Yale University Library 39002002885896 T 0 R Y 0 F deealb county T E H N E S S E E •it lO'^'C'?^* p''jf'-4. ' r l^.y :-''-: ';mx_i0^iie^^ .y-ijit^^p^g^i^y^l Bought with the income of the Clarence Campbell Fund WILUT. HALE HISTORY OF dekalb county TENNESSEE QSS^ By will T. hale Author of "A Htstoro of Tennessee and Tennesseans, ' "The Indians and Tennessee Pioneers," "True Stories of Jamestown, Vir ginia," and Other Books NASHVILLE, TENN. PAUL HUNTER., PUBLISHER Wis Cyt)ll. 23 PRESS OF PUBLISHrNO HOUSE M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH, NASHVILLE. TENfT 9»!iUatrb to CHARLIE, HERBERT, HILDA AND HOWELL PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT. I HAVE thought the virtues and affairs of the people of my native county worthy of chronicling and trust there is a place among them for this little book. It is finished with the haze and hush of Indian summer about me and under the spell of the old hills. It is easy to see once-familiar faces, to hear remembered voices, to recall the little activities on farms and in villages, and I cherish the fact that I was once a part of all this. It should not be a matter for wonder, then, that I often feel what Burns felt when he gave expres sion to his perpetually quoted wish : That I for poor auld Scotland's sake Some useful plan or book could make, Or sing a sang at least. The works which have been helpful are named where quoted. Very valuable, indeed, have been two musty account books referred to repeatedly herein ; they have helped so much to illuminate a bygone time. The first is that of the Liberty physician and merchant, Ebe nezer Wright, dated from April 22, 1832, to June 18, 1833. The second belonged to Dr. John W. Overall of Alexandria, and dates from 1830 to 1834, but was afterwards used by his father, Col. Abraham Overall. While I never had much fondness for figures, these two documents, with all that they reveal in and be tween the lines, proved as interesting as romance. I must be pardoned for referring to them so often as History of DeKalb County well as for intruding my own recollections. Many in dividuals have offered data and suggestions, among them H. H. Jones, L. E. Simpson, Miss Effie Simpson, Mrs. Josie Davis, M. A. Stark, Rob Roy, Isaac Cooper, Dib Dinges, J. F. Roy, Alexandria ; Mrs. Lizzie Hale, Mrs. Belle Overall, Mrs. C. L. Bright, W. L. Vick, T. G. Bratten, J. F. Caplinger, Liberty; Dr. R. M. Mason, Temperance Hall; Dr. T. W. Wood, Bellbuckle; Mrs. Rachel Payne, Watertown; Mrs. S. W. McClellan, Lieut. B. L. Ridley, Murfreesboro; Rev. J. H. Grime, Lebanon; Rev. J. W. Cullom, Triune; Hon. Norman Robinson, Allan Wright, Dowelltown; Ralph Robinson, Sparta; Rev. Van N. Smith, Laurel Hill; Horace McGuire, B. M. Cantrell, Smithville; Rev. G. L. Beale, Springfield; James H. Fite, Anthony, Kans. ; John K. Bain, Shreveport, La.; Thomas J. Finley, Celina, Tex.; James H. Bur ton, Summers, Ark.; I. T. Rhea, M. L. Fletcher, Robert Quarles, Jr., H. Leo Boles, A. B. Hooper, Tal Allen, Isaiah White, Hon. J. W. Byrns, L. J. Watkins (a most competent proof reader for the Methodist Publishing House), and officials of the State and Car negie Libraries, Nashville. But for the following these annals could not have been written : My brother, H. L. Hale, Liberty, born about 1855, descendant of the pioneers Benjamin Hale and Abraham Overall; Ed Reece, Nashville, son of a hero of three wars, Capt. Jack Reece; Rev. Petway Banks, Dowelltown, born about 1857 and one of the purest citizens the county ever produced ; James Givan, born in 1839, descendant of a first settler, a splendid vi History of DeKalb County type of citizen, and the best authority on local history around Liberty; Livingston Tubb, Alexandria, grand son of the patriot and pioneer Col. James Tubb ; James Dearman, Smithville, born in 1851 of pioneer stock and the soul of helpful courtesy; Riley Dale, born in 1841 or 1842, grandson of pioneer William Dale and a man of correct walk ; and Dr. J. B. Foster, born in Liberty in 1839, but now an honored physician of Meridian, Miss., a genius whose remarkable memory is as full and reliable as the famous diary of Samuel Pepys. Nashville, Tenn. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS. Chapter. Page. L When Tennessee Was Young i Once a County of North Carolina — Becomes a State — Memorials of a Vanished Race — Indian Tribes and Their Depredations — First Settler of DeKalb County — Indian Battle Near the Site of Liberty- Game. II. DeKalb County Established — Officials 9 Bill to Erect the County — Sundry Changes in the Line — Organization of County, Circuit, and Chancery Courts — Topography — Resources and Leading Crops — Live Stock — Principal Streams — Early Mills — Poli tics — County Officers — Senators and Representatives. III. The Oldest Village 22 First Settler Arrives at Liberty — Sketch of Adam Dale— First Merchants— Rise of the Dale Mill Settle ment — Present Business Directory — Changes Since Early Times — Reminiscences of Mrs. Payne and Dr. Foster — Postal Affairs — Professional Men — Land marks. IV. Pastimes of the Foreparents 39 Social Matters — Primitive Music — Horse-Racing — Ariel, Noted Racer — Musters Great Occasions — The Chase — Hospitality — A Bibulous Generation — Cheap ness of Intoxicants. V. Farming and Merchandising 48 Land Warrants — Hemp and Cotton Crops — Breeds of Stock — Prices for Produce — ^The Day of Home spun Clothes — The Village Stores and Long-Ago Prices — Men's and Women's Fashions. ix History of DeKalb County Chapter. Page. VI. Relating to Education S6 Old Field and Other Schools— Textbooks of Old Times — Punishments in School — Games — Earliest School in the County — Early and Latter-Day Tutors — Educational Institutions at Liberty, Alexandria, and Smithville. VII. Religious History 67 Salem Baptist Church — First Ministers, Deacons, and Clerks — Exhorters — Other Baptist Churches — Methodism and Its Two "Wings" — Interesting Per sonal Mention — Cumberland Presb5fterians and Disci ples — Memories of Rev. J. W. Cullom. VIII. Annals of Alexandria 88 The Pioneers — Incorporation — Business Men of Past and Present — Professional Men — Banks — Jour nalism — Milling Interests — A. and M. Association — Colored Fair — Personal References. IX. Concerning Slaves and Free Negroes g8 Negro Insurrections — Some Owners of Slaves — Locally Popular Types — A Colored Infidel — Three Notable "Runaways" — A Pathetic Story — Family of Free Negroes — Ante-Bellum Laws — Negroes in the War. X. Stagecoach and Tavern Days 106 The Turnpike Company Incorporated — The Route Surveyed — A Tragedy— Old Stage Road— Noted Tav erns — General Jackson and Other Notables — Balls — Sligo — Scenery. XI. The County Seat iig "Macon" First Name Selected — Public Buildings — Incorporation — Names of Lawyers and Judges — Early and Late Business Men, Physicians, Postmas- x History of DeKalb County Chapter. Page. ters, and Others — Banking and Journalism — Hotels — Necrological. XII. Historical Jetsam 12S Physical Giants — Tall Men and Short — Two Erudite Physicians — Mysterious Disappearances — Story of a Monument — Study in Names — Noted Expatriates — Folk Stories. XIII. Smaller Villages of the County 139 Temperance Hall— The Stokeses and Other Fami lies — Merchants, Physicians, and Others— Sketch of Dowelltown — The Gray Graveyard — Schools — Laurel Hill— Past and Present History— Forks-of-the-Pike and Keltonsburg. XIV. In the Early Wars iSi Revolutionary Soldiers— Veterans of 1812— Cap tains Tubb and Dale— Was There a Third Com pany ?— Black Hawk War Veterans— DeKalb Troops in the War with Mexico. XV. Secession — DeKalb Confederates 162 The Question of Secession— How DeKalb County Voted— Period of Intense Excitement— Call for Con federate Troops— Muster Rolls of DeKalb Confed erates. XVI. Stokes's Cavalry 185 Companies from DeKalb County— Promotions, Resignations, and Deaths— Muster Rolls— In Many Engagements in Various Parts of the State — Sketch of General Stokes. XVn. Blackburn's and Garrison's Federals i94 Sketches of Colonel Blackburn and Captain Garri son—Blackburn a Captain at Eighteen— OfHcers and Privates— Affair at Shelby ville— Casualty List. xi History of DeKalb County Chapter. Page. XVIII. Progress of the Big War 208 Battles in the County Named — Morgan's Command — Camps at Liberty — Capt. Thomas Quirk — Battle of Milton — Scouting from Liberty — Exciting Days. XIX. Personal Experiences 218 Noncombatants in War Times — Allison's Squad ron — A Race and a Skirmish — ^Anecdote of Reece and Allison — Minor Tragedies — Skedaddling Stories — Boyish Memories. XX. Regular and Guerrilla Warfare 229 Battle of Snow's Hill — Wheeler Arrives at Alex andria — Scouting around That Town — Morgan Starts on His Northern Raid — Death of Morgan — Battle of the Calf Killer— Wheeler's Raid— Stockade Taken— Pomp Kersey's Men. XXI. Peace and the Aftermath 244 Friction between Former Neighbors — The Freed Negroes — Loyal League and Ku-Klux Klan — Stokes's and Senter's Canvass — Makeshifts of the Citizens — Wonderful Latter-Day Progress. xii HISTORY OF DeKALB COUNTY CHAPTER I. When Tennessee Was Young. As a definite district bearing its present name, De Kalb County is not old, since it was erected in 1837 and not organized until 1838. But the territory in cluded within its boundaries has a history we need to know something about, along with that of the State, and this will be treated before taking up its organiza tion. The entire domain of Tennessee was once a part of the State of North Carolina. Between 1750 and 1775 the first settlements were made in that portion of the State now known as East Tennessee. When the colo nies there numbered several hundred whites, North Carolina in 1777 asserted jurisdiction over the west ern part of her lands and formed it into Washington County. In other words, the whole of the State of Tennessee became Washington County, N. C. In 1780, after Col. James Robertson with seven of his friends — William Overall (an uncle of Col. Abraham Overall), George Freeland, William Neely, Edward Swanson, James Hanley, Mark Robertson, and Zachariah White — had come over the mountains from East Tennessee and selected the site of Nashville for another settlement, a party of from two hundred to three hundred of his relatives and acquaintances ar- I History of DeKalb County rived on the Cumberland River and built homes and forts. In 1783 a new county was laid off by North Carolina. It was, of course, taken from Washington County, included a large scope of country west of the Cumberland Mountains (which were called the Wil derness), and became Davidson County. In 1786 Sumner County was laid off, its eastern boundary being the Wilderness; but in 1799 it was reduced by establishing Smith and Wilson Counties out of its eastern territory. Smith County at first included what later became Jackson, White, Warren, and Cannon Counties — or at least a great part of Cannon. Mean while, in 1790, North Carolina ceded all the Tennessee country to the United States, and it became, to use the short name, Southwest Territory, with William Blount appointed Governor by President Washington. In 1796 Southwest Territory was admitted into the Union as a State and was given the name of Tennes see. DeKalb County was not erected until 1837, but of course settlers came and occupied the land while it was a part of some of the other counties. In what part of the country that was to become DeKalb County did the pioneers first make a settlement? It is believed by some of the older citizens that they reached the Alexandria neighborhood first, about 1795 ; others say the first settlement was made at Liberty by Adam Dale about 1797. Each contention has merits. There had been a settlement at Brush Creek, within two and a half miles of Alexandria, early enough for Rev. Cantrell Bethel, of Liberty, to constitute a Baptist 2 History of DeKalb County Church May 2, 1802. Might there not have been some settler to locate two or three miles southward of Brush Creek some years earlier than the institution of the Church ? On the other hand, the colony of forty souls who came from Maryland to Liberty about 1800 on hearing from Adam Dale had to cut a wagon road through the forest and canebrakes from a few miles out of Nashville to Liberty. All the traditions are to that effect, and no hint from the pioneers has come down to indicate that they passed any settlement in the vicinity of Alexandria. It is possible, however, that the road opened by the colony ran considerably south of the old stage road and turnpike upon which Alexandria is located. This point will probably never be settled and may well be left alone. To go back many years, upon the arrival of the first whites in what is now; East Tennessee, a vast portion of Middle Tennessee was unoccupied by Indians, though hunting parties camped here or passed back and forth in their tribal wars beyond the borders. It seems to have been agreed among the red men that it should be held as a common hunting ground. As a result it was a wilderness well stocked with buffaloes, bears, deer, and other wild animals. No one knows how long it had been uninhabited ; the numerous bury ing grounds, mounds, and traces of forts prove that some race in the past had lived here. They had proba bly disappeared before stronger hostile tribes. For want of a better name, and because of their custom of building mounds and burying their dead in stone- walled graves, that vanished tribe were called the Mound 3 History of DeKalb County Builders, or Stone Grave race. Some ethnologists believe the Natchez Indians were a branch of this for gotten race. The mounds and other remains indicate great age and a civilization more advanced than that of the tribes seen when the American explorers came. Judg ing from the location of the forts, mounds, and ceme teries, the Mound Builders selected the most fertile sections for habitation and near streams. These land marks are numerous in Middle Tennessee, and the Smith Fork Valley, in DeKalb County, once echoed to the voices of the lost people. In the graves and some of the mounds have been discovered pipes, bowls, ornaments, weapons, and toys. In one place four miles south of Nashville three thousand graves were found and not far off one thousand more. From these were taken nearly seven hundred specimens of burned pottery — some of them semiglazed — representing ani mals, birds, fish, and the human figure. On the farm once owned by C. W. L. Hale, north of Liberty, is a very large Indian mound, which had perhaps been used for religious or observation purposes. Many graves adjacent have been plowed into. Graves have also been found on T. G. Bratten's farm, just west of Liberty, in the vicinity of the buffalo trail on which a battle was fought between Indians and whites in 1789. Mr. Leander Hayes, who had lived from boy hood four miles southwest of Liberty on Smith Fork, gave the writer in 1894 this description of the Mound Builders' graves on his farm : "A great number were rock-lined, square, and contained skeletons in a sitting 4 History of DeKalb County posture. At our old home, which I own now, there are two of these graves which have not been molested since their discovery — one near the front gate and the other in the garden under an old apple tree." The Cherokee and Chickasaw Indians lived in Ten nessee when the first settlements were made — not in the "hunting grounds" proper, however. The former Hved mainly along the mountains of the eastern bor der ; while a portion, the banditti known as the Chicka- maugas, had their villages near the present Chatta nooga. The Chickasaws, who became friends of the whites after attacking the settlers on Cumberland River in 1781, claimed all West Tennessee. The bit terest enemies of the settlers were the Cherokees, as sisted by the Creeks, who lived south of Tennessee. When Adam Dale, James Alexander, Jesse Allen, and other pioneers came to what is now DeKalb County, the spirit of the Indians had been broken by the Nickajack expedition southward from Nashville in September, 1794; but there were still hostile tribes in the State. Adam Dale arrived on the site of Liberty in 1797, just three years after the Nickajack expedi tion. Until 1805 a part of the Cumberland Mountains was an Indian reserve known as the Wilderness. As late as 1791 Nettle Carrier, an Indian chief, lived there with his tribesmen. About 1800 a band of Cher okees, under the lead of Chief Calf Killer, had their homes in the present White County. These were called "friendly," but the savages were easily stirred to deeds of violence and readily took the warpath. Then, even after the Nickajack expedition, the In- S History of DeKalb County dians committed depredations. At noon November II, 1794, an attack was made on Valentine Sevier's fort, near the present site of Clarksville, forty red skins being in the raid. Several whites were killed and scalped. With this state of affairs before us, shall we imagine that the Indians did not camp in or pass through some portion of DeKalb County after the first few settlers arrived? For many years after Tennessee became a State roving families of vagabond Indians journeyed over the trails and highways. Subsequent to the War be tween the States the writer saw them go through Liberty. They were friendly and made a few cents target-shooting with bows. It was supposed that they came over the mountains from their old East Tennes see haunts. Prior to 1840 the Chickasaws, Cherokees, and Creeks relinquished all claims and were removed across the Mississippi River. History records one Indian battle on DeKalb County soil. This was on the buffalo trail down Smith's Fork and up Clear Fork. Hon. Horace A. Overall assured the writer that, according to tradition, the bat tle field was near where the Bratten lane turns south a quarter of a mile west of Liberty. John Carr, a pio neer of Sumner County, says of the fight in his book, "Early Times in Middle Tennessee," published in 1857: In 1789 General Winchester went out with a scouting party; and on Smith's Fork, a large tributary of the Caney Fork (I believe now in DeKalb Couny), he came upon a fresh trail of Indians. He pursued them down the creek on 6 History of DeKalb County the bufifalo path, and no doubt the Indians were apprised they were after them and accordingly selected their ground for battle. The path led through an open forest to the crossing of the creek, and immediately a heavy canebrake set in. The General's spies were a little in front. They were Maj. Joseph Muckelrath and Capt. John Hickerson, a couple of brave men. Just after they entered the green cane a short distance the Indians, lying in ambush, fired upon them. They killed Hick erson at once, but missed Muckelrath. Winchester was close behind, rushing up. The action commenced, lasting some time. Frank Heany was wounded; and the Indians having greatly the advantage, General Winchester thought it proper to retreat, thinking to draw them out of the green cane. In this attempt he did not succeed. There is no doubt but that Capt. James McKain, now [1857] eighty-five or eighty-six years old, killed a celebrated warrior and, I believe, chief called the Moon. He was a harelipped man, and it was said that there was but one hare- lipped Indian in the nation. No doubt the same Indian shot down and scalped Capt. Charles Morgan a year or two be fore (at Bledsoe's Lick). One of my brothers was in this expedition. The Indians gave an account of the battle afterwards and said it was a drawn fight, that they had a man killed and that they had killed one of our men. Carr says two of the whites were John and Martin Harpool, Dutchmen. Martin was foolhardy, and his brother suggested to him, after Winchester withdrew, to rush into the canebrake and drive the Indians out while he killed one. With a great whoop Martin en tered the cane, making it crackle at a terrible rate, and the Indians fled. On the first settlement of the county there may have been far inland a few bears and buffaloes left. We have no records. Just twenty years previously Tennes- 7 History of DeKalb County see was overrun with them. About 1781 twenty hunt ers went from Nashborough Fort up Cumberland River as far as the present Flynn's Lick and soon returned with one hundred and five bears, more than eighty deer, and seventy-five buffaloes. The late Elbert Robinson, of Temperance Hall, once said that when his grand father came to that settlement bears were frequently seen. Dr. Foster says that when he was an infant (he was born in 1839) his parents removed to Dry Creek, but they were so disturbed by wolves howling at night that they moved back to Liberty within three days. John K. Bain writes that when he was a lad, about 1835, he ran three deer out of his father's cornfield in one day. That was in the eastern part of the county. He adds : "My uncle, Archibald Bain, killed a bear be fore I remember. Squirrels were so numerous as to destroy cornfields thirty feet from the fence. I killed forty in one day, and one fall (I kept tab) the num ber I killed was over three hundred." Doubtless game was sufficiently abundant to make hunting and the chase worth while to the first comers. 8 CHAPTER II. DeKalb County Established — Officials. In 1837 Hon. H. L. W. Hill, of Warren County, introduced in the Tennessee House of Representatives a bill to form a new county out of parts of Warren, Cannon, Jackson, and White Counties, to be named for Baron DeKalb, a Bavarian, who fought for Ameri can independence during the Revolution. The bill was amended in the Senate, then passed, specifying the following boundaries : Beginning at the comer between Smith and Cannon Counties on the Wilson County line near Alexandria and running thence south twenty- three degrees east with the old line between Wilson and Smith Counties eight miles to a point on said line ; thence south forty-eight degrees, east eleven and three- quarter miles to the Warren County line at John Martin's ; thence north eighty-three degrees, east seven miles to a point twelve miles north from McMinnville ; thence south eighty degrees, four and three-quarter miles to Caney Fork River at the mouth of Barren Creek; thence down said river with its meanders to an oak on the road from Sparta to Dibrell's Ferry, four miles from said ferry ; thence north thirty-seven and a half degrees, east nine and three-quarter miles to a point on the stage road from Sparta to Carthage ; thence north two miles to a corner between White and Jackson Counties on Cane Creek; thence south seventy-five degrees, west sixteen and a half miles so as to strike the northwest comer of Cannon County, 9 History of DeKalb County on the Caney Fork River; and thence with the line run by Thomas Durham between Smith and Cannon Counties to the beginning. From time to time the line has been changed, slight ly, however, in most instances. On January 2, 1844, for instance, the Alfred Hancock property was taken from DeKalb and added to Cannon County. The Hancocks came from Virginia about the time the Over alls, Turneys, and others arrived, and have been among the foremost citizens of their section for more than a hundred years.* On February i, 1850, the legislature so altered the line between Smith and DeKalb as to in clude the residences and farms of Nicholas Smith, Andrew Vantrease, John Robinson, and others in the latter county, as well as the farm and residence of John F. Goodner, near Alexandria. On Monday, March 5, 1838, the following citizens, holding certificates as magistrates of the county, met at Bernard Richardson's, on Fall Creek, and organ ized the county court by electing Lemuel Moore chair man: Lemuel Moore, James Goodner, Jonathan C. Doss, Reuben Evans, Joseph Turney, Watson Cantrell, Thomas Simpson, John Martin, Watson Cantrell, David Fisher, William Scott, Samuel Strong, Henry Burton, Martin Phillips, John Frazier, Joel Cheatham, Jonathan Fuston, Peter Reynolds, and James Beaty. The various county officers elect exhibited their cer- *It is told of Alfred Hancock's kindness to the poor that in times of drought he refused to sell his corn to those who could pay cash, but sold it on time to the needy at much less than he could get from the well-to-do. 10 History of DeKalb County tificates of election, qualified, entered upon the dis charge of their duties, and the county was organized. The county court continued to meet at the home of Richardson until a log courthouse could be completed. The circuit court was also organized at Richardson's, the first term beginning on the second Monday in Au gust, 1838, Judge A. J. Marchbanks presiding. The chancery court was organized in 1844 by Chancellor B. L. Ridley. (See the chapter headed "The County Seat.") The county is bounded north by Smith and Putnam Counties, east by Putnam and White, south by War ren and Cannon, and west by Cannon and Wilson. Its population in 1840 was 5,868, ten years later it was 8,016, and by the commencement of the War between the States it was 10,573. About two-thirds of the county lies on the Highland Rim. The Highlands occupy the eastern and north ern parts. The western part lies in the Central Basin and embraces several valleys of considerable size and great agricultural value, separated from each other by irregular ranges of hills, while there are some peaks and ridges which mount up to a level with the High lands. The valley of Caney Fork is long, winding, and irregular. It begins below the falls between Warren and White Counties near the southeast corner of De Kalb; runs toward the northwest, then westerly, till it opens out in the Basin in the northwestern part of DeKalb. It is narrow at the upper end ; below Sligo Ferry it has an average width of half a mile. Its greatest width is about a mile ; its length, following the II History of DeKalb County general direction, about thirty miles. The valley of Smith Fork extends from south to north through the western part of the county. Its length is about fifteen miles and its breadth variable, spreading out in some places for a space of two or three miles, while in others it is cut in two by projecting spurs on each side. Each of Smith Fork's tributaries has a valley of its own, and these small valleys contain many valuable tracts of level land. The best lands in the Highlands are found on the hillsides and along streams. In these situations there are numerous excellent farms. The timber of the bar rens includes a number of valuable varieties, such as black oak, chestnut, hickory, post oak, and white oak. There were once some pine groves at the head of Pine Creek and between Smithville and Sligo. In the Cen tral Basin the timber was once dense and heavy, owing to the disintegrated limestone — ^beech, sugar maple, walnut, oak, poplar, and other varieties. Orchards are not so numerous in the valleys as they were a half century ago, but are numerous and profit able in the Highlands. Fires ("log heaps") in the orchards for protecting fruit against late spring frosts were used by some of the pioneers. The leading crops are corn, wheat, rye, and oats, though the first settlers grew flax, cotton, and tobacco. Some of the finest mules driven South before and after the War between the States were raised on De Kalb County farms. In 1840 Tennessee was the great est hog and corn State in the Union, and this county produced its share. Small fortunes have been made in 12 History of DeKalb County hog-trading. Early traders were Francis Turner, William B. Stokes, Matthew Sellars, Edward Robin son, Robin Forrester, William G. Stokes, and others. The last named, a son of Thomas Stokes, of Temper ance Hall, disappeared before the war on a trip South and was never heard of again. Buyers after the war were C. W. L. Hale, W. G. Evans, Gips West, Fox Frazier, and others. Hogs handled by the earlier dealers were from two to three years old when fat tened. They were driven across country south, mainly to Georgia. Ten drivers could manage one thousand hogs, and one route was through Liberty, up Clear Fork, by McMinnville, over Walden's Ridge, across the Tennessee River, and on to Marietta, Milledgeville, Macon, and various Southern towns. Thirty-five days were allowed to go from Liberty to Georgia. The animals traveled from two and a half to ten miles a day. Dr. Foster imparts the interesting fact that in the "flatwoods" years ago there were many wild or feral hogs, belonging to no one but claimed by many. Descended from domesticated stock, "they developed immense tusks and long, heavy coats of hair." In the Basin, where there were once large maple groves, maple sirup and sugar became a considerable industry in ante-bellum times, and these articles could be purchased for some years after the war. To hear the old slaves tell of the sugar camps, it would appear that the industry was pleasurable as well as a source of income. The county is well watered, the principal streams, besides Caney Fork, being Smith Fork, Clear Fork, 13 History of DeKalb County Sink Creek, Pine Creek, Fall Creek, Eagle Creek, Hurricane Creek, Hannah's Branch, Holm's Creek, Indian Creek, Mine Lick, Hickman Creek, Walker's Creek, Helton, Dismal, Falling Water, the Canal, Adamson's Branch, and Dry Creek. Dry Creek sinks some distance east of Dowelltown, then emerges at the Big Spring in that hamlet and flows into Smith Fork. The malignant "milk sickness" breaks out occa sionally, mainly on the headwaters of Holm's Creek and probably on Hurricane, though it is unknown after reaching the top of the Highlands. Cattle and a few people have been victims of the poison. The southeastern part of the county is a great poul try section. There are also numerous nurseries, the income from which amounts to many thousands of dol lars yearly. On the east side of Caney Fork, near the White County line, there are beds of iron ore extend ing several miles. This ore also exists on the west side of the river and was once worked at a bloomery on Pine Creek by the pioneer Jesse Allen. State Com missioner Killebrew wrote in 1874 that "the county is very rich in iron." The first things considered by the early settlers were good springs, dwellings, and mills. The earliest mill in the county was no doubt Adam Dale's, at Liberty, erected about 1800 and patronized by the Dale and other settlements. Jesse Allen settled on Eagle Creek in 1801 and soon built a small mill, in connection with which were a cotton gin and distillery. Other mills soon followed — Fife's, on Smith Fork, just west of 14 History of DeKalb County Dowelltown, a part of its dam being visible still ; Fite's (later Crips's), on Dry Creek, the water furnishing its power coming from a large cave; Durham and Far- rington's, on Pine Creek ; Abraham Overall's, on Clear Fork; Hoover's, on Hickman Creek; Bate's, on Hel ton; and that which became known as Nicholas Smith's, on lower Smith Fork. In later years, in addi tion to those mentioned in the sketches of various towns, the following citizens have erected mills in dif ferent parts of the county: T. H. W. Richardson, Washington Reynolds, James Oakley, W. G. Crowley, John Bone, and James Kelton. There are (1914) in DeKalb County 3,235 homes. Of this number, 2,407 are farm homes, 1,511 being owned by their occupants and free of mortgage incum brance. The mortgaged farm homes number only seventy-seven, while renters occupy 815 farm homes. On the other hand, 828 homes are urban, the number of owners of town homes being 329. Eleven of these homes are mortgaged, and 300 are free of incum brance. There are 472 rented urban homes. With the county organized, many of its citizens dis played an anxiety to "save the country." Politics at length became strenuous and has remained so. Prior to the War between the States a majority of the peo ple in the Basin — ^below Snow's Hill — were Whigs, Know-Nothings, and Opposition ; after that event they were called Unionists, Radicals, or Republicans. Most of the voters of the sixth, seventh, and ninth districts — above Snow's Hill — with a sprinkling elsewhere, 15 History of DeKalb County were Democrats before the war. Confederates during the struggle, and Democrats after hostilities ceased. The two opposing parties down to 1861 were almost evenly divided; then came many unexpected changes. To give one illustration: Abe Lafever, of the Mine Lick section, had been a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat; after the war he was known throughout the county as a rabid Republican and a leader of that party locally. Again, certain Unionists, like Joseph Clarke, became strong Democratic partisans. One of the old-timers says of the partisan zeal of the days of the Whig party ; "It was not an uncommon thing to witness a Whig speaker, say for Representa tive, draw a coon's tail from his pocket and wave this emblem of Whiggery. When Clay and Polk were candidates for the presidency, Polk adherents would drive into Liberty with their oxen's horns ringed with poke juice, while their cart beds were striped with it. Directly another cart, driven by a Clay supporter, would enter the village having a mammoth clay ball in each comer of the cart bed and the homs of the steers smeared with clay. When Dr. J. A. Fuson was elected to the legislature in 1845, the Fuson supporters to a man wore red ribbon on their hats on which was printed Fuson." This illustrative anecdote also sur vives: Moses Spencer ("Blackhorse"), who was in the battle of New Orleans and a Whig in politics, was once solicited to vote the Democratic ticket, the solici tor kindly presenting him with a bag of cured hog jowls. Carrying to his home in Liberty this necessary ingredient of the famous dish of greens, Mose threw it 16 History of DeKalb County down on the floor and observed to his wife : "Barbara, Colonel Tubb has asked me to vote for a Democrat the coming election. Barbara, now you hear this Blackhorse that fit an' bled under Andy Jackson : I'm a Whig an' have always been one, an' I would not vote for a Democrat for even a bag o' middlins." The greatest orators of the State were developed in the days of the Whigs and Democrats. Some of the forensic giants had appointments in the county. Prob ably the most noted discussion of political issues took place in 1855 between Andrew Johnson, Democrat, and Meredith P. Gentry, Whig, with Know-Nothing leanings, for the governorship. It came off on the Fulton Academy grounds at Smithville, and the crowd was very large. The Know-Nothing party was a secret organization and was aggressively opposed to the Catholic Church. There were both Whigs and Democrats in the new party, and it was thought that it would poll one hun dred thousand votes in the State at the end of the 1855 campaign. Johnson was not "flowery," but was a most effective speaker. Gentry, nominated by the remnant of Whigs and the Know-Nothings, was one of the best orators in Tennessee. In his excoriation of the Know-Nothings Johnson was extremely bitter, arraigning them for their signs, grips, and secret conclaves, and declaring that they were no better than John A. Murrel's clan of outlaws. "Show me a Know-Nothing," he stormed, "and I will show you a monster upon whose neck the foot of every honest man should tread 1" Gentry was 2 17 History of DeKalb County "hacked." In a lofty manner he defended the party which nominated him, but his party was not satisfied with his reply. Many Democrats forsook his cause, and Johnson was elected. Neil S., Aaron V., and John C. Brown all spoke at various times in the county; also Isham G. Harris, William B. Campbell, D. W. C. Senter, William B. Stokes, James D. Porter, Horace Maynard, B. F. Cheatham, R. L. Taylor, A. A. Taylor, G. G. Dibrell, E. W. Carmack, John H. Savage, and even Squire Yardley, the Knoxville negro who canvassed the State for the governorship. The citizens for many years were politically swayed by oratory, and those of DeKalb had an- opportunity to hear other forensic giants besides the men named. A campaign almost as exciting as that in which John son destroyed Know-Nothingism came off when the question of secession was discussed pro and con by John Smith Brien, William B. Campbell, and others ; also that after peace was made in which Stokes and Senter stumped the State. Of the last-named canvass, something will be said farther along. A digression is made to present as full a list as can now be made of the county officers from the organiza tion of the county to 1914: County court clerks: P. M. Wade, William Law rence, Wash Isbell, M. T. Martin, G. W. Eastham, P. G. Magness, E. J. Evans, Z. P. Lee, H. K. Allen, J. E. Conger, W. B. Foster, John E. Conger. Circuit court clerks: David Fite, W. J. Givan, J. B. Gibbs, J. T. Hollis, W. T. Hoskins, T. M. Christian, 18 COURTHOUSE. SMITHVILLE History of DeKalb County T. W. Shields, James Fuson, Felix Helium, J. M. Young, Jack S. Allen. Clerks and masters: Thomas Whaley, Wash Isbell, J. T. Hallum, John P. Robertson, W. W. Wade, M. A. Crowley, J. B. Moore, Sam Foster. Sheriffs: P. M. Thomason, James McGuire, E. W. Taylor, J. L. Dearman, J. Y. Stewart, John Hallum, W. L. Hathaway, Charles Hill, Henry Blackburn, M. F. Doss, C. S. Frazier, B. M. Merritt, H. S. Gill, S. P. Gill, W. H. C. Lassiter, Silas Anderson, Ben Mer ritt, Louis Merritt, John Odum, B. B. Taylor, Everett Love, George Puckett, A. Frazier. Registers: Daniel Coggin, Wash Isbell, David Fite, J. Y. Haynes, John K. Bain, W. H. McNamer, Jud- son Dale, J. C. Kennedy, J. B. Atwell, John Harrison, B. M. Cantrell, E. W. Taylor, John G. Evans, Dabner Lockhart, Dave Worley, E. G. Pedigo, W. H. Hays. County trustees: Rev. Joseph Banks, Aaron Botts, W. A. Nesmith (1861-62), Bluford Foster, Eli Vick, Brackett Estes, Sr., W. P. Smith, James Fite, James Fuson, H. C. Eastham, W. G. Evans, Pope Potter, Lee Overall, J. W. Reynolds, J. A. Newby, W. N. Adcock, William Taylor, J. A. Phillips, Thomas Crips, Matt Bratten. The county had no Representatives until 1843, while a part of the time it was in a floterial district with the Representative from some other county. These De Kalb Countians have filled the office: Twenty-Fifth General Assembly, 1843, Daniel Coggin; Twenty- Sixth, 1845, John A. Fuson; Twenty-Seventh, 1847, 19 History of DeKalb County John A. Fuson ; Twenty-Eighth, 1849, W. B. Stokes ; Twenty-Ninth, 185 1, W. B. Stokes.; Thirtieth, 1853 (first session held in the new State Capitol), Horace A. Overall ; Thirty-First, 1855, M. M. Brien ; Thirty- Second, 1857, A. M. Savage; Thirty-Third, first ses sion 1859, second 1861, third April, 1861, J. J. Ford; Thirty-Fourth, first session 1861, second 1862, ad journed to Memphis, no Representative; Brownlow's Legislature of 1865-66, session held in April, 1865, John A. Fuson ; Thirty-Fifth, 1867, W. S. Robertson ; Thirty-Sixth, 1869, W. A. Dunlap; Thirty-Seventh, first session October, 1871, second March, 1872, James P. Doss; Thirty-Eighth, 1873, none; Thirty-Ninth, 1875, none; Fortieth, first session January i, 1877, extra December, 1877, none; Forty-First, first session January, 1879, second December, 1879, none; Forty- Second, first session January, 1881, extra December, 1881, second extra 1882, none; Forty-Third, 1883, Horace A. Overall; Forty-Fourth, first session Jan uary, 1885, extra May, 1885, J. M. Allen ; Forty-Fifth, 1887, J. M. Allen; Forty-Sixth, 1889, extra session 1890, M. L. Bonham; Forty-Seventh, 1891, J. H. S. Knowles; Forty-Eighth, 1893, Henry C. Givan; Forty-Ninth, 1895, Samuel Wauford; Fiftieth, 1897, A. T. Phillips; Fifty-First, 1899, W. T. Dozier; Fifty- Second, 1901, P. C. Crowley; Fifty-Third, 1903, L. Driver; Fifty-Fourth, 1905, L. Driver; Fifty-Fifth, 1907, J. H. S. Knowles ; Fifty-Sixth, 1909, J. E. Con ger; Fifty-Seventh, 191 1, A. N. Cathcart; Fifty- 30 History of DeKalb County Eighth, 1913, extra session, Norman Robinson; Fifty- Ninth, 1915, Horace M. Evans.* The following DeKalb Countians were members of the State Senate: Caleb B. Davis, 185 1 ; W. B. Stokes, 1855; J. S. Goodner, 1857; Wingate T. Robmson, 1865; John A. Fuson, 1867; Joseph Qarke, 1872; M. D. Smalhnan, 1881 ; M. D. Smalhnan, 1883; B. G. Adcock, 1893 ; P. C. Crowley, 1903. It is noted that Hon. Horace A. Overall represented the county when the General Assembly met first in the State Capitol, newly erected, October 3, 1853. The fact suggests that the first legislature of the State met in Knoxville, which was for a while the seat of gov emment, in 1796. In 1807 the legislature met at King ston, but in a few hours adjourned to Knoxville. Nashville was the place of meeting in 1812, 1813, and 1815, then Knoxville again in 1817. In 1819 it met at Murfreesboro and continued to meet there until 1825. The sext session (1826) was held in Nashville, as have been all succeeding sessions. *Mr. James Dearman writes : "I understand that James McGuire represented the county sometime in the forties." The name is not found in the records, however. 21 CHAPTER III. The Oldest Village. On his arrival at the site of Liberty from Mary land in 1797 Adam Dale, who came by way of East Tennessee and over Cumberland Mountains, Mr. Riley Dale says, must have been impressed with the coun try, for he sent back in some way a report to his friends which induced the coming of a colony con sisting of William and John Dale, Thomas West, Wil liam and George Givan, Thomas Whaley, Josiah and T. W. Duncan, James and William Bratten, Henry Burton, the Fites, Truits, Bethels, and many others, some of whom were young married couples. It is not certainly known that he had a companion during the something like three years before the ar rival of the immigrants. If he was alone, life must have been lonely at times. The descendants of all the pioneers who have talked on the subject, re peating the stories handed down, join in saying there was no wagon road through from Nashville after the first few miles. One, perhaps W. G. Bratten, told the agent for Goodspeed's history of the State that the colony "came down the Ohio River, up the Cumber land to Nashville, and from that point made their way overland to the Dale settlement in wagons." Another, perhaps a descendant of Rev. John Fite, stated to Rev. J. H. Grime, author of "A History of Middle Tennes see Baptists": "When he [Fite] landed here in the very beginning of the nineteenth century, he found 22 History of DeKalb County this country still a wildemess. . . . He helped to cut away the cane and underbrush to construct the first road to Liberty, the work consuming a period of nineteen days for a number of hands." We may as sume that there were roads a short distance eastward from Nashville, but it may be taken as true that a part of the fifty-six miles to Liberty was ahnost pri meval forest. Doubtless game and fish abotmded, and these occupied Dale's mind by day; but the snarl of the bobcat or other noises of the night, together with the solemnity of the great woods, were necessarily spirit-depressing, even if he had no fears of Indians. We are told that he passed his first months in a rude shack built on the bluff overlooking the creek on the north side of town, about where the Whaley lime kiln was for a number of years. After his friends came he erected a small dwelling on the west side of the turnpike beyond the bridge going north. This writer saw the building carried off by the flood near the beginning of the War between the States, at which time the small mill Dale erected, but at the time be longing to Daniel Smith or the Lambersons, was wrecked. Mrs. Jean Robertson Anderson, wife of Gen. Kellar Anderson, of Memphis, is a great-grand daughter of Adam Dale. Her mother was Mrs. James (Anne Lewis Dale) Robertson, the third daughter of Edward W. Dale, who was the oldest son of Adam Dale and the only one to leave issue. From a letter of Mrs. Anderson dated November 4, 1914, these facts are gleaned : Adam Dale was born in Worcester 23 History of DeKalb County County, Md., July 14, 1768. He was a boy volunteer of the Revolution. In 1781 this company of boys from fourteen to sixteen years was raised in Snow Hill, Md., to oppose the progress of Cornwallis through Virginia. Receiving land grants with his father, Thomas Dale, for service, he settled in Liberty, Tenn., in 1797, after having married Mary Hall Feb ruary 24, 1790. He raised, equipped, and commanded a company of volunteers from Smith (DeKalb) County and fought under Jackson at Horseshoe Bend and other battles of the War of 1812. Removing to Columbia, Tenn., in 1829, he died at Hazel Green, Ala., October 14, 1851, and was buried there. His wife died in 1859 in Columbia. To this couple were born ten children. Mrs. Anderson says further: When the surviving children of Adam Dale had his body removed from Alabama to Columbia after his wife's death, his body was found to be absolutely perfect — ^petrified. The picture is from an old daguerreotype made shortly before his death. I have several letters from him to his grandchildren. One minutely describes the battle of Horseshoe Bend. An other tells of his English ancestry and their coming to Amer ica. I also have the newspaper clipping of the eulogy on his career as soldier, patriot, citizen, and friend published at the time of his death. Among his descendants are Mrs. W. D. Bethell, Denver, Colo.; Mrs. John M. Gray, Nashville, Tenn.; Mrs. Thomas Day, Memphis, Tenn.; Mrs. E. M. Apperson, Memphis, Tenn.; Mrs. J. S. Van Slyke, Dallas, Tex.; Mrs. Joseph Houston, Denver, Colo.; and Mrs. W. R. Holliday, Memphis, Tenn. Adam and William Dale were probably sons of Tliomas Dale, who came to Liberty with the Mary- 24 ADAM DALE DEKALB COUNTY'S FIRST KNOWN SETTLER FROM AN OLD DAGUERREOTYPE LOANED BY MRS. KELLAR ANDERSON, MEMPHIS History of DeKalb County landers. Josiah Duncan married a daughter of Thomas ; while another, Sophia, was the wife of Wil liam Givan. There are many descendants of these Dales in Tennessee and other States. Among them is Mrs. H. P. Figuers, of Columbia, whose father, W. J. Dale, was born in Smith (DeKalb) County in 1811 and removed to Maury County in 1822. Another is Mrs. Bertha L. Chapman, of Alexandria. She has a Bible containing these entries: Sophia E. Dale was married to William Givan June 26, 1802. They had children: Nancy, born January 11, 1804; George, born September 21, 1806; Elizabeth, born May i, 1810; Sarah, born April 11, 1812; Thomas, bom March 20, 1814; Mary Ann, born June 23, 1816; Robert Johnson, born August 9, 1818; and Martha Laws Dale, born November S, 1820. Martha Laws Dale Givan was married to James D. Grandstaff September 19, 1839. Mrs. Grandstaff lived in widowhood from 1844 to 1893. Riley Dale has in his possession a letter from his grandfather, Rev. William Dale, dated February 28, 1844, containing this genealogical note : I was born on the Lord's day, the 4th of May, 1783. My place of nativity was Worcester County, Md. My father's name was Thomas Dale, of John Dale, of James Dale, both of Londonderry, Ireland. My mother's name was Elizabeth Evans, of John Evans, of William Evans, from Wales. Thomas Dale, who was a Revolutionary soldier, en listing in Gen. Charles Smallwood's command, soon became captain of a company of the Maryland line. He owned a great deal of land around Liberty, in which village he erected a house. This was on the lot on which Will A. Vick more recently built, tlis 25 History of DeKalb County son-in-law, Josiah Duncan, was settled on the land last owned by the W. G. Bratten heirs. Erecting a house on the farm now owned by George Givan, a mile south of Liberty, he died before moving to it. His widow, with his son-in-law, William Givan, removed to the farm, and it is in the possession of the Givan family in 1914. In the family graveyard in the rear is a limestone slab with this legend: "In memory of Thomas Dale, born March 5, 1744; died January 6, 1812." The colony set about preparing homes and the com munity soon took on a more encouraging aspect. The mill was erected on Smith Fork Creek north of Liberty, and the place became widely known as the Dale Mill Settlement. As the little cluster of houses grew larger, the name of Liberty was given it by its' founder. It is possible that the mountain between Liberty and Smithville was named Snow's Hill by him in memory of the place where he enlisted for American independence. There is not a Dale in what was once called the Dale Mill Settlement. A grandson of Rev. William Dale, Riley, resides on his farm, several miles from Liberty, aged seventy-two. There is a diversity of opinion as to who was the first merchant. Goodspeed says he was a Mr. Walk ; James Givan thinks his name was Vaught. George Givan, on Clear Fork, it is interesting to state, now owns a well-preserved wash kettle purchased from the first merchant about a century ago. The earliest dwellings were supposedly built by William Givan, Josey Evans, and Henry Burton, who 26 History of DeKalb County came with the Maryland settlers. All three were car penters. Other pioneer merchants were Fite & Dun can, Ben Blades, Joshua Bratten, and Moore & Price. From Dr. Wright's daybook it is seen that the fol lowing firms were in existence as early as 1832-33 : Fite, Whaley & Co., Ray & Reed, woodworkmen and smiths, Davis & Wood, Derickson & Braswell, sad dlers, York & Bailey, and Whaley & Son. Some years prior to the War between the States the following were in various businesses: Eli Vick, Wil liam Vick, Hale & Hays, merchants; W. G. Foster, Frank Foster, William Whaley, and William Ford. Among the merchants after the war were Eli Vick, William Whaley, C. W. L. Hale, William Vick, J. H. Overall, Overall & Hollandsworth, M. C. Vick, D. D. Overall, Elijah Bratten, Vick Bros., George Turney, James Pritchett, Isaac Whaley, H. L. Hale, Blue Givan, W. T. Hale, and others. The business di rectory for 1914 shows: Maud Spurlock, Robinson & McMillan, Whaley Bros., general merchants ; Bright Bros., vehicles ; W. L. Vick, harness ; Will Fite, hard ware ; Turner & Son, groceries ; Bratten Bros., grain ; William Organ, Jr., tinner; Tom Lamberson, black smith ; Hugh Gothard, liveryman ; H. L. Hale and Joe Conley, produce; Grover Evans and J. C. Stark, in surance; L. Woodward, photographer; W. C. Smith, painter. As early as 1832-33 the neighborhood around the village must have been thickly populated or many patrons of the stores came from the Smithville and Woodbury communities. Some of the names on Dr. 27 History of DeKalb County Wright's daybook are : J. G. Roulstone, S. J. Garrison, David L. Ray, W. C. Garrison, Lemuel H. Bethel, David Fite, Reuben Evans, Eli A. Fisher, M. A. Fricks, German Gossett, Francis Turner, G. Shehane, Henry Fite, Charles Jenkins, James Stanford, George L. Givan, John Floyd, Zach Williamson, Brackett Estes, John L. Strong, Joel N. West, John Stark, Peter Hays, Joshua Bratten, B. F. Wood, T. W. Dun can, James Wilder, Moses Fite, Joseph Cameron, Louis Y. Davis, Thomas Allan, Lem D. Evans, Richard Arnold, Matthew Simpson, John Little, John Griffith, James Bayne, William Boyd, Joseph Fite, Alfred Wal lace, Capt. William S. Boswell, David Thompson, Thomas Allan, David Fricks, Richard McGinnis, John Stark, John Hays, John E. Dale, W. T. Cochran, Wyatt Pistole, Shadrick Trammel, Moses Spencer, Thomas and Moses Pack, Shadrick Kelley, Tilman Bethel, Lewis Parker, Milka Strong, Rev. William Dale, James Pendleton, Capt. Joseph Evans, Aaron Davis, Moses Allen, Capt. James Spurlock, Alex Armstrong, David Dirting, John Owen, Nancy Kelly, Mrs. Mary Hart, Henry Hart, P. W. Brien, William A. Wisner, George Barnes, Joseph Snow, Henry Horn, Rev. James Evans, George Foster, Hugh Smith, Joseph Atnip, R. H. Parkison, John Martin, Nancy Givan, William Blair, Charles Hancock, Luke Mc Dowell, Lewis Parker, John Hollandsworth, Jordan Sellars, James Baity, Benjamin Clark, Dempsy Tay lor, Archibald McDougle, Benjamin Goodson, Lemuel Moore, Abner Evans, Leonard Fite, Richard Bennett, Isaac Pack, George A. Rich, Smith Brien, Peter Tur- 28 History of DeKalb County ney, Augustin Vick, Thomas Underwood, Nathan Wade, John Candler, James Carney, Wingate Truitt, Littleberry Vick, Leonard Lamberson, James Perry- man, Lewis Ford, William Estes, Wiley Wilder, Crag- Parsons, Leven Gray, William Brazwell, William Car roll, Alfred Wales, Thomas West, A. W. Ford, Wil liam Measles, Harriet C. Roulstone, John Conger, Joshua Ford, Wiley J. Melton, Samuel Hays, James Robinson, Mathias S. West, John Frazier, Alex Dil- lard, Friday Martin, Robert Wilson, Samuel Bryson, James Yeargin, D. H. Burton, Benjamin Avant, Ed ward Sullivant, James Pistole, Washington Gos sett, William Gossett, S. C. Porterfield, Gideon B. York, Green Arnold, Tilman Foster, Mrs. Kesiah Alexander, Thomas Bratten, U. G. Gossett, Moses Mathews, Sophia Givan, David H. Burton, Ed Evans, Gilbert Williams, Samuel Williams, Silas Cooper, John R. Dougherty, Goulding Foster, J. M. Farrington, John Reed, Mikel V. Ethridge, Dr. Samuel Tittle, Moses Spencer, Emerson M. Hill, Ed mund T. Goggin, Giles Driver, P. C. Watson, Bryant Spradley, Peter Reynolds, Josiah Spurlock, Jonathan Fuston, John Curtis, Nathan Evans, A. Overall, J. A. Wilson, Thomas Bratten, O. M. Garrison, Matthew Sellars, Joab Hale, John Burton, W. H. Burton, Thomas Taylor, Sally Evans, Welles Adamson, W. A. Nesmith, Acenith Fite, Washington Bayne, Lee Braz well, Coleman Johnson, James Bayne, Thomas Close, W. B. Stokes, Jane Lawrence, Joseph Hendrickson, Lewis Stark, Phillips Cooper, Henry McMullin, Sally Woodside, Robin Forester, Cantrell Bethel, Jesse B. 29 History of DeKalb County Jones, Col. James Tubb, Jacob Page, Thomas Pack, John Dodd, William Botts, Thomas Whaley, Jacob Overall, John M. Leek, Adam Bratten, Abe Adams, Benjamin Pritchard, Isaac Bratten, Gilbert Williams, Nancy Burton, George Grizzle, Onessimus Evans, W. S. Scott, Joseph Evans, Solomon Davis, Edwin Shum- way, John Merritt, Matthew McLane, Benjamin Blades, F. S. Anderson, and Randall Pafford. There is a certain pathos connected with the changes that have come about in the personnel of the popula tion during the past iourscore years. For instance, a leading family of Liberty in other days was that of Gossett ; there is now not a person of the name in the village or in the county. The Dales, as shown, have also disappeared from the town. Mrs. Rachel Payne wrote in 1914: I well remember the Liberty of sixty-two years ago, my father, Frederick Jones, having bought Duncan Tavern in 1843. In that year the first schoolhouse was built, not far from the Methodist church. Mr. Chambers was the first teacher in it. I was one of the later pupils. Most of the houses were of logs back then. I went to school in the log church that stood by the graveyard. The seats were split logs, with holes in them for the insertion of legs. The first person buried in Salem graveyard was Major Lamberson's girl, Martha. Nearly all the old-time people are gone to their reward. Aunt Polly Youngblood is the oldest resident. She was a Miss Avant, of Dismal Creek. I was only six months old when she became the wife of William Youngblood, and I was sixty-eight years old September 23, 1913. There were about thirty houses in Liberty when I was a child, and nearly all the public travel was by stagecoach. 