Yale University Library 39002002890557 ^•t- ' .. "Reading ma\eth a fuU man, conference a readye man, and uniting an exacte man" — Bacon iHr, jFtfiite'fli ^tstortcal Wovks. THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA, with some account of Ancient America and the Spanish Conquest. With Maps. 2 vols, crown 8vo, $4.00. OLD VIRGINIA AND HER NEIGHBOURS. 2 vols. crown 8vo, $4.00. Illustrated Edition. With Portraits, Facsimiles, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, $8.00. THE BEGINNINGS OF NEW ENGLAND, or the Puri tan Theocracy in its Relations to Civil and Religious Liberty. Crown 8vo, J2.00. Illustrated Edition. Containing Portraits, Maps, Facsimiles, Contemporary Views, Prints, and other Historic Materials. 8vo, $4.00. THE DUTCH AND QUAKER COLONIES IN AMER ICA. With 8 Maps. 2 vols, crown 8vo, ;g4.oo. NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND. With Maps. Crown 8vo, $1.65, net. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 2 vols, crown 8vo, $4.00. Illustrated Edition. Containing Portraits, Maps^ Facsimiles, Contemporary Views, Prints, and other Histonc Materials. 2 vols. Svo, $8.00. THE CRITICAL PERIOD OF AMERICAN HISTORY. 1783-17S9. Crown 8vo, $2.00. Illustrated Edition. Containing Portraits, Maps^ Facsimiles, Contemporary Views, Prints, and other Histonc Materials. Svo, $4.00. THE IVIISSISSIPPI VALLEY IN THE CIVIL WAR. With 23 Maps and Plans. Crown Svo, $2.00. THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE. In Riverside Library for Young People. i6mo, 75 cents. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES FOR SCHOOLS. With Topical Analysis, Suggestive Questions, and Directions for Teachers, by Frank A. Hill. i2mo, $1.00, net. CIVIL GOVERNMENT IN THE UNITED STATES. Considered with some Reference to its Origins. Crown Svo, Ji.oo, net. For Mr. Fiske*s Historical and Philosophical Works and Essays see pages ai the hack of this work. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO., Boston. 9 Long:i NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND BY JOHN FISKE BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY 1902 COPYRIGHT I9OZ BY ABBY M. FISKE, EXECUTRIX ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Published September, igos 'C^\^ 2^s 4^ PUBLISHERS' NOTE THE place of the present volume in the series of Mr. Fiske's books on Amer ican history may best be indicated by a few words from his preface to " The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America." That work, it will be remembered, comes next in order after " The Beginnings of New England," and in describing its scope Mr. Fiske remarks : " It is my purpose, in my next book, to deal with the rise and fall of New France, and the develop ment of the English colonies as influenced by the prolonged struggle with that troublesome and dangerous neighbour. With this end in view, the history of New England must be taken up where the earlier book dropped it, and the history of New York resumed at about the same time, while by degrees we shall find the histo ries of Pennsylvania and the colonies to the south of it swept into the main stream of Conti nental history. That book will come down to the year 1765, which witnessed the ringing out of the old and the ringing in of the new, — the one with Pontiac's War, the other with the Stamp v VI PUBLISHERS' NOTE Act. I hope to have it ready in about two years from now." This preface bears the date of May day, 1899. It will be seen that " New France and New England " completes the story of the settlement and development of the colonies up to the point where Mr. Fiske's "American Revolution " has already taken up the narrative. It therefore gives a final unity to the sequence of remark able volumes which he has devoted to American history. The lamented death of the brilliant author prevented him from giving the final, touches to his work. Most of the material for it was de livered as lectures before the Lowell Institute during the last winter of his life ; but only the first two chapters received his definite revision for the press. The third chapter was unfinished, but has been completed by a few pages, en closed in brackets, and prepared in accordance with Mr. Fiske's own memoranda indicating what incidents he proposed to include in the remaining paragraphs. The other chapters were in the form of carefully prepared lectures, but were not equipped with the side-notes and an notations calling attention to authorities, such as Mr. Fiske supplied freely in his " Discovery of America " and other volumes. From the third PUBLISHERS' NOTE vii chapter onward, it has been thought best to provide such topical notes and references as may prove helpful to the reader. These notes are enclosed in brackets. The text of all the chapters has been printed as it left his hand. Though he doubtless would have touched it here and there either for adorn ment or for a more exact precision of detail, it will on that account possess no less interest for the readers of that notable series of historical writings to which this volume now gives the desired continuity and unity. 4 Park Street, Boston Autumn, 1902 CONTENTS FROM cartier TO CHAMPLAIN Norman sailors ...... PAGE I On the coast of Africa .... z Breton ships on the Banks .... • 4 Alleged discovery of the Gulf of St. Lawrence The Portuguese voyages to North America 4 . 6 Verrazano ...... 8 Francis I. and the demarcation line . 8 Verrazano' s purpose .... The Sea of Verrazano ..... 9 II Death of Verrazano ..... IZ Jacgues^Cartier ...... • 13 The exploration of the St. Lawrence 14 The name " Canada " .... • 15 Hochelaga ..... An Indian trick ...... 16 . 16 Cartier arrives at Hochelaga Hochelaga a typical Iroquois town . The name "Montreal" .... 17 . 18 zo Distresses of the winter ..... . 20 Indian tales ...... zz Roberval ....... 22 Cartier's voyage^ ijjj_ .... Jean Allefonsce tries to explore the Sea of Verrazan 23 0 . 24 Errors in regard to the voyage of Allefonsce . The true direction of Allefonsce' s voyage . 26 • 27 CONTENTS Allefonsce visits the Hudson The character of Roberval The romance of Roberval' s niece Suspension of French exploration Ribaut in Florida .... Importance of Dieppe in the traific of the sea 28303132 3333 II the beginnings of QUEBEC Voyage of the Marquis de la Roche . . -35 Pontgrave and Chauvin secure a monopoly of the fur- trade . . . . . . . .36 De Chastes succeeds Chauvin . . . . 38 The early life of Chanipl^ . . . . -39 Champlain in the West Indies .... 40 Champlain's first voyage to Canada . . . .42 The disappearance of the Iroquois village of Hochelaga 4Z The Iroquois displaced by the Algonquins . . 43 The Iroquois Confederacy ..... 4.6 Outlying tribes of Iroquois . . . . .48 Designs of the Sieur de Monts .... 49 Homeric quarrels . . . . • -So Occupation of Acadia . . . . . 51 Founding of Port Royal, later Annapolis . . -52 Champlain explores the New England coast . . 52 A second exploration of the Massachusetts coast . -54 A picturesque welcome . . . . . rr The Knightly Order of Good Times . . -57 Collapse of de Monts' monopoly . . . 5 g Champlain turns his attention to Canada . . -58 The expedition of 1 608 ..... 60 Quebec founded ....... 60 Treachery foiled . , . . . . 61 CONTENTS xi The first winter at Quebec . . . . . 6z Friendship with the Indians the condition of successful ' exploration . . . . . . 63 This condition determines the subsequent French policy ........ 63 Character of the Indians of Canada ... 64 Champlain allies himself to the Ottawas and Hurons . 64 A war party ....... 65 Consultation of departed heroes . . . -67 Lake Champlain ...... 67 War dances ....... 68 The Mohawks panic-stricken by firearms . . 69 The &;st__^ttle_ofTiconderoga_sows the seed of deadly hostility between the French and the Iroquois . 70 III THE LORDS OF ACADIA. LATER HISTORY OF CHAMPLAIN Poutrincourt returns to Port Royal, 1610 . . . 72 Remoter consequences of the death of Henry IV. . 7 3 The far-reaching plans of the Jesmts . . -74 They secure an interest in Acadia XIII. Madame de GuercheviUe obtains fi'om Louis grant of the coast from Acadia to Florida . . 76 La Saussaye in Frenchman's Bay . . . -76 The French captured by ArgaU . . . . "J J Argall's trick 78 Argall returns and bums Port Royal . . . 79 Champlain helps in the destruction of an attacking party of Iroquois ....... 80 Beginnings of Montreal . . . . .81 The Count of Soissons and the Prince of Conde succeed Monts 82 A traveller's tale 8z 75 Xll CONTENTS Champlain among the Ottawas, 1613 . . -83 Vignau's imposture discovered . . . . 85 Champlain returns from France with the Recollets . 86 Le Caron reaches Lake Huron . . . . 86 The attack on the Iroquois . . . . • ^7 Champlain's military engines . . . . 88 Rivalry of interests . . . . . .89 The craning^ofjhejesuits ..... 89 The One Hundred Associates . . . .90 Religious uniformity . . . . . . 91 The capture of Quebec by the English . . . gz Champlain's last days . . . . . gz James I. grants Acadia to Sir William Alexander . 93 Claude and Charles de la Tour . . . . 93 Legend of La Tour's fidelity to France . . -94 La Tour and D'Aunay ...... 94 Death of D'Aunay ...... 96 La Tour gives place to Sir Thomas Temple . . 96 IV WILDERNESS AND EMPIRE Jean Nicollet . . . . . . .98 Nicollet explores Lake Michigan .... 09 Father Jogues near Lake Superior . . . . loo Radisson and Groseilliers . . . . .101 Accession of Louis XIV. . . . . .101 His changes in Canadian administration . . . loz Two expeditions against the Iroquois, 1666 . . loz Contrasts between New France and New England . 104 The French trading route to the Northwest . .105 The coureurs de bois . . . . .105 Father AUouez on the Wisconsin . . . .106 CONTENTS XllI The French take possession of the Northwest Father AUouez depicts the greatness of Louis XIV. Early life of Lia_Salle . . . . . La Salle comes to Canada .... La Salle hears of the Ohio and resolves to explore it His expedition combined with a mission exploration the Sulpicians ..... The way blocked by the Senecas Meeting with Joliet .... La Salle parts from the Sulpicians La Salle explores the Ohio Frontenac succeeds CourceUes Character of Frontenac Joliet chosen to explore the Mississippi Marquette ..... Johet and Marquette reach the Mississippi They pass the mouth of the Missouri The return .... La SaUe's great designs The Mississippi valley to be occupied Difficulty of carrying out so vast a plan La Salle's privileges arouse opposition Fort Frontenac granted to La SaUe . La SaUe builds the Griffin . Henri de Tonty Louisjiemiepin The voyage of the Griffin La SaUe's terrible winter journey Fresh disasters .... La Salle goes to rescue Tonty Destruction of the Illinois viUage by the Iroquois La SaUe's winter voyage down the Mississippi La SaUe returns to France .... FaUure of the Mississippi expedition La Salle's death .... of 107 1081091 10 1 1 1 I II 1 12 H3114115IIS 116117 117118119 IZOIZO121IZZ 123IZ4124125 125 126127 128129 130130131 131132 xiv CONTENTS V WITCHCRAFT IN SALEM VILLAGE Louis XIV. commutes the sentence of death imposed upon alleged witches .... The parUament of Normandy protests The belief in witchcraft universal Vitality of the beUef ..... Cause of the final decay of the beUef . Rise of physical science .... An EngUsh witch trial before Sir Matthew Hale Grotesque evidence ..... Indications of shamming ignored . Sir Matthew Hale affirms the reaUty of witchcraft Revival of witchcraft superstition The Hammer of Witches .... King James on the reality of witchcraft . The delusion increases with the rise of the Puritan party to power ..... Last executions for witchcraft .... Primitive America regarded as a domain of the DevU The first victim of the witchcraft delusion in New Eng land ...... The case of Mrs. Hibbins A victim of malice acting through superstition A sensible jury .... The Goodwin chUdren Cotton Mather .... His character ..... His courage in advocating inoculation . Views of Calef and Upham . Mr. W. F. Poole .... Cotton Mather and the Goodwin case Cotton Mather and the Goodwin girl . 133 134 135 136 137 138138139139140 141 142143 143144144 145 146147 148 149 149 150150151 151152 IS3 CONTENTS XV Tests of bewitchment .... • 153 Mather publishes an account of this case • 154 Cotton Mather' s book and the Salem troubles . . 156 Gloomy outlook in 1692 . . 156 Salem village ..... • 157 Samuel Parris, the pastor .... 157 Parish troubles in Salem vUlage . . 158 Mr. Parris' s coloured servants • 159 The " afiUcted children " • 159 Mistress Ann Putnam .... 160 Beginnings of the troubles . 161 Physicians and clergymen called in 162 The trial of Sarah Good . 162 The accusation of Martha Corey and Rebecca I vlurse 164 Character of Martha Corey . . 164 Rebecca Nurse ..... . 165 A vUlage feud ..... . . .6s The examination of Rebecca Nurse 166 Deodat Lawson ..... . . 167 The spread of the delusion . 167 Cases of personal malice . 168 The Rev. George Burroughs 169 The special court erected . 169 The advice of the ministers 170 Spectral evidence .... ¦ 173 The jury acquit Rebecca Nurse . • 174 The court sends them back . • 175 The case of Mary Easty .... 176, 177 Mary Easty torn from her home at midnight . 178 Doubt perUous . . . . • • 178 Peine forte et dure . . . • • 179 The Rev. Mr. Noyes .... 180 The petition of Mary Easty . . 181 Her warning ...••• 182 Sudden collapse of the trials . . 183 Reaction foUows the intense strain' 184 XVI CONTENTS The accusers aim too high Accusers threatened with a suit for damages The Court of Oyer and Terminer abolished Cotton Mather ..... Explanation of Mather's speech Judge SewaU's public acknowledgment of wrong Ann Putnam's confession Were the accusers misled or shamming ? Evidences of coUusion .... Was there a deliberate conspiracy ? Contagion of hysterical emotion Psychology of hallucinations Playing with fire .... The evUs of publicity in the examinations Explanation of Mrs. Putnam's part She exercised hypnotic control over the children The case of Salem vUlage helps one to realize the rors of the witchcraft "delusion in the past . ter 184185 186 186187 188188 189 190 191 191 192193 193 194195196 VI THE GREAT AWAKENING The reaction from the witchcraft delusion . .197 Rise of secular opposition to the theocracy . 198, 199 The Halfway Covenant ..... 200 The South Church . . . . . .201 The opposition to the theocracy lays the foundation of Toryism . . ' 201 The new charter of Massachusetts . . . zoz, 20J The Brattle Church founded 1698 . . . 204 Relaxation of conditions of membership . . .204 Cotton Mather's alarm . . . . .20c The theocracy helpless under the new charter . .206 CONTENTS xvii The new church finally recognized . . . 206 The effort to get a new charter for Harvard . .207 Governor Bellomont vetoes a test act for college officers zo8 Rise of liberalism in the college .... President Increase Mather displaced . . Cotton Mather's indignation .... Governor Dudley ...... The new charter for Harvard a substantial reenactment of that of 1650 ..... Conditions in Connecticut New Haven annexed to Connecticut . Comparison of Massachusetts and Connecticut Causes of Connecticut conservatism The tendency in organizations to become rigid and mechanical ...... The instance of the Cambridge^ktfwm^ 1648 Lack of a party of opposition in Connecticut . T1ie_Saybrogk_Platform ..'... The platform tends to assimilate CongregationaUsm to Presbyterianism ...... Massachusetts and Connecticut change places The founding of Yale College .... The conservative tendencies of Connecticut reinforced by the college ....... State of religion early in the eighteenth century Rise of commercial interests . " Stoddardeanism " .... Jonathan Edwards .... Edwards's vein of mysticism His emphasis on conversion . Revivals ..... The Revival of 1734 .... George Whitefield invited to New England Gilbert Tennent .... James Davenport .... Comparison with the Antinomians . 208 209 Z09 210 zio ZI I 212 212 213 213Z14Z15 Z16217 Z172l8219220221222 ZZZ 223224 225226 226 227 227228 xviii CONTENTS Whitefield' s return to New England . . . 229 Davenport arrested for public disturbance . . .230 Last days of Edwards . . . . .231 Results of the Awakening . . . . -232 VII NORRIDGEWOCK AND LOUISBURG The "irrepressible conflict" between France and Eng land in America . . . . . -233 Acadia finally passes to England . . . . 234 The French view of the limits of Acadia . . .234 The Abenaki tribes . . . . . .235 Sebastian Rale . . . . . . .236 The Norridgewock^ village . . . .236 The country between the Piscataqua and the Kennebec 237 The Indian view of selling land . . . -238 The Indians and the French . . . . 239 Conference between Governor Shute and the Indians 239 Baxter and Rale . . . . . .239, 240 The Indians instigated to attack the EngUsh . . 241 Border warfare ...... Conflicts between the Governor and the Assembly Shute succeeded by Dummer Expeditions against the Indians . Extermination of the Norridgewock tribe . Captain Lovewell ...... LoveweU's fi^it_ ..... The death of Frye ..... 247 Louisburg ....... The project to capture Louisburg The New England colonies undertake the attack The naval force ...... The French surprised ..... 241 242 243243 244 245 245 248 249 250 251 252253 CONTENTS xix The Grand Battery abandoned in panic . . 254 Capture of a French line-of-battle ship . . • zSS Louisburg surrendered June 17, 1745 . . , 256 A relic of Louisburg . . . . . .256 VIII BEGINNINGS OF THE GREAT WAR The treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle . . . .258 The spread of the English westward . . . 259 The Scotch-Irish . . . . . -259 The pioneers pass the Alleghanies . . .260 This advance of the English a menace to the French 261 The French influence with the Indians decUnes . 26 1 The founding of Oswego ..... 262 Sir WUUam Johnson . . . . . .263 EngUsh traders in the Ohio valley . . .264 Celoron takes possession of the Ohio valley for Louis XV., 1749 265 Celoron among the Miamis .... 266 The Miamis under English influence . . .267 The French destroy the Miami trading viUage . 267 The Marquis Duquesne ..... 268 The French expedition of 1753 . . . . 268 The Indians between two fires . . . .269 A chance meeting . . . . . .270 Major George Washington sent to warn the French . 270 The French boast of their plans . . . . 271 Governor Dinwiddle resolves to occupy the Gateway of the West . . . . . . 272 Duquesne anticipates the English . . . .272 The Virginia expedition to Fort Duquesne . . 273 Washington surprises a French force . . -274 Fort Necessity . . . . . .275 CONTENTS The battle of Fort Necessity - . . . -275 The EngUsh retreat 276 Niggardliness of the Provincial AssembUes . -277 The defence of the colonies dependent on the governors 278 The need of a union of the colonies The Albany Congress .... Franklin's plan of union rejected England and France send troops to America, 1755 Capture of two French ships .... General Braddock .... Indian mode of fighting EngUsh regulars UI prepared for such tactics Braddock's difficulties .... Braddock should have landed at Philadelphia The march ..... A detachment sent on in advance Beaujeu sets out to waylay the English Braddock's precautions The battle The EngUsh faU before unseen foes Bravery of Braddock and Washington Braddock's death .... Dunbar's culpable retreat 279 280 280281 282 283283284 285286287 288 289 289290 291291 292 292, 293 IX CROWN POINT, FORT WILLIAM HENRY, AND TICONDEROGA Governor Shirley's plan of campaign WUliam Johnson to attack Crown Point Character of Johnson's army . Johnson names Lake George Dieskau's approach The Indians prefer to attack the camp . The English scouting party routed . 294 295 Z96297297298 299 CONTENTS xxi Dieskau repulsed and captured Shirley's expedition against Niagara a failure Desolation on the frontier Opening of the Seven Years' War England and Prussia join forces Montcalm ..... Montcalm's account of the voyage to Canada VaudreuU not gratified by Montcalm's arrival Shirley superseded .... The Earl of Loudoun Loudoun plans to attack Ticonderoga Fall of Oswego .... Montcalm's capture of Oswego impresses the Indians Loudoun's expedition against Louisburg Montcalm's expedition against Fort WilUam Henry Ferocity of Montcalm's Indian allies The EngUsh force at Fort WUUam Henry and Fort Ed ward ...... Montcalm invests Fort William Henry . Surrender of the forces at Fort WiUiam Henry The Indians uncontrollable The massacre of prisoners WilUam Pitt Pitt's hold on popular confidence Pitt recalls Loudoun Lor^JIowe ..... The expeditionjigainstjnconderoga Lord Howe's adaptabUity The EngUsh scouting party lost in the woods Death of Lord Howe .... Montcalm's defences Alternatives open to Abercrombie . Montcalm saved by Abercrombie' s stupidity . 322 An assault ordered .... All assaults repulsed .... Abercrombie ridiculed .... 299 300301 302 302303 304 305 306307 307 308 3°9310310 311312313314 314315315316317317 318319319320321322323324324325 xxii CONTENTS X LOUISBURG, FORT DUQUESNE, AND THE FALL OF QUEBEC Strategic points in the contest . . . 326, 327 Louisburg . . . . . . .328 The EngUsh expedition against Louisburg . -329 General Wolfe effects a landing . . . . 330 The harbour batteries secured or reduced by the EngUsh 331 Gradual destruction of the French fleet . . -331 Surrender of Louisburg . . . . .332 Wolfe returns to England . . . . -333 Bradstreet's expedition against Fort Frontenac . 334 Fort Frontenac taken, August 27 . . . -334 The loss of Fort Frontenac weakens Fort Duquesne 3-35 General John Forbes . . . . -336 The expedition against Fort Duquesne . . -336 The choice of routes . . . . -337 Forbes's method of advance . . . . -337 The slow progress of the march favourable to success 338 Major Grant's disastrous reconnoissance . . 339, 340 Christian Frederic Post wins over the Indians . 341 The French evacuate Fort Duquesne . . .341 Pitt resolved to drive the French from Canada . 342 Preparations for the campaign of 1759 . . . 343 Weak points of eighteenth century strategy . . 344 General Amherst's plan of campaign . . . 344 General Prideaux's expedition against Fort Niagara 345 FaU of Fort Niagara . . . . . .346 General Amherst marches against Ticonderoga . -347 Ticonderoga dfifierted and_blownja£^ . . . 348 Amherst's ineffective activity . . . . .349 Quebec 3^g The position of the French forces . . ¦ 350, 351 The difficulties which confronted Wolfe . . 352 CONTENTS xxui His illness . . . . . . -352 Wolfe plans to scale the heights . . . -353 Final preparations . . . . . -354 The start 355 The ascent 355 Complete surprise of the French . . . . 356 The batde 357 Death of Wolfe 358 Deadi of Montcalm 358,359 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Map showing the British Colonies and Northern New France, 1750— 1760 {coloured') Frontispiece Map of the Gulf of St. Lawrence by Champlain, 1632 . 54 From The History of Canada under French Regime. Map of North America 236 From Edward Well's New List of Maps, London, 1 698-1 699. Map of Louisburg 254 ^•K. From Mak(te's History of the Late War. Map of Lake George 312 ly^ From Ma«(te's History of the Late War, London, 1772. Map of the Siege of Quebec 342 From Mile's History of Canada under French Regime. NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND I FROM CARTIER TO CHAMPLAIN AMONG the seafaring people of Europe there are perhaps none more hardy and ^ enterprising than the inhabitants of the picturesque little towns along the coasts of Nor mandy and Brittany. In race characteristics there is a close similarity to their neighbours of the opposite British shore. The Welsh of Armorica are own brethren of the Welsh of Cornwall, and as long ago as the reign of the Emperor Julian the regions about the mouth of the Seine were commonly known as a Litus Saxonicum, or Saxon shore. There to this day you will find the snug enclosed farmsteads so characteristic of merry England, while Norman the map is thickly dotted with Anglo- ^^^"'^ Saxon names. Thither a thousand years ago flocked the Vikings from the fjords of Norway and settled down over the north of Gaul as over the east of Britain. The geographical position 2 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND was favourable to the indulgence of inherited proclivities, and throughout the Middle Ages the French and English shores of the Channel were famed for their hardy mariners. Their ships thronged side by side in the Icelandic waters, in quest of codfish, and even the chase of the whale was not unknown to them. When at the beginning of the fifteenth century the Norman knight Jean de Bethencourt conquered and colonized the Canary Islands, for which in return for aid and supplies he did homage to the king of Castile,^ his company was chiefly composed of Bretons and Normans, who have left their descendants in those islands to the pre sent day. As early as 1364 we find merchants from Dieppe trading on the Grain Coast, be tween Sierra Leone and Cape Palmas ; and by 1383 these bold adventurers had established themselves upon that shore, which they held until 1410.