The Daily Union
history OF
Atlantic City and County,
Introduction 5
Acknowledgment 7
Atlantic County 11
Atlantic City Before Railroads 169
Advance in Real Estate 315
Atlantic City Hotels 233
Allen Block 321
Atlantic City Bar 55
Assemblymen 63
Atlantic County Bar 39
Batsto 81
Baeharach & Sons 322
Bakersville 110
Brigantine 351
Board of Health 330
Boardwalk and Piers 253
Building the Narrow Gauge 193
Bounds of Old Galloway 101
Beautiful Longport 317
Census 136
Central 11. E. Church 301
City Officials from 1851 157
City Coat of Arms 139
City Water Supply 213
City Hospital 327
City Appropriations for 19oi» 343
City Resources for 1900 313
Chief Calorie's Address 10
Cottage Homes 227
Climate at the Shore 201
County Medical Society 330
Cost of City Government 342
County Bar Association 53
County Clerks 59
Dolf Parker's Adventure 145
Drives and Good Boads 339
Easter at the Shore 245
Earliest Settlers 137
Egg Harbor City Ill
Early Church History 287
Episcopal Church of Ascension 281
Election Returns 135
Easter Railroad Records 251
First Baptist Church 277
First Church at May's Landing 309
First Colored Man 341
First Iron Pier 260
First M. E. Church 273
First Presbyterian Church 275
First Public Building 341
First Quail and Rabbit 339
First Visit and First Train 173
First Railroad 177
Five Banks 311
Friendship M. E. Church 305
Fire Department 147
German Presbyterian Church 283
Gravity System Sewerage 225
Golf at the Country Club 338
Hammonton 69
Horse Show 243
Hotel Luray 241
Hotel Rates and Capacity 237
Hotel Rudolph 239
Hotel Windsor 239
Homoeopathic Club 331
Hotels on Easter Sunday 251
Important Trials 47
Indians 9
Invalids 203
Lay Judges 65
Land Company and Surf Hotel 187
Leading Churches 273
Life in the Sands, by Dr. Baily 363
Map of the County 8
Marine Algae 357
Members of Council 344
Morris Guards 333
New Steel Pier 261
Newspapers 323
Ocean Piers 257
Old Gloucester County 17
Old Church at Weymouth 303
Old Fort and Its Defenders 97
Old Church at Tuckahoe 309
Old Salt Works 155
Olivet Presbyterian Church 285
I )ur Lady, Star of the Sea 299
Persistent Publicity 325
Port Republic 89
Pleasant Mills 103
Plenty of Wild Game 139
Plenty of Black Snakes 341
Prosecutors of the Pleas 57
Public Schools 263
Ryon Adams Moves Fp 167
Ileal Estate Investment Co 313
School Superintendents 63
Sea Air 353
Sheriffs 61
Six Thousand Buildings 319
Sketch of Old Weymouth 23
South Jersey in Congress 345
St. Andrew's Lutheran Church 305
St. Nicholas' R. C. Church 295
St. l'aul M. B. Church 281
State Senators 63
Storms and Wrecks 141
Supreme Court Judges 59
Surrogates gj
Walker's Forge ^gg
West Family 35
West Jersey Railroad 199
Introduction 442.
Plate. Sketch.
Abbott, Chas. T 444 443
Abbott, Joseph E. P 346 443
Adams, Alfred, Sr 445
Adams, Alfred, Jr 184 445
Adams, Clement J 208 445
Adams, Israel G 26S 446
Adams, Israel Scull 120 447
Adams, Harrold F 116 446
Adams, James B 162 447
Adams, John B 50 447
Adams, Lewis R 186 448
Aikman, James M 172 448
Albertson, Levi C 370 448
Allen, George 24 449
Baake, Charles A 176 449
Babcock, Charles G 154 451)
Bacharaeh, Harry 316 450
Baily, Alfred W 274 515
Ball, Joseph 451
Barstow, Joseph A 36 451
Balliet. L. Dow 304 451
Bartlett, William G 374 375
Bell, William A 148 452
Boysen, Theo. H 121 454
Brown, Benj. H 58 455
Bryant, John L 62 455
Bryant, Lewis T 64 456
Breder, George F 123 454
Boyer, Charles B 453
Berehtoldt, F 127 452
Boice, Peter and wife 328 376
Boice, Henry 453
Bourgeois, George A 453
Byrnes, Richard J 70 457
Champion, John B 30 457
Champion, Joseph S 170 458
Collins, Isaac 206 387
Collins. John 60 386
Cook, Franklin P 19S 458
Colwell, Stephen 458
Conover, Smith 174 516
Cordery, Enoch 42 459
Corson, Rodman 96 460
Corson, Walter A 290 460
Cordery, Mary Clark 459 381
Crosby, George W 302 462
Crosby, O. H 306 463
Cresse, Lewis M 324 461
Cromwell, Lvdia H 224 462
Currie, George F 12 463
Darnall, Wm. Edgar 464
Davis, Hannah Somers 212 464
Deakyne. H. H 146 465
Devine, Michael A 34 466
Dickerson. Thos. J 44 466
Disston, Henry 90 467
Down, L. A 468
Endicott, Allen P, 396 468
Endieott, Charles G 394 468
Endicott, George T 392 469
Endicott, Mordeeai T 398 409
Evans, Charles 14 471)
Evans, Lewis 18 471
Farreil, William E 104 471
Fedigan, John J 296 297
Fleming, Caleb K 258 472
Fleming, John R 270 472
Fralinger, Joseph 128 472
French, John T 66 473
Garrison, Wm. 1 474
Gardner, John J 16 473
Gardiner, Wm. G 298 474
Godfrey. Carlton 32 475
Godfrey, Burrows 0 166 475
Gorman, John L 160 475
Heston, Alfred M 476 477
Higbee, Enoch A 108 477
Heckler, Henry 516
Hoopes, Martha E ¦. . 320 47s
Hoopes, Wm. G 318 479
Hoffman, V. P 114 477
Hoffman, Samuel D 28 516
Hudson, Shepherd S 130 479
Ingersoll, Robert H 336 481
Irelan, Emory D 481
Jackson, George \Y 482
Jackson, Marcellus L 482
Jacobs, John C 122 482
Jeffries, N. J 132 517
Jordan, Albert M 92 483
Jov, J. Addison 210 483
Kellev, Arthur \V 152 484
Kelley. Samuel H 156 484
Kuehnle, Louis, Sr 220 485
Leeds, Robert B 408 415
Leedom, Jacob H 180 485
Lee, Edward S 366 485
Lingerman, Joseph E 344 486
Loudenslager, Wm. B 38 487
Lippincott, Barclay 487
Madden E. H 94 487
Madden, Hosea 488
Mehrer, John E 48 488
Morris, Daniel 324 488
Morse, Silas R 266 489
Munson, M. L 2S9 490
McConnell, Tobias 490
North, Edward 76 490
North, James 112 491
North, Joseph H., Sr 74 491
Osborne, Richard B 178 492-
Osgood, Cyrus F 72 492-
Pettit, Clarence 190 494
Pennington, B. C 416 417
Parkhurst, L. H 492
Parsons, John W 314 493-
Perry, Samuel E 124 493"-
Pollard, Win. M 52 494
Reed, Thomas K , 54 423'.
Reed, Edward S 188 423.
Reed, Lewis, Sr 422 421
Richards, Benj. W 86 494
Richards, Jesse 84 425
Richards, John 495
Richards, Samuel B 426 495
Richards, William S2 424
Rislev, John C 142 497
Rochford, John J 216 498
Ryon, James 288 498
Ryon, Pardon 272 498
Sc-haufler, Alois 46 499>
Schlecht. Adolph 56 517
Senseman. Wilson 40 501
Scott, Lewis P 418 499-
Scull, Henry S 500'
Scull, Joseph 432 431
Scull, Lewis. W 430 500
Soov, Walter C 308 505
Somers, Job B 434 437
Southwick, James D 98 505
Shackelford, W. E 118 501
Shuinwav, H. J 104 502
Stephanr. August 214 506
Stephanv, Robert E 282 506
Stewart W. Blair 182 507
Stov, Franklin P 507
Stiles. Arthur H 100 507
Smith. Thomas J 78 502
Somers, Richard 504
Thompson, Joseph 20 508
Thompson, Jesse B 508
Tilton, Wilbur R 509
Ulmer, Charles E 126 509
Vaughn. Shepherd H 292 509
Wahl, Charles F 106 510
Westcott, John S 284 510
Wostnev, A. W 300 510'
White. Daniel S.. Jr 511
Wootton, Harry 150 511
Wootton, Jonah, Jr 164 512
Wootton. Jonah, Sr 511
Wright, Elias 286 512
Wrinht. Willard 26 514
Young, John L 144 515
Youngman, M. D 256 515.
Introduction 36.8
Albcrtson Family 36!)
Babeook Family 37.'!
Bartlett Family 375
Boice Family 376
Brvant Family 3oS
Clark Family 3,9
Collins Familv 384
Douglitv Family 38!)
Endicott Family 391
Franibes Familv 400
Lake Family 406
Leeds Family 407
Penninglon Familv -G7
Reed Family 421
Richards Familv 424
Scull Family 428
Somers Familv 433
Steelman Family 43S
Townsend Familv 440
Above the Clouds 202
An Old Whaler 14(1
Atlantic Avenue in ls7n 420
Allen Store and Flats 321
Aylesford Mansion 103
Bacharaeh Building 211
Bank Buildings 312
Rargaintown Mill 17
Iiatsto Lake 87
liatsto Store and Lawn NX
Beach Scenes 241, 6. 192
lleacli Scene at Longport 354
Beach Scenes of 1870 244
Beautiful Longport 34i
Bellovue Avenue, Hauimonton 75
Beach and Boats 34!)
Bell Buoy. Absecon Inlet 351)
Birthplace of Hannah Somers Davis 437
Boardwalk and Stool Pier 257
Boardwalk and Youngs Pier 255
Boardwalk A'iew 253
City Hall, Fgg Harbor City 204
Catawba Clnireh 37
Catawba Graves 3,7
Central Church, I'.akersville 293
City Seal 137
City War Monov 15s
Colwcll Mansion 27
Cottage Homes of
Allen, George 205
Adams, ('. ,J 218
Champion. John B 23ll
Crosby, Oeorgo W 232
Champion, Jos. S 222
Currie, George F 229
Down, L. A 23(1
Evans, Charles 232
Evans. Lewis 22s
Fleming. J. R 228
First Mayor 231
Godfrey, B. C 232
Godfrey. Carlton 22S
Hemslev. Fred 229
Jacobs. Mrs. .1. 0 21N
Jordan. A. M 249
Kclley. S. H 227
Muuson. L. M 22s
North. James 211
Parsons, B. 0 207
Parsons. John W ¦'00
Petroff. E. J 2()5
<„(uiglov, F. I' 217
Rood. E. L 231
Somers, Samuel 222
Sweigard, A. L 22S
Thompson. Joseph 230
Young. John L 2311
I'pliam Cottage 215
Wahl. Wm. V 232
Cottages at Longport :;52
Country Club House. Northtield 238
Country Road in Egg Harbor City 117
( tourt House and Jail 11
Dennis Cottage :',22
Dowey Wine Vaults 131. 13:;
DoughtV < 'abin 1:!7
Easter on the Board Walk 247
Egg Harbor School House 121
Endicott Homestead 397
First Boardwalk los
First City Hall 221
First Citv Depot 179
Four Legs
Friends' Meeting House
First Jail
Friendship Church
Galen Hall ._. .
Group of Churches 2,6.
Group of School Houses
Grist Mill at Batsto
Hammonton Lake
Home of Andrew Leeds
Home of James Leeds
Home of John Leeds
Horse Show
Hotel Shclburne
House at Etna Furnace
Hospital, Showing Boice Annex
Hotel Islosworth.
Hotel Rudolf
Hotel Shelburne
Hotel Lurav
Hotel St. Charles
Hotel Travmore
Hotel Windsor
Inlet Scenes 349.
Insane Asvlum
In Days of Old
Iszard Iron Foundry
Longport Breakers
Mansion House in 1876
Morris Guards
Mosquito Boat
New Steel Pier 262,
Net Haul on Young's l'ier
Old Church at Tuekahne
Old Church at Weymouth
Old Etna Furnace
Old Buttonwoods
Old Catholic Church
Old Ocean House
Old Surf House
Old-time Bathers 2110
Old School House
Old Somers Mansion
Paper Mill at Pleasant Mills
Paper Mill at Wevmonth
Pond at Walker's Forge
Pumping Station '
Pennington Homestead
!¦: sidenoo of Judge F.yrnts
Residence of William J. Smith
Richards' Mansion
Richards' Yards and Barns. .' '.'.
Ryon Adams' House
Saalman Vineyard
S ulbo.it 111 Clouds
Salem Church
Sohaufler's Hotel
Sea Algae V-V
Sea and SL\ '
S. islil:- Hmisc . . .
State Senator's Home
St. Nicholas' Church. .
Sea Shells '.,;, y
The Rolhr Chan
Tomb nf Jesse Kn hards
The City froin the Ocean
I mU r Full sul
T'uited States Hotel
Views of Long Ago
Y relit Ri<(
Z1r.11 Church ...
301342 307
264 S5
24s 234
254 240 204 15
138 13
420 33234(1 310
259 31(1 2923
107 IDS
21'. I
265 504
10! I
225419 718385
171 12!)
226 2! II
21)3 S_3
... „ UXDREDS of bright writers have found pleasure and profit in
picturing Atlantic City, these many years, and it is more of a
pastime than a task for one who, during the last twenty years
has been writing of and for the city, to tell the storv of its
phenomenal growth and gratifying prosperitv. From the
'* most inaccessible and least habitable corner, this island has
become the most populous and attractive business centre of
Atlantic County. From a briar-covered area of duck ponds
and sand hills, these acres have become a modern city of fine hotels and handsome
cottages, and attractive stores and business blocks ; a summer health resort, and
winter sanitarium, with regularly laid out and paved streets; ample water supply;
complete sewerage ; electric lights ; first-class fire protection, and all the appoint
ments of a modern city.
From being the home and plantation of a stalwart soldier of the Revolution,
the scene of shipwrecks, and a resort for an occasional sportsman, and summer
"beach parties," this strip of sand on the edge of the Continent has become famed
throughout the world as the most popular bathing resort in summer and the
most comfortable and satisfactory health resort in winter, for persons who would
escape the vigorous climate of Northern cities, and find rest and milder tempera
ture not too far from great business centres.
Natural causes and well warranted enterprises have operated to effect the
remarkable changes of forty-five years. The decline of Atlantic County in thrift,
and manufacturing enterprises, is not less striking than the rise of Atlantic City
like a Phoenix from forbidding sand dunes to be what it is to-day.
English Quakers and their associates, two hundred years ago, took posses
sion of West Jersey in search of religious liberty, and laid the foundation for the
thrift and progress which has followed through their descendants. They dealt
justly with the Indians and lived peaceably with each other, and made it possible
for an educated, religious, and prosperous people to subdue the wilderness, erect
glass and iron works, build ships out of the cedar swamps, and enjoy the great
natural privileges of the bays and rivers of the coast.
In spite of the devastation of the War for Independence the progress of
West Jersey continued. Roads were opened, churches built, and good old-fash-
ioned families raised. The sailors and whalers from Long Island and New Eng
land moved down the coast, till the territory now included in Atlantic County,
at the beginning of the century, had a population of four thousand, which fifty
years later, when the first railroad was built, had increased to ten thousand people.
To sketch clearly and concisely the honorable record of Atlantic County,
since it was created, and forge accurately the strong links in the interesting chain
of events that have made Atlantic City as the stranger finds it to-day, its favored
location, out in the sea, its sanitary conditions and surroundings, its commendable
enterprises, its leading citizens, its popular features, up-to-date hotels, and unsur-
passcs railroad facilities will be the scope and purpose of this book.
'HE writer would make due acknowledgment to all whose assistance and
•j&j encouragement has made it possible at so much labor and expense to com
pile this book. An earnest endeavor has been made not to disappoint our
friends and to produce a volume that will be accepted as authentic history,
giving proper credit to the good men and to the enterprises that have contributed
so much to the early development of Atlantic County, and to the more recent up
building of Atlantic City.
To Rear-Admiral Mordecai T. Endicott, Chief of the Bureau of Yards and
Docks, Department of the Navy, Washington, D. C, are we indebted for the
sketches of the Pennington and Endicott families.
To Miss Gertrude Albertson, especially, are we indebted for compiling the
records of the Leeds, Scull, Lake and Collins families and otherwise assisting.
To Arthur W. Kelley, Esq., for articles on the county bar, important trials,
the courts, lay judges, etc.
To Air. Hubert Somers are we indebted for researches in the line of the
Somers and Frambes genealogy.
To Mr. Valentine P. Hoffman, for his authentic sketch of Egg Harbor City;
to Dr. James North, for original designs and the story of Hammonton; to Dr.
W. Blair Stewart, for his article on Sea Air; to Mrs. M. S. McCullough, for her
chapter on Sea Algae; to Dr. A. W. Baily, for his story of Shell Fish.
To Edward S. Reed and to S. R. Morse, for views of Atlantic City, and to
others who have taken a kindly interest in and generously co-operated in the
production of this volume do we extend our thanks and acknowledge our lasting
obligations. The Author.
Zbe Xast of tbe IFnbtans.
THERE are still to be seen in Atlantic Count)- a few of the skull
bones, flint arrowheads, earthen pots and stone hatchets of
the red men who populated this region for centuries before
the clays of William Penn. A few of the shell mounds are
still left along the coast where their campfires burned when
the)1 feasted on the products of the bays. There were Indian
shell mounds on this island when the white man first came
here not far from the present site of the Island House at
Baltic and Georgia avenues.
In the sand hills nearby Indian bones were unearthed by Andrew Leeds
about 1850, and were carefully preserved till quite recently.
The Delaware Indian occupied all of New Jersey south of the Raritan river,
and were a branch of the large and powerful Leni Lenappi tribe of New York
State. By an act of the Colonial legislature of August, 1758, on record in the
State Library, it is recited that the legislature to satisfy the just demands and
wants of the Indians, appointed five commissioners to pay them from any money
"which may be current for the present war," for any and all just rights and claims
that may be due the Indian nations of the Colony. Such sum shall not exceed
1600 pounds, and that for the Delawares south of the Raritan the sum so ex
pended shall not exceed 800 pounds.
The Delawares wanted part of the money expended for land on which they
could settle, and the legislature wanted the Indians to have in their view "a last
ing monument" to the justice of the Colony toward them. Careful provision was
made for the protection of the Indians on such reservation. ( )n August 29, 1758,
Benjamin Springer and Hannah, his wife, sold to this commission in the name
of Governor Francis Bernard, for 74 pounds, 3044 acres of land at Edge Pillock,
near Atsion, in Burlington County. It is now known as Indian Mills. Here
for years John Brainard, the famous missionary, labored among them before the
Revolution when the settlement was called Brotherton.
The legislature provided for raising money by lottery to pay for these lands.
From 1758 to about 1800 this remnant of the Delaware tribe, about sixty persons,
were in possession of these lands and enjoyed hunting and fishing privileges
elsewhere. On March 17, 1796, the legislature appointed another commission to lease
these lands and apply the proceeds to the needs of the Indians, which was done.
Another act passed December 3, 1801, provided for the sale of the Brotherton
tract, the proceeds to be applied to the removal of the survivors to Stockbridge,
near Oneida lake, in Columbia County, New York. The two tribes had agreed
to unite. After several years at Stockbridge, in conjunction with several other
tribes, they purchased of the Menomonie Indians a tract of land near Green Bay,
in Michigan, on the Fox river, and formed a settlement there called Statesburg.
They subsisted almost entirely from agricultural pursuits. In 1832, when only
about forty of the Delawares were left, cherishing a tradition of their hunting and
fishing rights in New Jersey, which they had abandoned, they delegated B. S.
Calvin, one of the tribe, to obtain from the New Jersey legislature compensation
for their relinquishment. Bartholomew S. Calvin, among his own people, was
known as Shawuskukung or Wilted Grass. He was educated at Princeton Col
lege at the expense of the Scotch Missionary Society, and taught school for years
both for whites and Indians at Brotherton. He was a soldier in the Revolution
and was highly respected. He was 76 years of age when he presented to the
legislature his numerously signed petition, written in his own hand. The petition
was referred to a special committee, which recommended the payment of $2,000,
which was promptly done and was all that was asked.
My Brethren: — I am old and weak and poor, and therefore a fit representa
tive of my people. You are young and strong and rich, and therefore fit repre
sentatives of vour people. But let me beg you for a moment to lay aside the
recollection of your strength and our weakness that your minds may be pre
pared to examine with candor the subject of our claims.
Our tradition informs us, and I believe it corresponds with your records, that
the right of fishing in all the rivers and bays south of the Raritan, and of hunting
in all uninclosed lands, was never relinquished, but on the contrary was expressly
reserved in our last treaty held at Crosswicks, in 1758. Having myself been one
of the parties to the sale, I believe in 1801, I know that these rights were not sold
or parted with.
We now offer to sell these privileges to the State of New Jersey. They were
once of great value to us and we apprehend that neither time nor distance nor
the non-use of our rights has at all affected them, but that the courts here would
consider our claims valid were we to exercise them ourselves or delegate them
to others. It is not, however, our wish to thus excite litigation. We consider the State
legislature the proper purchaser and throw ourselves upon its benevolence and
magnanimity, trusting that feelings of justice and liberality will induce you to
give what you deem a compensation.
And as we have ever looked up to the leading characters of the United States,
and to the leading characters of this State in particular, as our fathers, protectors
and friends, we now look up to you as such and humbly beg that you will look
upon us with that eye of pity, as we have reason to think our poor untutored
forefathers looked upon yours, when they first arrived upon our then extensive
but uncultivated dominions and sold them their lands, in many instances, for
trifles in comparison as "light as air."
From Your Humble Petitioners,
Bartholomew S. Calvin,
In Behalf of Himself and His Red Brethren.
Trenton, N. J., March, 1832.
LOUCESTER CuCNTY at one time extended from the Delaware to the
sea, including what is now Camden, Atlantic and Gloucester Counties.
Camden was made a county by an act of the legislature passed March 13,
1844, seven years after Atlantic County had been created.
On February 7, 1837, an act was passed creating Atlantic County. There
were then only four large townships or voting places in this county: Egg Harbor,
Weymouth, Hamilton and Galloway. Mullica was created later out of Galloway,
and the town of Hammonton out of Mullica. Buena X'ista, in 1867, was created
out of Hamilton and Atlantic City set off from Egg Harbor township in 1854.
The first deed was recorded by J. H. Collins, the first county clerk, on May
4, 1837, and was for 40 acres of land in Egg Harbor township, sold by D. Robart
and wife to Samuel Saunders.
Samuel Richards and wife gave the Board of Freeholders the lot at Mays
Landing for the count)' buildings, by deed dated May 25, 1838, and the present
court house was soon after erected thereon.
At the annual meeting of the Board of Freeholders of Gloucester County,
held in May, 1836, 28 members constituted the Board, while at the annual meet
ing on the 10th of May, 1837, 20 members composed that body, the townships
of Hamilton, Weymouth, Egg Harbor
C and Galloway having been set off from
tt^/mg Gloucester County, forming a new county
called Atlantic, by an act of the legislature,
passed the 7th day of February, A. D. 1837.
At this meeting commissioners were appoint
ed to value the public buildings at Woodbury,
the almshouse property, and other assets of
the County of Gloucester, and to ascertain
what proportion of such valuation would be
due .to the county of Atlantic, according to the ratio of population determined by
the last census.
The commissioners appointed for Gloucester County were: John Clements,
Elijah Bower and Saunders; for Atlantic County, Daniel Baker, Joseph Endicott
and Enoch Doughty. These gentlemen met at the court house in Woodbury
on the 9th day of May, 1S37, at 10 o'clock, and were each sworn or affirmed
faithfully and impartially to value the public properties of Gloucester County,
which appears as follows :
Two tracts of land in Deptford township, adjoining lands of John
Swope, containing 248 47-100 acres $ 850 00
Movable property at almshouse 3,728 00
The entire almshouse lands, with the buildings and improvements. .. 16,150 00
The courthouse, jail, clerks and surrogates' offices, with their contents,
with all other property at Woodbury, "including the man
O'Hoy" 11,400 00
Total $32,128 00
From which deduct the debts of the county 7,932 55
Balance to be divided between the two counties $24,195 45
By the census taken in 1830, the county of Gloucester contained
28,431 inhabitants, of that number 8,164 were contained in the
townships of Galloway, Egg Harbor, Weymouth and Hamilton,
composing the new county of Atlantic, its proportional share or
part was placed at 6,947 75
Gloucester County's proportional share 17,247 69
Total , 24,195 45
The above report was submitted to the respective Boards of Freeholders of
the counties of Gloucester and Atlantic, with the sincere wish, now that their in
terests are about to be separated, that in all the future transactions and intercourse
of the officers and inhabitants of the said district with each other, they may ever
be actuated by the same charity, forbearance and goodwill, that we trust and
believe, have governed us in our labors to arrive at the conclusion as above stated.
The above report was signed by all of the commissioners and approved by
the respective Boards of Freeholders.
Atlantic County has been still further divided up into cities and boroughs,
till now it has 28 voting precincts instead of the original four of 60 years ago.
Atlantic City was incorporated in 1854, Egg Harbor City in 1858, Hammonton
in 1865, Buena Vista in 1867, Absecon in 1872, and Somers Point, Pleasantville,
Linwood, Brigantine City, and South Atlantic City more recently.
ifcetcb of 01b Gloucester ©ount\>.
(¥*\ ORDON'S History of N
rr*S. V^"' Fenton, of Trenton, in i
ew Jersey, published by Daniel
1834, contains the following inter
esting sketches of Gloucester County, of which at that time
Atlantic County formed a part.
Absecum. — A post town of Galloway township, on Abse
cum creek, about two miles above Absecum bay, contains
a tavern, a store and 8 or 10 dwellings, surrounded by sand
and pine forests.
Absecum Beach (Atlantic City), on the Atlantic Ocean,
extends eastwardly from Great Egg Harbor Inlet, about 9
miles to Absecum Inlet; broken, however, by a narrow inlet
near midway between its extremities.
Bargaiutotvn, in Egg Harbor township, 4 miles from
Egg Harbor bay, contains 2 taverns, 1 store, a grist mill,
Methodist Church and about 30 dwellings.
Gravelly Landing (Port Republic), of Galloway township, 40 miles southeast
of Woodbury, the county seat, and 79 miles from Trenton, on Nacote creek,
contains a tavern, a store and 10 or 12 dwellings.
Leeds Point, post town, in Galloway township, 83 miles from Trenton, con
tains a store and tavern and 4 or 5 houses.
Martha Furnace, on the Oswego branch of Wading river, about 4 miles
above navigation, in Washington township, Burlington County, has a grist and
saw mill and iron furnace; makes about 750 tons of castings annually, employ
ing 60 hands, making a population of nearly 400, requiring 30 or 40 dwellings.
There are about 30,000 acres in the estate.
Mays Landing, of Hamilton township, on the Great Egg Harbor river, at
the head of sloop navigation, 16 miles from the sea and 35 miles southeast from
Woodbury and jt, miles from Trenton, built on both sides of the river, contains
3 taverns, 4 stores, a Methodist Church and 25 or 30 dwellings. Considerable
trade in lumber, cordwood and shipbuilding is carried on at this place.
Pleasant Mills, of Galloway township, on the Atsion river, contains a tavern,
2 stores, a glass factory, belonging to Coffin & Co., a cotton factory with 3,000
spindles, and from 20 to 30 dwellings.
Somers Point, port of entry for Great Egg Harbor district, on Great Egg
Harbor bay. Tavern and boarding houses and several farm houses here. Is
much resorted to for sea bathing in summer and gunning in the fall season.
Smithvillc, village in Galloway, 2 miles from Leeds Point, contains a tavern,
a store, Methodist meeting house, and 10 or 12 dwellings, surrounded by pines
and near salt marsh.
Tuckahoe, on both sides of the Tuckahoe river, over which there is a bridge,
10 miles from the sea, contains some 20 dwellings, 3 taverns and several stores.
It is a place of considerable trade in wood, lumber and shipbuilding. The land
immediately on the river is good, but a short distance from it is swampy and low.
The post towns of Gloucester County are Absecum, Bargaintown, Camden,
an incorporated city, Carpenters Landing, Chews Landing, Clarksboro, Glass-
boro, Gloucester Furnace, Gravelly Landing, Haddonfield, Hammonton, Jack
son Glassworks, Leeds Point, Longacoming, Malaga, Mays Landing, Mullica
Hill, Pleasant Mills, Smiths Landing, Somers Point, Stephens Creek, Sweedes-
boro, Tuckahoe, and Woodbury, the seat of justice of the county.
There are several academies for teaching the higher branches of education
and primary schools in most of the agricultural neighborhoods. There are also
established Sunday-schools in most, if not all, the populous villages; a county
bible society, various tract societies and many temperance associations, which
have almost rendered the immoderate use of ardent spirits infamous.
In 1832, the report of the county assessors gave 3,075 householders, whose
ratables did not exceed $30 in value; 978 single men, 102 stores, 21 fisheries, 45
grist mills, 2 cotton and 2 woollen factories, 4 carding machines, 4 blast furnaces,
3 forges, 63 saw mills, 4 fulling mills, 8 ferries, 9 tan yards, 29 distilleries, 7 glass
factories, 2 four-horse stage wagons, 967 covered wagons with fixed tops, 204
riding chairs, gigs, sulkies and pleasure carriages, 4 two-horse stage wagons.
31 dearborns with steel, iron or wooden springs; and it paid a county tax of
$10,000; poor tax, $5,000; and road tax, $15,000.
By the census of 1830 Gloucester County, twelve large townships, contained
28,431 inhabitants, of whom 13,916 were white males; 12,962 white females; 14
female slaves; 835 free colored males; 714 free colored females. Of these there
were deaf and dumb, under 14 years, 64; above 14 and under 30, 73; above 25
years, 80; blind, 205 white, 22 black; aliens, 3,365.
There is a county poor house on a farm of 200 acres near Blackwoodstown,
in Deptford township.
The following extract from the records of the county presents singular
features of the polity of the early settlers. It would seem that they considered
themselves a body politic, a democratic commonwealth, with full power of legis
lation, in which the courts participated, prescribing the punishment for each
offence as it was proven before them. Gloucester, the 28th May, 1686.
By the proprietors, freeholders and inhabitants of the third and fourth tenths
(alias county of Gloucester), then agreed as follows:
Imprimis. — That a court be held for the jurisdiction and limits of the afore
said tenths, or county, one time at Axwamus, alias Gloucester, and at another
time at Red Bank.
Item. — That there be four courts, for the jurisdiction aforesaid, held in one
year, viz: Upon the first day of the first month, upon the fir£t day of the fourth
month, upon the first day of the seventh month, and upon the first day of the
tenth month.
Item. — That the first court shall be held at Gloucester, aforesaid, upon the
first day of September next.
Item. — That all warrants and summons shall be drawn by the clerk of the
court and signed by the Justice, and so delivered to the sheriff or his deputy to
serve. Item. — That the body of each warrant shall contain or intimate the nature of
the action. Item. — That a copy of the declaration be given along with the warrant, that
so the defendant may have the longer time to consider the same, and prepare
his answer. Item. — That all summons and warrants shall be served and declarations
given at least ten days before the court.
Item. — That the sheriff shall give the jury summons six days before the court
be held in which they are to appear.
Item. — That all persons within the jurisdiction aforesaid bring into the next
court the marks of their hogs and other cattle in order to be approved and
Indicted at Gloucester Court, N. J., ioth Sept., 1686, for stealing goods of
Dennis Lins, from a house in Philadelphia. Defendant pleads guilt)', but was
tried by jury. Verdict guilty, and that prisoner ought to make payment to
the prosecutor of the sum of sixteen pounds. Sentence: The bench appoints
that said Wilkes shall pay the aforesaid Lins £16 by way of servitude, viz: If he
will be bound by indentures to the prosecutor then to serve him the term of four
years, but if he condescend not thereto, then the court awarded that he should
be a servant and so abide for the term of five years. And so be accommodated in
the time of his servitude by his master with meat, drink, clothes, washing and
lodging according to the customs of the country and fit for such a servant.
The four townships then comprising what is now Atlantic County had area
and population as follows, according to the same authority :
Acres. 1810 1820 1830
Egg Harbor 85,000 1,830 1,635 2,510
Galloway 147,000 1,648 !,895 2,960
Hamilton 106,000 877 1,424
Weymouth 50,000 781 1,270
388,000 3,478 5.188 8,164
4^ --"'JALA, .
Sfceteb of ©lb Me^moutb.
EYMOUTH IRON WORKS, on the Great Egg Harbor river, six
miles above Mays Landing, were established in the vear 1800 by
Joseph Ball, Charles Shoemaker, and two associates, Ashbridge and
Duberson. The works consisted of a saw mill and an iron forge and a furnace
for rendering and manufacturing bog iron ore. Weymouth was in the heart of
a wild country. The native Indian still hunted the cunning beaver along the
numerous streams and was paid a premium
by the authorities for the wolf or panther
heads which he captured. The original,
heavy growth of timber covered the country
and the streams and swamps carried very
much more water than since the iron horse
came snorting through the land, blowing
sparks and landing the careless pioneer from
whose clearing many a destructive forest fire
has spread, working havoc among the trees
and consuming the vegetable accumulations
of centuries on the surface of the soil. Bricks
were made of the clay found at Weymouth
in the early days, but their manufacture seems
to have been limited.
One Jacob Wintland, a German, built
the first iron furnace and cast the first iron
pipes. The furnace stood where the new
paper mill now is. It was made of stone
from neighboring quarries and was twenty-
five or thirty feet high. It was twenty or
thirty feet square at the bottom, tapering to about fifteen feet square at the
top. The circular opening in the top was about eight feet in diameter. The
inside was lined with long, heavy stone that would withstand the heat. Up a
long wooden bridge or incline, with barrows, men carried the charcoal and iron
to charge the furnace. It required eight large wagon loads of charcoal daily to
keep up the blast. Two men were kept constantly busy clumping six large
baskets of charcoal every few minutes in at the top with a lot of ore. This was
called a charge, and soon as it had settled sufficiently was charged again, while a
blast of air from below forced the combustion and maintained a smelting heat,
and other men removed the molten metal as it ran out below.
The air blast was maintained by a huge bellows driven by water power and
connecting with the furnace just above the molten metal by means of iron and
leather pipes. Huge tanks were necessary as air chambers to maintain a steady
blast. Stoves, cannon, cannon balls, pipes of all sizes and other articles were made
at Weymouth from bog iron ore for many years. Bog iron, formed by chemical
action, is without the slag or rock which characterizes the ore from the mines,
and is of a superior quality. Hitching posts still stand along Delaware avenue,
Philadelphia, which are old cannon made at Weymouth in 1812. They bear the
imprint W for Weymouth.
For forty years iron pipes of all sizes from one and a half to twenty inches
in diameter, but mostly of the smaller sizes, were made at Weymouth, where
sand for the moulds, hay for winding the cores and charcoal for smelting the
ore were cheap.
At the forge with two powerful trip hammers, operated by water power, two
men could turn out a ton each per week of malleable iron. By a later process
a ton a day was possible. This was before rolling mills were more than thought
of. On clear winter mornings the sound of these triphammers could be heard
in coalings a dozen miles away. To obtain the ore, canals were dug and scows
were run into the swamps where it abounded, and where it may still be found.
There are two kinds, one in large sheets from two to six inches thick, and the
other in fine particles which is known as shot ore. It was smelted in the larger
furnaces just as pig iron was smelted in the smaller cupulas.
The late John Clements, of Haddonfield, in his sketch of Atlantic County,
printed in a volume of the West Jersey Surveyors' Association, in 1880, says:
"The manufacture of iron in New Jersey from bog or meadow ore may be
traced to a very early date, and gave employment to many laborers and artisans.
Much of the largest deposit of this peculiar formation was on the western tribu
taries of Atsion or Little Egg Harbor river, in Atlantic County, extending from
near the sources of these streams as far southwest as where Egg Harbor City
now stands. As late as 1830 fourteen furnaces and cupulas, and as many forges,
were in active operation in New Jersey, using only the bog ore found in the
swamps and low lands. Many conveyances are on record showing the purchase
of land merely for the purpose of removing the surface ore, and after such ore
had been removed, reverted to the grantor.
The supply in South Jersey seems to have been pretty nearly exhausted,
but the old bog ore swamps are again filling up and one hundred years hence
may find the same places supplied with ore, ready for the furnaces, but never
again so valuable as it was to our ancestors. The same elements are still there
and the waters that permeate the soil bringing to the surface the oxide of iron
which they precipitate when in contact with the atmosphere, is doing the same
work and producing the same crude material as that used so advantageously by
the first emigrant settlers in this region. How curious and how interesting would
be the history of the discovery of iron in West Jersey!
The discovery of ore in the bogs was perchance by some metal worker fresh
from his native soil, who for the time, in search of game in the forest, found
himself knee deep in a slough, covered with a red slimy substance, that stained
his clothes and hindered his progress; and while contemplating his sad plight,
discovered what he thought were particles of
iron ore adhering to his dress. From inquiry
among the Indians, he found they knew
nothing of its ingredients, and only used it,
mixed with bear's oil, for war paint, daubing
their naked bodies and thus making themselves
hideous to behold. A more careful examina
tion proved that in the dryer parts of the
swamp, the substance was hard and could be
dug with facility, confirming his suspicions as
to what it was and deserving an experiment
how to utilize it. In due time a rude furnace is
built and a few pounds of metal produced to- his surprise at the great discovery."
At Etna and old Ingersoll on the Tuckahoe river, at Walkers Forge and
Mays Landing, Old Gloucester, and at Batsto, Atsion, Washington, and Martha
in Burlington County, similar works were successfully operated for many years.
These furnaces opened up in March, soon as cold weather broke, and were in
constant operation till the end of the year, not excepting Sundays.
When Stephen Colwell succeeded his father-in-law, Samuel Richards, as
part owner of Weymouth, he_. resolved to try the experiment of closing down
the fires on Sundays and found that it worked successfully. After that Sunday
work stopped and religious people were highly gratified.
In 1807, the religious work at Weymouth culminated in the erection of the
little church which .has served its object so well up to this day. The estate
freely granted the use of the land for a church and cemetery for the equal use
of both Presbyterians and Methodists on alternate Sundays, and bore the prin
cipal share of the expenses afterwards for maintaining the services. In this snug
little edifice which stands in a beautiful oak grove, the ninety-second anniversarv
was celebrated with' appropriate ceremonies on Sunday, September 24, 1899.
Friends gathered from various points and renewed the pleasant associations
of other years. On the headstones in the adjacent cemetery names once familiar
throughout the county may be found. No deed for this property was ever given
to any religious body. It still belongs to the Weymouth estate.
Lewis M. Walker was the first manager for the founders and owners of
Weymouth. Later he started a forge and saw-mill for himself at South River,
three miles southerly from Mays Landing, in Weymouth township. Walker was
succeeded by John Richards, who was manager for sixteen years, when with a
cousin, Thomas S. Richards, he engaged in a similar business for himself at Old
Gloucester. John C. Briggs succeeded him at Weymouth for an equal period.
When William Moore succeeded Briggs, in 1846, he built the mule tram
way for the better transportation of freight through the woods .to and from Mays
Landing. Previous to that time most of the iron was transported to tide water
on scows, down the Great Egg Harbor river. These flatboats were carried down
by the current and poled back by hand with whatever supplies in the way of
groceries it might be convenient to carry. There are to this day "Lock Rights"
in the cotton mill dam at Mays Landing, in behalf of the Weymouth estate.
W. Dwight Bell and Stephen Colwell, whose wives were daughters of Samuel
Richards, were then the owners of the estate, which comprised 80,000 acres, in
cluding the greater portion of Hamilton and a considerable part of what is now
Mullica and Galloway townships.
Not less than one hundred vessels were built at Mays Landing from Wey
mouth forests and foundry during the half century beginning with 1830. There
were two shipyards and as many as four vessels were built in one year. The
hulk of one of these, the Weymouth, named in honor of the estate, built by
Richard S. Colwell about 1870, lies in the river at Catawba, a few miles below
the spot where it was built. One of the last ships to be built at Weymouth was
the barkentine Jennie Sweeney, still owned and sailed by Capt. S. S. Hudson, the
builder. One hundred or more families lived and prospered on the Weymouth estate,
in the coalings, saw-mills, foundries and shipyards. Three six-mule teams oper
ated the tramcars to and from Mays Landing, and there was a one-horse passen
ger car for use as needed. Two or three yoke of oxen were used on the estate
and half a dozen four-mule teams in hauling wood, charcoal and lumber, besides
two-horse teams and several driving horses.
During the Harrison administration, beginning in 1840, business was at a
standstill. There was no sale for iron pipes, but Samuel Richards, the wealthy
Philadelphia merchant, kept his men at Weymouth at work, thereby accumulating
a large stock of iron pipes, before he found a market for it.
Waterworks was started at Mobile about that time. By subscribing for
stock and paying in iron pipes Mr. Richards found a market for the accumulated
products of his estate. He died January 4, 1842, and his successors completed
the contract. William Moore continued as manager for more than twenty years. One
of his sons, M. V. B. Moore, who was employed in the Weymouth store, declares
that it was no unusual thing on a Friday or Saturday, when the week's supplies
were given out to the men, to weigh out four or five barrels of pork, and a ton
or more of flour, and to measure out forty or fifty bushels of potatoes and a hogs
head of molasses. Mr. Moore remembers to have seen, more than once, as
many as twenty-five double teams loaded with fresh pork from Salem and Glou
cester Counties, drive into Weymouth in one string. This pork was salted down
in large tanks in cellars and retailed as needed. The woodmen were great lovers
of fat pork. It required 90,000 pounds a year to supply the estate.
The old iron forge accidentally burned down in 1862, and the old foundry
three years later, when the iron industry was abandoned. The war had closed
the markets in southern cities, and improved methods and railroad transportation
and the use of anthracite coal, made it no longer profitable to ship pig iron into
the charcoal districts of South Jersey to be manufactured.
In 1866 Stephen Colwell built the first stone paper mill near the site of the
old stone forge and furnace, and leased it for ten years to McNeal, Irving & Rich,
who were operating the paper mill successfully at Pleasant Mills. In 1876 the
control of this mill reverted to the Colwell estate and the manufacture of manila
paper from old ropes, the abandoned rigging of vessels, was successfully con
tinued till 1887.
A second frame mill was built in 1869, which burned down in 1876, and was
replaced by a substantial stone structure. Natural causes or the relentless laws
of trade have operated very largely against the old industries of South Jersey
during the last half century. Cheap labor in the South depreciated the charcoal
market. Forest fires and cheap transportation from the South and West, cut
down the price of lumber. Iron bands supplanted wooden hoop-poles, which was
quite an industry. Cedar lumber which sold for $25 per M., now brings but $16.
Boatboards have dropped from $40, $50, $60 per M. to $30. Cedar shingles
which once brought $15 per M., now bring $8. Measured by these products
money has become higher and harder to get, while interest and mortgages have
suffered no such decline.
The Weymouth estate is still rich in wood and timber, bog iron and valuable
clay beds. Its water power is immensely valuable and ma)' soon be more fully
developed and utilized.
1 *¦ 7 \ *¦•
Gfce West family
One of the noted characters of Atlantic County forty years ago was known
by the name of Joe West. He was a man of powerful build and fine personal
appearance, with many accomplishments, a lawyer by profession, having but
little practice. His father, George West, lived in a mansion at Catawba, two.
miles or more below Mays Landing, overlooking the Great Egg Harbor river,
where in those days many vessels were constantly passing. The old-fashioned
mansion, just back from the road opposite the little church which is still stand
ing, was elegantly furnished and the family lived in princely style. Joe West
became known throughout the county for his transactions, and was both feared
and despised by people who came in conflict with him. His father, mcther and:
two brothers died at about the same time, under peculiar circumstances, and
people had their suspicions as to the causes of their sudden deaths. In the rear
of the little church may still be seen the large marble slabs which covered the
brick vaults holding the mortal remains of the suddenly-reduced West family,
inscribed as follows:
Son of George and Amy West, born April 7, 1810;
Died August 24, 1829.
Son of George and Amy West, born May 7, 1806;
Died September 3, 1829.
Born August 1, 1774;
Died September 10, 1829.
AMY WEST, widow of George West;
Born January 26, 1777;
Died September 15, 1829.
Thomas Biddle West, died May 17, 1826, aged 14 years, after fifty hours'
illness. Joe was the only survivor, and was of course in full charge of the
estate. He lived in extravagant style, kept four dun mules and a mulatto driver,
and made tours of the State in a manner to attract at
tention. He took with him silk bedclothing for his
personal use at whatever hotel he might lodge for the
night. Fie was a surveyor of lands and an expert in
looking up titles. He would set up claims to lands
which he as a lawyer could contest in the courts or
settle for cash to help him continue his extravagant
habits of living.
His estate was finally sold by the sheriff on fore
closure of claims against him. West was at one time
convicted of forgery of the records in the office of the
clerk of Burlington County and was sentenced to im
prisonment for five years. He was released before the
expiration of his term. He had a beautiful Christian
woman for a wife, Miss Huldah, daughter of one
Charles Stewart, of Philadelphia. He is said to have
led a domestic career no more creditable than his other
doings. He finally left New Jersey and spent his last days in his native State.
None of his relatives are now living.
Qtlantic (Bounty
'HE BAR of Atlantic County is in reality a creation of quite modern times. A
record of its early history would necessarily include that of the county in
X general, extending back to a time when Atlantic City was not, as it is now,
center and chief source of litigation in our courts; and beyond that to a
period when Atlantic City, as a settlement boasting a name, was hardly in
existence. To go back to the birth of our county is not a great stride, as it was only
in 1837 that it was formed by cutting off the easterly half of Gloucester County.
At that time the population of the county was about eight thousand, and the
amount of litigation correspondingly small. Then a railroad was a novelty, and
only one line, that of the old Camden & Amboy, was in operation in the State.
The only regular means of conveyance to the county capital was the stage coach
line running from Absecon through Bargaintown and Mays Landing to Camden.
On the first day of court the judges, lawyers, suitors and witnesses congregated
at the court house from all sections of the county, traveling by stage-coach or
wagon, or even on foot or horseback.
The first session of court in the new county was the Court of Quarter Ses
sions of the Peace, held by six justices of the peace, viz: Joseph Garwood, Joseph
Endicott, Daniel Baker, Benjamin Weatherby, John Godfrey and Jesse H. Bowen.
At that time this court was composed of the justices of the peace of the county,
or any three of them. The court was held at Mays Landing on July 25, 1837,
at the hotel of Capt. John Pennington, a prominent character in the early history
of the county, and the grandfather of present Law Judge Endicott, former Judge
Thompson, Dr. B. C. Pennington and County Clerk Scott. This hotel con
tinued to serve as a court house for several terms, and the old church building
then standing on the main street, near the site of the present church, was also
pressed into service on one or two occasions. The first session held in the new
court house, which is the one still used, was at the December Term, 1838.
At the second term, held October 17, 1837, Chief Justice Joseph W. Horn-
blower presided, and, together with the same six justices of the peace, held a
session of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery. In the first criminal
cases John Moore White, attorney-general, and Robert K. Matlock, of Wood
bury, appeared for the State as prosecutors. Mr. White afterwards became a
Justice of the Supreme Court and held the circuit in this county for two years,
in 1839 and 1840. (39)
In the early years of the county's history the members of the bar of neigh
boring counties were prominent in the courts. In fact, for a short time after
the formation of the county all the litigation was conducted by them, as Atlantic
County had no resident lawyer. Among the prominent visitors of that period
were Thomas P. Carpenter, of Camden, who was afterwards appointed a Justice
of the Supreme Court and held the Atlantic Circuit from 1845 to 1852; Abraham
Browning, of Camden, who afterwards became attorney general and who officiated
on several occasions as prosecutor of the pleas; John T. Nixon, of Bridgeton,
who was afterwards appointed Justice of the United States District Court; Lucius
Q. C. Elmer, of Bridgeton, who later became a Justice of the Supreme Court
and held the Atlantic Circuit from 1852 to 1859, and from 1862 to 1869; Robert
K. Matlock and William N. Jeffers, of Woodbury; Jeremiah Sloan, of Mt. Holly;
and John B. Harrison, of Woodbury, who was the first regular prosecutor of
the pleas. The first resident member of the bar in the county was Elias B. Caldwell,
of Newark. He first appeared in the courts in 1837, shortly afterward located
at the county seat and remained there until he died, in December, 1847. He
built and lived in a house immediately opposite the court house, where he also
had his office. While sick in bed he accidentally set fire to the curtains and
inhaled the flames, as a result of which he died in a few days.
Joseph E. Potts, of Trenton, appeared in the courts about the same time.
and shortly after Caldwell he also took up his residence in Mays Landing and
practiced there for a number of years. About 1854 he obtained a clerkship in
the Treasury Department at Washington, D. C, and resided there until his death,
which occurred a few years ago. He served as County Clerk from 1845 to 1850.
About the year 1840, Robert B. Glover, of Woodbury, took up his residence
at the county capital and practiced there until about 1854. He then gave up
the practice of law and removed to Camden, where he died, about 1856.
Another lawyer of the same period was Francis J. Brognard, of Mt. Holly
He removed to Mays Landing about 1842, and lived and had his office in a
building next to that of Mr. Caldwell. He remained in Mays Landing for seven
or eight years and then removed to Jersey City, where he shortly afterwards died.
Pie served as prosecutor from 1846 to 1850.
After the death of Caldwell and the removal of Brognard, George S. Wood-
hull moved to the county seat from Freehold on March 5, 1850. In a few months
he was appointed prosecutor of the pleas, which office he held until 1865, and
during the same period also served as prosecutor of Cape May County for two
terms. He was appointed Justice of the Supreme Court in 1866. His actual
residence in the county, however, continued only until 1861, when he removed
to Camden and opened an office there.
The first native of the county to represent the profession in its courts as a
resident lawyer was William W. Thompson, of Mays Landing, the father of ex-
Judge Joseph Thompson. He read law with Judge Woodhull in Mays Landing,
and was admitted to the bar at the February Term, 1852, and practiced there
until his death, which occurred in November, 1865. From 1861 to 1865 he was
the only lawyer residing in the county.
The next native lawyer after Mr. Thompson was Joseph E. P Abbott, of
Mays Landing, a namesake of Joseph E. Potts, who studied law with Judge
Woodhull. He was admitted to the bar at the November Term, 1865, and the
next month located in his native' town, where he has continued to the present
day. On the day immediately preceding Mr. Abbott's settlement at Mays Land
ing, Mr. Thompson suddenly died, and Air. Abbott bought his office fixtures
and library, and took up his practice in the same office; so that up to that time,
not even for a single day could the county boast of two native lawyers. Mr.
Abbott is now the oldest practitioner in the county, and bears the appellation of
"The Father of the Atlantic County Bar." He is the present Prosecutor of the
Pleas, having been appointed by Governor Voorhees in 1898, succeeding Samuel
E. Perry. Next after Mr. Abbott came Lewis Humphreys, of Mays Landing, who
was admitted at the June Term, 1870, and located at Absecon immediately. He
studied law under J. E. P. Abbott. After remaining in Absecon several years he
removed to Mays Landing, where he continued to reside and practice until his
death, in 1878.
Alexander H. Sharp, of Salem, came to this county about 1869, and opened
an office at Egg Harbor City, and was shortly afterwards appointed Prosecutor
of Pleas, to fill the unexpired term of Alfred Hugg, who had resigned. He served
until 1871, removing to Mays Landing shortly before the expiration of his term.
He remained at the- county seat for two or three years, and then removed to
Absecon. While there he had a branch office in Atlantic City on Atlantic avenue,
where Myers' Union Market now stands, at which he spent some days in each
week. During this period Hon. John J. Gardner, our present Congressman,
read law under his instruction for some time. For a portion of the period be
tween 1 87 1 and 1878 he gave up the practice of law, and resided at Estellville,
near Mays Landing, where he conducted a glass factory. He next removed to
Mays Landing, and was again appointed Prosecutor in 1878, and continued in
office until 1883. Shortly after this appointment he returned to Absecon to live,
and resumed his Atlantic City office. At the expiration of his term he went to
Philadelphia, and thence removed to the West.
The next was William Moore, of Mays Landing, a student from the office
of Alden C. Scovel, of Camden, who was admitted at the November Term, 1873.
He took up the practice of law at once at the county seat and remained there
until his death, on November 17, 1889.
In 1876, Harry L. Slape came from Woodstown to the county seat and
opened an office and remained there about two years. He then removed to
Atlantic City and began practice in an office in the Champion House, on Virginia
avenue, on the site of the present Allen Building, the same office afterwards
occupied by Samuel D. Hoffman. Mr. Slape was the City's first resident lawyer,
and served as Mayor in 1880-1881, and also as City Solicitor for a number of
years. He died May 27, 1887.
The second member of the bar to take up a residence here was Major George
T. Ingham, of Salem. He read law in the office of Clement H. Sinnickson, now
County Judge of Salem, was admitted to the bar in 1880, and in August of the
same year came to this city and opened an office in the City Hall.
Following Major Ingham came Joseph Thompson, of Mays Landing. He
served his clerkship in the offices of Alden C. Scovel, of Camden, and William
Moore, of Mays Landing, and was admitted to the bar at the June Term, 1878,
at.the same time with Charles T. Abbott, a graduate from the office of his brother,
Joseph, in Mays Landing. Mr. Thompson practiced law in his native place from
that time until the fall of 1880, when he opened an office in this city, at 1208
Atlantic avenue. He served as prosecutor from 1883 to 1893, and as county judge
from 1893 to 1898. He was elected Mayor of Atlantic City in the spring of 1898,
and a short time afterwards was appointed a member of the State Board of
Taxation. At the February Term, 1881, were admitted to the bar two students from
Atlantic County — August Stephany, of Egg Harbor City, and Samuel D. Hoff
man, of Mays Landing. They both read law with William Moore at the county
seat. Immediately on his admission Mr. Stephany located in this city in an
office adjoining Keuhnle's Hotel, where he had for several years previously car
ried on a real estate business, coming here certain days in the week. On January
1, 1884, Mr. Stephany entered into partnership with Mr. Slape, in offices on the
second floor of the building next to the Mansion House, at 11 10 Atlantic avenue.
They continued together until Mr. Slape's death. After that Mr. Stephany con
tinued in practice until his death, on June 9, 1898, being joined a few years
previous by his son Robert as partner.
Samuel D. Hoffman, Mr. Stephany's classmate, remained in Mays Landing
a few months after admission, and in the same year came to this city and formed
a partnership with Joseph Thompson. Their office at that time was in the City
Hall. The partnership continued until 1883, since which time Mr. Hoffman has
had an office by himself, in the Champion House. Mr. Hoffman has been active
in political life, having served the city as City School Superintendent in 1885,
Alderman in 1884, Mayor for several terms, 1886 to 1892, and represented the
county as Assemblyman in 1892, and State Senator 1893 to 1898. In 1896 he
was appointed County School Superintendent.
The next Lawyer of Atlantic City was Allen B. Endicott, of Mays Landing,
the present law judge, who was admitted at the June Term, 1880. He read law
with J. E. P. Abbott and also with Peter L. Voorhees, of Camden, and graduated
from the law department of the University of Pennsylvania in 1879. After ad
mission he located in his native village and remained there about three years.
On the 28th of April, 1883, he came to Atlantic City and succeeded Mr. Hoff
man in partnership with Mr. Thompson, continuing with him until 1887. Their
office at that time was in the building on Atlantic avenue, standing on the site of
the present Mensing Block.
Samuel E. Perry, of Hunterdon County, came here in 1883, and opened an
office in the building at the corner of Indiana and Atlantic avenues, a portion of
which is now occupied by Griscom's Market. He had formerly practiced in Con
necticut and also in his native county. He was appointed prosecutor in 1893 and
served until 1898.
From that time on the City had a firmly established legal fraternity, and
students began to graduate from the local offices and other members to immigrate
from other sections with increasing frequency, until at the present time the bar
of the City is represented by thirty-four lawyers, mostly young, active and enter
prising men.
From the period of the 8o's the city with its almost miraculous growth began
to be an inviting field for the new disciples of Blackstone. The growth and ex
pansion of the town, the accretions of land on the ocean front, the formation of
land and improvement companies, the extension of streets and railroad lines, all
contributed to the creation of the inevitable disputes as to land titles. The in
creasing values of building lots, with inches as valuable as were the acres of other
decades, made every owner careful of his property rights. The errors and mis
conceptions in municipal legislation incident to providing for the needs and de
mands of a rapidlv growing city became such as to require constant legal aid
in straightening the tangles. The commercial transactions involved in the busi
ness of entertaining hundreds of thousands of visitors en^a led the preparation of
countless legal papers, and the natural outgrowth was controversies of endless
variety. While the absence of the great trusts and corporations of the larger cities.
with their weighty litigation, precludes our practitioners from the princely in
comes of their legal advisers, and while the field of practice is yet too limited for
the development of specialists in the legal profession, yet there is an interesting
diversity of work that comes to the hands of the Atlantic City lawyer that many
localities do not afford, which serves to keep him constantly bright in every
department of practice, and makes monotony impossible.
Among the important civil cases that have been tried in the courts of the
county was that of Andrew K. Hay vs. John L. McKnight, an action involving
title to large tracts of land in the county. The plaintiff was represented by Joseph
P. Bradley, who was afterwards Justice of the United States Supreme Court, and
the defendant by Abraham Browning. The case was tried in 1865, and the trial
lasted three weeks.
Another important case involving title to land was that of David S. Black-
man and others against Absalom Doughty and others, tried in 1877. For the
plaintiffs appeared David J. Pancoast, while Peter L. Voorhees and Abraham
Browning represented the defendants.
In December, 1882, was tried a famous case generally known as the "Storm
Tide Line Case." Nominally the suit was between the Camden & Atlantic Land
Company and Edwin Lippincott, and involved directly the title to a tract of beach
front seven hundred by one hundred and fifty feet, a part of the Haddon Hall
property; but as an extensive tract of property in that neighborhood was held
under a similar title, chiefly by the defendant and Charles Evans, of the Sea
side, the determination of the suit settled all these titles. The value of the land
involved was at that time in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, and to-day, of
course, is still greater, it being now one of the most valuable portions of the city.
In 1856 the land company sold Thomas Mills a tract of land east of North
Carolina avenue, bounded by Pacific avenue on the north, and extending south "a
distance of three hundred and twenty feet, be the same more or less, to storm tide
mark of the Atlantic Ocean; thence along said storm tide mark, on a course
of northeast, for a distance of one hundred and fifty feet, be the same more or
less, to the west side of a twenty feet wide street,' etc. Title descended from
Miles to Lippincott.
Between 1856 and 1880, when suit was brought, the beach had "built up'' by
accretions of sand, for a distance of some twelve hundred feet. The land com
pany brought suit in ejectment, claiming title to all the accretions, on the theory
that the "storm tide mark," as it existed when the grant was made, was a definite
and fixed boundary; that this line was different from ordinary high water line,
to which their original title extended, thus leaving in them a strip of beach to
which title to any accretions would attach.
The defendant resisted on the principle that the line was variable, and that
the boundary followed the changing line, thus giving the accretions to the grantee.
After a number of postponements, trial was begun before Judge Alfred Reed,
and a struck jury at Mays Landing on December 12, 1882, and occupied nine
days. The plaintiff was represented by Cortlandt Parker, Barker Gummere, Wil
liam Moore, and Alexander H. Sharp. For the defendant appeared Peter L. Voor
hees, Frederick Voorhees, Samuel H. Grey and Thompson & Endicott.
A special verdict was taken, the jury finding answers to fourteen separate
questions of fact, and the record submitted to the Supreme Court for judgment.
Judge Reed stated in his charge that there was not found in the books of this or
any other country a case which had the same features or was exactly analogous.
The case was argued at the June Term of the Supreme Court, 1883, and at
November Term an able and exhaustive opinion was rendered by Justice Depue
(reported in 16 Vroom, 405), in which he sustained the defendant's title to the
accretions. A portion of his language was as follows :
"In grants of lands lying along the seashore, the parties act with knowledge
of the variety of changes to which all parts of the shore are subject. The grantee,
by such a boundary, takes a freehold that shifts with the changes that take place,
and is obliged to accept the situation of his boundary by the gradual changes
to which the shore is subject. He is subject to loss by the same means that may
add to his territory; and as he is without remedy for his loss, so is he entitled to
the gain which may arise from alluvial formations, and he will, in such case, hold I
by the same boundary, including the accumulated soil.
"A grant of lands with a boundary 'along storm-tide mark of the Atlantic
ocean,' will leave in the grantor that space of the beach which lies between the
ordinary high water and the fast land, and is washed over by unusual tides so
frequently as to be waste and unprofitable for use; but the title of the grantee
will advance or recede as the line of storm-tide changes from time to time.
"The object the company had in view in adopting in its conveyance such a
boundary for lands lying along the sea is apparent. It was a company formed for
the purpose of building a city, as a place of summer resort. The use of the strip
of waste land lying between the fast shore and ordinary high water for a prom
enade, or for boating and bathing, by residents in the city, and persons who might
resort there for pleasure or health, would add greatly to the success of the en
terprise. The company seems to have exercised some control in that respect over
the beach. Mr. Richards, the president of the company, says that it was a uni
versal assurance given verbally to purchasers of lots, that they should have the
privilege of putting bath-houses on the beach for bathing purposes.
"We think that, under the description in the Miles deed, the seaward
boundary was on the line of the storm-tide, as that line was advanced towards
the ocean by alluvial deposits. The proof is that, at the time this suit was brought,
the line of the storm-tides was considerably seaward of the lands in controversy,
and consequently the defendant has the legal title to the premises in dispute."
In consequence of an error of the jury in answering one of the questions,
judgment was not ordered, but a new trial was granted. This, however, was not
followed up, but a non-suit was afterwards granted the defendant. An amicable
settlement was afterwards made concerning the strip between storm-tide and
high water line, which it was decided the land company still owned, and this
ended one of the most novel as well as important land suits ever tried in Atlantic
or anv other countv.
Among the important criminal cases tried in our courts was that of The
State against Louis Waldenberger, tried at the December Term, i860. The
defendant, who lived near Egg Harbor City, was indicted for poisoning his child
by means of pounded glass and sulphur matches, and was convicted and sen
tenced to be hanged; but on March 6, 1861, his sentence was commuted by Gov
ernor Olden to imprisonment for life. He served eighteen years in the State
prison, when finally his wife on her death bed confessed that she had committed
the act for which he was sentenced. His case had been before the Board of
Pardons for ten years or more, but he was finally pardoned, — the first case in the
State of pardon of a life prisoner. This was the first conviction of first degree
murder in the county. The prosecutor was George C. Woodhull, afterwards
Supreme Court Justice, assisted by William W. Thompson.
The next first degree conviction was that of John Hill and John Fullen, who,
together with Isaac Dayton, were charged with murdering an old man named
George Chislett, at Elwood, for his money. Hill and Fullen were tried together
at the September Term, 1876, and convicted. Albert H. Slape, prosecutor, ap
peared for the State, and his brother, Harry L. Slape, defended, — his first case
in the county. Hill and Fullen were hanged on October 7, 1876, — the first hang
ing in the county. Dayton was tried separately, convicted of murder in the
second degree and sentenced to twenty years in State Prison. The valuables
which the victim was supposed to carry, and for which the crime was committed,
turned out to be an old pocketbook containing one cent, which articles are still
preserved in the County Clerk's office.
On the evening of July 10, 1881, in this city, William Musson, a special
officer for the Disston Mill, was brained by an axe in the hands of John Somers,
another employee, while trying to act as peacemaker between Somers and his
wife, whom the latter was abusing. Somers, who was crazed with drink, was a
war veteran, having held a captain's commission. He was tried and convicted
of murder in the first degree, and sentenced to be hanged, but the sentence was
commuted to imprisonment for life. Harry L. Slape defended him. For a
number of years strong efforts were made to secure his release on parole. These
efforts were finally effective, and in 1897 he returned to this city, where he re
mained until his death, about a year later.
The next hanging was on January 3, 1889, — that of Robert Elder, who was
tried and convicted on October 23d, 1888, of killing his father near Hammonton.
The case was prosecuted by Joseph Thompson and defended by Samuel E. Perry.
Before the expiation of this crime another of similar character was com
mitted by James Grimes, a colored sailor, who, on Christmas night, 1888, mur
dered the mate of his vessel while lying in Absecon Inlet. He was tried at April
Term, 1889, convicted, and hanged on June 20, 1889, by Sheriff Smith E. John
son. This was also during Judge Thompson's term as prosecutor. The prisoner
was defended by J. E. P. Abbott and James B. Nixon.
Another celebrated case occurring the same year was that of Evangeline
Hamilton, who was tried at the September Term for stabbing a nurse in Atlantic
City. Death did not ensue, and the charge was only atrocious assault. She was
defended by Samuel E. Perry, was convicted and sentenced to two years in State
Prison. Her husband was a grandson of Alexander Hamilton, and owing to a
number of sensational features in the case it attracted widespread attention.
For some years the members of the bar of the county had felt the need and
appreciated the benefits that would accrue from organized and combined action
looking towards the mutual protection and benefit of the members and the main
tenance of the standing and promotion of the interests of the profession in gen
eral. For some time the matter was discussed without any definite action, until
1895, when through the efforts chiefly of William M. Clevenger and Louis A.
Repetto, counseled by August Stephany, the idea took form and the organization
became a fact. The signatures of twenty-five members of the bar were secured
as incorporators, and on June 1, 1895, articles of incorporation were executed and
acknowledged, and on the 19th of the same month were filed in the Secretary
of State's Office.
The first meeting was held on the first day of the fall term of court, Septem
ber 10, 1895, in the library of the court house at Mays Landing. The first presi
dent elected was Mr. August Stephany. William M. Clevenger was elected sec
retary and Clarence L. Cole treasurer. Since that time a new president has been
elected annually, viz: In 1896, Hon. Joseph Thompson; in 1897, Hon Allen B.
Endicott; in 1898, Mr. Enoch A. Higbee. The secretary and treasurer have
been re-elected each year.
While the association is yet in its infancy, its power for good has been ap
preciated, and it is destined to be a potent factor in the future growth and de
velopment of the city and county. In addition to the general benefits to be derived
from a closer association and union of the members and the maintenance of the
honor and dignity of the profession, one of the chief objects of its existence is to
collect and maintain a law library for the use of its members and visiting lawyers.
A fund is rapidly accumulating for this purpose, and the association is patiently
awaiting the action of the City Hall Commissioners looking towards the erection
of a municipal building, in which it has been promised it shall find a home.
\,-,,1E Admission Admission
Atturnhv Counsellor
James L. Vanscykel June, 1869
Samuel E. Perry . . .* June, 1877 Feb., 1881
Joseph Thompson June, 1878 Feb., 1883
Geo. T. Ingham June, 1880 June, 1883
Allen B. Endicott June, 1880 Feb., 1884
Samuel D. Hoffman Feb., 1881 Feb., 1884
Ulysses G. Styron Feb., 1885 Feb., 1888
Charles A. Baake, June, 1885
John Stille Nov., 1885 Nov., 1888
John S. Westcott June, 1888
Clifton C. Shinn Nov., 1888 Feb., 1893
Geo. A. Bourgeois Nov., 1889 Nov., 1892
Carlton Godfrey Nov., 1889
Clarence L. Cole June, 1890 June, 1893
Robert H. Ingersoll June, 1890 June, 1895
S. Cameron Hinkle Feb., 1892 June, 1895
Name AdmissionAttorney
Arthur W. Kelley June, 1892
Harry Wootton June, 1892
Wm. M. Clevenger June, 1894
Louis A. Repetto June, 1894
Burrows C. Godfrey June, 1894
Robert E. Stephany Nov., 1894
Charles C. Babcock Feb., 1895
Enoch A. Higbee Feb., 1895
John C. Reed Feb., 1895
Henry W. Lewis Nov., 1895
William I. Garrison Nov., 1896
James B. Adams '.Feb., 1897
Clarence Pettit Feb., 1897
John C. Sims June, 1897
Eli H. Chandler Nov., 1897
Albert Darnell Nov., 1897
Lewis T. Bryant Feb., 1898
Rodman Corson Sept., 1899
.June, 1895
.Feb., 1896
.June, 1897
.June, 1897
.Nov., 1897
.Feb., li
1837, Jul}- Term, John Moore White, Atty. Genl.
1837, October Term, Robert K. Matlack.
March Term, to 1844, April Term, John B. Harrison and Abraham
Browning, Atty. Genl.
April Term, to 1846, March Term, Richard P. Thompson, Atty. Genl.
Alarch Term and October Term, Abraham Browning, Atty. Genl.
December Term, to 1850, June Term, Elias Brognard, with Abraham
Browning and L. O. C. Elmer, Atty. Genls., and Robert K. Mat-
lack, occasionally.
June Term, to 1865, April Term, George S. Woodhnll.
April Term, to 1869, April Term, Alfred Hugg.
April Term, to 1871, April Term, Alexander Sharp.
April Term, to 1873, April Term, William E. Potter.
April Term, to 1878, April Term, Albert H. Slape.
April Term, to 1883, April Term, Alexander Sharp.
1883, April Term, to 1893, April Term, Joseph Thompson.
1893, April Term, to 1898, April Term, Samuel E. Perry.
1898, April Term, to date, Joseph E. P. Abbott.
1844,1846, 1846,
1837, October Joseph C. Hornblower.
1838, March to October Wm. L. Dayton.
1839, Mar. to Oct.; 1840, April to Oct John Moore White.
1841, October, to 1845, December Daniel Elmer.
1845, December, to 1852, May Thomas P. Carpenter.
1852, May, to 1859, April Lucius Q. C. Elmer.
1859, April No circuit judge.
1859, September Peter Vredenburg.
i860, April Edward Whelpley.
i860, September, to 1861, September Wm. S. Clawson.
1861, September John Vandyke.
1861, December Daniel Haines.
1862, April Lucius Q. C. Elmer.
1862, September Edward Whelpley.
1862, December Lucius Q. C. Elmer.
1863, April Geo. H. Brown.
1863, September, to 1869, April Lucius Q. C. Elmer.
1869, April, to 1875, April Bennett Vansyckel.
1875, April, to 1895, September Alfred Reed.
1895, September, to date Geo. C. Ludlow.
Atlantic County, during its early history, was solidly Democratic. Democ
racy in those days meant government by the people as opposed to the dictum of
"the King or his emissaries. The first six county clerks were all Democrats but
one, but the office in those days was of very little account. Abram L. Iszard,
who was appointed to this position by the State Legislature, was a Republican,
or Whig, as that was before the Republican party was born. It was not till 1845
that county clerks were elected by popular vote. The first Republican county
•clerk to be elected was Daniel Estell, son of Abram L. Iszard. He was elected
on the ticket with Abraham Lincoln, in i860, and being a young and popular
man had a majority of 137 votes in the county. The business of the office was
trifling then, and he was the first to keep the office open constantly. The founding
of Egg Harbor City and later Hammonton made the keeping of the records a
much more extensive occupation. Mr. Iszard became an expert as a search clerk,
and till a recent date has been connected with the office ever since.
The following have served as county clerks since the organization of Atlantic
County :
*James H. Collins 1837
*Samuel B. Westcott 1838-39
* Joseph Humphries 1840
|: Abram L. Iszard 1 840-45
Joseph E. Potts 1845-50
Joseph B. Walker '850-55
John Ackley 1855-60
Daniel E. Iszard 1860-65
Somers L. Risley 1865-70
Christopher N. Rape 1870-75
Lorenzo A. Down 1875-85
Lewis Evans 1885-95
Lewis P Scott 1895
1850-1852 : John P Walker.
1852-1855 Hosea F. Madden.
1855- 1 85S Ezra Cordery.
1858-186 1 Simon Hanthorn.
1861-1864 Jesse Adams.
1864-1867 Timothy Henderson.
1 867- 1 870 Samuel H. Cavileer.
1870-1873. F.dward D. Redman.
1873-1878 Samuel V Adams.
1 878- 1 88 1 Martin Moore.
1881-1884 Isaac Collins.
1884-1887 Charles R. Lacy.
1887-1890. ... Smith E. Johnson.
1 890- 1 893 Charles R. Lacy.
1893-1896 . .Smith E. Johnson.
1 896-1 8' 19 ' Samuel Kirby.
1899 to date , Smith E. Johnson.
Philemon Dickerson, who was the Democratic Governor of New Jersey,
1836-1837, on April 7th of his last year, commissioned Julius P. Taylor to be
the first Surrogate of Atlantic County. For reasons not known, he only served
till the following October, when John C. Briggs succeeded him.
The first official act of Briggs, according to the records at Mays Landing,
bore date of February 7, 1838, and his last act June ci, 1846. The population and
official business was small at that time.
"Appointed by Legislature.
Joseph Thompson, of Thompsontown, grandfather of Mayor Joseph Thomp
son, of this city, succeeded Briggs. His first official act bears date of April 4,
1847, and his last official act "September 9, 1857.
Following him came Solomon R. Devinney, who was surrogate twenty-five
years, till he was succeeded by John S. Risley, who was elected in November,
1882, and has been twice re-elected since.
Since the present public school system was organized in New Jersey, in
1866, the following gentlemen have filled the position of County School Super
intendents: Calvin Wright 1867 to 1875
Rev. Geo. B. Wight 1875 to 1877
Silas R. Morse 1877 to 1892
John R. Wilson 1892 to 1895
Hon. S. D. Hoffman 1895 to date.
The following gentlemen have served this county as State Senators since
1845-1847. Joel Adams. 1866-1868. David S. Blackman.
1848-1850. Lewis AI. Walker. 1869-1871. Jesse Adams.
1851-1853. Joseph E. Potts.
1854-1856. David B. Somers.
1857-1859. Enoch Cordery.
1860-1862. Thomas E. Morris.
1863-1865. Samuel Stille. J*
1872-1874. William Moore.
1875-1877. Hosea F. Madden.
1878-1892. John J. Gardner.
1 893- 1 898. Samuel D. Hoffman.
1899-1901. Lewis Evans.
The following gentlemen have represented Atlantic County in the lower
branch of the State Legislature since 1845
1845-46. Joseph Ingersoll.
1847-49. Mark Lake.
1850-51. Robert B. Risley.
1852. John H. Boyle.
1853. Thomas D. Winner.
1854. Daniel Townsend.
1855. Nicholas F Smith.
1856-57. David Frambes. j
1874-75. Lemuel Conover.
1876-77. Leonard H. Ashley.
1878. Israel Smith.
1879-80. James Jeffries.
1881. George Elvins.
1882. Joseph H. Shinn.
1883. John L. Bryant.
1884-85. Edward North.
1858. John B. Madden.
1859. Thomas E. Morris.
1860-62. Chas. E. P. Mayhew.
1863. John Godfrey.
1864. Simon Hanthorn.
1865. Simon Lake.
1866-67. P M- Wolsieffer.
1868-69. Jacob Keim.
1870-71. Benj. H. Overheiser.
1872-73. Samuel H. Cavileer.
87. James S. Beckwith.
James B. Nixon.
-90. Shepherd S. Hudson.
1891. Smith E. Johnson.
1892. Samuel D. Hoffman.
1893. Charles A. Baake.
1894. Fred. Schuchardt.
1895. Wesley C. Smith.
1896-97. Marcellus L. Jackson.
1898-99. Leonard H. Ashley.
1900. Charles T. Abbott.
In its early history, Atlantic County, like the other counties, had three courts
which are usually considered the county's own exclusive tribunals, viz: The
Court of Common Pleas, the Court of Quarter Sessions of the peace, and the
Orphans' Court. These were modeled originally after the courts of the Province
of West Jersey, which in their turn were adopted, with some modifications, from
the courts of England.
The composition of the three courts was, the same as to-day, identical, that is,
the same judges held all three courts. This fact often causes considerable con
fusion in the mind of the layman, with little or no knowledge of their jurisdictions,
when he sees one court transform itself into another with small formality. Orig
inally these courts were held by all the justices of the peace of the county, or any
three or more of them.
These courts were always near and dear to the hearts of the people, and were
held in high esteem. The judges, originally the local justices of the peace, and
afterwards appointees from the county, usually men of importance and high
standing in their community, made their intimate acquaintance and close knowl
edge of the people and affairs of the county of great advantage in the adminis
tration of local affairs. In the early days, practically all the litigation was con
ducted in these courts. The office of judge in those days carried with it con
siderable dignity.
The new constitution of 1844 made a change by providing that there should
be no more than five judges, who were to be appointed by the governor. This
arrangement continued until 1855, when an act of the legislature reduced the
number of judges to three. After this period, the feeling began to arise in the
more populous communities that important matters of litigation, such as fre
quently arose in these courts, were entitled to be passed upon and the procedure
conducted by judges who were learned in the law. As a result, in some of the
upper counties, president judges, who were to be counsellors at law, were pro-
vided for by the legislature. It was soon found that the president or law judge
was in fact the court, and by reason of his superior learning in the law, took the
responsibility and decided all legal questions.
The lay element was still represented by the two other judges, as the people
still held to the idea that the ends of justice would be best subserved by having
on the bench some representatives of and from the laity, as distinguished from
the bar, on the principle that this element of the bench might temper and miti
gate the rigors of the strict interpretation of the law, by the application of sound
common sense and equity, from the standpoint of the common people. The
sentiment continued to grow, however, that the proper person to administer the
law is one who knows the law, or who at least has made it his study and profes
sion. In accordance with this idea, additional acts were passed constituting law
judges in the various counties.
In 1889 it was enacted by the legislature that Atlantic County should have
two lay judges and one law judge, to be appointed by the Governor, the number
of lay judges then in office to continue until reduced to two by expiration of office
of one of them. Under this act, no appointment was made until 1893, when the
term of Lay Judge Joseph Scull expired. Joseph Thompson was then appointed
law judge for five years. The lay judges who then sat with him were Wilson
Senseman, of Atlantic City, and Richard J. Byrnes, of Hammonton.
In 1895, another law was enacted, which was the final blow to the lay element
in the county courts, by abolishing it entirely and constituting the law judge
the whole Court of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions and Orphans' Court. This
particular act was the next year declared unconstitutional, but another was im
mediately passed which avoided the objectionable features of the first one. The
lay judges, unwilling to relinquish their hold upon the dignity and perquisites
of the office and thus be cast into a condition of innocuous desuetude, with the
empty title of "ex-Judge," representing nothing but reminiscences of by-gone
glory, stubbornly fought the act through the highest courts on the question of
constitutionality, but were finally beaten, and the act was affirmed.
The following is a list of those who have served as Lay Judges of Atlantic
County, with the date of the first appearance of their names on the records of
the Orphans' Court:
Joseph Garwood :838
Benjamin Wetherby 1838
Edmund Taylor 1838
Jesse H. Bowen 1838
John Estell 1838
Lewis M. Walker 1838
John C. Abbott 1840
Daniel Baker 1841
Isaac Smith 1841
Jacob Adams J843
Wm. Westcott 1844
Mahlon D. Canfield 1843
Thomas Parsons 1844
Jacob Godfrey 1844
John Endicott 1844
Philip Imlay 1845
Enoch Doughty 1849
William Moore 1850
A. L. Iszard 1850
Joel Adams 1851
Geo. A. Walker 1854
Joseph Endicott 1854
John H. Doughty
George Wheaton
Edward T. McKean 1870
David B. Somers 1857 to 1872
Simon Hanthorne 1870 to 1875
John Godfrey 1872
David S. Blackmail 1875 to 1880
Richard J. Byrnes 1877 to 1896
Enoch Cordery 1877 to 1891
Joseph Scull 1880 to 1895
Wilson Senseman 1891 to 1896
SO THE traveler, speeding from the "Great Metropolis," via the South Jersey
R. R. to the sea, after passing through the dreary, dusty waste of sand,
scrub-oaks and stunted pines, scorched by the vertical sun and seared by
the demon fire, the billowy expanse of bud and blossom, or receding pyra
mids of golden blushing fruit of Hammonton, seems like a favored glimpse of
fabled Hesperides.
To the sturdy sons of New England, fleeing from its ice-bound winters, this
verdant spot of earth, with its genial climate, its balmy sea-born winds, bearing
the healthful fragrance of sixty miles of pine and cedar, its flowers, fruits and
prolific soil, must have seemed like paradise. So in the early fifties, they came,
like the second pilgrim fathers, to make the wilderness of South Jersey blossom
like the rose, infusing new life, new blood and new enterprise into a district
'which had commenced to feel the loss of industries, crowded out by those of
greater magnitude, and which were to make such a radical change — an industrial
revolution — which, like the magician's wand, was to turn the sandy stageway
into a road of steel, the forests and neglected fields into flourishing fruit farms,
the hamlets into thriving villages, and to hang upon the wave-kissed shore the
gem city of the world.
For the advent of the railroad had destroyed the wheel-traffic between the
shore and the Delaware, and in prophetic dreams, the carter, the Jehu of the
stage-coach and mine host of the 'White Horse," the "Blue Anchor," and a
hundred other inns which appealed to the tired traveler, saw their "occupation
gone," while the opening up of the iron and coal fields extinguished the fires of
the bog-furnaces and charcoal pits, and the glass factories sought more favorable
locations near the great centres of trade, and in the inevitable readjustment of
their existing conditions the foreign and domestic trade of the New Jersey coast
was driven to the greater ports of commerce.
Their coming was like a new lease of life to the "Old Town," whose land
titles ran back to the days of Charles II., and .whose soil had been pressed by
the patriots of the Revolution, in throwing off the yoke and claims of that same
England over which he once reigned. From Charles II. to the Duke of York,
from York to Berkeley and Carteret, from Carteret to Fenwick and Byllinge,
from Byllinge to the West Jersey Proprietors, from these to Shoemaker, Ash-
bridge, Robinson and Ball, to Richards, to Griffith, to Coates, to Coffin, and
from the last to his two sons, John Hammond, from whom the town of Ham
monton was named, and Edward Winslow Coffin, was a chain of real estate
transactions, extending over nearly two hundred years, from 1664 to 1844. I
can remember seeing, nearly forty years ago, the rotting piling, the broken pot-
sheds and the unquestionable remains of the "white man's abode" on the Old Egg
Harbor road, where it crosses the head of the lake, and where tradition places
the oldest inhabitant's home; but be it true or false, the "Irishman" has gone
and the "whiskey" remains. There were many houses in and around Ham
monton previous to 1850, but the wheel of the "old mill" at the lake, built by
William Coffin in 1812, had ceased to turn; the furnace fires of the glass works,
built by the same enterprising descendant of the Nantucket Yankee, had gone
out; the rotten posts and crumbling stones of their foundations alone remained,
over which the lizards ran or warmed themselves in the noon-day sun. A mile
away the "silent hamlet of the dead," with its narrow houses, stained by years
of sunshine and storm, told on their crumbling head-stones the abbreviated his
tory of those who broke the primeval wilderness into fields of plenty, and who
reared the temple to the God in whose bosom they long had laid at rest. On
this foundation, and with the blessing which nature abundantly showered upon
them, the pioneers of 1850 built up the thriving' village of to-day, labored and
struggled that their children and children'-s children might enjoy the fruit of
their industry, nourished by their brawn and watered by the sweat of their brows.
Many of them, too, have passed away, but their works and memories remain.
To Judge Richard J. Byrnes, more than to any other individual, is due the
success and growth of Hammonton, from 1856, when as a young Philadelphia
banker, in partnership with Charles K. Landis, he opened up this section to set
tlers, and by liberal terms and advertising made known far and wide the many
advantages of soil and climate until the present writing, honored and respected
by his townsmen, he still is identified and interested in its welfare. It would be
tedious to enumerate all who have contributed to this happy consummation, and
an injustice to the memory and endeavors of those on whose shoulders was borne
the first burden, to omit their names. Capt. A. Somerby, George Mvers, Sr.,
Capt. C. J. Fay, Dr. Joseph H. North, Sr., Thomas and Henry Wetherbee, Gerry
Valentine, Henry Pressey, Judge E. F. McKean, H. F. Crowell, Asher Moore,
Henry S. Ferris, Capt. Burgess, Capt. Davie, George Aliller, and others, of which
want of space prevents the mention. In those early days the station of the
newly built Camden and Atlantic R. R. was located at what is now called
Da Costa, named from John C. Da Costa, one of the early Directors and after
wards President of the road, and the land office of Byrnes and Landis was in
the Old Coffin Mansion, at the lake, part of which was built in 1812, and which
still stands on the right hand of the road as it crosses the dam. The old company
store stood between the house and the lake, backed by a beautiful grove of stately
oaks, where the village lads and maidens picknicked under their spreading boughs
and celebrated with the older generations the Nation's birthday.
For miles around the natives came to the old store to purchase provender,
to swap stories and to fish for pickerel and catfish along the shore of the pond
and below the dam. Here tarried the towering loads of hay cut from the salt
marshes near the crest and scowed up the Mullica to Pleasant Mills. Here
stopped the clam and fish vender, whose melodious voice waked the echoes of
many a silent lane from Absecon to Camden, and once along and over the little
stream the colonial forces passed to Chestnut Neck. By there the old stage ran,
driven by Capt. Kimball, from Camden to Leeds Point every Wednesday and
Saturday, and back again Thursdays and Mondays, and this was the first mail
route of the early days, and from the old store the mail was delivered as late as
1859. Captain Kimball and his stage-coach are within my recollections, old
Judge Porter and his famous blacks have not passed from my memory, and the
old family carriage of the Richards of Batsto, heavy and sombre, is not forgotten.
The little station-house which succeeded the "Hoes-head" at the crossing in the
village, and over whose short counter young Lew Evans, now the handsome and
staid State Senator, passed tickets in exchange for coin of the realm, for so many
years has passed away, only the memories of the wonderful ticker, the rush and
whirl of a passing express or excursion, and the advent of a new arrival in town,
impressed upon the brain of a freckled bare-foot boy remain. It is a long span
from the Hogs-head to the modern brick depot, from the old Delano Hotel, with
its long porch and flat roof, to the commodious and comfortable Hotel Royal,
from Robinson's little cobbling shop on Third street to the bustling factory of
Osgood & Co., from the tallow dips to the electric lights which hang like stars
along the highways and byways.
Previous to 1859 the preacher made his weekly visit, and the doctor, when
needed, was called from Haddonfield. Dr. Joseph H. North, Sr., was the first
local physician, coming from Maine in 1858. The first church, in which also
was held the first school, was built probably about the time William Coffin came
from Green Bank to build and operate the saw mill for John Coates, for there
his children were educated. It was located off the old Waterford road, near the
Minor Rogers farm, later a school house was built nearer the lake, which was
torn down to make room for the present brick building. Hammonton now has
seven churches and five school houses, the central or high school a beautiful and
imposing structure, showing that religion and education are after all the founda
tion stones of success.
Hammonton has had its "characters" and its legends; as a boy I once got a
glimpse into the lockers and chests of an old woman, whose husband was said
to have been a smuggler. Laces, velvets and silks fit for a duchess, and these in
an old house miles from neighbors, and where at that time bears roamed at large.
So, too, the "haunted house" figured in its annals, just across the dam,
where the weeping willows shade the unruffled surface of the lake, stood a weath
er-stained, unfinished building, long the abode of an eccentric biped whose long
hair and doubtful title of "Dr." frightened the children and made sceptical the
would-be credulous. It was also the abode of strange sounds and weird sights,
but time and the disappearance of the canny owner has exercised the uneasy
spirits that roamed through its dusty, empty halls.
A famous character of those days was Wesley Budden, one of God's un
fortunates, as we were prone to think, but who read the book of Nature nearer
right, perhaps, than we who congratulated ourselves on having more sense.
Six feet in his bare feet — for he seldom wore boots or shoes — straight as an
Indian and with the Indian's acuteness in forest lore, he knew every foot of
land from the Delaware to the forks of the Mullica, every pickerel haunt from
Atsion to the "Penny Pot," every rabbit run and quail ground in Camden or
Atlantic Counties. Of Quaker descent, but Methodist by profession, he could
lead a choir or offer prayer, and no camp-meeting was complete without "John
Wesley." He was the reincarnation of Cooper's "Deerslayer," simple, honest,
God-fearing, and many a lonely housewife felt safer by his presence and richer
by a string of shining pickerel or a plump rabbit, and many a child happier by his
friendly face and quaint stories. He knew the names and histories of every
one for miles around, and every legend from the finding of the "pot of pennies,"
which gave the name to his favorite fishing stream, to the ghostly flame that led
belated travellers into the morasses of its endless swamps.
If he be dead, may some kind hand have soothed his last moments and cut
upon his tombstone the word "Faithful." I have before me a "pass," signed
by Sheriff Sam Adams, to witness the execution of Hill and Fullen, for the
murder of old man Chislett. Well do I remember the excitement when the news
of this dastardly crime reached the quiet little village, and the hours spent by
the men and boys, with shot-gun and rifle, searching the thickets of Little Egg
Harbor swamps for the fugitives. In the same swamps during the Civil War a
number of deserters and bounty-jumpers lived, making nightly raids on the
chicken coops and larders of the surrounding farmers, and bringing terror to the
women folks and children. At that time "Tar Kiln Neck" was as safe for a
stranger after dark as would have been the White Chapel in London or Seven
Points in New York.
The mystery surrounding the disappearance of William Clark, who lived on
the New Columbia road in a small cabin a mile or so below the lake, has never
been explained, though it is believed he was murdered and his body thrown into
the well near the cabin and removed before the slow hand of authority had time
to investigate. Years before an old woman of eighty had disappeared in a like
manner. It was said she had wandered to the swamp not far from home, but
though they were searched by the whole male population of the town for a week,
day and night, no clue was ever found.
Hammonton, too, has entertained its quota of celebrities, Charlotte Cush-
man, the great American actress, owned many acres lying to the north of the
town, and her agent, Col. Obertypher, a Hungarian exile and friend of Kossuth,
there for a time made his home. Samuel Wylie Crawford, the hero of Cedar
Mountain and Brigadier-General, was principal of the High School for one term.
Patriot, soldier and scholar, he is well remembered by those whose fortune it
was to listen to his instruction. Solon Robinson, Bishop Odenheimer, Moses
Ballou, Ada Clare, the "Queen of Bohemia," whose tragic death ended a pic-
turesque life; Selma Borg, Edward Howland and Alarie, his wife, whose enter
taining articles ran for so many years through Harper's Magazine; James M.
Peebles, the scholar, traveler and author, and last but not least among many
others, Doctor Bartholet, the "old man statuesque,'' whose classic lore made
him as much sought after in the stud)- and drawing-room as did his herculean
frame and patriarchal brow in the studio of the artist. His portrait in the
Academy of Fine Arts of Philadelphia, shows a subject who would have brought
delight to the heart of the old Dutch masters.
Hammonton has been the theme of "Poem and Story." There lived and
sung William Hoppin, a bard of no mean calibre, whose fine poetic nature de
served a better fate than Fortune cast around his untimely death. In the story
"Bunker Hill to Chicago," Eloise Randall Richberg has drawn many of the
scenes and characters from the little town which was so long her home. There
lived Libbie Canfield, the dark-eyed, raven-haired beauty, who became the wife
of Brigham Young, Jr. There died Dr. James North, the skillful dentist, the
friend of Baron Stein and the Arch Duke Charles, of Austria.
The past has been kind to the namesake of John Hammond Coffin, what
the future has in store is a sealed book which is not in my power, nor is it my
province to open. DR. JAMES NORTH.
~g g PATHETIC as well as poetic story is that of the rise and decadence of
W% the village of Batsto. Lei others explain the philosophy of the strange
J I industrial changes of the past century. Batsto, in the language of the
Indians who knew the place well, means a bathing place. It is situated
in Burlington County, at the head of navigation, on the northerly bank of the
Mullica or Little Egg Harbor river. The Indian name of this stream was Minne
lo la, which signifies Little Water. This place was known in the olden times as
the Forks of the Little Egg Harbor. Here four streams or forks unite to form the
large river which flows thirty miles into Great Bay and the ocean. With the towns
along the river for many years there was extensive commerce with New York
and other seaports. The iron, glass, wood, timber and charcoal from the Jersey
villages were transported to market in ships built by the workers in wood and
iron from adjacent forests and exchanged for groceries and supplies required by
the sturdy inhabitants.
The Batsto river, Atsion river, Nesco or Jackson creek, and West Alill creek
were cjuite considerable streams in the earlier days, before forest fires had de
voured the herbage and vegetation that covered the swamps and woodlands and
held back in Nature's own good way, the floods which now so quickly find the
channels and disappear, leaving a denuded, almost desert region on all sides.
Forty years and more ago there was ample water power on any of these streams
to drive a mill any month in the year, while now by means of dams and canals
four united streams are hardly sufficient for the Pleasant Mills paper mill during
dry seasons. Batsto and Pleasant Mills are practically one village with bridges over these
rivers uniting them. Forty years ago fully a thousand people found work and
happy homes there, where one-fifth of that number now struggle for a livelihood.
Ten years before the Declaration of Independence the first iron furnace was
started at Batsto. It was the second one to be started in the State, the first being
up in Warren County. Batsto was then the property of one Israel Pemberton,
and was known as Whitcomb Manor. It was sold to Charles Reed, a relative by
marriage, and then consisted of several thousand acres. Col. John Knox suc
ceeded Reed as owner in 1767, and Thomas Mayberry succeeded Knox the fol
lowing year. Later it became the property of Joseph Ball, a wealthy Quaker of
Philadelphia, who owned land in several states. He paid $275,000 for Batsto
and developed the bog iron works there during the Revolution. Iron cannon,
col. william;:richards.
shot and shell were cast there and the place became one of considerable conse
quence to the colonists. A detachment of the British fleet was sent to destroy
the place and the battle of Sweetwater was the consequence.
One of the stalwart men who, commissioned as Colonel, rendered Wash
ington distinguished service in the Jerseys, was William Richards, a sketch of
whom appears elsewhere.
In 1784, after the battle of
Yorktown, Richards came
to Batsto as manager for
Joseph Ball, his nephew.
He was one of the six uncles
and six aunts who later in
herited the Ball estate. He
was a man of wonderful
energy and enterprise, and
soon became sole owner and
lived like a prince. He
brought in immigrants, de
veloped the iron works,
built up the estate and
reared a large family. Be
fore the death of William
Richards, in 1823, Jesse, his
oldest son, succeeded the father as master of the manor, and he ruled Batsto as
his father had done with great energy and success for thirty years, enlarged the
estate and made it exceedingly prosperous. From the big house, which still
stands, he could survey a thriving village whose people were employed in the
manufacture of iron, glass, pottery, lumber, farming and ship-building. Shade
trees were planted along the four streets of the village and an assembly of happy
homes and miles of farm and woodland were the wealth of Jesse Richards. From
his own store and mills he supplied his people and was loved and honored as a kind
and worthy master. In person he was very large and
powerful, weighing close to three hundred pounds,
and full of enterprise and good nature. The large farms
made larger by the wood choppers and the charcoal
burners yielded bountifully of all kinds of fruits and
grains, and the several mills were kejDt busy making
flour, feed and lumber of the products of the woods
and fields. Batsto, in the heart of South Jersey, was a
picture of peace, plenty and happiness for many
years. But the development of railroads and steam
power, the discovery of anthracite coal in Pennsylvania and the opening of the
iron mines there and the advantages to manufacturers of proximity to large
cities, had a fatal effect upon the bog iron industry in and about Batsto. In 1848
the fires in the Batsto furnaces were allowed to die out and they were never again
relighted. This was a severe blow to Jesse Richards, who died six years later, in
1854, aged seventy-two vears. Near the old church in the village a costly marble
monument marks his last
resting place, on which
the words "Beloved, Hon
ored, Mourned," are a fit
ting epitaph for this re
markable man.
Three sons, Thomas
H., Samuel and Jesse, and
three daughters, inherited
the large estate. The sons
were the executors. They
were the sons of a rich
father and had not been
trained as rigidly for busi
ness as he had been, nor
were they calculated to
cope with the great indus
trial changes of that per
iod. New inventions and competition had their relentless effect upon the pros
perity of Batsto. They left the estate in charge of their faithful manager, Robert
Stewart, and resided in Philadelphia. Heavy and unexpected losses through the
New York agency serious
ly affected the estate, and
they were induced to sell
thirty thousand acres of
their lands. Workmen at
times failed of their wages
as the clouds of disaster
gathered over this once
happy village. Later the
fires in the glass furnaces
went out and the busy vil
lage of half a century was
idle. Efforts were made
by the residents to again
start up the fires, but the
competition and advan
tages of other places could
not be met successfully.
Batsto gradually ceased to be the market-place for the farmers about Alt. Holly,
who sold tons of pork and produce here during the prosperous years. The mills
were idle, and the houses and foundry began to crumble and the canals to choke
up and go to ruin. A few of the old families still lingered, occupying the habitable
houses, finding employment in the coalings or chopping wood. The "Big House"
was empty at last. No member of the Richards family remained there. One of
the daughters had married
Judge Bicknell of Ohio; an
other had been buried on
the hillside by the old church,
while the third had married
a Confederate officer and
lived in the South.
On the night of Febru
ary 23, 1874, a spark from
the chimney of Robert Stew
art's house set fire to the
dwelling and spread to other
houses and buildings and
laid Batsto in ashes. It is
now but a suggestion of its
former self, a deserted coun
try village. Alortgages had
accumulated against the property and the Court at Alt. Holly had given Robert
Stewart a mortgage against it for $20,000, and smaller amounts to other parties.
In 1876, at a Alaster's sale, on a mortgage for $14,000, which had been running
since 1845, Joseph Wharton of Philadelphia, purchased the Batsto estate of about
100 square miles. Air. Wharton expended thousands of dollars in the improve
ment of property, repairing the buildings, clearing up the farms, planting hedges,
building miles of roads, cultivating cranberry bogs, and restoring the attractive
ness of the estate. The "Big House" was very much enlarged and improved to
the extent of over $40,000. It is a model country mansion, standing on a sightly
knoll overlooking the lake and village, surrounded by grand old shade trees. It
contains 36 rooms and is surmounted by a tower 116 feet from the ground. The
dining room is finished in ash, the parlor in cherry and walnut and a large old-
fashioned stairway in oak, heavily carved, leads from the spacious hallway to the
floors above. Ever}' room is provided with hot and cold water. There are marble
top washstands and several bath rooms. On the fourth floor is a billiard room.
The walls are beautifully frescoed and the mansion is fit to entertain the President
and his cabinet. From the ample porch one may see the carp pond just below
the road where for years the old iron furnace stood, the beautiful lake to the right
and above the dam and road, and to the left the stone grist mill, corn crib, the
old stone store and stables and cattle sheds. What a lively panorama of past
scenes do these substantial buildings and this grand estate suggest! Air. Whar
ton has since purchased other lands and is probably the largest freeholder in the
State of New Jersey.
With the decadence of general agriculture and the extinction of old-time
industries at Batsto, the growing of cranberries for a number of years has been
receiving considerable attention. Augustus Richards, twenty odd years ago, was
one of the first to engage extensively in cranberry culture at Batsto. The wild
berry abounds in the swamps and foi
years has been gathered by the hundreds
of bushels. Swamps have been drained
and cleared up and hundreds of acres
added to the cultivated area and the cran
berry made a very important product oi
this section. It is estimated that not less
than fiftv thousand bushels of wild and
cultivated berries were harvested from
the various bogs and swamps of the
Wharton tract during the season of 1898.
Naturally a large portion of the resi
dents of this territory are not property
owners. Their income is partly obtained as day laborers and more largely derived
from the harvest of the wild huckleberry, which is even more abundant through
out the woods and swamps than the wild cranberry. The huckleberry season
lasts from the first of June till the middle of September, and hundreds of people
gather enough of these wild berries to pay their entire household expenses. Alen,
women and children scour the swamps for them, expert pickers gathering a bushel
a day each. This fruit of the Jersey swamps finds a ready market and is sent away
by the carload. Requiring no capital to become a huckleberry picker hundreds
of people make a comfortable living from this great natural
privilege of the wild lands.
The old iron plate bearing the date of the original
building of the Batsto furnace, and its rebuilding twice,
is still in existence and is treasured as a relic by Air. B. W.
Richards, at his office in Philadelphia. This plate for
years was a conspicuous mark on the last stone furnace,
and was saved from the ruins when the furnace was dis
I 1
- w V
port Republic
HE first settlement in what is now known as Atlantic County, was made
at Chestnut Neck, on the west bank of the Mullica river, near where
f the village of Port Republic is now located.
In 1637 John Mullica sailed up the river that took his name, landing
at Chestnut Neck, Green Bank and Sweetwater (now Pleasant Mills); from thence
he journeyed across country to Mullica Hill, where he settled, lived and died.
The river and the town still bear the name of the first explorer of this section
of New Jersey. He reported the country a vast wilderness, inhabited by Indians;
the forest luxuriant in wild grapes and nuts; the waters teeming with fish, geese,
ducks and sea birds. Here on the beach sands the sea birds laid their eggs and
reared their young. The presence of large numbers of eggs gave the place the
name of Egg Harbor in after years.
The Manahawkin, Shamong and Nacut tribes of the Delaware (Leni Lenapes)
nation of Indians lived along the Mullica; at peace with the white settlers for
more than a century before the last remnant of the finest type and most powerful
nation of the Aborigines of the Western Continent retreated ominously toward
the setting sun. There is no record or tradition of any massacres or treachery by
the peace-loving Lenapes in this section of New Jersey. Tamanend, their be
loved prophet and chief, loved peace and justice and he instilled these sentiments
into the hearts of his tribes.
Many of the first settlers were the peace-loving Quakers, who dealt fairly and
with justice with the Indians. Their lands were bought, and when the last of
the tribes moved west they received pay for their remaining territory.
In 1676 the province of West Jersey (the Alullica river was the dividing line
between East and West Jersey) passed under the control of William Penn. The
liberal code of laws instituted by Penn induced four hundred families of Friends
to settle in the Province the first year. Man}- families in Atlantic County trace
their lineage to these first Quaker families. The Leeds were Quakers. A Friends
Society was organized and a meeting house built about this time near Leeds
Point. This old meeting house has since been converted into a store and dwelling.
In 1776, when the Independence of the colonies was proclaimed, Chestnut
Neck was the largest village on the New Jersey coast — a trade centre — vessels
making regular trips to New York, taking out a cargo of lumber, fish, furs and
agricultural products and returning with provisions and the mail. In that year
Patrick AlcCollum and Micajah Smith, having obtained a charter from the King
of England, began building the mill dam across Nacut creek at Port Republic
and erected mills for sawing lumber and grinding corn. Families by the names
of Mathis, Johnson, Bell, Collins, Sooy, Giberson, Turner, 1 '.rower, Smallwood,
Miller, Bowen, Adams, Leech, Trench, Higbee, Smith, Burnett, AlcCollum,
and Martin had settled at or in the vicinity of Chestnut Neck (now Port Re
public). When independence was declared and hostilities with England began, the
spirit of patriotism and love of liberty fired the hearts of the sturdy settlers of
this section. A company of volunteers was formed, under command of Captain
Johnson, and a crude sand fort constructed on the south bank of the river below
the village of Chestnut Neck. Another company of Rangers had been formed
with Captain Baylin in command, at the forks of the river, below Pleasant Alills.
Dr. Richard Collins, who was the first resident physician of Atlantic County,
joined the Continental Army as a surgeon. Jack Fenton, of the Continental
Army, was dispatched by Gen. Washington to this neighborhood as a scout, firs.'
to assist Capt. Baylin in exterminating the renegades who were plundering
throughout the settlements, and later to reconnoitre for British expeditions that
might be sent against Chestnut Neck, which now had become an important post.
The British were in jDossession of Philadelphia and New York, and Washington,
with his bare-footed, half famished army of patriots was between these two centres
of trade with no means of obtaining supplies excejDting from the sparsely settled
country district. It was at this time that supplies were brought into the harbor
at Chestnut Neck, in vessels from the South, and conveyed by wagon trains across
the State to the Continental Army, then at Valley Forge. Cannon balls were
moulded of bog iron ore at Old Gloucester furnace and at Batsto, for use in the
American Army. The harbor being landlocked and secluded by the forest, made
it an excellent and safe rendezvous for prize vessels captured by American pri
vateers. There were thirty of these prize vessels in the harbor, beside the mer
chantmen, when the battle of Chestnut Neck was fought.
In the spring of 1778, a renegade by the name of Alulliner, acted as a British
spy and gave such information to the British that Gen. Burgoyne sent an expe-
tition, eight hundred strong, against Chestnut Neck. Jack Fenton, the scout,
learned of the expedition and sent a messenger to the camp of Gen. Washington,
who dispatched Count Pulaski from Red Bank to the Neck to check the move
ment. During a terrific rain storm, on the 12th of April, 1778, the British came
into Little Egg Harbor Inlet and proceeded up Great Bay and the Mullica river.
When the storm ceased and the fog lifted the British were within gun shot of the
village. The volunteers opened fire from their sand fort and continued the fight
until their scant supply of ammunition was exhausted, when they retreated before
greatly superior numbers, covering the women and children, who fled to the
woods, and firing from tree to tree. Tradition tells us that the last shot was fired
by Capt. Johnson, from behind a tree, and killed a British officer who was lead
ing his men up the river bank. The British burned all the vessels in the harbor,
plundered and burned the village and ravaged all the surrounding country, taking
cattle, provisions and whatever valuables they found from the settlers.
While a portion of the British were plundering, a detachment of regulars
were sent against Sweetwater, where Captain Baylin's Rangers were located.
The "red coats" camped for the night in a pine grove along the river road. Jack
Fenton, the scout, followed their trail, located their camp and hastened to Sweet
water to apprise Capt. Baylin, who immediately broke camp and marched down
the river road to meet the enemy. In a ravine he halted, and taking a part of his
command to the top of a hill, and placing the scout in command of the others
in the thickets by the roadside, Capt. Baylin and his brave patriots, although
greatly inferior in numbers, lay impatiently awaiting the coming of the enemy.
The sun had not yet pierced the heavy fog that hung over the valley when the
sound of martial music reached their ears, and soon the steady tramp of the King's
regulars appeared in sight. Not until they were directly opposite did the order
from the scout ring out "fire!" And instantly a volley was poured into the
enemy's ranks, followed closely by another volley from Capt. Baylin's men. So
unexpected was the attack that the British ranks were broken, and taking ad
vantage of their consternation the patriots with a yell rushed out into the high
way and pursued the retreating enemy. Once the British Captain attempted to
rally his men in the narrow highway, but after a skirmish they again broke ranks
and retreated, hotly pursued by the Americans. Arriving at the Neck they found
their comrades making a hasty embarkation, for Pulaski was coming with his
command of Continentals. So enraged was the fiery Pole at the wanton destruc
tion by the British that he collected what vessels he could from Bass river and
gave chase. So closely did he pursue them that one of the British vessels, which
had run aground on the Range in Great Bay, was set on fire to save her from
falling into the hands of the Americans. The others got safely out of the inlet
and Pulaski's boats not being large enough for the open sea, he gave up the chase.
Mulliner was captured by the scout, convicted and hung as a spy. Their
leader gone the renegades left this section of the country. Jack Fenton was
transferred to the Southern division and was killed in the battle of Camden, S. C.
Thus the first settlers of Atlantic County suffered the loss of their homes,
their cattle and provisions. Only three rebuilt at the Neck, the others moved back
to Gravelly Landing, on Nacut creek, and built the first dwellings, where now is
the village of Port Republic. An Era of Prosperity.
After the close of the War of the Revolution, when the English army had
been withdrawn; when peace had been declared; when the young Republic had
been established; when Washington had been elected and inaugurated President,
an era of great prosperity dawned upon the hitherto struggling colonists. They
were now a free and independent people and stimulated by the advantages of a
liberal government, they went to work with a will and an ambition which only
a people living under a free, independent Republic possess. The forests were con-
verted into fertile farms, streams were dammed, saw mills erected and the timber
converted into lumber. New settlers came in and towns were built — not towns
composed of frail shanties, but substantial dwellings of the spacious and attrac
tive colonial style of architecture. Many of these buildings stand to-day, monu
ments to the prosperity and comfort of the people a century ago. The old brick
dwelling, built by John Endicott at the drawbridge, the old mansion on Alain
street, built by Nicholas Van Sant, and the brick store at the dam, built by Jonas
Miller at Port Republic are among the colonial buildings a century old that are
still tenanted and have been preserved as landmarks of a more substantial age.