30 History of DeKalb County In a gossipy letter Dr. Foster names some of the residents of about 1850: Mr. Dean (blacksmith). Dr. J. R. Dougherty, Joshua Bratten and his son James, Dr. J. H. Fuson, Dr. J. A. Baird, Aunt Sallie Bratten, Len Moore, Bill Thompson (blacksmith), Jim Crook (wagon maker), Leonard and Clint Lamberson, Wil liam Youngblood, Dr. G. C. Flowers, Isaac Whaley, Tom Price, Elijah Strong, J. P., Bob, Hilary, and other Dales, Frederick Jones (tailor), W. G. Foster, Arthur Worley, U. D. Gossett, Ben Blades, Eli Vick, Seth Whaley, James Hollandsworth, John Woodsides, William Gothard, Bill Avant (tanner), John Evans, John Reid, and John Ferryman. Dr. Foster adds : I can see other things as I look back to Liberty: Aunt Polly Blades's ginger cakes, set on a little shelf as a sign; Aunt Hettie Bratten selling good whisky for ten cents a quart; Dr. Flowers's John with his bowlegs; Jim Crook and his legs; Alex Bayne and his snow-white steers; and Sam Wooden as he hits and raises a knot on Bill Pack's head. I go around to Reuben Evans's farm and see his sons, Ed, Will, Ike, Mose, and Jim, and his daughters, Nancy, Matilda, and Martha, and his wife, Aunt Clara, as well as a dog named Danger, that bit Jim Youngblood on the hindmost part Like wise I see old Dr. Tilman Bethel and his black horse and his sons, Chess, Greene, Blue, Fayette, and John; Louis Vick, Jim Bratten, and Clint Lamberson (the last three died when yet young men). Then I look on Polly Stanley, the best "fisher man" with a pole and line in the county and a good fiddler; Sam Barger, fat and squat, who wore his shoes when he rode to Liberty, but came barefooted when he walked. Coming on down several years, I was in the village the night Montillius Richardson died. That was after the battle of Fishing Creek, and I was on furlough. (I belonged to the Fifteenth Missis sippi Confederate Regiment.) Sixty-five years ago, when I 31 History of DeKalb County was a ten-year-old boy, changes were going on, of course. The physicians were George C. Flowers, E. Wright, John A. Baird, Horace Sneed, Samuel Little, J. A. Fuson, and J. R. Dougherty, with Tilman Bethel, a steam doctor, living a mile or two west. The magistrates for that district were Reuben Evans and Joe Clarke. The constables were. William Black burn and Josiah Youngblood. Church Anderson was one of the merchants. The blacksmiths were Bill Thompson and Greene Ferryman, but preceding them were Goolsberry Blades and a man named Brooks. Later smiths were W. G. Evans and Bill Givan; miller, "Chunky" Joe Hays (who was not chunky), his wife being Aunt Sukey, mother of Mrs. William Blackburn; shoemaker, John Woodside; saddlers, W. G. Fos ter, U. D. Gossett, John A. Carroll, George Warren, G. F. Bowers, and others ; saloon keeper, James G. Fuston ; cabinet workmen, James Hollandsworth, Bob Burton, and Isaac Whaley; brickmason. Berry Driver; tailors, Joe Ferryman and Len Moore. The Lamberson boys were also millers, running the old Dale water mill. Liberty had a horse saw mill and a rope factory — the latter about where the tanyard was afterwards. Wagon makers were Jim Crook and Perry Wells. Perry and Jim Wells put up a store on Dismal Creek after the Clay and Frelinghuysen canvass, and some one got off this doggerel: "Hurrah! hurrah! the country's risin'; Perry and Jim are merchandisin'. One sells liquor, and t'other sells goods; And when they start home — get lost in the woods !" Liberty was incorporated January 17, 1850. The boundaries were: Beginning at a sour oak near Leonard Lamberson's wellspring, thence south to Smith's Fork, thence down said creek with its mean ders to the mouth of the branch west of the town spring, thence west to a chinquapin oak standing on the north side of the Liberty and Dismal Creek road, 32 History of DeKalb County thence south to the beginning; provided that the west boundary shall not include any of the land owned by Leonard Lamberson. Revived after the war, the corporation was abolished soon after the passage of the four-mile law of 1877. William Blackburn and Elijah Bratten were post- bellum mayors. The people of Liberty for some years had to go as far as Carthage to mail letters. This was changed when the stage began to run, maybe before. The earliest postmaster recalled by the old people was "Grandaddy" Dougherty, who carried the mail around in his hat, collecting the postage. Perhaps Dr. Wright preceded Dougherty, as in his daybook various persons were charged "cash for postage." Wright was a son-in-law of James Fuston, third host of Dun can Tavern. In 1844 Isaac Whaley succeeded Dougherty, holding the position until 1888, with the exception of a few months when, at the beginning of the war, Frank Foster was postmaster for the Con federacy and when, after the war, M. C. Vick held the office a short time. H. L. Hale succeeded Mr. Wha ley in 1888. Mrs. Cannie Whaley was appointed some years later. C. L. Bright is the present postmaster. It should be noted that there were no envelopes un til a late day. The writer has before him now a letter addressed in 1827 to "Mr. M. S. West, Liberty, Smith Co., Ten." It is a sheet of paper folded and fastened with a small bit of sealing wax, the amount of postage, ten cents, being marked on the outside. It was mailed 3 33 History of DeKalb County at Haysboro, Davidson County, Tenn., and shows that postal rates were high. In an interview with Isaac Whaley several years ago the writer obtained these facts bearing on the old times: "The letter postage was once six cents from Liberty to Alexandria, seven miles ; ten cents to Nash ville, fifty-six miles; over four hundred miles the postage was twenty-five cents, double that if the let ter consisted of two sheets. Like registered letters to-day, a record of every letter was made on a 'way bill,' each postmaster receipting for it to the post master back on the route." The physicians of Liberty have been numerous. These are recalled: Early, J. R. Dougherty, J. A. Baird, E. Wright, Ckorge C. Flowers ; Tilman Bethel and Dr. Little, herbists; Horace Sneed, George R. Givan, J. A. Fuson, Thomas Black, J. S. Harrison. Later, A. S. Redman, J. W. Campbell, T. J. Sneed, W. H. Robinson, W. A. Whaley, J. H. Johnson, J. G. Squires, W. A. Barger, Robert Estes, T. O. Brat ten, J. R. Hudson. Present, T. J. Jackson, T. J. Brat ten, Harrison Adamson. Dr. Foster mentions the old miller, "Chunky" Joe Hays, whose service was after Adam Dale's time. The Lambersons and Daniel Smith owned the mill still later. W. C. Youngblood and Edward Robinson were owners of the steam mill when it was burned by the troops of Gen. John T. Wilder, Federal. Allan Wright, of Maryland, came to Liberty in 1866 and built a mill on the site of the one which had been burned, the first to be erected in the county after 34 History of DeKalb County peace came. For many years the patronage of this mill was very great. Among those who have been connected with it since the war were : E. W. Bass, Jep Williams, George Wood, L. N. Woodside, J. H. Over all, John L. Lamberson, and George Bradley. A water mill was erected by Buck Waters about 1873 or 1874 a few yards below the site of the Dale mill, the dam which supplies the big turbine wheel being one hundred and twenty-five yards wide and twelve feet high. It was sold to Vannata & Hicks. Within the next few years it was owned by Vannata & Stark Bros., H. L. Hale & Stark Bros., and H. L. and Bruce L. Hale. About 1884 a stock company was formed and the roller process installed, the stockholders being R. L. Floyd, George Turney, R. B. West, Sams Sellars, T. G. Bratten, W. C. Youngblood, B. L. Hale, and C. W. L. Hale. The capital stock was $6,000. On the death of B. L. Hale, in 1898, R. B. Floyd and C. W. L. Hale bought all the shares. The property is now owned by Bradley Bros. The earliest attempt at publishing in Liberty was made by H. L. and Will T. Hale. The paper was small, miserably printed, and called the Imp. Only one issue appeared (September 20, 1879) ; and had it been larger, its failure would have deserved what the father of the young men cheerfully called it, "a stu pendous abortion." The Liberty Herald was established April i, 1886, by Will A. Vick. Mr. Vick spent considerable money on the plant, and the journal, existing several years, 35 History of DeKalb County became very popular in DeKalb and surrounding counties. The Bank of Liberty was established by A. E. Pot ter and J. J. Smith in 1898. The latter became Presi dent, H. L. Overall, Vice President, and A. E. Potter, Cashier. Directors : D. D. Overall, J. J. Smith, H. L. Overall, H. C. Givan, C. D. Williams, E. J. Robinson, Will A. Vick, L. D. Hamilton, A. E. Potter, W. R. Robinson, and J. W. Reynolds. Mr. Potter was Cashier until 1895, when D. D. Overall became President and W. H. Overall, Cashier. The officers in 1914 were: John W. Overall, President; Thomas M. Givan, Vice President, T. H. Chapman, Cashier; J. C. Stark, As sistant Cashier. Directors : T. M. Givan, W. H. Over all, T. J. Jackson, J. F. Turner, B. W. Robinson, T. H. Chapman, John W. Overall, and Tom W. Overall. The American Savings Bank opened for business December 8, 1905. This bank, like the other, has been successfully conducted. The first officers were: T. G. Bratten, President; W. H. Bass, Vice President; J. M. Bradley, Cashier. Directors: G. B. Givan, D. B. Wilson, J. B. West, R. B. Vannata, S. J. Chapman, Mrs. M. J. Coriey, J. R. Coriey, W. L. Evans, W. F. Hooper, H. M. Evans, J. E. Williams, and J. L. Lam berson. These officers, or all that were living, held their positions until 1914. The President's health be came such that on January 10, 1914, the following officers were elected: L. A. Bass, President; G. B. Givan, Vice President; J. M. Bradley, Cashier. Di rectors : L. A. Bass, G. B. Givan, H. M. Evans, R. B. Vannata, J. M. Bradley, H. A. Bratten, D. B. Wilson, 36 History of DeKalb County A. L. Reynolds, A. J. Williams, J. E. Hobson, J. L. Lamberson, W. L. Evans, and S. J. Chapman. H. M. Evans, T. M. Bright, and C. G. Givan, as finance com mittee, have served since the organization. Among landmarks reminding this generation of a past era are Lamberson's wellspring and the town spring. The former was on the southwest, with a sweep and the "old oaken bucket." Here on baptizing days the crowds going to and from the place of baptism higher up Smith Fork Creek would stop to quench their thirst and to gossip. The town spring, on the north side, was of more romantic interest. The pio neers greatly appreciated a good spring. It for a while furnished drinking water for almost the entire village. It was walled up, while a long flight of stone steps led down to the entrance on the east side, where a bucket ful of the sparkling fluid could be easily dipped up. For half a century it was a Sunday meeting place for the young folks. Seated in couples on the steps or under the big oak on the bluff, they engaged in light badinage or love-making. The spring is yet held in pleasant memory by many elderly people. There is one other landmark demanding notice, the pioneer cemetery on the northwest edge of Liberty. It is referred to by H. L. Hale as the "old Methodist graveyard." It lies on a gentle slope facing the sunrise, and at one time it must have been a beautiful spot. Pathos now hovers over it. But few stones are stand ing, and these are the stone pens covered with broad slabs of carefully worked limestone. Not a flower can be seen in the most gorgeous summer save the 37 History of DeKalb County wild rose. No one walks there to meditate over the departed. A century ago children's voices were heard, and relatives of the dead walked among the tombs to pay the tribute of a sigh. Now nobody cares. James H. Burton writes: "My grandfathers, Ebenezer Bur ton and John S. Woodside, my father and mother, W. H. and Nancy Burton, and Uncle John Woodside are buried there." H. L. Hale writes : "Few names on the two or three tombs are legible. On a little 'house of rock,' the last home evidently of a husband and wife, this only could be read : ' Daugherty. Born 1770, died 1828.' Near by was this: 'Caroline Arnold. Died July 22, 1828.' On another tomb : 'D. E. S. Ken ner. Died December 4, 1809; age seventy-seven years.' One other: 'Nancy Fite, born 1805; died July 22, 1828.' Judging from the grave of D. E. S. Ken ner, the cemetery was used at least one hundred and five years ago, and the slumberer was born the same year Washington was, 1732." Liberty, fifty-six miles east of Nashville, has suf fered much from fires. It is in one of the finest agri cultural sections of the State, with a population esti mated at five hundred, and perhaps it is of more ro mantic interest than the other towns in the county. 38 CHAPTER IV. Pastimes of the Foreparents. We should not think of the past in terms of the present, but remember that social advantages of a century ago were far inferior to those of 1914. The society of the grandparents, then, as in all primitive communities, was somewhat rude. The crudeness varied, being less apparent in the villages than farther in the backwoods. While there was some degree of refinement among those who could buy books and visit the outside world occasionally, the majority were plain citizens. Amusements were few. There were parties, sometimes called frolics. Candy-pulling and fru menty boilings were often the outcome of a quilting, log-rolling, or corn-shucking. Such plays as "thim ble," "snap," "slapout," and "Jake's a-grinning" would be engaged in. Others would be accompanied by songs on this order : The higher up the cherry tree. The riper grows the cherry; The sooner you court a pretty girl. The sooner you will marry. The dances were usually rough in outlying com munities. The more cultured, especially near the mid dle of the nineteenth century, enjoyed the Virginia reel and other less boisterous dances ; their plays, too, were more refined. With people of Anglo-Saxon stock the favorite musical instrument in the first stages of society is the 39 History of DeKalb County violin. General Stokes and Hon. Horace Overall per formed on this instrument. In the mercantile account book of Dr. Wright General Stokes, Richard Arnold, and Green B. Adams are charged with "piano songs" in the first third of the nineteenth century. Does this mean that there were pianos in the county as early as that ? Possibly the music was bought to be sung with out piano accompaniment. The fiddlers in the county from 1800 to 1875, including black and white, would have no doubt numbered several hundred, and some were so popular that they were in demand on all near by social and public occasions where music was a fea ture. The race course was encouraged and well patron ized. There were quite a number of locally famous horses, and some had prestige beyond the borders of the State. Dr. Foster writes: The stallions Old Pete, George Boyd, and Steamboat were as well known in the western part of the county about 1845 or 1850 as the most prominent citizens. William Gothard, of Liberty, was a great lover of horses. Lemuel Moore, the tailor, once sold a small "scrub" for thirty-five dollars. The animal turned out to be a racer and soon afterwards sold for eighteen hundred dollars. Tan Fitts, of near Temperance Hall, owned Dock Alvin, Elizabeth Johnson, and Tom Hal, noted racers. The most noted animal in the county was Ariel, a quarter horse. The owner was William B. Stokes. It was told that he won so many stakes that few would bet against him, and through a prejudiced cabal he was ruled off the tracks. Whereupon his owner 40 History of DeKalb County painted him a different color and won other races, but the paint eventually took off the hair. Of course this was apocryphal. Stokes's daughter, Mrs. Leath Cal houn, told the writer that Ariel's leg was broken and that her father gave him to his brother-in-law, Horace Overall, then a lad. Horace and the little slaves put some sort of juice or homemade liniment on the af flicted limb. As it did some good, boylike, they de cided to anoint him all over, thinking a greater im provement would result. This denuded him of his once glossy coat. In a conversation with the writer in 1899 Mr. Leander Hayes said : "I recall having passed Colonel Overall's one day and saw the animal stand ing in the lot by the road. All the hair had slipped from him except that on his belly and the ends of his ears. He was a woeful sight." What became of Ariel? The next heard of him is through Oliver Taylor's history of Sullivan County, East Tennessee. Taylor says in one place : Sullivan County wheat took first prize over the world at the. Vienna Exposition in 1872, and the bones of the swiftest horse of the racing days between 1845 and i860 moldered on a field on the old Fain farm east of Blountville. Farther along in his chapter devoted to politics are these notes: When General Stokes and De Witt Senter were opposing each other for Governor [in 1869] they engaged in a discus sion at Blountville. Stokes was the owner of Ariel, the famous race horse. He appealed to the horse-breeding and agricultural spirit of his countrymen. "The bones of Ariel," said he, "are moldering in Sullivan County soil." Replying to this, Senter said : "I grant you it is a great honor to have 41 History of DeKalb County the resting place of the fastest horse of the times ; but, gentle men, the bones of an ancestor of mine, who fought in the battle of King's Mountain, are sleeping in Sullivan; and what are the bones of the fastest horse in the world compared with the sacred dust of a man who fought for your liberties?" It is possible that Ariel, after recovering from the broken leg, was bought and carried to East Tennessee for breeding purposes. Dr. T. J. Jackson, of Liberty, says that he once read a description of Ariel in pam phlet form, and his natural color was described as "snow white." There were company, regimental, and brigade mus ters in the first half of the nineteenth century. They became less frequent about 1855. Solomon in his glory was not much more re splendent than the superior officers at these gatherings. Especially noticeable were their long black or red plumes. When the time came to muster, some one would take a position at some point on the street and cry out : "Oyez, Oyez ! All who belong to Captain 's company form in a parade here." Another would call the same to a different company a hundred or two yards distant, and so on until all the militia was in action. After forming they, with drum and fife (field officers on prancing horses), would march to a commodious field and evolute and march to the ad miration of the surging crowds. Dr. Foster writes: As the muster at Smithville was a bigger affair than that at Liberty, it must have been a brigade muster. Colonel Cotton, Major Atnip, and Captain Perkins took great interest in these affairs. The officers' hats, as I remember, were of the stovepipe pattern. Horses not used to the noise and 42 History of DeKalb County crowds reared and pranced, but Captain Perkins seemed to enjoy the prancing of his roan steed. In the language of old Tom Askew, all the officers "felt the weight of the argu ment" ilr. H. L. Hale, who was almost six years of age when the war b^^, recalls a muster he witnessed at Libert]." and writes : I think Peter Adams was then colonel of a DeKalb regi ment I can see Colonel Peter sitting his gray charger in a deep Spanish saddle, with high boots and spurs and three- cornered or crescent-shaped hat and large feather or tasseL He was, I thought, the finest and greatest man I ever saw or could expect to see. Tall and straight, he had a military bearing as long as he lived; and, small as I was when I saw him on this occasion, I thought he took special pains to "dad- die" that plume by some movement of the head. He says further : '"These companies always marched to the stirring music of fife and drum. There was a Libert)' company called the Blues and another the Greens. Ike Lamberson and Jim Bethel, n^;roes, were noted fifers and drummers."* ?Among the State archives are many commissions of mus ter days. Thus, Thomas Patterson was made captain of the Forty-First Raiment S^tember i8, 1812, George Turney lieutenant, and Josiah Spurlock ensign. Joseph Fite became a captain in the regiment January 28, 1813. Lemuel Moore was commissioned lieutenant of the same raiment June 14, 1813, and Moses Garrison September 14, 1814 In the last- named year Shadrack Moore was made a second major of the Sixteenth R^;iment March 21, while Beverly Strange (or Strong) became captain April 13. James Malone figures as early as August 31, 1813, as lieutenant 43 History of DeKalb County Shooting matches were greatly appreciated, and there were crack shots celebrated throughout the county, W. G. Evans and John McDowell among others. The chase is appreciated in all new countries, and it was so in this county. Until long after the War be tween the States some farmers kept packs of fox hounds. It would be interesting to know their breed. But they were black and tan, with an occasional gray ish or pied animal, lank, with long pendulous ears, calling to mind Shakespeare's description: "Ears that swept away the morning dew, . . . matched in mouth like bells." Farm neighbors would meet each other with their packs on some high point in the hills and spend the hours from dark to dawn's approach and listen and listen and listen. The charm born of night in the woods around the fire waiting for the hounds to open up I The music of the trailing pack wafted over hill and hollow ! The man who takes part in all this once soon finds the lure irresistible, and the chase becomes a habit. The writer has heard his mother describe the corn- shuckings and the shanty songs sung while the men were at work. A banquet would follow the husking of the big piles of maize about midnight. Though the corn-shucking meant work for the negroes, they en joyed any occasion where they were free to indulge in antics and humor. Whisky and brandy were plentiful on these occasions. The report of a "husking bee" held in the northern corn belt some years ago showed that a champion shucked ten and a half bushels in an 44 History of DeKalb County hour. Something like that was probably turned out at the corn-shuckings mentioned. Superstition prevailed, and, indeed, it still prevails to some extent. The writer does not claim freedom from it and admits that he will not willingly pass under a ladder, pare his nails on Sunday, tell a dream on Friday morning before breakfast, nor step over an other's feet! The inculcation of superstitious notions has been laid to the slaves ; but our ancestors were as much to blame, if any blame can be said to attach, since the wisest minds now give credence to the occult. The social visit, as it was of old, might well be classed with amusements. There was still a genuine hospital ity existing, and for neighbors, though not related, to pay each other a visit Saturday afternoon and remain until Sunday afternoon was no uncommon thing. This was called "going abroad"; by the children, "goin' on a broad." Perhaps Saturday night was the most interesting part of the visit. Around the great wood fire in winter or upon the porch in summer the gossip of the neighborhood would be discussed, then would follow stories of adventure and the supernat ural, relieved with humorous anecdotes. Greatly en joyed, too, was the evening call, when neighbors would merely "drop in" and sit till bedtime. Reverting to the society of the foreparents, it should be stated that looking on wine when it was red and corn whisky when it was white was almost univer sal. In 1840 there were 1,274 distilleries in the State. The best citizens made, sold, and drank intoxicants. There was scarcely a gathering where men did not 45 History of DeKalb County drink — ^musters, races, elections, and weddings. The bibulous frequently disturbed camp meetings. Chil dren were "treated" on Christmas morning. Of course there were temperance advocates. When Bird S. Rhea and H. A. Overall were candidates to represent the county in 1853, the former was defeated, it is thought, because of his temperance principles. DeKalb County had its share of the 1,274 "stills." Perhaps the first was put up about 1801 by Jesse Allen on Eagle Creek. The writer's maternal grandfather, Abraham Overall, was a distiller, and from his old account book we get an idea of the cheapness of ar dent spirits and realize how the best people kept a supply. Among his customers were Thomas Richard son, Moses Allen, Dr. Flowers, Dr. Jefferson Sneed, William Goggin, Josiah Fuson, Samson Braswell, John Allen, Josiah Hale, Matthew Sellars, Samuel Barger, William Pistole, Joseph Hays, James Stark, Hiram Morris, Joseph Turney, Daniel Ford, Francis Turner, Isaac Turney, Jacob Adams, Henry Powell, Goolsberry Blades, 'Bias Wilson, and Peter Clark. Polly Stanly and Polly Huchens purchased largely, perhaps to sell. The latter on July 17, 1841, was charged $3 for six gallons. Under the same date is this entry: "Three gallons whisky in evening of the election, $1.50." Here are the purchases of one farmer for about seven months of 1844. The buyer's name Is withheld, although on the book: April 12, one gallon of brandy, .62^^ ; April 17, one gallon of whisky (or der), .37'/^; April 27, one gallon of whisky, .37^^; May I, one gallon of whisky, .37 J4 ; May 9, one gal- 46 History of DeKalb County Ion of whisky, .37 J^ ; May 23, one gallon of whisky, .3754 ; May 29, one gallon of whisky, .37 J^ ; June 18, one gallon of whisky, .37 J^ ; June 27, one gallon of whisky, .37^ ; July 12, one gallon of whisky, .375^ ; July 17, one gallon of whisky, .37^^ ; August 24, one gallon of whisky, .37 J^ ; November 6, one gallon of brandy, .40. 47 CHAPTER V. Farming and Merchandising. Three early land offices had been opened in Ten nessee at different times. That for Middle Tennessee was opened in 1783. A military reservation was laid off to satisfy bounties promised the Revolutionary sol diers of North Carolina. Thousands of acres were taken up. As no method of selecting land was used (the holder of a warrant could explore and locate any where and in any shape), the best was taken up, and poor tracts were left in every section. The North Carolina demands for her old soldiers were allowed even after Tennessee became a State. Each private was given 640 acres ; each noncommissioned officer, 1,000; each captain, 3,840; each colonel, 7,200; and so on. Gen. Nathaniel Green was granted 25,000 acres. Many warrants were located on DeKalb County lands. Not all the soldiers or their heirs desired to locate here, though some came. So numerous claims were bought up by speculators, Linn Cocke being one of the best known. Early crops were hemp, cotton, and tobacco in more ]/ than one portion of the county. Neither cotton nor hemp is now grown here. Wheat to-day is one of the main crops, but the pioneers grew so little of it that wheat bread was with a host only a Sunday morning luxury. Wheat had to be cut with hand sickles and threshed with a flail or tramped out by horses and 48 History of DeKalb County oxen, and making it into flour was not easily done. The grain was ground between rough millstones and the product bolted by hand. Before the turnpike was built, com, which has always been the American pioneer's stand-by, could not be carried to distant mar- \ kets with profit, and this may be one reason why there '• were so many distilleries in the early years. Cotton and hemp were used largely in making clothing for the slaves, for there were many in the county. John K. Bain, whose father, Peter Bain, settled near the mouth of Sink Creek in 1812, says : "The productions of that section were com, wheat, oats, and rye. Reap ing was done with hand sickles. Plows used were bull tongues. Iron cost twenty-five cents a pound. The range was good. Hogs got fat on beech mast, dry cattle lived on the range all winter, and there was no thoroughbred stock." Dr. Foster writes : "Com about 1845 sold for $1 a barrel, or ten cents the bushel if you went to the country after it. I remember when the best horses sold for $40 ; then the price went up some, and as fine a horse as I ever saw in the county was bought by John F. Moore at Liberty for $100. Haul ing was done mostly with oxen, many men driving two yokes. As fine apples grew in the Basin as anywhere." An account book of 1844, once belonging to Col. Abraham Overall, gives an insight to farm products and prices of that period; they were probably about the same throughout the county. Hemp retailed on the farm at about five cents the pound; tobacco, four cents; flour, $1.50 per one hundred pounds; apples and sweet potatoes, twenty-five cents the bushel. 4 49 History of DeKalb County Freight by wagon from Nashville to Liberty was sixty cents per one hundred pounds. If the foreparents did not generally have pure-bred stock, they had good crosses, judging by the great herds of hogs driven south yearly. The Copperbot- tom horse was popular, as was the Morgan. Doubtless the Narragansett was known, since for years pacing was an appreciated gait. William B. Stokes, T. W. Fitts, and others made a specialty of fine horses in ante-bellum days. It might be interesting to dwell on such breeds of poultry as the old dominique and shanghai, once prized but now differentiated into brah- mas and cochins. Likewise vegetables like peach- blow and London lady potatoes and the small varie ties of tomatoes or "love apples," as they were then called. The grandparents lived well. Vegetables were care fully stored for winter use. Smokehouse and larder were full. Maple sirup and New Orleans molasses were used, as sorghum was not introduced into Amer ica until 1853. Loaf sugar was a delicacy, though there was a cheap quality of brown sugar. The earliest merchants of the county doubtless car ried small stocks. One reason was that merchandise was hauled long distances. Another was that every village had its hatter, tailor, shoemaker, and saddler. Handmade things were the rule. Much cloth was manufactured at home (housewives vying with each other in weaving) and made up at home or by the tailor. Isaac Whaley once gave this pointer to the writer : "Our people generally wore homespun clothes 50 History of DeKalb County — the women cotton dresses striped with indigo and turkey red, though some had silk. The men's clothing was usually made by tailors, our first tailor at Liberty being Bill Cochran; the second, Joe Ferryman. The best of our early hatters was Mathias West, who made considerable money. Wool and fur hats were made. Mr. West could make as fine a 'stovepipe' as you will see. The price was $7 or $8, and when the fur was worn off the hat was brought back and made as good as new. The wealthiest people, like Francis Turner, Ned Robinson, and Abraham Overall, had fine broad cloth suits made by the tailors." The old people have always claimed that merchandise was frequently brought from New Orleans, necessitating high prices with the middlemen, for the trip by keel boat required five months. Even the Liberty merchants may have got some of their wares by water, for this item is found in Dr. Wright's daybook: "John Conger, credit for raising flatboat and keeping her till next boating season in Caney Fork, $20." By 1830, however, stocks of goods were no doubt enlarged, and Alexandria may have made the innova tion. Dr. Foster writes that "the people of that town were always more dressy than in other parts of the' county" ; while the writer remembers the remark fre quently made by Squire Len F. Woodside just after the War between the States: "Yes, sir, the Petersons don't send to Paris, but to Alexandria, for the latest fashions with which to illustrate their magazine." But Dr. Wright's daybook indicates that his stock was full enough for a village store. It also indicates 51 History of DeKalb County that his patrons bought on time; moreover, there is not an item charged at five cents. Joshua Bratten is charged twenty-five cents for half a pound of pow der; Col. Abe Overall, $2 for eight pounds of coffee and 12 cents a pound for sugar; Hariette C. Roul stone, 43 cents for two yards of "apron checks" ; Thomas Cameron, 75 cents for three yards of domes tic; David L. Ray, $1.50 for three yards of calico; Leonard Lamberson, 62j4 cents for a fourth oi' a pound of tea; John R. Dougherty, 625^ cents for a pound of raisins; E. Wright, 12 cents for two dozen eggs; John M. Leake, $1 for a bandanna handker chief; Irving Gray (hatter), $2.50 for six yards of calico ; Jacob Overall, 12 cents for two gimlets ; Little- berry Vick, $5.75 for twenty-three yards of home spun; Louis Y. Davis, 25 cents for two pounds of "homemade" (maple) sugar; Col. Abe Overall, $7.50 for a mill saw (probably the straight sort) ; Elizabeth Overall, $2.25 for a cotton umbrella, "to be paid for in brown jeans"; Liberty Lodge, No. y;^, "to cash to pay postage, 6j^ cents"; William Blair, two reap hooks, $1.50; Asia Cooper, one dozen button molds, 6J^ cents, and one paper of tacks, i8j4 cents ; W. B. Stokes, four pounds of nails, 50 cents ; W. G. Stokes, one drab hat, $8.50, one cravat stiffening, I2j^ cents, and one vial oil of cinnamon, 25 cents ; Bartimeus Pack, one hymn book, 75 cents; Richard Arnold, one fur hat, $6. Calico was worth 50 cents the yard ; nutmegs, 6}i cents each. A lady is charged 87J4 cents for three and a half yards of domestic and 60 cents for a pair of cotton hose. T. W. Duncan buys a dozen gun 52 History of DeKalb County flints for 6^ cents, and John Canler a paper of ink powder for i8% cents. James B. Pistole is charged $8 for "one Tom and Jerry hat" ; William C. Garrison, $3 "for Webster's speeches" ; William B. Stokes, 623^ cents for "one piano song" ; L. H. Bethel, 37 J^ cents to pay postage; Thomas E. Bratten, 75 cents for a gallon of molasses. There is a charge of $1.20 for four pounds of loaf sugar. Loaf sugar was in coni cal packages and came ready wrapped in dark-blue paper. Somewhat pathetic is this charge of eighty- two years ago, "Two boys' balls, 6>^ cents," for one cannot help wondering what came of the boy or boys. A farmer is credited $2 for twenty-four and a half pounds of butter and another $2.i6>4 for six and a half pounds of wool. The leghorn hat was fashionable then and later. Was it also called a "poke" bonnet? A writer in the Liberty Herald in 1892 stated that the "leghorn bon nets were a foot and a half long, more or less, with out any artificials, simply a plain ribbon drawn across the top and tied under the chin." The Dunstable bonnet was much in vogue. One is charged in the following bill to Miss Elizabeth O. Hall: "One Dunstable bonnet and trimmings, $6; six yards blk. silk, $6; seven yards calico, $3.50; pair side combs, 12J/2 cents ; one best fancy handkerchief, $2 ; twelve strands beads, 87 J4 cents ; one black bobbi- net veil, $2.50 ; one black bandanna handkerchief, $1 ; two and a half yards bobbinet lace, $1.56^^." Among the products of the farm in 1832-33 were cheese and flax seed. David Griffith's account was 53 History of DeKaeb Cou.nty credited with 62^4 cents for one and a quarter pounds flax seed ; and at the time Jordan Sellars was charged $9 for "one fine fur hat," he was credited with 85 cents for eight and a half pounds of cheese. Since Isaac Whaley's reference to the clothing worn by the foreparents has been introduced in this chap ter, it will be only a second digression to quote the words of an old DeKalb Countian who wrote from Missouri to the Liberty Herald April 6, 1892, of before-the-war days: For Sunday many of the well-to-do men wore a blue or black broadcloth coat which cost from four to ten dollars a yard. They were usually cut with a frock or "claw-hammer" tail and rolling collar. The black and white satin vest, double- breasted, was worn by the fashionable. Pants were made very loose and had wide or narrow flaps before, invariably. A black silk cravat, doubled crosswise, was worn around a collar of uncertain dimensions. The dress described was worn by the fashionable, such as Eli Vick, Jasper Ruyle, Pete Adams, Len Walker, Joseph Clarke, Peter Clark, and others on Sunday. Later Dr. Horace Sneed, Dr. J. S. Harrison, the Hayes boys, the Turners, and the Turneys were the leaders in fashion. Many women sometimes wore silk dresses — not gaudy-colored, but plain black silk. A calico dress was seldom seen. Nearly all dresses were made with two widths of cloth and a gore on each side. Hoop skirts were as rare among women as drawers among men. All young women wore their dresses fastened behind. No such institution as a corset was thought of. The hair was usually parted in the middle, a strip bent around each ear, and wound up with a large horn comb at the back of the head. The people did much trading by exchanging one commodity for another. The amount of money in circulation must have been negligible. For instance, 54 History of DeKalb County this note was made by Colonel Overall, who was not poor, but owned perhaps twenty-five hundred acres of land, a score of slaves, a mill, cotton gin, and distillery : "The amount of money that I have spent since the 26th of August, 1844: September 10, $1; September 18, 50 cents; September 20, 50 cents; October i, $1 ; October 20, $2; October 25, 45 cents; November 9, 50 cents ; December 6, $5." Life was "slow" compared with this age that goes the pace that kills, but it had its advantages. One worth $10,000 or $12,000 was in easy circumstances. With his slaves, abundant crops, and loaded tables, he made a social impression that is not now made with thrice that amount. He had time to read ; he indulged in hospitality; and, free from business cares, behind his grave demeanor lurked a trace of humor tragically absent from the countenances of the nervous men of the present. 