^ They were thus in advance of the On the coast pionccrs of Henry the Navigator, of Africa and for a moment it might have seemed as if the Guinea coast were likely to be come French rather than Portuguese, when the civil war between Armagnacs and Burgundians and the invasion of France by Henry V. of England put a new face upon the matter, and the hold of the French upon Africa was lost. * See my Discovery of America, i. 321. 2 Shea's Charlevoix, i. 13. FROM CARTIER TO CHAMPLAIN 3 A substantial monument of their early activity in that quarter is furnished by the fortified town of Elmina, upon the Gold Coast, whence in these British days runs the direct road to Ku- massi. Elmina was founded in the fourteenth century by men of Dieppe, and the trade in elephants' tusks then inaugurated gave rise to the ivory manufactures which still flourish in the little Norman seaport.^ Under these circumstances it is not strange that the voyages of Columbus and the Cabots should have met with a quick response from the mariners of northern Gaul. Local traditions of a patriotic sort have asserted that -Normandy and Brittany did not wait for the Cabot voy ages to be taught the existence of the New foundland fisheries, but had learned the lesson for themselves even before the crossing of the Sea of Darkness by Columbus.^ There is no reason why fishing voyages to the Newfound land banks might not have been made before 1492, but on the other hand there is no respect able evidence that any such voyages had been made. The strong impression made upon John I Gaffarel, Etude sur les rapports de l' Am'erique et de r ancien Continent avant Christophe Colomb, Paris, 1869, p. 316. 2 Such claims are to be found in the extremely uncritical book of Desmarquets, Memoires chronologiques pour servir a r histoire de Dieppe, Paris, 1785. 4 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND Cabot by the enormous numbers of codfish ofi^ the coasts of Labrador and Newfoundland ^ in dicates that the western stretches of the ocean were by no means familiar to the fishermen of the English Channel. The first authentic record Breton ships wc havc of Brcton ships in New- on the banics foundland waters is in the year 1 504, and from that time forward we never lose a year. The place once found was too good to be neg lected, and thus a presumption is raised against any date earlier than 1504. From catching fish in these waters to visiting the neighbouring coasts the step was not a long one, and presently the name Cape Breton makes its appearance, the oldest surviving European name upon the Atlantic coast of North Amer ica. It is asserted by Dieppese writers that a chart of the Gulf of St. Lawrence was made in 1506 by Jean Denys of Honfleur, and that two years later Thomas Aubert ascended the great river for eighty leagues, and brought back to Alleged dis- Europc sevcu tawny natives who were Gutflf°st. ^ exhibited at Rouen and perhaps else- Lawrence where in 1509. We are furthermore assured that upon this voyage Aubert was ac companied by a Florentine mariner destined to win great renown, Giovanni da Verrazano. The 1 See his conversation with the Milanese ambassador in Harrisse, John Cabot, the Discoverer of North America, and Sebastian his Son, London, i 896, p. 54. FROM CARTIER TO CHAMPLAIN 5 authority for these statements is not such as we could desire, being found chiefly In uncritical documents collected by the uncritical editor Desmarquets, who lets slip no opportunity for glorifying Dieppe. There is strong collateral evidence, however, of a voyage into the Gulf of St. Lawrence at about this time. Not only does the exhibition of the kidnapped Indians rest upon independent evidence, as early as 1512,^ but In the edition of Ptolemy brought out In 1 5 1 1 by Sylvanus, there is a map con taining a square-looking gulf to the west of a spacious Island which is unquestionably in tended for Newfoundland, and the outlines of this gulf seem to have originated in actual ex ploration and not in fancy. There Is a map preserved in the government archives at Ottawa, which purports to be a copy of that of Jean Denys, and may well be so, for, although the names upon it belong to a later period, there is some reason for believing that they are a sub sequent addition. If the outlines are those of Denys of Honfleur, we have In them a satisfac tory explanation of the strange map of Sylva nus. Moreover, some weight must attach to the fact that both the voyages of Denys and of Aubert are mentioned under the years 1506 and 1508 by Ramusio.^ There can be little doubt ^ Eusebii chronicon,'?2Lx\%, 1512, fol. 172. 2 Ramusio, Navigationi e viaggi,'S[trA'ad., 1550, iU. 423; 6 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND that the attention of Frenchmen was, to an appreciable extent, drawn toward the New World during the reign of Louis XII. Under his successor, the gay, gallant, and ambitious Francis I., attention was still further drawn to these strange shores. The jovial law yer, Marc Lescarbot of Vervlns, writing In 1 6 1 2, tells us that about the year 1518a certain Baron de Lery made an unsuccessful attempt at establishing a colony upon Sable Island, and left there a stock of cattle and pigs which mul tiplied apace, and proved comforting and tooth some to later adventurers.^ The French had sturdy rivals In these Atlan tic waters. That was the golden age of Portu- The Portu- guesc enterprise, and one of the first guese voy- rcsults of the Cabot voyages was to ages to . . ^ . . J^ North Stimulate the curiosity of Portugal. America -pj^g voyagc of Cabral in 1 500 proved that the Brazilian coast in great part falls east of the papal line of demarcation, and therefore belonged to Portugal, and not to Spain. In that same year a voyage in the northern waters by Gaspar Cortereal raised hopes that the same might be proved true of Newfoundland, and 2d ed., Venetia, 1606, iii. 355. Ramusio speaks of Aubert as the first who brought Indians to France, " il primo che condusse qui le genti del detto paese." ^ Lescarbot, Histoire de la Nouvelle France, Paris, 161 2, i. 22 ; De Lst, Novus orbis, p. 39. FROM CARTIER TO CHAMPLAIN 7 Portuguese vessels sailed often in that direction. Their fishing craft were to be seen off^ the coast. In company with Norman, Breton, and BIscayan vessels, and sometimes an elaborate attempt at exploration was made. Such was the voyage of Alvarez Fagundes In 1520. In accordance with an old custom the king of Portugal promised this mariner a grant of such new lands as he might discover upon this expedition. In March, 1 5 2 1 , after the return of Fagundes and his report to the king, the grant was duly issued. From the descriptions in the grant, supplemented by a map made forty years later by Lazaro Luiz, we may draw conclusions, somewhat dubious, as to just what was accomplished by Fagundes ; but there can be little doubt that he explored more or less thoroughly the coasts of the Gulf of St. Lawrence.^ But the Portuguese were becoming too deeply absorbed with their work in the Indian Ocean to devote much attention to North America. And in like manner in 15 17-21 the discovery of Mexico and the astonishing exploits of Cortes quite riveted the minds of their rivals, the Spaniards, In that direction. It was just at * The voyage of Fagundes is discussed in Harrisse, The Discovery of North America, f^. 180-188; Bettencourt, Descobrimentos, guerras, e conquista dos Portugueses em ter ras de 'Ultramar nos seculos xv. e xvi., Lisbon, 1 88 1, i. 132-135. etc. 8 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND this moment, and through these circumstances, that French interest in America received a fresh stimulus. After the capture of the city of Mex ico an immense store of gold and silver was shipped for Spain, In charge of Alonso de Avila ; but Avila, with his ships and his treasure, was captured by the famous Verrazano Verrazano ^ . , _, -_, 111 and carried on^ to 1< ranee, probably to Dieppe, where the Florentine navigator seems for many years to have had his headquarters. In the course of the same cruise Verrazano cap tured another Spanish ship on its way from San Domingo, heavily laden with gold and pearls, so that he was enabled to make gorgeous pre sents to King Francis and to the Admiral of France. The delightful chronicler, Bernal Diaz, who tells us these incidents, adds that the whole country was amazed at the stupendous wealth that was pouring into the treasury of Charles V. from the Indies. The first great war between Francis I. Charlcs and Francis was raging, and demlrc'ation ^he latter did not need to be told that line Mexican money could be used to pay the troops that were defeating his army in Lom- bardy. He sent a bantering message to Charles, asking if it were really true that he and the king of Portugal had parcelled out the earth between them without leaving anything for him. Had Father Adam made those two his only heirs ? FROM CARTIER TO CHAMPLAIN 9 If so, he wished they would show him that patriarch's last will and testament.^ Until they could do so he should feel at liberty to seize whatever his good ships might happen to meet upon the ocean, and forthwith he concerted with Verrazano fresh raids upon the enemy's sinews of war. The result of these meditations was the great voyage of 1 524, which first placed upon the map the continuous coast-line of the United States, from North Carolina to the mouth of the Pe nobscot River. The purpose of this Verrazano's voyage was twofold : first, to ascertain p"p°s« if any more countries abounding In precious metals, like Mexico, or In pearls, like Venezuela, were to be found within or near the longitudes traversed by Columbus and Cabot ; secondly, to find some oceanic route north of Florida from European ports to the Indian Ocean. In other words, this voyage of Verrazano was the first one which had any reference to a northwest passage. Columbus had believed the shores on which he landed to be parts of Asia, either continental or ^ " Y entonces dize que dixo el rey de Francia, o se lo embio a dezir a nuestro gran Emperador, Que como auian partido entre el y el rey de Portugal el mundo sin darle parte a el ? Que mostrassen el testamento de nuestro padre Adan, si les dexo a ellos solamente por herederos," etc. Diaz, His toria verdadera, Madrid, 1632, cap. clxix. 10 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND insular, and his last voyage was an attempt to find the Strait of Malacca at the Isthmus of Pan ama. Subsequent explanations, however, had disclosed an unbroken coast-line all the way from Florida to Patagonia ; and the recent return in 1522 of thewornout remnant of Magellan's ex pedition brought convincing evidence that the voyage to India by his southerly route was so long and difficult as to be practically useless. Thus the New World coasts were coming to be recognized as a barrier on the route to Asia, and an Important part of Verrazano's business was to discover a northern end to this long barrier, or a passageway through it somewhere to the north ward of the regions already examined. This is not the best place for giving a detailed account of Verrazano's voyage, Inasmuch as It was confined to portions of the American coast over which France has never held sway. I have given the principal details of It In treating of the Dutch and Quaker Colonies,^ and need not repeat them here. Let it suffice to say that besides delineating the coast of the United States from North Carolina to Maine, Verrazano entered the Hudson River and Narragansett Bay, and saw from his ship's deck the distant peaks of the White Mountains. He found no gold mines nor beds of pearl, neither did he anywhere detect * \_The Dutch and Quaker Colonies, i. 68-78.] FROM CARTIER TO CHAMPLAIN 11 what seemed to him a feasible waterway into the Indian Ocean, but he did discover in this con nection one of the most extraordinary mare's nests on record. He seems to have gone ashore upon the Accomac peninsula and tramped across it until his eyes rested upon the waters of Ches apeake Bay, which he mistook for the Pacific Ocean. For soon after his return to Europe two maps were Issued, one by his own brother, Girolamo Verrazano,one by Vesconte Maggiolo, which exerted a great Influence upon the geo graphical ideas of the next three generations of Europeans. These maps show a solid continen tal mass connecting Florida with Mexico, and another solid mass to the northward, such as would naturally have been suggested to Verra zano by the presence of such large The Seaof rivers as the Hudson and the Penob- Verrazano scot. But between these masses the whole cen tral region of the United States Is represented as an Immense sea continuous with the Pacific Ocean ; while the Virginian coast is shown as a very narrow Isthmus, with an inscription by Ver razano's brother, informing us that here the distance from sea to sea Is not more than six miles. A full century elapsed before this notion of the Sea of Verrazano was eliminated from men's minds, and without taking this fact into the account it Is impossible to understand the 12 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND movements of navigators who ascended rivers like the Hudson and the St. Lawrence In the hope of finding passageways Into the western sea. When Verrazano arrived In Dieppe In July, 1525, the king, who had been taken prisoner at the battle of Pavia In February, was a captive at Madrid. His demand for a sight of Father Adam's will had met with a rude response. He purchased his freedom in January, 1526, by sign ing a disastrous treaty, but no sooner had he leaped upon his goodly steed, on the French side of the Pyrenees, than he renounced all Intention of keeping promises thus made under duress. The worthy Verrazano fared much worse than his royal master. In the year 1526 he entered into an arrangement with Jean Ango and other important citizens of Dieppe for a voyage into Death of the Indian Ocean for spices, but in the Verrazano coursc of the foUowIng year he was overhauled by Spanish cruisers, who took him prisoner and hanged him as a pirate.^ There enters now upon the scene a man of whose personality we have a much more distinct conception than we have of Verrazano. As that accomplished Italian is one of the chief glories of the town of Dieppe, so the Breton seaport of 1 Barcia, Ensayo chronologico para la historia general de la Florida, 1735, p. 8, since confirmed by documents in the archives of Simancas. FROM CARTIER TO CHAMPLAIN 13 St. Malo is famous for its native citizen, Jacques Cartier. His portrait hangs In the town hall. Unfortunately its authenticity Is not jacques above question, but if it is not surely ^^"'" a true likeness it deserves to be ; It well ex presses the earnestness and courage, the refine ment and keen Intelligence of the great Breton mariner.^ He had roamed the seas for many years, and had won — and doubtless earned — from Spanish mouths the epithets of " corsair " and " pirate," when at the age of three and forty he was selected by Philippe de Chabot, Admiral of France, to carry on the work of Denys and Aubert and Verrazano, and to bring fresh tid ings of the mysterious Square Gulf of Sylvanus. On April 20, 1534, Cartler sailed from St. Malo with two small craft carrying sixty-one men, and made straight for the coast of Labra dor, just north of the Straits of Belle Isle, a re gion already quite familiar to Breton and Nor man fishermen. Passing through the straits he skirted the Inner coast of Newfoundland south ward as far as Cape Ray, whence he crossed to Prince Edward Island, and turned his prows to the north. The oppressive heat of an American July is commemorated in the name which Car- tier gave to the Bay of Chaleur. A little further on, at Gaspe, he set up a cross, and with the 1 The best and most critical biography is Longrais, Jacques Cartier, Paris, 1888. 14 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND usual ceremonies took possession of the country in the name of Francis I. Thence he crossed to the eastern end of AnticostI, and followed the north shore of that island nearly to its western point, when he headed about, and passing through Belle Isle made straight for France, carrying with him a couple of Indians whom he had kidnapped, young warriors from far up the St. Lawrence, who had come down to the sea to catch mackerel in hemp nets. With this voyage of reconnoissance the shad owy Square Gulf of Sylvanus at once becomes The expiora- clothed wlth reality. Enough interest sTVaw-^ was aroused In France to seem to jus- rence tlfy another Undertaking, and In May, 1535, the gallant Cartier set forth once more, with three small ships and no men. Late In July he passed through the Strait of Belle Isle, and on the loth of August, a day sacred to the martyred St. Lawrence, he gave that name to a small bay on the mainland north of AnticostI. Whales were spouting all around his course as he passed the western point of the Island and ploughed into the broad expanse of salt water that seemed to open before him the prospect of a short passage to the Indian Ocean. Day by day, however, the water grew fresher, and by the September morning when he reached the mouth of the Saguenay our explorer was reluctantly convinced that he was not in a strait of the ocean, FROM CARTIER TO CHAMPLAIN 15 but In one of the mightiest rivers of the earth. To these newcomers from the Old World each day must have presented an impressive specta cle ; for except the Amazon and the Orinoco It may be doubted if there be any river which gives one such an overwhelming sense of power and majesty as the St. Lawrence ; certainly the Mis sissippi seems very tame In comparison. As the Frenchmen inquired the names of the villages along the banks, a reply which they com monly received from their two Indian The name guides was the word Canada, y^hizh. Is "^"¦-^^^" simply a Mohawk word for " village." ^ Hence Cartier naturally got the Impression that Canada was the name of the river or of the country through which it flowed, and from these begin nings its meaning has been gradually expanded until it has come to cover half of a huge conti nent. Presently on arriving at the site of Que bec, Cartler found there a village named Stada cona, with a chieftain called Donnacona. Painted and bedizened warriors and squaws came troop ing to the water's edge or paddling out In canoes to meet the astounding spectacle of the white- winged floating castles and their pale-faced and bearded people. In the two kidnapped Inter preters the men of Stadacona quickly recognized their kinsmen ; strings of beads were passed about, dusky figures leaped and danced, and ¦*¦ Beauchamp, Indian Names in New York, p. 104. 16 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND doleful yells of welcome resounded through the forest. Was this the principal town of that coun try ? No, It was not. The town in question was many miles up-stream, a great town, and its name was Hochelaga, but it would be rash Hochelaga _ , , ° , for the bearded visitors to attempt to go thither, for they would be blinded with falling snow, and their ships would be caught between ice-floes. This ironical solicitude for the safety of the strangers has the genuine Indian smack. The real motive underlying it was doubtless " protection to home Industry ; " why should the people at Hochelaga get a part of the beads and red ribbons when there were no more than enough for the people at Stadacona ? Recourse was had to the supernal or infernal powers. On a fine autumn morning a canoe came down the river, carrying three scowling devils clad in dog skins, with Inky-black faces surmounted by long antlers. As they passed the ships they paddled shorewards, prophesying In a dismal monotone, until as the canoe touched the beach all three fell flat upon their faces. Thereupon forth Issued from the woods Donnacona's feathered braves. An Indian ^nd In an ecstasy of yelps and groans '"'^'^ seized the fallen demons and carried them out of sight behind the canopy of leaves, whence for an hour or so their harsh and gut tural hubbub fell upon the ears of the French men. At last the two young interpreters crawled FROM CARTIER TO CHAMPLAIN 17 out from the thicket and danced about the shore with agonized cries and gestures of lively terror, until Cartier from his quarter-deck called out to know what was the trouble. It was a message, they said, from the mighty deity Coudouagny, warning the visitors not to venture upon the dangerous journey to Hochelaga, inasmuch as black ruin would surely overtake them. The Frenchman's reply was couched In language dis respectful to Coudouagny, and the principle of free-trade in trinkets prevailed. With a forty-ton pinnace and two boats car rying fifty men Cartier kept on up the rivfer, leaving his ships well guarded in a snug harbour within the mouth of the stream now known as the St. Charles. A cheerful voyage of a fortnight brought the little party to Hochelaga, Cartier where they landed on a crisp October amves at ^ /-I Hochelaga morning. There came rortn to meet them — In the magniloquent phrase of the old narrator — " one of the principal lords of the said city," ^ with a large company of retainers, for thus did their European eyes interpret the group of clansmen by whom they were wel comed. A huge bonfire was soon blazing and crackling, and Indian tongues, loosened by its genial warmth, poured forth floods of eloquence, 1 "L'un des principaulx seigneurs de la dicte ville." Cartier, Brief recit de la nauigation faicte esysles de Canada, etc., p. 23. 