Yale University Library 39002002925775 Bought with the income of the Ann S. Farnam Fund ^^sdjl Thomas Kirwan. MEMORIAL HISTORY SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER INFANTRY (Old and New Organizations) IN THE CIVIL WAR FROM 1861— 1865 Issued by the Authority of the Supervisors, authorized to write and publish the History. Written and compiled in part by THOMAS KIKWAN Edited and Completed by HENEY SPLAINE Address HENEY .SPLAINE, 3 MidLind Street, Dorchester, Mass. Copyrighted, 1911, by Colonel Henry Splaine Published for the Committee on History By THE SALEM PRESS CO. ,Salem, Mass. THE FLAG By Arthur Macy Here comes the Flag! Hailit! Who dares to drag or Trail it? Give it hurrahs, Three for the stars, Three for the bars. ' ' Uncover your head to it ! The soldiers who tread to it Shout at the sight of it, The justice and right of it, The unsullied white of it, The blue and red of it, And tyranny's dread of it. Here comes the Flag! Cheer it. Valley and crag Shall hear it. Fathers shall bless it, Children caress it. All shall maintain it, No one shall stain it. ' 'Cheers for the sailors that fought on the wave for it; Cheers for the soldiers that always were brave for it, Tears for the men that went down to the grave for it. Here comes the Flag !' ' CONTENTS PAGE. Chaptee 1 1 Massachusetts in the Civil War — The Prompt Response to Call for Troops — The Seventeenth Among the Early Three Year's Regiments to Answer the Call — The Companies Composing It and Where Formed. Chaptee II , 7 Roster of Field and Staff, Non-Commissioned Staff, Band and Com pany Officers of the Seventeenth Regiment, and of all Enlisted Men of the Original Regiment. Chaptee III 66 Portraits with Biographies of Field and Staff^Company Officers — Seventeenth Massachusetts Volunteers Infantry — First Organi zation. Chapter IV 103 Departure for Seat of War — Arrival in^Baltimore — Cool Reception — Expedition to Eastern Shore of ^Virginia — He Stole His Own Goose — Cherytown Oysters — Return^to Baltimore — Recollec tions of the War by Ruel B. Pray. Chapter V 118 Baltimore to Newbern — In Burnsides Ninth Corps — First Brigade of Foster's Division — Colonel Amory Commanding the Bri gade — ^At the Front — Picket, Scouting and Fighting — Jackson Place, Red House and Deep Gully — Netural Zone — Malaria — Conversion of Mrs. Cleave — Trenton — Turkey Fallon — Laugh able Matter — Plymouth and Tarboro — Short of Rations — Battles of Kinston, Whitehall and Goldsboro. Chaptee VI 168 Relieved from Provost Guard and Back in Barracks at the South Side of the Trent— The Johnnies Came to Collect a Year's Rent — Battle of Blounts Mill— Charge of the Causeway — Gum Swamp Expedition — Trenton and the Barber of Seville — Plenty of Water Down There— Winton or Mt. Tabor Church— The Captain's Shower Bath— Escorting the Colors— Captain Mac and the Laughing Mule — Didn't Blame the Captain. CONTENTS. PAGE Chaptee VII : 196 In the City on Provost Guard — Batchelder Creek by Colonel Splaine — A Civic Hero in the Muddy Trenches — Siege of Washington, N. C, with Signal Guns — Second Direct Attack on Newbern — Colonel Amory and the Daughter of the Regiment — A Moon light Drill — Capture and Fate of a Confederate Spy — Muster Out of the Old Seventeenth Regiment and Birth of the New Organization. Chaptee VIII 225 Birth of the New Seventeenth Massachusetts Volunteers — Captain Henry Splaine Assumes Command — Command Transferred to Newport Barracks — Captain Splaine in Command of Post— Alter cation with Captain Graham-General Palmer Fears .Attack Along the WTiole Line — Some Recruits Arrive — Chase of Nickerson, the Rebel Scout — Capture of Sergeant Perkins — Move of Captain Graham — Capture of Captain George Bell of Confederate -Army — Ordered Home on Veteran Furlough — Yellow Fever Breaks Out — Death of Colonel Amory — View of Newbern after Furlough — Trading Day at Outposts — Regiment to be Filled Up — Unla\\-ful Keeping of Recruits in Second Heavy -Artillery — .Arrival of Lieut.-Colonel Fellows, Commissioned as Colonel — Captain Graham Again — General Grant and the Sentry — Many Recruits from Second Heavy Artillery — Failure of Colonel Fellows to Muster — Eight Full Companies Organized — Leaving Newport Barracks for the Field. Chaptee IX 263 Roster of Field, Staff, Non-Commissioned Staff, Company Officers and Enlisted Men of the Reorganized Seventeenth Regiment, Massachusetts Veteran Volunteer Infantry. Chaptee X 295 ' Biographies— With Portrait of Field, Staff, Line Officers and a few of the Enlisted Men of the Reorganized, or Veteran Seventeenth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. Chaptee XI 313 Taking the Field — March 4, 1865 — Splaine's Brigade, Composition of — General Carter Commanding Division; General Cox Com manding the Corps and General Schofield Commanding the Army — Skirmishing -n-ith the Enemy — Throwing up Works at Wise's Forks — A Real Romance of the War — Charles S. Bolton, A Hero — Battle of Wise's Forks, Part 1, 2, 3 and 4 — Captain Fish's Pop Gun= — Strengthening our Works — A War Song — Cap ture of Upham's Brigade, as Told by General Carter — Complete History, With Joy Around the Camp Fires. C Bud-^yoWi. XII. 'iSl_ EvEEETT, Mass., Octobee 25, 1910. At a regular reunion of the association of the 17th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry Volunteers of the war of the Rebellion, holden at Lynn, Mass., August 23, 1910, and of which WilUam H. Eaton was president; Henry Splaine, treasurer; and Lieut. Ezekiel F. Mann, Secretary; the said association, after hearing the report of the Committee on History, and seeing no probability of a speedy completion of the said history, unanimously adopted the following resolution, offered by Comrade John H. Tyler: "That Col. Henry Splaine and Capt. Malcolm Sillars be ap pointed supervisor and assistant supervisor, respectively, of the History of the 17th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry Volunteers; that they have sole control of writing and publishing the same; that they have power to make contracts, collect money and pay bills in connection with writing of and pubhshing the same; and they arehereby instructed to make all haste in finishing and publishing the said history." Ezekiel F. Mann, Secretary of the 17th Mass. Regt. Infy. Asso., 56 Oakes St., Everett, Mass. DEATH OF THOMAS KIRWAN. Thomas Kirwan died on Monday, February 6, 1911, at his home, 560 Beach Street, Revere, Mass., aged eighty-three years. He was the oldest newspaper man in Boston or its vicinity and held a place of honor at the banquet of the Boston Veteran Journalists in that city in November, 1910. He was born in Tryon, P. E. L, April 17, 1829. He came to Boston in 1848, and worked as a compositor on the "Boston Com mercial Bulletin" and the "Advertiser." In 1862, he enlisted as a private in Company K, Seventeenth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. In 1874, Mr. Kirwan went to "The Boston Herald" as a compositor, and later became a reporter. He held different posi tions on the editorial staff, and did much work in writing special articles. He resigned from "The Herald" staff in 1903. Mr. Kirwan was the author of several books on mining and was a pro found student of geology. He wrote also a history of the cam paign against Goldsboro. Mr. Kirwan was married three times, and leaves a widow, who was Mrs. Mary Post. He left three sons and two daughters. The funeral was held Wednesday morning, February 8th, at ten o'clock. At his own request, only G. A. R. services were held. Comrade Kirwan was up to August 23d, 1910, the official historian of the 17th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. He gave much time and labor to the work, but his long illness had compelled him to relinquish the task which he had vainly hoped to finish. The following letter from Colonel Splaine to the bereaved widow is explanatory of the unfortunate situation: 3 Midland Street, Dorchester, Mass., February 12, 1911. Mrs. Thomas Kirwan, 560 Beach Street, Revere, Mass. Dear Madam: Having learned of the death of your beloved husband, Thomas Kirwan, Esq., I desire to express my profound regret at the loss of so estimable a gentleman, and offer to you my heartfelt sympathy for your irreparable loss. Having been acquainted with him for almost a lifetime — both in civil life and as one who served with him in the Seventeenth Massachusetts Volunteer Regiment during the Civil War — I am able to bear testimony to his valor and patriotism as a soldier, and to his ability as a journalist and historian. His recent ill health, which compelled him to relinquish the work of completing the history of his own regiment, as its official historian, is a severe blow to me, personally, as I am forced to take up and attempt to finish the work which he had so ably begun and partly finished, and which, no doubt, he would have brought to a successful and acceptable close. Praying that the Almighty God may comfort and console you in your bereavement, I am Sincerely yours, Tom Kirwan's Comrade-in-Arms, Henry Splaine. ERRATA Page 3, last line should read "Soldiering in North Carolina' ' Page 4, Middle of page, should read. Captain Day. Page 9, should read, Capt. Geo. W. Kenny, wounded, Dec. 17, 1862. Page 14, should read, Sergt. John Dunn, re-enlisted Jany. 5, 1864. Page 15, should read. Corporal Albert F. Austin, enlisted May 10, 1861. Page 15, should read, Nathaniel B. Burpee. Page 15, should read, Thomas Carter, discharged September 24, 1861. Page 18, should read, Albert Remington, Sturbridge. Page 28, should read, Robert Hill, age 19. Page 28, should read, Alba McKay, discharged Nov. 25, 1862. Page 35, should read, Enoch M. Kennick. Page 40, should read, Henry Chase, re-enlisted Dec. 5, 1863. Page 48, 8th line from top, should read, Capt. Daniel B. Tarr. Page 62, should read, Lieut. B. N. Mann, wounded Dec. 17, 1862. Page 62, should read, Charles C. Morse, 2d Lieut. Page 264, should read, Henry A. W. Blackburn-Paito?!. Page 267, should read, James H. Stewart, 1st Lieut. Page 268, should read, Wm. E. Gilman, enlisted January 1, 1864. Page 272, should read, Algernon S. Nichols. Page 275, should read, Robert M. Field, enlisted Dec. 8, 1863. Page 275, should read, Jeremiah Looby, discharged June 30, 1865. Page 277, should read, Henry G. Hyde, 1st Lieut. Page282^, should read, Charles W. Locke, enlisted Aug. 25, 1864. Page 283, should read, Nathaniel Phillip.^, discharged June 30, 1865. Page 284, should read, John Welch, discharged June 30, 1865. Page 284, should read, Joseph G. Martin, 1st Sergt., mustered out July 11, 1865. Page 284, should read, Samuel H. Jones. Page 288, should read, Charles Hartman, musician, mustered out July 11, 1865. Page 291, should read, John Wall, 2d, enlisted Sept. 5, 1864. CHAPTER I. Massachusetts in the Civil Wab — Its Peompt Response to Call for Troops — The Seventeenth Among the Early Three Years' Regiments to Answer the Call — The Companies Composing it and Where Foemed. Massachusetts in the Civil War, and what a glorious record of patriotism and sacrifice it has! The Seventeenth Regiment of its infantry contribution to the forces of the national government is the one whose services in that war it is the purpose to treat of in this memorial history. In 1861 a condition of Civil War existed in the United States, due to the secession of the Southern States from the Union. In deed, war had been actually levied against the nation in the as sault upon and capture of Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor by an organized military force of the seceded states. This act of war aroused the people of the entire Northern States, and preparations were at once made to form a military force adequate to deal with the situation. Abraham Lincoln had been elected President to succeed James Buchanan, and was inaugurated at Washington on March 4, 1861, under peculiar and critical circumstances. The capital of the nation was filled with conspirators, and conspiracies to seize the capital were rife. It was a critical time for any ordinary man to assume the reins of government. But he was no ordinary man, as after events proved. His first inaugural, which was highly approved of by the people of the loyal states, indicated a moderate policy in dealing with the revolted states. He declared that it was not the intention of the government to interfere with the institution of slavery in the slave 2 THE seventeenth MASSACHUSETTS EEGIMENT. states, but was firm in opposing the doctrines of secession, and as sured the people of all the states protection under the Constitution. To overcome resistance to enforcement of federal laws in the rebeUious states, he at first called for a volunteer force of seventy- five thousand men to serve three months. These troops were promptly furnished by the governors of the loyal states, but it was soon realized that such a force was altogether unequal to meet the emergency, and that a more considerable army was needed to cope with forces which had been gathered and organized by the Con federate leaders. It was judged also that a longer term of service would be required, as the subjugation of the states in revolt might take years to accomplish. Under the circumstances, the President, on May 3, 1861, issued a proclamation calling for a force of volunteers to serve for three years, unless sooner discharged. At that time a great number of military companies were in process of formation in the cities and towns of the Commonwealth. The capture of Sumter, and other acts of aggression by the rebels, had intensified the feeling against the secessionists, and large numbers of men were ready and even anxious to enlist in the services of the government. At this junc ture the following order was issued by command of Governor Andrew: "Hbadquaetees, Boston, May 22, 1861. Geneeal Oeders, No. 12. The President of the United States, by his proclamation of the third day of May current, having called into the service of the United States, to aid in the enforcement of the laws and the sup pression of insurrection, a Force of Volunteers to serve for a period of three years, unless sooner discharged, and to be enrolled and organized in a manner to be made known through the Department of War; and the plan of organization adopted for this force, in ac cordance with the Proclamation of the President, having been published in General Order No. 15, from the Adjutant General's office in Washington, on the fourth day of May current, and His Excellency the Governor and Commander-in-Chief having been MASSACHUSETTS IN THE CIVIL WAE. 3 this day notified that the quota of these volunteers to be furnished by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is fixed at Six Regiments of Infantry, to be organized as prescribed in said General Orders No. 15 from the War Department, so much of said orders as relates to the Regiments of Infantry to be organized under them is directed to be printed for general information.' ' The "Plan of Organization" was appended to the Adjutant- General 's promulgating order. This six regiments called for were promptly organized and furnished, and five more regiments were ordered into camp in the state, under the provisions of an act of the legislature, by General Order No. 16, issued June 1st. On the 17th of June ten more regiments were requested by the General Government, and others were accepted from time to time, so that Massachusetts had, on January 1, 1862, about 36,000 men serving as three years ' troops. Among the regiments thus brought into existence was the one which is the subject of this history, namely : The Seventeenth Regiment Massachusetts Voluntebe In- FANTEY. This regiment (or rather the companies composing it) was recruited principally in Essex County, one company being recruited in Middlesex and one in Suffolk. The regiment was composed mostly of stalwart working-men, shoemakers, tanners, weavers and other mechanics, representing all the principal nationalities in the state at that time — English, Irish, Scotch (in fact, one of the companies, H, was known as the British Volunteers), French, German, natives of the British Provinces, but yet a large majority of the men were native Americans. The difficulties encountered by the people in getting into military organization were many and trying, though perhaps the state authorities were not altogether to blame for the delays com plained of. In a httle work by the compiler of this history, entitled " Soldiering in South Carolina by one bf the Seventeenth,' ' pub lished in 1864, the matter is set forth as viewed in the early days of the war. It says: 4 THE SEVENTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT. "Recruiting for this regiment commenced as early as the fall of Fort Sumter, but owing to the embarassed condition of the state, the hesitation of the General Government in regard to ac cepting troops, and the want of authority on the part of the Gov ernor to act, the regiment was obliged to wait from week to week without any decisive answer as to the intention of the government concerning its organization. The companies were formed on the militia basis, were desirous of regimental organization and to be mustered into the service, but every effort in that direction seemed to be counteracted. While other regiments were splendidly pro vided for by private munificence, and hurried off to the seat of war, this regiment was unprovided by the state with an organi zation, clothing, arms, equipments or rations. An opinion pre vailed at one time that all idea of a regimental organization must be given up, and the companies enter the United States service through some other state organization. Captain Fuller of Danvers and Captain Bay of Haverhill determined to bring the matter to a focus. They visited the Governor, and after several ineffectual efforts to obtain an