55 CHAPTER VI. Relating to Education. We owe a debt of gratitude to the old field tutors who for poor pay labored in the cause of mental and moral attainment when we had no adequate public school law. Of course there were many instances in the county where parents were able to send their chil dren to schools where the advantages were greater. James Givan, speaking for the Clear Fork country, has said: "The settlers from Virginia — they were called the upper ten by their neighbors — in some in-| stances sent their children back to the Old Dominion) for schooling or to well-established boarding schools.y But the old field teacher was the main reliance of the masses. Dr. T. W. Wood, who was reared in Cannon County and who is past threescore and ten, says: "I have heard my father speak of having studied Dillworth's speller and Johnson's dictionary. I used Webster's speller (which has never been surpassed), Kirkham's grammar, McGuffey's reader, Smiley's arithmetic. Walker's dictionary, Davies's algebra, and Mitchell's geography and arithmetic." Dr. Wood adds : "It was nothing uncommon for free schools to last only six weeks or two months. Teachers were paid from $20 to $30 per month, frequently holding forth in log cabins with dirt floors and wooden benches without backs. The writing desk consisted of a broad plank attached to the wall. More attention was paid to penmanship, reading, spelling, and arithmetic than S6 History of DeKalb County to-day. The true basis of education is more neglected now than then." John K. Bain wrote in his eighty- seventh year: "From 1836 to 1842, or later, there were no free schools in my section — all subscription. The teacher took his seat and made each scholar stand be side him to say his lesson. He kept a long switch, fully four feet, sticking up over the door. There were no classes. The books used were Webster's speller, Smiley's arithmetic, McGuffey's readers, and geogra phy. One of my teachers was Glasgow Harper, who finally became a Methodist preacher and moved down near Liberty or on Smith's Fork." Dr. J. B. Foster gave this information in 1914 : "The schoolbooks sixty and seventy years ago were Webster's speller (my copy, however, was yellow, not blue, and I recall hav ing written on the inside 'bird foster'), McGuffey's readers. Smith's grammar at Liberty and Kirkham's at Smithville, Smiley's and Pike's arithmetics, and Olney's geography. There were others for advanced pupils. At all old field schools two pupils would choose spellers and have a 'spelling battle' on Friday aftemoons. When a pupil wanted to 'go out' in some instances he (to keep tab) had to carry a crooked stick, and on his return he hung it back on a nail in the wall. The presence of the stick meant 'all are in ; now you can go out.' It was a sort of passport. Blackboards were not then in use. Big and little were whipped when the teacher thought they needed chas tisement. The pupil who reached the schoolhouse first 'said' his lesson first; 'recite' was not used. At the writing hour the girls practiced first and then the 57 History of DeKalb County boys. Goose quill pens were common. Vials took the place of inkstands. In each was a piece of cotton, holding the absorbed ink in case the bottle was turned over, and when not in use the bottles were suspended on nails by strings. The larger pupils were allowed to sit outside and 'cipher,' study grammar, and the like. Boys and girls did not play together, and young teach ers were partial to boys who had pretty sisters." Corporal punishment was indeed in vogue. Often it was severe, even for some years after the close of the War between the States. Sometimes as effective a punishment as could be administered was to make a mischievous lad sit beside a girl. Thus exposed to gaze, he was the pink victim of snickering playmates. Doubtless that course would not embarrass young America to-day. Geographies being scarce, once a day, usually late in the afternoon, the entire school stood against the walls and "sang geography," the teacher leading. Nations or States with the capitals and the names and height of mountains were the main things learned in this way. The chanting would run somewhat thus: "Ar-kan-sas, Ar-kan-sas — Little Rock, Little Rock;" or, "Copenhagen, Copenhagen — ^Denmark, Denmark." School hours were from sunrise to sunset, with a "recess" in both forenoon and afternoon, and "play time" took up an hour in the middle of the day. The lunch brought by children to be eaten during recess was called "recess," not "snack" or lunch. The games played were town ball, bull pen, Ant'ny-over, marbles, knucks, and fox chase. The favorite relaxation of the 58 History of DeKalb County girls was jumping the rope. From time out of mind the shouting of "school butter" by a passer-by was resented by the pupils and maybe the teacher. Chief Justice John Marshall was now and then, he tells us, chased for uttering the challenge and could not ex plain why it caused resentment or how it originated. Recently through the Nashville Banner a Tennessee lady has said that "school butter" is a corruption of the taunt, "the school's better" — ^that is, the school's superior. If caught, the challenger was ducked in the nearest stream or mudhole and punished for his temerity. The writer was a pupil of these first schools. Often, when among new friends in his experiences in the daily journalism of various cities, he has forgotten them and thought of his boyhood playmates. His af fection for the latter was on one occasion expressed in the following lines, which, if not of historical inter est, may yet appeal to survivors of the old times : The time for cakes and ale is gone for us of grizzled hair- But that can't make our hearts forget how old school days shone fair. Outside the house — ^the waving woods where rose the brown bees' hum. And the wild roses that appeared dead lovers' vows in bloom ; Within — ^the boys in homespim suits, the teacher's mighty frowns, And girls, though plainly dressed, as plump as those in silken gowns. And Zekle Moore and Abner Smith, Sue Brown and Mary Strong I Your plain, old-fashioned names are fit to grace the sweetest song. 59 History of DeKalb County Where are you, tow-head boys who felt each day the birchen rod. And knew how well to place the pin and aim the paper wad ? Where are the girls on whom back there we cast admiring eyes — Whose smiles brought back to earth once more some hints of Paradise ? Old time has been as rough with them no doubt as with us blades, And some are fat-and-forty dames and some perhaps old maids! . . . But there was one of pleasant mien I think of oft and long And wish she knew a thought of her throbs through this little song. In all probability the earliest school in DeKalb County was taught at Liberty. Among the early teachers there were a Mr. Chambers and William Gay. Their names recur more persistently to the older people than others of the ante-bellum years. The lat ter married a daughter of the merchant, Seth Whaley, and is described by Dr. Foster as having "two or three fingers missing from one hand and parting his hair in the middle." Mr. and Mrs. Gay removed to Mis souri. Mrs. Rachel Payne, as will be seen elsewhere, says that Mr. Chambers was the first to keep school in the first specially erected schoolhouse, the long one- story frame building which slood from about 1843 ^ some time during the war, when it was tom down by order of Col. William B. Stokes and the lumber used for making cabins for the officers of his regiment about the stockade, northwest of the Methodist church. Richard Carroll, a lame pedagogue, came from Smith County with Frederick Jones, tailor and tavern 60 History of DeKalb County keeper. John Collins, who also may have taught at Alexandria, was for a while in charge of a school at Liberty. Writes Dr. Foster: "Collins and C. G. O. Smith were teachers who occasionally imbibed — kept intoxicants hid out." Among other ante-bellum teach ers were Professor Crane, who married Miss Amanda Seay and who, being Northern-bom, returned to In diana during the secession excitement, C. W. L. Hale, W. D. G. Carnes, and Roland Foster. This writer started out during Mr. Foster's time to lay the founda tion of an education, being very small, tow-headed, and bare of feet. Reaching the door with his brother Horace that summer morning, he espied Billy Gothard sitting astride one stove and George Smith astride the other. They were being punished thus for some mis chief. This startled him, and he shot under the house, where he remained long enough to devour his "recess," and then took to his heels in the direction of home. Dr. Foster refers further to teachers at Liberty prior to 185 1, naming Joseph Ferryman, A. M. Jones, Robert Yeargin, and Mr. Woodward. The last named remained only a short while. The writer recalls these later teachers: W. D. G. Carnes, John Truitt, Miss Cynthia Fuston, Miss Hat- tie Woodside, Mrs. Thomas Adamson (from Iowa), Rev. D. P. Searcy, John F. Roy, Horace M. Hale, Miss Callie Sneed, W. D. (k)ld, Miss Sallie Coward, W. A. Barger, John Bryan, Miss Amelia Bryan, Hood and Baker (from the North), Jones and Renick, Mr. Friece ( from the North) , Rev. James Turner, Thomas Turner. Professor Paschal, Miss Stevens, S. B. Sher- 61 History of DeKalb County rill, Alona Gossett, Robert Smithson, Professor Rose, Professor Crewes, E. W. Brown, J. H. Killman, and Matt Bratten. The teachers in 1914 were : Horace L. Smith, principal; Misses Gene Crowley and Bessie Saunders, assistants ; and Miss Mildred Mathis, music teacher. It is believed that the first building put to educa tional purposes was the old log church, Salem, then the new frame which took its place. After the war of 1861-65, the latter was again used; so was the Meth odist church; and Miss Cynthia Fuston kept school awhile in a log cabin in the eastern part of the village. In 1869 the Masonic Academy was erected, the first teachers being H. M. Hale, jgrinci£al^and Miss Callie Sneedj-'assilgnt. ' In^.the present decade" the high school building was erected. It should be stated that shortly after Masonic Acade my was built differences arose between some of the patrons as to how the common school fund should be managed. As a result another house, William Black- bum leading, was put up near the pioneer graveyard north of the village. A few sessions were held in it, when it fell into disuse. Old residents of Alexandria think that the first school kept there was by Wyley Reynolds in a log house about 1820. Persons who remember him say that he was above the average as an instructor. Later in a frame house John Collins taught the young idea how to shoot. A frame building was about 1840 espe cially erected for educational purposes. According to 63 LAWRENCE ACADEMY, ALEXANDRIA PHOTOGRAPHED BY JOE AND FRED HALE. GASSAWAY. TENN. History of DeKalb County Goodspeed's history. Masonic Academy followed in 1856, and in 1858 Lawrence College. The two latter, attractive and substantial structures, gave evidence of the people's love of learning, and in their time turned out many well-informed men and cultured women. Prior to the great war subscription schools were also taught by Miss Bettie Minor, Miss Mary Morti mer, and Mrs. Susan Bryant. Other teachers besides Reynolds and Collins have been: John Ogden, Thomas Bunday, William Rust, Frank Smith, Messrs. Pirkey, Joy, McKnight, and William Hi Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. Blackington, Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Magoffin, James Turner, Thomas Eastes, H. L. W. Gross, Mrs. T. L. Gold, J. L. Boon, and others. Pro fessor Boon was in charge in 1914, his assistants being Misses Odom, Lucas, and Coles. Very little is known relative to early Smithville schools of the old field variety, but there were such. Dr. Foster recalls the following, who taught after 1851 : William Eastham, Thomas Bunday, William Dawson, and Mr. Moore. In 1838 Fulton^^cademy was,xtia£tej:£d.. This, a comino^ious brick building, became famous locally within a few years for its able instructors. The trus tees of the institution were Thomas Durham, Moses Pedigo, Samuel Allen, Martin Phillips, and Bernard Richardson. The following taught in the academy: William Hi Smith, of Williamson County; H. G. Hampton, of Franklin County ; Mr. Bentley, of Maury 63 History of DeKalb County County; John F. Moore, of Vermont; R. F. Sanders and J. J. and W. R. Smith. About 1880-81 Pure Fountain College was erected. It was three stories and cost about $12,000. It was burned, and a build ing of two stories took its place. One of the teachers at Pure Fountain College was Prof. T. B. Kelley, of Maury County. He took charge in 1883. A noted ante-bellum school was Union Institute, a mile and a half out on the Sparta road. Mr. Ghorms- ley, who established it, was a minister of the Christian Church and a thorough instructor. He finally engaged in horse-trading, driving the animals south. Becom ing bankrupt, he left the country. Names of present tutors: J. S. Wood, A. Colvert, Miss Ocie Powers, Miss Janie Miller, and Mrs. Oma Foster, teacher of music. In the sketches of Temperance Hall, Dowelltown, Laural Hill, and Forks-of-the-Pike will be found edu cational notes as to those sections. These names should be added to the list of men and women who have taught in the county at one time or another : W. G. Crowley, Mrs. Peter Adams, Miss Lizzie Simpson, Alex Robinson, his son William, Milton Ward, Robert C. Nesmith, Glasgow Harper, Terry Trapp, Mr. Whit- lock (of Dismal Creek), Uncle Johnnie Sneed, James A. Nesmith, H. C. Givan, Dan Williams, and H. L. Overall. The following have been Superintendents of Public Instruction: Terry Trapp, who served from the or ganization of the free school system until 1880, when he was succeeded by J. W. Overall; Alvin Avant, 64 History of DeKalb County 1881; Dick Goodson, 1887; M. T. Martin, 1889; E. W. Brown, 1891 ; W. J. Gothard, 1895 ; J. E. Drake, 1899; R. H. Lankford, 1903; Martha Robinson, 1907; J. S. Woods, 1909; J. F. Caplinger, 1913. The Board of Education for 1914 selected teachers for the schools of the county as follows : Upper Helton, Richard McGinness; New Hope, Wiley Dinkins. Green Hill, Otis Turney; Goggin School, Gertrude Wilson ; Pea Ridge, C. H. Vickers and Harrison Ash- ford; Adamson's Branch, Tommy Cripps. Possum Hollow, Robert Fuson; Church School, Miss Hattie Sanders; Cripps' School, V. R. Fuson and Miss Hildah Fuson ; George School, Less Fuson ; Crossroads, Floice Vickers and Virgil Gilreath, co- principals. Helton, Howard Hobson, principal; Miss Corinne McNelly, assistant. Pisgah, Mack Reynolds ; Capling, Mrs. Carrie Jones ; Bluff School, C. A. Malone. Four Comers, Miss Willie Bell, principal; assistant to be supplied. Temperance Hall, Leroy Smith (principal), Miss Stella Young (assistant) ; Cove Hollow, Claude Chris tian; Long Branch, L. L. Braswell; colored school, Lizzie Stokes. Bethel House, Grady Kelley ; Walker's Creek, Hugh Robinson. Cooper's Chapel, M. C. Bratten (principal), Miss Mai Robinson (assistant) ; Dowelltown, Starnes and 5 65 History of DeKalb County Malone; June Bug, Robert White; colored school, Maggie Talley. It was ordered that the pay of the teachers be the same as for 1913, which was for secondary schools, $45 ; primary, $40, excepting Bethel, Green Hill, Gog gin, Mud College, Jones House, Rock Castle, and Dale Ridge, which were placed at $35. The salary of as sistant teachers was $30 for teachers with experience and $25 per month for the new ones. Colored teach ers receive $30 per month. In 182J the first_public_school lawjn_the State was passed, providing for the application of public funds ' IcTestablish "poor schools" or to pay the tuition of poor children in other schools. From this is dated the long-time prejudice against public schools, which were called "poor schools" down to recent times. Thejirst efiicient system became a law Jn_ 1867 ;^while the pres ent system, which has been added to and strengthened from time to time, was instituted in 1873. 66" CHAPTER VII. Religious History. The first ministers to locate in Tennessee were: Samuel Doak, Presbyterian, who also established the earliest school; Tidence Lane, Baptist, who arrived almost as early as Doak, about 1780; and Jeremiah Lambert, Methodist, who came in 1783. Rev. Charles Cummings, Presbyterian, often visited the East Ten nessee settlers before the coming of any of the afore mentioned, but he resided at Abingdon, or Wolf Hills, Va. In 1810 the Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized in Dickson County. The Lutherans formed an organization in 1825, the Christians in 1826, the Episcopalians in 1827, and the Catholics in 1830. It is probable that the earliest church in DeKalb County was erected by the Baptists of Liberty. In Grime's history of Middle Tennessee Baptists it is said that Cantrell Bethel^ bom in Maryland December 17) I779> ancT^ied near Liberty October 22, 1848, came with the colony that "marked the establishing of the first town in Tennessee between Nashville and the Cumberland Mountains" and settled half a mile west of Liberty. Not long afterwards he became con verted; and as there were no Baptists in that section, he joined Union Church, in Warren County, Ky. On his return from Kentucky he began his ministry, gathered a band of his faith at the present Brash Creek, in Smith County, and constituted a Church there May 29, 1802 ; and then, securing an "arm" from 67 History of DeKalb County Brush Creek at_Liberty, established Salem^hurch at the latter place in August, 1809, becoming tKe'elder or pastor. But an even earlier preacher who became promi nent in the Baptist Church was Rev. John Fite. He also located west of Liberty. Hewas born in Mary land in 1758 or 1759 and was a Presbyterian minister when he came to this section. Becoming a Baptist preacher in i8j^2, he died near_Lihei±y_JEehriiary_i8, 1852. Elder Fite was the father of Moses and Henry Fite, also grandfather of James, Robert, and Thomas Fite, who are yet living in other States and maintain ing the prestige of high citizenship established by their ancestors. Salem_Baptist^ Church, at Liberty, was constituted an independent body in August, 1809, with thirty-one members. The first building'wasoTTogs and was 25 by 30 feet. About 1849 ^ frame building took its place, and this in turn was replaced by the present frame structure, 40 by 70 feet, about 1880. The member ship has been large in recent years, numbering three hundred and twenty-one in 1902. Pastors: Cantrell Bethel, 1809-37 (William Dale supplying a part of this period while Bethel was on a missionary tour) ; Joshua Lester, 1837-46; Henry Fite, 1846-47; Na thaniel Hays, 1847-68; L. H. Bethel, 1868-71; J. W. Hunt, 1871-72 ; J. R. Bowman, 1872-73 ; J. W. Hunt and J. R. Bowman, 1873-75; J- W. Hunt, 1875-76; T. J. Eastes, 1876-83; J. M. Stewart, 1883-86; Wil liam Simpson, 1886-87 ! T. J. Eastes, 1887-1902 ; Wil liam Wauford, 1902-13 ; R. L. Bell, 1913. 68 History of DeKalb County It may be well to name some of the early clerks of this historic Church: Adam Dale (the first Liberty settler and miller), 1809-16; William Givan, 1816-20; Tilman Bethel, 182050; Seth Whaley, 18505 1 ; James Bratten, 1851-71 ; J. A. Fite, 1871-72; James Allan, 1872-78; I. N. Fite, 1878-79; L. J. Bratten, 1879 until his death, more than twenty years. Among the deacons were the fcdlowing: John Hom, Nehemiah Garrison, William Dale, James Evans, E. Parsons, Joseph Hays, Moses Fite, 1822; Henry Fite, Sr., 1829; George Givan, 1845; Seth Whaley, 1845; Thomas Givan and James Hollandsworth, 1851 ; James Stark and Thomas Fite, 1871 ; I. N. Fite and WiUiam Robinson, 1878 ; T. M. Givan and J. A. Bass, 1886; Henry Fite, Jr., 1886; F. M. Tumer and J. C. Bass, 1889; H. M. Fite and J. D. Smith, 1891 ; T. G. Bratten, 1891 ; Horace Evans and James Stark, Jr., 1897. Salem has sent out this list of ministers : John Fite ; Nathaniel Hays ("Uncle Natty") ; William Dale, 1815 ; John Hom, 1819; James Evans, 1825; R. Wilson, 1819; Henry Fite, 1837; Lafayette Ferryman, 1872; J. H. Vickers, 1881 ; R. E. Smith, 1886. The foUow ing were licensed as exhorters in the old days when this custom was in vogue : Jonathan Hendrixon, John Haas, Lemuel G. Griffons, William Gossett, Moses Fite, and others. Among former elders or pastors, these sleep in Salem Cemetery : Cantrell Bethel, James Evans (who died early from the kick of a mule, and was said to have been the first adult buried there), William Dale, Archamac Bass, Nathaniel Hays, Henry Fite, John Fite, and J. W. Hunt. 69 History of DeKalb County The writer recalls a number of ministers of the county who were living during the war and shortly afterwards and pauses to pay them his tribute. One was Rev. Nathaniel Hays, born about 1807, ordained to preach in 1846, preached his first and last sermon at New Hope, and died October 28, 1868. Such was his life that he was not molested by either side during the war, though the antagonisms of that struggle brought something like chaos to the country. One can hardly estimate the good he accomplished after the war. A big man physically, he was strong-souled also, and people had faith in him. Hundreds of ex-soldiers listened to him, forgot heart bitternesses, and took the straight and narrow way. When the writer dreams of real heroes as they appeared to his boyhood eyes, he thinks of Natty Hays, Hall Bethel, Moses Fite, and two or three consecrated Methodists who for more than a generation stood unfalteringly for the cause of God. New Hope is situated south of Alexandria. Rev. William Dale, who bought the farm known in later years as the Eli Rowland place, began preaching at Thomas Finley 's home, but in 1818 established the Church with eighteen members. A building was erected, and the earlier pastors were : William Dale, W. P. Hughes, Archamac Bass, Henry Fite, Nathan iel Hays, T. J. Eastes, J. C. Brien, J. R. Hearn, J. M. Stewart, William Simpson, A. C. Webb, J. F. McNabb, and Stephen Robinson. The Smithville Church was constituted August 25, 1844, with fourteen members, in the Methodist church. 70 History of DeKalb County A house of worship was erected about 1858. The pastors have been: Jesse Allen, 1847-60; Hall Bethel, 186070; J. C. Brien, 187073; J. R. Bowman, 1873- 75; A. J. McXabb, 1875-76; T. J. Eastes, 1876-78; J. J. Martin, 1878—; J. J. Porter, about 1880; J. C. Brien, about 1881-85; J. T. Oakley, about 1885-88; X. R. Sanborn, 1889-90; William Simpson, 1890-91; W. H. Smith, 1891-92; J. H. Grune, 1893-95; J- T. Oakley, 1896 — ; and A. P. Moore. Clerks to 1902: J. L. Bond, Abner Witt, P. P. Johnson, J. A. WUson, and L. W. Beckwith. Indian Creek Church, eight miles north of Smith ville, dates back to 1844. First named Caney Fork Church, it was changed to Indian Creek in 1848. Among its pastors were Henry Fite, J. C. Brien, Wil liam Simpson, J. M. Stewart, D. C. Taylor, D. W. Taylor, A. J. Waller, and W. E. Wauford. A noted old log church, known to the present gen eration only as a Methodist church, was Goshen, on Dismal Creek, north of Liberty. It was constitutedTa Bapfisr"etnircR"TFrjury7 1821, by Cantrell Bethel_and John Fite. ^Fite was the only pastor it ever had, as not much interest was aroused, and the Church was dissolved in 1837. From then on for years the Meth odists controlled the religious sentiment of the com munity. About 1879 Rev. J. C. Brien began preaching in the neighborhood. As a result Cooper's Chapel was constituted in 1880 with nine members. J. C. Brien was the first pastor. Others have been: J. R. Hearn, J. H. Vickers, WiUiam Simpson, W. E. Raikes, A. C. Webb, J. F. McNabb, J. A. McClusky, and 71 History of DeKalb County Stephen Robinson. The Church was named for Isaac Cooper, a Mexican War and Confederate veteran. Though a Methodist (but afterwards uniting with the Baptist congregation), the erection of Cooper's Chapel was due mainly to his efforts. Mount Zion is situated near Temperance HaU. With fourteen members the Church was instituted June 30, 1 85 1, in an old schoolhouse. Soon after its constitu tion Nicholas Smith was received by letter. He went to work arousing interest in the need of a church. It was erected and the first services held in it June, 1858. Pastors to 1902: Henry Fite, Nathaniel Hays, J. C. Brien, T. J. Eastes, S. S. Hale, William Simpson, J. M. Steward, A. C. Webb, J. F. McNabb, and W. E. Wauford. Clerks : T. P. Jones, W. M. Crowder, Z. P. Lee, R. W. Mason, A. P. Smith, W. A. Washer, H. A. HiU, S. M. Williams, E. L. Lawrence, T. D. Oakley, and L. C. Martin. Until recent years the only Churches in Alexandria were the Methodist, Christian, and Cumberland Pres byterian, the first two having been established prior to the War between the States. As the result of a doc trinal debate in the town in January, 1887, between Elder Moody, Baptist, and Dr. T. W. Brents, Chris tian, the Baptist citizens resolved to organize. This was done during the month of the debate, and in time a neat and commodious church was erected. This was destroyed by lightning some years later, but in 1914 a new and handsome structure was built on the ruins. Some of the pastors have been: J. B. Moody, at one time editor of the Baptist Reflector, N. R. Sanborn, 72 History of DeKalb County W. H. Smith, J. B. Fletcher, Rutherford Brett, T. J. Eastes, and R. L. BeU. Early clerks:, J. A. WaUcer, J. M. Walker, C. E. BaUiff, and C. B. Bailiff. Deacons in the first years: L. E. Jones, Isaac Cooper, Levi Foutch, J. H. Snoddy, H. H. Jones, A. P. Smith, G. A. Measle, Samuel McMiUan, J. A. Walker, J. S. Rowland, and James Stark. Livingston Tubb is the present clerk. Dry Creek Church was organized through the in strumentality of J. M. Stewart and J. H. \'ickers "near a straw stack in Dr. J. A. Fuson's lot," says Grime. A neat building was erected, the early pastors having been J. M. Stewart, WiUiam Simpson, J. H. Davis, J. H. Grime, and Stephen Robinson. Wharton Springs Baptist Church was constituted three miles south of SmithviUe in 1889 in the dweUing of E. B. Allen. Among its pastors were William SimpsMi, J. A. McClusk>', J. H. Davis, J. M. Stewart, and J. T. Oakley. The Snow's HUl Church was instituted in 1897, the foUowing having been early pastors : A. J. Waller and Stephen Robinson. Pastors of the Dowelltown Church, which was or ganized in 1894, were : J. W. Stewart, J. H. Grime, J. F. McNabb, W. J. Watson, J. H. Whitlock, and W. E. Wauford. Sycamore Fork Church, having in 1902 the largest membership of any in Salem Association, is on the line between DeKalb and Caimon Counties, and was instituted through the efforts of Rev. Henry Bass in 1871. A house of worship was built in 1895. Of the 73 History of DeKalb County pastors, these are recalled: Henry Bass, Hall Bethel, J. R. Hearn, William Simpson, J. H. Grime, G. A. Ogle, Stephen Robinson, and W. J. Watson. Of pa thetic interest is the fact that one of the young min isters trained in this Church, J. T. Hancock, was called to its care, but died before his first appointment. Other Churches are Beech Grove, at the mouth of Holm's Creek, estabUshed in 1858; Wolf Creek, near Laurel HiU, 1846; and New Union, near Frank's Ferry, southeast of Smithville, 1870.* The Primitive, or "Hardshell," Baptists have a small membership in the county. Of the two noted Churches, Bildad and New Bildad, both south of Smithville, the latter is the most noted. Among the well-known Primitive Baptist ministers, these are re called : Revs. Isaac Denton, Terry Trapp, James Snow, L. Pope Potter, and Mr. Byers. In reply to a letter of inquiry. Rev. G. L. Beale, Sec retary of the Tennessee Conference, M. E. Church, South, writes: The records of the Tennessee Conference are very incom plete. The minutes were not printed prior to 1879, except at rare intervals. The written journals were destroyed by fire in the Publishing House in 1871. In the fall of 1812 the first Conference appears. That same year Stones River Circuit first appears in the minutes. Smith's Fork Circuit first ap pears in 1823, with William Algood and John Rains as pas- *At the meeting of the Central Association of the Mission ary Baptist Church at Trezevant, Tenn., in September, 1914, reports showed that the membership in the State (white) was, in round numbers, one hundred and ninety-two thousand. 74 History of DeKalb County tors-^no boundaries given. In 1838 the name of Short Moun tain Circuit is given, with J. A. Walkup as pastor (no bovmd- aries). I have no data by which I could tell you when the societies at Liberty, Alexandria, or Smithville were started. Neither Alexandria nor Smithville became a circuit imtil after the War between the States. In examining such records as remain, the following preachers, among others, are named as having been pastors at various times from 1830 to the war : Smith Fork Circuit: L. Lowery, Jacob EUinger, John Kelley, Elisha Carr, W. Ledbetter, Miles S. Johnston, John Page, S. Carlisle, Abe Overall, N. L. NorveU, J. T. SherreU, E. J. Allen, John Bransford, F. D. Wrother, J. J. Foster, Fountain E. Pitts (P. E.), John H. Mann, WUliam Jarred, C. Evans, Asbury D. Overall, John Hill, Joseph Willis, Russell Eskew, S. H. Reams, John SherreU (P. E.), J. C. Putnam, G. L. Staley, F. S. Petway (P. E.), J. J. Comer, J. W. Prichard, J. G. Ray, J. R. Harris. Durmg the war (there were no Conference sessions in 1863-64) : J. A. Orman, J. J. Pitts, Fletcher Tarrant. Short Mountain Circuit: J. A. Walkup, John H. Mann, J. B. Hollis, Abe Overall, A. Bowen, Isaac Woodward, J. W. Cullom, Joseph Banks, Daniel P. Searcy (in 1855-56, afterwards with the "Northern wing"), J. A. Reams, Cama Freeman, F. S. Petway (P. E.), T. S. Brown, W. D. Ensey, R. A. Reagan. During 1861 and 1863: R. A. Reagan, William Burr (P. E.), A. C. Matthews. Caney Fork Circuit: W. Deskin, Uriah WUliams, Peter Borum, J. D. Winn, Jere WiUiams, John KeUey, 75 History of DeKalb County S. Pressley, P. P. Hubbard, Jacob Custer, J. H. Mann, J. Lewis, J. A. Jones, Isaac Woodward, B. F. Fer- rell, Jehu Sherrill.* In 1865 Rev. U. S. Bates was appointed to the Smith Fork Circuit, the first circuit rider at Liberty after the war. George L. Staley was presiding elder. In the same year John H. Nichols and A. H. Reams were ap pointed to the Short Mountain Circuit. No doubt many of the before-the-war ministers were in their time well known personally to the Meth odists throughout the county as well as over their par ticular circuits. The Tennessee Conference of the M. E. Church, South, in October, 191 4, made the following appoint ments in the county, with H. B. Blue, P. E. : Alexan dria, J. D. Robins ; Keltonsburg Mission, J. R. Craw ford, supply; Liberty Circuit, J. B. Estes; Smithville Mission, J. W. Estes. It appears certain that a Methodist society was or ganized at Liberty long prior to the buUding of the church, which was about 1825, for the itinerants often preached in the people's homes. The substantial church erected so early supports this view. It was built by the pioneer carpenters, William Givan, Josey Evans, and Robert Burton, Maryland people, and was about 30 by 40 feet, two stories, with a good bell and belfry. The second floor had a large opening over ?The writer may be pardoned for his personal interest in the ministers of 1859. It was in June of that year that, at Liberty, his father, C. W. L. Hale, and Rev. W. J. Hale were converted. 76 History of DeKalb County the pulpit and altar on the first floor, that the slave members, who occupied that floor, might see and hear the minister. The framework of the bmlding was so stanchly mortised and dovetailed and pegged that citizens said it would not have come apart had it been blown from its foundation and roUed out of the vU- lage. This church was occupied by negro soldiers in the war of 1861-65, and when they left the hc^s and town cows appropriated it. Soon after peace the Methodists put it in as good condition as possible, and it was used for CHiurch and school purposes until about 1874, when the present building was erected. The writer recalls the church's appearance weU. The doors faced east and west, and on the eastern end of the roof comb was the belfry, a favorite place for bats and owls. The membership seems never to have been ver\- large; but, considering the intolerance which used to prevail, it was "game." Scwne of the pulpit orators of ante-beUum days were heard in this old building, among them Fountain E. Pitts, J. J. Comer, and Ferdi nand S. Petway. Dr. Foster wrote in 1914: "Sixty or sixty-five years ago one of the grandest characters I ever knew lived in Liberty — Stephen Moore, a ^leth- odist preacher. He was goodness personified, and his wife was a worthy companion." In the same ^ear Mrs. PoUy Youngblood, the oldest inhabitant of Liberty and the widow of WUliam Youngblood, said : "Yes, I ought to remember Brother ^loore, as he of ficiated at my wedding." Joseph Banks and Isaac Woodward (the latter from Warren County) often preached at Liberty. •77 History of DeKalb County Among the Southern Methodist circuit riders since the war who served at this place and other Churches in the county, the following are recalled by H. L. Hale: U. S. Bates, J. A. Orman, John H. Nichols, W. B. Lowry, John Allison, W. J. ("Dod") Hale, John G. MoUoy, J. J. Pitts, Joseph Webster, Wade Jarred, N. A. Anthony, J. T. Blackwood, G. B. McPeak, I. N. Napier, Mr. Gilbert, J. L. Kellum, Mr. Baird, T. A. Garden, J. B. McNeill, R. N. Chenault, W. M. Cook (the pastor in 1914). The presiding elders : J. M. Alli son, J. J. Comer, J. W. Cullom, Berry Stephens, R. P. Ransom, J. T. Curry, George Anderson, T. G. Hin- son, W. B. Lowry, W. V. Jarratt, John Ransom, T. L. Moody, and J. T. Blackwood. Among the old papers of Jasper Ruyle was found this list of the members of the Church just preceding the War between the States: M. S. West, Lemuel Moore, Katherine Moore, Elizabeth Garrison, Little- berry Vick, Rhoda Vick, Sarah Vick, Jacob E. Moore, Mary Lamberson, Christina Smith, Jane Vick, Isaac Whaley, Lucinda Evans, Martha Martin, Matilda Bratten, Rebecca Yeargin, Susan Vantrease, Jasper Ruyle, Rebecca Ruyle, Mary E. Gossett, E. Jane Vick, Edward Gothard, Josiah Youngblood, J. C. Young blood, Mary Jane Kersey, Matilda Neal, Malinda Moore, Eliza J. Moore, T. H. W. Richardson, Eliza beth Richardson, Matilda Richardson, L. F. Moore, Amanda Bratten, Cynthia D. Sneed, Martha J. Moore, A. Tennie Evans, Sarah Hall, Montilius Richardson, C. W. L. Hale, W. J. Hale, J. F. Youngblood, T. R. Foster, J. H. Burton, E. W. Whaley, W. C. Vick, T. 78 History of DeKalb County B. Adamson, E. Jane Whaley, A. T. \*ick, M. C. Seay, Matilda Burton, B. W. Seay, ^Nlary F. Seay, Ellen Seay, Lydia A. Barkley, James Foster, John W. Lam berson, and Len F. Woodside. Goodspeed's history, published in 1888, says the Methodists of Alexandria first had a log church, but a frame church was built in 1835. I^i 1885 they put up the present handsome building. Since the war of 1861-65 these, among other min isters, have occupied the Methodist pulpit at Alexan dria: B. G. FerreU (1866), John G. Ray (P. E.), John C. Putnam, J. B. AUison (P. E.), W. J. Hale, J. J. Comer (P. E.), W. H. Bellamy, W. H. Johnson, B. M. Stephens, William Doss, G. L. Staley, Z. W. Aloores, H. S. Lee, T. H. Hinson, B. G. Ferrell, W. W. Graves, T. L. Moody, R. P. Ransom, J. T. Black wood, G. B. McPeak, George L. Beale, B. H. Johnson, G. W. Xackles, B. F. McNeill, B. H. Jarvis, W. E. Doss. Relying further on Goodspeed, the first Methodist church at SmithviUe was built in 1848 and was a brick stracture. (There was a Methodist house of worship of some kind in 1844.) It was followed in 1856 by a frame building. Among the post-bellum pastors have been the following: A. H. Reams, W. B. Lowrj-, John Jordan, W. H. Riggon, J. H. Xichols, J. J. Comer (P. E.), S. H. Andrews, R. T. McBride, J. F. Corbin, G. B. McPeak, David G. Ray, E. K. Denton, C. S. Hensley, E. L. Jones, G. W. Anderson (P. E.), J. T. Blackwood, Z. W. Moores, L. C. Young, N. A. Anthony, W. H. LoveU, G. L. Hensley, J. A. Chenault, 79 History of DeKalb County J. G. Molloy, H. W. Carter, D. M. Barr, J. W. Pear son, J. W. Estes (Smithville and Keltonsburg Circuit). Goshen, on Dismal Creek, was well known for its Methodist gatherings before and after the war. This can be said also for Bright Hill, near Smithville, As bury, near Liberty, and the camp ground at Smith ville. Some of the old-time ministers became popular because of their eccentricities as well as piety, among them : Mr. Wainwright, "Uncle" Jakey Hearn, "Uncle" Ike Woodward, "Uncle" Joe Banks, Elisha Carr, James Stanford, Ben Turner, and Caleb Davis. Rev. Jerry W. Cullom, aged eighty-six years and the oldest member of the Tennessee Conference, writes June 12, 1914: "In 1854 I was the young pastor of Asbury Church. It was there that I had the greatest meeting I ever had or saw. All Liberty must have been there. Uncle Joe Banks, one of my local preach ers, assisted me. It was there that we struck water. The year 1854 was the dryest I ever knew. The ques tion with everybody was, 'How shall we get water for the meeting?' Some one discovered a moist place in the sand under the bluff back of the church, and a few strokes of a hoe unearthed a fine spring." It should be explained here that it has been told for the truth that the preacher prayed for water, and the spring was sent in answer. Mr. Cullom states the facts, as he found the spring. This stream, we are told, is yet flowing. "Rev. Joe Myers," proceeds Mr. Cullom, "declared In his sermon one night at Asbury that he saw a great ball of fire enter the door and roll over the congrega- 80 History of DeKalb County tion; so the dear old Baptists said the Methodists had brought water from the earth and fire down from heaven. There were over two himdred conversions on the circuit that year, among whom I may mention Judge Robert Cantrell and wife, both of whom I bap tized by immersion at Smithville. And I mention Colonel Stokes and Dr. Foster. Stokes was lying stretched fuU length on the floor when he was power fully converted. I saw him in Alexandria after the war, when Stokes's Cavalry had become history, and we gladly greeted each other. Years afterwards I was sent up there as a presiding elder for four years — 1871-75. Holding a quarterly meeting at Asbury, I found Uncle Joe Banks present, and we had a great service. Though he was now in the Northern branch of the Church, we met in the altar at the close of the sermon and fell into each other's arms, and the thing was 'catching' all over the house. "Abe Overall and Uncle Jakey Hearn often preached for me in 1853-54. Uncle Abe was present at Round Top when I performed my first immersion, and of course I made a botch of it, as I was a new hand. He got a good deal of fun out of my awkwardness. Some one, speaking of Uncle Jakey Hearn's home con veniences, said he could lie down at night and by puUing a string lock every door on his farm. "John Savage and I were great friends. He owned a hotel at SmithviUe when I was pastor and gave me a room, board, and stall for my horse free." In a second letter Mr. Cullom says : "The preachers for Smith Fork Circuit in 1854 were Revs. Joe G. 6 81 History of DeKalb County Myers and Russell Eskew. They were rather unique. Myers assisted me in the Asbury meeting. Arch Bain was a young preacher famous for leading the songs at camp meetings. Ferdinand S. Petway was the finest singer I ever heard. After the great meeting at Asbury, let me add, it fell to my lot to immerse more than a score of converts in Smith Fork. Six young ladies decided to kneel in the water and have it poured on them — 'went down into the water' and were baptized by water or with water. Judge Robert Cantrell and wife professed at Bright Hill, three miles from Smith ville, and joined our Church at Smithville after im mersion. In 1873 or 1874 I stood on the scaffold and preached John Presswood's funeral before the swing- off by request of the sheriff. Some eight thousand people were present. At SmithviUe lived Wash Isbell, a hopeless cripple, but for many years he was county court clerk. William Magness, a brother of Judge Cantrell's wife, was a prominent merchant. So was Bob West. The hotel belonged to John Savage and was conducted by Mr. Stewart, whose wife was a sis ter of M. M. Brien." In 1845 ^^^ Methodist Church divided into the Southern and Northern "wings." The latter was not represented in DeKalb County or the South until after the war of 1861-65. When the Federal army gained possession of East Tennessee many of the Methodists in that section de sired the services of the M. E. Church — that is, the Northern wing. In 1864 its first Conference was or- 82 History of DeKalb County ganized. Soon the ministers of that wing were preach ing in DeKalb. As a lad the writer remembers when they appeared at Liberty, one of the ministers preach ing being a Mr. Stephens, who had located at McMinn ville. Then there was Rev. D. P. Searcy, who had been a Southern Methodist prior to the war. Rev. Joe Banks, of the county, also joined the Northern wing. It seemed that it made more advancement around Liberty than elsewhere. There was considera ble hard feeling for a time between the two wings. Mr. Searcy located at Liberty, and shortly he and his interesting family became much beloved by all the neighbors. He was a son-in-law of Alex Robinson, of the county. A few churches were established. That at Dowell town was erected first in 1880 and has been wrecked twice by storms. The second wind, in 1913, entirely demolished it. The following have served as pastors there: D. P. Searcy, J. X. Turrentine, J. F. Turner, O. O. Knight, W. B. Rippetoe, A. Bames, J. L. Chandler, S. L. Clark, W. C. Carter, D. L. McCalebs, W. P. Banks, T. J. Stricklin, S. H. Creasy, J. R. Con ner, G. W. NunaUy, H. P. Keatheriy, D. P. Hart, E. C. Sanders, and C. W. Clayton. The Dowelltown Circuit has five churches — ^Asbury, Snow's HiU, Indian Creek, Fuller Chapel, and Dowell town — with more than five hundred members. Rev. W. P. Banks, who died in July, 1914, wrote early in the year as to Asbury : It is the oldest church in this vicinity. The early settlers built for themselves a small, incommodious house for Church 83 History of DeKalb County and school purposes, and at an early date a Methodist Church was organized here. Who the preachers were, I do not know. This house was finally bumed to the ground by an incendiary, and a commodious house for that time was erected in its place. This house also was used for Church and school pur poses. About twenty years ago the members of the M. E. Church bought the property, tore down the old house, and erected an up-to-date building, perhaps the best country church in the county, with a thriving membership of one hundred and a Sunday school that has run more than fifteen years consecu tively. The organization was effected by Rev. D. P. Searcy. Thomas Chapman was the first to join and was followed by Joe Banks, Jep Williams and wife, and about fifteen others. Judge W. T. Robinson and wife also joined soon afterwards. Mr. Banks wrote of others, but was so modest about his own work that this writer feels it a duty to add: He was fifty-seven years of age in 1914 and was a re tired minister on account of broken health. His grand father, Rev. Joseph Banks, was not only a moving spirit in the organizations of DeKalb County, but a great revivalist in his day; while his father, Enoch Banks, was a local deacon and did some pastoral work on circuits as a supply. At the age of twenty-two, after spending four years in TuUahoma College, W. P. Banks entered the Central Tennessee Conference of the M. E. Church and became an itinerant preacher. He served as pastor of circuits sixteen years and as presiding elder of the Nashville District six years. While presiding elder the finances of his district in creased one hundred per cent, an increase equal to that of any twelve years before or after his term of service for the same territory. For eight years he was secretary of the Annual Conference and twelve 84 History of DeKalb County years fhe editor and publisher of the Conference min utes. Rev. Enoch H. Banks, mentioned, for many years kept up monthly appointments and revivals in the fall at some of the schoolhouses adjacent to DoweUtown. There are a small number of Cumberland Presby terian congregations scattered throughout the county. For some years the only church on Dry Creek south and east of Dowelltown was a smaU buUding located at the head of that stream and called Cave Spring Church. It had a scattered membership. Its pastor for some forty years was the eccentric but really in teUectual I. L. Thompson. He was also pastor of Banks Church, on Short Mountain, as weU as a little society at Possum HoUow Schoolhouse, on Dry Creek, midway between C^ve Spring and DoweUtown. Of the three, only Banks Church was remaining in 1814. In 1881 the Cumberland Presbyterians erected a Church at Alexandria. Prior to the War between the States preaching was had in the Tumer M. Lawrence College. The following, with their famiUes, were early members : James Doss, John Bone, W. R. Lewis, Al Edwards, Monroe Doss, J. D. Baird, W. W. Patter son, J. A. Davidson, V. H. Williams, J. B. Stevens, C. D. Baird, T. Macon, also Mrs. Mary E. Ford, the Kings, Simpsons, Fousts, and many others, aU among the most influential citizens. Names of pastors, including the present one. Rev. Joseph Barbee: Mr. DUlard, Reece Patterson (before the war). Dr. Bumey, J. F. Patton, J. H. KittreU, 85 History of DeKalb County Baxter Barbee, H. Lamon, J. R. Goodpasture, Ira W. King, and Mr. Sanburn. A number of theological students from Cumberland University have from time to time held services in the church. The Church of Christ, or Christian Church, hasi been very strong in the county for many years. In' Alexandria the members erected a church as early as y 18351^ It was succeeded by a new frame in 1851, or near that time. About 1873 a church was built at Smithville, and at Liberty another prior to 1890, dedi cated by Mr. Woolen. In all there are nine churches in the county, others besides those named being at Temperance Hall, Keltonsburg, Belk, Young's Bend, Falling Water, and Cherry Hill. The total member ship is between six hundred and eight hundred. The oldest church is that at Falling Water, it is believed. One of the most active ministers of this denomina tion for the past twenty years is Rev. H. J. Boles. His son, Rev. H. Leo Boles, who is now President of the Nashville Bible School, labored with him for some years in strengthening the congregations. Among the pioneer preachers of the county were the following, in addition to H. J. Boles : Tolbert Fan ning, Caleb and Jesse Sewell, Sandy Jones, J. M., C. C, and W. T. Tidwell. Later : J. M. Tidwell, Wiley B. Carnes, Mr. Sutton, Luke Melton, Mr. Gilbert, Mr. Woolen, and others. The resident ministers of the county in 1914 were Rev. H. J. Boles and Rev. O. P. Barry. Among the prominent citizens who have been identi- 86 History of DeKalb County fied with tlie congregations may be mentioned Dr. Drake, Dr. T. J. Potter, Judge J. E. Drake, Prof. H. L. W. Gross, Brackett Estes, Samson McCleUand, Hon. J. M. Allen, Judge W. G. Crowley, Judge M. D. Smallman, editor and educator W. D. G. Cames, Wil liam Floyd, Dr. T. P. Davis, the Lincolns, Wades, Magnesses, Cantrells, Griffiths, Webbs, Martins, Hayses, Tyrees, Potters, Pritchetts, and Smiths. After the War between the States a religious awak ening became apparent throughout the county. The writer, then a lad, saw some of the manifestations of fervor at Liberty, and especially at the Baptist church. The war had somewhat demoralized the people, and during revivals at the church named weU-patronized ginger cake and melon vendors held forth on the bluff less than one hundred yards from the church. At night mischievous persons would cut harness and saddles. There were many indictments, moreover, for disturb ing public worship. 87 CHAPTER VIII. Annals of Alexandria. This town is on the Lebanon and Sparta Turnpike, forty-nine miles east of NashvUle. The nearest rail way points are Watertown, six mUes west, and Brush Creek, two and one-half miles north. The tradition is that it was named for one of its pioneers, James/ Alexander, who came from Virginia. Showing that it was a village of Cannon County in 1837, in which year DeKalb County "was estabUshed ^ansLthfiXfihanon and Sparta Turnpike chartered, the following; /yiex- andrians^^ggointed commissioners of_.ilifi„ioad are named as citizens of Cannon: Jacob Fite and James Goodner. 1 "'" The act incorporating the village was signed Jaiv> uary 31, 1848, the boundaries being as follows: "Be- "^ginning at the southwest comer of Leander Scott's lot and running north to Hickman Creek; thence east with the meanders of said creek to the northwest cor ner of Thomas Allison's lot; thence south to the west end of Gin Alley; thence east with said aUey to the northeast corner of lot No. 13; thence east to the east corner of McDonald's lot, including Elijah Dobb's lot; thence west to Jacob Fite's line; thence north with the said line to the beginning, including the Meth odist church and schoolhouse." During the War be tween the States the corporation feU into "innocuous desuetude." After hostUities ceased it was rehabUi- tated. One of the ante-beUum mayors recaUed was 88 ¦—n- mr BUSINESS BLOCK, ALEXANDRIA ON PART OF SITE WHERE TWENTY -ONE BUILDINGS RECENTLY BURNED History of DeKalb County the late John Batts, while one of the most vigorous mayors just after the war was Robert Yeargin. As with other Tennessee towns of small population, the charter was surrendered shortly after the passage of the four-mUe law to get the benefit of that statute. In 1913 the town was again incorporated, with Rev. O. P. Barry as the first mayor and J. W. Parker city attorney. The first settlers of the community, it is believed, arriveH about 1^5^ The'ToTlowihg list includes as many of the early business men as it is possible to give at this late date : James Alexander, Joshua M. Coffee & Son, Jacob Fite (father of Judge John Fite), James Goodner, Samuel Young, Church Anderson, William Floyd, J. D. Wheeler, Bone & Bro., Thomas Compton, Reece & Ford, Tumer Bros., Wheeler & Jones, John F. Moore, S. W. Pierce, Lawrence & Roy, WUUam Geltford, L. D. Fite, James Baird, Jack Baird, and Dexter Buck. The last named was the only merchant doing business during the latter part of the war. Since the war the foUowing are recaUed: James and Jack Baird, Turner Bros., Stokes & Wood, Dinges & Lincoln, Hurd & Co., M. F. Doss, Bridges & Smith, George Evans, Rutland & Goodner, S. W. McQelland, Dinges & Co., Roy & Yeargin, J. W. King, John Jost, Tubb & Schurer, Edwards & Rutland, Gold & New man, Jones Bros., John Garrison, and Batts & Garri son. Business directory for 19 14: Livingston Tubb, Goodner & Son, Roy & Jones, Roy & Scale, Lester's Department Store, Adamson Grocery Co., D. A. Stark, Dinges Hardware Co., Rutland Bros., Sampson Gro- 89 History of DeKalb County eery Co., O. P. Barry Produce Co., Style Millinery Co. (Miss Daisye Vantrease), Donnel & Patton, Grif fith Livery Co., H. H. Jones, J. W. Measle, and Shelby Malone, insurance. The pioneer bank of the town and county is the Alexandria Bank. This bank was the first established between Lebanon on the west and Rockwood on the east. The original capital was $10,000, it being a'' private concern owned by J. F. Roy and Ed Reece. , About 1891 it was chartered as a State bank and the ' stocir"mcreased to $20,000. Mr. Roy was the first Cashier and then President. C. W. L. Hale, of Liberty, was once Vice President, and WiUiam Vick, of fhe same place, was a stockholder and an officer. J. F. Roy is now President, and Frank Roy, Cashier. Thi.s bank, which was established in 1888, has been suc cessful from the start. The second bank in point of time is known as the D. W. Dinges Banking Company. It has also wonder fully prospered. It opened for business January 24, 1900, with the following officers : D. W. Dinges, Presi dent ; J. A. Walker, Dib Dinges, Brien Tubb, and W. H. Lincoln. On January 7, 1904, the capital was in creased. Large dividends have been declared each year. The capital at present is $150,000, with a sur plus of $14,000. Present directors : D. W. Dinges, J. A. Walker, O. P. Barry, Livingston Tubb, J. W. Measle, G. R. Lester, Dib Dinges, W. T. Jones, Paul Tubb, D. C. Dinges, and E. T. Dinges. The earliest paper published in the county was the Alexandria Independent. It was established a year or 90 History of DeKalb County two prior to the war of 1861-65, but suspended when the great struggle commenced. \VhUe its pubUsher and editor, W. H. Mott, was said to have been from the North (marrying a Southern girl. Miss Van trease), he joined Col. R. D. AUison's company of Confederates. With the Twenty-Fourth Regiment in the battle of Murfreesboro, he was severely wounded, and soon after having been brought home he died. All efforts to secure a copy of the Independent have faded, though its jottings would be both interesting and U- luminative of the times. In 1882 J. W. X'ewman began publishing the Enter prise, continuing it about two years. The Alexandria Review was published about 1892 by E. C. King. In that year it was sold to James Tubb, according to a communication to the Liberty Herald of April 6, 1892. The initial number of the Times appeared April 4. 