18 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND until presently the whole company took up its march Into the great city of Hochelaga. Asketch of this rustic stronghold was published In 1556 in Ramuslo's collection of voyages. The name of the draughtsman has not come down to us, but it was apparently drawn from memory by some one of Cartier's party, for while it does not answer in all details to Cartier's description, it is a most characteristic and unmistakable Iro- Hocheiagaa ^uois town. It was clrcukr in shape. typical iro- Xhc Central portion consisted of about quois town r r ^ • i r • nrty long wigwams, about 150 reet in length by 50 In breadth, framed of saplings tightly boarded In with sheets of bark. Through the middle of each wigwam ran a passageway, with stone fireplaces at Intervals coming under openings In the high bark roof whereby some of the smoke might escape. Kettles of baked clay hung over most of the fires, and the smoky at mosphere was redolent of simmering messes of corn and beans and fowl, or, if It were a gala day, of boiled dog, while the fumes of tobacco were omnipresent. On either side were the rows of shelves or benches covered with furs, which served as beds ; while here and there, overlook ing sheaves of stone arrows and scattered toma hawks, there dangled flint knives and red clay pipes and dried human scalps. These spacious wigwams were arranged about a large central square, and outside of them a considerable inter- FROM CARTIER TO CHAMPLAIN 19 val or boulevard intervened between habitations and wall. Such a town might have held a pop ulation of from 2500 to 3000 souls, but the ac tual number was apt to fall short of the capacity. The town wall was ingeniously constructed of three concentric rows of stout sapUngs. The middle row stood erect in the ground, rising to a height of twelve or fifteen feet ; and the two outer rows, planted at a distance of five or six feet on either side of it, were inclined so as to make a two-sided tent-shaped structure. The three rows of saplings met at the top, and were tightly lashed to a horizontal ridge-pole, while at the bottom, and again about halfway up, they were connected by diagonal cross-braces, after the herring-bone pattern, thus securing great strength and stability. Around the inside of this stout wall, and near the top, ran a gallery acces sible by short ladders, and upon the gallery our explorers observed piles of stones ready to be hurled at an approaching foe. Outside in all di rections stretched rugged half-cleared fields clad in the brown remnant of last summer's corn crop, and dotted here and there with yellow pumpkins. The arrival of the white strangers was the cause of wild excitement among the bark cabins and In the open square of Hochelaga. Their demeanour was so courteous and friendly that men, women, and children allowed curiosity 20 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND to prevail over fear ; they flocked about the Frenchmen and felt of their steel weapons and stroked their beards. Sick Indians came up to be touched and cured, trinkets were handed The name about, polItc speechcs wcrc made, and " Montreal " a|- length amid a loud fanfare of trum pets the white men took their leave. Before they embarked the Indians escorted them to the summit of the neighbouring hill, which Cartier named Mont Royal, a name which as Montreal still remains attached to the hill and to the noble city at Its foot. It was getting late in the season to make further explorations in this wild and unknown country, and upon returning to Stadacona the Frenchmen went Into winter quarters. There they suff^ered from such intensity of cold as the shores of the EngHsh Channel never witnessed. Distresses of ^ud presently scurvy broke out with the wmter such vlrulcnce that scarcely a dozen of the whole company were left well enough to take care of the rest. In vain were prayers and litanies and genuflexions In the snow. The heavenly powers were as obdurate as when Cas- sim Baba forgot the talismanic word that opened the robbers' cave. But presently Cartier learned from an Indian that a decoction of the leaves of a certain evergreen tree was an Infallible cure for scurvy. The experiment was tried with re- FROM CARTIER TO CHAMPLAIN 21 suits that would have gladdened Bishop Berke ley, had he known them, when he wrote his famous treatise on the virtues of tar water.^ Whether the tree was spruce, or pine, or bal sam fir, is matter of doubt, but we are told that Cartier's men showed such avidity that within a week 'they had boiled all the foliage of a tree as big as a full-grown oak, and had quaffed the aromatic decoction, whereupon their cruel dis temper was quickly healed. The ranks had been so thinned by death that Cartler was obliged to leave one of his ships behind. Further exploration must be postponed. It was the common experience. A single season of struggle with the savage con tinent made it necessary to return to Europe for fresh resources. So it was with Cartier. The midsummer of 1536 saw him once more safe within the walls of St. Malo, and confident that one more expedition would reveal some at least of the wonders which he had heard of, comprising all sorts of things from gold and diamonds to unipeds. As we are confronted again and again with these resplendent dreams of the early voyagers to America, we are re- * On its specific use in scurvy, see Berkeley's Siris, pp. 86-11 9, in Fraser's edition of his works, Oxford, 1 871, ii. 395-408. The bishop's interest in tar water seems to have been started by his experiences in America, iv. 262. 22 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND minded not only that the wish is father to the thought, but also that the stolid-looking red man is the most facetious of mortals, and In his opinion the most delightful kind of Indian tales - . , . . , lacetiousness, the genuine epicure s brand of humour, consists in what English slang calls " stuffing," or filling a victim's head with all manner of false Information. In Cartier's case one effect was to lead him to kidnap Don nacona and several other chiefs, and carry them to France, that they might tell their brave sto ries before the king. Five years elapsed before another expedition was ready for Canada. King Francis made up his mind that a little more flourish of trumpets, such as the crowns of Spain and Portugal in dulged in, would not come amiss. Columbus and Gama had been admirals and viceroys ; it was high time for the king of France to create a viceroyalty In the New World. To fill this eminent position he selected Jean Fran9ois, Sieur de Roberval, a nobleman who held large estates In Picardy. This man he created Lord of Norumbega and Viceroy over Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay, Newfoundland, and so on through a long string of barbaric names. At the same time Cartier was made cap- Roberval . i i • i tain-general, and in his commission the king declares that the lands of Canada and Hochelaga "form the extremity of Asia toward FROM CARTIER TO CHAMPLAIN 23 the west." ^ The flourish of trumpets was loud enough to reach the ears of Charles V., but the Spaniards had become convinced that the cod fish coasts contained no such springs of sud den wealth as Cortes and Pizarro had dis covered for them, and the Spanish ambassador at Paris advised his master that the soundest policy was to let Francis go on unmolested and waste his money in a bootless enterprise. The event seemed to justify this cynicism. Itwas a dismal tale of misdirected energies. So little commercial interest was felt in the voyage that volunteers were not forthcoming and had to be sought In the jails. So much time was consumed in getting ready that it was decided to send on a part of the expedition cartier's voy- in advance, and so In May, 1 541, Car- ^^^> '54' tier started with three ships, expecting soon to be overtaken by Roberval. In this expecta tion he tarried six weeks on the Newfoundland coast, until the arrival of August determined him to wait no longer, and he pushed across the Gulf of St. Lawrence and up the river. Of this voyage we have no such full report as of its predecessor. Very little seems to have been accomplished In new explorations ; at Hoche laga there were rumours of hostile plots on the part of the red men ; and then there was another 1 Harrisse, Notes sur la Nouvelle France, " De par le roy," 17 Oct. 1540. 24 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND wretched winter near the site of Quebec ; and then a forlorn retreat to the ocean and to France. At one of the harbours on the New foundland coast the little fleet of Cartler met that of Roberval, whose detention of a whole year has never been accounted for. Our author ities are here so confused that It Is impossible to elicit from them a coherent story. It seems clear, however, that the meeting between the two commanders was not a pleasant one, and that Cartler kept on his way to France, leaving Roberval to shift for himself. The Lord of Norumbega was not left help less, however, by this departure. He had sturdy pilots on board, already familiar with these coasts, and one of his three ships was com manded by a veteran navigator who was thought jeanAUe- to be unexccllcd by any other seaman fonsce tries of Francc. ThIs was Jean Allefonsce, to explore r \ . r o • the Sea of of the provincc of Saintonge, over Verrazano ^hlch swccp thc Salt breczcs of the Bay of Biscay. In forty years or more of life upon the ocean he Is likely to have visited more than once already these northern waters, such a haunt of BIscayan fishermen. He was now en trusted with an important enterprise. In the Gulf of St. Lawrence the expedition was divided, and it seems clear that while Roberval under took the task of exploring the river he sent Allefonsce on an ocean trip to find a passage FROM CARTIER TO CHAMPLAIN 25 into the Sea of Verrazano. This voyage is usually mentioned in such terms as to be unin telligible ; as for example by the Recollet friar, SIxte le Tac, writing in 1689, who says that Roberval sent Allefonsce northward to Labra dor in quest of a passage to the East Indies, but that Allefonsce was so beset with floating ice that he was fain to rest contented with dis covering the strait between Newfoundland and the continent in latitude 5 2°,^ or, in other words, the Strait of Belle Isle. Now this is of course absurd, for the Strait of Belle Isle had long been familiar to mariners and was a favourite route for entering the Gulf of St. Lawrence. In one of the most recent books, the late Justin Win- sor's " Cartier to Frontenac," we get a reverber ation of this statement when we are told that " Allefonsce went north along the Labrador coast to find, if possible, a passage to the west. The ice proved so dense that he gave up the search."^ But while most writers have repeated this state- 1 " Ce fut lui [Roberval] aussy qui envoya Alphonse tres habile pilote xaintongeois vers la Brador pour essayer de trouver un passage aux Indes Orientales, mais il se contenta de decouvrir seulement celuy qui est entre I'isle Terreneuve et la grande Terre du Nord par les 52 degres, les glaces I'empeschant d'allerplus loing." SixteleTac, Histoire chronologique de la Nouvelle France, publi'ee pour la premVere fois d' apres le manuscrit original de l68g, par E. Reveillaud, Paris, 1888, p. 45. ^ Cartier to Frontenac, p. 41. 26 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND ment, it is to be observed that the careful and thoroughly informed Hakluyt, writing in 1589, Errors in re- kuows Hothlng of any such northcm voyage of' ^oyagc of Alkfonscc. The truth AUefonsce Jg, that eminent sailor, after return ing from his expedition with Roberval, wrote an account of his voyages, in which he was aided by a friend, Paulin de Secalart, a geogra pher of Honfleur, This narrative, written in 1545, still remains in manuscript, a folio of 194 leaves, and is preserved in the National Library at Paris.^ But In 1559, shortly after the death of Allefonsce, and during that brief period of quickened curiosity about the man which is wont to come at such a time, a book was pub lished at Poitiers, entitled " The Adventurous Voyages of Captain Jean Allefonsce," and this book ran through at least seven editions. It was compiled by a merchant of Honfleur named Maugis Vumenot, and Is a thoroughly uncritical and untrustworthy narrative.^ It omits much that Allefonsce tells, and weaves In such interesting material as Master Vumenot hap- * Its description is Cosmographie avec espere et regime du Soleil et du Nord ennostre langue franfoyse par Jehan Alle fonsce, Bibliotheque Nationale, MSS. fran9ais 676. An account of it is given in Harrisse, Decouverte de Terre-Neuve, p. 153, and Notes sur la Nouvelle France, p. 7. See also De Costa, Northmen in Maine, etc., pp. 92-122. 2 Cf. Weise, The Discoveries of America, New York, 1884, p. 352. FROM CARTIER TO CHAMPLAIN 27 pened to have at hand, without much regard to its historic verity. Such were the naive methods of sixteenth century writers. If we consider what Allefonsce himself tells us, although his allusions to places are often far from clear, we cannot fail to see that his voyage in quest of a western passage in the summer of 1 542 was directed not northward but The true di- southward from the Gulf of St. Law- T"'™ °^, Allefonsce s rence. He seems to have entered voyage Massachusetts Bay, and may have passed through Long Island Sound and Hell Gate; at all events he has much to say about the town of Norumbega, which Mercator's map of 1569 places upon Manhattan Island ; and he tells us that the river of Norumbega Is salt for more than ninety miles from Its mouth, which Is true of the Hudson, but not of any other river which men have sought to associate with Norumbega. Moreover our good pilot feels confident that this great river, if followed far enough to the northward, would be found to unite with the other great river of Hochelaga, that is, the St. Lawrence.^ This notion, of a union between the Hudson and the St. Lawrence, became a very common one, and found expression upon the famous map of Gastaldi in 1553, and upon other maps. 1 Cf. Weise, The Discoveries of America, New York, 1884, p. 352. 28 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND If we were to allow a little free play to our fancy, it would not be difficult to assign a suit able explanation for this voyage of Allefonsce in connection with the expedition of Roberval. There is no longer any doubt that the Hudson River was first made known to Europeans by Verrazano in 1524, and was called by various names, of which perhaps the Grand River was the most common. At the Indian village on Manhattan Island French skippers traded for furs, and in 1540 a French blockhouse was built near the site of Albany for the purpose of AUefonsce protecting such traffic with the red visits the men of the Mohawk valley. The name Norumbega unquestionably first appears with Verrazano's voyage, and for forty years thereafter It was closely associated with the neighbourhood of the Hudson. In reading the string of Roberval's titles — which begin with Norumbega and run through Canada, Hoche laga, Saguenay, etc., down to Newfoundland — It is clear that the king meant to concentrate under his rule the various regions which Ver razano and Cartier had discovered. When the expedition arrives on the American coast it seems not unnatural that the viceroy should send his lieutenant to Norumbega while he himself should prosecute the journey to Hoche laga. Possibly, as some believed, the watery channels pursued by the two might unite. At FROM CARTIER TO CHAMPLAIN 29 all events a passage into the Sea of Verrazano was more likely to be found at the fortieth par allel than at the fifty-second. It is a pity that these amiable old skippers, in telling of their acts and purposes, should have paid so little heed to posterity's craving for full and exact knowledge. Just how far the good Allefonsce ever got with his Norumbega voyage, or what turned him back, we are not informed. We may safely say that he did not succeed in sailing Into the Sea of Verrazano, and the next summer we find him once more with Roberval on the St. Lawrence. Thither that captain had proceeded at the outset after part ing company with Allefonsce. Of his fortunes during the next seventeen months our accounts are but fragmentary. Hakluyt is unusually brief and vague, and we have to rely largely upon a manuscript of 1556,^ written by the somewhat mendacious Andre Thevet, who seems to have been an intimate friend of Roberval and a boon companion of the irrepressible buffoon Rabelais. Provoklngly scanty as Thevet often is, there are times when he goes Into full details, and one of his romantic stories is worthy of mention, since it probably rests upon a basis of fact. The expedition of Roberval was Intended not only for exploring the wilderness but for founding a colony. Homes were to be estab- ^ See Harrisse, Notes sur la Nouvelle France, p. 278. 30 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND lished in the New World, and many of the company brought along with them their wives and children. Among the young women was Marguerite Roberval, niece of the Lord of Norumbega, and on the same ship was a gal lant chevalier, and the twain loved one another not wisely but too well. Roberval The charac- ¦' 111 j • ter of Rober- was a man or stern and relentless dis- ^^ position, and forgiveness of sins formed no part of his creed. He set his niece ashore on a small barren island, with an old Norman nurse who had been in her confidence, and left them there with a small supply of food and guns for shooting game or noxious beasts. As the ship sailed away, the lover leaped into the sea and by dint of frenzied exertion swam ashore. The place was dreaded by sailors, who called It the Isle of Demons, but bears and wolves were more formidable enemies. On that island was born, during the year 1 542, the first child of European parents within the vast region now known as British America, but one after another, child, father, and nurse, succumbed to the hardships of the place and died, leaving the young mother alone in the wilderness. There for more than two years she contrived to sustain life, on three occasions shooting a white bear, and at all times keeping the de mons aloof by the sign of the cross, until one day she was picked up by a fishing vessel and FROM CARTIER TO CHAMPLAIN 31 carried back to France. There Thevet tells us that he met her a little later, in a village of Peri- gord, and heard the story from her ^ . All • Tns romance own lips. At all events it was much of Roberval's talked of In France, and forms the "'"^ subject of the sixty-seventh tale in the famous collection of Queen Margaret of Angouleme, sister of Francis I.^ The Isle of Demons was often called by sailors the Isle of the Damsel. Ascending the great river to Cap Rouge, near the site of Quebec, where Cartler had win tered, Roberval made it his headquarters. Lit tle is known as to the course of events, save that In the following summer Allefonsce had re turned, and a trip was made up the Saguenay. There were severe hardships and many died. The sternness of Roberval is conspicuous in the narrative, and may have been called forth by apparent necessity. There were occasions on which both men and women were shot for an example, and the whipping-post was frequently in requisition, " by which means," observes the worthy Thevet, " they lived in peace." This Is about all we know of the mighty viceroyalty of Hochelaga, etc. Lescarbot tells us that in the course of 1543 the king sent out Cartier once * See Heptameron : Les Nouvelles de Marguerite, Reine de Navarre, Berne, 1781, torn. iii. pp. 179-184. In my copy of this edition de luxe the superb engraving by Freu- denberg represents the lovers seated under palm-trees ! 32 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND more, who brought home to France the wretched survivors of the company.-* About this time Cartier received from the king a grant of a manor on the coast of the Channel, not far from St. Malo, and there we lose sight of the navi gator, except for the mention of his death at that place in 1557. Allefonsce seems to have been killed in a sea fight about ten years before, and we are told that Roberval was assassinated one evening on the street in Paris. After the failure of this expedition there was a partial cessation of French enterprise upon the high seas. The reign of Henry II. was clouded by the disastrous wars with Spain, in which France lost the three bishoprics of Metz, Toul, and Verdun, and French armies were so woefully defeated at St. Quentin and Gravelines. . , The death of the king In iccg was Suspension of . . ° _ , -^ ¦v:; . French ex- the Signal for the rise of the Guises p oration ^^^ ^^^ pursuancc of a policy which brought on one of the most disastrous civil wars of modern times. From 1562 to 1598 some historians enumerate eight successive wars in France, but it Is better to call It one great civil war of thirty-six years, with occasional truces. It is still more Instructive to regard it all as a phase of the still mightier conflict which was at the same time raging between Spain and the Netherlands, and which presently Included ^ Lescarbot, ii. 416. FROM CARTIER TO CHAMPLAIN 33 Queen Elizabeth's England among the com batants. It was not a favourable time for ex pending superfluous energy In founding new states beyond sea. During the latter half of the century we witness two feeble and ill- starred attempts at planting Huguenot colonies in America, — the attempt of Vlllegagnon in Brazil in 1557-58, and that of Ribaut in Florida in 1562-65. The latter of these was Ribaut in formidable in purpose ; It represented Florida the master thought of Collgny which led Sir Walter Raleigh to plan the founding of an English nation In America. The violent de struction of this Huguenot colony was the last notable exhibition of Spanish power beyond sea In that century of Spanish preeminence. Spanish energy, too, was getting absorbed in the conflict of Titans in Europe. The affair of Florida was essentially military in purpose and execution. Attempts at planting commercial colonies on the St. Lawrence must wait for some more favourable opportunity. Yet French fishing vessels steadily plied to and fro across the Atlantic. Investigations in the local account-books of such towns as importance Dieppe and Honfleur lead to the con- l^^of elusion that as many as 200 ships were ^« sea equipped each year in French ports for fishing in American waters.^ It was no uncommon 1 Winsor, Cartier to Frontenac, p. 74. 34 NEW FRANCE AND NE]V ENGLAND thing for these craft to bring home furs and walrus ivory. But we hear of little in the way of exploration. Dieppe, Indeed, boasted some thing like a school of seamanship. It was a city to which astronomers, geographers, and map- makers were drawn In order to profit by the experiences of practical navigators, and where questions connected with oceanic exploration were likely to be treated in a scientific spirit. In those days such men as Pierre Desceliers, who has been called the creator of French hy drography, and whose beautiful maps are now of great historical importance, made his head quarters at Dieppe. It was a time of keen in tellectual curiosity and bold commercial activity ; and nothing was needed but relief from the oppressive anarchy that had ruled so long to see France putting forth new efforts to plant colo nies and to prepare for maritime empire. The end of the century saw a new state of things, the military strength of Spain irretrievably broken, the policy of France in the hands of the greatest and wisest ruler that Ftance ever had, with England and the Netherlands loom ing up as powerful competitors In the world be yond seas. Before the rivals lay the American coasts, inviting experiments in the work of transplanting civilization. It remained to be seen how France would fare in this arduous undertaking. II THE BEGINNINGS OF QUEBEC THE yean 598 was a memorable one in the history of France, for It witnessed the death of that Insatiable schemer, Philip II. of Spain, supporter of the Guises, and it also saw the end of the long wars of religion and the promulgation of the Edict of Nantes. The time seemed to be more propitious than before for commercial enterprises, and the thoughts of a few bold spirits turned once more to the St. Lawrence. One of these was the Marquis de la Roche, a Breton noble- voyage of man, who obtained from Henry IV. the Marquis . . . de la Roche a commission very similar to that under which Roberval had sailed. But so little popular interest was felt In the enterprise that volunteers would not come forward, and It be came necessary to gather recruits from the jails. The usual scenes of forlorn and squalid tragedy followed. Roche was cast ashore on the Breton coast in a tempest, and was thrown into a dun geon by the king's enemy, the Duke de Mer- coeur ; ^ while his convicts were landed on Sable 1 The "Duke Mercury " of John Smith's True Travels, chaps, v., vi. 36 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND Island, and only saved from starving by the wild cattle descended from Lery's kine of four score years before. While these things were going on there was a skipper of St. Malo, a man of good family and some property, Fran9ois Grave, Sieur du Pont, commonly known as Pontgrave, who had made up his mind that the Canada fur-trade was some thing that ought to be developed. He had sailed up the St. Lawrence as far as Three Rivers, and had feasted his eyes upon the soft glossy pelts of mink and otter, lynx and wol verene. The thing to do was to get a monopoly of the trade In furs, and with this end in view Pontgrave applied to a friend of the king, a wealthy merchant of Honfleur named Pierre Chauvin and a staunch Huguenot withal. An other man of substance, the Sieur de Monts, became Interested In the scheme, and the three formed a partnership ; while the king granted Pontgrave them a monopoly of the fur-trade on and Chauvin the Condition that they should establish secure a mo- , _,, . .