The vast swamps of cedar along the Mullica river and its tributaries were
valuable for house building, and the giant oak forests were valuable for ship
building. Lumbering became an important industry, and a line of trading
schooners made regular trips between Gravelly Landing and Alanhattan (now
New York City). Many vessels were built here at the Van Sant ship yards, of
which there were three, and some of the finest and fleetest in the coasting trade
were built here.
Farming paid well in these days, and the agriculturists found a ready sale
for their produce, potatoes, wheat, corn, rye, barley, beef, pork, and wool among
the lumbermen, carpenters, fishermen and hotel proprietors. Clothing was made
from home-spun wool, woven by the fair hands of the village daughters. There
was then no tariff and no shoddy clothing. Silver was coined free the same as
gold, both were freely circulated. Money was plenty, times were prosperous. So
the village of Gravelly Landing grew into a town, and an important trading post.
After the burning of Chestnut Neck by the British, in 1777, the residents, fearing
a recurrence at some future time, moved back on the Nacut creek and were new
residents of Gravelly Landing. A post office was established, with James Hat
field as the first postmaster. He was succeeded by James Endicott. A stage line
was established to Philadelphia and the mail arrived and departed once a week.
The arrival and departure of this overland mail coach, with its driver in braided
hair, cocked hat, knee breeches and buckled shoes, loudly blowing a trumpet
to herald his approach, was an event in the annals of the town. The coach was
large and seated twelve passengers, and was drawn by four horses. The start was
made at 4 o'clock in the morning from the hotel of Japhet Leeds (now Leeds
Point), stopping at the Gravelly Landing post office, Franklyn Inn at the dam,
Clark's Mills hotel, Indian Cabin, Blue Anchor and Long Coming (now Berlin).
Usually the whole populace gathered on the arrival of the coach, greetings were
exchanged and refreshments partaken of at each stopping place.
Daniel Mathis, who built and kept the hotel at Chestnut Neck, which was
looted and burned by the British in 1777, built the old Franklyn Inn, which still
stands near the dam at Port Republic. Jonas Miller, a young brick mason and
builder, married a daughter of Daniel Mathis, and afterwards became proprietor
of Franklyn Inn, which he conducted successfully for several years. His four
daughters, all of whom married hotel men, grew to womanhood here and were
noted for their personal beauty and force of character. They were leaders of the
society of the village, and in after years frequently returned to visit the scenes of
their girlhood days. Jonas Miller removed to Cape May and built Congress
Hall, when that resort was at its zenith of popularity, before the Civil War. His
son, Burroughs Miller, served Cape May County in the State Legislature as
Senator for several terms, and held several municipal offices in Cape May. For
years he was the leader of his party in Cape May, and under his leadership the
county was always Democratic. He was a man greatly beloved by the people
of Cape May, and was identified with its best and most progressive interests.
HORTLY after the declaration of war by the United States against Great
Britain, in 1812, John R. Scull, of Egg Harbor township, living near
Somers Point, formed a company of infantry, known as the "First Bat
talion, First Regiment of the Gloucester County (Atlantic County at this
time was not formed) Brigade, New Jersey Militia, Volunteers," for the protec
tion of the maritime frontier..
The following persons were commissioned or enrolled as officers of this
company on May 25, 1814.
John R. Scull, Captain'; Samuel Scull, 1st Lieut.; Levi Holbert, 2d Lieut.;
Job Frambes, 3d Lieut.; Zachariah Dole, 1st Sergeant; Israel Scull, 2d Sergeant;
Samuel Lake, 3d Sergeant, and Richard I. Somers, 4th Sergeant. John Pine, 1st
Corporal; Thomas Reeves, 2d Corporal, and Isaac Robinson, 3d Corporal. Robert
B. Risley, drummer, and James M. Gifford, fifer.
The following are the names of the privates found in the company: James
Adams, Jeremiah Adams, Jonas Adams, Solomon Adams, Jacob Albertson, John
Barber, David E. Bartlett, John Reaston, Andrew Blackman, Andrew B. Black-
man, Thomas Blackman, Derestius Booy, Joseph H. Booy, James Burton, Jesse
Chamberlain, Jesse Chambers, Enoch Champion, John Champion, Joseph Cham
pion, Joel Clayton, John Clayton, Absalom Cordery, Samuel Delancy, Daniel
Doughty, Enoch Doughty, John Doughty, Daniel Edwards, Daniel English,
Hosea English, Aaron Frambes, Andrew Frambes, Stephen Gauslin, Andrew
Godfrey, Andrew Hickman, Ebenezer Holbert, Clement Ireland, David Ireland,
Elijah Ireland, Job Ireland, Thomas Ireland, Andrew Jeffers, Daniel Jeffers,
Evin Jeffers, Nicholas Jeffers, John Jeffers, William Jeffers, Enoch Laird, David
Lee, Jesse Marshall, Daniel Mart, John Mart, Richard Morris, David Price, John
Price, Sr., John Price, Jr., John Reggins, Jeremiah Risley, Sr., Jeremiah Ris
ley, Jr., Nathaniel Risley, Peter Risley, Richard Risley, John Robarts, John
Robinson, Andrew Scull, David Scull, John S. Scull, Joseph Scull, Richard Scull,
Damon Somers, Edmund Somers, Isaac Somers, James Somers, John J. Somers,
John S. Somers, Joseph Somers, Mark Somers, Nicholas Somers, Samuel Somers,
Thomas Somers, Abel Smith, Enoch Smith, Isaac Smith, Jacob Smith, Jesse
Smith, Zophar Smith, David Steelman, Elijah Steelman, Francis Steelman, Fred
erick Steelman, James Steelman, Jesse Steelman, Peter C. Steelman, Reed Steel
man, Samuel Steelman, Daniel Tilton, James Townsend, Japhet Townsend, Joel
Vansant, Joseph Wilkins, Alartin Wilsey, John Winner and Joseph Winner,
making one hundred and two privates.
This company was discharged on February 12, 1815, and notwithstanding
more than eighty-five years have passed away, yet to-day, through the veins of
some of our most energetic, enterprising and patriotic citizens of Atlantic and
Cape Alay Counties, flows the blood of some of these men.
During the short time this company were in service, they were not idle.
Selecting a spot near the Great Egg Harbor river, one that not only gave them
a full view of the Great Egg Harbor Inlet, but absolute command of the harbor,
here they erected a fortification in the form of a semi-circle fifty feet in diameter,
with a base of twenty feet and fifteen on the top, with a height ranging from six
to ten feet. This they mounted with cannon capable of carrying a ball from four
to six pounds; and woe be to the British Lion should he attempt to intrude on
these waters.
After the erection of this fortification, Captain Scull had his men ever stand
ing guard both night and day, watching, as it were, with an eagle eye, for their
dreaded foe, the British Lion, should he be seen prowling near, and horsemen
ready to mount swift steeds and hasten to inform the sturdy yeomen of approach
ing danger. Patriotism caused him to leave his plow in the field, hasten to the
house, seize his trust)- flint-lock gun, jjowder horn and shot pouch. Thus equipped
he impressed one kiss on the lips of the one near and dear to him, then hastened
to this little fortification to wait for the unwelcome visitors, and treat them to
the repast prepared for them, iron balls and lead pills.
So much respect had the land holders for this little historic spot, that it
remained untouched only by the hand of time, for a period of more than seventy
years, when the progress of improvements demanded its removal. 'Twas then
that workmen found mounds of balls remaining in the same position as they
were placed by our forefathers in 1814. Now the iron horse treads where the
boys of 1814 tramped to and fro, and with a lynx eye pierced the darkness over
the waters of the Great Egg Harbor, to catch the first glimpse of their dreaded
foe. The first obscure object seen thereon caused them to more firmly grasp
their trusty fire-arms, silently pledging their lives anew, to the protection of the
homes of their loved ones.
Well may the American nation feel proud over the bold and daring acts
of "Rear Admiral Dewey" at Manila, and Hobson at Santiago, as their acts of
heroism were sent with lightning speed from nation to nation, and their names
enrolled high on the honor of fame, in the annals of the navies of the world. Yet
let us forget not, that Somers Point, in all of its obscurity, is the birth place of
one of the bravest of the brave officers that ever trod the deck of an American
man-of-war; future naval histories mav record his equals, the past cannot; this
is no other person than that of "Alaster Commander Richard Somers," who sac-
rificed his life on the 4th day of September, 1804, in the harbor of Tripoli, in
an attempt to rescue his fellow countrymen who were thought to be barbarously
treated by their captors.
Less than a half mile from where Captain John S. Scull erected his fortifi
cation, in 1814, this brave man, Richard Somers, was born, on the 15th dav of
September, 1778; still nearer this spot he received the first rudiments of his edu
cation; yet still nearer he received his first lessons in seamanship. From this
port he first shipped as a sailor. In the summer of 1803, at his birth place, we
find this noble commander bidding his friends, relatives and birth place the
last adieu. The monument erected at Somers Point, to perpetuate his memory, marks
not his last resting place, but reminds the one that reads the inscription thereon
of the heroic acts of this brave man.
EORGE THE THIRD, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France
and Ireland, King defender of the faith, etc., to whom these presents
shall come, greeting:
Know Ye, That we of our special grant, certain knowledge and mere
motion, have given and granted and by these presents do give and grant, for
us and our successors, to the inhabitants of the north-east part, of the township
of Great Egg Harbor, in the county of Gloucester, in our Province of New
Jersey, wherein the following boundarys, to wit: Beginning at a pine tree stand
ing on the head of the North branch of Absequan creek, marked on four sides:
on the south-west side lettered E. G., and on the north-east side N. W., and from
thence running north forty-five degrees eighty minutes west (the eighty minutes
must be an error in the records), sixteen miles a quarter and a half-quarter to a
pine tree standing south-west, sixty chains from the new road, and near a small
branch of Penny Pot, and in the line of the former township aforesaid, and
marked as aforesaid: and thence running by the aforesaid line north forty-five
degrees east, nine miles to Atsion branch, thence down the same to the main
river of Little Egg Harbor; thence down the aforesaid river, by the several
courses thereof to the mouth ; thence south thirty-five degrees east, six miles and
a quarter through the Great Bay of Little Egg Harbor, to the south-west end of
the flat beach at Brigantine Inlet; thence southwesterly, crossing the said Bfig-
antine Beach and the sea to Absequan Inlet; thence north sixty degrees west,
five miles, crossing the sounds and Absequan Bay to Amos Ireland's Point, near
the mouth of Absequan creek; thence bounding by the several courses thereof
up said creek, and north branch of Absequan to the pine first named, and place
of beginning, to be and remain a perpetual township and community in word
and deed, to be called and known by the name of the Township of O. Galloway.
And we further grant to the said inhabitants of the township aforesaid, and their
successors, to choose annually a Constable, ( >verseer of the Poor, and Overseer
of the Highways of the township aforesaid, and to enjoy all the rights, liberties
and immunities thus any other township in our Province may of right enjoy.
And the said inhabitants are hereby constituted and appointed a township by the
name aforesaid, to have, hold and enjoy the privileges aforesaid, to them and
their successors forever. In testimony whereof, we have caused these letters to
be made patent, and the Great Seal of the Province of New Jersey to be here
unto affixed. Witness our trusty and well beloved William Franklin, Esq.,
Captain General, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the Province
of New Jersey and territories thereon depending in America, Chancellor and Vice-
Admiral of the same, etc., the fourth day of April, in the fourteenth year of our
reign, Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and seventy-four.
N. B. — The first line was run from the head of Absequan to the head of
Gloucester township line, June the first, 1797.
Wm. Lake.
January 27th, 1899.
easant iilills.
ITH the exception of Clarks Landing, several miles further down the
river, Pleasant Mills is the oldest settlement in Atlantic County. As
early as 1718 the site of the present village was a collection of log huts
where hardy pioneers found a free and exciting life with but few enervating lux
uries and lived by hunting, fishing and farming. Indians were numerous in
Jersey at that time and had their villages in this locality, but these white men
early distinguished themselves from their red neighbors by erecting a cabin of
rude, square logs, roofed with rough boards and dedicated to the Great Spirit,
who made the white man and the red man friends, for in truth it can be said that
in this State they were always at peace; there never was any strife or bloodshed
between them.
The site of the first rude church, which was known for many years as Clarks
Aleeting House at the Forks of the Little Egg Harbor, is still pointed out as
being near the present edifice, in the pine grove, on the margin of the old ceme
tery, where sleep several generations of the villagers.
Few in our day can appreciate the unlettered teachings of the itinerant
preachers, and the plain manner of living of those whose race was run in rougher
paths than ours. Rev. Simon Lucas, a Revolutionary soldier, was one of these
primitive Methodists who officiated in this old church twenty years or more be
fore it gave place to a larger and more sightly edifice, in 1808. He, Lawrence
Peterson and Simon Ashcroft were three of the trustees who built the present
church, which was dedicated in 1809 by the Rev. Francis Asbury, America's first
Methodist Bishop. The Bible used on that occasion is still kept as a precious
relic and is used by the present worshippers. It is of the same age as the church,
having been printed in 1808. In these the closing days of the nineteenth century,
but few gather in this temple of worship, compared with the large and fashionable
congregations that gathered here thirty, forty, fifty years ago.
4. iff
Sweetwater was the first name of the village taken from the Indian nsme
of what is now' the Jackson stream, whose wholesome waters drive the paper
mill. The first industry to be established was a saw-mill, which for fifty years
helped to advance civilization at the head of what is now Nesco pond. A cotton
factory followed within the memory of persons still living, and was operated till
it was destroyed by fire. Since 1861 the paper mill has been the main industry
of the village.
The plant of the Pleasant Mills Paper Company is almost a solitary survivor
of the many industries which thrived in the interior of Atlantic County before
the advent of the locomotive. While other enterprises have struggled and finally
yielded to the changed conditions, Pleasant Mills has steadily flourished and
forged ahead, and is to-day one of the leading paper mills of its kind in this
country. From Monday morning to Saturday evening, night and day, the hum
from the busy wheels can be heard echoing through the ruins of what fifty years
ago were busy communities in this vicinity. Raw materials are bought in our new
possessions, the Philippines, and some are raised
by our antipodes in India. Other materials come
from England and Germany, and after being
shipped to this obscure spot in the interior of
Atlantic County, are transformed into paper whose
market is the world. This process of manufac
ture employs and is the sole support of some
twenty families.
During the Revolution a battalion of soldiers
under the command of Alajor Gordon occupied
barracks at Sweetwater, just below the old button-
wood trees on the bank of the Alullica. Nearby
stood the old Washington tavern, where mer
chants, brokers, sailors and teamsters made this
quite a prosperous and at times an exciting place. Vessels captured by American
privateers and brought into Little Egg Harbor were unloaded here, and the sup
plies that were intended for the British army were transported from the midst
of South Jersey forests over sandy roads by the invincible colonists to the suffering
patriots at Valley Forge. The Delaware was crossed at Burlington and Bristol,
and the distress of those memorable winters of 1777 and 1778 was made more tol
erable by the supplies thus obtained.
Refugees and Tory sympathizers who defied authorities had their head
quarters in neighboring swamps, near what are now Elwood and Egg Harbor
City, and made murderous raids upon defenceless people. Two such leaders of
Torv gangs, Giberson and Alulliner, visited the house of a widow Hates and
insulted and tortured her by burning
down her home before her eyes. She re
sisted and fought the fire so successfully
that they tied her to the fence and re
newed the torch. They were pursued and
overtaken, but Giberson escaped by swim
ming the river at Green Bank, and was
shot and killed later at Cedar Creek. Tra
dition says that Alulliner was captured
at Columbia, court-martialed in short
order and hanged from a limb of one of
the old buttonwood trees on the bank of
the river, which have since been monu
ments of this exciting event. Another
story is that Alulliner was captured, tried as a spy and disloyal person at Wood
bury and hanged there, and that two other spies were strung up with but little
„ (
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ceremony from one of the limbs of the three old buttonwood trees. However
this may be, his grave may still be seen not far from these old trees on a knoll
just back from the river. For many
years a fence inclosed it, and the inci
dent has been an inspiration to many
a school boy who has been led to shun
the fate of this heartless refugee.
What in the clays of the Revolution
was the old Aylesford Alansion, or
home of the owner of this estate, still
stands on its original site on the shore
of Nesco pond, the oldest, most histor
ical and interesting structure in the vil
lage. Large shade trees shade the lawn
opposite the mill, and from the spacious
porch a beautiful view is presented of
the pond and the village. This mansion
was the American home of Kate Aylesford, the heroine of Charles Peterson's pop
ular novel celebrating local history and Revolutionary
events. She was married in the historical Episcopal
Church, on Second street above Market, Philadelphia,
in the presence of Gen. Washington, to Alajor Gor
don, who was in command of the battalion of patriot
troops stationed at Sweetwater, and who had rendered
her invaluable services when in peril. For some years
it has served as the residence for the manager of the
paper mill, which together with the Aylesford Alan
sion is now owned by Airs. L. M. Cresse, of Ocean
1 &31 •"
(Ijalkers Forge,
' ITUATED on South river, in Weymouth township, three miles from
Alays Landing, was founded by Lewis M. Walker, about 1816. Walker
was born in Oley township, Berks County, Pa., August t6, 1791. He
came to New Jersey in 181 1, and became one of the first superintendents
for Joseph Ball and others of the Weymouth iron
works. When he resigned to establish a plant of
his own at South River, he was succeeded by John
Richards. He built a saw mill and iron forge and
prospered for many years, employing in his coal
ings, mill and forges as many as one hundred hands.
He married Charlotte Pennington, of Mays
Landing, who was born April 25, 1789, and died
Alay 25, 1872. They had five children: John P., b.
February 8, 1820; cl. Alarch 26, 1853, who was
the first Sheriff of Atlantic County; George, who
-. and was the father of Samuel, John P., and Emma; Joseph B.,
married —
who married Alary Drummond, of Freehold, and had two children, both dead;
Amelia, who married Joseph
Humphries, and was the
mother of two children,
Alary and Lewis; and Re
becca, who became the sec
ond wife of Simon Han-
thorn. So far as known,
John P., the son of George,
is the only surviving mem
ber of the family. The es
tate is owned by him, and
the fine stone house, built in
more prosperous days, is his
summer residence.
It is a tradition that the
first iron pipes used in Philadelphia, in place of log aqueducts, were cast at
Walker's Forge. (109)
Daniel, son of John Baker, a well educated and well-to-do descendant of
Nantucket whalers, who settled and prospered in Cape Alay County in the last
century, settled at Bakersville and gave the place its name in 1815. He was a
surveyor and civil engineer, magistrate and executor of estates. He married
Alary Babcock, of Cape Alay County, and lived on a place purchased of George,
father of the noted Joe West. He persuaded Pardon Ryon, a Yankee peddler
from Connecticut, to settle at Bakersville and start a store there, which he did
and prospered. Ryon married Elizabeth, a sister of the late Israel S. Adams.
Emeline Ryon, a school teacher from Connecticut, married John Barnes, the
shoemaker, and that made another family in the village. William B. Adams, the
blacksmith, married Rebecca Cordery, and Joseph Way, the tailor, married Cath
erine Steelman, and Bakersville became quite a village.
In those days the wood and charcoal business with New York kept many
men and teams employed along the shore. Fish, oysters and clams were wonder
fully plenty in the bays, where vessels from New York were nearly always ready
to buy, spot cash, from the baymen. An empty basket run to the topmost peak
was the signal to the baymen to come alongside with what they had to sell. There
was plenty of money and prosperity in every home in the township.
Daniel Baker, for many years was one of the Lay Judges of Atlantic Count}'.
He was a particular friend of Dr. Jonathan Pitney, and was with him one of the
commissioners to divide Atlantic from Gloucester County, in 1837. It was Daniel
Baker who suggested and insisted that the name of the new county be called
Atlantic, after the ocean on which it borders. Mr. Baker was the father of eleven
children: John, Joseph, Elizabeth, Phoebe, Huldah, Jeremiah, Daniel, James,
Alary, Frazier, and Hannah Ann C Baker. The last, who is the widow of the late
Captain Barton Frink, is the only survivor of the family.
arbor ©it£.
OON after the formal opening of the Camden & Atlantic Railroad,
4 ,-> * - in 1854, the attention of parties was attracted to the vast expanse of
2 Yjr^ ^ unsettled lands adjacent to this line.
i >, The said lands consisted mainly of second-growth pine lands,
where the timber had been cut off years before for use at Gloucester
Furnace and for charcoal for outside markets. In some sections choice forest
lands still remained, where in later years considerable timber for lumber and ship
building purposes was cut and marketed previous to 1875 or 1878. Along the
Mullica river and the adjacent creeks beautiful and dense cedar forests were
standing. From 40 to 50 hands were employed during the years i860 to 1868
in cutting these cedars for staves, lumber and shingles, which kept three saw mills
in full operation. Annually about 150 schooners sailed away from Gloucester
Landing, and two or three schooners were always at the clock loading with lum
ber for New York and other ports. During the years 1865 to 1867 the steamer
Eureka (Capt. Crowley) plied regularly between this port and New York.
Alessrs. J. L. Baier, A. Eble, Clemens and Frederick Kah, E. Bernhard, Wm.
Mischlich, D. O. Eckert, and H. Kayser were engaged in this industry.
To open some of these lands for settlement an association was formed under
the title of "The Gloucester Farm and Town Association," which organized itself
on November 24, 1854, in the City of Philadelphia, and elected the following
Board of Directors: President, William Ford; Secretary, Frederick A. Roese;
Treasurer, Henry Schmoele; Superintendent, William Schmoele; Hon. Andrew
K. Hay, P. M. Wolsieffer, Garrick Alallery, Jr., J. H. Schomacker, and James H.
Stevenson. They purchased from Stephen Colwell the so-called Gloucester Furnace
Tract, comprising about 30,000 acres; 5,000 acres of the Batsto tract, and about
1,000 acres more of so-called exceptions to round out the tract. It was the in
tention then of laying out these lands into twenty-acre farms and two towns, one
embracing about four square miles, adjacent to the railroad station, "Cedar
Bridge," to be called "Pomona," and one five miles distant, adjacent to Gloucester
Lake and Furnace, where a considerable number of buildings were still standing,
and were occupied by the first settlers, arriving during the years 1855 and 1856,
to be called "Gloucester."
Every purchaser of a farm of 20 acres was considered as a shareholder. There
were two series of shares. In the first series the price of each share was $300,
and in the second series $450. Each shareholder was entitled to a lot 100x150
feet in size within the city limits; to a house of the value of $400 on his farm, and
to a fence around the same, all at the cost of the association.
The price of a city lot 40x150 feet was placed at $78, and subsequently raised
to $103. There was, besides a premium to be paid on each farm ranging from nothing
to $350, according to the contiguity to city boundary, railroad, condition of soil
and forest growth.
In April, 1856, a commission of five members was appointed by the associa
tion to view the 1439 laid-out farms and appraise the premiums on each. Under
date of August 5, 1857, the commission made a report of every farm mentioned
on the plan. A few examples of their report are herewith appended:
Farm No. 1. — H. H. S. L.* Level location inclined to the northeast, par
tially swamp with maples and partially dry overgrown with small pines and scrub
oaks. Premium $350.
Farm 403. — H. S. Scl. L. Nearly level location on the southeast side, rather
moist, plenty oaks and pines; about three-quarters of the farm cultivated land,
planted with about thirty fruit trees. Premium $125.
Farm 958. — H. S. L. G. Beautiful rolling location, hickory, oaks and scrub
oaks, with wild grape vines. Premium $200.
Farm 1219. — H. S. S. Somewhat hilly, inclined towards N. W and S. E.,
maple and cedar brooks, with very large pines and oaks standing densely. Pre
mium $90.
Farm 1308. — H. S. L. C. G. In the middle a nice hill, burnt pines and scrub
oaks. Premium $200.
The well formulated and advertised plans of the association met with unpre
cedented success among the German jjojiulation of the Union, who were at the
time suffering under the rampant spirit of Xativism, then sweeping over man)' of
the states, and thus inciting many Germans to join this association and ultimately
settling upon these lands.
- In a short time all the farm shares were signed, which led the managers,
under date of Alarch 13, 1856, to change some of their proposed plans, so that
the present limits of the city were decided upon, taking up all the intervening
space between the proposed towns of Pomona and Gloucester, the whole to be
called "Egg Harbor City," fronting one and one-quarter miles along the line of
the railroad and extending northeastwardly seven miles to the Little Egg Harbor
or Alullica river.
D. Hudson Shedaker was appointed surveyor, to lay out the city and the
farms, and he commenced operations in 1856.
The 20 acres were laid out so that twelve farms should form a block, six
farms fronting on one avenue and six on another; every seventh street within the
* Abbreviations used as above: H. Humus; S. sand: Sil. I,, sandy Inuni:
L. loam; ('. clay; G. gravel. The soil of farm laOS would be first strata
Humus, followed by sand, loam, clay and gravel in sin-cession.
city limits would extend through the farming district, giving the farmers easy
ingress to the proposed city.
The respective Board of Directors were kept busy in providing means for
the opening and grading of streets, erection of brick yards, building houses, fenc
ing farms, providing funds for the maintenance of schools, etc. ; and also during
the first year after the incorporation of the city to provide means for the expenses
of the municipality.
In course of time considerable dissatisfaction arose over the manner in which
the funds of the association were used and diverted. The brothers, Henry and
William Schmoele, were specially accused of using said funds in furtherance of
their private schemes, and the officers generally in not carrying out the proposed
promises, in needless expenditures, and in not sufficiently aiding the first settlers.
On Alay 2, i860, a new Board of Directors were elected, consisting of prom
inent settlers, but they were unable to cope with the spirit of mistrust and the
financial panic arising and continuing during their years of rule.
Finally, on November 17, 1867, this association was merged into "The Egg"
Harbor Homestead and A'ineyard Company," leaving the greater part of all the
promised improvements unfulfilled, gathering in all the liabilities that could be
forced and finally ending in dissolution.
The association commenced to publish, in 1856, a monthly newspaper, called
the "Independent Homestead," printed in English and German. It contained all
the official reports, proceedings, etc., of the association, and also the news of the
settlement, it being the only medium of intercourse during the first years of the
settlement, until 1858, the first venture in private publishing was attempted.
"Egg Harbor City" is so laid out that sixteen avenues, ranging from 70 to
200 feet in width, and named after principal cities of the United States and Europe,
run from the line of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad, in a northeasterly direc
tion, to the Alullica or Little Egg Harbor River. Running at right angles with
these avenues are the cross streets which are from forty-eight feet four inches to
sixty feet wide, named in alphabetical order — two to each letter — after celebrated
personages in science and letters. The squares bounded by these streets and
avenues are each 330 feet wide by 600 feet long, being intersected lengthwise by
an alley 30 feet wide, which alley gives every lot owner a double front; first one on
a broad avenue, and second one on a so-called alley which, however, is wider
than many pretentious streets in large cities. The advantages of this arrange
ment of streets and alleys are numerous and self-evident. Each block is divided
into thirty building lots, each 40x150 feet in size, or in certain cases into twelve
farm lots, each 100x150 feet. The direction of the avenues being from northeast
to southwest, while the streets run from northwest to southeast, makes the cor
ners of all houses fronting on the same point to the four cardinal points of the
compass, north, east, south and west; thus every room in a house standing alone
is accessible to the sunlight, which is a very valuable sanitary feature.
Two parks, each 600 feet square, called the Singer and Turner Parks, are pro
jected, one at the southeastern and the other at the northwestern corner of the
city. Another park is situated in the centre of the city, as laid out. It contains
nearly 500 acres of land and is traversed by three small streams, the Landing
Creek, Indian Cabin and Elihn branches, one of which has been converted into a
miniature lake.
Near the park is situated the Gloucester Lake, covering about 120 acres,
which is fed by the aforesaid three streams. The water supply is a never failing
one, and the power that can be produced is quite extensive. The outlet of this
lake, the Landing Creek, is navigable for small craft to within a short distance of
the lake. In 1856 a post office was established here, and Charles Herman appointed as
its first postmaster.
On March 16, 1S58, it was incorporated as a city bv the State Legislature.
The city government is composed of the Alayor, City Clerk, City Treasurer, As-
sessor, nine members of Common Council to serve for three years, three members
thereof to be elected annually, City Marshal, and minor officers. The first charter
election was held June 8, 1858, when 35 votes were polled and the following offi
cers were elected: Alayor, P. Al. Wolsieffer; Clerk, Theodore Wisswede; Treas
urer, Daniel Hax; Assessor, William Kusche; Councilmen, Louis Ertell, Y\ illiam
Darmstadt, Frederick Sautter, Christian Preiser, John Scherff, Moritz Stutzbach,
Jacob Gruen, Ch. F. Schurig and Fr. J. Keller.
In the charter election of 1859, 159 votes were polled. In this year Joseph
Czeicke contested the election of P. Al. Wolsieffer as Alayor, which after a review
by the Supreme Court, was decided in the former's favor.
The chief offices since the first charter election have been filled by the fol
lowing, many of them serving repeated terms :
Alayor. — Moritz Stutzbach, Frank Bierwirth, Louis Ertell, William Darm
stadt, Daniel Hax, William H. Bolte, George Mueller, Louis Kuehnle, Moritz
Rohrberg, Theophylus H. Boysen, AT D., John Schwinghammer, Frederick
Schuchardt, William Mischlich and Louis Garnich.
City Clerk. — Julius Alerker, Louis Schmitz, Herman Trisch, Christian Prei
ser, Ernst Adelung, August Stephany (13 years), William Gruner, Francis Nor
man and Valentine P. Hofmann.
City Treasurer. — Daniel Hax, Francis Strauss, Louis Boleg, Henry Schmitz,
Ernst Adelung, A' P. Hofmann. William H. Bolte, Albert Ballbach, Robert
Ohnmeiss and William Suykers.
The present officials of the city are: Alayor, Louis Garnich; City Clerk, V.
P Hofmann; City Treasurer, William Suykers; Assessor, Henry G. Regensburg;
Councilmen, August Arnoldt, Frederick Alorgenweck, William Alischlich, Sr.,
Robert Weiler, Henry W. Breder, John Prasch, Henry Goeller, John Natter and
George Sorg; Justices of the Peace, William Mueller and Frederick Berchtold;
City Marshal, George W. Senft; Constables, William G. Stroetmann and Anthony
Sauer; Overseer of the Poor, Anthony Neu; Commissioners of Appeal, William
Behns, J. J. Kraemer and John Reichenbach; Harbor Alaster, James I. Loveland;
Pound Keeper, Jacob Kaenzig; City Attorney, Robert E. Stephany; City Con
veyancer, Charles Cast; Fire Marshal, Henry Wimberg.
In 1858, Common Council decided that the seal of the City should be as fol
lows: An oak in the foreground, vessel and rising sun in the background, en
circled by the letters "Egg Harbor City, New Jersey."
In 1859, a census was taken of the population of the City, then consisting of
454 males and 419 females, total 873. In 1875, the population was 1311; 1880,
1232; 1885, 1232; 1890, 1438; 1895, 1557.
Board of Education.
As per provisions of the City Charter, this Board consists of five members,
three Trustees, the School Superintendent and Alayor ex-officio. The present
members are: Louis Garnich, Alayor; Herman Dietz, Superintendent; Trustees,
J. U. Elmer, M. D., George Mueller, Charles Cast.
The Gloucester Farm and Town Association provided the first means towards
paying the salaries of teachers, providing rooms and necessary utensils. One of
the first teachers engaged was Herman Trisch; subsequently Alessrs. ( ). Buehner,
John Schuster and Miss Wheaton were engaged. For a great number of years
Excursion Hall (now removed) was used for school purposes, until the growth of
the city necessitated the renting of additional school room and increase of teachers.
The school rooms being widely apart it was quite an arduous task for the teachers
to hotirly meander from one place to another. Finally, in 1876, the present com
modious school house was built, but with the increasing number of pupils its
rooms were inadequate to seat the same, so that additional rooms were rented,
until 1896, when an annex was built which enables all the pupils to be placed under
one roof. Under the able principalships of ( ieorge B. Schroeder, Alfred G. Alasius,
Henry C. Krebs and Henry AL Cressman, the school has been making rapid
strides and is one of the best in the county.
At present the schools are conducted by an
efficient principal with seven assistants, one
of whom teaches German exclusively, which
all the residents, whether German or Amer
ican, know how to appreciate, as the gradu
ates of the schools are known to be thus
doubly armed when they go forth to begin
their struggle of life.
During the years 1858 to 1879 a school
was kept at Gloucester. A commodious
school with rooms for a resident teacher was
built, but as the population rapidl}' decreased there the school building was sold
and removed in 1881. Air. Herman Althoff was the first teacher, and was fol
lowed bv Dr. L. von Oslovskv, A' P Hofmann and Aliss Bertha Cast.
Board of Health.
This Board consists of five members; four members are elected by Common
Council for a term of
being . the City
present Board is or-
President, George F.
P. Hofmann; Inspec-
M. D.. J. U. Elmer,
gensburg. There is an organ-
consisting of the La-
and Good Will Hook-
each housed in com-
For the better pro-
also to supply the city
an ordinance was pass-
granting to George
chise for a water sup-
entered into to supply
annual rental of $1,200.
enabled to have the
May 1st, following.
The water is supplied by two driven wells, one 397 feet deep and the other 401.
Five and one-quarter miles of mains were laid; the stand pipe 100 feet high has a
four years each, the
Clerk, ex-officio. The
ganized as follows :
Brecler; Secretary, A'
tors, Theo. H. lioysen,
AL D., Henry G. Re-
izecl Fire Department,
fayette Hose Company
and Ladder Company,
modious headquarters.
tection against fire and
with wholesome water,
ed ( )ctober 17, 1896.
Pfeiffer, Jr., a fran-
ply, and a contract was
31 fire hydrants at an
The contractor was
same completed on
capacity of 68,000 gallons, with a regular pressure of 43 pounds, and can be in
creased when necessary to 100 pounds.
Up to 1886 the city was sparsely lighted. In this year a regular system of
lighting the streets by oil lamps was instituted, until this system was superseded
by electrical illumination on April 16, 1898. ( )n this date an agreement was
entered into with Thomas T. Mather to supply the city with 21, arc lights of 2,000
candle power, at $1,096 per annum, for the term of five years.
The first newspaper published was "Der Pilot," which appeared December
18. 1858, under the auspices of the "Conservativer Maenner Verein," and was
edited by Dr. Robert Reimann.butwas discontinued
Alarch 19, 1859. On A [arch 22, i860, it reappeared
under a different management, and is still pub
lished by Hugo Afaas.
"Der Beobachter am Egg Egg Harbor River"
appeared also in 1858, published and edited by
Louis Bullinger, but was soon discontinued.
In 1863 the "Atlantic Democrat" made its ap
pearance and was published by D. Gifford. It soon
passed into the hands of Regensberg Bros., Frank
S., Alexander J. and Henry G. Regensberg, the
latter finally, September 4, 1889, selling it to John
F. Hall of the Atlantic Times.
The "Atlantic Beacon," starting in ( ictober,
1870, was also published for a short time by Milton
R. Pierce, to be succeeded the following year bv
the "Atlantic Journal," published by Al. Stutzbach & Co. for many years. In
1884 it was purchased by Peck & Oliver, at Mays Landing, and finally came to
Atlantic City, where it expired in 1898, after several changes and vicissitudes.
"Der Zeitgeist" appeared April 6, 1867, and was published for many years by
M. Stutzbach & Co., who some vears ago sold it to George F Breder, by whom
the name of the paper was changed to "Deutscher Herold," and is still in ex
istence. "Der Beobachter" appeared in 1879, and is now published by William
Mueller. "Der Fortschritt" is the latest journalistic enterprise, appearing in 1895, and
is published by Robert Weiler.
The "Egg Harbor Gazette'
established in 189 1 by George F. Breder,
the present publisher of the "German Herold." Two years later he sold to Dr.
G. H. Gehring, who published the "Mays Landing Star," thus forming the "Star-
Gazette." This property, in 1894, was purchased by Henry G. Regensburg, who,
two years later, sold to Ernest Beyer, who moved the office to Atlantic City. In
June, 1899, the "Star-Gazette" was consolidated with the "Atlantic Times-Demo-
crat," and is still conducted by Air. Beyer and published by the Daily Union
Printing Company.
There are five churches, one Catholic and four Protestant.
The St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church was first supplied by Redemptorist
Fathers from Philadelphia, in 1858, until Rev. Joseph Thurnes was appointed as
the first resident pastor, who was succeeded by Rev. A. Heckinger and Joseph
Esser, and is now under the pastoral charge of Rev. Anthony Van Riel. With
this congregation for the last four years a parochial school is connected under the
supervision of Franciscan Sisters.
The Aloravian Congregation, nearly 40 years in existence, was first pastorated
by Rev. J. C. Israel; its present pastor is Rev. Wilson A. Cope.
The Lutheran Zion's congregation was founded forty years ago, and is now
under the pastoral charge of Rev. Ottamar Lincke.
The St. John's Reformed Church, under the first pastoral charge of Rev. A.
von Puechelstein, is now supplied fortnightly by Rev. Martin Qual, of Glass-
boro. N. J.
The Baptist Congregation is the latest congregation instituted, and is under
the pastoral charge of Rev. J. M. Hoefflin. Societies.
On June 28, 1857, the first Singing Society was organized by Prof. P. AL
Wolsieffer, the founder of the first Singing Society in the United States, and it
was named "Aurora." During its existence it has participated in many Singer
Festivals abroad and carried off beautiful trophies; it held also several Singing-
Festivals in our midst, where man}- societies from the Eastern, Middle and South
ern States participated. Its present president is Theo. H. Boysen, M. D.; Leader,
George Alueller. It is the only society of this nature still existing, where for
merly a "Caecilia " and "Beethoven" Alaennerchor competed with them in pro
viding musical entertainments for the population.
The other musical societies are the Germania Cornet Band, Jacob Oberst,
leader: Egg Harbor Amateur Orchestra, George Alueller, leader, and Golden
Eagle Band, B. Bollmann. leader.
Among the benevolent associations can be named Pomona Lodge, No. 119,
I. O. ( ). F.; Ottawa Tribe. No. 72, I. O. R. AL ; Union Lodge, No. 18, A. O. U.
W.; Ringgold Council, No. 969, A. L. H; Antioch Castle, No. 44. K- <'• E.; Pride
of Egg Harbor Temple, No. 16, L. G. E.; Egg Harbor Alutual Life Association.
The Agricultural Society was organized Alarch 9, 1859. Its object in dis
seminating useful seeds and plants, in keeping a model garden for testing of fruits,
vines and plants, proved eminently succcs.-ful during the first years of the settle
ment. After the County Society had relinquished the holding of annual agricultural
fairs, this society took' hold of it. It obtained a lease from the city of the present
Fair Grounds, where from year to year it erected the necessary buildings and
improved the same and also the grounds. It continued to hold the annual fairs
until June i, 1888, when the members thereof decided to transfer its rights and
interests to a stock association, entitled the "Atlantic County Agricultural and
Horticultural Association," which has ever since kept the annual fairs, although
it has for later years always suffered a deficit.
The German St. Nicholas R. C. Beneficial Society was organized in 1866.
Egg Harbor Building and Loan Association was organized in 1884. The
shares are issued in annual series, and the sixteenth series was opened in June,
1899. Five series have already matured; a series generally maturing in 130
months. The receipts for the year ending-
June 12, 1899, were $32,784.20; assets, $101,-
333-54; liabilities, $95,275.38, on 1638 shares
and matured certificates, showing; a net eain
for the fiscal year of $6,058.16. The present
officers are: Henry Kami, President; Theo.
H. Boysen. AL D., Secretary; Fred. W. Berg-
mann. Treasurer; Directors, John Roesch,
Henry Fischer, William Mall, Henry Heitz,
Henry A'oss, Joseph Engelhardt.
The Egg Harbor Commercial Bank was
organized in 1889, with an authorized capital
of $50,000, of which $25,000 is paid in. Its
first president was Samuel Rothholz. The de
posits, October, 1889, amounted to $22,087.47;
in October, 1899, they amounted to $113,-
419.83. Present surplus fund, $4,630.00. LTntil
three years ago no dividends were declared,
but since, it has declared a regular annual divi
dend of six per cent. The present commo
dious bank building was erected in 1896, at
a cost of about $5,000.
The officers and directors are: Robert Ohnmeiss, President; Frederick
Schuchardt, Vice-President; Charles A. Baake, Secretary and Solicitor; George
Freitag, John Roesch, Charles Cast, John C. Steuber, Ernest A. Schmidt, John
Cavileer and Herman Dietz, Cashier.
The leading manufactory is that of clothing, in about twenty establishments
employing nearly 300 hands; the leading establishments are those of Frederick
Schuchardt and George Roesch, employing from twenty to thirty hands each.
Jacob Eiselstein's Parchment Paper Factory is one of the leading ones in
this State, and he is hardly able to fill his numerous orders.
Winterbottom, Carter & Co., in South Egg Harbor, employ about twenty-
five hands in the manufacture of bone handles for knives, etc.
The manufacture of cigars, which twenty-five or thirty years ago was the
leading industry, has gradually dwindled clown to a few manufacturers employing
a small number of hands. The leading manufacturers now are Louis Garnich,
John Vautrinot, Philip A. Bergmann, John Schindler and Christian Lehneis.
AIaxufacture of Wixe.
As early as 1858, Air. John P. Wild, the noted entomologist, from his obser
vations was led to the belief that this section of the country was peculiarly
adapted to the growth of grapes and manufacture of wines. His tests were of
such a pronounced character that the planting of vineyards was taken up by every
farmer and lot owner, and
it proving so successful and
remunerative, it gradually
extended to such a scope as
to be the leading place in
the Eastern States, and to
be the inducement of draw
ing many settlers to this
community. Among those most active
in this industry at its start
may be mentioned Messrs.
August Heil, John H. Ban-
nihr, John Butterhof, Chas.
Saalman, Herman Kayser,
Philip Steigauf, Christian
Kuebler, William Behns, A
Stephany, Wm. Stroetmann, Julius Hincke, John Steinlein and others.
Captain Charles Saalman, in 1865, after serving his adopted country four
years during the civil war, joined the settlement at Egg Harbor City, and with
youthful vigor, commenced to clear and cultivate his acres. With that inborn
love of the German for the vineyard and its products, the wine, he planted the
grape, first for his own use, because the educated German hates whiskey and
brandy and regards them as abominations. It was up-hill work at first, as only
the Isabella and Catawba varieties were then grown. They were meagre yielders
of an inferior quality. Air. Bull, of Alassachusetts, had not then originated his
Concord grape, an enormous yielder of a fair quality for wine. But it was not
till the Norton of Virginia, the Ives and the Clevner grape were discovered that
the wine growers could cry out "Eureka." and by judiciously mixing these varie
ties produce a red wine of the Burgundy type equal to the best varieties of sunny
France. The soil on gravelly slopes, full of iron, with a favorable climate, helped
to bring the grapes to perfection, so that in 1872 about 700 acres were planted in
Egg Harbor vineyards where large stone vaults were erected from local quarries
for its extensive manufacture and storage.
It was at this time that our national government, appreciating the great help
which light, pure wines would afford to combat the use of strong and dangerous
drinks, authorized the Department of Agriculture to make a chemical analysis
of some of the American wines, and the following was the report from the sample
from Egg Harbor City: Washington, D. C, Max 2,d, 1881.
Department of Acricl'lture.
Examination of "Black Rose" wine, vintage of 1877, from Chas. Saalman,
Egg Harbor City, N. J. Received April nth, 1881.
Specific gravity 0.9921
Weight per cent, of alcohol 9.86
Volume per cent, of alcohol .... . . 12.3 t
Per cent, of total solids 1.94
Per cent, of total ash 0.170
Per cent, of potassium 0.095
Per cent, of bitartrate
Per cent, of .volatile acids stated as acetic acid. . . . 0.375
Per cent, of fixed acids stated as acetic acid 0.287
Per cent, total acids as tartaric acid 0.756
A sound agreeable "Claret," free from harmful or unwarrantable additions,
moderately astringent, and well suited for medicinal use. It has evidently been
carefully made and preserved. Yerv respectfully, 'PETER COLLIER, Chemist.
Recent results are much more favorable than the first, and since then mam-
medals and honors have been bestowed upon the products of these vineyards, like
the gold and silver medals from the Pennsylvania Fair of Philadelphia and the
Exposition Universelle at Paris. The fostering care of the directors of the
Camden and Atlantic Railroad Company brought many prominent men to the
vaults and vineyards. The industry prospered beyond expectation till 1886, when
a threatening cloud came upon the horizon. The grape rot appeared and soon
spread over the entire district, destroying year after year this important crop
which had become the main dependence of many a German settler and farmer,
filling with dismay the owners of productive acres. Grape vines were extensively
dug up and the land devoted to other crops.
Through the persistent efforts of the Department of Agriculture, a remedy
for this terrible scourge was found at last in the spraying of the vines, with the
so-called Bordeaux mixture. Hope returned to our vintners ; neglected vineyards
were trimmed anew and new vines planted. There is now a strong belief that
the wine whose virtues are praised by the poets of all nations will bring pros
perity again to our farmers and happiness to man.
The accompanying illustrations are of the vine-embowered home of Capt.
Saalman and the large, crowded vaults of H. T. Dewey & Sons Company, whose
enterprise makes a ready and unlimited market for the products of every vine-
yard of the surrounding territory. Few appreciate the special knowledge and
skill required in converting the several varieties of grapes into the many varieties
of wines to give the proper color and flavor which distinguishes them.
During the harvest season, day and night Air. George E. Dewey, one of the
firm whose main office is at No. 138 Fulton street, New York, gives his un
divided attention to every detail of the work. Only an experienced wine maker
can fully appreciate the great care necessary in handling the juices from the
several varieties of grape as they pass through the various stages of fermentation
and purification to produce the proper color and flavor. The hundreds of casks
of all sizes and ages in the large vaults, kept under the strictest regulations are
a sight worth seeing.
Unfermented grape juice for medicinal and sacramental purposes is sent to
market by the carload to meet an unlimited demand. Should grape growing
regain its old time projjortions the Messrs. Dewey would still be unable to meet
the demand for this product of German skill and industry from South Jersey soil.
Others at present engaged in this industry are John Schuster, S. Oberst &
Sons, Joseph Butterhof, Herman Kayser, August Fleil, Charles Borm, L. F.
Schirmer, Frederick Fiedler, Philip Bergmann, Rev. A. Van Riel, and L. N.
Renault. The best varieties of grapes grown in this vicinity are Norton's Virginia
Seedling, Claevenar, Ives Seedling, Concord, Diogenes, Franklin, Elvira.
Among the oldest settlers of Egg Harbor City still surviving may be men
tioned: Louis Roesch, Ignatius Roesch, Christian Oeser, John Neubauer, Chris
tian Wey, John Butterhof, August Heil, Herman Kayser, William Beyer, Charles
Schwoerer, Christian Gaupp, William Karrer, Philip Bergmann, Sr., John Ul-
brich, Frederick Storz, Franciz C. Regensburg, George Freitag, Henry Winter-
ber°-, John Rcichenbach, Louis Lurch, Charles Kraus, Frederick Afasche, Moritz
Rohrberg, Tohn C. Steuber, John Prasch, Kasimer Startler, Bernard Grawe, B.
A. Wennemer, Sr., George Eckelkamp, Jacob Kaenzig, Joseph Wehming, J.
Daniel Roeder, Frederick Neff, J. J. Seilheimer, Conrad Karrer, Philip Doell,
Frederick Bub, Charles Grunow, William Krieg, Peter Joseph Schwickerath,
Gustav Guenther, Edward Richter, Frank Lothspeich, A' P. Hofmann, Ernst
Roel, Peter Hartmeier, Edward Rauscher, L. N. Renault, John Hnenke, A.
Kienzle, Jos. Sahl, E. W Auerbach, August Ebert, Airs. Agatha Schorp, J. L.
Baier, Sr., Airs. Henry Brander, Airs. E. S. Mueller, John Schuster, Airs. J. J.
Fritschy, Frederick Hennis, Airs. F Weisenborn, Airs. Aaartin Henschell, Mrs.
E. Wel'dy, Mrs. Sophia Kaelble, Airs. Casper Breder, Henry Bange, Airs. Peter
Goebbels, Airs. A. Beyer, Dr. Robert Reimann, Hugo Alaas, Carl Winterberg,
Peter Braun, Airs. E. Meister, Airs. E. Braunbeck, Mrs. Sophia Hiller, Airs. H.
Trisch, L F. W. Schulz, Airs. Alary Heitz, Airs. Rosine Oberle, Louis Alessinger.
Henrv Winterberg, John Nanke.
Htlantic County
As Canvassed by the County Board of Election at Mays' Landing on Friday,
November 10, 1899.
Wards, Towns
Atlantic City.
First Ward — 1st Precinct..
" —2d
Second " — 1st "
" " —2d
Third " —1st
" —2d
" —3d " ..
Fourth " —1st
" —2d " ..
" " —3d
Absecon Brigantine
1st Precinct
—2d "
Buena Vista
Egg Harbor City
Egg Harbor Township
Galloway — 1st Precinct
" —2d
Hammonton — 1st Precinct.
—2d " .
Lin wood
.Somers' Point
South Atlantic City
Wey mout h
¦J, a
2711290, 191313 145227
208 134; 175
15S| 57 6.
125179 155'105' 48
243 120 104 4910
140 381400
&H P-
114105 106 114ne! 117 56
""61 103i 6966
145 83
123 6328,30 4
267023 11
161516 17
10 5
1610 13
25 18 5
2421 61
75 2
216 120
240i 31
122 192 315941 ]
21' 891
18! *40j
..... *35
13! 120i
5' 76, 19 6
70 15 3
266273 163286242 184257 117125 112 79 5
187 145176 69
210 143 105 45 3
158 40 15
Total Rep. Pluralities.
3864 1890 391 3645
K Ph
109148 150'146167 170 34 1
113 67
7576 63 ,
155j 46 2535 1
11 27'6220 10
1 ,424
1895, as
son. the
1890. 50 1
1. 5 12
REVIOUS to the advent of Jeremiah Leeds upon "Absecond" beach
i JLJP as ;i permanent settler, there had hern squatters or temporal")
\m residents here, Whatever title to the lands there might have been
at that early day seems to have vested in the numerous Steelman
family or in the West Jersey proprietors, successors to the King before the War
for Independence. The abundance of game and fish, the frequency of shipwrecks and the un
disturbed isolation of the island, must have made it an attractive spot for refugees
from war or justice.
Several cabins had been built and clearings made among the sandhills when
Jeremiah first stepped foot upon the soil, making it first his temporary and in
about 1783 his permanent abode.
These different clearings or "fields," as thev called them, even after Leeds
little by little acquired title to and control of
almost the entire island, bore different
names. "Dan's Field," so called from its
traditional pioneer, Dan Ireland, contained
several acres and was located within gun
shot of where the Elks Building now
stands. The ruins of an old shanty are
still remembered by surviving members of
the Leeds family.
"Fid's Field,'' so called from Frederick
Steelman, its first cultivator, was between
Arctic and Baltic, Tennessee and Xew York
avenues, where Richard Hackett built his
first house, in 1844, and lived for nearly or quite fifty years.
ft FROM the beach.
BLFiRST Big Wheel.. J
view from Ug-ht House in 1878. ^^2^&-,
,3* - - (JBERT B. LEEDS, who was born on this island in 1828, and has always
l^y lived here, tells of the worst storm that he ever knew as happening when
\S) he was a boy, 11 years old.
He remembers distinctly of hearing the roar of the surf along the
beaches particularly loud and threatening as he stood in the doorway of his home
while the northeast storm was gathering.
It was in December, 1839, the year after his father, Jeremiah Leeds, died.
Their house stood at the corner of Baltic and Massachusetts avenues, with a
large field and farm eastwardly from the house where it is now all built up. There
were only four or five houses on the island at that time; the house of Andrew
Leeds, where the Island House now is, the old salt works at least one square
out in the Inlet channel from the Boardwalk at Mediterranean avenue, and the
Ryan Adams house still standing near Maryland and Arctic avenues.
The storm raged for several days as only a coast storm can, driving the
waters into the bays and flooding the meadows and higher land as they had never
been flooded before in the memory of man. Boats could sail in the fields about
the house. Water stood one and a half or two feet deep around the barns and
haystacks where sheep and cattle were. Xo storm tide since that time has ever
flooded the island there as the great storm of 1839 did.
The most remarkable storm Mr. Leeds ever knew was a St. Patrick Day
nor'easter. in March, 1852. He was a young man then and used to go off shore
to see his girl, a certain Miss Caroline English, who, the following April, became
his wife, and has been his devoted helpmeet ever since.
On March 16 two distinct sundogs were noticed, an omen of foul weather,
but that did not prevent the smitten Barclay from going in his sloop yacht across
Lake's Bay to attend a party. The next morning the storm was worse, but he
hardly realized how severe it was as he started in his boat to return. He was
nearly swamped on the bay before he reached this island, cast anchor and dropped
his sail. A temporary lull in wind enabled him to proceed and safely make his
landing, after an exciting and desperate experience.
That was the time that 125 vessels of all sorts found a harbor of refuge here.
It so happened that a large fleet, none of them larger than 200 tons, had left New
York for the south when the storm came up. Some of these vessels put in at Little
Egg Harbor, above; some made Great Egg Harbor, below, but most of them
filled the bay and thoroughfare here, from the Inlet around to where the draw
bridges are now. For two or three days they were here waiting for the storm
to clear up. The scene of so many sails and sailors can better be imagined than
described. There were collisions and more or less excitement and confusion,
but no serious losses. Never before nor since has such an incident occurred.
About 1847 or '48, the Florida came ashore on Brigantine beach, loaded
with tea, silk, fire crackers and other goods direct from China. This wreck
occurred in broad daylight and was a total loss. The people gathered up chests
of tea, cases of shawls and other goods only partly damaged by the water.
April 23, 1866, the ship Zimbo, of Portsmouth, bound from Calcutta to New
York, with a cargo of jute, struck on Brigantine Shoals during a heavy fog and
had to cut away the spars. Her rudder was gone and she was leaking slightlv.
A wrecking steamer was sent to her assistance from New York.
Capt. Jehu Price of Egg Harbor Township perished on the meadows during
a very severe snow storm on Friday night, Alarch 25, 1868. It was understood
that he had run his vessel, loaded with manure, into the mouth of Cedar Creek,
and was floating a scow of the manure up the creek. The scow sunk during the
night, while up the creek, and after walking some distance Capt. Price told the
lad who was with him to go for help, as he could not hold out much longer. The
young man was unable to find his way off the meadows, owing to the violence of
the storm until morning. When at last he had reached the mainland and given
information, search was at once made, but when found Capt. Price was frozen
dead. A storm which began on Friday, March 25, 1868, was by far the severest
of that year. The wind was terrific, howling, tearing and driving the snow in
all directions, piling huge drifts behind every building, fence and tree, completely
obstructing travel on the highways as well as on the railroad. It was estimated
from careful measurement that the snowfall was 18 inches. The trains were not
able to resume their regular trips until the following Monday.
On December 17, 1866, the British brig Huron, Capt. Rayt, from Cardenas,
loaded with sugar, went ashore about two miles south of Great Egg Harbor and
became a total wreck.
February 5, 1867, there was a large steamer ashore off Brigantine Shoals,
bearing the name of Cassandra, from New Orleans for New York. She was an
oak-built vessel of 1284 tons register, and about three years old. Fler cargo
consisted of 836 bales of cotton, 82 bales of moss, 301 hhds. tobacco, 2535 hides,
14 rolls of leather and 16 packages of merchandise. She was commanded by
Capt. Daniel McLaughlin and was a total wreck.
A very severe storm of rain and wind occurred on Sunday, March 2~j . 1870.
The tides were very full.
The schooner Rapidan, from Yorktown, Va., was dismasted and driven
ashore by the heavy sea near the lighthouse, on October 13, 1870. She was gotten
off by Capt. J. Townsend, after being ashore over four weeks.
Among the severe storms recorded as visiting Atlantic City was the snow
storm of December 23, 1870. .
The schooner C. P. Hoffman, Capt. J. V Albertson, from Chincoteague for
New York, loaded with oysters, went ashore fifteen miles south of Fenwick's
Island, on Saturday, March 2, 1872. The crew were all saved, but suffered
severely from the storm and cold. In this storm Capt. Henry Risley, of the
schooner Wm. J. Rose, and a brother-in-law of Capt. Albertson, was lost with
all her crew off Hog- Island.
Capt. Samuel H. Cavileer, of Port Republic, was lost at sea in September,
1876. During the civil war he served with great credit and came home a lieu
tenant. He was Sheriff of Atlantic County during the years of 1868, 1869 and
1870, and was elected by the Republican party to the Legislature in 1871, and
re-elected in 1872. After conclusion of his legislative labors, Capt. Cavileer
opened a store at Port Republic, which he attended until he again became de
sirous to follow the sea.
The tempest in September, 1876, was the most severe experienced at Atlantic
City for the previous ten years. The intense force of the wind snow-capped the
breakers, and drove the tides in which washed away the frail boardwalk, upset
ting bath houses and sweeping away pavilions. No dwellings were injured.
The heaviest snow storm that had visited Atlantic City for several vears
was on January 1, 1877.
One of the most thrilling adventures and escapes that ever occurred in this
city was that of Adolphus Parker, who, alone on the schooner Twilight, was
driven to sea in a severe storm on the morning of Thursday, January 23, 1878.
Y'oung Parker, then a boy of fifteen, was alone on board this seventy-ton schooner,
which was anchored in the Inlet off Rum Point. A furious gale from the north
east was blowing when, at 11 a. m., the cable parted and the craft was like an egg
shell at the mercy of the storm. In passing out the Inlet channel the boat struck
bottom below the pavilion and then veered to the north. Young Parker, at the
wheel, tried to beach her on Brigantine, but in vain. Off the inside buoy he
dropped the kedge anchor, but lost it. The life saving crew discovered him and
launched their boat, but were unable to reach him through the boiling siirf.
Citizens saw the boat pass out the Inlet and soon learned of the peril of the boy
on board. That was an anxious night for his people, who could render no aid
in such a storm. Parker realized his danger, but with great courage and presence
of mind kept at the wheel all that day and night as he was driven away from the
continent. Morning dawned and brought slight cessation of the storm. Hunger
forced the bov to lock his wheel and go into the cabin for a lunch, which his con
stant exertions and privations the previous twenty-four hours made imperative.
While eating he was startled by a voice outside, "Hello! Do you want your boat
sunk?" Rushing on deck he saw a vessel that had passed and was soon out
of sight. The story of the Twilight and the boy at the helm might have ended there.
The weather continued thick, but Parker bent all his energies to pointing his
ship towards the shore and before nightfall was gladdened by the sight of land.
He tried hard to reach the Inlet he had left, but alone and exhausted he was
unable to do so. Finally, worn out and with bleeding hands he succeeded in
beaching the Twilight at Shell Gut Inlet, near Little Egg Harbor station, No. 24,
where he was rescued by the life savers and where his vessel went to pieces. It
was several months before Parker recovered from the exhaustion of his severe
ordeal. 10
TLbe \DoIunteer jfire ^Department.
The early history of the Atlantic City Volunteer Fire Department is practi
cally a history of, and begins with, the United States Fire Company, No. i. This
company is the pioneer of the present extensive and modern department, but it
was not surrounded with any luxuries at its birth or in possession, during the
early years of its existence, of even what would now be considered the barest
necessities in the way of fire apparatus. The city had no organized fire protec
tion or apparatus excepting two small hand pumps, one belonging to Wm. G
Bartlett and the other to Alois Schaufler, until 1874. Early in that vear Citv
Council, by resolution, appointed thirteen citizens as a fire committee, who were
to turn out and fight fire when needed, and on ( Jctober 19, 1874, a committee
of Council was appointed with power to purchase such fire apparatus as, in their
estimation, the city needed. This committee, on November 2d, reported the pur
chase of a hand engine and truck of Thomas H. Peto, a well-known dealer in
second-hand fire apparatus in Philadelphia. The total equipment was one hand
engine, $650; one ladder truck and fittings, $450; 700 feet of second-hand rubber
hose, $658; total, $1,758. Also a two-wheeled hose crab.
It will be observed that our city fathers did not believe in purchasing any
new apparatus. Probably they had their doubts about the city existing long
enough to wear out new goods.
In the meantime the fire committee of citizens (the majority of them haying
been members of volunteer fire companies in Philadelphia, Baltimore and other
cities previous to taking up their residence here,) had decided to merge themselves
into a fire company, the result being that the United State's hire Company, No. 1,
of this city, was organized on the evening of December 3, 1874, in the West End
Hotel, occupied by Archie Field.
The original thirteen citizens appointed by Council, constituting the charter
members, are as follows :
George W Martin, Robert A. Field, George Keates, Andrew Snee, Samuel
Trilley, Thomas Trenwith, William S. Cogill, D. K. Donnelly, Byron P. Wilkins,
William Somers, Hosea Blood, William Baker, Henry McKinsey.
Of these original thirteen four are deceased, four have long since moved
away, and the remaining five are still living in this city.
On December 7th Council appointed Messrs. Repp, Riley and French a
committee to select a lot upon which to erect an engine house, and on December
21st the committee reported in favor of the rear portion of the City Hall lot,
fronting on Tennessee avenue. On January 4, 1875, the committee's report was
accepted and a committee consisting of Messrs, French, Riley, Johnson and
Shinn appointed and instructed to secure bids for the building. The contract
for erecting the engine house was awarded to Joel R. Leeds on February 15th
and on July 17th following, Councilman Repp reported ordering, from the
McShane Foundry of Baltimore, a fire bell to weigh 1500 pounds, at a cost of
$45°- This bell was placed in the tower of the City Flail, and its iron tongue
sounded many a fire call in deep and well remembered tones, finally striking its
own death knell on the morning of August 17, 1893, when the City Hall and
Opera House were burned.
The engine house was accepted by Council in ( Ictober, 1875, and the first
apparatus, which had been kept in Bartlett's barn, was housed therein.
But, among our citizens and Councilmen of those earl)- days could be found
a good many pessimists who were decidedly opposed to the formation of a fire
company. They looked with suspicion upon the move and expressed grave
doubts as to the outcome. Some of the oldest and, supposed to be, wisest of our
citizens were the strongest opponents, and gave it as their solemn opinion and
conviction, that "You may look out for lots of fires now that some of them old
Philadelphia fire sharps and toughs have started a fire company." In fact to
them, a volunteer fireman seemed to be only another name for a fire bug. As
a natural result there was considerable friction and difference of opinion between
the fire company and the city fathers.
Council was willing to allow the company to drag the apparatus to fires and
do the work, but would not trust that valuable outfit in their sole charge. The
company, very justly, claimed that they should be the custodians and have entire
charge of the apparatus, without any councilmanic strings attached, if they were
expected to do the work when needed.
Finally, on March 5, 1877, Council decided to be very liberal in the matter,
and by resolution agreed to permit the company to use the building and appa
ratus "under the supervision of the Committee on Protection of Property," and
certain other restrictions and conditions.
The company refused to accept the offer or operate the engine under these
conditions, and notified Council to that effect at their next meeting, on March
12th, but decided to continue their organization for mutual protection and benefit
in case of fire, whereupon Council accepted their resignation and, on motion,
declared them discharged and disbanded, and proceeded to authorize a prominent
member of their body to organize a new committee of citizens "to take charge of
the apparatus and operate the same in case of fire." It appears there was very
little loose material from which to construct this new committee, and the tem
perature must have dropped somewhat below fever heat during the next seven
days, as the records show that on March 19th, on motion, the word "discharged
and disbanded," as referring to the fire company, were stricken from the minutes
of Council, and on April 6th, the entire body was appointed a committee to confer
with the fire company.
Three days later, on April 9, 1877, the Barstow fire occurred. This fire is
well remembered by our older citizens as one of the "wicked" ones. Starting at
the corner of Pennsylvania and Atlantic avenues, and fanned by a stiff northeast
wind, it was soon under full headway, and it appeared but the question of a few
minutes before the entire block to North Carolina avenue would be in flames and
doomed to destruction. The apparatus was hurried to the scene, but those who
were in charge, not having the requisite "know how," were unable to put the
engine in service, and the members of the fire company had rallied to the assist
ance of their foreman, Geo. W. Martin, and were moving his goods from the
Bartlett Hall Market, but they promptly responded to the urgent requests of
their fellow citizens to take charge of the apparatus, and soon had the pumps
going and two good streams playing upon the fire, and after a stiff battle checked
the flames when half way to the alley, and within a space of less than twelve
inches between buildings. Two of the pipe men, Geo. Keates and Theodore
Martin, both since deceased, were nearly overcome by the heat and smoke, but
stuck to their posts to the finish, when they had to be assisted from the roof of
the adjoining building. Mr. Keates came very near losing his eyesight from ex
posure to the intense heat. This fire burnt up all of the red tape and controversy
on the subject and most of the pessimists had their fear and suspicion of volunteer
firemen roasted out of them at the same time.
Shortly after this fire an ordinance passed Council giving to the fire com
pany entire control of the apparatus and management of the fire service, includ
ing occupancy of the engine house.
The water supply at that time was obtained entirely from cisterns and sur
face wells, about six feet deep. As it took but a few minutes to empty one of these
supplies it required frequent changing of hose and moving of the apparatus to
keep up the service. The hand engine was a powerful one of its kind, and re
quired thirty-two men on the levers when under full swing. It was constructed
by Pool and Hunt, who were celebrated engine builders of Baltimore, where it
was in service for a number of years before the civil war. It was sold to a fire
company in Hagerstown, Maryland, and while located there, during the war, was
put in service at a fire by Federal soldiers, who were volunteer firemen from
towns in Pennsylvania.
In June, 1878, the United States Fire Company purchased a second-hand
Amoskeag engine. This was the first steam fire engine in this city.
The next large fire, known as the Reed fire, was on November 15, 1878,
when Edward S. Reed's cottage and store, Lewis Reed's store and dwelling,
Shinnen's shoe store and James Reed's cottage were burned.
Another well remembered fire of the early clays, which destroyed the Wind
sor Hotel on Pacific avenue and the Dullmore on North Carolina avenue oc
curred on the morning of December 30, 1880, with the temperature six degreees
below zero and two feet of snow on the level. At this fire the old hand engine
performed its last great service. The steamer was disabled at the start on account
of frozen and bursted water flues, but the hand engine was kept hard at it for
over three hours under great difficulties and won a splendid victory. The cold
was so intense that boiling water had to be poured into the pump cylinders con
tinuously to prevent freezing while in operation. Just after this fire, on January
11, 1881, the city purchased a small Clapp and Jones engine and placed it in
charge of the United States Fire Company.
On June 19, 1882, water was first turned into the mains of the Atlantic City
Water Works Company (known as the Wood Company). The hand engine then
passed out of service and cisterns were no longer depended upon for the only
water supply in case of fire. A few years later the States obtained title to the
hand engine and it is still in their possession.
The United States Fire Company, as the pioneer organization, performed
fire service in this city for eight years before the introduction of a modern water
supply, and during the first years of its existence received no financial aid from
the city, depending entirely upon themselves and their friends for maintenance.
Their first appropriation was $50 per year, later this was raised to $100, at which
figure it remained until 1884, when it was made $200. At present appropriations
are $2,500 for some of the companies.
During the twenty-five years of its history over two hundred citizens have
been members of the United States Fire Company. Thirty-five are deceased,
some haved moved away, others joined other companies and some dropped out
of line. In addition to the thirteen charter members, the following are some of our
well-known citizens who joined the company during its early history:
Charles W. Maxwell, David Johnston, Wm. H. Smith, Samuel II. Rose, Wm.
Caemmerer, Simon L. Westcott, George F Currie, John B. Champion, Pitman
Carter, Joseph Thompson, Charles R. Lacy, Benjamin F. Souder, Charles S.
Lackey, Charles W. Barstow, Jarvis Irelan, Josiah Irelan, Aaron Hinkle, E. < i.
Pettet, Benny Williamson,* Harry L. Slape,* Joseph H. Shinn,* John S. Taylor.*
Seven years of active service entitles a member to be placed on the honorary
roll of his company and be relieved of fines for non-attendance at fires or meet
ings. Many, however, continue to perform active duty and remain on the
active list.
The department comprises the following companies chronologically arranged :
United States Fire Company, No. 1, December 3, 1874.
Neptune Hose Company, No. 1, October 7, 1882.
Atlantic Fire Company, No. 2, December 15, 1882.
Good Will Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1, February 16, 1886.
Beach Pirates Chemical Company, No. 1, February 21, 1895.
Chelsea Fire Company. No. 6, November 6, 1895.
Rescue Hook and Ladder Company, No. 2, March 16, 1896.
West Side Fire Company, No. 4, July, 1899.
With up-to-date equipments in every engine house, and the Gamewell fire
alarm system with boxes in all parts of the city and auxiliary boxes in leading
hotels, a lightning response is made whenever a fire starts, and usually the chem
ical engine is all that gets in service.
There are thirty-six salaried men, drivers and engineers; thirty-nine trained
horses at all times in readiness at the various houses to respond to an electric
alarm. The ease and rapidity with which they get in action is really marvelous.
* Deceased.
There are two hundred and thirty active and one hundred and thirty honorary
members of the several fire companies; thirty-seven pieces of apparatus: 8 first
class engines, 3 combination chemicals, 6 hose wagons, 2 aerial trucks, 1 com
bination chemical truck and hose wagon, 2 patrol wagons, 6 supply wagons, 1
hand carriage, 3 parade wagons, 1 crab, 1 chief's wagon, 1 life net and 17 hand
In 181 2, when there was an embargo on salt, that infant industry was started
on this island in charge of Zedock Bowen. The works were located at Maine
and Baltic avenues and consisted of six large tanks, two rows of three each, a
large windmill pump with cedar log piping to keep the vats filled with salt water.
Movable roofs were made so as to cover these tanks at night and on rainy days.
The water was pumped from surface wells dug in the beach sand, as this water
was found to be very much Salter than that of the ocean. This was due to the
evaporation of so -much sea water on the beach that the sand was full of salt that
could be dissolved in such wells. That was before iron pipes were made in this
part of the country. The casting of iron pipes became an important industry in
Atlantic County 40 years later.
There had previously been for many years boiling salt works on Peter's
Beach, near Brigantine, where salt was extracted from sea water by boiling it in
large iron pots. The evaporation process was thought to be much cheaper.
With canvas or muslin sails as crude wings for the windmill, ocean breezes
were utilized for power in extracting native salt from local waters at very little
expense. The works could only be operated in the summer time. A good yield
was 500 to 800 bushels a year. It found a ready market in New York and among
the resident population.
A stormtide destroyed the works in 1825, but they were rebuilt by Hosea
Frambes and Ryon Adams put in charge of them till 1836, when he was suc
ceeded by John Bryant. The latter operated the works four years successfully,
and then moved to what is now South Atlantic City, where he operated another
plant and was in charge of the Government Life Saving Stations for many years.
His house was among the sandhills on the high ridge of land where only the
highest storm tides could get near it. In watching for wrecks, and signalling to
the mainland for assistance and aiding stranded vessels, his position was an im
portant one after the salt industry went to decay.
G*t£ ©fiicials from 1854 to 1900.
1854.— (May) Mayor, Chalkley S. Leeds; City Clerk, Jos. B. Walker; Re
corder, Wm. Neligh; Alderman, Daniel Rhodes; Council, Steelman Leeds, Wil
liam Neligh, James Leeds, Richard Hackett, John Leeds, Ryan Adams; Treas
urer, Robert B. Leeds.
1854.— (Nov.) Mayor, Chalkley S. Leeds; City Clerk, Thos. C. Garrett; Re
corder, Maurice Sanders; Alderman, Daniel I. Rhodes; Council, Richard Hackett,
Steelman Leeds, Richard C. Souder, John Leeds, Ryan Adams, Robert Ik Leeds;
Treasurer, Robert B. Leeds.
1855. — Mayor, Chalkley S. Leeds; City Clerk, John T. Andrews; Recorder,
Robert B. Leeds; Alderman, Robert T. Evard; Council, Richard Hackett, Man-
assah McClees, Smith Grey, Thomas C. Garrett, Samuel Adams, Ryan Adams;
Treasurer, Robert B. Leeds.
1856. — Mayor, J. G. W. Avery; City Clerk, Thomas C. Garrett; Recorder,
Wm. W Carter; Alderman, B. C. Danning; Council, C. S. Leeds, M. 7\IcClees,
S. Adams. A. Turner, T. H. Bedloe, Ryan Adams; Treasurer, Smith Grey.
1857. — Mayor, J. G. W Avery; City Clerk, Thomas C. Garrett; Recorder,
William M. Carter; Alderman, Joshua Note; Council, C. S. Leeds, J. A. Barstow,
S. Adams, Ryan Adams, Augustus Turner; Treasurer, Wm. M. Carter.
1858. — Alayor, Dr. Lewis Reed; City Clerk, Thomas C. Garrett; Recorder,
R. C. Souder; Alderman, Jacob Middleton; Council, Wm. Conover, C. S. Leeds,
Lemuel Eldridge, R. B. Leeds, R. T. Evard; Treasurer, Lemuel Eldridge.
1859. — Mayor, Dr. Lewis Reed; City Clerk, Thomas C. Garrett; Recorder,
Smith Grey; Alderman, Jacob Middleton; Council, Wm. Conover, C. S. Leeds,
Lemuel Eldridge, John Smick, R. T. Evard; Treasurer, Lemuel Eldridge.
i860. — Mayor, Dr. Lewis Reed; City Clerk, G. S. Varney; Recorder, Michael
Lawlor; Alderman, Wm. Souder; Council, Thos. H. Bedloe, Wm. Adams, Ryan
Adams, C. S. Leeds, Amasa Bowen; Treasurer, C. S. Leeds.
1861. — Mayor, Dr. Lewis Reed; City Clerk, E. S. Reed; Recorder, Absalom
Westcott; Alderman, Wm. Zern; Council, C. S. Leeds, Amos Bullock, R. T.
Evard, Joshua Note, Jos. A. Barstow; Treasurer, John McClees.
1862.— Mayor, Chalkley S. Leeds; City Clerk, E. S. Reed; Recorder, William
S. Carter; Alderman, William Zern; Council, Irving Lee, Thomas Morris, Lemuel
Eldridge, R. T. Evard, Jos. A. Barstow; Treasurer, John McClees.
1863.— Mayor, Jacob Middleton; City Clerk, E. S. Reed; Recorder, William
S. Carter; Alderman, Michael Horner; Council, Jethro V Albertson, Jeremiah
Adams, Lemuel Eldridge, Joseph A. Barstow, Joshua Note, John Hamman;
Treasurer, Jacob Keim.
1865.— Mayor, Robert T. Evard; City Clerk, E. S. Reed; Recorder, Wm.
S. Carter; Alderman, R. B. Leeds; Council, Joseph A. Barstow, Henry Wootton,
Jeremiah Adams, Richard Hackett, Amos Bullock, Irving Lee; Treasurer, Joseph
A. Barstow. 1866.— Mayor, David W. Belisle; City Clerk, E. S. Reed; Recorder, Wm.
S. Carter; Alderman, R. B. Lewis; Council, Jacob Keim, Dr. Lewis Reed, Henry
Wootton, R. T. Evard, Eli S. Amole, Silas R. Morse; Treasurer, Richard Hackett.
1867. — Mayor, David W. Belisle; City Clerk, E. S. Reed; Recorder, William
S. Carter; Alderman, Jacob Middleton; Council, Silas R. Morse, Chalkley S.
Leeds, Joseph H. Borton, Jos. A. Barstow, Jos. Shinnen, R. T. Evard; Treasurer,
Jonas Higbee.
1868. — Mayor, John J. Gardner; City Clerk, Lewis Evans; Recorder, Wil
liam S. Carter; Alderman, Edmund S. Westcott; Council, Joseph H. Borton,
Joseph T. Note, Lemuel Eldridge, Amos Bullock, John L. Bryant, Robert T.
Evard; Treasurer, Jonas Higbee.
1869. — Mayor, John J. Gardner; City Clerk, Lewis Evans; Recorder, Robert
B. Leeds; Alderman, Amos Bullock; Council, Lemuel Eldridge, Irving Lee,
Joseph H. Borton, Joshua Note, Joseph A. Barstow, John Gouldey; Treasurer,
Jonas Higbee.
1870. — Mayor, John J. Gardner; City Clerk, Lewis Evans; Recorder, Chalk
ley S. Leeds; Alderman, J. Henry Hayes, elected by City Council, November 29,
1870, as R. B. Leeds and Jas. Shinn each received 97 votes; Council, Levi C.
Albertson, Jos. A. Barstow, Geo. F. Currie, Irving Lee, Paul Wootton, Jacob
Keim was elected by City Council, November 29, 1870; Chalkley W. Tompkins
and Thomas Bedloe each received 101 votes; Treasurer, Chalkley S. Leeds.
1871. — Mayor, John J. Gardner; City Clerk, Andrew W. Tompkins; Re
corder, Chalkley S. Leeds; Alderman, James S. Shinn; Council, John Gouldey,
Edward Wilson, Jonathan R. Doughty, Thomas E. French, Alois Schaufler,
Eliakim Conover; Treasurer, Chalkley S. Leeds.
1872. — Mayor, John J. Gardner; City Clerk, Jos. T. Note; Recorder, Jacob
Middleton; Alderman, Hugh H. Y. Wicks; Council, James Ryder, Franklin B.
Lippincott, John Harrold, Thomas E. French, Geo. C. Bryant, Thomas C. Gar
rett; Treasurer, Chalkley S. Leeds.
1873. — Alayor, Dr. Chas. Souder; City Clerk, Lewis Evans; Recorder, Jacob
Middleton; Alderman, Hugh H. Y. Wicks; Council, Geo. F Currie. George
Anderson, Joseph A. Barstow, Richard Hackett, Richard Turner, J. Henry
Hayes ; Treasurer, Chalkley S. Leeds.
1874. — Alayor, John J. Gardner; City Clerk, Joseph T. Note; Recorder,
Jacob Aliddleton; Alderman, Edward B. Reilly; Council, James S. Shinn, Jonas
Higbee, Eli Al. Johnson, Edward Wilson, Thos. E. French, Lewis Repp; Treas
urer, Chalkley S. Leeds.
1875. — Alayor, John J. Gardner; City Clerk, A. Al. Bailey; Recorder, Jacob
Middleton; Alderman, Dr. Lewis Reed; Council, Joseph T. Note, Henry Woot-
ten, Paul Wooten, Jonas Higbee, Hugh H. Y. Wicks, Jos. A. Barstow, John L.
Bryant, Thos. E. French, R. T. Evard; Treasurer, Chalkley S. Leeds.
1876.— Mayor, Dr. Willard Wright; City Clerk, James Godfrey; Recorder.
Jacob Aliddleton; Alderman, Edmund I. Lake; Council, Geo. F Currie, John
Hamman, Elias Wright, W- A. Alitchell, John J. Gardner, Jonathan R. Doughtv,
Wm. Hawk, Joseph T. Note, Wm. Alann; Treasurer, Chalkley S. Leeds.
1877. — Alayor, Willard Wright; City Clerk, Edward A. Quigley; Recorder,
Jacob Aliddleton; Alderman, Joseph Shinn; Council, Chas. W. Alaxwell, T. A.
Byrnes, J. R. Doughty, John Harrold, J. H. Mason, Geo. W Hinkle, Jos. A.
Barstow, Eli Al. Johnson, James S. Shinn; Treasurer, Chalkley S. Leeds.
1878. — Alayor, John L. Bryant; City Clerk, Enoch S. Conover; Recorder,
Jacob Middleton; Alderman, Edward Eldridge; Council, Jos. P. Canby, J. R.
Doughty, R. T. Evard, Wm. Fulton, Geo. W. Holmes, Joel R. Leeds, Chas. W.
Alaxwell, Lewis Reed, Jr., Hugh H. Y. Wicks; Treasurer, Chalkley S. Leeds.
1879. — Mayor, Willard Wright; City Clerk, Jas. Harrold; Alderman, Francis
P Quigley; Recorder, Nathaniel Webb; Council, T. A. Byrnes, R. T. Evard,
Wesley Robinson, Geo. Hayday, Sr., Eli Al. Johnson, Thomas C. French, J. B.
Champion, J. R. Doughty, Enoch B. Scull; Treasurer, Chalkley S. Leeds.
1880. — Alayor, Harry L. Slape; City Clerk. Enoch S. Conover; Alderman,
Jas. Stokes; Recorder, Jas. Hitchens; Council, John C. Albertson, Jos. A. Bar
stow. Jos. H. Borton, John L. Bryant, Geo. F. Currie, Wm. Eldridge, Chas.
Evans, Chas. W. Alaxwell, Simon L. Westcott; Treasurer, Chalkley S. Leeds.
1881. — Alayor, Willard Wright; City Clerk, Henry R. Albertson; Recorder,
James Hitchens; Alderman, Jas. Stokes; Council, John C. Albertson, Wm. H.
Aikin, John B. Champion, Eli M. Johnson, Jos. R. Canby, Chas. W. Alaxwell,
Henry A\rootton, Franklin P. Cook, Wesley Robinson; Treasurer, Chalkley S.
Leeds. 1882.— Alayor, Charles W. Alaxwell; City Clerk, Henry R. Albertson; Re
corder, John Gouldey; Alderman, James S. Endicott; Council, John Hamman,
Franklin P. Cook, John L. Baier, Jr., Frank Barber, Henry Wootton, John E.
Blake, Wesley Robinson, Wm. Aikin; Treasurer, Chalkley S. Leeds.
1883.— Alayor, Charles W. Alaxwell; City Clerk, Henry R. Albertson; Re
corder, James Hitchens; Alderman, Jacob Leedom; Council, William L. Adams,
Joseph A. Barstow, Francis Barnett, Henry N. Bolte, Franklin P. Cook, George
F. Currie, John B. Champion, \\resley Robinson, George B. Zane; Treasurer,
Chalkley S. Leeds.
1884.— Alayor, Charles W. Alaxwell; Clerk, H. R. Albertson; Alderman,
Jacob H. Leedom. City Council. — Councilman-at-Large, Geo, B. Zane; First
Ward, William L. Adams, Francis Barnett, Joseph A. Barstow, Henry N. Bolte;
Second Ward, John B. Champion,. Franklin P. Cook, Geo. F Currie, Henry
Wootton. 1885.— Mayor, Charles W. Alaxwell; Clerk, H. R. Albertson; Alderman,
Samuel D. Hoffman; Councilman-at-Large, James Jeffries; First Ward, Frank P.
Cook, Louis Groff, E. S. Reed, H. N. Bolte; Second Ward, S. B. Rose, Wesley
Robinson, E. V Corson, Georeg B. Zane.
1886.— Alayor, Thomas C. Garrett; Clerk, H. R. Albertson; Alderman,
Jacob H. Leedom; Councilman-at-Large, J. B. Champion: First Ward, Frank P.
Cook, Henry Wootton, Joseph A. Barstow, H. N. Bolte; Second Ward, S. B.
Rose, Eli Al. Johnson, R. W. Sayre, George B. Zane.
1887. — Alayor, Samuel D. Hoffman; Clerk, FI. R. Albertson; Alderman,
James Stokes; Council-at-Large, Wesley Robinson; First Ward, Frederick P.
Currie, Louis Groff, Joseph A. Barstow, H. N. Bolte; Second Ward, Joseph H.
Borton, John W. Bowen, Richard W. Sayre, Eli Al. Johnson.
1888. — A'layor, Samuel D. Hoffman; Clerk, H. R. Albertson; Alderman, John
Gouldey; Council-at-Large, Alahlon C. Frambes; First Ward, Frederick P. Currie,
Louis Groff, John B. Champion, Edw. S. Lee; Second Ward, John Jeffries, H. H.
Postoll, R. W. Sayre, John A. AIcAnney.
1889. — Alayor Samuel D. Hoffman; Clerk, H. R. Albertson; Alderman, John
Gouldey; Council-at-Large, Alahlon C. Frambes; First Ward, John B. Champion,
Lewis Groff, Fred. P. Currie, Edw. S. Lee; Second Ward, John A. Jeffries, Samuel
B. Rose, H. H. Postoll, R. AY. Sayre.
1890. — Mayor, Samuel D. Hoffman; Clerk, H. R. Albertson; Alderman.
Robert Stroud; First Ward, Franklin P. Cook, Fred. P. Currie, Lewis Groff, Edw.
S. Lee: Second Ward, John \Y. Clark, Harry H. Postoll, Samuel B. Rose, Richard
W Sayre. 1891. — Alayor, Samuel D. Hoffman; Clerk, FI. R. Albertson: Alderman,
Wilson Senseman; Council-at-Large, John B. Champion; First Ward, Franklin
P. Cook. Austin Mathis, J. W Parsons, F. P. Stoy; Second Ward, H. N. Bolte,
Lewis Groff, Van Buren Giffin, E. S. Lee; Third Ward, Risley Barlow, Geo.
Cluin, Sylvester Leeds, S. B. Rose; Fourth AA'ard, William Bowler, J. W Clark,
H. H. Postoll, R. W. Sayre.
1892. — Alayor, Willard Wright; City Clerk, J. B, Winters; Recorder, Jacob
H. Leedom; Alderman, Joseph R. Bartlett; City Treasurer, Chalkley S. Leeds:
Assessor, William Riddle; Collector, Alachiel A-- Devine; Superintendent of
Public Schools, C. J. Adams; Mercantile Appraiser, C. C. Shinn; City Surveyor,
Alaurice Hillman; Chief of Police, Harry C. Eldridge; City Solicitor, A. B. En
dicott; Overseer of the Poor, Henry C. Norman; Building Inspector, Emery D.
Irelan; Marshal, Isaac C. Covert; Council, President, Joseph R. Bartlett, Risley
Barlow, H. N. Bolte, Wm. Bowler, J. B. Champion, F. P. Cook, Jos. C. Clement,
J. W. Clark,, Geo. Cluin, S. L. Doughty, \r B. Giffin, Eli Al. Johnson, Sylvester
Leeds, Ed. S. Lee, J. W. Parsons, H. H. Postoll, F P. Stoy, R. H. Turner.
1893. — Alayor, Willard Wright, M. D.; Recorder, Jacob H. Leedom; Alder
man, Joseph R. Bartlett; Treasurer, Chalkley S. Leeds; City Clerk, Emery D.
Irelan; Assessor, William G. Hoopes; Collector, Carlton Godfrey; Chief of Police,
Harry C. Eldridge; Solicitor, Allen B. Endicott; Building Inspector, S. L. West-
coat; Electrician, Dahlgren Albertson; Council, President, J. R. Bartlett, William
Bowler, Jos. C. Clement, George Cluin, S. L. Doughty, Van Buren Giffin, Wm.
A. Ireland, Eli Al. Johnson, Sylvester Leeds, Edward S. Lee. Albert E. Aloerk,
John W Parsons, Edwin A. Parker, Harry H. Postoll, Samuel P.. Rore. Franklin
P. Stoy, Richard H. Turner.
1894.— Alayor, Franklin P Stoy; Recorder, John Gouldey; Alderman,
Joseph R. Bartlett; Treasurer, John A. Jeffries; City Clerk, Emery D. Irelan;
Collector, Carlton Godfrey; Chief of Police, Harry C. Eldridge; Solicitor, Allen
B. Endicott; Overseer of Poor, Henry Norman; Alercantile Appraiser, W. B.
Rich; Supervisor of Streets, Lewis E. Wills; Building Inspector, S. L. Westcoat ;
Electrician, C. Wesley Brubaker; Council, President, J. R. Bartlett, Samuel
Barton, Albert Beyer, Jos. C. Clement, S. L. Doughty, Wm. A. Ireland, Eli Al.
Johnson, Edw. F. Kline, Daniel Knauer, Edward S. Lee, Jos. E. Lingerman,
George H. Long, Albert E. Aloerk, Edwin A. Parker, Harry H. Postoll, Samuel
B. Rose, Richard H. Turner.
1895. — Alayor, Franklin P. Stoy; Recorder, John Gouldey; Alderman,
Robert H. Ingersoll; Treasurer, John A. Jeffries; City Clerk, Emery D. Irelan;
Collector, Carlton Godfrey; Chief of Police, Harry C. Eldridge; Solicitor, Allen
B. Endicott; Overseer of Poor, Robert Dunlevy; Alercantile Appraiser, J. W
Parsons; Supervisor of Streets, Lewis E. Wills; Building Inspector, S. L. AYest-
coat; Electrician, C. Wesley Brubaker; Council, President, R. FI. Ingersoll,
Samuel Barton, Albert Beyer, Jos. C. Clement, S. L. Doughty, Win. A. Ireland,
Edw. F. Kline, Daniel Knauer, Edward S. Lee, Henry W. Leeds, Jos. E. Linger
man, George H. Long, Albert E. Aloerk, Edwin A. Parker, Harry H. Postoll,
Samuel B. Rose, Frank L. Southrn.
1896. — Alayor, Franklin P. Stoy; Recorder, Robert H. Ingersoll; Alder
man, James D. Southwick; Treasurer, John A. Jeffries; City Clerk, Emery D.
Irelan; Collector, Carlton Godfrey; Solicitor, Allen B. Endicott; City Comp
troller, A. Al. Heston; Chief of Police, Harry C. Eldridge; Overseer of Poor,
Robert Dunlevy; Mercantile Appraiser, J. Wr. Parsons; Superisor of Streets,
Beriah Mathis; Building Inspector, S. L. Westcoat; Electrician, C. Wesley Bru
baker; Council, President, Jas. D. Southwick, Samuel Barton, Albert Beyer, Jos.
C. Clement, S. L. Doughty, Enos F. Hann, Wm. A. Ireland, Edw. F. Kline;
Daniel Kanuer, Edward S. Lee, Henry W. Leeds, Jos. E. Lingerman, George H.
Long, Edwin A. Parker, Harry H. Postoll, Samuel B. Rose, Frank L. Southrn.
1897. — Alayor, Franklin P. Stoy; Recorder, Robert H. Ingersoll; Alderman,.
James D. Southwick; Treasurer, John A. Jeffries; City Clerk, Emery D. Irelan;
Collector, Carlton Godfrey; Solicitor, Allen B. Endicott; City Comptroller, A.
M. Heston; Chief of Police, Harry C. Eldridge; Overseer of Poor; Daniel L.
Albertson; Mercantile Appraiser, J. WT. Parsons; Supervisor of Streets, Beriah
Mathis; Building Inspector, S. L. Westcoat; Electrician, C. Wesley Brubaker;
City Marshal, Cornelius S. Fort; Council, President, Jas. D. Southwick, Samuel
Barton, David R. Barrett, Albert Beyer, Jos. C. Clement, S. L. Doughty, Enos
F. Hann, Wm. A. Ireland, Samuel H. Kelley, Daniel Knauer, Edward S. Leev
Henry W. Leeds, Jos. E. Lingerman, George H. Long, Edwin A. Parker, Samuel
B. Rose, Frank L. Southrn.
1898. — Alayor, Joseph Thompson; Recorder, John S. Westcott; Alderman,
James D. Southwick; Treasurer, John A. Jeffries; City Clerk, Emery D. Irelan;
Collector, William Lowry. Jr.; Solicitor, Carlton Godfrey; City Comptroller, A.
Al. Heston; Chief of Police, Harry C. Eldridge; Overseer of Poor, Daniel L.
Albertson; Mercantile Appraiser, J. W. Parsons; Supervisor of Streets, Beriah
Mathis; Building Inspector, S. L. Westcoat; Electrician, C. Wesley Brubaker;
City Marshal, Cornelius S. Fort; Council, President, James D. Southwick, Samuel
Barton, David R. Barrett, Albert Beyer, Jos. C. Clement, S. L. Doughty, Hugo
Garnich, Enos F. Hann, Wm. A. Ireland, Samuel H. Kelley, Daniel Knauer,
Edward S. Lee, Henry W. Leeds, Jos. E. Lingerman, George H. Long; Edwin
A. Parker, Samuel B. Rose.
1899. — Mayor, Joseph Thompson; Recorder, John S. Westcott; Alderman,
James D. Southwick; Treasurer, John A. Jeffries; City Clerk, Emery D. Irelan;
Collector, William Lowry, Jr.; City Comptroller, A. JM. Fleston; Solicitor, Carl
ton Godfrey; Chief of Police, Harry C. Eldridge; Overseer of Poor, Daniel L,
Albertson; Mercantile Appraiser, J. W. Parsons; City Engineer, John W. Hack
ney; SupervisoT of Streets, Samuel B. Rose; Building Inspector, S. L. Westcoat;
Electrician, C. Wesley Brubaker; City A'larshal, Cornelius S. Fort; Council,
President, James D. Southwick, Samuel Barton, David R. Barrett, Albert Beyer,
Jos. C. Clement, S. L. Doughty, John R. Fleming, Hugo Garnich, Enos F Hann,
Wm. A. Ireland, Samuel H. Kelley, Daniel Knauer, Edward S. Lee, Henry W
Leeds, Jos. E. Lingerman, George H. Long, Edwin A. Parker.
1900. — Mayor, Franklin P. Stoy; Recorder, Robert E. Stephany; Alderman,
Harry Bacharaeh; Treasurer, John A. Jeffries; Collector, William Lowry, Jr.:
City Clerk, Emery D. Irelan; Controller, A. M. Heston; Overseer of Poor, Daniel
L. Albertson ; Council, Harry Bacharaeh, David R. Barrett, Albert Beyer, Jos. C.
Clement, E. A. Parker, Edward S. Lee, E. F. Hann, John Donnelly, Henry W.
Leeds, George Long, John R. Fleming, Willis Vanaman, Somers L. Doughty,
W. A. Ireland, Thomas H. Thompson, William Bowker and Hugo Garnich.
Ryan Adams, one of the early settlers on this island, erecting the fifth house,
the first on the Chamberlain tract at Arctic and Delaware avenue, first lived on
Inside Beach, near the Cedar Grove house at South Atlantic. He moved up and
was the first to occupy and operate the old salt works at the Inlet, before John
Bryant moved over from Absecon and took charge.
In those days the important article of salt was made along the coast before
inland salt springs had been discovered or developed. There had previously been
a boiling salt plant on this island and on Brigantine, but projectors decided that
an evaporating- plant would be more profitable. Large shallow tanks, with
movable roofs and windmill pumps were constructed and the surrounding country
was supplied with pure rocksalt.
At that time vessels could sail, at high tide, through what is now known as
Dry Inlet, above Ventnor. At low water it was safe for a team to ford the channel.
Joshua, son of Ryan Adams, on the day of the moving, drove the old mare
up the beach attached to a light wagon. It was not yet low tide when the boy
reached Dry Inlet and the old mare with the wagon to pull had to swim through
the ebbing tide. She barely escaped being carried out to sea. The team was
swept down the channel to the ocean side of the beach, where the old mare luckily
touched bottom and got ashore.
Ryan Adams and his wife Judith had four sons: Joshua, Owen, Peter and
Daniel, and two daughters: Lovenia, who became the wife of Joseph Showell,
and Armenia, who never married.
Htlantic Gits Before tbe IRailroab.
N 1852, when the first railroad was agitated, seven houses stood
where Atlantic City stands to-day. The first of these was
the last residence of Jeremiah Leeds. It was still occupied
by his family and was a frame structure standing at the
corner of Baltic and Alassachusetts avenues. Soon after the
death of Jeremiah Leeds, in 1838, a two-story addition was
built to it and the widow, 'Aunt Alillie," as she was called,
then forty-eight years of age, engaged more extensively in
the business of taking boarders. Sportsmen from the city
then as now found a visit to the seashore enjoyable. For
ten or a dozen years "Aunt Alillie" had the only licensed house on the island. In
1853, just before the building of the railroad, she rented the property to one
Thomas McNeelis and went to live with her oldest son, Chalkey, where she
spent the last twenty years of her life.
Close to it stood the cedar log house in which patriarch Leeds lived many
years. This was built of good cedar logs, shingled on the outside and sealed with
plowed and grooved boards inside. It had two rooms below and plenty of cham
ber room above. An ordinary man could walk under the mantle into the large
open fireplace which had but one jamb, so that large logs could be rolled in and
one end burned off, when the log could be pulled up into the fire. This saved
chopping wood. This house was used as a shed and storeroom when a larger
frame house was built near it later, and was finally torn clown in 1853, when the
railroad was building and the cedar logs were converted into shingles.
The next house in point of age standing at that time was the residence of
Andrew Leeds, youngest son of Jeremiah by his first wife. It stood where a
section of it still stands as a part of the Island House property, near the draw
bridge. It was built about 181 5 and was a con
spicuous landmark from the bay side of the island.
The next house was the old salt works near
the head of Baltic avenue, where the Inlet channel
now flows. It was built and occupied by one John
Bryant, who operated the salt works till one John
Horner came here from Tuckerton, when Bryant
moved to Absecon. The building is still standing,
being a portion of the residence of Irving Lee on
Pennsylvania avenue.
Another of those island homes was the residence
of Ryan Adams, at Delaware and Arctic avenues.
In it the first city election was held. The building is
still standing, but not on the original site.
The sixth house was the home of James Leeds,
another son of Andrew, at Arctic and Arkansas
avenues. It now forms part of the second story of
a tenement on Arkansas avenue above Arctic.
The seventh and last house to be built on the
island before the railroad was that of Richard Hackett and Judith Leeds. It was
erected in 1844 and was demolished in 1898. It stood in an open square near
Baltic avenue between New York and Tennessee.
The first log hut that was occupied by Jere
miah Leeds when he first came to this island, in
1793, to live permanently, stood near the corner
of Arctic and Arkansas avenues in what was after
wards known as the old Leeds Field. In this rude
cabin the children by his first wife were born.
Till the narrow gauge railroad was built, in
1877, a cedar tree marked the site of the fireplace
of this first log house, which was torn down when
Jeremiah built a better one nearer the Inlet. That
Cedar tree is still preserved as a post and is the
property of Airs. Abbie Leeds, of this city.
In addition to these seven houses, which stood within the present city limits,
there were two or three houses at or near South Atlantic City, where different
families have always lived.
£be ]first Disit anfc first drain.
v- ' HE first visit of the new railroad directors to the site of the proposed ,'
bathing village was made in June, 1852. After a tedious drive by car- ,
riage across the country the)- reached Absecon, and thence proceeded by '
boat to the forbidding sand hills which little suggested the site of a city.
But the discouraging aspect of the island was made an argument in favor
of buying up the land at a nominal figure, which the railroad when operated
would vastly enhance in value.
The party consisting of Samuel Richards, W. Dwight Bell and Richard B.
Osborne, Dr. Jonathan Pitney and Gen. Enoch Doughty, landed at the Inlet and
spent a few hours inspecting the plantation or estate of the Leeds family. They
came unannounced, received no welconre, and were unable even to get dinner
before they left for the mainland. Some of them questioned if the soft meadows
would bear up a railroad train or an engine, but were assured by the engineer,
Richard B. Osborne, that their fears were groudless. The extension of the road
from Winslow to the ocean all depended upon reaching the beach and successfully
establishing -a "bathing village" thereon.
At the 'meeting of the directors August 25, 1852, the location of the road to
Winslow was settled and John C. DaCosta succeeded Thomas H. Richards as
director and was elected President of the small board.
September 28, 1852, Samuel Richards was chosen Secretary, pro tern., and
the action of. a special committee was confirmed to buy one thousand tons of iron
at fifty-five dollars per ton.
December 10, 1852, Andrew K. Hay was elected President to succeed John
C. DaCosta, who resigned.
January 7, 1853, DaCosta and Richards were given full power to close the
contract for ferry-boats and property at the Vine street wharf.
January 31, 1853, committee reported they had purchased 168 acres of Alark
Reed at ten dollars per acre on Absecon Beach.
Alarch 10, 1853, sale of land to Wm. Neligh, at one hundred dollars per acre,
confirmed, provided he give security that one wing of the United States Hotel
on the property be completed by July 1st, following.
Alay 30, 1853. Executive Committee authorized to negotiate five hundred
thousand dollars of the company's bonds.
January 2, 1854. Train time adopted to and from Atlantic. Richards and
others to arrange for the opening of the road, six hundred tickets to be issued.
September 2, 1852, the construction work was sublet to P. O'Reilly, and he
two days later received bids from sub-contractors for sections of one mile each.
The crossing of the Camden and Amboy railroads at Tenth street in Camden
was effected one night in July, 1853. (173)
On June 20th of that year the whole arrangement of the contract for the ,,
construction was given over by P. O'Reilly to John H. Osborne, civil engineer,
who completed the remaining portion, which was about three-fourths of the
whole contract. Rails were laid at Absecon, and also from Camden to Haddon-
field in August, 1853.
Passenger trains commenced running from Camden to Haddonfield the
same month, and to Winslow, 27 miles, regularly in January, 1854.
The winter had been mild and open and favorable to work on the railroad,
but in February a storm tide made a clean sweep of the roadbed which had been )
graded on the meadows, and again the following April a terrible northeast storm i
prevailed for a week, flooding the meadows, sweeping away miles of the graded
roadbed which was ready for the track and scattering the ties and wheelbarrows
for miles along the coast. This was the storm which wrecked the emigrant
steamer Powhattan on Long Beach, April 16, 1854, when 311 lives were lost and
some eighty bodies were picked up and buried in this country. The track was
then laid on the original soil where it remained securely for twenty-five years.
Damages were repaired and the whole work completed in time to celebrate
the opening of the entire line with a special excursion on July J, 1854. The
pioneer excursion train of nine cars, attached to the new engine "Atsion," steamed |
out of the Camden station at 9.30 o'clock that morning. There were six hundred '
invited guests aboard, stockholders, merchants and newspaper men from Phila
delphia, Camden and New York. Several stops were made at Haddonfield,
Waterford, Winslow and Absecon, where salutes with guns and floral welcomes
were given in honor of the event. It was the consummation of twenty-two
months of hard work, which involved the expenditure of $1,274,030, with only ', \/
$240,100 paid in for capital stock. The train arrived at the United States Hotel,
which then faced on Atlantic avenue, at 12 AL, making the run of 58 6-10 miles in
2,y2 hours. A banquet was spread in the big saloon of the new hotel. Judge
Grier presided and spirited addresses were made by Henry C. Carey, Abraham
Browning, J. C. TenEyck, Gen. Wyncoop, John C. DaCosta, Thomas H. Dudley,
and others. That event was celebrated by the survivors twenty-five years later,
after a beautiful city had been built and when the wisdom and enterprise of the
pioneers and promoters could be appreciated and their fondest anticipations be
so fully realized.
Every train that has crossed the meadows since has added more or less to
the business, wealth and population of the island.
The train and its guests made the return trip in equally good time, leaving
the hotel at five or six o'clock. Three days later the road was opened to travel
and trains run regularly. The earnings of the road, the first full year, ending
with June, 1855, was $122,415, which was more than Air. Richards' first and only
estimate, and the expenses were $71,751. Robert Frazer was the faithful and
trusted Secretary and Treasurer of the Company from November, 1852, till
November, 1863, 11 years, and was then chosen President of the Board, serving
till 1873. He was both a lawyer and a civil engineer and filled these important
positions with great satisfaction.
XLhc first IRailroab.
O the charm and fascination of the ocean chiefly must be attributed the
remarkable growth and prosperity of Atlantic City. In 1850, when a
"TT" railroad in this direction first began to be talked about, Atlantic County
had a population of 8,961. The sea captains and vessel owners, oyster-
men and fishermen along the bay shore, and the wood choppers, charcoal burners,
and shipbuilders, and glassblowers, along the rivers, were not clamoring for
railroad facilities. Indeed they gave the enterprise very little encouragement.
They were busy and prosperous, with their ships, and their industries, carrying
glass, iron, wood, charcoal, oysters and clams to New Y^ork, and getting supplies
in return. The associations and habits of many of them were more of the sea
than of the land, especially in matters affecting their livelihood. Limited lines
of travel were over sandy roads. There were but a few miles of railroad in the
State. To the sagacity and enterprise chiefly of Philadelphia merchants and manu
facturers who owned vast tracts of land with glass and iron works, particularly
in Camden County, is due the credit under such circumstances of sending the
first iron horse to this seashore resort, opening up a favored and important sec
tion, establishing on this island a seashore city, and fine farming towns along
the line, bringing thousands of immigrants and vastly increasing the wealth and
population of the territory.
Of the live and enterprising merchants who fostered and promoted the
building of the first railroad, the Richards family figured conspicuously. William
Richards, the first of that name to settle in South Jersey, was a grandson of
Owen Richards, who came to this country from North Wales, before 1718.
William Richards was. a man of great physical strength and untiring energy.
He acquired a vast estate at Batsto, at the headwaters of the Mullica river, and
prospered as a manufacturer of glass and iron. He stood six feet four inches in
height, and is said to have been as great in mind and integrity as he was physi
cally. He was the father of nineteen children, fourteen sons and five daughters,
by his two wives. He died at Alt. Holly in 1823, aged 85 years. One of his
many sons was Thomas Richards, the father of Samuel, the principal promotor
of Atlantic City. Thomas became a glass manufacturer on a portion of his
father's estate, at Jackson, a small village in Camden County, near what is now
Atco, and his son Samuel became a partner with him previous to 1850.
12 (177)
Many teams were required to do the heavy hauling of the raw material for
glass and the manufactured products, between Jackson and Philadelphia, and to
reduce this heavy expense a railroad from Camden towards the seashore began
to be talked about before 1850.
Joseph Porter, at this time, had glass works at Waterford, and was the
owner of six thousand acres of land. Andrew K. Flay and William Coffin were
making glassware at Winslow and owned land there. William AA'. Fleming owned
thirty thousand acres and was
engaged in the same business
at Atsion, a few miles above,
and one Hammonton Coffin
had owned land and operated
a similar plant at the foot of the
lake at what is now known as
"Old Hammonton." Jesse
Richards, a brother of Thomas,
succeeded his father at Batsto,
and was actively operating an
estate of fifty thousand acres,
including an iron fLirnace and
glass works. Stephen Colwell
and W. Dwight Bell operated
a similar estate at Weymouth,
ten miles south from Batsto,
covering one hundred thous
and acres, belonging to the
estate of their father-in-law,
Samuel Richards, another son
of William. Gen. Enoch Doughty, at
Absecon, owned an estate of twenty-five thousand acres, and was supplying ship
timber, gathering tar, and selling wood and charcoal.
Dr. Jonathan Pitney had been practicing medicine in Absecon and surround
ing territory for thirty years when the railroad question began to be agitated, in
1850. Since he rode into Absecon on horseback, with his saddlebags, from Mend-
ham, Morris County, N. ]., one Alay morning in 1820, and announced that he
had come to stay, Dr. Pitney had become one of the best known and most
highly esteemed citizens of Atlantic County. He had taken an active part in
the creation of Atlantic County from a part of old Gloucester, in 1837, and
had always been as he continued to be till his death, a close personal friend of
Gen. Enoch Doughty, who was High Sheriff of old Gloucester County before the
division. In 1844 Dr. Pitney represented Atlantic County in the State Constitu
tional Convention. In 1848 he was a candidate for Congress. Before 1840 he had
agitated and advocated the building of a lighthouse for the protection of ships
along this dangerous coast. When the railroad question came up, in 1850, no
man was more prominent or influential than he, or helped more to shape matters
to speedy conclusions. He seems to have been the first physician to appreciate
the beneficial effects of ocean air upon invalids and the manifold advantages of
a "bathing village" upon Absecon beach.
Dr. Pitnev and Gen. Doughty on their frequent trips to Philadelphia, met
and discussed the railroad project with Andrew K. Hay, Gen. Joseph Porter.