audience, at length succeeded, and informed His Excellency that they were going into the army and should take their commands with them; that they wanted to go in a Massa chusetts regiment, and unless accepted by the state would go into the Mozart Regiment of New York, as one or two other companies from Massachusetts had already done. Orders were given them by the Governor to go into camp at Lynnfield. The other com panies of which this regiment is composed, were ordered to the same place, and all arrived there between the 10th and 12th of July." Camp Schouler, at L3Tinfield, which was formed on July 10 1861, was the place where the various companies composing the Seventeenth were assembled. It was in command of Col. Lyman Dike, ofthe Seventh M.V. M., who was detailed to command the new regiment, no colonel having been commissioned. Colonel Dike was a most capable and efficient officer. He at once establish ed a school of instruction and drill for the officers of the regiment, and soon had it in a tolerable condition of military discipline. At Lynnfield, the routine of camp life began. It was a life of Col, Thomas I. C. Amort. MASSACHUSETTS IN THE CIVIL WAE. 5 strenuous duty that was to continue for an indefinite tinie in an uncertain future of hazardous occupation amid "moving accidents by flood and field." But the future did not seem to be viewed with apprehension by the men who had cast off the old life and taken on the new for the preservation of the integrity of their native or adopted country. Day after day the new companies of the Seventeenth were exercised in drill and manual of arms, at first in squads, then in companies, and lastly in battalion movements. Dress parade, inspection, etc., came at frequent intervals. The drill sergeants soon had the " awkward squads' ' in good shape; the squads in com panies were drilled by their officers, and the companies in battalion formation were drilled in regimental movements by the colonel commanding. Marches over the rough country roads were frequently made to accustom the men to rapid movement in military formation, to toughen and accustom them to the kind of service they would have to undergo in active campaigning. This camp life and duty, though strenuous, was not altogether without its compensation. There were many of those sunny, optimistic souls among the men, who made life more pleasant by their vocal powers, their wit and humor, their practical jokes, more comical than harmful, and there were laughable episodes in which officers as well as men were often involved, all of which contributed to make life in camp more tolerable. Then the men thus brought together were making new acquaintances and friends, acquiring new ideas from their disciplinary experience, getting accustomed to a new mode of living, and gaining health by living on plain, wholesome food and sleeping practically in the open air. Men whose occupations had been pursued indoors, often in poorly ventilated factories, found here a new life in the open air with its exhilerating influence. Furthermore they were acquiring habits which made their new life and occupations not only tolerable, despite its hardships, but actually agreeable. It is true that the rigid and exacting discipline which they were subjected to was more or less irksome at first, but this wore off as disciphne became habitual. 6 THE SEVENTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS EEGIMENT. Altogether, this organization of men of various trades and occupations soon came to know one another, to fraternize, to be cheerful and even jolly, to acquire an esprit de corps so dear to all comrades, and to take up the burden of military duty and patri otism like true sons of the militant races from which they sprang. CHAPTER II Roster of Field and Staff, Non-Commissioned Staff, Band AND Company Officers of the Seventeenth Regiment, AND OF ALL EnLISTED MeN OF THE .ORIGINAL ReGIMBNT. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Art. — Artillery Assig. — Assigned Bat. — Battalion Com . — Commissioned Co. — Company d. — Died disabil. — ^Disability Disch. — Discharged drum. — Drummed Expir. — Expiration gr. — Grave H. Art. — Heavy Artillery hon . — Honorably hospl. — Hospital Inf. — Infantry k.— Killed Must. — Mustered M. O. — Mustered out no fur. rec. — No further record organ . — Organization pris. — Prisoner pro . — Promoted rec. — Recommended re-enlist. — Re-enlisted regt. — Regiment regtl. — Regimen tal ser. — Service sub. — Substitute transf. — Transferred vols. — Volunteers NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. Thomas I. C. Amory, Col.; 33; Sept. 2, '61; Boston; transf. to reorgan. regt. JohnF. Fellows, Col.; Oct. 9, '64; Chelsea; not mustered. Henry Splaine, Col'; 27; June 16, '65; Haverhill ; not mustered as Col. John F. Fellows, Lt. Col.; July 21, '61; Chelsea; pris. of war. Feb. 1, '64; M. O. Aug. 9, '64. Henry Splaine, Lt. Col.; 27; Aug. 10, '64; Haverhill; M. O. July 11, '65. William W. Smith, Lt. Col.; 27; June 16, '65; Danvers; M. O. as major. Jones Frankle, Major; 32; July 22, '61; Haverhill; disch. for promotion to Col. 2d H. Art., Dec. 28, '63. Luther Day, Major; 33; Dec. 29, '63; Haverhill; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Henry Splaine, Major; 27; Aug. 4, '64; Haverhill; promoted Lt. Col., Aug. 10, '64. William W. Smith, Major; 27; Aug. 4, '64; Danvers; M. O. July 11, '65. John E. Mullally, Major; 26; June 16, '65; South Danvers; M. O. as Capt. Isaac F. Galloupe, Surgeon; 37; July 10, '61; Lynn; pris. of war; Feb. 1, '64; M. O. Aug. 3, '64; brevetted Lt. Col. William H. W. Hinds, Asst. Surg.; 27; July 22, '61; Boston; promoted Surg. 12 Mass.; Eeg. May26, '63. Charles G. A. Eayrs, Asst. Surg.; Aug. 16, '62; Lowell; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. George W. Clark, Asst. Surg.; 27; July 6, '63; Boston ; transf . to F. and S., New Organ. Barnabas N. Mann, 1st Adjt. Lt. ; 37; July 10, '61; Chelsea; reheved as Adjt., and assigned to Co. D.; wounded at Goldsboro, Dec. 17, '62; d. in Rebel prison Oct. 8, '64. Henry A. Cheever, Adjt.; 23; Feb. 20, '62; Chelsea; wounded pris. of war Feb. 1, '64; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. 8 THE SEVENTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS EEGIMENT. NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. Levi P. Thompson, Regtl. Qm.; 37; July 10, '61; Cambridge; pro. Capt. Co. D, Jan. 9, '62. Robert Harris, 1st Lt. and Regtl. Qm.; Jan. 9, '63; Haverhill; pro. Capt. Com. of Subs., U.S. Vols., Nov. 26, '62. Horace Dexter, 1st Lieut, and Regtl. Qm.; 37; Jan. 1, '63; Cambridge; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. William D. Haley, Chaplain; 37; July 22, '61 ; Rochester, Mass.; resigned May 30, '62. William P. Colby, Chaplain; Sept. 2, '62; Amesbury; resigned Nov. 2, '63. Heury F. Poor, Sgt. Major; 22; July 10, '61; Stoneham; pro. 2d Lt. Jan. 24, '62; assigned to Co. B. Lauren tia Bailey, Sgt. Major; 32; Oct. 25, '61 ; Greveland; disch. for disabil. April 2, 1863. Linus B. Comins, Jr., Sgt. Major; 19; April 1,'62; Eoxbury; pro. 2d Lt. May 28, '62; assigned to Co. F. John B. Hill, Sgt. Major; 43; April 2, '61; Haverhill; pro. 2d Lt. Aug. 13, '62; assigned to Co. H. John F. Mills, Sgt. Major; 25; Feb. 14, '62; Bradford; transf. to Co. H.; re-enlist. Dec. 31, '63. William H. Osgood, Sergt. Major; 24; July 21, 1861, Newburyport; disch. for diaabiUty April 3, 1862, at Baltimore, Md. James H. Stuart, Sergt. Major; 27; July 1, '64; Boston; transf. to reorg. N. C. S. Horace Dexter, Qm. Sgt. ; 35; July 22, '61 ; Cambridge; pro. 2d Lt. Feb. 9, '62; assig. to Co. F. Story D. Poole, Qm. Sgt.; 32; July 22, '61; Eockport; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Alfred C. Taggart, Qm. Sgt.; Aug. '61; Haverhill; no further record in Adjt. Gen's office, Mass. Henry T. Merrill, Com. Sgt.; 23; July 10, '61; Haverhill; pro. 2d Lt. Aug. 26, '62, assigned to Co. B. Henry B. Webber, Com. Sgt.; 27; July 10, '61; Haverhill; transf. to reorg. N. C. S.; re-eiilisted Jan. 1, '64. George O'Neill, Hosp'l Steward; 32; July 10, '61; Lynnfield; disch. tor disability Sept. 2, '62 at Newbern, N. C. Edward P. Cotting, Hosp'l Steward; 25; Sept. 1, '63; Worcester; transf. to reorg. N. C. S.; pris. of war Feb. 1, '64. C. P. Morse, Hosp'l Steward; July 22, '61; Lynnfield; dLseh. Aug. 7, '62. Leonard J. Sawyer, Jr., Prin. Mus.; 27; Feb. 26, '62; Haverhill; disch. for disabil. Sept. 30, '62. Arthur Hall, Leader; 41 ; Aug. '61 ; Maiden; M. O. Aug. 30, '62; must, out bands. Abner Barnard, Musician; 29; Nov. 4, '61; Boston; M. O. Aug. 30, '62; must, out bands. Daniel Boardm.in, Musician; 42; Aug. '61; Georgetown; M. O. Aug. '62; must, out bands. Charles A. Boyd, Musician: Oct. 24, '61; Lynn; M. O. Aug. 30, '62; must, out bauds. Samuel Bradbury, Musician; 31; July 2, '61; Fall Ei ver ;M. O. Aug. 30, '62; must, out bands. Henry B. Brown, Musician; 23; Oet. 23, '61; Maiden; M. O. Aug. 30, '62; must, out bands. William Chambers, Musician; 25; July 22, '61 ; No. Andover; disch. Dec. 7, '61, at Baltimore, Md. Horsefall Dewhirst, Musician; 27; Aug. '61; Haverhill; M. O. Aug. 30, '62; must, out bands. William A. Garrett, Musician; .Sept. 1, '61; Lowell; M. O. Aug. 30, '62; must, out bands. William A. Hall, Musician; 14; Aug., '61; Maiden; M. O. Aug. 30, '62; must, out bands. Benjamin Hills, Musician; 27; Aug. '61; Georgetown; M. O. Aug. 30, '62; must, out bands. Nathaniel C. Keith, Musician; Oct. 24, '61; Lynn; M. O. Aug. 30, '62; must, out bands. Joseph G. Knight, Musician; 30; Aug., '61; So. Boston; M. O. . Aug. 30, '62; must, out bands. Robert Lloyd, Musician; 28; Aug. '61; Manchester, N. H. ; M. O. Aug. 30, '62; must, out bands. JohnM. Lovett, Musician; 36; Aug. '61; Lowell; M. O. Aug. 30, *62; must, out bands. John E. Mills, Musician; 35; Feb. 26, '62; Haverhill; disch. Oct. 3, '62; must, out bands. Henry H. Moody, Musician; 41; Aug., '61; Roxbury; M. O. Aug. 30, '62; must, out bands. WiUiam H. Moody, Musician; 15; Aug., '61; Eoxbury; M. O. Aug. 30, '62; must, out bands. Jobn P. Morrison, Musician; 19; Aug. '61; Rowley; M. O. Aug. 30, '62: must, out bands. Luther S. Munroe, Musician; 32; Aug., '61; So. Danver; disch. July, '62; must, out bands. Charles Packer, Musician ; 23 ; July 22, '61 ; Newburyport; disch. for disability Sept. 17, '61 ; CoL. John F. Fellows. MASSACHUSETTS IN THE CIVIL WAR. 9 NAME.' RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. Charles O. Eadcliffe, Musician; 33; Aug. '61;No. Andover; M. O. Aug., '62; must, out bands. John Eobbins, Musician; 34; ."^ug., '61; Lowell; disch. July 11, '62. Alois S. Smith, Musician; 27; Aug. '61; Haverhill; M. O. Aug. 30, '62; must, out bands. Temple Tebetts, Musician; 54; Aug. '61; Lowell; M. O. Aug. 30, '62; must, out bands. Esau Wells, Musician; 21; Aug. '61; Biddeford, Me. ;M. O.Aug. 30, '62; must, out bands. John Dennis, Musician; 29; Aug. '61; Lawrence; no fur. rec. in Adjt. Gen's office, Mass. Orlando F. Osgood, Musician; 41; Aug. '61; Haverhill; no fur. rec. in Adjt. Gen's office. Mass. David F. Brown, Capt.; 34; Aug. 21, '61; Newburyport; resigned Jan. 30, '62. Sidney C. Bancroft, Capt.; 35; Aug. 21, '61; So. Danvers; resigned Dec. 1.S, '61. NehemiahP. Fuller, Capt. 31 ; Aug. 21, '61 ; Danvers; transf. July 30, '63 to2d H. Art. George H. Morrell, Capt.; 29; Aug. 21, '61; SaUsbury; resigned Jan. 8, '62. Michael C. McNamara, Capt.; 30; Aug. 21, '61; Haverhill; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Luther Day, Capt. ; 32 ; Aug. 21, '61; HaverhiU; Major, Deo. 29, '63. George W. Kenney, Capt.; 31; Aug. 21, '61; Danvers; wounded at Goldsboro Dec. 19, '62; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. JohnK. Lloyd, Capt.; 38; Aug. 21, '61; Boston; pris. of war Feb. 1, '64; M. O. Mar. 12, '65. Thomas Weir, Capt.; 33; Aug. 21, '61; Lawrence; dismissed July 2, 'a2byG. C. M. Joseph E. Simonds, Capt.; 43; Aug. 21, '61; Melrose; must, out Aug. 3, '64. EnochF. Tompkins, Capt.; 30; Dec. 19, '61; Haverhill; M. O.Aug 3, '64; Recom. Levi P. Thompson, Capt. ; Jan. 9, '62 ; Cambridge; d. Sept. 20, '62. Henry Splaine, Capt.; 24; Jan. 31, '62; Haverhill; wounded at Winton July 26, '63; Major, Aug. 4. '64. William W. Smith, Captain; 24; July 3, '62; Danvers; Major, Aug. 4, '64. Ivory N. Eichardson, Capt.; 24; Sept. 25, '62; Maiden; Aug. 3, 1864, expir. of service. John E. Mullaly, Capt.; 24; Dec. 29, '63; So. Danvers; Major June 16, 1866. Malcolm Sillers, Capt.; 26; Aug. 4, '64; So. Danvers; July 11, '65, expir. of service as 1st Lt. Charles O. Fellows, Capt.; 20; Aug. 4, '64; Chelsea; July 11, '65, expir. of service. James Splaine, Capt.; 24; Aug. 10, '64; Haverhill; July 11, '65, expir. of service. Joseph A. Moore, Capt.; 21; Sept. 1, '64; Gloucester; July 11, '65, expir. of service. Henry B. Webber, Capt.; 29; Sept. 1, '64; Groveland; July 11, '65, expir. of service. Lewis Cann, Capt.; 24; Nov. 21, '64; Danvers; July 11, '65, expir. of service. Thomas E. Keenan, Capt.; 27; Feb. 3, '65; Lynnfield; wounded in battle of Wilderness; July 11, '65, expir. of service. Horace Dexter, Capt.; 39; June 16, '65; Cambridge; July 11, '65, expir. of service as 1st Lt. Barnabas N. Mann, 1st Lt.; 37; Aug. 21, '61; Chelsea; wounded at Goldsboro Dec. 17, '62; d. October 8, '64, in rebel prison. Levi P. Thompson, 1st Lt.; Aug. 21, '61; Cambridge; Capt., Jan. 9, '62. Thomas W. Foster, 1st Lt.; 33; Aug. 21, '61; Newburyport; resigned Jan. 8, '62. Eobert B. Bancroft, 1st Lt.; 25; Aug. 21, '61; So. Danvers; resigned Dec. 12, '61. WilUam W. Smith, 1st Lt.; 23; Aug. 21, '61; Danvers; Capt. July 3, '62. Jere A. Greeley, 1st Lt.; 27; Aug. 21, '61; SaUsbury; Aug. 25, '63, Capt. 2d H. Art. Henry Splaine, 1st Lt.; 24; Aug. 21, '61; HaverhiU; Capt., Jan. 31, '62. Enoch F. Tompkins, 1st Lt.; 30; Aug. 21, '61; HaverhiU; Capt., Dec. 19, '61. George W. Tufts, 1st Lt.; 33; Aug. 21, '61; Eockport; d. Oct. 27, '61, Baltimore, Md. John S. Hammond, 1st Lt.; 30; Aug. 21, '61; Boston; resigned May 15, '62. Michael Bums, 1st Lt.; 21; Aug. 21, '61; Lawrence; resigned Jan 17, '62. Ivory N. Eichardson, 1st Lt.; 23; Aug. 21, '61; Maiden; Capt. .Sept. 25, '62. WilUam H. Turner, 1st Lt.; 24; Oct. 28, '61; HaverhiU; resigned April 25, '63. John E. MuUaly, 1st Lt.; 22; Dec. 13, '61; So. Danvers; Capt., Dec. 29, '63. Ruel B. Pray, Ist Lt.; 24; Dec. 19, '61; Danvers; resigned Aug. 9, '62. Eobert Harris, 1st Lt.; Jan. 9, '62; HaverhiU; Dec. 31, '62; Com. Sub. U. S. Vol. Edward T. Parkinson, 1st Lt.; 23; Jan. 9, '62; West Roxbury; July 7, '63, Asst. Adjt. Gen. Vols. James Maroney, 1st Lt.; 24; Jan. 31, '62; HaverhiU; resigned Aug. 12, '62. 10 THE SEVENTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT. NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. Henry A. Cheever, 1st Lt.; Feb. 20, '62; Chelsea; wounded prisoner war Feb. 1, '64; Aug. 3, '64, expir. of service. Archibald Bogle, 1st Lt. ; 22 ; May 28, '62 ; Melrose; May 20, '63, Maj. 35th U. S. Col. Troops. Thomas F. Newton, 1st Lt.; 33; July 3, '62; HaverhUl; Transf. 2d N. C. Union Vols.; July 11, '65, expir. of service. Ezekiel F. Mann, 1st Lt.; 25; Aug. 13, '62; Boston; wounded at Goldsboro Dec. 17, '62; resigned May 16, '63. Charies O. FeUows, 1st Lt.; 22; Aug. 13, '62; Chelsea; Capt. Aug. 4, '64. Henry Poor, 1st Lt.; 23; Sept. 25, '62; Stoughton; resigned Dec. 23, '62. James Splaine, 1st Lt.; 22; Dec. 24, '62; HaverhiU; Capt. Aug. 10, '64. Horace Dexter, 1st Lt.; 37; Jan. 1, '63; Cambridge; Aug. 3, '64; expir. of service, recom. Thomas R. Keenan, 1st Lt.; 25; Apr. 26, '63; Lynnfield; wounded in battle of Wilderness Mar. 19, '64, Capt. 56th Inft. Linus B. Comins, Jr.; 1st Lt.; 20; May 17, '63; Rox'oury; prisoner of war Feb. 1, '64; Aug. 3, '64, expir. of ser\-ice. John B. MiU, 1st Lt.; 46; May 21, '63; HaverhiU; prisoner of war Feb. 1, '64; Mar. 11, '65, expir. of service. PhiUp C. Mason, 1st Lt.; 28; July 8, '63; Newburyport; Aug. 3, '64, expir. of service. Joseph W. Day, 1st Lt.; 31; Aug. 26, '63; Bradford; pris. of war Feb. 1, '64; Mar. 15,'65, expir. of service. Horace Dexter, 1st Lt; 38; Aug. 3, '64; Cambridge; Capt. June 15, '65. Lewis Cann, 1st Lt.; 24; Aug. 4, '64; Danvers; Capt. Nov. 21, '64. Joseph A. Moore, 1st Lt.; 21; Aug. 15, '64; Gloucester; Capt. Sept. 1, '64. Henry B. Webber, 1st Lt.; 29; Aug. 15, '64; Groveland; Capt. Sept. 1, '64. Malcolm Sillars, 1st Lt.; 26; Sept. 1, '64; So. Danvers; Capt. Aug. 4, '64. Henry G. Hyde, 1st Lt.; 22; Sept. 1, '64; Danvers; July 11, '65, expir. of service. James H. Stuart, 1st Lt. ; 29; Nov. 21, '64; Boston; July 11, '65, expir. of service. James .Smith, 1st Lt.; 31 ; June 1, '65; Danvers; July 11, '65, expir. of service as 2d Lt. Uriah Robertson, 1st Lt.; 30; June 1, '65; Danvers; July 11, '65, expir. of service as 2d Lt. Edward P. Cotting, 1st Lt.; 27; June 1, '65; Worcester; prisoner of war Feb. 1, '64; July 11, '65, expir. of ser\dce as 2d Lt. Orrin B. Cooley, 1st Lt.; 39; June 1, '66; Longmeadow; July 11, '65; expir. of service as 2d Lt. Timothy Hawkes, 1st Lt. ; 28; June 1, '65; Danvers; prisoner of war, Plymouth, N. C. April 20, '64; July 11, '65, expir. of service as 2d Lt. Robert Smith, 2d Lt.; 31; June 16, '65; Danvers; July 11, '66, expir. of service as 1st Sgt. Thomas W. Goodwin, 2d Lt. 34; Aug. 21, '61 ; Newburyport; resigned Feb. 8, '62. JohnEMuUaly, 2dLt.;22; Aug. 21, '61; So. Danvers; 1st Lt. Dec. 13, '61. Ruel B. Pray, 2d Lt. 24; Aug. 21, '61; Danvers; 1st Lt. Dec. 19, '61. Benjamin F. Chesley, 2d Lt.; 22; Aug. 21, '61; Haverhill; resigned Dec. 27, '61. JamesMaroney, 2dLt.;23; Aug. 21, '61; HaverhiU; 1st Lt. Jan. 31, '62. WilUam H. Turner, 2d Lt.; 24; Aug. 21, '61; HaverhiU; 1st Lt. Oct. 28, '61. AlfredM.ChanneU, 2dLt.;29;Aug. 21, '61; Rockport; resigned Jan. 17, '62. Robert W. McCourt, 2d Lt.; 29; Aug. 21, '61; Boston; resigned Nov. 2, '61. ArchibaldBogle, 2dLt.;21; Aug. 21, '61; Melrose; 1st Lt. ; May 28, '62. Henry