^ . nopoiy of the a colony. 1 his privilege awakened fur-trade fierce hcart-bumlngs among the gal lant skippers of St. Malo, who declared that they had done more than anybody else to maintain the hold of France upon the St. Law rence country, and there was no justice in sin gling out one of their number for royal favour, along with merchants from Honfleur and else- THE BEGINNINGS OF QUEBEC 37 where. Similar complaints were heard from Rouen, Dieppe, and Rochelle ; the parliaments of Normandy and Brittany took up the matter, and a fierce outcry was made because Chauvin and Monts were Protestants. But this argument naturally went for little with Henry IV., and the monopoly was granted. Pontgrave and Chauvin made their head quarters at Tadousac, where the waters of the Saguenay flow into the St. Lawrence. The traf fic In furs went on briskly, but the business of colonization was limited to the leaving of mis erable garrisons in the wilderness to perish of starvation and scurvy. So things went on from 1599 to 1603, when Chauvin on his third voy age died in Canada. The partnership was thus broken up, and the monopoly for the moment went a-begging. It was only for a moment, however. The governor of Dieppe since 1589 was Aymar de Chastes, a stout Catholic of the national party and a friend of Henry IV. On the great day of Arques In 1589, when the Leaguers boasted that their fat Duke of Mayenne,^ with his army of 30,000, would make short work of the king with his 7000, when the fashionable world of Paris was hiring windows in the Faubourg St. * Mais un parti puissant, d'une commune voix, Placait deja Mayenne au trone de nos rois. Voltaire, La Henriade, vi. 61. 38 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND Antoine, to see the rugged Bearnese brought in tied hand and foot. It was largely through the aid of Chastes that Henry won his brilliant vic tory and scattered the hosts of Midlan.^ It was therefore not strange that when upon the death of Chauvin this scarred and grizzled De Chastes succeeds vctcran asked for the monopoly in Chauvin £-^j.g^ j^jg request was promptly granted. Chastes soon found an able ally in Pontgrave, but even with the allurements of rich cargoes of peltries It was hard to get people to subscribe money for such voyages. Loans for such pur poses were classed on the market as loans at heavy risk, and the rate of interest demanded was usually from 35 to 40 per cent.'^ While the preparations were briskly going on a new figure entered upon the scene, the noble figure of the founder of New France. Samuel Champlain was now about six and thirty years of age, having been born in or about the year 1 567, at Brouage, a small seaport in the province of Saintonge, not many miles south of Rochelle. The district, situated on the march between the Basque and Breton countries, was famous as a ^ Michelet, Histoire de France, xii. 286 ; Gravier, Vie de Champlain, p. 6. ^ Toutain, " Les anciens marins de I'estuaire de la Seine," in Bulletin de la Societe normande de Geographic, 1898, xx. 1 34 ; Breard, Le vieux Honfieur et ses marins, Rouen, 1 897, p. 59. THE BEGINNINGS OF QUEBEC 39 nursery of hardy sailors, and the neighbour hood of Rochelle was one of the chief centres of Huguenot ferment. Champlain's father was a seafaring man, but nothing is positively known as to his station In society or as to his religion. One local biographer calls The early life him an humble fisherman, but the ofchampiain son's marriage contract describes him as of noble birth. The son was often called by con temporaries the Sieur de Champlain, but that was chiefly perhaps after he had risen to em inence in Canada. The baptismal names of the father and mother, Antoine and Marguerite, indicate that they were born Catholics ; while Samuel, the baptismal name of the son, affords a strong presumption that at the time of his birth they had become Huguenots. In later life Champlain appears as a man of deeply reli gious nature but little interested In sectarian dis putes, a man quite after the king's own heart, who realized that there were other things in the world more important than the differences be tween Catholic and Huguenot. Champlain was to the core a loyal Frenchman, without a spark of sympathy with those Intolerant partisans who were ready to see France dragged in the wake of Spain. The early years of this noble and charming man were mostly spent upon the sea. He was a true viking, who loved the tossing waves and 40 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND the howling of the wind in the shrouds. His strength and agility seemed inexhaustible ; in the moment of danger his calmness was un ruffled as he stood with hand on tiller, calling out his orders in cheery tones that were heard above the tempest.^ He was a strict disciplina rian, but courteous and merciful as well as just and true ; and there was a blltheness of mood and qualntness of speech about him that made him a most lovable companion. In the whole course of French history there are few person ages so attractive as Samuel Champlain. For several years until the peace of 1598 Champlain served in the army of Henry IV. as deputy quartermaster-general. One of his uncles was pilot major, of the Spanish fleets, and after the peace Champlain accompanied him to Seville. A fleet was on the point of sailing for Mexico, under the Admiral Francisco Colombo, and Champlain obtained, through his uncle's influence, the command of one of the ships. Champlain ^hc voyagc, wlth the journeys on in the West land, lasted more than two years, and Champlain kept a diary, from which after returning to France he wrote out a narra tive ^ which so pleased the king that he granted 1 Champlain, Traite de la marine et du devoir d' un bon marinier, pp. 1-7. ^ An English translation from this MS. was published by the Hakluyt Society in 1859 under the title Narrative of a THE BEGINNINGS OF QUEBEC 41 him a pension. In this relation Champlain de scribed things with the keen insight and careful attention of a naturalist. Shores, havens, and mountains lie spread out before you, with the wonderful effects of snow-clad peaks rising from the masses of tropical verdure, birds of strange colour sing in the treetops, while hearsay grif fins, with eagles' heads, bats' wings and croco diles' tails lurk in the background ; and worse than such monsters, our traveller thinks, are the spectacles of Indians flogged for non-attend ance at mass, and heretics burned at the stake. While making a halt at the Isthmus of Panama it occurs to him that a ship-canal at that point would shorten the voyage to Asia even more effectually than the discovery of a northwest passage. When Champlain returned to France he found Aymar de Chastes preparing to send Pontgrave upon a voyage to Canada. The veteran Pontgrave was brave and wise, resource ful and light-hearted, just the sort of man whom Champlain would be sure to like. It is therefore not strange that we find him embarking in the Voyage to the West Indies and Mexico. The original MS. was first pubhshedin 1 870 as the first volume of Champlain's works edited by Laverdiere : Brief discours des choses plus remarquables que Samuel Champlain de Brouage a reconnues aux Indes Occident ales au voyage qu' il en a faict en ice lies en Lannee mil v'^ iiij^ xix, etc. 42 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND enterprise with Father Pontgrave, as he used affectionately to call him. The two sailed from „^ ,., Honfleuronthe icthof March, 1603, champlain s J j .j ' first voyage and scvcnty days later they were gliding past the mouth of the Sague nay. As they approached the St. Charles they saw no traces of the Iroquois town of Stadacona. On they went, as far as Hochelaga, where Car- tier had been entertained sixty-eight years be fore, but not one of its long bark cabins was left, nor a vestige of its stout triple palisade, nor a living soul to tell the story of the dire catastrophe. No Iroquois were now to be met upon the St. Lawrence except as invaders, nor were the accents of their speech to be heard from the lips of the red men who emerged from the thickets to greet Champlain and Pontgrave. The disap- Another name than " Canada " would pearance of havc bccomc attached to that country the Iroquois , j 1 1 r viUage of had thcse explorers been the first to Hochelaga penetrate its wilds. No doubt, what ever, can attach to the facts. There is no doubt that in 1535 Iroquois villages stood upon the sites of Montreal and Quebec, or that the Iroquois language was that of the natives who dwelt along the shores of the St. Lawrence ; while in 1 603 the villages with their people and their language had vanished from these places, and Instead of them were found Algonquin vil lages of a much lower type and a ruder people. THE BEGINNINGS OF QUEBEC 43 known as Adirondacks, and speaking an Al- gonquian language. The visits of our good Frenchmen have placed dates upon a portion of one of those displacements or wanderings of people that have commonly gone on In barbaric ages alike in the Old World and in the New. Just as we find Hunnish hordes in one age breaking their strength against the great wall of China and In another age mowed down by the swords of Roman and Visigoth In the val ley of the Marne, just as we see the Arab smile and hear the Arabic guttural in Cordova and In Lucknow, so In the New World we find Dacotahs or Sioux strayed afar into the Caro- linas with their Identity veiled under the name " Catawbas," and we recognize In the brave and intelligent Cherokees of Georgia pure-blooded Iroquois, own cousins of the Mohawks. Now the Iroquois, as we know them, while preeminent in power of organization, have not been a numerous family. Within our historic ken, which is so provoklngly narrow, the most fruitful and abounding Indian stock has been that of the Algonquins. They Include the Blackfeet of the Rocky Mountains and the Crees of the Hudson Bay country -The Iroquois along with the Powhatans of Old Vir- the Xigon- glnla, and Eliot's version of the Bible 1"'"= for the natives of Massachusetts Bay is to-day for the most part intelligible to the Ojibways 44 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND of Minnesota. Obviously within recent times, that is to say since the fourteenth century, the Algonquins have been for a period of some du ration a rapidly multiplying and spreading race, and their weight of numbers for a time proved too much for the more civilized but less numer ous Iroquois to withstand. Thus in the Appa lachian region we find the mound-building Cherokees retiring from the Ohio valley into Georgia before the advancing swarms of Shaw- nees ; and we see the Tuscaroras, another band of Iroquois, pushed into Carolina by the ex pansion of the Algonquin Powhatans and Del awares. From the time when white men first became interested in the Five Nations of New York, it was a firmly established tradition among the latter that their forefathers had once lived on the St. Lawrence, and in particular that they had a stronghold upon or hard by the site of Montreal ; but that they had been driven to the southward of Lake Ontario by the hostility of a tribe of Algonquins known as Adiron dacks.^ Their first movement seems to have been up the St. Lawrence and across Lake On tario to the mouth of the Oswego River, where for some time they had their central strongholds. Thence they spread in both directions. Those ^ Colden' s History of the Five Indian Nations, London, 1755, i. 23. THE BEGINNINGS OF QUEBEC 45 who settled at the head of the Canandaigua lake became known by the Algonquin name of Senecas, which has been variously interpreted. Those who stopped at a lake to the eastward, with a marsh at its foot, called Cayuga, or " mucky land," were known by that name. Those who kept up the ancestral council fires, and spread over the divide between the Oswego and Mohawk watersheds, and so on over the gentle rolling country eastward of the Skan- eateles or " long lake," have ever since been known as Onondagas, or " men of the hills.'.' Eastward from this central region the people." were called Oneidas, or " men of the boulders " (or perhaps " men of granite "), from the profu sion of erratic blocks strewn over their territory. Furthest to the east, and most famous of these confederated warriors, were the people who called themselves, or were called by their kins men, Canlengas, or " people of the flint " that was used in striking fire ; they are best known to history, however, by the name of Mohawk, or " man-eater," bestowed upon them by their Algonquin foes, and which all the Iroquois seem abundantly to have earned by their canni bal propensities.^ The driving of the Iroquois up the St. Law- ^ Beauchamp, Indian Names in New York, passim ; Mor gan, League of the Iroquois, pp. 51-53 ; Ancient Society, p. 125. 46 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND rence valley into central New York by their Algonquin assailants had remarkable conse quences. For military and commercial purposes the situation was the best on the Atlantic slope of North America. The line of the Five Na tions stretched its long length between the trea sures of beaver and otter on the great lakes and the wampum beds on the coast of Long Island ; but If an enemy, from any quarter of the com pass, ventured to attack that long line, forth with it proved to be an Interior line in follow ing which he was apt to be overwhelmed. Along with this singular advantage of geo graphical position the Five Nations soon learned the value of political confederation In preserv ing peace among themselves while Increasing their military strength. It was a common thing for Indian tribes of allied lineage to enter into confederation, but no other union of this sort was so artfully constructed, harmonious, and The Iroquois cudurlng as the League of the Iro- confederacy quols. The date of the founding of this confederacy seems to have been not far from 1450, and we may suppose the great movement from the valley of the St. Lawrence to the lakes of central New York to have oc curred about a century earlier. This group of Iroquois, which became the Five Nations, was an overgrown tribe which underwent expansion and segmentation. From the expanding Onon- THE BEGINNINGS OF QUEBEC 47 dagas the extreme wings first broke off" as Sen ecas and Mohawks ; afterward the Onondagas again threw off" the Cayugas, while a portion of the Mohawks became marked off" as Oneidas. To abolish war throughout their smiling coun try by referring all aff^alrs of general concern to a representative council was the great thought of the Onondaga chief Hiawatha, who, after bit ter opposition In his own tribe, found a powerful ally In Dagonoweda, the Mohawk.^ Soon after the middle of the fifteenth century the work of these sagacious statesmen was accomplished, and thenceforth the people of the five tribes, from Canandaigua, " the chosen settlement," to Sche nectady, " the plain beyond the opening," were proud to call themselves Hodenosaunee, or "Kinsmen of the Long House." Thenceforth they found themselves more than a match for the Algonquin foe, and able to go forth and as sail him. But there were yet other Iroquois kinsmen beside those of the Long House. To the north of the St. Lawrence and of Lake Ontario as far west as the Georgian Bay of Lake Huron one might have encountered the populous tribe of Hurons. In blood and speech they diff"ered no more from Mohawks than a Frank from a Fri sian, or a Welshman of Wales from a Welsh man of Cornwall. They were the rear of the 1 Hale, The Iroquois Book of Rites, chap. ii. 48 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND retiring Iroquois host, the buff"er that took the first brunt of the Algonquin onsets. They were probably the last to leave the valley of the St. Lawrence. In all probability the towns of Outlying Hochclaga and Stadacona, visited in tribes of 1535 by Cartler, were Huron towns, roquoi ^hich in the course of the next half century were swept away by the last advancing Algonquin wave. In Champlain's time the Huron boundaries all stopped west of the meridian of Niagara, and their population of 20,000 souls was to be found mostly between Lake Simcoe and the Georgian Bay. Between these Hurons and Lake Erie, west of the Ni agara River, dwelt another tribe of Identical blood and speech, known as the Attiwenda- ronks ; and south of Lake Erie came the Eries ; while down in the pleasant valley of the Sus quehanna were the villages of the powerful tribe variously called Susquehannocks, Andastes, or Conestogas. All these were Iroquois, and were severely blamed by the Five Nations for refus ing to accept Hiawatha's " Gift of Peace " and join the confederacy. They were scorned as base and froward creatures, so bent upon having their own way that they held aloof from the only arrangement that could put a curb upon the per petual slaughter ; such, at least, was the purport of the solemn speeches that used to be made be fore the council fires at Onondaga. The Five THE BEGINNINGS OF QUEBEC 49 Nations were bound to be peace-makers, even at the cost of massacring all the human population of America. They fully appreciated the injunc tion " Compel them to enter in." In the course of the seventeenth century we find them annihi lating successively the Hurons, Attlwendaronks, Eries, and Conestogas, and after the customary orgies of torment and slaughter, adopting the remnants into their own tribes. In Champlain's time the hatred between the Five Nations and the Hurons had come to such a pass that the latter forgot their ancient hostility to the Al gonquins of the St. Lawrence, and were wont to make common cause with them against the dreaded Long House. In these ways, when Champlain arrived upon the scene, a situation had been prepared for him and for France, of which he understood absolutely nothing. Five years were to pass, however, before the gallant Frenchman was to taste the first fruits ' of the true significance of the disappearance of Hochelaga. When In the autumn of 1603 the returning ships arrived at Havre, they were met by the news that Chastes was dead. Once more the business must be reorganized, and this time itwas the Sieur de Monts, already men- Q^^^ns of tioned, who took the lead. This no- 'i^^ sieur de 11-1 1 1-1 Monts bleman turned his thoughts a little to the southward, perhaps with a view to milder winters, and obtained from the king a grant 50 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND extending from about the latitude of Montreal as far south as that of Philadelphia. There is a Micmac word, Acadle or Aquoddy, which means simply " place " or " region," and which appears in such names as Passamaquoddy. In French it has a romantic flavour, which is perhaps slightly enhanced In the English Acadia. To the country since famous under that name the Sieur de Monts brought his little company In the spring of 1 604. There had been indignant out cries over the circumstance that this gentleman was a Huguenot, but the king laughed at these protests. He insisted that Monts should so far defer to public opinion as to take a Romish priest with him to preach the gospel to the hea then ; but he allowed him also to take a Calvin- ist minister for his own spiritual solace and en- livenment. Hardly had the French coast-line sunk below the horizon when the tones of enven omed theological discusslo'n were heard upon the quarter-deck. The ship's atmosphere grew as musty with texts and as acrid with quibbles as that of a room at the Sorbonne, and now and Homeric then a scene of Homeric simplicity quarrels ^g^g enactcd, whcn the curate and the parson engaged in personal combat. " I forget just now," says Champlain, "which was the hard est hitter, but I leave you to Imagine what a fine spectacle they made, aiming and dodging blows, while the sailors gathered around and backed THE BEGINNINGS OF QUEBEC 51 them according to their sectarian prejudices," ^ some shouting " Hang the Huguenot ! " and others " Down with the Papist ! " On shore similar scenes recurred, with an accompaniment of capering and yelping Indians, to whom It was quite enough that a scrimmage was going on, and who were perhaps scarcely worse fitted than the combatants themselves to understand the issues involved. It happened that amid the hardships which assailed the little company these two zeal ous men of God succumbed at about the same time, whereupon, says one of our chroniclers with a shudder, the sailors buried them in the same grave, expressing a hope that after so much strife they would repose In peace together.^ In our brief narrative there Is no need for en tering into the details of this first experience of white men in Acadia. The experiment occupation extended over three years, during °f Acadia which there were voyages back and forth across the ocean with reinforcements to off^set the losses from disease. Among the company, besides its leaders, were two men of rare and excellent qual ity, the Baron de Poutrincourt and Marc Les carbot, an advocate and man of letters who was seized by a sudden inclination for wild life. Among Lescarbot's accomplishments was a knack of turning off" long Alexandrine verses by 1 Champlain, Voyages, 1632,1. 46. 2 Sagard, Histoire du Canada, 1636, p. g. 52 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND the jard, but what was of far more value, he | wrote a shrewd and pithy prose, abounding in good sense and cheer. After the priceless writ- i ings of Champlain himself there are few books { about the beginnings of New France with which we should be so loath to part as the three teem ing volumes of Lescarbot. The first attempt at settlement was made at the mouth of the river Ste. Croix, but the fancy of Poutrincourt was captivated by the beautiful gulf to which the English in later days gave the name of Annapolis. He obtained from Monts a grant of the spot with its adjacent territory. Founding of and Called it Port Royal. There after hter Anna- ^ whlle the work of thcsc colonists was poiis concentrated, while Champlain spent much time In exploring and delineating the coasts. Of making charts he was never weary, and in following sinuous shore-lines he found delight. One of his first discoveries was the grand and picturesque island which he called " isle of the desert mountains," " L'Isle des Monts Deserts," a name which to this day by its noticeable accent on the final syllable pre serves a record of this French origin. A little further to the west he entered and explored for Champlain somc dlstancc the Penobscot, which Netsng!?' fishermen often called the river of land coast Norumbcga, but he found no traces of the splendid city into which popular fancy had THE BEGINNINGS OF QUEBEC 53 magnified AUefonsce's Indian village upon the island of Manhattan.^ Farther on he ascended the Kennebec, and was correctly told by Indians of the route to the St. Lawrence by the valley of the Chaudiere, the route which was traversed with such bitter hardship by Benedict Arnold and his men in 1775. As the French navigator passed Casco Bay he began to notice a marked superiority in the Indians over the squalid Mic macs and Etetchemins of Acadia. The wigwams were better built, and the fields of maize, beans, and pumpkins wore a kind of savage cheerful ness under the scorching July sun. Champlain entered the Charles River, and mistook It for the great stream which was soon to be explored by Henry Hudson. After duly astonishing the natives of the triple-peaked peninsula, he passed on to Plymouth, sailed around Cape Cod, and proceeded as far as Nauset Harbour, where the supplies began to give out, and a direct return was made to the Bay of Fundy. The object of this coasting voyage was to see if any spot could be found for a settlement that would be preferable to those already visited in Canada or on the Bay of Fundy. For a moment the Charles River seems to have tempted these worthy Frenchmen, but they decided to go fur- ^ In Gravier's Vie de Samuel Champlain, Paris, 1900, pp. 40-49, the reader will find more or less uncritical specu lation connected with this little summer voyage. 