Thomas and Samuel Richards and others, some of whom questioned the advisa
bility of extending the railroad farther than the glassworks at Winslow or the
iron works at Weymouth. It was undoubtedly due largely to the work and in
fluence of Dr. Pitney that the railroad was continued to the beach, as he seems
to have understood the value and importance of the coast region better than his
contemporaries. It was in the little old store of John Doughty on the hill at Absecon that
Dr. Pitney and Gen. Enoch Doughty dictated the first draft of the charter for
the Camden and Atlantic Railroad. As they dictated, John Doughty, the son,
wrote it out. That was in the winter of 185 1: Whether this first draft was later
revised and amplified by Abraham Browning, counsel for the incorporators, can
only be conjectured. But it was largely due to the personal efforts of Dr. Pitney,
as well as to the unflagging and persistent support of Samuel Richards, who
followed the bill through the Legislature, and to the resolute advocacy of Assem
blyman John A. Boyle, of Atlantic County, that the charter became a law, Alarch
19, 1852. The Camden and Amboy politicians waived their objections at last, on
the grounds that this "air line" to the coast was an impossible scheme that could
never be consummated. No railroad without a town at the terminus could ever
amount to anything.
The incorporators mentioned in the charter were John W. Alickle, Abraham
Browning, Samuel Richards, Joseph Porter, Andrew K. Hay, John H. Coffin,
John Stranger, Jesse Richards, Thomas H. Richards, Edmund Taylor, Joseph
Thompson, Robert B. Risley, Enoch' Doughty and Jonathan Pitney.
Samuel Richards had been from the first one of the most active of these
men. He was thirty years of age, of pleasing manners, tireless energy, perse
verance and great ingenuity, being the patentee of several useful inventions. He
accomplished what others regarded impossible, and entered heart and soul into
this enterprise of railroad building. It was he who, on Alay 22, 1852, wrote the
first letter to engineer Richard B. < Isborne, instructing him to make the pre
liminary survey as ordered by the incorporators. Mr. Osborne completed his
work on the 18th of June following, after which the company was organized and
the location of the road ordered to be made by the directors. Samuel Richards
made the first estimate of the probable business of the proposed road, and used
it as an argument in favor of the enterprise.
Some of the objects of the line which he had in view were:
First, to secure better transportation for the glass works at Jackson, Water
ford, Winslow, Batsto and Wevmouth.
Second, to convert large tracts of waste lands, owned by his relatives and
associates into fruit and truck farms.
Third, to open up South Jersey by establishing an attractive bathing resort
at the nearest possible point from Philadelphia.
At a meeting of the directors held in Philadelphia, June n, 1852, Jesse Rich
ards, Esq., was chosen President, and Andrew K. Hay, Secretary. The following
resolution was adopted:
Resolved, That John W. Alickle, Samuel Richards, Joseph Porter, Andrew
K. Hay, Enoch Doughty, Jonathan Pitney, Jesse Richards, and Abraham Brown
ing, be severally authorized to procure subscriptions to the capital stock of the
Camden and Atlantic Railroad, and report at the next meeting of the company.
In the diary of the late W. Dwight Bell, occurs this memorandum: "June
22, 1852. Meeting at the house of Samuel Richards', Fifth Street, Philadelphia,
of people interested in construction of Camden and Atlantic Railroad. Present,
Samuel Richards, W. Dwight Bell, Enoch Doughty, Jonathan Pitney, Joseph
Porter, Stephen Colwell, Thomas Richards and Jesse Richards."
Samuel Richards continued in the Board Of Directors twenty-four years, and
was an active officer as Director or Assistant President. The following letter
indicates as much.
Richard B. Osborn, Esq.
Dear Sir: — A resolution was passed at the last meeting of the Board, re
questing you to prepare for filing in the office of the Secretary of State that por
tion of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad commencing where it crosses the
White Horse Road, and ending at Longacoming.
Yrours respectfully,
Philadelphia, October 21, 1852. Sec'y, pro tern.
At another meeting of the Board that same year he offered a resolution
which was adopted, deciding on the name of "Atlantic City," a city on the Atlantic
for this resort, as Air. Osborne had suggested on the map which he had prepared.
He thought there was as much in a name here as in Philadelphia, and by his
wise suggestion and prompt action the names of the streets and avenues were
named for the several States of this land of liberty, and the great oceans of the
world. The old minute book of the Company gives a report of the subscriptions to
stock, fifty dollars a share, at the meeting held June 24, 1852, in the Arch Street
House, Philadelphia. SHARES. SHARES.
Colwell & Bell 400 John Lucas 5°
Thomas Richards 200 John FI. Doughty 1
Joseph Porter 200 Daniel Doughty 1
A. K. Hay 200 Robert B. Leeds 5
Enoch Doughty ioo Richard Hackett 5
W. W. Fleming 100 Chalkley S. Leeds 5
William Coffin 100 John Leeds 5
Jonathan Pitney 20 James Leeds 5
Jesse Richards 20 John C. DaCosta .... 40
Thomas H. Richards 20
At this meeting the following directors were elected: Andrew K. Hay,
Chairman, and Samuel Richards, Secretary. William Coffin, Joseph Porter,
Thomas H. Richards, Enoch Doughty, Jonathan Pitney, Stephen Colwell, and
W. W. Fleming.
The following is an official list of all the Presidents of the Camden and
Atlantic Railroad: f.
August 25, 1852, John C. DaCosta, elected President.
December 10, 1852, Andrew K. Hay, elected President.
April 1, 1853, John C. DaCosta, elected President.
September 1, 1854, Samuel Richards, elected President, pro tern.
April 6, 1855, George W. Richards, elected President.
July 13, 1857, John Brodhead, elected President.
October 22, 1863, Joseph XV. Cooper, elected President.
December 18, 1863, Robert Frazer, elected President.
October 23, 1873, Andrew K. Hay, elected President.
November 18, 1875, William Alassey, elected President, pro tern.
November 18, 1875, Samuel Richards, elected Assistant President.
March 16, 1876, John Lucas, elected President.
October 25, 1877, Charles D. Freeman, elected President.
February 22, 1883, William L. Elkins, elected President.
Dr. Pitney and Gen. Enoch Doughty were instrumental in securing sub
scriptions to shares of stock throughout the Count)-. From original papers the
following names and amounts are copied.
Peter Boice, Absecon 5 John Walker, Alays Landing. . . 1
Joshua Gorton, Alays Landing. ... 2 Ebenezer Applegate, Absecon 1
John Horner, Absecon 5 Felix Leeds, Leeds Point. ... 2
John Albertson, Blue Anchor. ... 20 Augustus Turner, Leeds Point.. 2
John C. Shreve, Blue Anchor .. 10 Charles C. Alurphy, Absecon ... 3
Charles Collins, Blue Anchor.. .. 4 Hezediah Sampson, Absecon .. 1
Daniel Baker 5 Jonas Higbee 1
John Doughty, Leedsville 1 Daniel Bowen, Alount Pleasant.. . . 1
David Doughty, Leedsville 1 Frederick Chamberlain, Absecon. . 3
Joseph Alerritt 1 Edward Wilson '
James English, Smiths Landing ... 1 Enoch Cordery 2
Gbe %mb Company anfc Surf Ibotel Hssociation.
N connection with the railroad company it was largely, if not chiefly due to
Samuel Richards that the Camden and Atlantic Land Company was formed,
also the Surf House Association — the first to share some of the advantages
in the advancing values of real estate, and the latter to provide a fine hotel
to attract visiting thousands so that the railroad would have more business, and
real estate values would more rapidly advance. Both of these proved wise, saga
cious and successful enterprises.
The Act to incorporate the latter company was approved March 10, 1853.
Its incorporators and first directors were William Coffin, John C. DaCosta,
Samuel Richards, William W. Fleming, Daniel Deal, W. Dwight Bell, Joseph
Porter, Jonathan Pitney and Andrew K. Hay.
The following portion of an address issued to the stockholders, and no doubt
written by Mr. Richards, in 1853, fully and accurately describes the geography
and conditions of this island at that time.
"The principal portion of the lands now in possession and contracted for by
the company, lie in intermediate sections upon the beach, and comprise about one
thousand acres, at an average cost of ten dollars per acre.
"To give an idea of the greatly enhanced value of these lands since projec
tion of the railroad, bona fide sales have been made of the land adjoining those
of the company (and not more advantageously located) at one hundred to three
hundred dollars per acre, and we consider these prices now no approximation to
the value of a portion of the land purchased by the company.
"Our lands are situated upon an island at the eastern terminus of the Camden
and Atlantic Railroad, in the County of Atlantic, about fifty-seven miles south
¦of east from this city, and about four miles from the main land, directly upon the
ocean. This island is about ten miles in length, and the northern portion, for
about two miles, is half a mile in width — the southern portion being much nar
rower. "It is separated from the land by the Bay of Absecon, a vast expanse of
meadows, and an inland channel extending along the coast for a distance of eighty
miles, commencing at Cape May, and running north. The railroad, when com
pleted, will form an easy communication with this city for an extensive district of
country, well cultivated, improved, and thickly settled, the principal means of
communication with which is now by coasting vessels to New York; the great
distance to this city by bad roads rendering it almost inaccessible.
"Across the meadows and this stream, by an embankment and swivel bridge,
the railroad reaches the island at a point about two miles south of the Inlet, upon
which it has its terminus on twenty-five feet of water, after running through the
center of the island in a parallel line with the ocean.
"This portion of the island is covered with a beautiful growth of timber,
which is now being trimmed-
-the undergrowth removed-
-the lands graded and
drained — laid out in streets and walks, which, when completed, will render it very
attractive. "These groves are dense and extensive, and will form a beautiful retreat
from the scorching sun and sands, from which nature rarely provides a shelter
upon the seaside.
"Adjoining one of these fine groves, and near the beach, a hotel is now
being erected, which, when completed, will equal in beauty, convenience, com
fort and situation those to be found upon any other place on our coast. One
wing of this hotel (of which there are to be two, with an extensive front), will be
readv for visitors before the end of summer.
"The arrangement is such, that the railroad is located in front of this and
other hotels, that will be erected, and the visitors will be landed by cars directly
to their point of destination. This will save much trouble and confusion, and add
much to the comfort of the throngs which will seek this island during the heat
of summer. "The Inlet (upon which the railroad terminates) connecting the Bay of Abse
con with the ocean, is about three-fourths of a mile in width, with a straight chan
nel and outlines distinctly marked, forming an easy and safe entrance to the
spacious bay, with good anchorages, and affording a safe harbor, shelter from all
winds, for large fleets of coasting vessels.
"A bar at the mouth of this inlet, which is covered from ten to twelve feet
at low water, precludes the entrance of vessels of largest draft of water; this harbor
is never ice-bound during the severest winters, and by the way of railroad will
be within one and a half hours of Philadelphia. We have good assurance that
when the road is completed an appropriation for a lighthouse, and for improve
ments of harbors, making it practicable for the larger size of vessels, can be
obtained from Congress, and it will thus be made a complete winter harbor for
the city of Philadelphia and greatly lend to promote our shipping trade.
"We need only ask the question, whether a location like this will not grow
into importance? It will be a direct, cheap, and quick route to the eastern ports,
and will be always accessible when our river may be entirely obstructed with ice,
as it is too frequently the case during winter. The bay abounds with shell and
other fish of many varieties, which are caught in large quantities; and to those
fond of angling and sailing, who may seek pleasure here, it will contribute its full
share of enjoyments. The meadows are the resort of all the different species of
game usually found upon the seacoast, and form very extensive gunning grounds.
The scenery from the beach is diversified and quite interesting.
"The ocean rolling in upon the front, and breaking upon the beach for a
distance of ten miles, in an almost straight line — the Inlet, with its entrance
marked by the spray, dashing and leaping upon the bar far out in the ocean —
the bay and meadows forming an immense expanse of green and blue — the un
dulating outline in the distance, dotted with farms and improvements, combine
to render the location one of the most pleasant to be found upon the seacoast.
"The surface and beach are certainly unsurpassed, if at all equalled, upon our
coast. The breakers are similar to those at Cape May; but extend along the
entire beach for a distance of many miles; the strand is entirely level and smooth,
at low water forms a drive of two hundred feet in width (so gentle is the slope)
for a distance of ten miles.
"The country through which the road passes is proverbial for its pure air —
its fine water-— and extreme healthfulness. The land in many places along the
• road is highly susceptible of improvement, and can be purchased af moderate
prices. Situated upon this great thoroughfare, it must be largely enhanced in
value at an early period. The land company, with their capital of $100,000, will
be enabled to secure a large amount of these lands (a course which they intend
pursuing) upon which, in a short time, they will be enabled to. realize a hand
some advance.
"These lands, sold to actual settlers, cultivated and improved, will tend to
swell the revenue of the road."
The "Surf House Association of Atlantic City" was incorporated by Act
of the Legislature, March 4, 1857. Its incorporators were George W. Richards,
John C. DaCosta, William A. Rhodes, E. E. Bondissot, William C. Milligan,
Daniel Deal, Isaac Lloyd, Andrew K. Hay, John L. Newbold, Samuel Richards,
P. Maison, William H. Miller, George T. DaCosta, J. Freas, Thomas Allibone,
J. J. Slocum, Charles Wurts, Simon Cameron and William H. Yeaton.
The Surf House, which was built by this association, was a large, fine two-
story building, occupying a full square of ground bounded by Atlantic, Pacific,
Kentucky and Illinois avenues. It was built in 1854, and conducted with great
advantage to the city, if not to its owner for many years, till 1880, when the
property was sold to Alessrs. Alorris and Archer for $30,000. They sold and
scattered the buildings to a dozen widely different sections of the city, where they
are still used as stores, hotels or tenements, and divided the land into building lots,
opening Alt. A'ernon avenue, where the main entrance and principal section of the
large hotel stood.
The Camden and Atlantic Land Company, whose policy of encouraging early
settlers by selling lots on easy terms promoted improvement, and whose history
is so intimately associated with this city, still continues its work of development
and has erected a hotel and cottages, graded and graveled streets at Aentnor, the
southern suburb of Atlantic City. The Presidents of this company have been:
April 22, 1853, William Coffin; June 22, 1854, William C. Alilligan; Alarch 20,
1868, William A. Rhodes; Alarch 20, 1873, Andrew K. Hay; January 9, 1874,
Samuel Richards, until his death, February 21, 1895, when John B. Hay was
elected his successor.
Builoing of tbe "Harrow (Bauge."
ARLY in 1876, owing to dissensions and differences among some of the
directors of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad Company, Samuel Rich
ards, William Alassey, Charles R. Colwell and W Dwight Bell withdrew
from the Board of Directors. Air. Alassey had been elected President of the
Board of Directors and he had appointed Air. Richards Assistant President of
the road, when differences with other directors caused these four to resign. After
his twenty years of experience Air. Richards saw a better opening in the opera
tion of a second line than he did the first. The}- associated with themsehes as
directors of the new narrow gauge line James Al. Hall, J. Lapsley Wilson. John
E. Shaw, John J. Sickler, Levi C. Albertson, Thos. C. Garrett, John J. Gardner,
Alelvin R. Alorse and Jacob G. Campbell.
Samuel Richards was President; H. B. Linderman, Secretary and Treasurer;
Samuel H. Grey, Solicitor; John J. Sickler, Chief Engineer, and Theodore F
Wurts, Consulting Engineer.
The new company was organized under the general railroad law that was
enacted in 1873, providing "that the actual amount of money borrowed by any
railroad organized under this act shall not exceed the actual amount paid in cash
by the subscribers to the capital stock.
The company was organized for the purpose of building and operating a
narrow-gauge railroad from Camden to Atlantic City, fifty-four miles, connecting
with Philadelphia by steamboat. The original intention was for a three-foot
gauge, but this was finally changed to three and one-half feet with Bessemer
steel rails, fifty-four pounds to the lineal yard, instead of the standard broad gauge
of four feet eight and one-half inches.
A few capitalists who had thoroughly investigated the cost and prospects
of the new line at once subscribed to a sufficient amount of stock to secure its
completion. The original estimate of the cost of building and equipment was
about $700,000, and all the contracts at the finish amounted to less than that sum.
The Camden and Atlantic road had cost up to that time $2,425,478, or $40,-
000 per mile. The capital stock was $1,248,150, and debt $1,163,658. The esti
mated cost of the Narrow Gauge was less than $13,000 per mile, with $150,000
for rolling stock.
The population of Atlantic City in twenty-three years, since the first road
was built, had increased from half a dozen families to 3,000 people. The gross
receipts of the old road had increased from $117,000, in 1856, to $564,000, in 1876,
and the steady growth of traffic with towns along the line as well as at the ter
minus was very encouraging. In the building of the new road as for years he
had been in the management of the old, Mr. Richards was the active spirit.
13 (193)
About the first work done on the new line was in Atlantic City, where the
late John L. Bryant built a wharf on the west side of the Thoroughfare for the
landing of ties and timber sent from Philadelphia by steamboat for use on the
meadows. Ground was first broken in Alarch, and on April i, 1877, active operations
began at both ends of the line. Day and night the contractors pushed forward the
work under the vigorous personal supervision of Samuel Richards. Never
before except in war or special emergency did railroad building proceed with
such speed.
In ninety days the road was built. Over the meadows the cross ties were
laid on timbers which made a solid foundation till gravel could be filled in. There
were some annoying delays and obstructions, especially on the meadows, where
E. A. Doughty, one of the directors of the old road, owned a strip of land. Quietly
one night one hundred men proceeded and by laying a temporary track on the
turnpike an engine was step by step pulled across by the men to the opposite side
so that the work beyond could proceed till commissioners adjusted the damages
for the disputed property.
On Saturday, July 7, 1877, the first trip of the officers and directors, with
a few invited friends, was made from Camden over the new line. The train
started at 1.43 P. Al., in charge of conductor Stewart Drake, formerly of the
Lehigh Road.
Owing to several stops and delay in laying the last rails and driving the
last spike, the train did not reach Atlantic City till 9 P. M. A large number of
people welcomed it in the depot with demonstrations of delight, believing it to
be an important event in the history of the city, which it proved to be.
The party was entertained at Congress Hall that night by the late Col. Geo.
W. Hinkle, and made the return trip next day, leaving this city at 8.23 A. AF, and
reaching Camden at 1.25 P. Al.
Considerable feeling was engendered among the people in this city and
along the line by the building of the opposition road. Some bitterly opposed the
new enterprise. The matter was discussed in public print and in public meet
ings. Many naturally espoused and contended for the interests of the
pioneer line.
Editor A. L. English, of the Review, which till that time had been the only
newspaper in Atlantic City, espoused the cause of the "old reliable" with con
siderable spirit, but most people felt that railroad rivalry would help the town
and they were not mistaken.
The location of the depot among the sand hills at Arkansas and Atlantic
avenues was considered by some as too far down town. Excepting the Island
House and the Seaview Excursion House, there were very few buildings in that
part of the island at that time, but subsequent events proved the wisdom of that
selection. The landing of thousands of passengers in the new station made better streets
in the vicinity a necessity, increased business, made a market for real estate, started
new lumber yards, encouraged improvements after the dull and disappointino-
season of 1876.
The old Camden and Amboy statesmen who ruled New [ersey when that was
the only railroad in the State, permitted the Legislature to grant the charter for
the Camden and Atlantic road on Alarch 19, 1852, because thev laughed and
scoffed at the idea of building a railroad that had "only one end to it." As there
was no town or business at the ocean terminus the absurd charter became a law.
When the .Yarrow Gauge road was built as a separate and independent line,
the idea was to construct a road especially adapted to the peculiar character of
seashore travel and to the light and variable business of towns along the line.
Lighter and much less expensive rolling stock would cost less and greatly
reduce operating expenses. It was argued effectively that engines weighing ten
to twenty tons instead of thirty to thirty-five, and freight cars weighing 6,000 lbs.
instead of 18,000 lbs. would be much better adapted to the business of the country
which this line was to serve and for the safe and speedy through traffic.
The new line was built with as little delay and expense as possible, so that
when completed it was able to do business on a greatly reduced schedule of prices.
The reduction in fares and freight rates was quite decided, which encouraged
travel, popularized the line and brought hundreds of new people to the seashore.
Round1 trip tickets, which had been three dollars, single fare two dollars,
were sold for one dollar and a quarter and one dollar. Summer excursion
tickets sold for one dollar, and at times for fifty cents for the round trip.
Yearly tickets sold for $20, instead of $40, and for a time passes were
given to the proprietors of hotels and boarding houses with twenty or more
sleeping rooms. Freight was carried at ten, twelve, fourteen and sixteen
cents per one hundred pounds. Horses were brought down at two dollars per
head, or one dollar and a quarter per head in carload lots. The result was that
the rolling stock was barely sufficient for the demands upon it, and the crowds
in the city were so large at times, especially over Sunday, as to nearly exhaust the
supply of meat, milk, bread and provisions in stock. All previous records were
exceeded, new capital and enterprise were invited and expansion became popular.
The Narrow Gauge was formally opened for traffic Saturday, July 14, 1877.
Two trains began running either way on that date: an excursion train leaving
Camden at 6.30 a. m., arriving in Atlantic City at 9.20 a. m., and a supply train
leaving Camden at 3 p. m., arriving in Atlantic City at 7.30 p. m.
Returning, these trains left Atlantic City, the supply train at 6.30 a. m..
arriving in Camden at 11.30 a. m.; excursion at 6 p. m., arriving in Camden at
8-55 P- m.
Regular passenger trains began running July 21, 1877. The opening of the
road was celebrated with a special excursion to Atlantic City on July 25, when
some eight hundred invited guests went to the sea.
The company began business with eight first-class locomotives, forty pas
senger cars, two smoking cars, two baggage cars, twenty freight box cars and
forty construction cars.
Pier 8, at the foot of Walnut street, was secured for the Philadelphia terminus
¦or landing of the steamers that run from the Bulson street wharf in Camden.
An excursion house was built at the ocean end of Florida avenue in this city,
on a half square of land extending from Pacific avenue to the ocean. A storm
tide undermined and wrecked the building before it was finished, and the lot
which cost $5,000, in 1877, was sold fifteen years later for $25,000. It has since
been sold for $65,000, and is probably valued at twice that sum now.
The company met with reverses and passed into the hands of Charles R. Col
well, as Receiver, July 12, 1878. One year later it went into the hands of William
H. Gatzmer and G. B. Linderman, trustees for the mortgage bondholders.
In September, 1883, the road was sold in foreclosure proceedings to George
R. Kearcher for the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, which has
since operated it. It was made a standard gauge, double-track line and given
the finest roadbed and rolling stock. It has maintained its popularity and each
year increased its business.
While not the financial success at first that its projectors anticipated, the
Narrow Gauge enterprise popularized travel to the seashore and gave Atlantic
City an impetus of prosperity that has continued ever since.
Zbe "Meet 3erse$ IRailroao.
(¦%{*" OR twenty-three years, 1854 to 1877, Atlantic City had but one single track
J^y railroad connecting with the outside world. That railroad had cost nearly
double the estimated amount and had ruined, financially, all of its original
incorporator's except Gen. Enoch Doughty, of Absecon, and he' was a loser in
the sum of fifty thousand dollars. Fortunately, the Camden and Atlantic Land
Company pledged its valuable holdings to secure the notes and obligations of the
railroad, so as to continue its operation and sustain the enterprise.
When the Narrow Gauge was built, in 1877,
the permanent population of Atlantic City was
about 3,000. The reduction of fifty per cent, in the
tariff schedule, increased number of trains and
quicker time, resulted in a general rush to the sea
shore. Hotels and boarding houses were too few
and too small for the demands upon them. Vis
itors, at times, walked the streets all night or slept
in chairs on porches or in pavilions along the beach,
unable to secure lodgings.
Business of all kinds became exceedingly ac
tive. Real estate advanced rapidly in value and
building operations were prosecuted with great
vigor. In four years from the opening of the Narrow
Gauge the population of the city had doubled. This
was the situation in 1880, when Gen. W. J. Sewell,
the ablest and most active railroad man in the State, representing the Pennsylvania
Railway interests, organized the West Jersey and Atlantic Railroad Company, to
build a branch from the Cape Alay line at Newfield, 34.4 miles, through Alavs
Landing and Pleasantville to Atlantic City.
This third line to the sea was formally opened with an excursion on AAed-
nesday, June 16, 1880. Dinner was served in the new West Jersey Excursion
House at the ocean end of Georgia avenue. Addresses of welcome and praise
were made by George Wood, ex-Judge James Buchanan, Hon. Edward Bettle,
Mayor Harry L. Slape, William Massey of the Narrow Gauge, Edwin E. Reed of
the C. & A., Hon. A. Louden Snowden, State Senator Gardner and others.
The Directors of the new West Jersey line were George Wood, President;
Israel S. Adams, George C. Potts, Samuel Lewis, Wm. S. Scull, Mahlon Hutchin
son, Charles P. Stratton, Gen. Mott, Edward A. Warne and Benj. F. Lee.
This third line soon made the name of Atlantic City familiar in every ticket
office of the great Pennsylvania system throughout the land and gave this city a
prestige it had never had before.
There were now three rival railroads connecting Atlantic City with Phila
delphia, the second largest citv in the United States: The Camden and Atlantic,
is still another condition in which the lungs become contracted and hardened, and
the air cells become more or less obliterated. In such condition this climate is of
two-fold benefit, for the invalid will receive more oxygen each time he fills his
lungs, and the salts in the air have a direct effect upon the hardened tissues.
The season of the year when consumptives should visit Atlantic City is
particularly from the middle of September to the middle of May, though some
cases are benefited at any season of the year. Cases that should not come to
Atlantic City are those that have had hemorrhage or that are liable to have hemor
rhage, for this very serious condition will most likely be increased by a visit to the
seashore. Invalids that suffer from chronic bronchial, post nasal, or-laryngeal catarrhs,
with the attending annoying cough, which is aggravated every winter, do well'
here; in some cases the cough becomes entirely relieved. Asthmatics are another
class of sufferers who bless the balmv breezes of Atlantic Citv. The "hay-fever"'
victim here finds immunity from his tormentor, and if he comes early enough and
stays long enough, and repeats his visits for several years, the chances are that he
may be cured of his trouble.
Another great class of invalids are those suffering from chronic malarial
poisoning. These are abundantly helped here. As is well known this poison
may lay dormant for a long while in the system, but even in this dormant state
it has an influence, and the victim does not feel well. Such conditions may be
radically changed, and after a residence for a few weeks here the verdict is gen
erally expressed thus, "I feel better than I have for a dozen or twenty years."
The poor sufferer from rheumatism finds relief here, and he often finds
more — a positive cure. Alany of the permanent residents of Atlantic City are
old rheumatics that are living here simply on account of their freedom from pain.
Here, also, is the Alecca of the nervous invalid. He may be the man of
business, who, for years has devoted all his energ}- to piling up a fortune, without
taking any rest; he may be a student or professional man, working his brain
eighteen hours out of the twenty-four; or the woman of society, living in a
brilliant exciting whirl month after month; these and a thousand others come to
this ideal spot for rest and find it. Peaceful sleep, which may have been for
months unknown, takes the tired feeling from the brain, and awakens within the
invalid a hope that he may recover, and he improves. He sits entranced by the
hour watching the rolling deep in its grandeur, and as he inhales the stimulating-
air his mind is soothed, worry is removed, and he forgets that he is sick.
Alany other conditions could be mentioned, but the little invalid must not
be forgotten. During the heated term the beach is a grand baby show. Here
is the healthy, happy baby sent from the city to escape the heat and its attending
dangers, and there is a poor little sufferer, far advanced in marasmus; and as a
rule both are benefited. Between these two extremes are many children more or
less delicate, with pale faces and thin bodies. They have had all the diseases that
childhood is supposed to be heir to; or have grown too rapidly at a fearful cost to
their animal economy. A few weeks in Atlantic City will change all this, and
the little invalid will become a healthy, rosy-cheeked child. This is not a miracle,
it is simply a natural result.
©ur Ctt£ TWHater Supply.
ITH all the advantages of living on an island out in the sea, it mav well
be supposed that there would be some disadvantages. The greatest
of these as Atlantic City increased its thousands of inhabitants was an
insufficient supply of potable water.
For many years before the city knew the luxury and value of having two
to five million gallons of pure spring water pumped daih- within its borders, the
first inhabitants depended upon surface wells. The soil was not then impreg
nated with the deleterious waste of a dense population and good water was obtain
able along the ridge of wooded sandhills that formed the backbone or ridge of the
island. In most places where wells were dug, salt or brackish water was found,
which was worthless for domestic purposes.
Chalkley, John, Steelman Leeds and others were favored in having wells
near their homes that furnished excellent water.
But as hotels and cottages were built, travel increased, and the demand for
water grew, brick cisterns were built beneath every roof to catch and harvest the
proceeds of every storm and shower. No well can furnish so pure, soft and
wholesome water as a clean, well ventilated cistern yields beneath ocean skies.
Occasionally it happened in times of drought that the railroad company was ap
pealed to and did bring large tanks of spring water from Absecon to be peddled
about the city and sold to those whose cisterns were dry. So late as 1880, when
there were 1,000 buildings and as many voters, and five times as many inhabi
tants, a water famine was tided over by the water peddler in this way.
City Council had caused to be built a number of brick wells at accessible
street corners about the city for recourse in case of fire, and pumping stations on
the meadows at South Carolina and Alassachusetts avenues provided sea water
for sprinkling the streets for several years.
So earl}- as 1856, Alanassa McClees, owner and
builder of Cottage Retreat, or the Metropolitan, at
tempted to solve the water problem by sinking the
first artesian well. With a nine-inch pipe he went
clown ninety to one hundred feet, at a cost of $1,000.
and striking salt water at that depth, gave it up in
disgust. Alany of our large hotels now are sup
plied chiefly in this way, finding a strata of pure and
satisfactory water at a depth of eight hundred feet.
John W. Moffly, Walter Wood and other capi
talists of Philadelphia took the first practical steps
towards giving this wooden city proper fire protec
tion and water supply.
On October 21, 1880, Council passed an ordinance giving them and their
associates the right to lay pipes and supply water for all domestic and public uses.
A supplemental ordinance was passed November 19, 1880, more particularly
reciting the conditions of this contract and securing to the investors certain ad
vantages which created prejudice and caused controversy which lasted for years.
The Mofny-Wood Company prosecuted vigorously the building of their
plant, erecting a steel standpipe in this city, connecting at first with a twelve-
inch main across the meadows six miles to the brick station where powerful
pumps forced the purest and sweetest water obtainable, to a people that needed
it badly enough, but objected to the contract for its coming.
The ordinance of the Mofny-Wood Company was repealed by Council on
May 24, 1882, after several hundred thousand dollars had been invested, but such
action was ignored as illegal. It certainly was not effective.
The streets had been thoroughly piped and one hundred and fifty fire-plugs
had been located and put in service for the water which was first turned on June
19, 1882. The excellence and abundance of the water proved a great blessing to
the town, restored confidence, promoted expansion, and greatly encouraged build
ing improvements.
But the tariff charged by the Wood Company was considered bv some to be
extortionate and the feeling against its promoters became intense. Council re
fused to pay and never did pay the stipulated $7,500 a year for the 150 fire-plugs
and made special arrangements for sprinkling the streets, so that contractors for
the work should buy of whom they pleased the water which they used.
A special election was held in 1881, to vote on the question of the city build
ing and owning a water plant of its own. Only half the total vote was polled,
or about 600 ballots cast, but the result was five to one in favor of the proposition.
Council passed an ordinance Alarch 5, 1888, giving the Consumers Water
Company, a local organization, the right to lay pipes and supply the city with
water. The incorporators were Henry J. White, Fred Hemsley, Daniel Alorris,
George Allen, John B. Champion, Dr. T. K. Reed, Alark Alalatesta and Wm. G.
Bartlett. This company proposed to get its supply from artesian wells, but as a
precaution, secured an option on the pond at Port Republic.
Seven wells in all were driven by the Consumers Company, two at Arctic
and Michigan avenues, on the (jas House property, which have since been dis
connected, and five at the pumping station, Kentucky and Alediterranean ave
nues. These wells were four, six and eight inches in diameter and at a depth of
nearly eight hundred feet reach a water-bearing strata that has yielded satisfactory
For several years the water controversy and costly litigation continued. The
two rival companies fixed a low tariff schedule and furnished in abundance an
excellent article, creating careless and extravagant habits in the use and waste
of water which had to be checked years afterwards by a costly system of meters.
But some of the stockholders were practical business men and noticed that
as expenses increased dividends did not materialize. The demands of a growing
city made further investment and improvements constantly necessary. The re
sult was that the two companies consolidated with a view of the city taking both
plants, which was finally consummated on August i, 1895.
.¦¦'¦ -;;, : ¦
A special commission, consisting of ex-Governor George C. Ludlow, Wash
ington G. Robeling and Harrison, with Robert Herschel, an expert engineer,
went over the records and appraised the plants at $771,782. This large sum is
supposed to cover every dollar of the original investment with interest to date,
with all the unpaid water rent due the Wrood Company.
At the time of the purchase engineers estimated that the plant could be
¦duplicated for a trifle more than half the amount for which city bonds were issued.
Extensions and improvements since have increased the amount of water bonds
issued to about $900,000.
The property is more than self-sustaining on a low schedule of charges and
is economically managed by a board of three commissioners, consisting at present
of Messrs. L. Kuehnle, Dr. E. A. Reillv, and Rufus Booye.
There are fifty-three miles of pipe in the city, four hundred and twenty-five
fire-plugs, close to four thousand services in use and over three thousand meters.
The full pumping capacity of the plant is over
13,000,000 gallons daily. A 20-inch and a 12-inch
force main bring over the meadows the spring water
from the mainland in quantities ranging from 1,500,-
000 to 5,000,000 gallons daily. The Consumers sta
tion is also operated for those who prefer that water,
which is pumped in quantities ranging from 250,000
to 700,000 gallons daily.
The excellent quality of these waters is shown
by the last report and analysis made by Prof. Wm.
P. Mason, Professor of Chemistry at the Rensse
laer Polytechnic Institute, Trov, N. Y. :
1st. Sample from 30-foot wells at the mainland
pumping station in Absecon:
Analytical results in parts per million:
Free Ammonia
Albuminoid Ammonia
Nitrogen as Nitrites
Nitrogen as Nitrates
"Required Oxygen" 4
Total Solids 30
Trace. 5
The mineral solids of the above are composed as follows :
Silica (Si 02)
Oxides of Iron and Aluminum (Fe2 O, +AL O,). . .
Sodium Chloride (Na. CI)
Alagnesium Chloride (Mg Ch)
Calcium Chloride (Ca Cl2)
¦ 7-75
¦ 0.51
. 6.4
• 403
• 3-3
Calcium Sulphate (Ca S O-,) 5.03
"This is of excellent quality. You are fortunate in having so good a supply.
The water is not of local origin, being quite distinct in character from those of
your immediate neighborhood, and, although the wells supplying it are but thirty
feet in depth, there are sundry reasons why it would be proper to classify it as a
'deep-seated water.' "
Second sample taken from the artesian wells at the Consumers Pumping Sta-
tion. As there is no question as to the purity and potability of this water coming
up 800 feet from the surface of the earth, no sanitary analysis was made, but simply
a determination of the minerals contained.
Analytical results in parts per million:
Silica (Si 02) 35.5
Oxides of Iron and Aluminum (Fe2 03 + Al, Os) 1.8
Magnesium Sulphate (Mg S 04 ) 8.4
Calcium Phosphate (Ca3 [P 04] 2) 2.0
Calcium Carbonate (Ca C 03 ) ... 23.6
Sodium Sulphate (Na2 S04) 39.7
Soditim Chloride (Na CI ) 10.7
Sodium Bicarbonate (Na H C Os ) .... 23.1
"Regarding this water, from the artesian wells, nothing need be said beyond
the statement that its quality is good."
The following is a statement of the expenditures and receipts for year ending
August 1, 1897. Water Department of Atlantic City.
Items. Expenditures. Receipts.
Management and Repairs $14,680 52
Pumping Expenses I5.392 55
Interest 43,250 00 $539 66
Construction, Meters, Etc 210 39
Sinking Fund : 22,580 00
Water Rents received Aug. 1, 1896, to Aug. 1, 1897. . . 66,499 14
Penalties 160 02
Bills of Series of Aug. 1, 1896, and Feb. 1, 1897, unpaid
Aug. 1, 1897 645 51
Meter Bills due Aug. 1, 1897, for water used in pre
vious six months I4>°3° °°
Sundry Account 91 1 82
Bills on Sundry Account unpaid Aug. 1, 1897 64 01
Rebates 66 43
Street Service Account 3,402 17 3,306 60
Street Service Account, Material on Hand Aug. 1,
1897 352 27
Rent of Bargaintown Mill Property 150 00
Amount received from Tax Duplicate as payment to
Sinking Fund 12,100 00
Expended on Permanent Improvements to Plant,
charged to Management and Repairs 840 85
Totals $99-371 67 $99,810 27
(5ravtt\> System of Sewerage.
After more than a year of agitation and discussion, City Council, on Decem
ber 12, 1884, passed an ordinance granting the Improved Sewerage and Sewage
Utilization Company of New York the right to lay pipes in the streets and alleys
of Atlantic City, to take away the waste water from
hotels, cottages, bath houses, etc.
The very great importance of a feature of this ^
character can only be imagined by those who were
personally familiar with the situation and conditions
in this growing city at that time. The disposal of
slops and waste water of all kinds was attended by
great inconvenience.
A supplemental ordinance was passed Decem
ber 15, 1884, when the promoters of the "West
patent" proceeded with the construction of the
plant. Winfield Scott West was a civil engineer from
A'irginia, with headquarters in New Y'ork, and his
system consisted first of all of a pumping station
with a receiving well sufficiently large and deep to bring the sewage by gravity
from all parts of the town through pipes laid in the streets. This well was centrally-
located at Baltic and North Carolina avenues, and was excavated 24 feet in
diameter and 20 feet deep by the use of sheet piling. This held the sides from
caving in while powerful pumps removed the water till the timbers, brick and con
crete of the bottom and sides could be secured in position.
The brick and stone engine house and pumping station was built over the
well as over a cellar and the work of pumping water out of this cellar has been
prosecuted without intermission for the past fifteen years.
There is never any offensive odor in or about the well or station. The sewage
is all pumped far away before any decomposition can take place or any offensive
gas be generated.
The sewage enters the well 15 feet below the surface through a 20-inch iron
pipe which extends across the city and to which lateral mains are connected lead
ing from either extremity of the town.
These pipes are all laid at a grade of 7O feet to the mile, which covers most
of the city.
Recent compressed air devices have been attached to the pipes in Chelsea, the
most distant point, so that the sewage there is lifted into the pipes from receiving
wells automatically and forced along the same as from nearer points. A suitable
iron screen at the mouth of the pipe -in the well prevents rags and all solid matter
from going into the pumps and pipes beyond.
15 (225)
Two ioo horse power boilers and two centrifugal pumps with a daily capacity
of 16 million gallons are at present ample for all requirements in keeping the well
free. There is also a reserve five million gallon Holly pump in the station.
The daily pumpage varies from 2 million to 6 million gallons.
A 16-inch iron pipe leads from this well and station two miles back on the
meadows to the northerly side of the city, where the sewage is disposed of in a
manner so highly satisfactory as to meet the approval of the highest health au
thorities and the best sanitary engineers.
There are now about forty miles of sewer pipe laid in the streets of Atlantic
City, and 4,475 properties connected therewith. AA'hile the city authorities under
the present laws cannot compel people to connect with the pipes of .1 private cor
poration, the rates are so low and the service so efficient and satisfactory that
more than two-thirds of all the buildings by actual count are connected with the
service. The Atlantic City Sewerage Company, its name since the reorganization, in
1885, represents an investment of $400,000. It is paying interest on its bonds and
dividends on its stock and is one of the most essential and important features of
this resort.
©ut Cottage Ibontes.
*TW COTTAGE by the sea has furnished a commanding theme for poets and
PV story tellers in the years agone, but we doubt if any song or story has
J I ever been inspired by such delightful surroundings as make the beautiful
cottages of Atlantic City the ideal homes by the shore.
Of the six thousand and five hundred buildings on this island two-thirds of
them are cottages and the illustrations on this and other pages give the stranger
an adequate idea of this striking feature of the town.
These cottages that breathe forth in every delicate detail and elegant orna
mentation the artistic spirit of the owner, become every season the temporary
homes of a multitude of summer sojourners, who, while they may have no voice
nor vote in the local government of the city, consider this wave-kissed island
their home.
One may stroll for miles along the avenues and become bewildered by the
many well kept lawns, the luxuriant shade trees, the inviting residences that
harmonize delightfully with the tranquil feeling engendered by the dreamy
cadence of the ocean swell that pulses soothingly through the bracing sea air.
*i^»«-M».m ^j-m-iM-m-iis j -h§ fi'^«*iii'ln»lii
Men of influence and position in the learned professions, in finance and
trade, escape the clattering noises of the great metropolis, come here, and amid
our peaceful surroundings commune with nature and enjoy otiuin cum dignitate.
Our well graded streets, fringed with handsome homes, make an indelible
impression upon the mind. The infinite variety in the styles of architecture add*
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to the general effect and relieves the drab uniform
ity that sometimes prevails.
The material prosperity of Atlantic City very
largely depends upon the renting of cottages, as
probably half of them in summer are not occupied
by the owners. Some of them produce an income
of $100 per month, or $500 to $1,500 or $2,000 for
a summer season.
In July and August, when the sun-kissed
waves invite a plunge in Old Neptune's bosom, city-
folk take possession of many of these cottages, and
¦children in gay attire may be seen disporting themselves at play on the green
sward, afterward forming merry parties that wander to the neighboring beach,
guarded by attentive maids, and happy-hearted parents glad to bring an added
lustre to the eyes of childhood by the unrestricted privilege of digging in the clean
white sand.
Of late years the fame of Atlantic City as a cottage home for fashionables
has been growing, and there is hardly a family of anv prominence residing within
a thousand miles of this favored region that has not at one time or another occu
pied, as host or guest, one of the beautiful homes which form the crowning glory
of the town.
Fair as she is, Atlantic City would lose the richest gems in her diadem were
she divorced from the pretty little homes that make her the magnet for beauty-
loving cottagers.
Btlantic Cit£ Ibotels.
T N the amount of capital invested the hotel interests of the Lhiited States rank
'¥' second only to those of the railroads, but in Atlantic City the combined
| hotel interests are by great odds in the lead. Perhaps in no other town
on the Western Continent do the hotel interests so dominate as here. In
the amount of money invested, the number of people employed and the volume
of business transacted, this is preeminently a hotel town, with seldom, if ever,
a failure. The business of entertaining strangers or "keeping boarders" on this island
dates from the time in 1839, when "Aunt Alillie" Leeds, the year after her
patriarch husband died, enlarged her home, secured a license and for a dozen
or fifteen years conducted the only tavern on the beach. In those days a few
city folk sojourned at the seashore during the gunning and bathing seasons,
years before railroads were in fashion or had been projected, even on paper, in
this direction.
When the railroad did come, fifteen years later, half a dozen larger houses
than the old Leeds homestead came into existence, also the pretentious LJnited
States Hotel, the still larger Surf House, the Mansion and Congress Hall, which
dispensed lavish hospitality to visiting thousands during the short seasons of those
early years of the city's history.
From that time to this, as the country has prospered and the multitude from
great cities have made pilgrimage to ocean resorts, the hotel interests of Atlantic
City have led the van, catering with un
paralleled success to popular demands,
till not less than ten million dollars are
now represented in the five hundred
hotels and boarding houses which line
the well paved avenues and attractive
beach front, which once were sandhills
and the least desirable sections of the
city. The proximity of many of our
hotels to the ocean where wrecked ves
sels of other days with valuable cargoes
were driven ashore upon the sands, has
robbed the stormy deep of some of
its terrors and guaranteed to visiting
thousands at all seasons all the benefits of an ocean voyage
without going to sea, and secured all the luxuries of seawater
bathing when winter winds are tossing the spray in full view
of- the guests' rooms.
While Atlantic City may not have palatial hotels to
compare with the Waldorf-Astoria, New York; the Ponce
de Leon, St. Augustine; the Palace Hotel, San Francisco;
the Great Northern or the Auditorium, Chicago; Brown's
Palace, Denver; the Del Monte of Monterey, or the Del
Coronado, Santiago, California, the same may be said of Philadelphia.
Nowhere else on the habitable globe is so much wealth in proportion to
other lines of trade, represented in hotels and boarding houses as right here in
Atlantic City.
The story of this stupendous extension and expansion is the story of the last
fifty years of the town. The illustrations on other pages indicate with what
elegance and completeness our hotels are equipped for all seasons and all require
ments for moderate or the most fastidious tastes.
Our enterprising and progressive hotel proprietors exert a dominating in
fluence in the affairs of the city. In securing a suitable water supply and fire pro
tection, paved streets and perfect sanitary conditions, street lighting, an attractive
beach front and popular local administration of affairs, our hotel men have always
been active and prominent. A considerable portion of the population are in their
employ as mechanics, artisans or servants, or dependent upon them largely for
trade or auxiliary service.
Our hotel men spend thousands of dollars every year in giving Atlantic City
favorable publicity in the leading publications of all the larger cities. They are
first and foremost in welcoming State and National delegates to annual conven
tions and promoting the best interests of this resort.
Atlantic City during the open seasons is a vibrating heart of the world of
fashion, culture, amusement and health. What a contrast do the hotels of the
closing century present to those primitive stopping places of fifty years ago!
Now we have modern palace homes, including within their secure and hos
pitable walls, priceless paintings, exquisite furnishings and luxurious couches
in cozy sun parlors, where a day is a veritable dream of delight. The ocean in
miniature, with all its valuable properties, is placed at the disposal of the guest,
and thus in curiously wrought, seductive tubs of limpid sea water one may splash
to his or her heart's content, absorbing energy and that peculiar buoyancy that
lends such zest to every pleasure. Afterward, well wrapped up, a ride in a rolling
chair is within the range of possibility, and after one has been wheeled for a
stretch along the Boardwalk, dined at the celebrated tables for which our hotels
are noted and afterward listened to a high-class concert, he or she is ready to
smile a welcome to the sandman, knowing full well that nothing but beautiful
¦dreams can follow in the wake of such a delightful day.
Hotel Traymore
Rates per Day
$3.50 to $5.00
St. Charles 3
Windsor 3
Rudolf 3
Waldorf-Astoria 3
Shelburne 3
Chalfonte 3
Dennis 3
Haddon Hall
I Galen Hall
Grand Atlantic
De Ville
Little Brighton
50 to
50 to
00 to
00 to
00 to
00 to
00 to
00 to
00 to
00 to
00 to
00 to
00 to
50 to
50 to
00 to
50 to
50 to
50 to
00 to
50 to
50 to
50 to
50 to
50 to
50 to
00 to
00 to
00 to
5.005.00 5.00 5.00
5.00 5.005.00
5.00 5.005.00 5.005.00
4.004.00 3-50 3-503.503.503.50 3.00
3.00 3.00
Rates per
$20.00 to
20.00 to
18.00 to
20.00 to
20.00 to
20.00 to
18.00 to
18.00 to
18.00 to
16.00 to
1 5.00 to
18.00 to
15.00 to
20.00 to
15.00 to
15.00 to
12.00 tO
18.00 to
18.00 to
15.00 to
12.00 tO
15.00 to
12.00 tO
15.00 to
14.00 to
12.00 to
10.00 to
12.00 tO
12.00 tO
10.00 to
Week $35.00 35-0035-oo35-oo 30.00
35-Qo35-oo35-oo 35.0025.00 25.00
20.00 18.00
20.0025.0030.0320.0020.0025.OO20.002O.O0 18.OO 18.OO
Capacity. 500
300 250350 500
300200500 500
400400 300250
450 l6o
300 100
200250 500
200200 i25 150
300 175
200 150
Hotel. Rates per Day. Rates per Week. Capacity.
Edison $2.00 to $3.00 $10.00 to $16.00 150
New England 2.00 to 3.00 10.00 to 16.00 175
Runnymede 2.00 to 3.00 10.00 to 15.00 200
Kuehnle 2.50 200
Cedarcroft 2.00 to 2.50 12.50 to 18.00 200
Revere 2.00 to 2.50 12.00 to 15.00 100
Canfield 2.00 to 2.50 10.00 to 15.00 50
Ponce de Leon 2.00 to 2.50 10.00 to 15.00 125
Richmond 2.00 to 2.50 10.00 to 15.00 200
Chester Inn 2.00 10.00 to 12.00 150
La Belle Inn 1.50 to 2.50 8.00 to 15.00 125
Norwood i-50 to 2.00 8.00 to 12.00 125
In the year of 1884, William Frank Waters purchased a small boarding
house called The Mineola, for $16,000, from the late Capt. Barton Frink. At
that time the house contained 18 rooms and had an extended view of the ocean,
two years later Sophia Bew erected the boarding house called The Berkeley,
which was conducted by the late B. W. Spence, who afterwards had the present
Holmhurst on Pennsylvania avenue.
Mr. Waters died in 1888, and his son, who was at the University, left college
and came clown to assist his mother with The Mineola. The following summer
he purchased The Berkeley and built a temporary connection. The capacity of
the house at that time was 150 guests. Two years later Mr. G. Jason Wraters
rebuilt the two hotels and built the first modern hotel in Atlantic City with baths,
electric lights and salt baths. Two years after this a number of other hotels
started to improve to exceed the Windsor. In 1890 Air. Waters bought out his
mother's interests and has conducted the hotel ever since. In 1893 Mr. Waters
made another large improvement, adding enough rooms to accommodate 400
guests; also making the ground floor the most attractive feature with Turkish
room, ball room and reception hall of large dimensions. Also engaging the first
hotel orchestra in Atlantic Citv for the diversion and entertainment of his guests.
In 1895 Mr. Waters conceived the idea of utilizing his basement for cafe
and restaurant, erecting a room to represent a ship's cabin with port holes, mast
tables, etc. This idea has been copied by other beach front hotels. In 1897 Mr.
Waters built the first French courtyard in Atlantic City, making a most attractive
place in the center of the hotel.
Since the original hotel was started, in 1884, of 18 rooms and lot 40x150,
Mr. Waters has built on and added 140 rooms covering a space of 300x150, and
purchasing four cottages on Illinois avenue, and now the entire ground owned
and controlled by The Windsor is 680x150.
The Hotel Windsor to-day is the most modern hotel on the Atlantic Coast.
It has cost $325,000, and is the only hotel conducted on American and European
plans on the Jersey Coast.
Famous as Atlantic City is, as a resort and for its hotel accommodations, it
may be said, that the Hotel Rudolf is unequalled in its location and unobstructed
view of the ocean. Situated directly on the beach front — in the most aristocratic
part of the city — with broad piazzas — balconies, bedrooms and diningroom over
looking- the sea. The luxuriousness of furnishings and appointments, the service,
its popularity, and liberal management have advertised it throughout the United
States and Canada. Hotel Rudolf is heated with steam and open fires, when
weather demands it. Lighted by its own electric plant, has elevator service, rooms
laigc and ensuite with bath and toilet attached. The baths have a double system
or service of hot and cold sea water and fresh water as desired.
A spacious ball-room, parlor and music room adjoins the office and exchange,
which is furnished with Holland and French designs and on the polished floors
Oriental rugs of great beauty are noticed.
To insure pure water an artesian well has been sunk on the premises.
In addition to the orchestra, and dances on Friday evenings, and music during
meal hours, none merits more special attention than the famous grotto and its
cafe, where superb concerts are given by a large orchestra. At night when the
grotto is illuminated by its many variegated colored incandescent lights, through
out the large cavern-like retreat, a scene of fairyland greets one and all.
The capacity of the Rudolf is four hundred guests. Booklets are furnished
on application. The owner and proprietor is Chas. R. Myers, who is possessed
of a cordial and kindly manner; generous in all his dealings and indefatigable in his
efforts not only to maintain but enhance the high standard of excellence and
popularity which has been associated with the Rudolf.
Hotel Luray, one of the largest and finest of our beach front hotels, has
been under the ownership and management of Mr. Josiah White for eleven years.
By gradual evolution and changes it has become a model all the year house, with
first-class accommodations for four hundred guests.
An expenditure of more than fifty thousand dollars in 1898 brought the
Luray to the front in appointments and prestige.
The property covers 150 feet front bv 356 feet deep at the ocean end of Ken
tucky avenue.
Since January, 1897, the firm name has been Josiah White & Son, by the
admission as a partner of Allen K. White. Esq., son of the proprietor.
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atlantic City Iborse Sfoow.
Air. G. Jasom Waters, of Hotel Windsor, was the active spirit in the organiza
tion of the Atlantic City Horse Show Association, which held its first meet in the
Inlet Park, July 13. 14 and 15, 1899.
His -enterprise and energy enlisted the hearty co-operation of leading hotel
and business men, and the display of fine horses was highly satisfactory, as well
as the financial results. A still more ¦ambitious effort will be made the present
season for a four-day event, which has been marked down to open Wednesday,
July 11, 1900.
The Atlantic City Horse Show may now be considered a permanent institu
tion, and that It is not to be one of the least attractive features of the summer
season Is attested by its brilliant Inauguration last year and the character of the
men who are at its head. The following are the officers :
G. Jason Waters, President; Charles Evans, Vice-President; Hon. Allen B.
Endicott, Treasurer; Walter J. Buzhy, Secretary; William S. Blitz, Assistant Sec
retary. The Directors are the above, and F W. Hemsley, J. H. Lippincott, H.
W. Leeds, D. S. White, Jr., A. ( ). Dayton, A. C. McClellan, Dr. J. R. Fleming,
Jacob Myers, W. H. Catlin, A. J. Nutling, Morton W. Smith, J. D. Southwick,,
Philip J. Leigh, Josiah White, J. H. Borton, Newlin Haines, W E. Edge, Charles
R. Myers, J. B. Reilly, M. D. Youngman, M. D., Charles S. Lacky, John G.
Shreve, and John M. Shaw.
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Easter at tbe Shore.
TLANTIC CITY as a Winter Resort dates from April, 1876, when
the late F. W. Hemsley opened Brighton Cottage as an all-the-year
house. The Brighton then had fifty-three rooms, instead of two
hundred as now. and speedily built up a profitable spring and winter
trade. The late George F. Lee, the owner, encouraged the lessee
by enlarging the house and providing up-to-date appointments,
which were appreciated, and other hotels were not slow in catering
to the same class of patrons. Physicians and railroad officials
heartily co-operated with satisfactory results.
The advantages of this city as a place of retirement for society's devotees
during the Lenten season are now widely appreciated, fashionables from New
York, Philadelphia and more distant centers coming here to find the restful
changes and relief that come from the peculiar advantages and characteristics
of this resort.
Here it is that the fair women and brave men who grace the social circle at
home, drink deep of the ocean air and diverting surroundings for which this sea-
lashed island is noted. Thus in a few weeks is a reserve fund of energy gained
that enables them to resume with fresh delight the routine of life and care in the
great metropolises.
During the forty days which usually include parts of .March and April, the
shore is a veritable paradise, everything being conducive to a sense of peace and
tranquil enjoyment. The tedium of travel to distant southern resorts is avoided
by a trip to Atlantic City and the benefits of an ocean vovage secured without
the risk and objections of being at sea.
As the great religious festival of Easter approaches, the arrivals become
more numerous and the scenes, like those in the
illustration, more frequent and striking. When the
sun shines forth on that glad Sabbath morning,
sackcloth and ashes are cast aside and Queen
Fashion, arrayed in all the bewitching beauty of her
gracious loveliness, is revealed to the crowd that
promenades the Boardwalk.
Easter is the culmination of the spring season
and the churches are usually largely attended, after
which the procession along the Boardwalk is at its
height. Such an array of fascinating women in
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seasonably fashionable gowns and millinery are only seen in such bewildering pro
fusion on Easter morning. For weeks afterwards the social world talks with the
enthusiasm of youth abort the brilliant and varied scenes witnessed along Atlantic
City's famous Boardwalk.
The greatest Easter Sunday in the history of Atlantic City was on April 2,
1899. It was not an ideal one so far as the weather was concerned. The air was
chilly and raw. The wind blew a gale at times and shortly after noon a snow-
squall passed over the citv. But the weather conditions did not prevent the
greater part of the estimated forty thousand visitors taking a stroll on the Board
walk. Between the hours of eleven A. M. and one P M., the number of promen-
aders on the Boardwalk was the largest of the day. There were two steady
streams of people, one going up the walk and the other down, that reached from
rail to rail.
There was a marvelous display of Easter garments and headgear by both
old and young. There was an abundance of smart frocks and perfect dreams
of hats and bonnets. The women that came forth in their light spring tailor-made
suits also had use for light furs and capes. Many bright and chipper Easter girls
and manv fashionably attired voting: men scorned to wear over their natty suits
¦H1H0MS31SI T310H
a wrap or an overcoat. They preferred to carry them on their arms and make
themselves believe it was a balmy day.
Between the hours of four and five o'clock in the afternoon the Boardwalk
was for the second time filled with a double stream of strollers. Although nearly
every roller chair was in use, there was very little interference to pedestrians.
Since the order of the police, making the attendants wheel the chairs in single
file, there is more comfort to promenaders than when the chairs were allowed to
be wheeled two or three abreast.
The trains that arrived in this city on Saturday came in sections, the same
as they did the two days previous. The Camden train on the Pennsylvania that
arrived Sunday morning about 10.30 came in three sections, two of ten cars and
one of five, a total of twenty-five cars, of which five were parlor cars, eighteen
coaches and two baggage. The bridge train that followed the Market street train
into the depot brought thirteen cars in two sections, six parlor cars, six coaches
and one baggage.
The 5.30 train from this city Sunday evening to Market street wharf was
composed of twenty-four cars, in two sections of twelve cars each. As every seat
was taken and railroad men estimate sixty persons to a car, more than fourteen
hundred persons left on that train.
Both railroads report traffic ahead of all records for the week. The follow
ing figures of the last two years are of interest, showing a gratifying percentage
of advance.
its attractions. 1 >
Between the Boardwalk and the ocean is the £
magnificent stretch of surf bathing grounds, g
where from 10,000 to 20,000 men, women and §
children may be seen any day during the bathing o
season, disporting in the foaming breakers, g
creating a living picture which the most gifted S
artists have not equalled on canvas, which 2
talented pens have failed to fully describe and ?
which no other watering place on the planet can
approach. It is unrivalled, unequalled, and, like
Pleiades, ''the loveliest of her train," Atlantic
City is the gem of all ocean resorts in this
respect. On the other side of the Boardwalk is a
wonderful kaleidoscope of merry-go-rounds, an
opera house, haunted forests, shell bazaars, bath
houses, swimming pools, shooting galleries, bric-
a-brac stores, mineral-water fountains, phono
graph parlors, and a hundred charming exhila
rating, harmless entertainments into which the
visitor enters with zest and upon which he spends his spare change with so much
pleasure and benefit.
It is a typical American crowd, full of life, but never disorderly, full of the
charming vivacity that seems to be an inheritance from the sea. Here may be
seen a Senator or Cardinal, a millionaire, priest, merchant or professional man
of eminence, happy among the more numerous mem
bers of the middle classes. Every civilized nation on
earth is represented in the cosmopolitan procession.
©cean piers.
The first ocean pier to be projected in this city was
the enterprise of the late Col. George Floward, of
Washington, D. C, in 1881. This structure, which
stood only for one season, celebrated its opening July
12. 1882. It extended 650 feet into the ocean, at the
foot of Kentucky avenue, on what is now the Hotel
Luray property. The science of sinking piling in heavv
beach sand was then in its infancy. The expeditious
hydraulic process had not then been used here and the
methods effective in softer soils were not satisfactory
along the beach. A September storm destroyed this
pier, but did not discourage the builder.
Col. Howard proceeded at once with a stronger
one, 850 feet long. At considerable expense screw-
threads were cut by hand on the sharpened ends of
heavy log piling, with the expectation of screwing them
deep enough into the solid sand of the beach. This
method proved ineffective, as power sufficient to twist
the logs to splinters would not penetrate the sand. This
crude thread failed of its purpose.
Steam power and the water process was then in
troduced and the financial possibilities of ocean piers
tested for several seasons.
The outer pavilion of the Floward pier was
damaged by the Robert Morgan, a large new vessel in
ballast which was driven ashore high on the beach just
above Kentucky avenue, on the night of January 9,
1884. This pier was never a great success financially
and was removed bv the commissioners who con
demned property for the building of the new board
walk in 1 89 1. It was assessed at $8,000.
J. R. Applegate, in 1883, was next to embark in
¦¦¦ *
the pier business. He bought one hundred feet of beach front at the foot of
Tennessee avenue for $10,000, paying $3,500 for one fifty-foot lot and $6,500 for
another next adjoining where his picture galleries were. It was a double decker.
artistically finished, with an amusement pavilion at the outer end 625 feet from
the Boardwalk. This pier from the upper deck afforded a fine ocean view and was built to
accommodate several thousand people.
This pier and real estate was sold in 1891 to Messrs. Young and McShea,
for $56,000, and has been extensively enlarged and improved since, till it now
extends 2,000 feet into the ocean, and for years has been the great centre of
attraction along the beach front.
A large net, hauled twice daily in summer at the outer end, brings up a large
and varied assortment of the animal life of the sea, which is of infinite interest to
visitors. From this net specimens of fish of all sizes are secured for the large
tanks on the pier, where living specimens may at all times be seen.
In one large pavilion, 80 by 200 feet, hops, cakewalks, baby shows and en
tertainments are given, and in another still larger auditorium meetings and con
ventions are provided for.
As a resting place, where the ocean and bathing grounds may be viewed,
the pier has become indispensable. Otherwise the congestion of travel on the
Boardwalk might become decidedly unpleasant, where now the surroundings are
of the most novel and enjoyable character.
Zhe Qit> Uron pier.
In 1887 a company was organized in this city to build an iron pier as a popu
lar beach-front attraction at the ocean end of Massachusetts avenue. Iron bridge-
work was used and a fine structure built, 1,000 feet into the surf, at a cost of
$60,000. It was kept open several years, but was not a success financially and
was sold at a forced sale, becoming finally the property of Messrs. Yfoung &
McShea, who purchased a square of land at the entrance.
A storm-tossed vessel wrecked a portion of the outer pavilion and a severe
storm a few years later carried away several sections of the pier nearer the en
trance. Damages were repaired and the old iron pier is still rented and used
for business purposes.
Zbe IRew Steel pier.
In 1898 the Atlantic City Steel Pier Company was organized and incor
porated and the handsome structure built 1650 feet into the ocean, at the foot of
Virginia avenue. The capital stock of the company is $400,000.
At the entrance from the Boardwalk a two-story casino and music hall, glass
inclosed and steam heated, seats 1200 people and is a favorite sunparlor and wait
ing place for social gatherings or visiting organizations.
A large dancing pavilion or auditorium further along accommodates 3,500
people at one time, and a still larger one at the extreme outer end accommodates
4,500. As many as 18,000 people have been admitted to the steel pier on a single
occasion during its first season. It is a substantial, safe and select resort for
visitors, conducted to please the best class of peojDle.
A dividend of seven per cent, was declared on the stock at the end of the first
season. George W. Jackson was one of the leading promotors and largest share
holder. The structure was built on lands that were his.
The officers and directors of the company are : President, Wm. Jay Turner,
929 Chestnut street, Philadelphia; Vice-President, Frank J. Patterson; Treas
urer, George W. Jackson; Directors, the above and A. O. Dayton, Wm. T. Tiers,
L. W. Passmore, D. F Keenan, Fred Burk, Charles F. Grosholz, Robt. T. Hast
ings, L. E. Filbert, A. S. Elliott, Morris Pfaelzer and J. J. Sullivan.
©ur public Schools.
HE growth and development of the public school system form one of the
many gratifying features of the history of Atlantic City. The six fine
buildings, seventy odd teachers, four thousand pupils and up-to-date
methods which now comprise our public schools, started from very
humble conditions forty years ago.
So early as 1836 one Richard Risley, from the mainland, came to this island
to instruct less than a dozen children of the Leeds families. Crude indeed and
meager were the means and methods of instruction in the rudiments in those days
by private tuition.
Risley was succeeded by one Mortimer Goodrich, who had his private school
in the Ryan Adams house, which stood exactly at the intersection of Arctic and
Delaware avenues. Tradition says that John Weaver followed Goodrich, and
there were probably others during the long winters that intervened before the
incorporation of the city and the advent of the railroad in 1854.
Anna Maria Gaskill taught a private school in the dining room of the Chalk
ley Leeds residence, in 1856, and later in the same year Edward S. Reed, assisted
by his wife, opened a school near Baltic and Rhode Island avenues, in a house
which still stands next to the First M. E. Church on Atlantic avenue.
A Miss Thomas succeeded Mr. Reed, having her school in a basement room
of the M. E. Church, which had just been erected. There were then some thirty
or forty school children on the island.
The late Arthur Westcott, who for many years was City Assessor, taught a
private school in a small building erected for that purpose by Richard Hackett
on South Carolina avenue above Arctic.
A Miss Slade had a school in Alt. A'ernon Cottage, next to St. Nicholas
R. C. Church, on Atlantic avenue, and a Miss Price had a school for a time in
the Chester County House at New York and Pacific avenues.
The first public school was opened about 1858, in the old Ocean House, at
-Maryland and Arctic avenues, where Beyer's Hotel now stands. It was first
taught by Mr. Chas. G. Varney. The following year the School Trustees were
able to provide the first public school house, a small frame building, on an ample
lot at Arctic and Pennsylvania avenues. Air. Varney was succeeded by Alex
ander L. Bellis, a graduate of the State Normal School, whose system of disci
pline proved an innovation. During his two years' stay Bellis was assisted by
his sister, Aliss Sarah, Miss Fannie Smith, Aliss Deborah Cordery and Aliss Lena
Scull. (263)
°^ or
Schoolboys togethe: in the old Ocean House, in 1859 and '60, were Ezra
Bartlett, John Wilson, Edward and Joseph Bedlow, Henry and Andrew Higbee,
Harry S. Scull, William and B. F Souder, Tom Adams, Enoch Turner, Sam
Evard, Charles Leeds, Will Smith, and others.
About 1863, the little three-room school house became so crowded that the
trustees awarded a contract to Richard Souders for building a two-storv, four-
room structure, as a more imposing front to the original buildino-. There was
difficulty in providing funds, and the contractor was unable to proceed. Air.
Robert T. Evard, at pecuniary sacrifice to himself, completed the job and provided
much-needed school facilities. For many years afterward Air. Evard served as
school trustee. His sturdy sense, rugged honesty and firmness enabled him to
select good teachers and tell when a school was well taught. Mr. Bellis was succeeded
as principal by Air. J. A.
Abrams. Then came Air.
Leonard and Air. Robert L.
Guerney. In the fall of 1863, Air.
Silas R. Alorse, of Liver-
more, Alaine, who had been
teaching successfully two or
three years at Hammonton
and Winslow, accepted the
position of principal and con
tinued in charge of the
schools for nine years. Airs.
Alorse, then a blushing bride,
came with him and for seven years was one of his most efficient assistants. Hun
dreds of our best known citizens have pleasant memories of old school days under
Mr. and Mrs. Morse.
Other assistant teachers under Air. Alorse were Alisses Elliott, Alary Nellie
Hayes, Caroline Bigelow, of Livermore, Alaine; Aliss Elizabeth Allen, of Ho-
boken; Miss Ina Ross, of Burlington; Aliss Anna Weatherby, Aliss Samaria
Eldredge. In the fall of 1872 Air. Alorse resigned and Air. Charles G. Kingman was
elected, who two years later was succeeded by John H. Batten, and he by A. R.
Dickerson, who remained one year only.
In September, 1877, the schools opened with John F Hall, another Alaine
man, as principal. He had taught several years in his native State and one year
at Weymouth, in Atlantic County. The trustees at that time were Joseph A.
Barstow, Robert T. Evard and Andrew W. Tompkins. Hall continued two
years, resigning in 1879, having embarked in journalism. The assistant teachers
during the two years of his administration were Alisses Adah Al. Seely, Eliza U-
North, Alary Lara, Helen C. Seely, Sarah Hagan, Eva Aladden, Nellie Thomp
son, Carrie E. Adams, Annie Al. Adams, and Airs. Johnson.
Osmond C. Evans, from Alaine, succeeded Hall, and taught two years. He
was succeeded in the fall of 1881 as principal by Clarence E. Alorse, also from
Alaine, who had been in charge of the school at Alays Landing several years, and
was assistant principal in the Indiana Avenue School in the previous year.
About this time a separate school for colored children was opened in rooms
now occupied by the U. S. Fire Company. It continued successfully several
years, till political influences prevailed against separate colored schools.
Prof. William A. Deremer took charge of the schools of this city in the fall of
1891, and continued in office as Supervising Principal until October, 1893, when
the silent reaper ''death'' claimed him as his own. He was a self-educated man
from Cumberland, Aid., and had taught very successfully at Arineland, N. J.,
several years. He was an indefatigable worker, with tact and originality that
made him popular with his associates. He introduced manual training and a
system of moral training which comes from having teachers and pupils investi
gate and relieve cases of want and suffering among the worthy poor of the city.
During his term of office four schoolrooms were added to each of the follow
ing buildings, viz.: New Jersey avenue, Indiana avenue and Texas avenue. The
teaching force was increased from thirty-five to forty-seven teachers. Alanual
training was added to the course and L. E. Ackerman, a graduate of the Pratt
Institute, Brooklyn, was elected to be in charge of this department in the spring
of 1893. In October, 1893, Chas. B. Boyer, then principal of the High School, was
elected to fill the vacancy by the death of Prof. Deremer. Henry P. Aliller, a
native of Sharpsburg, Maryland, was at the same time elected to the principalship
of the High School.
Since 1893 the teaching force has been increased from forty-seven to sixty-
seven regular grade teachers and five special teachers. The total enrollment
June 30, 1894, was 2,311, while that of June 30, 1898, was 3,391, an increase of
1,080 schoolable children in four years' time.
The following table concisely gives the dates of the construction, the capacity
and present value of the several school properties in Atlantic City :
Schools Rooms. Built. Value.
High School 10
Pennsylvania Avenue 16
Indiana Avenue 12
New Jersey Avenue 12
Texas Avenue 12
Chelsea 6
Total 68 $205,000
1 8[>J
In the fall of 1898, the manual training course was extended, in order that all
pupils of the grammar grades should receive the benefits from such a course of
training. At the present time there are five manual training rooms located as
follows : One at New Jersey avenue, one at Pennsylvania avenue, one at Chelsea,
and two at the High School Building.
A regular commercial course was introduced in the fall of 1898, and F. J.
Klock, a graduate of the Rochester Business University, Rochester, N. Y., was
elected to take charge of this department.
Vocal music, as a regular class study, was introduced into the schools in
January, 1891. The department was placed in charge of Aliss Josephine Fletcher,
who continued as supervisor of the same until the spring of 1893. She was suc
ceeded as supervisor by Aliss Rispah Potter, who took charge of the department
in the fall of 1893, and she was succeeded by A-Irs. Helen G. Ulmer in the fall of
1899. The results obtained thus far have been very gratifying.
All expenditures are wisely made, and of the $80,566.28 appropriated by
City Council for educational purposes during the past year, $67,267.12 was spent
in behalf of the schools of this city. The best interests of the schools have at all
times been considered and the Board has acted wisely and judiciously with all
questions pertaining to the welfare of the boys and girls. The work in all depart
ments is in the hands of faithful teachers.
While Atlantic City may boast of her magnificent Boardwalk, her modern
hotels, salubrious climate and-world renowned popularity, she may also feel proud
of her public school system and the influences emanating from the same.
High School graduates who have entered higher institutions of learning have
been successful in their various lines of work. The future of the schools of this
city is bright.
The demands for the support of the schools have always been met with a
willing response from the generous public.
At a public school meeting held early in February of the present year, the
Board of Education was authorized to purchase the site of Hotel Waverly, at the
corner of Pacific and Ohio avenues, lot 150x150, for $50,000, and build upon it a
fine 'high school building costing $80,000 more ; also to purchase a lot at Lincoln
and Ohio avenues and provide for the lower grades at a cost of $35,000 additional.
The present organization of the public schools consists of the following Board
of Education: Aaron Hinkle, First Ward; S. R. A'lorse, Paul Wootton, Second Ward;
Carlton Godfrey, William A. Bell, Third Ward; C. J. Adams, Samuel H. Kelley,
Fourth Ward. President, C. J. Adams; \ "ice-President, Carlton Godfrey; District
Clerk, Aaron Hinkle; City Superintendent, Dr. W. Al. Pollard; Supervising Prin
cipal, Chas. B. Boyer.
Special Teachers. — L. E. Ackerman, Alanual Training; Wilhelmine Ochs,
Supervisor of Drawing: Alexcenah Thomas, Supervisor of Primary Work; Helen
G. Llmer, Supervisor of Music; Anna S. Bonsall, General Substitute.
High School, Illinois and Arctic Avenues. — Henry P. Aliller, Principal.
Mathematics and Sciences — Katharine Shaub, English; Florence A. Nelson,
Latin and Algebra; Alice B. Blackman, History and Physiology; Cordelia Arnold,
Arithmetic and Algebra; F. J. Klock, Commercial Department.
Eighth Grade. — Ella R. Eldredge, room No. 57, reading, physiology, spelling
and music; Alay K. Biggins, room No. 56, geography, history and penmanship;
Ethel Al. Davie, room No. 54, English, arithmetic and drawing; Theodore Parker,
janitor. New Jersey Avenue School. — Alary AL Alurray, sixth grade; Carrie E.
Adams, fifth grade; Lida E. Tyler, seventh grade; Emma J. Underwood, fifth
grade; Emma J. Chamberlain, fourth grade; Aledora Risley, fourth grade; Estella
Al. Davis, third grade; Anne Al. Adams, third grade; S. Alarie Johnson, second
grade; Bertha Al. Davis, second grade; Ernestine Strauss, first grade; Grace D.
Morton, first grade; Elizabeth C. Fister, third grade; Edna O. Requa, first grade;
E. Naomi Alurdock, second grade. Constant Conover, Janitor.
Pennsylvania Avenue School. — Carrie Wisner, seventh grade; Annie Con
over, sixth grade; Lottie Hutchinson, fifth grade; Ezanna Conover, fourth grade;
Stella Al. Cromwell, fifth grade; Alaud Al. Breneman, sixth grade; Georgia Alor
ris, seventh grade; J. Alay Breneman, first grade; Flora C. Ashback, first grade;
Elizabeth C. Allen, second grade ; E. Pauline Reed, second grade ; Elizabeth
Albertson, third and fourth grades; C. Alberta Underwood, third grade; Alary-
Walker, third and fourth grades; Lillian V Thompson, first and second grades.
Jacob Staton, Janitor.
Indiana Avenue School. — Addie Wrescott, seventh grade; Sallie Rothermel,
sixth grade; Florence Hayclay, third grade; Hannah D. Pierce, fourth and fifth
grades; Agnes Schwalm, fifth grade; Lizzie English, third and fourth grades;
Louise Pinchon, second grade; Minnie E. Alorse. first grade; Emily N. Mitchell,
first grade; Edith Al. Boothby, fourth grade; AL Kate Jay, first grade; Alarie
Ostrander, second grade. George Thomas, Janitor.
Indiana Avenue Branch. — Hattie E. Alerritte, first grade; Lulu Pierce, second
and third grades; Frances G. Anderson, second grade.
Texas Avenue School.— Clara B. Lockwood, sixth grade; Harriet Al. Bresee,
third grade; AL Burdella Lindsay, third grade; Bessie V. Young, fourth grade;
Lidie Gilch, fifth grade; Sylvia Adams, third grade; Elizabeth Kandle, second
grade; Elizabeth Prowell, first grade; Laura Wick, first grade; Nan L. Alildren,
first grade; A "iola E. Batten, second grade; Emma Allen, second grade. Howard
Collins, Janitor.
Chelsea Building.— Robena Glover, seventh grade; Clara Hinkle, fourth
grade; Ella J. Hamilton, fifth grade; Alice Harford, sixth grade; Frances J.
Stauffer, second and third grades; Alabel Hinshelwood, first grade. Amos Tilton,
Some of the Xeabing Gburcbes.
jHrst fID. J6. Cburcb.
r^m HE First Alethodist Episcopal Church in this city, on Atlantic above
ill Connecticut avenue, was built in 1857. The cornerstone was laid in July
**Y of that year. The lot, 60 x 150, was given to the church by Chalkley S.
Leeds, who then owned many acres in that part of the island.
The first religious services were held in a house then standing in the "old
field." Local exhorters conducted services at first, till an organization was
effected. Rev. Edward H. Durrell is said to have preached the first regular
sermon. A Sunday-school was organized in Cottage Retreat before rooms in the new
church building were ready for use. During its construction AVilliam Conover
was killed by the falling of the tower from the roof, one of the girders breaking.
Since first occupied the church has twice been enlarged and improved. It is
free from debt and valued at $12,500. There is a comfortable parsonage at No.
30 North Delaware avenue, valued at $4,500.
The membership of the church now numbers nearly three hundred persons,
and the Sunday-school nearly four hundred. The annual receipts and expenses
exceed $3,000.
The twenty ministers who have officiated at this church since Air. Durrell
preached his first sermon are the following:
2. J. T. TUCKER, 12. W. S. ZANE,
3. R. J. ANDREWS, 13- W. T. ABBOTT,
7. A. M. NORTH, 17. J. B. DILKS,
8. A. J. GREGORY, 18. J. H. PAYRAN.
The present official board comprises the following persons:
18 (273)
first ipresbpterian Cburcb.
The first Presbyterian services ever held in this city were conducted in the
house of the first Alayor, Chalkley S. Leeds, on January 21, 1855. Alissionaries
of the Presbytery conducted services for some years in private houses during
the winter months and in hotel parlors during the summer. So early as 1855 the
Camden and Atlantic Land Company very generously gave to trustees the present
site of the First Presbyterian Church. It was swampy ground at that time, a
small part of a tract that cost the land company $17.50 per acre. It cost con
siderable to grade the property, but sand hills were not far away. At that time
there was no building of any kind on Pennsylvania avenue, except the Alansion
House. The corner stone of the first edifice was laid August 21, 1856, on which occa
sion addresses were made by Rev. John Chambers, D.D., John Leyburn, D.D.,
and Samuel Beach Jones, D.D. Rev. William H. Green, LL.D., of Princeton
Seminary, also was present.
The first public services were held in the building July 26, 1857, with only-
temporary seats and unplastered walls. In the same month of July. 1857, the
comer stone of the First Al. E. Church was laid.
In 1858 the Presbyterian property was seized by the sheriff for outstanding-
debt and was extricated with considerable difficulty. Stock was issued in $50-
shares, bearing six per cent, interest, to run five years. All were finally- redeemed.
For years the church was only occupied in summer, and preachers were secured
by giving them free entertainment at the United States Hotel for their services.
The building was too large and cold for winter use.
.The church was dedicated June 2^. 1859, when Dr. Charles Wadsworth
preached from Luke 7:5.
On December 29, 1870, a regular church organization was effected by the
following seven charter members: Air. and Airs. Lemuel Eldridge, Henry, son
of Rev. W. W. AlcNair, Airs. Henry AIcNair, Aliss Alary Scull, Airs. Rachel" Scull
Turner and Airs. Rebecca R. Townsend. Airs. Turner is the only one of them
living to-day.
Rev. Allen H. Brown, Rev. Dr. V D. Reed and Rev. S. W. Pratt were the
committee of the Presbytery on organization. Zealous missionaries in the early-
days of the church were Rev. Allen H. Brown and Rev. F. R. Brace, who are
still among the living.
For years the church was dormant, till with increasing population it became
self-sustaining. Rev. W. W. AIcNair was the first stated supply. He continued about two
years after the organization, when various ministers filled the pulpit irregularly.
Rev. A. G. Baker officiated about two years, till 1878, when Rev. H. Alartin
Kellogg became the stated supply till February, 1880.
The building was enlarged to its present size, in 1876, at a cost of $3,500.
The chapel was erected in 1878 at a cost of $2,400, and was dedicated January- 14,
1879. It has since been twice enlarged and is an indispensable auxiliary of the
church. In March, 1880, Rev. Edward Bryan, a classmate of Mr. Kellogg, came and
officiated acceptably till October, 1882. Various supplies and candidates filled the
pulpit till the fall of 1883, when Rev. Dr. William Aikman was installed as the
first regular pastor. He officiated ten years, till April 17, 1894. On November
21, 1894, Rev. F. J. Mundy, D.D., was elected pastor and served till Alarch
31, 1896. He was never installed as pastor, but withdrew with seventy-four mem
bers April 27, 1896, and organized the Olivet Presbyterian Church of Atlantic
City. January 20, 1897, Rev. Frederick Jonte Stanley, D.D., was elected pastor.
He began his labors February 1, 1897, and was installed pastor by the Presbytery
April 26, 1897, becoming the second regular pastor in the twenty-nine years'
history of the church.
The church property is clear of debt and is valued at $30,000. It has an
active membership of 253 persons. The scholars, teachers and officers of the
Sunday-school number 314.
The annual receipts and disbursements by the last report amounted to
$7,685.93, an increase of $1,606.66 over the previous year.
In November, 1898, this church started two mission chapels under the per
sonal direction of Rev. H. R. Rundall, one in Chelsea and one in the northern
section of the city.
first Baptist Cburcb.
The history of the First Baptist Church is a story of consecrated effort and
abundant success. In February, 1880, a few earnest Baptists met one evening in
the home of Mrs. Jane B. Shane, 225 Atlantic avenue, and after a good deal of
discussion concluded that they would at least make an effort to organize a Sunday-
school, and hold regular services on Sundays and a prayer meeting during the
week. The thought of organizing as a church had not at that time been ex
pressed. The Sunday-school was organized in the Pennsylvania Avenue School House,
where it met for a few months. The school building not answering for preaching
purposes, the hall at the corner of Atlantic and Chalfonte avenues, known then
as Mehler's Hall, was rented. Here, for a few weeks, gathered the faithful found
ers of the church. They were not alone in their meetings, for many visitors to our
city found them out and met with them.
Thus encouraged, the subject of organizing a church was talked of. Some
of the Philadelphia visitors advised it, and a meeting was called for the 29th day
¦of June, 1880. At this meeting were present the following clergymen: Rev.
It. F. Young, of Haddonfield, who was really the father of the church; L. P.
Hornberger, George Cooper, C. C. Foote, W B. Tolan, and J. G. Walker, of
Philadelphia; T. L. Bailey, of Pottstown, Pa., and A. H. Lung, of Camden. Rev.
Air. Young presided, and Rev. Air. Walker acted as clerk.
At this meeting the church was organized with the following members: J.
H. Leedom, Airs. Harriet Leedom, Edward Ross, Airs. Emma Ross, Mrs. Maggie
A. Peterson, Aliss Alary A. AlcClees, Airs. Adeline S. Lee, Airs. Maggie Shinnen,
Dr. A. W. Baiiy, Airs. Jane Black (Shane), Airs. Alay A. Borhek, Airs. Laura A.
Bewley, Jacob L. Peterson, Rev. T. L. Baily. Airs. Caroline A. Baily, Aliss Susan
L. Baily, Alary A. Simes, Airs. Esther A. Aloore and Airs. A'largaretha Camerer.
At this meeting Jacob H. Leedom was elected Deacon and Treasurer, and
Dr. A. AA". Baily, Clerk. During the summer of 1880 the church worshipped in
the Presbyterian Chapel, returning to the hall in the fall1. They wer^ without a
pastor, depending upon supplies from Sabbath to Sabbath, and also without a
church home, but an active building committee at work.
In the summer of 1881 the Presbyterian Chapel was again securqd. During
the summer of 1881 Airs. Isaac Ford presented to the church the lot on which
the building now stands, and on the 8th of September ground was broken for the
foundation. On the 29th of the same month the cornerstone was laid, and during
the fall the work of erection was pushed along slowly, for the church went upon
the plan of "'paying as they went." One of the not! e'er "events in this history
occurred October 31st of this same year. That day Rev. Sidney Dyer, of Wood
bury, was elected the first pastor, and from that date to January 1, 1885, he served
most faithfully. Under him the building was completed and paid for. In the
June following his election the building had been pushed forward to the point
when it could be occupied. It was little more than a barn, though, for there was
no plaster on the walls and nothing but muslin in the windows. But if ever there
was a happy congregation it was the one that worshipped for the first time in that
incompleted building.
Dr. Dyer was compelled to resign on account of ill health. Under his pas
torate the membership increased to fifty-five.
After three months the church called Rev. William E. Boyle to the pastorate,
March 4, 1885. He remained pastor until the close of 1890. Under his care the
membership was increased, but no special work was accomplished, except or
ganizing the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, the first society
formed in the city.
Rev. T. J. Cross began supplying the church in 1891. He was then a student.
In June of that year he became regular supply for four months, at the expiration
of which time he was elected pastor. Under his care the church has had its
most successful period. The congregations grew till the building became too
small and it was enlarged. There is no debt upon the church, and at the present
time it is united and harmonious, and has always been so.
Bethany Baptist Chapel, a flourishing mission, at present located on Atlantic
near Florida avenue, is the healthy child of this church.
episcopal Cburcb of tbe ascension.
A movement to establish all the year round religious ministrations gained
headway among the Episcopalians of Atlantic City during the later Seventies and
resulted in the purchase of a lot at 2015 Pacific avenue. The late Mrs. E. G.
Taylor was chiefly instrumental in the erection of a frame chapel, which was
formally opened by Bishop Scarborough, August 10, 1879. Rev. J. Rice Taylor,
the first rector, began regular services in June, 1880, which have been maintained
without intermission ever since. Under his direction, the parish was duly incor
porated January 3, 1881, entering legally and canonically into possession of the
church property.
Rev. Wm. H. Avery succeeded to the Rectorship in February, 1882, and
continued in charge for some years.
In 1886, the vestry, seeking a more central and convenient location, bought
ground at Pacific and Kentucky avenues, and with the advice and consent of the
canonical authorities removed the frame chapel thither, adding an annex for
Sunday-school purposes.
Rev. J. H. Townsend became rector December 1, 1891, and laid the corner
stone of the present edifice April 27, 1893, which was completed by the liberal
offerings of resident and transient worshippers and opened for use May 13, 1894.
This structure was designed by Air. Lindley Johnson, is in the Spanish
Renaissance style, and is a good example of a commodious, yet inexpensive
hard material building, well adapted to the varying needs of this population and
climate. St. Ipaul's flD. i£. Cburcb.
The St. Paul M. E. Church was organized from the small beginning known
as the Union Sunday School, in October, 1879, by Rev. E. C. Hill, presiding elder
of the Bridgeton district, who appointed John M. Hartley as pastor.
The following were members of the quarterly conference: J. H. Hartley,
pastor; Thomas Sovereign, superintendent; Elwood M. Hadley, local preacher;
Solomon Mason, exhorter; Obadiah Reed, James Ireland, John Brown, \Arilliam
Eldredge and John A. Jeffries.
The services were held in Union Chapel, corner of Baltic and Michigan
avenues. Mr. Hartley served as pastor until Alarch, 1881, when Rev. Z. T. Dugan
was appointed by the Bishop presiding over the New Jersey Conference of that
year. The Union Chapel soon became too small for the growing congregation
under Mr. Dugan's pastorate, and it was decided to build a new church. Accord
ingly, a lot was purchased at Ohio and Arctic avenues, and the church erected.
The basement story only was completed under the pastorate of Mr. Dugan, who
served the church faithfully for three years.
In the spring of 1884, Rev. George S. Meseroll was appointed pastor. During
the three years of Air. Meseroll's pastorate the audience room was completed and
the membership increased largely.
In the spring of 1887 C. K. Fleming was appointed as pastor. He served the
church faithfully and with great success for three years, when Rev. S. S. Weath-
erby was sent to succeed him. During his three years the parsonage adjoining
the old church was built. To Air. Weatherby is due the credit of suggesting and
frequently urging a new church on Pacific avenue.
Rev. J. Ward Gamble followed Air. Weatherby and remained two years in
the pastorate. He did much to create a sentiment and zeal in favor of a new
church. At the close of his second year the Central Church of this city was
organized, when about twenty of the St. Paul members left and joined that.
In the spring of 1895 Rev. George L. Dobbins was appointed. After nearly
four years of united and hard toil of pastor and congregation they were able to
occupy their new stone edifice, which represents an investment of $45,000.
It is Gothic architecture. The frontage on Pacific avenue is sixty-five feet
and the Ohio avenue portion one hundred and twenty feet. The building is of
Holmesburg granite with trimmings of Indiana stone. The main entrances are
on Pacific avenue, two in number, and both are reached by a high flight of stone
steps, over which a hood is placed, which adds to the appearance of the structure.
It was designed by Architect J. Cather Newsome, and was dedicated Sunday,
November 20, 1898.
The New Jersey Conference held its annual session in this handsome edifice
in March, 1899. Rev. J. Alorgan Reed succeeded Air. Dobbins as pastor at this
conference. German Presbyterian Cburcb.
The German Presbyterian Church, at Pacific and Ocean avenues, was built
in 1884. The congregation then numbering forty or fifty, had been organized
two years before. Rev. Arnold W. Fismer, now pastor of the Hopkins Street
Church, in Brooklyn, N. Y., was the first pastor. The lot, 60 by 120 feet, was
purchased for $4,000 and the church built for $3,000 before he left, in November,
1885. The corner stone was laid February 28, 1884. After him came Rev. P. H.
Schnatz, who labored acceptably four years, till 1890, the membership steadily-
increasing. Rev. H. Hortsch was pastor for a short time after Mr. Schnatz was
called to the Martha Memorial Church of New York City.
On the fourth Sunday of advent, 1891, Rev. A. K. Staiger came to be in
charge of the little church, where he was installed as pastor June, 1892, and has
served faithfully up to the present writing. During the pastorate of Air. Schnatz,
a portion of the lot was sold for $500 and the mortgage reduced to $1,500. This
has been paid off since Mr. Staiger came, the church enlarged, a parsonage added
•at a cost for all of $6,000. There is at present a debt of $3,500 against the property
which is worth $15,000. The membership of the church has grown to 100 and
the Sunday School to no pupils and 12 teachers. There is a very active Ladies'
Aid Society, under the leadership of Mrs. Matilda Stadler, and an excellent choir
of young voices, under the direction of Robert Kirscht.
The present officers are: President of the Board of Elders, Ferd Stadler;
Secretary, Emil Werner; August Steuber, Jacob Scherer, Charles Speidel- and
Henry Obergfell.
Olivet Presbyterian #burcb.
On April 27, 1896, seventy-four members of the First Presbyterian Church
•of Atlantic City withdrew from that church, and at their request the Presbytery
of West Jersey organized the Olivet Presbyterian Church, of Atlantic City, and
installed Rev. F J. Mundy, D.D., pastor. At the same time three persons united
with the church by letter from other churches. At that time they had neither a
Bible or a Hymn-book, nor an abiding place. Soon thereafter Odd Fellows' Hall
was engaged in which to hold services, and the lecture room of the German Pres
byterian Church, in which to hold prayer meetings. In the summer of 1897
services were held in the Academy of Music on the Boardwalk.
On November 6, 1896, the lot at the southeast corner of Pacific and Tennessee
avenues was purchased and the following September members and friends assem
bled and broke ground for the foundation of a new church home. Contributions
and assistance were liberally made for the handsome stone structure which, on
Sunday March 27, and April 3, 1898, was duly dedicated.
Following are the names of the charter members of Olivet Presbyterian
Church :
C. R. RAITH, D. D. S.,
E. A. REILEY, M. D.,
early Cburcb fiistory.
In 1676 Wm. Penn and his associate Friends brought 400 families to settle
in West Jersey, Some of these located on lands now included in Atlantic County.
As early as 1728 there were three selected places for holding Friends' meetings;
at Leed's Point, at Absecon and at Somers' Point.
The old Richard Somers' mansion at the latter place is still standing
where Friends' meetings were held. Persons still living can remember the old
Friends' Aleeting House at Bakersville, opposite Central Al. E. church. The
house recently occupied by Absalom Higbee at Leeds' Point, since the services
were discontinued in 1843, was the second and better Friends' Aleeting House
that succeeded the first crude, small building which stood for many years adjacent
to the present Smithville Al. E. church.
For one hundred years or more the Quakers predominated in this sparsely
settled region. Rev. Allen H. Brown, who for more than forty- years has been a
missionary of Presbyterianism in South Jersey and Atlantic county in particular,
has collected much data on the early church history. In the Woodbury Constitu
tion of September 3, 1850, he published several columns of early church history
which gives an excellent idea of the civil and religious life in this section just
previous to the Revolution. The following are some of the extracts given from the
journal of Air. Philip V. Fithian, who was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of
Philadelphia, November 6, 1774, and who visited "Egg Harbour" (Atlantic
county) in 1775.
"Friday, February 3, 1775. — Early in the morning, in company with Dr.
Elmer I left Cohansie for Egg Harbour. We arrived at Air. Thomas Stites' at
Great Egg Harbour, about 4 P Al. Sermon was appointed for Sunday at Air.
Champion's (near Tuckahoe), a half brother in the cause. — Sunday 5. Alany
straggling, impertinent, vociferous swamp men accompanied me this morning;
they however, used me with great civility. At 12 began service. There were
present between forty and fifty persons, who were attentive without any impro
priety of behaviour and seemed to have some solemnity. I spoke with great free
dom of spirit, yet I hope with a real reverence of the universal presence and awful
majesty of the great God.
Monday 6. I rode to the Forks at Little Egg Harbor (Pleasant ALUs) and
. put up according to direction at Elijah Clark's, Esq. Air. Clark is a man of fortune
and taste. He appears also to be a man of integrity and piety, an Israelite indeed.
And O Religion, thou hast one warm and unfeigned advocate in good and useful
Mrs. Clark. I had rather have her spirit with the condition of a starving beggar,
than destitute of it to have the wealth of worlds. She has more than the form, — she
has the spirit of religion. This peaceful, friendly, heavenlike spirit is breathing
from her in every sentence. — Wednesday, February- 8. According to appointment
I preached in Mr. Clark's little log meeting house. Present about forty. I under
stand the people in this wild and thinly settled country, are extremely nice and
difficult to be suited in preaching. One would think that scarcely any but a
clamorous person who has assurance enough to make a rumpus and bluster in the
pulpit would have admirers here. It is however, otherwise. They must have be
fore they can be entertained good speaking, good sense, sound divinity and neat
ness and cleanliness in the person and dress of the preacher. This I found from
the remarks which several of them freely made upon gentlemen who had formerly
preached here. — Sunday, 12. We had at the small log house a large assembly.
The day snowy. I preached but once. — Monday, 13. I rode by appointment up to
Brotherton (near Atsion) and preached to Air. Brainard's Indians. Present about
thirty and as many white people." Air. Fithian then proceeded to Greenwich and
returning on the 21st to Egg Harbour writes thus:
"Saturday, 25th. From the Forks of Little Egg Harbour I rode to the sea
shore to Air. Price's (later the estate of Gen. Enoch Doughty), an English young
gentleman of fortune and breeding, with a design to preach still lower down. —
Sunday, 26. I preached to a thin assembly at Cedar Bridge meeting house (Black-
man's meeting house, now Zion Al. E. church, near Bargaintown). At 2 P. M.
I preached at Absecon, at one Air. Steelman's ; a full house. — Alonday, 27. At
ill preached at Clark's Mill meeting house (near Port Republic). The assembly
very attentive. Here they gave me a dollar. Afternoon: I returned to the Forks,
found Mr. and Mrs. Brainard there. — Sunday, Alarch 12. Our little meeting
house almost filled. Most of the people from the furnace, almost every one from
Mr. Clark's little settlement and Air. Wescott's, and, blessed be God all seemed
attentive. I preached twice. — Monday, 13. After dinner I rode over to the
furnace" at Batsto, "and visited friendly and agreeable Mrs. Richards. Toward
evening with Mr. and Mrs. R and Mrs. B called to see Mrs. P where
we had some useful conversation. In the evening rode from the furnace to the
singing school. We had not however the greatest harmony. On our return, at
my lodgings was pious Air. Brainard arrived for the serious exercises appointed
for to-morrow. I sat with him and listened to his pious and useful discourse till
eleven, when I went reluctantly to bed. — Tuesday, 14. A solemn fast, the day-
rainy. We have yet a good number. At Air. Brainard's request I preached first
from Lamentations iii. 40, composed for the occasion. Air. B. afterwards preached
an excellent discourse on the happiness of a strong and special reliance on the
merits of the Redeemer.
I have said that the people here are nice in their taste concerning preaching.
It is not without reason. They have had subjects for comparison. Air. Brainard
and Air. Clark enumerated the following gentlemen who had occasionally, and
some of them very often, preached here as supplies. Alessrs. Brainard, Tennent,
Smith, Benj. Chestnut, Hunter, Spencer, Dr. James Sproat, Charles Beatty, Wm.
Ramsey. Nehemiah Greenman, Green, J. Clark, S. Clark, AIcKnight, AlcCracken,
Alitchell, \Yatt, Boyd, Gravis, Brockway, Van Artsdalen, Hollinshead, AlcClure,
Frisby, Keith, and Andrew Hunter, Jr."
Here are the names of twenty-six Presbyterian ministers, besides Air. Fithian,
who left their flocks in Cape Alay, Philadelphia and other places, and travelled long-
distances on horseback that they might seek and feed the few scattered sheep in
the wilderness. Air. Greenman at one time left his congregation- at Pilesgrove.
now Pittsgrove, and spent six months on the shore and almost made an engage
ment to settle there.
What conclusion shall we draw? Did those servants of God, esteem this
region more important, or had they any more of the spirit of self-sacrifice than
their successors, that until recently and with a vastly increased population, the
existence and situation of these churches were actually unknown to the two
Presbyteries, within, or rather between whose bounds this Egg Harbour country-
is situated. Alay a double portion of their spirit fall upon us, and may their God
raise up and qualify many to walk in their footsteps.
Blackman's Meeting House was near the village of Bargaintown and about
ten miles southeast of May's Landing. It was built of upright planks.
The following extracts from a deed recorded in Trenton, Liber N, folio 407,
408, a copy being certified by James D. AA'estcott, Secretary of State, will prove
the existence of a Presbyterian church and to whom the property of right belongs :
"'This Indenture, made the nineteenth day of Alarch in the vear of our Lord
one thousand seven hundred and sixty-four, between Andrew Blackman, Cord-
wainer of Egg Harbor, in the county of Gloucester and Province of New Jersey,
of the one party, and Joseph Ingersoll, John Scull, Joseph Scull and Return Bab-
cock, of the aforesaid township, county and province, of the other party, Witnes-
seth that the said Andrew Blackman for and in consideration of the sum of two
pounds proclamation money, to him in hand paid before the ensealing hereof, by-
Joseph Ingersoll, &c. * * hath granted, sold, &c. * * and confirmed unto
Joseph Ingersoll, John Scull, Joseph Scull and Return Babcock and their succes
sors, a certain piece of land situate, lying and being in the township of Egg Har-
bor, in the county and province aforesaid, near the head of Dole's Branch, Begin
ning at a stake standing in the line of Joseph Dole's and Atwood's, near the
Branch, thence south twenty-one degrees east fifteen perches to a stake; thence
south sixty-nine degrees west thirteen perches; thence north twenty-one degrees
west to Atwood's line, Bounded by Atwood's line north eighty degrees east to the
place of beginning at Dole's line; containing one acre more or less, together with
the mines, &c. * * for the erecting, building and standing of a Presbyterian
Meeting House, for the carrying on of Publick Religious worship for all that shall
incline to meet and assemble in it; together with a publick Burying yard for the
interment of the deceased of all denominations, to have and to hold * * unto
the said * * and to their successors for ever, that shall be chosen and ap
pointed by the proprietors of the aforesaid meeting house or their heirs, to the sole
and only proper use and benefit of maintaining a meeting house and burying yard
as above mentioned." Andrew Blackman then on behalf of himself and heirs,
warrants and guarantees to the above mentioned persons and their successors, to
defend them and their successors in the "lawful, quiet and peaceable possession of
the said premises, for the use before mentioned of maintaining a meeting house
and burying yard as of fee without any let, suit, trouble or molestation whatso
ever." He then signs his name and the receipt for the sum of two pounds pro
clamation money.
Charles Jeffrey Smith, Andrew Blackman, Jr., and Jesse Lewis subscribed
their names as witnesses, and the affidavit of one of them was taken before John
Ladd, Esqr., one of his Alajesty's Counsel for the Province of New Jersey.
Three years afterward, June 2, 1767, a memorandum was written on the back
of the deed, explaining the views of the persons named and pro^ ing that the house
had then been erected. — It reads thus :
We, the within Grantee, * * having been chosen Trustees to carry on and
manage the building of a Presbyterian meeting house upon the lands within
granted and sold for that purpose, do hereby acknowledge that the said land and
meeting house is not our own personal property, but is bought and built by a
subscription of many persons ; neither do we claim any other interest in it but what
we have in common with all who have subscribed hereto and though the legal title
is vested in us, yet we hold it only in behalf of our constituents and do promise
that it shall be kept as a house of publick worship and the land for a free Burying
vard in which all may have equal privileges with ourselves, without monopolizing
it or engrossing and applying it to any private use of our own. A memorandum
whereof we leave on the back of this instrument, that posterity may not be de
frauded of their right or mistaken about the intent hereof which is to secure a
House of Public \Yorship, as before mentioned. In testimony whereof we have
hereunto subscribed our names, hands and seals.
Joseph Ingersoll, John Scull, Joseph Scull, Return N Babcock, John Inger
soll, Ebenezer Ingersoll; and Ebenezer Ingersoll as a witness gives his affirmation
before John Ladd. Esqr., one of his Alajesty's Counsel for the Province of New
St. nicbolas' Cburcb.
^f T. Nicholas Church was built by the Reverend Alichael Gallagher, O. S. A..
(j|j in the year 1856, on ground given by the late Col. Daniel Alorris, to the
(«) Order of St. Augustine. Then there were but few Catholic residents on the
island. In fact, you might say they consisted of those who went there in
summer season to wash and be clean. Atlantic City did not then show signs of its
rapid growth, since then, or those who built wooden shanties on sand dunes and
eked out a miserable existence by gunning and fishing did not read the signs
aright, or they would to-day be multi-millionaires. However, it is better to be
poor and honest, than rich without working for it.
The Augustinian Fathers came to look after lost or strayed sheep, and found
a- few such scattered among the sand hills of which there were plenty in those days.
The eloquent Dr. Aloriarty, O. S. A., was the first of the Augustinian fathers to
preach the gospel of good tidings to those children of the church. It is said that
many, not of his flock, were drawn by his matchless eloquence, to listen attentively
to the saving truths he propounded in the name of the Master. Even on the barren
sands, the seed thus sown, soon produced fruit, and the little flock began to speak
of a regular service, a church and a pastor. The Lawlors, the Quigleys, the Dalys,
the Doyles. and the AIcAdams, with others came together in the name of the Lord,
and pledged their all for a suitable place in which to honor and adore Him. The
Rev. Alichaei Gallagher heard their cry, and placed himself at their head and at
their service, and thus the little gothic chapel of St. Nicholas of Tolentine was
begun and finished in the year 1856. It was modest, but pretty, and dedicated to
God as the offering of his poor people. It weathered the storms of twenty-five
years and told of many who sought and found consolation there under the direc
tion of dear old Father Gallagher, the true friend, the Father of the poor, and the
Priest of God. Rest to his soul ! He was worthy of heaven, and on earth he is not
yet forgotten by the few older people who still remain to bless his memory.
With the growth of the city, new demands were made, and more room re
quired by the Catholics of Atlantic City. They asked for a resident pastor, stating
that they could support one all the year around. The Rev. John Joseph Fedigan,.
O. S. A., then President of Yillanova College, Penna., being out of health was
sent them to build himself up in health, and to build them up also. Both were
happily accomplished, and that, too-, in short order, and without the slightest
difficulty, or difference of opinion among his little congregation. True, there was
a great veneration for the old chapel and its founder, but it was too small, and
ground could not be purchased on either side to enlarge it. So Father Fedigan,
yielding to the wishes of the people bought a new site on Pacific avenue, moved
the chapel there and then enlarged it to its present seating capacity of over one
thousand people. Later on as the summer season poured its hundreds and thou
sands of strangers into our city by the sea, it became necessary to fit up the base
ment, so that another thousand are accommodated there in July and August, and
it is a reminder to those who think the faith is dying out to stand on the corner of
Tennessee and Pacific avenues and watch the crowds leaving St. Nicholas Church
at the nine o'clock mass in the summer season.
The fine residence adjoining the church is also the work of Father Fedigan,
and this together with the church represents an outlay of about fifty thousand
dollars, and paid without anybody feeling that it cost them even an effort, for this
was one of the many happy faculties Father Fedigan possessed, that in dealing
with his people in money matters, he never forced, nor even demanded their
money, but made his appeal to them so convincing that they really felt it was
"better to give than to receive." He received material assistance from his Pro
testant friends, also, and it seemed as if these vied with their Catholic fellow
citizens in doing honor to the pastor of St. Nicholas' Church. We but give ex
pression to the public sentiment, when we state that no man in public or private
walks of life won the heart of all classes as did the Rev. Father Fedigan during
the eighteen years spent in Atlantic City. The thousands of summer visitors have
the same story to tell at the mention of his name.
As the city extended southward, the only way it could extend, his watchful eye
soon saw the necessity of summer accommodation in that section and hence he
purchased a large lot on the corner of California and Atlantic avenues, and erected
thereon the beautiful and spacious church of St. Alonica in 1887. For this work
the Right Rev. Bishop O'Farrell, of Trenton, N. J., gave his consent publicly, and
privately expressed, and the work went on to a finish so marvelous that when the
church was dedicated many were surprised to see such a fine church among the
sand hills, and asked the Father how he could have put so fine a building there..
"The hills will soon give way to houses," he said, "and St. Monica will bless those
who dwell therein." What was a theory then is a fact to-day.
For more than seven years this church was attended from St. Nicholas, after
much expense and many sacrifices made on the part of the Augustinian Fathers;
until in 1893 the Bishop saw fit to take the church and lot adjoining and send a
priest of the diocese to be pastor of St. Alonica's Church. This did not please
Father Fedigan, who on account of this tendered his resignation and .asked for a
new field of future labors. It is still remembered how Protestants and Catholics
alike, upon that occasion, gathered around him, and begged that he would not
leave the city, the scene of his many labors. In just three years from that time the
Church of St. Alonica was burned to the ground, and two firemen lost their lives
in the devouring flames. Such is the brief history of St. Monica's Church.
There are a few other facts worthy of note in regard to St. Nicholas' Church,
namely, that the iron columns supporting the floor of that church were silent wit
nesses of the riots of '44, in Philadelphia, where they were used in the Second
Street Alarket House. All, or nearly all of the prelates of this country have at
one time or another said mass and preached in St. Nicholas Church, and con
sequently have been the guests of the Augustine Fathers. One of these, the late
Archbishop of Kingston, Canada, preached a fine discourse on the words of St.
Paul — "To live soberly, piously and justly," but sat down to it for just' two hours,
when Father Fedigan, who was in the vestry thought it well to call the attention
of the eloquent prelate to the length of time already spent in developing his triple
subject, and for this purpose pushed the sliding door of the vestry just enough to
catch the eve of the Archbishop who quickly said: "Will you be kind enough to
close that door, I perceive a draft." The door was closed, and the sermon went
on. Air. Al. T., a merchant who gave six days in the week to business, and only
an hour on Sundays to the Lord, thought this was too much of a good thing, and
meeting Father Fedigan during the following week, asked him if that man was
going to preach again next Sunday, for if he is I want to go to an early mass.
Alany other humorous and interesting stories I have heard from Father
Fedigan regarding the church in Atlantic City, but it takes Father Fedigan to tell
them. For about fifty years the Augustinian Fathers have been attending to the
Catholics of Atlantic City and to their efforts, zeal, and labors must be attributed
the high standing that church has attained in our midst. Father Fedigan was the
first resident pastor, coming here in August of 1880 and remaining till July, 1898,
when he was elected by his brethren to preside over the province of St. Thomas, of
Alllanova, with residence at Bryn Alawr, Penna.
©ur Xaoip, Star of tbe Sea.
In 1885 Rev. Father Fedigan purchased the lot at California and Atlantic
avenues for St. Monica's Roman Catholic Church which was erected the following
year and dedicated by Rt. Rev. Bishop O'Farrell of Trenton. It was in charge of the
Augustinian Fathers of St. Nicholas' Church till 1894, and was open for service
only during July and August. Bishop O'Farrell appointed Rev. P. J. Petri as
resident pastor, who has since been in charge of this church. Tn 1895 the new
Rectory was built. December 2, 1896, the church edifice was destroyed by fire.
On Easter Monday, April 19, 1897, Bishop McFaul laid the corner stone of the
present edifice when the name was changed to "Our Lady, Star of the Sea." Rev.