W. OUver, 2d Lt. ; 31 ; Aug. 21, '61 ; Maiden; resigned Feb. 6, '62. Thomas F. Newton, 2d Lt.; 32; Oct 28, '61; HaverhiU; 1st Lt. July 3, '62. Ezekiel F. Mann, 2d Lt.; 24; Nov. 3, '61; Boston; wounded at Goldsboro,Dec.l7,'62; 1st Lt. Aug. 13, '62. Charles O. Fellows, 2d Lt. ; 19; Dec. 13, '61; Chelsea; let Lt.; Aug. 13, '62. Henry Poor, 2d Lt. ; 22 ; Dec. 19 '61 ; Stoneham; Ist Lt. Sept. 25, '62. Edward T. Parkinson, 2d Lt. ; 23 ; Jan. 1 1 , '62 ; West Eoxbury 1st Lt. Jan. 9, '62. James Splaine, 2d Lt.; 23; Jan. 31, '62; HaverhiU; 1st Lt. Dec. 24, '62. Horace Dexter, 2d Lt. ; 36; Feb. 9, '62; Cambridge; Ist Lt. Jan 1, '63. MASSACHUSETTS IN THE CIVIL WAR. 1 1 NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. Thomas E. Keenan, 2d Lt.; 24; Feb. 10, '62; Lynnfield; 1st Lt. Apr. 26, '63. George T. EusseU, 2d Lt.; Feb. 19, '62; Boston; resigned Sept. 18, '62. Charles C. Morse, 2d Lt.; 29; Feb. 20, '62; HaverhiU; resigned Mar. 23, '63 Linus B. Comins, Jr., 2d Lt.; 19; May 28, '62; Eoxbury; pris. of war Feb. 1, '64; 1st Lt. May 17, '63. Henry T. MerriU, 2d Lt.; 24; July 3, '62; HaverhiU; resigned May 11, '63. AndrewCook, 2dLt.;30; Aug. 13, '62; Danvers; resigned April 26, '63. John B. HiU, 2d Lt.; 44; Aug 13, '62; HaverhUl; 1st Lt. May 21, '63. PhiUp C. Mason, 2d Lt.; 27; Sept. 25, '62; Newburyport; 1st Lt. July 8, '63. Joseph W. Day, 2d Lt.; 30; Sept. 30, '62; Bradford; 1st Lt. Aug. 26, '63. Daniel L. GetcheU, 2d Lt.; 30; Dec. 24, '62; Wells, Me.; Aug. 3, '64, expir. of service. Sylvanus M. So vereen, 2d Lt. 23 ; Jan. 1, '63; Maiden; Aug. 3, '64, expir. of service. Samuel G. Eoberts, 2d Lt.; 21; March 24, '63; So. Danvers; wounded twice; Aug. 3, '64. expir. of serivce. Lewis Cann, 2d Lt. ; 23 ; April 26, '63 ; Danvers ; 1st Lt. Aug. 4, '64. Jameslnman, 2dLt.;25; Apr. 27, '63; Danvers; Aug. 3, '64, expir. of service. Joseph A. Moore, 2d Lt.; 20; May 17, '63; Gloucester; 1st Lt. Aug. 15, '64. Maleohn Sillars, 2d Lt.; 26; July 4, '64; Danvers; 1st Lt. Sept. 1, '64. HenryG. Hyde, 2dLt.;22; July4, '64; Danvers; 1st Lt. Sept. 1, '64. James Smith, 2d Lt.; 30; Aug. 2, '64; Danvers; 1st Lt., June 1, '65. Orrin B. Cooley, 2d Lt.; 39; Feb. 7, '65; Longmeadow; 1st Lt., June 1, '65. PatrickBreen, 2dLt.;Feb. 7, '65; never mustered. Marcus A Hanna; Feb. 7, '66; Rockport; 2d Lt. 2d H. A. Jan. 21, '66. Eben Simonds, 2d Lt.; 24; Feb. 7, '65; Maiden; July 11, '65 expir. of service. Uriah Robertson, 2d Lt.; 30; Feb. 7, '56; Danvers; 1st Lt. June 1, '65. Edward P. Cotting, 2d Lt.; 27; Feb. 7., '65; Worcester; pris. of war, Feb. 1, '64; 1st Lt. June 1, '65. Timothy Hawkes, 2d Lt.; 28; Mar. 24, '64; Danvers; 1st Lt. June 1, '65. Robert Smith, 2d Lt. ; 31 ; June 1, '65; Danvers. Joseph A. Welch, 2d Lt.;26; June 1, '65; Haverhill; July 11, '65, expir. of service as 1st Sgt. John Cowan, 2dLt.;22; June 1, '65; SaUsbury; July 11, '65, expir. of service as 1st Sgt. Brotherton Martin, 2d Lt.; 26; June 1, '66; Newburyport; July 11, '66, expir. of service as 1st Sgt. Thomas A. Murray, 2dLt.;22; June 1, '66; Lynn; July 11, '65, expir. of service as 1st Sgt. John Dunn, 2d Lt. ; 33; June 1, '66; Newburyport; d. June 3, '65, as 1st Sergt. Thomas S. Clymonts, 2d Lt.; 33; June 16, '65; New Bedford; July 11, '65, expir. of service as Ist Sgt. Joseph G. Martin, 2d Lt. ; 39 ; June 16, '65 ; Danvers ; July 11, '66 expir. of service as 1st Sgt. JosephG.Kelley, 2dLt. ;37; Junel6, '65; Haverhill; July 11, '65, expir. of service as 1st Sgt. George W. Hewes, 2d Lt.; 28; June 16, '66; HaverhiU; July 11, '66, expir. of serv. as Qm. Sgt. COMPANIES OF THE SEVENTEENTH. BEIEF SKETCHES OF THEIE FOEMATION AND EATES. The call to arms in the spring of 1861, at the outset of the Civil War, was nowhere more promptly responded to than in the Old Bay State. There was a fine spontaniety in the inception of movement in the various cities, towns and hamlets of the state towards the formation of military companies. Not only were the patriotic men of the state willing and ready to peril their lives for the perpetuation of the Union, but the patriotic women — mothers, wives and sisters — united to aid and cheer them on. The following brief sketches of the movements leading to the enlistment of men, and the formation of companies to compose the Seventeenth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry will fully confirm and illustrate this. The rosters of the companies are also given. COMPANY "A" OF NEWBURYPORT. "CityGeays." (The following account of the formation of Company "A" of the Seventeenth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry has been contributed by Comrade Joseph C. Richardson of Newburyport, one of the original members of that company, who was one of the first to respond to the request for information of that kind from comrades, making him in that respect "A No. l"of the contrib- COMPANY A. 13 utors to this history. It will be seen that he goes directly into his subject and makes a good narrative of it.) On April 23, 1861, a notice to the citizens of Newburyport and vicinity was circulated, calling for volunteers to form another com pany in Newburyport for the Union cause. In a few days over seventy men were enlisted for three j'ears, and were drilled every day and evening, except Sundays, in Essex Hall, corner of Essex and State Streets, by Capt. John Remick, and by others who had some military knowledge. On May 22d, by order of Governor Andrew, an election of officers by the men enlisted was held, under the supervision of Ma jor Ladd of Boston. David F. Brown was elected captain; Thomas W. Foster, 1st lieutenant; William Bell, 2d lieutenant; Thomas W. Goodwin, 3d lieutenant; Alfred Horton, 4th lieutenant. This company was called the "City Grays." The city of Newburyport furnished it with a very fine uniform of gray cloth, with dark trimmings, at a cost of about $1500. The company, in its new uniform, made a splendid appearance. On application of Captain Brown, the city of Newburyport gave the " Gun House' ' to his company for barracks, and also gave ten days' rations for the men who were to quarter there. The men took up their quarters at this place on July 4th at noon. On July 11th, in response to General Order No. 26, calling for volunteers to serve for three years, or the war, the City Grays, Captain Brown commanding, took the cars at the Boston & Maine Railroad Station, to go to Camp Schouler in Lynnfield. They were accompanied by the Newburyport Band and the Wallace Guards of Amesbury, — Captain Morrill of Amesbury commanding that company. Large gatherings of people cheered them as they marched to the station, and the young volunteers had a grand send-off to their new quarters. The City Grays were assigned their position in Camp, and the Wallace Guards of Amesbury, afterwards Co. D, were given positions next to them. After the assignment of positions it was mihtary duty con tinuously — guard duty, company and battalion drills, dress parade, inspection, fatigue duty, doctors' calls, "peas on a tren- 14 THE SEVENTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT. cher," reveille, taps, etc. It was the good old summer-time, and the boys enjoyed it. When not on duty, some were playing practical jokes on some raw recruit and amusing each other accord ing to their several fancies. Ten companies from several cities and towns having been as sembled in Camp Schouler, and organized as the Seventeenth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, the work of assigning them to their positions in the line was carried out. The New buryport City Grays were now to be Company A of the regiment. Two lieutenants, WilUam Bell and Alfred Horton resigned or were discharged as commissioned officers of the company, each com pany now having but two heutenants instead of four, in conformity with the plan of organization promulgated by the War Department. The company was mustered into the service of the United States, July 22, 1861, at Camp Schouler, Lynnfield, Mass. The men of the company were now furnished with a new uniform of blue material, similar to that worn by the infantry of the Union Army, and discarded the gray one given them by the city of New buryport. Company A, with the other companies of the regi ment, left Lynnfield August 23, and went into camp at Baltimore, Maryland, remaining there several months. The following is a roster of the company: ORIGINAL COMPANY "A". NAME, RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. David P. Brown, Capt. ; 34; May 10, '61 ; Newburyport; resigned Jau. 30, '62. Henry Splaine, Capt. 24; Jan. 31, '62; HaverhiU; transf. to new company "A" Thomas W. Foster, 1st Lt.; 33; May 10, '61; Newburyport; resigned Jan. 8, '62. Ruel B. Pray, 1st Lt.; 24; Jan. 10, '62; Danvers; resigned Aug. 9, '62. Archibald Bogle, 1st Lt.; 21; May 28, '62; Melrose; pro. Maj., 35th U. S. C. Troops, May 20, '62 ; tranf. from Co. C to Co. A, May 20, '62. Charles O. FeUows, 1st Lt.; 22; Aug. 13, '62; Chelsea; transf. to Co. G, May 5, '63. John B. HiU, 1st Lt.; 45; Jan. 30, '64; Haverhill; pris. of war, Feb. 1, '64; disch. Mar. 15, '65. Thomas W.Goodwin, 2d Lt.; 34; May 10, '61; Newburyport; resigned Feb. 8, '62. George T. RusseU, 2d Lt.; Feb. 19, '62; Boston; resigned Sept. 18, '62. Philip C. Mason,2d Lt.; 27; Sept. 25,'62; Newburyport; pro.lst Lt. Feb. 18, '64; assig. to Co. H. Joseph A. Moore, 2d Lt.; 20; May 17, '63; Gloucester; transf. Co. C, Jan. 28, '64. Samuel G. Roberts, 2d Lt.; 21; April 15, '63; So. Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Philip C. Mason, 1st Sgt.; 25; May 10, '61; Newburyport; pro. 2d Lt. Sept. 25, '62. John Q. A. Johnson, 1st Sgt.; 24; May 10, '61; Amesbury; disch. for wounds, Sept. 10, '63. John Dunn, 1st Sgt.; 29; May 10,'61; Newburyport; transf. to New Co.A; re-enUst.July 5,'64. COMPANY A. 15 NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENLISTMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. Joseph C. Richardson, 1st Sgt.; 20; May 10, '61; Newburyport; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. WilUam Wiley, Sgt.; 25; May 10, '61 ; Reading; d. Oct. 3, '63, at Newbern, N. C. William H. Osgood, Sgt.; 24; May 10, '61; Newburyport; pro. Sgt.Major Jan. 17, '62. Paul A. Perkins, Sgt.; 20; May 10, '61; Newburyport; disch. for disability Sept. 18, '63. Elisha Young, Jr., Sgt.; 33; May 10, '61; Newburyport; transf. to New Co. A; re-enUst. Jan- 2, '64. William Rankin, Sgt.; 38; April 30, '61; Maiden; disch. for dsiabiUty, Sept. 25, '62. Thomas W. Goodwin, Sgt.; 34; May 10, '61 ; Newburyport; pro. 2d Lt. Aug. 20, '61. Albert F. Austin, Corp.; May 10, '64; Newburyport; transf. to New Co. D; re-list. Jan. 5, '64. George Bradbury, Corp.; 28; May 10, '61; Newburyport; pro. Capt. July 17, '63, 2d N. C. Colored Vols. George W. Cook, Corp.; 18; May 10, '61; Newburyport; disch. for disabiUty; Nov. 23, '62, Newbern, N. C. James W. Davis, Corp.; 19; May 10, '61; Newburyport; M. O.Aug. 3, '64. Joseph Doring, Corp. ; 41 ; May 10, '61 ; Newburyport; disch. for disabiUty, Jan. 29, '63. Joseph W. Haines, Corp.; 18; May 10, '61; Newburyport; disch. for disabiUty May 9, '62. Samuel W. Reed, Corp.; 23; May 10, '61; Newburyport; disch. for disability, Dec. 5, '63. wounded, April 9, '63. Ebenezer Cressey, Corp.; 43; May 10, '61; Newburyport; d. Nov. 30, '62, Newbern, N. C. WilUam Splaine, Corp.; 29; Sept. 2, '62; HaverhiU; tranf. to Co. E. Jeremiah B. HiU, Corp.; 42; Oct. 15, '61; Lynn; M. O. July 11, '65; re-enUst. Dec. 27, '63. Eichard G. Mayo, Corp.; 30; May 10, '61; Chelsea; disch. for disabUty, Apr. 13, '62. Eichard Withington, Corp.; 23; May 10, '61; Newbury; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Lewis F. Besee, Corp.; 38; May 10, '61; No. Chelsea; transf. to New Co. F.; re-ealist. Jan. 4, '64. Andrew J. Tilton, Corp.; 20; May 10, '61; Newburyport; tranf. to New Co. A.; re-enlist. Jan. 5, '64. Alexander Poison, Musician; 25; May 10, '61 ; LoweU; disch. for disabiUty June 19, '64. Albert Richardson, Jr., Musician; 14; May 10, '61; Stoneham; disch. for disability Sept. 3, '62. Thomas Carter, Wagoner; 25; May 10, '61 ; Newburyport; dischar. for disabiUty at Baltimore, Md.,Sept. 24, '61. AsaLakeman, Wagoner,; May 10, '61; Ipswich; disch. for disabiUty Sept. 9, '62. Francis J. Adolphus, Private; 22; May 10, '61 ; Ame,sbury ; discharged for disabil. Oct. 6, '61 . Thomas Ahem, Private; 26; May 10, '61; Newburyport; transf. to New Co. A; re-euUst. Jan. 4, '64. Joseph AUey, Jr., Private; 29; May 10, '61; Newburyport; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Henry Bel, Private; 24; Oct. 10, '61; Brookline; tranf. to New C o. A; re-enUst. Jan. 5, '64. Isaac T. Bickford, Private; 29; Dec. 26, '61; Georgetown; d. at Baltimore, Md., Jau. 29, '62. Edward W. Blandin, Private; 44; May 10, '61; Stoneham; disch. for disabiUty Sept. 24, '61. Wheaton L. BUss, Private; 24; Aug. 19, '62; Seekonk; M. O. Aug. 3, '64; transf. from Co. D to Co. A, Oct. 22, '62; John Blodgett, Private; 24; Jau. 5, '64; Sturbridge; transf. to New Co. B. Patrick Bohan, Private; 26; Jan. 15, '64; Lynn; transf. to New Co. A; re-enlist. Jan. 15, '64. Charles E. Bradbury, Private; 25; May 20, '61; Newburyport; disch. for disabiUty Oct. 13, '63. George W. Brown, Private; 30; May 10, '61; Newburyport; disch. for disiabiUty May 2, '63; wounded Dec. 14, '62. John Burke, Private; 35; May 10, '61; Newburyport; tranf. to New Co. A; re-enUs. Jan. 2, '64. Nathaniel H. Burpee, Private; 26; Aug. 4, '62; HaverhiU; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. James Calnan, Private; 35; May 10, '61; Stoneham; disch. for disabiUty at Newbern, N. C, Feb. 2, '63. Thomas Carter, Private; July 22, '61; Newburyport; disch. for disabiUty, Sept. 24, '64. Rufus W. Chandler, Private; 33; May 10, '61; Newburyport; disch. for disabiUty Sept. 18, '62, at Boston, Mass. 16 THE SEVENTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT. NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. Charles A. Cheever, Private; 3S; Jan. 18, '64; Lynn; transf. to New Co. B, re-enlist. Jan. 15, '64. Thomas B. Chipman, Private; 21; Aug. 1, '62; Bradford; disch. for disabiUty Nov. 11, '62. George I. Clapp, Private; 20; Jan. 4, '64; Chelsea; re-enUsted transf. to New Co. A. WiUiam D.Cloutman, Private; 30; Aug. 12, '62; Marblehead; disch. for disabil. Sept. 11, '63. James Cogger, Private; 19; Oct. 26, '61; Boston; disch. for disabilty Nov. 15, '61.' Thomas G. Cogger, Private; 21; May 10, '61; Newburyport; disch. for disabilty Sept. 6, '62; at Newbern, N. C. David Cole, Private; 28; Jan. 5, '64; Chelsea; transf. to New Co. B.; re-enlist. Jan. 5, '64. James Connor, Private; 35; July 30, '61 ; Lynnfield; disch. for disabiUty Feb. 2, '63. John Conner, Private; 23; May 10, '61; Newburyport; disch. for disabiUty Dec. 1, '61, at Baltimore, Md. Albert J. Cook, Private; 20; May 10, '61; Newburyport; transf. to New Co. A.; re-enlisted Jan. 5, '64. John Conboy, Private; 21; Jan. 5, '64; Lynn; re-enlisted Jan. 5, '64; transf. to New Co. A.; pris. of war March 10, '66. George L. CoughUn, Private; 39; May 10, '61; BurUngton, Vt.; disch. for disability Dec. 1, '61 at Baltimore. John H. CouilUard, Private; 21 ; May 10, '61 ; Newburyport; disch. for disabiUty May 12, '62 at Baltimore, Md. Alvin O. Cressey, Private; 28; May 10, '61; Ipswich; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. John H. Currier, Private; 30; May 10, '61; Melrose; disch. for disabiUty Aug. 26, '62. Thomas Curtin, Private; 26; Aug. 7, '62; HaverhiU; transf. to New Co. A.; re-enlisted Jan. 6, '64. Eben K. Danforth, Private; 22; May 10, '61; Georgetown; disch. for disabiUty July 24, '62. WilUam M. Davis, Private; 39; Oct. 7, '61; Fall River; transf. to New Co. A.; re-enUsted March 14, '64. Aretus H. Dillingham, Private; 28; May 10, '61; Newburyport; transf. to New Co. A.; re-enlisted Jan. 1, '64. Michael Dooley, Private; 39; Sept. 2, '62; Lynn; transf. to New Co.A.; re-enUs. Jan. 1,'64. Albert Drown, Private; 32; May 10, '61; Newburyport; d. Feb. 13, '64m at Beaufort, N. C. Daniel J. Dwyer, Private; 21; May 10, '61; Newburyport; transf. to New Co. A.; re-enUsted Jan. 1, '64. Dennis Dwyer, Private; 20; May 10, '61; Newburyport; transf. to New Co. A.; re-enUsted Jan. 1, '64. Frederick Eaton, Private; 28; Jan. 1, '62; Maiden; transf. to New Co. A.; re-enlisted Jan. 2, '64. WiUard Edmunds, Private; 38; May 10, '61; Saugus; transf. U. S. Navy Mar. 4, '64; re-en listed Jan. 1, '64. Thomas Fahey, Private; 46; Feb. 1, '64; Lynn; transf. to New Co. B.; re-enUsted Feb. 1, '64. Martm Fallon, Private; 35; May 10, '61; Newbuiyport; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. George W. Fisher, Private; 31; Sept. 2, '62; Charlestown; disch. for disabiUty June 22, '63. George E. Flanders, Private; 24; April 27, '61; SaUsbury; deserted Aug. 7, '61. John L. S. Flanders, Private 26; May 10, '61; Newburyport; deserted Mar. 20, '62. Enos Floyd, Private; 40; May 10, '61; Newburyport; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Samuel J. Ford, Private; 19; Oct. 26, '61; Boston; transf. to New Co. E.; re-enlisted Jan. 4, '64. Eobert Fowle, Private; 17; May 10, '61; Newburyport; no fur. rec. Adj. Gen. Office, Mass. James H. Foye, Private; 18; May 10, '61; Newburyport; disch. tor disabiUty July 10, '63. Cassius M. C. French, Private; 18; May 10, '61; Boston; d. June 1, '62 at Baltimore, Md. Henry F. FuUer, Private; 18; May 10, '61; Melrose; d. Oct. 6, '61, at Baltimore, Md. WilUam Gannon, Private; 19; May 10, '61; Newburyport; transf. to New Co. A.; re-enUsted Jan. 1, '64. Isaac H. Gould, Private; 36; Oct. 24, '61; Amesbury; d. June 29, '62, at Newbern, N. C. Col. Henry Splaine as Captain 1862-3. COMPANY A. 17 NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. John W. Gower, Private; 31; Nov. 1, '61; Baltimore, Md.; disch. for disability Apr. 10, '62, at Baltimore, Md. Nathaniel Gumey, Private; 21; May 10, '61; Newburyport; disch. for disabiUty