the person who had a wife Esther in 1711,. and a wife Ruth in 1720 ; and who married Sarah Welman, March 7, 1726-7. He was one of the original members of the church. He is supposed to have been dead previous to 1738. We here give his autograph, written in 1716. Ebenezer Hall was the brother of John, born 19th March, 1677. In what part of the town he settled, or what became of him, we are not informed. He (?) married Jane Bumpus, June 22, 1704. Nathaniel Harvey has left behind him but very few traces. His wife's name was Susannah ; and she was one of the first persons who called for aid from the town. There was some controversy between Norton and Taunton relative to her legal residence ; but in April, 1713, the Court of Sessions decided that Mr. Harvey and his wife were inhabitants of Norton, and their relations were ordered to give assistance to Su sannah. John Hodges was the son of John and Elizabeth (Macy) Hodges, of Taunton (grandson of William Hodges, who was at Taunton in 1643), and was born 5th April, 1673. He settled at the place where Noah Smith now lives ; but his house was farther down towards the river. He was town-clerk for several years, and was much employed in transacting business for the town. He married Mary , and had six children. He died Jan. 20, 1743-4. The autograph we give was written in 1739. i( t . Nathaniel Hodges was the brother of John, and was born 2d April, 1675. He settled at the place now 84 EARLY SETTLERS. owned by Thomson Tripp ; and his house stood back Irom the road, about midway from Mr. Tripp's to L 0. Makepeace's. He kept the first public-house (1712) in town of which we have any account. He married Hannah Dean, and had nine children. He died (?) 3d March, 1750. His wife died Jan. 3, 1768, in lier eighty-fifth year. Samuel Hodges was a brother of the above, and was born 20th May, 1678. He settled at the place easterly of J. 0. Messenger's, now owned by D. and S. Holman, of Attleborough. He was much employed in town- affairs. He kept tavern, from 1713, seven or eight years. His first wife was Experience Leonard, married Dec 31 1700. She died Aug. 24, 1716. March 7, 1717, he married Mary Allen, of Taunton. She died 21st August, 1723. He had, by both wives, seven children ; and died probably in April, 1725. William Hodges was also a brother of those just mentioned, and was born 6th June, 1682. He settled near the common graveyard, just beyond Austin Mes senger's, where Rev. Joseph Palmer afterwards lived. His wife's name was Hannah Tisdale, married Feb. 8, 1710; and he had two children by her. She died 7th March, 1715, aged twenty-six. His second wife was Clapp, and they had four children. He did not remain in town many years ; but probably, on the death of his father in 1719, or soon after, removed to the old homestead in Taunton, where he is believed to have died June 23, 1766. John Lane was the son of Andrew and Tryphena Lane, of Hingham, and grandson of William Lane, who came to [Dorchester from England (?) in 1635-6, and'died about 1654. John Lane was a shoemaker; and married, June 18, 1674, Mehitable Hobart. She died at Hingham, Feb. 15, 1690. His second wife was Sarah . About 1694, he came to Norton, and set tled on the farm now owned by his descendant, George Lane, near the line of Attleborough, a part of his farm being in the latter town ; and possibly he lived for a short time in Attleborough, as the birth of several of his EARLY SETTLERS. 85 . children are recorded in that town. He had twelve children ; and from him, through his son Ephraim, are descended all the Lanes now of Norton : but it is uncertain whether Ephraim was by the first or second wife ; but we think the former. He died Nov. 23, 1712. His gravestone says his age was sixty-two ; which would make him born in 1650. The Hingham record says he was born Jan. 20, 1648. Doubtless the gravestone is incorrect. Hon. George Leonard, the son of Judge Thomas and Mary (Watson) Leonard, of Taunton, grandson of James and Margaret Leonard, who came to Taunton in 1652, and great-grandson of Thomas Leonard, of Pon- typool, Wales, was born 18th April, 1671. This family of Leonards claimed descent from Lennard Lord Dacre, one of the most distinguished families of the nobility of the United Kingdom ; and descended in two lines from Edward III, through two of his sons, John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, and Thomas Plantaganet, Duke of Gloucester. There appears to be some ground for this claim, from the fact that the arms of the Lennard and Leonard families were the same. Near the close of the last century, the last Lord Dacre, bearing the name of Lennard, died ; and it is supposed that the late Judge Leonard — who was a grandson of George, who first settled in Norton — could have claimed the title. At any rate, there was some consultation among the Leonards in this vicinity upon the propriety of claim ing it ; but I am told the matter ended by the Judge saying that "he preferred to be lord of acres in America, rather than Lord Dacre in England." 1 Whether descended from Lord Dacre or not, the subject of this sketch, and his descendants, lived very much in the style of the English nobility ; being the owners of an immense tract of land, and sur rounded by their tenantry. Probably no family in New England were lords of more acres than the Norton Leonards. The ancestors of George Leonard 1 For more particulars of the Leonard family than are given here, see Genealogical Register, vol. v. p. 403 and onward. 86 EARLY SETTLERS. were interested in the iron-works, both in England and America ; and, as we have already stated, he acted as the agent of his father, and uncle James, in setting up, in 1695, the first bloomery, or iron-forge, within the limits of our town. The house (built before 1700) in which George Leonard lived is still standing, and is said to have been the first framed house erected in town. We here give a picture of it as it now (1858) appears. Judge Leonard House, built before 1700. - The L, on the right, is the original structure. The main body of the house is supposed to have been built, after the death of the first George, by his son George. The house is now owned by William, Don F, Charles D, and i Oliver H. Lane, and others. Many of the venerable trees, which have surrounded the house and adorned the grounds for ages, have recently been despoiled by the woodman's axe ; and thus the place has been shorn of much of its ancient grandeur. In 1707, the subject of this notice bought his uncle James's half of the iron-works and land ; and in 1713, on the death of his father, came into the possession of the other half. He was the leading EARLY SETTLERS.. 87 man among the first settlers of Norton; one of the first board of selectmen; the first representative to the General Court; the first justice of the peace; and his name was first attached to the church-covenant. At the time of his death (Sept. 5, 1716), he held the office of major in the militia, and judge of the Court of Common Pleas. He married, 4th July, 1695, Anna Tisdale, daughter of John and Hannah (Rogers) Tisdale, of Taunton, and had eleven children, the last of whom was born after his death. His widow subsequently married Nathaniel Thomas, of Plymouth, and died September, 1733, aged sixty-one. In a poem, published on the occasion of his death, he was styled " The prudent, pious, worthy, and wor shipful Major George Leonard, Esquire." l We here give his autograph, written in 1713.2 J^^y* ^LvnccS- Benjamin Newland, the son of Jeremiah and Kathe rine Newland, of Taunton, was born about 1670 (?). He settled at the place now owned by Deacon A. D. Hunt. He married Sarah Leonard, July 23, 1702, and had two children. He married (second wife) Elizabeth Caswell, Nov. 29, 1716. He died in 1754. She died Nov. 4, 1739. John Newland was a brother of Benjamin, and lived on the opposite side of the brook from where Thomas Copeland now lives. The leaf where a por tion, at least, of his children's births were recorded, is lost. There were a John and Hannah Newland, who had five children, born between 1722 and 34. It is possible that he was the same individual ; and Hannah might have been his second wife. I See Judicial History of Massachusetts, by Hon. Emory Washburn, p. 868. * As he had a son and a grandson bearing the same name as himself, who were leading men in the town and state, the three have been distinguished re»pectively as "Major" George, " Colonel" George, and "Judge" George Leonard. 88 EARLY SETTLERS. KjmZlXrn NovTl6% %°°n °f Jonathan- of where Deacon Jason" f' AlllZ v °Wned land near early as 1695. He mati^ m- TS! and was h^ as 1697-8, and probabTy d 'd 1Zabeth Cobb> Feb- 23, soon after its iLorpo/ation ' W»T°Ved from town graph, written in 1695 here lllsert his auto- Ja ^ ( W<£c ph^The* ifaTwhet8 IS tl ™lT* ** a biogra- recorded is missmg fr0m the w°f *" °hildren ™ Experience was admitted Tto Mr a mi-re,co\ds- His wife 1714 ; dismissed from the cwt^w Church' Not" 7> Ephraim Sheldon settled Sti Wejmouth' Mansfield. Of his iZret tf the WesterI? Pa^ of a wife, Jane -J!! ^Sed if"8 M^*- He had more children, a 0Z of 1 6 ™' and f™r or ton. He early removed to ImZ W6re born iu N°r- we lose all traces of him AttleborouSh J ^ there (EH^Xa^^nd11 waTb^ Th°mas and Hannah April or May 1682 HbXhT ** °harIestown in then in Medford, CharTestown ^ ^ iu Malde", of the Mount-Holyoke FeLl % L^ou' the founder Hadley.i 7°Ke lemal° Seminary at South si^msfgigs EARLY SETTLERS. 89 Chichester, England, about 1650, and settled in Mai den, was born November, 1668. He settled in the westerly part of the North Purchase, now Mansfield, as early as 1695 ; for his name appears as one of the proprietors of the North Purchase on a deed of land to Thomas and James Leonard, already mentioned. He is believed by some to have settled first in Wren tham, because some of his children's births are re corded there. He doubtless attended meeting at Wrentham, because it was much nearer than Taunton ; but I am confident that he did not reside there. He was one of the original members of our church, and the first schoolmaster of Norton. He married Hannah Carpenter (?) about 1694, and had eight children. His will was made June 9, 1757, in his eighty-ninth year ; and was probated May 19, 1750'? so that he was in the ninetieth year of his ago when he died. We here give his autograph, written in 1722. John Skinner was a brother, or perhaps only half- brother, of Thomas : for Mary, the wife of Thomas Skinner, died at Maiden, April 9, 1671 ; and John was born April, 1673. He settled in the west part of the North Purchase about the time Thomas did; was a proprietor, and his name is attached to the deed of the proprietors to the Leonards. He was a member of our church at its organization. His wife's name was Sarah — — , married about 1696 ; and they had seven children. He was living in 1738 ; but when he died is uncertain. There was a John Skinner who died at Wrentham, April 8, 1754 ; and he might have been the man. His autograph was written in 1695. [» Nicholas Smith was the " step-child " of Parmer i«7oh' ct T.aunton> and was born 21st February, 1672. He is supposed to have lived near where 90 EARLY SETTLERS. Hathaway Leonard now lives. Before 1752, he moved to Taunton, and died there about the beginning of the year 1759. His first wife was Mercy Newland (?), married before 1713. She died Oct. 10, 1723. His second wife was Jerusha Leonard, married Jan. 21, 1724-5. By both wives, he had twelve children. John Smith is supposed to have been the son of John and Jael (?) (Parker) Smith, of Taunton, and to have been born 6th December, 1680 ; but there is much doubt as to his paternity. There was a John Smith, jun., and Mary Briggs, of Norton, married Nov. 9, 1714. .Thomas Stephens was the son of Eichard Stephens, of Taunton, and was born 3d February, 1674. He is supposed to have lived near the centre of the town. In, 1712, he had land laid out to him on Lockety Neck, near the junction of Eumford and Wading Rivers. He was one of the first board of selectmen. He married Mary Caswell, Sept. 28, 1699. I find no record of his children on the town-books ; but three are buried in the Centre Burying-ground. He is supposed to have died soon after 1752. His autograph was written in 1716. Robert Tucker lived between Barrowsville and John Harvey's, and is believed to have been there as early as 1698. We have learned nothing of his an cestry. His will was probated Feb. 16, 1724-5. His wife's name was Mehitable , and they had six chil dren. William Wetherell was the son of the first settler of Norton, and was born. about 1650 (?). He lived at the place where his father is supposed to have first " pitched " his habitation within the limits of Norton, near the outlet of Winneconnet Pond. From the first settler, through him, are descended the present Wil liam Wetherell, and William Wetherell, jun. ; who are believed to be the seventh and eighth of this name in regular .succession. He married, 1681, Elizabeth early settlers. 91 Newland ; and had four, and probably more, children. He died about 1729. His autograph was written, in 1724 ' *w-m*w -W^e^ William Wetherell, Jun., was the son of William, last named, and grandson of the first settler. The date of birth is unknown. His wife Hannah, and child, late of Freetown, were warned out of Norton, July 20, 1729. He is believed to have had a son William and other children, probably by a wife previous to Han nah ; but no records of his family can be found. Jeremiah Wetherell was the son of William and Elizabeth (Newland) Wetherell; but when born is unknown. He lived at tho east part of the town, and afterwards moved into Taunton. He married Rachel Basset, March 26, 1713. He subsequently had a wife Sarah. His will was probated July 7, 1752, and he names three children in it. We give his autograph, written in 1724. John Wetherell was the son of William, the first settler, and was born in 1664. He settled at the place now owned by Thomas Copeland ; and his house stood a few feet southerly, on the opposite side of the road from Mr. Copeland's house. He was an original member of the church, one of the first board of select men, and one of the leading men in the town. His wife's name was Susannah Newland (?), married about 1687, and they had eight children. His autograph was written in 1747 ; and he is supposed to have died soon afterwards. John Wetherell, Jun., the son of John, already mentioned, was born Oct. 8, 1688, and is said to 92 early settlers. have been the first child born within the limits of Nor ton. He lived at the east part of the town, upon the old homestead. He married Hannah Brintnell (?) before 1715, and had five or more children. Deacon Nicholas White was the son of Nicholas and Ursilla (Macomber) White, of Taunton, and grandson of Nicholas, of Taunton,1 and was born Feb. 3, 1675. He settled within the limits of Mans field, close to the line between the old town of Taunton and the North Purchase, at the place where Charles N. Hall now lives, and is supposed to have built the house now occupied by Mr. Hall. He was one of the most influential men in the town ; being the first town- treasurer; for eleven years, one of the selectmen ; a rep resentative to the General Court, and the first deacon of the church, &c. His wife was Experience King, married June 2, 1703 ; and they had nine (?) children. He died Sept. 2, 1743, and was buried on his own farm, a few feet northerly from the front-door of Nehe- miah Hall's house ; but no stone marks the spot, and the ploughshare has again and again disturbed the soil beneath which his body rests. Ought this to be so? We give his autograph, written in 1727. Matthew White was a brother of Deacon Nicholas, and was born Oct. 25, 1676. He lived not far distant from his brother, in Mansfield. He married Susannah Hall, July 10, 1710. For second wife, he married Damaris Deane (about 1715), and had four children. The date of his death we have not found. Edward White lived at the east part of the town ; but we can learn nothing of him, except that he mar ried Rebecca Wetherell, May 3, 1710. Deacon Benjamin Williams was the son of Joseph and Elizabeth Williams, of Taunton, grandson of 1 He is supposed to have been the same person, made a freeman in 1642, who married Susannah, daughter of Jonas aud Frances Humphrey, and was at Dorchester in 1662. MINISTRY OF REV. JOSEPH AVERY. 93 Richard and Francis (Dighton) Williams, and was born 15th October, 1681. He settled, about the time of his marriage, at the northerly part of Mansfield, hear where Benjamin Williams (his descendant) now lives, close by the Providence Railroad. He was much employed in town-affairs ; and, for some years, was deacon of the North-Precinct (Mansfield) church. He married Elizabeth Deane, Dec. 4, 1707, and they had nine children. He died Jan. 10, 1757. His wife died March 18, 1758. His autograph was written in 1723. CHAPTER VIII. THE MINISTRY OF REV. JOSEPH AVERY. " Alas ! how light a cause may move Dissension between hearts that love ! " Mooee. Mr. Avery's ministry was far from a peaceful one, as will be seen in the pages that follow. We give what facts we have been able to gather from a few scattered papers collected from various sources. For about four years after his settlement, we hear of no schisms or difficulties in the church to create ill feelings among its members, or to impair the usefulness of the pastor. But the serpent was not idle : he was creeping stealthily around the fold ; ready, upon a favorable moment, to spit forth his venom. The op portunity soon came, — probably in the latter part of tho year 1718. Some difficulty arose between Mrs. Anna Leonard (widow of the late Major George Leonard, deceased) and her son George on the one side, and the assessors of Norton on the other, about tho rates. 94 MINISTRY OF REV. JOSEPH AVERY. From the town-records, it appears that Mrs. Leonard and her son considered themselves overrated. They and the assessors could not agree about the matter. The difficulty was carried to court for adjustment. The court made an abatement of £1. 10s. 8d. of Mrs. Leonard's tax. The town refused to pay the assessors' charges for contesting the matter at the court, Ac.1^ In all such difficulties, each party generally has its friends and adherents, who make common cause with them. Such was, no doubt, the fact in this instance. The contest seems to have waxed warm, and spread quite extensively. It soon found its way into the church. Accusations and insinuations, and many other unchristian imputations, were, no doubt, the 1 Since writing the above, I have found the decree of the Supreme Judi cial Court relative to the matter, made at Boston, Sept. 12, 1721 ; and we lay it before the reader: — "John Hodges, John Wetherell, and John Skinner, assessors of the town of Norton in the year 1719, appellants, us. Anna Leonard, Samuel Brint nell, and George Leonard, all of said Town, Appellees from the Order or sentance of a Court of General Sessions of the Peace, held at Bristol, for the County of Bristol, by adjournment, on the first Wednesday of August, 1720. Whereas, at a Court of General Sessions of the Peace, held at Bristol on the second Tuesday of January last, the said Assessors of Norton were com plained of by the now Appellees for not Easing them in their Rates, made for defraying the oharges of the sd. Town in the year 1719, in which said rates was Included twenty Pounds for finishing the Minister's house, and also his salary ; and, upon hearing the matter, the Court Ordered the aforesaid Rates to be set aside ; and the said Assessors were ordered to new-make sd. Rates and commit them to the constable, as by the copy of the Court's Order on file appears, and, complaint having been made to the sd. Court of Sessions that the order of Court hath not been complied with, sundry orders were issued out to cite the said Assessors to appear to answer for their non-compliance with the aforesaid order; and, they not being to be found, the said Court or dered that the Clerk issue out a warrant to apprehend the said assessors, in order to their becoming bound by Recognizance to appear at the said ad journment of Court, in August, 1720, to answer as well for their contempt as for not complying with the Count's order; when they appeared, and fave reason why they had not complyed therewith; viz.: Because they eard the Parties, that had Complained of said Rates, said they would com plain again. But, for their offence, the Court then ordered them to pay a fine of forty shillings, and cost of Court; who then moved for an appeal from the said Court's order, but were denied. And the said appeal is now brought forward by order of the Great and General Court; and, after a full hearing of both parties, It is considered by the court, that the said Court's order, or Sentence, be, and hereby is, Reversed ; and that the app'lts. go without day ; and that all Bills of cost taxed against the town of Norton be, and hereby are, Declared void, and of no Effect." * * Supreme-Court Records, from 1721-26, p. 19. MINISTRY OF REV. JOSEPH AVERY. 95 cause of many lamentations on the part of those who wished to greet every one they met with the gospel salutations of "Peace be unto you;" "Let brotherly love continue." To use a common yet expressive ; up in arms," and had phrase, the church was soon each other " by the ears." It was, no doubt, the trouble growing out of this affair, that induced the church to pass the following vote : — " ° "July 27th, 1719. — At a Church-meeting, the church did then approve of the Platforme of Church Discipline ; and did agree, by vote, to Practise according to the Rule of it." John Skinner, one of the assessors making the rate objected to, seems to have been the " bellweather " of the opposition to Mrs. Leonard and son. He accused them of lying, and gave wings to other slanderous reports. The church did not probably approve of the course he pursued. This inflicted a wound upon his pride, and he absented himself from the holy ordinances of Christianity ; or perhaps he did this because he could not in conscience commune with those he deemed guilty of falsehood and other unchristian practices. But, whatever might have been the cause of his non- attendance upon the ordinances, the church, in order to bring him to repentance, suspended him from their fellowship. But, as is generally the case, this suspen sion did not send the arrow of sorrow and repentance to his heart. Instead of allaying, it rather increased, the flame. The pastor at length became implicated in the crimi nations. Something decisive must now be done or the church will be broken up. The advice of a coun cil of five churches is invoked ; and all parties agreed to abide by their decision. The churches, convened by their pastors and messengers, were Rev. Peter Thatcher's, of Middleborough, who was moderator of Uio council; Rev. John Danforth's, of Dorchester- R©7. Joseph Baxter's, of Medfield ; Rev. John Swift's' 96 MINISTRY OF REV. JOSEPH AVERY. MINISTRY OF REV. JOSEPH AVERY. 97 of Framingham ; and Rev. Richard Billings's, of Little Compton, R.I. The result or decision of the council, I have been fortunate enough to find. It is a long document ; but, as it throws more light upon the whole matter than can be obtained from any other source, we give it entire : — " After solemn Invocation of the Divine name, &c, — " A Publick hearing of all Parties, the Council of 5 Churches convened at Norton, novem. 13, 1722. " I. That by the Letters, that required us to assemble in Council at Norton, we were notified that mr. John Skinner, a Brother in full Communion, had a Complaint to offer to Con sideration, & that some questions might be proposed for Reso lution, and all in the Chh. had agreed & resolved to be deter mined by the Judgment & Advice yt should be offered them by the Council ; and that we take notice with great Thankful ness to God and our Lord Jesus Christ, & look upon it as a Token for good, and would hope yt ye Lord hath graciously began to prepare them for ye great blessings of Peace and union, which, we pray to God, may be restored unto them. " II. That an occasion of the great altercations was an (exception taken att some applycations made to the Court; and that, in one of ym, madm. Leonard and her son made an averment to the Court, In the Complaint of over-ratement, yt an abatement of the Rates had been refused by ye Assessors. now, wee find that the assessors did not refuse to make an abatement, if it could be demonstrated to them to be their duty to make it ; but, their delay of making it till the court came to . sit being by Legal construction and denomination a refusal, they used it [as] the Legal term of Refusal in tbe said com plaint to the court, now, brother Skinner, not So thurly con sidering the Leagle Sence of the word Refusal, but under standing it according to the acceptation and use of it in Com mon talk, apprehended to import a scandlus falshod, Charging the Saidimad. Leonard & her son with lying, & procuring some delays to the admission of young mr. L. to ye Lord's Table ; & on yt account absenting himself also, perhaps about 2 years, from ye L. T., because ye chh. did not see cause of chh. Dealing with md. L. & her Son for sd. apprehended - lying. In all which we Judge our Br. Skinner to have been in the wrong, and ye chh. to have been in ye right ; nor can we find any weight at all in his pleas, either for forcing the The rfJn! °f t v6 m l& Chh" then read? for ^e eruP«on of the flame of strife, or for ye extenuating of, much less for the absolving him from, ye Fault condemned by our Synod (Plat form, Chap. 14 Sec. 9), of ye absenting himself from ye com munion of ye chh. at the L. S. " III. That, our B. Skinner having declared unto some his resolution not to return to the Communion untill the chh fi^t p Tu madm- Leonard & her son for ^ng, wee find the Reyd. Pastor proposed to the chh., whether the chh. should not bear testimony against his fault by suspending him from the Lord's Supper, in hopes, by divine blessing, to be a means to recover him to a better frame ; and the chh., all that were then present of the fraternity, excepting two persons, consented and agreed to the proposal, and that the suspension was pased m ye chh, not by lifting of the hands, but by a lent.a I vote. The usual method amongst us hath been, that altho offences have been open and long continued, & altho' it [is] known yt most of the chh. are greatly offended at the same yet, before the suspension has been voted, the offender hath been cited to appear before ye chh. (the chh. being in peace) to show Cause & Reason (if any' there be) whf he should not have been suspended from ye Ld's. Supr. for his open fault, wherein he obstinately continued; and we beleve yt our Practice therein is according to ye rule, and ye con- L kpr7rnSpfr,rTler- End T understand ^ ye Reson why ye L ke method was not taken with brother Skiner was, yt it was supposed by ye Reverend Pastor and some others yt f ye sd. Brother Skiner had been Solemly Cited to appear before ye church having strong adherents, it twouldTve Produced uncomfortable clamor, violent Eritations, Exacerba tions, unworthy Reflections, and a terable increase of ye 8oTs wh ? nfV° yeh,'gh dis°ner of God a"d mischVof soles, which ye Pastor was unwilling to open ye dore nntn and ye Rather Becase Grevios Reflections madron hL and a a Certain fast had asked ye sd. Brother SkineTye Reson of h,s withdrawment, and sd. Brother Skiner Gave him two Resons : one of ym was ye Churche's way of Baptising and anY errSWon7fe Cf *> ***"*** t0 ded W"h -^am Leonard and her Sone for ley.ng, in a petition to ye Court, before men turned however, if such a case should hapen againe so dain' geres to sett a church on fire, our advice would-be yt ye S 9 98 MINISTRY OF REV. JOSEPH AVERY. MINISTRY OF REV. JOSEPH AVERY. 99 should not Proceed without ye Presance and advice of a council of chhs. " However, we are of ye opinion yt ye chh. hath not dis- pencd no grater sencer to Brother Skiner than his fait deserved, if yt ye vote for it, tho' a silential vote, was a firm and Good vote ; and we, in Some cases in our chhs, do make silenciall votes : and, in Sundry cases, we judge it to be ye best way of voting, conducing most to ye Glory of God, ye Peace and Good of ye chh. " IV. As to ye Revd. Pastor, his redress to ye revd. & aged Pastor of taunton for advice, or at any time to ye revd. asso ciation, wee juge that therein he acted prudently and accord ing to the rules of the holy word of god, and agreeabl enough to our Platform of chh. desipline. " V. It apears not to us yt ye revd. mr. Avery, the^Pastor, hath been guilty of any Criminal partiality in bis conduct in this affair, but he hath been unreasonably charged with it, & reproached for it, & unworthyly treated and put to greif on that account; nor can we find any one of the sundry allega tions, exhibited against him as criminal, sufficiently evi denced; nor can wee judge him or believe him criminal therein. " VI. It is our judgment, that baptizing according to the advice of ye synod that met at Boston anno Dom. 1662 is according to the word of God, & we believe is pleasing in his Sight, and yt Br. Thomas Skinner ought to attend ye rules in ye synod for the Baptism of his children. " VII. As we have been informed, there hath been an ordi nance of parliament, that no confession of any party, made to or before any presbitery, Consistory of chh, shall be excepted or Improved in any Court of civil Justice against any person whatsoever : so we judge it unreasonable and unchristian yt any Person or Persons Shall Prosecute in ye Law or other ways any singell evedence, or any Singed Person, who hath Given testimony before ys councell ; as singell evedence, in- trogated by sivell authority, and sworne, is not Liabell to be cast in any action of Defamation, meerely because he is a singell evidence, for Singel evedences, Interogated by a solemn Councell of churches, and called upon to speak to any particular, we think ought not to be Prosecuted in ye law, because they are singell evedences : and such Prosecuting of any witneses whomesoever, who have testified before ys coun- cill, we believe will tend to contincw or Revive ye flames of strife, and be a means of Preventing ye speedy and steddy peace which is greatly desired; and therefore we declare against it. " VIIL Our judgment is, yt ye Teaching Elders, together with ye Ruling Elders, if ye chh. have any, ought to Inquire into ye Knoledg and experence of such as desire to joyne in tub communion with ye chh, and of such as desire to lay hold on ye covenant, before they be Propounded to ye church. |' IX. It's most eligabell that complaints, evedences, and con- tesions be given in unto ye Pastor in writing, and by him communicated (If he judg fit) to ye church, to be further sifted by Proper Interogatories if need be. " X. We think ye Pastor and other Elders, or, in want of El ders, ye Decons or other Princeple members, may have ye nrst cognicence of cases, and yt they should Issue such as they find Isuabell by them acording to Scripture Rule; and yt they are not bound to give ye chh. ye first hearing of every case or of any case ; yea, of many cases, not to give them ye Pubhck hearing of them at all. ' i " i5?1*^8 f°S Brother John Skiner, we Judg yt he ought to bumble himselfe before God and our Lord Jesus Christ for nis hard words against and charges upon his Revd. Pastor and ye chh, and for his long and disorderly withdrawment from ye communion of ye chh. at ye Lord's table ; and confes his fait to them, and promise Reformation and an harty union with them for time to come, and thareupon we, in the BoweUs of Christ, advise and intreat ye Rev. Pastor and chh. to forgive him, and restore him to their Intire Kindness, Chanty, and communion ; and yt ye whole chh. be sensibell of & sorowfull for ye many sins and failings which, upon a «r.ct Review of ye offentious words and actions, they may •everaUy find ymselves chargabell withall, and make fresh apphcat.ons of ye blod of yr and our Glorious Redeemer, by huth, for ye Punfymg of their consciences ; that unto ye God ^nnl^' '°rghJe ,L°rd JeSUS' they offer UP their incessant supplications for Pardone, and for ye Restoration and Perpe- ~TV, ? n76 mUtU,al Peace and Love and edefication. and in je dredfull name of ye etarnal Sone of God, and Head of ye chh, we solemnly Charge all ye Good People and yr children pLZ t * IJ* Plarf ' yt the? love and honour ^ worthey hTL* ,T,f L' 7e Revd- mr- avery> and ea™es% pray for him, and do theyr utmost endever for his Peace, comfort, and good substance among them; and labour to ye utmost that 100 MINISTRY OF REV. JOSEPH AVERY. MINISTRY OF REV. JOSEPH AVERY. 101 they may all be Profetable Hearers of ye word of ye Lord, dispenced by him. and we pray God yt our advice may be acceptable to ye saints and People of God in Norton, and Profetable to them ; and that he will graciously bless them all with Peace and holiness, and with his Grate salvations. Amen. " Samll. How (?). isac clark. George Barber. Jonathan Clap. William Peabodie. Daniell Preston. Manassah Tucker. John Wodsworth. Peter Thacher, Moderator. John Danforth. Joseph Baxter. John Swift. Richard Bilings. Jonathan Gullever. Elezer Whelock." In obedience to the decision of the council, Mr. Skin ner makes confession in these words : — " I, John Skiner, have had a Strong opinion, that ye charge upon ye Assessors, yt they had Refused an abatement of ma dam Leonard and her son's rates, was a false charge ; but, ye Councill of Churches haveing otherwise determined, I do Sub mit to and aquies in their determinations, and ye sd. holy Council of chhs. haveing Judged yt I ought to humble my- selfe before God and ye Lord Jesus Christ for my hard words against and charges upon my Reverend Pastor and ye chh, for my long disorderly withdrawment from ye Communion of ye chh. at ye Lord's table, and Confes my fault to them, and Promice Reformation and Harty union with them for time to come; besids what I, in comon with other good people in Norton, am exhorted to, and charged to love and Honour my worthy Pastor, ye Revrd. Ajrery, and earnestly Pray for him, and to do my utmost endevour for his ,Peace, Comfort, and good subsistance in Norton ; and that I will labour to ye ut most yt I may be a Profitable hearer of ye word of ye Lord dispensed by him, — I do acordingly humbell myself for my hard words against and charges against my Revrd. Pastor and ye chh, and for my long and disorderly withdrawment from ye communion of ye chh. in norton ; and I do Pene- tently confes I have ben very falty tharein ; and I ernistly beg Pardon thereof at ye hand of God and of ye Lord Jesus Christ, and ask forgivenes also at ye hand of my Revd. Pas tor, mr. avery, and of ye chh. in norton ; and Promise, by ye Grace and Help of ye Eternall Sperit, to Reforme to ye time It to come, and to Performe my duty to ye Revrd. Pastor and chh, to God, and to my own soul, yt ye Councell of chhs. at Norton has advised in yr Result, Dated November 13, 1722 ; nor will I be an Incendiary of strife in norton ; nor will I Bring my Pastor or others to an uneasenes by complaining of and finding fait with any words spoken in ye sd. Counsel^ or Bringing in of any charges or testemonies against me or any others ; and Pray to he Relesed from ye eclesasticell sus- pencion. "John Skiner." Thus the breach was apparently healed ; the out ward flame was quenched. But we fear there are yet some smouldering embers of discord, that will ere long burst forth, to the injury of the pastor, if not the church. We shall see further on. In order that all may have a full understanding of subsequent events for a few years in the church his tory, it is necessary that the different grades of church officers should be explained. There were early, in many of the New-England churches, four sets of officers, who exerted not a little influence in the community. These were, first, pas tors ; second, teachers ; third, elders ; fourth, deacons From an article in the " American Quarterly Register " for 1840 (p. 37), it appears that — " Pastors and teachers were formerly two distinct officers but, in some of the New-England churches, were quite early united in one. The distinction was founded upon Eph. iv. 11 • Bom. xii. 7, 8 ; &c. According to the Platform, 'The' pas tor's special work is to attend to exhortation, and therein to administer a word of wisdom : the teacher is to attend to doctrine, and therein to administer a word of knowledge.' 1 nomas Hooker declares the scope of the pastor's office to be to work upon the will and affections ; that of the teacher, to inform the judgment, and to help forward the work of illumination in the mind and understanding, and thereby to make way for the truth, that it may be settled and fastened upon the heart. It seems from tins that the pastor's duty was to preach; the teacher's, to catechize. 102 MINISTRY OF REV. JOSEPH AVERY. « Many of the first settlers of New England regarded the office of ruling elders as of divine institution; and appealed to 1 Tim. v. 17, and other passages, as warranting this per suasion. They were elders in common with the pastor and teacher; and as it was their duty to assist the teaching offi cers or officer in ruling, or conducting the spiritual aflairs ot tbe church (in admitting, for instance, or excluding members, inspecting their lives and conversations, preventing or healing offences, visiting the sick, and administering occasionally a word of admonition or exhortation to the congregation), they obtained the name of ruling elders. Ruling elders were anciently ordained, and were sometimes addressed by the appellation of reverend. The place of the ruling elders in the congregation was an elevated seat between the deacons seat and the pulpit." 1 The practice of having ruling elders was not uni form in the New-England churches. Some had them ; others did not. They were longer retained in the churches than teachers, as distinct from pastors. When chosen, they were usually taken from among the dea cons ; selecting that one who, for his gravity, eminent niety, and other special gifts, was deemed worthy to be advanced to a higher position. When a vacancy was thus caused in the deacons' seat, it was filled by choosing some one from the body of the church. It was also a practice in some churches, and continued till about the commencement of the present century, to ordain deacons. I cannot learn that their ordination conferred upon them any powers they did not possess before. I am informed by a gentleman of great anti quarian 'knowledge,2 that it was also " allowable for churches to have widows, or deaconesses, particularly to visit the sick." We will also state, that it was a cus tom to allow some persons to own or renew the cove nant who were not admitted to full church member- shin The owning or renewing of the covenant gave them the privilege of having their children baptized, but did not admit them to the communion-table. l American Quarterly Register, 1840, pp. 40, 41. a Rev. J. B. Felt, of Boston. MINISTRY OF REV. JOSEPH AVERY. 103 Hence some who renewed or owned the covenant were never communicants. Keeping these facts in mind, we will pass over some ten or twelve years of church history, and then lift the curtain again. Rumors are in motion, that Mr. Avery does not rule : • the church after the manner of the Church Discipline ; and by way, no doubt, of refreshing his memory, some of the members contrive to have a church-meeting called for the reading and re-adoption of the Platform as their guide in church discipline. The record says, — "The Church thought it necessary (inasmuch as thare ware more members belonging to the church then formerly, ; - and many of them never had read, or heard the said Plat- forme Read) (bat it shold be Read at the Church-meeting on the 5th of ScpL, 1734, and that the Church shold Renew J**"" «*• «« Practice according to the Rule of it ; and, acord- ingly, *d. Platforme of Church discipline, agreed upon by the synod uiembled at Cambridge, 1648, was Read, and thay did or rou manifest it, that thay didunanemosly approve of said Platforme, or the substance of it, and agree to Practice acord ing lo the Rule of it." This clause, « or the substance of it," shows that it was not, even by themselves, very strictly construed at this tune. There are some restless spirits who are not satisfied With the state of things in the church, and think some thing must be done, — they hardly know what. It occurs to them that the deacons of the church have f never been ordained; and forthwith they get up the followiDg petition : — " To the Revd. Mr. Joseph Avery, &c. "We, the subscribers, do thus say, that threw the Goodness and Mercy of God to us of this town of Norton, yt there hath Den a Congregational church gethered, and yourself ordained the pastor; and we have hitherunto Injoyed ye means of j i lirace and ye ordinances of Christ, according to his own insti tution, peaceably unto this day ; which call for the thankfull- ness from us of this church, but, notwithstanding the mar- ocys we have Injoyed, we have hetherto lived Either in the 104 MINISTRY OP REV. JOSEPH AVERY. neglect or a willfull omition of the emprovement of one spe- ciall priviledge, which our Lord Jesus Christ hath purchast for us, perticular ye ordination of Deacons: for although ye Church hath Chose Deacons first, second, or third, yet they only stand on probation ; and so ye church do still Re main not yet compleated with officers acording to scripture and platform, therefore we do desire yt one or more of ye Deacons, such as yourselfe and ye Church shall think fitt, may be ordained ; and yt another Deacon may be chosen, which we understand is of necessaty. all which we desire might be ac complished before the next sacrament, and, to say no more, we hope you will grant our desires, we remain your loveing Brethren. " Dated in Norton, September 25th, 1736. " George Leonard. John Wetherell. Joshua Pomrot. Samll. Clap. John Austin. John Wild. John Briggs, 2nd. Ephraim Lane. Willm. Stone." I should judge from this that they wished the deacons to be ordained to the position of ruling el ders. Mr. Avery is opposed to this measure, and hence takes no efficient means to forward their desire. A year went by, and they find another source of dissatisfaction. The minister is guilty of admitting persons to own the covenant without a vote of the church, and they address him as follows : — " To the Revd. mr. Joseph Avery, Pastor of ye 1st Church of Christ in Norton, Greeting. " We the subscribers, being members in full communion in sd. Church, are humbly of ye opinion, that there ought not to be taken into ye Church any members without their owning ye covenant in Publick: therefore we do protest and declare against it, and desire that practise may not be any longer fol lowed in this Church, we also are of ye opinion, that persons ought not to be taken into, or under ye watch and care of, the Church, without a clear vote of ye church for it ; and there fore think that takeing into, or under ye watch or Care of, ye Church, without the vote of ye Church for ye Same, cannot :? ;/ MINISTRY OP REV. JOSEPH AVERY. 105 will very much oblige us 7 comljlJance herein " Dated Norton, May 30th, 1737 toy, John Wild Willm w cn,r"u;De> ^nd> Joshua Pom- ALn, JohJ^th^BelSS^eS1- ^^ J0hn of TelermSng6 X^f/ew ?eS° l' VT n° ^ indicate the course of evelits that t^ not^Jo confession and votes that Z w transpired. The Wcr, that there was I nobleVe^ Sin tlteTk folMK^atd'TcklTedf drink, so yt I was dis^is^ \thl \ . d"nk to much str°"g and my hdy profession for wv\J'Tt0 7? dishonnor of God dishonouring ^God and mv ho, ^ ^^ S0"7 ** ™7 at -any time° given offence To ani IT "T '" &nd * I h™ being disguised with drink a anv (iml Z^ °r aCTtion' 0r b^ for it. and I do harrilv »r,T nl ? wtsoever- I am sorry for my drinking to eL," feW7 * -^ t0 m^ church" to receiv this my eonfessfo "an//3 ** * ^ ^ fence to them, and prav to ^ If ' v f°rgIve me m7 of- this and all my other 7JS and T *** i' V°uld Pa^don their charity to^ard^"^ f^nSS Z^U * eXtend •n any one known scandalous sin 11 „ * aIW m?seIf yt ye chh. would dismiss S * y earnest desire » Deacon of ye chh foTye future '* ™ *** S6rvice of a " Dated Norton, november 2, 1746. u-r, , "jn. Briggs, 2nd." 'December 18th, 1745 Att i. 106 MINISTRY OF REV. JOSEPH AVERY. MINISTRY OP REV. JOSEPH AVERY. 107 of Deacon John Briggs, tbe second, ye chh. voted his dismis sion from ye office and service of a Deacon of ye chh. for ye future." "December 22nd, 1745. — The above-written confession of Deacon John Briggs, the second, was read to the chh. ; and the chh. voted their acceptance of the same." How much " strong drink" had to do with the un happy state of affairs about to distract the church, we can, of course, only conjecture ; but sure we are, that, after the lapse of a little more than a year, the pastor is served with the following document, which intimates that the church was (spiritually considered) in a bad condition : — "To the Reverend Pastor of ye first Church of Christ in Norton. " We, being under apprehension of ye frowns of God's providence on this church in permitting such Divisions and seperation amongst us as have hapned to us of late, — which we think to be the tokens of God's Displeasure towards us, — wherefore we, your Brethren and humble pertitioners, Re quest that you appoint a Church-Meeting forthwith, where the Church may come together, in order to read ye Platform of Church Discipline, and vote it again if they think it proper ; and, further, to consult what measures are best to be taken in order to Regulate those disorders that are amongst us at the present Day. — Dated norton, febuary 6, 1747. "John Briggs, 2nd, Benjamin Cobb, Benjamin Hews, Gideon Basset, Willm. Codington, John Guilbert, Ephrm. Lane, John Briggs, Jacob Newland, Josiah Newland, Seth Smith, John Austin, Jeremiah Cambel." We can find no record of the proposed church- meeting; but it is presumed that even the reading of the Platform of Church Discipline did not heal the divisions and ill feelings then raging in the bosom of the church. Strange that it never occurred to these men, that the best church discipline is the humble and forgiving spirit of Jesus ! Frequent church-meetings for the discipline of mem bers are always ominous of evil,. and show that the ¦ - first great requisite of a Christian life — viz., love — is wanting somewhere. Even church-members are sub ject to passions and prejudices like other men ; and, when once they become embroiled in local strifes and feuds, they are very apt to lose the spirit and temper of their divine Master, and thereby increase instead of diminishing the flames of dissension. The following record shows' a most lamentable state of affairs in the church ; shows that criminations and recriminations are rife ; shows, to some extent, the dissatisfaction of a portion of the church with the pastor ; and also the means used — not adequate, however, to the end de sired — to heal the fasb-widening breach : — "A chh.-meeting was appointed by ye Pastor of ye chh., to bo onyo 17th of June, 1747, at ye publick meeting-house, at one a'clock in ye afternoon, for ye following reasons ; viz. : 1st, yt ye chh. might consider what their duty is, and dis charge their duty, with respect to Sarah Campbel, ye wife of Gershom Campbel, for her offence in withdrawing from com munion with ye chh.; and yt ye chh. might Inquire into ye report, and be rightly Informed concerning a report, of her denying what she had said concerning her going to hear Mr. Ayery preach ; viz., yt she would sooner burn at ye stake than go to hear mr. avery preach, &c. " 2. To lay before ye chh. John Finney's, sen., Reasons of dissatisfaction with ye Pastor and chh., and what can be proved yt he said at ye time when he desired ye pastor to appoint a chh.-meeting ; and yt the chh. may consider what their duty is, and discharge their duty, with respect to said John Finney, sen. "3. That ye chh. might Inquire and be rightly Informed with respect to what James Briggs had said concerning Mr. White's preaching, and Consider what yr duty is, & discharge their duty, with respect to sd. James Briggs ; and also that ye chh. might consider what their duty is, & discharge their duty, with respect to those persons that have kept a meeting at ye house of James Briggs upon ye sabbath, & held communion with persons of a neighbouring town In ye performing Divine worship and service ; namely, prayer, &c. Concerning whom it is reported yt they have disorderly seperated from com munion with ye chh. y. y. belong to." 108 MINISTRY OP REV. JOSEPH AVERY. MINISTRY OF REV. JOSEPH AVERY. 109 " Att the chh.-meeting on ye 17th of June, 1747, — " 1. The chh. voted that sister Sarah Campbel should be suspended from Communion with ym at ye ordinance of ye Lord's Supper, for her refusing to acknowledge she was guilty of offence in withdrawing from communion with ye chh. with out sufficient reasons, and before she had laid before ye chh. ye Reasons of her dissatisfaction. " 2. The chh. voted that Brother John ffiney, sen., should be suspended from communion with ym at ye ordinance of ye Lord's Supper, for his refusing to acknowledge he was to blame for saying ye chh. was not settled according to (jospel Rule, and yt he did not like recieving members into ye chh. without certainly knowing y. y. were not hypocrites, and yt ye chh. was settled on ye same principles as ye chh. of Room, & that ye chh. worshipped God falsly and by Images, and all ye difference was they did not set up Images before their eyes ; and that he would as soon join with tbe chh. of Room as with this chh. The chh.-meeting on ye 17th of June, 1747, was adjourned to be on ye 14th of July, 1747, to be at ye publick meeting-house." " Att the chh.-meeting on ye 14th of July, 1747, — " Several members, yt were dissatisfied with ye Pastor and chh. gave in yr. Reasons of dissatisfaction with ye pastor and 'chh. in writeing ; and it was proposed to ye dissatisfied members, whether y. y. desired, as well as Gershom Campbel, the chh. to joine with them in calling a counsel, & to take it into consideration, and to Inform ye chh. whether y. y. did or no, on ye next chh.-meeting, which was adjourned to be on ye first monday in august next, to be at ye publick meeting house, at one o'Clock in ye afternoon. "James Briggs said, at sd. chh.-meeting, he was afraid the chh. would still joine & hold with ye chh. of Rome." " Att a chh.-meeting on ye 1st of January, 1747-8, the chh. did, by a vote, suspend Gershom Campbel from communion with them at ye ordinance of the lord's supper, for saying it did appear to him that Mr. avery and the chh. have suckt at ye breast of the chh. of Rome, else they could not have swal lowed down & digested such Doctrine as Mr. Avery was ac cused with, which is the foundation ye chh. of Rome was built upon, and ye prop yt keeps it up ; and also for his un just seperation from this chh. " At the same chh.-meeting abovesd., the chh. did, by a vote, suspend James Briggs from communion with them at ye it k f Lord's Supper, for his unjust seperation from communion with ym, & his setting up a seperate meeting at ye house in which he dwells, in opposition to ye meeting and worship of God in this chh. and precint. also, att ye same chh.-meeting abovesd., ye chh. did, by a vote, suspend Phinehas Briggs, and also Ester Briggs, ye wife of Phinehas Briggs ; also Joshuah Campbel, and abigal his wife ; also Mary ffiney, ye wife of John ffiney, senior ; also John ffiney, ye 2nd ; also Lydia Campbel, ye wife of william Campbel, — for their unjust seperation from communion with ys chh., and their Joyning with yose yt have set up and held a seperate meeting, in op position to ye meeting and worship of God in this chh. and precinct. "Att the chh.-meeting abovesd., The chh. were desired, by ye Pastor, to inform the other members of the chh. who did seperate from communion with the chh. in ye Publick worship of God in his house and sanctuary upon the sabbath, and from communion with ye chh. at ye ordinance of the Lord's Supper, that the chh. did think it to be their duty to bear a testimony against their unjust seperation, without y. y. should make satisfaction to ye chh. for their offence in with drawing from communion with ym in ye publick worship, and at ye ordinance of ye Lord's Supper. " Whereas there were several of the chh. did think it their duly to bear testimony against those members of ye chh. yt did seperate from communion with ye chh. in ye Publick worship of God in his house & sanctuary, and at ye ordinance of ye Lord's Supper, without y. y. should make satisfaction to ye chh. for their offence, ye Pastor did desire ye chh. to meet Immediately after the publick lecture preceeding the sacrament to be on ye first Sabbath in March (sd. lecture was to be on ye 2nd day of march, 1747-8), that ye chh. might bear a testimony against yr. unjust seperation, without y. y. should make satisfaction to ye chh. for their offence in sepe- rating from communion with ym. "Att a chh.-meeting, after ye Publick lecture was ended, on ye 2nd day of march,. 1747-8, the chh., by a vote, sus pended Eliezer ffisher, ye 2nd; also william Campbel; also Solomon ffiney ; also Mary, ye Daughter of John ffiney, sen.,— from communion with ym at ye ordinance of ye Lord's Sup per, for their unjust seperation and joyning with yose yt set up and hold a seperate meeting on ye Lord's day, in opposition lo ye meeting and worship of God in this chh. and precinct." 10 110 MINISTRY OF REV. JOSEPH AVERY. It seems, from what we have just transcribed, that John Finney, sen., James Briggs, and Gershom Camp bell, are clearly entitled to the honor of being the original " Know-Nothings " of Norton. Their party seems at first to have been a small minority ; but pro bably increased, in a year or two, to a majority of the church. At any rate, the suspension of members at these several church-meetings did not entirely heal the unhappy difficulties that distracted the church. The desire -for the ordination of deacons and the choosing of elders became again, in a short time, the bone of contention, and kept alive the spirit of discord. Here is the evidence : — - " Att the Request or desire of several of the Brethren of the chh. att the chh.-meeting, upon the ninth of sept., 1748, the Pastor appointed a church-meeting on the 7th of October next, to see whether the chh. would vote to have the Deacons ordained, and would make choice of Lay Elders." " Att the chh.-meeting on ye 7th of October, 1748, tbe chh. voted to have ye deacons ordained, and also voted to chuse Elders, att ye chh.-meeting abovesd., it was desired there should be a fast, before the choice of Elders, by John Briggs, the 2nd ; and it was Proposed to have a fast preceeding ye next sacrament, and agreed upon to have but one exercise in Publick, and that sd. Publick exercise should begin at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon ; and the church-meeting to chuse Elders to be Immediately after Publick exercise should be ended. "Joseph Avert." The fast came and went ; but it was not instrumental in bringing the olive-branch of peace to the contending parties, or of pouring the oil of brotherly love upon the troubled sea of church difficulties. A true spiritual fast would alone accomplish such a result. To such an extent had these men given way to their feelings and prejudices, that we fear they held " the fast for strife and debate," rather than " to loose the bonds of wickedness." We are the more inclined to this belief from the fact, — which will be more fully established in the next chapter, — that no elders were chosen after the fast-services were concluded. i A J DISMISSION AND DEATH OF MR. AVERY. Ill Mr. Avery evidently did not intend they should be chosen. A portion of the church are, however, de termined to carry their point, or "crush out" their minister in the attempt. This last might have been : at anj rate, it did subsequently become the paramount purpose they had in view. It is evident, from what wo havo recorded, that the true spirit of Christian love and forbearance was fast losing its power over both parties, in their zeal to circumvent one another. CHAPTER IX. TOK DISCISSION, DEATH, &c, OF REV. MR. AVERY. Una More rinud •(•faut than finning." _ Sjumpiaju. It is evident, from what we have recorded in the last chapter, that events are fast hastening to a crisis The •ore w about to break. No one can predict what will be tho actual result. There is a hesitancy about pro- coodiug to extreme measures ; yet all feel that they can not long be delayed. Hope and fear filled the breast of Uie one party and the other. The annual meeting for Toting the minister's salary and other parish charges to at hand. It is no doubt expected that the impend ing storm will burst forth at that time. But the gath ering clouds are not yet sufficiently condensed for that purpose. The meeting was held Nov. 3, 1748 • and the parish vote "to 'Mr. Joseph Avery, for his salary this present year, in old tenor, £140—0—0 " In two days from this time, "In answer to a Peti- bon of John Wetherell, 1st, the Hon'ble George Leonard Esqr. John Briggs, ye 2nd, Deacon Benja min Hodges, and others, inhabitants of the South Pre cinct m ye town of Norton," a warrant for a parish •Tn v£ 13HP°+St+ld £P' th6 firSt artide 0f Whi<* ™S "To vote that the Reverend Mr. Joseph Avery be dis missed from being the minister of sd. Precent for reasons given in sd. Petition." The meeting was held 112 DISMISSION AND DEATH Nov. 21, 1748 ; and Simeon Wetherell is chosen mode rator. " 21y, There was a vote caled for, to Know whether there should be a vote caled for to dismis the Revd. mr. Joseph Avery from his being the sd. Precint's minister ; and it pased in the affirmitive. " 3dly, They voted, that whereas the Reverand mr. Joseph avery, the minister of this Precent, hath not Ruled and Governed the Church of Christ, in this South Precint of the town of Norton, acording to the Platforme of church Discepline (which said church had voted to be their Rule of disepline), nor acording to the Plaine votes of that church, which he himselfe had caled for, but still Refuses to Govern acording to it ; and said Precint also Looking upon sd. mr. avery as a person not able nor Capebell to sustaine the office of a minester, he not being qualefyed for it (as we think) ; there fore it is voted, that he be dismist from being the minister in this Precint for the futer. and the sd. Precint desire the church in this Part of said towne to meet as soone as may be, and dismis him from his said trust, so that sd. Precint may be clear from any further Charge in maintaining of him any Longer ; and also that the Church and Precint in this part of the towne may do their duty, and be in their way to obtaine a sutabell Person to settel with us in the ministry. " 41y, They voted that the vote which was Past in the Last Precint meeting to vote mr. avery a Salery for this Present year Shall be null and void, and that the assesers shall not make any Rate for it ; and John Gilbert entered his Protest against ye above votes." The war against the pastor is now openly declared. Nov. 25, the opposing brethren make and sign their allegations, and act as follows. We copy from the ori ginal document : — " Objections against the Revd. mr. Joseph Avery are as followeth : — " 1st, That he has Taken Persons to owne the Covenant, in order to have their Children Baptised, or to be Baptised themselves, without any vote of the Church ; and that h'e has made a Practice of doing so for many years, notwithstanding it hath Been conteray to the minds of the Bigest Part of his church (if not all), and many of them hath done what they could against it. OF REV. MR. AVERY. 113 "21y, That he hath Refused or neglected to appoint church-meetings when he has Been desired to appoint church- meeting, not only by Persons speaking to him about it, but also when they have Petitioned for Church-meeting in writ ing under their hands. " Sly, That he has Refused to Govern and Rule this Church acording to the Platforme of church discipline, not withstanding the church voted sd. Platforme to be their Rule of discepline, & notwithstanding he himselfe was consenting to it, and Caled for those Church votes himselfe. " 41y, That he has not done His duty in visiting his People, and catccising the children in his Parish, nor yett done his duly ui Preaching to them ; for a Great number of them have absented from the Publick worship, so that they are but siUora there: and we don't Know that he takes any notice of it, cither in his Preaching or any other ways. "Sly, That bo hath Refused or neglected to ordaine dea cons id thu Church, notwithstanding the Church hath been very aoeaiy about it, and applyed to him about it, by times, for UiU many yeare j but he has still evaded it to this day. " 6Jy, That he has Refused to joyne with the Church in (Anting Ruling elders, agreeabeU to the sd. Church Plat forme, which this Church bad voted for their Rule of disce pline, & when this Church had voted to chuse Ruling elders and be himselfe was Consenting thareto, and Caled for the vote of sd. Church himselfe: and at that meeting he said he did not Like the Chusing of Ruling elders, but, Sence the Church was so much for haveing Ruling elders, he would joyne with them in Chusing of them r for it was not against his chon- coance (or in words to that effect) ; and then appointed a day for a fast, and to Chuse the elders and deacons to be ordained acording to the vote of sd. Church, and, when the day Came, the Church and some others of the People meet, when he did not in either of his Prayers, or in his Sermon he preached, mention one word about elders and deacons, and then Refused to Joyne with ye Church in Chusing elders, but • declared that thare was no Rule in the scripturs for Chusin- lay elders (as he caled them), but said they ware officers of men * appointing, and he Could not in conchance Joyne with the Church in Chusing Ruling elders ; for it had been always against his conshance (or in words to that Import), so that «?J%VPnl ^ ?/f1Se Sf/ing; and so he has ^ways evaded the Chusing Ruling elders, or governing this church 10* ! 1" ¦ 114 DISMISSION AND DEATH OF REV. MR. AVERY. 115 acording to tbe sd. church Platforme and the votes of this church, which be was Consenting to, and caled for himselfe. "71y, That we of this church Look upon the said Mr. Avery as a Person not sutabell nor any ways Qualefyed for a Gospell minister, But Looking upon his settling and Remain ing the minister of this Place to be a Great Hurt to Religion, and has almost Brought it into contempt, and such a coldness that it Seems almost Lost and decayed amongst us. " The above and before objections are what we, the mem bers of the first Church of Christ in norton, hath against the Revend mr. Joseph avery, his Ruling and Governing this church; for which Reasons, and what further may be offered, we desire the Brethren, Dea. Benjamin Hodges, George Leonard, John Briggs, 2nd, Benja. Cobb, to appley to the said Rev. Mr. Joseph Avery, and to See if be will ask a dismi- sion, that he may be dismist from his Pastorall offis over us ; and, in Cace he will not ask a dismision, that they send for a counsell, consisting of three or five churches, to advise this church in dismising of ye sd. Rev. Mr. Joseph Avery from his Pastorell office over this church, dated in Norton, November 25, 1748. "John Austin, Ebenezer Eddy, Ephraim Lane, Seth Smith, Jonathan Knap, Philep Cooye, Benja. Newcomb, Je remiah Cambell, Jonathan Hodges, Silvanus Braman, Jona than Clap, Ephraim Wetherell, Benja. Copeland,1 John Briggs, 3d, John Wetherel, Daniel Braman, Joshua Pomery, Eliezer Fisher, 2d, John Briggs, George Briggs." On the back of this paper is written, — " A trew copey of the objections on ye other side, with this that is here underwritten, was delivered to ye Revd. Mr. Jo seph avery. " The before-written objections are what we, the members of the first church of christ in Norton, hath against the Revd. Mr. Joseph Avery, his Ruling and Govening of this church ; as witness our hands. " Dated December 1st, 1748. " George Leonard, John Briggs, 2nd, Benja. Cobb, Benja. Hodges, In behalf ot themselves ? and the ma jor Part of ye chh." 1 » To ye 1st, 6th, and 7th articles." I Mr. Avery replies to these objections against him in a note, which we here introduce : — "To Coll. George Leonard, Esq., John Briggs, 2nd, Benjamin Cobb, Benjm. Hodges, for themselves and sundry others. " Gentelman and Dear Brethren, — I recev'd at your hand a paper dated Decemb. ye 1st, 1748, containing sundry ob jections, as your are pleased to stile ym, Against myself; which articles I have taken into ye most Carefull and Serious Consideration, and they appear to me both unreasonable and unjust, and by no means sufficient to induce me to think I am Call'd of God to surcease my Ministerial labors among you. Dear Brethren, I have heard that some say I am dismised already, and some that I am not qualified to sustan the mini- tterial office. I am ready to Join with you in Calling an Ecclesiastical Councel (equal number of Regular consti tuted chh*. chosen by me and you) to Judge and council in the important affair. If you are desireous of a Councd, I pray you to let me Know it this day week, ami that day week (God willing) I will meet you at ye meeting-house to deter mine what chhs. to send to, and prepare letters-missive. If you desire a council, I expect to have it in writing under your hands, and what you desire it for. " Your friend and pastor, X U^^ty-rxj * Nobtoh, December 12th, 1748." The committee return the following answer : "To the Revd. Mr. Joseph Avery, Pastor of the first Church of Christ in Norton. "Revd. Sr., — we Recev'd your letter Dated 12th of this Instant december, wherein you informe us that you have Considered our Paper which we delivered to you (which we Call'd our Objections against you). You also inform us that you have Consider'd sd. objections, and that they appear to you both unreasonable and unjust, &c. ; and you further informe us, that, if we desire a Councill, you will meet at the meeting-house the monday after next, and Joyn with us in Calling an Ecclesiastical Council (of Equall numbers of Re- gerly Constituted Churches Chosen by you and us) to Jud°-e and Council in the important affair, &c. to this we answer 116 DISMISSION AND DEATH OF REV. MR. AVERY. 117 that we are by no means Readdy to Joyn in sending for a Council yet ; for all our objections which we have against you ought to be aledged against you in a regular Church-meet ing, and there tryed to be made up, before we send for a Council to hear them. Therefore, Revend Sr., we pray you to appoint a church-meeting, to be at ye meeting-bouse, on monday, the second day of January next, that the church may have timely notice of it ; that they generally meet toge ther, and hear and determine on the Objections which we have already given in against you, and what we shall say to them ; and do what they shall think most for the glory of God, and interest of Religion, these are what you are desired to do before we can by any ways joyn in sending for an Eclesi- astical council ; and, Revernd Sr., you will very much oblige your Grieved Brethren. " The reason of George Leonard, 1 t , . ,, , .. .. , . -. -r, „ , ' . I In behalf of them- our desire to have it John Briggs, 2d, I selves and several put of so long is, that Benjamin Hodges, [others of ye sd. two of us are obliged Benjm. Cobb, J to go to the General Court at Boston, and do not Expect to be at home much soon er. " Dated at Nokton, December 19th, 1748." . According to the desire of the committee, a church- meeting is called. I have found, on a detached sheet of paper, a record of what was done at the meeting. It is, no doubt, in the handwriting of the moderator. Let us examine this record, and ascertain what action the church take in reference to their pastor : — "A church-meeting, duly notified by the Rev. Pastor of the first chh. of christ in Norton to be on ye 2d of Jany., 1748, at the Publick meeting-house. The sd. chh. being as sembled according to Notification, Rev. Mr. Avery, their Pastor, opened sd. Meeting with Prayer; withdrew, and told the chh. they might choose one of themselves Modr. for sd. Meeting. But the sd. Chh. made choice of Solomon Prentice, Pastor of the chh. in Easton, for yr Modr. " It was then voted, that a Comtee be chosen to wait on Rev. Mr. Avery, enforming of him who the chh. had made h- choice of for their Modr. ; and to desire Rev. Mr. Averv to come into sd. Meeting (if he pleas'd), and make answer to ye objections the chh. have Exhibited against him "Br. Ebenr Edy, Danll. Braman, Samll. Dean, and John W Id, [were] chosen sd. Comtee, who caryed the preceeding vote to the Rev. Mr. Avery, who came into the meeting, Read his answer, Left itt with the chh., and then withdrew." Mr. Avery's answer reads thus : " Brethren, — as to ye Objections Laid before you against myself, I now make answer, the first objection is, yt I take persons to own ye Covenant in order to have yr children bap tised, or to be Baptised themselves, without any vote of ye chh. to this I answer, yt I have, in the fear of God, in this affair, Conducted I think, according to Scriptur and ye General Practice of ye churches of christ in ye land, the 2nd objec tion is, that I have refused or neglected to appoint chh.- mee tings, when I have ben desired by persons by word of mouth and also under handwriting. I answer, yt I have not refused or neglected to Call and appoint chh.-meetings, when r'Z Vhvk Jt ^ ?l0Ty °f God and ?e interest of Religion Call d for it; and, when ye case was doubtfull and of Con sequence, I always took council and advise. The 4th obion is, that I have not done my duty in visiting ye People of my rhilHge' and Caf "ng the Children, as to Catachising ye Children, I think I have faithfully Endeavor'd to do my duty as to visiting the people, I don't Know that any under my charge have Sent to me in time of Distres, by night or by TWhi naV6 V-lted them' When m? Circumstances would Possibly allow of it. as to the 3rd, 5th, and 6th, I refar you for an answer to the paper I gave in to the precintt-meetiC wherein I Answer you, that I am fully disposed to practise cCertoDft.t0 P atf°rm ^ Chh- disciP^ *nd propose ^ £p at NoVrnn "* ^ obJectj.on' that m7 settling in the ministry at Norton was a frown of providence, and a great hurt to re ligion, I answer, that since so Great, wise, and Good a man as major Leonard, ye father of Coll. George Leonard whb the advise of the venerable Mr. Danforth was the Chief hands ,n envit.ng and settling of me, If coronel Leonard and others don't think this objection both unreasonable and ZS^Z'qo^ ^ ^ T iS in Jt a ^ "at wLt of ueverence and Good manners, speaking in the softest terms. 118 DISMISSION AND DEATH OF REV. MR. AVERY. 119 " Brethren, if my answer to your objections is not satisfac tory, I am readdy to Join with you in Calling an Eclesiastical Council of Regularly Constituted chhs. (Equal numbers Chosen by me and you) to Judge in this affair. " Dated Norton, January 2nd, 1718-9. " Joseph Avery." After tbe pastor bad withdrawn, it was "Proposed a Comtee be chosen to wait on ye Revd. Mr. Avery, In forming him ye chb. Desires their Rev. Pastor to ask a Dismis'sion from his pastoral office in this place; upon his doing of which, ye chh. are willing to withdraw all their ob jections against him, and, with the Consent of the precint, to make him a hansome consideration. An answer is ex pected now. " Voted affermat. " And Dr. Ware, bro. Samll. Dean, chosen sd. Comtee ; who carey'd the sd. vote to ye Rev. Pastor. Then ye meeting was adjorn'd, by vote of ye chh., to ye house of Capt. Jonathan Lawrence in sd. Town, there to meet forth with. ' Accordingly, the chh. mett at sd. place, and waited the Return of their Comtee ; who, Returning, brought a few lines from Rev. Mr. Avery, which satisfied not ye chb." The prospect of the " hansome consideration" prom ised seems not to have had much influence upon the mind of their minister ; for the few lines he sent back to the church are iu these words : — " In answer to a Request sent to myself by ye hands of Docter willm. Ware and Samuel Dean, a Committee Chosen by the Brethren of the chh., — Dear Brethren, I inform you now, as I informed Coll. George Leonard, Esq., John Briggs, 2nd, and Benjamin Hodges and Benjamin Cobb, upon my receiving ye objections Exhibited against myself, which arti cles I informed you, after I had taken into ye most careful and serious consideration; and they did appearto meto be both unreasonable and unjust, and no way sufficient to induce me to surceas my ministeriel Labours among you. " From your friend and Pastor, "Joseph Avery. " Dated Norton, January 2nd, 1748-9." j: i .1 • I:' This communication, as we have seen, " satisfied not ye cbn. "Wherefore they proceeded to ye Consra. of ye Several Art. of Objection against ye Rev. Pastor; and considr'd and debated upon ye articles one by one, and passed ye following votes thereon ; viz. : — 6 " 1. Propos'd, wr. the chh. are Satisfied with ye Rev Mr Avery's ansr yrto wc. pased in ? , . . Negt. Then it was proposed, whethr ye chh. are still dissatisfied and uneasy with yr Rev. past, on account of yr first Article ? . . . Votd af firmat. x< "2.Art Proposed, wr. ye chh. are satisfied with ye Rev Mr. Avery s answer thereunto? pass'd Negat. then Proposed wr. ye chh. are still dissatisfied and aggrieved with VoS^'ffbmat S dU0t' aS ExPres'd in yr 2d objection? . . . 23iliz r:ed.that je form °f ^e ^ ™^ * n "3™Tt\ ProP°sed> wr- ye chh. are still dissatisfied with Rev Mr. Avery on acct. of yr 3d objection? Votd. affirmat. I hen proposd, wr. ye chh. are satisfied with Rev. Mr Avery s answer to ye 3d objection? pass'd Negative. ..,•"« f"rt'^Pr°P?,S,d' Wr- ?e chh- are sti11 ""easy and Dis- St^'^d.^af f ** ^ * ^ °«~ "Then propos'd, wr. ye chh. are satisfied with Rev. Mr Avery's answer to ye 4th objection ? pass'd Negative. tlJ,5pAr!i' ProP°s'd> wr- ye chh. are still Dissatisfied with affirmai P 0" aCC°Unt °f ^ 5th obJection ? • • • Votd Rp^nn" Pr,°POS'd' whethr ye chh. are satisfied with yr Revd. pastors answer to ye 5th objection? Votd. Neg£ «6 Art. propose whethr ye chh. are still very much a-- "7 Art. proposed, whether ye chh. are still very unEasy • 7Votd ^Lt^ Wkh Relati°" t0 th- 7th lectio"7? 120 DISMISSION AND DEATH "Then propos'd, wher. ye chh. are satisfied with Revd. Mr. Avery's Reply to their 7th objection? pas'd Negat. "Then propos'd, that inasmuch as this chh. have Mani fested yr Dissatisfaction with yr Rev. pasr. for sundry rea sons alledged and consider'd of by this chh., whether it dos not appear to this chh. Necessary now to proceed to call in ye help of an Eclesiastical council to advise and council them undr. yr presant Difficulties ? . . . Votd. affirmat. " Proposed to send to 5 chhs. to Constitute this our pro posed council. " 1. Ye chh. of Ct. in Easton proposed. . . . Votd. affir mat. The chh. of Ct. in Raynham proposed. . . . Votd. af- Ye chh. of Ct. in Rochester (Rev. Mr. Ruggles) pro- Votd. affirmat. . Votd. "2. firmat. "3. pos'd. " 4. Ye 2d chh. of Ct. in Wrentham proposed. affirmat. "5. The 2d chb. in Attleboro' proposed. . . . Votd. af firmat. " Then proposed, Col. George Leonard, Dea. Hodges, and Lieut. Benja. Cobb, be appointed to sighn ye Letters-Miss. in the chh.'s name. . . . Votd. affirmat. " Then proposed, Tuesday, Jany. 24 currant, be ye time for the meeting of ye council ; & ye place of yr meeting be Col. George Leonard's, in sd. Norton, at 10 o'clock, a.m. . . . Votd. affirmat. "Then propos'd Dea. Benjn. Hodges be occasional Modr. in ye chh. untill further order. . . . Vot. affirmative. " Then proposed, this meeting be adjourned to Wensday, 25 currant, 1 'clock, p.m., then to meet at the house of Col. George Leonard in sd. Norton. . . . Vot. affirmat. " Accordingly, sd. Meeting was declared to be adjourned to ye Last-mentioned time & place. " Solomon Prentice, Modr." The committee appointed for that purpose, no doubt, immediately prepared a letter-missive (a blank form of which I have found), and sent it to the several churches above named. We record the letter as we find it: — 1 i i" .# 't* k' :'¦' OP REV. MR. AVERY. 121 "The 1st chh. of Ct. in Norton to the chh. of Christ in Sends greeting. « Rev., Hond., and Belov'd, — " Inasmuch as it has pleased God in his Sovereighn plea sure to permitt a great Number of this chh. to be uneasy with Ibe Rev. Mr. Avery, our Pastor, for sundry things that we have taken Exception att in his Doctrine, Discipline, & con duct, which we are justly disquieted at (as we apprehend), yt we cannot judge it any Longer for ye honrof God & Interest of Religion that the Rev. Mr. Avery should sustain ye Mini sterial office in this place ; neither can we be easy he should, unless, our grievances being abated, we are advised yrunto by an Ecclesiastical Council. We therefore earnestly Entreat yr assistance in Council, with several other chhs., by yr Rev. elder Sc such Messengers you may think proper, to meet at the house of Col. George Leonard, in Norton, on Tuesday, Jany. 24 current, at 10 'clock, forenoon. In the Mean time, we Intreat a Costant Remembrance with you in yr prayrs for us, that all things may Issue for ye glory of God. " While we rest yr brothrs in the faith and order of ye gospel. " NOBTON. " In ye name and by ap pointment of sd. 1st chh. in Norton." " Chhs. sent to are Rev. Mr. Ruggles, of Rochester; Easton, Raynham, 2 in Wren tham, 2 in Attleboro'. Mr. Avery now felt called upon to do something to sustain himself against the disaffected party. His pro position, once and again made to his opposers, for a mutual council, was perfectly, proper and just ; and every principle of honor and fair dealing seems to de mand that it should have been complied with : yet the malecontents saw fit to reject it, and call an ez-parte council ; thus leaving the impression, that they were not actuated by the purest motives in their warfare agaiust their venerable pastor. Had they been as tcalous " for ye honr of God & Interest of Religion " as they seem to intimate, we cannot but think they would have been ready to grant the very reasonable desire of their spiritual adviser. 11 122 DISMISSION AND DEATH OF REV. MR. AVERY. 123 Being denied the boon craved, Mr. Avery took the only course he consistently could ; and forthwith sum moned a council of ministers and messengers at his house, on the same day fixed for the meeting of the church's council. His letter-missive we have fortu nately found, and insert it here. Head it atten tively : — " To the chh. of Christ, &c. " Joseph Avery, Pastor of the first, chh. of Christ in Norton, sendeth Greeting. " Revd., Hond., and Belov'd, — " It hath pleased ye holy and sovereign Lord to suffer a considerable number of ys chh. to take up (as I apprehend) an. unreasonable prejudice against myself, yr pastor, the cir cumstances of this chh. are at present very unhappy, dis tressing, and threatening, such as calleth for the compassion of sister chhs. ; wc. I hope God in bis great mercy will grant us, and bless for ye promoting of peace and truth among us. " Some time since, a number of ys chh. presented me with a paper containing sundry objections against me, as they were pleased to stile them ; and then subjoined a verbal request yt I would ask a Dismission. A few days after, I sent ym ys answer, — yt, having taken yr objections and propositions into ye most serious and careful! consideration, they appeared to me to be both unreasonable & unjust, by no means sufficient ito induce me to think I was called of God to surcease my ministerial labors among them ; and, if y. y. thought other- ways, I was ready to joine with ym in calling a council. Some time after ys, they brought me another paper, signify ing y. y. were not yet ripe for council, desiring me to appoint a chh.-meeting to hear yr objections, and wt y. y. had to say upon ym. accordingly, I did appoint a chh.-meeting ; at wc. meeting I gave my answer in writing, and subjoined, that, if my answer was not satisfactory, I was ready to join with ym in calling an Ecclesiastical council (equal numbers chosen by ym and myself) to hear, determine, and advise in ye great and important affair. They refused to accept my answer as, satisfactory ; they also refused to join with me in calling a Council, and have ymselves sent for a seperate council of 5 chhs. to. meet at ye house of Coll. George Leonard, in Norton, on tuesday, ye 24th of ys Instant January, at 10 ante M- I humbly & Earnestly begg your compassion, and yt you would send with your Elder one Messenger, to set in council with several other chhs. att my house in Norton, on tuesday, ye 24th of ys Instant January, at 10 in ye morning, to hear our melancholy case, to give such advise as ye great & good God •ball direct, wishing grace, mercy, & peace to you from God yr Father & our Lord Jesus Christ, begging an In terest in your prayers always, " I subscribe your unworthy bro. in ye faith & fellowship of the Gospel "Joseph Avery, " Pastor of ye first chh. in Norton. "Nobtoh, January 4th, 1748-9." Appended to this letter is this note : — •To Coronel George Leonard, Deacon Benjamin Hodges, Lieut. Benjamin Cobb, Gentleman. : "This is a coppy of the letters I have sent to ye 2nd chh. in Scituate, ye Revd. Mr. Ellis, Pastor ; to ye two chhs. in Rehoboth ; ye 3d chh. in Bridgewater ; ye chh. in Midway ; r<- ye chh. in Warren. "Joseph Avery." Tho council of the church met at the time and place specified. They probably wished for a little explana tion in reference to one or two of the objections ; and what is written below was furnished : — " Whereas in the 7th article of our objections against the Reverend Mr. Joseph Avery, as a person not suitable or any ways qualifed for a Gospel minister, &c, — first, be hath not understanding enough, as we think, to Regulate church-meet ings, but they are generally, when had, managed in great confusion and disorder ; so that we think it not for the Glory of God to have such a minister that Regulates those meetings io tach a way and manner, and, when he pleaseth, to adjourn ¦ A meetings without the vote or consent of the church, not- s=' ,. witlwuuiding they stand up and oppose it. . . . "Secondly, that we don't look on him as a man sound in Us principles ; for, when he was Preaching concerning the Binding and Loosing of sins (or sinner), in his prayer after •ernon he used these Expressions, — that none might set light . bjr ministers, since or seeing that they had power to Loose g and bind souls, even to the forgiveness of sins. "Thirdly, at another time, in his preaching that santifica- tioo was Rought by the agency of the holy Gost, when he S* 124 DISMISSION AND DEATH came to the application, he sd., What cause have we, then, to pray to the holy Gost to send us his holy spirit ? " Fourthly, that he hath not acted agreeable to scripture Rule, as we think, in taking members in the church ; that he hath very much neglected to Examine them (which makes us think that he does not Know what to say to them at such times; or, at Least, that he neglects his duty therein). To gether with what further may be offered, we think we shall make out that objection very fully. " George Leonard, " In Behalf of ye Rest." While this council was in session at Mr. Leonard's, the other, called by the pastor and his friends (for he had some friends yet left), was convened at his house ; and he (Mr. Avery) sent this note to Mr. Leonard : — "To the Honble. George Leonard, Esq., one of ye comittee of this chh., as it is called. " These are to signify yt ye venerable council called by myself and adhering brethren purpose to proceed to a pub lick hearing of our unhappy case to-morrow, at 10 in ye morning; and to request you to attend the said council at my house, unless the council shall meet at your store (?), and then at your own house ; and yt you notify ye other gentle man of sd. committee that y. y. attend with you. "Joseph Avery, Pastor. " January 25th, 1748-9." Iii reply, Mr. Leonard sends this note : — " Revd. sir, — yours of last night I just now received ; & in answer, say, that as to the case in which our committee are concerned, they not being present, I cannot answer for them : but, in my private capacity, with relation to the venerable " council by you invited, their meeting at my house, I say to yourself, and inviting you to do it also to them, that they shall be welcome to my house to hear the case as we shall open it to the council called by us ; it being the needfull at this time. I rest, Revd. sir, your " Humble servant, " G. L. " Nobtos, 26 Jan., 1748." Whether the two councils met together, and a full hearing of the whole matter was entered into or not, is among the secrets not yet revealed. OF REV. MR. AVERY. 125 <• f- f7' Probably, however, they did not thus meet; as it appears from Mr. Prentice's record, which we give below, that the result of the council was made known to, and accepted by, the church the next day after the date of Mr. Leonard's note. Most likely, Mr. Avery saw that the current was setting against him, and con cluded to let it take its course. How matters eventu ated we shall soon see. "The 1st chh. of Ct. in Norton, in a Regular chh.-meeting by adjournment at ye house of ye Honble. George Leonard, Esq., unanimously Votd. to accept of ye Result of ye Venble. council by ym called, & this Day published ; And Dea. Benja. Hodges &, Lieut. Benja. Cobb wr Votd. by sd. chh. to wait on ye Rev. Mr. Avery, yr Pastr, with ye council's Result, to know of him, in writing, whether he will ask a Dismission from his Pastoral office in this place, sd. chh. also Votd. to adjourn the chh.-meeting two hours; then to meet at this place in order to proceed further. » Attst : " S. Prentice, Modr. • Nobton, Jany. 27. 1748." Deacon Hodges and Lieut. Cobb immediately post off down to Mr. Avery's with the result of the ex-parte council. We know nothing of its character, except What we gather from Mr. Prentice's record and subse quent events. The substance of it, no doubt, was, that Mr. Avery is advised to ask a dismission from his pastoral relations with the church and society, to whose spiritual welfare he had devoted the best years of his hfe and the noblest energies of his mind. . We are not permitted to look in and witness the presentation of the "result" to the gray-headed ser vant of God, and therefore we can give no account of the meeting ; but imagination can easily complete the pioture. Sad and desponding/though not altogether taken by surprise at the turn of events, the pastor, in a note ad dressed to the church, asks for a little delay before he gives his final answer. Let us read it : — -i "To the first chh. of Christ in Norton, convened at ye bouse of Coll. George Leonard, Esq. these are to signify, I 11* 126 DISMISSION AND DEATH have received by your Messengers ye Result of your council, and shall take ye great and Important affair into ye most serious consideration ; and ye chh. may Expect my answer ye next week, att ye time and place y. y. shall appoint. " Your Pastor in ye Lord, "Joseph Avery. " Norton, Jan. 27, 1748-9. " P.S. — My Earnest request and desire is, that ye Revd. Mr. Ruggles would please to preach in my pulpit ye next sabbath." We now go back to the church-meeting at Mr. Leonard's, whose members are anxiously awaiting the return of their committee. They are in no mood to deny the reasonable desire of their grief-stricken pas tor; for we find, — "Upon the Receipt of the Rev. Mr. Avery's Answer to ye Desire of the first chh. of christ in Norton this day signified to him, the chh. Vod. to adjourn this Meeting to Monday Next, 9 'clock forenoon ; then to Meet at ye meeting-house in this place to Receive their Pastor's answer to their Re quest of this day, and to act thereon. "Attst: " S. Prentice, Modr. " Norton, Jany. 27, 1748." It was now Friday. In tears, and with constant prayer to God for guidance and direction in this im portant matter, he spends the short period allotted him for deliberation ; and on the Monday following, Jan. 30, 1748-9, O.S., or Feb. 10, 1749, N.S., it is morally certain that Rev. Joseph Avery acceded to the decision of the council ; sent in his resignation ; and, from that day, ceased to be the pastor of the church with which he had labored from his ordination, — thirty-four years, three months, and two days. From the report of a committee appointed by the precinct in relation to his salary, the fact is clearly established, that his ministerial labors ended Jan. 30, 1748-9, 0. S. In concluding their report, the com mittee say, — "Therefore [we] are of the opinion that it will Le Best for this precint to pay Mr. Joseph Avery's salary from the first OP REV. MR. AVERY. 127 of March, 1747-8, untill the 30th of January, 1748-9; being about eleven months to the time when he was dismist from bis ministerial office amongst us. " Dated in Norton, March 1st, 1748-9. " George Leonard. William Ware." Tho reader will have observed that the objections brought against Mr. Avery are of the most trivial nature, and not in the least affecting his moral charac ter; nor do they give a sufficient warrant for the rending asunder so abruptly the ties of pastor and people. We think his opposers must have been slow of understanding, if it took them almost forty years to find out that their minister was not qualified for the pastoral office. We believe, if any one will read the pages of this chapter attentively, and with an unbiased mind, he will be convinced that the paramount objec tion to Mr. Avery was not brought to the surface. The real objections to the pastor were, without doubt, 1st, his auti-Calvinistic notions ; and, 2d, his strong and manly opposition to the great revival of 1740, in which the celebrated Whitefield was the leader. Rev. Eleazer Wheelock, of Lebanon, Conn., among others, preached here Oct. 3, 1741. In his journal, he says he was M kindly received by Mr. Avery. Preached to a full assembly: much affection and sobbing through the assembly." Alt-hough, at first, Mr. Avery might have been favorably disposed towards the movement of Whitefield, he and others soon became convinced it would result in no permanent good to the country ; and therefore they signed an earnest protest against it, which concludes in these words : x — I We copy this closing portion of the protest from the Great Awaken Ing, p. SS8, but have been unable to find the document entire. Rev. Joseph Tracy, the author of the book referred to, cannot say where he found the document, but thinks it was either in the Athenseum, or the Old South Church Library, at Boston. I cannot find it in either place; but a volume of tracts relating to Whitefield, belonging to the Old South Church Library, w*t missing from the library when 1 examined it in the autumn of 1858. The author of the Great Awakening says the protest is remarkable for no tiling hut tho extract he gave. We would have given our readers the bene Dtof the whole document, if we could have found it. m. 128 DISMISSION AND DEATH " When Mr. Whitefield first came among us, he used his ut most craft and cunning to strike the passions and engage the affections of the people ; and when he had wrought them into a fond opinion of his excellences, and they began to look upon him as one endowed with an uncommon measure of the Spirit, he continued to insinuate that unconverted ministers could do little or no good to souls ; that dead men might as well be get living children. Having thus prepared the way, he leaves the country with this most vile insinuation, — ' That many, nay most, that preach, I fear, do not experimentally know Christ ; and the universities are become dark, — darkness in the abstract.' Well, what is the language of all this ? He that runs may read. Dead men may as well beget living children, as an unconverted minister do good to souls. The most of your ministers are unconverted : you must, then, if you have any regard to your souls, separate from them, and seek better help. But what will you do ? You can't have any help from the colleges : there is nothing but darkness, — darkness that may be felt. You must, then, content yourselves with some illiterate exhorters, until you can have a supply from the Shepherd's Tent, the Orphan Flouse, or elsewhere. It appear eth to us, that the Devil, with all his cunning, could not take a more direct step to overthrow these churches, hurt religion and the souls of men. " Joseph Avery, of Norton ; John Greenwood and David Turner, of Rehoboth ; Ebenezer White, of Norton ; Solomon Townsend, of Barrington ; and John Burt, of Bristol." We are decidedly of the opinion, that, if Mr. Avery had supported the Whitefield movement, he would never have been dismissed. Eev. Mr. Clarke, in his " Histo rical Sermon," speaking of Mr. Avery, says, — " He was not a popular preacher, but a good character ; pacific in his temper, and an agreeable companion. In the course of his ministry, he was met with a violent opposition from many who were called new lights. They, in their en thusiastic zeal, condemned him as incapable of preaching the gospel. By their influence, they increased the opposition to such a degree that the society voted him a dismission." _ The followers of Whitefield were very zealous reli gionists, and were called " new lights." There were many of Mr. Avery's church who became " new OP REV. MR. AVERT. 129 lights;" and not being able to carry their minister with them, or to turn him in the least from his convic tions of duty, they seceded from his church, and esta blished a dissenting church and society, of which we shall give an account hereafter. The fact that an op position church had been organized and a minister set tled, and the fear that the old church would be broken up or very much weakened, no doubt brought the opposition to decisive action, and perhaps had much influence in determining the " result " of the council. Tho opposition were also, no doubt, encouraged to the course they took by Rev. Mr. Prentice, of Easton, — a tealous " new light," who was finally dt'sfellowshipped by, the neighboring ministers, and dismissed from bis pastoral office. The reader will take notice that he was very officious, as moderator of the church, while they wero seeking to dismiss their minister ; and probably did more than any other person to "crush out" Mr. Avery. In all my investigations, I have not found any thing that casts a reflection upon the name or character of tho first minister of our town. His only fault, if fault it can be called, was his unwillingness to submit to the dictation of others. We are perfectly satisfied that he was sacrificed because he dared to think and act in oppo sition to public opinion. But this only serves to enhance our estimation of the man. And certainly his deter mination to be true to the convictions of his conscience, let what would befall him, must have found favor at the bar of God, the great and impartial Judge of tho world ; and no doubt, as he entered the spirit-world, he heard the welcome plaudit, " Well done, good and faithful servant: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." Of Mr. Avery, subsequent to his dismission, there is little to record, because little is known. He con tinued to reside in town, but, it is supposed, never preached after he was deposed from the ministry. There have been some doubts expressed about the place of his death. Hon. Cromwell Leonard says ho was told by his father that Mr. Avery did not die iii town, 130 DISMISSION AND DEATH and was not buried here ; but we are satisfied that he did die and was buried in Norton. In his " Historical oermoiV'm allusion to Mr. Avery's dismission, Rev, Pitt Clarke says, « He lived nearly twenty-two years alter this, and exemplified the religion he taught to a good old age. He died April 23, 1770." He was con sequently eighty-three years old at his death. The date of his death is also recorded on the church-books, in the handwriting of Rev. Mr. Clarke. We think Mr Clarke must have known the place of his death, or he could not well have given us the date of it ; and if Mr. Avery had not died in town, we are confident Mr. Clarke would have so stated. Again: Mrs. Sarah Morey, recently deceased, who was a daughter of Rev Joseph Palmer, the successor of Mr. Avery, most posi tively affirmed to me, before her death, that Mr. Avery did die in town ; that he died in the house where he had always lived in Norton ; and that she distinctly remembered seeing the funeral procession pass by her father's house, and go to the graveyard in front of the house with the corpse. She was then some six or seven years of age. We know that Mr. Avery was here within five or six years of his death ; because, on the 8th of September, 1763, the parish « voted to Mr. Joseph Ave ry, for the taking care of the meating-house and Sweat ing it, 0-8-0-0 : " and on the 7th of March, 1764 Mr Avery deeded his farm to Dr. Gideon Tiffany, no doubt with the understanding that Dr. Tiffany should take care of him in his old age. Tiffany remained in town till the death of Mr. Avery ; and then sold his farm, and went to Keene, N.H. But all doubts are resolved by the following reference to Mr. Avery, copied from the " Massachusetts Gazette and News-Letter " of Aug. 30, 1773. The writer, over the signature of " G H "' after alluding to the fact that Mr. Avery's name was not starred (*) in the last Triennial Catalogue. says, — " The said gentleman was formerly minister at Norton, and died there three or four years ago. He was esteemed, when bving, by the clergy in that part of the country, as a very OF REV. MR. AVERT. 