Father Leahy of Swedesboro preached the dedicatory sermon. On July 18, 1897,
the new church was dedicated by the Bishop, solemn pontifical mass being cele
brated by Bishop Prendergast of Philadelphia, and the sermon preached by Bishop
Haid of North Carolina. The new church, furnished, cost $25,000. The cost of
the rectory was $7,500. The lot 175x500 feet is valued at $25,000.
Central IH. €. Cburcb.
Central Al. E. Church of this city was the outgrowth of the urgent necessity
-of a Methodist house of worship in the central part of the city, nearer the great
hotels and the sea.
The nucleus of the church was formed principally by a considerable number
of earnest people who came from the First M. E. Church. The organization was
formed by a few men who met first at the residence of Mr. F. A. Souder and
afterward organized in Pennsylvania avenue school house about the 15th day of
July, 1894. The original members of the official board were F. A. Souder, L. A.
Down, L. C. Albertson, C. B. Young, C. F Wahl, Henry Wootton, Peter Corson,
R. H. Ingersoll, Irving Lee, Smith Conover, James Down, James Conover, Mrs.
Dr. Munson, Mrs. Thos. Scull.
The old hotel property known as The Colonnade was purchased in August,
1894, and the interior fitted up temporarily as a chapel. Here the first Sunday-
school service was held, September 18, 1894, and the first sermon preached by
Rev. C. K. Fleming, November 24, 1894. From that time till the following Alarch
the pulpit was supplied by various clergymen, this arrangement being left with
a committee appointed for the purpose, Bro. L. A. Down in charge.
In March, 1895, Rev. Wm. AL White was appointed by the Conference as the
first pastor and under his wise administration the society prospered and grew in
every department. The new house of worship, neat, handsome and capacious was
erected on the site of the old hotel and was dedicated by Bishop Foss in June, 1896.
Rev. Wm. Al. White died during the conference session at Camden in April,
1898, and Rev. R. H. Eberhardt, under whose administration the church has had
continued prosperity, both temporal and spiritual, succeeded to the pastorate.
The Society originally numbered 67 at the time the first sermon was preached.
It now numbers over 200 and has 240 on its Sunday-school roll, and has had a
prosperous history under the superintendency of Air. F. A. Souder.
The church property is valued at $25,000. At the 4th anniversary, held De
cember, 1898, it was shown that the church had raised for all purposes about
$24,000. The Ladies' Aid Society, a notable and successful organization in the
church, showed at its annual meeting in December, 1898, that in that year it had
raised $1,262. Old Church at Weymouth.
In a beautiful oak grove on the high bank of the Great Egg Harbor river
stands the neat little church at Weymo-uth. For nearly a century it has served the
purposes for which it was erected and in the adjacent cemetery are the graves of
persons some of them long since widely known for more than ordinary- talent and
usefulness. Joseph Ball, the Quaker merchant and relative of AA^ashington, was
one of the owners and founders of AVeymouth, when this edifice was erected.
From a recent sketch compiled by Airs. Charles R. Colwell and read at the 91st
anniversary the following sketch is taken:
"The building of the Weymouth Aleeting House was begun in 1807 and com
pleted in 1808 at the expense of the Proprietors of Weymouth. The time books
show the carpenter work to have been done by "Eziel Prickett and his son," the
former working three hundred and sixty-five days at $1.25 and the son three hun
dred and sixty-six days at $1 per day. The plastering and mason work was done
by C. McCormick, the material and work on the building coming to $3,690,00.
The Weymouth Aleeting House was intended as a non-Sectarian place for
religious meeting more especially for the benefit of employees of AA eymouth.
Both tradition and record show that it has been chiefly- used by Presby
terians and Methodists, although services have been conducted and ser
mons preached by Episcopalians, Baptists, Dutch Reformed and in February,
1825, a sermon was preached by "Aliss Miller," presumably a Quakeress. No
records are accessible of the occupants of the pulpit of Weymouth Aleeting House
from its completion until 1813. From 1813 to 1845 the Time Books of Weymouth
furnish the names of many preachers and dates of service.
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St. Andrew's Church.
St. Andrew's English Evangelical Lutheran Church had its inception in a
service held in Wolsieffer's Flail, June 30, 1889. The service was conducted by
the Rev. Wm. Ashmead Schaeffer, D. D. Twenty-nine persons were in attendance
and after consultation it was agreed to undertake the establishment of a con
gregation. A room was rented and services begun at the corner of Atlantic and Indiana
avenues. In 1890 Philopatrian Hall on New YAork avenue was purchased, and the
name changed to St. Andrew's Hall. St. Andrew's Hall was sold in 1892 to Joe
Hood Post, and the present location at Pacific and Alichigan avenues secured.
The corner stone for the church was laid June 8, 1892, and the edifice was con
secrated July 2, 1893.
Preaching was regularly maintained by Dr. Schaeffer, assisted by pastors in
Philadelphia and students in the theological seminary. In the fall of the same year
a call to the pastorate was extended to Rev. D. L. Passmant, but was declined.
In the spring of 1894 Rev. J. A. Kunkelman, D. D., was elected pastor. He
accepted the call, and entered upon his duties April 1, 1894. He was the first
settled pastor, and is still in charge of the congregation. The growth of the con
gregation has been slow but steady. The Sunday-school is in a flourishing con
dition, and the St. Andrew's Alission League is doing good work. The congrega
tion has sustained serious losses in the deaths of Airs. Emily G. Taylor and Air.
Henry L. Elder, who were among its earliest and most liberal members. It has
also received many evidences of kindly interest. A beautiful marble baptismal
font, of chaste and exquisite design was presented by Mrs. Dr. Wm. Ashmead
Schaeffer. Airs. Lewis Steuber had specially cast and put m the belfry a sweet-
toned AlcShane bell; and Airs. A. D. Freas gave an elegant Mellor Pipe Organ,
which sweetly leads and greatly- aids in the beautiful service of the Church Book.
An elegant silk robe was presented to the pastor by the Ladies' Guild of St. Alark's
Lutheran Church of Philadelphia, of which he was pastor many years.
The congregation and pastor are in connection with the Alinisterium of
Pennsylvania. Conservative in its methods it moves along quietly, fulfilling an
important mission in this wonderful city byr the sea.
Its doors are open, and all residents and visitors are most cordially invited to
attend its services.
friendship m. €. Church.
Friendship M. E. Church, near Landisville, N. J., was built in 1808. The
exact records of its uneventful early history have been scattered and lost. That
was a wild and sparsely settled region at that time before Vineland on the south
or Hammonton on the north were dreamed of and before any railroad had been
built in America. Like the zealous pioneers at Tuckahoe, Weymouth, Batsto and
Clark's Landing, the settlers in what was then Hamilton township, constructed
from the primeval forest the very substantial frame edifice, which with the repairs
and improvements made in 1853, is acceptably serving the needs of the present
generation. A beautiful oak grove whose welcome shade has refreshed the several genera
tions of worshipers of old Friendship church, covers the grounds on the westerly
side of the building, while an iron fence incloses the cemetery and three sides of
the building. The history of that neighborhood for a hundred years is suggested
by the names on the tombstones, some of which are the following:
Andrew Pancoast, died March 6, 1855; Rebecca D. Pancoast, died February
6> 1873; John Pancoast, died February 15, 1854; Wm. B. Vanaman, born Au
gust 9, 1808, died November 10, 1868; Mary M. Down, died March 12, 1872; John
Down, died May 11, 1872, aged JJ years; Charles Down, died March 20, 1866,.
aged JJ years; Rev. James Down, died June 27, 1850, aged 53 years; Buelah
Down, died November 29, 1848, aged 44 years; Samuel Down, born Alay 4, 1769,
died September 11, 1826; Jane, wife of John Claypool, born January 12, 1799, died
March 16, 1866; John Claypool, died November 28, 1877; J. Quincy Adams, died
October 7, 1863, aged 31 years; Susanna, John W., and Archibald Campbell,
burned to death October 26, 1858.
Friendship church is at present organized as follows: Pastor, Rev. Charles
WALTER 0. S00Y, M.D.
H. Barnes; Trustee, Charles Wray; President, C. A. Gross; Secretary, A. P. Vana
man; Treasurer, Wm. Howell; J. Henry Young, Richard C. Cake, AVm. B. Cower.
Stewards, Charles Wray, A. P. Vanaman, Aliss Lizzie R. Gross. Superintendent
of Sunday-school, A. P. A^anaman. Class Leader, Mahlon Gross.
first Church at may's Landing.
The present Methodist Church at May's Landing was built in 1888, to re
place the old-fashioned edifice destroyed by fire which was erected in 1848.
Nearly forty years previous to that a church was built on or near the same site
and served the early inhabitants of a wild and rugged country.
The original deed is still in existence and bears date of May 20, 1812. It was
given by "Richard Westcott, Sr., of Great Egg Harbour Township," who had
purchased a tract of one hundred and thirty-five acres of the West Jersey pro
prietors, where the village of Alay's Landing now is. He gave a lot described as
consisting of 2 roods and 17 perches, including the church building upon it, to
seven trustees, part of them Baptists and the rest Alethodists, who, with their
successors and assigns, should forever allow the church to be used free by Aletho
dists, Baptists, Presbyterians and Quakers. The first trustees were Elias Smith,
John Wicks, John Wheaton, Abner Gaskill, Thomas Doughty and John Steelman,
described as- "citizens of Weymouth township."
Old Church at tuckahoe.
So far as known, the oldest church in Atlantic County is the old Al. E.
Church at the "Head of the River," in Weymouth Township, about four miles
westerly from the village of Tuckahoe. It was built about 1770, by the people
who formed a considerable population in a section now but sparsely settled.
Old Aetna Furnace near it was a village of some forty families at a time when
the mining and smelting of bog iron ore was a profitable industry.
Old Ingersoll, about three miles distant, near what is now Risley, was
another settlement which contributed to the support of this pioneer church.
Rev. Benjamin Abbott, a preacher of considerable note in his day, dedicated
this church, so rudely and substantially built of the best timber which then
abounded in South Jersey.
The oldest living inhabitants still remember when pine slab seats served wor
shipers, who assembled about the high pulpit, now modernized, which then as now
commanded a full view of the spacious galleries around three sides of this old-
fashioned temple of A'lethodism.
Services are still held every other Sunday at the Head of the River, by the
pastor at Tuckahoe, with a prosperous school every Sunday. The membership
includes some twenty-five families. The building has recently been painted and
renovated by friends and descendants of the "rude forefathers" of these hamlets
who have been laid to rest in the adjacent cemetery during the past century.
People from far and near still bury their dead in the adjoining cemetery and
every fall hold anniversary services there, decorate the graves, recall the sacred
past and help perpetuate and keep in repair this old church property.
Directly across the road is the site of one of the first Baptist churches in
South Jersey, long since gone to decay. From the headstones in the adjacent
cemetery the following inscriptions are taken:
Jacob Godfrey, died 1864, aged 73 years; Emmeline Godfrey, died March,
1889, aged 78 years; Solomon Warner, Died 1866, aged 82 years; Mahala Warner,
died 1876, aged 86; Ebenezer Seeley, died 1848, aged 50 years; Mary Seeley, died
1876, aged 71 years; John C. Estell, died 1793, aged 46; Peter Corson, died 1793,
aged 23 years. He preached the gospel of the Lord, and is gone to his reward.
John Hogan, died June 4, 1868, aged jy; Catharine Hogan, died August 19, 1879,
aged 86 years; John Burley, died December, 1875, aged 72 years; Roxanna Burley,
died 1879, aged 69 years; George Champion, died August, 1894, aged 88 years;
Abigal Champion, 72 years, died 1888; Nathaniel Steelman, died 1864, aged 64;
Elizabeth Steelman, born 1808, died 1897; Theophilus W. Weeks, born 1817, died
1895; Hannah AVeeks, born 1819, died 1882.
five Banking Institutions.
' HIS city is well provided with financial institutions. It has three National
banks, two safe deposit and trust companies and half a dozen building and
loan associations.
The First National Bank was organized Alarch 18, 1881, after several
months of persistent canvassing on the part of Robert D. Kent, who became the
first cashier. The first Board of Directors were: Joseph A. Barstow, John B. Champion,
George F. Currie, Charles Evans, Richard H. Turner and Elisha Roberts. The
officers were: Charles Evans, President, and Robert D. Kent, Cashier. The bank
was first opened for business on Alay 23, 1881, occupying temporarily a room in
the Currie Building, near the corner of South Carolina ayenue.
Later the bank moved into the Bartlett Bank Building, which was erected
especially for the purpose.
No dividends were declared the first year but semi-annual three per cent.
dividends were paid thereafter, till now the surplus is three times the invested
capital of $50,000, and semi-annual dividends of nine per cent, are paid.
The following are the present officers and directors: Charles Evans, Presi
dent; Joseph H. Borton, Vice-President; George Allen, George W. Crosby, Dr.
T. K. Reed, J. Haines Lippincott, John B. Champion, Elisha Roberts, Fred
Hemsley, Francis P. Quigley, Cashier. It will soon occupy its own handsome
building on the site of the old Alansion House.
1 The Second National Bank was organized December 18, 1886, with a capital
of $100,000, and began business January 24, 1887, in its own brick and stone
building at the corner of New York avenue. It has steadily prospered and has
paid dividends regularly since the second year amounting to $66,000, and accu
mulated a surplus of $50,000. The officers and directors are: Geo. F. Currie,
President; Levi C. Albertson, Alce-President; Robt. B. MacMullin, Cashier; Jos.
Thompson, Louis Kuehnle, Enoch B. Scull, Israel G. Adams, Jas. H. Mason,
Samuel K. Marshall, Jos. Scull, Absalom Cordery, E. V. Corson, Lewis Evans,
Warren Somers.
The Atlantic Safe Deposit and Trust Company is located in the same build
ing, with a capital of $100,000. It pays interest on deposits, rents boxes in its
burglar and fire-proof vaults and exercises all the powers and privileges of such
institutions. The officers and directors are: Geo. F. Currie, President; Jos.
Thompson, Vice-President; Robert B. MacAlullin, Secretary and Treasurer, and
Thompson & Cole, Solicitors. Levi C. Albertson, Israel G. Adams, Enoch B.
Scull, Jas. H. Mason, Samuel K. Marshall, John C. Fifield, M. D. Youngman,
C. L. Cole, Warren Somers and Alfred C. McClellan.
The Union National Bank was organized in August, 1890, and opened for
business October nth of the same year with a capital stock of $100,000. It also
occupies its own handsome brick building at the corner of Kentucky avenue.
The Union Bank has progressed steadily, having acquired a surplus of
$50,000. The officers and directors are: Hon. Allen B. Endicott, President; Smith
Conover, Vice-President; C. J. Adams, James D. Southwick, Alfred W. Baily,
James Flaherty, Thomas J. Dickerson, Lewis P. Scott, Lucien O. Corson, George
W. Jackson, Thompson Irvin, G. Jason Waters and James Al. Aikman, Cashier.
The Real Estate and Investment Company of Atlantic City is an organiza
tion formed by representative business and professional men and prominent real
estate holders in Atlantic City, in November, 1897, under a liberal charter for
the purpose of making a profit from the judicious purchase and sale of lands.
Individual effort along this line even with limited capital has brought fortune to
many of the citizens of Atlantic City. This company was formed by a number
of the most successful of these gentlemen, who feel certain that by using the com
bined brain and capital at the service of the company large returns must be
realized. The company was not formed to develop any particular tract or to
confine its work to any particular section of the city, but to avail itself of every
desirable opportunity.
Its capital is $200,000, in shares of $100 each. At the close of its first fiscal
year a dividend of twenty per cent, was declared and paid in cash.
The officers of the company are: Carlton Godfrey, President; AA'illiam A.
Faunce, Treasurer, and Rodman Corson, Secretary. The Directorate is com
posed almost entirely of practical and successful business men who have been
residents of Atlantic City for years, and who are thoroughly conversant with and
alive to its needs, and familiar with the opportunities which arise out of its rapid
and substantial development. The entire Directorate, which was unanimously re
elected at the annual meeting, is as follows:
Clement J. Adams, William A. Bell, George W. Crosby, Rodman Corson,
Thomas J. Dickerson, George P. Eldredge, William A. Faunce, John J. Gardner,
Carlton Godfrey, Samuel D. Hoffman, Nelson Ingram, Louis Kuehnle, Arvine H.
Phillips, Francis P. Quigley, J. Byron Rogers, Alaurice D. Youngman.
Great Advance in Real Estate.
HE increase in the values of real estate in this city has been marvelous.
Fifty feet lots fronting on Atlantic avenue, which sold thirty years ago
•*- for $500 each, are now sold and held for $500, $800 and more per front
foot. This is on land. which in the early fifties was purchased by the
Camden and Atlantic Land Company for $17.50 per acre. Land along the beach
which was considered almost valueless in 1878 is now. valued at $1,000 per foot
fronting on The Boardwalk.
When John L. Young, in 1885, purchased the old Victoria rink, at the foot of
South Carolina avenue, he paid $6,000 for the rink property; $4,500 for three lots
adjoining, and $10,000 for several lots in front to low water. He sold one fifty-
- foot lot on South Carolina avenue for $12,000, which left $8,500 as the net cost
¦of all the rest. Seven years later this property, containing the rink and merry-
go-round was sold to the Somers Casino Company for $150,000, and in 1898 was
bought back by Mr. Young and his associates for $200,000. The lot is 150 feet
front by 400 feet deep.
The old Chester County House property on New York avenue was bought
by Mr. Young for $65,000 in 1891 or 1892. He sold off the hotel section to
"Westminster avenue for $33,000, and disposed of other lots at $100 per front foot
till he got all his money back, leaving him 90 feet of beach front clear, worth
$1,000 per front foot.
Another lucky purchase was in front of the Hotel Luray at the ocean end of
Kentucky avenue. This lot fronting 150 feet on the Boardwalk and extending
back 200 feet, cost Mr. Young, in 1893, $75,000. John Hagan, three years before,
had offered to sell it for $6,000. After holding it three years Mr. Young sold it
to Mr. White of the Luray for $115,000, and it is worth $200,000 any day.
Another fortunate speculation was at the foot of Maryland avenue. This
Wock, 175 feet front by 300 feet deep, was purchased in 1892 by Air. Young for
$25,000. He soon sold a part of it to James Bew for $10,000; another lot was sold
"to the Rutter Bros, for $16,000; a third lot to Hotel Islesworth for $12,000, and a
fourth lot for $4,000; total, $42,000, leaving the corner lot, 75 feet front by 300
¦deep, worth $75,000, which Air. Young sold to Nicholas Jeffries, in 1898, for
$100,000. About 1894, Air. Young, with four others, purchased at public sale a full
square of land near the ocean end of Atlantic avenue for $650. Two years later
the land was sold for $21,000, and in October, 1898, it was sold again for $63,000,
which is much less than its selling price to-day.
George W. Jackson purchased property fronting on the Boardwalk for
$4,500. He paid John F Starr $20,000 for lands in front to the water's edge.
About fifteen years later Air. Jackson sold the whole to the Steel Pier Company
ior $150,000. (315)
The old Opera House lot on Atlantic avenue near Tennessee, 50 by 175 feet
deep, was purchased in 1880 by Barclay Lippincott for $4,000. It was purchased
to enlarge the City Hall site adjoining, in 1897, for $25,000. The Mensing lot, in
the same square, 40 by no feet, was sold in 1867 for $1,100. In March, 1874, the
Kuehnle Flotel property was purchased of William Conover, no feet on Atlantic
avenue, for $6,200.
The lot on which Hotel Shelburne now stands on the westerly side of Mich
igan avenue, 150 feet deep and including everything from a point 450 feet from
Pacific avenue to highwater mark, was purchased by Elisha Roberts, in 1874,
of the Camden and Atlantic Land Company for $1,500. The hotel has been
moved nearer the ocean and many thousand dollars worth of cottage lots sold
from the original tract. The Shelburne property is probably worth $250,000.
The Chalfonte property, which was sold in 1898 for $225,000, was purchased
by George T. DaCosta, in 1868, for $6,500. It then bounded 279^ feet on
Pacific avenue and extended 310 feet, more or less, to high tide line. It now
begins some 1,500 or 2,000 feet from Pacific avenue, thousands of dollars worth
of cottage lots having been sold off during the past twenty years and the hotel
moved nearly 2,000 feet nearer the ocean. DaCosta paid only $3,000 for this
property in 1856, buying it of the land company. The purchase included the St.
James Church property and the lot where Dr. Pennington's cottage now stands,
all together now worth a million dollars.
A few years ago Mr. Joseph H. Borton, of Hotel Dennis, refused $300,000
for that property. It is probably valued at $500,000 to-day. It has been known
to clear over $50,000 in one year. When Air. Borton purchased the property,
April n, 1867, he paid William and Susan B. Dennis $12,500 for it. The Dennis
cottage then stood near Pacific avenue, and the ocean was not very far away.
The lot consisted of three 50-foot lots, making 150 feet on Pacific avenue,
and extending to "low-water mark." The first lot on the corner Dennis bought
June 4, 1863, of Joseph C. Bye, for $800. The next lot of H. D. Glimmer cost
$150, in 1862, and the third of Charles W. Bacon, December 1, 1862, cost
Dennis $364.
After holding this property four or five years Dennis sold for $12,500, the
three lots which cost him $1,314, not including a 40-room boarding house which
he had built and which is shown in an illustration.
The next 50-foot lot on Pacific avenue or the ocean end of it, beginning 300
feet from Pacific avenue, Air. Borton purchased of the Charles N. Piersoll heirs
December n, 1886, for $3,500. This lot from Pacific avenue cost Piersoll $850
in 1872. Air. Borton has sold cottage lots on Pacific avenue for more than the amount
of his original purchase. He has enlarged his hotel several times and moved it
perhaps 1,000 feet nearer the ocean, on land which old ocean has so lavishly
thrown up at his door during the past 30 years. Fortunate, indeed, were they
who purchased land to low-water mark 30 years ago.
In 1886 Lewis A. Haines, of this city, bought sixty feet of beach front on
the easterly side of Ocean avenue for $6,000. It extended back from the Board
walk over 100 feet and the beach was constantly making out and new boardwalks
were moved out accordingly. In October, 1897, after eleven years, Mr. Haines
reserved a sixty-foot lot in the rear and sold to Victor Freisinger the remainder
of the 330 feet on Ocean avenue, which he then had, for $72,000. The property
has since been sold for $90,000, or $1,500 per front foot for hotel purposes.
Every square foot of space in the city has shared in this great advance in
value, that along the beach front being especially remarkable.
Of the number of buildings in Atlantic City, the following list compiled from
late records of the underwriters' association, gives a very accurate idea:
Dwellings 4,234
Stores and Dwellings 541
Stores 155
Hotels and Boarding Houses 422
Stables 584
Shops 67
Storage Houses 36
Boat Houses 35
Fire Engine Houses 8
Schools (Public) 7
Churches 32
Along the Boardwalk 250
Railroad Depots 3
Ocean Piers ... 3
Total 6,377
In 1872, twenty-seven years ago, John Trenwith purchased three squares of
sandhills, Nos. 21, 22 and 23, just below the Excursion House, between Raleigh
and Columbia avenues, for $900. Twenty-three years later, in 1895, Trenwith
sold his three squares to four gentlemen in this city, A. B. Endicott, I. G. Adams,
C. J. Adams and Samuel Bell, for $35,000. After holding the land four years, this
syndicate, in April 1899, sold two of the blocks at $20,000 each, and in August
sold the third block, the one fronting on the ocean, for $25,000. The purchaser
refused $62,000 for this square in November, asking $75,000 for the block which
cost him $25,000 four months before. He could pay President McKinley one
year's salary on the profits of his beach front sandhills in so short a time. This
land was purchased for five dollars per acre soon after the first railroad came to
this island.
Zhc HUen Blocfc.
Numerous handsome and substantial business blocks have been erected
along Atlantic avenue the past few years, like the banks, the Elks building, the
Currie block and Nassano building. Frame structures are no longer warranted
nor permitted. One of the newest and most attractive of these brick and iron
buildings, significant of the growth and prosperity of the town, is the new mil
linery store and apartment house of Mr. George Allen, at the corner of Virginia
and Atlantic avenues.
This fine building with all latest facilities for heating, lighting, living, and
business purposes, is shown herewith. Visitors pronounce it the completest and
best stocked millinery, notion and gents' furnishing store in the State. Mr.
¦Allen first opened a store in this city in 1879, and has been constantly- enlarging
and improving to meet the demands of trade ever since. At 1214 Chestnut street
he has the largest store in Philadelphia, devoted almost exclusively- to millinery
goods. It is five stories high, 25 feet front by 235 feet deep, and employs about
225 hands in manufacturing and selling goods. The business is of such a grade
and character that a greater portion of the stock has to be imported from Europe.
The Atlantic City store is a revelation to strangers who come here too little ap
preciating the enterprise of our leading business men.
Bacbaracb & Sons.
Two leading clothing and gents' furnishing stores in this city are conducted
by Alessrs. Bacharaeh & Sons. They were founded in 1871, by the senior member
of the firm, for summer business only. In 1881 the store at 931 Atlantic avenue
was enlarged and kept open permanently, and in 1891, Isaac Bacharaeh, one of
the sons, taken into the firm. The business prospered beyond expectations, wide
awake enterprise meeting with popular appreciation. In Alarch, 1892, a larger
store was occupied at 1028 Atlantic avenue, next to Tower Hall shoe store. In
September, 1895, another still larger store was opened at 1420 Atlantic avenue,
and both stores were conducted with characteristic enterprise. The last advance
of this enterprising firm was in opening their present fine store at the corner of
New York avenue, on Alarch 14, 1898. The firm now includes the three brothers,
Benjamin, Isaac and Harry, who, with a large force of salesmen in their two
stores, do a surprisingly large business every month in the year. These gentle
men are also largely interested in real estate and other local enterprises which
share the success of the town.
,jw»«««oi»a»^«f"«»«?!' 1 1 . ,
Zbc Bail? XHnion.
The Daily Union is the only evening newspaper in Atlantic City. It was
first printed September 3, 1888, and has been published continuously since. It is
second to none in advocating measures for the best interests of the city, and aims
to be fair, generous and just towards all. It is published in connection with a
first-class job printing office, where booklets, cards, legal blanks, and all kinds of
mercantile printing is done in popular styles at popular prices by the Daily Union
Printing Company, John F. Hall, editor and manager.
Ubc Htlanttc "IReview.
The Atlantic Rcviczv, daily and weekly, was first established in 1872, by A. L.
English, and was Atlantic City's first newspaper. It became the property of
John G. Shreve and A. M. Heston, March 8, 1884, and after several years of
joint proprietorship, during which it prospered, became the property of Mr.
Shreve, by whom it is still published. The Rcviczv was an early school for jour
nalism of many men now prominent in this connection in other cities, and while
never aspiring to any great heights — owing to the proximity of Philadelphia and
the facilities of bringing the journals of that city here in the early morning — and
its management has only desired that it meet the demand for a reliable and pop
ular home newspaper. To this end the Rcviczv has been improved greatly of
late years, and now possesses a brick publication office at 906 Atlantic avenue,
and an excellent mechanical department, including typesetting machines and all
other up-to-date essentials.
The Rcviczv has always championed any improvements for the betterment of
the resort, and has always endeavored to do what it could to increase the popu
larity of the City by the Sea, the growth of which — from a small, little-known
watering place on the coast of New Jersey, in 1872, to a grand seashore metropolis,
the greatest pleasure resort in the country, in 1900 — it has witnessed with great
pride and satisfaction.
Qhe "EimessJDemocrat ano Star*(5a3ette.
The Times-Democrat and Star-Gazette is a combination of four newspapers.
The Democrat was first printed at Absecon, in 1861. The Times was first pub
lished by Gen. Joseph Barbiere, at Hammonton, in 1877, till it was brought to
Atlantic City in the interest of the Narrow Gauge railroad the following year, and
purchased by the present owner in August, 1879. The Star originated in Alays
Landing, and the Gazette in Egg Harbor City, finally reaching their present
hyphenated group in Atlantic City, forming the leading weekly newspaper of
Atlantic County. The paper is conducted chiefly by Air. Ernest Beyer, and owned
by the Daily Union Printing Company, of which John F. Hall is manager and
principal owner.
Btlantic Gits Dail? press.
Five years ago, realizing the opening for a progressive, clean daily newspaper,
the Atlantic City Daily Press was started by its present owner and proprietor,
Walter E. Edge.
Air. Edge had previously for a short season published a distinctly hotel paper
known as the Atlantic City Daily Guest, which from a financial standpoint was
one of the most successful publications ever issued in Atlantic City. This encour
aged Mr. Edge to the work of conducting an all the year daily newspaper, and the
Daily Press has occupied a position in the city which has been the natural pride
to its publisher and his friends.
The Daily Press has been conservative yet at all times advanced the best
interests of Atlantic City as a popular all the year resort. It is Republican in
politics but its policy has never been offensive in a political direction.
Its publisher has been interested in all matters relating to the welfare of
Atlantic City, contributing to a considerable extent from a newspaper standpoint,
to the advancement of the resort, besides occupying various positions of trust
and confidence in the city's social, municipal and financial world.
TTbe atlantic Cft£ ffreie presse.
The Atlantic City Freie Presse (German) was first published in September.
1889, by P. J. Dalborn. In 1891, Mr. Carl Voelker purchased the property and
has since conducted it in the interest of the German-American citizens. He has
been greatly assisted in his literary work by Airs. Aroelker, a highly educated
woman. The Freie Presse is Democratic in politics, and wields a large influence
among the German element of this city and county. Its circulation extends be
yond the State among friends of Atlantic City, in Pittsburg, New Yrork, Buffalo,
Philadelphia, Cleveland and Washington, D. C.
Zbe Sunoa? <3a3ette.
The Sunday Gazette, the only Sunday newspaper in Atlantic County, has
been edited and published by William J. AIcLaughlin since 1891. It is Repub
lican in politics and gives special attention to social events and society affairs.
persistent publicity.
In the history of this county, dwelling upon the remarkable and rapid growth
of Atlantic City, a few words as to the notable results obtained through the
judicious use of newspapers by leading business men of the city would perhaps
be well in place. There have been many instances of success in advertising but
it remained for Atlantic City to demonstrate to the world at large that it was
possible, through a combination of natural attractions and an expenditure of a
few thousands of dollars, to distinguish Atlantic City from a popular summer
resort to unquestionably the best and most favorably known all-the-year resort
in the world.
Ten years ago to have suggested to the tourists of large Eastern cities that
m a few years Atlantic City would offer them attractions for a Winter sojourn
superior to Florida or California, would have seemed ridiculous in the extreme.
Situated on an island, on what would be supposed to be the bleak North Atlantic
Coast, with no particular beauties of nature or tropical surroundings, it was a
proposition that even the most enthusiastic citizen would have questioned before
attempting. The leading hotel men of the city, however, supported by the business element
and municipal government, undertook this proposition but first at an acknowl
edged loss, keeping their hotels open throughout the winter, following this by
continual and effective newspaper advertising in all sections of the country,
sending out personal representatives of the city to interest the railroad companies
and prospective tourists in the resort, providing winter diversions and attractions
for them. The progress was exceedingly slow and for several years in the early-
nineties it seemed that a paying winter business was almost impossible. This fact,
however, made the Atlantic City business man all the more determined to succeed
and more strenuous efforts were put forth during the past five years in the way
of increased advertising appropriations, increased railroad facilities, increased
popular attractions in the city, and increased hotel facilities. The results have
been that to-day Atlantic City is enjoying two distinct and profitable seasons,
while Asbury Park, Cape May and other neighbors, look on with envy and are
compelled to work long and arduously to enjoy one.
At this time, the success of Atlantic City as an all-the-year resort is assured.
It is the only resort in America that can attract tourists four seasons in the year;
it is the only resort in America that has a combination of business men who will
stop at no expense that Atlantic City may continue in this enviable position. Con
tinuing in the future as the city has in the past, it is a question of but a very short
time when we reach the position as the popular all-the-year health and pleasure
resort so far removed from any possible successful competition that to be a
•citizen of this progressive city will be a matter of pride to all.
This is merely another demonstration of what newspaper publicity will do,
combined with perseverance, enterprise and skill.
©ur Citg Ibospital.
?HE first attempt to provide a hospital in this city was made a dozen years
or so ago when one of the rooms in the old City Hall was set apart for
emergency cases. In 1891 or 1892 the ladies and others interested effected an
organization and held receptions at the Mansion and United States hotels and
raised the first hospital fund, about $1,100. Later when this money with the
interest amounted to $1,253, it was turned over as a free bed fund to Superintend
ent Rochford, of the Sanitorium Association, who under a contract with City
Council was doing the hospital work of the city. By means of progressive euchre
parties, an Academy concert and other schemes promoted by Air. Rochford, this
fund finally amounted to $3,000.
For five years the hospital work was done at the Sanitorium under contract
with council or the board of governors at an expense as follows :
1894. Paid for rent, $500; 42 weeks at $5, $210.25. Total, $710.25.
1895. Paid for rent, $900; 44 weeks at $5, $224.25. Total, $1,124.25.
1896. Paid for rent, $1,200; 116 weeks at $5, $583.65. Total, $1,783.65.
1897. Paid for rent, $1,200; 248 weeks, 1 day, at $5, $1,241. Total, $2,441.
1898. Paid for rent, $1,100; 157 weeks at $7, $1,101. Total, $2,201.
Total for five years, $8,260.15.
The first year the work was done at the Carrolton on New York avenue, and
the four years following at the Sanitorium at Pacific and Alt. Vernon avenues. It
was at the latter place that those injured in the Baltic avenue Casino crash during
the Elks convention, July 5, 1895, were cared for. Also the sixty odd persons
injured in the meadow railroad accident July 30, 1896.
During these five years the city was favored in having ample hospital facilities
but the rates were so low that they were provided at a loss and disadvantage to the
Sanitorium Association.
On February 12, 1897, a meeting of representative citizens was called by Air.
Rochford at the Sanitorium to organize a hospital association. The result was a
regular incorporated body and the selection of the following board of governors,
except that Air. C. J. Adams has succeeded William G. Hoopes, deceased. Presi
dent, Franklin P. Stoy; secretary, A. Al. Heston; treasurer, Lewis Evans; Chas.
Evans, Stewart R. McShea, Louis Kuehnle, James D. Southwick, Harry S. Scull,
J. Leonard Baier, Al. A. Devine, H. H. Deakyne, M. V. B. Scull. Isaac Bacharaeh,
J. F. Hall.
The certificate of incorporation bears the date of April 9, 1897, when the con
stitution and by-laws were adopted and a permanent organization effected which
has since continued. In September of that year council appropriated $2,500 for
hospital expenses and placed that sum at the discretion of the board of governors.
The next year the appropriation was $4,000, the Henry J. White property on south
Ohio avenue having been purchased and the building enlarged and renovated
at an expense of $3,000 for hospital purposes. The building contained twelve good
rooms, the lot 100 x 175 feet and the price paid $16,000.
Mr. Charles Evans, of the Seaside, was the first person to donate $ 1,000 cash
which was applied to the purchase money.
The Woman's Auxiliary organized November 27, 1897, and contributed
several hundred dollars worth of furniture and furnishings. Individual members
furnished rooms and contributed supplies. This organization consists of Airs. J.
F. Hall, president; Alesdames J. D. Southwick, FI. S. Scull and Sarah W. Leeds,
vice-presidents; Airs. John Glover Shreve, secretary; Airs. Carl Voelker, financial
secretary; Mrs. AL A. Devine, treasurer, and nearly one hundred other ladies.
In April, 1899, Aliss Elizabeth C. Boice, of Absecon, expressed a desire to
erect a brick annex to the Hospital as a memorial to her father, the late Henry
Boice. The board of governors greatly appreciated her generous offer and
Secretary Heston and others discussed plans and suggestions with Aliss Boice and
reported from time to time to the board. Architect Harold F Adams prepared
plans and estimates which were finally approved.
On Thanksgiving Day, 1899, at a public reception in this handsome brick
building, which cost slightly more than $10,000, Airs. Elizabeth Nourse, nee Boice,
in a very appropriate and pleasing address formally presented the keys and deed
to President Stoy, that the institution might ever be as intended, a memorial to
her father. One of the rooms was designated as a memorial to her mother, Airs.
Kate M. Boice.
Several other generous friends furnished rooms and Mrs. Peter V. Brown
gave $5,000 cash to endow a room as a memorial to her late husband who died in
this city. The development and progress of this institution has been very gratifying. It
is in constant need of funds and supplies to meet expenses which are nearly $100
per week and to liquidate the mortgage of $16,000 against the property. Plans
have been discussed for a large central building where visiting invalids, pay
patients, could be properly cared for and the institution made more nearly self-
JBoaro of Ibealtb.
/TV TLANTIC CITY for twenty years has been fortunate in having an efficient
€ J Board of Health, pioneers in establishing new rules and regulations for a
health resort, vigorously seeking to keep down and out all contagious
diseases and strictly maintaining proper sanitary conditions. The grading of low
lots, disposal of garbage and other filth were at first serious problems. It required
years of study and experiment to secure not only efficient sewerage, but a garbage;
crematory, where tons of waste may be daily disposed of at minimum cost.
Among the early members of the health board were: Dr. Boardman Reed,
Dr. F B. Lippincott, Dr. J. J. Comfort, Thomas AlcGuire, George Hayday, Sr.,
Mahlon C. Frambes, Joseph H. Borton, John L. Bryant. Among the later mem
bers were Edward S. Lee, Wm. G. Hoopes, Harry S. Scull, Wm. B. Louden-
slager, Dr. A. W. Baily, Elwood Johnson, Thos. AIcDevitt, Dr. Al. D. Youngman,
and others who have done much to preserve prime sanitary conditions and make
it easier these days to dispose of all waste at great advantage. Low lots have dis
appeared, garbage is gathered daily and destroyed by fire in a costly crematory,
and a house to house canvass of the city at frequent intervals is a safeguard of
the prompt abatement of all nuisances.
The remarkable growth and popularity of the city have largely resulted from
the good work done by the Board of Health.
Counts ZlDeoical Society.
The Atlantic County Aledical Society was organized in 1880 by Dr. Job
Somers of Linwood; Drs. Aladden and Waters of Absecon; Dr. Boyson of Egg
Harbor; Drs. Abbott and Ingersoll of Alay's Landing, and Drs. Willard Wright
and Boardman Reed of Atlantic City. Dr. Somers was elected President, Dr.
Theo. Boysen, Secretary and Dr. Madden, Treasurer. Dr.. T. K. Reed was
selected as the first essayist of the Society. At the close of Dr. Job Somers' term
¦of office he read a very interesting paper on the medical history of the county
from the earliest colonial days.
The Society continued to prosper. It met in the old City Hall in this city.
.Alany able men from Philadelphia and other cities addressed the Society from time
to time. During the year of 1897 a local medical society, the "Academy of Medi
cine," was organized, taking the place in part of the county society.
Ube Htlantic Cits Ibomoeopatbic Club.
lN the evening of Alay 17, 1897, in response to an invitation sent to all the
homoeopathic physicians of Atlantic County, there met at the office :of
Dr. Al. D. Youngman, the following physicians: Drs. Bull, Bielirig,
Balliet, Baily, Crosby, Corson, Fleming, Redman and Sooy, of Atlantic
"City; and Gardiner, of Absecon; and after discussion, unanimously determined
to band themselves into a club for the advancement of Homoeopathy and the
mutual advantage of each member. A constitution was adopted, name selected,
-and the following officers elected to serve until the annual meeting in January:
President, John R. Fleming; Secretary, John L. Redman; Treasurer, L. D. Balliet.
The club holds its meetings monthly, except during the months of July and
August, at the houses of the various members, at which meetings papers are read
-.and discussed, cases are reported, and prevailing diseases and their treatment
brought to the notice of the members.
Since the organization of the club Drs. Mary Miller, Lydia H. Cromwell and
..Alfred W. Westney have been elected to membership, and Drs. Redman, Bull and
Beiling have lost their membership, having removed from the city. Dr. Gardiner
has changed his location from Absecon to Atlantic City.
At the annual meeting of January, 1898, Dr. Fleming was re-elected Presi
dent, and Dr. Balliet was re-elected Treasurer, Dr. Corson being elected Secretary.
In 1899, at the annual meeting, all the old officers were re-elected, and Dr. Crom
well elected Assistant Secretary.
In April, 1897, just one month after the organization of the club, Drs. Baily,
Bull, Fleming, Crosby, Munson and Youngman were appointed a committee to
• attend the meeting of the American Institute of Homoeopathy at Buffalo in June,
-and invite that body to meet in Atlantic City in 1898. The committee did their
work, secured a club room at the Genesee Hotel, which they decorated, and had
the pleasure of seeing many of the Institute members in their room. But the
Institute pleaded a previous engagement and went to Omaha. To the Omaha
meeting the club sent another invitation, which was unanimously accepted, and
in June, 1899, the club had the pleasure of entertaining the Institute in Atlantic
'City. The club now numbers twelve members, and has at its monthly meeting
¦ an average attendance of ten. Of the members, Drs. Fleming, Baily, Balliet,
Munson, Sooy, Corson, Gardiner and Westney are graduates of Hahnemann
Medical College of Philadelphia; Drs. Crosby and Youngman of the New Y^ork
Homoeopathic Medical College; Dr. Cromwell of Hahnemann Medical Col
lege of Chicago; and Dr. Miller of New York Medical College and Hospital for
Zbe /Iborris (Buaros.
Seventy-two young men responded to a circular call for a meeting, held in
the parlor of Alalatesta's hotel on Saturday, Alarch 12, 1887, to consider the
organization of a social-military company which has since been known as the
Morris Guards. The call for the meeting was sent out and signed by Edwin
Smith, Jr., and Russell G. Bing. At a subsequent meeting held on Alarch 18, 1887,
these civil officers were elected: President, Jas. S. Beckwith; Vice-President, Geo.
W. Connely; Secretary, R. G. Bing; Assistant Secretary, W. A. Hamman; Treas
urer, Fred. P. Currie; and the following- officers in the military department:
Captain, Ed. Smith, Jr. ; First Lieutenant, Russell G. Bing, and Second Lieutenant,
Fred. P. Currie, beside five Sergeants and eight Corporals in the non-commis
sioned class.
The names of the boys who stood shoulder to shoulder in this manly endeavor
to maintain an organization for the purpose of securing military training and pro
moting social intercourse: Joseph L. Shaner, Dahlgren Albertson, Frank Keates,
H. R. Albertson, John P. Tompkins, Alfred H. Turner, C. W. Bolte, L. S. Con
over, Clifton C. Shinn, S. C. Hinkle, W J. Aliddleton, Harold F Adams, James
S. Beckwith, William G. Bullock, C. W. Borden, Thomas Brady, Jr., Robert
Brady, W. S. Clarkson, Edward Evans, A. S. Faunce, Ik G. France, Frank Glenn,
Evan J. Hackney, Wm. A. Hutchinson, John J. Harkins, H. J. Irvin, Joel Leeds,
Jos. Alcllvaine, Chas. T. Alurphy, Chas. W. Oat, Joseph Obeft, Lewis L. Rose,
C. Sumner Reed, E. E. Richer, John S. Westcott, E. C. Shaner, H. D. Turner,
S. S. Yansant, Silas Wootton, William H. Burkard, Harry Powell, A. P Johnson,
Clarence Myers, besides the officers named above.
The company, which was greatly augmented from time to time, under the
skillful guidance of Captain Edwin Smith, an old State Fencible man, rapidly-
acquired the foot movements utilizing small halls and, in fair weather, the streets,
as their training grounds. In Alay, 1887, the first fair was held and with it came
the first uniforms, the fatigue. On Alay 11, 1887, the company was legally incor
porated. In October following the Company purchased their rifles, the Governor
having- vetoed the bill passed by the Legislature authorizing a loan of arms.
About this time Colonel Daniel Alorris, who had from the very start of the
organization materially aided it, started to erect the Armory building on New
York avenue where the company has been quartered to this day. It was first
occupied for military purposes on the evening of January 26, 1888, and has been
the scene of many distinguished gatherings, elaborate functions and merry socials
In an incredibly short time the Guardsmen became very proficient in martia.
movements and the use of the rifle and on many occasions in succeeding years and
to this time, have proved their superiority as a well drilled body of men. Their
"exhibition drill squad" has always been a synonym for discipline and skill in
soldierly maneuver and, although frequently under the critical gaze of some high
military personage, promptness and precision have never been missing.
After the company had been instituted some four or five years there was an
infusion of newer blood in the ranks and energetic, willing hands took up the work
of the pioneers. The latter never failing in their loyalty, and the former ever
anxious to accept the promising future ahead. Upon Capt. Smith's resignation,
Harold F. Adams, then a Lieutenant, became Captain. After a brief period of
practical usefulness he, too, resigned and Lieutenant Lewis T. Bryant was pro
moted to the command of the Guards, the duties of which office he has so faithfully
and successfully performed.
Captain Bryant is a graduate of the Pennsylvania Military Academy and com
bines a kindly, courteous disposition with a thorough knowledge of military
science and the details of discipline. Other changes took place in the course of
time. Upon Capt. Bryant's promotion, Robert E. Stephany was elevated to- the
First Lieutenancy. In the earlier days Dr. Eugene L. Reed was made Assistant
Surgeon with rank of First Lieutenant.
In the line of Second Lieutenants, William H. Bartlett succeeded Fred. P.
Currie resigned, and upon his resignation, Robert H. Ingersoll, Esq., was elected.
Afterward Lieutenant Ingersoll resigned and C. Stanley Grove, was elected and
served in a most acceptable manner as the "leader of the Second platoon."
Of late years many substantial and decorative improvements have been made
in the Armory and to-day it stands as a model home of a meritorious organization.
Military details, while strictly adhered to, are not permitted to crowd out the sunny
side of life and in this splendidly equipped building the Alorris Guards have, by a
long series of brilliant social affairs, earned for themselves, and justly too, the
reputation of being premier entertainers. The active members are assisted by the
life and contributing members on these occasions and, from Early Fall until Sum
mer Comes again, the armory resounds with social merriment and pleasure reigns
supreme. In their business affairs the Guards are well governed and their person
nel is that of the best young element in the city.
Providence has smiled graciously on the members and their undertakings.
The doleful notes of "taps" have sounded but three times in the active ranks out
side of their annual encampment. Those three who have gone beyond came from
the charter members — they were, Hutchinson, Beckwith and Glenn.
Athletics have a warm place in the Guardsman's heart and their splendid array
of apparatus, combined with the health giving effects of the yearly encampment,
serves to keep them in good physical shape.
There is little lacking in any way in this body of men and for what they have
achieved an appreciative public will surely wish them renewed successes.
In looking backward a decade and more one cannot fail to see what grand
liberality, aided by energetic, ambitious work, will achieve.
In other years the company had minstrel "shows," as they were termed, which
netted some coin of the realm as well as vast amusement for both the public and
participants and notable among these events was the performance of the Guards
Minstrels, soon after the horrible Johnstown disaster, for the benefit of the suffer
ers. The old Opera House on Atlantic avenue was the place where they appeared,
and a crowded house greeted the players. Ovr six hundred dollars were netted
for the cause of humanity.
After that memorable evening there was a cessation of minstrelsy among the
Guards for several years when a very elaborate performance was given in the
Armory. Extensive preparations had been made for another which was prevented
by the destruction of the place by fire February 7, 1898. They however decided to
enlarge the stage in the Armory which they did and gave the entertainment
successfully. When President McKinley issued his first call for troops in the war with
Spain a number of members of the Alorris Guards were anxious to enter the
service, but Governor Voorhees decided that preference should be given to the
National Guards in making up the quota of troops for service. Assurances were
given that in case of a second call the Guards should receive recognition.
Acting on this suggestion, a meeting was held at the Armory on the evening
of June 20, 1898, and officers elected. Ten days later, on June 30, an official call
for another regiment of volunteers was issued by Governor Voorhees. The same
night a meeting of the Alorris Guards A'olunteers was held at the Armory and a
number of members signed the enlistment roll. The next day the company was
officially accepted. Drills were begun July 5 and held every night thereafter until
the Company left for the front. The recruits, 113 in number, were examined July
8, and 91 accepted — the best record in the State.
The volunteers were tendered a public reception on the new steel pier, pre
ceded by a banquet at the Hotel Dennis, on the evening of July 11. The pier was
crowded, hundreds of representative citizens being present. The next day, Tues
day, July 12, 1898, the Company departed for Camp Voorhees, Sea Girt, N. J.,
When the men assembled at the Armory, 120 strong, every one was taken by the
hand by Col. Daniel Alorris, the patron of the Guards, and wished God-speed and
a safe return. The boys were escorted to the train by the G. A. R. veterans and
other organizations. There were stirring and dramatic scenes at the railroad
station, and many eyes were dimmed with tears as the train rolled away, amid the
cheers of the assembled multitude, bearing the volunteers to the defense of their
country's honor.
The Company was sworn into the United States service July 14, 1898. They
remained in camp at Sea Girt till October 8th, when they were transferred to Camp
Meade, near Gettysburg, Pa., where they remained till November 12th. They
arrived in Camp Wetherill, at Greenville, S. C, November 13th, and remained
there till they were mustered out, April 6, 1899.
The present officers of the Company are Captain Lewis T. Bryant; First
Lieutenant, C. Stanley Grove; Second Lieutenant, Harry E. Smith; Sergeants,
Walter Clark, D. W. Kerr, W. A. Stephany, Phillip N. Besser, William \ross;
Quartermaster, William F. Pfaff; Corporals, William Dill, Samuel lob, and
George Bailey;
(Bolt at tbe Countrg Club.
'HE Country Club, composed of prominent citizens has provided handsomely
for the lovers of golf, who visit this resort.
On a beautiful rise of ground on the mainland six miles away a model
club house has been built and eighteen-link grounds laid out that are much
enjoyed by golfers.
All conveniences are provided and the soil is of such a character that wet sea
sons hardly interfere with this health-giving game. The grounds are easily acces
sible by rail, bicycle or carriage over good roads and are greatly appreciated.
From the perfectly appointed club house, a fine example of colonial archi
tecture, one may look over miles of cultivated fields that slope to vast and pictur
esque areas of bay and meadow land, and beyond all oceanward, Atlantic City,
A'entnor, South Atlantic and Longport, with the prominent buildings rising and
vibrating- as in a mirage along the horizon line.
Golf (in its older forms golf, gouff, gowff, the latter of which gives the genuine
old pronunciation), is an amusement formerly so peculiar to Scotland, that it was
well and truly termed the national game of that country.
Not many years ago, however, the game was taken up in England, where it
at once became immensely popular; finally- it was brought over to America, and
to-day throughout this country, and in England as well, it is the most popular, as
well as one of the most healthful of all open air games, and the fact that it brings
all the muscles of the human body into healthy action commends it to all and
makes it a really desirable game, though there are those who look upon it unjustly
as a senseless pastime.
' 4BHBBM*.''- •< -¦- ft"
Drives anb (Boob iRoabs.
In contrast with the good county roads that have been built the past few
years at public expense: twenty-two miles from Absecon to Hammonton; seven
miles from Egg Harbor City to Alays Landing; seven miles on this island to
Longport, and five miles of private turnpike across the meadows to the mainland,
the following description of the first public road laid out in this county is inter
esting. It was first laid out in 1716 leading from. Nacote Creek (Port Republic),
along the shore to Somers Ferry at Somers Point. This road was altered and laid
out by six surveyors from Burlington county, and six from Gloucester county.
Their returns bears date the 15th day of Alarch, 1731.
Previous to giving the location of the road, they recite, that the former road
that was laid out for the inhabitants of the township of Egg Harbor in the countv
of Gloucester, to travel from the east end of the shore to Somers' Ferry by reason
of the swamps and marsh through which the road passed, had found it to be
inconvenient for the inhabitants to travel, and had made application to Thomas
Wetherill and five other surveyors from Burlington County and to John Eslick of
Gloucester County. These twelve surveyors having found the former road
inconvenient made the following alterations, viz :
Beginning at Naked Creek, and from thence as the same was formerly laid
out and now beat, to Jeremiah Adams' bridge. Thence over the same, and so
on, as the road is now beat, till it comes near William Alead's house. Then by a
line of marked trees, on the northwest side of said road, till it comes past the said
Mead's house. Then along the beaten road, till it comes to John Steelman's land.
So then by a line of marked trees, on the northwest side of the beaten road, till
it comes near across said Steelman's land. Then along said beaten road to
Absequon bridge. Then over the same, and so along the beaten road till it comes
near Jeremiah Risley's house. Then by a line of marked trees, on the northwest
side of the beaten road, part over Daniel Lake's land and part over the said
Risley's land, and so into the beaten road to Abel Scull's land. Thence crossing
said Scull's land by a line of marked trees till it comes near David Conover's
house, and from thence along the road as it now lyeth, to the landing near Richard
Sumer's house.
ffirst (Sfcuatl anb IRabbit.
Richard, a brother of Ryan Adams, first brought live rabbits and quail to this
island, sometime after 1800 and previous to 1820. They soon became very plenti
ful for a number of years, till one very severe winter when a deep snow and un
commonly high tide very nearly exterminated the quail and destroyed many of
the rabbits. The latter living among the shrubbery on the high land were able to
stand the storm better than the birds, which buried under the snow on the
meadows were overcome by the high tides and were nearly or quite exterminated.
T no point along the New Jersey coast can so many yachts and sailing craft
make this harbor inaccessible to large vessels, many private pleasure
yachts come here during the summer and the Inlet wharves present a
scene of unusual animation at all times.
Since 1883 a Y'achtsmens' Association has maintained an organization and a
large active membership. Stringent rules are enforced to maintain suitable
wharves and permit only experienced, capable seamen to engage in the business.
A fleet of one hundred or more pleasure yachts, some of them large and hand
somely furnished, handle thousands of people daily in summer time at very reas
onable rates.
As many more smaller craft are owned by cottagers and citizens.
Fishing in the bays or on the ocean is one of the exhilarating pastimes of
visitors. Cabin yachts are available during the winter months in which those who wish
may spend a week or more at a time, gunning about the bays.
ffirst public JButlbings.
The top story of Ryan Adams' old Ocean House was used as a jail or lockup
for a number of years. Some of the prisoners submitted to close quarters grace
fully, but one man in attempting to escape from a third-story window fell and
broke a leg.
The first city jail which is still standing near its original site in the rear of the
Vermont House, was built of joists 3x6 inches laid together like brick and spiked
firmly. It contained two cells, 10x10 rooms with one window in each. The first
man locked up is said to have escaped in the night. Previous to its erection in
1869, offenders were handcuffed around a tree in the mayor's front yard. At any
rate that was the practice that prevailed when Robert T. Evard was mavor in 1865
and lived on Pennsylvania avenue, near what is now Heckler's Hotel.
tTbe jfirst Coloreb /lban.
The first colored man to take up his permanent residence in this citv was
"Billy ' Bright. He lived in a shanty on Rhode Island avenue in 1859. The first
colored boy to attend school in this city was Joe Ross, who had his separate desk
in one corner of the room in the first public school house on Pennsylvania avenue.
IPlentp. ot JBlacftsnafces.
Few people these times have any conception how black snakes infested this
island in its early days. They seem not to have disturbed Jeremiah Leeds to any
extent; indeed, he is said to have protected the snakes, as they- destroyed rats and
mice and did more good than harm. They were plowed out of the ground in the
spring and scratched out with the harrow when they burrowed to deposit their
eggs and were found in the woods everywhere. They were often six to eight feet
long and as large around as a man's wrist. Their bite was not dangerous, but they
were killed with clubs and guns.
Richard Hackett tells of killing twelve black snakes one day on his way from
Jeremiah to Andrew Leeds' residence.
James Blackman, of Absecon, while visiting the island one day came upon
one so large and long that with a loaded gun he dare not attempt to kill it. He
left it undisturbed.
When Chalkley S. Leeds was a boy, he came upon a black snake while cross
ing a field one day. The snake chased him and bit his clothing several times before
the boy could get to the nearest fence, where he found a club to use effectively.
He could not outrun the snake. It is only occasionally these later years that these
ancient emblems of wisdom have been found in the groves and sandhills.
Cost ot Cits Government.
iOT N ordinance to provide for the amount of tax to be levied in Atlantic City
1/J in the year 1898, to make appropriations and limit the expenditures of
Atlantic City- for the fiscal year beginning the first Alonday in September,
1898, and ending the first Alonday in September, 1899.
Section 1. Be it ordained by the City
Council of Atlantic City, That for the fiscal
year beginning the first Monday in Sep
tember, 1898, and ending the first Alonday
in September, 1899, the following amounts
are hereby appropriated and ordered
raised for the respective purposes herein
stated, and from any funds in the Treasury,
to be used for the respectiye purposes:
County Tax $46,398 75
State School Tax 36,161 28
City School Tax 35,300 00
Special District School Tax.... 9.105 00
Sinking Fund 25,000
Water Department 105,940 00
Foating Debt 2,500 00
City Notes 25,000 00
Interest on Bonds 10,576 97
Interest on Notes 5.000 00
Lighting 28.000 00
Streets 17,900 00
Poice Department 29,500 00
Fire Department 20,000 00
Detective Service 1,000 00
Protection and Improvement
of Property 11,200 00
Printing and Stationery 2,500 00
Salaries 18,650 00
Legal Expense 3,000 00
Poor Fund 4,000 00
Sanitary 14,000 00
Board of Health 3,000 00
Atlantic City Hospital 4,00000
Election Expenses
Memorial Expenses . .
Armory Rent
United States Fire Co
Atlantic Fire Co
Neptune Hose Co 2,250 00
Good Will Hook and Ladder
Beach Pirates Chemical Engine
Co 800 00
Chelsea Fire Co i,75o 00
Rescue Hook and Ladder Co.. 300 00
Deferred Bills 20,303 00
1,000 00
$100 00
100 00
2,250 00
,500 00
2,250 00
Building Streets and Sidewalks 1,000 00
Revising, Compiling and Print
ing Charter and Ordinances.. 2,000 00
Flower Beds 100 00
Total $494435 00
Sec. 2. And be it further ordained,
That the moneys appropriated by the first
section of this ordinance shall be derived
from the following sources:
Tax Duplicates, 1898 $314,43500
Licenses 93,000 00
Fines and Costs 1,400 00
Building Permits 800 00
Sale of Street dirt 1,200 00
Registration of Dogs 500 00
Sundry Services 1,543 59
Cash on hand to credit of Water
Department, September 5th,
1898 41.843 71
Unpaid Water Bills, series of
August 1st, 1898 9,320 00
Receipts of Water Department,
series of February 1st, 1899. . .
Sundry account, Water Depart
Street Service account, Water
Department . . 3.500 00
Cash on hand to credit of Gen
eral Fund, September 5th,
1898 18,892 70
7,000 00
1,000 00
$494,435 00
Sec. 3. And be it ordained, That this
ordinance shall take effect immediately.
Passed at a regular meeting of City
Council, September 12th, 1898.
Attest: E. D. IRELAN, City Clerk
Approved September 16, 1898.
Mayor of Atlantic City.
State School Tax $37,117 30
County Tax 52,065 88
City School Tax 40,000 00
Special District School Tax 14.305 00
Siikmg Fund 36.400 00
Water Department 107,000 00
City Notes 30,000 00
Interest on Bonds 16,726 58
Interest on Notes , 5,000 00
Lighting 29,500 00
Streets 25,000 00
Police Department 32,500 00
Fire Department 40,900 00
United States Fire Company 2,250 00
Atlantic Fire Company , 2,250 00
Neptune Hose Company 2,250 00
Good Will Hook and Ladder Company 2.250 00
Beach Pirates Chemical Engine Company 1.500 00
Chelsea Fire Company 2,250 00
Rescue Hook and Ladder Company 250 00
Deferred Bills ¦ 47.679 24
Detective Service 1 .000 00
Protection and Improvement of Property 7, 500 00
Printing and Stationery 2,500 00
Salaries 16,000 00
Legal Expenses 4,000 00
Poor Fund 6,500 00
Sanitary 19,000 00
Board of Health 5,700 00
Atlantic City Hospital 4,800 00
Election Expenses 1,000 00
Memorial Services 100 00
Aimory Rent 100 00
Public Fountains 50 00
Building Sidewalks 1,000 00
Revising, Compiling and Printing Charter and Ordinances 2,00000
Total $598,444 00
Tax Duplicate, 1899 $419,644 00
Licenses 95,ooo 00
Fines and Costs 1,000 00
Building Permits 1.000 00
Sale of Street Dirt 100 00
Registration of Dogs 500 00
Sundry Sources 1.700 00
Cash on hand to credit of General Fund, September 4. 1899 i-37° 34
Cash on hand to credit of Water Department. September 4. 1899. . 5°.993 20
Unpaid Water Bills sr's August 1, 1899 17.106 80
Receipts Water Department sr's February 1, 1900 2,000 00
Sundry Account, Water Department 2,500 00
Street Service Account, Water Department 4,200 00
Back Bills and Fines 850 00
Interest on Deposit of Water Department 479 66
Total $598,444 00
344 Htlantic Citp. Officials.
Alayor, Franklin P. Stoy; Recorder, Robert E. Stephany; Alderman, Harry
Bacharaeh; Treasurer, John A. Jeffries; City Clerk, Emery D. Irelan; Tax Col
lector, William Lowry, Jr.; Solicitor, Carlton Godfrey; City Comptroller, A. M.
Heston; Chief of Police, Harry C. Eldridge; Overseer of the Poor, Daniel L.
Albertson; Alercantile Appraiser, J. W. Parsons; Supervisor of Streets, S. B. Rose;
Building Inspector, S. L. Westcoat; Electrician, Albert C. Farrand; City Alar-
shal, Cornelius S. Fort; Assessors, Stewart H. Shinn, Seraph F. Lillig, Andrew J.
Members ot
Council. HANN, ENOS F.,
The assets of the city government, 1899, amount to a total of $1,674,144
Including: Water Plant $887,000
City Hall Property 75,ooo
Steel Boardwalk 157,155
Sinking Fund 7l<777
Tax Duplicate of 1898 314,435
Personal and Other Property 168,777
The total liabilities of the city aggregate $1,207,831
Consisting of:
City Bonds $9,831
Improvement Bonds 187,000
Paving Bonds 100,000
City Hall Bonds 24,000
Water Bonds 887,000
The story of Atlantic City's wonderful growth and prosperity is told in the
following figures :
1854 (First Election) 18
i8S7 77
i860 119
1865 126
1870 173
1875 458
1880 962
1885 1,676
1890 2,840
1895 3.6oo
1899 (Estimated) 5,680
Assessed Valuation
While Atlantic County at present is a part of the Second Congressional District it
was formerly included in the First, and has been honored by representation in Congress.
The following gentlemen have represented South Jersey in Congress since Atlantic County
was formed in 1837:
1837. Charles C. Stratton, Gloucester.
l83y-'4i. William B. Cooper, Gloucester.
l84i-'43. Charles C. Stratton, Gloucester.
1843- '45. L. Q. C. Elmer, Cumberland.
l845-'40. JamesG. Hampton, Cumberland.
l849-'5i Andrew K. Hay, Camden.
I85i-'5S. Nathan T. Stratton, Cumberland.
I855-'59. Isaiah D. Clawson, Cumberland.
i85Q-'63. John T. Nixon, Cumberland.
i£63-'67. John F. Star, Camden.
— .
William Moore. Atlantic.
John W. Hazelton, Gloucester.
Samuel C. Forker (Second
District), Burlington.
Samuel A. Dobbins, Burlington.
J. Howard Pugh, Burlington.
Hezekiah B. Smith, Burlington.
John Hart Brewer, Mercer.
James Buchanan, Mercer.
John J. Gardner, Atlantic.
Beautiful Xongport.
CHE borough of Longport at the southerly end of this island is a delightful
family resort, with two large hotels, twenty or more fine cottages, a large
club house, a Government life saving station, a steamboat landing and
trolley terminus and some other buildings. This municipality was incor
porated in 1898 when a mayor, borough council and other officials were elected.
Seventeen years ago Air. M. S. AlcCollough, the founder and its first mayor,
purchased the greater portion of the land now comprised within the borough limits
and decided to convert the sand dunes into a first-class pleasure community.
Time has vindicated his judgment and the attractions, improvements and valua
tions have increased amazingly. Intervening wastes are being rapidly developed,
a magnificent speedway built by the county and this resort made a very promising
suburb of the older, larger and better known Atlantic City at the northerly end
of the island.
Automobiles will soon be rivaling trolley- cars between the point and a
parade of pleasure and fashion revealed, unique along the coast, especially at night
when it will be brilliantly lighted by artificial suns.
The bathing beach and surf at Longport is unsurpassed. Sloping gradually
the shallow sands extend all the wayr around the Inlet point below where ves
sels enter and leave the bay, and far up the bay shore where boats are always at
anchor. In his first annual message to the borough council in April, 1898, Alayor AL S.
McCullough, concisely recited the historic facts of this budding resort. In 1882
Mr. McCullough purchased from James Long of Philadelphia, the entire area
below Twenty-fourth avenue to Great Egg Harbor inlet, then a primitive waste.
The first building erected was for a restaurant at Beach avenue and Sixteenth
street, which has since been removed.
The first great task was to level the sand hills and establish properly- graded
streets and building sites. These sand dunes were so high then that the thorough
fare could not be seen from the present site of the Aberdeen hotel.
Air. AlcCullough made a careful study of the situation, noting the hard
smooth beach along the ocean, the long port or harbor on the bay or thoroughfare,
the freedom from meadow land, the close proximity of Atlantic City, the grand
outlook over the sea and quiet waters of the bay and the landscape beyond, and
was deeply impressed by the ideal surroundings for a family resort. Building
lots were offered for sale and a special excursion train run from Philadelphia in
1883, reaching Longport from South Atlantic in carriages, a pleasant party that
became real estate owners and because permanently identified with the place.
The rosy forecasts made on that occasion have been more than realized long since.
The first to build cottages were Amos Dotterer and Airs. S. L. Oberholtzer,
the first at Nineteenth and the second at Seventeenth and Beach avenues. In 1884
Prof. J. P Remington and his sister, Aliss Caroline Remington, built fine cottage
homes. The restaurant, now a part of Hotel Aberdeen, could not at times accommo
date all who wished to come. The hotel was built and a railroad service secured.
The first train entered Longport August 31, 1884. Travel increased till the
frequent motor trains were succeeded by the present excellent trolley car service
with steamboat connections across the bay to Ocean
City and Somers' Point.
Among the events of 1884 was the organization
of the Agassiz Association for the pleasure and
benefits derived from the study of the animal and
vegetable life of the sea and the wild flowers of the
shore. The Oberholtzer family- were the prime
movers in this event which culminated in the erection
of Natural Science Hall, which also served the pur
poses of divine service and other meetings. In 1886
Air. James Long built a beautiful cottage and made
it his summer home for several years. The Bay
A'iew Club erected their fine building and have done
much to promote the best interests of Longport.
In 1895 Air. Fred Boice and sisters built and
have since successfully conducted Hotel Devon
shire. Air. A. H. Phillips became interested in
Longport in 1896, making large purchases and fine
improvements for himself and friends. He erected
a beautiful summer home which he has since occu
pied and is building other cottages with the same
elegant and attractive features. While Air. Phillips
has disposed of the greater portion of his holdings
he is still largely interested in Longport.
Captain James B. Townsend, who conducts the
restaurant in the pavilion at the trolley terminus and
steamboat landing, has built a cottage for himself
and opened a store which is a great convenience. In
1895 the Longport Water and Light Company was
formed to obtain a water supply for all the in
habitants from an artesian well. The flow is so
abundant that for nine months in the year the sur
plus is utilized as power for pumping.
Sanitary questions have been given proper
attention and street grades and surface drainage are
very satisfactory.
Longport borough was created by an act of the
legislature, Alarch 7, 1898, and the following first
officials were elected April 5th, following: Alayor,
Al. Simpson McCullough; councilmen, Arvine H. Phillips, Joseph P. Remington,
Samuel Stetzer, Wm. H. Bartlett and John R. Alinnick; assessor, Robert M.
Elliott; collector, James B. Townsend; Justice of the Peace, J. P. Remington, jr.;
commissioners, W. W. Lamborn, Bolton E. Steelman, J. P. Remington, Jr.
Wilnier W. Lamborn was chosen borough clerk; Carlton Godfrey, solicitor; John
P. Ashmead, serveyor; M. McCoy, street supervisor and Daniel Yates, marshal.
Alore hotels and homes are on the list for the near future. Broad areas still
unoccupied will soon be covered with fine streets and cottages. New neighbors
bring greater ambitions for beautifying this ideal resort. Nothing can halt the
impetus of its steady progress.
Brigantine Bead).
§RIGANTINE BEACH has been known since the earliest times chiefly in
giving a name to the famous Brigantine shoals or shallows on the coast
where many a vessel has struck bottom and become a total wreck.
In these later days this shoal beach has become famed for its excellent
surf bathing, its fishing grounds and as a rendezvous for sportsmen and others
who here find the retirement, solitude, relaxation and that peace which passeth all
understanding. The resident population of Brigantine enables this coast village to be incor
porated as one of New Jersey's smallest cities, containing two wards, a Alayor and
City Council. Three hotels and fifteen or twenty cottage homes for city sojourners,
several miles of graded streets, frequent trolley cars, connecting with steamboats
across the bay, have during the past few years converted bleak and lonely sandhills
into a very promising young sister of the Queen of ocean resorts, Atlantic City.
Brigantine possesses advantages which are regarded as blessings to those in quest
of a quiet, luxuriant retreat, far from the madding crowd. It has all the ad
vantages of a great city and inland town together with the features that make
Atlantic City famous without any of the disadvantages of these places.
There is a restful, slumbrous air brooding over Brigantine that creates in
sensibly a feeling of subdued pleasure that makes life one long holiday while the
view of the ocean and the consciousness that each respiration of health-invigor
ating ozone, contributes to the general feeling of elasticity.
Brigantine is exclusive unto itself. Its limits have been carefully maintained
and those who look upon it as a paradise in which to escape the annoyances of the
heated, bustling cities are numbered among the prominent of the nation.
Hon. AL S. Quay, who is credited with being a judge of what is pleasing, visits
Brigantine frequently and there finds solace for the harassing cares of state by
catching drumfish, and the late Congressman Harmer, of Philadelphia, also had
a lovely cottage there.
Artesian wells furnish water as pure as the air in which Old Glory floats above
the highest building, while electric lights of many- horse power make night as
brilliant as the brightest day.
Graveled streets that invite driving and cycling have been built through and
across the island.
Brigantine has recently- awakened from long time conservatism and inspired
by well-directed enterprise is taking on new life and is making commendable
progress. Its nearness to Atlantic City, its moderate cost of living, its elegant hotel
accommodations make its natural features especially delightful to thousands of
people. (351)
Sea Hit.
CHE purity and health-giving properties of sea air have been known to man
kind for centuries. Ancient writers tell us of the periodic migration of aris-
tocracv to the seashore at certain seasons, there to be restored and =treneth- o
ened for more trying times in the interior. Modern civilization is still learning the
same lesson. Physicians and families leave pleasant homes for renewed vigor and
recuperation by the rolling waves. The purest air in nature is that found on the
high seas after traversing hundreds and thousands of miles of pure salt water, un-
contaminated by smoke, dust and the exhalations of cities Here it is that salt
mists and fogs clarify, purify, and ozonize vitalized air as only Mother Nature can
do, to present it later for man's sustenance. Sea air is so tempered bv its sur
roundings that in summer it is cooled by radiation from the cooler water tem
perature and in winter warmed by the higher water temperature. Moisture is
also taken up by it and an infinitesimal percentage of salt. Some claim a trace of
iodine, but this is doubtful and can not be satisfactorily demonstrated. Sea air is
alterative, but whether this is due to its supposed iodine is doubtful.
Outside of an island in mid-ocean, Atlantic City is probably located in the
best situation for pure sea air of any point on the Atlantic coast. To the late Dr.
Jonathan Pitney, of Absecon, is clue the credit of first recognizing and presenting
the benefits of Atlantic City's ocean air and surroundings upon invalids. The
geographical location on an island of pure sand, five miles from the mainland and
twenty miles seaward of the head of tide water; at the point of a remarkable bend
in the coast line, thirty miles northeasterly from Cape Alay where the fresh waters
of the Delaware mingle with the sea and seventy miles from New York bay where
the fresh water of the Hudson joins the ocean. Atlantic City is surrounded by a
body of salt water, uncontaminated by fresh water streams, and entirely free from
malarial or any other paludal poisons. In fact the sea and land breezes are both
uncontaminated and pure. The Gulf Stream flows one hundred miles from our
shores and has a temperature of 8o° F. in summer and 70° F in winter at this
point. This certainly tempers the sea air and surrounding waters so that in winter
Atlantic City is from ten to twenty degrees warmer than the interior, and ten to
twenty degrees cooler in summer. High winds are less frequent than at other
points on the coast, although sea air is always in motion. Sea air fixed with sea
fog is not injurious to most cases as it contains no noxious elements; is non-
irritant; and is quite equable in temperature.
The effects of sea air vary with the individual and conditions of health. The
two greatest effects are upon the nervous system and digestion. Coming from the
dense air of cities and the rarified air of high altitudes, respiration and heart action
are both lowered, at once reducing the consuming energy of the body and lessen
ing waste. Sea air being dense and ozone ladened increases the oxidizing power
23 (353)
SEA AIR. 355
of the blood and is nature's best remedy for anemia and impoverished blood. It
also assists nature in fighting the malarial parasite and will in time eliminate the
poison from the system in many cases. Alalarious subjects frequently overload
their stomachs and overheat themselves when they first come here and sit and ride
in the cool air and bring on acute paroxysms, but if care is exercised the usual chill
can be escaped. One can also go out at night without danger of developing the
malarial poisons in the system if care is taken to avoid chilling and cold. Heart
diseases usually do better in sea air than at high altitudes as the work thrown on
that organ is lessened and oxidation of the blood is so much better that improve
ment is the rule. Cardiac dropsy often improves from this cause.
Probably no cases are more benefited than convalescents from disease, and
those who have been debilitated, overworked, and confined to their rooms and
offices and who need a change. Thousands come here and live under hygienic and
dietetic rules and improve rapidly. The effects of sea air are usually stimulant at
first, and impart a sense of renewed vigor and tone. Appetite is increased and a
drowsy feeling is almost certain to come, which gives way to refreshing nights
sleep. Many business men in neighboring cities come to Atlantic City periodically
to get a full night's sleep and rest — a much wiser course than sleeping powders and
potions. Strumous and tubercular children and adults will improve rapidly if they
live in the sea air and follow proper dietetic lines. Alany such cases have been
apparently' cured here. Tuberculosis in its early stages is amenable to treatment
in sea air and sunlight but when cases come to the shore they should invariably act
under physicians' advice to gain most advantage. Consumption and other diseases
in their last stages are best at home and should not come to the shore, as they
rarely get relief. Alany cases of bronchitis improve rapidly and are permanently
cured by sea air. There is less danger of pulmonary hemorrhage at sea level than
in high altitudes, owing to the fifteen pound to the square inch pressure and
density of the air at sea level, while at high altitudes the internal blood pressure is
so much greater at first than that of the air. For this reason some cases of emphy
sema and asthma do best in Atlantic City. Hay fever will invariably disappear in
sea air, but when the land breezes come it may not do so well, even though the air
is filtered by the pines and affected some by the salt marshes and inland tidewater
salt lakes and bays. It is a mistaken idea to think that one can not catch cold at
the seashore. A person coming into the sea air with a cold will throw it off more
rapidly than in the interior. Some people cure their colds by sailing every- day or
by living on the Boardwalk. Fresh air is the life of every one and when you come
to the shore do not come to live in close rooms and to be overloaded with clothing,
but come to live in the air and benefit by it. Hot close rooms are to be avoided at
the seashore as they are productive of colds and depression. Laryngitis and
catarrhal troubles do well in sea air if properly managed, but do poorly if smoking,
late hours, and carousing are encouraged. Acute lobar pneumonia is rarely seen
in Atlantic City but when it is its course is usually mild. Bright's disease and dia
betes seem to do well if properly managed and taken in their first stages. Contrary
to the writings and opinions of some writers, many cases of eczema and skm
troubles improve perceptibly and are cured in sea air. This is particularly so in
young strumous children. Digestive disorders are very amenable to treatment in
sea air if patients will follow instructions ; but if they follow the dictates of an over-
stimulated appetite they return home in worse condition.
The effects of sea air on neurasthenia and nervous dirorders vary considerably.
Most neurasthenics will do well in Atlantic City in the fall, winter and spring
months, but not so well in July and August. In the latter months the crowds are
so large and the nervous strain is too great unless in the quiet parts of the island.
Thousands of neurasthenics come to Atlantic City every year, live under strict
rules from their physician and improve. Alany come on their own responsibility,
eat all kinds of food, bathe indiscriminately, attend balls and suppers, keep late
hours, and then wonder why thev do not improve! Every physician here can
report numerous cures and phenomenal improvement in many cases. Sleepless
nights are forgotten and nerve tone improves. Alany melancholic cases are aggra
vated by sea air as it is too stimulant. The same is true of mania and insanity.
Hysteria may or may not be improved according to cause. Nervous cases may find
their first night or two restless and sleepless, but this period is rapidly followed by
soporific effects. This class of cases must be watched closely and forced to follow
certain strict rules if improvement is expected.
With Atlantic City at the very doors of Eastern and Western cities, a typical
sanatorium summer and winter, furnishing pure sea air and home comforts, and
possessing a Boardwalk second to none in the world, why go to the enervating
climates of the south? When the tonic, stimulant (sedative to some) and alterative
sea air is free to all, disease should no longer be neglected, when finance is not a
leading factor.
marine flip.
il M< >NG the many attractions of the seashore may be included the sea flora,
f I variously known as "sea moss," "sea weeds," and "marine algae." Ac
cording to Professor W G. Farlow they do not belong to the group called
Lichens, and should not be called "sea moss;" many of them are so exquisitelv
beautiful that the name "sea weed" seems inappropriate, we therefore prefer to
speak of them as algae.
The lowest order of the cryptogams, or flowerless plants, have been divided
into three classes, alga?, fungi and lichens. All strictly marine plants belong to
the first of these three divisions.
Almost everywhere along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts some species of
algae may be found, excepting sandy beaches, devoid of rocks, piling or other foot
hold, where there seems to be a dearth of them.
In the warmer waters of the Pacific ocean, along the coast of California, the
alga? are less delicate in form, but are generally more brilliant in color than those
found on the Atlantic coast, where they vary according to locality as well as
according to season; some of the most beautiful and delicate in structure are found
in winter, and are not confined to the warmer climate, while the more brilliant in
color appear in greater variety and abundance along the middle and southern
coasts. Marine alga? seems to have but little commercial value. Chondrus crispus,
called Irish moss in America, is used as an article of food, and makes a delicate and
excellent blanc mange. It is gathered in large quantities at Hingham, Alassa
chusetts, and other places on the New England coast, and is bleached before
sending to market.
Porphyra lacineata (Laver) is used by the Chinese employed in the shoe
factories of Alassachusetts, who import it from China, but could obtain the same
species in great quantities in Alassachusetts. Dulse is also used for culinary pur
poses, much of it is imported, although it grows, in abundance, in our northern
waters. It is frequently seen in barrels in fruit and grocery stores, and is eaten,
principally by sailors and foreigners from seaport towns. In some sections, near
the coast, the coarser sea weeds are gathered and used as fertilizers, but many
farmers consider them almost worthless and do not use them.
Only three or four flowerless plants grow submerged in salt water, therefore,
with these few exceptions, the propagation of marine plants is by means of spores,
under the different kinds known as zoospores tetraspores, and o-o-spores.
By most botanists the classification of alga? is on the basis of reproduction,
but Professor W. H. Harvey of Dublin has divided them into three classes dis
tinguished by their color. Grass green algae, olive brown or green algae, and red
or purple alga? running into brown or black. Of these three groups, grass green
0 ¥)^fW
HA *.
is the lowest in organization. The ulva, or sea lettuce, found growing on shells,
stone or tufts of grass, between high and low-water mark, is a good and common
example of this class of algae. These are likely to fade and do not adhere well to
paper when pressed and dried, but are very interesting and valuable for the herb
arium. Although the bright green alga? are generally found growing in the
shallow water, where they are left uncovered at the recession of the tide, some of
the most beautiful species belonging to this group are found below low-water
mark, as for instance, bryopsis plumosa (see figure i ), a plume-like plant of rich
dark color, growing from two to five or six inches high, and is very beautiful when
mounted and pressed.
The Cladophora, with thread-like branches, tufted with delicate green (figure
3) is another beautiful species belonging to this division, and is found below low-
water mark, attached to piling or brush.
The second in this division are the olive or brown green alga?. Alany more
species are contained in this class than in the first named, and thev are of a higher
organization. The genus ectocarpus, alone, contains fifteen or eighteen species,
which are of hair-like fineness. They grow on fucus, eel-grass or piling between
high-water and below low-water water mark, and can be gathered from early-
spring until June. The color is bright olive green and they are beautiful when
mounted on paper.
The third division consists of the red or purple alga?. These are the highest
in regard to reproductive process, to structure and to color. The plants in this
division seek deeper water and are seldom found above low-water mark. The
collector will at once become interested in the rosy ribbon-like Grinnellia, named
in honor of Henry Grinnell, the philanthropist of New York. AYe have but one
species, the Grinnellia Americana (see figure 11). It is a graceful plant as seen
floating on the undulating water or waving from its foothold on jutting rock or
piling. This species is biennial, attains a length of twelve or fifteen inches, and some
species measuring two feet have been found. It is abundant, and can be gathered
from early June to October.
Another very beautiful genus is the Dasya, only one species of which is com
mon along this coast, the Dasya elegans (see figure 2). This is an irregularly-
branched plant, growing from three or four inches to more than two feet long, ac
cording to the depth of the holdfast, which may be above low-water mark or four
or five fathoms below. The color is rich dark purple, the branches are covered
with cilia, which gives the appearance of chenille, and is popularly called chenille
plant, being one of the few species of algae bearing a common or local name.
Polysiphonia is the genus most abundant in species of the red alga?. In a
work prepared by J. G Agardh, one hundred and twenty-nine species are reported.
About one-fourth of this number are found in American waters. The color of
these plants ranges between light purple, brown and black, — the red being con
cealed in the darker shades. They grow on piling, rocks or fucus, in shallow-
pools or in deep water. Some species are common in summer, and others, the
more robust, appearing in their prime late in the fall or in winter. The plants are
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variable and sometimes attain the length of eighteen or twenty inches. Some
species have a very lacy appearance when mounted on paper and make beautiful
pictures for framing. An illustration of this genus is shown in Figure 8.
The genus Callithamnion, although the simplest in structure of the red algae,
is perhaps the most beautiful to the collector. We have about twentv-five species
in our waters. They are widely distributed, are very abundant, many of them are
of cobweb fineness, brilliant in color and are common along the whole coast, de
veloping a more rosy color in the warmer waters. When seen floating on the
water some species look, and seem, like a mass of jelly, showing to the naked eye
no stem or branches, but with careful handling they can be transferred successfully
io paper and are very brilliant and attractive (see figure 6).
Very interesting plants belonging to the genus sargassum, sargassum bacci-
ferum, and sargassum vulgare (see i and 2, figure 5) were found on the beach at
Longport in the fall of 1889, but have not since appeared on this coast. Professor
W. G. Farlow, in "Afarine Alga? of New England," says "Sargassum grows,
attached, in the West Indies where it fruits, and is found floating in the Gulf
Stream and in the so-called Surgasso Sea."
The list of beautiful species of alga? is so great that only a few of the most
common can be noted here. The visitor, or dweller by the sea will find many
more, quite as worthy of notice as these that have been named. The number of
species found on the Atlantic coast is not definitely known, but over fifty have
been collected at Longport, for their beauty alone, and many more have been
found by scientific collectors.
A pleasant and healthful recreation will be found in a walk along the beach,
when the tide is coming in, bearing upon the surface of the water these graceful
and beautiful plants. To collect them is a very easy matter when water flows
gently as it does on the bay or Thoroughfare at Longport. The collector should
be provided with rubber boots or shoes, a long slender pole, smooth at the end,
so that the specimens may not be torn in removing them, and a pitcher or pail
partly filled with salt water. It is not necessary to go into the water to secure the
alga?, for the rolling waves will bring them to you on the shore, but if you are bent
upon making a scientific collection you will need a boat, and must make a tour of
the Thoroughfare, seeking them along the wharves, the piling and the grassy-
banks. Having made your collection for the day you will repair to your cottage
or room at your hotel, and there, in a basin of salt water, place your specimens, a
few at a time, let them float out, that you may choose the best, lift it carefully into
another basin of salt water, and having provided yourself with thick paper or card
board, neatly cut (5x6, 6x8 and 7x9 inches are good size) ; you will take up one of
the cards, place it in the water beneath the specimen to be mounted, and with the
aid of a pointed instrument (a long brass pin is very good) move the specimen
into graceful form, when this is done to your satisfaction, gently raise your card
letting the water flow from it without disturbing your specimen,— this requires
practice as well as great care. When the water has drained off sufficiently lay your
card on a piece of absorbent paper (blotting paper is the best) which has been
previously placed upon a smooth board and covered with a piece of old muslin,
cover your specimen with a piece of old muslin, lay on another blotter, cover it
with muslin, as before and it is ready for your next mounted specimen when you
have mounted all that you desire to preserve, place a smooth board over your last
blotter and put a weight upon it. The weight must not be too heavy at first, — ten
or fifteen pounds of pressure Mould be sufficient for the first eight or ten hours, at
the end of that time take off the weights, carefully remove the wet blotters and wet
muslin, place your specimens between dry* muslin and dry blotters, put a somewhat
heavier weight upon them and let them remain several hours or until the next
day, when they will be dry and firmly adhered to the card, and will fully repay you
for the time spent in taking care of them. Some of the coarser varieties of alga?
require very heavy pressure to flatten them out and hold them to the paper, while
the finer specimens would be ruined bv too great weight upon them. This can be
learned onlv bv practice.
A collection of alga?, made during a sojourn bv the sea will be a beautiful
souvenir to carry to your home and a lasting pleasure to you.
marine Eife in the Sands.
N the beach, and in the bays and inlets surrounding Atlantic City, live over
seventy varieties of shell fish. Some of these are rare and hard to
find, and the collector, unless he knows where to seek for them, will pass
them by; but many of these shells are easy to discover, and some of them
are so numerous that they are crushed under foot at every step upon the beach.
In abundance are found two little snails, the nassa obsoleta and nassa trivittata
(Fig. i). These little animals are very active, and not at all shy when kept in
confinement. They feed on other molusks, securing their game by perforating the
shells of their victims and sucking the mollusk through the hole. The "trivittata"
is seen on the sandy beach at low water, but far the greater number of specimens
found are empty shells that have been appropriated by a tiny hermit crab, and
whether he has secured his home by lawful conquest, or by borrowing or by theft,
may be an open question. The "obsoleta" prefers the quiet of the inlet waters and
is there found by the millions when the tide is out. It is a little scavenger, feeding
on dead crabs and molusks. In appearance it is not at all attractive, for specimens
over a year old are badly eroded, and are covered with a brownish green fungus.
The "trivittata" is quite a pretty little shell. .
Two large snails are found on the beach quite frequently; they are the "natica
heros" (Fig. 12) and "natica duplicata" (Fig. 13). In habit these animals are active
for snails, as they move with a good deal of rapidity. They are carniverous and
delight to feed upon the young tender sand clams, the shells of which they per
forate. They hide in the sand, and often burrow deeply in searching for their
favorite food. They are easily distinguished from each other, for in the "heros"
the umbilicus is uncovered, while a large, thick lip partly covers it in the "du
plicata." The nidas, or egg, ribbon of this snail is made of sand, and does not look
unlike a collar. When held up to the light the eggs can be seen as transparent
spots. Another little snail, the "Urosalpinx cinerea" (Fig. 2), is found clinging to
the stones and piling in the inlet and bays. It is a sluggish little fellow and moves
at the proverbial snail's pace, when it moves at all. It is very careful in the manner
in which it deposits its eggs. For their safety it constructs little vases which it
firmly- fastens to the under side of some overhanging ledge, and in this the eggs are
deposited. As the tide is falling a large number of these little snails can be
gathered in an hour's hunt.
Two large conchs, the "Fulgar carica," and "Sycotypus canaliculatus," were
at one time found in large quantities upon the beach, but these shells have been
sought after to such an extent in their deep water home, for use as garden orna
ments and flower pots, that they are now comparatively rare. By the Indians they
were used as drinking cups, and the central white spiral was made into wampum.
The egg cases of these conchs are formed of strings of capsules, there being twenty
or more capsules in a string. They are found upon the beach during the latter
part of winter.
Adhering to stones or shells, especially the inside surface of small shells that
have lost their inhabitants, will be found the curious "crepidula." This shell is
simply a hood, more or less flattened, in the end of which is placed a tiny "shelf."
The shell conforms to the surface on which it rests, and the little animal attaches
itself to this surface by a strong muscle that has the power of suction. The "crepi
dula ungiformis" (Fig. 6) is flattened and usually white, and it more frequently
found on the inside surface of other shells. The "crepidula fornicata (Fig. 5) is
larger, and deeper, and is usually found on the outside surface of shells or piled in
groups one upon another. The "crepidula" feeds upon sea weeds.
Another snail found upon the stones along the inlet is the "Littorina littorea"
(Fig. 3). It is a native of northern Europe, and seems to have become naturalized
upon the New England coast, and is rapidly extending southward. Large num
bers of them can be gathered at low-water any day on the stones that form the
break-water at the trolley station at Longport. They are voracious feeders, living
on sea weed, and are often gathered and distributed over oyster beds to free them
from troublesome weeds. These little "periwinkles," as they are called, are almost
amphibious, in fact some varieties will live for months out of water. In Europe
the periwinkle is eaten, 2,000 tons being sold annually in the city of London.
The oyster ("Ostrea A'irginica") is both native and cultivated in the waters
surrounding Atlantic City, and the shell is too well known to require illustration.
Frequently the shells, both living and dead are found almost honeycombed. This
is the work of a sponge, which is the greatest enemy of the oyster, frequently
entirely destroying the shell. Another enemy of the oyster is the star fish.
Of the clam, three varieties are found here in large numbers. On the sandy
bottoms of the inlet lives the "venus mercinaria," the clam of commerce. The
shell is thick, heavy and hard, and was used by the Indians, they cutting it into
buttons and stringing them upon leather thongs for dress ornament and wampum.
The "mactra solidessima" is the large sand clam found so frequently upon
the beach. It is quite active for a clam, and hides itself iust beneath the
surface of the sand when the tide goes out. Frequently the shells of the younger
clams are found with a smoothly cut hole, a quarter of an inch in diameter, near
the hinge. This is the work of one of the snails already mentioned. These clams
are also eaten by the star fish.
The third clam, the "mya arenaria," is found in large numbers on the mud
banks on the meadows. It is known as the soft shell or sweet clam, and is
much prized as an article of food. It is very active, and can burrow into the sand
or mud quickly. Unlike the other clams it has its home, which is simply a hole a
foot or more deep in the sand or mud. At high tide it comes to the mouth of its
hole to feed, but as the tide goes out, it retires to the bottom. The "mactra" buries
itself when the waves leave it, the "venus" wanders about on the bottom of the
inlet and bays, but the "mya" seldom leaves its home.
The "solen ensis," or "razor fish," is sometimes called the "razor clam" (Fig.
7). Its home is on sandy bottoms, and the dead shell is frequently found upon the
beach. He who would secure a live specimen must be a careful collector, for the
"ensis" is very strong and very quick in its motions. When found half sticking out
of the beach, it will require a grasp almost strong enough to crush the shell to pull
it out of its hole, if indeed one can approach near enough to grasp it, for the
jarring of the sand by an approaching step will give it warning of pending danger,
and quick as a flash it is gone. It will then be almost useless to dig for it, as it can
burrow faster than one can dig. The razor is also a swift swimmer, or rather has
the power of leaping through the water.
The "pholas costata" (Fig. 14) is a burrowing shell fish sometimes found upon
the beach. It will perforate clay, wood, and even soft rock, the burrows being
vertical, and though they may be very close together, seldom does one burrow
perforate the wall of another. This animal has the remarkable property of shining
in the dark. The shell is hard but very brittle.
Another little burrower is the "petricola pholadiformis" (Fig. 10); it perforates
clay, mud, wood, and even soft stone, and is found very frequently in the waters
of Atlantic City. Small masses of meadow peat that are thrown by the waves upon
the beach are frequently alive with the constantly active "petricola."
After a strong southwest wind there will be found upon the beach a very
delicate and beautiful purple shell, frequently broken, and almost always void of
the animal that at one time lived in it. This is the "siliqua costata" (Fig. 4). Its
home is far below low-water mark, and live specimens are difficult to secure.
Another deep-water specimen that is hard to secure alive is the "siliquaria
gibba" (Fig. 8). It is a second cousin to the "razor" and about as active.
The "mytilus edulis" (Fig. 9) and "modioal plicatula" (Fig. 11) are two mus
sels constantly met on the beach. The home of the "mytilus" during the first
months of its life is deep water, but at the end of the first year it is found between
the tides, or just below low-water fastened together or to large stones or piling by
a strong thread that the animal spins. The "modiola" is found upon the mud
banks of the meadow or on the beach, it too spins a thread or byssus. A deep
water modiola is often found attached to the 'devil's apron," a sea weed that is
thrown upon the beach by heavy storms.
(Senealogical ilntrofcuction.
i HE HISTORY of any community is largely the story of its leading fami-
! lies. For nearly two centuries the white man has been enjoying the great
natural privileges of the ocean, bays, rivers, forests, and climate which
made South Jersey previously a paradise for the red man.
In our day it seems strange enough that catching whales in small boats along the
coast was the flourishing occupation that brought hither from Long Island and New
England some of the first Sculls, Somerses. Adamses, Conovers, and Doughtys. The first
Clarks came from Connecticut, the first Sculls. Leeds, Penningtons and Endicotts from
England, the first Frambes and Boices from Holland, the first Bryant from Scotland, the
first Richards from Wales. Great have been the industrial changes during these generations.
Catching the leviathan of the deep for his "oyl and bone" is now only a memory; the
wild birds of the bays are no longer an important element as a food supply of the residents;
fish and oysters in the bays have been vastly decimated, the iron industry of the swamps has
disappeared and the timber and ship building interests have nearly vanished and changed
the occupations of a people whose ancestors served their day and generation well and made
interesting history. The writer has endeavored to gather from all available sources the
records of as many of the old time families as possible, having been generously assisted by
the willing hands of some, the printed works of a few, the accessible purse of many appre
ciative citizens, who have made this work possible, and to the retentive memories and the
family bibles of others.
Whatever slight imperfections may be found, we are confident that the result of these
researches will be appreciated by many who are rightly proud of their family lineage and
whose encouragement has been of great assistance in compiling this work.
As early as 1647, the name Albertson is mentioned in O'Callahan's Register of New
Netherlands. Jan Albertson, wife and six children, came from Stemeyck, Holland, before
1650. In 1663 Jan Albertson, his wife and one child, were killed by the Indians. The regis
ter above mentioned records that William Albertson, son of Jan, received a commission as
a soldier in 1653.
1. William Albertson, the founder of the New Jersey family of Albertsons, resigned his
commission as soldier, having become converted to the religion of Friends, and, May 2,
1682, located a large tract of land in Newton township, Gloucester County, N. J., lying
between the south and middle branches of Newton creek. The house that he built stood
by the middle branch of said creek and nearly fronting the little settlement called Newton
by those first settlers. William, as before stated, was a Friend, being one of the first trustees
of Newton Meeting, established 1681. This trust was continued until 1708, when younger
rnen were needed to continue the same, to wit: March 7, 1708, Benjamin Thackara and
William Cooper, of Gloucester County, N. J., and William Albertson, the elder, late of
Newton, in Gloucester County, N. J., but now of Byberry, Bucks County, Pa., as Trustees
of Friends Meeting at Newton, conveyed said property to Thomas Sharp, John Kaighn,
and Joseph Cooper, as trustees, etc. (Sharp's Book, p. 30, Surveyor General's Office, Bur
lington, N. J.) A man of estate and ability in the community, William (1) was returned in
1685 as a member of the Colonial Legislature, and also held other minor county and town
ship offices. December 16, 1688, he located a tract of land in Gloucester township, on a
branch of Timber creek, called Otter branch. This property he bequeathed by will, 1709,
to his son Josiah, June 1, 1698. William (1) conveyed his land in Newton township to his
son William, and soon after this removed to Byberry, on the Poquessink creek, Bucks
County, Pa. Here he purchased large properties, consisting of mills and lands, some of
which formerly belonged to Walter Forrest. In 1692 he purchased of Andrew Robeson a
tract in Gloucester County. He died at Poquessink in 1709, leaving a will, proved January
17, 1709, in which he mentions his wife Hannah, seven children, and his son-in-law, Jervis
Stoddale. William married Hannah Druit, daughter of Morgan Druit. Hannah Druit Al
bertson transferred her certificate from Abington to Philadelphia meeting, in 1729. Their
children were:
2. Benjamin, m. Sarah Walton. 3. Cassandra, m. Joshua Walton. 4. Josiah, m. Ann
24 (369)
Austin. 5. Ann, d. 1696; m., first, Walter Forrest; second, John Kaighn, 1694. 6. William,
d. 1720; m. Esther Willis. 7. Abraham, m. Hannah Medcoff. 8. Rebecca, m. Joseph Sat-
terthwaite. 9. Daughter, m. Jervis Stoddale.
2. Benjamin Albertson m. Sarah Walton. They had: 10. William. 11. Jacob. 12.
Josiah, b. 1741; d. 1827; m. Ann Chew. 13. Benjamin, m. Susannah Shoemaker. 14. Mar-
maduke. 15. Chalkley. 16. Hannah, m. Hamilton. 17. Sarah, m. Constantine Ford.
4. Josiah Albertson inherited from his father, William (1), the place on Timber creek,
Gloucester township, where his house was built in 1743. This house is still standing, being
occupied by a brother of John J. Albertson, the present Camden County engineer and road
builder. Josiah m. Ann Austin. They had: 18. Hannah, b. 1728; m. Jacob Clement, 1747.
19. Mary, b. 1730. 20. Cassandra, b. 1732; m., first, Jacob Ellis; second, Jacob Burrough.
21. Elizabeth, b. 1734. 22. Patience, b. 1736; m. Isaac Ballenger. 23. Josiah, b. 1738: m.,
first, Eleanor Tomlinson; second, Judith Boggs. 24. Sarah, b. 1740; m. Samuel Webster.
25. Hcturah, b. 1743; m. Isaac Townsend. 26. Ann, b. 1743; m., first, Ebenezer Hopkins;
second, Jacob Jennings.
6. William Albertson, d. 1720; m. Esther Willis. They lived on the place at Newton.
Children were: 27. John. 28. Abraham; m. Sarah Dennis, 1742. 29. William. 30. Jane.
31. Mary. 32. Esther.
12. Josiah Albertson, b. 1741; d. 1827; m. Ann Chew. They had: 33. Sarah, b. March
7, 1767. 34. Mary, b. October 12, 1768; m. John Ware. 35. Josiah, b. October 12, 1770; d.
October 4, 1859; m. Elizabeth Mattox. 36. Nehemiah, b. July 4, 1773; m., first, Sarah
McCarty; second, Rhoda Downs. 37. Rebecca, b. June 4, 1775; m. Strang. 38. Aaron,
b. September 16, 1777; m. Margaret Overleift. 39. Thomas, b. April 7, 1779; m. Ann
Welden. 40. Hannah, b. Alarch, 1782; m. Thomas Strang.
23. Josiah Albertson, b. 1730; m., first, Eleanor Tomlinson. They had: 41. Hannah,
b. 1760; m., first, Samuel Glover; second, Paul Troth. 42. Isaac, b. 1768; d. 1774. 43. John,
b. 1771; m. Ann Pine. 44. Josiah, b. 1774; d. 1777. 45. Mary, b. 1776; d. 1777.
(23) Josiah, b. 1730; m., second, Judith Boggs. They had: 46. Mary, m. Thomas
Gaskill. 28. Abraham Albertson lived in Gloucester, Newton township; m. Sarah Dennis, 1742.
They had: 47. Isaac, m. Deborah Thorn, 1761. 48. Jacob, m. Patience Chew, 1731. 49.
Abraham, m. Sarah Albertson, 1764. 50. Ephraim, m. Kesiah Chew, daughter of Thomas
Chew, 1741. 51. Joseph, m. Rose Hampton, 1743. 52. Aaron, m., first, Elizabeth Albert-
son, 1756; m., second, Margaret Wells, 1765. 53. Levi, m. Keziah Roberts, 1756. 54. Jona
than, lived at Penn's Neck, Salem County. 55. Rebecca, m. Beverly. 56. Daughter,
m. Richard Chew.
35. Josiah Albertson, b. October 12, 1770. Lived at Blue Anchor, Camden County,
N. J. He married Elizabeth Mattox. They had: 57. Sarah, b. November 15, 1797; m.
Joseph E. Lippincott. 58. Ann, b. October 10, 1799; m. James Kellum. 59. David, b.
January 18, 1801; m. Rebecca Evans. 60. Eliza, b. August 10, 1802; m. Isaac W. Jessup.
61. Mariah, b. November 2, 1804; m. Cornelius Till. 62. John, b. December 12, 180O; un
married. 63. Rebecca, b. October 24, 1808; m. John C. Shreve. 64. William, b. February
11, 1811; d. 1811.
54- Jonathan Albertson, son of Abraham Albertson and Sarah Dennis, lived at Penn's
Neck, now near Pennsgrove, near the Delaware, in Salem County. His children were: 65.
Abraham. 66. Levi, b. 1776; d. 1822; m. Pheba Simpkins. September 3, 1810.
66. Levi Albertson, b. 1776, at Pennsgrove, Salem County, N. J. He was a shoemaker
by trade. He removed to Gloucester County and married Pheba Simpkins, September 3,
1810. They had: 67. Jonathan, b. November 3, 181 1; d. May 28, 1888; m., first, Elizabeth
Mathis, February 7, 1835; m., second, Asenath Collins, July 17, 1841. 68. Millie, b. Sep
tember 28, 1813. 69. David, b. January 1, 1817; d. November 2. 1817. 70. Levi, b. Septem
ber 15, 1818; d. August 20, 1856. 71. Pheba B., b. March 4, 1821.
67. Jonathan Albertson, b. November 3, 1811, was a shipcarpenter. He came to Smith's
Landing when about 16 years of age. Married, first, Elizabeth Mathis. They had: 72.
Pearson Smith, b. December 4, 1835; d. June 20, 1837. 73- Jethro Vansant, b. June 17, 1837;
m. Mary Elizabeth Risley.
{67) Jonathan married, July 17, 1841, second, Asenath Collins, daughter of Levi Collins
and Asenath Lake. They had: 74. Levi Collins, b. December 6, 1844; m. Elizabeth Leeds,
October 1, 1868.
75. Elizabeth Mathis, b. July 2, 1846; m. May Humphreys, November 14, 1878.
76. John Collins, b. September 15, 1848; m. Julia Townsend Young, November 27, 1871.
77. Daniel Lake, b. July 1, 1851; m. Eliza V. Endicott, November 22, 1871.
73. Jethro Vansant Albertson, b. June 17, 1837, served in the war of the rebellion,
First Lieutenant Company "B," 25th New Jersey Volunteers; mustered out December 22,
1862, on account of injuries received. Married Mary Elizabeth Risley. She was the
daughter of John Risley and Sophia Smith. They had: 78. Henry Risley, b. September 21,
1854: m. Amanda S. Furey. 79. Richard Risley, b. October 22, 1857; m. Adelina Steelman.
80. Jonathan, b. November 23, 1859; d. December 28, 1859. 81. Elfrida, b. October 13, i860;
d. September 20, 1862. 82. Ulric Dahlgren, b. March 17, 1864; m. Elizabeth Guttridge,
December 24, 1885. 83. Cora Murphy, b. August 20, 1870. 84. William Henry Christie, b.
January 27, 1872; m. Anna M. Thornier, April 30, 1894. 85. Casper, b. August 25, 1873; d.
November 25, 1873. 86. Sidney, b. September 19. 1878.
74. Levi Collins Albertson, b. December 6, 1S44, at Smith's Landing, N. J., served in
Civil War, September 6, 1864, to June, 1865; Postmaster of Atlantic City from February,
1872, to May, 1886; also 1890 to 1894. He married Elizabeth Leeds, daughter of John Leeds
and Hannah Webb, October 1, 1868. They had: 87. Gertrude, b. April 2, 1871. 88. Casper,
b. July 10, 1872; d. September 30, 1873. 89. Myra, b. February 26, 1878.
76. John Collins Albertson, b. September 15, 1848; m. Julia Townsend Young, Novem
ber 27, 1871, daughter of Somers Corson Young and Elizabeth Corson. They had: 90.
Nicholas Burton, b. December 14. 1875; m. Mary Jane Walton, June 20, 1899. 91. Eliza
beth May, b. November 8, 1877.
77 Daniel Lake Albertson m. July 1, 1851; 111. Eliza Vaughan Endicott, November 22.
1871, daughter of William Endicott and Elizabeth Vaughn. They had: 92. William Endi
cott, b. October 22, 1872; m. Mary Virginia Pierson. 93. Lylburn Curtis, b. February 3, 1883.
94. Charles Cleare, b. May 9, 1894.
78. Henry Risley Albertson, b. September 21, 1854: m. Amanda Furey. She was the
daughter of Robert L. Furey and Elizabeth Ann Smick. They had: 95. Ella Furey, b.
September 18, 1873. 96. Elizabeth Rankin. June 23. 1884.
79. Richard Risley Albertson, b. October 22. 1857: m. Adelina Steelman, September
30, 1878, daughter of Benjamin Steelman and Margaret Frambes. They had: 97. Richard
Warren, b. May 14. 1879. 98. Clarence, b. November 3, 1881. 99. Alice, b. January 17, 1885.
100. Earnest, b. August 19, 1887. 101. Jessica, b. July 2, 1891.
83. Cora Murphy Albertson, b. August 20, 1870; m. Harry Clayton, April 8, 1896, son
of Enoch Clayton and Catherine Risley. They had: Arthur J., b. June 7, 1897. Dahlgren
S., b. March 18, 1899.
84. William Henry Christie Albertson, b. January 27, 1872; m. Anna Thornley, April
30, 1894, daughter of William Thornley and Sarah Shibe. They had: 102. Mary Elizabeth.
b. July 19, 1895.
92. William Endicott Albertson, b. October 22, 1872; m. Mary Virginia Pierson, daugh
ter of Robert Allen Pierson and Mary Margaret Fisher. They had: 103. Franklyn Adams.
b. November 25, 1896. 104. Walter Earl, b. November 22. 1899.
For many years the Babcock family has been one of the best known in Atlantic County.
The house is still standing close to the bank of Great Egg Harbor River where Joseph
Babcock and Esther Giberson reared a family of twelve children. She was born in the
year 1800 and he was a few years her senior. Their home was near Catawba, then quite
a promising town of a dozen houses, a blacksmith shop, store, church, and other build
ings where now only a weather-worn chapel stands in a second growth of woodland.
Just above Catawba was Thompsontown, where was a school house, several fine farms
and large peach orchards and a distillery where peach brandy was made. Joseph Bab
cock was a farmer and dealer in wood and timber, kept a store, employed men and teams
lumbering before forest fires had denuded valuable areas. In his own vessels he carried
to New York wood, charcoal and lumber to exchange for supplies and for years was pros
perous. After his death, about 1850, the widow became the second wife of Absalom Cor
dery, Sr., of Absecon, where she passed the last years of her life, dying about 1864.
The several sons early became familiar with the business of their father and most of
them accumulated fortunes as seafaring men.
The Babcock children were:
1. Jonathan, who married Aner Boice. They had three children, Peter and Laura
and Emily, late wife of Peter Reed, of Absecon.