54 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND then Their narrative indicates a much greater coast population of red men than was found by the Mayflower Pilgrims fifteen years later, and enables us to form some Idea of the magnitude of the pestilence which In the Interval nearly de populated the shores of Massachusetts Bay. In 1605 all the best spots seemed to show Indian villages. The next summer Champlain made A second ex- another reconnoitring voyage from piorationof Port Royal, in company with Pou- the Massa- . . chusetts trincourt. They lost but little time in coast gg^j-jj^g ^Q Cape Cod, and then in rounding Cape Malabar they had a singular ex perience. At a distance of a league and a half from the shore they found the depth of water rapidly diminishing to less than a fathom, while on every side the waves leaped and gambolled in the wildest confusion. They got their bark across this ugly shoal with a broken rudder, lit tle dreaming that only four years before the same spot, proudly rearing its head above the sea, had been described by Bartholomew Gosnold under the name of Nauset Island. It had lately been beaten down and submerged by the angry wa ters, but nearly three centuries were consumed in washing away the fragments. The sea is now six fathoms deep there.^ After getting clear of this dangerous place Poutrincourt put into Chatham Harbour for re- ^ De Costa, Pre-Columbian Discovery of America, p. 97. THE GULF OF ST. LAWRE' EMCE, BY CHAMPLAIN, 1632 THE BEGINNINGS OF QUEBEC 55 pairs, and there he remained a fortnight, closely watched from the bushes by peering red men who one morning before daybreak came swarm ing about a party of sleeping Frenchmen, and killed several. Thence our voyagers kept on to Hyannis, and from that neighbourhood descried a shore-line to the southward, which must have been either Martha's Vineyard or Nantucket. By this time Poutrincourt had made up his mind that Port Royal was the best place for his colony after all, and so the prow was turned in that direction. Things went well enough with them until in a stress of weather near Mount Desert their rudder broke, and their last hundred and fifty miles were far from comfortable. As they en tered the harbour of Port Royal a singular spectacle greeted them. That fortress consisted of a large wooden quadrangle enclosing a court yard. At one corner, which came down to the water's edge, was an arched gateway flanked by rude bastions mounting a few cannon. One side of the quadrangle comprised the dining-room and officers' quarters, on the second side were the barracks for the men, on the third the kitchen and oven, and on the fourth a picturesque the store-rooms. Now on the No- "'^'™'"' vember evening when Champlain and Poutrin court sailed into the harbour they saw the build ings brightly lighted and the arch surmounted 56 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND by the royal arms supported on either hand by the heraldic emblems of Baron Poutrincourt and the Sieur de Monts. While the weary voy agers were admiring the pageant there stepped forth from the gateway no less a personage than old Neptune, Lord of the Ocean, with a pom pous retinue of Tritons, who marched with measured step to meet the ship, declaiming long Alexandrine rhymed couplets of praise and welcome. Thus was the tedium of the wilder ness relieved by the ingenious Lescarbot, whose active brain was never idle, but In the intervals of work was sure to be teeming with quips and quirks and droll conceits. During the summer he had kept the men at work to good purpose, and not only raised a crop of maize, but made a respectable beginning with barley, wheat, and rye. It was to a well-stocked home that he politely ushered the voyagers, after wanderings which he would refrain from comparing with those of .^neas and Ulysses, Inasmuch as he did not like to soil their holy missionary enter prise with unclean pagan similitudes. In such whimsicalities there was a strong sympathy between the mariner of Saintonge and the law yer of Vervlns. Champlain praised Lescarbot's thrifty housekeeping, and devised a plan whereby their table might be always well supplied. The magnates at Port Royal, who occupied the dining-room, were fifteen in number; Cham- THE BEGINNINGS OF QUEBEC 57 plain formed them into an order of knighthood, which he called " The Order of Good Times," and each member In regular rotation was Grand Master of the Order for one day, .^-^^ Knight- during which he was responsible not ly order of only for the supply of the larder but for the cooking and serving of the meals. The result was a delicious sequence of venison, bear, and grouse, ducks, geese, and plover, as well as fresh fish innumerable, to go with their bread- stuff^s and dried beans. Lescarbot boasted that the fare could not be excelled In the best res taurants of Paris, and they had brought more over such a generous quantity of claret that every man in the colony received three pints daily. Under such circumstances we need not wonder that there was no scurvy, or that there were only four deaths during the winter. Such comfort and immunity were unusual in those improvident days. It was with high hopes that these blithe Frenchmen hailed the approach of spring, but its arrival brought unwelcome news and re minded them of the flimsiness of the basis on which such hopes had been sustained. The merchants and fishermen of Normandy and Brittany had never approved of the monopoly granted to Monts ; on the contrary they had never ceased to fight against it at court with money and personal influence, and now at last 58 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND they had procured a repeal of the monopoly. Monts had spent on the enterprise a sum ex ceeding $100,000 of our modern money; he was allowed an indemnity of $6000 provided he could collect it from fur-traders. The blow coUa seof ^^^ dccIsIve. If It proved so hard to De Monts' found colonlcs even with the advan- monopoy t^ggg of a monopoly, clearly there was no use in going on without such aid. The good Poutrincourt could not be Induced to give up his plans for Port Royal, but three years elapsed before he was enabled to renew his work there. Meanwhile we must follow the fortunes of Champlain and Monts after their return to France. They first betook themselves to Paris, to confer with the king ; and Champlain tells us how day after day he walked the streets of the great city like a man in a dream. In early days he had loved the ocean and felt suff"ocated in an air that was not spiced with adventure. He had now left his heart In the wilderness, a subtle robber that In such matters never makes restitu tion. He longed to follow up each entrancing vista in the woodland, and to improve his ac- champiain qualntancc with its denizens, four- IttTntio'n to footed or winged as well as human. Canada Especially was his curiosity whetted by the recollection of the mighty river which he had once ascended for so many miles. At THE BEGINNINGS OF QUEBEC 59 Hochelaga, or rather upon the shore where that barbaric town had once stood, he had heard of oceans to the westward, by which his informants doubtless meant the great lakes, and he had been told of a cataract a league In width, down which leaps a mighty mass of water, which cer tainly sounds to our ears like a reference to Niagara Falls. Champlain wished to see such things for himself, and he believed that the St. Lawrence fur-trade would prove a source of great wealth ; nor was he at all lacking In mis sionary zeal. He was more than once heard to say that the saving of a soul is worth more than the conquest of an empire. Here then was important work which he felt that Frenchmen were called upon to do. He consulted with his comrades Monts and Pontgrave, and found in them abundant sympathy. Henry IV. was In clined to look with favour upon such schemes, but his able minister Sully took a dlff"erent view.' The European schemes of these two statesmen were far-reaching and of the utmost importance, and Sully believed that France had need at home of all the able-bodied men she could muster ; It was poor economy, he thought, to be wasting lives in Canada. There was also the cry against monopolies, but Henry neverthe less yielded so far as to renew to Monts the monopoly In furs for one year, a concession which was far from showing the king's cus- 60 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND tomary soundness of judgment, since itwas too brief to be of much use. The grantee and his friends, however, could go on in the hope of further renewals ; and so in fact they did. In April, 1608, the expedition sailed from Honfleur, Champlain following Pontgrave at a The expedi- wcek's Interval. On arriving at Ta- tionofi6o8 dousac our French adventurers got into further trouble In the matter of Father Adam's will. Pontgrave found a party of Basques trading with the Indians, and so far were they from taking his remonstrance in good part that a tussle ensued in which they boarded his ship, killing and wounding some of his men, and seized all his fire-arms. But on the arrival of Champlain the strangers became more peace fully inclined, and an agreement was made by which the whole matter was referred to the courts of justice In France. Champlain then pursued his way up-stream past the Island of Orleans to the narrow place where a mighty promontory rears its head over Quebec opposlte PoInt LcvI. The French founded contluucd Calling it by its Algonquin name ^ebec, or " The Narrows," ^ and there, in what is now the Lower Town, they speedily reared a stack of buildings enclosed by a wooden wall mounting a few cannon and loopholed for musketry. While the building was going on ^ Parkman, Pioneers of France, p. 329. THE BEGINNINGS OF QUEBEC 61 there was a leaven of treason at work in the company. A locksmith, named Duval, took it Into his head that more was to be gained from playing Into the hands of the Spaniards who had not yet left Tadousac than from loyally serving his own country. What private motives may have urged him we do not know. The plan was to murder Champlain and hand over the new fortress and all the property to the Basques. But the secret was entrusted to too many per sons, and so came to Champlain's ears. Just as he had learned all the details a pinnace sent up from Tadousac by Pontgrave arrived upon the scene, and in it was a man whose fidelity was above suspicion. Champlain instructed him to invite Duval and three accomplices Treachery to a social evening glass in the cabin, *'°'^^'* telling them that the wine was a present from some Basque friends. The bait was eagerly swallowed, and no sooner had the plotters set foot aboard the pinnace than to their amaze ment they were seized and handcuff"ed. It was not clear just how far the plot had spread, but it mattered little now. In the middle of the summer night the little colony was aroused from its slumbers, and many a heart quaked with fear as the announcement was made of the detection of the plot and the arrest of the ringleaders. The long rays of the morning sun revealed the severed head of the locksmith Duval adorning 62 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND the wooden gateway of the courtyard ; his three accomplices were sent to France to work in the galleys ; and a proclamation of pardon without further inquiry put everybody else at his ease. Treason and assassination had suddenly become unpopular. A terrible winter followed. When Pontgrave set sail for France in September with a magni- ficent cargo of furs he left Champlain winter at at Qucbcc with twcnty-cIght men. Que ec ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^£- ]yj^y qj^J^ j^Jj^g ^£ j.}jegg were left alive. At last the good Pontgrave ap peared with reinforcements and supplies, and it was arranged that he should carry on his trading at Quebec while Champlain should ex plore the country. This was a task the mean ing of which was to be learned only through harsh experience, but it was obvious from the first that it would involve penetrating the forest to a great and unknown distance from any pos sible civilized base of operations. It was work of Immense difficulty. To carry on such work with an army had well-nigh overtaxed the genius of such commanders as Soto and Coro- nado, with the treasury of the Indies to back them. For Champlain, without any such re sources, dlff^erent methods must be sought. He must venture into the wilderness with a hand ful of followers and as little encumbrance as possible of any sort. There seemed to be but THE BEGINNINGS OF QUEBEC 63 one feasible way of approaching this problem, and this was to cultivate the friendship of such native tribes as might be most ser- 1-1 Friendship viceable to rum on his long routes, with the in- By assimilating these expeditions to dlt^onrf™"" journeys through a friendly country successful ex- the risks might be greatly diminished, ^"^ °" and the solid results indefinitely Increased. It was such considerations as these that started French policy in America upon the path which it was destined thenceforth to follow to the end. It was a choice that was fraught with disaster, yet It would be unjust to blame Cham plain for that. Nothing short of omniscience could have looked forward through the tangle of wilderness politics that seems so simple to us looking backward. For Champlain's purposes his choice was natural and sagacious, but as to the particular people with whom he should ally himself he can hardly be said to have had any choice. Grim destiny had already selected his allies. The valley of the St. Lawrence Thiscondi- was the route for the fur-trade, and ''°" d'^'f- . . . mines the friendship must be preserved with subsequent the tribes along Its banks and In- F'-'="=i>P°"^y ward on the way to those great seas of which Champlain had heard. The tribes on the St. Lawrence were Algonquins whom the French called Montagnais, but who were afterward known as Adirondacks to the English of New 64 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND York. They were less intelligent and more bar barous than the Iroquois. Agriculture and village life were but slightly developed the Indians among them, they were more depend- of Canada ^^^ upon hunting and fishing, and as they showed less foresight in storing provisions for the winter their numbers were more fre quently depleted by famine and disease. Farther up the great river and commanding the north western trails were the Ottawas, another Algon quin people considerably more advanced than the Montagnais ; while southerly from the Ottawas and bordering on the Georgian Bay, as already observed, were the Hurons, who rather than join the league of their Iroquois brethren preferred to maintain a sullen inde pendence, and to this end kept up an alliance with their Algonquin neighbours. For such conduct the Hurons were denounced by the confederated Iroquois as the vilest of traitors. Thus the allies marked out for Champlain and his colony were the neighbouring Algon quins and the Hurons. It was absolutely ne cessary that friendship with these tribes should be maintained. In the autumn of 1608 Champlain champlain learned that It was in his power to ^'''th '^o'^'"' do them a signal favour. A young tawas and Ottawa chlcf who happened to visit Hurons Qucbcc was astoundcd at its massive wooden architecture and overwhelmed with awe THE BEGINNINGS OF QUEBEC 65 at the voice of the cannon and the distant eff"ects wrought by their bullets. Could not these weird strangers be induced to hurl their thunders and lightnings at the Insolent enemy of the Algon quins ? The suggestion suited Champlain's love of adventure as well as his policy. It was an ex cellent means of getting access to the Ottawa's country. Late in the following June the woods about Quebec resounded with the yells of three hundred newly arrived Hurons and Ottawas im patient to start on such an expedition as these forests had never witnessed before. It Is a pity that we have no account of it from the red man's point of view ; it is fortunate, however, that we' have such a narrative as Champlain's own. On the a 8th of June, 1609, after the custom ary feast and war dance, they started from Que bec, some three to four hundred bar barians In bark canoes, and Champlain with eleven other Frenchmen, clad in doublets protected with light plate armour, and armed with arquebuses. In a shallop, which the Indians assured Champlain could pass without serious hindrance to the end of their route. The weap ons of the red men were stone arrows, lances, and tomahawks, but already there were many sharp French hatchets to be seen which had been bought with beaver skins. Their route lay across that broad stretch of the St. Lawrence known as Lake St. Peter to the river which a generation 66 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND later received the name of Richelieu. There they paused for some fishing and feasting, and some thing happened which has been characteristic of savage warfare in every age. A fierce quarrel broke out among the Indians, and three fourths of the whole number quit the scene in a tower ing passion and paddled away for their northern homes. The depleted war party, taking a fresh start, soon reached the rapids and carrying-place above Chambly, and there it was found that the shallop could go no further, since she could not stem the rapids, and was too heavy to be carried. Why the Indians had misinformed their white ally on this point it would be hard to say. Perhaps the Inborn love of hoaxing may have prevailed over military prudence, or perhaps they may have entertained misplaced notions of the Frenchman's supernatural powers. At all events the shallop must go back to Quebec, but Champlain decided to go forward in a canoe, and from his men he selected two volunteers as com panions. After they had passed the portage there was a grand roll-call, and It was found that the total force was four and twenty canoes car rying sixty feathered warriors and the three white men. As they approached the noble lake which now bears the name of Champlain, but was long known as Lake of the Iroquois, their movements became more circumspect, they sent scouts in THE BEGINNINGS OF QUEBEC 67 advance, and occasionally they consulted the tutelar spirits of departed Algonquin and Hu ron heroes. _ To the pious Champlain consultation this sort of invocation seemed like an of departed , T-. ., heroes uncanny attempt to raise the Devil, but he observed It narrowly and described it fully, according to his custom. A small circu lar tent was raised, of saplings covered with deer skins, and into it crawled the medicine-man, with shudders and groans, and drew together thex skins which curtained him off" from the specta tors. Then the voice of the tutelar spirit was heard in a thin shrill squeak, like that of a Punch and Judy show, and If the manifestation were thoroughly successful the frail tent was rocked and swayed hither and thither with frantic en ergy. This motion was thought by the awe struck spectators to be the work of the spirits, but the scoffing Champlain tells us that he caught several distinct glimpses of a human fist shaking the poles, — which would seem to be a way that spirits have had in later, as in earlier times. As the war party came nearer and nearer to the enemy's country they took more pains in scouting, and at last they advanced Lake only by night. As the sky reddened champlain in the morning they would all go ashore, draw up their canoes under the bushes, and slumber on the carpet of moss, and pine-needles until sunset ; then they would stealthily embark and 68 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND briskly ply the paddles until dawn. It was on the 29th of July, a full month after leaving Que bec, that they were approaching the promontory since famous under its resounding Iroquois name of Ticonderoga, or " meeting of the waters," since there Lake George is divided only by a thin strip of /and from Lake Champlain ; as they were approaching this promontory late in the evening they descried a dark multitude of heavy elm-bark canoes which were at once recognized as Iroquois. Naval battles are not to the red man's taste. The Iroquois landed at once and began building a barricade, while the invaders danced a scornful iig In their canoes. War dances . ¦' ° 1 • 1 and the very air was torn asunder with yells. All night the missiles in vogue were taunts and jeers, with every opprobrious and indecent epithet that the red man's gross fancy could devise. Early in the morning the invaders landed, all except the Frenchmen, who lay at full length, covered with skins. There was no thought of tactics. The landing was unopposed, though the enemy were at least three to one. There were as many as 2.00 of them, all Mo hawks, tall, lithe, and many of them handsome, the best fighters In the barbaric world. In the ordinary course of things the Invaders would have paid dearly for their rashness. As it was, their hearts began to quake, and they called THE BEGINNINGS OF QUEBEC 69 aloud for Champlain. Then he arose and coolly stepped ashore before the astounded Mohawks, while his two comrades moving to a flank posi tion stationed themselves among the trees. Half palsied with terror at this supernatural visitation, the Mohawks behaved like staunch men, and raised their bows to shoot, when a volley from Champlain's arquebus, into which he had stuflTed four balls, instantly slew two of their The Mo- chiefs and wounded another. A sec- Snlf' ond fatal shot, from one of the other fire-arms Frenchmen, decided the day. The Mohawks turned and fled in a panic, leaving many prison ers in Algonquin hands. Most of these poor wretches were carried oflF to the Huron and Ottawa countries, to be slowly burned to death for the amusement of the squaws and children. There was an Intention of Indulging to some extent In this pastime on the night following the victory, but Champlain put a stop to It. The infliction of torture was a sight to which he was not accustomed ; at the hissing of the live flesh under the firebrand he could not contain him self, but demanded the privilege of shooting the prisoner, and his anger was so genuine and Imperative that the barbarians felt obliged to yield. After this summer day's work there was a general movement homewards. It was a fair average specimen, doubtless, of warfare in the 70 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND Stone Age ; a long, desultory march, a random fight, a few deaths on the field and a few more at the stake, and nothing definitely accomplished. This last remark, however, will not apply to Champlain's first forest fight. A specimen of the Stone Age In all other particulars. It was in one particular — the presence of the three Frenchmen — entirely remote from the Stone Age. In that one particular it not only accom plished something definite, but it marked an epoch. Of the many interesting military events associated with Ticonderoga it seems the most Important. There was another July day 149 years later when a battle was fought at Tlconde- This battle TOga In whIch 20,ooo men were en- began a gaged and more than 2000 were killed deadly o o hostility be- and wounded. That battle, in which ^ench and Americans and British were woefully the Iroquois defeated by the Marquis de Mont calm, was a marvellous piece of fighting, but it is now memorable only for its prodigies of valour which failed to redeem the dulness of the English general. It decided nothing, and so far as any appreciable eff"ect upon the future was concerned. It might as well not have been fought. But the little fight of 1609, In which a dozen or more Indians were killed, marks with strong emphasis the beginning of the deadly hostility between the French in Canada and the strongest Indian power on the con- THE BEGINNINGS OF QUEBEC 71 tinent of North America. In all human prob ability the breach between Frenchmen and Iroquois would In any case have come very soon ; it Is difficult to see what could have pre vented it. But in point of fact It actually did begin with Champlain's fight with the Mohawks. On the July day when the Frenchman's thunder and lightning so frightened those dusky warriors, a little Dutch vessel named the Half- Moon, with an English captain, was at anchor in Penobscot Bay, while the ship's carpenter was cutting and fitting a new foremast. A few weeks later the Half-Moon dropped anchor above the site of Troy and within the very precincts over which the warriors of the Long House kept watch. How little did Henry Hudson imagine what a drama had already been inaugurated in those leafy solitudes ! A few shots of an arque bus on that July morning had secured for Frenchmen the most dangerous enemy and for Dutchmen and Englishmen the most helpful friend that the mysterious American wilderness could aff"ord. Ill THE LORDS OF ACADIA. — LATER HISTORY OF CHAMPLAIN WE must now turn our attention for a moment from Quebec to the Bay of Fundy, where it will be remembered that the withdrawal of the monopoly once granted to Monts had for the moment brought things to a standstill. While Monts and Cham plain had forthwith renewed their labours on the Poutrincourt banks of the St. Lawrence, Poutrin- Port Ro'yal, ^'^'^^^ ^^'^ ^^^^E ^O hls bcloVcd SCt- i6i° tlement at Port Royal. Thither he returned in 1610 with a good priest who con verted and baptized the squalid Micmacs of the neighbourhood, and then found it hard to restrain them from testing the efficacy of their new religion by sallying forth with their toma hawks against the nearest heathen tribes. A certified list of baptisms was drawn up, and Pou- trincourt's son, usually known by the family name of Biencourt, returning next year to France for assistance, carried with him this list as a partial justification of the enterprise. Arriving THE LORDS OF ACADIA 73 in Paris the gallant young sailor found the world turned topsy-turvy. The great Henry had been murdered by Ravalllac. " Never was king so much lamented as this," says James Howell In one of his letters.