Sept. 11, '62. Benjamin F. HaU, Private; 19; May 10, '61; Georgetown; deserted Aug. 24, '61. Stephen S. HaU, Private; 29; June 3, '64; Upton; transf. to New Co. C. WilUam HavUn, Private; 26; May 10, '61; Newburyport; deserted Aug. 23, '61. George W. Hews, Private ; 44; Jan. 3, '62; HaverhiU; transf. to New Co. A.; re-enUsted Jan. 5, '64. Richard Higston, Private; 45; Jan. 15, '64; Lynn; transf. to New Co. B.; re-enUsted Jan. 16, '64. WiUiam N. Hopkinson, Private; 25; May 10, '61; Newburyport; disch. for disabiUty June 14, '62. Alfred Horton, Private; 33; May 10, '61; Newburyport; no fur. rec. Adjt. Gen. office, Mass. James Hubbard, Private; 21; Aug. 6, '62; Haverhill; disch. for disability Jan. 3, '63. Thomas H. Jackman, Private; 20; May 10, '61 ; Newburyport; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Eobert W. Jessup, Private; 36; Oct. 22, '61; Danveis; disch. Oct. 14, '64. Samuel E. Kemp, Private; 30; May 10, '61; HaverhiU; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Edward W. KendeU, Private; 18; Aug. 8, '62; Melrose; M. O. Aug. 3, '64 Packard Kennedy, Private; 27; Dec. 26, '61; Georgetown; transf. to New Co. A.; re-enlisted Jan. 4, '64. George W. Kezar, Private ; 19; May 10, '61; Newburyport; M. O. Aug. 3, '64; wounded Apr. 9, '63. Samuel Kezar, Jr., Private; Aug. 16, '61; Newburyport; transf. to New Co. A.; re-enUst. Jan. 6, '64. Charles W. Keyes, Private; 19; May 10, '61; Newburyport; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. John Leonard, Private; 35; Feb. 2, '64; Lynn; transf. to New Co. B. ; re-enUsted Feb. 2, '64. WUUam F. Lent, Private; 30; May 10, '61; Newburyport; wounded at Goldsboro Dec. 17, '62; disch. for wounds May 14, '63, at Boston, Mass. Andrew P. Lewis, Private; 20; May 10, '61; Newburyport; transf. to New Co. A and F; re-enUst. Jan. 4, '64. Charles Lang, Private; 22; May 10, '61; Georgetown; disch. for disabiUty Nov. 23, '63. Daniel Lynch, Private: 19; May 10, '61; Newburyport; tranf. to New Co. A; re-enUst. Jan. 5, '64. George W. Lynde, Private; 18; May 10, '61 ; Melrose; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. George Mace, Private; 18; May 10, '61 ; Newburyport; d. Dec. 22, '61 at Baltimore, Md. JohnMahoney, Private; 42; November 12, '61; Haverhill; M. O.Aug. 3, '64. JohnS.Marcey, Private; 18; Aug. 8, '62; Maiden; disch. for disabiUty Nov. 11, '62. James I. Marshall, Private; 18; May 10, '61; Newburyport; re-enlisted Jan. 5, '64; M. O. July 11, '65. WiUiam W. MarshaU, Private; 22; Jan. 22, '62; Newburyport; tranf. to New Co. A.; re listed Jan. 1, '64. Dennis McCarty, Private; 25; May 10, '61; Boston; tranf. to New Co. A; re-enUst. Jan. 5, '64; d. in service. Patrick McCarthy, Private; 19; Oct. 18, '61; Boston: transf. to New Co. A; re-enUst. Dec. 12, '63. James McKnight, Private; 19; May 10,'61; Newburyport: disch. for wounds June 2, '63; wounded Dec. 16, '62 ; loss of leg. John or John W. McKnight, Private; 21 ; Feb. 17, '62; Newburyport; tranf. to New Co. D. James McWilUams, Private; 34; May 10, '61 ; Newburyport; disch. for disabiUty April 2 , '63. Lewis J. MorriU, Private; 34; Sept. 2, '62; Lynn; transf. to Co. E. Oct. 1, '62. Dennis Murphy, Private; 26; Sept. 2, '61; Lynn; disch. March 5, '64 ; lost leg in service, '63; Thoma3A.Murray,Private;18;Sept.2, '61;Lynn;tranf.toNewCo.A; wounded April 9, '63; re-enlist. January 1, '64. 18 THE SEVENTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS EEGIMENT. NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. David Noble, Private; 29; No. 11, '61; Maiden; tranf. to Co. D, Dec. 12, '61. Benjamin L. Nolan, Private; 19; Jan. 19, '64; Lynn; re-enUst. Jan. 19, '64; transf. to New Co.A. Joseph H. Norris, Private; 23; May 10, '61; Lawrence; disch. for disability Dec. 15' 6l; at Baltimore, Md. Edgar A. Parker, Private; 25; Nov. 2, '61; HaverhiU; transf. to Co. D. Henry Parks, Private; 23; Jan. 18, '64; Lynn; transf. to New Co. B; re-enUst. Jan. 18, '64. Francis Peabody, Private; 19; Aug. 11, '62; Boston; transf. to New Co. A; d. in service. WiUUam F. Pearson, Private; 18; May 10, '61 ; Newburyport; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Joseph Perkins, Private; 21; Aug. 11, '62; Newbury; transf. to New Co. A; re-enUst. Jan. 4, '64 ; pris. of war March 8, '65. Alvin W. PhilUps, Private; 21; June 21, '61; Boston; deserted Feb. 0, '62. Thomas G. Poor, Private; 18; May 10, '61; Lawrence; disch. for disability Oct. 14, '61 at Baltimore, Md. Sylvester Powell, Private; 25; Jan. 19, '64; Lynn; re-enUsted Jan. 19, '64; transf. to New Co.B. Morrison Proctor, Private; 35; Oct. 21, '61; Groveland: disch. from Regt. Hospit. Nov. 14, '61, for disabiUty. John Purtell, Private: 42; Dec. 10, '63; Newburyport; re-enlist. Dec. 10, '63; transf. to New Co.B. Eichard Purtill, Private; IS; March 1, '62; Newburyport; transf. to New Co. A; re-enlist. Jan 4, '64. Albert Remington, Private; 22; Jan. 5, '64; Starbridge; re-enUst. Jan. 5, '64; transf. to New Co.A. Ezra Remington, Private; 18; May 29, '64; Starbridge; transf. to New Co. C. Albert Richardson, Private; 44; May 10, '61 ; Stoneham; disch. for disabiUty, Sept. 24, '62. WilUam G. Eoberts, Private; 26; May 10, '61; Lawrence; deserted Aug. 24, '61. Benjamin P. Rogers, Private: 18; May 10, '61; Newbury; transf. to New Co.A; re-enUst. Jan. 1, '64. Albert P. Sargent, Private; 30; July 22, '62; Roxbury; transf. to V. R. C. Mar. 12, '64. Benjamin A. Sargent, Private; 24; Feb. 4, '62; HaverhiU: transf. to New Co. F; re-enUst. Feb. 29, '64. James L. Smith, Private; 21; May 10, '61; Worcester; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Samuel Smith, Private; 26; May 10, '61 ; Newburyport; d. at Park Barracks, New York City. May 27, '63. Joseph G. Spates, Private; 22; May 10, '61 ; Newburyport; deserted Aug. 24, '61. George W. Stanwood, Private; 21; May 10, '61; Newburyport; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Thomas W. Stevens, Private; 18; May 10, '61; Newburyport; disch. for disabil. June 23, '63. Michael SulUvan, Private; 29; May 10, '61; Newburyport; re-enUst. Jan. 4, '64; transf. to New Co. A and D. Patrick J. SulUvan, Private; 38; May 10, '61; Newburyport; disch. for disability May 18, '63. Andrew Templeton, Private; 18; May 10, '61; Newburyport; transf. to New Co. A; re-enUst. Jan. 4, '64. Alphonso W. Thomas, Private: 19; Oct. 8, '61 ; Boston; transf. to New Co. A. PhilUp B. TirreU, Private: 22; Aug. 6, '62; HaverhiU; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Joseph W. Tracy, Private; 34; July 23, '62; Boston; disch. for disabiUty Apr. 2, '63. Foster W. Tripp, Private; 19; May 10, '61; Portsmouth, N. H.; disch. for disabiUty Oct 6 '61. Joseph Wadleigh, Private: 30; May 10, '61; Newburyport; deserted Aug. 24, '61. Martin Watson, Private; 18; Aug. 20, '61; Newburyport; re-enUst. Jan. 2 '64- transf 'to New Co. A. Michael Welch, Private; 34; May 10, '61 ; Newburyport; disch. for disability May 4, '62. John H. WilUs, Private; 26; May 10, '61; Newburyport: disch. for disabiUty Nov. 1, '61 at Baltimore, Md. COMPANY B. 19 NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. Henry Winkley, Private; 20; May 10, '61; Newburyport; disch. for disabiUty Oct. 26, '61 at Baltimore, Md. Byron A. Woodbury, Private; 23; Aug. 12, '62; Glouchester; re-enlist. Jan. 1, '64; transf. to New Co. A. Claeb S. Woodwell, Private; 23; May 10, '61; Newburyport; transf. to New Co. A; re-enlist. Dec. 14, '63. Miles Woodman, Private; 42; Nov. 14, '61; Boston: transf. to New Co. A. George W. Woodsum, Private; 18; May 10, '61; Hampstead, N. H.; d. Dec. 19, '61 at Balti more, Md. Arancis B. Wyman, Private; 23; Jan. 19, '64; Lynn; transf. to New Co. A. Osgood Young, Private; 21 ; Aug. 4, '62; Haverhill; disch. for disabiUty Oct. 28, '63. Peter Young, Private: 29; May 10, '61; Newburyport; deserted Feb. 28, '62. COMPANY "B", SOUTH DANVERS. Foster Guaeds. (Major John E. Mullaly has furnished the following sketch of the formation of Company "B" of South Danvers, called the Foster Guards, after the late General Foster (not the General Foster in command in North Carolina) . "On April 19, 1861, when the news came that our soldiers had been shot in Baltimore, I, with others, was talking about the news. I think there were about twenty of us together — all young men. I proposed that we get a drum and fife and march up the main street of old South Danvers, and the spirit seemed to be there. We got out the drummer, but not the fifer — instead we got a bugler. We fell into line in the formation of twos, armed with canes and sticks. We started from Harmony Grove Ridge and marched to the Town Hall in South Danvers. While on the march we got about one hundred recruits. "After arriving at the Town Hall we rang the bell. It seemed to me that it brought out all the men in town, old and young, as the Town Hall was soon full. Some of the prominent men of the town made speeches in relation to the war, which had then actually 20 THE SEVENTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS EEGIMENT. begun. Finally, one of the speakers suggested that those men who would be ready to go in forty-eight hours should give their names. There was a list started, and I think about one hundred and twenty- five men, old and young, signed their names — everybody, anybody, all seemed willing to go. They finally decided, after 11 o'clock at night, to adjourn until the following evening, when they would all meet at the same place. " I knew very little about military affairs at that time. There were more names signed than would fill a company. I proposed at the adjourned meeting that all the married men drop out, and the single men form a company which they did. We then took a vote, and voted to equip the members with uniforms. We had a tailor come from Boston and measure each man, and our uniform was gray with red trimmings. The adjutant general of the State was notified about the company, and he ordered an election of officers. A meeting for that purpose was held, and a man by the name of John Denny was elected captain at first, but this was not satisfactory to the men, and he did not serve. After two evenings ' struggle, however. Lieutenant Sydney C. Bancroft was elected captain in his place. John E. Mullaly was elected second lieu tenant. "The town would not give up the uniforms because there was a prospect that the governor would not need the company. The Ninth Massachusetts Regiment expected orders to go to the front, and they were short of men. Some officers of that regiment came to our town, and got about forty men from our company to go with them. In a short time we received orders from the adjutant general of the State to go into camp in our respective towns without pay or equipment. Captain Bancroft received the order and turned it over to me. "I was captain of the company for about one year, and took great pleasure in serving in so good a company. My record of it is that not one man was placed in the guardhouse for misdemeanor of any kind. The following is a roster of the company : COMPANY B. 21 ORIGINAL COMPANY "B". NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OP ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. Sidney C. Bancroft, Capt.; 35; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; resigned Deo. 18, '61. Enoch F. Tompkins, Capt.; 30; Dec. 19, '61; HaverhiU; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Robert B. Bancroft, 1st Lt.; 25; May 10, '61 ; So. Danvers; resigned Dec. 12, '61. John E. MuUaly, 1st Lt.; 22; Deo. 13, '61; Salem; pro. Capt. assigned to Co. F. Charles O. Fellows, 1st Lt.; 19; Aug. 13, '62; Chelsea; pro. Capt.; Aug. 19, '64; assigned to New Co. F. John E. MuUaly, 2d Lt.; 21; May 10, '61; Salem; pro. 1st Lt. Co. B. Dec. 13, '61. Henry Poor, 2d Lt.; 23; Deo. 19, '61; Stoneham; pro. 1st Lt. Co. F. Linus B. Comins, Jr., 2d Lt.; 20; May 28, '62; Roxbury; transf. to Co. D. Feb. 13, '63. Henry T. MerriU, 2d Lt.; 24; July 3, '62; HaverhiU; resigned May 11, '63. Joseph A. Moore, 2d Lt.; 20; May 17, '63; Gloucester; transf. to Co. E, Sept. 20, '63. DanielGetchel, 2dLt.;30: Dec. 24, '62; HaverhiU; transf. to Co. E, Nov. 1, '63. Herbert E. Larrabee, 1st Sgt.; 24; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; disch. for disabil. Apr. 5, '63. Stephen F. Jones, 1st Sgt.; 22; May 10, '61; Salem; wounded Dec. 17, '62, at Goldsboro; disch. for disabiUty Feb. 7, '63. Edward F. Famham, 1st Sgt.; 21; Aug. 22, '61 ; Charlestown; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Benjamin R. Arrington, Sgt.; 24; May 10, '61 ; So. Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. WiUiam MuUaly, Sgt.; 19; May 10, '61; Salem; disch. Feb. 7, '63. Samuel G. Eoberts, Sgt.; 19; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; pro. 2d Lt. Co. G. Mch. 24, '63; wounded Dec. 17, '62. Hugh McKenny, Sgt.; 21; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Sept. 20, '62. Daniel Galucia, Sgt.; 19; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. John H. Leonard, Sgt.; 29; May 10, '61; Salem; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Eiley Davis, Sgt.; 20; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Augustus Buckman, Corp.; 22; Aug. 20, '61; Lynnfield; deserted Jan. 24, '62. Eben H. Davis, Corp.; 20; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Edward Cassidy, Corp.; 22; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Henry A. Stone, Corp.; 18; Aug. 10, '61 ; So. Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Charles M. Woodbury, Corp.; 20; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; transf. to New Co. ; re-enUsted Deo. 12, '63. Israel P. Leavitt, Corp.; 28; May 10, '61; Salem; disch. for disabiUty June 23, '63. Charles E. Barry, Corp.; 18; July 10, '61; So. Danvers; transf. to New Co. C. ; re-enUsted Dec. 15, '63. Calvin ChamberUn, Corp.; 18; Oct. 19, '61; Lynn; M. O. Aug. 18, '64, at Boston, Mass. Jacob Galucia, Corp.; 18; Nov. 4, '61; So. Danvers; transf. to Co. D. Abraham Bond, Musician; 15; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Aug. 13, '63. Samuel E. Tucker, Musician; 16; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; transf. to New Co. C; re-enUsted Jan. 5, '64. George Buxton, Wagoner; 24; July 10, '61; Salem; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. John Action, Private; 30; Dec. 23, '63; Danvers; re-enUsted; transf. to New Co. C. Daniel C. Adams, Private; 30; May 10, '61; Lynn; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. George W. Bancroft, Private; 20; Sept. 1, '61; Baltimore, Md.; disch. for disabiUty July 2, '62 at Newbern, N. C. Abraham Barrett, Private; 34; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; transf. to New Co. B.; wounded Apr. 9, *63; re-enUsted Jan. 4, '64. WiUiam H. Batchelder, Private; 24; July 10, '61; Salem; transf. to Co. D. James Battye, Private; 43; Aug. 12, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. George A. Beckett, Private; 19; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Dec. 14, '63. Charles F. BlaisdeU, Private; 24; Feb. 28, '64; Woburn; re-enlisted; transf. to New Co. C. William Boyle, Private; 23; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Herman Brackett, Private; 44; Aug. 9, '61; Lynn; disch. for disabiUty May 28, '63. 22 THE SEVENTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS EEGIMENT. NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OP ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. Hiram Butterfleld, Private; 21; July 10, '61; Salem; re-enlisted; transf. to Co. D. Michael Buckley, Private; 19; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. James A. Byrne, Private; 37; Deo. 11, '63; Danvers; re-enUsted; transf. to New Co. C. JohnF. Carlton, Private; 24; April 30, '61; Saugus^; M. O. .^ug. 3, '64. Patrick Carr. Private; 33; Aug. 4, '61; Danvers; disch. for disabiUty June 23, '63, at New bern, N. C. Jeremiah CarroU, Private; 20; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Dennis Cashman, Private; 18; Jan. 18, '64; Danvers; re-enlisted; transf. to New Co. C. John Chambers, Private; 30; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; M. O. -^ug. 3, '64. WilUam Chambers, Private; 24; Aug. 22, '61; Chelsea; transf. to New Co. B.; re-enUsted Dec. 4, '63. James Clark, Private: 25; May 10, '61; So. Danveis; disch. for disabiUty May 10, '63, at Newbern, N. C'. David Coleman, Private; 44; Aug. 12, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. John Conway, Private; 30; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Joseph Cooper, Private; 42; Feb. 17, '64; Boston; re-enUsted; transf. to New Co. B. Patrick Cronin, Private; 31; May 10, '61; Salem; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Joseph F. Dakin, Private; 27; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; transf. to New Co. B. re-enlisted Jan. 1, '64. Charles H. Davis, Private; 21; Feb. 2, '64; Andover; re-enlisted; transf. to New Co. C. John Dempsey, Private; 23; May 10, '61; Lynn; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Henry M. Derx, Private; 17; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; transf. to New Co. C; re-enUst. Dec. 26, '63. John Desmond, Private; 35; May 10, '61; Salem; wounded Dec. 17, '62; disch. for wounds. May 6, '63. John Devine, Private; 25; May 10, '61; Salem; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Peter Devine, Private; 18; Nov. 18, '63; So. Danvers; re-enlist.; transf. to New Co. C. EdwardDuke, Private; 23; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. William H. Eaton, Private; 18; Jan. 13, '64; Lynn; re-enUst. Jan. 13, '64; transf. to New Co.C. George E. Famham, Private; 19; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; disch. for disabUity Nov. 21, '62. Robert M. Field, Private; 32; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; wounded Dec. 17, '62; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Lawrence Fox, Private; 39; May 10, '61 ; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. John Fraher, Private: 25; Dec. 29, '63; Lynn; re-enUsted; transf. to New Co. C. Thomas GaUagher, Private; 23; May 9, '61; So. Reading; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Thomas Gallagher, Private; 33; July 10, '61; Salem; served in war with Mexico in 1st Reg. Mass. Vols.; disch. for disabiUty May 30, '63, at Newbern, N. C. Henry Galucia, Private: 21; Oct. 24, '61; So. Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Dec. 2, '62, at Baltimore, Md. Perley Galucia, Private: 19; May 10, '61 ; So. Danvers: disch. for disabiUty July 11, '62. Pulaski Galucia, Private; 25; Oct. 15, '61 ; So. Danvers; disch. Oct. 14, '64, expir. of service. Patrick Gaynor, Private; 32; Deo. 30, '63; Fall River; re-enUst. transf. to new organ. David Gleason, Private: 41; May 10, '61; So. Danvers: tranusf. to New Co. B; re-enlist. Feb. 15, '64. Martin Goldthwait, Private; 21; Oct. 24, '61; So. Danvers; wounded July 26, '63; disch. Oct. 22, '64, expir. of term. Aaron Guilford, Private; 23; May 10, '61; So. Danvers: transf. to New Co. B.; re-enUst. Dec. 17, '63. David B. Hackett, Private; 29; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; transf. to Co. E. Thomas Hancock, Private; 21; Feb. 16, '64; Chelsea; transf. to New Co. C; enhst. at New bern, N. C. Jobn Hart, Private: 18; July 10, '61 ; Salem; re-enUst. transf. to New Co. C. Thomas Hartman, Private; 42; July 10, '61; Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Aug. 13, '62. CorneUus Harrigan, Private; 18; May 10, '61 ; So. Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. COMPANY B. 23 NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. Thomas Hessan, Private: 35; Dec. 28, '63; SaUsbury; re-enUst.; transf. to New Co. B. Alfred Hopbirk, Private; 21; M.iy 10,'61; Wenham ; transf . to New Co.C; re-enUst.Deo.1,'63. Stephen Howard, Private: 25; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; M. O.Aug. 3, '64. George C. Irish, Private; 26; Dec. 2, '63; Gloucester; re-enlist.; transf. to New Co. B. Andrew Jackson, Private; 22; Jlay 10, '61; Lynn; disch. for disability July 11, '62. Albert Jeffers, Private; 42; Jan. 13, '64; Lynn; re-enlist.; transf. to New Co. C. George W. Jeffers, Private; 18; Jan. 13, '64; Lynn; re-enUst.; transf. to New Co. C. WilUam H. Jeffers: Private; 20; Jan. 13, '64; Lynn; re-enlist; transf. to New Co. C. George C. Jeffery, Private; 25; .\ug. 20, '61; Lynnfield; disch. for disabiUty Apr. 23, '63. Alexander Jones, Private; 26; May 10, '61 ; Salem; disch. for disabiUty Dec. 3, '63. Andrew Kelly, Private; 28; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; wounded Dec. 17, '62; disch. for disa bility Apr. 2, '63. WiUiam N. Kenney, Private; 35; Feb. 22, '64; Lynn; re-enlist.; transf. to New Co. C. Henry L. Larrabee, Private: 21; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. MichaelP. Lucy, Private: 24; May 10, '61; Salem; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. John Mahoney, Private; 23; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; deserted Nov. 29, '61. Richard Marley, Private; 19; M.ay 10, '61; Salem; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. James McCarthy, Private; 47; May 10, '61 ; Danvers; disch. for disability Deo. 4, '61. John McCormack, Private; 22 ; Nov. 20, '61 ; So. Danvers; transf. to New Co. D. MicbaelMcCormick, Private: 21; May 10, '61; So. Danvers: M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Thomas McDermott, Private; 30; Jan. 2, '64; Chelmsford; re-enUst.; transf. to New Co. B. Eneas McDonald, Private; 22; July 10, '61;[Salem; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Charles Mclntire, Private: 18; May 10, '61; Salem; disch. for disabiUty Sept. 15, '61. George McLellan, Private: 18; May 10, '61; Salem; M. O.Aug. 3, '64. WilUam B. Moulton, Private: 18; Oct. 19, '61 ; Lynn; transf. to New Co. D. Michael MuUaly, Private: 24; May 10, '61; Salem; disch. for disabiUty, Oct. 24, '61. James Nolan, Private; 32; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. John O'ConneU, Private; 19; May 10, '61 ; So. Danvers; disch. for disabiUty May 28, '63. EUjah Osborne, Private; 20; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64; Patrick O'Shea, Private; 30; May 10, '61; Salem; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. OUver Parker, Private; 20^ Oct. 15, '61 ; So. Danvers; transf. to New Co. B. AndrewPatten, Private; 38; July 10, '61; Danvers: M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Charles H. Pendexter, Private; 26; Feb. 22, '64; Lynn; re-enlist.; transf. to new Co. G. Warren C. Philbrick, Private; 36; Feb. 25, '64; Lynn; re-enUst. ; transf . to New Co. C. Valentine A. Pickering, Private; 34; Aug. 20, '61 ; Lynnfield: disch. for disability Sept. 10, '66. George Pitman, Private; 34; Aug. 17, '61; Danvers; transf. to New Co. B.; re-enUst. Feb. 16, '64. George Pitman, Jr., Private; 18; Aug. 17, '61 ; Danvers; transf. to New Co. C; re-enlist. Feb. 25, '64. Richard Eicker, Private; 32; .May 10, '61; Salem; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Edward Eing, Private; 34; Dec. 24, '63; Brighton: re-enlist.; transf. to New Co. C. JohnEing, Private; 31; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. James Eoche, Private; 45; May 10, '61; So. Danvers: M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Benjamin F. Ehodes, Private; 23; May 10, '61 ; So. Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. MiohaelScanlon, Private; 22; May 10, '61; Salem; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Edward Sheehan, Private; 22; May 10, '61; Salem; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. WilUam Siner, Private; 43; July 10, '61 ; So. Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Henry B. Skinner, Private ; 19 ; Aug. 10, '61 ; So. Danvers ; re-enUst. ; transf. to New Co. C. Daniel W. Stevens, Private; 26; May 10, '61; Salem; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Benjamin Stone, Private; 45; July 10, '61; So. Danvers; disch. tor disability Aug. 21, '62. Eugene SuUivan, Private; 27; Aug. 20, '61; Lynnfield; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Henry M. Tarbox, Private: 22; May 10, '61; Salem; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. John Ihedford, Private: 37; March 9, '64; Lynn ; re-enUst. ; transf . to New Co. C. 24 THE SEVENTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT. NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. Patrick Thiers, Private; 27; May 10, '61 ; Salem; deserted Nov. 29, '61. George W. Thomas, Private; 18; May 10, '61; Salem; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Charles H. Townsend, Private, 18; Oct. 1, '61; So. Danvers ; disch. Sept. 1, '64, expir. of term . John H. Tucker, Private; 42; Nov. 19, '61; Salem; transf. to new Co. C. Joseph C. Twiss, Private; 46; July 10, '61; Salem; M. 0. Aug. 3, '64. Joseph C. Twiss, Private; 26; Oct. 29. '61; Salem ; disch. for disabiUty July 17, '65. Jacob H. Very, Private; 21 ; July 10, '61 ; So. Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. George H. Whithead, Private, 21 ; Aug. 20, '61 ; Lynn; transf. to E. John Whithead, Private; 21 ; May 10, '61 ; So. Reading; disch. for disabiUty Sept. 10, '63. JohnS. Winslow, Private; 28; Feb. 22, '64; Lynn; re-enUst. ; transf. to New Co. C. WiUard Winslow, Private: 24; Feb. 22, '64; Lynn; re-enUst. ; transf . to New Co. C. Hugh Young, Private; 23; Feb. 22, '64; Lynn; re-enUst.; transf. to New Co. C. COMPANY "C," KNOWN AS "DANVERS LIGHT INFANTRY." (Comrade George F. Putnam now of Lynn contributes the following account of the formation of Company ."C" of the Seven teenth Regiment.) "As is well known, in April, 1861, excitement was high through the Northern States on account of the disloyal movements inthe South, and all who gave thought to the matter could see that a conflict between the loyal States and those in secession was im pending. "In the little village of Tapleyville, Danvers, was the General Scott Fire Engine, with a company of from sixty to seventy young men, full of American blood, who did not believe in allowing the Southern States to secede from the Union; and when the call came for volunteers, fully two-thirds of that company enrolled their names at the Danvers Town Hall, where patriotic meetings were held almost every night. "I and many others enrolled our names on the 19th of April, 1861, although the State does not give us the credit of enrolling until April 22d. We formed the company, others coming in later. COMPANY C. 25 "When we held a meeting for the choice of ofi&cers, Nehemiah P. Fuller was chosen captain, for the reason that we always understood that he was in Walker's expedition against Nicaragua, that he therefore knew something about military, was one of our boys and was popular. The first heutenant chosen was W. W. Smith. He was captain of the fire company, and a young man liked by all. Ruel B . Pray was chosen second lieutenant. "After the company was formed we went to drilling and marching, to get ready for service in the field. The town, in order to keep the company together, obtained grounds in West Glouces ter, where we began camp life, with Adjutant Barnabas N. Mann of Chelsea, as drill master, and continued until called upon to form a portion of the Seventeenth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, which was being assembled at Camp Schouler, at Lynnfield. Company C was one of the first, if not the first, on the field. From this time forward the history of Company C is that of the regiment, sharing in all its marches, expeditions and battles in North Caro lina. The Adjutant General's report for 1862 gives the following account of Company C : "The formation of this Corps was commenced in April, 1861, and the number rapidly increased, so that the full quota was soon obtained. At the same time the ladies were zealously engaged in the good work of providing an outfit, which was completed in the most generous style, the citizens aiding by large contributions, amounting in all for both companies from the town, to $3,000. "The outfit for each soldier embraced a cap, jacket, pants, two pairs of drawers, two flannel shirts, two pairs of stockings, handker chiefs, one pair of shoes and two havelocks. "Captain Fuller was furnished with a sword, sash, dressing- case, and an elegant copy of the Bible, the gifts of Miss Catherine Putnam of Peterboro, N. H., a native of the town. He was also furnished with a pistol, the gift of Augustus Mudge, Esq. The other officers were also amply equipped. Each soldier received a copy of the New Testament and Psalms, neatly bound together, a gift from the Sabbath Schools. A fine national flag, richly mounted, was presented to the Company in behalf of the town. 26 THE SEVENTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS EEGIMENT. "For nearly two months previous to their being incorporated as Company C in the Seventeenth Regiment, they occupied their time in daily drills under pay from the town. While waiting to be designated for service in the army they went into a private camp in the town of Gloucester, and thus became accomplished to a rare degree in the tactic of military science. They have held the post of honor in the regiment on the left, and afterwards on the right. "After the regiment arrived in Baltimore, it was thought best by the Colonel that it should have buglers in the right and left companies, and Privates George F. Putnam and George E. Moore, of Company C, Danvers, were made bugler and fifer of the com pany, which position they held until discharged. Afterwards the regiment purchased fifes for these men.' ' In the words of Colonel Splaine — "To Company C belongs the proud distinction of having furnished no less than twelve commissioned officers from among the enlisted men of the com pany, eleven having served in their own regiment, while one served as captain in a North Carohna Union Volunteer Colored Regiment. The following is a roster of the officers and enlisted men of the Company. ORIGINAL COMPANY "C". NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. NehemiahP. Fuller, Capt.; 31; July 11, '61; Danvers; transf. to Co. I, Aug. 14, '63. WiUiam W. Smith, Capt.; 24; July 3, '62; Danvers: transf. from Co. I, Aug. 14, '63 transf. to New Co. B. WilUam W. Snith, 1st Lt.; 23; July 11, '61; Danvers; pro. Capt., assi. to Co. I, July 3, '62. ArchibaldBogle, lstLt.;23: May 28, '62; Melrose; transf. to Co. A. May 20, '62. Thomas R. Keenan, 1st Lt.; 25; April 26, '63; Lynnfield; pro. Capt. 56th Regiment Mar. 19, '64. Ri;el B. Pray, 2d Lt.; 24; July 11, '61; Danvers; pro. 1st Lt. Dec. 19, '61, assigned to Co. A. Thon as E. Feenan, 2d Lt.; 24; Feb. 10, '62; Lynnfield ; pro. 1st Lt. Apr. 26, '63. PhiUp C. Mason, 2d Lt.; 26; Sept. 25, '62; Newburyport; transf. to Co. A, Jan. 28, '64. Joseph A. Moore, 2d Lt.; 20; May 7, '63; Gloucester; transf. to Co. E, July 15, '64. Andrew Cook, 1st Sgt.; 29; July 22, '61; Danvers; pro. 2d Lt. Aug. 16, '62. Malcolm SiUars, 1st Segt.; 23; July 11, '61; So. Danvers; pro. Qm. Sgt. N. C. S. Jan. 6, '64: re-enlisted Jan. 4, '64. James Smith, Sgt.; 21; July 11, '61; Danvers; transf. to old Co. I, Dec. 1'62. Lewis Cann, Sgt.: 22; July 11, '61; Danvers; pro. 2d Lieut. Apl. 26, '62. Andrew CccV, Set.; 29; July 11, '61;'Danvers; pro. 2d Lt. Aug. 13, '62; transf to Co I Aug. 30, '62.' ' ¦ ' COMPANY C. 27 NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. James Inman, Sgt.; 23; July 11, '61; Danvers: pro. 2d Lt., Co. D, Apr. 23, '63. Robert Smith, Sgt.; 27; July 11, '61; Danvers; transf. to New Co. B.; re-enUsted Jan. 5, '64. Charles F. Brown, Corp.; 27; July 11, '61 ; Danvers; transf. to old Co. E, Aug. 6, '62. George H. Putney, Corp.; 28; July 11, '61; Danvers; transf. to old Co. E, Aug. 6, '62. Isaac BodweU, Corp.; 38; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Joseph G. Martin, Corp.; 35; July 11, '61; Danvers; transf. to Co. B.; re-enUsted Feb. 29, '64. Maleohn Sillars, Corp.; 23; July 11, '61; So. Danvers; pro. Sgt. Nathaniel A. Pope, Corp.; 23; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Timothy Hawkes, Jr., Corp.; 24; July 11, '61; Danvers ;' transf . to New Co. B.; re-enUsted Jan. 5, '64; prisoner of war, Plymouth, N. C. Apr. 20, '64. David H. Ogden, Corp.; 23; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. David Cook, Corp.; 35; July 11, '61; Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Apr. 3, '63. James Cochran, Corp.; 23; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. WilUam Gould, Corp.; 25; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Fred A. Nourse, Corp.; 22; Jan. 14, '62; Marblehead; transf. to New Co. B.; re-enUsted Jan. 2, '64. Hiram T. Foster, Musician; 18; July 27, '61; Cambridge; transf. to New Co. B. re-enUsted Dec. 9, '63. Henry Foster, Musician; 16; July 27, '61; Cambridge: transf. to New Co. B.; re-enUsted Feb. 18, '64. Uriah Eobertson, Wagoner; 26; July 11, '61; Danvers: transf. to Co. E, Aug. 6, '62. Lucius P. Barnes, Private; 24; Aug. 21, '62; HolUston; disch. for disabiUty Apr. 23, '63, at Newbern, N. C. Samuel D. Benson, Private; 23; July 11, '61; Danvers: disch. for disabiUty Sept. 11, '61. Alden Bradford, Private: 21; Aug. 15, '62; Boston; Aug. 3, '64, expir. of service. Henry Bradford, Private; 27; Aug. 26, '62; Charlestown:-disch. for disabiUty Apr. 2, '63.' Charles A. Burchstead, Private; 22; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Joseph N. Burchstead, Private; 29; July 11, '61; Danvers; disch. for disability Sept. 5, 62. Warren A. Burpee, Private; 30; Dec. 29, '63; Gloucester; re-enlisted; transf. to New Co. C. James H. Burrows, Private: 25; July 11, '61; Danvers; d. Dec. 16, '61, at Drummondton, Va. Thoma.s Caine, Private; 33; Feb. 25, '64; Amesbury; re-enUsted; transf. to New Co. C. Simeon Coffin, Private; 21; July 11, '61; Danvers; d. Dec. 26, '61, at Baltimore, Md. George W. Coleman, Private; 25; Nov. 10, '63; Boston; re-enUsted; transf. to New Co. C. Francis D. Crane, Private; 26; July 11, '61; Middleton; disch. for disability Sept. 27, '62. WilUam E. Crawford, Private; 19; July 11, '61; Danvers; transf. to New Co. B.; re-enlisted Dec. 9, '63. WilUamH. Croft, Private; 17; July 11, '61; Danvers; killed Apr. 27, '64, at Washington, N.C. John L. Cunningham, Private; 31; Aug. 11, '61; Danvers; transf. to New Co. B.; re-enUsted Jan. 4, '64. Theodore Curtis, Private: 30; Dec. 3, '63; Saugus; transf. to New Co. C. WilUam D. Curtis, Private; 18;X)ec. 3, '63; Saugus: re-enUsted; transf. to New Co. C. John Daley, Private: 35; July 16, '62; Boston; disch. Nov. 25, '62; rejected recruit at New bern, N. C. James W. Dickie, Private; 19; July 11, '61; Danvers: disch. for disabiUty Jan. 16, '63. George H. Dole, Private; 28; July 11, '61; Danvers; transf. to New Co. B.; re-enUsted Dec. 1, '63. SamuelW.Durgin, Private; 22; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Charles M. Eagan, Private; 19; Nov. 30, '63; Maiden; d. in Andersonville, Ga., Mar. 26, '64; No. of grave, 171. George W. ElUott, Private; 22; July 22, '61; So. Danvers; disch. for disability Apr. 24, '63, at Newbern, N. C. George Fish, Private; 43; Aug. 22, '62; HoUiston; transf. to New Co. B.; re-enUs' Jan. 5, '64. George W. FUnt, Private; 18; Dec. 31, '63; So. Danvers; re-enUsted; transf. to New Co. C- Justin FUnt, Private; 21; July 11, '61; Middleton; d. Oct. 30, '61, Baltimore, Md. 28 THE SEVENTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS EEGIMENT. NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. Warren A. Flint, Private; 44; Dec. 31, '63; So. Danvers; re-enUsted; transf. to New Co. C. Richard W. FuUer, Private; 19; July 11, '61; Danvers; transf. to New Co. B.; re-enlisted Dec. 7, '63. George H. Goss, Private; 18; July 11, '61; Danvets; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Joshua Goss, Private; 43; July 11, '61; Danvers; disch. for