2. Job married Anna E. Cordery, of Absecon, both deceased.
3. Hannah, who married Irving Lee, who for twenty years was the miller of the
famous old grist mill at Bargaintown. They moved to Atlantic City in 1864 to reside
permanently. He died March 2, 1900. They had eight children, four of whom are living:
Joseph, who lives in Washington, D. C. ; William, at Absecon; Mrs. Joseph G. Reed, at
Ocean Grove, N. J., and Mrs. William Ridgeway, of Atlantic City. John was lost at
sea about 1876. Reuben died in Baltimore in 1895. Job died in Philadelphia in 1893, and
Ella died when quite young, from the results of an accident.
4. Amy married Aaron Frambes. Both are deceased. They had four children: Esther,
wife of Steelman Tilton; Maggie, wife of Jonathan Joslyn; John B. and Corena. wife of
Tilton Boice.
5. John married Harriet Steelman. Both are deceased. They had one child, Mrs.
Deborah Tuen, of Somer's Point.
6. Joseph W. married Mrs. Flannah Smith, nee Hickmon and lives at English Creek.
Their only child, Frank Babcock, was lost at sea in 1898.
7. Reuben married Elizabeth, daughter of the late Enoch Cordery, of Absecon, where
they reside.
8. Esther married Baker Doughty. They live at Absecon and have three children:
Baker, who married Ella Ireland; Joanna and Fraley, who is a member of the Board of
Chosen Freeholders.
9. Sarah married Capt. Samuel Price, who died in 1878. They had five children:
Louella, Emma, who married Albert Newman; Hettie, who married Horace Newman;
William and Fred. The two last are deceased.
10. Abel married Lida, daughter of the late Felix Leeds. They live at Absecon and
have two children: Charlotte and Reuben, Jr.
11. Almira married first Richard Garwood and lived at Bargaintown. They had five
children: William, who married Lenora Steelman; Aura, who married Somers Leeds;
Charles, who married Mabel Potter; Margaret, who married Robert Race, and Richard,
who married Maggie Boice. Almira married second, Isaac Collins, and lives at Smith's
Landing. 12. Lewis married Annie, daughter of the late Absalom Doughty, of Absecon, and
lived at Haddonfield at the time of his death. They had three children: Walter, Mary
and Lewis, Jr.
During or soon after the Revolution, one Oswald Good Bartlett, a German soldier,
engaged in farming- on the seaward side of the shore road at Pleasantville. He died about
1836, and is remembered as one of the first German citizens of this county. He married
and raised a family of five children: (2) David Good, (3) John Good, (4) Alexander Good,
(5) Nancy, (6) Eiiza.
The oldest son, David Good Bartlett, lived at Cooper's Point. Camden, for several
years, and later settled down as a farmer near the Mount Pleasant Church, at Pleasantville.
The old house is still standing where he raised a family of seven sons. His wife was Mar
garet Jones, a native of the county. The seven sons were: (7) William Good, b. November
3, 1820, d. June 15. 1896; (8) Henry Good, (9) Alexander Good, (10) John Good, (11)
Joseph Good. (12) Lewis Good, and Enoch Good. The last three are still living.
(7) William Good Bartlett was born at Cooper's Point, in Camden, and lived there
till his father moved to Pleasantville. As a young man he was noted for his energy and
business enterprise. When twenty years of age he engaged in the oyster business, in which
later he reaped a fortune. He went into the woods and cut the timber to build a boat, a
sloop yacht, the Essex, in which he carried oysters and clams to New York. In those days,
before railroads, the products of the bays were also hauled in wagons extensively over sandy
roads to Philadelphia. Young Bartlett often came to this island with beach parties on a
day's picnic for surf bathing, when the only bath houses were the groves and hollows among
the sand hills.
In 1848, William G. married Armenia, daughter of Daniel Lake and Sarah Ann Tilton.
About that time he engaged in the oyster commission trade in Philadelphia, which he con
tinued till near the close of his life. For years he received and sold all the products of
Atlantic County bays and elsewhere that were sent to him. As soon as the building of
the first railroad was proposed, in 1853, he secured space near the Vine street wharf, and
there prospered greatly for many years. He was one of the first to come to this island with
the first railroad, buy land, build houses and stores and share in the various enterprises
and successes that followed. He paid $800 for the lot where the Atlantic City National Bank
has been, and other lots later in that locality. In 1857 he started the ice business, which
is still continued by his estate. About the same time he started the first market house
on this island. In 1869 he built Bartlett's market building, in which Charles Hotz con
ducted business many years.
In 1870 Mr. Bartlett succeeded John Cordery, of Absecon, as lessee of the street car
system on Atlantic avenue. He paid the railroad company $500 a year each for the privi
lege of operating four cars drawn by mules over the steam car tracks, between the Inlet
and the old Seaview Excursion House at the ocean end of Missouri avenue. Fares were
ten cents. There were no tickets nor gongs nor any regular schedule for the cars, which
had to stop when trains were on the track and which waited for loads at either end. Fare
was not exacted of local people, but visitors made that mule tramway profitable.
In 1875, when the railroad company demanded $1,000 rental for each car, Mr. Bartlett
gave it up and became one of the incorporators of the Passenger Railway Company. Asso
ciated with him were Alexander Boardman, Joseph A. Barstow, Henry L. Elder, Joseph
H. Borton, D. C. Spooner and Horace Whiteman. This company was organized at
Schaufler's Hotel, April 13, 1874. City Council had given the new company a right, by
ordinance, to lay tracks on Pacific, New Hampshire, Michigan and Ohio avenues. Tracks
were laid by strategy in the night over the disputed territory between North Carolina and
Massachusetts avenues, and the ties still lie buried in the street. An injunction, secured
by Andrew K. Hay, stopped the work and the railroad company operated its own mule
cars and later its trolley cars without ever having any franchise except for steam railroad
purposes. In 1865, Air. Bartlett engaged in the shipbuilding business in Camden and was very
successful. During the war, when vessel property was very profitable, Mr. Bartlett was part
owner of twenty vessels. He disposed of his interests in the shipyard in 1885.
In 1881 he erected the first large brick building in this city for a bank. Until 1887 he
made Atlantic City his summer home only, continuing to live in Philadelphia.
He was the father of twelve children, all but one of whom are living.
1. William Boice came from Holland to Poughkeepsie. New York, with two brothers,
about 1755. He left his brothers, Daniel and Mathew, and came to Absecon, about 1760,
married Priscilla, daughter of Levi Price, of Bakersville, and followed the occupation of
farming, buying a large tract of land near the creek in Absecon.
There were seven children: 2. Peter; 3. William; 4. John; 5. Hannah; 6. Meriche;
7. Kate; 8. Sarah.
2. Peter, b. 1764, m., first. Rachel, daughter of Peter Frambes, and d. 1849. He was
a farmer and lived where his great grandson, Fred Boice, Jr., now lives. He later built
the house now occupied by the employes of the Atlantic City Water Works.
They had four children: 9. Mary; 10. Richard; 11. Peter; 12. William.
He m., secondly, Sarah, widow of Mark Risley, nee Scull. They had four children:
13. Richard; 14. Ebenezer; 15. Angeline; 16. David.
3. William Boice m. Leah Steelman and had two children: 17. Leah, who m. Absalom
Barrett, and 18. Peggy, who m. Townsend Risley.
4. John, b. December 26, 1774, d. December 30, 1865, lived in Absecon; m. Sarah
Champion and had five children: 19. Rebecca, who m. Jerry Conover; 20. Priscilla, who m.
John Hackett; 21. Sophia, who m. Peter Hackett; 22. Hannah, who m. Allen Jeffers: 23.
Anna Maria, who m. James Risley.
5. Hannah, m. Reeves.
6. Meriche m. David Smith and had four children: 24. Absalom, who m. Leah Har-
man; 25. Felix, who m. Sylvia Conover; 26. Sophia, who m. Noah Adams; 27. Polly, who
m. John Risle}'.
7. Kate m. Diah Samson and had eleven children: 28. Joseph; 29. Daniel; 30. Thomas;
31. Sarah; 32. Diah; 33. Delilah; 34. Hannah; 35. Elizabeth; 36. Priscilla; 37. Rebecca;
38. Mary. 8. Sarah m. Joshua Adams and had seven children: 39. Ryon; 40. Peter; 41. W. Boice;
42. Richard; 43. Katie; 44. Mary; 45. Sarah Ann.
9. Mary, b. 1801, d. 1880, m., first, James Risley, and had three children: 46. Mary,
47. Judith; 48. Rachael. Married, secondly, Risley Adams and had two children: 49.
Phoebe; 50. James.
10. Richard, b. 1803, drowned at sea.
11. Peter, b. December 23, 1805; d. August 30, 1892; m. Sarah Ann, daughter of Wil
liam and Sarah Chamberlain. She was b. December 17, 1807; d. September 6, 1880. They
were m. in 1823 and lived on the farm north of Absecon all their lives. They had twelve
children: 51. Aner S. ; 52. Rachael; 53 Henry; 54. Frederick C; 55. John; 56. Rebecca;
57. Enoch C. ; 58. Ezra C; 59. Hannah Ann; 60. Enoch C; 61. Sarah Ann, 62. Anna
Mary, twins.
51. Aner S.. b. August 20, 1825; m. Jonathan Babcock and had three children: 63.
Emma C, who died March 31, 1898; 64. Peter, b.; 65. Laura A.
52. Rachael, b. August 17, 1827; d. September 30, 1866; m. James Dunham in Phila
delphia; d. September 8, 1880. They had four children: William, James, John W., Howard.
53. Heny, b. December 8, 1829; d. March 19, 1899; m. Kate, daughter of Jonathan
and Eunice Smith, December 21, 1S69. She d. November 28, 1888. They had one child.
66. Elizabeth Clement, who married Clarence Doughty Nourse.
54. Frederick C, b. February 8, 1832; d. November 5, 1889; m. Sarah Scull, daughter
of Thomas and Sarah Ann Irelan, August 11, i860. They had eleven children: 67. Es
tella; 68. Willanna; 69. Lena; 70. Frederick C. ; 71. Lorine; 72. John, b. April 3, 1871, d.
August 29, 1871; 73. Frank, b. May 9, 1874, d. March 30, 1874; 74. Thomas, b. March 7,
1875, d. July 20, 1876; 75. Rachael D.; 76. Henry; 77. Howard, b. December 25, 1882; d.
July 20, 1883.
67. Estella m. James B., son of J. Towers and Eleanor M. Townsend, June 4, 1885,
and live at Longport. They had two children, James Stanley and Eleanor Melissa.
75. Rachael D. m. Valdemar Emil, son of Stein and Mary Edwards, and lives in
Bridgeton. 55. John, b. May 14, 1834, m. Hannah Ann, daughter of Daniel and Maria Tilton,
April 12, 1861, and had five children: 78. Daniel Tilton; 79. Cora; 80. Leira, b. November
8, 1866, d. January 10, 1871; 81. John, Jr., deceased; 82. Peter Harlan.
78. Daniel Tilton Boice m. Amy Corena, daughter of Amy and Aaron Frambes, June
6, 1899, and lives in Absecon.
79. Cora m. Harry L., son of David and Abigail Conover, September 12, 1888, and
live in Absecon. They have one child: Leira Boice Conover.
56. Rebecca, b. August 31, 1836; d. April 3, 1837.
57. Enoch C, b. February 25, 1838; d. October 25, 1843.
58. Ezra C, b. April 16, 1840, lives in Absecon.
59. Hannah Ann, b. November 3, 1842; m. Charles E., son of Benj. and Mary Jack
son, deceased, December 18, 1867, lived in Camden. They had two children: Harry B. and
Ella B. Jackson.
60. Enoch C, b. November 1, 1844; d. March 22, 1899; m. Maggie, daughter of William
Good and Armenia Lake Bartlett. They had four children: 82. Armenia; 83. Edna; 84.
Helen; 85. Enoch Lee, born November 21. 1887; d. March 29, 1888.
61. Sarah Ann, b. June 16, 1849; m. Isaac A., son of Joseph and Priscilla Lee, Novem
ber 18, 1886, and lives in Camden.
62. Anna Mary, twin sister of Sarah Ann, m. Israel G. Adams, June 23, 1887.
12. William, b. June 26, 1898; d. August 13, 1869; m. Leah Robinson, June 8. 1839.
She d. August 15, 1869, and was buried the same day, a double funeral. They had 13
children: 86. James S.; 87. Wesley S. ; 88. Arabella; 89. Rachael; 90. Silas; 91. Harriett;
92. Reasin R.; 93. Peter; 94. William: 95. Macajah C. ; 96. Lemuel C; 97. Argereene; 98.
Frederick. 86. James S., b. April 6, 1840; d. May 18, 1898; m. Sarah Price. They had three chil
dren: 99. Mark P.; 100. Narcia; 101. Sarah, who m. Geo. McKeague.
99. Mark P. m. Sarah Blakley. They had two children: 102. Leroy M.; 103. James
Alton. 87. Wesley S., b. June 29, 1841; m. Josephine S. Adams, December 20, 1871. They had
one child, James Ellis, b. April 10, 1882.
88. Arabella, b. January 21, 1843; m. John Showell, September 12, 1864. They had
two children, Sarah A., and Mary B.
89. Rachael, b. July 2, 1844; m. Ephraim Connelley, December 25, 1864. They had
six children: 104. David S., b. September 16, 1866. d. October 23. 1867; 105. Leah W. ;
106. Narcia; 107. Abigail; 108. Lorine; 109. Japhet T., b. August 8, 1888; d. June 6, 1898.
90. Silas, b. September 13, 1846; m. Mary L. Reeves, November 2, 1869. They had
seven children: no. William; in. Leahetta, b. August 22, 1872, d. November 16, 1879;
112. Thompson; 113. Katie, b. February 21, 1877; 114. Rachael; 115. Oscar; 116. Sinclair.
no. William m. Caroline Lake, April 22, 1891. They had three children: Irwin,
Leahetta and Rebecca.
92. Reasin R., b. April 10, 1849; m. Alary Ann Conover. They had three children:
117. Elmira; 118. James S.; 119. Mayme.
117. Elmira m. John W. Mathews. They had three children: Viola, Hattie and Olive.
118. James S. m. Hattie Holmes. They had one child, Marvie.
119. Mayme m. Burroughs Crowley, no children.
93. Peter, b. March 8, 1851; drowned at Ocean City, November 14, 1885; m. Ira Lashley,
Alarch 1. 1882. They had two children: Somers and Carrie.
94. William, b. December 6, 1852: m. Jemima G. Conover, August 21, 1878. They had
one child: Oscar, b. December 25. 1880; d. February 26. 1881.
95. Macajah C„ b. October 2. 1854; m. Louisa J. Doebelle, October 9, 1881. They had
two children, Ephraim C. and Rena.
96. Lemuel C, b. December 21. 1857; m. Almeda Blackman, December 21, 1881. They
had one child, Alice.
97. Argereene, b. May 12, 1859; m. Thomas Stewart. September 12, 1880. They had
one child. Thomas.
98. Frederick, b. August 23, 1861 ; m. Dora Ross, January 12, 1889. The have one
child, Etta K.
13. Richard, b. April 20, 1825; m. Margaret Risley. They had one child: 120. David
R. Boice, who m. Alice, daughter of Joseph Irelan. They had two children: Maggie, who
m. Richard Garwood, and Minnie, who m. John Scull.
14. Ebenezer, b. June 20, 1828. supposed to have been drowned.
15. Angeline, b. July 1. 1830; d. November 20. 1852. not married.
16. David, b. December 14. 1836; m. Sarah Penyard in 1861. They had four children:
121. George; 122. Edward; 123. Theodore; 124. Harrison.
121. George, b. 1862, m. Sarah . No children.
122. Edward, b. 1864; m. Annabelle Rice in 1884; one child, Dora, born 1885.
123. Theodore, b. 1869; d. 1894; m. Eva Riley. No children.
124. Harrison, b. 1871; m. Christine Keobermick in 1891. They had one child,
Isaac Bryant and his family emigrated from Scotland to Canada about the year 1780.
His son (2) William was then a baby. When the boy was older, so family tradition runs,
he ran away from his Canadian home, and came to Philadelphia, where he learned the trade
of 1 blacksmith. He found employment at old Martha iron furnace,,, in Burlington County,
and there married Mariby Clifford, of Tuckerton, and had a family of five children: (3)
Hettie. (4) Isaac, (5) John, (6) Hannah, (7) George.
In the war of 1812, William, the father, enlisted and saw service with Commander
Oliver H. Perry, who vanquished Commodore Barclay on lake Erie in that memorable
engagement of September 13, 1813. William died at the home of his son John, when he
was in charge of the salt works on Absecon Beach, about 1838.
(5) John Bryant was born in Philadelphia in 1803. He probably learned the trade of
his father. When a young man he went to Martha Furnace, where he was employed smelt
ing iron for Daniel Lake, whose sister. Sarah, he married. About 1836 he moved to this
island from Lehman's Beach, in Cape Alay County, to operate the salt works at the "Point
of Beach," or near Baltic and Maine avenues. In 1840 he moved to what is now South
Atlantic City, where he operated another salt plant and where he continued to live for
thirty-five years. There he was in charge of the Government Life Saving Station, and was
a wrecking master when vessels came ashore, which they often did in those days.
In a story and a half house, 24x24. with a little bedroom in one corner and two rooms
up stairs, he lived, selling salt, oysters and clams, and rearing a large family of children.
It was here that ex-Mayor John Lake Bryant was born and passed his boyhood days with
plenty of rough experience. It was here that John Lake Young passed his early years at
the home of his grandfather, after the death of his father, James Young, and his mother,
Mary Ann Bryant.
A few years before his death, which occurred April 3, 1878, when sick and infirm he
was moved by his family to this city to a cottage owned by his wife on Georgia avenue,
where a room was especially prepared to suit him. The old house was torn down so that
his return to it should be an impossibility. His widow. Sarah Lake Bryant, survived him
several years, dying February 16, 1895, aged 87 years. The children were:
(8) Alice, who died young.
(9) Margaret, b. August 30, 1828, m. Lake Albertson, d. August, 1876.
(10) Mary Ann, b. June 20, 1830, m. James Young, d. 1856.
(11) Abagail, b. May 20, 1832; d. 1846.
(12) Sarah Jane, b. Alay 10, 1834; m. Thomas Sampson; d. 1858.
(13) Hannah, b. March 23. 1836; m. Thomas Westcott; d. July, 1872. Their only child,
William Carter Westcott, b. October 25, 1868, is the well-known druggist of this city.
(14) Clara, b. March 21, 1836; m. Alfred Adams, in 1859, and had seven children: Lewis
Reed, b. January 10, i860, m. Sarah Inman; Alfred Barclay, b. November 30, 1861, m. Alay
Lindley; George C, b. Alay 6, 1864, d. September, 1865; May Olive, b. August 14, 1866;
Carrie, b. October 26, 1869; Bently Bryant, b. December 21, 1871; and Pauline, b. August
3, 1875, m. Fred S. Holmes, and lives in Pittsburg.
(15) Asenath. b. Alarch 21. 1840; m. John Sloan, has one child, Charles, and lives at
Spring Lake, N. J.
(16) Elnora, b. Alay 29, 1842, m. Benjamin Willits, d. October 1, 1879, had five children:
Elmer, b. November, 1861, d. 1895; Sallie, b. February, 1865, m. Thomas Lotton: William,
b. April, 1863, m. Ella Royal; George, b. August, 1870, m. Lizzie Wicks; John, b. Alay, 1873,
in. Emma Lee.
C17) John Lake. b. April 25. 1844. at the home of his uncle, Lucas Lake, at Pleasant
ville; m. on Tuesday, January 8, 1870, Sarah Thompson; d. October 8, 1883. He was a
contractor and builder and was prominent in public affairs. He was a member of Council
in 1875 and 1880; was Mayor in 1878, and was elected to the State Assembly the year before
he died, serving during the session of 1883. His only surviving issue is Lieut. -Col. Lewis T.
Bryant, of the Morris Guards.
(18) George C, b. May 14, 1846; m. Amanda Leeds; d. September, 1872. He was a
member of Council in 1872.
(19) Abbie T., b. December 16, 1846; 111. Christopher Wolbert, and had four children:
Ethel and Lottie, twins; Ethel m. William Rice and Lottie m. Roland Lake; Charles and
Hattie. (20) Harriet S.. b. January 11, 1853; m. Soloman Johnson.
In the early history of Atlantic County the Clark family was prominent, as witness
the name Clarktown, near Mays Landing, and Clarks Landing, on the Mullica River, near
Egg Harbor City.
Now, Clifford Stanley Sims, in 1870, while a United States Consul at Prestcott, Canada,
compiled and published the following account of the Clark family, which is regarded as
authoritative. Copies of this pamphlet are quite rare:
1. Thomas Clark, of Milford, Connecticut, probably brother of George Clark, Jr., of
Milford, and of John Clark, of Saybrook, who came from , Hertfordshire, England;
took the oath of Fidelity at New Haven, 1654; married Ann, widow of John Jordan, of
Guilford, 1654. She was a relative of Governor Fenwich. After his marriage he lived at
Guilford, where, December 2, 1658, John Hill, of Guilford, sued Thomas Clark for slander.
The plaintiff declared that the defendant both slanderously reported that he, the said John
Hill, laid violent hands upon him and took him by the collar or throat and shook him and
offered to strike him with his fork and another while with his fist, which the said Hill
denied, and so looks upon himself as wronged and desired satisfaction of the slander.
Mr. Clark gave the truth in evidence, which he fully sustained, so that the court
awarded that the defendant was not guilty of slandering Hill and awarded the defendant
his cost. Thomas Clark died October 10, 1668; Inventory, £220; .Mrs. Ann Clark died at Say-
brook, January 3, 1672; Inventory at Guilford, £26; at Saybrook, £77. Abraham Post, of
Saybrook, who had married her daughter, Alary Jordan, was her administrator.
Children.— 1. Daniel, b. January, 1657-8. 2. Sarah. 3. Elizabeth.
II. — 1. Daniel Clark, of Killingworth, Conn., married Alary .
Children.— 4. Daniel, b. February 3. 1683-4. 5- Thomas, b. February 11, 1686-7. 6.
Mercy, b. October 9, 1702: married John Willett. Mrs. Mary Clark, the mother, married,
secondly, Philip Bill, of New London and Groten. and died July 10, 1739, age 80 years.
III. — 5. Thomas Clark married Flannah . A-Iarried, second, in 1735, Ruth, by
whom he had no issue. He settled at Clarks Landing, on the banks of the Alullica river,
within the present limits of Egg Harbor City. By the first wife, Hannah, there were four
sons: 7. Thomas, m. Sarah Parker, of Saybrook, in 1740. 8. David, m. and had five sons
and one daughter. 9. Samuel, a Presbyterian clergyman. 10. Elijah, b. 1732. After the
death of Hannah, the first wife, Thomas, the eldest son, then a young man of nineteen, was
sent on horseback by his father to Connecticut to bring back a certain old acquaintance of
his father's for a step-mother. While in New Haven on this delicate errand, he met and
fell in love with the beautiful and accomplished Sallie Parker. He secured the step
mother and brought her home on the led horse which he took with him, and two years
later, in 1840, returned for his bride. For a wedding gift he gave her a string of Guinea
gold beads, which are still held, with the gold eardrops, by the Alisses Porter, of Atlantic
City, descendants of the family, as an interesting heirloom.
IV. — 10. Elijah Clark, of Pleasant Mills, and afterwards of Hinchman Farm, N. J.,
married Jane Lardner, was a Colonel in the New Jersey Militia during the Revolution, and
a member of the Provincial Congress, in 1775; d. December 9, 1795.
Children. — 11. Lardner, left issue. 12. Elisha, m. Louisa Clark, a cousin, left issue.
13. Rebecca, m. James Vanuxem, and left issue. 14. Debora, d. s. p. (d. without issue). 15.
John Lardner, b. March 20, 1770. 16. Josiah, d. s. p. 17. A'lary, m. Francis Bernoudi and
left issue.
V. — 15. John Lardner Clark, of Philadelphia, married first in August, 1797, Sophia
Marion Ross. She died January 25, 1812; married, second, Ann Cox, September, 1815.
She died in December, 1817, without issue. John Lardner died May 7, 1837.
Chilcireii. — 18. Charles Ross, b. January 1. 1798. d. s. p. 19. Charles Ross. b. September
17, 1799, d. s. p. 20. Louisa Vanuxem, b. August 1, 1801. 21. Brainerd, b. July 25, 1803.
22. Emeline, b. July 22, 1805, d. s. p. 23. Emeline Marion, b. October 8, 1807.
VI. — 20. Louisa V. Clark married June 3, 1823, Thomas Neal Sims, of Alount Holly,
N. J.; married, second, December 26, 1839, James Peacock, of Harrisburg, Pa., by whom
she had no issue; died Alay 2, 1869.
Children. — 24. Sophia Marion, b. March 25, 1824, d. s. p. 25. Alfred William, b. Sep
tember 21, 1826. 26. Louisa Clark, b. June 10, 1830, d. s. p.
VII. — 25. Alfred William Sims, of Woodstock, Vermont, married June 2. 1856. Adelaide,
daughter of William Sowden, of Port Hope, Canada.
Children.— 27. Harry Neal, b. July 30. 1857. 28. William Sowden, b. October 15, 1858.
29. Louisa Peacock, b. June 22, i860. 30. James Peacock, b. March 1, 1862, d. s. p. 31.
Alfred Varley, b. September 21. 1864. 32. Alary Stewart, b. April 16, 1868
VII. — 21. Brainard Clark, of Alount Holly, married Sarah Jane Coppuch, July, 1830;
died April 17, 1837.
Children. — 33. Adelaide Louisa, b. August 30, 1831. 34. Louis James, b. November
9, 1833. 35- Frederick William, b. May, 1836.
VII. — 34. Louis James Clark, of Philadelphia, married Susan Stones, February 11, 1869.
VII. — 35. Frederick William Clark, of Norfolk, Va., married Susan Gamage, Novem
ber, 1861; died December, 1&62.
Children. — 36. Frederick William, b. September, 1862.
VI. — 23. Emeline Marion Clark, married December 8, 1830, John Clark Sims, of Phila
delphia. Children. — 37. — Henry Augustus, b. December 22, 1832. 38. Clifford Stanley, b. Feb
ruary 2, 1855, d. s. p. 39. Celanaire Bernoudi, b. July 21, 1837. 40. Clifford Stanley, b. Feb
ruary 17, 1839. 41- John Clark, b. September 12, 1845; admitted to membership in the
Society of Cincinnati of New Jersey, July 4, 1867, as representative of his great, great grand
father, Surgeon Alexander Ross. 42. James Peacock, b. November 15, 1849.
VII. — 37. Henry Augustus Sims, of Philadelphia, married June 30, 1864, Alary, daughter
of Alpheus Jones, of Prescott, Canada.
Children. — 43. John Clark, b. April 19, 1865, d. s. p. 44. John Clark, b. May 4. 1866.
VII. — 39. Celanire Bernoudi Sims married, November 3, 1859, William Smith Forbes,
M. D., of Philadelphia.
Children. — 45. Emeline Sims, b. July 29, i860. 46. Alurray, b. June 23. 1863. 47. John
Sims, b. May 7, 1866. 48. William Sims, b. November 21, 1868.
VII. — 40. Clifford Stanley Sims, of Prairie Ridge Plantation, Arkansas, married, August
2, 1865, Alary Josephine, daughter of Charles Steadman Ambercrombie, Al. D., of Rose-
land, Tennessee, admitted to membership in the Society of Cincinnati of New Jersey, July 4,
1861, as representative of his great grandfather, Major John Ross; entered the U. S. Navy
as Captain's clerk, in 1862; appointed assistant paymaster, 1863; appointed Judge Advocate
General of Arkansas, in 1864; elected Delegate to the State Constitutional Convention, in
1867; elected Representative to the Legislature, in 1868; appointed Commissioner to digest
the statutes, 1868; appointed U. S. Consul to Prescott, Canada, 1869.
Children. — 49. Charles Aubercrombie, b. June 5, 1866. 50. Clifford Stanley, b. January
12, 1868. 51. Lancelot Falcon, b. January 5, 1870.
7. Thomas Clark, m. Sarah Parker, previous to 1740, and had three sons and five
daughters. 52. Adriel m., first. Judith Hampton, of Haddonfield; second, Elizabeth Hillman, by
whom he had seven children: Frances m. Dr. Reuben Baker and had one child; Harriet
m. Wm. Irving, of Old Gloucester, and had two children, Gideon and Elizabeth; Alice m.
Sherman Clark and had six children, Harriet, Alice, Judith, Adriel, Henry and Isaac; John
who mysteriously disappeared, supposed to have been drowned; George, who likewise dis
appeared; Elizabeth; John, second.
S3. Parker m. Martha Leek and had ten children: Ann, b. December 6, 1791; m.
Murphy; d. 1885. Louisa, b. 1793; m. David Frambes; d. 1882. Charlotte, b. December 2,
!795; m. Gen. Enoch Doughty and had nine children. (See sketch of Doughty family.)
Thomas, b. 1798; d. of yellow fever. Sarah, b. March 11, 1800; m. Nathaniel Doughty; d.
1889. Reuben m. Phoebe ; d. 1865. James, b. September 17, 1804; m. Alaria Sooy; d.
1894. Mary, b. December 14, 1806; m. first. Jacob Somers: second, Absalom Cordery. d.
March 19, 1900. Susanna, b. Alarch 25, 1810; m. Isaac Smith. Alartha, b. November 4,
1812; 0. 1887.
living. Susanna, b. March 25, 1810; m. Isaac Smith. Alartha. b. November 4, 1812; d. 1887.
54- Reuben m., first, Mary Rape; second, Olivia Clark. By his first wife he had two
children, Hannah and Christopher (died young). Hannah, b. 1793, m. Judge Joseph Porter;
d. 1875. Judge Porter first had a country store at Haddonfield. Later with Thomas and
John Evans and Samuel Shreve as partners, he established glassworks at Waterford, where
they made fortunes. He was one of the promoters and directors of the first railroad to the
seashore and lost his fortune in this enterprise. He died in 1861, aged 72 years. They had
nine children: Joseph C, Thomas, Mary H„ Reuben Griffin Porter, who still lives at
Waterford, and has one son, Richard, living at Rehoboth, Md.. Alargaret Griffin, William
C, Richard, Hannah Chew, Elizabeth. Alary H., Hannah C. and Elizabeth, are the
owners of Porter Cottage in this city.
By his second wife Reuben Clark had four children: Mary m. Wencil Kinsley; Rox-
anna m. Mark Clark and went west; Christopher m. Alary Ann Bates; and Walter m., first,
Elizabeth Doughty; second, a widow, and lives in Baltimore.
55. Hannah m. four times in twelve years: First to George Gardner, by whom she had
a son, Rufus; second, to Arron Chew, a captain in the Revolutionary war, by whom she
had a daughter, Hannah, who m., first, Capt. Hand of Cape May; second. Judge Clements
of Haddonfield. She was his second wife and he was her second husband; (3) to Joseph
Griffin, by whom she had a son, John; (4) to a Mr. Zane of Chew Landing.
56. Abigail, who m. a Chew of Gloucester,
57. Louisa m. Elijah, son of Elisha Clark, a cousin, and had three children, Caroline,
Edward and Lardner. The two first were dwarfs.
58. Submitta d. of yellow fever in Philadelphia, in 1893.
59. Sarah never married; d. at an advanced age, in 1857.
60. Elizabeth m. Williams and had one child, Clark Williams.
8. David Clark, son of Thomas and Hannah Clark, married and had five sons and one
daughter, viz. 61. Thomas. 62. Benjamin. 63. Joseph. 64. Abner. 65. Nehemiah. 66.
Rebecca. Benjamin, Joseph and Abner lived many years at the place of their birth, viz: Clarks
Landing, but finally joined the immigration westward and settled at a place called Jersey
Settlement, in the State of Ohio.
Nehemiah and Thomas both lived at Clarks Landing.
65. Nehemiah had but one son (67), Parker, who fought through the Revolutionary
war, was killed by his pugilistic brethren of Burlington County. He, in company with
others from Atlantic County, used to visit their neighbors across the river, and on various
occasions engaged in a fraternal wrestle or exchanged blows to test the merits of their
respective communities, for in those days a place was judged by the physical strength of
its members, and when a conflict ensued both parties did their utmost to maintain the
standing of their village. In one of these exciting contests Parker proved too much for
the champion of Burlington, and when the Atlantic County men left for home and gave the
triumphant shout, the Burlington men swore vengeance on Parker if ever they caught him
alone. The next time he went among them unaccompanied he never returned. His body
was found a long time afterwards hidden in the reeds far down the river.
61. Thomas was born, lived and died at Clarks Landing. He owned and tilled, until
the time of his death, one of the most prosperous farms ever worked in Atlantic County.
New Jersey was then a slave holding State, and he was the owner of many slaves. In his
pasture lands could be seen from fifty to a hundred head of cattle, beside large flocks of
sheep and swine. The place spoken of is now owned by Thomas Weber.
Thomas was born October 7, 1758; died Alarch 28, 1827. He was married August 17.
1797. to Mary Giberson, who died December 24, 1849. They had the following children:
68. Submittee, b. July 19, 1798; d. 1882. 69. Rebecca, b. February 19. 1800; d. 1888. 70.
James, b. February 24, 1802; d. 71. David, b. June 29, 1804; d. 1888. 72. Alark, b.
August 6, 1806; d. February 23, 1895. 73. Elizabeth, b. October 18, 1809; d. November 8,
1855. 74. Thomas, b. Alay 29, 1812; d. December 23, 1893. 75. Lardner, b. December 17,
1814; d. February 6, 1886. 76. Mary Ann, b. December 19, 1816; d. 77. Caroline, b.
March 1, 1819; d. 78. Emeline, b. June 5, 1812; d.
68. Submitte married, first, Walter Clark, December 28, 1818; second, Absalom Higbee.
No issue by either.
69. Rebecca married George Clark, February 18, 1827; died and buried in New York
State. Children: 79. Submitte, b. January 11, 1828, who married William W. Williams
of New York; had children. 80. Morton. 81. Jennie. 82. Alary. 83. Flora. 84. Wil
liam W.
70. James Clark m. Sarah Endicott, August 13, 1826; he d. and was buried in New
York State.
71. David Clark m. Phoebe Turner, October 25, 1828; had children: 85. Bethiah, b.
September 17, 1829. 86. Thomas, b. August 22. 1831; drowned off Brigantine.
85. Bethiah Clark m. Enoch Higbee. Alay 16, 1852; had children: 87. Absalom H., b.
May 3, 1853. 88. Joab, b. May 11, 1855. 89. Thomas, b. September 22. 1858; d. October
22, 1892. 90. Alittee, b. January 14, 1861. 91. Enoch A., b. April 22, 1863. 92. Sallie. b.
July 27, 1866; d. September 7, 1867. 93. Evalena, b. April 7, 1871.
72. Mark Clark m. Roxanna Clark, June 25, 1831, daughter of Reuben and Olive Clark,
of Clarks Landing; had children: 94. Addison. 95. Nelson. 96. George. 97. Joseph. 98.
Mark. 99. Edward. 100. Angeline. 101. Hannah. 102. Mary. 103. Olive. 104. Rebecca.
105. Roxanna. 106. Clara.
Of the above Addison, Nelson, George, Angeline and Roxanna are dead.
102. Alary Clark m. Herman Kayser; have children: 107. Clara. 108. Herman. 109.
Louis. 73. Elizabeth Clark m. John Collins. August 7. 1831; had children. (See history of
the Collins family.)
74. Thomas Clark m. Sarah C. Cordery, November 6, 1840. Children: no. Absalom
E., b. October 7, 1842.
no. Absalom E. Clark m. Annie Rose, of Trenton. N. J., January 29, 1873; she d.
December 23, 1894; had children: in. AArarren T., b. January 1, 1874. 112. Howard B.,
b. May 31, 1878. 113. Edna, b. September 23. 1892.
75. Lardner Clark m., first, Ann Chamberlain, January 7, 1843. by whom he had three
children: 114 Sarah. 115. Thomas. 116. Joab. all dead.
Married, second, Elizabeth Endicott, June 5, 1852. by whom he had the following
children: 117. Ann S., b. February 26. 1853. 118. Whitfield, b. December 2. 1854; d. July
28, 1883. 119. Mary Etta, b. November 28, 1859. 120. Elizabeth, b. July 6, 1864. 121.
Irene C, b. August 16, 1866.
76. Mary Ann Clark m. John Higbee; had children: 122. Walter. 123. Burroughs.
124. Sarah. 125. Alary Ann. 126. Absalom. 127. Thomas. 128. Emeline. 129. Mark.
77. Caroline Clark m Henry Simons; had children: 130. Thomas. 131. Caroline. 132.
Frances. 133. Harry. 134. Jennie. 135. Charles. 136. Laura.
78. Emeline Clark m. Jacob Philips, had one son, who lived to grow up. Married and
died at the age of forty, leaving several children in Philadelphia.
A number of the Clark family fought on the side of the colonies in their struggle for
independence. Among the names of Revolutionary soldiers of 1776, as compiled by Wil
liam Stryker, Adjutant-General of New Jersey, one may find on the roll from the County
of Gloucester, Benjamin Clark, Joseph Clark, Reuben Clark, Adriel Clark, David Clark,
Parker Clark, Thomas Clark, and John Clark, and on page 358 of said record you will find
this note:
Elijah Clark, Lieutenant Colonel Second Battalion Gloucester, resigned November 6,
1777, to become a member of Assembly.
Thus nine descendants of the early settler, Thomas Clark, fought to establish the inde
pendence of this country. The graves of four are to the writer unknown. Five lie buried
beneath the sod of the Clark's Mill burying ground. Port Republic.
Not only were the Clarks prominent as soldiers of the Revolution, but they were
leading members of the community in which they resided. Many of them were identified
with the early Christian work in this county. The old Clark's Mill Meeting House, which
stood on the outskirts of what is now Port Republic, was established with their aid, and
the Clark's Mill burying ground was one of the first church burying grounds of this county.
The founder of the Collins family in this country was one Richard Collins, M. D., the
first resident physician in Gloucester County, as it was called at that time. He came as
early as 1765 to the new world, from Ireland, where he was born, May 1, 1725. A large
tract of land in Galloway township was purchased by him and improved, and has since been
known as Collins Mills. It is located about one mile west of Smithville, in this county.
Dr. Collins was married previous to his coming to America, his one child by the first
marriage being Elizabeth, who married, first, John Holmes, and, second, Christopher
Ludlam, both of Cape Alay County. Dr. Richard afterward married Sarah Griffith, of
Pennsylvania, who bore him five children. Here in the wilderness Dr. Collins toiled,
reared and educated his family while ministering to the physical needs of the people over
a large tract of country, embracing what is now Atlantic County, and parts of surrounding
counties. Physically Dr. Collins was a giant, and even though great age came upon him,
his form was ever erect and active. He was a man of great intellectual as well as moral
force and of positive character; so much so indeed as to incline to eccentricity, in the opin
ions of his neighbors. Living, as he did, in the midst of Quakers, he adopted their mode
of dress and speech, though he was a Roman Catholic when he arrived in America. Letters
in the possession of some of his descendants prove, however, that the Doctor died in the
Alethodist faith. In a letter he wrote, "I have reared one son a Alethodist, one a Quaker,
and one a Universalist, but one of these days I'll take a short cut and beat them all to
heaven." Not long before the Doctor's death he invited home all his accessible children and
their families. Andrew Scull, Sr., a grand-child, then aged 10 years, said of him: "That
he had provided immense quantities of bread and honey for the children, and he remem
bers him alternately laughing to see them make way with it and weeping because he prob
ably should see their faces no more. Dr. Collins died in 1808, and was buried on his farm
at Collins' Alills, where his tomb and those of his wife and some of his children may yet be
seen. The children of Richard Collins and Sarah Griffiths were: 2. Matthew, b. May 7,
1764; d. September 29, 1851; m. (1) Judith Smith; (2) Sylvia Endicott Smith.
3. John, b. November 1, 1769; d. August 22. 1845; m. Sarah Blackman. November, 1793.
4. Levi, b. September 20, 1772; d. Alarch 24. 1813; m. Asenath Lake, August 16, 1801
5. Alice, b. August 27, 1776; d. November 12, 1833; m. Abel Scull.
A daughter, who died in infancy.
2. Matthew Collins, b. Alay 7, 1764; d. September 29, 1851, was a celebrated surveyor
in New Jersey. He was collector of customs for the District of Great Egg Harbor from
1807 to 1809. He married, first. Judith Smith and had the following children: 6. Elizabeth,
m. Richard Ireland. 7. Sophia, m. Joseph Endicott. 8. Alice (or Elsie), m. Benjamin
Smith. 9. Alary, m. Jesse Clark. 10. Nancy, m., first. Reed Steelman; second, Leeds Steel
man. n. James H., m., first, Amy Wolberton; second, Abigail Strang. 12. Mark, un
married. 13. Levi, unmarried. 14. Phoebe, m. Anthony Ireland. 15. Sarah, m. Absalom
Higbee 16. Richard, b. October n, 1798; d. Alay 22, 1833; m. Elizabeth Sooy or Wilson.
17. Elisha, m., went west.
2. Matthew Collins afterward married Sylvia (Endicott) Smith, widow of Robert
6. Elizabeth Collins m. Richard Ireland, and had Letice, m., first, Jacob Henry Van-
sorn; second, Absalom Higbee.
Letice and Jacob Henry Vansorn had Henry, who m. Sarah B. Cordery, daughter of
Enoch Cordery.
7. Sophia Collins m. Joseph Endicott, and had Rebecca, who m. Peter Wright; Harriet,
unmarried; Sarah, m. Jerry Adams; John, m. Smith; Joseph Henry, unmarried.
8. Alice Collins, m. Benjamin Smith, and had Lardner, Benjamin, John, Judith, Phoebe,
Elisha, Sylvia, Mark.
9. Mary Collins m. Jesse Clark. They had Ralph, d. in early life; Oliver, d. in early
life; Alden, d. in early life; Lizzie, d. in early life; Mary, m. Jerry Adams; Jesse, d. in
Andersonville prison, war of the Rebellion.
10. Nancy Collins, m., first, Reed Steelman. They had Judith, unmarried; Rainy, m.
Finly; Elisha, Absalom, Wesley.
11. James H. Collins m., first, Amy Wolberton. They had: 18. Ann, m. Samuel Slim.
19. Urbana, m., first, James G. Carter; second, William Griffiths.
Ann and Samuel Slim had Walton, m. Lizzie Jackson; Frank, m. Jennie Robinson;
Emma, m. Frank Haley; Lewis, Charlotte.
11. James H. Collins m., second, Abigail Strang, and had: 20. Emma, m. Albert
Willis. 21. Matthew, m. Jane Simpson. 22. Isabelle, m. James Allen. 23. Joseph, m.
Arivilda Steelman. 24. Thomas, m. Miss Wince, of Sweedsboro. 25. Lillie, m. Spitzer.
26. Walter, m. Nettie App. 27. Abigail, m. Jacob Lollard.
3. John Collins, b. November 1, 1769, was the second son of the pioneer, Dr. Richard
Collins, and may be rightly claimed as one of the founders of Methodism in America.
Converted at Smithville, this county, in 1794. he was soon licensed as a local preacher and
travelled extensively through a large part of West Jersey. His wife was Sarah Blackman,
daughter of David Blackman, of English Creek. She was a most loyal and efficient help
meet in his Christian labors. In 1803 he removed to Ohio with his family, and took up an
extensive tract of land in Clermont County.
Mr. Collins preached the first Methodist sermon in Cincinnati in 1804 and joined the
travelling connection in 1807. He established the first society in Dayton, 1808, and was
made Presiding Elder in 1819. It is said by various historians of the church that the Aleth-
odists had not in its early days a more successful preacher than Air. Collins. The follow
ing is a description of him, given by an eye-witness:
"The occasion was a quarterly meeting in Ohio. The meeting was opened by a young
man who, I was informed, had been recently initiated into the ministry. He was followed
by an old man dressed in Iinsey woolsey. He was tall and thin; his head was whitened by
the frost of years; his countenance was one that men love to look upon; there was nothing
remarkable or peculiar in his features; his forehead was high and a little projecting; his
eyes small and sunken; his nose thin and a little aquiline, and chin rather long. But he
had an expression of countenance that is not easily forgotten. As he arose every eye was
riveted on him, and such was the silence of the large assembly that the softest whisper might
have been heard. I felt that I was in the presence of no ordinary man. He read the
parable of the "Prodigal Son,'' and so preached and illustrated the text that the whole
assembly burst into an involuntary gush of tears, such were his oratorical powers."
After being in the west for a short time, Rev. Mr. Collins became worried over the
spiritual welfare of his father, the old Doctor, who had tried the Quaker religion after
renouncing Catholicism, so he returned to the old homestead at Collins' Mills on a religious
missipn. Some days after his return his father said to him: "John, we are all glad to see
thee, but I don't like thy religion." This was unexpected and greatly depressed John.
After some reflection he resolved to spend the whole of the ensuing night in prayer for his
father. Accordingly, at nightfall, after supper, he retired to the barn, that he might not be
interrupted. Here he engaged in fervent prayer until near 10 o'clock. Some one knocked
at the barn door, but he made no answer. In a short time another messenger came and
opening the door discovered him. This messenger was his sister, who had experienced
religion and who informed him that he had been sought for in his room, at his brother's,
near by, and at other places, and that he was supposed to be in the barn. She told him
their father was suffering the greatest mental agony and wished to see him. With joyful
heart Mr. Collins hurried to the room of his father and, embracing him, wept and prayed
with him. The struggle continued until near daylight, when deliverance came. His father
was filled with peace and joy and triumph." Life of John Collins. This briefly is a part of
the life of this great man who, his contemporaries claim, was the greatest apostle of Meth
odism through the Northwestern Territory. A sketch of his life was published by the
Western Book Concern in 1849; to this the writer is indebted, and also to Mrs. Anna
Collins Fleming, who is the possessor of many of the letters and private papers of John
Collins. He died in 1845, at the age of 76. A marble shaft marks his resting place in the little
churchyard at Bethel, near the road to Ripley. Ohio. The children of John Collins and
Sarah Blackman were four daughters and three sons, David, Wesley and Richard.
4. Levi Collins, b. September 20, 1772; d. Alarch 24, 1813; m. Asenath Lake, August 16,
1801. She was the daughter of the original pioneer, Daniel Lake and Sarah Lucas, his wife.
Levi was a prosperous land owner and farmer, and lived near Port Republic. The children
of Levi and Asenath Lake Collins were: 28. Samuel Griffiths, b. April 17, 1803; d. April 19,
1834. 29. Esther, b. December 3, 1804; m. Peter English. 30. John, b. October 13, 1806;
m. Elizabeth Clark, August 7, 1831. 31. Daniel Lake, b. July 17. 1808; d. November 5,
1887; m. Alary Ann Ingersoll, November 30, 1831. 32. Asenath, b. December 25, 1810; d.
April 23, 1890; m. Jonathan Albertson, July 17, 1841. 33. Levi, b. February 24, 1813; d.
March 20, 1813.
3. Alice Collins, b. August 27, 1776, m. Abel Scull, son of Joseph and Sarah Scull.
They had: Joseph Scull, m. Susannah Blackman; Richard Scull, m. Elizabeth Hickman;
Andrew Scull, m., first, Eunice Scull; second. Alary Gifford; Enoch Scull, m. Ann Hick
man; Alary Scull, m., first, Andrew Blackman; second, Daniel English; third, Clayton
Leeds; Sarah Scull, m., first, Capt. Robinson; second, David Smith; Elizabeth Scull, m.
John Broderick; Nancy Scull, m., first George Hickman; second, Elvy Scull; third. Wil
liam Scull.
29. Esther Collins, b. December 3, 1804; m. Peter English. They had: Albert, m., first,
Louisa Albertson, of English Creek; second, Emma Souder.
Asenath m. Nathaniel Risley.
Caroline, b. September 18, 1834, m. Robert Barclay Leeds, April 29, 1852.
Mariette m. James R. Adams, of Alount Pleasant.
Matilda m. Solomon Conover.
James T. m. Dorcas Hackney.
30. John Collins, b. October 13. 1806; m. Elizabeth Clark, August 7, 1831. She was
the daughter of Thomas and Alary Clark. They had: 34. Judith, b. September 8, 1832; d.
September 8, 1832. 35. Levi, b. October 13, 1833; m. Sarah Leonard, October 8, 1861.
36. Thomas Jefferson, b. February 4, 1836; lost at sea. 37. Daniel, b. October 17, 1837; d.
January 30, 1865; m. Elizabeth Lippincott, October 17. 1861. 38. Alary Caroline, b. August
25. 1839; m. William Nelson French, December 10. 1864. 39. Richard Siner, b. July 17,
1841; m. Adaline S. Green, Alay 1, 1867. 40. Georgianna. b. September 17, 1843: m. Jesse
S. Clark, August 23. 1867. 41. Emeline. b. August 20, 1845. 4^. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Alarch
17, 1847; m. Dr. D. M. Stout, July 25, 1889. 43. Ann C. b. August 23, 1851; m. Rev. C. K:
Fleming, April 28. 1892. 44. Alice, b. June 21. 1853; m. Roland Ashley Cake, September
3. 1874. 35. Levi Collins, b. October 13, 1833; m. Sarah Leonard, October 8, 1861. They had:
45. Gilbert Henry, b. December 27, 1862; m. Florence Shivers Fortiner, November 9, 1887.
46. Carrie Francis, b. May, 1865; m. William Brooks.
37. Daniel Collins, b. October 17, 1837; m. Elizabeth Lippincott, October 17, 1861.
They had: 47. Thomas Jefferson, b. December 28, 1862; m. Alay Mitchell, December 4,
1890. 48. Daniel Newman, b. May 23, 1865.
38. Alary Caroline Collins, b. August 25, 1839; m. William Nelson French. December
10, 1864. They had: Courtland Y., b. September 27. 1866; d. October 3, 1867. Iona, b.
June 10, 1869; d. August 16, 1870. William Collins, b. July 30, 1870. Alice .Matilda, b.
August 22. 1872. Emma Belle, b. Alarch 25, 1874. Bessie \rirginia, b. September 2. 1875.
Samuel Tilden, b. January 23, 1877.
39. Richard Siner Collins, b. July 17, 1841; m. Adaline S. Green, Alay 1, 1867. They
had: 49. Elizabeth, b. Alarch 5, 1868. 50. Clarence Warren, b. June 5, 1870; m. Anna
Ridgway Gallagher, June 29, 1898. 51. Georgianna, b. March 7, 1872; m. Charles N. Blake,
May 20, 1891. 52. Maria Taylor, b. March 1, 1876; m. John Godbou Thomas, June 21, 1899.
31. Daniel Lake Collins, b. July 17, 1808, at Collins Mill, near Smithville, Atlantic
County, N. J., was bound out to his mother's brother, Daniel Lake, when four years of age.
He received his early instruction under said Daniel Lake, who was a Quaker and surveyor,
living in Smith's Landing, on the shore road, on land now owned by John B. Smith.
Daniel Lake Collins learned surveying, and when he became of age received $1,600 as his
share of his father's estate (4. Levi Collins). Soon after he took a nine months' trip
through the west with Mark Lake. Upon his return he was married and lived on the
Ingersoll place. His marriage took place November 30, 1831, to Alary Ann Ingersoll,
daughter of Isaac Ingersoll, and Millicent Steelman, who after Isaac's death married Jere
miah Leeds. He bought the Collin's homestead, which extended originally along shore
road from Wood lane (Tilton road) to the county farm, and contained about 108 acres.
Daniel was a very well read and thoughtful man, contemporaries saying of him that his
was one of the greatest brains this county had ever produced. In form he was large and
powerful and had great endurance, part of which he attributed to abstemious habits and
the cold water treatment to which he was an adherent. Also learned the trade of plasterer
(mason) in Philadelphia, and cobbler, having done the family mending. His property was
afterward increased by the purchase of one-third of the Daniel Lake farm, and from this
purchase he followed farming and oyster planting, making considerable money in the latter
business. About 1850 he began investing his earnings in beach property, owning at different
times with Col. Daniel Morris, Joseph Ireland, etc., large tracts on the now famous Absecon
Beach. About ten years before his death he lived a retired life. Died November 5. 1887,
and was buried by his own request in the family burying ground on the old Dr. Richard
Collins farm, near Smithville. His children were:
53. Isaac, b. August 7, 1832; m., first, Catherine Golden, November 23, 1854; m.,
second, Almira Garwood, June 13, 1885. 54. John, b. September 24. 1834; m. Rebecca
Price, September 24, 1855. 55. Milicent, b. December 13, 1836; d. July 21, 1874; m. Henry
Risley, October 12, 1854; 56. Asenath, b. April 26, 1839; d. February 10, 1870; m. William
A. Bowen, September 10, 1859. 57. Sarah, b. July 26. 1841; m., first, William S, Cazier,
January 1, 1858; second, Noah Adams, April 26, 1865; m., third, Daniel Peterson, January
29. 1875. 58. Joseph B.. b. February 8, 1844; m. Eunice S. Bevis, June 16, 1864; 59. Steel
man T., b. July 15, 1846; m., first, Isabella O'Donnell, November 10. 1866; second, Georg
ianna Reeves, November 7, 1886. 60. Esther Ann, b. April 4. 1849; d. December 24, 1872.
61. Nur L., b. June 1, 1851; d. May 9, 1876. 62. Alary Ann. b. November 29, 1854; m.
James Lewis Risley, January 1, 1873.
53. Isaac Collins was born August 7, 1832, on the Ingersoll place, south side shore
road, near the residence of John Collins, Pleasantville. He received an ordinary school
education at Salem school (Smith's Landing), and worked on the farm until 21 years of
age, when he received from his father one acre, where his present residence now is. Alar-
ried November 23, 1854, Catherine Golden, of Philadelphia, and built his present home
1855. His occupation was farming and oyster planting, delivering the products to Atlantic
City, when the business was first started by boats and still continuing. He is a successful
large asparagus and strawberry grower, having a system of irrigation in operation during
strawberry season to overcome the usual drought. In 1881 was influenced by the united
parties of Independents, Democrats and Prohibitionists, to accept the nomination for
Sheriff. The fight was warm and well contested, he being successful by a majority of about
300 over his opponent, Simon L. Westcott. His Deputy as Sheriff was Jos. A. Peck. In
1882 Isaac was nominated for State Senator, but defeated by 300 votes by John J. Gardner.
His life has been influential and exemplary, and retired from active political life, he repre
sents a sterling type of Atlantic County's country-gentleman. He married Airs. Almira
Garwood, June 13, 1885, some years after the death of Catherine Golden.
Children of Isaac Collins and Catherine Golden were: 63. Annie E., b. February 14,
1856; d. April 28, 1883; m. John Parcels, April 14, 1879. 64. Alary Caroline, b. Alay 31,
1858; m. John P. Ashmead, January 20, 1877. 65. Thomas Near, b. i860; d. i860. 66.
Katie Near, b. 1862; d. 1863. 67. Nur J., b. Alarch 5, 1864; m. Evalena Ireland, March 22,
1887. 68. Hugh AL, b. Alay 18, 1865; m. Kate Blanche Newell, December 10, 1884. 69
Daniel Lake, b. April 22. 1867; m. Elizabeth Ryon, October 10, 1894. 70. Kate Golden,
b. January 21, 1871; d. September 7, 1889. 71. Agnes Alay, b. April 1, 1876; ni. John
Andrews, February 20, 1896. 72. Ida, b. February 12, 1878; d. February 13, 1878.
54. John Collins, b. September 24, 1834; m. Rebecca Price, September 24, 1855. They
had: 73. Burris, b. Alarch 22, 1856; m. Sarah Elizabeth Jester, Alay 31, 1881. 74. John
Henry, b. February 20, 1858; m. Arabella Kings, April 7, 1878. 75. Thomas Jefferson, b.
April 2. i860; d. February 6. 1861. 76. Alary Eliza, b. January 13, 1862; m. Frank Blackman,
December 9, 1886. 77. Alilicent Leeds, b. April 16, 1864; m. Josiah E. Risley, August 12,
1891. 78. Mark Price, b. April 23, 1867; d. September 27, 1868. 79. Alice Moore, b. Jan
uary 8, 1870. 80. Haddie Nelson, b. January 15, 1872; m. Wilbur Reed, Alay 20, 189b. 81.
Royer Aloore, b. July 6, 1874; m. Sarah Clark, April 29, 1893. 82. Rebecca, b. February
16, 1877. 55. Alillicent Collins, b. December 13, 1836; m. Henry Risley, October 12, 1854. They
had: Alary R., b. October 10, 1855; d. August 25, 1856. John C, b. September 30, 1857; m.
Alary Emma Smith, October 31, 1877. Daniel Collins, b. October 29, 1859; d. November
12, 1859. Sophia, b. June 19, 1862; m. Otto Lewis Lehman, May, 1887. Laura, b. Sep
tember 14, 1865; d. Alarch 30, 1868. Garrett P., b. April 26, 1870; m Alary Fuhrer, October
1, 1893- 56. Asenath Collins, b. April 26, 1839; m. William A. Bowen, September 10, 1859. They
had: Alargaret, b. September 3, i860; m. Samuel Ireland, November 1, 1876. Catherine,
b. September 2, 1862; m. Elwood Adams, Alay 24, 1881. William Sharply, b. August 29,
1864; d. August 9, 1865. Anna Alary, b. April 8, 1868.
57. Sarah Collins, b. July 26, 1841, m., first, William S. Cazier, January 1, 1858. They
had: Alary A., b. November 6, 1858; m. Washington Somers Conover, Alarch 21, 1875.
Sarah Collins, m., second, Noah Adams, April 26. 1865. They had: Felix, b. February 22,
1866; d. Alarch 28, 1870. Lucinda, b. April 1. 1868; d. April 3, 1870.
58. Joseph B. Collins, b. February 8, 1844; m. Eunice S. Bevis, June 16, 1864. They
had: 83. Harry, b. February 5, 1865; d. September 2, 1865. 84. Annabel, b. September 26,
1866. 85. Lena, b. June 14, 1869; m. Alilton Sooy, Alay 22. 1892. 86. William S., b. Sep
tember 6, 1871. 87. Alary Ann, b. February 4, 1874. 88. Isaac Lemuel, b. April 18, 1876.
89. Emma Aladalene, b. February 1, 1878. 90. Eliza A., b. Alay 21, 1881. 91. Nettie, b.
December 27, 1886.
59. Steelman T. Collins, b. July 15, 1846; m., first, Isabella O'Donnell, November 10,
1866. They had: 92. Thomas, b. June 9, 1867; m. Ida AL Taylor, June 9, 1893. 93. William
C, b. February 28, 1869; d. November 27, 1869. 94. Charles T., b. August 8, 1870; m. Flora
Stebbins, February 4, 1892. 95. Harry R., b. July 15, 1869. 96. Frank AL, b. October 2,
1874; d. May 14. 1878. 97. Fredie G., b. November 4. 1876; d. September 13, 1877. 98.
Martha M., b. January 21, 1878; m. Joseph Wilson Collins, April 27. 1899. 99. Lilly A., b.
January 9, 1880; d. October 7, 1885. Steelman afterward m. Georgianna Reeves, November
7, 1886. They had: 100. Florence, b. Alay 9, 1892. 101. Edwin, b. August 29, 1893.
63. Annie E. Collins, b. February 14, 1856; m. John Parcels, April 14, 1878. They had:
Harry E., b. January 1, 1879. Howard S., b. February 12, 1883; d. February 12. 1883.
64. Alary Caroline Collins, b. Alay 31, 1858; m. John P. Ashmead, January 20, 1877.
They had: James Edward, b. May 20, 1878.
67. Nur J. Collins, b. March 5, 1864; m. Evalena Ireland, Alarch 22. 1887. They had:
102. Earle, b. February 18, 1888. 103. Gilbert C, b. December 8, 1890. 103. Katherine, b.
June 18, 1892. 105. John, b. November 1, 1894.
71. Agnes Al. Collins, b. April 1, 1876; m. John Andrews. They had: James Lewis,
b. December 15, 1897.
73. Burris Collins, b. March 22, 1856; m. Sarah Elizabeth Jester, A'lay 31, 1881. They
had: 106. William Jester, b. March 18, 1882; d. August 13, 1882. 107. Leon Leroy, b.
March 27, 1883. 108. Emily Blanche, b. January 17, 1885. 109. Harry Burdell, b. August
7, 1887. no. Josie Risley, b. December 18, 1895.
74. John Henry Collins, b. February 20, 1858; m. Arabella Kings, April 7, 1877. They
had: in. Charles Lester, b. September 7, 1878; d. June 9, 1879; 112. Annie Bell, b. Sep
tember 7, 1878 (twins); m. Harry Campbell, September 26, 1898. 113. Charles Lester, b.
October 1, 1880. 114. Archie Mark, b. January 1, 1882. 115. Ethel Alay, b. December 29,
1884. 116. Bella, b. April 27, 1887. 117. Emily Jester, b. April 9, 1890. 118. Alark Roger,
b. September 10, 1892; d. June 18, 1893. 119. Irene, b. Alay 14, 1894. 120. Alillie Leeds,
b. September 26, 1896.
76. Mary Eliza Collins, b. Jan. 13, 1862; m. Frank Blackman, December 9, 1886. They
had: Florence, b. February 4, 1889. Myrtle Somers, b. Alay 31. 1891.
32. Asenath Collins, b. December 25, 1810; m. Jonathan Albertson, July 17, 1841. They
had. Levi Collins, b. December 6, 1844; m. Elizabeth Leeds, October 1, 186S. Elizabeth
Mathis, b. July 2. 1846; m. May Humphreys, November 14, 1878. John Collins, b. Sep
tember 15, 1848; m. Julia T. Young, November 27, 1871. Daniel Lake, b. July 1, 1851; m.
Eliza V. Endicott, November 22. 1871. Nicholas Sooy, b. August 5, 1856; m. Sophie E.
Godfrey, June 20. 1880.
The Doughty family has lived at Absecon for two hundred years. (1) Edward
Doughty, Sr., is the oldest of whom there is any tradition. His son (2), Edward, Jr., was
the father of (3) Jonathan, and the grandfather of (4) Abner Doughty, who was the father
of Gen. Enoch Doughty. Abner Doughty was born in 1755, and died in 1820. He married
Leah Holmes, nee Risley, widow of Capt. James Holmes of the Regular Army of the
Revolution, who was mortally wounded at the battle of Princeton. It is a tradition that
Gen. Washington dismounted that the wounded man might be carried from the field on his
horse, led by Sam Day, his servant.
Leah Holmes brought her wounded husband home to Absecon and cared for him till
he died, a short time afterwards. Later she married Abner Doughty and had five children.
The two first (5), James Holmes and (6) Joseph Rainard, died young.
(7) Daniel Doughty, who lost his life in the explosion of the steamboat Mosell, the
first boat built to ply between Cincinnati and New Orleans. He married Emma Hilman
and had seven children, who have always lived west. These are Samuel, Elizabeth, Harriet,
Mary, Emma, Abner and Edward.
(8) Nathaniel, son of Abner, b. November 25, 1794, lived with his brother, Gen. Enoch
Doughty, and died childless on his birthday, in 1852.
(9) Gen. Enoch Doughty, b. Alarch 4, 1792; d. April 17, 1871; m. Charlotte Clark. He
was a man of powerful build and of great physical strength. He could lift one thousand
pounds with ease and had great powers of endurance in supervising the interests of his
large estate and in traveling usually twice each week over primitive roads to Philadelphia
on business. He sent many cargoes of lumber, charcoal and tar to New York on vessels
built from his own estate.
Tar in those days was made from pine knots split and piled up on dish-like founda
tions, made of smooth clay, so that from the centre a pipe underground would carry the
melting pitch to a nearby barrel. Even as charcoal is burned was the pitch driven out by
fire from the pile of pine knots and a superior quality of charcoal left behind. When the
war of the rebellion broke out and the southern supply of tar was cut off, fancy prices were
paid for the tar from the Doughty estate.
Probably seventy-five or one hundred men at times found employment on the forests,
farm, coalings, mills and tar kilns of the estate for many years, and the business is con
tinued by his daughter, the only survivor of the family, at the present time.
When Gen. Lafayette visited this country in 1825 Gen. Doughty was in command of
the militia that escorted him from New York to Philadelphia.
Gen. Doughty was a life long disciple of Democracy, and died in his 86th year, loved
and esteemed by all who knew him. He was long a leading man in this locality and held
many positions of honor and trust. During the war of 1812 he was a member of the Coast
Guards and ranked as Captain. He was High Sheriff of Old Gloucester before Atlantic was
cut off, in 1837. He was fearless in the discharge of his duty, and at one time refused a
challenge to fight a duel by a printer of Woodbury, who had some grievance against him.
He was made Alajor of the First Division of the New Jersey Alilitia, and later promoted
to Brigadier General, n position which he held for many years. He was one of the original
promoters of the C. & A. Railroad, and a large stockholder in the enterprise, and a director
so long as he lived. He lost fifty thousand dollars in the enterprise, besides the heavy losses
from forest fires which devastated his estate. He was a member of the Al. E. Church from
early youth, and largely interested in the welfare of the church and county. He passed to
his grave full of years and honors.
They had nine children: (10) John Holmes, who d. August 18, 1898, aged 80 years;
(11) Rebecca Wilson, d. October 2, 1889; (12) Abigail Hugg, d. Alarch 18. 1851; (13)
Martha, d. young, Alarch 11, 1829; (14) Leah, d. young, November 2, 1856; (15) Enoch
Alpheus, d. July 22. 1896, aged 60 years; (16) Sarah Natalie, only survivor; (17) Jane C,
d. young, June 14. 1852.
(10) John H. Doughty, for many years was one of the Lay Judges of Atlantic County,
and was highly respected by all who knew him. For fifty years he lived in a fine house
on the shore road in Absecon village, opposite the store which he kept, spending the last
seven years of his life at the old homestead, four miles westerly of the station and half a
mile from the railroad which his father helped to build. His only surviving child is Airs.
Charles T. AIcAIullm, of Philadelphia. He married Arabella Somers.
(15) Enoch Alpheus never married. For many years he was the manager of the
estate, succeeding his father as one of the directors of the Camden & Atlantic Railroad.
He had a wonderful memory and exceptional talents as a wit and a mimic, and was a social
favorite among his associates.
(12) Abigail Hugg m. David S. Blackman, of Port Republic, who d. October 13, 1884,
aged 69 years. They had five children:
Charlotte Amanda, who m. Dr. Jonathan Kay Pitney.
Sarah Francis, who m. Rev. James Al. Nourse, D. D., President of New Windsor Col
lege at New Windsor, Aid., Alay 18, 1865.
Edwin H.. d. April 30, 1873, aged 27 years.
Evaline Constantia m. William Glenn, a mining engineer of Richmond, Va., but who
now lives in Baltimore.
Winfield Scott, who d. young.
The children of Sarah Francis are Hattie, Alpheus, Homer, Clarence Doughty, James
Francis and Alary Nourse.
The children of Evaline Constantia are Eva Constantia, William Edwards, Charlotte
Sewel! and Robert Sterling Glenn.
The Endicott family became settled in what is now Atlantic County probably in the
early or middle part of the seventeenth century; the exact date is not now known. Ben
jamin Endicott is the first of the name who is known to have resided within its limits. He
was a resident of Port Republic prior to the Revolutionary war. He served in that war
and was a prisoner in the hands of the British for a considerable time, confined in the
prison ships in New York harbor. He suffered with his companions in this confinement.
all the inconveniences and bodily discomforts which gave to these prison-ships their hor
rible reputation, the tradition of the family tells us. He suffered in other ways, for, whilst
he was in arms in the defence of his country, his property at home was greatly injured
when it was on the line of the enemy's march. Hardships like this called forth the following-
action of the Continental Congress, December 19, 1777:
"Resolved, That General AVashington be informed that, in the opinion of Congress,
the State of New Jersey demands, in a peculiar degree, the protection of the armies of the
United States so far as the same can possibly be extended consistent with the safety of the
army and the general welfare, as that State lies open to attacks from so many quarters, and
the struggles which have been made by the brave and virtuous inhabitants of that State, in
defence of the common cause cannot fail to expose them to the particular resentment of a
merciless enemy."
Jacob Endicott was a brother of Benjamin. He was an officer in the Revolutionary
army, being second lieutenant of Captain Snell's Company, 3d Battalion, Gloucester County
troops, commissioned September 18, 1777.
The tradition in the family is that there were three brothers who first came to this
county, and that their settlement in Port Republic was directly the result of their being-
shipwrecked upon the coast. It is probable that their ship was lost upon the Absecon or
Brigantine beach, and, if unmarried men, they may have found it agreeable to make their
future home in a place where, in unfortunate and distressful plight, they were welcomed
and relieved by a kindly people. Certainly they could not have found here a people such
as some writers have denominated "Jersey Pirates," who are said to have lured unfortunate
mariners to their destruction by false lights on the shore in order that they might be
plundered in their helpless condition. The third brother was probably Samuel, and as he
is said to have been lost at sea and his body washed ashore at Cape Alay. may it not have
been in the original shipwreck named, and Cape Alay have referred to the South Jersey
coast generally? All these were sons of John Endicott, of Northampton, Burlington
County, New Jersey.
Benjamin appears to be the only one who left issue. He died in 1792. All the Endi
cotts in Atlantic County are descended from him. His children were John, William, Jacob,
Nicholas, Joseph, Sylvia, and Mary. All these children married and had families, and up to
the year 1847 all the sons named were living.
Of the daughters, Sylvia married Matthew Collins, and Alary married Eli Higbee.
Both of these left, children, who reside in the vicinity of Port Republic.
The descendants of Benjamin were quite numerous. They inherited a love for the
sea, and many of the males gained a livelihood upon its waters, braving its dangers. Not
a few have found their final resting place in its deeps. This love of the sea goes back
further than those of the family who were the first to settle in this county. The same
spirit existed in the Massachusetts family, from which our branch is descended, and many
of those were daring and successful sailors in foreign seas, engaging in the trade with the
West Indies and China. All seem to have shared in those qualities and habits of life which
are so much influenced by the dangers, grandeurs and mysteries of the sea. They have
lived quiet, peaceful, useful lives, with little taste for public place or those activities which
are associated with public affairs.
John, the eldest son of Benjamin, was born in 1772. He resided in Port Republic. He
was a man of considerable property and influence in the community, and was for a time
one of the County Judges. He lived to an advanced age, dying in 1857.
William, the second son, born in 1789, married Hannah Smith, and was the father of a
large family. He died in 1856. Of his eleven children, all four of the sons, Thomas,
Wesley, Samuel and William, followed in the footsteps of their father and became wedded
to the sea. Wesley and William went down with their vessel in a terrific southwest snow
storm, in 1857, and no vestige of any kind was left to tell the story.
Jacob, the third son, left children, whose descendants are living. Nicholas, the fourth
son, was born in 1791, and died in 1867. He married Rebecca Higbee, who survived him
until 1883, when she died at the advanced age of 88 years. Their son, Captain Richard
Endicott, died in 1883, at the age of 62 years, without issue.
Other grandsons of Benjamin who have passed away in recent years are Jeremiah
Endicott and James L. Endicott, well known in the present generation. Their children are
living in Port Republic and Atlantic City, and a daughter, Airs. Walters, in Absecon.
Of the grandsons of Benjamin, Thomas Doughty Endicott, son of AVilliam, was born
in Port Republic, January 14, 1815. Adopting the calling of his ancestors, he became the
master of a vessel at a very early age, and marrying Ann Pennington, a daughter of John
Pennington, of Mays Landing, in 1837, he took up his residence in that village. He im
mediately built the Endicott homestead, which stands to-day the home of one of his daugh
ters, maintained by his estate. All of the Alays Landing Endicotts are his children, and all
except the eldest were born in this home. Thomas was a man of rare qualities of mind
and heart. His life was exemplary in every respect. Upright, honest, just, kind hearted,
of superior judgment, he was successful in business and was held in the highest personal
esteem by the community. His wife was a woman no less noted for her own superior
judgment and loving heart, and her unselfish devotion to her family and community, their
position was one of great usefulness. Thomas was a staunch friend of the church and
school, in which his ten children was brought up, and his thought, counsel and means
were given without stint to both. He never sought any public place of any kind, and in
his whole life never held but one office, that of a Pilot Commissioner of the State of New
Jersey, and this was tendered to him because of his eminent fitness for the post, and without
any application or request of his own. Having acquired a competence and being in rather
delicate health he retired from the sea comparatively early in life to enjoy his home and
the companionship of his family and friends. He died May 28, 1884, surrounded by his
wife and the nine children who survived him.
Thomas had ten children, Charles G, Lucy, Catharine B., Alordecai T., Isabella R.,
Alary D.. Elizabeth P., George W., Hannah, and Allen B. Lucy died in 1865. All the
other children are living. Charles is a very successful ship-owner and merchant in New
York City, but residing in Westfield, N. J. He is widely known in this State, and in ship
ping circles, as a man of high character and of exceptional business probity and ability.
Alordecai is a civil engineer, graduating from the Polytechnic, Troy, N. Y., in the class
of 1868. After practicing his profession upon several works in private life, he was com
missioned an officer of the corps of civil engineers in the U. S. Navy, in 1874. After a long
service upon many public works of the Navy, he was selected by President Cleveland, in 1895,
as one of the commission of three expert engineers to visit Nicaragua and make an exam
ination, survey and report upon the possibility, permanence and cost of the construction
and completion of the Nicaragua Ship Canal. This commission was constituted by special
authority of Congress. In 1897 Congress directed the organization of the Armor Factory
Board to prepare plans, specifications and estimates of the cost of a plant for the manu
facture of armor for war ships by the Government, in consideration of the high prices for
the same demanded by private establishments, and Alordecai was selected as a member of
the Board. In 1898 President AIcKinley appointed him Chief of the Bureau of Yards and
Docks of the Navy Department, with the rank of Commodore. In 1899, by authority of an
Act of Congress, he was raised to the rank of Rear-Admiral, U. S. Navy. He resides in
Washington, D. C.
George graduated at the Jefferson Aledical College in Philadelphia, and is a very suc
cessful physician in Plainfield, N. J. He enjoys an exceptional reputation as a skillful
surgeon. Allen graduated at the University of Pennsylvania, in the law department, and was
also a pupil in the office of the late Peter L. Voorhees. He is one of the first citizens of our
county. He is prominent in the practice of his profession and a most public spirited man.
He has served as County Collector, Solicitor of Atlantic City, and now fills the post of
Law Judge of the County. He resides in Atlantic City.
Of the daughters who survive, Catharine is the only one unmarried. She occupies the
old homestead in Alays Landing, which, by a provision of the father's will, is maintained
by his estate as a home for the unmarried daughters as long as any remain single. Of the
others, Isabella married Air. Lucien B. Corson; Alary D. married Mr. Daniel E. Iszard;
Elizabeth married the Rev. H. Rundell. and Hannah married Mr. Lewis Howell. Elizabeth
resides in Atlantic City, where her husband is a Presbyterian minister, and all the rest
live in Alays Landing. All these daughters are gentle, earnest, devoted women, who are
living useful lives, particularly earnest in their religious duties, and making the world
better for their presence.
The Endicotts of Atlantic County come of a distinguished ancestry, the very bluest
blood of New England. They are direct descendants of John Endicott, the first Governor
of Alassachusetts. John Endicott was born in Dorsetshire, England, in the year 1588. Very little is known
of his early life prior to the time he became known as a Puritan and a member of a little
colony organized in England, which came to the shores of New England in 1628. The
family to which he belonged was of respectable standing and moderate fortunes. He be
longed to that class in England called "esquires," or "gentlemen," composed mainly at
that time of the independent landholders of the realm.
The Puritans sought refuge from persecution for religious opinions. A small settle
ment was effected at Plymouth, in 1624, and this was so far successful that some men of
substance and means resolved to purchase a grant from the crown, which they effected "by
a considerable sum of money," and the project of establishing a colony in New England
was launched. One of this company, and the principal one to carry out its objects, was
John Endicott. He arrived at Cape Ann with his followers in the "Abagail," in 1628, when
40 years of age. The life of Air. Endicott from this time to his death, in 1665, is a part of
the history of New England, and the establishment of free institutions in this country.*
He was Governor of the Alassachusetts Colony 16 years, and served longer continuously
than any other. Dr. Bentley, the historian, says: "Above all others, he deserved the name
of the father of New England." Air. Felt calls him "The father of New England." Mr.
Upham says of him, "Air. Endicott was the most representative man of all the New England
colonists." He passed through all the military grades to that of Sergeant Major-General of Massa
chusetts. He was an intrepid and successful leader, a man of superior intellectual endow
ments and mental culture, vigorous mind and a fearless and independent spirit. With great
energy and firmness of character, aided by religious enthusiasm, his faith and confidence
never forsook him, and the whole colony looked up to him in all their hardships, privations
and struggles for livelihood and religious and political freedom. He was a man of very
tender conscience. Longfellow says, "He is a man both loving and austere; and tender
heart; a will inflexible."
Such was the first Endicott to come to this country, and from whom those of the family
in this county trace their descent.
Governor Endicott had two sons, John and Zerubbabel. John died without issue.
Zerubbabel had seven children, five sons and two daughters. One of the sons, Joseph,
was born at Salem, Mass., in 1669. He was christened at the First Church, in Salem, July
17, 1672. He moved from Massachusetts to Northampton, in the county of Burlington,
New Jersey, in 1698. As he was the first to enter this State, this year is the 202d anniver-
*A few years prior to the death of Gov. Endicott the English slatesmen had seen that ihe spirit of liberty was
prevalent in the colonies, and the Earl of Clarendon, in framing a plan for Iheir government by commissioners,
remarked that "they were all hardened inlo republics."
sary of the settlement of this family in New Jersey. Joseph was the only grandson of the
Governor to come to this State, and all the New Jersey Endicotts are descended from him.
He died in May, 1747, at Northampton, aged 75 years. He left at his death, according to
his will recorded in the office of the Secretary of State, at Trenton, two sons, John and
Joseph, and two daughters, Anna Gillam and Elizabeth Deloraine. A grandson, Joseph
Bishop, is also mentioned. In a deed executed by him and recorded in what is now Box-
ford, Massachusetts, he styles himself "Joseph Endicott, of Northampton, County of Bur
lington, in West Jersey, in the Government of New York, yeoman."
Joseph had two sons, as stated above. Of the second, Joseph, there is no memorial,
and he probably never married. The first son, John, is the only one who left issue, and
all who came to Atlantic County are descended from him.
John Endicott had six children: Samuel, Zerubbabel, Benjamin, Jacob, Alary, who
married a Air. Matlock, and Sarah, who married a Air. Hancock. He is said to have died
at a very advanced age, but the year is not now known. Three of his sons came to Atlantic
County, and the only one of these who left issue is Benjamin Endicott, the soldier of the
Revolution, with whom our story began.
Portraits of Governor John Endicott show that his descendants in the seventh gen
eration, in New Jersey, bear much resemblance to him, as do the children in the eighth.
Many of these possess the traits, of character which history records as belonging to their
distinguished ancestor. Few of this family in this country have held public office. Governor
Endicott was a central figure in the early colonial history of New England for nearly 40
years, but all the great duties and honors came to him; it is said that they "fell upon him."
Not one is known to have been a politician in the ordinary acceptation of that term. Air.
William Endicott, of Salem, Massachusetts, who was the Secretary of War in President
Cleveland's Cabinet, is a fifth cousin of the present generation in this county. His daugh
ter, Miss Endicott, married the present Right-Honorable Joseph Chamberlain, of the
British Cabinet, being Colonial Secretary. He is the central figure in the present war con
test between Great Britain and the Boers in Africa. It is believed that the very cordial
relations which have existed in so marked a degree between Great Britain and this country
since Mr. Chamberlain's advent to power as a leader, are largely the result of his marriage
with this beautiful American girl.
i. Peter Frambes, b. September 15, 1723, in Holland, early emigrated to this country,
being a small child. He settled in Pennsylvania, but was driven out by the Indians.
On the same ship came Mary Margaretta Hoffman, also a small child. Peter Frambes
married Mary Al. Hoffman and they moved to Gloucester County, N. J., settling on a
tract of land back of Zion Church, this county. Peter was a weaver by trade. He had the
following children:
2. Nicholas, b. June 1, 1758; d. June 25, 1835: m., first, Sarah Rape; second, Naomi
Scull; third, Elsie Collins Scull. 3. Andrew, b. October 7, 1759; m. Sarah English. 4.
Peter, b. December 22, 1761; m. Alice Somers. 5- John, b. December 28, 1763; d. Sep
tember 2, 1861; m., first, Polly Chamberlain; second, Alargaret Garwood; third, Elizabeth
Garwood Risley. 6. Alary Ann, b. December 30, 1765; d. October 15, 1851; m. David
Dermis. 7. Michael; m., first, Alary Dole; second, Sallie Brandriff. 8. Sarah; d. February
23, 1825; m. Thomas Garwood. 9. Margaretta, b. October 20, 1772; d. March 22, 1824; m.
Christopher Vansant. 10. Rachel; m. Peter Boice.
2. Nicholas Frambes, b. June 1, 1758, was a tar-maker by trade, and lived at Catawba,
then a flourishing village near Alays Landing. He served in the revolutionary war. June,
1785. he married Sarah Rape, daughter of Christopher Rape. Their children were:
11. Mary, b. April 6, 1786; d. February 1, 1862; m. Daniel Edwards. 12. Job, b. June
9, 1788; d. April 11, 1884; m., first, Hannah Irelan; second, Alice Vansant. 13. David, b.
September 15, 1790; d. April 28, 1867; m. Mary Ann Frambes; second, Louisa Clark. 14.
Sarah, b. November 12, 1792; m. James Smith. 15. Andrew, b. February 12, 1796; d. June
25, 1875; m., first, Sarah Somers; second, Alargaret Adams Baker.
2. Nicholas Frambes m., second, Naomi Scull, daughter of Joseph Scull, and went to
Bargaintown, living on what is now known as the Richard Scull farm. Nicholas' third wife
was Elsie Collins Scull, daughter of Richard Collins and widow of Abel Scull.
3. Andrew Frambes, b. October 7, 1759, served in the war of the revolution. He m.
Sarah English. They had: 16. Joseph. 17. Peter.
4. Peter Frambes, b. December 22, 1761, was a farmer and lived in this county on what
was known as the Doughty Place, above Zion Church. He was drowned in Great Egg
Harbor inlet, his widow supported the children by running the old mill, which is still
standing at Bargaintown. Peter m. Alice Somers. They had: 18. Rebecca, d. November
24, 1848; m. Daniel Tilton. 19. Hosea, b. December 20, 1785; d. January 17, 1857; m.
Amelia Risley. 20. Aaron, b. 1790; d. February 22, 1822; m. Charlotte Cordery. 21. Mary
Ann, b. 1791; d. December 7, 1823; m. David Frambes. 22. Alargaretta, m. Enoch Inger-
sol. 23. James.
5. John Frambes, b. December 28, 1763; d. September 2, 1861. He lived in the old brick
house still standing in Pleasantville. He m., first, Polly Chamberlain. They had: 24.
John, b. January 16, 1803; d. November 5, 1891; m. Eliza Dennis.
(S) John Frambes m., second, Alargaret Garwood. They had: 25. Peter, m. Alice
Tilton. (5) John's third wife was Airs. Elizabeth Garwood Risley, sister of his second wife.
6. Alary Ann Frambes, b. December 30, 1765; d. October 15, 1851; lived at Catawba,
English Creek; m. David Dennis. They had: 26. Joel; m., first, Alargaret Risley; second,
Sarah Ann Risley. 27. David, m. Hannah Hickman. 28. Eliza, m. John Frambes. 29.
Sarah, in. John Barber. 30. Eunice, m. John Leap. 31. Abigail, m. Merrick Lambson. 32.
Hannah, m. Samuel Barber. 33. Constant, m. Polly Scull.
7. Michael Frambes; m., first, Alary Dole; second, Sallie Brandriff. He lived at Pleas
antville. His children were: 34. Nicholas, m. Lydia Kendall. 35. Joseph Dole, m. Rachel
Lee. 36. Joel. 37. James Coates. 38. Alary Ann, m. Aaron Ingersoll. 39. Rachel, m.
George Robinson. 40. Eunice, m. Felix Leeds. 41. Richard.
8. Sarah Frambes, m. Thomas Garwood, Bargaintown. They had: 42. Joshua, m.
Lydia Shaw. 43. Thomas, b. Alay 17, 1805; d. September 7. 1874; m.. first, Alary Smith;
second. Jemima Somers Bennett. 44. Davis, m. Lettice Ann Somers. 45. Polly, m. Samuel
Price. 46. Meriam, m. William Price. 47 Alargaret. 48. Hannah, m. Japhet Irelan.
9. Alargaret Frambes. b. October 20. 1772; d. Alarch 22. 1824; m. Christopher Van
sant. ship carpenter. They had: 49. Jethro, b. October 29, 1797; d. May 30, 1832. 50.
John, b. November 15. 1802; d. November 16. 1884; m. Talitha Suthard. 51. Job, 111. Sarah
Risley. 52. Alice, b. February 26. 1807: d. January 15. 1884; m. Job Frambes. 53. Alargaret,
m. Francis Somers. 54. Alary Ann. m. Cornelius Robinson. 55. Daniel, m. Emeline Ben
nett. 56. Susan, in. Thomas Alorris.
10. Rachel Frambes m. Peter Boice. They had: 57. Peter, b. December 23, 1805; d.
August 30. 1892; m. Sarah Ann Chamberlain. 58. Alary, b. 1801; m., first, James Risley;
second. Risley Adams. 59. Richard, b. 1803. 60. William, b. June 28. 1808; d. September
13, 1869: m. Leah Robinson.
11. Alary Frambes, b. April 6, 1786; d. February 1, 1862; m. Daniel Edwards. They
had: 61. Susanna, b. 1805; d. 1808. 62. Sarah, b. November 15. 1806; d. February 5. 1877;
m. Constant Somers. 63. Alary, b. 1816; m. Henry S. Steelman, 04. Susanna, b.
1819; m.. first. John R. Somers: second. John Somers.
12. Job Frambes. b. June 9. 1788; d. April 11, 1884. m., first, Hannah, daughter of
Japhet Irelan. They had: 65. Frances Anna. b. October 3, 1817; d. November 21, 1893; m.
Alark Lake. 66. Alary, b. October 3, 1819; d. Alay 9. 1821. 67. Lewis S., b. January 10,
1822; d. Alarch 7, 187S; m. Charlotte Irelan. 68. Richard I., b. April 28. 1824. m. Alary
Tilton. 69. Alary P., b. November 28. 1826; m. Sedgwick Rusling Leap. 70. Alahlon C.
b. January 101 1829; m. Alary E. Steelman. 71. Japhet I., b. September 14, 1831; m. Eliza
Price. 72. Hannah, b. November 20. 1836; m. Rev. John I Corson.
(12) Job Frambes was a sea captain and ship builder. During the war of 1812 his
vessel was captured, burned, and the crew put ashore. Later he served as a Lieutenant in a
Gloucester County company, called Home Guards. He m.. second. .Mice Vansant
13. David Frambes. b. September 15, 1790; d. April 28, 1867; m., fir*t, ATary Ann
Frambes. daughter of Peter Frambes. David was a farmer and vessel builder and lived at
Steelmanville. They had: 73. Nicholas. 74. Alatilda, m. Enoch Risley. 75. Hannah, m.
Enoch Risley. 76. Daniel, m., first. Alary Alargarum; second. Mary Predmorc
(13) David m.. second. Louisa Clark, April 17. 1825. They had: 77. Alary Ann, b
January 3. 1826; d. August 21, 1826. 78. Charlotte Rebecca, b. December 13, 1827; m. Wm
Aloore. 79. Alartha, b. October 21, 1829; m. John Brown. 80. Alary Ann, b. September
16, 1831; m. Jonathan Waters. 81. James Somers, b. December 4. 1833: d. Alarch 16. 1858
drowned in Illinois River. 82. Susan C b. August 28. 1835; m. Ezra Price. 83. David
Clark, b. June 9. 1838.
14. Sarah Frambes. b. November 12, 1792, daughter of Nicholas and Sarah Rape
Frambes. m. James Smith. They had: 84. Nicholas, d. July 24, 1890; m. Sarah Lake. 85.
Richard, m. Emeline Somers. 86. James S., b. October 22. 1825; d. January 22. 1898; m.,
first. Juliet Somers Blackman; second, Alargaret Ingersoll; third, Polly English. 87. Job,
m. Elizabeth Ingersoll. 88. Hannah, m.. first. Lewis Somers: second, Lucas Lake.
15. Andrew Frambes. b. February 12, 1796; d. June 25. 1875; was a farmer and lived on
the Richard Scull farm at Bargaintown. He m.. first. Sarah Somers. They had: 89. Rox
anna. b. October 19, 1822; d. November 17. 1896; m. Jonas Higbee. 90. Phoebe, b. August
24. 1833; m., first. James Johnson; second, John Preston. 91. Sarah, b. January 24, 1825;
d. January 8, 1858: m. Daniel Leach. 92. Alary E.. b. January 14. 1828; d. July 18, i860;
m. AYesley Leeds. 93. Nicholas, b. November 12, 1830; m. Amanda Ingersoll. 94. Caroline
S., b. Alarch 18, 1836; m. Samuel L. Wayne. 95. Samuel Somers, b. August 11, 1838; d.
January 28. 1889; m.. first. Hester Blackman; second, Josephine Race Yates. 96. Eliza
Ann S.. b. Alay 2. 1841: m. John Henry Tilton. 97. Howel Cooper, b. January 18, 1S44; m.
Abbv Higbee.
(15) Andrew m., second, Alargaret Adams Baker. They had: 98. Andrew, b. Alay 3,
1850; d. July 29, 1850.
18. Rebecca Frambes m. Daniel Tilton. She died November 24, 1848. They had:
99. Peter, d. July 29, 1828. 100. Elva, d. September 2, 1828. 101. Alice, m. Peter Frambes.
102. Daniel Edward, d. September 16, 1835. 103. John Walker, m. Caroline Somers. 104.
Margaret. 19. Hosea Frambes, b. December 20, 1785; d. January 17, 1857; m. Amelia Risley.
They had: 105. Joseph R., b. August 17. 1820; d. July 8, 1853; m. Jemima Leeds. 106.
Alice, b. June 27, 1822; m. Enoch Lee. 107. Alary, b. October 31, 1824; d. November 5,
1882; m. Absalom Doughty. 108. Elizabeth, b. November 6, 1826; d. September 7, 1875;
m. John Somers. 109. Sarah Keen, b. August 19, 1828; d. September 16, 1844. II0- Judith,
b. June 15, 1830; m. Dr. Samuel Edmonds, in. Rebecca, b. October 24. 1832; d. July 5.
1886; m. John Somers. 112. Fannie, b. Alay 17, 1835; m. Benjamin Burrough. 113. Amelia.
b. May 6, 1837; d. July 13, 185 1.
20. Aaron Frambes, b. 1790; d. December 22. 1822; m. Charlotte Cordery, November 19,
1815. They had: 114. Peter, b. February 14. 1816. 115. Rebecca, b. January 14, 1817; m.
Fred. Chamberlain. 116. Alary Ann, b. January 17, 1819; m. Daniel Steelman. 117. Aaron,
b. Alarch 14, 1822; d. January 4, 1895; m. Amy Babcock.
22. Alargaret Frambes m. Enoch Ingersoll. They had: 118. James. 119. Fransanna,
m. Samuel Gaskill. 120. Samuel.
24. John Frambes, b. January 16, 1803; d. November 5, 1891; m. Eliza Dennis.
They had: 121. Alargaret, b. August 4, 1826. 122. AA'alter Burroughs, b. December 4, 1827:
m. Jane Champion. 123. Ruth E., b. September 9, 1829; m. John Leeds. 124. Anna Alary,
b. October 9, 1833; m. Dr. Willard Wright. 125. Emeline, b. Alarch 3, 1841; m. Pardon
Ryon, Jr.
25. Peter Frambes m. Alice Tilton. They had: 126. Elva, m. Belle Stephen. 127.
Lewis S., m., first Susan Taunton; second, Elizabeth Brown. 128. Edward, m. Caroline
Seal. 129. Rev. John, m. Adelaide Hoopes. 130. Alargaret.
34. Nicholas Frambes m. Lydia Kendall. They had: 131. Ann, m. Joseph Race. 132.
Susan, m. Robert Aloore. 133. Hannah, m. Israel Shaw. 134. Sarah, m. Joseph Bowen.
135. Emeline, m. Evan Risley. 136. Charles, m. Sophia Adams. 137. Harriet, m. Jesse
Reed. 138. Elmer, m. Elizabeth Barhoff.
35. Joseph Dole Frambes m. Rachel Lee. They had: 139. Richard Lee. 140. Peter
Tilton, b. December 8, 1830; d. April 19, 1878; m. Ellen Wright. 141. Abraham Woolston,
m. Rebecca Jane Ingersoll. 142. Alargaret Vansant, m. Benjamin Steelman. 143. Alice
Rebecca, m. Evan Adams. 144. Caroline, m. John Harrold. 145. Elizabeth Somers, m.
Bailey Tomlinson. 146. Elijah Lee. 147. Joseph Alonzo.
38. Mary Ann Frambes m. Aaron Ingersoll. They had: 148. Annie, m. Richard
Harris. 149. Joseph Frambes, m. Susan Somers.
Rachel Frambes m. Geo. Robinson. They had: 150. Alary Rebecca, m. Searad.
151. Lifelett. 152. Samuel.
40. Eunice Frambes m. Felix Leeds. They had. 153. Elizabeth, m. Joseph Sapp. 154.
Eliza, m. Abel Babcock. 155. Alary, m. Henry Alartense.
65. Polly I. Frambes, m. Hugh Wicks; William, m. Ann Lee; Job, m. first. Annie
Jeffries, second Elizabeth Clark; Edward; Hannah, m. John W. Smith; Annie, m. Edward
Pryor; Lewis, m. Abby Burroughs; Daniel, m. Carrie Adams; Henry, m. Jennie Carney.
67. Lewis S. Frambes, b. January 10, 1822; d. Alarch 7, 1878; m. Charlotte Irelan,
October 8, 1854. They had: 156. Julia, b. July 27. 1855; d. April 1, 1856. 157. Alfred I.,
b. Alay 21, 1858; m. Almedia Smith. 158. Alice. 159. Sarah A., m. Geo. J. Sickler. 160.
Harriet I. 161. Lottie L., m. Wm. Hutchinson.
68. Richard I. Frambes, b. April 28, 1824: m. Alary Tilton. They had: 162. Margaret,
m. Daniel Collins. 163. Hannah. 164. Ezra, m. Elizabeth Adams. 165. Harriet, m. James
E. Steelman. 166. Job.
69. Mary P. Frambes, b. November 28, 1826; m. Sedgwick Rusling Leap. They had:
167. John P., m. Julia Ware. 168. Laura.
70. Alahlon C. Frambes, b. January 10, 1829; m. Alary E. Steelman. They had: 169.
Henry, b. February 7, 1856; m. Alary Louisa Price. 170. Smith, b. June 22. 1859; m. Kate
Waters. 171. Lizzie, b. September 2, 1862; d. February 13, 1863. 172. Lizzie, b. Alay 18,
1866; m. Jas. H. Alason. 173. Sallie E., b. April 22, 1868; m. Harry H. Smith, Jr.
71. Japhet I. Frambes, b. September 14, 1831; m. Eliza Price. They had: 174. Han-
nette, m. Bolton Steelman. 175. Polly P., m. Albert Wilson. 176. Julia, m. Geo. English.
177. Japhet. 178. Ina, m. Ira Smith. 179. Ulysses. 180. Asbury. 181. Elijah.
74. Alatilda Frambes m. Enoch Risley. They had: 182. Alary, m. Henry Bates. 183.
Alark. 184. Hannah, m. Walter Steelman. 185. Jane. 186. Elizabeth. 187. Edward, m.
Eunice Turner. 188. David.
76. Daniel E. Frambes m., first, Alary Alargarum. They had: 1S9. Eva. 190.
Ella, m. Daniel Williams. 191. Lizzie, m. Theo. Alackeral. 192. Emma. m. Horace Wood.
76. Daniel E. m., second. Alary Predmore. They had: 193. Frank.
78. Charlotte Rebecca Frambes, b. December 13, 1827, m. Wm. Aloore. They had:
194. Will, m. Laura Price. 195. Howard. 196. Ida. 197. Edward.
80. Alary Ann Frambes, b. September 16, 1831, m. Jonathan Waters. They had: 198.
Kate, m. Smith S. Frambes. 199. Claude, m. Augustus Pitenger.
82. Susan C. Frambes, b. August 28, 1835, m. Ezra Price. They had: 200. Edwin F.,
m. Rachel Steelman. 201. Alary Louisa, m. Henry Frambes. 202. Laura. 203. James
204. Laura, m. Will Aloore. 205. Alartha, m. Harry Hawkins. 206. Sarah. 207. Clark.
208. Eunice. 209. Jehu m. Sallie Brown.
89. Roxanna Frambes, b. October 19, 1822; d. November 17, 1896; m. Jonas Higbee.
They had. 210. Henry, m. Annie Shrouds. 211. Lewis. 212, John. 213. Andrew Frambes.
214. Chas. Ezra. 215. AYilmer AL, m. Sarah Hagan. 216. Sarah Cornelia, m. Eli S. Amole.
90. Phoebe Frames, b. August 24, 1833; m., first, James Johnson. They had: Charles.
90. Phoebe m., second, John Preston. They had: Alortimer.
91. Sarah Frambes, b. January 24, 1825; d. January 8, 1858; m. Daniel Leech. They
had: 217. Sarah, m. Richard Davis. 218. Charles, m. Lillian . 219. Lewis. 220.
Annie, m. Harry Keates.
92. Alary E. Frambes, b. January 14, 1828; d. July 18, i860; m. Wesley Leeds. They
had: 221. Eliza Ann, m. Parker Tilton. 222. Lewis, m. Lettice Robinson. 223. Annie, m.
Philip Lindle.
93. Nicholas Frambes, b. November 12, 1830; m. Amanda Ingersoll. They had: 224.
Walter, m. Ida Loveland. 225. Laura, m. Alorris Cheyeny. 226. Emeline. 227. William,
m. Clara Sampson. 228. Rena.
94. Caroline S. Frambes, b. Alarch 18, 1836: m. Samuel L. Wayne. They had: 229.
William. 230. Helen; 231. Sarah, twins. 232. Harry. 233. Samuel. 234. Frederick, m.
Jennie . 235. Harriet, m. Lewis Somers.
95. Samuel Somers Frambes, b. August 11, 1838; d. January 28, 1889; m., first, Hester
Blackman. They had: 236. Winfield, m. Selina Collins. 237. Risley, m. Annie Gaskill.
238. Annie, m. Edward Higbee.
Samuel Somers Frambes m., second, Josephine Race Yates. They had: 239. Joseph.
240.. Somers.
96. Eliza Ann S. Frambes, b. Alay 2, 1841; m. John Henry Tilton. They had: 241.
Ephrina, m. John Norwood. 242. Howel. 243. Wallace.
97. Howel Cooper Frambes, b. January 18, 1844; m. Abby Higbee. They had: 244.
Lucilla, m. George Harris. 245. Curtis.
105. Joseph R. Frambes, b. August 17, 1820; m. Jemima Leeds. They had: 246. Alary
Louise, m., first, Aaron Chamberlain; lost at sea, September. 187ft. age 3-2 years; second,
106. Alice Frambes, b. June 27, 1822; m. Enoch Lee. They had: 247. Richard Ed
mund. 248. Richard H., 111. Ellen Alathis. 249. Elizabeth, m. Josiah Lee. 250. Flora.
107. Alary Frambes, b. October 31, 1824; d. November 5. 1882; m. Absalom Doughty.
They had: 251. Annie, m. Lewis Babcock. 252. John, 111. Emma Smith. 253. Joseph.
254. Henry, m. Emma Boyd. 255. Hosea. m. Helen Peverly. 256. William, m. Alice Cooper.
108. Elizabeth Frambes, b. November 6. 1826; d. September 17, 1875; m. John Somers.
They had: 257. William H., b. Alarch 25. 1841 ; d. September 18. 1848. 258. Winfield, b.
February 18, 1849; d. August 18, 1850. 259. Sarah Amelia, b. July 27, 1851; d. June 22,
1881; m. Edwin Haddock. 260. Winfield, m. Annie Welch. 261. Louise, b. December 26,
3860; d. July 5. 1886.
Judith Frambes, b. June 15. 1830; m. Dr. Samuel Edmonds. They had: 262. Alary,
d. September 16. 1879. 263. Joseph, m. Alay Tomlin. 2(14 Laura. 265 Arfe, b. December,
4, 1899 260. Alinnie. d. August 19, 1880.
115. Rebecca Frambes, b. January 14. 1817; 111. Fred Chamberlain. They had: 267.
Jnel. m. Rachel Ann Higbee. 268. Richard, m. Rebecca Steelman. 269. Alary Ann. m.
Holmes Henderson. 270. Aaron, m. Alary Louise Frambes. 271. Jesse. 272. Elizabeth.
273. Evalina. 274. Sarah Ann.
116. Alary Ann Frambes, b. January 17, 1819; m. Daniel Steelman. They had: 275.
Joel, m. Higbee. 276. Charlotte, m. Abel Babcock. 277. Rebecca, m. Charles Tilton. 278.
Frederick. 279 Kate. 280. Walter. 281. Florence. 282. Augusta.
117. Aaron Frambes, b. Alarch 14. 1822: d. January 4, 1895; m. Amy Babcock; b. Alay
8. 1825, d. February 10, 1899. They had: 283. Hester, m., first. Joseph Joslin; second.
Steelman Tilton. 284. Alargaret. m. Jonathan Joslin. 285. John B. 28b. Amy Corena, m.
Daniel Tilton Boice.
122. Walter Burroughs Frambes. b. December 4. 1827: m. Jane Champion. They had:
123. Ruth E. Frambes, b. September 9, 1829; m. John Leeds. They had: 289. Annie.
287. George, m. Nell Hammell. 288. Eliza, m. John Howell.
290. Frank. 291. Eliza. 292. Leu is. 293 Revilla. 294 Emma. m. Dr. Clarkson.
125. Emeline Frambes, b. Alarch 3, 1841: m. Pardon Ryon, Jr. They had: 295. John.
111. Alary Ireland. 296. Frank, m. Clara Treen. 297 Arthur.
127. Lewis S Frambes. m . first. Susan Taunton. They had: 298. Alargaret. m, Frank
Fisher. 299. Alice. 300. Lorine. 301. Charles. 302. Lewis.
127. Lewis S. Frambes 111.. second. Elizabeth Brown. They had: 303. Emma. m.
Richard Landis (304. Stella. Third wife's child.)
128. Edward Frambes, m. Caroline Seal. They had. 305. Ella, m. James Wilson. 306.
Florence. 307. Alice. 308. Theodore.
129. Rev. John Frambes m. Adelaide Hoopes. They had: 309. Adelaide. 310. Lewis.
311. Horace. 312. Walter.
131. Ann Frambes m. Joseph Race. They had: 313. Arnold, m.. first, Etta Sooy;
second, Nettie Ashton. 314. Josephine, m., first. Wm. Yates; second. Samuel Somers
Frambes. 315 Emma. m. William Hammell. 316. Alartha. m. William Champion. 317.
Willis. 132. Susan Frambes m. Robert Aloore. of Philadelphia. They had: 318. Reuben, m.
Lydia Steelman. 319. Alary, m. Sheppard Sooy. 320. Joseph, m. Jennie Ireland. 321. Ida.
133. Hannah Frambes m. Israel Shaw. They had: 322. Alonzo. 323 Frank. 324. Ida.
325. Alary Emma. 326. George.
134. Sarah Frambes m. Joseph Bowen. They had: 327. Clark, m. Experience Barrett.
328. Nicholas. 329. Lydia Ann. m. Faulkner Willis. 330. Samuel G. 331. Somers, m.
Alattie 332. Charles, m. Lizzie Booye. 333. Alice, m. Richard Willis. 334. Rox
anna, m. Harry Helfrich. 335. Joseph.
135. Emeline Frambes m. Evan Risley. They had: 336. Nettie, m. Preston B. Adams.
337 Harry, m. Sallie Bamstead. 338. Kate. m. George Adams. 339. Charles, m. Lilian
Blake. 340. Edna. m. Clarence Nicholson. 341 Ida, m. Howard Harris. 342. Gertrude.
343. Warner. 344. Raymond.
136. Charles Frambes m. Sophia Adams. They had: 345. Hannah Lydia. m. David
Leeds. 137. Harriet Frambes m. Jesse Reed. They had: 346. Lydia. m. Enoch Blackman.
347. Josephine, m. Winfield Scott Price. 348. Elnora. m. Pitman Hammell. 349. Annie,
m. Alartin Lear. 350. Lizzie, m. Gideon Adams. 351. Emma. 352. William. 353. John.
354. Walter.
140. Peter Tilton Frambes m. Ellen AY right. They had: 355. Bradford Wright, b.
July 28, 1856. 356. Eva W., b. September 1. 1858; m Vincent F. Lake. 357. Edwin Bartlett,
b. August 26. i860; m. Jerryetta Alason. 358. Alabella Azile. b. October 31. 1863; d. Alay
5. 1882. 359. Nell Alarette, b. April 16, 1875.
141. Abraham Woolston Frambes m. Rebecca Jane Ingersoll. They had: 360. Joseph
Dole, m. Clara Buzby.
142. Alargaret Vansant Frambes m. Benjamin Steelman. They had: 361. Eliza, m.
William Steelman. 362. Susanna, m. Al. Paynter. 363. Etlena. 111. Richard R. Albertson.
364. Calvin, m. Lizzie Tyler. 365. Ella. m. Edward Horner. 366. John. 367. Josephine.
368. John. m. Eliza Lippincott. 369. Alargaret. 370. Bradford. 111. Annie Alumford.
143. Alice Rebecca Frambes m. Evan Adams. They had: 371. Susanna. 372. Susanna,
m. Henry Haines. 373. Oliver. 374. AYillis. 375. Abby. m. Frank Smith. 376. Willis.
377. Olive. 378. Adelia, m. Frank Abbott.
144. Caroline Frambes m. John Harrold. They had: 379. Joseph Frambes. m. Bessie
Dunlap. 380. Charles Dennis, m. Alary Donnelly. 381. William. 382. James AYood. m.
Alary Kennedy. 383. John. m. Anna Birmingham. 384. Thomas. 385. Caroline, m. Peter
Smith. 145. Elizabeth Somers Frambes m. Bailey Tomlinson. They had: 386. Joseph Dole.
m. Helen Watson. 387. Charles Woolston. 388. Isabel. 389. Agnes. 390. Grace, m.
Evermond Reeves. 391. Frederick Lee. 392. Jesse Radnor. 393. Walter Somers.
156. Alfred Frambes. b. Alay 21, 1858; m. Almedia Smith; b. September 10, 1859. They
had: 394. Lewis, b. January 6. 1884. 395. Edward, b. February 27. 188S. 396. Horace, b.
December 5, 1889. 397. Lottie, b. April 9. 1893.
158. Sarah A. Frambes m. George J. Sickler. They had: 398. Harry Tietjen, b. July
21, 1883. 159. Lottie L. Frambes m. William Hutchinson. They had: 399. Helen.
161. Alargaret Frambes m. Daniel Collins. They had 400. Alary. 401. Lina. in. John
Race. 402. Alartha. 403. Richard F.. m. Kate Scull. 404. Daniel, m. Lizzie Babcock.
163. Ezra Frambes m. Elizabeth Adams. They had: 405. Ezra.
164. Harriet Frambes m. James E. Steelman. They had: 406. Alary. 407. Harriet.
408. Rose. 409. Edward.
168. Henry Frambes. b. February 7. 1856; m. Alary Louise Price. They had: 410.
Ella. 411. Page Winberg. 412. Susan. 413. Alabel. 414. Alahlon.
169. Smith Frambes, b. June 22, 1859; m. Kate Waters. They had: 415- Alary. 416.
Raymond; 417. Stanley, twins.
171. Lizzie Frambes. b. Alay, 1886; m. Jas. H. Alason, Jr. They had: 418. Alary, b.
December 10. 1892. 419. James F.. b. November 14. 1893. 420. Lewis F.. b. February
7, 1894. 172. Sallie E. Frambes, b. April 22. 1868; m. Harry H. Smith, Jr. They had: 421.