131 ' :-\ Sii : "* honest, good man ; and if he did not meet with candor and (kir treatment in his old age from some, who of all men had the greatest reason to love and honor him, I doubt not he bw met with ample compensation in the approbation of his- Lord." There is, then, no longer any question relative to the place of his death. The writer of the above article seemed to entertain the same opinion that we had formed ; viz., that Mr. Avery was very unjustly treated and abused in his old age. The testimony of Rev. Pitt Clarke (whose authority was those who had personally known Mr. Avery) and that of the writer just quoted both concur in the idea, that he was an exemplary Chris tian and an honest man. His communications and letters show him to have been a man of respectable lite rary attainments for the time in which he lived ; and there is abundant proof that he was a man of energy and decision of character, — willing, if need be, to stand alone in what he believed to be a righteous cause ; in fine, that he was possessed of that manly independence, without which every person is a slave. He never had any children. His wife died Oct. 4, 1763, and was buried in tbe common graveyard. Mr. Avery, without a shadow of doubt in our mind, was buried beside her ; for there are indications of a grave, in close proximity to hers. But no stone marks the spot, where his body, long ere this, has moulded to dust.1 Citizens of Norton,. •Mrt. Sarah Morey, already alluded to, told me that the reason why no gnratnne was erected at Mr. Avery's grave was because the property went ¦rtndnUy to Mrs. Avery's heirs, and they cared more for the money than Ibtjr did for the memory of the aged and broken-down minister. I have ataee Marched the probate-records at Taunton j and find, that on the 18th of *«Jjr,17M, a few weeks previous to her death, Mrs. Avery, with her hus- Wm'i consent, made her will, and gave the property which she had re- eriwd from her father to Sarah Tiffany, wife of Gideon Tiffany, and to the. S»lf children of Sarah Stone, deceased, the wife of Nathaniel Stone. Mr. Atttj wm to have the use of the property as long as he lived. Gideon Tif- maj wm appointed executor of the will. The estate was appraised Nov. 10, Ifti, at £77. Is. 7d. May 4, 1770, — less than two weeks after the death of Mr. Amy, — Dr. Tiffany, the executor of Mrs. Avery's will, made a return m lb* inventory of the property. He also brought in a bill of charges •plMI lh« estate j which, with the legacy bequeathed his wife, Sarah Tif- ¦ay, amounted to more than the estate was worth. In his account, the ex- ?ealor pays for an allowance of £1. 10s. for a pair of gravestones for Mrs. Avarjr, which he says were " spoken for, and to be brought and put up." Her grarettoue says she " died in Sept. or Oct., 1763 ; " which indicates that 132 ATTEMPTS TO SETTLE A MINISTER. ought this so to be ? Will you not cause a suitable mon ument to be erected over his remains, as a token of re spect to the memory and virtues of the first minister of your town ? Certainly we of the present day ought to do him justice, by removing, so far as we can, the dis grace and obloquy that clustered around his last days on earth. We trust that a word to those who would vindicate the character and reputation of an earnest, faithful, though much misrepresented man, will bo suf ficient. If the town, in its corporate capacity, shall decline to aid in perpetuating his memory by erecting a monument at his grave, we hope the church and par ish of which he was the first pastor will discharge their duty in this matter. CHAPTER X. ATTEMPTS TO SETTLE A MINISTER. " Many are called." — Cheist. The church is now without a minister, aud means must be taken to provide one to supply tbe pulpit: but the church-records and papers are still in the hands of their late pastor, Rev. Mr. Avery ; and it is deemed important that the church obtain possession of them. Accordingly, at a church-meeting held March 28, 1749,— " 21y, The sd. church voted that Deacon John Briggs, the first, and Deacon Benjamin Hodges, shall be a committee to waight on Mr. Joseph Avery, and desire him, in the name of she had been dead so long before it was erected, that the exact date of her death was forgotten. These facts, together with the fact that Mr. Avery, 60on after the death of his wife, deeded his farm, worth over £400, to Dr. Tiffany, go strongly to corroborate the statement of Mrs. Morey; and I have no doubt that she was correct. For further notice of Dr. Tiffany, see chap ter relative to physicians. ATTEMPTS TO SETTLE A MINISTER. 133 ibis church, to deliver them the Church-covenant and the Church-Records; and thay to Keep them till the further order of this Church." Mr. Avery, still smarting under the wounds he had received by, as he thought, and as we think, his unjust dismissal from the pastoral office, probably declined to deliver up the covenant and records thus demanded. Hence, after some months' waiting, on the second day of October, 1749, at a church-meeting, — 44 21y, The Church voted that Dea. Benjamin Hodges and Benja. Cobb be a committee to go to Mr. Joseph Avery, and demand the Church-Covenant that this Church entered into when thay were first settled; as also all the Church- records: and, in case he delivers them up to sd. Commit tee, thay to give a proper receipt for them. And, in case hL Mr. Avery refuse or delay to deliver sd. Covenant and records, that the sd. Committee are impowred, in the name and behalf of the Church, to Commence an action, or as many actions as they shall think needful, for tbe recovering sd. Covenant and records out of his hands ; and to Prosecute t«l. action or actions in the law, from Court to Court, untill ihey have got them ; and to appeal, in the name and stead of tbi* Church, in any Court or Courts ; to carry on sd. action, and to appeall from any Judgment that shall be made up against this church in that affayre." How the matter was adjusted we have no informa tion. All we know is, that, at an earlier or later day, the church came into the possession of the documents alluded to. The supply of the pulpit now became a matter of importance to both church and parish. llcuco the- church — which was always expected, I believe, to take the lead in these matters — met April 17, 1749 ; and, " 31y, They voted that Coll. George Leonard, Samuel Deane, Benjamin Cope- land, shall be a committee, to join with a committee that shall be chose by the precint, to provide mini sters to supply the pulpit." On the same day, the parish add Capt. William Stone, John Wild, and Deacon Benjamin Hodges, to this com mittee of the church. A candidate is procured. He 12- 134 ATTEMPTS TO SETTLE A MINISTER. came and preached a few Sundays ; was acceptable to a portion of the parish and church. They are now about to choose a gospel teacher. It is with them a momentous affair, a solemn event ; and they would not undertake such a work without duo preparation. The special interposition of the Almighty must be invoked ; and hence, June 12, 1749, the church " voted that thirsday, the twenti-second of this instant June, should be held as a day of fasting and praier to God for his direction in the settling a pastor over them." On the same day, June 12, Joshua Pomroy, Ebene zer Eddy, John Briggs, 2d, Benjamin Cobb, Josiah Newland, Benjamin Copeland, Benjamin Newcomb, Bartholemew Burt, John Briggs, 3d, Daniel Braman, Jonathan Knap, Samuel Dean, Sylvanus Braman, Seth Smith, and Benjamin Hodges, petition the Precinct Committee to call a precinct-meeting "To make choice of some man that is a Learned ortherdox man to settel in ye worke of ye Gospell minestry amongst us of sd. Precent." The fast is, no doubt, observed with becoming so lemnities. They are now ready to take action. July 3, 1749, at a church-meeting, — " 31y, The church voted, whereas this church was setled a congregational church, and have voted the church-platforme for their Rule of discipline, they do now make choice of Mr. Eliakim Willis to setell with them in the minestry, and to be their paster ; and this church to be governed acording to the rule of discipline as sett fourth in sd. Church-platforme." On the same day, the parish concurred in the choice of Mr. Willis as their minister, and — "Made choice of George Leonard, Esqr., Capt. Simeon Wetherell, and Mr. Benjamin Cobb, to be a Committee to Present a copy of the sd. church and precint's votes in makeing choice of him for theyr minister, and do theyr Endeavor to obtain him to come and Preach with us ; and also to treet with sd. Mr. Willis about his settling with us, and make Re port at the next Precint-meeting; and to obtain some minister to supply the Pulpit untill Mr. Willis can come." ATTEMPTS TO SETTLE A MINISTER. .135 % There is a minority who are opposed. "Capt Wm. Stone appeared and protest ed against ; the chusing Mr. Willis to be our minister. John Wild, , Natha- Sell Dunham, Ebenezer Burt, Eliphalet Hodges, Edmund Hodges, Nehemiah Fisher, and James Godfrey protested against chusing Mr. Willis or any other minister at this t me Samuell Clapp, Junior, protests against chusing Mr. Willis, HTy other, without further tryall. Thomas morey protests against chusing any that we have beard already. But the majority, having chosen a minister, seem determined to settle him, if possible They call a parish-meeting, Aug. 21, 1749, and "Voted that they Sould give to Mr Eliakim Willis 400 pounds old Tenner, for a settlement." They voted to give him S hundred pounds, in bills of credit gf the old tenor or other money, a year for ms salary to be as good as bills of credit of this Province of the old tenor now are, in proportion to silver at fifty-five shillings an ounce, provided he settled with them in the work of the ministry. They also voted that George Leonard, Esq., Lapt. William Stone, and Mr. Benjamin $°bb, should be a committee to present these votes to Mr. Ehakim Willis for his acceptance. Mr. Willis declined settling in the following note.— «To the first chh. of christ in norton, and tbe society usually meeting with then} : grace, mercy, and Peace. « Honr'd and Beloved, — . . « Whereas you gave me an Invitation (some time since) to settle with you in the work of the gospel ministry, with proposals inconsiderable and insufficient for a subsistence therein, — These, therefore, are to inform you, that 1 am convinced it is not my duty to comply with your Inv.tat.on. that the great Head of the church would m due time, be SeLed to Favour you with a wise and faithful Pastor is [he desire and Prayer of your Friend and Brother in the Faith and Fellowship of the gospel, tw r " Eliakim Willis. "Dartmouth, Sepr. 16th, 1749. "To Deacon Briggs, to be communicated to ye chh. and society of ye South Precinct in Norton." 136 ATTEMPTS TO SETTLE A MINISTER. Of Mr. Willis I have been able to obtain but little in formation. He is supposed to have been born in Dart mouth, in tins county, Jan. 9, 1714. He came from havlten XT^ °f°SV ™d that V^TsllZ to nave been Ins home when he preached at Norton He entered Harvard College at the age of eighteen' and graduated from that institution in 1735. He was ordained pastor over the second parish in Maiden (which has since been united with the first) Oct 25 From ~ ^ ^ -14' 1801« ^d eighty -seven, i ' May 22 tiHl "°n ln 0^ P°^ssion, -Ve dated M? Willi , nr T J'0' 28' 1849'~it appears that f:^tttp;:::hed seventeen sabbaths * n°^» The declination of the call to settle by Mr. Willis no doubt, was * source of gratification to one party' and a disappointment to the other. A new candidate must now be procured to run the gauntlet between the opposing factions of church and parish mnt t r1^1" °f ?blivion haPPn^ hides from our view most of their private bickerings; and we have ™ desire to uphft it. It withdraws itself, however suf- 2STS £s!° ^^ US t0 ™*"^ the actual Though without a minister, the parish are deter "Fet 5° ft -?6 Stat6d W°r ^P 0f God- Feb. 5, 1749-50, it was "voted to raise four hundred rPrJcin "Th' *? H*7 f°r ^^ ?e Pulpftln Cobb Tnl 5 pand' aLthe Same time> Lieut- Benjamin Cobb, John Briggs, 2d, and Jonathan Lincoln were chosen a committee to join with a comm tee of the church in supplying the pulpit. But, std bitter ness and discord reign in the parish. A movemen was made by the disaffected ones to divide the^SS In the mean time, a candidate had been preaching and his friends desired to settle him. On the 5 1 of March, 1749-50, the church chose Joseph Roberts for >-¦. ATTEMPTS TO SETTLE A MINISTER. 137 March 20, to act upon the above vote of the church ; and also to act upon the petition of the east part of the south precinct, that said precinct be divided into two precincts, or parishes. At the meeting, March 20, " after a long debate on the Petition of some of the inhabitants of ye Easterly Part of this Precint, there was a vote called for to know whether they would act any further on sd. Petition ; and it Passed in the negative." At this meeting, the parish concur with the church in inviting Mr. Roberts to be their minister. They offer him as a settlement one hundred pounds, lawful money ; half to be paid the first, and half the second year after his ordination. - And also the sum of sixty-six pounds, thirteen shillings, and fourpence, Lawful silver money, or other money or Bills of Credit, Equal in value thareto, that Pass current in Pay ments between man and man, at the Respective times of Payments; which he shall have each and every year, so long as he Continues with us in the work and office of tbe ministry." George Leonard, Esq., Capt. Simeon Wetherell, and Deacon Benjamin Hodges, were appointed a committee " to waight on Mr. Joseph Roberts, and Present him a copy of tbe abovesd. Precint's vote, and to treet with him about his settling," &c. Mr. Roberts takes time to consider upon the matter ; and, in a letter, declines in these words : — ?To the Church of Christ here in Norton; wishing grace, mercy, and Peace. ' « As you, the first Church of Christ, and the Congregation appertaining unto you, Some time since gave me, the sub scriber, au Invitation to settle with you in the work of the Gospell ministry, as your Pastor and minister, — these may signify unto you, that I have deliberated upon this Important affayer, and advised both with Relations and others ; and from some things in this Place, as well as a disinclination to settle here, under some circumstances, among you, I am in clined, and think it best, to determine in the Negative. And 12» 138 ATTEMPTS TO SETTLE A MINISTER. although I have not been able to let you know this before now, is because 1 have been Greatly Perplexed in my mind about you and the other place, where I have a call to settle, whereby I have been at the greatest nonplus what to do. I hope none of the People of this Place will either be offended or Uneved with me in not giving my answer sooner, since Providence prevented by sickness, and my being perplexed with two calls at one and the same time. I conclude this Keply to your Invitation in the words of the apostle: Finally, brethren, farewell! be perfect; be of Good com fort ; be of one mind j live in Peace; and the God of love and Peace shall be with you.' " I am yours, &c., " Noktok, September 29th, 1750." " J°SEPH E°BEETS- The internal dissensions to which he alluded had no doubt, a great influence in causing him to give a negative answer. We hope the people profited by his apostolic exhortation at the close of his letter t o ,^eorts T^as from Boston> where he was born Jan. 8, 1718. He graduated at Harvard, 1741 ; and was ordained at Leicester, Oct. 23, 1754 ; being the third minister settled in that place. But, ere eight years had elapsed, difficulties arose between him and Ins people, « which were referred to an Eccl. Council who recommended a dissolution of the Pastoral Con- "f.10"''' He was accordingly dismissed Dec. 15, /\- "ftter hls dismissal, he removed to Weston; and died there April 30, 1811, aged ninety-three (?) His mental powers were of a high order ; and, for many years, he was a useful man in civil life " « He took an active part in the American Revolution, as one of the committee of the town to enlist and provide wi the soldiers. He was a member of the Convention that formed the Constitution of Massachusetts : and alter his death, there was found among his papers a draught, in his own handwriting, of a form of govern ment, many of the provisions of which have been incorporated into our present State Constitution. He represented the town of Weston several years in tbe General Court. He lived and died a bachelor. His ATTEMPTS TO SETTLE A MINISTER. 139 % usefulness and respectability were much diminished by being connected with a speculation in business, by which he became involved in lawsuits, and lost much of his property. His temper was soured, and he be came disgusted with the world ; so that he retired, and spent the remainder of his days, as a hermit, in obscurity."1 , „ _„,„ rA ... . From a receipt given March 21, 1749-50, it is in ferred that he had then preached in Norton thirteen Sundays. From the parish-records, we conclude that he preached more than thirteen sabbaths. Again the parish must go forth in quest of a candi date. , , Aug 15, 1751, the parish " Voted that no person shall preach in the meeting-house in sd. Precint but such as shall be procured by the Committee of sd. Pre cint and Church, till the further order of this Precint ; and, to make the matter doubly sure, they vote that the key shall be delivered to sd. Comtee." This shows that harmony was not yet restored to the parish. On the 30th of August, 1751, the church gave a call to Mr. Elijah Lathrop to settle as their minister ; and, on the 30th of September following, the parish concur in the choice, and offer Mr. Lathrop, as a settlement, £138. 6s. 8d. lawful money, and £66. 13s. U. yearly salary. George Leonard, Esq., Mr. Benjamin Cobb, and Deacon Benjamin Hodges, were " chosen a com mittee to present a coppy of ye above-written votes to ye abovesaid Mr. Lathrop, and to treet with him about settling with them as abovesd." Mr. Lathrop did not accept the call. No written answer to the invitation has been found. He was born in Windham, Conn., about the year 1724. He was educated at Yale Col lege, and graduated from that institution in 1749. In 1752, he was settled over the " Gilead Society" in Hebron, Conn., as a Congregational minister. « He performed the duties of a priest, to the acceptance of his people, until 1797 ; when he died, aged seventy-three. 1 American Quarterly Register, vol. x. pp. 60, 61. 140 ATTEMPTS TO SETTLE A MINISTER. His moral character was good ; his talents, an avera-e of for a L nT men' f °Se S6rviCeS Were P-chased for life peryeSar,litgmiifoA0USe' $25°' "* '™* ™d* °f ™* Other candidates now entered the field : none, how ever, are invited till the Villing candidate is found of whom we shall speak in the succeeding chapter From receipts by them signed for services rendered rt is certain that six other individuals preached in msfr dw?Vh& 'T the Church ™s destitute of a pastor. Whether all preached as candidates is un certain: probably all did not. I have been able to a certain a few items, in the history of these indi- v duals, which may not be altogether uninteresting to the reader; and therefore take the liberty to reford hem in this connection. Mr. Edward Bass preached to JuUS 74?1" SHbathS f^ °UenFaSt D<* Previou" Soft7 rr • ?e was born ln Dorchester, Nov. 23, 1726. He entered Harvard College before he was fourteen years old, and graduated from that college in 1744. After graduating, he taught school till he took the degree of AM. In 1752, by invitation of the Episcopal society of Newburyport, he went to England • and on the 24th of May of that 'year, « was ordained by the excellent Dr. Thomas Sherlock, then Bishop of London He returned, and took charge of the society in Newbury, the same year. In 1796, he was unani mously elected, by the Episcopal churches of Massa chusetts to the office of bishop; and was consecrated in Christ's Church May 7, 1797. He was afterwards elected Bishop of Rhode Island; and the churches in New Hampshire put themselves under his jurisdiction. He died September, 1803, after an illness of two days aged almost seventy-seven. « He was a sound divine' a critical scholar, an accomplished gentleman, and an exemplary Christian." 2 1 Letter of Hon. John S. Peters M D Knn.Sv„ei ^bley's Interleaved Triennial;' Massachusetts Historical Collec tions, vol. ix.; and Rev. James Mobs'. Sermon at Newburyport, Jan e, ATTEMPTS TO SETTLE A MINISTER. 141 ¦* Previous to Oct. 8, 1749, Mr. Thomas Jones preached in Norton "three sabbaths and the Thanksgiving." He was from Dorchester, and was born April 20, 1721 ; graduated at Harvard, 1741. He was invited by the church to settle in Stoughton ; but " the precinct, being equally divided, were unable to obtain a vote of con currence.1 He was ordained at Woburn, Jan. 2, 1751 ; and died suddenly, on sabbath-day, March 13, 1774, of apoplexy, with which he was seized in the pulpit, at the close of the prayer in the morning service." 2 Mr. Naphtali Daggett preached four Sundays before Oct. 29, 1750. He was born in Attleborough, Sept. 8, 1727; and was the second of eight children. His father died when he was quite young. In 1748, he graduated from Yale College; and, in 1751, was ordained at Smithton, L.I. In September, 1755, he was chosen Professor of Divinity at Yalo ; and from Sept. 10, 1766, to April 1, 1777, he was tho acting president of tho collogo. Whon tho British attacked New Haven, in July, 1779, he took an active part in the defence of the town ; and died (in consequence of wounds received on that occasion) Nov. 25, 1780, aged fifty-three. He is reported to have been " a good clas sical scholar, well versed in moral philosophy, and a learned divine." 3 Jonathan Dorby preached at Norton, "April 14th and 21st," 1751. He was the son of Capt. Eleazer and Mary (dishing) Dorby, of Boston ; and was born Sept. 13, 1726; graduated at Harvard, 1747; was settled over the Second Church in Scituate, Nov. 13, 1751. He went to Hingham to exchange with Rev. Mr. Gay, and was there taken with a fever at the house of Geji. Benjamin Lincoln's father; and died after an illness of five days, April 22, 1754, aged twenty-eight. He is described as " a man of moderate stature, fair complexion, round features, and blue eyes ; l E. Richmond'6 Sermon on leaving the Old Church in Stoughton, Mav 22, 1808. , , * See Interleaved Triennials at Harvard-College Library; and American Quarterly Register, vol. xi. > See Daggett's History of Attleborough. 142 SETTLEMENT, MINISTRY, AND in his manners, graceful and winning; using much familiarity in his intercourse with his people, without disgusting; and entering their dwellings like a son and a brother. As a preacher, he was lively and in teresting." 1 Joseph Green, jun., supplied the pulpit in Norton "nine days, in the year 1751." He was born in Barnstable, Sept. 12, 1727 ; and was the son of Rev. Joseph Green, of that town. He graduated at Har- , vard, 1746; was ordained at Marshfield, Feb. 21, S 1753 ; and resigned his pastoral office, Jan. 9, 1759. He was subsequently installed over the First Church in ; Yarmouth, Sept. 15, 1762 ; and died Nov. 5, 1768.2 Mr. Samuel Angier preached- at Norton before Feb. 3, 1752, — probably not as a candidate. He was born at Cambridge, July 15, 1722; and was the son of Edmund Angier. He graduated at Har vard, 1748 ; and was probably never ordained as a minister. He taught school for a time at Medford ; and died Aug. 23, 1775.2 Whether other unsuccess ful candidates preached during the vacancy of the pulpit is unknown. CHAPTER XI. THE SETTLEMENT, MINISTRY, AND DEATH OF REV. JOSEPH PALMER. " He tried each art, reproved each dull delay ; Allured to brighter worlds, and led the way." Goldsmith. Thus far, in their attempts to settle a pastor, disappoint ments have met the church and parish at every turn. But, though defeated in their laudable and repeated efforts to establish a permanent ministry among them, 1 See Interleaved Triennials at Harvard-College Library, and Deane's History of Scituate. 2 Sibley's and Winthrop's Interleaved Triennials. DEATH OF REV. JOSEPH PALMER. 143 £" they were by no means discouraged. With praiseworthy teal and energy, they pressed on towards tbe goal of their desire ; and, as a reward of their faithfulness, suc cess is about to crown with rejoicing the unwearied endeavors to secure a shepherd for the flock. A candidate has been preaching to them for some weeks. He is acceptable to a large part of the church and parish. The church, agreeably to a long-esta blished custom, take the initiatory steps to secure his permanent services as a teacher of righteousness. A meeting is duly warned and held. Deacon Benjamin Hodges, who seems, after the dismission of Mr. Avery, to have been a sort of standing moderator of all the church-meetings, was called to preside over the solemn deliberations of the assembled church ; and, no doubt, offered an earnest prayer to God for direction in the important business immediately before them, and for the spirit of union and harmony in the selection of a gospel teacher about to be made. We now quote the record: — "At a meeting of the first church of Christ in Norton, held at Norton South precint meeting-house on ye 20th day of April!, 1752, the said church made choice of Mr. Joseph Pulmer to be their minister, and to settle with them in the work of the ministry (this church being a Congregational church) ; And Ihey made choice of Capt. William Stone, John Briggs, and Jonathan Hodges, 2d, a committee to present the above- id. vote to the first precint or parish in sd. Norton for their concurrence." ¦ On the 11th of May following, at a meeting held for that purpose, the parish — " Voted and concurred [in] the before-written vote of sd. church in chuseing Mr. Joseph Palmer for their minister, Provided he settle with them for one hundred and thirty-three pounds, six shillings, and eightpence, Lawful money, as a set tlement ; one-half thereof to be paid in a year after he shall settle with them, and the other half in two years. " 8dly, Voted to give the sd. Mr. Palmer the sum of sixty- six pounds, thirteen shillings, and fourpence, Lawful money, 144 SETTLEMENT, MINISTRY, AND for a salary, yearly and every year, so long as he shall con tinue and remain their Minister, provided he settle with them as aforesd. " 4thly, They made choice of George Leonard, Esq., Capts. Wdliam Stone, and Simeon Wetherell, and Mr. Benjamin Hodges & Samuel Dean, a committee to present ye abovesd. vote to the Mr. Palmer, and to use their interest with him to settle with them as aforesd." Mr. Palmer returned the following answer : — " To the First chh. of Christ in, and Inhabitants of, the first Parish of Norton. " Dearly Beloved in the Lord, — Inasmuch as it has pleased almighty God, the wise govenour of the world, to per mit a seperation between you and your late Rev. Pastor ; and, since this seperation, to incline you so far to pursue your own best interest as to be desirous of resettling the Gospel Mini stry amongst you ; and since he from whom every man's Judg ment proceeds, who has the Hearts of all men in his Hands, has inclined you to choose me for your minister (unworthy as I am), as appears by a Copy of your Votes some Time since presented to me ; and having, as I trust, with a serious Con cern to promote God's glory & holy kingdom, both in my self and you, taken into consideration your Invitation of me to settle among you in the work of the gospel ministry, and have been importunate with God for Direction, and asked advice of men, — [I] am determined to accept of your Invita tion, with only asking that you would please to make an ad dition to the offers you made me for my support : and that is, viz., to supply me with a sufficiency of firewood ; It being no more than what is of late common with Towns and Parishes to do. and, by your granting this, I do accept of your Invita tion; Trusting in the great Head of the church for assistance in the important service, and in your Goodness for a comfort able support, if what you have already proposed, and may now farther add for that Purpose, should prove insufficient. Desiring your earnest prayers to God for me, " Cajibiiidge, Sept. ye 16th, 1752." DEATH OF REV. JOSEPH PALMER. 145 This letter was read at a parish-meeting held Sept. 27 ; and then — u The sd. Precint voted, that they Look upon what they have already voted to Mr. Joseph Palmer for his support amongst us, in case he should settle with us in the work of a Gospell minister, to be sufficient for his support ; and as much, •as we cannot think it our duty at present to give any more : therefore vote not to add any more to it towards Providing of firewood for him ; and desire him to accept of what we have already offered." It is uncertain how the matter was settled : but Mr. Palmer undoubtedly withdrew his request about fire wood ; for, a few days subsequent to the vote of the precinct, he communicated his final answer. As he was then at Norton, possibly some verbal arrangement rela tive to firewood might have been made ; but probably not. " To the first church of christ in, and Inhabitants of, the first precinct in Norton. " Dearly Beloved in the Lord, — whereas you have once and again (by your votes) manifested a desire of my settling »|J with you in the work of the gospell ministry, I would now Inform you that I am determined and do accept of your Invi tation, upon the offer you made me for my support ; Trusting in your goodness for a comfortable maintenance, if what you have ofered should not be sufficient ; and desire your prayers to almighty God that I may be a faithfull Pastor. " Joseph Palmer. « Nobtoh, October ye 25th, 1762." Preparations were then vigorously made for the ordi nation. A church-meeting was held Nov. 10, 1752, Benjamin Hodges, moderator ; and it was — " Voted, they would ordain Mr. Joseph Palmer as sune as they could conveniently. " Sly, The church voted that the church-covenant should be red ; and it was red : and they gave then: assent to it by tbe tine of lifting the hand." Benjamin Hodges and William Stone were chosen a committee to invite Mr. Palmer to meet with the 13 146 SETTLEMENT, MINISTRY, AND church at an adjourned meeting, Nov. 17. At the ad journed meeting, " the church voted that they would -ordayen Mr. Joseph Palmer upon the first wendsday of Jenuary insuing the vote hearof." They also voted to send " to 10 churches to assist in the ordaining Mr. Palmer ; " and Col. George Leonard, John Andrews, Benjamin Hodges, and William Stone, were appointed a committee to sign the letters-missive to the churches. On the same day (Nov. 17, 1752), a copy of the origi nal covenant (see page 68) of the church was brought forward, with the names of the original members attached to it. This covenant had been read and accepted, as we have seen, the week previous : and they now renew it, and deliberately and solemnly affix their names to the sacred instrument ; for underneath the covenant is the following record, and the autographs of those who repledged themselves to the duties of their Christian profession : — " We the subscribers, members of the first church of Christ in Norton, Having Read the Church-Covenant which our Fathers entered into when this church was first Geathred in this place, and voted our consent thereto (it Being a Congre- gationell Church), do now, in the Presance of God, Renew the same by subscribing our names thareto, this 17th day of No vember, 1752. John Andrews, Benja. Hodges, George Leo nard, John Austin, Samuel Clap, Ebenezer Eddy, Daniel Braman, John Wild, William Stone, Nathaniel Dunham, Samll Dean, William Coddington, Benja. Cobb, Seth Smith, Thomas Shepard, Jonathan Knap, Israel Fisher, 2d, Ephraim Lane, 2d, Benja. Copeland, Bartholomew Burt, William Hara- don, Silvanus Braman, Philep Cooye, Benja. Newcomb, Jona than Hodges." " Dec. 8th, 15thly, sd. Precint made choice of Capt. wil liam Stone, Capt. Simeon wetherel, and Benjamin Cobb, for a committee to treet with and agree with some person or persons to provide Provisions and things necessary, and enter tainment, for the ordination of Mr. Joseph Palmer ; and then they made choice of Joseph Hodges and Jonathan Hodges to take [care] that on ye ordination-day there be sets in ye meeting-house Kept for ye council and ye church." DEATH OP REV. JOSEPH PALMER. 147 The church-records simply state the date of Mr. Palmer's ordination. On the parish-records, all I find is the following memorandum : — "That, on the 3d day of January, A Domini 1753, the before-named Mr. Joseph Palmer was ordained the Pastor of the church of Christ in this Precint, by a council of twelve churches. " Attest : " George Leonard, Jr., " Precint-Clerk." The record of the church-meeting, Nov. 10, 1752, says, as we have seen, that ten churches were invited ; and the names of those churches are given as fol lows : — " The first church in Rochester [Rev. Timothy Ruggles] ; the church in Cambridge [Rev. Nathaniel Appleton] ; the first and 2d churches in Stotun [Rev. Samuel Dunbar, now Canton, and Rev. Philip Curtis, now Sharon] ; the church in Raynham [Rev. John Wales] ; the first and 2d churches in Lankister [Rev. Timothy Harrington and Rev. J. Mellen] ; the 2d church in Attleborough [Rev., Peter Thatcher]; the church at Miltun [Rev. Nathaniel Robbins] ; the first church of Wrentham [Rev. Joseph Bean]." The following extract from Rev. Mr. Dunbar's records has been kindly furnished me by S. B. Noyes, Esq., of Canton, which throws some light upon the or dination services. Mr. Dunbar's record reads thus : — "Jan. 3d, 1753. — Myself and the chhs.' messengers at tended and assisted in the ordination of Rev. Mr. Joseph Palmer over the 1st chh. in Norton. The Rev. Mr. Wales, of Raynham, began with prayer ; Mr. Mellen, of Lancaster [now Sterling], preached ; Mr. Leonard, of Plymouth, gave the charge ; and I gave the right hand of fellowship." The parish-records say, asvwe have seen, that twelve churches composed the " council." The church-records name only ten churches. Mr. Dunbar's record shows that " Mr. Leonard, of Plymouth," took part in the services. His church would make the eleventh. Most likely, the church in the North Precinct (Rev. Ebene zer White's) was the twelfth church represented. m 148 SETTLEMENT, MINISTRY, AND The sermon of Mr. Mellen was printed; and a copy ? Jt may be found in the Athenteum Library, at Bos ton, « B. 228," p. 285. The text was 1 Tim. vi 3 Ihe subject of the sermon was the Duty of Ministers to preach Doctrines of Practice; and it was well cal culated to heal the dissensions which had been rife in the church and society for some years ; for it breathed a truly Christian spirit. The tenor of the discourse may be inferred from the following extracts from the " Improvement : " — " Freedom of Enquiry in Matters of Religion, with Pru dence and Virtue, ought not only to be tolerated, but incou- rag d and urg d, especially by the Ministers of Righteousness ; and party Distinctions and hard names, as much as possible laid aside ; according to the wholesome Advise of our pious * ore-Fathers, whose words are these : « Let the Nick-Names ot Zwinglians and Calvinists then cease, — the Marks rather ot taction than brotherly Union. What should we have to do with Luther ? What should we have to do with Calvin ? We profess the Gospel ; we beleive the Gospel.' "Lastly Forasmuch as it is Matter of Fact that Mankind do, and always must, think differently from each other with Regard to Things of little or no Importance in Religion, — that is, which have no considerable Influence upon Practice one way or the other, — a catholic Spirit among all Parties aught by all Means to be promoted toward each other in different Opinions and Practices. _ "Nothing is so much wanted to set the Christian world right as a Spirit of universal love and Charity. A blind un charitable Zeal about uncertain Opinions and circumstantial things, like the 'Worm at the Root of Jonah's Gourd, tends to eat out the Vitals of true Religion.' And, about these pre carious & controversial Things, some pious, peevish Men think tney do well to be angry, and are ready (with Pope Paul the fourth, upon his Death-Bed) to recommend (if not the Inqui sition, as he did, yet) very severe and unchristian Methods for the Cure of these Evils. But did our meek Lord teach such a Doctrine as this? Does the Gospel countenance Persecution for Conscience' Sake? or could any Thing but Matter of Fact be sufficient to prove the Cruelties that have been exercised by Christians one upon another ? One of the most pernicious Errors in the World seems to be this, — that •j* s DEATH OF REV. JOSEPH PALMER. 149 ;. A II r Men are to be ill treated for their harmless Opinions. Charity is the most perfect Bond of Union among Christians, and is greater than Faith itself; and, where there are the greatest Measures of this, on that Side there is doubtless most Truth and most Religion." In his address to the pastor elect, he says, — "Your Office is to byild up the Redeemer's Kingdom among Men, in Opposition to the Powers of Darkness; to preach the Doctrines of Godbness, and reform a vicious World ; and thereby promote the glorious Design of that Gospel of which you are made a Minister. Let, therefore, the Height of your Ambition be to serve the Interests of Truth and Virtue. . . . " Be an honest Inquirer after Truth — seek not the Ap plause of Men, of any Party or Character ; but the Appro bation of God and your own Conscience: If you have the Happiness to keep up the Reputation of your Orthodoxy, you will find a mighty Advantage in it : like Charily, it will cover a Multitude of Sins. But this you may lose among some, and yet be a Friend to Truth. ... " There will be always some ignorant, presumptous, and superstitious Men that will set themselves to oppose the Truth which is after Godliness, and the Preachers of it. In Meekness these must be instructed; for the Servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle to all Men, apt to teach, patient. " From such as vapour about Questions and needless Con troversies tending to Schism and UngodMness, turn away : But Speak thou the Things which become sound Doctrine (Tit. ii. 1) ; namely, that Men of all Ages and Relations be have suitably to their Characters, old and young, bond and free ; for in this way, both of Preaching and Practising, are Christians to look for the blessed Hope, and glorious Appear ing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ." In his address to the members of the society, he says, — "Bretheren, You are all one Body, and you should en deavour to be all one Soul ; that is, you should be all of the same Mind toward each other's Persons, tho' differing from each other in Sentiments : hereby endeavoring to preserve the Unity, ' not of Opinion in the Bond of Ignorance, not of 13* 150 SETTLEMENT, MINISTRY, AND Practise in the Bond of Hypocricy, but the Unity of a Catho lic Christian Spirit in the Bond of Peace & Love.' " In a note to this last sentence, he says, — " Unity of Opinion there cannot possibly be, or seem to be, unless men are equally wise and in the same Circumstance of Light, or equally wicked or Hypocritical, in making the same Profession. In no Principles, therefore, can there be Unity among Men, but in the one uniform Principle of the Love of Truth. This I take to be the true unity of Spirit ; which, when joined to the Bond of Peace and Righteousness of Life, makes a really virtuous and good Man.'V Quite an account was made, in those days, of the ordination occasions. They were not such every-day affairs as they have become in these later times ; and hence quite a parade was made in getting up the ordi nation dinner, which was really one of the most im portant features of the day. We have already seen that a committee was appointed to attend to this matter. Jan. 23, 1753, they made report that they had " agreed with George Leonard, Esq., to provide for sd. ordination ; and he has done it : and we have exam'd. sd. Leonard's accounts, and agreed that he shall have twenty-one pounds, six shillings, and Eightpence, Lawful money, for his providing as aforesd." The records do not show that there was any particu lar opposition to the call and settlement of Mr. Palmer ; yet it is very probable there was a minority op posed to him. Subsequent events will show that the flames, of strife were not entirely extinguished. It is evident there were two parties, and that one was rather disposed to dislike what the other liked. Rev. Isaac Braman, of Georgetown, a native of Norton, and son-in-law of Rev. Mr. Palmer, in a letter to me, says, — . " When Father Palmer preached as a candidate for settle ment, there were two men, either of whom loved to have the pre-eminence; and were always, in regard to public matters, somewhat jealous of each other. Judge Leonard said to Mr. Palmer, ' I want you to settle here ; but don't you DEATH OF REV. JOSEPH PALMER. 15-1 tell, Capt. Stone.' Capt, Stone said, 'I want you to be our minister; but don't you let judge Leonard know it.' Not knowing each other's minds in the matter, they were good friends to the minister during their lives." Judge Leonard was one of the leading opponents of Mr. Avery : and Mr. Stone was probably one of Mr. Avery's friends ; for I cannot find that he ever took part in the war against Mr. Avery. And, besides, Capt. Stone's- son Nathaniel married a connection of Mrs. Avery, as it is presumed, she being one of the legatees named in Mrs. Avery's will. These facts will, no doubt, enable us to understand why the two men should ap proach Mr. Palmer as they did. It will be seen, by reference, that Messrs. Leonard and Stone were first named on the committee to inform Mr. Palmer that he had been invited to settle. This was done, no doubt, in order to secure the good-will of both parties. At any rate, it may be regarded as fortunate that both these men were favorably disposed towards Mr. Pal mer. There is little to record during the ministry of Mr. Palmer. He entered, it is true, upon his duties under very peculiar and embarrassing circumstances. The late minister had been dismissed and deposed from the holy office. He was still an inhabitant of the town, and had some strong adherents, who felt that he had been misused, — unjustly compelled to vacate the pulpit he had occupied so long. They would naturally be jealous of whoever should assume the sacerdotal robes. There is sufficient evidence to show that the spirit of strife and ill-feeling was not entirely subdued at the time Mr. Palmer was inducted into the pastoral office. There were still some who seemed to re gard the Platform of Church Discipline of more import ance than a truly devout and holy life. Mr. Palmer was liberal in his religious views, — certainly as liberal as was Mr. Avery ; and hence the opposers of Mr. Avery gained nothing by the change. He was no more in favor of ruling elders or of ordaining deacons than the former pastor ; and probably no serious attempt was 152 SETTLEMENT, MINISTRY, AND made for such a purpose. Soon after the settlement of Mr. Palmer, Rev. Mr. Prentice, of Easton, — whom we regard as an intermeddler in the affairs of this church, and probably one of the chief instigators to the dismissal of Mr. Avery, as we have already stated, — was himself obliged to leave his parish ; and, shortly after, moved from this vicinity. This circumstance had,_ no doubt, a tendency to allay somewhat the spirit of discord that had reigned in the church and precinct so long. The church was in a distracted state, as we have said, at the settlement of Mr. Palmer. Within a year from his ordination, the following petition was put into his hands : — "To the Reverend Pastor of ye first Church of Christ in Norton. "We your Bretheren and humble petitioners' Request is that you appoint a Church-meeting, to be as soon as may be Coveanint for the church to Com together, to Consult what is Best to be done in order to Reclame some of our Bretheren that hath withdrawn from our Communion ; and also to act and doo what they Shall think Best to be done in the method of admiting ye members to communion. " Dated in Nokton, Nov., A.D. 1768. "Thomas Shepard. Seth Smith. Jonathan Knap. Samll. Deane. Joseph Newland. Benja. Cobb. Bartholomew Burt." _ Probably several church-meetings were held to con sider this and other kindred matters, but without arriving at any definite result. On the back of the above petition of Samuel Deane and others is re corded the following memorandum, in the handwrit ing of Mr. Palmer : — " A chh.-meeting [was held] immediately after the Lecture, on ye 5th day of June, 1754, at wh. all those Things wh. were proposed to be then considered were refered to another Time ; viz., on Wednesday, at three of the clock in ye after noon, — a Fortnight from yt day." DEATH OF REV. JOSEPH PALMER. 153 Probably, as we shall soon see, other matters took up the time at the meeting, June 19 ; but another record, on the back of the same petition, tells us what action was finally taken : — "At a chh.-meetting on ye 5 Day of August, 1754, [it] was voted by ye chh., yt ye within article (viz., to act and do what they shall think best to be done of admitting members to communion) be dismissed." Other troubles had in the mean time sprung up, and were now engrossing the attention of the church. John Briggs, 2d,1 sends the church this letter : — " To the first church of Christ in Norton. « In answer to your request by your committy, dear bre thren : My soul's desire is, you'ld consider the sollom covenant you Have made to God & with me,— to watch over me, & I you. Now, bretheren, in answer to a Good conseance, I must Tell you wharein I think you have gone conterarey to our Covenant. First, in Church-meetings, the church not being Willing to here a greaved brother, but, with hashness And anger, Give the agreaved brother the lie : & not deling In love and meekness as Christ Comandgd ; for, if we love Not our brother whome we have seene, bow shall we Love God, whome we have not seen ? Secondly, in not settebng mr. parmer, a Congregatinal minister, acording To platform, which the Church voted not to take any Into the church with out the vote of the church ; wich Was one Cause the church dissmised mr. avery. brethren, I wold have you seresly con sider wether you deal one With another as members of christ body. " The Request of John Briggs, 2d, of Norton. " Nobton, May th 5, 1764." On the back of this letter is written, — "In a church-meeting, June 19th, 1754, I, tbe subscriber, desire to withdraw the whole of ye first Reason, as mentioned office l This was not the John Briggs, 2d, who was dismissed from the deacon's ce, during Mr. Avery's ministry, for being " disguised with strong drink ; but he who, about that time, was called John Briggs. 3d: for John Briggs, 1st, or the eldest, or grand senior, died in 1760 ; and hence the two living would be respectively known as John Briggs, 1st and 2d. 154 SETTLEMENT, MINISTRY, AND in the within-exhibited Reasons of my withdrawing hv tjm son that it is Rong, and I was mistaken TharenT g' 7 *" l(T, ,, L "John Briggs, 2d. The chh. then gave him Liberty to withdraw ye same. ., . . ,, " Jos. Palmer, Pastor." not conveniently attend this meeting." ««*cnoer could neStSi? r6COrd °f the Proceedi^ ^ « ye wa^hin™ A" * that, Georf B»gg« does not like the chich gf Pt n^Ti?' &f neglects t0 meet wit» the church. Let us read his statement of grievances : — Reas^JfTf ~ I have,not0for some time met With you, by fit in n A ^ £ Stumbeling-Blocks in the7 way7 first, in not haveing officers according to our Covenant secondly, in takeing in half-waye members; thidKSe way you Called & setteled a minister. 7 " July ye 30, the yeare 1764." " Geoege Briggs. On the back of this note is written, — were0exhfoitgedSttn7e ^V ^ the withi™tten Reasons were exhibited to ye chh. then met, by Georee Brier,, * HS^f <*h -d by'the'm were'voteT? J £ insunicient for his Seperating from them. " Jos. Palmer, Moderator." " Jos. Palmer, Moderator." hp£r°baS7£b0ut1 the same time> Bartholomew Burt became disaffected, and absented himself from the com munion, as his letter will show : — lovedT° 7T\fi/St ChtUrCh °f <*">' in n0rton- honnored & be- hLt Z. \ f°r SOme tlme ^mmuned with you ; for I think you have gone contarey to ye church-covenant, if not DEATH OP REV. JOSEPH PALMER. 155 to ye scriptures; that in ye first of corinthians, seventh chapter, in suffering brother to go [to] Law with brother, and Look upon it only a privat offence ; altho' the accuser shall, from time to time, declare that ye accused was, he be lieved, Innosent of the charge he laid against him. and now, brethren, if this way be according to scripture, I must ac- knoledge my Ignorance, and pray that you may be enabled to Lead, gide, and direct me in the right way. and now, may God enable you and I to keep this solam covenant that we have entered into ; that the sure mercyes of that covenant, which is well ordered and sure, may be our unfailing portion. so I desir to subscribe myself your brother in ye faith and order of ye gospel, " Bartholomew Burt." These documents, and the action of the church in reference to them, enable us to understand somewhat the state of affairs at the commencement of Mr. Pal mer's ministry. It required a man of sound mind, great prudence, and sagacity, to harmonize all these conflicting ele ments, and pour out the soothing oil of the spirit of Jesus upon the troubled waters that had been casting up mire and dirt in the church for years. Happily, such a man was found in the person of the chosen minister. Rev. Mr. Prentiss, in his sermon at the ordination of Rev. Pitt Clarke, the successor of Mr. Palmer, in speaking to the society, refers to Mr. Pal mer as their " late prudent, skillful, and faithful Pas tor." Tradition universally ascribes to him the same character. There are some yet among us who remem ber him well. They say he was not what is termed a "great preacher," but testify that he had the reputation of being a good and faithful minister; which is far more important than splendid talents and fine oratori cal powers, with few of the graces that made the character of Christ resplendent with heavenly light. Although there were no serious outbreaks in the church ; although there are no records of ecclesiasti cal councils to assist in returning to the Christian told some unruly members who had gone astray, or to dismiss the pastor ; and but few church-rneetino-s to 156 SETTLEMENT, MINISTRY, AND discipline the refractory or suspend the perverse, — yet Mr. Palmer was called to endure some trials and petty annoyances. Our revolutionary struggle took place during his ministry ; and it would not be at all surprising, if he sometimes, at the end of the year, was minus a part or the whole of his salary. Provisions were high ; money was scarce ; a large family was growing up around him, with open mouths asking for bread, with shivering bodies calling for something wherewith to be clothed, — dependent principally, if not entirely, upon his salary for support. All tliese were, indeed, discouraging circumstances. But he trusted in Him who does not forsake the righteous, nor permit his seed to beg bread. In a letter to me, Rev. Isaac Braman says of him, — " He gave himself wholly to the ministry ; not laboring with his hands, as some have done, in order to eke out a scanty support. He was generally to be found in his study, when nothing special called him abroad in the parish. He probably felt more keenly than most clergymen the responsi bility of his position. Mrs. Palmer has been heard to say, that in the early part of his ministry, when he drew near his church, he was so much agitated as to cause sickness at the stomach, and sometimes vomiting. His wife freed him, in an unusual degree, from family cares. She at one time took wool from one of the parish (Judge G. Leonard), and, with the help of her daughters, converted it into cloth, and re turned the owner half of it. This must have cost them much labor, as there was no machinery in that day for carding, spinning, or weaving." Rev. Pitt Clarke, in his " Historical Sermon," speak ing of Mr. Palmer, says, — " He suffered much from the depreciation of paper cur rency. Several attempts were made to make up the depre ciation ; but what little was added alienated the affections of some towards their worthy pastor, and diminished his society. Several became Baptists; some, Methodists. But, by his uncommon prudence and Christian deportment, he kept the greater part of the church and society together, and continued an able minister of the New Testament till his death." DEATH OF REV. JOSEPH PALMER. 157 V We here give a few extracts from the parish-records, which serve to corroborate the statement of Rev. Mr. Clarke. At a society-meeting, Aug. 30, 1779, " 3dly, voted to the Rev. Joseph Palmer four hundred pounds, as a gratuity for this present year." The currency was at this time very much depreciated. There was an arti cle in the warrant for a parish, Feb. 28, 1780, " To take under consideration the Request of the Revd. Mr. Joseph Palmer for a further grant of money or produce to make up the great deficiency in his last year's salary, occasioned, in some measure, by Reason of the great depreciation of the currency since the last grant." At the meeting, there was voted to Mr. Palmer, " as a gratuity, in addition to his last year's sallary for the year 1779, £1,000." This vote was immediately re considered, and £864 voted. It was, no doubt, during this period of which we speak, that he addressed the following note "To the Honble. G. Tjeonard, Esqr." It shows the cheerful ness, the Christian spirit, in which he endured all the privations growing out of the distracted state of public affairs. It reads thus : — " Hon'd Sir, — Please to sell (without present Pay, for money I have not), or lend me, two Bushels of Rye. if either, that which bests suits you. " Your Friend & Servant. " Jos. Palmer." Mr. Palmer had, however, trials of a different cha racter from these just enumerated. In addition to the withdrawment of some of his parish, who became Bap tists and Methodists (which the good pastor took very seriously to heart), Ann Lee and the Shakers gave him much trouble. It is believed that some of those who embraced the Shaker notions were members of Mr. Palmer's church ; and it must have been painful to him to have witnessed their apostasy, as he thought, from the church and parish their fathers had esta blished. Of these Shakers, I hope to give some farther account in another place. 14 158 SETTLEMENT, MINISTRY, AND With the exceptions mentioned, so far as we can learn, Mr. Palmer's ministry was, in the main, peaceful and happy. I am told, that, in the pulpit, he usually wore a very grave and serious countenance ; but on one occasion, on rising up to offer a prayer, he was seen to smile. Some of his parishioners called him to an account for so heinous a sin, just as he was to address the throne of grace. The pastor declared it was from no feelings of levity or irreverence that he was betrayed into such a scandalous act, but it proceeded from the impulse of the moment, under the following circumstance ; and we presume few who witnessed the affair were able to suppress a smile, if they did not do more than smile. It was customary in those days to wear wigs ; and some of these wigs had a long " cue," or sort of tail, attached to them. Two men were seated in a pew, their long cues hanging over into the pew back of them, in which sat a roguish boy. He managed by some means to tie their cues together; so that, when the men rose up at the prayer, not moving exactly to gether, their wigs were pulled from their heads, and each one began to claw with all his might to save his wig. Mr. Palmer saw the predicament they were in, and was unable to repress the smile that immediately rushed across his face. This was the severest charge, so far as I can learn, that was ever brought against the second minister of Norton. Mr. Palmer himself usually wore " a great white wig, [which,] on the head of a large, portly, and sober man, struck a dreadful awe on many, if not most, be holders." Rev. Mr. Braman, to whom I am indebted for many facts relative to Mr. Palmer, describes him out of the pulpit as " a gentleman of very grave and dignified deportment." The people, during Mr. Avery's ministry, were ac customed to assemble themselves around the meeting house door on Sunday, waiting to shake hands with their pastor as he passed into the house ; and he en deavored to gratify them: hence, by some, he was thought to be an undignified man. DEATH OP REV. JOSEPH PALMER. 159 " When Mr. Palmer first preached at Norton, the people had not forgotten Mr. Avery, and collected around the door of the church, and opened to the right and left, — every one ready to take him by the hand as he passed through, as they were wont to do with their former minister. But, instead of gratifying them, he [Mr. P.] took off his hat, and walked, in a dignified manner, into the house. This taught them not to be too familiar; and they acted accordingly. It was formerly the custom, for those who wished to present notes requesting prayers, to give them to the minister before he entered the church ; and no one offered a note to Mr. Palmer without first doffing his hat, and holding it until he had said what he wished, and was ready to leave." About a year after his settlement, or Jan. 8, 1754, Mr. Palmer bought of William Hodges seventy acres of land, bounded easterly by the North-Purchase line, south-easterly by Mr. Nathaniel Leonard's land and the river; all other parts bounded by William Stone's land and the Town Common. This land was on both sides of the road leading from the burying-ground, southerly to the river. A house and barn on it were occupied by George Hodges. Whether Mr. Palmer built a new house or not, we do not know. Doubtless he did. He occupied this place after his marriage, during his life. His house stood easterly of the common burying-ground, a short dis tance southerly from Austin Messinger's house, just back of the two large elms. It was taken down some years ago ; but the wall of the cellar is still in a tolerably good condition. The house-lot is now (1858) owned by the Braman heirs. Rev. Joseph Palmer was descended from Stephen Palmer, who came from England to this country. It is, however, uncertain whether Stephen was the grand father or great-grandfather of Rev. Joseph ; nor are we informed at what time he came to America. Rev. Joseph Palmer was the sixth and youngest child of Stephen and Sarah (Grant) Palmer, of Cambridge. They lived in close proximity to the college buildings and grounds ; and there, on the second day of Sep tember, 1729, was born Joseph, the second minister of 160 SETTLEMENT, MINISTRY, AND Norton.1 He was educated in his native town, and graduated from Harvard College in 1747. He re ceived the degree of A.M. from Harvard and Yale in 1753. March 10, 1757, he married Miss Sarah Eames, daughter of William Eames, of that part of Hopkinton which is now Holliston. Their children were as follows : — 1. Anna, born March 19, 1758. She married, June 22, 1784, Rev. George Morey, of Walpole, a native of Norton (see Collegiate History). Mrs. Mo rey died Dec. 10, 1809. 2. William, born Jan. 24, 1760 ; and died April 5, 1771. 3. Joseph, born Nov. 5, 1762. He was generally, in after-life, known as " Capt. Palmer." He married Miss Jerusha Johnson, of Holliston. They had four children. He died in Roxbury, Aug. 5, 1824. 4. Sarah, born Dec. 2, 1764. She married, April 19, 1787, Dr. Samuel Morey, of Norton, a graduate of Yale College (see Collegiate History). Mrs. Morey died (aged nearly eighty-nine) July 10, 1853, while on a visit at the house of Dr. Rounds, of Norton ; whose second wife is her grand-daughter. 5. Stephen, born Oct. 8, 1766. He graduated at Harvard, and was settled in the ministry at Needham. (See Collegiate History.) 6. Lucy, born Feb. 8, 1769. She married, Oct. 2, 1793, Rev. Edward Richmond, D.D., of Stoughton, a native of Middleborough, and a graduate of Brown University in 1789 ; who was ordained at Stoughton, Dec. 5, 1792. He was afterwards settled in the third parish of Dorchester, now Rev. Mr. Pike's society. They had but two children. Mrs. Richmond died June 8, 1810. 7. George, born April 27, 1771. He married, Oct. 1, 1794, Miss Nancy Danforth, of Norton ; and i His sister Bethiah married Rev. John Ellis, for some time minister at Norwich, Conn., and afterwards at Eehoboth; who was the grandfather of James P. Ellis, Esq., now of Taunton. DEATH OP REV. JOSEPH PALMER. 161 they had one child. He died at Sunkhays, Me., Dec. 26, 1809. 8. Hannah, born June 12, 1773. She married, August, 1797, Rev. Isaac Braman, of New Rowley, now Georgetown. He was a native of Norton, and a graduate of Harvard (see Collegiate History). Mrs. Braman died Aug. 14, 1835. Only three male descendants of the ancestor Stephen, bearing the name of Palmer, were living in 1834. Two of them were grandsons of Rev. Joseph Palmer, of Norton : the other was a grandson of Stephen, brother of Rev. Joseph. For these items of the descendants of Rev. Joseph Palmer, and for some account of the pos terity of his brothers and sisters, I am indebted to Hon. George Morey, of Boston, son of Rev. Mr. Morey, of Walpole. None of the writings of Rev. Joseph Palmer were ever published. Before his death, he ordered all his sermons to be destroyed ; and his request was so faith fully executed, that not a single sermon of his is now known to be in existence. What should prompt such a request, it is difficult to determine. Mr. Palmer continued to preach, and to perform other pastoral duties, probably, till within about a year of his death. May 5, 1790, the parish chose Deacon Daniel Dean, Lieut. S. Smith, and Deacon Benjamin Pearson, a com mittee "to converse with the Rev. Mr. Palmer, and see if he is able to preach ; and, if he is not able, to hire some candidate to supply the pulpit in the illness of Mr. Palmer." March 28, 1791, the parish chose Deacon Benjamin Pearson, Deacon Seth Smith, Deacon Daniel Dean, Capt. Ephraim Lane, and Mr. Eleazer Clap, a commit tee to supply the pulpit in the time of the Rev. Mr. Palmer's sickness : and "voted, that the abovesaid com mittee apply to Mr. Palmer, and consult him respect ing a candidate to supply the pulpit; and take his advice, and have him nominate some person, if he please." 14* 162 settlement, ministry, and This committee's duties were of short duration ; for in just one week, or on the 4th of April, 1791, Mr. Palmer left the cares and duties of earth behind, and entered upon the brighter scenes and nobler duties ap pertaining to the spirit-world. The length of his ministry, from his ordination, was thirty-eight years, three months, and one day. His body was interred in the burying-ground on the Com mon. On his tombstone, we are told that — " His character was an assemblage of those eminent and endearing virtues which constitute the faithful pastor and ex emplary Christian, the kind husband, the tender parent, the generous friend, and the good man." " He taught us how to live ; and, oh ! too high A price for knowledge, .taught us how to die." Rev. Pitt Clarke says, " He was a pious and exem plary Christian ; a sound divine ; a very prudent, faith ful pastor." Rev. Stephen Palmer, of Needham, in his autobio graphy, speaks of his father thus : — " His complaint was of the paralytic kind. He had before received repeated attacks from this disorder ; and his health had been, for some years, much impared. His constitution was always of a slender nature. He had to use much caution and prudence in regard to his health. A small degree of bodily exercise sensibly affected him. He was never able to labor; but was, however, habitually studious: and divinity was his principal study. He was justly reputed for his pro fessional knowledge; and, in every view, was a thorough divine. I do not remember of ever asking him for the expo sition of any passage of Scripture, but what he was ready to give an answer. He was remarkable for the regularity of his deportment. In his diet, and all his conduct, the rules of method were observed. In his habits he was neat as well as exact. He was naturally a man of strong and warm passions, but had them all under perfect government. He was habi tually a person of the most consummate prudence. What he promised, he always endeavored punctually to perform. "_ Both my parents were very large ; and their children are inclined to be gross." DEATH OP REV. JOSEPH PALMER. 163 Rev. Ebenezer Burt, of Athol, a native of this town, now nearly ninety-three years old, a few months since wrote me as follows : — " I will relate one anecdote concerning him, which I think ought to be recorded for the honor of Mr. Palmer, and for an example for others to ' go and do likewise.' " He one year had two large, fat hogs ; while his neighbor, Mr. James French, had but one (this Mr.' French was a butcher). A mad dog passed by Mr. Palmer's, leaving his property unharmed ; but stopped at the yard of Mr. French, and bit his hog, so that it died. Mr. Palmer called on Mr. French to butcher his hogs. He asked him to come in the evening, and cut them up and salt them. Mr. Palmer asked him which was the best. Mr. French replied, they were both very nice, though one was a little the best. Mr. Palmer said, ' God has spared mine, while you have lost yours : take the best for your family, and cut up the other for mine.1 " This shows that though he was ' not rich,' yet he was 1 generous.' " At a parish-meeting, Jan. 30, 1792, it was, — " 2dly, Voted, that the standing committee of the parish go on, and settle with the heirs of the late Revd. Mr. Palmer respecting his salary. " 3dly, Voted, that in the settlement with sd. heirs, the salary be continued to the end of the time of the bearers of sd. deceased preaching to sd. parish." In explanation of this last vote, it may be stated, that it was customary in those times for the neighbor ing ministers to act as the pall-bearers of the deceased brother-clergyman ; and then, each in turn, to preach gratuitously one Sunday in the pulpit made vacant by his death. Hence it was perfectly proper that the salary should be continued till the bearers had all preached. We have only to add, that Mrs. Palmer continued to reside at Norton till after the marriage of her young est daughter ; when she bade adieu to this place as her home, and passed the remainder of her days among her children, — dividing her time in their respective fami lies. " Her last illness was paralysis. She was taken 164 ADMISSIONS TO THE CHURCH. very suddenly on the 24th of April, which was her birthday, being seventy-two years old. She rode that morning from her daughter Richmond's at Stoughton to her daughter Morey's at Walpole ; but, in about thirty minutes after she went into the house, she became speechless and senseless, and remained so till she died, — May 20, 1806." Her body was brought to Norton, and buried beside that of her husband. CHAPTER XII. ADMISSIONS TO THE CHURCH FROM 1714 TO 1791. " By this shall all men know that ye are my disetples, if ye hare lore one to another." Cbeisi. In this chapter we shall give the names of those " admitted to full communion " in the church during the ministry of Rev. Mr. Avery and of Rev. Mr. Pal mer. When they were admitted by letter from other churches, the name of the town from which they came is given in parentheses. Mr. Avery, at first, kept his records on small sheets of paper ; and a por tion of these became mutilated before he copied them into a book. For some entire years the records are gone, and other years are only partially complete. In copying into a book, Mr. Avery recorded every letter or figure that was left on his original minutes. This will explain why, in some cases, the year is alone re corded without any names ; or the names, wholly or in part, without any dates. The names of the original members of the church will be found on page 69. We here give the subsequent admissions, so far as they can be ascertained from the mutilated records : — 1714. Anna, wife of George Leonard ; Susannah, wife of John Wetherell, sen. ; Bethiah, wife of Joseph Dunham ; Expe rience, wife of Peter Aldrich ; Widow Rebecca Briggs ; ADMISSIONS TO THE CHURCH. 165 Mercy, wife of John Hodges ; Widow Sarah Lane ; Hannah, wife of Eleazer Fisher ; Mary, wife of Thomas Grover ; Mercy, wife of Richard Briggs (all by letter, from Taunton Church) ; Experience, wife of William Pratt (from Wey mouth) ; Josiah White ; and Susannah, wife of Israel Fisher (from Taunton). 1715. Widow Esther Dunham; Mary, wife of Ephraim Grover; Andrew Grover, and Mary his wife ; Widow Esther Gray ; Widow Esther Newland (from Taunton) ; John Austin, and Sarah his wife ; Joseph Hodges, and Bethiah his wife ; Ephraim Lane ; Wilbam Wetherell, sen. 1716. Sarah, wife of Seth Dorman ; Bethiah, wife of John Hall. 1717. Mary, wife of Benjamin Caswell; Deborah Cambell. 1718. John Briggs, 2d, and Hannah his wife (from Taunton) ; Ruth, wife of Ephraim Lane ; Sarah Lane ; Mary, wife of Samuel Hodges ; Mary, wife of Ebenezer Eddy ; John Fin ney, and wife Mary ; Mary, wife of Samuel Converse, of At tleborough ; Abiah Cambell. 1719. Damaris, wife of Matthew White ; Widow Mary Cambell ; John Fisher ; Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Clap ; Daniel Bra man. 1720. Richard Stephens (from Taunton) ; and probably four or five others, whose names are lost. 1721, 1722, and 1723 (names lost). 1724. William Stone ; Sarah, wife of Joseph Avery ; Widow Experience Rue ; John Andrews ; Joshua Atherton ; Samuel Hodges (from Taunton) ; Benjamin Williams ; William Pratt, sen.; Benjamin Lane; Mary, wife of John Fisher (from Preston). 1725. Joseph Gray, sen. ; Rachel, wife of George Leonard ; Abigail Leonard ; Joshua Shepherd ; Elizabeth Shepherd ; Lazarus Grover ; Richard Briggs ; Widow Sarah King ; William Makepeace, and wife Experience. 166 ADMISSIONS TO THE CHURCH. 1726. Susannah, wife of Joseph Godfrey; Patience, wife of Wdliam White; Benjamin Cobb. 1727. Widow Mary Burt ; Elizabeth, wife of William Wether ell, sen. ; Joannah, wife of Ichabod Eddy ; Joshua Williams ; Samuel Dean. 1728. William Prat, jun.; Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Holmes; Ruth Allen ; Tabatha, wife of Josiah Prat ; Bethiah Dan forth, of Taunton ; Josiah Prat ; Bethiah Adams. 1729. John Lane, and wife Sarah ; John Harvey, of Taunton, and wife ; John Wales ; 1 Ezra Skinner. 1730. Jonathan Prat, and wife Abigail ; John Wild, and wife Abigail (from South Church in Braintree) ; Hannah, wife of Israel Woodward (from Dedham). 1731. Hannah, wife of John Hodges, jun. (from Middleborough) ; William Dean ; Joan, wife of Joseph Gray, jun. 1732. Eleazar Fisher, 2d, and wife Elizabeth ; Nehemiah Fisher, and wife Sarah ; William Harridon (from Taunton) ; Obadiah Eddy, and wife Susannah; Joseph Gray, jun.; Jonathan Newcomb. 1733. Samuel Clap, sen., and wife Bethiah ; Experience, wife of Nathan Hodges ; Mahitable, wife of William Stone. 1734. Abigail, wife of William Harridon ; Mary, wife of Samuel Clap, jun. (from Stoughton) ; Ephraim Dunham, and wife Ebzabeth (from Plympton) ; William Ware (from Wren tham) ; Elizabeth, wife of Andrew Grover; Hephzibah Lane (from Attleborough); Mildred Harridon (from Taunton); Anna, wife of Benjamin Fairbanks (from Sherborn) ; Debo rah Newcomb (from Braintree) ; Elizabeth, wife of Nathaniel Dunham (from Taunton) ; Esther, wife of Ebenezer Hodges (from Boston). 1 He was subsequently the first minister of Kaynham. ADMISSIONS TO THE CHURCH. 167 1735. George Hill, and wife Susannah (from Rehoboth) ; Debo rah, wife of Samuel Vesey (from Braintree) ; Job Gilbert, and wife Mary (from Taunton) ; Thankful Briggs. 1736. Joshua Pomeroy, and wife Mary (from Stoughton) ; Wil liam Pain and wife (from Maiden) ; Sarah, wife of Samuel Eddy (from Rehoboth) ; Thomas Fillebrown (from Cam bridge); Mary, wife of Joseph Tiffany (from Attleborough). 1737. Benjamin Newcomb ; George Allen and wife, and their sister Gay (from Stoughton). 1738. Mercy Newcomb (formerly Everet, from Dedham) ; Pa tience Briggs (formerly Gay, from Stoughton). 1739. Gershom Cambell ; Widow Sarah Hill ; Susannah, wife of George Hodges. 1740. Widow Elizabeth Silley ; Sarah, wife of Jonathan Law rence ; Bartholomew Burt ; Gideon Basset ; Benjamin Cope- land and wife (from Second Church in Braintree) ; Israel Newland ; Ephraim Andrews ; Elizabeth Panny ; Lydia, wife of William Cambell ; Bethsheba, wife of Gideon Basset ; Thomas Skinner, jun., and wife Abigail; John Hodges, sen.; Phineas Briggs, and wife Esther. 1741. George Briggs ; Margaret, wife of John King ; Widow Jerusha King; John Briggs, 3d, and wife Lydia; Josiah Newland, and wife Abigail ; Samuel Hodges ; William Cam bell; Naomi, wife of Ebenezer Burt ; Mary Pollard ; Hannah Silley ; Damaris White. 1742. Nathaniel Dunham, and wife Mercy ; Sylvanus Braman ; James Hill, of Attleborough ; Jacob Newland ; Thomas Shep herd ; Jonathan Clap, and wife Sarah ; Judith Newcomb ; William Codington ; Josiah White, jun., and wife Elizabeth ; Anna, wife of Dr. William Ware ; Phillip Cooye, and wife Abigail ; Abigail Leonard ; Solomon Finney ; Mary Finney ; John Finney ; Anna, wife of William Cobb ; Abigail Cobb ; 168 ADMISSIONS TO THE CHURCH. Ruth, wife of Benjamin Willis ; Seth Smith ; Pricilla Briggs ; Rachel Braman; Abiah Braman; Widow Mahitabel Tucker ; Mary, wife of Nathaniel Wetherell, sen. ; Francis Richard son, and wife Sarah ; Mary Dunham ; Ebenezer Eddy, sen. ; Widow Mary Cobb ; Bethiah, wife of William Codington (from Bridgewater) ; Ephraim Lane, jun. ; Abigail, wife of William Leonard ; Ichabod Eddy ; Joshua Cambell, and wife Abigail (from Raynham). 1743. Elizabeth, wife of Eliphalet Hodges; Mehitabel Briggs (from Dedham) ; Ephraim Wetherell, and wife Bathsheba ; Widow Mary Leonard ; John Hector (a negro). 1744. Lydia, wife of Thomas Winchel. 1745. Israel Fisher, jun. ; Hannah, wife of Jonathan Lincoln, sen.; Jonathan Hodges (from Berkley). 1746. Ithamar, wife of Israel Fisher, jun. (from Mansfield J) ; Mary, wife of Benjamin Newcomb (from Dedham). 1747. Jonathan Knap; Benjamin Hews (from Second Church, Norton) ; Samuel Dean, and wife Rachel (from Dedham). 1748. _ Pero (a negro, from Rehoboth) ; John Gilbert, jun. ; Nao mi, wife of Joseph Hodges. During Mr. Avery's ministry, there were one hun dred and fifty-one who " owned " or " renewed the covenant," very few of whom were admitted to " full communion." Between the dismission of Mr. Avery and the settlement of Mr. Palmer, there were probably some admissions to the church ; but no records are to be found. There were also, so far as can be ascer tained from the records, three hundred and seventy- five baptisms of children during the pastorate of Mr. Avery. 1 This was doubtless Mansfield, Conn. ADMISSIONS TO THE CHURCH. 169 Admissions during Mr. Palmer's ministry : — 1753. Ichabod Washburn, and Bethiah his wife (from Kingston) ; David Braman; Rebecca, wife of Joseph Lincoln, jun.; Seth Gilbert. 1754. Margaret, wife of Benjamin Trow (from Windham) ; Mi riam, wife of Joseph Hodges (from Weymouth). 1755. Joseph Lincoln (from Taunton) ; John Fisher, and wife Mary (from Attleborough) ; Theodora Leonard ; Mary, wife of James Godfrey; Mary, wife of Samuel Tucker; Martha, wife of Ebenezer Eddy. 1756. Nathan Babbit ; Abigail, wife of Nathan Babbit, jun. ; Mary Woodward ; William Cobb ; Anna Woodward ; David Williams. 1757. Ruth Hunt; Jonathan Lincoln; Mebitable, wife of Jona than Knapp; Phebe Clap; Noah Wiswall ; Sarah Dean; John Braman; Lydia, wife of Elkanah Lincoln (from laun- tonV 1758. David Darby (from Weymouth) ; Ichabod Franklin, and wife Hannah ; Joseph Newcomb, and wife Judah ; the wife of Elkanah Willis. 1759. Abigail Haradon ; Sarah, wife of Benjamin Pearson. 1760. Mary, wife of Eliphalet Briggs ; Elizabeth, wife of Dr. Wheaton; Rev. Nathaniel Leonard (from Plymouth). 1761. John Newland ; Widow Mary Briggs ; Abigail, wife of Capt. Jonathan Hodges. 1762. Hannah, wife of Philip Hoar ; Peter Makepeace, and wife Abigail ; Abigail, wife of John Patten ; Phebe, wife of El kanah Crossman; Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Lane; Eliza beth, wife of John Hall. 15 170 ADMISSIONS TO THE CHURCH. 1763. Charity, wife of John Haradon. 1764. Widow Hannah Andrews ; Josiah Vining. 1765. Abigail, wife of David Smith. 1766. David Smith ; Elizabeth Woodward ; Ruth Cheney ; Sarah, wife of Nathaniel Dunham ; Mary, wife of Samuel Newcomb ; Elijah Danforth, and wife Susannah ; Noah Woodward, and wife Mary ; Simeon Wilbams. 1767. Mary, wife of Samuel Morey. 1768. Benjamin Pearson. 1769. Sarah, wife of Solomon Dunham. 1770. John Hall ; Samuel Clap, jun. ; Mary, wife of Israel Trow. 1771. Samuel Hunt, and Abigail his wife. 1772. Susannah, wife of Jeremiah Newland (from A.ttleborough) ; Job Garey ; Lydia Burt ; Bethiah Braman ; Abner Tucker. 1773. Abigail Verry ; Martha, wife of Nathaniel Briggs ; Na thaniel Briggs ; Eunice, wife of Joseph Hunt. 1774. William Homes (from Boston) ; Experience, wife of Icha bod Perry; Lois, wife of Isaac Fisher; Simeon Wetherell. 1775. Phebe, wife of Nathan Perry ; Daniel Dean ; David Clapp. 1776. James Briggs, jun. ; Sarah, wife of Benjamin Wild. 1778. Widow Barney. ADMISSIONS TO- THE CHURCH. 171 1779. Stephen Jennings ; Widow Mary Makepeace. 1780. Israel Woodward; Seth Smith; Ruth, wife of William Makepeace; Wealthy, wife of Josiah Hodges; John Crane, jun.; Seth Smith, jun., and wife Rachel; Widow Lydia Bas set; Samuel Lincoln, jun. 1781. Jacob Shaw; Sarah Dunham; Asa Copeland ; Esther, wife of Capt. Seth Smith; Rachel, wife of John King; Nao mi, wife of Tisdale Hodges. 1782. Rachel Burt. 1783. Anna Palmer. 1784. Isaac Basset. 1785. Joseph Phillips. 1786. Calvin Crane. 1787. Rachel, wife of Asa Copeland ; Elizabeth, wife of Jona than Briggs (from Sharon). 1790. Stephen Palmer ; Sarah, wife of Dr. Samuel Morey. There were ninety-four persons who " owned " or "renewed the covenant" during Mr. Palmer's mini stry, and six hundred and twenty-six baptisms of chil dren. 172 SETTLEMENT, MINISTRY, AND DEATH CHAPTER XIII. THE SETTLEMENT, MINISTRY, AND DEATH OF REV. PITT CLARKE. " Think what the Christian minister should be : You're then his character : for suoh was he." Umknowh. For the third time, the duty of selecting a minister devolves upon the church and society. One entire generation ha.d passed away since Mr. Palmer was settled. The duty falls into new hands, some of whom were not born when the late pastor was or dained ; but, by their pious parents, they had been brought up "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." They had been taught, and they believed, that the preaching of the gospel truths was all-important for their spiritual prosperity; and hence, before all tbe bearers at the funeral of the late pastor had preached in their turn in his pulpit, the church and society are preparing to maintain the preacbed word among them. We find, therefore, that in just one month from the death of Mr. Palmer, or May 4, 1791, the parish chose a committee of three, as an addition to a committee of like number already chosen by the church, " to supply the pulpit for the future." Some candidates preach,1 but none are chosen, till The names of those who are known to have preached as candidates are a Mr. Allen; Mr. Hooper, supposed to have been Hezekiah, a native of Bridgewater, who graduated at Harvard, 1789, and was settled at Boylston He died of consumption when twentv-six years old. In Davenport's His tory of Boylston, he is said to have been " a young man of good talents and attainments, a gentleman m his manners, and a pattern of meekness and humility." Mr. Thomas, supposed to have been Neliemiah, of Marshfield who graduated at Harvard, 1789 and was settled at Scituate; a Mr. Gray ' an old man;" and Stephen Palmer, son of Rev. Joseph 1'almer, of this town. (See graduates.) 172 jr» niuTq L .i\.>.!-i'l:.!i A.1.IJ. V\'.' DKATH OF UJ'V ¦" T\'.:./ ^ast iJjCi ¦''1-. .-iSil«7i Hl'viMft »iioul.| f,ti Yr.. .*. tbtn fch. rvi^'>e'.=r: f.r -*ucL vr»is Oo." Usknotk. For the third time, tbe duty of selecting a minister devolves upon the church and society. One entire generation bad passed away since Mr. Palmer '/as settled. The duty falls into new hands, some of whom were n-it born when the late pastor was or dained ; but, i.y their pious parents, they had been brcutdit up ;:i i'i:.- nurtire itmi admonition of the L,l'' 'Mi.\( i;,j] > cm ;:: raid, -i,,d il'.fy belieM}d, that the pic.njhiii}!- oi li.i' cj-;,-. i liu-'is was- all-impor;; ,' for rl-,i.;r spiiitmi! pt'o'-p,': -r> : ;>..,;ii*j..-> at the fii'L.'i'u. i' :J 'th i.if.::ir ! ;U'il in hi.- i'ii.,; : ¦•:¦•.', ¦>(',':•.!,* i..i miuuU'.i:: ;!.<¦ , '¦¦'¦!¦ J' 'h'l ,••!.. ,';..:. ¦;-.<;¦<¦ Vn': I ; I. .r ¦ ¦¦-. .'¦''.• !.'¦-. iv. '. . ¦. V '••I lie.'ii'C, Li'tul'c ;.:; l,,(j i'i' } ptL-.t-.M- !i:id pix-uched ¦'.j .'ii-i.vh and society are '.i-'.b'jd mji'd aiii'inii- (hem. ¦¦-¦L i. no month from the ¦ -.., 1791, tho j-c, . i> h chose ,iM.!; '..'')!! V ' .'( i.'.Ui:l!.:^lCV Of .'" t cliui ¦'). . ¦ :..< supply :'-.'< '.ii'.ic a ¦¦•..¦ chosen , Ull town. (See graduates.) .".' ' ^ i c i.r.-.v ->. u .^ cand::iat^rt ¦•¦..¦ i •.!!.-!¦. lie '•!.:¦ ;i, a native of " ¦! w.m v.-al .1 at liuv-lston. . . - .;:-.i. In !••..¦ ^npo-f, H,s- ¦-.r.;; .: n .;.... .i talents aiul . ¦'• ¦¦ .:r.':-n- n[' nur-kno^s and - •-"¦" ¦•.. ¦¦(' ^virir.Ut.1; a .Mr. (/'jvrw, - -1 - . '¦¦¦¦¦¦ -,'\ Palmer, of this IPOTT ©[LAIS KIT „ OF REV. PITT CLARKE. 173 the 12th of October, 1792. On that day, the church, by a vote, "invite Mr. Pitt Clark to settle in this place, over this Church and congregation, in the work of the Gospel Ministry." Nov. 19, the parish concur with the church in extending the invitation, and " choose a committee of thirteen to take into con sideration what to give Mr. Clark as a Settlement and Salary ; " then adjourned to the 7th of January, 1793 ; then " voted to give Mr. Pitt Clark one hundred and fifty pounds, as an encouragement to settle with us in the Gospel Ministry as a settlement."1 — " Voted to give said Mr. Clark 80 pounds salary Pr. year, so long as he remains our minister and supplies the pul pit." There seems to have been some misunderstanding as to the meaning of this last vote. On the 25th of February following, the parish change it so as to read thus : " Voted to give Mr. Pitt Clark Eighty pounds as 1 As a further encouragement for him to settle with them, a subscription- paper was drawn up April 1, 1793, and £79. 8s. was pledged " in addition to the Encouragement" above mentioned, " provided he settle as the minister of sd. Parish." As a matter of interest, we copy the names of the donors with the sums given: — George Leonard 20 0 Daniel Dean i io Joseph Hodges l io Silas Cobb l io Jonathan Leonard .... 2 10 Ebenezer Titus 1 10 Daniel Knap l o Samuel Morey 3 0 Josiah Hodges 1 10 John Hall 4 10 William Cobb l o Ephraim Lane 1 10 Noah Wiswall 1 10 Seth Smith, jun 2 0 Ephraim Raymond .... 80 Samuel Morey, jun. ... 1 10 Joshua Pond 10 Elijah Cobb l o Elijah Danforth o 12 Thomas Braman .... 20 William Lane 0 6 Elijah Lane 0 6 Asa Copeland 1 10 Laban Smith 0 6 15* Benjamin Pearson .... 06 Eleazer Clapp j io Ephraim Lane, jun. ... l io David Clapp i io Daniel Parker i io Isaac Basset 10 Isaac Stone .... William Martin . . . Jonathan Briggs . . . Thomas Danforth . . Daniel Lane .... Isaac Lane .... George Palmer . . . Samuel Hunt. . . . Stephen Jennings Isaac Hodges, jun o Abel Franklin ....'. o Samuel Copeland . . . '. 14 John King 10 Brian Hall [ 0 12 Michael Sweet .....' 0 12 Laban Wheaton ....'. 1 0 Joseph Phillips 0 6 Isaac Braman x 10 1313 0 12 174 SETTLEMENT, MINISTRY, AND DEATH a salary annually, as long as he shall continue witli us in the work of the Gospel Ministry." This, however, did not satisfy all parties. Another meeting is called, and a committee chosen to consider the matter ; and finally, March 25, 1793, the following vote of explana tion is carried at a meeting of the parish : — " That the true intent and meaning of tbe sd. parish is, that tbe sum of not less than 80 pounds be granted annually, and paid to the said Mr. Pitt Clark, as a salary for his sup port during the time, or so long as, be should be Eesident and officiate in the work of the ministry in sd. parish, by preach ing and performing other duties and services, agreeably to the form and Customs adopted and practised upon by mini sters of the Congregational Churches and Parishes in this Commonwealth. Provided, nevertheless, that, if it shall be more agreeable to Mr. Clark, it is voted that this Parish will grant a salary to him of not less than eighty pounds for four years, and not less than 100 pounds annually, after that time, on the principles and limitations aforesaid." This was, no doubt, satisfactory to Mr. Clarke ; and, in a few weeks, his letter of acceptance of the call was received. It is in these words : — " To the Congregation, Chh., & Parish in Norton. " Having maturely considered your invatation and propo sals to settle with you as a Gospel Minister, consulted my friends on the subject, and frequently addressed the throne of grace for special direction, I have determined to accept of your call, and to settle upon the last proposal and offer made by sd. Parish on the 25th of March last; viz., That sd. Parish pay me annually, as a salary, not less than eighty pounds per year for the four years immediately succeeding my ordina tion, and not less than one hundred pounds annually from the expiration of said four years, so long as I shall be resident and officiate in the work of the ministry in sd. Parish : ex pecting to be treated, in all respects, according to the general forms and customs adopted and practised upon by the mini sters of the congregational 'chhs. and parishes in this common wealth. Imploring the grace of God to assist me in the OF REV. PITT CLARKE. 175 faithful discharge of my duty, and thereby to promote ye glory of God and our spiritual improvement, (fct^ " Norton, April 27, 1793." May 7, 1793, it was " voted that the ordination of Mr. Pitt Clark be on the first "Wednesday of Sept. next ; " and a " committee of five, to agree with some person to provide for and entertain the Council that shall be called to the ordination of Mr. Clark," was chosen. At an adjourned meeting, May 20, it was de cided' to have the ordination on the first Wednesday of July. On the same day, Lieut. William Morey, Silas Cobb, and Lieut. Tisdale Hodges, were chosen a committee " to superintend the business of the ordination." Letters-missive were sent to nineteen churches, in viting them to meet and form a council, and assist in the interesting services, — thirteen of which were present. According to previous arrangement, he was ordained July 3, 1793., The exercises were as fol lows : Rev. Jason Haven, of Dedham, made the first prayer ; Rev. Thomas Prentiss, of Medfield, preached the sermon;2 Rev. Jonas Clark, of Lexington, made the ordaining prayer ; Rev. Jacob dishing, of Wal tham, gave the charge; Rev. Roland Green, of Mans field, the right hand ; and Rev. Abiel Holmes, of Cambridge, concluded with prayer ; and the church- records, in the handwriting of Mr. Clarke, say, "The whole was conducted harmoniously. Decency and or der were observed through a crowded assembly. Thus one generation passeth away, and another cometh." 1 During the first years of his ministry, he wrote his name Clark ; to wards the close of life, he wrote it Clarke. We regard the " e " as super fluous; but we write his name as he chose to write it towards the close 'of life. The autograph we give was not the one attached to the letter above, but was written a few years before his death. 2 This Sermon, and also the Charge and Right Hand of Fellowship, were published. The text was 1 Cor. ii. 2: " For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified." 176 SETTLEMENT, MINISTRY, AND DEATH " Few were the incidents which checkered, and fewer which marred, his long and faithful ministry. In the main (with one prominent exception), it seems to have been singularly happy and serene, and fraught with manifold sources of satisfaction to his virtuous bosom." l Mr. Clarke was always very liberal in his religious opinions. The Christian spirit of toleration and respect for believers in a different faith from his own is traceable through his whole ministry. He wished not in any way to shackle the human mind ; and the church, to some extent, soon caught the spirit that controlled their pastor. At a church-meeting held April 1, 1803, after the choice of two deacons, — one of whom was Deacon Lysander Makepeace, who has just passed on from earth, — " the Church considered the propriety of requiring written relations from those who wished to be admitted, as has been the practice ; and, considering them as an unscriptural bar, they voted unanimously to lay them aside, and to give encourage ment, that every believer who gives tbe church satis factory evidence of his belief, in any other way most agreeable, should be admitted." In passing this vote, the church showed much wisdom and good sense. The latter part 'of the year 1805, the question came up, " whether those who held to Baptist peculiarities shall be admitted into full communion and regular standing with this Church ? " The matter was considered at several church-meetings ; and finally, on the 31st of January, 1806, "after freely discussing and duly weighing the project, they unanimously agreed in the following vote, and passed it without a dissenting voice : " — " Whereas some persons have manifested a desire of join ing our church, who hold to baptism by immersion and deny infant-baptism, — voted, that such persons, by giving evidence of their faith and sincerity, may be admitted into full com munion, and to all the rights and privileges with us ; provided, 1 Rev. A. Bigelow's Funeral Sermon, p. 19. OF REV. PITT CLARKE. 177 nevertheless, they shall not vote in any matters against the Congregational platform and interest." This is additional evidence that the spirit of Jesus possessed both pastor and church. It shows that they were liberally-minded, and willing to accept all who came clad in the livery of Christ, whatever might be their belief. July 31, 1793, a few days after the settlement of Mr. Clarke, tbe original church-covenant was changed so as to read thus : — " CHH.-COVENANT. "You do now sincerely and very solemnly give up your self to God, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ; and you receive him as your God and portion, designing to live unto him. You give up yourself to the Lord Jesus Christ, thro' whom God is manifest in the flesh, and who is the great head of his chosen people ; and you receive him, as made of God, unto you, wisdom and righteousness, sanctifica- tion and redemption. You likewise join yourself to this chh. of Chr. ; engaging, in the communion hereof, by his help, to attend upon the ordinances of the Gospel, while your oppor tunities hereby to be edified in your most holy faith shall be continued to you. This you declare ? "We, then, the chh. of Christ in this place, receive you into our sacred fellowship, and promise, that, by God's assist ance, we will treat you with such affection and watchfulness as your sacred relation to us now calls for. This we do, im ploring of our Lord that both we and you may obtain mercy to be faithful in his covenant, and to glorify him in that holi ness which becometh his house for ever. Amen." This covenant was not recorded on the church-books, but was recently found, with the date affixed, among the papers and in the handwriting of Mr. Clarke ; and I am assured that it is the one used during his mini stry. To this the candidates assented when they were admitted to the church. Below we give another, which is supposed to have been read to the candidate for admission to the church, and received his or her assent previous to being pro- 178 SETTLEMENT, MINISTRY, AND DEATH pounded for admission. It is believed to have gone into disuse soon after Mr. Clarke's settlement : — "^FOR THOSE WHO OWN THE COVENANT. " You believe the word of God, contained in the Scriptures of the 0. and N. T., to be the truth, with all the great points of doctrine contained in them, and professed by this chh. " You take, avouch, and profess the Lord Jehovah to be your God; and promise, as God shall help you, to fear him, and seek him, and love him, and obey him, with your heart and soul and mind and strength. You take God the Father to be your Father, and give yourself (and yours) to him as your Father for ever, hoping for all fatherly mercies from him. " You take the son of God, who is the Lord Jesus Christ, to be the Mediator of your peace, and your great high Priest, prophet, and king ; and you rely on his grace, mediation, and sacrifice, obedience, intercession, and powerful influence, for your salvation. You take the Holy Ghost to be your great Influences sanctifier, and Comforter. You give up yourself and offspring to be regenerated, pardoned, restrained from sin, defended from temptation, rescued from evil, sanctified, supplied, comforted, and brought to Christ, by the power and mercy of the Lord your God. "You submit yourself and yours to the care and watch, discipline and government, of this chh., and of Christ in his chh. ; and faithfully promise to endeavor to abstain from all sin, to lead a Godly and virtuous life, to promote reformation, to walk in a conseiencious and constant observance of all the ordinances of Chr. Jesus our Lord, — wereof you are at present capable, and hereafter as you shall be further quali fied and capable ; looking for the mercy of God in our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life." During the latter part of Mr. Clarke's ministry, Mrs. Peddy Bowen,1 daughter of Judge George Leonard, made a present of church-furniture to the church, 1 She was the widow of the late Hon." Jabez Bowen, of Rhode Island ; who, at one time, was Lieutenant-Governor of the State. She died at the paternal mansion-house in Norton, where she had resided for some years after the death of her husband, on the 13th of September, 1850, aged eighty- nine years, eleven months, and four days. She was a woman of rare beauty and accomplishments. (See further notice of her in Genealogical Ke»ister. vol. v. p. 101, &c.) b OF REV. PITT CLARKE. 179 "consisting of 2 Flaggons, 6 cups, and 2 plates, — all of best quality silver plated; together with a durable basket to contain them, and rouge for keeping them clean and bright, prime cost, $61.42." June 3, 1829, the church " voted to accept this present of Church-plate, to be consecrated to the ser vice of the Communion ; and also to present their unit ed thanks to the worthy Donor, for her elegant and valuable donation." A committee was also chosen for that purpose, who presented to Mrs. Bowen the following communication : — " Norton, June 3, 1S29. "Dear Madam, — "We, the undersigned, have the honor to be a Committee from the chh. of Christ in Norton to ex press their sincere thanks for the elegant and valuable present of Church -Vessels you have presented; which they thankfully accept, and will consecrate to the sacred use of commemorating the dying love of our blessed Redeemer. '' May you, Madam, long live to partake of the elements which will be presented in these sacred vessels ; and, when it shall please the Great Head of the church to call us home, may you share largely in that blessed eulogy, 'Well done' good and faithful servant: enter thou into the joys of thy Lord.' " We are, Madam, with consideration of great Respect, " Your humble servants, "P. Clarke E. Raym ond, } Committee." The most important event (already alluded to) which occurred during the ministry of Mr. Clarke was the division of his church and parish, and the formation of a new society. Probably the time has not come when an impartial history of all the causes that led to the separation can or should be written. Although Mr. Clarke acted the only part that an honest man could have acted under the circumstances, yet he felt grieved, not at his own conduct, but at the conduct of others, and especially at the treatment he received from those he had ever regarded as his friends. For many years before his death, he kept 180 SETTLEMENT, MINISTRY, AND DEATH a sort of diary, wherein he recorded some of the prin cipal events that transpired, and expressed his feelings, at certain epochs in his life. In the last entry he ever made in his journal, and only a few weeks before his death, — and which may therefore be considered as his dying testimony, — in alluding to the events of the last two or three years, he says, — " No part of my whole life has been so trying to my feel ings as this portion of it. Before this period, I had lived in great harmony with -my people for about 40 years; and they appeared as much united as any religious society of my acquaintance. But, unexpectedly, a rich and respectable family in my parish took an affront, and rose in hostile array against me. Soon after this hostility commenced, others, who styled themselves Orthodox, joined the opposition, and charged me wdth changing my sentiments, and not preaching the Gospel. I thought myself preaching the same Gospel I ever did, and felt more and more interested in preaching the true Gospel. The unexpected charge led me to examine more fully the ground of my faith ; to search the scriptures more closely ; and to declare more plainly, tho' prudently, what I conceived to be the whole revealed counsel of God." As the result of his inquiries, he prepared a docu ment, seting forth, in a lucid and forcible manner, his theological views, which he intended to present as a New-Year's gift to his people ; but his sudden sickness and demise prevented him from doing it. It was soon after given to the world under the title of a " Pastor's Legacy to his People." We have read it with mingled feelings of admiration and love. The spirit of Jesus is traceable on every page. If his head was astray, his heart was certainly in the right place. Whether his head was wrong, it is not for the historian to say. We think, however, no one, who reads his legacy attentively, can rise from its perusal without having his heart touched with coals from off the altar of God ; for those pages could have been penned under no other influence than that of the Holy Spirit. I have found, in his own handwriting, what purports to be the " Creed [of] Pitt Clarke, OF RET. PITT CLARKE. 