^ The eff'ects upon Europe were far-reaching, and in the New France, which had as yet been scarcely more than half ushered into existence, a new and unexpected turn was given to the course of events. The society of the Jesuits, which began in the year 1534 with seven members, had now come to number not less than 7000, and it was everywhere recognized as one of the most powerful agencies of the counter-reformation. In many directions its Influence was beneficial, but there can be no doubt as to its Remoter con- disastrous results in France. The ^e^je^thof dagger of Ravaillac pointed the way Henry iv. to the discontinuance of the States-General, the expatriation of the Huguenots, the wasting warfare of the last days of Louis XIV., the de grading despotism of the next reign, and the ruthless surgery of the guillotine. Such were the cumulative results of the abandonment of the broad and noble policy inaugurated by Henry in 1598. At the time of his death they were of course too remote to be foreseen, but it was clear to everybody that the power of the ^ Howell's Familiar Letters, i. 49. 74 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND Jesuits was rapidly growing, and it was dreaded by many people for its ultramontane and Span ish tendencies. At that time the spirit of propaganda was very strong among the Jesuits ; they aimed at The far- nothing short of the conversion of pkn^oTthe the world, and displayed In the work Jesuits such energy, such ability, such unal loyed devotion as the world has never seen sur passed. As early as 1549 St. Francis Xavier had penetrated to the remotest East and set up a flourishing church in Japan. Before the death of Claudlo Aquaviva in 161 5 they had made their way into China. They had already estab lished Christian communities in Brazil, and about this time began their ever memorable work among the Indians of Paraguay. It was quite in the natural course of things that they should include New France in their far-reach ing plans. From Henry IV. they obtained but slight and grudging recognition, but his death for a moment threw the reins quite into their hands. There is something irresistibly funny in the alliance of the three women who made the success of the Jesuits their especial care, when one thinks of their various relations with the lamented king, — Marie de Medicis, the miserable and faithless queen; Henrlette d'En- traigues, the vile mistress ; and Antoinette, the admirable Marchioness de GuercheviUe, whom THE LORDS OF ACADIA 75 Henry had wooed in vain. The zealous fathers might well believe that Satan and the good angels were alike enlisted in their behalf. Young Biencourt soon learned that ™ '=' , _ They secure resistance was useless. It was in vain an interest that the merchants of Dieppe, who were fitting out a new expedition for America, protested that they would have no Jesuit priests, or other agents of the king of Spain, on board. Madame de GuercheviUe forthwith raised money by subscription, and bought a control ling interest in the business. So the Jesuits came to Port Royal, and bitter were the dis putes which they had with Poutrincourt and his high-spirited son Biencourt. An Indian sagamore of the neighbourhood, who loved these old friends, the grantees and true lords of Port Royal, came forward one day with a suggestion for simplifying the situation and securing a quiet life. Provided he could be sure it would be agreeable, he would take great pleasure in murdering the newcomers ! To his surprise this friendly service was declined. The grantees found that there was no contending against money. Loans were off^ered to Poutrin court in emergencies when he had not the courage to refuse them, and thus a load of debt was created with the result that on his next visit to France, in 1613, he was thrown Into prison. At that juncture a ship bearing the inau- 76 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND spicious name of Jonas was fitted up with Jesuit money and manned by persons entirely in the interest of that order. Madame de GuercheviUe had bought out all the rights and claims of Monts to lands In Acadia, and she iWadame de had also obtained from the boy king, GuercheviUe Louls XIII., a grant of all the terri- obtains a " . grant of the tory betwccn the river St. Lawrence AcadiaT ^i^d Florida. Here was a grant that Florida came into direct conflict with that which James I. of England had given only six years before to his great double-headed Vir ginia Company. According to this new French charter the settlers at Jamestown were mere trespassers upon territory over which Madame de GuercheviUe was lady paramount ! Would she venture to claim their allegiance ? Nothing nearly so bold was attempted ; but when the Jonas arrived on the Acadian coast, the chief of the expedition, a gentleman of the court named La Saussaye, set up a standard bearing Madame de Guerchevllle's coat of arms. At Port Royal he picked up a couple of Jesuits and thence stood for Penobscot Bay, La Saussaye ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ entered Frenchman's Bay in French- at Mount Dcscrt, and dropped anchor ay ([jgj.g^ £qj. j.j^g place attracted him. Presently a spot was found so charming that it was decided to make a settlement there. Itwas on the western shore of Somes Sound, between THE LORDS OF ACADIA 77 Flying Mountain and Fernald Cove. Scarcely had work begun there when a sloop of war came into the sound, carrying fourteen guns, and at her masthead was flying the little red flag of England. She was commanded by young Captain Samuel Argall, who had come all the way from James River to fish for cod, but incidentally Sir Thomas Dale, who was then governing Virginia under the title of High Marshal, had Instructed him to look out for any Frenchmen who might have ventured to trespass upon the territory granted by King James to the Virginia Company. Argall had picked up some Indians in Penobscot Bay who told him of the white men at Mount Desert, and from their descriptions he recognized the characteristic shrugs and bows of Frenchmen. When his flag appeared In Somes Sound, the French commander La Saussaye, with some of the more timid ones, took to the woods, but a few bold spirits tried to defend their ship. It was of no use. After two or three xhe French raking shots the English boarded and captured by took possession of her. The astute "^^ Argall searched La Saussaye's baggage until he found his commission from the French govern ment, which he quietly tucked into his pocket. After a while La Saussaye, overcome by hunger, emerged from his hiding-place and was received with extreme politeness by Argall, who ex- 78 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND pressed much regret for the disagreeable neces sity under which he had laboured. It was a pity to have to disturb such estimable gentle men, but really this land belonged to King James and not to King Louis. Of course, however, the noble chevalier must be acting under a royal commission, which would lay the whole burden of the aff"air upon the shoulders of King Louis and exonerate the officers who were merely acting under orders. So Arg stnc gp^j^g ^j^g f-Q^^y Argall, adding with his blandest smile that, just as a matter of formal courtesy, he would like to see the com mission. We can fancy the smile growing more grim and Mephistophelean as the bewildered Frenchman hunted and hunted. When at length it appeared that La Saussaye could produce no such document Argall began to bluster and swear. He called the Frenchmen pirates, and confiscated all their property, scarcely leaving a coat to their backs. Then as he had not room enough for all the prisoners, he put La Saus saye, with one of the Jesuit fathers and thirteen men, into an open boat and left them to their fate, which turned out to be a kindly one, for after a few days they were picked up by a French merchant ship and carried back to the Old World. As for the other Jesuit father with thirteen other men, Argall carried them to Jamestown, THE LORDS OF ACADIA 79 where that great stickler for martial law. Sir Thomas Dale, was Inclined to hang them all without ceremony ; but the wisdom. of Master Reynard was Argall's, and he saw that this would be going too far. It might make serious trouble between the two Crowns, and would tend to reveal his trickery In a way that would be awkward. So he revealed it himself to Sir Thomas Dale, pulled La Saussaye's commission from his pocket, saved the lives of the captives, and remained master of the situation. Argaii re- Presently he sailed for the north ZZTori again with three ships and burned ^°y^ the settlement at Port Royal, destroying the growing crops and carrying away the cattle and horses. At the moment of the catastrophe Biencourt and most of his armed men were absent, and when they returned they were too few to engage with Argall ; so after a fruitless parley and much recrimination the English skipper sailed away. Next year the Baron de Poutrincourt was slain In battle in France, and his steadfast son Biencourt, succeeding to the barony and the title, still remained devoted to the father's beloved Port Royal. He obtained fresh recruits for the enterprise, and the little wooden town rose Phcenlx-llke from its ashes. At the French court there was grumbling over the con duct of Argall, and complaint was made to King James ; and there the matter rested. 80 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND The death of the elder Poutrincourt occurred in 1 615. We must now return for a moment to 1609 and take up the story of Champlain after his memorable experience at Ticonderoga, In June, 16 10, he was called upon to repeat it on a larger scale. A party of 100 Mohawks had advanced as far as the site of Champlain i • i r j helps in the Coutrecoeur, on the peninsula formed ofTat"ck- there by the St. Lawrence and the ing party of RIchelleu, 3. fcw mllcs abovc the mouth of the latter river, and there they were overwhelmed by a large force of Al gonquins aided by a dozen Frenchmen. The Mohawks, driven to bay, fought until only fif teen were left alive. These were taken prison ers, and one of them was surrendered to Cham plain, while another was chopped into fragments and eaten. The rest were put to death with slow fires by the Algonquin women, who In this re spect, Champlain tells us, are much more in human than the men, " for they devise by their cunning more cruel punishments, in which they take pleasure, putting an end to their lives by the most extreme pains." ^ After this second taste of Indian warfare Champlain returned to France, and in the fol lowing December married a young girl, Helen Boulle, daughter of one of the late king's pri vate secretaries. Clearly Champlain was now no 1 Voyages of Champlain, ed. Slafter, ii. 246. LATER HISTORY OF CHAMPLAIN 81 Huguenot, for as this young lady was some what too much of a Calvinist he left her for a while in the following spring at an Ursuline convent, where she might learn more whole some opinions. At a later time she accompanied him to Canada, but he was not yet quite ready to bring her to such a place. On his next return, in 1 6 II, he began building a Chris- Beginnings tian city on the site of the old Hoche- °f Montreal laga. Both in the interests of the fur-trade and of his proposed western explorations he thought it best to have an available station higher up the river than Quebec. The site where building operations were begun he called Place Royale, and on a part of it the Hospital of the Gray Nuns was afterwards erected. Scarcely was the work well begun, and a few substantial walls built, when Champlain again crossed the ocean. His old colleague Monts had been appointed governor of Pons, an important place near Rochelle, and could no longer pay attention to things in America. He therefore entrusted everything to Champlain, and it was agreed that in order to give to his enterprise the requisite dignity and protection it was desirable to secure as patron some personage of great social influ ence. Such a person was found in Charles de Bourbon, Count of Soissons, a prince of the blood royal, who was made viceroy over New France, with Champlain for his lieutenant. To 82 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND the latter was given full control over the fur- trade. This arrangement was scarcely made when Soissons died and a still greater magnate was found to succeed him, — namely, of Soissons Hcurl dc Bourbou, Prince of Conde, MnM^of ^ ™^^ celebrated, as Voltaire says, for Conde sue- havlug bccu thc father of the great ceed Monts /^ i ^ i • r , i • i Conde, but eminent for nothing else save petty ambition and greed. Champlain had come to doubt the wisdom of too exclusive a policy of monopoly, and he sought to organize a numerous association of merchants in the sea port towns. During this arduous work, when ever some little assistance at court was wanted the Prince of Conde was always ready to absorb the spare cash as a retaining fee. There was so much to be done that Cham plain could not leave France in 1612, but a young man appeared in Paris with such a story about his experiences in the New Wdrld that fashionable society had an unwonted sensation. The name of this youth was Nicolas de Vignau. Two years before Champlain had let him go home with a party of Ottawas, in order to learn what he could about their country and perhaps A traveller's to inculcate a fcw clvillzed ideas into '^^ the heads of their warriors. Now Vignau strutted about Paris with the story that he had seen with his own eyes the western ocean ; at all events, he had followed the river Ottawa LATER HISTORY OF CHAMPLAIN 83 up to its origin in a lake, whence a river flowing northward had carried him down to the sea. On its shore he had seen the wreck of an English ship and the heads of eighty Englishmen who had been massacred by the natives ! It is not likely that this story was pure invention. The Ottawa River has Its sources in a chain of small lakes, and from these a group of rivers, such as the Moose and AbbittibI, flow northward into James Bay, the southeasternmost portion of the vast Hudson Bay. Vignau may very well have heard of this route and have coupled with it some vague rumour of the mutiny and disaster at James Bay in which Henry Hudson lost his life in June, 1612. The plausibleness of his story and his straightforward manner carried conviction to everybody, to Champlain among others; and Champlain resolved to make the visiting of that western sea the chief work of the summer of 16 13. Late in May he started from the island op posite Montreal, which In honour of the wife he had left behind he called Helen's Island. He had two canoes, carrying, besides himself and Vignau, three other Frenchmen and one Indian. Far up the Ottawa River champlain they made their way, with fierce and oTawas,'"' sanguinary opposition from the mos- '^'3 quitoes, of which Champlain writes with most lively disgust, but otherwise without unpleasant 84 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND experiences. At Allumette Island they came to a thriving Ottawa village, many of the inmates of which had never seen any white man except Vignau. After the usual formalities of feasting and smoking, Champlain addressed the warriors in the kind of speech which he had learned that they liked, and concluded by asking for canoes and guides to take him further on, even to the country of the Niplsslngs. But here he read in the faces of his hearers that he had touched an unpleasant chord ; they were not on good terms with the Niplsslngs. The old chieftain Tessouat, who replied, gently rebuked Cham plain for not having been at Montreal the pre ceding summer to take part once more in a fight against the Iroquois. As for the canoes, of course If Champlain wanted them he should have them ; but oh, those Niplsslngs ! what could he be thinking of in wishing to go to them ? They would be sure to kill him ! and what a day of mourning for every true Ottawa that would be ! On Champlain's further representa tions the canoes and guides were promised, and he stepped out of doors to get a breath of fresh air. No sooner was his back turned than the assembled warriors reconsidered the subject and decided not to grant the canoes. A message to this effect brought him back into the wigwam, and once more he had to listen to the tale of Nipissing depravity. Naturally he pointed to LATER HISTORY OF CHAMPLAIN 85 Vignau and observed that here was a man who had been to the Niplsslngs and had not found them quite so black as they were y; ^^^.^ painted. " Ah ! " exclaimed old Tes- imposture 1 11. discovered souat, turning upon the wretched im postor, " Nicolas, did you tell him that you had been to the Niplsslngs ? " It was a terrible mo ment for that silly young man, before that scowling company, with all those pairs of little snakelike eyes fixed savagely upon him. It mat tered little whether he answered yes or no ; but after some moments of silence he replied stoutly that he had been there. Angry shouts of " Liar ! " arose ; for Vignau had really spent his whole winter in this very village, and everybody present knew it. Effrontery was of no avail ; he was plied with sarcastic queries which left him dumb and bewildered. Then quoth Champlain, " Look here, Vignau, if you have told me lies I will forgive what is past, but I insist that you tell the truth now, and if you fail me you shall be hanged on the spot." For a moment more the young rascal hesitated, then fell upon his knees and confessed the whole. The Indians begged to be allowed to kill him, but Cham plain kept his word and the worthless life was spared. There was no further talk of canoes and guides, and our hero returned somewhat crest fallen to Montreal. [Later in the season Champlain took ship 86 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND for France where he enlisted the interest of the Recollet friars in the establishment of missions among the Indians. Armed with a royal patent Champlain and the authorization of the Pope, he France w^ rctumcd to Canada in the spring of the Recollets 1615, accompanlcd by four friars, whose singular garb at first greatly astonished their prospective flock. One of these missionaries, Le Caron, leaving his brethren at Quebec went on to Montreal, where he found the yearly gathering of Indian fur-traders. Champlain appeared a few days later, and was then besought by the throng of Hurons to join them in an attack upon the Iroquois. Yielding to these solicitations he returned to Quebec for equipment. In the mean time Le Caron went on with Indians, making his way in a northwesterly direction until he, Le Caron the first of whltc men, gazed on the reaches great Frcsh Water Sea of the Hurons. Lake Huron °_ , , ^^, , . Not many days later, Champlain arrived at the Huron villages and rejoined Le Caron, and on August 1 2 the first Christian service was held. Hardly was the work of the church in this abode of evil spirits begun with these solemn rites before attention was directed to the worldly project which the Hurons had most at heart. Champlain reached the chief village of the Hurons, Cahiague, the 17th of August. Feasts LATER HISTORY OF CHAMPLAIN 87 and war dances filled the hours of waiting till all the bands were gathered, and then, crossing Lake Simcoe, the Indians, accompanied by a handful of Frenchmen under the intrepid Champlain, pushed on rapidly by lakes and the river Trent to Lake Ontario. Boldly venturing upon this inland sea in their frail craft they safely reached the other shore. A few days' march brought them to the Iroquois village,^ where their first rash .^j^^ ^^^^^ attack was successfully repelled, but «" the at the sound of French muskets and ™''"°'^ the hissing of the bullets the pursuing Iroquois fell back and sought protection within the pali sades of their town. To enable an effective assault to be made upon these defences Champlain had a movable tower built, from which sharp-shooters could pick off Iroquois behind the palisades ; and also large shields to protect the assailing party from arrows and stones. In their efforts to set fire to the palings. But the excitement of battle was too much for these undisciplined hordes. They threw away the shields, rent the air with cries which made it impossible for Champlain to be ^ [The situation of this fortified town of the Iroquois has been the subject of no little discussion. For the various views, see Winsor, Narr. and Crit. Hist., iv. 125; Parkman, Pio neers of France in the New World, p. 402.] 