Alice, b. August, 1894. 422. Marion, b. January, 1896.
173. Hannette Frambes m. Bolton Steelman. They had: 423. Alary. 424. Alary. 4Ai-
Edna. 174. Polly P. Frambes m. Albert Wilson. They had: 426. Ethel. 4^7- Merton. 428.
Marjorie. 429. Albert.
175. Julia Frambes m. George English. They had: 430. George Hilyard.
177. Ina Frambes m. Ira D. Smith. They had: 431. Herbert.
235. Winfield Frambes m. Selina Collins. They had: 432. Ida. 433. Roy.
236. Risley Frambes m. Annie Gaskill. They had: 434. Alay. 435. Charles.
237. Annie Frambes m. Edward Higher. They had: 436. Essie. 437. Fred.
245. Alary Louise Frambes m. Aaron Chamberlain, who was lost at sea in September,
1876. They had one child. The second husband is Small, and they had one child:
438. Ethel.
286. George Frambes m. Alell Hammell. They had: 439. 440. Clarence. 441.
Walter. 442. Rena.
297. Alargaret Frambes m. Frank Fisher. They had: 443. Frank. 444. Adelaide.
304. Ella Frambes m. James AYilson. They had: 445. Alarion.
355. Eva W. Frambes, b. September 1, 1858, m. Vincent F. Lake of Pleasantville, July
5, 1876. They had: 446. Eugene Tilton, b. Alay 3. 1877. 447. Miranda D., b. June 8, 1880.
448. Alabelle F.. b. July 27. 1882. 449. Victor Edwin, b. Alarch 9, 1885.
356. Edwin Bartlett Frambes, b. August 26. i860; m. Jerryetta Alason, January 15, 1881.
They had: 450. Alary A. H., b. October 3, 1884.
359 Joseph Dole Frambes m. Clara Buzby. They had: 451. Frank. 452. Roy.
1. Daniel Lake, born in 1740. was one of the early settlers in Gloucester, now Atlantic
County. He married Sarah Lucas, of Burlington County. Their children were: 2. Chris
topher, b. October 1, 1765; m. a Dutch woman. 3. Daniel, b. August 7. 1767; m. Ann
Leeds. 4. Jemima, b. October 18, 1768. 5. Tabitha, b. Alay 27, 1770. 6. Sarah, b. Decem
ber 2, 1771. 7. John. b. December 21. 1773; m. Abigail Adams. 8. Lida, b. Alarch 17, 1776.
9. Amariah, b. April 5, 1778; d. June 26, 1847; m. Alargaret Adams, September 20, 1801.
10. Alary, b. September 15. 1780.' 11. Asenath, b. January 23, 1783; d. July 18, i860; m.,
first, Levi Collins, August 16, 1801 ; second. Paul Sooy, February 13, 1815. 12. Lucas; 13.
Lois (twins), b. October 25, 1785.
3. Daniel Lake, b. August 7. 1767: m. Ann Leeds, of Leeds Point, a daughter of Samuel
Leeds and Lovica Barber. They had: 14. Dinah Ann; m. John Aloore. 15. Lucinda.
7. John Lake, b. December 21, 1773; m. Abigail Adams. They had: 16. Armenia, b.
April 26, 1797; m. Andrew Leeds; d. September 18, 1853. 17. John, b. January 12, 1799; m.
Deborah Gaskill. 18. Asenath, b. December 24, 1801. 19. Daniel, b. Alay 1, 1803; d. Feb
ruary 13, 1851; m. Sarah Ann Tilton. 20. Alargaret, b. November 30, 1804; m. James Tilton.
21. Sarah, b. Alarch 23, 1808; m. John Bryant. 22. Jesse, b. December 16, 1810; inventor
of self-holding steering wheel for yachts. 23. Simon, b. September 3, 1813; m. Sarah Blake.
24. Lucas, b. April 25. 1816; m.. first. Rachael Scull; second, Hannah Smith-Somers. 25.
David, b. October 17, 1818; 111. Amanda Robinson.
9. Amariah Lake, b. April 5, 1778; d. June 26, 1847; m. Alargaret Adams, September 20,
1801. They had: 26. Alary, b. 1802; d. Alay, 1879; m. Elijah Adams. 27. Joshua, b. 1803;
d. Alarch 10, 1869; m. Hannah Leeds. 28. Lydia, b. April 1. 1804; d. November 3, 1839; m.
James English. 29. Alark, b. February 26, 1808; d. February 17, 1868; m. France Anna
Frambes, February 11, 1835. 30. Enoch, m. Eliza Ann Adams. 31. Jemima, d. 1833; m.
Jeremiah Baker. 32. Alargaret, b. 1814; d. November 10. 1896; m. James English. 33.
Rebecca, m. Rev. Joseph Parkyn. 34. Christopher, m. Harriet Kendel. 35. Phoebe, m.
Capt. Joseph Price.
19. Daniel Lake. b. Alay 1, 1803: d. February 13, 1851; m. Sarah Ann Tilton. daughter
of Espcrtis Tilton and Hannah Steelman. They had: 36. Jesse Steelman, b. 1825; m.
Phoebe Scull. 37. Hannah Ann, b. July 6. 1826; m. William Blake. 38. John Tilton, b.
August 6. 1827; m. Amanda Adams. 39. Armenia, b. December 27, 1829; m. William G.
Bartlett. 40. Alary Jane, b. Alarch 14. 1831; m. Josiah Risley. 41. Lewis S., b. December
27, 1835; 111. Anna Liza Rose. 42. Ezra A., b. April, 1840; m. Harriet Adams. 43. Anna-
belle, b. 1846.
23. Simon Lake, b. September 3, 1813; m. Sarah Blake. They had: 44. Ezra B., b.
December 28, 1833; m. Alice Elizabeth Core. 45. Alary Eletha, b. June 8, 1835; d. July 10,
1857; m. John Race. 46. Abigail Ann, b. August 23, 1836; d. August 9, 1850. 47. Annie
Alargaret, b. April 14, 1838; m. Somers Champion. 48. Frances Amelia, b. March 27, 1840;
m. Vincent Robinson, Alarch, 1856. 49. Simon Wesley, b. August 7, 1842; m. Alary Jane
Scull, February 6, 1864. 50. James Edward, b. January 19, 1845; m. Emily Venable. 51.
John Christopher, b. September 2, 1847; ni., first. Alary Adams; second, Alargaret Corson.
52. Sarah Ellen, b. Alarch 15, 1851; m. Timothy Adams.
Note.— 44. Ezra B.; 49, Simon Wesley, and 50, James Edward Lake, of the previous
family, were all ministers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and were the projectors of
Ocean City, in the spring of 1879. To them is due much. of the prosperity of that city.
44. Rev. Ezra B. Lake. b. December 28, 1833, was the inventor of the window shade roller,
also of ball bearing bicycles requiring no oil. He married Alice E. Core, and they had
one child, Alary Eletha, b. July 23. 1842.
24. Lucas Lake, b. April 25, 1816; m., first Rachael Scull, daughter of John R. Scull.
They had: 33. Sarah Cornelia, m. Peter B. Risley. 54. Albert, m. Harriet Eldredge. 55.
Somers S., m. Alercy Adams. 56. Armenia, m. John B. Smith.
25. David Lake, b. October 17, 1818; m. Amanda Robinson. They had: Elizabeth,
John Henry, Vincent, Ira, David, Ella, Leon and Indiana.
28. Joshua Lake, b. 1803; d. Alarch 10, 1869; m. Hannah Leeds. They had: 57. Lettie
J., b. September 28, 1847; d. September, 1847. 58. Lettie J., b. April 7, 1848; d. October 7,
1864. 59. Alargaret Ann, m. William Price. 60. Caroline, m. Lewis Tilton. 61. Amariah.
62. Lydia, m. John T. Price.
29. Alark Lake, b. February 26, 1808; m. France Anna Frambes, February 11, 1835.
They had: 63. Henry, b. Alay 31, 1836. 64. William, b. April 27, 1838. 65. Polly I., b. Alay
3, 1840. 66. Edmund I., b. Alay 16, T842; d. January 4, 1844. 67. Edmund I., b. August 18,
1S44. 68. Hannah F., b. December 24, 1846. 69. Job F., b. July 8, 1850. 70. Lewis C, b.
April 14. 1852. 71. Daniel E., b. June 8, 1855. 72. Annie, b. June 16, 1859.
30. Enoch Lake, m. Eliza Ann Adams. They had: 73. Jemima. 74. Alary. 75.
Alartha. 76. Abel E. 77. Wilbert.
51. John Christopher Lake, b. September 2, 1847; m., first. Alary Adams. They had:
78. Simon. 79. Arleta.
78. Simon Lake is the inventor of the submarine torpedo boat, recently given a favor
able test by the United States Government.
1. Thomas Leeds, the founder of the New Jersey family of Leeds, came from Leeds,
England, to Shrewsbury, Monmouth County, N. J., in 1676. He and wife obtained war
rants for 240 acres of land from the East Jersey proprietors. Before two years passed away
this wife, by whom he had three sons. died. His second wife was Alargaret Collier, "of
Marcus Hook upon ye river Delaware." The meeting record tells us that this was the first
marriage recorded in the books of "God's people at Burlington," and took place at Bur
lington, "ye 6th day of ye 8th mo., 1678." Thomas Leeds died a Friend, in 1687. and was
buried beside his first wife in the yard adjoining the old shingle-sided meeting at Shrews
bury. His widow removed to Philadelphia. Her will is there recorded, dated 9 mo. 18, 1703.
The sons of (1) Thomas Leeds and first wife were: 2. William. 3. Daniel. 4. Thomas,
Jr., no issue.
2. William Leeds lived at Aliddletown, Monmouth County, N. J., until after the death
of his wife, Dorothea; his occupation being that of a cooper. In 1705 he purchased 200
acres of land of his brother Daniel, "on the sea coast near Absecon Creek." In 170S he
bought more land from John Budd, of Philadelphia.
3. Daniel Leeds was born in Leeds, England, about 1(152, and followed his father to
the New World in 1678. The archives of the Surveyor General's office contain the follow
ing concerning (3) Daniel Leeds:
"Thomas Revell, his wife, children and servants, and Daniel Leeds, came to West
Jersey in the ship "Shield," in December, 1678. landing at Burlington, being the first
vessel ascending the Delaware to that point."
Daniel married, first, Ann Stacy, 2 mo. 21, 1681, daughter of Robert Stacy, a tanner of
Burlington, and niece of Alahlon Stacy, who settled the "Falls of Delaware." where Trenton
now stands. Ann gave birth to a daughter "ye 3d day of ye 12th mo. in ye year 1681," and
died soon after. In January, 1683, Daniel married Dorothy Young, daughter of Robert
Young, of Burlington. He lived at this time about one-half mile west of the present village
of Jackson, in Springfield Township, Burlington County, his house being on the north side
of the turnpike leading to Burlington. His official position was that of a member of the
Assembly, 1682. Letters from Lord Cornbury to the "Lords of Trade," 7th mo. 9, 1703,
speak of Daniel Leeds as one of his council. In July, 1704, Daniel Leeds was appointed one
of the councillors of New Jersey. Other letters in existence mention his reappointment Sep
tember 7, 1706.
As early as 1694 he "located land" in Great Egg Harbor, and in 1698 made the following-
surveys, having them confirmed by grants from the proprietary council of West Jersey.
This grant covered "all the land from James B. Smith's place, near Smithville. running
north to Holly Swamp Creek, along this creek, to Wigwam Creek, to Alott's Creek, along
Alott Creek to Duck Creek and thence to Lower Island," then known as Further Island.
Daniel sold this island to his son Felix, July 20, 1707, who in turn cinveyed it to Japhet 1st,
by indenture dated November 3, 1710.
Daniel brought hither his family, settled upon this land and called it Leeds' Point, in
ground on the Point, and the highest point of land on the coast from the Highlands to the
Capes of Virginia. Amidst the hardships incident to pioneer life in this sparsely settled
locality, Daniel found time and inclination to serve his State, having held several important
offices. He was the first Surveyor General of West Jersey, having for a time the assistance
of his son Bethanah. He began the compilation of the first almanacs in this country, in
1687, continuing until 1716. when his sons Felix and Titan succeeded him. Wm. Bradford
printed these almanacs. Watson's Annals of Philadelphia contains following:
"The first work printed by Wm. Bradford which has reached us with a date is an almanac
for the year of the Christian account 1687, particularly respecting the meridian and latitude
of Burlington, but may indifferently serve all places adjacent. By Daniel Leeds, student of
agriculture. Printed and sold by Wm. Bradford, near Philadelphia, in Pennsylvania, pro
anno, 1687."
These almanacs are in the possession of the Historical Societies of Pennsylvania and
New York. The Society in New York at one time paid $500 for a single copy of this
almanac. Benjamin Franklin, in his "Poor Richard's Almanac" for 1735. mentions Daniel Leeds
as an astrolger. Allibone calls him the "first author south of New York." being author of
the "Book of Wisdom," only one copy of which is known to exist.
The children of (3) Daniel Leeds and Dorothy Young were:
(S) Japheth 1st, b. October 24. 1683; m. Deborah Smith.
(6) Alary, b. April 19, 1685; m. John Stocton.
(7) Felix, b. July 27. 1687. d. 1744. m. Hannah Hewlings.
(8) Philo, m. Abigail Dennis, daughter of Samuel Dennis and Increase Lippincott.
(9) Bethanah, b. Alarch 24. 1692; m. 1st. Alary: 2d. Sarah Alathis.
(10) Ann, b. February 17. 1694: buried July 4. 1769; m. Revell Elton, son of Anthony
Elton and Elizabeth Revell.
(n) Daniel 2d, b. June 5, 1697; m. Alary Newbold. daughter of Joshua and Hannah
Newbold. (12) Titan, b. August 25, 1699. Sheriff of Burlington County, 1725-1730.
5. Japheth Leeds, 1st, b. October 24. 1682, Springfield Township. Burlington County,
N. J. Married Deborah Smith, and is supposed to have located near Leeds Point before 1710.
From his father (3), Daniel, he received Leeds Point, then containing about 1,000 acres.
His house stood well out on "the Point." the site was the present Townsend House.
The minutes of Haddonfield Quarterly Aleeting states that "in 1726 there were three
places for holding Friend's meeting in this county, viz: Japheth Leeds', Peter White's and
John Scull's," which were Leeds Point, Absecon and Somers Point, respectively.
Japheth Leeds' will, dated February 5, 1736, bequeathed to his son John the land before
mentioned as Further Island. Children of Japheth Leeds and Deborah were:
(13) Alary, b. 1704; m. Samuel Somers, son of John Somers 1st.
(14) Robert, b. 1706; m. Abigail Higbee, daughter of John Higbee 1st and Alice
Andrews. (15) John, b. 1708; m., first. Rebecca Cordery, June 17, 1737; second. Sarah Alathis-
Coate, in 1751, daughter of John and Alice Alathis and widow of Marmaduke Coate.
(16) Japheth 2d, b. Alarch 18. 1710: d. April 12, 1781: m. Rebecca AYoodward.
(17) Nehemiah, b. 1712; m. Elizabeth Woodward.
(18) James, b. 1714.
(19) Daniel, 3d, b. 1716; m., first. Susannah Steelman, daughter of Andrew Steelman;
second, Rebecca Steelman.
(20) Sarah, b. 1718. ( Probably m. Thomas Wilkins.)
(21) Deborah, b. 1720: m. Hugh Neale, February 1, 1748.
(22) Dorothy, b. 1722; m. Jonathan Husted. 1748.
(231 Ann, b. 1724; m. Nathaniel Thomas. October 23, 1738.
(24) Hannah, b. February 18, 1726; d. November 24. 1762; m. Peter Steelman, 1st, son
of James Steelman 1st.
15. John Leeds, the second son of (5) Japheth Leeds 1st; b. about 1708; m. Rebecca
Cordery, June 17, 1737. He was one of the pioneer farmers of this county, receiving by
his father's will the homestead at Leeds Point, where he conducted a thrifty and prosperous
farm. He was a minister of the Society of Friends and travelled extensively on ministerial
journeys through what are now Cape Alay, Atlantic and Burlington Counties. His wife,
Rebecca, bore him four children :
(25) William, b. Alay 24. 1738: d. February. 1828; m. Alary Osborn, 176S.
(26) John, b. November, 1740; m. Elizabeth Giffen.
(27) James, b. Alay, 1742.
I2S) Alary, b. February, 1746.
\\ hile travelling in Burlington after his first wife's death, John met and married Sarah
Alathis Coate, 1751, daughter of John and Alice Alathis and widow of Alarmaduke Coate,
a noted Friend of Alansfield, N. J. The children of this marriage were:
(29) Daniel, 4th, b. July 25, 1752; m. Alary Steelman, January 3, 1775, daughter of
Frederick Steelman 1st.
(30) Jeremiah, b. Alarch 4. 1754: d. October, 1838; m., first, Judith Steelman, December
8, 1776; second, m. Afillicent Steelman-Ingersoll.
(31) Vincent, b. July 30, 1756; d. December 28. 1841; m. Catherine Smith-Carr, daughter
of Noah and Judith Smith and widow of Job Carr.
(32) Dorothy, b. July 30, 1756, twin sister of Vincent; d. about 1823; m. Robert Smith,
son of Noah and Judith Smith.
19. Daniel Leeds, 3d, b. about 1716. son of (5) Japheth the first, was another famous
surveyor of the family. His commission from King George the Second of England, dated
Alarch 3, 1757, to be Surveyor General of the Western Division of New Jersey, is now in
the possession of Air. H. S. Scull, of this city, and it is a very unique and interesting docu-
ment. Daniel married, first, Susannah Steelman, daughter of Andrew Steelman 1st; second,
he married Rebecca Steelman. The names of his children were Susannah, who married
James Scull, in Alay, 1774; Dorcas and Rachel.
30. Jeremiah Leeds, b. Alarch 4, 1754. the first permanent settler on this island, so far
as known, like many of his fellow-countrymen one hundred years ago, was a man of stalwart
mould. He stood six feet in height and weighed fully two hundred and fifty pounds and was
a Quaker. There is no evidence that he left the Quaker neighborhood at Leeds Point and
came to this island to live permanently previous to 1783, when he was twenty-nine years old.
He built his first log cabin and cleared away the field where it stood, where the Reading
station and tracks now are from Atlantic to Baltic avenues. He raised several crops of corn
and rye and became thoroughly familiar with the very great abundance of wild ducks and
geese and many kinds of sea fowl which then were tame and plenty, but are now rarely seen.
He no doubt experienced the great pest of mosquitoes where there were so many ponds and
swamps among the sandhills, and assisted as a wrecker in those days when many
vessels with valuable cargoes were lost on the Brigantine shoals. It is difficult in these
days to fully appreciate the advantages and the disadvantages which this stretch of beach
afforded a young man who seems to have had no aspirations for political honors, but had
Lis way to make in the world. The records at Trenton show, that he had risen to be First
Lieutenant in Captain Joseph Covenover's Sixth Company, Third Battalion, Gloucester
County Militia, his commission bearing the date of September 18, 1777.
He seems to have acted wisely in locating where land was cheap — 40 cents an acre —
where the natural privileges for fishing and gunning supplied food, and where visions of
wealth from the spoils of the sea and the manufacture of salt were alluring.
Jeremiah Leeds married, first. December 8. 1776. Judith Steelman, daughter of Fred
erick Steelman, the first. As early as 1695 Judith's great-grandfather, James Steelman, 1st,
owned the western end of this island. Jeremiah owned land and maintained a home on the
mainland for some years, and so far as is known all his children, except his youngest boy
by his second wife, were born on the mainland, where medical attention was available.
The children of Jeremiah Leeds and Judith Steelman were:
(33) James, b. February 26, 1777; d. 1798.
(34) Rhuhama, b. January 21, 1779; d. August 30. 1862; m. Joseph Conover, February
20, 1801. (35) Rachel, b. October 24, 1782; d. April 22. 1845; m., first. Jesse Steelman; second,
Mark Reed.
(36) Adah, b. April 25, 1788; d. October 25, 1792.
(37) Sarah, b. Alarch 26, 1790; d. October 18, 1792.
(38) Andrew, b. April 31, 1792; d. September, 1864; m., first, Armenia Lake; second,
Ellen De Kurts-Bennett, 1852.
About the year 1816 Jeremiah married a second time. Alillicent Steelman Ingersoll,
daughter of Isaac and Hannah Steelman and widow of Isaac Ingersoll. Alillicent had a
daughter, Alary Ann, by her first husband, Isaac Ingersoll, who became the wife of Daniel
L. Collins, a well-known farmer of Smith's Landing.
At the time of his second marriage Jeremiah was 62 and his wife 24 years of age. Four
children resulted from this marriage:
(39) Aaron, died young.
(40) Judith, m. Richard Hackett.
(41) Chalkley Steelman, m., first, Alargaret Holland Gaskill; second, Rose Young.
(42) Robert Barclay, b. Alay 2. 1828; m. Caroline English.
For fifty-five years this stalwart son of the Revolution lived on this lonely island and
prospered, occupying log cabins till a more pretentious frame structure could be built in
his old age. He raised cattle and grain and sold to passing vessels his surplus products
and was under but little expense for taxes or the luxuries of life.
As he increased his hoard he bought lands and added to his possessions, not wishing
near neighbors till he owned and was master of nearly all the island to South Atlantic City.
When the first salt works were built, in 1812, Leeds only leased the land to one John
Black, of whom he bought it, so that he might yet control the property.
He was careful to build brush fences along the beach to catch the sand and build up
the sandhills to keep high tides out of the fresh water ponds so necessary for the wild fowl
which comprised an important part of his food supply. He disliked to have sportsmen
trespass upon his estate, though he always granted permission to shoot game under certain
restrictions when he was asked.
He was particular to keep away from his sandhills the cattle and horses which owners
on the mainland brought over here in the summer to pasture. If the grass were eaten off
the sandhills would blow away, which was detrimental to his policy of building up the
island. The big sandhills, which many now living can remember, were the result of the care
and vigilance of patriarch Leeds, the original proprietor.
Jeremiah Leeds died in 1838, in his 84th year, of a cancer on his lower lip, which had
worried him the last forty years of his life. His body was laid at rest beside that of his
first wife in the old Steelman cemetery on the bay side of the shore road near Bakersville.
After the death of Jeremiah Leeds, in October, 1838, his lands were apportioned among
his children by commissioners appointed by the Orphans' Court at Alays Landing.
These commissioners were Joseph Garwood. Japhet Leeds, and John A. Clement.
From their report it appears that Leeds died seized of 1,068'/; acres on this island, which
comprised everything to South Atlantic excepting the Chamberlain tract of 131 acres,
located mostly in what is now the First Ward of this city. Leeds also owned 251 acres on
the mainland. The apportionment of these lands was as follows: To Rtihama (Conover) 50% acres,
also 185 acres on the mainland; to Rachael (Steelman) 34 acres, also 66 on the mainland:
to Andrew Leeds 347 acres: to Judith (Hackett) 234 acres; to Robert B. Leeds 176 acres.
To Chalkley Steelman Leeds, 217 acres more or less.
Alost of these lands, in 1853 and 1854. were sold to the Camden and Atlantic Com-
for $5 to $17.50 per acre.
pany, for $5 to $17.50 per acre.
Jeremiah Leeds, in his old age. used to tell the story of a visit which his father. John
Leeds, received one day from foraging Redcoats, just before the Revolution.
A British vessel entered Great Bay in full view from Leeds Point. Two barges with
soldiers and sailors came ashore for fresh meat. The captain ordered the Quaker farmer
to drive up his cattle which were grazing in the meadows nearby. This was done, where
upon two fat steers were selected from the herd and quickly knocked in the head, their
bodies quartered, loaded on wagons and taken to the barges and to the ship.
"All right. That's all." was the farewell greeting of the captain to the farmer, who
considered himself lucky in losing so little by the uninvited visitors. The steers happened
to be the personal property of Jeremiah and his brother, and were worth perhaps at that
time six or eight dollars per head. This event had its effect in making a soldier of the
Quaker boy in the war of the Revolution which soon followed.
The records of Gloucester County, of which Atlantic originally was a part, show that
one J. C. Smallwood collected the balance of the pension due the widow after the death
of Jeremiah Leeds and secured her claims to a quarter section of land which she sold
afterwards to Daniel L. Collins for one hundred dollars.
Leeds never having been wounded while a soldier, only received a pension a few
years before his death, when a generous country recognized the service of all survivors of
the seven years' war.
(38) Andrew Leeds, born on Absecon beach, at the Jeremiah Leeds plantation, mar
ried, first, Armenia Lake, daughter of John Lake and Abigail Adams. Andrew's house
stood on land that is now the intersection of Baltic and Georgia avenues. The chil
dren were:
(43) James, b. August 6, 1818; d. January 10, 1893.
(44) John. b. October 9, 1819: d. December 29. 1867.
(45) Steelman, b. Alay 2. 1821; d. June 24, 1896.
(46) Abigail, b. October 19, 1831; d. September, 1859.
43. James Leeds, b. August 6. 1818, was a shipbuilder and farmer. His house stood in
the center of a field bounded by what are now Alissouri, Arkansas, Arctic and Atlantic
avenues, the site of the Reading Railroad station. This house was afterwards moved to
the corner of Arkansas and Arctic avenues, and still exists as the two upper stories of a
tenement house at the corner of Arkansas avenue and Division street.
He served as Councilman one term. 1854. James married Abigail Webb, September 4,
1847, daughter of William Webb and Elizabeth Alorse. He died of old age at Qcala,
Florida, January 10, 1893. His children were:
47 Armenia Lake Leeds, b. September 15. 1848; m. Israel Nichols, son of Abraham
Nichols, 1875. They had: Aiollie Nicholas, b. Alay 25. 1876; d. August 30, 1877.
48. Sylvester Leeds, b. December 5, 1849; m. Ella Lee, daughter of Elisha and Alaria
Bavis Lee. June 8. 1879. They had: 57. James Elisha. b. February 23. 1882. 58. Alaria, b.
October 4. 1893; d. February 28. 1899. 59. Alarvin, b. October 4. 1893.
49- Lydia Corson Leeds, b. Alay 5. 1851; m. Elmer P. Reeves, son of Alark and Kath-
erine Parsels Reeves. They had: James E., b. January 6, 1871: m. Jennie V. Leidy, Feb
ruary 1, 1892. William AY., b. Alay 28. 1874; d*. June 1. 1874. Abigail, b. June 5, 1876; d.
February 17, 1877. Aldora, b. Alarch 3, 1878. Harry, b. July 28, 1883; d. August 12. 1883.
Raymond L.. b. August 22. 1891.
50. Alary Elizabeth Leeds, b. April 26, 1853; m. Thomas Oakley, son of Thomas and
Naomi Alason Oakley. They had: Oscar, b. July 23. 1878; d. August 8. 1878. Somers L.,
b. June 3. 1880. Lizzie Jeffries, b. August 17, 1883
51. Benjamin Franklin Leeds, b. April 1, 1855; m. Rejoice Treen. Alay 6. 1879. They
had: 60 Agnes Freas. b. January 27. 1880. 61. Anna Alary, b. Alay 17, 1882. 62. Armenia
Lake, b. April 15, 1884. 63. Benjamin Harrison, b. August 12, 1S88.
(52) Sarah Abigail, b. April 21, 1857.
53. Ellen Bennett Leeds, b. January 31, 1859; m. John P. Baker, July 1, 1878. son of
Jesse A and Caroline Steelman Baker. They had: Alyrtle Emily, b. Alay 18, 1879.
54. Hannah Rachael Leeds, b. November 9, i860: m. Edward Shoultes, son of Edw
and Sarah Strong Shoultes. They had: Daniel Alorris Shoultes. b. August 5. 1890. Alar
vin Allred, b. June 8. 1892.
55. Augustus Eveline Leeds, b November 5. 18(12; m. Charles Itommer, son of John
Henry and Sarah Alargaret Wikon Hommer. They had: Flora Alyrtle, b. September 4,
1889. Sarah Abigail, b. October 4, 1891. Charles Leeds, b. January 16, 1893.
56. Somers Edwin Leeds, b. July 15, 1864, m. Ira Garwood, daughter of Richard and
Elmira Babcock Garwood. They had: 64. Abigail ATorse, b. November 6, 1888. deceased.
65. Somers Edwin. Jr.. b. January 20, 1889. 66. Almira, deceased. 67. Abigail Alorse, b.
Alay 3, 1893. 68. Almira, deceased.
44 John Leeds, b. October 9, 1819. Flad a plantation covering land now included with
in the boundaries of Ohio and Kentucky avenues, from the Thoroughfare to the sea. His
hotise was originally located on what is now known as the corner of Arctic avenue and
Leeds Place, between Ohio and Indiana avenues. His widow and two daughters, Alargaret
and Rachael. now live in a cottage located on this spot. The old house having been moved
to the rear and now used as two dwellings. He married. January 14. 1844. Hannah Webb.
daughter of William Webb and Elizabeth Alorse. He was a member of the first Council of
Atlantic City, serving two terms. He was a prosperous farmer and land owner, his house
being a refuge for some of the young men who came from "down East" to carve their
fortunes on this fair island. Among these might be mentioned Joseph A. Barstow and John
W. Avery, who married John Leeds sister Abigail and had three children, who all died
young. John Leeds died December 29, 1867. His children were:
(69) Andrew, b. November 19, 1844; 111. Alary Bramble, June 29. 1892.
70. Charles Edward Leeds, b. July 11, 1846; 111. Arabelle Smith, 1871. daughter of John
H. and Harriet Sooy Smith. They had: 76. John Smith, b. April n. 1872; m. Lizzie S.
Collins, October 26, 1893. 77. Hamilton, b. December 12, 1874; d. Alarch 4, 1875.
71. Elizabeth Leeds, b. Alay 24. 1848; m. Levi Collins Albertson. October 1, 1868. They
had: Gertrude, b. April 2, 1871. Casper, b. July 10, 1872; d. September 30, 1873. Alyra.
b. February 26, 1878.
(72) Alargaret A., b. February 24. 1850.
73. Daniel Lake Leeds, b. June 27. 1852; m. Amy AA'hite. They had: 78. Curwin. 79.
Ada. 80. Oliver. 81. Alina.
(74) Rachael, b. October 21, 1856.
(75) John, Jr., b. January 8. i860; d. December 18, i860.
76. John Smith Leeds, b. April 11, 1872; m. Lizzie Smith Collins, daughter of Edwin
Steelman and Roxanna Smith Collins. They had: 82. Alargaret Ray, December 22, 1895.
45. Steelman Leeds, b. Alay 2, 1821. lived in a house that is still standing back of the
Island House, near the turnpike road. He was elected to the first City Council. AJarried
Rachel Miller, October 31, 1854. In 1867 they moved to Maryland and afterward to Texas,
where his children. Rebecca and William, died. He lived the last eight years of his life at
Boseman, Montana. The beautiful willow trees now standing near the Island House were
set out by Steelman Leeds, in 1862. He died at Boseman, June 23. 1896. A branch of these
willows was sent to his widow by Airs. Abigail Leeds, in 1896, and it still flourishes over his
grave in faraway Alontana. His children were:
(83) Frank, b. August 30. 1855; m. Sarah Allen.
(84) Rebecca Cecilia, b. October 30, 1856; d. February 9, 1882; m. Augustus Allen.
Had Robert Vincent. September 26, 1879.
(85) Abram Titlow, b. October 27, 1858.
(86) William, b. Alay 31. i860; d. September, 1866.
(87) Anna Alary, b. July 28. 1863; m. John Charles Borgers. Had Bessie Alary. Feb
ruary 3, 1892.
(88) Ruhama, b. November 24. 1864; d. August 15, 1865.
40. Judith Leeds, m. January 16, 1840, Richard Hackett, son of Richard Hackett and
Hannah Alason. .Their children were Alatilda, b. June 27, 1842; m. John Hammond.
Joseph, b. December 7, 1848; d. August 4. 1888; m. Tamar Oakley. Josephine, b. January
13, 1850; m. Samuel Reeve.
41. Chalkley Steelman Leeds was the first Alayor of Atlantic City, being elected to
that office in 1854, 1855, and again in 1862. His name appears as a member of the early
councils of the city, and from 1870 to 1894 he was City Treasurer.
He married, first, Alargaret Holland Gaskill, daughter of Edward Gaskill, of Tucker-
ton, N. J. Their children were:
(89) Amanda Elizabeth, b. December 14, 1847; m., first, George Clifton Bryant, Jan
uary 26, 1870; m., second, Thomas Jefferson Horner, November 12, 1882.
(90) Alaria. b. August 23. 1849; m- Lewis Evans. October 1, 1868.
(91) Alillicent, b. Alarch 8. 1852; m. William C. Heath. Had Charles and Herbert.
(92) Jeremiah, b. July 26, 1854: m. Annie Cramer, February 11, 1881.
(93) Alary Rebecca, b. October 29. 1856; m. Charles Daugherty. November 30, 1881.
(94) Charles Gaskill. b. September 19. 1859; deceased.
(95) Isaac Steelman, b. November 11, 1862; m. Alary Parker.
(96) Laura, b. October 27, 1865; m. Fred AY. Hogan, December 31, 1890.
Chalkley Steelman Leeds m., second, Aliriam Rosella Young. Their children were:
(97) Alable Chalkley, b. Alarch 30, 1883.
(98) Alinnie Warren, b. Alarch 2. 1885.
(99) Alargaret Evans, b. Alarch 20, 1888.
89. Amanda Elizabeth Leeds, b. December 14, 1847, m., first, George Clifton Bryant,
son of John and Sarah Lake Bryant, January 26, 1870. They had twins: Ralph, b. August
28, 1871; d. November 20, 1891; Alaud, b. August 28, 1871; d. June 5, 1888. Nettie, b.
April 25, 1873.
(89) Amanda m., second. Thomas Jefferson Horner, son of Thomas and Susan Horner.
They had: Helen Haskins, b. June 25, 1885; d. November 25, 1891. Alary, b. Alay 30, 1887;
d. August 5. 1887.
90. Alaria Leeds, b. August 23, 1849; 111. Lewis Evans. October 1, 1868, son of Samuel
E. and Emeline Estell Evans. They had: Lue Ina, b. June 2, 1870. John Estell, b. July
15, 1872. Emeline Estell, b. November 1, 1873. Alargaret Leeds, b. December 21. 1875; d.
July 9, 1876. Alargaret Leeds, b. June 1, 1878.
92. Jeremiah Leeds, b. July 26, 1854; m. Annie Cramer, daughter of Isaac and Hannah
Rudder Cramer, February 11, 1881. They had: 100. Lewis Reed, b. December 9. 1S81.
101. Charles, b. September 30, 1885.
95. Isaac Steelman Leeds, b. November n, 1862; m. Alary Parker, daughter of Steven
and Elizabeth Lippincott Parker. They had: 102. Elizabeth, b. February 27, 1898.
96. Laura Leeds, b. October 27, 1865; m. Fred AY. Hogan, son of Edward Hogan, De
cember 31, 1890. They had: Flarold b., Alarch 4. 1893; d. Alay 21, 1893; Frederick, b. Alarch
17, 1897; d. January 21, 1898.
42. Robert Barclay Leeds, b. Alay 2, 1828; m. Caroline English, April 29, 1852, daughter
of Peter English and Esther Collins. Their children were:
(103) Lurilda, b. June 15, 1854; m. Oliver T. Nice, February 28, 1878.
(104) Honora, b. August 24, 1856; d. October 25, 1857.
(105) Neida, b. June 6, 1858; m. Albert B. Richards.
(106) Harry Bellerjeau, b. August 9, i860; m. Harriet Somers Scull, November 24, 1895.
(107) Albert English, b. Alay 8, 1862; d. July 25, 1863.
(108) Alberta, b. January 1, 1864; m. Fred. P. Currie.
(109) Horace Alaynard, b. November 1, 1865.
103. Lurilda Leeds, b. June 15, 1854, m. Oliver T. Nice, February 28, 1878. They had:
Ralph Emerson, b. February 1, 1884.
105. Neida Leeds, b. June 6, 1858; 111. Albert B. Richards. They had Walter.
106. Harry Bellerjeau Leeds, b. August 9, i860; m. Harriet Somers Scull, daughter of
Judge Joseph Scull and Hannah Gifford Scull, November 24. 1895. They had: (no) Alice
Leeds, b. Alay 19, 1897.
108. Alberta. Leeds, b. January 1, 1864; m. Fred. P. Currie, son of George F. Currie.
They had: Fred., December 29, 1885.
The first of the family of Penningtons to come to Atlantic County was Nathan Pen
nington, who was born at Dutch Farms, near Newark, N. J. He was a soldier in the
Revolutionary Army, volunteering at the age of 19. He also served against the whiskey
insurrection. During the Revolution he was taken prisoner and sent to Quebec, Canada,
where he suffered very much, nearly dying of starvation. He escaped with some of his
comrades, one of the number mounting to the top of the wall by standing on the shoulders
of the others, the others being pulled up by means of their bed clothing, which was tied
together, and then lowered to the opposite side.
Nathan Pennington was a ship builder. He lived at Chestnut Neck, N. J., then a part
of Gloucester County, but now in Atlantic County. He was stationed there in charge of
property captured from the enemy. His wife was Alargaret AVescot, a daughter of Colonel
Richard AYescot, of ATays Landing. They resided in Alays Landing, in a part called Pen
nington's Point, where was located the ship yard in which he carried on his business, and
which continued to be an active ship yard until recent years. All the Penningtons in
Atlantic County are descended from him. He died in 1810. He had a large family, nine
children. John, born in 1791, lived at Alays Landing and was a sea captain, vessel owner,
and for a time Sheriff of the County.
John Pennington had ten children, several of whom are now living, one daughter. Airs.
Alary Scott, at a very advanced age, in Alays Landing. She is the mother of County Clerk
Lewis P. Scott. Another daughter was Airs. Ann Endicott, of Mays Landing, who died a
few years ago. One of her sons, Judge Allen B. Endicott, is a resident of the county and
of Atlantic City. Others of her children in this county are Aliss Catherine B. Endicott,
Mrs. Isabella Corson, Airs. Hannah Howell and Airs. Alary Iszard, all of ATays Landing,
and Airs. Elizabeth Rundall, of Atlantic City. Two of the sons reside in other parts of
this State: Dr. George W. Endicott, of Plainfield. and Mr. Charles G. Endicott, of West-
field. A fourth son is Rear-Admiral Alordecai T. Endicott, U. S. Navy.
Another daughter of John Pennington is Airs. Hester Thompson, now in Atlantic
City, at the home of her daughter. Airs. Hannah Aloore. Air. Joseph Thompson, formerly
Law Judge of this county, and now Alayor of Atlantic City, is her son.
One of the sons, Lewis W., is now living, a captain in the merchant service in the
Clyde line of steamers, sailing out of New York. He was a volunteer naval officer during
the Civil War, rising from the grade of acting master to a lieutenant commander at the
close of the war. He did gallant service during the war and served under Farragut, was
present in the attacks on' Forts Jackson and Philip on the Alississippi river, and captured
one of the flags at the latter fort.
Captain John Pennington was the second son, who had a long and honorable service
in the merchant steam marine. He was in command of a transport in the government
service during the Civil War, and was seriously wounded by a shot through the lung in
passing a Confederate force on the banks of the Potomac river. He resided outside the
limits of this State in his later life, but his widow, Airs. Elizabeth Pennington, now resides
in Atlantic City with her son, Dr. Byron B. Pennington, a very successful physician.
Nathan Pennington's daughter, Charlotte, married Air. Lewis Walker, of Alays Land
ing. They resided at AYalker's Forge, near the town. Air. Walker was the proprietor of
large tracts of land and of the iron forge, and had large business interests. They had
several children, one, the late John Walker, of Trenton, N. J., being the father of Air. John
P. Walker, who is a resident of this county in the old mansion at AYalker's Forge, during
the summer months. He is a very prominent educator, having held a responsible position
for many years upon the staff of the school for deaf mutes in Philadelphia, and recently re
ceived an appointment from the Governor of this State at the head of the State Institution
for Deaf Mutes.
Another child of Charlotte was Rebecca, who married the late Simon Hanthorne, of
Alays Landing, being his second wife. One child by this union resides in Alays Landing,
Aliss Amelia Hanthorne.
The fifth daughter of Nathan Pennington was Rebecca, who married William Alattix.
of Alays Landing. They had nine children, two of whom survive and live in Alays Land
ing, William Alattix and Alwilda, wife of Afr. Alartin Y. B. Aloore.
The first member of the family who came into the State of New Jersey was Ephraim,
who appears in New Haven in 1643, and it is supposed that that was the time of his arrival
in this country. In 1667 they removed to Newark. N. J., and settled there. The Nathan
Pennington mentioned above, who lived in Alays Landing, was a great grandson of the
Ephraim who came to New Jersey in 1667, and who was the son of the Ephraim who
emigrated to this country in 1643.
Of this family two were Governors of the State of New Jersey, the first. William S.,
brother of Nathan, from 1813 to 1815. He was Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of
New Jersey in 1804, and Judge of the United States District Court of New Jersey from
1815 to his death, in 1826. Fie was an officer of the Second Regiment of the New Jersey
Artillery, in the Revolutionary yA'ar. serving under General Knox, and the rank of Alajor
was conferred upon him by special act of Congress. His son, William, was also a man of
great prominence in the State, and was a member of the United States Flouse of Repre
sentatives from i860 to 1862, and Speaker of the same House. He was also Governor of
New Jersey for seven years, from 1837 to 1843, inclusive; likewise Chancellor of the State
during the same period.
Alexander C. AT. Pennington, a cousin of the last named Governor, was a practicing
lawyer in Newark. N. J., until 1857. He was a member of the New Jersey Assembly from
1837 and 1838, and of the United States House of Representatives for two terms, being
elected in 1852, and again in 1854. He was a man of some military education, having been
a cadet at the United States Alilitary Academy for two years, after which he resigned to
study law. He was Brigadier General commanding the Essex Brigade for a number
of years. Alexander C. AL Pennington, a son of the General Pennington just named, was a
graduate of West Point in i860, in the artillery, and commanded a battery of horse artillery
during the Civil War. He distinguished himself at the battle of Gettysburg, for which ser
vice he received a brevet of Brigadier General. The battery is commonly known as Pen
nington's. Flis lineal rank at the outbreak of the Spanish AVar was that of Colonel, and
he was commissioned a Brigadier General, and retired from active service in October, 1899.
The New Jersey Penningtons are descended from the Penningtons of England, who
trace their ancestry back to the time of Henry II. The ancestry in Great Britain is a long
and distinguished one. and numbers in the 17th century a long list of knights, including
Sir John Pennington, in the time of Henry VI. to whom he was much attached and gave a
secret reception at Alulcaster, now Aluncaster, for some time when in his flight from his
enemies. In return, the King gave him a glass cup, to belong to the family so long as
they should preserve it unbroken. It was called the luck of Aluncaster, and the family
still have the glass in their possession.
Sir John Pennington is also said to have been a skillful warrior and fought in Scotland
under James II, commanding the left wing of the English army. His son, Sir John the
third, was attached to James V, and had an important command at the battle of Flodden
Field, where James was killed.
The second knight following Sir John the third was a Sir John, admiral to King
Charles I, and was one of his privy council. He was betrayed by Charles II and confined
in the Tower, but died before the time set for his execution. This Sir John distinguished
himself in the wars with France and captured a considerable fleet of French war vessels,
bringing them as prizes upon his return to his country.
Dr. Lewis Reed, Atlantic City's first physician, moved here from Alilville in 1S57. He
was the oldest son of a family of twelve children. His father, David Reed, was one of a
well-known South Jersey family. He was a tailor by trade and a hotel keeper by occupa
tion. He died before he was fifty and his widow, Lodemia Reed, married a man of the
name of Barnes. The children, three of whom are still living, were Lewis, David. Samuel,
George, Charles, William, Joseph, James. Thomas S. Henry, Eliza Aliller, and two who
died young.
Lewis, born November 10, 1806, married Susanna Stanger, a woman of German parent
age, born in 1810. For some years he followed the trade of his father, that of a tailor, later
studying medicine and giving his profession his exclusive attention. They had a family of
nine children, all born in AHllville, where one of them. Francis Lee. still lives. They were:
2, Caroline Duffy, b. 1828; 3. Francis L.. b. 1830: 4. Edward Stone, b. 1833; 5. Lewis, b.
1836; 6, Thomas Kenible. b. 1839; George, b. 1842; 8, Joseph Gaskill, b. 1846; 9, Alary H., b.
1848; and 10, Ella, b. 1853; d. 1864.
By the mere incident, while gunning in the vioods about Weymouth, of connecting with
a train to Atlantic City, he made his first visit to this resort when the population was too
small to support a physician with a large family. But arrangements were made by people
whom he met whereby $500 a year was guaranteed so that he moved here to live perma
nently in 1857.
He was elected Alayor the four years following. His son Edward, who had just mar
ried, came with him and soon opened the first drug store, and his son Thomas came a few
years later to be the second physician on theisland. For eleven years Dr. Reed was Post
master, and always a genial, public spirited citizen who lived under the administration of
every President of the United States save the first two, dying Tuesday, Alarch 22, 1898, at
Ocean Grove. Airs. Reed died in 1893, aged S2 years. Before her death the sixty-fifth anni
versary of their wedding was observed by a family reunion. Airs. Reed was one of the
well-known Stanger family. Her grandfather established the first glassworks in New Jersey.
She was a sister of Airs. Hosea Madden. At the time of his death he was the oldest living-
graduate of Jefferson Aledical College.
2. Caroline Duffy, b. 1828: m. Dr. Charles Souder, of Alillville, and had three children,
Charles. Lewis and George. Charles, b. 1858; m. Fanny Tompkins and had six children:
Caroline, Charles, Alary and Elizabeth, Ethel and Lewis. Lewis m. Louise Hutchinson and
is a physician in Atlantic City, and George m. Alary Norris and has a drug store in Atlantic
City. 3. Francis L., pattern maker in Alillville glass factory, b. 1830; m., second, Rebecca
Carmelia. They had two children, Frank and Lura (deceased).
4. Edward Stone, b. 1833; m. Elizabeth C. Gilkey of Philadelphia, in 1858. They had
nine children: Dr. Eugene, b. Alarch, 1859; m. Lilias Sweigard; Charles Snmner; Delfes,
deceased; Hortense, Alga, Oras, Dr. Talbert, Edward S., and Thoesda.
Edward S. Reed was City Clerk six years, from 1861 to 1867. He was school superin
tendent nine years and school trustee several years, always alive to the best interests of the
city. He was successful in business, found great pleasure in his home life and served public
interests efficiently. He died December 12, 1895, after a lingering illness, aged 62 years.
5. Lewis Reed, b. 1836, m. Phoebe Hamilton and had two children, Susie, who m., first,
Frank Barber; second, William Bell; and Rena, who m. Thomas Alurphy.
6. Thomas Kemble, b. 1839; m. Annie Hutton. They had two children, Ralph, who
died an infant, and Ella, who m. Walter Norris of Philadelphia. Thomas studied medicine
with his uncle, Dr. Thomas S. Reed, of Philadelphia, and located in this city with his father
as the second resident physician. He has ever since been one of the active men of the town,
identified with various interests, standing at the head of his profession and possessing a
fund of wit, eloquence and scholarship that have made him many friends.
7. George Reed, b. 1842; m. Alice Parker. They had five children living, having buried
two: Hattie Applegate, Carrie Lake, Alice, George and Lura. He is a Alethodist minister
and lives at present at Absecon.
8. Joseph, b. 1846; 111. Sarah Lee. They have three children, Irving, Susie A. and
Charlotte. 9. Alary, b. 1848; m. Charles K. AlcPherson, an internal revenue officer of Camden.
Louis Richards, of Reading, Pa., in 1S82. prepared for the Pennsylvania Alagazine a
sketch of the Richards family, from which most of the following information was obtained
of men, who for several generations contributed so much to the development and progress
of South Jersey.
1. Owen Richards, according- to tradition, his wife, three sons, James, William and
John, and daughter Elizabeth, sailed from the port of Chester, England, and landed at
Philadelphia before 1718. The first positive trace of him is by his purchase, December 22.
1718, of 300 acres of land in Amity township, now a part of Philadelphia, from one Alotins
Justice, a Swede. Owen Richards is supposed to have resided on this land till his death,
which occurred after 1734. He sold one-half of the tract to his son James for £7 (seven
pounds), and "natural love and affection. ' Owen's second wife was Elizabeth Baker,
whom he married in 1727. She died in 1753, aged about eighty years.
The children of Owen Richards were:
2. James, of whom little is known and who probably left no descendants.
3. William.
4. John, whose wife's name was Sarah, and their children Edward and Susanna. He
probably moved to Virginia and perpetuated the family name there.
3. William was born in AVales. had grown to manhood when he came with his father
to this country, was at one time possessed of considerable property, but died in poverty.
He was a peace officer of the king in the province for a time. He died in 1752. His will
mentions all his children and disposes of property in the sum of £207. 7s. iod., and is on
file in Philadelphia. His daughters, Ruth and Sarah, received £3 each; his son (J wen, and
daughters Alary Ball and Alargaret, five shillings each, and his son James, iio and a mare,
the rest going to William after his mother's decease upon his becoming of age.
5. Alary married John Ball, of Berks County. Their son, Joseph Ball, became a
wealthy merchant. In his early manhood he became manager for the owner, Col. John
Cox, of the Batsto iron works, where shot and shell were cast for the Continental service.
He was an ardent patriot and was a loser financially in aiding Robert Alorris to restore
the public credit. He died in 1720, aged 73 years, leaving a widow, Sarah, but no children.
6. Owen left little trace. His name appears as a soldier of the Revolution.
7. James.
8. Ruth, m. Daniel Kunsman.
9 William.
10. Alargaret, m. Cornelius Dewees.
it. Sarah, m. James Hastings and lived in Virginia.
7. James, b. about 1722, was all his life a farmer. He served as Sergeant in Capt.
Tudor s company. 4th Pennsylvania Continental line, enlisting Alay 10. 1777. He was a
man of immense frame and great physical strength and had many lively episodes of conflict
and adventure. He died in 1804, aged eighty odd years. His wife's name was Alary and
his children were William Frederick, Elizabeth, James Owen, Alary, Sarah, Hannah and
John. Vvillia .1, the eldest, was born January 27, 1754. John Richards, the youngest, m.,
first, 1811, Rebecca Ludwig, who d. in 1840: second. Louisa Silvers, 1841, who d. January
26, 1880. There were seven children. He moved to Batsto, Burlington County, in 1808,
and spent forty years of his life in iron manufacturing- at Weymouth and Gloucester fur
naces. In 1S36-7 he was a member of the Legislature from Burlington County. He con
tinued in the iron business at Alauch Chunk, Pa.. 1848 to 1854, when he returned, dying
November 29, 1871, aged 88 years.
9. William was b. September 12, 1738. He learned the occupation of a founder. He
married Alary Patrick in 1764. About 1768 he came to Batsto, where he worked for a
time. August 13, 1776, he joined the Revolutionary forces, his family living at Valley
Forge, where he was in camp with the army that memorable winter of 1777-8.
In 1781 he became resident manager for Col. Cox, of the Batsto iron works, succeed
ing his nephew, Joseph Ball. In 1784 he became sole owner of the works, purchased
thousands of acres and acquired a princely fortune. He was of gigantic mould and great
physical strength. By his first wife. Alary Patrick, he had eleven children, seven sons and
four daughters. By his second wife, Alargaret AA'ood, whom he m. in 1796, he had eight
children, seven sons and one daughter. In 1809 he relinquished his Batsto estate to his son,
Jesse, and moved to Alt. Holly, where he passed the last years of his life. He died August
23, 1823. The children of William and Alary Patrick were:
12. Abigail, b. June 1, 1765; d. Alay 14, 1794.
13. John, b. June 1, 1767; d. November 30, 1793.
14. Samuel, b. at Valley Forge, Alay 8, 1769. Extensive iron manufacturer in New
Jersey and merchant in Philadelphia. He m., first. Alary AL Smith, in 1797. She died in
1820, and he m. Anna AL AYitherspoon, of New York. He was the father of eleven children.
Two of these were Sarah Ball, widow of the late Steven Colwell. and Thomas S.. also an
extensive iron manufacturer. He was the owner of the Atsion and Weymouth Iron Works,
comprising about 75,000 acres each. He took great pride in the Atsion property, building
there a large dwelling, where he spent the summer for many years. He had a large tract
of land under cultivation and was a prominent business man in Philadelphia for a long time,
residing on Arch above Ninth street. Samuel Richards d. January 4. 1842.
15. Elizabeth, b. August 26, 1771. She m. Rev. Thos. Haskins, of Alaryland.
16. Rebecca, b. August 7, 1773; m. John Sevier, of Tennessee.
17. William, b. July 1, 1775; d. December 21, 1796.
18. Joseph, b. October 6, 1777; d. Alarch 26, 1797.
19. Thomas, b. February 10, 1780. Fie was a merchant in Philadelphia and iron manu
facturer at Jackson, in Camden County. In 1810 he m. Ann Bartram, by whom he had nine
children. He died October 17, i860, the day fixed for his golden wedding and the marriage
of his daughter.
20. Jessie.
21. Charles, b. August 9, 1785; d. Alay 11, 1788.
22. Anna AL, b. February 8, 1789; m. John White, of Delaware, 1810; d. Alay 2, 1S16.
The children of AA'illiam and Alargaret AYood were:
23. Benjamin AVood, b. November 12, 1797; d. July 12, 1851.
24. Charles Henry, b. April 9, 1799; d. April, 1802.
25. George Washington, b. Alay 6. 1801; d. June, 1802.
26. Augustus Henry, b. Alay 5, 1803; m. Rebecca, daughter of Hon. John AIcLean, of
Ohio; d. 1839.
27. William, b. January 16, 1805; m. 1831, Constantia Alarie Laman and had five
children; d. April 19, 1864.
28. George Washington, b. Alay 3, 1807. Alerchant and manufacturer of Philadelphia;
prominent in railroads and insurance. He m. Alary Lee Guen and had eight children; d.
April 22, 1874.
29. Joseph Ball, b. November 9. 1811; d. January 30. 1812.
30. Alary Wood, b. Alarch 6, 1815; d. September 19, i860.
20. Jesse was b. at Valley Forge, December 2, 1782. He succeeded his father at Batsto.
In 1829 he rebuilt the works, and in 1846 the iron furnace having been abandoned he es
tablished extensive glass works. These he conducted successfully until his death, June 17,
1854. His estate then comprised sixty-five thousand acres. This estate is now owned by
Joseph Wharton, of Philadelphia.
Jesse Richards was a member of the New Jersey Assembly in 1837-8-9. He m. Sarah
Ennals, daughter of Rev. Thomas Haskins by his first wife. Air. Haskins having previously
married Elizabeth, a sister of Jesse Richards.
23. Benjamin AA'ood Richards was b. at Batsto, November 12, 1797. He graduated at
Princeton in 1815, and studied for the ministry, but his delicate health compelled him to
travel extensively. He later engaged in mercantile pursuits in Philadelphia, was elected to
Council and to the Legislature, and was a great promoter of public schools. He succeeded
George Al. Dallas as Alayor of Philadelphia (For further information, see Alagazine.)
A son, Benjamin Wood Richards, lives in Hammonton.
19. Thomas Richards, b. February 10, 1780; d. October 17, i860; m. Anna Bartram,
by whom he had nine children.
24. William B., who died about 1874.
25. Elizabeth B., who died about 1865.
26. Samuel, b. August 15, 1818; m. Elizabeth Al. Ellison; d. February 21, 1895. They
had two children, Thos. J., b. April 25, 1853; m. Lydia E. S. Winn and have four children,
and Samuel Bartram, who m. Alary Dorrance Evans, and have two children.
27. Anna B., m. Benjamin J. Crew, deceased.
28. Rebecca B., m. Rev. Thos. E. Souper, deceased.
29. Thomas, Jr., m. Deborah Al. Kimber.
30. Rebecca R. S.. m. Walter Newbold and had two children, Anna Bartram, who m.
J. Remson Bishop, and Elizabeth R., who m. Samuel Al. Fox.
20. Jesse Richards m. Sarah Ennals, daughter of Rev. Thos. Haskins and had six
children, three sons and three daughters. The sons were:
32. Thos. H., oldest son of Jesse Richards, after graduating at Princeton, assisted his
father in the extensive business of Batsto. He was one of the most upright and honorable
men that ever lived and was universally loved and respected. Previous to his father's death
he had shown a fondness for public life, and served as a member of the Assembly from
Burlington County in 1841-43, and was State Senator in 1847-49. He took an active in
terest in township and county affairs and seemed by nature well suited for public life. But
in the last few years of his father's life, and after his death, as one of the executors, he was
obliged to devote his whole time and attention to the affairs of the estate. He was not what
might be called a business man, never having received a strictly business training, which
was needed at that time, in adjusting the varied and extensive affairs of the estate. Though
advised by his counsel. Air. John L. Stratton, to take the time, eighteen months, which the
law allows before making payments, he decided to pay all debts, promptly as they matured,
and this eventually caused trouble and embarrassment. His agent in New York robbed
him to the extent of many thousand dollars and caused him great disappointment. He
died about 1870.
33. Jesse, Jr., never married. Deceased,
34. Elizabeth, who m. Judge Bicknell, of Indiana.
35. Anna Alaria, m. Lachlan Alclntosh, a Confederate officer, who after the war lived
for a time at Batsto. Deceased.
36. Sarah Ann, never married. Deceased.
14. Samuel Richards, b. Alay 8, 1769: d. January 4- 184^- For his second wife m. Anna
Al. Witherspoon and was the father of three children, Sarah Ball, who m. Steven Colwell;
Elizabeth R., who m. AY. Dwight Bell, and Thomas S., who m. Hannah, daughter of Gen.
James Nichols.
Stephen Colwell and Sarah Ball had three children, Richard, Edward and Charles R.
Richard Colwell m. his cousin Annie, daughter of William Richards, of Atsion, and
d. about 1873. He was a young man of extraordinary ability and was the manager of the
Weymouth estate at the time of his death.
Edward Colwell was an officer in the army and was thrown from his horse and killed
in the grand review of the troops at Washington at the close of the war, Alay, 1865. He
never married.
Charles R. Colwell, the only surviving grandchild of Samuel Richards, and youngest
of the three sons of Stephen Colwell, 111. Laura Retz and lives at the old homestead on the
Weymouth estate.
As early as September 10, 1685, the Scull family was represented in this country, when
John and Nicholas Scull, descendants of Sir John Scull, Knight of Brecknock, England,
emigrated to America. They sailed from Bristol, England, on the ship "Bristol Merchant,"
John Stephens, commander.
In 1706, Edward Scull, their relative, came to America, settling west of the Allegheny
Mountains, where are still residing many of his descendants in western Pennsylvania and
Ohio. 1. John Scull, baptized October 15, 1666, came to New Jersey in 1694, with his wife,
Alary. He was known as a whaleman, whales being so plenty at that time as to make the
business very profitable. He acquired a large tract of land on the Great Egg Harbor
river, and bought of Thos. Budd. in 1695, "250 acres of land lying on Great Egg Harbor
river and Patconk creek, with the privilege of cutting cedar and commonidge for cattle on
ye reaches and swamps as laid out by Thos. Budd for commons." The first religious meet
ing (Friend's Society) in this section was held at John Scull's house. He died in 1745.
His children were:
2. John, stolen when a child by the Indians and never recovered. 3. Abel. 4. Peter.
5. Daniel, Collector of Egg Harbor township, Gloucester Count}', 1753. 6. Benjamin. 7.
ATargaret, m. Robert Smith. 8. Caroline, m. Amos Ireland. 9. Alary. 10. Rachel, m.
James Edwards. 11. John Recompense, m. Phoebe Dennis. 12. Isaiah, m., had one daugh
ter, Abigail. 13. Gideon, b. 1722; d. 1776; m. Judith Belange. 14. David, d. January 10,
1 741-2. Infant, died unnamed.
11. John Recompense Scull m. Phoebe Dennis. He lived to be of great age and was
a noted hunter. A scrip states he was paid in 1749 one pound for a wolf's head. Chil
dren were:
is. Israel, lost at sea. 16. Sarah, m. David Scull; second, Gywnne. 17. John R., m.
Sarah Somers. 18. Phoebe, m. Nicholas Somers. 19. Sophia, m., first, Johnson;
second, Gregory. 20. Alary, m. Joseph Cooper. 21. Abigail, m. John Somers. 22.
Roxanna, m. Samuel Somers. 23. Rachel, m. John Chattin. 24. Elizabeth, m. Robert
Risiey. 13. Gideon Scull, b. 1722; m. Judith Belange, in 1750. She was the granddaughter of
Ires Belange and Christiana De la Plaine. French Huguenots of Poiton, France, and
daughter of James JBelange, Sr. A record states that in 1753 Gideon was paid £1 10s. for
two panther heads. Both Gideon and his wife died in 1776, of smallpox, contracted at
Salem Quarterly Conference. Their children were:
25. Paul. 26. Alary. 111. David Bassett. 27. James, b. October 2. 1751; d. August 25,
1812; m. Susannah Leeds, 1774. 28. Daniel. 29. Gideon, b. 1756; d. 1825; m. Sarah J.
James. 30. Hannah, 111. David Davis. 31. Judith, m. Daniel Offley. 32. Ruth. m. Samuel
Reeve. 33. Rachel, m. Samuel Bolton. 34. Alark, m. Alary Browning. 35. Alargorie. m.
Daniel Leeds, 4th.
17. John R. Scull m. Sarah Somers, daughter of James Somers. the miller of Bar
gaintown. They had:
36. Sarah Ann. m. Thomas Ireland. 37 Wesley, m. . 38. Somers, m.. first.
Williamson; second, Alary D. Tomlin. 39. Julia Ann, m. Peter Steelman. 40. Rachel, m.
Lucas Lake. 41. Alartha. 42. Phoebe, m. Jesse Lake.
22. James Scull, b. October 2, 1751: m. Susannah Leeds, daughter of Daniel Leeds and
Susannah Steelman. The ceremony performed according to the Friends' custom, Alay,
1774. They had:
43. Daniel, b. June 3, 1775; 111. Jemima Steelman. 44. Gideon, b. October 30, 1777; m.
Alice Higbee. 45. Dorcas, b. October 7, 1780; m., first. Samuel Ireland; second. Jonas
Leeds. 46. Paul, b. April 2, 1783; m. Sarah Steelman. 47. James, b. Alarch 25, 1786; m.,
first, Lorinia Steelman; second, Smith. 48. Susannah, b. January 25. 1789; m. John
Steelman. 49. Hannah, b. June 20, 1792; m. Edward Leeds. 50. Joab. b. Alarch 2, 1796:
m. Ann Stackhouse.
29. Gideon Scull, b. 1756; m. Sarah J. James, who was a recommended minister of the
Society of Friends. Gideon sold his share of the patrimonial estate to his brother Alark and
removed to Salem County, Lockheartstown. This was the Swedish name for a place on
Old Alan's creek, where Gideon was a merchant. This place was called Sculltown for more
than 60 years, the name being changed to Auburn. Gideon and wife were members of
Pilesgrove Monthly Aleeting. He died in 1825, aged 69 years. His children were Abigail,
died young; Abigail second, died 1867, in Philadelphia, of old age. James, died at sea, 1820.
Jonathan. Offley. Hannah, m. William Carpenter, Salem County. Sarah. David, b. 1799;
m.. first, Lydia Lippincott: second, Hannah D. Wood. Paul. Gideon.
43. Daniel Scull, b. June 3, 1775: m. Jemima Steelman, daughter of Daniel and Cath
erine Steelman. They had: 51. Judith. 52. Rebecca.
44. Gideon Scull, b. October 30, 1777; m. Alice Higbee, probably daughter of John
Higbee and Alice Andrews. They had: 53. Alary, m. Samuel Ireland. 54. Josiah. 55,
James. 56. Alark. 57. Daniel, m. Leah Somers. 58. Samuel. 59. Edward. 60. Alice, m.
Samuel Doughty.
46. Paul Scull, b. April 2, 1783; m. Sarah Steelman, daughter of Zephaniah Steelman
and Rebecca Ireland. They had: 61. Anna Alaria, b. Alarch 12. 1809: d. February 16, 1894; m.
Benjamin Turner, son of Peter Turner and ATary Leeds. 62. Zephaniah, b. December 10,
1810; d. August 23. 1887; m. Alary Leeds. 63. James, b. October 3. 1813; d. January 4. 1872;
m. Amelia Smith. 64. John, b. November 3. 1815; d. January 17, 1894; m. Alary Leeds,
daughter of Cornetia and Ann Dutch Leeds. 65. Lewis AY., b. Alay 2, 1819; m., first, Esther
Smith. August 22, 1S46; m., second, Alary H. Sooy Higbee, daughter of Jonathan and Abi
gail Bowen Sooy, August 16, 1862. 66. Lardner, b. Alay 15. 1822: d. February 1. 1897; m.
Josephine Leeds. 67. Dorcas, b. December 10, 1824; d. June 17, 1867; m. Thomas Bowen,
son of Josiah and Esther Leeds Bowen.
47. James Scull, b. Alarch 25, 1786; m., first, Lorinia Steelman, daughter of Daniel and
Catherine Steelman. They had: 68. Abigail. 69. William. 70. Gideon.
48. Susannah Scull, b. January 25. 1789; m., first, John Steelman, son of Absalom Steel
man. They had: Sarah, James, John, Hannah and Angelina.
50. Joab Scull, b. Alarch 2, 1796; m. Ann Stackhouse, of Camden, N. J. They had: 71.
Anne. 72. Emma. 73. William S. 74. Alary Jane. 73. Caroline.
62. Zephaniah Scull, b. December 10, i8to; m. Alary Leeds, daughter of Stacy Leeds
and Alary Jackson. They had: 76. Rebecca, b. June 24. 1836; d. June 24. 1859. 77. Susan
nah. 78. Ebenezer.
63. James Scull, b. October 3, 1813; m. Amelia Smith, daughter of Steelman Smith and
Ann Bowen. They had: 79. Helena, b. November 20, 1844; m. Harry Vansant. 80. Eliz
abeth, b. October 22. 1846; m. Charles G. Steelman. 81. Henrietta, b. Alarch 16, 1849; m
John Townsend. 82. Albert C, b. September 22, 1855; m. Ella E. Cox.
64. John Scull, b. November 3, 1815; m. Alary Leeds, daughter of Cornelius and Ann
Dutch Leeds. They had: 83. Alorris T., b. February 21, 1848; m. Sarah Campbell. 84.
Anna AL. b. Alarch 11, 1854; d. April 11, 1885; m. Silas Higbee.
65. Lewis W. Scull, b. June 2, 1819; m., first, Esther Smith, daughter of Steelman and
Ann Bowen Smith. They had: 85. Henry S., b. June 4. 1847; m. Alary A. Bruner. October
2, 1868. They had Florence E., Lewis Bruner, Alae E., Harry DeAIar, Nan B.. Frank Rae,
Emily C, Charles Landed, and Helene Al. 86. Ella AL. b. January 7. 1851; d. Alarch 1. 1879.
66. Lardner Scull, b. Alay 15, 1822; m. Josephine Leeds, daughter of Jesse Leeds and
Ann Bowen Steelman, October 12, 1852. They had: 87. Anna Al.. b. Alarch 9. 1853. 88.
Thomas B., b. July 22, 1853. 89. Bertha, b. September 13, 1857; m. Gilbert Smith. 90.
Essie, b. November 26, 1861. 91. Sallie, b. February 1. 1864; 111. Jonas Higbee.
3. Abel Scull was the father of Joseph Scull, b. 1731, who at one time was one of the
wealthiest men in South Jersey. In taking up arms against Great Britain in the Revolu
tionary war, Joseph converted his personal property into Continental money, which was
never redeemed, and the war left him little but .his lands. Washington recommended Joseph
Scull for promotion in the following words: He is a young man, but a brave soldier, and
deserves promotion. He married Sarah . His will contains the following item: "I
give and devise unto my wife, Sarah, my negro boy, and after the death of my wife Sarah,
I do order that the said negro boy be set free." He died September 30, 1810. He had: 92.
Abel, b. June 3, 1760, who m. Alice Collins. 93. Enoch. 94. Alary, m. English. 95.
Naomi, b. April 20, 1763; m. Nicholas Frambes; d. February 1, 1816. 96. Rachel, m.
Higbee. 97. Alartha, m. Price.
92. Abel Scull, b. June 3, 1760; m. Alice Collins, daughter of Dr. Richard Collins, the
first resident physician in Gloucester County. They had: 98. Joseph, b. January 2, 1790;
d. Alay 16, 1853; m. Susannah Blackman. 99. Richard, m. Elizabeth Hickman. 100. An
drew, member of Home Guard, 1812; d. aged 94; m., first, Eunice Scull; second, Alary
Gifford. 101. Enoch, m. Ann Hickman. 102. Alary, m., first, Andrew Blackman; second,
Daniel English; third, Clayton Leeds. 103. Sarah, m., first, Capt. Robinson; second,
David Smith. 104. Elizabeth, m. John Broderick. 105. Nancy, m., first, George Hickman;
second, Elvy Scull; third, William Smith.
98. Joseph Scull, b. January 2, 1790; d. Alay 16, 1853; was a member of the Home
Guards in the war of 1812. He was for many years a Justice of the Peace and a prominent
and well respected man in local affairs. He m. Susannah Blackman. and their children were:
106. Alice, m. Stacy Powell. 107. Andrew, m. Rhuhama Champion. 108. Abel, m. Sylvia
Ann Champion. 109. Joseph, b. August 22, 1826; m. Hannah Gifford. no. Susannah, m.
Enoch Champion, in. Sarah, d. in infancy.
99. Richard Scull m. Elizabeth Hickman. They had: 112. Philip, m. Lydia Hickman.
113. Ann, m. Beetle Edwards. 114. Alary, m. William Joline. 115. Elizabeth, m. Cornelius
Vandewater. 116. George, m. Cinderella Shaw. 117. Hannah, m. Henry Smith. 118. Alar
garet, m. Thomas Winner. 119. Alice, m. Brazier AVestcott. 120. Richard, m. Eunice
English. 121. Caroline, m. Alpheus Barrett. 122. Thomas Edward; 123. Abel J., twins.
Abel J. m. Hannah Ann Steelman.
100. Andrew Scull m.. first, Eunice Scull, daughter of Enoch Scull. They had: Samuel,
d. in Key West. Sarah, m. Jonathan Doughty. Richard, d. a babe.
100. Andrew Scull m.. second. Alary Gifford. They had: 124. Richard, b. August 25,
1826. 125. Robert, b. August, 1829; killed in battle of Cold Harbor, Civil War, June 1,
1864; m. Ann Stevens. 126. Eunice, b. 1832; m. Benjamin Hickman. 127. Elizabeth, b.
1834; m. John Willits. 128. Alargaret, b. 1836; m. John Dickson. 129. Ann, b. September
13, 1838; m. Nicholas Hickman. 130. Andrew, b. April 25, 1840; m. Alaria Barrett. 131.
Alary, b. August 11, 1842; m. Jesse Barrett. 132. Alittie. b. August 9, 1844; m. John J. Gard
ner, January 1, 1873. 133. Rejoice, b. June, 1846; 111. Chester Barrett. 134. Alice, b. June
25, 1850; m. Enoch Thompson Gifford.
101. Enoch Scull m. Ann Hickman. They had: 135. Thomas, m. Sarah Trout. 136.
John, m. Beulah Risley. 137. Alorris, d. young. 138. Lydia, m. Jesse English. 139. James,
m. Charlotte Remine. 140. Walter, m. Susan Joslyn. 141. Enoch, m. Elizabeth Smith.
142. Eliza. 143. Philip. 144. Alary.
107. Andrew Scull m. Rhuhama Champion. They had: 145 Elizabeth, m. Henry
Dennis. 146. Susan, m. William Jeffries. 147. Elmer. 148. Sylvia, m. Richard Risley.
149. Alartha, in. Benj. Lee. 150. Joseph, m. Alary Somers, daughter of Jesse Somers.
108. Abel Scull m. Sylvia Champion. They had: 151. Abel. 152. Alartin Van Buren.
109. Joseph Scull, b. August 22, 1826; m. Hannah Gifford. They had: 153. Sarah
Elizabeth, m. George W. Smith. 154. Juliette, d. 1879. 155. Alartin Van Buren, m. Flor
ence Somers. 156. Emily Gifford, m. Stewart H. Shinn. 157. Josiah H. 158. Susanne.
159. James Gifford. 160. Harriet Somers, m. Harry B. Leeds.
125. Robert Scull, b. August, 1829; m. Ann Stevens. They had: 161. Samuel, m.
Annie Lloyd.
130. Andrew Scull, b. April 25, 1840; m. Alaria Barrett. They had: 162. Alary L., m.
Job Gifford. 163. Elizabeth, m. Eugene Alden. 164. Hannah, m. Smith Collins. 165.
Ann, m. Wesley Somers. 166. Sarah, m. Henry Sooy. 167. James. 168. Cornelia.
120. Richard Scull m. Eunice English. They had: 169. Thomas, m. Annie M. Risley.
170. Christopher English, m. Annie Cordery. 171. Joanna, m. William L. Lore. 172.
The well-known Somers family for more than two hundred and fifty years has been
closely identified with the history of Atlantic County on land and sea. As patriotic citizens,
soldiers in the Revolution and masters of ships they have won honorable names.
The original John Somers was born in Worcester, England, in 1640, and died in 1723.
His first wife died in 1681, while crossing the ocean to this country, and was buried in the
sea. His second wife, Hannah Hodgkins, b. 1667, d. 1738, came from Worcester, England.
He was a Quaker and settled at Upper Dublin, Pa, moving soon after to the Egg Harbor
region. The records show that on November 30, 1695, he purchased of Thomas Budd 3,000
acres of land for £240. He was appointed supervisor of roads at the first court held at Ports
mouth in Cape Alay county, March 20, 1693. His grave may still be seen in the old Somers
burying ground in the pines near the Point where many of his descendants have been buried.
By his second wife he had nine children:
2. Richard, b. March, 1693; d. November 27, 1760; m. Judith Letart, b. 1712; d. 1763.
3. James, b. July 15, 1695; m. Abigail , b. July 21, 1695. 4. Samuel. 5. Job. 6. Isaac.
7. Edmund, m. January 2, 1704, to Mary Steelman. 8. Bridget. 9. Hannah. 10. Alillicent,
b. October 7, 1685; m. June 16, 1704, Richard Townsend, of Cape Alay.
2. Richard m. Judith, daughter of Sir James Letart, of Arcadia, N. S. He burned the
brick and built at Somers Point the old Somers Alansion, which is still standing. They
had ten children:
n. Francis. 12. James, b. July 2, 1739. 13. John, b. October 14, 1727; d. August 27, 1799.
14. Col. Richard, b. November 24, 1737. 15. Edmund, b. May 20, 1745. 16. Joseph. (The
last two were lost at sea.) 17. Judith S., b. April 5, 1743; m. — Risley. 18. Sarah S., b.
July 21, 1720; m. Fred Steelman. 19. Elizabeth S., b. April 5, 1733; m. Paul. 20.
Hannah, b. December 22, 1735; m. Peter Andrews.
12. James, b. July 2, 1739; m. Rebecca and had eight children:
21. James, who owned slaves and built the old mill at Bargaintown; m., first, ;
second. Alaiy Scull, nee Brannen. 22. Abigail, m. John Steelman. 23. Samuel. 24. Alice,
m. Peter Frambes. 25. Rebecca, m. Conover. 26. Hannah, m., first, John Holmes;
second, John Shillingsforth. 27. Aaron. 28. Sarah.
13. John, b. October 14, 1727; d. August 27, 1799; m. for his second wife, Hannah
Spicer Ludlam, b. September 3, 1735; d. November 11, 1800. John occupied the old brick
mansion at Somers Point and owned, with Col. Richard, the Point property and Pecks
Beach, where Ocean City now stands. He was the father of ten children:
29. John. 30. James, m., first, Lettice Finley; second, Aner Blackman; third, Martha
Wiley. 31. Richard, lost at sea. 32. Jesse, b. October 4, 1763; d. January 29, 1858. 33.
Frank, lost at sea. 34. Judith, m. David Scull. 35. Rachel, m. Reed. 36. Elizabeth,
m. Wescott. 37. Joseph, who died of yellow fever. 38. Abigail, m. Freeland.
1.4. Col, Richard, b. 1737; d. October 22, 1794; m. Sophia Stillwell, of Cape Alay,
December 3, 1761, by whom he had three children. He was a Colonel in the militia, a
Judge of the county court, and his name appears among those of the members from his
native county in the Provincial Congress, for the year 1775; though it would seem that he
did not take his seat. Col. Somers was an active Whig in the Revolution, and was much
employed, in the field and otherwise, more especially during the first years of the great
struggle for national independence.
39. Constant, b. 1760; d. 1797; m. Sarah Hand, of Cape Alay. He was the first collector
of the port of Great Egg Harbor. He had a son Constant, who was killed at Kronstadt,
Russia, at the age of 17, by falling into the hold of his vessel, August 29, 1811. Constant's
daughter, Sarah, m., first, William Learning; second, Nicholas Corson, of Cape Alay.
40. Sarah, b. December 31, 1772; d. 1850; m. Capt. William Jones Keen, of Philadelphia.
41. Capt. Richard, b. September 15, 1778; d. September 4, 1804, in the harbor of
Tripoli. (See biographical sketch.)
30. James, m., first. Lettice Finley, b. February 27, 1760; second, Aner Blackman, b.
Alarch 3, 1779; d. April 13, 1822; third, to Alartha AYiley, b. 1790; d. February 22. 1874. By
the first wife he had six children; second, four children, and the third, one child:
42. Judith, b. October 12, 1793; d. December 1, 1876 m. James Garwood
43. Alary, b. July 10, 1802; d. July 19, 1882; m. Richard Spain.
44. Susan, b. October 25, 1791; m. James Somers, Jr.
45. Hannah, b. October 1, 1795; m. Elijah Davis, September 26, 1834; d. August 22. 1899.
They were married by Rev. Thomas N. Carroll, a Alethodist minister, in Philadelphia.
Dying when nearly 104 years old, she left a fortune to church and religious societies, and
was buried in AYoodland Cemetery. (See biographical sketch.)
46. Alark, b. August 4, 1799; d. February 23, 1872.
47. Joseph, b. March 20, 1798; d. July 6, 1859.
48. Constantine, b. April 19, 1812; d. January 8, 1891; m. Harriet Ireland.
49. David B., b. 1807; d. 1874; m. Eliza Ann, daughter of Samuel Somers. He began
life as a school teacher. Later on he opened a country store and took up conveyancing
and surveying, in which occupation he continued throughout his life. He always had a
deep interest in township affairs and the respect in which he was held in the community
is shown by the various offices to which he was elected. Besides acting as Justice of the
Peace for a number of years, he was Lay Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for fifteen
years, and served one term in the State Senate. He was a staunch Democrat, and for
several years presided at the Democratic County Convention. He was a member of the
Zion Al. E. Church, and throughout his life was noted for his integrity and kindly spirit.
50. Deborah, b. September 6, 1814; d. April 24, 1888; m. Washington Somers.
51. Arabella, b. August 10, 1817; d. October 17, 1891; m. Judge John Doughty, of Ab
secon. (See Doughty family.)
52. Harriet, b. September 15, 1825; m., first, Edward Cordery, and her second husband
was Simon Lake. Lives in Ocean City.
32. Jesse, b. October 4, 1763; d. January 29, 1858; m., first Deborah Ludham, b. April
4. 1775; d. September 18, 1835, and had eight children; m., second, Elizabeth Baker, d.
September 16, 1848, age 45 years, 7months, 19 days:
53. Priscilla, m. Elton Braddock.
54. John, m. and had two children.
55. Reuben, m. Alary Bank and had two children, Reuben, m. Roxanna Somers;
Jesse, m. Deborah Bowen.
56. Hannah, m., first, James Scull; second, Humphrey Scull.
57. William.
58. Priscilla Ann.
59. Jesse, m. Alary Baker, b. 1817; d. 1876.
60. Richard L., b. December 17, 1809; d. April 6, 1871 ; m., first, Hannah Somers. b.
January 9, 1807; d. December 16, 1835, m., second, Annie Braddock, of Aledford, N. J., b.
May I, 1813; d. Alay 27, 1897. By his first wife he had two children:
61. Deborah Jane, m. George Anderson.
62. Christopher, who was lost aft sea, September 15, 1858, from the schooner "Spray,"
off Cape Cod, aged 23 years.
By his second wife he had seven children:
63. William B., b. January, 1839; d. August 24, 1839.
64. Dr. Job Braddock, b. June 17, 1840; d. April 8, 1895; m. Louisa Corson, b. 1837; d.
1888. 65. Richard B., m. Harriet Tilton, and has three children, Lena, Maggie and Abbie.
66. John AY., died young.
67. Annie, b. Alarch 16, 1846: d. November 15, 1874; m. Adolph Apella, of Philadel
phia, and had one child, A. Somers Kapella.
68. Braddock, d. young, September 13, 1858.
69. Hannah S., m. George Hayday, Jr., and had two children, Florence and Louisa.
59. Jesse, m. Alary Baker, and had ten children:
70. Daniel Baker, lost at sea.
71. Ann Eliza, m. Richard Adams, and had one child, Somers.
72. William H.
73. Priscilla Ann, m. Morgan Christopher, of Aledford, N. J.
74. Alary B., m. William Braddock.
75. Cornelia, m. Somers Garwood.
76. Jesse, killed at Scranton, Pennsylvania.
77. Alehina, m. Joseph Scull.
;8. Eldorada. m. Steelman Turner.
79. Theresa, m. Joseph L. \7eal, of Alays Landing, N. J.
21. James Somers, the "miller," m., first, Sarah , and had nine children; second
wife, Alary Scull, nee Brennen.
80. Samuel, b. November 25. 1779; d. January 4. 1855; m. Roxanna Scull.
81. Nicholas, m. for his second wife, Ruth Corson, nee Willits, and had one child,
Ruth Eliza; m., second, Phoebe Scull and had four children: John, Charles, Abigail and
Rachel. 82. James, m. Susan Somers and had six children:
83. Joseph.
84. David.
85. Jacob, m. Mary Clark.
86. Sarah, m. John R. Scull and had seven children.
87. Richard, m. Leah Holmes.
88. Francis, m. Alargaretta Vansant, and had seven children: James, Job, Alfred,
Elmer, Alargaret and Amanda. Amanda m. Capt. Wesley Robinson and had two children:
Laura, m. William Aliddleton and Lena, m. Clifton G. Shinn.
80. Samuel, b. November 25, 1779; d. January 4, 1855; m., December 13, 1801, Roxanna,
daughter of John Scull, and had eight children:
89. Sarah, b. 1804; m. Andrew Frambes.
90. Constant, b. 1806; m. Sarah Edwards.
91. Washington, b. 1809; m. Deborah Somers.
92. Alary, b. 1812; d. young.
93. Eliza Ann, b. 1814; d. 1872; m. David B. Somers. b. June, 1807; d. April 12, 1874.
94. Alary, b. 1817; d. 1836; m. John Brock.
95. Caroline, b. 1820; m. John A\<\ Tilton.
96. Phoebe, b. 1824; m. Josiah Dilks and had two children: Annie, m. Albert Fleming,
of Philadelphia, and Priscilla, m. William Braddock, of Berlin.
91. Washington, b. 1809; d. 1871; m. Deborah Somers and had ten children:
97. Roxanna, m. Reuben Somers. 98. Henrietta. 99. John, lost at sea. 100. Alary, d.
1896. 101. Harriet, m. Wesley Ireland. 102. Annie, m. John Towle, of Absecon. 103.
Leonard. 104. Arabella, m. Leonard Alelton. 105. Alartha, m. Geo W. Fox.
89. Sarah, b. 1804, m. Andrew Frambes, b. February 12, 1796, and had nine children:
106. Roxanna. m. Jonas Higbee and had four children: Henry, Andrew, Sarah C. and
Wilmer. 107. Nicholas, m. Amanda Ingersoll. 108. Caroline, m. Samuel Wayne. 109.
Phoebe, m. David Preston, no. Somers, m., first, Hester Blackman; second, Josephine
Yates, nee Race. in. Howell, m. Abbie Higbee. 112. Mary, m. Wesley Leeds. 113. Eliza
Ann, m. John Henry Tilton. 114. Sarah, m. Daniel Leech.
95. Caroline, b. 1820; m. John W. Tilton and had five children:
115. Daniel E., m. Ella Duff.
116. Phoebe Alice, m. Clement J. Adams and had two children, Carleton and Alay.
117. Luther, m., first, Elnora Somers; second, Emily Duff, and had three children,
Grace, Ralph and Arthur.
118. Irene, m. Lewis Imlay, and had three children. Caroline. Horace and John.
119. John Walker, m. Eva Webb, and has one child, Alervella.
64. Dr. Job Braddock Somers, b. June 17, 1840; d. April 8, 1895; m. Louisa Corson, of
Cape May County, b. September 2, 1837; d. December 14. 1888, and had two children:
Florence, b. July 12, 1864; m. Alartin V. B. Scull; and Lucien Bonaparte Corson, b. April
8, 1871; m. Elizabeth Al. Stewart, of Philadelphia, and has one child, Richard.
Dr. Job Somers was a very successful physician and a deeply religious man and highly
exemplary citizen. He was one of the founders of Trinity Alasonic Lodge, and later of
Keystone Lodge, at Linwood. He was greatly beloved and respected by all who knew him.
He was the author of several historical pamphlets and found pleasure in serving his fellow
men and in keeping all his obligations.
90. Constant, b. 1806; d. 1891; m., 1829, to Sarah, daughter of Daniel Edwards, and
had ten children: 120. Samuel, died young.
121. Maryett, b. 1832; d. 1857; m. Samuel W. Tilton and had one son, Curtis.
122. Daniel E., b. 1834; m. Mary E. Price and had two children: Alarietta, m. Frank
Price; and Fred.
123. Samuel, b. 1836; m. Rachel Githens and had two children: Warren and Hubert.
Warren, b. 1868; m. Isora Blackman, and have five children; Helen, Samuel, Jr., Harold, b.
1895; d. 1899; Rachel, and Warren, Jr.; Hubert, b. 1872.
124. Lewis Henry, b. 1839; d. 1890; m. Lenora C. Adams and had two children, Mark-
anna and Geneva.
125. Susan E., m. Harrison Dubois, of Woodbury.
126. Israel S., b. 1844; went to California in 1866; m. and has nine children:
127. Sarah, m. James Tilton and had six children: Alary, m. Frank Somers; John R.,
Sarah, Somers, Clarence and Ethel.
128. Annie J., b. 1849; d. 1881; m. Jesse Steelman and moved to Kansas, where both
died young, about 1881 or 1882.
129. Aner B., m. James Farrish and had four children: Annie J., Jeanette, Curtis and
John. 93. Eliza Ann, b. 1814; d. 1872; m. David B. Somers and had five children — (For David
B., see Lay Judges.):
130. Aner B., b. 1835; d. 1850.
131. Alary B., b. 1839; deceased; m. John Cordery, and had two children, Emma and
Afae F.
132. Joseph Henry, b. 1847; d. September 8, 1892; m. Judith S. Somers and had seven
children: Eliza A., Lillian, Herbert L., David B., Harry G., Joseph Howard and Alary C.
John Somers, a brother of James, settled about three miles from Somers Point. He
died in 1823, aged 68 years. Four of his sons, Richard I., Edmund, Lewis and Henry, mar
ried and left numerous descendants that settled in this and Cape May County. Edmund,
the last remaining son, died Alarch, 1881, in his 68th year. Alany by the name of Somers
have gone down to the sea in ships, never to return, but are resting beneath the waves wait
ing the dawn of the resurrection morn.
1. James Steelman, 1st, was a Swede, who, before 1690, had identified himself with the
colony of Swedes, in New Castle, Delaware. He located land in this county in 1694 or 1695,
and owned large tracts, also many head of cattle. He was a member of the Gloria Dei, Old
Swedes Church, of Philadelphia, and his children, Andrew and Susannah, are also mentioned
in the records of that church. He was married, previous to his coming to this section, to
Susannah Toy, daughter of Christian Toy. The children of this union being: 2. Andrew,
1st, b. 1689-90; d. 1736; m. Judith . 3. Susannah, b. 1691; m. John Kean, November,
1713, son of Alathias Kean and Henricka Classen. 4. Hance, 1st, will proved 1760. 5. John,
1st, b. January 7, 1692; will proved August 11, 1775; m. Sarah Adams. 6. James, 2d, m.
Katherine Kean, daughter of Nicholas Kean and Elizabeth Lock. 7. Elias, 1st. 8. Mary,
m. Blackman. 9. Peter, 1st, d. 1762; m. Gertrude , record in Old Swedes Church,
Philadelphia, Vol. 2., p. 225.
James 1st afterward m. Katherine Ouster, June 3, 1730. He owned a considerable por
tion of the southwest end of Absequam beach, which he bought of Thomas Budd. James
died in 1734.
2. Andrew Steelman, 1st, b. 1690; m. Judith . Their children were: 10. Andrew.
2d, made deeds in 1746; no children. 11. Peter, 2d, b. Alay 1, 1723; d. November 9, 1762;
m. Hannah Leeds, daughter of Japhet Leeds, 1st, September, 1750. 12. James, 3d; deeds
in 1743. 13. Frederick, 1st, m. Sarah ; will proved April 29, 1778. 14. Alary, d. Alay
21. 1797; m., first, Edmund Somers, January 2, 1734; second, Joseph Mapes, May 6, 1746. 15.
Judith, m. Collins. 16. Susannah.
4. Hance Steelman, 1st. Had: 17. James. 18. Hance, 2d. 19. Charles, will February,
1779; m. Alary and had Barbara, John, Mary, David, Margaret, Gortery and Phoebe.
20. John. 21. Daniel.
5. John Steelman, 1st, b. January 7, 1692; m. Sarah Adams. They had: 22. John, will
1796; m. Abigail Som.ers, daughter of James Somers. 23. Jeremiah. 24. Zephaniah, d. 1790 ;
m. Rebecca Ireland, daughter of Edmund Ireland. 25. Jemima. 26. Katherine. 27.
Susannah; m. Daniel Leeds 3d, son of Japhet 1st. 28. Rebecca, m., first Daniel Leeds 3d,
son of Japhet 1st; m., second, Robert Smith, son of Robert Smith and Eliz. Belange. 29.
Rachel, m. Higbee. 30. Esther, m. Richard Higbee.
13. Frederick Steelman, 1st, d. 1778; m. Sarah . They had: 31. James, 4th, m.
Susannah, daughter of Noah Smith. 32. Frederick, 2d, d. 1782; m. Sophia Risley. 33. An
drew, 3d, was shot on Long Island by John Bacon, a Tory, in the war of the Revolution.
34. Sarah, m. Henry Smith. 35. Abigail, m. and had a son, Elias. 36. Judith, m. Jeremiah
Leeds, December 8, 1776, son of John Leeds. 37. Alary, m. Daniel Leeds, January 3, 1775,
son of John Leeds. 38. Hannah. 39. Rachel, m. Peter Steelman, son of Isaac Steelman and
Mary Andrews.
Frederick Steelman. his father and several brothers served in New Jersey State Militia,
war of Revolution.
11. Peter Steelman. 2d, b. Alay 1, 1723; d. November 19, 1762; m. Hannah Leeds,
September, 1850. They had: 40. Japheth, b. January 10, 1752. 41. Judith, b. September 20,
1754. 42. Isaac, b. January 5, 1756; m. Alary Andrews. 43. Deborah, b. October 9, 1757;
•d. young. 44. Susannah, b. April 12, 1762; d. Alarch 8, 1810; m. Christian Holdzkom.
42. Isaac Steelman, b. January 5, 1756; m. Alary Andrews. They had: 45. Peter, b.
December 28, 1779; m. Rachel Steelman. 46. Jesse, b. September 27, 1781; d. November 3,
1842; m. Rachel Leeds, daughter of Jeremiah Leeds. 47. Hannah, b. August 25, 1783; m.
Esperus Tilton. 48. Judith, b. Alarch 13, 1785; m. Enoch Conover. 49. Sarah, b. July 12,
1788; m., first, Wrm. Adams; second, Geo. or Thos. Smith. 50. Isaac, b. 1790; m. Margaret
Leeds, daughter of Richard and Sarah Leeds. 51. Alillicent, b. August 30, 1792; d. 1873; m.,
first. Isaac Ingersoll; m., second, Jeremiah Leeds, son of John Leeds.
22. John Steelman, will 1796; m. Abigail Somers. They had: 52. John, Alajor in war
of Revolution, State Troops; m. Margaret Leeds, daughter of Nehemiah Leeds. 53. Daniel,
m. Katherine Reed, daughter of Obadiah Reed. 54. Jonathan, b. December 31, 1762; m.
Sarah Cordery. They had Elizabeth, Isaac and Jonathan. 55. Absalom, m. Sarah Sprong,
of Long Island. 56. Hannah. 57. Roxanna, m. Felix Smith, of Absecon. 58. Abigail.
S9- Alary, m. Nicholas Sooy, of Leeds Point. 60. Jemima. 61. Zephaniah, m. Rebecca
Ireland and had Esther, m. Nehemiah Clark, 1800; Rebecca, m. Davis; Sarah, b. Feb
ruary 24, 1787; m. Paul Scull.
46. Jesse Steelman, b. September 27, 1781; m. Rachel Leeds. They had: 63. Mary, b.
September 7, 1807; m. Alark Reed, November 6, 1831. 62. Parmelia, b. April 13, 1802; m.
Nathan Ramson, of Long Island.
52. Alajor John Steelman m. Alargaret Leeds. They had: 64. Nehemiah, September 3,
17S0. 65. Zephaniah, September 30, 1785. 66. Julia Ann, September 9, 1788; m., first, Ab
salom Higbee; second, — Carter. 67. Abigail, April 1, 1791; m., first, Higbee. 68.
Jonas. September 1, 1793; m. Ann AlcCullough. 69. Leeds, August 21, 1796; m., first,
Abigail Risley; second, Ann Steelman, widow of Reed Steelman. 70. Phannel, b. Sep
tember 25, 1799; m. Elizabeth Alyers.
55. Absalom Steelman m Sarah Sprong. They had: 71. John, m. Susannah Scull,
daughter of James and Susannah Scull. 72. Absalom, m. Deborah Corvode, November
27, 1820. 73. Elizabeth, m. Arthur Westcoat, son of Thomas and Chloe AA'estcoat. 74.
Charlotte, m. John Westcoat, brother of Arthur.
Absalom Steelman and Deborah Corvode had Elizabeth, John, Charlotte, Sarah, Isaac,
Caroline, Absalom and Katherine.
65. Zephaniah Steelman, b. September 30, 1785. Had: 75. John, b. September 8, 1825;
m. Ruth Wilson. April 4, 1846, daughter of John Wilson and Elizabeth Leeds. 76. Reuben,
111. Lavinia Houston. 77. Ann, m. Hardesty. 78. Alargaret, m. Daniel Brown.
68. Jonas Steelman, b. September 1, 1793; m. Ann AlcCullough. They had: 79. Alary,
m. Henry Disston. 80. Julia Ann, m. Thomas Morse, son of Joab Alorse and Mary Ann
Latham. 81. Beulah, m. Small. 82. Margaret.
50. Isaac Steelman, b. 1790; m. Margaret Leeds, daughter of Richard and Sarah Leeds.
They had: 83. Richard L., b. 1816; m. Hannah Robinson. 84. David L., b. 1820; m.
Rosetta English. 85. Jesse, d. 86. Mary, b. 1823; m. Andrew Robinson. They had three
children, Judith, Abel and Margaret. 87. Sarah, b. 1826.
83. Richard L. Steelman, b. 1816. m. Hannah Robinson. They had: 88. Alargaret, b.
1843; m. Abner Price, 1864. They had three children, Webster, Richard S. and Alice. 89.
Sarah Etta, b. 1846; m. George S. Winner. 90. Isaac, b. 1852; m. Alice M., daughter of
Constant Smith
84. David L. Steelman, b. 1820; m. Rosetta English. They had: 91. Dr. Jesse A.
Steelman, deceased. 92. Alary E., deceased. 93. Anna L., deceased. 94. Ida, deceased. 95.
Ella, m. H. S. Collins. 96. Rosalind. 97. James E., deceased. 98. James E., 111. Hattie
Frambes. 99. Alary Ida. 100. Dr. Philip, m. Abbie Scull. 101. Sarah, m. Thomas Smith.
co. Isaac Steelman, b. 1852; m. Alice Al. Smith in 1877. They had seven children: 102.
Ella, b. 1879. 103. Cora, b. 1882. 104. Constant, b. 1887. 105. Wilbur, b. 1888. 106. Fred
erick, b. 1893. 107. Hannah, b. 1895. 108. Clarence, b. 1899.
Gen. Joseph Townsend, in his early life lived at Green Bank, in Monmouth County,
and was in command of local militia in the war of 1812. He settled at Bridgeport, in Bur
lington County, soon after the war, and conducted a hotel there for many years. The build
ing is still standing. He raised a family of three sons: (2) Daniel; (3) Joseph, and (4)
Paul, and four daughters: (5) Rebecca; (6) Alaria; (7) Louisa, and (8) Elizabeth.
(2) Daniel, b. December 17, 1804; m. Jemima, daughter of Samuel Loveland and
Jerusha Burnett, of Bridgeport, N. J., by whom there were thirteen children, eight sons
and two daughters living till past middle age.
Daniel Townsend settled at Leeds Point, adjoining the well-known Japhet Leeds' farm,
on the most sightly and beautiful point along the New Jersey coast. He prospered as a sea
captain and owner of vessels, trading from New York along the coast. All his eight sons
became captains of vessels.
There being scarcely any public schools in those days, Daniel Townsend, mostly at
his own expense, built a private school house and employed teachers to educate his children
and those of his neighbors. Alany still living can remember and bless his generosity.
He was the prime factor in building the Presbyterian Church at Leeds Point, close beside
which is his grave. In his later years he founded and named the town of Wheatland, N. J.,
and established tile works there which promised to become immensely profitable owing to
the very rich and extensive clay beds, but owing to financial difficulties the enterprise cost
a fortune and never became profitable. Capt. Townsend was one of the promotors and
builders of the New Jersey Southern Railroad, and but for opposition from his own friends
and neighbors where he might least expect it this line, in all probability, would have passed
through Port Republic and Mays Landing and vastly changed the subsequent history ot
Atlantic County.
In 1854 he represented this county in the Assembly, and was one of the most progres
sive and useful citizens of his day.
The children of Daniel and Jemima Townsend were: (9) Joseph Towers, b. February
14, 1826; d. September 16, 1887. (10) E. Norris, b. November 3, 1828; d. July 31, 1894. (11)
Samuel, lives in Texas. (12) Daniel, lives at Leeds Point. (13) William H., died in Bos
ton, in 1890. (14) James D., b. August 8, 1839; d. October 14, 1870. (15) Van Doren, m.
Patience Stafford, is a captain of a steamer running between Philadelphia and New York.
His home is at Ashland, N. J. (16) Jesse L., b. November 13, 1845; m. Alalvinia Brugler,
of Warren County, is a carpenter and builder in Atlantic City. (17) Joanna, a twin sister
of Jesse, widow of the late James S. Robinson, lives in Atlantic City. (18) Adaline, widow
of Thomas Scull and R. S. Barrows, is deceased.
(3) Joseph Towers, the oldest son, was the captain of a coasting vessel at the age of
nineteen. He and his father and brother, next older, each had a vessel and had a large con
tract to bring fifty or more thousand cords of wood from southern points to New England
ports for Boston and other railroads. This was before the general use of anthracite coal.
Several other vessels were built at Poughkeepsie till their fleet numbered eight or nine and
were very profitable. During the war three of the Townsend vessels were lost in the South.
Two were burned and one captured and stripped. At the close of the war Capt. Townsend
took a cargo of cotton to Russia. During his lifetim'e he made fourteen trips across the
Atlantic. On February 16, 1848, he married Eleanor, daughter of James Jones, of Forked River.
Seven children were born to them: Eliza J., b. January 29, 1852; m. Capt. John Lewis,
deceased. Mordacai T. R., b. October 9, 1854; m. Frances Johnson, and lives in Atlantic
City. James Beach, b. June 30, 1857; m. Estella Boice. Luthera Eleanor, b. September 9,
1858; m. Arthur H. Butler, deceased. Joseph Towers, b. November 15, 1861; m. Eugenia
Hammell. John E. Jones, b. September 18, 1865; m. Alay Aladden; d. January 7, 1900.
Georgie Emma, b. July 26, 1872; m. Byron S. Eastburn, and lives in Philadelphia.
During the last years of his life the health of Capt. Towers Townsend failed, and for
some years he did not follow the sea. On his last voyage home he was stricken with fever
and died soon after his arrival in Brooklyn, September 16, 1887, aged 61 years.
His mother, Jemima Townsend, was a woman of many sterling qualities, who had the
full possession of all her faculties, till her life went out, February 18, 1894, at the ripe age
of ninety-one years.
All the descendants of Daniel Townsend number seventy-eight: Thirteen children;
thirty-six grandchildren, and twenty-nine great-grandchildren.
^ORtm AR*^
Biographical flntroouction.
TN these hundred and more sketches of individuals and families will be found
interesting and important facts for those who may care what the past has
been, thereby the better to judge what the future may have in store for this
city and county. The life work of sincere and generous souls of our earlier
history are here referred to and a fair and concise presentation made of leading
spirits of the present day, who have useful years and honorable careers before
them for their fellow citizens.
Hon. Charles T. Abbott of Alays Landing, was born at Tuckahoe, December 27, 18.49.
He is a son of the late John C. Abbott and a younger brother of Joseph E. P. Abbott, the
present Prosecutor of the Pleas.
He was educated in the public schools and studied law with his brother at Alays Landing,
being admitted to practice June 6, 1879. His practice has been of the general nature in the
county courts. He was search clerk under County Clerk Lorenzo A. Down for several years.
For eleven years he was elected Assessor of Hamilton township and elected a member of the
county board of freeholders in Alarch, 1899. In November of the same year he was elected
to the Assembly, receiving 3,864 votes to 1,890 cast for C. Bodine Somers, Democrat, and
391 for Powell, the Prohibitionist. He married Aliss Caroline A. Glover of Camden.
Joseph E. Potts Abbott, Esq., Prosecutor of the Pleas of Atlantic City, is a descendant
¦of one of the old New Jersey families. His grandfather, James Abbott, was a resident
of Salem County, where John C. Abbott, the father, was born in 1803. He moved to
May's Landing about 1830, having first been employed for a time as clerk at Weymouth
works, after which he became general manager for Dr. Schomburger, of Pittsburg, of
his furnaces on the Allegheny Alountains near Hollidaysburg. He married Ann G. Treen,
of Alay's Landing, and had eight children: Rev. William T. Abbott, of Ocean Grove; John
G, who was killed at Fort Wagner in 1863; Joseph E. P., Clark W.. of May's Landing;
Dr. Benjamin T., of Ocean City; Rebecca A. (deceased), Charles T., and Alargaret T.
The father was a civil engineer and merchant. He served fifteen years as one of the lay
judges of Atlantic County, was for several terms a member of the Board of Freeholders,
and In ed to the ripe age of eighty-nine years.
The subject of this sketch was born at Alay's Landing in August, 1840. He was
educated in the pay schools of the county and taught school for three years before enter
ing the law office of Flon. George S. Woodhull, of Camden, one of the Justices of the
Supreme Court in 1861. He was admitted to practice at the November term, 1865,
and succeeded the late William Thompson in practice at Alay's Landing at his death, in
December, 1865. He was admitted as a counsellor at the June term, 1870, and admitted
to practice in the U. S. Courts in 1869. His law practice has covered a wide range in real
estate and corporation cases. Fie was appointed Prosecutor of the Pleas for Atlantic
•County by Governor Griggs in 1898 as a testimonial to his ability and to his unswerving
Republicanism. He occupies a beautiful home on the main street of the town where he
was born and is known among his professional brethren as the father of the Atlantic
County Bar, being the oldest living practitioner.
He married in 1862 Aliss Adeline H. Gibson, of Doylestown, Pa. They have had two
children, both deceased. He has a great liking for numismatics and minerals, and has
been over twenty years gathering a collection; having made a specialty of American silver
coins, he ha? one of the finest to be found, and his mineral collection of over six hundred
species had among it some of the rarest 011 exhibition at the great Centennial Fair of 1876.
Alfred Adams, Sr., of this city, was born at Alartha Furnace, in Burlington County, in
1833. He was the son of Uriah and Rebecca Adams. His father was employed in the old
Martha iron furnace, and the boy and his two brothers, Joseph and Jere, attended the little
old school house in the woods till old enough to work in the paper mill at Harrisville, a few
miles from Alartha. A few years later the boy found work as a spinner in the old cotton
factory at Pleasant Alills. where, by accident, he broke an arm. He learned the trade of a
brick mason and plasterer, for there was prosperity in those days in that section when
Charles K. Landis and Richard J. Byrnes were developing farms and getting New England
people to settle in and about Hammonton.
In 1853-54, when the first railroad was building to the seashore, Mr. Adams lived at
Elwood, and later for a time at Alays Landing, getting work where he could. He was em
ployed on the railroad and came to this city in 1857 to live permanently, working at his
trade. In 1859 he married Clara Bryant, and has been one of our best known and most in
dustrious citizens ever since. Alany a hotel and cottage is in part, at least, the product of
his handicraft.
Alfred Adams, Jr., the well-known bathing master near the foot of Virginia avenue,
was born and has always lived on this island. He is one of the several grandsons of John
Bryant, who was identified with the early history of this beach as a salt manufacturer and
wrecker. Mr. Adams was educated in the public schools of this city, and by the time he was
of age had mastered the trade of a bricklayer and plasterer. He was enterprising and suc
cessful, and in summer assisted his father in the bathing business.
At the age of twenty he engaged in the bathing business on his own account, invested
in beach front real estate, and has owned valuable property in various parts of the city.
While a Republican in politics, he has no ambition for official honors, but makes business
his pastime and enjoys the friendship of all who know him. On December 26, 1883, he mar
ried Miss Alay Lindley, and has a beautiful home on Virginia avenue.
Clement J. Adams, the well known real estate dealer and insurance agent is a son
of the late Enoch Adams and was born at Bakersville, N. J., in 1845. He finished his
acedemic education at Pennington Seminary and thereafter graduated from a business
college at Poughkeepsie, New York. He saw service in the war of the Rebellion, rank
ing as a corporal. He enlisted in Co. B. 25th New Jersey Volunteers. September 1, 1862,
and was mustered in September 26th, of the same year. He was mustered out June 20,
1863. For thirteen years he taught school at English Creek, Alay's Landing, and else
where in the county, with great acceptability.
In 18S0 he came to this city and formed a partnership in the real estate and insurance
business with his cousin, Israel G. Adams, having their first office for some years on
Atlantic Avenue, near Arkansas. Since the completion of the Real Estate and Law Build
ing in 1888 their office has occupied the best half of the first floor.
In 1S82 he was married to Phoebe A. Tilton, of Bakersville. and has two very promis-
ing children, Aliss Afae N. and Al aster Carletoii. Air. Adams served this city several years
as Superintendent of Public Schools, and for a number of years as President of the Board
of Education. He is one of the. Trustees of St. Paul Al. E. Church, has been very suc
cessful in business and has been largely identified with improvements.
Many beautiful and artistic buildings, including churches and cottages throughout At
lantic County, stand as monuments to the skill of Harold F. Adams as an architect. Mr.
Adams who has an office in the Real Estate and Law Building, is a son of Charles E.
Adams, and was born in Camden County, August 3, 1868. He was a student at the Wil-
liamstown public schools till he moved with his parents to this city, in 1876. He continued
his studies here, and after graduating from a business college he became an electrician, which
occupation he followed for several years. In 1892 he entered the office of the late William
G. Hoopes as a draughtsman and architect, becoming, after a few years, a silent partner.
In 1897 he graduated as an architect from the University of Pennsylvania, and immediately
afterward opened an office for himself in this city. Besides numerous cottages, Mr. Adams
prepared the plans for the Arnold apartment house on Pacific avenue, the Young amuse
ment building on the beach, St. Peter's R. C. Church at Pleasantville, and Harry Wootton's
fine cottage at Longport, and the remodeling of the Seaside.