181 1794," the year after his settlement. As he was ac cused of changing his opinions after he was settled, we will here introduce his " Creed of 1794" entire, and then make a few extracts from his " Legacy," and let the reader judge whether his views had essentially changed or not : — "creed. " 1st, I believe in one God, the Father of ye whole human race, — ye Lord, God, and Judge of ye world ; in his uni versal and particular providence, that he is omniscient and omnipresent ; perfectly holy, pure, gentle, good, and merciful ; ye only object of worship ; ye source of all our earthly bless ings; ye Father of our immortal spirits; ye Author of our immortal hopes ; and ye righteous judge of quick and dead. " 2nd, I believe in ye Lord Jesus Christ, ye only begotten son, whom ye Father hath sent into ye world to save man kind from sin and sorrow ; in his ministry of love and benevo lence ; in ye divine authority of his mission and doctrines ; in his miracles, which proved him to be ye son of God with power, and a messenger sent from heaven to reclaim and save sinners ; in his perfect example ; in his sufferings, &c, on ye cross ; in his triumphant resurrection, and ascension into heaven, where he ever liveth. " 3rd, I believe in ye holy spirit ; that it was shed forth abundantly on ye first disciples of our Saviour, imparting unto them all necessary wisdom and knowledge, and ye power of working miracles in ye first state. " 4th, In ye resurrection from ye dead, and in ye future judgment ; In a state of just and equal retribution, according to ye deeds ; In ye paternal character of God, and ye forgive ness of sins ; that God is in himself merciful, and ready to forgive ; that he has appointed, as a condition of salvation, repentance towards God ; that of his own free grace, and ac cording^ his promises, he will pardon and accept ye penitent and reformed sinner, and render to ye impenitent indigna tion to every soul that continues to do evil. I believe in ye eternal and unalterable obligations of virtue ; that this is ye first law of heaven, and that, without it, heaven cannot be en joyed ; that this is ye great object of revelation, ye chief duty and greatest glory of man ; that nothing will be accepted in substitution for it ; that it secures ye best happiness of [man] in this world ; is ye only preparation for death, and our only 16 182 SETTLEMENT, MINISTRY, AND DEATH ground of hope in Christ, in ye favor of God and happiness of eternity." We now quote a few extracts from his legacy : " In all human creeds, I find some good things, and some not supported in scripture. The good, I treasure up ; the bad, throw away. I profess to be a follower of Christ; and glory in being called a Christian, as his followers were first called Christians at Antioch. I have the example of my Master and his immediate followers, not to assume any name but Christian, — not to call any one master but Christ. Our Saviour was not a sectarian or an exclusionist, in the modern sense of these terms. " I believe that there is one only living and true God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in Him ; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. I believe God to be an infinite Spirit, spreading the emina- tions of his Being throughout the Universe ; possessing every adorable attribute and perfection ; the only proper object of supreme love, adoration, and praise. _ " I believe Jesus Christ to be the Son of God, and Saviour of the world ; the brightness and the image of the invisible Jehovah ; and that in him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily ; and that, through him, we have access by one spirit unto the Father. Him hath God exalted to give repentance and remission of sin. By him we receive the atonement, even reconciliation with God ; for in him, through him, or by him, God is reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing unto men their tresspases. I believe and baptise in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; in devout acknowledgement of God, the Father of all ; of Jesus Christ, the Son of God ; and of the Holy Spirit, the inward com forter and support of his people. I believe in the necessity of a new birth, or a change of heart ; for the natural birth gives no idea of God or of eternity. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and sees and enjoys only fleshly gratifica tions. Children, though born innocent, are destitute of holi ness till they are capable of right affections. "When the eyes of their mind are opened to see God and eternity, and the affections of their heart are placed on things above, then the new birth takes place ; a new and spiritual world is opened to the view ; the affections are raised from earthly to heavenly objects ; and the whole man is brought into new and higher OF REV. PITT CLARKE. 183 relations. I believe that this change of heart consists in a change of affections from sensual to spiritual enjoyments ; from sin to holiness; from things seen and temporal to things unseen and eternal. " I believe that this happy change is to be brought about through the instrumentality of God's word, blessed and sanc tified by His holy spirit. I believe that this change is to be known by the fruits of it, which are good works. He who does righteousness is born of God. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, says Christ, if ye have love one to another; for love is the best evidence of a good heart. Genuine conversions make better hearts, tempers, and lives; better parents, children, neighbors, and citizens. Such conversions cause their subjects to become more up right, humble, and peaceable ; more charitable towards those who differ in oppinion ; more willing to co-operate with all good people in promoting practical piety. I believe that sudden conversions are not so much to be relied on as those more gradual, which have been brought about by deliberate reflection and consideration ; for the subjects of sudden con versions may not know what spirit they are of, till they have time to try the spirits whether they be of God. The fruits of a good spirit are love, joy, peace, gentleness, hu mility, meekness, goodness, faith, hope, temperance, &c. ; the greatest of all, charity. I believe that there are some good people in all denominations of Christians ; and that, at the last day, a great multitude, which no man can number, — of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues, — will stand before the throne of God, clothed with white robes, and palms of victory in their hands. I believe that the final judgment will be in perfect accordance with this grand prin cipal of the Gospel, — that God is no respecter of persons ; but that, in every nation, he that feareth Him, and worketh righteousness, will be accepted of Him. I am willing to be judged by the Bible ; for I make this sacred volume the sole rule of my faith, preaching, and practice. By this standard we must all he judged in the great day of accounts ; and we must receive according to the sentence which it shall then give." In his diary he goes on to say, — " But my keeping closely to the doctrines revealed did not satisfy the leaders of the opposition. They chose to 184 DEATH OF REV. PITT CLARKE. separate, and form themselves into a new society. Five male members of my chh., and six females, asked a dismission ; and, tho' the chh. did not grant it, they formed themselves into another chh., and attended public worship with a new society which they and others organized. This drew me into a critical situation, and very much increased my trials and burdens. But, under all these trials, I endeavored to keep a conscience void of offence toward God and man. Having this witness, I can go down the hill of life with satisfaction, and fear not to meet my opposers at the bar of my Maker. Were they now perfectly acquainted with my motives of action towards them, and my earnest desire to promote the cause of righteousness and truth, I am sure they would acquit me of any designed fault. My heart's desire and prayer to God is, that they may all come to the knowledge of the truth, and be saved. The days of my years teach me that the solemn test of my character is near at hand ; that eternity is at my door ; that there is but a step between me and death." And that step was shorter even than he expected. Though then apparently hale and hearty for a man of his years, yet, in about six weeks, all that was mortal of him was consigned to the tomb. He was " born of the spirit," Feb. 13, 1835, at the age of threescore and twelve years, after a ministry of forty-one years, seven months, and ten days. On Sunday, Feb. 15, the funeral services took place at the meeting-house, where, for so many years, he had ministered at the altar of God. The sermon was preached by Rev. Andrew Bigelow, of Taunton ; which was printed, together with some extracts from the diary of the deceased. Dr. Bigelow, who was with him in his last sickness, in his "Funeral Sermon," p. 15, says, — " Never have I beheld a death-bed scene more sublimely edifying — more Christianly serene, sustained, and consoling — than that of the aged servant of Christ who sleeps in death before us. Truly his latter end was peace. He knew in whom he believed, and 'endured as seeing Him who is in visible.' The Being whom he served shed down into his soul the gladsome tokens of his presence. Supports he expe rienced which the world could not give; which flesh and AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF REV. PITT CLARKE. 185 sense were incapable of administering; but which death itself could not take away. ' My heart is fixed,' he exultingly ex claimed, ' my heart is fixed, — trusting, 0 Lord ! in thee. I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit.' And he sunk from life, to rest in peace and sleep in the ' blessed hope.'" It is pleasant to linger in the atmosphere of so Chris tian a man. With much reluctance does our pen cease to do homage to his virtue, his unaffected, Christ-like character. We can well understand why his name is so fondly cherished and revered by those whose envia ble privilege it was to partake of the heavenly manna that fell from his lips. It remains for us, in this chapter, to say that the number of admissions into the church during his ministry was one hundred and fifty- four : the number of children baptized was two huu- dred and eighty-four.1 CHAPTER XIV. AUTOBIOGRAPHY AND OBITUARY NOTICES OF REV. PITT CLARKE. 11 I venerate the man whose heart is warm ; Whose hands are pure ; whose doctrines and whose life, Coincident, exhibit lucid proof That he is honest iu the Bacred cause." — Cowper. We shall in this chapter introduce the autobiography of Mr. Clarke, written about three years before his 1 During his lifetime, several of his sermons were printed. Among his publications, we will name a Thanksgiving Sermon, preached in 1795; a Sermon at the ordination of Sylvester F. Buoklin at Marlborough, Nov. 2, 1808; a Discourse before the Norton Female Christian Association, June 3, 1818; a Sermon at Mansfield, on the Sunday following the interment of Mr. Ebenezer Warren, who died Jan. 1,1824; a Sermon on the formation of a new heart, printed in L. C. Bowles's Monthly Publications of Sermons, May, 1830; a Sermon in Exposition of John i. 1, in 1832; and the Right Hand of Fellowship at the ordination of Kev. Mr. Pipon at Taunton, iu 1800. ' 16* 186 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF REV. PITT CLARKE. death ; also some obituary notices of him, &c. ; which will serve to illustrate his character, and show the es timation in which he was held by the community where he was best known. AUTOBIOGRAPHY. "I was born in Medfield, Jan. 15, 1763.1 My father's name was Jacob. He had nothing to recommend him beyond the reputation of being an honest man, an industrious farmer, and practical Christian. He was one of three brothers, whose grandfather came from England, and settled in the north of Wrentham, which was then comparatively a wilderness. My grandfather came to Medfield, and purchased a farm in the south part of that town by his own industry. " He had three sons and three daughters. He gave his sons the names of Nathan, Jacob, and David, from a kind of veneration for those scriptural characters. They all bore the name of being honest, industrious, and devout. There ever appeared to me to be a perfect harmony and endearing inter course between them. My mother's name was originally Meletiah Hammant; which, rightly spelt, is Hammond. Her predecessors bore the same reputation with my father's. She was my father's second wife. " My mother was of a different texture from my father. He was naturally cheerful and social. She was of a feeble, gloomy, nervous make, and pious almost to superstition. At times, she was so fearful of not living up to that profession of religion which she early made, as to sink almost into despair. This was owing to a great diffidence of herself, united with her nervous affections. She was not only pious in mind, but devout in practice. " She always set a good example before her children, who were three sons and four daughters. She instilled into their minds, when very young, the first principles of religion ; and expressed the greatest concern in giving them pious feelings. I feel much indebted to my parents for my early dedication to God in baptism, and my early habits of attention to religious institutions. Especially I feel many obligations to my mother for the many early religious impressions I received from her 1 On his gravestone, it is stated that he was born Jan. 6. This is doubt less an error; for, in his diary, be always speaks of Jan. 15 as his birth day. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF REV. PITT CLARKE. 187 pious example. I often witnessed, when a small child, her secret prayers ; and, when unobserved by her, would sink [down] in the spirit of mental and private devotion. This led me into early habits of calling upon God, morning and evening; and of committing to memory a variety of prayers to assist my devotions. This habit of secret prayer never entirely forsook me ; tho', I acknowledge with shame, I have not always practised it so constantly and fervently as I ought. " My grandfather had an exalted opinion of the great Pitt in his mother country, on account of his distinguished pleas for American liberty. Out of regard to this eloquent friend of America, my grandfather would tell me he gave me my name, and flatter me with the idea of going to college. How far this operated to raise my ambition for study, when a child, I cannot say. I early felt a desire to learn, and was am bitious to excel my classmates. When very young, my master told me I must study the Latin, and go to college. I obtained the consent of my father to begin the first book in Latin when between ten and eleven years old. But I did not continue the study of the language longer than the town- school continued. This was owing to two causes. One was the deranged state of the academies and colleges, on account of the Revolutionary war: the other was the embarrassed condition of my father. In the first of the Revolution, Bos ton was besieged, and the college entirely broken up. Then there was not the least encouragement of obtaining a public education. I gave up my studies, went to work on the farm at home, and occasionally abroad on wages ; laying aside what I could against a time of need for an education. When old enough to be enrolled in the Militia Bill, I was called to go as a soldier on a sudden expedition to Rhode Island. The British had taken possession of the island, and were directing their devastations towards Massachusetts. The alarm came3, and the militia were called upon to meet their attacks, and' drive them from the island. In this expedition, I was every day expecting to meet the enemy in the hottest battle ; but, just before ii came to our turn to fight, the British were driven from their stronghold, and evacuated the island. I returned home to my father's farm. As soon as the war ter minated, and the college was restored to its regular state, I again entertained the hope of resuming my studies. But another circumstance occurred to disappoint me. My father's bouse unfortunately took fire, and was consumed, together 188 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF REV. PITT CLARKE. with nearly all the furniture and fall provisions. It was in November, 1779. " All the little that I had laid aside was destroyed. I felt myself stript and naked. But from the calamity I learned some of the best lessons. My father, however, was thrown into such immediate embarrassment, that I dismissed all thoughts of pursuing my studies, and was under the necessity of returning to hard labor for a few years. When I arrived at the age of twenty-one, and felt the liberty of acting for myself, I resumed the courage of setting out for an education. I had procured a little to begin with by working at common wages, which my father gave me : and he promised to assist me some more, if he should be able; tho' it could be but little. I studied partly at home, and partly with Miss Hannah Adams, who lived near by, and to whom I recited my lessons. Under her tuition principally, I fitted for college, and was ad mitted into Cambridge University about a year after I com menced my studies, — July 22, 1786. " I had the good fortune of being a member of a large and respectable class, many of whom were of the first talent, and much the greater part of good characters. Another cir cumstance was much in my favor. The most distinguished scholars in my class were, like myself, in limited circum stances, and the most popular. On this account, the best part of the class set the example of prudence in expenses ; and there was no disparagement in it. By receiving help from the charitable funds, and teaching schools, I made my way thro' college without much assistance from my father. I received the honors of the University, July 21, 1790. " Being in debt for my college expenses, I engaged the town-school in Cambridge, and continued in it two years ; at the same time, pursuing my theological studies. These studies had been my predilection before I entered college, and were a leading object of attention through my college-life. Be fore I left the school, I was examined by the Cambridge Association of Ministers, and approbated to preach April 17, 1792. I preached occasionally in neighboring towns while I continued in the school ; and, before I closed itt received an application to supply the vacant parish in Norton. I com menced preaching in this place as soon as I left the school, — the following August. It was the first place of my preaching on probation. " Having preached here only four sabbaths, the church in Norton gave me an invitation to settle among them as their AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF REV. PITT CLARKE. 189 gospel minister. The invitation was so sudden and unex pected, that I at first felt ready to reject it. It being, how ever, of such a serious nature, I took it into consideration ; and consented to supply the pulpit myself, or by proxy, till I gave my answer. I found the people much divided. They had heard many candidates, and could not unite on any one. The opposition to me, at first, was formidable. I could not satisfy the minds of those called orthodox. On this account, the society postponed their meeting, to concur with the church, for several months, on condition I would continue to preach with them longer. It being winter, and bad moving about, I consented to tarry with them till spring. This gave us an opportunity to become acquainted with each other: and, upon this farther acquaintance, the opposition in a great measure subsided ; and there was nearly a unanimous invitation from church and society for me to become their pastor.1 The union was so great, I could not feel it my duty to give a negative answer; altho' the pecuniary encouragement ap peared too small. I was ordained July 3, 1793, — a solemn day to me. My deepest impression was, that I was insuffi cient for these things. I felt the force of that passage, 1 Kings iii. 7, ' I know not how to go out or come in before the people.' This was the subject of my first discourse after ordination. " Having been ordained about two years, I found the cur rency so much depreciated, that my salary was inadequate to my support. This was intimated to individuals, who circu lated the report, that I could not continue with them much longer, unless some more pecuniary encouragement should be given. In consequence of this alarm, a universal disposition was shown to afford me voluntary assistance. From this en couragement I purchased a building spot, and about twenty acres of land entirely uncleared and unfenced. By the assistance of my parishioners, part of it was cleared up, and a house built, tho' unfinished.2 On Feb. 1, 1798, I was mar ried to Rebecca Jones, the youngest daughter of John Jones, 1 This was not probably formally, but rather informally, expressed; for I can find no allusion to any invitation to settle, after the one given Oct. 12, 1792, by the church, and concurred in by the parish on the 19th of Novem ber following, aa mentioned in a preceding chapter. 2 From memoranda which he kept in Larkin's Pocket Register and Al manack for 1796, it appears that he " made a purchase of some land for a settlement," on the 6th of September of that vear; and, in the " p.m., 34 persons came to clear it up." Sept. 22, " 32 of 'my parishioners voluutarily 190 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF REV. PITT CLARKE. Esq., of Hopkinton. , . . After a long and distressing pul monic consumption, she died March 2, 1811. She continued in the full exercise of her strong mental powers to the very last moment of life. I was married the second time, Nov. 12, 1812 [to Mary Jones Stimson]. She was the daughter of Doctor Jeremy Stimson [of Hopkinton], who married an elder sister of my former wife." 1 This autobiography was written in 1832, under the date of Jan. 15, — the day he entered upon his seven- 'tieth year. Mr. Clarke gives the following as the reason for writing it : — " As I have arrived so near threescore years and ten, — the common age of man fixed by my Maker, — I am moved worked on my land to prepare it for ploughing." Sept. 29, it appears that twenty-two persons, with twenty-four cattle, were engaged in '•ploughing part of what they had before cleared," and in " digging stone." o"ct. 6, j °f6v a 1 ds Plou"hill& and drawing stone." Oct. 12, " 40 oxen and 18 hands " at work; "only two yoke and three hands at my expense." Uct. 17, 13 men, with 30 oxen, ploughed again for me, and harrowed in two acres of rye." Nov. 8, " 4 of my parish laid up wall for me, and two cut up brush. Nov. 10, " commenced the digging of my well." Dec. 16 A number of hands cut down a greater part of ye timber for my house, and brought some of it to a place for building." Dec. 24, " Concluded ye WJnK w mVve!K Dec- 22> " moved t0 JudSe Leonard's." In December ot 1796, Mr. Clarke bought more land, bordering upon what he purchased in September; for which he paid $627.50. His house was built about a fourth of a mile from the meeting-house, on the Mansfield road, during the year 1797. It is now owned by Nathaniel Freeman. The amount he received in 1796, from individuals, towards clearing up land, plowing, &c," was 5131.82. In 1797, it appears that he received, "in materials for building, labor, team-work, provisions, &c," $255.61; and, in nine subsequent vears, he received, " in provisions, labor, wood, &c," $196.37. I am told, that, at one time during the ministry of Mr. Clarke, Judge Leonard agreed to give him as much wood as the people of his parish would cut and draw in one day. The people entered into the matter with great earnestness; and, as soon as the day dawned, Mr. Leonard's wood-lot was filled with men and teams; and, before night, wood enough was drawn to Mr. Clarke's door to last him some three or four years. Mr. Clarke, after purchasing his farm, and up to the time of his death labored personally upon it withuntiringdili- gence (thus keeping his health good and his constitution vigorous) ; and, by his industry and frugality, saved quite a little property for a country minister. It was valued, at his death, at $10,000. During his whole mi nistry, he was seldom absent from his pulpit on Sunday from any cause. He was also very punctual in the fulfilment of any engagement", — never being behind the appointed hour. 1 By his first wife, Mr. Clarke had five children: viz., Abigail Morion, now the wife of J. J. Stimson, Esq., of Providence, R.I. j William Pitt, who resides at Ashland ; John Jones, who resides at Roxbury ; Caroline, who died in infancy; George Leonard, who died in infancy. By his second wife, he had four: viz., George Leonard, who resides at Providence, R.I. ; Harriet, who died, aged one day; Manlius Stimson, who resided in Boston, wuere he died a few years since; Edward Hammond, who resides at Boston. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF REV. PITT CLARKE. 191 to leave behind me a short memoir of my life. I dare not neglect it any longer, for fear of death, — I am so near the boundary of human existence. I am not led to do this from the_ impression that any thing in my life will be worthy of notice, but from a desire to bequeathe to my children a brief memorial of their humble origin." It would be an excellent idea for all parents to leave a similar legacy to their children. What child would not prize such an autobiography of a father ? We will now introduce extracts from one or two obituary notices published soon after his death : " He has, besides his faithful labors as a minister of the gospel, fitted many young men for college; and had the charge and instruction of a number of students of the Uni versity, who have at different times been suspended from that institution, and directed to pursue their studies under his care. Mr. Clarke was remarkable for his habits of industry and order. He was uniformly an early riser ; and thus ac complished much which many others leave undone, or but poorly performed. He was greatly respected for his sound judgment and wise counsel in all affairs of importance, and particularly in such as related to ecclesiastical affairs, and to the interests of literature, morals, and religion. His whole character as a minister was not only entirely without re proach, but in all respects most exemplary. His preaching was always serious, impressive, and evangelical. It is worthy of remark, that though there were, from the beginning of his ministry, some of his parishioners who did not fully approve of his doctrinal views, yet by the seriousness and earnestness of his ministrations, together with his attentive, affectionate, and truly Christian deportment as a minister, he commanded their esteem and confidence, and preserved uniform har mony among his people till near the close of his ministry ; when the spirit of division, so generally prevalent through the country, seizing on some unfortunate local occurrences (but in no respect touching his character as a man or a mini ster), caused a schism in his parish, such as had before taken place in almost all of the parishes in the Common wealth. The large body of his people, however, remained with him, and rallied the more earnestly around him. Bv witnessing the meek and truly Christian temper with which he endured the trial, and his untiring activity and zeal in the 192 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF REV. PITT CLARKE. discbarge of all his duties, they felt the obligation to give renewed tokens of their attachment and confidence. Among these, one of great importance, and which was in a high degree gratifying to him, was the preparations that were in forwardness at the time of his decease for the erection of a new and more commodious place of worship. " Mr. Clarke's last illness, which was a lung fever, was of short duration. But one Sunday intervened between his last public ministrations and the day of his burial. " He retained his faculties to the last, and was fully aware of his approaching end. Though he had much to attach him to life, he was still resigned, calm, and happy in the view of his approaching death. " The principles of the religion he preached, and so fully exemplified in his life, sustained him, and filled him with joyful hope in the hour of death." 1 " This excellent man, whose loss will be long and sin cerely mourned, continued in the active discharge of his pastoral duties till the week previous to his decease. He preached to his congregation on the first sabbath of the present month ; and officiated, on the day following, at the interment of a parishioner. In the evening subsequently, he was seized with the symptoms of his fatal malady. His illness he bore with exemplary fortitude. He early foresaw its inevitable issue, yet calmly resigned himself to the will of his Maker. Relying upon the promises of the gospel, his hope of im mortality was bright. "Having lived the life of the righteous, his 'latter end' was peace. The usefulness of this good man was felt and appreciated beyond the bounds of his parish. He has left a large circle of friends, who loved and honored him while living, and who will embalm in fond remembrance the many estimable traits of his character and bfe." a " He was tenderly interested in the welfare of the young. The cause of education could not fail to be an object dear to his heart. At the time of his demise, he was enrolled with various associations, — literary and philanthropic, as well as religious, — in several of which he was a prominent officer, and in all of them a diligent and valued co-adjutor. 1 Christian Register of Feb. 21, 1835. 2 Taunton Whig and Reporter of Feb. 18, 1835. THE CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 193 " As Vice-President of the County Bible Society, he lent it an efficient and cordial support. Filling the same relation to the Board of Trustees at Bristol Academy, — at whose de liberations he oftened assisted, — he contributed essentially to the prosperity of the institution, and anxiously watched the progress and improvement of the minds and morals of its pupils. - In ecclesiastical councils, at which he frequently presided, his opinions were regarded with uncommon defer ence, as the counsels of a sound, Sage, candid, and discrimi nating mind." 1 Here we must take leave of him who was — " Bound to no sect, to no one party tied ; To sons of God in every clime allied." CHAPTER XV. RECENT MINISTRY OF THE CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. " For modes of faith, let graceless zealots fight : His can't be wrong whose life is in the right." Pope. By the death of Mr. Clarke, the pulpit, for the third time in more than a hundred and twenty years, is made vacant ; and the maintenance of the Christian ministry and ordinances becomes a question of anxious solicitude to the parish. At the annual meeting, March 30, 1835, — a little more than a month after the death of their late revered pastor, — the society voted . that the Standing Committee should supply the pulpit. From receipts and other papers in my possession, it appears that A. Davis preached two Sundays ; Daniel C. Sanders, three; Nathaniel Whitman, four; Mr. Lakeman, two ; and Mr. Richardson, one, — up to the close of the following July. l Dr. Bigelow's Funeral Sermon. n 194 RECENT MINISTRY OF On the 2d of August, 1835, Asarelah Morse Bridge commenced preaching as a candidate. His services were acceptable to the congregation; and, on the 28th1 of December following, he was unanimously invited by the society " to settle with them as their Pastor in the Gospel Ministry," and a yearly salary of five hun dred dollars was voted to him ; and, when either party wished to dissolve the connection, three months' notice was to be given. A committee of three was chosen to inform Mr. Bridge of the doings of the parish. They performed their duty; and he forthwith returned the following answer : — "Norton, Dec. 28th, 1835. " To Dr. Richard F. Sweet, Dea. Stillman Smith, Mr. Thomas Braman, Committee of the Congregational Parish in Nor ton. "Gentlemen,— I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a letter from you, containing an invitation extended to me, by the society of which you are a committee, to be come their Pastor and Teacher. It is highly gratifying to me that I have been chosen to fill so high and responsible a situa tion. The unanimity with which this invitation has been given increases my satisfaction. I accept it on the terms specified in your letter. I hope that nothing may occur which shall darken, in the least degree, the pleasing prospect which is before us. " I remain yours respectfully, "Asarelah M. Bridge." The parish then " voted to have the ordination of Rev. Mr. Bridge in four or five weeks from this date;" and the Standing Committee were appointed a " Com mittee of arrangement at the ordination." The services of ordination took place Jan. 27, 1836. Sixteen churches were invited to form a council by i It appears that Mr. Bridge had not supplied the pulpit all the time from Aug. 2 to the date above. C. P. Cranch preached two Sundays in October; George A. Williams, four, up to Nov. 8; and Mr. Buckingham and Mr. Stone, one each, the fore part of December, — probablv not as candidates. THE CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 195 their pastors and delegates. The following was the order of services : — Introductory Prayer by Rev. G. W. Briggs, of Fall River ; Reading of Scriptures by Rev. J. D. Sweet, of Kings ton; Sermon by Rev. George Putnam, of Roxbury, — text, Jer. iii. 15 ; Ordaining Prayer by Rev. F. Parkman, D.D., of Boston ; Right Hand by Rev. H. G. O. Phipps, of Co- hasset; Charge by Rev. A. Harding, of New Salem; Address to Society by Rev. B. Huntoon, of Milton; Concluding Prayer by Rev. R. Stone, of West Bridgewater. During his ministry, Mr. Bridge labored earnestly and faithfully in the work to which he had devoted himself. Probably, on entering upon his pastoral duties, Mr. Bridge could not find the church-covenant (there being no copy of it on the church-records) ; and therefore he prepared, and the church (Feb. 5, 1836) accepted, the following — "DECLARATION OP FAITH. " You do solemnly declare your belief in the Being, Per fections, and Government of God ; your faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Savior of the world ; and your ac ceptance of the Holy Scriptures as the word of God, and a perfect rule of faith and obedience. " You express your desire thankfully to receive salvation in the way prescribed in the gospel ; humbly resolving, by the help of divine grace, to live in obedience to his holy com mandments, and to look for the mercy of God unto eternal life. " You promise to walk with this church, while you have opportunity, in the regular observance of Christian ordi nances, in the exercise of Christian affection, and in a sub mission to the regulations of the Church. " You are now a member of this church. We have received you ; we trust God has received you. " We engage, and are bound, to pray for you ; and, as we have opportunity, to watch over you, and, if need be, to ad monish you. We expect the same kind offices from you ; in the mutual discharge of which, may we all be built up in the faith and practice of our holy religion, and become prepared for admission hereafter into the Church of the Redeemer in Heaven 1 Amen." 196 RECENT MINISTRY OF At a meeting of the parish, Aug. 31, 1840, it was voted, that their connection between Mr. Bridge, " as Pastor and People," be, by mutual consent of parties, dissolved after the first day of November next. And accordingly, on Nov. 1, 1840, Mr. Bridge preached his valedictory sermon, and retired from the office of pastor. At a meeting of the church, Sept. 30, 1842, it was — " Resolved, That we have full confidence in the Rev. A. M. Bridge as a pious, faithful, and devoted Christian minister; and that we cordially recommend him as such to those with whom he may be called to labor." Rev. Mr. Bridge was the son of Josiah and Eirene Bridge; and was bom in Lancaster, Mass., Jan. 21, 1810. His early education was acquired in the com mon schools of that town and at the Lancaster Acade my. At the age of fourteen, he entered a store in Boston, where he remained six years. He then studied two years and a half at the New-Salem Academy; teaching school one winter at Hubbardston, and another at Petersham. In 1832, he entered the Divinity School at Cambridge; and graduated from that institution, July, 1835, a few days previous to his preaching his first sermon in Norton. Since leaving Norton, he has been settled as pastor at Standish, Me., and Bernardston, Mass. For several years past, he has been the minister at Hampton Falls, N.H. He married, July 31, 1838, Miss Martha S. Harding, daughter of Rev. A. Harding, of New Salem ; by whom he had one child, — Frederick Harding, born at Norton, Sept. 1, 1839. His wife died at her father's house, May, 1841. She was a woman of very superior at tainments. He married, June 4, 1844, for second wife, Mary Ann Fullam, of Boston; and, by her, has had three children. On Sunday, Nov. 8, 1840, — just one week from the time Mr. Bridge preached his farewell sermon, — Mr. THE CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 197 William Phillips Tilden occupied the pulpit. After preaching four Sundays, he was engaged to supply till the 1st of April following. Before the expiration of this engagement, or on March 15, 1840, the parish, by a vote of fifty-nine yeas to two nays, invited him " to settle with them in the Gospel Ministry, if the salary can be made satisfactory ; " and chose Leonard Hodges, jun., Jarvis Smith, Earl Hodges, Stillman Smith, and Almond Tucker, a committee to report the doings of the parish to the candidate. His salary was fixed at six hundred dollars per year, and the time of his settlement limited to two years ; three months' notice to be given if either party wished to dissolve the connection sooner. Mr. Tilden ac cepted the call in the following note: — " March 15th, 1841. " To the Congregational Parish in Norton. " I have received by your committee a copy of the vote passed at your meeting, inviting me to become your Pastor. " Would that I were more worthy of the confidence you have seen fit to repose in me 1 I have had, as you are all doubtless aware, but little experience in my profession. I could not, therefore, think for a moment of being settled as a minister to the spiritual wants of any people where I could not depend upon their sympathy and co-operation. But you have given me the assurance, by the unanimity with which you have given me the call, that I shall find here hearts that will sympathize with me in my labors, and be ready to make all reasonable allowance for my want of experience. "Trusting, therefore, that I shall find in each of you a brother's heart, and that you will receive my imperfect services with that feeling of charity which covereth a mul- . titude of faults, I accept of the invitation you have given me to become your Pastor, upon the condition named in the note which I have received. " Yours in brotherly Love, " William P. Tilden." The Standing Committee of the parish were author ized " to make the necessary preparations for the or dination." It was decided that the ordination should 17* 198 RECENT MINISTRY OF take place Wednesday, April 14; and thirteen churches -were invited to meet in council, and assist in the ser vices. But, a violent snow-storm occurring on that day, none of the council appeared; and, consequently, the services were postponed one week. April 21, 1841, the council met at the house of Earl Hodges. After organization, &c, it was " voted, that the Council are satisfied with the proceedings of the Society and the Pastor elect, and are ready to proceed to his ordination at 11 O'clock, a.m." The order of exercises was as follows : — Introductory Prayer by Rev. J. D. Sweet, of Kingston ; Reading of the Scriptures by Rev. M. Allen, of Pembroke ; Sermon by Rev. S. J. May, of South Scituate ; Ordaining Prayer by Rev. A. Bigelow, of Taunton ; Charge by Rev. E. Q. Sewall, of Scituate ; Right Hand by Rev. J. L. Stone, of Mansfield ; Address to the People by Rev. R. Stone, of West Bridgewater; Closing Prayer by Rev. A. Gushee,of Dighton. The ministry of Mr. Tilden proved so acceptable to the parish, that, just before the close of the two years for which he was settled, — viz., March 13, 1843, — it was " voted unanimously to request the Rev. William P. Tilden to continue with said Parish in the ministry; " the conditions being the same as before. A committee of three was chosen to inform the pastor of the doings of the parish. The committee attended to the duty assigned them, and soon returned with the following answer: — " To tbe First Congregational Church and Society in Norton. " I have received, by the hands of your Committee, a copy of the vote you have this day passed, by which you have unanimously invited me to continue with you as your pastor. I feel deeply grateful to you for this fresh proof of your kind regards for me, and shall accept of your invitation ; hoping and praying that our union, so long as it continues, may be blessed to the upbuilding of the Redeemer's Kingdom. " Yours in the bonds of the Gospel, "William P. Tilden. " Norton, March 13th, 1843." THE CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 199 After continuing with them a little more than a year from the date of the above note, Mr. Tilden signified to the parish his desire to be dismissed from his pas toral relations, on account of failing health. The parish met to consider the matter on the 15th of June, 1844, and voted that they " are desirous of retaining Rev. Mr. Tilden (in case he does now wish to be re tained) as their minister, upon the same conditions that he was first settled;" and appointed a committee of three to confer with him relative to remaining. At an adjourned meeting, June 22, the committee received his answer. We here record it : — " To the Congregational So. in Norton. " Dear Friends, — The Com. chosen by you at your last meeting, for the purpose of conferring with me in relation to my still remaining with you as your Pastor, have attended to their duties. Truly grateful am I for the very kind wish, which, through that Com., you have expressed, that I should still sustain to you the' relation of Pastor. It rejoices my heart to know, that, after spending near four years among you as your minister, you still deem me worthy of confidence, and regard me with unfeigned kindness and good-will. Be assured, the kind feeling is most cordially reciprocated. " But as I have decided that it will be best for me to leave this field of labor, at least for one year, I still think that it will be better for you and for myself that the connection should be dissolved. " I have not come to this decision without a struggle ; for my heart still clings with sincere affection to the many tried friends whose sympathy and aid have cheered me on in my work among you : and my sincere and earnest prayer for you is, that you may be blessed with the services of one who shall break to you the ' True and living bread,' and help you on- . ward in the divine life. " Yours in Gospel Love, " William P. Tilden." The parish then voted to accept the answer : and, accordingly, - the connection was dissolved; and the pastor preached his farewell sermon, June 30, 1844.1 1 A portion of it was printed in the Christian World, Aug. 24, 1844. 200 RECENT MINISTRY OF Rev. William P. Tilden was the son of Luther and Philenda (Brooks) Tilden ; and was born in Scituate, May 9, 1811. He received most of his education in the common schools of his native State, having received only "owe term of academical instruction." After leaving school, he spent his summers in the mackerel- fishery, and his winters in learning the trade of a car penter ; so_ that, without any figure of speech, it can be truly said, that he had an evangelical preparation for the ministry. His theological studies were pursued with Rev. Samuel J. May, of South Scituate. May 15, 1834, he married, at Scituate, Miss Mary J. Foster; and has had four children. While residing in Norton, one of them " became an angel," Sept. 9, 1841.1 F Since leaving Norton, Mr. Tilden has been settled as pastor of the Unitarian societies of Concord and Walpole, N.H. ; and is now the minister of the First Congregational Church in Fitchburg, Mass. The pulpit made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Tilden was supplied a few Sundays by Rev. William H. Fish : and, on the 3d of August, a parish-meeting was held to see about hiring him for six months ; but it was dissolved, without taking any action relative to the supply of the pulpit. Who preached from that time to Nov. 17, we are not informed : but, on that day, Rev. William C. Tehney commenced a stated supply of the pulpit ; and continued to do so till April 27, 1845. Rev. T. H. Dorr preached during the month of May; and Rev. A. D. Jones, during the month of June. Rev. Amory Gale, M.D., commenced supplying the pulpit, July 6, 1845 : and, with the exception of the month of August, — when the desk was occupied by clergymen from the " Hopedale Community " in Mil ford, — he preached regularly till the 1st of January, 1 In the easterly part of the "Common" Graveyard, surrounded by a small circular wooden fence, may be seen a diminutive monument of white marble, with the inscription, " Little Joseph." It marks the grave of " this dear boy." THE CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 201 1848 ; and supplied a few Sundays after that date. Nov. 29, 1845, by a vote of fifteen to ten, he was in vited to settle ; but, on account of the small majority by which the vote was carried, it was reconsidered. At an adjourned meeting, two weeks later, the Stand ing Committee were instructed to hire Mr. Gale for one year. Before the expiration of this engagement, he was re-engaged for another year; which term of service expired, as we have already stated, at the com mencement of the year 1848. During his ministry, the church-covenant was again revised. By a unanimous vote of the church, April 2, 1846, they adopted the following l — " COVENANT. " You acknowledge your Faith in One only wise and true God, who is the God and Father of all men ; you believe Jesus Christ to be the Son of God, the Redeemer and Savior; and you regard the Holy Spirit as your Enlightener, your Sanctifier, your Comforter. " You accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the only infal lible rule of life ; and you propose, by the help of Divine Grace, to regulate your conduct by its spirit and precepts ; to observe its rites and ordinances ; and to live in the unity of the Spirit, and in the bonds of peace with your brethren. This you acknowledge ? "We, then, — the Church of Christ in this place, — do receive and welcome you into our sacred fellowship and com munion ; promising that we will regard and treat you with that Christian tenderness and affection which your relation to us, as a member of Christ's Church, requires. " May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ bless you with all spiritual blessings in His Son ; may your days on earth be useful and happy ; and may we all be finally ad mitted into glorious mansions on High, to participate in the joys of the Just made perfect through Faith 1 " 1 The Declaration of Faith adopted during the ministry of Mr. Bridge was not recorded on the church-books; and Mr. Gale, not finding a copy probably prepared this covenant, to use in the absence of any other: and it is the first covenant entered in due form upon the records since the or ganization of the church in 1714. 202 RECENT MINISTRY OP Also, during his ministry, Mr. Gale performed the laborious work of copying all the church-records on the old book into a new one. The faithfulness with which he performed the task was well worthy of the preamble and resolution we here record : "Whereas the Rev. Amory Gale has this day presented to the Church connected with the Congregational Parish in Norton a durable book for the records of said Church ; and has, with much labor, copied the doings and records of said Church from their old book [which was much obliterated] for the last one hundred and thirty years, and from its commence ment, into the same ; and whereas said Church are desirous, as a body, of expressing their acknowledgments, not only for the book, but also for the labor bestowed thereon : " Therefore resolved, That the thanks of this church be presented to the Rev. Dr. Gale for the handsome and durable book of Records ; and also for the neat and chaste manner in which he has copied the Records from their old Church- book. " Norton, April 2d, 1848. " Per order of the Church, " Cromwell Leonard, " Chairman of a committee of said Church." Dr. Gale was born in Warwick, Oct. 15, 1800 ; and was the son of Amory and Lucinda (Rich) Gale. Besides attending the common schools of his native town, he spent some time at the academy in Chester field, N.H., and also at New Salem, Mass. For two or three years before attaining his majority, he labored on a farm in summer, and taught school in winter. In the spring of 1821, he commenced the study of medicine. He attended medical lectures at Dartmouth ' College, N.H., in 1822 ; and subsequently at the medical school of Brown University, R.I., where he received the de gree of M.D. in 1824. He commenced practice in Petersham; but soon left, and entered into partnership with Dr. Batcheller, of Royalston, — his old medical preceptor; and subse quently removed to Barre, where he remained about THE CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 203 six years, and then left on account of ill health. When his health was somewhat restored, he entered into practice at Amherst, N.H., and was there a num ber of years ; but sickness again compelled him to give up the active duties of his profession. He was sub sequently at Canton and South Scituate, Mass. In his earlier years, he had desired to be a clergyman ; but, on account of some bronchial difficulty, he relin quished the thought of the ministry. But, as years wore away, the cherished desire of his youth revived. While at Amherst, N.H., he wrote some sermon's, and preached occasionally in the neighboring towns ; his first effort being at Brookline, N.H., in 1837.' While at Canton, he preached there and elsewhere; and, when he removed to South Scituate, it was with the view of studying theology with Rev. Samuel J. May. In the years 1843 and 1844, he preached about six months each at Wayland, East' Bridgewater, and Pem broke ; being also engaged, at the same time, in the active duties of a physician. He was ordained, as an evangelist, at Kingston, Nov. 19, 1844 51 and, at the time he accepted the invitation to preach at Norton was supplying the pulpit at Southington, Conn. After leaving Norton, he preached for several months, during the summer and autumn, at Barnstable ; but a return of his bronchial disease obliged him to give up public speaking. In 1849, he settled in the practice of medicine at Woonsocket, R.I. ; where he remained till the autumn of 1853, when he bought a farm at East Medway, and removed thither; and is now there, attending to the duties of physician and far mer. He was originally of the allopathic school of medi cine ; but, while in Norton, became a convert to homoeo pathy, and has since been of that school. He married Nov. 3, 1825, Miss Martha Leland, of Warwick ¦ and has had five children. Christian Register, Nov. 30, 1844. 204 RECENT MINISTRY OF After Mr. Gale closed his labors, Rev. John N. Bel lows preached a short time as a candidate. The parish took action relative to his settlement, May 31, 1848, and decided not to invite him. July 8, 1848, a meet ing was called to consider the petition of Thomas Copeland and forty-six others, which was to see if the parish would invite Rev. William P. Tilden again to become their pastor ; and, by a vote of twenty-one to two, he .was re-called to assume the duties of that office, and was offered six hundred and fifty dollars yearly salary. Deacon Almond Tucker was authorized to communicate the vote to Mr. Tilden. Under the date of July 21, Mr. Tilden, in a long letter, after expressing his grateful acknowledgments for this fresh proof of their confidence in and kind regards for him, says," I do not think, under the cir cumstances, that it will be best for me to take again the office of pastor among you. I feel, therefore, that I must respectfully decline your kind invitation." This decision was a sad announcement to many of his old friends ; but they were not disheartened. No doubt his appeal to them, in the letter referred to, not to let " the disappointment " resulting from his decli nation " render them in any way indifferent to the settlement of a true Christian minister," did much good. They again looked about for a candidate ; and in a few days, or on Sunday, Aug. 6, Rev. Frederic Hinckley preached his first sermon from their pulpit. His services were acceptable to most of the people ; and, on the 11th of September, the parish voted, eighteen to six, " to invite Rev. Frederic Hinckley to settle in said society as a Gospel minister," and offered him six hundred dollars yearly salary. Three months' notice was to be given if either party wished to dissolve the relation. The Parish Committee were charged with the duty of informing the candidate of these votes. At an adjourned meeting, Sept. 25, Mr. Hinck ley's letter of acceptance was read. It was in these words : — THE CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 205 "Norton, Sunday Eve, Sept. 24th, 1848. Gents, — In reply to your letter of the 11th inst., en closing a copy of the vote of your society inviting me to settle with you, I return my acceptance of said invitation. "If agreeable to your Society, I will commence my duties on the 1st of October. The vote offering me $600 salary [says] nothing of the time of payment. If that could be semi-annually, in Jan. and July, it would be very acceptable to myself. " Yours in Christian sincerity, " Frederic Hincklet. " To Dauphin King, ) Stillman Smith, I Parish Committee." James 0. Messenger, ) It was then " voted to comply with Mr. Hinckley's request to commence on the first of Oct." — " Voted, that the installation be performed on the sabbath ; the parish reading the invitation of the society, and the ac ceptance of said invitation by Mr. Hinckley." The following we take from the church-records : — " Oct. 1st. — Rev. Frederic Hinckley, recently of Leicester, was this day installed as minister of this church and society. Dea. Stillman Smith read a statement of the engagement that had been entered into by the society and Mr. Hinckley; and, in the name of the former, welcomed their new Pastor to his new sphere of duty. In response, Mr. Hinckley accepted hip trust, and continued the services by a discourse on the ministerial relation." After a pastorate of about two years, Mr. Hinckley resigned ; and preached his farewell sermon, Oct 27 1850. Rev. Frederic Hinckley was born in Boston, Nov. 3, 1820 ; and was the son of Allen and Hannah Hinck ley. He attended the Adams Grammar School in his native city till nearly thirteen years of age, when he took the « Franklin Medal ; " after which, he spent three years in a city store ; then he was two years in the Public Latin School, and one year with a private tutor. He subsequently spent three years at the Divinity School, Cambridge ; and graduated therefrom 18 206 RECENT MINISTRY OF July, 1843. He was ordained at Windsor, Vt., Dec. 13, 1843. He also preached for a time at Leices ter, after leaving Windsor. Since leaving Norton, he has been settled at Haverhill; Hartford, Conn.; and is now pastor of a Unitarian church in Lowell. He married, Jan. 2, 1844, Miss Sarah A. Hews, daughter of Abraham Hews, Esq., of Boston ; and has had several children. The Parish Committee were authorized, Dec. 30, 1850, to invite Mr. George A. Carnes to preach till the annual meeting in March ; and he did so. From the 1st of April, 1851, to the middle of No vember of the same year, the following persons preached, — probably not all of them as candidates : Charles Robinson, Francis B. Knapp, Benjamin Kent, George W. Lippitt, Charles Briggs, William W. Heb- bard, Herman Snow, F. A. Whitney, D. W. Stevens, and J. K. Waite. George Osgood supplied from Nov. 16, 1851, to Jan. 26, 1852. From that time to the middle of April, Josiah K. Waite, Warren Bur ton, Samuel F. Clark, Solon W. Bush, and Charles Briggs, supplied the pulpit. Rev. George Faber Clark — after the society had heard some twenty candidates, more or less — com menced preaching April 18, 1852. He remained four Sundays. Rev. N. Whitman, in accordance with a previous arrangement, preached the last three Sun days of May. Mr. Clark returned, on the 1st of June, to fulfil an engagement of four weeks more. On the 26th of June, 1852, — having preached here seven Sundays, — the parish " voted unanimously to invite the Rev. George F. Clark to settle with said Society as their teacher and Pastor," with a yearly salary of six hundred dol lars. Hon. Cromwell Leonard, Hon. John Crane, and Ben jamin S. Hall,- were chosen a committee to inform the candidate of the votes just passed. They forthwith attended to their duty; and, through them, Mr. Clark returned an affirmative answer in these words : — I. Ct-lV. ii setllv -¦¦ six h-u tC'IS'S- ¦ ; tO .(r,.„ Upon li; J'ilK CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 2/T " Nojitmn, June 26th, 18B2. . vigors of the Congrcgationa! Palish. ¦ :-.¦•— 1 havi-;, through your Committee, re- .-.:•' V"i;s lhi:i day i>;.K-!..-d, inviting iu« to »¦ ¦>¦ :<¦¦:¦!' Piisfor, and < Jtf:- ring rae a salary of ,!¦<¦»¦¦ nrl -a hi'.?f the im i|.:.;i-j;i has been ex- :„-• ¦«¦-!? t ¦; t-K' : j«ud I oo i-,;f n.ot in my heart ':!¦'»¦- r:.i,'.,li,,,y ;;(;(xpt ,:.. «/¦-,•:! y,-ij] enter ¦ v- ','¦ .. .,<¦) 'ji'St-.,. fn J';i:-;\;;- ;,.r -...-¦¦>.. ;i,-.;,. .-.,,. >,V(, It was then -,-,,;, to the int-.i-ii.Uiti-.-.. Committee." \< M\i -ill the arn.-ueiro v .-'i^;-ri,.d lu i)v.< Slt.1:\ f;b.ifk continued the the pulpit. _ Tin:; -'.>. vallation took placi Aug. 11, 1 ;-,,'.•.>. 's'i. •< council " w;u: eaU ciiurcncs Mere r to be pro- -'it, :.u which K1;, •¦¦- -. i :ed bv their ni^tor '.IS -._¦>! UK' (Il.'ti- liig i v-'lt vii:ij-:. Vl'i.aVVr..! nn, by i' -"•• [Vilest the (jf.-.t! wc -save tboir a-->n : ..-' .tui'Js of corn'.. .- M'in of Nazavs;!' Mint ,•),.,;,, ;i„-.-,, . ' •:• f. . !-.T--.4 ,-- . t . A,;. !':,..,,,,,.,» Let that Spirit on thy servant Be, as erst it was on Him ; Then his lips shall be as fervent As are those of seraphim j THE CONGBEGATTONAL PARISH. 207 " Nokton, June 26th, 1852. " To the members of the Congregational Parish. "Gentlemen, — I have, through your Committee, re ceived a copy of the votes this day passed, inviting me to settle with you as your Pastor, and offering me a salary of six hundred dollars per year. " The unanimity with which the invitation has been ex tended is very grateful to me; and I do not feel in my heart to decline it. ' I therefore cordially accept it, and will enter upon the discharge of the duties as Pastor at such time as we may be able hereafter to determine upon. " Most sincerely and truly yours, &c, " G. F. Clakk." It was then voted, that all the arrangements relating to the installation " be referred to the standing Parish Committee." Mr. Clark continued the supply of the pulpit. The installation took place Wednesday, Aug. 11, 1852. No " council " was called ; but eight churches were invited by their pastor and delegates to be present, and assist in the installation services, which were in the order given below : — Anthem. Introductory Prayer, and Reading of the Scrip tures, by Rev. William A. "Whitwell, of Easton. Hymn, by Rev. J. Pierpont : — Thou who pitiest the heart-broken, And dost save their souls from death ; Who hast words of comfort spoken By the Man of Nazareth; — Hath thy Spirit clean departed, That of old, by Jesus, gave Healing to the broken-hearted, And deliverance to the slave ; Brought to life a sleeping maiden By the hand of death oppressed j And, to laborers heavy-laden, Promised that their souls should rest? m Let that Spirit on thy servant Be, as erst it was on Him ; Then his lips shall be as fervent As are those of seraphim; — 208 EECENT MINISTRY OP And the gospel that he preacheth Shall his Master's gospel be; And the doctrine that he teacheth With the Saviour's shall agree ; — And the hearer that believeth That old gospel shall be blest: He that doeth it receiveth " Peace on earth," and heavenly rest. Sermon by Rev. S. F. Clark, of Athol, — brother of the Pas tor elect; Prayer of Installation by Rev. L.-W. Leonard, D.D., of Dublin, N.H.; Charge by Rev. William P. Tilden, of Walpole, N.H.; Right Hand by Rev. D. W. Stevens, of Mansfield ; Hymn 764th of " Christian Hymns ; " 1 Address to the Society, and Concluding Prayer, by Rev. C. H. Brig- ham, of Taunton ; Anthem ; Benediction by the Pastor. The connection between the pastor and people, com menced under such favorable auspices, still continues. On the first Sunday of November, 1857, and at the morning services of six successive Sundays, the pas tor set forth some of his views in relation to " the Church," and the need of making it a more simple, democratic, and evangelical institution than it has been for centuries past ; and closed with the presenta tion of a Declaration of Principles that should form the basis of a true, broad, liberal Christian church ; which should unite in its embrace all the moral and religious life of the community, in opposition to the shocking inhumanities, monstrous wrongs, and un christian practices, that are perpetrated by the strong upon the weak and defenceless sons and daughters of earth. After having been discussed at several public meetings, and considered by the church on two separate occasions, they were unanimously adopted as a substi tute for the covenant which we have recorded on page 201. We here give them to our readers, with the hope that this little lump of leaven will lead to a wide spread movement of raising all true and sincere fol lowers of Jesus' to the broad platform of thinking differently in love, — to the unity of the spirit in the 1 The Collection of Hymns used by the society. THE CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 209 bonds of peace. And may God hasten the day ! Un til it comes, may all — " Learn to labor and to wait." DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES, Unanimously adopted by the First Congregational Church in Norton, Feb. 6, 1868. Wishing to be no longer strangers, and feeling ourselves heirs of the covenant confirmed before of God to the fathers, we the undersigned, pastor and people, parents and children, constituting the First Church in Norton, of the liberal church of Massachusetts, of the church universal, — of which God is the founder, and Christ the head, — hereby express our faith in God, the Father; in the religion taught and exemplified by his Son, Jesus Christ ; and in the truths of the Bible. We recognize the church, co-ordinately with the family and the state, as a divine and permanent form of human society. Believing that it is the sacred privilege of all to judge for themselves what is right, we leave all our members per fectly free to go directly to the Scriptures, and all other sources of divine truth, to learn of God and Christ and duty. Our object is to labor together for the promotion of Chris tian righteousness in our hearts and the world. Hence, as members of the church universal, we extend our fellowship to all Christian believers, invite their sympathy and aid, and will joyfully co-operate with them in the work of the gospel. We aim at the highest Christian culture, spiritual birth and growth, and the perfection of our natures ; To seek a true knowledge, and the pure practice of Chris tianity ; To make our homes tbe abodes of Christian virtue and truth ; To bring up our children in the nurture and admonition. of the Lord ; To cultivate an affectionate and Christian interest in each other's welfare ; To be temperate in all things ; To do good as we have opportunity ; To break the yoke of civd and religious tyranny,, and let the oppressed everywhere go free; To do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God • " And, as far as in us lies, to live peaceably with all men. 18* 210 RECENT MINISTRY OP THE CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 211 To aid in tbe work for which we are associated, there shall be chosen annually, on the first Tuesday of January, — 1. A Pastoral Committee, consisting of the minister, and five brothers and five sisters, whose duty it shall be to consult together for the general religious interests of the church ; tbe lay-members aiding the minister in his pastoral intercourse with the people, in becoming acquainted with their spiritual wants, in promoting a Christian spirit of bro therly love, and in building up a true church of Christ. 2. A Philanthropic Committee, consisting of the mini ster, and three brothers and three sisters, whose duty it shall be to devise plans of philanthropic action, and superintend the execution of them. 3. A Committee on the Sunday School, consisting of the minister, the superintendent, and two brothers and three sisters, whose duty it shall be to look after the interests of the children and youth ; to encourage their attendance at the church and the Sunday school ; and consult together for their moral and religious interests. Any person wishing to unite with us in this purpose of re ligious worship, education, fellowship, and philanthropy, can do so by affixing his or her name to this Declaration of Prin ciples. Rev. George Faber Clark was the twelfth child and eighth son of Jonas and Mary (Twitchel) Clark, of Dublin, N.H. ; and was born Feb. 24, 1817. He was the grandson of William and Sarah (Locke) Clark, of Townsend, Mass. ; great-grandson of William and Eunice (Taylor) Clark, of Townsend ; and the great- great-grandson of Samuel Clark (whose wife was Re becca Nichols ?), who settled at Concord, Mass., about the year 1680, and who was probably born in Lon don, and came to America, with his father, about 1660, when a small boy. The mother of Rev. G. F. Clark was the daughter of Abel Twitchel, of Dublin, N.H. ; who was the son of Joseph and Deborah (Fairbanks) Twitchel, of Sher- born, Mass. ; grandson of Joseph and Elizabeth (Hol- brook) Twitchel, of Sherborn ; great-grandson of Joseph and Lydia Twitchel, of Sherborn : great-great- grandson of Benjamin and Mary Twitchel, of Sherborn r and Lancaster ; and great-great-great-grandson of Jo seph Twitchel, who probably came from Dorsetshire, England, about 1633, and settled at Dorchester, Mass., and was admitted to the freeman's oath, May 14, 1634.1 Jonas Clark, the father of the subject of this sketch, was a clothier by trade; and built the first clothier's shop or fulling-mill in Dublin, N.H. In the excellent and somewhat celebrated common schools of that town, Rev. Mr. Clark was educated till his fifteenth year. He was also, for some years, a constant member of the Sunday school connected with the Congregational society under the pastoral care of Rev. Levi W. Leonard ; who, by his untiring zeal and labors in the cause of popular education and sound morality, has won for himself the enviable appellation of "the Oberlin of Cheshire County." On the 17th of October, 1831, Mr. Clark was ap prenticed to Andrews Emery, of Jaffrey, N.H., to learn the art and mystery of shoemaking. His term of ser vice was to extend till he was twenty-one years old, with the privilege of attending the short school of two months in the winter of each year. Having served about half his term of apprenticeship, he became interested in religion, and was impressed with an ardent desire to labor for the cause of truth and humanity; and, therefore, determined that he would " quit the bench for the pulpit." Accordingly, having matured his plans, when nine teen years of age, with the consent of his father, and not without some misgivings on his part, he pur chased his time of his employer ; and in September, 1836, with only fifteen dollars in his pocket, and en tirely dependent upon his own resources, he entered Melville Academy", at Jaffrey, N.H., and commenced preparing for college. The coming winter, he taught a school of six weeks' duration ; and in February, 1837, entered Phillips i For more particulars of the Twitchels, see history of the familv bv Rev. Abner Morse, of Sherborn. " 212 RECENT MINISTRY OP Exeter Academy, at Exeter, N.H., with the hope of obtaining assistance from the beneficiary fund of that institution. He failed, however, to receive any aid. But still he pursued his studies ; teaching school in winter, and sometimes returning for a few months to his trade of shoemaking, in order to acquire the " material aid " necessary to prosecute his plans. In the spring of 1840, — a few weeks before he was to leave the acade my for the college, — his health gave away; and, for about eighteen months, he was unable to study ; during which time, he relinquished the idea of a collegiate education, but afterwards pursued his studies, at Exeter and elsewhere, till August, 1843, when he en tered the Theological School connected with Harvard College, Cambridge ; from which, having completed the course of study prescribed, he graduated in July, 1846 ; being about two hundred dollars in debt for his education. He immediately went to Leverett, Mass., where he preached about three months. In February, 1847, he preached a few Sundays at Charlemont, Mass. ; and, in March following, he was invited to take the charge of the remnant of a society there. His eyes having become very weak before completing his theological studies, so as to disallow their con tinuous use, and some encouragement having been given him that his services would be acceptable, a part of the time, in the neighboring town of Shelburne, — where there was a small band of liberal Christians, — he decided to labor in that "hill country" for a season ; and went thither the 1st of April, and preached for thirteen months to the two societies of Charlemont and Shelburne, — about one-third of the time at the latter place. Aug. 11, 1847, he was ordained at Charle mont as an evangelist. On the 23d of April, 1848, he was invited to take charge of the society at Warwick. He accepted the in vitation, and was installed there Sunday, p.m., May 14, 1848. After a ministry of four years, he dissolved his connection with that society on the first Sunday of THE CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 213 April, 1852 ; and, in two weeks from that day, preached his first sermon at Norton. He married, April 1, 1847, Miss Harriet Emery, born Dec. 28, 1817. She was the daughter of Daniel, jun., and Polly (Felt) Emery, of Jaffrey, N.H. For many years after the organization of the religious society in this town, there were no hymn-books for the choir or the worshippers generally. It was customary for one of the deacons, in his official seat, to read two lines of a hymn, which the choir would sing ; he would then repeat two more, which were sung ; and so on to the close of the hymn. An edition of Watts's " Psalms and Hymns " was used till after the death of Rev. P. Clarke. When this book was introduced is unknown. On the erection of a new house, and the settlement of Rev. Mr. Bridge, Hon. Samuel Crocker, George A. Crocker, and S. 0. Dunbar, of Taunton, presented a sufficient number of hymn-books for their use to the society ; for which a vote of thanks was returned March 28, 1836. These books were generally known as the " New- York Collection ; " first published, we believe, in 1820. In 1850, the parish, by a vote, agreed to change their hymn-books ; and adopted the book entitled " Christian Hymns," known as the •" Cheshire Collection," compiled, by a committee of the Cheshire Pastoral Association of New Hampshire, in 1844. A sufficient number were purchased by the parish for the choir, and one for each pew in the meeting-house. On the 1st of May, 1850, the ladies of the parish held a tea-party and fair, the proceeds of which were to be used to purchase an organ for the meeting-house. They were successful in their efforts : and the organ was bought, Aug. 28, 1850, of George Stevens, of Cam bridge, at a cost of five hundred dollars ; and was immediately placed in the gallery, back of the singing- seats. By good judges, it is said to be a very fine in strument for the price at which it was bought. 214 DEACONS OF THE CHAPTER XVI. DEACONS OF THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. "The deacona must be grave; not double-tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre." — Piui. The exact number of deacons that have officiated in the Congregational church, and the time when all of them were chosen, &c., I have been unable to ascer tain. During Mr. Palmer's ministry, with the exception of baptisms and admissions, the church-records are quite incomplete. We believe, however, that the list of deacons we give below comprises about all who have been chosen to that office by the Congregational church since its organization. Probably, for about sixteen years after the church was established, there was but one deacon. Between the pulpit and the congregation, in the first and second meeting-house, was what was called the " deacons' seat ; " because it was always occupied by them on Sunday during divine service, if present at meeting. There are those living who well recollect when the deacons' seat was occupied by Deacon Seth Smith and Deacon Daniel Dean ; and, still later, by Deacon Asa Copeland and Deacon Lysander Make peace. Dec. 9, 1714, Nicholas White was chosen the first deacon ; and he officiated, without doubt, till 1737, when he was dismissed, with others, for the purpose of forming a new church in the North Precinct. He took a conspicuous part in establishing the North Precinct of Norton, and the formation of the church there ; of which he was also the first deacon. (See early settlers, p. 92.) July 6, 1730, John Briggs, " the eldest," was chosen deacon ; and probably held the office till he died, June 29, 1750. (See early settlers, p. 77.) CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 215 Sept. 5, 1734, John Briggs, 2d, was chosen. He was dismissed Dec. 18, 1745, at his own request, for being " disguised with strong drink." He was select man two years, and assessor five. (See early settlers.) Dec. 9. 1736, Joseph Hodges was elected deacon. He was born about the year 1689, and was the son of Elder Henry and Esther (Gallup) Hodges, of Taunton, and grandson of William Hodges, the common ancestor of all the Hodges' families in this vicinity ; who " probably came to America " as early as 1633, and was at Taunton in 1643. Deacon Joseph - Hodges married, March 11, 1712, Bethiah Williams ; and soon afterwards settled in the south erly part of this town, at what was called the "Crooked Meadow," on the farm now owned and occupied by Ezra Perry. He had eight children.1 He was the " Major Joseph Hodges " who went on an expedition to Cape Breton in 1745 ; and is supposed to have died while absent on that expedition, aged about fifty-seven. In civil as well as in military affairs, he was a man of some note; having been six years one of the selectmen, and four years an assessor, and one year a representa tive to the General Court. We here give his auto graph, written in 1729. May 1, 1746, John Andrews and Benjamin Hodges were chosen deacons. Mr. Andrews was eight years one of the assessors, one year a selectman, and two years town-treasurer (see early settlers, p. 75). Mr. Hodges was the son of Elder Henry Hodges ; and, of course, brother of .Deacon Joseph Hodges, already mentioned. He lived' at the southerly part of the town, near " Crooked Meadow," where Ephraim Allen now (1858) resides. His wife's name was Abialf. He had seven (?) children, and probably died in the l See Hodges' Family Record, by Almond D. Hodges, Esq., p. 14. 216 DEACONS OP THE autumn of 1754; for, on the 9th of December of that year, William Stone is chosen « a precent Comittee- man, in the Room of Benjamin Hodges, deceased." lie was frequently moderator of the church-meetings between the ministry of Mr. Avery and that of Mr. Palmer. His autograph was written in 1749. <#£*£/ cc^n^fL. yy Benjamin Copeland and Samuel Dean were chosen V^Tl 2rCt;1.2, 1754, Mr- C°Peland was the seventh child of William and Mary (Bass) (Webb) Copeland, of braintree, and the grandson of Lawrence and Lydia Copeland of Braintree ; and was born in that town, Oct. 5, 1708.1 He married, Nov. 21, 1734, Sarah Allen ; and removed to Norton with his family about 1739, where he carried on the business of a tanner and currier, at the place now (1858) owned by his grand son Capt. Thomas Copeland. He had eight or nine children; and died at the good old age of eighty-two, uct. z\), i/yy. His autograph was written in 1752. Mr. Dean — the son of Deacon Samuel Dean, of launton, grandson of John, and great-grandson of John who settled at Taunton about 1638 — was born Oct 17, 1700 He married, first, Mary Avery ; second, Rachel D wight ; third, Widow Margaret King 2 He settled in Norton as early as 1727, and lived here for a few years; and then removed to Dedham, where he kept a public-house for a time. He returned to Norton in 1747 (?), and lived at the place owned, and probably built the house now (1858) occupied by 1 See Familv Memorial. 2 See Dean Family, Genealogical Register, vol. iii. p. 385. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 217 Elkanah Wood, sen. He died March 30, 1775. give his autograph, written in 1752. We JanrriA-J) e^ " Deacon Benjamin Pearson's" name appears on the valuation-list of 1777; but when he was chosen is un known. He married Sarah Stone, Aug. 19, 1741 ; and he was then said to be " of Mortlone," but probably soon afterwards settled in Norton. His second wife was Abiah Shaw; married May 26, 1784. He died March 2, 1799, supposed to be " more than 80 years old." In March, 1779, " Dea. Daniel Dean " was chosen one of the selectmen. When he was chosen deacon is unknown ; but probably it was either in 1778 or the winter of 1779. He was the son of Deacon Samuel Dean, already mentioned; and was born about 1745, probably at Dedham. He married, Sept. 27, 1770, Lydia Whitman, of Bridgewater, and had two chil dren. He was selectman seven years, assessor two, and representative one ; lived on the homestead of his father ; and died Feb. 7, 1805, in the sixtieth year of his age. March 15, 1784, I find the name of "Dea. Seth Smith " on the parish-records ; but when he was chosen deacon is unknown. He was the son of Seth and Elizabeth (Allen) Smith, who were married at Weston, Sept. 30, 1725; and might have been the grandson of Nicholas Smith, one of the first settlers of the town ; for he had a son Seth. Deacon Smith was born Sept. 13, 1734. He had four wives. First, Sarah Cobb, 2d, married Oct. 10, 1754; by whom he had six children. She died May 13, 1768. Se cond, Esther Dean, 2d ; married Sept. 19, 1769. Had by her two children. She died Dec. 8, 1787. Third, Lois Fisher, of Taunton ; married 1788 (?). She died Aug. 18, 1794.- Fourth, Mrs. (?) Anna Hodges, of Taunton. He died Sept. 9, 1813. He 19 *18 DEACONS OF THE April 1, 1803, Asa Copeland and Lysander Make peace were chosen deacons. Deacon Copeland was the son of Deacon Benjamin Copeland, already men tioned ; was b jjay 8, 1752, and 'lived Ltll old homestead of his father. He married Rachel Briggs, about 1781, and had eight children F0 second wife, lie married, Sept. 3, 1801, Abigail New comb He probably resigned Dec. 2, 1824 • for It that time, "It was voted that the thanks of the churcl be presented to Dea. Asa Copeland, for the long and useful services he has afforded the church f lus office." He died Dec. 14, 1829. Deacon Makepeace remained in office till the spring of 1832 ; when hfand others withdrew from the church, and organized tie Tnmtanan society. For further account of him, see history of that society. ' Dec. 2, 1824, Daniel Lane was elected deacon in Ami? 22* mt83 °i0pelai1?,' re/igned- He ™s b°™ V J ' l,1 ' %nd was the fourth son of Ephraim and Ehzabeth (Copeland) Lane, the grander of Ephraim and Mehitable (Stone) Lane, grL-grZson of Ephraim and Ruth (" Shepperson") Lane, and the great-great-grandson of John Lane, one of the first settlers of this town. Like most of the young of his time, Deacon Lane enjoyed but few advantages for obtaining an education; yet, by observation and ex perience, he succeeded in storing his mind with much practical wisdom and good sense; so that his counsel was often sought for, and valued by his friends and townsmen. He served the town four years as select man ; and was also chosen once or twice more to that office but declined to accept it. Subsequently, he was four years one of the assessors of the town He was more than thirty-eight years a member of the n1 s essor one. [lis auio- J^ (' .:¦*( >...-.c X pi-c ¦•:¦ ,. eful >,.., :' :c." 1 •.i^i.e.! ¦ >' .-S'-:! L-, <-and-!r Makc- '¦'-',t,-'--; ' ¦ ''- •• 0:i • \vcl\iid wa.-i ^¦¦' '•¦<¦'¦ ' < ii,:.i' :.' ' ':.'-¦': Jm'L ..ii'.ia iv ino.il- '¦'""-'- *' ','"' ii.:>L, ami ii-.c,1 i,. i ;j]e *¦'"'' ,lii ;_- ! i.t?;a:-r. lie married Rachel ¦¦i'i;l 1 «"''• 's'f'i bad eight children. For ¦>¦•¦¦'<:¦.. h-. ;-. ,: i-.-,l, Sept. 3, 1801, Abigail xV.-w- U" o. j'^i:i:, , signed Dec. 2, 182-i': for, at ' ;( v-;^ voi- d thai the thanks of the church '' i :'•¦ '''.'a. A.v, >•;!•.•.¦ n;. the ffirir-?- of 1832 ; when he and •1' "'¦ !:-'i': the dm -''h, and orgaimr-d Luc : ¦!:•'¦'; P'>r fnrt hd' account of him, see ' •• - : :" '• 'i I--.- " 'V.j- oli'.-'Cil h-:-'-.,o ;u -: -..u vi -\-ui•!"< it .-<>•<: ul Fpliraim ' ¦¦ I -oo.-, the li-i-and.^oh of •:¦-- !:sil'^ ( .^oi-^i Line, great-grandson ^e:.wf^(m'"i Lane, and the :"¦'.' ¦'.¦v'-.--'~- '¦¦¦¦ ¦:t---i-' !-,.'-,' i.-n-.,c. one of tho first ""-''¦.- ',-..•-•- .,,,.* -.-. ' ,-fc ,.,..,-' ,>.'' Uic young- of his t ¦-: '¦ •¦•¦-'¦ •-.-.. ! !'; :; ivanb.ges for '- ''¦'¦•:"¦ ¦*! • ?.-:"(, '-) ,i!''Mf\at..iu and cs- '¦¦ "¦ ¦¦¦ ''¦¦ ¦' -• '¦-¦'¦o, >;.i yoi:.,i with much '¦' ': ¦'- ¦• ¦'¦*¦ . ¦ ":-.-.v. ;¦.-> ihai, his counsel -..!.; .-.? by h-s friends and '¦'¦''¦•¦¦ •' ¦'• iu:,-: years as teloct- ¦'' ¦ :»¦"¦ <>f iv- ice more to that office, but declined to accepi ii. Subsequently, be was four years one of the assessors of the town. He was more than thirty-eight years a member of the i nW« r .'.i* «.»:"' ^>^ ct—k^-^r-J -dCo^T, ^ CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 219 church ; and held the office of deacon about twelve years, when he resigned. On the 30th of September, 1836, when his successor was chosen, it was " voted that the thanks of the church be presented to Dea. Daniel Lane, for the long and useful services he has afforded the church in his office." As an officer of the church, his many virtues, his practical good sense, his love of peace, his unostentatious life, rendered his advice of great value ; and especially was it so to his venerable pastor in the trying scene through which he passed two or three years before his death. In all the positions of life he occupied, he was faithful and re liable. He married, Nov. 12, 1794, Eunice Danforth ; and they had ten children. He died Nov. 1, 1857, aged eighty-six years, six months, and nine days ; and all feel that a " good old man " has gone from us. He retained his faculties, in a remarkable degree, to the last. Seldom was he absent from church on Sun day. He was able to labor, and did labor, up to within forty-eight hours of his death ; which was caused by taking a sudden cold. April 4, 1833, Stillman Smith was chosen in place of Deacon Makepeace, who had previously withdrawn from the church. He was the son of Araunab and Eleanor (Leonard) Smith, grandson of David and Abigail (Gilbert) Smith, and great-grandson of Seth and Elizabeth (Allen) Smith ; and was born Oct. 27, 1793. He married Eunice Wetherell, 2d, Nov. 28, 1816, by whom he had six children. His wife died Oct. 21, 1856. Sept. 30, 1836, Almond Tucker was elected deacon. He was born June 15, 1804 ; and is the son of Benajah and Lydia (Hunt) Tucker, grandson of Benajah and Mehitable (Allen) Tucker, great-grandson of Cornelius and Waitstill (Eddy) Tucker, and great-great-grandson of Robert Tucker, one of the first settlers of the town. Deacon Tucker married Betsy Hathaway, of Dighton, in 1829, and had eight children by her. She died July 27, 1843. In 1845, he married, for second wife, Nancy C. White, and has had one child by her. He 220 MEETING-HOUSES OP THE CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 221 resigned his office, Jan. 29, 1854 ; and, in 1856, removed to Attleborough, where he now (1858) re sides. Dec. 3, 1854, Adolphus Day Hunt was chosen the successor of Deacon Tucker. He was born July 13, 1808. He is the son of Josiah and Fanny (Lincoln) Hunt, and the grandson of Samuel and Abigail (Day) Hunt. He married, in 1835, Emily J. Drown, of Attleborough ; and has had by her two children. Deacon Smith and Deacon Hunt are now (1858) the officiating deacons of the church. CHAPTER XVII. MEETING-HOUSES OF THE CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. " The grores were God's first temples." — Betakt. We have already seen, on page 33, that the site for a meeting-house was designated by a committee of tbe General Court, during the precinct controversy. It was to be located on the northward side of the road leading to Crossman's Way, where that road was in tersected by the one leading from John Hodges' to Beech Island. This* would bring the location at the lower part of the Common between the Mansion House and the house occupied by George W. Wilde, a few feet southerly from the Hayscales. As soon as the precinct-bill had passed the General Court, and re ceived the signature of the governor, the inhabitants made active preparations for the speedy erection of a house of public worship, where they and their children could enjoy " the meens of Grace." They had strug gled too long and earnestly in this matter to be easily turned aside from their purpose. They knew what they wanted, and what they could do. Hence they went to work with the zeal almost of the prophets of old ; and in three months and two days after the court established the precinct, or Jan. 18, 1709-10, a tax-bill of £42 was made for the erection of a meeting house, and placed in the hands of Constable Samuel Hodges for collection. We here give it to our readers : — KATE-BILL FOR THE FIRST MEETING-HOUSE. Personal NAMES. Heads. Real Estate. Estate. £ *. £ s. d. £ s. d. George Leonard .... 01 00 01 07 03 01 02 08 Samuell Brintnell . 01 00 00 05 09 00 15 04 Samuell Hodges . 00 10 00 02 06 00 07 02 John Cob .' . . 01 00 00 00 00 00 03 06 John Smith . . . 00 10 00 01 00 00 06 07 Selvanis Cambell . 00 10 00 01 08 00 05 04 Nathaniell Fisher . 00 10 00 00 08 00 02 04 Andrew Grovier . 00 10 00 00 09 00 03 11 Ephreim Grovier . 00 10 00 00 09 00 04 06 Thomas Grovier . 00 10 00 00 09 00 07 06 Nathaniell Hodges 00 10 00 01 09 00 06 03 John Hodges . . 00 10 00 09 07 00 09 06 Thomas Stevens . 00 10 00 09 07 00 06 09 Eliezer Edy . . 00 10 00 00 07 00 05 00 Ebenezer Edy . . 00 10 00 00 08 00 05 10 Benjamin Newland • 00 10 00 00 09 00 01 06 Robert Tucker . . 00 10 00 00 09 00 02 04 Nicholas White 00 10 00 03 01 00 10 04 John Andrews . . 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 John Skiner 00 10 00 01 08 00 03 07 John Hall . . . 00 10 00 00 09 00 06 02 Joseph Brigs 00 10 00 00 10 00 03 03 Richard Brigs . . 00 10 00 01 03 00 01 00 Eliezer Fisher . . 00 10 00 01 05 00 03 06 Israeli Fisher . . 00 10 00 00 00 00 01 06 Benjamin Williams 00 10 00 01 07 00 05 06 John Wetharell 00 10 00 08 00 00 09 10 William Wetharell 00 10 00 02 02 00 07 00 John Austin . . 00 10 00 02 03 00 07 03 Nicolas Smith . . 00 10 00 08 10 00 05 02 J, 19' 222 MEETING-HOUSES OP THE Rate-Bill, continued. NAMES. John Brigs, Jun. . John Caswell . . Benjamin Caswell . John Newland . . Seth Dorman . . Jeremiah Wetherell Joseph Eliot . . William Hodges . Mathew White Ephreim Sheldon . Isaac Shapard . . , William Wetharell, Jun. John Brigs, Sen. . Daniel Braman John Lane . . . Peter Aldrich . . Nathaniell Hervey £ s. 00 10 01 00 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 Real Estate. Personal Estate. £ *. 00 01 d. 00 00 01 01 00 04 03 00 05 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 01 05 00 00 06 00 00 09 00 00 00 080905 £ s. d. 00 03 09 00 08 08 00 04 07 00 08 10 00 01 06 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 05 04 00 05 00 00 02 06 00 01 00 01 00 03 06 00 01 06 00 06 00 01 06 06 06 06 06 11 06 "This Rate, being for the building a meeting-house in Taun ton north precinct, was made by us, the subscribers, this 18 day of Jen., 1709-10, being 42 pounds and 21 shillings put in for the constable. "George Leonard,") . John Skinner, } Assesors. Without a doubt, the house was erected early in the spring of 1710, on the site designated by the court's committee. Rev. Pitt Clarke says it stood " about ten feet" to the east of the second meeting-house. The site of the second house is marked on the map, in the introductory chapter ; and it will be seen at a glance, that there was good ground for the complaints we have recorded in the third chapter (pp. 30 and'31), on account of the first meeting-house not being located near the centre of the precinct. Of the dimensions of this house we can learn nothing. It, no doubt, fronted directly to the south ; and was a respectable house for those times. Yet, we CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 223 presume, it was not much better than many of the barns at the present day. When built, it had a gallery on three sides. The house was not completely finished for some years after its erection. In 1714, — the year that Mr. Avery was ordained, — a rate of twenty pounds was made towards finishing the meeting house. There were probably no pews, or at least but one or two, for several years after its occupancy for public worship. In the early history of New England, as soon as convenient after the erection of a house of worship, a pew was made for the minister. Some of tbe richest and most aristocratic citizens of the town sometimes also indulged in such a luxury ; but, if they did so, it was at their own expense. The people generally, in their poverty, were obliged to put up with such accommodations as could be procured without much trouble or expense. Rude boards, or plank seats without any backs, — perhaps laid upon blocks or stones, thus giving them a proper elevation above the floor in front and at the sides of tbe pulpit, — were, in those times, considered amply sufficient for the physical comfort of those who went to the house of God for the sole purpose of worship. Yet, even on these poor apologies for scats, the people were not al lowed to arrange themselves promiscuously at pleasure or convenience. The men were usually seated on one side of the broad aisle or the passage leading from the front-door to the pulpit, and the women on the other. The wealth and rank or the standing of the individual in society also determined whether he should have a front or a back seat. At a meeting held May 23, 1715, the matter of seating the meeting-house was considered, and acted upon. The record says, — " Whereas they Voted at a Town-meeting, may tbe 2 day, 1715, to have the Inhabitants of the Town seated in the meeting-House according to order, they now Voted to choose a Committee to Seet the people as abovesaid : and yt the said Committee Shall have power to Seet the people in all the Seets in the raeeting-IIouse, Except tbe pews and the pew 224 MEETING-HOUSES OP THE Round the Tab e ; which place the Town Reserves to them selves to Seet, When they Se cause, or to take down, and fofloSeth-— ^ t0 the C°mmittee To act h7 w^re as "That they have Respect, in the first place, to What Every one hath payd to the building of the meeting-House; Secondly to what Every one doth now pay to the mantainino- 0f the mimster, and other Town-Charges; thirdly, that they have Respect to Age; and that There famalyes are Seeted ac cordingly. "They made Choice of George Leonard, Samuel Brint- nall, Nicholas Wlnte, Thomas Stevens, and John Brio-s to be a committee to Seet the meeting-house as abovesaid."" "October the 24th, 1715, the committee that ware Ap pointed to Seet the meeting-house made their Report to the iown, by a wnteing under their hands, how they had Seeted the Inhabitants of the Town in the meeting-house; Which TownSCkrk"hen ^ t0 ^ T°Wn b/ Ge°rge Leonard- As soon as the people are seated " according to order in the meeting-house, the town undertake to regulate other matters, as the vote we here dve shows : — < ° "Nov. 29th 1715, It was put to vote, Wether the pew Round the Table where the Deacon Sets shoold be Taken down or whether it shoold stand and not be Took down ; and the Vote past that it shoold stand, and not be Took down — it being a very clear vote. "Nicholas Smith Entered his protest against it." Sept. 18, 1716, the town voted " To Samuel Hodo-es for Timber about the meeating-Hous, 01—01—06." In a short time, the pew near the deacon's seat be came again a source of trouble. We here present the reader with the proof: — "At a Town-meeting in July 24th, 1717, The town did voat that ye act that ye town passed the 29th day of novem- ber, 171o, that the pew agining to the Decon's seat shuld stand, — the town do at this time Repeall said act, and make it null, void, and of no Effect, as tho' it had never been • and the said pew be taken down and Removed ; and that thar be CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 225 a Raid Sett up before the decon's seatt, and faced with bords, as it was bult at first, and a Communion-table bult on the toape thereof; and the Raills, befor the fore seats that was Cutt, to be bult out to their former Lingth again. "It being a very clear voat, & not one negative to the Contrary. Emediatley Leftenant Brintinal, George Leonard, Thomas Stephens, Joseph Briggs, Beniamin newland, Eliazer fisher, Se., Thomas Grover, Se., John Hall, Thomas Skiner, Se., Ephraem Grover, Enteread thare protest against it. " Jeremiah basit Entred his protest in the Evninff of sd. day." 8 '| Norton, July ye 27, 1717, & beniamin williams protests against the town Repeling aney former act made by the towne of norton, that the pue or Seat Round the tabl before ye pulpit in the meeting-hous, in sd. norton, should stand, & be Sealed ; allso against town's, or ane Comity chosen the last town-meeating, taking down or altring said pew or seat, or the too fore seats belo, in sd. meeting-hous." How the matter was settled the record saith not: probably the pew was " took down." Nov. 2, 1719, there was voted by, the town "To John Briggs, grand Se., for Sweeping the meating-house, 01—00—00; To Richard Briggs, for Locking and unlocking the meeating-hous, 01 — 02 — 09."' For some years subsequent, similar votes were passed, — John Briggs receiving, for sweeping, one pound ; and Richard Briggs, for unlocking the house, thirteen shillings and sixpence. In 1738, there was " voted to the Rev. Mr. Joseph Avery, for his negro's sweeping the meeting-House, and Locking and unlocking tbe same, £2 — 0 — 0." In later years, after his dismission, Mr. Avery was paid for " sweeping and Looking after the meating- house." Oct. 16, 1721, " voted to pay Ebenezer Burt, for mend ing the ketch of ye meeting-house dore, 0 — 1 — 0." Dec. 31, 1722, it was "voted yt ye interest of ye towne of norton's Part of ye Last fifty thousand Pounds Bank Shall Go towards ye finishing of Norton meeting-house." 226 MEETING-HOUSES OP THE thatTe nL f '„ltrWaS V°ted that the Selectmen that are now shall Lay out our town's Part of the Interest money that was Granted towards ye fin" h n I ye mectnig-house ; that they shall Lay it out towards mendii ii"!." r l ^^ ?e sd" ™etWhousc, and in mending ye Glass, some time this fall comine; and Give a acount of theyr doings tharein to ye towne " Sept. 14, 1724, voted "to Elezer fisher, for worke about ye meeting-house, 0—18—1 " Sept. 26, 1732 " Voted to John Wetherel, Sen, for ye comumon-table, & nails and bords & work dun apon that akounte, the sum of 01—0—0 " At a precinct-meeting held Nov. 24," 1737, they "Voted for Wring the meeting-house, and for makeing the Precint-Rate, and to Git a Lock for d meeting-House, the sum of £10—00—00." "Sept. 25th 1739 the Precint Voted for to Raise another Gallery above the other Gallery; that ye meetinghouse be Borded below, and claborded above, where it is° wa„tin- ha John Andrews, Benjamin Hodges, and Ephraim Se' shall be a Comitee to Buld a Galcy [and] too [makTl Seeta' all over the other Galerys, and Bord and Clabord S mee ing-house whare it is wantiirg Round the outside a? the Cl7Z^\l7^J'M^ the G^'> »1 Wording and It is somewhat doubtful whether these votes were houso'wn'1^ Ult,° Cffe,Ct- If S°' jt is evident «'at the house was graced or ^graced with the two galleries, one above the other. If the second gallery was added tT! "h bcen/o»e- ^ judge from the record- by raising the roof up so as to give more height to the house. We think the upper gallery would have CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 227 been rather an awkward place to be seated in. Per haps it was designed more especially for the negroes. The project of building a new meeting-house was mooted in 1740, but not much progress made in that direction : for at a precinct-meeting on the 5th of January, 1740-41, " Thare was a vote Caled for, to Know whether they would Buld a new meeting-house where the old meeting-house Stands, or near thare- abouts ; and it passed in the negative." Immediately after the dismission of Mr. Avery, the question rela tive to a new meeting-house was revived ; but at the annual meeting of the precinct, March 1, 1748-9, they " voted that they would do nothing about Bulding of a meeting-house at Presant." Nearly two years go by before the project is again seriously revived. Two or three ministers had been invited to settle in the precinct, but had declined. Perhaps it was thought, if a new house of worship was built, a minister would be more likely to accept a call. No doubt, there were a variety of considerations that induced some individuals to present the following petition to their Prudential Committee : — " Norton, January ye 15th, 1750-51. « To the Honble Comittee of the south Precint in Norton. " This is to desire you to warne a south-Precint meeting to be at the meeting-House in sd. Precint, on the 21st day of this Instant January, or as soone as may be by Law, to see what the Inhabitants of sd. Precint will do in Repayering the old meeting-house, or Bulding a new House in ye same Place, or as near to the old House as may be Convenant ; and to do what sd. Precint shall think Propper to be done, in order to Carey on sd. Busines. " Benj. Cobb, Seth Smith, Timothy Briggs, John King, William Basset, Samuel Mory, Ebenezer Burt, William Cobb, Nathan Babbit, James Boldery, Juner, Seth Gilbert, Ephraim Lane, 2nd, Samuell Dean, Thomas Shepard." At the meeting held, agreeably to the wishes of the above petitioners, on the twenty-first day of January, " they voted that they would Buld a sutabell meeting house on the town's Land, whare the old meeting-house 228 MEETING-HOUSES OP THE stands now." Then adjourned for one week no dnnhf voted to Raise one hundred and sixty Pound* Lawfnll money to buld the abovesd. meeting-house ' " Made choice of George Leonard «?Bn n t c- Wetherell, and William Co din, to to be a clL^T agree with Persons for the timber Plank and £ ^ other things necesary for the Buiding^d. m e^houTe oTd mPrpfSd- ret6rielS 1° b6 Read^ on «*¦ town™ Land by ve' old meeting-hous, by the first day of March, 1751-2." 7 Nearly a year passed away without much nro^ress being made. On the 27th of November iff" the parish voted that the meeting-house should be « t'wen 7-five [feet] stud," " sixty feet in length "and planked and shingled on ye sides " ' sDectinlnthpJp1nnv meet'n?'.I)ec- 16, the vote - re- five ZttZS a'ld *" * ^ " ™*- At another adjourned meeting, Dec. 30, the decision was to have the house " sixty feet in Length " March 17, 1752, the parish — g ;'Made choice of William Coddington to be Carpenter to fraime sd. meeting-house. carpenter to & clnr^Smenr3^ LT*n ' ESqr" ^ William Sf°"«. p,,apt; Simeon Withered, Thomas Morey, and William Codd.ng ton, be a Committee to take the Care and overs Tt o fraimmg the sd. New Meeting-house, and to appoint who he Zu T 1U 5nd t0 "0tify them 0f the tim*s °' old tenner, a thou- tby Smith's Precent Rates. 