disability Dec. 4, '62. John Graham, Private; 31; Feb. 10, '62; Chelsea; transf. to Co. D. William Green, Private; 19; Feb. 14, '64; Mendon; re-enUsted; transf. to New Co. C. Samuel D. Gregory, Private: 16; Sept. 24, '62; BelUngham; transf. from Co. H, 42d M. V. M. M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Eobert Grey, Private; 22; Oct. 24, '62; Boston: disch. Mar. 4, '63. Eobert B. Haggerty, Private: July 11, '61; Lynnfield; deserted Aug. 20, '61. James Hamay, Private; 21; Sept. 5, '62; Lynn; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. WilUam Harris, Private; 42; Oct. 13, '62; Boston: M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Eufus Hart, Private; 26; July 11, '61; Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Sept. 18, '63. Charles Hartman, Private: IS; July 11, '61; Danvers; transf. to New Co. B.; re-enlisted Jan. 4, '64. Thomas Hartman, Jr., Private; 19; July 11, '61; Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Apr. 24, '63. Timothy Hawkes, Private; 44; July 11, '61; Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Sept. 12, '62, at Newbern, N. C. Harry K. Herman, Private; 19; Jan. 26, '64; Boston; transf. to New Co. E, from 1st Bat. L. Art. Robert HiU, Private: 10; July 11, '61; Eockport; disch. for disabiUty Sept. 2, '62. James A. Holt, Private, 31; Dec. 9, '61; Danvers: disch. for disability Sept. 12, '62. Daniel A. Hyde, Private, 38; July 11, '61; Danvers; disch. for disabiUty May 10, '63. Henry G. Hyde, Private; 19; July 11, '61; Danvers; transf. to old Co. G, July 1, '63. Thomas Hynde, Private: 41; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. James Kearney, Private; 36; Oct. 13, '62; Waltham; transf. from Co. I, 46th M. V. M.; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Thomas Kelley, Private; 25; Feb. 10, '62; Roxbury; transf. to New Co. C. Andrew Kelley, Private: 40; Aug. 16, '61; Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Sept. 18, '62. John Kelley, Private; 35; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Jackson Kennedy, Private; 31; July 11, '61; Danvers: M. O. Aug. 3, '64. EzraD. KimbaU, Private; 23; July 11, '61; Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Apr. 2, '62. Michael Kirby, Private; 21; July 11, '61; Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Apr. 2, '62. Henry H. Lane, Private: 21; Aug. 7, '62; Haverhill; disch.; rejected recruit Nov. 25, '62. David P. Lang, Private: 24; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Luther E. Lawton, Private; 31 ; Aug. 23, '62; Maiden; Aug. 3, '64, expir. of service. Joseph Leavitt. Private: 42; Nov. 22, '61 ; Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Apr. 24, '63. James Lee, Private; 22; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. WilUam Lovejoy, Private; 44; Aug. 22, '62; HolUston; rejected recruited; disch. Nov. 25, '62. DarUng Lowe, Private: 42; Aug. 18, '61; So. Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Sept. 5, '62. James E. Lowell, Private: 22; July 11, '61; Danvers; d. Feb. 11, '62, at Baltimore, Md. George H. Mabee, Private; 24; ,Sec. 3, '63; Roxbury; re-euUsted; transf. to New Co. C. Dennis Mahoney, Private; 27; Nov. 22, '61; Boston: transf. to New Co. C. Melville Maley. Private; 18; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. David Matheson, Private; 35; July 11, '61; Lynnfield: M. O. Aug. 3, '64. John McCreary, Private; 36; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Alba McKay, Private: 22; Aug. 22, '62; HolUston; rejected recruit; disch. Nov. 25,' '63. Alexander Moir, Private; 43; July 11, '61; Danvers; disch. for disability Apr. 24, '63. Jonas S. Monroe, Private; 30; July 11, '61; So. Danvers; transf. to New Co. B. ; re-enUsted Feb. 22, '64. George E. Moore, Private: 24; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. John Moore, Private; 23; July 11, '61; Danvers; transf. to New Co. B. ; re-enUsted Jan. 4, '64. John K. Moore, Private; 31 ; July 11, '61 ; Danvers; disch. for disabiUty June 16, '62. COMPANY C. 29 NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. Lewis D. Moore, Private; 18; July 11, '61; Danvers; disch. Mar. 12, '62. John B. Moores, Private; 26; July 11, '61; Danvers; transf. Co. G; re-enUsted Jan. 5, '64. Estwick E. Morrill, Private; 27; Aug. 22, '61; SaUsbury; disch. for disabiUty Sept. 7, '61. Archibald Morrison, Private; 25; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. George H. Moulton, Private; 28; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Andrew MuUen (also known as MiUen), Private; 24; May 1, '62; Boston; transf. to New Co. B.; re-enUsted Jan. 1, '64. John Mundie, Private; 27; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Owen Murphy, Private; 23; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. WilUam J. Murphy, Private; 27; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Martin Murray, Private; 20; July 11, '61 ; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Thomas A. Musgrave, Private; July 11, '61; Lynnfield; d. July 1861, at Lynnfield, Mass. Edward North, Private; 19; Jan. 21, '62; Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Jan. 31, '63. Fred A. Nourse, Private: 22; Jan. 14, '62; Marblehead; transf. to New Co. B. AUen Nourse, Private; 21; July 11, '61; Danvers; re-enlisted; transf. to Co. E. James Nulty, Private; IS; Dec. 31, '63; Amesbury; re-enUsted; transf. to New Co. C. WilUam H. Ogden, Private; 21; July 11, '61; Danvers; transf. to New Co. B.; re-euUsted Jan. 1, '64. Hugh E. Peabody, Private; 27; Sept. 19, '62; Lynn; transf. from Co. F, 8th M. V. M., 9 months' troops, M. O. Aug. 3, '64. David PettengiU, Private: 31; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Richard Poor, Private; 19; July 11, '61; Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Oct. 30, '61. Richard Poore, Private; 19; Jan. 3, '62; Danvers: disch. for disability Feb. 25, '62; at Balti more, Md. James M. Powers, Private; 32; Dec. 22, '62; iledford; transf. to New Co. D, as pris. of war. James Prince, Private; 29; Oct. 28, '61; Danvers; disch. for disability Nob. 17, '61; at Balti more, Md. Charles Putnam, Private; 21; Apr. 29, '61; Danvers: M. O. Aug. 3, '64. GeorgeF. Putnam, Private: 23; July 10, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. John E. Quinn, Private; 21; Dec. 31, '63; Boston; transf. to New Co. D, as pris. of war. Milton Raddin, Private: 18; Dec. 31, '63; So. Danvers; re-enUsted; transf. to New Co. C. WilUam Reynolds, Private; 23; July 11, '61; Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Apr. 6, '63. Michael Riley, Private: 30; July 11, '61; Danvers; disch. for disability Oct. 2, '63. John A. Roberts, Private; 18; July 11, '61; Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Aug. 3, '62. WilUam B. Sargent, Private; 37; Oct. 22, '62; Boston; transf. to New Co. B.; re-enlisted Jan. 1, '64. Frank Scampton, Private; 39; July 11, '61; Danvers: d. Aug. 29, '62; at Danvers, Mass. George Scampton, Private; 32; July 11, '61; Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Apr. 6, '63. Patrick Sexton, Private ;20; July 11, '61; Danvers: transf. to New Co.B. ;re-enUsted Jan. 1,'64. John Shackley, Private; 33; July 11, '61; Danvers; disch. for disability Feb. 1, '63. Alvin C. Shaw, Private; July 11, '61; Lynnfield; deserted Aug. 20, '61. Joseph E. Shaw, Private; 18; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. WiUiamSillars, Private; 20; July 11, '61; Danvers; d. Jan. 4, '62, at Baltimore, Md. Daniel Smith, Private; 28; July 11, '61; Danvers: d. Sept. 27, '62, at Newbern, N. C. PhiUp SuUivan, Private; 20; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Eldridge A. Stiles, Private: 23; July 11, '61; Middleton, disch. for disabiUty Sept. 12, '62. James H. Stuart, Private; 27; Oct. 14, '62; Boston; pro. Sgt. Maj. July 1, '64; re-enlisted Jan. 1, '64. Jeremiah Toomey, Private; 21; July 11, '61; Danvers: M. O. Aug. 3, '64. PatrickToomey, Private; 23; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Patrick Toomey, Private; 25; Dec. 23, '63; Woburn; re-enUsted; transf. to New Co. C. Patrick Trainer, Private; 19; July 11, '61; Danvers; d. Dec. 24, '61, at Baltimore, Md. Ezra W. Watson, Private; 24; July 11, '61; Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Dec. 4, '62. Charles F. WeUs, Private; 18; Oct. 21, '61; Danvers: transf. to New Co. B.; re-enUsted Feb. 18, '64. 30 THE SEVENTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS REGIMBNT. NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OH CREDIT. Edward F. WeUs, Private; 32; Aug. 16, '61; Danvers: disch. for disabiUty Apr. 6, '63. Edwin G. WeUs, Private; 18; Oct. 21, '61; Danvers; disch. expir. of service Oct. 20, '64. John F. Wells, Private; 24; July 11, '61; Danvers; transf. to New Co. B.; re-enUsted Jan. 1, '64. Heniy R. Wiggin, Private; 43; July 11, '61; Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Jan. 16, '63. Calvin W. Wiggin, Private; 49; Nov. 28, '63; Medford; transf. to Co. D, as absent pris. of war. Joseph F. Wiggin, Private; 18; July 11, '61; Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Mar. 11, '63. Calvin W. WiUis, Private; 49; Nov. 28, '63; Medford; transf. to Co. I; d. in rebel prison July 17, '64. George C. Wilson, Private: 18; July 11, '61; Danvers ; transf . to Co. B. ; re-enlisted Jan. 4, '64. Edmund Woodward, Private; 24; July 14, '63; Lawrence: transf. to New Co. C. James F. Woodward, Private; 23; July 11, '61; So. Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Oct. 2, '63. Frederick Wright, Private; 28; July 11, '61; Danvers; disch. for disability Dec. 9, '61, at Baltimore, Md. COMPANY "D," SALISBURY. WALLACE GUARDS. (The following account of Company "D" is taken from the Massachusetts Register and Military Record of 1862.) This company was organized on May 7, 1861. Having re ceived arms from the State Arsenal, it commenced drill in good earnest under the efficient instruction of Mr. E. P. Stanwood of West Newbury. For four or five weeks the members performed no other labors than that which pertained to the perfecting of the company in the manual of arms, military evolutions and the march. The uniform of the company consisted of a dark gray frock coat, pants and cap. The ladies made up the uniforms from the cloth purchased by the town and committee of citizens. Ready as it now was for the field, a disappointment awaited it, for the Governor had not assigned the company to either of the camp regiments ordered by the legislature. Some of the members, however, determined not to be diverted from their original pur pose of going to war, scattered among other companies already COMPANY D. 31 ordered into regiments. Twenty-five members, with the first, third and fourth lieutenants, united with the National Guards of Newburyport, which joined the Mozart Regiment, then stationed at Yonkers, N. Y.; and others connected themselves with the West Newbury Rifle Company and West Amesbury Mechanic Infantry, until the members were reduced to about thirty. Yet these thirty continued the organization, when on the 11th of July, the company was ordered into camp at Lynnfield, as Company D, Essex County Regiment 17th. Again it recruited to army standard. The company derived its name, "Wallace Guards,' ' from Mr. E. P. Wallace of Salisbury — a young mechanic of limited means, but generous patriotism, who gave the company, at its organiza tion, one hundred dollars. Mr. Wallace also sent the following note to the Secretary of the Treasury, and "its tone of earnest, hearty patriotism makes it worthy of being printed in letters of gold." "I am a shoemaker of limited means, but I want to lend the government this hundred dollars to assist a little in maintenance of its authority — its existence. "The reason I send it to you rather than invest it here is that I want to give 'Uncle Sam' all the profit, and I don't want any interest on it. All that I want is that you should send me a govern ment note promising to pay me or bearer $100 on demand, any time after the 29th of August, without interest. If times are hard with the government then, I will make a goodly abatement from this. If you are not empowered to invest the money in this way, invest it in the next way that will be most profitable to the govern ment. "Long life to Uncle Sam. "May the blessings of God make your efforts to save our beloved country successful. "P. S. An early return will prevent apprehension that this did not reach you. Physical disabihty alone prevents my assisting as a volunteer.' ' 32 THE SEVENTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT. As the government could not receive the money on the terms of the letter, it issued to the author the first 7.3 per centum treasury note. The town of Salisbury expended $1100, and the citizens $700, for the outfit and comfort of the company in the preparation for field service. This expenditure does not include what the town paid for monthly bounty and the maintenance of the families of volunteers. Of the patriotic acts of Mr. E. P. Wallace, Comrade C. E. Flanders of Co. D, writes, in addition to the information above given : "You vdW note he subscribed one hundred dollars for the company, and he helped some of the married men of the company while awaiting marching orders, of which no mention has ever been made. Besides the hundred dollars he loaned the government, later, when men were needed, he offered to give any man seventy- five dollars who would go as a substitute for him. It was accepted by Frank Cammett, who was killed at Brown's Ferry, Tenn. Later, on hearing that an officer with only one leg was serving in the army, he went to Boston to a recruiting office and tried to enhst, and I heard he offered his services for nothing if they would take him, but was told that the reason that this officer was retained was that he had lost his leg while in the service, but they could only enlist sound men. He then asked if the governor could not inter cede for him, but was told that he had no power in the matter. Is it any wonder that this company was proud to bear his name, and that the returned veterans should give his name to their post, the E. P. Wallace Post 122, G. A. R. of Salisbury? He is still living, hale and hearty, at over three-score years and ten, and is often seen upon the street in his three-wheel wagon, propelled by his hands, and is loved and most sincerely respected by all classes, rich and poor alike.' ' The following is a roster of the company : COMPANY D. 33 ORIGINAL COMPANY "D." NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. GoergeH.MorreU, Capt.;29: Apr. 27, '61; Salisbury; resigned Jan. 28, '61. Levi P. Thompson, Capt. ; 33 ; Jan. 9, '62; Cambridge; d. Sept. 20, '62. Ivory N. Richardson, Capt.; 23; Sept. 25, '62; Maiden; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Jere A. Greeley, 1st Lt. ;27; April 27, '61; SaUsbury ; resigned and hon. disch., July 20, ' 63. Barnabas N. Mann, 1st Lt.; 36; Aug. 22, '61 ; Chelsea; transf. to Co. K, Nov. 7, '63. Henry A. Cheever, 1st Lt. ; 23 ; Feb. 20, '62 ; Chelsea; appointed Reg. Adj. Nov. 25, '62. Thomas F. Newton, 1st Lt.; 34; July 3, '63; HaverhiU; transf. to Co. H. Benjamin F. Chesley, 2d Lt.; 22; July 12, '61; HaverhiU; resigned Dec. 27, '61. Linus B. Comins, Jr., 2d Lt.; 19; Apr. 5, '62; Roxbury; transf. to Co. I, May 19, '63. Heniy T. MerriU, 2d Lt.; 25; July 3, '62; HaverhiU; resigned May 11, '63. Charles O. FeUows, 2d Lt. ; 19; Aug. 31, '62; Chelsea: transf. to Co. A, Aug. 30, '62. James Inman, 2d Lt.; 25; Apr. 26, '63; Danvers; transf. to Co. H, June 19, '64. George I. Flanders, 1st Sgt.; 28; Aug. 10, '61 ; Lynn; disch. for disabiUty Dec. 15, '61. Leonard W. PhilUps, 1st Sgt. ; 23 ; Jan. 25, '62 ; Bradford ; transf. to new Co. D. Thomas F. Newton, Sgt.; 32; July 12, '61; HaverhiU; pro. 2d Lt. Dec. 11, '62; transf. to Co.H. WiUiam O. Coffin, Sgt.; 27; Apr. 27, '61; Amesbury; disch. for disability July 26, '62. Simon F. Blake, Sgt. ; 33 ; Apr. 27, '61 ; SaUsbury ; disch. for disabiUty April 26, '62. John G. Cowan, Sgt.; 18; July 22, '61; SaUsbury; transf. to New Co.; re-enUst. Jan. 5, '64. Edward H. Emerson, Sgt.; 21; Feb. 14, '62; Boston; d. at Sandown, N. H., Nov. 17, '63. Edwin A. Moulton, Sgt.; 21; Apr. 27, '61; Amesbury; transf. to New Co. C; re-enUst. Jan. 4, '64. Ariel S. Noyes, Sgt.; 32; Feb. 5, '62; HaverhiU; transf. to New Co. C; re-enlist. Feb. 16, '64. Brotherton Martin, Sgt.; 21; Aug. 22, '61; Newburyport; transf. to New Co. C; re-enUst. Dec. 4, '63. George Briggs, Corp.; 18; Apr. 27, '61; Amesbury; M. O.Aug. 3, '64. Wingate Morse, Corp.; 20; July 11, '61 ; Amesbury ; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Theophilus Sanborn, Corp. ; 32; Apr. 27, '61; SaUsbury; transf. to Co. I, absent pris. of war; re-enUst. Dec. 4, '63; transf. from Co. C to Co. D. Cyrus E. Kendrick, Corp. ; 31 ; Apr. 27, '61 ; Amesbury; disch. for disabiUty May 28, '63. Augustus B. Flanders, Corp.; 20; Aug. 20, '61; Lynn; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. George H. Lang, Corp.; 34; Apr. 27, '61 ; Amesbury; disch. for disability Apr. 2, '63. Frank B. Poison, Corp.; 18; March. 4, '62; Lowell; transf. from Co. C to Co. D; transf. to New Co. D; re-enUst. Jan. 4, '64. Solomon Martin, Corp.; 18; Aug. 7, '61; Newburyport; transf. from Co. C to Co. D; transf. to New Co. D. ; re-enlist. Jan 4, '64 Charles E. WeUs, Corp.; 19; Feb. 28, '62; HaverhiU; wounded Dec. 17, '62; transf. to New Co. D. Edgar A. Parker, Corp.; 25; Nov 2, '61; Haverhill; transf. from Co. A to Co. D; transf. to New Co. D. John B. Pecker, Corp.; 22; March 10, '62; HaverhiU; disch. for disabiUty June 28, '64. Hiram P. Tuxbury, Musician; 27; July 12, '61; Newton; deserted Aug. 6, '61; Samuel O. Pierce, Musician; 16; Oct. 23, '61 ; Boston; disch. for disabiUty Jan. 17, '62. Clarence O. Woodman, Musician; 16; Oct. 26, '61; Lynn; drowned May 26, '63 at Newbeme, N.C. John W. TwitcheU, Musician; 21; Feb. 3, '62; Chelsea: transf. from Co. C to Co. D; transf. to Co. H as absent pris. of war; re-enlist. Jan. 1, '64. Samuel Whittaker, Musician; 25; Feb. 12, '62; Boston; transf. from Co. C. to Co. D; transf. to New Co. absent pris. of war; re-enUst. Jan 1, '64. Charles M. Goldwaith, Wagoner; 22; July 12, '61; Danvers; disch. for disabiUty May 31, '62. 