Israel Guthrie Adams, the head of the real estate and insurance firm of I. G. Adams
& Company, comes from good old Quaker stock, for several generations resident of Atlantic
County. His father, the late Israel Scull Adams, was the youngest of four brothers in a
family of seven children. Their father was the late Jesse Adams, of Bakersville. The seven
children were:
1. Clement, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel Baker. 2. Enoch, who married
Naomi Townsend. 3. Constant, who married Sophia Alorris. 4. Israel Scull, who married
Louisa C, daughter of the late Dr. Guthrie, Connecticut born, who lived and died in the
South, being buried at St. Augustine, Fla. 5. Abigail, who married Charles Lake. 6. Eliz
abeth, who married Pardon Ryon, Sr. 7. Alargaret, who married, first, John Baker, and
second, Andrew Frambes.
The subject of this sketch was born in 1843, at Bakersville. He finished his education
at Pennington Seminary, and before he was twenty-one years of age was master of a vessel.
He followed the sea for a number of years, engaged in trade chiefly at West Indian and
Alexican ports. In February, 1865, he was shipwrecked off Cape Lookout in a severe storm
and nearly lost his life. His vessel, the schooner "Spray," struck the shoals eleven miles
from shore, where no help could reach them in the high sea. From Alonday till Thursday
afternoon, Capt. Adams and his five men were lashed to the rigging in great peril, nearly
frozen and starved, the waves breaking over them. A boat's crew from the warship of
Admiral Porter finally took them off as the Admiral was proceeding to Washington to
witness President Lincoln's second inauguration.
Capt. Adams was in command of the I. S. & L. C. Adams, crossing the ocean in 1867,
when a hurricane was encountered, nearly sinking the ship.
He quit the sea in 1883 and opened a real estate and insurance office in this city, at
Arkansas and Atlantic avenues. His usual enterprise built up a profitable business, which
has been steadily advancing ever since. His cousin, Clement J. Adams, is associated with
him in the firm. The foresight of his father in purchasing large tracts of sandhills and
meadow lands down the beach has been of vast benefit to the two sons.
John Baker Adams, of Camden, is the only brother of Israel G. Israel G. married, first,
Phoebe A. Sanders, and had five children, Florence, Amelia S., who married Dr. Walter A.
Corson; Charles R., who graduated from Chester Military Academy, a civil engineer, and
is engaged in the real estate business in this city; Alabel E., and Israel Morton, who is a
law student in the University of Pennsylvania.
For his second wife Air. Adams married Anna AL, the youngest daughter of Peter
Boice. He has a fine home at Linwood, while his business office is in Atlantic City. Be
sides his extensive real estate interests, Air. Adams is a stockholder and director in several
financial institutions. He is a director in the Second National Bank and the Safe Deposit
and Trust Company, President of the Atlantic City Cooling Company, Director in the State
Alutual Building Association, also in the West Jersey Guarantee and Title Company, also in
the Chelsea Investment and Development Company, and the Chelsea Hotel and Improve
ment Company; Director of the Security Trust and Safe Deposit Company, of Camden.
One of I. G. Adams' late deals was the selling of the West Jersey Excursion House, at
Chelsea, to a syndicate of Philadelphia millionaires for $360,000, from which now springs
the grandest hotel on the Atlantic coast.
Israel Scull Adams was the son of the late Jesse Adams, one of the early settlers of
Bakersville, and a member of the Society of Friends. He was born in 1819, and died in
1870, in the locality where he had always lived. In his early life he followed the sea and was
always more, or less interested in vessel property. He married Louise C. Guthrie, of Wil
mington, N. C, and had two children, Israel G. and John B. For many years Israel S,
Adams was the Republican leader of Atlantic County. He was appointed Collector of
Customs at Somers Point by Abraham Lincoln, in 1861; reappointed by him in 1865; again
reappointed by Presidents Johnson, Grant, Hayes, Garfield and Arthur, dying December 4,
1884, before his term expired, and his successor was appointed by President Cleveland.
At the time of his death he was a member of the Republican State Executive Com
mittee and was a candidate for the nomination for Governor. He was also named by the
Republicans as a Presidential elector from New Jersey, but resigned shortly before the
election on account of failing health. Air. Adams was one of the wealthiest men in South
Jersey. At one time he was a large vessel owner, but disposed of his interests in that line
at the time of his appointment as collector. He was a stockholder and director in the AVest
Jersey and Atlantic railroad, the Trade Insurance Company, of Camden, the Atlantic City
Water Works Company, the Chelsea Beach Land Company, the South Atlantic City Land
and Improvement Company, the Atlantic Lumber Company, and President of the Alorris
Fish, Oil and Guano Company, of Great Egg Harbor.
James B. Adams, Esq., is one of the younger members of the Atlantic County Bar who
has established himself in one of the learned professions. He was born in this city, October
28, 1869, and is the only son of James C. Adams. He was educated in the public schools
and studied law with Samuel E. Perry, Esq., being admitted to the bar in June, 1897. He
had been actively identified with the Sons of Veterans, and has the esteem and confidence of
all who know him.
John Baker Adams was born at Bakersville, August 7, 1846. He is the younger son of
the late Israel S. Adams. He finished his education at Pennington Seminary, in 1865 and
1866, after attending the West Jersey Academy at Bridgeton. two years. He then went with
his brother one year on board a vessel prior to taking command of a vessel himself. His
first voyage was to Trinidad, W. I., and was successful. He followed the sea for a number
of years and has always been interested in vessel property. He married Phoebe D. Baker,
of Camden, and has two children: Clarence F. and Carrie J., all living in Camden. It was
John B. Adams who negotiated the sale of Chelsea Heights to a syndicate comprising Ken
nedy Crossan, ex-Senator Charles A. Porter, Dr. Jos. J. Filbert, A. Louden Snowden, Gen.
Wm. J. Latta, and others. The tract comprises 460 acres of meadow land adjacent to
Chelsea, which the late Israel S. Adams purchased during his lifetime for $3,000. The price
paid by this syndicate was $315,000. By dredging the surrounding bays and raising the
grade of this land above the highest storm tide a large and beautiful town site will soon be
established and millions of dollars of property created.
Lewis R. Adams is a son of Alfred Adams, Sr., one of the old-time residents of this
city. He is a grandson of John Bryant, who was one of the first settlers of Atlantic City.
It was his grandfather who operated the famous salt works that flourished here early in the
century, and although the subject of this sketch was born as late as January 10, i860, he
has seen many changes in his native city, and no one is more competent to detail the
amazing progress that has been made here during his life than he. He received a common
school education, and at the age of fourteen apprenticed himself to the bricklaying trade
under his father. He served the allotted time, and at the age of nineteen, he became a con
tractor, entering boldly into competition with men who were twice his years. But pluck
and ability, traits which run in his family (he being a cousin of John L. Young), aided him
splendidly, and among his first undertakings was that of building the old Ocean House at
Connecticut and Pacific avenues. He constructed the brick work for the Pennsylvania
avenue school house, the hotel Luray, Osborne and Leland. He did the mason work on
the Real Estate and Law Building, and on Alyers' Union Market.
He was the first Building Inspector of Atlantic City, being appointed in 1887. Two
years later he opened bath houses on the Boardwalk at the foot of New York avenue, and
has been engaged in this business ever since, and is the owner of a valuable beach front
James Al. Aikman, cashier of the Union National Bank, the youngest son of the Rev
William Aikman, D. D., was born in Wilmington, Delaware, Alarch 13, 1866. He was edu
cated in the public schools of Detroit, Alich., and in the private academy of Prof. West, of
Alorristown, N. J.
In 1884 he began his banking experience as runner for the Atlantic City National Bank,
under Robert D. Kent, cashier. He continued there until the Union National Bank was
organized, October 11, 1890. He began in the new bank as teller, and on the retirement of
Air. Hammer as cashier he was promoted and has filled the position with great credit to
himself ever since.
Prominent among our citizens who have been identified with the growth and develop
ment of Atlantic City, is Levi Collins Albertson, for many years postmaster.
He was born at Smith's Landing, this county, December 6, 1844, the eldest of five
-children of Jonathan Albertson and Asenath Collins, who was the granddaughter of Dr.
Richard Collins, the first resident physician of Atlantic County.
His youth was passed on the Albertson farm on the shore road, at Smith's Landing,
where he attended the public schools. He was a student at Pennington Seminary, 1863-64.
After leaving the Seminary he volunteered in the United States Navy and served until the
end of the Civil War. He saw service on the U. S. Gunboat "Kansas," which was attached
to the North Atlantic blockading squadron under Admiral David D. Porter, participating
in the blockade of the port of Wilmington, N. C, and the attacks upon and final capture of
Fort Fisher.
After leaving the service he engaged in mercantile business, principally in the oyster
trade between Virginia and New York, until 1872. Fie married October 1, 1868, Elizabeth
Leeds, great-granddaughter of Jeremiah Leeds, the original proprietor of Absecon beach.
They had three children, viz. . Gertrude, Casper and Alyra.
Air. Albertson served as Deputy Revenue Collector of Atlantic County for two years,
School Trustee six years, and as City School Superintendent five years.
In February, 1872, he was appointed Postmaster and served continuously until May,
1886, when he resigned the office and entered the real estate firm of Gardner, Shinn & Co.
He was again appointed Postmaster in 1890, and served four years and two months. He is
now County Collector of Atlantic County, and has always been identified with the Repub
lican party.
Mr. Albertson is a prominent member of the Central Methodist Episcopal Church,
having been a trustee since its inception.
George Allen, the well-known merchant, was born near Belfast, in County Antrim, in
the north of Ireland, December n, 1846. He came to this country in 1864 and started in
business with his uncle, the late George Allen, Sr., at 930 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. In
1878 he succeeded his uncle, who retired from business, and in 1891 moved to a larger store
fitted up especially for the millinery trade at 1214 Chestnut street. He has a purchasing
office at No. 3 Rue Bleue, Paris, where the greater portion of the goods are procured which
he makes up for the American trade. At the corner of Pacific and Alaryland avenues Mr.
Allen has a handsome summer residence, and besides has other large property interests in
this city. He is the largest individual stockholder in the Atlantic City National Bank, and
a director of that institution. Since he first came to Philadelphia Mr. Allen has been a
member of the Chambers Presbyterian Church, and for twenty years one of the trustees,
being president of the Board. He negotiated the recent sale of the old church property at
Broad and Sansom streets, lot 74x104, for $412,500. He is a member of the Board of Trade
and also of the Trades' League, of Philadelphia, and a member of the Presbyterian Social
Union. Mr. Allen occupies a fine residence at 1725 Spring Garden street. He has a wife and
four children: Isabella, Esther, Kathleen, and George, Jr.
Lawyer Charles A. Baake, who is prominent legally, fraternally and financially in Atlan
tic City, was born in New York City, October 31, 1863, his parents being John C. and Anna
E. Baake, of Cassel, Germany, who removed to Egg Harbor City when the subject of this
sketch was an infant, and where they have since resided. He attended the public schools
of Egg Harbor City until fourteen years of age, when he entered the law office of August
Stephany, since deceased. He remained with his preceptor until May 1, 1883, when he
entered the law office of the late William Moore, at Mays Landing.
He was admitted to the New Jersey Bar during the June term, 1885, and immediately
began the practice of law at Egg Harbor City. He has always been an earnest Republican,
and during '86 and '87 he was Assessor of Egg Harbor City. He has also been Solicitor of
Egg Harbor City, and of the Board of Health of that town, and is Solicitor of the Egg
Harbor Commercial Bank, in which institution he has quite an interest. In 1888 he moved
to Atlantic City, and while he followed his profession, he also devoted considerable of his
time to financial matters, being at different times an extensive owner in Chelsea, the excur
sion house tract and other lands.
On the 17th of October, 1889, he was married to Emilie, daughter of Peter and
Rosinea F. Schemm. A son and two daughters constitute his family, which is a very in
teresting one. His home is a domestic paradise, at 1419 Pacific avenue.
He was elected a member of the Assembly from this county for the session of 1893, and
looked after the interests of his constituents with ability and candor.
He is a well-known Odd Fellow, having been District Deputy Grand Alaster of At
lantic County at one time. He is a prominent member of the Alasonic fraternity, belonging
to the Chapter and Knights Templar. He is also a Red Alan, and may always be found in
the midst of those interested in the development of the city and county.
Charles C. Babcock, Esq.. is the son of Capt. Theodore Babcock and Aliss Caroline
Barrett, representatives of two of the best families of Atlantic County. He was born at
Alays Landing, July 26. 1873, and was educated in the public schools there and by private tui
tion. At the age of fifteen he came to this city and found employment in the office of the
Wilson Ice & Coal Company for a time, and held other clerical positions till September,
1889, when he registered as a student of law in the office of Hon. S. D. Hoffman.
He was admitted to the Bar as an attorney-at-law in February, 1895, and as a counsellor
in 1898. He rapidly built up a general practice in the criminal and equity courts. He was
appointed clerk of the new District Court when Judge Robert H. Ingersoll took the Bench
under the new law, but the volume of his practice soon became so large that he had to resign
this position. Air. Babcock possesses decided talent as a public speaker. He is a ready
writer as well as an after dinner orator and an able pleader before a jury. He is a member
of the Bar Association and has a bright and useful career before him. In politics he is a
Harry Bacharaeh. the present Alderman of Atlantic City, was born in Philadelphia in
1873. He is the youngest of a family of five children of Jacob Bacharaeh, who for several
seasons had a clothing store in this city previous to locating here permanently in 1880, at
931 Atlantic avenue. The son was educated in our public schools, making rapid advance
ment in his studies and embarking early in business enterprises. On Alarch 1. 1892, he was
admitted as a member of the firm of Bacharaeh & Sons. In Alarch of the following year a
larger store was opened in Tower Hall at Pennsylvania avenue. The firm prospered, and
in November, 1895, a still larger store was secured adjoining the post office, at 1416 Atlantic
avenue, and on Alarch 14. 1899, a still larger store was secured at the corner of New York
avenue. This and the Tower Hall store are conducted by the firm with up-to-date enter
prise and success. Alderman Bacharaeh has been quite successful in various real estate
transactions aside from his mercantile interests. He is Vice-President of the Seashore
Hotel Company, controlling the Hotel Islesworth, of which his brother, Isaac Bacharaeh,
is Treasurer, and Wm. B. Loudenslager, President. For years he has been an active and
popular member of the Alorris Guards, and has an enviable reputation for being a liberal,
public spirited citizen.
Joseph Ball, the wealthy Quaker merchant of Philadelphia, who owned the Batsto
estate in 1784, when William Richards, his uncle, went there as manager, was a nephew of
or a cousin of the mother of Washington.
Ball owned large tracts of lands in Pennsylvania. Delaware, Alaryland, and Washing
ton, D. C. Dying intestate, in 1820, at the age of 73, his large interests were inherited by six
uncles and six aunts, one of whom was \Arilliam Richards, the manager of Batsto, who
bought out the other heirs and became the sole owner of that large property.
In 1842, when Samuel Richards, who succeeded his father as administrator of the estate,
made his last accounting of the trust imposed upon him, there were seven hundred heirs.
Owing to the absence of any law by Congress to enable an administrator to sell lands in
the District of Columbia, nothing was ever realized from the property which Ball owned
there. The estate has long since been settled, though occasional attempts have been made
to revive an interest in it by some very distant relatives.
L. Dow Balliet, AL D., was born at Alilton, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania.
He received his early education in the public schools and in a private academy at that place.
On March 10, 1880, he graduated from the Hahnemann Aledical College of Philadelphia.
His initial year of practice was spent at Gloucester, N. J., and from there he located at
DuBois, Pa., where thirteen years were given to an active and successful practice. In June,
1894, he located and is now following his chosen profession in Atlantic City. He is a
member of the Atlantic City Homoeopathic Aledical Club, also a member of the American
Institute of Homoeopathy.
Joseph A. Barstow was born on the 9th day of April, 1827, in the village of Damaris-
cotta, on the Damariscotta river, Lincoln County, Alaine.
He was a direct lineal descendant of Benjamin Barstow, one of four brothers who came
from England, all of whom were shipbuilders. He was brought into immediate and close
contact with the business of his forefathers, and hence followed in their foot-steps.
He lived with his father, Joseph Barstow, at the homestead which now stands and is
known as Belvedere Place, until he was nineteen years of age, when he started out in the
world for himself in company with his school friend, John Avery. They reached Boston
and remained there some time and helped to rebuild one of Boston's old churches.
In 1852 they arrived in Philadelphia and there learned of the seaside resort Cape May,
to which place they went, and were engaged in building and contract work there.
The following year, while the railroad to Atlantic City was being built, Air. Barstow
made his first visit to Atlantic City. He traveled by stage, via Alay's Landing and Abse
con, and thence by boat and landed where the Clam Creek boat houses now stand. He
remained a week, long enough to realize that the completion of the railroad would make
plenty of building for himself and others. He found plenty of work as a contractor and
builder, erecting many houses and hotels, viz., the Seaside House, Chalfonte, Shelburne
and the Alansion House.
He was elected to Council in the years 1857, '61, '62, '63, and for ten or a dozen terms
thereafter. In the year 1865 he was elected Treasurer of Atlantic City. He helped to
organize the first Building Association, and served as president of the same for many years.
He was also at one time director and president of the Atlantic Lumber Company; he served
several terms as a school trustee. He was an incorporator and a director of the Consumers
Water Company, and when that company and the Atlantic City Water Company (more
familiarly known as the Wood Company) were consolidated, he ,was the president of the
new company under the title of the "Atlantic Water Company."
He was vice-president of the Atlantic City National Bank, and was identified with that
institution until his death.
He was also at the time of his death, and had been for many years prior thereto,
president and general superintendent of the Atlantic City Gas and Water Company, a cor
poration to which he gave much of his individual and personal attention, and because of
the excellent standing attained by that company was to Mr. Barstow a theme of particular
pride. On February 29, 1861 at Absecon, he married Elizabeth Ann Turner, daughter of John
Turner, of Smithville, Atlantic County, N. J. His widow and six children, Georgianna, wife
of William Wright; Charles W., Estelle H., Nettie AL, Joseph R., and Henry M. Barstow
survive him.
Air. Barstow died after a short illness on Monday, August 15, 1898.
William A. Bell is a son of E. S. Bell, and was born in Philadelphia, December 3, 1859.
His mind was well-drilled when he entered the employ of a prominent carpet firm in the
Quaker City. For seven years he labored diligently to acquire a thorough knowledge of
the business and succeeded. In 1885 he came to Atlantic City, and being fully equipped to
follow the career marked out by him, his father gave him an interest in his carpet business
and henceforward the firm was known as E. S. Bell & Son. The house prospered beyond
the most sanguine expectations of its founders, and in 1890 the senior Bell, satisfied with
what he had accomplished, retired, Air. Wm. A. Bell purchasing his interest, and the busi
ness was continued under the name of Bell & Scott. In 1896 the firm was dissolved by
mutual consent, and was revived under the present name of Bell & Gorman. Being a public-
spirited citizen, Air. Bell, in 1896, was appointed by Council a member of the Board of
Education. He is married and is an original member of the Board of Directors of the
Real Estate and Investment Company. As a large real estate owner he is identified with
the most progressive interests of the town, and the promoters of enterprises having for their
object the expansion of the city are always eager to enlist the good offices of the man
whose business is the best testimonial of his thrift and integrity.
At the head of one of the score or more of tailoring industries is Air. Frederick Berch-
told. He was born in Germany in 1863. Ambitious to win a. fortune in the new world he
came to America at the age of eighteen, and settled in Egg Harbor City. He applied him
self closely to the tailoring business and now has a profitable shop of his own. He has
been active in local affairs, is now a Justice of the Peace, secretary of the Agricultural and
Horticultural Association, secretary of the Sterbe Kasse, a local death benefit society, and a
member of Lafayette Fire Company. He has served on the finance committee of the
Building and Loan Association for the past six years. He has a comfortable home on
Philadelphia avenue, and a happy family.
Henry Boice was born in Absecon, N. J., December 8, 1829. He was the third child.
and the oldest son of Peter Boice and Sarah Ann Chamberlain. After receiving such an
education as the large land owners were able to give their children in the pay-school of that
period, he remained with his father until twenty-one. His ever clear, shrewd mind sought
greater opportunities than could be found in country life, and ambition led him to Phila
delphia, Pa. After reaching there the natural resources of the waters near his home im
pelled his interest in the oyster business, in which business he continued until 1877 or '78,
when he retired from active business life.
December 21st, 1869, he married Kate Al., daughter of Jonathan and Eunice Smith.
They had one child, Elizabeth Clement, who survives them. In the spring of 1880 he re
turned to Absecon, N. J., settled near the scenes of his youth, continuing his interest in
Atlantic City property, and sincerely enjoying the pleasures of which he had been ever
fondest, hunting and fishing.
He was a man of tireless energy and stern integrity, honorable to all, and unassuming.
Alarch 19, 1899, ten years after the death of his wife, he died peacefully at his home in Abse
con, N. J., and rests beside his father near the church of which both were generous
members. To his memory his daughter caused to be built and donated to this city the "Henry
Boice Annex" to the Atlantic City Hospital.
Lawyer George A. Bourgeois, of Atlantic City, New Jersey, was born in Alaurice-
town, Cumberland County, on Alay 15, 1864. After attending- the public schools of his
native town, he finished his education with a two years' course in the Woodstown Academy.
He graduated from the Law Department of the University of Pennsylvania with the
degree of L. L. B., in 1888; he was admitted to practice in the Courts of Philadelphia
in June of the same year, he read law with E. B. Learning, Esq., of Camden, N. J., and
was admitted to practice as an attorney in the New Jersey Courts in 1889, and as a coun
sellor in 1892. Previous to his admission to the bar he taught school four years in New
Jersey, and for three years was Professor of Alathematics in Pierce Business College of
Philadelphia. [11 1892 he came to Atlantic City and soon built up an excellent practice. He is a
careful student and expert accountant and mathematician, and has won high rank as a
member of the Atlantic County Bar.
Charles B. Boyer, Supervising Principal of the public schools of Atlantic City, was
born in Hamberg, Berks County, Pa., in i860. He was educated in the public schools and
taught school two years before he attended the Kutztown Normal School, where he grad
uated in 1882. He also took a post graduate course the following year, before he resumed
teaching at Perkasie, Bucks County, where he continued as Principal for three years. The
four succeeding years he was principel of the schools at Newtown, Bucks County, coming to
Atlantic City in the fall of 1890, to fill the position of principal of the High School, under
Supervising Principal W. A. Deremer. On the death of Air. Deremer, in October, 1893,
Prof. Boyer was chosen as his successor. How ably he has discharged his responsibilities,
commanding at all times the confidence of the Board of Education and the respect and co
operation of the teachers and pupils needs no extensive recital here. Under his administra
tion the prestige of our public schools has steadily advanced.
Air. Boyer has been quite successful in the building and sale of fine cottages. He now
occupies a beautiful home in Chelsea. In 1887 he married Aliss Amanda L. Benner, daugh
ter of a prominent builder and contractor of Perkasie. They have one child, Aliss Bessie
L. Boyer.
Theophilus Henry Boysen, Al. D., was born January 14, 1854, at Ragersville, Tuscara
was County, Ohio, where his father, Dr. Otto Boysen, practiced his profession nearly seven
teen years. In 1867 the family moved to Buffalo, N. Y., where the son graduated from the
medical department of the University of Buffalo in 1874.
After two years' practice in Buffalo, the subject of this sketch moved to Egg Harbor
City, where he has built up a splendid practice. In 1878 he was elected school trustee, and
in 1884 Alayor, serving three terms in succession, and again in 1891, serving three years
more. He was elected Coroner of the county in 1879, serving three years, and served two
terms as school superintendent. In 1880 he became secretary and one of the charter mem
bers of the County Aledical Society, with Drs. Job B. Somers, D. B. Ingersoll, Boardman
Reed and others. He has been president of this organization and is now a permanent dele
gate to the State Aledical Society. He is a member of the American Aledical Association,
and keeps up with the best thought in his profession.
For years Dr. Boysen has been President of the Aurora Singing Society, the first of
its kind organized in South Jersey. He has been secretary of the Egg Harbor B. & L.
Association since its organization, and is one of the town's most progressive citizens. He
is a Jeffersonian Democrat. On October 27. 1878, he married Aliss Catherine, daughter of
Abraham Kinzinger. who was one of the freedom-loving Germans who took an active part
in the Revolution of 1848. Their union has been blessed with eight children, seven of whom
are living.
George F. Breder, editor and publisher of the German Herald and Postmaster of Egg
Harbor City, was born at Egg Harbor City. January 29, 1862. He is a son of Casper Breder,
who came, with his parents, to Egg Harbor City in 1857, being among the very first settlers
in that Colony. In i860 his father was married to Eliza Keller, the daughter of another
pioneer settler, and George is the oldest of ten children. Educated at the public schools,
George, at the age of thirteen, entered the Pilot printing office. After several years of ap
prenticeship, Air. Breder worked at his trade as compositor, and being proficient in both
the English and German languages, had no difficulty in obtaining work on metropolitan
daily papers. In 1885 he returned to this county and was employed on the Daily Review
in Atlantic City-, and later became City Editor of this paper. In 1889 he purchased the
Zeitgeist printing office at Egg Harbor City, and continues publishing this German weekly,
changing the name to Deutscher Herold — German Herald. The printing establishment of
Air. Breder is a large one. Besides his own weekly about twenty monthly church papers for
different congregations in New Jersey. New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Ohio,
are printed there. The job department has been greatly enlarged by purchasing the entire
Hammonton Mirror- Journal plant a year after, and moving it to Egg Harbor City.
Air. Breder has held various public offices in his native town. He was Justice of the
Peace for eight years, and Assessor for three years. In 1893 he was elected Coroner of
Atlantic County on the Republican ticket. In 1898 he was appointed Postmaster, and the
grade of the office advancing from the fourth to the third class, becoming a Presidential
office, he was re-appointed by President AfcKinley and confirmed by the Senate in Decem
ber, 1899, for a term of four years. Air. Breder has an interesting family of five children —
two bovs being twins.
Air. Benjamin H. Brown, one of the few surviving founders of Atlantic City, was the
son of John Al. Brown and Rosanna Hartley, of Philadelphia, and was born in Philadelphia,
December 31. 1821. Soon after graduating from the University School, he engaged in the
lumber business, and continued therein till he accumulated a handsome fortune. In 1854
he furnished the material for the United States Hotel, on this then rather desolate shore,
in which was celebrated with elaborate banquet the arrival of the first train on this island,
July 1, 1854. The creditors of William Neligh, the builder of the hotel, demanded their
money. The matter was taken into court and Hon. Thos. H. Dudley was appointed trustee
of the property. In 1859 Air. Brown bought in the property to protect his own interests, for
$30,000. It then comprised the entire square between Maryland and Delaware avenues,
from Atlantic avenue to the ocean. The following winter he built the large wing facing on
Atlantic avenue, and furnished it elaborately and made it equal to any hotel along the coast
at the present time.
Two years following, Jere AIcKibben leased the hotel, but was not successful, so that
the following ten years, till 1870, the house was conducted by Alessrs. Brown and Woelpper,
who were partners in the lumber business. Excepting two years, when the property was
leased to Alessrs. Davis and Selfredge, Air. Brown conducted it himself till 1889, when he
sold the property to John S. Davis. In 1899 the site was sold in building lots and this
notable landmark, for the last ten years standing at Pacific and Alaryland avenues, was sold
in sections and removed.
During his prime, Air. Brown, as a Whig and as a Republican, took an active part in
public affairs. He was a member of the last Whig convention, which convened in Baltimore
in 1852, and nominated Gen. Winfield Scott for President. In 1858 he was a member of
Council from the Eighteenth Ward, and in 1859 City Treasurer. In i860 he was a delegate
to the Chicago convention which nominated Abraham Lincoln for President, and in 1865,
just before President Lincoln was shot. Air. Brown was appointed Collector of Internal
Revenue, Fourth District of Pennsylvania. In 1868 he was again a delegate to the Chicago
convention which nominated Gen. Grant for President, and all his life has taken a lively
interest in public affairs.
The subject of this sketch, who has been so closely identified with the progress of
Atlantic City during its entire history, recalls many pleasing incidents of his life at the
shore, and of a host of old friends and neighbors who have been associated with him in
hotel and cottage experience as the various enterprises have been developed which made
Atlantic City as the stranger finds it to-day.
He still maintains a summer house on States avenue, where he has passed the pleasantest
days of his long and useful life, having his winter residence at 944 Franklin street, Phila
Hon. John Lake Bryant, who died at his home in this city, October 8, 1883, was a
descendant of two of the pioneer families of the county, the Lakes and the Bryants, whose
genealogies appear elsewhere. He left a widow and one son, Lieut. -Col. Lewis Thompson
Bryant, who is the only surviving male descendant of either the Bryant or Thompson
families. The father was born at Pleasantville, but came to this island when an infant and
passed his life here. He had very meagre opportunities for an education when a boy,
living at South Atlantic City, where his father operated a salt works and was in charge of a
life-saving station. By reading and study evenings, when a young man, learning the trade
of a carpenter, he improved his education, and by unusual energy and enterprise became
one of the foremost and most influential citizens of this city.
He kept pace with every improvement and was always conspicuous in the front rank.
He became one of the leading contractors and builders of hotels and cottages. He built
and owned at various times the Brighton, Traymore, Shelburne and Waverly. He became
proprietor of the Ashland House, now Hotel Heckler, in 1872, and built the Waverly five
years later.
He was elected to Council in 1868, 1875 and 1880, serving one year each, and in 1880
was appointed a member of the Board of Health. In 1878 he was elected Mayor and made
an excellent executive officer. He was elected to the Assembly in 1882 by a decided majority,
and proved himself one of the most useful and most distinguished members. He was active
and aggressive, and at times eloquent, advocating measures and defending the interests ol
his native city and county.
His ardent desire to benefit mankind was one of the qualities of his heart. He was vice-
president of the Atlantic City Fire Company at the time of his death, October 8, 1883. Had
he lived he would have been renominated and re-elected to the Assembly and to higher
honors. There never was in the history of this city a more touching testimonial of pathetic
grief than that paid to the memory of John L. Bryant, when his body was taken to its last
resting place. Atlantic City lost an aggressive leader and devoted friend when he departed
this life in the prime of his manhood.
Lewis T. Bryant was born in Atlantic City, July 26th, 1874, and belongs to one of its
honored pioneer families. His father, the late Hon. John L. Bryant, was one of the early
promotors of Atlantic City, and always interested in the advancement of the resort. He
was at one time Alayor of the city, and at various times held many public offices of trust,
and at the time of his decease represented Atlantic County in the House of Assembly.
The son entered the Pennsylvania Alilitary College at Chester, and after a full course
graduated with the degree of Civil Engineer in the year 1891, being the youngest graduate
from that institution from the date of its organization. After leaving college and making a
tour of Europe, he returned to Atlantic City and commenced the active control of his hotel,
the Waverly, and under his progressive management it has been very successful and enjoys
the patronage of a large and select list of patrons. The Waverly for years has been one of
the oldest and best established hotels of this resort, it having been previously conducted by
Lieut. -Col. Bryant's father.
During the intervals between seasons Lieut. -Colonel Bryant studied law in the office of
Judge Allen B. Endicott, and was admitted to active practice at the New Jersey bar in
February, 1898.
Lieut. -Colonel Bryant has been Captain of the Alorris Guards, Atlantic City's leading
military and social organization, for six years, and has also been prominently identified with
other organizations.
At the outbreak of the Spanish-American war the Morris Guards volunteered their
services on the first call, but were not accepted. AVhen the second call for troops was made
they again volunteered and were among the first companies mustered into the United States.
service from the State of New Jersey, Lieut.- Colonel Bryant then receiving his commission
as Captain of Company F, Fourth New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, and received his commis
sion as Alajor on Alarch 6, 1899, while in the field. After being mustered out of the United
States service he was commissioned Aide-de-Camp, with rank of Alajor, on the staff of
Major-General W. J. Sewell, commanding the Division National Guards of New Jersey,
and was later promoted to Paymaster on General Sewall's staff, with rank of Lieut. -Colonel,
' which position he now holds.
In the fall of 1899, the subject of this sketch purchased the Convent property, lot 143
feet, fronting on the ocean, by 500 feet deep, between Ohio avenue and Park Place, and
there expects soon to erect a fine beach front hotel, the Waverly property having been pur
chased by the city for a high school site.
Hon. Richard J. Byrnes, of Hammonton, was born in Philadelphia in 1830. His step
father, whose name he bears, was an Irish gentleman in the employ of Stephen Girard for
many years. At the age of ten years the boy went to work in John Greenleaf Whittier's
abolition paper, the Pennsylvania Freeman, and later was sent to a private school to fit him
for orders in the church. Young Byrnes graduated from the Central High School, and later
began the study of law. He was employed two years in a silk importing house, when he
secured a position in the Mechanic's Bank. He was active and enterprising and successful
in speculations. In 1857 he first met Charles K. Landis, and later left the bank to engage
with Landis in the real estate and brokerage business. In 1858 he came to Hammonton
and engaged actively in selling farms and inviting settlers to locate there, and has been there
ever since.
For four terms of five years each, he was one of the Lay Judges of Atlantic County.
He was active in organizing the first building association, twenty-seven years ago, and has
been its president ever since. Ten years ago he took a leading part in organizing the People's
Bank, and has served as the president of the Board of Directors ever since. At the out
break of the civil war he helped to form a company of cavalry, which his real estate interests
at that time prevented him from joining. No man has done more to advance the best inter
ests of Hammonton during the past forty years than Hon. Richard J. Byrnes.
Ex-Councilman John B. Champion, of this city, was the youngest of ten children, and
was born at English Creek, Alay 13, 1834. His father, Enoch Champion, was for many
years a blacksmith and farmer there on the banks of the river and worked hard to support
a large family of children in very humble circumstances. The mother died when the sub
ject of this sketch was but three years old, and the father died seven years later. John
began work on a farm at $2.50 a month, having very meagre opportunities for schooling.
After he was 15 years old he worked for Richard Doughty on a farm four years. He then
followed the sea four years till he was qualified to be in command of a vessel. Three of his
brothers were lost at sea, were never heard from after leaving port. He then quit the sea
and became a partner of his old employer, Richard Doughty, in the fish and oyster trade.
Transportation then to Camden and Philadelphia was by wagon through the woods and
swamps, over sandy roads. The junior partner made the purchases of the baymen and got
the loads ready, while Air. Doughty made two trips a week to the city to market. They
prospered and the young man soon married Lydia, his partner's only daughter. In 1864
Air. Champion built the American Hotel at English Creek, and conducted it successfully
for five years. He then sold it to Capt. David Lee and purchased of the late William Aloore
the stone hotel at Mays Landing, which he conducted successfully for seven years.
He moved to Atlantic City in 1876, purchasing the Champion House and livery stable
property of Charles H. Rogers, for $10,000, at the corner of Virginia and Atlantic avenues.
This business he conducted successfully for twenty years, till 1897, when he sold it to Air.
George Allen for $40,000. It has since been converted into a handsome brick block con
taining a fine millinery store and flats, also a large boarding house.
Mr. Champion is a member of the Red Alen and Masons. He was a member of City
Council eleven years, and has been a director of the first building association, the first bank,
the first gas company and the Consumers Water Company since their organization. He
lacked but SO votes of being elected State Senator in 1886. He was on the Citizens' Com
mittee that purchased the first steam fire engine for this city, and advanced the cash, $3,000,
from his own pocket for the purchase, till Council later could reimburse him. He has
always been deservedly popular with his fellow citizens, and has achieved success by well
directed effort, prudence and industry. Two brothers, Enoch and Jacob, and one sister,
Mrs. Jane Homan, live near the old homestead in Egg Harbor township.
Joseph S. Champion, the pioneer undertaker in this city, was born at Alays Landing.
He was the son of Samuel and Angeline Champion. His father, who is still living, at the
ripe age of ninety years, was the first manufacturer of sash and doors in South Jersey, and
the only one till Disston mill was established in this city, in 1873- The father was also a
ship-joiner, and found plenty of work on many of the several hundred vessels that were
launched at Alays Landing during his prime. There were six children in the Champion
family. The son followed the occupation of the father, finishing his schooling at an early age in
the pay district school.
In 1870 he began business as an undertaker, and by his courtesy and enterprise soon
had calls from all parts of the county. He soon saw the advantage of locating permanently
in the center of population and business, and opened an office in the Barstow Block in this
city, where he remained till he moved into his present large and complete establishment,
No. 27 North Pennsylvania avenue.
Here at his office and residence he has well stocked ware rooms, and the most complete
of modern facilities for meeting emergencies, pleasing the most fastidious and conducting his
business in the most approved manner.
At Pleasantville he has recently erected a large and elaborate brick and slate receiving
vault, and is conceded to be at the head of his profession in this part of the State.
He is a member of the A. O. U. W.. of the I. O. O. F.. and the Royal Arcanum. He
has been successful in real estate transactions and stands high in social and financial circles.
Stephen Colwell, best known in this section for his connection with the AYeymouth
Iron AYorks, and as one of the original directors of the Camden & Atlantic Railroad, was
born in Brooke County, W. Va., Afarch 25, 1800. He died at his home in Philadelphia,
.January 15, 1871. He graduated at Jefferson College, in Pennsylvania, at the age of nine
teen, studied law in Steubenville, Ohio, and was admitted to the bar at the age of twenty-one,
and practiced his profession seven years in St. Clairsville, Ohio, till he moved to Pittsburg,
in 1828. Eight years later he came to Philadelphia, married Sarah Ball, daughter of the late
Samuel Richards, and succeeded his father-in-law in the management of the iron works at
Weymouth, N. J., and at Conshohockin, Pa. He was a charter member of the Union
League, a working member of the American Iron and Steel Association, a director in sev
eral railroads, a trustee of the University of Pennsylvania, and of Princeton Theological
Seminary, and actively identified with several charitable and religious organizations all his
life. He was a man whose ability and usefulness was widely recognized. He was the author
of many pamphlets on social science, political economy, finance, pauperism, organized
charities and productive industries One son, Charles R. Colwell, of Weymouth, is the
onlv surviving member of the familv.
Franklin P. Cook, of the Hotel Senate, was born in Philadelphia, December 3, 1851,
and was educated in the public schools of that city. His father, the late H. B. Cook, was ex
tensively engaged in the building business. In the spring of 1872 contractor H. B. Cook
built the Senate House, an unpretentious boarding house of about fifty rooms on the north
west corner of Pacific and Rhode Island avenues. In the fall of 1879 an addition was built
to the house, and in 1891 it was raised and extensively enlarged and improved, so successful
was the son in conducting the business which devolved upon him through the death of his
father. During the winter of 1897 the hotel was moved to the ocean front on Rhode Island
avenue, and again extensively improved, making it thoroughly up-to-date, one of the bright
est and most desirable beach front hotels in Atlantic City.
In politics Air. Cook is a Republican. He was elected a member of the City Council in
1882, and three times re-elected. He was a progressive and efficient official, having much to
do with the building- of an elevated boardwalk along the beach, and in making the city more
satisfactory to visitors. He was appointed a member of the Board of Water Commissioners
in 1895, for which his business experience and tact as a hotel keeper amply qualified him.
He is one of the charter members of the Neptune Fire Company, and was one of the first
to advocate the use of horses in the fire department of this growing resort.
Enoch Cordery, of Absecon, was the oldest son of the seven children of the late Absa
lom Cordery, and was born November 11, 1816, where he always lived and where he died on
April 10, 1891. For several generations, the Cordery family have held an honorable place
in the history of Atlantic County. Absalom Cordery had three brothers living along the
shore, Parker, Edmund and Daniel, and their descendants are numerous.
Absalom Cordery was a blacksmith and wheelwright, and a man of acknowledged
worth. He represented his county in the State Senate two terms in the early forties, and
when he left home, his son Enoch was left in charge of the business and conducted it
creditably. The children of Absalom Cordery and Elizabeth Chamberlain were:
Enoch, William C, Daniel Edwards, Sarah, who married Thomas Clark; Annie E., who
married Job G. Babcock; Caddie, wife of James Ryon, and Alaria, wife of John R. Steelman.
Enoch, b. November 11, 1816, m., first, Sarah, only daughter of Capt. Edmund Somers,
by whom he had one child, Sarah B.; m. second, Lucy Ann Evans, daughter of Hon. John
Willits, of West Creek, Ocean County. They were married November 5, 1846, and had five
children: E. Alonzo Cordery, of Fort Afeade, Florida; Airs. Reuben Babcock, of Absecon;
Airs. John R. Fleming, of Atlantic City; Airs. William Dickey, of Pittsburg, and John Wil-
lits Cordery, of Absecon.
Judge Cordery was a man of strict integrity and more than ordinary intellectual attain
ments. He was all his life a very industrious and exemplary citizen. He conducted at the
old homestead the business which his father left him. He was an active and consistent
member of the Al. E. Church. He was a charter member and one of the active workers of
the Aurora Lodge of Odd Fellows, the first to be instituted in this county. His influence
and worth was recognized by all who knew him. Like his father, he represented his county
in the State Senate, serving from 1857 to 1859. It was a period of legislative corruption, but
the member from Atlantic preserved his reputation unsullied.
In 1877 Governor Bedle appointed him one of the Lay Judges of this county. He was
twice reappointed, serving five year terms and having one year to serve of his unexpired
term at the time of his death.
He was one of the first stockholders and directors of the Second National Bank, and
was the possessor of a considerable fortune.
Rodman Corson, who comes from one of the old-time families of Cape Alay County,
was born near Beesley's Point, in what is now Alarmora, on June 15, 1866. For some years
he has made Atlantic City his home. His educational advantages were only those of the
ordinary country district school, after leaving which he spent eleven years teaching school
in the various counties of Southern New Jersey. By close application he won the degree
of A. Al. in the American University. He studied law with Alessrs. Godfrey & Godfrey of
this city, was admitted to practice in the June term of 1899.
He has for several years helped to collect the taxes of this city, and is well known to
many of our business people through his connection with one of the busiest law offices in
Atlantic County. He is a Director and Secretary of the Real Estate and Investment Com
pany of Atlantic City, and enjoys the entire confidence of those with whom he conies in
contact. In 1893 he married Aliss Genevra Corson, of Philadelphia, and now resides on Georgia
avenue. He is a member of a number of fraternal societies and has passed all the chairs
in our local Castle of Knights of Golden Eagles.
Dr. Walter A. Corson was born at Vine Valley, N. Y., December 9, 1872; moved, with
his parents, to Cape Alay County in 1876, and from there to Atlantic City in 1881. Was
graduated at the public schools of Atlantic City in 1890. The following year he spent at
school at Pennington Seminary. Began the study of medicine with Dr. G. W. Crosby the
following year, and was graduated from the Hahnemann Aledical College of Philadelphia
in 1894. He then joined the medical staff of the Aletropolitan Hospital on Blackwell's
Island, New York, where he was soon promoted to assistant superintendent of the hospital.
He returned to Atlantic City after spending 18 months at the hospital, and began the prac
tice of Medicine with Dr. G. W. Crosby, under the firm name of Drs. Crosby & Corson.
He was married on November 16, 1898, to Aliss Amelia Sanders Adams, of Linwood,
N. J. His health becoming impaired, he decided to spend the winter of 1898 and 1899 in
Texas, expecting to return to Atlantic City again the following June. He is a member of
the Atlantic City Aledical Club and now lives in Denver, Colorado.
When the shores of New Jersey were almost untrodden save by the foot of the Red
man, and the ascending smoke from the camp fires of the tribes of Lenni-Lenapes was
the only sign of its inhabitants to the passing mariners; when the sea was most bountiful
in spoils for the whaler, the name of Cresse appears prominently in a company of men
who, attracted by the wealth of these waters, came from Long Island and settled in its
southern section in 1692.
When Cape Alay County came into existence the same year, by proprietary law, with
limits but vaguely defined, this name appears on the county records as a public official,
and down to the present time it has retained its honorable position.
In 1692, Arthur, patriarch of the Cresse family in this State, purchased 350 acres of
land from the West Jersey Society, and the same year he and John Townsend became
jointly the first Collectors of the County, which position they held until 1700, when they
were succeeded by John Cresse and Jacob Spicer.
The early settlers raised cattle extensively. The herds roamed together and each man's
property was distinguished by a brand on the ears. This law was made by an Act of
Assembly at Burlington, February 7, 1692. The legal form of recording the "ear marks'
was the sketch of a cow's head with the peculiar mark of the owner on the ears accompa
nied by a written description. The first "ear mark" in the archives of the Cape May County
courts wis recorded by a Cresse on July 13, 1692.
A deep religious sentiment has dominated the family and in church as well as State
they have been leaders. When the first Baptist services, in 1675, resulted in a permanent
organization with a church structure in 1712, at Cape Alay, the name of Arthur Cresse was
first on the list of its members, as was that of Nathan Cresse first on the list of members
of the first Methodist Church in the County founded at Dennisville.
The early records of the first Presbyterian Church established in the county are lost
hut tradition claims that the Cresse family was also largely interested in its organization.
The name of Lewis Cresse continues in almost unbroken succession down the ancestral
line, appearing officially as early as 1712. When the fiery spirit of patriotism burst forth
in a document of Alay 27. 1778, in which 87 Cape Alay countians renounced .their allegi
ance to King George and swore to "bear true faith" to the government of New Jersey,
the names of Arthur, Lewis, Daniel, David and Zebulon Cresse appeared on the list of
¦signers. Lewis was a notorious wag and a verse maker. Daniel, a brother of Lewis and the
great-giandfather of our subject, was a large land owner, the proprietor of the Dias Creek
tavern, and a sea captain. His son Daniel married Hannah Hand, and settled at Gravelly
Run, where he operated one of the largest farms in that region. Six children were born
to this couple: Philip, Rhoda, Ellen, Huldah, Daniel and Lewis. The only survivor of
the six children is the youngest, Lewis Cresse. Sr., father of Lewis Alitchell Cresse. The
father was born at Gravelly Run in 1824, and was educated in the pay schools of the
county. When a young man he spent three years in California, attracted by the discovery
¦of gold. Upon his return he married Mary Ann Hoffman, a teacher in the village school
of Gravelly Run. Air. Cresse first engaged in the milling business at that place, but
later purchased a farm of 100 acres at Townsend Inlet (now Swainton) where he has since
resided. Four children have been born to him: Huldah, wife of Coleman F. Learning,
Jr.; Mary Hoffman, wife of W. Scott Hand; Lewis Alitchell and George Hoffman, prin
cipal of the public schools of Dennisville.
Lewis Alitchell Cresse was born at Townsend Inlet, September 12, 1867. He acquired
his education in the public schools of his native village, graduating at the High School
of Cape May Court House, in 1886; the Quaker School of Woodstown, and the National
College of Commerce, Philadelphia, graduating from the latter institution in 1887. Sub-
sequently he engaged in teaching bookkeeping- and accounting in that College. He after
wards became principal of the public schools of Almonesson. Gloucester County, but
abandoned the work of an educator to become identified with the financial interest of
Cape May County; first as Cashier of the People's Bank of Sea Isle City, where he re
mained nearly three years, when he accepted a position with the Union National Bank
of Atlantic City. Three years later, in 1896, Air. Cresse became the executive head of
the Ocean City office of the Central Trust Company of Camden. This Bank was opened
for business Alay 13, 1896. A general banking business is conducted and success
has attended the enterprise from the beginning, a fact which is largely attributable to the
efforts and management of Air. Cresse. In his work he is assisted by W. Scott Hand,.
who occupies the position of teller, and B. C. Alarshall, who is bookkeeper.
Mr. Cresse is also extensively interested in the business of paper manufacturing at
Pleasant Hills, N. J. The office of The Pleasant Al ills Paper Co., of which he is Presi
dent, is at No. 608 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, and to the management of this important
enterprise he has devoted much attention.
He is now serving as a member of the Board of Education for the second term and
is President of the Board of Trade of Ocean City.
On the 12th of September, 1896, was celebrated the marriage of Air. Cresse and
Cecilia, daughter of Alexander and Alarion Hislop, of Troy, N. Y. They occupy an
enviable position in social circles and enjoy the highest esteem of many friends. Air.
Cresse is a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and is popular in fraternal
as well as social and business circles. His success in all he has undertaken has been.
Dr. Lydia Herts Cromwell was born in Bedford, Pennsylvania, July 28, 1874. She
graduated from the Bedford High School with high honors, Alay 5, 1893, and immediately
determined upon the study and practice of medicine, notwithstanding the objections and.
earnest opposition of her family. Her determined purpose prevailed and she began the
study of medicine with Dr. Amos A. Taylor as her preceptor. In October, 1893, she en
tered the Hahnemann Aledical College and Hospital, Chicago, Illinois, and was graduated.
as Medical Doctor in the regular course, Alarch 26, 1896.
Immediately upon graduating Dr. Cromwell was engaged as assistant physician with.
Dr. Nelson A. Pennoyer at the Pennoyer Sanatorium, Kenosha, Wisconsin. At this insti
tution, in addition to the Sanatorium practice, Drs. Pennoyer and Cromwell had the care-
of an active practice in the town of Kenosha.
At the beginning of the spring season of 1897, Dr. Cromwell accepted the position as
Resident Physician at Galen Hall Sanatorium, Atlantic City, where she has since remained.
in the practice of her chosen profession.
Dr. George W. Crosby was born at Aliddletown, N. Y., September 1, 1851. Was edu^
cated at the Delaware Literary Institute at Franklin, N. Y.. and at Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Began the study of medicine with his brother, Dr. O. H. Crosby, in the spring of 1875, and'.
graduated from the New York Homoeopathic College February 28, 1878. Located at.
Walton, N. Y.. the following April. AYas the first to introduce homoeopathy in that city,.
and soon built up a large practice. By the urgent request of his brother, he moved to
Atlantic City in the spring of 1883, and began work in his new field of labor with Dr. O. H.
Crosby, under the firm name of Drs. O. H. & G. W. Crosby, which was continued up to
the time of his brother's death.
Was married February 16, 1892, to Aliss Al. A. Rathburn, of Franklin, N. Y. Joined
the American Institute of Homoeopathy in 1885, and shortly thereafter became a member
of the New Jersey State Homoeopathic Medical Society, also the West Jersey Homoeopathic
Medical Society, and last, but not least, the Atlantic City Homoeopathic Aledical Club.
Doctor O. H. Crosby was born at Aliddletown, New York, September 25, 1849. He
was educated at Del. Lit. Inst., Franklin, N. Y., and in 1869 began the study of medicine at.
Rochester, N. Y., afterward coming to Camden, N. J., with Dr. H. FI. Cater. He graduated
at the New York Homeo. Aled. College in Alarch, 1874, and immediately thereafter located
at Atlantic City, where he began the practice of his profession, being the first and for some
time the only homoeopathic physician in the city. Here he soon built up a large practice
and gained many friends. He was married in the autumn of 1874, to Aliss Hattie Shepard,.
of Franklin, N. Y., who died September, 1882.
Dr. Crosby was for some years Superintendent of Public Schools in Atlantic City, in
whose welfare and development he was much interested. He took an active interest in
¦several organizations in which he was identified, and was for many years a member of the
American Institute of Homoeopathy. He died of Bright's disease, at Franklin, N. Y.,.
January 6, 1885.
George F. Currie was born March n, 1835, in Dubs, France, and received a common
school education at that place. In 1851 he came to the United States, locating temporarily
at New York, and later at Philadelphia; he then resided in Delaware for a time, and during
the panic of 1857, located at Millville, N. J., where he opened a stove and hardware store.
At the end of five years he sold this businessand came to Absecon and engaged in the same
business. At the outbreak of the War of the Rebellion he answered to his country's call
and enlisted in the Federal Army, serving until honorably discharged, in 1865. Realizing the
business possibilities of Atlantic City, Air. Currie built, in 1868. at 1216-18 Atlantic avenue,
and there engaged in the stove and hardware business. In 1881 a meeting was held in Air.
Currie's store to organize a bank, resulting in the organization of the Atlantic City National
Bank. The business progress of the city after a few years warranted another bank, and in
December, 1886, the Second National Bank was organized. This institution was largely
the result of Air. Currie's efforts, in recognition of which he was elected its first president,
and has been re-elected to that office at each succeeding election, and at present holds that
position. Later the Trust Company connected with the bank was started, and in 1894 he
was made president of that institution.
In politics Mr. Currie is a Republican. He has been a member of Council several
times, and was a member of the Board of Chosen Freeholders for seventeen years.
Mr. Currie was married to Miss Alathilda D. Haley, of Haleyville, Cumberland County,
in 1859. Mr. Currie has four children, two boys and two girls.
He is also prominent in Masonic circles, and helped to organize the first lodge at
Absecon, and was its first Junior Warden. He is also a member of American Star Lodge,
No. 148, 1. O. O. F., and was its first Noble Grand.
Born in Pearisburg, Virginia, William Edgar Darnall, A. B., M. D., obtained an
academic education in the city of Durham, North Carolina, where he remained until 1888,
during which year he entered the Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia. In
1892 he graduated from this institution, having filled the position of private secretary to
General Lee, president of the University, for two years prior to this auspicious event. The
degree of Al. D. was conferred upon him by the University of Virginia, in 1895, and after a
year's practice in his native State, he came to Atlantic City.
Since locating here, Dr. Darnall has been honored by appointments as physician to
the Atlantic City Flospital, physician to St. Michael's Baby Hospital, and is also Fellow
of the American Academy of Medicine, member of the Aledical Society of New Jersey,
secretary and treasurer to the Atlantic County Aledical Society, vice-president of the At
lantic City Academy of Medicine, ex-section chief of the Phi Gamma Delta Greek Letter
Fraternity and president of Fortnightly Club of Atlantic City.
Dr. Darnall, who is the son of Henry Thomas and Margaret Pogue Johnston Darnall,
is a descendent of an influential family of Virginia.
Airs. Hannah Somers Davis, as she preferred to be known, was born at Somers Point,
New Jersey, October 1, 1795.
Her great-grandfather, John Somers, came to America from Worcester, England (his
place of birth), in 1681 or 1682, when about twenty years of age, and settled in Pennsyl
vania, at what is now called Somerton, Pa., but which was then called Upper Dublin. After
living there a few years he came to South Jersey, and in 1695 bought of Thomas Budd a tract
of 3,000 acres for the sum of 240 pounds sterling.
Because of this the place received the name of Somers Point, and here some of his de
scendants live to this day.
James Somers, son of John Somers, grandson of Richard Somers, and great-grandson
of the original John Somers, when a young man, very likely about the time of his marriage,
built a house about one mile west of Somers Point, on what is at present called Hickory
Point, being a part of the original tract purchased by John Somers. The timbers and
boards for this house, which was destroyed by fire February 7, 1900, and which
had been for many years an object of interest, were sawed from the trees of the forest by
the young builder himself.
The house, when completed, was occupied by him and his wife, and here the subject of
this sketch was born.
Hannah was the third of a family of six children born to John Somers and Lettice
Finley. After the death of his first wife, her father married Aner Blackman, by whom he
had four children, and after her death he was married a third time, this time to Martha
Wiley, by whom he had one child, Harriet, widow of Simon Lake, who is now living at
Ocean City, at the age of seventy-five years.
Living, as she did, more than thirty years past the allotted three-score years and ten,
and doubtless reaching a greater age than any other member of the Somers family, it seems
as if this long life is at least partly- due to the natural longevity of the family to which Airs.
Davis belonged.
Her great-great-grandfather died at the age of eighty-three. Her great-grandfather
lived sixty-eight years. Her grandfather died in his seventy-third year, and her father in
his ninetieth, while the ages of her nine brothers and sisters who have died average nearly
eighty years. When Aliss Somers was only eight years of age she was taken by an aunt
and uncle to Salem, Ohio, which was then in the far west. She remained there until 1813,
when she returned east and took up her residence in Philadelphia, where, in 1818, she joined
the Alethodist Episcopal Church, although her earlier training had been that of a Friend,
both of her grandmothers having been Quaker preachers, connected with the Aleeting
Houses, which stood opposite the present Dolphin House, at Somers Point, and near where
the Central Church now stands at Linwood.
On September 26, 1834, she was married to Elijah Davis, a merchant of Philadelphia,
by the Rev. Thos. M. Carroll, a minister of the Al. E. Church.
Air. Davis was very successful in business and accumulated a fortune of moderate size
before he retired to private life. He died in 1873, a few years after his retirement, leaving
the most of this estate to his widow.
Having joined the Alethodist Episcopal Church, Airs. Davis took an active interest in
its affairs and gave liberally toward its support. In 1878 she furnished the means for a
church to be erected at Clarks, Nebraska, to be known as the Somers Chapel, and became
so much interested in the undertaking that in 1884, when eighty-nine years of age, she went
to Nebraska for the purpose of visiting it.
While there she gave evidence of her vigorous constitution and indomitable will, by
taking a ride on horseback.
The last quarter century or more of Airs. Davis' life was passed very quietly in her
home at No. 448 North Fourth street, Philadelphia, where for twenty years she had the
companionship of her faithful and loving niece, Aliss Hannah Spain, who cared for her
every want.
Although confined to her house of recent years, because of rheumatism, her mind was
clear and active to the last.
The last time the writer had the pleasure of seeing her was just before the Spanish-
American War, at which time she was found" sitting by the window reading the daily paper.
She took an active interest in the topics of the day, and was well informed on the events
preceding the war. Having seen and distinctly remembering the war with England in 181 2,
the war with Alexico in 1848, and then the awful conflict between the North and South in
1861-65, she expressed an earnest wish that we might not again be compelled to take up
arms, but said if it became necessary, our President, Wm. AlcKinley, would guide this
country safely through it, as Abraham Lincoln had done through the Civil War.
On the occasion of the visit referred to, she showed me with a great deal of pride her
certificate of membership in General Lafayette Chapter, Daughters of the Revolution of
Atlantic City, together with the gold spoon which had been given to her as an original
Daughter of the Revolution, her father having served during that war.
On October 1, 1895, Airs. Davis celebrated her one hundredth birthday at her home in
a very quiet manner, surrounded by a few of her nearest relatives and dearest friends.
After this three more birthdays were passed, and the fourth almost reached before death
overtook her, on August 22, 1899.
On August 25th, she was buried at Woodland Cemetery, Philadelphia, the funeral ser
vices being conducted by the Rev. John Wood, pastor of St. George's Al. E. Church,
Philadelphia. Truly do the Proverbs of Solomon say: "Forget not my law for length of days and
long life and peace shall they add to thee."
Harry H. Deakyne, the well-known druggist, was born in New Castle County, Dela
ware, August 20, 1858. After graduating from the public schools he took a course in the
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. He next spent five years in the drug store of J. W.
Denney, of Smyrna, Delaware. In 1883 he graduated from the store of Henry C. Blair's
Sons, in Philadelphia, and came to this city in Alarch of that year. He continued in the
employ of the late T. M. Galbreath for six years, till his death, in 1889, when as manager,
he continued the business for the estate six years longer.
On January 1, 1895, he opened the handsome brick store where he now successfully
presides. He is a Past Master of Trinity Lodge, a Chapter member, and one of the Board of
Governors of the new City Hospital.
Michael A. Divine, our well-known and popular Postmaster, was born in Philadelphia.
His parents moved to this city when he was a child. He received his education in the
public schools and filled various clerical positions with credit and success. For eight years,
up to 1891, he was in the employ of the West Jersey Railroad Company, first in the express
office and at the consolidation of the West Jersey with the Camden & Atlantic Companies
he remained with them as chief clerk in the passenger, freight and express departments.
In 1891 he was elected Tax Collector and re-elected the following year. In 1894 he organ
ized the real estate insurance and law firm of Divine & Wootton, in which he takes an
active interest. In July, 1896, he was appointed Postmaster by President Cleveland, and
the appointment was confirmed by the United States Senate in February, 1897. He is largely
interested in the development of real estate. As Postmaster he has persistently and suc
cessfully directed his efforts to the improvement of the service. Few people appreciate the
vast amount of transient mail that is received and handled at a resort like this, and the
fluctuating quantity and the difficulties in its dispatch and distribution. The new post office
building, stamping machines and enlarged carrier service and improved facilities have re
sulted from his intelligent direction. He occupies a handsome home in Chelsea, and is one
of our most enterprising and public spirited citizens.
Thomas Jefferson Dickerson, the well-known merchant, was born in Philadelphia, De
cember 6, 1849. After receiving a public school education he apprenticed himself to the
trade of a hatter, serving four years. He was only twenty-two years of age when he en
gaged in business for himself as a manufacturer. Later he resumed work as a journeyman,
and continued as such several years. In ,1883 he came to Atlantic City, making this his
residence. Four years later he leased 'of Mr. George Allen, the store at 1334 Atlantic
avenue, then about one-third its present size, and stocked it with a high grade of gents' fur
nishing goods, hats, caps, etc., and catered to the best class of trade from residents and
visitors. So great was his success that he leased two adjoining stores and expended several
thousand dollars in up-to-date improvements and met the demand at all seasons for the
most stylish and expensive line of goods.
In 1894 he decided to take into the firm as a partner. Air. Leonard Algar, who had been
with him as a faithful and trusted clerk since his store first opened in this city. The firm
has- since been known as Thomas J. Dickerson & Co.
Air. Dickerson was one of the prime movers in the organization of the Union National
Bank, and was one of its first Board of Directors, having been re-elected each year since:
He was also one of the Directors of the Real Estate and Investment Company. He is
prominent socially and fraternally. He is a Past Alaster of Trinity Lodge, F. and A. AL,
and a member of other societies. His business methods are such as to attract patronage and
retain it. His fellow citizens appreciate his public spirited enterprise and progressive ideas.
On April 24, iS;2, he married Hannah E. Rodearmel, of Philadelphia, and has two children
living, Alary Elizabeth and Emma Rowe, He has a fine home on Virginia avenue.
The name of Henry Disston, the well-known saw manufacturer of Philadelphia, will
long be remembered in Atlantic City. He had achieved great success as an inventor and
manufacturer before he became interested in this resort, in 1871, when with his usual energy
and enterprise he established here the first lumber mill, built cottages and demonstrated his
faith in the bright future of the place. Henry Disston was of English birth. He came to
this country in 1833, at the age of fourteen years, and found employment at Second and
Arch streets, making saws by crude, hand methods before steel was manufactured in the
United States. The story of the fifty busy years of his life in developing a large and suc
cessful industry which for years has given employment to a whole town is the history of
saw making in America.
In 1846 he moved from Second and Arch to a larger place, which was destroyed by
fire in 1849. Larger and better shops were built to meet the demands for the best goods
on the market. Again in 1864 the plant burned down, when a large tract of land was secured
at Tacony, eight miles from the City Hall, on the banks of the Delaware, and a town laid
out on an extensive scale and an industry established, which has since become an important
section of Philadelphia, and a credit throughout the world to the United States. Alany
thoughtful provisions were made for the welfare and prosperity of the employees of the
firm, peculiar to the generous spirit of the founder.
The annual sales of the output of the works at this time reached half a million dollars.
It was in 1871 that Mrs. Disston authorized a friend and relative, Aliss S. E. Turner
of this city, to buy a lot and build a nice cottage for her here, not letting Mr. Disston into
the secret till the cottage was finished and furnished and ready to occupy.
Airs. Disston came down on a morning train one Saturday so as to have dinner ready
for Mr. Disston, who followed in the afternoon. There was a pleasant surprise party that
evening in their new home at the seashore, which neither had seen till that day. This was
early in 1872, and the cottage stood on Atlantic, just above Indiana avenue.
So delighted was Mr. Disston with Atlantic City that he bought other lands adjoining.
and considerably more at Arctic and Illinois avenues, and at Pacific and Indiana avenues.
He built the Keystone bakery for his old friend Conway, and started a coal and brick yard
to accommodate the people. The following year he built the first steam lumber mill on
the island, giving employment to quite a number of mechanics. The mill was burned down
in 1875, and in its place the present brick structure of the Atlantic Lumber Company was
erected, one of the first brick buildings in this city.
Mr. Disston died in Alarch, 1878, but the interests of the estate were continued in this
city for years by Mrs. Disston, who erected a handsome villa on Indiana avenue near the
beach, and the sons till within a few years have owned interests in the lumber company.
Airs. Disston was a native of Atlantic County. She was born at Port Republic, April 3,
1821. Her parents were Jonas and Ann Steelman. He was a wheelwright by trade. Her
mother was a Mecully, whose grandfather performed the then remarkable feat of recasting
the old Liberty Bell, when it "lost its voice" by having a crack in its side. Airs. Disston's
grandfather was Alajor John Steelman, in the Army of the Revolution.
There were five children in the Steelman family: Julia Ann, Beulah, John, Mary and
Jacob. Alary became the second wife of Henry Disston in Philadelphia, November 9, 1843,
and became the mother of nine children: Hamilton, Amanda, Albert, Frank, Mary, Horace,
William, Jacob and a little girl who died in infancy.
Mrs. Disston was a devoted wife and mother, generous in aiding the needy and noted
for her many charities. The site for every church in Tacony, Catholic, Presbyterian, Meth
odist and all, was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Disston.
The Disston Memorial Presbyterian Church was built and furnished complete as a
memorial to Miss Mary Disston, who died in the prime of young womanhood.
Disston Hall of Beacon Presbyterian Church, at Kensington, was built as a memorial to
her son Albert. The Alission Chapel at Eighth street and Montgomery avenue, a house
for a hospital for the Northern Home for Friendless children; $5,000 for the hospital for
incurables of the University of Pennsylvania; $5,000 for the Hygienic Fund; beds in various
hospitals and homes outright to worthy and needy families were some of her gifts and
benefactions. Mrs. Disston died June 15, 1895, aged 74 years. Her memory will long be cherished
by thousands who shared her bounty or appreciated her generous, useful life.
Lorenzo A. Downs was born at Downsville, Gloucester County, October 9, 1839, his
father being Jesse Downs, who was a native of the same place. Like thousands of other
good American boys, he attended the public schools and secured an education that equipped
him to enter into the competition of life. At the age of twenty-five, he engaged in the
lumber business in his native town, and for ten years attended strictly to his duties. While
thus employed he was elected Clerk of Buena Vista township for two years, and at the ex
piration of that time he was elected as Collector of Taxes. In November, 1875, he was
elected Clerk of Atlantic County by a majority of seven hundred and forty votes, and re
ceived all the votes in the township where he resided but three, for a term of five years.
He was re-elected for the same period, being the first gentleman to be so honored at the
hands of the voters in this county. Afterward he was made Deputy County Clerk by his
successor, Lewis Evans, serving one year, and we next find him in the Second National
Bank of Atlantic City, where he first acted in the capacity of bookkeeper. When the
Atlantic City Safe Deposit and Trust Company organized he was at once chosen secretary
and treasurer. Alay 1, 1890, he was appointed cashier of the banking institution with
which he had become identified. He still holds these two positions, enjoying the confidence
of his associates, as well as the public at large. During 1890 he was elected cashier, secre
tary and treasurer of the Electric Light Company, but later resigned owing to his increas
ing business cares. He belongs to the Masonic Fraternity, being a member of Vineland
Lodge, No. 69. He is a Republican in politics, and a trustee of the Central M. E. Church.
Hon. Allen Brown Endicott, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Atlantic
County, was born at Alays Landing, Alarch 7, 1857. He finished his academic education,
graduating at Peddie Institute, Hightstown, N. J., in June, 1876. He read law with Hon.
Peter L. Voorhees, of Camden, and graduated in the law department of the University of
Pennsylvania in 1879, with the degree of LL.B. He was admitted to the New Jersey bar
in 1880, and as a counsellor in 1884. He served as Collector of Atlantic County for sixteen
years, from Alay, 1883, till he was appointed Judge. As a public speaker and an advocate
before the bar he has few equals. He was appointed by the court to defend Robert Elder,
who was indicted for the shooting of his father, and as counsel for John Rech, who was
convicted of strangling Bessie Weaver. In both cases he acquitted himself with distinction.
Judge Endicott for eleven years was City Solicitor for this city, succeeding the late
Harry L. Slape, who died June 4, 1887. He carried through successfully the condemnation
proceedings to purchase the two water plants, also the suit of the city to tax the trolley car
plant which for years had been exempt from any but State tax. Eminent counsel were
arrayed against him.
Charles Gill Endicott was born in Mays Landing, New Jersey, October 12, 1838. His
early education was obtained in the Parochial School at that place, under the care of the
Presbyterian Church, and afterwards at the West Jersey Academy of Bridgeton. He took
every first prize that was offered at these institutions during his connection with them.
After his graduation from the West Jersey Academy, he taught school until 1857, when he
became a tutor in the English branches at the Woodhull Academy, Freehold, New Jersey.
In 1859 he accepted the position of bookkeeper for John Wheaton, of New York, and in
1865 he became a partner with him in the wholesale grocery and butter business.
In 1871 he formed a partnership with Henry A. Crawford, at Jersey City, and engaged
in the grocery and ship chandlery business. In 1874 he bought the interest of Air. Crawford
and continued that business in his individual capacity until five or six years ago, when he
and his bookkeeper, George E. Hammond, formed a partnership, and thereafter the busi
ness was conducted in the name of Endicott & Co. A few years ago they changed their
place of business to the corner of AYest and Cedar streets, in New York City, where they
have done a constantly increasing business.
Air. Endicott was married to Mary Alclntyre, of New York City, on April 15, 1874.
For several years past he has resided at Westfield, Union County, New Jersey.
Air. Endicott has also been prominent in church work, having acted as Trustee and
Elder of the First Reform Church of Jersey City, and also has held the same position in
the First Presbyterian Church at Westfield.
During the six years he was a member of the Township Committee he secured for that
town the best macadam roads that can be found in the State. He was instrumental in
having sewerage introduced in the town of Westfield, as well as electric lights and tele
phone. He has been Vice-President and a Director of the First National Bank of West-
field since its organization. He is also President of the Building and Loan Association, a
member of the Board of Trade, Executor of many large estates, and owns and controls a
larger number of vessels than any one man in the States of New York or New Jersey.
George Woodhull Endicott, Al. D., son of Capt. Thomas Doughty and Ann (Penning
ton) Endicott, was born at Alays Landing, Atlantic County, New Jersey, April 10. 1853, and
is a direct descendant of Governor John Endicott, who came to this country from England
in 1628, as the first Colonial Governor of the Alassachusetts Colony.
On his mother's side he belongs to the famous Pennington family of New Jersey, two
of their number having served as Governors of the State; William Pennington served as
Governor from 1837 to 1843, and William S. Pennington from 1813 to 1815.
Dr. Endicott's early education was obtained in the Presbyterian School at Alays Land
ing. In 1871 he entered the Brainerd Institute at Cranbury, N. J., but only remained there
six months, and then entered Peddie Institute at Hightstown, N. J., where his opportunities
to prepare himself for the study of medicine were much greater. He graduated from Peddie
Institute in 1873. The following September he entered the Jefferson Aledical College, and
was the youngest member of his class that numbered one hundred and seventy-one. In
1875, upon his graduation, he was appointed House Physician to the St. Alary's Hospital,
Philadelphia, where he enjoyed the rare privilege of assisting such surgeons as Gross,
Pancoast and Keen. After serving his term in the hospital he entered the drug store of
Dr. Jos. Hornblower, of Hudson City, N. J., to acquire practical knowledge of drugs.
While there he studied pharmacy, and in 1878 he passed the examination of the New Jersey
State Board of Pharmacy. Dr. Endicott first began the practice of medicine in Dunellen,
New Jersey. He moved to Plainfield in 1880. There his ability was promptly recognized
and he soon established a lucrative practice and became the leading physician and surgeon
of the city.
Dr. Endicott was appointed Surgeon to Muhlamberg Hospital at its opening, in 1880,
and he has held that position ever since. He is Senior Surgeon, also Medical Director of
the same institution. The Doctor has been especially successful in surgery, having per
formed all. the so-called difficult operations with an extraordinary low death rate. He was
the first surgeon to perform successfully ovariotomy in Plainfield, and he is acknowledged
by his associates to be one of the ablest in the State.
Dr. Endicott was a member of the Plainfield Board of Health for ten successive years,
and inaugurated many improvements in the sanitary condition of the city. It was during
his time of service that water and sewerage were introduced, and largely through his efforts.
Dr. Endicott owns and resides in one of the many handsome houses in Plainfield. He
is a member of the American Medical Association, the New Jersey State Medical Asso
ciation, the Union County Aledical Association, and the Plainfield Medical Association.
The Doctor was married in 1879, and has one son, George Woodhull Endicott, Jr.
No history of Atlantic City would be complete without a sketch of its best-known
citizen, Mr. Charles Evans, proprietor of the well-known Sea Side House. For more than
thirty years he has been welcoming strangers to this island, entertaining them hospitably
and taking an active interest in promoting local institutions and the welfare of the whole
town. Mr. Evans was born in Delaware County, Pa., August 21, 1838. His father was a
well-known farmer and member of the society of Friends. His early education was at the
public schools and at the Westtown Friends Academy of Pennsylvania. He continued upon
his father's farm until his twenty-seventh year. Evincing at an early age, much ability as
a manager, and being naturally of an ambitious nature, the year of 1867 found him located
at Atlantic City, the proprietor of a hotel kept for many years by a Quaker family named
Scattergood, as a summer house. It was at this time that Air. Evans demonstrated very
clearly his business foresight and showed he had the courage and stamina to invest his
money where many believed it would never bring any return. At this time Pennsylvania
avenue, where his magnificent hostlery is now located, was considered too far up town.
Mr. Evans believed that in the course of a very few years this would be the most desirable
part of the city. In this belief he was entirely correct. Accordingly he moved his hotel
eight hundred feet nearer the beach and proceeded to lay out in lots the ocean end of this
avenue, which he sold at highly satisfactory prices, and with such restrictions that only the
better style of dwellings could be erected. This has resulted in making Pennsylvania avenue
the most select and desirable avenue in Atlantic City.
In 1875 Air. Evans took charge of a hotel in Florida for four winters, which he aban
doned in 1880, and thereafter kept the Sea Side House open all winter, making it an all-
the-year house.
Largely through Air. Evans' efforts, in 1881, the Atlantic City National Bank was
started and he was made its first President, and at each succeeding election has been re
elected to that position. That the selection of Afr. Evans by the directors was a wise one, is
attested by the present prosperous condition of the bank. It now ranks first in New
Jersey and twenty-fourth in the United States.
In politics he is a staunch Republican, and stands high in the councils of his party. Mr.
Evans has an aversion to holding public office. Though the highest office in the gift of his
party, in this locality, could have been secured by him, he has only consented to accept the
office of Councilman for several years, believing he could serve the interests of the city of
his adoption in that way.
Mr. Evans has contributed thousands of dollars in various ways to advance the city's
interests, entertaining visiting delegations and aiding local institutions. He was one of the
most liberal contributors to a city hospital fund and the most active member of the Board
of Governors. His home is in one of the most beautiful cottages in the city, on Pennsylvania avenue,
adjoining his hotel.
State Senator Lewis Evans was born at Estellville, in AVeymouth township, in 1842.
His father, Samuel Evans, was a Quaker, and his mother, Emeline Estell, was one of a
well-known family of that name. Both are now deceased. He left home at the age of fifteen
years and soon found employment in Camden as a messenger boy, before the cable had
been laid across the Delaware. He learned telegraphy and became an operator for several
seasons, which secured his appointment as station agent at Atco for the Camden & Atlantic
Railway. Later he was given charge of a larger office at Hammonton, till in 1863, when
he was placed in charge of the station in this city. He continued in that position twenty-
two years, till 1885, when he was elected County Clerk, holding the latter office two terms,
or ten years. He served four years as City Clerk, 1868, 1869, 1870 and 1873. and was for nine
years a member of the Board of Education. He helped to organize the first building and
loan association, and has since continued to serve as one of the directors. He is also a
director of the Second National Bank.
Air. Evans is one of the charter members of the Neptune Fire Company, and has been
president of the company since its organization, fifteen years ago. Air. Evans is a past
master of Trinity Lodge, F. and A. AL, and was for many years its secretary. He is a past
grand of American Star Lodge of Odd Fellows, and one of the governors of the City
Hospital and treasurer of the Board. He is a Republican in politics, and was elected State
Senator in November, 1898, by 1,113 majority.
William E. Farrell was born in St. Louis, Mo., March 9, 1838. He was the son of John
W. and Alary AIcKenny Farrell. The father was engaged in the wholesale dry goods
business at that time. The first employment of the boy was in a country store at Smyrna,
Delaware. From there he went to New York City and worked at first in some humble
capacity for the wholesale dry goods house of Joseph Fisher & Company. He had risen
to be a salesman for this firm when he left them, in 1866, and went to Philadelphia, where
he became interested in the manufacture of paper at Pleasant Alills, N. J., then known
from the name of the stream on which it was located as the Nescochague Paper Alills.
This mill was first built in 1861, and operated successfully till it burned down, in 1878.
The Pleasant Alills Paper Company was incorporated the following year, with Air. Farrell
as President, and Herman Hoopes as Secretary. The new and larger mill started in Feb
ruary, 1881, and has been in successful operation ever since. Air. Hoopes, a little later, sold
his interests to Air. Farrell, who had at that time become a member of the firm of Bargh,
Farrell & Warren, paper dealers in Philadelphia. This firm later became the Nescochague
Manufacturing Co. In 1887 Air. Farrell retired from this firm, becoming the sole owner of
the Pleasant Alills, which he enlarged and made more remunerative. In 1892 he married
a most estimable lady, Miss Cecilia G. Hislop, of Troy, N. Y.
The business owned and controlled by him up to the time of his death, Alarch 9, 1893,
passed by will to his wife, the present owner, Airs. L. M. Cresse, of Ocean City. N. J.
The remains of Mr. Farrell lie in a beautiful grove near the famous old church, at
Pleasant Mills, amid the scenes that he loved and where he passed the best years of his
life. A handsome monument marks the spot and his memory will long be cherished by
those who knew his worth. He was a man of extensive reading and independent thought,
generous to a fault, careful and exact in business. The paper mills which he established is
one of the few successful industries in Atlantic County at the present time.
Rev. Caleb K. Fleming, late of this city and county, father of John R. Fleming, M. D.,
was born near Bridgeport, N. J., August 30, 1824. He was the son of John and Abigail
Fleming and of Quaker descent. He was a farmer's son, and his school days were limited,
having only one winter at the Seminary. He was converted at a Methodist altar, baptized
by Rev. J. K. Shaw and united with the church at Paulsboro, where his parents then lived,
January 31, 1840. While a student at Pennington he was licensed as an exhorter by Rev.
Joseph Atwood, and as a local preacher by the Swedesboro Circuit. He was received on
trial in the New Jersey Conference at Salem, April 21, 1847, and was ordained by Bishop
Janes in 1849. Fie married Emma H. Stanger, of Glassboro. April 30, of the same year.
During the fifty years of his ministry he served the following charges: Glassboro; Kings-
wood; Moorestown; Medford; Broadway, Camden; Pemberton, Burlington, Sharpstown;
Broadway, Salem; Alillville, Bordentown; Tabernacle, Camden; Bridgeton, New Bruns
wick; Port Republic; Ocean City; Alays Landing; St. Paul's, Atlantic City; and Pleasant
ville. He was a much loved and successful minister. Many souls were saved and churches
built up by his efforts. He never spoke from notes, and his sermons were of the plain,
sympathetic, Gospel order. He filled some of the best appointments in the State, and was. a
devoted husband, father and friend.
For his second wife he married Ann C. Collins, of Port Republic, April 28, 1892, and
became a supernumerary in 1895. He died suddenly of heart failure while attending the
Pitman Grove Camp Aleeting, August 3, 1896.
Two children. Airs. E. A. Smith, of Collingswood, N. J., and Dr. John R. Fleming of
this citv survive him.
John R. Fleming, Al. D., son of the late Rev. C. K. Fleming, well and favorably known
in this county, was born in Camden, December 29, 1859. His early education came through
the public schools. Later he attended South Jersey Institute, at Bridgeton, and at Pen
nington Seminary. He then studied medicine with Knox Stewart, M. D., of Philadelphia,
graduating from Hahnemann Aledical College in 1882. His first field of labor was on the
main land at Absecon, where he introduced the practice of homoeopathy, having three well-
known opponents, then in active practice. The doctor, after five years of general practice,
left behind no mean following of homoeopaths for his successor. He then moved to
Atlantic City and established himself in his present location. His close associations with
Atlantic City made him no stranger. He is the only President that the Homoeopathic
Club has had in its three years existence. He is a member of most homoeopathic societies
and enjoys professional work. In 1899 he was elected a member of City Council.
Joseph Fralinger, the well-known manager and proprietor of the Academy of Alusic,
was born at Batsto, N. J., October 22, 1848. His father was a glassblower, and the son
knew no other kind of work till he was sixteen years of age. When he was eight years of
age his father died and his care devolved upon an uncle. There would have been a hand
some fortune for the boy from the father's estate, but owing to the failure and death of
Judge Joseph Porter, of Waterford, one of the promoters and builders of the C. & A. Ry.,
there was nothing left for Joseph Fralinger. He worked at his trade as a glassblower at
Winslow, Waterford and Philadelphia for sixteen years, when he became disgusted and
quit the business owing to continued disputes and strikes about wages. He next found
employment as a huckster in Philadelphia. He became known as a baseball player in his
younger days, and became manager of the Quaker City club. With such noted players as
Tom Pratt, Al Reach and Fergy Malone, he organized the August Flower club, which
played in Atlantic City in 1884. While here he was offered the management of the Wil
mington club, and as manager he contracted bills that required him to sell all his property to
pay. Then, almost penniless, he came to this city and accepted the first job of work he
could find, which was to carry the hod for contractor and Councilman Edw. S. Lee. Air.
Fralinger was the only white hod carrier in the gang. He soon started a soft drink stand on
the Boardwalk, selling cider which he made from apples brought from the Thoroughfare
landing in a basket. He prospered and made friends, who helped him to build a cottage.
He became interested in real estate with Messrs. Young and AlcShea, and had confidence
in the success of Atlantic City.
He noticed the ready sale of salt water taffy, and that the business was not properly
conducted. He went into the business and managed it properly and made it popular and
prospered beyond his expectations, and has continued the business ever since. He became
interested in toboggan slides and other amusement enterprises along the Boardwalk. With
John L. Young and Stewart R. McShea, he first built the Academy of Alusic, about 1889,
for the use of Bartholomew's Equine Paradox, and soon after, to meet a public demand,
converted it into a theatre and playhouse, the city not being provided with a resort of that
kind at that time. When completed and ready for rehearsal a fire starting near it
spread to the building and burned it to the ground. In just four weeks it was rebuilt. Air.
Corson, the contractor, being sick, Mr. Fralinger himself superintended the work. By the
use of stoves the theatre was kept open during the winter. In 1897 Air. Fralinger purchased
the interests of his partners, Alessrs. Young and McShea. Before the papers were made
out the Academy was again burned to the ground. A third time it was rebuilt, this time
of brick and iron on the most approved plan, making it a model playhouse, the theatre and
stores costing over $80,000. It seats comfortably 1,600 people. He has been interested in
several extensive real estate deals, helping to open up and build Chalfont and AVestminster
avenues. Air. Fralinger devotes his time closely to the various enterprises in which he is
interested, and has been greatly assisted and encouraged by his family in his success.
John T. French, the well-known paint manufacturer of Hammonton, was born in Dela
ware County, Pennsylvania, March 2, 1851. His education was limited to the public schools.
After living in Philadelphia a short time he moved to Burlington County, N. J., and worked
on a farm till he was sixteen years of age, when he returned to Philadelphia to learn the
trade of a painter. In 1877 he engaged in the paint business on his own account, in the
town of Hammonton. In 1883 he began the manufacture of paint and established the
Hammonton paint works and has prospered steadily ever since. In politics Air. French is
a Democrat, and while living in a strong Republican town, has frequently held office. He
served three years as town assessor and four years in Council, and four years, till 1899, as
Postmaster. He has for a number of years been a member of the County Board of Regis
tration. In 1888 he was a candidate for State Senator, and in 1894 for Assembly. He is a
liberal minded, enterprising and public spirited citizen, and has done much to advance the
interests of his home town.
John J. Gardner, our present Congressman, was born in Atlantic County, October 17,
1845. He established a residence in Atlantic City in 1856. His early opportunities for ob
taining an education were limited. He enlisted in Company G, Sixth Regiment, N. J. Vol.,
on August 9, 1861, and was mustered in August 26. He served in the ranks as a private
until January 1, 1862, when he was enrolled as a corporal in Company F, 10, N. J. Vol.,
being mustered in February 7, 1862. His commanders report that he conducted himself
modestly and bravely until the day of his muster out, February 11, 1865. Soon after his
return to this city, he was elected Mayor, filling the..office during the years 1868 to 1872,
inclusive, and also 1874 and 1875. The following year he filled a chair in council chamber,
and about the same time was elected one of the Coroners of the county. In 1877 he was
elected State Senator from Atlantic County, and continuously re-elected till he had served
five terms, this being the only instance of the kind in the history of the State. His plurality
over Absalom Doughty, Democrat, in 1877, was 98. over Thomas E. French, in 1880, 867;
over Isaac Collins, in 1883, 356; over John B. Champion, in 1886, 51, with 374 votes cast for
Potter, Prohibitionist, and over John T. French, in 1889, 224, with 230 cast for Wilbur,
Prohibitionist. He was chosen President of the Senate in 1883, and was long regarded as the leader
of his party in that body. He was chairman of the committee that investigated the election
frauds in Hudson County, the result of which landed a delegation of ballot box stuffers in
State's prison.
In 1884 Mr. Gardner was a delegate at large from New Jersey to the National Conven
tion at Chicago. He has been a member of the State Committee of his party for
several years. He is now serving his fourth term as a Congressman. In 1892 he was elected
to Congress by a plurality of 2124 votes over George D. Wetherill of Burlington; in 1894,
by 9,741, over Jonathan Haines of Mt. Holly; in 1896, by 17,449 votes over Dr. Abram E.
Conrow of Moorestown, and in 1898, by 6,668 over John F. Hall of Atlantic City.
Congressman Gardner has many pleasing personal characteristics. He is an astute
politician and an agreeable neighbor. By friends he is regarded as somewhat of a political
genius, having held office during the greater part of his mature life. He claims this city
as his legal residence, but his home is in Galloway township, near Egg Harbor City, where
his family reside most of the time. He is a member of Pequod Tribe of Red Men and of
Joe Hooker Post, G. A. R.
He married Alittie, daughter of Andrew Scull, January 1, 1873. They had five children:
Larner, Alary, Josephine, Thomas and Albert. The youngest was killed at a grade crossing
at Egg Harbor City, December 8, 1899. The two oldest had previously died.
Wm. G Gardiner, Al. D., is a son of Dr. David G. Gardiner, of Philadelphia, and was
born in the historic old town of Bordentown, N.J., in 1869. He was educated in the public
schools of Philadelphia and graduated at Hahnemann Medical College, in 1888. He be
came resident physician in the Children's Hospital for a time, and then served as assistant
physician in the general medical and ear department of Hahnemann. Later he served as
District Physician of Philadelphia. He located in Atlantic County in 1895, giving a por
tion of his time to country practice. Since that time he has relinquished his country prac
tice and devotes his whole time to practice in this city. He is a member of the Homoeo
pathic Club and the State Society, and is an Odd Fellow and a Alason.
Born at Alonroeville, Salem County, N. J., September 16, 1869. His education was
obtained during the winter seasons in the public schools, working on the farm being his
occupation during the summer time until he arrived at the age of seventeen, when he be
came bookkeeper for R. L. Stern, Jr., at Monroeville. He then launched out as a drummer
on the road, and later improved himself in the schools of Philadelphia. He has the honor
of having graduated first from Lauterbach Academy. He afterward taught school at Pem-
berton four months, and during all this time he continued studies with John C. Henderson
of Alt. Holly. He was admitted to practice in 1896, and practiced in Burlington County
until 1897, and came to this city in September, 1897. He became interested in real estate
with S. E. Reilly & Co. He was married in June, 1897, to Aliss Lizzie Hagaman, of Cran-
bury, N. J. One child has blessed their union.
Burrows C. Godfrey, Esq., was born in Cape May County, N. J., July 22, 1858. His
father was a seafaring man. The son graduated from the public schools at the age of
seventeen, and taught school for several years in his native county. He read law and finally
graduated from the law department of the University of Tennessee, and was admitted to
the bar in New Jersey in 1894. He located in this city in 1891, and has won the esteem
and confidence of a large clientele, and is one of the principals in the law firm of Godfrey &
Godfrey. He is a member of several secret orders and is happily married, occupying a fine
cottage on St. Charles Place.
Our present City Solicitor was born at Beasley's Point, Cape May County, N. J., Jan
uary 13, 1865. He was brought up on a farm and educated at the public schools, and taught
school for two years previous to coming to this city to begin the study of law with James
B. Nixon, Esq. He was admitted to the bar at the November term, 1889, and at once began
for himself. When Mr. Nixon decided to enter the ministry, Mr. Godfrey bought out his
effects and good will, and has been on the upgrade ever since.
In 1893 he was elected Tax Collector, and was re-elected five successive years. In 1898
he succeeded to the office of City Solicitor upon the appointment of Mr. Endicott as Law
Judge of the county.
Mr. Godfrey is happily married and occupies a handsome cottage on Ohio avenue.
He is a member of several of the leading secret order of the city, and president and solicitor
of the Real Estate and Investment Company. Four years ago he associated with himself
Air. B. C. Godfrey, under the firm name of Godfrey & Godfrey. He is also president of the
board of directors of the Guarantee Safe Deposit and Surety Company.
John L. Gorman, of the well-known firm of Bell & Gorman, furniture dealers, was born
in Philadelphia, February 20, 1864, his parents being James T. and Lydia B. Gorman. He
graduated from the Philadelphia public schools in 1880 and afterward took a business
course at Hasting's West Philadelphia Academy, graduating in 1882. When he had com
pleted his studies he equipped himself with a number of drawings he had made and upon
their excellence secured a position with the firm of Wilson Bros. & Co., Philadelphia,
architects, with a view of learning the business, but at the expiration of two years he realized
that his health would not permit him to follow that occupation.
In 1884 he obtained a position with the West Philadelphia Passenger Railway Company
on the Market Street line as roadway inspector. During the same year the Philadelphia
Traction Company was formed and one of its first acts was to lease the line with which
Mr. Gorman was connected. The following year he was made purchasing agent for the
company, which position he held until January, 1888, when he was again promoted, this
time being appointed Assistant Superintendent, the duties of which position included the
purchasing of supplies and supervision of car construction shops. As the company built
all their own rolling stock and furniture, such as office desks, etc., he had an opportunity of
procuring a practical knowledge of construction, which, with the purchasing and handling
of all kinds of supplies he found quite a help when he resolved to engage in his present
business, buying Mr. Scott's interest and becoming a member of the firm of Bell & Gorman.
It was on January 1, 1896, that Mr. Gorman moved to Atlantic City, and since that time
he has grown in the esteem of the public, who were quick to recognize ambition and enter
prise rightly directed.
Alfred AL Heston was born at Hestonville, Philadelphia, April 30, 1854. He is a son
of I. Alorris and Anna Patton Heston and descended from one of the early Quaker families
that settled in Bucks County during the life of William Penn.
Air. Heston finished his education in the Philadelphia High School and was for a time
employed on the West Jersey Press in Camden and later for several years was editor of the
Chronicle at Bridgeton, N. J. He came to Atlantic City in 1884, having purchased with
John G. Shreve the Atlantic Review, the first newspaper established in this city. Later he
became the proprietor and editor of the Atlantic Journal which he sold too a stock company.
He was elected the first Comptroller of Atlantic City in 1895, when that office was first
established and has continued in that position ever since. He was also appointed Com
missioner of the Sinking Fund in 1896, and is a very painstaking and efficient official.
He has been active in many matters for advancing the best interests and popularity of
this resort and is fond of antiquarian and historical studies. He is the author and publisher
of Heston's Handbook, which for years has disseminated useful information and interesting
sketches of this island city.
He has been an active and earnest Republican; was clerk of the House of Representa
tives during the 51st Congress. For several years he has been a trustee of the First Presby
terian church. He has been secretary of the Board of Governors of the Atlantic City hospital
and has been very active from the start in promoting this institution.
He occupies a fine cottage on States avenue, has a wife and three daughters, one of
whom is a successful teacher since her graduation from the State Normal School.
Enoch A. Higbee, Esq., was born at Leeds Point, N. J., April 22, 1863, is the son of
Enoch and Bethiah (Clark) Higbee. He was educated in the public schools at that place,
and at the age of twenty-one elected Assessor of Galloway township, re-elected in 1886, 1889
and 1890. In 1885 he was appointed Postmaster of his native village and filled the position
acceptably four years. In February, 1892, he registered as a student at law in the office of
Hon. Allen B. Endicott. and was admitted to the bar three years later.
In February, 1894, President Cleveland appointed him Collector of Customs at Somers
Point for the District of Great Egg Harbor, which position he held for five years and where
he has since resided. In 1895 he was elected Borough Clerk, which position he resigned
the following year to accept the office of Alayor, to which he had been elected and still con
tinues to hold, having been re-elected in 1898. He is and has for several years been presi
dent of the school board and president of the fire company and actively identified with every
movement for better government.
As a lawyer he is painstaking and diligent, and has a reputation among business men
as being careful, conservative and reliable. He has made a specialty of municipal law, and
though young in practice, has been very successful and is attorney for several municipalities
in the county. At present he is president of the Bar Association of Atlantic County. He
is an able pleader and a popular and pleasing public speaker, and the author of articles on
local history of considerable interest and value.
Valentine P. Hofmann, of Egg Harbor City, was born September 11, 1840, at Iphofen,
Bavaria. In the year 1850 he emigrated with his parents to the United States, and landed
at Baltimore, Aid., in August of that year. His early life was spent in the Oriole City, where
he attended sectarian and public schools. On Alarch 19, 1858, he moved with his parents
to Egg Harbor City, which at the time numbered about thirty houses. He resided there
only a short time, moving out to Germania Station, on his father's farm, where he stayed
until 1866, when he returned to Egg Harbor City. In 1872 he was elected City Assessor,
and was re-elected every year until 1877, when Common Council, in November of that year,
appointed him as City Treasurer in place of Ernest Adelung, deceased. This office he con
tinued to hold until March, 1886. In the years 1876 and 1877 he taught school at Gloucester
Landing. In March, 1890, he was elected City Clerk, which office he has since held, and
also the office- of Secretary of the Board of Health. He was twice a candidate for Coroner
on the Democratic ticket. From 1871, to January, 1899, he was Secretary of the Egg Harbor
Agricultural Society. He is also Secretary of Atlantic County Board of Agriculture, which
he has held for many years. He is one of the charter members of Union Lodge, No. 18,
A. O. U. W., organized in 1882, and has acted as its Receiver since, excepting the year 1887.
He is also Treasurer of the Egg Harbor Improvement Co., and also acted for a number of
years as Director and Secretary of Egg Harbor Commercial Bank.
In 1879 he was married to Miss Fredericke Hohenleitner, and the result of their union
were five sons, the three eldest living. In 1885 he acquired the tinware and stove business
of his deceased father-in-law, which he has gradually extended, till it is now one of the
largest stores in Egg Harbor City.
Martha Emily Hoopes, nee Watt, was born in Baltimore in 1835. She was the young
est of a family of six children, three boys and three girls. Her parents died when she
was quite young, and the children were cared for by wealthy relatives.
At the age of eighteen she married William Graham Hoopes, an iron broker of Phila
delphia. She possessed unusual talent for business and in the course of a few years to
help her husband's fortunes opened a boarding house and conducted it successfully. For
a number of years she continued the business on Walnut and Chestnut Streets. In 1874
she came to Atlantic City and leased what was afterwards known as the Waverly. at Ohio
and Pacific Avenues. She called it the Little Traymore. It had just been built by the
late John L. Bryant and had only twenty bedrooms. So successful was she in this ven
ture that in the fall she purchased of Mr. Bryant what has since been the Hotel Traymore
property at the ocean end of Illinois Avenue. The building was not then finished and
contained only thirty-two bedrooms. The price paid was $10,000; $2,000 cash, the balance
mortgage. In 1880 Airs. Hoopes enlarged the hotel to 69 bedrooms and four years later to 128
rooms. Het enterprise and executive ability were remarkable. The Traymore was the first
hotel in this city to have its own gas plant, before the city plant was built, also the first
elevator, and the first large exchange instead of a small box office. Her enterprise stimu
lated otheis to make extensive improvements, and greatly increase the popularity of this
resort and cater to all the year trade. In 1886 Airs. Hoopes sold the Traymore to W. A\".
Green & Co. for $125,000. It has since been repeatedly enlarged and improved till it now
contains 240 bedrooms, 50 bathrooms and is probably worth $500,000.
After her retirement from active business Airs. Hoopes lived in Philadelphia and added
to her fortune by wise investments in various places, still retaining real estate holdings
in Atlantic City. She was all her life a very courageous, independent and enterprising
woman, possessing unusual tact and judgment in dealing with her guests and in business
matters. Fler youngest son, Louis Harvey Hoopes, is the only surviving member of the family.
To hi in and his children she by will left her fortune.
The late William Graham Hoopes, Jr., was born in Philadelphia in 1856. He was the
eldest of two sons of the late William G. and Martha E. Hoopes. He was educated in
the public schools, graduating from the Philadelphia High School.
For eight years he was employed as clerk in the office of the Lehigh Valley Railroad
Company till 1875, when he came to Atlantic City to assist his mother in the management
of the Traymore. As her assistant he continued till the property was sold in 1886, when
he turned his attention to achitecture. This business he conducted successfully till his
death, which occurred suddenly and unexpectedly on February 20, 1898. As an architect
his work possessed decided merit and helped greatly in the erection of more attractive
cottages and hotels. Some of the finest and most expensive buildings were remodeled
or built from designs prepared by him.
He was a member of the local Board of Health from April, 1891, till his death, and
President of the Board after 1894. To his intelligent and conscientious work was largely
due the efficiency of this important body. His experience as a hotel man enabled him
to appreciate the sanitary requirements of the city.
He was a Past Master of Trinity Lodge F. & A. AL, and a member of Trinity Chapter
and Olivet Commandery at Millville, N. J. He was also an Elk and was an unusually
bright and conscientious citizen. His sudden death at the early age of forty-two years
was a painful shock to a large circle of friends who appreciated his friendship and worth.
Captain Shepherd S. Hudson, one of the oldest and best-known sea captains of Atlantic
County, was born in Delaware, June 30, 1826. He came to Mays Landing with his father,
the late Elisha E. Hudson, in 1832, and his home has been there ever since. The father was
a mariner, and at the age of eleven years, in 1837, the year that Atlantic County was organ
ized, the son was made cook for the crew on his father's vessel. There were no public
schools in this county in those days. When eighteen years old he was put in command of
the sloop Hornet and engaged in trade with his father. He was soon in command of larger
vessels and has followed the business eve*- since, over sixty years. The schooners Helen
Justice, the Dove, the R. G. Porter, the Mary P. Hudson, and the S. S. Hudson are other
larger vessels that he has sailed.
On September 21, 1846, Capt. Fludson married Mary P. Ingersoll; b. April 21, 1828; d.
August 28, 1891. They had six children: 1. Amanda, who m. Capt. D. F. Vaughn,
November 22, 1866, and had two children: Mary C, deceased, and Shepherd H., the archi
tect, who m. Lida Eldridge. and lives in Atlantic City. 2. Kate, who m. Melvin R. Morse,
October 9, 1871, and had four children: Melvin H., who m. Cora M. Sharp, and has one
child; Bessie W., deceased; Amanda V., and an infant, deceased. 3. Eva B., d. Alarch 3.
1855. 4. Mina, m. Clarence E. Alorse, December 28, 1881, and has two children: Mary L.
and Fayette W. 5. Marie, m., June 17, 1880, Capt. Frank R. Davis, deceased, July 4, 1892.
6. Mary S., who lives at home.
During the Rebellion he was in command of a United States transport about York-
town and Fort Fisher, carrying troops and ordnance for Uncle Sam.
He at present is commander and principal owner of the barkentine Jennie Sweeney,
which he built at Mays Landing in 1876.
Since his boyhood Captain Hudson has taken an active interest in politics as a Whig
or a Republican, but he has never held office except that of Assemblyman, in 1889.
Captain Hudson has not only made the remarkable record of never having lostAa
vessel during his long service on the high seas, but there stands to his credit the proud
record of having saved 51 lives from a wrecked steamer, for which he has never received
any medal or public recognition whatever. A more gallant and heroic service perhaps
never was performed by man than when this young captain of the schooner R. G. Porter,
in a gale seven miles off Atlantic City, soon after midnight on Thursday, June 21, i860, saved
51 out of 71 lives. The last five of the 51 wrecked sailors were saved from a furious sea,
when the captain of those he had rescued protested against Captain Hudson's return to the
wreck in the high wind perchance to find still others afloat. The skillful manner in which
he handled his vessel is worthy of all praise. His crew consisted of E. Smith, mate; John
Englison and William Taylor.
The United States steamer Walker, under the command of Lieutenant John Guthrie,
with a crew of 70 men engaged in the coast survey, was run into at 2.15 o'clock a. m. by the
schooner Fannie, Captain Mayhew, bound from Philadelphia for Boston with 240 tons of
coal. Lieutenant J. A. Sewell of the Walker was on the watch. The atmosphere was
cloudy and the wind was blowing fresh from the northeast. It was a cold June storm. Both
vessels had their lights burning, but neither one discovered the other till too late.
The schooner, long and narrow and loaded, was unable to port her helm to avoid col
lision. She struck the Walker on the port side forward of the paddle box, badly injuring
the steamer but doing the schooner no harm. She hung to the steamer a few minutes and
then slid off. No man on board was seen or heard. She dropped astern and in ten minutes
was out of sight.
The Walker was found to be leaking badly and about to sink. The boats were ordered
out and the vessel turned toward the shore. To prevent explosion the fires in the boilers
were put out and steam blown off. Before the mainmast could be cut away the steamer
went down. Besides the crew of 70 men there was one woman aboard, the wife of Lieu
tenant Sewell. In her night-clothes only she reached one of the boats with 21 of the men,
one of them old and sick.
This boat was fastened to a projecting mast by a light line when the R. G. Porter,
Captain Hudson, hove in sight. The Porter was in ballast from Boston to Philadelphia,
and came close to the steamer ten minutes after it had sunk. It was then nearly 3 o'clock
in the morning. Alen not in the boats, two of which had been smashed in the crash, were
clinging to the driftwood and the wreck. The wind was blowing a gale and the sea was
rough. All except enough to man the boats were quickly gotten aboard the Porter and
made as comfortable as possible.
By 8 o'clock in the morning 46 souls had been saved. The Porter had then drifted
about five miles to leeward, when Captain Hudson determined to beat back to the wreck if
possible to find other members of the crew adrift. The spars could be seen projecting 20
or 30 feet above the surface of the sea. Captain Guthrie and his officers thought it would
be of no use to try to get back to the wreck and strongly urged Captain Hudson not to take
the risk in such a wind and such a sea. But he persisted, determined to save every living
soul possible. Nearing the wreck a black spot was noticed on the angry sea, which proved
to be the hurricane deck of the Walker with five men clinging to it. One of them was
Lieutenant Sewell, who was so exhausted that he had to be lashed to the deck with ropes
by his companions. These were gotten aboard about 10.30 o'clock. These five men were
the last of the living to escape from the Walker. The remaining twenty were lost.
Unable to enter Absecon inlet in such a sea, Captain Hudson made direct for Cape Alay,
reaching that place at 4 o'clock on that Thursday afternoon, passing around the Point in
full view of the big hotels, with colors at half mast. Crowds of people on the beach were
startled at the sight and hastened out to welcome the rescued and destitute crew. They
provided food and clothing and kindly cared for Airs. Sewell. Before Cape Alay was
reached Captain Hudson was sent for by Lieutenant and Airs. Sewell, who after seven
hours separation and a very perilous experience were happily united again and saved by
the skill and bravery of Captain Hudson. They thanked him most heartily for saving their
lives and the gratitude and thanks of the saved is all the thanks or recognition that Captain
Hudson has ever received.
From Cape May some of the saved got passage to New York and others to Philadel
phia. While a full report of this thrilling event was recorded in the United States Register
of that date, up to the present time no medal has ever been struck and no recognition by
the United States Government or any department thereof, was ever made of Captain Hud
son's brave and successful rescue of 51 out of a crew of 71 precious lives.
Robert H. Ingersoll, Judge of the District Court of Atlantic City, was born at Mays
Landing, November 17, 1868. In the public schools and about the court house of his native
village he formed the tastes and laid the foundation for his professional career. He entered
Rutgers College in 1884, at New Brunswick, and while there as a student for several winters,
through the favor of Senator John J. Gardner, he served as a page in the State Senate and
formed acquaintances and became familiar with legislative proceedings which make him an
expert in those matters. He studied law with Hon. J. E. P. Abbott, the present prosecutor
of the Pleas of Atlantic County, and when admitted to practice, in 1890, associated himself
with Judge Allen B. Endicott, of this city.
In 1892 he was elected Coroner, and in 1895 was elected Alderman and President of
Council. When the office of Recorder in this city was made a salaried position as a city
magistrate Afr. Ingersoll was elected to fill the place for two years, 1896 and 1897, and he
made an efficient and popular officer.
Through his efforts, largely, the necessary legislation was secured to establish a Dis
trict Court in this city, whereupon Governor Voorhees appointed him the presiding judge.
Judge Ingersoll is happily married to Aliss Emma, daughter of Hon. William H.
Skirm, of Trenton, N. J., and has a beautiful home on St. Charles Place.
Judge Ingersoll is active in fraternal societies, being Past Regent of the Royal Arca
num; Past Grand in American Star Lodge, I. O. O. F. ; Past Alaster of Trinity Lodge,
F. and A. M., and a member of Trinity Chapter, R. A. M. He has recently been appointed
District Depuly Grand Alaster of the twelfth Alasonic district of New Jersey. He is also
an ex-lieutenant of the Alorris Guards.
City Clerk Emery D. Irelan, who is one of our most popular city officials, was born
March 2, 1864, in Atlantic County. He attended the public schools of Philadelphia until he
graduated under Henry Al. Hallowell. He tlien became clerk for the Reading R. R. Co.,
but resolving to improve his mind still further, he resigned and returned to school for
another winter. He then accepted a position with Schubert & Cuttingham, manufacturers
of tackle blocks for vessels. In time he became an operator on a wood carving machine and
joined the firm of William B. Allen, cabinet makers at Frankford. Later we find him, in
1885, associated with Frambes, Somers & Co., in Atlantic City. He served with that firm
until the dissolution of partnership, whereupon he drifted to Birmingham, Alabama. Then
he drifted into legal channels and took up the study of law under Carlton Godfrey, Esq.,
of this city, which profession he foresook when he was elected City Clerk, in 1892. At that
time City Council was equally divided, nine Republicans and nine Democrats, and desiring
to break the deadlock, influential friends prevailed upon him to be a candidate for building
inspector, which resulted in his election and the accomplishment of the object for which it
was intended. The following year he was elected City Clerk, and has been re-elected con
tinuously since. Upon the last occasion he received the unanimous vote of both parties.
It was not long before he was made treasurer of the Atlantic City Firemen's Relief Asso
ciation, the funds of which are derived from the insurance companies doing business in this
city, and are used for the purpose of assisting indigent firemen and their widows. He is
trustee of the United States Fire Company, past exalted ruler of Atlantic City Lodge, No.
276, P. B. O. E., and a member of the American Star Lodge, I. O. O. F., Brotherhood of the
L'nion, Knights of the Golden Eagle; organizer of Minerva Circle, B. W. H. F., Pequod
Tribe, I. O. R. At. He is a Republican in politics, and attends St. Paul's M. E. Church and
Christ Al. P. Church. He married Miss Emily P'abian, of Wilmington, Delaware.