1894. A stock company was publisher, and Robert F. Jones editor. Rob Roy and R. W. Patterson pur chased the plant two years later, but the latter soon retired. Since the change Mr. Roy has been publisher and editor. In the eighteen years of the Times' s pub lication no less than twenty-nine newspapers in De Kalb, Smith, and WUson Counties have started and suspended. The War between the States is recalled in connec tion with two of the early enterprises of Alexandria, the flour mill and the fair. It is tradition that the name of the first miller was a Mr. Hoover, whose lit tle plant on Hickman Creek was equipped for grind- 91 History of DeKalb County ing corn and sawing, the saw being of the horizontal, or sash, variety. The-.siil£ndm;our mill built about 1852, which Gen. John T. Wilder, Federal commander, put out of business by twisting and bending the ma chinery, was under the management of Yan and Lon Wood. After the war — ^about 1887 — a stock comany, composed of Ed Reece, J. F. Roy, B. F. Bell, John Rutland, L. E. Simpson, D. W. Dinges, and others, was organized, and a fine roller mill was erected. Brown Bros, once operated this plant in the eighties. Barry & Smith operated it in the nineties. This finally burned, and Lon Compton operates a plant erected somewhat recently. A county fair association was formed prior to 1858, and in that year the first fair was held. The war then interfered, and Federal soldiers, principally Stokes's men, camped on the site and practically destroyed the property. The site was on the WUliam Floyd farm, on Hickman Creek. In 1871 the DeKalb County A. and M. Association was formed, and the present-day fair resulted. The first directory was composed of J. P. Doss, J. D. Wheeler, J. F. Roy, J. H. Kitchen, J. A. Jones, John Bone, J. J. Ford, John Rollins, M. A. Wood, H. B. Smith, W. H. Lincoln, Jacob Measle, and Gen. William B. Stokes. Of these directors, only one, J. F. Roy, is living. This is beUeved to be the oldest fair in Tennessee. The State is said to be a stockholder. From 1871 to the present the fair has been held every year except 1881, when the severe drouth prevaUed. On the morning of June 27, 1914, all the buildings were burned, entailing a loss of $8,coo 92 History of DeKalb County or $10,000, Rob Roy being the largest loser. Un daunted, tents and circus seats were procured, and the fair of 1914 was made a success. A fact worthy of note, reflecting credit on the negro population of the county, is that for several years the colored people have held a fair at Alexandria, the man agers in 1914 being Henry Belcher, R. E. Preston, and Dib Burks. Among the early citizens of this community, in addi tion to many already mentioned, there are recalled: Bartel Carter, King Herod, James Malone, Robert Dowell, Rizer Duncan, Louis McGann, WiUiam Kiser, Phil Palmer, Benjamin Garrison, John Van trease, Jonathan and Steward Doss, Thomas Simpson, William Wright, Aaron Botts, Louis Y. Davis, Ed ward Turner, James Goodner, WUliam Grandstaff, Paschal Brien, Henry Rutland, Tom Minor, Beverley Seay, Samuel Pierce, Stephen Pledger, Bartley James, Thornton Christy, Richard Rison, Turner Lawrence, T. AUison, James Link, Oliver Williams, Sr., James Jones, John Pierce, Spencer Bomar, J. Yeargin, J. F Goodner, Jack Baird, William Johnston, Peter Davis, Tom Price, Caleb Davis, Hez Bowers, John Bowers, Al Bone, William Bone, Peter Tumer, James Tumer, Yan and Lon Wood, Jefferson Sneed, and WUliam Floyd. The last-named brought to the county the first thresher and piano. William Floyd was also a before-the-war post master; so was Joshua M. Coffee; so was Samuel W. Pierce. Other postmasters have been Stephen Pled- 93 History of DeKalb County ger, James Turner, Al Edwards, R. M. Bone, S. B. Franks, J. W. Parker, and J. Moores Pendleton. As to professional men, the lawyers who have lived at Alexandria were Col. John Fite (born there), Man- son M. Brien, John Botts, WUliam B. Stokes, Dan WUliams, and J. W. Parker. Dentists : Drs. H. I. Benedict and L. D. Cotton. Early physicians: Drs. John W. Overall (about 1830, and born in the Shenandoah Valley, Va., be fore his parents removed to the neighborhood of Liberty, Tenn.), Jefferson Sneed, James Dougherty, William Sales, Cornelius Sales, George Gray, William Blythe, Richard Blythe, T. F. Everett, Nicholas Mer cer, E. Tubb, Horace Sneed, Isaac J. Miers (or Mize), Mayberry, Bobo, McConnell, and Flippin. Later: T. J. Sneed, Jr., C. L. Barton, Dr. Fletcher, O. D. Wil liams, T. A. Gold, Thomas Davis, Sam McMillan, and J. R. Hudson. This tradition is told by the older people of Alex andria: Dr. Miers (or Mize) was of French extrac tion, locating in Alexandria long before the War be tween the States (about 1848 or 1849), ^^^ wooed and won a Miss Paty. He was impatient to build up a practice, and it was charged that, going to Woodbury one day and procuring smallpox virus, or "scabs," he returned to his home with a sinister scheme. Inviting a young Mr. Turner to go hunting with him with flint locks, he managed to inject his companion with the virus. Soon there was an epidemic of smallpox. During the illness of Turner, who resided near the present Brush Creek, Miers visited him, saying his 94 southern hotel, ALEXANDRIA History of DeKalb County condition was serious, but did riot hint that the malady was probably smallpox. As a consequence of the visits of friends and relatives the disease soon spread. The doctor was suspected and forced to leave the neighborhood. It is said he went to Virginia, then removed to Illinois, and in the latter State engaged in a similar scheme to boost business, when he was indicted and punished. There are two well-kept cemeteries at Alexandria — South View, the pioneer graveyard, and East View, much: larger. In the latter many soldiers of the Civil War, as well as a few veterans of earlier contests, are sleeping. Among the Confederates: Col. John F. Goodner, J. P. Doss, J. A. Donnell, Joshua M. Floyd, G. M. Bowers, WUey' Jones, Nelson D. Eason, Dr. C. L. Barton, R. A. Lawrence, J. W. Batts, Capt. J. D. Wheeler, L. H. Fite, Billy Foust, J. D. Martin, Mon roe Doss, O. B. Wright, W. H. Lincoln, R. B. Floyd, J. B. Palmer, John Bomar, William Talley, Thomas Dunn, William Mooneyham, W. E. Foust. Among the Federals: J. H. Kitching, Monroe ("Pud") Brad ley, W. F. Batts, J. E. ("Rome") Goodner, J. B. Year gin, Dr. O. D. Williams, John Garrison, Sr., John C. Garrison, W. A. Palmer, Monroe Hall, Len Robinson, James Pass, J. M. Walker, P. L. Wood, Robert Alvis, T. W. Eason, John Lawrence, and Gen. W. B. Stokes. The writer has had access to an old ledger which belonged to Dr. John W. Overall, who resided in Alexandria. It covers a period from 1830 to October, 1834, and no I doubt the names listed therein include a number of the pioneers of Alexandria as well as a 95 History of DeKalb County number in other counties but in the town's "sphere of influence." The names follow : Caleb Davis, Nehemiah Dowell, Sterling Davis, Daniel Coggin, James P. Dale, Elisha Dowell, Smith- son C. Doss, Stewart Doss, Prestley Dowell, Levi A. Durham, Col. E. Durham, John Dyournet, Joshua M. Coffee, Beverley Callicoat, Thomas Crutchfield, Lineas Cock, David Crowder, Samuel Casey, Robert Caskey, Winslow Carter, John S. Brien, Thomas Beckwith, Peter Barton, Roland Burks, Manson M. Brien, Aaron Botts, David Blue, Thomas Bomar, James Brien, Thomas Bradford, William Bennett, WUUs Dowell. William Edwards, Cornelius Ellison, Jacob Fite, Amos Foutch, Floyd Davis, WiUiam Floyd, Joseph Fite, Shadrack Figgin, John Floyd, G. W. Grayson, J. M. Goodner, Benjamin Garrison, Stephen Griffin, Valentine Gates, William Grandstaff, Henry Helman- taller, Philip Hass, Henry Haley, Benjamin D. Hynds, Henton A. HiU, Joab Haflin, Josiah Hicks, Sterling Hale, John Hathaway, Hawkins Heflin, Grogan Har per, Levi Herod, Pendleton Hobson, Washington Hicks, Hardin Hardcastle, Benjamin Jones, Josiah Inge, Wyatt Jenkins, Nelson Kyle, James Kitching, Spencer Kelley, Edward Lawrence, W. F. Luck, James Lancaster, John Lucky, William Linn, Gregory Moore, William Marler, John Moore (hatter), David Malone, Joseph McCrabb, Maj. William Moore, James Askew, Don Allison, Robert Nixon, Levi PurneU, Over- street Pritchard, Caleb Preston, Philip Palmer, Brit- tain Reynolds, Rison Roland, Augustin Robinson, North Reynolds, Henry Rollings, Daniel Ratlidge, 96 History of DeKalb County Peyton Randolph, George Reasonover, William Wright, Thomas Simpson, Randolph Sanlin, Fuller S'anUn, WUliam Stokes, Jordan Stokes, George Simp son, Anderson Tibbs, T. J. Tyree, Edward Turner, Littleberry Turner, Wilson Tubb, Benjamin Tubb, Tolliver Turner, John Vantrease, Joshua Vick, Samuel Vanatta, William Vantrease, Jeremiah Whitlock, Anthony Ward, John Warford, Benton Wood, Abel Wood, James Winfrey, William Wellaby, Tucker Woodson, Jesse Wood, Pleasant Watson, David War ford, Duke C. Wright, and Dobson Yeargin. 7 97 CHAPTER IX. Concerning Slaves and Free Negroes. There was only one attempt of the slaves to start an insurrection in this State, as far as the writer can learn ; that was in Stewart County. In 1854 and 1855 it became evident that the negroes meditated mischief, as they were known to be holding secret meetings on nights and Sundays. They were instigated by white preachers, it is thought, from the North. In Decem ber, 1856, a vigilance committee was organized, slaves from aU parts of Stewart County were examined, and the suspicion of a plot was seen to be well founded. The slaves were on a specified day to overpower their masters and, after arming themselves, cross the coun try to Hopkinsville, Ky., then enter Ohio, where they hoped to be free. Six of the leaders were hanged at Dover before Christmas and a large number whipped. To make the punishment more impressive a citizen of Dover cut off the heads of the six blacks executed and had them paraded through the streets, Goodspeed tells us. The negroes were considered by the forefathers the most docile of all races of savages. Whether this was correct or not, those of DeKalb County were not hard to control. Now and then one heard of "runaway" slaves, but they had no desire, it appears, to injure their masters. The old type of darky has almost become extinct. It seems but justice to refer at some length to a num ber who became well known locally from one cause or 98 History of DeKalb County another. There were a few who had the instincts of a gentleman, some whose individuality made them favorites with the whites, and many with striking traits that created more or less notice. Not only did the negroes prove the most amiable of savage races, but the writer dares say that he recalls no instances among the whites of anything finer than the humble dignity of Wolsey Givan, the gentle urbanity of Wells Allen, the Chesterfieldian politeness of Dave Sellars, the se rene patience of Mary Fuston, or the tireless devo tion of Violet Overall to the little babe left to her care by the death of Mrs. Horace L. Hale. Slaves were numerous in the county. Scores of citizens owned from two to a dozen, while a few held a much larger number. The original stock in most instances was brought from the older States by the pioneers. There was not very much trafficking in this species of property in DeKalb County. Of the slave owners adjacent to Liberty, these are recalled with little effort: James Allen, John Stark, W. G. Bratten, Reuben Evans, Francis Turner, Isaac Turney, Abra ham Overall, Ezekiel Bass, Edward Robinson, Henry Frazier, Dr. G. C. Flowers, Daniel Smith, Nicholas Smith, Horace Overall, W. B. Stokes, James Tubb, Isaac Turney, Thomas Stokes, John Bethel, Eli Vick, James Fuston, Joseph Clarke, William Vick, William SeUars, Jasper Ruyle, William Avant, Sampson WU liams, Thomas Givan, Peter and Jacob Adams, Leon ard Lamberson, the Brazwells, Hayses, Groomses, Roys, and Bates. The Foutches, S'needs, Wrights, Lawrences, Good- 99 History of DeKalb County ners, Rutlands, Grandstaffs, Turners, Floyds, Pres- tons, Davises, and others possessed "human chattels" at Alexandria; while well-known slaveholders around Smithville were W. H. Magness, Giles Driver, Nicho las Chambers, Thomas Bradford, and Bernard Rich ardson. Free negroes were few in number. Lige Whitely, of Smithville, was one of a family of free men of color. He was a vendor of ginger cakes, holding forth at the courthouse well on days of occasion. From the letter of a correspondent out of the State this is quoted : Often, thinking of Liberty, I see everything as plainly as sixty-five years ago — even Nat and Banks Evans, 'Lizabeth Flowers, Jim Bethel, Luke Turney, Wells Allen, Gib Clarke, Nye Givans, Wolsey Givan, Cato Bate, Strawd Overall, Jeff Overall (the old colonel's fiddler), Albert Smith (who as sumed the name of Porter), Allen Fuston, Virg and Rans Robinson, Sut Bass, Pomp and Tom Ruyle, Burrell Stokes, Caleb Tubb, and Ike Lamberson. By the way, Ike passed as an infidel, the only one I ever saw among the colored folks. Any negro there who could claim descent from Wolsey Givan considered it a great honor. Strawd and Jeff Overall were noted characters. Is the negro's religion mere emotion, signifying nothing? The writer testifies to a permanent change in the conduct of "Aunt" Violet, who was cook in his father's home for twenty-five years. Though she and her mistress grew up together, for a few years Aunt Vii would have "tantrums" two or three times a week, swearing like the army in Flanders and otherwise working off her temper. One day news came that loo History of DeKalb County her son Bill had been stabbed to death by Doc Allen, another negro. She made no hysterical outcry, but fell writhing on the floor in mental torture. Some months later she was converted, and from the day of her conversion to her death she was never guilty of profanity nor of giving way unrestrainedly to her tem per. And when her mistress was dying she came shuffling from the kitchen, and the two, who had known each other for fifty-nine years, embraced. There were three or four outlying negroes prior to the war. The most noted were "Arrington," "Jim," and "Old Yaller." According to the scant information obtainable, it appears that sometime in the first half of the nineteenth century Henry Hart, who owned large tracts of land on Dry Creek, decided to sell his realty holdings and move from the country. Several thousand acres were purchased by Henry Frazier, then a young man, who, after the War between the States, was slain on Snow's Hill by Capt. W. L. Hathaway. Hart disposed of his negroes in the South, including Tom, who was sold to a planter named Ar rington. Tom ran away from his new master, returning to DeKalb County, and hid in caves and cane thickets for quite a while. He was fed by such negroes as Ike Lamberson, Jeff Overall, the Allen slaves, and others. While not appearing vicious, he became a terror to the women and children, because, like the wild things, he prowled at night. It is possible that he did not hesitate to appropriate a lamb, fowl, or hog, or to raid a kitchen when moved by hunger. There were many lOI History of DeKalb County large caves in the country and immense canebrakes, and it was not difficult to avoid detection by day. Arrington evaded capture four or five years, then dis appeared. He may have sought new fields or died un attended in one of the caves that exist only in lime stone sections. The case of Jim is of interest from the fact that his trial for murder is given in the reports of the Supreme Court of Tennessee (4th and 5th Humphreys) and is the precedent for conviction in a capital offense on circumstantial evidence. Belonging to a farmer named Williams, he was tried for murder in 1843, was con victed, and appealed. The case was remanded and resulted in a second verdict of guilty in 1844. Appeal ing to the Supreme Court again, the case was affirmed. His lawyers were Sam Turney, Brien, and Haynes. Jim was hanged at Smithville, making a sensational statement on the gallows. Isaac, the property of William Avant, was murdered in the kitchen of William Williams on Dry Creek on Saturday night, January 11, 1843. Proof showed that a slave named George (against whose owner execu tions were in the hands of an officer) and Jim (against whose owner an attachment had issued) were both in the neighborhood, concealing themselves in the woods, and were harbored by persons living near the place where Isaac was murdered. Isaac had been hired to catch George. The latter and Jim, both well armed, heard of Isaac's purpose and made frequent threats against his life. One night while Isaac was sleeping I02 History of DeKalb County on the floor with his head to the fire he was shot twice by some one outside and died in about an hour. Dr. Fuson examined the body, and William Avant found tracks fifteen or twenty steps from the kitchen, where Isaac was killed. The night had been cold. The tracks were visible only at a mudhole near the kitchen and at the spring branch. They seemed to have been made recently by some one running, and showed a de ficiency in one of the soles. When Jim was caught in a cave by Francis L. Boyd, it was found that a piece was wanting in the sole of the right shoe. The meas ure of the track with Jim's shoes corresponded with the width, but was about half an inch shorter than the shoes. David Coger, a witness in the case, testified from tests that tracks made while one was running would be half an inch to an inch and a half shorter than the shoe that made it, and the tracks would be shortest in soft ground. One of the negro women swore that Jim had admitted the deed, while others gave damaging testimony. Some young physicians secured Jim's body and, to avoid detection, conveyed it from hiding place to hiding place, finally cutting it up, tradition says, and throw ing the pieces and bones in Smith Fork Creek just below the Gin Bluff cave. The violation of graves was made a felony by the act of 1831, which explains the doctors' fears. "Old Yaller" was Jim Stokes, a slave owned by General Stokes. From some cause he was always absconding, hiding in the neighboring hiUs. One 103 History of DeKalb County morning he discovered from his hiding place that Col. James Tubb's residence was on fire and succeeded in putting out the flames before much damage was done. In gratitude Colonel Tubb purchased him from Stokes, a delight to "Yaller Jim," since his wife was one of Colonel Tubb's slaves. Jim was the father of ten or twelve children by this woman. This is of pathetic interest: Caleb was Colonel Tubb's body servant — a very large black man pos sessed of much humor, who had a deep affection for every member of his master's family. He had super intended the digging of graves for all the burials that had taken place, and the Colonel had enjoined upon the survivors of the family the duty of burying Caleb next to himself at the head of the family section. After the war freed him, and after Colonel Tubb's death, Caleb remained faithful, caring for Miss Addie Tubb, the youngest girl, and Mrs. Caroline Fite, a widow. When they died he went to Dowelltown, but suddenly left there and went to parts unknown. Years passed, when one day an old colored man asked the stage driver from McMinnville to SmithvUle for a ride. He was wanting to get back home to die and be buried beside his master and "the chilluns," as he pathetically explained. Though he was black and his language broken, in his old heart was a yearning as loyal as that expressed by Jacob: "Bury me not, I pray thee, in Egypt: but I will lie with my fathers, and thou shalt carry me out of Egypt, and bury me in their burying place." Before the stage reached Smithville the 104 History of DeKalb County negro's life had gone out. James Tubb, Jr., was noti fied, and he carried out the promise exacted by his father as to the burial of old black Caleb. According to the report of the Adjutant Cieneral of Tennessee in 1866, Col. J. P. Brownlow, the enUst ment of negro troops in the Union army from this State numbered 17,770. A number may have been from DeKalb County, though the writer has heard of but one. Banks, belonging to Reuben Evans. Some of the early laws relative to negroes were these: They were not permitted to practice medicine When found off their master's premises without a pass, they were arrested by patrols. Before 183 1, for cer tain offenses slaves (also free negroes) could be naUed to the piUory by the ears and have their ears cut off. By the act of 183 1 free negroes were not aUowed to remove to this from any other State and remain more than twenty days; whUe by that of 1833 no stage driver or boat captain was aUowed to carry free negroes from one place to another without a certifi cate from the coimty court clerk ; but if the black were a slave, verbal or written authority from the owner was sufficient. Free negroes were allowed to vote until 1834, when they were disfranchised by the new State constitution. A bill was introduced in the legis lature of Tennessee in 1859-60 providing that aU free negroes except certain minors should be sold into slavery if they remained in the State after May i, 1861. It failed to become a law. 105 CHAPTER X. Stagecoach and Tavern Days. Quite a bulky debt was saddled on the State when the mania for internal improvements in Tennessee was on. But it brought us good roads, and no State can properly develop without these. It also brought an era of romance which made the people in isolated places better and happier and mentally broader. It was a great event, as great as the construction of a railroad to-day, when the turnpike was extended from Lebanon in the direction of Sparta. On Decem ber 2, 1837, a company was incorporated with the fol lowing commissioners: John Hearn, John Muirhead, W. L. Martin, Joseph Johnson, O. G. Finley, J. P. Wharton, Solomon Caplinger, Wilson T. Waters, James Young, George Smith, J. M. Armstrong, Jona than Bailey, and William Lawrence, of Wilson County : Abraham Caruthers, John Gordon, Francis Gordon, William McCain, and Nathaniel Ward, of Smith County; T. W. Duncan, Leonard Lamberson, E. Wright, Jacob Fite, James Goodner, James Tubb, and Joseph Clarke, of Cannon County (afterwards De Kalb) ; William Glenn, William Simpson, Jesse Lin coln, and S. V. Carrick, of White County. The commissioners were to open books for receiv ing subscriptions to the amount of $120,000, to be used in building the pike, "commencing at Lebanon," the charter not specifying at what point it should termi nate. The $120,000 was to be divided into shares of 106 History of DeKalb County $50 each. The chief surveyor of the State marked the route, and that part going over Snow's HUl, a mountain in DeKalb County, the gorges and peaks of which suggest Alpine scenery, is said to be an ex traordinarily fine example of surveying, with the ex ception of a few hundred feet. This variance was due, explains Mr. John L. Lamberson, grandson of one of the commissioners, to the fact that it was left to an assistant, the chief surveyor, becoming ill, having been carried to Lamberson's, where he died. For some reason, probably because of a lack of funds, the road for some years was completed only to the top of Snow's Hill ; but the grading was completed to Smith ville after the War between the States. As soon as possible after securing the charter and making the survey work was begun. The route must have presented a bustling appearance, with the camps and the great ox teams (shod with triangular pieces of iron on each toe, we are told) drawing stone, sand, and gravel, and the toiling slaves and their overseers. The work was given out to various contractors — Nich olas Smith, James White, Daniel Ford, Leonard Lam berson, James Tubb, Abraham Overall, and others. It is said that the part running under the Allen bluff and beside the creek west of Liberty was constructed by Colonel Overall. But one tragedy resulted during the buUding of this highway, so far as the writer can learn, though in some instances those upon whose premises the survey was made became very indignant. One farmer in the Alexandria neighborhood went gunning; but as the 107 History of DeKalb County route was changed for the better in his neighborhood, no blood was shed. The tragedy was the drowning of a youth named Blades. "There under the roots of that big tree," said the widow White to the writer one day when he was visiting the old Gray cemetery in DoweUtown, "is buried Charlie, the only son of Benja min Blades. He fell through the Liberty bridge be fore it was finished and was drowned. Near by is the grave of James White, who contracted to build a portion of the turnpike." That women had an eye to business even so early as 1837 is indicated by the fact that Mrs. Sinia Foster superintended the building of the road some way up Snow's Hill. With her sons and employees, she boss ing the job, a section of road was built that was prob ably unexcelled. Mr. Caplinger, possibly one of the commissioners, constructed the old bridge north of Liberty, a covered wooden structure with two driveways ; probably also that over Dry Creek, as both were alike. The stagecoach was a familiar sight prior to the building of the turnpike; while the pike did not al ways follow the first highway. To illustrate, the old road passed along the western and northern brow of the Daniel Smith hill a quarter of a mile north of Liberty, and after a large half circle eastward came out near Dowelltown. The trace is clearly visible to day. With the coming of the big, red, rocking coach there had to be stage stands and wayside inns provid ing "entertainment for man and beast." As far back as the oldest inhabitants can remember. Col. M. A. 108 History of DeKalb County Price was the mail contracter, an old one-eyed gentle man, who smacked his lips enjoyably over a glass of gin and was strictly business. Horace McGuire, an early stager, says the mail was carried from Nashville to KnoxviUe. Isaiah White, son of one of the road builders and now a citizen of Nashville, avers that the Colonel had mail contracts covering twelve thou sand miles, and this particular route extended from NashviUe via Knoxville to Richmond, Va. The coach was drawn by four horses a large part of the time, says James Dearman, another stager, and horses were changed every fourteen miles. "Colonel Price grew wealthy," says Mr. White. "My father had the con tract to make the road from the foot of Snow's Hill to the top, taking the contract off the hands of Mr. Duncan and Dr. Wright; but they became bankrupt, and he received very little compensation. It was fin ished to the top of the hill, I think, about 1845." After Price's time the route was gradually short ened, finally becoming insignificant. Sam Black fol lowed Price. Other contractors have been: Jesse Walling, Colvert & Lewis, Hale & Lewis, Overall Bros., and Taylor & Robinson. From Watertown to SmithviUe a number of automobiles now run. There were taverns at Liberty nearly a century ago — ^the Duncan at the north end of the village, and one somewhat south of the first-named, probably erected by a Mr. Fite. The latter was at various times occu pied as a residence by W. G. Foster, John F. Moore (a Vermont immigrant), Frank Foster, and WUliam Blackburn, father of Col. Joe Blackburn. It was at 109 History of DeKalb County last torn down to give place for Will A. Vick's resi dence. The pioneer, Josiah Duncan, had the Duncan Tavern built, and it was conducted by his son, T. W. Duncan. Some of the Duncans removed to Nashville. It is believed that the Duncan Hotel, in the capital, was named for one of these Duncans. They came orig inally from Maryland. Isaac Whaley, postmaster at Liberty for about forty-four years, once stated to the writer that within his memory Gen. Andrew Jackson was a guest at the Duncan. He added: "The General used to pass here in his carriage on the way to Wash ington and other points. One time he purchased some negroes and was bringing them to Tennessee. While here a young slave died. It was between 1834 and 1839. I made the negro's coffin. Of the Duncans who left Liberty, I believe the one to become best known was Cicero." T. M. Givan, a relative of the Duncan family, has heard his father tell of a large delegation going as far as Snow's Hill to welcome Old Hickory on one occa sion. Some genius had improvised a sort of cannon, and when it was "touched off" it escaped from its fastenings, disappeared somewhere down one of the gorges near the road, "and has never been seen since." On Jackson's arrival the county broke all records by the size of its crowd. Jackson was social and pleased his hearers by expressing admiration for the great hiUs and predicting a wonderful future for that sec tion. Mrs. Rachel Payne, daughter of Frederick Jones, no OLD DUNCAN TAVERN, LIBERTY DRAWN FROM MEMORY BY WILL T. HALE History of DeKalb County who bought the Duncan Tavern too late to entertain the hero of New Orleans, says she heard Mrs. Duncan tell how she once prepared a great feast for Jackson, but he would partake of nothing but milk and mush. Mrs. Payne states further: "When I was a chUd fif teen young men and the same number of girls passed through the village from Alexandria to Smithville to attend a ball. Coming back to the village with the purpose of having a dance at the Overall home, they found the creek past fording and stayed overnight with us, and that dance was the first I had ever seen. I recall two of the young ladies. Colonel Stokes's daughters. Miss Melissa (afterwards Mrs. Haskins) and Miss Leath (caUed 'Bug,' who became Mrs. James R. Calhoun). The fifteen couples were horseback, which would be a wonderful sight now." Latter-day hotels at Liberty were conducted by Joshua Hollandsworth and Mrs. Cannie Whaley. About the middle of the nineteenth century there was an excellent and popular tavern at Alexandria kept by Capt. J. S. Reece. "I remember a few balls at the tavern," writes Mrs. S. W. McClelland, for merly of Alexandria, "and among other attendants were Misses Ellen Johnston, Tump Sneed, Mary, Fannie, and Lorena Davis, Matt and Harriet Batts, and Messrs. Pope Rutland, John Sneed, WiUiam Bone, Joshua Floyd, and Capt. John F. Goodner, the gayest of the gay and a soldier of two wars. Next day we stood on tiptoe listening to a recital of the joyous events. When the circus came the old tavern was quickened into new life, and nothing was more de- III History of DeKalb County lightful to us children than to get a peep in on the show folks, especially the show girls, this being ac complished through the friendship of Mary Reece, the innkeeper's amiable daughter." Ed Reece, of Nashville, who was brought up in the Reece House, but who is now a prosperous Nashville man, says the building stood where Lester's department store now stands, on the south side of the principal street. "I think," he continues, "it was formerly con ducted by Jack Baird, Sr., father of James and the late Jack Baird. My father exchanged property with James Baird for it and had it put in fine repair, open ing it to the public in 1851 or 1852. My father was a Whig, and the Whigs all stopped with him. Among the guests of more than local repute I mention Jordan Stokes, Sidney S. Stanton, Gen. Bill Cullom, and Bird S. Rhea. There were balls there a plenty prior to the big war, and young people from Carthage, Lebanon, Gordonsville, and Nashville attended. An event I dis tinctly remember was the marriage of Horatio Betty — probably the grandfather of Willie Betty Newman, the distinguished Nashville artist — and Miss Mary Lawrence, daughter of William Lawrence, who lived in Wilson County, west of town. Betty lived at Gor donsville. The young married folks and their friends. about thirty couples in all, were horseback, and stopped for dinner on the way to GordonsvUle for the 'infair.' As there was then no very great opposition to intoxi cants, some of the gentlemen merrymakers imbibed freely. Two guests at the tavern when we had balls were the Misses Roulstone, relatives of the pub- 112 History of DeKalb County lisher of the first Tennessee newspaper, the Knoxville Gasette. One of them on one occasion highly incensed a guest by refusing to dance with him because he did not wear pumps." The old people name John Vantrease as Alexan dria's earliest innkeeper. Mrs. Sallie Browning kept a tavern prior to the days of the Reece House. The Reece House was in later years conducted by T. Wil liams and then by Joseph Lawrence. The present well-patronized hotel is owned by Byron Bell. In 1846, or thereabout, a stock company built a large tavern at Smithville, the first host being Dr. G. W. Eastham, possibly. On January 2, 1852, it was incorporated. The incorporators were: Ransom Youngblood, John B. Tubb, Alex CJoodwin, T. B. Fite, R. C. Sanders, Charles Schurer, Samuel Turner, Elect Tubb, James Tubb, WiUiam Floyd, Elias Barbee, W. H. Magness, W. B. Lawrence, W. W. Wade, William A. Duncan, and M. M. Brien. Was it leased at this time by Col. John H. Savage? The oldest member of the Tennessee Conference, Rev. J. W. CuUom, says Savage was in control of it in 1854. The builder of the tavern was said to have been David Morrison, the architect of the State prison. It changed pro prietors frequently. It was once purchased by David James, who sold it to Matt Lee, then by B. M. Webb, and is now owned by B. M. Cantrell. Beckwith Place, just east of Snow's Hill, became very popular in ante-bellum days, and is one of the best-known landmarks of DeKalb County. Mrs. Beck with was a Miss Roulstone, of the KnoxviUe family 8 113 History of DeKalb County just mentioned. Beckwith was in its prime when Bon Air Springs, on the mountain, was in its heyday. Travelers to and from that resort liked to spend a while at Beckwith Place. Many very notable guests have been sheltered there. On Snow's Hill, four miles west of SmithvUle, Thomas Bradford kept a famous inn at the sign of the Two Cranes. A distinction claimed for the proprietor is that he had the earliest orchard in that section, not excepting that of Giles Driver, the pioneer, who lived to the age of one hundred and four. Luke McDowell's tavern was not far from Beckwith Place, a mile west ward. After the War between the States, John L. Boyd occupied the McDowell Inn. No doubt there was a tavern at Sligo Ferry, on the eastern side of Caney Fork River and on the stage road. It was a very important point at one time. Bird S. Rhea and A. L. Davis, who owned a large store and warehouse, operated the ferry and that end of the stage road. Sligo was the head of navigation, and the firm was able to do a very heavy business by loading boats at NashviUe and transporting merchan dise and other freight to Sligo. Price's stagecoaches traveled that way. The travel by stage, carriages, and freight wagons was tremendous. But when the Nash vUle and Chattanooga Railroad was constructed to McMinnviUe Mr. Rhea saw that it would injure White and DeKalb Counties and left the place for NashvUle, where he became a factor in business circles, as is his son now, Isaac T. Rhea, President of the St. Louis and Tennessee River Packet Company. 114 History of DeKalb County In this East Middle Tennessee section there is much picturesque scenery. Off the turnpike some miles are the Caney Fork "Narrows," where the river makes a nine-mile bend, but comes so close together at one point that one can stand on the ridge between and toss a stone into the current on either side. The views at FaU Creek and Culcarmac Falls, also in the boundaries of DeKalb County, are magnificent and inspiring. From the top of Snow's Hill (the turnpike passes over the summit, a distance of two miles) the sight may traverse long distances, especially south and west, taking in a bewitching panorama in winter or summer. On each side are deep vaUeys, gloomy and forested, and miles to the south the long, hazy crest of Short Mountain, suggesting the back of leviathan afloat upon the ocean surface. Traveling westward, there was once the well-kept Trough Spring. The water, gushing out of the hill, was brought down to the pike in wooden "spouts" to a very capacious trough. Here the stage horses were checked to allay their thirst, and it is doubtful if any passenger could pass without de siring to quaff. If in the night, the trickle and mur mur awoke his thirst ; if in the daytime, the sparkling streamlets dashing over mossy stones had the same effect. Between Dowelltown and Liberty one of the noisiest streams, reminding you of Browning's "How the Water Comes Down at Lodore," issues from the Gin Bluff cave and finds silence in the Crowder Hole of Smith Fork. It used to run a cotton gin long ago. On Dry Creek the stream cast out of a cave has for "5 History of DeKalb County three-quarters of a century furnished the power to run Crips's Mill. Then you arrive at Liberty, resting like a sleeping hound at the feet of a dozen lofty hills — the Barger and Evans hills to the east, the Gin Bluff and Dismal hills to the north, to the west the Bethel and Lamberson hills, and to the south the Bratten, Givan, and Clarke hills — cultivated to the tops and hazy in summer, in winter drowsing to the winds' singing, "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth his handiwork." And in their embrace this: Smith Fork Creek forming a silver horseshoe, great bottom fields, the pioneer graveyard on a rise covered with pennyroyal and gashed with gullies, the battle ground where General Winchester fought the Cherokees, the more modern cemetery with three thousand sleeping inhabitants, and a village so queerly arranged that the son of a pioneer once described it as being three miles long and thirty feet wide. ""Still going westward, the road crawls by the beetling Allen Bluff, then through other picturesque hills until Alexandria is passed and the Wilson County line reached, where the low grounds set in. As a general thing, the stage drivers were "charac ters." Didn't they have a right to feel their impor tance and to exercise their prerogative of letting a boy swing onto the boot or driving him away with a great swipe backward with the whiplash? Uncle Sam depended upon them to be on schedule time with his mail; the traveling public was also beholden to them; and, sitting behind four horses, manipulating n6 History of DeKalb County the lines cleverly if not pompously as the mUestones were left behind, they certainly had some part in the nation's affairs. The names of a few have been pre served, and for the sake of the old-timers who knew some of them in the flesh and of the one-time boys whose cherished ambition was to be a stage driver and at night toot the bugle as the announcement of his approach to the post office they shall be recorded here : Ben Blades, Yance Lamb (a dandy), Tom Hearn, Josiah Youngblood, Mr. Angell, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Bridges, Mr. Sadler, Bob Witt, Abe Witt, Mr. Potts, "Scotch John," Horace McQuire, Jim Little, Mose and Charles Vannata, James Dearman, J. H. Meacham, Tom, Jim, and William Dearman, Isaac Borum (who drove about twenty years), William Lewis, Sr., Wil liam Lewis, Jr., and William Robinson (who drove about fifteen years). So, while the first note of the bugle on the famous old stage road was a reveille, the last sound, lingering moumfully among the hills, meant taps forever, the old order giving way to the new. The mail is now delivered to the four principal towns twice a day and once on Sunday. The postal system must have been very unsatisfactory to the people a century and less ago. It is said that the residents of Liberty for a long whUe had to go to Carthage, which was laid off in 1804, and other points to mail letters. As late as 1797 the mail to Knoxville, then the State capital, arrived only twice a month. It must have been several years later that there was a mail route to Liberty. In 1789, about eight years before the first 117 History of DeKalb County settler came to Liberty, there were only seventy-five post offices in the United States. Postage was so high and ready money so scarce, as stated elsewhere, that letters often remained in the post office for weeks be cause the person addressed could not pay the postage. In the daybook of E. Wright, a Liberty merchant, his customers are frequently charged postage. It may be he was an early postmaster. Thus under date of June 23, 1832, is this memorandum, "Liberty Lodge No. T], Dr., to postage paid on letter from G. States Secty., 66 cents," and this under date of August 20 : "Lemuel H. Bethel, Dr., to cash to pay postage, i8j^ cents." The adhesive postage stamp was not used in America until 1847. The method was to fold a letter, fasten it with sealing wax (no envelope), and mail it, the re ceiver to pay the postage. The rates of postage from 1789 to 1816 were : For any distance under forty miles, 8 cents; under ninety, 10 cents; under one hundred and fifty, I2j^ cents. From 1816 to 1837 they were: For distances under thirty miles, 6^ cents; under eighty, 10 cents; over four hundred, 25 cents; and these rates were quadrupled upon letters which weighed an ounce. ri8 CHAPTER XI. The County Seat. The country adjacent to SmithviUe was settled by a most worthy class of people, second to none in any part of the county. Old names that come to mind are : Giles Driver, Jesse Allen, Martin PhUlips, Tobe Mar tin, Britton Johnson, Allan Johnson, James Lockhart, John Wooldridge, J. C. Kennedy, P. G. Magness, Zach Lafever, D. League, Henry Cameron, Bernard Richardson, Samuel Chandler, Elijah Chambers, Ed ward Hooper, William Adcock, Luke McDoweU, John Maynard, the Whaleys, Wades, Beckwiths, AtweUs, Bradfords, Smiths, GUberts, Dunlaps, Colverts, Pot ters, Cantrells, Pedigoes, Isbells, Bonds, Bozarths, Rheas, Davises, Dearmans, Wests, Fosters, Tyrees, Grays, Magnesses, Judkinses, Titsworths, Dentons, and others. When the county was organized at Bernard^ich:i ardson's in March. 1838, a committee, composed of Joseph^larke, Thomas Allen, Joseph Banks, Watson Cantrell, and Thomas Diu-ham, was appointed to select a site for the seat of justice and erect a courthouse and jaU. James Dearman, one of the middle-aged men of Smithville, thinks the center of the county was found to be a mile north of the present Smithville ; but ! as Bernard Richardson had donated fifty acres of land for the town, it was located thereon. But Rev. W. P. Banks, grandson of one of the commissioners, writes under date of AprU 27, 1914: "My grandfather was 119 History of DeKalb County the first trustee of the county and one of the men who located the county seat. It was first selected two mUes south of the present town on the McMinnville road; but when on digging a well (the mound of dirt is there now plainly visible) the commissioners failed to get water they accepted the proposition of Mr. Richardson, provided they should find water for the public well. Grandfather was a leading spirit in all this." The first name selected in the original bill for the seat of justice was Macon, but by amendment it was changed to Smithville in honor of Samuel G. Smith, one of the Secretaries of State, who died in_i835. He held this office from 1832 to his death. The first courthouse was soon erected. Prior to 1844 it was replaced by a two-story brick building, costing about $6,000, while the log jail was replaced by a brick structure, costing something like $2,500. Subsequent to 1890 the present courthouse was erected. It may not be out of place to chronicle the fact here that on August 28, 1890, when new county buildings were seen to be needed, an election was held to change the county seat. A site was offered by C. W. L. Hale on his farm, about halfway between Dowelltown and Liberty. Much excitement prevailed, the election re sulting in a majority for no removal. The following lawyers have been residents of the county at various times. If all are not included, it is not an intentional omission, but an oversight: M. M. Brien, J. J. Ford, A. M. Savage, J. H. Savage, W. W. Wade, Sr., W. W. Wade, Jr., John B. Robinson, Ralph Robinson, Solon Robinson, Joseph Clarke, J. 120 History of DeKalb County W. Clarke, Robert Cantrell, William B. Stokes, James A. Nesmith, Robert C. Nesmith, T. M. Wade, B. M. Webb, Boone Trapp, R. M. Magness, W. G. Crowley, M. A. Crowley, B. M. CantreU, J. W. OveraU, Alfred Smith, B. G. Adcock, P. T. Shore, Alvin Avent, WiU T. Hale, Dan O. WUliams, J. W. Botts, John Gothard, H. A. Bratten, W. D. G. Carnes, R. B. Ander son, I. C. Stone, M. D. Smallman, S. H. Collins, Richard Saunders, J. J. Foster, B. T. R. Foster, J. B. Foster, W. B. Staley, T. J. Bradford, Pallas Smith, White Turney, W. B. Coriey, M. M. Brien, Jr., J. M. Allen, Albert McClellan, R. W. Tumer, Joseph H. Blackbum, Caleb Davis, J. W. Parker, Eli Evans, D. M. Robinson, L. N. Savage, Thomas Fisher, Jr., J. A. Drake, J. E. Drake, P. C. Crowley, WUliam O'Conner, J. B. Crowley, R. L. Cantrell, Brown Davis, and Dixie W. Floyd. The following were practicing in the county in 1814 : T. W. Wade, Alvin Avant, J. E. Drake, R. L. Tumer, P. C. Crowley, E. G. Lawson, D. M. Robinson, J. B. Robinson, J. A. Gothard, Dixie W. Floyd, Brown Davis, Smithville; W. B. Coriey, DoweUtown; James W. Parker, Alexandria ; and H. A. Bratten, Liberty. These have occupied the bench whUe residents of the county or after having removed therefrom: M. M. Brien, Robert CantreU, M. D. Smallman, W. G. Crow ley, W. W. Wade, Jr., Thomas Fisher, and John Fite. The act to incorporate ^mitJiy-ille was passed De-_ cember 4, 1843^ The boundaries were as follows : "beginning at the dwelling house of E. M. North, in cluding the sawmUl; thence to the southwest corner 121 History of DeKalb County of the plan of the town; thence east with the line of the said town plan to the northwest corner of the lot of land which M. M. Brien purchased from John C. Cannady; thence with the lines of the same so as to include it in the town plan ; thence a direct line to the stage road so as to include the dweUing house of P. M. Wade ; thence north to Fall Creek ; thence up the said creek to the chalybeate spring ; thence a direct line, in cluding the dweUing house of W. W. Wade, to the northeast comer of the original town plan ; thence to the beginning." As in other towns of the county, the corporation was abolished soon after the four-mile law was enacted to secure the statute's educational benefits. Among the first merchants were Willis W. Wade, P. M. Wade, and Samuel Chandler. Then came W. P. Harvey, P. G. Magness, J. M. Allen, W. H. Mag ness, J. L. Dearman, George Beckwith, J. Y. Stewart, S. B. Whaley, and Elijah Whaley. StiU later the fol lowing were business men : R. B. West, Isaiah White, G. R. Smith & Son, Black & Bond, Smith Bros., T. B. Potter, S. D. Blankenship, J. L. Colvert, Hooper & Bro., D. S. Harrison, F. Z. Webb, A. L. Foster, and E. J. Evans. Business is carried on to-day by the fol lowing individuals and firms: W. H. H. Bond, gen eral merchant and undertaker, in business 40 years; F. Z. Webb, druggist, 34; H. E. Mason, druggist, 10; Conger Bros., gentlemen's furnishing goods, 1 1 ; H. E. Staley & Son, dry goods and shoes, 25 ; J. C. Fos ter & Bro., grocery and hardware, 15; Mrs. W. R. Smith, miUinery and dress goods, 20; S. C. Tyree, dry goods and notions, 15 ; W. H. Smith & Co., hard- 122 History of DeKalb County ware, lo; J. C. Bond & Bro., groceries; Fred Robin son, groceries; Potter, Love & Hays, ladies' dress goods and mUlinery; W. L. Taylor & Co., general store and freight transferers ; J. E. Foster, groceries ; G. S. Davis, groceries; H. Calhoun, groceries; Bur ton & Jennings, groceries; James Burch, general store; Young & Conger, groceries and produce; Cash Hardware Company, W. F. Hooper manager; James Dearman, hotel and livery stable; A. H. Lane, Uvery stable; Mrs. E. M. BaUiff, hotel; Mrs. T. W. Wade, hotel; E. J. Evans & Son, spokes, also millers; Sam McGuire, barber; Mart Talley (colored), barber; La fayette Pack, C. Shaw, C. H. Vickers, and George Summers, blacksmiths; Lee Magness and Thomas Beckwith, photographers. Among the early physicians were: G. W. Eastham, Charles Schurer, J. C. Buckley, E. Tubb, J. C. Cox, P. C. Shields, J. S. Harrison, J. J. and Isaac Gowan, Dr. Evans, Dr. Bames, and Ben CantreU, herbist. Later: J. Z. Webb, J. S. Fletcher, T. W. Eaton, A. Avant, M. L. Wilson, and James Womack. Present: W. W. Parker, W. R. Parker, M. L. WUson, L. D. AUen, C. A. Loring, and T. J. Potter. Dentists, J. T. BeU and E. H. Conger. The Smithville brass band of twenty-one pieces, J. K. Shields leader, has a well-merited reputation throughout DeKalb and surrounding counties. A number of tanyards have been sunk in that sec tion from an early day. Among the first were Tom Roe's, on Snow's HiU, and Henry Gray's, in town. J. L. Colvert, W. H. Magness, and D. T. Harrison were 123 History of DeKalb County formerly in this business. D. T. and J. B. Harrison established a tobacco factory in 1879, ^^^ ^°^ years did a good business, as did the Mack Shores factory. The town has been noted for its excellent schools, though no record was kept of the old field variety. Fulton Academy drew attention to the county seat a score of years before the War between the States. It was incorporated January 17, 1838, with these as trus tees: Thomas Durham, Moses Pedigo, Samuel Allen, Martin Philips, and Bernard Richardson. For further references to this subject see the chapter on educa tional matters. List of Smithville postmasters as far back as can be ascertained: J. Y. Stewart, George Beckwith, "Big Jim" Williams, George Bing, Felix Patterson, Robert Black, Ralph Robinson, J. S. Dunlap, S. P. W. Max well, E. K. Atwell, Dick Goodson, J. H. Christian, and (present) C. W. Moore. Like Alexandria and Liberty, Smithville has two banks — the Farmers and Traders' (J. B. Moore, Cashier) and the People's. The latter was organized in 1903 with a capital of $15,000, with R. B. West, President, and J. E. Drake, Cashier. Its resources in 1914 were about $75,000. Present officers: W. H. Davis, President; F. M. Love, Cashier; W. L. Davis, Assistant Cashier. Mention of the most noted SmithviUe taverns is given in the chapter on "Stagecoach and Tavern Days." It is thought that the earliest tavern keeper was Dr. G. W. Eastham. Then there were Bernard Richardson and James Erwin. Dave James was 124 POST OFFICE BLOCK, SMITHVILLE History of DeKalb County tavern keeper from 1850 to i860, and Mack Shores in 1861-62. Tyree's Hotel has long been a favorite hostelry, as have the Dearman House and Bailiff House. A correspondent writes that many years ago there was a viUage adjacent to Smithville, a suburb, "just down the hill, across the creek and in the direc tion of Sparta," called Chalk Hill, and that Jack Frazier kept a tavern there. Six miles from Smith ville is a popular summer resort called Seven Springs, J. T. Odum, proprietor. Pearl-hunting in Caney Fork has been carried on for some years, pearls bringing from $500 to $1,800 having been found. John Windham, of Smithville, was one of the most successful dealers. S. L. Fitts, of Temperance Hall, is also a successful dealer. There are no stories to tell of the old-time modes of punishment of criminals. Before Smithville was thought of, whipping, branding, pUlorying, and cutting off the ears of criminals were abolished — in 1829 as to whites and in 183 1 as to negroes. Relative to the early transportation of freight, Mr. Dearman writes: "The produce from Sligo Ferry, on the Caney Fork River, was carried to Nashville in flatboats, and merchandise which the people needed was brought back on these boats. The boats were pushed up the Cumberland and Caney Fork, and it often required a week or two to reach Sligo. J. L. Dearman, who served as sheriff of the county three terms and twenty years as a magistrate, Levi Bozarth, William Bozarth, David James, Nat Parker, Dave Koger, the Phillipses, and the Dildines are some of the 125 History of DeKalb County men who made runs down the river and back. While the work was hard, the men were hardy and won their way." Through the kindness of Mr. Tal Allen, now an honored citizen of NashvUle, this list of papers that have been published in the town since the war is fur nished: The Highland Sun, A. Max Ford; the Jour nal, A. C. Carnes; the Index, W. D. Cames; the Watchman and Critic, Dozier and Kelly; and the Re view, Frank Wallace, later Eugene Hendon. W. D. G. and W. B. Carnes were at one time con nected with the Index, and M. L. Fletcher was once a SmithviUe publisher. The following necrological note by a correspondent shows the sad changes that have taken place in the population in the last generation : "The following early citizens of Smithville are dead : W. G. Crowley, Chan cellor for many years; Bernard Richardson, who do nated the site of Smithville to the county; Jack Ken nedy, Mexican War veteran and register for thirty years ; J. T. Hollis, who served as County and Circuit Court Clerk and Clerk and Master ; Mr. Dillard, drug gist; Joe Stewart, sheriff and old-time slave trader; J. L. Dearman, sheriff, magistrate, and merchant; 'Sporting Ike' Hays; G. R. Smith, merchant and magistrate for twenty years ; T. B. Potter, Confederate soldier, merchant, and banker ; W. C. Potter, merchant and banker ; Dave James, tavern keeper ; Mack Shores, tavern keeper; O. B. Staley, merchant; J. B. Atwell, register for ten years; J. M. AUen, magistrate for thirty years and twice representative; J. L. Colvert, 126 History of DeKalb County merchant; S. D. Blankenship, merchant; T. N. Chris tian, Circuit Court Clerk for sixteen years; T. W. Shields, Circuit Court Clerk for twelve years; Rev. J. M. Kidwell; Z. P. Lee, County Court Clerk for eight years." But time, tide, and progress await no man. Smith ville is to-day a pretty and thriving town of about one thousand inhabitants. "The turnpike from the town to Snow's Hill," writes a correspondent, "resembles an urban avenue — new houses all along where thirty years ago none were to be seen. From SmithvUle to Sparta you are never out of sight of new residences and barns. People from the Caney Fork River and hUl country have been buying the land and moving to it. Even a dweller of the western section — the Basin — admits this fact: 'I am not sure but the flatwoods show more thrift to-day than any other part of the county.' SmithvUle has a flour mill, a spoke and handle factory, two banks, a paper, churches, and several general stores. The buildings are all com paratively new, only three or four of those built forty years ago standing ; while every road leading out from one to eight miles is macadamized. Perhaps much of its prosperity is due to the enterprise of the farmers who have recently bought the lands surrounding and the awakened energy of the descendants of the pio neers." i I Smithville is a charming and prosperous inland town and growing. Its distance from Nashville is sixty-seven miles. 