34 THE SEVENTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS EEGIMENT. NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OH CREDIT. Thomas A. Amold, Private; 27; July 12, '61; HaverhiU; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Horace Baldwin, Private; 42; Nov. 15, '61; Lynn; transf. to New Co. B; re-enUst. Jan. 5, '64. Michael J. Barrett, Private; 34; Jan. 24, '62; Boston; disch. for disabiUty Feb. 15, '62. WUUam H. BatcheUer, Private; 24; July 10, '61; Salem; transf. from Co. B to Co. D; transf. to Co. H. Sept. 2, '62. JohuM. Bemis, Private; 38; Aug. 6, '62; Maiden; disch. for disabUty Jan. 30, '63. Charles H Blake, Private; 18; Dec. 31, '61; SaUsbury; transf. to New Co. A; re-enUst. Jan. 5, '64. John K. Blodgett, Private; 31; Feb. 4, '62; Boston; disch. for disabUtiy Dec. 9, '62. Elbridge Boardman, Private; 22 ; July 12, '61 ; HaverhiU; deserted Aug. 20, '61. Job Booth, Private; 25; July 28, '62; SaUsbury ; d. at Washington, D. C, Sept. 16, '62. Peter Boylan, Private; 22; Aug. 8, '62; Boston; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. John Brown, Private; 18; July 12, '61; Salisbury; d. July 1, '62, at Newbeme, N. C. Hiram Butterfield, Private; 21; July 10, '61; Salem; transf. from Co. B; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Daniel Cammett, Private; 27; April 27, '61 ; Amesbury ; d. Aug. 2, '64 at SaUsbury, Mass. Joseph CampbeU, Private; 28; Dec. 5, '61 ; So. Danvers; transf. to New Co. D. WiUiam H. CampbeU, Private; 31 ; Jan. 31, '62; Chelsea; transf. to New Co. D. Edward Capen, Private; 23; Jan. 24, '62; Cambridge; deserted Jan. '62. John A. Clement, Private; 28; Aug. 6, '62; HaverhiU; disch. for disabiUty July 10, '63. Eeuben H. Coffin, Private; 29; Jan. 27, '62; Danvers; transf. to New Co. D. JohnC.CogsweU, Private; 22; Aug. 4, '62; HaverhiU M. O.Aug. 3, '64. Thomas W. Colby, Private; 20; Aug. 11, '62; HaverhiU; disch. for disabiUty Dec. 8, '63. Jesse S. Currier, Private; 47; July 22, '61 ; HaverhiU; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. JuUusC. Currier, Private; 24; Apr. 27, '61; Newton, N. H.; deserted Aug. 13, '61. RandaU B. Curtis, Private; 23; Apr. 27, '61; Amesbury; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Hubbard M. Delano, Private; 31 ; Jan. 13, '62; Lynn; disch. for disabiUty Apr. 25, '63. Edward Dorsey, Private; 22; Apr. 27, '61; Amesbury; disch. for disabiUty Nov. 6, '61. James M. Durgin, Private; 26; Aug. 4, '62; HaverhiU; disch. rej. recruit Oct. 27, '62. PhiUipDwinnells, Private; 27; July 12, '61; HaverhiU; M. O.Aug. 3, '64. WiUiam DwinneUs, Private; 24; July 12, '61; Haverhill; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. George W. Eaton, Private,; 18; Aug. 11, '62; Bradford; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. James T. Ewer, Private; 19; Aug. 11, '62; Boston; d. Sept. 16, '63 at Moorehead City, N. C. Frank H. Failey, Private; 23; Aug. 19, '62; Boston; transf. Aug. 1, '63 to U. S. signal corps. Frank Fays, Private; 18; Aug. 3, '61; Charlestown; transf. to New Co. A.; re-enUst. Jan. 5, '64. Michael Fenton, Private; 34; March 10, '62; Quincy; disch. for disabiUty May 9, '63. James Timerty, Private; 23; Feb. 15, '62; Danvers; transf. to New Co. Charles E. Flanders, Private; 18; July 12, '61; Salisbury; transf. to New Co. F; re-enlist. Dec. 7, '63. Francis C. Flanders, Private; 25; July 12, '61; HaverhiU; disch. for disabiUty Sept. 7, '61. Henry G. Flanders, Private; 18; July 22, '61; Lynn; transf. to New Co. A; re-enlist. Feb. 16, '64. Edward Foley, Private; 35; Feb. 10, '62; Eoxbury; disch. for disabiUty May 3, '62. Frank Foote, Private; 28; Apr. 27, '61; Amesbury; disch. for disabiUty Apr. 22, '63. Horace K. Ford, Private; 31; Aug. 4, '62; HaverhiU; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Peter Foster, Private: 29; Jan. 27, '62; Chelsea; no further record in Adjt. Gen's office, Mass. Davis French, Private; 27; Apr. 27, '61; Salisbury; d. May 28, '62, at Newbern, N. C. Benjamin Y. Gammon, Private; 33; Aug. 19, '62; Seekonk; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. James H. Garrigan, Private; 24; Aug. 7, '62; Cambridge: M. O. Aug. 3, '64. James GiUeland, Private; 35; January 2, '64; Lawrence; Capt. Feb. 1, '64; transf. to New Co. H as prisoner of war. WiUiam H. Gladdmg, Private; 18; Aug. 19, '62; Seekonk; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. John Goodwin, Private; 19; Aug. 4, '62; Boston; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Charles P. Goss, Private; 20; July 12, '61; HaverhiU; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Loring Graves, Private; 36; Mar. 26, '62; Chicopee; transf. to New Co. D. COMPANY D. 35 NAME. RANK, AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. Michael Guynan, Private; 35; Feb. 10, '62; FaU Elver; transf. to New Co. D. Andrew J. Haynes, Private; 24; Aug. 6, '62; Haverhill; disch. for disabiUty June 22, '63. Alonzo Hobbs, Private; 38; Aug. 4, '62; Haverhill; disch. for disabiUty June 11, '63. WiUiam Howard, Private; 18; Aug. 7, '61; Boston; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. James J. Hurley, Private; 22; Feb. 24, '62; LoweU; d. Oct. 4, '63, at Newbern, N. C. WilUam Jenness, Private; 20 Feb. 12, '62; Maiden; disch. for disabiUty Deo. 4, '62. George O. Jewett, Private; 24; Mar. 26, '62; Boston; transf. to V. E. C. Feb. 1, '64. CVrus B. Jones, Private; 23 ; July 15, '61 ; Boston; disch. for disabiUty Jan. 30, '63. Enoch H. Kenrick, Private; 42; Nov. 11, '61; Amesbury; disch. for disabiUty Sept. 4, '62. Charles W. KimbaU, Private; 39; Aug. 7, '61; HaverhiU; transf. to Co. E. Jeremiah I. Lee, Private; 21; Mar. 10, '62; Boston; transf. to New Co. D. Charles H. Lord, Private; 31; July 23, '62; HaverhiU; disch. tor disabiUty Sept. 11, '63. David B. Lowe, Private; 22; Feb. 10, '62; Gloucester; transf. to New Co. C. George H. Lundburg, Private; 21; Apr. 27, '61; SaUsbury; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. George F. Mann, Private; 21; Aug. 19, '62; HolUston; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. James Marchant, Private; 27; July 12, '61; Amesbury; deserted Jan. 1, '62. Alvin Marsh, Private; 18; July 12, '61; Amesbury, deserted Aug. 13, '61. James J. McCormich, Private; 22; Jan. 28, '62; Lynn; transf. to New Co. C. Dominick McDavitt, Private; 31; Feb. 15, '62; Danvers; transf. to New Co. D. Samuel McLaughlin, Private; 26; Aug. 15, '62; Amesbury; disch. for disabiUty Dec. 17, '63. John McMann, Private; 24; Feb. 3, '62; Boston; transf. to New Co. D. WilUam McWilUams, Private; 32; Apr. 27, '61; Amesbury; d. in Andersonville, Ga., Aug. 8, '64; grave. No. 5194. Timothy Meaney, Private; 29; Mar. 12, '62; Abington; transf. to New Co.A.; re-enUsted Mar. 30, '64. WiUiam N. Merriam, Private; 38; Jan. 31, '62; Chelsea; d. at AndersonviUe, Ga., May 24, '64; grave No. 1358. James L. MerriU, Private; 22; Aug. 4, '62; HaverhiU; transf. Aug. 1, '63; to U. S. Sig. Corps. Estrick MorriU, Private; 27; Aug. 22, '61; Salisbury; disch. for disabiUty Sept. 7, '61. Charles Murphy, Private; 29; Feb. 27, '62; Cambridge; transf. to Co. H, absent pris. of war. James Murphy, Private; 22; Aug. 15, '62; Amesbury; disch. for disability Jan. 1, '64. WiUiam Murphy, Private; 35; Feb. 11, '62; So. Boston; disch. for disabiUty May 6, '62. David Noble, Private; 29; Nov. 11, '61; Maiden; d. in Andersonville, Ga., May 22, '64; No. of Grave 1282. Henry Norris, Private; 35; Dec. 29, '63; FaU Eiver; pris. of war Feb. 1,''64 to Apr. 28, '65; transf. to Co. I, on paper; disch. June 30, '65. Jospeh H. Osgood, Private; 33; July 22, '62; HaverhiU; disch. for disabiUty Juue 11, '63. WiUiam H. Paisley, Private; 30; July 12, '61; SaUsbury; transf. to New Co. C, pris. of war; captur. pris. Feb. 1, '64; re-enUsted Jan. 6. '64. Joseph B. Pahner, Private: 32; Feb. 5, '62; HaverhiU; disch. for disabiUty July 4, '63. Frank B. Poison, Private; 18; Mar.4,'62; LoweU; transf. to New Co. D.; re-enUst.Jan. 4, '64. Charles L. EamsdeU, Private; 26; Apr. 27, '61; SaUsbury; July 25, '62; disch. for disabiUty. Charles T. Eich, Private; 19; Jan. 29, '62; SaUsbury; disch. (rejected recruit) Oct. 27, '62. John P. Richardson, Private; 20; Aug. 8, '62; Maiden; transf. to New Co. A. Henry H. Eobbins, Private; 35; Jan. 31, '62; Lynn; transf to New Co. D. WiUiam P. EusseU, Private; 25; Aug. 7, '61 ; Newburyport; disch. for disabiUty July 22, '62. Charles A. Sargent, Private; 18; Dec. 9, '61; HaverhiU; disch. Feb. 7, '63 for disabiUty. WiUiam Shaw, Private; 43; July 22, '61; SaUsbury; disch. for disabiUty Jan. 5, '63. Thomas J. Shea, Private; 26; Feb. 21, '62; Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Apr. 14, '63. Eabud Simonds, Private; 36; Feb. 10, '62; Chelsea; d. at AndersonvUle, Ga., July 10, '64; grave No. 1458. John A. Smeadburg, Private; 18; Aug. 14, '61; Gloucester; transf. to Co. I (on paper); has been a prisoner of war; re-enUsted Dec. 4, '63. M. O. June 20, '65. Lafayette Stiles, Private; 31; Feb. 10, '62; GUead, Maine; disch. for disabiUty Apr. 25, '62. 36 THE SEVENTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS EEGIMENT. NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. Fred J. Stone, Private; 26; July 22, '61 ; SaUsbury; disch. for disabiUty Aug. 4, '63. Richard M. Tandy, Private; 34; Feb. 6, '62; HaverhiU; disch. for disabiUty Feb. 21, '63. Nathan J. Thoms, Private; 43; Feb. 15, '62; Saugus ; transf. to New Co. D. EusseU S. Tibbetts, Private; 36; Aug. 6, '62; HaverhiU; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. George Upton, Private; 22; July 22, '61; So. Danvers; disch. for disabiUty Aug. 4, '61. Samuel Usher, Private; 27; July 12, '61; Amesbury; re-enlisted Dec. 7, '63; d. in Anderson viUe, Ga.; Sept. 22, '64; grave No. 9617. WilUam Webb, Private; 27; July 12, '61 ; HaverhiU; disch. for disabiUty Apr. 24, '62. Job E. Wells, Private; 28; Aug. 11, '62; SaUsbury; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Francis Whittier, Private; 18; July 12, '61; HaverhiU; transf. to New Co. A; re-enUsted Dec. 18, '63. James Wicks, Private; 23; July 12, '61; Amesbury; transf. to Co. H. Edward S. WiUey, Private; 24; Aug. 4, '62; HaverhiU; disch. for disabiUty Sept. 10, '63. Charles D. WiUiams, Private; 37; May 13, '64; Boston; transf. to New Co. D. Artemus Wilson, Private; 34; Feb. 10, '62; Danvers; transf. to New Co. D. Charies O. Witham, Private; 27; July 12, '61; HaverhiU; disch. for disabiUty Sept. 11, '61. Charles F. York, Private; 18; July 12, '61 ; Amesbury; disch. for disabilty Oct. 2, '61. John S. York, Private; 36; Aug. 7, '62; HaverhiU; disch. for disabiUty Sept. 10, '63. COMPANY "E" OF HAVERHILL. (This company was recruited in Haverhill. The circum stances under which it was formed are thus stated by one of the leading spirits in its formation, who afterwards became regimental commander, and whose service in the Seventeenth Regiment was both meritorious and conspicuous.) The attack on the Sixth Massachusetts Regiment in Balti more, following somewhat closely upon the firing on the steamer, " Star of the West' ' and Fort Sumter, in the harbor of Charleston, S. C, in April, 1861, roused all classes in Haverhill, as it did in other sections of Massachusetts, to the belief that a war between the rebellious and loyal States was inevitable, and Irish citizens and Irish-American boys thought they were no less patriotic than the other men and boys of the town. So they determined to organize a military company, and offer the services of the same to Governor Andrew to aid in putting down the rebellion. A meeting of this class of young men was called for the second night after the firing on the Sixth Regiment in Baltimore, in the COMPANY E. 37 old Town Hall. The meeting was presided over by the Hon. James H. Duncan, and was largely attended. Patriotic speeches were made by Mr. Duncan and others, and enthusiasm ran high. After the speakers had finished, a call for signers of recruiting papers was made, but the young men being modest, it was diffi cult to start work. Finally, Mr. Henry Splaine said that, as some one must sign first, and as every one knew that he was not aspiring to leadership, he saw no harm being the first to sign. Before the close of the meeting that night a full company had signed the roster. The company at once established headquarters on Water Street, and subsequently went into quarters in the old hat shop near the Boston & Maine depot. It drilled under several instruct ors for about two weeks, when an election of officers was ordered by Governor Andrews, Col. Lyman Dike of Stoneham, presiding. Speeches were made by Colonel Dike and others, and great enthu siasm prevailed. Prominent men of the town were present to encourage the boys. There were several candidates for the various positions to be filled, and the boys in the ranks earnestly supported their favorites for all the offices to be filled. Michael C. McNamara was elected captain, Henry Splaine, first heutenant, James Moroney, second lieutenant; James Splaine, third lieutenant and Joseph G. Kelley, fourth lieutenant. (As only two lieutenants were allowed to each company by order of the War Department, the third and fourth lieutenants had to be dropped. Lieutenant Moroney in writing of this and other matters connected with the organization of Company E, says: "When the four elected ofiicers were notified to appear at the State House for examination, it came to James Splaine's turn to be examined. One of the officers on the board put the question to him: 'Suppose, after you get out to the seat of war, there were to be only two lieutenants allowed, what would you do?' As quick as a flash he made reply: 'Sir, I would take a musket and go into the ranks.' The officer was much pleased at his quick response, and told him he thought that he would be all right, and he was all right, for he afterwards made one of the best officers in the regiment.") 38 THE SEVENTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS EEGIMENT. Day after day the company drilled, sometimes on the street, in the barracks, and at times in the fields about Haverhill and Bradford. The officers of the company made application to the governor for arms, for the purpose of learning the use of them,. but His Excellency was constrained to say that arms could not then be furnished, but advised the men to drill and drill, and if nothing better could be done to drill with bean-poles. Shortly after this, the company received orders to report at Long Island, in Boston Harbor, to form part of the Fourteenth Infantry Regiment, which was then being recruited and drilled. on that island, and there it was given a company designation. They reached the island about the middle of May, 1861. About this time, the oflftcers of many regiments then recruit-. ing were called before a board of examiners at the State House,, which resulted in the dropping of all third and fourth lieutenants., Third lieutenant James Splaine became orderly sergeant, and fourth lieutenant Joseph G. Kelley became a private. Later on in the service, James Splaine became successively second lieutenant,. first lieutenant and captain, while fourth lieutenant Joseph G. Kelley became sergeant and afterwards second lieutenant. The company did good work on Long Island, and, became quite proficient in drill and discipline. It was a fine body of men,, and officers and men got along harmoniously. Several weeks were, spent on the island and it was drill, drill, nearly all the time. But .one day there came an order to fill up the 13th, which had be come the 9th regiment. Many attempts were made to coax men; from Company E into the Ninth Regiment, and some not very creditable agencies were employed to throw Lieutenant Splaine out and take. Captain McNamara into the Ninth with his company,. the latter to be alieutenant. The boys stood by their promise when they left Haverhill to. go as a company or not at all. The entire company returned to Haverhill upon the disbanding of the Four teenth Regiment, and broke ranks in front of the old Town Hall. About the middle of June, Captain McNamara received orders to recruit the company again, and to go into quarters, a place on Fleet Street being provided for sheltering the men.. It was drill and drill again until early in July, when the company COMPANY E. 39 was ordered to report at Ljomfield, July 10, and become Company E of the Seventeenth Regiment, to which it was attached during its three years of service in the Union Army. It was mustered into service at Camp Schouler, Lynnfield, July 22, and proceeded to the seat of war August 23, 1861, reaching Baltimore, Md., August 25, 1861. The record of Company E is a respectable and a brave one, many of the men and some of the officers filling high and honor able positions during the war. Company E and Company A being the only ones that furnished the surviving regimental commander. The following is a roster of the company : ORIGINAL COMPANY "E." NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. Michael C. McNamara, Capt.; 30; July 10, '61; HaverhiU; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Henry Splaine, 1st Lt.; 23; July 10, '61; HaverhiU; transf. and pro. Capt. Jan. 31, '62; transf. to Co. A. Edward T. Parkinson, 1st Lt. ; 23 ; January 9, '62; West Roxbury; pro. Asst. Adjt. Gen. U. S. Vols. July 7, '63. Joseph W. Day, 1st Lt. ; 32; Jan. 3, '64; Bradford; captured at battle of Bachelors Creek, N. C. Feb. 1, '64; disch. Mar 11, '65, expir. of service. James Maroney, 2d Lt.; 23; July 10, '61; HaverhiU; pro. 1st Lt.; Feb. IS, '62; transf. to Co. I. James Splaine, 2d Lt.; 22; Feb. 18, '62; HaverhiU; pro. 1st Lt., Dec. 24, '62; transf. to Co. F. Daniel L. GetcheU, 2d Lt.; 24; Dec. 24, '62; HaverhiU; M. O. Aug, 3, '64. Joseph A. Moore, 2d Lt.; 20; Oct. 1, '63; Gloucester; transf. to Co. A, Nov. 1, '63. James Splaine, 1st Sgt.; 22; July 10, '61; HaverhiU; pro. 2d Lt. Jan. 31, '62: George H. Putney, 1st Sgt.; 28; July 11, '61; Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. John Smith, Sgt.; 22; July 10, '61; HaverhiU; deserted July 26, '61. Alfred Putnam, Sgt.; 25; July 10, '61; HaverhiU; disch. for disabiUty Aug. 31, '63. Daniel Eegan, Sgt.; 25; July 10, '61; HaverhiU; wounded Dec. 16, '62; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Joseph G. KeUey, Sgt.; 33; July 10, '61; Haverhill; transf. to Co. F; re-enUst. Jan. 5, '64. Charles F. Brown, Sgt.; 27; July 11, '61; Danvers; transf. to Co. C Feb. 2, '63. Thomas Keneally, Sgt.; 23; July 10, '61; Stoneham; captured pris. Feb. 1, '64; d. at Ander sonville, Ga., June 9, '64; No. of gr., 1754. Henry Mulvey, Sgt. ; 23 ; July 10, '61 ; HaverhiU ; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. AUenNourse, Sgt.;21; July 11, '61; Danvers: d. Nov. 1, '62 at Newbern, N. C. Uriah Eobertson, Sgt.; 26; July 11, '61; Danvers; transf. to new Co. H; re-enUst. Jan. 5, '64 Jeremiah Sheehan, Corp. ; 21 ; July 10, '61 ; Manchester, N. H. ; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Peter Godfrey, Corp. ; 27; July 10, '61 ; HaverhiU; transf. to New Co. C. JohnO'Hara, Corp.; 26; July 10, '61; HaverhiU; disch. for disabUity Jan. 30, '63. Hugh McGlone, Corp.; 20; July 10, '61; Billerica; deserted Aug 1, '61. Edward MuUigan, Corp.; 22; July 10, '61 ; Manchester, N. H.; M. O. Aug. 3, '64, John Coffey, Corp. ; 23 ; July 10, '61; HaverhiU; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Thomas McCarthy, Corp. ; 23 ; July 10, '61; HaverhiU; deserted Aug 2, '61. John Clabby, Corp.; 32; July 10, '61; Boston; transf. to Co. D. ab. pris. of war; re-enUst. Dec. 4, '63 ; d. in AndeiaonviUe, Ga., July 8, '64. Grave No. 3016. EUphalet P. Crafts, Corp.; 33; Aug. 6, '62; HaverhiU; re-enUst. Jan. 5, '64; d. m Anderson ville, Ga., Mar. 26 '62 ; No. of Grave, 174. 