7 ^ m* father's> «nd Timo- «T . "David Smith." Tteo£ SS.'S^S-'-* » «- . 1-e, old tenner, each. eJ1 Hewed ; to be at 41b., « T t> " Saiili» Moret." g'' ,& ''nCheS deeP- the seets. P ICe ^ the P'anck are goot for "Jonathan Eddy" 26 feet Long, l0Lhe "qL^e totc^TV^' to be ber, well Hewed; at 191b wl Ja ?, °d white-oake tim- "Joseph Hodges." fc CONGREGATIONAL; PARISH. 231 " I promise to Gitt 900 hundred feet of Good Oak Boards, Inch thick, Square-edged, 14^ feet long, at ye Rate 101b., old tenner, a thousand. "Thomas Shepard." " I promise to Gitt two thousand and a quarter of good ceder shingells, at 51b., old tenner, a 1,000, towards my Pre cint Rates ; and one thousand and a quarter more for Joseph Coles; all to be 18 Inches long. "James Godfree." " I promise to Gitt seven Hundred of Good Pitch-Pine Boards, at ye Rate of fifteen Pound a thousand ; to be to wards mine and my father's Rates. " Ephraim Wetherell." Sept. 27, 1752, it was voted — "That the Committee that were appointed for building the New Meeting-house Get the Glass, Build the Pulpit, the front of ye Galarys, and Get the stuff for ye seets, and Get the Lower flooer Laid, and the Galery flooers Laid, and the flooer Laid suitable for ye pews to be Bult on, and window- shetters for the Lower windows on ye outside." The approaching ordination of Mr. Palmer served to stimulate all parties in the work of erecting the house, as they were anxious to have the ordination take place in the new building. As the year 1752 drew towards a close, the meeting-house approached towards com pletion. Accordingly, Dec. 8, the parish — "Voted to sell ye old meeting-house in sd. precinct, pro vided any person will appear to Give any thing for it that ye sd. precinct, or a Committee of sd. precinct Chosen for that purpose, shall think proper to sell it for ; or to sell it at a van- due, as they shall think proper, either ye whole at once, or any part thereof a time, as shall be Best ; and that whoever shall purchase ye sd. Meeting-house shall move it from ye place where it now stands, in three months next after be shall purchase the same." Capt. Simeon Wetherell, Deacon Benjamin Hodges, and Lieut. Thomas Morey, were appointed a committee to sell the house. 232 MEETING-HOUSES OF THE CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 233 At an adjourned meeting, Dec. 11, it was — nPvtT0^' 4hat .th? pew on lhe East side of the Pulpit and next to the Pulpit, be a pew for ye use and Improvement of the : ministry ln ye sd. Precinct ; and that the MinTsto of sd Precinct sha 1 have ye use and Improvement of ve same so Long as he sha 1 be their Minister, and no Longer! ' S° „ n,,w i ' j ye P6WS in ?* new meeting-house be sold at a publ.ck vandue, to ye highest Bidder. ' "Voted, that a pew be Left, and not Sold, which Mr Averv JTieasure of the Precinct, and no Longer; and that, when ve sd Precinct shall see cause, may dispose of ye same } ment ofeMrV°? ' **' R?™L*« *" Je ul and Improve- Kyl SttTofte S?' " ^^ b6 *» ** P" "That the money that shall be Raised by the Sale of the ,nw. V°ted' tllat notwithstanding what was before voted Re specting a pew being Left for Mr. Avery and hfswife that RestSabutP»LS I'11 ^ Tld a,f t0 ^ ^ Bidd Sh ye Kest, but that the purchaser shall not have ve Use and Tm ca^rierM^r1116' &° 1°^ V* Sd" ^« ^ «• cause to Let Mr. Avery and his wife have it as aforesd but shall have the same when ye sd. precinct shall see cause to ¦£\&T "* Impr°— * ^eof from the sd. I^Avery "Voted, that no person that shall By a pew shall sell ve same again, without a vote of sd. Precinct for Tt un le he sell his farm, & Remove out of sd. precinct." " Dec. 2Sth, 1752. th/' I0^ N!1 1° ,haVe an^ Pews Built on ^ west End of £LZS " Bt°W' aDd °n the East End of th* soman's seets Below, in ye New meeting-house. Me'Igtoufe!' t0 haVe P6WS ^ the Ga^ of 3 _" fe S ; K _. £ PI o 3 H, 3 V a P £ sos oo ? K] Q o ^ Door. 3 a ft 2 e mi' negroes toeats now are " This pew-ground was sold, Feb 11 mo lick vendue," as follows «£;* ¦ •' 17°9' at "Pub- Gallery, at the NorSy^de.''!111^ m the East CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 237 £ S. No. 1. Mr. Samuel Hunt 18 „ 2. Mr. Isaac Hodges, jun 1 10 „ 3. Mr. Nathaniel Stone 315 „ 4. Mr. Jonathan Newland 2 12 „ 5. Mr. Samuel Copeland 4 1 „ 6. Mr. Nathaniel Freeman 1 18 „ 7. Mr. Ebenezer Wetherell 4 8 „ 8. Capt. Ephraim Lane 4 18 „ 9. Mr. PlynaDean 1 18 „ 10. Lt. Seth Smith 4 5 „ 11. Mr. Solomon Wetherell 3 1 „ 12. Mr. William Wetherell 5 0 „ 13. Mr. Ebenezer Wetherell 2 13 „ 14. Lt. Daniel Knap 2 6 March 23, 1789, " Yoted to sell so much of [the] floor of the meeting- [house] as to Make two pews at the north end of the men's body of seats, and two pews at the East end of the women's body of seats." This vote was subsequently changed, so as to have only one pew built at the east aud west end of the seats. May 14, 1792, as the parish were having candidates for settlement in the vacant pulpit, they thought it best to brush up the house a little ; and therefore voted " to paint the window-frames at present, and no more." But, as the time of ordaining the pastor elect drew near, it was whispered round that the inside of the house needed a little attention. Accordingly, May 20, 1793, the parish " Voted to paint the inside of the meeting-house, and whitewash the same ; " and the committee chosen for this purpose were admonished to look after the " sills," " the bottom-board and cor ner-boards, and window-frames and doors : " all of which, we presume, was attended to in due form. At the same meeting, it was voted to sell " Ground for two pews on the lower floor ; " and it was also decided to sell four feet in breadth, at each end of the front gallery, fop- two pews ; and the remainder of the front gallery was to be built, at the parish's expense, into a 238 MEETING-HOUSES OF THE S^ parish.' USG °f the Sing6rS duri^ th^ Pleasure of Sept 5, 1803, it was voted to sell pew-ground on the ZZ.7' ?" bfh SideS 0f the "fro»t alley"" "where the two front-seats are ; " also to sell ground for T lree pews on each side-gallery, at the northerly ena and likewise the ground for pews « below and above where each pare of stairs are." KQiJan; i5' 1804' il was voted t0 make the two seats ' SI f ^N ^ °n the l0Wer floor ^to long p wS and also to sell the ground in the side-galleries for two pews, where the seats were left for the negroes leav n ° the back seats for said negroes negroes, leaving atte'efs't1,80/' ^ TS, V°ted t0 Sel1 "^ alley-ways at the east and west doors for pews " As we shall soon see, these last vote's were passed in consequence of a previous vote to build a belfry at one end of he meeting-house, and a porch at the other inwhioh stairs were to be built leading to the g^ "iLndwZ-Jif' n0Ti 26' itwas ordered ^at the giound where the blacks set, at the east end of the meew_ho use," should be sold for pews. Thus It wav o tfT h°W th6fatS' b0th abOTe aud below gave way to the more aristocratic pews. At a meeting of the parish, Sept. 5, 1803, — "Voted to build a belfry with a steple at one end of the meeting-house, and a porch at the ot&r end of sd. meeting. "Voted, that all the work of Building the sd. Belferv & porch and repairing the meeting-house, be Compleated and finished in fourteen months from this Date and\oihtnaV> ^ meeting"house *>« Claboarded on the front ST iT lJd\ h«d b,een shingled on the outside. Jan. 15, 1804, five hundred dollars were raised in addition to that which was expected from the sale of pew-ground, for building the' belfry, lepl" p0rcli[ CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 239 In the warrant for a parish-meeting on the 25th of March, 1805, there was an article " to see if said parish will vote to purchase a bell for the meeting house." At the meeting, they raised two hundred and thirty dollars to complete the repairs on the house, and "Voted to pass the article about the bell." The vote to raise two hundred and thirty dollars was annulled March 31, 1806 ; and it was then de cided to take a hundred and fifty dollars out of the fund, to pay for repairs on the meeting-house. We find nothing more relating to a bell, on the parish-records, till March 26, 1810, when it was — " Voted to accept of the present made to the Parish, of a bell, and give leave that said bell be hung on the meeting house in said Parish ; and that the first ringing of the bell, on Sunday mornings, be at nine O'clock." I have been told that this bell was purchased by subscription ; and I have found papers which substan tiate this statement. Very soon after the vote " to pass the article about the bell," on the 25th of March, 1805, a movement was made to secure a bell by voluntary contributions, as the annexed document will show : — " The Subscribers, takeing into Consideration the advan tages that would arise in haveing a good Bell, of about 800 wt., in the meeting-house of the Congregational Parish in Norton, do, for the Purpose of Purchaseing sd. Bell, agree & Promise to pay the sum we set to our names, Provided a sum sufficient shall be subscribed for that Purpose. " The money to be paid to a Committee appointed by the majority of the subscribers to receive the same and to pur chase sd. Bell. " June 7th, 1805. " George Leonard, Fifty Dollars ; Laban Wheaton, twenty Dollars ; Lysander Makepeace, Seven Dollars ; Jacob Shep herd, ten Dollars." The project did not meet the favor of the people generally ; and hence, for a time, was abandoned. But, in a few years, it was revived. Here is the proof : — 240 MEETING-HOUSES OP THE "Ac *»,„ u , " January, 1810. subscrilf thJr^e'to8^ the" sum *$ °!f ^ We Wh° ha- tbe purpose above menfioned? T 'J^L * °Ur "^ for house Bell for the fW™ f' , '„ °. Procure a meeting- which the Eev Mr ^ffrkf ^ S°°iet7 in Norton> °™ c xvev. jur. Uarke lg now & gettled minister'„ the'^dS t^nTe ffiK"^^"?0^ I hereby obligate^ £ "J™ , ^ ^J" » f ringing it ringing it on Sabbath & Lecture d«™ Z i r exPense of the surplus of the Parish Fund L ?h«f h* "* all°Wed past. Tho' this mav be m™ th« been some time am willing to do it to %™ ?7 6qUaI ProPor«on, I much to thelt'onhrS f ^ £° U C°ntr.ibute s° utility of those who are the^d*1Ilt,TnrnCe & "Jan., 1810. "Pitt Clarke." To this paper are attached the names of twor,+ publish the above twenty-seven 0t and sixty-seven dollars and fifty cents For seventy-three dollars and eighty cen s. ^ Md The makers of the bell entered into the folWn agreement with the purchasers • "ifTp , T8 one year, and judge? saXLs/Vas lT£ mat" facture, we agree to make it good." U" CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 241 I am told that " a yoke," on which to hang the bell, was procured : but, not being very suitable, an attempt was made to purchase another of the Misses Woodward, who lived in the southerly part of tho town ; but they would not sell it. Some persons, however, determined to have it at any rate ; and therefore went and cut the tree, and carried off what was needed, leaving the other yoke instead ; and justified themselves for the act on the ground that " exchange was no robbery." No one can doubt, however, that it was a rather questionable proceeding. We have found a bill of articles furnished "the Committee for Purchasing the Bell,", by George Gil bert; and among the items were a quarter-gallon of West-India rum, a quarter-gallon of cherry, and one- eighth gallon of brandy. We presume these articles were needed as help to raise the bell into the belfry. This was tbe same bell that now belongs to the Con gregational parish. It was the practice of the early settlers of the country to build their meeting-houses without means of warm ing them, either by fireplaces or stoves. Why they did so, we are unable to say ; but it will be obvious to every one, that it must have been a pretty severe penance for the sins committed during the week, to be obliged to sit on a cold winter's day, in an un- warmed house, and listen to the long sermons of those times. Many of the gentler sex, who could not so well endure the icy atmosphere of the house as their more hardy lords, obviated the difficulty somewhat by carrying with them to the house of God little " foot- stoves," filled with coals. Even with these helps to keep the temperature of the body above the freezing- point, there was, no doubt, much suffering from the piercing cold. Few, we fear, would be the worship pers of either sex at the present day in an un warmed house of prayer. When the proposition came, as it did at last, to in troduce some warming apparatus into the sanctuary, it met with a strong opposition from some who, for 21 242 MEETING-HOUSES OP THE years, had shivered through the sermons of many a freezing Sunday. But the car of progress is ever onward, and finally triumphant. The year 1818 is memorable in the annals of Norton as the year when the people submitted to the monstrous innovation of warming the meeting-house. In January of that year, a subscription-paper was started, headed by the vene rable Judge Leonard, — then verging upon his ninetieth year,— to purchase stoves for the meeting-house. The subscriptions varied from five dollars to twenty-five cents. The number of subscribers was sixty-seven, and the amount raised was eighty-four dollars and twenty- five cents. On the 5th of February, 1818, two stoves were bought of Joseph Howe for twenty-seven dollars. He was also paid, for two hundred and forty-three feet of funnel, and other a'rticles needed about the stoves, forty-five dollars and forty-seven cents ; making tbe whole amount for stoves and fixtures, seventy-two dol lars and forty-seven cents. The remainder of the money was used to purchase wood, and to pay for making the fires, &c. After having enjoyed the luxury of a warm house one Sunday, no one- has since been anxious to go back to the good old time when the penitential tears would freeze in their journey down the repentant's cheek before the altar of God. Having made the inside of the house comfortable, the parish think it best to have the outside respectable ; and therefore, on the 21st of June, 1819, three hun dred dollars were raised to paint and repair the meeting house and belfry. This proved to be the last brushing- up the house received from the hands of the parish. After the lapse of a few years, various causes con spired to make a new house desirable. The venerable pastor, who for forty years had broken the bread of life, and taught, by precept and example, the living truths that fell from the lips of Jesus, took a deep interest in this movement. On the thirty-first day of March, 1834, a committee was appointed to ascertain what repairs the old house needed, and what would be Congregational Meeting-House. Elected ISSo vRFJGAtlONAL PARISH. 243 •>: one The committee made a report ri.iy following; aud, on that day, the ¦ ¦ remove (.<; u new .Moeting-houso to ,.'i fli. ¦!' -j t-lniiiiti be one built in the ! l\,n! '-. put inly shares." A com- ::i..>;-.-i iw »ec how many shares could f-t-v ;::,,, .j .u-'iing, Sop:. 27, 1834, these ¦ ^-th.-'-s --.ii. sequent iy passed relating . .nn i .¦•':!!. di'd It v, a.s then — i •!:¦'; ' h:'i! ';;;/ /.';,ri.-li build a new Mecting- ';» >.i li.'i )'<¦<,.- wc! ruli victual Ji.'i:..!ii>ij. dt ri>iiiil ;.M'uaNUiu-.i^ nfiered by )Iri. 1'eiiut' ,; iu livr direcdoii, nt.tr the front of lid-. S;i>.»je shall be lor the use of the Congrega- "¦-> society of which the Rev. Pitt- Clarke is :..-.er, or his successor in office. 28 for,. 6 not only gave tho land whereon to set but also gave " all tbe timber for it, on ¦'>'»'i ;t it should be cut and carried from ;,.b'. J.< rig to her particular direction." At "¦-••'!. 27, 1834, the parish voted. that the '(¦.?'.-: i-ln/ald " not exceed four thousand v.* .dso chose John Sweet, Daniel Lane-, mht'.i, Leonard Hodges, jun., and Elisha ,'a-W;,.; Committee. It iva . subsequently th: !>¦•.)¦<; should be sixty-two feet long ¦¦ ft-id.'. and Oliver Clapp and Earl ¦•tdded ;/i i be Building Committee. >.)• ;.,;.;., :hv ^iiuuuer of 1835, the house was built, '.: ... ;, '>S'..K.: the plan ot a house at Ipswich. The .,.;¦; <•/•,; !•.- ,a the entrancc-end oi" the house ; the singing- .i"S,!' i:'- ;!;e opposite end; and a narrow gallery on rt.yii sub,!, originally with ono row of seats iu th» hunt .d' >'' -s'liich w^ro taken down in 1847V iuni a walk '- i1)", brack part, leading from the e;iU'„.;^u end of ihe house to the singing-seats. The house was dedicated to the worship of the one living and only true God. Dec. 23, 1835. k- CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 243 the cost of a new one. The committee made a report on the 28th of May following : and, on that day, the parish " voted to remove to a new Meeting-house to worship, provided there should be one built in the manner proposed ; that is, put into shares." A com mittee was also chosen to see how many shares could be disposed of. At an adjourned meeting, Sept. 27, 1834, these votes, and several others subsequently passed relating to a new house, were rescinded. It was then — " Moved and Voted, that this Parish build a new Meeting house by the sale of the Pews and individual donation, & set it on the ground gratuitously offered by Mrs. Peddy Bowen, according to her direction, near the front of this house ; and said house shall be for the use of the Congrega tional Incorporated society of which the Rev. Pitt Clarke is the present. Minister, or his successor in office. 28 for,. 6 against." Mrs. Bowen not only gave the land whereon to set the new house, but also gave " all the timber for it, on the condition that it should be cut and carried from her land according to her particular direction." At the meeting, Sept. 27, 1834, the parish voted that the cost of the house should " not exceed four thousand dollars." They also chose John Sweet, Daniel Lane-, Cromwell Leonard, Leonard Hodges, jun., and Elisha Crossman, a Building Committee. It was subsequently directed that the house should be sixty-two feet long and forty-two wide; and Oliver Clapp and Earl Hodges were added to the Building Committee. During the summer of 1835, the house was built, in part, after the plan of a house at Ipswich. The pulpit is at the entrance-end of the house ; the singing- seats at the opposite end ; and a narrow gallery on each side, originally with one row of seats in the front of it (which were taken down in 1847), and a walk in the back part, leading from the entrance-end of the house to the singing-seats. The house was dedicated to the worship of the one living and only true God, Dec. 23, 1835. 244 MEETING-HOUSES. The following account of the dedicatory services we copy from the "Christian Register" of Jan. 9, 1836 : — " On Wednesday, Dec. 23rd, the new and beautiful Church erected for the use of the First Congregational Society in Norton was solemnly dedicated to the public worship of Al mighty God. The services on this occasion were as follows : Introductory prayer by Rev. Mr. Sweet, of Kingston ; Read ing of the Scriptures by Rev. Mr. Bridge, of Cambridge ; Dedicatory prayer by Rev. Mr. Bigelow, of Taunton ; Ser mon by Rev. Mr. Hall, of Providence ; concluding prayer by Rev. Mr. Sayward, of Mansfield." The number of pews in the house was sixty. Fifty- six of these were sold at auction on the 24th of De cember, 1835, for three thousand seven hundred and two dollars and fifty cents. As the house drew near its completion, the disposal of the old house became a matter of interest. Nov. 16, 1835, the parish voted to have the old meeting-house appraised by a disinterested committee, and to sell it at public vendue. Samuel Crocker of Taunton, Zeba Bliss of Attleborough, and Simeon Green of Mansfield, were chosen to appraise the old house ; and it was subsequently sold to the town for a town-house. In the year 1836, a chain-fence was erected around the meeting-house, and remained for some years. In 1850, the present fence, with iron rails and stone posts, was erected ; and a row of seventeen evergreen-trees set out inside of the fence around the house, and the walk made from the fence up to the front-end of the house. But little change has been made in the house since its erection. In August, 1854, the inside of the house was repainted, the pews were grained, the pulpit lowered about one-half its previous height, the house newly carpeted, and a sofa and chairs purchased for the pulpit, &c. ; and the expense of the same was paid by the ladies of the parish. MINISTERIAL FUND. 245 CHAPTER XVIII. MINISTERIAL FUND, AND INCORPORATION OF THE CON GREGATIONAL PARISH. " This originated in the pious forethought of our fathers of the Plymouth Colony." P. Clarke. In order to lay the foundation for the permanent sup port of the ministry, the God-loving and God-fearing proprietors of the Taunton North Purchase conceived the idea of setting apart a portion of their lands for such a purpose. Accordingly, at a meeting of the North-Purchase proprietors, " Jan. 27, 1684-5, it was voted and agreed [to] Lay out a lot, in the most con venient place, ffor the use of the ministry, — A Lot, Equal with one of our own, and Equal priviledges through the Whole purchase, never to be Allianated from the use of the ministry." J This vote was soon after carried into effect, and one hundred acres of upland and eight of meadow-were laid out; but, for some reason, — perhaps because they anticipated the division of the North Purchase into two or more towns, — on the 6th of March, 1698-9, the proprietors voted — "That the lot for the ministry aready pitched upon shall be let ffall, and one-halfe of it layed out nearer to Bridg water, and the other halfe nearer to Chartley Ironworks ; a both where the Committee, with advise, shall Judg most Con venient." This vote was not at once carried into effect. Hence, on July 2, 1700, they ordered that the ministry-lot should be laid out in the two parts already spoken of, l North-Purchase Records, p. 9. 3 These were at the Judge Leonard estate. 21* 246 MINISTERIAL FUND, AND INCORPORATION and one hundred acres more should be added to it. May 25, 1721, the vote was re-affirmed, that one-half of the ministerial laud should be laid out towards the west end, and the other half towards the east end, of the North Purchase, " both in future and latter divi sions." Lieut. Nicholas White, Ensign George Leonard, and John Smith, for the west end ; John Phillips, Tho mas Randall, and Josiah Keith, for the east end, — were appointed a committee to lay it out. From the records, it appears that, up to October, 1744, there had been set apart for the ministry four hundred and fifty-three acres of land ; but, heretofore, no use had been made of it, except that Rev. Mr. Avery had cut off some timber, and used it in the building of his house. In 1747, a petition was sent to the Proprietors' Committee asking that a meeting might be called — " To see if the Proprietee will give the Lands Layed out in the said Proprietee for the use of the ministree, to be dis posed of by the town of Norton and Easton Respectively for the support of a Presbeterian or Congregationell ministry. The town of Easton have a mind to build thereon, and Im prove sd. lands lying in sd. townships." x The meeting was held- Dec. 14, 1747 ; but was forth with adjourned to March 15, 1748. A committee was then appointed to view the lands, and report at the next meeting what was best to be done to make the lands most advantageous to the two towns for the sup port of the ministry." 2 No report of this committee is to be found. In the warrant for a meeting, April 2, 1753, were articles to see about dividing the lands between Norton and Easton, and to divide the moiety set off to Norton between the two precincts of that town ; and also to determine for the maintenance of what ministers they should be improved. The proprietors vote to divide the lands equally between the towns of Norton and Easton ; that the half-share belonging to Norton should i North-Purchase Records, p. 76. 3 Ibid. p. 77. OF THE CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 247 be equally divided between the two precincts; and that the — "£art of sd. lands which shall fall to Norton South Pre cinct shall always be and Remaine to the use of the ministry of said Precinct, to which the North-Purchase Lands, which Leyeth between the Line of the town of Attleborough and the Line of Taunton old Township, shall belong to." They then declare, that — " Whereas our Predecessors, who voted and sett sd. Land appart for the ministry, ware of and Belonged to those Churches which ware then called and Known by the name of Congregationell Churches, and we apprehend it was their Desire and intent that the above-mentioned Land should be Improved for the maintaining of the ministers of those Churches which shall be of those Prinsepells ; tharefore we now vote, that the whole of the abovesd. Lands shall be Im proved for the maintaining of the ministers of the several! Congregationell Churches which belong to the said towns as above mentioned, and be Improved for that end only." J The division of lands having been made, the South Precinct, at a meeting held March 29, 1756, chose Col. George Leonard, Lieut. Benjamin Cobb, and Lieut. Thomas Morey, a committee to take care of their part, and " to see that there be no damage done on said Land by cutting timber or any other way." The land, however, in its unimproved state, was not very avail able property for the payment of ministerial charges ; and therefore, at a precinct-meeting, Jan. 16, 1758, Jonathan Lincoln, Benjamin Cobb, and Thomas Morey, were chosen a committee to make report, at a future meeting, " what is best for the South Precinct to do concerning said Land." We find no record of their report. The precinct held a meeting, Dec. 21, 1761, and declared that — "These Lands mostly lye in the North Precinct of sd. town of Norton, and so far from the sd. South Precinct that 1 North-Purchase Records, p. 84. 248 they can never be of but Little or no advantage Towards maintaining the ministry of the South precinct in Said town of Norton, and no Improvement made on said Land yett. ' Therefore the Said precinct Now voted, that Thomas Morey, Esqr., shall be Impowered, in behalf of said precinct, To petition to the great and general Court of this province, That they woold Impower or Ennable said first precinct of The town of Norton, or such other persons as sd. Court shall Ap point and Impower, to Sell all the sd. precinct's ministerial lands above mentioned, for the most said Lands will fetch ; and the money that shall Be Raised by the sale of sd. Lands to be Lett out to Interest as sd. court Shall order ; the Interest only to be applyed yearly towards the maintaining the mini stry of sd. precinct For ever ; which, we apprehend, will be as agreeable to the good Intent and meaning of the proprie tors who gave sd. Lands as to Lett the Lands Lye, and more for the Interest of sd. precinct." ! In obedience to the trust confided in him, Mr. Morey knocked at the door of the General Court, Jan. 18, 1762, with his petition, asking that the wishes of the precinct may be gratified. The court promptly granted the power asked for. Here is the evidence : 2 — "In the house of Representatives, January 23d, 1762, Read and Ordered, that the Prayer be so far Granted, as that the South Precinct in the town of Norton, by a Com mittee by them to be appointed for that purpose, be Impow ered to make Sale of the Land mentioned in the Petition, for the most the same will fetch ; and to make a Good Deed or Deeds in Law for Conveying the Same, the Proceeds of the Said Sale to be Let out at Interest, on Good Security, to be Improved annually towards the Support of a Congregational minister in Said Precinct, in the same way and manner as the Rents of Said Land would have been Improved if it had not been disposed of. " Sent up for Concurrence. " James Otis, Speaker. " In Council, January 28, 1762. — Read and Concurred. " Jno. Cotton, Dep. Secty. " Consented to : " Ira Bernard." 1 Parish Records, book i. p. 98, &c. a Ibid. p. 127. OF THE CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 249 No progress was, however, made towards the sale of the land, till after the incorporation of the North Pre cinct into the District of Mansfield. March 21, 1774, the town vote that the committee lately chosen for that purpose make sale of the ministerial land lying in Mansfield, and belonging to Norton, " as soon as conveniently may be for the interest of said town. That " convenient season" did not come at once ; for, Nov. 17, 1777, the town vote to sell their ministerial land lying in Mansfield at public vendue, and dis charged from further service a former committee chosen for that purpose. They also chose Seth Smith, Isaac Hodges, and John King, to attend to the matter; who, Jan. 1, 1778, were empowered to act in conjunc tion with a similar committee from Mansfield, to divide the lands belonging to the two towns, and establish the bounds. The division having been made,1 these lands, — a part lying near Mansfield Meeting-house, and now crossed lengthwise by the Taunton-Branch Rail road, and a part on " Dorchester Plain " so called, — amounting to about one hundred and fifty acres, were sold, in four lots, to John Pratt, George Cobb, Isaac Smith, and Samuel Hunt, for £1,059. 17s. 9ci. On the fourteenth day of December, 1778, George Leo nard, Esq., was chosen by the town to receive the money from the committee. On Monday, 8th of March following, a committee was raised to consider in what manner the money could be best deposited " for the benefit of the Congregational society in Norton." They report, May 26, that " the method they should have chose " was, at that time, " attended with some difficulty ; and therefore recommend that Dea. Benja. Copeland, Dea. Benja. Pearson, and Dea. Daniel Dean, be impowered to receive the money, and put the whole into the Continental Loan office in their own name ; " they giving a receipt to the town-clerk for the same. This report was accepted.2 The fund thus created was increased by adding the 1 See Parish-Records, p. 129, &c. 2 Ibid. pp. 132 and 133. 250 MINISTERIAL FUND, AND INCORPORATION interest thereto, and by the proceeds resulting from the sale of " pew-ground " in the meeting-house, till, in a few years, the interest was sufficient to pay the salary of the minister ; and it continued to do so till the death of Rev. Pitt Clarke in 1835. By good financial management, this fund is still available for the payment of ministerial services, and essentially lightens the taxes that would otherwise fall somewhat heavily upon the parish possessing it. INCORPORATION OF THE PARISH. It is probable that the disposition made of the money in 1779 was attended with some difficulties ; and hence there was a society-meeting called on the 6th of Janu ary, 1783, " To choose a committee to petition the General Court to Incorporate sd. Society, so that they may legally act with regard to their ministerial money, or any other matter that concerns sd. society." At the meeting, Capt. Isaac Hodges was chosen agent to forward to the General Court a petition for an act of incorporation ; and five trustees were chosen to take care of the money. The prayer of the society was answered, as the annexed document will show : — "An Act1 to incorporate the Congregational Society in the town of Norton into a distinct Parish, and also to incor porate a Committee of the said Society for certain pur poses. " Whereas the Congregational society in the town of Norton, of which the Reverend Joseph Palmer is the present minister, have represented to this Court that the said society are possessed of a sum of money and securities to the amount of four hundred and twenty-five pounds, which they desire to improve to the purpose of beginning and laying a foundation for a fund, the interest whereof to be appropriated to support a learned, pious, Protestant, Congregational minister in the said society for ever, and for building or repairing a meeting house in said society; and have supplicated this Court by a 1 Passed March 4, 1783. (See Massachusetts Special Laws, vol. i. p. U, &c.) OF THE CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. law to invest the said society with all the powers, privileges, and immunities that precincts or parishes in this Common wealth do or may enjoy: And also that certain persons, by them, the said society, elected and named, may be made a body corporate, with sufficient powers to receive the aforesaid sum, and other donations that are or shall be made for the purposes aforesaid, and for the well-ordering the same : — " Sect. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That the Congregational society in the town of Norton, in the county of Bristol, where the Reverend Joseph Palmer now officiates, be, and they hereby are, incorporated into a distinct parish, by the name of the ' Congregational Parish in Norton ; ' and hereby are invested with all the powers, privileges, and immunities that precincts or parishes within this Commonwealth do or may by law enjoy. And that it may be known at any time who of the inhabitants of the said town belong to the said parish, — " Sect. 2. Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all those inhabitants of the said Norton, who usually attend public worship with the aforesaid society, shall be deemed and taken to belong to the said parish, to all intents and pur poses, until they shall signify in writing, under their hands, to the Clerk of the said parish, their intention to attend public worship with some other religious society, and shall actually attend. Provided, nevertheless, That all parishioners so re moving shall be held to pay all arrears of taxes legally assessed on them by the said parish before their removal. " Sect. 3. And be it further enacted by the authority afore said, That George Leonard, Esq., be, and he hereby is, fully authorized to issue his warrant, directed to some principal inhabitant belonging to the said parish, requiring him to give notice to the inhabitants of the parish aforesaid, qualified to vote in parish-affairs, to assemble at some suitable time and place in the said parish, to choose all such officers as parishes are by law required to choose in the month of March an nually; and to transact such other matters and business as is necessary to be done in the said parish. " Sect. 4. And be it further enacted by the authority afore said, That George Leonard, William Homes, Daniel Dean, Isaac Hodges, and Israel Trow, chosen, elected, and named by the said society for that purpose, and their successors hereafter chosen by the parish aforesaid in the manner as in 252 MINISTERIAL FUND, AND INCORPORATION and by this Act is hereafter provided, shall be, and hereby are, declared to be a body corporate, by the name of ' The Trustees of the Congregational Parish in Norton,' and here by are incorporated to this special purpose : viz., To receive all the donations, subscriptions, securities, and monies now in the hands of the said society, and also such grants, appro priations, and donation's, either real or personal, that have been or shall hereafter be made for the purposes aforesaid ; provided the whole sum do not exceed the sum of three thousand pounds. And all such sum or sums as shall be received by the aforesaid present Trustees, or their successors in the said trust, shall be, and hereby are, appropriated to raise an income by the annual interest arising therefrom for the purpose aforesaid. " Sect. 5. And be it further enacted by the authority afore said, That all bonds, mortgages, or other lawful securities, made to the said George Leonard, William Homes, Daniel Dean, Isaac Hodges, and Israel Trow, and their successors in the said trust, are hereby declared good and valid : And the said Trustees and their successors, by their said corporate name, may sue and be sued, and are hereby fully authorized by themselves, or by their agents or attornies, to appear, plead, and defend, in any action or suit brought by or against them in their said capacity, and the same prosecute to final judgment and execution, in any Court proper to try and determine the same. " Sect. 6. And be it further enacted by the authority afore said, That the aforesaid sum of four hundred and twenty- five pounds, and all such further sum or sums as may hereafter be annexed thereto, shall be by the said Trustees put to interest ; and the annual interest arising therefrom shall be further put to interest, and so from year to year until a capital shall be raised, the annual interest whereof shaU be sufficient to support a minister as aforesaid ; and then the an nual interest of the said increased capital, or so much thereof as the said corporation shall find necessary, shall for ever after be paid to such minister resident and officiating in the work of the ministry among said society within said town. And if it shall ever happen tbat there be no such minister settled within the said society, then, in every such case, the interest arising in such vacation shall be improved to supply the said society with preaching. And, if there shall be any sur plusage, it shall be put to interest on new securities, and OF THE CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. 253 added to the said capital, and improved for the building or repairing a meeting-house for the said society ; and all such increased sum or sums shall be ordered and disposed of by the said Trustees according to the directions hereinbefore provided respecting the said capital. " Sect. 7. And be it further enacted by the authority afore said, That if at any time the income arising by the annual interest of the fund aforesaid shall be more than sufficient for the purposes aforesaid, — in that case, all such surplus shall, and hereby is, specially appropriated, and shall be improved by the parish aforesaid, towards the support and maintenance of a school for the benefit of said society. " Sect. 8. And be it further enacted by the authority afore said, That the said parish, at their annual meeting in March, from time to time be, and hereby are, fully authorized to choose five Trustees for the year ensuing. _ " Sect. 9. And be it further enacted by the authority afore said, That if at any time the said parish shall, at their annual meeting in March, neglect, or by any means be prevented, choosing Trustees, — in every such case, the Trustees last chosen shall continue vested with all the powers and privileges aforesaid until others be chosen. : "Sect. 10. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said Trustees, and their successors from time to time, shall be accountable to the said parish, and may be by them, for any misdemeanor or failure in their said trust removed therefrom ; in which case, and also in case of death or other removal of any one or more of them, it shall and may be lawful for the said parish to appoint others in their room. And the said parish may at any time call a meeting for that purpose accordingly." In four days after this Act was approved by the Governor, a warrant was issued by George Leonard to Silas Cobb, to notify a meeting for the purpose of organizing by choosing all proper officers required by the Act George Leonard was chosen moderator; Silas Cobb, clerk; and Seth Smith, jun., treasurer Ihe same trustees were chosen as were mentioned in the Incorporation Act. « Voted, that the Trustees should call in the money now outstanding due to sd. parish." — « Voted, that the sd. Trustees shall lay 22 254 INCORPORATION OF CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. out sd. money for public securities as soon as mav be." After a few years1 time, it was deemed proper to make an addition to the Act of Incorporation ; and, upon application of the parish to the General Court for that purpose, the following additional Act was passed June 17, 1797 :x — " Sect. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That the said parish be, and hereby are, author ized and empowered, at any legal meeting thereof, to be holden in the month of March annually, to choose some suitable person to be Treasurer for the Trustees of the said parish ; and the person so chosen shall give bond, at the dis cretion of the said Trustees, for the faithful performance of his duty. '• Sect. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Treasurer (for the time being) chosen and qualified as aforesaid shall be empowered to receive, for the use of the said parish, all monies and securities for money belonging to said parish ; any thing in the act to which this is in addition to the contrary notwithstanding." No further change was made, so far as we can learn, till after the death of Rev. Pitt Clarke ; when it was found, that, in order to settle a minister, he must be paid a salary larger than the interest of the fund would amount to: and hence, on the twenty-eighth day of December, 1835, after inviting Rev. Mr. Bridge to settle with them as their mimister, the parish voted " to petition the Legislature for an act of Amendment in their act of Incorporation." A petition, signed by the Parish Committee, was sent to the General Court, stating the facts in the case, and asking that they might have the privilege of using the interest of the fund towards the support of the minister, though it was not sufficient to pay his whole salary. The prayer was granted as follows : — 1 Massachusetts Special Laws, vol. ii. p. 164. COMMON SCHOOLS. 255 " Be it enacted, &c, The annual interest of the fund be longing to the ' Congregational Parish in Norton ' may be appropriated by the said parish toward the support of their minister, and for supplying the said parish with preaching, although the same may not be sufficient for the support of a minister ; any thing contained in the act to which this is in addition notwithstanding.1 "Approved March 11, 1836." This fund now amounts to something more than seven thousand dollars ; a portion of which is in vested in bank-stock, and the rest is loaned on per sonal security. I am told that the fund in Easton and Mansfield has become very much reduced from its original amount. CHAPTER XIX. COMMON SCHOOLS. " 'Twas nobly done, to make the schoolhouse free." — C. T. Congdon. Within a few years after the incorporation of the town, and the settlement of a minister to look after the spirit ual interests of the young, their intellectual culture was provided for by the establishment of public schools. The first recorded action of the town relative to schools was April 28, 1719, when — " The town made chois of Thomas Skinner, Sen., to Be thare Scoolmaster, and to beginn at ye first day of June, 1719, and to continu one quarter; and his salary not to Ex- cead two pounds for said quarter." It is probable, however, that some private instruction had been given previous to this date. For some years 1 See Special Laws, vol. vii. p. 679. 256 COMMON SCHOOLS. after the establishment of public schools, the town, in their corporate capacity, chose the schoolmaster. In some instances, however, they delegated power to the selectmen to contract with the teacher, and make the necessary arrangements for the opening of the school ; yet, for more than eighty years after the or ganization of the town, there were no schoolhouses specially erected for that purpose. The early settlers felt themselves too poor, and had too many difficulties and obstacles to contend with, to furnish the means .or find the time to erect separate houses for the instruc tion of the young. In very many instances, they were obliged to "kill two birds with one stone." Hence pri vate houses, carpenters' shops, &c, were more or less used for school purposes. Probably, in the centre of the town, the meeting-house, in the summer season, was converted pro tempore into a " temple of science." I am informed by a native of this town (Rev. Isaac Braman of Georgetown, born in 1770), that, in his boyhood-days, — " The schools generally were kept in private houses. I once went to school in a Carpenter's shop, in which the work bench was used for a table. In the study of Arithmetic, no scholar was allowed a book. The teacher would give him a sum ; and he might sit and study upon it until he had found an answer, which would sometimes occupy several days." And, in almost every other respect, there was a like deficiency in books.1 Hence, of necessity, much of the instruction was oral, and less mechanical, than at the present day, even if it was given in a mechanic's shop. Mr. Braman says, " The great object," in those days, " was to procure cheap teachers," — an idea by far too prevalent at this day ; yet there was far more excuse for this idea a century ago than now. How cheaply the first teachers of Norton were pro cured, will at once be seen by a reference to the price l " In my early days," says Mr. Braman, " no book was used in school except the Bible and Spelling-book. There were respectable aged persons who could not read." COMMON SCHOOLS. 257 paid them. I have been informed by some elderly people, that most of the early schools were established for boys ; it being thought almost entirely unnecessary that girls should be educated. As they were not ex pected to cast interest, or engage largely in any busi ness transactions, it was not deemed important that they should be sent to school. Their husbands — if they had any — were considered the proper guardians of their interests ; and therefore, if they learned any thing, it must be in patience and meekness of their husbands at home. Hence, for many years after public schools were established, there were no female teachers. Of course, if they knew nothing themselves, they could teach nothing to others. The first record I find of a female teacher, or " schoolmistress," as she was called, is in 1791, when an order was drawn to pay Patience Leach for teaching eight weeks, at three shillings per week. Jonathan Hunt boarded the " schoolmistress " eight weeks that year, at three shillings per week; and hence it is presumed she taught in his District, No. 7. Deacon Daniel Lane informed me that he knew Miss Leach, and said she belonged to Easton; and was of the opinion that she married a Mr. Bird, and died, not many years ago, at Taunton. The next year (1792), Abigail Morey taught school three months, — probably in the Centre District, as she boarded at Col. Silas Cobb's. She subsequently taught other schools in town. The board of male teachers, between the years 1719 and 1800, ranged from four, to sixteen shillings per week ; the latter amount, uo doubt, being paid when the currency was somewhat depreciated. As the population of the town was at first quite sparse, it is highly probable that there were but few children within its limits, — possibly not more than enough for one good school, if all could have been collected into one room. But, as all could not attend at one place, the school was kept from time to time in different parts 22* 258 COMMON SCHOOLS. of the town, so as to better accommodate all, as will appear from the following records : — "May 13, 1720. — The town made choice of Jeremiah Bassett for to be Scoolmaster ; &, accordingly, he have agreed & excepted of the same for one quarter of a year, after the Rate of thirty pounds Per year, — one-third money, the other two-thirds other pay. first beginning at the public meeting house, the scool to be moving, If continued the other part of the year, the, second quarter [to be] at that part of the town called Scottlin ; & the third quarter taking in Tiump's & White's and Skinner's naiborhood; and the fourth quarter at Winnaconick." This practice of " moving " the school, as it was termed, continued for several years, — most probably till the town was districted. "Aug. 14, 1721. — At a towne-meeting Legally warned [for that purpose], chose Jeremiah Basset to be Schoole- master to Keep Schoole in sd. towne one year next enceuing ; and sd. Basset is to have thirty Pounds in ye Produce of ye town, at the Price allready Sett." June 20, 1723, at a legal town-meeting, it was — " Voted that Simeon Wetherell shall be schoolmaster to keep school at his father's or his one house, to teech children to Reed, Right, and Cifer, for one quarter of a year next after the Last of august next; and the selectmen shall agree with sd. Wetherell for his service, and he is to be Paid in ye Pro duce of ye towne. Sd. Wetherell shall Keep School at but one of the Places all sd. quarter. And sd. Wetherel Excepted of his being Schoollmaster on sd. terms." In looking at the record, it would seem, that, in ad dition to teaching the children " to Reed, Right, and Cifer," the teacher might profitably have spent his " noonings," at least, in teaching the recorder of the above vote how to spell ; yet, in charity to the town- clerk, we should remember how exceedingly limited were the educational privileges of that day. "Jan. 6, 1723 or 4, voted that the selectmen shall Go forthwith and agree with Othnial Cambell, of Taunton, to COMMON SCHOOLS. 259 Keep Schooll in Norton for one quarter of a year now fol lowing ; and, if he cannot be had, then to Geet some other Sutable Persone to Keep School sd. quarter of a year." At a legal town-meeting, July 13, 1724, " They voted that the scholl shall be Keept ye next quarter in that part of the towne which Goes by the name of Wine- cunet." "Sept. 14, 1724. — Voted to pay Mr. John Sumner, for Keeping School, £11— 8—0. "Oct. 12, 1724. — Thay made choice of William Caswell to be our Schollmaster, to Keep Scholl in the towne of Nor ton one year next Enseuing ; and that he shall have thirty- four Pounds, in currant money of sd. Province, for his wages to Keep scholl sd. year ; and the sd. Towne of Norton to°be at no more cost Consarning his Being Borded sd. year. Pro vided, allso, that he shall move in Keeping Scholl as the Towne shall agree, and thay made choice of Mr. John Hodges to go and agree with sd. William Caswell to Keep scholl in ye town. "Dec. 30, 1724. — 21y, They voted that the Schollmaster shall Keep Scholl, the first quarter of a year, at the house of Eliezer fisher ; and the second quarter at the house of Left. Nicholas White ; and the third quarter at Wineounit, or in that Part of the town ; and the Last quarter at the m'eetine- House. ° "March 29, 1727. — Voted that Josiah Briggs shal be schollmaster to Keep Scholl in Norton, . . . Provided he will Keep scholl for 201b. a year, and his dyett; and that he shall Keep Scholl, the first quarter, at ye middle of the towne ¦ and the second quarter at Winecunett ; and the third quarter on the south side of ye way which is towards Elezer fisher's • and the fourth quarter at Left. White's, or theyrabouts "Nov. 30, 1727.- Voted to pay John Briggs, ye "eldist, for dyeting of the Schollmaster 14 weeks, at 6s. a week 041b.— 04s.— Od. ' " Sept. 20, 1731. — Voted to Samuel Vescy, for Diatin" ye Scollemaster, 2 — 05 — 0. ° " Sept. 18, 1733. — Voated to Joseph Hodges, for bordin<* the Scollemaster, Mr. Bacon, ye sum of 01 — 16 0. " It was voated to Joseph Hodges, for earring & fetching sd. colemaster, ye sum of 0 — 14 — 0. 260 COMMON SCHOOLS. " It was voated to Daniell Braman, for Keeping the scoll- master fower weaks, at Eight shillind pur weake. it came to 01—12—0. " Voated to Samuel Clap, for treating with the collmaster, the sum of 00—03—00. "Aug. 31, 1736. — Voated that the Selectmen shuld hire a scoolemaster. " Sept. 28, 1736. — Voted to Mr. Samuel Clap, the 1, for to pay to Scoolemaster Vesey, the sum of 5 — 1 — 0. [Also] " voated, that what is wanting for sculling for this presant year, and for the pore, is to be dran out of the present tresury. " May 14, 1742. — Theyr was a voate called for to Know whether the Scoole shuld be Kept on the west sid of the teen- mile River, in said Preesent ; and it past in the afirmative. "Nov. 1742. — Voated to Capt. Hodges, for carying the Scoolmaster to Cambridge, 01 — 05 — 0. "Nov. 27, 1751. — Voted that the Selectmen agree with Deacon John Briggs to Keep School, provided they can agree with him on Reasonable Conditions." He probably kept ; for, the next year, the town voted him sixteen shillings " for hording himself when he kept school." " Dec. 30, 1751. — Voted to Ephraim Leonard, Esq., for Boarding ye schoolmaster 6^ weeks, and feching him from Concord, £1 1—00—0, old Tenor ; £1—9—4, Lawful money. ," Nov. 21, 1755. — Voted to Capt. William Stone, for boarding of the Schoolmaster, Stephen Farrow (Farrar?), £2—12—0." Mr. Farrar probably belonged to that part of Con cord which is now Lincoln. The same day, — " Voted to Daniel Braman, for boarding Samuel Dean, Jun., Schoolmaster, £2 — 08." This was probably he who was afterwards the Rev. Dr. Deane, of Portland, Me. There is every reason to believe that most of the teachers heretofore mentioned belonged to Norton. About this time, the number of children had so far increased as to require some other arrangement than COMMON SCHOOLS. 261 that of moving the school from one part of the town to another. The course that had been pursued must have been attended with many difficulties and incon veniences, and hence earnestly called for a change. Whether for good or evil, a different course of pro ceeding was determined upon by the town. We can • hardly expect there was entire unanimity in the mea sure ; but on Jan. 16, 1758, the town "voted to Divide the school, that is to be heareafter kept in this town, into nine quarters." The North Precinct, or what is now Mansfield, was to have one-third of the districts, or " Quarters," as they were then called. A committee of three in the North Precinct, and another of eight in the South Precinct, were appointed to divide the town into quarters ; and were directed to report to the said town, at the next March meeting, where the said quarters of the school should be kept, &c. The committee of the South Precinct attended to their duty, and reported March 20; and it was "voted to Except of the Division of the School Ground." The committee report as follows : — " Firstly, we set of the center Quarter, to begin at Mr. Ichabod Washburn's, takeing in said Washburn ; then Ran ging and Takeing in Mr. Noah Wiswall ; then Ranging so as to Take in David Williams, on Medfield Rhoad ; then on medfield Rhoad, takeing in all the houses on said Rhod, In cluding Mr. Timothy Briggse's house; then Runing so as to take in Josiah vining and Timothy Smith and John Hall's houses ; then to the Line which is Between the North and South precint in sd. -Norton ; then Runing on the precint- Line to the line Between the north purches and the old- township proprietors ; then on the sd. line untill it comes To Chartly mill-pond; then on a Straight Line to whare we first began. " 2dly, We set of the Second Quarter Begining at make peace's mill; then Runing So as to take in John Patten's house ; then Runing so as to Take in the widdovv Barney's house and Jonathan Clap's house, to Easton line ; then'on sd. Easton line untill it come to the line which divides the North and South precint in said Norton ; then on said precint-line untill it comes to the line of the Senter Quarter; then on the line of the senter Quarter to the way that goeth from medfield 262 COMMON SCHOOLS. Rhoad, near Benjamin Trow's house, to makepeace's mill, whare we first began. " 3dly, Then we set of a third Quarter, begining at the senter-Quarter line, near to David Williamse's house ; then Ranging by the way that goeth to the new Bridge ; then down stream to Wineconet pond, and so to Extend to the Bounds of Norton town to the Line of the second quarter, near Jona than Clap's house ; then on the Line of the Second Quarter to the Line of the Senter Quarter ; and on sd. Line to whare we began. " 4thly, Then set of a fourth Quarter, begining at the way near Ishabod Washburn's house ; then Ranged so as to Take in Josiah Woodward's house, and Cornelius Tucker's house, whare he now lives, keeping the Rhod that goeth by Samuel Willise's house to Taunton line ; then on Taunton line to weneconet Bridge ; Then across Weneconet pond to the new bridge ; then on the Road that goeth to David Williamse's house to the line of the center Quarter ; Then on said line to the place whare we began. " 5thly, Then we set of a fifth Quarter, begining at Chartly mill-pond to Attleborough Line, so as to take in the house which was Samuel Tucker's, now Thomas Morey's, and John Braman's ; then on Norton line until.it comes to the way that goeth by Samuel Willise's, which is a bound of the south. Quarter; then on sd. bound to the center Line ; then on the center to the place whare we began. " 6tbly, Then we set of a sixth Quarter, on the westerly side of the line of the center Quarter and the west of the fifth Quarter, and to the Extent of the west so far as to take in all the south precint in sd. Norton, called Chartley Quar ter. " Dated in Norton, March second day, 1758. " Jonathan Lincoln, William Stone, Benjamin Cobb, Ebenezer Burt, I Committee of the James Godfrey, I South Precinct.' Jonathan Eddy, Nathan Hodges, Jr., Noah Wiswall, The committee of the North Precinct reported that the schools in that part of the town should be kept at the dwelling-houses of John Caswell, jun., Timothy Welman, and Solomon Bates. COMMON SCHOOLS. 263 A new division of the school ground was mooted in 1769 ; but no definite action was taken. At the annual March meeting in 1772, another at tempt was made to divide the school ground, but failed. It was, however, " put to vote, whether the centre Quarter should have one month's schooling more than the other quarters in sd. town, & that the sd. montli's schooling be kept on the Easterly side of Rumford River in sd. center quarter ; and it Passed in the negative." The exciting scenes of the Revolution soon followed ; and, until the close of that eventful struggle, the town paid but little attention to schools. During the con tinuance of the war, we are unable to find any appro priation for school purposes. Every cent of money that could be spared was needed to clothe, equip, and sustain those who battled for freedom and human rights. Occasionally, during the war, a school was sustained, for a few weeks at a time, by the voluntary contributions of one neighborhood and another. But as soon as the war closed, or as soon as there was a prospect of peace, we find the attention of the town again turned to the education of their children, which had been so sadly neglected during the distracted state of the country. Within a week from the day the treaty of peace with the mother-country was signed, or Oct. 6, 1783, the town chose Capt. Israel Trow, Capt. Seth Smith, Lieut. David Arnold, Samuel Copeland, Capt. Isaac Hodges, Lieut. Ebenezer Titus, William Burt, Capt. Seth Gilbert, and Capt. Joseph Hodges, " a Committee to Divide the school Ground." They also " voted to raise, for the purpose of schooling, £60." This shows that they were in earnest. The prospect of peace revived their drooping spirits. The meeting was adjourned once and again ; and on Nov. 10, 1783, the committee reported in favor of dividing the town into eight quarters, and fixing the bounds where they have remained to the present day, with some few slight alterations that have been made quite recently. The report of the committee was 264 COMMON SCHOOLS. accepted by the town, and an agent was chosen " in each quarter to take care of thei? money ; " viz , _ " 1st Quarter, Silas Cobb. 2nd „ Ebn. Titus. 3rd „ David Arnold. 4th „ Isaac Hodges. 5th Quarter, John Hall. 6th „ Israel Trow. 7tn „ Samuel Hunt. 8th „ Noah Clap." In April, 1784, Eleazer Walker and others pe titioned for an "alteration in their school Quar- A meeting was called to consider the matter • hut was "dissolved," without any action upoT the 'peti- inI17Mn0tpfinhdMa!,any lCh°01 agents were chos™ in 1784. Probably those chosen in November, 1783 continued in office till the spring of 1785 ; when the following persons were chosen, called trustees : — 5th Quarter, Timothy Briggs, Jr. 6th „ Lieut. Shepard. 7th „ Samuel Hunt. 8th ,. Samuel Godfrey." "1st Quarter, Coll. Cobb. 2nd „ Ebn. Titus. 3rd „ Lieut. Arnold. 4tu ,. Isaac Hodges. t Iu n8?' °°1[; Cobb' EPh™im Lane, George Hodges Isaac Hodges, Seth Smith, Seth Gilbert, Samuel Hunt,' teamuel Godfrey, were chosen trustees. In 1787, Silas Cobb, Ephraim Lane, Josiah Wood ward, James Hodges, Deacon Smith, Benjamin Wild, t U£5un*' Eleazer Walker' were chosen trustees. in 1788 the trustees were Col. Cobb, Nathan Perrv Elkanah Lincoln, James Hodges, Seth Smith, jun Deacon D. Dean, Samuel Hunt, Dr. Babbit, far S Morey. ' The trustees for 1789 were Col. Cobb, Nathan Perry, Lieut Lincoln, Jonathan Briggs, Capt. Crane, William Burt, Dr. Samuel Morey, Elisha Cobb. I do not find that any trustees were chosen after this date. _ March 28, 1785, it was " voted to make a new divi sion of school Quarters." At an adjourned meeting, May 12, Dr. Daniel Parker, Capt. Isaac Hodge! COMMON SCHOOLS. 265 Eleazer Clap, Deacon Daniel Dean, Tisdale Hodges Lieut. Ebenezer Titus, Elijah Hodges Lieut. David Arnold, Noah Wiswall, Nathan Perry, Edward Babbit, Capt. David Clap, and David Lincoln, were chosen a committee to re-divide the town into school quarters. Adjourned once and again ; and, on Oct. 3, " voted not to Except the report of the committee chosen to divide the town into school Quarters." Then recon sidered this vote, and recommitted the whole matter to the committee to be " revised and corrected ; and adjourned to Nov. 7. It was then "voted to except the new division of school Quarters." Reconsidered this vote, and dissolved the meeting. Nov 26 1787, it was "voted that the first school District be divided into two Districts." This made nine districts in town. We may as well state here as anywhere, that on April 2, 1792, by a vote of the town, " the centre School Quarter" was "re-umted and connected with the one formerly taken off." There was an article in the warrant for a town-meet ing, Dec. 30, 1789, "To choose a committee to divide the'town into Districts, agreeable to a Late Law of the Commonwealth relating to schooling." At the meet ing, Lieut. David Arnold, Capt. Trow, Col. Cobb, Lieut. Nathan Babbit, Capt. Lane, Capt. Crane Dea con Daniel Dean, Capt. Joseph Hodges, and iSoah Clap were chosen a committee to divide the town into school Districts." Hon. Horace Mann, the first Secre tary of tbe Board of Education in Massachusetts, con siders the law of 1789, authorizing towns to divide themselves into districts, as " the most unfortunate law, on the subject of common schools, ever enacted in the State." l I can find no report of this committee. 1 hey pro bably reported favorably to the project ; for, Feb. 14, 1790, it was voted to divide the town into nine school districts, and " that the boundaries of the school dis tricts be the same as the Town now stands divided." i Tenth Report, p. 37. 23 266 COMMON SCHOOLS. These votes seem to have been reconsidered at an adjourned meeting in April following, and the whole matter is_ left in the dark. In all probability, however, the districts remained for many years — with the ex ception stated on page 265 — as they were constituted in 1783. Coming out of the Revolutionary war poor, .and the finances of the country being in a distracted state, it is not wonderful that the town took no imme diate steps for the erection of schoolhouses. For some years after the war, they felt compelled to have their schools kept in private houses, as had been the previous custom. Yet all were not content with this arrange ment ; and, as soon as the finances became somewhat settled, a movement was made by John Hodges and others "to build a number of schoolhouses in the several Districts in town." Dec. 30, 1789, it was " voted that six schoolhouses should be built in sd. town, at their expense." Then adjourned to Jan. 11, 1790. No doubt John Hodges and his co-adjutors went home rejoicing at the prospect of new school- houses. No doubt their children's faces brightened, as they heard the report of what was done at the meeting. That night they all dreamed of being in the new houses, having a happy time, in the pursuit of knowledge. But they little knew what bitter dis appointments were in store for them. They very soon found, that to vote to build schoolhouses was no sure index of their speedy erection ; for at the adjourned meeting, Jan. 11, the vote for building " six school- houses" was reconsidered. Then some one besides John Hodges went home rejoicing. The friends of schoolhouses, though defeated, were not subdued. In eighteen days, a warrant was issued calling a town- meeting, Feb. 15, 1790, to consider the petition of Isaac Basset and nine others, " to see if the town will build any schoolhouses, and how many, and where to set " them. At the meeting, it was " voted that the selectmen preside as moderators in the several school districts at their meetings, to, prefix places to set a schoolhouse in each District ; and, where the district COMMON SCHOOLS. 267 cannot agree, for the selectmen to establish the place for sd. schoolhouse." Adjourned to the first Monday of April. Met at that time, and " voted not to build any schoolhouses at the expense of the town."_ Thus the whole manner was " knocked into pie " again. In 1792, Silas Cobb and twelve others petition for a meeting " to see if the town will consider the cir-. cumstances of the town respecting schooling, school districts and houses ; and to vote and act on each article as they shall think proper." The town met May 14, chose a " tyding-mau," and dissolved the meeting. The friends of education are not, however, dis couraged. They take time to arrange their plans ; and, Jan. 5, 1795, a meeting was held " to take into consideration the petition of Seth Smith, Esq., and ten others, for a town-meeting, to know whether the town will agree to build a number of Schoolhouses." It was " voted to build a number of schoolhouses at the expense of the town ; " and Ephraim Raymond, Samuel Godfrey, Daniel Parker, John Crane, Seth Smith, Esq., Ebenezer Titus, David Arnold, Daniel Knap, and Zebulon White, were chosen a committee to report a plan to the town where the said houses shall stand. Also " voted for the town to find fire wood for the several schools for the filter ; " and then adjourned to Jan. 12. Thus, again, the friends of schoolhouses triumphed. But their time of rejoicing was short; for at the meeting, Jan. 12, the votes for " building suhoolhouses " and " finding firewood " were reconsidered, and the above committee " excused from any further service." Two years go by ; when William Verry and nine others want schoolhouses built, and ask for a town-meeting to consider the mat ter. The town assembled Jan. 16, 1797, and voted " to raise a sum of money for the purpose of building a number of schoolhouses ; " and chose a committee, consisting of Daniel Parker, Silas Cobb, Ephraim Ray mond, William Burt, John Crane, Ephraim Lane, jun., David Arnold, and Zebulon White, " to determine how 268 COMMON SCHOOLS. many are necessary, and where they should be set, and the probable expense ; " and they were instructed to report at an adjourned meeting in March, when it was voted not to except the report of the committee for building schoolhouses." From these facts, it will be seen, that, " in days of auld lang syne," there was no certainty of the erection of schoolhouses, even after they had been voted up by the town. I find no fur ther attempt on the part of the town to build houses lor the several districts. Feb._ 28, 1800, the General Court passed a law authorizing school districts to raise money to build schoolhouses for themselves; and also requiring the clerks of the several school districts to be sworn to the faithful discharge of their duty. They were to keep a record of the doings at the district-meetings. 1 have been unable to find any school-district records that date back farther than about the year 1817 • so that we are obliged in most cases to rely upon indi vidual testimony as to when the first schoolhouses were built in town. There was no schoolhouse in No. 1, or the Centre District, till 1817. This was built by Zebulon White and cost something more than two hundred dollars.' It stood between where the present house stands and the road For some years the school was kept, says Deacon Lane, m an old dwelling-house which stood on the easterly side of the road, nearly opposite to the house now occupied by the writer of tliese pao-es between the house of H. H. Wetherell and tbe " Par sonage House " so called, now owned by L. M. Whea ton, Esq. After the Freemason Lodge was established in town, the room under their hall was used for some years for school purposes, till the district erected a house for themselves in 1817. This house stood till 1847, when it was torn down, and incorporated into the new house built that year ; which is still occupied for school purposes, and stands a few feet farther back from the road than the first house. An attempt was made, in the spring of 1856, to build a house more in COMMON SCHOOLS. 269 accordance with the wants of the present age ; but, we are sorry to record, the attempt failed. The house was repaired and painted during the year 1858. In No. 2, the first schoolhouse was erected by the late Judge George Leonard, at his own expense ; and it is thought by some to have been the first house erected in town. It stood for some years about twenty-five or thirty rods easterly of Wading River, on the southerly side of the road, between Judge Leonard's house and the house now occupied and owned by Stillman A. Wetherell. Some trouble arose between Judge Leonard and the district relative to the house, and the judge caused it to be removed ; and it now forms a part of the L of the above-men tioned Wetherell's house. Jan. 12, 1819, a tax of two hundred and two dollars and seventy cents was assessed upon the district; and, probably in the spring of that year, the frame of a house was erected in the corner of Judge Leonard's lot, nearly opposite to where William Lane now lives. There was some misunderstanding relative to the land, between the owner and the district ; and the frame was soon re moved to where it now stands. It is supposed, how ever, not to have been so far completed as to be occupied as a schoolroom till 1821. It is now (1858) the only one remaining in town of those old-fashioned square-built houses ; with gallery-seats on two sides of the building, with a sort of broad aisle through the centre between them, — at one end of which is the desk, and at the other the door ; with the stove in the centre of the room ; serving to illustrate, especially in the winter season, the five different zones ; also latitude and longitude, and various other geographical matters. We wish it could be daguerreotyped, outside and inside, for the benefit of future generations ; for probably the spirit of the age will soon cause its downfall. The first schoolhouse in No. 3 was erected for the district by George Hodges, in 1801, within a few feet 23* 270 COMMON SCHOOLS. of where the present house stands. It was rough and unique in many respects. It had but one aisle, and two rows of long benches upon either side ; a desk in one corner; a dark-closet for the girls' bonnets; a huge fireplace, with a cumbrous chimney. Dec. 30, 1800, a tax of one hundred and eighty dollars and nineteen cents was assessed for building this house. It stood till 1837, when it was removed a few rods westerly of R. H. Hall's house, and converted into a dwelling- house, and a new and more convenient building built on the same spot in its stead. Henry Gilmore, of Rayn ham, taught the first school in this new house, in the winter of 1837-8. The present house was erected late in the autumn of 1854. The first school kept in it commenced Jan. 22, 1855. The teachers were Miss Maria J. Newcomb, of Taunton ; and Miss Louisa C. Dean, of Easton. This house, with its appurtenances, cost something more than two thousand dollars. The first house in No. 4 was erected for the district by Joseph Hodges, in 1801, and probably cost a little less than two hundred dollars; for, on the 24th of December, a tax of one hundred and ninety dollars was assessed upon the district for building it. This house stood at first a few rods northerly, and on the opposite side of the road, from where Benjamin Rich mond now lives. In 1838, it was removed to the four corners, on the other side of Mr. Richmond's house, and nearly fifty dollars expended in repairs. It was occupied for school purposes till 1853 ; when the new house was erected, at an expense, including land, &c, of about eleven hundred dollars. It was dedicated with appropriate services to the purposes for which it was erected, on Monday, Oct. 17, 1853. Mr. Daniel Leach, of Roxbury, Agent of the Board of Education, was the orator of the day. Some account of the early history of schools in Norton, and especially in the 4th District, was read by Rev. G. F. Clark. Short addresses were made by Rev. S. P. Snow and others ; and the following song, written by Hodges Reed, Esq., of Taunton, once a teacher in the district, was sung : — COMMON SCHOOLS. 271 THE SONG OF THE OLD FOLKS IN THE NEW SCHOOL- HOUSE. " Things ain't now as they used to be " A hundred yenrs ago, When schools were kept in private rooms, Above stairs or below; When sturdy boys and rosy girls Romped through the drifted snow, And spelled their duty and their abs, A hundred years ago. Those old schoolrooms were dark and cold When Winter's sun ran low, But darker was tho master's frown, A hundred years ago: And high hung up the birchen rod, That all the school might see; Which taught the boys obedience, As well as " Rule of Three." Though 'twas but little that they learned A hundred years ago, Yet what they got they ne'er let slip; 'Twas well'whipped'in, you know. But now the times are greatly changed: The rod has had its day; The boys are won by gentle words, The girls by love obey. The schoolhouse now a palace is ; The scholars, kings and queens; They master Algebra and Greek Before they reach their teens. Where once was crying, Music sweet Her soothing influence sheds; Ferules are used for beating time, And not for beating heads. Yes, Learning was a ragged boy, A hundred years ago: With six weeks' schooling in a year, What could the urchin do? But now he is a full-grown man, And boasts attainments rare: He's got his silver slippers on, And running everywhere. The house was well filled, and the audience seemed much pleased with the exercises. The first school in this house commenced Oct. 25, 1853 ; and was taught by Miss Amelia D. Blanding, of Rehoboth. From the town-records, it appears that a schoolhouse was standing August, 1799, in the 5th District, near 272 COMMON SCHOOLS. where Mr. Seth Smith now (1858) resides. Most probably, this house was built before the one in No. 2 by Judge Leonard. Rev. I. Braman (already referred to), speaking of the schools in his boyhood, says, " In Norton, there was but one schoolhouse. That was in the east part of the town, a short distance south of Dr. Parker's." Of course, this must be the house in No. 5 ; for Dr. Parker lived where Benjamin Blandin (lately deceased) resided, — a near neighbor of Seth Smith. This house in No. 5, says Deacon Stillman Smith, — who went to school in it, — " was a square build ing, with a four-sided cap roof, with the chimney standing in one corner." He says, " It was moved in 1802 to near where the schoolhouse now stands." It remained there about a year unfinished, and then another house was built for the district by Joseph Hunt.1 It stood a few rods northerly from where the present house is located. Fifteen or twenty years since, it was moved nearly on to the site of the present house ; and was there burned on the night of March 14, 1854. The present house was erected the same year, at a cost of six hundred dollars ; and the first school was taught in it by Miss Maria J. Newcomb, commencing Oct. 16, 1854. It is thought that a schoolhouse was erected in No. 6 in 1799 or 1800. It was moved back from the road, an addition made to it, thoroughly repaired, and modernized to some extent, in 1843. It is still used for school purposes, though much changed for the better, both in its interior and exterior appearance, from what it originally was. In 1801, a schoolhouse was built in No. 7. The tax of a hundred and thirty-eight dollars and ninety- six cents for building it was made Jan. 12, 1801. It i We think the old house was moved in 1801, or earlier; for, Nov. 28, 1801, the district voted to raise a tax of a hundred and sixty dollars, — which was made by the assessors, Oct. 9, 1802, — no doubt to build a new house. COMMON SCHOOLS. 273 stood till December, 1854; when it was torn down, and incorporated into the new house, erected January, 1855, — which stands a few feet farther from the road, directly back of where the old house stood. It cost a little less than six hundred dollars. The first school in it commenced Feb. 26, 1855 ; and was taught by Edwin Goss, of Sterling. The old house in No. 8 is believed to have been erected previous to 1800 : I know not the exact year. It stood a few rods westerly, on the opposite side of the road, from where the present house stands. The new house was erected in the summer of 1853. The first school in it was taught by Miss Sarah E. Hitch cock, who commenced the summer term of the school for that year in the old house, and closed it in the new Sept. 16, — having occupied it about one month. The division of the school-money among the several districts, so that every child in town shall receive as nearly as possible an equal amount of schooling, is a very important matter. Various methods of apportioning the money have been adopted by the town from time to time. Whether any of them is the best that could have been devised, is a question for the consideration of the friends of equal school rights and privileges. It is, no doubt, a difficult matter, where some of the districts have a large number of scholars and others but very few, to so divide the money that each scholar shall have the same amount and quality of schooling. No general rule will bear equally upon all. In the warrant for a town-meeting, March 19, 1764, there was an article — " To vote (if they see) that the people of the Respective Quarters whare the schools in sd. town have been usually Keept shall draw out of the Treasury of sd. town Their pro portionable part of the money Raised in sd. town, to be used by them towards keeping a school in sd. Respective Quarters, as they shall think propper." We do not find any action upon this matter. 274 COMMON SCHOOLS. At the March meeting in 1767, it was " voted that the town will divide the money to Each school Quarter according to the Rates each school Quarter pays ; " and Dr. Gideon Tiffany, Isaac Hodges, John Crane, George Leonard, jun., Nathan Babbit, Benjamin Cope land, Dr. Jonathan Pratt, Elijah Hodges, and Col. Ephraim Leonard, were chosen a committee to appor tion the money in accordance with the above vote, and to report at an adjourned meeting. At the ad journment, the above vote was reconsidered ; and it was decreed that each of the quarters " draw the 9th part of the money voted by the town for the school." In May, 1768, it was voted that each -of the quarters " draw the money that they pay towards the support of the school, according to the tax-bill ; " and a commit tee of three in each quarter was appointed to attend to the matter. Then it was " voted, that, while the money is expending in any quarter of the town, every person hath a Right to send their children to the sd. school." Oct. 6, 1783, the town " voted that each school ground, after a new Division, shall draw their part of the money raised for schooling, in order to hire a schoolmaster." This vote is somewhat ambiguous. It was probably intended that each district, or quarter, should draw as much money as was assessed on the polls and estates of that district; which, of course, would not be very just, unless the valuation of the several districts was the same, or nearly so. Yet this division was, no doubt, satisfactory to a majority of the town ; for we find no vote in reference to a divi sion of the school money after this, till May 12, 1806, when it was " voted that each school quarter shall draw money for schooling, according to the number of scholars from 4 years to 18, and the scholars to be confined to their own quarters." This was, no doubt, deemed an innovation, a subversion of justice, and therefore not to be tolerated. Hence, on the first day of the following September, it was " voted to reconsider the vote about schooling, and to have it stand as it was the last year." But we find no vote COMMON SCHOOLS. 275 relative to a division of the money in 1805. There is. but little doubt that the division " the last year " was in accordance with the vote of October, 1783. Another attempt at change was made May 11, 1807. It was then " voted that the school money shall be divided according to the number of children, from four years old to twenty, in each quarter." Again the conserva tives rally ; and, July 20 of the same year, it was " voted that our school money should be divided as it was the last year." Thus, in all probability, the old system of appor tioning the money prevailed till May 12, 1817, when the town voted " that each school district shall draw money according to the number of scholars it contains, from the age of four years to twenty-one." One man in each district was chosen to number the scholars. This plan was not long satisfactory, as will be seen by the following action, taken Nov. 2, 1818: "Voted that the money raised for schooling be equally divided among the several school districts." In accordance with this vote, the money was divided till April 5, 1847, when the present method of apportioning the money was adopted ; which is to divide one-half of the amount raised by the town for schooling equally among the districts, and the other half according to the number of scholars in the district. The money received from the State School Fund is divided equally among the several districts. By the law of June 25, 1789, it was made the duty of the ministers of the gospel, and the selectmen of the several towns, or "other persons" who should be "specially chosen" for that purpose, to visit and inspect the schools in their respective towns " once in every six months at least," to inquire into the regulation and discipline thereof, and the proficiency of the school, &c. ; giving reasonable notice of their intended visitation. And it was also made their duty " to use their best endeavors that the youth of their respective towns do regularly attend school." I cannot find any choice, of " other persons," nor 276 COMMON SCHOOLS. any action of the town relative to the matter, till May 12, 1817, when the town chose " a committee," consisting of Earl P. White, William Verry, and Lu ther Lincoln, " to inspect the schools with the select men at the opening and closing of the same." There is no evidence to show that a similar committee was rechosen. March 4, 1826, an Act was passed by the General Court, requiring towns to choose a School Committee, of not less than five persons, to " have the general charge and superintendence of all the public schools in their respective towns." This committee were required to visit the schools during the first week, and on some day within two weeks of the close ; and one or more of them to visit all the schools in town once a month, without giving notice of their visit. The committee were to make a report, to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, of various matters relating to public instruction, similar to what is now required. This law marks a new era in the develop ment of our common-school system ; and, as might have been expected, met with a strong opposition from a portion of the inhabitants, and from some towns in their corporate capacity. It found opponents in Nor ton, as will immediately appear. April 3, 1826, there was a town-meeting for the purpose of choosing " a school committee to make out a return, to the Secretary of this Commonwealth, of the amount of money expended for the support of schools, the number of scholars, the time of keeping the schools," with the exception ot 1847, it has been annually printed and distributed through the town ; and has thus, no doubt, been pro ductive of much good. The following is a list of the School Committee of Norton, from 1826 to 1857 inclusive: — Rev. Pitt Clarke, William Wetherell, John Hall, 2d, Simeon Blandin, Ephraim Raymond, John Crane' Calvin Lincoln, John Arnold, jun. Rev. Pitt Clarke, Laban Wheaton, Ephraim Ray mond. Rev. Pitt Clarke, E. P. White, Laban Wheaton. Probably none chosen. Rev. Pitt Clarke, Thomas Braman, Eddy Lincoln. Rev. Pitt Clarke, Thomas Braman, jun., John Crane. Rev. Pitt Clarke, John Crane, Thomas Braman, jun. Rev. Pitt Clarke, Thomas Braman, Thomas Copeland. Rev. Pitt Clarke, Thomas Braman, Thomas Copeland. Dr. Richard F. Sweet, Eddy Lincoln, Cromwell Leo nard. Rev. A. M. Bridge, Rev. C. W. Allen, R. F. Sweet. Rev. Asarelah M. Bridge, Rev. Cyrus W. Allen, R. F. Sweet. Rev. A. M. Bridge, Rev. C. W. Allen, R. F. Sweet. Eddy Lincoln, George B. Crane, Zebulon P. White Rev. A. M. Bridge, Rev. C. W. Allen, Rev. Nathan Chapman. Rev. C. W. Allen, Rev. William P Tilden, Almond Tucker. Rev. William P. Tilden, Almond Tucker, Rodolphus H. Williams. F Rev. William P. Tilden, Almond Tucker, R. H. Wil liams. Rev. William P. Tilden, R. H. Williams, Rev. Samuel J. Carr. R. H. Williams, J. Calvin Crane, Almond Tucker. 1826, 1827.1828. 1829.1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1835. 1836. 1837. 1838. 1839. 1840. 1841.1842. 1843. 1844. 1845. 1846. 1847.1848.1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1853.1854. 1855. 1856. 1857. R. H. Williams, J. C. Crane, A. Tucker. R. H. Williams, A. Tucker, Rev. Amory Gale. Rev. William Barrows, J. C. Crane, Augustus Lane. Rev. Frederic Hinckley, Charles W. Hodges, Augus tus Lane. Rev. F. Hinckley, A. Lane, C. W. Hodges. Rev. William Read, Rev. S. P. Snow, J. C. Crane. James B. Lincoln, Dr. Benjamin M. Round, Benjamin E. Sweet. Rev. George F. Clark, Rev. Franklin Holmes, Dr. Benjamin .M. Round. Rev. G. F. Clark, Rev. F. Holmes, R. H. Williams. Christopher Comstock, A. A. Lincoln, jun., Thomas T. Rockwood. Rev. George F. Clark, Rev. John A. Gibson, Benja min E. Sweet. Eddy Lincoln, Benjamin E. Sweet, R. Henry Hall. CHAPTER XX. MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. "Are you good men and true?" — Shakspeabe. It is believed that most of the town-meetings, from the organization of the town till the Town House was built in 1843, were held in the " Publick Meeting-house," either in the South or North Precinct, but principally at the former place. The first warrant for a town-meeting, that we find recorded on the town-books, is dated " February ye 20 day, Annoque Domini 1718-19 ; " and the meeting house was the place where the voters were to as semble. Occasionally, the meetings were adjourned to a private dwelling-house, probably on account of the inclemency of the weather, — the meeting-house hav ing no means of warming it. B p aq crt- £Lp O O P 00 Pj Cr> -^1 CD O I? £ Mi cd p §qs.-pp^g. CD o R COOT 2 CD c+ P CDP ° ° OT B O i— ¦ >-t 1-5 P CD -^ ° £ 2 ~ 3 ^ITB p O et1 -o a> »-3 ft, CD CD £+ OT £3 »— ' CD -T CD CD £ to CD2. o g 95 2- ° .tt CD P OT o " SJ*B -3 b> CD p 2. P 2 OT B Cb ot CD*— ' S" p^ O cr si h a> p O EDi O Ei CD 2 CD B &. OT OT f. P "m, » Off CD O b c CD 0 CD P IB B CDOT P co B o CDB S--B •-s p ^7 p CD <( Sj P CD C5 Pj OT P* CD CD sl S"^ 3. ° CD tZlrt- P •— p"7! a- ct> _^ * B S B P p i P" CD ,_i [ CD OT *" ' CD P M 23 ~ P- CD O OT ,_, £L R -^ CD B'oq p - ES, CD St P 5£ CD g"«< ^ P » • 2 w-& o p" s^ CD 0_ Oj o'CD CDPJ 6 2, R 0^ . »B O P CD t> p o QB CD pr>^ t> tt S o p -a n B F" 6 H CD cr *-* oBttcr CDr+OB ¦ CD Oo tt> l_t p | CD 0 ^ ¦ 1— . B p -WB » p g ^^ "^ 0 cd cr * ** CD a a§ ? ^^tt§ B " B JS.Po a S§I C?tt p S»tiS R e cr '-i P CD « K-® P P O HJ B 2 « tt S CD ... OT cr" P » sj o B OT CD tt a. O CD •-3CD C?P ^0q O ' B p p 8 3. tt p p cr w oq O tt CD tt o" o O B- CD Si «C !. <->. o tt X erg CD p O B cr £5.4 p g CD O CD o CD 5^ OT OTo"1 CD FT CD g-3 P CD OT CD rtO (LE CT *-*} ot *-: p OT g; a ^ s O v3 CD •-i p ot 2 - R ^ O CD «-t- CT1 g^Ott 2 B^ cd cr 2, O O CD •Z. JT ot CTq T^i" CD CD -• cr t_i OT CD P-i ^ OT *— l ST. rt- CD to o s- lX- B o ot 1— 1 aoB * I er 2 CD B i-J O CD CD *.w CD t^- tt- 1— '. . CD B CD ^ p CD i-J P P 1-3 CD ™ CD CD Oo B CD P B S- P 3 B PB OT C-j o .. o R &3 &P O-B O CD I * CD CDo B Oj cr ot o ' >-J h-1 J* „ CD ^ CD P ' R . 2 cn O CD #J p B 1 < 1 CB to ODO a tr1 ao r Ho W 1711.1712.1713.1714. 1715.1716. 1717. 1718.1719. 1720. 1721.1722.1723. 1724.1725. 1726.1727.1728.1729. MODERATOR. John Hodges. John Hodges. John Hodges, sen. John Hodges. John Briggs. Benjamin Williams. Benjamin Williams... Lieut. Nicholas White. John Briggs, sen. Nicholas White. John Briggs, 2d. Lieut. Nicholas White. Capt. Samuel Brintnell. John Briggs, 2d. TOWN-CLERK. John Briggs. George Leonard. George Leonard ( ? ). George Leonard ( ? ). George Leonard. George Leonard.1 John Hodges. John Hodges, sen. John Hodges. John Hodges. George Leonard. George Leonard. George Leonard. George Leonard. George Leonard. George Leonard. George Leonard. George Leonard. George Leonard. TREASURER. Nicholas White. Samuel Hodges. John Wetherell, sen. Jonathan Lincoln. Jonathan Lincoln. John Briggs, sen. John Briggs, sen. Eleazer Eddy. Josiah Pratt. Josiah Pratt. Daniel Braman. Simeon Wetherell. Simeon Wetherell. William Stone. William Stone. William Stone. William Stone. REPRESENTATIVE. George Leonard, Esq. Voted not to send. John Hodges, sen. Nicholas White. Samuel Hodges.2 Capt. Samuel Brintnell. John Hodges.8 Samuel Hodges. AVilliam Stone. George Leonard. George Leonard.4 Capt. Samuel Brintnell. Capt. Samuel Brintnell. 1 Sept 18, John Hodges was chosen town-clerk in place of George Leonard, deceased. 2 At a meeting for the choice of representative, May 13, 1720, " Cap. Brintinal had 28 Eight vots, being the megoletry of the vots. then the Selectmen ajurned the sd. meeating for the Space of two ours, & Sent one of the Selectmen, & another man "with Him, to cap. Brintinal's for his answer; & Cap. Brintinal's wife Told the Inbasidars her husband was Gon to Coneticut (nameley, to Ash- ford), & she did not Expect him home tell the next tueseday; & If he went farther, as he did Expect when he went from home, not So soon. Sd. brintinal left a note Signeyfeying sumthing: but, the selectmen not understanding what it ment. Then said meeating was called aGain ; &, by the megoletry of the voters then present, Samuel Hodges was chosen, & warned In by the Con- staben; & sd. Hodges Excepted." s At a meeting for the purpose of choosing a representative, May 18, Samuel Brintnell, Nicholas White, aud John Newland, sen., were severally chosen representative, but " Refused to Sarve." Then u they called for a vote for another; and thare was not one vote brought in for any other person." So the town was unrepresented. 4 He probably resigned ; for, Nov. 13, 1727, Capt. Samuel Brintnell was chosen representative. d >-dc o o TI Ho w to00 MODERATOR. 1730. John Briggs, 2d. 1731. John Briggs, 2d. 1732. George Leonard. 1733. George Leonard. 1734. George Leonard, Esq. 1735. George Leonard, Esq. 173G. George Leonard, Esq. 1737. George Leonard, Esq. 1738. George Leonard, Esq. 1739. George Leonard, Esq. 1740. George Leonard, Esq. 1741. George Leonard, Esq. 1742. George Leonard, Esq. 1743. George Leonard, Esq. 1744. Ephraim Leonard, Esq. 1745. Capt. Simeon Wetherell. 1746. Ephraim Leonard, Esq. 1747. William Stone. 1748. William Stone. 1749. Capt. Simeon Wetherell. 1750. Ephraim Leonard, Esq. 1761. John Fisher. 1762. Hon. George Leonard, Esq. 1753. Hon. George Leonard, Esq. 1754. Ephraim Leonard, Esq. TOWN-CLERK. George Leonard. John Hodges. John Hodges. John Hodges, the elder. John Hodges, 1st. John Hodges, 1st. John Hodges, 1st. John Hodges, 1st. John Hodges, 1st. John Hodges, 1st. John Hodges, 1st. John Hodges, 1st. John Hodges, 1st. George Leonard. George Leonard, Esq. George Leonard, Esq. George Leonard. George Leonard. George Leonard. George Leonard, Esq. George Leonard, Esq. George Leonard, jun. David Williams. David Williams. David Williams. TREASURER. William Stone. William Stone. William Stone. William Stone. William Stone. William Stone. William Stone. William Stone. Benjamin Cobb. Benjamin Cobb. Benjamin Cobb. Benjamin Cobb. Benjamin Cobb. Benjamin Pratt. Jonathan Lawrence. John Andrews. John Andrews. Lieut. Benjamin Cobb. Benjamin Cobb. Benjamin Cobb. Benjamin Cobb. William Stone, jun. William Stone, jun. No record of any choice. William Stone, jun. REPRESENTATIVE. Samuel Brintnell.1 Samuel Brintnell. George Leonard. Mr. Samuel Clapp. George Leonard. Capt. Ephraim Leonard. Ephraim Leonard. Capt. Joseph Hodges. Ephraim Leonard, Esq. Lieut. Benjamin Williams. George Leonard, Esq. George Leonard. George Leonard.2 Ephraim Leonard. Capt. Josiah Pratt. Capt. Samuel Caswell. Capt. Samuel Caswell. Ephraim Leonard, Esq. Mr. Benjamin Cobb. Mr. Josiah White. Mr. Josiah White. Ephraim Leonard, Esq. Ephraim Leonard, Esq. Voted not to send.8 Ephraim Leonard, Esq. 1 He was chosen Jan. 29, 1730-1, for " the remaining part of the year." 2 He probably resigned ; for, on the 1st of June, Ephraim Leonard was chosen representative. 8 May 14, 1763, the selectmen were chosen agents to memorialize the General Court that the town might not be fined for neg lecting to send a representative, on account of the great expense the South Precinct had incurred in building a meeting-house and settling a minister. For petition, see State Papers, vol. lxxxvii. p. 322. The town was, however, fined £20; which was remitted bv the General Court, May 31, 1764. tocoto 55 ?d tr ooa CO HO w t~ ST'G??? MODERATOR. 1765. Ephraim Leonard, Esq. 1756. Ephraim Leonard, Esq. 1757. Lieut. Benjamin Cobb. 1758. Lieut. Benjamin Cobb. 1759. Capt. Thomas Morey. 1760. Capt. Thomas Morey. 1761. Major Thomas Morey. 1762. George Leonard, jun., Esq. 1763. George Leonard, jun., Esq. 1764. Ephraim Leonard, Esq. 1765. Dr. George Wheaton. 1766. George Leonard, jun., Esq. 1767. George Leonard, jun., Esq. 1768. George Leonard, jun., Esq. 1769. Dr. George Wheaton. 1770. Thomas Morey, Esq. 1771. Hon. George Leonard, jr., Esq. 1772. Lieut. Wiiliam Cobb. 1773. Thomas Morey, Esq. 1774. Thomas Morey, Esq. 1775. Lieut. William Cobb. 1776. William Homes, Esq. 1777. William Homes, Esq. 1778. Lieut. William Cobb. 1779. William Homes, Esq. 1780. William Homes, Esq. TOWS-CLERK. David Williams. David Williams. David Williams. David Williams. David Williams. David Williams. David Williams. David Williams. David Williams. David Williams. David Williams. David Williams. David Williams. David Williams. David Williams. David Williams. David Williams. David Williams. John King.1 John King. John King. John King. John King. John King. Capt. Silas Cobb. Silas Cobb. TREASURER. Benjamin Cobb. Lieut. Benjamin Cobb. Samuel Newcomb. William Cobb. William Cobb. William Cobb. Major Thomas Morey. Thomas Morey, Esq. Thomas Morey, Esq. Thomas Morey, Esq. David Williams. David Williams. Mr. John Crane. Mr. John Crane. Nathan Babbit. George Makepeace. George Makepeace. Lieut. William Cobb. Israel Trow. Israel Trow. Israel Trow. Noah Wiswall. Mr. Noah Wiswall. George Leonard, jun., Esq. Hon. George Leonard, Esq. Hon. George Leonard. REPRESENTATIVE. Mr. Thomas Morey. Mr. Thomas Morey. Mr. Thomas Morey. Capt. Thomas Morey. Capt. Thomas Morey. Thomas Morey, Esq. Thomas Morey, Esq. Thomas Morey, Esq. Thomas Morey, Esq. George Leonard, jun., Esq. George Leonard, jun., Esq. George Leonard, jun., Esq. Dr. George Wheaton. Dr. George Wheaton. George Leonard, jun., Esq. Dr. George Wheaton. Dr. George Wheaton. Dr. George Wheaton. Thomas Morev, Esq. Mr. Nathan Hodges.2 Noah Woodward. j Mr. Noah Woodward. ( Mr. Daniel Dean. Abraham White. Mr. Abraham White. Capt. Isaac Hodges.8 i A vote of thanks was given " by the town to Lieut. David Williams for his good service m th.s town as a Clerk 2 From 1770 to 1775, Norton and the district of Mansfield were united for the choice of a representative. In 1775, a petition J in? from Mansfield to the General Court for a new precept to choose representatives They had leave to withdraw In 1857 th? State Constitution was so amended as to choose representatives by districts, instead of towns, as formerly; and Norton and Mansfield were made District No. 2 of Bristol County for that purpose. S He was the first representative to the General Court, under the State Constitution. 55 > tr a o w HO to ooCO MODERATOR. 1781. William Homes, Esq. 1782. William Homes, Esq. 1783. Deacon Daniel Dean. 1784. Capt. Israel Trow. 1785. Lieut. William Cobb. 1786. Capt. John Crane. 1787. Capt. John Crane. 1788. Capt. John Crane. 1789. Capt. John Crane. 1790. Laban Wheaton, Esq. 1791. Laban Wheaton, Esq. 1792. Capt. John Crane. 1793. Laban Wheaton, Esq. 1794. Capt. John Crane. 1795. Laban Wheaton, Esq. 1796. Laban Wheaton, Esq. 1797. Laban Wheaton. 1798. Laban Wheaton. 1799. Capt. David Clap. 1800. Capt. David Clap. 1801. Laban Wheaton, Esq. 1802. Laban Wheaton, Esq. 1803. Laban Wheaton, Esq. 1804. Laban Wheaton, Esq. 1805. Major Brian Hall. 1806. Laban Wheaton, Esq. 1807. Laban Wheaton, Esq. 1808. Labau Wheaton, Esq. 1809. Laban Wheaton, Esq. 1810. Brian Hall, Esq. 1811. Laban Wheaton. 1812. Brian Hall. TOWN-CLERK. Silas Cobb. Silas Cobb. Silas Cobb. Silas Cobb. Seth Smith, jun. Seth Smith, jun. Seth Smith, jun. Seth Smith, jun. Seth Smith, jun. Seth Smith, jun. Seth Smith, jun. Seth Smith, jun., Esq. Seth Smith, jun., Esq. Thomas Fobes. Seth Smith, jun. Seth Smith, jun. Seth Smith, jun. Seth Smith, jun.1 Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. TREASURER. Hon. George Leonard. Hon. George Leonard. Lieut. William Cobb. Lieut. William Cobb. Lieut. William Cobb. Capt. David Clap. Lieut. Ephraim Lane. Capt. Ephraim Lane. Dr. Samuel Morey. Dr. Samuel Morey. Dr. Samuel Morey. Timothy Briggs, jun. Samuel Morey, jun., Esq. Samuel Morey, jun., Esq. Seth Smith, jun. Brig. Silas Cobb. Gen. Silas Cobb. Laban Wheaton, Esq. Timothy Briggs, jun. Dr. Samuel Morey. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. REPRESENTATIVE. Abraham White. Capt. Isaac Hodges. Abraham White. Capt. Israel Trow. Capt. Israel Trow. Seth Smith, jun. Seth Smith, jun. Capt, John Crane. Lieut. Seth Smith, jun. Seth Smith, jun. Voted not to send. Seth Smith, jun., Esq. Voted not to send. Capt. David Clap. Seth Smith, jun. Seth Smith, jun., Esq. Seth Smith, jun. Seth Smith, jun. Capt. David Clap. Capt. David Clap. Hon. George Leonard, Esq. Hon. George Leonard, Esq. Laban Wheaton. Laban Wheaton, Esq. Laban Wheaton, Esq. Laban Wheaton, Esq. Laban Wheaton, Esq. Laban Wheaton, Esq. Major Brian Halh John Hall. John Hall. ( Brian Hall. I Samuel Morey. toCO a 55 55a o*1 cnHO 1 He resigned Nov. 6 ; and Joseph Hunt was chosen in his place. MODERATOR. TOWN-CLERK. TREASURER. 1813. Laban Wheaton. Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt. 1814. Brian Hall. George Walker.1 George Walker. 1815. Laban Wheaton. George Walker. George Walker. 1816. Brian Hall. George Walker. George Walker. 1817. Isaac Hodges. George Walker. George Walker. 1818. Isaac Hodges. George Walker. George Walker. 1819. Isaac Hodges. George Walker. George Walker. 1820. Ephraim Raymond. George Walker. George Walker. 1821. Ephraim Raymond Thomas Danforth, 2d. Thomas Danforth, 2d. 1822. Ephraim Raymond. Thomas Danforth, 2d. Thomas Danforth, 2d. 1823. Laban Wheaton. Thomas Danforth, 2d. Thomas Danforth, 2d. 1824. Laban Wheaton. Thomas Danforth, 2d. Thomas Danforth, 2d. 1825. Earl P. White. Thomas Danforth, 2d. Thomas Danforth, 2d. 1826. Lemuel Perry. Thomas Danforth, 2d. Thomas Danforth, 2d. 1827. Lemuel Perry. Thomas Danforth, 2d. Thomas Danforth, 2d. 1828. Ephraim Raymond. John Crane. John Crane. 1829. Lemuel Perry. John Crane. John Crane. 1830. Cromwell Leonard. John Crane. John Crane. 1831. Lemuel Perry. John Crane. John Crane. 1832. Cromwell Leonard. John Crane. John Crane. 1833. Ephraim Raymond. John Crane. John Crane. REPRESENTATIVE. j Brian Hall. j Samuel Morey. Isaac Hodges. Isaac Hodges. Voted not to send. Voted not to send. Voted not to send. Voted not to send. George Walker. Ephraim Raymond. Voted not to send. Voted not to send. Voted not to send. Laban Wheaton. Jacob Shepard. Laban M. Wheaton. ( Laban M. Wheaton. I Lemuel Perry. ( Jacob Shepard. \ Lemuel Pern,'. Cromwell Leonard. Cromwell Leonard. Asa Arnold.2 ( Asa Arnold. i Cromwell Leonard. 1 A committee chosen for that purpose, recommended that the town " Do now present the thanks of said town to Mr. Joseph Hunt, their late town-Clerk, for his ability and impartiality in serving them as their town-Clerk for fifteen years past. Amidst the heat of political debate and the unavoidable colisions of part}', he has maintained a dignity which hascommanded respect; practised a mildness which has conciliated esteem; and exhibited an example of deliberate candor, so becoming the man, honorable to the gentleman, and worthy of the Clerk of the town." The report was accepted. 2 Mr. Arnold was chosen in November, 1831, and took his seat January, 1832, under the new arrangement, which required the political year to commence the first Wednesday of January. Hereafter we have placed the name of the representative against the year of his service; but it will be understood that he was chosen in the autumn of the previous year. a z > cr >55O o Cfi H O to oo Cr< MODERATOR. TOWN-CLERK. 1834. Cromwell Leonard. John Crane. 1835. Cromwell Leonard. John Crane. 1836. Cromwell Leonard. John Crane. 1837. Cromwell Leonard. John Crane. 1838. Cromwell Leonard. John Crane. 1639. Aaron Lincoln, jun. John Crane. 1840. Cromwell Leonard. John Crane. 1841. Daniel S. Cobb. John Crane. 1842. Mason Stone. John Crane. 1843. Aaron Lincoln, jun. John Crane. 1844. Aaron Lincoln, jun. John Crane. 1845. Rodolphus H. Williams. John Crane. 1846. Rodolphus H. Williams. John Crane. 1847. Cromwell Leonard. John Crane. 1848. Earl Hodges.1 John Crane. 1849. Cromwell Leonard. John Crane. 1860. Earl Hodges. John Crane. 1861. Cromwell Leonard. John Crane. 1852. Cromwell Leonard. John Crane. 1853. Rodolphus H. Williams. John Crane. 1864. Rodolphus H. Williams. John Crane. 1855. Laban M. Wheaton. John Crane. 1856. Cromwell Leonard. John Crane. 1867. Leonard Hodges. John Crane. TREASURER. John Crane. John Crane. John Crane. John Crane. John Crane, John Crane. John Crane. John John John John John JohnJohn JohnJohnJohn JohnJohn John John JohnJohn John Crane.Crane,Crane,Crane.Crane. Crane. Crane.Crane.Crane. Crane.Crane. Crane.Crane.Crane. Crane. Crane.Crane. REPRESENTATIVE. tooo ( Cromwell Leonard. j John Crane. OS j Cromwell Leonard. | John Crane. j Cromwell Leonard. \ John Crane. John Crane. S Laban M. Wheaton. B Johu Crane. ( John Crane. ( Hennary Newcomb. O tS John Crane. >¦ John Crane. tr John Crane. t» Earl Hodges. 55 Earl Hodges. O Rodolphus H. Williams. o No choice. •=( No choice. *J Rodolphus H. Williams. CO No choice. p Austin Messinger. f Andrew B. Randall. a Charles W. Hodges. Ul Caleb S. Wetherell.2 H Lysander 0. Makepeace. O P3 George B. Crane. K Leonard Hodges. 1 He was chosen the second day of town-meeting, on the third ballot. The first day, balloted six times without effecting choice. 2 After serving three days, he resigned his seat; and the town was unable to choose a successor. 3-.' ' K.UOft. -', ¦ - t: ^ - :i /*¦'•*. TREASURER 183 - - j:t. i- 1 ,i Leonard. ><.:>¦ CW-* John Crane 183 ¦¦ ^.-eil Leonard- Juhn Crane 18E ri.-nn.'ci! Lcon.'-r,. John Crane 18: '¦' •' -:.v v ! Leonard. . John Crnne 18: -imwHi Leonnrd. .~',„- -, John Crane 18: , -¦a- ,:. T.iiicoln, juii- ' ¦•>;¦,• Jolin Crane 18 '.''¦¦-.mwyii Leonnrd ;.•'.. n L r:"i John Crane 18 .¦--,...! s. n.,v John { r-Mf. Jol-n Crime It - ;-;, • ¦; -:.i.. ^ Jnh'i l.-l; '• /:.^i.,- Jo:,,, ("•tiv. ::. K.' m .l. 1 r : u-i- ¦.--'• i.^ . -••¦ j.-.hi. i'r-^. Juiin Crane IS 8 In li- ¦',:.-.. • ,i(i!'i>i Cm:'-' John Cmue. 1849 {>.i:r.v . i: '.. .u:y.... .\illlt *.'rar : . John Crane. 1850 Kan h-]^ .It !;i, i'.r-.n:- . hr Crane. 1861 Crum well Lect.;.>-J Juhn -Crnr <-. J- '>n Cv:r.» 1852 Cromwell l.f.jn.rii. John Crr.r.p. John Ciiinf. 185.1 IJinlflfin'- '!. ** '^unis. John Cniin:. John Crane. 1-04 Rod.ili.lnw 11. William*. John Crsr.p. John Crane. 1855 I/nian M. Wheaton. John Crane. John Crane 1856 Crumwiijl Leor,;ird. -innii C^'Aiie. John Crane 1867 Leonard l]i»-; inger. Afj-Aw I',. iNnJall. t ci a rle.s W. lji-vige*. ( 'alcb t>. u^.-rlir-rcli.- " v>,iiiier 0. Makepeace. George B. Crtiiie. Lf.-i;:nrd Hud£X'?. toOS e M>r>-z i o ' o?5*d>— < or H o» -t^d six times witii'-u! e'T.-^t'-. MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. 287 SELECTMEN. 1711. George Leonard, John Wetherell, Thomas Stephens. 1712. George Leonard (?), Samuel Brintnell, Nicholas White. 1713. George Leonard (?), John Hodges, Thomas Stephens. 1714. George Leonard (?), Nicholas White, John Hodges. 1715. John Wetherell, John Briggs, John Skinner. 1716. George Leonard,1 Nicholas White, John Hodges. 1717. John Hodges, John Wetherell, John Skinner. 1718. John Hodges, sen., John Wetherell, sen., John Skin ner. " East End," Thomas Randall, John Phillips. 1719. John Wetherell, John Hodges, John Skinner. 1720. John Hodges, John Wetherell, John Briggs, grand senior. " East End," John Phillips, Josiah Keith. 1721. John Briggs, grand senior, Benjamin Williams, John Smith, grand senior. " East End," John Phillips, Edward Howard. 1722. Nicholas White, Thomas Skinner, Benjamin Williams. 1723. Lieut. Nicholas White, Thomas Skinner, Benjamin Williams. 1724. Nicholas White, Samuel Hodges, Benjamin Williams. 1725.2 George Leonard, Samuel Hodges,8 Ephraim Grover. 1726. Capt. Samuel Brintnell, John Briggs, 2d, Richard Briggs. 1727. George Leonard, Nicholas White, Eleazar Fisher. 1728. George Leonard, Lieut. Nicholas White, Thomas Skinner, sen. 1729. George Leonard, Esq., Lieut. Nicholas White, Ensign Joseph Hodges. 1730. Lieut. Nicholas White, Benjamin Williams, Joseph Hodges. 1731. John Briggs, 2d, Benjamin Williams, William Stone. 1732. John Wetherell, 1st, Benjamin Williams, Samuel Clap. 1 Sept. 16, John Skinner was chosen selectman in place (?) of George Leonard, deceased. 3 At the annual meeting, March 1, of this year, " Thayer was a vote caled for, for those that ware for three Selectmen to Go into the Wimin's Galery, and those that ware for five Selectmen to Go into men's Galery; and thare ware most in the Wimin's Galery." The moderator of the meet ing undoubtedly wanted only three selectmen chosen; for he must have known instinctively that the largest number of men would have been found on the " wimin's " side of the house. ' May 14, 1725, Benjamin Williams was chosen selectman "in the Koome of Samuel Hodges, deceased." 288 MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. 1733. Ephraim Leonard, Joseph Hodges, Samuel Clap. 1734. Ephraim Leonard, Joseph Hodges, Benjamin Wil liams, Mr. Samuel Clap, John Hodges. 1735. Samuel Clap, William Stone, Benjamin Williams. 1736. George Leonard, Esq., William Stone, Benjamin Williams. 1737. Ephraim Leonard, Esq., John Hodges, Simeon Weth erell. 1738. Col. George .Leonard, Simeon Wetherell, Deacon Nicholas White. 1739. John Hodges, John Gilbert, Josiah Pratt. 1740. George Leonard, Esq., John Gilbert, Josiah Pratt. 1741. George Leonard, Ephraim Leonard, Joseph Hodges, John Gilbert, Josiah Pratt. 1742. George Leonard, Joseph Hodges, John Gilbert. 1743. George Leonard, Esq., Ephraim Leonard, Esq., Wil liam Dean. 1744. Capt. Simeon Wetherell, Lieut. Josiah Pratt, Lieut. William Stone. 1745. Capt. Simeon Wetherell, William Stone, Benjamin Williams, William Dean, John Andrews. 174G. Capt. Simeon Wetherell, Capt. William Stone, Capt. William Dean. 1747. Capt. Simeon Wetherell, William Dean, William Stone. 1748. Capt. William Stone, Capt. Simeon Wetherell, Capt. William Dean. 1749. Capt. Simeon Wetherell, Capt. William Stone, Capt. William Dean. 1750. Capt. William Stone, Capt. Simeon Wetherell, Capt. William Dean. 1751. George Leonard, Ephraim Leonard, Nathan Hodges. 1752. George Leonard, Esq., Nathan Hodges, Joseph El liot.1 1753. Hon. George Leonard, Esq., Ephraim Leonard, Esq., George Leonard, jun. 1754. Hon. George Leonard, Esq., Ephraim Leonard, Esq., George Leonard, jun., Esq. 1755. Ephraim Leonard, Esq., Lieut. Thomas Morey, Tho mas Shepard, Lieut. Benjamin Pratt, Lieut. Ben jamin Cobb. 1 Thomas Fillebrown was chosen May 11, 1752, in the place of Joseph Elliot, deceased. MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. 289 1756. Lieut. Thomas Morey, Lieut. Benjamin Cobb, Mr. Thomas Shepard, Mr. Isaac White, Mr. Nathan Williams. 1757. Thomas Morey, Benjamin Cobb, Ebenezer Burt. 1758. Lieut. Thomas Morey, Lieut. Benjamin Cobb, Mr. Ebenezer Burt. 1759. Capt. Thomas Morey, Capt. Benjamin Cobb, Mr. Ebenezer Burt. 1760. Capt, Thomas Morey, Capt. Benjamin Cobb, Lieut. Benjamin Pratt. 1761. George Leonard, jun., Esq., Mr. Thomas Shepard, Mr. Isaac White. 1762. George Leonard, jun., Esq., Capt. William Dean, Capt, Jonathan Eddy. 1763. George Leonard, jun., Esq., Mr. Daniel Leonard, Mr. William Cobb, Ebenezer Burt, 1st, Dr. George Wheaton. 1764. Lieut, William Cobb, Dr. George Wheaton, George Leonard, jun., Esq. 1765. Mr. William Cobb, Dr. George Wheaton, Mr. Isaac Hodges. 1766. Lieut. William Cobb, Dr. George Wheaton, Mr. Isaac Hodges. 1767. Lieut. William Cobb, Dr. George Wheaton, Mr. Isaac Hodges. 1768. Lieut. William Cobb, Dr. George Wheaton, Mr. Isaac Hodges. 1769. Lieut. William Cobb, Dr. George Wheaton, Mr. Isaac Hodges. 17,70. George Leonard, jun., Esq., Dr. George Wheaton,1 Mr. Nathan Babbit. 1771. Hon. George Leonard, jun., Esq., Mr. John Crane, Mr. Nathan Babbit. 1772. Hon. George Leonard, jun., Esq., Mr. Nathan Bab bit, Mr. John Crane. 1773. Capt. William Homes, Capt. John Crane, Mr. Sam uel Newcomb. 1774. William Homes, Samuel Newcomb, Isaac Hodges. 1775. Capt. William Homes, Mr. Isaac Hodges, Mr. Eleazar Clap. 1 May 23, 1770, John Crane was chosen selectman in the place of George Wheaton, who lived in that part of Norton, which, a few days before, had been erected into the District of Mansfield. 25 290 MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. 1776. 1777. 1778.1779.1780. 1781. 1782. 1783. 1784. 1785. 1786. 1787.1788. 1789.1790. 1791. 1792.1793. 1794. 1795. 1796. 1797. 1798. 1799. William Homes, Mr. Isaac Hodges, Mr. Eleazar Clap. William Homes, Mr. Daniel Dean, Mr. Eleazar Clap. William Homes, Esq., Lieut. William Cobb, Mr. Daniel Dean. Lieut. William Cobb, William Homes, Esq., Deacon Daniel Dean. Lieut. William Cobb, William Homes, Esq., Deacon Daniel Dean. William Homes, Esq., Lieut. William Cobb, Deacon Daniel Dean. Capt. Seth Smith, Capt. Israel Trow, Deacon Daniel Dean. Capt. Seth Smith, Capt. Israel Trow, Lieut. David Arnold. Capt. Israel Trow, Capt. Seth Smith, Lieut. David Arnold. Capt. Seth Smith, Capt. John Crane, Col. Silas Cobb. Capt. John Crane, Capt. Isaac Hodges, Lieut. David Arnold. Capt. John Crane, Capt, Isaac Hodges, Lieut. David Arnold. Capt. John Crane, Lieut. David Arnold, Lieut. Jacob Shepard. Capt. John Crane, Capt. Ephraim Lane, Lieut. Jacob Shepard. Capt. John Crane, Capt. Ephraim Lane, Jacob Shep ard. Capt. John Crane, Capt. Ephraim Lane, jun., Lieut. Jacob Shepard. Capt. John Crane, Capt. Ephraim Lane, jun., Capt. David Clap. Capt. Ephraim Lane, Capt. Israel Trow, Capt. David Clap. Capt. David Clap, Ephraim Lane, Capt. Tisdale Hodges. Capt, David Clap, Capt. Tisdale Hodges, Isaac Hodges, jun. Deacon Daniel Dean, Tisdale Hodges, Isaac Hodges, jun. Capt. Tisdale Hodges, Isaac Hodges, jun., Elisha Cobb. Isaac Hodges, jun., Elisha Cobb, David Lincoln, jun. Capt Tisdale Hodges, Isaac Hodges, jun., Lieut. Elisha Cobb. MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. 291 1800. Isaac Hodges, jun., Lieut. John Hall, Capt. Tisdale Hodges. 1801. Tsaac Hodges, jun., Lieut. John Hall, William Burt. 1 802. William Burt, Lieut. John Hodges, Major Brian Hall. 1803. William Burt, Samuel Hunt, Jonathan Hodges. 1804. William Burt, Capt. Jonathan Hodges, Capt. Samuel Hunt. 1805. Capt. Samuel Hunt, Capt. Jonathan Hodges, Major Brian Hall. 180G. Capt. Jonathan Hodges, Laban Wheaton, Esq., Capt. Samuel Hunt. 1807. Laban Wheaton, Esq., Capt. Samuel Hunt, Major Brian Hall. 1808. Laban Wheaton, Brian Hall, Samuel Hunt. 1809. Isaac Hodges, Major Brian Hall, Capt. Samuel Hunt. 1810. Brian Hall, Isaac Hodges, Samuel Hunt. 1811. Isaac Hodges, Samuel Hunt, Samuel Copeland. 1812. Samuel Copeland, Isaac Hodges, Samuel Hunt. 1813. Isaac Hodges, Samuel Copeland, Samuel Hunt, 1814. Isaac Hodges, Seth Hodges, Jonathan Newland. 1815. Isaac Hodges, Lysander Makepeace, Daniel Lane. 1816. Isaac Hodges, Lysander Makepeace, Seth Hodges. 1817. Isaac Hodges, Seth Hodges, Lysander Makepeace. 1818. Seth Hodges, Lysander Makepeace, Daniel Lane. 1819. Seth Hodges, Daniel Lane, Lemuel Arnold. 1820. Daniel Lane, Seth Hodges, Lemuel Arnold. 1821. Lemuel Arnold, Lemuel Perry, Jacob Shepard. 1822. Lemuel Arnold, Lemuel Perry, Jacob Shepard. 1823. Lemuel Perry, Jacob Shepard, Thomas Braman. 1824. Lemuel Perry, Lemuel Arnold, Jacob Shepard. 1825. Lemuel Perry, Jacob Shepard, Daniel Patten. 1826. Lemuel Perry, Jacob Shepard, Daniel Patten. 1827. Lemuel Perry, Daniel Patten, Oliver Hunt. 1828. Oliver Hunt,- Williams Hodges, Calvin Lane. 1829. Sylvester Newcomb, Cromwell Leonard, Jacob Shep ard. 1830. Sylvester Newcomb, Cromwell Leonard, Jacob Shep ard. 1831. Cromwell Leonard, Sylvester Newcomb, William Lane, jun, 1832. Cromwell Leonard, Sylvester Lane, jun. 1833. Cromwell Leonard, Sylvester Lane, jun. Newcomb, William Newcomb, William 292 18341835, 1836,1837.1838.1839. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844. 1845.1846. 1847. 1848. 1849.1850. 1851.1852. 1853. 1854.1855. 1856. 1857. MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. CromweH Leonard, Sylvester Newcomb, William Lane, jun. Cromwell Leonard, Simeon Blandin, Seth Hodges Seth Hodges, Cromwell Leonard, Simeon Blandin. Cromwell Leonard, Simeon Blandin, Leonard Hodges jun. ° ' Leonard Hodges, jun., Hennary Newcomb, Richard r . Sweet. Hennary Newcomb, Daniel Briggs, Leonard Hodges, jun. "" & George B. Crane, Jacob Shepard, Earl Hodges. George B. Crane, Jacob Shepard, Earl Hodges George B. Crane, Jacob Shepard, Earl Hodges. George B. Crane, Jacob Shepard, Almond Tucker Almond Tucker, Rodolphus H. Williams, Hiram J Hunt. Hiram J. Hunt, Eddy Lincoln, Cyrus White. George B. Crane, Almond Tucker, Cyrus White. Seth Sumner, jun., George B. Crane, Almond Tucker George B. Crane, Seth Sumner, jun., David Arnold. George B. Crane, Seth Sumner, jun., David Arnold. George B. Crane, Seth Sumner, jun., David Arnold. Daniel S. Cobb, Eli Wood, Benjamin S. Hall Daniel S. Cobb, Eh Wood, Benjamin S. Hall Daniel S. Cobb, Charles H. Briggs, John B. New comb. Earl C. White, Elkanah Wheeler, Augustus Lane. Ebenezer Tinkham, Royal P. Hodges, Hiram H. Wetherell. Augustus Lane, James 0. Messinger, James Allen. Augustus Lane, James 0. Messinger, James Allen. ASSESSORS. We cannot ascertain that any assessors were chosen as such for- several years after the incorporation of the town. The first allusion to them on the town-records was at the annual meeting, March 2, 1719, when the town " made chois of [the persons whose names are given below] to be assesors." Thenceforward they were annually chosen, for a hundred and nineteen years. In 1839, it was voted not to choose assessors. Since, they have been chosen MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. 293 only two or three years ; but the selectmen have per formed their duties. V 1719.1720. 1721. 1722.1723. 1724. 1725.1726. 1727. 1728.1729.1730.1731. 1732. 1733. 1734. 1735.1736. 1737.1738. 1739.1740. 1741. 1742. 1743. 1744. 1745.1746. 1747. 1748.1749. 1750. John Hodges, John Wetherell, John Skinner. John Skinner, Samuel Hodges, John Briggs, sen. " East Precinct," Josiah Keith, John Daley, Timo thy Cooper. John Andrews, Jonathan Lincoln, Eleazar Eddy. Jonathan Lincoln, John Andrews, Eleazar Eddy. Jonathan Lincoln, Joseph Hodges, John Andrews. Eleazar Eddy, Joseph Hodges, Nathan Hodges. Joseph Hodges, Nathan Hodges, William Stone. P^leazar Eddy, Simeon Wetherell, Jeremiah Newland. Joseph Hodges, Simeon Wetherell, Jeremiah New- land. John Briggs, 2d, John Skinner, Jeremiah Newland. John Briggs, 2d, John Skinner, Jeremiah Newland. Ephraim Leonard, Simeon Wetherell, Nathan Hodges. John Wetherell, sen., John Skinner, sen., Ephraim Leonard. John Briggs, 2d, John Skinner, Ephraim Leonard. John Briggs, 2d, William Dean, John Andrews. William Dean, Benjamin Cobb, John Briggs, 2d. Benjamin Williams, Jonathan Lincoln, Benjamin Cobb. John Andrews, Jonathan Lincoln, Benjamin Cobb. John Andrews, William Dean, Benjamin Cobb. Benjamin Cobb, William Dean, Nathan Hodges. John Andrews, Nathan Hodges, Wilbam Dean. William Dean, Benjamin Cobb, Simeon Wetherell. Benjamin Cobb, William Dean, Simeon Wetherell. John Andrews, David Williams, Benjamin Lane. Lieut. Benjamin Cobb, Ensign William Dean, Jona than Lawrence. Jonathan Lawrence, Benjamin Cobb, Benjamin Pratt. Lieut. Benjamin Cobb, Benjamin Pratt, David Wil liams. Benjamin Cobb, David Williams, Benjamin Pratt. Lieut. Benjamin Cobb, Benjamin Pratt, David Wil liams. Lieut. Benjamin Cobb, Benjamin Pratt, David Wil liams. Benjamin Cobb, David Williams, Benjamin Pratt. Benjamin Cobb, David Williams, Benjamin Pratt. 25* 294 1751. 1752. 1753. 1754. 1755. 1756. 1757.1758.1759.1760. 1761. 1762. 1763. 1764. 1765.1766. 1767. 1768. 1769.1770. 1771. 1772.1773. 1774. 1775. 1776.1777. MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. Thomas Fillebrown, David Williams, John Fisher. Thomas Morey, Isaac White, David Williams. George Leonard, jun., David Williams, Jonathan New comb. Thomas Morey, David Williams, Jonathan Newcomb. Major George Leonard, Joseph Hodges, Isaac White. Lieut. Benjamin Cobb, Lieut. Thomas Morey. David Williams. J Isaac White, Seth Gilbert, David Williams. Benjamin Cobb, Isaac White, David Williams. Capt. Benjamin Cobb, Mr. Isaac White, Seth Gilbert. Capt. Thomas Morey, Lieut. Benjamin Pratt, Isaac Hodges. Major Thomas Morey, Lieut. Benjamin Pratt, Mr. Isaac Hodges. David Williams, WiUiam Cobb, Isaac White. George Leonard, jun., Esq., Lieut. Isaac White, Mr. John Crane. Brian Hall, Seth Gilbert, George Wheaton. Mr. Daniel Leonard, Mr. Noah Wiswell, Mr. John King. Dr. Gideon Tiffany, Mr. Elkanah Lincoln, Mr. Daniel Leonard. Ephraim Hodges, Isaac Dean, Seth Williams. George Leonard, jun., Esq., David Williams, Dr. George Wheaton. John Crane, Dr. George Wheaton, Seth Gilbert. John Crane, John King, Benjamin Williams.1 Mr. John Crane, Mr. Record Franklin, Mr. Silas Cobb. John Patten, Record Franklin, John King. David Clap, Capt. William Homes, John King. Isaac Hodges, John Patten, John King. Lieut. Nathan Babbit, Mr. Noah Wiswall, Mr. Isaac Hodges. John King, Mr. John Patten, Mr. Record Franklin. Capt. Silas Cobb,2 Mr. John Patten, Lieut. Brian Hall. \ May 23, 1770, Seth Williams was chosen assessor in the place ('/) of Benjamin Wi hams, who lived in that part of Norton that had recently been erected into the District of Mansfield. ' n n \ Nc°-T' 17-J ll77' Papt- Seth Gilbert was chosen assessor in the place of Capt. Silas Cobb, who was absent in the army. ¦ MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. 295 1778.1779.1780. 1781.1782. 1783.1784.1785.1786.1787. 1788. 1789.1790.1791.1792. 1793. 1794. 1795.1796. 1797.1798. 1799.1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. 1804. 1805.1806.1807.1808. 1809. William Homes, Esq., Lieut. William Cobb, Mr. Daniel Dean. Lieut. William Cobb, William Homes, Esq., Deacon Daniel Dean. Capt. Israel Trow, Capt. Seth Smith, Capt. Isaac Hodges. George Leonard, Esq., Capt. Israel Trow, Silas Cobb. George Leonard, Esq., Silas Cobb, Capt. Israel Trow. Silas Cobb, Capt. Israel Trow, Capt. David Clap. Capt. Silas Cobb, Capt. Israel Trow, Capt. David Clap. Capt. John Crane, Mr. William Burt, Capt. Isaac Hodges. Capt. John Crane, Capt. Isaac Hodges, Joseph Hunt. Joseph Hunt, Capt. John Crane, Capt. Isaac Hodges. Josiah Woodward, Joseph Hunt, Eleazar Walker. William Burt, Lieut. Seth Smith, jun., Joshua Pond. William Burt, Lieut. Seth Smith, Joshua Pond. Joshua Pond, Capt. David Clap, Capt. Israel Trow. Capt. David Clap, Lieut. Elisha Cobb, Joseph Hunt, Isaac Hodges, jun., Joshua Pond. Capt. David Clap, Elisha Cobb, Joshua Pond. Elisha Cobb, Joshua Pond, Isaac Hodges, jun. Brig. Silas Cobb, Elisha Cobb, Brian Hall. Noah Clap, Elisha Cobb, Brian Hall. Noah Clap, Brian Hall, Joshua Pond. Joshua Pond, Noah Clap, Brian Hall. Timothy Briggs, jun., William Burt, Capt. Jonathan Hodges. Major Brian Hall, Lieut. John Hall, Capt. Jonathan Hodges. Capt. Jonathan Hodges, Major Brian Hall, Lieut. Elisha Cobb, Lieut. Rufus Hodges, Lieut. Samuel , Hunt. Major Brian Hall, Lieut. Elisha Cobb, Capt. Samuel Hunt. Brian Hall, Samuel Hunt, David Arnold. Major Brian Hall, Capt. Samuel Hunt, John Arnold. Major Brian Hall, Capt. Samuel Hunt, John Arnold. John Arnold, William Verry, Brian Hall. Major Brian Hall, Lieut. WiUiam Verry, Lieut. John Hall. Brian Hall, William Verry, Samuel Hunt. Brian HaU, WUliam Verry, Samuel Hunt. 2961810, 1811, 1812.1813, 1814.1815.1816, 1817.1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831.1832. 1833.1834. 1835.1836. 1837.1838. MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. Brian Hall, Samuel Hunt, William Verry. Brian Hall, Samuel Hunt, William Verry. Brian Hall, William Verry, Samuel Hunt. Brian Hall, Isaac Hodges, Samuel Hunt. Seth Hodges, Daniel Smith, Jonathan Newland. Brian Hall, Isaac Hodges, Samuel Hunt. Brian- Hall, Isaac Hodges, Samuel Hunt. Isaac Hodges, Seth Hodges, Samuel Hunt. Isaac Hodges, Seth Hodges, Daniel Patten. Isaac Hodges, Seth Hodges, Lemuel Perry. Isaac Hodges, Seth Hodges, Lemuel Perry. Isaac Hodges, Lemuel Perry, Seth Hodges. Daniel Lane, Richard Newcomb, Williams Hodo-es. Daniel Lane, Williams Hodges, Richard Newcomb. Williams Hodges, Daniel Shepard, George Walker. Williams Hodges, Daniel Shepard, George Walker. Jacob Shepard, Daniel Lane, John L. Munro, jun. Jacob Shepard, John L. Munro, jun., Elkanah Wood. John L. Munro, jun., Daniel Lane, Williams Hodges. Sylvester Newcomb, Cromwell Leonard, Jacob Shep ard. Sylvester Newcomb, Cromwell Leonard, Jacob Shep ard. Williams Hodges, Hennary Newcomb, Daniel Brio-o-s jun. °° William Lane, jun., Sylvester Newcomb, Cromwell Leonard. Cromwell_ Leonard, Sylvester Newcomb, William Lane, jun. Cromwell _ Leonard, Sylvester Newcomb, William Lane, jun. Cromwell Leonard, Simeon Blandin, Seth Hodges. Seth Hodges, Cromwell Leonard, Simeon Blandin. Cromwell Leonard, Simeon Blandin, Leonard Hodo-es jun. Leonard Hodges, jun., Hennary Newcomb, Richard F. Sweet. TITHING-MEN AND WARDENS. As early as 1679, iu the Colony of the Massachu setts Bay,1 it was ordered that tithing-men should be 1 See Records, vol. v. p. 240. MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. 297 + annually chosen in the towns " of their most prudent & discreet inhabitants," to inspect all licensed or un licensed houses, "where they shall haue notice, or haue ground to suspect, that any person or persons doe spend their tjme or estates, by night or by day, in tipling, gaming, or otheruise vnproffitably ; or doe sell, by retayle, strong drincke, wine, ale, cidar, rumn, brandey, perry, matheglin, & without license." All such disorderly houses they were requested to search ; and if any of these liquors were found therein, and the owners could not give " satisfactory account of their having the same," either with or without warrant, they were empowered to seize said liquors and carry them off, and to institute legal proceedings against the parties on whose premises the liquors were found. The tithing-men were also requested " to inspect the manners of all disorderly persons ; " and to present to some magistrate " the names of all single persons that live from under family government, stubborne and disorderly children and servants, night-walkers, typlers, Saboath-breakers, by night or by day, and such as absent themselves from the publicke worship of God on the Lord's dayes ; " and all persons whose conduct tended " to debauchery, irreligion, prophaness, & atheisme." The tithing-men's badge of office was " a black Staff, of two foot long, tipt at one End with Brass about three Inches ; to be provided by the selectmen, at the Charge of the Town." Sept. 8, 1741, there was " voted to Jonathan Leo nard, for 2 tithing-men's Staves, £00 — 02." In 1760, an Act passed to prevent " The Propha- nation of the Lord's day ; " which required that from two to six persons, " of good substance, and of sober Life and conversation," called wardens, should be chosen annually, whose duty it was to see that the sabbath was duly observed in all public-houses and elsewhere ; and to examine all persons suspected of unnecessary travelling on Sunday, &c. They were probably called wardens, from the fact 298 MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. that Boston was required to choose one from each ward in the town. The penalty for not choosing them in each town was fifty pounds. Their badge of offiS Wth" ;itenTd' n°\less than sev™ ^7S ength It will be seen that their duties were simi le, tl TI f thG .tm"S-™»- For a year or two nas,Prl nnf"? •reqiUnng WardenS tobe chosei1 "*> passed, no tithing-men were chosen in Norton. Sub sequently, a portion of the time, both tithing-men and wardens were chosen. We here transcribe the names of the "prudent & discreet " persons, and those " of sober Life and Conversation," who have been chosen tithing-men aaid wardens: those of the latter we put n JS?8" 9 iW tOWn+1Voted »ot to ch°°se tithing-men in 1839. Subsequently, none have been chosen, we be heve, with the exception of the year 1850, when Eli. 0. Wood was elected. 1716.1717. 1718. 1719. 1720. 1721. 1722.1723. 1724. 1725. 1726. 1727. 1728. 1729.1730.1731. 1732. 1733. John Austin, Richard Briggs, (Clement Briggs).1 Seth Dorman Isaac Shepard, (Thomas Randall). William Wetherell, sen, John Smith, jun, Thomas Grover, (Ephraim Manuel). Ephraim Lane, Joshua Lincoln, (William Manley). John Newland, Peter Aldrich, (Israel Randall). Ebenezer Burt, Samuel Clap, (Benjamin Drake). John Briggs, sen, Richard Briggs. John Briggs, sen, Richard Briggs, (Benjamin Drake). John Briggs, sen, Seth Dorman, Thomas Manley. John Briggs, sen, Joseph Pitee, Israel Randall. Joseph Gray, Joseph Godfrey, Ephraim Lane. John Briggs, 2d, Richard Briggs. Ebenezer Eddy, John Briggs, 1st, Joseph Pitee. Samuel Clap, Josiah Pratt, Joseph Gray. Thomas Skinner, sen, John Wild, William Codino-ton. Josiah Atherton, James Leonard, Benjamin Seele? John Harvey, John Newland, 2d, Isaac Welman. Benjamin Cobb, Solomon Skinner, John Austin, jun, Wilham Haradon. J -I MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. 299 i EasU!1056 Qana" e"Cl0Sed '" Pareutheses «'ere for the East IYecinct, now 1784. John Andrews, Ephraim Dvfhham, WilUam Bassett, Jonathan Pratt. 1735. Stephen Blanchard, Joseph Gray, John Cobb, John Barney. 1786. Ebenezer Welman, Benjamin Seele. 1787. Isaac Welman, Ebenezer Burt. 1788. William Paine, Thomas Shepard. 1789. William Paine, Samuel Phillips. 1740. Samuel Clap, Ebenezer Brintnell. 1741. George Allen, John Wetherell, 3d. 1742. Gideon Bassett, Benjamin Copeland. 1743. James Briggs, Samuel Titus. 1744. John King, Joseph Elliot. 1745. Ephraim Lane, 2d, Eliphalet Hodges, Stephen Blan chard. 1746. Benjamin Hews, Nicholas White, Timothy Briggs. 1747. Stephen Blanchard, Jonathan Burt, Uriah Leonard. 1748. John Fisher, Seth Smith, Nathaniel Brintnell. 1749. John Briggs, 2d, William Codington, Thomas Fille- brown, Ephraim Lane. 1750. William Codington, Joseph Elliot, Gideon Bassett, Joseph Hodges. 1751. Seth Smith, Samuel Elliot. 1752. Thomas Fillebrown. 1753. Seth Smith, Thomas Fillebrown. ' 1754. Nathaniel Fisher, Joseph Newland. 1755. Ebenezer Grover, Nathan Williams, Sylvanus Bra man, Paul Cook, Timothy Briggs. 1756. John Fisher, Benjamin Newcomb, James Grover. 1757. William Paine, jun, Jonathan Knap. 1758. Joshua Atherton, Ephraim Hodges. 1759. Phineas Grover, William Newcomb. 1760. 'John Briggs, Deacon Samuel Dean, Capt. William Dean, James Fillebrown. 1761. Benjamin Pearson, John Briggs, Benjamin White, William Paine, 2d. 1762. Jonathan Burt, Sylvanus Braman, Mr. Nathan Wil liams. 1763. Israel Woodward, Job White. 1764. Meletiah Washburn, Samuel Fillebrown, Abijah Fisher, Gershom Cambell, Nathan Williams. 1765. David Arnold, William Paine, 2d, John White, 1st, William Basset, jun. 300 MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. 1766, 1767. 1768. 1769. 1770.1771. 1772. 1773. 1774. 1775. 1776. 1777. 1778. 1779.1780. 1781.1782,1783, 1784. 1785,1786. 1787. 1788. 1789. 1790. 1791. 1792. 1793.1794. 1795. 1796. 1797.1798. 1799. Timothy Briggs, John White, 2d, John Wetherell, jun George Briggs, Elijah Dean. ' J ' CaM™^11' ^^ J°naikan B°d^ William Meletiah Washburn Timothy Smith, Samuel Fille brown, David Arnold, William Carpenter un James Fillebrown. vurpemer, jun., ^'DttA^7'^0^ Gnr0V6r' ^rd Franklin, stXpttihB:TSennDa^Eleazer WilUams- Isa^Srs' MeIetiah Washbum' j°hn Edd* s<™- Seth WilUams James Gilbert, Silas Cobb. John Patten, Josiah Woodward Samuel Hunt, Silas Cobb. WiUiam Makepeace, Hezekiah Willard. Daniel Knap, Joseph Burt Meletiah Washbum, Simeon Briggs. Joseph Burt, Noah Woodward. Meletiah Washburn, Timothy Briggs. Capt. Silas Cobb, Capt. Israel Trow. rnZTnJnC°lndr-'^han Babbit> Nathaniel Prior. James Hodges, Elijah Danforth. Seth Smith, jun., Tisdale Hodges. Abiathar Shaw, Benjamin Braman. Nathaniel Freeman, Elisha Cobb. WiUiam Verry, Isaac Bassett. Nathan Perry, Jonathan Briggs. Samuel Copeland, Thomas Braman. BeS|fild' Wmiam More* Isaac md^> *»« Jonathan Clap, 2d, Samuel Hunt, John Gilbert, WH- ham Makepeace. ' Thomas Braman, Isaac Bassett. Ehsha Cobb, Thomas Braman. Daniel Briggs, Nathan Perry. Capt. Titus, Isaac Burt. Jonathan Leonard, Asa Copeland. Ichabod Perry, Benjamin Puffer. Daniel Lane, Luther Lincoln. Ephraim Raymond, Benjamin Horton. MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. 301 1800. Lieut. Abiel Lincoln, Lysander Makepeace. 1801. Thomas Leonard, Daniel Bassett. 1802. Josiah Hodges, jun, Araunah Smith. 1803. Daniel Bassett, Daniel Lane. 1804. Zopher Skinner, Asa Knowles. 1805. Thomas Braman.-jun, David Hodges. 1806. Josiah Hunt, Capt. Daniel Knapp. 1807. Capt. Thomas Danforth, Daniel Knapp, David Make peace, Benjamin King. 1808. Seth Babbit, Jonathan Clapp. 1809. No record of choice. 1810. Abiel Lincoln, Nathaniel Stone, jun. 1811. No record of choice. 1812. Abiel Lincoln, David Makepeace, Daniel Bassett. 1813. George Gilbert, Zopher Skinner. 1814. David Makepeace, Timothy Briggs. 1815. Daniel Smith, Jonathan Newland. 1816. Lysander Makepeace, John Dean, Daniel Shepard. 1817. Abiel Lincoln, Nathaniel Stone, jun, Thomas Braman, Zopher Skinner. 1818. Terrel Cobb, WUliam Burt, John Hall, jun, Abiel Lincoln. 1819. David Woodward, Zopher Skinner. 1820. Zopher Skinner, Bartholomew Burt. 1821. Simeon Briggs, David Field, David Makepeace. 1822. Joseph Hill, Capt. Thomas Braman, CromweU Leo nard, Sylvanus Braman. 1823. Joseph Hill, Asa Danforth, Cromwell Leonard. 1824. William Lane, Joseph Hill, David Makepeace. 1825. Cromwell Leonard, Ephraim AUen, Bartholomew Burt, Joseph Snow. 1826. Josiah Harvey. 1827. Asa Adams. 1828. Isaac Woodward. 1829. Deacon Asa Copeland. 1830. Laban M. Wheaton. 1831. No record of choice. 1832. Richard F. Sweet. 1833. Laban M. Wheaton. 1834. Leavit Bates. 1835. Leavit Bates. 1836. Asa P. Holmes. 1837. Leavit Bates. 26 302 MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. 303 CORONERS. Most of the facts relating to coroners and deputy- sheriffs, 1 liavo taken from the " Massachusetts State Register," commencing in 1784. From another source, I hud that Isaac Hodges was coroner in 1757; and, without doubt, was in office till 1792 or 93. Isaac Hodges, jun., was coroner from 1794 to 1825 ; Lemuel Perry, 1816 to 1818 ; Cromwell Leonard, from 1819 to 1821, and from 1838 to the present time. DEPUTY-SHERIFFS. Benjamin Williams was deputy-sheriff in 1757. How long he held the office, we know not. Ephraim Burr is believed to have been sheriff from some years previous to 1784, up to 1803 ; Isaac Morey, from 1791 to 1796; Thomas Fobes, from 1794 to 1796; William Verry, most of the time from 1800 to 1815 ; George Gilbert, from 1803 to 1805 ; Ebenezer Titus, from 1803 to 1808; Preston Hodges, from 1818 to 1821 ; Daniel Smith, 2d, from 1822 to 1824; George Clapp, from 1822 to 1824 ; Daniel Morey, in 1825 ; Timothy Smith, from 1826 to 1834 ; Horace B. Wetherell, from 1835 to 1850 ; Austin Messinger, from 1851 to 1853, and again iu 1856. Cyril S. Sweet was appointed in 1858, und is now in office. JUSTICES OF THE TEACE. Those marked (*) were afterwards justices of the peace and quorum. Those marked (f) have been justices throughout the Commonwealth. Names. George Leonard . . George Leonard* . Kphrnim Leonard" Geo. Leonard, jr.*f Thomas Morey . . George Wheaton . William Homes . , Samuel Morey* . , Appointed. . June 5, 1J13. . Mar. 4, 1723. . . 1737. 25, 1764. 4, 1762. 3, 1774. Aug. 29, 1776. Jan. 9, 1789. Jan. Feb. Feb. Names. Laban Wheaton* . , Seth Smith, jun. . Samuel Morey, jun. Ephraim Raymond* Silas Cobb ..... William Burt . . . Brian Hall Thos. Danforth, 2d Appointed. Aug. 6, 1789. May 10, 1791. Jan. 11, 1792. Feb. 11, 1801. Before 1804.1 Mar. 5, 1808. June 21, 1809. May 16, 1810. renewed ,r fina I * ^ °f h'S aPP?int™nt- His commission was renewed in 1809 hor some years previous to 1800, lie was doubtless ex-officw justice, in consequence of his being high in military office I Names. Ceorge Gilbert . . . John Hall Dnniel Parker . . . . Isaac Hodges . . . . Joseph Hodges. . . . Laban M. Wheatont Lemuel Perry . . . . Jacob Shepard* . . . Cromwell Leonard* George Clapp . . . . John Crane Appointed. Feb. 21, 1811. Feb. 22, 1811. Oct. 26, 1812. Feb. 2, 1816. Jan. 7, 1825. .Inn. 26, 1828. Feb. 1, 1828. Feb. 19, 1829. Dec. 11, 1830. May 31, 1833. Jan. 8, 1841. Names. Daniel S. Cobb . . . Hennary Newcomb . Eddy Lincoln . . . . Leonard Hodges . . George B. Crane . . Earl Hodges . . . John Arnold . . . . Zeno Kelly Royal P. Hodges . . L. O. Makepeace . . Thos. T. Rockwood . Appointed. Feb. 23, 1843. Feb. 23, 1843. Mar. 24, 1843. April 15, 1850. Mar. 26, 1851. April 2, 1851. Aug. 6, 1853. Jan. 27, 1855. Mar. 24, 1856. Aug, 29, 1856. Feb. 26, 1858. STATE SENATORS. Hon. Abraham White was chosen senator in 1787, and again in 1788. He is believed to have been the son of Thomas White, of Taunton ; and tradition says he was descended from Peregrine White, the first English child, born at Plymouth. He was a some what eccentric man, and could not read or write ; but was possessed of much native talent, practical good sense, and sound judgment. He was much employed in public life, where energy, and deci sion of character, were needed. Numerous anecdotes are related of him, all of which illustrate his ready wit, keen satire, and ability to meet any emergency that arose. He lived at the easterly part of the town, a short distance below where Isaac Woodward now lives. He married, first, a daughter of John Holmes, of Taunton, by whom he had a son ; who, with his mother, died young. For second wife, Mr. White married Hannah, daughter of Edward White, of Easton; and had by her eight children. He died Feb. 20, 1801, in his eighty-fifth year ; so that he must have been born in 1717. Hon. George Leonard was chosen senator in 1793, and served one year only. (For notice of him, see Collegiate History.) Hon. Seth Smith, Jun., was chosen senator in 1797, and held the office but one year. He was the son of Deacon Seth Smith (already mentioned) by his first wife, Sarah Cobb, 2d ; .and was born Oct. 1, 1756. He married, March 16, 1780, Rachel Newcomb ; and had tliree children. He was much employed in public 304 MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. business; was town-clerk many years; also represen tative to the General Court. He kept a store in the «*« ? i ™nthe *,°Wn a few ^ears- He left Norton about 1799, and went to New-York City, where he 18 Relieved to have died some thirty or forty years Hon. Cromwell Leonard was chosen senator for the year 1848, and rechosen for the year 1849 He is the son of Jonathan Leonard by his second wife,— Rebecca Smith, 2d; and was born Dec. 1, 1788 He is the grandson of Jacob and Mary (Wild) Leonard ; and is descended from the Taunton Leonards, who came from Pontypool, Wales (see p. 85). Mr Leo nard married, June 15, 1815, Miss Belinda Cope land, of Mansfield. They had four children. She t ™g'-.^'n 18,t8- He married for second wife, June 20 1849, Miss Harriet Morse, of East Cam bridge, daughter of the late Dr. Caleb Morse, of Moultonborough, N.H. Mr. Leonard has enjoyed the confidence of his fellow-citizens in an eminent degree ; having served the town many years as mode rator of town-meetings, selectman, assessor, repre sentative to the General Court, and other positions of trust and respectability. Q^>°n' ct°HN Crane was chosen senator for the year 1852. He is the son of Terry and Rebecca (Harvey) Crane, grandson of John and Rachel (Terry) Crane ' and was born Jan. 11, 1799. He married, March 28* 1825, Miss Sally Harvey, of Taunton ; and has had two children. Mr. Crane has ever been very popular with his townsmen. He held the office of town-clerk and treasurer for thirty successive years ; which is nine years longer than any other person has continued in either office in town. When chosen for the thirtieth time, in 1857, he declined a re-election. He has repre sented the town in the General Court, wholly or in part, ten years. COUNCILLORS. Hon. George Leonard was a royal councillor twenty- five successive years ; commencing his term of service ~J. •.- cfl >~. - -, p^ o; -^ *- 3 rt 5 « V, i; >-, -D :-, ^ ~ l~-' — -1 H ~l o 5 'x. ^ MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. 305 * in 1741, and closing in 1766. He was the son of Major George and Anna (Tisdale) Leonard (whom we have noticed among the early settlers, p. 85), and was the first male child born in the westerly part of Norton. His advent into the world took place March 4, 1698. He was the second justice of the peace in town ; was town-clerk many years ; and also other wise much employed in public affairs, as selectman, assessor, moderator of town-meetings, representative to the General Court, &c. Ho was also much engaged in the military affairs of this neighborhood, having risen from a subordinate officer to the command of the regi ment ; and is generally known as " Colonel George Leonard." He was appointed Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in 1725, and held the office till 1730. He was re-appointed to the same office in 1733, and held it till 1740, when he was dismissed for having been connected with the Land-Bank scheme. He was again appointed to the bench in 1746, and continued in office till about the commencement of the Revolu tion. A portion of the time he was on the bench, he was Chief-Justice of the Court.1 He was appointed Judge of Probate for Bristol County, Feb. 16, 1747; and held the office about thirty-one years. Tradition has universally given him a character above reproach, and represented him to be a man of much practical wisdom and of sterling worth; and the fact that he was almost constantly in public office, from the age of twenty-one to the close of fourscore years, serves to strengthen this idea. Rev. Pitt Clarke says, " He appears to have been distinguished for his urbanity, practical piety, and active benevolence. The -praise of his many good deeds, in the church and through the county, has long been identified with Norton, and will be co-extensive with the history of this place." He married, in 1721, Miss Rachel Clap, of Scituate ; and they had four children. He died Dec. 4, 1778, in the eighty-first year of his ago. His wife died 1 Judicial History of Massachusetts, by Hon. Emory Washburn, p. 369. 26* 306 municipal and official history. municipal and official history. 307 April 23, 1783, in her eighty-second year. His pic ture we have placed as the frontispiece of this book. Hon. George Leonard, Jun., was councillor from 1770 to 1775. He was the son of Col. Leonard, just mentioned. (See Collegiate History.) Hon. Laban M. Wheaton held the office of coun cillor two years ; viz., 1857 and 1858. (See Colle giate History.) JUDGES OF COURT OP COMMON PLEAS. Hon. George Leonard was appointed to this office, Dec. 10, 1715 ; and was on the bench only a few months, when he died. (See early settlers, p. 85.) Hon. George Leonard, son of the above, was judge most of the time from 1725 to 1775. (See council lors.) Hon. Ephraim Leonard was appointed judge in 1747, and was in office till about the commencement of the Revolution. He was a brother of George Leo nard, last named ; and was born Jan. 16, 1705-6. He settled in the North Precinct of Norton, now called East Mansfield. He was a man of great energy, and decision of character, and was much employed in town-affairs ; and held the office of colonel in the militia during the old French and Indian war, and is generally known as " Colonel Ephraim Leonard." He married, first, Judith Perkins, of Norwich, Conn., May 28, 1739 ; and they had one son, Daniel. She died Sept. 4, 1740. His second wife was Meletiah, who " had been ye wife of Jonathan Ware, Esqr., and of Benjamin Ware, M.D., of Wrentham."1 Her maiden name was Fisher; and she died Oct. 3, 1758. His third wife was Mrs. Abigail (King) Williams, married March 18, 1760. " She had been the wife of Mr. John Williams," 1 of Easton. She died July 27, 1771 ; and was buried beside her first husband, at Easton, near the late Daniel Wheaton's estate. His fourth wife was Anna, who " had been the wife of Mr. 1 Gravestone. I Elisha Woodwarth, 'and also of ye Revd. Mr. Timothy Ruggles,"1 of Rochester. She died Oct. 7, 1782. He died May 2, 1786; and, with three of his wives, lies buried in a grove, about half a mile easterly from his former residence at East Mansfield. But his own, and the gravestones of his wives, lying flat on the ground, are nearly covered up with the earth and leaves. Hon. George Leonard was appointed Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, July 1, 1785. In 1798, he was Chief-Justice of the Court, and was on the bench as late as 1804. (See Collegiate History.) Hon. Laban Wheaton was appointed Chief-Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, May 18, 1810 ; but, it is believed, did not hold the office long. (See Col legiate History.) JUDGES OP PROBATE. Hon. George Leonard was commissioned Judge of Probate, Feb. 16, 1747 ; and held the office till his death in 1778. (See councillors.) Hon. George Leonard, son of the above, was ap pointed to this office, June 7, 1784 ; and held it several years. JUDGE OP COURT OP SESSIONS. Hon. Laban Wheaton was appointed Judge of this Court, May 25, 1819; but, the following year, the court was . abolished. REGISTER OF PROBATE. Hon. George Leonard, Jun., was commissioned re gister, April 18, 1749 ; and held the office till 1783. REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS. Hon. George Leonard was chosen, in 1788, a mem ber of the first Congress of the United States. He 1 Gravestone. 308 MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. failed of an election to the second, but was a member ot the third and fourth Congresses. Hon. Laban Wheaton was representative eight years, — from March 4, 1809, to March 4, 1817. We here present to our readers the votes for Gover nor for each year, from the adoption of the State Constitution to 1857. The name first recorded under the year was the Governor for that year, either elected by the people or by the Legislature. Those who failed of a popular election, but were subsequently chosen by the General Court, we have designated by a (*) Votes. 1780. John Hancock ... 72 James Bowdoin ... 2 1781. John Hancock ... 54 1782. John Hancock ... 21 1783. John Hancock ... 41 1784. James Bowdoin ... 33 John Hancock ... 3, 1785. James Bowdoin* . . 8 Thomas Cushing . . 25 Nathaniel Gorham . . 1 1786. James Bowdoin ... 7 John Hancock ... 29 Thomas Cushing . . 2 1787. John Hancock . . .104 James Bowdoin ... 8 1788. John Hancock ... 52 Elbridge Gerry ... 39 Vstes. 1789, John Hancock ... 71 Scattering .... 4 1790. John Hancock ... 56 James Bowdoin . . . „ 8 1791. John Hancock ... 77 1792. John Hancock ... 71 Samuel Phillips, jun. . 10 1793. John Hancock . ... 6-1 1794. Samuel Adams . . . 52' William Cushing . . 14 David Cobb .... 10 1795. Samuel Adams ... 47 1796. Samuel Adams ... 52 Increase Sumner . . 18 1797. Increase Sumner . . 18 Moses Gill . . . . 55 James Sullivan ... 31 MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. 309 1798. George Walker . . 1 Increase Sumner . . 58 Moses Gill . . . . 19 1809. Christopher Gore . 108 1799. Levi Lincoln . . 127 Increase Sumner . . 33 Scattering . . . 3 William Heath . . . 91 1810. 1800. Elbridge Gerry . . 149 Caleb Strong . . . 42 Christopher Gore . 107 Elbridge Gerry . . . 85 David Cobb . . . 1 1801. 1811. Caleb Strong . . . 31 Elbridge Gerry . . 125 Elbridge Gerry . . . 73 Christopher Gore . 104 1802. William Grey . . 1 Caleb Strong . . . 38 1812. Elbridge Gerry . . . 83 Caleb Strong . . Elbridge Gerry . . 139 Edward H. Bobbins . 1 124 1803. 1813. Caleb Strong . . . 81 Caleb Strong . . 146 Elbridge Gerry . . . 63 Joseph B. Varnum . 108 1804. 1814. Caleb Strong . . . 64 Caleb Strong . . 137 James Sullivan . . . 93 Samuel Dexter . . 123 WiUiam Heath . . . 1 1815. 1805. Caleb Strong . . 141 Caleb Strong . . . 71 Samuel Dexter . . 122 James Sullivan . . . 89 Scattering . . . 2 1806. 1816. Caleb Strong . . . 86 John Brooks . . . 121 James Sullivan . . . 69 Samuel Dexter . . 112 John Sullivan . . . 1 Scattering . . . 3 1807. 1817. Caleb Strong . . . 123 John Brooks . 104 James Sullivan . . . 118 Henry Dearborn 81 Scattering . . . . 3 1818. 1808. John Brooks . . . 119 James Sullivan . . . 90 B. W. Crowningshield 87 Christopher Gore . . 120 Thomas Kittridge . 1 .310 MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. 1819. John Brooks .... 133 B. W. Crowningshield . 103 William Phillips . . 1 1820. John Brooks . • . William Eustis . 1821. John Brooks . . William Eustis . 1822. William Eustis . John Brooks . . William Phillips 1823. William Eustis . Harrison G. Otis 1824. William Eustis . Samuel Lothrop 1825. Levi Lincoln Marcus Morton . 1826. Levi Lincoln Samuel Hubbard Thomas Winthrop Joseph Tripp . 1827. Levi Lincoln . . William C. Jarvis . William Baylies . Scattering . , . 103 . 74 . 115 65 63 90 2 105 96 111 123 78 1 52 20 61 14 12 7 1828. Bevi Lincoln Marcus Morton . Emerson Briggs 1829. Levi Lincoln William Baylies Marcus Morton . Scattering . . 1830. Levi Lincoln Marcus Morton . William Baylies Scattering o * • 1831. Levi Lincoln Marcus Morton . William Baylies Scattering: 1832.1 Levi Lincoln Samuel Lothrop Marcus Morton . 1833. Levi Lincoln Sitmuel Lothrop Marcus Morton . 1834. John Davis* . . John Q. Adams . . Marcus Morton . . John Davis John Bailey 1835. Votes. . 56 . 5 . 1 . 31 . 34 . 27 . 3 . 13 . 66 . 14 . 3 .. 77 . 41 . 10 . 4 . 61 . 139 . 17 . 38 126 10 25 97 17 35 104 ehose^Km^ ?° «»* th« Governor should be of January, instead of tl e la,° of Mav IW.° >" TV*" ^ Wed"<*dav from 1832, the Governor wil ohoTe/ih- M V™" be .""derstood, thai, under which we hav ,ecorded „t "^ P''eVi°US t0 tho *™ MUNICIPAL AND OFFICIAL HISTORY. 311 Votes. Votes. Marcus Morton . . 11 1846. Samuel C. Allen . 6 George N. Briggs . . 60 Isaac Davis . . 114 1836. Samuel E. Sewall . . 52 Edward Everett . . 40 Marcus Morton . . 64 1847. Samuel T. Armstrong 2 George N. Briggs . . 72 Isaac Davis . . . . 94 1837. Samuel E. Sewall . . 44 Edward Everett 32 Scattering 9 Marcus Morton . . 99 & • • 1838. Edward Everett Marcus Morton . . 68 114 1848. George N. Briggs . Caleb Cushing . . Samuel E. Sewall . . 65 . 91 . 59 .1839. Edward Everett 65 1849. Marcus Morton . . 161 George N. Briggs* . 86 Stephen C. Phillips . 155 1840. Caleb Cushing . . . 33 Marcus Morton . . 178 Edward Everett 81 1850. Wendell Phillips . 1 George N. Briggs* . 58 Stephen C. Phillips . 114 1841. George S. Boutwell . 59 John Davis . . . 122 Marcus Morton . . 202 1851. 1842. John Davis . . . Marcus Morton . . George S. Boutwell* . 95 80 183 George N. Briggs . Stephen C. Phillips . 74 . 74 Lucius Boltwood . 15 1852. 1843. George S. Boutwell* . 77 Marcus Morton* 197 John G. Palfrey . 112 John Davis . . . . 65 Robert C. Winthrop . 109 Samuel E. Sewall . . 30 1853. 1844. John H. Clifford* . . 105 George N. Briggs* . 64 Horace Mann . . . 112 Marcus Morton . . . 183 Henry W. Bishop . . 53 Samuel E. Sewall . . 60 1854. 1845. Emory Washburn* . 88 George N. Briggs . . 70 Henry Wilson . . . 117 George Bancroft . . 160 Henry W. Bishop . . 58 Samuel E. Sewall . . 64 Bradford L. Wales . . 4 312 TAXES , AND OTHER FINANCIAL HISTORY. 1855. Henry J. Gardner , Emory Washburn . Henry Wilson . . Henry W. Bishop . Charles Allen . 1856. Henry J. Gardner . Julius Rockwell . . Votes. . 149 . 50 . 30 . 19 . 3 . 117 . 71 Erasmus D. Beach Samuel H. Walley . 1857. Henry J. Gardner . Erasmus D. Beach William L. Garrison Luther V. Bell . Scattering Votes. . 49 18 238 51 9 42 CHAPTER XXI. TAXES, AND OTHER FINANCIAL HISTORY. " Header unto Cesar the th.ngs which axe bad any charges aSfh?* *U?n; and a11 who bills, and a tafsuffiden to »JT brough1t in their upon the polls and XatesP CpraTtL^? ^ money in the ant,™,, +„ I" , Piactice of voting Oct. 31, 1720 — « At a TV conserning our town-Rata n7 T'f""?*8? mack a b^Iaw TAXES, AND OTHER FINANCIAL HISTORY. 313 The next day, Anna Leonard and her son George entered a " Protest against being Rated by any other Rule than that which is in the law." Years. Town- Charges. Schools. Represen tative. Years. Town- Charges. Schools. 1715 , £2 £8 1751 £27 1716 8 1752 50 1717 11 1753 30 1718 2 «i 1754 50 1719 9 e* 1755 27 1720 20 £30 14 1756 80 1721 14 30 15 1757 100 1722 6 1758 110 1723 9 14 1759 110 1724 29 12 16 1760 110 1725 12 341 10 1761 110 1726 24 10 15 1762 120 1727 31 20 1763 70 1728 33 40 1764 70 1729 31 20 1765 40 1730 57 19 1766 120 1731 20 25 1767 100 1732 25 20 1768 130 1733 16 302 1769 80 1734 14 302 1770 60 1735 22 302 1771 70 1736 20 1772 100 1737 37 37 1773 80 1738 64 30 1774 75 1739 90 20 1775 90 1740 70 20 1776 120 1741 60 1777 180 1742 36 1778 1400 1743 1508 1779 1180 1744 1228 1780 6000 1745 808 40 1781 5005 1746 170" 1782 100 1748 3008 1783 300 £60 1749 4008 1784 150 60 1750 404 1785 250 60 1 Including ;£8i of interest-money from bank. 2 Poor and schools. 3 Old tenor, 6 Silver money. 27 4 L awful money. 314 TAXES, AND OTHER FINANCIAL HISTORY. Years. Town- Charges. Schools. High ways. Years. Town- Charges. Schools. Highways. 1786 £200 £60 1822 $1000 $550 $1000 1787 150 60 £120> 1823 1000 550 1000 1788 1502 122 1824 1000 550 1000 1789 180 40 122 1825 1000 550 1000 1790 120 60 122 1826 1100 600 1200 1791 1958 120 1827 1100 600 1200 1792 252 120 1828 1100 700 1200 1793 300 120 1829 1100 600 1200 1794 300 120 1830 1100 500 1200 1795 300 100 1831 1100 500 1500 1796 $1200 $1000 1832 1200 500 1200 1797 1000 1200 1833 1200 500 1200 1798 800 1000 1834 1300 600 1200 1799 1000 1000 1835 1200 600 1200 1800 1200 1000 1836 1600 700 1400 1801 1200 1000 1837 1600 700 1200 1802 1200 1200 1838 1400 700 1000 1803 1400 1200 1839 1400 700 1000 1804 1000 1000 1840 1200 700 1000 1805 1200 1200 1841 1000 800 1000 1806 1800 1200 1842 1000 800 1000 1807 1300 1500 1843 1000 800 1500 1808 1300 1500 1844 2000 600 1000 1809 1200 1500 1845 1500 800 1200 1810 1400 15.00 1846 1500 800 1500 1811 1200 1200 1847 1500 1199 1200 1812 1200 1200 1848 1500 1200 1500 1813 1200 1200 1849 1200 1000 1500 1814 1500 1200 1850 1500 1200 1500 1815 1800 1000 1851 1500 1200 1500 1816 1384 $416 1000 1852 1500 1200 2000 1817 1400 450 1000 1853 1500 1200 2000 1818 1400 450 1000 1854 1000 1500 2000 1819 1400 450 1000 1855 1000 1500 2000 1820 1000 450 700 1856 15004 1500 1500 1821 1000 450 800 1857 2000 1500 1500 i This was the first rate for raising a highway-tax that we find on record. " io be appropriated for the sole purpose of redeeming the notes of hand that now are against sd. town." 8 From 1791 to 1816, the school-money is included in the amount for town-charges. * Three hundred and fifty dollars were also appropriated to pav " out standing bills." iii r j TAXES, AND OTHER FINANCIAL HISTORY. 315 There being a great scarcity of money, both of bills of credit and specie, a year or two previous to 1720 Jhe people found it very difficult to transact ordinary business-matters,- and especially to pay their taxes, and therefore, May 13, 1720, it was ordered, - « That all our Town-Rates, that are to be payed this year by the Inhabitants for the defraying the contengant charges of dftown for the year 1719 and 1720 shall be payed the one-half in Good shingles, at forteen shilinds pur thousand Clabords at three pounds pur thousand ; white-pine bords at S£ pounds per thousand, -and delivered at the landing- r Ice a° Taunton, near John Staples'* ; or m Good Indm Corn, at three and sixpence pur busshill ; Rey at five shihnd, pur bushill; wheat, at seven shilinds pur bush.ll; oats, at tv.o Tllinds pur bushill; beaf, at three d. pur pound ; pork at four d. pur pound; butter, at sevenpence pur pound , Lrood dry chese, at five d. pur pound; beans, at Six Shilinds Pu £shil; and that, out of the money part, the treasurer Is de c ed, and hereby ordered, to pay the Minister the one- Salf of his^sallary, and to pay the Representative In the money part." The paying of the rates in produce, &c, , did not seem to better the deranged state and scarcity of the currency. " Shingles, Clabords, pme-bords, Rey, In dia Corn, wheat, oats, beaf, pork, butter, and chese, to say the least, would not be very convenient change for a man to carry in his pocket ; and therefore this state of things becoming almost intolerable, the town, Sept. 19, 1720,— "Voted that John Briggs, Sen., shall preepare a petition to Request the Grate and General Cort Respecting the want of money ; and offer said petition, the next town-meeting day, to the town for their approbation ; and the town-Clark to sign it in thare behalf, If the town licks it." Whether the town "licked" the petition or not, we do not know, but the Legislature soon after, as will be seen, took some measures to better the condition ot the currency by the establishment of the fifty-thousand- pound bank. 316 TAXES, AND OTHER FINANCIAL HISTORY. Piobably the emission of these bills did not at once relieve the embarrassed state of the finances Nov. 11, 1723, it was ordered, — b« pStt Rate for m- Avery's saler? for this 7ear sh^U .fli i the„same sPecla as he agreed with sd. town for it • and the Rest of the towne-rate shall be Paid in the Produce ot the towne, at the curant market-price." FIFTY-THOTJSAND-POUND BANK. The reason for emitting this loan of money is stated in the preamble of the bill, to be because "the Publick Bills of Credit on this Province (which, for want of Silver) have . . . answered the Charge of His Majesty's Goverment, . . . [and] served Sas a Medium of Exchange ... in the Trade and Business of the Province, are grown Scarce, in Proportion to the great demand for the same." These bills were to be distributed by the Province Treasurer « to the several towns within this Province, according to each lown s respective proportion of the last Province-Tax " Ihree or five trustees who were freeholders, and each possessed of a real estate worth at least five hundred pounds were to be appointed iu the several towns to let out this money at interest, on good real estates or personal security. These trustees were to be sworn to the faithful discharge of their trust," and were to be paid for their " Pains and Trouble " « what the several towns, in their good Discretion, shall think meet and convenient." No person was allowed to vote lor trustees who had not « an Estate of Freehold worth at least Eorty shillings per Annum." A tax of hlty thousand pounds was ordered to be levied upon the towns of the Province in proportion to the amount ol bills they received, as a fund and security for the drawmg-in and repayment of said bills to the public treasury; ten thousand pounds of which were to be paid yearly, commencing with the last day of May, M 1730 "g' °f C°UrSe' With the last day of TAXES, AND OTHER FINANCIAL HISTORY. 317 All the interest, profit, or income, arising to the several towns from these bills of credit, was to be used by the several towns towards "defraying the Town-Charges." . . Norton, with the North Purchase, received, as their proportion of this loan, two hundred and forty-seven pounds. The freeholders of Norton and the North Pur chase meet, Oct. 16, 1721, and vote that every freehold er of the town of Norton, with the North Purchase, having an estate of freehold of forty pounds per an num, shall have his proportion "... of ye Bills of Credit givino* good security to the lrustees, with Lawful Interest, to be Paid yearly in ye Produce of ye town, at ye then current marcet-pnce ; and the trustees were to take bondsmen or not, as they saw fit. . , ^ As soon as the trustees received the money, they were to give eight days' notice to the freeholders; and "if there be aney Percone yt shall neglect or Refuse to come for theyr Part of ye sd. Bills, twenty days after ye sd. 8 days of notice be given, then the trustees were empowered to let out the money to any of the freeholders," &c. The trustees were required to render a yearly ac count to the town and North Purchase of their doings, and were to " be allowed out of the Town treasury for theyr Reasonable Charges in the Premices." The following persons were then chosen trustees : John Hodges, George Leonard, and Benjamin Wil liams. . „ ,. On the 1st of November following, another meeting was held relative to the matter, and the following vote passed : — "Notwithstanding the act that was passed in a towne- meeting, on ye 16th day of October, 1721, for the Leting- out of our Part of the fifty thousand Pounds of Bills ot Credit it is now Enacted and voted, that the trustees that are chosen to Lett out sd. Bill shall Lett out sd. money to the freeholders in sd. towne and North Purchase to no Percon above teen Pounds, nor any Percon under five Pounds, as 27* 318 TAXES, AND OTHER FINANCIAL HISTORY. for a;eitpi;LGnti0?es:dGrg G°°VeCr^ to ^ '^ee. year/' ^ment of sd- m°ney, with the Interest for one SIXTY-THOUSAND-POCND BANK. ^public '?^tir:zwtrt:°z"{:',ii to™ was™,, fon7L'"lPerr " -P'0""* °f '"« rjiept'Te XPOr"°" °f ",6 ™»" *» "*«3 ^'StoZ"^' T lh» '"stees shall Let out e»f appe,r in su. .i^ToWe it^6,, 5,n,s offX TAXES, AND OTHER FINANCIAL HISTORY. 319 "March 2nd, 1743-4. —Voted that the selectmen — Simeon Wetherell, William Stone, and Josiah Pratt — shall Recon with the trustees which were chose to Let out the said town's Part of the sixty-thousand-Pounds Bank,^ or the survivers of them, and to Receive the said town's Part of the Interest ; and also to sew them for it, if need be ; and also to sew the said surviving trustees for that part of the Princepell which they have neglected to Pay to the Province treasury ; so that thare is a Rate made on said town for it already, and they are also Impowered to carry on any action or actions in the Law against them, till they Git the said" town's Part of the Interest, and ye Prinsepell sume of said Bank, which said town is rated for ; and also all the charge sd. towne have already Bin Put to about it." In a warrant for a town-meeting, Sept. 24, 1744, one article was as follows : — " To act and Proceed in that way that they shall then think most Propper consarning the trustees of the sixty- thousand- Pound Bank ; either to discharge them, and accuit the towne's Part of the Interest, or to agree otherwise ; or to take some other method, so as to Bring that matter to a dispatch. Likewise to Hear what the selectmen have done consarning that matter already." The only recorded action at the meeting relative to the bank is this : — " Voted to Capt. Simeon Witheraland Mr. William Stone, for what they Paid Coll. Church towards his fees for sarving ye Executions for ye Bank-money, £01 — 13." The town-records throw no further light upon the matter; and therefore we must let the curtain fall, and leave it for each reader to decide for himself how the matter was finally settled up. These are the only two banking schemes that the town, as a town, are known to have been connected with. LAND-BANK. After the drawing-in of the bills of the sixty-thou sand-pound loan in 1738, the currency of the country became again somewhat deranged. Therefore, in the 320 TAXES, AND OTHER FINANCIAL HISTORY. beginning of the year 1740, with the professed design ot providing a remedy for the inconveniences expected to arise from the withdrawing from circulation, in 1741 of all the various emissions of paper currency, with out substituting any other medium of trade than gold and silver, a company was formed for the purpose of issuing bills 0f credit, on land security, to an amount not exceeding a hundred and fifty thousand pounds. _ There were eight hundred and sixty-three partners in tins scheme, about four hundred of whom belonged in Boston, the rest in various parts of the Province 11ns scheme was very obnoxious to Gov. Belcher, who vigorously sought to crush it out. In July, 1740, he issued his proclamation, cautioning the people not to receive or pass the notes of the com pany, because they would tend « to defraud men of their estates, and disturb the peace and order of the people." In November of the same year, he issued another proclamation, forbidding all military officers from dealing in this currency, under penalty of dismission Irom office. In fact, nearly all officers of the govern ment were forbidden to pass these bills. The opposi tion to this bank entered largely into the election of representatives to the General Court for May, 1741. But a majority of the members elect seem to have been in favor of the bank ; for one of the bank-directors (Samuel Watts, Esq.) was chosen Speaker of the House. Thirteen new councillors were chosen, supposed to be favorable to the bank scheme. Gov. Belcher, how ever, vetoed the election of councillors ; and, the next day, sent in a message dissolving the Legislature. He also removed from office those favorable to the bank ; and, among others, George Leonard of Norton, of whom I have spoken elsewhere. The town, however, seem to have been in favor of the bank. Mr. Leonard — who was a member of the Legislature dissolved by Gov. Belcher — was, on the 29th of June following, re-elected representative to the new General Court, which was to meet on the 8th TAXES, AND OTHER FINANCIAL HISTORY. 321 of July. And a further evidence that the town was favorably disposed towards the matter is to be found in the vote passed Nov. 23, 1741; viz., "voted, that the maneyfactery-bills shall pay ye town's charge for this year." l BILLS OF OTHER GOVERNMENTS. " Prior to 1750, the Massachusetts Legislature had enacted that the Provincial bills should be redeemed this year [1750] with hard money paid them by the parent government for charges of warfare against the French in the Canadas, &c. But the Legislatures of other Provinces had not so wisely determined : their bills were still circulating at great depre ciation, as were those of Mass. While the commissioners of Mass. were receiving the bills of their own Province, they were allowed to redeem from its inhabitants bills of N.H., R.I., and Conn, [and these were called ' the bills of the other Govermentts '], provided they would take oath that they had such money before April of 1750, and had not bought them of persons belonging to those Provinces, with silver, since March 30th of the same year." 2 It appears from the town-records that the principal town-officers in Massachusetts were, in addition to the oath of office, required to take the oath respecting the bills of other governments. Hence, at the annual - meeting for choice of officers, held March 26, 1751, a moderator and town-clerk were chosen, who took the requisite oath relative to the other government bills. Then they proceeded to choose more than twenty persons for selectmen, who all, with but one exception, refused to take this extra oath ; but this one was not sworn. Finding it impossible to get a board of select men who would take this oath, the meeting adjourned to May 15. Immediately after the adjournment, an informal meeting of some of thecitizens was held; and a com mittee was appointed " To petition the Great and i For further account of tho Land-Bank scheme, see Hobart's Sketch of Abington, p. 154, &c. a Letter of Rev. J. B. Felt. * 322 TAXES, AND OTHER FINANCIAL HISTORY. bilinin°mTe^e+10f ,the CalIiug-in of the Province ^m^otz^™tirs r p= ^SsS^^ as t/couVifie fo^- "^ ^ ^ S° far portJtrthe1SsVt50_1'-ChT & C°mtee t0 con^er and re- Ratlst0sha.l £ S m SP6CiaS a"d ^ What PH3eS 3- vot'edrhthaf inep;vCOmtAee ^ reP°rt' and the *d- towne a pound; Bar Iron at 18s '8d Th ^ ^ Tngele' at 18d' Bushell- 6d Per bushill 5 Flax at Os 6d ;PP ^ /ron' at 16s- 0d- Per hu"dred rua, at Os. 6d. per pound ; and wool, at Os. 8d. per pound." During the latter part of the Revolutionary war the finances became very much disordered; the bill's of TAXES, AND OTHER FINANCIAL HISTORY. 323 credit became almost valueless ; gold and silver money was very scarce ; and a general bankruptcy seemed almost inevitable. It was probably the most severe pecuniary crisis ever experienced by our fathers. As early as Nov. 10, 1777, the town " voted to Remon strate and Pertition to the great and general Court of this state, that the Late act, with Regard to calling in the Bills of Credit Issued by said state, be Repealed ; " and a committee was chosen to " Draw a Remonstrance and Pertition." This remonstrance was probably sent, and a communication from the General Court soon after received ; for, Jan. 1, 1778, there was a town- meeting, among other things,." to hear the address from the General Court, setting forth the reasons which induced said Court to pass a late act for calling in the bills of credit Emitted by this Government." It does not appear, however, that any action was taken upon the matter. A town-meeting was warned to be on the 5th of July, 1779, " To take under consideration the votes and Resolves of the town of Boston, sent to this town (to be communicated) with regard to the depreciation of our currency, and the methods proposed for re dressing the present grievances that so much affect us." About this time, a convention had been called to meet at Concord; we should judge, to consider, among other matters, the state of the finances. Ac cordingly, at the town-meeting, July 5, it was " voted, that one of the committee of Correspondence should go to the convention to be holden at Concord on the fourteenth day of this Instant." At an adjourned meeting, July 26, " voted to ac cept of the Proceedings and Resolves of the convention held at Concord on the fourteenth day of July instant, and do every thing in their power to carry the same into execution." — " Voted, that a committee be chosen to Regulate the Price of articles in this town agreeable to the articles afixt by the sd. Convention." ' At an adjourned meeting, Aug. 16, the report of this committee was " excepted by a Large Majority." 324 TAXES, AND OTHER FINANCIAL HISTORY. It was then ordered, " that there be Proper coppies of the Report of the Committee of the Price of tE in this town rote and set^ up at Every Publick-house and at Every Gnss-Mill in this town." The « com mittee of correspondence " were empowered " to cary into Execution the resolves of the Convention at Concord;" and Silas Cobb was chosen a committee to correspond with other towns in the county " At an adjourned meeting, Aug. 30, "voted, that three of he committee that stated the price of things should attend the proposed Convention to be held at Taunton on the eighth of Sep. next." Aug. 30, 1779, the town « voted to choose one man for the proposed convention at Concord, and that he be chosen by paper-votes." _ From an article in the warrant for the above meet ing, it seems that this convention was called " to take into consideration the prices of Marchandize and country Produce," and was " to be holden on the first Wednesday of October next." What was done at the convention, we know not. In the warrant for a meet ing to be held Sept. 20, 1779, there was an article " to receive the report of the Committee chosen to meet in a County convention at Taunton, in order to regulate the Prices of such things as are commonly Bought and sold in sd. County." What the report was, or whether one was made, the records say not; but what has been recorded serves to show us the expedients to which the people were obliged to resort, in order to meet the demands made upon their purses when they had nothing reliable in their purses. MANUFACTURES, ETC. 325 CHAPTER XXII. WATER PRIVILEGES, MANUFACTURES, AND STATISTICS OF INDUSTRY. " Ho! all who labor, all who strive; Ye wield a lofty power : Do with your might; do with your strength; Fill every golden hour. Oh ! to your birthright and yourselves, To your own souls, be true : A weary, wretched life is theirfl Who have no work to do." Miss C. F. Oene. In the year 1695, Thomas and James Leonard, as we have already stated on page 12, &c, commenced the erection of an iron forge on Stony Brook, nearly in front of the old Leonard Mansion House, westerly of Wading River ; which, in a few years, passed into the hands of Major George Leonard (son of Thomas) ; and by him, his son George, and grandson George, the business of smelting the ore, and the manufacture of iron, was carried on at this place till near the close of the last century. For many years, a great amount of business was done here by the enterprising family whose name is so honorably and permanently associated with the early ironworks of this continent. The late Judge Leonard built a gristmill, nearly on the site of the old forge, in 1805. It continued in operation till since the year 1825. George L. Barnes (a descendant of Major George Leonard), who, by the death of Mrs. Bowen, came into possession of the Leonard home stead, erected in 1855, at great expense, a saw and shingle mill, &c, near the site of the old forge. He oc cupied the mill about a year ; and since then, till Janu ary, 1859, it stood idle, most of the machinery having been taken out. It has very recently been bought by Henry S. Freeman, who has set it in motion again. 28 326 WATER PRIVILEGES, MANUFACTURES, a ^^«^&*^*j^* Brook, resides as early as 1710 owned h "t °°peland no* jun., and John (?) Austin- 1/ 7i James Leonard, first sawmill erected ! in own ^ta have bee» «" years subsequently it IZ ' V,746' and for some and afterwards by his son T !? bj SamueI Clapp vious to 1771, it p7a edTnVr Iian,°IaPP '' but, P& and Samuel' Godfre? ICt 171? ?f John C°ok burned: it was then owned [ bv T, ' n* miU was was soon rebuilt by h!m Z T™ G°dfre^ and Beiyamm and Moses Lincoln P 6Sent 0Wnevs are As early as 1714 th*™ George Leonard o'n WadhJ ?>>r»mi11 " owned by Barrowsville. It had I ti ?S ,r' at what is now ^s, and, no doubt Xls7koTf7- St°°d seve^ »>town; and, we suppose S0^ «nstmiU e™cted only one. On the death of Mr T7 y a»d them one-half of the pot-as hous. ?% *l?° deeded to "g on the land belongW to Jol w?d+llte"siIs stand- pot-a^h was built, or how lono i ll -^ When this information. In a ]tZ g r,emai»ed, we have no March 31, 1770) ?he aLT* $*? two months ("J and half 'of the potash 7^ -S°Id ,the railIs a"d laid Homes. June 1 S Sft '*„, to William' Boston; and he (Homes? son n I °QT Dawes> of from which he was Si T-/J et" ™ed to Boston, AND STATISTICS OF INDUSTRY. 327 Nov. 18, 1790, conveyed the property to Ephraim Raymond, a very energetic business man, who soon after erected an iron-forge, and carried on that busi ness for some years. In 1810, Mr. Raymond and his father-in-law (Josiah Dean, of Raynham) erected the cotton-factory now standing. Mr. Raymond probably owned three-fourths of the establishment. The firm was known as the " Norton Manufacturing Company." March 10, 1821, Raymond bought of the executors of Mr. Dean one-fourth of the factory; and between the 6th of November, 1821, and the 26th of August, 1833, at four different times, he sold portions of it to Samuel Crocker and Charles Richmond, amounting to seven- eighths of the whole establishment. Albert Barrows bought one-fourth of the factory, Oct. 1, 1833 ; and owned it, with Crocker and Richmond, for several years. March 12, 1837, the " Norton Manufacturing Company," consisting of Crocker, Richmond, and Barrows, was incorporated by the General Court, with the privilege of holding capital to the amount of fifty thousand dollars. After the failure of Crocker and Richmond, the property was sold at auction. Feb. 3, 1844, the " Wheaton Manufacturing Company," con sisting of " Albert Barrows, Samuel B. King, and Laban M. Wheaton, their associates and successors," was incorporated by the Legislature for the purpose of making " cotton and woollen goods," and were authorized to hold personal and real estate to the amount of fifty thousand dollars. The company or ganized under the charter, March 12, 1844. Mr. Barrows died May 7, 1854 ; but, under the same corporate name, the business of making cotton cloth and batting is still carried on there. In the year 1849, a steam-engine was erected to propel the ma chinery, when short of water in the summer ; and, during the present year (1858), a gristmill has been started in the steam-engine building. On tho 18th of March, 1718, Benjamin Leonard, sen., of Taunton, deeded to John King two hundred acres of land, at a place called " buttomenummonthe," together with a dwelling-house partly finished ; a 328 WATER PRIVILEGES, MANUFACTURES, quarter part of a sawmill; and the for^e "cole SriUr to T11^3 nCGS' &°- Leonard wi' to have" acres Sll/F and +ca?7 ^ the iron ore from ten acres of land "near to drinkwater." This for*™ onH lives The forge was afterwards moved nearly half a mile down the river; and finally run down and stopped work about a hundred years ^o About 1792, Daniel Smith, Laban Smith, and WiUiam Storv buil a mill, on the easterly side of ZTvp??' cutting nails a few rods bed the bridge neTrw'hich the forge and sawmill were first erected. Tins nai some twenty rods below where the naUmill stood' This sawmill was repaired, and the dam rebuilt 1" ns unefe^ni iSS W38* ; "*o by the death o sessfon of ^ Mlth' haTS recentl? come into pos- About 1730 William Makepeace erected a grist and Zhv1 ^eT S™' niuL^ere Eddy^inco n now lives. These mills were rebuilt, about 1751 or 2 ^ fter Mak ^ ^ ^.^ gl oi 2, hllnw ^'ge Makepeace built an iron-forge iuS below and on the opposite side of the road from where the grist and saw mill now stand How W the forge was in operation, we know not. Peter Make or ell S a Shttmg-.mill ^ a part of the forge biifdnt or else adjoining to it; and it is said to have been ho' mistake ™%Ti I' " ?e United States- B«t tld is a mistake. Tins privilege passed into the ownership 1 See Genealogical Register, vol. xi. p. 258. AND STATISTICS OF INDUSTRY. 329 of Lysander Makepeace in 1792. On the 21st of January, 1811, he sold land for a bleachery, and water privilege for a factory, to Daniel Patten, Daniel Shepard, Benjamin Blanding, and Thomas W. T. Bicknell ; reserving to himself three-eighths of the privilege. The cotton-factory was built, and went into Operation, in October of the same year. Mr. Bicknell was the first agent of the company. They made cotton-cloth and yarn about eighteen years. Then the factory passed into the hands of Daniel Patten and Mason Stone ; and, in a few years, was owned by Mr. Stone alone. On the 3d of October, 1851 Mr. Stone sold to Eddy Lincoln and Hiram J. Hunt ; and Mr. Hunt, in a- short time, sold his right to Eddy Lincoln. Since then, the building has been used for a shingle-mill, box-factory, a planing-machine, and a wheelwright's shop ; and is still owned by Mr. Lincoln. Aug. 28, 1824, Deacon Makepeace sold the sawmill and gristmill to the Norton Cotton Mills Company ; which, at that time, consisted of himself, Daniel Shepard, Lemuel Perry, Jacob Shepard, Simeon Blanding, Benjamin Blanding, Daniel Patten, and Ichabod Perry. With the factory, they passed into the hands of Mason Stone; and March 26, 1845, together with a shingle-mill that had been built a few years previous, they were purchased by Eddy Lincoln, who is the present owner. It is supposed that a sawmill was built by Major Joseph Hodges, on Crooked Meadow Cedar-Swamp Brook, near where Jarvis Hodges now lives, previous to 1745. This mill seems to have been rebuilt or repaired, in 1753 or 4, by three of his sons and their cousin Ephraim, as appears by a paper which reads, "norton, March the 8, ye 1754, then reckned and Balanced all accounts About Bulding and reparing our mill till this day, as witness our Hands, — " Joseph Hodges, Timothy Hodges, Ephraim Hodges, Isaac Hodges." In his will, dated May 1, 1756, Capt. Joseph Hodges speaks of his " third part of a saw mill;" " it being in partnership with my brother Isaac 28* 330 WATER PRIVILEGES, MANUFACTURES, Hodges, and Timothy Hodges " Wn / remember when a mill e1™2r!?' ^° one can now has fallen into disuTe d thwe'-and tlie P^ge appears that an iron-forge and n ,?I fg-farm," -- it time standing on Rumford Rivl'11 7°™ at that of the late Deacon S£J Lte ' K ^ residence s.ed &^^^itt& :;! «tood nearly opposite! tK1 are , bdieved to liave lived, nea/ZSddS of tnT Where ?eaco" Lane where the remainTof the 1 i pr6Sent factor7-pond, On the 12th ? kt iar "l 7? 7 f1 t0 be see»- standing, as it appear, E 1 Vbe forSe was still Joseph, Naomi Tnd slrT ^ de+ed g^ by Ebenezer, (son of Willi' of all fLBu-r +t0 Nathaniel Stone the stream res^ed'by1 hfde'ef tf EL^** in sumed that Stone, father or son ltd ' 1S prf become owner of the sawmill and t W i Pre™usly control of this water priXe- which „W C°mplete was in the possession of the 5 ?' °r m^7 years> believed that the forge and It ? 6 ^T01^ Jt is about 1770. How foL tb. f '" Were both reb"ilt Some time before Von* • ?r$f Stood is ""certain. stood a iw^^^^^Jtjd, which stands. More than fifty years » Z tY V01'7 now rather the Lane Brothers camfl Wo eaC°U Lane' or water privilege- ana in I81T t0nP°Ssession of this sawmilf on tfe'sSVth l" £ ^'fi^S"* ^ S/^riitt I6 ^S^S John 'and Davi lArnL ^ F^ten> Lemuel Perry, AND STATISTICS OF INDUSTRY. 331 Previous to 1745, Jonathan Hodges erected a mill on Goose Brook, a few rods below the bridge, near where George H. Arnold now lives ; and carried on the business of " Fulling, Dyeing, and Dressing Cloth." This was the first mill for that business erected in Norton. Soon after it was erected, in consequence of some trouble with Judge Leonard, — whose land was flowed by the fulling-mill pond, — Mr. Hodges removed his mill about thirty-five rods further down the stream, where he fulled and dressed cloth until about 1784 ; when his son, Jonathan Hodges, jun., assumed the business, and carried it on alone (with the exception of one or two years when he had a partner) till 1814, — the time of his death. In the fall of 1846, David and George H. Arnold erected the building now standing by the bridge, and, for some years, made cotton-batting. It is now used for a shingle-mill, &c. More than a hundred years ago, a sawmill was built by Deacon John Andrews (?) on Burt's Brook, about eighty rods above the site of the present mill. This old mill was fast going to ruin eighty years ago. The present sawmill near the furnace, on Burt's Brook, was built in the fall of 1800 by Luther Lin coln. A carding-mill was started there in 1814. The present building below the road, used as a shingle- mill, &c, was erected in 1817, and, for some years, used for the carding of wool, idle several year Nov 18 &? V.T' ^ Sf°°d their share of the mills and ™h,7n +i • ean r„„ t , , ""> dlia rebuilt them : o-iv no- Mro Bowen- who had, by the recent death of°ne "father" (Judge Leonard), come into the possession o lie 1 eJ l i:nCUfs^irZm the ^-eree°paa wn. in May, ibo5, the entire privilege and an™r tenances were sold to William A. and SamudT Crocker, who wanted the water to carry by canal to were taken down; ^L^ter^"^^ copperworks by canal. fe ° tlle Previous to the Revolution, Benjamin Braman builf a sawmill on Goose Brook, back J of whereTller > D AND STATISTICS OF INDUSTRY. 333 Lane now lives; but, being absent in the war, it run down. William Braman and Seneca Sanford built a sawmill near the same spot about 1814. It was used till the death of Mr. Braman in 1839, and then went to decay. Another building was erected by Augustus andjUlen D. Lane in 1845. It is now used by them for sawing shingles and box-boards. On the 30th of August, 1783, Nathan and Edward Babbit of one party, and Annes Newcomb of the other, entered into an agreement to build a dam for a grist mill and fulling-mill,— the Babbits to build each one- fourth of the dam and one-half of the gristmill, and Newcomb to build the other half of the dam and the whole of the fulling-mill ; 1 and the buildings were soon after erected on Canoe River, on opposite sides of the stream, a short distance from Easton line, between where Nathaniel Newcomb' s factory now stands and the sawmill. On the 18th of November, 1794, Nathan Babbit being dead, his son Edward deeded to Levi Babbit one-half of the gristmill ; the other half being then owned by Asa Newcomb.1 Previous to Jan. 5, 1795, the fulling-mill had passed into the hands of Asa Newcomb, who was a brother of Annes, and a sawmill had been built: for, on that day, he (Asa) sold one-half of the fulling-mill and one-half of the dam to Thomas Danforth, reserving the water not needed for the gristmill and fulling-mill for his (Newcomb's) sawmill;2 which shows that the saw mill was standing at that time. In February, 1811, Danforth sold to Jonathan Smith, Simeon Presbery, jun., Daniel Presbery, Stimson Austin, and Alan son Cobb, reserving to himself three-eighths of a water privilege ; and they built thereon a factory for mak ing cotton-yarn. This factory was owned by different individuals up to 1822; when Nathaniel Newcomb bought the whole of it, and made yarn for a time, then thread, and finally wadding and batting. In December, 1831, the factory was burned ; and Mr. i Records of Deeds, vol. Ixxv. p. 6. 2 Ibid. vol. lxxiii. p. 347. S34 WATER PRIVILEGES, MANUFACTURES, Newcomb rebuilt ot. +i-„> ^^Ihenow^s.^Sr' in/PriI' 1832> Canton, received a natAnt. ' ames Beaumont, of Mr- Newcomb bo^fZ^T^ kind of waddC factured that wadling ftoT 183 /g / &Ud has ma»» Tle gristmill went into disuValw 1 fi°, present time- mill, about 1820. The SawS Jn14'' the fumug- owned by Eddy Lincoln6 a % T G orfoV?"8' *?d fs Not far from 1790 William ng Leonard. for cutting nails, on 'tie IZe^T ?"£* a miI1 River, near the house nL J,Slde of Rumford By a freshet in 1806 (?) ^T^ bj Mrs" EIi W°og now occupied by Euel fiobS,? SP0t- TLe build" fhopwas built by Thomas l?r ^"son a« a wheelwright- having bought, Apr iTof h^v' St\,n 1888^ He made doors, window L Jear' the Privilege building was afterward o Tf' aud sa*es. The ™d fo? the same pirtse Aft7 ^ CIaPP> and Clapp, Earl and BoyalTjLiS" ? death of Mr. J«l/ 2, 1845, and con tinned tiff g,ht the Privilege, sold the sash and Iw f Same business. TW with the landabl 5n?ethSea-omi^ ?eo. 28, 184? (guardian of John L.Hall Wn °' -t0 Jacob Si>epard Shepard sold the sam* Jr d' £ a few days, Mr -ner of both tild^:.Ve°nieande^illis' th,e ^ the sashmill two or th?ee year Af °r? axletrees in hired the building in the aur L M$\?uel Bobinsou fenced the manufacture 0 * carrW ^ &nd com- on quite an extensive business in fi rld StiJI carries or 10, Zebulon White bu lli Z t tha*llue- ^ 1809 above the road, and owned hi s™lJ1 "<>w standing Mr. White's deth tl° , 7 Lorea Willis. After Eli and Elkanah W^ ™ M b°U* in 18^, by Royal P. Hodges, May '^1845 Z S°W t0 Earl a"d vious to 1800, there wl I , , ai^ ^ars ago, ore- site side of th roVHo Pf :"bui-l?lng 011 <& °p£ owned, or when bui^^teToT^med'7 wKa AND STATISTICS OF INDUSTRY. 335 In the year 1796 (?), Benjamin Horton built a slit- ting-mill on Wading River, at what is now called the Copperworks Village, on the spot where the Cupola Smelting Furnace stands, adjoining the bridge. This building was burned the fore part of the year 1824. Mr. Horton had also a mill for cutting nails, on the opposite side of the river, which was burned some years previous to the slitting-mill. Crocker and Richmond erected the Cupola Furnace Building, in 1825, for a copper-rolling mill. Tho same year, they erected the building back of the furnace for a copper-refining fur nace. It is now used as a yellow-metal furnace. In these two buildings the company carried on the copper business till 1835. In that year, the Crocker Brothers dug the canal from the mill-pond by Allen and Augus tus Lane's, and erected what is called the Lower Mill, on the northerly side of the river, which is operated by the water from the canal. In 1838, they added the upper or zinc mill ; all of which, for some years past, have been owned and carried on by the Crocker Bro thers and Company, of Taunton. During the year 1857, they put on an addition to the Cupola Smelting Furnace, for the purpose of condensing the oxide of zinc escap ing from the furnace, which previously passed off through the chimney into the atmosphere in the form of vapor or smoke. It has proved to be a valuable improvement, not only for getting rid of the nuisance, but also in a pecuniary point of view; for, on an ave rage, more than fifty dollars' worth of the powder is saved daily, when the furnace is in operation, and is used in painting, though not quite so clear and white as lead. Mr. William A. West, about the year 1837, in one of these buildings, commenced making cents for the United-States Government; or rather, he prepared them for coining, and then sent them to the mint for that purpose. He continued to manufacture them till the issue, two or three years since, of the new and smaller cent ; and, 011 an average, he made about sixty tons per year. It is believed that Isaac Francis built a cutting-mill 336 WATER PRIVILEGES, MANUFACTURES, about sixty years ago on Rumford River, back of the house now owned by William A. King, between the Centre Mills and the road leading from the village to the railroad depot. It was afterwards owned by Icha bod Clapp, but has been down many years. Araunah Smith had a cutting-mill, forty-five or fifty years ago, back of where his son Deacon S. Smith now lives, on the brook that passes between Allen B. Tucker's and Ansel Keith's. George Hodges built a fulling-mill on Wading River, ' a short distance below Barrowsville, about 1810. He had trouble with the owners of the factory, for flowing back upon their water-wheel, and was obliged to take down his dam. He moved his mill to the little stream near his house (where Samuel H. Lane now lives), and carried on- business till he died, in 1828. David and Josiah Woodward built a sawmill on Rumford River, just above its junction with Wading River, about 1815 ; and it was used some ten or fifteen years. The privilege has not since been occupied. Isaac T. Braman erected a building on Wading River, in 1853, nearly half a mile below Mansfield Line. It is used for a gristmill, circular saws, and a turning-lathe. It will be seen, from what has been written, that the first branch of business established here, aside from farming, was the manufacture of iron from the ore. For many years it furnished employment to a large number of men and boys ; the making of nails being a very prominent feature of the business. At first, these were all hammered separately by hand ; but this was a slow and expensive process, and therefore led to the invention of the "slitting" and "cutting mills," as they were called. The slitting-mills were used to slit the iron, that had been rolled down to a proper thick ness, into strips, of the width needed for the length of the nails ; and the cutting-mills cut these strips into nails, which, for a long time, were headed by hand. Some forty or fifty years ago, the business of cutting and heading nails was carried on here quite extensively : but, AND STATISTICS OF INDUSTRY. 337 since nails have been headed by machinery, the busi ness has passed away from Norton ; and two or three solitary blacksmiths' shops, for shoeing horses, oxen, -l ""I iH r-l ¦6© OS OOlH^t^COOJ CO CO O r~ HC1 NMI-*INCT<0 HN CO con HHHNIO co co CI 00 CO^COOOOCNCJSCOt^ r-l CO OO Oi © »0 CN CO O T« r-l "tf CN CN CN I- © rH >C CO CN rH rH © CO CN CO^t^ H iO«Oi O CN CNi-HQO Tp Ot' W >h ITJH r-t ^h CO rH rHCNTfCOCOCOCN xQ CO rH >oco ^OicocoH »rj co CN iO CD CO © © GO CN ^H r-l CN CN CO r-l rH pi b t- ^ ri • ¦* • • • • . *«-< «*_i ^r-f — •. •.rH j—j ,— i i n AND STATISTICS OF INDUSTRY. 341 m., manufacture ; m'd, manufactured. STATISTICS FOR 1837. Potton mills 4; cotton-spindles, 1,993; cotton consumed, U>tton-muis, •*, r . j val. of same, 385,019 lbs. ; cotton-goods m d, 2M,6tb yaias , , v *&mTW pai,.; si™., 2,4™ p.i-; ~1. of both, $2lhut°t?e's m'd, 300 doz. ; val. of same, $1,500. Val. of baskets m'd, $500. STATISTICS FOR 1845. ... ¦ • ji., o qoo • cotton consumed, 200,- Cotton-mills, 4; spindle., 2,320 , co iton ^ £ /OO ; couon-bauin! 16 000 lb, >^'™^£ pelisse-wadding m df *i,ouu , uijj., m> , f' XrnaS for m. of hollow-ware and castings ortier pi-iron, 1; hollow-ware and castings md, 450 tons : mu 300 lb. 'val, 5(1,200; c.p, W.OOOl «» 2- ' 29* than val., val., 342 STATISTICS OF INDUSTRY. POPULATION AND CENSUS. 343 Tanneries, 1 ; hides tanned, 50 ; val. of leather tanned and curried, $50; cap., $150; emp., 1. Value of building-stone quarried and prepared, $300 ; emp., 1. Lumber prepared, 383,000 feet; val., $1,167; emp., 20. Fire-wood prepared, 1,660 cords; val., $4,996; emp., 17. Sheep, 276; val., $421; wool produced, 565 lbs.; val., $169. Asses, 1; val., $50; horses, 169; val., $7,712; neat cat tle, 654; val., $10,875; swine, 293; val., $1,465. • Indian-corn, or maize, raised, 6,308 bush. ; val., $3,154 ; rye, 724 bush.; val., $543; oats, 600 bush. ; val., $180; potatoes, 18,052 bush. ; val., $4,528 ; other esculent vegetables, 800 bush.; val., $300; hay, 1,160 tons; val., $11,600; flax, 10 lbs. ; val., $1. Fruit raised, 2,319 bush.; val., $417. Butter, 7,535 lbs; val., $1,227; cheese, 8,702 lbs.; val., $676; honey, 68 lbs.; val., $11 ; beeswax, 4 lbs. ; val., $1. Val. of gravestones, $700 ; emp., 2. STATISTICS FOR 1855. Cotton-mills, 3; spindles, 3,656; cotton consumed, 175,- 000 lbs. ; cloth m'd, 376,320 y'ds, from No. 35 to 40 ; val. of cloth, $42,336; yarn m'd, 45,720 lbs.; batting m'd, 25,836 lbs. ; val. of batting, $2,325.24 ; pelisse-wadding m'd, 3,000 doz. ; val. of wadding, $225 ; cap., $85,000 ; m. emp., 53 ; f. emp., 33. Furnaces for m. of hollow-ware and castings other than pig iron, 1 ; hollow-ware and other castings m'd, 500 tons ; val. of hollow-ware and castings, $50,000 ; cap., $25,000 ; emp., 30. Copper-manufactories, 1 ; cap., $60,000 ; emp., 60. Establishments for m. of coaches, chaises, wagons, &c., 2 ; val. of coaches, &c, m'd, $3,615 ; cap., $2,000 ; emp., 5. Establishments for m. of straw bonnets and hats, 1 ; straw bonnets m'd, 35,000; straw hats m'd, 36,000; m. emp., 19; f. emp., 250. - • Charcoal m'd, 20,000 bush. ; val. of same, $2,000. Lumber prepared for market, 1,205,000 ft. ; val. of lumber, $11,715. Fire-wood prepared for market, 2,588 cords ; val. of fire wood, $8,210. Sheep, 92; val. of sheep, $210; wool produced, 287 lbs. '' Horses, 211; val. of horses, $16,156; oxen, over three years old, 90 ; steers, under three years old, 47 ; val. ot oxen and steers, $10,785 ; milcb-cows, 420 ; heifers, 82 ; val. ot cows and heifers, $12,161. Butter, 12,358 lbs.; val. of butter, $2,471.60; cheese, 8,538 lbs.; val. of cheese, $1,024.76. Indian-corn, 275 acres ; Indian-corn, per acre, 28^ bush. ; val., $7,637. Wheat, 24 acres ; wheat, per acre, 314 bush- '> val-> *1/U ; rye, 92 acres; rye, per acre, 10 bush; val., $1,380; barley, 9 acres; barley, per acre, 18 bush.; val., $165; oats, 97 acres; oats, per acre, 14 bush.; val., $819.60. Potatoes, 187 acres; potatoes, per acre, 61 bush.; val., $6,844.20 ; turnips, cultivated as a field-crop, 8 acres ; tur nips, per acre, 81 bush.; val., $120. English mowing, 1,602 acres ; English bay, 871 tons ; val., $17,420 ; wet meadow or swale hay, 521 tons ; val., $5>2^- Apple-trees, cultivated for their fruit, 3,428 ; val., $1,389 ; pear-trees, cultivated for their fruit, 150 ; val., $93 ; cranber ries, 22 acres ; val., $1,440. Establishments for m. of boxes, 1 ; cap., $2,000 ; val. of boxes m'd, $6,000 ; emp., 3. Bound timber sent to market, 500 tons ; val., &3,UUO. Swine, 367 ; val., $3,070. CHAPTER XXIII. POPULATION AND CENSUS OF 1855. " Go now through all the tribes, and number ye the people." — Old Bible. In this chapter, we shall give the population of Norton at various times ; and the State Census of the inhabi tants on the 1st of June, 1855, taken by the assessors, which' has been copied for us by a friend. We have taken the liberty to correct a few very obvious mistakes. Probably some of the surnames will be found incor rectly spelled, especially among the foreign population ; and, doubtless, the same will be true of a few of the 344 POPULATION AND CENSUS. POPULATION AND CENSUS. Christian names. It is almost impossible to take the census of any town, without more or less errors beino- made. b POPULATION. Year. Number. I Tear. Number. 1763 . . . 19121 1800 . . . 1481 1776 . . . 1329 1810 . . . 1598 1790 . . . 1428 | 1820 . . . 1600 Year. 1830 . 1840 . 1850 . CENSUS OF 1855. - Adams, Joseph S. . , Olive A, . , Adams, Warren . , Eunice . , . Henry B. . , Mary S. Wetherell Allen, Ephraim . . Sarah J. . Sally . . . , Allen, James . . . Abigail . . . George E. . , Velina W. . . Mary E. . . Eliza L. . . . Martha C. . . Harriet S. . . Alden, Jason F. . . Keziah E. . . Hannah W. Alden, WiUiam H. . Angelia M. . . Arnold, Lemuel . . Mary A. . . John Wallace . . Polly Bolton Arnold, Asa .... Hannah P. Henry W. Horton Helen E. Olney . Jemima Arnold . . Arnold, John . . . Esther D. . . Mary E. Nichols . Arnold, David. . . . Ilohy . . . Hannah D. . Age. Where Born. 35. Mass. 35. 71. (I 71. 20. „ 21. „ 53. i, 42. 79. „ 53. 51. „ 25. „ 19. F1 13. 11. 8. ti 6. 57. n 55. i 23. 27. i 24. 79. , 21. 45. Ire. 62. Mass 58. „ 53. , i 16. , 14. , 85. , 69. , 47. , 28. , 53. „ 54. , 27. „ Amelia K. David D. . Marianna B. Charles F. Wilbur Bernard Coyle . Arnold, George H. Maria M. . . Arnold, David A. . . Ruth A. . . Ruth B. Lewis . , Austin, Otis C. . . . Catharine . Ann M. . . Sanford B. , Adelaide . , Josephine E. . Granville D. . Albert A. . . Lizzie I. . . Austin, Solomon . . Zilpah . . . Peleg E. . . Abigail L. Field . Babbitt, John . . Rhoda , . . James L. . Abigail L. Smith . Barker, George . . . Mabrey . . . Alfred . . . Susan M. . . Bassett, Mary . . Frederic T. Lane '. Bailey, Sarah M. . . Sarah S. . . Mary J. . . . Caleb J. . . . Number. . 1484 . 1554 . 1966 Where Bora. Age, 24. Mass. 21. „ 12. „ 6. „ 15. Ire. 32. Mass. 27. „ 31. „ 22. „ 61. R.I. 44. Mass. 39. N.Y. 17. Mass. 16.14. 12. 10. 8. 1. 64.63. 26. 25.69. 66. 37. 12. 66. 52.21. 18. 62. 95 44. N.H. 13. Mass. 11. „ R. Mass This included the inhabitants of the North Precinct, now Mansfield. e Ballou, William Elizabeth A. George W. . Charles H. . Edward F. . Frederic D. Joseph E. . Isabella J. . Emily J. Barrows, Carlos . . Cynthia W. Nancy E. Henrietta E. Stella M. Barrows, Harriet . Henry M. Edwin Harriet L. Emma F. Julia R. . . Blanchard, Sylvia . . James . Bates, Horatio . . Sarah H. . . Sarah J. . • Savilion H. . Bellows, Alfred . . Charlotte . Otis W. . Josephine Blandin, Benjamin Nancy . Nancy W. Emily . . William B William Gould . Blandin, Simeon . Rebecca , Lucius D. Benjamin F. Taylor Louis A. Horton Lucy A. Dean . Blandin, Jesse . . Susannah Blandin, Jesse H. , Eunice M. Abbott H. Mary E. Blandin, Isaac S. Eliza . George O. . Where *&• Born. . 42. Mass. . 40. It . 18. II . 16. II . 14. II . 12. II . 8. II . 3. II . 10 mo. II . 47. II . 44. II . 17. II . 12. It . 9. I) . 60. ,, . 25. 11 . 21. tt . 18. II . 16. It . 13. tt . 67. It . 24. II . 36. II . 34. II . 15. II . 13. 1) . 37. It . 33. It . 8. tt . 2. tt . 74. 11 . 69. It . 36. II . 30. II . 28. II . 36. 11 . 66. It . 60. It . 27. II dor 25. II . 14. 11 . 23. tl . 68. It . 69. 11 . 41. tt . 31. 1) . 11 11 . 4 11 . 57 It . 51 11 . 18 11 Gardner . Blandin, Sumner . Louisa . Frances L, Allen S. . Henry W. Mary E. . Herbert H. Blake, Hannah H. . Mary E. . . Franklin D. James C. Mary Lathrop . Boland, John . . Joanna . • John . . Patrick James . . Mary . . Dan Michael Catharine . Bolan, Michael . . Ellen . . Bolton, William S, Flora J. Eugene W. Clara J. Brady, Patrick . Bridget John . . Thomas . CatharineEugene . Charles . Bragg, Lucinda . H. Granville Louisa Townsend Augusta Townsend Braman, Isaac T. . . Mary J. . • Sarah . . . Benjamin Morey . Braman, Washburn . Polly . • . Chloe . . . BenjaminFanny . . . Braman, Lydia . . • Druzilla Shepardson Briggs, Emerson . . 345 Where A8e- Born. 16. Mass. 47. Me. Mass. Ire. 42. 20. 19. 14. 11. 6. 30. 6. 3. 30. 61. 33. 30. 14.10. 7. „ 6. ,, 1, Mass. 2 mo. ,, 41. Ire. 13. „ 25. Mass. 23. „ 3. „ 1. 40. 36. „ 14. „ 11. , 9. „ 6. „ 1. Mass. 76. „ , 22. „ 38. „ 8. „ 25. „ 27. „ 73. „ 30. „ 71. „ 57. „ 31. „ 23. „ 21. ,, 71. „ 67. „ 70. , Ii 1 346 POPULATION AND CENSUS. POPULATION AND CENSUS. 347 Lydia . . Briggs, Benjamin S. Curoline . , Benjamin J. Elizabeth C. Louisa A. . Alfred . . SethR. . . Briggs, Edmund . Achsah . . Lydia A. . Ellen I. . . Edmund A. Stephen A. . William Carter . Briggs, Charles H. . Lynthy A. . Harrison H. Eunice 0. . Sarah E. Lydia Hodges . Briggs, Simeon . . Esther W. . Maria Tucker . Britton, Zachariah . Brown, Wesley . . Elmira . . Caroline Mary . , Emeline Bruce, Alanson . . Mary , . William . . Eliza ... George . . , HenryAbby . . Burt, Polly . . . , Burt, Melzar . . . Martha . . . Martha E. . . Melzar E. . . Mary A. . . . Carpenter, Daniel . '. Hannah Caroline . ElizabethH. Ellen . . Carpenter, Thomas Willard M. Thomas P. »„ Where As°- Born. 68. Mass. 50. „ . 