127 CHAPTER XII. Historical Jetsam. In a history of Kentucky by Prof. N. S. Shaler, who for more than a quarter of a century filled the chair of Agassiz at Harvard University, it is shown that by actual measurement the Tennessee and Kentucky sol diers in the War between the States were the largest in the army and in the world. DeKalb County has been noted for its large and strong men. Commercial travelers and others have remarked upon the fact. It is safe to say that no county of the same population can show a larger num ber. "Big" Bill Evans, once county trustee, weighed in his prime about two hundred and seventy-five pounds. Mrs. Matilda Huggins, his sister, weighed probably more. William B. Preston was about the size of Evans, and his mother weighed about three hundred pounds. Fox Frazier (hog trader), his brother Henry, John Parker (of Dismal Creek), Col. James Tubb, James Fuston (tavem keeper), Presley Adamson, Henry L. Turner, Francis Turner, James Stark, Lan- don Richardson, Bill Garrison, Aaron Frazier, Sr., William Estes, Moses and John Spencer, Jim Willi.^ Thomas Roe, George and Thomas E. Bratten, Bart Pack, George Givan, Sr., WiUiam G. Bratten, Jack Tubb, Rev. Natty Hayes, Gips West — such men, weighing from two hundred and twenty-five pounds up, could be named in scores. There were other men noted more for their strength 128 History of DeKalb County than for their size, though all were probably above the average in weight. Ben Cantrell, of the Smithville neighborhood, once lifted with apparent ease twelve hundred pounds of brass while in NashviUe. Ben Denny was another noted strong man of Smithville. A pioneer shoemaker of Liberty, John Woodside, placed his shoulders under an average-sized horse and lifted him clear of the ground. John Spencer, also of Liberty, carried a bag containing five bushels of wheat (300 pounds) five miles to mill. There were three or four of these Spencers, aU large and power ful. It is possible, even probable, that they were re lated to John Sharpe Spencer, the giant who lived in Sumner County in a hollow tree before James Robert son made his settlement at Nashville. A number of the pioneers went farther into the wilderness as the Cumberland country was settled. As to men of great height, Dr. J. G. Squires was probably the tallest. He stood six feet seven and a half inches in his stockings, but would not weigh more than one hundred and forty pounds. "Curl" Jennings, who resided for some years at Dowelltown, was not less than six feet six inches and weighed close to three hundred pounds. A Mr. Brashear, over the average in size, had an attack of typhoid while board ing with Jennings. Each had a pair of trousers made from the same bolt. When recovering, Brashear de cided to sit up a few moments. As it happened, Jen nings's trousers were hanging on a near-by chair. Believing them his, he slipped them on. When he saw 9 129 History of DeKalb County how they hung in great folds and bags oii him, he fell back Weakly on the bed, exclaiming : "Great heavens ! If I've fallen off so much, there's no use trying to go about!" John Gann, of Liberty, was about as taU as Jennings and rather thin. One day in front of a saloon John Vandigriff, short and stocky, sidled up to him and said: "Mr. Gann, please hand me down one o' them buzzards flyin' over." Milton Ward, a well- known old field teacher, was about six feet six inches tall and required a special bedstead made for his use. Jim Willis, fist fighter, of Smithville, was six feet four inches tall, weighing about two hundred and twenty- five pounds. He was somewhat stooped, his arms were extremely long, while his eyes were deep-blue and deep-set. While he did not appear to delight in bloodshed, it is believed that he had a natural inclina tion to fight. During the war he lived in Missouri and belonged to Quantrell's guerrillas. One who knew him says that his scalp was as rough as a turtle's back, due to scars made by rocks, knife thrusts, and club blows. Landon Richardson, of Liberty, weighing two hundred and twenty-five pounds, was usually depu tized in ante-bellum times to arrest dangerous charac ters who came to the village. He was not a "bully," but powerful and fearless. It is tradition that on one occasion he put to flight seven "bad men" from Hel ton Creek who had attacked him. Firearms were not used in brawls then. The two men who had the distinction of being the smallest in the county were Frank Foster, of Liberty, and Thornton Christy, of Alexandria, 130 History of DeKalb County Mention has been made in the sketch of Temperance Hall of the disappearance of William G. Stokes. Other mysteries have puzzled the people and tried the souls of the parents of the missing men. Dr. Foster, who was given the story by an aged relative, says that Frank Givan, son of the second Circuit Court Clerk, started horseback to visit relatives in Maryland early in the nineteenth century. He was never heard from again, and he nor his horse could be traced out of the Liberty community. Was he murdered for his money ? Did he sink in quicksand, then supposed to exist in the county? The wildest rumors were afloat. Years afterwards a skeleton was found in a hollow tree on Dry Creek, and some thought this the solution of the problem. Isaac Evans, son of Reuben Evans, went with W. B. Preston and others to California during the excitement over the finding of gold. He was heard from once, his letter stating that he had joined William Walker's filibusters. No other tidings have ever reached his friends or relatives, though sixty- five years have gone by. Clay lamps, burning grease, were used in kitchens some years after the war. Candles, often made of tal low, were used by the grandfathers for illumination. As there were no matches in general use untU about 1830, we know that the tinder box, flint, and steel were kept for starting fires by the early DeKalb Countians. Dr. G. C. Flowers, an ante-bellum resident of Liberty, was regarded as the most extensively read 131 History of DeKalb County man in the county in his day, as far as general litera ture is concerned. Dr. John S. Fletcher, who died in Smithville in 1877 (graduated from three universities, among them the University of Pennsylvania) and was surgeon in Gen. John C. Brown's brigade at the close of the war of 1861-65, had a distinction in after years similar to that of Dr. Flowers. The county has produced some men of more than local reputation, but the writer recalls but one instance in which the people contributed of their means to erect a memorial to any DeKalb Countian. It is worth thinking about. The one thus honored was neither jurist, minister, statesman, editor, captain of industry, author, scholar, nor military chieftain. He was a very plain, unassuming man, who out of sympathy for the bereaved and their dead made it convenient to help dig the graves of his neighbors for nearly or quite threescore years. The marble shaft over W. H. (Hamp) Woodside's grave at Liberty is proof that a noble heart is still regarded as more than mere worldly success. Mention might be made of many DeKalb Countians with rare or bizarre qualities, such as the one who could never be made to answer yes or no directly and another who spoke as if always quoting, as, "I'm not feeling well to-day, as the old saying is" ; but to give the story complete much more space would be required than can be offered in this history. 132 History of DeKalb County Hundreds of names of citizens once familiar in the county are recorded in these pages, it will be noticed. Of their owners little more can be said now than that their graves are green. It is pathetic. But, to para phrase Burns, Should auld cognomens be forgot, And never brought to min' ? A striking thing about the names is the absence of foreign ones. The foreparents were of Anglo-Saxon stock. Some names were queer: Esau Pack, Giles Driver, Sim Hathaway, Bob Prydy, Pack Florida, Enoch George, Gil Etheridge, Cantrell Bethel, Cicero Duncan, Caleb Davis, Seaborn Harts, Brown Harri- man, Crofford Rankhorn, John Shehane, Daniel Rat- lige, Poindexter Joins, Nehemiah Garrison, Con- gelius Burrip, Jonas Nokes, Iradel March, Conrad Lamberson, James R. Gapway, Brice Parsley, Zene Crips, John Canler, Seth Whaley, Archamac Bass, Crag Parsons, Acenith Fite, Brackett Estes, Thomas Durham, Edwin Shumway, Randall Pafford, King Herod, William Mooneyham, Cain Adams, Lito Hul- lett, June Driver, Leven Gray, Friday Martin, Samuel Casey, Tucker Woodson, Festus Moses (the great walnut buyer), Goodman Mallon, Telford Steele, Park Amonett, Vincent Manor, Bart Nonnelly, Emory Cubbins, Mikel Etheridge, Irwin Page, Fuller Sanlin, and North Reynolds. Others were musically aUitera- tive: Edmondson Elkins, Nelson New, Mat Martin, Lee Lafever, Leonard Lamberson, Benjamin Blades, Sylvanus Stokes, Kern Clark, Rich Richardson, Elam Edge, Pleasant Pistole, Dempsey Driver, Fox Frazier, 133 History of DeKalb County Hardin Hardcastle", Henry Helmantaller, Hawkins Heflin, Rison Roland, Tolliver Turner, WiUiam Wellaby, WyUe Wilder, George Givan, -Moses Mathews, Henry Horn, Alex Armstrong, Henry Hart, German Gossett, Philip Palmer, Henry Hass, Martin Murphy, Ben Brownin, Thomas Terry, James Jones, Thomas Tyree, Willis Wade, William Wright, Archi bald Allen, Elial Elston, William Wilson, Shines Scrib ner, Abe Adams, Frank Foster, Hiram HUdreth, Travers Tarpley, David Dirting, Mickeral Manning, Morris Marcum, Hart Hinesly, Ephraim Evans, Arch AUen, and Samson SeUars. As observed elsewhere, the names of a number of families figure no longer in the county's activities. Some of the settlers died; others moved to different sections. Now and then one hears of a few of their descendants: John C. Floyd, of Arkansas, and Fred eric Barry, of Mississippi, who became members of Congress from their adopted States ; M. M. Brien and Robert Cantrell, noted lawyers and jurists; Bird S. Rhea, Ed Reece, R. B. Wright, Cicero Duncan, Church Anderson, James Yeargin, and Len F. Davis, all promi nent in the business world, Mr. Davis in 1914 having the distinction of being the senior of Nashville's whole sale merchants in point of service. There were (and are still) in the county many racy local characters of a type one rarely ever meets in large towns, where personaUties lose their distinctness of outline like coins which pass innumerable times across shop counters. Such were Jonas Nokes, Ross 134 History of DeKalb County Keith, "Sporting Ike" Hays, and others. Some were natural wits and humorists, whose drolleries have been kept alive by the joke-loving DeKalb Countians. The writer thinks none excelled four or five Liberty wits — Hamp Woodside, Blue Givan, Pole Woodside, Jr., Thomas Vick, James Burton, and M. C. Vick. Dr. Foster avers that Thomas Askew was the wittiest man he ever knew. Such little sallies as these, handed down from father to son, approach the character of folk tales: Shed Lawson, who resided in Alexandria many years ago, was noted for his cheerful disposition, de spite the fact that his treasury of worldly goods was small, and for his ready wit on any occasion requiring quick repartee. When the circus comes to town, the parade is sure to gather the crowd. One day Shed and his little son, who always accompanied him like his shadow, were following the clown. The latter, on his pony and diked out in conventional cap and bells, was shouting his badinage to the sight-seers. Seeing Shed, he said: "Here, mister, I want to hire that boy." Sensing a chance maybe to get hjs admis sion fee easily, the Alexandrian asked what he wanted the lad to do. "I want him to blow my nose," the clown said. "O, well, now," retorted Shed loudly and without hesitation, "ef you will jest wait a little whUe, jedgin' from appearances, the flies will blow it fer you." Speaking of noses, Littleberry Vick, of Liberty, as well as the Duke of Wellington, possessed a prominent nose. One day he and WiUiam Burton were arguing 135 History of DeKalb County over some political issue. Directly Mr. Vick, some what irritated, said: "Billy Burton, you never could see an inch beyond your nose." "And, Berry Vick," replied Mr. Burton, "if you could see an inch beyond your nose, you could see into another county." Matthew Sellars, a pioneer of Dry Creek and a first-class citizen, had no blasphemy in his heart when, after a storm one night, he went out and looked on the wreck the wind had made of the timber and young corn in the new ground. Returning to the house, he said to his wife in a low tone : "Charlotte, don't whis per it above your breath ; but, taking the Almighty up one side and down the other, it seems he does about as much harm as good." There is no spot of earth where the people apply the title of uncle and aunt more industriously than in the DeKalb County Basin. When it is applied to a neigh bor, it is an indication that he is getting old. It also signifies reverence. Some wag thereaway once ob served : "There are four periods in the life of a man. As a child he is Bobby, as a young man he is Bob, in his prime he is Uncle Bob, and after threescore and ten he is Old Uncle Bobby." Some there were who objected to having the title of age thus thrust upon them, and one was William Vick, the Liberty mer chant. One day he was sitting in front of his store. Dempsy Driver rode by and, bowing, said: "Good morning, Uncle BiU." Turning to a companicm, Vick said dryly and somewhat resentfully: "Another nephew." Thomas Askew was a soldier in the Mexican War. 136 History of DeKalb County Becoming ill, he died, to all appearances ; doctors and nurses pronounced him dead. His coffin was brought in and placed near the cot where he was "laid" out. He revived when left alone for a few minutes and sav, the coffin. Having been a DeKalb official, he reached for a pencil and wrote on top of the casket: "No property found. T. B. Askew, constable." Reuben Evans, farmer, magistrate, and rock mason, was sincere and matter-of-fact. He was also cau tious, extremely so, and one cannot imagine him guilty of exaggeration in praise or blame. WhUe he was doing some stonework for C. W. L. Hale, the latter's child said something the father regarded as bright and cute. "Now, Uncle Reuben," said he, "wasn't that just too much?" "ReaUy," Mr. Evans replied deliberately and carefuUy, "I can't say it was too much, but it was a good deal." Dr. J. W. Campbell had a farm in a very deep hol low a mile west of Liberty. One afternoon his tenant hauled about two hundred and fifty pounds of hay to the viUage. As he passed Blue Givan's store some one remarked that it was a very small load for two horses to haul all the way to town. "But you must recollect that when you come out of a jug you have to come out with a small load," said Givan. Jacob Adcock, south of Smithville and formerly a representative from Cannon County, bought a broken-down stallion for $15, fed him on roasting ears, groomed him all times of day, and kicked and punched him to make him gay. Then he got out on the fence to watch for a victim. Rev. William Daw- 137 History of DeKalb County son, riding by on a fine black mare, was bantered for a trade. "The horse is a top-notcher," said Adcock, "but too young and spry for an old man like me." As they approached the stable the horse saw his master, then, waUing his eyes and snorting, tried to climb out of the stall. His coat glistened, so that he looked as well as he acted. The trade was made, the parson giving the black mare, a watch, and a note for $50 for the stallion. At the Short Mountain camp meeting some weeks later, after the stallion had retrograded to the $15 class again, Adcock professed religion. As he was going home Dawson overtook him, said he was glad God had pardoned his sins, then suggested that he ought to return some of the money he swindled out of Dawson through the horse trade. "I don't see it that way. Brother Dawson," replied Adcock. "When the Lord pardoned my sins he included the horse swap." 138 CHAPTER XIII. Smaller Villages of the County. Hon. J. M. Allen once averred that his father, Jesse Allen, a Virginian, entered the land on Smith Fork Creek from John Corley's farm to Lancaster, one mile on each side of the creek, but sold his rights for $400, after which he entered a tract in another part of the county that became DeKalb. Lower Smith Fork Valley is one of the most fertile sections in Mid dle Tennessee, and the wonder is that the pioneers could see no farther ahead. Dr. R. M. Mason says Samuel Caplinger, a large landholder, built the mill and house which were later owned by Nicholas Smith and which formed the nucleus of Temperance Hall. The late A. P. Smith, son of Nicholas, has stated that the village received its name from the fact that the Sons of Temperance used. to hold their meetings on the second floor of his father's residence. It was named then, after 1848, for the elder Smith in that year removed from WUson County to Temperance Hall, the site being in Smith County. By act of February i, 1850, the line was changed so as to include in DeKalb County the farms and homes of Smith, Andrew Vantrease, John Robin son, and others. By the same act John F. Goodner's farm, near Alexandria, was taken into DeKalb, as has been seen. The men who located at and around Temperance Hall in the first years of the nineteenth century were, 139 History of DeKalb County many of them, of unusual force of character and a number in affluent circumstances: Samuel Caplinger, Alex Robinson, Stephen Robinson, Nicholas Smith, Daniel Ford, John Mason, John Coriey, James Simp son, Matthew Simpson, John Lamberson, George Kel ley, Jack Reynolds, Peter Reynolds, the Drivers, Bates, Lawrences, Lancasters, Oakleys, Hayeses, Tubbs, Stephens, Kelleys, Fishers, Stokeses, and others. Owing to the distinction to which two members of the Stokes family reached in the State (William B. and Jordan), it is pertinent to record that their father, Sylvanus, had started from North Carolina to locate on his land, near the present Temperance Hall, when his team ran away, and he was killed. Mrs. Stokes, with her three children, Thomas, William B., and Jor dan, and a Mr. Kelly, continued the journey, reaching this country in 1818. Some years later the widow married Mr. Kelly and settled near or in Temperance Hall. To them were born Harry and Rufus Kelly and two daughters, one becoming Mrs. Mike Lan caster and the other Mrs. Thomas Lancaster. Thomas Stokes became a farmer. Of him a reliable citizen, a former neighbor, writes: "He was at one time the richest man in DeKalb County, having at the close of the war of 1861-65 about fifty negroes and large land interests. He was a fire-eating secessionist, as was his brother William at the beginning of the war, though the latter became a Federal. Everything Thomas had that was loose at both ends was taken from him by Federal soldiers. For intelligence and fine mother wit he was the superior of either Colonel Bill or Jor- 140 History of DeKalb County dan, but his fault was a fondness for alcoholic drink. He gave way to this habit after the war and died poor and almost an imbecile. A son of Thomas was William G. I can just remember him. A year or more prior to the war he started south with a drove of hogs and was never heard of more. Sylvanus, another son, the youngest, fought through the war for the Confederacy and died a few years ago. He was one man in the county who, in a threatened diffi culty, made Capt. W. L. Hathaway 'take water.' " ., Early merchants of Temperance Hall were John Mason, Dr. Arch Robinson, and Mr. Rodgers. The two first were in business about 1851-52; the last- named, who was there about 1855 to i860, was North ern-born and returned to that section. Present busi ness men: L. Driver (who also twice represented the county in the legislature), Williams & Terry, J. H. Close & Son, Turner & McBride, J. R. Kelley, and L. B. Midgett. The flour mill is operated by the Tem perance Hall Milling Company. Dr. Arch Robinson, father of the late Dr. W. H. Robinson, of Liberty, was one of the early physicians. Following his death, his brother, Dr. WUliam B. Robinson, located in the vUlage. After the war Dr. Thomas Gold entered that field. Other physicians have been Drs. R. M. Mason, G. W. Martin, and S. C. Robinson. Dr. Samuel Walker was for some years practicing in that region. One of the earlier teachers was Mrs. Stephens. Others were Mr. Bush, Mr. Hatcher, A. L. Re)molds, A, L. Malone, E. W. Brown, J. W. Thomison (now a 141 History of DeKalb County lawyer of NashviUe) , Joseph Ford, Dr. Thomas Ford, and Frank Foster. The present teachers are Leroy Smith and Miss SteUa Young. Miss Lizzie Simpson taught in the vicinity some years foUowing the war. The Southern Methodists have a good church in the hamlet. A Baptist church and Pisgah, the latter belonging to the Northern wing of the Methodists, are located a short distance out. The Disciples also have a congregation at this place. Dowelltown, on the , Lebanon and Sparta Turnpike and two mUes north of Liberty, is on land settled some years after 1800. Thomas Dale, of Maryland, seems to have bought up some of the claims of Revolutionary soldiers of North Carolina. At any rate, he held war rants for much of the land around the viUage. Levi Gray became possessed of a tract on the south side of the creek, living in the house east of the cov ered bridge, which was later occupied by Frank Dowell. It belonged to the Grays for years, and their family graveyard was across the turnpike west of the residence. The estate was inherited by Isaac Gray, who married a Miss Dowell. He died and left two children, Harriet and Melvina. Frank Dowell married the widow Gray, his cousin, and lived on the farm until the close of the War be tween the States, when he removed to Arkansas. At one time he represented his county in the Arkansas Legislature. Dowelltown was named for him. Frank Dowell sold the Dowelltown property to Rev. John Hunt, a Baptist minister from East Tennessee. Hunt exchanged it for land belonging to Sanford 142 History of DeKalb County Mann, who came from the North after the war and was the first ferrotype artist of Liberty after peace. Mann sold to Thomas Chapman. The present owner is John Robinson, a son of the pioneer, Edward Robin son. The country adjacent to Dowelltown was settled by as high-class men as any mentioned in other sections of the county. Among them were Robin Forrester, William and Samson Williams, Matthew Sellars, Ben jamin Avant, David Fite, Alex Robinson, George Barnes, Edward Robinson, the Yeargins, the Harts, the Fraziers, the Bankses, the Snows, the Turners, and others. The first storehouse was erected about 1869 where the Barger Hollow Lane intersects with the Lebanon and Sparta Turnpike, and probably the first merchant was James Ashworth. In the same building the fol lowing successively had stocks of merchandise: James Fuson, William Wall, Bratten & Turney, Riley Tay lor, Barney Taylor & Co., Thomas Curtis, Less Fuson, and John F. Turner. Other early merchants were Charles PuUen, Thomas Bright, Pat Geraty, and Robert F. Jones. There are now six stores in the village, the present merchants being John F. Turner, N. R. Robinson, W. T. Robinson, A. R. Meares & Son, G. S. and W. T. Blackburn, and Less Bass. In 1866 Col. J. H. Blackburn began the erection of a flour mill, which was finished in 1872 by Lieut. Win gate T. Robinson. The Big Spring northwest of town furnishes the power. 143 History of DeKalb County In 1866 Allan Wright (born in Baltimore County, Md., in 1831) came to DeKalb County and erected the first flour mill in Liberty after the War between the States on the site of that bumed by Gen. John T. WUder during the war. In 1868 he erected and has since controUed the Dowelltown Woolen Factory. As to physicians of the town. Dr. C. C. Robinson was the first to locate, remaining in the viUage untU his death. Previous to this time Dr. John A. Fuson, of Dry Creek, did the practice. Dr. W. F. Fuson came next, then Dr. S. C. Robinson, a son of C. C. and now of Temperance Hall. Dr. C. B. White resides there at present. Dr. Howard Curtis, son of Rev. Mack Curtis, was graduated at Chattanooga University, but located at Allgood and is a leading physician of Putnam County. Dr. W. T. Robinson, a son of B. W. Robinson, was graduated at Vanderbilt and is meeting with success at Shelbyville. The local dentist is Dr. J. T. Duggan. Dr. Hoyt Robinson, son of B. W. Robinson and graduated in dentistry at Vanderbilt University, located in Union City. W. B. Coriey and Hon. N. R. Robinson are resident attorneys. Edward Gothard was probably the earliest black smith, then came Gothard & Self, then Self & Grand- staff. Isaac Burkett had a shop just north. One of the early teachers of the neighborhood was Alex Robinson, a capable man. Other teachers : R. B. Harris, J. B. Green, T. A. Kilman, R. A. Underwood, Mr. Sykes, Mr. Myatt, O. B. Close, Rev. W. P. Banks, 144 History of DeKalb County N. R. Robinson, J. F. Caplinger, O. B. Starnes, and M. Malone. The postmasters have been William Wall, Robert Yeargin, Alf Standford, R. F. Jones, M. A. Stark, Lucian Avant, B. W. Robinson, N. R. Robinson, and Fannie M. Robinson. In 1885 an elegant school building was erected and for some years was properly appreciated. As in most villages, the public's appreciation of educational ad vantages is spasmodic, and in saying that there have been good schools here, followed by intervals of lan guor, we but repeat the history of most communities. Old Asbury Church was frequently used for schools before it was bumed. Preceding it was a smaller structure erected by the pioneers for reUgious and educational purposes. The village is surrounded by a fine agricultural region, and its population is prosperous and law-abid ing. A considerable number of Federal pensioners live there and adjacent (though they are rapidly passmg away), and their pensions have greatly added to the volume of business. The Big Spring northwest is a notable feature of the community and was such before the viUage came into existence. It is deep, cold, and about forty feet in diameter. Formerly it was a great fishing place — for "gigging" by torchlight, angling, and lassoing with copper wire. Near the Dry Creek bridge were the muster grounds, which in ante-bellum times provided a great gathering place. Near by was Gum Springs in a cavelike de- 10 145 History of DeKalb County pression at the edge of the turnpike. "The water," Mrs. Pet White explained once to the writer, "was al most as cold as ice, dropping from the overhead rocks and falling into the tub made from the cut of a hollow tree. The young women and young men of the neigh borhood congregated here on muster days and Sunday afternoons, so that you would be led to believe it some famous summer resort." In the center of Dowelltown and on Mrs. White's land is the old Gray cemetery, a popular burying place a half century ago. Several members of the Gray pioneers sleep there, among the rest, Isaac C. Gray, born in 1807, died 1850; Leven Gray, born in 1812; C, E. Gray, died in 1852, in the sixty-fifth year of his age. Others interred there are : Rev. James Stanford, Matthew Williams, William Craven (Union soldier), James White, Isaiah White (born in 1806), and Charlie Blades. Time and the weather will crumble or hide these simple memorials before many years, then the humble sleepers will be as entirely forgotten as if they had never lived. For them no more the blazing hearth shall burn, Or busy housewife ply her evening care; No children rush to lisp their sire's return. Or climb his knees the envied kiss to share. Laurel Hill, a pleasant village in the northern part of the county, was for a long while better known as Smutville, owing to the irreverence of the wag who does not let home pride interfere with his attempts at wit. The country adjacent is hUly but fertUe and needs only good roads to make it an ideal section. 146 History of DeKalb County The citizens are mainly of North Carolina and Vir ginia ancestry — industrious, lovers of music and the chase, and of strong religious and political convic tions. Among the early settlers were : Coleman Helm, Riley League, P. W. Presley, James IsbeU, William Gamer. Isaac Burton, Riley Coggin, Jeremiah Hale, WiUis Coggin, Peter Exum, Elisha Conger, Hezekiah Love, Andrew Carr (living in 1914 at the age of ninety- four), John Clemens, Mat Lee, David Lee, T. J. Lee, Ephraim Fester, Nelson New, J. H. Kerr, Jesse Hag gard (yet living, aged eighty-four), Jesse Hale, Clai- bome Vaughan, S. H. Smith, John McGuffey, Joseph Mitchell, Robert MaxweU, John Merritt, and the John sons. These were of the pioneer type of Americans^- sturdy, conscientious, and level-headed. In politics they were, both Democrats and Whigs, of strong con victions. A majority of the old-timers were anti- slavery in sentiment. The village furnished several men to the Federal and Confederate armies, the larger number siding with the North. In 1914 only two vet erans of the g^eat war were surviving — ^J. S. Maxwell, Union veteran, and W. A. Moss, Confederate. Dur ing the war there was no local engagement between the beUigerents, though not infrequently detachments and even regiments of troops passed through the com munity. It may be added that there was naturally considerable bitterness among neighbors of opposing political views, though this is now a thing of the past. The Laurel HUl people are either Baptists or Meth odists in religious faith, and both sects have comforta- 147 History of DeKalb County ble churches. In 1876 and 1880 the old log structures were displaced by modern frame buildings creditable to any rural locality. Among the early ministers were Thomas Dodson, Alex Byers, David Lee, M. P. Gentry, D. P. Searcy, and Milton Pressley. Later ministers have been : J. M. Carter, Francis Deal, J. M. McNeil, J. B. Hitchens, Van N. Smith, and J. H. Keathly. Near Laurel HiU is Wolf Creek Baptist Church. Among the old field teachers of the neighborhood were William Whitefield, S. H. Smith, Walker Brown, William Garner, William Isbell, and Jesse McDowell. These men were of rugged individualities. We are told that in the old days here the pupils sat in the schoolroom with hats on, studied aloud, and sang geography. They were followed by Napoleon Smith, J. E. Conger, Van N. Smith, and Misses Sallie and Emma McDonald. There are two schoolhouses on Wolf Creek and one north at the river, and school is still kept at these places. The physicians have been : WiUiam Farmer, Gideon Smith, W. E. Sypert, W. E. Sypert, Jr., J. C. Fisher, and T. J. Smith. Early business men: J. H. Kerr, Nelson New, S. H. Smith, and Joseph Mitchell. Later : T. J. Fisher, J. T. Exum, Smith Bros., D. G. Eaton, Bose Tyree, and J. E. Conger. Present: Noah Duke, Z. O. Med ley, AUie Pressley, and Henry Sadler. Millers : K. D. Exum, Pinkney Coggin, J. S. Maxwell, and L. S. Exum. Blacksmiths : Coleman Helm, W. G. Stephens, John Alcorn, Pleas Randolph, and John New. 148 History of DeKalb County About 1906 the post office was abolished and rural route service established. Former postmasters were: J. H. Kerr, S. H. Smith, W. E. Bartlett, Van N. Smith, T. J. Fisher, and Henry Sadler. In every community there has been some citizen whose bizarre qualities have attracted to himself im- usual and pleasing attention above his local contem poraries. That of Laurel Hill is no exception to the rule. To Ulustrate, "Uncle Pink" Coggin, miller, will long be recalled with pleasure and amusement, and many anecdotes are told at his expense. Had Rev. Milton Pressley, another old-timer, been properly edu cated, it is probable that he would have been a leading minister of his day. "Chill penury" often indeed re presses a noble rage. To this inland preacher one who knew him pays this tribute : "He could not read, but knew the Bible almost by heart. He also knew a few of the early day hymns. I have heard preach ers of every type, but no scholar or theologian have I heard who had the power Uncle Milt wielded over an audience. He once preached before Methodist bishops and startled his cultivated audience with his untutored power. Sacred be his dust !" There are a number of burgs throughout the county which sprang up after post offices were secured, but the rural route service has left them without official names. Perhaps the largest was Forks-of-the-Pike. The adjacent territory is very fertile, and the farmers are progressive. Among the older farmers were James Roy, John, Moses, and Henry Fite, Thomas West, 149 History of DeKalb County Eli Vick, Thomas Fite, Thomas and John Gfoom, and the Truits and Hayses. They were succeeded by Sam son Sellars, Mrs. Ford, Grant Roy, F. H. Hayes, Tom Ford, John Bell Hays, William Hays, Robert Vannata, Sam Vannata, Henry Givan, P. T. Bragg, W. D. Evans, Sam Flippin, Jake Young, Joseph Clarke, and others. WiUiam Fite erected a storehouse just after the war, merchandising for several years. H^ was succeeded by Jacob Young, and Young by P. T. Bragg in 1880. The last merchant and postmaster was R. B. Vannata. Postmasters have been: P. T. Bragg, James J. Evans, and R. B. Vannata. Four Corners, the viUage schoolhouse, has had many competent tutors, among them the following: Rev. and Mrs. P. A. Pearson, John W. Overall, Mr. Pendle ton, the Preston brothers, Mr. Hood, E. W. Brown, Mr. Jones, Robert Hayes, Mr. Whitlock, Wheeler & Holmes, Matt Bratten, Lee West, Mr. Ford, Thomas Bryant, Prudie Sellars, Miss Mullins, WiUie Bell, and Maggie Robinson. The Misses Bell were teachers in 1914. Keltonsburg, a few miles from Smithville, was named for James Kelton, who built the mUl there. This mill, it may be stated here, was transferred to Paris & Boles in later years, who sold it to Mr. Thomp son. It is at present possessed by Mr. MuUikins. The viUage has two stores and a blacksmith shop, and the Methodists and Disciples have congregations there. The first store was under the control of B. M. Magness for many years. Keltdnsburg is surrounded by a worthy class of citizens. ISO CHAPTER XIV. In the Early Wars. The county was not in existence as such tmtU about ten years prior to the war with Mexico, but many of those who made up its settlers had seen service in the Revolution and in the War of 1812. A large section, including Alexandria and Liberty, was in Smith County until 1835, when they were taken into the new coimty of Cannon. In 1837 the two first-named towns were included in the new county of DeKalb. Some years later the Temperance HaU section and John F. Goodner's land, near Alexandria, were taken from Smith and added to it. The pioneer cemeteries and family graveyards — the latter are found on nearly all the large farms — have been long neglected. Such graves as had markers have in many cases crumbled or had the inscriptions effaced by the elements. No doubt a number of the followers of General Washington sleep in graves that were never marked. But from the wreckage of time the following names of Revolutionary veterans have been preserved : Adam Dale, builder of the earliest mill in the county (about 1800), but buried in Maury County; Thomas Dale, who owned several 64&-acre tracts around Liberty (he having purchased the claims of old soldiers), buried south of that viUage, on the Thomas Givan farm ; PhUip Palmer, buried near Alex andria; John Fisher, buried in the eastern portion of the county. Also the names of the following who were 151 History of DeKalb County living and drawing pensions in 1840: Rev. John Fite, aged eighty-one, residing then with his son, Henry; Leonard Fite, aged eighty-one (father of the late Thomas D. Fite and grandfather of Len F. Davis, of Nashville) ; Col. James Saunders, aged seventy-one, living with Joseph Saunders; Elijah Duncan, aged ninety; Joseph Rankhorn, aged eighty-one; John Puckett, aged seventy-six; John Bevert, aged eighty- six; and Elijah Hooten, aged ninety-three. The last- named, says John K. Bain, an old-timer, who was register of the county before the great war, lived to be one hundred and eleven years of age, and at one hundred and eight rode horseback to the Bain home, south of SmithvUle. James H. Burton writes : "John Smithson, who lived on Short Mountain, either in DeKalb or near the line, was a Revolutionary soldier. He was buried with the honors of war." As Col. James Tubb made up a company for the War of 1812, no doubt a majority of his men were from this county, but it has been impossible to secure the roster. These, however, are recalled: Benjamin Garrison, of Alexandria; Mose Spencer, of Liberty; Benjamin Prichard, father of the late Brown Prichard, near Liberty ; Jacob Hearn, George Thomason, Lewis Washburn, and Silas Cooper, the last four going from Alexandria. Jacob Hearn became a loved and successful Methodist itinerant, known in old age as "Uncle Jakey." James H. Burton writes that Joshua Bratten, Reuben Evans, and Archie Mclntire, of Liberty, were veterans of the War of 1 812, and that Mclntire was possibly in the Black Hawk War. Were 152 History of DeKalb County they members of Tubb's company? It is suggested that Benjamin Hale, the writer's paternal grandfather, was under Tubb, but that must be an error ; for he is found to have been at the battle on Villere's planta tion, near New Orleans, December 23, 1814, probably a member of Col. John Coffee's riflemen. A youth when he joined a company of Maryland revolutionists, Adam Dale made up a company in Smith (DeKalb) County and fought under Jackson in the War of 1812. (See the sketch of Liberty, Chapter III., as to his record.) Colonel Tubb, grandfather of the popular Alexan dria merchant, Livingston Tubb, was one of the best- known men of his county. Born March 18, 1788, he lived on Smith's Fork Creek, east of Alexandria and north of Liberty, and died July 18, 1867. He was possessed of hundreds of acres of fine land; and as he would not separate the families of his slaves, when emancipated they numbered nearly one hundred. He figured prominently in the musters which furnished so much interest to our grandfathers. From records in the State archives the foUowing facts are gleaned : As captain of the Second Regiment of MUitia his com mission bears date of June 3, 181 1, signed at Knox viUe by Gov. WiUie Blount, R. Houston, Secretary of State; as first major of the Forty-First Regiment it was signed at NashvUle December 13, 1815, by Gov. Joseph McMinn, WiUiam Alexander, Secretary of State; and as colonel of the last-named regiment it is dated at Nashville February 10, 1829, bearing the 153 History of DeKalb County signature of Gov. Sam Houston, Daniel Graham, Sec retary of State. He was captain in the Second Tennessee Regiment from September 20, 1814, to April 10, 1815, and was at Pensacola or MobUe when the battle of New Or leans was fought. On account of inadequate trans portation faculties he had to pay his own expenses for baggage and transportation. Shortly after his return he filed a claim against the government (July 14, 1816). It was made out before W. TannehiU, J. P., being for four hundred pounds of baggage from Fay etteville, Tenn., where the volunteers rendezvoused, to Fort Montgomery, thence to Pensacola and back to Fort Montgomery, thence to Fayetteville from Mo bile — six hundred and thirteen mUes at eight cents per mile. Colonel Tubb and his company, like other Tennes- seeans, probably took up their march toward MobUe and Pensacola in response to the call of the Secretary of War in July, 1814, for 2,500 Tennessee militia, fixing September 15 for their assembling. Was there another company from the county? Sev eral militia officers were commissioned from 1812 to 1815. It is tradition that Col. Abraham OveraU or ganized a company for the war. It is seen from rec ords in the archivist's office that on May 19, 1814, he was commissioned lieutenant colonel of the Forty- First Militia. His grandson, Hon. T. W. Wood, of Bellbuckle, writes: "As to the War of 1812-15, I have often heard my mother speak, when I was a small boy, of our grandfather's being engaged under 154 History of DeKalb County Jackson in several battles, and particularly that of Horseshoe Bend, where he had a horse shot under him. He was major or acting lieutenant colonel. I remember now only the name of one man in the com pany, yotmg Cook." H. L. OveraU, a grandson, says : "I think grandfather was under Jackson, for I have heard my father, Horace A. Overall, speak of the in timate friendship existing between him and Old Hickory." Since the fact is almost wholly forgotten (except by their descendants) that Tubb and Dale had companies in the second war with Great Britain, it is possible that Colonel OveraU was a veteran, and, think ing thus, it is believed that this relative to his ancestry would interest the public. In his great volume sketch ing the pioneers of the Shenandoah Valley, Va., Cart- mell says the Overalls are in direct descent from Bishop Overall, of England, who was the author of the Convocation Book mentioned in Macaulay's "His tory of England." He adds : "The first settlement made [in America] by this family was in Stafford County, Va., about 1700. One member of this branch came to the Shenandoah Valley as soon as it was open for settlement. This was John Overall, who married Maria Christina Froman [granddaughter of a German who owned 100,000 acres in the valley], settled on South River, and reared seven chUdren— viz., John, WUliam, Nathaniel, Mary, Nancy, Robert, and Christina. John married Elizabeth Waters in 1773. She was the mother of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Abraham, the oldest son, married Hannah Leath in Virginia and then moved to Tennessee in 1805. . . . Jacob, 155 History of DeKalb County third son of John, married Nancy Lawrence and moved to Tennessee in 1805." Abraham located in what became DeKalb County and died in 1844. His wife died in 1837. Jacob settled in Smith County, but his grandsons, James H., J. W., and D. D. Overall, became citizens of DeKalb County. DeKalb was represented in the Black Hawk and Seminole Wars. Levi Foutch, of the Alexandria neighborhood, was a soldier in the former, while Paschal M. Brien was sergeant in WiUiam B. Camp bell's cavalry company in the campaign against the Seminoles. A few names of the troops are copied from Sergeant Brien's mess and guard book, still in existence. From the mess list of July 11, 1836: John Leach, G. W. Gray, W. G. Tucker, William Allison, Levi Pendleton, Hugh Reed, J. G. Shy, J. J. Reason- over, Peter Webster, John Coe, S. A. Farmer, Joseph Allison, James G. Ford, William G. Ford, Charles Wade, John Warren, James Owens, H. G. Owens, Francis Pugh, William Taylor, H. J. Cochran, William Baker, James Barrett, Alfred Womack, William Penile, William Wilson, Richard and James Booze, David Phillips, George Carmax, James Spradley, Isaac Snow, Hardy Calhoun, Richard Jones, Rufus Haynes, H. G. Maney, S. C. Beasley, Thomas Dale, T. G. Harrel, J. J. Coleman, and J. G. Debrunt. From the guard list, beginning July 11 and ending July 19: J. H. Alexander, G. G. Gray, Cyrus Hazard, Seaborn Harts, W. B. Taylor, Nathaniel Parrot, Sterling Ward, Jonah Hallum, E. W. Davis, William Hallum, Daniel Coggin, WUliam McClanahan, William Fores- 156 JOHN F. GOODNER CAPTAIN IN THE WAR WITH MEXICO AND COLONEL OF THE SEVENTH TENNESSEE CONFEDERATE REGIMENT FROM A PHOTOGRAPH LOANED BY MR? . LIZZIE HALE. LIBERTY History of DeKalb County ter, WUliam Baker, H. B. Haney, John McFarland, John B. Claiborne, David Phillips, William Dougherty, Thomas Brooks, Elijah Hollis, Robert Hayne, Samuel Allison, Peter Webster, H. Heflin, J. G. Davenport, H. J. Warren, James Davis, James Cheek, P. Snow, William Lancaster, William Wilson, and Hugh Reed. A number of these men were from the territory that became DeKalb. Daniel Coggin was the county's first register and first representative in the General As- cembly. Captain Campbell then lived in Smith County, removing to Lebanon later. The first war to occur after the county came into existence was that with Mexico. Two companies were raised in DeKalb County. But few are surviving in 1914 — Isaac Cooper, Alexandria; WiUiam (Cal.) Smithson, Gassaway ; J. T. Finley, Celina, Tex. ; House Akin, Missouri ; and WUson Bennett, Kentucky. Capt. John F. Goodner's company, I, was made up at Alexandria. Thomas J. Finley, aged ninety-one, of Celina, Tex., has kindly sent the muster roll of these volunteers : Officers : John F. Goodner, captain ; John S. Reece, first lieutenant ; W. J. Johnson, second lieutenant ; W. J. Wright, third lieutenant; Thomas B. Askew, first sergeant; Isaac Belcher, second sergeant; A. N. Davis, third sergeant; WiUiam McClellan, fourth sergeant; J. W. Johnson, first corporal ; Wilson Jackson, second corporal; Harrison Bennett, third corporal; John S. Gill, fourth corporal; WiUiam D. Parkerson, first bugler; WiUiam Riddle, second bugler ; A. T. Jackson, forager. 