40 THE SEVENTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS EEGIMENT. NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. WilUam ElUott, Corp. ; 24 ; July 10, '61; HaverhiU; disch. for disabiUty Oct. 21, '63. Dominick Kenney, Corp. 29; Jan. 31, '62; HaverhiU; transf. to New Co. C; re-enlist. Jan 4, '64. Patrick Maloney, Corp ; 24 ; July 10, '61 ; Stoneham ; transf. to New Co. C ; re-enUst. Jan. 1 , '64. Patrick Nalty, Corp. 19; July 10, '61; West Newbury; transf. to New Co. C; re-enUst. Jan. 5, '64. WiUiam Splaine, Corp.; 29; Sept. 2, '62; HaverhiU: wounded Dec. 16, '62; disch. for diaabiUty Apr. 3, '63. Matthew Sweeney, Corp. ; 29; July 10, '61 ; Lynn; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. WiUiam H. Hanson, Musician; 33; July 10, '61; HaverhiU; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Richard Neagle, Artif.; 38; July 10, '61; Lynnfield; d. Jan. 1, '62, at Baltimore, Md. Edward Flaherty, Wagoner; 32; July 10, '61; Haverhill; disch. for disabiUty Apr. 3, '63. John E. Acres, Private: 27; Oct. 8, '61; Boston; disch. for disabiUty Oct. 10, '61. (So saya Muster-out EoU.) Samuel Anderson, Private; 50; July 10, '61 ; Lynnfield; dropped Mar. 26, '62. James Barry, Private; 21; Aug. 1, '62; SaUsbury; disch. for idsabiUty Nov. 13, '62 aa a rej. recruit. George Bragdon, Private: July 12, '61 ; Lynnfield; no further record in Adjt. Gen. office. Mass. Michael Brannigan, Private: 18; July 10, '61; Wobum; transf. to New Co. C; re-enUst. Dec. 12, '63. Walter Broughton, Private; 20; July 10, '61 ; Lynnfield; deserted Aug. 22, '61. John Bumes,(also known as Barron)Private; 24; Oct. 6, '61; HaverhiU; d. at Andersonville, Ga., July 23, '64; grave No. 3841. Thomas W. Burroughs, Private; 16; Oct. 31, '61; Boston; disch. for disabiUty Jan. 30, '63; enlisten as a musician. Christopher Campbell, Private: 25; Dec. 6, '61; So. Danvers; disch. for diaabiUty, Jan. 16, '63. John Campbell, Private; 40; July 10, '61 ; Haverhill; disch. for disabiUty Dec. 8, '63. John Carroll, Private: 21; July 10, '61; Manchester; deserted Aug. 22, '61. Thomas Casey, Private; 21; July 10, '61; Lynnfield; deserted, Aug. 2, '61. Thomas Casey, Private; 19; Jan. 13, '62; Boston; disch. for disabiUty May 30, '62. Henry Chase, Private; 24; July 10, '61; Haverhill; transf. to New Co. A.; re-enUst. Dec. 5, '64. Lawrence Clark, Private; 27; Oct. 27, '61; Baltimore, Md.; deserted Nov. 2, '61. Patrick Cogan, Private; 31; July 10, '61; Woburn; disch. for disabilty Dec. 5, '61. Henry Connelly, Private; 27; July 10, '61; Georgetown: deserted Aug. 22, '61. Timothy Connelly, Private; 23; July 10, '61; Haverhill; transf. to New Co. E.; re-enUsted Jan. 6, '64. Thomas Croke, Private; 32; July 10, '61; Boston; deserted at Fort Macon, Jan. 31, '63. WUUam Daley, Private; 30; Aug. 7, '62; Haverhill; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Patrick Dignan, Private; 29; Aug. 7, '62; HaverhiU; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. George Doherty, Private; 24; July 10, '61; Haverhill; disch. for disabiUty; Sept; 6, '61. JohnDoonin, Private; 29; July 10, '61; Georgetown; transf. to New Co. A; re-enUst. Jan. 5, '64. Timothy DriscoU, Private; 21; Aug. 1, '62; SaUsbury; disch. for disabiUty July 10, '63. George Eaton, Private; 37; July 10, '61 ; HaverhiU; transf. to Co. H. Owen Egan, Private; 24; July 10, '61; Manchester, N. H.; wounded Feb. 1, '64; M. O. Aug. 3, '64, at Boston, Mass. Thomas EUis, Private; 19; July 10, '61 ; Haverhill; transf. to new Co. A; re-enUat. Jan. 5, '64. Patrick Fallon, Private; 22; Jan 26, '62; Quincy; transf. to Co. C; re-enUat. Mar. 14, '64. Edward Flaherty, Private: 32; July 10, '61 ; Haverhill; disch. for disabiUty Apr. 3, '63. Murty Fleming, Private; 26; July 10, '61; Boston; transf. to New Co. E; re-enUst. Jan. 1, '64. John Foley, Private; 20; July 10, '61 ; Stoneham; disch. for disabiUty Mar. 2. '63. Stephen Foley, Private; 22; July 10, '61; Manchester, N. H.; deserted Aug. 1, '61. John Gannon, Private; 31; Dec. 6, '61; So. Danvers; disch. for disabUty Dec. 3, '62. James H. Gartside, Private; 19; July 10, '61; HaverhiU; diach. for diaabiUty at Newbern, N. C, Aug. 20, '62. COMPANY E. 41 NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. John Godfrey, Private; 32; July 10, '61; Haverhill: deserted Aug. 22, '61. Joseph Godfrey, Private;.20; July 10, '61; HaverhiU; transf. to New Co. B; re-enUstad. John Goggin, Private; 39; July 10, '61; HaverhiU; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. David B. Hackett, Private; 29; May 10, '61; So. Danvers; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Hugh Hagan, Private; 30; July 30, '62; HaverhiU; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. James Hamey, Private; 21; Sept. 5, '62; Lynn; transf. to Co. C. Thomaa Harrigan, Private; 24; July 10, '61; HaverhiU; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. John Hennessey, Private; 19; July 10, '61; Manchester, N. H.; disch. for disabiUty Sept. 24, '61. HenryKane, Private; 22; Sept. 2, '61; Lynn; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Charles W. Kimball, Private; 39; Aug. 7, '61; Haverhill; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Francis C. Lawson, Private; 21; July 10, '61; HaverhiU; disch. for disabiUty Jan. 10, '63. Joseph W. Lawton, Private; 32; July 25, '62; HaverhiU; transf. to New Co. A.; re-euUated Jan. 4, '64. Dennis Linskey, Private; 21; Aug. 1, '62; Salisbury; disch. for disabiUty Nov. 17, '62. John Lynch, Private; 39; Jan. 26, '62; Boston; transf. to New Co. A.; re-euUated Jau. 4, '64. WiUiam Maher, Private; 33; July 10, '61; Boston; deserted Aug. 12, '61. John Mahoney, Jr., Private; 23; July 10, '61; Haverhill; disch. for disabiUty at Newberne, N. C. Apr. 2, '63. Otis G Martin, Private; 34; July 10, '61; Lynnfield; disch. for disabiUty at Newbern, N. C. Aug. 18, '62. John Masterson, Private; 19; July 10, '61; HaverhiU; deserted Aug. 14, '61. Thomas Masterson, Private; 28; July 10, '61; Haverhill; transf. to New Co. A.; re-enUated Jan. 1, '64. Patrick McEneany, Private; 25; July 10, '61; Georgetown; disch. for disabiUty Dec. 2, '61; at Baltimore, Md. Owen McGauley, Private; 25; July 10, '61; Georgetown; transf. to New Co. A.; re-enliated Dec. 11, '63. Thomas McGrath, Private; 18; July 10, '61; Haverhill; transf. to New Co. A.; re-enUsted Jan. 5, '64. Bernard McKanna, Private; 26; July 10, '61; Stoneham; disch. for disabiUty Jan. 18, '62. Patrick McKanna, Private; 28; July 10, '61; Boston; disch. for disability Dec. 6, '61. John McMahan, Private; 43; Oct. 8, '61; Boston; disch. for disabiUty Jan. 22, '62. Anderton Melendy, Private; July 10, '61 ; Lynnfield; no further record Adjt. Gen. office, Mass. George Melendy, Private: 19; July 10, '61; HaverhiU; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. WiUiam F. Millett, Private; 30; Aug. 6, '62; HaverhiU; disch. for disabiUty July 17, '63. WiUiam H. Moore, Private; 38; July 30, '62; Boston; disch. for disabiUty Nov. 17, '62. Luther Moritz, Private; 23; July 22, '62; Haverhill; transf. to New Co. B.; re-enlisted Jan. 4, '64. Lewis J. MorriU, Private; 34; Sept. 2, '62; Lynn; transf. from Co. A. Oct. 1, '62; disch. for diaabiUty Feb. 2, '63. BemardMoyles, Private; 28; July 10, '61 ; HaverhiU ; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Michael MuUigan, Private; 26; July 10, '61 ; HaverhiU; disch. for disabiUty Sept. 6, '61. Patrick Murphy, Private; 30; July 10, '61; Lynnfield; deserted Aug. 22, '61. Michael Norman, Private; 31; July 10, '61; Haverhill; disch. for disabiUty June 18, '62. John O'Brien, Private; 32; July 10, '61; So. Danvers; transf. to New Co. C; re-enlisted Jan. 1, '64. Thomaa O'Brien, Private; 19; July 10, '61; HaverhiU; disch. for disabiUty Apr. 23, '63. John O'Hara, Private; 26; July 10, '61; Haverhill; disch. for disabiUty Jan. 30, '63. Eichard H. Peacock, Private; 27; July 10, '61; Lawrence; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Charles H. Putnam, Private; 21; July 11, '61; Danvers: M. O. Aug. 3, '64. Patrick Eiley, Private; 24; July 10, '61 ; Lynnfield; deserted July 22, '61. Henry Elvers, Private; 25; July 10, '61; Haverhill; wounded Aprl 9, '63; transf. to New Co. A.; re-enlsited Dec. 5, '63. 42 THE SEVENTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS EEGIMENT. NAME. RANK. AGE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RESIDENCE OR CREDIT. John Eonan, Private; 20; July 10, '61; Stoneham; disch. for disabiUty July 10, '63. ComeUus Eoorke, Private; 19; July 10, '61; Haverhill; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. John RosweU, Private; 28; July 10, '61; HaverhiU; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. John Shea, Private; 34; Aug. 7, '62; HaverhiU; d. of wounds at Newbeme, N, C. Feb. 6, '64 . Richard Smith, Private; 21; July 10, '61; Stoneham; deserted Aug. 10, '61. Peter Snee, Private; 44; July 10, '61; HaverhiU; deserted Aug. 24, '61. Herbert Splaine, Private; 33; July 10, '61; HaverhUl; M. O. Aug. 3, '64; transf. from Co. C. to A. and from Co. A. to E. ; re-enlisted. Peter G. Soley, Private; 23; July 22, '62; HaverhiU; transf. to New Co. E.; re-enUated Jan. 2, '64. John A. Southwick, Private; 43; Oct. 2, '61; Boston; disch. for disabiUty Oct. 10, '61. Moses N. Stanley, Private; 31; July 22, '62; Haverhill; transf. to New Co. A.; re-enliated Jan. 1, '64. Casper Stephen, Private: 36; July 10, '61; Lynnfield; deserted Aug. 10, '61. Charles M. Stephens, Private: 27; July 10, '61; Lynnfield; disch. for disabiUty Aug. 31, '62. AdamStofflet, Private: 21; July 20, '62; Boston; disch. for disabiUty June 22, '63. Bartholomew SulUvan, Private; 23; July 10, '61; Lynnfield; transf. to New Co. B. ; re-enUsted Jan. 1, '64. Michael SulUvan, Private; 19; July 10, '61; Manchester, N.H.; disch. for disab. Sept.6, '61. James Sweeney, Private; 30; Aug. 7, '62; HaverhiU; d. May 11, '64 at Annapolis, Md. John Taggart, Private; 39; July 10, '61; HaverhUl; d. at Andersonville, Ga. June 19, '64; grave No. 2067. WilUam Towie, Private: 23; July 10, '61 ; Haverhill; disch. for disabiUty June 22, '63. Patrick Trainer, Private; 30; Oct. 18, '61; Georgetown; re-enUsted Jan. 5, '64; kiUed in action Feb. 1, '64. James Usher, Private; 22; Jan. 26, '62; Quincy: disch. for disabiUty Apr. 3, '63. David Wallace, Private; 19; July 10, '61 ; HaverhiU; M. O. Aug. 3, '64. John WaUace, Jr., Private: 32; July 10, '61; Lynnfield: deserted Aug. 15, '61. John WaUace, Sr., Private: 42; July 10, '61 ; HaverhiU; deserted Aug. 11, '61. WilUam WaUace, Private; 26; July 10, '61; Boston; deserted Aug. 12, '61. John Walsh, Private; 36; July 10, '61; Lynn; disch. for disabiUty Feb. 2, '63. Michael Ward, Private: 20; July 10, '61; Stoneham: disch. for disabiUty Feb. 12, '63. Nathaniel M. Ward, Private; 30; Aug. 6, '62; HaverhUl: disch. for disabiUty Sept. 10, '63,, George H. Whitehead, Private; 21 ; Aug. 20, '61 ; Lynn; transf. from Co. B to Co. E ; wound. Dec. 17, '62; d. ot wounds Feb. 6, '63, at Newbern, N. C. ORIGINAL COMPANY "F. (The following sketch of the formation of Company F of the Seventeenth Massachusetts Regiment is compiled from extracts copied from the files of the "Tri- Weekly Publisher" of Haverhill, of 1861, obtained by Comrade C. E. Flanders for this memorial history. It is not as complete as the compiler would desire, but may be intelligible in connection with the history of the organiza tion of Company E, which is full and accurate.) In its issue of April 26, 1861, the "Publisher" has this item: "Several companies of volunteers have been formed in this village, COMPANY F. 43 and are rapidly perfecting arrangements for organization for active service. Both officers and men seem full of ardor, and are im-, patient to be prepared for marching o'rders. A call was issued yesterday for a meeting, at Passaquoit Hall, of the company just enlisted, by Dr. Towle, and forming the second company that had passed medical inspection for the purpose of organization. Major Ladd presided, and the following officers were elected: Captain, Luther Day; Gist, heutenant, E. F. Tompkins; second heutenant, William H. Turner. "The company is composed of a fine, intelligent, sturdy, body of men, averaging five feet seven and one-half inches in height, and 150 pounds weight — two of them are six feet two inches tall, nine are six feet, and over twenty-one are five feet ten inches and upwards, and eight weigh 175 pounds each." In the May 16, 1861, issue, it is recorded that "Lieutenant Palmer of Company G, (Hale guards), now serving with the Fifth Massachusetts Regiment at Washington, D. C, started for Wash ington on Monday morning to join his company, and was escorted from his residence to the cars by the volunteer company under Captain Day." In the issue of May 30, it is recorded : " Today the company,. under Captain Day, appeared in their new uniforms furnished by the town, and made by the Ladies' Relief Society, under, the superintendence of Mr. Edmund Fletcher, with the exception of the officers' uniforms, which were made by. Mr. Alonzo Way, from patterns furnished by Mr. Fletcher. The uniform, which is a rifle jacket for privates, and frock coat for officers, of cadet gray cloth, trimmed with gilt buttons and a black cord, is really beauti ful,, substantial and comfortable, and in point of workmanship; highly creditable to the ladies. By their energy it was completed with great dispatch — ^just two weeks, we believe, being the time spent in the manufacture and making of the coats and pants. "The company made a fine appearance on parade today. One of the prominent points of interest with the company is the attachment of Master Charles Oscar Wallace, a lad of five years of age, who applied for membership at the time the papers were opened for enlistment. , He has been selected as the child of the 44 THE SEVENTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT. company, and appears with them when on parade, with uniform, and bears a spear as a weapon of warfare. "Captain Day's company was escorted by Captain Howe's command, both of which corps are awaiting orders. Battalion drill took place today at Elmvale Park. There were seven com panies present, — three from La\\Tence, one from Methuen, one from Andover, one from North Andover, and Captain Day's company from this town, numbering in all over 500 men, rank and file. All but one company were uniformed, and the uniforms vary both in style and color. The drill was under the command of Colonel Decker from Lawrence, and was considered good." A list of the officers and men of Captain Day's company is given in the "Publisher" of a later date, but as the names are included in the roster of the company, which follows, the list need not here be given. June 8's issue contains this item: "George Foote, Esq., cashier of the Spicket Falls Bank, and a native of this town, has presented Lieut. E. F. Tompkins of Captain Day's company with a sword and belt of the regulation pattern. The weapon was a very fine one and valued at $25. The company expects to be called into service, and have no thought of disbanding, as has been reported." June 27. — "The ten new regiments ordered places the two companies of Captain Day and Captain McNamara in the Seven teenth Massachusetts Regiment." July 9.— "By a special order just issued, the companies com prising this regiment, including those of Captain Day and Captain McNamara, of this town, are ordered to report to the Adjutant General at Lynnfield, Mass., tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock, and go into camp." The following is a roster of the company : ORIGINAL COMPANY "F." NAME. RANK. ACE. DATE OF ENROLLMENT. RE8IDEN