45, . 22. . 20. . 18. . 12. . 8. . 37. . 38. . 13. . 10. . 8. . 6. . 26. . 46. . 42. . 21. . 21. 1. . 67. , 68. 44. 46. 69. 50.44. 23. 9. 7. 52. 45. 17. 12.10. 8. 2 mo. . 61. : 45. , 38. , 15. , 4- , 4 mo. , 63. , 55. , 30. , 24. , 12. , 55. , 12. , 10. , Carpenter, Caroline . Dauphin K. Lydia Titus . . . Caffrey, Daniel . . . Mary . , , Hugh . . . Capen, William, jun. . Mary , , , Mary J. , , Lucy M. William . . Card, James S. . . Lucy A. . . . Thomas P. . . Thomas Blucklen . Anthony Alexander Caswell, Alvaris . . Ann S. . . Serena K. Lois T. . . Alexis . . . Mary A. King . . Chace, Leander . . . Elizabeth C. . Mercy A. Snow . Marshall G. Kenan Clark, George F. . , Harriet E. . . Galen A. . . Clarkson, John . . . Mary A. . SusanWilliam H. Ann ... 8. Charles E. . 3. Mass. Clegg, James ... 65. Eng. Sarah .... 65. „ William ... 22. , Clement, Sylvester . . 23. Mass. Mary ... 21. „ Codding, Isaac B. . . 23. ,', Sarah E. . . 18. , Charles Hall ... 26 Me. Codding, George . . 64. Mass. Sally . . . 53; (> George W. . 15. „ Codding, William H. . 28. „ Martha B. . 26. „' Martha C. . 6 mo. ,, Comstoek, Christopher 60. Conn Tara G. . 45. .. Ann Where A8"' Born. 49. Mass. 10. „ 75. „ 40. Ire. 50. „ 23. „ 47. Mass. 45. „ 17. „ 7. „ 80. „ 33. E.I, 36. „ 9. „ 29. Eng. 38. ,, • 56. Mass. 56. „ 27. „ 16. „ 12. „ 25. „ 22. „ 28. „ 7- „ 15. „ 38. N.H. 37. „ 9. Pa. 41. Eng. 34. „ !8. „ 12. .. Charles Barnes . . Caroline Pond . . Mary Woodbury . Catharine Smith . Margaret Lee . . Sarah Tenny . . Honisie McGreath . Mary Coyle . . . Ellen Barry . . . Caroline C. Metcalf Cobb, Daniel S. . . Harriet P. . . Silas H. . . . Derrick W. , . Dulcibella K. . Margaret Calaghan Daniel Smith . . Cobb, Gilford M. . . S. Maria . . . Pliny Wetherell Collins, Michael . . Margaret . . Catharine . . Margaret . . Ann . . . • Michael Caveler . Conaty, James . Ellen . . . Mary . . • Catharine . . Patrick . . Ellen . . . Bridget . . Ann . . . Conaty, James, 2d . . Lydia . . . Conaty, Charles . • Rosena . . ¦ Charles . , Edward . . Mary . . Copeland, Thomas . Eliza . . Mary . . Lucy A. Quinley John F. Dixon . Copeland, Thomas H. Lydia A. Copeland, Joseph . Louisa . Cosgrove, James . „ Where Ase. Born. ,„, Where Aee- Bom. 17. R.L Bridget . . 35. Ire. 35. Eugene . . 9. Mass. 35. Mass. Thomas J. . 7. „ 19. Ire. Clarence 5. „ 25. James . . 2. „ 23. Ann H. 4 mo. ,, 19. Patrick Coyle. . . 67. Ire. 15. , Cosgrove, Daniel . , 40. ,, 17. *i Bridget . . 35. „ 60. Mass. Hugh . . 12. „ 51. n Margaret 9. Mass. 44. 1( Philip . . 7. „ 18. n Susan . . 5. „ 13. James . . 3. „ 11. Edward . . 1. „ 22. Ire. Cosgrove, Patrick . . 28. Ire. 86. Mass. Catharine . 26. „ 28. Coyle, James . . . 21. lie. 23. Rosa .... 22. „ 23. Crane, John .... 56. Mass 25. Ire. Sally . . . 54. „ 53. " Crane, John H. . . . 29. „ 23. Sarah E. . . 28. , 18. Anna . . 3 mo. „ 16. )( Crane, George B. . . 44. „ 2. Martha . . . 39. „ 46. George T. . . 3. „ 46. Samuel Drake . . 29. „ 19. Crane, Daniel . . . 39. „ 17. fl Wealthy A. 39. „ 15. Mary A. . . 10. „ 13. Daniel F. . . 3. „ 11. Crane, J. Calvin . . 33. „ 9. Eliza . . . . 33. „ 42. M Henry C. . 9. „ 37. Charles N. . 3. „ 34. Elmira Pratt . . 49. „ 34. Crane, George C. . . 27. „ 5. Harriet R. . 21. „ 3. Mass. Abbott C. . 2. „ 7 mo. „ Clara E. . . 6 mo. ,, . 66. n Clarissa Fuller . 17. „ . 57. ii Crossman.Zephaniah S 44. „ . 25 Crossman, Harrison 38. „ . 14 Elizabeth A 29. „ . 12 Scot. Oren H. . H. ,, . 32. Mass Frank E. • 7. „ . 21 Cordelia E. 4. „ . 25 OtisB. . . 2. „ . 24 Me. Dane, Mary . . . . 61. Ire . 42 . Ire. Michael . . . 22. „ § 3 d t) H ctp p g p Sg-pjs I. o 00 y tJ • o ao p. 5 ™ t) O < B"0 00 E, 3* fi ; p w w • 'dp " 3 3 td O r-i td td t) td ^ |s-S S^p g=a| to 03 *-" S5 p «> ™ • W a.- ""• ^PttR-K? WbOHUOCniOOiCnOJ COtOCOcot— ,_i t-« »-< CO rf* HMOS Mh-W^MMCO^MMi-iH^OtCnOJ h- — h- i—. i-» t> t-H W^ 1 otr » as CO00 ?do?d arp>H ?— < O53t»t> o ts CO g td-td td cp. p. TO TO P"5 -dhH tdtdp. p. p. p. gggSp^feWg e g2 td 8 m E7l - 3"i: 3- 3 p to -r" "CO. ¦?o o|L' 3-3" S era --5 cogcop „ p •5 WH ?¦¦ _, - - !? S ^ o fd- ru ("yes g.td 3* 2. 3 o TO 05 ^ a w td 3- Jd/S to » o s^^ 5. 3 to p tT^tt^^*^01^ fcOCOOitOCOOii-'COCS i-.rf^COi-'^-bOilk.i^coCO to Co CO w M u WM ^ {O CO CO O N> CO W-co pmPMMr(OCnMO)Joro**MpM?ipiMCOOlMC,g CCo5pK.*.~ltoSo5H-COOiSo1ciJ^»OTS * S 1-1 tt^ ? PI "- Qi-% (•>>j*j»t<. ^.ca^i^u^j-^:?^ .v,,'-1 g^.'maKi^-g-;1 Mi - wwwfwgjjai to^^oencoww bD to 0 to *- *- »— ' rt^ *>- CO rf>- 00 00 1— » 1—1 Cn HCOCOH to CO CO t— ¦ M^ Oi 1—1 OlOlM to to CO OS 0 to -^ ©1 01 (-• 0 -1 1-* Oi-^fcCCO-^-^l-^Oi-^OlbO CO 0 ?-¦ (-" co tf^ ffiO^OWQ00<0 'A? *d 3 "23 0Q 3 S | B S E , 2. cr p 3 to'3" Son- M -- >-l TO 3 ^ " H 3- ?do ?da t-t>H oz t»z ao cd COaCO MKWlf^ |- Mffit»Ot5pGiP*^WOnOMtOWQOM'-'i^CflW(^^CDMa MOiSO^-MOiCnOM^Majrf.ht.OitO^^'-'OMOOM « S„ H - - - S W 1 II COCO 350 POPULATION AND CENSUS. POPULATION AND CENSUS. 351 ¦ „ Where ASe> Born. ,an Where AS0. Hor„_ Galligan, Patrick . . 30. Ire. H.Elizabeth. 18. Mass. Catharine . 28. „ Lebe A. . . 17. .. Henry 3. Mass. Martha A. . 15. '.'. James 2. „ Emily J. . . 13. „ Galligan, Edward . 40. Ire. Jones W. • 11. 1. Mary , . 33. „ Goff, Silas R. . . . 42. „ Henry . . 16. Mass. Roxanna . . . 38. „ Mary . . . 15. „ Abby J. , . . 13. „ Anna . . . 11. „ Mary E. . 7. „ Edward . . 10. „ Baylies R. . • • 3. „ Ellen . . . 8. „ Lucinda Horton . 20. .. James . . . 5. „ Abbie A. Horton . 11. Galligan, Charles . ¦ 40. Ire. Gillroy, Hugh . . . 35. Ire. Barney . . 5. Mass. Margaret . . 28. „ Charles . . 3. „ Thomas ¦ . 2. Mass. Ann . . . 27. Ire. Mary E. . 6 mo. ,, Galligan, Daniel . . 42. „ James Gaffney . . 27. Ire. Catharine 36. „ Grady, Dennis . • 27. „ Barney . . 15. Mass. Grace M. . 29. .. James . . . 13. „ Dennis Galligan . 8. .. Bridget . . 9. „ Sarah Galligan . . 6. .. John . . . 6. ,. William Galligan . 4. ,, Gaffaey, Owen . " . . 30. Ire. Catharine Galligan 1. .. Elizabeth . . James F. . . 23. „ 2. Mass. Patrick Magro John Magro . • 26. „ . 19. .. Thomas . . 3. „ Catharine M. Magro 21. ", 'Gaffney, Edwin . . . 36. „ Timothy Crowan . 26. ,. Mary , . . 24. „ Grimshaw, Thomas . 36. Eng. . 35. ,, Mary A. . , 2 mo. „ Jane iGilmore, Everett G. . 35. „ Edward • 16. „ Julia A. . . 34. R.I. Alfred 5. Mass. Avis A. . . 11. „ James 1. „ Eveline . . 9- i, James Lyle . . . 37. Scot. Julia E. . . 6. „ Agnes Lyle . . 35. „ Elbridge H. . 4- „ Guild, Nancy E. . . 37. Mass. Susan E. Stoddard . 31. „ Ellen S. . . • 10. ,. Esmerelda Stoddard 3. „ Abbie A. • 1- „ ¦Gooch, Thomas . . . 30. Mass. Catharine Darey . 40. Ire. Elizabeth W. . 35. „ Hall, Benjamin S. . . 52. Mass. Polly King . . . 73. „ Caroline J. , . • 49. „ ¦ Charles Briggs . . 7. „ Hall, Richard H. • 45. „ .Goodwin, Pollv . . . 80. „ Mary A. . . • 42. „ Abb'y . . 65. , R. Henry . • 24. „ Hannah L. . 40. „ Horatio II. . • 22. „ Godfrey, David . . . 60. „ Mary J. . 19. , Betsy . , . 68. , Eliza A. . • 16. „ Laura P. . . 33. „ Harriet A. • io. „ Rosilla B. . Sarah . . . 15. , 85. „ George E. . . Velina A. . . • 7. „ . 9 mo. ,, Godfrey, Jones . . . 46. „ Hall, Eben . . . . 49. Me. Hannah . . 41. „ Susan . . . ¦ It % I«aac M. . . . 21. Me. Eben W. , . . 10. „ Christiana A. . 6. ,, Susan S. Nason . . 28. „ Harriet VV. Nason . 21. » Elizabeth A. Nason . 19. „ Martha T. Nason . 17. ,, Mary A. Nason . . 15. ,, William P. Nason . 11. ,. Harding, Achsah C. . 46. Mass. Watie A. . 20. „ Achsah C. . 16. „ Andrew A. . 6. „ Hardon, Isaac, jun. . 65. „ Eunice . . 60. ,, Eunice . . 38. „ JohnD. . . 22. „ Hazleton, George M. . 23. „ Susan A. . 24. ,, Silence Randall . 59. ,, Harvey, John ... 35. „ Cornelia A. . 39. „ Cornelia E. . 7. „ Ellen F. . . 5. „ Adeline H. . 3. ,, Harris, John .... 33. Eng. Margaret . . 35. „ Alfred Rainford . 18. „ Alice Rainford . . 12. ,, Hagerty, Charles . . 34. Pa. Mary A. . . 29. Mass. Mary A. . . 7. „ Harlow, Reuben . . 36. ,, Betsy ... 37. ,, Lavinia . . 13. ,, Reuben A. . 10. „ William P. . 7. „ William T.Britton. 21. „ Sariih Williams . . 84. „ Benj. Mahusen . . 79. „ Anna Mahusen . . 78. „ James Godfrey . . 66. ,, Lettuce Puffer . . 77. ,, Nancy Watson , . 64. „ Edmund Lathrop . 49. „ Hazlehurst, George W. 32. Eng. Almeda . 27. N.Y. Elizabeth G. 9. Mass. Alfred P. . 6. „ ChistinaA. 4. R.I. MinervaA. 2. Mass. W. George i Hill, Marbee . . Martha . . Allen L. . Hill, Nabum W. Jemima San ford W. Ella E. . . Hicks, Gilbert . Malanca . Charles P. Carpen ter .. . High, Timothy , Bridget A. Mary . . Anna . . Catharine John . . Timothy . James . . Holmes, Asa P. . Eunice . Alonzo P. Melissa S. , Horton, Abigail . Horton, Allen M. Olive K. Allen M. Sarah W. Miller Hodges, Hannah Hodges, Leonard Chloe . Fanny J. Henry G. Ann E. Caroline B. Charlotte A. Hodges, Earl . . Haniet Emma T. Emma Lane . Hodges, Royal P. Martha M. Julia B. Ann Williams Hodges, Hiram . DeborahJohnLucy . Frank . Sarah . ,„„ Where ABe- Born. : mo. Mass. 70. „ 75. „ 42. „ 36. „ 36. „ 7. „ 4. , 56. „ 63. „ 21. „ 35. lie. 36. „ 14. „ 12. „ 10. „ 1. Mass. 46. „ 48. „ 18. „ 16. „ 80. „ 26. „ 25. , S mo. ,, 61. Conn. 77. Mass. 54. „ 60. 24. „ 22. , 20. „ 14. „ 12. „ 44. 47. „ 11. ,, 50. „ 37. „ 38. „ 7. „ 24. „ 49. „ 50. „ 23. „ 19. „ 15. „ 9. , 352 POPULATION AND CENSUS. a„„ Where A8°- Bom. ,_. Where ASe- Bom. Hodges, Williams . . 69. Mass. Eunice M. . . 7. Mass. Avis P. . . 68. „ Hunt, Borden . . . 59. R.I. Charles W • 31. „ Harriet . . . 42. Mass. Joseph F. . . 27. „ Hunt, Henry . . . 40. „ Clara . . 19- ., Maria . . . . 40. „ Emma R. • 17. „ Henry L. . . 11. „ Alfred B. • 16- ,. Cornelia Dean . . 29. „ Hodges, Jarvis . . 66. „ Lewis B. Dean . . 28. „ Rhoda . . 66. „ Isherwood, Ralph . . 29. Eng. Lueinda • 73. „ Alice . . 28. „ Maria L. West . 20. „ Mary A. . 8. „ Hodges, Samuel . . 36. „ Alfred . . 2. Mass. Eliza J. . 29. „ Harriet 10 mo. „ Ellen D. Skinne i . 33. „ Johnson, James . . . 38. Ire. Josephus E.Skin ner 3. ,, Mary . . . 40. „ Hodges, Newton S. . 52. „ Mary A. . . 11. „ Luranah Y T. . 49. „ Johnson, Charles H. . 37.N.C. Sarah . • 17. „ Eliza A. . . 30. Mass. David L. • 13. „ Emma J. . . 9 mo. „ Hodges, Solomon S . 45. „ Jones, Elnathan . . ¦ 68. „ Nancy T. . 29. Ca. Polly . , . . 46. „ Sally M. 8. Mass. Harriet A. . . 12. „ Hunt, Fanny • 70. „ Jones, William D. . . 20. „ F. Maria . • 46. „ Betsy . . . . 23. „ Hunt, Hiram J. • 51. „ Rosco W. . . 3 mo. „ Betsy . . • 47. „ Jones, William . . . 55. „ MaryE. . • 14. „ Prudence . 66. „ Hunt, Calvin M. . 50. „ Keffe, Edward . . . 26. Ire. Lavina . ¦ 48. „ Elizabeth . . . 19. „ Sarah A. . • 17. „ Margaret . . . 2. Mass. George C. . 16. „ Kelly, Zeno . . . . 44. „ Laura J. . . . 12. „ Julia A. . . . 34. „ Hunt, Adolphus D . 47. „ Blanchard B. . 9. „ Emily J. . • 43. „ Zeno H. . . . 7. „ Emily H. . . 19. „ Abbot E. . . 7 mo. „ Frank D. . . 6. , Margaret Fane . . Eng. Hunt, John . . . . 61. „ Polly Braman . . 60. Mass. Lucy A. . . . 60. „ Keith, Ansel . . . . 83. „ Sarah . . . . 19. „ Betsy . . . . 71. „ Hunt, Elbridge G. • «7. „ Nathaniel Andrews 54. „ Betsy . , . . 67. „ Keith, Amos . . ¦ . 59. „ George E. . 29. „ Abigail . . . 68. „ Catharine E. . 20. „ Elbridge D. . 31. „ Hunt, Peddy , • 70. „ Cephas . . . 28. , Harriet J. • 45. „ Martin L. . . 20. „ Hunt, Moses . . • 40. „ Keith, Williams . . 65. „ Nancy . 46. „ Louisa F. 18. , Pliny P. . . 21. „ Amelia I. . . 16. „ Nancy A. • 19- ii Theodore W. . 11. „ Amanda F. . . 13. „ Otis L. . . . 8. „ Albert M. • io. „ Hannah . . 70. „ POPULATION AND CENSUS. 353 Phebe . . Kimball (f), Rispath Alfred Clark . William Vallett . Leander Leroy Ann Mecannah King, Rhoda . , Frances E. William A. Knapp, Nancy . Mary P. Knapp, Sumner Phebe . Eleanor R. Eliza J. . Charles P. Gardner Knowles, William Elmira George A. Lane, Daniel . . Albert; . . Elmira Henry A. . Marcus O. Herbert . Julietta . Benjamin C. , Lane, Calvin . . Margaret . Emily . . I,ane, George . Chloe A. . Silas A. Stone Lane, William . Betsy . . Nehemiah A. Dean Anjenett R.Wilde. Lane, Gardner . . Amelia . . Mary A. . . Polly Carver Mary L. Conant Lane, Allen . . . Elizabeth . . Abigail Jerusha H. Freeman Lane, Allen D. . Lucy M. . William A. Edwin A. . „ Where A8«- Bom. a™ Where AS<=- Born. 69. Mass. Lucy E. . . . 6. Mass." 64. R.I. Abbie R. . . . 3. „ 40. Elizabeth . . . 6 mo. ,, 26. " Abbie N. Pidge 22. „ 19. Lane, Samuel H. . . 42. „ 39. Ire. Rebecca P. . . 37. „ 72. Mass. Lane, Augustus . . . 36. „ 33. Mary A. . . . 30. „ ' 30. George A. . . 5. „ 76. Charles A. . . 4. „ 50. 61. Mary H. . . . 4 mo. ,, 50. Edgar A. Freeman . 13. „ 16. James H. Leonard . 25. „ 14. 11. ii Mary Smith . . . Lane, David C. . . . 19. Ire. 61. Mass. 8. " Abiah . . . . 55. „ 51. Alice . . . . 24. „ 61. Ellen W. . . . 22. „ 8. William H. . 16. „ 84. Lane, Don F. . • 46. „ 47. Harriet . . 42. „ 41. Andrew . ¦ 18. „ 20. Cordelia . . 16. „ 9. John T. Williams 20. „ 6. Lane, Mary H. . . 40. „ 3. Lane, Charles D. . . 30. , 42. Fanny H. . 27. „ 73. Emily D. . . . 7. , 67. N.H. Ellen F. . . . 3. „ 25. Mass. Crawford Lane . . 18. „ 69. Lane, Oliver H. . . . 26. „ 68. tt Polly E. . . . 24. „ 13. Charles E. . . 3. „ 61. Eli W. Field . . 30. „ 60. Leonard, Cromwell . 66. „ 31. Harriet M. . 44. N.H. 6. James Dew . . , 13. N.B. 42. Elizabeth Hoy . . 18. La. 39. Leonard, Luen C. . . 35. Mas* 11. Eunice H. . 35. , 80. Jacob A. . . 9'. „ 58. Florence C. . 5. „ 75. Leonard, Hathaway . 53. „ 70 Mary B. . . 53. „ 30 Alden H. . 26. „ 39 Marion B'. .. 17. „ 44 Charles P. . 14. ,, 34 R.'l. Leonard, Otis R. . . 24. „ 13 Mass. Mary A. E. . 23. ,, 10 i» Peleg O. . . a. „ 30* 354 POPULATION AND CENSUS. POPULATION AND CENSUS. 355 Angeline . , Eliza J. Dean . Leonard, Gilford . Cassandra Gilford H. Laura A. Charles . , Emeline . , Wealthy C. , Densey E. , Leonard, Gilbert B. . Elizabeth Wealthy E„ . Ellen V. . . Walter B. . Lewis D. George F. . Anna J. . Leonard, Ezekiel . . Sally R. . . Ezekiel S. . Lewis E. . . Irving L. Edwin F. . PhiloF. . . Leonard, George R. . Patience E. . Elizabeth E. . George H. . Everett R. . Stephen L. . Mary Walsh . . Leonard, Rebecca . . Dennis Moran . . Leonard, George E. . Jane . . . Leonard, James . . . Wealthy . , Alexander D. James H. Caroline Irish . . William D. Wash burn . . Leedham, John . Alice. Joseph Thomas James Samuel Lee, Alvin D. . Filena . . a™ Where *&¦ Bom. 8 mo. Mass. Rhoda A. . . 14. „ Alvin F. . . 41. „ Betsy Eddy . . 40. „ Leddy, Barney . . 22. „ Julia . . . 14. „ Leddy, Peter. . . 12. ,, Margaret . 10. „ Julia. . . 5. ,i Catharine . 3. „ Lothrop, Solomon . 29. ,, Fanny . . 24> » Andrew J. , 9. „ Nathan C. , 8. „ Lothrop, Melvin O. 5- i. Mary A. . , 3- ii Everett M. , 2. „ Fanny T. . . 2 mo. „ Margaret Butler . 38. „ Lincoln, Annes A. . . 37. „ Nancy. . . 17. ,, Mary A. . , 13. „ Annes A., jr. 9. i, Luther . , 7- „ Daniel B. . . 3. i, Anna . . . 45. „ David A. . . 38. ,, Edwin H. Arnold . 15. „ Mary Arnold . . 12. „ Margaret Lynch . 9. ,, Lincoln, Seneca . . 4. „ Elizabeth . . 25. Ire. Elizabeth . . 69. Mass. Ruth . . . 21- Ire. Seneca L. 22. Mass. Lydia A. . . 18- ,, MaryB. . . 55. „ Phebe A. . . 64. „ Rebecca R. , 16. „ _ Charity . . 11. i, Rachel Lincoln . . 24. „ Annis A. Slade . Lincoln, Laban . . . 20. ,, Susannah . . 63. Eng. Hannah D. . 52. „ Mary J. . . 28. „ Lincoln, Calvin . . . 21. i, Nancy P. . . 15- „ Moses 0. . . 13. „ Rhoda Wilbur . . 40. Mass. Lincoln, Silas W. . . 41- ii Susan A. B. . A™n Where Ag0, Bom. 13. Mass. 11. „ 49. „ 45. Ire. 30. ii 26. „ 3. „ 7 mo. Mass 64. „ 64. „ 31. „ 16. „ 36. „ 30. „ 3. „ 5 mo. „ 24. Ire. 59. Mass. 53. „ 25. „ 23. „ 21. „ 20. „ 17. „ 14. „ 34. „ 49. „ 17. Ire. 54. Mass. 50. „ 25. 24. it 22. 20. 18. 15. t 13. 10. t 66. 13. 64. 61. 29. , 20. , 67. , 56. , 23. , 47. , 40. , 29. M e. John H. . . Mary S. , . Jeremiah McDonald Thomas Hill . . . Catharine Leonard . Sarah E. Loring Ellen M. Loring Lincoln, Sumner W. . .Mary . Lloyd S. Mary E. Harriet M. Sarah H. John Hardey Barney Field Lincoln, Calvin C. Catharine M. Emory C. . Lincoln, Eddy , Lydia . Daniel . Moses Lincoln Mary Magrovren , Timothy O'Brien . James Todd . . . Samuel Fisher . . Lincoln, Aaron, jun. . Rhoda . . . George F. Henry W. . . William O. . Rhoda E. . , Hannah M. F. Samuel S. Charles H. . John C. . . Lincoln, Elijah . . . Patience . . Bradford Willis . Lincoln, Elijah D. . . Phebe . . . Phebe C. . . Eliza . . . Elvira . . . Jesse D. . . Henry A. . . Lincoln, Simeon, jun. . Adaline M. . Clarence . . Simeon . . Lincoln, James . . . a™ Where ¦***• Bom. 14. Mass. 8. „ 22. „ Ire. Me. Ire. 18. 20. 17. „ 40. Mass. 40. „ 16. „ 13. „ 7. „ 1. ., 28. Eng. 62. Mass. 32. „ 27. „ 3. „ 54. „ 49. „ 18. „ 1! 25. 25. „ 22. „ 76. Mass. 48. „ 47. „ 18. „ 15. „ 13. „ 10. „ 9. „ 6. „ 4- „ 2. „ 64. „ 64. „ 67. „ 42. „ 42. „ 18. „ 11. „ 9. ,, 6. „ 4- „ 24. „ 21. „ 2. „ 63. „ 56. „ Lincoln, Samuel R. Sally . James G. Eunice A. Nancy . Lewis E. Lincoln, Harrison T. Elmira . Mary A. Lincoln, Benjamin Nancy . Joseph . Susan Sharky Lincoln, John . Lydia . John B. Charles A. Lydia A. Frances R. Elnora . Lincoln, Orin F. Laura . Lucy A. Makepeace, Lysander . Eunice Makepeace, Lysand. O. Esther E. . Anne E. . Sarah A. . Stella A. . Frank B. . Lucia A. . Eveline L. Idella S. . Honorah Calahan . Makepeace, Don P. Elizabeth . Lucilda D. Laura F. . Abby , . George Charles H. David . . Makepeace, Jason T. L. Mehitable W. . , PaulinusJ. William T. Makepeace, Deborah . Lurana Tisdale . . Makepeace, Alanson . Am Where A«e- Born. 65. Mass. 49. 24.25.GO. 12. 27.25. 6. 55. 52. 18. 1.5. 52. 32. 11.10. 8.5. 10 mo. 22. 18. 1. 84.83. 37.36. 16.12. 9. 7. 5. 3. 5 mo. 16. Ire. 50. Mass, 36. „ 19. , 10. „ 9. „ 4- „ 1- .. 87. „ 33. „ 27. „ 6. „ 1. ., 68. „ 48. „ 47. „ 356 POPULATION AND CENSUS. Jane I. Mercy J. . Sarah E. . Martha M. Charles O. JosephineA. Makepeace, David W. . Abigail A. AbbyA. . David A. . Elmar W. . Mathewson, John . Eunice Arabella . Sarah L. . John H. . Munroe, John L. . Betsy . . . Murry, Catharine . . Mary . . , Patrick . . . Ann .... Catharine . . James . , McCaffery, Thomas . Ann . , Mary . . Rosena . . Alice . , Frederic . Julia . , McClarence, Archibald Sarah . . Isaac . . Maria . . James H. . Archibald ElizabethASarah J, . McDowney, John . . Bridget . McDonald, James . . Mary . . Abraham, jun. . . Abraham . Mary . , McGinley, John . . Mary . , Mary A. . James . . a„ Where Age- Bom. 40. Mass. 18. .. 17. „ 15. „ 5- „ 2. „ 43. „ 34. „ 12. „ 7- „ 2- „ 32. „ 27. „ 9- „ 5. „ 2- „ 70. „ 68. „ 60. Ire. 19. „ 17. „ 15. „ 12. „ 10. „ 34. „ 34. „ 12. Mass. 11. „ 8- „ 5- „ 2. „ 38. Eng. 37. „ 17. „ 15. „ 10. „ Aire "Where Age' Boru. 9. Mass. 7. „ John . Ellen Robert . McMahan, Thomas . . 39. lr'e. Margaret . 38. „ ' Patrick . . 17. James . . 12. „ Bridget . . 9. Mass. Thomas . . 6. Margaret A. 4. j) Catharine . 2. „ *«• ^r Charles . . 7 mo. „' McNamara, Michael . 60. Ire. Mary • . 45. „ Catharine. 13. Mass. Jane . . 1 1 . Fanny. , 9, J Patrick . 7. jj William . 6. „ Laurana Hacus . . 13. lr'e. McNamara, Dennis . 30. Margaret . 21. „' Cornelius . 3. Mass. Nora . . 1, Messinger, James O. . 45. " Phebe M. . 39. J.Alfred . 17. ;; Abbie E. . 11, Frances Wayland . 22. n'f Messinger, Austin . , 37. Mass. SalinaA. P. 32. „ Mary E. . 9. Rhoda . . 63. " Macomber, Zaccheus . 41. Elmira . . 39. ,',' James O. . 16. Harriet E. . 5. ," Miller, Elbridge G. . 40. Hulda ... 37. Charles E. . . 18. Ruth A.. . . 16. " Jonathan G. . 14. " Betsy J. ... 11. " Sarah E. . , 8 Elbridge E. . . 5. " Herbert G. . . llm0. ' Morse, Willard ... 44. Asenath ... 37. Eliza A. . . . 14. Lysander C. . 11. Sarah E. . . 8. POPULATION AND CENSUS. 357 Elbridge G. . Morton, Edmund . . Hannah Hammond AbbieM. Hammond Muntz, William H. . Alice . . . Alfred Parker . . Sarah Parker . . Catharine Smith . Catharine Smith . Maloy, John .... Bridget . . . Newcomb, Sylvester . Roxauna . Newcomb, Asa . . . Ellen . . George E. . Josephine Dean Newcomb, Charlotte S. Merrick O. Emily H. . Newcomb, Josiah . . Nancy . . Joseph . . RuelCobb . . . Fanny Fisher . . Newcomb, Nathaniel . Betsy . . Harriet . . Ellen Burt . . . Newcomb, John B. Abigail C. . Abbie C. . Charles H. . Walter Ross . . . Mary Dolan . . . Betsy O'Brien, Andrew . . AnnEdward . . Lucinda . . Pratt, Augustus L. Vashti .... Ellen A. . . . Henry A. . . John A. Gibson Palmer, Clara E. . . Clara A. . . Frederic M. . Patten, John .... Nancy M. . . Where Age. Bom. 4. Mass. 56. Me. 43. If 16. »t 30. Eng. 27. >l 25. It 23. It 18. Ire. 20. Mass. 50. Ire. 50. II 87. Mass. 64. K.I. 25. Mass. 26. ,, 1. 11 14. it 38. n 30. i> 20. rt 70. 11 67. 11 31. ii 64. 11 28. 11 58. 11 60. >i 21. ,, 22. Ire. 43. Mass. 33. Me. 6. Mass. 4. u 17. ,, 23. Ire. 79. Mass. 64. Ire. 59. II 25. II 22. Me. 44. Mass. 41. 11 11. n 4. ,, 39. Vt. 25. Mass. 4. ti 1. tt 59. tt 56. M Caroline A. James M. Donald Plunket, Patrick . Margaret . Catharine John . . Mary . . Thomas . Bridget . Patrick . Perry, Ichabod . . Celia D. . . Harriet E. . Sarah W. . Perry, Lemuel . . Milla K. . . George R. . Perry, Henry C. ¦ Nancy E. Adella P. . Florence A. . Pond, Horace A. . Lucy . . . Edgar A. Perago Riley, Edward . . Ellen . . . Mary . . . Ann . . . Farel Smith . . Redding, Lewis . . Maria A. . Adaline . Edwin L. Reed, Stephen D. . Emily A. . . Reed, Irena . . . Orvilla J. . John P. . . Reed, Lydia . . . Adda . . . Sarah . Abbie J. . . George Richmond, Benjamin Mary J. Hannah T. Hodges, Richmond, Benj. H. Julia A. Ann M. Ella E. . William F. Adams, Asa Where A8°- Born. 26. Mass. 13. N.H. 38. Ire. 43. „ 19. ,. 16. „ 15. 9. „ 7. „ 5. „ 66. Mass. 59. „ 22. , 20. 73. „ 61. „ 19. ,, 27. „ 25. „ 3. „ 2. „ 37. , 30. „ 4. 36. 24. „ 3. Mass. 5 mo. ,, 25. Ire. 32. Mass. 38. 7. 5. 45. 46. 29. 10. 8. 73. 40. 13. 11. 8. 64.41. 30. 34. 26. 10. 6. IS. Ire. 358 POPULATION AND CENSUS. Age Where Born. Richmond, Ward . 62 Mass Olive B. 60. Richmond, David H. 23. Martha M 23. Riley, Catharine 50 Ire. Owen . . . . 19. Faral . . . . 17. John . . . . 15. Patrick . . . 13. Rogers, Charles . . . 40. Me. Harriet F. . . 39. Mass. Harriet M. . . 9. Betsy A. . . 8. ,, Fanny J. . . 4. ii Emma J. . . 1. Robinson, Ruel . . , 40. Eliza . . . 41. Ida A. . . 11. Ruel E. . . 8. Adda P. Dunham . 21. Robinson, Mary A. 49. "t Sarah H. . 14. Robinson, Edward 0. . 20. Lucinda . . 21. Rockwood, Thomas T. 41. Eveline A. 41. Charles H. 13. Franklin Holmes . 32. Rogerson, John R. . . 43. " Mary L. 38. Ellen A. . 16. ¦ Alfred V. . 14. William B. . 8. Lydia S. . 6. ii Sylvanus H. Blan ding .... 21. „ Round, Benjamin M. . 3S. Sophia . . . 35. ii Helen R. . . 5. Arthur M. . . 3. Alice A. . . 10 mo. „ John Cormody . . 16. Ire. Ann Galligan 25. M Hannah Pullen. . 62. Me. Root, Clarinda . . . 36. Mass. Emma F. . . . 10. Clara M. . . . 3. Shaw, John .... 62. Polly .... 59. (| Marshall . , , 31. Horatio E. . . 27. n Aoe where Agc' Bom. George B, . . 19. Mass. Shelley, Libbeus . . 65. „ Lucinda . 54. „ Shepard, Jacob . . 66. „ Mary . . 60. „ Mary , . 26. „ Catharine • 25. „ Sheridan, John . . 45. Ire. Mary . . 40. „ Thomas 7. Mass. Bridget . • 5. „ John . . 4. „ Elizabeth 1. „ Sinclair, Amos S. . . 54. Vt. Joanna . 52. Mass. Sarah L. , . 23. „ Ellen M. . ¦ 19- .. MaryKeffe . . . 17. Ire. Skinner, Albert . . . 25. Mass. Elizabeth M. . 23. .. Eugene M . 6. .. Clarance A. . 3. „ Orinthia S. Hewitt 10. .. Rachel Skinner. . 55. „ Skinner, Josephus . . 59. „ Rebecca , . 63. „ "Marietta A . . 21. „ Rebecca O • 16- „ Harriet E. ¦ 13. „ Smith, Timothy . . • 62. „ Charles T. . ¦ 22. „ Smith, Noah . . . . 68. „ Nancy . . • 64. „ Ann A. . . • 27. „ Stella A. . • 22. „ Ellen King . . • 23. „ Smith, Charles H. . ¦ 34. „ Susan . . . 33. „ Smith, James, 2d . . 45. Ire. Bridget . , . 40. „ Catharine . • 19- „ Andrew . . . 17. „ Thomas . . • 15. „ Bridget . . • 9. „ Mary . . . • 7. „ Rosa , . . 4. Mass. James , . . 8 mo.',, Smith, Matthew . . . 45. Ire. Ann . . . • 43. „ John . . . . 21. „ Ann . . . • 17. „ POPULATION AND CENSUS. 359 Age. Where Born. Age. Where Bom. Eliza . . . . 15. Mass. Nancy . . . 49. Mass. Matthew . . 12. II Nancy Y. . . 18. n Patrick Riley . . 35. Ire. Sprague, Charles, jun. . 60. n Michael Murry . . 20. if Betsy W. 48. ii Frank Gyrl . . . 30. „ Warren C. . 21. i, Smith, Patiick . . 22. Ire. Betsy A. . , 18. H Julia . . . . 21. n Mary P. . . 9. ii Mary . . . .3 mo. Mass. Charles . . . . 77. ii Michael . . . 18. Ire. Hannah Kelly . . 30. Ire. Smith, James . . . 63. Mass. Stanley, Phebe . . . 70. Mass. Abigail Freemai l . 55. i» DillyHall . . . 88. ii Smith, James, jun. . 33. i Stanley, Benjamin D. . 37. n Rachel L. . . 29. n Harriet E. 35. Me. James H. . 6. n George B. 11. Mass. Rachel D. . 4, it Harriet M. 7. ii Smith, Seth . . . 58. tt Laura . . 2 mo. ,, Sarah M. . 61. n Stedman, Patrick . . 24. Ire. Mary E. . . 16. n Bridget . . 25. 11 Herbert R. Am )Id. 8. ,, John . . . 1. Mass. Smith, Stillman. . 61. ii Mary . . . 56. Ire. Eunice . . 61. ii Stephens, Benjamin M, 47. Mass. Eunice M. . 31. ii Ann E. . . 49. i William W. . 22. ii Ann E. . . 18. Smith, Stillman L. ] 3. . 28. tt Polly Field . . . 72. ii Ann E. . . 29. a Story, George W. . . 36. ii Frank L. 1. ii Delia M. . . . 28. i. Smith, Henry . . 28. Conn. George H. . . 7. ii Sarah . . . 29. »i Adelia M. . . 6. ii Dwight D. . 4. it Story, Thomas . , . 67. ii Smith, Peter . . . 34. Ire. Betsy .... 63. ii Bridget . . 33. It A. Th orton . . 30. ii Philip . . 24. It Elmira A. . . 16. n Smith, George W. . 30. Mass. Stone, Larnard . . . 60. Alvin P. , 28. ii Rebecca . . . 71. Daniel B. . 25. >t Lucinda . . . 62. „ Lydia A. . 22. it Earl W. . . . 58. ,t Alvin . 68. it Fanny . . . 56. ii Lydia . 57. ti Sumner, Seth . . . 55. Smith, Lucinda . . 62. it Ruth A. . . 49. Hannah L. . 29. tt Ruth . . . 86. Smith, Nathan . . 47. it Sweatland, Rufus . . 75. Olive . . . 44. ii Clarissa 78. Caroline M. . 17. ti Sweatland, Edwin . . 46. Me. Sanford E. . 16. ii Philinda . 46. Bradford . 14. tt Ann E. 10. Mass. Lauretta . 12. it James E. . 8. Emerson W . . 10. n Anjenette . 7. Eliza A. . . 8. »t Lydia M. . 6. Matilda J. . 6. ti Marietta . 1. M Ever, tt A. . . 3. »i Sweet, William . . , 62 Snow, Joseph . . . 67, R.I. Lydia . . . 55 n 360 POPULATION AND CENSUS. .„ Where Ae°- Bom. • M Where Age> Bom. Serena . . . 66. Mass. Lydia A. Arnold . 23. Mass. Sweet, Cyril S. . . . 38. „ Titus, Oliver S. . . . 61. „ Mercy A. . . 35. „ Angeline . , . 48. „ Isabella A. • • 9- .. Emily A. . . 25. „ Cyril F. . • • 4. „ Henry O. . . 17. „ Ida R. . . 3 mo. „ Oren E. Walker . 23. „ Sweet, Betsy S. . • 70. „ Tripp Thompson . . 63. „ Betsy J. . . 39. „ Nancy . . . . 62. „ Sweet, Alanson . • 43. „ Alice Smith . . . 75. „ Lydia • 45. „ Caroline L. Smtth . 24. „ Alanson E. . 14. „ Catharine Linard . 15. Ire. Benjamin F . 11. „ Tucker, Polly H. . . 61. Mass. Leander . • 6. „ Mary A. . , 23. ,, Albert L. ¦ 3. „ Elizabeth L. C. 16. „ Sweet, Benjamin R . . 36. „ Tucker, Allen B. . . 61. „ Rhoda M. . 30. „ Alice . . . 47. „ Sweet, George M. • 47. „ Harriet N. 21. „ Sarah W. . • 37. „ Charles B. 17. „ George A. • 15. „ James E. . . 12. „ Frederic M. . 12. ,. Tucker, Almond . . 51. „ Mary . . . 88. „ Nancy , . . 33. „ Sweet, Oliver • 49. „ Almond H. . 25. „ Sweet, Hezekiah . 30. „ Moses H. . . 20. „ Lydia W. . . 29. „ David A. . . 18. „ Sweet, Eliza . . • 44. „ George N. 16. „ Amelia T. • 19. „ Frank M. . . 14. „ Eliza . . • 17. „ Ann E. . . 13. „ Sarah T. . 15. „ Rosco L. B. . 9. „ Sweet, Benjamin . 58. „ Tucker, Albert S. . . 44. „ Lydia D. • 57. „ Abigail . . . 40. „ Benjamin E • 27. „ Lydia . . . 15. „ Sophia C. ¦ 26. „ Emily A. . . 13. „ Orville B. • 24. „ Mary E. . . 10. „ Aurelia J. . 22. „ Albert W. . 3. „ Sweet, Joseph D. . 53. „ Benajah . . 80. „ Abby A. . . 49. „ Tucker, George W. 29. „ Lewis H. • 17. „ Eunice L. . . 21. „ Abbie A. • 15. „ Charles H. . 1- ii Joseph F. . 12. „ Washburn, James S. . 49. „ Andrew H. • 9. „ Betsy . . 61. „ Sweet, James M. . 43. „ Joseph H. 19. „ Sophia J. . 43'. „ Alexander Ann M. . . 18. „ D. . . 13. „ Elvira O.. • 15. „ Ann F. . 10. ,, Otis J. . ¦ H. » Sally Bryant . . 77. „ Samantha K . . 8. „ West, William A. . . 64. „ Tinkham, Ebenezer . 42. „ AnnB. . . . 63. „ Adaline • 44. „ MaryB. . . . 17. „ Abbie M • 11- >, Frederic M. . . 15. „ Frederic W. 10. „ Anna B. . . . 12. „ Howard A.. . 8. „ John .... 22. „ POPULATION AND CENSUS. 361 Job W. Hall . . Nancy Hall . . . Mary Timmings West, Hiram • • • Arminthia . . Wetherell, William . Electia . . Lemuel Wetherell, William, jr. Emily E. . Ellen I. . Frank J. . Mary A. . William . Wetherell, Hiram H. . Lurinda S. E. Sidney . Eliza J. . Ann Callaghen . . Wetherell, Caleb S. Cordelia E. Caleb B. • George L. . Chloe E. . Wetherell.Benjamin C. Sarah L. . Thomas B. Charles H. Edwin B. . Anna L. . Frederic A. Sarah Sweet . . . Wetherell, Stillman A. Adaline Ellen A. . George Clark . . Wetherell, William D. Celia . . Susannah . Wheaton, Laban M. . Eliza B. . . Bradbury Hall . . Sarah Moody Ellen Stockbridge . Wheeler, Elkanah . . Rhoda R. . Rhoda A. . Clara B.Richardson Wheeler, Williams B. Lydia . . . Lydia A. . „„ Where A«l!- Bom. 86. Mass. 76. ,. 24. Ire. 28. Mass. 18. „ 69. „ 63. „ 16. „ 30. „ 29. „ 7. „ 3. „ 2. „ 6 mo. ,, 45. „ 41. „ 25. „ 14. „ 19. Ire. 42. Mass. 40. 10. 7. 2. 38.36. 17. 15. , 6. 3. . 7 mo. . 65. 33. , 28. . 5. 13. 24. 53. 70. 58. 45. 60. 17. 4. 61. 43. 17. Marcus W. Roby . . Wheeler, Wheaton Eliza . White, HoweTemperance White, Cyrus . Asenath . Hennary Newcomb White, Jason Lydia Jason L. Betsy A. Emory L. William N. Otis A. , White, George, jun. SarahSarah E. White, Isaac . . Sophia . Sophia H. Marrietta White, George A. Polly A. White, John H. Ellen J. . White, Earl C. . Elizabeth A. Sarah E. Lewis E. Mary J. . Lloyd E. Isaac Dean . Betsy O. White. Joel F. White . Williams, Lyman D. Harriet J. Lyman F. Williams, GreenleafJulia A. Williams, Betsy . Selina Sally G. Benjamin Achsah Willis, Calvin . Sally . . Emery E. Lewis H. Laura J. 31 ,„„ Where A8e- Bom. 12. Mass. 64.67. 61. 62.38. 23. Me. 17. Mass. 14. „ 7. „ 5. „ 4. ,. 40. „ 41. „ 12. „ 72. „ 71. „ 40. 30. „ 21. „ 24. „ 25. „ 21. „ 35. „ 34. „ 13. „ 10. , 7. „ 6. , ' 38. „ 38. „ 26. , 35. „ 27. „ 1. ,i 50. „ . 46. „ 80. „ 58. ,, . 64. „ . 48. „ . 45. „ , 68. „ . 62. „ . 22. „ . 17. „ . 16. „ 362 POPULATION AND CENSUS. .„ Where •***• Born. Age. Where Born. Willis, Ichabod . . . 47. Mass. Stephen J. , 17. Mass. Hannah . . . 39. Pa. Mary A. H. 12. Henrietta . . 12. Mass. George Pitts . . . 26. N.Y. Harriet M. . . 9. „ Woodward, Isaac . . 67. Mass. Rosilla A. . . 6. „ Amity 63. t, Emily A. . . 2. „ Woodward, Isaac D. . 26. Hannah S. Allen . 16. N.H. Naomi 25. Willis, Loren . . 45. Mass. Charles E. 4. Eliza . . . 46. „ Barney F. 2. i> Loren B. 14. „ Albert D. 10 mo. ,, Ebenezer B. H. .. Woodward.BradfordN. 47. ti Wilbur, Oren . . 56. „ Sarah L. . 49. Polly . . 64. „ BradfordJ. 21. Lemuel K. 18. „ Mary E. . 17. ii Polly Aldrich . . 84. „ Sarah A. . 14. Wilbur, Oren, jun. 30. „ Fidelia 13. tl Lydia L. . . 23. „ Joseph . . 10. n Frederic 0. . 4. „ Herbert . 5. Charles L. 2 mo. ,, Woodward, Ann M. . 45. Daniel Smith . . 23. „ Ann M. . 15. Wilbur, Oliver K. . . 45. „ Caroline J. 13. Sabrina 46. „ Alfred W. 11. M Cynthia 17. „ Phebe A. 8. i, Eunice . . . 13. „ Charles H. 6. Wilbur, Benjamin . 26. R.I. Helen 0. . 2. „ Caroline A. 26. Mass. Woodward, David . . 71. „ Joseph B. . 4. R.I. Sally . . 52. ii Maria J. . 3. „ Marcus R. Peck . 15. Charles E. 10 mo. „ George B. Lincoln 25. n Wild, George W. . 27. Mass. Woodward, Josiah . . 74. Elizabeth B. . , 27. N.J. Lurana 61. M George W. . 8 mo. Mass. Josephus . 12. ¦ Wrigley, James L. 32. „ Albert . . 10. Mary E. . ¦ 21. „ George 7. »i Elizabeth M. 17. „ Patrick Casety , . 31. Ire. Wood, Elkanah . 85. „ James Donohue 15. M Wood, Elkanah, jun. 67. „ Margaret Kelly . . 19. ,, Lemira . . 54. „ Woodward,Josiah, jun. 30. Mass. Catharine L. . 23. „ Ca&sandal 29. Nathaniel H. . 13. „ Cassandal Wood, Eli . . . . 54. „ A. . . 3. p Fanny M. . . 28. „ Anne J. . 1. ii Consisting of four hundred and ten families, and eighteen hundred and eighty-six persons ; of whom there are two hundred and fifty-three farmers, thirty-nine cop persmiths, twenty-six laborers, twenty-five shoemakers, seventeen whose occupation is not given, fifteen car penters, nine weavers, eight basket-makers, eight ma- PAUPEB HISTORY. 363 cliinists, eight bonnet-pressers, eight masons, seven merchants, seven moulders, three clergymen, three cotton-spinners, three painters, three stonecutters, two batchers, two blacksmiths, two depot-masters, two millers, two manufacturers, one physician, one grinder, one roper, one teamster, one carder, one overseer, one horse-dealer, one harness-maker, one box-maker, one bonnet-manufacturer, one teacher, one clerk, one job ber, one hotel-keeper, eleven paupers, nine colored, three idiotic, and two insane. CHAPTER XXIV. PAUPER HISTORY. " Ye have the poor always with you." — Christ. It has already been stated, on page 83, that Mrs. Susannah Harvey was one of the first paupers ; and, so far as we know, she was the first supported by the town. Mary Merry — sometimes called " Goode Merry " — was a pauper as early as 1723 ; and others of the Merry family, of two or three generations, are known to have been a public charge. Zipporah Cas well was a pauper in 1726, and many years ¦ subse quently. The people, in ancient times, took every possible precaution to prevent immigrants becoming paupers. Hence it was customary, when a person moved into town, to " warn him out," no matter whether he was a man of property or not; and, in many cases, the constable carried the individual out of town, if he would not go of his own accord. Even females were frequently notified to " depart beyond the limits of the town." This practice of warning and carrying out of town seems to have been con tinued till about 1770, and to have been revived in 364 PAUPER HISTORY. 1790 ; and the last warrants for this purpose we have found are dated in 1794. We should have given the names of the persons warned away, if we could have found a complete list. We here present to our readers one of these warrants, which will serve to show the manner of proceeding : — " Bristol ss. — To either of the Constable of Norton in sd. County of Bristoll, Greeting. — Whareas Benjamin Lane, Late of Dorchester, is Lately Come to Sojourne in the Towne of Norton ; and he hath not Gott bondsmen for the towne- Scurety, in Case he Should Come to be a towne-Charge, — These are, in his majestie's name, to Require you to warne the sd. Benjamen Lane, that he depart out of the towne of Norton within the Space of fourteen days after warning Given him to depart ; and make Returne hereof, with your doings herein, forthwith after you have warned him out. Given under our hands, ye 17th day of May, anno dom. 1722, in the eighth year of his majestie's Reign. "Thomas Skinner,] Nicholas White, y Selectmen." Benja. Williams,) It was also required of those who received a stranger into their house to dwell, or let him a house to dwell in, to give notice of the fact to the town-authorities. Only two years (1742 and 1743) in the history of the town have overseers of the poor been specially chosen ; the selectmen being, ex officio, overseers when the town chose none. June 18, 1770, the selectmen were chosen a committee, to join with a committee of Mansfield, to make a division of the poor between the two towns. The report of this committee was accepted by the town, Sept. 2, 1771. From it, it appears that Norton agreed to maintain, if need be, Abigail Leo nard, Theodora Leonard, Widow Mary Smith, Asa Eddy (a minor), Samuel Eddy and his wife, Widow Harradon, and Delancy Harradon. Mansfield agreed to maintain, if need be, John Wetherell, Seth Stephens and his wife Abigail, Samuel Stephens (a minor), Zu- ruiah Hide and her child, and George Tucker. It was further agreed, if any persons should thereafter PAUPER HISTORY. 365 be broaght from other towns for support in Norton or Mansfield, those who had their last residence within the limits of Norton should be supported by Norton, and those who had their last residence within the limits of Mansfield should be supported by Mansfield. Both towns, in their corporate capacity, ratified this agreement: but, in an action brought by Norton against Mansfield for the support of a pauper, in ac cordance with this agreement, it was decided by the Supreme Court, in July, 1819, that Mansfield was under no legal obligation on account of any poor, but those who, by virtue of the incorporating Act, acquired a settlement in that district ; and hence the agreement was not binding upon Mansfield, because the two towns had no legal power to make such an agreement.1 Until within a few years, it was the general practice in this town to yearly " vendue the poor ; " or, in other words, to sell their maintenance, either separately or together, for the year, to the lowest bidder. To stimu late the people to take the poor at a low figure, spiritu ous liquors were formerly gratuitously distributed to the crowd who came to " bid off the poor." We regard this venduing of the paupers as one of the most un feeling and heartless customs that has been rife in New England. It was too much like selling slaves upon the auction-block to meet with the approbation of all ; and hence, from time to time, the question of an alms-house, where all could be properly cared for, was discussed. In the warrant for a town-meeting to be on the 2d of December, 1776, there was an article " to consider and determine whether they will hire or build a house for the reception of the poor." We do not find any recorded action upon the matter. Another attempt was made in 1787 to " build a house or houses for the poor," with a like result. Jan. 14, 1793, to build, or not to " build, a house or barrack for the poor," was the question before the town. The 1 Massachusetts Reports, vol. xvi. p. 48, &c. 31* 366 PAUPER HISTORY. PHYSICIANS. 367 meeting was dissolved without any vote upon the article. May 11, 1807, " voted that the selectmen vendue the poor altogether for one year, and the doctering and clothing to be included." May 13, 1816, "voted that the poor be put out singly for one year, from the first of Sept. next." But a more humane and Christian way of supporting the houseless and moneyless sons and daughters of the town came at last. Nov. 1, 1830, a committee was chosen to inquire into the expediency of purchasing a farm for the support of the poor, to ascertain the cost of keeping the paupers for the last five years, and to make such other inquiries as they thought proper. The time «had not then arrived for heeding the calls of humanity. Yet the idea of an alms-house was not lost sight of, but sought to be practicably carried out. April 7, 1834, the town " voted to dismiss the subject respecting a farm for the poor." In a little more than three years from this last date, or May 31, 1837, the leaven of justice and benevolence had so far done its work, that the town voted, fifty to twenty, to purchase a farm for the poor ; and a committee of nine were chosen to make the purchase. The committee bought the farm occupied by John Hall, 2d, in the northerly part of the town, near Mansfield line, consisting of a hundred and ninety acres ; and a deed of it was given to the town, Nov. 16, 1837. It was occupied as an alms-house and poor-farm about the 1st of April, 1838 ; and the poor are still provided for at that place, although a portion of the land has been sold by the town. The following per sons have been superintendents of the alms-house since its occupancy for that purpose : John Patten, from April, 1838, to April, 1839 ; Alanson Makepeace, from 1839 to 1840 ; Moses Hunt, from 1840 to 1843 ; Schuy ler Ereeman, from 1843 to 1846 ; Moses Hunt, from 1846 to 1851 ; Ebenezer Burt,1 from 1851 to 1853 ; Alanson Makepeace, from 1853 to 1854 ; Reuben Har- i Mr. Burt died May 1, 1852; and his widow managed the affairs till the following April, when the term of her husband's service was to have ex pired, had lie lived. low, from 1854 to 1856. Moses Hunt then returned, and is still there. We take great pleasure in recording the fact, that, just as these pages were going to press, the inmates of the alms-house voluntarily declared to the writer, that they had every thing provided for their comfort they could reasonably expect ; that they had no fault to find, either with the superintendent or the overseers ; that they did not think there were many towns where the paupers were as well cared for as in Norton. May it ever be so ! May the injunction of the sacred pro verb ever be heeded ! — " Rob not the poor, because he is poor." CHAPTER XXV. PHYSICIANS. " Throw physic to the dogs : I'll none of it." — Shakspeare. The first notice of a physician that I find is a record on the town-books, under the date of July 13, 1724, when it was "voted that thay would pay doctor Deen out of the next town-rate what ye selectmen shall agree with him, for doctoring Walter Merry's hand." He is supposed to have lived in Taunton. Dr. Samuel Caswell appears to have been the first resident physician within the ancient limits of Norton. He is supposed to have been the son of John Caswell (see early settlers); and was born Oct. 6, 1695. The first notice we have of him on our records is Oct. 17, 1726, when the town "voted to Pay to Doctr. Saml. Caswell, for doctering Goode Merry, 0 — 15 — 0." He, however, bought land in Norton, in 1723, of Lydia Briggs, daughter of Samuel Briggs, deceased ; and was then called a " Practitioner of Physick." Pro bably about that time, he established himself here as a I 368 PHYSICIANS. physician and farmer. He lived where Benjamin Sweet now (1858) lives ; and his house stood three rods over the line, within the present limits of Mansfield. He married, Feb. 5, 1727-8, Ursula White, daughter of Deacon Nicholas White ; and had four children. He remained here till about the year 1747, when he died. He is believed to have had a wife, and a son Samuel, previous to his marriage with Ursula White. Dr. Nicholas White was the son of Deacon Nicholas and Experience White (already mentioned), and was born about 1705. He was a practising physician for several years, and resided sometimes in the North and sometimes in the South Precinct of Norton. He married Sarah King, May 1, 1728 ; and they had six children. He died in the North Precinct, June 29, 1751. Dr. William Ware was the son of John and Me- hitable Ware, of Wrentham ; and was born July 4, 1697. Feb. 19, 1729, he bought of John Finney the farm now (1858) owned by Sanforth Freeman. He was a " Practitioner of Physick " here for several years, and also kept a public-house from 1728 to 1740. He sold his farm in Norton, Nov. 24, 1750 ; and moved soon after to Dighton, where he died in 1764 (?). His first wife was Zibiah Sweeting, mar ried Oct. 30, 1728. She died Nov. 1, 1732. His second wife was Anna Hodges, married Sept. 27, 1733. His third wife was Lydia . He had at least nine children, seven of whom are mentioned in his will. Dr. John Wild, Jun., was the sou of John and Abi gail Wild, and was probably born in Braintree in 1727. He is supposed to have lived where George R. Leonard now lives. He married, May 1, 1746, Anna Hodges ; and had two or three children. He was buried in the Timothy-Plain Cemetery ; and this is the inscription on his gravestone : " In memory of M.D. John Wild, who died December ye 13th, 1756, in ye 30th year of his age." Dr. Lewis Sweeting was undoubtedly the son of Lewis and Zibiah (Whiting) Sweeting, of Wrentham, physicians. 369 who were married in 1721, and were afterwards of Rehoboth. He probably came to Norton soon after reaching his majority, and seems to have lived a part of the time within the present limits of the town, and a part of the time in Mansfield ; in which town he was one of the Committee of Correspondence and Safety in 1776. He married, Nov. 21, 1744, Abiah Cobb ; by whom he had ten children. When he died, we are not informed. Dr. George Wheaton was the son of Ephraim and Abigail Wheaton, of Swansea; grandson of Deacon Ephraim and Mary (Mason) Wheaton, of Swansea ; great-grandson of Robert (who was in Rehoboth as early as 1643) ; and was born Aug. 18, 1728. He came to Norton, and commenced practice as a physi cian, previous to 1750. In that year he bought the place formerly owned by Dr. Caswell, and lived on the Mansfield side of the line for many years. Some time after the incorporation of Mansfield, he removed to the place where L. O. Makepeace now lives, in Norton ; where he died, June 4, 1803. He married, Oct. 4, 1750, Elizabeth Morey ; and had six children. In 1758, he was surgeon's mate in an expedition for " the total Reduction of Canada." He was much employed in public life as selectman, assessor, repre sentative to the General Court, justice of the peace, &c. Dr. Jonathan Pratt is supposed to have been the son of Jonathan and Abigail (Morse) Pratt ; and was born Oct. 17, 1729. He lived in the Mansfield part of Norton, some distance to the south-east of Mansfield Centre. He married, 1758, Hepzibah Billings, of Stoughton (now Sharon) ; but never had any chil dren. Ho was, in 1757, styled " Doctor " on the " Alarm list " of soldiers in the North Precinct. He died Oct. 13, 1771. Dr. Gideon Tiffany was the son of James, jun., and Elizabeth (Allen) Tiffany, of Attleborough ; where lie was born Sept. 19, 1737. His grandfather, James Tiffany, came from England. He married Mrs. Sarah 370 physicians. Farrar, the widow of Rev. George Farrar, of Easton,1 Feb. 8, 1759. She was the daughter of Nathan and Elizabeth (Nicholson) Dean, of Norton. Her father and mother both died within a week of each other, when she was about three years old ; and it is sup posed that she was immediately, or very soon, taken into the family of Rev. Mr. Avery, and lived witli them till her first marriage. After the death of her husband, she probably returned to Mr. Avery's, and lived there till her marriage with Dr. Tiffany; and then ho also took up his abode at the old parsonage- house (a picture of which we have given on page 65), where he resided till after the death of Mr. Avery, when he sold the old ministerial farm which he bought a few years previous, and removed to Keene, N.H. About 1782, he removed to Hanover, N.H., and re mained there while his sons were in college. He went from Hanover into the State of New York, where he lived for some years ; but is supposed to have died, many years ago, at Ancaster, Canada West. He had ten children. Dr. Adam Johnstone was a Scotchman by birth, and probably came to Norton about 1772. He mar ried, Oct. 14, 1773, Sarah Hodges. She " died sud denly, Oct. 29, 1781, in her 31st year." He is said to have been a " surgeon in the Revolution." 2 He kept a public-house in the centre of the town from 1780 to 1787 ; and, probably soon after the latter year, left town. He is believed to have resided, for a time after leaving here, at Pelham. From thence he went to Danby, Vt. ; and died there June 10, 1806. Dr. Daniel Parker was the son of Rev. Jonathan 1 Mr. Farrar was the son of George, jun., and Mary Farrar, of what is now Lincoln ; and was born Nov. 23, 1730 ; graduated at Harvard, 1751 ; and died Sept. 17, 1756, of a fever, at his father's house, whither he had gone to visit a sister sick with the same fever, who died a few days previous to him. He was buried at Lincoln. He was the brother of Rev. Joseph Farrar, the first minister of Dublin, N.H. He was married June 2, 1756. His wife was then a minor; aud, a few days before his death, he was ap pointed her guardian. 2 Book of the Lockes, by J. G. Locke, p. 169. PHYSICIANS. 371 Parker, of Plympton ; and was born about the year 1750. He was here as early as 1773 ; and, during most of the time of his residence in Norton, lived on the farm lately owned by Benjamin Blandin, deceased. He married, Dec. 22, 1777, Miss Abigail Hewes, of Wrentham; and had seven children. He died Sept. 26, 1826, aged seventy-six. Feb. 17, 1794, he was com missioned a surgeon of the regiment to which the militia of this town belonged ; which office he held for several years. Dr. Nathaniel Cook was the son of Paul and Jo anna Cook ; and was born May 29, 1752. He probably did not practise any great length of time, as he died Oct. 22, 1778 ; which must have been soon after ho completed his medical studies. Dr. Timothy Smith was the son of Timothy and Hannah (Hall) Smith, grandson of Seth and Eliza beth Smith ; and was born Oct. 17, 1754. He married Anna Morey, Oct. 20, 1778 ; and had five children. He was a surgeon in the Revolutionary war, but never had a very extensive practice in town. He died Jan. 9, 1794. His widow married Abiel Lincoln ; and, during the latter part of her life, received a pen sion from the government for services rendered by her first husband. Dr. Nathan Babbit was the son of Nathan, jun., and Abigail (Cobb) Babbit, grandson of Nathan and Sarah, and great-grandson of Nathan, who, with his brother Edward, is supposed to have come from England, and settled in Berkley. Dr. Babbit was born in Norton, March 6, 1755. In the year 1778 and the early part of 1779, he was surgeon's mate in the Military Hospital at Providence, R.I. June 24, 1779, he married Anna Newcomb, and located himself at the east part of the town, at the place where Calvin Lincoln now lives. He kept a public-house from 1780 to 1787 or 8. In the summer of 1789, he removed with his family to Westmoreland, N.H., where he continued in the full practice of medicine for " quite 372 PHYSICIANS. a number of years ; " but, during the latter part of his life, he was principally engaged in agricultural pursuits. He had three sons and three daughters, and died April, 1826. Dr. Samuel Morey was the son of Samuel and Mary (Hodges) Morey, grandson of George and Elizabeth Morey ; and was born June 4, 1757. He graduated at Yale College in 1777. He soon after entered the Revolutionary army as surgeon. After the close of the war, he was a practising physician for many years in town, and was quite distinguished in his profession. He lived for many years at the place now occupied by George Barker, on the road to Mansfield. He married, April 19, 1787, Miss Sarah Palmer, daughter of the second minister of this town ; and had three children. He died Nov. 8, 1836. Dr. Lewis Leprilete was a Frenchman by birth, and was naturalized by an Act of the General Court, March 6, 1790. He probably came to this town about the close of the Revolutionary war. He married, March 15, 1784, Mrs. Deborah (Hodges) Allen ; and lived, after his marriage, where Mr. L. 0. Makepeace now resides. He was a distinguished physician, and had quite a number of medical students while he resided in town. He remained here till about 1792 ; when he removed to Jamaica Plain (West Roxbury), where he remained two or three years. He then re turned to France, and was absent about seven years. On his return to America, he located at Franklin, and remained there till he died. His remains were taken to Jamaica Plain, and the forms of burial were ob served; but, before his death, he had given his body to Dr. Warren, of Boston, for anatomical purposes, and it was taken from the grave after the friends had left. " On a marble slab standing in a field on the Boylston estate, about 20 rods from Boylston Street," Jamaica Plain, is an inscription in Latin. The fol lowing is a free translation of a portion of it : " In memory of Doctor Lewis Leprilete, member of Mass. i L SrocrLer l..ll, Tj...l^ PHYSICIANS. 373 ;/y" '¦¦'¦•., '.'.'¦.',¦ ,,. ¦¦-!,. /m., Fi-MK.'U, Oct. 10, 1750 ; ¦'iv.' .-'¦ " t: 'V'"'', ¦<¦ .-.- •? ^');'i gn.>ij portrait of Dr. Leprilete in ¦!-¦¦' >/>¦¦¦'¦ .'.•:•('•';¦¦ I' ih, Miii'rf, of IV^vi'ldiCC, it. I. '. i ¦ ,'.',:'...i wa.-i the son of Leavit aud Eli/.a- '•¦v;; ' „-¦, >! Mansfield; and i\:r- liorn May 6, .ve' ¦"•;- •.¦;'.,;... (o ibis town, and e.-la'A islicd himself A.- ¦¦¦;,• - . ¦•, ,1'ituit 1796. For sume viij"-:, he re- ¦ ''¦ -. ¦:¦' f >f the Trinitarian M-ei.in,"'-!mui..-, He )X'-..:X'-.' ..•¦'.' '.'.Ao Ui his patii ;lU., .''.;"' 1 a'hev iOC'i h-TatC '¦ "¦¦ ¦ ¦ f ¦¦ and h>\'i' r i,,'.>. .,;,' u , we, !;i.j- it.-: c. ;jli'/- ¦*:«'¦. ", ;l' married JJa.-'ii'i:,.;. ¦ .!.••¦;¦» ;,¦' u A',!7 ; asai ..:. Idren. lie die'} , :*. . *•.¦'¦:' 'll.rOKD JjO!"K5(e- '.v,'.- :•;• „-,: • '•¦-',;...¦'¦• u/.A ::;¦:..¦:¦' Modges) ILAvO;, ; ii,;.' <•.-. ¦ ;>;. .:.". ;?7v !',.¦ .¦¦'.-• .'i < for college, ajid v>.is. ¦••¦-,• ... ;. ..¦•*.•.•.. •¦,¦>¦• 'ry. He studied uiej!i-i:.~ v, ¦; .'•.'¦.- ', idge. He was a praeiisbiL' pli j, -,i.. an ;¦¦> ¦v... ,id also taught tvhool ihe satuu y.-ar. In. •.<:- j-jen ah. a to Phillip.st.ou, where lie practiced <>'- death in 1815. Ho married Phebe Mansard, ;"' •¦•' '.(isluii, iqid had two sons. ".¦ '-(A M. Adams was tiro son of A.'-a and Martha ¦/'¦'. ¦"') Adams, and is believed to ha\e been horn !; about 1795. fie was license!! to practise ¦, Aug. 'M. 1818, by the Censors of the Uhode- Medical Society; and was then said to fe of I, ted, h.f. He came to Norton about 1819, Mtuieuccd practice as: a pin sician ; and rode .leayively for some years. By his some what ..-liUc- habits, he finally lost tho con ;i-l._ :: • of •¦'¦ ,ouuii!y; aud ronco'ed io bdi.s';.,, ¦ia.:::i !NH :':-,..'¦¦.. '.'.¦• remaitu.d ¦. i'i ,e ;» •;><.-: :l|...i Voie tle-nee he ' autuon. where ao d «A., a baehelur, O-.-i 'j;,, ¦"I" I'.'', '.i.lRD P f:;WKr;r VVd.-r' !'.!¦• ;^il of Jehu IukI : :¦..'¦. A akerj Sweet, aji J ¦«;» horn M.j.m.Ii 11, .A fitted for eolioqo j.1 Aud-ivvr, etui uradu- 1 See Cl"!if-;\ll .r..:>J * . ^ ¦•. ti. ••» J-_ 32" PHYSICIANS. 373 Med. Soc. ; born in Nantes, France, Oct. 10, 1750 ; Died July 29, 1804 ; very celebrated in surgery." 1 I am told there is a very good portrait of Dr. Leprilete in the possession of Dr. Miller, of Providence, R.I. Dr. Leavit Bates was the son of Leavit and Eliza beth (Pain) Bates, of Mansfield ; and was born May 6, 1770. He came to this town, and established himself as a physician, about 1796. For some years, he re sided in front of the Trinitarian Meeting-house. He was quite attentive to his patients, and rather moderate in his charges ; and hence was quite popular as a phy sician. He married Hannah Clapp, 2d, in 1797 ; and had five children. He died Dec. 16, 1850. Dr. Guilford Hodges was the son of Tisdale and Naomi (Hodges) Hodges ; and was born Jan. 25, 1778. He fitted for college, and was one year at Brown University. He studied medicine with Dr. Willard, of Uxbridge. He was a practising physician here in 1803, and also taught school the same year. He re moved soon after to Phillipston, where he practised till his death in 1815. He married Phebe Maynard, of Phillipston, and had two sons. Dr. Asa M. Adams was the son of Asa and Martha (Metcalf) Adams, and is believed to have been born in Natick about 1795. He was licensed to practise medicine, Aug. 31, 1818, by the Censors of the Rhode- Island Medical Society ; and was then said to be of Cumberland, R.I. He came to Norton about 1819, and commenced practice as a physician ; and rode quite extensively for some years. By his somewhat intemperate habits, he finally lost the confidence of the community ; and removed to Easton about 1841, where he remained a few years ; and from thence he went to Taunton, where he died, a bachelor, Oct. 25, LOU A. Dr. Richard F. Sweet was the son of John and Eunice (Tucker) Sweet, and was born March 11, 1801. He fitted for college at Andover, and gradu- 1 See Genealogical Register, vol. x. p. 22. 32 374 PHYSICIANS. ated at Brown University in 1824. After graduating, he studied medicine about two years with Dr. Bugbee, of Wrentham ; and also attended one or two courses of medical lectures at the Medical College at Boston, where he graduated July 25, 1827 ; and was soon after appointed Physician of the Marine Hospital at Holmes's Hole, in Tisbury, on the Island of Martha's Vineyard, which office he held for two years, residing at Edgartown during the time. After closing his con nection with the hospital, he practised two years at Edgartown. In August, 1831, he removed to his native town ; and had quite an extensive practice till his death, March 21, 1841. He married, May 16, 1830, Eliza Milton, of Edgartown ; and had three sons and four daughters. He was a very estimable citizen. Dr. Ira Barrows was born at Attleborough in 1804, and is the son of Ezra and grandson of Ichabod Bar rows. He graduated at Brown University in 1824 ; but received his medical degree at Harvard in 1827, and immediately entered into practice at Pawtucket. He left there in 1837, and went to the West. In 1840, he returned to Pawtucket, and practised for a few months. He came to Norton in 1841, and was quite popular here and in this vicinity till 1851 ; when he removed to Providence, R.I., where he now resides, quite distinguished as a physician of the homoeopathic school. He married, in 1833, a daughter of the late Oliver Bartlet, of Smithfield, R.I. ; and has had four children. Dr. Benjamin M, Round was born in Rehoboth, Aug. 11, 1816 ; and is the spn of Benjamin and Devena (Harvey) Round. He studied at Bristol Academy, at Taunton ; and also, for about two years, with Rev. Mr. Cobb, of Taunton. He studied medi cine with Dr. Swan, of Easton, and Dr. Randall, of Rehoboth ; and attended medical lectures at Harvard College in 1841 and 2. He was licensed to practise in 1843, and commenced his professional duties as an allopathic physician. He came to Norton, Sept. 9, 1843. The 1st of April, 1844, he commenced the BURYING-PLACES. 375 homoeopathic practice, which he still continues. He married at Norton, Dec. 24, 1845, Miss Seraphene S. Pullen, of East Winthrop, Me. ; and had one child by her. She died Sept. 19, 1847. For second wifo, he married, Aug. 30, 1849, Miss Sophia Morey, of Taun ton (a grand-daughter of Dr. Samuel Morey, already mentioned), and has had four children. He is now the only resident physician in town. Dr. George H. Randall is the son of Dr. M. R. and Eliza Randall, of Rehoboth, where he was born in 1826 (?). He practised some time with his father; after completing his medical studies. June 1, 1851, he married Mehitable Hodges, of this town, and located here, where he remained till April, 1854 ; when he removed to his father's, in Rehoboth, where he still resides. We cannot learn that any other physicians have re sided for any length of time here. It is certainly quite an argument in favor of homceopathy, that one physician is now able to attend to the wants of the sick ; while, years ago, there were three allopathic physicians here, and all had as many patients as they could well attend to. Allopathic physicians of other towns are frequently called to practise in Norton ; and patent medicines, of numberless names, but of doubtful value, find a ready sale here. CHAPTER XXVI. BURYING-PLACES, &c. " Give me no grave where the brier and bramble Choke the green grass o'er my place of repose." Miss 0. A. Briggs. The proprietors of the North Purchase, June 9, 1702, " Voted that the land on the southerly side of the way to Chartley (and on the westward side of the Town- 376 BURYING-PLACES. line), between said way and Joseph Willis his Land, shall ly perpetually Common for publick uses; not heading Jabez Pratt's land northward."1 This is what is now called the " Common Burying- ground," southerly of the road leading from Austin Messinger's to Sanforth Freeman's, about a mile and a quarter southerly from the Centre Village. The " town-line " spoken of is the line between the North Purchase and the old town, or original purchase, of Taunton. This is believed to have been the first burying-place formally set apart for that purpose within the present limits of our town. William Hodges, by some means, is supposed to have come in possession of Joseph Willis's land south erly of this lot set apart for public uses. It is pre sumed, from the annexed documents, that he wished to bring his house up to the road leading from the meeting-house to George Leonard's ironworks (called Chartley): therefore he (Hodges) took possession of the easterly end of the Common, next to the " Town- line," and built his house near the two elms now standing, where Rev. Mr. Palmer afterwards lived; and, in lieu of this land taken up, he laid down an equal amount of his own, adjoining to, and on the southerly and westerly side of, the burying-ground. The following protests were made against the occupa tion of this land by Hodges : — " Whereas there was a piece of land in Taunton North purchase, lying on the south side of the way yt leadeth to Chartley, and on the north side of the land that was Formerly Joseph Willise's, and on the west side of the town-line ; which parcel of land was voted and appointed, by the proprietors of said north purchase, to ly perpetually Common for public uses ; and there is a burying-place already begun in, and at one end of, said parcel of land, — the other end lying very convenient for a training-field ; and whereas William Hodges is about to make some alteration in said common, — viz., to take up the land at the one end, which was designed for a Training- 1 Proprietors' Records, p. 31. BURYING-PLACES. 377 field, and to lay down some on the other side of the burying- place, — and, in so doing, will bring the burying-place near the middle of the training-field, which will be very inconvenient and unhandsome: We, therefore, whose names are underwrit ten, being also proprietors in said north purchase, are very unwilling to any such alteration being made, and do here enter our protest against it;' as witness our hand, May 15, 1708, — George Leonard, Sylvanus Cambell, Benjamin Gurney, John Foster, Robert Tucker, Samuel Leonard, Samuel Brintnell, Thomas Skinner, Andrew Grover, Thomas Grover, Isaac Shepard, Peter Aldrich, Benjamin Williams, Joseph Brint nell." " We whose names are under-written, altho' we are not proprietors in said north purchase, yet we dwel neer the within-mentioned Common, and are very unwilling there should be any alteration made in it, and do humbly desire there may due care be taken that there be no alteration made in it; as witness our hands, May 17, 1708, — John Cobb, Thomas Braman, Sen., Benjamin Caswel, John Lane, Isreal" Fisher, Eliezer Fisher, Ebenezer Eddy, Daniel Braman." Notwithstanding these protests, William Hodges, having pitched his habitation on the easterly end of the Common, near the principal highway from Attle borough to Bridgewater, was by no means disposed to pull up stakes, and' go into the background ; and therefore the town of Norton took up the matter, and, Oct. 6, 1713, voted, — " That if William Hodges, or his father, give ye Town of Norton a deed of four acres and a quarter and seven Rods of Land, on the south side of the burying-place, and on the west side of it, neer his house l in Norton ; and procure George Leonard also to Give the Town of Norton a deed of 1 From an examination of the ground, I am satisfied that Hodges' house was on the east end of the Common; and not on the west, as these words have been interpreted to mean. What is meant is, undoubtedly, that the " four acres and a quarter and seven rods of land " were near William Hodges', and bordered upon the south and west side of the burying-place. The oldest graves are near the middle of the ground, as it now is; and the taking-up of the east end for a house-lot, and laying down some at the west end, would bring about such a result as is stated by George Leonard and the other remonstrants. The occupation of the east end would also, as they stated it did, interfere with the training-fiold. Our oldest inhabitants have no tradition of a house at the westerly end of the Common. 32* 378 BURYING-PLACES. the Remaining part of two acres of Land that was Layd out to him where Norton meeting-house stands, he haveing given the town a deed of part of it already,1 — yt then, and not els, the selectmen, in the Town's behalf, Give William Hodges a deed of four acres of Land, and a quarter and seven Rods which he hath Already fenced in, and on which his house and barn dolh stand on in Norton ; and also that thay Give him a deed of a quarter of an acre more, in the corner of the com mon Land, neer his Barn." At a meeting of the North-Purchase proprietors, Feb. 3, 1713-14, after the above vote of the town had been read, the said proprietors — " Voted there concurance with this vote ; with this proviso, that William hodges shall give the deed of the four acres and a quarter and seven rods aforesd., joyning to the burying- place, to George Leonard, John Hodges, and Thomas Stevens, the presant selectmen of Norton, for and in the behalf of the proprietors of the north purchase, for their use and benefit, as well as to the inhabitants of the town of Norton, and to lye perpetually common for publick uses." The matter, however, was not settled very speedily. Hodges held on to what he had got, with a tenacious grasp. At a meeting of the North-Purchase proprie tors, June 15, 1727,— " Thirdly, in Reference to the Land that William Hodges hath setled upon in said north purchase, that was laid out for a common or for publick uses, the proprietors voated to chuse a committee, and to Leave that affaire with them to deside that matter, by Giveing and takeing deeds of Exchaing of Land on the proprietors' behalf, and said William Hodges to pay the charge therof ; the committee to consist of three men. And what said committee doth do on the proprietors' behalf, relating to that affaire, to be and remain firm and Good for Ever." Finally, April 5, 1728, deeds of exchange of land between Hodges and the North-Purchase proprietors were executed, and the matter permanently adjusted. 1 This deed was given Dec. 16, 1712; and the amount of land conveyed to the town by it was three-fourths of an acre. BURYING-PLACES. 379 This common-ground was, for many years, used conjointly for a burying-place and a training-field, and the regimental musters were frequently held on this spot ; so that it would seem, notwithstanding tho encroachments of William Hodges, it was still available for military parades, and all the accompaniments of such occasions. April 5, 1802, the town chose Briga dier Silas Cobb, and Isaac Hodges, jun., a committee " to look into and ascertain the Boundaries of Norton Common, so called." The next year, Laban Wheaton, Esq., Silas Cobb, Brian Hall, Isaac Hodges, and Wil liam Burt, were chosen "a committee to settle the bounds of the common." How they discharged their duties, we are left to conjecture ; but, until within a recent period, there was no fence or wall or any thing to mark the bounds between the " home of the dead " and the training-field. The four-footed beasts that were turned loose upon the " common " trampled upon the green sod that covered the loved of earth, till the exact resting-place of many was obliterated. This state of things continued till about a quarter of a century since. There was an article in the warrant for a town- meeting, March 7, 1825, " To see if the town will vote to sell a part of Norton Common, and appropriate the money ... for fencing the burying-ground." It was voted " to request the selectmen to go and find where the road, or roads, ought to run, and where the fence around the burying-ground ought to be set." At the adjourned meeting, May 25, " voted that individuals might fence the burying-ground on Norton Common, so called, without any expense to said town ; " and a committee of five were chosen to see where it was most convenient to have the roads run and the fence built. Soon afterwards, the now rather dilapidated stone wall that surrounds the burying-place was built by private contributions of time and money. It is bettor than nothing, but not what the honor and repu tation of the town require it should be. The Central Burying-ground, near the Trinitarian Meeting-house of Norton, is within the limits of the 380 BURYING-PLACES. old township, or original purchase, of Taunton. Feb. 1, 1710, certain persons — " Granted to the North Precinct some land to ly on the plain near Richard Briggs's, to ly common there for a burying- place, or some other publick uses, for the benefit of the said precinct; Said land being Given, by the persons hereafter named, for said use. John Witherell, two acres ; Isaac Dean's heirs, one acre; John Lincoln, one acre; William Leonard, one acre ; John Lincoln, Grand Senior, one acre ; and Robert Crossman, one acre, — being seven acres in all." i Not a third part of the original seven acres is now occupied as a " burying-place, or other public use." How it has been diminished, and the changes in and around it, we shall briefly state. Sept. 9, 1734, the town " voted that George Leonard, Esq., and John Hodges, the 1st, and John Briggs, the 2d, Be a Comitey to tacke Care and Renew the Bounds of the towne's Comons, neare to the Land of the Eyrs of Richard Briggs, deseased." Nov. 19, 1742, " Theyr was a voate called for, to Know whether the Towne wold clear aney of the town's comons by George Briggs ; and it past in the negative." In the spring of 1753, Gershom Cambell, who lived near by, desired " to clear some of the town's common land, at or near the burying-place ; " but, on May 14 of that year, the town " voted not to give Liberty to Gershom Cambell to clear the Burying-place near Wil liam Carpenter's Orchard, or any part thereof." May 21, 1764, the town " voted to exchange some Land with William Carpenter, near sd. Carpenter's Dwelling-house ; " and a committee of three was " Im powered " to give and receive a deed, &c. At a town-meeting, May 11, 1778, "voted not to act on the article in the warrant with regard to selling the town's land near Carpenter's." Towards a dozen years later, Capt. Isaac Hodges and nine others pe titioned for a town-meeting, to see if the town would l Proprietors' Book (Sixty-four-acre Division), p. 135. BURYING-PLACES. 381 " sell their land which lies near Peter Carpenter's, and pay some of their debts with the money." The meet ing was held Nov. 9, 1789 ; and it was " voted to sell the town's land lying near the house of Peter Carpen ter ; " and the selectmen were directed " to ascertain the bounds, and measure the same, and lay out a suitable part for a burying-ground." At an adjourned meeting, Nov. 23, John Crane, Isaac Hodges, and Nathan Babbit, were authorized to sell at " Publick vendue [this common land,] Except one acre and three-quarters of an acre reserved for a burying-ground, . . . unless sd. Committee shall find, on examining the proprietors' records, [the town] has not a right to sell the same." The same persons were further " Instructed, at the same time and in the same mode, to sell the wood standing on the land reserved for a Burying-Ground." Probably, on an examination of the proprietors' books, it was decided that the town had a right to sell it ; and it was accordingly disposed of to the highest bidder : and nothing now remains to the town of the original seven acres, except one acre and three-quar ters. When the Timothy-Plain Burying-ground was laid out, is uncertain. Feb. 16, 1742, Benjamin and John Williams deeded to Benjamin Copeland " a meadow- lot of two acres," bounded " Easterly by Goosberrough- meadow River," and westerly " partly by an acre of Land laid out to John Wetherel for a burying-place." This must be the ground at Timothy Plain, on the westerly side of Canoe River; for this stream was once called " Goosberry brook." Whether the lot was intended as a public or private ground, we are unable to say ; but most probably for public use. At any rate, it is now considered as public property. This ground is in a sad condition: it is overgrown with bushes and brambles, and uufenced. It presents a most gloomy aspect to the passer-by, and a melancholy commentary upon the public spirit of the town. 382 BURYING-PLACES. Probably the people in the neighborhood of Winne connet for many years buried their dead at the old ground (now unused) situated beside the meadow, forty or fifty rods north-easterly of the outlet of the pond, near the line of Taunton. This ground is, no doubt, the oldest within the limits of Norton, and yet was probably never formally set apart for burial purposes. Here, we presume, was buried the first settler, — William Wetherell. The spot is now situated in a " pasture-lot," and not protected from the tramp of the sheep aud cattle that find a home there during the summer months. It was given up on account of its proximity to the meadow; the graves, when dug, becoming partially filled with water. This led to the opening -of the burial-places farther up towards Winneconnet Village, which are separated by a narrow road. The burying-place nearly a mile north-easterly of the schoolhouse, in District No. 5, was originally com menced as a private burial-place by the Babbit Family. From the Babbits the estate passed into the hands of William Cobb, who deeded it to the town for a public burial-place. This deed, in the course of time, was lost, and Judge Wheaton had succeeded to the owner ship of the land ; who, on being assured that it had once been deeded to the town, gave a new deed of a quarter of an acre to the town for a burial-place. About twenty years ago, a wall was built around this ground by the private contribution of those who had friends interred within. There are many other places — most, if not all, of them of a private character — where the dead lie buried in town. It is to be hoped, however, that these private grounds may not be increased. For many reasons, it is better that there should be but few ceme teries in a town ; for where there are so many " private grounds," or even a multiplicity of public ones, it is difficult to make an appropriation to keep the ceme teries in a respectable condition. And this difficulty was experienced here no longer BURYING-PLACES. 383 ago than 1854, when the attempt was made by the town to beautify and adorn our burying-grounds ; which were, and still are, in a most lamentable con dition. We hope, however, for the honor and credit of the town, that tliese habitations of the dead will remain not long in their present poverty-stricken con dition. HEARSES. Until within the memory of many now living, there was no hearse in town for the transportation of the dead to the place of burial. April 2, 1804, the town " voted to build one hearse, to be kept at the centre of the town." Previous to this time, the dead were always carried — and in some instances, of course, several miles — on a bier, upon the shoulders of _ the bearers. Where the distance was long, others besides the bearers joined in the procession, for the purpose of " taking turns" at carrying the dead.1 April 1, 1805, the town " voted to build or buy a house to put the hearse in ; " and the selectmen were to have the oversight of the matter. A house was built near the end of the horse-sheds, back of the old Meeting-house, on the northerly side of the Centre Common, a few feet from where the Hayscales now are. Here it remained until 1837, when the town con sented that it " might be removed to the corner of the burying-ground, near Dr. Leavit Bates's, if it can be done free of expense to the town," &c. ; and it was accordingly removed. The same year, Nov. 14, the town agreed to purchase a suitable hearse and harness. Sept. 30, 1839, the selectmen were authorized " to repair the Hearse-House as much as they think proper, at the expense of the town." In 1856, a new hearse was purchased by a vote of the town, at an expense of 1 Mr. David Makepeace, the oldest man now living in town, informs me he has assisted in carrying more than fifty corpses in this way; and does not recollect seeing a single corpse carried to the grave in any kind of a carriage till the hearse was purchased. 384 THE OLD FRENCH AND two hundred dollars; making the third hearse the town has owned within a little more than fifty years. The first time this new hearse was used,1 it was found to be too small to admit the coffin of the deceased ; and the old hearse had to be sent for to carry the corpse to the grave. CHAPTER XXVII. THE OLD FRENCH AND THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. " Ez fer war, I call it murder; There you hev it, plan an' flat: I don't want to go no furder Than my Testyment fer that." Biolow Papers. Though we like not war, nor any of its works ; though we believe, that, in every instance, all difficulties be tween nations might be settled without a resort to the sword, — still our duty as an historian compels us faith fully to chronicle those events wherein man, — " Like an angry ape, Plays such fantastic tricks before high Heaven As make the angels weep." Iii the spring of 1744, hostilities between. England and France were declared. This war is sometimes called the Old French War, to distinguish it from that of a subsequent date ; but perhaps is more commonly known as King George's War. As a matter of course, the hostile feeling between the mother-countries ex tended to their respective Colonies in America. The most important event this side of the Atlantic, con nected with the war, was the attack upon, and capture from the French, of Louisburg, a strongly fortified place on the Island of Cape Breton. A plan for the reduction of this place, communicated by Gov. Shirly, l Nov. 14, 1856, at the funeral of Mrs. Eunice Adams. THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 385 was adopted by the General Court of Massachusetts, early in the year 1745, by a majority of one vote. _ A company of soldiers to go on this expedition was raised in Norton and vicinity. In the " History of the Hodges Family," by A. D. Hodges, p. 18, 1 find "A List of the Soldiers listed to go in the (Expedition) at Cape Bre ton, under the command of Major Joseph Hodges, Lieut. , and Ensign Caswell." This was John Caswell, of this town ; and, there being no lieutenant, he was soon promoted to that office.1 We copy only the names of those belonging to Norton : — Drummer, Thomas Braman ; Phillip Atherton, Jeremiah Cambell, Micajah Dorman, Abijah Fisher, John Fisher, Eleazer Fisher, John Forrist, Isaiah Forrist, Samuel Forrist, Thomas Grover, Zepheniah Lane, Ephraim Thayer. Seven men were transferred from Major Hodges' to Nathaniel Williams's company. Three of these — viz., John Finny, John Finny, jun., and Jonathan Lane — are supposed to have belonged to Norton. From this expedition Major Hodges never returned. One account says, " He died in the early part of the war, when stationed on the lines between the present state of Maine and Canada." Another account says, " that, on his returning voyage [from Cape Breton] in a French vessel, he died suddenly ; and there was sus picion that he was poisoned." He is represented " as a man of a brave, chivalrous spirit." 2 I have searched the Muster Rolls at the State House, Boston ; but can find nothing relating to the company under the command of Major Hodges. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. After a peace of only a few years' duration, Eng land and France again formally declared war in 1756. i See French-war letters in Genealogical Register, vol. iv. p. 27. 2 For further account of him, see deacons, p. 216. 33 386 THE OLD FRENCH AND Hostilities between the French and English Colonies in America had, however, been carried on about two years before open war was proclaimed. This war extended from 1756 to 1763. To assist in carrying it on, Nor ton furnished her full quota of officers and soldiers. In Capt. Nathaniel Perry's company, of Easton, — on service from the middle of June to the middle of Sep tember, 1754, employed for the defence of the eastern frontier, — I find the names of the following men belonging to Norton : — Jonathan Eddy, William Rogers, Levi Lane, Samuel Pratt, Elijah Smith, John Thayer, George Wetherell, Elisha Thayer, and Ephraim Briggs.1 In the autumn of 1755, in an expedition to Crown Point, were the following persons, either born, or re siding at the time, in Norton : — Samuel Eddy, Eleazer Eddy, Nicholas White, jun., Ben jamin Bailey, Joseph Mitchell, Seth Gilbert, Ephraim Briggs, John Cobb, Daniel Tiffany, Nathan Lawrence.2 From a muster-roll of Capt. Hodges' company, dated Boston, May 5, 1756 ; and also from a return of said company, dated at Albany, May 29, 1756,3 — I take the names of the following Nortonians, who went in an "Expedition against Crown Point." There were others in the company, but they were not of this town. Capt. Joseph Hodges; Ensign Gideon Basset ; 4 Sergeants Oliver Eddy, John Thayer; Corporals George Braman,* Obediah Eddy;4 Thomas Wincheh John White, Martin Dassance, Joseph Tucker, Samuel Brintnell,4 Josiah King, Joseph Brintnell, Jonathan Newland, Jotham Basset, Elkanah Wellman, Elisha Thayer, Isaac Day,4 David Coleson,4 John Holmes, John Martin,6 Thomas Nichols, David Smith, Jacob Grover, James Pearson. 1 Muster Rolls, 1749-66. 2 Ibid. 1749-65, pp. 192, 245. 8 Ibid. 1755-6, pp. 176 and 337; where ages mav be seen. * These men are supposed to have been killed with Cant. Hodges (see Muster Rolls, 1757, p. 266). 6 Dead before May 29, 1766. THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 387 Capt. Hodges, who commanded this company, was the son of Major Joseph, already mentioned ; and was the first child baptized here after the church was gathered. He was a man of "desperate bravery." Probably while stationed near Lake George, " he went out on what was termed an Indian Scout " (a kind of service requiring great prudence and courage), and, with his whole party, fell into the hands of the Indians ; and they were all killed, Sept. 19, 1756, except one man by the name of William Merry. Merry was taken prisoner, but finally returned home to relate the melancholy fate of his brave but unfortunate captain and associates. The following is William Merry's account of the death of Capt. Hodges, as given by Rev. Joseph Hodges, of North Oxford, Mass., in a letter to A. D. Hodges, Esq. : l — " Capt. Hodges volunteered his services on this occasion, and those who accompanied him were volunteers. His com mand numbered sixty men. The company had marched nearly to the point designated in the order given to Capt. Hodges, when he made a halt for the purpose of refreshment. A party was despatched to the lake, with canteens, for water. They returned immediately with the alarming information, that they saw on the shore of the lake hundreds of fresh tracks of Indians in the sand. The order was immediately o-iven to resume the march. The company had proceeded .but a short distance, when the firing from every quarter con vinced them that they were surrounded by Indians. Capt. Hodo-es charged his men ' to fight for their lives.' He set his men the example by the energetic use of his own gun — which he carried on this occasion — instead of his sword. But they were overpowered by numbers. Merry's testi mony was that he fought by the side of his commander, who was first wounded in the ankle by a musket-ball ; when he dropped on his knees, and continued to fire, and encourage his- men. Another ball struck him in the breast. Placing one hand on the wound to check the flowing blood, with his musket in the other he still kept the Indians at bay, one i Hodges Family, p. 16. 388 THE OLD FRENCH AND of whom reached forward to sever his scalp. Foiled thus, the Indian levelled his gun, and shot him through the head, when the brave captain fell. It was Merry's custom to re late with pride that he killed the Indian who aimed the last fatal shot at his commander, of whose bravery and character he spoke in the highest terms. After being a prisoner with the Indians five years, Merry made his escape, and returned to Norton ; where he passed the remainder of his days in a quiet and humble life. He had the reputation of being an honest, simple-hearted man ; and his statement may be relied on as faithful." From the return of Benjamin Williams's company, of Easton, dated " Boston, the 7th May, 1756 ; " and from a return of the same company, raised for the expedition against Crown Point, dated Fort Edward, 26th of July, 1756,1 — I extract the names of those who were born in or hailed from Norton at that time ; viz. : — Clerk, John Basset ; Nathaniel White,2 William Merry, Ebenezer Turner, Nicholas Smith. This Capt. Benjamin Williams was great-grandfather of our townsman, Rodolphus H.Williams, Esq., in whose family is a standard, said to have been taken from the French in this war. It is a curious relic of olden times. The design, painted on both sides, is a human face, dotted all over with eyes ; and underneath is the motto, " Vigilantibus." We believe the tradition rela tive to this " standard " is very unreliable ; for, in different branches of the family, it is very conflicting. Mr. Williams has also in his possession a pair of " smoking-tongs," that belonged to his ancestor, Capt. Benjamin Williams ; whereon his name is engraved, and dated " fort wm. henry, 1756." They are very curiously made, and are worthy of an examination as an article of camp furniture one hundred years ago. In the return of Capt. David White's company,3 of 1 Muster Rolls, 1755-6, pp. 193 and 332. 2 He was dead Feb. 24, 1757 (see Muster Rolls for that year, p. 197). s Muster Rolls, 1755-6, p. 356. See also letters of Col. Ephraim Leo nard, Muster Rolls, 1755-6, pp. 248-9 and 339-40. THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 389 Mendon, — who was also iu the Crown-Point expedition of 1756, — are a few names of Norton men : — Lieut. Nathan Hodges, Josiah Tucker, Thomas Ray, Jo seph Woodard, Joseph Mitchell, Robert Craig, Job Tucker.1 Phillip White was in an expedition for the reduction of Canada in 1758 ; and George Wheaton was surgeon's mate in Thomas Doty's regiment for the same purpose the same year. Four men from Norton went on an expedition to Crown Point in Capt. Thomas Cobb's company,2 of Taunton ; the time of service, from May 11, 1759, to Jan. 2, 1760. First lieutenant, Ephraim Lane ; Nathaniel Lane, Simeon Cobb, Abiel Lane. From May 12, 1759, to Jan. 2, 1760, Capt. Nathan Hodges, of Norton, was out with a company of men from this town, whose names we here record:3 — Second Lieutenant, Elijah Hodges ; Ensign, John King ; Sergeants, Ephraim Hodges, Silas Cook, Israel Trow, Abiel Eddy ; Corporals, William Puffer, Hezekiah King ; Privates, Elkanah Bishop, John Cook, William Dean, Record Franklin, David Fisher, Joseph Hart, David Hodges, Abraham Martin, Benjamin Morey, Soloman Trow, Ebenezer Titus, Nathan Wood, Benjamin Willis, Josiah White, Nathaniel Wood, Henry White. John Hall, of Norton, was out in Capt. Burt's com pany, of Milton. In Capt. Job Williams's company, of Taunton, from Feb. 13 to Dec. 26, 1760, there were, belonging to Norton, — Benjamin Briggs, Benjamin Cole, Jonas Caswell, Heze kiah Drake, Jacob Grover, Joseph Mitchell, Stephen Ranger, Isaac Tucker, Henry White.4 In 1760 and 61, there enlisted, for the total reduc tion of Canada, from Norton, — X T)AcpT"tpn 2 Muster Rolls, 1758-60, p. 374. 8 Ibid. 1758-60, p. 379. i See Muster Rolls, 1760-1, pp. 244-6. 33* 390 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. Isaac Tucker, Jacob Hoor, Joseph Mitchell, Daniel Weth erell, William Dean, jun., Henry White, jun., Jonathan Cas well, Samuel Ranger, Obediah Brintnell, and Abiel Caswell. The foregoing comprise all the names of soldiers I have been able to find, who were engaged in the French and Indian war. A more thorough search of the Mus ter Rolls would undoubtedly have added some names to the list.1 It must be borne in mind, that Mansfield, during this war, had not been taken from Norton ; and therefore some of these persons belonged in that part of the town. CHAPTER XXVm. REVOLUTIONARY WAR. " Give me liberty, or give me death." — Henbt. The town of Norton took an active part in the struggle for liberty which commenced at Lexington and Concord on the 19th of April, 1775, and virtually ended with the surrender of Lord Cornwallis on the 19th of Oc tober, 1781. Of the remote and proximate causes of the war, our limits forbid us to speak very particularly. We must content ourselves with referring only to those in reference to which our town took a part. The Stamp Act of 1765 seems to have been the first in the series of tyrannical edicts that aroused the pub lic indignation of our townsmen. This Act was to go into operation on the 1st of November, 1765. A town-meeting of the citizens of Norton was convened Oct. 21 " to see if the town will vote to give instruc- i Hon. Cromwell Leonard tells me, that his father, Jonathan Leonard, was out in this war; that he has heard his father say he was in Nova Scotia, in the army, the day he was twenty-one years old. If this is true, he was there April 17, 1759 ; he being twenty-one on that day. Without doubt, some of the Muster Rolls have been lost, and, with them, the names of somo who served their country in the army. REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 391 tions to the representatives relating to the important affairs of this Province ; " and the following address to the representative was adopted : — " To George Leonard, Jun., Esqr. " Sir, — In the present mallancholy situation of the pro vince, while we groan under a most destresing load of public and private debts, as trade seems to be departing from the colonies ; and more especially as The time is at hand when the act called the stamp act, if carried Into execution, must give the finishing stroke to every thing that Is dear to us as men and Englishmen, — we think it a duty we owe ourselves and posteryty to comunicate to you our sentements ; That both you and wee may use our utmost endeavours to preserve Those Rights and priviledges that our forefathers purchased so Dearly, and transmitted to us for an unalianable Inheret- ance. undoutedly we are entitled to the priviledges and Imunities of Englishmen, we venture to assert, that we have Rights founded in Nature, confirmed by charters, and granted by the brittish constitution Itself. Every attempt, therefore, to divest us of them, must be looked upon as arbetrary and unconstitutional ; and ought to be opposed by all means that are warranted by the Laws of God, the Brittish constitution, an the common Rights of mankind, the stamp act, made and passed In the Brittish parliment, — where the coleneys have no Representatives, even without the hearing of any one Re monstrance against it, out of the many decent and dutiful ones, that, at a vast Expence, ware presented, as we appre hend, through a wicked misrepresentation of our circumstances, — subjects the Colinies to so great and disproportionate tax as they are unable to pay, and, if Insisted upon, must end in their final Ruin ; and also subjects us to the desposition (?) of a Judge of admiraltry in numerous enternal matters, without being allowed the Inestimable priviledge of a trial by a Jury. we therefore take the freedom to say, that we look upon This act as an Innovation at least ; Replete with Inconveniences ; Ruinous not only to amarican Liberty, but, in its consequences, to the Brittish constitution itself, should so dangrous a pre cedent be deemed constitutional. Therefore we cannot think It our duty to Instruct you to Joyn in any publick measures For assisting in the execution of the same ; but, on the con trary, expect that you use every method to prevent its being carried into execution, that is consistant with our alleoience 392 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. to the best of Kings, we likewise take the opertunity to express our detestation of mobs and all outragous proceed ings ; being sensable That an unthinking, misguided mob is the worst of tirants, and monarchy the worst state of slavery. nevertheless, wee cannot Think ourselves any answarable for the damage that particular persons may have suffered in the Late disturbances ; and expect that you oppose every attempt to their being compensated out of the publick money ; that you oppose all unconstitutional and unaccustomed grants, and endavour the gratest frugality may be observed in all disposi tion of the public monies whatever, we would further observe to you, that if any safe method can be found out to prevent the courts of Justice from being shut up, and The province plunged into all the destresses of an outlawry, and whereby the trade of the province may be yet upheld, we expect your prudence will drect you to embrace it." It will be seen by this document, that the people of this town, almost a hundred years ago, did not believe in the doctrine, that we must submit to a wicked and unjust law. It was the bold and manly refusal of the Colonies to obey this unrighteous decree that caused its speedy repeal, and also inspired the great Lord Chatham, in the British Parliament, to say, " he re joiced that the colonies had resisted, and he hoped they would resist to the last drop of their blood." At a meeting, Dec. 2, 1766, the town voted to make up " the losses which several persons suffered in the late disturbance in Boston." Encroachments upon the rights and liberties of the Colonies, in one form and another, continued. Jan. 11, 1773, the town met " to act on the pitition or application of Israel Wood ward and eleven others, of Norton. Sd. application is as follows : " — " Sensable of the alarming situation of our publick affairs, in the many Incroachments made of late on our most valuable Rights and priviledges, and the several Infringements and violations of the just Rights of this province, which consearns Every town ; furthermore, to take these matters into con sideration, and persue such measures as may be thought Best on such an occasion, and to give such Instructions to our Representative as we shall then think proper." REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 393 I At the meeting, " it was put to vote, whether the In croachments and Infringements, as mentioned in the warrant, be a grievance to us ; and it passed in the af firmative. " Then chose a committee to consider and report, at the adjournment of this meeting, what is proper to be done." Met again on the 18th inst., and chose William Cobb "a committee-man, in the room of the Hon. George Leonard, Esq. ; " and adjourned to March 15. Then accepted the report of the committee, and " voted that the Clerk of the town transmit a Copy of said Report to the Committee of Correspondence at Boston." The letter sent to Boston .reads thus : — " Gentlemen, — In ansure to your Letter of the 20th of november Last, and with Reference to the pemphlet which accompanyed it, we beg leave to Say, that we think the gene rality of your Sentiments are well Expressed with regard to our publick Rights, and the Infrengements of them, we Did not Receive them till we ware assured the General Court would Sett in a few days ; and as it was our opinion that those Important matters not only most properly Came under their Consideration, but that their sentiments would be of much greater Influence, and tend much more to Convince our most gracious Sovering of the sentements of his Loyal Subjects in this province, than the Votes of Towns, we chose, therefore, to wait their Discussion of so Important a point. And, as two Branches of our Legislative have so Unanimously Concurd in your Sentements, it must give you and Every well-wisher to his Country a real Satisfaction, and, in some measure, foreclose any ansure to your request as to our Sentements : yett we Cannot forbare to Testifye our apprehensions of the danger Impending this province, and america in general ; and we are so far from being easey and Contented under those Infringements, that we consider them as Saping the Verry foundation of our Constitution, we are senceble of the duty and Interest of our being firmly united in a Cause that so much Concerns our own and our posteritye's wellfare, and are desirous of Cherishing a spirit of patriotism, and to give all due incoragment to our metropolis ; and we take this opper- tunity to Express our obligations to the Town of Boston for 394 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. REVOLUTIONARY WAR. their Spirited behavour from time to time in opposing the arbitrary measures of those whom we fear have a desire to inslave us. may the alwise Governer who Ruleth in the Kingdoms of men direct all those to whom is Committed the managment of our publick affairs, and grant them success in their Indeavours for the preservation of our most Valuable Civial and Religious rights and priviliges, so as that we may Transmit them to our posterity as they ware Transmitted to us, is the desire, gentlemen, of your friend and Servants in the Common Cause of our Country. 395 "Thomas Moret, William Homes, John Crane, William Cobb, George Makepeace, > Committee." In the autumn of 1774, a Continental Congress, composed of deputies from eleven Colonies, met at Philadelphia, and agreed upon a declaration of rights, and recommended the non-importation of Britisli goods into the Colonies until their grievances were redressed. Jan. 16, 1775, the town "voted to adhear to the advise and Recommendations of the association of the Continental Congress." They also chose a committee "to see to the faithful performance of the Recom mendations of the Continental Congress ; only the said Committee, or the major part of them, [should] not expose any person but by order of said town." The Committee of Correspondence and Inspection consisted of John King, Benjamin Morey, William Smith, Isaac Smith, and Israel Trow. March 6, added to this com mittee, James Hodges, Noah Wiswall, Eleazer Walker, Elkanah Lane, Benjamin Pearson, David Lincoln, Isaac Hodges, and Eleazer Clap. It was then — "Voted that the committee of Inspection be Directed to take particular notice of all persons that should sell any cind of provisions to any person or persons that they think is bying with a view to distress the Inhabitants of this pro vince." \ Thus far all had been preparation, though no actual hostilities had commenced; but the ever-memorable 19th of April came, when the streets of Lexington and Concord drank up the first blood of the Revolution The alarm quickly spread through the country It reached Norton some time during the day • and ere the morrow's sun had risen, Capt. Silas Cobb 'and Capt. Seth Gilbert, each with a detachment of men were on their march to join with others in repelling the invasion. All of Capt. Cobb's company left home April 19 ; and their term of service varied from four to ten days. It is proper that their names go down to posterity ; and we therefore record them : John Allen, second lieutenant; Nathaniel Prior, sergeant- Nathaniel Stone, corporal; John Hodges, corporal; Abner Tucker drummer; Abiel Hodges, Tisdale Hodges, Isaac Ha- radon, Abiel Lincoln, Jonathan Franklin, Noah Woodward Josiah Woodward, Joseph Hodges, Abijah Fisher, Phillip Hor, Josiah Hodges, Samuel Hodges, David Hodges Dri- vates.1 ° ' * The term of service of Capt. Gilbert's men was from four to twelve days. Where no figures are at tached to the name, it will be understood that the individual left home April 19 ; those attached to a name denote the day of April he left. George Makepeace, first lieutenant; Noah Wiswall, Seth Smith Eleazar Clap, Wilhara Makepeace, sergeants; David Clap, Jonathan Leonard (20), Samuel Hunt (27), corporals- privates, Isaac Smith, John Hall, Seth Smith, jun., Jacob Shepard, Seth Shepard, Stephen Jennings, Noah Wiswall nu w°u nW' fnt,ha;T Newland (21). Eben Wetherell (21), Wuham Copeland, Noah Clap (20), Stephen BriW Phineas Bnggs, Lev, Babbit, Nathaniel White, Elisha Cobb Edw. Kmgman, John Cook (21), Joseph Newcomb (21) John Crane, jun. (22), Samuel Newcomb, 2d (27) Simeon Wetherelh 2d (26), William Clark (26), SdomoVweTherell SrtW.2d W). Jona Briggs/Elijah Briggs, ffl Trow, beth Williams, Simeon Briggs, Elijah Danforth, Elea- 1 Lexington Alarm Rolls, vol. xi. p. 256. 