157 History of DeKalb County Privates : J. T. Allison, W. C. Bennett, Frank Bal- lenger, A. J. Baker, Addison Batts, H. L. Bradley, F. L. Boyd, John Bostic, W. H. Cheek, W. R. Caskey, J. R. Cheek, Calvin Clark, J. S. Davis, J. W. Dougherty, J. H. Davis, G. W. Eastes, Amos Foutch, T. J. Fin ley, W. E. Foutch, Thomas Gwaltney, William Gates, Franklin Sky, R B. Kyle, T. O. Kinney, J. L. Mc Gann, W. C. Malone, J. C. Neely, James Oakley, L. O. Patey, Moses Preston, John Patton, James W. Parker, Calvin W. Hill, B. H. Akin, Isaac Cooper. In an interview Isaac Cooper, who is one of the sur vivors of Captain Goodner's company, said : "I joined Company I, First Tennessee Regiment of Mounted Infantry, for service in the Mexican War about the time I reached my majority. Our colonel was Jonas E. Thomas, while our company was organized at Alexandria and sworn in at Nashville. Our uniform was gray and was made at home. We went to Tampico and crossed the Gulf to Vera Cruz. A fourteen days' storm overtook us, and we had to throw overboard the horses of Colonel Thomas and Major Waterhouse. The other horses followed on transports. After the battle of Vera Cruz we fought at Cerro Gordo, then marched to Jalapa across the mountains, I being one of the guards of four wagonloads of gold and sUver from Vera Cruz to Jalapa. On our return home we took ship at Vera Cruz for New Orleans, thence by boat to Nashville. The government bought our horses at Vera Cruz, and I received about $700 for my ab sence of twelve months and eight days from home." Abram M. Savage made up Company F, Third 158 History of DeKalb County Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Col. B. F. Cheatham. Officers: A. M. Savage, captain; Reuben Simpson, first lieutenant ; W. M. Bailey, second lieutenant ; John W. Kennedy, third lieutenant; John England, first sergeant (appointed February 4, 1848) ; Benjamin Adcock, second sergeant (in hospital at Jalapa April 13, 1848) ; Elijah B. Hudson, third sergeant ; James H. Wood, fourth sergeant; Chester F. Bethel, first corporal; Joseph Coger, second corporal; Anthony P. Adcock, third corporal; Thomas F. Kennedy, fourth corporal; Tillman CantreU, musician; Alex Ferguson, musician. Privates : W. D. Allen, J. W. Allen, David Adcock, WiUiam Adcock, McDonald Adcock, Perry Adcock, James Adcock, Henry Adkins, Martin Brown, James L. Blunt (died at Molino del Rey March 8, 1848), David Barrett, Eli Barrett, J. W. Barrett, Anderson Burnet (died at Rio T — June 4, 1848), Martin S. Bonham, William Ballard, Congelius Burrip, Hiram Bethel, Jim Cantrell, Ben CantreU, Elisha and Elijah Chambers (twins), B. F. Cummings, Moses H. Cum mings, Moses C. Cummings (died in Mexico City June 30, 1848), Carrol Caskey, John H. Dosier, John Atnip, Edmundson Elkins (died at Molino del Rey April 18, 1848), John A. Edwards, J. E. Edwards, Henry Edwards (died at Molino del Rey March 5, 1848), J. S. EUige, Thomas Fisher, Thomas Fowler, Thomas Giles, James Gibson, Dillard Gannon, James R. Gapway, Moses Hutchins, WUliam Hendrixon, WUliam W. Harris, Hardy Johnson, Robert Jones, 159 History of DeKalb County Ed Jones, William Koger (died at Molino del Rey AprU IS, 1848), J. W. Lance, J. R. Looney (died at Molino del Rey July 12, 1848), James Mannon (died at Molino del Rey February 24, 1848), J. B. Mullins (died at Molino del Rey May 11, 1848), Green Mel ton, John Melton, Peter Maxey, Iradel March, Wil liam Markham, Ebenezer Moss, Alex Neal, W. H. Neeley, Joshua R. Neely (died at Molino del Rey April 28, 1848), Joseph Pack, Thomas Pack, James Pitman, John Barton, Abe Parton, James Pistole, W. M. Pettit (died at St. Augustine May 19, 1848), Wil liam C. Smithson, David Smithson, J. H. SuUins (died in Mexico City March 7, 1848), Joshua Simpson, Jacob Taylor, W. H. Tate (died at Molino del Rey May 5, 1848), J. A. Tate, J. B. Tate, T. G. Vance, S. Brown Whaley, William Wommack, John K. Bain (discharged at Molino del Rey February 2, 1848), E. E. PhiUips and William Richard (discharged there February 2, 1848), William G. Givan (died in Mexico City February 15, 1848), John T. Hudson (died in the same city January 16, 1848), Richard Taylor (died there also January 14, 1848), Jesse W. Taylor (died there January 24, 1848), John C. SuUins (died at Molino del Rey February 7, 1848), James Young (died in Mexico City January 20, 1848.) This company was mustered into service October 8, 1847, rendezvousing on the Nolensville Pike two and a half miles from Nashville. Taken to New Or leans by boat, it proceeded to Vera Cruz. Here a bri gade was formed, but it did not reach the City of Mexico until that place was captured. 160 History of DeKalb County A barbecue was given the Mexican volunteers at Liberty in 1847, a heavy downpour spoiling the occa sion, and a number of town cows were foundered on the damaged food. Dr. Foster writes that on this oc casion "Henry Bratten, son of Isaac Bratten, was the color bearer and rode a small, prancing claybank. The cavalry presented an imposing appearance — ^before the rain." Seven Adcocks from about SmithviUe are listed, it wUl be noticed. Perry Adcock, father of Hon. B. G. Adcock, a prominent lawyer of CookeviUe, later raised a company of Confederates at Smithville, becoming captain. It has been asserted that in the war with Mexico nine Americans died where one was killed. The above record is indicative. In memory of William G. Givan, who died in the City of Mexico, as seen, an empty coffin was buried in Salem Cemetery, at Liberty. II 161 CHAPTER XV. — DeKalb Confederates. Undoubtedly the stormiest period of DeKalb County's existence was the first part of the year 1861, the question before the people being separation from the Union or remaining in it. When the question was first agitated, a majority of Tennesseeans were opposed to secession. The legislature ordered an election at which the people should vote at the same time upon the subject of holding a convention and electing delegates to serve in case a convention should be held. The election came off February 9, 1861, and resulted in a vote of 57,798 for the convention and 69,675 against it; for delegates who favored secession, 24,749, and 88,803 against it. This was throughout the State. In the election DeKalb County's vote was 833 for seces sion and 642 against it. Thus we see the voters of the county were by a small majority (191) for with drawing from the Union. At that time the population of the county was only 10,573. Meantime some of the Southern States had with drawn from the Union. On April 12, 1861, the Con federates at Charleston, S. C, fired on Fort Sumter, where a United States garrison remained, although South Carolina had voted to secede. When the news of the bombardment reached Washington, President Lincoln called for 75,000 troops to put down the "re bellion." He also declared the ports of the seceded States (South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, 162 History of DeKalb County Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas) in a state of block ade and held that all vessels acting under their au thority would be guilty of piracy. Again Tennessee became intensely excited. It was evident that the President was going to try to force the seceding States back into the Union. The orators be gan to harangue the people, and many of the latter, not indorsing his intention to make war on the South, changed their sentiments and clamored to withdraw from the sisterhood of States. A second election was held June 8 to get the sentiment of all Tennesseeans. The vote stood 104,913 for secession and only 47,238 against it. Isham G. Harris was at that time Govemor of the State. So Tennessee joined the Southern Confederacy. The first call was for 55,000 men ; but before the close of the war the State furnished more than 115,000 Con federates. On the Union side more than 31,000 Fed erals were raised in the State, while Tennessee Fed erals who joined Kentucky organizations numbered more than 7,000. The total Tennesseeans in the two armies thus totaled 153,000. Though about four years of age at that time, the writer recalls something of the excitement which pre vaUed at Liberty, and presumably the whole county was so affected. Orators for and against secession spoke at different places and made their arguments before the crowds. Former Gov. WUliam B. Camp beU, of Lebanon, was one of the speakers going over the State pleading for the Union. The cry of the Unionists was, "Hurrah for Campbell and the Union !" 163 History of DeKalb County and that of the secessionists, "Hurrah for Jefferson Davis and the Southern Confederacy!" What took place in Liberty, as stated before, was characteristic of other portions of the county. The Southem sympa thizers believed they would triumph in a few weeks, just as the North thought the war would not last long. To illustrate, Frank Foster, an aged saddler of Liberty and an extremely smaU man, would when in his cups ride his big horse up and down Liberty's one street and cry, "As for Yankees, I can whip half a dozen and outrun a thousand"; while White Turney, then reading law at Smithville, declared that within six weeks he would be eating Abe Lincoln's ears with a piece of hard-tack. At first blush it appeared that all DeKalb County was for the South. Nevertheless, there was a strong undercurrent opposed to disunion, and this manifested itself after a while. Thus William B. Stokes, who had been a popular politician, at first sided with the South, going so far as to urge the enlistment of Confederate troops ; and when he changed his mind he found hun dreds of men ready to follow him on the other side. Under the excitement prevailing it is not a matter for wonder that many men found it hard to come to a de cision. Some of the earliest enlistments of DeKalb County Confederates were made in a company raised at Au burn, in Cannon County ; T. M. Allison, captain. This company was mustered into service at Nashville June 28, 1861. There comes back now the recollection of its advent into Liberty — musicians playing "Drive That 164 History of DeKalb County Black Dog Out o' the Wilderness," the lazy forenoon when, among the yard's old-fashioned roses, the bees droned slumberously, and the neighbor boys watching the troops pass in their red hunting shirts, keeping step to fife and drum. Classic music may suit the cultured, but you hear that old tune, sweet and plaintive, yet somehow moving and thrilling one impetuously; hear it under such circumstances, and it wUl never be for gotten. This company consisted of eighty-two men, fully half under twenty-one years of age. Names are called that were familiar in the Liberty community: Dr. J. S. Harrison, H. L. W. (White) Turney, Bob Smith, Arch Marcum, W. A. and Pressly Adamson, Josh Jetton, and others. The company became a part of the Second Tennessee Cavalry. Bob Smith, attacked with measles at Jacksboro, East Tennessee, was discharged and later joined the Federals. White Turney became a lieutenant, was wounded twice, married in West Ten nessee, practiced law in Dyersburg, and died in 1880. Dr. Harrison went through the war, removed from Liberty to Smithville, then became a citizen of Mc Minnville, a splendid type of the old-time Southern gentleman. He died in October, 1914. Captain Alli son resigned and returned to his home, near Auburn, and was kiUed by Federals in his back yard August 2, 1862. Eight Confederate companies were made up in De Kalb County, while about half of Capt. P. C. Shields's company (G) of Col. John H. Savage's regiment were from the county. The muster rolls of Confederate sol- 165 History of DeKalb County diers are in the archives at Washington. They are old, mutilated, and not easily handled. An effort was made to get the names of first enlistments, but this was hardly possible in any case. Where names were secured (photographed) they are often misspelled, as Louis for Lewis, while one name may appear in one place as "William" and in another "W. J." This has added to the problem of getting them correct. But, in spite of all, hundreds are correctly presented herein. Capt. John F. Goodner's company was raised at Alexandria^n April, 1861, and became Company A, Seventh Tennessee Infantry. When Col. Robert Hat- ton became brigadier general, Goodner was elected lieutenant colonel and commanded the regiment much of the time during the remainder of the war. Colonel Goodner, as shown elsewhere, commanded a company in the Mexican War. The Seventh saw much service — was in the Yorktown campaign, at Seven Pines, in the Seven Days' Battles, at Culpeper Courthouse, Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, ChancellorsviUe, Gettys burg, Spottsylvania, Petersburg, and Fort Archer, and surrendered at Appomattox. Colonel Goodner died at Alexandria some years after the war. The muster roll shows the foUowing names in his company : Officers: Captain, John F. Goodner; Ueutenant, R. V. Wright. After Goodner became lieutenant colonel, R. V. Wright was elected captain, serving until Alli son's squadron of cavalry was organized, when he was elected captain of Company C of that battalion. J. S. Dowell became captain of Company A, serving untU the close of the war. First lieutenant, J. S. 166 History of DeKalb County DoweU; second, F. W. Hobson; third, Robert C. Bone ; sergeants, Wilmoth Burges, James Vannata, R. D. Floyd, J. A. Donnell, J. T. Barbee ; corporals, Dixon A. Foutch, James R. Newsom, A. M. C. Robinson, Bartlett Warford. Privates: W. H. Atwell, John H. Allison, Robert Allison, William Bailiff, Joab Bailiff, William Bartlett, John Caskey, John Cheek, A. J. Cheek, V. B. Coe, J. N. Compton, G. W. Cowen, John L. Close, Hi Curtis, Chesley Chapman, G. W. Driver, Thomas Davis, Al- fonse Emerique, William T. Floyd, W. J. Foster, Elijah A. Foutch, F. L. Foutch, R. D. Floyd, Levi Foutch, J. B. Garrison, G. W. Gregson, William Grif fin, T. W. Goodner, Abe Hendrixon, William Hinesley, W. H. HuUet, J. R. Harris, John Johnson, L. C. Lin coln, John L. Luck, G. W. Lamberson, W. R. Lamber son, J. J. Martin, P. J. Mason, J. D. Martin, G. W. Murry, Irvin D. Murphey, L. D. McGuffey, R. Ma lone, Theo. Moores, J. D. Nix, T. A. Newley, R. H. Newsom, Burr F. Paty, J. W. Pendleton, Lit R. Park inson, John Read, G. W. Reasonover, Thomas J. Sneed, C. P. Shaver, Walter SuUins, W. R. Sims, D. W. SeweU, Isaac Sanlin, Dan Snider, William Sewell, J. W. Shanks, William Terry, A. P. Tracy, W. W. Trousdale, T. D. Webb, John Williams, William Wil- loughby, W. C. Yeargin, O. J. Williams, T. W. Year gin, James Winfrey, WiUiam Bartley, H. M. Wilson, Ben Hood, H. H. Hood, S. Ashby, Elijah Jones, James Risdon, Andrew Robinson, Thomas Light, Andrew Pratt, A. L. Davis, Horace Newsom, O. J. Williams. Killed : G. W. Driver, J. B. Garrison, P. J. Mason, 167 History of DeKalb County James Vannata, T. W. Sewell, all at Seven Pines, May 31, 1862; G. W. Cowan, James Winfrey, J. WUliams, Job Bailiff, L. R. Parkinson, ChancellorsvUle ; Chap man Chesley, Mechanicsville. Died: J. Cheek, No vember 6, 1862 ; V. B. Coe, September 25, 1861 ; J. Compton, September 15, 1861 ; L. D. McGuffey, No vember 13, 1862 ; J. Pendleton, December 15, 1861 ; W. R. Sims, January 5, 1863; WiUiam Willoughby, December 5, 1863. Capt. R. D. AUison's company (F), Twenty-Fourth Tennessee Infantry, was raised at Alexandria in 1861 and was organized with the regiment mentioned. He was elected colonel and H. P. Dowell captain. AUi son resigned in 1862 and organized a cavalry bat talion at Alexandria, with J. S. Reece, who had been discharged from the Twenty-Fourth because of his age. This battalion will receive further notice later on. The Twenty-Fourth took part in the battles of Shi loh, Perryville, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Mission ary Ridge, Franklin, and NashvUle, surrendering at Greensboro, N. C. Officers: Colonel, R. D. Allison; captain, H. P. Dowell; first lieutenant, J. F. Luckey; second, W. S. Patey; third, W. D. Fielding; sergeants, James A. Barnett, M. D. Braswell, Lewis E. Simpson, J. W. Jaques ; corporals, C. Scott, G. W. Gordon, J. A. Clark, A. RoUands. Privates : James AUison, Robert Allison, D. L. AUen, J, L. Askew, T. B. Brown, E. A. Barbee, S. Briggs, A. J. Bradford, Robert Barbee, W. P. Bennett, James 168 History of DeKalb County Barr, Tobe Briggs, J. R. Betty, T. F. Bradley, Giles Bowers, Sampson Braswell, T. Brown, L. B. Baker, G. W. Bowers, Abe Britton, Isaac Cooper, W. B. Carter, J. J. Cutter, R. D. Coffee, H. M. Coffee, Nathan Cor iey, W. C. Curtis, A. P. Crowder, Thomas Chandler, B. F. Cochran, M. J. Covington, W. D. G. Carnes, A. L. Cranler, Josiah Conger, N. L. Craddock, J. C. Crad- dock. Miles Covington, R. J. Davis, W. C. Davis, R. G. Davis, W. P. Dennie, M. F. Doss, J. D. Estes, L. H. Fite, J. C. Foutch, W. C. Fielding, C. Ferrel, J. E. Gold, J. P. Gold, J. F. Gaultney, James S. Glenn, John A. Gregory, G. W. Gordon, D. D. Hudson, Horace Hays, J. P. Hale, John R. Hale, G. W. Hale, W. H. Hays, J. W. Hubbard, A. D. Helmantaller, J. Heflin, W. T. Jones, T. L. Johnson, J. M. King, S. J. King, Robert King, John Luckey, W. H. Luckey, John Lau rence, W. H. Lincoln, Sam Luckey, W. S. Lynch, Bailey Marks, J. Mooneyham, William H. Mott, J. A. Mooneyham, C. C. Martin, James Nolan, Jasper Owens, W. W. Patterson, Lewis Barrett, W. C. Pres ton, W. D. Prentiss, J. H. Powell, Amos Retries, J. C. Prichard, S. A. Powell, L. A. RoUands, J. S. Reece, Ed Reece, James Raney, A. J. Stephens, John Smith, J. W. Stewart, Andrew Stuart, W. H. Thomas, John Thomas, W. M. Timberlake, J. M. Shavers, N. Van trease, J. T. Winfrey, J. W. Whitley, J. A. Winfrey, Lewis Washburn, W. E. Williams, W. H. Whittington. F. P. Lyon, J. D. Estes. Killed: W. C. Curtis, J. F. Gaultney, F. P. Lyon, Joseph Woolen, Shiloh ; J. C. Craddock, A. P. Crouch, Bailey Marks, J. A. Mooneyham, Joel Mooneyham, 169 History of DeKalb County Amos Retry, G. W. Hall, Perryville ; J. A. King, W. J. Knight, C. Fumel, Murfreesboro; J. W. Stewart, Chickamauga. Died: James Allison, December 24, 1861 ; Sampson Braswell, January 4, 1862 ; W. B. Car ter, January 10, 1862 ; W. H. Mott, Alexandria, after having been wounded at Murfreesboro. Company A, Capt. L. N. Savage, was raised around Smithville in May, 1861, and mustered into the Six teenth Tennessee Regiment June 9. Captain Savage was born in Warren County April 25, 1837, removed to Smithville in 1859, and was mortally wounded at Murfreesboro, dying March 15, 1863. The company was in the Cheat Mountain and Little Sewell Moun tain campaigns and at Perryville, Murfreesboro, Chick amauga, Missionary Ridge, Kennesaw, Jonesboro, Franklin, and NashvUle. It surrendered in North Carolina. Officers: L. N. Savage, captain; I. C. Stone, first lieutenant ; John K. Bain, second lieutenant ; R. B. An derson, third lieutenant; G. W. Witt, first sergeant; G. L. Talley, second sergeant; R. M. Magness, third sergeant ; T. B. Potter, fourth sergeant ; J. W. Harris, first corporal ; L. G. Bing, second corporal ; M. L. Can trell, third corporal ; S. M. Philips, fourth corporal. Promotions : T. B. Potter, sergeant major, 1861 ; R. B. Anderson, first lieutenant, 1862; G. W. Witt, second lieutenant, 1862; G. L. Talley, third Ueutenant, 1863; W. C. Potter, first lieutenant, 1863; J. C. Webb, second lieutenant, 1863; L. R. Witt, third lieutenant, 1863. 170 History of DeKalb County Privates : William Adcock, E. K. Adcock, Isaac Ad cock, Benjamin Atnip, E. L. Atnip, John Atnip, Lar- kin Bayne, R. W. Banks, T. M. Hooper, T. A. Hooper, Dick Hooper, James Hooper, Rich Jones, J. W. John son, E. S. James, John James, W. L. Judkins, F. E. P. Kennedy, James Koger, Pomp Kersey, A. J. Kersey, Felix Kersey, Calvin Kersey, E. League, E. Lockhart, John Lefever, John Mason, Bud MUler, L. D. Moore, John Moore, W. C. Moore, J. A. Moore, John Martin, W. P. Martin, Thomas Martin, W. B. Martin, R. Mar tin, Jasper Martin, Rube Meeks, R. W. McGinnis, Elisha McGinnis, G. P. Maynard, J. M. Pertle, Charles PuUin, Robert PuUin, W. C. Potter, O. D. Potter, Thomas Potter, J. D. Philips, S. M. PhUips, Dave Pitt man, Robert Rowland, Jesse Redman, Ben Rowland, Rich Richardson, W. Richardson, T. J. Richardson, James Rigsby, W. G. Stevens, John Stevens, James Bing, W. H. Bing, P. Bozarth, J. H. Bozarth, James Bozarth, J. A. Briggs, W. H. Cunningham, J. H. Can trell, U. E. CantreU, J. R. Cantrell, James CantreU, Jehu Cantrell, John Cantrell, M. L. CantreU, I. D. Cantrell, W. H. Cantrell, L. D. Cantrell, B. M. Can trell, D. W. Cantrell, Leonard CantreU, W. C. Can treU, Wat Cantrell, Isaac Cantrell, Peter Cantrell, P. G. Cantrell, A. M. Cantrell, G. P. Cantrell, Mar tin Cantrell, Thomas Cherry, Isaac Conger, J. W. Colwell, June Driver, W. L. Driver, Isaiah Driver, C. B. Davis, M. Duwese, D. C. Dollar, Thomas Dozier, Martin Delong, Wat Eastham, H. C. Eastham, J. B. Fisher, S'. M. Fulton, Cal Fowler, Samuel Hathaway, Len Hathaway, W. A. Hallum, B. M. Hicks, Dallas History of DeKalb County Hicks, WiUiam Herron, J. M. Stevens, W. B. Sweeney, A. Simpson, A. J. Smith, Burdine Smith, Noah Smith, Henry SeaweUs, H. C. Tate, J. R. Thompson, Fielding Tumer, Garrison Taylor, Ross Unchurch, John Van Hosser, L. R. Witt, W. Walls, John Womack, P. G. Webb, I. C. Webb, D. B. Worley, W. M. Womack, W. M. Wilmoth, John E. Warren, J. B. Wilkinson, B. C. Wilkinson, Ben Judkins. KiUed: Capt. L. N. Savage, Lieut. R. B. Anderson, Lieut. W. G. Witt, Felix Kersey, E. League, W. A. Hallum, E. Lockhart, John E. Warren, Murfreesboro ; W. L. CantreU, J. H. Cantrell, James CantreU, F. E. B. Kennedy, W. C. Moore, R. Rowland, P. G. Webb, Perryville ; B. Atnip, Georgia ; Wat Eastham, Thomas Dozier, S. M. Fulton, WiUiam Richardson, A. Simp son, Atlanta; W. H. CantreU, James Driver, T. A. Hooper, A. J. Kersey, Robert Martin, Franklin ; H. C. Tate, Lost Mountain. Wounded: S. G. Bing, R. M. Magness, B. M. Cantrell, S. M. Philips, R. M. Banks, D. W. Cantrell, T. M. Hooper, Rich Jones, F. Turner, John Mason, Perryville; Capt. G. L. Talley, W. C. Potter, Chickamauga; Isaac Adcock, Resaca; E. L. Atnip, J. R. Thompson, W. L. Judkins, Atlanta ; Peter Cantrell, J. Lefever, G. Taylor, B. C. Wilkinson, G. W. Colwell, J. C. Webb, Murfreesboro; J. W. John son, Franklin. Died: WiUiam Adcock, O. D. Potter, Thomas Potter, L. R. Witt, William Walls, Camp Trousdale, 1861 ; William Herron, Richard Hooper, John Womack (missing), Georgia, 1864; James Bing, W. H. Bing, in prison ; James Hooper, South Carolina, 172 COL. ROBERT CANTRELL TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT. TENNESSEE CONFEDERATES FROM AN OLD DAGUERREOTYPE LOANED BY MRS. JACK BUCHANAN, LEBANON History of DeKalb County 1864; J. A. Moore, home, 1863; Elisha McGinnis, unknown; WUliam Womack, Hattersville, 1861. Capt. Robert Cantrell's company (C) recruited around Smithville, became a part of the Twenty-Third Regiment of Tennessee Confederate Infantry. Its commander was later elected lieutenant colonel. G. W. Hicks was elected colonel and later Erastus D. Foster. Other promotions were of Lieuts. W. D. Rhinehardt, Lawson W. Lee, and A. P. Cantrell. The company saw service in Virginia and at Shiloh. After fighting at Perryville, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, and Mis sionary Ridge, and going through the Georgia cam paign, it was at Franklin and Nashville and sur rendered in North Carolina. Capt. John C. New, of Cannon County, writes : "After the Twenty-Third had served about twelve months, it was reorganized. At this time Captain Cantrell was elected lieutenant colonel, but soon resigned. Ras Foster was elected captain of the company, and after serving some time he left and carried many of his men with him. The company was consolidated with mine. Zeb Lee was a member of the company and lost a leg at Chicka mauga. His brother, Lieut. Lawson Lee, was kUled." Colonel Cantrell was for several years a dis tinguished circuit judge of Tennessee, residing at Lebanon. He was born November 9, 1823, and died February 9, 1903. Officers: Captain, Robert Cantrell; first lieutenant, Joseph Y. Stewart; second, L. J. Magness; third, C. A. Cantrell ; first sergeant, WiUiam Hi Smith ; second, 173 History of DeKalb County A. P. CantreU ; third, L. W. Lee; fourth, A. J. Potter; corporals, E. D. Foster, P. G. Cantrell, Isaac CantreU, A. G. Beckwith; drammer, Calvin Hendrixson; fifer, Brien Hughes. Privates: David Adcock, Wilson Adcock, Lucian Allen, R. H. Atnip, Ben Bullard, W. G. Baker, J. C. Brock, W. M. Bryant, Asbury Barnes, S. Bradford, E. C. Barnes, D. G. Byars, John Brimer, Pleas Cald well, H. P. Cantrell, James Cantrell, J. L. Crips, J. A. Capshaw, W. C. Cantrell, Julius CantreU, Abe Can trell, I. Cantrell, Jr., B. H. CantreU, J. B. Cotton, M. ColdweU, Eliah Cantrell, W. W. Coldwell, W. Cold- well, L. L. CantreU, W. M. Bryant, B. H. Cantrell, WUliam Carter, Smith Cantrell, Sam Cantrell, L. D. Day, David Davis, J. H. Dodd, M. D. Davis, John De- long, Henry Frazier, Jasper Fowler, Newton Fowler, A. H. Farmer, J. L. Fuson, J. R. Fuson, J. B. Ferrell, S. M. Foster, J. H. Ford, J. D. Givan, Thomas Givan, J. W. Green, John Greer, M. Greer, J. P. Jacobs, J. C. Hodges, Isaac Hurst, Jere Hendrixon, Cal Hendrixon, Jr., Tilman Haney, WUliam Haney, James M. Jud kins, W. A. Johnson, J. P. Jacobs, P. J. Lee, Elias Lane, Jr., S. M. Liles, J. W. Lamberson, Z. P. Lee, Obe Moss, G. Lane, C. Lane, James Moor, J. Martin, R. W. Melton, J. H. Mahaffey, T. A. Mason, A. F. McDoweU, Sam Mitchell, J. P. Moor, WiUiam Par sons, Oliver Parkinson, G. W. Pirtle, J. L. Pirtle, Tarleton Parrish, W. R. Parrish, Hezekiah Page, Arch Pack, Russel Rigsby, James Ridge, J. S. Ridge, J. M. Redmond, James Robinson, W. J. Rigsby, W. D. Rhinehardt, J. M. Reeves, C. C. Smith, P. G. Smith, 174 History of DeKalb County Bradford SherreU, Wesley Steelmon, J. P. Stoner, A. A. Stanford, W. H. Starnes, J. S. Starnes, G. W. Tay lor, L. R. Taylor, F. J. Titsworth, J. M. Vaughn, J. N. Vaughn, G. W. Warren. KiUed: A. G. Allen, Fort Munford; Lawson Lee, W. A. Carter, June 29, 1864; W. G. Warren, Chicka mauga; W. L. Lawson, Bean's Station. Died: F. J. Titsworth, R. W. Melton, Chattanooga, January 24, 1863; James Ridge, July 26, 1863; Julius Cantrell, October 18, 1861 ; H. Page, June i, 1862; A. H. Farmer, November 24, 1861. Capt. Perry Adcock's company was also raised in the Smithville section. It was difficult to trace this company, but the Adjutant General of the War De partment explained that Captain Adcock's company was designated as C in Colms's First Battalion of Ten nessee Infantry and afterwards as Company K, Fiftieth Tennessee Confederate Infantry. The company sur rendered in North Carolina in April, 1865, after hav ing served in numerous engagements in various States, from Fort Donelson to the close of the war. Captain Adcock had served also in the war with Mexico. He was born March 4, 1829, and died January 11, 1908. Officers: Captain, Perry Adcock; first lieutenant, J. P. Titsworth ; second, C. Turner ; third, W. N. Jones ; adjutant, C. B. Cantrell ; first sergeant, A. P. Adcock ; second, David Delong; third, Henry Bain; fourth, Isaiah Bain ; fifth, W. R. Dunham ; corporals, Thomas Adcock, Henry Adcock, J. D. Thweat, James M. Webb. 175 History of DeKalb County Privates : William, J. C, John, Joseph, P. J. L., and Wesley Adcock, Rich Atnip, H. Aikens, WiUiam Al len, N. Adcock, William Bain, Isaac Bain, D. C. Bain, John K. Bain, William, John, and Wesley Blunt, Joseph Capshaw, John Capshaw, William Capshaw, William J. U., Richard, and Jason Certain, T. Cantrell, Giles Driver, Jr., Noah Deboard, Watson Delong, James Delong, John Davis, John Fisher, Joseph and WUliam Fisher, Daniel Fowler, Charles FerreU, A. Goodson, O. D. Goodson, Webb and L. Hutchins, Andrew Jack son, H. G. and Grundy Kirby, C. Lack, David Looney, William Love, T. J. Lewis, J. P. Jones, Alfred Lewis, John McFall, Vincent Manor, Abijah Martin, D. W. Marsh, Ben Pinegar, Ben Pollard, Henry Pitts, G. W. Pollard, John Pinegar, Bart Pack, N. B. Parker, Ben Roland, James Ray, James Rigsby, Dr. J. D. Rigsby, Sam Roberts, E. C. Roland, L. P. Rigsby, S. Slaten, O. and William Sullivan, Wilson Taylor, G. W. and William Turner, James Webb, Jackson West, Alex Walker, F. M. Wilkinson, Isaac, Pleasant, and Thomas Young, J. M. Stephens, D. W. Marsh, John McAfee, I. P., Jasper, and Alfred Lewis, J. K. Delong, WiUiam Certain, W. D. Jones, William Lane, W. Z. Pollard, Francis, David, J. P., and Thomas Lewis, G. W. Pol lard, J. G. Rankhorn, W. R. Dunham, John FuUer, A. B. Cheatham, R. Presnel, Sam Roberts, Joshua Seal, J. A. Walker, Ainsley Stephens, Canada Rigsby, George Stidman, John Coriey, D. C. Delong, A. B. Cheatham, J. W. Green, G. A. Neal, Henry Pitts, Clai- born Edwards, Elijah Quillen, J. M. Webb. Died: James Webb, Memphis, October 6, 1862; S. 176 History of DeKalb County D. Lane, Tappan, Miss., November i6, 1862; W. Z. Pollard, Clinton, La. ; John Castel, Brookhaven, Miss. ; G. W. Turner, Lauderdale Springs, Miss. ; Isaiah Bain, Alton (111.) Prison. AUison's Battalion of Cavalry, raised by Col. R. D. AUison, John S. Reece, and Robert V. Wright at Alexandria, consisted of three companies and was, besides taking part in a number of the most important battles of the war, very active in DeKalb County dur ing Morgan's occupation and afterwards. It was with Wheeler on his last raid through East Tennessee in the summer of 1864 ; but it seems from Du Bose's "Life of Wheeler" that it was, with other companies, sent under Gen "Cerro Gordo" Williams to attack a Federal gar rison at Strawberry Plains. Finding the garrison too strong, it marched to overtake Wheeler, but did not succeed. It followed close on his heels through Sparta, Liberty, and Alexandria, and went into camp near Murfreesboro, soon, however, taking the Woodbury Pike and returning south across the mountains, en gaging in considerable fighting on the way. After the war Colonel AUison removed to Texas, where he thrice represented his county in the State legislature, and died at an advanced age. Captain Reece removed to Nashville, becoming prominently identified with the city's interests, though his sight was greatly impaired before the close of the war. As Colonel Allison was old and Captain Reece with im paired sight, Captain Wright commanded the DeKalb 12 177 History of DeKalb County Countians, who had been consolidated with Shaw's Battalion after Missionary Ridge, in the later months. Captain Reece was born in Virginia in 1814, and died in February, 1868, only fifty-four, but a veteran of the war with the Seminoles, the Mexican War, and the War between the States. Captain Wright also located in Nashville, where he won splendid business success. He was living in 1914, somewhat more than eighty years of age. This from Lieut. B. L. Ridley's published diary gives in a small way an idea of the horrors of war. It is dated Smithville, N. C, March 27, 1865 : "This after noon went with General Stewart to the depot, where we found Colonel Allison, a Tennessee cavalryman, on his way westward with the body of his son, who was killed a day or two ago near Goldsboro trying to rescue some ladies from the clutches of the enemy." By the way, still as illustrative. General Forrest and his escort were on a road three miles from Selma, Ala., one night after the retreat from Nashville. Suddenly the cries of women in distress reached them. "Guided by the sounds," to quote the diary of Ben Hancock, of the Second Regiment of Cavalry, "Forrest and some of his men dashed thither, to find a neighboring house in the possession of four Federal bummers who, having rifled it, were engaged in the effort to outrage the women who lived there. Summary was the fate of these wretches. The escort was now getting excited, . . . and, meeting a number of these feUows loaded, down with plunder, they did not hesitate to slay them on the spot. Hearing the sounds of what was happen- 178 History of DeKalb County ing ahead, Forrest, to check it, took the conduct of the advance upon himself." It is not believed that any DeKalb soldiers on either side were ever charged with assaulting women. Allison's squadron, when it surrendered with Gen eral Shaw in North Carolina in 1865, numbered only about thirty men, according to Lieut. Ed Reece. The writer has been able to secure from the muti lated records in the archives at Washington the follow ing names only of the troops of Allison's Battalion. They cover various periods of the war : Company A, officers : Senior captain, R. D. AUison ; captain, John H. Allison; first lieutenant, James A. Nesmith; second, James N. Eaton; third, James W. Foutch; sergeants, J. A. Atwell, J. L. Reasonover, J. E. Robinson, J. W. Boyd; corporals, James B. Greg- ston, Ab Drury, W. J. Eaton. Privates : R. D. Allison, J. W. Allen, William Allen, George Ashe, William Ashe, William Eskew, J. A. Boyd, William Coriey, David Crook, Robert Caskey, John Cartwright, William Carr, Daniel Driver, A. Davis, Hardin Denny, J. H. Foutch, J. W. Floyd, E. and Joseph Gann, Freelmg H. Hayes, J. A. Higdon, Horace M. Hale, Leander B. Hale, F. W. Hobson, John Johnson, Gus H. Johnson, James W. Keaton, R. W. Keaton, Jake H. King, R. A. King, W. R. King, H. D. Lester, S. M. Leftwick, L. C. Lincoln, James C. Malone, N. J. Petty, W. F. Powell, Irving Parsley, Ben Robinson, James M. Turney, H. J. WUls, Pleas C. Adams, C. A. Bailiff, G. W. Adkins, M. Byford, Monroe Bailiff, P. Dedman, M. L. Dedman, J. H. 179 History of DeKalb County Gann, N. Gann, Thomas Malone, R. W. Tubb, W. S. Webster, W. M. Walker, J. D. Wheeler, James Mulli- nax, D. L. Braswell, James Rigdon, H. J. WiUs, New ton Petty, Shade L. Davis, Patterson Dedman, John H. Gann, Michael Gann, W. H. Gann, Nathan Gann, Denham Bethel, D. L. Russell. KUled : Edward Gann, Chickamauga, September 19, 1863. Died: Joseph Gann, Tunnel Hill, Ga., January 5, 1864. Company B, officers : Captain, J. S. Reece ; first lieu tenant, D. Brien; second, J. M. Floyd; third, L. P. Rutland; sergeants, T. W. Yeargin, T. R. Foster, James Jones, Britton Odum, Ed Reece; corporal, J. J. Cutler. Privates: W. W. Adams, N. B. Bradley, W. C. Craddick, David Curtis, J. P. Doss, M. B. Dunn, Pack W. Florida, Tilman H. Foster, J. Ervin Foster, T. J. Finley, R. B. Floyd, L. H. Fite, Sam George, C. A. Hollinsworth, D. H. Hale (teamster), W. H. Jackson, Wiley Jones, W. H. Luckey (bugler), W. C. McGann, George Neal, Robert Neal, Ervin Newsom, L. F. Por terfield, Oliver W. Roberts, William Shanks, J. C. Trammel, J. B. Tarpley, J. B. Thompson, G. W. Van trease, Thomas Warren, Newt Warren, David Wal lace, Isaiah White, J. R. Witt, Columbus Yeargin, G. W. Lanier, Henry Lanier, James Pope, G. H. Mc Gann, T. J. Coleman, I. C. Stone, William Hullet, James Jones, R. H. Newsom, Sim Adamson, Henry BeU, William Adamson, J. H. Burton, Hiram Carter, 180 History of DeKalb County W. J. Covington, J. C. Estes, WiUiam Foster, James S. Foutch, Bartley L. James, A. A. J. Jennings, J. M. Jones, Thomas King, Calaway Neal, J. R. Newsom, J. B. Pendleton, J. J. Rich, Presley Stroud, O. B. Staley, Jacob Vantrease, Jackson Vantrease, J. Wil- loby, J. Washer, Nathan Walden, G. Hutchinson, Fayette Henley, Nelson Bryant, J. W. Buckner, B. J. Bethel, Henry George, Sam Huggins, A. J. Lanier, J. T. Lawrence, Dan McKee, Monroe Malone, John Marks, S. T. Porterfield, J. J. Porterfield, S. A. Rick- ett, Lander Jackson, Thomas E^tes, John Shores, J. R. Smith, Ed Winn, Henry Bell, G. C. McGann, Hiram Curtis. KUled: William Hullet, James Jones, R. A. New som, Chickamauga, September 19, 1863. Company C, officers: Captain, R. V. Wright; first lieutenant, A. W. O. Baker ; second, Orson B. Wright ; third, W. V. Harrel ; sergeants, John A. Jones, W. A. Yeargin, John Heflin; corporals, William Hubbard, John A. Mooneyham. Privates: L. J. Allison, William C. Bradford, J. C. Bailey, A. M. Cantrell, C. F. CantreU, G. C. Flippin, John Gilly, James Hawkins, WiUiam Mooneyham, James Jones, James Hines, J. D. Martin, W. S. Patey, J. B. Palmer, W. B. Price, Thomas Spears, George Springfield, Sam Hooper, Jonas Whitley, C. M. Thompson, J. T. Thompson, Z. U. Thompson, J. S. Thompson, Garrett Clay, B. F. Batts, W. D. Yeargin, Bethel Batts, John A. Farmer, Thomas Howard, Wil-; liam Harper, Charles Harris, W. W. Minton, George 181 History of DeKalb County Nichols, P. Simpson, C. Vanderpool, Jeff Braswell, John A. Mooneyham, J. H. Baird, A. M. Carter, H. D. B. Anderson, T. C. Bradford, R. Barbee, C. Barbee. KiUed: Garrett Clay, Chickamauga, September 19, 1863. The above are from Captain Wright's rolls from De cember 31, 1863, to February 29, 1864; from February 29, 1864, to April 30, 1864; from April 30, 1864, to June 30, 1864; and from June 30, 1864, to December 31, 1864. Under the first date A. W. O. Baker was first lieutenant; second, O. B. Wright; third, W. V. Harrel. Under the second date W. V. Harrel is third lieutenant. Under the third date no lieutenants are mentioned, nor are there any for June 30, 1864, to December 31, 1864. These are the latest existing rec ords. But two or three living members of the squadron have sent in the names of a few other troops, though it is not known to what companies they belonged. Lieut. Ed Recce's list is: John Bowman, John Batts, J. T. Quarels, Isaac Cooper, and Jerome Barton. James H. Burton contributes this list: Bill Bone, Cain Adams, John Parkerson, Lito Hullet, Alex Stanley, John Reeves, George Beckwith, Mose Blythe, and Dr. Fay ette Knight. Of course during the war there were many changes in subordinate officers not mentioned here — promo tions, resignations, and here and there a desertion. The desertions in both Federal and Confederate com panies from the county were considerable, and now and then we find men, as Lowell's bashful beau "stood awhile on one foot fust an' then awhUe on t'other," 182 History of DeKalb County who fought in the cause of both South and North, at first with one side and then with the other. DeKalb County officers in P. C. Shields's company (G) of Col. J. H. Savage's regiment: A. T. Fisher, first lieutenant; James K. Fisher, third. A. T. Fisher was promoted to captain in 1862. Privates: Jasper Adcock, H. P. Adcock, William AUen, A. J. Allen, Ben Atnip, John Atnip, Alfred Bain, Peter Bain, Josiah Bain, John Bain, Peter Bain (second), Henry Bain, C. Bain, J. L. Britton, M. Blount, Joseph CantreU, C. W. Cantrell, W. L. Can trell, H. B. Cope, W. A. Cotton, Ben Capshaw, T. A. Cotten, John Denton, D. L. Dunham, L. R. Dunham, John Donnell, Gabriel Elkins, John Fisher, L. B. Fisher J. P. Fisher, Lawson Fisher, M. L. Fisher, G. W. Gilbert, L. W. Gilbert, William Goodson, Thomas Hodges, Robert Love, Joseph Ray, C. G. Rankhorn, Levi Lassiter, H. L. P. Sanders, Wiley Sanders, Isaiah Lassiter, F. M. Wright, S. L. Walker, John Megger- son, O. D. Walker, Alex Walker, Seth F. Wright, D. W. Worst, James Wright, and Deskin Wright. Killed : Isaiah Bain, C. Bain, W. L. Cantrell, H. B. Cope, Lawson Fisher, F. M. Wright, S. L. Walker, Perryville ; J. L. Britton, Thomas Hodges, John Fisher, Murfreesboro. Wounded: W. A. Cotton, Perryville; C. G. Rankhorn, Kennesaw Mountain. Died in serv ice : D. L. Dunham, in prison ; C. A. Cantrell, Georgia ; A. J. Allen, Kentucky. Horace McGuire gives this memory list of DeKalb County Confederates living in 1914: B. M. Cantrell, 183 History of DeKalb County Horace McGuire, Thomas Hooper, Sam Hooper, R. W. McGinnis, B. N. Hicky, John Vanhouser, Hans Merritt, John D. Johnson, Dick Moore, J. M. Redmon, Jim Fuson, W. T. WaU, Mose Rankhorn, T. C. Allen, Jim Wilkins, Watt Cantrell, W. C. Gilbert, Louis Bing, A. P. Cantrell, Hes Cantrell, Joe Cantrell, John Givan, Polk Johnson, J. H. Mahaffy, Luke Simpson, J. W. Watson, Jesse Redman, Madison Pass, Newt Avery, John K. Bain, Ed Reece, Bob King, WiUiam Lucky, R. V. Wright, Isaiah White, Thomas Givan, Roland Foster, and Horace M. Hale. 184 CHAPTER XVI. Stokes's Cavalry. The Fifth (Union) Regiment of Tennessee Cavalry, sometimes called the First Middle Tennessee Cavalry, was organized at Nashville, Murfreesboro, and Car thage, from July 15, 1862, to March 26, 1864, to serve three years, and was mustered out of service August 14, 1865. The regiment consisted of twelve companies and was recruited by Col. WilUam B. Stokes, acting under authority from Military Govemor Andrew John son. The regiment was in various battles and skir mishes during the latter part of 1862 and was in the battle of Murfreesboro, or Stone's River. From that battle till the close of the war the regiment was em ployed mainly in detachments in the eastern part of Middle Tennessee. One battalion was stationed at Shelbyville for some time and was in several skir mishes there. The other portion of the regiment was stationed at Carthage and was kept busy also, as, among other duties, it was required to carry the mail from that point to Gallatin. A portion of Stokes's command, under Captain Cain and Lieutenant Carter, was in the battle of Lookout Mountain. A part was also at Chickamauga and Chattanooga under Lieuts. Wingate T. Robinson and Nelson. Subsequently the regiment was ordered to Sparta, Teim., to break up the guerrilla bands under Ferguson, Hughes, and Bledsoe, a contest in which no quarter was given. 185 History of DeKalb County After this it was ordered to NashvUle, where, under Lieut. Col. W. J. Clift, it participated in the battle in front of that city. Upon the removal of the command to Nashville, Colonel Stokes was assigned to command the forces at Carthage. Three of Stokes's regiments — Company A, J. H. Blackburn, captain; Company B, Shelah Waters, cap tain; and Company K, E. W. Bass, captain — were made up of DeKalb County men. There were some resignations from this regiment in 1864, and a new regiment was formed by J. H. Black burn. Colonel Stokes resigned March 10, 1865, but was breveted brigadier general by President Andrew Johnson. Other resignations from Stokes's original regiment were: Maj. Shelah Waters, January 24, 1865 ; Capt. John T. Armstrong, April 7, 1865 ; Capt. J. H. Blackbum, June 5, 1864; Capt. James T. Exum, March 10, 1865 ; Capt. Monroe Floyd (who married Captain Blackburn's sister), May 11, 1865; Capt. Robert E. Cain, July 13, 1865. First lieutenants re signed: W. M. Beasley, October 16, 1862; James Worthan, March 21, 1863 ; H. L. Newberry, April 8, 1863; WUliam L. Hathaway, April 10, 1864; Sylvanus Puckett, September i, 1864; Thomas A. Beaton, Jan uary 6, 1862; A. A. Carter, Febraary 21, 1865; James L. Hix, May 12, 1865 ; J. T. Mclntyre, July 2, 1865 ; L. L. Faulkner, July 16, 1865. Second lieutenants re signed : J. M. Phillips, Marshall B. Truax, C. T. Mar tin, E. H. Stone, W. J. Bryson. Those discharged were: Second Lieuts. James H. Gossett, March 3, 1863, R. C. Couch, April 25, 1863 186 History of DeKalb County (but recommissioned first lieutenant September 4, 1863), and Charles T. Martin, May 20, 1863 (but re- commissioned second lieutenant September 4, 1863) . Those killed were: Capt. A. T. Julian, near Hills boro, Tenn., March 18, 1863, and Surgeon J. B. Moore, killed by guerrillas September 5, 1864. Dismissals were: Capt. E. W. Bass, December 4, 1864; First Lieuts. R. H. Sivley, January 10, 1864, John T. Van Keren, December 14, 1864, and E. Chas- taine, September 25, 1864. First Lieut. Robert A. Shepard was cashiered in January, 1863. Maj. John Murphey on May 15, 1864, was promoted to lieutenant colonel of the Second Regiment of Mounted Infantry, and on February 7, 1865, Capt. Thomas Waters was promoted to major of the Fourth Regiment (Blackburn's) of Tennessee Infantry. William J. Clift was appointed lieutenant colonel June 30, 1864. John Wortham on July i, 1864, and Faver Cason on June 24, 1865, were appointed majors. The following captains were appointed some months after the regiment was organized: W. O. Rickman, April 22, 1863; R. C. Couch, September 10, 1863; James CUft, March 26, 1864; H. N. T. Ship, July i, 1864. W. P. Hough was made first lieutenant November II, 1862; W. B. Pickering, adjutant, June 9, 1863. Second Ueutenants: W. H. Nelson, August 6, 1863; Wingate T. Robinson, August 9, 1863 ; J. B. Raulston, September 10, 1863; W. G. Davis, July 10, 1864; E. 187 History of DeKalb County H. Gowen, December 14, 1864; C. W. Stewart, regi mental quartermaster, February 8, 1865. Later appointments of second lieutenants were: Elisha P. Reynolds, January 23, 1863; John B. Tur ner, August 9, 1863; J. W. Mallard, November 4, 1863; Henry H. Morris, January i, 1864; H. M. Mar shall, February 28, 1864 ; John J. White, July 10, 1864; J. W. Bryan, February 7, 1865; G. B. Johnson, Feb ruary 22, 1865. Four of Stokes's officers were marked missing on the rolls : Capt. T. C. Davis, since October, 1862 ; Capt. E. G. Fleming, since December, 1862; Second Lieut. A. C. Denson, since October, 1862; Second Lieut. Carl D. Brien, since June, 1863. General Stokes was born in Chatham County, N. C, September 9, 1814, and died at Alexandria, Tenn., March 20, 1897. As shown in the sketch of Temper ance HaU, his widowed mother located on her hus band's land near that village, where she remained until her death, in 1853. This section was attached to De Kalb County in 1850, so that the county claims WiUiam B., Jordan, and Thomas Stokes among its pioneer citi zens. In 1832 General Stokes married Paralee, daugh ter of Col. Abraham Overall. Farming for several years, he began his political career in 1849 ^s Repre sentative of DeKalb County. He was twice elected to the House and twice to the Senate, and, defeating John A. Savage for Congress in 1859, was reelected. He served in Congress two years after the war, and he was the nominee of his party for the governorship in 1870. Until 1868 he resided three mUes north of Liberty, 188 GEN. W. B. STOKES FIFTH TENNESSEE REGIMENT, FEDERAL CAVALRY FROM PORTRAIT LOANED BY MRS. LEATH CALHOUN, NASHVILLE History of DeKalb County when he removed to Alexandria, where he devoted himself to the practice of law. In the memoranda of the volume by Adjutant Gen eral J. B. Brownlow giving the rolls of Tennessee Federals for 1861-65 it is said of Stokes's Regiment that it was in the routing of Colonels Bennett and Ward on the Dickerson Pike in September, 1862; in the defeat of Colonel Dibrell, driving him out of Neely's Bend, in October, 1862; in the battle with Forrest on the Franklin Pike, and drove him from the field at Lavergne. It was in numerous skirmishes around NashviUe and on Big Harpeth in the same year ; fought at Triune December 27, 1862, and was in the battle of Murfreesboro from first to last; a part, under Colonel Murphey, was at Bradyville ; and, under Colonel Blackburn, a part was in the battle of Milton and in numerous engagements around Liberty and Snow's Hill. The muster rolls of his three DeKalb County companies are given below : Company A, officers: Lieutenants, W. G. Davis, John J. White; sergeants, J. B. Allison, Robert A. Smith, F. M. Close, Hamp Woodside, Thomas E. Bratten, J. W. Thomas, Riley Dale, Lee Lafever; cor porals, John Neal, W. R. Bratten, W. J. Watson, J. W. Jones, John Garrison. Privates : W. D. Davis, J. White, J. A. Allen, R. A, Smith, T. E. Bratten, J. W. Thomas, Riley Dale, Lee Lafever, John Neal, W. R. Bratten, W. J. Watson, J. W. Jones, John Garrison, Sol A. Neal, Thomas Kirby, E. C. Edwards, J. M. Allen, W. G. Allison, William Arnold, Lige Bryant, James Blythe, Calvin Blythe, 189 History of DeKalb County P. Bozarth, Pete Brazwell, J. M. Brazwell, N. H. Craddock, J. W. Crook, J. R. Corder, Jim Carney, Thomas Cripps, Fred Chest, Joseph Davis, Reuben Davis, William Davis, D. D. Driver, J. Estes, W. R. Farler, Jap Fitts, W. J. Givan, Jonathan Griffith, J. M. Hays, Jasper Hays, Joe Hendrixon, James Hollands- worth, H. N. HiU, C. D. Hutchens, J. H. Hendrixon, WUson Hendrixon, WUliam HiU, H. James, M. F. Jones, W. H. Jackson, John Keef, John Lynch, J. B. McGee, James McGee, J. A. Mahan, William Manared, Elisha Morris, Mon Malone, W. S. Parker, A. W. Pat terson, D. C. Patten, W. J. Pugh, Hiser Richardson, B. F. Read, A. A. Robinson, Thomas Self, J. S. She hane, Peter Starnes, James Smithson, Monroe Spencer, J. J. Smith, W. G. Smiley, Wilson Taylor, J. C. Vick ers, Thomas Vinson, William Warford, G. P. W. Wil liams, J. W. Wooden, Oscar A. Woodworth, W. H. Word, J. B. Yeargin, J. H. Blackburn, Monroe Floyd, W. L. Hathaway, J. J. Evans, J. H. Gossett, J. T. Exum, A. J. Garrison, L. N. Woodside, Martin E. Quinn, E. H. Stone, James H. Blackburn, George Adamson, C. M. Brown, W. W. Govern, R. M. Haw kins, Henry Malone, Ed Pennington, Josiah Young blood, Elijah Yeargin, J. Murphy, P. M. Radford, James H. Bratten, William A. Dale, D. A. Davis, Joseph Adamson, David Barr, Hiram Barret, William Bullard, J. M. Campbell, T. J. Chapman, A. G. Davis, R. H. Green, G. H. Leaver, S. J. McCalib, R. S. Neely, G. W. Robinson, J. B. Scott, J. M. Smith, A. M. Stone, W. J. Vickers, S. M. Williams, Joseph Wilcher, A. Yeargin, James Garrett, Elisha Kerly, F C. Overcast. 