88 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND heard, and in their haste lighted the fires on the lee side of the stockade, where they were Champlain's quickly put out by the water poured military down by thc defenders. After three engines hours of almlcss and ineffectual strug gle, the Hurons fell back discouraged. Nor was Champlain able to rouse them to another set attack. They refused to stir unless they should be reinforced by some expected allies. These failing to arrive, the defeated Hurons gave up the contest and stole off, carrying their wounded In baskets upon their backs. They found their canoes unharmed, and safely recrossed the lake, but Champlain, greatly to his chagrin, was un able to induce the leaders to fulfil their promise to conduct him back to Quebec. At the last he was fain to accept the shelter of the lodge of a Huron chief. After some months spent in hunting, exploration, and the observation of Huron manners, Champlain returned to Quebec, where he was received as one from the dead. Champlain's plans to found a colony were in conflict with the commercial interests of the company of merchants who controlled the for tunes of New France. For them the fur-trade was the chief concern, and the growth of settle ment could but diminish the profitableness of this commerce. As a trading-post Quebec was a success, but the lapse of eight years from its LATER HISTORY OF CHAMPLAIN 89 beginnings saw only two farms in cultivation, one by the Recollet friars, the other by Louis Hebert, who brought his wife and Rivalry of children to Quebec In 1617, and es- '"'"«"« tabllshed the first Christian household In Can ada. In 1620 Champlain brought his own young wife to Quebec, where she devoted herself with the zeal of a young convert to the spiritual wel fare of the Indian women and children. These four years of missionary apprenticeship seem to have kindled her piety to such a flame that nothing would satisfy her but retirement from the world, and after her husband's death she became a nun. In 1 62 1 the merchants of St. Malo and Rouen, owing to repeated complaints, were ordered to give place to two Huguenot mer chants named De Caen. Their refusal brought on quarrels between the rival traders, and In weariness at these discords Montmorency sold his viceroyalty of New France to his nephew the Duke of Ventadour, whose interest in the welfare of Canada was wholly religious. It was through him that the order of the The coming Jesuits embraced New France In the "^ 'i>« J'=™'« world-wide field of their labours. In 1625 Lale- mant. Masse, and Brebeuf began the work which was to place their names so high In the history of Canada. The far-seeing eye of RIchelleu 90 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND was now directed to the possibilities for the ex tension of French power in the New World, and the wasted opportunities of eighteen years devoted to the conflicting Interests of trade and religion, which had left Quebec with only one or two self-supporting families, and at most a motley population of little over one hundred persons, convinced the great minister that a radical change was necessary. He abolished the privileges of the De Caens, and formed the com pany of New France, to consist of one hundred „, „ members with himself at their head. The One Hundred As- To thls body, commonly known as the " One Hundred Associates," were granted the political control of all of New France, the commercial monopoly of the fur- trade forever, and of other commerce, except whaling and cod-fishing, for fifteen years, for which period the trade of the colony was to be exempt from taxation. In return, the Associates must settle in Canada during these fifteen years not less than four thousand men and women, who were to be provided with cleared lands after three years' residence. In contrast to the lax unconcern with which for the most part England saw her colonies peopled with all sorts and con ditions of men, German Protestants and English Catholics, English Puritans and Irish Papists, New France was henceforth to be open only to LATER HISTORY OF CHAMPLAIN 91 Catholics and Frenchmen. To attain the ideal of religious unity the strongest Inducement for an energetic and progressive population to mi grate was relinquished, and the inter- Religious esting possibility of the growth of a "nifoi-mity Huguenot New France side by side with a Puritan New England was rejected. Hardly had this reorganization been effected, when, through the outbreak of war between England and France, these plans were inter rupted, and not only the possession but even the existence of the colony hung in the balance. The new company despatched four armed ves sels in April, 1628, under Roquemont, one of their number, to succour the distressed colonists, and simultaneously Charles I. of England au thorized a private expedition, patronized by London merchants and commanded by the three sons of their associate, Gervase Kirke, to dislodge the French from Acadia and Canada. The English fleet arrived first, but Champlain's sturdy resolution and the apparent strength of his position disconcerted them, and they turned back. But if the Kirkes failed to capture Que bec, the blow they did inflict was hardly less serious, for they overwhelmed the expedition of relief led by Roquemont, and the feeble garrison dragged through another year in such misery that Champlain meditated the desertion of Que- 92 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND bee and the capture of some Iroquois village where they would find a buried store of corn. Before so desperate a plan was resolved upon. Captain Kirke reappeared, this time to secure The capture the Surrender of Quebec, not through of Quebec by the valour of his attack, but through the despair of its holders. The English possession, however, was short-lived. Three years later, in accordance with the treaty of St. Germain-en-Laye, Canada and Acadia were restored to France in response to a demand which the honour of France, the personal pride of Richelieu as the head of the One Hundred Associates, and the pious urgency of Champlain for the conversion of the savages, all combined to press. In 1633 Champlain returned to Que bec as governor under commission from the One Hundred Associates. For a brief two years more he guided the destinies of New France. champlain's HIs days of cxploratlott were over, last days ^^^ j^jg j^[^^ tumed morc and more to the development and extension of the mis sions, to which all other interests were now sub ordinate. On Christmas day, 1635, the father of New France passed away. Like Bradford and Winthrop, his contemporaries, he was not only the brave, patient, and wise leader of an epoch-making enterprise, but also its honest and dispassionate historian. Yet this was not all, for to-day he is not less remembered as the LATER HISTORY OF CHAMPLAIN 93 adventurous and Indefatigable explorer and the curious observer of savage life and manners.^ Recurring now to the rivalry between France and England for the possession of Acadia, the next stage to be noticed is the grant t^^^^ j of that region In 1621 bv King grants Acadia ° TT7-11- At 1 toSirWil- James 1. to bir William Alexander, a Uam Aiexan- member of the newly organized Coun- ^^'' cll of New England, to be held under the name Nova Scotia as a fief of the Crown of Scotland. The first obstacle to the establishment of his sway Sir William found in the French occu pants under the leadership of Biencourt. At Blencourt's death about the year 1623 his pos sessions and claims fell to his friend and com panion, Charles de la Tour. In 1627 Charles de la Tour petitioned the king of France to be appointed commandant of Acadia. His mes senger was his own father, Claude de q^^^^ ^^^ la Tour, who, upon his return with charies de Roquemont's Quebec relief expedi tion, was captured by the Kirkes and carried to England. Here, being a Protestant, he re nounced his French allegiance and entered the ' [Champlain's works are easily accessible in the scholarly collected edition of the Abbe Laverdiere, 6 vols., Quebec, 1870. An English translation of his Voyages hy C. P. Otis has been published by the Prince Society under the editorial charge of Rev. E. F. Slafter, who has added a memoir and extensive notes.] 94 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND service of Sir William Alexander, who made him a baronet of Nova Scotia in 1629. The return of the father with a commission from England after he had been despatched to Legend of sccurc ouc from Francc produced a fideSrto^ situation which has appealed alike to France poct, hlstorlan, and novelist, who have depicted the son sternly rejecting the father's solicitations to change his allegiance. The story is a doubtful one, and the facts seem to be that La Tour adapted himself to the changes in the political world with the readiness of the Vicar of Bray.^ The restoration of Canada and Acadia to France In 1632 forced the La Tours to trim their sails again, and Charles de la Tour suc ceeded in getting a grant of lands and a com mand from the French king. He soon found himself confronted by a shrewd and tireless rl- La Tour and ^al, D'Aunay Charnisay, the heir of D'Aunay t^g authority of Claude de Razllly, whom the king had sent over In 1632 to receive back Acadia from the English. The rivalry of these two chieftains revived In Acadia the petty warfare of the feudal ages. E.nsconced In their rustic castles, first on opposite sides of the penin sula of Acadia, — D'Aunay at Port Royal and ^ [Roberts, History of Canada, p. 50 ; and Rameau, Une Colonie F'eodale en Amerique, Paris, 1877, p. 57.] LATER HISTORY OF CHAMPLAIN 95 La Tour at Cape Sable, — and later, on opposite sides of the Bay of Fundy, where La Tour es tablished his Fort St. Jean, — contesting each other's holdings, capturing each other's retain ers, now proposing common action against the English interlopers, now appealing to Boston for assistance, they carried on the struggle inter mittently for years.^ Appeals to the king of France at first only complicated matters because of the uncertainties of Acadian geography, but In 1641 D'Aunay's superior Influence at court prevailed. La Tour's commission was recalled, and he was ordered to report to the king in France. At the same time D'Aunay was authorized to take possession of La Tour's forts. La Tour refused obedience, and D'Aunay was ordered to seize him. La Tour, now finding himself in the dangerous plight of a rebel, had recourse to Boston for help, and convinced the leaders of the Puritan colony that his cause was just, and that D'Aunay was an Intruder. Their help, however, was of little lasting advantage, and In 1645 D'Aunay cap tured Fort St. Jean and hanged most of the prisoners. Five years later the tide turned, when ^ [For the vicissitudes of this struggle the reader may be referred to Murdoch's History of Nova Scotia, to Rameau' s Une Colonie F'eodale, and to Parkman's The Old Regime in Canada.\ 96 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND D'Aunay was drowned, leaving a widow and eight children. The skies then brightened for Death of La Tour, and he came back to Acadia, D'Aunay having succccdcd In getting a new commission from the king. Madame D'Aunay was now overwhelmed with misfortune ; her claims and those of La Tour seemed Incapable of adjustment, and, urged by the necessities of her children, she accepted La Tour's proposal to merge them with his by marriage.^ Hardly had this promising settlement been effected when a force of New Englanders under Major Robert Sedgwick of Charlestown, following secret in structions received from Cromwell, suddenly attacked and conquered Acadia. Again La Tour's adroitness served him well. In 1656 he secured for himself. In conjunction with Thomas Temple and William Crowne, a grant of all of Acadia, but apparently he had now had enough of the labours and vicissitudes of founding a peo ple, for in less than two months he relinquished La Tour hls sharc to Temple, who devoted sir Thomas'" hlmsclf wIth great energy to building Temple up the colony. Temple successfully weathered the change In government at the Restoration, reminding Charles II. that he had been faithful to his father, and " that one of the last commands that he whispered to Kirke on 1 [Murdoch prints the marriage contract, i. 1 20-1 2 3. 1 LATER HISTORY OF CHAMPLAIN 97 the scaffold was to charge this king to have a care of honest Tom Temple." ^ The Injunction was heeded so far as to allow Temple to retain Acadia, but it was not heeded to the extent of Indemnifying him for his losses when Acadia was transferred again to France in 1667. The Lords of Acadia, from Sir William Alex ander to Sir Thomas Temple, and not least the two indefatigable rivals. La Tour and D'Aunay Charnisay, had learned to their cost how great a labour it is to found a state.] ^ \ Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, i. 496. This vol ume contains many items on these Lords of Acadia. J IV WILDERNESS AND EMPIRE WE must now return to the lifetime of Champlain and note some of the prin cipal steps by which the French ac quired control of the central portion of North America. Among the young men whom Cham plain selected to send among the Indians to fit themselves for the work of interpr.eters was a Norman named Jean Nicollet. This lean Nicollet ¦ r r, ^ r ^ was in i6i 8, and for the next sixteen years Nicollet's time was chiefly spent among the Ottawas and Niplsslngs, engaging in their various expeditions, and encountering with them the privations and hardships of the forest. In 1634 Champlain sent Nicollet upon a western expedition. The object was to find out, if pos sible, what was meant by the repeated stories of large bodies of water to the westward, and of a distant people without hair or beards who did all their journeying in enormous tower-like canoes. Nicollet thought that this must be an Oriental people, and in order that he might not present too strange an appearance when he should have arrived among them, he took along with him a WILDERNESS AND EMPIRE 99 Chinese gown of rich brocade embroidered with flowers and birds. Nicollet's route lay up the Ottawa River to Lake Nipissing, and thence to the Georgian Bay. On that broad expanse of water the party launched their canoes for a journey to the Sault Ste. Marie and the Ojibway tribe which dwelt in its neighbourhood. It does not appear that Nicollet gained any positive knowledge of Lake Superior, but he entered Lake MIchI- Nicoiiet gan, and followed its western shores LakTMicM- as far as Green Bay, where he met with g^" Indians of strange speech who had never before set eyes upon a white man. These were Winne- bagoes, belonging to the great Dacotah family, and in their presence the robe of brocade was put to uses quite different from those which its owner had intended. The amazed redskins beheld in its wearer a supernatural being, and were more than confirmed In this belief when they heard the report and saw the flash of his pistol.^ From Green Bay our explorer pushed on up the Fox River, where he fell in with a tribe of Algonquins famous for their valour, under the name of Mascoutins. These Indians told him of the existence of a " great water " in the * [On this expedition, cf. Jesuit Relations,'Thv/a.kes's ed. xxiii. 275—279, and the monograph of C. W. Butteriield, History of the Discovery of the Northwest by John Nicolet, Cincmnati, 1 881.] 100 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND neighbourhood, and inasmuch as their speech was Algonquin, the words which they used were in all probability Missi-Sippl. Whether Nicollet entered the Wisconsin River or not is uncertain, but it seems probable that he went further to the south than Green Bay, to reach the country belonging to the Algonquin tribe of the Illinois. He also established friendly relations with the Algonquin Pottawattamies. After this he re traced his course, and reached Three Rivers in July, 1635, just 3-bout one year from the time of starting. Of course the " great water " to which Nicol let's Indian informants alluded was the Missis sippi River, but it was an easy and natural mis take to identify it with the western ocean, for which everybody had been so long and so eagerly looking. Many years elapsed before this and Its kindred questions were correctly solved. The Jesuit influence, which after Champlain's death was long supreme in the colony, was not espe cially favourable to western exploration. The scientific zeal of Champlain, which studied geo graphy for its own sake, was not theirs, but their missionary zeal took them to great lengths, and Father Jogues j" 1641 wc find Father Jogues preach- near Lake ing the gospel to a concourse of red men hard by the outlet of Lake Su perior.^ It is possible that the movements in ^ [_Jesuit Relations, xx. 97 ; xxiii. 19.J WILDERNESS AND EMPIRE 101 that direction might have been more vigorously prosecuted but for the terrible Iroquois war re sulting in the destruction of the Hurons in 1649. Ten years later the journey of two Frenchmen, Radisson and Groseilliers, is worthy of Radisson and mention because they reached a stream Groseilliers which they called Forked River " because it has two branches, the one towards the west, the other towards the south, which we believe run towards Mexico." ^ This, of course, might be meant for the Mississippi and Missouri. Within the next three or four years Menard and AUouez ex plored portions of the Lake Superior coast, and again heard enticing stories about the "great water." About this time a marked change came over Canada. In 1661 the youthful Louis XIV. as sumed personal control of the gov- Accession of ernment of France, and it cannot be ^"""^ ^^^• said of him that either then or at any later time he was at all neglectful of the interest of Can ada. As our narrative will hereafter show, if Canada suffered at his hands, it was from ex cessive care rather than from neglect. In 1664 and the following year the king sent three very able men to America ; the first was the Marquis de Tracy, to be military commander of New France, the Sieur de Courcelle, to be governor 1 [Radisson' s narratives of his travels have been printed by the Prince Society, Boston, 1885.] 102 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND of Canada, and Jean Baptiste Talon, to be in tendant of Canada. The intendant was an of- His changes ficcr charged with the duty of enfor- 'adiSnkfra-" ""g ^ mlnutc systcm of regulations in tion the colony, and incidentally of keep ing a watch upon the governor's actions, ac cording to the universal system of surveillance for which the old regime in France was so not able. With these men came as many as 2000 fresh colonists, together with 1200 veteran In fantry, as fine as anything Europe had to show ; so that there was now some hope that the Iro quois nuisance might be kept at arm's length. Talon was a man of large views ; he had an inkling of what might be accomplished by such extensive waterways as those of North America; and it was his settled intention to occupy the interior of the continent, and to use the mouths of its southern rivers as places from which to emerge in force and threaten the coast of Span ish Mexico. So aggressive was the mood of the French at this moment that Courcelle projected an invasion of the Long House, and in January and February, 1666, he proceeded as far as Schenectady, whence he retired on learning that Two expedi- thc English had taken possession of d^riroquots, New Netherland. In the ensuing au- 1666 tumn another expedition was under taken, and Courcelle, accompanied by Tracy, penetrated the greater part of the Mohawk val- WILDERNESS AND EMPIRE 103 ley. It was a singular spectacle, that of 600 French regulars in their uniforms, marching through the woodland trails to the sound of drum and trumpet. At a later period such bold ness would have entailed disaster, but at that time white men and their ways were still suffi ciently novel to inspire a great deal of whole some terror. It Is not easy to calculate the death-dealing capacity of the unknown, and accordingly our Mohawks, though thoroughly brave men, retired in confusion before the con fident and resonant advance of the Gallic chiv alry.* The moral impression thus produced was reinforced so effectively by Jesuit missionaries that the Long House was kept comparatively quiet for twenty years. Indeed, fears were en tertained at times In New York that the French might succeed in winning over the Iroquois in spite of the past, but any such result was averted by the far-sighted policy of Sir Edmund An dros and Thomas Dongan, and the ascendancy acquired over the Mohawks by the Schuylers at Albany. The remotest western frontier of French mis sionary enterprise was now the northern portion of Lake Michigan from the Sault Ste. Marie to Green Bay. The French names dotted with 1 [For these two expeditions, see the Abbe Faillon's Histoire de la Colonie Fran^aise en Canada, iii. 130—158 ; Parkman, The Old Regime, pp. 236-256.] 104 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND such profusion over that portion of the United States known as the Old Northwest preserve Contrasts be- for US an cloqucnt record of the trav- ^ance^nl ^Is and toils of the old explorers-. New England The Ncw England colonies were more than twenty times as populous as Canada, yet their furthest inland reach was to the shores of the Connecticut River at Deerfield and Hadley, while the French outposts were more than a thousand miles from the Atlantic. This differ ence was partly due to the fact that the primary object of the English was to found homes, and reproduce In the wilderness the self-supporting and self-governing rural communities of the Old Country ; whereas the primary object of the French was either to convert the heathen, or to trade for peltries, or to settle geographical questions, and all this was a more migratory kind of work than founding villages. In par ticular, the effects of Champlain's policy in be coming a leader of the alliance against the Long House are conspicuously visible.