396 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. zer Walker, Samuel Copeland (20), Edw. Babbit, Reuben Tisdale (27), James Boldery, jun. (27), John Austin (27), Abijah Lincoln (27), John Newcomb (27), Samuel Godfrey (27), Joel Briggs (27), Nathan Babbit, 2d (27), William Cobb, jun. (26).1 The war was "now actually begun," and active pre parations are made for the defence of the Colonies. May 8, 1775, the citizens " voted to bye teen guns and Bagonets for the use of said Town." At the adjourn ment, May 22, — " Voted to pay so many men as to make half the number of men in the Training-List, which are to be raised out of the Laram and Training Lists for minit men ; and to be paid for the time they shall be necessarily Detained in service upon any Emergancy, as much as the said town shall think proper." We propose to give the names of the Nortonians who served each year of the war, so far as we have been able to ascertain them ; and we do no more than justice to their patriotism by such a record. The following is the return of Capt. Silas Cobb's company, made Oct. 6, 1775. The men were enlisted for eight months. We are uncertain whether those marked with a (*) were out the full eight months or not. Those unmarked are known to have served the whole time for which they enlisted. Officers. — Silas Cobb, captain ; Isaac Smith,* lieutenant ; Isaac Fisher, ensign. Sergeants. — Edmund Hodges, Nathaniel Lane, Jonathan Hodges, Nathaniel White. Corporals. — Jonathan Franklin, Richard Cobb, Stephen Jennings. Drum and Fife. — Ahner Tucker,* Jabez Briggs. Privates. — Joshua Atherton, Jacob Allen, John Austin, Stephen Briggs, Phineas Briggs, James Boldery, John Bol dery, Isaac Basset, Benjamin Braman, Levi Babbit, Elisha Cobb, John Capron, Abiel (?) Derby, Abner Derby, Abijah Fisher, John Hodges, David Hodges, John Hodges, 2d, 1 Alarm Roll, vol. xii. p. 111. REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 397 Lanson (?) Hodges, Isaac Harridon, Stephen Kelly, Abiel Lincoln, Rufus Lincoln, Amos Martin, Joseph Pratt, Daniel Pratt, Joshua Pond, Oliver Smith, Abiathar Smith, Seth Smith, Nathan Shaw, Jacob Shaw, Abiathar Shaw, Abel Wetherel, Noah Wiswall. In the return of Capt. Masa Williams's company, of Easton, made Oct. 6, 1775 (eight months' service), I find the following men from Norton : — Officers. — Samuel Lane,* lieutenant ; John Cook, ensign ; Samuel Copeland, sergeant ; Benjamin Morey, corporal. Privates. — James Newcomb, James Cook, Abiel Knapp, Robert Hagin, Edward Kingman, Amos Tucker, Moses Dow ning, Jedediah Tucker, Zepheniah Newland, Isaac Morey, Daniel Morey, William Merry, John Newcomb, Acors Hewitt! Capt. Josiah King, of Norton, was also in the eight months' service in 1775. In his company were the following men from Norton : — Thomas Bass,* Josiah King, Comfort Eddy, Josiah Smith, Benjamin Tucker. There were also out in three different companies, in the eight months' service, the following persons from Norton : — Peletiah Day, David Balcom, Jonathan Pidge, Israel Smith, Samuel Newcomb. Elijah Eddy, of this town, was in Peter Pitt's com pany, of Dighton, three months and six days during this year ; and Nathan Morey was chaplain of Timothy Walker's regiment. " Sept. 18, 1775, voted to Eleazar Clap, which he paid for mending a gun for the town's use, £0. 8s. 6d.; also to the same, for carrying blankets to the army for said town's use, £0. 2s. ; also to the same,1 for thirty- two days' service at the Provincial Congress, ,£4. 4s. Ad. ; i Mr. Clap represented Norton and Mansfield in the first Provincial Congress. 34 398 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 399 also to Capt. William Homes,1 for one hundred days' attendance at said Congress, £12. 18s." _ In 1776, the Committee of Correspondence, Inspec tion, &c, were William Homes, Andrew Hodges, David Lincoln, John Hall, Noah Woodward, Eleazer Clap, and Israel Trow. The question, whether the Colonies should declare themselves independent of Great Britain, was agitated in Congress in the spring of 1776. It was thought best to feel the pulse of the community a little before proceeding to extreme measures. The freeholders and other inhabitants of Norton were warned to assemble on the 24th of May,2 among other things, " to know their minds whether they will in conformity to a resolve of the late Honr. House of Representatives for this colony, advise their Repre sentative, that, if the Honor. Continental Congress should, for the safety of the United Colonies, Declare them Independent of Great Britain, that they, the said Inhabitants, will solemnly engage, with their lives and fortunes, to support them in the measure." And it was " voted, if the Honor. Continental Congress should think proper to declare the United Colonies Independ- ant of Great Britain, that they will support them with their lives and fortunes." . This was no unmeaning flourish of trumpets, as all will be abundantly satisfied. when the whole transac tions of the town relative to the war are recorded. During 1776, the following men were from Norton, in the Rhode-Island service, in Capt. George Make peace's company : — Lieutenants. — Seth Smith, Ephraim Lane, jun. Sergeants. — Daniel Knap, Daniel Dean, Hezekiah Wil- lard, Abiel Eddy. - i Mr. Homes represented Norton and Mansfield in the second and third Provincial Congresses. 2 Heretofore the warrants for town-meetings had been called "in his majestie's name;" but, in the call for the aboVe meeting, this formula was omitted. The next meeting, held in September after the Declaration of Independence, was called in the " name and the government of the people of the state of the Massachusetts Bay." Corporals. — Edward Darby, Timothy Briggs, Elisha Cobb, Abiel Lincoln. Fife. — Abiathar Shaw. Drum, -r- Jabez Briggs. William Makepeace, John Briggs, John Patten, David Ar nold, Ephraim Eddy, Oliver Smith, Ezra Eddy, John Gilbert, Benjamin Blandin, Jeremiah Cambell, Phineas Briggs, Jacob Shaw, John Clark, John Hall, Seth Gilbert, Timothy Smith, Isaac Smith, John Cook, Samuel Lane, Amasa Williams.1 There also went from Norton to Rhode Island, in Capt. Isaac Hodges' company, — Nathaniel Wood, sergeant ; Rufus Hodges, John- Derry, William Carpenter, Joseph Newcomb, Job White.2 Capt. Isaac Hodges also had the command of a com pany in the Tiverton Alarm. The names of his men (whether all from Norton is uncertain) were — Lieut. Brian Hall; Jonathan Hodges, Amos Martin, El kanah Lincoln, Benjamin Braman, John Wetherell, Josiah Braman, Sylvanus Braman, Thomas Braman, Silas Cobb, Abisha (?) Capron, Abraham Derry, Abijah Fisher, James Hodges, Jesse Hodges, Rufus Hodges, Nathaniel Hodges, Simeon Hodges, Philip Hore (?), Stephen Kelly, Samuel Lincoln, Josiah Willis, Timothy Wellman, Isaac Stone, Wil liam Stone, Daniel Phillips, Ichabod Perry, Benajah Tucker, Meletiah Washburn, Isaac Fisher.8 In a secret expedition from Sept. 25 to Oct. 31, Capt. Hodges was again on duty, with these men under his command, most of whom were from Norton : — Nathaniel Prior, Elijah Danforth, Ebenezer Titus, Com fort Day, Abiel Eddy, James Fillebrown, John Clap, Samuel Fillebrown, James Newcomb, William Leonard, William Stone, Daniel Phillips, Sylvester Cobb, Abijah Fisher, Joseph Braman, Elias Eddy, Amasa Lincoln, Joseph Andrews, Alex ander Balcom, Peter Derry, John Derry, Eliab Derby, John Hodges, George Hodges, Stephen Kelly, John Martin, Asa 1 Revolutionary Rolls, vol. iii. p. 7. 2 Rhode-Island Revolutionary Rolls, vol. ii. p. 86. 8 Revolutionary Rolls, vol. xx. p. 69. 400 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. Newcomb, Elijah Eddy, Moses Fisher, George Briggs, Stephen Briggs, Abijah Lincoln, Abijah Wetherell, Simeon Briggs, Samuel Copeland, Josiah Vining, Solomon Wetherell, Na thaniel Wood, Ephraim Eddy, Ezra Willis, Samuel Pratt, David Lovit, Abijah White, Ammi Kimball, Daniel White, Asa Clap, Jonathan White, Jedediah Grover, Nathaniel Sweeting, Thomas Skinner, Zebulon Hodges, Nathaniel Hodges, Samuel White, Jonathan Lane, Benjamin Skinner, Joseph Titus, Stephen Pond, Isaac Skinner, Benjamin Blan din, William Axtell (?), Abisha Smith, Joshua Pond, Ichabod Willis, Benjamin Fuller, Levi Babbit, Ichabod Eddy, Jona than Franklin, Silas Wellman, Royal White, Caleb Dunham, Nehemiah Leonard, Elisha Thayer, John Harden, Jesse Grover.1 Dec. 8, 1776, Capt. Israel Trow marched to Rhode Island at the head of the following men, all from Norton : — Lieutenants. — David Clap, Edward Babbit. Sergeants. — Seth Williams, Samuel Hunt, Jacob Shepard, Benjamin Wild. Corporals. — David Lincoln, John Newcomb, Jonathan Briggs. Privates. — David Austin, Simeon Briggs, Eleazer Clap, Noah Clap, Asa Copeland, Abijah Lincoln, Joseph Hunt, Rufus Lincoln, Samuel Newcomb, Mase Shepard, Seth Tis dale, Reuben Tisdale, John Tisdale, Thomas Storey, Thomas Storey, jun., Solomon Wetherell.2 The Committee of Correspondence, &c, for 1777, v were David Lincoln, Eleazar Clap, Israel Trow, Noah Wiswall, Record Franklin, Jonathan Clap, and Seth Gilbert. There were some in Norton, as in most of the towns in the Colonies, who espoused the cause of the British, and were known as Tories, or Loyalists. There were others, probably, who were uncertain how the contest would end, and therefore avoided taking any active part on either side ; so that, in the end, they could easily join in with the victorious party. Tliese last were truly but -little better than the first : 1 Revolutionary Rolls, vol. xx. p. 93. 2 Ibid. vol. iii. p. 186. REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 401 for, generally, those who did not openly espouse the cause of the colonists, secretly hoped that the oppressors would triumph ; and were, therefore, really on their side. Hence it became necessary, for the security of the Colonies, that these pretended neutrals should be watched. Accordingly, June 23, 1777, Isaac Smith was chosen " to collect what evidence he can against such persons as have been or may be Inimical to this or the United States." At the same meeting, Samuel Godfrey was declared to be inimical to the States. At an adjourned meeting one week later, said Godfrey was voted " not Inimical to the states." 1 It is presumed, however, that neither of these votes in the least changed the character of the man. Sept, 8, 1777, the town " voted to George Cobb, for going to Milton for paper-cartridges, £0.- — 12s. — Od. ; The cost of paper, .£0. — 18s. — 10c?.; For a box to stow the cartridges in, £0.— 3s. — Od. ; For two days himself, and three days and a half of Seth Smith and Joshua Pond, to make cartridges, £4. — 2s.-^d. ; For thread for the cartridges, £0. — Is. — 0d." Also " voted that the selectmen procure the town's proportion of arms allowed by the state, and that they should have the money to purchase said arms with." Sept. 15, " voted that ten of the fire-arms sent to this town should be kept as a store for said town." In April and May of this year, Capt. Israel Trow had the command of the following men in the Rhode- 1 I find no other person named ou our records as unfriendly to the American cau9e. Among the neutrals was doubtless Judge Leonard. Though the most influential man in town, he took no active part in public affairs during the war. Among the most conspicuous of the Loyalists in this town was George Leonard, 3d, who lived at Barrowsville, and was a son of Rev. Nathaniel Leonard, and a brother of Daniel of Taunton, also a Loyalist. According to a writer in the Genealogical Register for October, 1868, p. 338, he joined the enemies of our country, and " was a colonel of a regiment ; laid Nantucket under contribution ; and attacked Fall River, where he was gallantly repulsed by Col. Joe Durfee. He eventually retired to Nova Scotia, where he became a provincial councillor, and renewed his fortune, which had been confiscated" in Massachusetts. He died at Sus sex Vale iu 1826, aged eighty-three. 34* 402 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. Island service. Most of them were from Norton, but probably not all. Lieutenants. — Isaac White and Jonathan Pratt. Sergeants. — John White, Jacob Newland, Amos Martin, Thomas Eason. Corporals. — Samuel Fillebrown, Jesse Hodges, John White, Asa Williams. Drum. — Joel Briggs. Fife. — John White, 3d. Asa Clap, Abijah Clap, Asa Copeland, Eleazer Eddy, Nathan Finney, Thomas Gibbs, Benjamin Hodges, Thomas Bass, Masa Basset, Benjamin Cobb, jun., Mason Cobb, Jo siah Crossman, William Dunham, EHas Eddy, Levi Francis, David Grover, Phillip Horr, Thomas Hewit, Zebulon Hodges, Bethuel Hack, Amasa Lincoln, Timothy Leonard, Nehemiah Leonard, Oliver Lincoln, Joel Martin, Benjamin Merrifield, Isaac Makepeace, Ebenezer Newcomb, Daniel Phillips, 2d, Ebenezer Richardson, Nathan Richard, Abisha Smith, Asa Smith, Nathaniel Sweeting, Benjamin Skinner, Jonathan Smith, Joseph Titus, Amos Shepardson, Benjamin Trow, Stephen Thayer, Ichabod White, John White, 2d, Job White, Isaac White, Samuel White, Royal White, Silas Williams, Jacob Williams, John Thayer.1 From May 14 to July 6 of the same year, Capt. Trow was again in service, with these men under his com mand, most of them from Norton : — Lieutenants. — Isaac White and Michael Sweet ; Amos Martin, Amos Ide, Thomas Eason, Daniel Hewet, Joel Briggs, John White, Christopher French, Mason Cobb, Lamech Blandin, Thomas Bass, Isaac White, Noah Robinson, Masa Basset, David Balcom, Asa Clap, Abijah Clap, Asa Cope land, William Carpenter, David Cooper, Joseph Dagget, Eleazer Eddy, Nathan Finney, Thomas French, David Gro ver, Thomas Gibbs, Thomas Hewit, Thomas French, jun., Zebulon Hodges, Isaac Jackson, Amasa Lincoln, Timothy Leonard, Oliver Lincoln, Joel Martin, Ebenezer Newcomb, Henry Peck, Isaac Perry, Daniel Reed, Benjamin Richard son, Abisha Smith, George Stanley, Gideon Stanley, Ebenezer Tyler, Abel Titus, Zelotes Tyler, Noah Tiffany, Benjamin 1 Revolutionary Rolls, vol. iii. p. 181. REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 403 Trow, Ichabod Willis, Samuel White, Royal White, Jacob Williams, Job White, Jonathan Wilmarth, John White, Asa Williams, Oliver Wellman, Asa Smith.1 Capt. George Makepeace had the command of a company in the Rhode-Island service this year. In it were, from Norton, — Hezekiah Willard, Daniel Knap, William Makepeace, Edward Darby, Timothy Briggs, Simeon Wetherell, George Cobb, John Briggs, Phineas Briggs, John Clark, Abner Tucker, Seth Smith.2 In December, Capt. Silas Cobb had the command of a company. In it were these men, from Norton : — John Allen, second lieutenant; Nathaniel White, Amos Martin, Abiel Lincoln, Benjamin Hodges, Jabez Briggs, Daniel Hodges, Samuel Norton, Elkanah Hall, George Har vey, Nathaniel Prior, Phillip Horr, Edmund Tucker, Josiah Smith, Masa Basset, Thomas Bass, John Hall, 2d, Paul Cook, Joel Martin, Jonathan Smith, William Makepeace, Rufus Lincoln, William Carpenter, Joseph Harridon, John Hall, Timothy Wellman, Jonathan Clark, Thomas Hewit, Ephraim Knap, Snellum Babbit.8 In 1777, the persons whose names are here recorded enlisted into the army for three years. All did not, however, serve the full time of their enlistment. The figures attached to the names show the number of months the individual was in service. Benjamin Morey (36), William Merry (IO),4 Caesar Makepeace (32), Caesar Morey (44), Jonathan Morey (5), Isaac Morey (10), Nathaniel. Morey (36), Daniel Morey (15), Jedediah Tucker (33), Josiah Tucker (36), Jacob Allen (37),4 Jeremiah Cambell (36), Ezekiel Clap (3),6 John Capron (20), James Dorsey (?) (46), Francis Guillow, John Harridon (36), Josiah King (45), Josiah King (39). i Revolutionary Rolls, vol. iii. 2 Ibid. vol. iii. p. 13T. s Ibid. vol. i. p. 140. 4 Deserted. p. 184. 6 Died. 404 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. For 1778, the Committee of Correspondence, &c, were Jonathan Clap, David Arnold, Isaac Smith, John Hall, and Seth Gilbert. March 9, 1778, " voted that the selectmen should procure powder-flints, lead, and gun-locks of the board [of] war." May 11, " voted that the officers of the several com panies should raise the men sent for by the General Court on the best terms they can ; and, if they cannot procure, them for thirty pounds granted by said Court, that the town will pay the overplus." The officers were further directed " to hire the money to procure said men with, if thirty pounds will not." We give below the members of Capt.- Israel Trow's company, draughted for three months' service in Rhode Island, commencing Jan. 1, 1778. The residences are not given. Most of them are known to have belonged to this town. Lieutenants. — Ebenezer Brintnell, Ephraim Lane. Sergeants. — Jonathan Newcomb, William Bonney, Wil liam Wetherell, Jonathan Briggs, Corporals. — Theophilus Grossman, Joseph Spurr, Joel Briggs, William Verry. Drum. — John Wetherell. Privates. — Masa Basset, Thomas Bass, Samuel Bailey, John Bates, Obadiah Brintnell, Jonathan Clark, Ebenezer Cane, Banfleld Capron, Caleb Dunham, Abraham Derry, Peter Derry, John Dunbar, Ichabod Eddy, Ezra Eddy, John Field, Israel Fisher, Calvin Fillebrown, WiUiam Hodges, Zebulon Hodges, John Hall, jun., William Lane, Ephraim Knap, Timothy Leonard, Paul Lincoln, Jonathan Mebu- ren (?), Daniel Phillips, Ichabod Randall, Solomon Skinner, Enoch Story, Asa Smith, William Story, Benajah Tucker, Jesse Tupper, Stephen Thayer, Benjamin Trow, Ichabod Willis, Permer (?) Wood, John White, Timothy Wellman, Josiah Willis, Ezra Willis, Levi Woodward, Abiathar Shaw, Seth Tiffany.1 The following men from Norton enlisted for one 1 Revolutionary Rolls, vol. iii. p. 182. REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 405 1 year, from Jan. 1, 1778, in Capt. Joseph Cole's com pany, of Bridgewater : — Seth Smith, Asa Newcomb, Elkanah Hall, Ichabod Eddy, LevTWoodward, John Cobb, John White Tirnothy Skinner, Elias Eddy, Simeon Wetherell, John Gilbert, Masa Basset. In Capt. Isaac Hodges' company, engaged in Rhode- Island service, we find these names. Most of them were from this town. David Keith, Isaac White, Lewis Sweeting, Nat Freeman, Alexander Keith, James Newcomb, John White, Ehab Darby, Edmund Macomber, Abiel White, Joel Briggs Thomas Gro ver, Alexander Balcom, Thomas Braman, Samuel Bailey, Obadiah Brintnell, Stephen Briggs, Benjamin Braman Levi Babbit, Rufus Clap, Abijah Clap, Asa Clap, William Clark, William Dunham, James Fillebrown, Asa Fillebrown, Cor nelius Gibbs, George Hodges, Elijah Hodges Abial Leonard Lac Lincoln, Isaac Lathrop, John Newland, Nathaniel Prior, Seth Pitts, John Patten, Phillip Pratt, Jesse Randall, Beniamin Shaw, Joshua Stearns, Eliphalet Sweeting, Robert sffiner/ Mase Shepard, Asa Smith, William Stone, James Stone, Benjamin Tiffany Seth Tisdale, William Verry, Peer Wellman, Royal White, Asa Wellman, Abnah Wetherell, Simeon White, Seth Williams, Benjamin Homes, Ebenezer Burt, Samuel Copeland, Stephen Cilley, Daniel Pratt. These men were draughted from Norton in 1778 for nine months' service : — Thomas Jenkins, Peter Deny, David Hodges, Joshua Smith, Thomas Bass, Ephraim Knapp, London Morey (ne gro), rejected, William Axtell. Ephraim Lane was a lieutenant-colonel in Col. Tho: mas Carpenter's regiment, Rhode-Island service, from July 24 to Sept. 9, 1778. He was also a lieutenant- colonel in Col. John Daggett's regiment in 1775, called out by the alarm at Lexington, 19th ol April. For 1779, the Committee of Correspondence, &c, were William Cobb, William Homes, Esq., Daniel i Revolutionary Rolls, vol. i. p. 109. 2 Ibid. vol. xx. p. 57. 406 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. « the01aboveame:»C°mmittee ™ app°illted *> -S men 'nprSietrS ^^ " t0 pr0CUre the above count bSe L tol^tle rT».Can' Md la/ *«* ac' and it should be allowed" Ad^T? Pa/ment' " for the cone's service " "" PUrP°Se °f raisillS men shmhfgs!L\(mTet0SSnc;bb **<> rnds> iihiete- night, and fin^g^KbrerkL?^^^18 °"e meetiiS 8^^779 S*?^"™' fop a to™" sideration a letter from til ' UU,d<£ their C011" regard to the d fficu Z 5 f™ -°f B°stoa' witl1 under] for wan of supPl e of tlT * *°W. tlah°™S from Norton ? K. ™,,d ,bu„l ft" »Ioiers on dntj oonapn,^^^^ t XgeT to'Ttf™11';;;'? service in Rhode Tsla,,ri ¦ J? our months' find a few names of men from SJT °f V-7?' We here record : — m thls town> wlners were sent dressed in short red coats; checked tt, Itf^r.? the lower flo°>-> stnpes two inches wide; stockings of the Z C-V"?e,llelOT the k»ee pearance was novel and exciSn? H ' ,nn™ k,nd of cl°'l'- Their ap-' cannot say." These were h3 .2 ong they continued in Norton r fast Mr. Cobb wuplidf ^ the men for whose lodging and to£k- Revolutionnry Rolls, vol. ii. p. 51. REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 407 The years 1779 and 1780 were probably the saddest and darkest known during the whole war. The cur rency was in a very depreciated condition. To such an extent was it reduced, that, in 1780, fifty or sixty dollars of bills of credit were worth only about one dollar in specie. This state of things added very much to the difficulty of procuring recruits for the army, and of providing food and clothing for those already enlisted. For 1780, the Committee of Correspondence, &c, were William Cobb, William Homes, and Daniel Dean. June 16, voted to raise such sums of money as shall be sufficient to pay the eighteen men, to be raised for the continental army for six months, by a tax on the ratable polls and estates; and a committee were appointed to raise said men. Then " voted that the committee procure the sd. 18 men upon the best terms they can, and lay their accounts before the town." It vyas probably found difficult to induce the men to en list; and therefore, as an incentive, it was, June 23, '_' voted that those persons, who shall inlist voluntarily into the six months' service before four in the after noon next Monday, shall be exempted from their poll- tax during their service." Adjourned to the Monday following (June 26) ; then " voted to give the men that shall engage in the six mouths' service twenty-four pounds, as a bounty ; to be paid in Indian Com, at 35. per bushel ; and Rye, at 4s. per bushel ; and Bar Iron, at four dollars per hundred ; or the same sum in Gold or silver paid down ; and exempted from paying any poll-tax for six months to come, or during their service this campaign." Adjourned to last Wednesday of August. July 4, the town decided to raise the twenty- two men, called for from this town for tliree months, by.: a tax on the polls and estates; and offered, as a bounty to those who would enlist, " twelve pounds, to be paid in silver money." Afterwards voted " to 'pay the twelve pounds' bounty, in Bar-Iron, Rye, Indian Corn," at the prices offered for the six months' men, and to "excuse them from their poll-tax in proportion A 408 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. to' the six months' men, according to their time of service." Also voted to give the four men now called for, in addition to the eight men called for (for six months) by a resolve of the General Court of June 5, 1780, " the same bounty as was given to the eighteen men." Chose a committee " to raise the 22 men for three months." The full quota of men was not raised July 6. It was then ordered, that those men draughted and mustered shall be entitled to the same bounty as those that enlist. Voted to raise five thousand pounds' tax forthwith, to pay for the horses purchased in this town. On the last Wednesday of August, the bounty of twenty-four and twelve pounds had not charmed the full number of men desired into the ranks of the army; and hence, on that day, the town empowered the com mittee to go into any other town, where they can be insured that they have got their quota of six and three months' men, and hire the men now wanting for this town. Oct. 9, the town "voted to raise £1,108.— 5s.— 0., in silver money, to pay the Bounty to the soldiers that were hired the summer past." Also " voted to Mr. Nathaniel Prior 210 pounds, old continental money, for going, himself and team, to Tiverton with the soldiers last August." The same day, " voted to choose a person to purchase the beef called for (by a Resolve of Gen. Court) from this town ; " and Major Silas Cobb was chosen to make the purchase. Oct. 16, it was " voted to raise £1,100.-0.-0. for to pay for the beef and trouble." Dec. 25, " voted to raise such a sum of money as to enable the town to pay each soldier that shall enlist into the continen tal service for three years, or during the war, three hundred silver dollars each ; one hundred paid soon, one hundred paid in one year, and the other hundred in two years, with interest." Iu the alarm of August, 1780, Capt. Israel Trow marched to Rhode Island at the head of a company of REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 409 men, whose names we here record ; all of whom are supposed to have belonged to this town : — Joseph Hodges, first lieutenant; Jacob Shepard, second lieutenant ; Benjamin Wild, Elkanah Lincoln, David Lin coln, Jonathan Newland, James Newcomb, Joshua Pond, Rufus Hodges, Joseph Andrews, Sylvanus Braman, Samuel (?) Blandin, George Briggs, Daniel Basset, Joseph Burt, Elijah Briggs, David Balcom, Noah Clap, John Clap, Jere miah Cambell, Theophilus Crossman, Paul Cook, Tisdale Hodges, George Hodges, Elijah Hodges, Joseph Howard, Abijah Lincoln, Levi Lincoln, Seth Pitts, Thomas Story, Asa Smith, Araunah Smith, Zebulon White, Joel White, Abijah Wetherell, David Wetherell, Josiah Wellington, Elkanah Wilmarth, Abiathar Macomber, Amos Martin, Nathan Perry, Elijah Danforth, Samuel Hunt, Seth Williams, Eleazer Walker, Jacob Shaw, Nathaniel Freeman, Noah Woodward, Jesse Hodges, William Copeland, Samuel Copeland, Josiah Hodges, William Stone, William Norton, Jonathan Hodges, Peletiah Day, Joseph Wellman, Ichabod Perry, William Wetherell, Ebenezer Wetherell, Elisha Capron, Daniel Phil lips, James Davis, Nathan Dean, Nathaniel Wood, Silas Cobb, John King.1 Capt. Seth Smith commanded a company in the Rhode-Island service this year, probably all Norton- ians ; whose names were — Ephraim Lane, lieutenant; Hezekiah Willard, William Makepeace, Nathan Cobb, Daniel Knapp, Isaac Hodges, Ed ward Darby, George Cobb, Benjamin Stanley, John Hodges, Jabez Briggs, David Arnold, Phineas Briggs, Thomas Bra man, Benjamin Blandin, Joseph Matthews, John Briggs, Isaac Basset, Nathan Dean, Ephraim Eddy, Ezra Eddy, John Hall, Zephaniah Hodges, Abiel Lincoln, Oliver Leonard, Calvin Morey, William Stone, Nat Stone, Seth Smith, Bena jah Tucker, Benjamin Tiffany, William Verry, Simeon Weth erell, John Wetherell, David Woodward, Samuel Willis.2 Capt. John Allen was also absent six days with a company in Rhode-Island service. We give the names of those from this town : — 1 Revolutionary Rolls, vol. iii. p. 177. 35 2 Ibid. vol. xxiii. p. 66. 410 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. REVOLUTIONARY WAE. 411 Jacob Shepard, lieutenant ; Isaac Hodges, Jonathan Briggs, Rufus Hodges, Nathan Dean, John Hodges, Joseph Andrews, John Arnold, David Balcom, Sylvanus Braman, Isaac Bas set, Benjamin Blandin, William Carpenter, Paul Cook, Noah Clap, Ephraim Eddy, Elijah Eddy, Tisdale Francis, Zepha- niah Hodges, Joseph Howard, Oliver Leonard, Levi Lincoln, William Newcomb, Solomon Newcomb, Josiah Newcomb, Nat Prior, Abisha Smith, Araunah Smith, Thomas Story, Samuel Stevens, John Tisdale, Jacob Tiffany, Elkanah Wood ward, James White, James Wetherell, Simeon Wetherell.1 In Capt. Jabez Barney's company of Swanzey, at West Point, August, 1780, were the following men from this town. The first two served for the town of Mansfield ; the remainder, for Swanzey. Isaac Morey, lieutenant ; Levi Francis, jun., John Cam bell, John Prior, Brian Hall, Vincent Cambell, Benjamin Holmes, John Martin.2 In the six months' service, in 1780, 1 find the follow ing list of men from Norton, made up by the select men : — Jedediah Tucker, Daniel Hodges, Ichabod Pitts, Jabez Newland, Isaac Stone, Vincent Cambell, Henry Howard, Samuel Willis, John Hall, Benjamin Holmes, Israel Smith, Daniel Hodges, 2d, Daniel Burr, Jonathan Hodges, Benjamin Fuller.8 The following is a list of the men raised in Norton, agreeably to a resolve of the General Court, passed Dec. 2, 1780 ; the term of service, three years : — Samuel Sherman, Benjamin Fuller, Elisha Capron, Joshua Fuller, Timothy Tucker, Abiathar Macomber, Henry Hay- ward, Jacob Briggs, Samuel Eddy, Francis Guillow, Sey- more Burr, Seth Capron, Benjamin Chotsey (?), Cuff Free man, Jedediah Tucker, Ezra Hodges.4 Jan. 8, 1781, the town "voted so far to comply with the Resolve of the General Court Respecting 1 Revolutionary Rolls, vol. i. p. 7. ? Ibid. vol. iv. p. 184. 2 Ibid. vol. i. p. 61J. 4 Ibid, vol. xxiv. p. 418. Beef as to procure sd. Beef, or the money ; also voted! to raise £204. 3s. 0d., silver money, in addi tion to the £1,108. 5s. raised Oct. 9, 1780, — to be devoted to the same purpose. The Committee of Cor respondence, &c, for 1781, were Silas Cobb, Israel Trow, and Noah Wiswall. March 5, " voted to give the men, called for to go to Rhode Island for forty days, four pounds and ten shillings per month, including whatever shall be given them from this commonwealth, or any other way from the publick." In the summer, the General Court called upon the town to supply the army with six thousand seven hun dred and sixty-eight pounds of beef, twenty-eight shirts, twenty-eight pair of shoes and stockings, and fourteen blankets. July 16, it was "voted to comply with the requisition of the General Court respecting Beef ; and £120 silver money was raised to pay for it, and Capt. Ephraim Burr was authorized to purchase it at fourpence per pound : " and it was ordered, " that there be a clause inserted in the warrant for our fall meeting, to raise a sum of money to pay for clothing." It was also " voted to give the men, that shall go into the three months' service, twenty silver dollars per month, and the town to receive their wages from this commonwealth, and that each man have five dollars advance pay." We find but few names of soldiers to record lor the year 1781. In January of this year, there were in the Continental army, from Norton, enlisted in the years 1777-79-80, for three years, or during the war, — Josiah King, Cffisar Morey, Joseph Pratt, Lathrop Knapp, John Harridon, Josiah King, Anthony Morey, Jacob Allen, and William Wellman.1 On the 19th of October, Lord Cornwallis and his whole army laid down their arms at Yorktown, Va., 1 Revolutionary Rolls, vol. xxix. p. 113. 412 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. as prisoners of war, to the combined forces of France and the United Colonies ; which event was the virtual termination of the war, although the articles of peace were not formally signed till nearly two years after wards. The town-records are almost entirely silent relative to the war after the siege and surrender at Yorktown. At the March meeting in 1783, the selectmen were chosen " a committee of correspondence and Safety," March 1, 1784, the town "voted not to give the continental officers any extraordinary pay." Rev. Isaac Braman wrote me, that, " Towards the close of the Revolutionary war, a hen's egg was found about a mile south of the church, on which was written in raised letters, ' Piece to America.' This was thought by the ' Hoi Polloi ' to be a true prophecy, — that Peace was soon to take place. I was a little more than 12 years of age, but knew the difference between Peace and Piece, and was convinced that it was an imposition." And such, no doubt, it was. Here, then, we must bid adieu to the war, which forms the greatest era in our country's history. We do not suppose we have recorded the names of all our citizens who served in defence of their coun try's rights. It is to be regretted that the names of all who were engaged in the war were not entered upon the town-books. Had this been done, our list of Revolutionary pa triots would no doubt have been much longer than it now is. Yet we would also remember, that the victory was not won by those alone who met the enemy face to face amidst the din of clashing arms, and the shrieks and groans of the wounded and dying. For those who remained at home, and who furnished the " sinews of war," and took care of the families of those absent ; who, out of their poverty, furnished provisions and clothing for the army, and cheered them on through all their reverses, trials, and discouragements, — and among these we must reckon the mothers, wives, and REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 413 daughters of the soldiers, — we would not withhold the praise justly their due. We cannot, it is true, record their names ; they stood not so prominently before the eye of the world: but their heroism was none the less real on that account ; and we trust their patriotism and self-sacrifice will never be blotted from our country's remembrance. Although the war released our fathers from the des potism of England, it left many of them under the despotism of irreligion and immorality. The whole nature of war is demoralizing in the extreme. In cor roboration of this idea, we will quote a passage from Rev. Pitt Clarke's " Historical Sermon." Speaking with reference to the causes of waning morals among the people of Norton, he says, — "The French war, and the revolutionary contest with Great Britain, produced great changes in the morals of the people, and, in particular, led to a greater disregard to the Sabbath, and public worship. War is not only the scourge of nations, but a very corrupting engine to the people. It breaks down the barriers of peace and order. Its bad effects are extensive and lasting, if they can ever be repaired. Its in fluence was great in corrupting the morals of this town as well as other places ; in consequence of which, many of the past and present generations have lived in total neglect of the Sabbath, and sanctuary opportunities. We find but few instances of those, who were long in the army, returning to their homes with any regard to the Sabbath, or institutions of religion." With this testimony against war, without the least desire to impugn the motives of the Revolutionary patriots, we close the chapter. 35' 414 MILITARY HISTORY. CHAPTER XXIX. MILITARY HISTORY. " Man is a military animal ; Glories in gunpowder, and loves parade." P. J. Bailst. Op the early military history of the town, we can learn but little. About 1698, a military company was formed in the North Purchase, and that part of the old town of Taunton now included in Norton. George Leonard was the first captain, commissioned by Richard, Earl of Bellamont, Governor of the Province. It is believed that Samuel Brintnell was the first lieutenant; and Nicholas White, ensign. It will be remembered, that, in the precinct controversy, the " military line " was desired by the petitioners to be the southerly line of the precinct. This " military line," I suppose, was the bounds between the North-Purchase Company and the other company at Taunton Town. By a law of 1693, the following persons were exempted from mili tary duty : viz., Councillors, Representatives, Secretary of the Province, Justices of the Peace ; the President, Fellows, Students, and Servants of Harvard College ; Masters of Art, Ministers, Elders, and Deacons ; Sheriffs and their Deputies, Physicians, Schoolmasters, Coro ners, Treasurers, Attorney-General, Clerk of Courts, Constables, Ferrymen, Millers, Officers of the Revenue, Masters of Vessels, Herdsmen, lame persons, Indians, and Negroes. For many years previous to the separa tion of Mansfield from Norton, there were three mili tary companies in town, whose limits were as follows: The first company embraced all the territory of the South Precinct westerly of Rumford River. The second company was in the North Precinct (Mansfield) ; and the third company embraced all the South-Precinct ter- MILITARY HISTORY. 415 ritory easterly of Rumford River.1 I have found a list of these three companies for the year 1757 ; of which Major George Leonard, jun., had the command oi the first • Col. Ephraim Leonard, the second ; and Capt. bun- eon Wetherell, the third. We regret that want of space compels us to omit these names. In the lists of town- officers which we have given in Chapter XX. will be found attached to their names the titles of most of the military officers previous to the Revolutionary war. I have been unable to find, except in one or two cases, the date of any military commissions previous to 177b. After the incorporation of Mansfield, the two iniantry companies of Norton (one on each side of Rumford River) continued till about twenty years ago. In 1834 the military system of Massachusetts was revised, which gave the deathblow to all but the volunteer companies ; and hence we find no commissions issued to officers of the old infantry company after that time. The following persons were captains of the infantry company, on the west side of Rumford River, between 1781 and 1834. The date of their commissions, in parentheses, immediately follows their names. Joseph Hodges (July 1, 1781) ; Ebenezer Titus (Aug. 4, 1789); Zebulon White (Aug. 20, 1792); William Morey (Sept. 25, 1797) ; Jonathan Hodges (March 26, 1798) ; Ru fus Hodges (May 5, 1801) ; Seth Hodges (Dec. 3, 1804) ; Asa Arnold (March 23, 1807); Lemuel Arnold (Nov. 21, 1808) ; Sanforth Freeman (June 15, 1815) ; Alvin Perry (May 1, 1819) ; Ichabod Perry, jun. (June 26, 1821) ; Isaac Braman (May 30, 1822) ; Mason Stone (March 30, 1826) ; Almond Tucker (Oct. 25, 1828) ; Thomas Carpenter (May 14, 1832.) We here give the names of the captains of the com pany, east of Rumford River, from 1781 to 1834 : — l For many years, in taking the valuation of the town, the same division ¦was observed, — George Leonard heading the list westerly of Rumford River; Simeon Wetherell, that on the easterly side of said river; and Ephraim Leonard, at the head of the North-Preoinot list. We suppose they were placed first because they were considered the leading men in their part ot the town. 416 MILITARY HISTORY. David Clap (July 1, 1781) ; Eeuben Tisdale (May 28, 1789) ; Isaac Makepeace (July 16, 1790) ; James Godfrey (Sept. 26, 1803) ; Lysander Makepeace (March 24, 1806) ; Asa Knowles (Feb. 15, 1808) ; Terry Crane (May 18, 1811); Jacob Shepard (May 17, 1812); Laban Lincoln (Aug. 9, 1819); Thomas Copeland (June 6, 1820); Lyman Eddy (May 6, 1824) ; Daniel Briggs, jun. (Aug. 26, 1826) ; Hennary Newcomb (April 30, 1830) ; George B. Crane (April 16, 1833). In 1776, the Norton Artillery Company was organ ized, _ and George Makepeace was commissioned as captain. This company remained in Norton (a portion of its officers and members belonging to other towns) till 1854 ; when its name was changed to Light Infant ry, and the company was removed to Foxborough. The two field-pieces in the possession of the company were returned to the State ; and the Gun-house, near the Pound, was sold. At the time the name was changed, and the company removed to Foxborough, it was the oldest military company in the State.1 The following are the names of its commanders (with the date of their commissions) who have belonged to Norton. A few captains, whose residence was in other towns, we have omitted from this list. George Makepeace (Oct 31, 1776) ; Ephraim Lane, jun. (1787) ; Daniel Knapp (March 26, 1790) ; Benjamin Blan din (Dec. 28, 1795); John Gilbert (May 7, 1799) ; Samuel Hunt (March 9, 1802); Thomas Danforth, 2d (Aug. 27, 1804); Elisha Crossman (June 14, 1810); Isaac Lane (May 14, 1812); David Lane (Aug. 22, 1814); George Walker (May 20, 1817) ; Lemuel Perry (Sept. 22, 1821) ; Calvin Lane (March 31, 1824) ; George Lane (Feb. 5, 1827) ; Simeon Blandin (March 8, 1828) ; Ira Richardson (April 16, 1833) ; Earl Hodges (Sept. 24, 1836) ; Carlos Freeman (April 9, 1836) ; Don F. Lane (July 4, 1839) ; Benjamin S. Hall (April 24, 1841); Luen C. Leonard (May 13, 1843) ; Carlos Freeman (May 24, 1844) ; Jacob 1 Adjutant-General's Report, January, 1855, pp. 26, 27; where also may be seen a copy of a commission to Ephraim Lane, as second lieutenant of said company, dated Oct. 31, 1776. MILITARY HISTORY. 417 T. Shepard (Aug. 30, 1851) ; Benjamin M. Round (April 27, 1853). There was also, for some years, a horse company, a portion of whose members belonged to Norton ; and the following Nortonians were captains of it: — Tisdale Hodges (Dec. 16, 1793) ; Daniel Smith (May 24, 1810) ; Pliny Puffer (Aug. 22, 1823). The following comprise a list of those from this town, who, since the Revolution, have risen above the post of captain, or held a commission of the same rank : — Brigadier- General. — Silas Cobb (Aug. 2, 1792). Colonels. — Silas Cobb (May 26, 1788); Isaac Braman (Sept. 9, 1826) ; Mason Stone (Nov. 3, 1832). Lieutenant- Colonel. — Simeon Wheeler (Jan. 14, 1819). Majors. — Thomas Fobes (Sept. 26, 1794); Zebulon White (Aug. 1, 1803); Brian Hall (April 20, 1797); Isaac Braman (Oct. 1, 1825) ; Earl Hodges (July 10, 1844).1 Adjutants. — Isaac Morey (Oct. 2, 1788) ; Ephraim Ray mond (June 14, 1791) i. George Palmer (Aug. 30, 1797) ; William Lane (May 7, 1799) ; Thomas W. T. Bicknell (Oct. 4, 1812) ; Ephraim A. Raymond (April 23, 1829) ; John B. Newcomb (March 30, 1833). WAR OF 1312. We find but little to record relative to the war of 1812-15. From the following votes, we infer that the war was not very popular in Norton. Aug. 24, 1812, the town met, in obedience to a petition of Silas Cobb and others, to consider whether a continu ance of the war was necessary, &c. " Voted, that a continuance [of the] war was not necessary nor expedient under existing circumstances." — " Voted, that an alliance with France is not desira ble. Chose three delegates to attend a County Con vention to consult together for the common good," &c. The latter part of June, 1814, the Norton Artillery 1 He did not accept tbe commission. 418 MILITARY HISTORY. and the other half went to Boston, and were absent about six weeks. A portion of th infantry cornea nu, were also draughted into service about VeJ2£ Nov 7, 1814, a meeting was held « to take into con tfsee if\ t V^T °f Be"jamin Horton an" hers, to see if the said town can or will fully compensate those that have been or shall be called into th?seSice of our country this season or year " At the meeting, « Voted to choose a committee of five persons to take into consideration the abovenamed petition, and report at this meeting " 1 he committee reported « that they think it exnedi nrislon d'oS t0 ^ UP the W^s of ^ch non-Sm- Sr month toZ^ PnVate S°ldier t0 fifteei1 do11^ was accepted llDg g°Vemmeif W-" This report service durin7intghi)erSOnS fr°m N'0rt°n Were called ^ set vice aunng the war; viz. Isaac Lane, David Lane, Lemuel Perry, Asa Danforth Samuel Hunt, George Walker, Josiah HoLfllfen L™ Calvin Lane, Samuel Copeland Enos Dean, Ebenezer Burt' Thomas Sweet, George Wetherell, Ebenezer M Lbcol ' Daniel Morey Stillman, Smith, Newton Sweet, Hen" B fohnR ma^rBlLai?.an'jUn- Ezra Macomber, Moses Hunt 2? Id Wilbur0 T CCTr' ™ab Thompwn, Samuel Hun ^d, Joel V7ilbur, Jonathan Knowles, Elijah White John T Whtting Joseph Fuller, Simeon Dean, Allen Derry Alfred' WWII Hph6rSt p "^/^ Pa"en' SPencer M°i J-es Wis»all Henry B. Hodges, Abijah Dean, John Gilbert Stephen Hodges, Daniel Guillow, John Penno, Pele^Wes ' Wilhams Keith, Sylvanus B. Braman, Andrews Braman Perry Atherton, Sylvester Round, John Russell, Levi Bowen' Horatio Field, Kingman Richmond, Reuben Wilbur, John In Edrlv' IT B'aTdiu' E'ijah Ed^' Baraard Dean, Ly man Eddy, Solomon Lothrop, jun, Benjamin Blandin, jun , MILITARY HISTORY. 419 Josiah Wilbur, Abiathar Knapp, Tisdale Lincoln, George Hodges, jun, Charles Danforth, Leonard Hill, jun, William Lane, jun, Adoniram Hodges, Elisha Crossman, Nathan Dean, jun, William Dean, Gulliver Dean, Albert W. Godfrey, So lomon Leonard, Jedediah Packard, Daniel Lane, Asaph White, Philip Andrews, William Sweet, Zelotes Wetherell, Lawrence Hunt, Oliver Hunt, George Lane, John Freeman, jun, Zopher Skinner, David Godfrey, Alanson Cobb, Ephraim French, Augustus White. POWDER AND AMMUNITION. In " An Act for regulating of the Militia," passed by the General Court in 1693, it was ordered, " that there be a Stock of Powder and Ammunition in each town provided, and from time to time, as there is need be, renewed by the selectmen." The stock was to consist of a barrel of good powder, two hundred pounds of bullets, and three hundred flints, for every sixty enlisted soldiers, and in that proportion, whether more or less. The penalty for neglecting to have such an amount on hand on the 1st of May each year was " five Pounds." The selectmen were empowered to make a rate to purchase the ammunition, &c. I do not find any action of the town relative to the matter till Oct. 2, 1722, when it was " voted that Joseph Pratt, Treasurer, shall Recover all the money that is dew to the towne for stray creters that have bin taken up, and deliver it to the selectmen for to Gitt a towne Stock of Powder and aminition with ; and sd. Pratt shall be Paid out of sd. money for his Reasona- bell charges." May 13, 1723, at a meeting " warned to Provide a Towne Stock of amenition," it was " voted that they would Refer the Gitting of a stock of amenition till the Representative should Go to Boston, that he might send word what the minds of ye Court ware consarning the Precent; Baring a Part of Gitting sd. amenition, and to have a meeting before July Court again." We do not find, however, that they had " a meeting before July Court ;" but, on the 1st of November following 420 MILITABY HISTORY. a vote is passed "that the Interest money that is dew to the towne of Norton and sd. North Purchase, for Stock Tp T1'' "Y1 b6 Laid 0ut t0 Gitt a toVne North PuSras:.""" ammeiUCi0n f°r S~ the ordination taking pastor ^ SePtemb<* following. He is still thf The sabbath school connected with this society num bers about seventy pupils. The number of volumes in the Sunday-school library is five hundred twenty- seven, v Upon the subjects of temperance and slavery, the opinion and feeling of the church have been frequently expressed. Soon after its organization, a vote was passed that no person should be admitted who should not first signify his assent to the temperance pledge Deacon Lysander Makepeace2 and John Patten wire Sem^l" ISol"' ^ C°Uege fa "46' and from the And°™ Theological r^two^huZn' ^ marrfed MU8 Martha °- SaW*er' of Charlestown; and oFFreZl^A^t*™^0* 0f WiUiam *nd Ann (Joh'nson) Makepeace SSji! l#5 1W1) ™ Widow^Cbet^MXS^^aTetr £* Previous to the formation of the Trinitarian Society, he had been m„,w years deacon of the Congregational Church (see p. 218). He was four UeS,V°wS ffi£SS, &£ JPSSSS. ~ « *»«««» * «» Makepeace Fan,,. WESLEYAN-M.ETHODIST SOCIETY. 475 the first deacons. Deacon Makepeace resigned during the ministry of Mr. Allen ; and Mr. Seabury Thayer, resident of Taunton, was chosen his successor. Dea con Patten resigned Jan. 3, 1850 ; and, on that day, Jesse H. Blandin was chosen to fill the vacancy. He and Mr. Thayer are the present deacons. CHAPTER XXXVI. WESLEYAN-METHODIST SOCIETY. 14 On account of the rigidity with which its people adhered to method in the ob servance of religious duties, they were first derisively called Methodists." — William R. Clark. In May, 1849, a few persons — members of the Re formed Methodist Church at Rehoboth, encouraged and assisted by others — commenced a Wesleyan- Methodist meeting at Barrowsville, and employed the Rev. David Culver as their minister. The following winter, a meeting-house was erected by donation, in which the slips were to be rented yearly for the support of preaching. In April, 1850, Rev. Solomon P. Snow began his labors among them ; and, on the 3d of May, a church was organized, which adopted the Wesleyan-Methodist discipline. It consisted of ten members, as follows : Rev. S. P. Snow, Maria J. Snow, Joseph Snow, Nancy Snow, David Cummings, Roxellana R. Cummings, Al bert S. Tucker, Abigail Tucker, Jonathan J. Stanley, Polly Jones. years a selectman of the town, and two years a tithing-man. He married Sarah Wild, Sept. 11, 1794; and had twelve children. She died June 21, 1842; and he married, for second wife, Mrs. Eunice Sweet, April 18, 1847. He died Jan. 24, 1869. We had the promise of his lithograph for these pages, and regret that it has not been furnished. 476 WESLEYAN-METHODIST SOCIETY. Their house was dedicated to the worship of God on the 8th of May, with appropriate services, by Rev. J. W. Horton, of Taunton ; Rev. William H. Brewster, of Lowell ; Rev. G. Clark; of Attleborough ; and Rev. S. P. Snow, the pastor. Rev. Mr. Snow continued his labors as pastor until April, 1854 ; when Lewis P. At- wood, a licentiate, was engaged to labor with them one year. In April, 1855, Rev. John A. Gibson com menced his labors among them. He remained till April, 1858 ; and was succeeded by Rev. James Dixon, the present pastor.1 There is a Sunday school connected with this church, of nearly sixty scholars ; and a library of about five hundred volumes. The Wesleyan-Methodist connection originated in a secession from the Methodist-Episcopal Church on ac count of slavery and church-government, and differs from them principally in the following particulars : — In the Methodist-Episcopal Church, slaveholders, and the makers, venders, and drinkers of intoxicating liquors, are allowed to be members. Three orders in the ministry are practically recognized. The entire government of the church is in the hands of the ministry. There is but one church throughout the United States. The Wesleyan Methodists exclude from membership all slaveholders and apologists for slavery, and all dis tillers, dealers, and drinkers of ardent spirits. They acknowledge but one order in the ministry. Laity, as well as ministry, take part in the government of the church; and the churches in different localities are distinct churches. 1 There are some Methodists who reside in the north-easterly part of the town, and attend meeting at one of the Methodist churches at East Mans field. There are also some Nortonians who attend meeting at the Christian Church in West Mansfield ; and Jason F. Alden, of this town, is one of the deacons of that church. COLLEGIATE HISTORY. 477 CHAPTER XXXVII. COLLEGIATE HISTORY. " Oh, this learning ! — what a thing it is ! " — Shakspeabe. In this chapter, we give a short notice of the graduates of college who were born in Norton, or spent a por tion of their early years here. Where no place of birth is mentioned, it is to be understood that they were born within the present limits of the town. We have abbreviated a few words that are often repeated : viz., H.U., Harvard University; B.U., Brown Univer sity ; D.C., Dartmouth College ; Y.C., Yale College ; grad., graduated. We have been obliged to condense these sketches more than we originally intended. Rev. Nathaniel Leonard (grad. H.U. 1719) was the first graduate from this town. He was the son of Major George and Anna (Tisdale) Leonard ; and was born March 9, 1700. He was called to settle as pastor of the First Church in Plymouth, Feb. 13, 1724 ; and was ordained on the 29th of July following. On ac count of ill health, he resigned in the spring of 1756 ; and in June, 1757, he removed with his family to Norton, and resided at Barrowsvillo till his death, June 11, 1761. The slab that covers his grave is sunk almost beneath the surface of the earth. Oct. 22, 1724, he married Miss Priscilla Rogers, of Ipswich, by whom he had sixteen children. " He was a gentle man more inclined to the active than the studious life, but should be remembered for his useful services as a minister, and for his exemplary life and conversa tion."1 Rev. Samuel Veazie (grad. H.U. 1736) was the History of Plymouth. 478 COLLEGIATE HISTORY. son of Samuel and Deborah (?) Veazie, and is sup posed to have been born at Braintree, Jan. 8, 1711. His father resided at Norton at the time he entered college, and for some years subsequent to his gradua tion. He married, Aug. 6, 1742, Deborah Sampson ; and had two or more children. Oct. 31, 1739, he was ordained at Duxbury. During the Whitefield revival, he became a convert to the " new-light " doctrines, which caused dissatisfaction in his church, and finally led to his dismissal, April 18, 1750. He was settled at Hull, April 12, 1753 ; and died Dec. 3, 1797, — one account says at Hull ; a another, at Brunswick.2 For further account of him and some anecdotes, we refer the reader to the " History of Duxbury." Hon. George Leonard, LL.D. (grad. H.U. 1748), was the son of Col. George and Rachel (Clap) Leonard ; and was born July 4, 1729. He studied law, and established himself in his profession at Norton. He married, Nov. 27, 1759, Experience, daughter of Hon. Samuel White, of Taunton ; and had two daughters. Until the death of his father, he resided at the house on the high ground beyond his father's. He subse quently occupied the old paternal mansion, a picture of which we have given on page 86. Mr. Leonard held more and important offices than any other citizen of Norton ; having been Register of Probate, a Royal Coun cillor, Judge of Probate, Judge, and Chief-Judge of the Court of Common Pleas ; Representative to Congress, State Senator, Representative to General Court, Mode rator of Town-meetings, Town-clerk and Treasurer, Selectman and Assessor, a Colonel in the militia, &c.3 Ho died July 26, 1819. Rev. Pitt Clarke, who knew him intimately, says he " was a lively pattern of those regular and virtuous habits, which, in general, are a pledge of a long life." On the probate-books at Taunton, vol. lvi. p. 85, &c, immediately following his i History of Duxbury. 2 Winthrop's Interleaved Triennial Catalogue. 3 See Chapter XX. 478 COLLEGIATE HISTORY. .;•¦. ihdvrah (?) Vcazie, and is v.;.. v.- '¦'¦-¦:¦.! born at Braintree, J:ui. 8. li'i'. ¦'.'.' Hen at Norton at the time he . nten-. ¦. : -!.... i"r muhu years subsf'-[UiMit to his - .w ij i! '; • if- ,)i:rrii.'d, Aug. 'i, 1742, J 'eborah S;mn^.u(: .-¦; - i.:ui i»'u or more t-'iild ren. Oct. 31. 1739, hi' '¦¦¦..>. i o.'iir-i at DuxUny. During the Whiteiiahl re\i..,. ho oecame a eomeit lo the " new-light " dociriin- v, iiii'it caused d' -satisfaction in liis church, and fiiin, ied to bib di.>i.ui-sul, April 18, 1750. He was scitied ;.. Hull, Api ;T 12, 17,03; and died Dec. .", ITuT, — on< account e.^s at Hull;1 another, at Brunswick.2 Fe furihc" account of him and some aneee'oies, we rot'. , the reader to the "History of DuxLmr', .'' ILei. Gkoroi; Leonard, LL.D. (grad. ILL. 1748.' war the son of Col. George ami Pucnel (Clap) Leonard idi-L was born July 4, 1729. He. studied' law, am! ;;..t. 1/lished himself in hi> profession at Norton, ih ir:;-. s-ri'jil .Nkiv. 27, 1759, Experience, daughter of llui- .Saujoei •¦'.¦ and -i -.itjae-' than any other cith.cu o; ^ '¦",!¦< •' ".'i?(i'i' of Probate, a Royal Coiui- •¦!"!". ?'.i.J;,eo; i'i. *'ud'_.t-; aud Chief-Judge of th. ;.'•_¦;.. i ; '¦¦un...;:, fie!. io.'jii (tentative to Oongre--:- '-•.. i .-'¦ iia.1.;:', ;o'i"'re.-ei:iij'..ve to General Com I, Moil" i.. ,.i.r »' r^v-.-ni^c'nj-a, Tosvu-cicrlc and Treasure! - iv i.uimu ;ox'i i\.--o--.-or. a Colonel in The militia. habits, which, in genera!, are |j!-.-t;Mi of a lung life." On the prohmc-K.o-ks '. Ta.! i. ,:i, vol, Ivi. p. £5, &a., immediately following In-, r! •¦„; :( \>.> am oi' Ch, rciiiou t all his real estate m the tosva. ..oo «{-- what Was due lion there, to 1JC used m sappou. ot « I ungt ^,j,o„at mo.n,icr. He was buried at Mam-fteU ; and the town ol' ('hirer, out erected the monuine! ; over his gr.ov,1 whs. t ,..-y- "His genius was bright iind pnnni.-i.'.y ; !,i„ oi oar j , en- ver.sation piecing and insti uutive; hi.-, pi.bbe).- [,,':;;,lm.li,',"; devout, manly, mid gnici-fuh "The new Country in whh-h he .,••.;,.,! ,.,)f.in'.l ,u »•,,)•. field for his useful Labors. In wliieh bis r, ahi'u;-8 to .¦!,.• '.-,' & fervent z-ai for his Ma.-ter';; Cau-e, iir^.-n hiej b.-y,,,..e. V' sfrono-tl, uf his Constitution, & brmrjh- on the ii'hirsV'a whir! !:(.- eo. o, 1747. He was a chaplain in the Revolutionary war, but was never settled as a minister, la the au tumn of 1777, or the winter of 1778, he and his half- brother Lewis (then a member of Yale Collide) weut on a privateering expedition; hut were taken bv the Lritish, carried to Halifax, and put on hoard a nri- ni- sh.p: where, having suffered greatly, he died previous to March a*. 1778, when his will was proband at launtoii. He studied divinity with Rev. Mr L amine 01 ^¦'i»U»;. ' and married Man- Pnoe (a -aster of Mrs' J'a'.;,'-U '> "'''- -f-h vugm with v. '.rinlry face," but left no is- ne-. " ' Hon. LAB„h ,'.!jF.u,n C^rao H C. 1774, Wu< a futhorc- hhv ,;,<„ .,,-, already tMou^;; ,„,h. a% Jl0rii> March iMto4,in ihe \hv,h ,"-,Yl„- , v, .\','.".. v* '' , ' ; after graduating at i.h ;,.., *•;..,.< ,. „Mfn,,a V 7'-'j with Rev. Abiel Leer, .., '¦¦ I'.^'-l .'l ,. , " uJ' 1 Massachusetts Gazette and News-letter, Oct. 14, 1773. collegiate history. 483 and was born in the North Precinct, July 6, 1751. He was ordained pastor of the Congregational Society at Claremont, N.H., Feb. 19, 1772. He died at his father's, house, in Mansfield, June 24, 1773. He be queathed to the town of Claremont all his real estate in the town, and also what was due him there, to be used in. support of a Congregational minister. He was buried at Mansfield ; and the town of Claremont erected the monument over his grave,1 which says, — " His genius was bright and promising ; his private con versation pleasing and instructive; his publick performances devout, manly, and graceful. "The new Country in which he settled opened a wide field for his useful Labors, In which his readiness to oblige, & fervent zeal for his Master's Cause, urged him beyond ye strength of his Constitution, & brought on the illness of which he died." Nathan Morey (grad. H.U. 1774) was the son of Thomas and Lydia (White) Morey; and was born Dec. 5, 1747. He was a chaplain in the Eevolutionary war, but was never settled as a minister. In the au tumn of 1777, or the winter of 1778, he and his half- brother Lewis (then a member of Yale College) went on a privateering expedition ; but were taken by the British, carried to Halifax, and put on board a prison- ship ; where, having suffered greatly, he died previous to March 26, 1778, when his will was probated at Taunton. He studied divinity with Rev. Mr. Barnum, of Taunton ; and married Mary Price (a sister of Mrs. Barnum), "a stale virgin with a wintry face," but left no issue. Hon. Laban Wheaton (grad. H.U. 1774) was a brother of Rev. George, already noticed ; and was born, March 13, 1754, in the North Precinct (?). He pre pared for college at the Wrentham Academy; and, after graduating at the university, studied theology with Rev. Abiel Leonard, of Woodstock, Conn. He l Massachusetts Gazette and News-letter, Oct. 14, 1773. 484 collegiate history. preached at sundry places ; and was at Framingham about four years, where he was invited to settle, but declined so to do. He then entered into mercantile pursuits in connection with a classmate, with whom he was connected three or four years, when the firm became bankrupt. When more than thirty years old, he commenced the study of law with Mr. Kent, of Watertown ; and, on the completion of his legal studies, opened an office in Milton. In 1788, he removed to bis native town, and had here a very extensive practice ; and, with the most rigid economy, acquired a large fortune. He was a man of great intellectual power, deeply versed in legal knowledge, and applied himself most assiduously to his professional duties ; standing for many years at the head of the Bar in Bristol County, and doing much business in the courts of neigh- borino- counties. He was eight years a Member of Congress ; also Chief-Justice of the Court of Common Pleas and of the Court of Sessions ; several times a Representative to the State Legislature; and other wise much employed in offices of trust and responsi bility by his townsmen (see Official History). June 1, 1794, he married Fanny Morey (his cousin), and had four children, two of whom died young. Soon after the death of his daughter (Mrs. Strong, of Boston), in 1834, he conceived the idea of establishing (with the portion of his estate he had designed to give her) a female seminary ; and soon after founded the school at Norton which now bears his name, and appointed a Board of Trustees, of which he was chosen chairman, and held that position till he died, March 23, 1846, at the advanced age of ninety-two years and ten days. Isaac Hall, Esq. (grad. H.U. 1775), was the son of Brian Hall ; and was born in Boston, Aug. lb, 17od (!). His father moved to Norton before Isaac entered col lege and ever after resided here. Mr. Hall studied law and died soon after entering upon his professional i For more particulars of him, see Funeral Sermon by Rev. Sylvester Holmes. COLLEGIATE HISTORY. 485 career. His tombstone, in the " common graveyard," informs us that he was an attorney-at-law, and that he died Dec. 14,1779,aged twenty-six. In the "Providence Gazette " of Jan. 29, 1780, may be seen a notice of him, which says, " His learning, abilities as a lawyer, and strict adherence to the principles of virtue, ren dered him dear to his friends, an honor to his profession, and highly esteemed by all his acquaintance." Rev. James Briggs (grad. Y.C. 1775) was the son of Deacon James and Damaris (White) Briggs, already noticed; and was born Jan. 17,1745. His father, being a Baptist (and the son not adopting those notions), declined to assist him in acquiring an education ; and therefore he was thrown upon his own resources. He is believed to have worked at blacksmithing till he was able to meet the expenses of a liberal education. He was settled the first minister of the Congregational Church in Cummington, July 7, 1779; and is supposed to have preached there some two years previous to his ordination. I have been able to learn bat little respect ing him. He is said to have been " a very useful and respectable minister." He married, Oct. 19, 1780, Anna Wiswall, of this town, by whom he had children ; and one of his grand-daughters, Miss C. A. Briggs, is the author of a volume of poems, and is now the wife of Charles Mason, Esq., of Fitchburg. He died Dec. 7, 1825. Rev. George Morey (grad. H.U. 1776) was the son of George, jun., and Mary (Hodges) Morey; and was born Dec. 18, 1750.1 After completing his theological studies, he received invitation to settle at Hanover, Mass., and Oxford, N.H. ; which he declined. He was ordained a Congregational minister at Walpole, Nov. 19, 1783 ; where his labors continued till May 21, 1826, when he retired from the active duties of his office. He married, June 22, 1784, Anna Palmer, of this town, daughter of the second minister ; by whom 1 Town-records. In his Funeral Sermon, it is stated that he was born ' Dec. 18, 1749, old style." 41* 486 COLLEGIATE HISTORY. he had six children. For second wife, he married, n October, 1818, " Widow Joan Gay." During his mi nistry, "he was. never detained by sickness from the services of the Sabbath more than once, and then by a hoarse cold merely. His mind was strong ; his talents were of the useful kind ; while his judgment of men and things was excellent." He died July 26, 1829.1 Dr. Samuel Morey (grad. Y.C. 1777: see Physi cians). Rev. John Crane, D.D. (grad. H.U. 1780), was tho son of John and Rachel (Terry) Crane (who were Friends) ; aud was born March 26, 1756: He studied theology with the celebrated Dr. Emmons, of Franklin. In 1782, he commenced preaching at Northbridge, and was ordained there as the first Congregational minister, June 25, 1783, where he remained till March 14,1832, when he resigned his pastoral relations, but was nomi nally pastor till his death, Aug. 31, 1836. He married Rachel Taft, and had three children. His mind was strong, penetrating, and well cultivated. In addition to his clerical duties, ho carried on a farm, taught school many years in his own house, and assisted in preparing more than one hundred young men for col lege ; wrote about four thousand sermons, and preached about two hundred extemporary ones. For several years, he represented Northbridge in the General Court.2 Jacob White (grad. H.U. 1780) was the son of Isaac and Hannah (Hewes) White, of the North Pre cinct ; grandson of Deacon Nicholas White ; and was born July 31, 1757. The first part of his collegiate course was spent at Yale ; but he left there at the close of his junior year. He died of consumption, at Mans field, July 19, 1785. Calvin Crane (grad. D.C. 1785) was the brother of Rev. John Crane ; and was born May 13, 1764. i For further notice, see Funeral Sermon by Rev. Daniel C Sanders. 2 See Blake's History of the Mendon Association. collegiate history. 487 He studied theology with Rev. Mr. Judson, of Taun ton, but was never ordained. In the spring of 1787, he was appointed tutor of his alma mater, and as sumed the duties of his office in May of that year, with the privilege of preaching as he had opportunity; but a pulmonic disease compelled him, in the autumn of the same year, to seek a milder climate. He ar rived at Charleston, S.C., Nov. 21 ; but he continued to fail till Dec. 26, 1787, when death claimed its victim. He was never married. Rev. Mase Shepard (grad. D.C. 1785) was the son of Thomas and Content (White) Shepard ; and was born May 28, 1759. He was the grandson of Jacob. and Mercy (Chickering) Shepard, who settled within the present limits of Foxborough about 1703 ; great- grandson of Thomas aud Hannah (Ensign) Shepard, of Maiden.1 Mr. Shepard fitted for college with Rev. William Conant,of Lyme, N.H. ; and studied theology with Rev. E. Judson, of Taunton. He was ordained pastor of the Congregational Church at Little Compton, R.I., Sept. 19, 1797; where, after an efficient ministry of thirty-three years, he died, Feb. 14, 1821.. He married, July 6, 1788, Deborah Haskins, of Boston, and had nine children. His early years were- spent in manual labor on a farm. He was a man of commanding presence, powerful voice, and distinguished for the interest which he won in the affections of all classes of the community in social conversation. He was not a close student, but excelled in his pastoral visits, and in his appeals' from the pulpit, which were extemporaneous.2 Dr. Oliver Tiffany (grad. D.C. 1786) was the son of Dr. Gideon Tiffany, already noticed ; and was born June 24, 1763. "He was a pleasant, amiable young man, but not distinguished as a scholar." He studied medicine at Philadelphia, Virginia, and Massachusetts, and became quite eminent in his profession. Helo- 1 Letter of L. M. Boltwood, Esq. 3 American Quarterly Register, vol. xii. 488 collegiate history. cated at Ancaster, Canada West, where he became very wealthy ; and died, unmarried, May 7, 1835. Hon. George Tiffany (grad. D.C. 1786) was a brother of the preceding; and was born June 20, 1765. He studied. law at Albany, N.Y. ; and became a pioneer practitioner at Schoharie, N.Y., where he resided many years. Previous to entering upon his professional duties, he taught school at Providence, R.I. ; and, with his brother Oliver, had charge of the first academy at Albany, N.Y. He held the office of commissioner and State senator of New York, and a colonel of cavalry. He married Polly Frize (?), and had eight children. Having been some years a widower, he removed to his brother Oliver's at An caster, C.W. ; where he died, Jan. 3, 1842. Oliver Leonard, Esq. (grad. B.U. 1787), was the son of Jonathan and Eleanor (Cambell) Leonard ; half-brother of Hon. Cromwell Leonard (see Official History) ; and was born Feb. 3, 1764. After gradu ating, he kept store a year or two, near where Mr. Rogerson's store now is ; and is believed to have set out the large elms in front of Mr. Rogerson's store, about 1789. He studied law with Judge Paddle- ford, of Taunton, and Stephen Dexter, of Newport, R.I. ; and was admitted to the bar in 1791, and soon commenced practice at Taunton, where he remained three or four years. From thence he went to Orring- ton, Me., where he did an immense legal business. He subsequently took up his residence at Bangor, on the opposite side of the river to Orrington. . He was a representative in our Legislature several times while Maine was a district of Massachusetts ; and was a man of fine talents and au interesting debater, but rather extravagant in his style of living. In June, 1797, while attempting to force open his own house, — which had been taken possession of by an Irish man,-^ two balls and a large wad were shot through his body, but did not cause his death. He married, in 1797, Mrs. Sarah Fletcher, of Newport, R.I. (whose first husband, William Fletcher, was a surgeon in one collegiate history. 489 of the British regiments in the Revolution) ; and died childless, Jan. 3, 1828. Rev. John Briggs (grad. B.U. 1788) is supposed to have been the son of Simeon and Mary (Cheney) Briggs; grandson of Deacon John Briggs, "the eldest," one of the first settlers here ; and was born May 17, 1765. He was ordained a Congregational minister at Tiverton, R.I., Dec. 7, 1791 ; and was dismissed from his pastoral relations there, Oct. 21, 1801. Dec. 2< 1801, he was settled at Plympton, and continued there six years and a half. Subsequently he removed to Vermont (another account says New Hampshire), and settled upon a farm ; where he died, Sept. 18, 1811.1 Rev. Stephen Palmer (grad. H.U. 1789) was the son of Rev. Joseph and Sarah (Eames) Palmer ; and was born Oct. 8, 1766. During his early years, he suffered much from sickness. Two or three times, his life was despaired of; and once the family were in formed that he was dead. In 1782, he broke his arm badly, which left him with a stiff elbow. This circum stance, and his previous feeble health, caused his father to consent to his seeking for a liberal education. He commenced fitting for college, May 15, 1784, at Wren tham, under the tuition of H. Townsend ; and finished his preparatory studies with Rev. Mr. Haven, of Ded ham. In his autobiography, — from which I have taken most of the materials for this notice, — he says, " I passed the four years at college without receiving any public censure ; and, through the restraints of Divine Goodness, without any stain upon my moral character." Until the death of his father, he studied theology with him, and thenceforth alone. His first sermon was preached July 24, 1791, in the pulpit of his uncle, Rev'. Mr. Ellis, of Rehoboth. He preached as a candidate, at Attleborough (where he was invited to settle), Norton, and Needham; and received an invitation to settle in the latter place, June. 11, 1792 ; l American Quarterly Register, vol. xii. p. 268, and vol. viii. p. 167. 490 collegiate history. which he accepted, after about eight weeks' delibera tion. Oct. 17 was set apart as the day of ordination ; but, on account of the prevalency of the small-pox in the town, the ordination did not take place till Nov. 7, 1792. He continued his pastoral relations with the society till he died, Oct. 31, 1821, — just thirty years and one day after preaching his first sermon to the people of Needham. About two years previous to his death, he had a stroke of paralysis, which prevented the discharge of his pastoral duties, and finally ter minated his life. He was a most excellent Christian minister, much beloved by his parish in life, and deeply lamented in death. He married, May 22, 1794, Miss Catharine, only daughter of Rev. Mr. Haven, of Dedham ; and had four children. Daniel Wheaton, Esq. (grad. H.U. 1791), was the son of Dr. George Wheaton ; and was born in the North Precinct, Sept. 10, 1767. He studied law, and located in the south-easterly part of Easton, on what is called the " Bay Road." He was appointed Post master for the towns of Easton, Norton, and Mansfield, about 1798 ; and his was the first post-office established within the ancient limits of Norton. He married Hannah Le Baron Goodwin, Feb. 3, 1794 ; and had six children. She died July 31, 1831. His second wife was Mary R. Goodwin (sister of first wife), mar ried Sept. 20, 1832. She died Nov. 14, 1834 ; and he subsequently, for third wife, married Hannah Le Baron, of Bristol, R.I. He died Sept. 11, 1841. Rev. Isaac Braman (grad. H.U. 1794) was the son of Sylvanus and Experience (Blanchard) Braman ; the grandson of Daniel and Rachel (Cambell) Braman ; great-grandson of Thomas Braman, sen., one of the first settlers of. Norton ; and was born July 5, 1770. His father died when he was about twelve years old ; aud he was placed under the care of a guardian, who, for some years, opposed his plan of seeking a collegiate education. But the determined spirit of young Isaac finally triumphed, and he commenced preparation for college when in his eighteenth year. He studied theo- COLLEGIATE HISTORY. 491 logy with Rev. Samuel West, D.D., of New Bedford ; and with Rev. Jason Haven, of Dedham. Near the close of«the year 1795, he commenced preaching, and soon received a call to settle at Medway; which he declined. After the parish had heard sixty-three candi dates, he went to New Rowley (now Georgetown), and, by great prudence and shrewdness, succeeded in harmonizing the conflicting elements of the society : so that he was called to the pastoral office, and was ordained June 7, 1797; which relation he continued to hold till his death, Doc. 26, 1858 ; though, for sixteen years, he had a colleague. He married, Aug. — , 1797, Hannah, daughter of Rev. Mr. Palmer, of this town ; and had by her five children. His second wife (married March 22, 1837) was Miss Sarah Balch, of Newburyport. Mr. Braman " was a Calvinist of the old school." He always read his sermons, and was much confined to his " notes : " but his mind was logi cal and clear ; his style chaste, concise, and somewhat racy. He was naturally rather reserved in his man ners, and hence shone not in the social circle. He was quite conservative in his notions, and took little interest in what are called the " reform movements of the day." In 1852, a fine steel engraving of him was made ; but it is too large for our pages, or we would have inserted it. Timothy Briggs (grad. B.U. 1794) was the son of Deacon Timothy and Abigail (Patten) Briggs ; and was born Aug. 3, 1771. After graduating, he was offered a tutorship in his alma mater ; but declined it, having previously made arrangements to enter into mercantile pursuits. In the prosecution of his busi ness, he went south, and there took the yellow-fever ; of which disease he died, unmarried, soon after reach ing the harbor of Boston, on one of its islands, Sept. 1, 1797. ,. In the .'f Columbian Centinel " of Nov., 22, 1797, is an obituary notice of -him; but, by. some almost unaccountable blunder of the writer or printer, he is there called John Briggs. The writer says, " His understanding was penetrating; his taste truly refined 492 COLLEGIATE HISTORY. and elegant ; and his heart, to a remarkable degree, social and sympathetic." — "While literature mourns in him the loss of a shining son, and our cowntry one of her most promising citizens, his memory v ill live in the heart of his acquaintance, and point them to the true dignity of man." David Gilbert, Esq. (grad. H.U. 1798), was the son of James and Elizabeth (Williams, 3d) Gilbert ; and was born June 11, 1771. Some years after his birth, his father removed to Mansfield, and resided there at the time David entered college ; who, after graduating, studied law with Judge Wheaton, and located at Mansfield, where he remained till he died, Sept. 12, 1842. He married, Feb. 17, 1800, Deborah, daughter of Rev. Roland Green, of Mansfield; and had seven children. Rev. Gardner Braman Perry, D.D. (grad. Union College, Schenectady, N.Y., 1804), was the son of Nathan and Phebe (Bramau) Perry ; and was born Aug. 9, 1783. He fitted for college at the academy in this town, and entered Brown University; but, in 1802, left for Union College. After graduating, he was about one year Principal of the Ballston Academy, N.Y. Thenceforth, till 1807, he was tutor in Union College. He then assumed the charge of the academy at Kingston, N.Y. ; where he remained till 1812. On the 28th of September, 1814, he was settled as pastor of the Congregational Church at East Bradford (now Groveland); where he continued as sole pastor till 1851, when a colleague was called. His amiable dis position and affable manners have won for him general respect ; and his advice and counsel have been often sought in both civil and ecclesiastical difficulties. "While earnestly engaged in his ministerial duties, he has not forgotten other collateral means of elevat ing and blessing the world. With unfailing assiduity, he has done what he could to elevate the character of the common schools in his town and vicinity ; and his opinions upon educational matters have been highly valued. But probably in the temperance reform his 40;: nt.vruitv, u-ui '¦ ''": hi.-, heart, to a remarkai ibj degree, "'¦" i: ¦'•' ei-iictic." — '" While litcratu.tr mourns '' :l ""' •'!¦"¦ e-t' a shii ag son, and our country one i'tonjirdii;'- eu.ions, his memory ¦/ wi'livu in ,1 iiih in'; lamtauee, und point tlnhn to the , a'nlty iii' n. /Ui." Ihv'.tD G.'ei.F.ai, Esq. (grad. H.U. 1798). was the .an of Jat.oas ami Elizabeth (Williams, 3d) Gilbcit; and was hons June 11, 1771. Some years alter his birth, his lather removed to Mansfield, and resided there at the time David entered college ; who, alter grniuating, studied law with Judge Wheaton, and located at Mausficld, where he remained till he lied, Sept. 12, 1842. He married. Feb. 17. 1800, Deborah,, daughter of Kev. Roland Green, of Mansfield and had b"ven children. h'ev. Gakdner Braman Pfjruy, D.D. (grad. Lnion C. oge, Schenectady, N.Y., 1804), was the .')) o i\atban and Phebe (Braman) Perrv ; and was born An.-, h, 1783. He fitted for college at ihe academy m '.",-- toun, and entered Brown University; but., iii ..-o.., w(> fur Union College. After graduating, lie ; ¦ .'• ''¦'"¦¦} •¦"-'-* V'&r Principal of the Lallston Aeadenn , ¦' '; '''ho . , o.iii i,ll 1807, he was tutor in Union ' '¦¦'"¦' '-''//'M' i^,"l! -Jd the charge of the ai-adcm;-' :- ¦ ¦ "'¦ he remained till 1812. Oi'i ' '-'¦•i I''-. .. '-'"M 4, he was settled as pastor .'"t".---'i'-.a.!i ' , ;.<; ..c„ii,ie t^-jiine,.. h.. ve won for him genera! respect; and Lis ad . ke and cet.nsel have been often sought in both eiwl and ecclesiastical f Gflicul tii.-s While earnestly engaged in liis ministerul duties. he has not forgotten other collateral means of elevat iii'j and^blcssing the world. Willi unfailing asshlui;.: h- .is done what he could to elevate the character ', > '•'' 'inmo'i schools in his town and vicinity ; rnd opinions upon educational matters have been highly valued. But probably in the -temperance reform his V fcrtChj^r />. /zsisyy collegiate history. 493 labors have been more conspicuous than in any of the moral movements of the age ; and, so long as his physical strength would permit, he was a most efficient worker and officer in various temperance societies. Even now, in the winter of life, his interest in the good cause is unabated ; for he feels that it is of God. He married, May 22, 1816, Maria P. Chamberlain, of Exeter, N.H. ; by whom he had one child. His second wife (married July 20, 1819) was Eunice Tuttle, of Acton ; by whom he had four children. He married, for third, wife, Sarah Brown, of Grafton, May 22, 1827; and they have had four children. Dr. Tisdale Hodges (grad. B.U. 1804) was the son of Tisdale and Naomi (Hodges) Hodges (descended from William, who was at Taunton in 1643, through John, John, and Edmund); and was born April 21, 1783. When a boy, the calf of his leg was so badly cut with a scythe in the hands of his brother, who was mowing, that he ever afterwards was lame. He was a physician ; and died, unmarried, on board of a ship, near the coast of Africa, about 1808. Capt. Dauphin King (grad. Burlington College, Vt., 1810) was the son of Capt. Josiah and Miriam (Cobb) King, grandson of Capt. Josiah and Ruth (Basset) King, great-grandson of John and Margaret (Winslow) King ; and was born Oct. 15, 1790. When young, his father removed to Burlington, Vt., where he remained till some years after his graduation. He subsequently returned to Norton ; and, for many years, was a suc cessful " sea-captain." In the winter of 1852, he sailed for Rio Janeiro ; but, when a few days out from New York, he was struck with paralysis, and was put ashore at Port Praya (one of the Cape de Verd Islands), where he died May 20 of that year. In his manners, he was very blunt, and somewhat eccen tric ; but a straightforward man, a good neighbor, and a valuable citizen. He married, Oct. 2, 1825, Harriot A. Raymond ; and had three children by her. She died Jan. 11, 1840. His second wife was Hannah C. 42 « I 494 collegiate history. D., daughter of Rev. M. Allen, of Pembroke ; by whom he had one son. Dr. William Perry (grad. H.U. 1811) is a brother of Rev. G. B. Perry, just noticed ; and was born Dec. 20, 1788. He labored on the paternal farm till seventeen years of age, when he commenced preparing for college under the tuition of Samuel M. Pond (a law student with Judge Wheaton), and entered Union College ; but, the next year, left for Harvard. He studied medicine with Dr. James Thatcher, of Ply mouth ; Dr. John Warren, of Boston ; and at the Medical School of Harvard College. The degree of M.D. was given him in 1814 ; and he immediately located at Exeter, N.H., where he has continued to the present time, having had a very extensive practice in that vicinity, and been quite distinguished both as a physician and surgeon. By his sound judgment, accurate discrimination, and careful attention to his patients, he is still esteemed one of the best prac titioners in the county where he resides. From 1830 to 1835, he paid great attention to the subject of insanity ; and mainly to his influence and exertions, by the delivery of lectures before the Legislature, which did much to concentrate public opinion in favor of an Insane Asylum, are the community indebted for that institution, which was soon afterwards erected at Concord, N.H. In 1836, he was appointed lecturer on the theory and practice of medicine at the Bowdoin- College Medical School, in Brunswick, Me. The next year, he was offered a professorship in the Medical School there, but declined to accept it. He has paid much attention to the practical application of chemistry to medicine and the arts, and first introduced into this country the manufacture of what was called " English gum," which was used in the print-works at Lowell for twenty years, till a substitute was found. Dr. Perry married, April 8, 1818, Abigail, daughter of Hon. Nathaniel Gilman, of Exeter, N.H. ; and has had five children. Hon. Nathaniel Godfrey Babbit (grad. Middle- 494 D.l( ho ' rK illsTOKV. t^*"!!* .'!- Aileu, of Pembroke-; bv; whom Hi ..'iHticd .oouth ; Medic; ¦"¦¦1 (grad. ILL. 1811) is a brother '•'T ju*i noticed; and was h. m t labored on the paternal harm till ¦i'-n-t, oi agf, when he commenced prenarn <>¦ ^ under tho tuition of Samuel M. Pom! ,' ' ~ ¦out vnth Judoc Wheaton), and entered Union <.; he paid great attention to the subject of and mainly to his influence and exertions "eiy ot lectures before the Legislature. mcii if concentrate public opinion in favor ¦ -\-..lum. are the community indebted for ^'o ^'ueh was soon afterwards erected at 'f ^-n 1 hod, he was appointed lecturer or ;o« practice of a.edicino at tho Bowdoh; ¦.'¦at v hool, iu lh imsiviek, Me. The next. ¦i'U:.cd a professorship in the Medic. I •¦, '"'.'t declined to accept it. He has n '¦¦>¦ much attention to the practical application of chemiWrv ' to medicine and the arts, and first introduced into tlA country the manufacture of what was called "Etmbh gum which was used in the print-works at Lo',e"; ;or twenty years, till a substitute was found ])'¦ rerry married April 8, 1818, Abigail, daughter' .,, Hon Nathaniel Gilnian, of Exeter. NH • trd ! •'. had five children. Hon. Nathaniel Godfrey Babbit (grad. Middle- U..-1' hi t. i'. at. ./, ¦School thin-. u hii-hit (see Physicians); ¦¦¦I'-ail, with his lather to West- .kU.'I tor o,))h..,r(; ;,.t the acadomv 'h-'eir' '.iivhs, :\T Jl. Ll0 studied hL i-;-o . am,; hv. Governor liuh- burv -i.'i ;•'.: ,-•¦¦;, \ was the ...<¦¦ , : and went, '¦¦<¦¦,. mordand. .-, '.,\ lil NllWiin;.' Vt., lav v, ,;•¦¦ Ihouri 1 h'.o ,(„ ri.. V... ,!• i i- "pen.'U a hi'rt "d''' ^iit'st Postnmst.e , 'to Westmoreland, where h,., /,¦;, :;.;.:e;..-. 18-li', when lie was ajjjfoc;)..'* ,.». /•(,,> Common Pleas for Pin .>-nj t-,; r,..,h\, ofTiee he held till 1 V, ¦:,;.,, -*.«„,, t '. ',':„, modelled, And the ohi h. jws 1'h\r;hn "v'i duties. ! luring ();,. rvvw/t, Vy. ,„¦' ^"j '\' Postmaster of Wc, rivs,- ¦,;u,1^ - V.-.-i ;--.,, 'j^;i clerk, i-clecttufi,, •*... a<- t. ,h. ¦','-" A '"", '^>^j -,na :', Bti,-/'. 4 t. 'ii of 1814, o d '.vas the : . • ft'0\ . d i'.-.. tin" V! It ¦?!.. -.i:...-h 'I.:, ft Cl'v '.;¦ "'>-.'. tl.ru a.' t 'i'i t /" l-> Brews,,.; a..".i has k ..! ;'..... Ihlh, :yj;... .hiciren \ he tv..,4..d,t ,,, Ueloit, ,,';,., So' roside'wuh. hi! Rev. To.,-,; ,. , -HEf.^n, D.D. (KJ,ui. B.f. 1813), **„ bom M;,y < , 1 , yj ; and is the son of Jacob and Lydia (Clapp) aliepard. Rev. Mase Shopard, alreadr no ticed was his uncle. Dr. Shepard graduated "from the Andover Iheological Seminary in 1816, aud for a ume, acted as agent of the American Bible Society He was ordained pastor of the Congregational Church • n Ashtield Tunc 1;>, "1819; and, at his reques, w,;s d stmsseci May 8, 1^;}, for the purpose of acr-i'..i'.- theagmuv f.,- V,,, Euirlai.d of the Anerh,- (hi"/- ;-oete.y; ,. ;,;,;, ; .,;^,(ll„.,,j r.-.i,,,,,,,;,;, ,j" .'".j ',".' t>;. k. ; , i......i ;,;-, ;/•;,,_ ;, ;J,;"-^ ' '.;',.'¦'%•' '". ,""''; and Prudence (Wtts; winte.' ue was' *\artJ iT" town H;wad ^^ d f£ many ^earS in his ^tive town. He was the first Postmaster of Norton. In COLLEGIATE HISTORY. 495 bury College, Vt., 1811) was born Feb. 12, 1787 and was the son of Dr. Nathan Babbit (see Physicians) • and went, when quite small, with his father to West moreland, N.H. He fitted for college at the academv in Newfane, Vt., and Chesterfield, N.H. He studied law with Daniel D wight, Esq., and Ex-Governor Hub bard, of New Hampshire ; and, in the fall of 1814 opened a law-office in Hinsdale, N.H., and was the first Postmaster of that town. In 1815, he removed to Westmoreland, where he continued in practice till 1842, when he was appointed Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Cheshire County, N.H. ; which office he held till 1855, when the courts were re modelled and the old judges dismissed from further duties. During the presidency of J. K. Polk, he was Postmaster of Westmoreland ; and he has been town- clerk, selectman, &c. He married, Dec. 1, 1816 Miss Eunice Brewster; and has had three children. In 1858, he removed to Beloit, Wis., to reside with his son. v. Re^THOMAS Shepard, D.D. (grad. B.U. 1813), was born May 7, 1792 ; and is the son of Jacob and Lydia (Clapp) Shepard. Rev. Mase Shepard, already no ticed was his uucle. Dr. Shepard graduated from the Andover Theological Seminary in 1816, and for a time, acted as agent of the American Bible Societv He was ordained pastor of the Congregational Church in Ashfield June 15, 1819; and, at his request, was dismissed May 8 1833, for the purpose of accepting the agency for New England of the American Bible Socie y ; which he subsequently relinquished, and was installed pastor of the Congregational Church in Bris tol R.I. April 30, 1835, where he still officiates as pastor. He married Sarah Barrett, of Northfield ; and has had nine children. Earl Percy White, Esq. (grad. B.U. 1813) was born ju„e 4, 1790 ; and was tht son of Major ZebuTon and Prudence (Pitts) White. He was a lawyer by profession, and practised for many years in his native town. He was the first Postmaster of Norton In 496 collegiate history. 1817, he married Juline Everett, and had seven chil dren. He was a man of fine talents, but did not apply himself very closely to his professional duties. In June, 1837, he removed to Illinois; and died at Copperas Creek, in that State, January, 1849. Benjamin Copeland, Esq. (grad. B.U. 1815), was born May 11 or 14, 1791 ; and is the son of Samuel and Eunice (Danforth) Copeland, and the grandson of Deacon Benjamin Copeland. He studied law, but never practised to any great extent. He now resides at Clarendon, N.Y., and is quite extensively engaged in mercantile and agricultural pursuits. Hon. Laban Morey Wheaton (grad. B.U. 1817) was born Sept. 14, 1796; and is the son of Hon. Laban Wheaton, already noticed. He studied law, but never has given much attention to the duties of the profession. For many years, he was Postmaster of Norton ; has three times represented his native town in the Legislature ; been twice a member of the Governor's Council ; and also one of the Trustees of the State Industrial School for Girls, at Lancaster. His father bequeathed him a large estate, and he is now much the wealthiest man in town. He married Miss Eliza B. Chapin, of Uxbridge, June 25, 1829 ; but has had no children. Rev. Daniel Le Baron Goodwin (grad. B.U. 1822) is the son of Daniel and Polly (Briggs) Goodwin ; and was born in Easton, July 28, 1802. Within a year or two after his birth, his father removed to Norton, where he spent the remainder of his days. Mr. Goodwin's mother is sister of Timothy Briggs, who graduated in 1794. May 23, 1825, he was ordained in St. Paul's Church, Boston, and, on the 15th of July following, took up his residence in Sutton as an Episcopal clergy man ; where he remained till April, 1854, when he removed to Providence, R.I., where he is still em ployed as a " church missionary " for the city. In December, 1825, he married Rebecca, daughter of William Wilkinson, Esq., of Providence, R.I. ; and has had ten children. 496 COLLEGIATE HISTORY. 1817.dre,,. i, a. ne 'V':'Ht '"'"•' ;i',; ";r Iv-'frett, and had seven ehil- !<" *•'•'• • ".n uf fine talents, but did not y closely to his professional duties. ¦> ne removed to Illinois; and died at ">'!¦-¦'' 'cck, in that State, January, 18-10. >¦ >>-,.*i:.-, Copeland, Esq. (grad. B.U. 1815), was '¦- .'day 11 or- 14, 1791; and is the son of Sarnuei •i'o Lumec (Danforth) Copeland, and the grandson n Lcacon Benjamin Copeland. He studied 'law, but tever practised to any great extent. He now resides at Clarendon, N.Y. , and is quite extensively engaged m mercantile and agricultural pursuits. Hon. Laran Morey Wheaton (grad. B.U 1817) was born Sept. 14, 1796; and is the son of lion. Laban Wheaton, already noticed. He studied law. but never has given much attention to the duties of the prolession. For many years, he was Postmaster of .Norton; has three times represented his native town in the Legislature; been twice a member of the Go*, amor's Council; and also one of the Trustees of the UNM.- hum liUICi h.h. Industrial School for Girls, at Laneasti r. hequeathed him a large estate, and he is d '¦ wealthiest man in town. He married ?'• l'.itiiu, of Uxbridgc, June 25, 1829 ; h;,<\ I, . ' ¦; li'Cn. '?•¦'.'- u-m.;. i.i '< ...re- fiuonwiN (grad. B.U. 1822 1 is ;•'..- .'.¦-¦> •'an:.! a;„; i" .;tv hhiggs') Goodwin : ai d rva.- ,.,.;, i;; f.,,rj:,, Jn'.y i .? , \.->-2 Within a year ,,r tWo ',,:.'. ;- ;; ;.,,-(;,, !,). i;Ui;e:t i , . ;>,: , e- ! to Norton, wile 1 c : !"!- ' "'.'Older of las days. Mr. Goodwin's Msiej vi Timothy Briggs, who graduated May 2d, 1825, lie tun ordained in St. Paul's Church, Boston, and, on thc_ loth of July followim.:, took up hi.-, residence in Sutton as an Episcopal elei-v- man ; where be remained till April, 1854, when 'lie removed to Providence, R.I., where he is still em ployed as a •'chitreh missionary" for the eitv. In Dcece.ner, 1825, he married Rebecca, d.umlnvr o>' V, ::ii:iii) Wilkinson, Esq., of Providence. R'.l anc h^i .a.h r,LTi ciiildrcu. mother in 1791. Uf. hyl Uroarhet t-CM- T COLLEGIATE HISTORY. 497 Hon. John Jones Clarke (grad. H.U. 1823) is the son of Rev. Pitt and Rebecca (Jones) Clarke ; and was born Feb. 24, 1803. For many years, he has been in the successful practice of law at Boston ; but resides at Roxbury, of which city he was the first Mayor. He was a representative from Roxbury to the General Court in 1836, and again in 1837; and, in 1853, was a member of the State Senate. He married Rebecca Cordis Haswell, of Roxbury, May 25, 1830 ; and has had two children. Rufus Hodges, Esq. (grad. B.U. 1823), was the son of Leonard and Hannah (Peck) Hodges (descended from William of Taunton, through Henry, John, and Andrew) ; and was born April 12, 1799. After gradu ating, he removed to Cincinnati, 0., where he became distinguished as a lawyer, and was much respected by his friends and acquaintances for his talents and moral worth. He was the author of the first " Record of the Families in New England, of the Name of Hodges ; " and died, unmarried, Jan. 8, 1845. Dr. Richard Foster Sweet (grad. B.U. 1824: see Physicians). Rev. Henry Bradford Goodwin (grad. B.U. 1825) is the son of Daniel and Polly (Briggs) Goodwin ; and was born April 16, 1802. He was ordained deacon of the Episcopal Church in July, 1829, at Richmond, Va. For a few months in 1830 and 1831, he had charge of an Episcopal Church in Saco, Me. In May, 1832, he was ordained priest in Alexandria, D.C; being' at that time, Rector of St. Paul's Parish, Prince-Georo-e County, Md. In 1840, he became rector of a church in Houston, Texas ; and, although he remained there but a few months, he has never formally resigned his charge. In December, 1832, he married Anna Parn- ham, of Newport, Md. ; and has had two children. In 1858, he resided at Newport, Md. Rev. John Davis Sweet (grad. B.U. 1829) was a brother of Dr. R. F. Sweet, already noticed ; and was born June 22, 1807. He graduated from the Theo- 42* 498 collegiate history. logical School at Cambridge in 1832 ; and was ordained pastor of the Unitarian Society of Southborough, Sept. 25, 1833. He left there Sept. 21, 1835 ; and, Oct. 25 of the same year, was settled as pastor at Kingston, where he remained till Oct. 16, 1842. On the 1st of December following, he took charge of the Bristol Academy at Taunton, and continued there till May 21, 1844. From thence he went to East Boston, where he taught a private school, supplying vacant pulpits in the meau time for about two years, when he entered into the flour business, in which he continued till his death, Dec. 29, 1852. His body was buried at Kingston. July 10, 1837, he married Angeline De lano, of Kingston ; by whom he had three children. Rev. Joseph Hodges (grad. Waterville College, Me., 1830) was the son of Joseph and Sally (Gilbert) Hodges ; and was born in Taunton (a few rods from Norton line), May 19, 1806, but lived most of the time, previous to entering college, in this town. He is of the seventh generation from William of Taun ton, and the fifth Joseph in regular succession.1 He graduated from the Theological Institution at Newton in 1833, and was ordained pastor of the Baptist Church in Weston, Nov. 18, 1835, where he remained four years. Subsequently, he preached at Amherst and Coleraine ; and has been pastor of the churches at Palmer (Three-Rivers Village), East Brookfield, and North Oxford. Since 1855, he haslieen in the employ of the American and Foreign Bible Society, and resides at Cambridge. He married, Nov. 30, 1835, Rosabella Stockbridge, of Bath, Me. ; and has had six children. Rev. James Briggs Goodwin (grad. Williams Col lege, 1833) was born March 2, 1806 ; and is the son of Daniel and Polly Goodwin. He is an Episcopal minister; and, for several years, was employed as a missionary in Western Virginia and in the adjacent parts of Ohio. Since 1850, he has had the charge of i See Hodges' Family Record, by A. D. Hodges. COLLEGIATE HISTORY. 499 several parishes in Beaver County, Pa., where he now resides, in the town of Industry. He married, in Beaver County, a Miss Cristler ; and has had two children. George Washington Makepeace (grad. D.C. 1836) was born April 13, 1810 ; and was the son of Deacon Lysander and Sarah (Wild) Makepeace. He fitted for college at Andover, and entered Brown University ; but, before completing his studies, left for Dartmouth College. Being somewhat out of health after gradu ating, he went south, and taught school about eight months at Vicksburg, Miss. His health continuing to decline, he started for home : but, on arriving at New Orleans, he was considered too feeble to proceed, and was put ashore ; and died, unmarried, the next day, Aug. 25, 1838. Had he lived, he was intending to have studied theology. Manlius Stimson Clarke, Esq. (grad. H.U. 1837), was the son of Rev. Pitt Clarke by his second wife ; and was born Oct. 17, 1816. He fitted for college with his father, and at the Taunton Academy. He graduated from the Law School of Harvard University in 1840, and entered into practice at Boston. He married, Dec. 1, 1841, Miss Frances Cordis Lemist, of Roxbury; and had three children. After a dis tressing illness of nine weeks at Boston, where he resided, he died April 27, 1853. Seldom does it fall to the lot of man to possess a purer reputation or a more unsullied character than did he, who was pre eminently a Christian lawyer. His heart and hand were ever active to benefit and bless those around him. As a counsellor, he never lost sight of the ever lasting principles of justice and right ; and his best efforts at the bar were where his client was the victim of some villanous plot or infamous conspiracy. The daily beauty of his life added a charm and gave power to his legal efforts. In fine, in him were blended that unostentatious piety and Christian man liness, together with all the elements of sterling vir tue, which are needed to produce a noble, sincere, 500 COLLEGIATE HISTORY. and true man. He was a member of the City Council of Boston in 1849 and 1850.1 Dr. Edward Hammond Clarke (grad. H.U. 1841), a brother of the preceding, was born Feb. 2, 1820. He studied medicine at Philadelphia, and received the degree of M.D. in 1846. After his return from an extensive tour through Europe and Palestine, he lo cated himself at Boston as a physician ; where, by his skill and devotion to the duties of his profession, he has become a distinguished practitioner. Dec. 30, 1854, he was appointed Professor of Materia Medica in the Medical College of Harvard University; and entered uponthe duties of his professorship near the close of the following year, and still holds that office. He married, Oct. 14, 1851, Miss Sarah Loring, daugh ter of Hon. Jacob H. Loud, of Plymouth ; and has one child. Rev. Thomas Shepard Goodwin (grad. Kenyon Col lege, 0., 1845) is the son of Daniel and Polly Good win ; and was born Jan. 3, 1817. He studied divinity at the Theological Seminary connected with his alma mater ; and was licensed to preach by the Taunton (Mass.) Association of Ministers in March, 1849. He has preached at Carrolton, Mo. ; Terre Haute, la. ; Madison, O. ; Barnstead, N.H. ; and attended lectures eighteen months at the Andover Seminary. In the latter part of 1855, he took charge of the Congrega tional Church at Phipsburg, Me., where he still resides. He declined a call to settle there ; but was ordained as an evangelist in October, 1856, at Booth Bay, Me. He is unmarried. Rev. George Esdras Allen (grad. B.U. 1850) was born at Taunton, Dec. 8, 1829 ; and is the son of James and Abigail (Leonard) Allen, who, for many years, have been residents of Norton. Mr. Allen graduated from the Andover Theological Seminary in 1843 ; and was ordained pastor of the Austin-street 1 For more particulars of him, see Funeral Sermon by Rev. F. D. Hun tington ; Christian Inquirer, Christian Register, and Boston Transcript, of a date soon alter his death. '• ! • L..