190 History of DeKalb County Killed : J. B. Moore, by guerrillas, 1864 ; W. J. Vick ers, by guerrillas, 1863. Died : Joseph Adamson, David Barr, Joseph Bryant, April, 1863; Andrew George, 1861. Company B, officers : Lieutenants, E. H. Gowan, J, W. Bryan ; sergeants, T. W. Kenner, J. W. McDonald, W. Wood, Ralph Compton, J. W. Saulmon, W. F. Turner ; corporals, J. W. Brown, H. McClure, P. Hor- ley, T. A. Morris, J. Cothran ; bugler, J. C. Haley. Privates : M. A. Alder, W. H. Anderson, S. P. Bur- chett, I. W. Baker, D. H. Brewer, Thomas Borum, R. I. BeU, J. T. Ballance, E. Burnett, T. B. Brown, J. H. Brockett, L. W. Cherry, J. W. B. Davis, Zach Davis, Arch Davis, Anderson Davis, T. M. D. Earhart, Horace Francis, S. L. George, I. T. Goodson, L. M. Green, Jerome E. Goodner, J. Hale, Eli Herron, Wilson Her ron, J. G. Jennings, Frank Johnson, Thomas Ketchum, J. K. C. Lance, E. H. Linton, John Morris, A. J. Mer rill, A. C. Mayer, S. McDermot, W. Melvin, James Manus, John Oakley, Thomas Rogers, M. Rohelia, G. M. Robertson, John Robinson, David Redd, James Sands, Elgin Sands, W. Singleton, James Strauther, G. W. Tuck, James Talley, B. C. Vinson, J. Waggoner, J. W. Westfall, Taylor Warren, N. Winnett, C. T. Winnett, James Winnett, John Williams, T. A. Wel- land, M. F. Young, J. Nems, Henderson Smith, Thomas Davis, H. L. Newbury, W. W. Barker, Alex Davis, T. H. Berry, J. T. Thompson, S. B. Whitlock, W. G. Davis, A. Ham, T. B. Oakley, James Oakley, J. P. Paty, Thomas Reeves, John Simpson, R. Wadkins, Shelah Waters, Thomas Waters, John Everett, J. M, 191 History of DeKalb County Hutsell, R. P. Mayer, E. H. Gowan, J. E. Pendergrass, W. H. C. Young, B. F. Bowar, J. A. Ellis. Cass Goad, M. F. Hale, J. L. Laurance, J. M. Shairts, W. L. Thompson, H. B. Thomas, F. M. Ensory, P. GiUer, A. J. Hesson, Joseph Hester, J. C. Yell, P. M. Gascock, J. M. Groop. KUled: J. E. Pendergrass, Murfreesboro, 1863; J. L. Laurance, in Lookout Valley. Died: W. H. C. Young, in prison January 12, 1863 ; B. F. Bowar, May 23, 1863 ; J. A. EUis, M. V. Hale, J. M. Shairts, No vember 14, 1862; W. L. Thompson, December 29, 1863 ; Cyrus Y. Goad. Company K, officers: Captain, E. W. Bass; lieu tenants, W. T. Robinson, John B. Turner, J. H. Smith ; sergeants, J. L. Rollins, W. R. Lewis, Marion Cubbins, John A. Bass, W. H. Trammel, James H. OveraU, R. M. Johnson ; corporals, William Davis, Wells Barrett, G. B. Pedigo, T. N. Close, Alex Petty, John Tarpley, W. R. Caplinger; bugler, John C. Bennett. Privates : J. B. Turney, Harvey Smith, J. L. Robin son, W. R. Lewis, Marion Cubbins, John A. Bass, W. H. Trammel, J. H. Overall, R. M. Johnson, WiUiam Davis, J. T. Meares, Wells Barrett, G. B. Pedigo, T. N. Close, Alex Petty, John Tarpley, W. R. Caplinger, J. C. Bennett, T. D. Oakley, B. J. HoUoman, H. Y. Yeargin, Chris E. Adamson, John Adamson, W. T. Alexander, H. C. Alexander, Thomas Alexander, F. M. Allen, James Brent, Nathan Blythe, W. C. Ben nett, John Case, J. G. Close, John Caplinger, John Coley, T. J. Davis, James Davis, Elam Edge, Denton 192 History of DeKalb County Griffith, George Henley, George Hickman, W. L. Hail, W. H. Hays, Charies Hill, Reuben Hail, Thomas Hendrixson, R. Hinesly, J. H. Hicks, W. P. Hawker, J. M. Jones, Wesley Jennings, W. J. Jones, James A. Jones, W. H. Jones, James Lee, J. R. League, J. B. Lemmons, Blueford Mathis, Alex Man ners, J. MuUican, L. H. McGinnis, G. B. Mahan, W. H. Pedigo, T. J. Perkins, James Petty, Joseph Pistole, William Patterson, John Parker, Travis Tarpley, A. J. Pugh, Matlock Roberts, W. A. Sullivan, Anthony Stanley, Noah Smith, John Taylor, J. P. Tomlinson, WUliam Trusty, R. B. Waller, E. B. Watson, J. B. WUson, E. W. Bass, Hinton A. HiU, James McMUlin, J. J. Ross, Wiley Snow, James Williams, A. C. Rogers, R. H. Ponder, David Grandstaff, George C. Turney, W. C. Crossland, N. Alexander, James Baugh, W. H. Christian, David A. Farmer, James Gibson, James HaU, Jonathan Jones, T. J. Pistole, H. C. Richards, Alex Stanley, R. Pendergrass, Henry Stayner, Eman uel Williams. Killed: David Grandstaff, G. C. (Kit) Tumey, James Baugh, D. A. Farmer, Joseph Hail, Jonathan Jones, T. J. Pistole, James Fuston, Alex Stanley, Calf KUler battle, February 22, 1864; H. C. Richards, by accident, Carthage, 1864. Died: William Cross- land, of wounds at Carthage, 1864; W. H. Christian, of wounds, 1864. 13 193 CHAPTER XVII. Blackburn's and Garrison's Federals. Lieut. Col. Joseph H. Blackburn's Fourth (Un ion) Regiment of Mounted Infantry, with the excep tion of Company B, was recruited at Liberty, Car thage, Alexandria, Pulaski, Livingston, Shelbyville, and Nashville from September i, 1864, to April 22, 1865, to serve one year. Company B was made up of Memphis home guards and was mustered out of serv ice June I, 1865 ; the other companies were mustered out August 25, 1865. Colonel Blackbum was ap- jiointed lieutenant colonel November 26, 1864, at the age of twenty-two years. Thomas Waters was ap pointed major February 7, 1865. Appointments of captains: Norton E. Quinn, Oc tober 27, 1864; William L. Hathaway, October 29, 1864; Macadoo Vannata, December 11, 1864; A. C. Card, January 10, 1865 ; J. P. Patey, February 2, 1865 ; John Simpson, March 11, 1865; Rufus Dowdy, May 5, 1865 ; G. W. Gray, June 14, 1865. Appointments of first lieutenants in Blackburn's Regiment: James H. Blackburn, October 27, 1864; James H. (Pet) White, October 29, 1864; William J. Stokes, adjutant (son of Colonel Stokes), December 8, 1864; MarceUus C. Vick, December 11, 1864; W. B. Overcast, January 10, 1864; H. C. Sanders, February I, 1865; S. B. Whitelock, February 4, 1865; J. T. Thompson, February 4, 1865; H. T. Smallage, Feb ruary 28, 1865 ; C. W. Meeker, June 28, 1865. 194 History of DeKalb County Second lieutenants : T. G. Bratten, October 27, 1864; Elijah Robinson, October 29, 1864; James WiUiams, December 9, 1864; R. WUey, January 11, 1865 ; James H. Kitching, February 2, 1865 ; T. H. Berry, February 2, 1865; W. H. Wilhite, AprU 24, 1865; C. M. Pitts, June 30, 1865 ; A. J. Miller, July 3, 1865. Those who died among the officers appointed from time to time were: Capt. George Oakley, July, 1865, of disease; First Lieut. James Oakley, February 4, 1865, of wounds ; First Lieut. William McDowell, lost off the steamer Sultana April 27, 1865. Colonel Blackburn was born in Wilson County, near Cottage Home, in 1842, his father having come from North Carolina. He married Miss Jennie Barger, of Liberty, in i86x. His company (A), of Stokes's Regi ment, elected him captain at the age of eighteen. As shown, he raised a regiment after resigning from the Fifth Cavalry. He was in quite a number of battles and skirmishes, receiving one wound — ^probably made by Oscar Woodworth, a Federal — while a battle was on with Morgan's men at Liberty. After the war he was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention at Nash ville, but refused to sign the schedule because of the poll tax provision as a qualification for voters. He was also United States marshal for the middle district of the State. Shortly after the war he, with others, created a sensation in NashvUle by attacking and wounding Gen. Joseph Wheeler. Colonel Blackburn died in May, 1913. In Goodspeed's history of the State (biographical section) this statement is made: "Colonel Blackburn 195 History of DeKalb County was in several battles, the most important of which were Nashville, Chattanooga, Snow's Hill, and Milton. ... He also cleared of guerriUas White, Putnam, DeKalb, and Jackson Counties by capturing Champe Ferguson, after which even Rebel sympathizers felt more secure. He is said to have been in two hundred and seventeen engagements, in all of which he was successful. He was wounded at Liberty." In the same history it is stated that in 1864 R. B. Blackwell's guerrillas made a raid into Shelbyville, Tenn. The depot was guarded by twelve of Blackburn's troops, who were captured, escorted into the country, and shot. Were these members of Company A? Black- bum's companies were: Company A, officers: Captain, James Wortham; lieutenants, C. W. Meeker, G. W. Gray, William Mc Dowell, William Smith, A. J. Miller; sergeants, J. S. Ray, W. L. Jackson, J. M. Jarrell, T. V. Jones; cor porals, W. G. Reavis, W. W. Harrian, J. WiUiams, W. C. Dickens, J. A. Holcomb, J. A. Brooks, C. M. Clark. Privates : J. F. Ray, W. L. Jackson, J. M. Jarrell, T. V. Jones, A. J. Jarrell, W. G. Reavis, W. W. Harman, I. WUliams, W. C. Dickens, J. A. Holcomb, J. A. Brooks, C. M. Clark, Tom Anderson, W. Blacker, A. J. deck, W. J. Clark, J. W. Cunningham, E. G. Davis, G. B. Dawson, Linsley Evins, R. C. Eaton, T. J. Fisher, J. H. Griffin, W. J. Gordon, J. N. Gibson, J. L. HUl, J. T. Harris, G. Ivy, James and John Jones, T. J. Little, W. S. Lacey, E. Lockhart, G. Little, M.D., J. H. Moon, J. P. Mankin, J. C. McMinn, L. Moore, J. C. Matthews, I. Norvill, G. Primrose, R. J. Patton, 196 History of DeKalb County J. A. RoUins, C. S. Richard, S. J. Riner, M. Shoffner, J. D. Sanders, James C. Tumer, R. F. and W. W. Tindell, J. H. Webster, W. W. Waide, V. H. Wright, H. P. Watkins, Joseph A. White, P. M. Melton, Berry Bruton, S. J. Cheek, M. C. Davis, J. Hashaw, John Hyde, H. J. Johnson, George Ross, W. J. Shaw, H. F. Sutton, W. McMurry, J. M. Bearden, R. Brown, R. M. Dromgoole, A. R. Hashaw, P. M. Odum, J. B. Summers, H. V. Stahum, A. D. Hopkins, Robert F. Smith, J. W. Tredinger, John WiUiams, N. S. Brown- sheres, W. Davis, W. H. Johnson, J. W. Smith, A. J. J. Horton. KiUed: P. M. Melton, Berry Bruton, S. J. Cheek, M. C. Davis, James Hashaw, John Hyde, H. J. John son, George Ross, W. J. Shaw, aU at Wells HiU Sep tember 28, 1864. Died: WUliam McMurry, May 21, 1866; M. Bearden, AprU 7, 1865; R. Baugh, January 10, 1865 ; R. M. Dromgoole, lost on the steamer Sul tana. Company B, officers : First sergeant, J. M. Whitten ; second sergeant, W. T. Hopper ; corporals, E. J. Spen cer, L. W. Dawson, B. F. Parlon. Privates: J. Austin, G. W. Anglin, M. M. Brison, J. Black, John Burks, J. M. Chapman, J. R. Chapman, W. Cheek, H. J. Crow, W. A. Cooper, H. T. Forbes, H. Gorman, R. Holliday, W. H. Harland, R. Howard, M. L. Inge, A. F. Ingle, T. Johnson, James Keyton, J. Louden, J. H. Moore, T. Martingale, C. Newland, J. Prime, R. J. Rankin, W. W. Robinson, H. Riner, J. A. Robinson, J. K. Stone, M. Spencer, J. Shelton, D. 197 History of DeKalb County D. Sanders, A. Tibbets, P. Trease, M. A. Thompson, W. W. Whitby, W. M. Whitehorn, J. Weaver, N. A. Whitehorn, M. P. Henry, D. S. Ingle, J. W. White- horn, J. A. Griffin, J. Golden, I. Trotter, John Pierce. Died: J. A. Griffin, April 15, 1865; J. Golden, 1865; I. Trotter, May 18, 1865. Company C, officers: Captain, A. C. Card; lieu tenants, W. B. Overcast, R. Wiley; sergeants, E. D. Jones, J. E. Austin, W. N. Austin, James Greer, L. T. Larue; corporals, M. D. Smith, W. H. Stephenson, J. B. Cherry, J. S. Reese, Thomas Gore, J. S. Gibson, W. S. Cavett, John Armstrong, G. B. Baker. Privates: W. H. Stephenson, J. B. Cherry, J. S. Reese, T. G. Gee, J. E. Gibson, W. S. Cavett, John Armstrong, G. B. Baker, W. Baldwin, H. Bledsoe, J. Barron, L. F. Cain, H. Clark, G. W. Clark, W. H. Clark, W. J. Cochran, Peter Cochran, J. E. Cooper, A. Crane, N. B. Daniel, E. P. Estes, L. C. C. Estes, P. T. Fisher, J. L. Foster, J. E. Fox, J. Freeman, F. E. Glasscock, G. Glasscock, T. H. Grey, J. Hall, J. P. Hoskins, W. D. Hill, T. Johnson, W. Johnson, W. H. Kiser, J. O. Cumpie, A. Lamb, T. H. Lamb, G. W< Lock, David Lynch, W. G. Lynch, W. Malone, J. W. Mallard, H. E. McGowan, W. Melton, J. Moore, J. H. Neely, J. M. Orr, C. Overcast, A. Ferryman, W. R. Posey, J. J. Reeves, G. W. Reece, J. W. Reed, S. A Rundle, A. Shaw, Joab Slawtre, Hiram, J. A., and J. G. Smith, J. L. Stallings, J. Stone, C. Tarwater, J. H. Tucker, N. Walker, S. Williams, J. T. Glasscock, T. J. Hopper, I. D. Smith, Henry Thomas, Robert Wiley, 198 History of DeKalb County T. F. Logsten, W. W. Waide, J. M. Austin, H. Holmes, Jonathan Johnson, H. L. McConnell, C. Mitchell, H. C. Moore, J. W. Prince, E. Seatons, W. H. Wright. Died : J. T. Glasscock, January lo, 1865 ; T. J. Hop per, February 5, 1865; I. D. Smith, Andersonville Prison, March 10, 1865; Henry Thomas, of gunshot wounds in Bedford County. Company D, officers: Captain, Norton E. Quinn; lieutenants, J. Henry Blackburn, T. G. Bratten; ser geants, W. W. Colwell, J. B. Taylor, D. L. Floyd, J. W. Atwood, N. Hodges ; corporals, J. A. ColweU, Wil liam Batts, John W. Vandergrift, W. Lawson, N. E. Brandy, J. McAlexander, William Coffee, H. C. Jen kins. Privates: P. Atkins, G. B. Anderson, J. A. Barnes, W. A. Barren, W. Bain, W. T. Blackburn, M. Brad ley, A. J. Bennett, J. J. Bennett, W. Bullard, A. Certui, L. D. Colwell, Andrew Chumley, J. C. Clemmons, T. Davis, D. H. Davis, W. H. Fann, Joe B. Gilbert, C. W. Hollandsworth, J. D. HaU, T. J. Hays, Lawson Hall, T. J. Hale, John Herriman, Stephen Herriman, Sam P. Herriman, J. C. Hiddon, J. L. Jenkins, J. B. Kyle, J. Kenton, M. J. Luck, Jesse Lafever, C. Lawson, A. H. Leack, Bunk Malone, S. B. Morris, C. Mosby, T. Davis, W. Phillips, H. P. Pass, A. Ready, J. W. Rey nolds, J. O. Rich, John Robertson, G. Stevens, J. E. Tedder, A. H. Thomason, J. Tuggle, H. M. Tuggle, P. N. Tumer, George Turner, Henry Vandergriff, John Vandergriff, William Vandergriff, W. and 199 History of DeKalb County Thomas Veri, Sam Vannata, G. A. Vansell, O. D. WUliams, M. WUson, T. L. Ray, J. F. Yeargin, O. D. Goodson, G. M. Jennings, W. A. Morgan, W. Benson, Irving Driver, W. L. Hathaway, T. Brennan, Thomas Hays, John Hollandsworth, C. Peterson, A. Smith- land. Killed: O. D. Goodson, Cannon County, March 15, 1865, probably by guerrUlas; J. M. Jennings, same: W. A. Morgan, battle of NashvUle, December 17, 1864. Died : W. Benson, May 10, 1865 ; Irving Driver, May 10, 1865. Company E, officers: Captain, Macadoo Vannata; first lieutenant, M. C. Vick; second Ueutenant, James Williams; first sergeant, Bove Oakley; second ser geant, W. J. Crook; third sergeant, J. M. Johnson; fourth sergeant, George Turner ; fifth sergeant, G. W. Martin ; corporals, C. Booker, A. C. Cox, Virgil Ray, J. Ricketts, H. McCork, A. Blythe, C. Manners, F. A. Right; bugler, Len R. Scott; smith, G. W. Lanier. Privates : J. N. Alexander, H. C. Bennett, J. Y. Ben nett, T. Beadle, J. Crook, Tilman Crook, S. M. Chris tian, Leonard Cantrell, J. Capshaw, William Conley F. Culwell, J. W. Carroll, W. F. Craven, Berry Driver, H. H. Eskin, H. M. Fite, S. L. Gay, Leman Hale, J, Hickman, J. C. Huchens, Thomas Hass, T. Harris, J Harden, A. Harris, W. R. Hill, J. HiU, J. Hodges Francis Hollandsworth, S. Hughes, B. Hill, W. Jen kins, T. P. James, James Keaton, WUliam King, J. L. Kenard, J. Lawson, A. Lack, J. Manners, J. Maxfield, W. F. Metcalf, H. W. McGuire, Dous, John, James, 200 History of DeKalb County and Joseph Oakley, A. Pack, Barn Page, W. R. Parris, S. H. Patterson, P. Roberts, J. H. Rany, J. F. Scott, R. Stewart, J. P. Smith, Manson Scott, Isaac Turner, J. Thomas, John M. Trammel, T. W. Trammel, Thomas W. Tumer, William I. Turner, Barney Tay lor, T. I. Vance, E. Williams, B. G. Warren, Leonard F. Woodside, E. C. Walker, W. J. Stokes, D. F. Floyd, Dallas Adkins. Company F, officers: Captain, William L. Hatha way; first lieutenant, James H. White; second lieu tenant, Elijah Robinson ; first sergeant, Ben Hall ; sec ond sergeant, Tom Curtis; third sergeant, James Robinson; fourth sergeant, Seaborn Page; fifth ser geant, W. B. Coriey; corporals, John Hendrixon, Jesse Farler, Ike Gibbs, Daniel Hale, W. M. Moore, S. M. Pirtle, WiUiam Adamson, W. M. Short. Privates: L. J. Allison, Joe M. Banks, Thomas Biford, J. R. Cantrell, J. B. Carter, Asa Driver, J. M. Dunlap, Sim Estes, Isom Etheridge, Eli Evans, E. D. Fish, WiUiam Fitts, James Ford, Erastus D. Foster, Jonathan R. Fuson, James H. Fuson, J. M. Gilbert, Len Hathaway, J. B. Hardinlay, Smith Hendrixon, James R. Hicks, R. Hill, E. D. Hutchens, H. and I. C. Johnson, Tilman Joins, John Lasiter, Thomas Lead- better, L. B. Linsey, J. Linsey, Giles, R. E., and W. J. Martin, J. J. Maxwell, V. Mclntire, S. Neal, J. M., A., John, and Jacob Pack, Allen Page, Erwin Page, Wash Parsley, J. A. Parsley, J. F. Petit, J. E., Levi D., and C. H. Robinson, Ike Shehane, W. Snyder, E. Snow, John Smithson, E., J. T., Chesley, Bailey, and 201 History of DeKalb County Henry Taylor, W. Thomas, Joseph Turner, R. Wood ward, G. B. Woodward, J. M. Pack, A. L. Cummings, J. B. Edney, F. P. Kephart. Died : G. B. Woodward, J. M. Pack, April 8, 1865 ; A. L. Cummings, April 8, 1865. Company G, officers: Captain, James P. Patey; first lieutenant, S. B. Whitlock; second lieutenant, James A. Kitchings; first sergeant, G. E. Coatney; second sergeant, H. C. Barry; third sergeant, J. M. Enoch; fourth sergeant, A. Gwaltney; fifth sergeant, J. B. Barber ; corporals, T. H. Campbell, W. T. Allen, F. C. Allen, I. Manning. Privates: Henry H. Jones, D. B. Gwaltney, W. Beasly, J. T. Highers, Jere Agee, J. D. Agee, W. B Agee, F. Adcock, Benjamin Allen, G. K. Baker, A. J Baker, Turner Barrett, N. B. Boulton, J. Bray, P. J Baker, Ben Bradley, F. E. Buckner, L. Chandler, G. P. Campbell, A. H. Cowen, W. H. Coriey, M. F. Coat ney, Wamon Capshaw, William Cheek, Thomas Clark, Sam Denny, D. R. Enoch, T. F. Estes, W. Fuller, J. B. Farmer, J. Frederick, A. B. FuUer, A. Girins, John Gregory, C. G. Caskey, R. F. Hale, A. D. Helmantaler, W. D. Hudson, T. H. Hughes, J. Hunt, J. A. Hunt, Simeon Highers, B. A. James, G. D. King, B. F. Kid well, E. H. Liggin, W. J. Lance, J. W. Merritt, D. A. Macon, Burrel Manning, T. B. Mathis, S. B. McDowel, S. W. Macon, William Moss, A. C, J., J. N., and T. Nolan, John Ogle, J. G. Parton, James Preston, Moses Preston, James Pritchett, John Prentice, W. T. Stal- 202 History of DeKalb County ings, J. B. Smart, B. F., J. M., and W. J. Thomas, J. M. Watts, Dock WUkerson, J. N. Webb, G. Williams, Sam Winfrey, G. B. Boulton. Company H, officers : First lieutenant, J. T. Thomp son; second lieutenant, T. H. Berry; sergeants, T. D. Sutney, James Weaver, J. R. Word, T. H. Lanham, J. W. Fisher; corporals, Paris Campbell, J. Campbell, D. S. Holt, W. N. Ricks, D. T. Thomison, W. S. Stuart, E. A. Barbee, W. A. Jacobs. Privates : T. M. Allen, S. H. Alexander, A. H. Ash worth, W. E. Bond, J. W. Berry, T. J., J. F., and James F. Bell, W. Ball, G. and W. L. Biss, J. Berry, J. Bond, B. Craig, J. R. Cummings, J. H. Cunningham, B. Climer, Jim W. Carney, A. N. Cummings, J. A. Cun ningham, J. C. Edwards, Ben Elkins, L. A. Farmer, J. Griffin, W. H. GiU, C. B. Griffin, J. Harrison, J. W. Herron, J. P. Henderson, L. F. Holland, J. W. James, William Kelly, H. B. Gurnan, J. M. Gurnan, H. A. Midgit, Presley Merritt, R. M. Porterfield, S. T. Por terfield, G. W. Patterson, W. L. Singleton, William Springs, G. Springs, E. Shadwick, S. Spears, Z. F Spears, M. H. Thompson, J. R. Thompson, J. L., J M., and A. Tanner, Thomas Tuggle, R. F. Thomas W. Thompson, E. P. Tracy, I. N. Vaught, W. J Vaught, M. A. Wallace, R. H. Walker, M. Wintherly G. W., A. P., Ben, and William Williams, C. C. Wood^ C. H. Young, William Younger, George Oakley, James Oakley, James Yates. Died : James Oakley, of wounds, February 4, 1865. 203 History of DeKalb County Company I, officers; Captain, John Simpson; first lieutenant, H. C. Sanders; second lieutenant, C. W. Meeker (later C. M. Pitts) ; first sergeant, G. W. Dimean; second sergeant, J. W. Fleman; third ser geant, C. A. Bailiff; fourth sergeant, T. J. Wilburn; fifth sergeant, Joel Dodson ; corporals, T. W. Johnson, J. T. White, J. M. Haney, J. F. S. Hardaway, W. P. Conner, J. F. Rombo, J. C. Chambers, J. WaUcer. Privates : R. M. Adams, W. S. Ashen, James Allen, A. G. Barnes, N. F. Bishop, J. M. Bankston, Bird L. Bates, F. M. Barnett, D. O. Brown, F. M. Cassell, S. D. Eddie, D. C. Fleeman, D. G. Greer, C. G. Head, J. Head, J. Heath, W. W. Heath, M. Hart, R. Harring ton, S. House, C. Jones, N. F. Jones, C. Jordan, O. Jordon, Thomas Keath, John Kirby, F. M. Keath, J. D. Lossen, James Laurence, Miles Leary, T. J. Lewis, R. J. Maxwell, A. Medley, L. McGinnis, Alfred Mor ris, Thomas Malone, T. M. McCormack, J. A. Manley, J. F. and G. W. Majors, W. P. Maxwell, J. Mitchell, Isham A. Morris, S. McCroy, H. Nolly, J. Penny, A. L. Ferryman, D. E. Ferryman, W. Pearce, J. Reaves, D. R. Roberts, T. J. Riggs, T. L. Richardson, A. Riley, Ben Scaggs, J. H. Sandusky, W. F. Sandusky, J. J. Spray, P. Seay, T. Smith, L. D. Smith, J. G. Smith- son, J. T. Tanner, R. A. Thatch, J. R. Tubb, W. L. Todd, J. Wiley, J. Watson, L. D., W. H., and R. P. WUliams, J. W. Todd, J. Tolman, John C. Conner, T. J. Hart, W. H. McClaffity, F. Spurlock, T. J. Welch, J. W. Armstrong, S. M. Baker, Eli Barnett, J. Baker, J. H. Crane, A. Gibbs, W. H. Gillan, W. J. Hollis, J. E. Sweeler, G. W. Smith, J. W. Woriey. 204 History of DeKalb County Died : John C. Conner, January 26, 1865 ; T. J. Hart, January 16, 1865; W. H. McClaffity, February 16, 1865; F. Spurlock, February 8, 1865; T. J. Welch, Febmary 8, 1865. Company K, officers: Captain, Rufus Dowdy; first Ueutenant, H. T. Smallage; second lieutenant, W. H, Wilhite; first sergeant, John Parker; second sergeant, James WUhite; third sergeant, E. M. Long; fourth sergeant, J. F. Deck; fifth sergeant, F. Coatney; cor porals, J. A. HiU, J. F. Mulligan, J. F. Koger, William Frederick, J. Cooper, D. Godsey, J. Stover, J. R. Grimes. Privates: H. Armis, John, W., and Van Allen, J. M. Boyle, L. P. Baker, M. M. Bryan, B. H. Bracher, E. Bird, J. Bohanan, J. H. Briant, W. T. Curnley, John Courlington, E. Cash, H. Clark, D. C. Clark, Green P. Cantrell, H. I. Cooper, W. H. Capshaw, J. Cargill, H. L. Dox, William Duese, J. Dickson, C. C. Fowler, F. M. Fergfuson, William Flowers, G. Goodman, Wil liam Green, J. Godsey, W. B. HiU, R. Highers, G. W. Hendrixson, D. H. Hall, W. B. Hoyder, J. N. Johnson, R. M. Johnson, E. Jackson, L. Jackson, W. E. Jones, W. S. Kirby, L. Liles, J. F. Martin, Thomas Mason, J. H. Moore, John Maries, James Maires, R. L. New man, J. Prater, G. W. Plumlee, A. Parker, R. Foe, J. S. Prater, G. W. Roberts, Jeff Reynolds, J. S., F., and A. SHger, Asbury Scott, W. J. Smith, G. Stephens, S. Settle, R. Savage, J. R. Sisson, D. M. Southerland, WUliam H. Southeriand, A. J. Sells, J. H. Smith, J. A. Stone, G. A. Finch, A. J. Tucker, J. Whitaker, A. 205 History of DeKalb County J. Williams, Marshall Walker, W. B. Davis, J. P. HiU, W. L. Hunter, T. McNair, J. E. Pritchard, W. A. Pritchard. A. J. Garrison made up a company (G) which be came a part of the First Federal Regiment of Mounted Infantry, Col. A. E. Garrett. The regiment served mainly in the northeastern part of Middle Tennessee, having frequent encounters with guerriUas. Captain Garrison was born in DeKalb County of a pioneer family. He probably died in Arkansas, to which State he removed after the war. Company G, officers: Captain, Andrew J. Garrison; lieutenants, L. N. Woodside, appointed March 21, 1864; Elijah Bratten, appointed December 5, 1864. Privates : Stephen Barnes, C. A. Coe, John Conley, H. M. Crook, M. Harris, Amos Gilly, John HUl, Joe Herryman (i), Joe Herryman (2), B. Herrington, A. J. Hullet, William Jones, B. F. Jones, W. W. Jackson, Morris Marcum, G. W. Norton, I. N. Fite, James Waford, Francis Hall, Jo and John Parkerson, John Merritt, Mickeral Manners, John Rodgers, John Rey nolds, R. S'ullens, J. A. Taylor, M. A. Thomason, H. Vanover, S. O. Williams, Lem Barger, John Martin, William Scott, Newton Brown, Brax Malone, Thomas Bates, James AUen, W. B. Bates, N. Bradley, J. H. Bradley, G. Chatham, R. S. Dale, John G. Dale, O. P, Durham, W. B. Farmer, H. L. Farmer, J. H. Fite, Jason Foutch, W. J. Foutch, Josiah Hicks, John W. Hass, Joe Hullet, H. C. Hardcastle, Ainberson Coriey, 206 History of DeKalb County John Jones, W. W. Jackson, J. B. Lewis, J. B. Malone, Daniel Mathis, Jo Neal, Levi Neal, WUliam Pogue, Lem Parker, Oliver Patterson, Shadrack Robertson, William Reasonover, William Sewell, J. Scudder, George Thomason, James Woodside, Henry Wooden, O. Parkerson, Memphis Goodson, W. Midigett, W. H. Adams. Died: W. H. Adams, Ainberson Coriey, Memphis Goodson, and W. Midigett, 1864; Oliver Patterson, 1865. 207 CHAPTER XVIII. Progress of the Big War. In Gen. M. J. Wright's volume, "Tennessee in the War," are listed the following fights which took place on DeKalb County soil from 1861 to the close of the War between the States : Alexandria, February 3-5, 1863; SmithvUle, June 4. 5. 1863; Snow's Hill, April 2, 6, June 4, 1863; Liberty, January 21, 22, February 3-5, 17-20, March 19, April 1-8, May 12, 16, June 4, 1863 ; Salem, March 21, May 20, 1863; Salem Pike, June 12, 1863.* Some of these skirmishes were long-drawn-out, and of course they do not include occasional uncontested entrances of one side or the other into the county, such as the passing of Wheeler's Cavalry in 1864. It is seen in the list that almost every section of De Kalb had some knowledge of war's alarms. Stokes's, Blackburn's, or Garrison's men frequently camped on their old Liberty stamping grounds. At this place there was for a while a negro company, maybe more, the headquarters being the Methodist church. The DeKalb County Federals built the stockade on the hiU just west of Liberty, and while at Alexandria they occupied the fair grounds. Occasionally they were at Smithville, but only for short periods. Troops under ?The number of battles and skirmishes in the entire State is given in Volume XII. of the "Confederate Military Histo ry," and each is pointed out by date and location. The num ber was seven hundred and seventy-four. 208 History of DeKalb County Gen. J. T. WUder or one or more of his colonels and other Federal officers made frequent forays from Mur freesboro and NashviUe via Auburn and Alexandria. WhUe the writer was on the editorial staff of tlie KnoxviUe Evening Sentinel in 1898 General Wilder made occasional visits to the office, and when compil ing the "History of Tennessee and Tennesseeans" in 191 3 he requested the General to write of his experi ences in Middle Tennessee. This was graciously agreed to, but later the General found it impossible to comply. However, there is an interesting biography of him in the history mentioned. He had the Liberty steam mill* bumed and also WUliam Vick's vacant storehouse. The latter was destroyed because the Con federates had wheat stored in it. In the biography it is said: "He [Wilder] took a specially active part in the operations through Central Tennessee. At one time Rosecrans had ordered him to burn all the miUs in this region of the State; but instead of destroying them he broke the principal gear, so that they could not be operated. When he reported to Rosecrans what he had done, the general told him he had disobeyed orders, but would excuse him that time." From the occupation of the county by Gen, John H. Morgan's forces date the series of skirmishes which took place therein. In the history of Morgan's Cav alry Gen. B. W. Duke declares that the object was to defend Bragg's right wing after the latter had re- *After the destruction of the mill the citizens had to depend upon Crips's Mill, on Dry Creek, and that of William Bate, on Helton Creek. 14 209 History of DeKalb County treated following the battle of Murfreesboro, Decem ber 3, 1862, to January i, 1863. This wing extended from Woodbury, Tenn., into Wayne County, Ky., a distance of one hundred and twenty miles. Liberty being the most important point on the line, strategi- caUy considered, the main force was established there. Duke says also that they kept within safety of Snow's HUl; but he finally decided that this place of retreat, when the command was closely pursued, was not as safe as it had been regarded. Morgan's command reached Smithville January 4, 1863. It remained there and at Sligo ten days. Then it marched to McMinnville, where the commander made his headquarters. On January 23 Col. John C. Breckinridge was ordered to move to Liberty with three regiments — the Third Kentucky, Lieutenant Colonel Hutchinson; the Ninth Kentucky, Lieutenant Colonel Stoner; and the Ninth Tennessee, Colonel Ward. Col. A. R. Johnson was already in the vicinity of Liberty with the Tenth Kentucky. Capt. Thomas Quirk was sent ahead of the three regiments. He was an Irishman commanding sixty scouts. Before he could be supported, he was driven from the viUage by Federals, however. This must have been about January 21 or 22. When Colonel Breckinridge arrived he occupied the country immediately in front of Liberty, picketing aU the roads. Shortly afterwards Colonel Stoner, with several companies, was ordered to Kentucky, leaving the Confederate force about one thousand effective men. There was a similar force in the neighborhood 210 History of DeKalb County of McMinnvUle and Woodbury. During January, Feb ruary, and March the Confederates were kept con stantly scouting and making expeditions. Fights were of almost daily occurrence somewhere near the line they were defending. "Perhaps no period in the his tory of Morgan's Cavalry can be cited in which more exciting service was performed," avers General Duke. General Stokes's troops, or a portion of them, were frequently with General Wilder's in making these forays into -the county. The Stokes home was three miles down Smith Fork Creek, north of Liberty, and the Confederates had a great desire to capture its owner. One of the Kentucky soldiers, writing to the Confederate Veteran for September, 1898, says: "J^iberty is a village situated at the base of Snow's HUl, fifty miles due east from Nashville. Rome would have been a better name for the town, as it seemed that all the pikes and dirt roads in Tennessee led to Liberty. . . . Somewhere on the road between Liberty and Cumberland [Caney Fork] River there lived at that time a Col. Bill Stokes, an officer of some note, of whom we heard a good deal in time of the war. It was Colonel Ward's ambition, as well as that of his men, who were Tennesseeans, to capture Colonel Stokes, and they made diligent search for him and at the same time guarded his house closely with the expectation of finding Colonel Stokes at home." While Lieut. G. C. Ridley was with Morgan's force at Liberty in 1863 he received an order to select ten picked men to go by way of Alexandria, Lebanon, and GoodlettsviUe and send a messenger on the quiet to 2ir History of DeKalb County NashviUe to ascertain the location of the Federals and their approaches. Near Payne's Ferry, on the Cum berland River, they found a young lady willing to make the secret trip into Nashville. In twelve hours she was back with a complete diagram. Receiving it. Lieu tenant Ridley started back posthaste, but soon learned that General Wilder with a large force had marched from Murfreesboro by way of Lebanon and Alexan dria to attack Liberty. Ridley changed his course for Columbia, going by PeytonvUle, WUliamson County. Near the latter place he was chased by Cross' South ern guerrillas, who thought he was a Federal. Lieu tenant Ridley and squad finally reached General For rest at Columbia. Speaking of General Wilder, he was once assisted into DeKalb County by a Union girl. She was Miss Mary, daughter of Dr. J. W. Bowen, of Gordonsville. He had started out from Nashville with seven scouts. These scouts were captured by Confederates, all wounded, five dying from their wounds. General Wilder reached GordonsvUle after dark. Dr. Bowen being absent. Miss Bowen volunteered to act as his guide to Smithville. It was dark and rainy, but the trip was successfully made. Miss Bowen became Mrs. Aust, mother of John R. Aust, a prominent lawyer at NashviUe. On January 29, 1863, General Morgan, with Major Steele, Captain CarroU, and a few men, came to Liberty from McMinnviUe and selected fifty men to enter Nashville stealthily, burn the commissary stores, and in the confusion of the fire make their escape. Among 212 History of DeKalb County these intrepid scouts was Captain Quirk. But at Stewart's Ferry, on Stone's River, they met the cap tain of a Michigan regiment with twenty men. For a while the enemy conversed, Morgan claiming to be Captain Johnson, of the Fifth Kentucky Regiment of Federals. Presently the Federals saw under their over coats the Confederates' gray pants. This spoiled the raid ; for whUe fifteen of the Federals were captured, the others reached Nashville and gave the alarm. Before Mr. B. L. Ridley, of Murfreesboro, became a lieutenant on the staff of Lieut. Gen. A. P. Stewart he was a private in Colonel Ward's regiment, camped at Liberty. In a letter dated March 23, 1914, he writes : I was a boy then — ^had been in the war a good while before, but had never regularly enlisted until Morgan settled down in Liberty. Our quarters for the winter were near where the pike runs through between the creek and the hillside, forming a covered road [Allen's Bluff]. We were just north of the road that runs toward Woodbury, and my regiment g^uarded that road. We also scouted toward Auburn and Alexandria; and on one occasion Colonel Ward took us over to near Car thage, where we captured a big wagon train and a large escort of guards. All the prisoners we marched through Liberty to the rear. , Rosecrans was stationed at Murfreesboro, and General Wilder was one of our adversaries. With him was Stokes's regiment. The latter, with Wilder's support, made frequent raids upon us. They came out on foraging expeditions and a number of times drove us back to Snow's Hill. Sometimes Federal parties would go out on the Woodbury Pike to Mc Minnville. Then we would intercept the raiders by marching out from Liberty and threatening the rear, when they would get back toward Murfreesboro. My company was often made to picket the Woodbury [Clear Fork] Road. One day our 213 History of DeKalb County base was near the house of a man who seemed to have two hundred chickens. He looked as surly as a snarling cur. His folks were in the Yankee army, and he was no doubt a home guard. We tried to buy some of his chickens, but he would not selL Anyhow, the boys captured twenty-five and hid them. The officers found it out, and we had to carry them back. He refused even to give us one or two! We got the wife of one of Stokes's cavalry to wash our clothes and cook our rations. We made a contract with her that if we captured her husband we would treat him kindly if she promised she would make him be kind if he captured us. She agreed. But after the war Favor Cason told me it was fortunate that we did not fall into that fellow's hands, as he was a cutthroat. I have forgotten his name. Together with my brother, I called on Mrs. W. B. Stokes, and she treated us kindly. All of these raids were made by General Wilder, but Stokes's cavalry was usually with him. While at Liberty the battle of Milton came off. Captain Cossett, of my company, being killed by my side. He was under arrest for writing a letter to President Davis asking for a pass to slip into the Federal lines and kill Abe Lincoln, but, securing weapons, went into the fight.* The battle of Milton took place March 20, 1863. Early that morning Morgan's men at Liberty were notified to hasten toward Milton and attack Colonel Hall, who had already driven the Confederate outposts to within a few mUes of Liberty. All was excitement. The pike from the village was crowded with horsemen, ?All Americans have heard of the assassination of Presi dent Lincoln by John Wilkes Booth, the actor. Few have heard that it was meditated two years previously by a soldier in camp at Liberty. Were Booth and Captain Cossett ren dered insane by brooding over the war and its havoc? 214 History of DeKalb County first in a gallop, then in a wild dash toward Auburn. Many horses fell, but the Confederates passed through Auburn amid cheers and waving of handkerchiefs by the citizens. Colonel Hall retreated, but was over taken and forced to fight; then came the pop of small arms, the roar of cannon, and the yeUs of the con testants. The battle was stubborn and long. It lasted three hours, the Confederate loss being about three hundred. Morgan's ammunition gave out, and he had to withdraw. The Federals went back to Murfrees boro, the Confederates to Liberty. Captains Cossett, Cooper, Sale, and Marr were kUled. When Morgan reached Liberty with his two thou sand cavalry the citizens looked on a sight they would always remember — the dead cavalrymen tied on horses and the dead artillerymen strapped on the caisson and gun carriages. The St. Louis writer to the Confederate Veteran, R. L. Thompson, mentioned a while ago, was a soldier at Liberty at this time. In his article he says of the battle of MUton : "While in camp at Liberty I remem ber one morning about two o'clock, while the cold rain was pouring down. Cooper the bugler gave the boots and saddle caU quick and lively. At the same time Johnson's pickets were hotly engaged on the Murfrees boro Pike. We went briskly toward the sounds of the guns and continued to go until we reached the town of Milton. There we found General Morgan with a part of his force in battle with Federal infantry. Two batteries were engaged in a duel when we arrived. As soon as our regiment put in its appearance the Federal 215 History of DeKalb County battery began firing on our column. . . . One shell stopped at our feet, and Comrade Judge emptied his canteen of water on it, extinguishing the fuse. We dismounted and entered a large cedar thicket, the ground being covered with large rock which sheltered us from bullets. When the battle ceased we withdrew, bringing the dead and wounded away, all that we could find, on our horses, the dead tied on. The battery re moved its killed and wounded in the same way, the dead strapped on the caisson and gun carriages." The writer recaUs this scene of the dead soldiers. The day was cool and cloudy. The main street was then about where W. L. Vick's business house stood in 1814. At this point the command halted. Some of the wagons with the dead were near the yard fence of the writer's home. A former DeKalb Countian and a gentleman of veracity writes: "An incident of the Milton fight I remember very distinctly. I was then at Sligo Ferry, a small boy. My father had been paroled and had taken his family to Sligo. Captain Ragen, of Mor gan's command, was sick at our house. Learning of the probable fighting at Milton, he went to his com mand against my mother's protest. Leaving one day, he was killed the next. I presume he was one of the dead men brought through Liberty tied on horses. Another incident: The Kentuckians at one time were camped in the woods on our place at Sligo. They had no tents. One mess, sleeping behind a log, were, with the exception of one man, kiUed by a falling tree. All were buried at Sligo. My mother took their trinkets 216 History of DeKalb County and forwarded the same to their relatives. After wards their remains were removed, I think, to Ver sailles, Ky. About eight years ago I was on a train going from Louisville to Chicago and met a very handsome gentleman, finely dressed and prosperous- looking. I cannot now recall his name, but in the course of conversation I learned that he was the soldier who escaped death from the falling tree. He had been hurt, but not seriously." 217 CHAPTER XIX. Personal Experiences. During the winter and spring of 1863 the Federals advanced three times in heavy force against Liberty — cavalry, infantry, and artUlery. On these occasions the noncombatants went in droves to the hills north west of town for protection, stopping either at the home of John Bethel or that of Thomas Richardson. From Bethel's the movements of the troops could be seen. If the Confederates were beaten and pushed back on Snow's Hill, they often followed the pur suers when the latter retired. While all this was occurring Allison's Squadron fre quently took part. Not infrequently it was engaged alone with the enemy. James H. Burton, of the squad ron, relates this experience: "On one occasion a part of the battalion was camped in the beech grove near Daniel Smith's, just north of Liberty — ^about seventy- five men, portions of the three companies. Lieut. D. Brien was in command of the picket guard of ten men. He placed a vidette at the corner of the two streets, where stood the storehouse of William Vick that was burned. The picket guard were all the troops whose horses were saddled, when a stranger came along with a wounded horse and told us that a large force of Fed erals had fired on him at the forks of the pike, two miles west of Liberty. The guard went to meet them and did meet them not far from Salem Church. We fired a volley, and then the race back through the vil- 218 History of DeKalb County lage and toward Snow's Hill began. All the guard had an even start, but by the time I reached Leonard Moore's (about the center of Liberty) I was at least seventy-five yards ahead and constantly gaining. I soon made the turn down the main street and heard no more bullets. When the Yankees began shooting down the main street I had made the turn for the bridge. Keeping the advantage to the end, I beat the other guards about one hundred yards. The boys guyed me for leaving them. I resented this, when Colonel Alli son said he saw the race from start to finish and that I came out ahead only because I had the best horse." Mr. Burton adds : "When the picket guard reached the command north of Daniel Smith's, the boys were mounted, and a running fight occurred to Dry Creek bridge. Here Company C, under Capt. R. V. Wright, stopped and waited for the Federals, then fired when they came up, checking them for a short time. At the Stanford home Company B, under Captain Reece, was left on the south side of the pike. His men, when the Federals approached, fired again, checking them the second time. Company A was left behind Asbury Church, and it held the enemy back till our company wagons, loaded with bacon, got well up Snow's HiU. The bacon was what we were fighting for. One of our men, Tom Coleman, was slightly wounded in the foot by a spent ball. In the skirmish at Dry Creek bridge Lieut. D. Brien's horse got away from him. He could not be caught, and, seeing the Federals would get the animal, Brien ordered the men to shoot him. At Stanford's place a good roan horse came into our 219 History of DeKalb County lines, and Lieutenant Brien got him. He had blood on the saddle and a Spencer rifle and belt of cartridges on the saddle horn. There were seventy-five men all told on our side, and fifteen hundred Federals. They thought we were the advance guard of Morgan's Cav alry. If they had known our real strength, they would have made short work of us. I never knew till I came to Arkansas that we hit any of the enemy, when Frank Dowell told me they used his barn for a hospital ; that four died, and he thought four more died later. Dowell lived near the Dry Creek bridge." A considerable fight came off near the intersection of the Murfreesboro and Lebanon roads, or the forks of the pikes. Lieut. Ed Reece, who took part, tells this incident in connection with the affair: Capt. Jack Recce's company of AUison's Squadron, which usually camped near Alexandria, left the camps on Helton Creek, going west toward Wilson County. They were scouting for Yankees. None being discovered, they made a fierce attack on John Barleycorn, intrenched at Isaac Smith's stillhouse, on the road leading north from the present store or post office called Mahone. Turning back toward Alexandria directly, they learned of an engagement going on near the forks of the pike and galloped in that direction. Reaching the scene of battle. Captain Reece and his troopers took a position in the woods and awaited orders. While there Colonel Allison and the remainder of the squadron arrived. "Captain Reece," said Allison, "you have no busi ness here. Withdraw your company." "Colonel AUi- 220 History of DeKalb County son," was the reply [Captain Reece feeling the stimu lus yet over the victory of John Barleycorn], "Com pany B will remain where it is." "Captain Reece, you are drunk," asserted Allison. "Colonel AUison," snapped Reece, "you're a damned liar." At this the two urged their horses nearer each other and on horseback engaged in a savage fist-and-skuU battle. When both were nearly out of breath, and it was forced upon all that their energies were needed against the common enemy, comrades interfered. Isaiah White was in this skirmish, and he says the Federals and Confederates were so near each other that he recognized acquaintances on the Federal side — Captain Hathaway, Colonel Blackburn, and others. H. L. Hale, recalling boyish memories of these occa sions, says that there were times, as the Confederates were pushed back stubbomly through Liberty and north toward Snow's HUl, when the opposing forces were only a few hundred yards apart. Part of Stokes's Regiment was advancing one day, and he saw Miss Mattie Hathaway run out to the front gate and speak a few words to her sweetheart, Capt. W. L. Hathaway, while bullets were whizzing around them. Skirmishes were so frequent that comparatively slight disturbances would put the citizens and soldiers in commotion. About sunset on one occasion a tre mendous roar, somewhat resembling the roll of tiiun- der, was heard westward. Confederates at supper in the writer's home hastened to the street. The sound grew louder as the moments passed. The mystery was soon solved. A Federal wagon train had been cap- 221 History of DeKalb County tured, and the captors were forcing the teamsters to drive their fastest. This may have been the train men tioned elsewhere by Lieutenant Ridley. It proved a rich haul. That evening boxes were opened and the Confederates' hosts and hostesses given many fine presents. The following notes may be of interest, some of them being illuminative of viUage life during war times : In January, 1863, Maj. J. P. Austin and Capt. Wil liam Roberts, Confederates, with fifty men, left Liberty for the Andrew Jackson home to capture a squad of Federal couriers stationed there. Passing through Alexandria, then between Lebanon and Baird's Mills, they reached the Hermitage by midnight. The couriers having left, Morgan's men repaired to Lavergne, where, finding the enemy barricaded in a log house, they captured the latter, thirteen in number, and car ried them to Liberty. By the way, during the time Morgan's men were in the county, says General Duke, they captured more Federals than there were effective men in Morgan's command. In a sharp fight at Lavergne between DeKalb Fed erals and a force of Confederates Charley Blackburn, brother of Col. Joe Blackbum, was killed. There were a number of tragedies in the county. Sim Adamson, who had been in the Confederate army, was killed near Alexandria. Mon Adkins, a Union soldier, was killed by Capt. Jack Garrison, at the lat ter's home, near Forks-of-the-Pike, at the close of the 22i History of DeKalb County war. James Hays, a young man, and Mr. Bullard, an aged citizen, were brought to Liberty by Federals, tried by court-martial, and shot. A Confederate sol dier was kUled in a field near Salem Church. The killing of several Union soldiers at Smithville by Pomp Kersey's raiders is mentioned in this work. A Confed erate prisoner named Parrish was killed one night in Alexandria by the Federal soldier guarding him. While conscripting to recruit AUison's Squadron at Alexandria John Bowman was slain. Sometimes when the Confederates would chase the Federals out of Liberty it was a good opportunity for the wives of secessionists to get together and rejoice in secret. There was one lady, Polly Hayes Knight, who lived three or foUr miles away, truly a feminine fire- eater, and who frequently came to the writer's home with no other object, as she said, than to "indulge in a big laugh over some unhappy defeat of the Yanks." The stories she told and the laughter she and her listeners indulged in were really refreshing. One day while there Mrs. "Puss" Turner, the wife of a Union ist and one of the sweetest of the neighbor women, came in. "I was passing the house of Spicy Combs just now," she said. [Spicy was the wife of a rather sorry Fed eral soldier named Bill Flolly, but was always called by her former husband's name.] "She called me in to taste some sweet cakes she had just baked." "And you found them very crisp and nice?" she was asked. "I will let you say," said she, "when I teU you that I could 223 History of DeKalb County have put my toe on the edge of one of those cakes and stretched the other side to the overhead ceiling."