George W. Jackson was born in Philadelphia in 1842. When two years old his parents
moved to Camden, and there the boy was educated in the public schools. At the outbreak
of the war Air. Jackson enlisted in Companies 4, 5. 6 and 7, New Jersey Volunteers. He
was promoted to a lieutenancy. At the close of the war he engaged in business in Phila
delphia as a contractor and builder, till 1879, when he came to Atlantic City and engaged
in the bathing business with his accustomed energy. His first season was at the Ashland
baths, below Pennsylvania avenue. In 1880 an important law suit pending affecting the
title of the property, he purchased of John F. Star land at the foot of Virginia avenue,
which has since become valuable. It was sold to the Steel Pier Company in 1897, for
$150,000. Mr. Jackson had arranged to build the pier himself, but finally joined interests
with Kennedy Crossan, Dr. Filbert and others, taking a large interest in the pier and
serving as treasurer of the company. He owns extensive real estate and is the treasurer
and active member of P. B. O. E.. No. 276. He is also a director of the Union National
Marcellus L. Jackson was born in Hartland, Alaine, September 25, 1846. He first
came to Hammonton in 1868, and spent one year farming and teaching school. He went
west for one year and back to Alaine in. 1870, and finally decided to locate in Hammonton.
In the spring of 1871 he opened a meat and provision store with Benjamin H. Bowles as a
partner. At the end of three years Air. Bowles retired from the firm and Air. Jackson has
successfully prosecuted the business ever since, having as finely equipped a country market
as there is in South Jersey. Air. Jackson has been a member of the Board of Freeholders
since 1887, and for two years Director of the Board. For eleven years he was president of
his building association, and for twelve years has been vice-president of the People's Bank.
He was elected to the Assembly in 1895 by a plurality of 1,506. and in 1896 re-elected by a
plurality of 2,405. Air. Jackson is a member of various societies and is the present Post
master of the town of Hammonton.
John C. Jacobs, late State Senator of Brooklyn, New York, was born of Revolutionary
stock in Lancaster, Pa., December 10, 1838. He died in this city, the home of his adoption,
at the close of a busy, useful life, on September 21, 1894. In his early youth he moved with
his parents to Brooklyn, where he attended the public schools, served as errand boy in a
law office, worked as a newspaper reporter and gained the power and influence which
enabled him to achieve the success and triumphs at the hands of his fellow citizens. At the
age of twenty, he was the political editor of the New York Express. In 1859 he became the
legislative correspondent of that and several other newspapers at Albany. At the outbreak
of the Civil War he became a war correspondent, and witnessed some of the fiercest battles
in that great contest. In 1867 Mr. Jacobs served with distinction in the New York Assem-
bly, serving seven years, till 1873. He was several times a candidate for speaker and served
on many important committees. In 1874 he was elected State Senator, a position which he
held for eleven years, till 1885. That he could have been nominated and elected Governor of
New York is a matter of history. In 1879 he was chairman of the Democratic State Com
mittee which renominated Lucius Robinson for a second term. John Kelly, the chief of
Tammany Hall, desired Senator Jacobs to stand for the nomination, which would have
surely turned the tide in his favor. The Senator in his capacity as chairman would enter
tain no such motion and declared Gov. Robinson the nominee. The outcome was that A. B.
Cornell, Republican, was elected Governor. On removing to Atlantic City for the benefit
of his shattered health. Senator Jacobs no longer took active interest in politics, but de
voted himself to his family. He became very much interested in the city of his adoption
and promoted many local improvements.
Albert Al. Jordan, President of the Atlantic City Sewerage Company, its chief pro-
motor and manager from the beginning, was born in Auburn, N. Y., July 20, 1847. His
father was a printer. When the boy was eight years old the family moved to the frontier
town of Quasqueton, Iowa, where lived at that time more Indians than white people.
There, with a partner, the senior Jordan started the weekly Guardian, a country newspaper.
In the war of the rebellion the father enlisted and died in the army. After two years at
Cornell College, Iowa, where he took an engineering course, Mr. Jordan came east to
Philadelphia to learn the printing trade. He worked for four years for the firm which later
became that of Allen, Lane & Scott. After holding for six months a position in the Gov
ernment Printing Office at Washington, Mr. Jordan went back to Iowa and became part
owner of the Dubuque Daily Times. He was active in politics and became a personal
friend of Hon. William B. Allison. In Dubuque, Mr. Jordan devoted some of the best
years of his life to active journalism. He finally disposed of his interests in the Daily Times
at a good figure, and in 1881 came to New York, expecting to open an advertising bureau.
He made the acquaintance of one Winfield Scott West, a civil engineer from Virginia, who
had a patent system of drainage for level towns, and through the suggestion of his father-
in-law, the late Josiah S. Hackett, of the W. J. & S. R. R., Camden, Mr. Jordan proceeded
to introduce the "West system" of sewerage into Atlantic City. He interested Dr. Board-
man Reed, the late John L. Bryant and leading hotel men in the enterprise and accom
plished what was considered by some an impossible engineering feat, that of laying large
pipes eight and ten and fifteen feet below the surface in the water and quicksand of this
island. He thus secured to this health resort sanitary conditions of inestimable value and
importance. Mr. Jordan was made receiver of the company as first organized, and after
the purchase at public sale by A. J. Robinson, a wealthy contractor of New York, he be
came superintendent of the reorganized company of which he is now president. He is the
personal representative of Mr. Robinson, who is largely interested in real estate in this city.
J. Addison Joy. Al. D., was born October 27, 1854, in Peru. Alass., of Puritanic stock.
His early education was acquired in the district schools of that town.
When fourteen years of age his parents removed to Greenville, 111., where he attended
high school for two years. In 1870 they returned east and located at Toms River, N. J.
Here his studies were continued mostly under private instruction, and in 1874 he en
tered Amherst College, graduating four years later. After teaching a few years he entered
the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, and graduated in 1884.
Immediately after graduation the doctor located in Luzerne County, Pa., and remained
there until 1890. In June of that year he came to Atlantic City, and has since practiced
here, gaining the confidence of the people and building up a large and lucrative practice.
In 1886 Dr. Joy married Miss Nettie B. Clark, of East Hampton, Mass., and has two
sons. The Doctor is a member of the Atlantic City Academy of Medicine, the Atlantic
County Medical Association, the Legion of the Red Cross, and the Patriotic Order of the
Sons of America. In politics he is a Republican.
Arthur W. Kelly was born at West Creek, Ocean County, N. J., June 23, 1869. He
finished the public schools and at the age of sixteen began teaching. After two years at this
and a year at Pennington Seminary, he was for two years principal of the school in his
native town. During this period he also did considerable work as a land surveyor. While
teaching he began the study of law and later served a clerkship in the offices of George
Reynolds, in Burlington, and Hon. Charles E. Hendrickson, in Alt. Holly. He was ad
mitted to the bar as an attorney in June, 1892, and as a counsellor in June, 1895. In July,
1892, he opened an office in this city, where he has since remained.
While studying law he also instructed himself in stenography, and in 1895 was ap
pointed by Judge Ludlow official stenographer of the courts of his circuit, consisting of
Atlantic, Cape Alay, Cumberland and Salem Counties.
In 1898 he published "Kelly's Questions and Answers,'' a legal work which has met
with favor among law students and the bar. It is a compilation of answers to all the bar
examinations for a period of fifteen years.
Air. Kelly is a member of Trinity Lodge, F. and A. AL, and American Star Lodge of
Odd Fellows. He married Aliss Annie Haywood, of West Creek, and has three children.
In politics he is a Democrat.
Samuel Hastings Kelley has done more probably than any other one man to develop
the district of Chelsea, which has rapidly become a refined and well regulated section of
Atlantic City.
Born in Philadelphia, September 4, 1857, he attended the public schools of his native
town until he had been grounded in the English branches. During the years 1879 to 1882
we find him in Chicago as travelling agent for the Pullman Car Company. He afterwards
branched out as a stock broker and continued in this business until 1889, when he moved
to Atlantic City.
At this time, the territory now embraced within the precincts of Chelsea, was almost a
barren waste, and Air. Kelley consecrated his energies to the development of the region.
How well he has succeeded is shown by the forty-eight houses which he has built and
which grace the section where his own pretty home is located. Air. Kelley deals in real
estate, improved and unimproved. He handles his own property and confines his attention
to the transaction of his individual business.
In the spring of 1897 he was elected to City Council, and in the following year was
appointed chairman of the sanitary committee. He at once resolved to secure the removal
and enlargement of the garbage crematory, which he did, the improved plant at the meadow
end of Tennessee avenue being a monument to his endeavors. He was also energetic in his
endeavors to secure a cheaper light for the city and was instrumental in having the price
per arc light reduced from $127.75 to $105 per year. Mr. Kelley, who is the father of three
children, two boys and a girl, the eldest of whom is nine years of age, was a candidate for
Mayor and a't another time for State Senator. He is a member of the Jr. O. U. A. M., the
local lodge of Elks, attends the M. E. Church, and is a stalwart Republican. He is deeply
interested in politics and his friends believe that the future holds rewards commensurate
with his ability, standing and services to the party with which he has been affiliated since
Louis Kuehnle, Sr., who died at his home in Egg Harbor City, August 7, 1885, was
born at Hasmusheim, Germany, in 1827. He was trained for the occupation of a hotel chef,
and after emigrating to America, in 1849, he found employment in some of the leading
hotels of this country. He was employed in Washington, D. C, where President Buchanan
boarded previous to coming to Egg Harbor City, in 1858. Here he opened the New York
hotel and kept it continuously up to the time of his death. In 1852 he married Aliss Kate
Werdasin. They had three sons, George, Louis and Henry, who survive him.
He was highly esteemed by his fellow citizens, was Alayor of Egg Harbor City several
terms, was a member of Council and the school board for years, and represented his city in
the Board of Freeholders for a number of years. He purchased and opened Kuehnle's
hotel in this city, January 9, 1875, and placed it under the management of his son, Louis
Kuehnle, Jr., who subsequently became the sole owner.
Edward S. Lee, who at the municipal election, in Alarch, 1900, was re-elected to Council
from the Second Ward, a position that he has held continuously since 1888, is a son of John
Lee, of Philadelphia, and was born in that city, October 22, 1857. He learned the trade of
a bricklayer and mason and first came to Atlantic City in the employ of his uncle, the late
George F. Lee, when he purchased the Hotel Brighton property in 1876.
Air. George F. Lee at that time was considered one of the wealthiest men in Philadelphia.
He had amassed a fortune as a builder of gas works in many large cities, including Chicago,
and was a pioneer in this city in providing accommodations for spring and winter guests.
He was the first to build sun parlors along the boardwalk and a hotel for the winter trade.
The nephew, Councilman Lee, had been employed on the Centennial Exposition build
ings previous to coming here. In 1877 he located here permanently and became one of the
most extensive and successful contractors and builders. He was a member and treasurer
of the board of health three years previous to his election to council. He has for years been
an active member of the Neptune Fire Company and a public spirited citizen actively identi
fied with the progress of the town. He has been chairman of the most important committees
of council and displayed unusual executive ability.
Jacob H. Leedom was born in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, in the year 1825, and
died October 13, 1895. He enjoyed the distinction of having been a passenger on the first
train that ever made a through trip from Philadelphia to Atlantic City. That was in 1854,
and the men who composed the crew of the train which carried brick and lumber, worked
that eventful night by the light of their lanterns in order to lay the rails across the draw of
the bridge, that is so familiar to the people of this city. True, trains had made trips from
the neighboring metropolis to points near Absecon and the meadows prior to the night
upon which Mr. Leedom made his memorable journey, but this fact did not detract from
the interest attached to the incident in which the subject of this sketch figured. In his
seventh year his father died, and his mother sometime afterward married a second time and
removed to Baltimore, where the boy followed. He was then in his tenth year, and until he
attained his majority he remained at home, devoting himself to school and the trade of
tailoring, which he was soon master of. He was in his twenty-first year when his step
father died, and he then lost no time in removing his mother and the children to Philadel
phia, where he carried on the tailoring business for himself. Early in the summer of 1854,
his attention was attracted to Atlantic City, and seeing exceptional inducements here, he
established bath houses on the beach and returned each summer until 1878, when he moved
to this city in company with Airs. Leedom, whom he had happily married some years
before. In 1885 he and ATrs. Leedom moved to the present handsome hotel, widely known
as the Leedom, 163-165 Ocean avenue, near the Beach.
He was an ardent Republican during the active years of his life, and during his residence
here was Recorder of the city, and also acted as Alayor during part of one summer. He was
a member of the Board of Health, almost since the day it was organized, and was acting as
treasurer of that body at the time of his death. He was a profoundly religious man and
was largely instrumental in the establishment of the First Baptist Church here. When he
and Airs. Leedom came to this city, they felt very much the absence of a place of worship
of their denomination, and never rested until they saw the realization of their desires, the
first meeting of the purpose being held in February, 1880, and a permanent organization in
July following with a membership of seventeen. He was elected Deacon, Treasurer and
President of the Board of Trustees, and labored zealously for the best interests of the sect.
Four years before his death, which occurred rather unexpectedly, he resigned the treasurer-
ship, feeling that he was unable to perform its duties with that faithfulness to detail for
which he was ever noted, in all his relations to civil and religious life. However, he lived
to see the church grow from a membership of seventeen to almost three hundred. It was
one of the pleasant features of his life to revert to the time when the congregation of the
First Baptist Church worshipped in a room on the second floor of the building then known
as Alehler's Hall on Atlantic avenue. During the last ten years of his life he was a Prohi
bitionist and labored conscientiously for the success of the cold water party. He will also
be recalled as a very religious, charitable and generally esteemed citizen of Atlantic City.
His remains rest in Mount Aloriah Cemetery and his widow conducts the hotel which has
so long borne the honored name of Leedom.
Joseph E. Lingerman was born in Philadelphia, Pa., Alarch 1, 1844. At the age of
fourteen years, he entered the employ of Hon. John P. Verree in the iron business, in
whose employ lie continued for 23 years. In 1881, after having accumulated a small amount
of money, he came to Atlantic City and started in the hotel business. He built the hotel
Runnymede on Kentucky avenue, which hotel he disposed of quite recently. He success
fully conducted the old Alemorial House for several years.
Air. Lingerman has been particularly successful in business engagements, having built
several cottages in this city.
In 1890 he was elected a Justice of the Peace of the Second Ward, but declined to serve.
He has been a member of City Council for the past six years and his popularity is
attested by the fact that in his election to City Council, he secured the largest majority
of votes ever obtained in the Second Ward. He is a member of Odd Fellows and several
other societies.
Air. Lingerman was married in 1872 and he and his wife are now living a retired life in
one of their pleasant cottages on South Carolina avenue, near the Beach.
Barclay Lippincott, the well-known Philadelphia merchant and cottager in this city,
was the son of Judge Benjamin P. Lippincott, a wealthy and influential member of the
society of Hicksite Friends, in Salem County, N. J. He was born December 9, 1816, in the
old family mansion which is still standing near Harrisville, where several generations of
Lippincotts have lived.
As a young man, the subject of this sketch engaged in the dry goods business in Phila
delphia, having a store on Market street and becoming an extensive importer of cloths. He
prospered and had been a cottager at Cape May for some years previous to his purchase of
a cottage in this city, in 1863, a building which is still standing, being a portion of Craig
Hall, on Ocean avenue.
Since i860 Mr. Lippincott and sons have been wholesale auctioneers, a business which
since his retirement has been conducted by three of his sons.
Through his long and busy life Air. Lippincott has scrupulously preserved untarnished
the good name of this widely known family, and in the full possession of all his faculties is
peacefully rounding out his more than four score years.
He married Mary Jones, who died in 1894. They had eight children, five sons and
three daughters. Four of the sons, Henry C, Albert G, Frank B. and George T. are, with
the father, the surviving members of the family.
William B. Loudenslager, of the firm of Loudenslager Bros., at 1013 Atlantic avenue,
was born in Philadelphia, of German parentage, September 18, 1851, and was one of a
family of seven children. His father for more than thirty years was a butcher in the old
Spring Garden Alarket. The son received his education in the public schools and learned
the trade of a bookbinder. At the age of twenty-one he opened an office on his own account
at Fifth and Walnut streets, and later at Tenth and Arch, where he conducted the business
successfully for thirteen years. In June, 1885, he sold his bindery and came to Atlantic
City to assist his brother, Henry C. Loudenslager, in the Ashland market, and has been
here ever since. For one term of three years, 1892 to 1895, he served very acceptably as
City Superintendent of Public Schools, and for eight years, 1892 to 1900, he has been a
member of the Board of Health. He has been associated with John L. Young, since 1894,
in beach front enterprises, and has been very successful in real estate transactions. He suc
ceeded Stewart AlcShea as President of the Beach Pirates Fire Company, a position which
he still holds, and is a very popular officer.
Dr. Edmund H. Madden was born in Alillville, July 27, 1843. When two and one-half
years old his parents moved to Tuckahoe, where the son was educated in the pay schools
of that period, becoming a surveyor. He attended Pennington Seminary two years and
decided upon the study of medicine. He studied one year with Dr. E. L. B. Wales, the
well-known practitioner at Tuckahoe, and graduated at Jefferson Aledical College in 1866.
In November of that year he began practice at Absecon and has continued there ever since.
Dr. Madden, like his father before him, is a life-long Democrat and conservative citi
zen. He stands high in the profession to which he has devoted his best years. He is a
member of the county and State medical societies and has frequently been mentioned for the
highest elective offices in the county.
He married Aliss Temperance C, only daughter of the late Captain Theophilus AA^eeks,
of Tuckahoe. They have eight children: Alay, widow of the late John J. Townsend; Eva,
Edmund H., Jr., Theophilus, who is associated with his father as a physician; Hosea F.,
Hannah, Leland S. and Flerman Lester.
Hosea F. Aladden, who was elected High Sheriff of Atlantic County in 1852, and was
State Senator at the time of his death, in 1877, was a glassblower by trade. His father,
Hosea Aladden, Sr., was born in England in 1785. He came to this country previous to the
war of 1812, and was a member of a company known as the Light Horsemen. He was
thrown from his horse and had a leg broken. He became one of the first manufacturers
of glass at Glassboro, N. J., and later engaged in the same business at Port Elizabeth,
where the son Hosea was born. He married Sarah Stanger, a woman of German birth, and
died in his 38th year.
The son followed the occupation of his father and married Catherine Burch, a native
of Cumberland County.
In 1847, on account of his health, he moved to Tuckahoe and engaged in farming, kept
a general store, dealt extensively in wood and lumber and took an active interest in
public affairs. In 1852 he was elected Sheriff, and in 1874 State Senator. He is remem
bered as a very courteous and popular citizen and official. He was the father of nine chil
dren: Edmund H., the well-known physician of Absecon; Braddock B., Thomas B., Sarah,
Josephine, Eva, Catherine, Hope W. and Otis S. All are living except the last, who died
January 23, 1896.
Col. John E. Alehrer. who for years was the most popular man in Atlantic City, was
born in New York City in 1845. His parents hailed from Wurtenberg, Germany, and
finally removed to Philadelphia. About i860 the young man first came to this city to serve
as barkeeper for the late Col. Adolf Afehler, till his death in 1872. During these twelve years
he had proven his ability as a hotel man and entered the employ of the late Alois Schaufler
as manager of his summer garden. In 1880 he formed a partnership with Adolph Schlecht,
a son-in-law of Air. Schaufler, and leased the property and business until its purchase was
effected, in 1890. Alessrs. Schlecht and Alehrer, the same year, became the lessees of the
Inlet Pavilion, to which Col. Alehrer has given his personal attention every summer since.
This successful and harmonious partnership continued until 1899, wdien the Schaufler prop
erty was sold. Air. Schlecht retiring and Col. Alehrer retaining the Inlet business. During
his forty years at the shore till his death on February 28. 1900. Col. Alehrer had always been
an important factor socially and helped to entertain thousands, but would never accept any
public position. He was affiliated with over seventy social, benevolent or business organiza
tions. A thirty-second degree Alason, an Odd Fellow, an Elk, and a member of many
German societies. He was chief marshal at the dedication of the first boardwalk in 1870,
also at the celebration of the new steel walk in 1896. He was chief marshal at the recep
tions in this city of the AA'ashington Light Infantry and Fifth Alaryland Regiment in years
gone by, when they summered at the shore.
The Alehrer Rifles, a local military company which has since become Company F, Sixth
Regiment, N. G. of N. J., was named in his honor. Col. Alehrer was a director in the
Consumers AYater Company, in the Atlantic Lumber Company, and the Gas and Water
Company. He also has important business interests in Philadelphia, and during the winter
months occupied a fine residence at No. 518 North Fifth Street.
Col. Alehrer married Alary Crocket. They have one son, Everett, who married Katie
Schwamb. Little Olga Alehrer is the only child and grandchild in the family.
Col. Daniel Alorris. who died in this city on the afternoon of December 21, 1898, was
born near Kingston, in the west of Ireland, in 1819. He was one of a family of five children,
he having one sister and four brothers. He was more than ordinarily proficient in his
studies, making rapid advancement and graduating as a civil engineer. He came to America
a young man and first found employment surveying for the first railroads built near Phila
delphia. He became associated with Patrick O'Reilley, of Reading, a successful contractor,
and when the C. & A. Ry. was built to this city, in 1854, he came to this island resort to
help survey the railroad and the town. He soon became interested in real estate and was
quite successful, living in a modest way and having no family. He owned at different times
nearly all the beach front from Alichigan to North Carolina avenues, which is now worth
millions, also other acres at Chelsea, which are now immensely valuable. Perhaps the most
important real estate transaction with which he was identified was the purchase of the old
Surf House property in 1879, for $30,000, and the subsequent sale of the property in building
lots for more than $100,000. It embraced the entire square between Illinois, Kentucky,
Pacific and Atlantic avenues, and the westerly side of Kentucky avenue from Pacific to the
beach, now worth a million dollars.
Col. Alorris became a stockholder in each of the banks and other local corporations.
He never held any public position, but was always much interested in the success of the
Democratic party. He lived a blameless, honorable life, giving of his wealth freely to poor
relatives, to churches and to needy and worthy persons. Few knew of the quiet benefactions
of this generous man. In 1888 he was one of the Presidential electors of New Jersey on the
Democratic ticket.
Col. Alorris for years was the patron and helper of the Morris Guards, a social-military
organization of young men of Atlantic City. He caused to be erected the large Armory
building where drills and social functions are frequently held. This organization has been
a decided advantage to hundreds of young men, and as long as he lived Col. Alorris took a
keen interest in the success of the organization. In his will he provided that the Armory
property should continue as such so long as the organization is maintained and its objects
are promoted. His memory will long be cherished by the disposition which he made by will of his
great fortune, which is estimated at over $200,000. Before he died he built and paid for the
St. Alichael Orphan Asylum at Hopewell, N. J. It is a large and beautiful stone structure
dedicated to the orphan boys of this diocese and is conducted under the auspices of the
Catholic Bishop of West Jersey. This industrial school and home cost $75,000, and has
from the residuary estate an endowment fund of $40,000 more.
Forty thousand dollars were set apart for an old man's home and other institutions for
the helpless and worthy were generously remembered. The remains of Col. Alorris lie in
a granite vault near the school which for all time will be a blessing to hundreds of orphan
boys. A handsome marble cross rises to mark the pure and blessed life work of this gen
erous man whose ashes repose there.
Silas R. Morse, the well-known educator of this city, was born of good family in Liver-
more, Maine, in 1840. As a lad he showed an aptitude for books, and at an early age
passed through all the grades of the public schools. He was a sophomore at Waterville
College when he enlisted during the war of the rebellion, while he was working his way
through college. On reaching Washington he failed to pass the physical examination,
when he came to Hammonton, N. J., where his sister, Mrs. Ezra Packard, lived. He taught
school successfully at Hammonton and Winslow three years, when he was offered the prin-
cipalship of the schools of Atlantic City in the fall of 1865.
He then married one of his advanced pupils, Aliss Alary J., daughter of the late Dr.
Joseph H. North, and made this city his home. He continued as principal of the schools
of this city for eight years, and for seven years Airs. Morse was one of his assistants.
In 1866 and '67 Mr. Morse was a member of City Council, and was Tax Collector in
1868- '69. He served eight years as City School Superintendent. In 1877 he succeeded Rev.
George B. Wight as County Superintendent of Schools. To the duties of this position he
gave his best energies for fifteen years. He reorganized and greatly improved the condi
tion of the schools throughout the county. He introduced a regular course of study in
ungraded country schools and became favorably known far and wide as a school man. He
has been a member of the Atlantic City Board of Education ever since the charter amend
ments took effect in 1887. He helped to prepare the New Jersey school exhibit for the
World's Fair at Chicago in 1893. and was appointed curator in charge of the exhibit there.
So ably and acceptably did he fill the position that he has been continued as such ever since
and the exhibit made a permanent one in the State House at Trenton. In 1895 Mr. Morse
was appointed a member of the State Board of Education. He is thoroughly familiar with
the school laws and the public school system of the State, and is a very important adjunct
of the State Superintendent's office.
Air. Alorse has been fortunate in real estate investments during his long residence in
this city, and has a comfortable fortune so that he can devote most of his time and efforts
to educational work.
He spends his summer in Alaine, having a camp on the shore of Rangeley lake, anothei
near Wayne pond, with headquarters at the old homestead at Livermore. He is an expert
angler, having had the good fortune in 1896 to catch the largest salmon trout ever hooked
at Rangeley, one weighing i3x/2 pounds.
Alilton L. Alunson, AL D., was born at Franklin, Delaware County, N. Y. His early
education was received at the Delaware Literary Institute. He was a druggist in his native
town for several years, till he decided upon the practice of medicine as a profession. He
enterd Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, in 1887, graduating in 1890, and in May
of the same year located in Atlantic City. He enjoys the confidence of his fellow practi
tioners and the esteem of all who know him as a progressive, public spirited citizen. He is
a member of the Atlantic City Homoeopathic Club, the American Institute of Homoeopathy,
and the New Jersey State Homoeopathic Aledical Society.
Tobias McConnell, the well-known keeper of the Atlantic County Almshouse and
Asylum at Smith's Landing, was born in Philadelphia, November 24, 1849. He is of Irish
parentage, his father being the late John Logan McConnell, who came to this country before
1830, and for many years was a prominent grocer at Eleventh and Race streets, Philadelphia.
He died in 1855. His mother was Eliza Alulholland, who for her second husband married
Richard Benson and settled at Newtonville, Buena Vista township, in i860, when the subject
of this sketch was about ten years old. They engaged in farming and, excepting a few years,
when Air. AlcConnell was employed as a lithographer in Philadelphia, he continued to live
at Newtonville till he was chosen by the Atlantic County board of freeholders for his present
position. He has been a painstaking and popular official. In Alay, 1874, he married Emma
Louisa Wisham of Burlington County, a descendant of French Huguenots, who found refuge
in America during the close of the last century. They have two sons, Howard Wisham and
Walter Logan.
Edward North, M. D., was born in West Waterville, Maine, July 29, 1841. He was
the oldest son of the late Dr. Joseph H. North, of Hammonton. He was educated in the
public schools of his native town, and Kents Hill Seminary. He graduated from Jefferson
Medical College, Philadelphia, in the spring of 1868, previous to which he had been in
mercantile business in Philadelphia. During the Civil War he was in the military hospital
at Washington, D. C. He commenced the practice of his profession at Hammonton in 1868.
but removed to Jefferson, Wis., in 1870. Owing to sickness he returned to Hammonton the
following year, where he remained until 1880, when he accepted a position with the Ferroll
Iron Company, of Augusta County, West Virginia. There he remained two years, returning
to Hammonton where he remained until his death.
As a successful physician Dr. North stood high among his brethren; as a skilled surgeon,
and fearless operator, he had few equals. He was a member and president of the Atlantic
County Medical Society, and contributed papers of special interest to that body, to the
medical journals and to Gross' System of Surgery. He was an industrious student, careful
and painstaking, keeping abreast with the advancement of medical art. Dr. North was a
staunch Republican. He represented his party in Atlantic County for years, as chairman
of the County Committee, Coroner and member of the Assembly in 1884 and 1885. He was
a thirty-second degree Mason, Past Master of M. B. Taylor Lodge, F. and A. M., and a
member of other fraternal societies. He was instantly killed at a railroad crossing by an
express train February 11, 1899. He was twice married. By his first wife he had three
daughters. JAA1ES NORTH.
James North, Al. D., D. D. S., was born in West Waterville, Kennebec County, Alaine.
September 2, 1855. Came to Hammonton in 1859, in whose schools, together with the State
Normal School at West Chester, Pa., and Bryant & Stratton's Business College in Philadel
phia, he was educated. He graduated from Jefferson Aledical College in 1880, and practiced
the profession of medicine in Hammonton for two years with signal success, giving up the
same for the profession of dentistry, taking the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery from
the Philadelphia Dental College in 1883.
He located in Atlantic City in the spring of that year, and has by skill and attention
built up the largest and most lucrative practice in South Jersey. The Doctor is a Past
Grand Chancellor of the Scottish Rite and a thirty-second degree Mason, Past Alaster of
Trinity Lodge, Past High Priest of Trinity Chapter, Past Sachem of Pequod Tribe, Past
Grand of American Star Lodge, Past Chief of Ocean Castle, Past Regent of the R. A., and
a popular member of some twenty other secret, fraternal and social societies. As a speaker
he has few equals, his speeches being models of beauty and eloquence.
He enjoys the title of "Poet Laureate of Atlantic County," though his reputation as a
master of verse is not limited by its boundaries. The Doctor is a Republican in principle
and profession, but not an office seeker. He was married in 1883 to Aliss Cora E. Faunce,
and has two daughters, Alary Eliza and Cora Marguerite.
Dr. Joseph Henry North, Sr., was born at Clinton, Alaine, August 25, 1811. He grad
uated from the Bowdoin Medical College at Brunswick, Maine, in the class of '35, with
honors, and commenced the practice of his profession at Belgrade, moving to West Water
ville, now Oakland, in 1840, where he practiced successfully eighteen years. In 1858 he
moved to Hammonton, N. J. Here he continued the practice of medicine, and at the same
time gave much attention to fruit culture, having one of the finest farms in this section. In
1870 he retired from active practice, and devoted himself to the oversight of his extensive
farm lands.
Dr. North was extensively engaged in the sale and exchange of real estate, and to his
energy Hammonton owes much of its success. He was a skilled physician, as his professional
brethren and the hundreds of his patients throughout Atlantic County can attest. His
reputation was not wholly local, as the charge of the great fever hospitals around Washing
ton during the Civil War was offered to him, so highly was his skill in the treatment of
fevers held. He was a learned man aside from his professional knowledge, a great student
and brilliant conversationalist. He was married in 1840 to Eliza H., daughter of Hon.
Joseph H. Underwood, of Fayette, who bore him seven children, all of whom are residents
of Atlantic County. He died at the advanced age of 82, at Hammonton, September 19, 1893.
Richard Boyce Osborne, the "Father of Atlantic City," who was the civil engineer in
charge of the first survey of the first railroad to this city and the city itself, was born in
London, England, November 3, 1815. He married Eliza Graves, of Philadelphia, November,
1842, and had seven children, five of whom survive him. Air. Osborne died November 28,
1899, at Glenside, Pa., in his 85th year. He was eminent in his calling, both in this country
and in England. He was largely influential with the promotors of the first railroad to this
city, in overcoming obstacles which seemed insurmountable. But for him the founding of
this resort might have been postponed many years. Later in life he was engaged in many
important engineering works which added to his well-established plans.
Cyrus F. Osgood, senior member of the shoe manufacturing firm of C. F. Osgood &
Co., of Hammonton, N. J., was born in Auburn, Maine, September 10, 1841. Like many
other Alaine boys he taught school a few years, when his own education was considered
finished. At the age of twenty, he went to Lynn, Mass., which, like his native Auburn, was
a shoe-manufacturing town. He speedily found employment, but the war breaking out he
enlisted in the Fourth Alassachusetts Heavy Artillery, under Col. King of Boston. He was
with his regiment during its entire term of service, and at the close of the war returned to
Lynn and the shoe business. In 1870 he came to Philadelphia and the following year became
superintendent of a shoe factory at Elwood, N. J. In 1872 he began the manufacture of
shoes in company with Calvin Johnson in Hammonton, where he has lived and prospered
ever since. The present firm owns and occupies a large factory, equipped with up-to-date
machinery and employs over ninety people the year around. This firm also owns and
operates the Hammonton Shoe Co., a separate business enterprise of the town, which for
years was conducted by another firm.
William J. Smith, the junior partner, before he was of age, was employed by Air.
Osgood and later taken in as a partner. He has been connected with the business twenty-
one years and has given his best energies to the enterprise.
Mr. Osgood for years has held various local offices. He was Postmaster four years,
chosen freeholder two years, president of the Board of Education, president of the Work-
ingmen's B. & L. Association, director of the bank, and other positions of honor and trust.
He is a Past Commander of Gen. D. A. Russell Post, and a Past Alaster of the Masonic
Lodge. He has been the candidate of the Democratic party for Assemblyman and State
Senator, and one of the most popular and useful citizens of his town and county. He has
a wife and two children.
L. H. Parkhurst, the town of Hammonton's representative in the County Board of
Freeholders, was born in Ohio in 1845. He gained his early schooling in Alilford, Alass.,
coining to Hammonton with his parents at the age of twelve and attending school there.
He entered the army and became a first lieutenant at the age of eighteen, and took an active
part m the closing events of the rebellion. On being mustered out he went to Texas pros
pecting along the Rio Grande, but returned and became a fruit grower of Hammonton,
where he has prospered ever since. He has been active in town affairs and influential for
the public good. He is president of the Fruit Growers' Association, in which for years
he has been a director.
John W. Parsons was born at West Creek, Ocean County, N. J., August 29, 1853. He
attended the public schools at home and at Tuckerton till sixteen years of age, when he went
to sea. He followed a seafaring life for twelve years. At the age of twenty-one, he was
master of a vessel. In 1880 he came to this city to live, finding employment as a carpenter
and builder. For a time he was a member ofthe Absecon Life Saving Crew and later a
police officer, becoming a sergeant of police. In 1890 he collected mercantile licenses for
City Clerk Irelan and was elected to Council from the First Ward, serving three years.
He was appointed by Mayor Stoy as Captain of the City Life Guards the first year this force
was paid by the city.
Since 1895 he has served with great acceptability as Alercantile Appraiser, a position
which he continues to hold. His wife was Miss Belle, daughter of William Paul, of Alana-
hawkin, N. J. They have a comfortable home in Grammercy Place.
Major Samuel E. Perry was born in Huntingdon County, New Jersey, in 1851, and is
a son of Edmund Perry who represented Huntingdon County in the State Senate and was
president of that body in 1861. Alajor Perry studied law with Judge Randolph of the
Supreme Court and was admitted to practice as an attorney in 1877, and as a counsellor
in 1881. In 1878 he was Journal Clerk of the House of Assembly, and in 1889 was a member of
the Board of Education of Atlantic City. In the same year the Seacoast Artillery was dis
banded and then a new organization was attempted under the auspices of a number of the
old members. The subject of this sketch was elected captain of the new command, which
was known as Company F, and was merged into the Sixth Regiment.
During his career he has been identified with a number of important trials, notably the
murder case of Burke vs. Tighe, the assault case of the Black Hussars growing out of a
wicked attack on Sheriff Gaunt, of Gloucester County. Also the case of Robert Elder, in
dicted for the murder of his father near Hammonton, in which he was senior counsel and
associated with Judge Endicott. He won a name in his defense of Eva Hamilton in August,
1889. He was counsel of the Board of Freeholders of Hunterdon County vat one time, as
well as City Solicitor of Lambertville.
He was delegate to the National Democratic Convention in 1896, at which time William
Jennings Bryan was nominated. He was classed as a gold Democrat and voted with his
delegation as a unit under instructions from the State convention to vote for a sound
money man.
In 1879 he married Aliss Bella Loomis, of Columbia County, New York, who has a
birthright in the D. A. R._, her great-grandfather having been Alajor Cousins, who fought
under General Putnam at Bunker Hill. Her mother was a schoolmate of Charlotte Cush-
man and a niece of Daniel Webster.
His mother, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Perry, is still living at an advanced age at her old home
in Hunterdon County, New Jersey. She speaks two or three languages, and at one time
wrote an article against whipping in the Navy, which created a great stir, and Commodore
Stockton is reported to have said that it did more toward abolishing the practice than any
other agency. In her younger days, she was a great musician and a writer of some renown,
under her maiden name of Elizabeth D. White, and articles under her name from her pen
may still be found in the old Columbia magazines and periodicals of her day.
His father, Edmund Perry, was classed with such men as ex-Chancellor Williamson,
ex-United States Senator William Wright, the late Secretary Frederick Frelinghuysen,
John P. Stockton and Frederick C. Potts.
Alajor Perry was the first exalted ruler of the Benevolent and Protective Order of
Elks of America in Atlantic City. He is an active member of the I. O. O. F., and delivered
the oration at the laying of the corner-stone of Odd Fellows Hall, this city, June 13, 1892.
He is a Red Man, belongs to the Independent Order of Heptasophs, Judge Advocate of the
Third Regiment, ex- Prosecutor of Atlantic County, appointed by Governor Wurts in 1893,
and filled the position acceptably for five years.
The subject of this sketch was born on the banks of the Maurice River, near Maurice-
town, Cumberland County, N. J. His father was a prominent farmer in that section, and
the son, like many well-known Americans, passed his first years on the farm, attending
school in winter and devoting his spare time to reading and study. Graduating at the public
schools at the age of nineteen, he engaged in teaching for a time and subsequently was em
ployed by Daniel Loder, a brother-in-law, and by the Cumberland Glass Company of
Bridgeton. To prepare himself for the law he entered Pennington Seminary, and while there won
a competitive prize in debate, evincing powers of mind and speech, so essential in his pro
fession. He was one of the founders of the Dickinson Law Society of Dickinson College,
while a student there, and became a member of the Carlisle Bar while connected with the
office of Hon. Theodore Cornman.
Mr. Pettit was admitted to the New Jersey Bar in February, 1897, and by strict atten
tion to his clients' interests is building up a lucrative business. He takes an active part in
literary and church affairs, and is a member of the governing board of the Central Al. E.
Church. Politically Air. Pettit is a Democrat, and is a cousin of the late Hon. Leon Abbett,
twice Governor of New Jersey.
William M. Pollard, Al. D.. Superintendent of the Public Schools of this city, was born
at Turner, Ale., in 1855. Fie finished his academic education at the Nichols Latin School,
in Lewiston, and then taught school for a period of five years. He was principal of the
schools at Port Republic, and at Hammonton, N. J., before he entered Jefferson Medical
College, where he graduated in 1882. He located in this city and has made a speciality of
the diseases of the ear and eye. In 1895 he was chosen Superintendent of the Public Schools,
a position he is well qualified to fill. He was elected president of the Academy of Aledicine
in 1898 and 1899.
Benjamin Wood, son of William Richards, was born at Batsto, November 12, 1797.
He graduated from Princeton College at the age of eighteen, and decided to enter the
ministry of the Presbyterian Church. The delicate condition of his health compelled him to
change his plans and seek health in extended travel through the South and West. At the
age of twenty-two he entered mercantile pursuits in Philadelphia, and becoming interested
in municipal affairs, was elected first to Council, and in 1827 to the Legislature. He was
instrumental in securing the first appropriation from the State for public schools in Phila
delphia, and did much for the cause of education. He was one of the original members
of the Board of City Controllers, and was one of the State Canal Commissioners when he
was chosen Mayor to succeed George M. Dallas, who resigned in 1829. Council elected
the Mayor at that time for a term of one year. He later served two full terms as Mayor,
l830-'32. A life-size portrait of him in oil, by Inman, now hangs in the Mayor's private
office in the City Hall. It was presented to the City of Philadelphia by one of his sons,
Benj. Wood Richards, Jr., at the suggestion of Alayor Stokley, some years ago.
Mayor Richards was one of the founders of the Blind Asylum, an early manager of the
Deaf and Dumb Asylum, a trustee of the University, a member of the Philosophical Society.
President Jackson had appointed him a director in the United States Bank and a director
of the Mint, but he resigned these positions on becoming Alayor. During his administra
tion Stephen Girard died and he became one of the directors of Girard College.
With other prominent citizens, in 1835, he organized the Laurel Hill Cemetery Asso
ciation and the following year founded the Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Com
pany, the first insurance company in America, and was its president until his death. He
was a courageous, benevolent, enterprising man and made a decided impress upon his
associates and the city of his adoption. He was of tall imposing figure, long considered one
of the handsomest men in Philadelphia, as his portrait indicates. He was married in 1821
to Sarah Ann, daughter of Joshua Lippincott, and left seven children, four sons and three
daughters. He died July 12, 1851, aged 53 years. His wife died Alarch 19, 1862. His re
mains were interred at Laurel Hill.
John Richards, for many years the owner and operator of the Old Gloucester Iron
Works, now a portion of Egg Harbor City, was a second cousin of Samuel Richards, the
owner of Weymouth Iron Works. He was the son of James and Alary Richards, and was
born June 5, 1784. In 1807 he left his home in Pennsylvania and came to Batsto, finding
employment with his great-uncle, William Richards. He later became assistant manager
and for sixteen years chief manager of Weymouth Works, then owned by Joseph Ball and
his associates, the founders. In 1830, ten years after the death of Ball, he formed an equal
partnership with Thomas S. Richards and purchased of Samuel Richards the Gloucester
estate comprising some 17,000 acres of iron bogs and timber lands for $35,000. The per
sonal estate purchased cost $15,000 more. The property then included a saw and grist mill,
an iron furnace capable of producing twenty-five tons of iron weekly. Stoves, lamp posts
and other articles were made there to advantage for more than twenty years. In 1854 John
Richards sold his Gloucester interests to Dr. Henry Schmoele of Philadelphia and removed
to his country seat. "Stowe." in Arontgomery County, Pa., where he died November 29,
1871. He was the father of seven children.
Bv Charles R. Colwell.
A history of the development and improvement of South Jersey during the past fifty
years, failing to do justice to the part taken by Samuel Richards, formerly of Jackson, in
Camden County, would be indeed incomplete. Although a merchant of Philadelphia for
many years and of late a resident there, his interests were thoroughly identified with New
Jersey and his efforts toward the improvement of what is usually called South Jersey were
unceasing. Of vigorous and handsome physique, marked personality, untiring energy, he was a
vorthy descendant of a line of ancestry distinguished for the same qualities. Of most
sanguine temperament, his plans were matured with rare judgment, and although always
years in advance of public opinion, the progress of events has never failed to prove that
Samuel Richards' schemes were well founded and in the right direction.
Of great ingenuity, he was inventor and owner of a number of valuable patents, more
than sufficient to prove that, if his talents had been given a fit opening in that direction, he
would have taken a high place among inventors.
As early as 1850 he began to plan for a railroad across New Jersey, in part with a view
to benefiting the existing glass and iron industries which languished under the difficulties of
transportation, partly for the development of the vast tracts of land lying idle in Camden
and Atlantic Counties, lands then generally deemed useless for agricultural purposes, and
also with the intent to establish a seaside resort upon the beach front.
Long Branch at the upper end of the New Jersey coast and Cape Alay at the southern
extremity had been favorite resorts for many years, because accessible by boat, but the
whole extent of the beach front between was a barren waste.
Along the fast land, bordering on the salt marsh, which separates the beach from the
"shore," there was, for almost the whole length of the coast, a strip of improved land. The
inhabitants were usually either marines, fishermen, oystermen or in some way connected
with the sea. There was much wealth among them. As they had been so long completely
isolated, it was to be expected that they would welcome and assist in building a railroad
which would bring them into direct communication with Philadelphia. Mr. Richards
worked unceasingly at his plan for a railroad across the State and finally, in the face of
almost insurmountable difficulties, brought it to a successful issue.
It has not been shown that the inhabitants of the Jersey shore failed to welcome the
railroad, but the records show that they did very little to assist in the construction of it.
In this, the solitary item of the financial aid expected to be derived from this source, Air.
Richards' expectations and calculations were proved to be much in error. It was, however,
quite in character with the man to be unable to allow for so great caution or lack of appre
ciation of prospective benefits.
It cannot be successfully denied that Samuel Richards was the orinigator of the first
railroad to the Jersey coast, or that he was the founder of Atlantic City and of the Camden
and Atlantic Land Company, which has done so much for the city.
It has never been questioned that he was the originator and creator of the second rail
road to Atlantic City, the building of which has made Atlantic City what it is and which
enabled it to establish a record for continuous and uninterrupted prosperity and increase
of values almost unequalled by any other city.
This second railroad was built in the face of natural difficulties equalling those en
countered in his previous effort, and proceeding from the same cause, i. e., the difficulty of
imparting his own forethought to others less gifted. In addition it was necessary to en
counter and overcome a most bitter and determined opposition aroused in those interested
in the first railroad, who believed its prosperity to be threatened. All this Air. Richards
did, almost unaided in the actual work and at times impeded by dissensions within the new
company. In the building of this road, fifty-four miles in length, he accomplished the then un
heard of feat of grading, laying the track and opening it for business in ninety days from
the time work was begun upon it.
This road, after the vicissitudes common to such enterprises, passed into the control of
the Reading Railroad and was the origin and foundation of that magnificent double track
line now known as the Atlantic City Railroad.
His enterprise, perseverance and ingenuity caused the building of the first railroad
across the State, and this rendered possible the establishment of Hammonton, Egg Harbor
City, Elwood, Atco and many other flourishing towns. In this sense he was the founder of
each and all of these. The opening of Atlantic County by the first railroad to the coast was
the first cause of the explosion of the belief that Jersey land was worthless for agricultural
purposes. Mr. Richards' enterprise rendered possible the planting and profitable culture
of the many thousands of acres in grapes, berries, fruits, and truck farms in Atlantic and
adjoining counties.
Mr. Richards for several years occupied the position of Assistant President of the
Camden and Atlantic Railroad. During this time he was, in fact, the executive officer of
the road. Among many other marked improvements introduced by him into the management,
conducive to extension of the business and greater economy, was the attention he gave to
the prevention of forest fires, which had been set by the locomotives of this road in great
number and most destructive in extent. He gave the closest personal attention to this
matter, aiming to procure the best apparatus for arresting sparks from locomotives, to see
that, after being procured, they were used, and to disciplining locomotive engineers and
firemen guilty of negligence in this regard or, as was then not infrequently- the case, of
purposely setting fires.
For his effort in this direction, Mr. Richards deserves the gratitude of every one in
terested in the preservation of the forests of New Jersey. Although destructive fires from
this cause have continued to be frequent up to the present time, he was the first person,
perhaps the only one, connected with railroad management to give this matter attention.
By his efforts a large extent of forest which, at the rate it was being destroyed, would un
doubtedly have been burned with the rest, has been preserved up to the present time. If
the Camden and Atlantic Railroad had then been made to pay for the damage done by
fires set by its locomotives, as it would be at this time, it would have gone far to bankrupt
the struggling concern. Immediately upon Air. Richards' assumption of the executive
office there was a decided decrease in the number of fires set, and this state of things con
tinued during his term in office.
One of Air. Richards marked peculiarities was his inability to look on at the doing of
any difficult piece of work without showing a disposition to assist in, as well as, direct it
a disposition he not infrequently indulged.
This with his unfailing kindness and justice to those under his control made him a
most popular officer. Although so many years have passed since he ceased to have official
connection with either railroad, he is remembered with affection by the old employees.
So long as he lived, they never ceased to inquire for his welfare.
It would be impossible within the space of this necessarily brief sketch to do justice
to the genius, talents and many excellent qualities of this remarkable man. Enough has
been said to demonstrate that no other man has done as much for the development of South
Jersey as Samuel Richards.
He was best appreciated by those who knew him best.
John Collins Risley, the good-natured real estate man, who holds forth in the office
known as Risley and Cavileer, 131 1 Atlantic avenue, was born at Smith's Landing in 1857.
Educated in the county schools, he came to Atlantic City in the summer of 1877 and
worked in the Atlantic market for two years. He then entered the employ of the P. R. R.
and continued with that corporation for six years. He next became an attache of the
Daily Union, remaining for two years. For four years he was in the employ of I. G. Adams
& Co., and having a liking for the real estate business, he became associated with Clifton
C. Shinn, Esq., in the firm of Shinn & Risley, the partnership continuing for two years.
The firm was then dissolved and the subject of our sketch for a year carried on the business
alone. Then he and W. K. Cavileer formed a partnership which is influential not only in
real estate, but insurance and conveyancing as well. He is interested in promoting up-town
property and to him belongs much of the credit of its improved condition.
John J. Rochford, proprietor of the Rochford Hotel Apartment House of this city,.
was born in New York City in 1854. When a young man he went west with his father,
the late Robert B. Rochford, who was a contractor for the erection of State and county
buildings in Wisconsin, Illinois, Nebraska and Wyoming. Selecting medicine as his pro
fession, the subject of this sketch devoted two years to preparatory study in the city of
Omaha. When the vast mineral wealth of the Black Hills country was discovered, in 1875,
he went there with thousands of others and became identified with the organization and
developing of what have since become the best known and most profitable mining proper
ties there. He suffered financially like thousands of others from the great slump in mining
interests and the financial depression consequent upon the demonetization of silver. There
was an exodus from the Black Hills during the years 1888, '89, '90. Air. Rochford came to
Chicago, where he became interested in an institution for the cure of inebriety and a craving
for narcotics. At the solicitation of Eli C. Woodward, in 1893, he came to Atlantic City, where it
was proposed to build a sanitarium, capitalized at $25,000 and promoted by Drs. Willard
Wright, T. P. Waters and Job Somers. The business was conducted successfully for a
year and remarkable cures effected, but the full development of the enterprise failed when
Mr. Rochford organized a sanitarium association with a broader scope and incidentally to
meet the heeds of this city for an emergency hospital.
The first year, 1894, the Carrolton, on New York avenue, was leased and a contract
made with the city for $500 rent and $5 per week for all cases treated for the city.
The purchase of the Alargate property at Pacific and Alt. Vernon avenues enabled Mr.
Rochford and associates the four years following to conduct a successful sanatorium busi
ness and to give the city excellent hospital and dispensary service. The latter becoming
the unprofitable and objectionable feature of this institution Air. Rochford, at considerable
expense to himself, called a meeting of representative citizens and helped to organize the
present hospital association with a board of fifteen governors with the view of a separate,
independent institution. He encouraged the purchase of the Henry J. White property on
Ohio avenue and co-operated cheerfully and generously with the board of governors who'
were selected and organized in his house at his suggestion. The sanatorium was finally dis
solved, Air. Rochford becoming the sole owner, and the property converted into the present
fine hotel apartment house, the first and only one of its kind on the island.
In 1882 Air. Rochford married Emma J. Riley, of Chicago. They have one child, Miss
Alabel, a young lady.
James Ryon, of Smiths Landing, was the oldest son and third child of the late Pardon.
Ryon and Elizabeth Adams, who settled at Smiths Landing early in the century. He was
born in 1830. The father was a farmer and store keeper, and the son has been a prosperous
farmer all his life. He married Caroline, daughter of the late Absalom Cordery, of Abse
con, and raised a family of five children, three sons and two daughters. The sons are Wil
lard, Edward and Lewis, and the daughters, Anna and Elizabeth.
Air. Ryon has been one of the best known and most highly respected citizens of his
native town all his life. While holding no prominent public position he has been a pros
perous, useful citizen, a liberal supporter of the church and public schools and every worthy
Pardon Ryon, of Smiths Landing, was born where he has always lived, on May 22,
1839. He was the youngest son of the late Pardon Ryon and Elizabeth Adams. The
father was born in Connecticut, and came to Atlantic County early in the century, settling.
¦on the shore and engaging in farming and keeping a country store. There were eight chil
dren: Marietta, who m. Peter Tilton; Emeline, who m. John Cordery; James, who m.
Caroline Cordery; Alice, who m. Elijah Adams; Caroline, who m. Samuel Cordery'; Matilda,
who d. when a young woman; Eliza, who m. Bowan Tilton, and the subject of this sketch,'
who m. Emeline, daughter of the late John Frambes.
After completing his education in the district schools, Pardon Ryon engaged in farm
ing, and for thirty years kept a general merchandise store at the old homestead, where he
prospered and was widely known, honored and respected as a good citizen and a business
man of the strictest integrity.
He raised a family of three sons: John, who m. Alame Ireland; Frank, who m. Clara
Treen, and Arthur. The sons follow the occupation of the father and live at Smiths
The pioneer German citizen and resident on this island was Aloysius, better known as
Alois Schaufler. He came here before the railroad, as early as 1852, many times walking
the entire distance between the Delaware and the sea. He was born in Baden Baden, Ger
many, in 1818, in humble circumstances. In 1848, when thirty years old, he became in
volved with many others of liberal, independent views, in resisting the oppressions of the
Prussian King, and considered himself fortunate to escape with his life and come to
America. He found employment in Philadelphia, three or lour years before coming to this
city. He was poor and never had educational advantages and struggled under great dis
advantages at first till fortune favored him. "Jordanville," oceanward from Alaine avenue,
was his first hotel or restaurant. Later, through the encouragement of Judge Joseph Porter,
he started a hotel near the railroad station at North Carolina avenue, which developed in a
few years into Schaufler's Hotel and summer garden, that entertained members of the best
families of Philadelphia and Washington.
To Air. Schaufler's second wife, Barbetta Schercher, much credit is due for his pros
perity and success. Her excellent management made the hotel popular. Adjacent prop
erties were purchased till nearly an entire square was included, and the hotel several times
enlarged and improved. The real estate which he secured for a few thousand dollars has
recently been sold for more than $100,000.
In 1871 he was elected a member of Council. He was a man of progressive ideas and
helped to build the turnpike over the meadows, to grade and extend Arctic ave.nue and make
the city more attractive to visitors. By his second wife, Barbetta Schercher, there were
three children: Annie, who married Adolph Schlecht; Dr. Charles, a veterinary surgeon of
Philadelphia, and Caroline, who is married and lives in Philadelphia. He had several
brothers who followed him to America. He died at his home in this city in 1881, a third
wife and several younger children also surviving him.
Lewis Pennington Scott, our popular County Clerk, is a descendant of two well-known
Jersey families. His father, the late John Hancock Scott, of Burlington City, was a de
scendant of Henry Scott, one of the London Ten Commissioners who secured from the
Crown 10,000 acres of American soil in what is now Burlington County. John Hancock
Scott was a contractor and railroad builder. He had the contract to build the glass works
at Estellville, this county, in 1834, for John and Daniel Estell, when he formed the acquain
tance of Miss Alary, daughter of John Pennington, of Mays Landing, who became his
wife. He died in southern Virginia, in 1874, where he had a contract to build a section of
railroad. The mother is still living.
The subject of this sketch was the youngest of nine children, and was born in the city
of Burlington, February 9, 1854. He was educated in the public schools of Philadelphia,
and for several years was an actor of considerable promise, and for a number of years a
commercial traveler in the carpet trade. He came to Atlantic City in 1888, forming a part
nership with AVilliam A. Bell, under the firm name of Bell & Scott. In 1895 he was elected
County Clerk for a term of five years, and is more than likely to be his own successor. His
administration of the office has been marked by decided reforms in having the records of
the office double-indexed and all the work conducted in a strictly up-to-date manner.
Air. Scott is largely interested in real estate, and has been very successful. By his first
wife he has one daughter, Isabelle G. Scott. For his second wife, he married Catherine,
eldest daughter of Captain Daniel Gifford, of Alays Landing, and has three children, Gifford,
Lewis and Daniel.
Harry S. Scull is a native of Atlantic County, having been born at Leeds Point in 1849.
He is the son of Lewis W. and Esther Smith Scull. In the common schools he received
his early education, and in 1865 he entered the Quaker City Business College, graduating
in 1867. In the same year he was engaged by Curwin, Stoddart & Brother of Philadelphia,
where he remained until 1881. Hood, Bonbright & Company were his next employers until
1884. He then retailed dry goods in Camden until 1886, when he came to this city and
opened a dry goods store. In 1895, he embarked in the real estate and insurance busi
ness. He was a member of the Board of Health from 1890 to 1898, and secretary of the
same body four years. Since 1890 he has been a member of the County Board of Elections.
and has been secretary of the Board since the first passage of the ballot reform law.
He is secretary of the Ventnor Dredging Company and has been engaged in reclaiming
the low lands of Chelsea and Atlantic City for several years. He has always taken a deep
interest in matters affecting the health and well-being of the community, and is connected
with the State Sanitary Association, American Public Health Association, and was State
delegate to the National Pure Food and Drug Congress which lasted four days and had
for its object the passage of a bill by Congress providing for governmental control of food,
drugs, etc. He is one of the governors of the Atlantic City hospital, and is a popular
citizen. On October 18. 1868, he married Aliss Alary A. Bruna, of Philadelphia. They
have nine children: Florence E, wife of Isaac Bacharaeh; Lewis B.. Alaie E., Harry
DeAIar, Nan B., Frank R., Emil C, Charles L. and Helene Al.
Lewis AY., son of Paul and Sarah Steelman Scull, was born at Leeds Point, N. J..
Alay 2, 1819. He was educated in the pay schools of Galloway township, and at the age
of twenty-one entered the service of the United States, sailing in the brig Washington,
under command of Commodore Sands, U. S. N., who was at that time engaged in the
work of the Coast and Geodetic survey. He continued in this service five years. In 1846
he married Esther S., daughter of Steelman Smith, a soldier of the war of 1812.
Mr. Scull was a teacher in the district schools of Galloway for a number of years, and
was appointed Postmaster at Leeds Point under President Buchanan, holding the office
for four years. For twenty years or more he held elective local offices. Township Clerk,
Township Committeeman. Assessor or Collector.
From 1858 to 1865 he was a resident of Atlantic City for a greater portion of the year,
where he was engaged in the house painting business, and was one of the original grocers
of Atlantic City, opening a store in April, 1858, under the firm name of Scull & Barstow,
at the corner of Atlantic avenue and Alansion House Alley, in the basement of the Barstow
House, moving from there to their new store building at the northwest corner of Atlantic
and Pennsylvania avenues in June of the same year.
Mr. Scull came from good old Revolutionary stock; his mother being a daughter of
Capt. Zephaniah Steelman, and a niece of Alajor John Steelman, both holding commis
sions in the Third Battalion, Gloucester County Alilitia. On his paternal side his ancestry
dates back to the fifteenth century, Sir John Scull being one of the original twelve Norman
Knights created by Duke Robert of Normandy, for gallant services rendered him, during
the insurrection excited in his favor, and which resulted in securing a large portion of
Old England to the Duke's family. A couple of centuries later, or, to be exact, in 1685,
John and Nicholas Scull came to America in the good ship "Bristol Alerchant." Nicholas
located in Pennsylvania and later became Surveyor General for that State. John Scull
located first on Long Island, and later moved to Great Egg Harbor and became one of the
valued citizens of that day. Air. Scull lived to the good old age of 80 years. His death oc
curring in October, 1898.
He had two children: Ellar AL. who died in 1878, and Harry S., the well-known resident
and official of this city.
A\"ilson Senseman, the well-known real estate agent of this city, was born in German-
town, Pa., Alay 10, 1848. He was educated in the public schools, in the Philadelphia Sem
inary and at Nazareth Hall, conducted by the Aloravians in Northampton County, Pa.
After graduating he took a course in Fairbank's Business Academy before entering the
service of the dry goods firm of Ludwig, Kneedler, Jr., & Co., where he continued for
twenty-one years. On account of his health he moved to Atlantic City to reside permanently
in 1886, having been a summer cottager here for many years previously. He opened a real
estate office at 1030 Atlantic avenue and has conducted a successful business ever since.
In 1872 he married Aliss Ida Conderman, and they have one son, Theodore Senseman,
who is a successful young physician.
At the Alarch election, in 1891, Air. Senseman was elected Alderman by a good majority
on the Democratic ticket, and was at once chosen President of Council. He discharged the
duties of his position with ability and impartiality that met with very cordial appreciation.
During this same year he was appointed by Gov. Abbott one of the Lay Judges of the
county to succeed Judge Enoch Cordery, deceased, and the following year was reappointed
for a full term. He served with dignity and aceptability till the law providing for lay
judges was repealed. Air. Senseman is an active member of the First Presbyterian Church
and a citizen of positive views on all public questions. He is descended from influential
Aloravian families and has the courage of his convictions.
William Ernest Shackelford, who is largely identified with the business life of this city,
was born February 19, 1871, in Columbus, Ohio. At the age, of five years, his father died,
leaving the sole responsibility for his care to his mother, who moved at once to Lancaster,
Pa. Six years later we find young Shackelford, who even at this age was evidencing the
traits which have already brought him prosperity, employed at Sharpless Brothers, Phila
delphia, to which city he and his mother had removed. From this house he went to the
office of the Land Title and Trust Company, where he remained two years. Opening bil
liard and pool parlors, he conducted the same until 1895, during which years he became very
popular among the younger set, and at the time of his departure for Harrisburg to engage
in the same business, he was regarded as the champion billiard player of Pennsylvania and
had made fine records in gunning and swimming, being always deeply interested in sports
of all kinds. It was in January, 1896, that he came to Atlantic City, and on the 12th of
October of the same year he married Emma, daughter of Captain John L. Young, the pier
magnate. Air. Shackelford had in the meantime been installed as manager of the Young
Amusement Company, and has since looked after the interests of his father-in-law both on
Young's Pier and at the Carousel at South Carolina avenue and the Boardwalk. Mr. and
Mrs. Shackelford have been blessed with a son, a chubby youngster, born Alay 15, 1899, and
the "living image" of his mother. Their married life has been one glad, sweet song, and
their home one of the coziest and happiest in the city. Air. Shackelford traces his ancestry
back to 1634 in the city of London. His great-great-grandfather was at one time Lord
Alayor of the metropolis of England. While his genealogy discloses prominent English
connections, yet Air. Shackelford feels that his family may lay claim to being pure Ameri
cans, as three or four generations have claimed this country as the land of their nativity.
Harvey J. Shumway, the well-known architect, was born in Belchertown, Mass., No
vember 27, 1865. He finished his education at Rutger's College, New Brunswick, N. J., in
the class of 1888. He opened an office in this city in 1895 and has been very busily employed
ever since. Some of the buildings which he has designed and supervised are the Thompson
Irvin department store, the Hotel Chelsea, the Hotel Grand View, and some thirty or more
cottages, stores and business blocks. He is a painstaking, conscientious and up-to-date
Thomas J. Smith is the son of James and Alary (Jones) Smith, of Steuben, Alaine. Of
his own family none survive; but two half-brothers still live: James Smith, of Hammonton,
and Edward Kent Smith, who has never left the town of his birth.
Job Smith, their grandfather, and the first of the line of whom we have record, was
born in Aliddleboro, Mass., and there married Diadama Booth. He moved to Taunton,
Alass., and from there to Steuben, Alaine (1792). for the purpose of dealing in lumber and
establishing saw-mills on the many swift running rivers in that section of the country.
The sons, William, Eben and Stephen, were members of the State Legislature at differ
ent times as representatives from Washington County.
Thomas Jones, his grandfather on his mother's side, is a descendant of a Governor of
Massachusetts, was born in Princeton, Alass., and married Sarah Whitcomb. As a boy at
Lexington, Alass., he witnessed the first conflict between the British and American forces,
the opening gun of the Revolution, and died in Steuben, December, 1864.
Col. Asa Whitcomb, father of Airs. Sarah Whitcomb Jones, and great-grandfather on
the maternal side of Thomas J. Smith, was prominent in Colonial times. He was one of the
much extolled fifty-four representatives of Alassachusetts Bay Colony, whose refusal to
obey the mandates of the English King contributed to bring on the Revolution. He was
afterwards Colonel of the Fifty-third Alassachusetts Regiment, and was one of Washing
ton's trusted advisers, and was several times mentioned eulogistically in his general orders.
Flis brother, John Whitcomb, Alajor-General of the New England Alilitia, was the New
England candidate for Commander-in-Chief against Washington, but withdrew on account
of his advanced age, in favor of the younger Virginian.
Lieutenant William Aloore, another ancestor on the maternal side, served with dis
tinction during the Revolution, and remained in the regular army after that conflict, joining
the Society of the Cincinnati.
Thos. J. Smith was born in Steuben. Washington County, Alaine, February 25, 1820,
and has had a somewhat varied career. He attended the village school until a boy of four-
tetn, when his grandparents, wishing him to become a sea captain, sent him with his uncle,
Cant. Jefferson Jones, as cabin boy on a voyage to New Orleans. Returning he spent sev
eral months in Boston, but decided to give up a sea-faring life, and came home to learn the
trade of a mason and builder.
During the northeast boundary disputes, commonly remembered in that section as the
"Aroostook War," he enlisted and was made a sergeant, but the trouble was finally settled
without bloodshed.
Soon returning home, and when only eighteen years of age, he engaged in mercantile
trade, cutting and shipping timber by vessel to Boston, and bringing back dry goods and
groceries to supply his store.
January 20, 1842, he married Thankful Haskell Cleaves, also a descendant of Revolu
tionary stock, and who is still living. For eight years he lived in Steuben and held several
offices of importance, being School Agent for several years, also Town Collector and
Treasurer. In 1850 he moved to the adjoining town of Alillbridge, and for ten years held the office
-of Constable. He says. "I held the office of Constable all the time I lived in Alillbridge,
about the same as Deputy Sheriff in New Jersey— I had the same fees as Sheriff, but could
not charge above two hundred ($200) dollars on any one suit— I held the office under the
Neal Dow Law, and destroyed more or less liquor." Being attracted by glowing accounts
-of the salubrious climate, and also the great natural fertility of the soil of south New Jersey,
he left Maine in i860, with his wife and seven children, and settled in Hammonton, New
Jersey. He bought what was then called "The Penobscot House," soon afterwards build
ing a home on Vine street, where he lived with his family for twenty years or more.
He was engaged in the lumber and contracting business for many years, and has been
closely identified with the growth of Hammonton in many ways, holding positions of trust,
being a Justice of the Peace for five years, and a Director of the Building Association for
twenty-five years; also a Director of the People's Bank. He is still active, though nearly
eighty years of age, in looking after his property interests. He is a member of the Pres
byterian Church, and was for a number of years its chorister. In political belief he has
always been a strong and consistent Republican.
His family consists of Gilbert L., who enlisted in the war of the Rebellion at the age
of twenty-one, was wounded in the battle of the Wilderness, and died at home two years
later; Augustus J., who was for seventeen years clerk of Hammonton, and for the past
thirty years actively connected with the financial institutions of that place. He married
Mary B. Quinn, and has a family of three sons and two daughters and three grandsons;
lately moved to Ocean City, N. J., where he is the leading ice and coal dealer. Alary J.,
the wife of Henry D. Aloore, of Haddonfield, N. J., has raised a family of three sons and
two daughters, and has nine grandchildren. Elnathan H., who also enlisted in the war of
the Rebellion at the age of fifteen, was wounded at the battle of the Wilderness, and died two
months later in Libby Prison Hospital. Antoinette, who was married to Capt. Frank Tom
lin, resides in Hammonton, and has two sons. Harriet J., who became the wife of Curtis
S. Newcomb, also resides in Hammonton. William J., the youngest, who married Abbie
S. Hudson, has one daughter, and is a member of the firm of C. F. Osgood & Co., of Ham
monton, N. J., the most successful shoe manufacturers in southern New Jersey, and one of
the leading financial men of that place; and has large interests in the Building Association
and People's Bank, of which he is a Director.
Thos. J., the subject of our sketch, has had seven children, thirteen grandchildren, and
twelve great-grandchildren, making a total of thirty-two, and during the fifty-eight years of
his married life has lost only two sons, Gilbert and Elnathan, and one grandson, Gilbert H.
Moore. A remarkable record when coupled with the fact that the two sons died from
wounds and exposure in the army, and not from diseases contracted at home.
Captain Richard Somers, who gave his brave young life for his country in the harbor
of Tripoli on the night of September 4, 1804, was born at Somers Point, September 15, 1778.
He finished his education in the city of Burlington, and entered the navy as a midshipman
in 1803. He saw his first actual service during the naval war with France, which began in
1798. He was a midshipman on the frigate United States, Captain John Barry, and among
the other officers were David Ross, James Barron, Charles Stewart (Parnell's grandfather),
Stephen Decatur, Jr. ; Jacob Jones. James R. Caldwell and William Alontgomery Crane, all
of whom attained distinction. The frigate took two Frenchmen, the Amour de la Patrie
and the Tartufe, but was otherwise inactive. Then the war with Tripoli came on, and it
was there that Somers proved how sweet and fitting a thing it is to die for one's native land.
Returning to Philadelphia he took command of one of the Government armed schooners
called the Nautilus, of about 160 or 170 tons burden, mounted with twelve 18-pound car-
ronades and two sixes, with a crew of 90 to 100.
In the engagement of August 3. 1804, before the harbor of Tripoli, Somers was in
command of the first of the six gunboats. In each of the five attacks that were made Somers
distinguished himself. When he found that he could not get at the enemy through the
eastern passage to the harbor he pitched into the Tripolitan gunboats at the northern en
trance, chased them away and up to within a hundred yards of a big twelve-gun battery
which the enemy had not dared to use for fear of hitting his own flying boats.
When the American turned to go back there was nothing standing between him and
destruction, but just at the critical moment an American shell exploded in the battery, blew
up the platform and did so much damage that Somers and his men were safe before a re
covery could be had. The morning of August 7 the attack was renewed by bombardment.
Right in the middle of it the John Adams hove in sight bringing the news of Somers' pro
motion. August 24 and September 3 other attacks were made.
Somers conceived a bold and daring undertaking for the liberation of his fellow coun
trymen then held as prisoners. His thoughts he communicated to Com. Preble, his superior
officer; who in turn consulted with Decatur, Stewart and other commanders in the squadron.
The plan was accepted, a ketch prepared, one hundred barrels of gunpowder emptied in a
bulk in her hold; on her deck was placed large quantities of balls and missies of different
kinds and sizes with fuses properly prepared, to explode in the inner harbor of Tripoli.
Several starts were made upon an enterprise, the desperation of which was perfectly
well known to all who took part in it. Finally a night sufficiently dark for the purpose
came, on September 4. Somers was in command, and he had sworn never to be taken alive;
Henry Wadsworth, a midshipman, from whom his nephew, the poet Longfellow, was
named: Joseph Israel, another midshipman, who had been refused permission to go, but
hid himself aboard and was permitted to remain, and ten sailors, four from the Nautilus
and six from the Constitution, made up the equipment.
The Intrepid passed into the darkness. The minutes seemed hours to the anxious
officers on the fleet outside. It left at eight o'clock, and a few minutes later every battery
in the harbor was ablaze at the intruder. At ten o'clock Stewart and Carroll, standing on
the deck of the Siren, saw a dim light moving in a waving line as if being carried along a
ship's deck. It disappeared in a moment and an instant later there was a terrific explosion.
One of the enemy's largest boats was blown up filled with soldiers, and two others were
badly shattered.
From that moment to the present time, the fate of Alaster Commandant Somers and
his brave crew have remained in darkness to the American nation. Such brave and patriotic
acts of Somers and his brave crew could not pass unrecognized by the officers of Com.
Preble or the American nation. In the year of 1805, the officers of the Alediterranean squad
ron caused to be erected at the west front of the National Capitol, of Italian marble, a
beautiful monument forty feet high, in a very elaborate style.' Upon its summit stands the
American eagle guarding the escutcheon of American liberty and preparing, seemingly, to
wing his flight heavenward.
Thus stood this monument, until the burning of Washington by the British in 1814,
when it was very much defaced and injured. In after years by an act' of Congress it was in
a very great degree restored to its original beauty, then transferred to the grounds of the
Naval Academy at Annapolis, where it now stands a living monument, erected to the
memory of one of the sons of New Jersey; yes, to one of the boys of Somers Point, who
in about six and one-half years caused his name to be written high on the roll of fame in
our country's history.
AYalter C. Sooy, Al. D., was born at Absecon. N. J., September 21. 1869, and completed
his public school education by graduating from the Atlantic City High School. He grad
uated from Hahnemann Aledical College in the class of 1890, and opened his office in this
city, at once building up a successful business. He is an active member of the Homoeo
pathic Club and is highly esteemed by his associates and all who know him. He is happily
married to Aliss Alida H. Thomas, of Cape Alay County.
James Dobbins Southwick was born in Vincentown, Burlington County, December
25, 1859. His parents, Joseph and Buelah L. Southwick, were members of the Society of
Friends. He graduated from the public schools in 1878, and six years later came to Atlantic
City, as manager of the Hotel Shelburne, a position which he has filled successfully ever
since. The popularity and success of The Shelburne is largely due to the painstaking and
up-to-date management of Air. Southwick. He is a member of several fraternal and bene
ficial societies, and is a popular host and entertainer. He is a staunch Republican in poli
tics, as such he was elected Alderman, ex-officio member of City Council in 1896, and has
been re-elected each year since, serving four terms. In 1892 he married Deborah Kinnard
and has one child, a daughter. Alary K. Southwick. He is a public spirited citizen, actively
interested in all enterprises projected to advance the interests of this resort. He is chair
man of the County Board of Registration and one of the governors of the City Hospital.
August Stephany was born in Nordhausen, Germany, December 16, 1841. He came
to America in 1858, and for seven years was employed in the office of the New York Staats
Zeitung. In 1865 he removed to Egg Harbor City, which was then almost in its infancy.
He was largely instrumental in building up this German settlement and was a hard worker
in advancing its growth. From 1870 up till the time he was admitted to the bar, in Feb
ruary, 1881, he held the positions of City Clerk and Justice of the Peace. He then opened
a law office in Atlantic City, and on January 1, 1884, formed a partnership with the late
Harry L. Slape, and the law firm of Slape & Stephany continued up to Air. Slape's death,
in 1887. On January 1, 1895, he established the law firm of A. Stephany & Son, Robert E.
Stephany being the junior member, which existed until the death of the elder Air. Stephany.
The deceased was the first president of the Atlantic County Bar Association and a prominent
member of many societies. He was City Solicitor of Egg Harbor City for many years, and
was connected with the Egg Harbor Commercial Bank and other business institutions.
About 1895 he removed from his home in Egg Harbor City and became a permanent resi
dent in Atlantic City, where he continued the active practice of his profession until his
death, on June 9, 1898.
On his death, the Atlantic County Bar Association adopted the following resolutions:
"The Atlantic County Bar Association, in meeting assembled by call, beg to present
their most respectful and personal condolence to the family of Air. Stephany in their great
bereavement. "It will be allowable to say that not only our local bar, but that of the State has suffered
a severe loss in his removal.
"Coming, as he did, a mere youth from the gymnasium in Nordhausen, he promptly
secured work on the "New York Staats-Zeitung." From New York he came to Egg
Harbor City, Atlantic County, where his pronounced ability made him easily the leading
man of what was at that time only a settlement. Through his energy and applied knowledge
the county has gained vastly in productive industry and at large, and owes him a debt which
it will take a long time to pay.
"While he entered his chosen profession late in life, his progress was rapid and he soon
commanded the respect of his brethren for his keen perception of the law and the systematic
and prompt manner in which the details of his office were conducted. He was zealous in
behalf of his clients, true to his profession, and above all, an honest man.
"He took great interest in the organization of this Association and was its first
Robert E. Stephany was born at Egg Harbor City, N. J., on October 6, 1872, and grad
uated from the public schools of that city in 1887. He removed to Atlantic City, where he
entered the office of his father, August Stephany, as law student, and was admitted to the
bar as an attorney in November, 1894, and as a counsellor in November, 1897. He became
associated with his father on January 1, 1895, under the firm name of A. Stephany & Son,
which existed until the elder Air. Stephany's death. Mr. Stephany is now continuing the
business of the late firm. At the Alarch election of 1900 he was elected city recorder, a
position which he most acceptably fills.
Dr. W. Blair Stewart, physician and author, the subject of this sketch, was born at
Middle Spring, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Alarch 6, 1867. His early education was
received at the public schools of that vicinity, later at the Chambersburg Academy, from
which he entered Dickinson College and remained there four years, graduating with the
degrees of Ph. B. and A. Al. He then took a four years' course at the Aledico-Chirurgical
'College of Philadelphia, and graduated in 1890. Dr. Stewart then commenced practice at
Bryn Alawr, Pennsylvania, remaining there four years.
Having very flattering inducements offered him to locate at Atlantic City, he concluded
to come here, associating himself with Dr. Boardman Reed.
Dr. Stewart, since his residence here, has always taken an active interest in matters
tending towards the advancement of the city's interest. He is a member of the medical
staff of the Atlantic City Hospital, and has done much towards organizing that institution.
For eight years Dr. Stewart has occupied the Chair of Pharmocology and Physiological
Action of Drugs, and as Assistant Professor at his Alma Mater.
In politics he is a Republican, a member of the American Academy of Aledicine,
American Medical Association, President of the Atlantic County Aledical Society, Vice-
President of the Atlantic City Academy of Aledicine, a thirty-second degree Alason, Knight
Templar, and member of Lulu Temple, A. A. O. N. Al. S. of Philadelphia.
As an author Dr. Stewart has attained prominence in his profession, his book, "A Syn
opsis of Practice of Aledicine," having reached the second edition.
Dr. Stewart is happily married and resides on Pacific avenue, in the residence which
he purchased from his former partner and associate, Dr. Boardman Reed.
Arthur H. Stiles, the well-known contractor and builder, was born in the town of
Lincoln, Lincolnshire County, England, October 4, i860. At the age of twelve years he
came to this country with his parents, who, after living three years in Philadelphia, moved
to this city. Excepting five years, when he lived in Tacoma, Washington, the subject of
this sketch has lived in this city ever since, working at the trade of his father, that of a
brickmason, building some of the finest structures on the island. The Steuber block at
Indiana avenue, Dr. Cuskaden and H. H. Deakyne's drug stores, and Bleak House on the
beach are some of the buildings which he has erected. Air. Stiles is active and prominent
in society circles. He is a member of Trinity Lodge, F. and A. AL. and Trinity Chapter,
a member of Webster Lodge, K. of P., of the Brotherhood of the Union, the Degree of
Pocahontas, and of Pequod Tribe, Imp. O. R. Al. At present Brother Stiles is Great
Sachem of the Great Council of the State of New Jersey and a very efficient and popular
officer. He is a member of the local Board of Health and well qualified to fill any official
position. On October 12, 1887, he was happily married to Alary W., daughter of the late
Jesse and Deborah Somers, and has one child, John Somers Stiles, who was born October
2, 1888.
Franklin P. Stoy, Mayor of this city, was born at Haddonfield, N. J., January. 1854
He was educated in the public schools of Camden County, N. J., and at the age of twenty-
three he accepted a position as superintendent of the Union Transfer Company, by whom
he has been employed ever since. On account of his health, in 1881, he was sent to this
city as manager for the company, a position which he still holds.
Till 1882 he was in this city only during the summer months, but since then the vastly
increasing transfer of baggage has kept him here all the year around. He came as an in
valid and remains as a stalwart and useful citizen of extensive influence and acquaintance
with the traveling public.
He served as a member of Council in 1891-2-3, till he was elected Alayor, serving four
years, till 1898. He was re-elected in Alarch. 1900. He had long noticed as a public official
the necessity for a city hospital, and was active in promoting such an institution. He was
chosen the first President of the Board of Hospital Governors when they organized, April
9, 1897. and has been re-elected each year since. He is a Past Alaster of Trinity Lodge and
a member of all the Alasonic orders. He is a member of several other orders, the Elks and
the Golden Eagles, and has a helping hand for all good works. In politics he is a Republi
can, and in religion a Methodist. He is happily married and has a model home on Pacific
Prominent among those who have been largely interested in the advancement of Atlantic
City, stands Jesse B. Thompson, Al. D., the subject of this sketch.
To the growth of the section of the city known as Chelsea, Dr. Thompson's efforts have
been largely directed, and to no other one agency is so much due for its rapid growth and
development. Born at Hurffville, Gloucester County, New Jersey, January 17, 1857, his early
education was received in the common schools of that district. At the age of seventeen he
left school and accepted a position as clerk in a store, and acted in that capacity in various
towns adjacent to the home of his birth. After some deliberation he decided to enter one
of the professions, and finally selected that of medicine as being the one by which he could
most benefit his fellowmen.
He then took a course at the University of Pennsylvania, and was admitted to practice
in Alay, 1888. After his admission he selected Atlantic City as a place which afforded ex
cellent opportunities.
Dr. Thompson was highly successful from the start, and built up a large and lucrative
practice. After some years, realizing the possibilities in advancing real estate, he gave a
great .deal of his attention to that field. He then became interested in Chelsea, which was
practically an undeveloped tract of land. Believing this to be a valuable tract for the future
rise in values, he had the courage of his convictions and invested very largely. Later days
ha\e demonstrated Dr. Thompson's foresight and courage, as values have risen very
largely and Chelsea is now one of the most desirable parts of our beautiful city.
In politics and religion he is independent.
Dr. Thompson's latest venture was in Hotel Chelsea, which was so successful the first
season it opened, 1899, that an extension trebling its first capacity has been added.
Hon. Joseph Thompson, the son of William W. and Hester T. Pennington Thompson,
was born at Alays Landing, September 21. 1853. He received his early education in his
native town and studied law under Alden C. Scovel of Camden, and William Aloore of
Mays Landing. In 1878 he was admitted to the New Jersey Bar as an attorney, and in
18S3 as a counsellor. Since 1880, when he came to Atlantic City, he has held several im
portant public offices. In 1881 he was made tax collector of the county; in 1882 solicitor
for the Board of Chosen Freeholders, in which position he has been retained ever since.
He succeeded Alex. H. Sharo as p~osecutor of the pleas for Atlantic County, filling the
office from 1882 to 1892. In the latter year, he was appointed law judge of the county by
Governor Wurts. holding the position until April, 1898, when he was elected Mayor.
He is one of the directors of the Second National Bank, also the Atlantic Safe Deposit
and Trust Company. He is solicitor for both of these corporations, with whose organization
he was identified. He is one of the managers of the State Hospital for the Insane, at Tren
ton, having been appointed in Alarch, 1898, by Governor Voorhees. He is likewise a mem
ber of the State Board of Taxation by grace of the same appointing power.
Mayor Thompson is a shrewd politician, alert business man and an aggressive attorney.
He has made a specialty of corporation law and has been solicitor for one or both railroads
leading to this city for many years.
Wilber R. Tilton, the well-known cashier of the Hammonton Bank, is the son of the
late Peter S. Tilton, and was born at Bakersville, Alarch 24. 1857. He finished his education
at Bryant & Stratton's Business College, and for several years was associated with his father
in the management of a general country store. Since 1887 he has been cashier of the
People's Bank. He is identified with other business interests and commands the respect
and confidence of his fellow citizens throughout the country, wherever he is known.
Charles Edward Ulmer, Al. D., was born in Ellsworth, near Bangor, Alaine, on Sep
tember 8, 1857, and died in Atlantic City January 15. 1898. His father was Levi Ulmer, son
of George Ulmer, a Revolutionary officer. His mother was Harriet J. Lord, a direct de
scendant of Stephen Hopkins, who came to this country in the Alayflower.
The Doctor's parents moved to Philadelphia when he was quite young. His early
scholastic training was had in the Boys' Central High School, of which he was a graduate.
He next entered the Philadelphia Dental College, graduated, and became Demonstrator of
Chemistry in that institution. Later he studied at the University of Pennsylvania for the
degree of Doctor of Philosophy, but abandoned it in 1880 to come to Atlantic City, where
for ten years he practiced successfully as a dentist. In 1890 he was graduated from the
Jefferson Aledical College and soon gained a large practice.
The Doctor was City Physician for several years, until impaired health compelled him
to relinquish practice. At the time of his death he was a member of the Board of Education.
On August 13. 1896, he married Helen, daughter of Henry D. Smith, formerly of
Brigantine Beach.
In the practice of medicine he was most successful, and at all times a close student.
With a passionate love for his profession, combined with a winning personality and gentle
ness of manner, he was an ideal physician and one of the most popular and successful prac
titioners in this city.
S Hudson Vaughn, architect of this city, is the son of Capt. Daniel F. Vaughn, of
Mays Landing, where he was born, August 25, 1871. He was educated in the public schools
and at Spring Garden Institute, Philadelphia, and found employment with various arcin
gs before he accepted the position of superintendent of buildings for the Industri 1 La nd
Company of New York, which erected seventy cottages and several factories at Mays Land
fnK previous to 1894, when he became associated with the late William G Hoopes ir 1 this
hy Upon the death of Mr. Hoopes, Air. Vaughn succeeded him in the business and has
been very successful. He was the architect of the Allen apartment building, the Currie
building, the Chelsea school house, the County Asylum at Smiths Landing, Bleak House,
the Conrow and Rochford apartment blocks, and various other important buildings and
private residences.
On September 22, 1892, Air. A'aughn married Mrs. Lida P. Eldredge, of Cape May
City, and occupies a fine home in Chelsea.
Charles Frederick Wahl. the enterprising shoe merchant, is the youngest of the three
sons of the late John Conrad and Alary Struchen Wahl, and was born at Egg Harbor City,
June 16, 1858. The two older brothers, John C. Wahl, Jr., and William Frederick Wahl
of this city, are also shoe dealers. The father was one of the early pioneers of Egg Harbor
City, coming from Wittenberg, Germany, and spending his first few years in Boston and
New York.
The son was educated in the public schools, in both German and English branches, and
came to Atlantic City with his father in 1871, to be the third shoe dealer to locate here, his.
predecessors being the late Joseph J. Shinnen and the veteran John Harrold. Wahl's shoe
store at Virginia and Atlantic avenues was a landmark for more than twenty years.
In 1892, the son succeeding his father in the active management of the business, moved.
to the larger Tower Hall shoe store at the corner of Pennsylvania avenue, where the busi
ness has since been conducted with metropolitan enterprise and success.
In 1889 Air. Wahl married Alartha F. Lippincott, and has three children, Wendell Phil
lips, Hildegard Alary and Helen Gould. He is considerably interested in real estate and.
devotes his energies closely to his large and prosperous trade. He is a member of American
Star Lodge of Odd Fellows, a trustee of Central Al. E. Church, which he helped to organize,.
and in which he has taken an active interest.
John S. AA'estcott, Esq., who has been City Recorder since Alarch, 1898, was born in this-
city Alay 4, 1866. He is the youngest son of the late Arthur and Alary A. Westcott. His
father was a carpenter and builder, and for twenty years or more was the assessor of this
city. His ancestors were of English descent, his grandfather coming from New England.
He was a commissioned officer in the Alexican war, and became the owner of considerable
property in this county.
The subject of this sketch was educated in the public schools and studied law with Hon.
Joseph Thompson, then Prosecutor of the Pleas of this county. He was admitted to the
bar in June, 1888. and has been very successful in the practice of law. He was solicitor for
the City Board of Health nine years. In 1889 he was elected Coroner and served a term as
chairman of the Board of Assessors. He has been engaged in many important suits and is
prominent and active in the Republican party. He is a member of Trinity Lodge and.
Trinity Chapter, R. A. Af. He is an Elk. an Odd Fellow and a Red Alan. He married Alary
E. Corcoran, of Philadelphia, and occupies a fine home on Ocean avenue.
One of the younger members of the Atlantic City medical fraternity is Dr. Alfred W.
Westney, who was born June 9. 1874, in Philadelphia, his parents being John and Alary
Westney, who now reside at Palmyra, New Jersey.
He attended the public schools of his native city and graduated with the degree off
Bachelor of Arts at the Central High School, after which he entered Hahnemann Medical
College and graduated in the first four years' course of that institution. In 1897 he re
ceived an appointment as senior house surgeon and physician at Hahnemann Hospital,
where he served a little over a year. For several years prior to this and, in fact, while a
student, he served in a number of dispensaries at the hospital, and is a graduate of the
Lying-in. In 1898 he came to Atlantic City, locating at 1302 Pacific avenue, where he has
a cosy office.
Dr. Westney has a pleasing personality, is an enthusiast and a member of a number of
medical societies, of which might be mentioned the Phi Alpha Gamma, and the American
Institute of Homoeopathy.
Daniel S. White, Jr., owner and proprietor of Hotel Traymore, was born near Mount
Holly, N. J., in 1853. He was educated in the public schools and in Philadelphia. His
father for 17 years was superintendent of Indian affairs in Nebraska, and the son served
him as clerk, also as Indian trader and dealer in general merchandise for some years in
Iowa and Nebraska. In 1886 he came east and with his father-in-law, W. W. Green, and
his brother-in-law, G. E. Knight, purchased the Hotel Traymore of Airs. AL E. Hoopes.
To the management of the hotel Air. White has devoted his exclusive attention ever since,
till at present he is the sole owner, and the property is several times more valuable than
when he first knew it. Hotel Traymore is an all-the-year house, has accommodations for
400 guests and is often unable to meet the demand upon it for rooms. Its success is chiefly
due to the careful business methods and liberal management of Air. White.
Harry Wootton, one of the most popular young men in Atlantic City, is a son of the
late Henry and Anne J. Eldredge Wootton, and grandson of the late Jonah Wootton and
the late Lemuel Eldredge, who were prominent in the affairs of Atlantic City since its
early days. He married in 1895, Alary Alarshall Down, daughter of L. A. Down, ex-County
Clerk of Atlantic County.
He is a graduate of the Atlantic City High School, being a member of the class of
1886. He studied law in the offices of Hon. Joseph Thompson, after which he attended
Columbia College, New York, and in 1892 received the degree of LL.B. from the New
York law school. In the same year he was admitted to the Bar of the State of New Jersey,
since which time he has practiced law, acquiring a valuable practice. He is also a junior -
member of the real estate firm of Devine and Wootton, who have one of the largest real
estate clientages in South Jersey. He is actively identified with the Republican party, and
is a member of many secret societies and social organizations of Atlantic City.
Jonah Wootton, Sr., one of the early pioneers of this city, was born in Bloxwich, Staf
fordshire, England, February 24. 1814. He was the son of Samuel and Elizabeth Wootton,
and was one of a family of twenty-one children. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Wil
liam and Alary Whitehouse, and was a painter and builder by trade and occupation. He
came to this country in 1844, landing in Baltimore, where he lived four years before moving
to Philadelphia. He moved to this city in 1858, having then completed Light House Cot
tage at the ocean end of Alassachusetts avenue, which, when moved later to escape the en
croachments of the ocean, became known as the St. Charles, standing near Delaware and.
Pacific avenue. Mr. Wootton purchased the entire square from Pacific avenue to the
ocean for $7,500. William Whitehouse, a brother of Mrs. Wootton, built what for years
was known as the White House on Alassachusetts avenue. Airs. Wootton died December
29, 1877- I ! $
The children of Jonah and Elizabeth Wootton were: Alary Ann, b. February 12, 1836;
d. young. Jonah, Jr., b. June 5, 1837; d. December 28, 1892. Alary A., b. October 21, 1838;
m. J. Henry Hayes. Paul, b. December 12, 1840. Silas, b. July 20, 1842; killed on skirmish
line, battle of Weldon Railroad, August 18, 1864; he was Quartermaster Sergeant, 156th
Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. Phillip, b. September 12, 1844; d. December 21, 1844
William, b. Alay 15, 1846; d. June 16, 1846. Elizabeth, b. February 2, 1850; d. September 13,
1851. Lucy, b. February 2, 1852; d. Alarch 2, 1852. Eliza, b. February 2, 1855; d. Alarch 2,
I855- For his second wife Jonah Wootton married Alary Coulter, who survives him. He died
January 24, 1890. He never held any public position, but was an active member and liberal
supporter of the church and a progressive, enterprising citizen, who helped the town to
prosper in its early days.
Jonah AYootton, Jr., was born at Bloxwich, England, in 1837. He came with his
parents to America in 1843, settling in Baltimore, Aid., later removing to Philadelphia, Pa.,
where he received his early education in the public schools. In 1861 he succeeded his
father in the painting business, which he successfully carried on, until he removed to Atlantic
City, in 1870, where he entered into the hotel business with his father, conducting the
"Light House Cottage," at the foot of Alassachusetts avenue, which was later removed to
the foot of Delaware avenue and called the "St. Charles." Leaving the hotel business, he
again engaged in the decorative painting business. He was a devout member of the First
AL E. Church, conducting the choir and being Sabbath-school superintendent for many
years. He married Alary A. Griffith, daughter of Wm. C. and Kathryn Rose Griffith, of
Philadelphia, Pa. Their children being William, Elizabeth, Silas, Mayme, Nellie, Jonah
and Kathryn. He was a Republican in politics, later joining the Prohibition party. He
died December 2S. 1892.
The subject of this sketch was born June 22, 1830, in Durham, Greene County, New
York, and is the son of Anson P. and Abigail Pierce Wright. His early education was
begun at a country district school and was largely supplemented by hard study at home,
coupled with considerable exercise as a student at farming on his father's farm. As a young
man. General Wright began his struggle for prominence as a teacher of a country school,
to which occupation he gave three years' faithful service. He located at Atlantic City. New
Jersey, in Alarch, 1852. His first vocation was that of a school teacher for several years,
later taking up the science of civil engineering and surveying. At the outbreak of the war
in 1861, he was instrumental in raising and equipping a company called the "Home Guards,"
of which he was commissioned Captain. Promptly after the Bull Run fight he took his
company to Trenton, where they were mustered into the 4th New Jersey Regiment of
Infantry, and General Wright accepted a position as Second Lieutenant (the lowest com
mission in the army). After much reorganization, drilling and other military preparation,
much of the duties of the soldier was gathered by these patriotic spirited men. Among the
many other duties the General filled the office of Judge Advocate of several special Courts-
Alartial during these stirring times, and practically working his way up from the lowest
ranks as an officer to a position of prominence and importance in military circles. Probably
no man among the veterans remaining in the State of New Jersey has seen a more varied or
peculiar career as an intrepid soldier and a warm advocate of President Lincoln's policy.
Many incidents are related which vividly portray a strong decision of character and indi
viduality which make successful men no matter what their vocation may be. Elias Wright's
service during the rebellion is a record of which he may be justly proud, and the many
attestations from his superior officers prove the opinion in which they held his courage
and ability. General Wright entered the service as Second Lieutenant of Company G. 4th
New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, August 17, 1861. Promoted to First Lieutenant, Company
D, January 3, 1862. Captured at Gaines Mill, Virginia, June 27, 1862, and imprisoned in
Richmond, Virginia. Exchanged August 5, 1862. Wounded at Crampton Pass, Alaryland,
September 14, 1862. Promoted to a Captaincy, December, 1862; Alajor, June, 1863; Lieu
tenant-Colonel. April, 1864; Colonel, August, 1864; Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volun
teers, January, 1865, and confirmed by the Senate at that time for gallant and meritorious
services during the war. The following enumeration of army service will doubtless be
of interest: He was on duty near Washington, D. C, until Alarch 7, 1862; moved to the Peninsula,
April 4th; in action at West Point, Virginia, Alay 7th; Seven Days' battle, June 25th-July
1st; battle of Gaines Mill, June 27th, where he was captured and imprisoned at Libby
Prison for seven weeks. He was in action again on the Plains of Alanassas and Bull Run
Bridge, August 27. 1862; battle of Chantilly, September 1st; Alaryland Campaign, Septem
ber 7th-20th; battle of Crampton's Pass, Alaryland, September 14th, where in leading the
advance in the charge up the mountain he was badly wounded. Battle of Antietam, Sep
tember i6th-i7th; battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia, December I3th-i5th: Chancellorsville
Campaign, April 28th-Alay 6th; battle of Salem Heights, Alay 3d-4th; expedition to South
Alills, December 5th-20th. 1863; battle with Fitzhugh Lee's Cavalry, Alay 21st; battle of
Chaffin's Farm, September 29th-30th; expedition against Fort Fisher in December, 1864,
and January, 1865; commanded a brigade from October, 1864, to the end of his service;
commanding a brigade of five regiments in Alarch, 1865, he had the advance of Gen. Terry's
army up the Peninsula from Fort Fisher to Wilmington. Near the latter place the enemy
under Gen. Bragg made a stubborn resistance, where the subject of this sketch was shot
through the right arm, which ever after paralyzed that limb. At the surrender of Johnson's
army near Durham, North Carolina, April, 1865; Provost- Marshal of New Berne, North
Carolina, Alay and June, 1865.
The brigade having been ordered to Texas he resigned and went home, and was im
mediately taken into service by his former employer, Stephen Colwell. General AA'right
held eight commissions in the volunteer army, two of them as Captain, and rising, as above
stated, to the rank of Brevet Brigadier-General of the U. S. Volunteers. Of these he asked
only for the rank of Captain.
After the war was over he was assigned by Air. Colwell as surveyor and engineer and
partially as manager of Air. Colwell's business, with headquarters at Weymouth, Atlantic
County, New Jersey. He continued that work until 1873, when he was engaged by Joseph
Wharton, of Philadelphia, to manage his estate of more than 100,000 acres of land in New
Jersey, in which work he is still interested. His researches of the titles extend back to 1720,
covering many owners and many conditions, with the result that great credit is due to the
ability of General Wright. No other land owner in that region has ever undertaken such a
tremendous task, in the successful outcome of which the General takes a just pride. It is
an enduring monument to his industry and energy and also to the tenacity of purpose of
Joseph Wharton, who has saved much trouble for his successors by clearing up the titles
and boundary lines in Southern New Jersey.
In politics the General is an uncompromising Republican, though he is opposed to
voting in the field and still does not believe that soldiers, either volunteer or regulars, should
be allowed so to vote. He does not believe in the demonetization of silver as money of
redemption. General Wright is a believer in thorough education, but has no superstitious reverence
for mere literary culture as contrasted with practical training in affairs. He believes in the
employment of men and women equally as teachers, and yet is decided in his belief that
our public school system suffers, not only from incompetent officers, but from an undue
proportion of women teachers. He has never had the time nor the disposition to contend
for political preferment, and has, therefore, held but few offices, but he has had sundry occa
sions to look into the accounts and doings of political henchmen, and he regrets the knowl
edge so acquired. He has no denominational affiliations.
AA'illard Wright, AL D., who died at his home in this city, September 8, 1895, was the
son of Anson P. Wright, a farmer, and was born in the town of Durham, Green County,
N. Y., July 18, 1832. He was the youngest of six sons in a family of nine children. His
brothers were Calvin, Bradford, Anson B., George, and Elias, and his sisters were Alary A.,
Henrietta, and Ellen B. He received his early training on the farm and in the district
school. He taught school for several years, like many other young men from the Knick
erbocker country, and finally studied medicine in Chicago and Philadelphia, and settled
for practice in Illinois. When the war of the Rebellion broke out he raised a company of
cavalry and entered the service as Captain, October 10, 1861, and saw active service in the
State of Alissouri. Owing to sickness contracted by exposure, from which he never fully-
recovered, he resigned and was honorably discharged July 20, 1862. Returning east he set
tled at Pleasantville and resumed the practice of his profession, having a drug store at.
Absecon and an extensive practice along the shore. He soon became recognized as one of
the best physicians and one of the influential men of the county.
For his second wife he married Annie AL Frambes, November 21, 1864. In 1871 he
associated himself with Dr. Rex Smith and opened a drug store in this city, at 910 Atlantic
avenue. Two years later he moved to this city to reside permanently and opened a drug
store at 931 Atlantic avenue, where he lived for a number of years. He succeeded John J.
Gardner as Alayor of Atlantic City in i8/6-'77, also in 1879 and 1881, and again in 1886. He
was one of the active and influential friends and advocates of the Narrow Gauge railroad,
which gave him considerable prestige and popularity. He was also largely instrumental as
Alayor in securing an ample supply of water for this city at a time when the injurious
effects of a water famine and the lack of fire protection were halting the progress of the
town. As a physician he appreciated the value of a good water supply, and fearlessly faced
strong opposition in doing what he felt to be an important duty.
He was twice appointed Postmaster of this city by President Cleveland, and filled ac
ceptably this very trying and difficult position. Dr. Wright's kindness and generosity were
proverbial. His drug store when he was personally in charge was almost a free dispensary,
and his failure to collect or to urge the collection of thousands of dollars due him for drugs
and professional services kept him poor. While he had a fortune in outstanding bills he
was often hard pressed financially till his salary as postmaster made him more comfortable.
As a public man, intensely interested in his home town, his integrity was at times as
sailed by his opponents. But he died poor, a friend of the poor, generous and kind, a
proof that his best years and his great ability had been devoted unselfishly to the service
of his fellow man. As a physician he had few equals. Fie saved many a life and cured
many a doubtful case. In politics and religion he was liberal.
He was a great reader and enjoyed the discussion of metaphysical subjects. He was a
Greeley Republican, who, like thousands of others, were Democrats after 1872. As a public
man and a family physician few have contributed so much of their time, talent and means
for the benefit of others in this city as Dr. AA'illard Wright.
Captain John L., son of the late James Young, is a representative Jerseyman and suc
cessful citizen, who occupies a niche of his own in the history of Atlantic City. He was-
born at Absecon, September 25, 1853, and has spent most of his life on this island, achiev
ing fortune and popularity by dint of his own genius. Till he was fifteen years old his home
was among the wild sand hills at South Atlantic, where his grandfather, under Capt. Charles
Bates, was employed in the coast survey. Here during the impressionable years of his
boyhood, wild nature was his public school, and he became familiar with the facts of the
natural history of the region which have been of so great use to him ever since.
No man is better versed in the habits and peculiarities of the fish and wild fowls, of
the action of tides and currents and changes of the weather and seasons, than he. No man
is more skillful with gun or boat, or more at home and in his element where the Atlantic
lashes the continent.
Air. Young was a nephew of the late Hon. John L. Bryant, and learned of him the
trade of carpenter and builder. He worked at his trade in this city for some years, and no
longer ago than 1885 served the city as life guard and police officer at forty dollars per
month. In the fall of that year he formed a partnership with Stewart R. AlcShea. Their
successful and extensive deals in beach front property are referred to elsewhere. Mr. Young
has visited California and viewed the natural wonders of his native land. He is happily
married and occupies a beautiful home on the shore, or in his cottage over the ocean where
the associations of a lifetime in all their perfection are combined in his ocean pier and its
special attractions.
Alaurice Decker Youngman, AL D., was born in Kingston, N. Y.. Alarch 23. 1858. His
early education was obtained in the public schools of New York City and at the Lmiversity
of New York, where he graduated. He studied medicine with Dr. Abraham Crispell, of
Kingston, and graduated at the New York Homoeopathic Aledical College in 1880. Owing
to the ill health of his wife he visited the pine region of New Jersey, spending a few months
at Lakewood, Afanchester and Toms River previous to coming to this city, Alay 18, 1881.
He came at the suggestion of Dr. O. H. Crosby, and first opened an office on Atlantic
avenue below Indiana. At the end of his first year he moved to his present location on
Pacific avenue. He has for many years been a member of and secretary of the city board of
health, and for a number of years was the local representative of the State Board of Health.
He has issued many pamphlets on Atlantic City as a resort for invalids, one of which has
had a run of five editions. In 1889 he served on a special committee to correct and coun
teract the mendacious reports of destruction by storm sent out from this city by sensa
tional reporters. He is a member of several medical societies, also a member of Trinity
Lodge, F. and A. AL
Alfred Williams Baily, M. D., one of our best known physicians is the son of Rev.
Thomas Loyd Baily, and was born near West Chester, Penna., October 18, 1857. He was
educated in the public schools and at Westtown, Academy, and graduated from Hahnemann
Aledical College, March, 1886. He located in this city the following September, and has
been very successful in his practice ever since. He was elected president of the New Jersey
Homoeopathic Medical Society in 1893, and has taken an active interest in that organiza
tion. He is one of the most active workers of the Homoeopathic Club of this City and
during the year 1899 was the very active and efficient President of the Board of Health.
Smith Conover, the well-known grocer of Atlantic City, was born at Oceanville, N. J.,
July 4. 1850. He was one of the eight children of Eliakim Conover and Sophia Smith.
The sons were Charles, James, Elmer, Smith, Lemuel, Josiah and Samuel. The sister was
Sarah and lives in Philadelphia. Lemuel only is dead. The early education of the subject
of this sketch was gained mostly in the country store of his father and that of his uncle,
John V. Conover, at Oceanville. He came to Atlantic City in 1868 and found employment
in the grocery store of Lewis Reed, Jr., on Atlantic avenue, above Alaryland avenue. Here
he continued five years till 1873, when he accepted the position of bookkeeper at the Dis
ston lumber mill. In 1876 he opened a grocery store on his own account in a property
leased of Henry Wootton, which he purchased later and still occupies at A^irginia and At
lantic avenues.
For eighteen years he was a member and an officer in the First AL E. Church till six
years ago when he transferred his membership to Central AL E. Church. He was identified
with the first building association when it started and has been a director, vice-president or
president most of the time since. H e is one of the directors and the vice-president of the
Union National Bank and is one of the conservative, representative business men of the
Henry Heckler, owner and proprietor of Flotel Heckler, the largest and leading Ger
man-American hotel in this city, is one of our progressive citizens. He was born in
Baden. Germany, September 10, 1842. and was the son of Dr. Charles Heckler. He came
to this country at the age of seventeen, first settling at Lancaster, Pa., where he remained
a few months. He then moved to Philadelphia, locating at Second and Race streets, where
he continued his business as a barber for more than twenty years. He moved to this
city in 1881 and engaged in the hotel business, renting of Airs. Annie Alehler what for
years was known as the Forrest House, at North Carolina and Atlantic avenues. In 1892
Air. Heckler purchased what was known as the Ashland House property, at the corner of
Pennsylvania avenue. This large and valuable property has been made profitable and more
valuable by Air. Heckler, who has catered successfully to the German- American trade.
For years he has been a member of various German and social organizations, both in this
city and in Philadelphia. He is an Elk, a Redman, a Good Fellow and a member of the
Alaennerchor and Turn Verein, and is widely known as a hospitable, public spirited man.
He has never held any public position, but, yielding to the solicitation of friends, in 1895
he became a candidate for Council and made a highly creditable contest in a strong Repub
lican ward. He takes a lively interest in public affairs, and is regarded by all who know
him as a true friend and a safe advisor.
On October 16, 1863, he was married to Elizabeth Fritz, an American-born German wo
man, who has been his faithful helpmate ever since and has borne him three sons, Charles,
William and Harry.
Samuel D. Hoffman was born in Auburn, Salem County. February 27. 1850. He fin
ished his scholastic education as a graduate of the State Normal school at Trenton and for
several years thereafter was a teacher. AA'hile principal of the public schools at Alay's
Landing he was one of the county examiners under county superintendents Wight and
Alorse. There also he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1881 as an attorney and
in 1884 as a counsellor. He relinquished school duties and opened a law office in Atlantic
City in 1883 and the following year was chosen alderman. He was next elected city school
superintendent, serving till he was elected mayor in 1887, a position to which he was twice
re-elected serving five years. He was elected assemblyman in November, 1891, and the
following year was elected state senator over William Riddle, who received 3,128 votes to
3.183 for Hoffman; 252 for Turner, Prohibitionist. Air. Hoffman's plurality, after a
sharp contest, was declared to be 55.
In 1895 Air. Hoffman was re-elected State Senator by a plurality of 636 over C. F.
Osgood. In 1895 he was appointed county school superintendent, a position which he still
holds. He is one of the leading Republicans of the county and has been very successful.
Nicholas James Jeffries, the well known bathing master at the foot of Alaryland ave
nue, in Atlantic City, is a typical Jerseyman, a native of Atlantic county. He was born
near Somers' Point on April 1, i860, and received his education in the public schools and
in the boats and bays of his locality. He followed the sea for a number of years till, find
ing that avocation unpromising and unprofitable, he moved to Atlantic City about 1887
and engaged in business. In 1893 he leased the ground at the foot of Maryland avenue
which he has since purchased and embarked in the bathing business. He has been very
successful. His generous spirit and liberal, progressive ideas, have made him a host of
friends and he is up-to-date in his business. Old ocean, which he knows so well, is con
stantly adding to the value of his beach front possessions. On November 1, 1888, he mar
ried Aliss Rebecca Godfrey of Palermo, Cape Alay County, a sister of lawyer B. C. God
frey of Atlantic Citv. They have a fine home at No. 145 St. Charles Place.
Adolph Schlecht, one of our representative German citizens, was born in Baden, Ger
many, in 1852. He was educated in the German and Swiss schools, and came to this
country in 1870. He at once became associated with the late Alois Schaufler, in the man
agement of his hotel in this city. He married Aliss Schaufler, daughter of his employer, and
continued there ever since as lessee or proprietor.
In the management of Schaufler's Hotel and the Inlet Pavilion he has been associated
with Col. John E. Alehrer, and the two have always been liberal public spirited citizens.
Air. Schlecht is a member of Trinity Lodge and Chapter. In politics he is an independent
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