-,et. :\h,y :> I ; E--..j,t.^1 Jj^t L- pu I.) hh'aora .'"' "'¦ ' • t ; ivas b-,;-.. l!-' '-'" ;V,tshn.i;M j.;,"! • c : ¦' ' ¦- '. ¦' iiii:j'n>iiu n. 'a.i'". tt-L'reat- ' ">-"•'! /'imbed!') Urimau, "'•'-'/h - - -h-. oas ! It an, --iu, •¦"•' "'"'"-' y_ --f **¦ ' "hej. ',!!,r Edwin IhvRiit.'w.s^ratt. i Al .}-¦>' -..-. j 1884; ami is the son of Albert nt-J ¦-.¦¦ ;"!-'v,?. He fitted for college at !';¦_,.-.¦ *.-:¦:... Mtfj- :l.-d oiouedi. Since leaving college. :,.„• ,, :. .- sehooi two itiuv, aud in now clerk for the \VJ MHiutfacturiiiji t '..;;,; -l,,v, Q'.ui.o a ii>;ujber o; wilier natives of Norton vo'-ij: ;no.;'v or less time in college, but never g '¦v'w V«,y hkely, some who have graduated '.-'-¦estrs .' our notice. havr, radii- i: CHAPTER XXX "v in-. rEOFESS.'ONAl. h M i e ii ., : In tms chapter we shall introduce short notices of the sons of Norton who have removed from town, and, though not blessed with a liberal education, have I' 1 I PROFESSIONAL EMIGRANTS. 501 Congregational Society, Cambridgeport, May 20, 1858. He married, Dec. 14, 1858, Mary A. Lincoln, of this town. Benjamin Braman (grad. B.U. 1854) was born Nov. 23, 1831 ; and is the son of Washburn and Polly (Macomber) Braman, grandson of Benjamin and Anna (Makepeace) Braman, great-grandson of Daniel and Bethiah (Washburn) Braman, great-great- grandson of Daniel and Rachel (Cambell) Braman, and great-great-great-grandson of Thomas Braman, who was one of the first settlers of Norton. After graduating, he taught Latin and French in the Uni versity Grammar School at Providence, R.I. The next year, he was tutor in the college at Ann Arbor, Mich. In September, 1856, he entered the Theologi cal Seminary at Andover, where he is now preparing for the ministry. Edwin Barrows (grad. Y.C.-1857) was born Jan. 24, 1834 ; and is the son of Albert and Harriet (Ide) Bar rows. He fitted for college at Pierce Academy, in Middleborough. Since leaving college, he has taught school two terms ; and is now clerk for the Wheaton Manufacturing Company. Quite a number of other natives of Norton have spent more or less time in college, but never gradu ated. Very likely, some who have graduated have escaped our notice. CHAPTER XXXVIII. PROFESSIONAL EMIGRANTS. " By strangers honored. '' — Pope. In this chapter we shall introduce short notices of the sons of Norton who have removed from town, and, though not blessed with a liberal education, have 502 PROFESSIONAL EMIGRANTS. nevertheless entered into professional life, and taken a prominent position before the community. Dr. Silas Hodges was the son of George and Su sannah (Cobb) Hodges, grandson of William and Hannah (Tisdale) Hodges, great-grandson of John and Elizabeth (Morey) Hodges, great-great-grandson of William of Taunton ; and was born Feb. 11, 1741-2. When about fifteen years old, he removed with his father to Woodstock, Conn. ; but subse quently went to Clarendon, Vt., and died there in 1804. He was quite distinguished as a physician ; and, in the Revolutionary war, he was surgeon or physician in Gen. Washington's family. He was three times married, and had nine children, some of whom have occupied high positions in the State of Vermont. Rev. Joel Briggs was the son of George and Sarah (Wilkinson) Briggs ; grandson of Richard Briggs, one of- the first settlers of the town ; and was born April 15, 1757. He fitted for college with William Williams, of Wrentham, and entered Brown Univer sity in 1777 ; but, by the close proximity of the British army, the college exercises were broken up, and Mr. Briggs did not return after the enemy had retired. He was licensed to preach, by the old Baptist Church, about 1783. Dec. 5, 1787, he was ordained pastor of the Baptist Church in Braintree, now Randolph, and nearly on the line of Stoughton,. in which latter town he resided. He preached to the society two or three years previous to his settlement. He was a faithful and efficient preacher, and took a high rank among the clergy of his faith, and received the honorary degree of A.M. from Brown University in 1795. He married, in 1784, Hannah Sprague, of Attleborough ; and had seven children. He died Jan. 18, 1828. Rev. Jonathan Smith was the son of David and Abigail (Gilbert) Smith, grandson of Seth and Eliza beth (Allen) Smith ; aud was born March 10, 1761. In 1780, against the remonstrance of his parents, he joined the old Baptist Church, and was licensed to preach by that church, May 22, 1799 ; and, for some PROFESSIONAL EMIGRANTS. 503 years, did a sort of missionary work in this vicinity; preaching in schoolhouses and elsewhere, as he had opportunity; being the keeper of a country store during the week. In 1816, he was ordained as a minister at Pawtucket, R.I. ; but soon removed to Tiverton, R.I., and took charge of the Baptist Church there. Subsequently, he preached at Coventry and Providence, R.I. ; and, in 1834, removed to Chicopee, but did not preach regularly after that time. He died at his daughter's house, in Hartford, Conn., Jan. 3, 1855. The " Christian Secretary," soon after his death, published an obituary notice of him. His body was taken to Chicopee for burial. He married, about 1783, Sarah Tisdale. She died ; and, for second wife, he married, May 24, 1793, Lydia Harding. After her death, he was again married. In all, he had eleven children. Rev. Ebenezer Burt — born March 9, 1766 — was the son of Deacon Ebenezer and Abigail (Basset) Burt; grandson of Ebenezer and Naomi (Cambell) (Acres) Burt; and the great-grandson of Ebenezer and Lydia (Tippen) Burt, who were among the early inhabitants of Norton. When fourteen years old, Mr Burt joined the old Baptist Church. Aug. 29, 1794^ he was licensed to preach by the Baptist Church of Dighton, and preached in this vicinity till Nov. 2, 1796, when he removed to Hardwick, and gathered a society in the south-west part of that town, where he was ordained as an evangelist (standing upon a great rock), June 20, 1797. A church was organized in 1806, and he was installed the pastor ; which posi tion he held till November, 1846, when lie preached his half-century sermon. Since then, he has not preached regularly. From July, 1845, to 1851, he resided at Ware Village. From thence he removed to Athol (Depot) Village, where, he says, "I am suffered to live. yet." He has preached occasionally since he was ninety years old, and the whole num ber of sermons he has preached is about four thousand nine hundred aud seventy-five. His mind is still 504 PROFESSIONAL EMIGRANTS. active, and his memory of events and dates wonderful. Recently, when asked where he studied theology, he answered, " In my Bible." He has been an able and efficient minister; and now, in the winter of life, en joys the respect, and almost veneration, of all sects of Christians who know him. He married, Nov. 19, 1789, Lucy Stacy, of Taunton ; and has had seven children. . Dr. Ira Smith was a brother of Jonathan Smith, already noticed ; and was born March 2, 1766. He married Nancy S. Hodges in 1797 ; and soon after removed to Monkton, Vt., where he died about 1802, leaving three children. Silas Cobb, Esq., was the son of Gen. Silas and Deliverance (Hodges) Cobb, grandson of Benjamin and Mary Cobb ; and was born Sept. 25, 1768. He studied law, and opened an office in Rehoboth; but soon removed to Swanzey, where he spent most of his subsequent life, and died there July 9, 1818. He married, Sept. 17, 1801, Miss Eunice Smith, of this town ; and had two children, one of whom is our • townsman, Daniel S. Cobb, Esq. Dr. Nathan Perry was the son of Nathan and Phebe (Braman) Perry, and was born May 27, 1776. For many years, he was a practising physician at North Bridgewater; and died there Aug. 16, 1857. He married Tiley Clapp in 1806. (?), and had several children. Rev. Nathaniel Stone — born June 6, 1785 — was the son of Nathaniel and Rebecca (Woodward) Stone, grandson of Nathaniel and Sarah (Woodward) Stone, and great-grandson of William and Mehitable (Lane) Stone. In the spring of 1825, he was ordained at Providence, R.I., as a local preacher of the Methodist Conference. He lived at the eastern part of Mans field, and preached there and in the neighboring towns as he had opportunity. He married, in 1815, Chloe Cobb, by whom he had several children ; and died of consumption, July 26, 1840. Dr. Jerry Hodges — born March 22, 1787 — was a 1 rJtOi . v-jriNAi. UMU.IC- En.¦.¦'.< n.ii •..¦! o-.'d'if to l;a\ C l"'c'! -' born a • '...I I'.. i i 1 j£ Vv"i,:;oin;tiil, 2J, i ¦• . ; tiut! t a -/ >»':;, i '. tmii.v! v;i. :¦¦>- K>sif.u 'iV;t,H,t:B:fH was the iUcpitimalo son oi sV.icay Cu!eti«u< , ,t.;'aut'S>?'-,".i i»f James Cotcman, $* na ¦ 1 1 ^ ''¦ i-' ' ' neL •*!). r.tf '*-?i*j}'«, iarfiden vi.-nue w , Is. 1 '('*•'¦ it iJ :o»:r r. i:.*t uncot-fiji who ":,« r?.;h ¦'! v, a.-:, but ho is heli'-ved to n..ve (¦et'ti a tnan ron.e note m town. June 2f, 1802, duller was ..,.u;u out by the selectmen to Amos Wilmarth, of hh.we, till he was twenty-one years old, "to Lam the Art of Husbandry.'" He was subsequently adej-oH by Mr. Wilmarth, and took his name. Whets n ¦..',.; lie gave such striking predilections formed ic.il ¦¦'.., Vo that hU playmates gave him the Wn e/ :., ,,.,.,-;, ;; he I'.'Kuuiged to eathcr siti^ci'-.tti ,-..i.;;. . tj. r -,. -t, . ;,,, . '.-., school. When about r.vens>. • '. ¦; .„¦ ve;..-; ..si ¦¦¦•.* V-: a, the study of medicine villi h;. V, •;-,;-. '¦"• ¦',,';., , Amhci.-t; paying for his boai*-^''\ ¦.* >. , ; ., -p.:, p.. .... .., ¦at -.vm cnat vicinity. 'V',< ;v.-ii',;.' ¦' :*•. -- ¦¦',*:¦ .... .'ci out having completed lus studies, ana witnout any diploma or license, with that self-reliance that always 43 professional emigrants. 505 brother of Drs. Tisdale and Guilford Hodges, already noticed. He studied medicine with Dr. Thomas Nel son, of Bristol, R.I. In 1805, he removed with his father to Petersham ; and, about two years later, commenced practice in Templeton, where he resided about ten years, when he removed to Hinsdale, N.H., and was there about four years. He then removed to Petersham, where he continued till his death, April 3, 1858 ; having held a high rank among the physicians of that vicinity. He was the " seventh son," and, by many, was thought to have been " born a doctor." On the strength of this absurd notion, he was fre quently called upon to cure the " King's Evil ; " and, by the use of a little tact, succeeded in giving very general satisfaction to his patients. July 21, 1813, he married Mary S. Tucker, of Winchendon ; and had eleven children. Dr. Butler Wilmarth was the illegitimate son of Peggy Coleman ; grandson of James Coleman, a na tive of Ireland, whose wife's maiden name was Molly Wetherell (a descendant of the first settler) ; and was born Dec. 18, 1798. It is somewhat uncertain who his father was ; but he is believed to have been a man of some note in town. June 28, 1802, Butler was bound out by the selectmen to Amos Wilmarth, of Rowe, till he was twenty-one years old, " to learn the Art of Husbandry." He was subsequently adopted by Mr. Wilmarth, and took his name. When young, he gave such striking predilections for medical studies, that his playmates gave him the sobriquet of " doctor." Though compelled to labor hard during his minority, he managed to gather sufficient education to teach school. When about twenty-three years old, he began the study of medicine with Dr. William F. Selden, of Amherst ; paying for his board by labor on the farm. Two years later, he put himself under the tuition of Dr. Brigham, of Greenfield, who soon after removed from that vicinity. Whereupon Mr. Wilmarth, with out having completed his studies, and without any diploma or license, with that self-reliance that always 43 506 professional emigrants. characterized his actions, entered upon the duties of physician at Montague (where his -foster-father had resided for some years), and soon won the confidence and respect of many influential citizens, and became widely known as a skilful practitioner. ' About 1834, he removed to Leverett, where he was almost venerated for his skill in the treatment of chronic diseases. Ten years later, he joined the Hopedale Community, at Milford. In 1847, ill health sent him to the Water- cure Institution at New Lebanon, N.Y., where he was so much benefited by the treatment, that he became a convert to hydropathy, and in 1852, in connection with Dr. J. H. Hero, opened a " Water Cure " at Westborough. In 1851, he was chosen President of the Hydropathic Association of Physicians and Sur geons then met at New-York City. Two years later, he attended the annual meeting of that association, of which he was still the honored president, and left for home in the ill-fated train which was precipitated into the" river at Norwalk, Conn. ; and in that awful tragedy (probably by drowning) was terminated his life, May 6, 1853. He was a man of great practical common sense, and of more than ordinary talent. One proof of his nobleness of mind is in the fact, that, although well aware of his illegitimate origin, he never allowed that circumstance to keep him in the shades of obscurity ; but, with that true manliness which shone forth in all his actions, he felt with Burns, that — '• A man's a man for a' that." He was somewhat eccentric, yet unassuming, in his manners. He had no love for forms or fashion ; and hence, by the wealthy and fastidious, he was not ap preciated. In fine, he was one of the most sincere, practically Christian men that any town can call its son. His leading characteristics were self-reliance, benevolence, good-humor, joined with an unswerving loyalty to conscience, to truth, and to God. He mar ried, in 1831, Phila Osgood, of Wendell, and had two professional emigrants. 507 children, who are honored more, in descending from such a father, than if they had been the offspring of a titled and soulless nobility.1 Rev. Frederic Dean Goodwin is the son of Daniel and Polly Goodwin, and was born Feb. 15, 1804. He entered Amherst College ; but did not graduate, on account of ill health. He is an Episcopal clergyman, and, at one time, was settled in Richmond, Va. ; and has held the rectorship of several parishes in that State, in which he now resides, at Wytheville, where he officiates as rector. He married, at " Old Point Comfort," in 1837, Mary F. Archer; and has quite a family of children. Rev. William Henry Knapp was born Sept. 19, 1811 ; and is the son of Abiathar and Nancy (White) Knapp, grandson of Daniel and Mary (Field) Knapp, and great-grandson of Jonathan and Mehitable (Tuck er) Knapp. He commenced his ministerial duties as a Universalist minister, and preached at several places previous to 1844, when he was settled over the Uni tarian Society at Nantucket. In 1851, he took charge of the society at West Newton. One year (1854-5), he was Steward of Antioch College, 0. ; and preached in that neighborhood as opportunity offered. In 1856, he took charge of the Congregational Society at Ster ling, where he (1858) resides. He is married, and has several children. Don Egbert Erastus Braman, Esq., is the son of Andrews and Nancy (Hawes) Braman ; grandson of Sylvanus and Sarah (Andrews) Braman; great- grandson of Sylvanus and Experience (Blanchard) Braman ; great-great-grandson of Daniel and Rachel (Cambell) Braman ; great-great-great-grandson of Thomas Braman, sen., one of the first settlers of this town ; and was born Sept. 21, 1814. He went to Texas in April, 1837, and was in the army of the revolution several months. In 1847, he was appointed Clerk of the First Judicial District Court, studying Fish.1"™ m°re partiouIars of Dr> Wilmarth, see Memoir by William H. 508 SLAVERY. law while he held that office ; and was admitted to the bar of that court in 1853. He is now a counsellor-at- law in Matagorda, Texas ; where he married, April 28, 1841, Mary E. Buckhart, of Philadelphia, Pa., and has had seven children. Rev. George Carpenter was born Aug. 30, 1818 ; and is the son of Deacon James and Anna (Hunt) Carpenter, grandson of William and Hannah (Keith) Carpenter, great-grandson of William Carpenter, and greatrgreat-grandson of Rev. William and Abigail Car penter, of this town. March 17, 1839, he united with the Baptist Church, and forthwith began preparation for the ministry. He entered Brown University in 1841, where he remained a little more than a year, when the college exercises were broken up by the " Dorr Rebellion ;" and he did not return there, but soon entered the Theological Institution in New Hampton, N.H., where he graduated in 1845. In the autumn of 1846, he was ordained pastor of the Baptist Church in Westminster, and was there three years. Subsequently, he has been pastor at Rowe and Scituate ; and, in 1857, removed to the village of Factory Point (Manchester), Vt., and is now mini ster of the Baptist Church there. April 17, 1846, lie married Julia C. .Dow (a niece of the eccentric preacher, Lorenzo Dow), and has had four children. CHAPTER XXXIX. slavery. " The Bum of all villanies.1 - Wesley. With hut one exception, — that of slaveholding, — the people of Norton have ever been found on the side of freedom and the inalienable rights of man ; yet, we are happy to record, they have sincerely repented of that awful crime against humanity. For, strange as it SLAVERY. 509 may appear, Norton was once a slaveholding town ; and our pen blushes with shame when we say that some of the masters, as well as their slaves, were members of the church. In 1735, ten slaves were returned from this town by the assessors. In the census of 1764-5, thirty were returned. Rev. Mr. Avery, the three George Leonards, Ephraim Leonard, John Hodges, George Morey, Benjamin Fairbanks, Rev. Mr. Palmer, Dr. Gideon Tiffany, Nathan Hodges, William Stone, and others, are known to have had slaves. I have found two bills of the sale of slaves, one of which is here recorded : — " Know all men by these Presants, that I, Jonathan Wilson, of Newport, in the Colony of Rhod island, and Provedance Plantation in new england, yeoman, for and in Consideration of ' Seventy Pounds in Curant mony to me in hand, before the Sealing and delivery hereof, well and truly Paid by George Leonard, of norton, in the County of Bristoll, in ye Province of masachusets Bay in new England, Blomer, whareof I do hereby acknoledg myselfe tharewith to be fully Satisfied, Contented, and Paid, and have Bar gained, Sold, Sett over, and delivered, and by these Presants do Give, Grant, Bargaine, Sell, make over, and deliver, unto him, Sd. George Leonard, and to his heyrs, Execetors, ad ministrators, and assigns, for Ever, one negro woman named Binah, which is now in the Posesion of Sd. George Leonard; who is the Sd. negro woman to have and to hold to his and theyr Proper youse and behafe. for ever. And I, the Sd. Jonathan Wilson, for myselfe, my heyrs, Execetors, ad ministrators, the Sd. Bargained and delivered negro woman unto the Sd. George Leonard, and to his heyrs, Execetors, administrators, and assigns, against all and Every Person and Persons whomesoever, do Promise to warrant and defend for Ever by these Presants. in witnes whareof, I have hereunto Sett my hand and Seall, this Eleventh day of October, in the first year of his majestie's Reigne, anno domini 1727. " Signed, Sealed, and de livered in Presance of us, " Jona. Wilson [seall " Nathl. Newdigate. Joseph Mason." 43* 510 SLAVERY. The other, dated March 7, 1745-6, is signed by Jonathan D wight, an innholder of Boston, and con veys to George Leonard, of Norton, for one hundred and fifty pounds, old tenor, " a negro boy named Prince, aged about thirteen years." These things sound strangely to our ears ; and we thank God that this inhuman and unchristian practice long ago ceased to exist among us, and is now re ceiving the anathemas of the whole Christian world, except the guilty parties and their apologists. Mr. Avery had a slave named Mingo, whom he one day set to planting pumpkin-seeds ; but Mingo became tired, and disposed of all the seeds by putting them under a large flat stone. In hoeing-time, they had thrust their heads out all round the stone, and re vealed the slave's unfaithfulness. Mr. Avery (who was very fond of pumpkin-pies) called the slave, and, pointing to the young vines, gave him no other reproof but the sorrowful ejaculation, " 0 Mingo, Mingo ! what shall we do for pumpkin-pies at Thanks giving ? " In a draught of Mrs. Avery's will, she mentions a slave named Pero, who was given her by her father; and she gave him his liberty, provided he could get bonds never to become a public charge : but in her will, as finally executed, no mention of Pero is made. Yet, in after-life, he was actually supported by the town, and is sometimes called "Pero Newman." He died July 29, 1802, supposed to have been more than a hundred years old ; and the town paid two shillings for rum drank at his funeral. Mrs. Palmer had a slave given her by her father, who subsequently received his freedom. In the " Boston Gazette " of July 29, 1771, it was stated that Quashee, a negro, who for many years had brought sauco to the Boston market, had lately died at Dedham : but, on the 19th of August following, the same paper announced that Quashee was not dead, but, being iu his eighty-fifth year, had retired to his country seat in Norton to spend the winter of his life; and that his absence from the slavery. 511 market, where he had been constantly seen for fifty years, led to the supposition that he was dead. The article closes in these words : " On suitable Encourage ment, a capital Mezzitinto Scraper would wait on him at his Villa, to beg the favor of an Equestrian Print of his accomplished person." Slavery was not congenial to the soil of Massachu setts ; and on the establishment of the State Consti tution, which asserts, in the Declaration of Rights, that "All men are born free and equal," many of the negroes claimed their freedom, and obtained it by virtue of this clause. In 1781, a white man was in dicted for assaulting, beating, and imprisoning a negro. His defence before the Supreme Court, in 1783, was that the black man was his slave. He was answered by the complainants with the citation of the clause in the Declaration of Rights just quoted ; and, on the strength of it, was declared guilty, and fined. By this decision of the judges and jury was given the death blow to slavery in our State ; for, in the next census, no slaves were returned, but four thousand three hundred and seventy-seven black persons were men tioned. The antislavery movement commenced here about 1835. The mobbing of Mr. Garrison is supposed to have called the attention of a few persons to the subject ; and some antislavery tracts were circulated, which proved to be seed cast into good ground. About the same time (1835), George W. Makepeace gave a proslavery lecture before the Lyceum. This led to an earnest discussion of the matter, in which the anti- slavery side was sustained by George L. Clarke and others. Among the first antislavery addresses given were those of Stephen S. Foster, Parker Pillsbury, and 0. C. Burleigh. During the ministry of Rev. Mr. Tilden, much antislavery seed was sown by his earnest advocacy of human rights. In 1841 (the first year of his ministry), John A. Collins, an agent of the Massa chusetts Antislavery Society, and Frederic Douglass, who had previously spoken but a few times, addressed 512 SLAVERY. the citizens of Norton upon the subject. In the sum mer of 1843, the Congregational Church, of which Mr. Tilden was the pastor, held several meetings to con sider the subject of slavery ; and finally, Oct. 29 of that year, adopted, "without any opposition," the fol lowing preamble and resolution : — " Whereas we believe that Christianity, as taught by Jesus, is a religion of Love, requiring love for God as a Father, and love for man as a brother ; and whereas we believe that sla very, wherever it exists, is a gross violation of that great law of love, and therefore a sin against God and humanity : — " Therefore Resolved, That we are bound, by the holy principles of the religion we profess, to bear a faithful testi mony against slavery in all its forms, and to put forth our efforts in the use of Christian means for its thorough and complete abolition." On the 5th of July, 1847, the " Liberty Party " had a picnic celebration in the grove, near the late resi dence of Rev. Pitt Clarke ; and two fugitive slaves, Messrs. Clark and Bibb, made addresses. The first antislavery vote cast in town, and the only one given that year, was in 1839, for Wendell Phillips, Governor. In 1841, fifteen votes were cast for Governor ; in 1842, thirty ; in 1843, there were sixty ; and in 1849, one hundred and fifty-five votes, or thirty-six majority of the whole number cast, were for the antislavery guber natorial candidate. And, from that day to this, the antislavery sentiment has predominated in town. Though some of the sous of Norton, who have made their home in the south, have been guilty of slave- holding and the traffic in human flesh, yet we believe their number has been very small. temperance movement. 513 CHAPTER XL. temperance movement. " Woe unto him that glveth his neighbor drink; that puttest thy bottle to him, and makest him drunken also." — Habakkqk. The history of intemperance in Norton is similar to -that of other towns. In days that are past, we trust never to return, it was not considered disreputable to sell or drink intoxicating liquors ; for their use was very general, and as generally believed that their use was beneficial. Probably, in the early history of the town, intoxicating drinks were not so freely used as in later years, because they could not be obtained so easily. Yet there is abundant evidence that the first settlers sometimes indulged to excess. But, during the first quarter of the present century, a large ma jority of the people daily took their drams, ministers not excepted. I have looked over with much interest some account-books of one of the storekeepers of Norton, of a date some fifty years back ; and rum, brandy, wine, &c, formed the principal article of charge ; and, in some cases, three-fourths of all the items on a whole page of the ledger, to a single person, were for liquors. At all public gatherings, military parades, venduing of the poor, auctions, raisings, ministerial associations, weddings, and fune rals, liquors were deemed indispensable ; and both sexes partook of them freely. The following entry, which I have found in an old book in town, will serve to illustrate the manner in which things were done within the memory of many now living : " May 26, 1819, Chose the Artillery officers, and had two wash-tubs full of Punch." It was customary "To Post" those who were considered as drunkards ; which was done by putting up, in some 514 temperance movement. public place, their names by the selectmen, and for bidding the venders of liquor to sell to them. This was not often done, except in some extreme cases. The temperance reformation commenced in this town about 1828, and Rev. Pitt Clarke took an active part in organizing a Temperance Society ; but I can find no records of that society, nor can I gather much re liable information relative to it. The first pledge was only against the use of distilled liquors ; not prohibit ing the use of wine, cider, beer, &c. Here, as elsewhere, the movement against intemperance met with opposi tion from some who were deemed influential men ;. but others as influential were enlisted in the warfare upon ardent spirits, and both parties struggled for the mastery. It was, no doubt, felt by the friends of tem perance, that too many persons were licensed " for the public good ; " and we presume an attempt was made to curtail the number: for, in the warrant for the annual March meeting in 1830, there was an article " To see what number of Taverners and Retailers the town will authorize their selectmen to approbate the ensuing year ; " but it was " voted to dismiss the article respecting licenses." The matter was again revived at a meeting of the town, June 17, 1833, held to consider the petition of Simeon Dean and fourteen others, that the town " determine, by ballot, whether the inhabitants were in favor of having Taverners and Retailers licensed to sell spirituous Liquors the ensuing year ; and also to see if all respectable people who wished to sell liquors might be approbated by the se lectmen." At the meeting, it was voted not to decide by ballot, but to divide the house on the question ; and seventy-eight persons voted for licensing, and forty- seven against; and the selectmen were directed to approbate as many taverners and retailers as had usually been licensed. These licenses to sell spiritu ous liquors were granted by the Court of Sessions till that court was abolished about 1820, and subsequently by the County Commissioners. The Commissioners of Bristol County were among the first to refuse temperance movement. 515 licenses. The temperance question entered very much into the election of these officers in the spring of 1838, and a Temperance Board were elected, who refused to issue licenses to sell as a beverage ; and rum-selling and drunkard-making have been outlaws in the county from that day to this. The following list is believed to comprise nearly all the names of those who have been licensed in this town, from 1712 to 1837. Those marked with a (*) had a retailer's license. Most of the others are supposed to have kept public-houses. Yet retailers sometimes took a tavern license. Nathaniel Hodges, 1712 ; Samuel Hodges, 1713-19 ; John Finney,* 1724-27; John Austin, 1726-34; Benj. Hodges,* 1727-29; John Harvey, 1728-30; Samuel Caswell, 1728-30; Wilbam Ware, 1729-40; Josiah Pratt, 1731-38; Benjamin Cobb,* 1732-33; Ebenezer Hodges, 1733-46; Jonathan Lawrence, 1738-40 ; Henry Wetherell, 1738-41 ; Benjamin Lane, 1743 ; George Morey, 1744-73 ; Thomas Morey, 1747 ; George Hodges, 1749-50; Jonathan Newcomb, 1751-64; Timothy Skinner, 1754-55; Ephraim Lane, 1754-67; Paul Cook, 1755-56; Thomas Skinner, 1756; Stephen Gary, 1756; James Godfrey, 1757-75; David Smith, 1757-58 Lewis Sweeting, 1760-68; Abraham White, 1760-72; Wil liam Dean, 1761; Samuel Lane, 1762-77; Joseph New comb, 1762-64; Seth Smith, 1764-67 ; George Makepeace 1765-73; Ephraim Lane, jun., 1768-73; George Leonard 3d, 1768; Isaac Smith, 1768-73; Solomon Trow, 1768-69 Brian Hall, 1772-78 ; Eleazer Walker, 1772-96 ; Silas Cobb 1772-1802; Nathan Cobb, 1776-82; Abiah Hall, 1779-83 Elkanah Woodward, 1779-1808 ; Adam Johnstone, 1780-87 Nathan Babbit, jun., 1780-87; Benjamin Hodges,* 1782 John Hodges, 1783 ; Abiel Lincoln,* 1784-85 ; Joshua Pond 1784-87 ; Isaac Barker,* 1787 ; Reuben Tisdale,* 1787-88 , Oliver Leonard, 1788; Thomas Fobes, 1789-94; David Lincoln, jun., 1789-99; Ephraim Raymond, 1794-1811 Seth Smith, jun., 1794-97; Samuel Godfrey, 1794-96 Jonathan Smith, 1794-1808; Meletiah Washburn, 1795-97 Hezekiah Tucker, 1795-99; Josiah Woodward, 1795-1810 Isaac Stone, 1796; Jacob Shaw, 1797-98; Ebenezer Lazell 1797-1800; George Palmer, 1794-97; Elisha Hodges 1798-99; Joseph Palmer, 1799-1800; George Gilbert 1800-15 ; Thomas Danforth, 1801-17 ; Jacob Balcom 516 temperance movement. 1801; Enoch Balcom, 1802-7; Sylvanus Braman, 1802; Jonathan Leonard, 1802-3; Daniel Parker, jun., 1804; Ben jamin King, 1806-7; Benjamin Horton,* 1806-10; Sylves ter Leonard, 1808-10; Simeon Presbury, jun., 1808-10; Wm. Braman* 1808-10; Asa Arnold, 1809-28; J. L. Munroe, 1809-15; Sally Balcom, 1809-10; Michael Sweet, jun., 1811-12; Stephen Hodges, 1812; Eleazer Walker, 1815; Andrews Braman, 1816-24; Thompson Tripp* 1816-22; J. L. Munroe, jun., 1817-37; Daniel Smith, 2d, 1817-21; Preston Hodges, 1817-20; Zebulon White, jun., 1819; John G.Wood, 1821-23 ; Eliab F. Tucker, 1821 ; Francis Sturte- vant, 1822 ; Leavit Bates,* 1822-25 ; Laban M. Wheaton, 1822-25; Nathaniel Newcomb, 1823-24; John Hunt,* 1823-25; J. F. Alden, 1824; John J. Bishop, 1824; James Lincoln,* 1824; Elijah Lincoln,* 1825-37 ; Leonard Smith,* 1825-26; Benj. Horton, 1826; James L. Derry, 1826-27; Timothy Smith, 1826-32; Benjamin E. Horton, 1827; David C. Bates, 1827-32; Nathaniel Munroe, 1830; Seth Hodges, jun.,* 1831; William Munroe, 1831-34; Josiah Hodges, 1832-33; Hiram Hodges, 1832; Elijah H. King, 1833-35; William H. Shackleford, 1834; Horace B. Weth erell,* 1835-37; Jesse Blandin, 1835-37; Hiram H. Wetherell,* 1837. In the course of a few years, it was found that the old pledge against distilled liquors was not sufficient to stay the tide of drunkenness ; for persons could be intoxicated every day on cider, &c, and not break their pledge : so that at length it was deemed impor tant, and public opinion became prepared, to adopt the total-abstinence pledge. From the records of the Tem perance Society, it appears that a re-organization took place in May, 1837, on the basis of the following pledge : — " We whose names are hereunto annexed, believing that the use of intoxicating liquor as a beverage is not only needless, but hurtful to the social, civil, and religious interest of man ; that it tends to form intemperate habits; and that, while it is continued, the evils of intemperance can never be done " Do therefore agree that we will not use it as a beverage, or traffic in it ; that we will not provide it as an article of TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT. 517 entertainment, or for persons in our employment ; and that, in all suitable ways, we will discountenance the use of it throughout the community." I cannot find any records of the society till the close of the year 1842. From the Secretary's Report, made Dec. 29, 1842, I learn the date of the re-organization : and he says the exact number of members is not known, yet it is supposed there were about one hun dred ; but, for two or three years, they. did not make much progress. About 1840, they received a new impulse, and went to work in earnest. At the close of 1842, there were four hundred and seventy-five names attached to the pledge; one hundred and seventy-five of which were added within that year. At the close of 1843, there were five hundred and twelve members ; in 1844, there were five hundred and fifty-two members ; in 1846, there were five hundred and sixty-one members ; in 1847, the society numbered five hundred and eighty-nine. The next year, only two names were added. In February, 1849, the Secretary reported that there were five hundred and seventy-seven members of the society ; and, of . these, one hundred and seventy had removed from town, thirty-two had died, thirteen had broken their pledge, six were doubtful, and three hundred and fifty-six good members remained in town. Frequent meetings were held, and addresses made, from . 1841 to 1845. July 4, 1844, there was a grand temperance picnic celebration in the grove between the houses of Thomas D. Lane and Joseph D. Sweet. About four hundred were present from Norton and North Taun ton, including the cold-water army, made up of chil dren. Aaron Lincoln, jun., was chief-marshal and president of the day. Toasts were given, speeches made, and a vote of thanks presented to Rev. Mr. Tilden for his unwavering efforts in the cause of temperance during his residence in Norton.1 1 Bristol-County Democrat, July 12, 1844. 44 518 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. The following persons have been presidents of the Norton Total-Abstinence Society from 1842 to 1855, elected in the order in which they are named : Rev. W. P. Tilden, Earl Hodges, Aaron Lincoln, jun., Mason Stone, Daniel S. Cobb, Stillman Smith, Albert Barrows, A. Lincoln, jun., Augustus Lane, Jonathan J. Stanley, Charles H. Briggs, Daniel S. Cobb, Still man Smith. Since 1853 or 54, but few meetings have been held. In April, 1856, an attempt was made to re-organize the society, and adopt a pledge against the use of tobacco ; but no organization was effected. After two or three meetings, all active efforts in behalf of temperance ceased ; till, just as we go to press, in the spring of 1859, a new movement has sprung up ; and, April 27, the Winneconnet Division, No. 100, of the Sons of Temperance, was instituted, consisting of fourteen members and eighteen lady- visitors. There has been but little rum sold in town for many years, except among the Irish population. CHAPTER XLI. MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. ' Variety's the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavor." Cowpee. STOCKS AND WHIPPING-POST. In 1693, the General Court enacted, that " Breakers of the Peace, Prophaners of the Sabbath, unlawful Gamesters, Drunkards, prophane Swearers or Cursers," should be punished " by setting in the Stocks, or putting into the Cage, not exceeding Three Hours, or by whipping not exceeding Ten Stripes." Ac cordingly, in most towns, the stocks were set up, and MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 519 the whipping-post erected in some conspicuous posi tion, — generally near the meeting-house, or place of public gatherings. The stocks were made of two pieces of timber, from six to eight feet long, laid one upon the other, the bottom one resting upon the ground, with two grooves cut in them, a foot or two apart, sufficiently large to admit a man's ankle. When wanted for use, the upper timber was removed. The offender was then made to sit down on the ground, and place each ankle in one of these grooves. Then the upper timber was replaced, and the two parts were firmly locked together ; and thus there was no escape till the time of sentence had expired. It is supposed Norton did not have this instrument of the law for some years after her incorporation. The first allusion to the matter on the town-records is under the date of Nov. 1, 1723, when it was "voted to pay Robert Tucker, for setting the Stocks up, 00*.— 25.— Od." These probably did not last more than ten years ; for, Sept. 18, 1733, it was "voted to Samuel Clap, for macking a pare of stocks, 00. — 15. — 0." Sept. 11, 1769, " voted to Salvenus Braman, for mending the stocks, 0. — 2. — 0. — 0." These stocks continued to be used in many towns, for the punishment of minor crimes, till the close of the last century. There are pen- sons living in town who distinctly recollect seeing the stocks on the Common, near where the old meeting house stood. We know not whether the whipping post was ever erected here or not ; but we do know that offenders were sometimes sentenced to be whipped", as well as put into the stocks. The cage is not known to have been used here. EAR-MARKS. In the early settlement of our country, the lands, and especially the pasturing, were unfenced. The cattle, &c, were turned loose — generally with a bell attached to one of them — into the woods, and roamed about at pleasure ; and hence the herds belonging to 520 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. the different settlers would be very likely to mingle one with another; and thus two men, having cattle that looked very much alike, would find some diffi culty in determining what was their own, and what their neighbor's. But " necessity," we are told, " is the mother of invention." So, in order to know what was his own, each man put a mark, and the same mark, upon all his creatures. This was usually made upon one or both ears, by cutting, cropping, slitting, &c. ; and, in order that no two persons should adopt the same device, each one had his mark recorded on the town-records by the town-clerk. As these marks were curious in them selves, and also serve to illustrate the early history of the town, we will copy a few specimens from the town- books, giving also the date of entry. The first one we record is this : — "Sept. 13, 1718. — Thomas Harvey his Eyer-marck for all his Creaturs Is two slits In the Hinder-part of the Right Eyer." "May 29th, 1719. — Joseph Hodges his Eyer-marck for all his Creaturs is a Holl threw The midel part of Each year, and a hind-gad in the hinder-part of the Right year." " Dec. 2nd, 1729. — Ephraeim Lane his Eyear-marck for all his Creaturs is a Halpeney, Cut out of the fore-side of the Right Eyer." " 1722. — Mr. Joseph Avery His ear-mark is a slit in the under side of the Right Eare." "May 23rd, 1738. — Thomas Shepard's Eyer-marck for all his creators Is a Crop of the top of the Left Eyer, and a swallow's taile in the top of the Right Eyr." "Nov. 10th, 1747. — John Gilbert's, Juner, Eare-mark for all his Cretures is a swallow's Taile in ye top of the Right Eare, and a half-Penney in the under side of ye Left Eare." " May 6th, 1758. — Ebenezer White's Ear-mark for all his Creatures is one hole through Each Ear." "April 2nd, 1766. — The Revend. Mr. Roland Green's Ear-mark for all his creatures Is a half-peny, cut out of the upper-side and under-side of the Right Ear, and the top of the same ear cut of, and a slit in the top of the left ear." This practice of making " Ear-marks " upon cattle MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 521 was pretty generally continued here till about the year 1800, and occasionally for a few years later. The last entry of the kind that we have seen was made iu 1839, and reads thus: "Thomas Copeland's Ear-mark for all his creatures is the top of the right ear cut off." ANIMALS UPON THE COMMON, ETC. In 1693, it was enacted by the General Court, that none but proprietors and freeholders should be allowed to have horses " run to feed upon any common Land ; " and they were not allowed to- have more than " one Horse-Beast upon the common," without paying five shillings per head : and the owners of all horses thus going upon the Common were required to have said horses entered with the town-clerk, together with " the natural and artificial Marks," on or before the 10th of April annually, under penalty of ten shillings fine. The " common land " spoken of, we suppose, means the undivided lands of the proprietors. Possibly it also included the idea of all the lands that were " com mon " or unfenced. In the same Act, it was required that all swine running at large should be sufficiently yoked from the 1st of April to the 15th of October, and " ringed in the Nose all the year," under penalty of sixpence per head fine. Furthermore, every sheep going upon the Common, not under the care of a shepherd, from the 1st of May to tbe last of October each year, subjected the owner thereof to a fine of threepence. Yet it is supposed that the several towns had the power to allow them to go at large without a shepherd ; for, at a town- meeting on the 20th of March, 1722, it was " voted that the sheep should Go at Large to feed upon the Common, without being under the hands of a Shepeard." It is also supposed that swine were not allowed to run at large without a vote of the town each year ; for we find, at a town- meeting on the 13th of March, 1721, it was " voted that the swine should go at Large upon the common, according to law." March 6, 1722, it was " voted to 44* 522 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. Lett the Hoggs Run at Large upon ye common this year ; " and a similar vote was passed yearly till 1802, when it was " voted that swine should not run at Large the year ensuing." At two subsequent annual meetings, a similar vote was passed. But this was an unpopular movement. It was an innovation upon a time-honored custom, and hence it must be resisted. A grand rally of the friends of the porkers was made in 1805 ; and the hogs were once more let out of prison, on the condition of their "being well wringed and yoked." Whether this vote had reference to the " wringing of their necks," we leave the reader to decide. But the hogs maintained their liberty upon the Com mon till 1811, when they were again shut up: but they regained their liberty in 1813, and roamed at pleasure for two years ; but their privileges were somewhat abated by a ring in their nose, and a crotched stick between their ears and shoulders, passing through a narrow strip of board under their throat, and called a " yoke." Their days of freedom were, however, numbered ; for, in 1816, they were once more put into the narrow quarters of a pen, and they have never since had permission to go out therefrom. THE POUND. As early as 1698, the General Court enacted " that there shall be a sufficient Pound or Pounds made and maintained, from Time to Time, in every Town and Precinct within this Province, in such part or places thereof as the Selectmen shall direct and appoint, at the cost and charge of such Town or Precinct, for the impounding or restraining of any Swine, Neat Cattle, Horses, or Sheep, as shall be found damage-feasant in any Cornfield or other inclosures ; or swine Unyoked or Unringed, Neat Cattle, Horses, or Sheep, going upon the Common, not allowed to feed there by the major part of the Propriety," &c. In obedience to this law, the people of Norton, soon MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 523 after the organization of the town, took measures to provide themselves with one of these necessary ap pendages to every considerable settlement. At a meeting of the citizens, held May 23, 1715, the ques tion of a pound or no pound was agitated ; and, after a full discussion of the subject, it was " voted to have a Pound Built by Richard Briggs, with this proviso, that sd. Briggs Give the Town a deed of a piece of Land for that use during the time the Town Keep a pound there." This deed was doubtless given; and the pound built, probably on the corner of the lot owned by Seneca Sanford, where the road turns to go towards John Hunt's ; or possibly between the corner and the house of Josephus Skinner, on the lot owned by Wil liam A. West. Richard Briggs, for some years, was pound-keeper. A new pound is supposed to have been built about 1728 ; for a rate was raised that year, among other things, for " ye pound." This pound did not stand on the same spot as the old one ; for, in the spring of 1758, Gershom Cambell petitioned the town to give him the site of the old pound for a building-lot ; and, on the 20th of March of that year, it was " voted that the town [of] Norton do acquit all the Right they have to that little spot of Land which the pound was built on — which land was formerly Richard Brigg's, late of Norton, Deceased — to Gershom Cambell." Hence it is supposed that Mr. Cambell built his house on this lot. I am informed that an old house once stood on each of the locations I have mentioned ; but I am rather of the opinion, that the pound was built on what is now Mr. Sanford's lot. I can find no action of the town, relative to another pound, till JuneJ.8, 1770, when it was ordered, " that the present selectmen build a new pound." It is supposed that the selectmen did not obey the instructions they re ceived ; or, if they did, the one built did not meet the wants and wishes of the people : for, March 21, 1774, the question of a new pound was before the town ; and it was then " voted to build a new pound with 524 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. timber, and to be thirty feet square, and to be Erected on the Town's Common, near where the old pound now stands, where the selectmen shall think proper." And it was accordingly built, directly in front of where the Trinitarian Meeting-house now stands, and within the meeting-house yard. " It was," says Rev. Ebenezer Burt, who was born within a few rods of it, " eight rails high. Mr. Peter Carpenter was Pound-keeper." This stood till 1789 ; when, as appears from " orders " drawn to pay him therefor, another pound was erected by Gen. Silas Cobb. This was of stone, and stood nearly on the spot where George M. Sweet's house now stands, and was a few rods southerly from Gen. Cobb's house, and he was for many years pound-keeper. It re mained there till about twenty years ago, when the present pound was built, agreeably to the will of the town, as expressed Aug. 1, 1837, when it was " voted to have the pound removed to a spot of land near the Gun-House, if it can be done free from expense to the town." Accordingly, it was removed by Capt, Dauphin King, on whose land the old pound stood (he having bought the Cobb Farm), who probably did not wish to have it so near his house, and who there fore gave the land for the new pound in exchange for that on which the old one stood, and was at the ex pense of its removal. It is now, however, seldom used, and its walls are tumbling down; for we no longer see the swine, ringed or unringed, yoked or unyoked, at large in our streets. The sheep have almost entirely become extinct; and the well-built fences are a pretty sure proof against horses and neat cattle damage-feasant. The briers and brambles are fast appropriating the strong enclosure to their own purposes, even without asking the town, as did Ger shom Cambell, for a quitclaim-title to the spot. LONGEVITY. We here give a list of those persons who have died here at the age of fourscore or more years. Could MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 525 we have obtained a complete record of all the deaths, this list would doubtless have been much larger. In a few instances, the individuals died elsewhere, but, having long been residents of Norton, were brought here for burial. Year of Death. Age. Year of Death. Age. 1772. Widow Hannah Andrews 89 1846. Thomas Danforth . . 85 1800. Joseph Andrews . . . 80 1836. Elijah Eddy . . . 83 ( ? ) 1818. Widow Phebe Arnold . 82 1835, Wealthy, his wife . . . 84 87 1845. Widow'Rachel Eddy 1 . .104 1783. Widow Mary Babbit . 80 1829. Abiel Eddy . . . . 89 1856. Samuel Balcom . . . 81 1825, Zeruiah, his wife . . . 82 1855. Mrs. Abigail Balcom . 80 1852. John Eddy .... 1826. Sarah Fisher . . . . 83 1783. William Basset . . . 89 . . 82 80 1858. Apollos Francis . 1829. Widow Bethiah Free . . 87 1860. Widow Peddy Bowen . 90 man . 84 1833. Thomas Braman . . . 81 1847. John Freeman . . 81 1837. Benjamin Braman . . 1838. Anna, his wife . . . 82 1790. Widow Mary Gilber . . 91 80 1813. Mrs. Rebecca Gilbert . . 84 1842. Sylvanus Braman . . 1803. Timothy Briggs . . . 88 1811. Widow Mary Godfrey . . 95 90 1831. Widow Mary Godfrey . . 95 1798. Hannah, his wife. . . 80 1847. Francis Gui'llow . . . 84 1818. Simeon Briggs . . . 89 1840. Phebe, his wife . . . 85 1832. Mary ( ? ), his wife . . 93 1857. Widow Dilla Hall . . 90 1832. Mrs. Hannah Briggs . 84 1814. Widow Harvey . '. . 96 1836. Widow Sarah Briggs . 82 1851. Mrs. Lucinda Harvey . . 88 80 1824. Abigail Harridon . . . ax 1850. Hannah Briggs . . . 81 1768. Mrs'. Hannah Hodges . . 84 1850. Mrs. Betsy Briggs . . SO 1814. Widow Mary Hodges . . 84 87 1818. Jarvis Hodges . . . . 81 1842. Prudence, his wife . . 90 1825. Josiah Hodges. . . . 84 1866. Mrs. Polly Cahoon . . 86 1836. Wealthy, his wife . . 86 1858. William Capen . . . 82 1837. Elijah Hodges . . . . 86 1842. Widow Prudence Carpen 1840. Isaac Hodges . . . . 83 ter . . . ... 82 1842. Benjamin Hodges . 91 92 1847. Mrs. Abigail Hodges . . 86 1856. Mrs. Polly Carver . . 81 1854. Mrs. Lucy Hodges . . 80 1768. Widow Temperance Clapj 90 1832. Mrs. Mary Horton . . 87 1778. Widow Bethiah Clapp . 82 1832. Mrs. Eunice Hunt . . 89 1800. Jonathan Clapp . . . 85 1854. Mrs. Cynthia Hunt . . 87 1807. Jerusha, his wife . . . 93 1845. Josiah King . . . . 82 1845. Widow Olive Clapp . 90 1852. Miriam, his wife . . . 87 82 1793. Jonathan Knapp . . . 84 1789. Widow Mary Cobb . . 85 1796. Mehitable, his wife . . 87 1833. Silas Cobb 90 1832. Daniel Knapp . . . . 88 1807. Thomas Commons . . 93 1826. Mary, his wife . . 81 1790. Benjamin Copeland . . 82 1838. Thomas Knowles . . 99 1801. Sarah, his wife . . . 92 1856. Jonathan Knowles . . 81 1833. Samuel Copeland . . 82 1800. Ephraim Lane . . 82 1839. Widow Abigail Copeland 83 1826. Ephraim Lane . . 86 1820. Widow Rachel Crane . 89 1857. Daniel Lane . . . . 86 1826. Theophilus Crossman . 84 1852. Eunice, his wife . . . 81 1 She died at the Alms-house, and the town voted her a pair of grave stones on account of her age. 526 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. Year of Death. A«e- 1767. Widow Mary Laroher . . 83 1778. George Leonard .... SO 1783. Rachel, his wife .... 81 1819. George Leonard .... 90 1827. Experience, his wife . . 88 1829. Widow Rebecca Leonard . 83 1773. Jonathan Lincoln ... 86 1808. Abigail Lincoln .... 88 1822. David Lincoln .... 95 1828. Benjamin Lincoln ... 87 1832. David Lincoln 81 1833. Jemima, his wife .... 87 1843. Mrs. Anna Lincoln ... 81 1850. Moses Lincoln 82 1848. Luther Lincoln .... 82 1853. Mrs. Rachel Lincoln . . 82 1843. Solomon Lothrop . . • 82 1822. William Makepeace. . . 84 1824. Euth, his wife 82 1787. John Martin 80 1780. George Morey 83 1853. Mrs. Sarah Morey ... 88 1842. John L. Munroe .... 87 1849. Pollv Munroe 80 1812. Widow Mary Newcomb . 83 1829. Joseph Newcomb ... 82 1852. Rjchard Newcomb ... 86 1840. Jonathan Newland ... 88 1828. Ichabod Perry .... 80 1836. Nathan Perry 86 1832. Widow Abigail Puffer . . 98 1857. Widow Polly Shaw . . . 96' 1796. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith . . 96 1807. David Smith 81 1818. Timothy Smith .... 89 1818. Mary, his wife .... 83 1844. Araunah Smith .... 80 1845. Abisha Smith 84 1856. Daniel Smith . ... 87 1857. Ebenezer Smith .... 82 Stone Year of Death. 1855. John Stanley 1852. Sally, his wife 1775. Widow Mohitable 1835. Nathaniel Stone 1824. Elizabeth Story 1851. Thomas Story 1847. Anna, his wife 1849. Seth Sumner . 1856. Ruth, his wife . 1858. Widow Anna Sweet . . 1822. Ebenezer Titus . . . . 1830. Mehitable, his wife . . . 1789. Widow Margaret Trow . 1797. Henry Tucker . . . . 1793. Judith, his wife . . . . 1853. Hannah Tucker . . . . 1816. Mrs. Abigail Verry . . . 1789. Mrs. Bethiah Washburn . 1824. Meletiah Washburn . . . 1825. Mary ( ? ), his wife . . . 1778. Simeon Wetherell . . . 1823. William Wetherell . . . 1826. Widow Lydia Wetherell . 1837. James Wetherell . . . . 1851. Miss Lydia Wetherell . . 1846. Laban "Wheaton . . . . 1849. Fanny, his wife . . . . 1856. Widow Roby Wheeler . . 1801. Abraham White . . . . 1824. Josiah White 1827. Daniel White 1835. Zebulon White . . . . 1776. John Wild 1803. Widow Elizabeth Williams 1813. Noah Wiswall 1782. Israel Woodward. . . . 1816. Anna Woodward . . . . 1826. Elizabeth Woodward . . 1840 ( ? ). Martha Woodward . Age. 83 8582 93 S2 87 61 84 9083 8563 9182 82 92 64 9584 6384 848493 606465 85 84 FATAL CASUALTIES. The first accidental death in town, of which we have any account, was that of Joseph Williams, aged thirty-one, who fell from the scaffolding of a new barn upon which he was at work, Nov. 7, 1744, and was so much injured that he died on the evening following. Daniel Braman, aged thirty-nine, died Nov. 1, 1758, from injuries received a few days previous in a cider- mill. Ephraim Hodges, aged about forty, was drowned, while on a whaling voyage, about 1768. MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 527 A Miss (?) Gary, an insane woman, disappeared in the autumn of the year 1782 (?), and is supposed to have died from exposure. The next spring, her body was found by some children, between some large rocks now partly in tho Barrowsville Mill-pond, on the northerly side. From this circumstance, they were called the " Gary Rocks." Charles W. Wetherell, aged nine years, died March 14, 1784, from injuries received by a fall on the ice while skating a short time previous. Elijah Wetherell fell through the floor of a sawmill (near Augustus Lane's) into the pit below, and, from the injuries received, died March 23, 1786, aged forty- seven. Seth Gilbert, aged sixty-two, was run over by an ox-cart, and died Oct. 3, 1788, a few days after the accident. William Newcomb was burnt to death in his house, March 17, 1790, aged sixty-eight. About 1798, a child of Laban Smith was scalded to death. Lydia Burt, while reading the Bible, in December, 1802, was taken in a fit, and fell into the fire, and was so badly burned that she soon died. Simeon Allen fell from the high beams of a barn in September, 1809, and soon died from the effects of the fall. George Godfrey was killed in a cider-mill, Oct. 15, 1810. About the year 1811, in the summer season, Watson Morey (a colored man) was drowned in the Barrows ville Mill-pond. Ephraim, son of Holmes Richmond, aged about three years, was burnt to death about the year 1817. Amherst Guild, of this town, was choked to death, while eating on the muster-field at Attleborouo-h' Oct. 11, 1822, aged about thirty-eight. Peter Gillet, while bathing near the " Gary Rocks," in the Barrowsville Mill-pond, was drowned July 11, 528 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. Asa, child of David Woodward, aged four years, was killed by the falling of the wall upon it, Sept. 6, 1825. Rebecca, daughter of Josiah Macomber, aged about five years, fell into a tub of hot water, and was so badly scalded that she died March 31, 1827, about twenty-four hours after the accident. Thomas Sweet, of this town (the scaffolding giving way), fell from a factory on which he was at work, in Smithfield,R.L, and died Aug. 23, 1828, a few hours after the catastrophe. Asahel Dean, of Norton, while riding in the town of Bellingham, was thrown from his carriage, and killed, June 10, 1829. Daniel Goodwin fell from a load of hay, and was so badly hurt that he died July 13, 1830, a few days after the fall. Nason White was choked to death while eating his dinner, Jan. 17, 1832, aged thirty-two. Thomas Braman died April 29, 1833, from injuries received a few weeks previous by falling from a ladder in his barn. . Lloyd S. Lincoln, aged thirty-one, was thrown from his wagon, and killed, Jan. 24, 1834, aged twenty-three. Simeon Lane was struck by lightning, and instantly killed, July 14, 1835, while driving his team with a load of hay from the field. One of the oxen was also killed. Laban Arnold was fatally injured by the premature explosion of a rock he was blasting, and died Sept. 16, 1837, about twenty-four hours after the accident. John Freeman is supposed to have been frozen to death in the westerly part of the town, Jan. 29, 1841, aged forty-five. David L. Carver, of this town, was instantly killed on the Stoughton Railroad, by the accidental " dump ing" of a loaded dirt-car while he was under it, March 13, 1845, aged thirty-six. David Berry, while bathing, was drowned in the Copper-works Pond, June 28, 1845, aged about twenty- five. MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 529 William Baylies Arnold, aged about eight years, was drowned July 5, 1847, in Burt's Brook, a short dis tance above Lincoln's Furnace. Luther Lincoln died March 31, 1848, from in juries received by being thrown from his carriage upon the sidewalk at Taunton about two weeks pre viously. Horace M. Leonard, while returning from Taunton, Nov. 28, 1848, fell from a loaded wagon, which passed over him, killing him instantly. Marietta, aged thirteen months, daughter of Charles D. Lane, died April 10, 1851, in consequence of turn ing a teapot full of hot water upon her face and breast about three weeks previously. Daniel 0., aged ten years, son of Lysander 0. Make peace, was drowned July 26, 1851, in Rumford River, back of his father's house. Seth Hodges was found dead in his barn, Nov. 17, 1851 ; and is supposed to have fallen from the high scaffold. David Chapman, of Easton, wliile skating within the limits of Norton, in the winter of 1854, was drowned. David, aged eighteen months, child of Edward Keefe, died March 19, 1855, from the effects of burns received by his clothes taking fire. Harriet M. Stanley (daughter of Benjamin D. Stan ley), who was, with her brother, burning brush near the Barrowsville Millpond, May 10, 1855, accidentally set her clothes on fire, and was so shockingly burned that she died in two or tliree hours. Mrs. Mercy Ann, wife of Cyril S. Sweet, while pre paring breakfast, Oct. ' 30, 1855, by some means set her clothes on fire, and survived the accident less than twenty-four hours. Faugas, aged about six years, son of Thomas Mc Caffrey, was drowned in the canal at the Copper-works, Sept. 28, 1856. David, son of Edward Keefe, aged two years, was run over by the cars (which were out of time), and 45 530 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORT. instantly killed, a short distance above the depot, Oct. 13, 1857. John, aged twenty-one months, son of Michael Mar- ley, was drowned iu the canal at the Copper-works, July 26, 1858. ' DWELLING-HOUSES BURNED. The first account of the burning of a house in Nor ton, which we find, is iu the " Boston News-Letter " of Thursday, Feb. 9, 1738 ; from which it appears, that, on the Tuesday previous, George Hodges' house was burnt down. The fire was caused by sparks falling upon the roof, there being a high wind at the time. Peter Makepeace's house was burned April 19, 1775» About 1780, a house belonging to Nathaniel Freeman was destroyed. William Newcomb's house was con sumed, and he also was burned in it, March 17, 1790.1 Not far from 1790, Ann Cobb's house was burnt. April 12, 1803, a house belonging to Asahel Tucker, occupied by Levi Woodward. Jan. 21, 1806, the house of Peter Penno, at mid-day. About 1812, Wil liam Verry's house. In March, 1819, a house owned by Judge Leonard, and occupied by Oliver Hunt. May 10, 1828, Deacon Lysander Makepeace's house. About 1835, a house belonging to Judge Wheaton. April 28, 1838, Clifford Carver's house. Dec. 19, 1841, the public-house kept by Hiram Smith, and owned by Horace B. and Hiram H. Wetherell. April 15, 1846, the house of Jacob Shepard. March 21, 1847, a house belonging to the Crocker Brothers, and occupied by James Lynch. About 1849, a house be longing to Sibyl Burt, and occupied by James Wash burn. June 6, 1852, the " Wiswall House," so called, occupied by Irish families. May 18, 1857, the house belonging to D. and S. Holman, and occupied by Oliver S. Titus. June 15, 1857, the house of Lewis E. and Nancy Lincoln. i For full account, see Herald of Freedom, March 26, 1790; and the Massachusetts Spy of April 1, 1790. MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 531 BUILDINGS BURNED. Dec. 3, 1741, " The Forge and Works for the manu facture of Iron, at Norton, belonging to George Leo nard, Esq., were burnt down : the damage is supposed to be about One Thousand Pounds." : In 1778, John Briggs's barn was burnt. Elisha Cobb's nail-shop, in 1789. In 1797, James Wetherell's barn was struck with lightning, and consumed. About 1808, Daniel Smith's nail-mill. Samuel Balcom's nail-shop, in 1816. James Godfrey's sawmill, in 1820. About the same year, Benj. Horton's cutting-mill. Ephraim Allen's barn was struck with lightning, in 1822, and consumed. In 1824, the rolling and slitting mill of Benj. Horton. December, 1831, Nathaniel Newcomb's factory. About 1835, a store belonging to Judge Wheaton. Henry Blandin's barn, in 1836. Stillman Smith's shop, January, 1840. In the spring of 1842 (?), the shin gle, grist, and wadding mills at Barrowsville. Thomas Story's barn, in 1844. In December, 1844, John Mc- Cormack's barn. Hathaway Leonard's carpenter's shop, in the spring of 1852. March 14, 1854, the schoolhouse in District No. 5. The blacksmith's shop at the Copper-works, July 1, 1856. A portion of Lin coln's Furuace, April 9, 1859. RUNAWAY WIFE. In the "Boston News-Letter" of March 1, 1750, is the following advertisement : — " Feb. 15, 1749-50. — Whereas Rebecca Harris, the wife of me the Subscriber, living at Norton, has unlawfully ab sented herself from me and my family, and carried off sundry Effects to a considerable value, and may endeavour to run me in Debt, — These are, therefore, to caution all Persons what soever not to entertain, trust, or give Credit to her, the said Eebecca, upon my Account ; for I will not pay any Debt con tracted by her during her continuing to absent herself. — As witness my Hand, "Joseph Harris. " N.B. — If she will return to my Family, and behave as a virtuous wife ought to do, she shall be kindly received." 1 Boston News-Letter, Dec. 10, 1741. 532 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. WITCHCRAFT. Norton has not been exempt from believers in witches, wizards, ghosts, and goblins ; and there are some yet living who hug these ideas to their bosoms. Tradition has handed down to us the important intelli gence (we do not, however, vouch for its truth), that Major George Leonard — the first of the name in town — made a league with the Devil in order to acquire great wealth ; and, as a return for the services rendered, Leonard promised to give his body to the Devil when he called for it. Accordingly, in 1716, while Mr. Leonard was sick with a fever, of which lie died, the old imp came, claimed his body, and actually carried it off! As he left the premises with it, he made a tre mendous jump, and landed on some rocks situated thirty or forty rods back of the house, where he came down with so much force as to make his foot-prints in the rock, which are to be seen at the present day ! At the funeral, the corpse was not to be seen, of course ; and the family gave out word that it was not proper to be seen : but, in reality, there was nothing in the coffin but a log of wood, put in to lull all suspicion that the body was not there. Theodora, or Dora Leonard, as she was generally called, was reputed a witch, and, if we can believe the stories of some now living, " cut some curious capers." People would sometimes go to the barn, and " tie up " the cattle ; and, before they could get away therefrom, the cattle would be all unloosed by some mysterious agency. She lived some two miles from the centre ; and once, when up in town, it was needful that she should get some cloth that was left at home, and she went after it, but soon returned with it, not having had time to have gone a fourth part of the dis tance. One day, some boys were out hunting squirrels, near her residence ; and they found a large one in the top of a tree, and fired almost numberless times at it, but could not kill it. But, as they were going home, they encountered a strange cat, which was believed to have been Dora iu disguise, who had prevented the MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 533 charges fired at the squirrel from taking effect. She was supported by the town in her last days ; and, when she died (about 1785), there was such a terrible racket all about the house, that no one dared to remain to witness her death. Ann Cobb had the reputation of dealing in the " black art," and of being in league with the " Old Scratch;" but I have not been informed of any specific modes in which she manifested her power. She was supported by the town some time previous to her death, which took place in 1798. Naomi Burt was also accounted a member of the mysterious sisterhood of witches, and, < by her won derful powers, gave some trouble to those who fell under the ban of her displeasure. Oxen sometimes turned their yokes, and people lost wheels off their wagons, when they passed her house ; and the boys always held their breath, and ran with all speed, when they went by in the night. She hung herself, July 4, 1808. SINGULAR PHENOMENA. Some eighty or ninety years ago, three young per sons, living near each other, were all very singularly affected, during the same night, with a sudden attack somewhat of the paralytic kind. Josiah Harvey al most entirely lost the use of one of his limbs, so that he ever after walked with great difficulty. Henry Hewit lost the use of both limbs, so that he never walked again, but pushed himself round in a chair upon wheels. Prudy Hall, a little child, was so af fected in one of her arms that she could never after wards raise it to her head. No satisfactory explanation was given to this wonderful occurrence, except the prevailing idea of the people of that time, who said these individuals were " moon-struck." SHAKERS. In 1782, some Shakers, with Ann Lee (the elect lady) and Shadrack Ireland as leaders, came to this 45* 534 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. town from Harvard, whence they were driven through fear of a mob. They made some proselytes here, but soon removed to Rehoboth, and prevailed upon many of their adherents, both here and there, to sell their estates, in order to build a ship or ark to carry them to the " New Jerusalem " of their visions. A vessel was built with the money thus furnished ; but it was sent on a voyage (says Backus in his " Church History," vol. iii. p. 179, &c.) to the West Indies, from whence a rich cargo was brought : but both vessel and cargo were sold, and a few rich men cheated the rest out of their estates. Some of the Norton Shakers are be lieved to have removed to New Lebanon, N.Y. The principal place of their meetings at Norton was at the house of Capt. William Morey, a blacksmith, — less than half a mile from the Centre Village, on the Attleborough Road.1 It is now known as the " Jack son House," and is occupied by David Fitzgerald. FREEMASONS. The Bristol Lodge of Freemasons was organized in Norton, June 14, Anno Lucis 5797. The charter was granted to the following persons : Job Gilbert, George Gilbert, Ira Smith, Joshua Pond, Samuel Morey, jun., Timothy Briggs, jun., Samuel Day,2 Seth Smith, jun., Daniel Gilbert,2 Benjamin Billings.2 They held their meetings in the hall of the Academy Building, now owned by Benjamin H. Richmond. I am told that the records of this lodge are destroyed or lost ; and hence we know not who, or how many, were the sub sequent members. March 10, A.L. 5830, the lodge was removed to Attleborough. i For a description of a Shaker meeting, see " Men and Times of the Revolution, or Memoirs of Elkanah Watson," p. 332, &c. In the same book p. 304, &c, is an account of Watson's first interview with his subse quent wife, — who was Rachel Smith, of this town. In his journal, Watson says, "In a few weeks after this interview [in 1784], the young lady be came my beloved wife." This is not correct. They were not married till more than four years afterwards. But, if he had said they ought to have been married " a few weeks after this interview," he would have stated the truth. 2 Belonged to Mansfield. MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 535 LIBRARIES. Rev. Pitt Clarke says a social library was founded Jan. 4, 1794 ; and, in 1825, it numbered two hundred and seventy-eight volumes. The constitution of the association, called the " Proprietors of the Norton Library," is dated Jan. 29, 1794 ; and there were thirty-six original members, of whom only two are now known to be living, — viz., Elijah Lane, of Enfield, and our venerable townsman, David Makepeace, — both over ninety years of age. Each of the proprietors was to pay down six shillings ; six shillings in August following ; six in August, 1795 ; and six more in August, 1796, — in all, twenty-four shillings : and this sum entitled them to a right in the library. Thereafter, each proprietor was to pay annually one shilling and sixpence till otherwise ordered by a vote of the shareholders. Each person could take out as many books at a time as he owned rights in the library. Five directors and a librarian were to be chosen by ballot, annually, on the first Monday of September. The first election of officers took place at the house of Gen. Silas Cobb, Feb. 19, 1794 ; of which meeting he was moderator. Rev. Pitt Clarke was chosen librarian ; and Hon. George Leonard, Rev. Ebenezer Nelson, Gen. Silas Cobb, Dr. Samuel Morey, and Ephraim Raymond, directors. The last and nineteenth article of the constitution declared that the library should remain to the proprietors, their heirs and assigns, for ever. But, Sept. 3, 1836, — the last annual meeting ever held, — the ninteenth article was rescinded ; and it was decided that a majority of the members might vote to sell the books and property " for the benefit of all the proprietors, and dissolve the Institution." Deacon Daniel Lane was chosen libra rian at that meeting, and, according to the constitu tion, remained in office till he died ; the books being kept at his house. The first proprietors belonged to Norton. Subsequently, members were admitted from Mansfield. We recently met the only resident sur- 536 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. vivor of the original proprietors ; and the great question with him was, what should be done with the library, which is still at the late residence of Deacon Lane, now- occupied by his son Albert. In 1842, the State appropriated fifteen dollars to every school district that would raise a like sum for a district-school library. In accordance with this resolve, several of the school districts in Norton raised the needed sum, and established libraries, which are still in existence, though not very much used. During the ministry of Rev. Mr. Hinkley, quite a number of books were bought, and a social library started ; but it died with his removal from town. Jan. 1, 1852, the ladies of the Congregational parish held a " tea-party ; " most of the proceeds of which were used to establish a parish library. Some additions have been made to it, and it now numbers two hundred and thirty-five volumes ; and the use of it is free to any and all the worshippers with that parish. TOWN-MAP. In accordance with a resolve of the General Court, passed March 1, 1830, requiring the several towns of the State to make a survey of their territory, a survey was made of this town by Cromwell Leonard, Esq., and a map lithographed ; only a few copies of which are now in existence. In 1855, a new map was litho graphed by H. F. Walling, superintendent of the State Map, in obedience to a vote of the town ; and each family was furnished with a copy. The map is a pretty correct one ; giving the location of the rivers, roads, and all the dwelling-houses in town, with the names of their owners ; but would have been more valuable, in an historic point of view, if the names of the occupants of the houses had also been given. A few copies of this map, thirty-six inches by thirty, well mounted, are for sale at the office of the Town Treasurer. MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 537 STATISTICS. Rev. Pitt Clarke, in his " Historical Sermon," says that, between July 3, 1793, and July 3, 1825, there had been five hundred and eighty-seven deaths in Norton ; of which five were suicides, nine accidental, and nineteen sudden. He also states, that, within that period, he had solemnized two hundred and twenty-two marriages. Mr. Clarke kept a record of the names and ages of all who died during his mini stry ; but that record-book cannot now be found among the papers he left. His widow thinks she lent it, after leaving town, to some one here ; and is confident it must be in Norton. We trust all parties will make a thorough search for it ; for, if found, it will supply many deficiencies that now exist on the town-records of deaths, &c. Until about 1848, there was not an accurate account of births, marriages, and deaths, kept in the town-clerk's office. For the last ten years, ending Dec. 31, 1858, there have been four hundred and thirty-two births; the largest number (fifty-three) being in 1857, the smallest number (thirty- five) in 1853. For the same period, there has been ninety marriages ; the largest number (thirteen) being in 1853, the smallest number (three) in 1849. The deaths, for the same time, were tliree hundred and seventy; the largest number (thirty-four) being in 1849, the smallest number (nineteen) in 1857. There have been three suicides since 1825. SUSPICIONS OF MURDER, ETC. About the year 1761, Joseph Hart and wife, for some ti-ifiing offence, tied up his son (by a former wife) by the wrists to a joist over head, stripped him of his clothes, and whipped him almost to death. He lived some days : and, when the father found he was likely to die, he went for a physician in great haste; but death soon closed the poor boy's sufferings.1 are^tVexfa't* °f Verses were made relative l° the matter, copies of which 538 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. A woman by the name of Hodges was suspected of having caused the death of her illegitimate child ; but her guilt was never fully established. In 1772, an illegitimate child of a maid-servant in the family of William Holmes was found dead in a hogshead of rye, in the garret, which, she said, was put there by a negro, who was the reputed father of it. There were suspicions of murder ; but the jury of inquest said, " It died from neglect." x CHAISE AND CHAIRS. In 1753, there were taxed in Norton one chaise and four chairs. The chaise is supposed to have belonged to the Leonard Family. The chairs were a kind of gig, having a seat suitable for two persons, with a sort of chair-back. POST-OFFICE. About 1798, a post-office was established in Easton, on the Bay Road, leading from Taunton, through the easterly part of Norton, to Boston ; and was designed to accommodate the citizens of Easton, Norton, and Mansfield. Some of the people in the west part of this town, however, went to Attleborough for post- office accommodations. The post-office was esta blished in Norton about the year 1817, Earl P. White being the first postmaster, and holding the office about oue year; which was kept most of the time at his house, in the easterly part of the village. Laban M. Wheaton, Esq., succeeded Mr. White as postmaster, and was commissioned April 21, 1818 ; holding the office till 1845. It was kept for some years in Mr. Wheaton's law-office ; then in the public- house and in the village store. On the 24th of June, 1845, Earl Hodges, Esq., received the appointment of postmaster, and held the office till his death, April 3, 1857. He kept the office most of the time in his 1 Boston Gazette, May 18, 1772. MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 539 house, directly opposite the Town Hall. His widow (Mrs. Harriet Hodges) was appointed postmistress, April 6, 1857 ; and is still in office. The mail was first brought to town about once a week from Taunton on horseback, and for several years came in that manner. Subsequently, a line of stages was established through this town from Taunton to Providence, and afterwards to Wrentham and Men don, and brought the mail two or three times a week previous to the opening of the railroad. The mail is now daily received in the morning by railroad from Boston, and is sent to Boston in the afternoon. The New-York mail goes out in the morning vid Taunton, and is returned at night. RAILROAD. The Taunton-Branch Railroad — extending in a straight line, about a mile easterly of Norton Centre from the Boston and Providence Railroad in Mansfield to Taunton — was built during the years 1835 and 1836, and was opened for travel in August of the latter year. Elkanah Wood was the first station- agent ; and the stopping-place was, for several years, at the crossing near his house, there being no depot. The first depot was built near Mr. Wood's house, and was afterwards removed to a position between the present depot and the road, and a few feet nearer to the railroad-track. The new depot was erected in 1853, and was occupied for the first time during the severe snow-storm which commenced on the 29th of December of that year, and continued two days, com pletely blocking up the roads, and stopping the cars in their progress. The present station-agent is Mr. Eli Wood, who has held the office for many years. Some years ago, a flag-station was established near Taunton line, a short distance easterly of Daniel Crane's house ; and he was appointed, and still performs the duties of' station-agent. I am told, that, when the surveys were made for this road, a proposition was made by the 540 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. company to Judge Wheaton, that, if he would subscribe liberally to the stock of the road, it should be located through the village, near his house. But he, fearing it would depreciate the value of his property, declined the proposal ; and hence the road passes by on one side of us. Soon after the completion of the Taunton- Branch Railroad to Taunton, it was continued to New Bedford ; and the passenger-cars now run three times a day through town each way between that city and Boston. ACADEMY. About 1797, a building was erected directly back of the Congregational-Parish Meeting-house by share holders, and an academy soon afterwards opened in the lower part of it, under the charge of Abner Alden, Esq., who is believed to have been the only principal. The building was dedicated with appropriate services ; Rev. John Foster,' of Taunton, giving the address. For some reason, it failed to meet the expectations of its founders, and did not have a long life. The re moval of Mr. Alden to Bristol, R.I., might have been one cause which lead to the breaking-up of the school. It is believed to have been quite popular while he was connected with it. WHEATON FEMALE SEMINARY. This institution was founded by Hon. Laban Whea ton, of this town, soon after the death of his daughter (Mrs. Strong), who died childless. With the portion of his estate designed for her, he endowed the school. The first seminary building was erected in the summer of 1834, and the school was opened in the spring of 1835. The following trustees, in addition to himself, were appointed by Judge Wheaton : Rev. Sylvester Holmes, Rev. Orin Fowler, Rev. Erastus Maltby, Rev. Cyrus W. Allen, Lemuel Perry, Esq., Deacon William Reed, Major Jonathan Bliss, and L. M. Wheaton, Esq. We here record the names of those who have since MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 541 been elected trustees to supply Yacanoies in the Board : Dr. Ira Barrows, Albert Barrows, Esq., Rev. William Barrows, William J. King, Esq., Zeno Kelly, Esq., Rev. Leonard Swain, Rev. Franklin Holmes, Rev. ~E. N.Kirk, Rev. M. Blake, Ichabod Washburn, Esq., Rev. A. H. Clapp, William 0. Chapin, Esq., John R. Rogerson, Esq! March 10, 1837, the school was incorporated by the. Legislature under the name of the " Norton Female Seminary," with the privilege of holding real and per sonal estate to the amount of ten thousand dollars each. March 16, 1839, the name was changed by the Legislature to "Wheaton Female Seminary," and authorized to hold additional real and personal estate to the value of twenty thousand dollars each. In 1849, the first structure was removed, and the present Seminary Building erected at a cost of about six thousand dollars, which was dedicated in December of that year; Rev. Henry N. Hudson giving the ad dress. The first boarding-house was erected in 1836 ; and, subsequently, two wings were added. The new boarding-house — connected with the old one by a narrow passage-way, after the fashion of the Siamese Twins (though the two do not resemble each other quite so closely as do Chang and Eng) — was built in 1856, and opened, with appropriate services, Nov. v of that year; Rev. Samuel Walcott, of Providence, R.I., giving the address. Miss Eunice Caldwell was the first principal, and she was assisted at the opening of the school by the' cele brated Miss Mary Lyon. Miss Caldwell remained as principal till 1838 (?). The following ladies have been principals of the school since Miss Caldwell left : Miss Eliza R. Knight, from 1838 to 1840 ; Miss Martha E. W. Vose, from 1840 to 1842 ; Miss Martha C. Saw yer,' from 1842 to 1847 (?) ; Miss Elizabeth A. Cate, from 1847 to 1849 ; Miss Margaret Mann, from 1849 to 1850 ; Mrs. Caroline C. Metcalf, from 1850 to the present time. 46 542 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. CONGREGATIONAL-PARISH SUNDAY SCHOOL. This was organized about the year 1815. For a year or two, Miss Abigail Parker is believed to have had the charge of it. She was succeeded by Mr. Alvin Perry as superintendent; and, for some years subsequently, the school met, between the morning and afternoon services on Sunday, at the schoolhouse. It was one of the earliest Sunday schools established in Massachusetts. It has usually been held only in the warm season ; viz., from the first part of May to the latter part of November. In 1816, " The Norton Female Christian Association " was formed, with a view " to procure and loan religious books, and pro mote other Christian and holy purposes ; " and, in 1818, numbered one hundred members, all ladies.1 The managers of this association soon became teachers of the Sunday school ; and, in the course of a few years, the school received their chief attention ; the books previously bought being made the basis of the Sunday-school library. Juue 1, 1831, the society was reorganized under the name of the " Sunday-school Society ; " which name it has borne most of the time since up to 1858, and has usually made choice of the superintendent and librarians, purchased all needed text and library books, &c. The following persons have been superintendents of the school since 1831. I can find no records back of that time. Cromwell Leonard,. Deacon Almond Tucker, Jarvis Smith, Leo nard Hodges, Augustus Lane, Zebulon P. White, Dea con Stillman Smith, Earl C- White. The school now numbers one hundred and fSrty pupils, and the library contains six hundred and nine volumes. town-house., * As we have previously stated, the town-meetings were held for many years in the old meeting-house. At * For names of members, see appendix to printed sermon preached before the association, in 1818, by Rev. Pitt Clarke. MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 543 the March meeting, 1836, the question of .building a town-house, or buying some building for that purpose, came up for consideration, and a committee was chosen to report upon the matter ; and at an adjourned meet ing, March 21, it was voted to build a town-house. This vote was reconsidered March 26, and a committee was chosen to buy the old meeting-house for the use of the town, who forthwith made the purchase, paying two hundred and twenty-five dollars for it. Soon after,. it was fitted up by dividing it horizontally, and appro priating the upper part for a town-hall. The lower part was partitioned off into several rooms, and used for a paint-shop, basket-making, &c. The steeple — which was built at the end and outside of the body of the house — was taken down by digging under the foun dation and severing its connection with the main building, and then tipping it ovqr. Just as the separation was completed, Dr. Asa M. Adams ran into it ; and, while attempting to ascend the stairs leading to the gallery, the steeple fell to the ground, without doing him any particular harm. Having fitted up the house for their use, the town were not satisfied with it; and two or three unsuccessful at tempts were made to sell the building, and build anew. April 3, 1843, sixty-four persons voted iii favor of, and sixty-six against, disposing of the town- house. This vote was reconsidered Sept. 4 by a vote of one hundred and twenty-five to ninety-eight ; and it was then voted, one hundred and twenty-eight to one hundred and eight, to build a new town-house, forty feet by thirty, provided it should not cost more than three hundred and fifty dollars, including the land to set it on, — the old house being " thrown in." And, in accordance with this vote, the present town- house was built ; the old meeting-house being taken down, and a portion of it incorporated into the new building. 544 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. EARLY METHODIST PREACHING. Since writing the chapter relative to the Wesleyan- Methodist Church, I have learned a few facts about the first preaching of the Methodist doctrines here, which may. be of interest. One of the first Methodist preachers in this vicinity was Lemuel Smith, about 1790. In 1795, Zadock Priest was appointed to the "Warren Circuit," — which included Norton, — and preached here about once a month for about one year; holding his meetings some of the time at Joseph New comb's, whose house, for many years, was a sort of head quarters for Methodist ministers. The first week in June, 1796, Mr. Priest came to Newcomb's, sick with consumption, and died there on the 22d of the same •month, in the twenty-seventh year of his age. He is said to have been a native of Connecticut. He was the first Methodist minister who died in Massachusetts, aud the first tenant of the private burying-ground near Josiah Newcomb's, who lives where Priest died. At the time of Priest's death, it was contemplated by Joseph Newcomb and others to build a Methodist meeting house near the spot where he was buried ; but, from some cause, the house was built at East Mansfield. The first regular camp-meeting, east of Connecticut River, was in Norton, June, 1805, near Joseph Newcomb's house, in a grove (now cut down, and growing up to pines) directly back of Perez Foster's house. The celebrated Lorenzo Dow and eleven other preachers were present. It rained a portion of the time. The rumsellers, who thronged the ground, were vigorously attacked by Dow ; and, in return, they threatened to mob him. Alluding to this matter in his journal, p. 235, Dow says, — " This being about a mile from the place where I first attempted to preach, I related a dream to brother P. ; who replied, that he thought some trials were near me, but, by the blessing of God, I might escape : which, in fact, proved to be MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. 545 the case ; for Satan's emissaries set up their grog-tents, which cost them dearly. For, first after that they would not hearken to reason, I showed the impropriety of corrupting the meet ing, and warned the people against them, and also laid a foundation whereby they might be prosecuted ; in conse quence of which, they were alarmed, sunk into contempt, and did not sell a sufficiency to indemnify them for their expenses. This so exasperated them, that they fell on different plans to be revenged, either by provoking me to say something that would expose me to the law, or else get an opportunity to give me a flogging. However, God defeated their designs, and turned their treacherous intentions to the disgrace of their characters; so that they appeared -as ciphers in the eyes of a generous public. . . . The Lord was wonderfully present with his spirit to acknowledge the meeting; for, whilst P. was preaching, numbers fell, as if the powers of unbelief gave away. The cry became so general, that he was constrained to give over ; but the work continued. The full result of this meeting will not be known until eternity." The meeting broke up on the 10th of June; but when it commenced, we are not informed. Dow, on the 3d of June, 1796, preached his first sermon (al luded to in the extract given from his journal) near where Dwelly Goward lives, in Easton. Another camp-meeting was held a few years later on the same ground, which also proved to be a "rainy season." 46* i. 546 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. ADDITION. After most of these pages were printed, so that it could not be inserted in its proper place, I found some matter relating to the incorporation of the town, which we now record : — "THE PETITION OF THE NORTH PRECINCT. " To the Inhabitants of Taunton old Township. " The petition of the Inhabitants of Taunton North pre cinct humby sheweth, that whereas the General Court hath set of part of the north purchase, and part of the old Town of Taunton, to be a precinct to maintaine the ministry, — we now humbly pray the inhabitants of Taunton old Town to Grant that the said precinct may be made a Township, which, we think, will be best both for ourselves and the old Town; which if you will do, we shall account ourselves much obleeged to you, and shall nextly apply ourselves to the Generall Court to Confirm the same, all which is the Re quest of your humble petitioners, " George Leonard, John Wetherell, Samuel Brintnell, Thomas Stephens, "Agents for, and in the behalfe of, the inhabitants of the North Precinct." "The abovesaid petition was Read, and voated on, the second day of January,. 1710, at a Legall Town-Meeting of the Inhabitants of said Taunton old Town. "A true Coppy ; Transcribed by me, "John Wilbore, Town-Clerk.1 " Taunton, february the 12th, 1710-11." " Dated in Taunton Nokth Pke- cinct, this first day of Jany., 1710. 1 State Papers, vol. cxiii. p. 292. MISCELLANEOUS. HISTORY. 547 " To his Excellency Joseph Dudley, Esqr., &c. " This, the humble petition of the Inhabitants of Taunton north precinct, humbly sheweth, that whereas This Great & General Court, In answer to our prayers, hath alredy sett of a part of Taunton old Township & part of Taunton north purchase to be a seperate precenct for the settling and suport of the ministree in said place, for which we doo Return our harty thanks unto this honered court ; and we have allso Erected a meeting-house in said precinct at said place whare the comitee Apointed by the Generall court to view said precinct & bound it, — viz., Col. Thomas, Col. Byfield, & Capt. Warren, apointed. said meeting-house is covered & Inclosed, and in a considarable forwardness. We have also made choise of a Learned & pious person to settle with us in that sacred Imploy of the ministree* — viz., Mr. Joseph Avery, — and are in hopes he will accept, & settle with us. . But, said pre cinct being part of Taunton old town and part of the north purchase, we foresee many Inconveniencyes Likely to arise, and alredy risen ; for those belonging to the old town being rated to town-rates, and those in the north purchase not, doth cause a difference amongst us. And, when any poor or Indi gent person doth come to reside amongst us in that part which is the north purchase, we are at a loss what to do with them ; not having power amongst ourselves to warn them away, or to Give order to a Constable to carry them back to the place from whence they came. And several other inconviencys, to many to numerate, we did, therefore, on the third day of January Last past, at a town-meeting of the town of Taunton, Adress said town with a petetion, desireing them to Grant that we might be made a township ; which petition was read to the town, and. they did very Redyly vote that said north precinct shoold be made a township, as may be seen by our petetion and the vote of the Town upon it. we do, therefore, nextly applye ourselves to this honered court; humbly praying that this court woold conferm the act of the town, And Grant that the bounds that the abovesaid commitee apointed to be the bounds of said precinct may now be the bounds of Said Town, without exceptions, which is as folloeth. [We omit the bounds, they being the same as given on pp. 35 and 36.1 And further pray, That the Honble. Court would please to Encourage us in our begining by Granting us some immunity or Exemption, as has usually been done at the first raising of 548 MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. new Towns, which is a General benefit and advantage to the province, your Petrs. shall most thankfully acknowledge the same, to "And, as in duty bound, ever pray, &e. " George Leonard, "By apointment of the Inhabitants." 1 Then, under the date of March 17, 1710-11, follows the action of the General Court, similar to what we have recorded on page 34. '. < Here I must stop, not because I have exhausted all. the interesting material on hand, but because I must stop somewhere ; because I have considerably overrun my limits ; above all, because « my poverty, but not my -'will, consents." In closing, I feel the full force ot the lines, — " Like travellers, when they see their native soil Writers rejoice to terminate their toil." 1 State Papers, vol. cxiii. p. 290. THE END. 549 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. As an act of justice to those who have encouraged us in our labors, and for various other reasons, we here give the names of our subscribers. The figures attached to a name sjiow the number of copies for which the individual became responsible. Where no number is specified, it is to be understood that only one copy is taken. ATTLEBOROOGH. John Daggett. BELOrr, wis. Nathan G. Babbit. Edward H. Clarke. J. W. DeaD. Joseph B. Felt. Polly Hicks. A. D. Hodges (10). Carmi E. King (2). George M. King. A. H. Knapp (2). J. G. Locke. William Makepeace. Thomas Sweet- John Sweet. J. B. Tallman. William B. Trask. Leander Wetherell (5). Eli 0. Wood. CANTON. Samuel B. Noyes. 0ABLE8KILL, N.Y. Demosthenes Lawyer. EASTON. Oliver Ames, jun. Oakes Ames. 0. H. Beaus. William A. Whitwell, EXETER, N.H. WiUiam Perry (6). L. W. Leonard. pitohburq. William P. Tilden. HAMPTON FALLS, N.I A.M. Bridge. LAWYER8YTLLE, N.Y, Sally Lawyer. LONSDALE, R.I. George L. Barnes. James A. Barnes. LOWELL, Frederio Hinckley. MAD IB ON, WIS. Richard Sweet. MANSFIELD. A. Cameron. Simeon Green. Sylvester Makepeace. MLDDLEBOROUQH. Stillman A. Pratt. MILTON- Polly Pidge. / MINERAL POINT, WIS. Samuel Crawford, Joseph S. Adams. Jason F. Alden. William H. Alden (3), James Allen. George E. 4dlen. John Arnold. Asa Arnold. George H. Arnold. D. D. Arnold. C. Barrows. H. M. Barrows. Horatio Bates. Simeon Blandin. Isaac T. Braman. Charles H. Briggs. Melzar Burt, i William Cape£, jun. James S. Card. Mrs/Caroline Carpenter. Theodore Carver. A. Caswell (2), John S. Clapp. John Clarkson. Daniel S. Cobb (5). G. M. Cobb. William H. Codding. T. H. Copeland. Joseph Copeland. John Crane (2). George B. Crane (6). Daniel Crane. George 0. Crane. John 0. Crane. Harrison Crossman (2), William H. Davis. Daniel B. Davis. Simeon A. Dean. Lloyd H. Dean. Nehemiah A. Dean. Christopher Dexter. Samuel Draper. A. O. Dunham. J. S. Elliot. Dennis Field. Darius B. Field. WiUiam R. Fobes. Sanforth Freeman. Mason Freeman. Schuyler Freeman. Nathaniel Freeman. J. A. Gibson. Elbridge Gilmore. BeDjamin S. Hall. Eben Hall. R. Henry HaU. Isaao Hardon. Reuben Harlow. S.G. Hicks (2). Leonard Hodges. '¦".' "'" Earl Hodges. C. W. Hodges (2). Newton S. Hodges. mmtam^m^^ggm. vwipm^'rmimm "»»W»f|.l..ll.Wi,l.u Svi*. «3 oCOg O H CO3 OLO H . - t4 © t, a ci . 9.** S n e — ' «M. . d . -° Hi a s"a g--; sa^a^f §3 EM gvs I sis* J | « || §=3-g gag s|-|| g a g£ as«S TOOOOHHf)D>iBftmFOBii:;>;hh^O'!<52ei^o«lll[(jiMi,fl^BB to— tan o . ^ -2 • 5 3 d bo ^ a. w^3 3 a . o i a = != ¦? 3 • a.! S-3 4 ".S-a 1«sSW-i a ¦gllwggg W w ¦<; h W ¦< S YALE UNIVERSITY a39002 002722107 I