* During the stay of Morgan's men at Liberty, Quirk's Scouts especially made friends with both Union and Confederate sympathizers. WhUe snow was on the ground the soldiers would encourage the village lads to engage in cob battles and greatly enjoyed them. With Morgan's troops was a seventeen-year-old youth named John A. Wyeth. He is to-day one of the lead ing physicians and surgeons of New York and author of the finest life yet written of General Forrest. The writer of these annals recalls one Federal soldier whom the three boys in his home learned to love — ^Joe Baker, probably with a regiment of Kentuckians. He was kind-hearted and loved nothing better than to romp with the children. A well-remembered Kentucky Confederate trooper of Morgan's command was Jeff Citizen, who was bibulous. When drinking he dis ported on his calico mule and sang continuously and unmusically : *Was there at any time during the war a United States, Confederate States, or Tennessee statute or license providing for something in the nature of trial or special marriages for the soldiers? As a small lad the writer heard such a thing discussed at Liberty, and there was a mutual-consent contract of the kind there between a soldier from another State and a widow. They cohabited about six months, when the soldier was called to some other section. The marriage thus an nulled by mutual consent, the woman some months later married another man according to the conventional law. This is not a dream; others remember the facts. 224 History of DeKalb County I lay ten dollars down, And bet them every one. That every time we have a fight The Yankees they will run. Mr. B. G. Slaughter, formerly of Quirk's Confed erate scouts, but after the war editor of the Winchester (Term.) Home Journal, wrote W. L. Vick in 1902, something of the scouts' stay in Liberty. He says that Captain Quirk had headquarters in the Methodist church, and his men were quartered near, taking meals with the villagers, Union and secession.* He recalled his own host's family, "a gentle wife and daughter and peaceful-faced old gentleman, who had a son-in-law in Stokes's Cavalry." Mr. Slaughter adds: "On one occasion we were on scout toward Murfreesboro — I think to a point about three miles from Liberty. We had just gone down a long slant through a wooded country to a branch emptying into Smith Fork (which flowed paraUel with the pike). The bridge over the branch had been washed out, or else the floor had been removed by the Federals that morning as a trap should they force us to retreat. The place was a deep gulch. We had to take a stock path above the bridge to cross and get back to the pike. We had not gone far — ^little more than a mile — ^when we reached a glade to our right, where a dirt road intersected the pike at right angles, though pointing from us. Just beyond this ?The writer of this history remembers having been often aroused from slumber by the songs of the scouts— Jim Mc- Gcwdy} Bill McCreary, and others— singing "Lorena" or "Tenting on the Old Camp Ground." They were a jovial set 15 225 History of DeKalb County Captain Quirk called a consultation. It was decided that the Yankees were 'laying' for us, a larger force than ours. He called me by my camp name, 'Squirrel,' and ordered me to go back to camp and bring all our men fit for duty, cautioning me that the Yankees might cut me off just ahead. With a dash I began the daring ride. At tiie intersection of the dirt road and pike I saw two bluecoats under spur to cut me off. They commanded me to halt, but I went down the pike, the enemy in pursuit. They were no doubt confident of capturing me at the floorless bridge. They were gain ing ground; but with a firm, steady pull old sorrel Charley cleared the breach, a distance of nearly twenty feet and deep enough to have kiUed rider and horse. The animal did not make a check on the other side. With a loud cheer and a parting shot I soon left the pursuers." The bridge mentioned was probably near the present residence of Grant Roy, the county surveyor. Alexandria did not escape the excitement of the times. Besides the encampment of local soldiers. Gen eral Wheeler, General Wharton, Colonel Smith, and Colonel Harrison (of the Eighth Texas) were fa miliar in that and the surrounding communities. They were camped on the various roads — Carthage, States- ville, Lebanon, and Murfreesboro. It was from Alex andria that General Morgan started on his famous raid through Ohio and Indiana. Sometime during the war an old Scotch word "ske daddle," which was applied to milk spilt over the pail in carrying it, was made to take on a new meaning, 226 History of DeKalb County The Northern papers said the Southem forces were skedaddled by the Federals. The word soon became common. Many rich stories were told of how the DeKalb County noncombatants would flee from their homes when the enemy dashed suddenly into a com munity. Perhaps one of the best is that in which Hon. Horace A. OveraU figured. A number of skedaddlers on a very cold night were sleeping in a bam at the head of one of the Clear Fork hollows, among them a rather simple-minded man. This man about midnight awoke his comrades with the startling news that the Yankees were coming. "How do you know its Yan kees?" he was asked. "Because I hear Patsy Spur- lock's dogs barkin' down the branch," was the reply. "But before I take the bitter cold," said Overall, crawl ing back into the hay, "you'll have to convince me that Patsy Spurlock's dogs won't bark at anything but Yan kees." The following, contributed to a newspaper some years ago by the writer, has 'to do with a very small lad's memories of the time that tried the soul : It does not appear now that war times in our village were so unpleasant. But at moments the childish heart must have been filled with fear. I remember the sudden dash of soldiers into the village now and then, the popping reports, the scam pering to a hiding place by noncombatants. One late afternoon some Confederates took the village, but all I remember of that occasion is that one of the men entered Joe Blackburn's stable and took out a fine stallion. On another afternoon old Mr. Bullard was executed east of the steam mill, and four Feder als, ahold of his hands and feet, brought him up the street I noted that his hair hung down and his coat tail dragged on the 22^ History of DeKalb County ground. There was a night when we were awakened by ex cited citizens on the street. Some one explained that "Uncle Ben Blades has been killed in his own house and is swelling badly." My mother told the informant to put a small bag of salt on his stomach, and it would prevent swelling. Jim Clark, a youth, had been killed on another occasion by Pomp Kersey's men. Often that day I looked across the fields toward his home, saw the crowd of sympathizing friends gathered before his burial, and wondered how he looked and how his father comported himself. General Wilder's men bumed a store house in the village. Doubtless there was fear in many hearts, but L ordy noticed how black the smoke was that bulged out of the chimney. Then when he bumed the big mill, and I stood looking out the south window, again I was attracted mainly to the black volume rolling up from the smokestack. I marveled greatly when I saw on the ruins of the store molten glass ; that it could be melted was something I had not known. One late summer afternoon an ox team toiled up the village street, stopping in front of the John Hays storehouse, which, like all others, was vacant. Seven or eight dead bod ies, piled on the cart like rails, were carried in and laid on the floor — all that was left of Kersey's guerrillas. In one room in our home there were two beds, my father occupying one with the youngest child, Bruce, and my mother the other with two children. Suddenly one midnight the hysterical wife of a Union soldier in night clothes rapped at the door, imploring us to admit her quickly. My mother opened the door, when the woman, in the darkness and while in terror crying that the Rebels had entered the town, jumped into the wrong bed! 228 CHAPTER XX. Regular and Guerrilla Warfare. The most important battle in the county took place in the spring of 1863. It seems to have been expected by Morgan's command at Liberty, for the scouts — the eyes of an army — ^were out all night in the direction of both Auburn and Alexandria. Bums's Confederate Battery was posted on one of the hiUsides east or northeast of the village, where it could be trained on the bridge and turnpike at the northern extremity of the town. At various distances on the turnpike between Liberty and Snow's Hill were stationed forces of Confederates. Allison's Squadron was engaged in this affair, as well as Morgan's com mand. After daylight the Federals appeared in force some distance west of the viUage. They were met by the Second Kentucky and Quirk's Scouts. Charged upon vigorously, the Confederates retreated. It was a miracle that they were able to pass through the covered bridge. It was here that Bums's artUlery did good work. As the Confederates choked the bridge, the battery opened up on the Federals swarming out the north end of the viUage, checking them sufficiently to allow the Confederates to pass through the bridge. By this time the Federals had from the northwest trained their cannon on their foes, and soon Bums's Battery started for Snow's HiU. There was a stubborn fight all along the road, and 229 History of DeKalb County at last Snow's Hill was reached, where the Confeder ates made a stand, though not for long. It was soon ascertained that a column of Federals had gone up Dry Creek and out the Manhill road to strike them in the rear and cut them off completely from escape. This road passes by the farm of the widow George Turner, through the Farler hollow, gradually climbs the southern side of Snow's Hill, and intersects with the stage road near the Atwell schoolhouse, east of where the Confederates made their stand. Discovering the intention of the enemy. Colonel Huffman, with the Third Kentucky Confederates, was sent to check them, but did not reach the gap in time. However, he delayed the advance guard until the troops of Colonel Breckinridge (now retreating) had passed the point where the Union cavalry might have cut them off from Smithville seven miles east. Lieutenant Ridley, already quoted, says further in his letter : "I recollect well that Snow's Hill fight. Gen eral Morgan was at McMinnville that day. The enemy commenced pushing us back about daybreak from the intersection of the Auburn and Alexandria Pike, grad ually driving us to Snow's Hill. Our regiment was on the hill, and our troops formed all the way from the hill to the rear of about where Colonel Stokes's residence was. Our artillery was planted on the pike approaching the hill (I believe it was Burns's Battery), and we had an artillery duel for several hours. After a while we were ordered to form a line of battle in the rear of Snow's Hill, on the Dry Creek road. Quirk's Scouts, it seems, were fighting Captain Blackburn, of 230 History of DeKalb County Stokes's Cavalry, on that road and falling back on us. The Dry Creek road at that point flanked the hill. As we lay there, two or three other regiments formed be hind us, and our orders were, if too heavily pressed, to fire and fall back on these regiments. "Suddenly we saw the Yankees coming around the hill on the Dry Creek road. Some of the men said it was Joe Blackbum in lead of the cavalry. We fell back on Duke's Regiment, while they fell back on an other regiment, so that we were all jumbled up to gether. Then our stampede began. It was said that some of Stokes's cavalry recognized Captain Petticord in our retreating troops. They had gotten out of am munition, but we were stampeded like cattle on the prairie, and they dashed along behind us, calling : 'Halt there, Petticord! Halt!' About this time I, with my little pony that couldn't run, and Captain Sisson were about to be captured, when the pony ran into a mud hole. It fell over two or three other horses that had likewise floundered. My mouth was soon full of mud. Captain Sisson had two loads in his navy and fired them at our pursuers, who were also out of ammuni tion. These were the last shots of the famous stam pede, and they stopped the pursuers. Our command moved on to SmithvUle and from there to McMinn ville. All scattered and broken up, we met Duke and Morgan, who raUied us and took us back. The diffi culty with us was that Morgan had not been married long and was with that good wife at McMinnville, and our organization was bad. "We 'seesawed' after this, fought the battle of 231 History of DeKalb County Greasy Creek, Ky., and went back to Liberty. It was at Liberty that I got my commission as additional aid to General Stewart." Several men were killed in this fight and were buried near the old AtweU schoolhouse, on Snow's HiU. Dr. J. A. Fuson, of Dry Creek, turned his dwell ing into a hospital and treated the wounded free of charge. According to General Duke, the Confederates re turned to Liberty on April 7, 1863, in obedience to orders from General Wheeler, who had reached Alex andria with Wharton's Division. Two or three days later Wheeler, with a small force, proceeded to Leba non, where he remained three days. "During that time," to quote Duke, "the enemy advanced once more from Murfreesboro, but retreated before reaching our pickets. Upon our return from Lebanon only a por tion of the forces were sent to Alexandria ; more than half, under command of General Wheeler, passed through Rome to the immediate vicinity of Carthage. Remaining there during the night, General Wheeler fell back toward Alexandria, reaching that place about I or 2 P.M. Wharton's Division was again encamped here, and Morgan's Division, under my command, was sent to Liberty, except Smith's Regiment, which was stationed near Alexandria." In the latter part of April the First Brigade made headquarters at Alexandria, encamping on the Leba non Pike and the roads to Carthage and StatesviUe. The country around Alexandria, Auburn, and States viUe was scouted in every direction, for Federal spies 232 History of DeKalb County were numerous. On June lo General Morgan himself arrived at Alexandria, and orders were issued to march the next day. The great raider was about to start from DeKalb County on his expedition into Indiana and Ohio. His fighting in Middle Tennessee was over. It should be added that while raiding in Indiana and Ohio he was captured. Escaping from prison, he was soon in East Tennessee, reaching Greeneville on Sep tember 3, 1864, and making his headquarters at the residence of a Mrs. Williams. About daylight on the 4th some Union soldiers, dashing into town, surprised and killed him. Duke seems to think he was betrayed by Mrs. Williams's daughter-in-law; but Scott and Angel, authors of a history of the Thirteenth East Tennessee Regiment of Union Cavalry, say that a twelve- or thirteen-year-old boy, James Leady, went to Bull's Gap and informed General Gillem of the pres ence of the Confederates in Greeneville. Of course the county was stUl to suffer from the presence of soldiers. In less than a year from the de parture of Morgan's Cavalry a corpse was brought to Liberty from White County which told of a disaster to DeKalb Federals. It was that of George C. (Kit) Turney, a very popular young man of the Clear Fork country, who had been serving under Stokes. He was kUled February 22, 1864, in the battle of the Calf Killer by White County Confederates. That battle was really a massacre. Stokes was sta tioned at Sparta. It is said he had raised the black flag. No quarter was to be given to such men as Champe Ferguson, George Carter, John M. Hughes, W. S. 233 History of DeKalb County Bledsoe, Gatewood, and other guerrillas. In February, 1864, he sent out a company to hunt down the guer rillas. Hughes heard of it and mustered a force to at tack the Federals, who were commanded by Capt. E. W. Bass. The guerrillas, about forty, hid in ambush in Dry Valley, on the headwaters of the Calf Killer, and fired into Bass's unsuspecting company, killing forty or fifty. The remainder fled to Sparta, probably without firing a shot. One White County gentleman who saw the dead Federals after they were brought in says that thirty-eight were shot through the head and three had been killed with stones. Among the names of the slain, besides Kit Turney, were Ben Fuston, Jim Fuston, Henry Hendrixon, Jerry Hendrixon, David Grandstaff, J. B. Moore, David A. Farmer, Joseph Hail, Jonathan Jones, T. J. Pistole, and Alex Stanley, all of DeKalb County. So, unaware, these men had ridden into the jaws of death, into the mouth of hell. The roadside blazed, there was a deafening volley, and men in blue began tumbling from their horses. The scene in that wild region must have been strikingly weird. The sharp, cruel cracks of pistols and their in finitely multiplied reverberations from mountain to val ley (the cries of the dying blended with the metallic clanging of the hoofs of scampering and riderless horses) could never have passed out of the memory of the survivors. James H. Overall stated to the writer that one Federal, Russel Gan, fell on tlie field, and, playing dead, afterwards hid in a hollow log and es caped after nightfall. In the autumn of 1864 Gen. Joseph Wheeler, re- 234 History of DeKalb County turning southward from his raid into East Tennessee, passed through Liberty and Alexandria and on toward Nashville. He had started from Georgia with four thousand cavalry and four cannons. While in East i ennessee he sent Gen. "Cerro Gordo" WiUiams, with two thousand men and two cannons, to capture the Federal garrison at Strawberry Plains. With General Williams was Allison's squadron of DeKalb Countians. Williams found the garrison too strong to attack and attempted to overtake Wheeler, but failed. Wheeler came to Sparta, having General Dibrell's regiment with him. DibreU was left at Sparta two days, while Wheeler took McMinnvUle and, reaching Liberty, cap tured the stockade, which had been deserted on his approach. Reaching Nashville, he kept the Federals uneasy for some days, then marched south. In his re port he said he did not have a man or any material captured. It is alleged that Wiley Odum, of Cherry Valley, was the first of Wheeler's men to enter Liberty on that raid. Two or three days after General Wheeler passed Gen. "Cerro Gordo" Williams, Dibrell's cavalry, and Champe Ferguson's guerriUas came through, Fergu son bringing up the rear. The inhabitants along the turnpike dreaded Ferguson, especially the Liberty peo ple. This town was the home of Stokes, Blackbum, Hathaway, and Garrison. He burned James Lamber son's barn and thresher at Liberty for some cause. On the pike west of the village he met W. G. Evans, C. W. L. Hale, William Vick, and WiUiam Ford, who had been to bury a neighbor, Mrs. John Bratten. Th^ 235 History of DeKalb County guerrillas asked where they had been. The reply would have been satisfactory if Mr. Evans had not added: "We also buried an unknown Confederate soldier in Lamberson's field, where he had been shot by two De Kalb County Federals." The guerrillas then asked if there was a Union man in the crowd ; if so, he should be kUled in retaliation. Mr. Ford, a man of the high est character and most harmless disposition, was the only one; but his neighbors pleaded so earnestly for him that he was spared. James H. Fite, formerly a trustee of DeKalb County, but now residing in Anthony, Kans., was a sixteen- year-old private in Capt. Jack Garrison's company of Federals. His home was on the pike a mile and a half west of Liberty. Of some of his experiences, he writes : Our regfiment, the First Tennessee Mounted Infantry, was mustered in at Carthage early in 1864. About May the differ ent companies were sent to various portions of the State for garrison duty and scouting after Champe Fergjuson and other guerrillas. A good part of my company (G) was from Liber ty and vicinity, the officers having been a part of Stokes's regiment. We were first sent to Granville, above Carthage, on the river, to build a stockade, and then to Liberty to build another, our force numbering seventy-five or one hundred men. The latter was well started when about the first of September, late in the afternoon, Wheeler's cavalry took us by surprise, and like a covey of birds we were scattered. A week or so prior to this Gen. H. P. Van Cleve, at Mur freesboro, sent word to our officers that Wheeler was reported coming through Sequatchie Valley and suggested to them to scout in that direction and see if the news was correct. In stead of doing that they selected about twenty of us and went 236 History of DeKalb County through Lebanon and by Cedar Glade and Cainsville. We returned to Liberty about two hours before Wheeler came upon us from the direction of Smithville. It was a complete surprise, and the result was a route. There was considerable firing; and, while nobody was killed, they captured something like a dozen of our boys. My horse had given out on the expedition into Wilson County, and I was riding one belonging to a member of Stokes's regiment. In returning to Liberty I stopped at my mother's, just west of that village, to get supper. She pre pared a sort of feast, setting the table on the front porch. I recall the big peach cobbler. I had finished supper when T. G. Bratten stopped at the gate and told me that they were fighting in town and suggested that we ride down and take part. As I had no horse, he went alone. He returned in a gallop shortly, calling to me that the Confederates were com ing. I watched for the advance guard, soon seeing four about three hundred yards away, and retreated in fairly good order to a plum thicket back of the house. The Johnnies rode into the yard. Having brother to hold their horses, they ate sup per. Mother said one of them, finishing first, walked to the back door, and she expected every moment that I would shoot him, though I would never have killed one from the bushes. I am glad to this day I did not, for that Confederate too had a mother somewhere waiting for his return. About sunset quite a bunch came by and stopped. Their officer proved to be a relative of ours. He asked for a pillow for a wounded man, mother taking it to the gate. They had already taken a buggy from a neighbor. When asked who was in command, the officer said, "Wheeler," adding that the force was ten thousand strong and would be a week in pass ing. In the night I went to the house ; and, learning that the Confederates were under Wheeler, I was relieved. The im pression was that they were Ferguson's guerillas, and I knew I would be murdered if caught by them. The next day I found a hiding place, a thicket back of the 237 History of DeKalb County field, and had a narrow escape. Some Confederates came down to the creek very close to me, and a number went swimming. Others were as thick as blackbirds in Eli Vick's cornfield, just across the creek. While some were at the house eating, a soldier went up and said that they had killed a Yankee back of the field. It was supposed that some one in the neighborhood told him to say that before mother, believing that she in her emotion would give me away. My little broth er, Robert, whispered to her to be quiet, and he would go and see if anybody was killed. When within thirty yards of me a Confederate asked where he was going. His reply was that he was hunting where the hogs had been getting into the field. My brother soon found me and reassured mother. Truly the mothers, daughters, sisters, and sweethearts deserve as much honor as any of the soldiers. After Wheeler passed through, our men got together again and finished the stockade. I think we could have kept off quite a force now, unless the attacking party had had cannon. We were at the stockade when the battle of Nashville took place between Hood and Thomas. We expected an attack from Forrest, but I'm thankful he never came. Only sixteen, I did not have sense enough at that age to be scared. I have seen older men have ague when they expected an attack. Stragglers from Wheeler's command depredated on the farms near the turnpike. In this way Thomas Givan, on Clear Fork, lost five fine mares. All the horses on Eli Vick's farm were carried off. Many other citizens suffered losses. General Williams, as remarked, never overtook Wheeler. On the way he camped at Alexandria, where the troops of Allison's Squadron had an oppor tunity to meet their famUies and friends. Reaching a point in Rutherford County, he went eastward on the Woodbury Pike, where he had a considerable fight 238 History of DeKalb County with the Federals. Later on he reached Saltville, Va., where the guerrilla, Capt. George Carter, a leading spirit of the battle of the Calf Killer some months previous, was killed October 2, 1864. Carter's slayer was recognized and his body riddled with balls. The war had demoralized both Federals and Confed erates. Many young men of excellent families through out the South and Tennessee became enamored of the spirit of adventure, as shown in the daring and reck less exploits of cavalry raiders. This is how, perhaps, Pomp Kersey's small company came into existence. Kersey had been a private in Capt. L. N. Savage's DeKalb County company of the Sixteenth Confederate Regiment. Returning home, he for some reason did not go back to his command, but remained on Short Mountain, where he collected a band of ten or fifteen fellow adventurers. Some of them had not reached their majority. A leading business man of Nashville writes : "Those men were run from home by Stokes's troops, some of them being no more than sixteen years of age. I knew several of Kersey's men. One of them was between fifteen or sixteen. He afterwards got into the regular Confederate army and died about 1910, a prominent and respected citizen of White County." The writer was very young when the band made raids into Liberty, and he regarded its members with prejudice from the fact that they took valuables from William Vick and James Fuston. But another busi ness man of Nashville, who was reared in SmithviUe, writes : "If they robbed anybody, it was because they 239 History of DeKalb County thought he was a Union sympathizer, and piUaging the enemy was not regarded as robbery. Regular Fed erals and Confederates did that" This same gentleman relates an incident that took place in Smithville during the war. "One day," he says, "there gathered in the northern part of the town a squad of men belonging to Company F, Blackburn's Regiment, to secure Federal recruits — ^Ras Foster, 'Black Bill' Foster, Jim Eastham, Pal Rigsby, John Colwell, and others. Suddenly Kersey's men dashed into town, stampeding the recruiters. Eastham kUled a horse trying to get away, while eight of the Federals were killed, among them Rigsby and Colwell." An other DeKalb Countian says: "The Rebel citizens of Smithville were pleased over this raid, for they had much to bear. I recall how a Federal was pursuing a citizen through mischief, shooting and pretending to want to kUl him, when the man's little son at the win dow suggested a new sort of military tactics, for he cried out: 'Run crooked, pap, run crooked, an' maybe the bullets will miss you !' " As indicated, the Short Mountain men often entered Liberty at night. On one of their raids they sur rounded the home of Squire Ben Blades, a pioneer and good citizen of Union sympathies, about midnight. He tried to escape out a back door, but a shot fired through the door killed him almost instantly. After this the citizens armed themselves, resolved on defense ; but the raiders did not appear while they were on watch. On the evening of July 23, 1864, there was a dance 240 History of DeKalb County on Canal Creek at the home of Mr. Dennis. A num ber of Federals were attending — Captain Hathaway, Lieut. Thomas G. Bratten, Henry Blackburn, and a man named Parrish. Dr. Shields, of SmithviUe, was also there. Later in the night Louis Lyles and James Clarke made their appearance. Clarke, a mere youth, had on a Federal uniform, but was not a soldier. None seemed to apprehend danger. The fiddlers played and "caUed the figures," and the house rocked to the rough dances of the time. Kersey's men got word of the ball and the Federals' presence and, about fifteen in all, came from Short Mountain to exterminate the men in blue. It appears that when Lyles and Clarke arrived with shouting and shooting from down the creek the band, who were near, withdrew, thereby putting off the attack. Tired out at last, Hathaway had gone to sleep in a room adjoining that of the merry-makers. Bratten was sitting with a young lady on the stairway. It was far in the night, but the buzz of conversation went on. Two or three soldiers were preparing to mount their horses when suddenly the hiUs resounded to the re ports of guns and the wUd shouts of Kersey's men. Bratten and Lyles reached their horses, but the former had forgotten his gun. As he rushed back for it he discovered the enemy in the yard, shooting. As they passed the door be fired, somewhat checking them. The girls were trying to awaken Hathaway ; and, call ing out that the bushwhackers were on them, Bratten :got on his horse and dashed away. The scene was now one of confusion. Hathaway l6 241 History of DeKalb County had mounted his horse, Blackhawk, a fine animal that could pace a mile in 2 :30, but not before the assailants had started in pursuit of his comrades. Nevertheless, he resolved to overtake and pass the pursuers. Clarke had been overtaken. Seeing that he could not escape, he dismounted and from a sheltering tree trunk emptied his pistols at the enemy. He was soon killed. While this was going on Hathaway swept by. "I've just come through hell !" he said. The Federals were pursued no farther after the kill ing of Clarke. Hastening to Liberty, they later in the day, with twelve men, set out to overtake Kersey and his band. Stealthily approaching a thicket half a mUe south of Half Acre, they found Kersey's horses hal tered and a part of his men asleep. A volley was poured into the slumberers. One of them, untouched, ran down the mountain and escaped. Pomp Kersey was also unhurt and mounted his horse, but could not untie the halter. Bratten put his gun against him, but it only snapped ; whereupon Kersey dismounted, but in trying to get away he was killed by Bratten and Hatha way. Another man, perhaps twenty years of age, tried to escape, but was slain by Hathaway and Dan Gan. Five had been killed at the first volley. Among the slain were Pomp Kersey, Jack Neely, two Arnold brothers from Murfreesboro, a man named Seats, Benton, Kelly, and one other. It seems that two who slept some distance from the others escaped — Ike Gleason, later of White County, and a man of the name of Hawkins, who was some years later a citizen of Oklahoma. 242 History of DeKalb County The seven bodies were hauled to Liberty on an ox wagon, reaching the viUage about sunset on July 24. Thrown into a vacant storeroom, they were the next day buried on the Daniel Smith farm, about one hun dred yards from the town bridge. Their remains were exhumed after the war by friends and relatives and carried to their respective neighborhoods and buried. The Arnold brothers, who were regular soldiers, but cut off from their command, were reinterred in the Confederate Cemetery at Murfreesboro. By and by fighting ceased throughout the county, though the Federal blue was still in evidence. That period in the writer's memory is blurred and hazy. But one scene stands out clearly — that of his father, C. W. L. Hale, who was an excellent reader, standing in the midst of a group of villagers. Union and South ern in their sympathies, with a NashviUe newspaper in his hand. It must have been April 16 or 17, 1865. The late afternoon was cool and damp, but not gloom ier than the upturned faces. The Southern sympa thizers were filled with dread ; the others with sorrow. They were listening to the earliest news they could get of the assassination of Lincoln. 243 CHAPTER XXI. Peace and the Aftermath. When peace came in April, 1865, there was a feel ing of relief to the people at home, not entirely un mixed, however, with dread. It was not supposable that neighbors who had been at war so long would dwell together without friction. War makes us brutal in action, while as it continues morality retrogresses. In a measure the people who sympathized with the South in the great struggle expected the triumphant Unionists to be overbearing, and this was the case in a few instances. It is to the credit of the Northern sym pathizers that hundreds of them seemed ready to en courage peace and amity. Not only was there a con servative faction with the successful side which did everything possible to restore good will, but it was not long before ex-Federal soldiers became the most loyal patrons of those merchants who had been loyal to the Confederacy. Such men as Joseph Clarke — there were a number in the county — often risked life that the re turned ex-Confederates might have justice. There were here and there a few men who, having become desperate through war's carnage, were slow to yield to the influences of peace. When inflamed by strong drink they were especially hostile. So it was that, following the war, there was here and there a kill ing, while some feuds developed. It is possible, human nature being the same, that there would have been among the Southern sympathizers an element just as 244 History of DeKalb County lawless and overbearing had the cause of the South succeeded. It would have been wonderful had the noncom batants living in the villages shown no antagonism toward each other occasionally while the war was going on. Even the women now and then took sides. One day the chUdren of two ladies of opposite senti ments were scrapping. The parents of each passed a few words. Said the one of less refinement: "The children of no old 'secesh' can run over mine." "And who are you?" asked the "secesh" with some scom. The answer was long-drawn-out and smacked of much pride : "I'm a U-U-U-Union woman." As a rule, however, neighbors got along well. The Southern "skedaddlers" frequently found a safe refuge in the homes of Unionists in the country. The writer takes this opportunity to say that, though his parents were Southern in sympathy, they were never molested by Stokes, Blackburn, or Hathaway ; but, on the other hand, were treated with great respect. Colonel Black burn one night was seen passing through the yard spying while the village was filled with Confederates. He was not reported-^he was "a neighbor's boy" — and went his way safely, as he knew he would. Peace brought with it a new aspect to occasions like elections. The freed negroes gathered by hundreds in the towns. In vividness the scenes return to-day — old blacks like Ike Lamberson, with competitors, seU ing cider and ginger cake, others vending mHons, and all noisy and happy over their liberation. If there was any violence on their part, it is not recalled. There 245 History of DeKalb County was a kindly feeling on the part of ex-slaves for their "white folks," and numerous families did not leave their old quarters for some years. As the soldiers swore mightily in Flanders, so there was in DeKalb much drinking and fighting, particu larly on Saturdays and on election days. When the Loyal League, an order composed mainly of negroes, was formed, it was regarded as a menace to the safety of society, and many whites began to view the freed- man with disfavor. The Ku-Klux Klan was organized, and it soon had the blacks terrorized. No member of the order was ever convicted in Tennessee. One in dictment at least was found in DeKalb County, and two cases of whippings occurred. There were at one time half a million members in the South. The order was formed in Pulaski, Tenn., in the summer of 1866 and was disbanded in March, 1869. Its name con tinued to be used by unknown organizations, and al leged "Ku-Klux outrages" were reported as late as 1872. Governor Brownlow in 1868 called out the mili tia to suppress the order, many DeKalb Countians be coming militiamen. Tennessee was readmitted to the Union in July, 1865. Prior to that (AprU 5) WiUiam G. Brownlow was inaugurated Governor of the State. The legisla ture, in session that month, practicaUy disfranchised all those voters who had not been Union men. In 1866 the negroes were given the right to vote by the Brownlow legislature, made up of Radicals and Con servatives, the former in favor of very harsh laws toward the ex-Rebels, the latter (who had always been 246 History of DeKalb County Union men) in favor of milder treatment. There was a "split," and the two wings, or factions, became very bitter toward each other. In February, 1869, Gov ernor Brownlow was elected to the United States Senate, the Speaker of the State Senate, D. W. C. Senter, becoming Governor. In the same year Gov ernor Senter was a candidate for election, nominated by the Conservatives. William B. Stokes was nomi nated by the Radicals. There was an exciting joint canvass. Both candi dates were excellent speakers, Stokes, the "Bald Eagle," being the better under normal conditions. They spoke in DeKalb County in their itinerary. Reachhig Liberty, Stokes had luncheon at the home of his brother-in-law, C. W. L. Hale, a Southern sympa thizer. In the afternoon the contestants held forth in a grove near where the Murfreesboro road intersects the Lebanon and Sparta Turnpike. The audience was large and somewhat boisterous, but order was good. Meantime plans had been put on foot to insure the "Bald Eagle's" defeat. At the time of the contest the Confederate element was led by Gen. John C. Brown. His followers offered to support Senter if the latter should allow them to vote. He agreed. The vote on election day stood: For Senter, 120,234; for Stokes, only 55,046. The legislature was Democratic in both branches and met October 4, 1869. Thus the Democratic party regained ascendancy in about four years after the close of the war. Then came the convention, in 1870, to form a new 247 History of DeKalb County Constitution — the one which exists at present. The delegate from DeKalb County was Col. J. H. Black burn, as previously stated. The people by a four years' war were placed as the pioneers were — ^they had to begin over to establish themselves socially and materially. In depicting their makeshifts and customs one but depicts the makeshifts and customs of the grandparents to a large extent, and it is profitable and illuminative to sketch these rather in detail. Boots were almost wholly worn by men. The cus tom prolonged the life of the serviceable bootjack, once familiar in all homes. There were no screened win dows. Wherefore the house fly was a greater nuisance than now — ^that is, if he was as prone to load himself down with disease germs as he is to-day. The fore- parents knew a thing or two, however, and used a "fly broom" in the dining room. Some of these brooms were things of beauty. An elderly lady named Grandstaff lived on Dismal Creek, and her handiwork was so ar tistic as to give local prestige to a stream even so wretchedly named as that. The brush of her fly brooms was made of the tail feathers of peacocks; while the handle, some four feet long, was covered with the plaited white quiUs of the same bird. It was gor geous and must have cost several dollars. In the viUage and country back yards the homely ash hopper was a famUiar object — ^made usuaUy of a barrel, each end knocked out, and set on a slightly inclined platform. It was fUled with wood ashes, through 248 History of DeKalb County which a few bucketf uls of water were allowed to seep. The product was lye, and the product of lye and meat rinds and bones, boiled together was an exceUent quality of soft soap. By the way, the ash hopper was the bete noir of the head of the house. The springtime was not a sweet time to him until the ash hopper had been made and fiUed. Somehow he dreaded the task, and it is little wonder that a member of his tribe per petrated this: "The hardest things that come up in a man's life are building the spring ash hopper and cut ting summer stove wood." Another feature of the back yard was the dye pot. The foremothers made much — almost all — of the family's wearing apparel, as well as their carpets, necessitating the cards for carding wool, the spinning wheel, the reel, the winding blades, and the loom. All of these, excepting the hand cards, were homemade. To give the cloth, or thread, or "chain," for the carpet the desired color, it was put into the dye pot. Dyeing materials were logfwood, cochineal, indigo, madder, and copperas. Blue-mixed jeans was regarded the most suitable for men's suits. A kind of jeans was woven especially for vests, or "weskets," with red or yellow stripes, and sometimes red, yellow, and blue stripes occurred in the same piece. The writer during the post-bellum period saw his mother make a "pat tern" for liie sort of cotton dress goods she desired, the weaver following it faithfuUy. Threads of dif ferent c<>Iors were wrapped around a bit of cardboard or a flat piece of wood, the stripes — ^red, yeUow, black, or bli«— 4)eing of uniform width or varying to suit tfie 249 History of DeKalb County fancy. When woven the cloth would indeed "fairly hurt the eyes." Tin molds for making candles were used some years after the war. They were made in sizes to suit — to mold a half dozen or a dozen tallow candles at a time. A wick was run through each mold and fastened at both ends. At the top all were attached, so that every candle could be drawn out at once. The molten tallow would then be poured in, forming around the wicks. When the tallow had become hard the molds were heated slightly, when the candles could be pulled out easily. Bread trays, bee gums of hollow logs, ax handles, ox yokes and bows, rolling pins, chairs, chests (make shifts for trunks), water buckets, tubs, and churns were handmade of buckeye, cedar, hickory, and other woods. No doubt there are still hickory chairs in Ten nessee made more than a century ago. Gourds sufficed for dippers, while a larger variety were used in the kitchen for holding salt, soft soap, brown sugar, and the like. A relic of the old times was the horse block near the front gate of village or farmhouses. It was con structed for the ladies, who seldom rode in a carriage and never dreamed of an automobUe. They would mount the horse from it if going visiting, while visiting guests would dismount upon it. Horseback-riding was popular as well as necessary if one were "going abroad," as even neighborhood visiting was spoken of. Riding man fashion was not in vogue even by the most hoidenish girl. Ladies were, as may be imagined, ac- 250 History of DeKalb County complished equestrians. Moreover, a country girl prized a new sidesaddle and riding skirt as much as a city girl would now prize a piano. Those of well-to-do parents were often provided with a good mount, usually a pacer. It was a delightful experience to see some village belle and her beau taking a ride, the for mer, adorable in her riding habit, putting her pacer to the limit, her escort keeping alongside on a galloping animal. Other "luxuries," necessities, and fashions of "auld lang syne" were : Candle snuffers, casters, accordeons, picture albums, paper collars, dickeys (false shirt fronts), reticules, hoops, petticoats, bustles, chignons, sunbonnets with pasteboard stiffening, snuff boxes and hickory or althea toothbrushes, home remedies like horehound sirup and vermifuge made of boiled pink- root, knitting needles, yam socks, breakfast shawls, nubias, comforts, hair nets, and hair oil for men. But the old order has passed away. Not only bug gies and carriages are common, but the automobile is no longer amazing. In town and hamlet the girl who "sets out" makes her debut; "infairs" are receptions; "going abroad" is spending the week-end ; the "party" or "frolic" has been turned into a function, and refer ence to color schemes, linen or kitchen showers, and progressive luncheons does not send the latter-day mral belle to the dictionary for light. While from 1900 to 1910 the county lost 1,026 of its population, it has made remarkable progress. In 1914 it was out of debt, with a comfortable surplus ($6,000) in the hands of the trustee. Every part 251 History of DeKalb County shows this substantial progress. In the Highlands old agricultural methods have given way to new, and thrift followed in spite of the inferiority of the soil com pared with that in the Basin. Better homes and more comfortable living are decidedly apparent. A feature of that section is the great number of nurseries. It is estimated that the income from them will reach a quar ter of a miUion dollars yearly. In the Basin live stock and grain — "hog and hominy" — StUl hold the closest attention of the farmers. There are quite a number of fine farms with progressive owners. United States Marshal John W. Overall pos sesses about nine hundred acres, raising cattle on a large scale. Ed Simpson, near Alexandria, is widely known among breeders for his registered Hereford cattle.* Dr. T. J. Jackson, with about five hundred acres, devotes much time to cattle. Herschel Overall, with six hundred acres, sells annually a large number of mules, cattle, and hogs. There are stockmen who buy as many as two thousand suckling mules and raise them to maturity with profitable results. J. I. Banks, of Dry Creek, is regarded as one of the best bee keepers of the State. He makes a specialty of queens and has patrons throughout the Union. Rev. O. P. Barry, of Alexandria, besides doing a produce busi ness of $200,000 annually, is a successful breeder of *It may be remarked that Mr. Simpson served in Company H, Twelfth Regiment United States Volunteers, in the Philip pines. Other young men from the county who took part in the war there were Gray Davis; Frank Colvert, George Brat ten, Lewis Smith, Robert Givan, and Herbert L. Hale. 252 History of DeKalb County pure-bred hogs. The smaller farmers are touched with the spirit of progress also and contribute largely to the volume of business done by the six local banks. Under such conditions it is not to be wondered at that mer chandising and other businesses succeed as never be fore. The redemption of Pea Ridge strikingly illustrates the spirit of progress. Twenty-five years ago the won der was if anything good could come out of this Naza reth. The years have replied. Pea Ridge is a long ridge extending from Clear Fork to Dry Creek east ward and to Short Mountain on the south, covering a territory from two to seven miles in width. It is level and ten or twelve miles in length. The land was covered with scrub oak, blackjack, and pine. For years the inhabitants made a scant living by selling raUs, boards, hoop poles, baskets, charcoal, tar, whortle berries, chestnuts, and service berries. Here and there one made whisky. Tom Anderson, a Pea Ridge citi zen of some humor, once observed that the people were "only a tribe of board makers." But after the timber showed indication of giving out the inhabitants began to till the soil in earnest. To their surprise, it proved quite productive. Orchards were planted, yielding abundantly. No finer vegetables can be grown any where. Large crops of corn meet the eyes of the traveler in season. It is really one of the best country sections in the county. The moral tone has been ele vated also. There are schoolhouses, two churches, and a well-patronized general store kept by M. D. Herman. The circulation of agricultural and other journals 253 History of DeKalb County has increased a thousandfold since the war. With the telephone (it is in the homes of even small farm ers), better roads, lighter vehicles, good churches and schools, and the rural service, the isolation which was once noticeable is now negligible. The split-oak chair, corded bedstead, and homemade clothing are rarely seen. The fiddle and dulcimer have been banished for the phonograph and piano. These material means in fluence the mental life, and both material and mental changes act and react on the spiritual life for the bet ter. But it will be well if the swing toward the com mercial side does not go too far, allowing manhood to decay while wealth accumulates. 254 YALE UNIVERSITY a39002 002 885896 8-J