* It will be observed that for more than half a century after Champlain's attack upon the Onondaga fort, the route taken by Frenchmen toward the great West was up the Ottawa River and across the northern portion of Lake Huron. The French acquaintance with Lake Ontario was as yet but slight, while of Lake Erie they knew ^ [See above, p. 70.J WILDERNESS AND EMPIRE 105 nothing save by hearsay. It was impossible for them to use those southerly routes because of the Iroquois. But inasmuch as the The French Iroquois by sudden raids to the north- tt!Z^- ward could cut off the current of west the northwestern fur-trade at almost any point between Lake Ontario and the Sault Ste. Marie, it became very important for the French to maintain friendly relations with all the Algon quin tribes about the great lakes, from the Otta was to the Ojibways and Pottawattamies. These were among the prime necessities which car ried their activity so far to the west, and it so happened that side by side with the devoted missionaries a peculiar kind of population was developed in adaptation to the wild and lawless life of these woodland regions. Among the picturesque figures of New France are those of the coureurs de bois, which, literally rendered, would be " runners of the woods." Many of these men were ne'er-do-weels Th brought over from France by a legls lation which Insisted rather upon quantity than quality for the settlers of the New World. Their ranks were reinforced by those who for what ever purpose were dissatisfied with steady work in a steady-going community. The paternal legislation of Louis XIV. would have had them marry French women of their own station, cul- le cou reurs de bois 106 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND tivate their small farm, and comport themselves with sober dignity. In point of fact, they tramped off to the woods, took to themselves Indian wives, and hunted the moose, or speared the salmon, or set traps for every four-footed creature with fur on Its back. We are told, with much probability, by Charlevoix, that these men did not do nearly so much to civil ize the Indians as the Indians did to barbarize them. It was certainly felt by Father AUouez that these wood rangers were as much in need of a missionary as the red men themselves, for early Father Al- *" ^ ^7° ^^ busIcd himsclf lu preach- louez on the ing to them. At this time he reached the head of the Wisconsin River, and was told that six days' journey from there it flowed into the Mississippi or "Great Water." The " Jesuit Relation " for 1670 speaks of this "great water" as a very wide river, of which none of the Indians had ever seen the end, and it was not clear whether It emptied Into the Gulf of Mexico or that of California. The politic Frenchmen at the north of Lake Michigan had their hands quite full with the relations, peaceful or hostile, of the Indian tribes. Thither had retreated the Hurons and Ottawas to get out of the reach of the dreaded Long House, and by coming hither they had WILDERNESS AND EMPIRE 107 given umbrage to the ferocious Dacotahs or Sioux, whom Father Marquette not inaptly termed the Iroquois of the West. But the chas tisement wrought by Tracy in the Mohawk country was reported with savage exultation from red man to red man along the chain of lakes, until it encouraged the Ottawas with the remnant of Hurons to move backward as far as Mackinaw and the great Manitoulin Island. In 1670, In accordance with the injunctions of the king. Talon despatched St. Lusson to take possession of the Northwest, and In the spring of 1 67 1 the heights looking upon the Sault Ste. Marie witnessed a pageant such as none knew so well as Frenchmen how to prepare. Besides the tribes just mentioned, there were representatives from not less than a The French dozen others, Pottawattamies, Win- sfo„^o''f^'e' nebagoes, Illinois, Shawnees, Ojib- Northwest ways, Niplsslngs, and others, a vast assemblage of grunting warriors hideous with every variety of lurid paint, and bedizened with feathers and wampum. Here were games of ball, mock fights, and whatever peaceful diversion the barbaric mind was capable of finding pleasure In. These festivities continued for some weeks, inter spersed with feasts at which were served the wild fowl of the season and abundance of fish, with that pride of the red man's menu, boiled dog. On the 14th of June, a great concourse 108 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND of people assembled in the bright sunshine at the top of a lofty hill, and there all the mag nates present, white and red, affixed their sig natures or made their marks to a document which practically claimed for Louis XIV. all the continent there was, from the Arctic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico, and from the coast of Labrador as far west as land might go, which some bold spirits thought might be two or three hundred miles west of the Wisconsin River. These signatures were supposed to commit the Indian tribes as well as the Frenchmen to this extensive French claim. After the signing was over, an immense wooden cross was reared aloft and planted In the hole which had been dug to receive it, while the Frenchmen present, with uncovered heads, chanted an ancient Latin hymn. A post with the lilies of France was planted close by, while the French commander, Sieur de St. Lusson, held up a sod as symbolic of taking seizin of the land. It was felt, however, that all this pageant would be incomplete with out a speech that would stir the hearts of the Indians, and Father AUouez, the orator of the day, knew how to tell them what they could Father Al- appreciate. He informed the gaping louez depicts j-gd men that when it came to the the greatness . of Louis business of massacre, their bloodiest ^'^" chiefs were mere tyros compared with the most Christian king of France. He depicted WILDERNESS AND EMPIRE 109 that monarch as wet with the blood of his en emies, and declared that he did not keep scalps as a record of the number slain simply because the carnage to which he was accustomed was so wholesale, that no such petty method of reck oning would be of any use. Having listened to this ensanguined rhetoric, the assemblage broke up, and with the usual choruses of yelps and grunts, the tawny audience separated Into count less little groups and disappeared In the recesses of the forest.* At the time of this wild ceremony there had already entered upon the scene the man who in some respects must be counted the most re markable among all these pioneers of France. In the city of Rouen there had dwelt for sev eral generations a family by the name of Cave- lier, wealthy and highly respected, whose mem bers were often chosen as diplomats and judges, or for other positions entailing large responsi bility. Although these people did not strictly belong to the noblesse, they were nevertheless lords of small landed estates, and the estate be longing to the Cavellers was known as La Salle. In the year 1643, Rouen witnessed the birth of Rene Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La jariyiifeof Salle. This boy seems to have been ^^ ^^"^ educated at a Jesuit school, but as he grew up, ^ [F(5r the text of this speech, see Jesuit Relations, Iv. 109-113, and Parkman, La Salle, pp. 44-46. J 110 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND feeling no inclination for the priesthood, he parted from his old friends and teachers with a reputation for excellent scholarship and unim peachable character. He had shown unusual precocity in mathematics, and a strong love for such study of physical science as could be com passed in those days of small things. He was noted at an early age for a reserved and some what haughty demeanour, a Puritanic serious ness in his views of life, and a power of deter mination which nothing could shake. It so happened that his elder brother, Jean Cavelier, a priest of St. Sulpice, was in Canada, and that circumstance may perhaps have drawn him thither. His entrance into a religious order had cut him off from his Inheritance, so that his re sources were then and always extremely meagre. On arriving in Montreal, La Salle comes to accepted the feudal grant of a tract of '^"^''^ land at the place now called La Chine, above the rapids known by that name. That La Salle must have entertained some purpose of exploring the wilderness before his coming to America is highly probable, for the first two or three years at La Chine were spent by him in the diligent study of Indian languages ; and he was not long in acquiring high proficiency both in Iroquois and in several dialects of Al gonquin. One day he was visited by a party of Senecas, who spent some weeks at his house WILDERNESS AND EMPIRE 111 and had much to tell him about a river that they called the Ohio, which had its sources In their country and reached the ocean at a dis tance so great that many months would be re quired to traverse it. By the Ohio River, these Indians meant the Allegheny with the Ohio and the lower Mississippi, in which group- La Saiie hears ing their error was just as natural and ttr.^ul no greater than we make in calling to explore it the upper and lower Mississippi by the same name ; whereas In fact, the Missouri with the lower Mississippi Is the main river, and the upper Mississippi Is the tributary. From the Senecas' account of the immense length of their Ohio River, La Salle concluded that it must fall into the Gulf of California, and hence afford the much-coveted passage to China. La Salle therefore decided that he would visit the Seneca country and ascertain for himself the truth of what he had been told. He found no difficulty In obtaining the requisite authorization from CourceUes and Talon, but as he had no ready money he was obliged to sell his estate of La Chine in order to raise the necessary funds. Tust at that moment the sem- ^,. -' . 1 • • "'^ expedi- inary of St. Sulpice was meditating tioncom- a similar enterprise, but with a very ^"sskuTl-^ different destination and purpose, piorationof , '^ I the Sulpicians They wished to go northwesterly to convert some Indians whom they had been told 112 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND surpassed all others for heathenish ignorance. To combine two such diverse expeditions into one was not an augury of success. In July, 1669, seven canoes carrying twenty- four men started up the river from La Chine, and after a voyage of thirty-five days they reached Irondequoit Bay on the south side of Lake Ontario, from which a march of twenty miles brought them to one of the principal Seneca villages. There they found the people in great excitement because of the return of a small war party with one young captive warrior. One of the French priests tried to buy him from his captors, but the village found the season dull and was determined not to be de prived of its night's pleasure. So the French men were obliged to look on for six weary hours while the young man was subjected to The way cvcry torture that the red man's in- biocked by genulty could devise. After the life the Senecas ,, .,-.., , , ., had quite left his charred and writh ing form, and after the body had been cut into fragments and passed about to be eaten as dainty morsels, the savage hosts were ready to inquire what service they could do to their guests. But when they heard what was wanted they became profuse in their warnings against the wicked Indians who dwelt on the banks of the Ohio. They would furnish no guides nor be in any way instrumental in leading their WILDERNESS AND EMPIRE 113 beloved friends into such unseemly dangers. Our Frenchmen had long since learned the true meaning of such ironical expressions of solicitude on the part of the red men. Practi cally, they often amounted to a threat, as If to say. If you go down there we will kill you and lay the blame upon the Indians of that part. Why the Senecas did not wish the Frenchmen to pass through their country at that moment, unless it may have been the general Iroquois feeling toward Frenchmen, Is not clear. At this juncture one of the Indians offered to guide the party by an entirely different route, from which they could reach the Ohio at a point lower down than originally contemplated. La Salle and the Sulpicians concluded to accept this offer, and were led back to the shore of Lake On tario. , They crossed the Niagara River just below the bluffs at Queenston and distinctly heard the magnificent sub-bass monotone of the great cataract, to which, perhaps, they were the first of Europeans to approach so near. At a village on the present site of Hamilton, La Salle was presented with a Shawnee prisoner who promised to take him across Lake Erie to the Ohio ; but a new turn to events was sud denly given by the unexpected arrival of a couple of Frenchmen from the north- Meetingwith west. One of these was Louis Joliet, J°''^' a man of about the same age as La Salle, who 114 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND had, like him, been educated by the Jesuits and taken orders, but had afterward come to devote himself to mercantile pursuits. Talon, the In tendant, had heard much of the copper mines on the shore of Lake Superior, the fame of which was very widespread in aboriginal Amer ica, and he had sent Joliet to discover and in spect them. In this quest the young French man had not been successful, but he brought with him such a desperate account of the sinful condition of the Pottawattamies that the Sulpl- cian priests decided to go at once and convert La Salle parts them, lu spItc of all that La Salle could from the gay. So the exploring partv was Sulpicians , , , £, , . ? ^ ^ broken up, the oulpicians went to Sault Ste. Marie, where they met with a rather cold reception from the Jesuits, and after a while concluded to return to Montreal without anything to show for their pains. As for La Salle at that disappointing moment, he showed a quality for which he was ever after ward distinguished. When he had started to do a thing he never relinquished his purpose, although men and fortune forsook him. If he had been one of a Balaklava Six Hundred and the only survivor among them, he would have attacked the enemy, single-handed, with una bated courage. Unfortunately, our sources of information partially fail us at this point, so that WILDERNESS AND EMPIRE 115 some uncertainty remains as to the route which La Salle took after the Sulpicians had left him. One account of his route — perhaps as probable as any — takes him by way of Lake ^^ g^y^ ^^ Chautauqua into the Allegheny val- piores the ley, and thence down the Ohio River as far as Louisville. In the following year he seems to have crossed Lake Erie from south to north, and ascended the Detroit River to Lake Huron ; thence to have passed into Lake Michi gan and ascended the Chicago River, from which he found his way across the brief portage to the river of the Illinois. According to some accounts, he reached the Mississippi River on both these trips, first from the Ohio, and after ward from the Illinois. But these conclusions are not well supported and have generally been pronounced improbable. An interest In this remote " great water " continued strongly to agitate many minds, and Talon had already settled upon Louis Joliet as a fit man to undertake its discovery, when circumstances led to a change of governorship for New France. CourceUes and Talon were both recalled, and In place of them the affairs of Canada were managed by one of p^ontenac the most remarkable Frenchmen of succeeds ... T ' 1 -r» 1 /-- . r CourceUes his time, Louis de Buade, Count or Frontenac. This man was of the bluest blood 116 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND of France, a veteran soldier of no mean ability, and for executive capacity excelled by few. His talents for dealing with Indians were sim ply marvellous. He could almost direct the policy of an Indian tribe by a wave of the hand. If need be, he could smear his face with war paint and lead off the demon dance with a vigour and abandon that no chieftain could hope to rival. He could out-yell any warrior In the Long House, and when he put on a frown and spoke sternly, the boldest warriors shiv ered with fear. Among white men he was domineering and apt to be irascible. A man of very clear Ideas, he well knew how to re- character of allzc them, and cared little for the Frontenac advIcc of thosc who sccmcd to him frivolous or stupid. It was hinted that some times in his management of money he was not above sundry slight peccadilloes, with which his enemies were fond of twitting him, but this was not always a safe game, since he was liable to retort upon his accusers with an utterly over whelming tu quoque. On the whole, however, he must be called a man of public spirit, de voted to the interests of his country, and with fewer serious failings than most of the public men of his age. In his general view of things he was far-sighted and not petty. If Talon had remained in Canada, Frontenac would probably WILDERNESS AND EMPIRE 117 have quarrelled with him, but as it was, he adopted most of that official's Intelligent plans ; among other things he warmly espoused the ideas of La Salle, and he confirmed the choice of Joliet for the proposed expedition to the Mississippi. The mention of Joliet reminds us that New France was coming of age as a colony, for this explorer was a native of the country, having been born at Quebec in 1 645, ten years after the death of Champlain. It appears that Joliet was a well-educated man and , ,. . , •' _ . . J o^^*- cnosen showed considerable proficiency in to explore the the higher mathematics. It was said, '^'^'pp' too, that he was rather a formidable debater on questions of logic and metaphysics. There is nothing in his career that shows qualities of a lofty or transcendent order, but we get the im pression of a prudent and painstaking man of sober judgment. At Mackinaw Joliet was joined by a Jesuit priest named Jacques Marquette, a native of the old Carlovinglan capital, Laon, born , . TT J- ¦ ¦ 1 J r Marquette in 1637. He was distinguished ror linguistic talents and for the deeply spiritual quality of his mind. He seems to have had a poetic temperament profoundly sensitive to the beauties of nature and of art, while his reli gion exercised upon him a transfiguring influ ence, so that all who met him became aware of 118 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND a heavenly presence. This gentle and exquisite creature was as brave as a paladin and capable of enduring the fiercest extremes of hardship. It was on the 17th of May, 1673, that Joliet and Marquette started with five companions In two birch canoes well supplied with dried corn and smoked buffalo meat. From Green Bay JoUet and they ascendcd the Fox River to Lake racTthe" Winnebago, and after various adven- jviississippi tures reached the portage from which they launched their canoes on the Wisconsin River. One month from the day of starting they passed the blufl^s at Prairie du Chien and glided out upon the placid blue waters of the upper Mississippi. Their joy, as Marquette informs us, was too great for words. A fortnight passed while they floated down-stream without disclos ing any trace of human beings, but at length they came to a village called Peoria, where they were treated with great civility and regaled with the usual Indian dishes, while the chief, in a more than usually florid speech, assured them that their visit to his village added serenity to the sky and new beauty to the landscape and a fresh zest to his tobacco, but he really, as a friend, could not advise them to pursue their course, as it abounded with dangerous enemies. Disregarding this caution, however, they kept on their way without any ill consequences. They did not fail to note the striking spectacle WILDERNESS AND EMPIRE 119 below the cliffs at Alton where the furious Missouri, with Its load of yellow mud accumu lated during its 3000 miles' course through the mountains, rushes through, swallows ™ ^ up and defiles the quiet blue waves the mouth of of the Mississippi. Down the turbid and surging yellow river they kept on for hun dreds of miles, until they encountered parties of Arkansas and narrowly escaped without a fight. Presently they stopped at an Arkansas village where they were feasted as usual, but after the hilarity was over the principal chief informed them that a foul conspiracy was on foot to murder them, — an infringement of the laws of hospitality which he felt himself unable to sanction. This incident Seems to have had its effect in deciding them to retrace their course. They had gone so far southward as to convince themselves that the river must empty Into the Gulf of Mexico and not into the Ver milion Sea, as the Gulf of California was then commonly called. This was the most impor tant of the points which they had it In mind to establish, and it seemed to them better to return with the Information already acquired than to run the risk of perishing and sending back no word. For such reasons they turned back on the 17th of July, just two months from their date of starting. After ascending to the mouth of the Illinois they went up to the head of that 120 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND Stream, and there met some Indians who guided them to Lake Michigan. It was about the end of September when thev reached The return ti r ¦ • i i i i Green Bay, after having wielded the paddles for more than 2500 miles. There the two friends parted. While Joliet made his way to Montreal with a report of what had been accomplished, Marquette lay ill at Green Bay for more than a year. A partial recovery of health led him to attempt the founding of a new mission at the principal town of the Illinois, to be called the Immaculate Conception, but his strength again gave out, and on the way to Mackinaw in the spring of 1675 this beautiful spirit passed away from the earth.* The Immediate effect of the voyage of Mar quette and Joliet was to revive in La Salle the spirit which had led him down the Ohio River some years before. The conception of New France as a great empire In the wilderness was La SaUe's taking a distinct shape In his mind. great designs Amoug Its Comprehensive features were the extension of the fur-trade, the build ing up of French colonies with an extensive agriculture, the conversion of the Indians to * Christianity, and the playing a controlling part in forest poHtics. Marquette and Joliet had ^ [A translation of Marquette's own narrative may be found in J. G. Shea's History and Exploration of the Missis sippi Valley, pp. 6-50.] WILDERNESS AND EMPIRE 121 well-nigh demonstrated that the Mississippi River flows Into the Gulf of Mexico. One might, perhaps, suppose that a reference to the expedition of Soto more than a century before would have sufficed to establish the Identity of the river descended by Marquette and Joliet with the river where the great Spanish knight was buried. But the Frenchmen of the seventeenth century seem to have known nothing about Soto or his explorations. To them the prob lem was a new one. After once completely solving it. La Salle would be in a position to establish a town at the mouth of the great river. Such a town might become a commercial rival of the Spanish seaports In Mexico and the West Indies, while it would be a formidable menace to them in time of war. A chain of military posts might connect the town at the mouth of the Mississippi with the spot where the Illinois empties Into that river, and similar chains might connect the Illinois on the one hand .^j^^ uissh- wlth the Sault Ste. Marie, and on the sippi vaUey to other hand with Lakes Erie and ^°""P'' Ontario. It was the generally accepted French doctrine that the discovery of a great river gave an inchoate title to all the territory drained by the river, and this inchoate title could be com pleted by occupation. La Salle's plan was to effect a military occupation of the whole Missis- 122 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND sippi valley as far eastward as the summit of the Appalachian range by means of military posts which should control the communications and sway the policy of the Indian tribes. Thus, the Alleghanies would become an irhpassable barrier to the English colonists slowly pressing westward from the Atlantic coast. This became the abiding policy of the French in North America. This was the policy in attempting to carry out which they fought and lost the Seven Years' War. Of this policy such men as Talon, Frontenac, and La Salle were the originators, and in La Salle it found its most brilliant representative. An obvious criticism upon such a scheme is its mere vastness. In a colony recruited so Difficulty of slowly as Canada there were not carrying out euough pcoplc to Carry It into opera- so vast a plan . t t i i r 11 tion. Under the most favourable circumstances it could scarcely remain more than a sketch ; but La Salle believed that the Inducements held out by an Increasing fur- trade and enlarged opportunities of agriculture and commerce In general would bring settlers to New France and greatly accelerate its rate of growth. There was perhaps nothing necessa rily wild in his calculations, except that he en tirely failed to understand the inherent weak ness of colonization that was dependent upon government support. WILDERNESS AND EMPIRE 123 When it came to performing his own part of the great scheme, the essential point of weak ness was want of money, — a kind of weakness which has proved fatal to many a great scheme. In order to cure this want La Salle was inclined to resort to the agency which was chiefly In vogue in the seventeenth century, namely, that of monopoly. This at once enlisted against him the fur-traders as a class. His friendly relations with Frontenac made it seem probable that he could get whatever he wanted, and in whatsoever quarter he turned his attention the La SaHe's monopoly scare was excited and every j"ouse^oppo. possible device was adopted for hinder- sition ing his success, — devices which went all the way from attaching his property to hiring despera does to murder him. Besides this. La Salle was regarded with coldness. If not hostility, by the Jesuits, whose service he had abandoned and whose schemes for civilizing the wilderness were often at variance with his. Moreover, with all his admirable qualities. La Salle was not exactly a lovable person. He was too deeply absorbed in his arduous work to be genial, and he was a stern disciplinarian against whom lawless spirits, familiar with the loose freedom of the wilder ness, were liable to rebel. The history of his brief career of eight years after he had finally given himself up to his life work is a singular record of almost unintermitted disaster leading 124 NEW FRANCE AND NEW ENGLAND to a tragic end, yet relieved by one glorious, though momentary, gleam of triumph. One of Frontenac's first steps for the protec tion of the fur-trade between Montreal and the northwestern wilderness was the erection of a strong wooden blockhouse at the outlet of Fort Fronte- Lake Ontario. Its site was about that nac granted of the prcscnt town of Klngstou, and to La SaUe . f , ^ ° ' It was long known as l*ort l